Class. V^TA Book_ -^"DSlQ^L HISTORY ^'^y^ TOWN OF DORCHESTER, MASSACHUSETTS. BY A COMMITTEE OF THE 33)ovd;ester ^ntfquatfan ants J^istorfcal Socfetaj. " God bless the Puritan ! " " Name, monarchs piay not bear, Name, nobles may not share, E.\ultin};!y we wear Linked to the heart." BOSTON : EBENEZER CLAPP, JR 184 WASHINGTON STREET, 1859. r 1 " te> Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1851, BY EBENEZER CLAPP, Jr. In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the District of Massachusetts. David Clapp, Printer. "^7 PREFACE. In the early part of the present century, the Rev, Dr. Thaddeus M. Harris (at that time, and for many subsequent years, the much respected minister of Dorchester) wrote a history of this ancient town, and published it in the printed Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Vol, 9, 1st Series. In the latter part of his life he contemplated pub- lishing a much more elaborate work upon the same subject, for which his long residence in the town, and his taste for historical research, eminently qualified him ; but before mak- ing much progress in carrying out his design, his declining health and subsequent decease deprived the public of the accumulated materials chiefly entrusted to his memory. After this event, sundry gentlemen of Dorchester, impressed with the importance of collecting and preserving all existing ma- terials tending to illustrate the early occurrences of the pio- neer plantation of the Bay,* from which it is believed more than 200,000 persons now living in the United States can trace their origin, associated themselves together under the name of the Dorchester Antiquarian and Historical Society. This Society has already published the valuable Memoirs of Roger Clap, James Blake's Annals of Dorchester, and * Massachusetts Bay, at the settlement in 1629, included only the territory between Nahant and Point Alderton. See Endicott's instructions in Uazard, Vol. 1, p. 260. IV PREFACE. ^Richard Mather's Journal — the original copy of the latter production, in the hand-writing of the author, having been accidentally discovered among some papers formerly belong- ing to Mr. Blake, In furtherance of its purpose, the Society appointed a Committee to arrange and connect all such facts as they possess into a methodical History of the Town, inter- spersed with such comments and remarks as would add to the interest of the subject. The sources of information within reach of the Society are only such as most of the early towns of Massachusetts can furnish. Nearly four years elapsed after the settlement be- gan, before the present town organization of Massachusetts was formed ; and during the period of plantation existence few records were made except grants of land. An accurate detail of the early proceedings of the Dorchester plantation would be of great value to the history of Massachusetts, as it covers a period when the present institutions of New Eng- land were unfolding, and the West Country Company, which selected this site for their abode, formed a prominent part of the great Association which gathered in England in 1629, under tlie wing of the Massachusetts patent, and, in the spring of 1630, sailed in seventeen ships for the Bay. Of this fleet the Mary and John, containing our company, were the first to arrive. The early transactions are doubtless much obscured by the removal to Connecticut, in 1635-6, of a large number of the prominent men of tlie first settlers, taking with them the church records. Dih'gent inquiry has in vain been made for those memorials. The present town record book pi'obably commenced with the settlement in 1630, but the first two leaves, containing four pages, which may be supposed to have been the record of the first transactions of the plantation, are wanting, and were probably lost before Mr. Blake compiled Lis Annals, more than one hundred years PREFACE. V ago. The existing- church records commence with the Cove- nant adopted at the settlement of Mr. Mather, August 23, 1636. The record of births previous to the year 1657 was accidentally burnt, and the few that have been preserved before that date were furnished afterwards from family Bibles, The few facts relating to the first three years, are gathered from the Court Records, Winthrop's Journal, and some other pub- lications usually resorted to in like cases, and from Eoger Clap's Memoir. We would gladly exchange the well-filled pagL^s of wholesome religious instruction, written by Mr. Chip for the benefit of his posterity, for an equal quantity of historical facts which his opportunities doubtless might have enabled him to record. Still, he has rendered an invaluable service by the relation as it exists. Mr. Blake's Annals are for the most part a transcript from the town books, with some valuable additions of his own. The manuscripts in the State archives have afforded valua- ble information for our purpose, and the genealogical part has been aided by a diligent search of the Probate Records and Deeds of the County of Suffolk. Notices of matters which have originated during the pre- sent century, have been compressed into the smallest space. Indeed, our limits have pi'evented the insertion of any refer- ence to numerous subjects which from time to time have engrossed private enterprise or public interest. To do any thing like justice to a record of these, would be to publish facts already familiar to our readers, at the risk of abridg- ing the circulation of the volume. We present the work as the result of earnest associated effort for the preservation and diffusion of a truthful record of the History of Dorchester. Should anj'- irregularity in the arrangement of the materials of the work be discovered, or any repetitions be detected, it is hoped the reader will find an excuse in the mode of its pub- VI PREFACE. lication — successive portions of it having been prepared, printed, and issued in numbers, at irregular intervals. The same excuse is also offered for any want of uniformity, in ap- pearance, of the paper and typography of the volume. Dorchester, December 1, 1859. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Smith's Voyage to Massachusetts, and the Excursion of the Ply- mouth Pilgrims to the Bay 1 CHAPTER H. Thompson's visit to Dorchester, and settlement on the Island afterwards called by his name. — The Neponset Tribe of Indians 7 CHAPTER in. Emigration in 1630. — Mr. John White. — Arrival of the Dorches- ter Company ......... 13 CHAPTER IV. Mattapan selected by the Dorchester Company. — The Town laid out and House Lots distributed. — Portions appropriated for Cul- tivation.— The Trade of Fishing . • 20 CHAPTER V. Boundaries of the Town. — Freemen and their Privileges. — Return of Emigrants. — The Dorchester Record Book. — Orders relating to Meetings of the Plantation 25 CHAPTER VI. Erection of first Meeting-House. — ^Building of Stoughton's Mill. — New Burying-Ground commenced. — Controversy about remov- ing to Connecticut 33 CHAPTER Vn. List of the first Settlers of the Town 38 Vlll V CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. Additional Settlers previous to 1636 93 CHAPTER IX. Second Emigration from England 100 CHAPTER X. Privations and Influence of Woman in the Settlement of the Coun- try. — Additional Names of Male Inhabitants of Dorchester prior to 1700 . 142 CHAPTER XL Removal of a part of the Colony to Connecticut. — The Pequot War — Orders of the General Court and of the Town . . 148 CHAPTER XII. Orders of the General Court and of the Town — (Continued) . 181 CHAPTER XIII. Settlement of Dorchester, in South Carolina, and of Midway, in Georgia , . 261 CHAPTER XIV. Ecclesiastical Council at Medfield. — Religious Association of Young Men. — Land for Free Schools. — Death of Gov. Stoughton. — Boundaries of the Town. — Town Orders, &c. . . . 266 CHAPTER XV. Arrival and Preaching of Rev. George Whitfield ; its effects in the Church at Dorchester. — New Meeting-House. — Siege and Cap- ture of Louisbourg. — Heavy drafts of Men and Money. — Exces- sive Drought. — Great Earthquake. — Death of Gen. Hatch . 303 CHAPTER XVL Colonial Events preceding the Revolution. — Great Celebration in Dorchester. — Patriotic Resolutions by the Town — Rev. Jonathan Bowman. — Rev. Moses Everett. — Drafting of Soldiers for the War. — Fortifying of Dorchester Heights. — Small-pox Hospitals 320 CHAPTER XVn. Forestalling Provisions. — The Currency. — The Revolution. — Names of Dorchester men engaged in the War . . . 340 CONTENTS. IX CHAPTER XVIII. Shays's Rebellion. — Col. Pierce's Diary of Important and Interest- ing Events .352 CHAPTER XIX. Duel at Dorchester Point.— Three young Men drowned. — Annexa- tion of Dorchester Neck to Boston.— Revival of Business at Commercial Point.— Gathering of the Second Church, and the Controversy with Rev. Dr. Codman 371 CHAPTER XX. Political Parties. — New Meeting-House of the First Parish.— Situ- ation of Dorchester. — Houses. — Population. — Dress and Cus- toms of our Ancestors 385 CHAPTER XXI. Brief Sketch of the Religious Societies of Dorchester . . 404 CHAPTER XXn. The Public Schools of the Town 419 CHAPTER XXIII. Brief Notices of the Early Teachers in the Public Schools . 479 CHAPTER XXIV. Graduates of Harvard College from the Town of Dorchester . 555 CHAPTER XXV. Neponset River.— Its Sources, Tides, &c.— Neponset Tribe of In- dians. — Navigation of the River. — Various Fishes in its Waters. — Ferries, Bridges, &c. 574 CHAPTER XXVI. Some Account of the various Mills on Neponset River . . 600 CHAPTER XXVH. Societies, Banks, Ministerial and Church Lands, Burial Grounds, Epitaphs, &c 642 CONCLUSION 657 EKEATA AND ADDENDA. I*age 25, eleventh line from the top, the name of Lieut. Peaks should have been printed instead of " Heakes." Page 35, twentieth line. It is not probable that Mr. Ma- verick went to Windsor, as he died in Boston, Feb. 3, 1636 — perhaps at the house of his son Samuel at Noddle's Island. Page 48, fifteenth line, it should be 1661, instead of " 1651." Page 56, William Hannum, not " Hammond." Page 59, the last line should read— Jb/in Hull, ivhose daugh- ter married Judge Sewall. Page 67, fourth line from the bottom, read Josiah, not "Thomas." Page 80. We hear from Abner Morse that Thomas Kich- ards left many descendants. Page 95, twenty-third line, Herring instead of "Haven." Page 97, twenty-ninth line. John Kussell, an early donor to the Church, belongs in this list. Page 98, twenty-second line, read Richard Vore, not " Vose." Page 99. Elizabeth Vose, born 8 (6) 1661, was daughter of Thomas. Page 99, eighteenth line. There was no such person as Ebenezer, son of Henry Vose. ^ Page 105. Add to Humphrey Atherton's children — Eliza^ I beth, who married Timothy Mather ; Margaret, who married | James Trowbridge ; and Isabel, who married Wales. Page 108, fifteenth line, Samuel " Pierce " should be Sam- uel Paul. Page 110, twelfth line, add — Elizabeth, born Dec. 26, 1666, married Henry Vose. Page 110, twenty-second line. Robert Babcock had bro- thers George and Enoch in Milton, George had a son George, born 26 (12) 1657, and died in 1134. Enoch died in lUl, leaving an only son, William, and daughters Susan, Mary, Elizabeth and Sarah. Page 111, eighth line, add — Roger Billings, died Nov. 15, 1683, aged 65. Page 118. Standfast Foster married Abigail Holman. Page 120, sixth line from bottom, the sentence should read r XU ERRATA AND ADDENDA. — the wife of Joseph Belcher, of Milton, and mother of Jo- seph Belcher, minister of Dedham. Page 124. For " Hammond " read Hannum ; and for "Foye," read Fnj. Page 133. William Eobinson was killed in his mill-wheel. Page 164, third line, add for, after " you " ; " " nineteenth line, for " before " resid desire. Page 195, twenty-second line, read Bolton instead of " Bat- ten." Page 273. It appeai-s as if the writer referred to had con- founded Chief Justice Stoughton with Judge Sewall. Page 301, eleventh line, for "Mather" Withington, read Philip . Page 345. Revolutionary soldiers omitted in previous list : John Pope served at Squantum and Rhode Island ; he was raised to the rank of Lieutenant. John Lemist was at West Point. Thomas Pierce was at West Point. Edward Foster was at Long Island. Rufus Davis was in the marine service, under Com. Tucker. Jonathan Wiswall was at New York. Thomas Lyon was at Squantum, Roxbury and Ticonderoga. All of the above are well remembered in town, and were among the last of the Revolutionary pensioners who died. Page 311, seventh line, the number "eighteen" should be twenty. Page 411, twenty-fifth line, it should have been stated that Rev. David Dyer was installed, not " ordained." Page 411. Rev. Mr. Noyes also was installed, not "or- dained." Page 418. The Tenth Parish was organized as Unitarian, in May, 1859, and Rev. F. W. Holland, of East Cambridge, called as Pastor. Page 486, twentieth line, £60, not " $60." Page 528. For "Crehore," read Cochran. Page 534. Mr, Everett had other children. Page 573. James Pierce was born Nov. 20, 1825. Page 573. Edward L. Pierce is a graduate of Brown Uni- versity. Page 584, fourth line, the date should be 1787, not " 1777." Page 656. The first epitaph should read — Abel his offering accepted is His body to the Grave his sovle to blis On Octobers twentye and no more In tie yeare sixteen hvndred 44. Page 133, fifteenth line, for '' 1638," read 1635. " " twentieth line, Abie amount. Soon afler the charter, at a general court of the Massachusetts Company, holden in London, Oct. 15, 1629, it was voted that tlie Company shall have the trade of beaver and all other furs in those parts solely for the term of seven years from this day. This order, interfering with individual en- terprise, doubtless took away the occupation from the old settlers, who forthwith belook themselves to some other locality. Oldham — see Young, p. 148. t Mass. His. Col. vol. 6, 3d series, p. 118. | Young's Mass. p. 305. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 11 government from fortifying the peninsula of Boston. In their anxious desire to extinguish the Indian title to the lands, they sought deeds from this chief, and forty years after their arrival (1666), the Dorchester people procured a deed of release of their territory from Josias, the son of Chickatabot. The towns of Boston, Hingham, and several others, took the same precaution. After the arrival of the Europeans, the condition of this tribe, already reduced to less than 100 men, was by no means improved. They made little or no progress in the arts of civilized life, and they soon lost much of the energy which their for- mer pursuits imparted. Chickatabot died of the small pox in 1633, leaving a family of small children, one of whom at a proper age was to succeed him ; but long before that period arrived, the office of chief was merely nominal, and the control of Indian affairs was placed in the hands of the colonial government. Cutshumaquin, brother of Chickatabot (see Gookin), was elected his successor, probably only till the eldest son of the latter should arrive at the proper age. This chief (Cutshumaquin) appears to have been a mere tool in the hands of the colonial government, used for the purpose of deeding away Indian lands, and acting as a spy upon the move- ments of neighboring Indians. He accompanied the colonial commissioners to Narraganset as inter- preter and assistant. It is certain that whatever may have been the former number and import- ance of the Massachusetts Indians, before their destruction by the pestilence of 1618, our forefathers found them few in numbers, depressed in spirits. 12 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. and for the most part exceedingly tractable. They appeared migratory in their habits ; living in the spring at the falls of the river to catch fish, and at planting time near certain locations easily tilled for raising corn, and near the sea for salt water fishing. Much interest was felt for them by the early settlers, and great efforts were made by the Dorchester people to civilize and convert them to Christianity ; a duty which they certainly owed, as the main ground upon which the first charter was obtained " was the desire to propagate the Christian religion to such as live in darkness, and to bring savages to human civility." The Indians had but little use for land. They attach- ed but a trilling value to it, and parted with it with- out reluctance. The plain on the south side of Ne- ponset, near Squantum, called the Massachusetts fields, had long been used for raising corn by the In- dians. It was free from trees and shrubbery, and was soon selected by the Dorchester settlers for cultiva- tion. The Court granted to Mr. Ludlow, in Novem- ber, 1632, 100 acres of land, lying between Squantum chapel and the mouth of Neponset.* This land must have been very near the residence of Chickatabot, and the grant was made before his death. Soon after that event, there were many grants of lots by the town of Dorchester in this locality to different inhabitants. The chief whose grave was visited by the Pilgrims from Plymouth in 1621, was Nanepashemet, prede- cessor of Chickatabot, whose principal residence was * " There is 100 acres of land granted to Mr. Roger Ludlow to inioy to him and his heires forever, lying belweea Musquantum chappell and the mouth of Naponselt." HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 13 supposed to have been on the south side of the river, near the head of tide waters. After the death of Chickatabot, the tribe, under Cutshumaquin, seems to have confined itself to a residence near Dorchester lower falls, where John Eliot preached to them in 1646. Mr. Eliot became convinced that a position more retired from the whites would better promote their interests, spiritual and temporal, than tlie imme- diate proximity to an increasing settlement of Euro- peans, and solicited the co-operation of the principal inhabitants of Dorchester to further their removal. In 1656, the town granted 6000 acres of land to them, which was laid out at Punkapog, whither they removed about that time, and there the lapse of years has nearly extinguished their lamp.* CHAPTER III. Emigration in 1630. — Mr. John White. — Arrival of the Dorchester Company. Among the mass of emigrants who landed upon the shores of Massachusetts, from all parts of Eng- land, in 1630, the first settlers of Dorchester may be * " The names of the different tribes in the State are as follows : — Chappequiddic, Christiantowu, Gay Head, Fall River or Troy, Marsh- pee, Herring Pond, Grafton or Hapauamisco, Dudley, Punkapog, Natick, and Yarmouth. The whole number of Indians, and people of color connected with them, not including Nalick, is 847. There are but six or eight Indians of pure blood in the State ; one or two at Gay Head, one at Punkapog, and three, perhaps four, at Marshpee. All the rest are of mixed blood; most of Indian and African." — Report of the Commission- ers relating to the Condition of the Indians — 1849. 3 14 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. regarded as the special delegation of the western counties, the home of Raleigh, Gilbert, Popham and Gorges, that region which had almost monopolized the intercourse with the northern part of the Ame- rican continent from its first discovery by Cabot in 1497, imtil the settlement of the Bay, 133 years af- terwards. The people of Bristol, Plymouth, Poole, Weymouth, and the towns of Exeter and Dorches- ter, were flxmiliar with the Xew England fisheries and fur trade years before the settlement of the Bay. Indeed, the first patent granted by King James, 1606, of the northern portion of the American continent, between 35 and -18 degrees of latitude, was given to certain persons in the western counties, under the corporate name of the Plymouth Council. Chris- topher Levett, the companion of Hobert Gorges, writing, in 1623, says, " for matter of profit, the New England fishery is well known to all the merchants of the west country, who ha\e left almost all other trade but this, and have grown rich thereby." Smith says, in 1623, " there went this year 45 sail from the west ports to New England, and made good voyages." The Rev. John White, of Dorchester,* emphatically the prime originator of the movement which resulted in the Massachusetts charter, and the settlement of the Bay, foiuid therefore but little difficulty in col- lecting a company, among a population to whom the New England coast was not an unknown region, and who naturally turned their thoughts to the * Mr. White is said to have been the author of the Address presented by Winlhrop and others to the brethren of the Church of England. See Priucej p. 205. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 15 shores already familiar to them, when the edicts of the star chamhcr and the despotism of the hierarchy first suggested the idea of emigration. Mr. White was the rector of Trinity parish, Dorchester, in Dor- setshire; and though he had not renounced the epis- copal fonn of Avorship at the time of the pilgrimage to Plymouth, in 1620, he sympathized strongly with that movement, and actually assisted the undertaking by pecuniary aid, his name being the first on the list of adventurers in that expedition. His residence at Dorchester also brought him into daily contact wdth the persons engaged in the New England fish- eries, and in 1623 he joined an association of ad- venturers in his neighborhood, who raised i?oOOO sterling, for the purpose of making a settlement on the shores of New England. His motives were pro- bably different from those of his associates, who doubt- less had purposes of business in view ; but, in the language of Bancroft, " Mr. White breathed into the enterprise a higher principle than the desire of gain." He had for some years cherished the thought of forming a community in New England, where all wdio felt themselves aggrieved by religious or politi- cal persecution might find an asylum. This associa- tion sent several vessels into the Bay in 1624, and landed some SO or 40 men at Cape Ann, the place selected for the settlement. This plantation was continued about two years, when misconduct among the people and great jDCcuniary loss to the under- takers, discouraged them, and Mr. Roger Conant, superintendent of the enterprise, with a few of the remaining settlers, removed to Salem, with the rem- 16 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. nant of their effects, in 1626. At this crisis, Mr. White, apprehending the entire destruction of his project, urged Conant to remain, promising speedy assistance and new recruits. In the spring of 1628, we find that certain gentlemen of Dorsetshire, doubt- less the friends and neighbors of Mr. White, had negotiated with the Plymouth Council a purchase of the whole territory between the Merrimac and Charles rivers. A part of these purchasers, how- ever, soon became doubtful of the enterprise, and Mr. White succeeded in enlisting the support of sun- dry gentlemen of influence in London — Sir Richard Saltonstall, Isaac Johnson, Matthew Cradock and others — writing to Conant, at the same time, that he had the promise of further aid from friends in Lin- colnshire. The association being completed, and one of the Dorchester grantees, John Endicott, consent- ing to embark as supervisor of the enterprise, a ves- sel was despatched for New England, and arrived at Salem in September, 1628. On the -ith of March, 1629, the Massachusetts charter, granted on the pe- tition of this company, received the great seal, and early in May following three ships sailed from the Isle of AVight, for Salem, with 300 passengers, ac- companied by two ministers, Messrs. Higginson and Skilton, both of whom had been selected for the undertaking by Mr. White. They all arrived in safety before the end of June. Most of them came from the channel ports, and one of the ships, the " Lyon's Whelp," was entirely taken up by passen- gers from Weymouth and Dorchester. No sooner was the Salem fleet despatched, than HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 17 Mr. White, ever active in furthering his favorite project, immediately began to assemble a new com- pany in the western counties. He wrote to Gov. Enclicott, in the summer of 1629, to appoint places of habitation for 60 families out of Dorsetshire, w^hich were to arrive in the following spring. Great pains were evidently taken to construct this company of such materials as should compose a well-ordered set- tlement, containing all the elements of an independ- ent community. Two devoted ministers, Messrs. Maverick and Warham, were selected, not only with a view to the spiritual welfare of the plantation, but especially that their efforts might bring the Indians to the knowledge of the gospel. Two members of the government, chosen by the freemen or stock- holders of the company in London, Assistants or Directors, Messrs. Kosseter and Ludlow, men of character and education, were joined to the associa- tion, that their counsel and judgment might aid in preserving order and founding the social structure upon the surest basis. Several gentlemen, past mid- dle life, with adult families and good estates, were added. Henry Wolcott, Thomas Ford, George Dyer, William Gaylord, William Rockwell, and W^illiam Phelps, were of this class. But a large portion of active, well-trained young men, either just married, or without fomilies, such as Israel Stoughton, Roger Clap, George Minot, George Hall, Richard Collicott, Nathaniel Duncan, and many others of their age, were the persons upon whom the more severe toils of a new settlement were expected to devolve. Three persons of some military experience — viz., 3* 18 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Capt. Jolin Mason, Capt. Richard Southcote, and Quarter Master John Smith — were selected as a suit- able appendage, as forcible resistance from the In- dians might render the skill and discipline which these gentlemen had acquired, under De Vere, in the campaign of the Palatinate, on the continent, an ele- ment of safety essential to the enterj)rise. This com- pany assembled at Plymouth, Devonshire, where a large ship of -100 tons, the Mary and John, Capt. Squeb, chartered for the voyage, w^as fitted out. She was destined for Charles river, the spot doubtless pointed out for the company by Gov. Endicott, who had sent thither two Dorsetshire men, llalph and Richard Sprague, to explore the country, the year be- fore. Roger Clap informs us that this godly company assembled with their two ministers in the new hospi- tal at Plymouth, and kept a solemn day of fasting and prayer, at which Mr. White was present and preached in the forenoon, and in the latter part of the day the people did solemnly make choice of those godly ministers, Messrs. Maverick and War- ham, to be their officers, " who did accept thereof and express the same." Both these gentlemen had for- merly been ordained by bishops, and though now thorough non-conformists, no re-ordination was deemed necessary. Mr. Clap mentions, that after a passage of 70 days, the ship arrived at Nantaskct, May 30th, 1630, and that the word of God was preached and expounded every day during the voy- age. The number of passengers was 140. The dis]3ute with Capt. Squeb, mentioned by Mr. Clap, and also referred to by Gov. Winthrop,was occasioned HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 19 by the company being put ashore at Nantasket. The Mary and John was the first ship, of the fleet of 1630, that arri^'ed in the bay. At that time there were surely no pilots for ships to be found, and the refusal of the captain to attempt the passage without pilot or chart does not seem unreasonable, though Clap has sent the captain's name to posterity as " a merciless man," who Trumbull says was afterwards obliged to pay damages for this conduct. A 'portion of the male passengers, ten in number, under command of Capt. Southcote, procured a boat, left the ship at Nantasket, and went in quest of the promised land. They felt their way through the islands, and reached the peninsula at Charlestown, where some Indians had their wigwams, and found one European, probably Thomas Walfourd, living in a thatched house. After dining with the latter upon a bit of fish without bread, they passed up Charles river to Watertown, and landed with their baggage for the night, probably near the present arsenal, keeping watch on account of the vicinity of Indians. They had a friendly interview with them the next day, through the medium of an old planter who accompanied them from Charlestown. After staying two or three days in a camp at Watertown^ they received an express from the ship, ordering their return, learning that other portions of the company had found a convenient place at Mattapan, where pasturing for their famished cattle could be had. The Mary and John still lay at Nantasket. Mr. Ludlow and Mr. Rosseter, with the other pas- sengers, had come up to Mattapan and were subjected 20 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. to much expense and trouble to get their cattle and bag-gage landed. Tradition has always fixed upon the south side of Dorchester Neck (South Boston), in Old Harbor, as the place of landing. On the 1-ith of June, a fortnight after their arrival, Gov. Winthrop and his companions arrived at Sa- lem, and three days aftervi^ards visited the Dorchester Company at Mattapan. On his return to Salem, at the request of the Dorchester people, Gov. AVin- throp took the Nantasket passage, and stopped to arrange the differences between Squeb and his passengers. CHAPTER IV. Mattapan selected by the Dorchester Company. — The Town laid out and House Lots distributed. — Portions appropriated for Cultivation. — The Trade of Fishing. Our company were doubtless attracted by the salt marshes about Old Harbor, which afforded immediate sustenance for their starving cattle, still intending to make their joermanent settlement on the Charles river. The long sea passage had left many in feeble health, and it is probable that the scurvy prevailed to some extent among them, as Dr. Fuller, of Plymouth, writes to Gov. Bradford, June 28, 1630 — "I have been to Mattapan at the request of Mr. Warham, and let some tAventy of these people blood," adding, " I had a conference with them until I was weary " (doubtless a theological HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 21 debate). During the summer, their investigations induced the company to relinquish the Charles river project entirely, and to establish their permanent settlement in the vicinity of their first encampment. For purposes of mutual defence and the establish- ment of social order, the Court held in, London, May 21, 1629, contemplated that the settlements must be very compact, and that a certain plot or pale should be marked out, within which every one shoidd build his house, and a half acre is named as the size of a house lot within the pale. This arrangement is recognized in the Dorchester records, and as late as September, 1635, the General Court ordered that no dwelling house be built more than half a mile from the meeting-house without leave. The spot select- ed for the town, was doubtless upon Allen's plain, south of Old Harbor, and extending far enough to include Rock Hill, but the limits of the pale are not now known. The growth of the settlement and entire subjection of the neighboring Indians, in a few years rendered these regulations needless, and left the inhabitants free to exercise their own discre- tion in selecting their residences. As we learn from Dr. Fuller, June 28, 1630, that the Dorchester Company still entertained their origi- nal design of settling on the Charles river, a month after landing at Mattapan,they had of course made no arrangements for future supplies of food by planting corn or other vegetables the first year, and Roger Clap informs us that bread was very scarce and that j)lenty in their dwellings applied only to the article of fish. Gov. Winthrop, anticipating the scarcity 22 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. which was evidently approaching, chartered the ship Lyon, Capt. Pierce, to go to Ireland for provisions early in July, 1630 ; and Clap says he wrote imme- diately to his father to send him food, who relieved him as soon as possible ; and the same course was doubtless pursued by others. Much sickness pre- vailed in Dorchester, Salem, and Charlestown, caused by long voyages, bad shelter, and poor provisions, and a public iiist was holden in these three settle- ments, July 30th, on this account. It is probable that by midsummer the Dorchester people had de- termined the question of their future residence. This point settled, they set themselves about lay- ing out their town-plot and distributing the lots according to direction of the General Court, pre- scribed in London. The first settlers found the country unoccupied, and were at liberty to make such selection as pleased them, subject to certain limita- tions as to individual grants, pointed out by the proceedings of the General Court. The Court Re- cord makes no mention of any especial grant of Mattapan and the present territory of the town of Dorchester to the West Country settlers, though they doubtless had the sanction of the Court of Assistants, which authorized the use of their corpo- rate name on the 7th of September ; and the loss of the early leaves of the town records, renders the precise date of the first grants of land uncertain. They were made by a committee of the plantation, viz., the two ministers, Maverick and Warham, and the two deacons, Gaylord and Rockwell. After choosing the spot for their town, they de- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 28 sired to secure the best sites for cultivation, giving the preference to phices which had been cleared for planting by the Indians, and attaching great value to the salt marshes, as furnishing an immediate supply of hay. They were unaccustomed to the process of clearing land, so familiar to the American settler of the present day. The oldest allotment of land upon the Dorchester Records, was made of salt marsh, April 3d, 1633, among twenty-one persons, divided into four classes (according to their interest in the stock). Mr. Ludlow had before this, November, 1632, obtained a grant of one hundred acres of the Court, south of Neponset. They probably took a release of the territory from Chickatabot ; but if so, the deed was lost, and they procured another from his son Josias, many years afterwards. A £50 share entitled the holder to an immediate dividend of two hundred acres and a town house-lot, and fifty acres for each member of the family besides — non-stock- holders to have fifty acres for the head of the family, and such quantity of land, accordmg to their charge and quality, as the Governor and Council shall see fit ; for each servant transported, fifty acres to be allotted to the master.* They had abundant occu- pation in collecting building materials, erecting their houses, gathering fodder for cattle for the approach- ing winter, and employing a considerable number of hands in fishing. Wood, who wrote in 1633, says " the inhabitants of Dorchester were the first that set upon the trade of fishing in the bay, who received * Hazard, vol. 1, p. 275, 24 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. SO much fruit of their hibors, that they cucouraged others to the same undertakings." The business of fishing was familiar to Dorchester people in England. The company sent down from London to that town and engaged six fishermen to go out to Salem in the Lion's Whelp, in 1629,* and there were doubtless other fishermen from the same place in the Mary and John. At the first Court of Assistants, held August 23d, 1630, at Chaiiestown, the order for provid- ing one half the support of the ministers from the public treasury, passed the previous October, in London, was discussed, and Salem and Mattapan were excepted from this provision, because they had already provided for theirs. The Dorchester church had been organized at Plymouth before their em- l)arkation, and the ministers settled independent of government aid ; this circumstance conferred upon the Dorchester Company the honors of seniority over the other towns in Suffolk County. Prince says, in all civil assemblies, or military musters, Dorchester used to have the precedency. f Dorches- ter, Boston and Watertown, received the authority of the Court, September 7, 1630, to use those names, but no corporate powers are specified. * Prince, p. 208, f Hazard, vol. 1, p. 264. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER, 25 CHAPTEE V. Boundaries of the Town, — Freemen and their Privileges. — Reiiun of Emigi'auts. — The Dorchester Record Book. — Orders rehiting to ^^leet- ings of the Plantalion. The exact g-eograpliical limits of the Dorchester plantation were not determined till some time after its partial occupancy by the first settlers. Dr. Har- ris states that the Dorchester Company bought a tract from Hoxbury Brook to Neponset, but he does not cjuote the authority for this assertion. The first allusion to the Dorchester boundaries upon the Court Records, is found under date of 1632.* In March, 1631-5, the diiference between Dor- chester and Boston about Mount "Wollaston bounds, is referred to Lieut. Meak^s, Mr. Talcott and ]Mr. John AVoolridge, to be accompanied by Ensign Gibbons and William Phelps ; all other persons pro- hibited from being present. This dispute was caused by a grant made by the Court in September, 1634, of land at Mount AVollaston to the town of Boston, some of the inhabitants of that place desiring to lay out farms and occupy a portion of the plains which Messrs. Eosseter, Ludlow, Newberry, and others of Dorchester, had already partially taken up for the same purpose. Li kSeptember, 1635, Heakes and Talcott made a report, which was accepted, establishing the south line of the town on the sea, * " Committee abt Dorchester bounds, 1(J32. Capt. Trask, Mr. Conaut, William Cheesebrough and John Perkins are appointed to sett downe the bounds betwixt Dorchester and Rocksbury. Ralphe Sprage is cho- sen Vmpire." — General Court Records. 4 26 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. at some point in Quincy Bay, south of Squantum, giving a considerable portion of upland and all the salt marsh on the south bank of Neponset to the town of Dorchester — an extent of ten miles of shore, includinc: near the whole south-west side of the harbor. In 163G, Dorchester received a grant from the Court, of all the land south of Neponset to the Blue Hills, the territory then known as Unquety, (now Milton), and the town took at the same time a deed of Kitchmakin of this territory.* The population was at first so entirely dispropor- tionate to the territory, that the question of bound- aries seems not to have arisen immediately. The rule for the division of lands among individuals, adopted by the Company in England, and the order for compact settlements, rendered any action about the boundaries of plantations unnecessary, until the precise form of municipal government was deter- mined upon, and adjoining settlements began to interfere with each other. The Dorchester planta- tion being, from the beginning, provided with a church organization and ministers, the territorial jurisdiction of their church was doubtless their first limit. In 1637, another very extensive grant, called the New Grant, was made to Dorchester by the Court, including all the land not previously granted, l^ing between the Old Colony line and a grant made to Dedham. This space covers the present towns of Canton, Stoughton, Sharon and Foxboro'. * See Town Records. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 27 The Massachusetts Charter being drafted for a trading company, rather than as the basis of an independent government, its provisions applied only to the stockholders, to which class only three of the Dorchester Company, viz., Edward Rosseter, E-oger Ludlow, and John Glover, are known to have be- longed. Henry Wolcott and T. Newberry were probably stockholders. The principal part of the first settlers having no political rights under the instrument, the Court immediately made arrange- ments for extending the privileges of freemanship to all suitable persons, and on the first application for this right (October 19, 1630), among one hundred and eight persons, twenty-four belonged to Dorches- ter. Besides the right of suffrage, freemen enjoyed advantages in the division of the lands ; and before , the representative system commenced, they were all members of the General Court. The principal qualification for this j)rivilege seems to have been church membership. The names of the first twenty- four Dorchester freemen, Avere John Greenoway, Christopher Gibson, John Benham, Mr. Thomas Southcote, Mr. Richard Southcote, Mr. John Mav- erick, Mr. John Warham, Henry Wolcott, Thomas Stoughton, William Phelps, George Dyer, John Hoskins, Thomas Ford, Nicolas Upsall, Stephen Terry, Roger Williams, John Woolridge, Thomas ^ Lumberd, Bigot Eggieston, Mr. Ralph Glover, John Phillips, William Gallard, William Rockwell, and William Hubbert. Prince* mentions that many of the early settlers * Prince's Annals, p. 246. 28 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. of Massachusetts returned to Eugiancl, and this ^yas the case with some of the Dorchester settlers, the South cotes and others ; but continual accessions were made to the plantation by arrivals from Eu- rope for several years. Winthrop mentions (July 24, 1633) that a ship arrived from Weymouth with eighty passengers and twelve kine, who sat down at Dorchester. Much pains were taken to scruti- nize the character and morals of all persons offering for emigration to Massachusetts in England, and such as arrived here without proper testimonials were not received. * ]Many of the early inhabitants of Dorchester being natives of the channel ports, were accustomed to the sea, and employed them- selves in fishing in the bay and coasting on the shores of Maine in pursuit of furs. Hutchinson mentions a shallop belonging to Mr. Glover, cast away at Nahant, in February, 1631 ; and again, that five men, belonging to a Dorchester shallop, were murdered by Indians on the coast of Maine, in 1632. Several of the principal inhabitants Mere men of capi- tal, who devoted their energies to commerce, and when the decided advantages for trade of the pre- sent metropolis became apparent, in 1642-3, re- moved thither. The following is Wood's description of Dorchester in 1633. " Dorchester is the greatest town in New Eng- land, but I am informed that others equal it since I came away ; well wooded and watered, ^•cry good * See Winthrop, p. 38. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 29 arable grounds and hay ground ; fair corn-fields and pleasant gardens, with kitchen gardens. In this plantation is a great many cattle, as kine, goats, and swine. This plantation hath a reasonable harbour for ships. Here is no alewife river, which is a great inconvenience. The inhabitants of this town were the first that set upon fishing in the bay, who received so much fruit of their labours, that they encouraged others to the same undertakings." The following is Jossel}ii's description of the to^vn: " Six miles beyond Braintree lyeth Dorchester, a frontire Town pleasantly seated, and of large extent into the main land, well watered with two small Rivers, her body and wings filled somewhat thick with houses to the number of two hundred and more, beautified with fair Orchards and Gardens, having also plenty of Corn-land, and store of Cattle, counted the greatest Town heretofore in New Eng- land, but now gives way to Bost07i ; it hath a Har- bour to the North for ships." The first Dorchester Record Book, re-copied a few years since at the expense of the town, commenced January 16, 1632-3, and in point of time takes pre- cedence of any town records in Massachusetts. It contains the transactions of the plantation and town, from the date above named to 1720. The two miss- ing leaves at the beginning, traced, probably, the pro- ceedinofs from the commencement of the settlement. A very large part of this book, containing six hun- dred and thirty-six pages, is devoted to grants of land, regulations for fences, the care of cattle, laying out of highways, and other kindred matters. Sub- 4* 30 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. jects casually introduced of a general histoiical interest are very few and excessively meagre. Be- fore the year 1636, the entries were probably made by one of the clergymen or deacons. In 1636, one of the twelve selectmen or townsmen, Nathaniel Duncan, was voted ten shillings, for copying the or- ders of the town, and he probably continued to per- form this office until his removal to Boston in 1645. From this period to 1656, there are evidences of en- tries made by llobert Howard, Dea. John AA'iswall, and Edward Brick, Selectmen of the Town. In 1656, William Blake was chosen Recorder or Town Clerk, and from that period the records were kept by a person chosen for that purpose. Frequent allusion is made to a book, containing a plot of the town, Avith lots, and the names of grantees from the begin- ning, probably a registry of deeds. Dr. Harris states it to have been accidentally burnt in 1657. It is however stated that a copy of this plot and the names of the grantees, made by that excellent drafts- man, James Blake, has existed within the memory of persons now living. If it should be found, it will be of great interest to the present generation. The rule first adopted for the division of lands in Dorchester, was probably recorded on the missing- pages, and cannot now be accurately determined. The pecuniary condition of persons, the size of fami- lies, and other circumstances, may be supposed to liave had their influence in determining the differ- ence in the quantity granted to individuals. A few of the larger grantees are known to have been stockhold- ers in England under the patent. The whole face HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 31 of the territory subject to their control was early surveyed; the salt marsh, fresh meadows, arable lands, &c., were divided into lots, and a portion of each, suitable to the wants and condition of the individual, was allotted him. There is no mention made of pay- ment for lands to the plantation by any individual. They were doubtless regarded as the inheritance of such persons as intended to occupy them and remain permanent inhabitants. Lands allotted to persons who shortly left, appear to have been granted to others by the plantation ; all speculation was thus prevented. In November, IGo-i, it was ordered that "no man shall sell his house or lot to any man with- out the plantation, whom they shall dislike of." This and many other orders show the great anxiety felt by the first settlers to control the question of membership of their community, a feeling which continued to manifest itself for many years. The afiairs of the plantation were at first con- trolled by the clergymen, aided by the advice of the Magistrates Ludlow and Rosseter, until the spring of 1631, when a considerable number of the inhabi- tants had become freemen ; and in May, of that year, a meeting of the plantation took place (referred to in subsequent records) to make and confirm orders for the control of their affairs. Previous to Oc- tober, 1633, every order was voted upon by the freemen, and no special to^^ii government was or- ganized except the appointment of a committee to sign land grants, consisting of the two clergymen and deacons. In October, 1633, the following order jjassed, 32 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. establishing the form of town goverment. This act acquires some importance from the fact of its pre- cedence, and that the example was followed the next year by the other settlements, and led to the law of the General Court, passed in 1636, regulating town governments, which has continued in force to the present day. " Monday, Oct. 8, 1633. Imprimis — It is order- ed that for the general good and well ordering of the affairs of the plantation, there shall be every Mon- day before the Court, by 8 o'clock A. M., and pre- sently by the beating of the drum, a general meeting of the inhabitants of the plantation at the meeting- house, there to settle and set down such orders as may tend to the general good as aforesaid, and every man to be bound thereby, without gainsaying or re- sistance. It is also agreed that there shall be twelve men selected out of the company, that may, or the greatest part of them, meet as aforesaid to determine as aforesaid ; yet so far as it is desired that the most of the plantation will keep the meeting constantly, and all that are there, though not of the twelve, shall have a free voice as any of the twelve, and that the ijreater vote both of the twelve and the other shall be of force and efficacy as aforesaid. And it is likewise ordered, that all things concluded as aforesaid shall stand in force and be obeyed until the next monthly meeting, and afterwards if it be not contradicted and otherwise ordered at said monthly meeting by the greatest vote of those that are present as aforesaid." The names of only seven persons thus selected, HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 33 are recorded: — Mr. Jolnison, Mr. Pomcroy, Mr. Richards, John Pierce, George Hull, William Phelps, Thomas Ford. CHAPTEPv VI. Erection of first Meeting-House. — BuiUling of Stonghton's Mill. — New Burying Ground commenced. — Controversy about removing to Con- necticut. The first meeting-honse erected in Dorchester, and the first in the Pay, was built on Allen's Plain, near the corner of Pleasant and Cottage streets, in 1631, and the first settlers of Roxhnry united them- selves with the Dorchester church and worshipped here w^ith them.* ^Ir. Warham held a lecture here on the fourth day of every week, by an understand- ing with the other plantations, t This building was made a depot for military stores, and before the apprehension of attack from Indians subsided, was palisadoed and guarded at night. Winthrop men- tions that on the 19th March, 1632, Mr. Maverick accidentally set fire to a small barrel containing two or three pounds of ])owder, in the new meeting-house at Dorchester, which was thatched, and the thatch only blackened a little. The meetings of the in- habitants of the plantation were held in this build- inir. It continued to serve the ])lantation for the first fifteen years of the settlement. March 3, 1633. The town granted leave to Mr. * Prince, 2, 64. t Wiiithrop, p. 141. 34: HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Israel Stoughton to build a water mill, and in Jan- uary following, the mill and a bridge over Neponset being completed, the privilege of erecting a fish wear was voted to Mr. Stoughton, he agreeing to sell alewives to the plantation at five shillings per thousand, and to give the inhabitants the preference in selling all fish taken. Stoughton agrees not to sell the mill vv'ithout consent of the plantation. The General Court confirm these proceedings in September, 1634, upon condition of keeping in re- pair a sufficient horse bridge over the river. November, 1G34, Voted, that "a sufficient cart-way be made to the mill at Naponset at the common chardge, if the chardge exceed not above five pounds." The first General Court held by delegates, or re- j^resentatives, met May, 1634, when the Dorchester plantation sent Israel Stoughton, William Phelps, and George Hull, the whole assembly consisting of twenty-four persons, representing eight towns. Arrangements for the burying ground commenced with the following vote, November, 1633. " Agreed that there be a decent burial place bounden in upon the knap, by Goodman Greenaway's, and that shall be done by the raters, and also a bier to carry the dead on." March 3, 1634, Ordered, that the new burying place last agreed on shall be forthwith impaled with double rail pale five rods square. The General Court voted, October 1, 1633, a tax of £400 ; and the assessments show the relative im- portance of the towns at that period. The propor- tions are — to Dorchester, £80 ; Boston, Roxbury, HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 35 NeAvtown or Cambridge, Watertown, and Charies- town, £48 each ; Sagus or Lynn, £'36 ; Salem, £28 ; Medford, £12. Two years after, September, 1635, the rates of Dorchester and Cambridge are the high- est in the colony. The following chronological items are from Win- throp. 1631, Jan. A house burnt at Dorchester. 1632, May. Dorchester men work on Boston fort. 1632, August. Two Neponset Indians put in the bilboes for assaulting some Dorchester people in their houses, after which Chickatabot beat them. 1633, July 24. A ship arrived from Weymouth, Dorset, with about eighty passengers and twelve kine, who sat dow^n at Dorchester. The emigration to Connecticut of a large portion of the first settlers of Dorchester, forms an impor- tant crisis in the affairs of the plantation ; it deprived it of nearly one half of its population, including the two ministers, Messrs. Maverick and Warham, and a large part of the intelligence and wealth which accompanied the first comers. This movement has been attributed to different causes, but it appears rather to have been produced by a concurrence of sundry incidents, than any one prominent motive. Cotton Mather, in reference to this subject, says: — " Massachusetts soon became like a hive overstocked with bees, and many thought of swarming into new plantations." But the whole colony contained at this time but five or six thousand people. The Dor- chester settlers were made acquainted with the rich bottom lands of the Connecticut by Hall and Old- \\^ ^^.;w:b^=.t^u ,%'^' 5. lfe^i'(^^•^'"^^'') 36 HISTORY or DORCHESTER. ham, in 1{>3'3, and the hibor of clearing their own rocky fiekls daily bronght to their niinrls the advan- tages possessed by the former position. A great quantity of vahiable furs had reached the Bay from the Iviver Indians, and many of the Dorchester people were engaged in the fur business. It was known that the Connecticut Patentees, Lord Brooke, Sir R Saltonstall, John Hampden and others, were pre- paring to take possession of their patent and make a settlement at the lower part of the river. This subject agitated the people of the Bay to such a degree that a public fast was appointed, September 18, 1G34. Eoger Ludlow, one of the assistants and a leading inhabitant of Dorchester, strongly opposed the movement. In this state of aftairs, Israel Stoughton, one of the first Deputies of Dorchester, had an altercation with Governor AMnthrop, and published a pamphlet which occasioned his expul- sion from the house, * and the Dorchester people petitioned in vain for a remission of his sentence. Rodger Ludlow, of Dorchester, -j" aimed at being Governor of Massachusetts Colony in 1635, and protested openly against the choice of Governor Haynes, and was in consequence left out of the Magistracy. It is not improbable that these wealthy and influential gentlemen sought a more congenial field for their political ambition than the Bay Colony presented to them at that moment. It is certain that Mr. Ludlow suddenly changed his views on the sub- ject, and was actively engaged in the project in 1635, * See Winthrop, vol. 1, p. 155. f See Hutchinson, vol. 1, p. 41. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 37 Avliicli he had with zeal opposed m 1634. The cause of Mr. Stoughton's secession from the undertaking will appear in another place. These different con- siderations will suffice to account for the movement which was at first opposed by the Government, but in the spring of 1635 reluctantly assented to. In the summer of 1635, some Dorchester people had already reached the river and sat down at a place where AVilliam Holmes and others, of Plymouth, had erected a trading house two years before (at Windsor), and made preparations for bringing their families and settling permanently ; and in Novem- ber, sixty persons, with a large number of cattle, travelled from Dorchester and arrived in safety at the river after much tribulation. During the first win- ter tlie sufferings of these persons were intense, and they lost nearly all their cattle. Some individuals wandered back to Dorchester, and others avoided starvation by dropping down the river and taking refuge in a vessel at anchor at the mouth. In the spring of 1636, the settlers, with Mr. Warham, pro- ceeded to Windsor, his colleague INIr. INIaverick hav- ing died at Boston the preceding winter. Every eftbrt on the part of the Colonial Govern- ment was made to divert the spirit of emigration so rife among the people. The large grants of land made to the Dorchester plantation, viz., the Un- quety Grant, in 1636, containing some six thousand acres ; and the year after, the so-called New Grant, extending almost to the Hhode Island line, were doubtless connected with a desire to quiet and retain the inhabitants. The emigration, however, did not 5 38 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. cease entirely until 1637. Many persons who had determined to go, were detained a year or two in dis- posing of their property. CHAPTER VII. List of the First Settlers of the Town. The following is an alphabetical list of all the Grantees of Dorchester lands, whose names appear in the Town Records previous to January, 1636, and comprises all the first settlers, excepting such as may have appeared on the missing pages (probably very few) and whose names were not repeated. John Allen Thomas Andrews Jno. Benhara. John Burslcy Thomas Bascomb * John Brancker Roger Clap Bernard Capen John Capen Joshua Carter Bray Clarke Joseph Clarke Augustin Clement Richard Collicot John Cogan Aaron Cook Nicolas Denslowe ^ Thomas Dewey Thomas Deeble Robert Deeble Thomas Dimocke Nathaniel Duncan George Dyer John Eeles Bigot Eggleston ■ Robert Elwell Richard Fay Thomas Ford Walter Filer Henry Feakes Joseph Flood Stephen French Humphrey Gallop William Gaylord Christopher Gibson Giles Gibbs Ralph Glover John Glover Jonathan Gillet John Gilbert John Goite, or Goyt John Grenoway Matthew Grant Edmund Hart John Hayden Thomas Hatch William Hathome Nathaniel Hall HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 39 William Hannum John Hoskins Simon Hoyt William Hosford Joseph Holley Thomas Holcomb John Holland John Holman Mr. Jno. Hill John Hull George Hull William Hulbert Thomas Jeffrey Thomas Jones Mr. Johnson Richard Jones John Knight Thos. Kinnersly, or Kimberly Thomas Lambert John Leavitt Capt. William Lovell Roger Ludlow John Maverick Capt. John Mason Thomas Marshall John Miller Alexander Miller George Minot Thomas Makepeace Thomas Marshfield John Moore Edmund Munnings Mr. Newberry ^ John Newton John Niles Elias Parkman James Parker William Phelps John Phillips George Phillips John Pierce Andrew Pitcher El tweed Pomeroy Goodman Jno. Pope Mr. Pincheon William Preston -•"" J)avid Price George Procter Widow Purchase Humphrey Pinney George Phelps Edward Raymond Philip Randall Thomas Rawlins Thomas Richards —William Rockwell Bray Rosseter Hugh Rosseter Richard Rocket Thomas Sandford Matthew Sension John Smith Henry Smith Capt. Richard Southcote George Strange Th. or Ancient Stoughton. Mr. Israel Stoughton William Sumner Thomas Swift Joshua Talbot Stephen Terry John Tilley Thomas Tileston Thomas Thornton Francis Tuthill Joshua Tuthill Nicolas Upsall John Warham Henry Way Bray Wilkins Roger Williams David Wilton Henry Wolcott Henry Wright John Whitfield John Woolridge Many of these persons dissolved their connec- tion with the Dorchester plantation at this early 40 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. period ; we have therefore collected such facts re- garding them as have come to our knowledge, and place them before our readers now, in the hope that some of their numerous descendants, better versed in their history, may aid our future numbers by im- parting to the committee such additional information as they possess. John Allen's name appears on the Town Records in 1634. He was probably here in 1632, and kept an ordinary (tavern). The INIassachusetts Colony Re- cords no doubt refer to him in the following order. "A Court holden at Boston, August 7, 1632. It is ordered that y*^ remainder of Mr. Allen's strong Avater, being estimated aboute two gallandes, shall be delivered into y^ hands of the Deacons of Dor- chester for the benefitt of the poore there, for his selling of it dyvrs tymes to such as were drunke by it, he knowing thereof" Thomas Andrews was here as early as 1634 ; his wife was Ann ; he had three acres of land granted him next his house, December 1 7, of that year. He died May 20, 1673. He had a son Thomas baptized June 23, 1639 ; he married Phebe Gourd; he also had a daughter Susanna, Avho married W. Hopkins and removed to Roxbury. There was a person of the same name in Hingham, but much older. Thomas Bascomb probably came in the Mary and John with the first settlers. He removed to Windsor. His children born there were — Abigail, June 27, 1640; Thomas, February 20, 1641-2; Hepzibah, April 14, 1644. John Benham was probably one of the passen- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 41 gers in the Mary and John ; was made freeman in 1631 ; had land granted him in 1632, and was here as late as 1638. John Bursley was among the first settlers; Dr. Harris says, 1630. He was in the country two years before, and also in 1634, but was one of the early settlers of Weymouth, and representative in 1636. Farmer says one of that name was of Exeter in 1643 and 1645. John Brancker appears with Mr. attached to his name. He was one of the early settlers, and made freeman in 1632. He removed to Windsor, was a school-master there, and a man of some distinction. He lived not far from the burying-ground in Dor- chester, probably near the corner of Stoughton and Pleasant streets. April 1, 1635, " It is ordered that there shall be a way paled out from the burying-place to Mr. Branker's, by the 16th day of May next, to be paled out by the several men that own the lots." September 10, 1637, " It is agreed by general vote of the plantation that there shall be a meeting-house built between Mr. Branker's and £160 raised for the purpose." He sold his house and land in Dorchester to Am- brose Martin, September 2, 1637. Roger Clap. His autobiography is contained in his oft-published memoirs. Born at Salcom, Devon, in 1609; passenger in the Mary and John, 1630; grantee of lands, 1633 ; filled most of the impor- tant offices of the town at various times from 1637 to 1665, when he was appointed commander of the 42 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Castle. He was of the ultra puritan school, and by no means tolerant of the innovations attempted by the Antinomians and Quakers. He resigned his post at the Castle upon the dissolution of the First Charter in 1686, unwilling to lend his co-operation to the tyrannical schemes of Governor Andros. On his resignation he removed to Boston, wdiere he died in 1691, aged 82 years. His wife was daughter of Thomas Ford, Avho removed to Windsor. He left four sons and two daughters. Few of his descend- ants (in the male line) are now living in Dorches- ter ; but most of that name in Northampton and vicinity are his descendants through his son Preserved. Bernard Capen, grantee of land, August, 1633, an old man on his arrival, died November 8, 1638, aged 76 years. His wife Joan, said to be the daughter of Oil's er Purchase, survived him fifteen years.* His grave-stone is supposed to have been the oldest in New England. The present one has been placed at the head of his grave, in place of the original, which was either broken or illegible. A flat stone covers the gra^e. His children were — Ruth, born August 7, 1600; Susanna, born April 11, 1602, and died November 13, 1666 ; John, born January 26, 1612. John Capen, son of the foregoing, grantee of land and freeman 1634, born 1612. Married Redegon Clap in 1637. Married a second wife, Mary Bass, daughter of Deacon Samuel Bass, of Braintree, in 1647. Had one son (John) by his first marriage, and eight children by the second. Blake says Capt. * See New England Historial and Genealogical Register, vol. 2, p. 80. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 43 Capen was deacon of the church m 1658, Selectman sixteen years, repeatedly deputy to the Court, and thirteen years Town Recorder, and wrote more in the records than any other man. He died in 1692, aged 80 years. By his first wife he had — Joanna, born October 8, 1638; and John, born October 21, 1639. By his second wife he had — Samuel, Mary, Bernard; Preserved, born March 4,1657; Joseph, born De- cember 10, 1658; Hannah, born October, 1662; and Elizabeth, born December 29, 1666. Mr. Capen was by trade a shoemaker. His house is supposed to have stood at the corner of Pleasant and Pond Streets. The following are copies of letters sent by him to Deacon Bass, of Braintree, and his daughter Mary, a short time preceding his marriage to the latter. To his Loueing and kind ffreiud Goodman Bass, Deacon of the chnrch at Brantrcy, glue this I pray you. SiK, My kind love and respect to you w^'' yo'' wife remembered, w**^ thanks for all yo"" kindness showed vnto me, hoping for yo"" health and prosperity as my one. The Cause of my writtinge to you at this time, is only this, to make bold w"* you to be as a Cloake to cover this my inclosed letter directed to yo'' daughter, because as yet I know not who may be the bearer heerof, I would intreate you to delieur it vnto her. Y® Contents of it I know she will not hide it from you. Therefore I doe forbeare it my selfe, because I chouse rather breauely, but I would intreat her to keep it as private as she can from others. Thus in hast I rest, desiring yo"" earnest prayers to god for vs for direction in this greate vndertakeing. Yo''^ to vse in any thing I may. fFrom Dor: this 15"' of y'' 2'^ m". 1647. John Capen. 44 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. To his Deare and Loueing and much respected ffreind Mary Bass, at her father house in Brantrei/, giue this I pray you. SWEETE-HARTE, My kind loue and affection to you remembred ; haueinge not as convenient opertunety to see and speake w*'' you soe oft as I could desier, I therfore make bold to take opertunety as occasione offers it selfe to visset you w"' my letter, desiering y' it may find acceptance w*'' you, as a token of my loue to you ; as I can assuer you y' yours baue found from me ; for as I came home from you y^ other day, by y^ way I reseaued your letter from your faithfull messenger, w*"'* was welcom vnto me, and for w'''' I kindly thank you, and do desier y' as it is y*^ first : so yMt may not be y*^ last, but y^ it may be as a seed w^"' will bring forth more frute : and for your good counsell and aduise in your letter specefied, I doe accept, and do desier y^ we may still commend y'' casse to god, for direction and cleering vp of our way as I hope wee haue hethertoo done ; and y* our long considerations may at y® next time bring forth fimie con- clussions, I meane verbally though not formally. Sweetharte I haue given you a large ensample of patience, I hope you will learne this instruction from y® same, namely, to show y'' like toward me if euer occassion be offered for futuer time, and for y*' present, condesendency vnto my request ; thus w"* my kind loue remembred to yo"" father and mother and Brothers and sisters w'^' thanks for all ther kindnes w'^'' haue been vndeseruemg in me I rest, leaueing both them and vs vnto y*^ protection and wise direction of y*' almighty. My mother remembers her loue vnto yo"" father and mother ; as also vnto your selfe though as it vnknown. Yo"''^ to command in any thing I pleas. ffrom Dor. y^ 5"^ of y^ 3 mo. 1647. John Capen. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 45 To his Deare and Loueing and Much respected ffreind Mary Bass, at Mr fathers house in Brantrey, giiie this I pray speed. Sweet-hart, My kind loue and intiere affections to you remenibred vv-ti' my respect vnto yo'" father and mother and loue to yo"" Brothers and sisters, hopeing of yo' heahh as I am at this time blessed be god. Ye cause of my writting to you at this time is to give you to vnderstand y' Sister Weld sent me word y'' last night y' she had some stufs come to her hand, and this day I went thether of purpose to see them, y' soe I may send you word ; now she have 3 peeces of stuf, but I think y' ther is but one of them y' you would like for yo self. It is a pretty sad stuf, but it have a thred of w hit in it : it is 3 quarters broad and y'^ priz is 5** 6*^ y'' yard. I was hojjeing to speake w"* father hear to day, but he was gon a little before I came home : alsoe wdiill I was w*'' you at Brantrey Sister Sw ift being at Boston w'"' Sister Vpsall tliey boath being at y'' hatters shop did thinke vppon you for a hat and chose out y*" comlyest fashon hatt y' they could find: (avoiding fantastick fashons) and caused y^ man to set it by vntell this first day thinking we should speake w^'' some of you this day. Y*" hat was a demecaster, the priz was 24^ ; y^ shop was y" corner shop over against M"" Coggings on y'^ right hand as on goe up to M'' Cottens house. It was set by w'** my name vpon it w^ritten on a paper : these things I thought good to aquaint you w"\ You may consider of it and doe as you shall thinke good. I cannot be long, because I would faine send this letter to you this night if ther come by any messenger. I am now in good health againe, thanks be to god, and able if opertunety did serue to ride or goe w"' you either to Waymouth or Boston to yo"" wedding. Thus in hast I rest, leaueing you to y'' protection of y*^ almighty. I could be glad to hear a few lines from yovi if opertunety of a messenger did serue. Yo"" Loueing husbancl till death. Dor. this 1 of y'' 5 mo. 1647. John Capen. 46 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Joshua Carter removed to AVindsor. Several of his descendants were killed by the Indians. Isaac, son of Hichard Carter, was baptized in Dorchester, June 20, 1658. Bray Clarke appears on the Records in 1634. Joseph Clarke was here early. Dr. Harris says in 1630; also that Thomas and Bray were here at that time, and that a grave-stone was erected to their memory with the following epitaph. " Here lie three Clarkes, their accounts are even, Entered on earth, carried up to Heaven." Augustin Clement, passenger with Capt. Cooper, in the James from Hampton, April, 1635 ; * called in the list a painter, sometime of Steading. He and his wife Elizabeth signed Dorchester Church Cove- nant, 1636; grantee of lands, February, 1636. Their children were — Samuel, born September 29, 1635 ; John, born October 21, 1639 ; Elizabeth, who mar- ried William Sumner, Jr. ; and Joanna, who died young. Mr. Clement died about 1674. He owned two houses in Boston, and house and land in Dor- chester. After the decease of her husband, Mrs. Clement w^ent to live with her daughter Mrs. Sumner. Hichard Collicott. There is no evidence of the precise time of the arrival in Xew England of this active and enterprising settler of Dorchester, or the place of his birth in England. He is mentioned in Pyncheon's papers as a collector of furs in 1633. He may have been one of the old planters — was doubtless a member of Mr. Warham's church before * Savage's Gleanings. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 47 March, 1633, when he was admitted a freeman. In 1634-, he obtamed leave to erect two houses, one in June, at a place called the burying-ground (Indian), and in September, leave to set a house without the pale. In December, 163-1, an order passed regulating a passage-way to CoUicott's house in the Great Lots. In October, 1636, acting as a Trustee for the town, he receives the grant from Cutshumaquin of the whole territory of Unquety (Milton), including forty acres of land for himself, conferred by the town,* adjoining lands he already held on that side of the river, f In July, 1636, the town grants to Collicott six acres of the Unquety lands in Narraganset Way, on Mount Wollaston line. In 1638, Dorchester has leave to use CoUicott's house as a watch-house (doubtless at Unquety). Collicott was Selectman in 1636-7 and 164:1 ; was deputy to the Court 1637; charter member of the Artillery Company, of wdiich he was 1st Sergeant, which gave him a military title which he retained all his life. He represented the Dorchester Church at the Cambridge Synod, held in 1637, for the trial of Mrs. Ann Hutchinson. As early as 1635, the Court Records mention Collicott and Mr. Hathorne as appointed referees in a very important suit between Messrs. Cogan, Wolcott, Tilley, and Pinney. His fur trade probably brought him into much intercourse with the Indians, with wdiom he had great influence, which was called into use by Eliot in his endeavors to christianize them, :[: * See Town Records, p. 62. f See Town Records, p. 219. t See Eliot's biography in Sparks. 48 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. and his services were put in requisition by the New England Confederation in 1645, when he accompanied Atherton's expedition to Narraganset.* It was doubt- less on a fur trading expedition to Maine, in 1648, that occurred to Collicott the remarkable providence mentioned by Winthrop.-f He had much commerce with Maine during his whole life, and was elected to represent Saco in 1672, and as late as 1676 Haz- ard states that Collicott was present when Capt. Thomas Lake, of Boston, was killed by the Indians at Arrowsick Island. ;]: Collicott moved to Boston in 1659, and was dismissed to the new church (Old North) there in 1660 ; and Sewell in his diary mentions that his mother lodged at Collicott's house in Boston, 16^1. Soon after, he went to reside at his Milton farm, the same deeded by the Indians thirty years before. He appears .as Trustee of Milton Church property in 1664, and an inhabitant of that town some years after. He finally moved to Boston a few years before his death, in 1686. He left a fam- ily, but the name is extinct in this vicinity. By his wife, Thomasin, he had three children — Experience (daughter), born 1641 ; Dependance (son), born July 5, 1643; Preserved, baptized January 28, 1648. It is supposed that Richard Hall lived in his house after his removal to Boston. His residence in Dor- chester aj^pears to have been near the corner of Cottage and Pleasant streets. John Cogan was a very enterprising man ; lie removed to Boston. Snow, in his history of Boston, says he was the first who set up a shop there. * See Hazaidj vol. 2, p. 39. f Vol. 2, p. 336. t See Hutchinson, vol. 1, p. 346. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 49 Aaron Cooke was probably in Dorchester in 1630. He removed to AVindsor. From Windsor he re- moved to Northampton, and was a representativi; from that town ; and from thence to Hadley, whicli town he also represented. From the following vote on the Town Records, it appears that he did not remove with the company of 1635. Jnly 5, 1636, "It is ordered that Aaron Cook shall have half an acre of gronnd over against his lot, by the brook near the dead swamp, to bnild his honse upon." Mr. Cooke was a man of great energy, and a devoted friend to the res^icide Jndges Goffe and Whallev. While they were in this conntry, they resided in his neighborhood. His first wife was daughter of Thom- as Ford. He had three children by his second wife, Joan, dano-hter of Nicholas Deuslow. He had a tliird and fourth wife, and died in the year 1690. Nicholas Denslow was one of the early comers. Dr. Harris says he was here in 1630, made freeman in 1633. He removed to Windsor. He lived near Roxbury brook. Thomas Dewey. On the Town Records spelled Duee. Dr. Harris calls this name Duce. He remov- ed to Windsor, and was the ancestor of Rev. Ori-ille and Judge Dewey. On his removal to AVindsor, he sold his house and land to Richard Jones. Flis wife was Frances Clark, whom he married Alarch 22, 1638. Their children were — Thomas, born Februarv 16, 1639; Josia, baptized October 10, 16-41; Anna, baptized October 15, 1643 ; Isrell,born September 25, 1645; Jededia, born December 15, 1647. Tliomas 5 50 HISTOEY OF DORCHESTER. Dewey died April 27, 1648, and his widow married George Phelps, November 2, 1648. Thomas Deeble was one of the early settlers, and removed to Windsor. Ilobert Deeble probably went to Windsor. He and his sons had thirty acres of land granted them in Dorchester, January 4, 1635. Mr. Thomas Dimocke was one of the Selectmen in 1635. He removed to Cape Cod soon after 1638. He appears to ha^'e been a man of some distinction. Nathaniel Duncan. Mr. Blake places Mr. Dun- can's name among the first comers — he appears in the Town Records as grantee of land in 1633 and '37 ; Selectman of the town from 1635 to '45; one of the six who first signed the Church Covenant with Mr, Mather ; charter member of Artillery Company in 1637; freeman 1635; was a successful merchant, and the superior advantages which the town of Boston oftered, induced him to remove thither with many other persons in 1645. His name is on the records of the Old North Church in 1655. He was Vote Commissioner in Boston in 1646, and several times Deputy to the Court from Boston. Capt. Johnson describes him as learned in the Latin and French languages, also an accomplished accountant. George Dyer, there is every reason to believe, was one of the West Country settlers who came here in the Mary and John, in May, 1630. Farmer says he was on a Jury as early as September, 1630 ; became freeman in May, 1631 ; grantee Dorchester lands, April, 1633, being a saltmarsh proprietor of the third class in quantity ; doubtless a Church HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 51 member at his coming, being then fifty-one years old. He and his wife Abigail signed the Church Covenant anew, 1636. He died in 1672, aged 98 years. His daughter Elizabeth married William Trescott, and Mary married William Pond. John Eeles " dwelt at Foxpoint." It appears that he removed to Hingham. He may have been John the bee-hive maker, who finally settled in Newbury. He had a son Samuel baptized in Dorchester, May 3, 16^0. The latter lived in Hingham, and was a Justice of the Peace ; he was the father of Rev. Nathaniel, who was born 1678. A large number of Samuel's descendants have been clergymen. Mr. Bagot or Bigod Egglestone was probably here in 1630 ; made a freeman in 1631. He removed to Windsor, and had many descendants, according to Windsor records. He died September 1, 1674, " nere 100 yer ould." Robert Elwell was in Dorchester as early as 1631. Probably he remained here four or five years, then removed to Salem ; from the latter place, according to Farmer, he went to Gloucester. Richard Fay was here in 1634, but it is not known what became of him. Thomas Ford came in the Mary and John in 1630. He was made freeman in 1631, and removed to Windsor. One of his daughters, Joan, married Roger Clap ; another, Aaron Cooke. Abigail, the eldest, married, in 1630, John Strong, and Hepzibah married Richard Lyman. Walter Filer probably came in 1630 ; he was dig- nified by the title of Lieutenant. He removed to o2 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. AMndsor. His children, bom in Windsor, were — John, September 12, 1642; Zurobabel, December 23, 1644. John married Elizabeth Dolman, October 17, 1672; Zurobabel married Experience Strong, May 27, 1669. Henry Feakes, Fowkes, or Fookes, is undoubtedly the person whom Dr. Harris calls Stokes. He re- moved to Windsor. Joseph Flood appears on the Town Kecords in 1635. He had a son Eleazer, baptized in Dorches- ter in 1638. He removed to Lynn. Stephen French was here, according to Dr. Har- ris, in 1630; made freeman in 1634. He removed to Weymouth. Mr. Flumphrey Gallop was among the earliest settlers, and dignified with the title of Mr. His wife was Anne, and they had a son Joseph born here in 1633. William Gaylord, doubtless a fellow passenger with the clergymen, one of the first deacons. He and his colleague, William Rockwell, signed the first land grants of Dorchester ; grantee of land in 1633; Deputy and Selectman 1635-6; removed to Windsor, and died December 14, 1656. Christopher Gibson applied for freemanship in October, 1630. He appears on the Town Records as fence viewer in 1634-5 ; member of Dorchester Church in 1636 ; inhabitant of Dorchester as late as 1646. He removed to Boston before 1650, when he assisted in forming the Old North Society. He is described in a lease as a soap boiler, of Boston. He left by will to the town of Dorchester, about HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 53 1674, the sum of £104, to be invested in land for school purposes. This sum, laid out in twenty-six acres of land at Smelt Brook, has proved of great value to the town, and a part of it is still held.* On his removal to Boston he sold his house and land to Thomas Trott, bounded on the north side by Mr. Heywood, the west by John Pierce and Henry Kib- by, the south by the highway, and the east by -Thomas Makepeace and Thomas Birch. Tliis deed is dated September 15, 1648. Giles Gibbs, a first comer, supposed from Devon- shire, where the name is common. f Freeman in 1633, and grantee of Dorchester lands the same year. Selectman in 1634. He removed to Windsor. Ralph Glover, of Dorchester, applied for frpcman- ship in 1630. He died in 1633, and his estate was administered upon in August, 1633. J John Glover. His name appears upon the list of the first adventurers to Massachusetts in May, 1628, and he attended a General Court of the Patentees held in London, May 13, 1629.§ He is supposed to have lived in Dorsetshire, but it is not probable that he accompanied the West Country settlers in the Mary and John. His name does not appear in Dorchester Records until 1636. Charlestown Re- cords include Mr. Glover among the residents of that town, after the removal to Boston of Governor Winthrop in 1630. He is named as grantee at *' From the proceeds of the laud which has been sold, there has accrued a fund of upwards of ^11,000. One of the schools of the towa bears the name of this their earliest benefactor. t See Savage's Gleanings. $ See Court Records. ^ See Company's Records. 5* 54: HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. JJorcliester in 1636, and also Selectman and Deputy the same year, and he was constantly chosen to fill these phices until 1651, when he was elected Assistant. He was member of Dorchester Church in 1636, and appears to have been a large purchaser of tlie im- pro^ements of the AVindsor emigrants. Mr. New- berry's hinds and others at Squantum came into his possession, and he also laid out a large farm at Un- quety. He was engaged in the business of tanning. C'apt. Johnson describes him as " a plain, sincere, godly man, strong for the truth." Mr. Glover died in 165i, leaving four sons. An account of the shipwreck of Mr. Glover s vessel, in 1631, is given in the History of Lynn. He was the first to set up tanning in Massachusetts. By his M'ill it appears that he owned land in Rhinehall, County of Lancaster. This property he left to his son Thomas, who may have been the one of that name who was admitted member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery in 1644, and returned to Eng- land. He kept a great number of cattle at his farm in Dorchester. He left four sons : Thomas, in Eng- land, Habakkuk, Nathaniel, and Peletiah, minister of Springfield. John Gill and Roger Billings lived on his two farms in Dorchester at his decease. Jonathan Gillet removed to Windsor, and carried with him children — Cornelius, Jonathan, and Mary ; had born there — Anna, December 29, 1639; Joseph, July 25, 1641 ; Samuel, January 22, 1642-3 ; John, baptized October 5, 1644 ; Abigayel, baptized June 28, 1646 ; Jeremia, born February 12, 1647 ; Josias, baptized July 14, 1650, HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 55 John Gilbert had the title of Mr. He was pro- bably here in 1630. He removed to Taunton, and was one of the early settlers of that town. John Goyt was here in 1635, and removed to Marblehead. John Greenway was doubtless one of the pas- sengers of the Mary and John, and the first applicant from Dorchester for freemanship. His name occurs on the records as Goodman G. as late as 1641. He was past the prime of life when he came. His wife was Mary ; his children were — Ursula, who married Hugh Batten ; Mary, who married Thomas Millet ; Ann, who married Robert Pierce ; and Katharine, who married William Daniel, all of this town. Mr. Greenway was a millwright by trade, and was much respected by his fellow townsmen. Matthew Grant was among the earliest comers, and was made freeman in 1631. He removed to Windsor. Samuel Grant, whom the Windsor records say was born in Dorchester, November 12, 1631, was undoubtedly his son. Samuel had a large family of children.* Edmund Hart was here early, and had land grant- ed to him in 1632. He was made freeman in 1634, and removed to Weymouth. John Hay den received a share of the Neck lands, and was probably the person of that name who was of Braintree in 1640. Thomas Hatch remained in Dorchester until 1638, and is probably the person of that name in Barnsta- * See Genealogical Register of April, 1851. 56 . HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. ble about 1640, and perhaps removed from that place to Scituate. If so, he died about 1646. AVilliam Hathorne, landholder and inhabitant of Dorchester in 1634, and same year Selectman; depu- ty, 1635; grantee of land at Dorchester Neck in 1637, about which time he removed to Salem. He represented the latter town twenty-one years ; was Speaker of the House, and one of the most promi- nent men in Massachusetts through a long life, which terminated at Salem in 1681.* Nathaniel Hall was here in 1634. "NMiat became of him cannot be ascertained, but probably he re- mained in the town but a short time. William Hannum (now Hammond) was among the early settlers. He removed to Windsor, and from thence to Northampton. A person of that name died in Northampton, June 1, 1677, probably the same. It appears that he lived in or near Hum- phreys street. On his removal to Windsor he sold his house and land to Jonas Humphrey, and a deed was given in 1637. The land has been in possession of Humphrey's descendants to this day. John Hoskins came to Dorchester in 1630, and was made freeman in 1631, He appears to have been past the middle age of life on his arrival, and was . denominated Goodman. He removed to Windsor. As he is called John Hoskins, senior, it is presumed that he had a son John. In 1634 he had granted to him four acres of meadow on the Neck " where the dog was killed." * See Bradford's New England Biography. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 57 vSimon Hoyt was here early, probably in 1630, and was made freeman May 18, 1631. He removed to Windsor, and was an Elder or Deacon there. William Hosford, Dr. Harris says, was here in 1630, and a^^pears on the Town Records in 1633. Made freeman in 1634, and removed to Windsor. Joseph Holley was here in 1634, and probably removed previons to 1637. Thomas Holcomb was made freeman in 1634, and removed to Windsor in 1635. He sold his house and land to Richard Jones, Aug-nst 12, 1635. He had children — Abigayl, born January 6, 1638; Joshua, baptized September 21, 1640 ; Sara, born August 14, 1642 ; Benaja, born June 23, 1644 ; Debroa, born October 15, 1646; Xathaniel, born November 4, 1648 ; Debroa, born February 15, 1650 ; Jonathan, March 23, 1652. Mr. Holcomb died in 1657. His widow married James Eno in 1658. John Holland was here as early as 1633, and continued here until 1637. He then being about to start for Virginia, left a will, giving his wife Judith one half of his estate, excepting " Munning's Moone," which he gave his eldest son John over and above his portion ; the rest of his estate to be divided among his children, excepting forty shillings to Rev. R. Mather, to purchase a silver cup as a remem- brance of his love to him. He had a son John, who probably settled in Newton ; a daughter, Obe- dience, who married Benjamin Gamline ; Nathaniel, baptized in 1638. Mr. Holland died about 1652, leaving a large estate for those times, about £4,400. He was concerned in navio-ation, and owned houses 58 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. and land both in this town and Boston. After his decease his widow married Geoivcje Kimwrioht, of Dorchester. They removed to Cambridge in 1664:. John Holman, mentioned in Pynchoon's papers as a collector of furs at Dorchester in 1633. Dor- chester records mention his residence by the Rock, in 1634. He was often Selectman of the town, and is believed to have resided at Unquety the latter part of his life. He was Ensign of the first military company in Dorchester, under Capt. Israel Stoughton and Lieut. Nathaniel Duncan ; he was one of the first members of the Ancient and Honorable Artille- ry Company, and stands nineteen on the roll. He died probably in 165 "2, leaving children — John, born February 23, 1637, and Margaret; these were the children of his first wife, Anne, who died December 1, 1639. Soon after her death he married again, and had Thomas, born August 6, 1611 ; Abigail, born 1642; Samuel ; Patience, baptized January 28, 1 648, He was concerned in navigation, and left a good estate. He seems to have lived on Adams street, near the residence of the late Hon. Arnasa Stetson. Edward Wyatt afterwards owned it, but sold it to Ralph Sammes, and the latter sold it to Edward Cowxdl, of Boston, in 1663. In 1637 is the follow- ing order on the Town Records. " It is ordered, tln\t Mr. Holman shall have twenty acres of upland beyond the ***** next to Mr. Hutchinson's." In his will he says — " And whereas the honorable Court haue established a lawee the eldest sonne shall haue a double porcon, my desire is and to my griefe I HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 59 speake it, my sonne being g-roune to some yeres proiieth. disobedient and stubborn against mee, my desire is he may be deprived of that benefit ^\''^ others may justly enjoy." * Mr. John Hill came, here about 1633. His wife was Frances. He left eleven children. His eldest son was John; Jonathan, born about 1639, was probably his son, and removed to Bridgewater ; Sam- uel, born 1640; Hannah, born 1641; Mercy, 1642; Mary, who married Thomas Breck, February 12, 1656; Hannah, married D. Fisher, of Taunton; Frances, married Jonah Austin, Dec. 14, 1667, and removed to Taunton in 1674. Another of his daugh- ters married a Taunton man, and removed to Taun- ton in 1671. Mr. Hill was a blacksmith by trade, and died about 1664. He was a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company. John Hull, of Dorchester, is the same as John of Boston. Farmer says he was admitted freeman in 1632. He was one of those who had a share in the division of Neck lands in 1637 ; also other divi- sions in the town. He ^vas admitted member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company in 1638, and is styled Captain, but was not Captain of that company. It has been erroneously supposed that John Hull, the mint master, who ma yr ied ^\e daugh- * In justice to the memory of his son John, here referred to, we state that there was evidence before the (.Toneral Court, in 1656, that John was a good and obedient son, and that the trouble was made by lii? mother-in-law, who, no doubt, induced the old gentleman to have such a provision put in his will. The persons who testified in this matter were Nicholas Ellen, William Salsbury, and Robert Redman and his wife : the latter had lived for several years in the family. 60 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER, tcr -©^^ Judge Samuel Sewall, was the same as the above. John, the mint master, was son of Robert, of Muddy River, and it is probable that Robert was brother of our John, and that Robert's son John, the mint master, served his time with John the elder. By an original letter to John from his brother Ed- ward, dated London, June 14, 1654, it appears that John was a goldsmith, and that he had a brother Richard in England, of whom he wrote in terms of disparagement, and whom he wished to induce to come to New England. George Hull, mentioned by Blake as a first comer, and among the first recorded grantees at Dorchester. He served the town as one of the first deputies, with Stoughton and Phelps; was Selectman in 1635. He moved to Connecticut in 1637, where his name ap- pears among the first formers of that colony. William Hulbcrt or Hulburt probably came to Dorchester in 1630; was made freeman in 1632. He removed to Windsor, and from Windsor to North- ampton. Dr. Harris calls this name Hubbard. Thomas Jeffrey was made freeman in 1634. He removed to New Haven, and for many years went by the name of Sergeant Thomas Jeffrey. He died in New Haven in August, 1661, much respected. Thomas Jones was grantee of Dorchester land in 1635, and one of the first signers of the Church Covenant with Mr. Mather in 1636; Selectman the same year, and often for thirty years after ; Deputy in 1638. He lived near the hill still called by his name, and died 166T, aged 75. Col. Stoughton's will calls him "mv lovino^ friend Thomas Jones." He HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 61 was one of the Executors of Stoughton's will. He came to Xew England, according to Savage, in the Abigail Hackwell, from London, in June, 1635, with his wife Ellen, and children — Isaac, aged 8 years ; Hester, 6 years ; Thomas, 3 years ; and Sarah, about 3 months. Mr. Jones w^as then 40 years of age, his wife 36. Their children born in Dorchester were — Hannah, born March 28, 1636, perhaps 1636-7 ; Rebecca, February 9, 1641. Thomas died July 24, 163-5, soon after their voyage began, and several weeks before it ended. Sarah married Isaac Bollard, January 3, 1651 ; llebccca married James Green, November 9, 1661. One of his daughters, probably Esther, married Richard Way. Mr. Jones was a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery. He died in November, 1675, the grave-stone says aged " about 75 years," but according to the age given when he embarked he must have been about 80. Mr. Johnson. Blake mentions Mr. Johnson as a first comer, and the records contain the surname only as grantee of land. Dr. Harris says he removed to Roxbury. Edward Johnson, of Roxbury, was one of the Executors of Israel Stoughton's will. Johnson owned lands in Dorchester, 1656. Richard Jones died previous to 1642, and his wife did not long survive him, the inventory of her estate being made February 2, 1642. SHe was probably a Thacher, and she speaks in her will of her brother Thacher. They left a son Timothy. Mr. Jones bought the estates of Thomas Holcomb and Thomas Dewey on their removal to Windsor. John Knight was here as early as 1634, and re- 6 62 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. moved soon after, probably either to Watertown or Newbury. Thomas Kinnersly. Sylvester Jucld, first-rate authority, supposes that this name is intended for Thomos Kimberly, an early settler of New Haven. Thomas Lambert it is presumed did not taj-ry long in the town. He was one of those among whom the Neck lands were divided in 1637. John Leavitt was here as early as 1634, and about 1638 he sold his house and land in Dorchester to Mr. Makepeace. He removed to Hingham, and was probably the person of this name married there De- cember 15, 1646. Capt. William Lovell it is supposed came to Dor- chester in 1630, but he did not remain many years. Lovell's Island, in Boston Harbor, undoubtedly took its name from him. He is probably the person referred to by Hutchinson.* Ivoger Ludlow was a native of Dorsetshire, and resided at Dorchester in that county previous to the emigration of 1630. He was brother-in-law of Governor Endicott, who had arrived in New England two years before. Ludlow was at the time of his arrival in America already in mature life, possessed of some property, and an adventurer or stockholder in the Massachusetts Company. He was chosen Assistant or Director in London, in place of Samuel Sharp, and embarked from Pl}Tiiouth, Devon, in the Mary and John, in March, 1630. His position as member of the Colonial Government gave * See History Massachusetts, p. 385. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 63 him much influence in the Dorchester plantation, where he affixed his abode with his fellow voyagers. His more extensive duties prevented him from acting officially in the aftairs of the settlement, and his name appears in the Dorchester Records only as grantee of land. He built his house in the vicinity of Rock Hill, and in digging his cellar, in 1631, he found, a foot below the ground, two pieces of French money, one coined in 1596.* In November, 1632, he obtained from the Colonial Government a grant of one hundred acres of land, lying between " Mus- quantum Chappell and the mouth of Naponsett," a part of the Squantum farms known as Ludlow's Point. He is not mentioned as a lawyer by profession; but from his continual employment in matters of juris- prudence, both in Massachusetts and Connecticut, it is inferred that he was educated for that profession. He belonged entirely to the Puritan school in his religious views, but he does not seem to have attained a high degree of self-control in his temper, or an entire exemption from worldly ambition. Several instances of these imperfections are recorded in Winthrop, and the Court Records make mention of various fines inflicted at the suit of Mr. Ludlow. In May, 1634, he was chosen Deputy Governor, and Mr. Dudley Governor ; and the following year, 1635, he expected to have been chosen Governor, but the choice fell on Mr. John Haynes, and Mr. Ludlow protested against the election, which so oflended the freemen that they left him out of the magistracy * See Winthrop, p. 59. 64 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. altogether.* Ludlow was employed in 1634 in overseeing the works at the Castle. In 1635 Mr. Ludlow was much engaged with ^Ir. Stoughton, Mr. Newberry, and Mr. Maverick, all of Dorchester, in the Connecticut project, which enterprise he had previously opposed, although Mr. Phelps and him- self had been appointed by the Government Com- missioners for these plantations. In the spring of 1636, he removed with others to Windsor, and dis- posed of his property at Dorchester. He became at once a leading man in the new settlement, and pre- sided at the first court of magistrates at Llartford, April 26, 1636, and was Deputy Governor of the new colony till 1639, when he removed to Fairfield, in the New Haven Colony, where he continued to reside until 165-1. At this period a dispute with the government of the latter colony upon the affairs of the Dutch war induced him to quit New England forever, and he is said to have died in Virginia. -j* John Maverick, the associate minister with iSIr. Warham, had been ordained and settled in England. He was selected by Mr. White as a suitable teacher for the West Country settlers, whom he accompanied in 1630. He had doubtless been silenced for non- conformity. He was about 55 years old on arrival. Governor Winthrop speaks of him as a man of very humble spirit, and faithful in furthering the work of the Lord, both in the church and civil state. He early enlisted with the leading men of the Dor- * See Hutchinson, vol. 1, p. 43. t See Allen's Bio;^iaphical Dictionary. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 65 Chester parish in the project of settling on the Con- necticut ; but before his final arrangements for removal were completed, death overtook him at Boston, February 3, 1636. John Mason, born in England, 1600. Prince calls him a relative of the New Hampshire patentee. He was among the first settlers of Dorchester, and commanded the Dorchester Band, Nov. 1633 ; Israel Stoughton, ensign. Mason had served with Fairfax abroad, before he came to America, and was invited to return to England and join him in the parlia- mentary service. He was employed in laying out the works at the Castle, and also in fortifying Rock Hill in 163-4-5. He received a grant of land, and lived near Fox Point in 163-4. In 1635 he was deputy. He embarked zealously in the Connecticut enterprise, and was among the first emigrants to "Windsor. The war with the Pequod Indians com- menced the year after the settlement at Windsor, and Mason was called to command the river troops ; and the battle of May 26, 1637, at the fort on Mys- tic river, fought under his command, nearly annihi- lated that warlike tribe, and has always been re- garded as one of the most daring exploits on record. He spent a long and useful life in Connecticut, and died at Norwich, 1672. He was the author of a history of the Pequod war.* He removed to Say- brook, Ct, in 1647, and to Norwich in 1659, where he died, as before named, in the 73d year of his age. As a soldier, he knew no fear, yet was cautious and * See his biography by Mr. Ellis, ia Sparks's collection. 6* 66 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. prudent. His life and conversation were of the Puritan stamp, without ostentation and above re- proach. His children were — Priscilla, born October, 1641, who married Rev. James Fitch, of Xorwich, in 1664; Samuel, born July, 1644, who resided in Stonington, and became a major; Pachael, born Oct. 1648; Anne, born June, 1650; John, born August, 1646, who Avas a captain, and was wounded in the swamp fight in King Philip's war, December 19, 1675, and is supposed to have died therefrom, leaving a widow Abigail and two children, John and Ann ; Daniel, born April, 1652, and died in Ston- ington, Ct., in 1736, being ancestor of the late Hon. Jeremiah Mason, of Boston ; Elizabeth, born in August, 1654. Capt. Mason sold his house and land in Hingham to Thomas Thaxter, of that place. This estate formerly belonged to Robert Peck, and it is not improbable that one of Mason's wives was a daughter of the latter. Thomas Marshall's name appears on the Town Records in 1634. He did not long remain in Dor- chester. He may have been the same as the Thomas, of Boston, tailor, or one of the same name in Lynn. In the Town Records is the following order : — December 29, 1634, " It is granted Thomas Mar- shall have 8 breadth next unto Thomas G (probably Gunn) in the late burial place." John Miller. It is supposed that this person was not the minister of the same name who preached a while in Rowley ; it is more likely that he was the John Miller who was subsequently in Rehoboth, HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 67 as several Dorchester people removed to that place. John, junior, of Rehoboth, was slain in the Narra- ganset fight of 1676. Alexander Miller is supposed to have been in Dorchester in 1630; made freeman in 16-38; not married in 1636. George Minot, Selectman of Dorchester, grantee of land, and freeman, 1634. He was a native of Saffron Walden, in Essex, and had a family before leaving England. He was Deputy, 1635-6, one of the first signers of the Church Covenant in 1636, and thirty years ruling elder of the church. He died Sunday, Dec. 24th, 1671, aged 77. There is a very full account of his posterity in the Genealogi- cal Ivegister, 1847. He had sons — John, born in England, April 2, 1626 ; James, born December 31, 1628; Stephen, born May 6, 1631; Samuel, born Dec. 6, 1635. Mrs. Martha Minot (undoubtedly his wife) died Dec. 3, 1657. Mr. Thomas Makepeace came, in all probability, in 1635 ; had a wife Elizabeth. He was a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery in 1638, had the title of Mr., and appears to have been a man of some importance. He removed to Boston. He was of liberal sentiments. The Court Records say that he, " because of his novel disposition, was informed we were weary of him, unless he reform." He was one of the patentees of Dover, N. H. Had sons Thomas and William. His daugh- ter Waitawhile married Thoma^ Cooper, of Boston, 13th September, 1661 ; Hannah married Stephen Hoppin; Joseph, baptized September 20, 1646. He died in Boston in 1666. 68 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Thomas Marshfield was born at Exeter, England. It is probable that he came here in 16'30. He re- moved to Windsor. He is presumed to be the father of Samuel, one of the proprietors of West- field, who died in Springfield in 1692. John Moore came as deacon of the church in 1630. He removed to Windsor, and was deacon of the church there. There was a John Moore in town in 1637, Avho was chosen to do some business for the plantation that year. If he was the same, he could not have removed with the first or second company. In 1636 John Moore had land granted him " next the ship." There were three persons of this name among the early settlers, who were admitted free- men in 1631, 1633 and 1636. Edward Munnings was born in England in 1595, and his wife Mary in 1605. They came to New England in the Abigail, Hackwell, from London, in the summer of 1635, and brought their children with them, as follows. Take-heed ; Mary, born 1626 ; Anna, born 1629 ; Mahabuleel, born 1632; Hope- still, born in Dorchester, April 15, 1637, and went to England; Heturned, born Sept. 7, 1640, was a cooper by trade, and removed to Boston. Mr. Mun- nings appears to have been the original owner of Moon Island, which went by the name of " Mun- nings' Moon." It is probable Mahaleel Munnings, of Dorchester, was son of Edmund. Mahaleel had a daughter Hannah, baptized in Dorchester, Sep- tember 27tli, 1657. The Church Records say " her father came from England." He removed to Boston in 1659, joined the Second Church there November HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 69 27th of that year, and was drowned in the Mill Creek on the night of February 27th, 1659-60. It is very probable that he is the person who came over in the Speedwell, Robert liOck master, in 1656, and who is called in the second number of the New- England Historical and Genealogical Register, Mu- huhulet Munnings, aged 24 years. Thomas Newberry, one of the earliest settlers and largest landed proprietors of Dorchester, received from the General Court a grant of one hundred acres on Neponset, March, 1634, and many grants from the Dorchester proprietary. He laid out a large farm at Squantum, and built a house there, which are referred to in the Colonial Records of 1666, being partly the bounds between Dorchester and Mt. Wollaston. Mr. Newberry lived on the Rock in 1634, when he became freeman and Select- man. In 1635 he was appointed to oversee works at the Castle. He was early engaged in the Con- necticut enterprise, sold his Dorchester property, and prepared to remove to Windsor ; but his death, which took place in 1636, prevented. His family, however, removed. His farm passed into the pos- session of John Glover, and was situated in that part of Dorchester now Quincy, and known as The Farms. John Newton was here early ; Dr. Harris says in 1630. How long he remained is uncertain. It is not improbable that he was the person of that name subsequently in Marlboro'. There was a Henry New- ton baptized in Dorchester, March 1, 1642 — probably his son. There is a remark in the Church Records 70 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. against his name as " crooked." "Whether crooked in person or character it doth not appear. John Niles was here in 1634. He removed to Braintree. By his wife Jane he had in Braintree children — Hannah, John, Joseph, Nathaniel, Samuel, Increase and Benjamin, born between 1636 and 1650. Elias Parkman, grantee of Dorchester lands in 1633; one of the Windsor list in 1636; again at Dorchester in 1637-8 ; removed afterwards to Boston. James Parker was here early ; Dr. Harris says in 1630; was made freeman in 1634. He removed to Weymouth. According to Farmer, he was repre- sentative from 1639 to 1643. Being a preacher, he received a call to settle at Portsmouth, which he declined. He left New England for Barbadoes, whence he wrote, in 1646, a letter to Gov. Winthrop, which is in Hutchinson's Collection, 155-158. There was a person of that name, probably the same, who died about 1666. He appeared to be a trader between Barbadoes and Boston. He was a bachelor. ^' William Phelps, one of the earliest settlers of Dorchester, and among the first grantees of land ; applied for freemanship, October, 1630; one of the first selectmen in 1633 ; Deputy with Stoughton and Hull in 1634. He removed to Windsor in 1636, and was member of the first Court of Magis- trates in Connecticut. Two others of the name (George and Samuel) appear in Dorchester records before the Connecticut emigration — supposed bro- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 71 thers of William, whom they probably accompanied to Windsor. There was also a Richard Phelps, a son to one of the preceding. The name ceases at Dorchester from that time. John Pierce (spelt Pears), admitted freeman in 1631 ; selectman in 1633, '36 and '-41 ; proprietor of lands in 1656. There were two of this name in Dorchester, both early. One was a cooper. His first wife, that we have any account of, was Mary ; his second, Rebecca. His children were — Nehemiah, born February 17, 1631-32; Samuel, probably older, as he is mentioned first ; Mehitable, who married Jeremiah Rogers ; Mary, born March 6, 1638 ; Mercy, and one other child, probably Exercise. About 1642 he removed to Boston, and sold his house in Dorchester to Richard Curtis. He died in Boston in 1661. His son Nehemiah was a cooper also. John Pierce and Parnell his wife had a son Jo- seph, born in Dorchester October 30, 1631 ; Abigail, born July 17, 1633; John, born 1634, and died the same day ; Nehemiah, born July 12, 1637, and died in October, 1639. Parnell, wife of John, died in October, 1639. This John, it is supposed, is the one designated mariner, and was of Stepney, county of Middlesex, in England. John Phillips, one of the first settlers ; freeman in October, 1630; grantee of land in 1634; held property in Dorchester in 1656, but removed to Bos- ton in 1645 ; one of the founders of the Old North Society in 1649. He was styled "Biskett Maker." By his wife Johanna he had a daughter Mary, born 72 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. in 1633 and died in 16-10; John, born April, 1635 ; Israel, born June 3, 16-12, and died September, 1643. Mary, supposed to be a daughter of his, married a Mr. George Mountjoy, of Boston. Mr. Phillips was a man of good circumstances, among the best in the town. After his removal to Boston, he sold some of his property in Dorchester to Augustine Clement, and the latter sold property in Boston to him. Mr. Phillips also sold house and lands in Dorchester to William Robinson, in 1651. He lived in Leeds's Lane, now Savin Hill Avenue, and sold his place to jNIr. Gurnsey. George Phillips was among the earliest settlers. He removed to Windsor. Widow Purchase, grantee of four acres in 1633, and proprietor of Dorchester Neck in 1637; proba- bly mother of Oliver Purchase, who was admitted freeman and church member in 1636. O. Purchase sold his property at Dorchester and removed to Lynn, which he represented many years from 1660. Wil- liam Purchase was also in Dorchester early. Andrew Pitcher, grantee in 1634, '37 and '47. Freeman and church member in 1641. By his wife Margaret, he had children — John ; Experience, baptized Sept. 25, 1642; Mary, baptized November 25, 1644, and married Mr. Mills; lluth, baptized July 25, 1647; Samuel, baptized April 18, 1652; and Nathaniel. Experience married Joseph, son of Edward Bugbee, of Roxbury. ]Mr. Pitcher was a farmer, and lived, the latter part of his life, in wliat is now Milton. He died Feb. 19, 1660. His grand- son, Andrew, born in Dorchester, 1685 — graduated HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 73 at Harvard, 1703 — settled in the ministry at Sci- tuatc, Mass., and died Sept. 27, 1723. George Proctor, grantee in 1634, '37 and '56. Town bailiff in 1642. His wife was Edith. His children were — Sarah and Mary, who probably came with their parents; Abigail, born August 24:, 1637, married Joseph Lowell, of Boston, March 8, 1659; Thomas ; Samuel, born November 8, 1640. Sarah married Thomas Trott. Mr. Proctor died 29 (11), 1661. After his decease his widow removed to Bos- ton, and undoubtedly lived with her son Samuel, who settled there. Mr. Proctor's residence appears to have been on the north-east side of Meeting-house Hill, on or near the spot where Samuel Downer, Jr. now resides. After Mrs. Proctor removed to Boston, it was sold to David Jones, then to John Beighton. Humphrey Pinney came from Somersetshire, Eng., 1630, in the Mary and John. Grantee of land in 1633; moved to Windsor in 1635. His residence in Windsor w as about one mile north of the present congregational church, adjoining Mr. Gaylord — his old well is still in existence. He married Mary Hull, probably daughter of George Hull. He died Aug. 20, 1683. She died August 18, 1684. Had children — 1st, Samuel, born in Dorchester, who went to Windsor with his parents, and married Joyce Bissell, Nov. 17, 1665 — they had three children. 2d. Nathaniel, born December, 1640, married Sarah Phelps, widow of Samuel Phelps, son of William. She was daughter of Edward Griswold. They had two children. He died August 7, 1676. She died Nov. 6, 1715. 3d. Mary, born June 16, 1644, mar- 7 74 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. ried Abraham Phelps, son of George ; had children. She died July 2, 1725. He died Jan. 28, 1728, aged 85. 4th. Sarah, born Dec. 3, 1648 ; married William, son of Wm. Phelps, as his second wife, Dec. 20, 1676; left no children. 5th. John, born October 19, 1651; died in Windsor, 1697. 6th. Abigail, born November 26, 1654; married John Addoms (or Adams), Dec. 6th, 1667 — had children. 7th. Isaac, born Feb. 24, 1663; married Sarah Clarke ; had seven children. John Pope, grantee of land in 1634, '47 and '56 ; one of the first signers of Church in 1636. There appear to be matters relating to his name which are not reconcilable, unless there were two of the name and generation. The first wife of his, we know of, is Jane. They had a son John, born June 30, 1635 ; Nathan, born and died in 1641. Thomas, son of John and Alice, born December 27, 1643. There was a Jane Pope, of Dorchester, w^ho died the latter part of 1662, or early in 1663, who left a daughter Patience, the wife of Edward Blake. There was a Margaret, wife of John Pope, died October 20, 1672, aged about 74 years, buried in Dorchester burying ground. John Pope, sen., died October 19, 1686 ; left a widow Margaret, who administered on his estate. There was a John Pope who was a roguish fellow, and was arraigned before the General Court, which resulted as follows, 30 (2) 1640: "John Pope, for his unchast attempt upon a girle, and dalliance w"* maydes, and rebellios, or stubborn carriage against his master, was censured to bee severely whiped." This could not have been our John ; his HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 75 respectability and character forbid it ; so do the character and habits of his numerous descendants. He was a shoemaker by trade, and was more likely to be hard at work on his bench, than dallying " with maydes." Richard Poi3e. There appears to have been a person here by that name, in 1635, probably not long after. Farmer says he was brother of Joseph, one of the early settlers of Salem. El tweed Pomeroy, proprietor in 1633, and first Selectman in 1633. Removed to Windsor. Mr. Pincheon, mentioned in the list, is the very respectable William, of Roxbury, who was among the founders of that place, and one of the most im- portant settlers of Springfield. The following letter was written by him from the latter place. Springfield, the 2 of y*' 4"^ m. 1645. M"" Wintrop my best respect rembred the occasion of this letter is in y^ behalf of one Mary LeAvis the bearer hereof who hath dwelt w^^ my sonn Smith sundry yeres : & she was seruant to me in dorchester before she came to my son : she came to me for Councill in a difficult case & I aduised her to make a iourney to you on purpose for Counsell : she was maried in wales to a papist that vsed her extreme badly : and at last her husband went from her & she hath not herd of him thes many yeres & she would take aduise whether if god giue her a good opportunity she may not marry againe : I asked her if she were free from all intanglemente she saith she is and that she will kepe her so till she haue liberty granted her to marry by y" magis- trates : therefore I intreate you so to Consult about her case that she may be eather fully set at liberty or smith tyed from mariage and not left in doubtful! susperirce as now she is. 76 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. I haue y^ testimony of one Alexander Edwards who is a member of our Church this 2*' of y® 4. m. 1645. Alexander Edwards^ doth testifie that when he liued in wales w'''' was about 5. y. since, he knew Mary Lewis re- sorting often to JVP wroths ministry where he also was a herer : he saith that he knew her cominge often thither for about 2. y. space : and in that space she did often com- plaine y' her husband was dpted from her, and that she could not tell where to find him, & she did vse means in inquier him out : when she could here no tidinge of him she was aduised by some to come for N. E. & when she p''par- ed to come for N. E. Alexander Edwards saith he mett her at Bristro [Bristol ?] and y' she intended to come in y" same ship he did : But some that herd how her conditi. was aduised her to returne againe & to sek vp her husband or else to aduise w"' M"" wroth what she might do in the Case : accordingly she returned back to inquire after her husband and to take further adnice in y*^ Case : so she lost her pas- sage in that ship that he came in but yet she came into N. E. y'' same yeare in another ship about 6 weeks after so* that now it is full 7 y. since her husband left her. Alexander Edwards also saith that he often heard her say in wales that her husband was a Ranke papist and his 2 sisters and that she liued in continuall danger of her life for he did often threaten to do her mischiefe if she would not be a papist and do as he did, or else dept from him : and in this regard he saith that IVP wroth & diucrs other godly people did much pitty her case. Mary Lewis also saith that M"" wroth intreated M"" Erbu- ry to write to M' Blindman in her behalfe to desyer him to ps her as a sister and to see her placed in some godly family : if M'' Blindman can rember this passage of M"" Erburies letter it were euidence that she left y* land & so * "The Oath of Aleagence " was admiiiisiered by Major Pynchon to several of the inhabitants of Northampton, Mass., February 8, 1(>78, among whom was Alexan- der Edwards. He died in N. Sept. 4th, 1690.— ^See N. E. Hist, and Gen. Regislei; vol. iii. p. 400 ; vol. iv. p. 26. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 77 all hopes to find her husband w''' Counsell and aduise of godly ministers : What further testimony she can pduce to proue that her husband hath left her for many yeares it is like she will search further : one of her witnesses is not at home in our Towne at this time : So not doubtinge but you will dispat';'h her & send her home w"* such aduise as you conceive well be according to god. The Case of Galeasyns I doe often rember : and I thinke is such a case it is lawfuU to giue liberty for a 2^* mariage : but what to aduise in this case I rather choose to leave it to you and such magistrates as you think mete to decide y*" Case w^'^all : and so I rest yr euer assurred louing ffriene Pynchon. The howse of deputies desu-e o"" hono'^d Mag^'^ to make choyce of some of themselues to joyne w*** y*^ Speaker Majo"" Gibbons & Liften*^ Inncombe to Consider of M"" Pinchons Line and to returne theire thoughts of it to y*" Courte. Rob. Bridges. M*" Bradstreet & M"" Di — h are appointed to ioyne in this Courtte. Jo WiNTHROP : J) : Go : William Preston. He is in Mr. Savage's list. Came to New England in the Truelove, Capt. Gibbs, in September, 1635. His wife Marie came with him, also his children — Elizabeth, born in 1624; Sarah, born in 1627 ; Marie, in 1829 ; and Jo — , in 1632. Mr. Preston was probably the person of that name who was among the first settlers of New Haven. David Price. But little is known of him. Dr. 7* 78 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Harris has a Daniel also. These may be the same person. There was a Francis Price, Avho had a daughter Mary, baptized in Dorchester, July 12, 1702; son Gomel, baptized July 20, 1704. Jonas Humphrey, Jr., had a grand-daughter, Elizabeth Price. Francis Price lived where Mr. Poole lived previously. Edward Ila}Tnond was in Dorchester early; pro- bably in 1630. Did not remain long. Philip Rendall, or Pandall, was here in 1633; made freeman in 1634; called Goodman. He re- moved to Windsor. A daughter of his married George Phelps. Thomas Rawlins (Pollins). He appears to have came to Roxbury in 1630, and brought his wife Mary and five children with him, viz., Thomas. Mary, Joan, Nathaniel and John. His wife Mary died in 1639. He married his second wife, widow Sarah Murdoch, of Roxbury, in 1656. He was in Dorchester in 1634 ; may have been here before, but attended the Poxbury meeting on account of being near that place. He removed from Dorchester to Weymouth, and from the latter place to Scituate. He was in Scituate previous to 1646, and was that year one of the Conohasset partners. He bought Anthony Annable's lot in 1642. He died in Boston in 1660. He left a house in Boston to his son Thomas, and Nathaniel succeeded to his father's residence in Scituate. His daughter Mary married William Parker, of Scituate, in 1639. Joan married Ephraim Kempton, in 1645. Edward Rosseter, the Assistant, was elected by HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 79 the patentees in London, October, 1629, at the same time with Gov. Winthrop. Was of a good family in the west of England* He was one of the prin- cipal promoters of the formation of the Dorchester Company, which came in the Mary and John. He accompanied them, and left his home to avoid reli- gious persecution. He sat down at Dorchester with his companions, and attended to his official duties as member of the colonial government, until his death, October 23, 1630. After this event, the name often occurs in the court records and the town records, always as Mr. Rosseter — christian name being omitted. Mr. E-osseter and Mr. Stoughton are the largest grantees of land in 1633. Mr. Rosse- ter's farm made the bounds, at Squantum, of Dor- chester and Mt. Wollaston. This is supposed to refer to the son of the Assistant, who lived after- wards at Combe, in England. Dudley says of Ed- ward Rosseter, in his letter to the Countess of Lin- coln, he was " a godly man of good estate." One of the name lived where Mr. Howard afterwards resid- ed, and one of them owned a fish house near what is now Savin Hill. Hugh Rosseter, grantee of eight acres in Dor- chester, in 1635. Bray Rosseter, on the Windsor list, in 1636. William Rockwell, freeman in 1630. The first deacon with Mr. Gaylord of the Dorchester Church ; signed the first land grants of the plantation. Mov- ed to Connecticut. His wife (probably second) was * See Hutchinson. 80 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Susanna Chapin ; his children were — John, Ruth, Mary, Samuel, Joseph and Sarah. He had land granted him near what is now Savin Hill, June 27, 1636. By this it appears that he did not go to Windsor ^^■ith the first Company. Ilichard Rocket removed to Braintree, and had a son John born in 1641. His wife x\gnes died in 16J:3. There was a John, also, among the early set- tlers of Dorchester. Thomas Richards was in Dorchester early, remov- ed to Weymouth, and died there in 1650. His wife was named Welthean, and died at Boston in 1679. He is not probably the person of that name who joined the Ancient and Honorable Artillery, in 1648, and called Thomas Richards, Esq., of Boston. The following order was passed in Dorchester, Feb- ruary 1, 1634. " It is also ordered that there be a S^ sufficient cartway betwixt the rock and Mr. Rich- ards's house, or else go through his lot, according to a former order." In his will, dated 17th Decem- '^' ber, 1650, proved 28th Jan., 1650 — '51, he names sons — John, James, Samuel, Joseph and Benjamin ; and daughters — Mary, Ann, Alice and Hannah. Of his sons, James only had male issue — viz., Thomas, who married Joanna, and died Dec. 5, 1714, leaving two daughters, Joanna and Mary. This Thomas, * V therefore, grandson of the American ancestor, was ^ the last of the family, so far as the name is concerned. Thomas Sanford (called Goodman) was in Dor- chester in 1634 ; was admitted freeman 1637. He kept the cows of the plantation in 1635-37. Very possibly it was his widow who married Mr. William HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 81 Pyiiclion, of Roxbury, before his removal to Spring- field. — if so, she was widow Frances Smith at the time of her marriage with Sanford, for she had a son Henry Smith, who " was a godly wise young man, and removed to Agawam with his parents." The Roxbury church records say Mr. Pynchon, after the death of his wife, married Mrs. Frances Sanford, a grave matron of the church at Dorchester. Matthew Sension was in Dorchester in 1634 ; one of the keepers of the cows in 1637. He removed to Windsor, but not in the first company. John Smith. Born in Lancashire — had served abroad in the army as quarter-master, and retained this title all his life. He came early to Dorches- ter, where he became freeman and grantee of land in 1633, selectman in 163-4. He is supposed to have returned to England for his family, as Mr. Mather makes mention of him and his family as fellow passengers in the James in 1635. He had been a parishioner of Mr. Mather at Toxtelle before coming over, and may have infiuenced that gentle- man to prefer the Dorchester invitation. Mr. Smith was a brewer, and had a malt-house in Dorchester. He filled various offices in the town, and frequently for the space of twenty years was employed to run out lots. Mr. Smith and Mr. Clemment were a com- mittee to erect a pillar over Mr. Mather's grave. He lived to old age, and died in 1678. Lawrence Smith, of Dorchester, was probably his son. His daughter Mary married Nathaniel Glover, and after his de- cease she married Gov. Thomas Hinckley. The late Judge John Davis remarked that he had 82 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. seen a manuscript of the Rev. Thomas Prince, who was a descendant of Gov. Hinckley, in which Mrs. Hinckley is represented as an elegant, excellent and accomplished woman. Henry Smith was here in 1634. He was the son of Mrs. Sanford, who married Mr. Pinchon of Rox- bury, and was the " godly wise young man." He removed to Springfield. George Strange was in Dorchester in 1634, and removed to Hingham. Capt. Southcote. This name is twice mentioned in the memoirs of Capt. Roger Clap. He says, " I went to live with a worthy gentleman, Mr. William Southcoat, about three miles from Exeter " (Devon). Again he says, " On first landing in Charles river, I was one of the sentinels — our captain a low- countryman soldier, one Mr. Southcoat." Winthrop says, " June 27, 1631, there came to the governor Capt. Southcote of Dorchester, and brought letters," &c. In July, 1631, the Colony Records state, " The Court grant liberty to Capt. Southcote to go to Eng- land, he promising to return with all convenient speed," which latter condition he did not probably comply with, for the Dorchester Records, Dec. 1632, state that " lands that were Southcote's " were granted to Horseford and others. Thomas and Richard Southcoat, both with the title of Mr., applied for freemanship, Oct. 1630. They probably both belonged to the Dorchester Company, and came from the Western counties, but soon returned home, as no record is found again of them in New England. Thomas Southcoat, of Dor- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 83 Chester, Dorsets, was one of the original patentees of Massachusetts. Israel Stoiighton, said to have arrived with the first comers, the place of his nativity unknown. He first ajopears on the Dorchester Records as grantee of land, April, 1633 ; was admitted freeman, No- vember, 1633, and was chosen ensign of the Dorches- ter Band, then commanded by Capt. Mason. The position which he occupied in the affairs of the colony and the plantation, points him out as a man of superior intelligence and large property. He was doubtless a young man on his arrival, and most of his children were born in Dorchester. In his will, dated July, 1644, he makes provision for his mother, then residing in his family. On the division of town lands, his share and Mr. Rossiter's indicate these gentlemen as the largest adventurers residing in the Dorchester plantation. On the 3d of No- vember the plantation grants him leave to erect a mill at Neponset Falls, and leave to cut timber on their lands to build his mill, and permission to build a fish wear near the same. The first General Court by deputies, from eight towns, convened May, 1634» in which body Stoughton appears as deputy from Dorchester, and he then obtains from the Court con- firmation of all the mill grants he had received from Dorchester, upon condition of supporting a suffi- cient horse bridge over the river, and selling ale- wives at five shillings per thousand ; in pursuance of which grant he erected a corn mill at the Lower Mills, and there ground the first corn ever ground by water in New England. At the same Court 84 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 8toughton and Mr. Henry Wolcott obtained leave to look out farms for themselves, probably without the limits of the plantation. In September, 1634, the Court granted Mr. Stoughton one hundred and fifty acres of land eight or nine miles up the Neponset. At the September session Ludlow and Stoughton were appointed a committee to examine Gov. Win- throp's accounts. In January, 1635, Mr. Stough- ton, having given offence to the Governor and Assist- ants by publishing a pamphlet denying them some of the powers they claimed, was adjudged disabled from holding any public office for three years, and the Dorchester people petitioned the Court without success for a remission of the sentence. In 1635-6 he was much engaged in the Connecticut enterprise ; but the Court became reconciled in 1636, and he was again a member that year. Said to have been an active opponent of the Antinomian heresy, which assisted the remission of his disability. At the election of the Governor and Assistants, May, 1637, when the Vane party was defeated, vStoughton was chosen Assistant, and his popularity was such that he was elected by the Court, over two other candi- dates, to command the Pequod expedition. He may have been selected for this place to act in conjunc- tion with his old military teacher, Capt. Mason, already in command of the Connecticut troops in the Pequod country. Stoughton and his forces were hospitably received by Roger "Williams at Provi- dence, and derived much benefit from his advice and experience in Indian affairs. Stoughton arrived soon after the decisive battle at Mystic fort, and HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 85 nearly completed the destruction of the Peqiiod tribe. He here encountered fire-arms for the first time in the hands of Indians. The Colonial Government proclaimed a thanksgiving, and Stoughtou and his troops returned home in triumph. In consideration of his services in this war, the town relinquished his rate for one year. Col. Stoughton and his wife were among the first signers of the Church Covenant in 1636. He was always of the rigid Puritan school. He perhaps officiated sometimes as an officer of the church. Lechford, in 1637, mentions Stoughton as assisting in administering a church censure at Dor- chester. He was a member of the spiod which tried Mrs. Ann Hutchinson, in 1637. In 1639 he served with Gov. Endicott in running the Old Colony line, and the same year assisted in preparing the general iav/s of the colony. In 16-1:1 he served as commissioner to administer the government of New Hampshire. Col. Stoughton went to England about his own affairs in 1643, on which occasion he became inti- mate with some of the leaders of the Revolution, and determined to devote his services to the Parlia- mentary cause. He returned home and prepared for his purpose, and persuaded sundry others to em- bark in the same undertakin£:. He was acrain in London in July, 164-4, when he made his will. He served as lieutenant-colonel under Rainsboro', until his death, which occurred at Lincoln in 1645. He left three hundred acres of land to the College. He mentions three sons and two daughters in his will — Israel (died early) ; John (born about 1638, lost at sea 1647); and William, afterwards Governor of the 8 86 H ISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Province. Hannah married James Minotinl653; and Rebecca (bap. Aug, 1641) married Taylor, of Boston, father of Lt. Gov. William Taylor. One daughter married Danforth, one Nelson, and one * Tucker. Thomas Stoughton, one of the early settlers of Dorchester, freeman in 1631. Mentioned in Colony Records, March, 1631, as a constable or bailiff of Dorchester, and was fined five pounds for undertak- ing to marry a couple. Was an emigrant to Wind- sor, and member of the first court held in the River Colony in 1637. Descendants numerous in Connec- ticut and New York. He is called Ancient in the list, which signified Ensign. He was a brotlier of Israel Stoughton. William Sumner, with Mary his wife, came from Burcester, Oxford county, England. Was made a freeman in 1637. Their children, William, Roger and GJeorge, probably came wdth them. Samuel, born in Dorchester, May 18, 1638 ; Increase, Feb- ruary 23, 1642 ; Joan, who married a Mr. Way (probably Aaron); Abigail, died 19(12) 1657; Mary, married Nicholas Howe, 19 (11) 1671. Mr. Sumner was a very respectable man, and was a representa- tive to the General Court thirteen years. He died 1688. His wife died June 7, 1676. Thomas Swift was in Dorchester in 1634 ; free- man May 6, 1635, He was an enterprising man, and a quarter-master in troublesome times ; a mem- ber of Mr. Warham's church ; a maltster by trade. His wife was Elizabeth. Their children were — Thomas, born June 17, 1635, married Elizabeth Vose HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 87 in 1657, and Sarah Clapp in 1676 ; Obadiali, born July 16, 1638; Elizabeth, bom February 26, 1640; Ruth, Aug. 24:, 1643 — married William Greenough, of Boston, Oct. 10, 1660; Joan, married John Ba- ker, of Boston, Nov. 5, 1657. He died May 4, 1675. His wife died January 26, 1677. By his will it appears that William Sumner and John Ca- pon are his brothers in law. Joshua Talbot. Since the list was made out, we are satisfied there was no such person in town. Mr. Stephen Terry was in Dorchester in 1630, and was a man of some distinction. He removed to Windsor. It appears from the Windsor records that he was married in Dorchester, and that his daughter Mary was born there, December 31, 1633. The rest Avere born in Windsor — John, March 6, 1637 ; Elizabeth, January 4, 1641 ; Abigail, Sep- tember 21, 1646. John Tilley, it is supposed, came here in 1630; was a grantee of four acres at Neponset Neck, and a highway laid out for him and William Lovell in 1633. A freeman in 1635. He may have been the person at Cape Ann before Conant. Clap says he was killed by the Pequods in 1637. From the records it appears he had a brother in Boston ; but his name does not appear. Thomas Tileston, grantee of land 1634, and often afterwards; freeman 1636; died June 24, 1694, aged 83. He appears to have been an enterprising and useful man. His wife was Elizabeth. His chil- dren were— Timothy, born 1636; Onisephorus, born 1651; Cornelius, who died 20 (5) 1659; Elizabeth, 88 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. born 1639; Naomi; Ruth; Bathslieba, born 1649. Elizabeth died unmarried ; Naomi probably died young- ; Ruth married, when she was quite young, Richard Denton. He lived but a short time ; then she married Timothy Foster, who came from Scitu- ate. Eathsheba married John Payson, of Roxbury. Timothy owned one half of the tide mill, in Mill street, in 1697. It has been in the family to this day. It was built by Edward Breck, who sold it to William Robinson, and Robinson to Tileston. Oni- sephorus succeeded to his father's estate. Thomas Thornton was among the earliest settlers, probably as early as 1630. He, with Thomas San- ford, kept the cows for the town in 1635. He re- moved to Windsor. This was not the Thomas Thornton who was one of the ejected clergy, and was minister at Yarmouth about 1663 to 1673. Francis Tuthill, or Tuchell, was in Dorchester in 1634. It is supposed the name is now Twitchell. Nicolas Upsall. A freeman May 15, 1631 ; gran- tee of land 1633; bailiff and rater 1634; licensed inn-keeper 1636, 1637 and 1638 ; selectman in 1638 and '42 ; an original member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company in 1637. Tie moved to Boston (see Hutchinson, vol. i., p. 199) and joined the church there 28 (5) 1644. His wife was Doro- thy. His children were — Anna, born February, 1635 ; Elizabeth, February, 1637, married William Greenough, July 4, 1652; Susanna, born 7(12) 1639, married Joseph Cock Nov. 10, 1659; Experience, born 19 (1) 1640, died Aug. 2, 1659. The town re- cords say — "June 27, 1636," "It is ordered that HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 89 Nicholas Upsal shall keep a house of entertainment for strangers." Mr. Upsal died in 1677, aged 70. His wife died Sept. 18, 1675, aged 73 years. They were both buried in Copp's Hill grave-yard. In 1656, the General Court fined Mr. Upsal £20 and imprisoned him, for his countenancing and befriending Quakers. In 1661, "on occasion of his drawing many Quakers & others affected to that sect thither" [to the place of his imprisonment], he is removed to Castle Island, " there to remain vpon his own charge." His wife petitioned for his release soon after, upon which the court ordered that he " be moued ovt of prison forthwith to ye house of John Capen, in Dorchester, and there be confined a prisoner vntil ye latter end of ye 8th moneth next." How long his confinement lasted we cannot state, but the next year, 1662, the court record recites, " Nicholas Vpshall being formerly sentenced to per- petual Imprisonment, & obteyning a Reprivall, hath greatly abused their lenity, doe therefore Order him to be Confined again to ye house of John Capen." By " a reprivall " we are to understand banishment ; for he was sentenced to remain in prison until the fine was paid, or if he would not pay it, his effects were ordered to be seized by the marshal ; but, they say, " ye fine being paid, he shall depart this Juris- diction within one moneth, and not returne Vnder ye poenalty of Imprisonment," &c. In that rare book, " Persecutors MauFd with their own Weapons," is this passage. " Nicholas TJpshall^ an old Man full of years, see- ing their [the authorities of Boston] Cruelty to the 8* 90 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. harmless Quakers^ & that they had condemned some of them to dye, both he «& elder Wisewell, or other- wise Deacon Wiseivell, Members of the Church in Boston, bore their Testimonies in publick against their brethrens horid Cruelty to the said Quakei'S. And the said UpshaU declared, That he did look at it as a sad fore-runner of some heavi/ Judgment to follow upon the Country ; Which they took so ill at his hands, that they fined him Twenty pounds, & three Pound more at another of their Courts, for not com- ing to their Meeting, & would not abate him one Orote, but imprisoned him and then banished him on pain of Death, which was done in a time of such extream bitter weather for Frost, Snow and Cold, that had not the Heathen Indians in the Wilderness Woods taken compassion on his Misery, for the winter season, he in all likelihood had perished, though he had then in Boston a good Estate in houses & Land, Goods & Money, as also AVife & Children, but not suffered to come unto him, nor he to them." — p. 41. John Warham, one of the ministers accompany- ing the West Country Company in the Mary and John, in IGi^O. Had been ordained by a bishop, and settled at Exeter, Devon, and came recommended by Mr. White. (See letters from George Cradock.) Nonconformity doubtless occasioned his desire to emigrate, and his example, as much as his precept, greatly aided the decision of others. After spend- ing nearly six years in Dorchester, he went with a large portion of his church to Windsor, where he preached thirty-fom* years, mi til his death in 1610. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 91 Gov. Winthrop speaks of the death of Mrs. War- ham in December, 1684:.* Henry Way arrived from Bristol in company with Roger Williams, February 8, 1681, in the Lyon, Capt. Pierce. He lost a son overboard on the pas- sage. Was named with the first recorded grantees of land in Dorchester, 1683. His three sons born in England, George, Hichard and Aaron, lived in Dor- chester. By the church record it appears he lived where " Capt. Breck's cyder mills " afterwards stood. He died in 1667, aged 84 years. His wife Eliza- beth died 23 (•!) 1665, aged 8-1. Bray Wilkins was born in 1610. It appears that he came from Lynn to Dorchester. In 1638, Mr. Wilkins had liberty from the General Court " to set up a house and keepe a ferry over Naponset Ry- ver and to have a penny a person, to bee directed by Mr. Stoughton and Mr. Glover." This ancient ferry was from the ridge in Quincy to Sling Point in Dorchester, about half way between Neponset and Granite bridges, some remains of which may be now seen. John Wilkins, baptized in Dorchester in 1642, was undoubtedly his son. Lydia, probably his daughter, born in 1644, married Mr. Mills. Mr. Wilkins removed from Dorchester to Salem as early as 1654, and with John Gingle purchased Mr. Bel- lingham's farm. He owned land in Dorchester as late as 1676, and sold some of his property that year to Joshua Henshaw. When in Dorchester, he lived in the place afterward occupied by Eben'r Williams, and near the present residence of Richard Clapp. * See Mather's Maarnalia. 92 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Roger "Williams was one of the earliest settlers of Dorchester. He requested to be made freeman Oc- tober 19, 1630. He went to AVindsor probably in 1635. From there he appears to have removed to Boston. He was one of the selectmen of Dorches- ter in 1635 ; joined the Ancient and Honorable Ar- tillery Company in 1647. He married Lydia, the daughter of James Bates, of Dorchester. His fami- ly appear to have remained at Dorchester while he was roving about. Nathaniel Williams, probably his son, was baptized February 6, 1640. Ebenezer, his son, was born January, 1649, and was baptized by Mr. Mather. Roger and Ebenezer were the an- cestors of Lieut. Gov. Samuel T. Armstrong, through his mother. David Wilton probably came in 1633, and re- moved to Windsor or Northampton, and perhaps both. Henry Wolcott came in the Mary and John in 1630, with four sons and two daughters. He was from Tolland, Somerset County, and a man of supe- rior abilities and good estate. He was grantee of lands in Dorchester in April, 1633, and probably before. He was selectman in 1634. In May, 1634, the General Court granted to Wolcott and Stough- ton the privilege of selecting farms for themselves. Wolcott embarked early in the Connecticut pro- ject, and removed, in 1636, with his family to Wind- sor. He and his descendants have ever since been prominent citizens of Connecticut. He died in 1655, aged 78 years. Henry Wright's wife was Elizabeth. They had HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 93 a daughter Mary born in Dorchester, April, 1635 ; a son Samuel, February 14, 1636. He received a division of the Neck lands in 1637. John Whitfield should be Witchfield. Was in Dorchester probably about 1630, and removed to Windsor. CHAPTER yill. Addilional Settlers previous to 1636. In addition to the names in the preceding chap- ter, other individuals were in the town previous to 1636. The following, with brief notices respecting them, are all we have been able to obtain. John Crab came to Dorchester Avith the first set- tlers, and afterwards removed to Connecticut. John Gaylord, or Gallard. Prince, in his Annals, mentions Gaylord as being in Dorchester in 1632. Nathaniel Gillet came to Dorchester with Messrs. Maverick and Warham in 1630. He was admitted freeman in 1634, and removed to Windsor in 1635. Elizabeth Gillet joined the church at Dorchester, 29 (8) 1641. Thomas Gunn was one of the early settlers of Dorchester, and removed to Windsor. William Hayden came to Dorchester in 1630, became freeman in 1634, removed to Hartford, and from there to Windsor in 1642, and from Windsor to Killingworth in 1664. His children were — Dan- iel, born Sept. 2, 1640, died March 22, 1713; Na- 94 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. tlianiel, born Feb. 2, 1643, died at Killingworth ; Mary, born June 6, 1648. William Hill was an early settler of Dorchester ; had a grant of land there Nov. 2, 1635. He re- moved to Windsor, bnt probably not with the first company. He may have been a brother of John Hill of Dorchester. Reynolds Jenkhis came to Dorchester in 1630, and was killed by an Indian at Cape Porpoise in 1632. Thomas Miller was in Dorchester early. He re- moved to Boston before 1665. Henry Moseley was in Dorchester in 1630; had a honse lot granted him in Dorchester, September, 1637. Farmer says he was in Brain tree in 1638. He joined the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company in 1643. Edward Breck, of Dorchester, sold a house and garden in Boston to his son Robert in 1654, which had formerly belonged to Henry Moseley. This renders it probable that he had lived at one time in Boston. It is probable that he was a relative, if not a brother, of John, who was in Dorchester in 1630. Henry had a son Samuel born in 1641, who is presumed to be the Captain Samuel who frequently served in the wars against the In- dians, and who was very inveterate against them. Moses Maverick was an early inhabitant of Dor- chester — a grantee of land in 1634. He may have been the Moses who was in Salem in 1634, and in Marblehead in 1648. Rev. -George Moxon was a member of the church in Dorchester in 1636; he was educated in Sydney HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 95 College, and was one of the ejected ministers. He was the first minister of Spring-field, Mass. ; he re- turned to England, and died there Sept. 15, 1687, aged 85 years. Roger Matthews was a grantee of land in Dor- chester, Feb. 10, 1634. By the church records it appears he lived in Dorchester and sold to Ebenezer Williams. He probably lived near the place Avhere Kichard Clapp now lives. Thomas Moore was one of the early settlers of Dorchester, and removed to Windsor. Richard Phelps was an early settler of Dorches- ter ; probably the father of George, Samuel, and William. Samuel Phelps came to Dorchester in 1630, and removed to Windsor. Robert Pierce came to Dorchester in 1630. He married Ann, the daughter of John Grenway. He died Jan. 11, 1664. His wife died Dec. 11, 1695, aged about 104 years. He had a daughter Debo- rah, born (12) 1639, died 15 (2) 1640. He left a son Thomas, who succeeded to his estate ; and a daughter Marv, who married Thomas Ha¥en-, of Deciliam. ' ^^'^l^ ■ Tradition points out the well on the banks of the river, about thirty rods northeast of the Neponset Railroad Station, in Dorchester, where Robert first settled. He afterwards built the house where Lewis Pierce, Esq., one of his descendants, now lives, on Adams street, and in whose possession some of the bread his ancestor Robert brought from England is still preserved. 96 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. William Poole came to Dorchester in 1630. Af- ter remaining- in Dorchester several years, he remov- ed to Taunton, but returned again to Dorchester in 1672. He was town clerk of Dorchester, and for many years a schoolmaster. He was highly esteem- ed by his cotemporaries, and spoken of in the records as a " sage, reverend, and pious man of (lod." It was probably his son Timothy, who Mr. Savage (1 Winthrop, 252) speaks of as being drown- ed at Taunton, Dec. 15, 1667. His sister, Elizabeth Poole, was a great patron and " virgin mother " of Taunton. His son Theophilus was baptized at Dorchester, 8 (4) 1660, he then being a member of the church at Taunton. He died Feb. 24:, 1674. Jane Poole, probably his widow, died 1690 or 1691, leaving children — John, Bethesda Filer and Pebecca Hench- man. The following is a copy of the epitaph on his tomb stone. " Ye Epitaph of William Pole which he hemself made while he was yet liuing in Remembrance of his own death & left it to be ingraven on his Tomb y^ so being dead he might warn poste- re^y or a resemblance of a dead man bespeaking ye reader. Ho passenger tis worth thy paines too stay . & take a dead mans lesson by ye way I was what now thou art & thou shall be what I am now wliat odds twix me & thee Now go thy way but stay take one word more Thy staff, for ought thou knowest, stands next y^ dore Death is ye dore yea dore of heaven or hell Be warnd, Be armed Beliue Repent Fariewell." Pichard Pope was in Dorchester about 1635, but did not remain long after. Farmer says he was a brother of Joseph, one of the early settlers of Salem. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 97 Oliver Purchase probably came to Dorchester with those who arrived from Weymouth, Eng., in July, 1633. He removed from Dorchester to Lynn, which town he represented in the General Court 13 years, between 1660 and 1690. He was elected, but declined the office of Assistant in 1685. It is sup- posed he "removed to Concord in 1691, and died there Nov. 20, 1701, aged 88. According to one of the Church Records, one of the Mr. Purchases lived where John Capen after- wards lived. William Purchase was an early settler of Dor- chester, and a grantee of land February, 1635 ; pro- bably a brother of Oliver. There was a Widow Purchase in Dorchester, who had sixteen acres of land granted by the Town, Jan. -l, 1635, and a divi- sion of the Neck lands in 1637. Slie may have been the mother of Oliver and John. A Hannah Pur- chase was baptized in Dorchester, March 12, 16-40. ■4v Edward Rainsford, a brother of Lord Chief Jus- tice Rainsford, came to Dorchester in 1633 ; made freeman in 1637; removed to Boston, and became an Elder in the Church^ there. Rainsford' s Island, in Boston Harbor, undoubtedly was named for him. Abraham Randall came to Dorchester in 1630, and removed to Windsor. Edward Raymond came to Dorchester in 1630. He was here in liJ6'2, but did not remain long. Mr. Russell was in Dorchester early, but did not remain long. His Christian name not ascertained. John Rocket was here probably previous to 1636; possibly a brother of Richard, of Braintree. 9 9^8' HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Isaac Shelden was in Dorchester in 1634. He Amoved to Windsor as early as 1640, and from thence to Northampton. John Strong, a son of Richard, of Taunton, Eng- tandy same with *the first settlers, probably in the Mayy and John, His wife and infant chikl died soon after landing. In 1630 he married Abigail, daughter of Thomas Ford, at Dorchester. He re- moved to Hingham pretious to 1686. From Hing- hawi he removed to Taianton, and from thence to Xotthampton as early as 1659. He had seventeen children. His' sons also bad numerous children — viz., Thomas, fifteen; Jedediah, twelve; and Samuel, twelve ; «nd his grandson Jonathan had seventeen. He was the ancestor of Governor Caleb Strong. Elder John Strong died tat Narthampton in 1699, aged 94 years-. John Sougth died in Dorchester in 1635. Sylvester. Mr. Jones was granted twenty acres of land in January, 1636, in exchange for that which was Sylvester's. -J VvY^-'^^'-^i^^^^i'^ Voi^ came' in IS-SO, ancl removed to ^^ Windsor ; was probably a brother of Robert. Robert Vose. Traditiofi says he was brother to Richard.' In 1654 he purchased the farm which had been under the improvement of Mr. John Glover, of Mr. Glover s heirs, of about one hundred and seven- ty-six acres. He removed on to that farm,' and lived and died there, A part of the farm is- now in the possession of his descendants, the heirs of Col. Josiah H. Vose. The cellar in the forli of the road, opposite Aunt Sarah's brook, marks where the original bouse , HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 99 stood. He died Oct. 16, 1683, aged 84 years; his wife having died in October, 1675. His son Edward died Jan. 29, 1716, aged 80 years. Some of the land he had of Ms father, near the south foot of Brush Hill, is now in the possession of his descend.- ants, in the family of the late Jesse Vose. His son Thomas a])pears te have been a man of more than -ordinary standing for a common farmer, as the Towi;i Records, while he kept them, assumed a systematic form. The late Governor Robbins says he was a .man of much note in his day. He died April 3, • . , 1708, aged 67 years. His daughter Elizabeth marr^ : "' ried Thomas Swift, 9 (10) 1657. jShe died Jan. 15, 1675, leaving no childreiv His daughter Martha :^ ^ " married a Mr. Buckminster. She was a widow at ..^ -^ the death of her father, in 1683. i^ ^J ''"' Henry Vose, who had a daughter Elizabeth born '^ ^ ' ^ in Dorchester, 8 (6) 1661; and Ebenezer Vose, ^ /, whose death is recorded in the Milton Records as ~ "^ having taken place in 1716, aged 80, are both sup- posed to be sons of Robert. Robert Winchell was in Dordiester in 1635, and removed to AVindspr. He had children =^ Phcebe, baptized March 29, 1638 ; Mary, Sept. 5, 1641 ; David, Oct. 22, 1643; Joseph, April 5, 1646; Mai> tha, June 18, 1648; Benjamin, July 11, 1652. Mr. >yinchell died Jaw. 21, 166^7. George Way, supposed to be ;a son of Henry. He received a ^wX of the Neck lands in 1637. ^ Edward AYhite came from B],•a^brook, in Kqut, to Dorchester, with his wife Martha and two daug^i- ters, in the Abigail HopeweU, from London, i^ 100 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 1635. Mr. White was born in 1593, his wife in 1596; his daughter Martha in 1625, and Mary in 1627. His son James joined the church in 1662. He married Sarah Baker, a daughter of Richard, 22 (12) 1664; died Nov. 11, 1713. John Whitcomb came to Dorchester early, al- though possibly not previous to 1635. It is sup- posed that he came from Dorchester, England, and was the son of Simon, who was chosen one of the Assistants in England, but never came to this coun- try. Ele removed to Scituate as early as 1640, where he owned a large farm near North Kiver. He sold his farm to Thomas Hicks. He removed to Lancaster, and died there Sept. 24, 1662. His chil- dren were — Katharine, who married llodolphus Ellms, of Scituate, in 1644, and left a large po&te- rity ; John removed to Lancaster with his father ; Robert remained at Scituate ; James settled in Bos- ton, and owned the land where the Tremont House now stands. It is supposed that James favored the cause of Gov. Sir Edmund Andros, when he was at the head of the government, and that he subse- quently left the country for England. CHAPTER IX. .Second Emigratiun fiom England. In 163a, there arrived in Massachusetts many ^ships with passengers from England, and the Dor- (chester Plantation attracted its full share of thera. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. iO-1 jBesides those who -came with Mr. Mather, in the /James, from Bristol, in 1635, the names of Dorches^ ter settlers are found in four other vessels from Lon- don the same year (see Savage's Gleanings, Massa- chusetts Historical Collections). These arrivals greatly promoted the Connecticut movement, by furnishing- purchasers for the im- provements of those intending to migrate. And the same year that -deprived the Town of many of her most valued inhabitants, furnished accessions to ,the population of a more permanent charaqter. New : names continue to appear upon the records until 16-iO, .whQH the pplitical changes in tjie mother r country arrested the tide of emigration. The following may be regarded as a near approach to a correct list of the second emigration from Eu- rope, which occurred about the tiipe of I^y. Miither's arrival and settlement. Humphrey Atherton ;Richard Evans George Aldridge Patience Foster and son ) Richard Baker Hopestill ) iJames Bates Barnabas 'Fewer .William Blajce /John Farnham Nehemiah Bourne Joseph Farnsworth •Edward .j&i€-ck iBenjamin Fenn .Jonathan Burr Robert Fuller Nicholas Butler John Gill Thomas Bird John Gilbert Robert BadcocJ: John Gornhill Roger Billings Thomas Hawkins Edward Bullock Richard Hawes William Barber Jeremy Houchin Clarke Robert Howard William Clarke Jonas Humphries Edward Clap Nathaniel Holder Nicholas Clap Thomas Jones Thomas Dickerman Edward Johnson Thomas Davenport John Kinsley 1102 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. .— — Thomas Kinnersley A/AT»,.'-/f'».y' David Selleck ^.^-^ Thomas Lake Clement ToplifF Thomas Lambert Thomas Tohnan ,, ^William Lane William Trescott Eichard Leeds .Ralph Tompkins Thomas Lewis Jeffry Turner Richard Lippincott James Trowbridge ■«. Richard Mather Thomas Trott ^^,„.^Thomas Makepeace Thomas Treadwell Ambrose Martin Nathaniel Wales Jno. Maudesley George Weekes Thomas Miller John Wiswall Edmund Munnings Thomas Wiswall Goddman Mead Henry Withington Thomas Millett John Whitcomb Samuel Newman John Whipple >^ . Nathaniel Patten Michael Willis William Pond Theophilus Wilson William Preston Henry Woodward Daniel Price Richard Wright William Robinson Thomas Waterhouse William Read .Nicholas Wood. John Rigby Humphrey A thei'ton. The first oecurrence of his name on the Church Records is in 1636. Farmer ^ays he came from Lancashire, but gives no autho- rity for it. One of his descendants, Charles H. Atherton, says he arrived in Boston in the ship James, Capt. Taylor, August ^,1635, and states he was married when between fourteen and fifteen year« of age, hi« wife then being between thirteen and fourteen, and that they brought children M'ith them, but docs not .give any authority for the statement. No record by which his age could be ascertained lias ever been found ; but as he was admitted free- ;man, and was a grantee of the Neck lands, in 1637» ■he must have arrived at his majority at that time. He early showed a decided taste for military -affeirs, and soon became a member of the Ancient 'HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 103 and Honorable Artillery Company, wac its captain from 1650 to 1658, and commenced the first train band formed in .Dorchester in 1644. He command- ed the Suffolk Regiment, with the title of JNIa- jor General, and was the chief military officer in New England. He served many years as Selectman and Town Treasurer, and was deputy to the General Court in 1638 and '41. In 1659 he was chosen Speaker while he represented the town of Spring- field (inhabitancy not then being requisite fer a dej^uty). He Avas afterwards an Assistant. He was much respected for his religious charaC' ter and public spirit, , and often employed by the colonial government in civil and military afiairs. He had great experience and skill in the treatment of the Indians, with whom his public duties brought him in frequent contact He manifested much humanity and sympathy for their ignorant and de- . graded condition, but exercised :^reat , energy and decision of character when necessar}'. His efforts to instruct them were referred to in the New Eng- Tand Confederation, and Eliot applied to him in behalf of the Neponset tribe. He assisted Lieut. vClap in laying out for them a tract of land at Pun- kapog, not exceeding six thousand acres. In 16414 'he was sent, with Captains Johnson and Cooke, to Narraganset, to arrest and i try Samuel Gorton for 'heresy. It is hoped that Gorton's complaint of his vtreatment on his way to Boston is exaggerated ; for :he says, in passing through Dorchester, a large con- course of persoBS assembled, with several ministers, J to witness the passage of the troops,;and that the 104 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. prisoners were stationed apart, and volleys of mus- ketry fired over their heads as a token ■ of victory. He was employed in several expeditions against the Narraganset Indians ; and when they became tributary to Massachusetts, he was several times eentto collect the tribute of wampum. He and Ed- ward Tomlinss were sent to treat with Miantinomo, a sachem of the Narragansets, and questioned him on the Ten Commandments. In 1645 the commissioners of the United Colo- nies appointed a council of war, and placed Capt. Standish at its head. Mason, of Connecticut, 'Leverett and Atherton, erf Massachusetts, were his colleagues. Captain Johnson, ^.uthor of the Wonder-working Providence, speaks of Atherton as a lively, coura^ geous man, and say^, •" Altho he be slow of speech, yat is he doAVB right for the business, one of cheerful spirit, and intire for the country." His death occurred Sept. 16, 1661, by falling from his horse at the south part of Boston, and his character and station .are commemorated in the fol- lowing poetic effusion from his grave-stone. Here lyes ovr Captains,. & Maior of SvfFolk was withall ; A Godly Majistrale was he, and Maior Generall, [crave j Two Trovps of Hors with him heare came, svch worth his love did Ten Compaiiyes of .Foot also movrning marchl to his grave. Let all that Read be sure to keep the Faith as he has don. With Christ he lives now Crown'd, his name was Hvmpry Atherton. He lived on the south side of the way to the Calf Pasture, now Pond street, near where that stree-t intersects with the Turnpike. His children were r— s^ HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. lOo Jonathan; Rest, born 1639, married Obadiali SAvift, 15 (1) 1660-1; Increase, baptized 2 (11) 1641, died at sea ; Thankful, born 1644, married Thos. Bird of Dorchester, 2 (2) 1665 ; Hope, born 1646, was minister of Iladley ; Consider, married Ann Anibal, 19 (10) 1671; AVatching, born 1651, mar- ried Elizabeth Iligbee, Jan. 23, 1678; Patience, ^h^vT^ born 1654; Mary, married Joseph Weeks, 9 (7) k;*^ 1667. Charles II. says there was a Kathcrine, and that there were twelve children in all. Admin- istration was granted his oldest son Jonathan, and Timothy Mather, James Throwbridge and Obadiah Swift, three of his sons-in-law. His inventory was £900. Richard Baker joined the church in 1639 ; made freeman May 18, 1642 ; was one of the early grantees of lands ; one of the raters in 1647, '50 and '60 ; a Selectman in 1653 ; constable in 1663 ; was once chosen a ruling elder, but it does not appear that he accepted ; was a member of the Artillery Com- pany in 1658. He married Faith, the daughter of Elder Henry Withington (probably after his arrival in this country). He died Oct. 25, 1689. His wife died Feb. 3, 1689. He lived in the part of the town now known as Savin Hill, and was owner of a large real estate in Dorchester — a piece of which is nojv in possession of his descendants near his liQpiesteaip, at the place mentioned. His son John married Pre- served Trott, 11 (5) 1667. James died a bachelor, March 30, 1721, aged 69. Mary, born 27 (2) 1643, married Samuel Robinson. Thankfvil married Wil- liam Griggs. Hanaah, born 9(11) 1662, married 106 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. John Wiswell, May 6, 1685. Sarah, bom 12 (5) 1668, married James White. Elizabeth married Pratt, of AVeymouth. James Bate, or Bates, having the title of Mr. prefixed to his name, sailed in the Elizabeth, Capt. Stagg, from England, in April, 1635, with his wife Alice and several children. He is styled, in the list of passengers, husbandman. He was born in 1582, joined the church in 1636, was made freeman in 1636, a selectman in 1637, '38 and '51, and repre- sented Hingham in 1641. His son Richard lived in Sid Town Kent, Old England, and was named a 4dnd of trustee in his father s will. He had a son James, born in 1626, who lived in Dorchester, and settled his father's estate here, to account to his brother Richard in England for the same. Elis daughter Margaret, born 1623, married Christopher Oibson. Mary, born 1618, married Hopestill Foster. •Lydia, born 1615; James, 1626. He left the wife of Gabjiel Mead (v/hose namewas Johanna) *t'20. She •may have been a daughter. 'In his will he left Mr. Mather £20. He was probably a brother of Ed- 'ward Bates, who came in the same vessel and settled •at Weymouth — an ^. y« Burying Place, so y' swine and other vermine- ^-< -h '''^^ may not Anoy y" graues of y^ saints." Nehemiah Bourne and his wife Hannah were ad- mitted to the church in 1639. He -was a land- holder and a member of the Artillery Company in.^ 1638, and removed to Boston in- 1610. Having a taste for military affairs, he aceompanied Col.- Stoughton to England in 1644, and there became a major with Col. Stoughton in Hsinsboro's regi- ment in Cromwell's army. After the death of Stoughton he returned to Boston, where his family remained during his absence. He was in England again in 1655 and 1661. He was called by AVin- • throp a ship carpenter. He bought his house in Boston of Thomas Savage, Jr. His son Nehemiah was born in 1641. Edward Breck came from Ashton, Lancashire, England, probably with Mr. Mather, in 1635. He joined the church in 1636 ; made freeman in 1639 ; was a selectman in 1642, and for several years after- wards. He bought Mr. Burr s land in 1642. His wife (probably his second) was Isabell, tlie widow of 108 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. John Rigby. He lived on what is now called Adams street, very near where the Hon. John Howe since lived, and bnilt the mill on Smelt Brook Creek, now- known as the tide mill, or Tileston's mill. He is styled yeoman, and appears to have been a man of distinction. He died Nov. 2, 1662. His widow Isabell niarried Anthony Fisher^ of Roxbury, for her third husband, Nov. 14, 1663 — 'he being, at the time of the marriage, about 72 years of age. His children were — Robert, who was admitted freeman in 1649, settled in Boston, and lived near the new meeting-house ; John, born 1651, lived in DorchesteT, had the title of captain, and died Feb. 17, 1690; Mary, baptized 18 (6) 1638, married Samuel Pierce, 9 (11) 1666; Elizabeth, married John Minott ; Susannah, married Blake, and afterwards John Harris, March 20, 1674. Isabell Fisher^ as executrix, S'okl one half of the mill her former husband (Edward Breck) built, to Timothy Foster, in 1671, with land adjoining. Jonathan Burr was born at Redgrave, in Suffolk, and graduated at Corpus Christi College in 1623. He preached at Horning, in Suftblk, and for a while was rector of the church at Rcckingshall, where he was silenced. He then came to Dorchester with his wife and three children, and there signed the church covenant in December, 1639. He was invited to settle as colleague with Mr. Mather, but these gen- tlemen differing upon some points, a council of ten ministers and two magistrates was called in Feb- ruary, 1640, who, after a session of four days, reported that both Mr. Mather and JSIr. Burr had HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 109 cause for humility, aud advised a reconciliation. He was settled as colleague with Mr. Mather in Feb- ruary, 1640, and died August 9, 1641, aged 37 yrs. He was said to have been an excellent scholar and an eloquent divine, with a character above reproach. His children who came from England with him, were — Jonathan, who graduated at Harvard ; John and Simon. His daughter Mary was born soon after their arrival in this country. He probably lived upon the margin of Jones's Hill. His widow, Frances, married the Hon. Richard Dummer, and died at Newbury, Nov. 19, 1682, aged TO years. Nicholas Butler came from Eastwell, in Kent, and was styled yeoman. He embarked, with his wife, three children and five servants, at Sandwich, in the Hercules, June, 1637.* He joined the church and was made freeman March 14, 1638-9. He had a grant of land at Dorchester Neck in 16^7, and was proprietor in the great lots in 1647. The brook which crosses Cottage street was called Butler's Brook, from him. His wife's name was Joyce. In 1651, he deputed his son John his attorney, and went to Martha's Vineyard, where he died, leaving children. He sold his property in Dorchester to William Ware, in 1652. He owned land on Dun- can's Hill, now Spurr's or Codman's Hill. Thomas Bird was a member of the church in Dorchester in 1642; was bailiff in 1654. He was a tanner by occupation. His wife Ann died August * It is probable that those persons who entered as his servants, assum* ed that title to escape the vigilance of the pursuivants,— [See Savage'a Gleanings.] 10 110 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 20, 1673. He died June 8, 1667. His son Thomas was born July 4, 16-10 ; married Thankful, the daughter of Gen. Humphrey Atherton, May 2, 1665, and died January 3, 1709, aged 69. John, born April 11, 164:1, married Elizabeth, and died August 7,1632, aged 91. James, born 16-17; Sarah, bap- tized 12 (6) 1649, died 24 (2) 1669 ; Joseph, died 26 (7) 1665. Robert Babcock was in Dorchester as early as 1656. His son Nathaniel was born 14 (1) 1657-8; Caleb, 1660 ; Ebenezer, baptized 5 (5) 1663 ; Hopestill, 8 (9) 1663 ; Hannah, 28 (3) 1665. /\ He was an assessor in 1656. In March, 1669, he made an acknowledgment before the church in Dorchester, for taking up and divulging reports against the Rev. ^ Mr. Emerson. He lived in that part of Dorchester which is now Milton, and the lower part of the brook, now known as Aunt Sarah's Brook, is styled, in the old records, Robert Babcock's river. The apparently oldest record on the Milton Town Re- cords was made by him as recorder. .«u^*V>^^^?»V<~.,.. He had a brother George Babcock. 9"* "" Roger Billings joined the church in 1640, and was admitted freeman in 1643. With John Gill he bought a hundred acres of land from the top of Mil- ton Hill, northerly to the river, of the widow of Israel Stoughton, in 1656. He afterwards removed to Mr. Glover's farm, near Squantimi, where he died in 1683. His first wife was Mary, and by her he had a daughter Mary, born 10 (5) 1643, and proba- bly a son Joseph, whom he mentions in his will. By his second wife Hannah, he had — ^lary, baptiz- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Ill ed 23 (9) 1645, who married Samuel Belcher, 15 (10) 1663 ; Hannah, married John Penniman, 24 (12) 1664 ; Ebenezer and Samuel, baptized 26 (8) 1651 ; Roger, bom 18 (9) 1657 ; Elizabeth, 27 (8) 1659, probably married Nathaniel Wales ; Zipora, born 21 (3) 1662, died October 8, 1676 ; Jonathan, died January 14, 1677. His wife Hannah died 25 (3) Edward Bullock, husbandman, born in 1603, pro- bably in the county of Kent, embarked at Sand- wich in the Elizabeth, Capt. Stagg, April, 1635. He had a share in the Neck Lands in 1637. He returned to England in 1649, leaving a document with directions about his pjrojDerty in case he never returned (which he probably never intended to do), in which he says, " Having by the providence of God a calling and determination to go to England with all expedicon, and not knowing how the Lord of heaven and earth may dispose of me," &c. &c. He left directions and requests for Capt. Humphrey Atherton, Augustin Clemens (Clement), and George Weeks, his neighbors and friends, overseers of his property, which his wife was to have until his de- cease, then to go to his daughter-in-law Hannah Johnson. He lived at Fox Point. Had not re- turned from England in 1656. Nicholas Clap was a son of Kichard Clap, of Dor- chester, England, and was born in 1612. He was a cousin of Roger and Edward, and a brother of Thomas and John. It appears to have been through the influence of Capt. Roger that he came to this country. He held some of the most responsible offi- 112 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. ces in town, and was a deacon of the church. His iirst wife was Sarah, a sister of Roger and Edward ; his second, Abigail, widow of Robert Sharp. He died suddenly in his barn, Nov. 24, 1679. His chil- dren were — Sarah, born Dec, 31, 1637; Nathaniel, born Sept. 15, 1640, and died May 16, 1707; Ebe- nezer, born in 1643, and died in Milton, July 31, 1712; Hannah, born in 1646, and married Ebene- zer Strong, of Northampton — they were the great- grand-parents of Gov. Caleb Strong ; Noah, born July 15, 1667, died at Sudbury in 1753 ; and Sarah, born in 1670. Nearly all of the name now living in Dorchester, are descendants of Nicholas. After he had been dead one hundred and seventy years, his descendants erected a stone to his memory, with the following inscription. The Puritans are dead ! One venerable head Pillows below. His grave is with us seen, 'Neath Summer's gorgeous green And Autumn's golden sheen, And Winter's snow. In memory of DEACON NICHOLAS CLAP, One of the early setllers of Dorchester. He came to New England about 1633, and died Nov. 24, 1679, aged 67 years. His descendants, to whom he left the best of all patri- mony, the example of a benevolent, industrious and Christian lite, erect this stone to his memo- ry 170 years after his decease. His Piety, His constancy in virtue and in truth, These on tradition's tongue shall live : these shall From Sire to Son be handed down To latest time. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 113 Edward Clap was an elder brother of Capt. Ro- ger Clap. He was a man much esteemed by the town, and served in its most responsible offices. In the Church Records is the following account of his death. "The 8th day of the 11th mo., 1664, being the Sabbath day, Deacon Edward Clap departed this life and now resteth with the Lord, there to spend an eternal Sabbath with God and Christ in Heaven, after that he had faithfully served in the office of a Deacon for the space of about five or six and twenty years, and being the first Church officer that was taken away by death since the first joining together in covenant, which is now 28 years 4 mo. and odd days." He owned one half the mill called Clap's mill, situated in the north part of the town, a few rods north-east of the house of the late Preserved Baker, near the bend of the creek ; this mill was built by Mr. Bates. Edward Clap's first wife was Prudence; she died previous to 1656. His second was Susanna, who lived a widow about twenty-four years; she died June 16, 1688. One of his wives is supposed to have been the sister of Nicholas, Thomas and John. His children were as follows : — Elizabeth, born in 1634, married Elder James Blake, and died Jan. 16, 1694; Prudence, born Dec. 28, 1637, and married Simon Peck, of Hingham; Ezra, born May 22, 1640, and died Jan. 23, 1717. He was a benevolent and enterprising man. He built a corn mill in Milton about 1712, and "was very beneficent to the neibors." He was great-great grandfather to Rev. Geo. Putnam, D, D., of Roxbury, Nehemiah, born about Sept, 1646, died April 2» 10* 114 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 1684, and left one son, Edward, a little upwards of three years old, who appears to have grown up ra- ther a shiftless man ; a part of his time he was in the army in the expeditions against the Indians, and died in Sudbury, Dec. 3, 1733. — Susanna, born No- vember, 1648; Esther, bom July, 1656 — she marri- ed Samuel Strong, of Northampton ; — Abigail, born April 27, 1659, and died Jan. 3, 1660 ; Joshua, born May 12, 1661, and died May 22, 1662; Jonathan, born March 23, 1664, died May 30, 1664. There are few, if any, of Deacon Edward's descendants of the male line now living, but many of the female. Thomas Clark came to Dorchester in 1630. His wife's name was jNIary. His children were — Mehita- ble, born 18(2) 1640, who married Warren, of Boston ; Elizabeth, born 22 (3) 1642, married John Freak, and afterwards Elisha Hutchinson ; Sarah, born 21 (4) 1638 ; Jonathan, 1 (8) 1639. The biog- raphy of Mr. Clark would seem more properly to beloncT to Boston than to Dorchester annals ; but he o commenced his career in the latter place, and retain- ed his property and interest here until his death in 1680, and manifested his good will by bequeathing to the town of Dorchester £'20 for the poor. The farm, which he retained after his removal to Boston, Avas situated on the south side of Jones's Hill. No person in the Colony sustained a higher reputation for integrity and independence thaii Mr. Clark. He iirst appears on the Church Records in Dorchester in 1638, and the same year was made freeman. He was Selectman in '41 and '42. Mr. Danforth alludes to Mr. Clark's absence in England, HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 115 when his daughter Mehitable was presented for bap- tism in 1640, by his relative, Capt. Stoughton. Mr. Clark was a successful merchant. He removed his residence and business to Boston in 1644 or '45, in company with Gibson, Houchin, Duncan, Willis, Upsall, Farnham, and other Dorchester settlers, whose names may be seen as the founders of the Old North Society, in 1650. Clark's name is per- petuated in Boston by the name of a street near his house, and a wharf, at the north part of the city. He commanded the artillery company and the Suf- folk regiment in 1651, and the same year was chosen Deputy from Boston, and continued in that office eighteen years, five of which he was Speaker of the House. He was afterwards chosen Assistant for five years in succession. It should be mentioned to his honor, that in 1658, when the sanguinary law was passed condemning Quakers to death, he and one other requested that their dissent might be record- ed. When Charles II. sent over his Commissioners in 1665, and threatened to annul the Massachusetts Charter on account of their sympathy for the revo- lution, that instrument was taken from the public archives and placed in the hands of Major Clark and three others for safe keeping. He was sent, with Mr. Pynchon, to New York, in 1664, to repre- sent the Bay Colony at the transfer of Manhadoes from the Dutch to the English authorities. He left £1,500 for a hospital in case his two daughters should die childless, which did not occur. After Mr. Clark's removal to Boston, his wife was called before the church at Dorchester for l}dng 116 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. expressions against the General Court, and her re- proachful and slanderous tongue against the Go- vernor, &c. After going before the church two or three times, and not giving satisfaction, she was ex- communicated. When he removed to Boston, he sold to AVilliam Ware land in Dorchester, which "svas near the easterly end of Pond street. He pro- bably owned the house that stood near where Mr. Gardner's stable now stands, in Hancock street, and which is remembered by some of the present gene- ration. The Church Records say, Rev. " Mr. Flint bought of Mr. Clark." It was afterwards Lieut. Wis wall's. William Clark was in Dorchester as early as 1638, and the family tradition is, that he came in the Mary and John. By his wife, Sarah, he had born in Dorchester — Sarah, 21 (4) 1638; John, 1 (8) 1639; Nathaniel, 27 (11) 1641; Experience, 30(1)1643; William, 3(5)1656; Sarah, 19(1) 1658. Mr. Clark probably removed to Northamp- ton soon after the birth of his daughter Sarah, in 1658, and was representative from that town in 1663. Nathaniel Clark, of Boston, was a son of his. He also had a son Samuel, born at Northamp- ton. Mr. Clark died July 19, 1690, aged 91 years. Thomas Dickerman was in Dorchester as early as 1636. He probably came with Richard Mather; was a grantee of land in 1637 and in 1656; join- ed the church in 1637, and was admitted a free- man in March, 1638-9. By his wife, Ellen, he had a son Isaac, born in Dorchester, in 1637. After Mr. Dickerman's decease, 3 (11) 1657, his HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 117 widow married John Bullard, of Medfield, and sold the place formerly her husband's on Roxbury brook, to Jacob Hewins. His son Isaac removed to Con- necticut. Abraham Dickerman, who married Mary, the daughter of John Cook, 2 (10) 1658, was a son of Thomas. Thomas Davenport joined the church in 1640; was admitted freeman May 18, 1642. His children were — Thomas, who died before his father ; Sarah, born 28(10)1643, died May 10, 1679; Charles; Mary, bapti'zed 21 (11) 1648, married Samuel Max- field ; Mehitable, born 14 (12) 1656 ; Jonathan, born 6(1) 1658-9, married Hannah Manors, 1680 ; Ebe- nezer, born 26 (2) 1661, died Nov. 18, 1695 ; John, baptized 20 (9) 1664, and succeeded to his father s homestead, which was on what is now called Green street. His wife, Mary, died Oct. 4th, 1691. He died November, 1685. It is supposed that Thomas, senior, built the old mansion now standing on the north side of Green street. Richard Evans. Freeman May 10, 1()42. His wife was Mary . His children, born in Dor- chester, were — Mary, born 9 (11) 1640, married Nathaniel Bradley, 17 (5) 1666; Matthias, bom 11 (12) 1643, married Patience Mead, 1669; Joan- na, married Joshua Hemmenway, Jan. 16, 1667, and removed to Roxbury. Matthias was a carpenter, and sold his house and land in Dorchester to James Barbour, and removed to Medfield. Richard, who died in Dorchester March 10, 1728, aged about 86 years, was probably a son of Richard ; and Hannah, who married Samuel Hix in 1665, Avas probably a daughter. [Inventory, 11 (12) 166L] 118 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Hopestill Foster came from London in 1635, in the ship Elizabeth, Capt. Stagg, he then being about fourteen years of age, accompanied by his mother, Patience Foster, then about forty years of age. — [See Savage's Gleanings.] The son's name appears in the Town Records in 1636. The mother had a share in the Neck Lands in 1637. The son signed the covenant in 1638, joined the Artillery Company in 1642, and was ensign in the Dorchester train band, under Humphrey Atherton, 1644: ; was a Selectman in 1646, and for thirty years after, with occasional intervals ; was a Deputy to the Court in 1652, and afterwards a justice, or commissioner of trials. His wdfe's name was Mary. By his will, July 19, 1676, he gave £5 towards the free schools, to be added to " Brother Gibson's legacy." Mr. Foster lived near w^hat is now the south-west corner of Adams and Centre streets, near where James Foster lives. — Llis children were — Hopestill, who married Eliza- beth Parsons, of Koxbury, and died in Dorchester in 1717; John (the schoolmaster), who died Sept. 9, 1681, aged 33; James, born 1651, married Mary Capen, Sept. 22, 1674, and died Oct. 4, 1732, aged 82 years ; Elisha married Sarah Payson, April 10, 1678, and died Oct. 16, 1682, aged 29 ; Thankful married John Baker, of Boston, and died Jan. 27, 1697-8, aged 58 years; Comfort, born 28 (7) 1658, and "dyed in the King's sarvice," Jan. 5, 1688-9; Standflist, born 13(9)1660, died Oct. 15, 1676; had daughters Poline and Mary. He died Oct. 15, 1676; and his wife died Jan. 4, 1702-3, aged 84 years. Patience Foster, mother of Hopestill, was proba- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 119 bly a sister of John Bigg and also of the husband of Rachel Bigg. Barnabas Ffower, Fair, or by Dr. Harris, Fower, sailed from Bristol in the James, with Mr. Mather ; liis name occurs twice in Mr. Mather's Journal. He was a grantee of land in 1636, owned the covenant the same year, and Mas assessor in 1638; removed to Boston in 1644, and was one of the founders of the Old North Church in 1650. By his wife, Di- nah, he had a child, Eliezer, 18 (7) 1642, and his wife died when the child was nine days old. He then married Grace Negoose or Negus, 10 (1) 1643. The son married Mary, daughter of Daniel Preston, May 26, 1662. Mr. Ffower died in Boston.— [See Genealogical Register, 1851, p. 399.] John Farnham and his wife Elizabeth had the following children, born at Dorchester — Jonathan, 6 (11) 1630 ; Hannah, 9 (9) 1642 ; Joanna, 3 (1) 1644. Was freeman May 13, 1640. He removed to Boston in 1644, and was one of the original found- ers of the Second Church, in 1650. He owned land in Dorchester next to that of Nicholas Upsall. Joseph Farnsworth, or Farnworth, probably came to Dorchester with Mr. Mather in 1635, with his wife Elizabeth and a daughter of the same name ; was grantee of Neck Lands in 1637, church member in 1638, and freeman March 14, 1638-9. By his first wife he had born in Dorchester' — Mary, 30 (1) 1637, who married Abraham Ripley, and afterwards a Mr. Jenkins, of Boston ; Hannah, 14 (10) 1638, who married Simon Peck, of Hingham ; Rebecca, born 2 (11) 1639; Ruth, 3 (4) 1642, who married f/\ 120 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. William Puffer; Samuel, baptized 1647. Mr. Farns- wortli for his second wife married the widow Mary Long, who had two children, Joseph and Thomas, by her first husband. He left at his death a daugh- ter Elizabeth, the wife of John Mansfield ; Rebecca, baptized 11 (5) 1639; Joseph, and Samuel a minor. Samuel was a housewright by trade, removed to Windsor, and there married Mary, a daughter of Thomas Stoughton, June 3, 1677. He died June 12, 1659-60. Benjamin Fenn came to Dorchester in 1630, and removed to Connecticut subsequently to 1637. Robert Fuller and his wife Ann were in Dorches- ter in 1640. Their son Jonathan was born in Dor- chester, 15 (6) 1640. They removed to Rehoboth, about 1658, and he died there previous to 1689. John Gill joined the church in Dorchester, 20 (9) 1640; at the same time, Goodwife Gill, probably his wife Ann. He with his brother-in-law, Roger Billings, bought the mills at Neponset, together with one hundred acres of land on the south side of the „t river, called the Indian Fields, of the widow, as ex- ecutrix of Israel Stoughton, in 1656 ; petitioned for incorporation of Milton in 1662 ; trustee of Milton church property 1664. He left a daughter Rebecca, who, at the time of his decease, was the wife of Jo- .^seph Belcher,^ the minister of Dedham. John Gill died in Boston in 1678. His wife Ann was a sister of Roger Billings, senior, and died at Boston 1683. Rebecca, the wife of Joseph Belcher, w^as dismissed from the church at Dorchester to the church at Braintree, 6 (7) 1674. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 121 There was another John Gill in Boston, who died Dec. 10, 1671, aged 60. Mr. John Gilbert came to Dorchester in 1630, Grantee of Neck lands in 1637. Winthrop (vol. ii.) calls him " a grave honest gentleman." He remov- ed to Taunton, and was one of the early settlers of that town. Had sons — Joseph, Thomas, John and Giles, and a daughter Mary Norcross. Was first deputy from Taunton to New Plymouth in 1639. His inventory was exhibited June 3, 1657. He left a widow Winnifred. John Gornhill, Gurnhill, or Gornell, came to Dor- chester in 1630. Joined the church in 1638; was freeman in 1643. AVas a tanner by trade. By his will, dated November 19, 1673, he left £4:0 out of his tanyard to be put into the hands of some godly and honest man, to be by him loaned from time to time to some poor, honest and godly mechanic, to assist in setting him up in business. He also left £20 to the schools in Dorchester. He left no children. His widow Jane afterwards married John Burge, and died April 4, 1678, and was buried by the side of her first husband, as Jane the wife of John Gornell. Mr. Gornell died July 3, 1675^ aged 64. Thomas Hawkins's name appears on the records in 1636. Was a grantee of land in 1637. He and his wife Mary signed the covenant in 1638. Was a freeman in 1639, and a member of the Artillery Company in 1644. He lived on Rock (now#Savin) Hill, near the fort built in 1633, and where " y^ great guns " were mounted in 1639. Winthrop 11 122 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. calls him a London ship-carpenter; but he was a navigator. He was a large land-holder in Dorches- ter. He owned land at Bass Neck, so called, now the southerly part of Harrison Square. His farm Avas in that part of Dorchester now Quincy, at the Farm Meadows, so called, and adjoined the Newbury (or Mr. Glover s) farm. HaAvkins's Brook, a small stream named for him, crosses Columbia street. He removed to Boston before 1643, when he and Major Gibbons chartered four ships to M. De La Tour to cruise against his enemy D'Aulna, which fleet he commanded in person. From Hubbard we learn that he built a very large ship (for those times) in Boston, being upwards of four hundred tons. She "was set out with great ornament of carving and painting, and with much strength of ordnance." She sailed for Malaga, November 23, 1645, in com- pany with another ship under the command of Capt. Karman. Both vessels were lost on the coast of Spain, and nineteen of the company perished, among whom was Capt. Karman. Unfortunately, he was wrecked on the same spot the next year, when in the company of some persons from London. In 1646 he arrived in Boston, commanding a Lon- don ship. In November, 1648, Winthrop writes his son that news is received from England by Capt. Hawkins's ship (God being pleased to send him [Hawkins] to heaven by the way). His will is re- corded in Suftblk Records (vol. iii., fol. 101), in 1654. His children were — Sarah, baptized 1638, married to Rev. James Allen ; Elizabeth, who married Adam Winthrop and John Richards ; Abigail, married to HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 123 Samuel Moore, May 13, 1660, to Thomas Kellend, and then to John Foster, Esq., of Boston ; Mary, married John Aylet, 21 (9) 1654; Hannah, born 8 (4) 1644, married Elisha Hutchinson, grand-father of the Governor ; and Thomas, who had issue both male and female. — (Mss. of Mr. T. L. Turner. — Hub- bard, fol. 525.) Richard Hawes came in the Freelove, Capt. Gibbs, in 1635, with his wife Ann, and two children. His age was 29 ; his wife's, 26 ; that of his daughter Ann, 2 1-2; son Obadiah, 6 months. — (See Glean- ings.) He signed the church covenant in 1636, and was a grantee of land in 1637 and 1646. Their other children were — Bethia, born in Dorchester, 27(5) 1637; Deliverance, born 11 (4) 1640; daugh- ter Constant, born 17 (5) 1642. They had a son Eleazer killed in the war, April 21, 1676. Mr. Hawes died in 1656. Jeremy Houchin joined the church in Dorchester, 4 (12) 1639. He is mentioned in the Town Re- cords in 1641, and soon after removed to Boston, where he assisted in forming the Old North Society in 1650. He was a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company in 1641 ; was repre- sentative for Hingham for several years, though it does not appear that he lived there. He was also representative /or Salisbury in 1663. His wife was Esther. His children — Mary, 18 (11) 1639-40, baptized at Dorchester March 4, 1641 ; Jeremy, born in 1643, soon died; Jeremy, 1652; Elizabeth, 1653, married John, jr., the son of Gov. Endicott; John, baptized 1655. Mr. Houchin, when in Bos- 124 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. ton, lived at the corner of Court and Hanover sts. He was a tanner, and his tanyard was where Concert Hall now stands. He died in 1670. Eobert Howard. A Mr. Howard (most probably Hobert) received a portion of land in the iirst divi- sion in 1638 ; was in Dorchester in 1644, and probably earlier ; was chosen to manage the affairs of the schools in 1646 ; was made freeman in February, 1642-3; was a Selectman in 1651 and 1652, and Clerk of the Writs until Deacon Wis well returned from England, He was dismissed from the church at Dorchester, to join the church at Boston, Aug. 16, 1668. His wife's name was Mary. He probably had sons, Robert and Jonathan ; and a daughter, Mary, who married Samuel Bass, jr. He died in 1683. Jonas Humphrey came to Dorchester with his wife Frances and son James, from Wendover, in Buckinghamshire, England (where he had been a constable), in 1634. James was about twenty-six years old when they arrived. Mr. Humphrey was grantee of Neck lands in 1637 ; member of the church in 1639; freeman. May 13, 1640; and pro- prietor in the great lots in 1646. He bought the place then owned by William Hai»«%-endj who came with the first settlers, but afterwards removed to Windsor. His children were — Jonas, died Oct. 30, 1689; James; Hopestill, baptized 10 (4) 1649; Elizabeth. Susan married Nicholas White. Sarah was buried in 1638. He also had a daughter who married Mr. F(jye. He lived in what is now called Humphrey street, and the estate is still in possession HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 125 of his descendants. He died 9 (1) 1661-2. His wife died 2 (6) 1668. Nathaniel Holder was in Dorchester early, and was a member of the church in 1638, but probably did not remain long in the town. He is undoubtedly the person Dr. Harris calls Nathaniel Holden. John Kinsley, or Kingsley, was here as early as 1635. He was grantee of land in 1635, and one of the original signers of the covenant in 1636. He had a share in the great lots in 1646 ; was a rater in 1648, and freeman in 1651. He had a son El- dad, born in Dorchester in 1638 ; and a daughter Renewed, born 19 (1) 1644. He had a son Enos, who went to Northampton ; and a daughter who married Samuel Jones, son of Richard. John Kinsley married the daughter of William Daniels, of Milton, and resided there in 1670. Thomas Lake was in Dorchester, probably, as early as 1640. It does not appear that he was ever married. His name is sometimes spelled Leke. A double grave-stone stands in the Dorchester grave- yard, on one side of which is " Thomas Leke, aged 70 years, deceased Oct. 27, 1678. Els Leke, aged 80 years, deceased Oct. 20, 1678." He had a brother Henry, who had a son Thomas. By his will he pro- vides that if he leaves £50, five of it shall be laid out in plate for the Lord's Table, and that his and his wife's name shall be marked upon it — and leaves it with Mr. Flint to see it done. The rest of his pro- perty to go to his brother Henry and his children. Richard Lippincott was in Dorchester about 1636. Remembrance, probably his daughter, was baptized 11* 126 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. in September, 1641. She marned ]\Ir. Barber, of Boston, William Lane came to Dorchester abont 1636. He was a man in hnmble life, and died abont 1654. He had sons, Andrew and George, who lived in Hingliam. In his will he names sons Nathaniel Baker and Thomas Lincohi, of Hingham. He had a daughter Mary Long ; probably tlie widow of Jo- seph Long, and if so, she afterwards married Jo- seph Farnsworth — but in his will he calls Joseph Farnsworth brother. There was a Sarah Lane bap- tized in Dorchester, 28 (3) 1648; Elizabeth, baptiz- ed in 1655-6, and married Thomas Kider. There were two children of Job Lane, baptized in Dor- chester early; viz., Rebekah, 4 (5) 1658, and John, 18 (6) 1661 — " being about a quarter of a year old, by reason of their dwelling soe remote." The name of Lane is very ancient. One came over to Eng- land with William the Conqueror in 1067. Richard Leeds, of Great Yarmouth (England), mariner, and Joan his wife, left England in the reign of Charles I., on the 12th of April, 1637, desirous, as he said (to Mr. Thomas Mayhew, the king's commissioner), " to pass to New England, and there to inhabit and dwell." They embarked on board of one of two vessels that sailed at the same time — the John and Dorothy, of Ipswich (England), Capt. William Andrews, Sen. ; or the Rose, of Yarmouth, Capt. William Andrews, Jr., son of said William Andrews, Sen. They settled in Dorchester at what is now called Savin Hill ; and in 1639 the town of Dorchester granted him and HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 127 two others, land on Thompson's Island, for the fish- ing business, which he and Nathaniel Duncan and others carried on to a great extent, by sales for ex- port. He was an active man, both in church and town affairs, and left a large estate for .those times. He died 18th March, 1692-3, aged about 98 years, and his grave-stone still marlis the spot where he was laid. His wife Joan, who was in every thing all that adorns a wife, mother and friend, died in 1682, and lies by his side in Dorchester burying ground. Their children were — Joseph and Benja- min (twins), born in Dorchester in 1637 ; and Han- nah, born in 1639. Joseph married Meriam, daugh- ter of Oapt. Aaron Cook, of Northampton, Nov. 8, 1661. They resided at Northampton till about 1672, when they returned to Dorchester. He was a firmer. He died Jan. 28, 1714-15, about 77 years old ; and his wife 23d August, 1720, about 78 years of age — leaving a large family of children. They were an exemplary couple, and their children were among the most prominent of their generation. They were both buried in Dorchester, and their grave-stones may still be seen. Benjamin lived in Dorchester, was also a farmer, and perhaps engaged in the fishing business. He married Mary Brins- made, daughter of William Brinsmade, of Dor- chester, [md sister of Rev. Mr. Brinsmade, of Marl- borough, Mass. His second wife was Mercy, who died August 10, 1692. He was married the third time by Rev. John Danforth, of Dorchester, to Abi- gail Knights, the 11th of the 6th month, 1696. She died June 12th, 1712. He never had children. 128 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. He died March 13, 1717-18, aged about 80 years, and was buried at Dorchester, his grave-stone still remaining. Hannah married, Nov. 18, 1659, Sam- uel Clap (son of Capt. Roger and Joan Clap), who was afterwards elder of the church at Dorchester. She was beloved by all. They lived together about forty-nine years. She died Oct. 8th, 1708, about 69 years of age, and he died of grief at her loss, eight days afterwards, Oct. 16th, 1708, aged 74. He was a conspicuous man in the afftiirs of the church and town of Dorchester. (See Roger Clap's Memoir.) They left children.* Thomas Lewis joined the church in 1636 ; was a grantee of land in September, 1637. He proba- bly did not remain long. Richard Mather (see biography by his grand-son, Cotton Mather) was born at Lowton, Lancashire, 1596. He taught school at Toxteth Park, when he was but 15 years old, studied at Oxford, was or- dained by the bishop of Chester, and settled at Tox- teth in 1618. He married Miss Holt, of Bury, 1624, who was the mother of his six sons. He remained at Toxteth until he was suspended for non-confor- mity in 1633, and removed to New England in 1635. The details of his journey to Bristol and his voyage to America, are to be found in his Journal (printed by our Society in 1850). He arrived at, Boston in August, 1635, and was soon invited to settle at various places, but the recommendation of Cotton and Hooker induced him to give the preference to * Communicated by H. M. Leeds, Esq., who is preparing a history of the family. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 129 Dorchester, just racatecl, by the migration to Con- necticut, of both pastor and church. A new church was gathered at Dorchester in August, 1636, and Mr. Mather was chosen their teacher. After the revohition had deposed the British hierarchy, he was urged to return to his parish at Toxteth, but his roots had taken too strong hokl at Dorchester. He was among the most learned of the New England divines. It is said the platform of church discipline adopted by the synod of 1647, was chiefly taken from his model. He was a hard student ; his opi- nions on theological subjects Avere regarded with much respect, and he served in many of the assem- blies convened in his time to consult upon church affairs. His first wife died in 1654, and two years after he married the widow of the Rev. John Cot- ton. He died in April, 1669, aged 73, and left six sons, four of whom were ministers of the gospel. Mather and John Eliot made a new version of the Psalms in 1640. Mr. Ambrose Martin buys out John Branker, Sept. 2, 1637. Received a portion of the Neck lands in 1637. Joan Martin joined the church in 1636. The court fined him £10 for calling the church covenant a human invention, John Maudesley, or Moseley, came to Dorchester in 1630. Was freeman March 14, 1638-39, and grantee of lands in 1656. Mr. Moseley appears to have had two wives; the first, Elizabeth — second^ Cicily. Joseph, a son of John and Elizabeth, was born 1638. He left two children — Thomas and Elizabeth. He probably lived in what is now call* 130 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. eel Crescent Avenue, near Thomas M. Moseley s. Mr. Moseley died 27 (8) 1661. His wife Cicily died 3 (10) 1661. A brown freestone slab, on a brick foundation, marks his last resting-place in the Dor- chester grave-yard. John Moseley, Jr. removed to Windsor, and from thence to Westfield. Henry Moseley was in Dorchester in 1630 — pro- bably a brother of John Moseley. He had a house- lot granted him in Dorchester, Sept. 10, 1637. He was afterwards in Boston and Braintree. Henry had a son Samuel, born in 161:1, who is probably the Capt. Samuel that frequently served in the wars with the Indians, against whom he was very inveterate. Gabriel Mead — called Goodman — was possibly in Dorchester as early as 1636 ; was freeman May 2, 1638. His wife was Susanna. His son Israel was born in 1637. Israel removed to Watertown, but returned to Dorchester and joined the church here 16 (6) 1674. His flither left him the house he lived in, in Dorchester. To his son David he left the old house. His daughters were — Lydia ; Experience, married Jabez Eaton 4 (10) 1663 ; Sarah, married Mr. Burgess, of Boston ; Patience, married Mat- thias Evans 28 (2) 1669, and died 22 (3) 1670. He owned land near the burying-place — and the Church Records say it appears he lived near where Mr. Foster s malt-house stood. He died 12 (3) 1666, aged about 79. Thomas INIiller was in Dorchester early. He re- moved to Boston as soon as 1665, probably before that time. Joseph Miller, " from Dorchester," set- tled in Cambridge Village (Newton) before 1678. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 131 Thomas Millett came from Southwarkj England ; he sailed from London in the Elizabeth, Capt. Stagg, in the spring of 1635. He joined the Dorchester church in 1636; was made freeman in 1637, and was a grantee of land the same year. He married Mary, the daughter of John Green way. Their chil- dren were — Thomas, who came from England when two years old ; John, born 8 (5) 1635 ; Jonathan, born and died in 1638; Mary, born 26 (6) 1639; Mehitable, 14 (1) 1641. Mr. Millett was born in 1605, and his wife in 1606. His house was burned in 1657, and a part of the Town Records were de- stroyed by the fire. Moses Eyres married Bethia Millett, 3 (6) 1666. Rev. Samuel Newman, a son of Richard Newman, was born at Bambury, in England, in 1600, or 1601. He was educated at Oxford, and came to New Eng- land (according to Judge Davis) in 1636, and joined the church at Dorchester and was made freeman the same year. He lived in Dorchester about a year and a half, and removed to Weymouth. He sold his land in Dorchester to Mr. Mather in 1639. He remained in Weymouth about five years, where he preached. He removed to Rehoboth, and settled there in 1644, and died July 5, 1663. He was an important man in assisting and encouraging the in- habitants during the early settlement of the town. He had sons — Samuel, Noah, Antipas ; daughters ' — Hopestill, Joanna and Hope. His son Noah suc- ceeded him in the ministry at Rehoboth, and did great service by his efforts and council during the war with King Philip. He died April 16, 1676* 132 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Hopestill maiTied Rev. George Shove, third minister of Taunton, and had sons — Nathaniel, Samuel and Seth. Joanna Newman died at Dorchester, Nov. 23, 1678, and was " buried at Braintree by her father at her OAvn desire." Hope Newman was born at Wey- mouth, Nov. 29, 1641. Nathaniel Patten came from Severls, in Crewkern, Enaiand. He was an inhabitant of Dorchester in 1640 ; was a Selectman in 1644, and some years afterwards ; was a grantee of land in 1656, and lived on the south side of Savin Hill. He died January 31, 1661, and left an estate appraised at £1416 17s Id. His widow Justin was the administratrix. She died Dec. 28, 1675, and left a silver cup to the church in Dorchester. William Pond joined the church in Dorchester, 28 (12) 1641 ; Avas a grantee of land in 1656; was a rater in 1662, '67 and '75. Blake styles him Ser- jeant. His children were — Elizabeth and Martha (twins), born 1657, and died in infancy ; Judith, born 16 (8) 1659; Thankful, born 15 (11) 1661, married Philip AVithington, Nov. 17,1682; Expe- rience, baptized 3 (11)1663; George, baj^tized 21 (11) 1665 ; Mindwell, born 24 (6) 1667. Mr. Pond died April 4, 1690. His widow Mary died Febru- ary 16, 1710-11. William Eobinson came to Dorchester in 1636 ; was freeman the same year ; joined the church in 1638 ; was member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company in 1643 ; appears first as a gran- tee of land in 1656; was a rater in 1658 and '61. He bought the Tide Mill, now knoAvn as Tileston's HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 133 Mill, of Edward Breck. He went to England in 1644, and returned the following year. His son Samuel succeeded to his father s estate. His son Increase, baptized 14 (1) 1642, afterwards removed to Taunton. His daughter Prudence married John Bridge, of Roxbury ; Waitstill married Joseph Pen- niman, of Braintree. His wife's daughter is men- tioned as Mary Streeter. He had three wives — first. Prudence ; second, Margaret (who was living in 1664) ; and third, Ursula, who outlived her husband. There was a William Robinson, who suffered 4eath in Boston as a Quaker, in 1660. Kviich i>t kuo-vvv^' William Peed embarked from London injthe Defence, Capt. Edward Bostock, in July, 163S, he being then 48 years of age. His wife came with him. Also his three sons — George, born 1629; Ralph, 1630 ; Justin, 1634. Mr. Reed and his wife joined the church, and afterwards removed. There was an Abigail Reed, probably tfeek daughter, bap- tized 30 (8) 1638, and went to Rehoboth. John Rigby probably came to Dorchester about 1637, as he and his wife Isabell were early members of the church. He was made freeman May 18, 1642. Samuel Rigby, baptized 9 (6) 1640, was undoubt- edly a son of John, and lived on the place subse- quently owned by his son Samuel, near the spot where the Hon. John Howe resided, now known as Adams Street. Mehitable Rigby, baptized in Dor- chester, 1643, was probably a daughter of John. She married Nathaniel Turner, of Scituate. Thomas Holman married Abigail Rigby, 19 (12) 1663. 12 134 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. David Sellick joined the church in Dorchester in 1640. By the Church Records it appears he lived with " Mr. Gibson, at Father Ways." He died in 1654. David Sellick, baptized in 1640, and went to New Haven ; and Jonathan, baptized May 9, 1641, and went to Stamford, were probably his sons. Clement Toplift', born in England, Nov. 17, 1603, was in Dorchester in 1637 ; a member of the church in 1639 ; grantee of lands in 1647. His children were — Jonathan, born 2d mo. 1637 ; Sarah, 3d mo. 1639, married David Jones 11 (3) 1659 ; Obedience, 8th mo. 1642, married elder David Copp, Feb. 20, 1659; Samuel, May, 1646; Patience, married Na- thaniel Holmes, 27, 1667. Mr. ToplifF died Dec. 24,1672, aged 69. His wife Sarah died July 29, 1693, aged 88. His inventory, £286. He lived on what is now known as Bowdoin Street, and owned the land where St. Mary's Church stands. Thomas Tolman was a member of the church in 1638, and was made freeman May 13, 1640. The family tradition is that he came over in the Mary and John, with the first settlers, in 1630. His wife was Sarah. Had sons — Thomas, who died Septem- ber 12, 1718, aged 85 ; and John. Daughters — Sarah, who married Henry Leadbetter, March 18, 1659 ; Rebecca, married James Tucker ; Ruth, mar- ried Isaac Royal ; Hannah, born 27 (5) 1642, mar- ried Peter Lyon ; Mary, who married Collins, of Lynn. He first settled on Pine Neck, and after- wards removed to what was denominated " the Great Lots." His descendants now own and live upon some of the land wliich has been in the family since HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 135 « - the first settlement of the town. Some of his de- scendants have furnished Dorchester with a Town Clerk for upwards of fifty years. Mr. Tolman died in 1688. William Trescott, admitted freeman May 10, 1644. Married Elizabeth, the daughter of George Dyer. Their children were — Samuel, born 4 (9) 1646, was dismissed from the church in Dorchester to the church in Milton, August 7, 1687; Mary, 23(2) 1649, married John Hemmenway, 6 (8) 1665, and removed to Koxbury; John, 21 (8) 1651, died Jan- uary 22, 1741, in the 91st year of his age, and his wife Rebecca died August 1, 1741, in the 89th year of her age; Patience, 7 (3) 1665; Abigail, 5 (9) 1656, married Amiel Weeks, March 22, 1682; Martha, born 8 (11) 1660, married Jacob Huens, February 24, 1680; Elizabeth, born 24 (4) 1665 ; and Sarah. There was a Thomas Trescott died about 1654, who was a brother of William. He left a wife. Ralph Tompkins embarked from London in the Freelove, Capt. Gibbs, in September, 1635 ; joined the church in Dorchester in 1636; was made a free- man in 1638. He was born in England in 1585. His wife Catherine was born in 1577. Their chil- dren were — Samuel, born 1613 ; Elizabeth, born 1617; Maria, born 1621. Samuel was one of the proprietors of Bridgewater in 1645. Mr. Tompkins sold his place in Dorchester to John Farnham, in 1648, and about that time removed to Salem. JeiFry Turner came here probably as early as 1637 ; was made freeman in 1643. He married 136 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Isabell Gill. He had children — Jeffrey, born 22 (3) 1640 ; Increase, born 16 (8) 1642. James Trowbridge, in the list, should have been Thomas, who was here about 1636. A Mrs. Trow- bridge joined the church that year. He was proba- bly son of Thomas, of Taunton, England. He had sons — Thomas and William, who settled at New Haven ; and James, born about 1636, who resided in Dorchester until about 1664, then removed to New- ton. Thomas, sen., visited England in 1644 or '45, and left his children in charge of Sergeant Thomas Jeffrey, " to bring up in the fear of God ; and when Mr. Trowbridge returns, he will refer it to the Court to determine what is equal for it." Mr. Trowbridge died in Taunton, England, subsequently to 1663. Thomas Trott was made freeman in 1644, and joined the church the same year. His children were — Thomas, who was killed by a fall from his cart, January 13, 1693 ; Sarah, born 16 (11) 1653, mar- ried Barnard Capen, June 2, 1675 ; Mary, 26 (11) 1656; Samuel, 27 (6) 1660, died August 3, 1724 ; John, baptized 4 (10) 1664 ; Thankful, 5 (10) 1667, married Hinckley; James, born 2 (4) 1671, died Sept. 27, 1717; daughter Preserved, married John Baker, 11 (6) 1667, died November 25, 1711. Thomas Trott died July 28, 1696, aged 82 years. Sarah his wife died May 27, 1712. He lived on Spurf s Hill, near where Mrt Nichols now lives. Thomas Treadwell was an early inhabitant of Dorchester, and had a division of lands beyond the " Blew Hills." He removed to Ipswich. Sells to 'E. Breck, 1638. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 137 Nathaniel Wales came over in the ship James, with the Rev. Ei chard Mather, in 1635, and is mentioned in Mather's Journal. Was a church member and grantee of land in 1637, and made free- man the same year. He was a ship-wright by trade. He lived in Dorchester nearly twenty years, and then removed to Boston. Nathaniel (junior) re- moved to Boston with his father, and died there Dec. 4, 1661. His son Nathaniel (3d) settled in Braintree, and was a Ruling Elder in the Braintree church. He died March 23, 1717-18. Nathaniel, 3d, had fifteen children. Nathaniel's (senior) sons Timothy and John settled in Dorchester. Timothy had a son Eleazer, born 25 (10) 1657. John was bailiff in Dorchester in 1653 ; had a daughter Con- tent, born 14 (3) 1659. Mr. Wales's wife was Susan. He died in Boston, Dec. 4, 1661. George Weeks came, it is supposed, about the same time as Mr. Mather, which was in 1635. His wife was Jane Clap, sister of Capt. Roger Clap, tlirough whose influence Mr. Weeks came. He ap- pears to have been a man in high estimation, and Blake says he was of a religious family. Amiel, Joseph and William were his sons. Mr. Weeks died in Dorchester, 27 (8) 1659. His widow Jane married Jonas Humphrey, and died in 1668. John Wiswall was a member and the deacon of the church at Dorchester in 1636. He was a Ruling Elder, and for many years kept the Church Records. He was a Selectman at various times between 1639 and 1655 ; Deputy in 1646 ; went to England in 1652, returned to Dorchester, removed from thence 12* 188 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. to Boston in 1659-60, and was chosen Elder of the first church there, July 20, 1664. The latter part of the time that he was in Dorchester, he lived in that part of it now called Canton, " beyond y* Blue Hills," near Dedham. lie died August 17, 1687, aged 86 years. His wife w^as Margaret. His son John lived in his father's house in Dorchester in 1660. His daughter Ruth married Henry Mount- ford ; Hannah married Overman ; Mary married Edmands ; T^ydia married Ballard ; Debo- rah married Cutter; Esther married Daniel Fisher ; and Rebecca married Matthew Johnson. By a letter dated in 1660, signed by Thomas and Ann Smith, and published in the Genealogical Register of July, 1853, it appears that John Wiswall's wife was their daughter. Mahaleel Munnings is also called John WisMalFs son, and therefore must have married one of his daughters. Brothers Abiel, Adam and Jonathan, in England, and Smith's " brother Withington," are also named in Smith's letter. Thomas Wiswall, brother of John, came to Dor- chester about 1635. He joined the church in 1636, was grantee of land in 1637, Selectman in 1644, removed to Newton about 1656, and was ordained Ruling Elder of the church there, July 20, 1664. He died Dec. 6, 1683. He had a son Enoch, born in 1633, who married Elizabeth, daughter of John Oliver 25 (9) 1657, and died Nov. 28, 1706, aged 73 years. He inherited his father's house, and lived in it at the time of his death. Ebenezer, born at Dorchester, 1646, died at Newton, June 21, 1691. Noah, born in 1640, married Theodosia Jackson, of HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 139 Newton, in 1664 ; Avas a military man, and was in command in the desperate battle with the Indians near Wheelwright's Pond, in Lee, N. H., where he and his son John were killed, July 6, 1690. Icha- bod, born 1637, minister of Duxbury, died July 23, 1700 ; and Thomas, who probably died young. Enoch came in possession of the house which was Mr. Maverick's, also the house formerly Abraham Dyke's. Mary married Samuel Payson, of Dorches- ter ; Hester, baptized 1635, married Major William Johnson, of Woburn, 1655 ; Sarah, baptized 1643, married Nathaniel Holmes, Jr., of Dorchester. . Henry Withington probably came over in 1636. He was one of the six that signed the church cove- nant with the Rev. Hichard Mather, 23 (6) 1636, and was soon after chosen Ruling Elder, which place he filled twenty-nine years. Plis first wife was Eli- zabeth, his second was Margarie. , Pie was a Select- man in 1636, and grantee in 1627. He died Feb- ruary 2, 1666-7, aged 79 years. Deacon Richard Withington, who died Dec. 22, 1701, aged 84 years, was a son of his. His daughters were — Faith, who married Richard Baker; Mary, who married Deputy Governor Thomas Danforth ; and Ann, who married James Bates, Jr. John Whitcomb came to Dorchester early, pro- bably in 1635 — supposed to have come from Dor- chester, in England, and probably a son of Simon, who was chosen one of the Assistants in England, but never came over. John removed ta Scituate as early as 1640, and owned a large farm near North River, which he sold to Thomas Hicks.. He remov- 140 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. ed to Lancaster, and died there, Sept. 24, 1662. His daughter Katharine married Rodolphus Ellms, of Scituate, in 1644. His sons were — John, who re- moved to Lancaster with his father ; Robert remain- ed at Scituate ; James settled in Boston, and owned the land where the Tremont House now stands. It is supposed that James favored the cause of Gover- nor Sir Edmund Andros, when he was at the head of the government, and subsequently left the coun- try for England. John AVhipple was a grantee of land at Dorches- ter Neck in 1637, and joined the church in 1641. He lived near what is now called Neponset Village. He was a carpenter by trade, and owned a house and 40 or 50 acres of land, which he sold in 1658 to George Minott, for his son John Minott. His chil- dren born in Dorchester were — Sarah, baptized August 12, 1641, and married a Mr. Smith, of Pro- vidence; Lemuel, baptized in 1643; William, bap- tized 16 (3) 1652; Benjamin, baptized 4 (4) 1654; David ; John, baptized March 9, 1641 ; Eleazer, baptized 8 (1) 1646; Mary, baptized April 9, 1648. Mr. Whipple removed to Providence. Michael Willis, or Willies, or Wyllyes, was in Dorchester as early as 1638 ; was freeman the same year ; was a grantee of land in 1640 and 1647. He removed to Boston about 1659, and was one of the founders of the second church there. He sold some of his common land in Dorchester to Richard Leeds, in 1656. He was a blacksmith by trade, and died in Boston in 1669. He had two sons — Roger, who lived in Dorchester in 1677; and Joseph, baptized 3 (12) 1639. He had several daughters. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 141 Tlieophilus Wilson, it is supposed, wa» not long in the town. Henry Woodward eame over in tlie ship James^ Capt. Taylor, in the summer of 1635. He was a physician. He removed to Northampton about 1658, and was accidentally killed there by a mill wheel. Richard Wright appears to have come to New: England early, and to have been in Lynn and Bos- ton before he came to Dorchester. He was therev however, soon enough to have a division in the Neck land's in 1636. He was one of the committee sent to Mt. Wollaston to bound out farms for William. Coddington and Edmund Quincy. Mr. Thomas Waterhouse and his wife joined the church at Dorchester, 4 (12) 1639, and taught a school that year. He was married, before he came to New England, to Anna, the daughter of John and Ann Mahew. He was a minister and curate under Mr. Candler, at Codenham, England. He did not remain long in Dorchester, but returned to England. He was ejected at Ashrocking, by the Act of Uniformity. He died in 1679 or 1680, near- ly 80 years of age. His children were -^ — Anna, baptized at Dorchester, March 5, 1640; Thomas, Conquest, John, Edward, David and Elizabeth. Nicholas Wood was in Dorchester as early as 1640, from which time he carried on Mr. Glover's farm until the death of Mr. Glover in 1654, during which time Mr. Glover resided in Boston. The farm is now within the bounds of Milton, and was sold by Mr. Glover's heirs to Robert Vose in 1654, 142 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. and a part of it is now in possession of the heirs of the late Col. Josiah Vose. It will be perceived that several names appear on pages 101 and 102, which should have been omitted, as they had been given in the previous list. CHAPTEK X. Privations and Influence of Woman in the Settlement of the Country, — Additional Names of Male Inhabitants of Dorchester prior to 1700. It was our intention to have given an outline of the history of all the male inhabitants of Dorches- ter who had arrived at the age of twenty-one years, prior to the year 1700 ; but the space which would be required to do this might, it is thought, be better filled with a more general history. While speak- ing of those among the first emigrants who belonged to the sterner sex, we would by no means forget the female portion of our predecessors, who acted well their part. Our early history abounds with instances which prove, that in performing the duties which peculiarly devolved upon them, and in sharing with the men in the mutual privations incident to the settlement of a new country, the women deserve a full share of the praise which belongs to the early settlers. Their influence also was great and benefi- cial ; and from the time when that " faire maide," Mary Chilton, first leaped upon the rock at Ply- mouth, to the present day, that influence has been HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 143 an important element in our national character. In the beautiful language of Mrs. Sigourney — " On the unfioored hut, she who had been nurtured amid the rich carpets and curtains of the mother land, rocked her new-born babe and complained not. She who in the home of her youth had arranged the gorgeous shades of embroidery, or, perchance, had compounded the rich venison pastry as her share in the housekeeping, now pounded the coarse Indian corn for her children's bread, and bade them ask God's blessing ere they took their scanty portion. When the snows sifted through their miserable roof- trees upon her little ones, she gathered them closer to her bosom ; she taught them the Bible, and the catechism, and the holy hymn, though the war- whoop of the Indian rang through the wild. Amid the untold hardships of colonial life, she infused new strength into her husband by her firmness, and solaced his weary hours by her love. She was to him ' An undergoing spirit, to bear up ' Against whate'er ensued.' " The following list comprises the names of those who lived in the town, and who had reached the age of twenty-one years, up to the year 1700, in addition to those in the lists already given. Consider Atherton Peter Aspinvvall Hope Atherton Nicholas Allen James Atherton Mr. Bellingham John Avery Alexander Bradford James Atvvood William Brinsmade, Sen. Increase Atherton John Bradley Joseph Angier James Blake Watching Atherton Thomas Breck Jonathan Atherton George Babcock U4 HISTORY OP DORCHESTER. Edmund Br'ovvn John Blackman Gamaliel Beaman Edmund Bowker William Blake, Jr. Richard Butt John Burge -Thomas Bird, Jr. Benjamin Bailey James Bates, Jr. Thomas Birch Edward Barber David Babcock Henry Bridgham Nicholas Boulton Edward Blake John Beaman John Bolton John Bird John Baker James Blake, 2d Hugh Batten Roger Billings, Jr. James Barber John Blake Rev. William Brinsmeade Noah Beaman Nathan Bradley Henry Butler William Betts Jonathan Birch ^Joseph Birch Matthew Ball Francis Ball , John Buck James Baker Joseph Blake John Blake James Bird John Brown James Bacon Ebenezer Billings Benjf.min Bates Mr. Beaumont ^Giles Burge Edward Breck, son of John William Bradley Henry Bayley John Clap Thomas Clap Henry Cunliffe Richard Curtis Henry Crane Samuel Clap Samuel Chandler Peter Cealey William Chaplin Joseph Capen Nathaniel Clap Rev. Nathaniel Clap Nathaniel Clark John Clap, 2d Rev. Joseph Capen Ezra Clap Nehemiah Clap John Capen, Jr. Samuel Capen Barnard Capen, Jr. Hopestill Clap Desire Clap Preserved Capen Ammi Ruhamah Corlet Jonathan Clap Ebenezer Clap, son oi ] Nicholas ' Eben Clap, son of Na- i thaniel \ Noah Clap Chamberlain Teague Crehore Augustin Clement, Jr. Arthur Cartwright Samuel Capen, 2d Bernard Capen, 2d Joseph Crosby David Cremin Richard Davis Abraham Dickerman Richard Denton Charles Davenport Thomas Drake William Daniell Rev. John Danforth HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. U5 John Deane Walter Deane Nathaniel Duncan, Jr. Peter Duncan Ebenezer Davenport William Dyer John Davenport Humphrey Davie William Davenport Thomas Davenport, Jr. Abraham Dike Thomas Dan forth Gilbert Endicott Daniel Elder John French Ednmnd Forward Timothy Foster Rev. Josiah Flint James Foster Elisha Foster John Foster Richard Francis Anthony Fisher Standfast Foster Hopestill Foster, Jr. Anthony Gulliford or Gulliver John Gurnsey John Gill Henry Gurnsey Nathaniel Glover Nicholas George Thomas Gattliffe Habakkuk Glover John Glover, Jr. Thomas Glover Joshua George Peletiah Glover Nathaniel Glover, Jr. Nicholas George, Jr. Thomas Graves Jacob Hewins Richard Hall Joseph Holmes James Hosley Samuel Hall 13 Israel Howe Obadiah Hawes Nathaniel Howard John Holbrook Richard Hall, Jr. John Holmes Eleazer Hawes Thomas Holman Goodman Haven Joshua Henshaw Daniel Henshaw Ralph Hutchinson Thomas Hilton Stephen Hoppin Thomas Holbrook .Tohn Holland, Jr. Thomas Holland Michael Holloway Jonathan Hill Jonathan Hall James Humphrey Peter Hix Samuel Hill Hopestill Humphrey William Howe Samuel Hix Isaac Howe Ralph Houghton David Holmes Abraham Howe Walter Harris Ralph Houghton, Jr. Jeremiah Hawes Nathaniel Holmes Samuel Humphrey John Isles William Ireland Isaac Jones David Jones Samuel Jones Joseph Jewett Timothy Jones Jonathan Jones Henry Kibby George Kinwright Stephen Kinsley 146 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Enos Kinsley John Kinsley, Jr. John Kinsley, 3d Eldad Kinsley Bustian Kern Peter Lyon Nicholas Lawrence Henry Leadbetter Georg-e Lyon Lee Joseph Long, Sen. Nicholas Lawrence, Jr. Rev. Joseph Lord Henry Layeland Joseph Leeds Joseph Long, Jr, Thomas Loring John Lewis Benjamin Leeds Nathaniel Lyon Eben'r Lyon Margery Laner John Mi not Mahaleel Mannings Timothy Mather Stephen Minot Henry Merrifieid James Minot Thomas Moseley Thomas Millet, *Jr, Samuel Maxfield Clement Maxfield John Moseley, Jr. Henry Mason Atherton Mather Henry More Israel Mead Rev. Samuel Mather Rev. Nathaniel Mather Rev. Eleazer Mather Rev. Increase Mather Sampson Mason John Merrifield Cornelius Morgan John Mason Goodman More ton John Maxfield John Minot, Jr. Joseph Mather Samuel Minot Thomas Meekins Ebenezer Moseley John Marsh Joseph Morse Anthony Newton Thomas Narrowmooi"© William Osborne Peter O'Kelly John Pope, Jr. Peter Pocock William Pillsberry Robert Pond John Plumb Enoch Place Thomas Pierce Thomas Pope John Payson Richard Puffer Oliver Partridge Daniel Preston Edward Payson John Pratt William Pratt Samuel Paul Samuel Payson Ephraim Payson William Pigroni William Peacock John Pelton Robert Pond, Jr. Robert Pelton Samuel Pelton Francis Price Matthew Pimer Joshua Pomroy Jasper Rush Jeremiah Rodgers Robert Redman James Robinson Henry Robie Samuel Robinson William Royal HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 147 Henry Roberts John Robinson Samuel Robinson, 2d Ebenezer Robinson Rev. John Robinson William Rawson Thomas Robinson Thomas Robinson, son of James Samuel Robinson, Jr. Increase Robinson Samuel Rigby John Richards Edward Rossiter Isaac Royal William Row Roger Sumner John Smith, Jr. Robert Spur Robert Sanders Robert Stanton Obadiah Swift Samuel Sumner William Salesbury Increase Sumner Lawrence Smith Robert Searl Richard Sykes Abraham Staple Hon. William Stoughton George Sumner Joseph Shelton William Sumner, Jr. William Smede Ralph Sammes Thomas Swift, Jr. Robert Stiles John Stiles Mr. Sunderland -John Steele Robert Sharp David Sellick Edward Savage Benjamin Tuchel Timothy Tileston James Trowbridge Samuel Trescott Ralph Tompkins Rev. William Thomson Praise Ever Turner Increase Turner William Turner Samuel ToplifF Thomas Tolman, Jr. John Tolman James Tucker John Trescott Hon. William Tailer Onisephorus Tileston Timothy Tileston, Jr. Joseph Twitchell Thomas Tread well Mr. Ting Thomas Trowbridge Peter Talbot Thomas Vose Edward Vose Ammiel Weeks Timothy Wales Richard Waj^ William Weeks Enoch Wiswall Thomas Wainwright John Wales Richard Withington Ebenezer Williams Joseph Weeks Rev. John Wilson, Jr. Joseph Wilson Samuel Wadsworth Richard Williams George Wilkes William Ware James White Capt. John Withington Henry Withington, 2d Roger Willyes Ebenezer Williams, Jr. Philip Withington Nicholas White Edward Wyatt John Wilcocke Thomas W^eeks Aaron Way Rev. Ichabod Wiswall John Ward 148 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Robert Willyes Smith Woodward Ebenezer Withingtou Elias Wood Samuel Webb Ralph Warner Samuel Wales Thomas Wilkinsons Joseph Withington Henry Ware Nathaniel Wyatt Dr. Smith. CHAPTEll XI. Kcrnoval of part of the Colony to Connecticut — The Pequol War — Orders of ibe General Court and of the Town. The year 1636 was an important era in the his- tory of Dorchester. A large portion of the first inhabitants left the town for a new settlement on the borders of the Connecticut River (Windsor), and their places were tilled by the Rev. Richard Mather and most of the one hundred passengerf^ who came with him from England. Many grants of land were made, and many orders passed by ten men chosen by the town for the purpose. Seven of these men were to make the orders, and having been first published on a lecture day, they were not to be " disallowed " by the plantation. This year were also chosen twelve Selectmen ; viz., Mr. Stoiighton, Mr. Glover, Henry Withington, Nathaniel Duncan, George Minot, Richard Collicot, John Ilolman, ]Mr. Hill, W^illiam Gaylard, Christopher Gibson, John Pierce and Mr. Jones. The Church was likewise re-organized and the following Covenant agreed to. " Dorchester Church Covencud made if 22d Day of if 6 Month 1636. " We whose names are subscribed being called of God ^o Join ourselues together in Church Communion ; from HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 14 our Hearts acknowledgeing our own unworthiness of such a privilege, or of y"' least of Gods mercies; and likewise acknowledgeing our disability to keep Covenant with God, or to perform any Spiritual Duty which he calleth us unto, unless y*^ Lord Jesus do enable us thereunto by his Spirit dwelling in us ; Do in y*' Name of Christ Jesus our Lord, & in trust and Confidence of his free Grace assisting us, freely Covenant & Bind ourselues. Solemnly in y® presence of God himself, his Holy Angels, and all his servants here present ; That we will by his Grace Assisting, endeavour constantly to walk together as a Right Ordered Congrega- tion of Christ, according to all y^ Holy Rules of a Church Body rightly established, so far as we do already know it to be our duty, or shall further understand out of God's Holy Word : Promising first & aboue all to cleaue unto him as our Chief and only Good, and to our Lord Jesus Christ as our only Spiritual Husband & Lord, & our only High Priest & Prophet & King, And for y'' furthering of us to keep this blessed communion with God and his Son Jesus Christ, & to grow up more fully herein ; we do likewise promise by his Grace assisting us, to endeavour y'' Estab- lishing amongst ourselues all his Holy Ordinances Avhich he hath appointed for his Church here on Earth, and to obserue all & eucry of them in such sort as shall be most agreeable to his Will, opposing to y*^ utmost of our power whatsoever is contrary thereunto, and bewailing from our Hearts our own neglect hereof in former times, and our pointing ourselues therein with any Sinful! Invention of men. " And lastly, we do hereby Covenant and promise to fur- ther to our utmost power, the best Spiritual good of each other, & of all and every one that may become members of this Congregation, by mutual Instruction, Reprehension, Exhortation, Consolation & Spiritual watchfulness over one another for good. And to be subject in and for y'' Lord to all y® Administrations & Censures of y'' Congregation, 150 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. SO far as y^ same shall be Guided according to y*' rales of Gods most holy word. Of the integrity of om* Hearts herein, we call God y*^ Searcher of all Hearts to Witness ; Beseeching him so to bless us in this & all our Enterprises, as we shall sincerely endeavor by y** assistance of his Grace to obserue his Holy Covenant in all y* branches of it inviolable for ever ; and where we shall fail, there to wait upon y*" Lord Jesus for pardon and acceptance & healing for his Name's sake. " Richard Mather, Natha'l Duncan, George Minot, Henry Withington, Thomas Jones, John Pope." John Kinsley, Cattle were at this time very scarce, and as nearly all wished to secure a stock for their own use and comfort, as well as for profit, the prices were very high ; cows and oxen being worth from £30 to £40 each. Goats were also in demand, and many of them kept. This year the trouble, which had been some time brewing, broke out between the settlers of the Bay and the Pequot Indians. This tribe never assimi- lated with their white neighbors — neither with tlie English on the North East nor the Dutch on the West. About July, of this year, Capt. John Old- ham was murdered by the Indians at Block Island ; and as he was a man universally known both in the Plymouth and Massachusetts colonies, it was resolv- ed to put a stop to such proceedings, and punish the aggressors. For this purpose, four companies Avere raised, commanded by Capt. John Underbill, Capt. Nathaniel Turner, Ens. William Jennison and Ens, Kichard Davenport, and the whole expedition placed HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 151 under the command of Gov. Endicott. This was the first serious warfare that occurred after the set- tlement of the colony, and the whole vicinity were deeply interested in the event. The following ac- count of the death of Oldham, is copied from that excellent work, S. G. Drake's " History of Boston." " It proved that Captain Oldham was killed by some Narraganset Indians Avho happened to be at Block Island at the time of his visit. The discovery of the murder and its perpetrators was accidental, and happened in this way. Captain John Gallop, an intrepid mariner of Boston, being upon a trading expedition, put into Block Island to traf- fic with the natives. He had with him his son John, another son not mentioned by name, and a servant, who is described as a ' strong, stout fellow.' As they approached the island, they discovered a vessel making off from the shore, under suspicious circumstances ; for those on board of it managed the sails in an awkward manner. Immedi- ately after, they saw that it was full of Indians. Though his men numbered but four, including himself, Captain Gallop determined to capture the piratical vessel, as he now conceived her to be such. He therefore fired upon her as soon as he was near enough, and then stood off to ascer- tain what effect his fire had upon the pirates ; for, owing to their numbers, he was afraid to board them at once, as ' they stood ready armed, with guns, pikes and swords.* To attempt their capture under these circumstances was cer- tainly desperate ; but Gallop had the advantage of being able to manoeuvre his vessel, while his enemies were such sorry sailors that they appear to have had little or no con- trol over their craft. Gallop, therefore, having drawn oft^ to a fair distance, made all sail, with the prow of his vessel aimed directly against the quarter of the enemy. There being a good breeze, he struck her with such force that she was almost overset by the collision ; and this so frightened 152 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. the Indians, that six of them jumped into the sea and were drowned ; yet the Enghsh captain did not dare to board her, but stood off again to prepare for another broadside of the same kind. His success increased. The next time he drove the fluke of his anchor through the bows of the pirate, and remained fast to her. In the mean time he raked her fore-and-aft with his small shot, till every Indian had hid himself below. The English might now have boarded her, but the Captain concluded to continue his successful broadsides, as his anchor had broken its hold, and his bark was drifting from his antagonist. As soon as the Indians saAv him hauHng off", four or five more of them leaped overboard and were drowned. Seeing this. Gallop came alongside and boarded them. The Indians, by this time, if not before, being satisfied that all was lost, one came out of the hold and surrendered ; and being bound, was put into the hold. Then another came up, and he was bound likewise ; but not daring to put him into the hold with the other, fearing one might unloose the other, they threw him bound into the sea. There were still two left in the hold, and these defended themselves so bravely with swords, that Gallop resolved to secure them there, and to sail away with his prize. He therefore made her fast to his own vessel and proceeded on with her in tow ; but in the night the wind came on to blow, and he was forced to cut her adrift, and thus he lost her. He soon after arrived at Saybrook with the Indian captive, and in due time returned with him to Boston. " When Captain Gallop got possession of the enemy's vessel, he found the body of Captain Oldham under an old seine, yet warm ; and though the head was dissevered and disfigured, he knew him well, and exclaimed, ' Ah, brother Oldham I is it thee ? I am resolved to avenge thy death ! ' Thus being sure that he had engaged the murderers of his friend, his naturally strong arm was doubly nerved by the justice of his cause," HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 153 After scattering the Pequots and destroying mucli of their property, the expedition returned, having effected little or no good. It will be interesting to persons who have long been acquainted with the localities in Boston Bay, to know that in September, 1636, the General Court granted "12 acres of land to John Gallop, upon Nixe s Island, to enjoy to him and his heirs forever, if the island be so much." This is the first year in which we find the names of the officers of a military company in the town. Israel Stoughton was the Captain, Nathaniel Dun- can Lieutenant, and John Holman Ensign. But on the General Court Records is the following grant to Dep. Gov. Ludlow, in 1634 : — " Further, there is leave granted to the Dy Gouv"" to have his Indian trayned with the rest of the company att Dorchester, and to shoote at fowle." Up to this time it is supposed that the following roads were laid out in the town. One beginning at the north-east end of what is now known as Plea- sant street (which street, from the corner of Stough- ton to Cottage street, is believed to have been the first laid out in the town), running w^est to the Five Corners and east to the marsh (then called the Calf Pasture). This is now called Pond street and Cres- cent Avenue. From the Five Corners it run north- east to a little below the present residence of Capt. Willinm Clapp, where there Avas a gate, which was the entrance to Dorchester Neck, where the cattle were pastured. From Pond street, about twenty rods east of the Five Corners, it curved round by the present houses of Richard Clapp and Wm. T. 154 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Andrews, late Chesnut street. This street was dis- continued in 1853, by vote of the town. On this street lived Rev. Richard Mather, Roger Williams, and others. The road leading from the north-east end of Pleasant street to the Five Corners, now the east end of Cottage street, was also laid out, as well as the following : — one round Jones's Hill ; one running to Fox Point, now Savin Hill Avenue ; one from the Five Corners to the south-west corner of burying ground, now Boston street ; from that point to Roxbury ; from the Five Corners to Hum- phreys street, also Humphreys street ; from the present location of the Alms-house to Stoughton's Mill, at the Lower Mills ; Marsh street, which led to Penny Ferry, and from thence to Plymouth Co- lony. It will be perceived that this arrangement brought the inhabitants in proximity to each other, and furnished a road round several comparatively small portions of land. Care was taken to retain the right of way to the sea, to watering places and over marshes ; the marsh nearest the upland being- considered the most valuable for getting hay, &c., the owners of such land were obliged to put up with this inconvenience. July 5, 1636. The following order was passed in relation to some of those who owned land on Fox Point (Savin Hill). " It is granted to Mr. Ludlow, Mr. Hill, and the neighbors that have lots with them, that thev mav run a pale doAvn into the sea at the corner of Mr. Ludlow's, and another between Mr. Hill and John Eeles, for the securing their cows and saving of much fencing, provided they leave styles and gates HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 155 for persons and cattle, when persons are disposed to travel or drive cattle or swine that way to clamming," 1637. The Selectmen were John Glover, Nath'l Duncan, Mr. Jones, James Bates, Richard Collicut, John Holm an, Edward Clap, Roger Clap, and Wm. Sumner. This year, the grant of land to the Ply- mouth Colony line, usually called the New Grant, was made by the General Court. The finishing blow was given to the Pequots, this year. Israel Stoughton commanded the men raised in this quarter, and Rev. Mr. Wilson accompanied the expedition. The following is from the General Court records : "The 18 of the 2nd mo., 1637. This Court being assembled for the special occation of p sc- enting the warr against the Pekoits, it was agreed • and ordered that the warre having been undertaken vpon iust grounds should be seriously p secuted, and for this end there shall be 160 men p vided to bee chosen out of the severall townes, according to the p portion vnderwritten, viz. : out of Newbery, 8; Ipswich, 17 — then 6 more; Salem, 18 — 6 more; Saugust, 11 — 5 more ; Watertown, 14 — 5 ; Newtown, 09—3; Marblehead, 03—1; Charlestowne, 12—4; Boston, 26 — 9; Roxbury, 10 — 3; Dorchester, 13 — 4; Waymouth, 05 — 2; Hingham, 06 — 2; Mead- ford, 03—1." By the foregoing order it appears that it was found necessary to raise an additional number of men after the complement of 160 was made up. It is presumed that the Plymouth men were also put 156 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. under the same command, for we find in Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., vol. 3, 3d series, the following extract. " Then came Capt. Stoten, with an army of 300 men, to kill the Pequits." It would be interesting to us of the present day to know the names of those 17 men, from this town, who joined the expedition. This year the General Court assessed a rate of £4:00, which was divided as follows, and shows the relative standing of the towns at that time: viz., Boston, £59 — 4; Salem, 45 — 12; Dorchester, 42 — 6; Charlestown, 42 — 6 ; Ipswich, 34 — 12 ; Watertown, 80—8; Roxbury, 30—8; Newtown, 29— 12 ; Sau- o-us, 28— 16; Medford, 24— 12; Newbury, 16— 18; Hingham, 8 — 10 ; Weymouth, 6 — 16. The controversy on religious topics ran very high this year, as well as the last ; and the liberal party, under the lead of Mrs. Hutchinson, and her brother Rev. Mr. Wheelwright, were well nigh silenced be- fore the close of 1637, by the imprisonment of the former and the disarming of her friends. As no Dorchester names appear in the list of combatants, it is presumed the people of the town firmly clung to the rigid side of the question, and walked hand in hand with their pastor, Mr. Mather. The liberal party seemed principally to belong to Boston, and were very partial to Gov. Vane ; but the neighboring towns out-voted them, and clung to Gov. Winthrop. In relation to the pasturing of cattle, they were to be kept this year under the charge of Matthias Sension and Thomas Sanford, in the ordinary cow- pasture (which was a large tract of undivided land laying in the vicinity of the Upper Mills), not on HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 157 the Neck nor about town, upon pain of ten shillings. All who lived north of the Meeting-house, were to put their cows into the open place before it, within an hour after sunrise, and then the kee23ers were to drive them along through the town towards the pasture, blowing a horn as they went, and the balance that were not on the road were to be before Mr. Stoughton's or Mr. Minot's house. An order was made to take care of the business of those who were chosen for soldiers, that it might not suffer in their absence. — The 9th of May, of this year, measures were taken to divide the land on the Neck, as it was called, now mostly included in South Boston ; and the following order was passed : " It is ordered that the necke of land, contagne- ing by measure about 480 acres, shall be from henceforth the P P inheritance of the p sent inhabit- ants of the toMaie of Dorchester, in this manner. Every hoame lott that hath a dwelling house there- on or inhabitant incumbent in the towne, he or it shall have one acre for the said lott, & other hoame lotts half an acre ; then remayndr to belong to the same planters by this rule ; three-fifths to men's estates owne P P as usual they have burden, and a fifth to p sons equally thus counted, all men with their wives and children in the plantation under their p sent government in families to be counted. P vided allowance be made where houses and lotts are in tire, all be it for the p sent they have no p sons incumbent according to the p portion of such as lately did inhabit them." 14 158 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 1638. Selectmen — John Glover, Nath'l Duncan, Humphrey Atherton, Mr. Jones, Christopher Gib- son, Mr. Phillips, James Bates, William Sumner, Nicholas Upsal and John Capen. This year the General Court licensed Mr. Duncan as follows: — "March 12, 1638. Natha. Duncan of Dorchester is licensed to sell wine and strong water." They also passed the following. " Bray Wilkins hath liberty to set up a house and keepe a ferry over the Naponset Hyver, and to have a penny a p son to bee directed by Mr. Staughton and Mr. Glover." The Court also passed a law concerning tobacco, which undoubtedly caused no little excitement, per- haps as much as has been caused by what is known as the Maine Liquor Law of a later date. The fol- lowing is a copy. " This Court finding that since the repealing of the former laws against tobacco, the law is more abused than before, it hath therefore ordered that no man shall take any tobacco in the field except in his iourney, or at meale times, vpon pain of 12"^ for every offence, nor shall take any tobacco in (or so near) any dwelling house, barne, Corne or Haye, as may be likely to endanger the firing thereof, vpon the paine of 2^ for every offence, nor shall take any tobacco in any Inne or common victualling house ; except in a private roome there ; so as nither the master of the same house, nor any other gueste there shall take offence thereat ; w''^ if they do, then such p son is forthw'^ to forbeare, vpon paine of 2' 6*^ for every offence." HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 159 August r3d, of this year, there was a violent storm. Winthrop has the following account of it. " Mo. (6) 3.] In the night was a very great tempest, or Hiracano at S. W. which drave a ship on ground at Charlestown, and brake down the Windmill there, and did much other harm. It flowed twice in six hours, and about Narragansett it raised the tide fourteen or fifteen foot above the ordinary sjDring tides, upright." Winthrop says, " There came over this summer twenty ships, and at least three thousand persons, so as they were forced to look out new plantations." A Church was gathered this year at AVeymouth, under the sanction of the proper authorities, and Mr. Lenthial, who appears to have been in advance of his time in liberality, caused some of the elders to suppose that he had imbibed certain of the errors of Mrs. Hutchinson. They determined to check the heresy in the bud, and Mr. L. was therefore called before the General Court to retract his opinions, and several of his friends were punished. Some of the Dorchester people seem to have been under no small excitement about this matter, for two of our Mr.'s — - a title of no small signification in those days — were brought before the Court, and " Mr. Ambrose Mar- tin, for calling the Church Covenant a stinking car- rion, and a human invention, and saying he won- dered at God's patience, feared it would end in the sharp, and said the ministers did dethrone Christ and set up themselves ; he was fined £10 and coun- selled to go to Mr. Mather to be instructed by him." 160 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Likewise, " Mr. Thomas Makepeace, because of his novel disposition, was informed we were weary of him unless he reforme." At this day the record of the Court appears as novel to us, as did to them the disposition of Mr. Makepeace. It has been so in all time ; the con- servatives are weary of the reformers, and every inch of ground, both in matters of Church and State, is closely contested before yielded. "April 23, 1638. It is ordered that the land for the pits which John Benham had used for making brick, shall still be in common for the use of the plantation." Oct. 30, 1638. For the better encouragement of any that shall destroy wolves, it is ordered that for every wolf any man shall take in Dorchester planta- tion, he shall have 20s. by the town for the first wolf, 15s. for the second, and for every wolf after- wards 10s., besides the Country's pay." 1639. Selectmen — John Glover, Thomas Haw- kins, Nathaniel Duncan, Mr. Jones (probably Tho- mas), John Wiswall, John Pierce and Humphrey Atherton. This year Thompson's Island was appropriated for the benefit of the town school. It had been granted to Dorchester by the General Court in 1637. the town to pay a yearly rent of twelve pence to the treasurer ; but it subsequently lost this possession, as will appear by the following, 1000 acres being granted in lieu thereof It has been supposed that Thompson's Island, in HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 161 Boston Harbor, was first occupied in 1624, by David Thompson, a Scotchman, sent over with others to Piscataqua (now Portsmouth) by Gorges and Ma- son the year before, to establish a fishery at that place ; but later evidence shows that Wm. Trevour was the first civilized occupant. Thompson left Piscataqua and took up his abode upon it six years before the Bay was settled ; and after the Colony was fully established he procured a confirmation of his title to the Island from the General Court. The following depositions relate to its earliest history. " I, William Trevour, testify that 'Thompson's Island' is ' the formerly called ' Island of Trevour ' which I look possession of in 1619, and declared the same (as the effect of my proceedings) to Mr. David Thompson in London ; on which information the said T. obtained a grant and pat- ten for peaceable and quiet possession of s*^ island to him and heirs forever : — I being in the Company's service at the said time. To this I testify on oath, 27 of 2d mo., 1650. Deposed the day before named before me, Incr. Nowell. " That this is a true copy taken and compared with the original left on file, " Attests Ed. Rawson, Seer." " I, Wm. Blaxton, testify that the Island called Tom- son's Island is by Dorchester neck, and that I heard ould Mr. Thompson affirm that he had a patten for it, and that there is an harbour in that island for a boate which none of the rest of the islands had, and that those that put hoggs there doe it by his consent to my knowledge." Taken up- on oath this 5"' of the 5"^ mo. 1650. William Hibbins. " That this is a true copy compared with that left on file, "Attests E. R., Sec:* 14^ 162 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. " July IS^"*, 1650. I doe testify that in the yeare 1620 I Came into this Country and I lake it the same yeare I was in the Massachusetts Bay with Wilham Trevoyre and then being upon the Island lying neere Dorchester And Called the said Island, Island Trevoyre and then no Natives there Inhabiting neither was there any signe of any that had been there that I could perceive, nor of many, many yeares after. " P. Miles Standish. " Further I Cann testify that David Thompson shewed me a very Ancient Pa I tent & that Isle Thompson was in it, but the terms of it I cannot remember. " P. Miles Standish. " Deposed before the whole Court, 25 October, 1650. "E. R., Seer. '' That this is A true Copie Compar'd w"' its originall left on file, Attests Edward Rawson, Seeret^ Saggamore of Aggawam's Deposition concerning Thompson s Island. " I Saggamore of Agamam testify that in the yeare 1619 or thereabouts as I remember, I went in my owne person with Mr. David Thompson and then he took possession of the Hand before Dorchester, he likeing no other but that because of the smale Riuer, and then no Indians upon it or any Wigwam or planting, nor hath been by any Endians inhabitted or claymed since, but two years agoe by Harin- ben an old Endian of Dorchester. Witness my hand, this 13th of July, before Mr. Greenleafe, 1620 / 50. " Witness, Edmund Greenleafe. " Sagamore -n.-^----^-^^---'^ of Agaavam." " This is a true copy, compared with its originall on file, as attests Edward Rawson, Sec'y/." Archives of Salew.] HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 163 The subsequent grant of the Island to the Town of Dorchester is thus recorded. " Tom.son's Hand is granted to the Inhabitants of Dor- chester, to injoy to them and their heirs and successors which shall inhabit there forever, payinge the yearly Rent of twelue pence to the Treasurer for y*" time beinge. — At Newtowne by a generall Court held there 2d, 9th, 1637." —Toivn Records, Vol. II., p. 87. Petition from Dorchester to the General Court " To the honoured Generall Court now assembled at Bos- ton, the humble petition of the Town of Dorchester. "Whereas this honored Court formerly granted unto the Towne of Dorchester the Hand called Thompson's Hand, and the inhabitants of the said Towne long since granted the same towards the maintenance of a free schoole there forever : And Avhereas this Court at the last Session thereof vpon the petition of Mr. John Thompson for the said Hand (Mr. Mavericke testifying on his behalfe, that in the yeare 1626 Mr. David Thompson his father took pos- session thereof as a vacuum domicilium, and dyinge, the said John Thompson when he came to age demanded the same) granted unto the said John Thompson the said Hand forever. The which we think this Court would not have so granted unto him before the Towne had been called, and liberty given them to have answered and pleaded or otherwise dealt with the said John Thompson about the said Hand ; but that the jurisdiction thereof, or some other important reasons for common good, moved the Court thereunto : We therefore, not doubting of the justice and favor of the Courte towards vs and the furtherance of a free schoole amongst vs (Avhich otherwise is like to faile) doe humblie desire this honoured Courte to grant vs some Hand (within the Courle's power to grant) which may ^^ I 164 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. help vs towards the maintenance of a free schoole in lieu of that which is now taken away, and not only wee but pos- teritie while time shall last will have cause to bless you, your justice and piety in advancing learninge. " And so we rest " Your humble Petitioners, •' The Inhabitants of Dorchester. " Subscribed for them all by the Selectmen, John Wiswell, Thos. Jones, William Blake, Geo. Weekes, Joseph Farnworth, William Clarke, William Sumner. 1648." On the Petition is written what follows, viz. : " The Dept's are willing to answer this pet. when the Towne presents that which is fit to be given and bef»3Pe our honoured Magistrate's consent therevnto." ^^f^'j^'--'' Although the town lost this island in its corpo- rate capacity, it continued within its territory and under its jurisdiction until 1834, when it was set off to Boston, to be used as a Farm School ; and whenever it shall cease to be used for that purpose, is again to be included within the limits of Dor- chester. It has been supposed by many persons that a mill was formerly located on this island, and the stream on the westerly side has long been known as the out-let to the mill-pond ; but the depositions of the Sagamore of Agawam and William Blackstone set- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 165 ties the question that there never was a mill in that place, but tliat the " smale Riuer " was running in and out with the tide long before the settlement on the main land, and before the sound of a mill had broken the stillness of this western world. There is no doubt that the Sagamore was mistaken as to the time he went there with Mr. Thompson, although the latter undoubtedly had visited it before he took up his abode there. " This year," says Blake, " was an order for mount- ing y*" great guns at Mr. Hawkins, on Rock-hill." This place was undoubtedly what is now called Sa- vin Hill, although the Meeting-house Hill has been the spot usually designated as the place. A little observation will show that the former was much the most desirable and eligible location for a fortifi- cation, commanding as it did the mouth of the Ne- ponset, the bay, and the passage to the hill by land ; besides Mr. Hawkins lived on the plain south of the hill, and most of the inhabitants were in his neigh- borhood, and in a northerly direction therefrom. The southerly point of Savin Hill, on the flat rock, was just the spot for the " great guns " then, and would be now, in case of invasion. The celebrated law in relation to wearing super- fluities, passed the General Court this year, and was doubtless the occasion of no little excitement. The following is a copy. "4 (7) 1639. Whereas there is much complaint of the excessive wearing of lace and other superfluities tending to little use, or benefit, but to the nourishing of pride, and 166 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. exhausting of men's estates, and also of evil example to others ; it is therefore ordered that henceforward no person whatsoever shall pr sume to buy or sell within this juris- diction any manner of lace to bee Avorne or used within o'' limits. " And that no taylor, or any other person whatsoever, shall heareafter set any lace, or points vpon any garments, either linnen, wollen, or any other wearing cloathes what- soever, and that no p 'son heareafter shall be imployed in making any manner of lace, but such as they shall sell to such persons, as shall and will transport the same out of this iurisdiction, who in such case shall have liberty to buy the same ; And that hereafter no garment shall be made w*'' short sleeves, whereby the nakedness of the arme may be discovered in the \vearing thereof, and such as have garments already made w^** short sleeves shall not hereafter wear the same, unless they cover their armes to the wrist, with linnen or otherwise ; And that heareafter no person whatsoever shall make any garment for women, or any of their sex, w'** sleeves more than halfe an elle wide in the widest place thereof, and so proportionable for biger or smaller persons ; And for p'' sent reformation of immode- rate great sleeves and some other superfluities, w"^'' may easily be redressed w^'out much p"" udice, or the spoile of garments, as imoderate great breches, knots of ryban, broad shoulder bands and rayles, silk rases, double ruffes and caffes, &c." « Oct. 31, 1639. It is ordered that Mr. Atherton and John Wis well shall procure wheels to be made and carriages to mount the pieces that are at Mr. Hawkins's by the sea, and cause them to be mount- ed, and also the drake at Mr. Stoughton's to be * * * * * the charge to be paid out of the 40£ rate." 1640. There is but little of interest recorded HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 167 under the date of this year. " Thomas Tylestone and Edward Winshott were fined 6'. 8^. for not at- tending the iury when they were called." Miantun- nomoli, the celebrated Chief of the Narragansetts, visited Boston the latter part of this year, " and was met at Dorchester by Captain Gibbons and a guard of twelve musketeers, and well entertained at Roxbury by the Governour." This year the town chose overseers of the high ways. 1641. Selectmen — Nathl Duncan, Humphrey Atherton, Mr. Clark, Richard Collicut, John Hol- land, Roger Clap, John Pierce. About this time Mr. Jonathan Burr was invited to settle in the mi- nistry here with Mr. Mather ; and during the pre- liminaries a controversy broke out similar to that which had occurred in Boston — Mr. Burr, of course, being on the liberal side. It was a matter of great interest ; in which all, or nearly all, were concerned. The following is Hubbard's account of the affair, being mostly a copy from Winthrop. " The Church of Dorchester, not contenting themselves with a saigle officer in the ministry of their Church, in- vited one Mr. Burr (who had been a minister in England, and of very good report there, for piety and learning), with intent also to call him to office. And accordingly, after he was received a member of their Church, and had given good proof of his piety, and other ministerial abili- ties, they gave him a call to office, which he deferring to accept upon some private reasons, known to himself, some of the Church took some exceptions at some things, which he in the mean time delivered, his expressions possibly not well understood, or so far wire-drawn that they seemed 168 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. too much inclining to the notions then prevailing much at Boston, and they desired him to give satisfaction, and he not seeing need for it, it was agreed that Mr. Mather and he should confer together, and so the Church should know where the difference lay. Accordingly Mr. Burr wrote his judgment in the points of difference in such manner and terms, as from some of his propositions, taken singly, something that was erroneous might be gathered, and might seem naturally to follow therefrom ; but was so qualified in other parts as might admit of a charitable con- struction. Mr. Mather reports to the Church the seeming erroneous matter that might be collected, Avithout mention- ing the qualification, or acquainting Mr. Burr with it be- forehand. When this was published, Mr. Burr disclaim- ed the erroneous matter, and Mr. Mather maintained it from his writings. Whereupon the Church was divided about it, some joining with the one, and some with the other, so as it grew to some heat, and alienation of minds, and many days were spent for reconciliation, but all in vain. In the end they agreed to call in help from other Churches ; so as the 2nd of February, 1640, there was a meeting at Dorchester of the Governour, and another of the magistrates, and ten of the ministers of the neighbouring Churches, wherein four days were spent in opening the cause, and such offence as had fallen out in the prosecu- tion ; and in conclasion they all declared their judgment and advice in the case to this efiect : — That both sides had cause to be humbled for their failings ; Mr. Burr for his doubtful and unsafe expressions, and backwardness to give clear satisfaction ; Mr. Mather for his inconsideration, both in not acquainting Mr. Barr with his collections, before he published them to the Church, and in not certifying the qualifications of the erroneous expressions which were in his writings ; for which they were advised to set a day apart for reconciUation. Upon this Mr. Mather and Mr. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 169 Burr took the blame of their faihngs upon themselves, and freely submitted to the judgement and advice given, to which the rest of the Church yielded a silent assent. And God was much glorified in the close thereof, and Mr. Burr did fully renounce these errours of which he was suspected, confessing that he had been in the dark about those points, till God, by occasion of this agitation, had cleared them to him; which he did with much meekness and tears. But that holy man continued not long after, being observed to express so much of heaven in his publick ministry, as his hearers judged he would not continue long upon the earth, as it came to pass." Mr. Burr died Aug. 9, 164:1, and was buried in our burial ground, but no stone marks the spot. Sept. 11, of this year, there was " a great training at Boston two days," says Winthrop ; and adds fur- ther, "About 1200 men were exercised in most sorts of land service ; yet it was observed that there was no man drinik, though there was plenty of wine and strong beer in the town, not an oath sworn, no quarrel, nor any huit done." In this " great training " our Dorchester soldiers were of course included , and took the right ; for Prince says that the town, " in all military musters or civil assem- blies where Dignity is regarded, us'd to have the precedency." This muster might with great pro- priety be regarded as a model, which probably no one since has attained to. The fishing business was actively carried on this season, and according to Wmthrop 300,000 dry fish were sent to the market. 1612. Selectmen — John Glover, Edward Breck, 15 170 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. John Holnian, James Bates, Christopher Gibson, Nicholas Upsall, Thomas Clark. " This year it was ordered that every person that had any matter to offer to y*" Town must first acquaint y® Selectmen with it, or else it was not to be debated on, under a penalty ; agreeable to y" present Law, requiring all y^ matter of y*" meeting to be expressed in y"" war- rant." This summer there was a ship built at Dorchester. The 19th of September of this year, Winthrop says — " A man travelling late from Dorchester to Watertown lost his way, and being benighted and in a swamp, about 10 of the clock, hearing some wolves howl, and fearing to be devoured by them, he cried out, ' help, help.' One that dwelt within hearing, over against Cambridge, hallooed to him. The other still cried out, which caused the man to fear that the Indians had gotten some Englishman and were torturing him, but not daring to go to him, he discharged a piece two or three times. This jrave the alarm to AVatertown, and so it went as far o as Salem and Dorchester ; but about one or two of the clock no enemy appearing, etc., all retired but the watch." The winter of 1641-2 was very cold, and the harbor was frozen " to sea so far as one could well discern." There was so little immigration this year, that there was not much demand for land or cattle. As early as 1635, it is supposed that there were about 120 cows owned in the town, and raising cattle for HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 171 the new comers must have been a very lucrative business in the plantation. As there had beea some trouble and controversy about wages, the following order was passed, viz. : — '• It is ordered that from the loth day of the first month (March) to the 25th day of the eighth month, it shall not be lawful for common labourers, as hoers, reapers, tailors, &c. who were used to take after two shillings the day, to take above 28*^ a day ; and from the 25th day of the 8th month to the first day of the 10th month, 15'^ a day; and from the said first day of the 10th month unto the first day of the 12tli month, 12*^ the day; and from the said first day of the 12th month imto the 15th day of the first month, 15*^ a day," 1643. This year Miantonimo, one of the most high minded and honorable of Indian chiefs, fell into the hands of Uncas, the chief of the Mohegans, and through the infiuence of the Government of the Massachusetts Colony was coldly butchered. Judg- ing of the act at this distance of time, it may well be considered one of a most flagrant character, al- though committed by our forefathers. The imprisonment of Samuel Gorton, of Hhode Island, w^as an important event of the year, and was the cause of no little excitement through the Colo- ny. It is now difficult to ascertain what great sins he was guilty of, unless they were those of inde- pendence and liberality ; but being the weaker party, he was obliged to capitulate and suffer. The offi- cers of the company who went to arrest him were 172 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Capt. George Cook, Humphrey Atherton and Ed. Johnson. On their way to Boston, they passed through Dorchester, where were assemhled a large number of persons to witness the prisoners. Gorton was confined in Charlestown, and his seven confede- rates in seven different towns, with irons on their legs. Francis Weston (one of the number), was confined in Dorchester. In animadverting upon the acts of our ancestors, it is not to censure them as sinners above all others ; on the contrary, they were far beyond their genera- tion in all that exalts the human character. They were educated under the influence of many of the absurd superstitions of their age, and should not be condemned by the standard of our own. Those who so flippantly censure them as bigots, fanatics and persecutors, exhibit but little knowledge of the customs and prejudices of the generation by which they should be judged. This was probably the only land ever colonized, Avhere conquest, plunder, gold or roguery, was not the moving cause. Although they whipped and banished, it was in a great mea- sure to escape the contamination of the vicious and idle who invariably hover about all new settlements, and whose foothold here, they were early determined to prevent. The great Christian doctrine of tole- ration, it must be remembered, had not been even dreamed of then, and they were the most tolerant of their generation. They were an inestimable race of men and women ; they helped the morning to dawn apace, and this western wilderness to " bios- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 173 som as the rose;" they had seen oppression and despised it, "and scorned the disgrace of slavish knees." One of our Dorchester men returning to England this year, was glad to retrace his journey. Win- throp gives the following account of him. " One Richard , servant to one Williams, of Dorchester, being come out of service, fell to work at his own hand and took great wages above others, and would not work but for ready money. By this means, in a year or little more, he had scraped together about 25 pounds, and then re- turned with his prey into England, speaking evil of the country by the way. He was not gone far, after his arrival, but the cavaliers met him and eased him of "his money; so he knew no better way but to return to New England again, to repair his loss in that place which he had so much disparaged." Hubbard relates a curious affair under date of 1643. He says, "On the 18th of January there were strange sights seen about Castle Island, and the Governouf s Island over against it, in form like a man, that would sometimes cast flames and sparkles of fire. This was seen about eight of the clock in the evening by many. About the same time a voice was heard between Boston and Dorchester upon the water in a dreadful manner, crying out, ' boy, boy, come away, come away ; ' and then it shifted sud- denly from one place to another, a great distance, about twenty times. About fourteen days after, the same voice was heard in the like dreadful manner ; 15^ 174 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. divers sober persons were car witnesses hereof, at both times, on the other side of the town, towards Noddle's Island." There is no record of officers for the town this year. 1644. Selectmen — John Glover, Nathaniel Pat- ten, Mr. Howard, Thomas Wiswell, Nathaniel Dun- can, Humphrey Atherton and Mr. Jones. Blake says, " This year there were wardens ap- pointed to take care of and manage y"" affairs of y" school : they W'cre to see that both y*" master and schollar performed their Duty, and to Judge of and End any difference that might arise between master and scbolar, or their Parents, according to sundry Rules and Directions there set down. The first wardens were Mr. Howard, Dea. Wiswell and Mr. Atherton." They were chosen for life, unless they removed from the town or for some other weighty reason. This might be called the first school com- mittee, an office which has probably been filled in the town from that day to the present. By the following order it appears that this town furnished a large part of the appropriation for forti- fying Castle Island. " 20 of the 3 mo. 1664. It is ordered by a major vote of the town, that the raters shall make a rate of one hundred pounds towards the fortification of Castle Island and providing powder and shot and other for the great guns ; to be delivered into the hands of Nathaniel Duncan and Humphrey Ather- ton, overseers of the work, who are to be accounta- ble to the town for the disposing of it." HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 175 The General Court had voted to desert this island in 1643, "being weary of the charge of maintain- ing " it. Boston, Roxbury, Cambridge and AVater- town joined with Dorchester in undertaking the fortification, the General Court furnishing £100, but it is believed that this town furnished a larger sum than either of the other towns. It was in fact nearer to Dorchester than to either of them. South Boston then being within its limits. This Island, it is supposed, was first fortified in 1633, with mud walls. Capt. Roger Clap says these " stood divers years. First Capt. Simpkins was Commander there- of, and after him, Tieut. Monish, for a little space. When the mud walls failed, it was built again with Pine Trees and Earth ; and Capt. Davenport was Commander. When that decayed, which was within a little time, there was a small Castle built with brick walls, and had three rooms in it ; a dwelling Room below, a lodging Room over it, the Gun room over that, wherein stood six very good Saker Guns, and over it upon the Top Three lesser Guns." On the General Court Records is the following, under date of 1641, viz., "Capt. Sedgewick is or- dered to take care of the Castle this year ensuing, to begin on the first of the 5 month. And he is to agree with the Gunner and his man, allowing them 250 bushels of Indian corne, & if the Gunner will accept of it, 50 bushels more of Indian corne the Capt. hath granted for other necessaries." In July, 1665, Capt. Richard Davenport was struck by lightning at the Castle, and killed, and 176 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Aug. 10th following, Capt. Roger Clap was appoint- ed by the General Court in his place, and continued there about 21 years, until he was 77 years of age. He then resigned, rather than carry into effect some of the infamous requisitions of Sir Edmond Andros. His biographer says of him, " In liis time it might be seen that Religious and well disposed men might take upon them the calling of a souldier, without danger of hurting their morals or their good name," for he would have none but pious as well as brave men under his command. 1645. Selectmen — Humphrey Atherton, Roger Clap, John Wiswcll, Thomas Jones, Hopestill Fos- ter, George Weeks and William Blake. This year £250 was raised to build a new meeting house ; the committee for the purpose were John Glover, Nathaniel Duncan, Humphrey Atherton, Thomas Jones, John Wiswell, Deacon Clap and Robert Howard. It was built near or on the spot of the first meeting house, at the northerly end of Pleasant street, and was subsequently moved on to Meeting-house Hill. The first meeting house was a rude building, thatched, with a stair-way on the outside, and was insufficient to answer the growing wants of the plantation. More than a month before the above sum w^as raised by vote, it was agreed, " at the general meeting of the town, for peace and love's sake, that there shall be a new meeting house built on Mr. Howard's land in the most convenient place betwixt Mr. Stoughton's garden and his barn." Dec. 17. "There was given to EdAvard Breck, HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 177 by the hands of most of the inhabitants of the town, Smelt Brook Creek, on the condition that he doth set a mill there." This mill was sold to William Hobinson, who was killed by being drawn under its cog-wheel. It was then sold to Timothy Tileston, and has been in the last-named family to the present day. This year the town w^as ordered by the General Court to pay for the support of the Castle £20 16s. in wheat, peas, rye, barley, Indian corn or fat cattle. Nathaniel Duncan of this town, who was undoubt- edly one of the best accountants in the colony, was chosen Auditor General by the (jeneral Court, with a salary of £30 per year. This year Capt. Thomas Hawkins, former resident of this town, but now of Boston, built in the latter place the famous ship Seafort, of 400 tons, " and had set her out," says Winthrop, " with much strength of ordnance, and ornament of carving and painting, etc." He was cast away on the coast of Spain, as was also a London ship which sailed in company, and many passengers lost. Capt. Kear- man, of the other ship, was lost ; but Hawkins got to England, and being employed in a voyage the next year, was cast away at the same place. 161G. Selectmen — John Glover, Mr. Jones, Ed- ward Breck, John Wiswell, John Holland, Edward Clap and Wm. Clark. This year £40 was raised for finishing the meet- ing house, and " making the walls decent within and without." A way was also laid out to that part 178 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. of Neponset usually known by. the name of Pine Neck. It began at the house of John Hill, and run to Robert Pierce's, and was a rod and a half broad. The winter of 1645-6 was very cold, and extended very far south. Winthrop says that in Virginia, " the ships were frozen up six weeks." This year the enormous quantity of eight hundred butts of Spanish wine was brought over, and there was great difficulty in collecting the duties thereon, and finally they Avere forced to break open the cellar doors to take it by force. Most of the discreet men regretted the encouragement given to the importation, and the General Court had a short time previous made an order for an impost duty of ten shillings on every butt. Hubbard says, " had there been a greater impost laid thereon, it might have turned the stream of traffick into another channel, that might have been beneficial to the place." The office of Constable was a very important one, and many of those chosen paid a fine rather than to serve. Their badge of office was a black stafi*, from 5 to 5 1-2 feet long, with five or six inches at the ends tipped with brass. It was about this time that the traffic in slaves be- gan. Our progenitors have been accused of indif- ference, if nothing worse, in regard to this nefiirious traffic ; but the following extract from the Colony Records shows that they set their faces like a flint against it. 1616, 4th November. "The Gen'all Co-'te con- ceiving themselues bound by y^ first opertunity to HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 179 bear Witness against y'' haynos & crying sinn of man stealing, as also to p scribe sncli timely redresse for what is past, and such a law for y"" future as may sufficiently deter all others belonging to us to have to do in such vile and most odious courses, iustly ab- hored of all good and iust men, do order y' y*" negro interpreter w'^ others unlawfully taken, be y® first opertunity (at y*" charge of y*" country for p sent), sent to his native country of Ginny, Sz a letter w^^ him of y® indignation of y*" Corte thereabout, and iustice hereof, desireing o"" hono''ed Gov'n'' would please put this order in execution." 1647. Selectmen — John Wiswell, Thomas Jones, Wm. Blake, Wm. Clark, Joseph Farnsworth, Wm. Sumner and Geo. Weeks. There had been great trouble heretofore in rela- tion to fences, especially in the great lots, so called. It appears that these lots began a little south of the Meeting-house Hill, and extended to Neponset river. This year the town chose Isaac Heath, John Johnson and Wm. Parks, all of lioxbury, to view the fences and apportion to each man his share, " to the end that damage may be prevented, and peace procured and established among them all." 1648. Selectmen — Humphrey Atherton, John Wiswell, John Glover, Roger Clap and Thomas Jones. Another attempt was made at this time to secure a ferry over Neponset river, between Dorchester and Braintree, so that travellers need not be obliged to head the stream. It is supposed that former projects 180 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. had failed to be a profitable business, and no person was now willing to undertake it unless a boat-house and land were provided. The General Court gave John Glover the power to grant it to any person for seven years, or to keep it himself forever. 1649. This year Rev. John AVilson, Jr., son of Rev. John Wilson, of Boston, was settled as " coad- jutor to Rev. Richard Mather." After preaching here about two years, he removed to Medfield, where he preached about forty years, and died Aug. 23, 1691. " The Lord's day preceding his translation, he preached both forenoon and afternoon, fervently and powerfully. The Lord's day that he expired, the greater part of his Church were present to behold and lament his remove from them." By a letter of the Rev. John Eliot, dated 13th of 9 mo., 16-19, in Massachusetts Historical Society's Collections, it appears that a gentleman in London gave £T0 for the schooling of the Indians. He says, "five pounds I gave to a grave woman in Cambridge, who taught the Indian children last yeare ; and God so blessed her labours, that they came on very prettily. The other five pounds I gave to the school master of Dorchester, and thither the children of those Indians that lived there about went, with a like good successe, if not better, because the children were bigger and more capable." CHAPTER XII. Orders of the General Court and of the Town — (Continued.) 1650. Selectmen — John Glover, Roger Clap, Hopestill Foster, William Clark and John Smith. The General Court allowed Capt. Humphrey Atherton £10 for his services to the Narraganset country, and a reasonable compensation to his sar- geant ; his twenty men two shillings a day for fif- teen days, and Is. 6d. per day for the two men who attended the horses. 1651. Selectmen — Humphrey Atherton, Wil- liam Blake, sen., James Bates, Mr. Jones and Robert Howard. " This year the bridge was built over Ne- ponset river, by Henry Whites." Previously there had been a ferry, which was kept by Bray Wilkins. 1652. Selectmen — Humphrey Atherton, Wil- liam Sumner, sen., Robert Howard, Thomas Jones and Hopestill Foster. The minister, Mr. Mather, had £100 granted to him this year, to be raised by a town rate. This sum was a very liberal compensation for those days, and was continued for a long time. There was also a collection, this year, for the maintenance of the President and Fellows of Harvard College. 16 182 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 1653. Selectmen — HurnxDhrey Atherton, Richard Baker, Richard Leeds, Nathaniel Patten and Roger Clap. This year the town chose Dea. John Wiswall and Ensign Hopestill Foster " to meet with the commit- tee chosen by the General Conrt, to view a planta- tion at Natick — to know what is meet to be done, and what their desire is." Early in this year the church sold their house, and about three acres of land, to Robert Howard ; Stephen Hoppin was living in the house at the time. This house was left to the church by Mrs. Tilly. 1654. Selectmen — Lt. Roger Clap, Nathaniel Patten, Dea. John Wiswall, Ensign Hopestill Fos- ter and Thomas Jones. The first report of disbursements made by the town, is under date of this year ; and as it is a mat- ter of curiosity when compared with the Auditors' reports of these times, it is here inserted. The amount assessed was £40 14s. lid. for the town and castle. Imprimis. To the Captain of the Castle, . £20 16s. Od. Item. For carrying of corn to the tide mill, for Captain of the Castle, .... 1 Ite7n. For driving up and setting down, and for keep- ing of the corn that was with Goodman Mead, Item. For the Secretary, for ^vriting Court orders. Item. For two quire of paper, .... Item. For a messenger to go to Mr. CoUicot's, about Thompson's Island, .... 1 4 Item. For a board and nails and work to stop the place in the gallery of the meeting-house, 2 11 9 8 4 1 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 183 Item. For making the fence by Goodman Toplif's, 7 6 Item. Paid Abraham Howard and Thomas Trott, be- ing constables, to make up their rate, being short, . . . . . 16 Item. To Thomas Tohinan, toAvards a pair of wheels for the Gun, 10 Itejn. Paid to a man of Dedham for killing two wolves, ...... 19 Item. To Goodman Tolman, for killing a wolf, .10 Item. Paid John Smith, his one rate, 14s. ; to Rich- ard Hall, 6s. 2d.; and lis. 8d. by John Minot, which he should have laid out on the meeting-house, &c. . . . 1 11 10 Item. To Goody George, . . . . 8 10 Item. It is voted that the 19s. 3d. that was due from Nicholas White for his rate unpaid, should be abated, ...... 19 3 Item. For Thompson's Island, the rate to the County being 16s. 8d., and the Town rate being 8s. 4d. It is not thoroughly agreed on, only for the present we crave allowance, but shall do our best to get it, if you can set us in some way to do it, . . 15 Item. For Jeremiah Ryland, his rate, no hope to get it, 10 Sum total laid out to this 4th day of 10th month. 1654, is £34 19 2 1655. Selectmen — John Wiswall, Hopestill Fos- ter, Edward Breck, Nathaniel Glover and Nathan- iel Patten. This year the road from Braintree (now Quincy) to'' Roxbury was laid out. The committee were Nicholas Clap and William Clarke of Dorchester, and Moses Paine and Gregory Belcher of Braintree. The road was to be four rods wide, and run as fol- 184 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. lows : Beginning " near Phinney Graves' house, the way to lie on the south-east side of, in the old bea- ten way, and so to a low white oak marked on the same side of the way, and so by the marked trees to the brook ; and so from the brook, the way being bad in the winter, we agreed to take about a rod into Anthony Gulliver's lot, where the fence inter- rupts the way ; and so to a marked post towards John Gill's house, and from thence to another mark- ed post against John Gill's house ; from thence to a stake in Elder Kingsley's yard, and from thence to the mill in the old beaten road way, and from the mill to two great rocks on the lower side of the way, at Robert Spurr and Henry Merrifield's houses, and from thence to the new field by the marked trees in the old road way, and so through the new field where the way formerly was, and from thence by the marked trees on the left hand to Roxbury bounds." This must have been the road which runs over Milton Hill from Quincy to the Lower Mills, and from thence over the upper road in Dorchester, now Washington Street, to Roxbury. This year the General Court having enjoined the selectmen of every town to have a " vigilant eye to see that all children, and such as w^ere within their charge, be catechized in some orthodox cate- chism," the following order was passed — viz. : " We, the Selectmen of the town of Dorchester, for the time being, in our obedience to authority, and in pursuit of so useful and profitable work, do hereby will and require all parents, masters, and all that have the charge and oversight of any youth within this HISTORY OF DORCHESTEH. 185 plantation, to catecliize their children, servants and others within their several charge, in some sound and orthodox catechism, that they may be able to render account thereof when they shall be thereunto required, either in the Church, or privately, as upon advice shall be judged most conducive to the general good. And fail not herein upon such penalty as the Court shall see reason to inflict, on information given against such as shall be found delinquent therein." By order of General Court, the bounds between Dorchester and Dedham were fixed. The persons who were appointed for that purpose were William Sumner, William Clarke, Nathaniel Glover, and Mahaleel Munnings, for Dorchester ; and Joshua Fisher, Daniel Fisher, and William x\very, for Dedham. 1656. Selectmen — Nathaniel Patten, Edward Breck, Hopestill Foster, Mr. Jones and Nathaniel Glover. William Blake, sen., was chosen Recorder, and was to have 20s. and be rate free. He was the first Eecorder chosen. A strict order was issued by the Selectmen, this year, in relation to cattle being allowed or suffered to destroy the corn, grass, &c., of persons not their owners. It begins as follows: " Forasmuch as righteousness among men is not only the command- ment of God, but the way to continue love and peace, &c." It then goes on to state the penalty for trespassing. Many of the early documents of the town are draw^n up with great care and ability. 186 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 1651. Selectmen — Roger Clap, Hopestill Foster, Mr. Jones, Nathaniel Patten and Edward Clap. This year, at the request of Rev. John Eliot, of Roxbury, usually denominated the Apostle of the Indians, the town granted a piece of land at Pun- kapoag, containing about 6000 acres, for the use of the Indians at and about Punkapoag Pond ; also 500 acres to Roger Clap, supposed to be in West- field or that vicinity; and 1000 for the school of Dorchester. Previous to this, a part of the town records had been accidentally burnt in Thomas Mil- let's house. The following do(;ument is on record, viz. " A memorandum that the Grand Jury were with us to speak with us about some things which they thought were liable to be presented, as namely this, that the catechising of children is neglected in our town." " x\t a meeting of the Selectmen, 12: 4: 1657, Thos. Bird brought a note from Henry AVoodward, Constable, and demanded twenty shillings for a wolf that his son Samuel Greenway killed within our bounds the 5 : 1: 57, which we do order that they shall be paid the next town rate." It was a common thing to pay for several wolves killed in one year. Anthony Fisher, Jr., received pay for three in 1665. This year the town voted to add ten pounds in the next rate, to be paid in wheat, for the procuring and purchasing of " great guns " for the use of the town. It appears that it had been the custom to lumber up the roads by manure, wood, timber, stones, build- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 181 ing of hovels, styes for swine, saw-pits, clay-pits, &c., until the Selectmen took the matter in hand and ordered them cleared in six weeks' time, on penalty of 20s. 6d. to the offending parties. Eleazer Mather, son of Rev. Richard, being about entering the ministry, laboi-ed in this town in con- nection with his father, and was allowed ten pounds for the same. The following letter, in relation to the laying out of Punkapoag, will show the influence the writer had over the people of Dorchester. " To his much honored and respected friend, Major Atherton, at his house in Dorchester, these p sent. " Much honored and beloved in the Lord : '•' Though our poore Indians are much molested in most places in their meetings in way of civilities, yet the Lord hath put it into your hearts to suffer us to meet quiedy at Ponkipog, for w'' I thank God, and am thankful to yourselfeand all the good peo- ple of Dorchester. And now that our meetings may be the more comfortable and p varable, my request is, y' you would please to further these two motions : first, y* you would please to make an order in your towne, and record it in your towns record, that you approve and allow y*" Lidians of Ponkipog there to sit downe and make a towne, and to inioy such accommodations as may be competent to maintain God's ordi- nances among them another day. My second request is, y' you would appoint fitting men, who may in a fitt season bound and lay out the same, and record y* alsoe. And thus commending you to the Lord, I rest. Yours to serve in the service of Jesus Christ, JOHN ELIOT." 1658. Selectmen — Humphrey Atherton, Roger Clap, Hopestill Foster, Mr. Jones and Mr. Patten. 188 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. This year it was voted by the General Court, that no persons should receive into their houses any stran- ger without the leave of the Selectmen, upon such penalty as the Selectmen " shall see good to lay upon them." 1659. Selectmen — Humphrey Atherton, Roger Clap, Hopestill Foster, Nathaniel Patten and Mr. Jones. This year 400 acres of land were given by the proprietors for the use of the ministry. The Selectmen issued their order in relation to the entertaining of strangers. It begins as follows : " Whereas the General Court hath taken care what strangers shall reside in this jurisdiction, and how licensed, as by the law title ' strangers ' doth appear," &c. It then goes on to state that if any person in this town shall entertain any sojourner or inmate in his house above one week, without license from the Selectmen, he shall be fined. The first person who suffered under this order was " Angola the negro," who was ordered to " depart this town." This law appears to have been enforced with considerable strictness. " Thomas Meekins and James Minot did promise to set up a Fulling Mill upon Neponset river, by the first of December next." The fifteenth of June, this year, was a day of hu- miliation in all the churches of this jurisdiction — " in behalf of our native country, the fears of com- motion and trouble in the country and Parliament ; rents and divisions in many of the churches, espe- cially in Hartford ; the hand of God against us in the HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 189 unseasonable wet and rain of last spring ; and the sad face of things in regard of the rising genera- tion." Mr. Peletiah Glover preached in the morn- ing, from 2 Chron. vii. 14, 15, 16; Mr. Mather in the afternoon, from Hosea vi. 1." The people of Hartford sent for Mr. Mather, with the elders of the church, to come to them and give counsel in relation to the differences in their church ; but they excused themselves " in regard to the diffi- culty of the journey unto the aged body " of Mr. Mather. The Hartford matter was subsequently settled in this vicinity — that place being so far from most of the churches whose counsel was desired in its settlement. The 8th of December was kept as a day of thanks- giving. 1660. Selectmen — Humphrey Atherton, Eoger Clap, Hopestill Foster, Nathaniel Patten and Mr. Jones. The 22d of February was observed as a day of humiliation through the colony, in behalf of Eng- land, " they being at this time in such an unsettled way of government, being without Protector and without Parliament, only the power remaining in the army, and they also being divided." The sabbath before this day of fasting, Jeremy Hawes, servant of Mr. Patten, and Thomas Lake, servant and kinsman of Thomas Lake, for bad be- havior in the meeting in the forenoon, were called before the assembly in the afternoon and publicly reproved. The 25 th of March, Mr. Mather made a report 17 190 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. unto the congregation, " of a sad accident that was fallen out at Hartford, viz. of a young man named Abraham Warner, about the age of twenty years, who being left of God, and prevailed with by Satan, drowned himself in the water, leaving behind him, in his brother s pocket, a writing to his father, wherein he does advise his father to look to the ways and walkings of his brother. Mr. Mather, upon this occasion, gave an exhortation, 1st, unto the children, to take heed of refusing instruction from their parents, and not to please themselves with this, that they were the children of godly pare^its, as it seems this young man was. And 2d, also unto pa- rents to look to the ways and walkings of their children and families, alledging the example of Eli," &c. There was another day of fasting and humiliation on the 10th of June. Mr. Peletiah Glover preach- ed in the morning, from Zcchariah i. 3 ; Mr. Ma- ther in the afternoon, from Ezekiel xxi. 27. About this time the elders put the church in mind " of their slackness in coming to the contribution, and discharging their rates to the deacons." The 9th of December was another day of humili- ation in the church of Dorchester, at the motion of Mr. Mather, on account of the troubles in England. Mr. Mather preached in the morning, from Tim. i. 1 and 2 ; Mr. Eliot, of Roxbury, in the afternoon, from Job iii. 25. These occasions of humiliation and fasting — sometimes general and sometimes local — are men- tioned to show the feeling and tendency of the HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 191 times. An allusion to them all would occupy much space, and will therefore be omitted hereafter, ex- cepting in cases where something out of the com- mon course led to the appointment of the day. In some years there were four or five fast days, besides thanksgivings. Roger Sumner was dismissed from the church, being about to remove to Lancaster with others and form a church there. When Lancaster was destroy- ed by the Indians, he returned to Milton, and was an important man there. 1661. Selectmen — Roger Clap, Hopestill Foster, Nathaniel Patten, Mr. Jones and William Sumner. The death of Maj. Gen. Humphrey Atherton, this year, was a serious loss to the town. His energy of character, and firmness in all cases where great de- cision was required, made him a strong pillar in the youthful settlement. There is no doubt his death occurred on the 17th of September, instead of the 16th, as inscribed on his monument — probably soon after 12 o'clock at night on the 16th. Blake says, " He was killed by a fall from his horse at y® So. end of Boston, as he was coming homewards (I think in y® evening), his Horse either Running over or start- ing at a Cow that lay down in y® way." His great courage and presence of mind were strikingly exhi- bited when he w^as sent, with twenty men, to Pessa- cus, an Indian sachem, to demand the arrears to the colony, of three hundred fathom of wampum. Pessa- cus put him off* for some time with dilatory answers, not sufiering him to come into his presence. He finally led his men to the door of the wigwam, en- 192 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. tered himself with pistol in hand, leaving his men without, and seizing Pessacus by the hair of his head, drew him from the midst of a great number of his attendants, threatening, if any of them interfer- ed, that he would despatch him. It will be seen, by the following entry, that the meeting-house was but a rude and humble building. On the 8th of September, of this year, after order- ing that Lieut. Clap and Ensign Foster should see the meeting-house repaired, the records say — " Also William Blake is appointed to warn Thomas An- drews to daub the meeting-house, or else to take the fine that is due for not * * * of him." The 18th of June, of this year, Mr. Eleazer Ma- ther, son of the pastor of this church, was ordained minister of Northampton ; and Dea. Edward Clap, Mr. Peletiah Glover and Thomas Tilestou were cho- sen as messengers from the church to attend the or- dination — a journey of nearly as much importance as would now be one to New Orleans, and much more dangerous. Several persons removed from this town to Northampton, and formed the church there ; among them, William Clarke and Sarah his wife, Henry Woodward and Elizabeth his wife, and Henry Cunliffe and his wife Susanna. 1662. Selectmen — Roger Clap, Hopestill Foster, William Sumner, Mr. Jones and John Minot. The Mr. Jones so often named as one of the selectmen, was undoubtedly Thomas, a wise and pru- dent man. This year Milton was set off from Dorchester and incorporated as a township — Dorchester still hold- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 193 ing the territory south thereof. The Indian name of Milton was Unquety, and it was frequently call- ed by that name long after it was set off as a town. Goodman Mead had charge of the meeting-house in Dorchester, attended to the bell-ringing, clean- ing, &c. ; and there not being sufficient cash in the treasury to pay him the three pounds due for that service the present year, Mr. Patten agreed to pay him twenty-six shillings and eight pence, and Ens. Foster the rest — both to be allowed the same out of the next town rate. May 5, of this year — " It was voted whether An- thony Fisher should have four pounds allowed out of the town rate for killing six wolves ; the vote was affirmative." The town had hitherto kept their powder at the house of Gen. Atherton, and he being dead, the Captain, Lieutenant and Ensign were appointed to take charge of the " ammunition that is in the house of Mrs. Atherton, and to remove it to some conve- nient place for the use of the town." Nicholas Clap was appointed to see the windows of the meeting-house mended, and to provide lids or window leaves for the windows, and to pay the glazier. The death of Sir Henry Vane, who was beheaded in England, June 14th of this year, was undoubt- edly strongly felt by his old friends and acquaint- ances in this town and vicinity. He was a great man in the colony, and belonged to the progressive party. He was impeached for " compassing and imagining the death of the king," Charles I. Not 194 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. a shadow of proof was brought to sustain the charge, yet he suffered the punishment of death. 1663. Selectmen — Roger Clap, Hopestill Foster, Mr. Jones, William Sumner and John Minot. The town, for the first time, chose commissioners to try and issue small causes. Capt. ,Roger Clap, Lt. Plopestill Foster and William Sumner were cho- sen for this year. " Capt. Clap was authorised to join persons in marriage, and from this time forward many persons were married by him." Daniel Ellis came to the selectmen, and " intreat- ed to be an inhabitant of Dorchester ; " but they would not accept of him as such, unless he brought sufficient security, " or to be in covenant for one year with some honest man." Robert Stiles was obliged to pay the penalty for entertaining strangers contrary to law. For many years it had been customary to vote £100 to pay Mr. Mather for his services as pastor and teacher ; but as he grew aged, he received as- sistance in the performance of his duties from Mr. Stoughton. Last year £95 was voted to Mr. Ma- ther, and 25 to Mr. Stoughton, Tliis year, to the former, £80 ; to the latter, 50. Great interest and distress were felt here and in all the towns in the Bay, on account of the affairs in England ; and fasts were held in Dorchester, Charlestown, Cambridge, Roxbury, Boston, Water- town, Dedham and Braintree, " seeking to God, by fasting and prayer, in behalf of the people of God." A part of 1000 acres granted by the General Court, in 1659, in lieu of Thompson's Island, was laid out this year ; also 400 acres for the ministry. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 195 1664. Selectmen — Roger Clap, Hopestill Foster, William Sumner, Mr Jones and Anthony Fisher, jr. This year William Stoaghton sent a list of his landed property to the proprietors. He owned a large quantity in his own right, and had purchased of many persons who had left the town ; viz., Mr. Gilbert, Mr. Makepeace, Mrs. Knight, widow Smead, Mr. Jones, Mr. Flood, John Pope, Mr. Whitcomb, Mr. Miller, Mr. Butler, Mr. Dimmock, Mr. Hutch- inson, Edward Munnings, Mr. Holman and Richard Collicot — making about 325 acres. This, with what he inherited through his father, made the amount very large. His father, at the time of his death, w^as the owner of upwards of 5000 acres. At a town meeting, April 1, 1664, "it was pro- posed to the town whether they were willing to have an Ordinary set up somewhere about or near the meeting-house." " The vote was negative." A similar application was made soon after to the selectmen, with the same result ; viz., Sept. 7, 1664: " Whereas there was a motion made by Nicholas B«?fe#rai unto the Selectmen, for his wife's drawing and selling Cyder ; W^e, the Selectmen, do not ap- prove of it." At the same meeting Ensign Capen and William Sumner were appointed to get the burying place well and sufficiently fenced, and also to demand of John Blake the 20 shillings (not 20 pounds, as men- tioned in the 107th page of this work) left by his father for that purpose in his last will and testa- ment. The burying place here mentioned is the pre- sent one in the north part of the town. It was 196 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. originally laid out five rods square. The south- west corner is the oldest part, and has heen enlarg- ed several times. It is supposed that this ground, although not the most ancient, contains the oldest inscriptions in the United States, excepting, per- haps, a few in Jamestown, Ya. ; one being dated 1638, and others in 1644 and 1648. April 3d, of this year, " Mr. Mather, after the evening exercises, did declare that Mr. Stoughton did intend the next Lord's day to preach again, at the motion of the messengers of the church, al- though he had not preached publicly full 14 sab- baths before." Mr. Mather preached the election sermon this year, from Haggai ii. 4 — " Yet now be strong, all ye people of the land, saith the Lord, and work, for I am with you, saith the Lord of hosts." A very significant text for the occasion, and the discourse was probably a preliminary step in that onward march of events which finally caused the separation of the colony from the mother country. The following important petition from the town, signed by nearly all the men in it, speaks for itself; but a few remarks may help to understand its signi- ficance. The colony had no doubt greatly sympa- thised with Cromwell and his party, and were not a little disappointed at the accession of the undignifi- ed and lascivious Charles. It was with these feel- ings, and under the fear, likewise, that former rights and privileges might be curtailed upon the restora- tion of the Stuart family, that this document was sent to the General Court. It is undoubtedly in HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 197 the hand writing of Richard Mather, and is draAvn up with great care. It is here copied from the Ge- nealogical Register, Vol. V., page 393 — the names, for convenience, being arranged alphabetically. To the Hoard. Gournr. the Deputy Gournr. together with the rest of the honord. magistrates &, house of Deputyes. As- sembled in Generall court at Boston this nineteenth day of October, 1664. The Petition oft' the Inhabitants of Dor- chester : Humbly sheweth : First of all That wee doe acknowledge it with all ThankfuU- ness to God & to yourselues, as a great mercy, that the Lord was pleased to put it into yor harts, in your late session to ex- presse h declare, That it is yor resolution (god assisting) to beare faith &£ ti'ue Alegiance vnto his majesteye. And to adhere vnto our Patent the dutyes and priuilidges thereof, soe dearly ob- tained & soe long enjoyed by vndoubted right in the sight of god h men : Likewise we doe acknowledg it a flmor from god in directing The Honrd CounsiU in a late meeting of theers at Bos- ton to giue forth such a declaration wherin they doe recite the sence of sundry perticulers, what or power and priuilidges are granted to vs in the said patent, as this is one, that full power k, authority is granted to this coUonye for making and executing all lawes for the gourment of this people not repugnant to the lawes of England, Another is that it shall be lawfuU for this gournmnt by all fitting meanes Si if need bee by force of armes to deffend orselues against all such as shall attempt the detriment or anoyance of this plantation or the inhabitants thereof; some lawes they recite that are established &; printed in relation to the former, i. e. to vphold & inaintaine the said gouerment. All which considered it is our humble request vnto this Honrd Court, That as you haue expressed & declared your resolution, to adhere to ye patent h ye privilidges thereof, for there may be a constancy therein h noe declining from the same, fibr you know how vncomfortable &; dishonrable it would be first to ex- presse such a resolution as afFore mentioned, &^ afterward to act 18 198 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. contrary, wch wee hope is farre from your intention, And we pray god that such a thing may neuer bee. It is well known how his Roy all majesty by letters to this collony doth confirme the said patent & charter, & promiseth that wee shall Injoy all the libertyes & priuilidges granted in &i by the same, wch may be a further & great incouragmt to yorselues to adhere to your profFessed resolution, & to take courage by your authority & wisdome, that all the people within this jurisdiction may also doe the same. Next of all, full power being granted by the patent for mak- ing and executing all lawes not repugnant to the lawes of Eng- land, some one of the lawes here established being this : That noe injustice shall bee put vpon any church officer or member, In point of doctrine worship or Discipline, whether for substance or sircumstance besides the Institutions of the Lord Therfor it is our Humble request that the liberty of or churches h faithful] ministry in this collony may bee still continued, without the im- position of any such Injunction not ordained of god, wch con- sciences truly tender would be troubled withall, but that as hith- erto our churches &£ ministers haue bine freed from such human Inuentions &t impositions, soe they may bee still, it being well knowne to the world that to be freed therefrom was one spetiall cause that moued many to remoue from their deare natiue coun- try Into this wilderness, & how lamentable & grieuous it would bee to be here burdened &: encombered againe with such mat- ters is easy for any to Judge. Thirdly, The patent expresly granting that the yeilding &, pajng of the fifth part of the oare of gold & siluer shal be for k, in respect of all dutyes k, demands &; seruices wtsoeuer^ Therfore we humbly Intreat that the Inhabitants of this collony may not bee vrged & compelled to make any other paymts but what is by patent exspressed, vnto any person or persons wtso- euer but such as doe here reside h dwell, h are by the country chosen to labor amongst vs in this church and ciuil gouermt. for the low estate k, condition whervnto the chardg of this wilder- ness worke h the afflicting prouidences of god haue brought HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 199 many vnto is known to bee such, that small portions & sallaiyes euen nuich below there deserts are afibrded to many that labor amongst vs both in church & common wealth, And therefore to impose further taxes k, paiments on the country wch the patent requireth not but freeth vs from, seemeth to bee difficult vnrea- sonable if not impossible to bee borne, & therfor we humbly de- sire it may be preuented Much honerd we haue none other on earth to flee vnto but yourselues into whose hands vnder god wee haue comitted the care &; preseruation of all our pretious things, hoping that this great trust by god & his people by you shalbe duly obserued : we also engage orselfe to assist as we haue hitherto with or per- sons & estates so farre as the Lord shall enable vs. vnto whom we also pray for his spetiall guidance & grace to be with you in this soe great a work. Andrews, Thomas, sen. Andrew, Thomas, junr. Baall, ffrances Rail, Mathew Baker, John Baker, Eichard Bird, Thomas Burd, iosph Blackman, John Blake, James Blake, Will Boulton, Nicolas VR Bradley, William Browne, Edmond Capen, Barnard Capen, John, sen. Capen, John, Jr. Capen, Samuell Clapp, Nicholas Clap, Ebenezer Clap, Edward Clap, Ezra Clap, Increase Clap, Nathan iell Clap, Nehemiab Clap, Samuel Clap, William, senr. Cumin, David Curtis, Richard Dier, George Davenport, Thomas, sen. Davenport, Thomas, jun. Elder, Daniel Euens, Mathias Euens, Richard Fisher, Anthony, sen. Foster, Hopestill, jr. Foster, Timothy Frances, Richard Gorge, Nickolas Gurnell, John -^ Hall, Richard Hewens, Jacob Hawes, Eleazer Hawes, Jeremiah Hill, Jonathan Hill, Samuel Hinshaw, Joshua Homes, Nathanell How, Abraham Humfrey, Samuell Hoss, Obadiah 200 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Humfrey, James Joanes, Dauid Jones, Isack Jones, Thomas Lake, Thomas Leeds, Beiiiamm Leeds, Rich Lyon, Peter Mather, Richard Mawdesley, Thomas Maxfeild, Samuell Maxfilld, Clement Meed, Isreall Mede, Gabriel Minot, George Nararaoore, Thomas Paull, Samuel Pole, William Pond, William Pope, Thomas Preston, Daniell Procer, Samvull Robinson, James Robinson, William Rush, Jasper Sauage, Edward Searil, Robert Smith, John X mark Swift, Obadiah Swift, Thomas Spur, Robert Stoughton, Will Sumner, William Tappley, Clement 0. Tilston, Thomas Tolman, Thomas ToplifT, Samuell Trescot, Samuell Triscote, William Trot, Thomas Turenr, William Way, Henry Way, Samuel Weekes, Anfiiel Weekes, Joseph Weekes, William White, James Withington, Henry Withington, Richard Wiswell, Enokc 1665. Selectmen — Hopestill Foster, Anthony Fisher, sen., Thomas Jones, William Sumner and John Minot. In July, Capt. Richard Davenport, commander of the Castle, was killed by lightning, and on the 10th of August Capt. Roger Clap was appointed by the General Court to supply his place. The fact may be found stated in Capt. Clap's Memoirs ; but he, Avith liis characteristic modesty, does not name the person appointed. This office necessarily interfered with the town business in which heretofore he had been much engaged, and he was obliged to give up some of the latter. Clement Maxfield appeared before the selectmen HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 20 1 and desired that his brother John, who had recently arrived from Enghxnd, might live in the town, and continue with him, and he would secure the town from any damage during his residence here. The selectmen granted his request ; also the like desire of Joseph Birch, that his brother Lewis might live with him until further order. But " a motion being made by the widow Hill in behalf of her son in law, lately come from Boggerstow, that he might inhabit amongst us," they could sec no cause to grant it ; neither widow Hill nor any other person was allow- ed to entertain him, and the constable was notified to warn him to depart the town. This year, Joseph, Sachem, in behalf of himself and others, made a demand for land ; and Clap (" if he be come home "), Dea. Wiswall, William Sumner and John Capen, were empowered to treat with them, and see what their demands were, " and make full and compleat agreement if they see their demands be but reason." In all their dealings with the Indians the town acted honorably and generous- ly, and paid them a fair compensation. The land was nearly as valuable to the Indians after they dis- posed of it, as before ; for they made the same use of it, and hunted, fished and roamed in their old favorite haunts, with the same freedom as if they held the deeds. An occasion of considerable excitement occurred this year in relation to a new gallery which had been erected in the meeting-house, without leave from the proper authorities. As is often the case in modern times, the offending party had consulted the select- 202 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. men, elders, &c., individually, who seemed inclined to grant their request ; but as soon as the append- age was finished, the " war broke out ; " the select- men repudiating the whole affair, and reported that it was set up without leave, prejudicial to the light, offensive to many, and disorderly — that none of the parties who built, nor any other, should presume to sit in it till the town's mind was known in the mat- ter. At a meeting of the town, August 29th, it was agreed that it might stand, provided it should not be disposed of to any persons but such as the town should approve of, and that the offending parties acknowledge their too much forwardness therein. The latter acknowledged their offence in the words of the following document, viz. " We whose names are underwritten, do acknowledge that it was our weakness that we were so inconsiderate as to make a small seat in the meeting-house without more clear and full ap- probation of the town and selectmen thereof, though we thought upon the conference we had with some of the selectmen apart^ and elders, we had satisfying ground for our proceeding therein ; well we now see was not sufficient ; therefore we do desire that our failing therein may be passed by ; and if the town will grant our seat that we have been at so much cost in setting up, we thankfully acknowledge your love unto us therein, and we do hereu]3on further engage ourselves that we will not give up nor sell any of our places in that seat to any person or persons but whom the elders shall approve of, or such as shall have power to place men in seats in the assembly. Increase Atherton, Samuel Proctor, Thomas Bird." The new impression of Mr. Mather's Catechism was distributed to each family in the town by the ' HISTOHY OF DORCHESTER. 20o elders, selectmen and Dea. Capen, and paid for out of the town rate. One of the many steps towards a more liberal mode of admission of members to the church, was made at this time. It was proposed to receive male members by having their confession taken in pri- vate, in writing, and declared publicly to the church, they standing forth and acknowledging it. One of the elders declared that there were several young- men who would join upon such conditions. The proposition w^as not agreed to at the time it was made, but subsequently an arrangement to that effect was brought about ; but at the same time it was un- derstood that all who were considered fit to make a public relation, should be persuaded to do so. Elder Withington informed the church that he had resolved to lay down his appointment of seating persons in the meeting-house, the other elders not acting with him. It was undoubtedly a thankless office, and he being quite aged, must have had a hard task of it. He also informed the church, that from some " natural infirmity " in the ruling elders, they had desired Dea. Capen to read the psalms. In December of this year, Mr. William Stoughton was invited to engage in the ministry in connection with Mr. Mather ; and the elders and selectmen were desired to consult with him about it. This duty they performed, and brought every influence in their power to urge him to accept the invitation ; but his answer was, " that he had some objections within himself against the motion." This was truly a modest answer ; but it is not unlikely that his 204: HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. future greatness began to dawn upon him, and de- cided him not to commit himself to a profession that was then considered so sacred, so enduring, and so difficult to resign, as the clerical. The church not feeling satisfied, made another request to the same purport, on the last day of the year. Still he con- tinued firm to his purpose, hut was willing to preach as formerly. These invitations were repeated to the sixth time, nntil the death of Mr. Mather in 1669, and even the elders of the other churches at their meeting hi Boston were desired to persuade him to accept of the ofier ; but all to no purpose. Circum- stances like these show that he must have been one of the most attractive preachers of the day, and a trained and accomplished scholar. They show, also, his inflexibility of purpose, when he had once decid- ed npon the course which he judged right for him to pursue. The king's commissioners, Col. Cartwright and others, arrived in Boston this year, with power to settle some difficulties which were at issue between difierent parties in the colony. They had been to New York for the same purpose, and appeared here in rather an offensive liglit before the magistrates. They directed them to assemble the people together, which they declined to do, in an indirect way, inti- mating that they were very busy, and that therefore they should not encourage sucli a meeting. Cart- wright was very severe upon this answer, and de- nounced all who opposed his measures as traitors. The attention of the government in England had been called towards the treatment which the Qua- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 205 kers had received here, and Charles II. did a great and humane work, about this time, in putting a stop to the persecutions of these people, and in promot- ing a greater religious freedom. 1666. Selectmen — Hopestill Foster, William Sumner, John Minot, Anthony Fisher and John Capen. As an additional evidence of the strictness with which the rule was enforced concerning the admis- sion of strangers into the town, it may be mention- ed that Samuel Hicks could not remain without suf- ficient bond being given to save the town from all charges or damages on his account ; and his brother Zachariah Hicks, of Cambridge, gave the necessary document, which is on record. The selectmen of Boston desired of the selectmen of Dorchester, that widow Collins might be per- mitted to pass the winter in Dorchester. This re- quest was accompanied by the following document. " To the selectmen of Dorchester : These are to advise that if the widow Collins be permitted by you to pass the winter in your town, that your re- ception of her shall not be to disoblige us from the duty which we owe unto her as one of our inhabi- tants. Boston, this 25 (10) 1665. Hez. Usher, in the name of the Selectmen." The above application came before the selectmen of Dorchester, Feb. 12, 1666, and they granted the widow liberty to remain here until the first day of May, 1666. Cases of this kind were common for several years, 19 206 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Nicholas George was allowed to keep an ordinary the year ensuing, " if the Court accepted of it." He had kept a house of that kind for several years, and supplied the selectmen and other town officers with necessary refreshment. This year Robert Knight, of Marblehead, ac- knowledges the receipt of " two great guns, three demi-culverin shot, one ladle, one sponge," &c. of the selectmen of Dorchester, for the country's use. The liberality of the people here, in their contri- butions for the relief others, was rema,rkable. This year there was a collection taken up for the dis- tressed Christians in England, and £40 13s. 9d. collected. No rank or condition could save a i)erson from the oversight, and the censure if deserved, of the church. The 30tli of September, " Mrs. Clarke, the wife of Capt. Thomas Clarke, of Boston," had the offence laid upon her, before the church in Dorchester, of " her reproachful and slanderous tongue against the Honored Governor Richard Bellingham ; and other lying expressions." After several meetings, " she manifesting no repentance, was cast out of the church." 1667.' Selectmen — John Minot, William Sum- ner, Samuel Clap, John Capen, sen., and Ens. Hall. This year there died three quite prominent men in the town ; viz., Thomas Bird, sen. ; Henry Way, aged 84: years ; and Thomas Jones, aged 75 years. The following document is on record this year. " Daniel Preston and Henry Gurnsey being informed by our selectmen, that an Indian was dead of the HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 207 small-pox in the land of James Minot, we did by their order go and see, and found it so. He was dead in an Indian wigwam in James Minot's land, a little on this side Neponset Mill ; the Indians hav- ing run away and left him dead, and taking no course for his burial ; and we were informed he was a Warwick Indian ; and we constables did get an Englishman, John Smith, of Dorchester, to dig his grave in the wigwam, and we did get an Indian whose name is Joseph, a Mashapog Indian, and William Robinson and John Smith to put him in his grave, and John Smith did cover him with the earth, and this was done on the 10th of Dec. 1666," Witness our hands, Da]s^'l Preston, Henry Gurnsey. Recorded "this 5 (12) 1666." Feb. 5, 1667. Thomas Davenport's fine of 10 shillings was re- mitted on condition that he cleared the water-course across the way, " before one come to the house he bought of William Blake," before the 10th of April next. " Anthony Fisher, sen. was desired to speak with Francis Oliver, and to inform him that he is to re- turn unto the place from whence he came." In the account of money paid this year by the town, is~to widow Mead for ringing the bell, £3. The 2l3t of March, this year, was kept as a fast, on account of the " burning the greatest part of the city of London, the raging of the pestilence in many places in England, the distress of the people of God all the world over, the war continued with France and Holland, the enemies prevailing in the * * * * 208 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. islands, the taking of many of our English vessels, the sicknesses that have been amongst us, the blast- ing of the labour of the husbandman, the sins of security and sensuality and unprofitableness," &c. April 7th, of this year, was a contribution for the distressed people at Cape Fear. Ilev. John Wilson, of Boston, died August Tth, of this year, and Mr. Mather preached his funeral sermon. 1668. Selectmen — Hopestill Foster, John Capen, John Minot, Richard Hall and Samuel Clap. In giv- ing the names of the selectmen in this work, we do not prefix the titles as they appear on the records, and which in those days really meant something ; but whenever their Christian names are known with cer- tainty, those only are given. For instance, this year the selectmen, besides John Minot, were Capt. Foster, Lt. Capen, Ens. Hall and Sarg t Clap ; pro- bably the five highest officers in the military com- pany. This year measures were taken to bring the gal- lery of the meeting-house into such form as that the boys may be so seated as to " prevent their profan- ing the J^ord's day." On the first of January, 1668, the town voted " that the thousand acres formerly given to the use of the school should never be alienated to any other use, nor sold, nor any part of it, but be reserved for the maintenance of a free school in Dorchester for- ever." " The same day it was agreed unto that the next lecture day, after the lecture, the town should come together to draw lots for the twelve divisions." HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 209 About this time there was a contribution for the fleet at the Caribba Islands, and the selectmen order- ed that it should be brought to the houses of the two deacons by the 5th of February, and they were to convey it to Boston. In these contributions it was usual to give corn, rye, &c., as well as money, so that the transportation was sometimes a matter of importance. As a good deal is said in the records about the " Great Lots," a list of the owners at this time is here given, VIZ. Abraham How, William Robinson, Samuel Robinson, Richard Leeds, Thomas Pierce, Thomas Trott, Thomas Tilestone Nicholas Ellen, Jonathan Birch, Timothy Mather, Robert Searle, Samuel Paul, Richard Leeds, Timothy Mather, James Minot, . Robert Babcock, John Fenno, Widow Hill, Augustine Clement, Thomas Tolman, sen John Tolman, Thomas Tolman, Jr. Mr. Patten, John Minot, and 51 19 7 16 21 50 24 2 6 12 12 12 16 16 12 5 o O 18 6 44 10 4 106 Isaac Jones, Joseph Wilkes, John Smith, Anthony Fisher, David Jones, Richard Hall, . Mr. Minot, . John Blake, William Clarke, . Timothy Tilestone, William Pond, William Trescott, Enoch Wiswall, . John Wiswall, Joseph Long, Samuel Rigby, Nathan Bradley, . Anthony Fisher, Isaac Jones, Richard Hall, . John Pelton, Richard Leeds, Thomas Lake, Acres. 3 3 50 24 48 2 14 6 6 12 4 4 11 5 10 52 2 12 2 4 4 2 2 The total number of acres embraced in the above divisions, is 754. The selectmen were not respecters of persons, when any one appeared in town without proper an- 210 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. thoiity. This year tliey s<^nt to John Gomel, one of their most wealthy men, and demanded why Ilalph Bradish was an inmate of his house. Mr. Gomel answered that he would secure the town against any damage in the case, and therefore he was admitted an inhabitant. Mr. Gomel being a tanner, had probably hired Ralph to assist in his business, and the latter was thus looked after. There was no encouragement and little safety, in those days, for that class of individuals now denominated loafers. This year the town again voted to pay Mr. Ma- ther £80, and Mr. Stoughton £50, for their services as ministers. The church had tw^o meetings in September about two of the brethren at Milton, Avho had taken offence against Robert Badcock. After consultation " it did not appear that there was such offence given as was apprehended." The question which was so long agitated in the church in relation to the rights of parents to de- mand baptism for their children, was brought before the church by two important persons, in the follow- ing manner. " The 16 (7) 68, Mr. Mather acquainted the church with a motion made to him and the church, hj Mrs. Stoughton and her daughter Taylor, name- ly, that her children might be baptized, she being a member of this church by her parents' covenant ; and after much agitation, the issue was that Mr. Mather should speak with Mrs. Taylor, to see if she would join in full communion with the church, and so come to the Lord's supper." " The 24 (8) 68, HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 211 Mv. Mather declared to tlie church that he having spoken with Mrs. Taylor, as aforesaid, her answer was that she did not jndge herself worthy or as yet fit for the Lord's supper, and therefore durst not adventure thereupon, but yet did desire baptism for her children ; but the church would not fully or comfortably agree about it, and so it rested." 1669. Selectmen — Hopestill Foster, Samuel Clap, John Capen, Richard Hall and James Blake. A law had been passed by the General Court, re- quiring young men to be looked after, who were not under family government, and the constable in Dor- chester was ordered to notify the young men v\^ho came under that rule to appear at the house of Capt. Foster, " presently " after the next lecture. The constable brought the following persons before the selectmen, who were required by said law, " to take inspection of their orderly walking and submitting to family government," viz., Richard Francis, Joshua Henshaw, Ralph Bradish, Joseph Birch, Francis Oliver, Jonathan Flill, Henry Roberts, Jonathan Birch, Asahel Smith, Thomas Birch, Richard Butt, Cornelius Morgan, Peter Chaplin, Nathaniel Wales, Edward Martin, Adam Wright. Thomas Grant was not warned. The selectmen and elders agreed to go about the town and make inquiry of persons as to their man- ner of living, and whether they profited by public or private instruction. Mr. Hope Atherton, son of Gen. Atherton, kept the school this year, but had a call to settle in the ministry at Hadley, and the church there sent to 212 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. the selectmen of this town to know if they would give up his engagement, to which they consented. The following curious but emphatic warrant was placed in the hands of Samuel Rigby, the constable, viz. " To the Constable of Dorchester — You are re- quired in his Majesty's name to repair to Joseph Birch, and require him, from the seleCtiilen, to put himself in an orderly way of living, either by plac- ing himself with some master, that may keep him in constant employment, so as may give satisfaction to the Court, or else to expect that he will be pre- sented to the Court for disorderly living." The latter part of this year the town voted to build a house for the ministry, and a committee was chosen to look out a convenient place for it. It was to be " such a house as James Blake's — 30 feet in length, 20 ft. wide, and 14 between joints girt work." It appears doubtful whether this w^ork was carried into effect, for the next minister was Mr. Flint, and he purchased a house of Mr. Clark. This house has been pulled down within the memory of the present generation. It stood near the spot where now stands the stable of Gov. Henry J. Gardner. An important event in the history of the town was the death of its pastor, Rev. Richard Mather. Th^ church records announce his decease in the fol- lowing simple, yet expressive language. " The Rev. Mr. Richard Mather, teacher of the church of Dor- chester, rested from his labours." How great were those labors ! Born in poverty, he worked his way upwards by diligence, industry and perseverance, to HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 213 a consj)icuous position in the country of his adop- tion, after suffering obloquy and persecution in the land of his birth. He was the son of Thomas and Margaret Mather, of Winwick, County of JLanca- shire, and was born in L596. His parents Avere strongly inclined to give him a good education, and for that purpose put themselves to great straits. A part of the time he walked four miles to school, where it was his misfortune to have a master who was very severe in his discipline, so that he was well nigh discouraged from following out the design of his pa- rents, and earnestly desired to be taken from school. Like most of those who have passed through similar trials, he remembered them through life, and left this judicious hint for those who might come after him. " Oh that all schoolmasters," he says, " would learn Wisdome, Moderation and Equity towards their Scho- lars, and seek rather to win the hearts of Children by righteous, loving, and courteous usage, than to alienate their minds by partiality and undue severi- ty." After he had been some years in school, " some Popish merchants coming out of Wales, were inqui- sitive to know whether there were not any pregnant "Wits in that school, whom they might procure for Apprentices 1 Presently Richard Mather was men- tioned to them as a pregnant youth." These mer- chants applied to his father to procure his services, and his estate being in a very low condition, he was upon the point of accepting the offer for his son ; but being importuned by those who felt an interest in his progress and welfare, together with the fear of '' Popish masters," he concluded to continue him in 19 214 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. school. Shortly after, Richard was solicited to keep school at Toxteth, where he removed in 1611, and was " found fit to be a sciioolmaster at fifteen years of age." After he had kept school awhile, he entered Brazen-nose College, at Oxford, and before he had spent as much time there as he desired, he received a call to preach the gospel at Toxteth, where he had formerly kept school. This call he accepted. He preached his first sermon Nov. 30, 1618, and " there was a very great concourse of people to hear him." He received Episcopal ordination, by the hands of Dr. Morton, Bishop of Chester, " after the mode of those times." He had previously shown a disposi- tion to non-conformity, but was strongly urged to accept of ordination in the usual way, because he could not otherwise continue with them. As with others among his cotemporaries, non-conformity grew upon him, and he was too conscientious to confine himself to the observance of religious forms which he in heart despised. Sept. 29th, 1624, he married Katharine, daughter of Edmund Hoult, Esq., of Bury, but it was some time before the father would consent to it, he having a prejudice against " non- conformable Puritans." She was the mother of six sons : viz., Samuel, Timothy, Nathaniel and Joseph, born in England ; and Eieazer and Increase, born here. His reputation spread as a preacher, and be- sides officiating on Sundays at Toxteth, " he kept a lecture at Prescot," and preached in various other places, and often at funerals. His lecture at Prescot caused no little excitement ; and in August, 1633, complaints were made against him for non-conformity, HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 215 but by the inflnence of Simon Byby, a " near alli- ance " of the Bishop, and other gentlemen of influ- ence, he was restored. His restoration, however, was of short duration ; for Bishop Neal, Archbish- op of York, in 1634, sent Dr. Cousins and Mr. Pryn as Visitors into Lancashire. They soon had Mr. Mather before them, and passed upon him a sen- tence of suspension, as his biographer says, " merely for his non-conformity to the inventions of men in the worship of God." He carried a bold front when arraigned before them, and says, " the terrour of their threatning words, of their Pursevants, and of the rest of their Pomp, did not so terrify my minde, but that I could stand before them without being daunted in the least measure." The Established Church, at this time, bore rule, and although subse- quently it suffered itself under the reign of Popery, yet it was so similar to the latter in spirit, that non- conformity or heresy was a greater crime than many for which death was the penalty. The case of Mr. Mather was a peculiar one ; and his friends endea- vored to obtain his liberty, but without success. " The Visitor asked how long he had been a minis- ter 1 Answer was made, that he had been in the Ministry fifteen years. And (said he) how often hath he worn the Surpless 1 Answer was returned that he had never worn it. What (said the Visitor, swearing as he spake it), preach fifteen years and never wear a Surpless !" adding that the committal of a certain great misdemeanor would have been better for him. Finding that there was likely to be no peace for 216 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. him in Old England, he turned his thoughts towards the new settlements across the Atlantic, and soon engaged transportation for himself and family to New England. " His parting with his people and other friends in Lancashire, was like Paul's taking his leave of Ephesus, with much sorrow, many tears being shed by those who expected to see his lace no more in this world." His journey was begun in April, 1635 ; changing his garments and travelling incognito, to avoid the Pursuivants. Pie arrived in Boston, Aug. 17, 1635 ; being out in the memora- ble storm of Aug. 15, of that year, two days before his arrival. He remained in Boston a few months, and with his wife joined the Church there. The Churches at Plymouth, Roxbury and Dorchester, each invited him to settle with them, but by the ad- vice of Messrs. Cotton, Hooker and others, he ac- cepted the call at Dorchester. Plere he remained the rest of his days, although his old friends at Tox- teth desired his return to them, after the Hierarchy was deposed in England. The death of his first wife was a great affliction to him, she being a wise and prudent woman, and relieving him from all secular cares. After living a widower about a year and a half, he married the widow of Rev. John Cotton. He was taken sick at Boston, Ai)ril 16, 1669, being then one of a Council of Ministers to settle some dif- ferences there. He returned home the next day, and died on the 22d. His disease was the stone, from which he suffered greatly. He is said to have been a man of great bodily strength, and a " very power- ful, awakening and zealous preacher." There have HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 217 been few families in New England, from its settle- ment to the present time, of so great an inflnence as that of the Mathers. Four of Richard's sons were ministers : viz., Eleazer, at Northampton ; Samuel, in Dublin, Ireland ; Nathaniel, at Barnstable in De- von, and Rotterdam in Holland ; and Increase, in Boston. In tlie Church Records is the following Anagram. " Third in New England's Dorchester, Was this ordained minister. Second to none for fruitfulness, Abilities and usefulness. Divine his charms, years seven times seven. Wise to win souls from earth to heaven. Prophet's reward he gains above, But great's our loss by his remove." The Church Records also contain the following Epitaph : " Sacred to God his servant Richard Mather, Sons like him, good and great, did call him father. Hard to discern a difference in degree, 'Twixt his bright learning and high piety. Short time his sleeping dust lies covered down, So can't his soul or his deserved renovina. From 's birth six lustres and a jubilee To his repose : but laboured hard in thee, Dorchester ! four more than thirty years. His sacred dust with thee thine honour rears." Upon his tomb-stone is the following : " Dom : Sacer. Richardus Hie Dormit Matherus, (Sed nee Totus, nee mora Diuturna) Lastatus genuise Pares. Ineertum est utrum Doctioran melior. Anima & Gloria non queunt Humani. 218 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Divinely Eich and Learned Richard Mather ; Sons Hke him Prophets great, rejoyced this Father. Short time his sleeping dust here 's covered down, Not his ascended Spirit or Renown. V. D. M. in Ang. 16 Ans. In Dorc. N. A. 34 Ans. Ob. Apr. 22, 1669. ^t. Sue 73. 1670. Selectmen — Hopestill Foster, John Capen, Richard Hall, Samuel Clap and James Blake. This year, Squamaug, who ruled as Sachem of the Puiikapaug tribe of Indians, during the minority of Jeremy son of Josias Chickatabut, confirmed the deed formerly given by said Josias to the To^\ti. June 4, 1670, the Town voted that " the meeting- house shall be removed from the place where now it stands, to the Rocky-hill by the School House, and be set up in the same form that it now is." It was to be removed by September, 1671. The Town voted to purchase Wm. Clark's house for the use of the ministry. This was not carried into effect at the time ; and shortly after, they voted to purchase Hudson Leavitt's house for that pur- pose. But this project fell through, and William Clark's house was bought (not Thomas's, as stated on page 116 of this work). John Foster kept the School this year, and received £2o. After another, and the last, apjDlication was made to Mr. Stoughton, to be minister of the Church, and he still declining, there was talk of sending to Eng- land for one, and the matter was left to the conside- ration of Mr. Stoughton, Capt. Roger Clap and Capt. Foster. They were to advise with other Elders, and see if a supply could not be had in the country. HISTORY- OF DORCHESTER. 219 The Church voted ten pounds, and the Town the like sum, to erect a i^illar over Mr. Mather's grave. In August, of this year, the Church voted for a minister. The candidates were Mr. Josiah Flint, of Brain tree; Mr. Benjamin EHot, of Roxbury ; and Mr. Butler, in Old England. Mr. Flint and Mr. Ehot had the most votes, and the next Sunday, the choice being between them, Mr. Flint had the major vote. There had been, during the lifetime of Josias Chickatabut, a disagreement between him and King Philip, of Mount Hope, about the boundary lines of their jurisdictions. July 13th, of this year, the matter was amicably settled by Philip and Squa- maug. Sachem of Punkapaug, and brother of the first-named, who met at the house of Capt. Hudson, near Wading river. The following letters, in regard to this matter, are copied from the originals, now among the ancient documents of the town. Squamaug to Capt. Foster of Dorchester. " Capt. ffoster, " My respects to yourselfe and the rest of your select men. " Sir, these are to intreat you by this bearer whom I send to you on purpose, send mee the five pounds that you engaged to my deceased brother Should bee payed in the begining of this winter past ; I have at pr sent many ocations, but intend shortly to come over and treat further with you. I know noe reason that the mount hope Sachem's pretended title to some of the lands mentioned in your deed should frustrate the agreement ; if possibly that Sachem had any land within your bounds it is but a very little aboue the pattent line, and the CoUoney of Plymouth have purchased it of him before the pattent lines were run. If you will give him for your securaty you maye, but I 220 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. am well asuered that plymoth men have deeds for it already ; and you have enough of us for your mony whoe are the knowne proprietors ; thus hopeing wee shall haue noe controversy, I take leaue and remayne, sir, your fFrend and servant, Daniell (alias) Squamuck, Sachem. MattaJceeset, March 19, 69-70. Cap. Foster to King Philip of Mount Hope. " To Philip, Sachem of Mount Hope, Capt. Foster of Dor- chester sendeth greeting. You may by this vnderstand I rec'.'. yo"" letter dated June the 15"' 1670, wherein you desire a meet- ing about land at pole plaine and within our towneship. It seemes there is some difFerenc about the land whose it is, wee say tis ours already both by grant from our Court and also by agreem!. with Indians, who say that it was theirs, and engaged to cleare any clayme that phihp or any others should make to it, and ther'"" think it not needfull to trouble ourselves any fur- ther, yet because you have desired a meeting once before and now againe, we shall some of vs be together with some of the bay Indians give you a meeting if the lord permit at Captain Hudson's farme at Wading riuer vpon the 12"' day of July next ; that then may bee hurd any difference as to the land within o"" township to Plymouth &; the bay patent line ; not else at present but remain y"" frind H. Foster : with the Consent of the townsmen. Dor. this 22 V^ June 1670 1671. Selectmen — William Stougliton, Hopestill Foster, John Capen, Richard Hall, and William Sumner. When the vote was taken by the Town, April 17, of this year, whether they would have Mr. Flint to " preach the word to the whole Town," there was not a man against it. Joseph Birch was warned to forbear frequenting HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. '221 Nicholas George's ordinary, and " said George not to suffer him." " Joseph Long was sent for, to answer for enter- taining a maid, or young woman, in his house and service, who was not of any good report. His an- swer was, she was to depart the town the next day." "The same day (that is, Dec. 11, 1671), it was ordered that a warrant should be directed to the Con- stable to go up to Capt. Clap's farm, where Henry Merrifield lives, and enquire whether his daughter, who married Furnell, be abiding at his house, which if she be, then to demand or take by distress ten shillings for his entertaining her contrary to the town order." At the next meeting of the Selectmen, Mr. Merrifield answered that the reason was, she was their daughter, and they could not turn her out of doors in winter, but that she would willingly re- turn to her husband as soon as opportunity ofiered. This year a letter came from the County Court, desiring the Church here, with that at the north end of Boston, and the churches of Dedliam and Wey- mouth, to send their messengers to Braintree " to enquire into the slowness of the Church " there to provide a minister. The Church nominated and de- sired Mr. Stoughton, the Ruling Elder, Capt. Clap, and Capt. Foster, to go for that purpose. The Church sent to Mr. Flint, to " stir him up," and hasten his removal to this town. The 3d of December he gave his answer, accepting the office of Pastor, and his ordination took place on the 27th of the same month. The churches sent to were thosp 21 222 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. ill Boston, Cambridge, Chaiiestown, Roxbury and Weymouth. It was voted that Mr. Eliot, of Rox- bury, manage the ordination and give the charge, that Mr. Chauncy give the right hand of fellowship, and Mr. Eliot, the ruling Elder, and Deacon Capen, were appointed to lay on hands. We may well ima- gine what an uncomfortable time it must have been, on this occasion, which took place at the most incle- ment season of the year, without fire in the meeting- house, and the services probably occupying nearly the whole day. This year Jeremy, son of Josias Chickatabut, con- firmed his Uncle Squamaug's sale to the town. The Town paid all necessary expenses to satisfy the In- dians, who were better treated then, than in later times, " when they have been driven from their na- tive soil by the sword of the invader, and then darkly slandered by the pen of the historian." The original natives of our soil have been grossly abused, not always because they were guilty, but because they were ignorant and w^eak. Civilization does not seem to agree with their nature, as they die out where that flourishes, or become vagrants in towns and vil- las-es, where their forefathers roamed and hunted, and where once " no smoke curled among the trees, but the Indian was welcome to sit down by its fire and join the hunter in his repast." But the time for these cruelties is nearly over, and the words of an old Indian warrior will soon be verified : — " We are driven back," he says, " until we can retreat no farther. Our hatchets are broken — our bows are snapped — our fires are nearly extinguished. A little HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 223 longer, and the white men will cease to i^ersecute us — for we shall cease to exist." In the " History of Lynn," is the following, which is said to be copied from a leaf of a Bible. May 22. — " A very awful thunder and a very great storm of wind and hail, especially at Dorches- ter town, so that it broke many windows at the meeting-house." 1672. • Selectmen— William Stoughton, Hopestill Foster, John Capen, William Sumner and Eichard Hall. This year and the last, the Selectmen vigorously enforced the law upon individuals who were without employment, and upon the young who were not un- der family government. John Hoppin, and Stephen Hoppin, Jr., were among those sent for, and a fort- night given them to provide masters. Stex)lien soon came, and said he had agreed with Joseph Long to attend his boat ; but the latter was not approved of by the Selectmen, and Stephen was directed to look out some other person. Arthur Cartwright was called upon in relation to his son, and answered that he was " about to put him apprentice to a kins- man of his who is a seaman." Robert Styles was called to answer for idleness ; and it was found that neither he nor his wife improved their time as they should. Peter Lyon appeared, and reported that his sons followed their employment, and for the time to come he would look diligently after them. Timothy Wales appeared without his sons, and his answers were offensive and contemptuous to the Selectmen. Shortly after, he appeared, upon summons, with the 224 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. boys, who were found very ignorant, not being able to read. Mr. Wales made some acknowledgment of his offensive words and carriage at the former meet- ing, which is on file. Thomas Birch was summoned by the Constable to appear before the Selectmen, to give an account of " his orderly walking." This year the Town voted that for the future they would choose a Treasurer, which office has been continued to the present time. The Church voted that their deacons return thanks unto Mrs. Thacher, of Boston, for her gift of a silver cup for the sacrament, and a green cushion for the desk. This cup is one of the ancient vessels now used by the First Church, but not the oldest. The following letter doubtless refers to an agreement made by Capt. Foster, on the part of the Town, with King Philip, at the meeting appointed by the former in his letter of June 22d, 1670 (See p. 220). Philip sachem of mount hope To Capt. Hopestill Foster of Dorchester Sendeth Greeting S"" You may please to remember that when I last saw You att Wading riuer You promised me six pounds in goods ; now my request is that you would send me (by ?) this Indian fiue yards of White light collered serge to make me a coat and a good hoUand shirt redy made ; and a pr of good Indian briches all which I have present need of, therefoer 1 pray S'" faile not to send them by my Indian and with them the seurall prices of them ; and silke h buttens & 7 yards Gal- lownes for trimming : not else att present to trouble you w"* onley the subscription of King Philip Mount hope his Majesty P P y" 1 5'" of May 1672 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 225 1673. Selectmen— William Stoughton, Hopestill Foster, John Capen, Richard Hall and William Sumner. Capt. Roger Clap had for many years been a re- presentative of the Town, as well as Commander at the Castle ; " this year y' Court sent an order to choose another Deputy in y' Room of Capt. Clap, his presence being necessary at y' Castle because y^ times were troublesome." John Capen was chosen in his place, and continued to fill it several years. The 4th of March the Committee made report of the place they had pitched upon, on Rocky Hill, to erect a meeting-house, which was near the " lime kiln," and twelve or fifteen rods north-west of the present meeting-house belonging to the first parish. There was some opposition to the spot selected, and it was decided " by severing the company." The votes were in favor of the place selected by the Com- mittee, viz., 41 besides the Committee, for it, and 25 against it. The house was not erected until 1676. There was a good deal of trouble with the Birch family from time to time, and the Selectmen were anxious to get rid of them. Jonathan was absent awhile, at Lancaster, but soon returned and persist- ed in remaining, so that the case was carried to the County Court. But the question was, where could the poor fellow stay, being warned out of all other places. Joseph Birch was also called before the Se- lectmen to answer for idleness. His answer was, " that at present he had no iron nor coals ; but he w*^ endeavour to reform." From this answer, it ap- pears that he was a blacksmith. 226 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Samuel Rigby was another person who neglected his calling, lived a dissolute life, and was a trouble to the Selectmen. The Town agreed to pay llev. iSIr. Flint, ninety pounds this year, one quarter in money. Nathan Bradley petitioned the Selectmen for li- berty to sell cider by retail, which was granted, " on account of his low condition, he observing good order in so doing." .July 16th, of this year, the monthly lecture be- gan, and was continued until about 1838. It was at first held on Wednesday ; but the latter part of the time on the Friday preceding the Communion day, which was the first Sunday in the month. 1674. Selectmen — William Stoughton, Hopestill Foster, John Capen, William Sumner and Richard Hall. This year died Mr. Wm. Poole, a man very much esteemed by his fellow-townsmen. He kept school until he was 76 years of age. An accident befel the bell on the meeting-house this year ; and on the 1 2th of February, at a meet- ing of the Selectmen, " It was ordered that the Meeting-house bell, being broken, and, it may be, dangerous to be rung, it shall not be rung any more, but speedily taken down, and means used to convey it to England that another may be procured either there or elsewhere." The Selectmen likewise order- ed that the Burying-ground should be " fenced in with a stone wall ;" also that the Constable " speak with Wm. Chaplain and give him notice that com- plaint is made of some abuse that is committed at HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 227 or about his house by playmg at Kettle-pms, and spending the time idly." Chaplain was to see that sucli abuse was reformed, and "not to sell beer without license." March 26th, of this year, was appointed as a day of humiliation and prayer, on account of troubles at home, " outbreaking of gross sins," differences in some societies, shortness of the last harvest of corn, " and by reason of a setting out of ships of war to defend our navigation by sea." On the 27th of Sep- tember, was a thanksgiving for the blessing of the fruits of the earth, continuance of peace and liberty, " and for the ceasing of the war between our nation and Holland." 1675. Selectmen — John Capen, Samuel Clap, James Blake, Richard Withington and Daniel Pres- ton. Capt. Hopestill Foster, who had so long serv- ed as one of the Selectmen, was again chosen but declined. William Chaplain petitioned for leave to keep an ordinary, but it was not granted. Feb. 12th, John Pope was ordered to appear before the Selectmen at their next meeting, with such of his children " as are of capacity for learning." March 1st, of this year, the Selectmen ordered that William Sumner and John Capen should attend the next County Court, " to make their address about Mr. Gibson's Will respecting his legacy to our School." This was the bequest which gave to the Town the " School Pasture," which has proved so great a benefit to its public schools. June 29th, of this year, was kept as a day of hu- 228 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. miliation, in regard to the war with King Philip. The ^^'ar, and other matters, which made a heavy tax necessary, kept many of the people in great straits, and the Town felt obliged to assist them. The act which is supposed to have led to this war, was the killing of a Dorchester Indian by the name of Wassausmon, usually called Sassamon. He became a christianized Indian ; but was for a season a kind of secretary to King Philip. He then left him and preached, and, as Philip's follo^vers suppos- ed, divulged some of his plans to the Plymouth Colony, upon which they murdered him and threw his body into Assawomset pond, and three of Phi- lip's men were executed for the act. Mr. Ammi Reuhamah Corlet assisted Mr. Flint in the ministry this year. The Church was exceedingly scrupulous in the discipline of its members, and no reputation or standing was proof against it. Sept. 5th, of this year, AVm. Sumner, a gentleman who had for many years been one of the representatives to the General Court, as well as one of the Selectmen of the Town, appeared before the Church " to give satisfaction for offensive speeches uttered against the Committee of the Militia." There were five fasts kept in the town this year. The destruction of Brookfield, the death of Capt. Hutchinson, one of the Commanders killed at that place, and other advantages gained by the Indians, made them very bold and daring. It was about this time that a Narraganset Indian came to the house of Mr. Minot, in Dorchester, while all the fa- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 229 mily were at meeting except a girl and two small children, and demanded admittance, which was de- nied. He then fired his gun at the house several times. The girl defended her castle with bravery, secured the children under brass kettles, and fired at and wounded the Indian. He being desperate, attempted to force his way in through a window, but she threw a shovel full of fire into his face and upon his blanivet, which caused him to fiee. It is said that " the Government of Massachusetts Bay presented this brave young woman with a silver wristband, on which her name was engraved, with this motto, ' She slew the Narraganset hunter.' " Thomas Danforth, son of Thomas, of Dorchester, was killed in the swamp fight in the Narraganset country, and John Spur, of Dorchester, and Benj. Crane, of Milton, were wounded in the same fight. We learn from "Drake," that Mr. Thomas Dan- forth, of Dorchester, petitioned the General Court in 1676, saying that a poor blind Indian came to him, and brought two small children and gave them to him and his son, and he desired that he might enjoy them, partly on account of the loss of his eldest son. The following list of soldiers from this Town for the war, we find named in the Genealogical Regis- ter ; they were in Capt. Johnson's Company. Henry Ware, his man, John Plummer, Wanting. Hopestill Humphrey, Charles Capin, Henry Withington, John Spurre, Tho. Grant, George Minot, Ebenezer Hill, Tho. Davenport, Isaack Royall. Nicholas Weymouth, Robert Stanton, From Milton — John Fennow, Obadiah Wheaton, Joseph Tuck- er, Benj. Crane. 21 230 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 1676. Selectmen — John Capen, Samuel Clap, James Blake, Daniel Preston and Richard With- ington. This year, Oct. 15th, Capt. Hopestill Foster died. The tomb-stone which marks the spot where he was buried is nearly as fresh in appearance now, as w^hen first erected. Capt. Foster was a representative, and one of the Selectmen, for many years, and was a great loss to the town. The meeting-house which had been talked of so long, was built this year ; and a row of elm trees were set out near it by Thomas Tileston, which flourished for about one hundred years ; having been cut down about the commencement of the re- volutionary war. Mr. Isaac Royal undertook the building of the meeting-house, which cost in the neighborhood of £200. It was 50 feet long and 45 feet wide, and was used as a place of worship until 1144. Mr. Stoughton was sent as a messenger to Eng- land this year, with Mr. Bulkley ; and all the Churches in the Colony held a day of humiliation, Dec. 10th, partly in respect to their mission. The war with the Indians in the Colony pretty much closed with this year, but it had been a fearful strug- gle, and nearly every family in New England was in mourning for the loss of " a relation or near friend." Dr. Trumbull, in his History of Connecticut, esti- mates that about one-eleventh part of the able-bodi- ed men of the Colonies w^ere killed or lost in this service. Many of the families in the country re- moved to Boston and vicinity for protection ; the HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 231 farms were deserted, and to the loss of friends was added the fear of starvation. Under these distress- ing circumstances, aid and comfort,- in the shape of money and provisions, arrived in 1677, from London and Dublin. The noble return made by the de- scendants of our suffering forefathers, in 1849, by sending the U. S. Sloop of War Jamestown to Ire- land, loaded with provisions and other comforts, was a beautiful and deserved return for this great act of humanity. Drake, in his History of Boston, says, " In this extremity. Dr. Increase Mather did, by his letters, procure a whole ship load of provisions from the charity of his friends in Dublin, and a conside- rable sum of money, and much clothing, from the like charity of his friends in London, greatly to the relief of the poor people here. Of the charities re- ceived from Ireland, a distribution was made in March, 1677, from which it is shown that Boston suffered nearly five times as much by the war as any other place. One hundred and sixteen families, or about 432 persons, were recipients of the donation. Many of them, however, were those who had been compelled to take refuge here." 1677. Selectmen — John Capen, Daniel Preston, Richard Withington, Samuel Clap and Jas. Blake. This year the Selectmen appointed a Committee to inspect and carry more fully into operation the law in reference to idle persons, and entertaining persons in private houses " contrary to good order." Among the charges against the Town, this year, was John Capen's, of 26 days' attendance at the 232 HISTORY OF DORCHESTEH. General Court, £S ISs. ; also Is. for his horse to draw the bell to Boston. The Selectmen had a good deal of trouble with Joseph Birch, on account of his intemperance. He was again called before them, June 4th, of this year, for being " lately (irunk ; and being owned by him, he was ordered to pay his fine or sit in the stocks." As already mentioned, the war with King Philip forced many of those who lived in the outskirts of the plantation, away from their homes, to places where there was more safety. Wm. Trescott asked abatement of his taxes for the years 1675 and '76, " because of the troubles of the wars, whereby he deserted his place at Brush-liill." Robert Spur, who was a person of some distinc- tion, was called before the Church to make acknow- ledgment of the offence " of giving entertainment in his house to loose and vain persons, especially Joseph Belcher his frequent coming to his daughter, contrary to the admonition of the Court, which was greatly to the offence of the said Belcher s nearest relations and divers others." The General Court issued a very spirited order and proclamation for a day of humiliation, to be observed on the 1st of March, which is inserted in full in the records of the Church. The following is an extract ; viz. — " Well may we fear another storm of wrath, and that the just and holy God will punish us seven times for our many and grievous provocations," &c. There was a renewing of the Covenant in the HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 233 Church, to which nmety-seven persons gave their consent. Samuel Rigby was called forth to answer for the sin of cursing, excessive drinking, and neglect of attendance on the public ordinances ; and not giv- ing satisfaction, was laid under admonition. " John Merrifield (though not in full communion) was called forth before the Church to answer for his sin of drunkenness, and also for contempt and slighting the power of Christ in his Church in not appearing formerly, though often called upon and sent unto ; but he made some excuse for his drunk- enness, in that being not wtII at Boston he took a little strong water, and coming out in the air did distemper him ; and for the other offence he did acknowledge his fault therein." 1678. Selectmen — John Capen, Wm. Sumner, James Blake, Samuel Clap and Daniel Preston. William Chaplain again petitioned the Selectmen for liberty to keep a house of public entertainment, but it was not granted. They renewed, however, that of widow George, whose husband had kept one for a long time, and entertained the Selectmen and other town officers at their meetings. John Brown and John Iloppin were notified to quit the Town. The latter was summoned to ap- pear before the Selectmen to give an account of his manner of living. His brother Thomas Hoppin also appeared before them. It appeared that his chief business was gunning, but he had no settled place of abode. This did not satisfy the Selectmen. John Brown thought he might come into the town 234 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. and become an inhabitant, because he was born in it, and he might be a help to his father and mother. The Town granted him Hberty. This year the Town paid for killing seven wolves : they also voted to dispose of the old meeting-house, and a part of the trees which stood about it. Mr. Isaac Royal subsequently purchased the meeting- house for £10. The 24th of April, this year, " there was a Church gathered by some of our brethren that lived at Mil- ton. It was done in our meeting-house at Dorches- ter, because of some opposition that did appear. The persons they sent unto were the Elders and Messengers of three churches in Boston, and Wey- mouth, Braintree and Dedham. The magistrates were acquainted with it, but only the Governour was here, by reason of the wet and snow season. Mr. Allen did first pray, and then Mr. Flint did preach, and then prayed. Afterward the Brethren were called on, one after another, to declare the work of grace that God had wrought on them, to the number of seven." " The Brethren that entertained this Covenant and made public relation were these. " Robert Tucker, Member of Weymouth. Anthony Newton,^ Wm. Blake, ] Thomas Swift, )> Members of Dorchester Church. George Sumner, i Ebenezer Clap, j Edward Blake, Member of the 2d Church in Boston." " After this was done, there were more of the HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 235 Brethren that did at the same time enter into the same Covenant with the former, namely : " Thomas Holman, Manasses Tucker, George Lyon, James Tucker. Ephraim Tucker, " And then Mr. Torrey was appointed to give the Right hand of Fellowship, and Mr. Mather prayed ; and a Psalm was sung, and the assembly dismissed." The Church, at a meeting, agreed to a petition to send to the Court against Ordinaries " that have not a sufficient guard over them." On the 6th of June there was a contribution in Dorchester, for the relief of the captives which were taken from Hatfield. £8 55. 2d. in money was col- lected. Nov. 17th, of this year, was the first day of meet- ing in the new meeting-house. "The 1st of December, 1678, Mr. Flint proposed to the Church a day of Thanksgiving by the Church. The grounds of it were an engagement that was made to God, that if he would hear prayer and re- store Capt. Clap to health again (being sick about a year and a half ago) ; also in regard of Mr. Stough- ton, who although he be not returned yet, God hath preserved his person, and so far blessed their endea- vours for the public ; also that God has so much pre- served the town from and under that contageous dis- temper the small pox, when he had so sadly visited other places, as Charlestown, Boston, &c. ; as also for the peace we enjoy in this Town, notwithstand- ing the great fears of a disquietment in regard to some public transaction about the Meeting House, 236 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. and other mercies. The clay mentioned was next lecture day, being the 18th of December. To this motion the church agreed," 1679. Selectmen — John Capen, Wm. Sumner, James Blake, Richard Hall and Samuel Clap. Robert Stiles was called before the Selectmen, to give an account how he improved his time ; also the same in relation to his children. The conclusion was, that he should look out a place for one of his children, or the Selectmen would provide one. Ebe- nezer Hill was also " advertised concerning idleness." Francis Ball, early in 1680, was likewise ordered to appear before them, that they might " enquire con- cerning his outward estate." He was poor, and needed some assistance from the Town. They ad- vised him to dispose of two of his children, but his answer was that his Avife was unwilling. The Se- lectmen wished him to persuade his wife to it. This year the Selectmen granted the petition of Desire Clap, James Blake, John Blake and others, to build a new seat in the meeting-house. The Town also voted to pay Rev. Mr. Flint £100 for his services ; sixty in money and forty in " current pay;" Mr, Flint to provide what help he wanted. The Selectmen, at their meeting of Dec. 10th, ap- pointed Lieut. Capen and Sergeant Clap to call up- on John Mason for the legacy given by John Gomel towards the School. Mr. Gomel was a very respecta- ble citizen, a tanner by trade, and felt a deep inte- rest in the prosperity of the Town. He had no children, but John Mason lived with him, it would appear, as an adopted son. The same persons were HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 237 also to call for the legacy of £5, left by widow Barge, for the poor of the town. Mrs. Burge was the wife of Mr. Gomel, subsequently of John Burge, and all three died within the space of three or four years. Mrs. Burge's legacy was probably in land, as there was a piece of land which she left, the pro- ceeds of which were given to the town. It was in charge of Elder Samuel Clap, the '-sargent" above named, until 1708, the time of his death. A list of persons who removed to other towns in consequence of the King Philip war, and who ought to pay taxes in this town, appears in the Records. They were Henry Gurnsey, William Chaplin, Mr. Beal, Henry Ware and John Gill. In the early part of this year the Church began to question some of its members, and make a settle- ment with them for long-standing sins and obstinacy in refusing to come before the Elders and " Antient" brethren in private. Robert Spur, sen'r, was one of them. He had withdrawn from the sacrament, it appears upon some prejudice against the Pastor. He endeavored to make out hig case, but, according to the record, " could not make it out but a misre- presentation of him." He did not give satisfaction at this time, and was afterwards called and admonished. John Spur, son of the above, was also called to give satisfaction for his " contemptuous carriage," &c. ; also Nath'l Wyat for not coming before the Elders, but refusing as Spur had done. Samuel Rigby had his short-comings to answer for. " Others there were that should have been called forth, as Joshua George, Daniel Ellen, Nathaniel Mather, and others; 238 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. but the time and season of cold would not permit." These persons assembled at one o'clock on the 22nd of January, in a cold meeting-house, to settle these weighty matters ; and it is not strange that " the season of cold " put a stop to further proceedings than those already mentioned. The next month, Robert Spur, sen'r, was admonished ; and Nath'l Wyat, John Spur, Daniel Ellen and Joshua George, for neglecting and refusing to give an account of their knowledge to the Elders and the Church, were excommunicated. Mr. Thacher preached for Mr. Flint one month of this year, and Mr. Flint desired that the Church would look out for some one to take his place in case any of his family should have the small-pox ; also that they might think of another teaching offi- cer to help him. The Church seemed to think that they could not afford to pay two ministers ; and therefore Mr. Flint's salary was augmented, and they thought that Mr. James Minot might be obtained to assist him once in a fortnight. Thus in the fear of wars and rumors of wars, the dread of the Indians and of the small-pox, and a great variety of other troubles, was the truth of Cotton Mather's saying verified, that " great numbers merely took New England on their way to heaven." 1680. Selectmen — John Capen, James Blake, Wm. Sumner, Richard Hall and Samuel Clap. Nathan Bradley was sexton for the town. He was to " ring the bell, cleanse the meeting-house, and to carry water for baptism." Thus were his duties well defined ; the taking charge of the boys HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 239 appears to have been another branch of busmess, until perhaps about the year 1800. While the bell stood on the hill, Mr. Bradley was to have " after four pounds a year ; and after the bell is brought to the meeting-house, £'S 10.s\'' In February, of this year, a warrant was sent to the constables to take a fine of John Jackson for " four weeks entertainment of Opportunity Lane, his daugh- ter," and to warn her out of town. Jane Burge's legacy of five pounds was paid by John Mason in shoes, the recipients of this bounty being Henry Merrifield, Daniel Elder, Robert Stiles, Thomas Pope, Samuel Hill, Meriani Wood, John Plum, Robert Sanders, Francis Ball, Nathan Bradley, John Lewis, Giles Burge, Widow Lawrence, Wm. Turner, Ed- mund Brown, Joseph Weeks. The town this year had thirteen tything men. For many years there were quite a number of persons who could not pay their taxes. These were called " desperate debts." In the payments of ex- penses is 3.?. 9d. for boards, and os. for making a cofiin for " Horsley." This year the town chose Mr. Mather, Richard Baker and Isaac Jones, '' to see that the Burying place be fenced in with stone wall by the last of June." The town voted to pay Mr. James Minot twenty pounds, if he could be procured to preach once a fortnight. "John Breck desired liberty to get a suit of masts and yards for a vessel which he had undertaken to build in this town." The County Court desired the Selectmen to nomi- 240 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. iiate some person to keep a house of public enter- tainment, and they nominated Richard Withington, Ensign Hall and Isaac Jones for that purpose. But neither of them would consent, so that they desired the Court to let widow George continue the business ; and William Sumner, one of the Selectmen, agreed to oversee it as much as he could. Among the expenses of the town this year, was " a load of wood for the watch." On the 16th of September, of this year. Rev. Mr. flint, the Pastor of the Church, died. He was the son of Rev. Henry Flint, of Braintree ; was born Aug. 24, 16-45, and graduated at Harvard College in 1664. He appears to have been a conscientious and devoted minister ; but by the interruptions in his ministry, is supposed to liave suffered considerably from ill health. He was zealous in his labors among the younger part of his flock, and it would appear, from the epitaph on his tombstone, that he exhaust- ed his strength in his profession. His first ministe- rial labor after his ordination was to officiate at the funeral of the venerable George Minot. The follow- ing inscription is on the monument erected to Mr. Flint's memory. "Here lies Interred y* Corps of Mr. Josiah Flint, late Pastor to y° Church in Dorchester, Aged 35 years. Deceased Septr. 15th, 16S0. A Man of God he was so great, so good, His highest worth was hardly understood : So much of God & Christ in him did Dwell, In Grace & Holiness he did excell. An Honour & an ornament thereby. Both to y" Churclaea &; the Ministry. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 241 Most zealous in y" work of Reformation, To save this self destroying Generation. With Courage Stroue 'gainst all this peoples sin ; He spent his Strength, his Life, his Soul therein. Consum'd with holy zeal of God, for whom He liu'd, and dy'd a kind of Martyrdom. If men will not lament, their Hearts not break, No wonder this lamenting Stone doth Speak. His Tomb-stone cries Repent, and Souls to saue Dcrth Preach Repentance from his very Graue. 'Gainst Sinners doth a lasting Record lye This Monument to his bless'd Memory. Psal. 112. 6. Prov. 10. 7." This year a case of witchcraft came before the Court, and was the occasion of great excitement. The person apprehended was Elizabeth, wife of Wm. Morse, of Newbury. Slie was tried at Boston, and adjudged guilty by the jury, though subsequently reprieved. John Capen and Jacob Hewins, of Dor- chester, were on this jury. 1681. Selectmen — James Blake, Samuel Clap, Wm. Sumner, John Capen and Richard Hall. Feb. 14th, of this year, Daniel Preston, senior, as- signed over " the deeds of the land he bought of Sam- uel Rigbee for the use of the school, being the legacy of Christopher Gibson." This was the gift which eave the town the School Pasture, so called, and which has proved so valuable to the town, as will be seen by referring to the 53d page of this work. The town this year gave liberty to Thomas Sw^ift, senior, of Milton, and Ezra Clap of Dorchester, " to catch fish at Neponset below the mill, and to make a stage for this year, provided they do not any way 242 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. obstruct or hinder the antient cart way over the river, which lies between the mill and the timber bridge, nor the way leading to the mill between the river and the barn that now is there on the upland." Joseph Weeks requested liberty of the Selectmen to take a nurse child of one Mr. Stevens, of Boston. They answered, that although "the man may be sufficient," yet lest it might be made a precedent, he was required to give some security. June 14th, AVm. Sumner and Deacon Blake were appointed to inquire after a school-master. It ap- pears that this useful class of citizens were scarce at that time, at least the gentlemen here named did not meet with success in their inquiries ; for on Sept. 19th, ^' Ensign Hall was desired and appointed to inquire after a school-master. Some say there may be one at Bridgewater." March 20th, of this year, the Church members were requested to remain after the evening exercises, to make choice of some person to be on trial for the " work of the ministry." It was usual at that time, and for many subsequent years, for the Church first to make choice of a minister, which choice was after- wards to be confirmed by the town, or parish, as the case might be. It was voted, in this instance, " that each one should bring in his vote in writing, and those two that had the most votes should be put to vote again the next sabbath." The votes stood — 40 for Mr. John Danforth, of Roxbury, and 13 for Mr. Gushing, of Hingham. The 27th of March, "votes were called for again for one of the two which had most votes the last sabbath, and there were 37 votes for HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 243 Mr. Danforth and 22 for Mr. Capen ; at the same time Mr, John Breck, who Avas not in fnll commu- nion, intruded himself in, and put in a vote, which was very offensive to the Church ; but his vote was taken out and lie commanded by Mr. »Stoughton to go out of the meeting-house, when the Church had been tried by a vote to know whether they did ap- prove of his acting ; which being declared in the negative, then the contrary vote was called for, but none held up their hand but only Henry Leadbetter, who thought that such as had submitted to the gov- ernment of the Church should have liberty to vote in such a case ; but it w^as declared to the contrary." The Mr. Capen here voted for, was Mr. Joseph, son of John Capen, and was afterwards settled at Topsfield. Mr. Breck repented of voting as he did on the oc- casion mentioned, and gave full satisfaction therefor. The Church appointed a committee of Mr. Stough- ton and eight others to invite Mr. Danforth to come and preach upon trial. The 1st of June, of this year, Mr. Peter Thacher was ordained Pastor of the Church at Milton. The services were performed as follows. First, Mr. Thacher prayed. Rev. Increase Mather put the matters to vote whether any person had aught against it, &c. Mr. Torrey gave the charge. Mr. Torrey, Mr. Mather, Mr. Eliot and Mr. Willard laid on hands, and Mr. Willard gave the right hand of fel- lowship. Calls were often made upon the congregation to aid their suffering friends, who had lost by the wars. 244: HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. were earned into captivity, &c. The 1-ith of Au- gust, of this year, there was a contribution for ]Mr. Swan and others at Hoxbury, who had their houses burnt. Upwards of £6 was collected. Dec. 25th, of this year, Rev. Mr. Danforth gave his answer of acceptance of the call to be the minis- ter of the town. The town lost, this year, one of its jewels, in the person of John Foster. He was son of Hopestill Foster, and graduated at Harvard College in 1667. Shaw, in his description of Boston, says he opened the first printing-house in Boston, which was about 1675. The first book he published was issued in 1676, and the last in 1680. He was a great mathe- matician, and made, calculated and published Alma- nacs. In the Almanac for 1681, "he annexed an ingenious dissertation on comets seen at Boston in November and December, 1680." It is not so much to be wondered at that the people were astonished and affrighted at the comet of that time, if the ac- count of a late writer be true, which says its trail reached from near the horizon to the zenith. There was a printing press in Cambridge, in the vicinity of the College, in 1638. Mr. Foster, in his will, desired to have a handsome grave-stone. There is a curious device upon it, to represent his skill in Astronomy, &c., and also upon it the following inscription. "The INGENIOUS Mathematician and Printer Mr. John Foster aged 33 years, died Sept. 9, 16S1. April 1682. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 245 *'I M. "J. F. "Astra Colis ^i'.-ens, Moriens sup3r jEthera Foster, Scande precor; Caelum Metiri disce supremutn : Metior atque memn est Emit mihi divis Jesus : Nee teneor QuLiqiam nisi Gratis solvere." Upon the foat stone is the followmg: " Ars illi sua Census Erat." Ovid. " Skill was his cash." In Thomas's Histoiy of Printing, this is translated as follows : " Thou, Foster, who on earth didst study the heavenly bodies, now ascend above the firmament and survey the highest heaven- 1 do survey and inhabit this divine region. To its possession I am admitted throu;jh the grace of Jesus ; and to pay the debt of gratitude I hold the most sacred obligation." Mr. Joseph Capen, the minister of Topsfield, who was the friend and townsman of Mr. Foster, wrote the following poem upon his death. " Thy body, which no activeness didst lack, Now's laid aside like an old Almanack ; But for the present only's out of date, 'Twill have at length a far more active state. Yea, tho' with dust thy body soiled be, Yet at the resurrection we shall see A fair EDITION, and of matchless worth. Free from ERRATA'S, new in Heaven set forth. 'Tis but a word from God the Great Creator, It shall be done when he saith Imprimatur." 1682. Selectmen — James Blake, Enoch Wiswell, Samuel Clap, Timothy Tilestone and Richard Hall. This year the town provided standard weights, by which to prove and seal all other weights in town. This is probably the first year that the law, requir- 24 246 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. ing such a provision, was carried into effect. The weights were, from 56 pounds to 1-16 of an ounce. Sept. 11th. " Wm. Danforth was called before the Selectmen, and was admonished by them to forbear frequenting ordinaries, and to set himself in a way of constant employment in some lawful calling." This year the Selectmen approbated widow Eliza- beth George to keep an ordinary again, provided that John Breck should see that it was kept accord- ing to law. Her husband had kept one many years, and since his death she had continued the business, and was undoubtedly the most capable of the two for that purpose. Mrs. George was now about 81 years of age. Old age was no disqualification then for office or employment. The 19th of February Mr. John Danforth joined the Church here, having been dismissed from the Church in E-oxbury for that purpose. He was or- dained on Wednesday, the 2d of June. The Churches sent to were those in Boston, Roxbury, Dedham, Milton, Braintree, Weymouth and Medfield. Mr. Eliot was desired to give the charge. The sermon on the occasion was from the text, 2 Kings i. 14 : " Where is the Lord God of Elijah T' The Church, about this time, appears to have taken a fresh start in the way of discipline, and de- linquents were sharply reproved. Joseph Leeds had a misunderstanding with his wife, and w^as accused of maltreating her, which caused no little trouble to the Church. After several meetings, it was settled by his confession, and promising " to carry it more loving to her for time to come." Not so with Jona- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 247 than Blackman ; he had been lying, which was a serious offence in those days, and also convicted before the Court for stealing liorses. He had suf- fered corporal punishment, but refused to come before the Church, and ran away out of the jurisdic- tion ; so they " disowned him from his Church relation, and excommunicated, though not delivered up to Satan, as those in full communion, but yet to be looked at as a Heathen and publican, and familiar society with him forbidden unto his relations natural and civil, that he may be ashamed." Kev. Mr. Danforth was paid this year, for his services in the ministry, £50 in money and £50 in country pay. Mr. Stoughton was again chosen to go as messen- ger to England ; but the great trouble of his late mission caused him to peremptorily decline the ap- pointment. 1683. Selectmen — Richard Hall, Samuel Clap, James Blake, Enoch Wiswell and Timothy Tilestone. The town voted to make a rate of £100 for a " house for the ministry." " John Minot came forth voluntarily and acknow- ledged to his sin in being too much overcome with drinking on the day of Major Clark's funeral." This was before the Church, at a meeting on the 29th of April. There was a contribution, July 29th, "for Captives in Mr. Graves's ship, and one Robinson." £12 lO*'. lOd. was collected, to be divided between them. This amount shows a very great degree of liberality for that time. 218 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. About this time there was a great excitement in the colony, through fear of losing the royal Charter. The General Court appointed a Fast to be held, on the 22d of November, " in regard of the sad condi- tion we were in respecting the danger of losing our liberties, both civil and sacred, our Charter being called for." The 30th of December " there was a contribution for a captive, viz., the son of a w^oman living at Piscataqua; at which time there were contributed £4: 19s Id, and committed to Elder Humfrey to deliver to the Avoman." In December, of this year, the town chose " the worshipful Mr. Stoughton, Enoch Wiswell and John Breck," to see to the laying out of the land granted by the General Court for school land, in lieu of Thompson s Island. 1684. Selectmen — Samuel Clap, Richard Hall, James Blake, Enoch Wiswell and Wm. Sumner. This year the town lost two of its citizens who were much respected — viz., Timothy,* son of Rev. Richard Mather, who died January llth, by a fall from a scaffold in a barn ; and Nehemiah, son of Dea. Edward Clap. The Church, this year, had Consider Atherton before them, for the sin of drunkenness. He made an acknowledgment in waiting, which was deemed satisfactory. John AVeeks was also brought up for stealing a cheese from the ordinary, and Ebenezer Lyon for some words spoken by him, and which he * Allhough Blake says Jan. 14th, 1684, it is probable he reckoned in the old style, which would bring it, according lo ihe new style, in ItiSa. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 249 confessed in writing, and then denied a part of the writing. " Sister George was called again before the Church, wlio at this time made confession of her sin in lettino- some have drink, which made them drunk, and of her denying it, and of her going from the Church in sucli a disorderly manner." It will be recollected thaf Mrs. George was at this time about 83 years of age. Sept. 20th there was a contribution for Moses Ayers, being a captive, amounting to £6 2s 8 /, which was delivered to Thomas Tiiestone, who, to- gether with Thomas Pierce, were to convey it into safe hands for his redemption. It appearing that the son of widow Robinson, for whose release from captivity there had previously been a contribution, was redeemed without making use of the money, and as there had been a promise that if it was not used it should be returned, it was voted to call for it and add it to the sum raised for Mr. Ayers, if neces- sary. About this time Mr. Robert Breck, son of Edward Breck, of this town, died in Boston. He was a merchant, and a man of some note. Drake, in his History of Bos on, quotes the description of his wife given by John Dunton, who carfie to Boston and remained a year or more, and who was a quaint and agreeable writn-. He calls " Mrs. Brick " a woman of " piety and sweetness," and the very " flower of Boston." " To conclude her character ; the beauty of her person, the sweetness and affability of her temper, the grt.vity of her carriage, and her exalted piety, gave me so just a value for her, that Mrs. 250 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Green would often say, ' should Iris die (the name Mr. Dunton gave his wife), which Heaven forbid, there is not fit to succeed her but Madam Brick.' " 1685. Selectmen — Samuel Clap, James Blake, Enoch Wiswell, llichard Hall and John Breck. The 12th of March there was a contribution, and £1 13.9 9i collected and put in the hands of the Deacons to be used at their discretion. The IStli of March, Wednesday, the Church be- gan to have a monthly lecture. "The 5th of April was a contribution for a boy that had the stone, at which time were contributed £1 Is Id, and a piece of Spanish money 7 1-2^." June 4th. " There was a contribution for George Bowen, of Roxbury, who is a captive with the Turks, at which time were collected £2 145." June 28th, there was a contribution for the poor, and but 145 4:d collected, because " notice of it was not given before." Auff. 9th. ^' There was a contribution for one Tuck- er, of Boston, a captive, at which time were collected £3 l5 6dr This was delivered to Tucker's wife. Nov. 8th. " There was a contribution for Peter Talbot, at which time were contributed 405 10^." Nov. 15th. " There was a contribution for Francis Ball, at which time were collected 335 lOd, and 2 half bushels of corn." These frequent instances of taking up money from the congregation on the sabbath are named, to show what a constant call there was for charitable assis- tance in those days, besides the heavy taxes laid to pay for fighting the Indians, supporting the min- istry and the schools, &c. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 251 The Church appointed their Pastor (Mr. Dan- forth), Mr. Stonohton, and Deacons Capen and Blake, to go to Boston to attend the ordination of Rev. Cotton Mather, April 13th. An order was issued this year from the Governor and Council, requiring the Ministers and Elders to look to their flocks ; " and the Elder proposed that two of the tything-men's squadrons at a time ap- pointed should come together to some place for that end, and that those from 8 to 16 years of age be Catechized, and from 16 to 24 of young persons should come together to be discoursed, with all the maids by themselves, and the men by themselves." This year James II. was proclaimed King, which awakened the fears of all the lovers and friends of New England. They knew his character too well to expect any favors from him or any of his infamous advisers, especially after the appointment of the no- torious and cruel Percy Kirke as Governor. This occasioned much trouble to all the Colonists ; but their great shrewdness and skill in diplomacy ena- bled them in a measure to steer clear of the evils which threatened them. 1686. Selectmen — Samuel Clap, Eichard Hall, Wm. Sumner, John Withington and John Breck. This year the town met with a serious loss in the death of Elder James Humfrey. The 14th of Feb- ruary, of this year, he " moved the Church that they would look out and provide themselves another Elder, because he had long been lame, and did look at himself near his departure out of this world." He also desired that he might be buried in the same 252 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. tomb with Rev. E,ichard Mather, his early friend and Pastor; but it being stoned up, and so small as to hold only one coffin, his request could not be complied with, and he was buried near him. The tomb stone to his memory is now in good order, having been repaired by his grandson, Mr. Jonas Humfrey. The inscription thereon is as follows : Here lyes Interre.! y" Body of Mr. James Humfrey, one of y* Ruling- Elders of Dorchester, who departed this life May 12th, 1686, in y" 78th year of his age. I nclos'd Avithin this shrine is precious Dust A nd only waits for th' rising of y" Just. Most usefull while he liu'd, adorn'd his Station, E uen to old age he Seru'd his Generation, S ince his Decease tho't of with Veneration. H ow great a Blessing this Ruling Elder he U nto this Church & Town; & Pastors Three. M ather he first did by him help Re.eiue ; F lint did he next his burden much Relieue ; R enowned Danforth he did assist with skill. E steemed high by all : Bear fruit untill Y ielding to Death his Glorious seat did fill. Deacon James Blake was chosen Ruling Elder in place of Elder Humfrey. He excused himself on account of his "thickness of hearing," but was finally prevailed upon to accept. D.miel Preston, senior, was chosen to fill the place of Deacon, vacated by Mr. Blake ; he had 41 votes to 11 for others. The people of Boston and some other places suf- fered from the small pox this year. The Church of Dorchester held a fast on the 39th of June, on that account, and " in regard of the great want of rain." On the 11th of October " Mr. Nathaniel Glover did voluntarily acknowledge his sin in being at HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 253 Brainard's and overtaken in drink." It is supposed that Mr. Glover was a man of good reputation, and a misdemeanor of this kind, when acknowledged before the proper authority, was not of course consi- dered so grievous a sin as if concealed or denied. 1687. Selectmen— Samuel Clap, Timothy Tiles- tone, Richard Hall, Wm. Sumner and Henry Lead- better. November 23d, of this year, Mr. John Douse, of Charlestown, was drowned at Neponset River, and his body was found the 19 th of the following March on Thompson s Island shore. Sir Edmond Andros being in power this year, the town chose no Representative to the General Court. Major -Thomas Clark, in his will, having left a legacy of £20 for the poor of Dorchester, " Serg't Timothy Tilestone was ordered to enquire into the condition of several poor, and to let them have some relief" Major Clark, it will be remembered, died in Boston, but had previously lived in this town. 1688. Selectmen — John Breck, Samuel Clap, Timothy Tilestone, Henry Leadbetter, Samuel Robin- son and John Withington. There is no doubt that the peoj)le were discontent- ed under the new government of Sir Edmond An- dros, and did not engage with their usual alacrity in the orders of the Governor and his Council. This is made manifest by the following notice, which appears on the Church Records. " The 3d of May there was a Fast in our town, it is said a public Fast, but few towns had notice of it — nor had we, but by Mr. Stoughton's informing that the Council 25 254 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. had determined. There was none at lloxbury, nor Cambridge, nor Watertown, nor at Boston but in the First Church. The Sabbath before, they say, was appointed Thanksgiving for the Queen's being with child ; our Sabbath was kept as at other times, being sacrament day." The Church had a great deal of trouble with Consider Atherton, this year, and finally pronounced him an incorrigible drunkard and admonished him. 1689. Selectmen — Samuel Clap, Timothy Tiles- tone, John Withington, Henry Leadbetter and Richard Hall. The 21st of July there was a fast kept "in regard of the Indians plotting mischief," &c. The 16th of November there was a contribution for Goodman Hinsdale, of Medfield; and on Dec. 8th there was one for the poor of the town. From the " History of Boston " we learn that in the latter part of this year a company of pirates who had robbed a Salem vessel were captured, and brought to trial at Boston, making another exciting subject for the time. On the Grand Jury are found the Dorchester names — Bernard Trott, foreman, and John Capen ; and on the trial jury, James Bird and Joseph Weeks. One Thomas Hawkins, of Boston, was the leader of the piratical crew, and he and nine others were brought in guilty, and sentenced to be hung on the 27th of January following. 1690. Selectmen — Sam'l Clap, Timothy Tilestone, Hopestill Clap, Henry Leadbetter and James Foster. The compensation paid to the Representatives to the General Court would be considered very low at HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 255 this time. March 11th, "it was proposed to the town what they would allow their representatives or deputies, Timothy Tilestone and Samuel Clap, for their attendance at the General Court this year; and it was voted that they would allow them six shil- lings a week." The same day the town chose Elder James Blake, John Breck and Samuel Clap, to seat the people in the meeting-house. Feb. 12th. There was a contribution "for the widow Pease, whose husband was slain in taking the pirates who did do mischief to the vessels on the coast." There were quite a number of fasts kept this year, on account of " our agents that are gone to England," the troubles with the French and Indians, the sick- ness of fever and small-pox, " in regard to the fleet that has gone against the French at Canada," &c. This year a large company of soldiers was raised in this town, to embark in the expedition to Canada. Forty-six of the company never returned, most of them supposed to have been lost at sea. It has been doubted whether so great a number could have been raised in so small a town ; but the company roll is satisfactory evidence of the fact. It furnishes another instance of the great hardship endured by the colo- ny in supplying soldiers, and paying the enormous tax thereby incurred. Like most of the armies which preceded or have followed it, the fate of this one was disastrous ; death by sickness and accidents sweeping away most of those who had escaped the sword. The following is the list of the company. 256 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. "CANADY SOLDIERS. "A list of the names of the soldiers under the command of Capt. John Withington, Oct. 3, 1690. Capt. Joh. Withington Sargt. Ammiel Weeks Corp. John Poope Left. George IMinott Sargt. Richard Butt Corp. Joseph Ciutis Iiisine Samuel Sumner Sargt. Samuel Sumner Corp. George Holmes Sargt. Increase Modsley Joseph Weeks, Clarke. Joseph Trescott, Drummer. Ebenezer Sumner Henry Lyon Eliab Lyon Unight Modsley William Cheney Peter Galley Ebenezer Poope William Sumner Eleazer Walles William Cooke Joseph Long Thomas Weeks Thomas Andrews WilKam Sumner Samuel Sandras Edward Wiatte Benieman Hewens James Swift Hopstill Sandras Solomon Clarke John Lord Consider Atherton Jezeniah Sumner Adam Barr These on bord Capt. B-y James Robinson Corp. DaniellHensha Cornelius Tilestone William Blake Richard Euins Samuel Hicks John Tolman John Jones Ebenezer Crane Samuel Chandler William Fowst William Belshar David Stevenson Henry Jackson Thomas Bird John Gulliver William Georg-e Joseph Atherton Samuel Triscott Thomas Kelton John Morrill James Morey Edward Clap Jeh(>sephat Crabtree John B riant Robart Husay Augusten Clements Charles Roadman William Swift Moses Chaplin Joshua Shoot John Anderson John Leeds Isaac Caps John Crowhore William Baker Mathew Mapley John Jones Elias Moonke This list was found among the papers left by Ebenezer Clap, son of Nathaniel, who was one of the active citizens of the town about the time the company was raised. It is presumed that the fate of many of those who never returned was for a long HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 257 time doubtful ; as, twenty years after the expedition left Dorchester, Ezra Clap, of Milton, made provision in his will for his son Edward if he ever returned. June 19th, 1735, the General Court of Massachu- setts granted to the survivors of that expedition, and to the heirs of those who were lost, a township of land in the northern part of Worcester County, which was called Dorchester Canada. This was incorporated into a town in the year 1765, and called Ashburnham. The rights to these lands were sold from time to time. Hezekiah Barbour, of Dorches- ter, purchased a number of them ; also Thomas Tilestone. On the 2d of February, this year, died in Boston, whither he removed from Dorchester in 1686, Capt. Roger Clap, in his 82d year — for more than twenty years commander of the Castle, which was " the prin- cipal fortress in the province." As already men- tioned, Roger Clap was one of the party which arrived at Dorchester in the "Mary and John," in 1630 ; and from that time till he resigned his post at the Castle in 1686, he was almost constantly engaged in the civil, military and ecclesiastical affairs of the town and colony. Blake says, " He was buried in the old Burying Place in Boston ; the Military Officers going before the Corps ; and next to the Relations, the Governour and the whole General Court following after ; and the Guns firing at the Castle at the same time." 1691. Selectmen — Samuel Clap, Henry Lead- better, Timothy Tilestone, Hopestill Clap and Sam- uel Topliff. 258 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. The number of deaths in town this year was very large, probably larger in proportion to the number of inhabitants than in any previous year since its settlement. James Blake, who kept a memorandum of these matters, says "that from y" 1st of April, 1690, unto y° last of July, 1691, that is one year and four months, there died in Dorchester 57 persons, 33 of them of y'' small pox, the Rest of a 1 eaver ; the most of them of middle age. About y" same time (that is ^1690) lost at sea 4:6 soldiers that went to Canada ; in all 103." This year the General Court ordered the sum of twenty-f)ur thousand pounds to be levied on the inhabitants, and the proportion for this town was £701 Us 2d. The Church held a fast on the 1st of May, on account of the more than ordinary sickness of small po'x. The language of the appointment of this fast represents that God was provoked with his people, and that his hand had gone out against them. The 22d of April Rev. Mr. Danforth, the two Deacons, and Capt. Clap, went to Weymouth, being called by the Church there to assist in settUng some difficulty between the Church and one of its mem- bers. After much discussion the man was convinced of his sin, made confession, and all were satisfied at the happy termination. 1692. Until this year, the Selectmen had been chosen annually in December ; but those chosen in December, 1691, served until March, 1693. This year the town lost one of its most valuable citizens, both in regard to his. character and useful- ness, by the death of Capt. John Capen. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 259 The town voted " that all such soldiers of Dor- chester as served at the Castle after the Ee volution, Apiil 1689, till the garrison was settled in June following, should all of them that are not already paid, be paid out of the next town rate." The old Latin Dictiouaiy, which is still in exist- ence, and which contains the names of so many of the teachers who have kept the school on the Meet- ing-House Hill, is thus noticed : " The 3d of May, '92, Samuel Clap, Samuel Top- liff and Hopestill Clap, Selectmen, received of Mr. Joseph Capen, a latin book (a dictionary) which doth belong to the town, and delivered said book to Mr. Joseph Lord, schoolmaster, to be improved for the benefit of the school ; and s*^ Lord is to deliver it to some of the Selectmen when he leaves the school in Dorchester." Leb, 14th, there was a contribution for the cap- tives taken by the Indians, from York, and £'18 18^ Id was obtained. The community were much distressed on account of the earthquake at Jamaica, news of which was brought to Boston by some who narrowly escaped. One of our Dorchester people, Ralph Houghton, Jr., was buried in the ruins, as we learn by the following memoranda found pinned to the cover of an old manuscript; viz., "In 1692 Mrs Mary Horton, widow to Mr. Ralph Horton, huo was sunke in y* earthquake at Jemeco the seventh day of June be- twen a Eleven & twelve a clock at nune in 1692. Y* above named person was then 28 years of age from March y'^ last past." 260 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 1693. Selectmen — Enoch Wiswell, Samuel Eobin- son, .John Tohnan, James Bird and Increase Sumner. This year the town voted that the burying place should be fenced with stone wall. July 2()th, of this year, was kept as a public day of humiliation on account of " the abominable sins that did break out among us, and for the preventing of great sickness " — " by reason of the West India fleet that was now come hither, which brought the sickness with them " — " and to put a stop to our Enemy's rage." The Church chose the Pastor and four delegates to go to Dedham, on the 29th of November, to assist at the ordination of Mr. Joseph Belcher. "Mr. Belcher did begin by prayer, and preaching, and did make a very excellent sermon. His text was in the 4 of Exodus, 11, 12." "Mr. Torrey, Mr. Hubbard and Mr. Danforth laid their hands upon his head, and Mr. Fiske gave him the right hand of fellow- ship." 1694. Selectmen — John Tolman, John Bird, James Foster, James White and Samuel Capen. Mr. Thomas Tilestone died this year, June 24th, at the age of 83 years. He Avas one of the leading men of the town, and is supposed to have been the ancestor of all of his name in the country. This year the town built another school-house on the meeting-house hill, at the cost of £22 ; John Trescott was the carpenter. January 28th, there was a contribution for Perez Savage and Thomas Thacher, who were in captivity in Turkey. £6 IO5 10^ was collected. HrST01l\' OF DORCHESTER. 261 June 17tli, there was a contribution for Robert Carew, who was in slavery, and £4: 19s collected. October 7th, the Church appointed the Church officers, with Nathaniel Clap and James White, to go to Woodstock to attend the ordination of Mr. Josiah D wight. The ordination was on Oct 31st. 1695. Selectmen — John Tolman, James Foster, John Bird, James White and Samuel Capen. The oldest person, probably, that ever lived in town, died this year — Mrs. Ann Pierce, widow of Mr. Robert Pierce — being about 104 years of age. The town chose a committee to procure an en- largement of the burying ground. "Aug. 11, '95, was a great contribution in many churches for some persons that were in slavery among the Turks ; and in our congregation were given £9 6s 9dr CHAPTER XIII. Settlement of Dorchester, in South Carolina, and of Midway, in Georgia. October 22, 1695, was the usual lecture day in this town, but was set apart for the purpose of ordaining Rev. Joseph Lord in the ministry, to go to South Carolina. There were messengers from the Churches in Roxbury, Nonantum, Boston, Milton and Charles- town. Mr. Lord first prayed, then preached a sermon from 5th of Matthew 13th verse. Mr. Morton, of Charlestown, gave the charge, and Mr. Hobart the right hand of fellowship. Those who entered into 26 262 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. church covenant with Mr. Lord, were Joshua Brooks and Nathaniel BilUngs, of Concord ; William Norman, of Carolina ; William Adams, of Sudbury ; Increase Sumner and William Pratt, of Dorchester ; George Fox, of Reading ; and Simon Dakin, of Concord. It is probable that Nathaniel Billings was a relative of the individuals of that name in this town, and it is not unlikely that Mr. Norman came on from Caro- lina for the purpose of encouraging this early mis- sionary enterprise. Rev. John Danforth preached to this company upon parting, and their friends accompanied them to the place of embarkation, where they took leave of each other, " after kneeling down and mingling their supplications " to God, " with every expression of christian tenderness." Their journey and settlement were beautifully described by Professor John B. Mallard, in a Cen- tennial Address delivered before tlie people of Mid- way, Georgia, on December 6, 1852, but not pub- lished. He says, " The Macedonian cry of the pious in Carolina was heard in New England, and the religious sentiment of the Dorchester settlers was awakened. They had planted the first Church in Connecticut, and now they were ready to gather another to send to the far distant borders of the south." " On the 5th of December the first mission- aries that ever left the shores of New England, were offering up their evening prayers from the decks of two small vessels on the bosom of the Atlantic. What an interesting company did those two frail barks contain ! Infancy, not knowing whither it went ; youth, with all its joyousness ; middle age, HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 263 with its conscious weight of responsibility ; the old and the young ; the strong and the weak ; the pro- tector and the protected !" " Landing on the shores of Carolina they threaded their way to the Ashley river; and twenty miles f-'om the abode of civilized man — in the midst of an unbroken forest — where wild beasts prowled, they fixed their habitation ; and February 2, 1696, under the boughs of a weather-beaten oak (still standing and stretching its branches over the resting-places of the dead), they took the sacrament of the Lord's supper, renewed their vows and gave public thanks to that Being who had led them on in safety." This was the first sacrament ever celebrated in Carolina. These people called their new home Dorchester, and soon erected a meeting-house, and established the Congregational order of church government, under which they flourished. Eev. Hugh Fisher succeeded Mr. Lord in the ministry there. The latter returned to Massachusetts, and was settled at Chatham. Rev. John Osoood followed Mr. Fisher, and was ordained in 1735. The increase of inhabitants made it ne- cessary to occupy more land than could be found in their neighborhood to answer their wants. The unhealthiness of the place also tended to make them dissatisfied with their abode; and on May 11th, 1752, three persons from this settlement set off" upon an exploring expedition, having heard of more favor- able locations in the adjoining colony of Georgia. They returned and made a favorable report of the land they had found, and proposed a removal. The proposition was favorably received by a majority 264 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER, of their number ; but some were reluctant to part from the homes which had cost them so much toil, and had become endeared to them through the hard- ships invariably connected with new settlements. On the 6th of December, 1752, Mr. Benjamin Baker and Mr. Samuel Bacon, with their families, arrived at Midway, in Liberty County, Georgia. This place was called Midway, because it stood about half way between the rivers Altamaha and Ogechee- Mrs. Baker died the day after their arrival. Their minister, Rev. Mr. Osgood, finding a general desire among those who remained in Carolina to remove, accompanied them to Georgia, where the whole Church and society eventually settled. " The Secre- tary of the Colony of Georgia, in a letter to Benjamin Martyn, in England, dated August 7th, 1755, sets down the number of those who removed from Caro- lina to Georgia (in 1752), as 816 men, women and children." He also wrote in the highest terms of the character of these settlers, whose reputation had preceded them and had grown as they became better acquainted. He says, " I really look upon these people moving here, to be one of the most favorable circumstances that could befall the Colony." More than one hundred years have elapsed since their removal to Midway, and their descendants still re- tain those traits of character which in their ancestors called forth the praise of the Secretary of the colony. They still adhere to the Congregational system of church government, and " the village church and the village school " have been and still are the glory of the place. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 2G5 This settlement has furnished Georgia with two governors ; two of its most distinguished judges ; the Theological Seminary of South Carolina and Georgia with an able professor ; the Methodist Epis- copal Church with an influential and pious bishop ; the Presbyterian and Baptist Churches of that State with many of their ablest and most useful ministers ; and six of her sons have been called to professorial chairs in collegiate institutions. Their minister, Mr. Osgood, died in August, 1773, and difterent persons officiated for them until 1777^ when Mr. Moses Allen, of Northampton, Mass., was settled. He was taken prisoner by the British in 1778, and confined several months in their prison ships. Being a true patriot, and wearied with con- finement, he attempted to regain his liberty by throw- ing himself into the river in order to swim to an adjacent point, but was drowned in the attempt. The enemy, under General Provost, burned the meeting-house and many of the buildings of the place. In 1785, Rev. Abiel Holmes (a well known antiqua- rian, who died a few years since in Cambiidge, Mass.)« was settled with them in the ministry. Ill health made it necessary for him to relinquish his office in 1791. Eev. C. Gildersleevc, of New Jersey, succeeded him. Rev, Murdock Murphy, a native of North Carolina, followed. Rev. Robert Quarterman came next, and Rev. I. S. K. Axson was settled as his col- league in 1836 ; but now, 1856, is President of Greensboro' Female College. Their present pastors (1856) are Rev. D. L. Buttolph, of New York, and Rev. John F. Baker, of Pennsvlvania. 266 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. The patriotism of the people of Liberty County, during and previous to the Revolutionary war, was known throughout the country. They chose to take part with their brethren in the contest which they supposed would ensue, and not being able at first to bring the people of Georgia up to their standard, they joined the Continental Congress on their own account, and chose Dr. Lyman Hall to attend the same at Philadelphia, where he signed the Declaration of Independence. Soon after, four more delegates were sent from Georgia. Dr. Hall was a native of Con- necticut, a graduate of Yale College, and in 1783 was elected Governor of Georgia. Rev. Dr. Holmes remarked the great difference between these people and the natives of the place, and observed that they " differed as greatly from all surrounding inhabitants as did the Jews from the Canaanites." The late Rev. Dr. Codman, of Dor- chester, visited this place a short time previous to 1830, and was struck with the same peculiarity. CHAPTER XIV. Ecclesiaslical Council at Medtield — Religious Associalion of Young Sien — Land for Free Schools — Death of Governor Sloughton — Boundaries of the Town — Town Orders, &c. 1696. Selectmen — Samuel Capen, James Foster, James White, John Bird and Dea. Topliff. Another aged and respectable citizen of the town died this year, viz., Thomas Trott, aged 82 years. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 267 Purchase Capen was accidentally killed by the firing of a gun, Sept. 9th. This year the town chose a committee to seat peo- ple in the meeting-house. The 22d of February, a letter was read from the Church in Mediield, desiring messengers to assist in a Council to be held there. The proceedings of said Council were subsequently reported to the Church in Dorchester, and are written out quite fully on the Records. It is presumed that these Records, which were formerly kept by Elder John Wiswell, and afterwards by Capt. John Capen, were at this time in the hands of llev. Mr. Danforth, as the re- marks therein respecting this Council appear to have been written by him. It appears that out of 60 per- sons in the town of Medfield, who were voters, " 50 and odd " voted for Mr. Baxter, the minister, and 20 or 21 out of 25 of the members of the Church ; yet the opposition were active. Their reasons for oppos- ing the settlement of Mr. B., according to the report, Avere " some of them weak, silly and unreasonable, and some of them ungodly and pernicious." "One reason was that he was but a young man ; another that he had not so loud a voice as some others." The report contains certainly one democratic doctrine, viz., " The light of nature shows that the majority should sway." The Church in Dorchester voted, this year, that the Elders should signify to the General Court, that they apprehended one tavern, besides Mr. Billings's and Mr. White's, to be enough for the town, and that none but persons of improved integrity be licensed. 268 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. " Nov. Ist, 1696. Dea. Sumner's wife and family, and his brother Samuel Sumner with his wife and family, with Peter O'Kelly's wife and six children, dismissed to the Church of Christ near Newington, in South Carolina" (called Dorchester). 1697. Selectmen — Samuel Clap, Deacon Topliff, Hopestill Clap, James Foster and Samuel Capen. The seating- of people in the meeting-house was a difficult and serious affair. The committee chosen last year to perform this service, declined doing it again, unless the Selectmen would promise that they would accept of their seats appointed, " for order sake," and not put others out of their places. The town voted that the scats for boys should be removed, and seats made for them in the gallery ; also to make a pew for the Hon. Lieut. Governor and one for Kev. Mr. Danforth's family. March 21st, 22d and 23d, a council set at Water- town. Rev. Mr. Danforth, Lt. Tileston and Dea. Hopestill Clap, were members from Dorchester. In April the Church chose their Pastor, Ruling Elder, Capt. Clap and Deacon Topliff, to go to Med- field to assist at the ordination of Mr. Joseph Baxter, no public ojjposition being made, although the old quarrel was not entirely allayed. 1698. Selectmen — Capt. Clap, Dea. Clap, Dea- Topliff", Samuel Wales and Samuel Capen. This year was finished the laying out of the 12th division of land, in the new grant. The town voted that Rev. INIr. Danforth's salary should be paid by a free contribution. This plan was tried in 1697, and at the same time provision HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 269 was made, that if the contribution did not amount to eighty-five pounds, it should be made up to tliat sum out of the town rate. The winter of 1697 — 98 was " very long, sore and sharp." The 25th of December of this year, several serious young men of the town joined themselves into an association for religious purposes, which was to con- tinue until they formed family connections, or until they left the town. This society continued until about 1848, or 150 years from its formation. Simi- lar associations were formed in the neighboring towns, but were generally short-lived. The meetings of the Dorchester society were held immediately after the public service on Sunday afternoons, and the exercises were principally prayer and reading. Rev. Dr. Harris preached a discourse, addressed to the members, one hundred years from its establishment, which was printed. The society had a true friend in the late Dr. James Baker, *\vho presented them many valuable religious books. The remains of the library, also the constitution and the signatures thereto, are now in the keeping of the Dorchester Antiquarian and Historical Society. 1699. Selectmen — Dea. ToplifF, Dea. Clap, Sam- uel Wales, James Foster and Daniel Preston. This year the town lost two of its aged citizens by death : viz., Sept. 11th, Wm. Trescott, aged 84 years and 8 months ; and, Nov. 8th, widow Elizabeth George, who so long kept the ordinary, aged 98 years. The town chose a committee to lay out the 1000 27 270 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. acres of land for the maintenance of a free school. " Some of our friends of Milton " requested the town to grant them 200 acres for the same purpose. " The town did seem to favour the matter, yet notwith- standing did defer the affirmative grant thereof, until our own school land above mentioned be first laid out, and until the town of Milton have a school ap- pearing to need the same." Rev. Mr. Danfortli was sick and unable to preach for several weeks this year. 1700. Selectmen — Capt. Clap, Daniel Preston, Charles Davenport, Samuel Wales and James Blake. Having given a list of the Selectmen of the town, as they were annually chosen, up to this date, they will hereafter be omitted, as the space which their names would occupy may perhaps be better used for other purposes. The early settlers of this town, ii not the first, were among the first to organize a town government by choosing townsmen or select- men. Their idea of christian civilization was, that it seeks " to control and yet not to enslave, — to leave free and yet not to abandon." Elder James Blake died June 28th, aged 77 years. He was a Deacon of the Church about 1 1 years, and Ruling Elder about 14 years. The committee chosen to lay out the school farm last year, were John Bird, Daniel Preston, Jr., and Charles Davenport. They reported, this year, that they had laid it out. It was near Plymouth Colony line, by the Bridgewater road, half way between Boston and Taunton, and bounded by Half-way brook, near Woodcock's well, the Rehoboth road, HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 271 &c. It was composed of several different lots, which did not appear to join, but were in the same neigh- borhood. 1701. Dec. 22d, of this year, Richard Wi thing- ton, senior, died, aged about 84 years. The year was also an eventful one, in the death of Lieut. Gov. William Stoughton, Commander in Chief of the Province, No history appears to have been written of this remarkable man ; for remarkable he was, and would have been in any age. It is lamentable that it has been left to this late day to furnish even a brief me- morial of so eminent a scholar, civilian and divine. He was distinguished as a preacher, and was six times invited to settle over the church in this town, but for "reasons within himself" as often declined. His election sermon in 1668 was said to have been one of the most powerful and impressive that had been delivered before the General Court. In that discourse he highly eulogises the early settlers of the colony ; and no one knew them better, he being one of the oldest of the first generation from that stock. He says, " They were worthies, men of singular accomplishments, and of long and great experience. Yet did they walk with fear and trem- bling before the Lord, in the sense of their own nothingness and insufiiciency for the work here to be done. O what were the open professions of the Lord's people, that first entered this wilderness ! How did our fathers entertain the Gospel, and all the pure institutions thereof, and those liberties which they brought over! What was their com- 272 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. munion and fellowship in the administrations of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ! What 'was the pitch of their brotherly love, of their zeal for God and his ways, and against ways destructive of truth and holi- ness ! " ******** "God sifted a whole nation, that he might send choice grain over into this wilderness." He further says, — " Consider and remember always, that the books that shall be opened at the last day will contain genealogies in them. There shall then be brought forth a register of the genealogies of New England's sons and daughters. How shall we, many of us, hold up our faces then, when there shall be a solemn rehearsal of our descent, as well as of our degeneracies ! To have it published, whose child thou art, will be cutting to thy soul, as well as to have the crimes reckoned up that thou art guilty otV Governor Stoughton was a man of much wealth for those days, and was a large landholder. His residence was at the northeast corner of the streets now known as Pleasant Street and Savin Hill Ave- nue. Two large elms which still remain, one at the corner of those streets and one in the avenue, and the oldest of the elm trees on Pleasant Street in a southerly direction, are supposed to have been trans- planted by him, and consequently must be 160 years old or upwards. Probably no man who ever lived in the town was possessed of more influence than Governor Stoughton. He was a great friend to edu- cation. He has been considered, by some of this generation, as intolerant and bigoted, on account of the part he took, in those unfortunate times, during HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 273 the trial and condemnation of the witches. But he acted in conformity with the prevailing ideas of his age, was undoubtedly conscientious in his opinions and acts, and was one of the most tolerant men of liis day. When his colleague, Judge Sewall, made a public recantation in the Old South Church for the part he took in the trials referred to, Gov. Stoughton declined to do the same, saying that he had no con- fessions to make, for at the time the trials took place he thought that he was right, and acted his part with all sincerity, although he was now convinced that he was wrong. An article in Putnam's Magazine, of September, 1853, says that "Chief Justice Stoughton, after the ^ delusion was over, sent a note to the pulpit on Sun- day desiring prayers for his pardon, "if in any way he had sinned by his course in tlie trials ; and as it was read he stood up in his pew, showing by his quiver- ing lip the strong feeling within." Whether this account is correct, we know not. The whole affair is a strange. compound of facts, fancies and inconsis- tencies, woven into public accusations and judicial decisions. One of the most eminent of the English judges condemned many individuals to death for this supposed crime. In this neighborhood, after twenty persons were publicly executed, when eight more were under sentence of death, and a hundred and fifty were in jail for trial, about fifty of whom had confessed, and two hundred or more at large were charged with the crime, many of whom were among the best citizens, the public became alarmed. The sternness of the Courts, the fanaticism of the Clergy ^^1^*^' 274: HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. and the fury of the people began to abate, the trials were stopped, and the delusion vanished. May its history be a lesson and a solemn warning in all com- ing time. Gov. Stoughton and Mr. Peter Bulkley were the deputed agents of the colony to answer to the com- plaint of Mason and Gorges, that the colony had taken land granted to them. The agents went to England in 1676, and returned in 1679. Gov. Stoughton's funeral sermon was preached at the lecture in Boston, July 17, 1701, by Rev. Samuel Willard, of the Old South Church. He was one of the last of the original Puritans — that slandered, but inestimable race of men. Their work is done ; their mission is ended. The world was galvanized by their heroism, stability and magnanimous achieve- ments. They opened an eventful future; their names are connected with the most momentous questions which have since agitated the civilized world. Much has been written and reported concerning Gov. Stoughton's will. The following extracts from it contain the portions which more particularly re- late to his public bequests : — To the Church at Dorchester, two pieces of plate for the Communion of six pounds value each ; also the sum of £50, to be loft under improvement by the care and diligence of the Deacons for the time being, under the oversight of the Teach- ing and Ruling officers of that Church. Towards the relief of the poor of Dorchester I give the like sum of £50, to be improved by the care of the Selectmen, and the income to be distributed to the most needy inhabitants. Unto the schools of Dorchester I give the sum of one hun- dred and fifty pounds, to be secured and settled under im- HISTORY OF IxmCHESTEE. 275 provement, for a yearly income towards the advancement of the salary of the schoolmaster — wherein my will is, that if within the space of ten years next following the date of this my last will, the town of Dorchester shall not have provided and settled such a salary of their own proper gift as shall make up the present salary already settled to be and contin- ued to the full value of £40 a year ; in that case I say my will is that, until they shall have provided and settled a sala- ry of that value of £40 a year, the whole income and improve- ment of this my gift shall yearly be paid to the Steward of Harvard College in Cambridge, and at the discretion of the President and Fellows thereof, be given toward the encourage- ment of some well-deserving student there, coming from or belonging to the town of Milton, if any such there be, other- wise to some other that may deserve it. Unto the Church of Milton I give oire piece of plate for the Communion, of six pounds value. To the town of Milton I give out of my great wood-lot there, forty acres, to be conveniently and equitably laid out to them. The whole improvement thereof to be for the bene- jfit of the poor of that town as the Selectmen thereof shall judge best. And whereas through the great goodness of God, for which I most solemnly bless him, asatestimony of ni}- unfeigned respect for Harvard College at Cambridge, the place of my first public education (which nursery of good learning hath been of ines- timable blessing to the Church and people of God in this wil- derness, and may ever continue to be so, if this people con- tinue in the favor of God), I have lately erected and finished an additional building tp that College, with the previous grant and consent of the President and Fellows that it shall be in my libei'ty to make and establish an appropriation of some part of the income of that building to be for the benefit of some students in particular as I shall appoint. It is there- fore my desire and will accordingly. (He here directs that £20 per year, for five years, of the income of the building, shall be appropriated for the support and education of Elijah Danforth, at the College, son of Rev. John Danforth.) Af- 276 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. ter the expiration of five years, there shall be reserved out of the revenue and income of said building ^he sum of £10 annu- ally forever, to be exhibited at the discretion of the President and Fellows of said College for the time being, towards the support and education of some poor scholar at the College as they shall judge most indigent and deserving — a minister's son to have the preference of others. Provided, nevertheless, when any of my OMm kindred, descended either from my father or my Uncle Thomas Stoughton, late of Windsor, in the Colony of Connecticut, deceased, shall happen to be a student at the College and stand in need of support, such shall be preferred in the first place to the said exhibition, and next to them any poor scholar that shall come from the town of Dor- chester within this Province, and that none receive the benefit of this exhibition that shall not actually reside at the College, nor for an 3^ longer than that he shall receive the degree of A. M. And as a further testimony of my desii'e to promote the good literature -and education of such therein as may be ser- viceable to God and the Church, I do further give and be- queath unto the President and Fellows of Harvard College and their successors forever, all that my pasture in Dor- chester, which is now in the occupation of John Robinson — and all that my parcel of salt meadow^ which is in the occu- pation of John Trescott, willing and appointing the clear profits and income of both to be exhibited in the first place to a scholar of the town of Dorchester, and if there be none such, then to a scholar of the town of Milton, and in want of such, to any Indian student, and in want of such, to any other well- deserving scholar that may be most needy. The epitaph on his tomb is one of the most com- prehensive and elegant ever written. It is almost the same as the one inscribed on the tomb of Blaise Pascal, the famous French Philosopher, who died in 1662, and which was written by Aimonius Proust de Chambourg, Professor of Law in the University of Orleans. Gov. Stoughton's friend Cotton Mather HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 277 is supposed to have arranged and altered it to suit the case. GULIELMUS STOUGHTONUS, Armiger, Provincias Massachusettensis In Nova Anglia Legatus, deinde Gubernator; Nec-non Curiae in eadem Provincia Sviperioris Justiciarius Capitalis, Hie Jacet. Vir Conjugij nescius, Religione Sanctus, Virtute Clarus, Doctrina Celebris, Ingenio Acutus, Sanguine et Animo pariter Illustris, jEquitatis Amator, Legum Propugnator, Collegij Stoughtoniani Fundator, Literarum et Literatorum Fautor Celeberrimus, Impietatis et Vitij Hostis Acerrimus. Hunc Rhetores amant Facundum, Hunc Scriptores norunt Elegantem, Hunc Philosophi quaerunt Sapientem, Hunc Doctores Laudant Theologum, Hunc Pij Venerantur Austerum, Hunc Omnes Mirantur ; Omnibus Ignotum, Omnibus Licet Notum. Quid Plura Viator ! Quern perdidimus — Stoughtonum ! Heul Satis dixi, urgent Lachrym^, Sileo. Vixit Annos Septuaginta ; Septimo Die Julij, Anno Salutis 1101, Cecidit. Heu ! Heu I Qualis Luctus 1 28 278 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. The following is nearly a literal translation of this celebrated epitaph : Here lies WILLIAM STOUGHTON, Esquire, Lieutenant, afterwards Governor, Of the Province of Massacluisctts in New England. Also Chief Judge of the Superior Court In the same Province. A man to wedlock unknown, Devout in Religion, Renowned for Virtue, Famous for Erudition, Acute in Judgmejit, Equally Illustrious by Kindred and Spirit, A Lover of Equity, A Defender of the Laws, Founder of Stoughton Hall, A most Distinguished Patron of Letters and Literary Men, A most strenuous Opponent of Impiety and Vice. Rhetoricians delight in him as Eloquent, Writers are acquainted with Him as Elegant, Philosophers seek Him as Wise, Doctors honor Him as a Theologian, The Devout revere Him as Grave, All admire Him ; unknown by All, Yet known to All. . What need of moi-e. Traveller ? Whom have we lost — Stoughton I Alas! I have said sufficient. Tears press, I keep silence. He lived Seventy years ; On the Seventh of Juty, in the Year of Safety 1701, He Died. Alas ! Alas 1 What Grief ! HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 279 1702. This year the town voted to shut up the middle aisle of the meeting-house. f; Oct. 22d, was a general fiist on account of the war, and on account of the sickness in New York and here. The 18th of November Mr. John Robinson, of this town, was settled over the Church at Duxbury. Elder Topliff was chosen to attend, with the Pastor, at the ordination. 1703. Aug. 16th, Mr. Robert Spurr died, aged 93 years. He had been a very prominent man in the town, and more liberal in his religious belief than most of his contemporaries. The Church Records thus allude to public affairs : " April 8th, 1 703. A public general thanksgiving for her Majesty's successes by sea and land against the French and Spaniards in Europe and America — many ships, much treasure, and many towns being taken. John, Earl of Marlborough, is Captain Gen- eral of the land forces ; James, Duke of Ormand, is General of the fleet forces ; and Sir George Rook is Admiral of the fleet, under our sovereign Queen Anne, who came to the throne March 8, 1702. But before the late King William III., of glorious memo- ry, died, there were sundry societies set up for re- formation of manners, and behold the smiles of Hea- ven upon the same ! our nation on a sudden being filled with plenty of grain, and plenty of silver (the late fleet being taken), and plenty of honour and victory, so that the Queen has invited her subjects in the plantations of America to rejoice with her, and return thanks to God." 280 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. There were three fasts and two thanksgivings this year. There was great commiseration felt in the town for Rev. John WilHams and his fellow-cap- tives from Deerfield, and a suitable notice of this affair appears upon the Church Records. Mr. Wil- liams was well acquainted in this town, being born in Roxbury, near by ; he also kept the school in Dorchester, in 1684. 1704. The practice of a free contribution to pay the salary of the minister, Rev. Mr. Danforth, which had been followed for several years, appears to have failed of answering that end, and this year it was voted to have a tax for the purpose, but at the same time to have the contribution continued, and every man to put his money in a paper with his name thereon. This plan was afterwards changed, accord- ing to circumstances. March 13th, it was voted, on petition from the gunners of the town, " that the wild fowl from the south-east of Neck unto Thompson's Island (the northeasterly part thereof), should not be disturbed in their feed, from half ebb, unto half flood, by trim- ming or sailing upon them, under penalty of twenty shillings, one half thereof unto the informer, and the other half unto the poor of the town." . "July 18th, 1704. Our lecture was turned into a day of humiliation and prayer, to ask converting grace, and ask rain in time of drought, and other mercies. The Pastor being sick, Mr. Thacher and Mr. Walter preached and prayed, and Mr. Cotton Mather helped in prayer. Merciful showers followed, and in divers Churches hereabouts, and in Connecti- HiSTORY OF DORCHESTER. 281 cut, the wheel of ^jrayer has been, and now is gomg. Audiat Dominus'' Oct. 25th. Mr. Robert Breck, a native of Dorches- ter, was ordained at Marlborough. Mr. Danforth, Elder Clap and Deacon Preston were sent from the Church here to assist. The Church records mention several matters of note which transpired in the vicinity ; one, that Mr. Gardner, minister of Lancaster, was killed Oct. 25th, one of the watch shooting him by mistake. " 10 (10) 1704:. The decease of Rev. Mr. Clark, of Chelmsford, was publicly lamented in a sermon on Acts XX. 25, 37, 38. Item, the Rev. Mr. Williams, of Deerfield, is still in captivity ; and Dunstable not yet supplied with a Pastor. Thus in the frontier towns are tokens of the anger of the Lord, from Deerfield to Dunstable." 1705, Feb. 6th. Old widow Wiat died, having arrived at the great age of 94 years. She had assist- ed, as midwife, at the birth of upwards of one thou- sand and one hundred children. This year, March 12th, the town voted that there should be a wharf made at Wales's creek, at the town's charge, and for the public benefit. Col. Tay- lor, Capt. Foster and Dea. Preston were chosen a committee to see the work done, but the wharf w^as not built for several years. This year there w^as trouble with Rev. Messrs. Wyman of Woburn, Sherman of Sudbury, and Wood- bridge of Medford, and their respective Churches. In each case the Church of Dorchester was called upon to assist by its delegates. 282 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 1706. This year St. Christopher's was sacked by the French, its inhabitants being left in a sad state, and an appeal was made for relief to the congrega- tions in this vicinity. May 5th there was a collec- tion in Dorchester for them, and £10 C^ lOd raised. " Old mother Pelton, the aged and pious widow Woods, Father Maudsly, and Father Pierce, deceased lately." " December. The Rev. Mr. John Williams, Pastor of Deerfield, and many captives with him, returned from their French and Indian captivity very lately, in answer to public prayers on that behalf. Gloria Deo in Xto.'' Mr. Williams preached here the March following. The proprietors of the undivided lands seem to have been actuated by a liberal spirit, and were gen- erous in their gifts when they supposed the interest of the town would be promoted. This year they voted to admit Rev. John Danforth, and Rev. Mr. Thacher of Milton, as proprietors, and granted the former 200 and the latter 100 acres of land ; also 75 acres to the ministry for those " beyond the blue hills ;" and 150 acres to Milton, provided a grammar school was kept there for fifteen years. 1707. This year the town voted "that the land belonging to Dorchester beyond the blue hills should be called by the name of Dorchester New Grant." It was set off as a Precinct as far as Mashapoag pond and Moose hill, and " y*" Meeting-house ordered to be sett " upon Packeen Plain. The Church Records say, " Apr. 21, the Rev. Mr. Torrey, of Weymouth, deceased, who had been 50 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 283 years in the ministry ; an able, painful, faithful min- ister of Christ, ^tatis anno 76 or 77. He was born some weeks before his time, and was kept warm in lamb skins till the full proper time came." There were several deaths of aged people in the town this year. Among them, widow Mary Max- iield, aged about 86 or 87 years ; " Mr. Nathaniel Clap, sen'r, a choice man ;" and " Brother John Ca- pon." Oct. 21st, aged Father Wales was buried. "Nov. 12th, Deacon Preston, sen'r, of like age, viz., 86 (or, as some aver, 88), was buried. " 1708. Mr. Hubbard and others petitioned the town for liberty to dig iron ore in the undivided lands, and the town chose a committee to look into the business and see what trespass had been com- mitted in digging for that purpose. This year the town passed a vote, " that any per- son within the town killing any grown blackbirds, from the 1st of April unto the last of May, should have twelve pence pr dozen for them, and six pence pr dozen for all young ones fledged." A vote simi- lar to the above was passed for many years, and much money paid to those who brought the heads as a proof These birds were usually denominated crow or stare, red-winged, and hen or grey black- birds. Wm. Noahaton, Samuel Mamantaug and Amos Noahaton, Indians of Punkapaug, in behalf of their tribe, thanked the town for its care of them and their interests, in settling the boundaries between them and their white neighbors ; and understanding that the town was offended because they had leased 284 • HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. their land to the English, promised to lease no more, and gave up all their right in that parcel of land about the Punkapaug Meeting-house, containing about three acres, for a burying place and training field. Elder Samuel Clap died Oct. 16th of this year. He was the eldest son of Capt. Koger Clap, and much respected. He was " long time a Captain, and often a representative ; a very worthy man ; was Ruling Elder of y® Church," " aged abt. 74 years." 1709. David Colson, of Boston, fellmonger, pe- titioned the town for liberty to erect a mill on Nepon- set river, he having bought land for that purpose of Mr. Babcock, on the Milton side. The selectmen made an agreement with him, giving him leave on certain conditions. Mr. Colson, early in 1710, also purchased land of Col. Hutchinson, on the Dorches- ter side of the river, for the purpose of erecting his mill. " Item, news is come of her Majesty's intentions to make an attack upon Canada ; which the Lord succeed to his glory and N. E.'s safety and peace, for Christ's sake, if it be his blessed will. Amen." The above extract from the Church Records shows the probable reason why six companies of soldiers were raised. Two of these companies were com- posed of Indians. 1710. Nothing out of the common course seems to have transpired this year. 1711. Zabdiel Boylston, of Boston, " chirurgeon," sued the to^vn to recover £31 14^ 6d for the care of HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 285 Mary Lyon, who was wounded on the road to Bos- ton. A committee was chosen to defend the case, with power to employ an attorney. The town was, however, obHged to pay the Doctor, and a rate of £40 was made for the purpose, a petition to the General Court upon the subject being also presented. 1712. The town, in 1710, having voted that if any persons would build a wharf at a place called Wales's Creek, they and their heirs should enjoy it forever, this year Standfast Foster, Ebenezer Daven- port, Joseph Hall, Preserved Capen, Nathan Brad- ley, Francis Price, Remember Preston, Jonathan Clap, Ebenezer Moseley, Ebenezer Williams, John Moseley and Humphrey Atherton, agreed to build it on those conditions, and the town, through a com- mittee chosen for the purpose, laid out a " way for the use and benefit of the inhabitants of the town of Dorchester," This " way " is now called Creek Street, and runs east from Pleasant Street, opposite the house of the late Samuel Downer. Rev. Mr. Danforth, this year, gave up his right to the " ministry house " and land, the town agree- ing to pay him on that account three pounds a year. It is probable that he built, at this time, the house which he afterwards occupied, and which is now standing in Bowdoin Street, opposite the en- trance to the mansion of the late Rev. Dr. Harris. '•' March 9th, Joseph Bird died by a wound in his forehead, occasioned by his gun flying out of y® stock when he fired at Fowl, being upon y® water in his Cannoo." There were many accidents recorded from the use of guns ; a great deal of gunning being 29 286 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. done by the inhabitants of the town, especially for sea fowl. John Pierce, of Dorchester, was one of the most noted sportsmen in the vicinity. He was great grandfather of the late Rev. John Pierce, D.D., who died in Brookline, Aug. 23d, 1849. John, the sportsman, was born in Dorchester in 1668. He spent much time in killing wild fowl. It is said, upon good authority, that he kept an account of the brants shot by him — they being then, as now, considered a superior quality of game — and they amounted to thirty thousand. He did not, like many less skilful gunners, lose his life from so constant a use of lire- arms, but died in consequence of a fall, January 27, 1744. 1713. " Voted that forty pounds a year of the town's proper gift, should be a settled standing salary for the schoolmaster, according to Mr. Stoughton's will." The proprietors, this year, were incorporated into a distinct body from the town, and were henceforth called " The Proprietors of the Undivided Lands." This body held its meetings until after 1750. For a long time there had been a difficulty about the boundary line of Dorchester. The fact of its running so far into the wilderness accounts for this. The General Court had previously appointed Samuel Thaxter and Jacob Thompson to notify the towns concerned, and May 4th, of this year, the agents ap- pointed by the different towns met in Attleboro', at the house of Mr. Doggett, and proceeded to seek for " Angle tree," which they succeeded in finding by the aid of some of the old inhabitants, who said HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 287 it was the same that was marked for the boundary line in 1664. From thence they run the line to Ac- cord Pond, and found the distance to be twenty-five and a half miles and twenty rods. Their report w^as accepted by the Representatives, and consented to by the Governor, although the gentlemen appointed by the towns of Attleboro' and Norton would not acknowledge the tree, nor be concerned in running the line. Perambulating the lines of the town, in those days, through swamps, forests and under-brush, and sleeping at night upon the ground, was a labor which few among us would now be found hardy enough to endure. 1714. This year it was voted " that the town's books should be new bound " as soon as possible. June 11th, Dr. Smith died. The town voted to have stairs made in the meet- ing-house, from the beams up to the turret, and that the meeting-house " be repaired with all speed." 1715. The town voted, this year, to sell " Little Woods," so called, "leaving sufficient highway for them that have occasion for the same." This is the spot which has now been known for many years as Swan's woods, near Roxbury line. It was not sold, however, until 1730. The first light-house in Boston Harbor was erected this year, on Light-House or Beacon Island, the location of the present " Boston Light House." It is the southerly part of the Great Brewster, and connected therewith, at low water, by a bar. 1716. February 19th, "felly® remarkable great snow, after a moderate winter," 288 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. " January 8th, Daniel Ellen's confession was read and accepted, and he was released from the excom- munication inflicted on him about 37 years." 1717. The town granted liberty to Elijah and Samuel Danforth to build a corn mill on a stream in the new grant, on twelfth division. The spot granted was called Pacomit. Afterwards the twelfth division was incorporated as the town of Stoughton, a large part of the voters of Dorchester signing an article in the warrant for the town meeting to con- sider the subject. The Church Records say, " Feb. 6th, snow in drifts 25 feet deep ; in the woods, a yard and more on the level." " Aug. 15th. In our village, seventy sick." This year the line was run between Dorchester, and Attleboro' and Norton, the two latter towns probably agreeing to the boundary line established by the General Court in 1713. 1718. It is stated in the Church Records : — " In about three months have deceased in full communi- cants in Dorchester, besides Deacon Blake, these : — Capt. Ebenezer Billings, Esq., Capt. Roger Billings, Mr. Desire Clap, Mr. Ebenezer Williams, sen'r, and his wife, Mr. Benjamin Leeds, Mr. Samuel Hall, the widow Robinson, and the wife of John Glover." Ebenezer Holmes, this year, entered a dissent against the Indian tenants having liberty to vote. 1719. Elder Hopestill Clap, brother of Elder Samuel, died Sept. 2d. Upon his grave-stone is the following, written by Rev. John Danforth. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 289 " Here lies Interred y» Body of Mr. Hopestill Clap, who Deceased Sepr. 2d, 1719, aged 72 years. His Dust waits till y° lubile, Shall then Shine brighter than y' Skie ; Shall meet & joine to part no more, His Soul that Glorify'd before. Pastors and Churches happy be With Ruling Elders such as he : Present Useful, Absent Wanted, Liv'd Desired, Died Lamented." Nathaniel Hubbard, Esq., was about this time chosen moderator of the town meetings. He appears to have been a new man in the town, and lived in the south part. 1720. The General Court confirmed to the town their old boundary line on the Plymouth Colony, as granted in 1637 and 1638, as ascertained in 1664, and purchased of the Indians in 1684. It appears that Daniel Howard, Robert Howard, Joseph Snell and Ephraim Fobes, had become squatters on some land in the south part of the town, and it became necessary to take out a writ of trespass, before they could be brought to terms. 1721. This year the small pox went through Boston ; and many in this town also had it (82 in number), 13 of whom died — Edward and Samuel Payson and Nathaniel Butt among the number. The mortality from the disease seems to have been very nearly the same in the whole neighborhood, that it was in Dorchester, as here stated from the Church Records. It was calculated that in Boston and the neighboring towns, 5759 persons had the small pox in the natural way during the year 1721 and the beginning of 1722, and that 844 died. Inoculation 290 , HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. of small pox was this year introduced into the vici- nity of Boston by Dr. Zabdiel Boylston, before it had been tried in any other of the colonies, or even in England except on a few convicts. It produced great excitement, like all reforms ; and, strange as it may appear. Cotton Mather favored its trial and had faith in its efficacy. Nearly all the physicians, as well as most of the clergy, were opposed to the practice, and in July of this year the Selectmen of Boston forbade it. Notwithstanding this strong opposition, Dr. B. in less than a year had inoculated 247 persons, and other medical men 39 ; and of these 286 cases only 6 died. The utility of the practice was soon established beyond dispute, and was continued until Dr. Jenner's discovery of the milder preventive, vaccination. 1722. Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Rev. John Dan- forth, died July 6th of this year, in the 59th year of her age. Mr. Henry Leadbetter, sen., died April 20th; and Elder Samuel ToplifF, Oct. 12th. Philip Withington and Joseph Leeds were chosen tythingmen this year, which is supposed to be the first year that such officers were chosen. The an- nual choice of them was continued until it became a mere farce, and one of the last chosen in the town was an old man nearly or quite blind, who lived out of the way, near Pine Garden. The duty of these officers was to prevent an improper use of the Sab- bath, and very discreet conduct only would satisfy the demands of the law. 1723. Dea. Jonathan Clap, a very pious and useful man, and much respected, died January 2d. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 291 1723-24, aged about 41 years. He was a large real estate owner, and was proprietor of the mill known as " Clap's Mill," which stood on the Creek near the foot of Willow Court. He was a brother of Rev. Nathaniel Clap, the famous minister of Newport, E,. I., whose advice to children makes the concluding paragraph in the old New England Primer. He was father of Noah Clap, A.M., so many years in the town's service. Lieut. Samuel Clap died January 30th, succeeding. Blake says, " both of them very pious and useful men, and much lamented." February 24th, of this year, there was an exceed- ingly high tide, probably the highest known here, until April, 1852. 1724. This year a portion of the south precinct of the town was set off to Wrentham, on petition of Jonathan Blake, Solomon Hews, and others. This petition, like most similar ones since, was opposed by the town ; but it would seem that sufficient cause was shown by the petitioners for their request ; viz., " that they lye thirty miles from the old meeting- house, and fifteen from the southern meeting-house at Puncapaug, so that they are under great disad- vantages for attending the public worship there." The size of the town of Dorchester can be ima- gined when we find that it extended from Dor- chester Point (now South Boston Point), over against the Castle (now Fort Independence), to within 160 rods of the line of Rhode Island ; about 35 miles as " y^ road goeth." The part this year set ofl" to Wrentham, was larger than one half of the present town of Canton. An excellent and authen- 292 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. tic account of the matter has been published by Ellis Ames, Esq., of Canton. The town has been subdi- vided, and portions set off as follows : — Milton, in 1662 ; part of Wrentham, in 1724 ; Stoughton, in 1726 ; Sharon, 1765 ; Foxborough, 1778 ; Canton, 17^.f/A strip was also set off to Dedham, proba- bly in 1739 ; and the north part of the town has lost a portion of its territory, which has been added to Boston, at two separate times — the first in 1804, and the last in 1855. The town was formerly bounded by Boston, Roxbury, Dedham, Wrentham, Taunton, Bridgewater and Braintree. Mr. William Royal, one of the aged citizens of the town, died Nov. 7th of this year. He was a son of William Royal, of North Yarmouth, Me., who was undoubtedly the person named by Hazard as being sent over as a cooper and cleaver in 1629. He was a prominent man in Maine, and a member of the Assembly in 1648. A river in North Yar- mouth bears his name. His children were — Wil- liam, born in 1640, who died as above ; John, and a daughter who married Amos Stevens. John was taken prisoner by the Indians, but was after- wards ransomed. William, of Dorchester, had a son, Hon. Isaac Royal, born in 1672, who was a man of wealth and distinction. He erected in our old burying ground a very large, substantial and expensive tomb for his father. He spent about 40 years of his life in Antigua, but returned to Charles- town, Mass., in July, 1737, where he died June 7th, 1739, and at his own desire was interred with his father. His character, as recorded on his menu- i I HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 293 ment, stood high as a christian, patriot and states- man. 1725. " Sept. 26. About a fortnight ago, Jo- seph Maudsly, Mr. John Preston, Mr. Soper, and Mrs. Butt's son, on a fishing voyage, turned into a cove at the Eastward, in their vessel, with Joseph Maudsly's servant boy, also Mr. Hunnewell, of Bos- ton, went in with them, also Mr. Cox strove to go in, but the fog hindered him ; and the Indians bar- barously murdered all that went in, but the boy." (The boy was redeemed in 1728.) Drake, in his History of Boston, says that in 1725 bears were very plenty, twenty being killed in one week within two miles of Boston. 1726. August 25th, of this year, Capt. Samuel Paul died. He had been Town Clerk eleven years. This year the south part of the town was set off and incorporated into a town called Stoughton, which has since been subdivided. When the ques- tion came before the town of Dorchester, to see whether they would agree to its being set off, the vote was 34 in favor and 29 against it. 1727. A Province Tax was this year assessed on the polls and estates of the inhabitants of the town of Dorchester, to the amount of 82/. 10^. 11^. ; and the aggregate of the property stands thus : — REAL ESTATE. PERSONAL ESTATE. Eateable Polls, 262 Decked Vessels, tons 64 Not rateable " 24 Open " " 68 Total, 276 Total, 132 30 294 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Houses, in Male Slaves, 10 Mills, 6 Female " 7 Orchai'ds, acres 250J Oxen, 15t Mowing, " 18341 Cows, 661 Pasture, " 28t3i Horses, 201 Tillage, 518i Sheep and Goats, Swine, 661 251 Total Acres, 5476f Trading Stock, &c. Value, £431 The tax assessed on the real estate is 121. I6s. Od. On the personal, 9?. Us. Ud. Total, 82/. 105. ll^^. The list of polls and estates was made and sworn to by the assessors — Elijah Danforth, Thomas Tiles- ton, Ebenezer Clap, Preserved Capen, James Blake, Jr. ; and examined by John Chandler, John Quincy, and John Brown, Commissioners. About 10 o'clock on the night of October 29th, of this year, there was a violent shock of an earth- quake in the vicinity, and much damage done to buildings. It continued by spells for several months. At Newbury and in that neighborhood, it is said the " ground broke." This earthquake caused a very great fright. It happened on Monday night, and people collected together in great numbers, especially in large towns. In Boston, on the next morning (Tuesday), a great concourse of people came together at the North Church ; and at five in the evening they crowded together at the Old Church, and having filled that, flocked to the South Church and filled that also. On recommendation of Lieut. Gov. Dummer, Thursday, of the same week, was kej)t as a day of extraordinary fasting and prayer by all the churches. In this town, Rev. Mr. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 295 Uan forth preached a sermon on the occasion, which was printed. It commences as follows : " For an introduction to our following discourse, it may not be improper to say. Rejoice not for joy, O New Eng- land ! as other people ; for thou hast gone a whor- ing from thy God. The Lord has known and own- ed thee, above all the families of the earth ; and therefore He will punish thee for thine iniquities." This was plain talk for one so mild and conciliatory as Mr. Danforth, and serves to show the state of feeling which prevailed. This year the burying ground was enlarged, by purchasing of Henry Flint, Edmund Quincy, and Esther Flint, one quarter of an acre of land on the east side. The committee chosen to examine the quality of the school farm of 1000 acres, " beyond Lancaster," reported this year that they had attended to that duty, and " upon a careful view thereof (found) the north side to be good land, but y^ south side to be uneven and mean land." There was a violent storm, this year, which blew down many trees. The town voted to cut twenty cords of woods from the fallen trees in the ministe- rial land, for the use of Rev. John Danforth. The inhabitants of the town at this time, as well as their descendants in later years, were troubled by dogs, and the following vote was accordingly passed, viz. : " Whereas of late dogs have frequently come into our meeting-house on Sabbath days, and by their barking, quarrelling, &c., have made disturb- ance in time of Divine service," &c. A penalty was then fixed upon the owners of such animals. 296 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 1729. Rev. John Danforth having been the sole minister of the town for forty-se^'en years, and hav- ing now become aged, the Church called Rev. Jona- than Bowman, of Lexington, to act as colleague pas- tor ; and May 28th, the town confirmed their choice. Several church meetings were held to settle upon candidates. They first chose three candidates, and then selected one of the three, so that it would ap- pear that Mr. Bowman had strong points, to succeed among so many. For the choice of first candidate, the vote was as follows : for Mr. Danforth, 1 ; Mr. Stimson, 1 ; Mr. Elliot, 2 ; Mr. Byles, 8 ; Mr. Pay- son, 12 ; Mr. Bowman, 41. So Mr. Bowman was the first nomination for probation. Three days sub- sequently, they voted for a second, with the follow- ing result, viz. : Mr. Coolidge, 1; Mr. Bowes, 2; Mr. Elliot, 4 ; Mr. Byles, 15 ; Mr. Payson, 35. So Mr. Payson was their second nomination. The third ballot was as follows : Mr. Pearse, 1 ; Mr. Wads- worth, 1 ; Mr. Champney, 1 ; Mr. Bowes, 4 ; Mr. Elliot, 8 ; Mr. Coolidge, 8 ; Mr. Byles, 21 or 22 (one name badly spelt). And Mr. Byles was their third nomination. Upon the final choice of the Church, May 11th, which was to be made from these three, the vote was as follows : Mr. Payson, 12 ; Mr. Byles, 15 ; Mr. Bowman, 51. The Mr. Payson here mentioned, was Phillips Payson, son of Samuel Payson, of this town. He graduated at Harvard College, and was settled in the ministry at Walpole, Mass. Mr. Byles was the famous Mather Byles, a man of learning and genius, and celebrated to this day for his jokes and witti- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 297 cisms — an opportunity to indulge in which, he sel- dom let pass unimproved. The ordination of Mr. Bowman took place Nov. 5th, of this year, and was a great affair. It was customary, in those days, for every family to keep open house when a new minister was ordained, -and friends from far and near were welcomed to the entertainment. The services at the ordination were as follows : Mr. Walter, of Eoxbury, gave the right hand of fellowship ; Mr. Hancock, of Braintree, preached ; Mr. Danforth gave the charge ; Mr. Walter, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Hancock and Mr. Niles laid on hands. Mr. Bowman was a son of Joseph Bowman, of Lexington, and Avas born Feb. 23d, 1703-4, and graduated at Harvard College in 1724. 1730. May 26th, Rev. John Danforth, pastor of the Church in Dorchester, departed this life. He was buried on the 30th, one hundred years from the settlement of the town. Mr. D. was son of Rev. Samuel Danforth, of Roxbury, and was born Nov. 8th, 1660, graduated at Harvard College in 1677, settled here in the ministry June 28, 1682 — then a young man of talent and grace — and through a long and successful ministry proved himself a man of fidelity and worth. He took great interest in the affairs of the church and town, and was evidently remarkably well acquainted with both. He admin- istered counsel, reproof, admonition and encourage- ment, as circumstances required, and with sound discretion, and appears to have been remarkably popular in the town and its vicinity. It is deeply 298 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. to be regretted that no monument was erected to his memory in our burying ground, by the town to which he so long and faithfully ministered. Mr. Blake, in his Annals, thus speaks of him : — " He was S^ to be a man of great Learning, he un- derstood y*^ Mathematicks beyond most men of his Function. He was exceeding Charitable, & of a very peacefull temper. He took much pains to Eter- nize y^ Names of many of y'' good Christians of his own Flock ; And yet y*" World is so ungratefuU, that he has not a Line Written to preserue his memory, no not so much as upon his Tomb ; he being buried in Lt. Govr. Stoughton's Tomb that was covered with writing before. And there also lyeth his Consort, Mrs. Elizabeth Danforth." The expenses of Rev. Mr. Danforth's funeral, ex- clusive of mourning clothes, were 59/. 45. 4c?., of which sum the Church paid £40. May 15th, of this year, the town voted (on the petition of Col. Estes Hatch, of Boston, and Jonas Humphrey, of this town) to sell the piece of land called Little Woods (now Swan's Woods). This . land is now the property of the heirs of Col. James Swan, and lies about fifty rods from Roxbury Brook, on what is called Stoughton Street. A large part of the tract is in very nearly the same condition at present as it was at that time. It was estimated at 49 acres; the price paid, £440. As early as 1648, it was used as a place for oxen to rest in over night, probably on their way to and from Boston. Rev. Mr. Bowman, in consideration of £250 from the town, and liberty to take timber out of the minis- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 299 terial land for a new house, relinquished his right to the ministerial house, barn and orchard. It is supposed that about this time he built the house now occupied by Mr. John Barnard, on Pleasant Street ; he purchased the land for that purpose, this year, of Jonathan Jones. We find the house allud- ed to in 1739. 1731. There having been many complaints made concerning geese going at large, their spoiling the feed for cattle, and " fouling y® common springs of water," a vote was passed against their being let loose from April 1st to Nov. 1st, under penalty of one shilling for each offence. 1732. Hon. William Tailer, Lieut. Governor, died March 1st, of this year. He was a nephew of Gov. Stoughton, and was buried in his tomb. Also died, March 2d, Mrs. Susannah, widow of Elder Hopestill Clap, aged about 80. Oct. 4th, Mr. James Foster died, in the 82d year of his age ; his wife Anna, five days before him ; and Oct. 22d, Dea. James Blake. The latter was the father of the Annalist, and had suffered for seven years with an ulcerous leg. Upon his grave-stone is the following inscrip- tion : " Seven Years Strong Pain doth end at last, His Weary Days & Nights are past ; The Way is Eoiigh, y° End is Peace ; Short Pain gives place to endless Ease." 1733. This year, a committee, chosen for the purpose, reported that they had sold the 1000 acres of school land in Lunenburg, to Benjamin Bird, for the sum of £400. 300 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 1734. Blake, in his Annals, says that from the year 1657 to the end of this year — a period of 78 years — there had been 2416 births, and 921 deaths in the town ; " which shows," he adds, " that many of y^ People that were born in y^ town moved ont & died not here." The town increased bnt very slowly from 1657 to 1800. One cause of this was doubtless the wars, which at different times took off many of the men. Another was the various induce- ments offered to settlers in other parts of the colony. At the seating of the meeting-house, in 1690, the names of all able to attend were inserted, and all expected to occupy the seats assigned them, unless in cases of great necessity. In that list, 171 men are enumerated, and 180 women; " which seems to be as many," says Blake in 1734, "as can sit in those seats now." This year the town ordered that the bell be rung at nine o'clock at night, and the custom was follow- ed for about one hundred years. As early as 1663, the Boston bell was rung at nine o'clock. It was customary then for young gentlemen and ladies to walk on the Common until that time, " when pre- • sently the constables walk the rounds to take up loose people." It was considered very necessary, in the early settlement, to have the most discreet and reliable men for constables. Yet it was an office that few were willing to accept, and a penalty was decreed against those who declined. Many paid their fines, rather than serve. About 1655, it be- came so difficult to get proper persons to serve, espe- cially in Boston, that the General Court gave that HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 301 town liberty to raise the tine to £10, and other towns had liberty to raise it to £5. 1735. This year the town offered a bounty of two pence on the heads of small striped squirrels. It was also voted to have a writing school in the south ^ part of the town. Mr. Noah Clap was engaged to keep the town school this year. He had just gra- duated at Harvard College, and was 17 years of age. According to the contract, either party had liberty to give up the engagement by a notice of three months ; but it was continued, and Mr. Clap kept the school at different times about eighteen or twenty years. *•'!, r/.,,la 1736. Mr. M-athef' Withington died Dec. 27th, ^t_.^w*'^: of this year, aged 76. He had been one of the Se- lectmen, and was much respected. On the 28th of April previous, his grandson, of the same name, died. The latter was a son of Ebenezer, was a candidate for the ministry, and had begun to preach. Oct. 8th, Elijah Danforth, M.D., son of Rev. John Danforth, died. Blake says, " He was a good and safe physician, and had been one of y® Justices of y® Peace for the County of Suffolk for many years to- gether." This year it was " Voted, that whosoever shall kill brown rats, so much grown as to have hair on them, within y^ town of Dorchester, y^ year ensuing untill our meeting in May next, bring in their scalps with y*" ears on, unto y'^ town treasurer, shall be paid by y*" Town Treasurer Fourpence for every such rat's scalp." 31 302 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. John Stiles had his last year's rate remitted, on account of the burning of his house. 1737. This year the school was provided with wood by the town. It had long been the custom for parents or guardians to furnish it, at the rate of two feet of wood for each child. At the desire of Mr. Thomas Trott, lessee of the ministerial land, it was voted that the pear trees thereon be cut down and sold. It appears that these were native seedling trees, which in later years were found worthy of propagation. The beau- tiful " iron pear " trees, now on the town's land at the Aims-House, were taken from that place, which, after 1662, was included in the town of Milton. 1738. Nothing of importance transpired this year. 1739. In January, Robert Spur, Esq. died, aged 78 years. He had been one of the Selectmen eight years, and representative four years ; also a Lieuten- ant Colonel — " all which posts he managed with fidelity and applause," says Blake. He appears to have been quite a popular man in the town, and unusually liberal in his religious opinions. This latter trait frequently brought him in contact with the church authorities. His wife Elizabeth died July 27th preceding. His residence was in the south part of the town, on the upper road to Milton, and near the estate owned by the late Rev. Dr. Codman. Several inhabitants of the town having petitioned to be set off to Dedham, it was agreed to, and the bounds fixed on the south side of the Church lot, it being the 41st lot in the " 3d division and a quar- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 303 ter." Those bounds remain to this day, and the First Church in Dorchester now owns the same piece which fell to it on the first allotment of these lands. This year the town began to consider the matter of building a new meeting-house. This was a work which then, as now, required much time to accom- plish, some individuals concerned always consider- ing the old one good enough. The town chose a committee to inquire whether the law in relation to the preservation and increase of deer was not violated. These animals were not numerous at this time, but were occasionally killed. Civilization had driven back, first the Indians, then the wild beasts ; animals such as deer, raccoon, foxes, and the like, were to follow, preparing the way for cities, to be walled in with brick and mortar, and giving ocular demonstration of the truth of the assertion, " God made the country, Man the town." CHAPTER XV. Arrival and preaching of Rev. George Whitfield; its effects in the Church at Dorchester— New Meeting-House— Siege and Capture of Louisbourg — Heavy drafts of men and money — Excessive Drought — Great Earthquake — Death of General Hatch. 1740. This was a memorable year in the history of the colonies, being the time of the arrival from Eng- land of Rev. Geo. Whitfield. Although an itinerant minister, he was an educated man, from the Univer- 304 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. sity of Oxford, and had entered into orders accord- ing to the canons of the Church of England. That he was a remarkable preacher, none have pretended to deny. He left England for the purpose of estab- lishing an Orphan House in Georgia ; and in order to raise funds for this purpose and friends to the cause, he travelled much, and went as far east as York, in the District of Maine. He arrived in Bos- ton September 18th, and there secured the friend- ship of Rev. Messrs. Colman, Sewall, Cooper, Webb, Prince, and others. His fame had preceded him, and there was great anxiety to hear him preach. The next afternoon he preached at the Brattle Street Church to a congregation of two or three thousand persons. There was great excitement on religious matters, which extended through the whole vicinity ; and this town suffered much by the dissensions caus- ed thereby. The Dorchester people, as well as those from neighboring and more distant towns, flocked to Boston in great numbers to hear Mr. Whitfield. He frequently preached there twice a day, sometimes in meeting-houses, and sometimes in fields, as oppor- tunity offered. At his farewell sermon, delivered on Boston Common, the number estimated to be present was from twenty to thirty thousand — nearly twice the number of inhabitants then living in the town. There is a tradition in the family of one of the present owners of a part of Jones's Hill, that Mr. W.'s voice, while preaching on the Common, was heard by people on the hill. This is by no means improbable, as his voice is represented as wonderfully clear and sonorous, and under favorable HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 305 circumstances as to weather, little or nothing would then be likely to interrupt it in that neighborhood. It was probably his preaching that first led to eve- ning lectures in this vicinity ; and the first stated evening lecture " in these parts," was preached at the Brattle Street Church, in Boston, by Rev. Dr. Colman, Oct. 21st, 1740. Mr. Whitfield, in his preaching, had great command over the passions and attention of his hearers, although he Avas careless, and even reckless, in some of his statements. His severity of judgment soon brought about him a for- midable list of opponents, which somewhat checked his extravagance. Among the strongest of them were some of the ofiicers of Harvard College, and President Thomas Clap, of Yale College. It is cer- tain that there were troublesome times among the clergy and laity for a long time after Mr. AVhit- field's visit, the old order of things being broken in upon, and many churches becoming filled with bick- erings and divisions. Mr. Gilbert Tennant, of New Jersey, was a preacher of the same style as Mr. Whit- field, and soon followed him in his travels to the east, so that it was several years b&fore the excite- ment abated. Mr. W^hitfield crossed the Atlantic several times, and finally died at Newburyport, Sun- day morning, Sept. 30th, 1770. The day previous he preached in the fields at Exeter, N. H., to a great multitude of people. Probably no minister has made so great a sensa- tion in this country since its settlement. Some of the effects thereof, in reference to this town, will be found under the year 1747. 306 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. The weather was very unfavorable this year for corn. An early frost at first greatly damaged it ; then came a long season of wet weather, which spoiled a great part that had escaped the frost, so that there was very little good seed for the next spring. This year the Province sent 500 soldiers to assist Admiral Vernon, at Jamaica, in carrying on the war with Spain. Blake says — " We hear many or y' most of them are dead." The Manufactory or Land Bank bills were issued during this year. The winter of 1740 was exceedingly cold. The cold weather began early, continued long, and was attended with great quantities of snow. Blake says, "The sea was very much frozen, and there was abundance of travelling upon y*" Ice. There was great Travelling from Boston to Castle William, and a Beaten Road in y' snow kept open, whereon in y^ way stood two Tents for Entertainment : and Horses and Slays, as well as foot Folks, were Continually passing. And Sled-Loads of Hay came near Straight up from Spectacle Island. The Snow lay long, & made y*' Spring backward; I saw some drifts of Snow upon y'^ Islands, not quite Consumed, the 2d or 3d Day of May following." " It is not a little singular," says Prince, " that the frost broke up in Boston harbor, for seven successive years, on the 10th day of February; viz., in 1625, '26, '27, '28, '29, '30 and '31." - The town voted to enlarge the burying ground, by purchasing land of Robert Oliver. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 307 1741. Blake says, " This year there was a Scar- city of Grain of all sorts : Wheat sold for 30s. per bushel, Eye 22s., & Indian Corn for 20s. per bushel paper Currency ; which is about one fourth of ye^ Value of Proclamation Money." When grain was scarce then, they could not, as we can now, receive supplies from a range of many degrees of latitude and longitude. 1742. To show the difficulty which the town had in finding suitable men to serve as constables, it may be mentioned that this year the following per- sons were chosen for that office, viz.. Preserved Ba- ker, Nathaniel Clap, John Trott, John Humphrey, James Baker, Benjamin Everenden, and Thomas Baker, each of whom refused to serve, and paid his fine. Samuel Bishop and John Pierce, Jr. were finally elected, and served.* Several aged people died about this time; viz., John Trescott, in the 91st year of his age — Rebecca, his wife, having died in her 90th year, in August preceding ; and on Sep- tember 19th of this year, Mrs. Sarah, widow of Roger Billings, died in her 85th year. This year the Land Bank scheme was discontinu- ed ; Parliament having passed an act abolishing it. The afiair caused great trouble, and was the occasion of many law-suits. 1743. On the 29th and 30th of June, of this year, the new meeting-house was raised. This was the build- ing which many of the present generation remem- * In 1655, Edward Breck petitioned the General Court to have his fine of £4 remitted for not serving as constable; but the Court "saw no cause to grant his request." 308 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. ber. Its dimensions were 68 feet by 46, with a tower 14 feet square, and a steeple 104 feet high to the vane.* The cost of the building was £3567, 10s. lid. old tenor. A sad affair happened at its raising, which cast a gloom over the otherwise hap- py event ; this was the fall of Ephraim Wales (son of Jerijah and Sarah Wales) from one of the cross beams, causing his death the same night. The com- mittee for building were James Foster, James Blake, Benjamin Bird, Esq., Thomas Bird and Capt. Thos. Wiswell. Edward Kilton, Robert Eoyal and Sam- uel Gore were the master carpenters, and found the materials. This meeting-house was enlarged in 1795, by dividing it along the ridge-pole, moving one half of it fourteen feet and the tower and stee- ple seven feet, and uniting the two halves by new materials. On July 7th, of this year, died Mrs. Relief, widow of Henry Leadbetter, in the 93d year of her age. She was a daughter of John Holland, one of the early settlers of this town, and her first husband was John Douse, of Charlestown. 1744. Daniel Preston, Jr. was accidentally shot in his head at Thompson's Island, April 4th, and died immediately. Blake says, " This year, June y" 3d, on a Sabbath morning a little before our meeting began (I being then in y® Meeting-House), was a considerable shock of an earthquake, that shook y^ meeting-house much, and throwed down some stone wall near by." * This vane is now on Dea. Ebenezer Clapp's bam, having been placed there in 1817, when the meeting-house above mentioned was succeeded by the present one. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 309 Dec. 2d. The first meeting was held in the new meeting-house, and Mr. Bowman preached from Psalm Ixxxiv. 1. Upon leaving the old house, the Sabbath before, he preached from Rev. iii. 3. 1745. Thomas Tileston, Esq. died Oct. 21st, aged 70 years and two days. He was a very prominent man in town ; had been a Representative about ten years, Selectman twenty-four years, and was also Justice of the Peace, and Lieutenant Colonel, which last office he reached by all the successive steps up- wards, from Ensign. This year the famous expedition to Cape Breton sailed from Boston, March 24th. It consisted of about 4,000 men — 3,000 from Massachusetts, and 1,000 from New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Isl- and, &c. They were met at Cape Breton by Com. Warren, with " about 7 or 8 men of war," and then they besieged and reduced Louisburgh. Wm. Pepperell, Esq. was General of the land forces. Ma- ny fine and richly laden French ships were taken, and the affair at that time was considered a great conquest, and caused much rejoicing ; but the lapse of years gives it a different appearance, and shows it to have been undertaken without sufficient cause. It also appears to have been carried on to a cruel and dis- graceful termination, and the terms insisted upon by the victors were unnecessarily severe and degrading to their captives. The excuse was, that they were provoked to do so because the French at Cape Bre- ton surprised and took Canso before they were ap- prised of the war. An allusion to this siege is con- tained in Longfellow's poem of " Evangeline." Quite 32 310 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. a number of soldiers enlisted in this expedition from Dorchester, and a great part of the 3,000 from Mas- sachusetts went from this vicinity. Although but few fell in battle, yet a large number died of a fever contracted after the victory. Blake, from whom this is principally gathered, says, " most that went from hereabouts that I knew, either died there, or in their passage home, or soon after they came home ; 'tis said there died of our New England forces about 1,500 men." 17-16. For several years, about this time, the co- lony was much distressed on account of the great draft made upon it for men and money. These were required, not only to carry on the expedition above named, but to defend the frontier from the many in- cursions of the Indians, and also the country this year against the French fleet and army, consisting, as Blake says, " of about 30 Men of War and 67 Trans- ports, besides Land Forces, Forty thousand Arms, 25 Mortars, 50 Brass Field Pieces, &c. Many," he adds, " and I suppose y° greatest part of them, arriv- ed at Jebucta in Nova Scotia, about y" middle of September, having set sail from Rochel or Rochford June y'^ 11th." There were no less than 8,000 dis- ciplined troops on board, and these were there to be joined, he says, by other troops, and the whole arma- ment Avas expected to make an attack upon the northern English colonies. Much terror was very naturally felt by the people in and around Boston, and works of defence were actively engaged in, and, as Blake says, " prosecuted even on the Sabbath Days." About one half of the militia of the country HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 311 were collected in " Boston and the lower towns." In the mean time a sickness broke ont among the French troops, carrying oft" their chief commander and many of the men ; and on their sailing ont of the harbor of Jebucta a severe storm occurred that cast away some of the ships and disabled others. The army were so dis^^irited by these disasters that " they returned to France without striking one blow." 1747. This year the trouble, which had for some time been gathering in consequence of the preaching of Mr. Whitfteld, was brought to a crisis, causing great trouble and expense in the Town and Church. Blake gives the following account of it. " The last winter 1746, some of y° members of this Church that had Separated from it, upon y^ Commotion that Mr. White- tield h those Itinerants that followed him had raised in y® Coun- try about Religion ; and for their Separation, k, L)jurious Treat- ment of y"^ Minister the Revd. Mr. Jona. Bowman and y*" whole Church, were laid under the Censure of Admonition, h forbid to come to Communion until Repentance and Reformation ; Pressed y^ Church to Joyn with them in calling a Council of Churches to Hear h Advise upon their matters of Complaint &£ Grievance ; which after several debates y*^ Church agreed to, & also to bear all y° Charge of y*^ Council. The members were Isaac How, Edward Foster, Ebenezer Withington, Timo- thy Tilestone, Naphtali Pierce &£ Eben. Davenport, togethei' with Benj. Bird, Esqr., who had been excommunicated by y« Church for Intemperate drinking, & thought himself very hardly dealt with, as also did y*^ Separate Brethren, of whose party y^ S*! Mr. Bird was, and a Chief Leader among them. It was agreed between y*^ Church &; y'= S'^ Brethren, that there should be Ten Churches sent to, and that each party should Choose five, (where they pleased) h if any of one side failed, y^ same No. of y*^ other side should be taken off; & 312 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. that y'' Churches should be desired to send their Elder & one Messenger. Accordingly y^ Church Chose Mr. Walter of Rox- bury, Mr. Barnard of Marblehead, Mr. Prescott of Salem, Mr. Gay of Hingham, k. Mr. Tailor of Milton ; and y« other party Chose Mr. Leonard of Plymouth, Mr. Weld of Attleborough, Mr. Hobby of Reading, Mr. Rogers of Ipswich, h Mr. Cotton of Halifax ; (Three of whom, viz. Leonard, Weld &; Cotton, had at y'^ desire of y<^ S'' Party, assembled in a Private Council at one of their Houses several times before this), who together with their Delegates (Judge Dudley being with Mr. Walter) accordingly met at Dorchester, Tuesday, May 19th, 1747, all but iNIr. Rogers of y*^ agrieved Brethrens part (as they called themselves), and Mr. Gay went off upon y*^ Churches side to keep y^ number equal. The Council being formed sat chiefly in the Meeting-house where was a Publick Hearing, &; a great throng of People, many from otlier Towns. Mr. Walter was Moderator, but Mr. Barnard was his Assistant, who chieflly managed, by reason of y*^ Infirmities of old age rendering y° bu- siness too tedious for Mr. Walter. The Council sat 4 Days, beginning on Tuesday &, ending on Friday. They Patiently heard all that y'^ Parties had to say, and in their Result, Justified Mr. Bowman &, y*^ Church in all their actions, h Condemned y® S'^ Party h advised them &t y^ S'' Mr. Bird to Submit h Return to y^ Church he. Since which y*^ Church has been quiet, which before was continually disturbed with Letters &. Charges from y^ S'^ Brethren, k, many Church meetings there, about. But none of y*^ S'^ Party haue yet followed y'= advice of the Council, but have till lately continued their Meetings at y^ House of y'^ S'^ Eben. Withington ; where the S'^ Mr. Bird's Son (a young man that had staid 3 years at y® College h y'^ 4th year was Expelled being of their party) Preached to them untij last Fall, and now is ordained (as we hear) by two New-Light Ministers, (as they are called) over a Separate party in Dunsta- ble. I think at this present our Separate party have no Constant Meeting. And two days ago, viz. March 9th, 1747, the S*! Ebe- nezer Withington at whose House they use to meet Deceased, HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 313 I think y<= Charge of y° Council cost y*^ Church something more than One Hundred Pounds old tenor." 1748. This year grain was very scarce and liigb, partly occasioned by sending off so mnch to the French upon the cessation of arms, they being very destitute. Indian corn sold for 32^. per bushel ; rye, 465. ; wheat, about £3 per bushel ; flour, about £'10 per hundred, in old tenor bills, which were about the seventh part of the value of proclamation money. 1749. The town chose, this year, a new Clerk; Mr. James Blake having held that office for 24 years, with great fidelity and acceptance. He was a faith- ful and discreet man, and one of the most accurate surveyors of his time. His services as surveyor were in demand throughout the vicinity, and his plans at this day are of great value, as evidence in the Courts, his reputation having continued through the inter- vening generations. He felt slighted and greatly aggrieved at being left out of his office at the an- nual election this year, as his own account will show. The matter proves that towns as well as republics are ungrateful ; and also that, as we grow old, we cannot or do not see our own weaknesses and imper- fections as others see them. His own account of the matter may be found at page 67 of the published edition of his " Annals." Noah Clap, A. M., was chosen his successor, and, like his predecessor, filled the office with great faithfulness for many years. May 10th. — Peace with France and Spain was proclaimed at Boston. Sept. 18th. — Capt. Montague arrived at Boston to 314 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. reimburse to the Province its expenses at Cape Breton. The sum was £183,649 2s. %d. During- the summer of this year there was a drought, which appears to have been of longer con- tinuance, and therefore more severely felt, than any which has been recorded since. Blake aives the following graphic account of it. &' "This Summer was the Severest Drought in this Country, as has ever been known in y*^ Memory of y^ oldest Persons among us. It was a dry Spring, and by y® latter end of May the grass was burnt up so that y® ground looked white ; and it was y® 6th day of July before any Rain (to speak of) came. The Earth was dried like Powder to a great depth, and many Wells, Springs, Brooks & small Rivers were dried up, that were never known to fail before. And the Fish in some of y*^ Rivers died. The Pastures were so scorched that there was nothing green to be seen, and the Cattle waxed poor, &; by their lowing seemed to call upon their Owners for Relief, who could not help them. Although the dry Grass was Eaten so close as that there was but a few thin spires to be seen, yet several Pastures took fire, and burnt fiercely. My Pasture took fire near y° Barn (by a Boys dropping a Coal of fire, as he was carrying fire to y^ water-side) and tho' there seemed to be so little Grass, yet what there was, and y*^ ground, was so dry that it blazed and flushed like Gun-Powder, and run very fast along y^ ground, and in one place burnt some fence ; and we were forced to work hard to keep it from y^ Barn, & to extinguish it ; having y^ help of sundry men that happened to be here. It spread over about half an Acre of Ground before we could stop it ; and where there was lumps of Cow-dung it would burn till y'^ whole lump was Consumed, &; burn a hole in y'^ ground ; and we were forced to use much water to quench it. There was a great scarcity of Hay, being but a very litUe cut, of y*^ first Crop ; &£ salt marsh failed near as much as the English Mea- HISTORY OF DORCPIESTER. 315 dow. English Hay was then sold for £3 &; £3 10 old tenor per Hundred. Barley h Oats were so Pinched that many had not much more than their seed again, k, many cut down their S*^^ Grain before it was ripe for Fodder. Flax almost wholly failed, as also Herbs of all sorts ; and Indian Corn Rolled up h wilted ; and there was a melancholly prospect of the greatest Dearth that ever was known in this Land. In the time of our fears &l Distress, the Government ordered a Day of Public Fasting & Prayer ; and God was graciously pleased to hear &; Answer our Prayers, even in a very remarkable manner : for about y*^ 6th of July the course of y° weather altered ; and there came such plentiful &, seasonable Rains, as quite altered y® face of y*^ Earth ; and that Grass which we generally concluded was wholly dead, and could not come again under several Years, was revived, and there was a good second Crop of Mowing ; it looking more like y® Spring than that season of y® Year : and y*^ Indian Corn recovered, &i there was a very good Harvest. And whereas it was thought in y^ fall of the Year that a multi- tude of Cattle must Die for want of Meat, insomuch as they sent and fetched Hay from England : yet God in his Providence Ordered us a moderate Winter, and we were carried comforta- bly through it ; and I did not hear of many, if any, Cattle that died. But by reason of so many Cattle being killed off last fall, Beef, Mutton &, Butter are now in May, 1750, very dear: Butter is 7s. 6d. old tenor per Pound. Upon y*^ coming of y® Rains &i Renewing of y'^ Earth last fall, the Government appointed a Day of Publick Thanksgiving." 1750. On the 4th of December, of this year, died James Blake, author of the " Annals of Dorchester." He was son of Deacon James Blake, who died Oct. 22, 1732; grandson of Elder James, who died June 28, 1700 ; and great-grandson of William Blake, the first settler of that name in this town, and the ancestor of most of the name in the country. It is 316 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. truly wonderful, in looking over the old documents in the Town Clerk's office, as well as many private papers found in old garrets, and Probate, Church and State records, to see how much writing and work this man accomplished. He was very correct in all his plans and in all his statements, and at his death his loss was severely felt. He was also greatly esteemed by his contemporaries for his learning and piety. He had the principal charge of the affairs of the Proprietors of the Undivided Lands for many years, and drafted with great ingenuity the tables for collecting the Province and Town taxes, many of which are now in existence. 1751. This year Parliament passed the act by which the old style of computing time was altered to the new. Ele^'en days were by this act to be ta- ken from September, 1752. It also provided that the &st day of January should be the first day of the year, instead of March 25th, as formerly. This last change accounts for the double dates so often found between these two periods. June 17th. — A hail storm, with "hail as large as swan's eggs." 1752. It was very sickly in town this year and the latter part of 1751, the sickness being caused principally by pleurisy and nervous fever. Jan. 23d was kept as a day of fasting and prayer by the Church, on that account. " There died 15 persons (of the above pleurisy and fever) in less than two months, besides what died of other distempers, y^ most of them well hearty persons, and many of them of middle age." The mortality in Boston was also HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 317 very great, being 624 deaths in a population of 15,734. There was an attempt made this year, by petitions to the General Court from the people of Attlebo- rough, Norton and Easton, to get the boundary line of the town altered. This town opposed it by a Committee, in connection with Committees from Stoughton and Wrentham, and the petition was dis- missed. Had it been granted, several thousand acres would have been taken from Stoughton and Wrentham. June 18th, of this year, the new bell was hung in the meeting-house. It was the gift of the Proprie- tors of the Undivided Lands, formerly in the town of Dorchester but then in the town of Stoughton. It was imported from Bristol, England, weighed 785 pounds, and cost the proprietors fifty pounds sterling. It is the same bell which now hangs in the meeting- house of the First Parish. The small pox was in Boston this year, and caused the death of 561 persons; 31 of them having the disease by inoculation, and 530 the common way. Of those who were inoculated, there died about one in 85 ; and of those who took it the natural way, about one in 10. Seven persons had it in Dorches- ter, one of whom died, viz., Mr. Robert Searl, aged about 80 years. Oct. 7th, Ebenezer Cox was drowned in our har- bor by the upsetting of a boat. Sept. 23d. — Began to read the Scriptures in Dor- chester meeting-house, as a part of public worship. 1753. From this time, Dorchester was compara^ 33 318 HISTORY OF DORCHESTEK. lively quiet for many years. The successive wars, and the emigration from the town to other parts, allowed it to increase but very slowly in poiDulation * and few of its inhabitants could obtain more than a comfortable livelihood. It was, as it were, the close of the Puritanic age. The first settlers and their children slept with their fathers, and the leaven of other people was slowly but surely amalgamating with their posterity. A more unrestrained indul- gence of the imagination and the affections began to be shown, instead of that rigid strictness of feeling and manners peculiar to the Puritans. In matters of religion there was not that exact conformity to the recognized standard which had been considered indispensable, and, under a feeling of new insx^ira- tion, men looked forward from the dim present to new developments, more expansive views, and a brighter day. It is well known that there was a difference in religious views between the people of Plymouth Colony and the settlers of the Bay ; the former being of the party called Separatists, and the latter Non-conformists. The Separatists had, after much persecution, left the Church of England for good. They had the fire of determination, minds obstinate to defend the truth, and anathemas for their opponents. Therefore they said, ^Ahen they left England, " Farewell, Babylon ! Farewell Rome !" But the Puritans, in the words used by that man of God, Rev. Francis Higginson, of Salem, as he em- barked on board the vessel and took a parting look * The number of Whites in the Colonies in 1753 was about 1,000.000. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 319 at his native hills and his dear friends, said, " Fare- well, England ! Farewell the Church of God in England and all the Christian friends there ! " In 1755, there was a great earthquake, which oc- casioned much fright all over the vicinity. Many buildings in Boston were thrown down, and 1,500 chimneys shattered or overturned. Mather Byles says, "it was a terrible night; the most so, perhaps, that ever New England saw."* Gen. Estes Hatch died Feb. 6th, 1759. He was a prominent man in town, had held the principal military offices, and at the time of his death was Brigadier General of Horse. His wife was Mary, daughter of Rev. Benjamin Kolfe. She died Oct. 21st, 1763. Her father and mother were both killed by the Indians, at their house in Haverhill, Aug. 29th, 1708; also their youngest child. Mary and her sister were saved by the courage and sagacity of Hagar, a negro slave. Upon the first alarm she leaped from her bed, carried them to the cellar, covered each of them with a tub, and then secreted herself The Indians ransacked the cellar, took every thing of value to them, repeatedly passed the tubs, and even trod on the foot of one of the chil- dren, without discovering them. They drank milk from the pans, then broke them in j)ieces ; and took meat from the barrel behind which Hagar was con- cealed. Anna Whittaker, an inmate of the family, concealed herself in an apple chest under the stairs, and escaped unharmed. Mary was born March 9th, * Drake's History of Boston. 320 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 1695; Elizabeth, her sister, Sept. 1st, 1699. The latter married Rev. Samuel Checkley, the first minis- ter of Church Green, Boston. Miss Sarah Hatch, the only daughter of the above, died Sept. 25th, 1779, aged 56 years. They are all deposited in Gen. Hatch's tomb, in the old burying-ground in Dor- chester, which tomb is entirely under ground, with the grass now growing fresh above it.* CHAPTER XVI. Colonial Events preceding the Revolution — Great Celebration in Dor- chester — Patriotic Resolutions by the Town — Rev. Jonathan Bowman — Rev. Moses Everett — Drafting of Soldiers for the War — Fortifying of Dorchester Heights — Small-pox Hospitals. In 1761, the great cause in the matter of Writs of Assistance was argued before the Court in Boston. It might be called the opening act of the Revolu- tion. James Otis made the great argument against it. It was " performed with such profusion of learning, such convincing argument, and such a torrent of sublime and pathetic eloquence, that a great crowd of spectators and auditors went away absolutely elec- trified. ''f He was truly a remarkable man, the idol of the people throughout the colony, and astonished the whole country by his wonderful genius, united with great prudence and sagacity. May 19th, 1766, was a day of general rejoicing throughout the colony, on account of the repeal of * See History of Haverhill, p. 121. f Drake's History of Boston. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 321 the Stamp Act, news of which arrived May 16th. The demonstrations in Boston were strangely enthu- siastic. Gov. Bernard, supposed to be the only co- lonial Governor opposed to that infamous act, parti- cipated in the general rejoicings so far as to walk about the streets and on the Common to see the pro- ceedings. From this time to the breaking out of the Revolution, the people of the colony were in a high state of excitement. In 1767 the town of Dorchester voted to encourage the produce and manufactures of the country, and lessen the use of foreign superfluities. Sept. 30th, 1768, the vessels of war with the long- expected British troops sailed into Boston harbor, making, with one or two already there, twelve in number. They anchored off the North End, and made a formidable display. This was another of the impolitic movements of the British ministry, and helped to keep alive the spirit of irritation. It was difficult to find places to quarter so many soldiers ; and from this time to the evacuation of the town, there were continued outbreaks and tumults between the troops and citizens, also between the town au- thorities and the officers. Joshua Henshaw, one of the Selectmen of Boston, a descendant of one of the early citizens of Dorchester, was an able man, a firm " Son of Liberty," and left nothing undone which would make the condition of the soldiers uncom- fortable. Nov. 3d, 1768, John Hancock, another great fa- vorite of the people, was arrested to answer to the charge of smuggling wine from his sloop Liberty, by 322 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. a party of the citizens of Boston, some time in June previous. It is not presumed that the government thought Mr. Hancock committed the fraud, but be- ing owner of the vessel, he was compelled to answer for it. The popularity of the man made it expedi- ent to postpone the arrest until the arrival of the troops. The individual who made the arrest was Arodi Thayer, who then held the office of Marshal of tlie Court of Admiralty. Although Mr. Thayer was then on the unpopular side of the great ques- tion of the day, he bore the character of a sincere Christian and downright honest man. All of the latter part of his life he was a resident of Dorches- ter, and is w^ell remembered by many of its citizens, on account of his quaint language, his cocked hat, long stockings, and knee and shoe buckles, which created great astonishment among the young people of that day. He died May 7th, 1831, aged 88 yrs. and 2 months. His commission and badge of office (a silver oar) are deposited with the Dorchester An- tiquarian and Historical Society. Aug. 14th, 1769, "the Union and Association of the Sons of Liberty in this Province " w^as celebrat- ed with great applause. The "Sons" met at Li- berty Tree in Boston, " where they drank fourteen toasts," and then adjourned to Liberty Tree Tavern, known as Robinson's Tavern, in Dorchester, w^iere they dined at 2 o'clock. From 300 to 350 sat dowai to tables spread in the field under a tent. There were " three large pigs barbacued," and other pro- vision in abundance. Forty-five toasts were given on the occasion, the last of which was — " Strong HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 323 halters, firm blocks and sharp axes to all such as de- serve either." All ^' gentlemen of distinction from other colonies, known to be in Town, had cards of invitation sent them." " Mr. Balch's mimicry," the Liberty Song, and a song by Dr. Church, greatly pleased the company. At 5 o'clock, P. M., the Bos- ton people started for home, led off by Mr. Hancock in his chariot. John Adams (from whose diary most of this is collected) was present, and says, " To the honor of the Sons, I did not see one person intoxi- cated, or near it." In 1770, the town complimented the merchants of Boston, who had agreed not to import certain ar- ticles while the duty remained on them — such as glass, paper, &c. — and voted not to purchase goods of those importers who would not come into such arrangements ; also not to drink tea, except in case of sickness, until the duty Avas removed. This year (1770), Col. Eben'r Clapp X3resented the town with a very showy and valuable clock. It was put up in the meeting-house, and remained there until 1817. The meeting-house being taken down that year, it was placed in the Town House, where it remains to this day. In 1771, the inhabitants of that portion of the town known as " The Farms," petitioned to be set off to Braintree, but Dorchester would not agree to it. The land was finally annexed to Quincy. Jan. 4, 1773, the town unanimously passed nine resolutions, taking a very decided and patriotic stand in relation to colonial affairs. They represented that the attempts by the British Parliament to im- '324 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. pose upon the inhabitants of the colonies laws with- out their consent, was a lawless usurpation ; that the wresting from the control of the Province its principal fortress (the Castle) was a great grievance ; that a late act of Parliament to hurry persons from their country for trial, " appears to come little short of any court of inquisition ;" and other resolves of a similar character. They also gave their sincere and hearty thanks to the people of Boston for their con- stant watch of the enemies of the country. These resolves are drawn up with great ability, and the patriotic sentiments therein contained might well put to blush many of their descendants. The Castle was a fortress in which this town had always felt especial interest. It was nearer to its borders than to any other place ; the town had assisted largely in its erection, and in a great measure nursed and pi'ovided for it in its infancy, and it was long under the command of one of its favorite sons. The town at this same meeting chose a Committee of Corres- pondence — viz., Capt. Lemuel Robinson, Capt. John Homans and Samuel How, This and similar com- mittees of other towns performed a very important part in the movements of the times. A number of carpenters from Dorchester having gone to Boston to assist in building barracks for the British soldiers, in 1774, the town, by a vote, desired them to desist, or incur its displeasure. At this time there w^as a public opinion in regard to the disputes between Great Britain and the colonies that swept all before it, and a gentle hint only, in many cases, was necessary to insure exact compliance. HISTORY OF DOIU'HESTEK. 325 After a ministry of about 44 years, a disaffection with the Rev. Mr. Bowman, the minister of the town, which had been slowly £2:rowing, broke out into an open warfare. It is difficult at this time to say hoAv far each of the parties was to blame. A large ma- jority of the members cf the Church appear to have been opposed to Mr. Bowman, or at least had made up their minds that they could no longer be peace- fully connected with him. In laying this matter before the public, we shall consult all the evidence at hand, and endeavor to be as just and impartial as possible. From the Church Records, it appears that Mr. Bowman had become very stubborn in maintaining his own opinions and rights, without regarding those of his people. Clergymen in those days, we know, were men of authority ; but he had been connected with the people of Dorchester so long, and knew them so well , it is strange that such a misunder- standing should have occurred. The first instance of blame openly laid to his charge, that we have any account of, was his refusal to baptize a child of Mr. Paul Hall, in March, 1773. There had previously been some gossip about his preaching too short ser- mons (a complaint not common in these days), fre- quently not exceeding, it was said, from fifteen to eighteen minutes ; also that he too frequently preach- ed old sermons, and did not insist enough on the doctrines of original sin, regeneration and self- denial. It appears that Mr. Paul Hall improved some land adjoining Mr. Bowman's yard and barn, and shot his fowls — certainly a provoking act, and 34 326 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. onn Avhich has been the cause of much trouble both before and since that time. When Mr. Hall brought his child for baptism, Mr. Bowman refused to per- form the ceremony ; whereupon Mr. H., probably under a state of excitement, exclaimed openly, " I demand baptism for tlie child." This, as may be sup- posed, caused great disturbance and clamor in the congregation. Another of the complaints was, that at church- meetings, when motions were made and seconded, he would refuse to put the same to vote, unless they coincided with his opinion ; also that he claimed the right, and actually did exercise it, to adjourn and dissolve meetings at his own pleasure, once even W'hen he was not present. He was also found fault with for not baptizing a child of Mr. John Goff, and a child (living in 1856) of Mr. Samuel Payson. On the part of Mr. Bowman, it was urged that he looked upon the act of ]Mr. Hall in shooting his fowls as unneighborly and injurious, and had sent to him, desiring that he would refrain from doing him mischief, and that he would pay Mr. H. for all the damage done by his fowls ; likewise, that when the latter came on Sunday morning to apprise him that he should carry his child for baptism in the afternoon, Mr. Bowman told him that he had '• grounds of uneasiness," and requested him to postpone the ceremony one week, which Mr. H. re- fused to do, and declared that he w^ould carry it that afternoon ; also that Mr. B. requested one of his brethren to go to Mr. Hall between the morning and afternoon service, but he still persisted. It was HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 327 likewise said, on the part of Mr. Bowman, that there were misstatements in rehition to his proceedings at the meetings of the Church ; that at some of the meetings he was unwell, and not able to attend, and at another was absent at a funeral. His health was also said to be feeble, and he was not able to preach long sermons ; besides, he was cautioned by his pre- decessor, Mr. Danforth, at his ordination, not to be too long and tedious in his sermons ; likewise, that he spoke fast, and would deliver as much in fifteen minutes as some would in lialf an hour. The principal persons in the Church who were engaged in this controversy, were Deacons Abijah White, Richard Hall and Samuel Topliff; Noah Clap, William liolden, Esq., Capt. Lemuel llobin- son, Abraham Wheeler, Samuel How, Ezekiel Tol- man, Roger Clap, Bernard Capen, Edward Preston, John Humphrey, Timothy Whales, Jonathan Leeds, John Pierce, Jr., Abraham Howe and others. Mr, Noah Clap was chosen to sign the documents in be- half of the Church ; an office which he would gladly have declined, but they refused to excuse him. His character for mildness, discretion, and undeviating justice, perhaps led him to believe that the' pastor was too severely dealt with. Mr. Bowman was a friend of his ; he often preached in Mr. B.'s pulpit, and desired to live with him in the bonds of Clirist- ian fellowship. The Church, on the other hand, knowing Mr. Clap^s acquaintance with all tlie peo- ple concerned, his knowledge of their whole history, his accuracy in keeping records, his standing among the neighboring clergy, a number of whom were his 328 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. classmates in college, persisted in his holding that position, for which they remunerated him by paying him fonr pounds and one guinea. There were other matters brought into this con- troversy, such as the representative of the town get- ting the worse for drink ; Paul Hall's marketing a hog that had been bitten by a mad dog, and other stories and side issues, denied as strongly as affirmed, which it is not expedient again to bring before the public. The sermon preached by Mr. Bowman in March, 1772, from the words, " He that despiseth you, des- piseth me," was a cause of otfence, and certainly was very plain, and not liable to be misunderstood. The following notice of it, from the Church Re- cords, was laid before the Council : — " Those that despise the faithful ministers of Christ, despise Christ himself Great part of the time was spent well im- proving that those that despise the ministers of Christ, despise Christ. Then the Rev. Mr. Bowman goes on and says, that this town has been remarka- ble for a ministerial people ; the memory of many who are dead and gone is precious with me ; from many of you I used to recei\ e annual favors, of which I still retain a grateful resentment ; though some seem to have lost their first love, for what reason I cannot tell. I have seen more of an anti-ministerial spirit prevailing this last seven years, than in all the five times seven years of my ministry before, and if such a spirit should prevail, no Gospel minister could have much peace or comfort in the town. I think I have been shorter than usual, though I believe too HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 329 long for some of my hearers. No doubt by this time many will be inquisitive who this discourse is pointed at. I tell in few words ; those that despise this sermon, or disparage the author on account of it, I will say to them, as Nathan to David, ' Thou art the man.' '' All these matters combined, made great excitement in the town, and led to the calling of a large and influential Council, at the mutual desire of the Pas- tor and Church. It convened at Dorchester, No- vember 16th, 1T7'3, and continued, by several ad- journments, to the following December 14th. The Church, and the Parish (then including the vvdiole town), were in session many days on the same busi- ness. After a patient hearing of the case, the Coun- cil came to an agreement, which was published at length, the concluding part and substance of which was as follows : Upon the whole it appears to this Council, after having fully heard the above articles, and the evidence adduced in support of them, and having well weighed the same, that however blame-worthy the Eev. Mr. Bowman may have been, still he hath not forfeited his Ministerial character. Not- withstanding which, considering the 'State of things in this Church and town, the Council do, from a sincere regard to Pastor, Church and People, the peace and prosperity of this place, and the advancement of the kingdom of Christ, advise the Rev. Mr. Bowman to ask an immediate dismission from his pastoral relation, and the Church to grant it. But inas- much as the Council have given it as their opinions, that from what appears to them, Mr. Bowman hath not forfeited his ministerial character, thc}^ further give it as their judgment, that there is no objection to his public preaching in any other" Church. In fine the Council lament the unhappy differences that have lately subsisted in this place, and at the same time can- not but express their satisfaction, that both parties have con- sented to ask for the Council and advice of sister Churches OoO HISTUIIY OF DORCHESTER. ill their difficult and perplexed circumstances : A method as they apprehend perfectly consonant to the gospel, and con- sidered by their venerable fathers, in the platform, as an or- dinance of Christ, for healing- the divisions of his Church. They hope both the Pastor and the People, will candidly receive the advice theynow oflcr, as the result of their best judgment, and christian tenderness for both, — that all ani- mosities between them may be allayed, all past oftences mu- tually forgiven and forgotten ; and that brotherly love, so particularly recommended by our common Lord to his Disci- ples, and so ornamental to the christian profession, and neces- sary to the success of the gospel, ma}'- be revived and most carefully cultivated. While they hope the Rev. Mr. Bowman will make suitable reflections upon every part of his conduct, that may have deserved any degree of blame ; they at tlie same time sym- pathize with him, under, the troubles that attend the evening of his days, and sincerely v/isli it may be brightened, with the comforts of that gospel he has so long preached to others. His People they trust will most seriously consider whether they also have not contributed to the divided and unhappy state, in which they now find themselves, and take every step prescril)ed in the gospel of peace, that they may be delivered from it. To them the Council devoutly wish the fulness of the blessing of the gospel : and, should they be led, by divine providence, to the choice of another Pastor, that the troubles they have passed through may be lost and forgotten, in the long enjoyment of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. A true Copy, William Gokdon, ] ^^^. .^^^_ Amos Adams, ) Subsequently to the proceedings of the Council, the Church endeavored to obtain their Records, then in Mr. Bo^Yman's possession. They chose a com- mittee to demand them, but he evaded it. They then voted to demand tiicm " in a course of law." The book containing the deaths during his ministry 'was recovered, but not the others, which is a serious loss to the town. Mr. BoAvman died March, oO, 1775, aged 6.8. After the dismission of Mr. Bowman, llev. Moses HISTORY OF DORCliES'IEJ.l. 331 Everett was invited to prcacli upon trial ; and on May 27th, 1774, he was unanimously chosen by the Church to be its pastor, having all the votes cast, viz., 52. This choice the town confirmed, and he v,as ordained Sept. 28th, 1174. The Churches in- vited to assist in the ordination, were the First Church in Stoughton ; the Church in Milton ; the Church in Boston under the pastoral care of Dr. Elliot ; llev. Mr. Balch's Church in Dedham ; Church in Ipswich, Ecv. Mr. Cutler s ; Third Church in Roxbury ; and Dr. Cooper s and the Old South Churches in Boston. On the 6tli of December. 1774, Mr. Everett removed from Dedham to Dorchester with his wife. About seventy men and women ac- companied them ; and when they arrived at Mr. Everett's house, they found about the same number of Dorchester people, " wiiere there w^as a most elegant dinner prepared," and where they all, both minister and people, had a joyful time, every thing being " carried on with decency and good harmony." Mr. Everett was born in Dedham, July 15, 1750, and was the vouno:est but one of nine children. He preached in Dorchester with great acceptance for eighteen years, when his declining health made it necessary for him to resign, and in 1793 he request- ed and obtained a dismission. The next year he was chosen a representative of the town, soon after was appointed a special Justice of the Court of Com- mon Pleas of Norfolk County, and in 1808 was appointed to iill a vacancy on the bench of that Court, occasioned by the death of his brother, Oliver Everett, Esq. He filled the office with wisdom and 332 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. integrity, and to the satisfaction of the public. He was an active and interested member of the Church after he ceased to be its minister, and was a delegate to most of the- ordinations to wliich the Church was invited ; but tlie latter part of his life he was very feeble, and he had several shocks of paralysis. He died March 25th, 1813, leaving a widow and ten children — one by his first wife, one by his second, and eight by his third. Dorchester Mas one of the towns which early voted to pay its Province tax into the hands of Hen- ry Gardner, of Stow, who was the treasurer for the Sons of Liberty, instead of Harrison Gray, the trea- surer under the Crown. This was in 1774, and at the same meeting, a committee was chosen to post up the names of those "svho sold or made use of East India tea. How much comfort as well as trou- ble has come through the use of this pleasant but expensive weed, since its introduction into Europe in 1679 ! For a long time after it was brought into the colonies it was considered a great luxury, but at this time had become so indispensable that supper without it was thought but half a meal, because it made its partakers feel so cheerful and their tongues " so merrily run." Suddeuly, however, it had become with the majority a prohibited beverage. On account of being brought to the port of Boston subject to duties which the people had determined should never be paid, several cargoes of it had been thro^vn into the harbor, the chests containing it being first broken open, and the whole mass was thus liable to be carried by the winds and tides to various and dis- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 333 tant places. Some of it found its way into this town,' and caused no little trouble. The follow- ing account is from the Essex Gazette of January 4th, 1774, "Whereas it was reported that one Withington, of Dorchester, had taken up and partly disposed of a chest of the East India Company's tea, a number of the Cape or Narraganset Indians went to the house of Capt. Ebenezer Withington, and his brother Philip Withington (both living on the lower road from Boston to Milton), last Friday evening, and with their consent thoroughly searched their houses, without offering the least oifence to any one. But finding no tea, they proceeded to the house of old Ebenezer Withington, at a place called Sodom, below Dorchester Meeting-house, where they found part of a half chest which had floated, and was cast upon Dorchester point. This they seized and brought to Boston Common, where they committed it to the flames." March 10, 1775, the town passed a vote requiring all the inhabitants thereof, liable to do military duty, to assemble on a certain day, with arms and ammu- nition, to be reviewed, to see who would enlist, and who would hold themselves in readiness as minute men. This was at the time the fortifications on Dorchester Heights were about being completed. There were then nine dwelling houses on the Neck, now South Boston, the location of each of which may be seen by consulting a map now in the posses- sion of the Massachusetts Historical Society, drawn by order of the British General then in Boston ; also the road and principal trees. The occupants of these 35 334 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. houses were Mrs. Foster, Mr. Bird, Mr. Deluce, Mr. Williams, Mr. Farrington, Mr. Harrington, John Wiswall, Dea. Blake and Oliver Wiswall. Mrs. Foster's house was one of the best in the neighbor- hood, and it was difficult to convince the continen- tallers that it did not belong to a tory, as some of the rooms were even papered, which was considered very luxurious in those days. This house was the most westerly, and Dea. Blake's the most easterly, of any on the peninsula, and these were both burnt by the British, who now had possession of Boston. For a long time the English officers had their attention fixed on what they denominated, on their plan, the twin hills, with the intention of fortifying them ; but while they were waiting reinforcements enough to hazard it, the good judgment of Gen. Washington prompted him to secure the hills, and he improved the opportunity. The building of the forts here, under his direction, undoubtedly saved Boston from destruction ; for Congress, after a seri- ous debate, had given him authority to destroy it, notwithstanding the property and friends within it. Washington rode out to Dorchester, and selected the farm of Capt. John Homans, in the upper part of the town, as a suitable place to obtain fascines, or bundles of white birch faggots, with which to con- struct a fort, which must of necessity be done secretly. It was in March, and the ground so much frozen that earth could not be used, even had there been time for it. A lieutenant and thirty men were detached to cut and make the fascines, and the citizens of this and the neighboring towns were called upon to cart HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 335 them, on the night of the 4th, to the heights. About three hundred teams are supposed to have been em- ployed for this purpose, under the special charge of Mr. Goddard, of Brookline, and Mr. James Boies, of Dorchester. The late Mr. William Sumner, of Dorchester, so well remembered by many now liv- ing, drove one team. He carried five loads before day-light, and remembered it with great satisfaction to his last days. No man was allowed to speak above a whisper, and thus the work went on silently, and unknown to the enemy, whose attention was in the mean time attracted elsewhere by a constant can- nonading kept up from the American camp at Cam- bridp-e and Roxburv. It was one of the most for- midable acts in the Revolution, and was accomplish- ed in an incredibly short space of time. So sure was Gen. Washington that this work would bring on a battle, that he had two thousand bandages pre- pared with which to dress the wounded. Gen. Howe wrote to Lord Dartmouth, that " it must have been the employment of at least twelve thousand men." He is also reported to have said, " The rebels have done more in one night than my whole army would have done in a month." Dorchester Neck, in its topographical appearance, was very uneven, abounding in hills and valleys.* Nook hill, in the north-west part of it, less than half a mile from the Heights, was a very important loca- tion for a battery, on account of its proximity to * We are indebted to Mr. Thomas C. Simonds, of South Boston, for much Yaluable information in relation to the history of that peninsula. 336 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Boston. Gen. Howe perceived this, and undoubt- edly intended to occupy it, and to dislodge the con- tinental army, or at least to prevent their use of it. The place where this hill then Avas, is the spot on which now stands the Lawrence School-house. It was an eminence fifty feet or upwards above the sea. Washington made up his mind to fortify it, and on Saturday night, March 9th, sent a detachment for that purpose. It was one of those cold and bluster- ing nights so common at that season of the year, and the soldiers were so imprudent as to build a fire for their comfort. This was seen by the British in Bos- ton, who opened a severe fire upon them, principally from their battery near what is now the corner of Washington and Dover Streets. Four soldiers, and a surgeon by the name of Dole, were killed, and the troops obliged to suspend operations for that time. Mrs. Adams, in her Letters, refers to this night in the following manner. '• Sunday evening, March 10 — A most terrible and incessant cannonade from half after eight till six this morning. I hear we lost four men killed and some wounded in attempting to take the hill nearest the town, called Nook's Hill." At a council of war held at the head quarters of Gen. Ward, in Roxbury, it was decided to fortify this place, at whatever cost ; and on Saturday night, March 16th, a large detachment was ordered out for that purpose. The British again opened upon them a heavy cannonading ; but, nothing daunted, they kept briskly at work, and during the night erected a substantial fortification, which brought HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 337 things to a crisis in Boston, and hastened the evacu- ation. In a history of the war, published in Lon- don, is the following : — " A breastwork discovered this morning (March 17, 1776), to be thrown up by the Americans at Nook's Hill, on Dorchester penin- sula, which from its proximity had an entire com- mand of Boston Neck and the south end of the town — a work which the king's troops had most fearfully dreaded." The next morning the troops left the town, and embarked on board their vessels for Halifax. May 23d, 1776. The town voted, "that if the Continental Congress should think it best to declare an Independency with Great Britain, w^e will sup- port them with our lives and fortunes." When the Declaration of Independence w^as made, the follow- ing July, it was transcribed in full on the Town Records. This year the committee appointed to sell wood on the ministerial land in Milton, reported that they had sold 480 cords to the continental army, and 140 cords to the inhabitants. Col. Lemuel Robinson and James Robinson were the representatives this year. March 13, 1776, the census of the town was taken, and the whole number of people was found to be 1550 — viz., 1515 whites and 35 negroes and mu- lattoes. The number of families was 291. In 1777 the town chose a committee to prosecute the " breaches of the late acts respecting monopoly and oppression ; " also a committee " to lay before 338 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. the Court the evidence that may be had of the ini- mical dispositions of any inhabitant or inhabitants of this town, towards this or any of the United States." It wonki appear by this,, that there were one or more tories in the town ; but the inhabitants were very much united as a body, and had a love of and determination for liberty, which seem to have sometimes been lost sight of in these latter days. During the time that the Revolution was going on, the town was continually having meetings to in- duce men to enlist in the army. They were called upon to go to New York, to Canada, to Rhode Island, Long Island, Peek's Kill, West Point, on secret expeditions, &c. To furnish the many calls for enlistments and volunteers, the town put forth all its energies, and the people sacrificed their com- fort and estates. In 1777 the town offered a bounty of twenty pounds to each man who would enlist for three years or for the war, and pass muster, besides the pay offered by the colonies. It also offered ^•reat bounties to those who would enlist for shorter periods, and authorized the treasurer to borrow money to meet these demands. So frequent were these calls for soldiers, and so great was the expense incurred by the town, that its treasury was impov- erished, and with many of the most worthy and in- dustrious of the inhabitants it was difficult to obtain the necessaries of life. But they were cheered by the females, who willingly bore their part in the labors and responsibilities of the great work, and by the clergy, who preached boldly for the cause and HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. ' 339 encouraged them in their struggles. As early as January 31, 1777, nearly one third of the men be- longing to the town, above the age of sixteen years, were in the army. The Selectmen returned, under oath, the following numbers at home and abroad — viz., . 294 at home ; in the service, 79 ; 6 Boston people, and 10 negroes and mulattoes. The six Bos- ton men were probably induced to go for this town, on account of the great bounty offered. These calls were made from time to time, until the close of the war. In the early part of it, many of the Dorches- ter men were stationed at the forts in and around Boston. " Being inhabitants of Dorchester," writes one of them, " we went to our own dwelling places and did business at home, except when on duty. We were allowed good provisions, and the duty was gen- erally easy." To add to the trouble and distresses brought on by the Revolution, the town took measures for a general inoculation of the small pox, and 'voted to use the following named houses for hospitals, if they could be obtained : viz., Mr. Powell's ; Clement Sumner's ; a house belonging to Mr. James Robin- son, " if the neighbors consent to it ;" Mr. Mel- lish's ; John Pierce, Jr.'s ; Capt. John Robinson's ; and Ebenezer Prescott's, " if he consent to it." This was early in 1778, and all persons desiring to be inoculated were to be at the hospitals before the 21st of January. Dr. Holden was to have the care of the patients, and great caution was urged, both upon him and his patients, during their sickness. 340 ' HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. CHAPTER XVII. Forestalling Provisions — The Currency — The Revolution — Names of Dorchester men engaged in the War — Shay's Rebellion. July 12th, 1779. The town held a meeting, and voted to sustain the measures advocated by the meet- ing held in Boston, June 17th, preceding, which were intended to prevent the forestalling of provisions, the depreciation of the continental currency, and the demanding of hard money for goods or rents ; also that all those who demanded hard money should not remain among them, but be transported to the enemy. A convention met at Concord to fix the prices on the principal articles of trade ; but many small things were omitted, and this town chose a committee to determine the price for them. They are at this time a curiosity, but as they are stated in the continental currency, we can form but little judgment as to a comparison with present prices. Innholders were to have twelve shillings per mug or bowl for the best quality of flip or toddy ; and other charges were in proportion. Every string was in motion to keep up the spirits of the people and carry on the war. A part of the town's land was sold, and in one or two instances individuals pur- chased colored slaves and gave them their freedom on condition that they would enlist in the army for three years. April 19th, 1775, the day of the battle at Lexing- ton, the following persons assembled in the Dorches- ter Company, viz. : HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 341 Oliver Billings, Captain Lemuel Clap, Lieutenant Edward Glover, 2d do. Ebenezer Glover, Ensign Timothy Baker, Henry Humphreys, }■ Serg'ts Ebenezer Pope, John Billings, Thomas Bird, Josiah Glover Ezra Glover Elisha Glover Samuel Crosby John Billings Lemuel Billings Jonathan Fessenden Asa Horton Samuel Cox Elijah Pope Elijah Pope, Jr. Jeremiah Hunt Samuel Belcher Elijah Bird Ralph Pope Jesse Fenno John Hawse Joseph Withington Elijah Withington Francis De Luce Corporah Joseph Withington, Jr. Jonathan Clap, Jr. Samuel Bird Lemuel Collin Ezra Clap Samuel Champney Paul Da\as James Baker, Jr. Noah Torrey Daniel Fairn Alexander Glover Jonathan Bird James* Kilton Ebenezer Atherton Nathaniel Clap Elisha Clap Paul Hall Samuel Blackman Isaac Davenport Ebenezer Maxfield Joshua Williams Jacob Bird Thomas Williams James Wood John Vaughn Ichabod Wiswall Eben Bird John Atherton Joseph Davenport The following named persons served in some ca- pacity in the Revolutionary War, and received, from July 24, 1776, to April 3, 1779, in the shape of bounty, advance pay, and travelling fees, iJ5343. Isaac Allen Ebenezer Atherton Samuel Allen William Adams John Ackleag Samuel Allen, Jr. John Atherton Jonathan Blake James Blake Lemuel Billings Thomas Bird Jacob Bird Thomas Baker* William Blake * Thomas Baker was also in the expedition to Cape Breton. 36 342 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Nathaniel Blake John Blackman Israel Beals Henry Bird Joseph Bird Henry Bird, Jr. Lemuel Blake Edward Bird Samuel Blake Jonathan Bird, Jr. Daniel Bird Samuel Champney Ebenezer Clap .', David Crane John Capen, Jr. Ebenezer Clap, Jr. Bernard Capen Ephraim Capen Samuel Coolidge Jonathan Clap, Jr. Samuel Crehore David Clap, Jr. Ezra Clap William Cole Abner Clap Nathaniel Clap Seth Crane Ebenezer Davis Josiah Davenport Samuel Davenport Benajah Davenport Joseph Davenport George Davenport Isaac Shaw Davenport Pearson Eaton Joseph Ellis Stephen Fowler Stephen Fowler, tertius John Foster John Foster, Jr. William Farris Enoch Fenno John Fling James Gooley James Green Alexander Glover Edward Glover Rufus Gulliver John Gamsby James Humphrey William Humphrey William Harris Peletiah Hall Samuel Homans Nathaniel Humphrey William Hayden Joseph Hunt Andrew Hughs Thomas Holman Lemuel Horton John Jenkins Oliver Jackson Ezekiel Johnson John Johnson Thomas Jones James Kilton Lemuel King Samuel Kilton Ebenezer Kilton, Jr. John Kilton Nathan Leeds James Lewis Josiah Leeds Benjamin Lyon Lemuel Lyon Edward Stow Leeds Hezekiah Kead Miller John Mellish Jeremiah M'Intosh Bartholomew Moor James M' Clary Hezekiah R. Miller, Jr. Ebenezer Maxfield Peter Niles Jonathan Nash John Phips Benjamin Pratt Samuel Preston Napthali Pierce Jonathan Packard Elijah Pope Thomas Phillips HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 343 Lemuel Pierce Capt. John Robinson Jacob Randall John Richmond Samuel Randall Jonathan Sever Lemuel Spur Clement Sumner James Sherman Daniel Stoddard Micha Symonds Rufus Sumner William Trescott Elijah Tolman Ezekiel Tilcston Tohn Trescott George Taylor Nathaniel Toplifif Jazaniah Thayer Andrew Turner William Thompson Samuel Thayer The time of service of Thomas Tolman Benjamin Trott Reuben Tory Joseph Turner George Vose William Vose John Vaughan Joseph Whiston Lemuel Withington Edward Withington Noah Whitcomb Capt. John Withington Samuel Withington Noah Whitcomb, Jr. Thomas Williams Thomas White Abraham Wilson John Wiswall John Waters Ebenezer Wales Moses Wliite Joseph Williams all the individuals named above, was previous to April 3, 1779. On the 4th of July, 1780, the town voted that "whosoever would enlist for the reinforcement of the Continental Army, for the space of three months, should be allowed £250 per month." The large amount here offered for monthly wages shows how great had become the depreciation of the currency. These renew^ed exertions brought out more men, and we find the following additional names enrolled. Charles King Thomas Smith Samuel White John Wiswall, Jr. James Spur Elisha Spur James Tileston Samuel Bab cock William White Thomas White Timothy Wales, — in Col. Cram's reg. of Artill. Ezra Kimbel Prince Darby Cesar Thacher 344 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. We also know that three worthy townsmen, James Davenport, Stephen Badlam and Wm. Badlam, were in the army, and that the former received the present of a sword from Lafayette. Prince Darby was a slave ; and the name Cesar Thacher seems to denote that he was one also. The former was purchased by Dea. Edw. Pierce and Samuel Howe, and his freedom given to him on the condition that he would enlist for three years. The following additional names were in Capt. Lemuel Clap's company, which contained many on the preceding lists. Andrews, Samuel Beals, Seth Barry, Redmon Baker, David Billings, Lemuel, Jr. Baker, George Bird, Comfort Bird, Edward, Jr. Blaney, William Bird, Aaron Berry, Edward Bird, Jonathan Bird, Isaac Blackman, Moses Bird, Lemuel Bird, Joseph, Jr. Blackman, Samuel Badcock, William Bates, Alpheus Bates, Elisha Bates, Elisha, Jr. Bostwick, Zechariah Clap, John Clap, Nathaniel Clap, Samuel Clap, Edward Clap, Lemuel Clap, Lemuel, Jr. Clap, Jonathan Clap, David Clap, Ezekiel Clap, Supply Clap, Thomas Crouch, William Crane, Zebulon Carriel, Thomas Capen, John Capen, Christopher Collyer, Lemuel Davis, Nehemiah Davenport, Isaac Dickerman, Benjamin De Luce, Francis Draper, Paul English, John Foster, William Felt, Edward Fairn, Daniel Giles, Samuel Glover, Enoch Glover, Enoch, Jr. Glover, Nathaniel GofF, John Healey, Nathaniel HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 345 Hewitt, Thomas Hayward, Jacob Humphrey, Jonas Hawes, John Jackson, Gershom Kilton, Ebenezer Leeds, Thomas Lovell, Joshua Lyon, Eliphalet Lyon, David Mann, Ephraim M'Lellan, Joseph Mann, William Meraw, William Meraw, Samuel Meraw, John Mosley, Ebenezer Mosley, Thomas Mosley, Samuel Maxfield, John Niles, Silas Payson, Samuel Pierce, Ebenezer Pierce, Samuel In another list we find Nathaniel Wales Samuel Blackman Jonathan Bradley Payson, Joseph Pratt, David Pond, Joshua Richards, David Stratton, Benjamin Sharp, William Seaver, Elisha Shed, Thomas Tucker, Edward Tileston, Timothy Wighen, John White, James Wilson, Ephraim Wiswall, Ichabod Wales, John Withington, Ebenezer Withington, James Withington, Joseph Withington, Joseph, Jr. Williams, John Wiswall, Oliver Wales, Jonathan Webb, Joseph Ward, Josiah John Wales John Withington Nathan Bradley Perhaps the names of some who went from Dor- chester, and served their country in the Revolu- tionary Army, are omitted in the preceding lists ; and some few mentioned were from Milton, but ]3ro- bably enlisted for Dorchester people. The foregoing are all the names that can readily be found, of those who engaged in that important cause. The service of some, as already 'mentioned, was slight — perhaps being placed on guard at Dorchester Heights, at the Castle, or at Cambridge ; while others were sent to 346 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. West Point, Rhode Island, Ticonderoga, and other important points, and some of these were engaged in the different conflicts of the war. With all its hard- ships, there was a bright side to the revolutionary ser- vice ; many friendships were contracted, which lasted through life, and stories told round the camp fires were repeated through the country, and have been handed down to the present generation. The fol- lowing is related of two of the Dorchester soldiers, John Blackman and Joseph Whiston, who were in the army at West Point. When they were dis- charged, at the close of the war, they had a long journey to take on foot, to reach their home, and, as they expressed it, " little money to spend." They thereforQ purchased together one canteen full of rum (joint stock), and set their faces homeward. Black- man, being the youngest, said that he felt it his duty to carry said canteen. He soon outwalked his fel- low traveller, who seeing him upon a hill in ad- vance, hailed him, and said that he wanted some of the precious liquor. Blackman replied that he would stop at the next house, where he could obtain water, wait for him, and they would drink together. Whis- ton called at the house, as agreed upon, and inquired for his comrade, but found that he had kept on, and he hurried on after him. He occasionally got within hailing distance, but invariably received the same answer from Blackman, that he would stop at the next house, but he never kept' his word. In this way they travelled from West Point to Dorchester. For a while after their return, Blackman gave Whis- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 347 ton a wide berth ; but one day they met in Roxbury, and Whiston called his companion to account for such conduct, and asked him if there was any of the rum left. He replied, no ; he drank it all, and there was not half enough. Whiston then asked if he would not pay him for his share ; but his reply was, " No, I think I earned it by carrying it." Whiston generally went by the name of Whetstone, and is remembered by our older citizens. Ezekiel Tileston was in the army at Cambridge, and shortly after the battle at Bunker Hill, being on the marshes with a comrade, fired his musket at a company of British just passing the brow of that hill. Afterwards he fired at the Glasgow frigate, lying in the stream. Although at a long distance, it appears they were watched by those on board the vessel, for a cannon was loaded with grape shot and fired at them, the balls flying very thickly around them ; but by crawling through ditches, and on their hands and knees, they managed to reach a place of safety. Samuel Pierce, of this town, was appointed Lt. Colonel, Feb. 14, 1776, and appears to have served in the army during a great part of the Revolution. He was at Morristown early in 1777, and wrote home from that place, on March 10th, of that year, that he should start for Dorchester, and expected to come in company with Capt. Clap, Master Coolidge and James Humphrey ; that Humphrey and Jonathan Holden had the measles, but were " like to do well ;" also that he expected to return on foot, and that 348 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. the going was so bad he should not be able to travel 300 miles as quick as the young men. Although holding the honorable rank of Colonel in the army, he was thus obliged to walk from New Jersey to Massachusetts ! Oct. 29th, 1777, he was ordered to repair to Dorchester Heights, or the Castle, to pre- vent those fortresses being taken by the transports which were sent here, by General Howe, to carry Burgoyne's army, now prisoners of war, to England. In 1779, he was in Ehode Island, and appears to have been the commander of the regiment, Jonathan Blake, of this town, being his adjutant. Colonel Pierce was a patriotic man, and did his full share in carrying out the orders of the State, although some of them were difficult to enforce, for want of men. David Clap, Jr., then about 18 years of age, was one of the Dorchester company stationed at Cam- bridge to guard the soldiers of Burgoyne's army af- ter they were taken prisoners. He relates the follow- ing incident. " A prisoner, one of the British grena- diers, was seen at night by one of our sentinels to be getting pickets that were placed around the fort, and as his orders were to secure them, he ordered the prisoner to desist. After speaking several times without effect, the sentry told him if he persisted in doing so he would fire. The only answer given was a profane daring of the sentry to fire. He fired, and killed the prisoner on the spot. Some of the other prisoners were so enraged at this, that they threat- ened to kill the sentry ; and as he was noted by a stiffness in one of his knees, and could be easily re- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 349 cognized, the officers thought it best not to put him on the main guard again. I think there was another prisoner who lost his life at Cambridge by disobey- ing orders." The same individual also relates the following, of another Dorchester man : — " One of the company which I belonged to would frequently, after his du- ties of the day were done, set out at night to visit his family, and return so as to be on hand between daylight and sunrise the next morning to answer to his name — being obliged to walk, in going and com- ing, more than 16 miles." He likewise speaks of being on duty at Noddle's Island — now known as East Boston, and containing 16,000 inhabitants — where he says there were " only two dwelling-houses and two families — the inhabitants I think no more than twelve." • June 22, 1780, a law was passed, to immediately raise 4726 men ; and that if any man was drafted who was not of sufficient ability to serve in person, or who did not pass muster, he was to hire some able-bodied man to take his place, or pay a fine of gl50 in twenty-four hours. There were frequent attempts made to keep up the value of the Continental currency, and the agreement of 1779 was of service for a while; but none of them served to prevent its depreciation. In March, 1780, the town voted to raise the sum of £6,000 ; and June 22d, of the same year, it was voted to levy a tax of £40,000 to hire soldiers. And again, Dec. 26th, of the same year, the town voted 37 350 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. to raise the sum of £40,000 to purchase beef for the army. It was also voted to allow the assessors £15 per day for their time. These were indeed days of darkness and peril ; and courage, faith, and indomi- table energy alone carried our ancestors through the struggle. The young men, the active and the strong, were in the army, or liable to be called upon at any moment ; and the women and children, the sickly and aged men, were left at home. It was really difficult for many of the inhabitants to obtain the necessaries of life. Yet they managed to do their share in the great work of the Revolution. In or- der to collect money for the purpose of hiring sol- diers, individuals were employed to go round to the houses for subscriptions, and some of the town lands were sold. The winter of 1780-81 was remarkably cold, with great quantities of snow, so much that the roads in Dorchester were not broken out for a long time, most of the able-bodied men being in the army. The route into Boston, from the upper part of the town and from Milton, was down Neponset river and up Boston harbor on the ice. There was a house of entertainment, refreshments, «fec., opened on the ice near the Castle. In 1781, the auditors of the treasurers accounts report that he had received £132,800 0^. 2^d., and had paid out £133,528 95. 6d.; that is, from March, 1780, to March, 1781. In 1782 they reported that the receipts from March, 1781, to March, 1782, were £342,303 05. id., and the treasurer had paid HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 351 out £250,521 25. 8c?.— there being due the treasurer the sum of £8,218 2sAd., "or £109 ll5. 6d. in specie." This last clause shows the depreciation of the Con- tinental currency. This was certainly the third year in succession that their treasurer (Mr. Noah Clap) had paid out more than he had received. The next report of the auditors, made in November, 1783, showed the same result as to the deficiency of the town income, but an improved state of the currency ; the treasurer having received £1,596 85. 2d., and paid out £1,783 12^. 4^. The Avar had now closed, and the soldiers were returning home — many of them poor and worn in flesh, and poorer in pocket. But days of peace will always revive the exhausted energies of a country wearied and impoverished by war ; and things be- gan to improve throughout the country. In Dor- chester the people moved on as formerly, at their town meetings passing the old votes with but few . exceptions, a small number always in advance of the mass, and willing and ready to adopt all real im- provements. In 1785 the town voted to allow a bounty of Is. 6d. for every rattle-snake killed in the town. 352 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. CHAPTER XVIII. Shays's Rebellion — Col. Pierce's Diary of Important and Interesting Events. Early in 1787 the insurrection under Gen. Daniel Shays broke out, but was soon quelled, although it caused great alarm among a portion of the people. The following are those who went from this town, to assist in putting down a rebellion which for a time threatened serious consequences. In the company of artillery, commanded by Capt. Lieut. Thomas Williams, under the command of John J. Spooner, Esq., serving under the orders of Hon. Major Gen. Lincoln, commencing January 8th, and ending February 8th, 1787, were the following. Thomas Williams, Capt. Ll. Daniel Russell John Swift, 2d Lieut. John Clap Aaron Bird, 2d " Thomas Mayo Nathaniel Winship, Serg't Ebenezer Scott David Pratt, " John Dove James Lewis, " Samuel Holden, jr. - Dan'l Stoddard, Bombardier Edward S. Leeds Samuel Griggs, " William Withington Elisha Crane, " Solomon Hall Edward Clap, " Daniel Wiswall Thomas Hereman, Fifer Joseph Whittemore Organ, Drummer Edward Glover, jr. Royal Shepherd, Mattross Samuel Mosley Ebenezer Davis, " Richard Trow Stephen Davis Eliakim Blackman David Waitt, jr. Edmund Baker John Goffe, jr. Elisha Crane William Mellen William Maurough John Mears, jr. Samuel Glover Samuel Murdock Edward Bodge John Brewer Isaac Fenno Thaddeus Brewer HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 353 In Capt. James Robinson's company, of the regi- ment commanded by Ezra Badlam, Esq., in January and February, 1787, the following names are found recorded : James Eobinson, Gapt. Thomas Mosley, lAeut. Jacob Gill,* Nathan Leeds, SergH Maj. James Davenport, Q. M. S. John Trescott, SergH Nath'l Keyes,* " Isaac Thornton,* " Wm. Chambers, " George Manning, Corp. John Withington, " Daniel Withington, " John Atherington, " John Bird Ebenezer Clap Lemuel Blackman John Rouse Huchings Peter McElroy John Cox Eobert White James Holden ~ John Hall Samuel Payson James Baker Jesse Sumner* William Harding James Jones Samuel Capen Alexander Vose* John White James Spur John Clap Alexander Glover Abraham Pierce Luther Crane* Samuel Williams* David Johnson Michael Field Moses Belcher* John Garch* Zibe Crane* Shepherd Bent* Vose Crane* Samuel Badcock* Joseph Fenno* Edward Cyson Ebenezer Daniels Silas Hoten (Stoughton) William Morris Lemuel Collier Thomas Robinson Jotham Wheelwright James Richards Eleazer Thayer Samuel Richards* Josiah Thompson Joseph Turner Richard Trow, Coll. Clerk Abel Hersey Samuel Clap, jr. Those marked with a star are supposed to have been from Milton. The late Maj. Amasa Stetson was also of this expedition, in Capt. Moses Draper's company. Of this long list, it is supposed that Dea. Ebene- zer Clap is now the only survivor. He was a vol- unteer in the army, and probably the youngest, be- ing but 15^ years of age. 354 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. October 23, 1793, Rev. Thaddeus Mason Harris was ordained minister over the Church and Society in Dorchester. This was an important event in the town's history, and he was elected to the station by an almost unanimous vote, both in Church and town. The sermon at his ordination was preached by Rev. Samuel Kendal, of Weston ; the charge given by Rev. Nathaniel Robbins, of Milton ; and the right hand of fellowship by Rev. Mr. Haven, of Dedham. His people were very kind to him under all circumstances, and assisted and encouraged him in every strait. He was sole minister in the town, which then included all South Boston, until the formation of the second parish, in 1806, He was a son of Mr. AVilliam Harris, of Charlestown, in which place he was born, July 7, 1768. He entered Har- vard College in 1783, and graduated in 1787. For about a year he had charge of a classical school in Worcester, and in 1791 was appointed Librarian of Harvard University, where he remained until he was engaged to preach in this town. He continued the minister of the parish until July 16, 1835, when the parish, acceding to his request, settled with him a colleague (Rev. Nathaniel Hall), and on the 23d of October, 1836, being the forty-third anniversary of his ordination, he resigned his charge and took leave of his people in a sermon which is in print. He was a man of great sensibility, deep learning, of a poetical turn, was much inclined to wit, and had tears for all the unfortunate. Some of his dis- courses abounded with pathos and eloquence. He HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 355 was a member of many of the most important socie- ties in this part of the country. Of his books, ser- mons, &c., there were published forty-four. 1794. April 7th, of this year, the town voted to allow £12 towards building a house for the engine, which had been purchased a short time previous by a number of the inhabitants. This was the begin- ning of the Dorchester fire department. The same year the town chose a committee to build an alms-house, or work-house, as it was then called, and after considerable delay, it was erected, at a cost of ^1,940 30, and report made to the town to that effect, November 7th, 1796. It was our present alms-house, though it has been greatly en- larged since its erection. This year it was also voted to enlarge the meet- ing-house, by dividing it in the middle lengthwise, and removing the north part twelve feet, and the tower six feet. Dea. Edward Pierce performed the work, which was considered a remarkable perform- ance for those days. He stipulated to do it, and for his pay receive all the new pews, excepting those to be granted to individuals who lost theirs by the alteration. May 6, 1796, Hon. James Bowdoin sent a letter to the town authorities, saying that it was necessary for him to relinquish his inhabitancy in the town of Dorchester, and for the many unmerited attentions and respect shown him by the people of the town, desired their acceptance of a lot of wood land, con- taining about ten acres, to be devoted to the benefit of the schools. 356 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. In 1798 the town voted to sell the old school- house, and erect a new one of brick on the Meeting- house Hill. The old school-house here referred to, stood on w^hat is now the garden of Wm. D. Swan. It was removed to the present Commercial Street, where it is still standing, with a brick basement. This year the tow^n also voted to sell fourteen lots of land on the Meeting-house Hill. It is to be re- gretted that the whole hill had not been retained, as it would have proved a lasting benefit as well as ornament to the town. In writing a history of Dorchester, it would not be proper to omit a notice of Noah Clap, A.M., who died April 10, 1799. No one, since the settlement of the tow^n, has had so much to do wdth its con- cerns, or was so well acquainted with its interests ; indeed, he knew the history and family relations of most of those who had lived here previous to his day. He Avas a son of Dca. Jonathan Clap, grandson of Mr. Nathaniel Clap (" a choice man "), and great grand- son of Nicholas, one of the early settlers, all of Dor- chester. He was born January 25th, 1718, and graduated at Harvard College in 1735, at the age of seventeen. He then studied theology, and became a preacher, but his health was so feeble that he never entertained the idea of settling in the minis- try, although he frequently preached in this and the neighboring towns. He kept the grammar school in Dorchester for nearly twenty years, and, for a generation after his decease, was designated as Mas- ter Noah. He was Selectman, Town Treasurer and HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 357 Assessor upwards of thirty years, and Town Clerk about forty-seven years. While in this capacity, his house was burned ; and although every exertion was made to save the records, at the expense of other property, a part was lost, but was afterwards sup- plied, in a great measure through his exertion and perseverance. He had a very retentive memory, and could repeat the tales of former years with great interest. He was so conscientious in regard to the truth, that he was rarely known to make an asser- tion unless prefixed by the term "may be." The late Eev. Dr. Harris preached a sermon on the occa- sion of his death, in which he said, " I never knew a person farther removed from every appearance of duplicity, or more singularly remarkable for a cau- tiousness in speech, and inviolable veracity." " He was not fond of afiarmations ; and hesitated even as to the accuracy of* his own judgment, and the cer- tainty of his own information. This singular cau- tiousness was the result of the most inflexible reve- rence for truth. It was accompanied by a meek, humble, diffident and modest spirit, and a plain, undisguised, unaflected artlessness of manner." **** " A very observable and lovely trait in his character, was his candor and charitableness in judging of others. Of this he gave the most pleasing proofs in his unwillingness even to hear anything to the disadvantage of persons. He would never patiently listen to the reports which might be in circulation of the misconduct of any; and when they were men- tioned in his presence, he was always ready to pal- 38 358 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. liate or excuse what he could not commend, and seemed averse to believe ill news, flying rumors, and petty scandal. Of course he was never known to repeat them." *** "The late Dr. Belknap found great assistance in his most important researches, from consulting Mr. Clap ; and such was his won- derful accuracy, even in chronological dates, that his guarded declarations had all the fidelity and cer- tainty of printed documents." One of his children — Dea. Ebenezer Clap— is still living (1857), and is probably the last of the fifth generation now in the town. The following extracts are from the diary of CoL Samuel Pierce, of Dorchester, who was a very intel- ligent and enterprising man, and appears to have been a farmer, carpenter, mason, &c., and during the revolutionary war an officer in the army. The ex- tracts given are numerous, and some of them in themselves unimportant ; but in connection with a history of the town, they possess much interest, and supply a deficiency which could not otherwise be made up. The orthography, &c. have been retained, as in other ancient quotations in this work. 1161, Nov. 27. Remember Preston was lost. 1762, March 16. We have had abundance of sleding this Winter, the moste that ever I new, and as hard a Winter as ever I see. April 3. Remember Preston was found down at Marshfield. April 15. John Wiswall was drounded in the river. April 20. He was found. May 28. Edward's leg was broke at Mr. Withington's. June 26. We got Edward home from Mr. Withington's. July 17. Edward first ^ot out gf bed, HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 359 [the Edward here referred to, was Dea. Edward Pierce, a ^romineiit man in town, and well remembered by our older people.] July 24. There was a very fine shower after a very dry time. We reckon as much rain fell in f of an our as we have liad in three or 4 months. Aug. 20. There is Pigons comonly this month, if any time in the year, and there is some now. Sept. 5. Edward went to meeting the first time after his leg was brok. He staid at home 15 sabbath Days. Sept. 7. There was a singin lecture at Stouton. Sept. 10. I catcht 12 dozen of Pigons. Sept. 17. The Pigons left us all at once. Sept. 30. Three Days training at the Castle. Oct. 30. PuU'd Potatoes and had 2 bushels. [Although potatoes were sent to this country for seed as ^arly as 1628 or '29, they were not made an article of daily food until about the year 1800, when they took the place of turnips, which had previously been in very common use. It was the custom of the Selectmen of Dorchester to hold their ^sessions through the day. One day, when partaking of a din- ner of fried eels, one of their number (Mr. Ezekiel Toiman) remarked that he believed potatoes would taste good with 'fried eels. The experiment was accordingly tried, and with such satisfactory results, that they afterwards invariably used this valuable esculent with that fish, which often made their dinner.] 1763, Feb. 10. I went to half moon pond to catch eels, the first time that ever I went to that place. [By subsequent remarks, it appears that that locality had just been discovered as a good place to catch eels, which were taken with spears, and a man would then almost as soon be without an axe as without an eel-spear. On the 15th of the same month, seven of them went eeling, and caught 500 lbs.] Feb. 10. I had 2 pair britches made out of Dear skins and own black. March 31. We have 2 clever calves to rais, 3 weeks old. April 15, Sowed carrets and Parsnips, &c. April 21. I grafted for Mr. Lemuel Robinson ; he and I grafted 245 heads in one day. June 6. I went a fishing in Mr. Minot's boat, and cacht •a halaboat. June 8. The Pigons flew Prety thick. June 18. I went a Lobstrin, catch 9. Aug. 12. We fittisked thrashing and faning our barley ; WB had 26 bushels. 360 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. [It was the custom in those days to use much more barley' than now.] Sept. 27. I went to Boston and bought two leather apron,'? at 13s. 6d. a Piece. Sept. 29. Training at Castle "William. Sept. 30. To ditto to ditto, and we had a Treet of the fines of Puntch and bisket and chees. Nov. 20. I kild a stout white headed Eagle. 1764, Jan. 18. Boston people move out their goods very fast, for fear of the small pox. March 20. Mr. Bowman desired to have them sing twice in the forenoon. July 3. I went out in Mr. Minot's Bot to catch mackriel ; we catcht about 600, but they were very small. Nov. 26. I went to Boston and bought me som cloth to make me a coat ; it is blew surge. 1765, Jan. 16. Mr. Samuel How was stopt by a rober upon Boston neck. [Mr. Howe was one of his neighbors, and the affair, no- doubt, was the occasion of great excitement.] March 12. Had my joise saw'd ; it was the first that ever was saw'd at the new mill. March 22. It snowed and stormed very bad in the morn- ing. March 24. Snowed and stormed very bad. Mr. Bomars put by the meeting in the afternoon for the storm, and it was a very high tide and did much damage at Boston. April 25. It snows and storms this morning veiy much. July 3. I went a lobstering ; it was a very rainy forenoon.- I got about 20 Lobsters. July 24. I went a frolicking on the water. Sept. 2. I fell from Lemuel Clap's house and hurt me some, but not very much. I fell about 16 foot. Sept. 25. Training at the Castle. The same day is to be the great hors i-ase on the neck. Oct. 12. The Brants flew thick over the land. Nov. 10, Was the first that we sang tate & brady's spalms in Dorchester meeting. Som people much offended at the same. [What volumes are contained in the last line of the above extract, " Some people much offended at the same." A large part of the real improvements and advances of every age have passed through the same ordeal, whether in religion, law,- social life or the mechanical arts ; and the progress that is really made, is effected after encountering strong opposition. When the custom was changed from deaconing out the hymn, HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 361 as it was called, in public worship, that is, reading line by line before singing, some of the worshippers in difierent parts of the country were so offended that they left their meetings, never to return, apparently unconscious that the custom was originally adopted because it was difficult to obtain books for all.] [There is an omission here of four years in the Journal.] 1769, May 11. Snowed in the afternoon ; the snow fell six inches deep back in the country. June 2. A very great white frost. June 25. We had the spinning match at our house. July 25. The soldiers go from Boston, some of them. Aug. 1. Gov. Barnard goes from Boston. Aug. 14. Was a very grand entertainment at Mr. Lemuel Robinson's. All the Sons of Liberty met ; there was 124 carriages there. Sept. 7. Mr. Isaac How was drownded in the river. Sept. 9. The blazing star appears plain. Sept. 20. Much talk about the blazing star. Nov. 1. The brants Qy very thick. Nov. 13. I carried a load of Syder to Boston — 45s. bar. Dec. 6. Mr. Josiah Quinsey's house was burnt. Dec. 26. Exceeding warm and pleasant. 1770, Jan. 25. The merchants in Boston all vote against tea. Feb. 13. I had a pair of dearskin bretches. Feb. 22. A boy was shot at Boston by an informer. March 6. Four men killed in Boston by the soldiers. [It will be perceived that, as a matter of course, some occurrences out of the town are recorded subsequent to the time when they transpired.] March 12. The soldiers go from Boston to the Castle. April 19. Richarsan had his trial for his life. May 28. I had 18 men to making stone wall in one day. May 30. There was an ox roasted whole at Boston. Aug. 11. Mr. Wldtfield came to Boston. Sept. 10, Castle William is resined to Col. Dalrymple. Oct. 20. Was a violent storm as ever was known in these parts, and did a vast deal of damage. Dec. 2. Little Sam first wore jacket and bretches. 1771, Jan. 28. Very pleasant weather as ever I new. Feb. 6. There has not been more than 4 inches of snow since 13th December. March 13. Thomas Hutchinson was made Governor id chief. 362 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. March 14. I first began to tar my Apple treds. March 19, First perceive any ere tores to crawl. [By the above it appears that our fathers were troubled by that great pest, the canker worm.] April 3. I set a Post and an elm tree at the meeting house. [The elm here referred to is still standing, about ten rods west of the present meeting-house — a graceful and majestic tree.] April n. The creatores crawl very much. April 25. Sod my heards grass, first that ever I sode. [Was this a new grass at that time ?] May 10. Stephen Gulliver was drownded. June 25. The mackrel came very thick. June 26. We gathered a mess of string beans. Aug. 7. The hottest Day has been for 22 years as thought. Nov. 16. I went to Boston 6 times with a team this week. Nov. 18. William King killed a bogwd. 17 score and 141b. [In this diary are. found the weights of various hogs of his that were killed. This one of King's is named, no doubt, on account of being an extraordinarily large hog : yet it is very moderate compared with some of the present day, the breed of Jiogs having undoubtedly been more improved than that of any other animal.] 1772, Mai'ch 5. A very smart snow storm — a foot of snow. March 9. A very smart snow storm, and drifted very much. March 11. We dig out highways, and a smart storm Gomes on which filled them again by the time we got home. March 12. The snow blowed very much. March 13. We dig out the highway to the meeting-house, but a snow storm came on whicii filled the rode again as bad as ever. March 18. Mr. Ebenezer Brown was drownded. March 20. A violent snow storm came on. March 21. People dig out the highway again. March 27. We dig out the highway to the meeting-house* April 3. A violent snow storm ; the snow drifts much. April 4. We dig out the highways ; the snow 8 foot or 10 foot deep in some drifts. April 15. A very great rain did great damage to the dams and mill. May 20. Town meeting. Esq. Holden offered to go repre- sentative for nothing, but they would not choose him. [The people were very particular, about this time, whom they chose to that office.] May 21. Sot our Sain ; catcht 12 Bass, 16 shd. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 868 June 22. I sot out my tobacco plants. Aug. 10. I finis my barley and had 50 bushels. [There was a great quantity of barley used about this time.] Aug. 28. Mr. Ebenezer Clap made captain of the loar Company. Oct. 21. Capt. Clap call'dhis company together and made a treat. Nov. 15. The Pirates came on this coast and rob'd one vessel. Nov. 22. The Pirates take a scooner and killed the hands. Dec. 21. As fine weather as ever was known. No frost in the ground. Dec. 23. 1 brake up ground at blackbird swamp. December 29. Had a town meeting to exclaim against the Duty being laid upon us, and the judges having their salaries paid from England, &c. Dec. 30. 1 brake up ground for Mr. Jona. Leeds. Dec. 31. I brake up ground at Blackbird Swamp. 1173, Feb. 1. Began to kep school, £3 5s. per week. March 14, Mr. Boman refused to baptize Paul Halls child, altho he demanded it in public. June 3. Capt. Clap had his training. 1 went out in the sloop ; there was 129 persons. We had our 18th Church meeting against Boman. Had councils four days this week; cost £150 A great time of talk about the tee. The council set 4 days this week, and have not Boston is full of trouble about the tee being'* Was a church meeting, and the council dismissed Mr. Jona. Boman from this Church this day. We have had eight months controversy with Mr. Boman, but got rid of him at last by paying him £450 old tenor per year to go away, Dec. 15. There was the destruction of the Tee ; they sup- posed there to be about 340 chests destroyed, all thrown into the dock in one Nite. Dec. 30. There was a number of men came from Boston in disguise, about 40 ; they came to Mr. Eben Withington's down in town, and demanded his Tee from him which he had taken up, and carried it off "and burnt it at Boston. 1774, Jan. 3. Was town meeting. We pass a vote against buying or drinking any Bohea Tee. S. P. May 16, Gov, Gages Commission was Red in Boston. Aug. 31. Oct. 11. Nov. 19, a day. Dec, 1, Dec. 3. finished. Dec. 11. landed, Dec. 14, 364 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. May 18. Mr. Lemuel Robinson was chosen to represent the town. May 31. We had our Training and Treeting, &c. ; the Company was all here, about 100 ; we had 188 people here to dinner. June 13. The soldiers land at Boston. June 17. The Cort was disolved at Salem by Gage. July 2. Eight or nine Men a War arived with forces, and Boston is in a most deplorable condition. Sept. 1. There was an alaram ; there was about 8 or 9 thousand men met at Cambridge. Sept. 12. The greate gun was Removed from Preston's Point. Sept. 19. We began to exercise this season. Oct. 4, We had our trainings in Dorchester. Nov. 9. Had a meeting of all the training soldiers, and gave up our commissions and were rechosen. Nov. 17. The officers of this regiment met at Stouten to choose their field officers. Chosen for the same, Lemuel Robinson, Deacon Gill and Joseph Voce. Nov. 28. The fortification all built on Boston Neck. Dec. 6. Poor Elijah Tolman comes to the town, and goes about like a sad clowne. Dec. 6. I went to Salem with a team for a load of hides. Went and got home again in 30 hours, while the whole jour- ney was 60 miles. Dec. 27. Town meeting. Capt. Withington was chosen to represent the town in the Congress. 1775, Feb. 27. The officers met, and the field officers re- signed. March 7. They met again and were rechosen. Capt. Clap was chosen Lieut. Colonel. [It appears that the officers very generally resigned rather than hold commissions under the king. They were afterwards re-chosen ; at least, those in whom the people had confidence, and received their commissions from the Continental Con- gress.] March 5. Mr. Ebenezer Baker's shase was burnt at the meeting-house ; it was sot a fire by leaving a sto in it. March 20. The company's met in Dorchester to view arms, the same day the old Larram (Alarm?) Men chose their officers. April 19. This day there was a terrible battle at Lexing- ton and Concord between our people and the soldiers which marcht out of Boston ; the soldiers fired on our people, and HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 365 then the battle began, and there was about 40 of our people kild and 190 of the soldiers, as near as could be recollected. April 20. The alarm was very general, and a great num- ber of People collected ; it may be there was 30 or 40 Thou- sand in Roxbury and Cambridge. May 1. There is very great confusion among us at this day, some people moving out of Boston, and some of the Tory's moving their goods in to town. May 5. There was something of an alarm here in Dorches- ter ; a schooner came into the River, but it proved to be from Boston Avith som of our frinds from Boston in it. May 9. An express came to me from the General, and I got the Company together and marcht of, but we met with interruption that night. May 11. Was a fast kept and very strictly too. May 17. More soldiers arrive at Boston from England. May 21. The soldiers go to Weymouth with four vessels for hay at Strawbery hill, but our people di'ive them of and burnt the barn ; twas thot to have had near 80 tuns of hay in it. May 27. The soldiers make another attack on Noddle's . Island, but our soldiers get the better of them and took a small vessell from them and burnt it. May 28. The barn was burnt on Tomsons Island. May 29. The people burn a great quantity of hay at Nod- dles Island, and at night the house at tompsons Island. June 14. A great number of transports arive in Boston with more soldiers, some say 1500. June 17. They got over to Charlestown and set it on fire, and burn the whole town down. June 18. There was a terrible battle fout at Charlestown ; the Regulars get the better of our troops, and we lost about 70 men and many wounded. June 20. It was said that there was 1000 of the Regular soldiers kild. June 24. This day two of our men went to set Browns house on the Neck afire, and were both kild ; one was old Share of Milton. June 26. This day our People began to entrench below Capt. Clap's, near the great Casway. June 27. Our people went down to Dorchester Neck to work, but were shot at from Boston very much. July 2. Much firing from the Regulars this morning at our people at Roxbury. Mr, Williams' house was set oq. fire, but no lives lost. 39 366 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. July 6. Our soldiers had a scurmig this morning- with their gard, and drove them from it and set Brown's house afire on the Neck. July 10. Our People go to Long Island and fetch of all the cretors, and took 13 mereens prisoners. July 11. This day many of the ships goes out of the har- bor, but upon what expedition we cannot tell at preasant. July 12. This day we have our town meeting to choose representative according to the advice of the Continental Congress. July 13. Our people began to entrench near the George tavern on Boston Neck, and the soldiers fired at them and kild one man. July 15. I went to Newport in Rodilan. July 20. The Light-house was sot afire, and our people went to Nantasket to git of the barley and hay. July 30. There was something of a scirmige with the Eegulars ; the Kegulars set the George tavern afire on the Neck. Aug. 25. This day four barges came up to the farm bar ; our people fired at them, but did them no damage. Sept. 11. This day there was a canoe came of from the fortification on the Neck ; the wind blowd so hard that it blowd him off, and a boat with five men to help him, and and were all blowed over to the Neck and were taken pri- soners. Sept. 18. There was 108 shot fired at our people this day, but not one man killd. Sept. 26. Our people went on an expedition over the bay, and set the house on fire on Governor's Island. Oct. 8. The Men a War goes from Boston to Bristol road- iland, and then fired on the town and did much damage. Oct. 10. Governor Gage sailed for England. Oct. 12. Mr. Edward Prestons barn and Chocolate mill were both burnt to ashes. Oct. 16. Our people went down in Cambridge bay with two floating Batery's to fire upon Boston, and one of them split their cannoii by not raming their shot down ; it kild one and wounded 6. Oct. 20. The ships set fire to the town at Casco bay, and burn about three quarters of the town to ashes. Oct. 28. There was 417 houses and warehouses burnt at Casco bay the 20th of this month. Dec. 15. Our Privatears take a fine prize laden with am- munition and stors, and a fine mortar. HISTORY OF DORCHESTEE. 367 1776. Our People goes to Bunker hill and sot several houses afire. The regulars fired very much at our people, but nobody hurt. Jan. 18. We heard of our people haveing a defeat at Que- beck by trying to scale the walls. Jan. 29. We called our Company's together, and then en- listed 25 men for the army for 2 months, Feb. 5. This day we had 38 soldiers come into our house. Feb. 13. The regulars came out of Boston and from the Castle, and drove our Gard of the Neck and burnt the housen. March 4. Our people went on to Dorchester Neck and built two forts in the same night, and there was 380 teems and about 5000 men— the most work don that ever was don in one night in New England. March 5. There was a very heavy cannonading all the night, but thei'e was but one man kild on our side. Our regi- ment marcht to Roxbury, but nobody was hurt. March 9. There was an exceeding heavy firing from the ministerial troops towards Nuke hill, and one shot kild 4 men instantly, and there was more than one thousand shot fired from the regulars, and no man hurt except the 4 first, a most remarkable hand of Providence'in this. March 14. Part of our regiment was called to gard the shore ; one third part were kept on duty. March 17. There was a heavy firing from our enemy, but no hurt don, and this morning the Regulars were out of Bos- ton, Destroying as they went of like so many frited sheep, but some of the toryes were left behind in town. [From an appraisement of the damage done in Dorchester by the British troops, from April 19, 1775, to April 19, 1776, it appears that the amount was £4592 18s. 9d.] March 18. Our people take possession of Boston. March 19. The Regulars set fire to the Barracks at the Castle, and our people began a brest work on Mr. Blake's ground. March 20. Something of firing from one of the ships this morning. March 22. This night Castle William was all burnt to ashes and all destroyed. March 25. A great number of the Light horses were sold at Cambridge. March 28. Our people go into Boston all freely. March 30. The ships mostly goes out of the harbor; they sailed for Halifax. April 4. Four of our regiments move for to go to Roade- iland, and sum to New York, 368 HISTOKY OF DORCHESTER. April 18. The Court sot in our meeting-house to try the tories. April 25. The officers of Col. Gill's regiment met at Do- ties at Stoughton, and were all sworn. May lY. There was a valuable pnse taken by our Privi- teai's of the harbor. June 8. There was one of our Privitears taken by our ene- mies ; she was called the Yanky hero. June 14. Our people goes on with an expedition down on the Islands, and drove out the ships out of the harbor ; they built a fort on Long Isld, and another on Nantasket. Our enemy Blowed up the Light-house ; myself was a spectator at the time. June IT. There was two ships came into our harbor with Scotch soldiers, and our Privatiers took them both ; the}" had 200. July 28. America declared Independency from Great Britain. [Probably this was the day the news reached here.] Sept. 14. New York taken by the King's troops. Oct. 30. One of the Continental ships came into Boston harbor, a 36 Gun frigate. Dec. T. The King's troops take possession of Rhode Island. Dec. 18. My father went to New York. [This last was written by Samuel Pierce, Jr.] IITT, March It. I set out from Canfield's in the Jerseys, the 17th of March, and got home the 27th Day at one o'clock in the afternoon. April 19. There was 5 tones carted out of Boston, and were tipt up in Roxbury, and were ordered never to return to Boston again upon Peril of Death ; thei'e seems Now to be some resolution in the people. April 18. This day Capt. Sumner marches to Providence with one quarter part of our militia for to assist them against the enemy. April 30. Major Badcock went to Bristol to engage the men for two months. The same day our stores were destroy- ed at Danbuiy. May 1. This day the snow fell about 4 inches deep. May 18. Our Continental ships sails on a cruise. Sept. 16. First began to grind stolks to make molases of. Sept. 22. Had orders to draught 50 men from our regi- ment for a secret expedition. Sept. 30. Mr. Minott began his saltworks at Pine Neck. Oct. 10. We had good news from our Northern army of Burgoine's being taken. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 369 Oct. 11. General Gates took Burgoine with about 5000 troops of our enemy. Oct. 30. Our soldiers return from the expedition to Rhode Island without doing anything. Nov. 2. Lieut. Ezekl Tolman came home from towards Ticonderoga not well. 1T78, May 14. Mr. John Minot Enoculated his family with the small pox much against the minds of his neighbours. May 19. We had a town meeting in order to see what method the town would take to re-inforce the Continental army. May 31. There was near a hundred prayed fur this day under the operation of the small pox in Dorchester. July 23. I bought a Hogst of Lime, which cost me 30 dollars, a stout price. Aug. 9. Our forces goes upon Rhod Island ; they meet with know resistance. Sept. 30. Sugar is now got to be Is. pr pound. Nov. 10. Sold a load of hay which brought 6 dollars a hundred — intolerable. 1779, Feb. 16, I sold a load of hay for 9 dollars pr hun- dred. May 10. I was appointed to go to Tiverton to take com- mand of the regiment their. July 1. This day I set out from Tiverton for home, and reacht here about 10 o'clock at night. Nov. 12. English hay is now 20 dollars per hundred. 1780, May 19. A day much to be remembered, so dark between twelve and one o'clock, that people could not see to work. We were obliged to have a candle to eat dinner by ; it lookt very melloncaly indeed, there was but a little rain, and the evening was as remarkably dark. June 16. We had a town meeting to raise money to pay the men we're raising to go into the Continental army. We hear of Carolina being taken by the British troops. Gen. Lincoln had the command there. Nov. 19. English hay now sells for £33 per hundred. 1781, Aug 5. The Pigeins flew thick and all went off and left us from these parts. Aug. 6. The British troops burnt New Lunnon in Coneti- cut. Dec. 2. We had a contribution for the sufferers in South Carolina, and collected 52 hard dollars. Feb. 19. I bought me a new clock which cost £21 in hard money. 370 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 1782, Aug. 10. Thirteen large French ships came into Boslon harbor. Aug. 16. One of the above said ships run ashore on Lov- ells Island bar and bilged ; it was a 74 Gun ship. Oct. 22. Mr. Samuel Tolman dug his new well and went down to the bottom of it after he had don stoneing of it, and the stoneing gave way under him, and all caved in upon him, but he was miraculously saved by the stones wedging over kis head, and so saved his life. Dec. 8. The French troops came into Boston from head quarters, and they sell their horses very cheap. Dec. 8. There was a ship burnt in our harbor. Dec. 24. The French fleet sailed out of our harbor. 1783, April 3. Mr, John Capen's house was burnt with all his furneture, and poor Cornelius with it. [The Cornelius here spoken of, was Cornelius Dyer.] Sept. 8. There was a young man'^drowned above Leeds Mills. 1784, Jan. 15. Grasimo Grasillia was hanged on Boston Neck for the murder of John Jonson. May. Mr. Jonathan Claps house was burnt, and the fire flew from his house to Mr. William Aliens barn, Avhich was a quarter of a mile, which catcht in his dung heep and set his barn on fire, and then his house, and burnt them to ashes, with most all his furniture, with three horses and all his car- ages. Oct. 15. The Marques De La fiat came to Boston. Nov. 13. There was three men executed a;t Cambridge, and I was there to see it. 1785, Oct. 9. The Brants flew over the land exceeding many of them. Oct. 22. The Gees flew very thick. Oct. 27. Mr John Wiswell was found dead in his cano on Dorchester Neck. 1786, Jan. 20. Alexander Glover had his hand tore to pieces by a cannon going off while he was a charging it. [Mr. Glover is well remembered by many of our people. He was known by the cognomen of " one-handed Glover."] March 1 . Madam Wails comes to the Town and makes the selectmen to hop round. April 3. We dig out the ways ; the snow in many places six feet deep. April 23. 8 of the convicts made their escape from the Castle, but 5 of them were catcht in Isaac Howe's barn. [One of the convicts was the notorious Stephen Burroughs, This circumstance is mentioned in his life.] HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 371 May 21. It has been observed that there has not 24 hours but the wind been East for this 8 weeks past, which is very remarkable. list, Jan. 12. Town Meeting and Training, and ordered to raise 41 men and go to Worcester to catch Shais and the rest of the Ensirgints which are in them parts. Jan. 19. Very could. Our soldiers march off for Wooster ; about 10 goes out of this town. CHxiPTER XIX. Duel at Dorchester Point — Three young Men- drowned — Annexatioa of Dorchester Neck to Boston — Revival of Business at Comnnercial Pt. — Gathering of the Second Church, and the Coiitrovers}- with Rev. Dr. Cod man. In June, 1801, on a pleasant Sunday morning, a duel was fought at Dorchester Point between two men by the names of Miller and Eand. This event caused great excitement. It was said to have been caused by Mr. Miller joking Mr. Eand about a lady, which the latter took in earnest and sent the chal- lenge. It was also stated that Rand had the first shot, and that Miller wished to have the affair set- tled without firing himself, but Rand would not con- sent to it, and was killed. The survivors went off iu great haste. When* near the Five Corners, they stopped and told one of the citizens that there was a man at Dorchester Neck in distress, and " wanted some water very much." It appeared so strange a request, and the men were so earnest, that some in- dividuals went to the Point and ascertained what the 37 2 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. trouble was. A jury was called, and a verdict ren- dered in accordance with the facts. 1803. Dec. 24. A distressing event occurred, in the accidental drowning, between Dorchester Neck and Boston, of James Pike, aged 28 years ; David Williams, Jr., aged 20 ;. and Moses Whitney, aged 17. They were buried from the meeting-house, and an appropriate discourse was delivered by Rev. Dr. Harris. In the latter part of 1803, several distinguished citizens of Boston began to take measures for the annexation of Dorchester Neck to Boston. The most conspicuous among them were H. G. Otis, Jonathan Mason, William Tudor and Gardiner Greene. It was thought that Boston could not well accommodate many more inhabitants, and that Dorchester Neck was the most accessible to it, and could easily be united by a bridge. INIany of the citizens of Boston were opposed to this arrangement, and passed a vote, that if it was done, the selectmen of Boston should "lay out such streets, public squares and market places," as they should judge necessary, without compensation to the owners of the land. A petition was sent to the legislature in favor of annexing, signed by most of the land own- ers at the Neck ; but a large portion of the Dor- chester people strenuously opposed it. January 23, 1804, the town chose a committee to remonstrate against it before the General Court, but voted that they had no objection to the building of a bridge. The committee were Ebenezer Wales, Esq., Stephen HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Oio Badlam, Esq., John Howe, Esq., Mr. Samuel With- ington, Maj. James llobinson, Ebenezcr Tolman, Lemuel Crane, Thomas Moseley, and Edward W. Baxter. They presented a strong remonstrance, and called another meeting of the town February 16th following, when they made a written report, in which they stated that the legislative committee had reported in favor of the plan, without compensation to Dorchester. In a verbal report which followed, one of the Dorchester committee stated that six thousand dollars might be obtained, provided the town would no longer oppose the project. There was a probability that this would have had the de- sired effect, and that a vote of assent would have passed, had not John Howe, Esq., who was a man of great influence in the town, strenuously opposed it. He said he felt confident that the legislature would pass no such law while the town was opposed to it. The town finally voted " not to accept the ^6,000 on the conditions they are offered." It is said that the petitioners afterwards, through H. G. Otis, offer- ed the town ^20,000 if they would not oppose the bill further ; but all offers were rejected, and the com- mittee continued to work resolutely to prevent the annexation. The bill, however, was passed March 6, 1804. The opposers to the measure lived up to a principle, and not only lost the land, but the money that they might otherwise have had. The largest land-holder on the Neck, who then owned fifty-two acres, was likewise opposed to the measure, and never gave his consent to the separation from 40 374 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Dorchester, althougli the price of land soon went up to nearly ten times its former value, in con- sequence, and in the prospect of a bridge across the water to Boston. It was about four miles from the Neck to Boston by land, and too few people lived there — only about a dozen families — to support a ferry. After a long and furious struggle about the location of a bridge between Boston and this place, the present South bridge was completed in the sum- mer of 1805, at a cost of about ^56,000. Shortly after the completion of the bridge, the Dorchester turnpike — extending from the easterly end of the bridge to Milton Lower Mills — was built. It was a great Avork for that particular time, but was carried forward by private enterprise, and a toll was established. The turnpike proved quite a poor investment for many years, and some of the stock- holders were very glad to give away their shares. There were already, before the completion of the South Bridge and Turnpike, too many tolls to pay between the South Shore and Boston, to warrant two more, and few availed themselves of the short- ened distance, but continued the old way through Roxbury. The turnpike eventually became a very lucrative property, especially to those who purchased shares at a reduced price. The progressive spirit of the age, however, has a great antipathy to paying money in the shape of tolls, and this turnpike was made free by private subscription in the year 1854. It has been accepted as a public highway by the town, and is now known as Dorchester Avenue. A HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 375 railway from Boston, for horse-cars, was constructed over this Avenue in 1856--57. It was about this time, or shortly after, that Com- mercial Point was purchased by Messrs. Newell 8z Niles, and opened as a place of business. A pro- ject was formed and a company raised to erect a dam from the aforesaid Point across Mill Creek to Leeds's Point, in order to have water sufficient to erect a number of mills and establishments for manufactur- ing purposes. The owners of the old Tileston mill, situated above the proposed dam, not being satisfied with the arrangement, made objections, which de- feated the plan, and a bridge instead of a dam was built ; but standing in an exposed place, it did not many years resist the wear and tear of storms and travel, and went to pieces, although the proprietors spent considerable sums of money to keep it in re- pair. It was, however, rebuilt by the town several years after. Newell 8c Niles having been unfortu- nate in business, the Point was neglected, the build- ings became dilapidated, and the place was for a long while neglected. For a time during the war of 1812, a regiment of soldiers was stationed there. About 1832 the place was again put in order, the fishing business was carried on to a considerable extent, and several whaling vessels were fitted out there. After a few years the concern was sold out, and the Point is now used for the coal and lumber business, and has a large forge erected on its north-eastern extremity. Commercial Point was formerly called Tenean, 376 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. which was probably the Indian name for the ]olace. It is a beautiful spot in the easterly part of the towai, at the mouth of Neponset River, with sufficient depth of w ater for ships to pass up to its wharves. It is favorably located for a large business, but it will undoubtedly be long before the vision of the poet, as embodied in the following lines, is ful- filled. They were written shortly after the comple- tion of the first bridge, and are copied from the manuscript of the author, Samuel Davis, Esq., of Plymouth, Mass., brother of the late Judge John Davis. DORCHESTER BRIDGE. Where Dorchester her lucid bosom swells, Courts her young navies, and the storm repels ; High on the ;Mount, amid the fragrant air, Hope stood sublime, and wared her aubui-n hair ; Calmed with her rosy smile the tossing deep, And with sweet accents charmed the winds to sleep. To southern plains she stretched her snowy hand, High- waving woods and sea-encircled strand — •' Hear me (she cried) ye rising realms record Time's opening scenes, and Truth's unerring word. There shall broad streets then- stately walls extend. The Circus Aviden and the Crescent bend ; There, from famed cities, o'er the cultured land Shall bright canals and solid roads expand — There the proud arch, colossus-like, bestride Yon circling bay, and bound the chasing tide ; Embellished villas crown the landscape scene, Farms wave Avith gold, and orchards blush between. There shall taU spii-es and dome-capped towers ascend, And piers and quays their massive structures blend — While with each breeze approaching vessels glide, And eastern treasures waft on every tide." Then ceased the nymph — tumultuous echoes roar. And Joy's lou.d voice was heard from shore to shore. Her graceful steps, descending, pressed the plain, And Peace, and Art, and Labor joined her ti-ain. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 377 In the course of years, the inhabitants of the town had so increased as to require another place of wor- ship. The difficulties with the Indians, the wars, and inducements for emigration, had kept the num- ber so small as to make one meeting-house suffice for 1^ the whole town. Now, fifty years later, there are ^ <^j^u^U ei ghteen churches in the same territory, including ten in that part known as South Boston. The peo- ple were well united in their minister, the Rev. Mr. Harris, and want of room for public worship on the Sabbath was the only cause which led to the forma- tion of another church — about sixty families, remote from the meeting-house, being in the habit of wor- shipping in neighboring towns. Accordingly, in 1805, a project w^as formed for erecting another house, one hundred and thirteen shares were sub- scribed for that purpose, and about an acre of land was purchased for a site on the upper road, at the corner of Washington and Centre Streets. The building was soon commenced, the raising of it was begun Aug. 7, 1805, and it was dedicated Oct. 30, 1806. Dr. Harris preached the sermon on the occa- sion, from Acts ii. 42, which was printed. The building is 68 feet by 74, the posts 33 feet high, with a tower and steeple. The church w^as gather- ed January 1, 1808, on which occasion a sermon was preached by Rev. John Pierce, of Brookline, and the fellowship of the churches expressed by the Rev. Eliphalet Porter, D.D., of Roxbury. The council w^ere as follows : From the Second Church in Bos- ton, Rev. John Lathrop, D.D. ; Hon. Samuel Park- 378 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. man, delegate. First Church in Roxbury, Rev. Eliphalet Porter, D.D. ; Mr. John Clap, delegate. The Third Church in Eoxbury, Rev. Thomas Gray ; Dea. Nathaniel Weld, delegate. The Church in Brookline, Rev. John Pierce ; Dea. John Robinson, delegate. The Church in Dorchester, Rev. T. M. Harris ; Dea. Edward Pierce and Dea. James Hum- phreys, delegates. The sermon, fellowship of the Churches, and the proceedings of the Council, were printed at the unanimous request and vote of the noAV church. The church met Sept. 9, 1808, for the purpose of electing a pastor, and chose Rev. Mr. Harris for Moderator and Clerk. He opened the meeting with prayer, and the church, having voted that they were ready to proceed to a choice by written votes, it appeared that every vote was for Mr. John Codman, of Boston, a graduate of Harvard College ; and on September 20tli following, the Parish confirmed the doings with but four dissenting votes. After taking a short time for consideration, he accepted the call, and was ordained Dec. 7th, 1808. The sermon on the occasion w^as preached by Rev. Wil- liam E. Channing, of Boston. Mr. Codman was a son of John Codman, Esq., of Boston, of a wealthy and influential family, and the Society started under circumstances unusually favor- able. For about one year they moved on harmoni- ously, with only occasional misgivings as to the final result, among some of those most interested. This was about the time that party lines were begin- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 379 ning to be drawn between the liberal and rigid por- tions of the New England churches, which had for- merly been on friendly terms, the ministers connect- ed with each having thus far freely exchanged pul- IDits with those of the other party. Mr. Codman was of the rigid, while most of the leading men of his parish w^re of the liberal school, and his exchanges were principally with those of the clergy who agreed with him ; consequently his hearers were debarred from hearing their favorite ministers, to whom they had been in the habit of listening. On November 10th, 1809, an address, signed by Edmund Baker, Benjamin Fuller, Thomas Crehore, and thirty-seven others, was sent to Mr. C. in relation to his ex- changes, expressing their uneasiness and disappoint- ment in his not exchanging with the ministers who composed the Boston Association. The address and letter accompanying it w^ere ably and politely drawn up. The answer to the same, although polite and very friendly, had a few sharp corners, and from this time it may be fairly said that the war broke out. It has been asserted, and no doubt with truth, that Mr. Codman was sustained and urged on in this matter by some of his brother clergymen, who wished the party lines defined, and who knew that his stand- ing, temperament and family wealth constituted him the man for the occasion. The leading persons of his parish were able men, and w^ell knowm in the town and vicinity, and were determined, on the or- ganization of the new church, to obtain the best man to be found. Their disappointment, therefore. 380 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. was great, at the occurrence of these clifficultieSj and at finding the breach so fast widening. In August, 1810, an advertisement appeared in the Boston Cen- tinel, offering thirty-eight pews in the meetmg-house for sale ; and on December 1, following, another one in the Centinel and Chronicle, offering sixty-nine pews, and containing a slur upon Mr. Codman. Octo- ber 22d, of the same year, the parish chose a com- mittee, consisting of Thomas Tileston, Thomas Cre- hore aiid Benjamin Pierce, to write to the ministers in the neighboring towns, v.ho were in the habit of exchanging with Mr. Codman, and request them " not to preach in his pulpit any more," until the difficulties were removed. This brought letters of a not very mild or peaceful character from some of the clergy thus addressed. The controversy grew warmer and more personal, a long correspondence took place, two councils Avere called, and the parish twice voted that the connection between them and Mr. Codman was dissolved. On the Sunday subse- quent to November 2'l:th, 1812, another minister was procured by the parish to officiate, and a guard placed on the pulpit stairs to prevent Mr. Codman's entrance. After an ineffectual attempt to ascend the stairs, he commenced the morning services, standing below, before the other minister arrived, and finish- ed them without interruption. He then retired with his friends, when Mr. Warren Pierce, Preceptor of Milton Academy, whom the parish had engaged, preached from the pulpit, retaining possession thereof during a short intermission, and after a second HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. ' 381 service he and his audience retired. Mr. Codman occupied the pulpit in the latter part of the after- noon — so that there was no lack of preaching on that day. To show in what respect the parties differed in re- gard to men and measures, the following letters are published. They were written a short time before the controversy was ended, and are indicative of the proclivities of a large portion of the clergy then in this vicinity. The first is from Thomas Tileston, Esq., chairman of the Committee of the Parish, to the Rev. Mr. Codman. Dorchester, Dec. 30, 1811. Kev'd Sir, — The Parish Committee met agreeably to your appointment, on Friday last, and were met by part of the Church Committee. Not hearing of your indisposition iintil that time, and the gentlemen who met us not being authorized to enter fully into the business of choosing a Council, no business .of course could be transacted. It was, however, suggested by the chairman of the Church Committee, that you was willing to agree upon any number of ministers to compose the Council that might be agreeable to them. The Committee are not particular as to the exact number that may compose the Council, but are of opinion that five or seven clergymen, &c., will form a Council sufSciently large. the gentlemen also mentioned to the Committee the pro- priety of sending you a number of names, previous to the adjournment on Thursday next, that you might have an op- portunity of choosing from the list a gentleman as- umpire of the Council. The Committee therefore agree, Sir, to send you the sub- joined (large and respectable) list of ministers, for you to make your selection for the above purpose. If either of the gentlemen proposed should meet your ap- probation, you are requested to give the Committee informa- tion as early as possible, in order that they may be prepared to complete the whole business at the adjournment. Should 41 382 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. you wholly reject the list, the Committee are desirous that you would assign your reasons therefor. Kev. Dr. Barnard, Salem. " Dr. Prince, " " Dr. Lathrop, Boston. " Dr. Reed, Bridgewaier. " Mr. Whiting, Northboro\ " Dr. Elliot, Boston. " Dr. Porter, Roxhiiry. " Mr. Bradford, " " Mr. Gray, " " Mr. Pierce, Brookline. " Mr. Eliot, Watertotvn. " Mr. Thatcher, Dedham. " Dr. Kendall, Weston. Rev. Dr. Y^\vk\Q,\\dL, Cambridge. Dr. Ware, ■ " Prof. McKean, " Mr. Foster, Brighton. Mr. Riply, Concord. Mr. Abbot, Beverly. Mr. Coleman, Bingham. Mr. Whitney, " Mr. Whitney, Quincy. Mr. Allyn, Daxbury. Mr. Thayer, Lancaster. Mr. Popkins, Neiubiiry. Dr. Bancroft, Worcester. N. B. Should your health prevent your meeting the Com- mittee on Thursday next, you are requested to give the Committee notice seasonably, to prevent their attendance. Yours, &c. T. T. RKV. MR, CODMAN S REPLY. Dear Sir, — Your note of the 30th inst. was duly received. The state of the weather and of my health is such that it will not be prudent for me to meet the Committee to-morrow. As to the number of which the proposed Council is to con- sist, it appears to me proper, upon farther consideration, that, as the question to be submitted to another Council is the same which was submitted to the last, it should be decid- ed by, at least, an equal number. As it is desirable that that member of the Council to be mutually agreed upon should be so impartial, that both par- ties can unite in the choice, I cannot conceive upon what principle you have arranged, in your "large and respectable " list of ministers, those who have already, in the most public manner, expressed their opinions upon the question to be sub- mitted to another Council, and those with whom I have not exchanged ministerial labors in the Boston Association, which constitutes the ostensible ground of your complaint. Justice requires that the terms of submission of your com- plaints and grievances against me should be equal. I shall not, therefore, deny you the privilege of choosing either of the six respectable ministers who have already decided the same question in my favor ; and, as I have not selected any from yoiir list, I beg leave to propose one for your consideration. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 383 formed on similar principles, equally "large and respectable." " Should you wholly reject this list," I will not insist upon your " assigning- your reasons," as I conceive delicacy equally forbids it on your part and on mine, but will thank you to send me a list of impartial men, and if I cannot select one, I will send you a list of equal number. In this way we may possibly find one in whom we can unite. With the usual compliments of the season> I am, Sir, and Gentlemen of the Committee, With due respect, your friend and Pastor, JOHN CODMAN. Dorchester, Jan. 1, 1812. Thomas Tileston, Esq., Chairman of the Committee of the Second Parish in Dorchester. N. B. If you should show this list, I trust you will have the candor to show the one you sent me, and my reasons assigned herein for sending you a list of men, some of whom have already expressed their opinions — which I should not have thought of doing, except in answer to your list. Rev. Prof. Stuart, Andover. Rev. Dr. Prentiss, Medfield. " Dr. Lyman, Hatfield. " Mr. Greenough, Neioton Mr. Niles, Abington. Mr. Litchfield, Carlisle. Dr. Austin, Worcester. \ " Mr. Tompkins, i?auer/w7Z Dr. Morse, Gharlestown. Dr. Worcester, Salem. Mr. Dickinson, HoUiston. Mr. Storrs, Z/onc/mmcfoiw. Dr. Hopkins, " " Mr. Packard, Shelburne " Mr. Emerson, " " Mr. Strong, Randolph. " Dr. Griffin, Boston. " Mr. Sanburn, Reading. " Dr. Emmons, Franklin. " Mr. Emerson, " " Dr. Spring, Newhuryport. " Mr. Emerson, Beverly. " Dr. Crane, Northbridge. " Mr. Walker, Danvers. " Dr. Woods, Andover. " Mr. Payson, Portland. The six first named clergymen belonged to the old Council. Those acquainted with the names given in these two lists, will see the nature of the differences which divided the parish from its minister. The members opposed to Mr. Codman insisted, that in forming a new Society it was from urgent necessity, and not from a desire of change ; that they expected and 384 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. desired to hear the same preachers as before, and that Mr. Codman having joined the Boston Associa- tion, it was presumed he would exchange with all its members. Mr. Codman and his friends under- stood the case differently, and refen-ed their oppo- nents to his confession of faith, read before the or- daining council, as evidence that he was of the Cal- vinistic school — that he believed in the Trinity, the Assembly's Catechism, and in general to the Confes- sion of Faith drawn up in 1680 and recommended to the Congregational Churches of Massachusetts. Not long after the proceedings which prevented Mr. Codman from entering the pulpit, the party op- posed to the minister agreed to sell their pews and leave the parish. Thus ended an ecclesiastical quar- rel, which was carried on with great violence and acrimony, especially towards its close. It was full twenty years after the last-named public act, before the bitter effects of the controversy were effaced ; but now every thing is forgotten, respect and good will exist between all the different parishes in town, and peace is within their own borders. Eve- ry prominent mover in the affair is dead, and the matter is recorded only as a part of the history of the town that could not properly be omitted. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 385 CHAPTER XX. Political Parties — New Meeting-house of the First Parish — Situation of Dorchester— HoLiaes— Population — Dress and Customs of our Ances- tors. In political matters Dorchester has generally been conservative. In the days of the Revolution it was firm and reliable, with but few tories within its bor- ders. Lieut. Gov. Thomas Oliver was one of these, and a son of Gen. Estes Hatch was another. These were the most prominent, and left the place. Lieut. Gov. Oliver lived in the house now occupied by Messrs. George and John Richardson, at the Five Corners. From 1806 to 1813 a majority of the voters were of the Republican party ; but from that time, so long as John Brooks was Governor, were on the Federal side. There Avere many very bitter opponents to the war of 1812 in the town, and party spirit was carried to great extremes. A regiment from the western part of the State was stationed awhile during the war at Commercial Point. After the administration of Gov. Brooks ceased, a majority of the town voted for William Eustis. Both of these persons had been actors in the American Revolution, and for that class of persons the town felt a peculiar regard, and in their administrations had the fullest confidence. The great gale of September, 1815, so shattered the old meeting-house, that it became necessary to erect a new edifice, and the present church of the 386 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. First Parish was built in 1816, and dedicated in De- cember of that year. It was a work of great import- ance to the parish at that time, it being the year suc- ceeding the close of the war; but the members were united, and the work was successful. The plans were by Oliver Warren, one of the best architects of these days. The building cost upwards of §2 1,000, and is remarkable for its great strength. Its size is as follows : 72 feet 9 inches long and 62 feet wide ; the height of the steeple 128 feet 10 inches, and is one of the most beautiful in the State. Its elevat- ed position makes it a mark for the lightning, from which it has slightly suffered two or three times. The location of Dorchester is picturesque, and even elegant. It lies at the head of Dorchester bay, which is southerly of and adjoining Boston harbor. As you approach it from the sea, its houses may be seen on its airy hills, or nestled in its fertile vales, pre- senting a landscape of great beauty. The surface of the ground is uneven enough to give that agreeable variety of hill and dale so charming to a poet's eye. Several of the hills afford most magnificent pros- pects, so that the most romantic and critical might be entirely satisfied. Jones's hill,* on the north ; Pope's hill, on the south-east ; Bird's hill, or Mt. Ida; Mt. Bowdoin, near the centre; Duncan's, or Codman's, on the south ; and several other emi- nences, afford extensive views of cities, country * It is believed that portions of twenty-one cities and towns can be seen from this eminence. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 387 towns, villages, liighlaiicls, ocean, rivers, islands, and vessels. Well might one exclaim of such a prospect, '• If this country be not rich, then is the whole world poor." Strangers from all parts of the country, especially descendants from its early settlers, visit this ancient town, to see its old burying-ground, to^ ascend its hills and admire its landscapes, and are invariably delighted with its appearance. Most of the dwell- ings beino- surrounded with trees, both for foliage and for fruit, it has a rural appearance, although near the metropohs of New England and the most cultivated society in the land. It is interesting to glance at the progress of our townsmen in regard to their dwelling-houses ; and what would apply here, would also apply to most of the towns in the vicinity. A great portion of their time for the first two years, except that ab- solutely required for collecting food and the other necessaries of life, was occupied in arranging the set- tlement, and granting and laying out lands. It ap- pears that each one had liberty to choose his own homestead, bat the other lands were distributed by grants. A large portion of the houses were built of logs, and covered with thatch which grew upon the salt marshes. In their great care and conside- ration for the wants of the community and of new comers (for which our fathers were very remarka- ble), they leserved a piece of marsh land for the free use of the inhabitants ; but the greediness of their descendants seems to have swallowed it up, for it 388 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. does not now appear in the list of town property, nor is there any account of its sale. As by industry and indefatigable labor the inha- bitants increased their material possessions, a better class of buildings took the place of their first rude huts, and, like their clothing, maintained a similar- ity of style and finish ; but as the timber used in their construction was principally of oak, they were remarkably well calculated to stand the test of time and tlie fierceness of the tempests. >s=s, „,.^i» ^T^-^.. -%J. The picture here presented was drawn for Samuel Blake, Esq., and used by him in his genealogical history of the Blakes of Dorchester. This house was undoubtedly built by Elder James Blake, previ- ous to 1650, and was one of the best and most comely of that time. The hands of the carpenter and painter have altered its outward appearance, and the one- story addition on the right was placed there within the last quarter of a century. This house stands in Cottage Street, near the Five Corners, about HISTORY OF DOUCHESTER. 389 twenty rods north from the street. It is now owned and occupied by Mrs. Jane Williams, but was in the Blake family from the time of its erection until 1825. In the manner of conducting funerals, since the settlement of the town, there has been a great change — in many respects certainly for the better. In their desire to avoid the formality of the Episco- pal Church, our ancestors appear to have entirely omitted prayers on these occasions ; but it is pro- bable they often had sermons and addresses, and perhaps singing. It has been said that the first prayer offered at a funeral in Boston, Avas at the burial of Rev. Dr. Mayhew^ in 1766, although prayers had been quite frequent in the neighboring- towns, even previous to the year 1700. But in regard to some of their observances on these occasions, great extravagance was indulged in. It is singular that a people so plain and precise should have gone to such extremes at these solemn seasons. This was more particularly the case at the funerals of those of rank, influence or wealth. In looking over old papers relating to the estates of deceased persons, many bills are found which strangely contrast with bills for funeral expenses in these days. West In- dia rum, Lisbon wine, lemons, sugar, pipes, tobacco, gloves, scarfs, hat-bands, and sometimes gold rings, were provided, and especially at the funerals of min^- isters, which were paid at the public charge. Some- times these amounts were large enough to impove- rish a small estate, not unfrequently being £100 or even £200. At the funeral of Rev. J. Danforth, 42 390 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. of this town, in 1730, the expenses were £59 4^. 4^/., exclusive of mourning- clothes. It was usual for a whole neighborhood to attend funerals, and all busi- ness and pleasure gave way to them ; and sorry are we to add, that it was not an uncommon thing for persons to attend for the sake of the entertainment, and sometimes they indulged too freely. The corpse was placed upon a bier, and carried to the grave on the shoulders of friends and neighbors ; and when the distance was great, Uvo or three sets of bearers officiated by turns. Many of the present generation remember this mode of burial. The Continental Congress, by a vote passed in 1774, took the first great initiative in discouraging the gifts and other costly expenses at funerals. In the selection of a burial place, the great object of our ancestors appears to have been to secure a place of easy digging, provided the land was of no great use for other purposes. For this reason we see so m.any otherwise inappropriate places set apart for this purpose. In grave-stones, too, wdiat an ad- vance has been made in point of taste ! First we had, on the ancient stones, the horrible skull and cross-bones ; then a dismal-looking face, with cross- bones omitted ; afterwards a face more genial to look upon ; then the weeping willow over an urn ; the wdl- low without the urn soon followed ; then the broken shaft ; and, later, a butterfly soaring upw^ards from the chrysalis. Surely, taking a wise view of life and immortality, here has been one of the greatest of im- provements. Instead of the sombre and the terrific, now- appear the genial and the angelic ; instead of the HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 391 place of skulls and carrion, evergreens and flowers perennial — making our cemeteries the christian por- tal (when the curtain of mortality shall be withdrawn) to a celestial day. Our ancestors having been elbowed about so much in England, had no idea of being cramped for want of room after their arrival here ; they therefore, in their new settlements, took special care to secure land enough around their dwellings. As early as 1635, when the scheme of removing to the banks of Connecticut river was contemplated, the want of room was a reason given for the expedition. The same want was probably felt by the neighboring towns, and was one of the considerations which led the General Court to extend the borders of the plan- tations, as an inducement for the settlers to remain ; although enlarging the boundary line added no ad- ditional acres to the colony. Dorchester was at this time enlarged, so that it reached from Boston on the north, to within 160 rods of Khode Island on the south ; yet now, in 1857, after having been largely shorn of its dimensions to build up new towns and portions of towns, it has plenty of room remaining. It was customary for many persons, on their arrival in the colony, to take up their abode with their friends until they had decided where to locate ; and many so remained in Dorchester, so that its perma- nent inhabitants increased but very slowly for the first hundred years after its settlement. The births in the town, from 1657 to the end of 1734, a period of 78 years, were 2,416 ; while the deaths in the town for the same period were only 921 — which 392 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. shows that many who were born here must have died elsewhere. In seating the people in the meet- ing-house, in 1692, there were seats provided for 171 men and 180 women, and on Sundays they were expected to be in their seats. The rateable polls in the town, in 1641, were " not lesse in number than six score or theraboute," which multiplied by five, the usual mode of computing the population, would give 600 inhabitants. In 1727 there were rateable polls, 252; this would give, including 17 slaves, 1,277. The number of houses at that time Avas 117. In March, 1776, the number of inhabitants, includ- ing 35 negroes and mulattoes, was 1,550. After this last date, the national censuses, from 1790 to 1850, show the population to have been as follows : Year. Houses. Population. 1790 256 1,722 1800 305 2,347 1810 2,930 1820 8,684 1830 4,064 1840 4,458 1850 7,968 By censuses of the State and town, the population was as follows : By the town in 1840 4,875 1846 6,500 1848 7,386 By the State in 1855 8,357 In giving an account of the dress and early habits of our ancestors, we can offer nothing that will com- pare with the admirable description given by Kev. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 393 Charles Brooks, in his History of Medford, Mass. It applies as well to families on the banks of the Neponset as to those on the banks of the Mystic. Of their dress he says : " The common every-day dress of our ancestors was very plain, strong, and comfortable ; but their Sunday suits were expensive, elaborate, and ornamental. The men, in their Sunday attire, wore broad-brimmed hats, turned up into three corners, with loops at the side, showing full bush-wigs be- neath them ; long coats, the very opposite of the swallow- tails, having large pocket-folds and cuffs, and without collars, the buttons either plated or of pure silver, and of the size of half a dollar ; vests, also without collars, but very long, hav- ing graceful peiidulous lappet-pockets ; shirts, with bosoms and wrist ruffles, and with gold and silver buckles at the wrist, united by a link ; the neckcloths or scarfs of fine linen, or figured stuff, or embroidered, the ends hanging loosely. Small-clothes were in fashion, and only reached a little below the knees, where they were ornamented with silver buckles of liberal size ; the legs were covered with gray stockings, and the feet with shoes, ornamented with straps and silver buckles. Boots were sometimes worn, having broad white tops ; gloves, on great occasions, and mittens in the winter. A gentleman, with his cocked-up hat and white bush-wig ; his chocolate-colored coat, buff vest, and small-clothes ; his brown stockings and black shoes ; his ruffles, buckles, and but- tons— presented an imposing figure, and showed a man who would probably demean himself with dignity and intelligence. " The best dress of the rich was very costly : The scarlet coat, wadded skirts, full sleeves, cuffs reaching to the elbows, wristbands fringed with lace ; embroidered bands, tassels, gold buttons ; vests fringed with lace ; and small-clothes with puffs, points, buckles, &c. ; a sword hanging by the side. " The visiting-dress of the ladies was more costly, compli- cated and ornamental than their husbands or brothers wore. But with them we have little to do in this liiicf notice, and therefore leave to others the description of their coiffures, 39-4: HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. which were so high as to bring their faces almost into the middle of their bodies ; their black silk and satin bonnets ; their gowns, so extremely long-waisted ; their tight sleeves, which were sometimes very short, with an immense frill at the elbow ; their spreading hoops and long trails ; their high- heeled shoes, and their rich brocades, flounces, spangles, embroidered aprons, &c. Their dress on the sabbath was simple, secure, and modest : A cheap straw bonnet, with only one bow without, and no ornament but the face within ; a calico dress, of sober colors, high up in the neck, with a simple white muslin collar just peeping round the top ; a neat little shawl, and a stout pair of shoes — ^thesc presented to the eye the Pui'itau costume of our ancestral and pious mothers." In. regard to some of their domestic habits, Mr. Brooks observes : " Wo may get the truest ideas of these by watching, through two days, all the plans and movements of a fami- ly in their log-hut. We will take Saturday and Sunday. Let us look closely. The father is a strong man of forty-six, with a true Puritan heart ; and his wife is seven years his junior, with good health and without anxiety. Their first child is a son, eighteen years old ; the next is a daughter of sixteen ; then come three boys, their ages fourteen, eleven, and eight ; and the youngest child is a daughter aged six. Of hired men or women, they had none. Extra help came from what they called ' change work.' " Let lis first mark the cares and labors of the farmer and his boys. Saturday was a busy day with them ; although one day's or one year's experience was almost exactly like another's. ^' To rise early was not considered worthy of any remark ; while not rising early would have been deemed a crime. To be up before daylight was a matter of course with every family. The father was expected to move first ; to strike a liglit with flint and steel ; to kindle a fire under the kettle in wliich the water for the porridge was to be boiled. This done, PlISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 395 he calls the boys, who soon appeal', and after them the mother and daughter. One wooden wash-basin, in the sink, served each in turn for morning ablutions ; and one roller sufficed for wiping all faces. Their dress is suited to their work. The father wears an old cocked-up hat, or a thick cotton cap ; no cravat, but a low shirt-collar ; a short frock of strongest warp ; a pair of old leather breeches ; and leggins, which were confined above the knee, and tied over the shoe with a string round the middle of the foot. The boys had cotton caps on their heads, or the remnants of old felt-hats ; short jackets, of the coarsest fabric ; leather breeches, and leggins. By earliest dawn, the father and his three eldest sons are in the cow-yard, milking. This over, the youngest son drives the cows to pasture, and hastens back to the next duties. The hogs have received their allowance of butter- milk. The morning's milk has been strained and set for cream, or heated to begin a cheese. Then come the reading of the sacred Scriptures and the family prayers. Immediately afterwards follows the breakfost, which in winter is by candle- light, and in summer by dawn-light. The breakfast, com- menced by ' asking a blessing ' and closed by ' returning thanks,' consists of pea-porridge, dealt out, before sitting down, in small wooden bowls. A small central dish has in it some salted shad and smoked alewives ; or peradventure some fresh eels which the boys caught from the river the evening before. With these, brown bread and beer are served ; and here ended the usual variety. Sometimes the children were regaled with samp and milk, and the father with boiled salt pork. From the breakfast-table the father and sons repair to the field, and are at work by six o'clock. With their tools, they have taken the family-gun, not so much from fear of In- dians, as the hope of securing some valuable game. Some- times a fine deer crosses their field, on his way to the river ; and, if they are so fortunate as to take him, it makes a feast- week at home ; for every part is eaten. Salted and smoked, it was deemed a very savoiy dish. By half-past 8 o'clock, our laborers in the field are ready for the usual lunch, which consists of smoked shad, bread and cheese, and cider. Thus 396 HISTORY OF dorciiester. sustained till a quarter before twelve, they hear the dinner- horn announcing — what the boys had been expecting with im- patience — dinner. All hands break oft" and start for home, and are ready to sit down at the table just as the sun is square on the window-ledge, and the sand in the hour-glass is out. A blessing craved, they begin with the Indian pud- ding, and relish it with a little molasses. Next come a piece of broiled salt pork, or black broth, fried eggs, brown bread, cabbage, and cider. They denominated their dinner ' boiled victuals ; ' and their plates, 'wooden trenchers.' * * * Dinner despatched in fifteen minutes, the time till one o'clock was called ' nooning,' when each laborer was free to sleep or play. Nooning over, they repair to the fields, and find that a fox or wolf has killed a sheep, and eaten his dinner. The father takes his gun and hastens in search, telling the boys ' to keep at their work, and, if they see the fox, to whistle with all their might.' The fox, that took great pains to be there when the owner was away, now takes great pains to be away when the owner is there. A drink of good beer all round, at three o'clock, is the only relief in the afternoon's toil, which ends at five ; at which hour the youngest son drives home the cows, and the milking is finished at six. The hogs and sheep are now called to their enclosures near the barn, where the fliithful dog will guard them I'rom their night- prowling enemies. All things being safe, supper is ready. The father takes a slice of cold broiled pork, the usual brown bread, and a mug of beer, while the boys are regaled with milk porridge or hasty-pudding. In their season, they had water-melons and musk-melons ; and, for extra occasions, a little cherry wine. Sometimes they had boiled Indian corn, mixed with kidney-beans. Into bean and pea porridge they put a slice of salted venison. They had also succatash, which is corn and beans boiled together. The meat of the shag-bark was dried and pounded, and then put into their porridge to thicken it. The barley fire-cake was served at breakfast. They parched corn, and pounded it, and made it into a nokake. Baked pumpkins were common. The extra dish, for company, was a cake made of strawberries and HISTORY OF DORCHESTEE.. 397 parched corn. The same religious exercises as -were offered at dinner are now repeated. At seven o'clock, a neighbor calls, not to ask the news, for there is none, but to propose a change of work for next Tuesday. This is agreed to; and, as our ancestors made up in hearty welcome what they want- ed in luxuries, a mug of cider is drunk, by way of entertain- ment ; and half past seven finds the neighbor gone, and the household ready for family praj^ers. The Scriptures are read in turn, — the Old Testament in the morning, and the New at night. Eight o'clock records the entire family in bed, ex- cept one of the boys, who has an inquisitive mind, and has borrowed a book on witchcraft : and he is allowed to sit up till nine, and read by the light of a pitch-pine knot, stuck into a hole in the chimney corner. " This simple round of needful duties must be daily repeat- ed through the six months of Avarm weather, and a yet more simple routine for the remainder of the year. "Now let us see how the mother and daughters get through that Saturday in the log-hut. Their house — which had two covered rooms below, a kitchen that went up to the roof, and two lofts as attic chambers— required very little care ; and the beds could be made in an incredibly short time. The first duty of the morning was cooking the breakfast ; and, after the water was boiling, it needed but thirty minutes to complete the process. The daughters set the table, whose furniture consisted of wooden plates, pewter spoons, two knives and forks, the father's dish of smoked shad, the boys' bowls of pea-porridge, a plate of brown bread and a mug of cider. To wash up and clear off the whole, after breakfast, needed but fifteen minutes of brisk application by the two daughters. The lunch prepared for the men has gone with them to the field ; and now the cheese must be made, and it must be made with care. This takes till 8 o'clock ; and hard work it is, — the ' turning ' of the cheeses harder still, Sat- urday is baking day ; and the three females are busy in pre- paring for the event. The oven had its opening on the out- side of the house, behind the chimney, and was doiible the size of modern ones. One brings wood to heat the oven ; 43 398 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. another gets the Indian meal and, rye ; a third brings a pail of water. Here are beans to be picked over, pork to be cut, and dough to be kneaded. The kitchen is busy ; all hands are at work ; and the baking for seven days cannot be prepared in less than three hours. Eleven o'clock has unexpectedly come, and it demands that dinner should be thought of ; and all other business is suspended to provide for that. At the fixed moment, the elder daughter blows the horn ; and the laborers from the field are anon at their dinner. No washing up of dinner-things to-day till after the batch is set in. The oven is soon cleared of fire, swept and dusted ; and then go into the hottest part the large oval lumps of brown-bread dough, because they require the strongest heat. Next comes the huge stone pot of beans, with its top cover- ed by a thick slice of pork ; and beside it the Indian pud- ding in a broad, deep, earthen bowl. The oven's mouth is stopped with a piece of plank, and the crevices are plastered up with clay. Two o'clock witnesses all things in trim order ; and the mother is ready to do a little weaving, the elder daughter a little mending, and the child steals out for a little play with her pet lamb. A female neighbor has just come through the woods to invite her fi'iends to a 'quilting,' which is to begin at one o'clock next Wednesday. The joy of such an event makes the bright eyes of the daughter laugh at every corner. The whole heavens to her are now spangled with rainbows. To refuse such an invitation is unheard of The visitor has left ; and the girl of sixteen is plying her mother with questions about who will be at the quilting, not dai-ing to ask about one whom she most hopes may drop in during the evening. So engrossed have become the minds of the mother and daughter, that they have half forgotten that sup- per must be had. They now hasten to their work, and have all things ready in due season. As soon as the brothers en- ter the house, the sisters announce the great quilting party ; and the fond father smiles at the exuberant joy of that darl- ing creature, who is just budding into womanhood. Earlier than usual is all labor and worldly care to cease ; for it is Sat- urday night. The Sabbath is at hand ; and therefore they HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 399 would shake ofif the dust of earth from their sandals, and prepare their hearts for that day which God has prepared for them. Every thing is ready. The sun goes down ; and their Sabbath has begun. The family soon gather about their do- mestic altar ; and the pious fother reads the Sacred Scrip- tures, and- then offers his Saturday-evening prayer. It is not long before the weary inmates of that house begin to think of rest. The weekly ablutions, required on this evening, are gone through by all the younger members of the circle ; after which they all retire,- — the father to count up the gains of the week, the mother to plan for the good of her children, the boys to travel in the land of nod, and the daughter to guess whom she will meet at the quilting. " Here let us say a word about the mother's duties, which were as important, and oftentimes more onerous, than the father's. Sick or well, the cooking and washing must be done ; and ' hired help ' could not be had. Moreover, the butter and cheese must be made, the cloth must be woven, the stockings must be knit, and the weekly mending must be done. To clothe and feed the several laborers, and then to receive and take care of many products of the farm, belonged to the mother and daughter. The toil of the females was as unremitted as the alternation of morning and evening ; and no day in the year could bring them a vacation. *' We have seen how the farmer's family passed their Sat- urday, let us now see what they do on the following Sunday. The only manual labor allowed was that of imperious neces- sity : any thing furtlier was thought to violate the jealous sanctity of the day. The iron strictness with which Sunday must be kept, made every Puritan look on that occasion as if two fast-days had met in one. The hour of rising was re- markably late ; and nothing like hurry was seen in the house. Nature found a relief in this. When the milking was over, and 'the chores done,' the quiet breakfast gathers the sober family around the table, where the usual provisions are spread, and where, at the end of the meal, the mother sur- prises her sons with a fresh-baked apple-pie, smoking from a two-quart earthen dish. This argument, addressed to the 400 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. stomach, the children readily comprehend ; and each takes his slice in his hand, and, without winking, proceeds to busi- ness. Breakfast being finished, the morning worship is now to be offered. The father takes the family Bible ; calls his little daughter to look over him as he reads ; and then, in slow and reverent tone, reads two or three chapters from the New Testament. Careful not to kneel and not to sit, the famil}^ all stand up while the flither, in extemporaneous prayer, thanks the Giver of every good for his bounties, con- fesses his sins with humility and penitence, asks for pardon through a divine Redeemer, supplicates for the new heart and new life of the gospel, and prays for the heavenly guidance. In these general expressions, he does not forget to thank God especially for the religious freedom enjoyed in America, and to implore that Popery, Episcopacy, and all other heresies, may be kept out of his true church here. There is now an hour before it will be necessary to start for meeting ; and this hour is occupied by the children in committing to memory a few verses from the Bible, or a hymn from Sternhold and Hopkins, or a page from the Catechism. The mother spends the hour in teaching her little daughter some Christian his- tory, or telling her the story of Joseph from the Old Testa- ment. The father hears the other children say their lessons, and acts as the superintendent of this first and best of Sunday schools. The hour has now arrived for the Avhole family to leave for the meeting-house ; and, whether it be in this planta- tion or the next, there is no apology available for absence from public worship. God's command, and the penalties of the statute-law, decide this case without equivocation. If the weather be fair, the children walk, be the distance one mile or three. Each one is dressed in the full Sunday attire, and feels it of paramount importance not to tear or soil it. They all keep together. The father mounts his horse, and then takes his wife upon a pillion behind him. If it bo rainy, the oxen are hitched to the cart, and chairs and logs make seats within it ; and thus the family go together. If the father be one of the appointed ' watchers,' then he must take his gun and ammunition, and be ready to repel any savage HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 401 attack. Public worship began at eleven o'clock; and the morning service was a glass and a half long; that is, it ended at half-past twelve. The half-hour of intermission was spent in and around the meeting-house ; and friends met there that could not get within speaking distance at any other time. The young folks were apt to huddle up together, and did not always talk about religion. The services of the afternoon were concluded at half-past two ; and our fiimily have reached home in one hour afterwards. The pillion, for safe keeping, is put under the bed, the saddle hung up in the barn, and the horse turned out to pasture. The funily are now ready for a meal, which unites dinner and supper ; and forth from the oven come that pot of beans witli its coronal pork, and that Indian pudding, all perfectly done, having been in prison about twenty-four hours. Grace being said, the pudding is the first dish ; and it is a delicious dish too. The color of the pudding is a deep, rich amber ; and the juice or jelly is abundant. Hunger is the best sauce ; but it does not need that to make this savory. Two plates-full apiece scarce- ly satisfy the young Iblks. The beans come next ; and this strong and hearty food is eaten with a relish ; though it will taste better to-morrow, when no pudding precedes it. When the dinner seems to be over, tlie mother opens the table- drawer ; and lo ! a nice apple-pie ! Appetite comes again at the sight of new delicacies ; and it takes no logic to con- vince the children that a slice of that pie will do them good. During the dinner, they have talked about those they saw at meeting, and each narrated what news he had found. The father had heard how much money was sunk by Mr. Cradock in his fishing speculation ; and the reading boy had brought home 'J. Janeway's Address to Citizens of London, after the Great Fire of 1GG6,' just published. The first act after Sun- day dinner, was to take off the Sunday clothes. Each one does this ; and then the mother assembles her children around her, each seated on his block ; and she hears them repeat the Catechism, and then endeavors to impress their minds with the truths which the sermons of the day have set forth. During this last exercise, the youngest daughter has fallen 402 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. asleep, the youngest boy has tried to catch flies, and the rest of her audience hav'c paid some heed. It is now time to close the religious exercises of the Sabbath, by reading the Sacred Scriptures and joining in family prayer. This service has the truth and fervor of humble worshippers. Piety and love are laid on the altar ; and the concluding Amen testifies to a Sabbath spent in the fear of God and the love of man. The father and sons now repair to the barn, and the milking is soon finished. By this time the sun has set ; and, as if con- science had set with it, any secular pursuit now seems half allowable. The wood for to-morrow's washing is carried in ; the great kettle is filled with water : the kindlings are put in the corner ; and everything is ready for the earliest start. The mother and daughters, who have not dared to wash the breakflist or dinner things while the sun was up, now begin that operation ; and then get all the clothes together which must be washed, and put them in soak. The great kettle is now hung on ; and it almost seems as if Monday morning had arrived. The eldest son knows it has not, and knows there is a Sunday evening yet to come ; and, full of silent thoughts and tender emotions, he slips out, in full dress, at seven o'clock, to ' drop in ' accidentally at neighbor A.'s, whose blooming daughter of seventeen he likes to look at. If he can get her to go and help him sing at Mr. B.'s for an hour with some of the Sunday choir, why, then what? Any visit- ing on Sunday evening, except for courting or practising singing by the choir, being positively forbidden, it somehow always happened that the choir would meet on Sunday eve- ning ; and there was sure to be a remarkably full attendance ! Thus the ' singing-school ' was the Newport and Saratoga of the time. Kecreation of some sort every human being must have, if he would thrive. He claims it as Nature's law. Our Puritan Fathers needed recreation to lubricate the joints of life. While they have been singing at Mr. B.'s, the log- hut has not been without its music. The parents have led, and the children followed, in some of the good old psalm- tunes which have come down from former generations. At half-past eight o'clock, the candle is put out ; and the day of HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 403 worship and rest has ended to the farmer's family,— except to the eldest son, who, at half-past nine, opens that door which is never fastened, and quietly steals to bed without disturbing- the sleepers. " Any cooking whicli required sugar was too expensive for our early ancestors ; and the Sunday suit of clothes went through a whole life. For vocal music, they had the volun- teer solo from the cradle ; for instrumental, they had the sput- ter of the churn, the scraping of the wool-cards, the whiz of the spinning-wheel, and the jerk-rattle of the weaving-loom. Their sofa was the ' settle,' and their spring-seat was the soft side of an oaken plank ; their carpets were clean white sand ; their ceilings, rough boards and rafters ; and their parlor was at once kitchen, bedroom, and hall. We have seen what their clothing was ; and it was the product of their own looms and knitting-needles. The men were not encumbered with suspenders, or dickies, or umbrellas ; nor were the women ^ sighing after diamonds, opera-glass(;s or Cologne water. How expensive, vexatious and useless would have been long female dresses, bedraggled every moment in the grass ! Fash- ion, which is the labor of little minds, and not the repose of great ones, had not become the fickle tyrant we now see it. They aimed at health ; and the children who were born weak and feeble could not be kept alive, as they are by modern skill : hence the robustness of those who survived. We come, then, to the conclusion, that moderate labor, simple diet, sufficient sleep, regular habits, and mental peace, each helped to prolong life and secure contentment. * * * Our fathers had strong common sense ; and while they were devoted to a Puritan faith and an exclusive church, they did not lose their humanity ; but the very necessities of their condition brought them to the most practical results, and to the sound- est philosophy of life " 40 1 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. CHAPTER XXI. Briol" .Sketch of tlie Religious Societies of Dorcliesler, to 1857, FIRST FA RISK, Rev. John Maverick and Rev. John Warhani were the first ministers of Dorchester. The Churcli was gathered at the new hospital in Plymouth, Eng- land, March 20th, 1630, as the emigrants were about to embark for this country. Johnson says that they Avonld not have been allowed to form a Congrega- tional Church in England, were it not that they had previously engaged their passage to New England. He calls Mr. Maverick the " godly Mr. Maverick," and Mr. Warham he styles the " gracious servant of Christ." Mr. Warham had been a minister at Exeter, England, and Mr. Maverick resided about forty miles from there. According to Morton, INIr. Maverick died in Boston, February 3, 1636. He is supposed to have been buried in the first burying- ground in Dorchester, Avhich was near the first meet- ino-house. He was father to the somewhat noted Samuel Maverick, of Noddle's Island. In the latter part of the year 1635, a hirge number of the Church removed to Windsor, Ct., and commenced the settle- ment of that place. It is supposed that they took with them the Church Records to that date, as they are not at present to be found. There is a tradition that both of the ministers were adverse to their re- moval. Mr. Maverick was the oldest, and was born about the vear 1575. Mr. Warham died at Wind- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 405 sor, April 1, 1670, leaving a character long cher- ished for its christian attainments. Both had been ordained as ministers by Bishops of the Church of England. In 1636, August 23d, Kev. Richard Mather was in- stalled teacher of the Dorchester Church, and a new covenant was formed. A sketch of the life of this distinguished man may be seen on page 212 of this work. In 1637, the Church invited Rev. Nathaniel Rogers to settle as colleague with Mr. Mather ; but he declined, and was afterwards the minister of Ips- wich. In the month of February, 1640, Rev. Jonathan Burr was settled as colleague with Mr. Mather. The latter died April 22, 1669. Mr. Burr died August 9, 1641, aged 37 years. He had the smallpox soon after his arrival in this country, which left him in a state of debility, and probably shortened his life. He stood pre-eminent as a christian among his con- temporaries. Some farther account of him may be found on page 108 of this volume. Rev. John Wilson, Jr. (son of Rev. John, of Bos- ton) was ordained as colleague with Mr. Mather in 1649, and about two years after was settled in Med- field, Mass., where he preached about 40 years, and died August 23, 1691. The next minister settled in Dorchester, was Rev. Josiah Flint, son of Rev. Henry Flint, of Braintree. He graduated at Harvard College in 1664, and was ordained in Dorchester December 27, 1671. He died September 16, 1680, in the 35th year of his age, leaving a widow and several children. See a further account on page 240. 44 406 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Eev. John Danforth succeeded Mr. Flint. He was ordained June 8, 1682. He was son of Rev. Sam- uel Danforth, of Roxbury, was born in 1652, and graduated at Harvard College in 1677. He died May 26, 1730, and is the last minister of the First Church who died while in that office. Shortly before his death, he having become aged, Hev. Jona- than Bowman was chosen his colleague, and was or- dained November 5, 1729. Mr. Bowman was son of Joseph Bowman, of Lexington, and was born Febru- ary 23, 1703-4. He graduated at Harvard College in 1724, and remained in the ministry in Dorchester until December 14, 1773, when an unpleasant con- troversy arose, and he was dismissed, both at his own request and by the desire of the Church. An account of this controversy will be found at page 325. Eev. Moses Everett succeeded Mr. Bowman, and was ordained September 28, 1774. He was son of Ebenezer Everett, of Dedham, Mass., where he was born July 15, 1750. He remained in the min- istry about 19 years, and resigned, in consequence of ill health, January 14, 1793. See further particulars on page 331. Eev. Thaddeus Mason Harris was the successor of Mr. Everett, and was ordained October 23, 1793. He was son of William Harris ; was born in Charles- town, Mass., July 7, 1768, and graduated at Harvard College in 1787. He resigned his office October 23, 1836, on the 43d anniversary of his settlement, and died in Boston April 3, 1842. He was buried from the Church where he so long and faithfully minis- tered, a great concourse of people being present, and HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 407 a funeral address was delivered by his successor, Rev. Nathaniel Hall, which is in print. Rev. Nathaniel Hall, Jr., son of Nathaniel Hall, of Medford, was ordained colleague with Rev. Dr. Harris, July 16, 1835, and since the resignation of the latter, has been the sole pastor of the Church. SECOND PARISH. Until 1806, there was but one Church in Dor- chester, including what is now called South Boston. At that time it had become impossible for as many as wished to attend public worship, to be accommo- dated with seats ; and this led to the building of a sec- ond meeting-house, which was dedicated October 30, 1806. Rev. John Codman, of Boston, was ordained pastor of the new Church, December 7, 1808, and continued such to the close of his life, which was on the 23d of December, 1847. A sermon, descriptive of his character and virtues, was preached at his funeral, which was from the meeting-house where he so long and so successfully ministered, by Rev. Richard S. StoiTS, D.D., of Braintree. Rev. James H. Means was successor of Rev. Dr. Codman, and was ordained as pastor of the Church July 13, 1848, which office he still retains. THIRD PARISH. In consequence of the misunderstanding which occurred in the Second Church, an account of which has already been given, a portion of the members departed therefrom, and built another house in the south part of the town, which was dedicated October 408 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 6, 1813. This building having become somewhat out of repair, and not of very comely appearance, the Parish, in 1839, considered it expedient to erect an- other edifice, which was built in 1840, on a new road laid out for the accommodation of the Society the year previous, and known by the name of Rich- mond Street. This house was dedicated October 28, 1840, and stands not many rods distant from the old one. It is a graceful and elegant structure. The Building Committee were Darius Brewer, E. H. R. Ruggles and George Haynes ; Asher Benjamin, Architect ; Joseph Sanger, Master Builder. After the Parish left its first house of worship, it was converted into a hall for literary and other purposes, under the name of Richmond Hall. It stands on Washington Street, about 40 or 50 rods N.N.W. of Milton Bridge. The first minister of this Parish was Rev. Edward Richmond. He came to Dorchester from Stoughton, where he had preached nearly 25 years. He was in- stalled in Dorchester June 25, 1817. He resigned on account of paralysis May 13, 1833, and died April 10, 1842. He was born in Middleboro', Mass., June 29, 1767, and graduated at Providence in 1789. He was modest in his demeanor, but dignified ; though not a popular preacher, he wrote in a vigorous and beautiful style; he was a sympathizing friend to all who needed his services, and was held in very high es- teem by his parishioners and the neighboring clergy. The successor of Dr. Richmond was Rev. Francis Cunningham. He graduated at Harvard College in 1825, was ordained over this Society May 21, 1834, HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 409 and delivered his valedictory discourse September 4, 1842. The present pastor of this Society is Rev. Richard Pike. He was ordained February 8, 1843. FOURTH PARISH (mETHODIST EPISCOPAL SOCIETY). A Methodist Episcopal Church was gathered in Dorchester in the spring of 1817. The first church edifice occupied by the Society was dedicated May 6, 1818. The building, altered for that purpose, was originally a carpenter s shop. It was purchased of Adam Davenport, of Dorchester, by Mr. Anthony Otheman, who furnished it and presented it to the Society. Mr. Otheman was a Frenchman by birth, a man of decision and character, one of the last of the cocked-hat gentry, and was the principal if not the sole instrument in the formation of this Society. The building was provided with galleries, and would accommodate about 300 persons. It was situated on the east side of Washington Street, about one fourth of a mile north from Milton Bridge, and very near the spot now occupied by the Society for its place of worship. The first building has been removed to Adams Street, converted into a dwelling-house, and is now occupied by Mr. Daniel Pierce. The second house of worship was consecrated September 24, 1829. It is a neat and appropriate building, and will accommodate about 600 persons. The following are the names of the different min- isters of this Society. In 1816, Rev. Daniel Filmore took charge of the Society, and was assisted by Rev. Elijah Hedding. In 1817, Rev. William Granville 410 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. became minister of the Society. He was followed, in 1819, by Rev. Bartholomew Otheman; in 1820, by Rev. Benjamin Hazelton and Rev. Jotham Horton ; in 1821, by Rev. Isaac Jennison and Rev. Frederick Upham; in 1822, by Rev. Aaron D. Sargent; in 1823, by Rev. Stephen Puffer and Rev. Benjamin Jones; in 1824, by Rev. John Adams and Rev. La Roy Sunderland; in 1825, by Rev. Samuel G. Atkins; in 1826, by Rev. Nathan W. Scott ; in 1827, by Rev. Chauncy Richardson ; in 1828, by Rev. Rufus Spauld- ing; in 1830, by Rev. Nathan B. Spaulding; in 1831, by Rev. John T. Burrill; in 1833, by Rev. Aaron D. Sargeant; in 1835, by Rev. Phineas Cran- dall; in 1836, by Rev. Joel Knight; in 1837, by Rev. Newell S. Spaulding ; in 1839, by Rev. Epa- phras Kibbee ; in 1840, by Rev. Lyman Boyden ; in 1842, by Rev. Thomas C. Pierce; in 1843, by Rev. Mark Staples; in 1845, by Rev. J. S. Gridley; in 1846, by Rev. Thomas Tucker; in 1848, by Rev. J. W. Merrill; in 1850, by Rev. A. D. Sargent; in 1852, by Rev. Jotham Horton; in 1853, by Rev. Stephen Gushing ; in 1855, by Rev. Gershom F. Cox ; in 1856, by Rev. J. T. Pettee. FIFTH PARISH, OR VILLAGE CHURCH. The building first occupied by the Fifth Church, was called Village Chapel. It was, previously to the formation of this Society, the vestry-room of the Second Parish, and was presented by said Parish to the Village Church. It was removed from its origi- nal site to Neponset Street, was dedicated in 1828, and used as a place of worship till the building of HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 411 the present edifice, when it was converted into a dwelling-house. The present Village Church was built in 1829, at a cost of #6,077, and was dedicated September 1st, of that year. It was enlarged in 1836, at a cost of #868. It is situated on River Street, in the south part of the town, about fifty rods from Washington Street. The Church which occupied these buildings was formed March 18, 1829; and consisted chiefly of members from the Second Church in Dorchester (Rev. Dr. Codman's), twenty-one of the twenty-seven being from that Church. Rev. David Sanford, a graduate of Brown Univer- sity, was installed pastor of the Village Church July 14, 1830. He was dismissed, at his own request, on account of enfeebled health, and his dismission was ratified by an Ecclesiastical Council Sept. 17th, 1838. Since then he has preached at Medway, Mass. A minister of the same name was settled in Medway, from 1773 to 1807. Rev. Daniel Butler succeeded Mr. Sanford in Dor- chester. He was ordained October 31, 1838, and continued pastor of the Church until January 31, 1845. Since then, he has been an agent of the Mas- sachusetts Bible Society. , , , ,. r ■■'■' Rev. Daniel Dyer succeeded, and was ordahietl April 9, 1845, and continued until June 1, 1852. < / .-, ^ev. Daniel T. Noyes was his successor. He was ^ ^^^^^ o¥4aifted February 16, 1853, and continued to Feb. *"*^ 14, 1855. The present pastor is Rev. Theodore T. Munger, who was ordained February 6, 1856. fc *f "^ 412 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. SIXTH PARISH (first BAPTIST). The first Baptist Society in Dorchester was con- stituted at Neponset Hall (Neponset Village), June 7, 1837. Previous to 1835, there were only occa- sional religious meetings in Neponset Village. A large portion of those who formed the new Baptist Church formerly worshipped with the Second Parish, Rev. Dr. Codman's. Mr. Joshua Gushing, formerly of Scituate, and Deacon Jacob Flinn, who about this time removed to Neponset from South Boston, were the originators and upholders of the Church in its infancy. Rev. Bradley Miner was its first minister, and preached from June 7, 1837, to the Spring of 1846, when he left, much to the regret of the Parish. He went to Pittsfield from Dorchester, and from thence to Providence, where he died in the fall of 1854. He was among the most earnest and zealous preach- ers in the denomination. Rev. Humphrey Richards succeeded Mr. Miner, and was installed in July, 1846. He preached up- wards of eight years, and died September 4, 1854. He bore the character of an humble and devoted Christian. Rev. B. W. Barrows was ordained pastor of this Society May 30, 1855, and is the present minister. The first meeting-house of this Society was built in 1838, and dedicated August 15th, of that year. Since then, it has been enlarged. It is situated on Chickatabot Street, Neponset Village. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 413 SEVENTH PARISH (nORTH BAPTIST SOCIETY). Several years previous to the organization of this Society, a number of persons in the north part of the town commenced a weekly meeting for prayer and religious exhortation. The meetings were held at different places for some time, but usually at the house of Mr. Caleb Coburn, until they were estab- lished in an unfinished building called Union Hall, near the Burying Ground. Mr. Coburn was the most prominent in sustaining the meetings, but Mr. Theophilus C. Clapp and oth- ers took an active part with him. About the year 1843, preaching on the Sabbath was usually obtained, and a Sabbath School was established. The next year. Rev. Davis T. Shailer was requested to supply preaching permanently, and continued to do so till the Church was formed, when he was chosen pastor. The Church was constituted September 15, 1845, and publicly recognized in Union Hall, September 28th, by public services. The So- ciety was formed September 21, 1846. The Meeting-house was commenced in 1845, Mr. Earle E. Rider, contractor ; but being much delayed, it was only partially raised before Thanksgiving day, when a very heavy storm of wind and rain prostrated it, very much damaging the timber and foundation. Mr. Rider then being unwilling to fulfil his contract, the Society employed other persons, who went on with the work and finished the vestry in the spring, and the first meeting was held in it May 31, 1846 ; the house was soon finished, and dedicated March 31, 45 414 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 1847. Rev. Davis T. Shailer preached the sermon. Mr. Shailer resigned the pastoral office January 1, 1847, and from that time different persons were ob- tained to supply the pulpit tiU February 23, 1848, when a call was extended to Rev. Freeman G. Brown to become the pastor ; and although he did not for- mally accept the call, he continued to act as pastor till April 1, 1850. From that time, to January 29, 1851, the Society depended on transient supplies, when Eev. James W. Lathrop was ordained, and continued to fill the pastoral office till April 1, 1856. The Church was again without a pastor till July 8, 1857, when Rev. Henry F. Lane was installed^ and is the present pastor. In August, of this year, 1857, Mr. David Parker presented the Society with an excellent bell, weigh- ing over 1000 lbs. The Society is still small, but gradually increas- ing, and appears to be in a better condition than at any other time during its history. EIGHTH PARISH (sAINT MARY's CHURCh). By invitation of several earnest and active Epis- copalians, the Rev. John P. Robinson, then Rector of Christ Church, in Quincy, appointed a public service at the Town Hall in Dorchester, according to the Liturgy -of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Evening Prayer was conducted by him on Sunday, July 16, 1843, and followed by an impressive sermon upon St. John's Gospel iii. 16. The congregation numbered about 50 persons ; and such was the inter- est manifested in the introduction of these services, HISTORY OF pORCHESTER. 415 that the reverend presbyter immediately made a gen- eral appointment for Evening Prayer at the same place, to be held once in two weeks. It may be mentioned, in passing, that the above was the first occasion on which the Book of Common Prayer had been publicly used in Dorchester. The services thus begun were continued, with little interruption from inclement weather, until January 28th, and thenceforward, at longer intervals, until Easter Sunday, April 7, 1844. On one occasion, the place of the Rev. Mr. Eobinson was supplied by the Rev. D. Richmond Brewer, Rector of St. Peter's, Cambridgeport. Although the desire was often ex- pressedby residents of Dorchester, that a Parish might be organized, it was, during this period, deemed in- expedient to adopt any decisive measures to that end. From the first service, gentlemen of property residing in Dorchester expressed their interest in the estab- lishment of worship here, according to the Liturgy of the Episcopal Church, by the proposal of donations of eligible lots of land as sites for the anticipated Church edifice ; yet prudence seemed to dictate a delay in the erection of the Church. Nothing important was done in the way of organ- izing a Parish until July 29, 1847, when a public meeting was held to consider the subject of organiza- tion. This meeting was continued by adjournment to August 11th, when a petition for a warrant, calling a legal meeting for organization, was drawn up, signed by the Rev. William Withington, and Messrs. Joseph Hooper, Robert Richardson, Thomas Hill, Edward Holden and Aaron U. Hayter. The petition 416 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. was addressed to the Hon. S. P. Loud, who immedi- ately issued a warrant directing a meeting to be no- tified at Lyceum Hall, August 23, 1847, when the Parish was organized by the election of Edward Holden, Clerk ; Joseph Hooper, Wm. Withington, Wardens ; Charles Stimpson, F. A. Fuller, Thomas Hill, Henry U. Peters, Robert Richardson, Vestry- men; Edward Holden, Treasurer. The Rev. Geo. W. Porter, then residing in Roxbury, was chosen Rector of the Parish. Morning Prayer was held for the first time, at Lyceum Hall, on Sunday, September 26, 1847, the Rector ofiiciating. He appeared in full canonicals, and this was, without doubt, the first public use of the surplice in the town of Dorchester. The first bap- tism in this parish was that of an infant, October 10, 1847. The Sunday School was organized November 22d. The first Communion was celebrated on the first Sunday in December, 1847. The Parish was admitted into union with the Diocesan Convention of Massachusetts, June 14, 1848. Mrs. Catherine Dodge, with christian liberality and zeal, gave to the Parish half an acre of land as a site for a Church, which was accepted with feelings of profound gratitude, November 2, 1 848. Imme- diately thereupon, subscription books were opened, and soon the amount of estimated cost was obtained ; a building committee was appointed ; a plan, drawn by Arthur Oilman, Esq., of Boston, was adopted, and the contract given to Mr. John Parker, as Mas- ter Builder. The corner stone was laid by the Rt. Rev. Manton Eastburn, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese, HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 417 April 5, 1849. The edifice was completed at a cost of ^4,932 67. It was consecrated September 20, 1849, the Bishop consecrating, attended by 21 cler- gymen. Rev. G. W. Porter was instituted Rector, April 7, 1850. He resigned the charge of the Parish November 1, and preached his last sermon as Rector November 7, 1852. The Rev. Edward Livingston Drown, of the Diocese of Rhode Island, was called to the Rectorship May 25th, and preached his first sermon on June 26, 1853, from Job xxxvi. 2, 3. On June 16, 1856, the Vestry, in view of the pressing want of room in the Church edifice, recom- mended an enlargement. The recommendation was adopted by the Parish, and the enlargement was ef- fected in a manner highly creditable to the judgment of the Architect and the Committee of the Parish, and reflecting much credit upon the skill of the contractor. The cost of this improvement was ^2,876 65. It is pertinent to mention, in connection with this history, that Dorchester gave to Massachusetts her first Bishop, and has also given to the Protestant Episcopal Church three Presbyters : viz.. The Rt. Rev. Edward Bass, S.T.D., consecrated May 7, 1797 ; and the Rev. James Blake Howe, the Rev. William Withington, and the Rev. Darius Richmond Brewer, Presbyters ordained at more recent dates, who are entitled to honorable positions on the roll of the worthy sons of Dorchester. NINTH PARISH (tHIRD UNITARIAN). The meeting-house now belonging to this Parish was erected through the instrumentality of Rev. 418 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Stephen Bailey, being designed by him as a place of worship for a Trinitarian Congregational Society. The land for its erection was purchased in the autumn of 1845, and the building completed at an expense of ^7,366 37. It was dedicated in the summer of 1846, and used for orthodox preaching about two years. In October, 1848, it was purchased by a number of gentlemen for a Unitarian Church, for ^5,500— being a loss to Rev. Mr. Bailey of g680 76, besides his services for the two years. At a meeting of the stockholders on the 28th of the same month, it was voted to raise a committee to wait on Rev. Messrs. Hall and Pike, pastors of the first and second Uni- tarian Societies in the town, " and state to them that it is from no unfriendly feeling to them or their So- cieties that we organize this new^ religious society ; but for our mutual advantage and greater convenience to a place of worship." The Church was first opened for Unitarian worship in November, 1848, Rev. Charles Brooks officiating. Rev. Francis C. Williams preached about one year — viz., from January, 1849, to January, 1850. Rev. Samuel Johnson succeeded Mr. Williams, and preach- ed until the spring of 1851. Rev. Stephen G. Bul- finch has been the pastor since August 1, 1852. The Society was incorporated by the Legislature, May 13, 1852, under the name of the "Third Uni- tarian Society in Dorchester." TENTH PARISH (sECOND METHODISt). The Second Methodist Episcopal Church in Dor- chester was organized in the village of Neponset in HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 419 the year 1850, by Rev. T. W. Tucker. Previous to the organization of the Church, Mr. Tucker preached first in his own house, and subsequently in Union Hall. The meeting-house was built in 1851, at a cost — including organ, clock and bell — of nearly §7,000, all of which was x^romptly paid, so that not one dollar's debt was left upon the Society when the Church was dedicated. It is but just to the commu- nity of the place generally, to say that they co-ope- rated nobly in the enterprise. Rev. Mr. Raymond, of "Wilbraham, preached the dedication sermon on Christmas day, 1851. The Society have also pur- chased a commodious Parsonage, for §2,800. The following clergymen have been pastors of the Church:— Rev. T..W. Tucker, Rev. B. K. Peirce, Rev. Willard Smith, Rev. E. A. Manning, Rev. J. L. Hanaford, and the present pastor Rev. Pliny Wood. CHAPTER XXII. The Public Schools of the Town. One of the most interesting and important chap- ters in the history of Dorchester, is that which relates to the free school of the town, some details of which will now be given. On the 4th of March, 1634-5,* the General Court granted Thompson's Island to the inhabitants of the town of Dorchester, " to enjoy, to them, their heires * Incorrectly printed 1637, on pages 160, 163. 420 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. & successors w°^ shall inhabite there foreuer," on the simple condition, that they pay 12*^ yearly, as rent, " to the Tresurer for the time being." Four years after this, namely, on the 30th of May, 1639, the town voted to lay a tax on the proprietors* of said island, for " the maintenance of a school in Dorchester." So far as the writer is informed, it was the first public provision made for a free school, in the world, by a direct tax or assessment on the inhabitants of a town. An exact copy of the order, relating to it, from the Town Records, page 83, is subjoined. " It is ordered the 20"^ of May 1639, that there shall be a rent of 20"' a year for eue"" imposed vpon Tomsons Hand to bee payd p' eu^'y p^'son that hath proprietie in the sayd Hand according to the p'portion that any such p''son shall from tyme to tjme injoy and possesse the'®, and this towards the mayntenance of a schoole in Dorchester. This rent of 20"' yearely to bee payd to such a schoole- maste"" as shall vndertake to teach english, latine, and othe'" tongues, and also writing. The said schoole-maste'' to bee Chosen from tyme to tyme p"" the freemen, and yt is left to y*' discretion of the Ide""" & the 7 men for the tyme beeing whethe"" maydes shalbe taught w* the boyes or not. For the levying this 20^'' yearely from the p^'ticu- lar p^'sons that ought to pay it according to this orde*', It is farther ordered that somme man shalbe appoynted p' the 7 men fo"" the tjme beeing to Receiue y^ and on refusall to levye y* p'' distresse, and not fynding distresse, such p'son as so refuscth payment shall forfeit the land he hath in p''oprietie in the sayd Hand." *It is supposed that under the term " proprietors," in this connection, was included the principal part of the adult male inhabitants of the town. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 421 Having made the above arrangement, the next step was to secure a teacher. Eev. Thomas Water- house seems to have been the first one mentioned. He is introduced to us in this manner. " It is ordered that M"" Wate'house shall be dispenced w^** concerneing that Clause of the orde'' in y^ Charge of Twenty pounds 'yeerly rent to be payd fo Tomson's Hand towards the skoole, where he is bound to teach to write, it shalbe left to his liberty in that poynt of teach- ing to write, only to doe what he can conveniently therein." The above vote was passed on the 31st October, 1639 ; at the same time it was " Ordered that Henery Way, Brey Wilkeins, Richard Leeds shall take their portion in Tomson's Hand, and haue also liberty to buy of any othe"'^ any greate'' portion to y" value of 9 ake''^ to Joyne w^'* their ownc at a con- venient place fo"^ iishing; Provided that they set fo^'ward fishing, and alsoe doe satisfie the yeerly rent-Charge imposed on that Hand towards the mayntanance of a skoole according to the order made to that purpose, and according to y*^ Numbe"" of the ake''^ they shall make imployment of." Provision was also made in regard to their fenc- ing properly " the lands so taken into propriety." It was soon found that the rents due from indi- vidual proprietors of the island were collected with much inconvenience. For this and other reasons mentioned in the following document, it was thought proper to make a direct conveyance of the land to the town for the special support and establishment of the free school, that it might be more effectually 46 422 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. and better maintained. The instrument is here given entire. " Wheras the Inhabitants of Dorchester haue formerly ordered, Consented and agreed that a Rente of Twentie pound p'' aun. shall issue & be payd by the sayd Inhabi- tants & their heires from &out of a Certaine porcon of land in Dorchester called Tomsons Hand for & towards the maintenance of a schoole in Dorchester aforsaycl, And that vppon experience it is found to be a matter of great labour & dif&cultie to collect the sayd rent from soe many severall p''sons as ought to pay the same according to their seuerall p'"portion*s the p''sons that haue title to land in the sayd Hand & who therfore ought to pay the sayd rent, being noe lesse in number then sixscore or thera- boute, And inasmuch as the sayd rent of Twentie pound, when it is duly Collected & payd, is not of it self suffi- cient maintenance for a schoole without some addicon thervnto. For the augnientinge therfor of the sayd rent & to the intent that the same may hencforth be more readily collected and payd, It is heerby ordered and all the p'sent Inhabitants of Dorchester aforsayd Whose names are heervnto subscribed doe for thcmselues & their heires heerby Covenant, consent and agree thatt from hencforth the sayd Hand and all the benefitt & p^'fitts thcr- of and all there right & Interest in the same shalbe wholy & for euer bequeathed and given away from thcmselues & their heires vnto the Town of Dorchester aforcsayd for & Towards the maintenance of a free schoole in Dorches- ter aforesayd for the instructinge & Teachinge of Child- ren & youth in good "literature & Learninge. And to the intent that the better maintenance for a free schoole as is heerby intended may arise from and out of the sayd Hand, It is therfore the mynd of the p''sent donoures that the sayd Hand shall from tyme to tyme be lett, assigned & set Guer by the Inhabitants of Dorchester for the time HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 423 beiiige or theire agents for such yearlie rent or rents as shall in Comon Estimation amount to the full value of the sayd Hand. '' And to the intent that the godly intentions of the p sent donoures may not be frustrated or disapoynted nor the free schoole heerby intended suffer any p''iudice or damage by insufficient tenante or Tenants to the sayd Hand or through none payment of the rent that ought to be payd for the same, It is heerby ordered & the p""sent donoures doe heerby declare that it is there mynd that the sayd Hand shalbe lett, assigned & sett Ouer only to such Tenant or Tenants as shall by land or otherwise suffi- tiently secure the payment of the rent therof for the vse & behoofe of the schoole as aforsayd in such manner & forme & at such time & tymes of payment as shalbe agreed vppon by & betweene th^inhabitants of Dorches- ter or there agentsfone the one pHye & the sayd Tenant or Tenannts one the other p'tye. " And for avoydinge the Trouble that myght arise in collectinge and gatheringe the same Rent by so great a Multitude of Tenants that ought to pay the same, & to the intent that the rents which shalbe-come due for the sayde Hand may be the better & more redylie Collected and payd, it is heerby ordered and declared that the sayd Hand shall neuerbe lett out to soe many tenannts as shal- be aboue tenn in number at once. " In witness wherof the p''sent Inhabitants haue heer- vnto subscribed ther names the Seaventh day of the Twelfth moneth in the yeare 1641. "Memorand. that before the subscribinge of these p'sents the donoures aforsayd did further agree & declare that it was and is there mynd and true intencons that if at any tjme ther shall happen & fall out a vacancie & want of a schoolmaster by meanes of death or otherwise, yet the rents and p'fitts ishuiuge & arisinge of the sayd 424 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Hand shalbe converted and applied only to & for the maintenance & vse of the schoole either by aiigmentinge the stipend for a schoolemastcr or otherwise, but not for any other vse. Israel Stoughton -Eichard Mather George Minot Henry Withington John Glouer Natha: Duncan Thomas Hawkins Tho. Clarke John Holman Nathaniell Patten Humfrey Atherton Eoger Clap Joseph Farnworth Hopestill Foster William Clarke Michael Wfles John Pears Nicholas Clapp -=- John [ P ] Pope John Faruham Barnabas Fawer Thomas [ H ] Andrews Mr. Warham Andrew Pitcher William [ X ] Lane his mark. Thomas Jones Jonas Humfrey Edmund Muninge his [ /\/\ ] mark. James Bate George Dyer Eobt. Howard John Grenaway Thomas Makepeace Henry Wright Christopher Gibson John Phillips John Wiswall John Capen Joane Capen Weddow WiUiam Blake Nicho: Butler Nicholas Vpsalj Thomas Swift Thomas Wiswall Thomas Dickerman Ei chard Baker John Maudesley George Proctor Eichard Hawes Augustine Clement Henrie Waye Joj^m Smith David Selleck Bray Wilkins Geo, Weekes Jeffrey Turner John Pearce Edward Breck Eichard Collacot Jeremy Howchin Thomas Tilstone John Holland Thomas Millit Alice, the wife of Eich- ard Joanes Nathauael Wales John Eigbye Eobert Deeble Edward Clap Wilham Sumner The sign of John [ (J ] Hill Clement Toplif * * A lithographed fac-simile of these names was given as a fronlis- piece to " Blake's Annals of Dorchester," published in Boston in 1846. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 425 The town entrusted the matter of Thompson's Island to the Elders, Mr. Stoughton and Mr. Glover, that they might set the land at a rent, " fo' the best Benefitt of y*" Schoole." Doubtless this was done to the acceptance of the town, though the records are silent in regard to it. Nor do we learn anything farther in relation to the school until the appoint- ment was made, by the townsmen, of wardens to manage its affairs — which event took place on the 14th of March, 1645. The following rules and orders concerning the school, then presented to the town, were confirmed by the major part of the inhabitants present at the meeting. '<■ First. It is ordered that three able and sufficient men of the Plantation shalbe Chosen to bee wardens or ou'"see'"" of the Schoole," " who shaU haue the Charge, oue'"- siglit and ordering thereof, and of all things Concerning the same in such manne'" as is hereafter expressed, and shall Continue in thei'" office and place for Terme of thei'' Hues respectiuely, vnlesse by reason of any of them Re- mouiug his habitation out of the Towne, or fo' any othe' Weightie reason, the Inhabitants shall see cause to Elect and Chuse othe''-" in thei'' Roome, in w^'* cases and vpon the death of any of the same wardens, the Inhabitants shall make a new Election and choice of othe''^ And Mr. Haward, Deacon Wiswall, Mr. Atherton are elected to bee the first "Wardens o' ouersee"^^ " Secondly. The said Wardens shall haue full powe*" to dispose of the School stock, whethe"^ the same bee in land or otherwise, both such as is already in beeing and such as may by any good meanes hereaftC be added; and shall Collect and Receiue the Rents, Issues and p^'fits 426 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. arising & growing of & from the sayd stock. And the sayd rents, Issues and p'fits shall imploy and lay out only fo'' the best behoof and advantadge of the sayd Schoole, and the furtherance of learning thereby, and shall give a faythful and true accompt of thci'" receipts & disburse- ments so often as they shalbe thearvnto be required by the Inhabitants or the maior p''te of them. " Thirdly. The said Wardens shall take care and doe thei'" vtmost and best endeavo"" that the sayd Schoole may fro tyme to tyme be supplied w*'* an able and sufficient Schoole maste"" who neu''thelesse is not to be admitted into the place of Schoole m' w"'out the Gcnerall consent of the Inhabitants or the maior p'te of them. " Fowerthly. So often as the sayd Schoole shalbe sup- plied w^'' a Schoole m'' so p'vided and admitted as afore- sayd, the wardens shall fro tyme to tyme pay or cause to be payd vnto the sayd Schoole m"" such wages out of the Rents, Issues & p'fitts of the Schoole stocke as shall of right Come due to be payd. " Fiuethly. The sayd wardens shall from tyme to tyme see that the Schoole howse bee kept in good and sufficient repayre, the charges of which reparacon shall be defrayed and payd out of such rents, Issues and p'fits of y^ Schoole stocke yf ther® be sufficient, or else of such rents as shall arise and grow in the tyme of the vacancy of the Schoole m"" yf there be any such — and in defect of such vacancy the wardens shall repayre to the 7 men of the Towne fo"" the tyme being, who shall have powe"" to Taxe the Towne w'^ such some or sommes as shalbe requested fo'' for the repayring of the Schoole howse as aforesayd. " Sixthly. The sayd Wardens shall take Care that eu^'y yeere at or before the end of the 9th raoneth ther® bee brought to the Schoole howse 12 sufficient Cart or wayne loads of wood fo"" fewell, to be fo'' the vse of the Schoolemaste'^ and the Schollu''^ in winte'', the Cost and HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 427 charge of w*^'' sayd wood to bee borne by the scholle''^ fo'' the tvme beeing who shalbe taxed fo"^ the purpose at the discretion of the sayd Wardens. " Lastly. The sayd Wardens shall take care that the Schoolm"" fo"" the tymc beeing doe faythfully p'forme his dutye in his place, as schoolem'" ought to doe, as well in othe"" things as in these wh'^'^ are hereaftc'" expressed, viz. •'First. That the Schoolem"" shall diligently attend his Schoole, and doe his vtmost indeavo'" fo"" Benefitting his Scholle^'s according to his best discretion, w*'^out vnneces- saryly absenting himself to the p''iudice of his scholle''^ and hindering ther^ learning. " 21y. That from the beginning of the first moneth vntill the end of the 7'^ hee shall eu'"y day beginn to teach at seaven of the Clock in the morning and dismisse his scholle""^ at fyue in the afternoon®. And fo"" the othe' fyue months, that is, from the beginn^ of the 8''' moneth vntill the end of the 12''^ month he shall eu^'y day beginn at 8 of the Clock in the morning, & [end] at 4 in the afternoon. " Sly. Eu'"y day in the yeere the vsuall tyme of dis- missing at noone shalbe at 11-, and to beginn agayne at one, except that " 41y. Eu'"y second day in the weeke he shall call his scholle''s togeithe'' betweene 12 & one of the Clock to ex- amin them what they liaue learned on the saboath day p'"cding, at w'^h tyme also he shall take notice of any mis- demeano"^ or outrage that any of his Scholle"'^ shall haue Committed on the saboath, to the end that at somme con- venient tyme due Admonition and Correction may bee administe''^ by him according as the nature and qualitie of the offence shall require, at w'^'* sayd examination any of the Elde''" or othe"" Inhabitants that please may bee pre- sent, to behold his religious care herein, and to giue ther^ Countenance and app'bation of the same. 428 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. " 5Hy. Hee shall equally and impartially receiue and instruct such as shalbe sent and Committed to him fo'^that end, whithe'' there parents bee poore or rich, not refusing any who have Right & Interest in the Schoole. " 61y. Such as shall be Committed to him he shall dili- gently instruct, as they shalbe able to learne, both in humane learning and good litterature, & likewyse in poynt of good manne''* and dutifull bhaaiou"" towards all, speci- ally there supio'"* as they shall haue occasion to bee in ther^ p''scnce, whithe'' by meeting them in the streete or otherwyse. " 71y. Euery 6 day of the weeke at 2 of the Clock in the aftcrnoone, hee shall Catechise his Scholle''* in the principles of Christian religion, eithe^ in some Cate- chisme w*='' the Wardens shall p''vide and p''sent, or in de- fect thereof in some othe'". " 8"Uy. And because all man's indeavo'"s w^'^out the blessing of God must needs bee fruitlesse and vnsuccess- full, theirfore It is to be a chief p^'te of the Schoolem"'^ religious care to commend his scliollc'"s and his Labou''s amongst them vnto God by praye'' morning and evening, taking Care that his scholler'"s doe reu''endly attend dur- ing the same. " 91y. And because the Rodd of Correction is an or- dinance of God necessary sometymes to bee dispensed vnto Children, but such as may easily be abused by oue""- much seu''itie and rigou"^ on the one hand, or by oue'"much indulgence and lenitye on the othe'', It is therefore ordered and agreed that the schoolemaste'' for the tyme beeing shall haue full powe'' to ministe'' Correction to all or any of his scholle" w"^out respect of p''sons, according to the nature and qualitie of the offence shall require ; whereto all his scholle"^** must bee duely subiect ; and no parent or othe"" of the Inhabitants shall hinde'' or go about to hinde'' the maste'" ther'^in : neutheless yf any parent or HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 429 othe"" shall thinke there is iust cause of Complaynt agaynst the maste' fo"^ to much.seue''itye such shall haue liberty freindly and louingly to expostulate w'^ the raaste'' about the same ; and yf they shall not attayne to satisfaction, the matte'' is then to bee referred to the wardens, who shall imp"'tially Judge betwixt the maste'" and such Coni- playnants. And yf yt shall appeere to them that any pa- rent shall make causelesse Complaynt against the m"" in this behalfe, and shall p''sist in and Continue so doeing, in such case the wardens shall have powe*" to discharge the m"^ of the care and charge of the Children of such parents. But yf the thing Complayned of be true, and that the m"^ haue indeed bene guiltie of ministering excessiue Correc- tion, and shall appeere to them to continue therein, not- w*standing that they haue advised him otherwise, in such case, as also in the case of to much lenitye or any othe"" great neglect of dutye in his place p'"sisted in, It shalbe in the powe' of the Wardens to call the Inhabitants to- geithe"" to Conside"" whithe"" it were not meet to discharge the m'' of his place, that so sorame othe"" more desirable may be p''ovided. And because It is difficult, yf not Im- possible, to give p'"ticida'' rules y^ shall reach all cases w*"^ may fall out, therefore, fo*" a Conclusion, It is ordered and agreed in gcnerall, that, where pHicula*" rules are wanting, ther"^ it shalbe a p''te of the office and dutye of the Wardens to orde"" and dispose of all things that Con- cerne the schoole, in such sort as in ther^ wisedome and discretion they shall Judge most Conducible fo'' the glory of God & the trayning vp of the Children of the Towne in religion, learning, and Civilitie : — And these ordc* to bee Continued till the maio' p'te of the Towne shall see cause to alte"" any p^'te thereof." Deacon John Wiswall, Humphrey Atherton, and Robert Howard, as will be seen, were chosen the first wardens of the school. 47 430 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. The house was probably located near the coiner of Pleasant and Cottage streets. It was, doubtless, a frail structure, and continued for some yearg in an unfinished state. In the year 1657, " Thomas Wiswall desired, in behalf of the scoole, that a flower [floor] be laid over head in y" scoole house, and a studdy made in it for the vse of the scoolemaster," his son Ichabod. Mr. W. was promised by the town five shillings in money, towards the undertaking, and " timber in his lott for Juice." Quite a diflerent method from that pursued by our modern building committees. The contrast, also, between that rude school-house and our sumptuous edifices, is as great, almost, it would seem, as between the savage and the civilized states of life. History does not inform us whether Mr. Wiswall had his wishes gratified in relation to the " studdy." It was customary, in those times, for the teacher to receive a part of his pay in the produce of the earth. Mr. W., therefore, at the same time, " desired 14 bushels of Indian corne in part of pay for his son's teaching scoole, w*^*" Mr. Jones ordered him to take at Dedham, Mr. Jones to have 4 bushels of Mr. Patten, 2 of ensigne Foster, again, and peas of bro- ther Brecke for the rest, and allowed them in their rates againe." The amount of salary given the teacher at this time is not specified, nor the proportionate quantity of cash; not unlikely it was about one half in pro- duce. The whole salary may have been some £20 or £25 per annum. In 1692, Mr. Mills was paid by HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 431 the constable, " towards his salary for keeping school, in silver £o, in grain £10." Gov. Stoughton, who died in 1701, left, in his will, a legacy of £150 to the schools of Dorchester, on condition that, within the space of ten years fol- lowing the date of said will, the salary of the school- master should be fixed at £iO a year ; otherwise, the whole income, till such a provision and settle- ment were made, would be forfeited to the town. Accordingly, in 1711, the town voted to carry out this provision, and in the following spring " it was voted, agreed, concluded, and absolutely confirmed, that forty pounds a year of the towns proper gift, should be a settled, standing salary for the school- master, according to Mr. Stoughton's will." But to return to the grant. The town of Dor- chester did not long remain in quiet possession of Thompson's Island, for, in 1648, John Thompson, son and heir of David, coming of age, laid claim to the island as his property. Samuel Maverick, of Noddle's Island (afterwards noted as one of the king's commissioners), testified to the Court in his behalf; stating that, in the year 1626, the applicant's father took possession of that island " as a vacuum domicilium." Trevour, Blackstone, Standish, and the Sagamore of Agawam, gave in their evidence, also, to show that David Thompson had a grant and patent of the island, and that he actually took pos- session of the land. The General Court, therefore, nullifying their grant to Dorchester, conceded it to the legal owner. A petition was then sent to the Court, by the inhabitants of the town, briefly review- 432 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. ing the matter, and closing with a request that the Court would grant some other island as a help to them " towards the maintenance of a free schoole," in the room of that which was taken away. (See a copy of the petition on page 163 of this work.) There was still another applicant for the island, namely, Winnuequassum, who sent in his petition to the Court, " craving Thompson's Island to be re- stored to him as his inheritance." It is unknown to what tribe of the aboriginals he belonged, as also the particular meiits of his claim. The reply was (1 Nov. 1654), " Altho' the Court cannot see cause at p''esent to heare the case, nor w^^out hearing to restore the peticoner the land, yett judge meete to give him libertie of tryall, in any Court fit for cog- nizance of it, notw^'^standing any former acts of this Court therein." We learn nothing more respecting Winnuequas- sum or his suit. The following is from the Court Kecords (Vol. IV. part 1, p. 29), date, 18th Oct. 1650. " In the triall of the case between Mr. Thomas Jones and Mr. John Wisewall, on the behalfe of the school of Dorchester, and Mr. John Thompson, respecting the title of the island called Thompsons Island, the Courte, on the hearinge of the case, and examining the evidences brought by both parties, judged the right to belong to John Thomp- son, and gave him his bill of costs, which was three pounds, seven shilHngs and sixe pence, against the towne of Dorchester." Notwithstanding what had been said and done in relation to Thompson's Isle, the people of Dorchester HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 433 were dissatisfied with the result. At a meeting of the inhabitants of the town, held on the 8th of March, 1659, it was voted, that they "would have a triall at the Charge of the towne for to gett Tom- son's yland for the town of Dorchester, as they sup- posed y* it is theirs by right. And it Avas alsoe vot- ed, the same day, that the selectmen are desired and impowered to execute the triall in the best way and manor, as they shall thinke best and most conveni- ent for the obtaining of it." Lieut. Roger Clap and Ensign Hopestill Foster were appointed to manage the business. They accordingly pi-esented to the Court the following petition. " To the Hon'^'' Generall Court Now assembled at Boston, the petition of the inhabitants of Dorchester Humbly sheweth, " That wheras there was many years since granted by this court, as appears by record, a sertainc Hand called Thomsons Hand w'^'^ we the said Inhabitants possest diners years and hopefull to haue euer enjoyd the same for the benefit of o'' selues and posterity (the same being giuen to and for the maintenance of a free scoole In Dor- chester) but the s** Hand hath bin taken from ts and set- led on others to the almost if not totall ouerthrow of o"" free scoole w"""^ was soe hopefull for posterity, both our owne and neihbors also who had or might haue reaped benifit thereby. " Our Humble Request to this hon"'*' Court is, that you would be pleased to reneiue yo'^ former grant of the said Hand, and confirme the same vnto vs, we conceiuing we had Just title ther vnto, or Elc, that you would bee pleas- ed to grant vnto vs one thousand ackors of land In some conuenient place or places (for the end afo''sd, namly, the maintenance of o"^ dijng scoole) where we shall find it, 434 HISTORY OF DORCHESTEU. and in the courts power to grant the same, and yo'' peti^ tion'"* shall pray, &c. Dor: 18: 8. [October,] Roger Clap, ) In the . 1659: HoPESTiLL Foster. 5 name and by order from y^ towne. Action was taken on the above petition by the Court, as follows : "The deputies thinke meete to graunt this petition, vizt. a thousand acres of land for the end mentioned in this petition, Avliere they can find it according to law — with reference to the consent of o"" Hon'"'' magistrates hereto. Wm. Torry, Clerk. Consented to by the magists. Edwd. Rawsun, Secty." On the 14:th of November, the selectmen of Dor- chester " impowered William Clarke and Henry Woodward to serch and stake out a Farme of a 1000 acres of land granted vnto the town of Dor- chester for the vse of a scoole by the generall Court held at Boston the 18th of October, 1659." The business of laying out the land, however, seems to have been delayed. Nearly a quarter of a century after the first vote was passed concerning it, viz. in 1683, "the Worshipful Mr. Stoughton, Enoch Wiswall and John Breck," were chosen to " look after and take care for the laying it out." On the 29th of October, 1716, Samuel Paul, Capt. Oliver Wiswall, and Capt. Thomas Tilestone, were chosen as a Committee " to look for the thousand acres of land granted to Dorchester school, to see where they could find the same." They were " also empowered to get a surveyor to lay out the said laud HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 435 forthwith, and to make a return of their doings " to the town, at the December meeting. On the 11th of September, 1717, Mr. Samuel Ca- pen. Sen., and Joseph Hall were appointed to " look after " the said lands, " with all speed, wisdom and discretion for the good of the town." Finally, after the lapse of about sixty years from the time of the grant, the land was selected and laid out. The tract was located in what was afterwards called Lunenburg, in Worcester Co. (See p. 295.) From the financial accounts of the town, made up for the year 1718, we learn there was "paid at sun- dry times to the committee for laying out 1000 acres of land, £8 13.5." In 1727, Joseph Hall and Edward Foster peti- tioned for the purchase of the school land " beyond Lancaster ; " but the town voted not to sell. Six years after, however, it was decided that the land should be " sold to y*" highest bidder, in case there be as much ofiered and gaue as y® Committe Judge to be y" value thereof" The reason given for this readiness to dispose of the town's property was, that the land " is at present a Charge to y'' Town, and not likely to be a Profit in y"" Place where it lyes." So it was sold the same year (4th of March, 1733-4) to Benjamin Bird, of Dorchester, for the sum of £400. On the 18th of December following, the town voted that " our representative, Col. Thomas Tile- stone, Petition y*" Great and General Court, in y^ Name & behalf of this Town, for a Grant of a Tract of Land of y'' Unappropriated Lands of this Pro- 436 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. vince, towards y'' Maintenance of a Grammar School in this Town." It is inferred that Col. Tileston did not offer the petition, as the town and Court records are silent in regard to its presentation. Distinct from the before-mentioned grant of the General Court to Dorchester, foi- the use of " a free school," the inhabitants of the town, in 1657, voted to appropriate 1000 acres of her own soil for the same noble and specific purpose. Accordingly, in 1662, Roger Clap, Hopestill Foster, William Sum- ner and John Minot, were chosen " to look out some convenient place or places for the laying out " the said land. In the latter part of the next summer they rode into the country for this end, " and com- ing to a place above Dedham," did agree " to take up 300 acres at one place; namely, beginning at that place where Dedham and Dorchester line doe meet with Naponset Hiver, and so to come down, as far as 300 acres will extend, both in length and breadth, as the conveniency of the land will afford when it is layd out by measure." The residue of the land, as will subsequently appear, was laid out near forty years afterwards. A return was made to the town of the doings of their committee, above- mentioned, which was accepted, and John Capen and William Sumner were appointed feofees of the school land, with power to let the same " at their best discretion." Leases were granted to different individuals ; among others to John Farrington, Rich- ard Elice, and John Pigge, in 1677, for £4t. They were to pay in such corn as grew on the ground leased them, and " to leaue such a fence about it as HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 437 they make vse of," provided " that y^ wans with y^ Indians doe not p'"uent improuement." In 1668, it was voted that the thousand acres " given to the use of the school should never be alienated to any other use, nor sold, nor any part of it, but be reserved for the maintenance of a Free School in Dorchester forever." The phraseology of this vote, and its disconnection, make it uncertain to us whether it related to the town grant or to that of the General Court. So far as results are con- cerned, it is immaterial, for both parcels were, event- ually, " alienated " and " sold." At the request of Lieut. Capen and William Sum- ner, in 1680, the town " dismissed" them from the oiRce of feofees for the school land, and made choice of Timothy Tileston and John Breck in their stead. In 1687, the latter individuals, with John Withing- ton, were chosen " a Committee to set- the bounds of the three hundred acres of land which formerly was pitched upon for the use of the school, and to make their return to the selectmen." On the 25th of March, 1699, John Bird, Charles Davenport and Daniel Preston were constituted a Committee " to lay out the remainder of the said thousand acres," " for the use of the free school," " in some convenient place or places in the township of Dorchester not already laid out." In October following, the above-named individuals laid out " seven hundred acres of upland and meadow" (mentioned on page 270). The latter was between Taunton line and Seconk plain, near eight-mile brook ; a portion of said meadow being called 48 438 HISTOKY OF DORCHESTER. " Lelme's meadow." By a subsequent settlement of the division line between Dorchester and Biidgewa- ter, some parts of the school land were annexed to the latter town. It was found necessary, therefore, to lay out portions of the land anew. This was done in 1705. Robert Calef, for several years, rented a portion of the school farm at £6 per annum, it being " on this side Wading River." In 1709, 800 acres of the school land was leased to him, " his heirs and as- signs, for the term of 308 years." The final dispo- sition that was made of this " farm," by the town, will presently appear. Daniel Waldo was another tenant. He gave the town some trouble. In 1710, Robert Spurr, 'J'homas Tileston and Edward Breck were chosen to sue him " off the fiirm." The " court charges " to the town, in this affair (1713), was £5 16s. 6d. In 1715, the town voted "to treat" with Waldo in the matter, and ascertain the amount of damage he had sustain- ed " by reason of Plimouth line cutting off a part of said farm." It was agreed, in 1721, that some consideration should be made him. The town de- layed in the matter. Waldo set forth that he had been a great sufferer by being ejected from the farm, and reminded the town of their promise, " that they would consider of his case wdien they sliould come again into y" Possession of s^ land, which they since have, and now enjoy y^ produce of." They voted, therefore, in 1728, to pay him £25. It is stated, in the deeds of division, that the '• Waldo farm " contained about 230 acres. On the HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 439 15 til of November, 1747, these lands were divided between the towns of Dorchester and Stoughton by committees of both towns. Dorchester had 140 acres on the south side, near the colony line, being (7115) seven thousand one hundred and fifteenth parts. Stoughton had the remainder (4115), four thousand one hundred and fifteenth parts, or 90 acres. Provision was made that, " if hereafter there should happen to be Iron Ore found in any part of y^ s*^ Tract of Land, it shall be to y^ use of y^ schools of both y'^ s'^ Towns in y" Proportion abouesaid, the s** Division of y"" Land notwithstanding." On the 12th of June, 1767, the General Court empowered the to^vn of Dorchester to sell their above-mentioned school land. Richard Hall, Wil- liam Holden and Elijah Davis were appointed by the town, in March following, as a committee to dis- pose of it. On consideration, therefore, of £420 paid by Theophilus Curtis, of Stoughton,'gentleman, and Edmund Soper, of Braintree, trader, on the 12th of January, 1768, the committee gave them a deed for 105 acres. (Suffolk Deeds, Lib. 124, fol. 96.) We have found no record of the disposition, by deed or otherwise, of the residue of this school land, being 35 acres. It is mentioned in 1772 (Town Records, Vol. III., p. 375), that Mr. Seth Turner was one of the purchasers of the school farm near Bridgewater. Whether he obtained it of the town, or of the grantees, we are not informed. In 1687 it was voted, " that the meadow called Everett's, being about six miles off the school land, 440 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. shall be and lie for the use of the school." There seems to be no mention, so far as we have learned, of the quantity, precise locality, nor of the sale, by name, of the " Everett meadow." In 1790, sixteen acres and thirty-seven rods of land, being " a part of the school farm," was sold to Seth Bullard, Andrew Willet and John Hartshorn, of Walpole, for £81 3^. This was probably undi- vided land, as the committee of disposal were select- ed from the towns of Dorchester, Stoughton and Sharon. Robert Calef, the lessee of the school land, before- mentioned, died 13th of April, 1719, at the age of 71, and was interred in the Roxbury burial ground. He was father of the celebrated Robert Calef, author of " More Wonders of the Invisible World," &c. In 1744 the town voted to sue the heirs of Robert Calef, " who hold under a lease of an Excessive Length, and also refuse to pay their Annual Rent in Money or Bills of Credit." A writ of ejectment was accord- ingly issued against two of the heirs, Daniel Hewes and William Hewes, by name, though they were not the only persons who had a right, by the lease of Mr. Calef, to occupy the land. In 1759, it is recorded that the action was continued from the Superior Court, that the town might be consulted whether they would have the controverted subject left in equity to the Court, or to referees, Stoughton having a right to a part of the income of the farm. In 1771, the town petitioned the General Court for leave to sell this land. The following, in relation to it, is from the Court Records, Vol. 29, p. 123 : HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 441 "July 4th, 1771.— A petition of Elijah Davis and others, a Committee of the Town of Dorchester, and of Elijah Dunbar and others, a Committee of the Town of Stoughton, Praying that they may be impowcred to make sale of 800 acres of Land now lying in Wrentham, which was laid out and appropriated by the Town of Dorches- ter, in the year 1657, for the benefit of a Free School in said Town, and was leased in the year 1709 to Mr. Rob- ert Calef,liis Heirs and assigns, for the term of 308 years ; and that the money arising by said sale be applied for the benefit of Free Schools in said Towns ; Doctor Timothy Stevens, the present Lessee, joining in the prayer of the Petition." The General Court granted the prayer of the pe- titioners, who were empowered to sell the land and apply the income thereof for the benefit of free schools in Dorchester, Stoughton and Stoughtonham. William Holden, Ebenezer Pope and Elijah Davis, of Dorchester— Elijah Dunbar, Benjamin Gill and Thomas Crane, of Stoughton— being appointed by their respective towns a committee to make sale of the above-said land, did, on the 5th of November, 1772, in consideration of £284 135. 4:d. lawful money, paid by Timothy Stevens, sell him the school farm in Wrentham (except what was granted to Samuel Brenton, Wading river house, and John Fos- ter) — in all, 800 acres. Seven days after the above date, Dr. Stevens sold Stephen Cooke 142 acres of the land, for £282 ; on the 2d of December, Ralph Freeman, of Bellingham, 110 acres, for £155 Is. Sd., and Richard Stratton, of Providence, R.I., 107 acres, for £142 135. 4(1. ; also to Stratton, on the 18th of January following, 100 acres, for £133 6s. Sd. ; the 442 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. clay succeecling, to Samuel Scott, 176 acres, 3 quar- ters, 11 rods, for £145 lis. The total sum, there- fore, received by Dr. Stevens for less than five-sixths of his land, was £858 18^. 3^/., or more than three times tlie amount paid for the whole. This was not the first nor last time that public property has been thus disposed of Having- traced the history of the " thousand acre " grants to the " free school," from the General Court, and from the town itself, we proceed to notice indi- vidual bequests to the school. Earliest among these, was the legacy of John Clap, of Dorchester, son of Richard Clap, of England, and a brother of Nicho- las and Thomas, who settled in Dorchester. He died the 2ith of July, 1655, without issue, leaving a wife, Joan, who married, subsequently, John Ellis, of Medfield. The following is an extract from Mr. Clap's will, dated 11 July, 1655. " I giue and bequeatli to my dear and loving wife, my now dwelling house with all my lands both in y*" necke & in the woods w"'' to me doth appertayne, dureing her naturall life ; & after my wife's decease I giue my said house and land to the maintenance of the ministry Sc a Schoole in Dorchester foreuer." The value of these, by the in- ventory rendered, was £56. The " land in y*' necke " contained, by admeasurement, 13| acres, 15 rods. It is situated at South Boston Point, nearly opposite the grounds connected with the City Institutions. This land was sold on the 16th of June, 1835, to the " Warren Association " (John Pickering and oth- ers, trustees), for the sum of §13,51^0 6^. (See Suf- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 443 folk Deeds, Lib. 392, fol. 170.) The i)rocccds were used by the town towards erecting new school- honses, as will subsequently appear. Dr. Harris says, it " is supposed " " the piece of salt marsh at Farm-bar, containing 5a. 3qr. 22r." was also a gift to the town from Mr. Clap. " 'ihe origin of the Town's title to the latter piece," he continues, " is in some measure conjectural. Mr. Noah Clap, as Town Clerk, and by direction of the Town, made an entry of these and other tow'U lands in the re- cords of 1793, wherein he states that Edward Mills, a former schoolmaster, made a contract with the town, which is on the files, to teach the school for the annual salary of £20 in grain, and £'10 in mon- ey, and the improvement of the school land at Smelt brook and ' the school meadow over the water,' and as an inference says, ' it w^as probable that the meadow at Farm-bar was the gift of John Clap.' " John Gomel, in 1673, by will donated £20 "for the maintenance of the scoole." (See pp. 121, 236.) Christopher Gibson, by his will, made in 1674, after the payment of debts and legacies, devised that the residue of his property should " redown to the free school of Dorchester for perpetuity." Daniel Preston, Sen., as surviving executor of the will of Mr. Gibson, purchased of Samuel E-igbee, in 1680, for £104, the " school pasture," so called, contain- ing about 26 acres. This land was conveyed by said Preston, in February, 1693, to the Selectmen of the town, to hold, to them and their successors, for the use of the schools in Dorchester, forever. A fund has accumulated from the sales of the said land, 444 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. amounting, in 1857, to ^11,192 41. (See pp.53, 227, 241.) Hopestill Foster, in 1676, gave £5, " to be added to brother Gibson's legacy" to the free school. (p. 118.) Lieut. Gov. Stoughton, a native of Dorchester, who died in 1701, was an important donor to the school, the details of whose bequest, extracted from his will, are given on pages 274-276 of this work. The " Stoughton school fund," in 1857, was $3,320. In the assignment of names to the schools in town, that only of Gibson, among the above-mentioned donors, has been taken. Hon. James Bowdoin, son of Gov. Bowdoin, pur- chased of Capt. John Homans a piece of wood-land in Milton, containing 9J acres and 15 rods. On the first day of March, 1797, Mr. B. made a deed of gift of said land to the town, for the use of the schools. In the winter of 1821-2, the wood from this lot was sold, and the proceeds, amounting to $964 54, were placed in the treasury. This money was afterwards paid out in support of schools, and to meet other current expenses of the town. Having, to some extent, noted the public grants and individual gifts to the town for school pur- poses, let us return to the primitive " scoole house," on " Settlers street," as it has been called, where Ichabod Wiswall taught, and was succeeded by Atherton, Foster, Minot, Dennison, Williams and others. In 1674, Ensign Hichard Hall was "em- powered to see that the school house be repaired either by Clabording or Shingleing the Koofe." HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 445 The next year, Eichard Withington and Daniel Pres- ton were appointed, by the Selectmen, " to see that the school-house be fitted up with seats, and a lock and key for the door." On the 8th of March, 1680, it was voted, that the school-house be repaired " where it now stands " — John Breck and Timothy Tileston to attend the work. The above emphatic vote leads us to infer that questionings may have arisen in regard to a new house, and a different loca- tion. Soon after, a new building seems to have been called for. The town voted to erect one, in 1694 ; said house to be located by the Selectmen. An agreement was therefore made with John Trescot to build a house 20 feet long and 19 feet in width, with a ground floor and chamber floor, one pair of stairs and a chimney — to be bparded and clapboard- ed — filled up between the studs — fully covered with boards and shingles, and to be finished before the 29th of September, 1694 ; said Trescot to have the glass, lock and key, hooks and hinges of the old school-house, and £22 current money of New England. This new house was erected on the hill, near the meeting-house. " The smooth face of a large rock," says Rev. Dr. Harris, " made the principal part of the north end and formed the back of the fire-place." According to tradition, it was situated on the east- erly side of what is now Winter street, nearly oppo- site the residence of Mr. Hiram Shepard — the large perpendicular rock yet remaining. In 1727, a leanto was to be built to the school-house, " to put wood in." With regard to the supply for the school, it 49 446 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. has already been seen, that in the year 1645-6 the Wardens were authorized to provide "12 sufficient Cart or wayne loads of wood fo"" fewell," for the use of the school, the expense to be borne by the scho- lars, who were to be taxed for that purpose. In 1668, it was ordered that " those that send their Children to schole shall, the winter time, bring for Each Child a load of wood, or halfe a Cord of Cord wood; and thos y' bring it in log-wood are to cut it after it come to y*" schol hous, and for thos boys y' goe but a p""' of y® winter we leaue it to y*" Masters discretion to appoint y^ p''portion for such." In 1710, it was voted that each of the children should be provided, by those who sent them, with " two feet of wood, or two shillings and six pence money, to be delivered to the School Master within one month after the 29th of September, annually, or their children to have no privilege of the fire." In 1715, from the first of September to the last of March, it was to be, either two feet of wood, or three shillings and sixpence in money, to be furnished within seven days after the child came to the school. Similar votes were passed, at various times, until 1732, when the school was provided with wood at the town's charge. In 1726, there was a petition from sundry inhabi- tants of the south precinct, praying that the town would continue a reading and writing school among them. Twenty pounds were allowed — the Select- men to appoint the schoolmaster, and " where y® school shall be kept." In 1731, there was a petition for two schools in town, but the request was not granted. Next year HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 447 the town voted, that a writing school be kept in the south-end of the town, for four months, to com- mence on the first of November. In 1734, it was proposed — "Whether y^ Town would have a waiting school in y® South end of y® Town, part of y^ year current ] " The vote was in the negative. Some years afterwards, we find, they were again " allowed towards a school." In the year 1759, and before, there was a school- house standing on what is now Hancock street, a little north of the present residence of Mr. William D. Swan. When this house was erected, we have not the means of ascertaining. It is described as being a low building, with a pitched roof. The school-room was nearly square. On three sides of the house a seat was attached, for the boys to sit on, in front of which, at a proper distance, was the place to write and lay their books while studying. This flat desk or form was made of a sufficient width to accommodate them with another range of seats on the inside, so that the boys would write and study facing each otlier. There w^as a shelf, also, run- ning round the house on three sides, on which the books were laid when not in use. The boys of the inner seat, coming to the school, through mud and snow, as they often did, by stepping on their own seat to the place on which they wrote, had access to their books on the shelves. The heavy, awkward tread of a thoughtless boy on the writing place of a school-fellow, would have no great tendency to im- prove said scholar in the art of penmanship. On the contrary, his " pot-hooks and trammels " might 448 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. suddenly assume a zigzag shape, or run at once into a tangent, while he, a careful child, was endeavoring to " follow copy." One who was of that " old school" (Deacon James Humphreys), has said: "I once stood on the place where the boys were writing, having my book on the shelf, and read through the general Epistle of St. James, without being inter- rupted by the Master, and not much by the boys." In the centre of the room was a large table and an arm chair for the teacher. The chimney was on the west side, near the road. The jambs were so large that they embraced the entire space, save that for the entry door. The wood used for fuel was cut four feet in length. The door faced the south ; the wood- house, in the form of a leanto, w as towards the road. On the 4th of March, 1771, the town voted to. build a new school-house, to be situated on " meet- ing-house hill." This house stood a little south of the former one, nearer " the parsonage," and on the same side of the street, both houses on land now owned by Mr. Swan. The latter school-house was afterwards removed, and is now the upper story of a dwelling in Commercial street, spoken of on page 356. The inhabitants of Squantum neck and the farms were allowed £12 towards a school as early as 1735. The same year it was agreed that the school lands should be divided with the town of Stoughton. In 1771, the inhabitants of " the lower country road " were to have £2 12s. towards keeping a school. This was renewed to them the subsequent year, when those " of the upper country road and others that HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 449 live at that part of the Town " were allowed £1 Ss. for the like pnrpose. At the same time the inhabi- tants of Dorchester Neck were to receive " so much towards keeping a school there, for Reading, Writ- ing and Cyphering, as they pay to the Grammar school in Dorchester." " Samuel Robinson, who lives on Thompsons Island" (1771), was to have his proportionate part of the £10 granted towards a school on that side the river. In the apportionment of the school money the inhabitants of Dorchester Neck, the farms, Squantum, Thompson's Island, and the west part of the town, were often provided for as in the above instance, by a special vote. "• The upper country road inhabitants " were allowed, in 1774, £12 towards keeping a school, provided " it be kept where the school house now stands, near said road ; " those on the lower road to have £4. In 1776, it was voted that three schools be kept; the £40 allowed to be divided into three parts, " for the upper country road," "lower country road," and "lower part of the town." It was voted, in 1779, that there be a grammar school at the south end of the town for four months in the year, " to begin to be kept there after Mr. Smith's present quarter is out, viz., at the beginning of July." In 1781, it was to be continued for the same length of time ; in the two following years to be maintained by the town, through the half of each year. It was also voted, in 1782, " that there be a Grammar school kept at the School House, near the Meeting House, the whole year; " and, in 1784, the " school in the up- per country road " was to be an annual one. 450 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Ill 1784, also, the town voted— "That such Girls as can read in a Psalter, be allowed to go to the Grammar School from the first Day of June to the first Day of October." This seems to have been the first vote on record, providing for the public educa- tion of females in the town of Dorchester. They had hitherto resorted to the " dame schools," where they had received simple instruction in reading and spelling, in sewing and embroidery, working of " samplers," &c. They had, previously, been admit- ted to the public school one afternoon annually, at the general catechizing in the fall of the year, when each child was expected to answer two questions, at least, from the Assembly's Catechism. The exer- cises would then close with some good advice from the pastor, and a prayer. Our fathers did not seem to understand it necessary that " the girls " should receive equal education with " the boys." Arithme- tic, geography, writing and grammar, Avere not al- ways considered as important or requisite portions of female learning. In more senses than one, our honored mothers received a home education. As lio-ht broke in, the needs and necessities of females became more manifest, and it is pleasant to chroni- cle the fact of their being permitted to attend the public schools, even for four months in the year. In 1785, a committee was chosen to "view the school farm at Dedham," and see what it could be sold for. Said farm contained, by admeasurement, 29 9i acres, 12 rods. The committee were oflered $3500 for it, which was £3 lO^. per acre, on an average. A larger committee were afterwards cho- i HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 451 sen, who Avere to act discretionary as to the dispos- ing of it. They reported verbally, the next year, that an offer had been made of ^4000, which they did not judge enough for it, and had not disposed of it." The land was sold on the 25th of March, 1790, for £1332 9s. lOd. ; and in the following year the towns of Stoughton and Sharon received their pro- portion, in full, of the money, which was £509 I65. 5^^. ; Dorchester part being £822 135. 4M. In 1785, £15 were allowed to the " proprietors of the upper school house," as a compensation for their building. In 1790, £6 were voted to Ebene- zer Trescott, and others at the west part of the town,' for school money. In 1787, it was voted, that the article respecting a stove in the grammar school be referred to the Selectmen, who decided that it is " not expedient to purchase a Stove for said purpose at the present time." So the suggested improvement for bodily comfort was deferred, to become practical at a later day.' That native wood was growing more scarce in the north part of the town, w^e infer from a vote passed in 1791, that it be "left discretionary with the Selectmen about purchasing wood that comes in by w^ater, for our minister, the lower school, and the poor, this year." The same year there was a schedule made of the available school funds, viz. : " Stoughton Legacy, £150 at ls.6d. per ounce is £133.6.8. Lawful money ; school farm, Bridgewater, sold 12 Jan. 1768, for £351 45., which was received and applied to the use of the Town ; school farm in Wrenthan, known by 452 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. the name of Hewes's Farm, was sold Nov. 6th, 1772, £156 175.; School Farm, Dedham, sold 25 March 1790, proceeds not yet received, amt. with interest, £879 Is. ; Donation of Proprietors of Dorchester, given to the Town to be applied to some publick Purpose, has been appropriated to the use of schools, £100 ; piece of land near Mr. John How's [the School Pasture] supposed worth £300 ; * a Pasture upon the neck, supposed worth, £50 : Total, £1970 8s. 8^." In 1792, a committee was chosen to consider the expediency of dividing the town into wards, for the better accommodation of the schools. They report- ed, on the 5th of March, that there were " 177 child- ren north of the meeting-house, including Dorches- ter neck ; from said meeting-house to Mr. Jonathan Pierce's on the lower road, including said Pierce's, 92 ; from Mr. Thomas Leed's to Mr. John Capen, junr., & to Mr. John Dolbeare's, inclusive. 111 ; from Mr. Abraham Pierce's to Roxbury line, on the upper road and other parts adjacent, 172; total, 552 child- ren," under fifteen years of age. This is the first census of the children entered on the Town Records. The committee proceeded in their report to set the bounds of the four wards, as also to locate the several schools ; but, as this report was not accepted, though placed upon record, it may not be worth the while to give its details. The town voted\ however, in the following May, to be divided into four wards, respecting the schools, and to appropriate £120, thirty to each ward, to- wards maintaining said schools. The next year they HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 453 voted to have four wards — a school in each ward — two of the four to be grammar schools, and one of these to be " near the meeting house ; " also, that " the grammar schools be open for girls, six months in the summer." These votes, at the same meeting, were reconsidered. It was then voted " to have 1 grammar school," "near the meeting-house, and that no girls be allowed to go to it," In 1776, ^250 were allowed for each school in the four wards. In 1797, two annual schools were es- tablished, " one at the school-house near the meet- ing-house, the other at the house used as a school- house in the upper road." It was also voted that there be 4 women schools kept in the four wards, during the summer season ; one in each ward^ and that " the girls go to the two schools that are to be kept during the year at different hours, as the Selectmen shall determine." In 1798, the girls were to be admitted to the schools in the summer season, and ^75 were voted for each of the four wards. The same year, the " new brick school-house " near the meeting-house was built, at an expense of ^1287. The committee received for the old house, ^88. In 1801, a committee was chosen to lay out a piece of land near the burying place, to build a school-house upon, for the inhabitants of the north part of the town, or Ward 1. The Selectmen were restricted from laying out any land for said purpose on the " tri- angular piece," " before the shop of Mr. Joseph Ca- pon." (The store of " J. H. Upham & Brother " is on one of the sites occupied by Mr. Capen.) The place selected and built upon, the house being of brick, was 50 454 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. where the engine house, " Tiger, No. 6," now stands. The same year (1802) a committee reported that the sum of ^300 be appropriated to each of the four wards for building school-houses ; the other parts of the town to have money in equal proportion to the num- ber of their children, whenever they should see fit to build. It was voted, in 1803, to support four annual schools that year. In 1804, a new school district was added, by Ebenezer Trescott's, and called District No. 5. The town voted, in 1805, to grant ^1650 to the four district schools, and g226 to the fifth district. In 1806, §1906 were raised for the same purpose; in 1807, ^2000; five persons, also, were to be added to the Selectmen, as Trustees of the Schools. It will be remembered there were but two annual schools in the town prior to 1802, one at "meeting- house hill," in the " new brick " school-house, the other " near Mrs. Vincent's," on the " upper road," now Washington street, about a mile from the bridge at the " lower mills " village.* In various parts of the town, females, also, were employed to teach the children ; some were retained for the whole year, * The above remark needs some qualification. As early as the year 1793 an annual school was kept in the south-west part of the late Dea- con Badlam's house, at the Lower Mills village. Daniel Leeds was the teacher. This school was continued for a few years, the old school- house by Mrs. Vincent's having been abandoned. In the year 1797, as will be seen, the old arrangement, of two annual schools, was re- sumed. A new house was built on the site of the old one by Mrs. Vincent's, and the school at the Lower Mills village was discontinued. The inhabitants of the "village" — many of them — were dissatisfied with this arrangement, and sent their children to the Academy on Mil- ton Hill, till the year 1803, when they were accommodated with a school in their own neighborhood. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 455 some for a portion of the time ; a part of these were public, others were private schools. The paternal grandmother of Mr. Thomas Jones Tolman, the former town clerk, taught school forty years. Her maiden name was Jones. She was no doubt a loving and faithful, as she must have been an experienced, teacher. There was much inconvenience attendant in the various districts from the want of a sufficient num- ber of public schools. The town, therefore, was induced, as before mentione(^, to appropriate twelve hundred dollars for the purpose of erecting four school-houses. Stephen Badlam, Dr. James Baker, John Howe and Moses Everett were chosen a com- mittee to carry the same into effect, and in 1803, as will be seen, there were four annual schools estab- lished. The money appropriated by the town was found, however, quite insufficient for the purchase of suitable lots of land and for the erection of the houses. It became, therefore, necessary that those who were interested in the subject of education, and were in possession of the means, should contribute towards the completion of the undertaking. John Capen, Jr., who resided on what is now River street, midway between the " upper and lower mills," hav- ing a large family of children, and himself in affiu- ent circumstances, " wishing to encourage and pro- mote the education of the youth and the building of school-houses for the better accommodation there- of in the southerly part of Dorchester," gave to the town, by deed, dated 14tli of June, 1802, a lot of land containing about five thousand feet. This gift 456 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. was made on condition that, within one year, a school-house should be erected on said land — " that the same be put to no other use than that of keep- ing a school therein, and such other purposes as are necessary and convenient to promote education," " and when it ceased so to be used, the land was to revert back to him or his heirs, he paying for the building at an appraisement. The land was at the time of the gift valued at about one third of the appropriation of the town. The town complied with the conditions, and the land is now a part of the school-house lot at the ' Lower Mills.' " A house was also built the same year, probably, in District No. 2, on the " Lower road," now Adams street, near Mr. William Jacobs's. This yellow school-house has never been removed, and with the exception of an additional door on the easterly side, and a change, it may be, in the chimney from the end to the centre of the building, the old house seems, externally, the same — a memento, to many, of their school-boy days. Li 1803, also, the new school-house by Mrs. Vin- cent's was moved, standing, to a location a little south of the present post-office, on the upper road, now Washington street. The building was com- paratively small, yet the removal was attended with a great deal of expense and trouble to the town. W^ith the facilities now possessed, much larger build- ings are moved with greater ease and safety. The same year, the town voted " that Ebenezer Trescott and others be allowed three hundred dollars to build a school-house." The year subsequent, a dis- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 457 tiict was formed, called the fifth school district. It ex- tended from Dedham line to Boies's Mills, afterwards " Dorchester Cotton Factory," now a Starch Factory, to Cole's Lane, now Madison Street, and to lloxbury line. The first district clerk was John Savels. The committee to superintend the building of the new school-house, were Mr. Jeremiah Mcintosh, Mr. Lemuel Crane, and Mr. Jesse Ellis. The land was given by Mr. Crane for the purpose of a school- house, and for no other use. The district voted a tax of ^180 in addition to the three hundred dollars allowed by the town. The old house was sold for 25 dollars, making a fund of five hundred and five dollars with which to build a new house. It was built by Mr. Jesse Ellis, assisted by Mr. William Paul, carpenters. The amount of the bill from Mr. Ellis was 350 dollars. The whole cost for house, fences, &c., was ^472 86. The building was neat and commodious, containing seats and writing desks for sixty scliolars. A small addition and repairs were made in 1837, and the house is a good one at the present time. Mr. William Sumner gave the district a stove, which was the only one in use for more than thirty years. It may be well, in this connection, to give a brief account of the latter school, previous to 1803. It is situated in the south-westerly part of the town, and is now called the " Butler School." In the year 1781, Nathaniel Weatherby and others petitioned the town " to excuse them from paying their School Tax." " The Article was dis- missed." At the March meeting in 1783, the town 458 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. voted, " That Ebenezer Trescott, Nathaniel Wea- therby and others be allowed their proportionable part of the school money — they using and improv- ing it for the purpose of educating their children." Miss Polly Williams (who was afterwards the wife of Mr. Ebenezer Vose), a daughter of Dea. Isaac Wil- liams, of Roxbury, kept the first school there, in a corn-hant, before any school-house was built. Miss Williams was engaged by Mr. Richard Clarke, who moved the barn into his yard, opposite where the present school-house stands. This corn-barn, after being used for a school-room, was converted into a hen-house. The town from year to year made small appropri- ations for the educational wants of the district. About the year 1786, a school-house was built, near where the present one stands — " by Messrs. Trescott, George and Richard Clark, William Sumner, Lem- uel Crane, Jeremiah Mcintosh, and others, inhabit- ants of the district. It was one story in height, fourteen feet long, twelve feet wide, with no plaster- ing inside or clapboards outside, and was only com- fortable in summer. It had four small glass win- dows, and one without glass, closed with a wooden shutter. A door was in one corner, with no porch or entry. It was filled in, or lined, with brick, in the year 1791, but not plastered, and was sold," as has been stated, "for twenty-five dollars, in 1804." Mrs. Hawes, wife of Josejoh Hawes, Miss Gillespie, and other female teachers, taught here in the sum- mer season. In the winter of 1790 and 1791, Mr. Lemuel Crane kept school in his own dwelling- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 459 house, and afterwards in the school-house in winter, the building having been made more comfortable by the filling in, before mentioned. Mr. Crane also kept an evening school, to teach the apprentices and other boys in the fundamental branches of reading, writing and arithmetic. In the year 1796, " Eben- ezer Trescott and others were allowed one hundred dollars." The sums before this date, were six, nine, fifteen, and twenty pounds per annum. Miss Polly Crane, of Milton, kept the school in the summer of 1797 ; Dr. Gould, of Dedham, in the winter of 1797 and 98. They were followed by Messrs. Nathaniel Heaton, Peck, Rev. William Montague, Perley Lyon and Griffin Child, The latter kept the school of 1803 and 1804, being the last teacher who taught in the old school-house. His salary was " thirteen dollars a month and board for the six winter months. The district paid two dollars a week for his board. Miss Martha Sumner kept the school in the sum- mer of 1803." Mr. Griffin Child continued to teach the school in the winters of 1804-05 and 1805-06. He afterwards taught the school at the Lower Mills. Miss Susan Mcintosh and Miss Clarissa Sumner taught in the summers of 1805 and '6. Mr. Wm. Fox, of Woodstock, Conn., taught the school about three years ; Mr. Waldo Fox one year, until the spring of 1810. The town gave the district, in the years 1804, '5 and '6, the sum of $226 39 ; in 1807, $300. The latter sum was allowed each year, until about the year 1816, when another school-house having been built at the " Upper Mills " district, an annual school was established and kept in each 460 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. house in proportion to the number of children east and west of " Capen's brook " — fourteen or sixteen weeks in the old house, the remainder of the year in the new. This system continued until the district was divided. The westerly part was then called the seventh school district, and so continued till the district system was abolished by the town. The " new school," which is the larger one, is now called the " Norfolk School." It would appear that some, if not all, of the dis- trict school-houses, built with the ^300 appropria- tions, belonged to the inhabitants of the districts where said houses were located — the cost, over and above the town's grant, being met by individuals. These houses were afterwards surrendered to the town, to be permanently maintained by it. Accord- ingly, the town voted, May 8th, 1809, to accept the school-house in District No. 4 (now " Gibson School " district) for school uses, the Selectmen to receive a deed from the said district. This being done, it became the property of the town. The same year, ^2000 were raised for schools — the next two years, ^2100 each. In April, 1811, it was " voted to accept the ces- sion of the school-house in District No. 1 " (the pre- sent " Everett School " district) " for the Town use — to be retained and kept as a school-house as here- tofore." In 1812, the town voted to have an annual school kept in the brick school-house by the north meet- ing-house (the now " Mather School "). This school had previously alternated with the one on the lower HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 461 road (now "Adams School" ) —being kept on " meetino'-house hill " in summer, and at the " lower road" in winter. The town also voted, in 1812, to raise g2700 for schools. The same sum was raised the two following years. It was voted, in 1818, that the school-house in District No. 2 (now " Adams School " ) " be put on the same footing as the other school-houses in Town." From 1820 to 1824, inclusive, the annual appro- priation for schools was §2300. In the latter year it was voted to raise §500 to repair school-houses. The following, from the record, was the estimated school expenses for the year 1821 : — Six Schoolmasters' salaries, at $400 . . . $2400 Wood for six Schools, carting and sawing . 96 School at Squantum 43 Ordinary repairs of School-houses ... 65 School Committee expenses 30 2634 Deduct School income . . 251 To be raised by taxation $2371 The whole town expenses that year were estimat- ed at §6534 55. In 1857, the amount of tax raised in town was §87,915 90 ; for schools, §23,622 98. In the years 1825 and 1828, §2500 were appropri- ated for the schools ; in 1830, §2300 ; so that in 1857, the money expended for schools was more than ten times as much as in 1830. In 1827, a commit- tee of the town, to whom was referred the subject of the high school, reported it " expedient to estab- 51 462 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. lisli " such a school, " otherwise the town exposed itself to heavy penalties." The report was not ac- cepted. The next year there was a change made in the fifth school district at the Upper Mills, to take effect in the early part of the year 1829. " The point of division was at the place where the lane leading to Henry Bird's meets the Dedham road ; and on the east side of said lane ; and by a line running north and south from that point " — those west of this line to have if parts of the money raised, to be called the 7th school district ; the remainder, to the easterly part, the 5th school district. Vocal music was introduced into the Gibson School by the teacher, Robert Vose, Esq., in 1830. This pleasing and healthy accompaniment to the regular exercises afterwards became general in other schools of the town. The inhabitants of Neponset village, in Novem- ber, 1831, made a request to the town for assistance in supporting a school. The subject was referred to a committee, who reported, in the March follow- ing, that said village contained twenty-four families and thirty-four children, mostly females, of the pro- per age to attend school, but being about one and a half miles distant from any town school, they were in a measure- deprived of public instruction, espe- cially in the winter season. Conformable to their request, therefore, one hundred and fifty dollars were granted them yearly, to aid in the establishment of a public school. In the year 1834, it was reported that the aggre- gate number of children in the public schools was HISTORY OF DOUCHESTEil. 463 647 ; and the whole number attending private schools, 233. The committee recommended to the town the support of five primary schools, one for each district, except No. 5, in addition to those already established; these primary schools to be annual, a,nd to be taught by females, whose compen- sation was to be three dollars and twenty-five cents a week ; and all children under seven years of age to be sent to them. The report was accepted by the town, and soon after went into efiect. One word more as to the districts. On or before the establishment of the first annual schools in town, there were certain defined bounds or limits made, called school districts. In 1801, these territorial limits were more systematically arranged, there be- ing at that time four districts. Soon after this, ano- ther school district was added. In 1815, these dis- trict lines were renewed, and in some parts altered, so as to make six districts instead of five. Subse- quent to this, as has been mentioned, the seventh district was formed. Little heed was paid, however, to the particular districts in which the children re- sided, so far as their attendance at the different schools was concerned. Parents and guardians often sent their children to the nearest school, or otherwise, as their fancies, their individual prefer- ences for a teacher, or the wishes of the children, prompted. In 1836, the several districts were "newly num- bered, without altering the former lines." The com- mittee then proceeded to number the schools in this wise:— "No. 1, North Burying Place ; 2, Rev. N. 464 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Hall's Meeting-House ; 3, Lower Eoacl ; 4, Upper Road ; 5, Lower Mills ; 6, Upper Mills ; 7, South- west part of the Town ; 8, Neponset Village ; 9, Commercial Point." Afterwards were added — - " 10, Little Neck ; 11, Mount Bowdoin." Four thousand dollars were raised in 1836 for the support of schools. In 1836 and '7, the town erected, finished and furnished six school-houses, each two stories high — one for each grammar school district, at an expense of between g21,000 and 822,000. The sale of land at South Boston, as before stated, which was donat- ed to the town of Dorchester, by John Clap, in 1655, with the apportionment to the town of the State surplus fund (^8842 82), furnished the means for building said houses, so that a direct tax on the inhabitants for that purpose was not required. The Everett, Mather, Adams, Winthrop and Nor- folk school-houses were built 42 by 26 feet ; the Gibson school-house, 45 by 30 feet. The town, also, in 1837, increased the salaries of the then teachers — the male instructors to ^450 per annum, and the female to g4 per week, with a pro- viso that the pay to those who might be afterwards employed, should be, for the first six months, at the rate of ^400 per year for males, and $3 25 per week to females. After said period, the matter of salary was to be left discretionary with the school com- mittee. In 1838, there was a petition signed by nine of the teachers, desiring to be excused from keeping school on Wednesday afternoons. The committee HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 465 " voted that their request be complied with." This vote was subsequently reconsidered, more than three hundred persons having signed their names in op- position to the granting of the afternoon aforesaid. In 1839, a primary school was established at "Little Neck," now "Washington Village," ^100 having been appropriated by the town for that pur- pose. In 1844, the afternoons of Wednesday were grant- ed to the schools from the middle of May to the middle of September. At the close of this term, the teachers desired a continuance of the grant. In this connection it may be interesting to give the sum total of holidays allowed the children and teachers, under the " regulations " thirty years ago. These were, " the afternoon of Saturday and of all town-meeting days for the choice of public officers ; the two Election days (being the last Wednesday in May and the first Monday in June) ; the fourth of July, and Commencement day." The children were also allowed to go to the sacramental lectures, with- out losing their standing in the class, if their pa- rents w^ere inclined to send them ; and the master might " dismiss his school at an earlier hour," if it were " agreeable and convenient " for him to attend said lecture. In addition to this, the general visita- tions of the schools took place semi-annually, in the months of March and September, when the commit- tee would grant the children " one day of relaxa- tion," " at the time most agreeable to the teacher," which was usually the day succeeding the " visita- tion," or " examination," as it was generally called. 466 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. There was also a provision, that " if either of the Masters have any scholar to offer to the College at Cambridge, he shall have liberty to attend to that business." Neither was the teacher required to be present at the public catechizing, when held at his particular school-house. The catechetical exer- cises were then conducted by the minister — the usual school duties being suspended. The latter re- marks apply more particularly to the schools during the earlier part of the present century. The aggregate of the time allowed, as above, for cessation from studies for one year, Saturday after- noons included, was scarce equal to a single long vacation granted the children now. In 1846, there were 1354 scholars connected with the sixteen schools in town — yearly average attend- ance, 715. The town this year voted to appropri- ate ^500 to purchase land and build a primary school-house near the junction of Columbia and Green streets. It is stated, that in 1847, there were ten private schools in town — the aggregate number of children attending them, 168 ; at a private expense of more than ^4000. This exceeded, by more than one half, the sum expended for the public schools that year. Soon after this, under the judicious management of the school committee, public school advantages be- came enlarged, and private schools were diminished. In 1848, the town voted that the school commit- tee be authorized to establish intermediate schools in the first six districts, and also in the school at Little Neck, whenever the aggregate average attend- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 467 aiice amounted to 135 scholars, and that the sum of §1200 be appropriated for that purpose. It was voted, in addition, that an intermediate school be established at Neponset Village and other districts, whenever, in the opinion of the committee, the wants of any district might render the same neces- sary, provided there be in such schools twenty-five scholars too far advanced for the primary schools, but not otherwise. Tire town also voted the sum of gl 0,000 for general school expenses — under the direction of the school committee — together with the sum of §2,000 for buildings and fixtures for intermediate schools. In addition to this, §10,000 were appropriated and expended the same year for a school-house and land at Little Neck. Said house was completed and occupied early in December. Besides this, arrangements were made by the com- mittee for school accommodations in the neighbor- hood of Commercial Point and Harrison Square, and a house was contracted for, to accommodate 200 children — the expense of the building being a little more than §4000. The same year the committee established intermediate schools at the Lower Mills and at Neponset Village, having purchased for that purpose, at the former place, a building previously occupied by a private school. For the Neponset intermediate, provision was made by adding another story to the building occupied by the primary school. Most of the school-buildings in town were, this year, thoroughly repaired, recitation rooms added, the school-rooms newly furnished with chairs and desks, and their whole internal arrangement almost 468 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. completely changed. Additional female assistants were also appointed, in many of the schools ; so that the year 1848 has been set down as "an important and memorable one " in the annals of Dorchester schools — " a year," the committee remark, " in which more has been attempted, and, it is believed, more accomplished, than in any previous year." In this eventful year, by the vote of the town and the action of the school committee, the large sum of ^31,000 was specially devoted to school purposes. The school-house above alluded to, on Commer- cial Street, between Commercial Point and Harrison Square, was first occupied in 1849 — the primary school being removed thither from the house at the Point, and an intermediate school formed to meet the increased wants of the inhabitants. The two schools were united, and known as the " Maverick School." Names were assigned to the several schools in town, this year (1849), the committee thinking it more convenient and proper to designate a school " by a name, rather than by the number of the Dis- trict." It was thought desirable, also, and well, to bring the schools " into association with some of the great and good men who have lived among us." (We quote from the report of the school committee.) " Accordingly, the school formerly designated as ' the school in District No. 1 ' (Sumner Street), was called the Everett School : in token of the fact, that the family of distinguished scholars of that name — one of whom has borne the highest honors, both literary and civil, of the State — began their public HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 469 education in that school ; " as also, it might be added, in honor of their father and his brother, who exerted each their influence, successfully, towards the establishment of the school. " The school on Meeting-House Hill " " received the name of the Mather School : after that eminent scholar and divine — one of the most so, of his time, in New England— Richard Mather ; and who, for more than the third of a century, sustained, in that locality, the office of Christian preacher. The school on the Lower Hoad (Adams St.) has been called the Adams School : on account of its location on said street, and for the sake of an additional public remembrancer of that so honored New England name. To the school on the Upper Road (School Street) has been given the name of the Gibson School: in memory of" " Chris- topher Gibson," whose liberal donation to the free school, in 1674, has been already mentioned. " The school at the Lower Mills (River St.) " " received the name of the Winthrop School : " in honor of Gov. Winthrop. " The Intermediate school in connection with the Winthrop (on Adams Street) has received the name of the Eliot School: after John Eliot (the friend of Winthrop), designated as ' the Apos- tle to the Indians ' — a name of peculiar propriety for that school, as being located in the immediate neighborhood of the scene of the missionary labors of that true apostle. The school at the Upper Mills " was " called the Norfolk School : from the street of that name on which it stands. The school at Little Neck " [now Washington Village, South Boston] was " called the Washington School : " "a 52 470 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. name especially appropriate for that school, from the fact that it stands in the near vicinity of a spot selected by" " the father of his country" "as the scene of important operations in the war of the revo- lution. To the school at Neponset Village " was " given the name of the NepOnset School. To that on Columbia Street, the name of the Bowdoin School : from its location at the foot of Mt. Bowdoin," so named for Gov. Bowdoin and his son, who resided, for some time, on the easterly side of that eminence. To that between Commercial Point and Harrison Square, " the name of the Maverick School : after John Maverick, one of the early ministers of the town," who has been noticed in this work. " And to that in the "Western District (River Street), the name of the Butler School:" after Rev. Henry Butler, one of the early teachers in the town, of whom more in the following chapter. In February, 1850, one hundred and eighty-three citizens and tax-payers of the town petitioned the school committee " to recommend to the town the immediate establishment of a high school." The subject was presented as desired. After much dis- cussion and reflection, action was finally taken in regard to it, in 1852. An appropriation was made of ^6000 for the erection of a suitable building, to be located on what is called the " School Pasture " land, " on the westerly side of South Boston turn- pike, a little " " north of Centre Street." From re- turns made by Mr. Otis Shepard, it appeared there were more than 1,500 children in town, between the ages of 5 and 15 years, and that four-fifths of these HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 471 children were within two miles distance of the above location. The house was accordingly built on the land designated. The building was entered and the school organized in the month of December, 1852. There were 59 scholars admitted, of both sexes, from the following Grammar Schools, viz. : — From the Everett, 12 ; Mather, 10 ; Adams and Gibson, 7 each; Winthrop, 1 7 ; Norfolk, 2; and from private schools, 4. Mr. William J. Eolfe w^as chosen Prin- cipal, and, in January, 1853, a female assistant was appointed. The next year a second assistant was added, and two assistants have been since continued. Mr. Rolfe was succeeded in April, 1856, by Mr. Jonathan Kimball, the present incumbent. Scholars are examined at the close of the summer term, for admission into this school. The examination is then conducted by printed and oral questions, seventy-five per cent, of correct answers being re- quired as the condition of admittance. A new primary school was opened in the vestry of the Methodist Meeting-House, at Port Norfolk, in the early part of May, 1853, and was called the " Stoughton School." This was kept as a separate school until the close of the year 1855, when the new house, erected by the town, was completed. The Neponset and Stoughton schools were then united, and called the " Washington School." The building, which was dedicated on the 3d of January, 1856, is located midway between Neponset Village and Port Norfolk. As a matter of history, it may be mentioned, that the Washington School, noticed on a former page, located in the village of that name. 472 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. was, with a territory of 150 acres, annexed to Boston in 1855. The school was discontinued by the Dorchester committee in the early part of that year, and the house sold to the city for §6,000. On the 25th of February, 1856, the new building for the " Everett " school, at the north part of the town, was dedicated. Among the speakers present on this occasion, was the Hon. Edward Everett. The new house at the Lower Mills Village, erect- ed for the use of the united " Winthrop " and " Eliot " schools, was consecrated to the purposes of education on the 5th of March following. The school-house lot was enlarged by a purchase of land, to the value of §1000, from the estate of Thomas Crehore. The new "Matber School" was dedicated Sep- tember 4, 1856. The "Gibson" school-house, the last of the five stately and commodious edifices erected by the town, within two years, for the grammar and primary schools, was publicly set apart for the objects appro- priate to such institutions, on the 21st of May, 1857. The aggregate expense of the house, land, furniture, &c., was about §16,000. Three thousand dollars of the above sum was for land — one thousand of which was munificently donated to the town by Hon. Edmund P. Tileston. Three hundred and forty dollars were also given by Roswell Gleason, Esq., for external useful adornments to this house, which is on a new site. The old house and land connected with it wore sold. The whole amount of cost, for building and fur- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 473 nishing the five houses, the land inchisive, was nearly ^60,000. The proceeds from the sale of the old houses, which was upwards of ^5,000, more than covered the amount paid for land for the new accommodations. The expense of a few hundred dollars was incurred for an enlargement of the Eve- rett School-house lot, but none for the location of the new Mather School. The old building of the Everett School was purchased by several gentlemen in the north part of the town, and moved to the junc- tion of Pleasant, Cottage and Pond Streets. The upper room was fitted up as a hall for lectures, the lower story was converted into a library and shop, and it is now called the " Dorchester Atheneeum." The old " Neponset " school-house was remodelled into a dwelling-house for two families. The " Winthrop " and " Eliot " buildings were purchased and removed to the site of the Iloman Catholic Church, which was demolished a few years since by persons unknown. These two buildings are now fine dwelling-houses. The old " Mather " is transformed into a double dwelling-house. It is situated near the residence of Enoch Train, Esq., on Centre Street. Good school buildings are important means to- wards making good schools. Through the liberality of the town, the former have been provided — " ample in their accommodations ; chaste in their outward • appearance ; convenient in their internal arrange- ments " — "a credit to their Architect and the town." May there be a corresponding symmetry and perfec- tion in the character and condition of the pupils. 4 7 J: HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. In 1857, the amount of money appropriated by the town for the public education of each child, between the ages of 5 and 15, was ^13 18. So that Dorchester stands, in this respect, the third in the Common- wealth, and the second in Norfolk County — the towns of Naliant and Brookline only being before it. The whole number of children in town, between the ages above mentioned, May 1, 1857, were 1G57. The whole number in the schools, the High School in- cluded, as given in the committee's report, April 1, 1858, was 1704 in summer, 1691 in winter ; aver- age attendance, 1334 in summer, 1360 in winter. A few words may properly be given here, in re- gard to the books that have been used in our schools. One of the earliest, undoubtedly, was the old-fashion- ed, blue-covered. New England Primer, so well known to us, which has passed through such a vari- ety of editions — the undisputed standard of ortho- doxy in the days of our fathers. There was another book, however, which may have been, to some ex- tent, its antecedent. A smgle leaf of coarse paper, with the alphabet and Lord's prayer printed on it, was fastened firmly, with glue, or some other simi- lar substance, on a thin piece of board, and covered over with horn, to keep it from soiling. A book thus manufactured was called a " horn book," and was " used for teaching children their letters." Not unlikely it may have had priority to the primer in the Dorchester dame schools. It was a requisite of admission into the grammar school, that the child should be able to read correctly in the primer. Pre- viously to 1665, Kichard Mather's catechism was HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 475 in use. In that year, the town voted to distribute a " new impression " of the book among the fami- lies in town. In relation to the books and classes in the old school, near Meeting-house Hill, a century ago, Dea. Humphreys states there were three classi- fications. The lowest was called " the Psalter class," next " the Testament class," then " the Bible class." The latter were required to read about two chapters at the commencement and close of the school, spell words contained in those chapters, and write and cypher. From the year 1759 to 1767, when he left the school, he saw " no other English books " there, he says, except those that have been mentioned, " till about the last two years, we had Dilworth's spelling-book and Hodder's arithmetic." The fa- mous spelling-book of Noah Webster was first pub- lished by him in Hartford, in 1783 ; the grammar and reader followed. These three parts were enti- tled, " A Grammatical Institute of the English Lan- guage." " Thomas & Andrews's twenty-fourth edi- tion " of the spelling-book was printed by them in Boston, in 1802, the said firm having been induced, in 1790, by the popularity of the work, "to pur- chase the exclusive right of printing all the three parts of said Institute, in the States of Massachu- setts, New Elampshire and Rhode Island, for the term of fourteen years."* How early these works * Noah Webster once stated, that seven millions "of copies of his spell- ing-book had been published, and that probably two thirds of all the [then] inhabitants of the United States had received the rudiments of their education from the use of this book. — Salem Observer. He died at New Haven, Ct., May 28, 1843, in his eighty-fifth year. 476 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. were introduced into the Dorchester scliools, we are not informed. In 1816, there were vnrious rules and regulations passed by the school committee, to be observed by the teachers. These rules were printed on a half sheet, and continued in force for many years. Pre- vious to 1820, it is believed, the following books were introduced. For the "5th class. New York Primer ; -ith class, New York Preceptor, and Tem- ple's Child's Assistant ; 3d class, Picket's Juvenile Spelling-Book, New York Reader No. 1, and Bing- ham's Geographical Catechism ; 2d class. New York Reader No. 2, Abridgement of Murray's Gram- mar, Temple's Arithmetic, Cummings's Pirst Lessons in Geography and Astronomy, and the Testament ; 1st class. New York Reader No. 3, Kinne's Practi- cal Arithmetic, System of Polite Learning, Perry's Dictionary, or, in preference, Sheridan improved, and the Bible." To the more advanced were recom- mended, " Cummings's Ancient and Modern Geogra- phy, and Maps," and " Blair's Universal Preceptor." Morse's Geography, Walsh's, Pike's and Adams's Arithmetics, American Preceptor, Columbian Orator, and Scott's Lessons, were also used. A part of every Saturday was to be spent by the children in reciting from such catechisms as they might " severally bring, with a written request from their parents." Subsequently, Lee's Spelling Book, Leavitt's Reading Lessons, Cummings's Pronouncing Spel- ling-Book, Wilkins's Astronomy, Murray's English Reader, Worcester's Friend of Youth, AVhelpley's HISTOaY OF DORCHESTER. 477 Compend of History, Wooclbridge's Geography and Atlas, Daboll's Arithmetic, Colburn's Arithmetic, Walker's Dictionary, Pierpont's Readers, and other books, were brought into use. In the year 1832, there was a new selection made by the school committee, and, from time to time since, various books have been introduced, as they were considered needed. Prominent among these, have been the works of Mess. Swan, Emerson and Greenleaf. Cooper's Thesaurus Pomanse et Britannicse (the old Latin Dictionary, folio, referred to on page 259) was presented to the Dorchester school by Pev. Richard Mather. With the exception of the title- page, which is gone, the book is still in a good con- dition, like the one in the Boston Athenseum, print- ed in London in 1578, though evidently not of the same edition. By a memorandum on the margin of one of the leaves, it appears to have been presented to the school in 1669. Four editions of this work have been issued. The first, in 1565 ; the same, re- printed in 1573, 1578, 1584. It is probable that eight or nine successive generations of children and youth have taken " fruit and commoditte," as the author expresses it, from this identical book. " A studious yong man," he continues, " with small paines, by the helpe of this booke may gather to himself goode furniture both of wordes and approued phrases and fashions of speaking for any thing, that he shall eyther write or speake of, and so make vnto his vse, as it were a common place booke for such a pur- pose ; " so that those disposed may " by their owne 478 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. labour, without instruction or lielpe of maisters, traueyle to attaine the knowledge of the Latino tongue." The author of this Dictionary, Thomas Cooper, or Couper, was born at Oxford, about the year 1517. He styles himself, in the first edition of his Chronicles, school-master at Oxford, but was afterwards Bishop of Lincoln, and then translated to Winchester. He enlarged the " Bibliotheca Eliota" ^a compilation by " Sir Thomas Eliote." In the hands of Mr. Cooper this work passed through three editions (the first in 1541), each with addi- tions and corrections. In the Library of the Massa- chusetts Historical Society is a copy of the book (edition 1559), v/hich contains the autograph of Adam Winthrop, father of the elder Gov. Winthrop, as also that of the Governor and his son John, after- wards Governor of Connecticut. This Dictionary is referred to, in a letter from the elder John to his son, while the latter was at college, in Dublin, June 26, 1623. (See Appendix to Savage's Winthrop, page 410.) Mr. Cooper died in 1594. We cannot better close our sketch of the public schools of Dorchester, than by quoting the remarks made some years since, by a former pupil, the Hon, Edward Everett. " I hold, Sir, that to read the English language well, that is, with intelligence, feehng, spirit and effect ; — to write with despatch, a neat, handsome, legible hand (for it is, after aU, a great object in writing, to have others able to read what you write), and to be master of the four rules of arithmetic, so as to dispose at once with accuracy of every (]^ues- HISTORY OP DORCHESTER. 479 tion of figures which comes up in practical life ; — = I say I call this a good education ; and if you add the ability to write grammatical English, with the help of very few hard words, I regard it as an excel- lent education. These are the tools : — you can do much with them, but you are helpless without them. They are the foundation ; and unless you begin with these, all your flashy attainments, a little natural philosophy and a little mental philosophy, a little physiology and a little geology, and all the other ologies and osophies, are but ostentatious rubbish." CHAPTER XXIII. Brief Notices of the Early Teachers in the Public Schools, It is purposed, in this chapter, to give a succinct account of all the teachers in our Dorchester free school, whose names have been ascertained, from the year 1639 to 1804, inclusive — a period of 166 years. Many of the names in our list are found written in the old Latin Dictionary referred to on pages 259 and 47 T. The earliest entries made in that volume, are, apparently, in the hand writing of Rev. Dr. Harris. This book is in charge of the teacher of the " Mather School." The facts in relation to these individuals have been gleaned from various sources, presumed to be reliable. Much additional information could have been given in regard to many of them ; but, to bring 480 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. the matter within proper limits, it was found neces- sary to condense. It may be well, in the outset, to mention the re- markable fact, that of the seventy teachers whose names have been found connected with the Dorches- ter schools, during the time above mentioned — nearly a century and three quarters — fifty-three, or three-fourths of the whole number, graduated at Harvard College. Another obtained his education at that College, but, for reasons hereafter to be men- tioned, did not receive a degree, though he subse- quently fulfilled, faithfully, the duties of a minister, both in a clerical and in a political capacity. Of the remaining seventeen in the list, two gradu- ated at Cambridge University, in England, two at Brown University, E,. I., and one at Dartmouth Col- lege. Thirty-one of these school-masters, or nearly one half, were ordained ministers, the most of them subsequent to their teaching school. It is probable not a few of the number were assisted in their stu- dies for the ministry by their respective pastors, Mather, Flint, Danforth, Bowman, Everett and Harris. Dr. Harris mentions the name of " Mr. Conant " as a teacher of the school in 1638. We find no other authority for this statement. Rev. Thomas Waterhouse is the pioneer teacher on the records of our town. He was born about the year 1600 ; was a graduate of Cambridge Uni- versity, in England ; taught in Dorchester in the year 1639, but soon after returned to England, and HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 481 was a preacher in the county of Suffolk. (See p. 141 of this work, for information in regard to his family.) The following, in relation to Mr. AV., is copied from Palmer s " Nonconformists Memorial," vol. 2, p. 40S. " He was a scholar of tlic Cliarter house. He came from the miiversity very zealous for the ceremonies, but Lcino; curate to old Mr. Candler of Coddenham, his zeal very much abated. He there married a gentlewoman of a very good family. He afterwards had a living (in the gift of the Charter house) near Bishops-Stortford, iu Herts. Upon the breaking out of the civil war, he went to New-Ensrland, and had removed all his effects in order to his settling there. But soon hearing of the death of his wife's brother (upon wliich a good estate fell to her and her sister), he 'returned to Old England, when ho became master of the public school in Colchester. He had not been there long before he had an impulse upon his spirit that some remarkable judgment would befall that place, upon which he determined to remove, and no arguments could prevail with him to stay. Accordingly, in about half a year that town was besieged, and the hard- ships they went thro' were peculiar. Mr. W. had removed into High-Suffolk, where his wife's estate lay. After be- ing silenced, he lived at Ipswich, and sometimes preached there occasionally; but his principal employment was teaching a school, for which he was peculiarly qualified, and he had good success. He died at Creetiug in 1679 or 1680, near 80 years of age. He was a very useful man, of a blameless conversation, and very firm in his Non- conformitv." 482 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Henry Butler was the teacher as early as 1648. He was born in the county of Kent, England, and received the degree of M.A. at Cambridge University. *' When he was about 30 years of age he took a voyage into New England, with several others, for the free exercise of their religion, and continued there 11 or 12 years in the work of the ministry, and teaching university learning."* His wife was Anne, probably a daughter of John Holman.f Mr. B. seems to have been connected with the school as late as the year 1652. "Returning into England, ho spent a year or two in Dorchester, and then settled at Yeovil [in Somersetshire], where he continued public minister till August 24, 1G62. He continued his ministry afterwards in that town, and in other places as he had opportunity, and was often con- victed, apprehended and imprisoned. He suffered great losses by fines and fcizurcs of his goods, and was often forced to remove from his habitation. At length he set* tied at a place in this country called Withamfrary, about 5 miles from Frome, where he was pastor of a congrega- tion ; and no danger from enemies, weather or indisposi- tion of body, hindered him from meeting his people, either in private houses or in Sir Edward Seymour's woods, as was thought most safe ; and though it was with difficulty * Palmer's Noncoiiformist's Memorial, vol. 2, p. 388. t Abstract of a deed from Butler to Holmaii, dated 4 August, 1673. {Suffolk Deeds, Lib. 9, fol. 46.) Henry Butler, now or late of Yeouel in the County of Somerset, Eng. Consideration £160 paid by Thomas Holman of Milton, do sell him all that housinge, lands, &c., which I the said Henry Butler have or should have in Milton or Dorchester in New England, which did fornv^rly belong unto John Holnian, Inte of Milton, deceased. JTnnrv AH'^n, .Tosepli AHon, Attorney. Aclcnow* ledged 7 Nov. 1674. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER, 483 and hazard that they met together, the congregation grew, and he did much good. Tho' he had not 201. per annum to live upon till about two years before his death, no offers of worldly advantage would tempt him to leave his charge. He was much afilicted with the stone in the lat- ter part of his life, and yet continued his labours among his people as his strength would permit. He died April 24, 1696, aged 72. His last words were, ' A broken and a contrite heart, God, thou wilt not despise.' ""^ In 1670, wlien the church in Dorchester were about to choose a minister to fill the vacancy oc- casioned by the death of Mr. Mather, three candi- dates were nominated, one of whom was " Mr. But- ler, in Old England." (See ante, p. 219.) The " Butler School," at the " Upper Mills vil- lage," has been appropriately named for this ancient instructor of our fathers. IcHABOD WiswALL, the sccoud son of Elder Tho- mas and Elizabeth Wis wall, was horn in Dorchester in 1637, and entered Harvard College, 1654. Seve- ral of the members of his class were dissatisfied with a vote of the College Corporation requiring that stu- dents should pass four years in the institution pre- vious to taking a degree, whereas, at the time they entered, a continuance of three years entitled them to that honor. Accordingly, Mr. Wiswall, with William Brimsmead, of Dorchester — who was after- wards the first minister of Marlborough — and per- haps others, in a spirit, as they thought, of manly independence, left the College at the expiration of • Palmer's Nonconformist's Memorial, vol. 2, p. 388. 48i HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. three years, ^v'itllout receiving the customary degree. Before leaving College, however, young Wiswall seems to have been engaged in teaching school in * Dorchester. In the Town Records, under date of 8 Feb., 1655, is an agreement between the Select- men and Thomas Wiswall, that his son Ichabod, then about 18 years of age, should be the teacher of the school for three years. The following is a copy of tlio contract, signed by Ichabod Wiswall, and by Edward Breck in the name of the rest of the Selectmen. " First, that Iijliabod, w"* the Consent of his Father, sliall from the 7th of March next Ensdngc, vnto the end of three full years from thence be compleate and ended, instructe and teach in a free Schoolc in Dorchester all such Cheldren as by the Inhabitants shall be Committed vnto his Care, in EngHsh, Latine and Greeke as from time to time the Cheldren shall be Capable, and allso instruct them in writinge as hee shall be able ; w^^ is to be vnder- stood such Cheldren as are so fare enf'^'' all redie to knowc there Leters and to spell some what ; and also prouidcd the schoole howse from time to time be kept in good order and comfortable for a man to abide in, both in somer and in Winter, by prouiding Fire seasonably, so that it may ncathcr be preiudiciall to master nor Scholar — and in cause of palpable neglect and inatter of Complaint, and not reformed, it shall not binde the m'' to Endanger his health. " Secondly, that the Selectmen of Dorchester shall, from yeare to yeare, every yeare paye or cause to be paid vnto Icabod or his Father by his Assignment the full somme of Twentie Five Pounds, two thirdes in wheate, pease, or barley, marchantable, and one thirde in Indian, att or be- fore the first of March, dueringc the three yeares, yearly, HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 485 at price Currant, w'^'^ is to be vnderstoode the price w'^'^ the gcnerall Court shall from time to time appoint." Annexed is a fac-simile of tlie f) A) ^ signature of Mr Wiswall ; that n^C^^ <7) v the town, and at other times by f^^'tiuS^n.^ the Selectmen. In the year 1661, " the Selectmen did covenant " with him, and promised him £25 for his services that year. In 1666, there were " agita- tions about a school-master," and a committee, con- sisting of Mr. Richard Mather, Lieut. Hopestill Fos- ter and John Minot, were chosen to procure a mas- ter, while at the same time, " it was voted that Mr. * Fairfield's MS. Journal, quoted by Rev. T. M. Harris, in his Hist. of Dorchester, Mass. Hist. Coll., 1st Series, vol. 9, p. 180. t Hist, and Gen. Reg., vol. 4, p. 2-38, Emery's Ministry of Taun- ton, vol. 1, pp. 18, 20, 37, 46. 488 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Pole should go on in keeping school until another master be provided." In 1667, the same committee were empowered " to agree with such a man as they shall judge meet, not exceeding ;£40 a year." Mr. Pole continued with them, at the desire of the town, till another could be obtained, a school-master hav- ing long "been endeavored after." In 1669, " Sir Atherton " succeeded him. In addition to Mr. Pole's services as a school- master, it may be mentioned that "he was Clerk of y^ Writs & Register of Births, Deaths & Mar- riages in Dorchester about 10 years." (For further particulars of William Pole, see ante, p. 96.) The inscription, from the top of the entablature over his tomb, is there given. The following is from under- neath, at the head of the grave. " Here lieth buried y*' body of Mr. William Poole aged 81 years who died y'' 25^'^ of February in y« yere 1674." At the foot, a coat of arms of the family is en- graved in outline. During Mr. Pole's administration (in 1665), the town voted, that " the new impression of Mr. Ma- ther's catechism should be paid for out of the town rate ; and so the books to become the town's " — the said work to be disposed of, to each family, accord- ing to the direction of the Elders, with the Select- men and Deacon Capen. The town paid Anthony Fisher £4 lOs. for printing the catechism. Where HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 489 can a copy of this work now be found 1 * The cele- brated Cotton Mather, in his life of Rev, Richard Mather, his grandfather, says : " He published cate- chisms, a lesser and a larger, so well formed that a Luther himself would not have been ashamed of being a learner from them." (Magnalia, 1, 454.) Hope Atherton,-]" son of Maj. Humphrey Ather- ton, was born in Dorchester, where he was baptized 80th Aug. 1646. He graduated at Harvard College, 1665, and taught the school in his native town in * Since ^yrit^^g the above, we have been favored with a sight of this rare book, a duodecimo of 124 pages — the only copy that we have heard of in this country, after extensive inquiry. It is in possession of J. W. Thornton, Esq., of Boston. The title-page reads thus : — A I Catpxiii.sme I or, | The Grounds and Princi | pies of Christian Religion, set | forth by way of Question | and Answei-. | Wherein the summe of the Doctrine of | Religion is comprised, familiarly opened, | and clearly confirmed from the | Holy Scriptures. | By Richakd Ma- ther, Teacher to the | Church at Dorchester in New England. Holdfast the form of sound words wMcli thou hast heard of me \ in faith and love, which is in Christ Jesus. 2 Tim. 1, 13. When for tJie time ye ought to he Teachers, ye have need that \ one teach yoii again the first principles of the Oracles of God, \ and are he- come such as have need of Milhe, and not of strong \ meat. Heb. 5, 12. London. | Printed for lohn Rothwell, and are to be sold at | his shop at the signe of the Sunne and Foun [ taiue in Paid's Church yard neer the little | North-gate. 1650. The following, recommendatory of the work, is from the address " to the reader," by Rev. John Cotton and Rev. John Wilson, of Boston. " Wherein," say they, " you shall find the summe of the Doctrine of the Christian Religion, with pithy solidity and orderly dexterity digest- ed together, and with clear evidence of truth confii-med from the holy scriptures : and both with such familiar plainnesse of savory language, as (by the blessing of Chi-ist) the simple-honest-hcarted Reader may be informed and estaljlished in the higliest truths, and the most intelligent may be refreshed and comforted," &c. t He is twice called Hopestlll on the Suffolk Probate Records. On the College catalogue his name is latinized Sperantius. 490 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 1668 and 1669.* Consideration, £25, " to be paid him in such Marchantable pay as y® towne vsually pay Rates & towne W/? [l I~JP charges in;"— "what (fiOpC nijUlti Children come out of CJ other Towns, he shall have y^ benefitt of them." f In 1669, he was to have £30. On the 8th of June of the same year, it was voted by the town, to dis- miss Mr. Atherton from his engagement to the school by the 29th of September following, " or sooner, if the town by their Committee can provide a supply for the school." This action was, taken in accordance with a desire expressed by " brethren & friends living at or near the town of Hadley," that Mr. A. should enter " the public work of the Min- istry with them." In 1670, Hatfield was incorpo- rated as a distinct town, having been previously a part of Hadley. Mr. Atherton accepted a call ten- dered him by the people of Hatfield to become their first minister, and on the 25 th of November, 1670, they voted to build him a suitable house, and to give him a salary of £60 a year, " two thirds to be paid in good merchantable wheat, and one third in pork, with this provision : ' If our crops fall so short that we cannot pay in kind, then we are to pay in the next best pay we have.' " Rev. Hope Atherton married Sarah, daughter of Lieut. John Hollister, of Wethersfield, Conn., in 1674. She had by Mr. Atherton three children. * The above signature bears date 8:1: IGGS— 9. t Extract from the treaty with him on the Town llecords. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 491 Soon after the death of Mr. Atherton, probably in 1679, his widow married Timothy Baker, of North- ampton, a man of distinction in that town. She was his second wife. By this connection Mr. Baker had five children (the first child being born in Feb- ruary, 1680-81), one of whom was the celebrated Capt, Thomas Baker, who married Christine Otis, of Dover, N. H. (See Genealogical llegister, vol. 5, p. 189-196.) Mr. Atherton accompanied Capt. Turner, in 1676, as chaplain, in the expedition against the Indians, in the neighborhood of Greenfield, which resulted in the celebrated " Falls Fight." Rev. John Taylor, of Deerfield, in an edition of " Williams's Kedeemed Captive" (1793), closes his account of the " Fight " with a brief narrative of Mr. A. " In this action," he says, " was the Rev. Mr. Atherton, minister of Hatfield. The following is the substance of a paragraph which he delivered to his people the sabbath after his return : — ' In the hurry and confusion of the retreat,' says Mr. Ath- erton, ' I was separated from the army. The night following, I wandered up and down among the dwelling places of the enemy, but none of them dis- covered me. The next day I tendered myself to them a prisoner, for no way of escape appeared, and I had been a long time without food ; but, notwith- standing I ofiered myself to them, yet they accepted not the ofier. When I spake to them they answer- ed not, and when I moved towards them they fied. Finding they would not accept of me as a prisoner, I determined to take the course of the river, and, if 492 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. possible, find the way home ; and, after several days of hunger, fatigue and danger, I reached Hatfield.' " " There were various conjectures at the time," says Mr. Taylor, " relative to this strange conduct of the Indians [in avoiding Mr. Atherton]. The most probable one was, that it arose from some of their religious superstitions. They supposed he was the Englishman's God." Mr. Atherton never recovered from the effects of these severe sufferings and exposures. He died June 8th, 1677, leaving an only son, Joseph, who was living in 1736. John Foster, son of C'apt. Hopestill and Mary Foster, was born in Dorchester about 1648 ; graduat- ed at Harvard College in 1667 ; commenced teaching school, it is thought, Oct. of 1669, at £25 per annum. In article fourth of his agreement, it was " granted as a liberty to y'^ Master, if he see it meete, for to go once in a fortnight to a lectuer." His salary in 1670 was £'30. On the 23d of December, 1672, it was agreed that Mr. Foster " shall teach such lattin schollars as shall Come to his fathers hous one wholl yeer next ensueing from the first of January next, and to instruct and give out Coppies to such as come to him to learne to writte " — " for his paines to haue £10." A fac-simile of his // /} J" /I signature to this agreement ^jOwW /P'QSi/tl^* is here given. In 1674, his (^JJ i_J " recompence " for teaching grammar scholars in English, Latin and writing, " at y'' scholc-house," was £30. The same year the General Court granted HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 493 permission to establish a printing press in Boston. One was set up by Mr. Foster in 1675 or '6. This was the first printing house in Boston ; now there are about eighty in that city. Mr. F. is known to have been the author of an almanac for 1675, also for 1680; and author and printer of almanacs for the years 1676, '78, '79, '81, the latter being the year of his decease. Among other works, he print- ed Increase Mather's Exhortation to the Inhabitants of New England (" Are to be sold over against the Dove"), 4to. 1676; Hubbard's Election Sermon, delivered 3d May, 1676, 4to., 1676 ; I. Mather's Brief History of the Warre with the Indians, Sec, 4 to. ; A relation of the Troubles of New England from the Indians, &c., by I. Mather, 4to., 1677; Hubbard's Narration of the Troubles with the In- dians, &c., 4to., 1677 ; Rev. John Eliot's Harmony of the Gospels, 4to., 1678 ; Increase Mather s Ser- mon " preached to the Second Church in Boston in New England, March 17, 1679-80, when that Church did solemnly and explicitly Renew their Covenant with God, and one with another ; " also, Samuel Willard's Discourse, preached the same day, after that Church had " renewed their Covenant." The two discourses, which were probably among the last works printed by Mr. Foster, are bound to- gether. The preface, by Increase Mather, is dated A]3ril 19th, 1680. These books are all in quarto form, and several of them are in the possession of Mr. S. G. Drake, to whom we are partly indebted for the above information relative to Mr. Foster. Blake, in his Annals (p. 29), states that Mr. Fos- 55 494 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. ter " made the then Seal or Arms of y^ Colony, namely an Indian with a Bow & Arrow, &c." Dr. Pierce says (Address at opening of Town Hall, Brookline, 1845, p. 20) " the device is " " ascribed to " " John Hull," the mint master. In regard to this, it may be said that the original silver seal of the Massachusetts Company, in England, was sent over to Gov. Endicott in the year 1G29. It was in use until the accession of Gov. Andros in 1686, which was about five years after the decease of Mr. Foster. The seal was probably restored in 1689, after the deposition of Andros, and laid by in 1692, when the Province seal, under the second charter, was substituted. In 1775, the Colony seal was adopted; and in 1780, our present State seal. The five seals, by way of distinction, may be designated as the " first charter," " usurpation," " second char- ter," the " revolution," and " constitution " seals. It seems to be a mistake, therefore, to suppose that either of the persons above mentioned " made " or " devised " the first seal. Engravings of it certainly were formed, on blocks or plates, for printing, and it would be natural enough for the mint master and the printer, especially the latter, to have an over- sight in their production. The impressions of the seal on the public documents, were variable in their size, and it is not improbable that both Hull and Foster may have designed or manufactured, in wood or metal, different sized models of it.* * See Felt's Historical Account of the Massachusetts Currency, pp. 247, 248, 252 ; Drake's History of Boston, /oZto edition, p. 840 ; pages 244 and 245 of this work. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 495 Mr. Foster died September 9th, 1681, aged 33. Thomas Tileston, of Dorchester, and 'Rev. Joseph Capen, of Topsfield, wrote elegies upon his death. These are printed entire in Simonds's History of South Boston. A portion only of the latter poem has been introduced into this work. The fol- lowing is a poetical version of the Latin inscription on Mr. Foster's grave-stone. The inscription is given on page 245. " Foster, while living, starry orbs explored, Dying, beyond their radiant sphere he soar'd ; And, still admiring the Creator's plan, Learns the wide scope of highest heaven to scan. Me, too, may Christ by his rich grace prepare To follow, and be reunited there." Thomas's Hist, of Printing, vol. 1, p. 27Y. James Minot, who taught in 1675, '77, '78, '79, '80, was born in Dorchester 14th (Farmer says 18th) September, 1653. He was the son of Capt. John and Lydia (Butler) Minot, and grandson of Elder George Minot, who settled at what is now Neponset Village about 1630. Elder George was born in England, Aug. 4th, 1594, and was the son of Thos. Minot, Esq., of Saffron Walden, Essex, England. James, the subject of this notice, graduated at Harvard College in 1675. "He studied divinity and physic," and by the combination made himself more efficient to minister to the general wants of the people. In June, 1680, the town " voted that if Mr. Minot can be procured to preach once a fortnight (his year beginning in January last and to end next January) that he should have twenty pounds, half 49 G HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. money and half other pay." Probably Rev. Mr. Flint, the pastor, was in feeble health at this time, for he died on the 16th of September following. After relinquishing the school in Dorchester, Mr. M. " removed to Concord, where he was employed as a teacher and physician. In 1685, he was hired to preach in StoAv, 'for 12^. 6^. per day, one half cash and one half Indian corn ; ' and again in 1686, for ' what older towns had given their ministers — £13 for 13 sabbaths.' In 1692, he had another application to preach there, which he declined. Re- linquishing the profession soon after, he was appoint- ed Justice of the Peace, in 1692, and a captain of the militia, then offices of much distinction. He represented the town several years in General Court, was much employed in various public trusts, and distinguished himself for his talents and excellent character." He married Rebecca, daughter of Capt. Timothy Wheeler, of Concord, by whom he had ten children. Many distinguished individuals in our country de- scended from them. Mrs. Minot died on the 23d of September, 1734, aged 68. He deceased September 20th, 1735, aged 83 years.* The accompanying fac-sim- 'T^jjierJ^l^no^ ile of his name is from the ^ original in the second volume of the Town Re- cords, date 12th May, 1677. * See a copy of the inscriptions on their grave-stones at Concord, in N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg., vol. 1, p. 173, '4, in connection with a gene- alogy of the family, from which the al)ove extract concerning Mr. Minot is taken. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 497 William Denison taught the school in 1681 — to have £'20 and " his accommodation for diet ;" the next year to have twenty shillings more in money ; in 1683 he taught part of the year. He was a son of Edward Denison ; was born in Roxbury, 18th Sep- tember, 1664 ; graduated at Harvard College, 1681 ; married Dorothy, daughter of Thomas Weld, of Rox- bury, 12th May, 1686. He was made a freeman in 1690 ; was a representative to the General Court for twenty years, and died in Roxbury, 22d of March, 1718, aged 54 years.* The ^^- n^^^ i^^'J^ . nexed is his fac-simile, 1681. v^J^^ a Mr. D. belonged to a family of note. His grand- father William, one of the early settlers of Roxbury, was a freeman in 1632, and a representative in 1653. His son Daniel was a representative many years ; an assistant ; a speaker of the House ; afterwards a major general. Edward, the second son of William, and the father of the subject of this notice, married Elizabeth Weld in 1641; was a representative in 1652 and '55. He died April 26, 1668. George, the third son of William, and brother of Edward^ was distinguished in the war with king Philip. The following in relation to the " possession " of Edward, the father of William (the teacher), is from the early records of Roxbury. " Edward Denison to have a piece of marsh and upland called Pine island, being fewer accres, more or lesse, upon the riuer that leades to Dorchester tide-mill •j' — south-east, north and west compassed * See Ellis's Hist. Roxbury. t This was " Clap's mill," so called, referrerl to on page 113. 498 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. with a creeke, and upon the marsh lately Thomas Robinsons, south." John Williams, son of Dea, Samuel, and grand- son of Robert, of Roxbury, was born in Roxbury, 10th December, 166i. The maiden name of his mother was Theoda Park. She was a daughter of Dea. William Park, a person of distinction in the town of Roxbury. Through the aid and influence of this worthy man, his grandson, John Williams, was enabled to obtain a college education. He graduat- ed at Harvard College in 1683, and in the subse- quent year became a teacher in the Dorchester school. His signature to /f ^ the contracts for keeping fi-on^ Xa/x ^%cL.7n£. school in 1684 and in 1685, {] are on record. The fac-simile is from the one of the latter date. In the month of May, 1686, he was ordained as the first minister in Deerfield. This town, at that time a frontier settlement, was con- tinually exposed to the attacks of the savages. Mr. Williams, with an undaunted spirit, took his lot with the people. Soon after his settlement he mar- ried Eunice Mather, of Northampton, who was a daughter of Rev. Eleazer Mather, and grand-daugh- ter of Rev. Richard Mather, of Dorchester. On her mother's side she was a grand-daughter of Rev. John AVarham, also of Dorchester. Rev. Mr. Williams had by his wife Eunice nine children, three of whom were afterwards ministers of the gospel, viz. : Eleazer, who was ordained at Mansfield, Ct. ; Stephen, ordained at Long Meadow, HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 499 Mass. ; Warham, ordained at Watertown, west pre- cinct, now Waltham. The whole of Mr. Williams's family, then living, with the exception of Eleazer — nine in number — were taken captive by the French and Indians, in Deerfield, 29th February, 1703-4.* The two young- est sons were murdered by them on the spot ; the mother shared the same fate a few days afterwards. A full account of the taking of Deerfield, and of the privations and awful sufterings that attended this unfortunate family in their journey through the wilderness to Canada, is feelingly narrated by Mr. Williams in his book entitled, " The Redeemed Captive returning to Zion," to which the reader is referred. His captivity continued a year and nine months, during which time every artifice was used to bring the members of the family under the dominion of popery, but without success, except in one instance. His daughter Eunice was left among the Indians, when he was redeemed in 1706, 1 and no sums of money could procure her redemption. She was at that time ten years of age. Soon after this she for- got the English language, and in her habits became an Indian, one of whom she married. It is said the Rev. Eleazer Williams, of " Dauphin " notoriety, is her great grandson. She died in Canada at the ad- vanced age of 90 years. Mr. Williams, after his release, settled again in the ministry at Deerfield. He married for his sec- * See page 280 of this work, t See page 282. 500 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. onci wife a daughter of Capt. Allen, of Windsor, Ct., who, like his first wife, was a grand-daughter of Rev. Mr. Warham. By this connection he had five children. He died at Deerfield in a fit of apoplexy, on the 12th of June, 1729, in the 65tli year of his age and the 44th of his ministry. Jonathan Pierpont — son of Eobert and Sarah (Lynde) Pierpont, and grandson of James, a mer- chant of London, afterwards of Ipswich, Mass. — was born in Roxbury, in this State, 10th of June, 16G5. Robert, the father, was a younger brother of John, who settled early in Roxbury. 1'he latter was a great- great-grandfather of Rev. John Pierpont, the former pastor of HoUis Street church, Boston, late of Medford, who has kindly furnished information in regard to the Rev. Jonathan, with extracts from his diary. The following are selections : — '< July 1st, 1685. I took my first degree." [At Har- vard College.] " 4. I removed from Cambridge to my father's house." "Feb. 1. I went to Dorchester to keep school." [This is a fac- ^^ simile y^ /?/y^ /"^^/^ ture to ^^ — -^ the agreement.] " While I lived at Dorchester it pleased God to awaken me by the word preached." "Aug. 8th, 1686. I preached my first sermon at Mil- ton. Text, 1 Peter, 5, 5." "July 31, 1687. I was invited to preach at Dedham for a quarter of a year. By the advice of Ministers and friends I accepted the call." HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 501 "July 31. I left teaching school at Dorchester, and ■went to my father's house." He was twice invited, in the autumn of that year, to settle at Declham, but declined. He also had calls to settle at New London, Sandwich, Newbury vil- lage and Northfield, neither of which was accepted. "June 19th, 1688. I went to the funeral of Rev. Mr. Brock, at Reading. * * * * He was a man who excelled most men in Faitli, Prayer & private conference. At the funeral I was desired by some of the principal persons in the place, to preach among them on the first sabbath in July." "July 1. I preached at Reading. Text, Heb. xii. 15." He had two calls, subsequently, to settle there. " 1689, June 26. I was ordained Pastor of the Church of Christ in Reading. * * * * Mr. Morton gave me the charge. Mr. C. Mather gave me the right hand of fellow- ship.^" " 1691, July 30. Having obtained consent of my Pa- rents, I gave Mrs. E. A.* a visit." " Oct. 29. I was marry ed to Mrs. E. A., a pious and prudent person." " 1692, March. My honoured Father Angier dyed." " [1692-3] Feb. 25. Our first child was born, which was a daughter; name Elizabeth." " 169$"[ ?], Sept. 14. My son Jonathan was born." " 1706, Oct. 13. My son Joseph born about one in morning." " 1707, Feb. 11. Mary Pierpont born." * Elizabeth Angier, daughter of Edmund and Ann (Pratt) Angier, of Cambridge, was baptized September 22d, 1667. The prefix " Mrs." to the name of a maiden woman, was not uncommon in early times. 56 502 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. The following inscription is on the grave-stone of Mr. P. at South Reading. " The Reverend Mr. Jonathan Pierpont, late Pastor of the Church of Christ in Redding, for the space of twenty years, aged 44 years ; who departed this life June 2, ItOO. A fruitful Christian, and Pastor, who Did good to all, and lov'd all good to do ; A tender Husband, and a Parent kind, A faithful friend, which who, who, can find ! A Preacher, that a bright example gave Of rules he preach'd, the souls of men to save ; A Pierpont all of this, here leaves his dust, And waits the resurrection of the just." Edward Mills — son of John and Elizabeth (Shove) Mills, and grandson of John and Susanna — was born in Braintree the 29th of June, 1665; graduated at Harvard College in 1685 ; taught the school in Dorchester, probably from 1687 till 1692. In the year 1689, there was a "treaty about Mr. Mills keeping the school," between the Selectmen and the teacher; also in 1687, "as more fully ap- pears in the new book." He married Mehetabel, daughter of Stephen Mi- not, of Dorchester, who was the son of Elder George Minot. Her mother's maiden name was Truecross Davenport. She was a daughter of the celebrated Capt. Richard Davenport, of the Castle. It will be remembered that Capt. D. was the standard bearer of the comjDany of which Endicott was commander, at the time he cut the red cross from the flag, as a relic of popish superstition. Truecross was born, it is supposed, the same year ; hence her name. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 503 Mr. Mills went from Dorchester to Boston, where he exercised his gift of teaching for about forty years. His wife Mehetabel died August 16th, 1690, aged 25 years, 2 months and 2 days, as we learn from her grave-stone, still standing in the Dorches- ter burying-ground. She left one son, named Ste- phen. The father died November 7th, 1732, aged 67 years. Joseph Lord, son of Thomas and Alice ^ (Rand) Lord, of Charlestown, was born June 30, 1672 ; gra- duated at Harvard College in 1691. From 1692 till 1695, probably, he taught the school in Dorches- ter. In the fall of the latter year, a church was gathered in this town with the design of removing to South Carolina, and Mr. Lord was ordained pas- tor. The newly-formed church arrived at their place of destination, on the Ashley river, about 18 miles from Charleston, on the 20th of December, and called the place Dorchester. On the subsequent second of February, " the sacrament of the Lord's supper," it is said, " was first administered in Caro- lina." It was necessary that the minister should be ordained in Massachusetts to his work, for " in all that country," whither he was going, says Mr. Dan- forth, in his valedictory discourse, there was " nei- ther ordained Minister nor any Churchy in full gos- pel order." He married Abigail, daughter of Gov. Thomas Hinckley (by his first wife), on the third of June, 1698. Mr. Lord remained with his church and society over twenty years, when he returned to this State, 504 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. and on the 15th of June, 1720, was installed pastor of the church in Chatham. He died in 1748, after preaching at Chatham twenty-eight years. His diary is extant, containing many interesting notes and ob- servations relative to the church and people at the Cape, where he so long ministered. His children were— Mercy, b. 2 (1) 1699; Mary, b. 19 (2) 1701 ; Thomas, b. 25 (6) 1703, d. Nov. 1704; Joseph and Abigail, b. Sept. 27, 1704; Samuel, b. 26 (4) 1707; Eobert, b. 28 (12) 1711-12; Alice, b. 26 (1) 1714. John Robinson, born in Dorchester, April 17, 1675, was a son of Samuel and Mary (Baker) Robinson, Samuel being the eldest son of William, of Dorchester. John graduated at Harvard College in 1695, and taught the school in D. the next year ; preached at New Castle, in Pennsylvania, for a few years ; set- tled at Duxbury, Mass., on the 13th of November, 1702, as successor to Rev. Ichabod Wis wall, whose daughter Hannah he married, January 31, 1705. They had three sons and five daughters, viz. : Mary, Hannah, Althea, Elizabeth, Samuel, John, Ichabod and Faith. The latter married the elder Gov. Jona- than Trumbull, of Conn. On the 22d September, 1722, Mr. Robinson lost his wife, and eldest daugh- ter Mary, who was then in her 17th year. Mrs. R. and daughter being desirous of making a visit to Boston, took passage for that city in a coaster, in company with Mr. Thomas Fish, of Duxbury, a graduate of Harvard College in the class of 1719. When off Nantasket beach there came up suddenly a tempest ; the vessel upset, and all on board were HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 505 drowned. Mrs. R. was in her 42d year. The body of the daughter was soon recovered — that of the mother, about six weeks afterwards. On the body of the latter was found a golden necklace, which is said to be in the possession of her descendants. Mr. R. continued pastor of the church in Dux- bury till November, 1738. He died at Lebanon, Conn., at the residence of his son-in-law. Gov. Trum- bull, on the 14th of November, 1745, aged 70 years. A granite monument has been recently erected in the cemetery of Lebanon, at an expense of nearly §2000, to the memory of Mr. Robinson and his descendants there interred.* John Swift, son of Thomas and Elizabeth, and grandson of Thomas Swift, was born in Milton, March 14th, 1678-79 ; taught the school for a short time in 1696 ; graduated at Harvard College in 1697 and was the first minister in Framingham, where he w^as ordained October 8th, 1701. He soon after married Sarah, daughter of Timothy and Sarah Tile- ston, of Dorchester, by whom he had six children. His only son, John (H. C. 1733), was a minister at Acton. John, the father, died at F. on the 24th of April, 1745, in the 67th year of his age. There is a Latin inscription on his monument, in the burial ground at Framingham, a copy of which, with a translation, may be found in Barber's " Massachu- setts," p. 389.t * See Gen. Reg., vol. 9, p. 339 ; vol. 11, p. 56. t See Barry's "Framingham," pp. 105—113,414, 415. 506 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Richard Billings, son of Ebenezer and Hannah Billings, and grandson of Roger, of Dorchester, was born in D., September 21st, 1675 ; graduated at Har- vard College, 1698 ; taught the school the same year, and, probably, during parts of the two years succeeding. On the 1st of November, 1704, William Pabodie and Thomas Gray, of Saconet, alias Little Compton, R. I., WTote to Rev. Peter Thacher and Rev. John Danforth, who, previous to this, had preached to the people of that town, and they with others on the 29th of the same month ordained Mr. Billings as pastor of the church. Ten other members signed the church covenant. Mr. B. was a facetious companion, spent much of his time among his parishioners, and, being fond of medical studies, ministered to their bodily as well as spiritual health. The Sogkonate Indians, whose squaw sachem was Awashonks, were so numerous in the town of Little Compton, and so orderly disposed, as to have a meet- ing-house of their own, in which Mr. Billings in- structed them once a month on Sunday.f The records of the church give us no information, it is said, as to the time of Mr. Billings's death. Prom another source we learn that he died the 20th of November, 17-i8. Samuel Wiswall, son of Enoch, and grandson of Elder Thomas Wiswall, of Dorchester, was baptized t Mass. Hist. Coll., vol. 9, pp. 204, 206. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 507 September 21st, 1679; graduated at Harvard Col- lege in 1701. About this time he taught the school ; afterwards he preached occasionally, as opportunity offered, having first received encouragement from an association of divines, to whom he had offered him- self for examination. He subsequently embarked as chaplain on board of a ship. They were unfor- tunately taken captive, on the voyage, by the Span- iards, and carried into Martinico, where he experi- enced a severe sickness ; but, recovering therefrom, returned soon after to his native land. He preached at various places, and in a manner acceptable to the people. He was a minister at Nantucket for about six months, and went from thence to Edgartowai, where he was invited to settle as an assistant to the Rev. Jonathan Dunham. He was ordained pastor of the church in Edgartown in 1713, and continued there as a faithful and devoted preacher, till his sud- den death, on the 23d of December, 1716. His physical infirmities increased during his last days, and his labors being disproportioned to his strength, hastened his dissolution. He exerted him- self till the end, having been in his study the day before his decease. He was never married.* Elijah Danforth, son of Rev. John and Eliza- beth (Minot) Danforth, of Dorchester, grandson of Samuel and Mary (Wilson) Danforth, and great- grandson of Nicholas, of Framlingham, County of Suffolk, England — was born in Dorchester the 30th • See Mass. Hist. ColL 508 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. of November, 1683 (bap. 2 Dec), graduated at Har- vard College in 1703. He was probably a teacher in town for a short time in 1706 ; for in the ac- counts made up to December 2d of that year, is the following : " Paid to Mr. Danforth, schoolmaster, £15." "He was a physician at Castle William (now Fort Independence), and died the 8th of Octo- ber, 1736, aged 53."* In his will, dated the 5th of March, 1735, proved the 22d of February, 1736-7, he mentions his " neice Elizabeth, daughter of my brother Thomas Danforth, late of Paramaribo in Surinam," also " my brother Samuel," who was his executor — " my sister Elizabeth Lowder," and "my sister Hannah Dun- bar." The following is a clause from Mr. Danforth's will : " I give unto the Deacons of the church in Dorchester, and their successors in said office, for the only Use & Service of the Lord's Table in the Con- gregational Church in said Dorchester, my large Sil- ver Tankard, to be changed in the form of it, at y^ discretion of the said Deacons, into convenient ves- sells for the service aforesaid." " This Will was wit- nessed by Ebenezer Clap, John Maxfield, Jr., and Huldah Niles. The first two made oath that they did not see the will defaced at the time of the Exe- cution thereof, and Huldah Niles made Oath that the clause relating to the large Silver Tankard she saw the executor deface some time after the Execu- tion thereof, by Order and direction of y^ Testator. • Hist, and Gen. Reg., vol. 7, p. 318. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 509 Nevertheless I allow said article to stand in said Will as if no defacement had been made. — J. Wil- LARD,"* Judge of Probate. This tankard is still in possession of the First Church in Dorchester. Peter Thacher. son of Rev. Peter and Theodora (Oxenbridge) Thacher, of Milton (grandson of Thomas, of Weymouth, who was subsequently the first minister of the Old South Church, Boston, and great-grandson of Peter, a Puritan minister of Salis- bury, England), was born in Milton the 6th of Oc- tober, 1688, graduated at Harvard College in 1706, in his eighteenth year — taught school probably in D. about one quarter of that year, for which he re- ceived £S. On the 1st of December, 1707, £30 more had been paid him for keeping school. Some two months previous to this date, however, he had commenced preaching in Middleborough. He was chosen pastor the 30th of June, 1708, and was or- dained there the 2d of November, 1709. On the 25th of January, 1711, he married Mary, daughter of Samuel Prince, Esq., then of Eochester. She was a sister of Rev. Thomas Prince, of the Old South Church, in Boston. By this union, Mr. Thacher had ten children — Peter, Oxenbridge, Samuel, John, Thomas, Mary, Susannah, Mercy, Theodora and Moses. Peter, their eldest, was a graduate of Har- vard College in 1737, and the first minister of the church in Attleborough. He was ordained there in 1748, and was the pastor for forty years. • Suffolk Probate Kecords, Lib. 33, fol. 32. 57 510 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Eev. Peter, of Middleborongh, died on the 22d of April, 1744. His widow died in 1771, at the age of 84.* Ebenezer Devotion was born in Brookline, about 1684, graduated at Harvard College in 1'707, taught the school in 1709. He was ordained minister at Suffield, Conn., the 28th of June, 1710 (succeeding Rev. Benjamin Ruggies, ordained in May, 1698, and died the 5th of Sept., 1708). The town of Suf- field was at that time under the jurisdiction of Mas- sachusetts. On the 4th of October, 1710, Mr. Devotion mar- ried Hannah (born the 17th of Feb., 1688), daugh- ter of Capt. John and Susannah Breck, of Dorches- ter. They had a son, Ebenezer, who graduated at Yale College in 1732; was ordained at Scotland, Windham County, Conn., the 22d of October, 1735, and died there the 16th of July, 1771, aged 57 years. Ebenezer, the second, married Martha Lathrop (who was the sixth in descent from Eev. John Lathrop, of Scituate, who died in 1653). They had one son and five daughters ; among them, Martha, who mar- ried Gov. Samuel Huntington ; Hannah, who mar- ried Rev. Samuel Huntington, D.D. ; Lucy, who married Dr. Joseph Baker, of Brooklyn, Conn. Their youngest daughter, Sarah Jane (Mrs. Lippin- cott), is favorably known to the reading public under the cognomen of " Grace Greenwood." Eben- ezer graduated at Yale College in 1759, was a Judge, • See Hist. First Church in Middleborough, p. 35. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 511 &c. Samuel H., son of Ebenezer, and great-grand- son of the subject of this notice, graduated at Yale College in 1806 * Hev. Ebenezer Devotion, the teacher, died in Suf- field the 11th of April, 1741, aged 57 years. Samuel Fiske, son of Rev. Moses Fiske, of Braintree, and grandson of E,ev. John Fiske, the first minister of Wenham and Chelmsford, was born in Braintree, April the 6th, 1689. His mother was Sarah Symmes, a daughter of Mr. William Symmes, of Charlestown. Samuel graduated at Harvard Col- lege in 1708 — taught the school in 1710 and 11; was chosen minister of Hingham the 11th of Feb- ruary, 1716-17, as successor to the Rev. Mr. Norton, but did not accept the invitation ; was ordained over the First Church in Salem the 8th of October, 1718, afterwards became minister of the Third Church in Salem. He died there the 7th of April, 1770, aged 81. "He preached the first Century Lecture of the First Church, August 6th, 1729. The Gen- eral Election Sermon delivered by him, in 1731, was published, and may be ranked among the best. His wife was Anna Gerrish. The late Gen. John Fisk, a gentleman of much distinction in Salem, was his son." f * Letter from A. Woodward, M.D., of Franklin, Conn. t See Appendix to Rev. Mr. Morison's Sermon at the Installation of Rev. George W. Briggs, p. 49 ; Rev. Mr. Lunt's Bi-Centennial Dis- course at Quincy. 512 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Ebenezer White — son of James White, of Dor- chester, and grandson of Edward, who came from England — was born in Dorchester the 3d of July, 1685 ; graduated at Harvard College in 1704. He was employed soon after to teach school in Wey- mouth, as we learn from the records of that town • "19 Jan. 1704-5, agreed with Mr. Eben"^ White, of Dorchester, to Teach schooU in Weymouth for half a year, begining the 22 Day of Jan, 1704-5, and to pay the said Scoolmaster 15 lbs. for his seruice the half year aboue sd." On the 28th of July, 1710, the church in Attle- borough chose Mr. W. for their minister, provided " he will stay with us." Mr. White did not accept the invitation at that time, to become their pastor, yet he preached for them nearly a year. In 1711, and the four subsequent years, he taught the school in Dorchester. On the 18th of July, 1715, he was again chosen by the church in Attle- borough to be their minister, and was ordained their second pastor on the 17tli of October, 1716. He married Abigail Paine, and had children — Hannah, Martha, Edward, Experience, Thankful, and two others who died in infancy. Mr. White was connected with the church in Attleborough as their minister, until his death, which occurred on the 4th of September, 1726.* Samuel Danforth, son of Rev. John, of Dor- chester, was baptized in D. the 15th of November, * Daggett's Attleborough, p. 55. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 513 1696. He was a brother of Dr. Elijah Danforth, before mentioned. Besides these two, Eev. John had also a son John, born the 26th of January, 1688, who died the 2d of March, 1728 — a son Thomas, who died at Surinam, the 18th of October, 1714 — a daughter Mehetabel, born in 1699, who died the 1st of May, 1727. There were, probably, other chil- dren.* Samuel graduated at Harvard College in 1715, and taught school in Dorchester soon after. In the town's account for 1718, it is stated: — "Paid at sundry times to Mr. Samuel Danforth, for keeping school, £60." He w^as afterwards made President of His Majesty's Council for the Province of Massa- chusetts Bay, in New England, which office he held several years. He was a Judge of the Probate Court and of the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Middlesex, and was named a Mandamus Counsellor in 1774. He had taken his oath for the performance of the duties of the last mentioned office, but " the popular clamor obliged him (jointly with his fellow townsmen. Judge Lee and Thomas Oliver, to whom a similar compliment had been ex- tended) publicly to relinquish " it, which he did " from the steps of the old Court House in Cam- bridge, in presence of a large concourse of people, who had gathered for the purpose of receiving their recantation." Judge Danforth " retained his seat upon the Bench until the Revolution, a period of thirty-four years." He died at Cambridge, the 27th * See the notice of Elyah Danforth on a previous page. 514 HISTORY OF DORCHESTflR. of October, 1777, aged 81 years. His wife, Mrs. Elizabeth (Symmes) Danforth, died on the 13th of January, 1775, aged 67 years. They had children — Samuel, Thomas and Elizabeth.* Daniel Witham was born in Gloucester, " Au- gust 30th, 1700. His father, Thomas W., was a son of Henry Witham, who, I suppose, was a son of Thomas Witham, who died in 1653. His mother was Abigail Babson, daughter of James Babson." He graduated at Harvard College in 1718. The first notice of him in Gloucester, after this, is in 1726, when he engaged " to keep a school for one year, for £60." He probably taught in Dor- chester previous to 1724. " In 1732, he was chosen Selectman [of Gloucester], an office which he sub- sequently filled thirty-six years. In 1734 he became town clerk, and was elected to the same place every year till 1775. He certainly practised medicine in town, though history and tradition are both silent concerning his professional career. The written testimony of his ability and usefulness as a citizen, however, is both ample and conclusive. He began early in life to take an active part in the public business of the town, and gained a po]3ularity which he enjoyed to the end of his days. Besides the per- manent ofiices which he filled for so many years, he was frequently called upon to serve in others of tem- porary, and of less important character. Being * For a fuller account of these, and other members of the family, see Hist, and Gen. Reg. for 1853, pp. 315 — 321. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 515 qualified by education, experience in public affairs, and interest in the general welfare, his services were often in requisition in the preparation of resolves and addresses to give expression to the sentiments of the people during the anxious and exciting peri- od that immediately preceded the revolutionary war ; and no doubt can be entertained that he fully shared the patriotic indignation with which the oppressions of the mother country filled the breasts of his townsmen. The date of Dr. Witham's death is unknown, but it occurred about 1776. His wife w^as Lydia Saunders, whom he married January 7th, 1735. They had twelve children, but two of whom lived to mature years. Of these, Thomas died at Bayonne, whither he was carried a prisoner, July, 1757, aged 19 ; and Daniel, the only one that sur- vived his fiither, was a tailor in his native town, and died in 1814."* Isaac Billings, of Milton, born in Dorchester the 9th of July, 1703, was the twelfth child of Ro- ger and Sarah (Paine) Billings, who were married the 22d of January, 1678. She was the daughter of Stephen and Hannah Paine, of Braintree. Eoger Billings was the son of Roger and Hannah, and a cousin of Rev. Richard Billings (teacher in 1698) before mentioned. Isaac graduated at Harvard College in 1724, and taught the school the same year. In 1737 or '38, * The above is a communication from John J. Babson, Esq., of Gloucester, who has in preparation a history of that town. 516 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. he married Beulah Vose, of Milton, where he spent the residue of his days. They had four children — Sarah, Elizabeth, Ruth, Abigail.* Phillips Payson, son of Samuel and Mary Payson, Avas born in Dorchester, the 29th of Feb., 170J:-5.f He graduated at Harvard College in 1724, and taught the school probably the next year. In 1727, the Selectmen agree with him to keep the school for one year, " for y'' sum of £10 and y*" Income of y*" Money Mr. Stonghton gave for y^ Benefit of y* School." In 1729, he was one of the three candidates for the office of colleague with Hev. Mr. Danforth, of Dorchester — ]\Ir. Bowman being, as is well known, the successful one. (See p. 296.) Mr. P. was afterwards settled as the first minister in Walpole. The date of his ordination has been given incorrectly, in one instance, as occurring in the year 1728. The following, furnished by Rev. John M. Merrick, the present pastor of the church, settles the question. " The Records of our Church," he writes, " have an entry beginning thus: 'I, Phil- lips Payson, was ordained, &c. Sept. 16th, 1730.' " He married Anne Swift (b. July 5, 1706), daugh- ter of Rev. John Swift, of Framingham, December * See Thayer's Family Memorial. t The Dorchester Town Records read : " Phillips, son of Samuel and Mary Parson, born Feb. 29, 1704." There are two other instances in the same book, where this name appears to have been incorrectly writ- ten Parson. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 517 5th, 1733. (Her sister Elizabeth m. Rev. James Stone, of Holliston, in 1731.*) " How many child- ren he had," continues Mr. M., " I cannot tell ; more, I believe, than are recorded here. I can find only — Mary, b. Nov. 22d, 1734, d. Feb. 10, 1735 ; Phil- lips, b. Jan. 18,1736; Samuel, b. April 26, 1738; George, b. Dec. 27, 1741, d. Jan. 31, 1742 ; George, b. May 24, 1744; John, b. Jan. 6, 1746; Seth, b. Sept. 30, 1758.t Mr. Payson died January 22d, 1778," having been in the ministry there more than forty-seven years. Mr. Merrick further writes : " I hardly ever knew a man occupying a public place so long, of whom so little was known. There are no traditions extant of his manners, appearance, or mode of preaching. The house in which he lived is still occupied, pretty much in form and looks as it might have been a half century or more ago." Four of his sons were settled ministers, viz. : — Phillips, who graduated at Harvard College in 1754, was ordained at Chelsea the 26th of October, 1757, died the 11th of January, 1801 ; Samuel, who gra- duated at Harvard College in 1758, was ordained at Lunenburg in September, 1762, but died of an atrophy in February, 1763, aged 24 ;:[: John, who graduated at Harvard College in 1764, was ordained at Fitchburg, as their first minister, the 27th of Jan- * See Barry's " Framingham," p. 415. t As there is a wide interval between the births of the last two child- ren, Seth may have been the son of a second wife. _ X The town of Lunenburg " voted to give to Miss Elizabeth Stearns (affianced to Rev. Mr. Payson) a neat, handsome suit of mourning." 58 518 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. uary, 1768, died the 18th of May, 1804; Seth, who graduated at Harvard College in 1777, was ordained at Rindge, N. H., the 4th of December, 1782, died the 26th of February, 1820— the father of Rev. Ed- ward Payson, D.D., minister of Portland, who was born the 25th of July, 1783, graduated at Harvard College in 1803, was ordained the 16th of Decem- ber, 1807, died 22d of October, 1827, Two of the above sons of Phillips Payson, Sen., viz., Phillips and Seth, had the degree of D.D. conferred on them. Samuel Moseley, son of Ebenezer and Hannah, was born in Dorchester the 15th of August, 1708; graduated at Harvard College in 1729; taught the school the same year for £50 5s. ; was ordained the second pastor of the church in Windham Village, now Hampton, Conn. ; was successor of the Rev. William Billings, whose widow, Bethiah (Otis) Bil- lings, he married the 4th of July, 1734. She died the 29th of May, 1750. Their children were— Eli- zabeth, Samuel, Ebenezer, Mary, John. Hissecond wife was Mrs. Mary Gaylord, whom he married the 1st of April, 1752. Their children were — William, Abigail, William, Elizabeth, Sarah. Ebenezer, father of Rev. Samuel (born the 4tli of September, 1673), was a son of Thomas and Mary (Lawrence) Moseley, who were married the 28th of October, 1658. She was a daughter of Thomas Lawrence, of Hingham. Rev. Samuel Moseley died in Hampton, Conn., the 26th of July, 1791, in the 83d year of his age, HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 519 and the 57th of his ministry, after a painful confine- ment of nine years from a paralytic shock. Rev. James Cogswell, D. D., of Windham, preached a discourse at the funeral of Mr. Moseley, from Rev. iv. 17.* Supply Clap, son of Samuel and Mary (Paul) Clap, was born in Dorchester the 1st of June, 1711 ; graduated at Harvard College in 1731. In his diary hQ says, "July 19, 1733, I began my third year to keep school." His salary, this season, was £55 15s. "Feb. 13, 1734. Tailer and Clap kept school for me." He commenced preaching the 20th of May, 1733, and was admitted to the church in Dorchester the following August. His first sermon was preached at the Castle (where his great-grandfather, Roger Clap, once commanded), as were also the most of those that he preached that year. In 1734, he preached at Roxbury three months, from March 31st to June 30th, inclusive. On the 15 th of December, 1734, he commenced as a candidate at Woburn, second parish, now Burlington, and on the follow- ing March received a call to settle with them as their minister. This call was accepted, at first, " upon conditions;" afterwards in full, the 25th of August, 1735. He was ordained, as the first minister of Burlington, on the 29th of October following. August 11th, 1737, he married Martha Fowle, * See N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg., vol. 7, p. 329 ; Mass. Hist. CoU., Tol. 9, p. 186. 520 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. who was a daughter of the then wife of Mr. Sam- uel Walker, one of the deacons of his church. They had three children — Martha, Supply and Samuel. Mr. Clap was a man of feeble health ; to benefit which, he frequently took short excursions abroad, often visiting Dorchester and Boston, He delighted to attend the Thursday lecture. On one of these occasions he makes a record of the following memo- rable incident : — " Sept. 1740. The Eev<^ Mr. Whitefield, in the afternoon at 3 o'clock, was to preach at y^ New South, in Boston. The meeting-house being very much crowded, there was suddenly an outcry, as if y^ Gal- lery was falling. I being under said Gallery, hastened out, stood at y^ door ; immediately there was such thronging out, that y""^ trampled one another under feet. Some jumped out of y® Galleries into y^ seats below, some out of y'' Windows. I helped clear the way at y® door, till they got so squeezed together in y'' porch, till I could get no more out. So that I with others were forced to cry out to the pressing multitude to make way back. After y^ space of 5 or 6 minutes such way was made back, that we could help the distressed out. Many were taken up for dead, but being blooded chiefly recovered. Three died upon y^ spot, and two more a day or two after. As awful a sight (I think) as ever I beheld. May God sanctify it to me, & the rest of the Sj)ectators. " N. B. The Galleries were afterward examined, and there appeared no danger." HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 521 Mr. Clap died the 28th of December, 1747, aged 36 years, 6 months and 28 days.* Noah CLAP-t He taught the school at various times, from 1735 to 1769 — some eighteen or twenty years in all. His salary in 1735 was £60 ; in 1750 and '51, £270 old tenor, or £36 lawful money; in 1767, at the rate of £40 per annum. JosiAH Pierce was a son of Samuel and Abigail Pierce, of that part of Woburn which is now Bur- lington, where he was born, July 13th, 1708 ; gradu- ated at Harvard College in 1735 ; taught the school about 1738; w^ent to Hadley, in this State, early in 1743, and was hired to keep the Grammar and Eng- lish school in that town the same year — was to in- struct in Latin and Greek, in reading, writing and arithmetic. He kept the school in Hadley twelve years, from 1743 to 1755 ; and again six years, from 1760 to 1766. During this time, and long after, he preached in Hadley, and in various other towns, when the minis- ter was sick or the pulpit vacant from some other cause. Sometimes he supplied a pulpit three or four months in succession, but was never settled, and probably never had a call to settle. Mr. Pierce was esteemed a very good man, and sound in the faith, but is said to have been uninteresting as a preacher. * Chiefly from material furnished by Rev. Samuel Sewall, of Bur- lington. t For an account of Mr. Clap, see page 356. 522 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. He was a representative from the town, Justice and Town Clerk, and was engaged in farming to some extent after the year 1760. He was a good penman, accurate in his accounts, and left several inter- leaved almanacks. Mr. P. was an ardent whig in the Eevolution. He married, in 1743, Miriam Cook, daughter of Samuel Cook, and sister of Rev. Samuel Cook, of West Cambridge. They had six children.* Mr. Pierce died the 10th of February, 1788, aged 79. Philip Curtis was son of Samuel and Hannah Curtis, of Jamaica Plain, Eoxbury, where he was born, October 4th, 1717. He was admitted into Harvard College in July, 1734, and was the first of the name in that institution. He took his degree in 1738; was admitted into church fellowship, Jan- uary 6th, 1739 ; studied divinity with Mr. Bowman, of Dorchester, and kept school in this town two years. He preached his first sermon in Stoughton- ham, now Sharon, in the month of May, 1741, and was ordained to the ministry in that place, January 5th, 1742. His salary was £60 per annum. He had the use of a meadow, and was supplied with wood. On this slender stipend, with the income of a small farm, he brought up a large family, and, dur- ing the war of the Revolution, liberally educated one of his sons. He married EHzabeth Bass, of Dor- chester, September 6th, 1744. She was a sister of the celebrated Bishop Bass, of Newburyport. They * Letter from Sylvester Judd, Esq., of Northampton. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 523 had six children. His wife died May 24th, 1752, aged 32 years. He married Elizabeth Randall, of Sharon, October 31st, 1754; by this connection there were five sons. As Mr. Curtis taught his own children, he opened a school, gratuitously, for the children of his parishioners, and occasionally fitted scholars for the College. The children of Commo- dore Loring (who married his sister) were all edu- cated by him. The late Christopher Gore, Esq., was also his pupil. After the war, his people purposed to build a new church, but their means were insufii- cient. He contributed his mite to their help, by giving up one quarter's salary. He also gave an acre of land throuoh the middle of his farm, to ac- commodate them with a nearer road to the meeting. His sight was remarkably clear, so that he never wore glasses. He preached till a few months before his decease, which event occurred November 22d, 1797, in his 81st year. During his ministry, Mr. Curtis baptized 926 persons, and married 315 couple. There were 403 deaths in his parish, and 264 were added to the church. Elizabeth Curtis, his second wife, died at Sharon, March 11th, 1823, at the advanced age of 91 years. Three of his sons served in the war of the Eevolution. His eldest son, Samuel, was a surgeon on board of a privateer called the Boston, commanded by Capt. Manly. This ves- sel was captured by the British in 1777. Philip, another son, was stationed at West Point. He serv- ed one year under the immediate command of Col. Kosciuszko. Being a wheelwright by trade, it was his particular business to repair carriages, though 524 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. he was first engaged, with most of his company, in making a bomb-proof barrack, on Fort Putnam. They had a large pair of wheels, seven feet in height, by which they hoisted the cannon into the fort, and when Arnold the traitor was there, he dismounted them down upon the flats.* Thomas Jones, son of Ebenezer and Waitstill Jones, was born at Dorchester the 20th of April, 1721 ; graduated at Harvard College in 1741 ; taught the school this year — for the first quarter at the rate of £85 per annum, for the next three months at the rate of £95, probably old tenor money ; he taught also in 1742. He was ordained as second pastor of the church in Burlington (then a precinct of Woburn) the 2d of January, 1751. Rev. Supply Clap was his predecessor. Mr. Jones married Miss Abigail Wis- wall, of Dorchester, September 5th, 1751, by w^hom he had three children, viz. — Lucy, afterwards wife of Rev. Joseph Lee, of Royalston ; Martha, wife of his successor, Rev. John Marrett, and mother of the wife of Rev. Samuel Sewall, who is a succes- sor to Mr. M. and the fourth minister of Burlington ; Mary, who married Mr. Edward Walker, of B., and was the mother of Lois Wiswall Walker, wife of her mother's cousin, John Flavel Pierce, of Dorchester. Mr. Jones died suddenly in an apoplectic fit, the 13tli of March, 1774. " He was seized with this his last illness that morning in the midst of divine ser- vice, in the meeting-house, conveyed home, and there * From a communication by Miss Catharine P. Curtis, of Jamaica Plain. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 525 died at the going down of the sun, much lamented by his people." His widow was living at the time of the ordination of Rev. Mr. Sewall (13th of April, 1814), but died a few weeks after, at the ripe age of 90, in consequence of a fall she had on the 12th of that month. " The house I live in," says the last mentioned clergyman, in 1857, "was j)urchased by Mr. Jones soon after his ordination — was his dwelling while he lived — the abode of his widow till her decease, and also of her son and daughter Marrett ; so that it has been a ministerial abode above a century. And it is a memorable house, as the place of refuge to Hancock and Samuel Adams on the 19th of April, 1775."* Edward Bass, son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Breck) Bass, of Dorchester, and great-great-grand- son of Samuel and Ann Bass, of Hoxbury, was born in Dorchester, Nov. 23d, 1726. He entered Harvard College at the early age of thirteen, and graduated in 1744. From the time of taking his first degree till he received that of Master of Arts, he was en- gaged in keeping school — a part of the time in Dor- chester — and also occupied himself in such studies as would qualify him for his contemplated profes- sion. From 1747 to 1751, he resided at the College, making progress in theological studies and occasion- ally supplying vacant pulpits in the Congregational churches. In 1751, he was chosen assistant minis- * Letter from Rev. Samuel Sewall. 59 526 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. ter of St. Paul's Church (Episcopal) in Newbury- port, and in 1752 went to England, where, on the 24th of May, of the same year, he was ordained by Dr. Thomas Sherlock, then Bishop of London. In the autumn of the same year, he returned to New England, and soon after took charge of the church in Newbury, at that time vacant by the death of Eev. Matthias Plant. He married Sarah Beck, Sep- tember 19th, 1754. She died on the 9th of May, 1789. In July of that year, the University of Penn- sylvania conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Divinity. On the 18th of November following (1789), he married Mercy Phillips, who died, his widow, January 15th, 1842, in her 87th year. In 1796, he was elected the first bishop of Massachu- setts, and was consecrated to that office in Christ Church, Philadelphia, the 7th of May, 1797, by the bishops of the Episcopal churches in Pennsylvania, New York and Maryland. The Episcopal churches of Rhode Island afterwards elected him as their bishop, as did those also of New Hampshire, in 1803, the year of his decease. He died on the 10th of September, aged 77, after an illness of but two days. He Avas a man of profound knowledge, accomplished and exemplary. He was also noted for his good humor and wit. The following anecdotes have been related of him. At the time of his second marriage he was 63 years of age ; his wife Mercy was 34. Some of his people expressed their astonishment at his marrying so young a woman. The bishop re- plied, " I will have Mercy and not sacrifice." When asked why he did not settle in his native town, he HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 527 answered, facetiously, that " the waters of Dorches- ter were not deep enough for a bass to swim in, and therefore he came to the Merrimac." He had no children. James Humphrey, son of Jonas, who was the son of Hopestill, the son of Elde» James, the son of Jonas Humphrey, was born in Dorchester the 20th of March, 1122; graduated at Harvard College in 1744 ; taught the school in 1748 ; and was ordained the first minister of Pequoiag, now Athol,- Novem- ber 7th, 1750. On the 9th of November, 1751, he married Esther Wiswall, of Dorchester, " a lady of high respectability and much energy of charac- ter," Avho lived to an advanced age, respected and beloved by the peoi^le of Athol. Mr. Humphrey commenced his labors at that place under very try- ing circumstances. Being a frontier town, it was greatly exposed to the incursions of the Indians. It was necessary to station sentinels at the entrance of the church, on the Sabbath, to avoid a surprise from " their devouring enemy, whilst others were wor- shipping God within."* For three successive years " did the first minister of Pequoiag carry his wea- pons of defence into his pulpit, and preach with his gun by his side."t After having served the church and people of Athol faithfully upwards of thirty-one years, at his own request he was dismissed, Febru- * Mr. Humphrey's MS., quoted in Rev. S. F. Clarke's Centennial Dis- course, preached at Athol, Sept. 9th, 1850. f Clarke's Discourse. 528 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. ary 13th, 1782. He remained, however, in the town till the time of his decease, which took place on the 8th of May, 1796, in the 75th year of his age. His widow died on the 8th of March, 1822, aged 94c. Pelatiah Glover, son of Nathaniel Glover, Jr. and Rachel (Marsh), was born in Dorchester, April 2d, 1716 — a descendant in a direct line from John Glover. He married Mary Grehtnee in June, 17-40. They had two daughters, one of whom (Rachel)r mar- ried William Blake, of Boston, the 29th of Novem- ber, 1767. Mr. Lemuel Blake, of Boston, son of William and Rachel, is the only descendant now (1858) living, having attained the age of 83 years. In 1756, the subject of this notice was appointed by the town of Dorchester to keep school for " Squantum and the Farms." Possibly he may have taught at other times and places not designated by our record. He is said to have been a suttler to the army, and furnished from his own store provisions for the soldiers in the French war, which was de- clared in the year 1756. He died in Dorchester, of lung fever, April 3d, 1770, aged 54.* James Baker, of the fourth generation from Richard and Faith Baker, was the son of James and Priscilla Baker, born at Dorchester, September 5th, 1739. The traits of mind and character which he * From material furnished by INIiss Amia Glover, of Dorchester, who has collected much information relative to the Glover family. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 529 displayed in youth, induced his parents to fit him for the ministry. He graduated at Harvard Col- lege in 1760, and soon after studied divinity with the Rev. Jonathan Bowman, the then minister of Dorchester, and his future father-in-law. After hav- ing gone through with the requisite studies, which were somewhat retarded by his spending time in , teaching school, he entered upon the duties of the ministry. He soon found that his humility and dif- fidence prevented him from discharging the duties of a minister in a manner satisfactory to himself; he therefore abandoned that profession and entered ujDon the study of medicine, keeping schools at in- tervals until he commenced the practice of medi- cine. Not fancying the latter calling, he turned his attention to. merchandise, and followed it for some time. Seeing an opening in the chocolate business, he gave up store-keeping, and, in 1780, commenced the manufacture of chocolate. He established a business which has been successfully carried on by his descendants for several generations, and connected with it a name so favorably known to the present day. By strict attention to his affairs, and judicious investments in government securities, in a few years he acquired a competency, when he retired from active business engagements. He married Lydia Bowman, the daughter of the minister of Dorchester, by whom he had one son and two daughters. At the age of sixty, he relinquished his entire business to his son Edmund, and spent the evening of his days i n reading, meditation, and the practice of those christian virtues which endeared him, and his mem- 530 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. ory, to a large circle of acquaintance. He survived his wife about eight years, and died January 2, 1825. Daniel Leeds, the son of Hopestill and Sarah (Clap) Leeds, and a descendant in the fourth gene- ration from Richard, was born in Dorchester on .the 28th of May, 1739, and graduated at Harvard College in the year 1761. He married Abigail Gore, of Roxbury, December 30th, 1762. The ceremony was performed at her grandfather's, in Cambridge, by the Rev. Mr. Appleton. They com- menced housekeeping in a building now standing on Rowdoin Street, nearly opposite the residence of Nahum Capen, Esq. In this house their son Daniel was born. Afterwards, Mr. Leeds moved to the Lower Mills village, where it is believed he built a house now occupied by Mr. William Bowman. Ten of their eleven children were born there, among whom was Benjamin Bass Leeds, the father of a large and respectable family. " Master Leeds," it is said, taught school in town about fifteen years — probably the most, if not all of that time, on " Meet- ing-house Hill." He departed this life on Artillery Election day, Monday, June 7th, 1790, aged 51 years. He attended worship the day previous, in his usual health. A disorder in his head occasioned his death. William Bowman, the son of Rev. Jonathan and AiJ^JU^l Hannah (Hancock) Bowman, grandson of Joseph and Phebe, who was the son of Francis and Martha (Sherman) Bowman, the son of Nathaniel and Anne, of Watertown, afterwards of Lexington, was born HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 531 Jan. 8tli, 1744; graduated at Plarvard College in 1764; taught the school in 1765; was afterwards Town Clerk in E-oxbury, and a Justice of the Peace. He married, June 5th, 1777, Lucy Sumner (born June 29th, 1751), daughter of Increase and Sarah (Sharp) Sumner, of Roxbury, and sister of Gov. Sumner. Mr. Bowman died in Dorchester, March 21st, 1818. He had three children — Jonathan, AVil- liam and Henry. They all died unmarried. William was a captain in. Col. Millers regiment, so distin- guished in the war of 1812.* Samuel Coolidge, the famous instructor, son of Samuel and Ruth (Clarke) Coolidge, and the fourth in descent from John, of Watertown, was born in W., August 8th, 1751. He graduated at Harvard Col- lege in 1769, in which year, at the age of eighteen, he appears to have commenced teaching school in Dorchester. He taught, subsequently, at various times, closing in 1789, the year previous to his death. He was of the board of Selectmen and Assessors ten successive years, from 1780 to 1789, inclusive, and for the last four years their chairman ; was Town Clerk and Treasurer in 1787 and '88, be- ing a successful competitor with Noah Clap, who for thirty-eight continuous years preceded him in both offices, and for ten years succeeded him as Town Clerk. Mr. Coolidge was also Treasurer for 1789. He was noted for his beautiful penmanship ; was distinguished for his abilities as a teacher, and for * See ffist. and Gen. Reg., vol. 8, p. 128n. 532 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. his high classical attainments. He married Eliza- beth, daughter of Thomas Tileston, by whom he had three children, who died young. He deceased Feb- ruary 28th, 1790. His widow for some years taught a school for small children in the town. On the 6th of May, 1805!, she married his brother. Col. Moses Coolidge, of Water town. She was his fourth wife. Moses was the father of Cornelius, a former well- known citizen of Dorchester, now deceased.* Samuel Pierce, son of Samuel and Abigail (Mose- ley), grandson of John and Abigail (Thompson), great-grandson of Thomas and Mary (Proctor), great- great-grandson of Robert and Ann (Greenway) Pierce, was born in Dorchester, March 25th, 1739. He married Elizabeth Howe, of Dorchester, October 24th, 1765. They had five children. He was a colonel in the militia, 'and died June 4th, 1815, aged 76. In his diary (see page 363 of this w^ork), he says that he began to keep school on the 1st of February, 1773, at " £3 5s. per week." Onesiphorus Tileston, born in Boston, April 28th, 1755 ; graduated at Harvard College in 1774; taught the school about the year 1775 ; died Octo- ber 6th, 1809. Edward Hutchinson Robbins, son of Rev. Na- thaniel Robbins, of Milton, was born February 19th, 1758. His mother was Elizabeth, daughter of * See Bond's History of Watertown. HISTORY OF DORCPIESTER. 533 Judge Edward and Lydia (Foster) Hutchinson. She was a descendant, in the fourth generation, from the celebrated Mrs. Ann Hutchinson. He graduated at Harvard College in 1775; married Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Hon. James Murray, of Boston. They had several children, one of whom is the Hon. James Murray Kobbins, of Milton. Soon after taking his degree, Mr. Robbins applied himself to the study of the law, with the eminent Oakes Angier, Esq., of Bridgewater. Having finished his studies, he com- menced the practice of his profession in his native town. He was chosen a representative from Milton in 1781, and Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1793, which office he held for nine successive years. In 1802, and for some years afterwards, he was Lieut. Governor of the State. He was subsequently engaged in public business as Commissioner of the Land Office ; was one of the committee of defence, &c. He was a member of the Academy of Arts and Sciences, and of many other useful and benevolent institutions. On the decease of Hon. William Heath, in 1814, he was appointed Judge of Probate for the County of Norfolk, which office he held until his death, which occurred in Milton, December 29th, 1829. Hon. Sherman Le- land, of Roxbury, his successor, died November 19th, 1853, and was succeeded by his son, William S. Leland, Esq. In the summer of 1858, the law pass- ed into effect, uniting the Courts of Probate and In- solvency. Hon. George White, of Quincy, was then inducted into the office of Judge of Probate and Insolvency for the County of Norfolk. 534 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Oliver Everett, son of Ebenezer and Joanna Everett, of Dedham, was born in that town, June 11th, 1752; graduated at Harvard College in 1779; taught the school about 1776 ; was ordained pastor of the New South Church in Boston (on " C'hurch Green," so called), January 2d, 1782, succeeding Kev. Joseph Howe, who died August 25th, 1775. Mr. Everett was dismissed, on account of ill health, May 26th, 1792, "after a ministry of ten years, having acquired a high reputation for the extraor- dinary powers of his mind." His successor was Rev. J. T. Kirkland, D.D., ordained February 5th, 1794. Mr. E. was appointed Judge ol" the Court of Common Pleas in Norfolk County, in 1799, which office he held until his death in Dorchester, Decem- ber 19th, 1802. It is a singular fact that his elder brother Moses, for some years a cotemporary in the ministerial office (ordained in Dorchester in 1774), w^as compelled, for the same reason, to relinquish preaching in 1793, the year following his own resig- nation, and that, in the year 1808, Moses was ap- pointed to fill the vacancy on the bench of the Court of Common Pleas, occasioned by the death of his brother Oliver. He married Lucy Hill, of Boston, November 6th, 1787. She was a daughter of Alexander S. Hill, of Philadelphia. Mr. Everett had sons — Alexander H., Edward, John. (H. C. 1806, 1811, 1818.) Of these children, Hqn. Edward Everett alone survives. A^RON Smith, son of Joseph, was born in Hollis, N. H., November 3d, 1756; graduated at Harvard HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 535 College in 1777, about which time he taught the school in Dorchester, having tarried a while, it may have been, in Sudbury. " He was afterwards mas- ter of the North Latin School," North Bennet Street, Boston, " studied divinity — went to the West Indies," which is the last information we have of him. It is said that he once remarked, "he would not return till he had filled his stocking with gold." Philip Draper, son of Timothy and Hannah Draper, was born in Dedham, March 2d, 1757 ; graduated at Harvard College in 1780 ; taught one of the schools, it is believed, the same year, and for some years subsequently ; afterwards practised as a physician in South Dedham. He married Mehita- bel, daughter of Jeremiah Kingsbury, of Dedham, and died March 21st, 1817. They had sons, Jere- miah and Moses, both graduates of Harvard Col- lege in 1808. The latter has been for many years a respected citizen of Dorchester. Jeremiah died in 1840. Samuel Shuttlesworth, son of Samuel and Abi- gail (Whiting) Shuttlesworth,* was born in Dedham, November 1, 1751 ; graduated at Harvard College in 1777; was ordained at Windsor, Vt., June 23d, 1790. After a few years, he left, and entered the profession of the law. He married Deborah Ames, sister of Fisher Ames, of Dedham, January 1st, 1792, and died in October, 1834. * Married in Dedham, October 8th, 1744, by Rev. Thomas Balch, Mr. Samuel Shuttlesworth to Mrs. Abigail Whiting.— Z>ecZMm Records. 536 . HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Samuel Cheney, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, was born in Roxbury, March 9th, 1745-6, graduat- ed at Harvard College in 1767, taught the school in Dorchester, and was for some time a teacher in the "Eliot School," in Boston. He married Rebecca Bliss, of Boston, December 29th, 1790, who is sup- posed to have been his second wife. He died at Harvard, in November, 1820, aged 74. Jonathan Bird, son of Jonathan, Jr., and Ruth Bird, was born in Dorchester, March 30, 1761 ; gra- duated at Harvard College in 1782, about which time he probably commenced teaching school in town, in a dwelling-house on the corner of what is now Sumner and Cottage Streets, near the "Five Cor- ners." He married Ann Vincent Woodward, of Bos- ton, the 18th of February, 1806 — was for some years a Justice of the Peace for the County of Suf- folk, and died November 24th, 1809. Theophilus Capen was son of Dea. Jonathan, Jr., and Jerusha (Talbot) Capen, and a descendant in the fifth generation from Barnard and Jane. His father was born in Dorchester, in a house lately standing at the corner of Washington and Bowdoin Streets. Removing early to Stoughton, he there be- came a large land-owner ; and, before the Revolution, was agent, under the Colonial government, for the care of the Punkapoag tribe of Indians. Theophilus was born in Stoughton, June 5th, 1760, graduated at Harvard College in 1782, and married Rachel Lambert in 1784. Soon after his graduation, he HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 537 taught the school in Dorchester, but the time thus spent by him is uncertain. It was not long, how- ever, as we find him in Bath, Me., for a while previous to 1787, and in that year preceptor, also, of a school in Sharon. It was his father's intention to educate him for the ministry; and accordingly he began to study divinity with Rev. Mr. Adams, of Stoughton, and spent much time in the compo- sition of sermons, &c. This plan was finally relin- quished, however, on account of the weakness of his voice. He again went to Bath, settled there, and was many years engaged in trading in that place ; also in Vassalborough and Augusta. He removed to Pittsford, Vt, in 1811, and resumed his former profession as teacher, which was continued for sev- eral years. In the latter part of his life Mr. C. was chiefly engaged in farming. He died in 1842, aged 82, at Chittenden, Rutland County, Vt., his wife having died six weeks previously, in her 76th year. One stone points out their graves in the burying- ground at Pittsford village, near Chittenden, with this inscription following their names and ages : " In their deaths they were not divided." Mr. Capen possessed in full the sterling qualities which characterized his ancestors and the other early settlers of the town of Dorchester, and through many vicissitudes during a long life maintained the character of a devoted christian and a good citizen. He had eleven children, born in Bath — seven daughters and four sons — all but one of whom lived to mature age. Five are now living — the old- est aged 73 ; viz., two daughters in the State of New 538 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. York ; a son and daughter in Vermont, the former of whom, Jonathan Capen, Esq., has represented the town of Fairhaven in the State Legislature ; and a daughter in Maine. His other descendants, as recently ascertained, are in number as follows : — grandchildren, 45 ; great-grandchildren, 66 ; great- great-grandchildren, 4. ... Daniel Leeds, Jr., son of Daniel (one of the schoolmasters before mentioned) and Abigail (Gore) Leeds, was born in Dorchester, on Monday, May 7th, 1764 ; graduated at Harvard College in 1783 ; taught at different times, and in various parts of the town, commencing as early, probably, as 1784. He was the first teacher in the school-house built at the Lower Mills village, in 1802. One of his pupils thus describes this house and its surroundings. " It was perhaps 20 feet by 30 — a half moon entry — a dignified desk — boys one side (the right, going in), girls the other — old fashioned seats for one and two each — a cast-iron wood stove midway the aisle, in winter — a trap door with a ring to lift, to go down cellar for wood — abundance of smoke sometimes, but none too much fire — open front yard down to the road, with rocks, apple trees, and path- ways, as one might say, in primitive state. Here was fun, play, and plenty of exercise, and in the house, no doubt, some good teaching and scholar- ship." This building was superseded by the struc- ture of 1836, and that also by the present house, erected in 1856. Mr. Leeds died at the house of his brother, in School Street, Boston, August 19th, 1811. He was unmarried. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 539 Moses Everett, Jr., son of Rev. Moses and Lucy (Balch) Everett, was born November 25th, 1775 ; graduated at Harvard College in 1796 ; taught school " on the upper road," in the now Gibson School district ; removed to Ohio in or about the year 1800, and died at Gallipolis, in that State, November 30th, 1814, aged 39. Ebenezer, his brother, who graduated at Harvard College in 1806, taught school in Dorchester, com- mencing in the autumn of that year. The school in the second district, w^here he taught, was at that time kept for six months, in the cokl season, on the lower road, now Adams Street, and the re- mainder of the year in the brick school-house, on Meeting-house Hill. Rev. Enoch Pratt, Griffin Child, and Hon. Eben- ezer Everett, are among the few of the early teachers who now survive. Mr. Silas Randall, a native of Stow, Mass., who graduated at Brown University in 1804, was the immediate predecessor of the last- mentioned Mr. Everett in District No. 2. The con- temporaries of said Mr. E. were — in District No. 1, Mr. Nathaniel Clap (H. C. 1805); in Districts 3 and 4, Messrs. Kingsbury and Child. Charles and Tho- mas Everett, brothers of Moses Everett, Jr., and Ebenezer, were, it is believed, subsequently, for short periods, teachers in the brick school-house on Meeting-house Hill. Lemuel Crane, eldest son of Elijah and Sarah (Houghton) Crane, was born in Milton, March 18th, 1757, and, with his parents, removed soon after to 540 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Canton, tlien a part of Stoughton. When he was about eleven years of age, he went to live in the family of Rev. Samuel Dunbar, the minister of that parish, and continued there nearly seven years. Early in the year 1776 he came to Dorchester — was a soldier in a company of militia which was detailed to guard the troops of Burgoyne, when they were prisoners at Cambridge, and was called out on vari- ous alarms at other times. In the year 1782 he bought a tract of land in the westerly part of the town, being a portion of the " Dorchester common land," sold by the town about that time. He sub- dued and cultivated a large farm, and attended the Boston market, occupying a stall in the westerly cor- ner of Faneuil Hall building for many years. Mr. Crane was very fond of pomological pursuits, and a large number of apple trees, now in a thrifty and bearing state, remain as monuments of his industry and perseverance. The house and a part of the land owned by him, is now in possession of Mr. Elihu Greenwood. Mr. C. taught the first school estab- lished in. his neighborhood, in winter, from 1790 to 1797, and occasionally evening schools for ap- prentices in the paper mill, and other boys, and also a singing school, for which he was well quali- fied. He was a collector of town taxes for the years 1790 and 1792 — selectman and assessor in 1793, 1803, '4 and '5; assessor, 1807-12; representative to the General Court in 1811 — was usually one of the surveyors of the highways, and a member of the school committee of the district. He married, first, Martha, daughter of John Minot, HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 541 who died, leaving one daughter, Nancy, now living ; secondly, Elizabeth, daughter of Dea. Noah Davis, of Roxbury. By the latter connection, Mr. Crane had six children, four of whom are now living; one of these, Nathaniel, contributed the material for this sketch. To the same individual we are also under obligations for information concerning the Butler School (p. 457-460). Mr. C. died on the 10th of November, 1817, in the 61st year of his age. His widow survived him twenty-two years, and died November 4th, 1839, aged 11. His father deceased in the year 1780; his mother, March 20th, 1819. As an instance of lon- gevity in the family, it may be mentioned that his mother took him one day, when young, to see two grandmothers, two great-grandmothers, and one great-great-grandmother. Mr. Crane was modest and unassuming in his de- portment, firm in his opinions, industrious and en- terprising in business, conscientious, tolerant and liberal in his religious views, republican in politics, a pleasant friend and an honest man. Fra^^cis Perry taus^ht the south school in Dor- Chester, previous to the 11th of June, 1791. He states, in a letter from Hallowell, Me., of the above date, that he is out of health — has had but £45 salary in Dorchester — that his expenses were £19 10s. for board, and for clothing £12 — leaving him only 135. lOd. He would like to renew his services as teacher in town, but wishes the compensation in- creased to £56. 61 542 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Joseph Gardner Andrews, born in Boston, Feb- ruary Tth, 1768, graduated at Harvard College in 1785. He was a physician. In a letter, written May 16th, 1792, to Ebenezer Tolman, one of the Selectmen of Dorchester, he says, " By reason of an appointment in the Federal army, I shall be necessitated to give up the school in the course of a few weeks ; " but requests " a dismission this day." The time of his decease has not been ascertained by the writer. His name is first starred in the trien- nial catalogue for 1827. Samuel Topliff, son of Deacon Samuel and Mary (Hall) Topliff, was born in Dorchester, Sep- tember 19th, 1770 ; graduated at Harvard College in 1795 ; taught school about 1793; was for a time a merchant in Eastport, Me. ; removed afterwards to Princeton, 111., and died in Detroit, Michigan, September 5th, 1845, aged 75. We are indebted to Joseph Palmer, M.D., of Boston (PL C. 1820), who has kindly furnished information in relation to other individuals, for the following notice of Mr. Topliff. " The Buffalo Commercial Advertiser of Monday, September 8th, 1845, gives an account of a storm on Lake Erie, on the Friday and Saturday previous, and after stating that several vessels were damaged, adds the following ; ' By the boats from the West, we can gather nothing of importance in regard to ves- sels, except the sinking of the steamer New Orleans, Capt. Brundage, in the Detroit river, a short distance from Maiden. The New Orleans was bound for Chicago, and had a full complement of passengers. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 543 The steamer London took part of the passengers to Detroit. One old man, from Illinois or "Wisconsin, who was in feeble health, died before reaching De- troit, supposed from fright and anxiety. He had some §10,000 worth of goods on board the boat.' " The same paper (Buffalo Commercial), of Sep- tember 11th, says: 'The old gentleman, who had goods on board the New Orleans, and who died after arriving at Detroit, was named Samuel Topliff. His age was 60 years.' " The Detroit Daily Advertiser, of Monday, Sep- tember 8th, 1845, says : ' A stranger, named Samuel Topliff, who had been taken on the London from the New Orleans, after her accident on Friday, died in this city on the evening of that day. The ver- dict of the coroner's jury was, that he came to his death from over-exertion, general debility and old age. The deceased was supposed to be about 60 years old. He was carefully attended during his brief illness, and his remains decently interred on Saturday afternoon — funeral services by the Eev. Dr. Duffield, at the Presbyterian Church.' " There is a mistake in the above papers as to his age, which is stated, from conjecture, at 60. He was 75." Samuel Veazie was born in Braintree, June 3d, 1779 ; graduated at Harvard College in 1800. He succeeded James Blake Howe in the school. District No. 2; was ordained at Freeport, Me., December 10th, 1806, as successor to Eev. Alfred Johnson. The ordination sermon was preached by Rev. John 544 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Foster, D.D., of Brighton. He married Phebe Bar- tol, of Freeport, September 1, 1808. They had no children. "In less than two years Mr. Veazie's health began to decline, and he was soon found to be in a settled consumption." " The circumstances of his death were peculiarly distressing. On the night of February 5th, 1809, while confined to his chamber in the house of Mrs. Veazie's mother, and supposed to be near his disso- lution, the loAver part of the house w^as discovered to be in flames. He was with difficulty removed to the house of Mr. Bartol, his brother-in-law, in one of the most severe snow storms known for many years. The exposure was thought to have accele- rated his exit, which took place the next day," in the 30th year of his age.* Mrs. Veazie was again married, September 1st, 1824, to the Rev. Charles Soule, of Belfast, Me., now of Amherst, in that State. She is still living. Edward Holden, son of Samuel and Hannah (Kelton) Holden, was born at Dorchester, August 30, 1769 ; married Anna Payson, daughter of Sam- uel and Anna (Robinson) Payson, of Dorchester, July 31, 1791. He taught a school at Milton in his early manhood ; removed to Dorchester Lower Mills about 1799, and taught in the house of Gen. Ste- phen Badlara, on the old Plymouth road (Washing- ton Street), at the corner of what is now called River Street. He subsequently engaged in mercantile * Greenleaf s Ecclesiastical Sketches of Maine, p. 70. Mass. Hist. Coll., 2d series, vol. 4, p. 181. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 545 business at No. 1 Long Wharf, in Boston, in part- nership with James Andrews. At the breaking out of the war of 1812, he relinquished this business, and was afterwards engaged as supercargo in the West India trade. The children of Edward and Anna (Payson) Holden were six sons (of whom Ed- ward, graduated at Yale College in 1812, was a lawyer, settled in Kentucky) and six daughters. Edward Holden died of rapid consumption, on his passage to Boston from St. Domingo, November 16th, 1823, in the 54th year of his age. James Blake Howe, son of Abraham and Pa- tience (Blake) Howe, was born in Dorchester, March 31, 1773, and graduated at Harvard College in 1794. He was the first teacher in the brick school-house, erected on Meeting-house Hill, in 1798, having pre- viously taught in the old wooden house on the west- erly side of the hill. He was afterwards an Epis- copal clerg}Tiian, and was ordained Deacon, Novem- ber 25th, 1817; ordained Priest, May 14th, 1819; Eector at Claremont, N. H., September 15th, 1819; died September 17th, 1844. A marble tablet to his memory, with an inscription upon it, is placed in St. Mary's Church, Dorchester. He had two wives, whom he outlived. The first was Sally Adams Bad- lam (daughter of Gen. Stephen Badlam), married November 22, 1797, died January 4th, 1817 ; the second, Mary White, married October 12th, 1820, died August 22, 1837. He had nine children.* * See the " Blake Family," by Samuel Blake, p. 51, for further particulars. 546 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Benjamin Vinton, " youngest child of Capt. John and Hephzibah (French) Vinton, of Braintree, born October 14th, 1774 ;" graduated at Harvard College in 1795; married Sarah Webb, of Quincy, in May, 1802; " studied medicine under Dr. Ephraim Wales, of Randolph, and at first settled as a physician in Marshfield. He was a surgeon's mate one year on board the U. S. frigate 'Boston,' commanded by Capt. George Little, of Marshfield, during the quasi war with France in 1799.'! "In 1801, Dr. Vinton settled in Quincy, where he died. May 11th, 1813," and was buried " under arms." He had two daugh- ters, who died of consumption, unmarried, at the ages of 23 and 24.* Samuel Gould, son of Maj. George and Rachel (D wight, of Dedham) Gould, was born in Sutton, November 29th, 1770, from which place his parents removed, whilst he was quite young, to that part of Dedham which is now included in West Roxbury — studied medicine — settled in practice in Needham, and married Esther, daughter of Jonathan Kings- bury, of the latter place, April 6th, 1804. They had four children — Elizabeth, George, Sarah Kings- bury, and Mary Ann. After the death of his father. Dr. Gould returned to the old mansion in West Roxbury, and devoted his attention to agriculture. He died November 13th, 1845 ; his wife deceased January 4th, 1857. Dr. G. possessed good natural powers of mind, and highly respectable literary and ♦ See " Viuton Memorial," by Rev. John A. Vinton, p. 105. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 547 professional acquirements ; of marked politeness of manner ; — to be as " polite as Dr. Gould," was to attain a high standard.* Benjamin Heaton was a son of Nathaniel, of Wrentham. His mother, it is said, was Margaret (Metcalf) Heaton, of that place. He graduated at Brown University, R. L, in 1790. In the year 1796, a newspaper, called the " Columbian Minerva," was started in Dedham ; it was published by Nathaniel and Benjamin Heaton. This paper was afterwards conducted by Herman Mann, Sen., who purchased the entire printing establishment in December, 1797. The "Minerva" was discontinued in 1804. This Benjamin w^as doubtless the teacher in the "Butler School," in Dorchester, in the winters of 1798 and '99 {ante^ p. 459, where the name is incorrectly given Nathaniel). He was " near-sighted, and the boys played him some tricks in consequence of that defect." He is said to have been a good teacher. He was sometimes engaged in preaching, but was never ordained or settled as a minister. In a " Mi- nerva," published June 12, 1800, is the following obituary notice : " Died, at Wrentham, Mr. Benja- min Heaton, formerly one of the editors of the Mi- nerva." He died on the 8th day of the above-men- tioned month. Mr. H. was never married. His brother Nathaniel, it is said, published a spelling- book, called " Heaton's Spelling-Book." The successor of Mr. Heaton, in the Butler School, • Communicated by Ahijah W. Draper, M.D., of West Roxbury. 548 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. in the winters of 1799 and 1800, was a Mr. Peck, of whom we have learned but little. " His right hand was deformed or mutilated from some cause, and he wrote with his left." William IMontague, son of Joseph and Sarah (Henry) Montague, was born at South Hadley, Sep- tember 23d, 1757. When a youth he served in the army, and afterwards obtained a liberal education at Dartmouth College, where he graduated in 1784. He was ordained by Bishop White. In June, 1787, he was inducted Rector of Christ Church, in Bos- ton. Soon after his settlement there, he " visited England, and was in London in the years 1789 and '90. He was the first Episcopal clergyman, ordained in America, who preached in an English pulpit." He was connected with Christ Church till May, 1792. .About this time he was invited to take charge of the Episcopal church in Ded- ham, where he remained until the year 1818, hav- ing continued with that society twenty-six years. He taught what is now the Butler School, in Dor- chester, in the winters of 1800 and 1801, " assisted by Lawrence Sprague, his student, a son of Dr. Sprague, of Dedham." Mr. Montague gave particu- lar attention, in this school, to the study of mathe- matics. He married Jane, daughter of Lemuel Lit- tle, of Marshfield, July 22d, 1801, by whom he had five children. Mr. M. died at Dedham, July 22d, 1833, in the 76th vear of his aw. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 549 William Chandler, born in Woodstock, Conn., August 24th, 1777, was a son of Winthrop and Mary (Glyssan) Chandler, of Woodstock, grandson of William and Jemima (Bradbury, of Salisbury, Mass.), great-grandson of Dea. John and Elizabeth (Douglas) Chandler, one of the early proi^rietors of Woodstock, who was a son of William and Annice Chandler, of Roxbury. William (the teacher) graduated at Harvard College in 1801, and succeeded Samuel Veazie in the second school district. He is said to have been a man of fine attainments — a correct and critical scholar. Though of a constitution apparently feeble, he was a good disciplinarian, and was particularly circum- spect in preserving order in the school. He went to Nashville, Tenn., and was married. He died in 1850. Pearley Lyon, son of Daniel and Prudence (May) Lyon, was born in Woodstock, Conn., June 3d, 1778. He taught the " Butler School," in the winters of 1801, '2 and '3; was married to Polly Bradford, of Woodstock, Nov. 10th, 1803, and had seven children. His wife, Mary, died in J. 830. He married, second, in 1835, Mary M. Whitney, who is still living. He died Feb. 11th, 1841. " Mr. Lyon was said to be one of the most ener- getic and successful farmers in Woodstock, and took pride in making improvements, and being first in getting through with planting, haying, &c. He was liberal and public spirited, and much esteemed by his fellow citizens."* * Letter of Ashbel Woodward, M. D., Franklin, Conn. 62 550 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Lloyd Bowers Hall, born in Kaynham, it is be- lieved, in 1770, was a son of Col. Noah and Ab'ih (Dean) Hall, a family of considerable note and stand- ing in that town. The mother of Lloyd was a daughter of Thomas Dean, of the same place. Mr. Hall graduated at Brown University, R. I., in the class of 1794 — studied law with James Sproat, Esq., of Taunton, but never practised. He taught the new school at the Lower Mills Village, in 1803, be- ing the successor of Daniel Leeds, Jr. Mr. H. died at Raynham, in the year 1835. He was never mar^ ried. Stephen Hale, son of Rev. Moses and Elizabeth Hale, was born in Boxford, Mass., about the year 1780; graduated at Harvard College in 1802 ; mar- ried Nancy, daughter of Abraham and Patience (Blake) Howe, of Dorchester, Dec. 6th, 1808, and died in West Newbury, at the house of his sister, Mrs. Eliphalet Emery, in the month of September, it is thought, of 184-1. His wife died at the house of her brother, Rev. James Blake Howe, in Claremont, N. H., March 19th, 1829. They had three children.* Wilkes Allen, son of Elnathan and Thankful (Hastings) Allen, was born in Shrewsbury, Mass., July 10th, 1775 ; graduated at Harvard College in 1801 ; was the first teacher in the brick school- house, in Dorchester, District No. 1 ; was ordained at Chelmsford, the 16th of November, 1803 ; dis- missed at his own request, Oct. 21st, 1832; removed * See " Blake FamUy," page 54. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 551 to Andover, where he died, Dec. 2d, 1845. He mar- ried Mary, daughter of Deacon James Morrill, of "Boston, Nov. 13th, 1805, by whom he had eight chil- dren, two of whom were graduates of Harvard Col- lege, in the classes of 1833 and 1842, viz., — John Clarke and Nathaniel Glover Allen. John Clarke Allen died in 1834. Abner Gardner, son of Samuel and Dorothy (Miles) Gardner, was born in Charlestown, Nov. 28th, 1781 ; graduated at Harvard College, in 1803 ; mar- ried Mary, daughter of Ebenezer Niles, of Dorches- ter, Oct. 18th, 1807. They had five children, three sons and two daughters. Mr. Gardner died on the 29th of March, 1818. He was for some years a mer- chant in Boston. Enoch Pratt, son of Capt. William and Mary Pratt, was born in North Middleborough, Mass., in 1781, and graduated at Brown University in 1803.* He taught in the brick school-house, near the old burying-ground, in 1804, while studying for the ministry with Rev. Dr. Harris. He afterwards stu- died two years with Pev. Dr. Kirkland^ in Boston ; was a school teacher there ; was licensed to preach by the Boston Association of Ministers ; preached temporarily in Portland, Me., Vergennes, Vt., Schaghticoke, N. Y., Brimfield, Mass., then in Barn- * On page 480, it was stated that there were two graduates at Brown University among the teachers of the Dorchester Schools. It has since, been ascertained that there were three ; viz., Messrs. Heaton, Hall and Pratt. 552 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. stable, where he was ordained Oct. 28th, 1807. He was settled as Pastor, in the latter place, 30 years, when he resigned and located in the town of Brews- ter, where he now resides. Mr. Pratt retired some time since from all public service. He married Ma- ry, daughter of Deacon Joseph Field, of Boston, in 1810, by whom he had a daughter, Elizabeth F., who married Staats S. Morris, Esq., of Newark, N. J. Mr. Pratt married, 2d, Mercy Snow, of Brewster, in 1825, by whom he had Mary K., who married El- lison Conger, Esq., of Newark. Mr. P., by his third wife, Lucy, daughter of Deacon Brady Jenkins, of Barnstable, had a daughter Sarah, who married Dr. Curtis, of North Carolina; and one son, George Greenleaf. Mr. Pratt is the author of a " History of Eastham, Wellfleet, and Orleans," published at Yarmouth, in 1844, 8vo., pp. 180. Griffin Child, son of Alpha and Molly (May) Child, was born in Woodstock, Conn., January 25th, 1784. His parents were married March 27th, 1777. He had brothers Darius and Spencer, and sister Pa- melia, being himself the youngest of the family. He was a teacher in the " Butler School " in 1803 and '4 (ante, page 459), and afterwards taught the school at the Lower Mills, then at Jamaica Plain, and per- haps in other places, with very good success. A contemporary teacher — Hon. Ebenezer Everett, of Brunswick, Me. — says, that at the examination of the schools in Dorchester, " in the spring of 1807, Mr. Child, who was quite an amateur instructor, bore HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 553 away the palm from all of us." At that time there were five public schools in the town. The one in the upper, or fifth district, was in the charge of a female instructor for the summer term. Mr. Child married Ann, daughter of Lewis Peck, of Providence, R I., August 15th, 1811, and by her had two sons. She died April 15th, 1816. He mar- ried January 22d, 1818, Sarah, daughter of David Field, of Providence, by whom he had five children — three sons and two daughters. Plis second wife, Sarah Field, died May 26th, 1855. Mr. Child was for many years engaged in mercantile business in Providence. He is still living. Having gone through the list of male teachers, known to us, of a date anterior to 1805, we would again revert to the female instructors in the town, who in past times bore their part, also, in the great work of liuman culture — many of them, to the world at large, unnoticed and unknown. Though we are unable to speak of them, except in a few instances, by name, we would honor them for their fidelity and moral worth. One humble individual, familiarly called " Ma'am Mima," may be mentioned, who from her own scanty store of knowledge gave instruction to the young. Twelve and a half cents a week were paid her by each scholar in attendance. Poor wo- man ! how they used to pity her. They would often carry to their teacher small pieces of wood for fuel, and food to eat, as she " could not afibrd," she said, " to have a dinner but once a week." These kind 554 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. attentions from the children were repaid to them, by her, in love and thanks, and such services as it was in her power to render. Nearly sixty years have passed away since she was laid beneath the turf, in the westerly corner of the ancient burial ground. Some kind hands have erected a stone to her memory, on which is the following inscription : — Here lies the body of Mrs. Jemima Smith, who died the 16th of November, 1198, in the TSth year of her age. A few feet from thence were laid, long since, the remains of another school mistress, over whose grave the storms of more than a century and a half have beaten. The quaint inscription on her monumental stone is as follows : — Here Lyes y Body of Miriam Wood, Formerly Wife to John Smith, Aged 73 Years. Died October y« 19th 1706. A Woman well beloved of all her neighbours, from her care of small Folks education, their number being great, that when she dy'd she scarsely left her mate. So Wise, Discre[et], was her behaviors that she was well esteemed by neighbours. She liv'd in love with all to dy[e] So let her rest [to] Eternaty, HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 555 CHAPTER XXIV. Graduates of Harvard College from the Town of Dorchester. The following is a list of those who went from Dorchester to Harvard College, arranged chronologi- cally, on the basis of the late Rev. Dr. Harris's account, in Mass. Historical Collections, Vol. IX. The year prefixed gives the time of their graduation. 164:3. Samuel Mather, A. M., son of Rev. Rich- ard Mather, of Dorchester, was born in Lancashire, Eng., May 13th, 1626. He was the first Fellow (then the same as Tutor) of the College ; and first preached at the North Church in Boston, where his brother Increase, and nephew Cotton Mather, were afterwards settled. He went over to England in the time of Cromwell, and was chosen one of the chap- lains in Magdalen College, Oxford. Afterwards, he went to Ireland, and became one of the senior Fel- lows of Trinity College in Dublin. Upon the en- forcement of the act of uniformity in 1662, he left all his preferments in the Church, and became pas- tor of a congregation of dissenters in Dublin, where he died, Oct. 29th, 1671, aged 45. 1647. Nathaniel Mather, A. M., brother to the preceding, and his successor in the pastoral care of the Church in Dublin, was born in Lancashire, Eng., March 20th, 1630. After his graduation at Harvard College, he went to England. He was presented to the living at Barnstaple, in the County of Devon, by 556 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Cromwell, in 1656. Upon his ejectment in 1662, he went into Holland, and was a minister at Rotter- dam ; bnt about the time of the Revolution he went over to England, and was chosen pastor of a dissent- ing congregation in London, where he died July 26th, 1697, aged 67, in great esteem among his brethren for learning and piety. IcHABOD WiswALL. (Scc Schoolmastcrs, p. 483.) 1650. William Stoughton. (See page 271.) Pelatiah Glover, though educated at Cambridge, it seems never received a degree there. He was born in 1637; ordained at Springfield, June 18th, 1661, " when a Church was first gathered there," and was its pastor many years. He died March 29th, 1692, leaving several children. 1651. Jonathan Burr, A. M., son of Rev. Jona- than Burr, of Dorchester. V William Brimsmead was son of William, of Dor- chester (who died about 1648, leaving four children, \ three sons and one daughter, Mary, who m. Benja- '^ nXjuin Leeds, 17:7: 1667). He was educated at Har- vard College, but never had a degree. (See page 483.) Mr. Brimsmead was a preacher at Marlbo- rough as early as September, 1660. He afterwards left that place and preached for a time in Plymouth, where he was invited to settle, but declined the call. He returned to Marlborough, where he was ordained HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 557 Oct. 3d, 1666. As he was in the midst of his dis- course, on Sunday, March 20th, 1676, the whole as- sembly were aroused by the cry of " Indians at the door." The congregation immediately fled to the Fort, which was not far distant. They all reached the place in safety, except one man, Moses Newton, who was wounded. The meeting-house and many of the dwelling-houses were destroyed. The inhabi- tants dispersed, but in the year following returned and erected a new meeting-house. " Tradition at- tributes to him one odd conceit, that ' he uniformly refused baptism to children who were born on the Sabbath.' " The first Covenant of the Church of Marlborough, called " the Brimsmead Covenant," as renewed Oct. 15th, 1679, was used by the Church, with a few verbal changes only, until 1837.* He was never married. He died on Commencement morning, July 3d, 1701. Rev. Asa Packard, in 1795 (Mass. Hist Coll., Vol. 4, p. 47), states that there was then an unlettered stone to his memory. He was characterized as a " well accomplished ser- vant of Christ." Mr. Brimsmead preached an Election Sermon in 1681, which was printed. Among the papers made use of by Prince, in compiling his " Annals," was a journal in Latin, kept by Mr. B., from 1665 to 1695, inclusive, f * See a copy of the Covenant, in Field's Historical Sketch of the First Church in Marlborough, 1859. t Allen's Biographical Dictionary. 63 558 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 1656. Eleazer Mather, son of Rev. Richard Mather, was born in Dorchester, May 13th, 1637. He was invited by the people of Northampton, in June, 1658, to preach on probation, and was ordain- ed over the Church there, June 23d, 1661. " Here he labored for eleven years in the vineyard of the Lord ; much admired as a man of talents and exalt- ed piety, and as a zealous preacher." He died July 24:th, 1669, aged 32 years. His wife was Esther, the only daughter of Rev. John Warham. (See page 498.) 1656. Increase Mather, A. M., brother to the former, was born in Dorchester, June 21st, 1639. He was ordained minister of the North Church in Boston, May 27th, 1669; was appointed President of the College in 1685, but resigned that office in 1701. He was the first person who received the degree of Doctor of Divinity at Harvard College. This was given him in 1692. He died August 23d, 1723, aged 85 years. Dr. Mather was a man of decided ability and en- terprise, and although unpopular with a small por- tion of his fellow citizens, his counsels had great weight both with the clergy and body politic. He was sent to England as agent of the Mass. Colony (see page 485), and had great influence over the friends of New England, on that side of the Atlantic. He kept a vigilant eye on the privileges granted by the charter. Taken as a divine, a scholar and a man of political strength and sagacity, he was a gi- ant. The conversation between Dr. Mather, King HISTORY OF DORCHESTER, 559 William and Queen Mary, related by Rev. Cotton Mather, in the memoirs of his father, is very inter- esting. It was to the subject of this notice that Queen Mary uttered the following beautiful senti- ment, so full of kindness and toleration — viz. : " It is not in the power of men to believe what they please ; therefore I think they should not be forced in matters of religion, contrary to their persuasions and their consciences. I wish all good men were of one mind ; however, in the mean time, I would have them live peaceably and love one another," It was in reference to this paragraph that Cotton Mather breaks forth as follows : " mentis aurece, verba hracteata. My ink, too vile a liquor art thou to write so divine a sentence."* 1665. Hope Atherton. (See Schoolmasters, p. 489.) 1667. John Foster. (See account of him on pages 244 and 492.) 1671. Samuel Mather, A. M., son of Timothy and Elizabeth (Weeks) Mather, was born in Dor- chester, July 5th, 1650. He was a minister at Windsor, in Connecticut, 45 years. He was one of the first Trustees of Yale College, and died March 18th, 1727-8, aged 77. * Mass. Hist. Coll., Vol. 9, p. 251, For interesting Memoirs of the Mathers, Samuel, Nathaniel, Eleazer and Increase, by John Farmer, see American Quarterly Register, Vol. 8, pp. 134, 332; and Vol. 9, p. 367. 560 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 1675. James Minot. (See Schoolmasters, page 495.) 1677. Edward Payson, A. M., son of Edward, for many years a minister at Rowley, died Aug. 22d, 1732, aged 75 years, 2 months and 10 days. 1677. Joseph Capen, A. M., son of John Capen, of Dorchester, was baptized January 2d, 1658 ; or- dained at Topsfield, June 4:th, 1684 ; died June 30th, 1725, aged 67. 1690. Nathaniel Clap, A. M., son of Nathan- iel Clap, of Dorchester, was baptized January 24th, 1668. He was for nearly fifty years a minister at Newport, in Rhode Island; and died October 30th, 1745, in the 78th year of his age. 1693. Henry Flint, Esq., A. M., son of Rev. Josiah Flint, of Dorchester. " He was for fifty-five years a tutor at Harvard College, and one of the Fellows of the Corporation sixty years. He died February 13th, 1760, aged 84. A discourse was de- livered at his funeral by Rev. Dr. Appleton, from Psalm cxii., 7, which pays a just tribute to his piety, learning, and worth ; and an elegant Latin oration by James Lovell, A. M. A volume of Mr. Flint's sermons was published in 1739, which pos- sesses considerable merit." 1695. John Robinson. (See Schoolmasters, page 504.) HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 561 1698. Richard Billings. (See Schoolmasters, page 506.) 1700. Robert Breck, A. M., son of John Breck, of Dorchester, was born Dec. 7th, 1682. After leav- ing College he preached for a time at Long Island, in the Province of New York, during the Government of Lord Cornbury. " There he had the Courage, though at that Time Young, to assert and adhere to the Cause and Principles of the Non-Conformists, notwith- standing the Threatenings and other ill Treatment he there met with." He was ordained the second minister of Marlborough, Mass., Oct. 25th, 1704, when only 22 years of age, succeeding Rev. William Brimsmead. He married Elizabeth Wainwright, of Haverhill, by whom he had six children, one of whom, Robert, was ordained a minister at Springfield, Jan. 26th, 1736, where he died April 23d, 1784, in the 71st year of his age and the 49th of his ministry.* Robert, the father, died in Marlborough, Jan. 6th, 1731, at the age of 49 years, "in the vigor of his powers, and universally lamented. On the occasion of his death, three funeral sermons were preached to his people : one by Mr. Prentice, of Lancaster ; one by Mr. Swift, of Framingham ; and also one by Mr. Loring, of Sudbury ; all of which were published in a single pamphlet." A monument was erected to his memory, on which is a Latin inscription.*!* * See Holland's History of Western Massachusetts, Vol. 1, p. 199. t See Field's Sketch of Marlborough Church, before referred to, pp. 16 — 23. 562 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 1701. Samuel Wiswall. (See Schoolmasters, page 506.) 1703. Elijah Danforth. (See Schoolmasters, page 507.) 1704. Ebenezer White. (See Schoolmasters, page 512.) 1711. Samuel Blake, A.'M., son of John Blake, of Dorchester, was born Sept. 26th, 1691 ; was a schoolmaster at Barnstable ; died April 29th, 1715, aged 23. 1715. Samuel Danforth. (See Schoolmasters, page 512.) 1723. Nathaniel Glover, A. M., Clerk in the store of Thomas Hancock, Esq., of Boston. 1724. Phillips Payson. (See Schoolmasters, page 516.) 1724. Isaac Billings, A. M., son of Roger, was. born in Dorchester, July, 1703; died in Milton, 1784. (See Schoolmasters, page 515.) 1725. IcHABOD Wiswall, for many years a Schoolmaster at Martha's Vineyard ; died at Edgar- town, in June, 1782. 1725. James Robinson, probably son of John; HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 563 if SO, he was born in 170'!. He was a physician at Newport, and died Nov. 29th, 1745. 1729. Samuel Moseley. (See Schoolmasters, page 518.) 1730. William Royal, born in Dorchester, was Representative from that town. Died in Stough- ton, January 15th, 1794, aged 84. 1730. Lemuel Trott. 1731. Supply Clap. (See Schoolmasters, page 519.) 1732. Mather Withington, son of Ebenezer Withington, of Dorchester, xlfter he took his de- gree, he kept a school at Cape Ann. He commenc- ed preaching, and was much esteemed for his talents, virtues, and jiiety. He died April 28th, 1736. 1735. Gill AM Tailor, son of Lieut. Governor William, was a physician in Boston. He died July 17th, 1757, aged 39. 1735. Noah Clap. (See page 356.) 1741. Thomas Jones. (See Schoolmasters, page 524.) 1742. Nathaniel Hatch, Justice of the Court of Common Pleas for Suffolk, was a Loyalist. He 564 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. went to England, and died there in the year 1780, aged 56. 1744. Edward Bass. (See Schoolmasters, page 525.) 1744. Samuel Bird, of Dorchester, was in the same class with Dr. Bass, but did not obtain his de- gree, in consequence of some rash censures upon several of the Governors of the College and the ven- erable clergyman of Cambridge, which were dictated by religious enthusiasm. He was afterwards settled as a minister at New Haven, where he died. 1744. James Humphrey. (See Schoolmasters, page 527.) 1753. Thomas Oliver, born in Dorchester, Jan. 5th, 1734; Lieut. Governor in the year 1774; went to England on the breaking out of the Revolution, and died in Bristol, England, Nov. 29th, 1815, aged 82. He lived at the Five Corners, in the house now owned by Mr. George Richardson. 1755. Jonathan Bowman was born Dec. 8th, 1735. He was the son of Rev. Jonathan Bowman, of Dorchester, was Judge of Probate for Lincoln Co., Me., and died in Dresden, Maine, Sept. 10th, 1804, aged 69. 1760. James Baker. (See Schoolmasters, page 528.) HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 565 1761. John Bass, son of Joseph, and brother of Bishop Bass, was born in Dorchester, Oct. 9th, 1738. He went to Nova Scotia, and kept school, and there died. He was never married. 1761. Daniel Leeds. (See Schoolmasters, page 530.) 1764. William Bowman. (See Schoolmasters, page 530.) 1769. James Blake, son of Samuel and Patience (White) Blake, was born in Dorchester, Dec. 10th, 1750. He entered College at the age of fifteen, and exhibited there an eminent pattern of studiousness and proficiency in learning. Distinguished for the purity of his morals, the exemplariness of his conduct, and the sweetness of his temper, he conciliated the love of all his fellow students, and the high approba- tion of his instructors. After taking his first degree, he went to Weymouth, to take the charge of a school, which he kept to general satisfaction. That employment he resigned in about nine months, and devoted himself to the study of divinity, under the instruction of Bev. William Smith. " He pursued this his favorite study with unwearied assiduity for a year, and then began the important work of the ministry, but not without great reluctance ; for he had determined not to preach till he acquired a per- fect knowledge in the fundamental parts of religion. But Mr. Smith being sick, he was many times urged to take his place until he recovered, which, after 64 566 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. repeated denials, he did. Thus having made a be- ginning, he continued ahnost every sabbath, until he died." He died November ' 17th, 1771, after a short illness, wanting one month of being twenty- one years old. A small volume of his sermons was published by his friends, several of which are now in possession of relatives of the family. They discover a strength of mind, a clear and comprehensive intellect, truly wonderful in so young a person. On his grave stone, in Dorchester, is the following inscription : "An Angel's arm can't snatch him from the grave; Legions of Angels can't confine him there."* 1772. John Homans, during the American war, was a surgeon in the army, and afterwards settled as a physician in Boston. " Dr. Homans had received from nature a great share of superior sense, which was well cultivated, and evinced a mind rich in bright ideas and refinedly polished by education. As a physician he was not inferior to any of his age ; he was employed much, and greatly approved." The duties of this profession he discharged with great tenderness and humanity ; and in behalf of the poor, with disinterested benevolence. Having been several years quite an invalid, in the year 1800 he un- dertook a voyage to the northwest coast of America for the recovery of his health, but died on the sec- ond day after the departure of the vessel, June 3d, in the 47th year of his age. * See " Blake Family," pp. 33—35. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 567 1782. Jonathan Bird. (See Schoolmasters, page 536.) 1783. Daniel Leeds. (See Schoolmasters, page 538.) 1787. Benjamin Beale was born in Quincy, and spent part of his life in France. He died in 1826. 1793. John Pierce, son of John and Sarah (Blake) Pierce, was born in Dorchester, July 14th, 1773. He was ordained minister of Brookline, Mass., March 15th, 1797. He continued in the ministry until his death, which took place August 24th, 1849. Although a large part of his life was spent in Brookline, he was well known and much respected by the inhabitants of Dorchester, and few were so well acquainted with its history as Dr. Pierce. He was an ardent, and very active man, and enjoyed life to a remarkable degree up to his last illness. He was a devoted friend of Harvard College, took a great interest in whatever related to it, and was for many years its Secretary. 1794. James Blake Howe. (See Schoolmas- ters, i^age 545.) • 1795. Samuel Topliff. (See Schoolmasters, page 542.) 1796. Moses Everett. (See Schoolmasters, page 539.) 568 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 1797. Elisha Clap, born in Dorchester, June 25th, 1776, son of Lemuel and Rebecca (Dexter) Clap; died in Boston, Oct. 22d, 1830. He was edu- cated for the ministry, but preached only a short time. He was very successful as a teacher of youth- 1798. Henry Gardner, son of Treasurer Henry Gardner of Stow, father of Ex-Governor Henry J. Gardner, was born August 2d, 1779 ; died June 19th, 1858. He studied medicine with Dr. John Warren, of Boston, but never practised. He was a Representative froi:^^ Dorchester three years, a Sena- tor from Norfolk County three years, and a member of the Convention of 1820 to Revise the Constitu- tion. A very energetic and prompt man. 1802. Joseph Gardner, brother of the last nam- ed, was born August 16th, 1782. He was a skilful physician in Dorchester, and died June 29th, 1809. 1802. James Everett, son of Rev. Moses, was born Oct. 13th, 1782; died -at Port Mahon, April 12th, 1837. He was a Chaplain in the U. S. Navy, and the latter part of his life an ardent Episcopalian. He was admitted to Priest's orders July 15 th, 1829. 1803. Benjamin Andrews Highborn, son of Hon. Benjamin Hichborn, of Dorchester, was born in Dorchester, February 1st, 1783. He was a law- yer in Boston, and subsequently in Mississippi. He died in November, 1818, aged 33. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 569 1804. Charles Ward Apthorp Morton was born August 15th, 1786; died April 30th, 1809. 1805. Nathaniel Clapp, son of Nathaniel, was born in Dorchester, October 21st, 1783 ; kept school in Dorchester a while, but was for many years con- nected with the Tremont Bank, in Boston. He died November 4th, 1847. 1806. Ebenezer Everett, son of Moses Everett, was born August 15th, 1788 ; now living, a lawyer in Brunswick, Maine. He kept school in Dorches- ter a short time. (See page 539.) 1807. Eleazar Clapp, son of Ebenezer and Ma- ry (Glover) Clapp, was born August 18th, 1786. He was a physician; died August 27th, 1817. 1809. William Swift, born Sept. 11th, 1779. 1810. Lemuel Capen, son of John, Jr., and Pa- tience (Davis) Capen, was born in Dorchester, Nov. 25th, 1788. He was ordained pastor of the Unita- rian Church in Sterling, Mass., March 22d, 1815; resigned June 21st, 1819. He was installed over the Hawes Place Church, South Boston, Oct. 31st, 1827; resigned in 1839. He died August 28th, 1858, aged 69 years and 9 months. (See N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register for Jan., 1859, p. 86.) 1811. Walter Baker, son of Edmund, was born July 28th, 1792; was owner of the extensive choco- 570 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. late mills in Dorchester, and a man of genius and enterprise. He was a Colonel of the 1st Regiment, 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Mass. Militia, and an offi- cer of great merit. He represented the town in General Court for several years, and died in Boston May 7th, 1852. 1811. Edward Everett, son of Oliver and Lucy (Hill) Everett, was born in Dorchester, April 11th, 1794; now living. He is the distinguished orator. (See Loring's " Hundred Boston Orators," p. 529.) 1812. John Homans was born September 17th, 1793 ; a physician in Boston, now living. 1812. Jonathan Mayhew AVainwright was born in England, February 24th, 1792, and came to New England in his youth. He was a man of dis- tinction ; was Rector of Trinity Church, Boston, and subsequently Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Eastern New York. He died Sept. 21st, 1854. • 1815. Stevens Everett, son of Rev. Moses, was born Dec. 14th, 1797. He was Pastor of the Unitarian Church in Hallowell, Me. ; — was very feeble in health, the latter part of his life, and died in Dorchester February 20th, 1833. 1815. Thaddeus William Harris, M. D., son of Rev. Thaddeus Mason Harris, was born in Dor- chester, Nov. 12th, 1795. He was a physician in Milton for several years, and subsequently for a long HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 571 period the distinguished Librarian of Harvard Col- lege. He died in Cambridge, January 16th, 1856. 1821. William Withington, son of Joseph Weeks Withington, is a clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal Church. 1823. William Parsons Lunt, son of the late Henry and Mary Green (Pearson) Lunt, was born in Newburyport, April 21st, 1805. He was a man of great mental cultivation, a poet and writer of dis- tinction. He was ordained Pastor of the Second Congregational Unitarian Society in New York City, June 19th, 1828; was installed June 3d, 1835, as Colleague with Rev. Peter Whitney, of Quincy, Mass., who died March 3d, 1843. Mr. Lunt was sole minister of that Church and Society from the death of Mr. Whitney till his own decease. He sailed for Egypt in December, 1856, was taken ill while crossing the desert between Cairo and Jerusa- lem whither he was bound, and died March 21st, 1857, at Akaba, a small village in Arabia Petraea, near the site of the ancient cities of Elath and Ezion Geber. 1827. Aaron Davis Capen, son of John Capen. Several years a teacher in Boston, now an agricul- turist in Dorchester. 1831. William Saxton Morton, son of Joseph Morton, born Sept. 22d, 1809; now a lawyer in Quincy, Massachusetts. . .t-W 't^ (i^iii(&' f j'-etw Hu^fcv, 572 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 1832. Charles Francis Barnard, son of John; was born Feb. 9th, 1811; now living, a dentist, in Boston. 1834. Thaddeus Clapp, son of William, was born May 11th, 1811; an agriculturist, now living in Dorchester. 1837. Henry Vose was born May 21st, 1817. son of the late Elijah Vose ; now living, a lawyer, in Springfield, Massachusetts. 1838. Darius Richmond Brewer was born June 23d, 1819; son of Darius Brewer; a clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal Church, now at Newport, Rhode Island. 1838. Abner Loring Cushing was born July 19th, 1816; son of Hon. Abel Cushing; a lawyer in Randolph, Massachusetts. 1838. James Robinson Peirce was born Feb. 13th, 1818; son of John Peirce; studied for the ministry. Died in 1842. 1842. Benjamin Cushing was born May 9th, 1822; son of Jerome Cushing, of Hingham; is a physician in Dorchester. 1844. Robert Codman was born March 18th, HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 573 1823 ; son of Rev. John Codman, D.D. ; is a lawyer in Boston. ' 1849. John Wait Draper was born August 14th, 1830 ; son of Jeremiah Draper; is a lawyer in Dorchester. 1849. James Pierce, son of James and Mary (Withington) Pierce, was born in Dorchester, Nov. 20th, 18 261 studied for the ministry ; died of con- sumption, on his passage from Europe, on board ship Parliament, May 29 th, 1853. 1851. John Appleton Bailey, son of John Bai- ley, was born July 23d, 1828 ; now living. 1852. William Henry Phipps was born Feb. 26th, 1832; son of Samuel Phipps; now living. 1852. Henry Gardner Denny, son of Daniel Denny ; a lawyer in Boston. 1853. Edward L. Pierce, son of Jesse Pierce; a lawyer in Boston. -^''^->'/^v^^''- ^^u^^. - jrt^^ ^^c^^h^ > 1854. Daniel Denny, Jr., son of Daniel. 1855. John Boies Tileston, son of Edmund P. Tileston. 65 574 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. In College in 1858:— Edward Griffin Porter, son of the late Royal L. Porter; William Willard Swan and Francis Henry Swan, sons of William D. Swan ; Henry Austin Clapp, son of John P. Clapp ; Thomas Bayley Fox, son of Thomas B. Fox ; Charles Alfred Humphreys, son of Henry Humphreys ; Abner Francis Thomp- son, son of Joshua P. Thompson, who lately remov- ed from Dedham to Dorchester; Alpheus Holmes Hardy, son of Alpheus Hardy. CHAPTER XXV. Neponset River — Its Sources, Tides, &c. — Neponset Tribe of In- dians — Navigation of the River — Various Fishes in its Waters — Ferries, Bridges, &c. As the history of the Mills in Dorchester is so in- timately connected with that of the Mills in Milton, and both are so dependent upon Neponset River, it is thought that a glance at the history of the river may not here be out of place ; and more particularly when we reflect that nearly the whole of the river was within the ancient township of Dorchester, and that its waters turned the wheels of nearly all the important branches of manufactures in their infancy, for which Massachusetts has become so well known throughout the nation. In the northerly part of the town of Foxboro' there are extensive tracts of low land — meadows and swamps — which send off their waters by several HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 575 brooklets, which, when united, form the west or main branch of the Neponset River. In the year 1846, several individuals, who were proprietors of mills on the Neponset Eiver, obtained an act of incorporation under the title of the Ne- ponset Reservoir Company, and soon after erected a dam across the united brooklets in the town of Fox- boro', for the purpose of retaining the waters in a large reservoir, from which to draw water in dry seasons for the use of their mills. This reservoir, styled the Neponset Reservoir, covers an area of be- tween three and four hundred acres, and when well filled is about eight feet in depth— thus forming a body of water which in the dry season of the year is a powerful auxihary to the other sources for their supply when needed. From the westerly side of this reservoir is the outlet which is now the birth place of the Neponset River. From this point it flows in a humble stream nearly north about one mile, where it enters the south part of the town of Walpole, near the centre of which town it receives the waters of Diamond Brook, which has its source in Sharon, and also the waters of Mill Brook, which has its source in the eastern part of Medfield. From the north part of the town of Walpole it runs through the northwest corner of Sharon, and enters the town of Dedham near its southerly part. Soon after leaving this point, it takes the waters of Bubbling Brook, which is formed by two small brooks, the one rising in Medfield and the other in Dover. From this point the river traverses three sides of a square, 576 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. nearly, and then becomes the boundary line of the towns of Sharon and Dedham. Pursuing its course northerly, it receives the waters of Tadpole Brook, which rises in the town of Sharon. From this point it soon becomes the boundary of the towns of Ded- ham and Canton. When near the junction of the Providence and Stoughton Branch Rail Road, it re- ceives the valuable acquisition of the stream known as the Eastern Branch of the Neponset River. This stream is formed by the surplus water of Massapoag Pond, mingling with a small brook, both rising in Sharon and there uniting with the waters of York Brook, from the northeast part of Canton, which was dammed up at a place known as the Crossman meadows, about half a mile southeasterly from the first Church in Canton (by the Neponset Woolen Manufacturing Company, of which Har- rison Gray Otis was President in 1827) — thus form- ing a reservoir, covering an area of upwards of three hundred acres of water six and a half feet deep. Upon the failure of that Company, the jDroperty in the reservoir passed into the hands of the Revere Copper Company, who now hold and manage it for their own use, in common with the use of all the manufacturing interests on the stream. The union of these waters forms the eastern branch of the Neponset. Upon this stream Benjamin Ever- den set up his powder-mill, when he sold his privi- lege at Dorchester Lower Mills to Edward Preston, in 1757. Here Jonathan Leonard and Adam Kins- ley set up their extensive forges in 1789, which have been so long and so favorably known, and HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 577 where Lyman Kinsley, a descendant of the original proprietor, noAV carries on extensively the same busi- ^£^tt v ness ; and James Bomaat set up a cotton mill in 1800. Upon this branch, Paul Eevere, of Eevolutionary notoriety, established the first Copper Works in America, in 1801, for the making of brass guns, bells, &c. Paul Revere & Son were succeeded by the Revere Copper Company, who were incorporated in 1828, and who now carry on the business exten- sively. Upon this branch is the Canton Stone Fac- tory, originally built for the purpose of carrying on the woolen business, but which is now used for the manufacture of cotton goods. The eastern and western branches, united, flow northerly, dividing the towns of Dedham and Canton, and about five miles below the junction receive the surplus waters of Punkapoag* Pond through a brook of the same name. About one and a half miles .below this point, the river becomes the bounds of the towns of Dedham and Milton, and continues so for about two miles, where it receives the waters of the Mother Brooks, which is a stream formed by di- verting: one third of the waters of Charles River from its natural course, in the town of Dedham, about half a mile north of the Court House, and which turns the wheels of several large manufactories in Dedham. The Motlier Brooks loses its identity in the Neponset, at the foot of Brush Hill, in Milton. The Neponset here turning a more easterly course, divides the towns of Dorchester and Milton for about five miles, during which course it receives the waters * The name Punkapoag signifies a stream issuing out of red earth. 5 78 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. of a stream running nearly through, the centre of the town of Milton, known at present as Aunt Sarah's* Brook, but on the ancient plans styled Robert Bab- cock's river. The Neponset then divides the towns of Dorchester and Quincy for about two miles, until it loses itself in the waters of Dorchester Bay, be- tween Commercial Point of the present day (for- merly known as Preston's Point, anciently as the Cap- tain's Point, and by. the Indians as Tinnean), on the west, and the north point of the Farm Meadows in Quincy, formerly known as Mr. Hawkins's Meadow — having run a course of about thirty miles from the Neponset Reservoir to the salt water. The Neponset runs through a large tract of mea- dow land, commencing in the southerly part of Ded- ham, and running about seven and a quarter miles to Paul's Bridge, in Milton, which meadows are known as the Great Fowl Meadows, from the fact that in the early part of the last century a large flight of a peculiar kind of fowl visited these mea- dows, and sowed the seed of a grass before unknown * About one mile south of Milton Bridge, this brook approaches the old Taunton Road in the town of Milton, and there forms a public watering place ; and where the two roads now divide, directly opposite the brook, stood the house of Mr. Elijah Vose. After his death, and during the revolutionary war, his widow, Sarah Vose, occupied the house, and sat constantly at her door when the weather would permit, accosting every person who passed, with the salutation, " What's the news from the war ? I have four sons gone to the war — what's the news from the war ?" The old lady has been many years in her grave, and her name has been transferred to the brook, to keep in remembrance the aged widow who furnished four sons for the war. Col. Joseph Vose, and Lieut. Col. Elijah Vose, of the First Massachusetts Regiment, were two of the sons ; and Bill and Moses, who served in more humble capacities, were the other two. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 579 in that region. From the way it was introduced, it received the name of Fowl Meadow Grass. The seed of this grass has been collected for the market, and the value of the grass has caused the seed to become an article of merchandise. Between the mouth of the river and the head of tide water the tides usually rise and fall about ten feet, but occasionally vary much from that. They have been known to rise and fall less than four feet ; and, on the other hand, have been known to rise to great heights. Tradition informs us that the high tide of 1786 was ten inches higher than was ever before known, and was about five feet and six inches above the average of tides. The tide of March, 1825, exceeded the last by one inch. The tide of March, 1830, was half an inch higher than that of 1825. The tide of April, 1851 (known as the light- house tide, from its happening at the time of the destruction of Minot's Ledge Light-house), exceeded the tide of 1830 by one foot and an inch — being six feet and eight and a half inches above the average of tides. To commemorate the height of this tide, an iron bolt has been permanently placed, by the Dorchester Antiquarian and Historical Society, in the large rock just below the bridge at the Lower Falls, the top of the head of which bolt is the point to which that tide arose. A bolt, with a head six inches in circumference, has also been placed on the easterly side of the bridge, in one of the stone piers ; also in several other places — the centre of the head of the bolt fixing the same point as the top of the bolt in the rock. 580 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. From the highest point to which the tide has ever been known to rise, to the lowest point it has ever been known to fall, is nineteen feet five and a half inches. The navigation of the river is usually interrupted about two months in each year, by being frozen up, as the following record for the last twenty years will show. River frozen over. December 13, 183T. November 26, 1838. December 20, 1839. December 24, 1840. December 22, 1842. February 6, 1843. January 5, 1844. December 17, 1844. December 13, 1845. January 12, 1841. December 27, 1847. December 31, 1848. December 27, 1849. December 25, 1850. December 7, 1851. December 30, 1852. January 23, 1854. February 5, 1855. January 1, 1856. December 10, 1856. February 12, 1858. River clear of ice. March 17, 1838. February 26, 1839. February 21, 1840. February 28, 1841. Opened and closed several times. March 30, 1843. March 11, 1844. February 26, 1845. March 14, 1846. March 8, 1847. February 22, 1848. March 18, 1849. February 10, 1850. February 15, 1851. , March 12, 1852. February 17, 1853. March 9, 1854. March 4, 1855. April 5, 1856. March 10, 1857. March — , 1858. The head of navigation, or the place where the fresh and salt waters begin to mingle, was the seat of that branch of the Massachusetts tribe of Indians known as the Neponset tribe. This place they call- ed Unquety, and the falls, at which they took large HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 581 quantities of fish, were called Unquety Quissett. Here they caught their shad, tom-cod, alewives, and eels in abundance. Their canoes took them readily to the creeks, where bass was abundant, and to the clam banks that never failed to discount in bank hours. Their planting ground was at the Massachu- setts Fields, now Billings's Plains, in Quincy, but which was formerly a part of Dorchester. Their trapping grounds were in the meadows that sur- rounded the tributaries of the Neponset. Their bu- rial place was upon the hill in Quincy, near the river, known as Mount Hope, where skeletons, beads, and Indian utensils, are now frequently found. Located at Unquety, their canoes readily trans- ported them to their planting and fishing grounds below them, and by a short carriage around the falls brought them to the highway to their hunting and trapping grounds in the interior. At this point the Indian loved to linger, even after the rapids had become a water-fall and the sound of the mill-wheel of the white man sounded its warn- ings for their departure by driving off their game. Here the apostle Eliot preached to the natives at the wigwam of Kitchmakin. Here the process of civili- zation began. The Indians still lingered near the graves of their ancestors until the apostle Eliot pre- vailed upon the town of Dorchester, in 1657, to ap- propriate a tract of land for their exclusive use. This tract of about 6000 acres was located around Punkapoag Pond, now in Canton and Stoughton, then in Dorchester, to which the Indians were in- duced to remove, and there took the name of the G6 582 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Punkapoag tribe. Here they continued for many years, decreasing in numbers as civilization changed their circumstances, until at the present time the tribe is represented by a few scattered individuals, who have lost most of the Indian character by be- ing crossed with the African and other races. As long as the pure-blooded Indians remained at PunkajDoag, they made a yearly pilgrimage to the homes of their fathers and the graves of their an- cestors at Unquety. There are those now living who remember when the Mohoes and the Bancrofts drew their grandmother Dinah Moho, blind with age, on a hand sled, upon her annual visit to the home of her ancestors. The Indian has gone. The name of Bancroft is more a negro than an Indian name, while that of Moho is known only in tradition and history. NAVIGATION OF THE NEPONSET. As Mr. John Holland's navigation and fisheries (to be noticed hereafter) were carried on at the mouth of Neponset River, he is hardly to be identi- fied with the river itself; and from his death, in 1652, the next hundred years have left little to show in its navigation, except that ship and other tim- ber were transferred by way of the river to Boston and to a market. In the year 1760, Daniel Vose, a man of great energy and business capacity, com- menced operations at the head of navigation, and was for a short time in partnership with Mr. Joseph Fenno. The latter was accidentally drowned while getting a vessel up the river, leaving the business HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 583 to Mr. Vose. At first a small store was opened, which rapidly increased in size. A chocolate, grist, paper and saw mill, a lumber wharf, and a distil- house, were gradually added to the concern. A wharf was built upon the landing place, and several store-houses were required for the business of Mr. Vose. His sloops were running to Boston, Salem, Gloucester, and other places. He supplied most of the traders of Plymouth County with West India goods, and took in pay their articles of trade, a great staple of which was flax-seed and hoop-poles. The transportation of these made quite an item of navi- gation. In 1765, before the death of Mr. Fenno, two vessels were built by the firm on the landing place — one a schooner, being launched May 8th, and the other a brig, launched October 29th. In the severe winter of 1780, the deep snows cut ofi" nearly all communication between Boston and the surrounding country, and the inhabitants of the former place began to suffer from want of fuel. The farmers of Milton, reinforced by gangs of hands from Boston, laid the woodlands of Milton and Quincy under heavy contributions, the wood all be- ing carted to the landing place, and from thence, by way of the river on the ice, to Boston. Gov. Hancock sent out hands from the latter place, to cut the wood from his lot in Milton, and had it carted by way of the river to the metropolis, where he gratuitously distributed it among the poor. For the convenience of travellers and teamsters upon this new route to Boston, a building, which had been used as a bar- ber's shop, was removed on sleds from the landing 584 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. place in Milton, to Fox Point, in Dorchester, to accommodate customers with flip and other refresh- ments. In the year 17^^, the French fleet of thirteen large ships, under command of Count d'Estaing, lay in the King's Eoads in Boston harbor, from August 11th to September 15th. In preparing for their homeward bound voyage, they received their supply of fresh water from Neponset Eiver. The water was taken from above the dam, and trucked to the wharf on the landing place, and there put on board of sloops and conveyed to the fleet, under a contract with Mr. Vose — the French sailors, under their own oflicers, doing most of the manual labor. Mr. Joseph Blake, a merchant of Boston, but who resided in Milton, induced Daniel Briggs to come from Weymouth and build a vessel for him by the day, w^hicli was launched near the head of tide w^ater, October 26th, 1786. In December, of the same year, a large vessel load- ed with plank came up the river in a very high tide, got ashore on the marsh, and there froze up ; and in January, 1787, seventy people were at work cut- ting ice to get her out. September 30tli, 1788, Mr. Briggs launched a large vessel he had built for Ebenezer Wales, Esq., of Dorchester. Mr. Briggs then went to German- town, in Quincy, and built the large ship called the "Massachusetts," which was launched September 21st, 1789. He then returned to Milton, and com- menced ship-building as a regular business, at the foot of Milton hill, where he continued building flrst class vessels of that dav, till 1815. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 585 Mr. Vose retired from business at the close of the last century, no one taking his place. The general navio'ation of the river soon declined, until an occa- sional load of lumber or wood brought up the river, and a sloop load of wharf-stone or ballast carried down, was all the navigation left. In 1807, Joseph Newell and Ebenezer Niles pur- chased the most of Commercial Point, where they built a wharf, erected a store, built vessels, and com- menced a large general trade. It proved that the location was for the time unfortunate, and that their means and business capacity were not equal to the emergencies, and the project fell through, with the ruin of the parties, in 1813. Navigation on the Neponset slumbered until 1821, when Joseph Porter, a native of Wrentham, estab- lished a lumber wharf near the head of tide w^ater. In 1826, the Granite Kailway Company construct- ed their railroad from the stone ledges in Quincy, to tide water at Gulliver's Creek, where they erected spacious wharves, to which they carted their granite in large cars by horse power, steam then Being un- known as a locomotive power. From this wharf the granite was deposited in large flat-bottomed barges, which were towed to Boston by a steamboat. In 1827, William Hobart, from Braintree, first set up the grain business near the head of tide wa- ter, and kept two schooners plying between this place and New York, bringing grain, and returning to New York loaded with granite. In 1831, the first hard coal ever kept on the river for sale, arrived, although several cargoes had been 586 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. previously landed by manufacturing companies for their own exclusive use. The same year a company purchased a quantity of land at Commercial Point, repaired and enlarged the wharf, and commenced the whaling and fishing business, and fitted out six ships on whaling voy- ages. This enterprise not proving profitable, was abandoned in 1837, and the ships sold. In the year 1833, navigation on the river attained its height. Seventy-four vessels, of an aggregate of six thousand tons, discharged their freight at the village, at the head of navigation, in addition to which a large number of vessels came up the river empty, and loaded with granite for other ports. Steam navigation for transporting stone was found unprofitable ; and the business gradually declining, sloops did the little that was left. Occasionally a large vessel would take a load of granite for some southern city. In some instances the vessels were too large to haul to the wharf; such vessels were moored in the channel, and loaded by means of sloops. The erection of Granite Bridge, in 1837, caused a great obstruction to the navigation above that point, which, with other causes, much reduced the business at the village. In 1839, Micah Humphrey set up a grain store at Neponset Bridge, bringing his grain from New York in his own vessel, and taking back cargoes of leached ashes, which found a ready sale for the pur- pose of enriching the lands of Long Island. At the expiration of one year, he sold out to other parties. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 587 In 1840, Charles A. Wood commenced a wood wharf at Neponset Bridge, and the next year took on a few cargoes of coal, which was the first wood and coal wharf at that part of the town. In 1846, Whitcomb Porter and Joseph Chamber- lain established a lumber wharf at the north end of the Old Colony Railroad Bridge, which was the first lumber wharf in that vicinity, although individuals had had small cargoes of lumber landed there for their own use. Since 1846, the trade at Neponset has greatly in- creased, while the trade near the head of tide water has much decreased. FISH. Mr. John Holland, one of the early settlers of Dorchester, a man of property and energy, took up his abode at the Captain's (now Commercial) Point, and there fitted out vessels to be engaged in the cod fishery, which business he carried on until his death in 1652. After his decease, the place was sold by his widow, in 1660, to Daniel Preston, and a por- tion of the property is now held by the heirs of Elisha Preston, one of his descendants. In 1634, the General Court granted to Israel Stoughton a right to build a weir below his mill, upon condition that he was to sell the alewives at five shillings per thousand, and as much less as he could afford. Of the quantity of alewives then taken, we have no account ; but from the price, we should think them very plenty. In 1681, Thomas Swift, of Milton, and Ezra Clapp, of Dorchester, 588 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. were granted liberty by the town to catch fish at Neponset, and make a stage for the purpose, for that year. From Pierce's diary* we extract the following : 1769, June 6. Caught 1500 shad at Pine jSTeck with a sein at one time. ITTl, June 10. Caught 2000 shad in one day in the sein. 1772, May 2. Caught Gl shad ; May 4, caught 70 shad ; May 8, caught 660 shad ; May 11, caught a very Uirge haul of shad, 15 barrels ; May 21, caught 21 bass and 16 shad ; June 2, set our sein at Pope's Point, and caught 39 bass ; June 25, we made the lai-gest haul offish, catched 6000 shad, mainhaden and bass. July 2. Carried 80 barrells of shad to Boston. 1773, May 4. Caught 140 shad and 2 cod-fish. May 5. Caught 200 shad, 3 bass and 1 cod-fish. June 14. Made a large haul of shad ; caught 4000 ; sent 40 barrels to Boston. 1774, June 6. Set the sein ; made a great haul ; caught 3000 shad. June 18. Caught 800 shad. June 23. Stopped Pine Neck Creek ; caught 200 shad and 14 bass. Within the memory of the generation just passed, bass were freely taken by setting a net across Gul- liver's and Sagamore Creeks at high water ; as the tide ebbed out, the bass were taken in dip nets, in quantities sometimes sufficient to load a canoe. Within the present century, also, alewives were taken and smoked for family use and for market. But now, bass have entirely disappeared for years, and shad and alewives are hardly known in our river. At the commencement of the present century, * For a more particular notice of this diary (the original manuscript of which is now in possession of Lewis Pierce, Esq.) and copious extracts from it, see pages 358-o71. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 589 tom-cod were taken in dip nets at the head of tide water, through the month of December, in such quantities that they were used for manure, five or six cents per bushel being the fair market price for them. More were taken in one hour than can now be taken in a week, and prices have increased from six cents a bushel to ten cents per dozen. During the residence of Gov. Hutchinson on Milton Hill, he had a sloop load of oysters brought from Virginia and planted in the river, to try the experiment of propagating them there ; but it did not prove successful. Within the memory of the writer, it was no uncommon thing for two boys to get from one to two bushels at a tide from the beds near Gulliver's Creek. Small ones were fre- quen^tly found adhering to the rocks where the Dor- chester and Milton Branch Railroad crosses the river ; and a short distance below that point, a very limited number have been taken measuring from twelve to fourteen inches in length. At present, in a very low tide, a few oysters are occasionally taken. In 1850, blue fish first made their appearance near the mouth of Neponset River, and were taken to the extent of 100 in a day; since which time they are taken occasionally. Fish were so abundant in the river, that the towns of Stoughton and Sharon looked with a jeal- ous eye upon their brethren near tide water. As early as 1746, these towns began to petition the General Court to order fish-gates to be made in the dams below, that fish might pass up the river. The inhabitants of Milton remonstrated against the fish- 67 590 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. ways, on account of the great inconvenience to them of stopping the mills, as in that case no grain could be ground for about six weeks in every year. In 1763, a similar project was started, and defended before the Court of the General Sessions of the Peace. In 1789, these towns so far prevailed that an act passed the General Court authorizing Thomas Clark, Ebenezer Thayer and Theophilus Cushing, to make alterations in the fishways on Neponset Eiver, at the expense of the petitioners, and imposed a fine of forty shillings on any one who obstructed the fishways. This act was not carried into execu- tion, as the petitioners were unwilling to pay the expense. In 1791, a new petition was sent in, and resulted in an act compelling Samuel Leeds and Hugh M'Lean to make fishways in their dams, eight feet wide and within eighteen inches of the mudsill, and to keep them open from the 20th of April to the 1st of June. Under this law, the fishways were made and kept open for some of the time specified, but no fish of consequence were taken above the dams, and the waste of water through the gates while open proved ruinous to the interests of the mills. In 1794, Hugh M'Lean petitioned for leave to close his gates ; and Benjamin Gill and others, of Stoughton, remonstrated against the petition being granted. In 1799, a new dam was put in at the lower falls, and the fishways closed up ; but a constant alterca- tion about the rights for fish to pass up was carried on, and deputations were sent from Canton and Sha- ron for the purpose of opening places in the dams. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 591 The proprietors of the mills turned out with their workmen to prevent destruction to their property. In 1805, Legislative aid was again invoked to inter- fere in this matter, and again "exercised its power by appointing Nicholas Tillinghast of Taunton, Elipha- let Lord of Weymouth, and Elijah Turner of Sci- tuate, a committee to examine into the case, and make such necessary alterations in the dams as they should deem proper ; also to assess the expenses partly on the towns of Stoughton and Sharon, and partly on the proprietors of the dam. Under this authority, one of the committee came and made such alterations as he deemed advisable, and assessed the expenses agreeably to the resolve. Edmund Baker, being at that time owner of one half of the dam, re- fused to pay the proportion assessed to it, and a suit was instituted by these two towns to compel the pay- ment of the sum assessed. This suit terminated adversely to the towns of Stoughton and Sharon, and the expense attending the business so far ex- ceeded any profit they expected to derive from the fishways, that it was the finality of the proceed- ings, and the matter has not for fifty years been again brought up. BRIDGES AND FERRIES. In 1634, Mr. Israel Stoughton had a grant from the General Court to erect a bridge over the river at Neponset. AVhat kind of a bridge was erected, we have not now the means of knowing ; but when we consider that the mill was situated in a wilderness, with no settlement within four miles on the North, 592 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. and nothing nearer than Plymouth on the South, and no highway to it from either place, we cannot suppose it more than a foot hridge. In the autumn following, the town ordered a road to be made to the mill, and five pounds were voted to build it. A road that could be built through the wilderness at five dollars a mile, would hardly afford a passage for a horse with a sack upon his back carrying a bushel of grain. When we reflect that most of the grain brought to mill was by means of boats, we must conclude that a foot bridge was all that was in- tended. V For the purpose of travel between the Bay and Plymouth Colony, it was ordered, in 1635, by the General Court, that John Holland should keep a ferry between the Captain's (now Commercial) Point and Mr. Newbury's (now Billings's) Creek, for which he was to receive fourpence for each passenger, and threepence apiece if there were two or more. This not being a paying concern, Mr. Holland could do better with navigation of a larger kind, and soon gave it up. To accommodate the same travel, the General Court, in 1638, granted to Bray AVilkins liberty to set up a house of entertainment and keep a ferry near Neponset River, for which he was to receive a penny a person. Mr. Stoughton and Mr. Glover were to direct the location of it. This ferryway was from the public landing on Davenport's Creek, at the end of Marsh Street, to the end of the tongue of land which makes out into the marsh to tide water, about half way between Neponset and Gran- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 593 ite Bridges, and known as the ridge. The passen- gers were carried from this landing place, or from the marsh near the month of the creek, as the tide might best serve, up stream to the point of the ridge. There was no fare established for vehicles, as proba- bly there were then no roads passable with wheels. This ferry was not* of long continuance. In June, 1642, Mr. Treasurer and Mr. Parker were appointed by the General Court to view Nepon- set Bridge, and certify to the charge thereof. They probably found that there was not travel enough to warrant the outlay of a bridge, and reported ad- versely ; for in September, of the same year, a com- mittee was appointed to view and seek out a place for a highway and a ferry at Dorchester. It does not appear that this committee took any formal ac- tion, for we hear no more of ferries until, in 1648, the General Court are informed that no ferry ex- ists between Dorchester and Braintree, and that all who pass are forced to head the river, to the great injury of the towns in these parts, and that no one will keep a ferry unless he is accommodated with house, land, and a boat, at the country charge. The Court gave Mr. Glover power to grant the ferry to any one who would take it free of charge to the country for seven years, or he might take it for him- self and his heirs forever, if he would keep it in a convenient place and pleasing to the General Court. The same year it was ordered that no ferryman was compelled to put out his boat until the ferryage was paid, and that the ferryman might " refuse any wampum not stringed " or unmerchantable. 594 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. In 1652, the town of Dorchester petitioned to have their fine of £5 remitted for neglecting to erect a bridge over Neponset River, which petition the Court granted upon condition that the bridge should be built in three months ; but we hear of no bridge being built in that time. In May, 1654, Mrs. Stoughton* petitioned to be discharged from keeping a horse bridge over Ne- ponset River. The Court ordered that, as the rivei was hard and passable for horses and carts, she might be discharged by making a " good foot bridge with a good rayle." In May, 1655, it was repre- sented that the bridge at Neponset River was wholly ruined (probably by the ice going out in a freshet), that it was necessary a cart bridge should be built at some place near Mrs. Stoughton's mills, and that immediate action was necessary, or it could not be built before winter, in which case it was very dangerous to man and beast. The Court appointed Capt. Lusher, Capt. Savage, Mr. Collicot, William Parks, Thomas Dyar and Deacon Bass, with full powers to select a place and contract with the work- men, and return the same to the next county court, which was to apportion the charge according to law. Mr. Collicot, of this committee, resided at the south- east foot of Milton hill ; Mr. Dyar was from Wey- mouth, and Mr. Bass from Braintree, and they would not probably let this chance pass of getting a con- venient way of crossing Neponset River to mill and to Boston, but urged their point with the rest of the committee, and accomplished their purpose, as we * The widow of Israel Stoughton. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 595 hear no more complaint about bridges or ferry over Neponset River for many years. This bridge was located just below the present bridge, and ran more obliquely across the river — the large rock just below the present one serving as one of the piers, and the south end resting upon what is now the small island between the bridge and the mill below. A bridge continued to occupy this position for about one hundred years, when, in 1765, the towns of Dorchester and Milton built a new bridge where the present one now stands. The town of Milton built the southerly sluice and cov- ered it with stone ; the town of Dorchester built the two northerly ones, and covered them with stone ; the two large ones, with the wooden bridge, were built at the joint expense of the two towns. In 1798, the patriotic citizens in the vicinity of this bridge erected an arch, at the dividing line of the towns, over the bridge, to commemorate the rati- fication of Jay's Treaty, on which was inscribed, in letters of gold, "We unite in defence of our country and its laws — 1798." This arch was blown down in the gale of 1815. The bridge remained substantially the same until the year 1847, when the two towns caused two stone arches to take the place of the old wooden bridge, raising the bridge four and a half feet in the centre, widening out the travel way, and constructing side- walks on either side. Fearful of disturbing the rights of the several mill owners interested in the water near the bridge, the committees of the towns did not think it advisable to build the bridge so wide 596 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. as they at first contemplated, but sacrificed conve- nience and beauty to the wishes of those interested in the mills. We have now a substantial bridge, which will answer a valuable purpose until an in- creased local population shall demand better accom- modations. As far back as 1674, the town of Dorchester ex- tended as far west as the south-west corner of Rox- bury, so that in the passage from Dorchester to Dedham it became necessary to cross the Mother Brooks within the township of Dorchester. In that year the town of Dorchester appointed a committee to view a place for a foot bridge over Mother Brooks river, in the way to Dedham, and to appoint the supervisors of highways to call upon fit persons to help, as need be. The next year the supervisors were called upon by the town to look after the bridge at Mother Brooks before the next Court. If any- thing was done about it, the bridge did not stand long, for in 1691 the town was presented for not having a bridge there. In 1731, the town chose a committee to build a bridge over Mother Brooks, and the next year they reported that they had caused one to be built. This was the first bridge built between Dorchester and Dedham. In the early part of the last century, that part of Dorchester now kno>vn as the Upper Mills, or Mat- tapan, was a wilderness, and known as the five hun- dred acre lot. It was mostly covered with wood, but some portions of it were pastured by the com- moners, as the proprietors of the common lands were then termed, by turning out their cattle under the HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 597 Care of a herdsman. It remained in this state until about 1709, when David Colson, a fellmonger by occupation, conceived the design of employing water power in the process of preparing his skins, and pitched upon this place for the purpose. About the same time Ezra Clapp set up a corn-mill there. These two enterprises were thought to create a necessity for a bridge. In 1712, the town of Milton moved in the matter, but not being seconded by the , town of Dorchester, the matter ended for the pre- sent. The subsequent owners of the mills, not satis- fied with the ford at that place, started anew in 1715, in order to compel the towns to build a bridge; and the town of Milton chose a committee to stand trial, in case a trial was had, to clear themselves of the bridge, and if necessary put it upon the county. This project failed, and no bridge (except, perhaps, a private one belonging to the mill owners) was built for many years — there being, in fact, little use for one, as there was no public road to the river at that time. In 1730, Milton proposed to join with Dorchester in a new County bridge near Mr. Jack- son's mill. This effort proved fruitless. In 1733, the Selectmen of Dorchester and Milton located the present road leading to the bridge, crossing the river near Mr. Jackson's mill, which passed through the Dorchester church land as well as that of Mr. Jackson. In 1735, the towns petitioned to have this bridge made a County bridge, but this, like all their former efforts, proved unavailing. The bridge con- tinued to be supported by the two towns until it was assumed by the Brush Hill Turnpike Corporation, in *68 598 HISTORY OF DORCHESTEK. 1 ROo. This turn pi^vP proving n fnilnre. and tlip bridge becomiisn- no;[T]ect(vl. out of repair, and dan,iierous, the pnblif saf"ty ro [uii'rd tliat it should go into respon- sible hands, and the County Commissioners in 1848 laid out about a fourth of a mile, includino- the bridges over the trench and river, as a public high- way, and thus brought the bridge- again upon the towns for support. The town of Milton, the next year, built a stone bridge over the trench, and the two towns put the other bridge in repair. No public biidge crossed the Neponset at the foot of the Fowl Meadows until 1759, although a pri- vate one (probably a farm bridge), called Hubbard's bridge, had for some time existed, with no public way to get to it. In that year, the towns of Milton and Dedham rebuilt Hubbard's bridge, and laid out a road to it, the cost of the bridge to be paid in pro- portion to the Province tax of each town. The land for the road was given by Thomas Vose. In 1807, the bridge was rebuilt by the towns, and a basis agreed upon to pay for and support the same. In 1850, the two towns erected a new stone bridge, and paid for it upon the basis agreed upon in 1807. In 1802, a company obtained a charter for a toll bridge from Preston's (now Commercial) Point, in Dorchester, to Billings's Rocks in Quincy, which was precisely the location assigned for Mr. Holland's ferry one hundred and sixty-seven yeais before. This was found to be an inconvenient location, and. an expensive bridge to build ; therefore the next year the Company petitioned to change the loca- tion, so as to erect their bridge at a place called HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 599 Horse Hummock. This bridge was immediately commenced, and soon open for travel, under the name of Neponset Bridge. It continued in the hands of the corporation until 1858, when it, with its connecting roads, was laid out by the County Commissioners as a public highway. The naming of this bridge gave a name to the village which soon sprung up there, at the expense of the village at the Lower Mills, which had been known as Neponset upwards of one hundred and seventy years. In consequence of the working of granite in Quincy becoming so important a branch of business, a new population clustered around the ledges, and caused new roads to be made, until it was deemed necessary that a new route should be opened towards Boston. Accordingly, in 1837, a charter was ob- tained for a new bridge across Neponset Iliver, and the same year the bridge was built and called Granite Bridge, although built wholly of wood. In 1846, the Old Colony Railroad Company con- structed their bridge across Neponset River. In 184:8, the Dorchester and Milton Branch Rail- road Company constructed their bridge — thus mak- ing four draw-bridges across as many miles of navi- gable water of the Ne})onset, in a little more than forty years. 600 HISTORY OP DORCHESTER. CHAPTER XXYL Some Account of the various Mills on Neponset River. On the third day of Xovember, in the year 1633, the town of Dorchester agreed that Mr. Israel Stoughton " shall build a water mill, if he see cause." In January, of the next year, the town granted to Mr. Stoughton twelve months time to remove the trees he had felled for his house, and the mill which he is about to build at Neponset. Mr. Stoughton promised not to sell away said mill Y^dthout the con- sent of the plantation. At a Court held at Boston, April 1st, 1634, Mr. Stoughton had liberty granted him to build a mill, a weare and a bridge over Ne- ponset river, and was to sell the alewives he took there at five shillings per thousand. Thus armed with the authority of the town, strengthened and confirmed by the authority of the colony, Mr. .Stoughton dammed the river, and pronounced, sen- tence upon it that from henceforth it should toil for the benefit of both man and beast, and vigorously set about putting the sentence into execution. On the third day of November, in the same year, it was ordered that " a cart-way be made to the mill at Ne- ponset at the common charge, if the charge exceed- not five j)ounds." The mill thus provided for and erected, stood on the spot now occupied by the stone chocolate mill at the Lower Mills, and here, in the fall of the year 1634, was ground the first bushel of grain ever HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 601 ground by water power in New England. This mill was extensively known as the mill at Neponset, and gave a name to the country around it, until the Neponset mill of the white man became synonymous with Unquetyquisit of the red man. Important as this mill was to the early inhabitants, its history is simple. At the time of the separation of Milton from Dor- chester, in 1662, by consent of the town of Dor- chester this mill was to pay taxes to Milton, and has always been taxed to that town, while other mills under the same roof are taxed to the town in which they stand. Upon the death of Mr. Stoughton it passed to his heirs, and remained with them until Mr. William Stoughton, the worthy son of Mr. IS" rael Stoughton, exchanged the mill, house, barn and seven and a half acres of land, with Mr. John Gill, in 1673, for a house and land in Boston. By Mr. Gill's will, the mill went to his wife upon his death in 1678, during her widowhood ; and at her decease, which took place in 1683, to his grand- son, Joseph Belcher, then living with him, but who was afterw^ards the minister at Dedham. After the death of Mrs. Ann Gill, this mill, with other pro- perty, passed into the hands of the overseers of the will of Mr. Gill, or what is now termed trustees, to be by them held for the benefit of 5'oung Belcher during his minority. When Mr. Belcher arrived at 21 years of age, in 1689, he was a student in Col- lege. Who run the mill at this time, no record shows. In 1717, Mr. Belcher having become the minister of Dedham, made an indenture with Wal- ter Everden (sometimes spelled Everenden), who 602 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. was manufacturing powder upon the other end of the same dam, by which Belcher was to draw all the water in a dry time for the benefit of the corn-mill on the north side of the river, to the injury of Ev- erden's powder-mill on the south side, Belcher pay- ing for the same by relinquishing to Everden all his one-eighth part of the powder-works. About this time Mr. Belcher erected a fulling-mill near his corn- mill. In 1723, Mr. Belcher died, and the property descended to his children. lu 1741, Gill Belcher, Mary Richards, Kebecca, Walter and Abigail Bradford, heirs of Joseph Bel- cher, sold to Thomas Harris of Watertown, clothier, ten acres of land, with the dwelling-house, barn, grist and fulling-mill on Neponset river. In 1761, Thomas Harris sold to Andrew McKen- zie, of Boston, merchant, a piece of land on which he (McKenzie) had lately erected a snuff-mill and mill-house, below the fulling-mill in Dorchester (where the paper-mill now stands), with a privilege of enough of the stream to carry the snuff-mill, Harris still retaining the grist and fulling-mill. An- drew Gillispie carried on the snufl-mill for Mc- Kenzie until the death of the latter. In May, 1765, Harris sold the corn and fulling mills, house and barn, to Mr. Daniel Leeds, a native of Dorchester, and for many years a teacher of both the town and private schools. The fulling-mill was let by Master Leeds to Mr. Benjamin Pierce, who carried on the business of clothier as long as Master Leeds lived. The grist-mill was tended either by one of Master Leeds's sons or a hired man during Mr. Leeds's life. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 603 After Andrew McKenzie died, his administrator, Andrew Gillispie, sold the snuft-mill, to pay debts and legacies, to Daniel Leeds, in 1774, by which Leeds became sole owner of all the mills. Gillispie removed to the mill he had built on the privilege at the Upper Mills, which he bought of Samuel Pay- son in 1772, and which was a part of the old slitting- mill privilege of Mr. Jackson. In 1785, the town of Dorchester relinquished to Mr. Daniel Leeds and his heirs " all their right and title to the whole stream and the bottom adjoin- ing to his mill and his lands adjoining upon Nepon- set river." This vote was passed to remove all re- strictions, so that the owner could use the privilege for what purpose he chose, and sell it without the town's consent — two conditions of the original grant to Stoughton by the town. In 1787, William Walker and Samuel Leeds pur- chased of Daniel Leeds the snuff-mill and privilege, and in 1790 the land between the snuff and fulling mills, and then sold the whole to James Babcock, of Watertown, paper-maker, who at once took down the snuff-mill and erected the present paper-mill (which was raised April 22, 1790) on the land he bought. He deeded to Samuel Leeds, the son of Master Daniel Leeds, and to Michael McCarney, each one quarter of the mill. About the time the mill was completed, Babcock died, and Abel Alline suc- ceeded to his share of the mill; and xilline, Mc- carney and Leeds went on with the paper-making. After the death of Master Leeds, his estate was divided, in 1793, by setting off the house and a 604 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. part of the land to the widow, and the rest of the estate was settled upon his son Samuel, he paying the other heirs the value of their shares in money, ascertained by an appraisement.* By this arrange- ment, Samuel Leeds owned the corn and fulling mills, and one quarter of the paper-mill, McCarney and AUine owning the rest of the paper-mill. In 1795, Leeds, Alline & McCarney, owners of the mill on the north end of the dam, made an agree- ment with Daniel Vose, the owner of the mills on the south end, to exchange water in a dry time, when the water did not run over the top of the dam, by which the owners of the mill on the north end were to have the exclusive right of using the water on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday of one week, and Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the next week, which agreement is substantially carried out to this day, although by an arrangement made since that time. March 11th, 1795, Abel Alline sold to Samuel Leeds, Jr., the undivided eighth part of the paper- mill formerly owned by James Babcock. In 1796, Samuel Leeds sold to Benjamin Pierce the fuUine^-mill he had so loiij^ hired, and Pierce and his son Asa after him carried on the mill until it was sold to Edmund Baker, in 1809. In 1797, Abel Alline sold half of the paper-mill built by Babcock, to William Hawes and Samuel Leeds, three-eighths to the former and one-eighth to the latter, and the new company, composed of Mc- * The whole mill property was appraised at $1390. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 605 Carney, Joseph and William Hawes and Samuel Leeds, carried on the business of paper-making. In the year 1800, Samuel Leeds sold Mr. Hawes three-eighths of the corn-mill. In 1803, the old grist-mill was torn down, and William Hawes conveyed to Samuel Leeds all his rights in the mills and privilege, and the latter erected a new grist-mill on the old site. McCarney died in 1804. October 17th, 1805, Samuel Leeds sold all his inte- rest in the mills to Edmund Baker, a native of the town, who had been for several years carrying on the chocolate business. The next year, Mr. Baker erected a new building for both the chocolate and corn mills, and put in the first tub-wheels ever used in this vicinity. In 1807, John Frederick Enslin, of Boston, a physician, who married the daughter of McCarney, and was the only heir to his estate, sold to Edmund Baker the one quarter of the paper-mill formerly owned by McCarney. In 1809, Benjamin Pierce sold to Baker the full- ing-mill, which continued to be occupied by Asa Pierce until it was torn down in 1813. In 1813, the chocolate, corn and fulling mills were taken down, and a stone building, forty feet square and three stories high, was erected, for the purpose of a woolen and a chocolate mill, with a small stone projection, two stories in height, for a corn-mill. Mr. Walter Baker, a son of the owner, commenced the manufacture of broadcloths and sat- tinets, and carried on that business until the news of 69 606 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. the peace in 1815 — which was a death blow to it, and it was soon after abandoned. The part used for the manufacture of woolen goods lay idle for some time. It was then used for carding wool and spin- ning knitting yarn, &c., imtil the increase of the chocolate business demanded all the room and water- power, which it took. In 1807, Captain Henry Cox and Edmund Baker took the paper-mill, and at the end of the year Ba- ker left the business, Eliab Thorp taking his place, and it was carried on under the style of Cox & Thorp, for five years. In 1813, Thorp left and went to Athol, Ms. Henry Cox carried on the mill until the spring of 1816, when Charles Baker, son of the owner of the mill, became a partner. In 1819, Capt. Cox left the place and put up a paper- mill at North Yarmouth, in Maine, for his two sons ; and Charles Baker took in Caleb Jarvis, who had been for many years a foreman in the mill, and busi- ness was done under the name of Charles Baker &Co. In 1822, a general war broke out among the mill owners on the Neponset River ; and to establish the rights of the litigants, law was resorted to. It was not until after a long and sharply contested con- troversy, that the rights of the parties were deter- mined. The most important suit was that of Ba- ker, Yose and Gardner, against the Dorchester Cot- ton and Iron Co. ; which, after repeated trials and references, was mutually settled by indentures exe- cuted in 1826. HISTORY OF DORCHESTEE. 601 In 1823, Charles Baker left the paper-mill, and Tileston & Hollingsworth took it, and under the charge of Mr. Jarvis carried it on in connection with their other mills until the fall of 1829. At this time a change came over the mill, the old^ fashioned vats and presses Avere removed, a paper machine was put in, and a new process of making paper was commenced. Jesse Lyon and Jeremiah Fisher Daniels came from Newton and took the mill, and carried it on until Edmund Baker sold it, in 1843, to his son Walter, who leased it to Tileston & Hollingsworth, and they continue to use it to the present time. May 25th, 1848, the chocolate-mill took iire, and all the combustible materials in it were consumed. The stone work was so much injured by fire and water, that it was necessary to take most of the building down. Walter Baker died in May, 1852, and by the terms of his will the mills passed into the hands of his trustees, and the chocolate-mill was let, agreea- bly to the terms of the will, to Sidney B. Williams, who succeeded to the chocolate business, and carried it on extensively, under the style of " Walter Baker & Co.," about eighteen months. Mr. Williams died July 1st, 1854. The chocolate-mill was then leased to Mr. Henry L. Pierce, who now conducts the busi- ness under the old style of Walter Baker & Co. POWDER-MILL. From an original deed written on parchment, now in possession of the Dorchester Antiquarian Society, 698 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. it appears that the Keverend John Oxenbiidge, pas- tor, the Reverend James Allen, teacher, and Robert Sanderson, one of the deacons, of the First Church in Boston, with Captain John Hull and Freegrace Ben- dall, both merchants of Boston, purchased of John Gill, of Milton, by deed dated August 22, 1673, a piece of land situated at Neponset River, in Milton, thirty rods long and six rods wide, together with one half the stream, for the purpose of erecting a powder-mill — the land described being the mill pri- vilege just above the bridge at the Lower Falls, now owned by Webb «&: Twombly. Oxenbridge, Allen, Sanderson, Hull, and Bendall, together with Mr. Thomas Thatcher, Sen., Mr. Humphrey Davie, and Mr. John AViswall, Sen., by written articles of agreement, dated July 16, 1675, entered into a copartnership for erecting a building and improving a powder-mill at Neponset, in the township of Milton. John Wiswall paid in twenty-four pounds as his share of the stock, by deeding to the proprietors all his share in the first division of lots in the Cow Walks, being lot No. 69, which was laid out in common to him, with George Dyar and Enoch Wiswall, con- taining in all fifteen and three-fourth acres, of which eight acres, one quarter and sixteen rods belonged to Wiswall, and was conveyed to the company as an appendage to the powder-works. This land was situated just below the Lower Falls, in Dorchester, Preston's mill now occupying the mill seat. The mill was built just above the bridge in Mil- ton, and the stone watch-house and a house for the HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 6c9 workmen were built upon the last lot, just below the bridge in Dorchester. The company employed a young man by the name of Walter Everden (or Everenden) to conduct the business. Such progress was made in the erection of the buildings and forwarding the work, that at a session of the General Court, held October 13th, 1675 (in less than three months from the foundation of the company), this record was made : " A mill for mak- ing of powder being erected at Unkety or Dorches- ter Mill, by particular persons, and is ready now to work with all materials, and there being danger in this time of war, of destruction by fire or otherwise, to the said mill, which may be prejudicial to the public as well as to particular persons, all which this Court considering, do order that care be taken for a constant watch there for preservation of said mill, and the grist-mill adjoining thereto being so great a concernment to both the Towns of Dorches- ter and Milton, and that two watchmen be appoint- ed there, one from Dorchester and the other from Milton, for that end." For the defence and safety of the powder-mill, the proprietors commenced a stone watch-house, upon which the General Court, in November, 1675, de- clared that the undertakers of the powder-mill "may repair to any magistrate who by the law is impow- ered to give warrants to impress workmen to carry on public works, of which sort this is." In Eebruary following, the same Court ordered that " six nien more be called as a guard to the pow- 610 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. der and grice mill at Naponset, in tlie manner in the former order is provided." In 1701, Walter Everden bought the interest of Joseph Wis wall in the concern, which was at that time one sixteenth, and from time to time, as he was able, purchased the interest of the other proprietors, so that in 1717 he was owner of so large an interest as to be able to make an agreement in his own name with Joseph Belcher, who owned the corn-mill on the other end of the dam, that the latter should have all the water in the dry season of the year, to the injury of the powder-mill on the south side of the river — in consideration of which, Belcher con- veyed to Everden all his interest, which amounted to one eighth, in the powder-mill and business. In 1722, Everden and Israel Howe owned all the mills — Howe seven sixteenths, and Everden the rest ; and they dividing, Everden took all the property in Dorchester, and Howe all in Milton. How^e retired from the business, and Everden hired of him and continued it on his own account. In 1724, Walter Everden* — having grown old, and having carried on the business nearly fifty years — sold to his son Benjamin Everden the four and a half acres of land, with the dwelling-house and powder-mill, and all the rights and appurte- nances thereto belonging, situated in Dorchester. In 1729, the town of Dorchester confirmed to Benjamin Everden a right to keep the dam he had erected below the bridge on the north side of the river. * He died in 172.5. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 611 In the year 1744, the original mill on the Milton side of the river, which had been for several years but an appendage to the powder-mill, blew up in the evening, destroying the building and scattering the mutilated remains of the workman in charge of it upon the hill in the vicinity. This was the end of the powder business in Milton. Everden continued his work on the Dorchester side of the river until 1757, when he sold his mill at this place to Edward Preston (a clothier by trade), who changed it to a clothing-mill. After Everden sold out his mill, he put up a powder-mill at Canton, where he carried on the business until his death. In the year 1706, the Rev. Joseph Belcher, the minister of Dedham, already alluded to, obtained the consent of the Selectmen of Milton, to dig un- der and about the bridge, to carry water to the mill he was about to erect below. The south end of the bridge at that time rested upon what is now a small island in the river, and the digging he proposed to do, was to make the channel which now separates that island from the main land. What kind of a mill he erected, we are at a loss to determine. Mr. Belcher died in 1723, and his property descended to his children. PAPER-MILL. In January, 1728, Daniel Henchman, Gillum . Phillips, Benjamin Faneuil, Thomas Hancock and Henry Deering, petitioned the General Court for an act authorizing them to carry on the business of 612 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. making paper in the province, and asking for the ex- clusive privilege for fifteen years. September 13th, 1728, an act was passed agreeably to their request, for the term of ten years, upon conditions that the first year they should make two hundred reams of good merchantable brown and printing paper, sixty reams of which Avere to be of the latter kind. The second year they were to make fifty reams of writing paper, of equal goodness with the paper commonly stamped with the London arms, in addition to the other two hundred reams ; the third year to make twenty-five reams of a finer and better quality of paper than aforesaid, in addition to the former year's w^ork ; and to make five hundred reams per year for each succeeding year for the remaining term of ten years, one hundred and fifty reams of which were to be writing paper. A fine of twenty shillings was im- posed upon every ream manufactured by any one else. This company took a lease of the mill built by Mr. Belcher and owned by his heirs, and put in the necessary machinery. They built a house for their workmen, leaving the upper story open for the air to draw through to dry the paper which was hung upon poles for that purpose. Mr. Henry Deering, one of the company, acted as agent or superintend- ent ; and one Henry Woodman, an Englishman by birth, Avas foreman and paper-maker — the latter term signifying the man who formed the sheet of paper from the pulp, that operation requiring more skill, in making the finer kinds of paper, than any other part of the business. In 1737, Woodman left, and HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 613 tlie trouble of collecting stock was such, that it in- terfered with the other business of Mr. Deering, so that he wished to give up looking after it ; and the company then employed Jeremiah Smith, an Irish- man by birth, but who had resided in Boston about twelve years, to take charge of the business, although he was not a paper-maker by trade. One John Ha- zleton, an Englishman by birth, and a paper-maker by trade, was employed as foreman in the mill. The paper-making, like most business carried on by a company, did not prove so profitable as the owners could wish ; and from time to time— as they were inclined to sell, and Mr. Smith was able to buy —he bought out one after another, until he was sole owner of the property of the company. In 1741, he purchased of the children of Mr. Belcher the mill and seven acres of land, bounded on two sides by the river, and on the county road and the public landing place, subject to a lease to the company which Mr. Smith had previously bought out. A large part of the land is now in the possession of Mr. Smith's descendants. At times a skilful paper- maker could not be procured, when the making of the finer papers was discontinued, and wrapping and other coarse kinds only were manufactured. Mr. James Boies, who married a daughter of Mr. Smith, was supercargo on board a vessel employed in bringing emigrants from England to the pro- vinces ; and on a voyage to New York, in the year 1760, became acquainted with Eichard Clark, whom he prevailed upon to go to Milton and work for Mr. Smith. Mr. Clark was a good workman and a reli- id' 70 614 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. able man. He remained with Mr. Smith about five years, when he left and went into partnership with Mr. James Boies, commencing business in Mr. Boies's new mill, built upon the site of the old slitting-mill. Mr. Smith continued the business until 1769, when he sold to his son-in-law, Daniel Vose, one half of the mill, and they carried on the business until 1775, when Mr. Smith, having obtained a competency, and the infirmities of age beginning to settle upon him, sold the other half of the mill to Mr. Vose, and re- tired from business. In 1788, Dr. James Baker hired a part of the mill of Mr. Daniel Vose, and put in a run of stones and a set of kettles, and commenced the manufacture of chocolate ; and he and his son Edmund Baker after him continued to manufacture chocolate there till 1804, when the business Avas removed to the mill built by Wentworth in 1765. As Mr. Smith was the first person in the province of Massachusetts Bay, if not in any of the colonies in America, to carry on the manufacture of paper on his own account, a short notice of him in this place may not be an intrusion. He was born in the north of Ireland, in 1705, and came with his wife to Boston in 1726, and had three daughters born there. He removed to Milton in 1737, but continu- ed his connection with the Rev. Mr. Moorhead's church in Boston imtil his death. His daughter Margaret married- Robert Thompson, of Bridge wa- ter, and died at Canton in 1813, aged 79. Elizabeth married James Boies, and died at Milton in 1760. Rachel (who furnished the writer with many of the HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 615 facts here related) married Daniel Vose, and died at Milton in 1821, aged 84. Mr. Smith died at the same place in 1790, aged 85, having lived with his wife 63 years, she surviving him about one year. Early in the spring after Mr. Smith removed to Milton, he found an emigrant ship had arrived from Ireland, and as his neighbor, Mr. Babcock, wanted a domestic, they went to Boston together. Mr. Bab- cock got his domestic, and Mr. Smith got a bushel of potatoes from the same vessel. Mr.- Babcock never having seen a potato, was surprised to see Mr. Smith procure so many. When the time for plant- ing came, Mr. Babcock took a few, and with direc- tions for planting, commenced raising potatoes as an amateur. In the fall he came to Mr. Smith in great trouble, having two bushels of potatoes, and not knowing what to do with them. Mr. Smith re- lieved him by purchasing what he did not want. Mr. Babcock then complained of the ignorance of his Irish help, for he sent her into the field to get some green corn to boil, and she came back and re- ported that she had dug up a dozen hills, and there was no corn to be found in one of them. Mr. Smith told him the ignorance of the Irish about corn was no more laughable than the ignorance of the Ameri- cans about potatoes. These potatoes have always been said to be the first raised in Milton. Mr. Smith was a man of strong mind, and a great wit, which rendered him an amusing companion. Many of his anecdotes are still handed down in the families of his descendants. He was a neighbor and an inti- mate personal friend of Gov. Hutchinson, with 616 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. whom he was fond of exchanging jokes, although they differed widely on the government measures of the day. Nothing but Mr. Smith's age prevented him from taking up arms in defence of American liberty. While agent for the company, Mr. Smith became the personal friend of Mr. Thomas Hancock, one of the company, and upon his death the friend- ship and intimacy passed to the late Gov. Hancock, at whose hospitable board the wits of the day were ever welcome, and Mr. Smith was never absent for want of an invitation. Mr. Vose continued the paper-making, as also various other kinds of business, until near "the close of the last century, when he relinquished them all, John Sullivan and Joseph Bodge then hired the milL and carried on the business until the year 1800. The paper-mill lay still about one year, when, on April 1st, 1801, Mr. Isaac Sanderson, from Water- town, took it and carried it on for many years. lu September, 1803, Mr. Sanderson manufactured, for the use of the Boston Custom House, the first folio- post and quarto letter paper that was ever made in New England, Mr. Daniel Vose died in December, 1807, and in 1810 his children — Daniel Thomas Vose, and Elizabeth, the wife of Edmund Baker — - sold the mill to Mr. Sanderson. In 1817, Mr. San- derson built a new paper-mill just below the old one, and put in a wrought-iron tub-wheel, which was the first iron water-wheel used in this vicinity. In 1827, he put in a machine for making paper, which was the second one in this vicinity. In 1830, while lay- ing among the beach-grass at Cape Cod, waiting for HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 617 birds to pitch to his coys, Mr. S. broke off some of the grass and chewed it. From its apiDearance, after having midergone the chewing process for some time, he thought it might be made into paper. He collected a quantity, and experimented upon it until his expectations were realized, and the result was a paper and a paste-board valuable in many branches of business. Mr. Sanderson leased his mill, in 1834, to Mr. Joshua Ayers, who carried it on about two years. In 1839, it was sold to Dr. Jonathan Ware, who the next year tore down the old mill, which had been standing over a century and a quarter, and on its site erected a new one, and put in two re-action wheels. The lower building was abandoned as a mill, and used as a store-house, and afterwards as a stable. Sawing and turning were carried on for a short time in it by various tenants, but nof long enough to make it a part of the history of the mill. A ffrist-mill was attached to one of the wheels, and a chocolate-mill to the other; and in 1843, Josiah Webb and Josiah F. Twombly here commenced the manufacture of chocolate, and continued it until 1850, when they removed to the mill built for them by the Dorchester Cotton and Iron Co. The grist- mill has been in constant use since it was put in, by various tenants ; and the other part has been used for various purposes, as different tenants have chosen. In 1673, Mr. John Gill sold to a company the pri- vilege, just above the lower bridge, in Milton (apart of the privilege he bought of Gov. Stoughton), on which to erect a powder-mill, as Avill more fully ap- 818 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. pear on reference to the account of the powder manu- factory in this chapter. In 1T22, Israel Howe, the last of this company, sold out his interest in the powder business, to Walter Everden, by making a division of the property, Howe taking the privilege in Milton, and Everden taking that in Dorchester, with all the rest of the property formerly belonging to the proprietors of the powder-mill. Howe died in 1736, and his property went to his two daughters, Elizabeth and Sarah. Elizabeth married a Oilman, and Sarah died. The widow of Howe married a Jenkins, and after the death of her second husband, inherited a part of the mill-estate of her daughter Elizabeth, who died leaving no children. One half of the mill went into the possession of Nathaniel Oilman, of Halifax, and was set off on execution, in 1752, to Ebenezer Storer. The property remained in common, owned by Ebenezer Storer and Elizabeth Oilman, until 1762, w^hen it was divided. Eliza- beth Oilman died soon after, and her half went to her mother, Judith Jenkins, and was sold by her guardian (she then being non compos) Joseph Howe, to Edward Wentworth and Henry Stone. Ebenezer Storer sold his half, in 1765, to James Boyce, who conveyed the same to Edward Wentworth. From the time the old powder-mill blew up, this privilege had remained unimproved — a space of about twen- ty years. Wentworth and Stone commenced erect- ing a saw and chocolate mill ; but on the night of October 17th, 1764, the foundation of the saw-mill was destroyed by some evil-minded persons. The damage, however, was soon repaired, so that by HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 619 March 8th, 1765, the mill was in working order, and the first joist were sawed for Mr. Samuel Pierce. The chocolate-mill was the first ever erected in the British Provinces of North America, and in this mill John Hannan, an Irishman by birth, first com- menced the manufacture of chocolate. In 1766, Henry Stone sold out his interest in the mill pro^Derty to Wentworth, making him the sole owner of the original powder-mill privilege. Edward Wentworth conveyed the property to Bar- low Trecothic, July 11th, 1768. Mr. Trecothic let the mill to Mr. Vose, who occupied it until Mr. T.'s death, which took place in London in 1775. The mill then passed into the hands of trustees, who held it for his nephew, James Ivors, the son of his sister Hannah, who married James Ivors. Young Ivors took the name of Trecothic, and his father was appointed by the trustees their agent to manage the real estate in America, and in 1792 he sold the mill to Daniel Vose, who improved it a few years and then gave up business. After this, the saw-mill was run only at times, and the grist-mill a part of the time, by difi"erent persons, as circumstances hap- pened. Mr. Baker made chocolate in one of the mills for a short time. Mr. Vose died in 1807, and the mills remained doing little or nothing until about the year 1817, when the heirs of Mr. Vose leased the mill to Mr. Francis Brinley, who convert- ed it into a mill for grinding and pulverizing drugs, medicines and dye-stufis. He also put in a saw for the purpose of sawing veneers.* This mill was con- * The veneers sawed here were the first ever sawed in America by- other power than by hand. 620 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. sumecl by fire, August 1st, 1827, and was soon after rebuilt by Vose and Gardner. In the division of Mr. Vose's estate, the mill went into the hands of his son, Daniel T. Vose, and Clarissa, the wife of Dr. Henry Gardner, a grand-daughter of Mr. Dan- iel Vose. Upon the death of Mr. Daniel T. Vose, in 1837, this half of the mill passed to Mrs. Gardner, she purchasing what she had not before acquired of the other heirs. The mill was used for grinding drugs and dye-stuffs, until Mrs. Gardner sold it, March 8th, 1850, to the Dorchester Cotton and Iron Co. They tore down the old mills, and erected a chocolate and grist-mill, and Webb & Twombly, in October, 1850, removed from the mill below, and took possession of the new mill. The Dorchester Cotton and Iron Company sold the mills and privilege to Webb & Twombly, May 18th, 1855. They now carry on the business of manufacturing chocolate and grinding grain, and let a smaller water privilege for the manufacture of India-rubber goods. MR. Jackson's slitting-mill. In the year 1709, David Colsen, of Boston, a fell- monger, purchased of Mr. Jonathan Babcock a tract of land in Milton, bounding on Neponset Iliver, and about six acres in Dorchester (opposite to it), being a part of lot No. 48 in the third division, in- cluding the island of Mr. Elisha Hutchinson, for the purpose of carrying on the business of dressing skins. The town of Dorchester gave its consent to his dam- ming up the water for that purpose. The land in HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 621 Dorchester lay in a narrow strip, extending from just above where the dam now stands, above the bridge at Mattapan, easterly about sixty-six rods to a point near where the river and the road branch off. Very soon after that time, a dam was erected, and the canal or trench cut around the fall to conduct the water to the mill. By an arrange- ment mth Colson, Ezra Clapp erected a corn-mill, and Colson a fulling-mill, upon the mill-site thus formed. Colson soon sold out all his interest to Jonathan Jackson, of Boston, a brazier by occupa- tion. In 1714, the town of Milton chose a commit- tee to look after its rights in the Neponset River. This movement led Mr. Clapp to ask the consent of the town to his using the water. The town, feeling that a corn-mill was a great convenience to many of its inhabitants, granted his request. In March, 1710, Mr. Jackson erected a slitting- mill on the premises, and commenced his business. This has always been considered the first mill of the kind in the province. The business was not long continued, as a fire destroyed the mill, and Mr. Jack- son abandoned the privilege. He soon after set np a mill for the purpose of slitting iron and making nails at Pembroke, and in his petition to the Gen- eral Court for protection, he alleges that that was the first mill of the kind in the province. Mr. Jack- son died in Boston in 1736. The place remained in ruins until 1750, when Mary, the widow of Jonathan Jackson, and Edward his son, sold to John Kobinson, of Dorchester, the ten and three quarter acres of land in Dorchester, 71 622 HISTORY OF DOHCHESTEE. with the dwelling-house, grist-mill, and fulling-mill, half of the mill-dam adjoining the fulling-mill, and one half of the dam a little to the west of the road leading from Dorchester to Brush Hill, with one half of all the rights granted to David Colson by the Selectmen of the town of Dorchester in March, 1709-10. January 4, 1762, the town of Dorchester relinquished all right to the mill to Mr, Jackson, so that he might hold it in fee simple. It does not appear how Robinson disposed of this pro- perty, but by some means it got into the possession of Samuel Payson, of Dorchester, who sold it to An- drew Gillispie, November 9, 1772. Andrew Gillis- pie mortgaged the premises to Jonathan Payson for £280, in payment for the same. Gillispie altered the fulling-mill into a snuff-mill, and commenced work- ing the same. He was not successful in business, and the interest on the mortgage accumulated so that he could not redeem it. Payson assigned the mortgage to Jonathan Davis, of Roxbury, in 1774, and Davis assigned it to James Boies and Hugh McLean. In 1778, they foreclosed the mortgage, and came in possession of the estate. When Mc- Lean and Boies made partition of their mill property, in 1790, this estate went to Hugh McLean. Mr. McLean died in 1798, and his widow Agnes sold it, in 1809, to Edmund Tileston and Mark Hollings- worth. The mill property on the Milton side of the river lay ruiimproved from the time the slitting-mill was consumed until 1764, when the executors of Ed- ward Jackson's will sold it to James Boies, together HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 623 with a piece of land on the west side of the high- way adjoining the river, with a nailer's shop and a house thereon, also one half of the dam west of the road, and all the rights which said Jackson had in the stream, except what he had sold to John Rob- inson. James Boies built a paper-mill on the land, and then sold one half the mill, a house and some land, to Richard Clark, who had for about five years worked as foreman for Jeremiah Smith at the lower falls, and Boies and Clark in^ company carried on the manufacture of paper. Mr. Boies erected a slitting-mill in 1769, on the site of the one erected by Mr. Jackson ; but the business for which it vv^as designed not proving as profitable as the manufacture of paper, he erected a second paper-mill on the land he had not sold to Clark, and conveyed one half of it to Hugh McLean, August 17, 1771. At this time, Boies owned one half of each mill, Clark one half of the old mill, and McLean one half of the new mill. Richard Clark died in 1777, and his son George sold his father's interest in the mill to Hugh McLean, in 1779. Thus Boies and McLean became equal own- ers in the mills. The mill on the south side of the trench, together with a small chocolate-mill which Boies had erected in 1779, was consumed by fire, April 9, 1782. The paper-mill was soon rebuilt a few feet below where the one was destroyed, and where the south end of the present mill stands, and a new chocolate-mill was erected on the Dorchester side of the river, in which Jeremiah Smith Boies, a son of James Boies, occasionally made chocolate. 624 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. In 1782, Boies and McLean took into partnership Michael McCarney, an Irishman by birth, who came while a boy to this country with McLean when he followed the sea, and who was brought up in Mc- Lean's family. This firm carried on business until 1790, when the company was dissolved, Boies and McLean dividing their mill property, and McCarney connected himself with James Babcock and Samuel Leeds, and purchased one quarter of the mill built by Babcock at the Lower Mills. McCarney continued in this new mill with various partners until his death in 1805. McLean took his mill on the north sid^ of the trench, and carried on business with Henry Cox (who served his time in that mill) as a foreman, until McLean's death in 1799. Capt. Cox hired the mill and purchased the stock, soon after McLean's death, of McLean's widow. He carried on the mill three years, when he left it, to go into business with Amasa Fuller, in the mill on the south side of the trench. George Bird succeeded Cox in the McLean mill, and continued in it for two years to the spring of 1805, when Bird left and went to a mill in Dedham. Ebenezer Stedman and Josiah Randall took the mill when Bird vacated it, and continued in business two years, when Stedman sold out to John Savels. Ran- dall and Savels occupied the mill about one year, when they vacated it in consequence of Edmund Tileston and Mark HoUingsworth having purchased the mill of Agnes McLean, the widow of Hugh Mc- Lean. Tileston and HoUingsworth put the mill in good repair, and moved into it from the mill which HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 625 • they had been hiring of William Sumner. In 1817, they converted the chocolate-mill, built by Boies on the Gillispie privilege, into a paper-mill. In 1828, Tileston and HoUingsworth bought of Hen- ry Gardner and Thomas Crehore, the executors of Amasa Fuller, the mill which Fuller bought of Boies, On the dissolution of the copartnership of Boies, McLean and McCarney, and the union and division of the mill property between Boies and McLean, in 1790, the mill on the south side of the trench went into the occupation of Jeremiah Smith Boies, the son of the owner of the mill, who commenced the manufacture of paper at that time. James Boies died in 1796, at the advanced age of ninety-six years. The ownership of the mill then passed by will to his son Jeremiah Smith Boies. Boies carried on the mill for a few years, when he leased it to Amasa Ful- ler, who had been a foreman in the mill for some time. Fuller took George Bird into company, and they carried on the paper business until 1803, when Bird left, and Capt. Henry Cox took his place. Ful- ler and Cox carried on the mill until 1807, when Cox left to take the paper-mill at the lower falls in company with Edmund Baker. Fuller carried on the mill until 1825, when he gave it up to his son Richardson Fuller, Benjamin F. Crehore and Jarvis Fenno. The younger Fuller died soon after com- mencing business ; the elder in 1826, and Crehore in 1828. The mill was sold by the executors of the elder Fuller, October 17, 1828, to Edmund Tileston and Mark HoUingsworth, thus uniting the mill property formerly owned by Jonathan 626 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. » Jackson into one estate, which had been separated foi' seventy-eight years. Tileston and Hollingsworth united, repaired and remodelled both the McLean and Boies mills ; they enlarged their business, and conducted it so success- fully, that in April, 1831, they took into partnership Edmund P. Tileston and Amos Hollingsworth, sons of the old proprietors, and the business continued until the death of the elder Tileston, October 22, 1834. The following spring the elder Hollingsworth retired from the business, and lived upon the pro- perty which he had amassed, until his death, Feb- ruary 28, 1855, at the age of seventy-eight. These mills are still exclusively devoted to the manufacture of paper, and a firm of the same style that has been so favorably known for upwards of fifty years, but composed of sons of the founders of the firm, still continues to manufacture paper there, as well as at their other mill about one mile above, also at the mill they hire of the trustees under the will of Walter Baker, at the lower falls. The mill-site, known as Preston's Mill, was con- veyed by John Wiswall to the proprietors of the powder-mill as an appendage to it, in 1675, and the proprietors, one after another, sold out to Walter Everden, so that in time he became sole owner of the privilege, as previously stated. At what time the first water wheel was put in, is not known; but in 1724, Walter Everden conveyed the land with the powder-mill upon it to his son Benjamin Everden. In 1729, the latter obtained a grant from the town of the right to continue his HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 627 dam there, and he carried on the manufacture of gun-powder until he sold out his mill iDiivilcge to Edward Preston, in 1757. Mr. Preston was a clo- thier by trade, and resided at Commercial Point ; but after purchasing this property, he altered the powder-mill to a fulling-mill. He passed part of the year at his mill, and part on his farm at Com- mercial point. About the year 1770, Mr. Preston fitted up a chocolate-mill, with one kettle, in addition to his fulling-mill, and manufactured chocolate for John Hannan, then residing in Boston. On the 12th of October, 1775, Mr. Preston's mill was consumed by fire, and Mr. Hannan returned to the chocolate- mill built for him in 1765. Mr. Preston rebuilt his mill and carried on his business as clothier. Soon after the death of Hannan, in 1780, Mr. Preston again fitted up a chocolate-mill, and for about seven years manufactured chocolate for Dr. James Baker, who commenced the business soon after Hannan's death. Baker then hired the Clark mill. Mr. Preston's son John, who was brought up in his father's mill, con- tinued to work there at both branches of the busi- ness. In 1793, the mill passed into the hands of Mr. John Preston, by virtue of his father's will. In 1812, Mr. John Preston put up a corn and chocolate mill, and carried on the three branches of business — his son John, then a young man, assisting him until the fathers death, in 1819. Mr. John Preston, the younger, hired and carried on the mills about two years, when his father's estate was settled, and he purchased the mill, in 1823, of his brothers and sis- 628 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. ters. Soon after this, Mr. Preston increased his business in the manufacture of chocolate, and aban- doned that of a clothier. He relinquished business in 1854 to his two sons, John and Walter Preston, who now carry on the chocolate business, having abandoned the grinding of corn. Mr. Preston died in 1856, and bequeathed the mills to his above-named sons. THE SUMNER MILL. The town of Dorchester, by a committee consist- ing of Ebenezer Pope, Elijah Davis and Philip Withington, sold to George Clark, of Milton, paper- maker, by deed dated September 27, 1773, fourteen acres of land, being a part of the five-hundred- acre lot, for the sum of one hundred and six pounds, thir- teen shillings and fourpence. One of the conditions of the deed was, that all the mills should be erected on the north side of the river, so as to pay taxes in Dorchester. George Clark, the son of Richard, was born in England, came to this country several years after his father, and worked a short time under his father before he purchased the above mill-site. He erected a paper-mill upon it, and commenced business on his own account. In 1781, Clark mort- gaged his mill to Abigail Quincy. Not being suc- cessful, he sold one half of the mill to William Sum- ner, and the other half to Patrick Connor, by sepa- rate deeds, July 20, 1786. About a year after Sum- ner bought the mill of Clark, he purchased the mort- gage of xlbigail Quincy, and cancelled it in 1798. Soon after Sumner and Connor purchased the mill? HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 629 Col. Josiah Hayden bargained for the land in Mil- ton opposite their mills, and put up a saw-mill on the south end of the dam, claiming a right to one half the water, as the dam abutted upon his land. William Sumner and Richard (son of George and grandson of Richard) Clark commenced the paper- making business. In 1787, Patrick Connor sold one half of his half of the mill and privilege to Rich- ard Clark, and that year the proprietors put up a chocolate-mill, which Dr. James Baker hired for a short time, but left in 1788, to go to Mr. Daniel Vose's mill. In 1794, Patrick Connor conveyed a life estate in his remaining quarter of the mill to George Clark, and the reversionary interest to Jere- miah Tucker Clark, a son of George — William Sumner and Richard Clark carrying on the business until the decease of Clark, in 1796, at the age of 29 years. Sumner then assumed the whole business. Finding that the saAv-mill was a great detriment to the paper-mill, Sumner purchased of Capt. John Homans a tract of land adjoining his mill-lot on the east, in 1788, and in 1789 got permission of the town to remove his mills to a new dam a few rods below his old one. Hayden not being able to fulfil his agreement for the purchase of the estate on the south side of the river, was forced to give up the bargain, and that property went back to its former owners. In 1798, William Sumner built a new dam upon the site of the present one, and put up the mill. The next year he built a corn-mill. The south end of the dam abutted upon the church land, situated 72 630 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. in Milton, but owned by the town of Dorchester, The town, in 1801, confirmed to Mr. Sumner the right to continue his dam in that place. Tileston and Hollingsworth, having been burned out at Boies's mill, took Sumner s for three years — from the spring of 1806 to the spring of 1809 — when they removed to the mill they bought of Agnes McLean. William Sumner then resumed the mill, and took in his son William as a copartner. They carried on the business until 1822, when the elder William retired from the business, and his son Edward united with William the younger, and carried on business about five years, when they became embarrassed and gave up the mill. In 1827, the mill was repaired, and a machine for making paper was put in, which was the first in this vicinity, and Col. Nathaniel Crane commenced business. In 1832, a privilege was granted to Frederick O. Taft to erect a cotton- mill, which was to enjoy a prior right to the w^ater. He erected and carried on the cotton-mill, and Ed- ward Sumner took the paper-mill, and continued to carry it on until his death, September 8th, 1836. William Sumner the elder died January 30th, 1836, and Nathaniel Crane, his administrator, sold the mill property and four acres of land to Edmund P. Tileston and Amor Hollingsworth, September 19th, 1836. The cotton-mill was consumed by fire, March 1st, 1837. Arrangements were then made with Mr. Taft, who gave up his lease, and Tileston and Hol- lingsworth erected ^ new paper-mill upon the site HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 631 of the cotton factory, and put in four engines and a Foudrinier machine. The old paper-mill, erected by Sumner, having become much out of repair, was taken down by Tileston and Hollingsworth, and a new one erected on its site, with four engines and a Foudrinier machine. COTTON MANUFACTORY. In 1793, Mr. Jeremiah Smith Boies erected a dam across the Neponset River, about one third of the way from the Upper to the Lower Mills, and Mr. John Capen and Mr. Daniel Vose united and built another dam between that and the Lower Mills. As these parties were both striving to avail themselves of the natural unoccupied fall in the river, they did not clearly understand their own rights, but placed themselves in such a situation that the law was re- sorted to for protection. A bitter and vigorous law- suit paved the way for a compromise, which was consummated by an agreement dated .January 1st, 1794. Under this agreement, Capen was to retain his dam at six feet in height, and Boies was to take up his dam and remove it up stream, which he did, and located it where the starch manufactory now stands. Here Mr. Boies erected a paper, chocolate and corn mill, and carried on both, Mark Hollings- , . . worth, a young man from N-ew- Jersey, being fore- /g//.-; man of the paper-mill, and Thomas Harlain, an Englishman, and a mill-wright by trade, tending the • corn-mill. In 1801, Mr. Boies, becoming tired of the out-door business of the paper-mill, gave up the active part 632 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. of it to Mr. Hollingsworth, who associated himself with Edmund Tileston. Mr. T., prior to that time, had been carrying on the business at Needham, although a native of Dorchester, and had served his time with Leeds and McCarney, at the Lower Mills. Mr. Boies retained an interest in the busi- ness, in consideration of the use of the mill and some capital furnished, his name not appearing in the firm. Thus arranged, the firm carried on the manufacture of paper until December 23d, 1805, when the mill was consumed by fire. This event severed Boies from all connection with the other partners, wdio hired a paper-mill of William Sum- ner, and there went to work. Some points of difierence between Boies and Ca- pen had been overlooked in their settlement in 1794,. and a second indenture, defining their rights, was entered into December 24th, 1808. The privilege lay dormant for several years after the fire. July 4th, 1811, an incorporated company, styled the Dorchester Cotton and Iron Company, purchased the privilege of Mr. Boies, and immediately com- menced putting up a cotton-mill — intending, at a future day, to add a mill for turning and finishing up iron to be used in machinery. Mr. Boies was- appointed agent of the company. As soon as the building was completed and the machinery in, the company commenced the manufacture of cotton cloth. From the first their business was successful, proving a paying concern to its owners, and a blessing to the community around them, as it furnished much work for the women and children in the neighboring HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 633 towns during the stagnation of business in the war of 1812. The cotton, at that time, was delivered at the mill to such as chose to take it home and cleanse it from its seeds and other foreign substance. It was then returned, and carded and spun. The yarn was then taken around in the neighboring towns, and wove by hand in families— about eight cents a yard being paid for the weaving. The water-power not being sufficient to do the work required by an increasing business, the com- pany bought the privilege of John Capen, March 4th, 1812, about three-quarters of a mile below their first dam. There, in 1815, they erected another mill, and dug a canal or trench to serve as a race- way for the mill above. The wheels of the last mill were set so low, that, in times of a freshet, and in a dry season, when the flush-boards were upon Baker, Vose and Gardner's dam, the back water was a seri- ous hindrance to the mill, and led to protracted law- suits between the parties— which commenced in 1822, and terminated with an indenture, defining the rights of the parties, made in 1826. Mr. Boies resigned as agent, and Enoch Baldwin was appoint- ed in his place, January, 1822. It was found by experience that the water-power of the privileges could be much more advantage- ously used if united in one fall ; therefore the cor- poration, in 1826, raised their lower dam so as to flow out the upper dam, and abandoned the mill built in 1811, putting up a large mill near the small one then standing at the lower dam. The building abandoned stood useless for about three years, when 634 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Mr. Stephen Liversidge hired it for the purpose of making starch, for which purpose it still continues to be used. Mr. Baldwin resigned his place as agent, and was succeeded by Hananiah Temple, July 1, 1836. The business of this company was so judiciously managed, and proved so prosperous, that in 1846 the mill was enlarged, and a powerful steam engine was put in, to work auxiliary with the water-power, to be used in a dry time when there was not water enough to drive all the machinery, as well as in a freshet when back-water prevented the wheels from doing their full work. In 1854, foundations were laid, water-wheels of great power were contracted for, and other arrange- ments made for a large addition to their water-works. During the suspension of the work of improvement through the winter, the main building took fire, January 11th, 1855, and was completely consumed, with all the machinery, no small amount of stock, and the valuable steam engine was entirely ruined. This calamity happening at a time when the manu- facturing business was depressed throughout the country, and when manufactured stock could be purchased far below its actual cost, the company determined to sell out all their property and wind up the concern, which was accordingly done. Mr. Thomas Liversidge purchased the factory site, the ruins, and the real estate immediately connected with the mill. May 18th, 1855, and the property now lays as when he purchased, awaiting for the future to develop some plan of making it pro- ductive. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 635 CHOCOLATE BUSINESS. Very early one morning, in the fall of the year 1765, a respectable looking young man was found sitting upon a rock in the street near the Lower Mills, in Dorchester, weeping. A benevolent indi- vidual was attracted by the sight of the young way- farer, and inquired into his situation. He reported himself as John Hannan, from Ireland — a protestant in faith, a chocolate-maker by trade, and who hav- ing come to seek his fortune in America, was a stranger in a strange land, with no acquaintances, no work to be obtained, and his outfit all spent. The Samaritan referred him to Mr. James Boies as a countryman of his own, well off in the world, and then erecting mills a mile up the stream. Mr. Boies gave him temporary employment, and interceded with Messrs. Wentworth and Storer, who were then erecting a mill on the old powder-mill site, in Mil- ton. These gentlemen put up a chocolate-mill for Hannan, and lie there commenced the manufacture of chocolate, which was the first ever made in New England, if not in the British Provinces of North America. In 1768, the mill was sold to Barlow Trecothic, and Hannan was forced to leave it. He removed to Boston and took a small shop, and got Mr. Edward Preston to put a run of stones and one kettle into his fulling-mill in Dorchester, and there manufac- ture chocolate for him. This arrangement lasted until October, 1775, when the building was de- stroyed by fire. Hannan then hired the mill iu 636 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. which he had formerly worked, of the agent of the trustees of Trecothic, who had just died in London, and commenced manufacturing for himself, taking Nathaniel Blake as a boy to learn the business. Hannan married Elizabeth Gore, of Boston, in 1773, and removed to Dorchester when he commenced manufacturing for himself His marriage proved so unfortunate that he determined to leave his wife. He therefore closed up his business in 1779, as well as the times and circumstances would permit, and gave out word that he was going to the West Indies for a supply of cocoa; but, unknown to his wife, started for his native country, never to return. No- thing was ever heard from him again, and it was supposed that he was lost overboard or died on his passage out under an assumed name. The widow undertook to continue the business. She hired the mill, and engaged Blake to make the chocolate. But the disposition that drove the husband from his home, found a victim in the boy, and he dissolved the con- nection and let himself to Mr. Daniel Vose, who hired the mill of Trecothic's heirs, and started the business in 1780. Dr. James Baker, not satisfied with the business he was then pursuing, determined to go into the chocolate business, and arranged with Mr. Edward Preston to fit up a chocolate-mill in the fulling-mill built where the former one was burned, and manu- facture chocolate for him. Here Dr. Baker com- menced the manufacture of this article in 1780. Pres- ton's business was that of a clothier^ never making chocolate on his own account. The division of Han- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 637 nan's business left so small a share to Mr. Vose, that it became no object for him to pursue it, and he carried it on but a short time. The business increased to such an extent, that Preston had not sufficient power to carry on his own business and manufacture as much chocolate as was wanted by Baker, who therefore arranged with Sum- ner and Connor to put up a mill at their dam (bought of George Clark), which mill Baker took in 1789, and hired Nathaniel Blake (who learned to make cho- colate of Hannan) to work in the mill. This mill being so far from Baker's residence, it proved very inconvenient to him, so much so that he soon left it, and in 1791 fitted up a chocolate-mill in a part of Mr. Daniel Vose's paper-mill, to which he removed and took in his son Edmund Baker, who had long done much of the out-door business, as a copartner. In 1804, the elder Baker retired on a competency, and Edmund took the whole business. He hired the mill just above the bridge, which Mr. Vose had purchased of Mr. Trecothic's representatives, and fitted it up to do an increased amount of work. Here Mr. Baker continued about two years, when he removed to the new chocolate-mill he had erected on the site he bought of Samuel Leeds, in Dorches- ter, in 1805, and erected a new mill in 1806. In 1813, Baker removed the old mill building, and erected a large granite one to accommodate the grist and chocolate-mill, in addition to a mill for the man- ufacture of woolen cloths. In 1818, he took his son Walter into copartnership, and in 1824 relin- 73 638 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. quished all interest in the business, retiring upon the competency he had acquired. The business increased, and from time to time en- croachments were made upon the power and room devoted to the manufacture of woolen cloth, until that branch of business was wholly dropped to make room for the manufacture of chocolate. May 25, 1848, the mill took fire, and its contents and machinery were entirely consumed, the granite walls being so much injured that they were faken down, and a new and larger building of granite soon took the place of the old one. Mr. Walter Baker died in May, 1852, and by his will the business passed into the hands of Mr. Sidney B. Williams, a brother- in-law of Mr. Baker s, and who had for some time had an interest in the business. Mr. Williams died in July, 1854, and Mr. Henry L. Pierce, who had been a clerk both to Mr. Baker and Mr. Williams, succeeded to the business, hiring the mill of and ar- ranging with the trustees under Mr. Baker's will for the use of the name ; and he now carries on the business under the style of Walter Baker & Co. Under the skilful management of Mr. Pierce, the business increased to such an extent, that in 1857 he found it necessary to hire the corn-mill and fit it up as a chocolate-mill, in order to accomplish the work required. Upon the disappearance of John Hannan, in 1779, Mr. James Boies erected a chocolate-mill near his paper-mill at the Upper Mills, in Milton, and there did a small business in the chocolate line, un- til his mill was consumed, April 9, 1782. Soon HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 639 after that, Mr. Boies erected another mill on the Dorchester side of the same privilege, for his son Jeremiah Smith Boies, who there carried on the business until the mill passed into the hands of Hugh McLean,* in the division of mill-property be- tween Boies and McLean, in 1790. The younger Boies hired the mill of McLean for some time, and then erected a chocolate and paper-mill a short dis- tance below the McLean mill, and where the starch manufactory now stands, and there carried on the chocolate business until the mill was consumed, De- cember 24, 1805, when he gave up the business. In 1812, Mr. John Preston, Sen., erected a corn and chocolate-mill adjoining his fulling-mill, at the Lower Mills, in Dorchester, and there commenced the manufacture of chocolate, and carried on the business in a humble way until his death in 1819. His son John Preston, Jr., succeeded to the busi- ness, and purchased his brothers' and sisters' rights in the mill and privilege. He continued until 1854, when he relinquished it to his two sons John A. and AValter Preston. Mr. Preston died in 1856, and his two sons now carry on the business. In 1813, Josiah Webb and Josiah F. Twom- bly commenced the manufacture of chocolate in the mill at the lower falls, erected by Dr. Jonathan Ware, and continued in that mill about seven years, when they removed to the mill just above, which was erected in 1850 by the Dorchester Cotton and Iron Company for them. When that company sold * Hugh McLean was the father of John McLean, the patron of Har- vard College and the Massachusetts General Hospital. 640 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. out their property in 1855, these gentlemen pur- chased the mill, and are now prosecuting a success- ful business. THE CORPORATION OF PROPRIETORS OF MILLS. In 1798, Joseph Whiting, Moses Whiting, Joseph Lewis, Jonathan Avery, Joseph Whiting, Jr., Hugh McLean, J. Smith Boies, Michael McCarney, Sam- uel Leeds, Daniel Vose, William Sumner, John Preston, Benjamin Pierce, and Jonathan Wether- bee, together with such other proprietors of one or more mills on either the Neponset River or Mother Brooks, were incorporated as " The proprietors of mills on Mill Creek and Neponset River," for the purpose of protecting, defending and recovering their common rights, and were invested with power to assess upon the several mills such sums as might be necessary to defray their expenses. This corporation was organized September 1, 1809, and Edmund Baker chosen clerk and treasurer. Samuel Louder, Daniel T. Vose and Edmund Tileston were chosen assessors ; J. Smith Boies, Samuel Louder and Daniel Vose a standing committee ; and Amasa Fuller, collector. The principal business of this corporation was to settle, with the proprietors of mills on Charles River, their respective rights to the water of the river. This vexed controversy was settled, after many years altercation, by placing permanent mudsills and abut- ments in Charles River, so as to send one third of its water down the Mother Brook into the Neponset. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 641 At the first meeting of the corporation, it Avas voted to raise ^120 by a tax on the mill property, for which purpose the privileges were taxed as fol- lows : — Norfolk Cotton Manufactory, Privilege, $4000 Improvement, 6000 Hezekiah Whiting, Privilege, 4500 Improvement, 900 Moses Whiting, half of water-privilege, 2000 half of work erected, 300 Heirs of Aaron Whiting, half of water-privilege, 2000 half of work erected, 300 Boston Iron and Nail Factory, half of water-priv. 2000 half of work erected, 3250 William Sumner, Privilege, 4500 Improvement, 3500 Amasa Fuller, Privilege, 3000 Improvement, 3500 Tileston & Hollingsworth, Privilege on trench, 3000 Improvement, 3500 Gillispie Dam, 1000 Improvement, 500 J. Smith Boies, Privilege, 3000 Improvement, 600 John Capen, Privilege, 4500 Kachel Vose, Water-privilege, 3000 Improvement, TOO Edmund Baker, Water-privilege, 3000 Improvement, 4700 Isaac Sanderson, Water-privilege, 2500 Improvement, 3500 John Preston, Water-privilege, 2500 Improvement, 1500 In 1835, a new system of valuation was adopted by the corporation, and the value of the privilege was to be estimated by the head and fall of each mill, as ascertained by Jabez Coney's survey, when it was found that each had as follows : — 642 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Benjamin Bussey, Lemuel Whiting, Norfolk Manufacturing Company, . Dedham " " William Sumner's Estate, Tileston & Hollingsworth, Dorchester Cotton and Iron Co. Edmund Baker, Isaac Sanderson and John Preston, Total fall, T8 2 1 The agreement was made with the proprietors of mills on Charles River, and carried into effect in 18-il, since which time but little business has been done by the corporation, and its present efforts are to keep itself alive until some new cir- cumstance shall need its action. Ft. In. lOths. 15 6 8 11 9 10 4 1 9 8 1 11 3 6 10 9 9 8 3 6 11 9 4 CHAPTER XXVII. Societies, Banks, Churches, Ministerial and Church Lands, Burial- Grounds, &c. Impressed with the value of the various materi- als for history, which, scattered among the older families of Dorchester and its vicinity, have long been exposed to the ravages of time and the de- structiveness of ignorance if not of vandalism, a few of the sons of Dorchester, with other friends, assembled on the 27th of January, 1843, at the house of Ebenezer Clapp, Jr., in Dorchester, to de- vise measures for methodical and effective co-opera- tion in the work of rescuing and preserving these HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 643 flitting memorials of our history. As the result of the consultation then held, an association was insti- tuted, having for its object the collection and pre- servation of books, pamphlets, manuscripts and curi- osities, bearing on the biography and history of men and things in the United States, from the earliest period. A constitution was immediately adopted, and a Society was organized by the name of the DORCHESTER ANTIQUARIAN AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hon. Edmund P. Tileston was elected President ; Edmund J. Baker, William D. Swan, and Henry M. Leeds, Curators ; Ebenezer Clapp, Jr., Correspond- ing Secretary ; and Edward Holden, Librarian. Pursuant to the original design of the association, a large library of books, pamphlets and manuscripts has already been collected, special efforts being made in regard to mementos of Dorchester, of which the Society already has a well-filled casket ; and yet there is room for large additions, which they hope to re- ceive from their fellow citizens — so that not nothing which may form a record or an illustration of our history, may fail of permanent preservation. The Society early appointed a special committee, consisting of James M. Robbins, Edmund J, Baker, Ebenezer Clapp, Jr., William D. Swan, Edward Holden, Edmund P. Tileston, and William B. Trask, to collect and publish a general history of Dorches- ter. How well the commission has been executed, it ill becomes the Society to declare. Judgment upon that matter is reserved for the candid reader. 644 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. To facilitate the progress of the Society, a petition was presented, in 1855, to the "General Court of Massachusetts," praying for a charter of incorpora- tion. The bill submitted by the Society was " passed to be enacted," and on the third day of May, 1855, was signed by the governor. Since this legal recognition, the Society has largely increased in his- toric wealth. So perfectly consonant with the end and aim of this institution was the celebration of our municipal and national anniversary in 1855, that this sketch would hardly seem complete without some notice of the correspondence held on that occasion between this Society and His Worship the Mayor of Dorches- ter in old England, as the representative of the people of that ancient borough. We give the letters in full. TO THE CITIZENS OF DORCHESTER, ENGLAND. Dorchester, Mass., U. S. A., May 8, 1855. The Undersigned, Members of the Dorchester Antiquai'ian and Historical Society, To the Citizens of the City of Dorchester, Dorset, Eng. Friends : — Your place being the residence of many of our progenitors, and from which this town derived its name, we address you with an affectionate interest. It is comparative- ly but a few years since our ancestors left their quiet homes and launched forth upon the ocean, to make a new home for themselves and posterity, and take up their abode in this then inhospitable wilderness of savages and wild beasts. As we look back upon the history of this period, it appears as if events had been transpiring for two centuries to bring forth and educate for the work, this inestimable race of men. They came to worship God according to the dictates of their own consciences ; and although their treatment of those who dif- fered from them in religious sentiment was often harsh, cruel, and almost inexcusable, yet we must remember that they were the most tolerant of their age, and that toleration HISTORY OF DORCHESTER, 645 was a doctrine not then dreamed of by the great mass of mankind ; even now, many are they who fall far short of its christian requirements. We must also admit that it is not just to judge that generation by the standard of the present. We believe that this is almost the only country ever settled that had not the lower motive of gold, plunder or conquest, for its pa4-amount object. But time will not permit us to go into a lengthened history of those men ; suffice it to say, they loved their native land, sung of its sacred memories, and prayed for its true glory ; they had " great contempt of ter- restrial distinctions/' and felt assured, that " if their names were not found in the register of heralds, they were recorded in the book of life." This state of things continued until they thought that encroachments were made on their char- tered rights, which they endeavored to remedy with all the skill of practised diplomatists ; but nothing could prevent a final separation ; in the fulness of time the breach was made, which might indeed be called " manifest destiny." About thirty-six years after, another little misunderstanding occur- red ; but the lapse of time has healed all breaches and all misunderstandings, and we claim you as brethren beloved, and recal the time when our fathers sat side by side, gloried in the same country, and looked forward to the same destiny. It was meet that the separation should come, and the great doctrine of " Westward the star of Empire takes its way," be fulfilled. That star has reached its culminating point, and planted its banner by the setting sun ; henceforth civilization must trav.el east, and Asia and Africa be its field of operation. It is supposed that this town was called Dorchester on ac- count of the great respect of its early settlers for Rev. John White, a clergyman of your place at that time, and an active instrument in promoting the settlement and procuring its charter. They sailed from Plymouth, England, March 20, and arrived May 30, 1630 ; they came in the ship Mary and John, Capt. Squeb, and were finally settled down here as a body politic about June 17, 1630. They were reinforced from time to time, and many rmiained here only for a short period and then went to other places and made new homes. It is estimated that there are now living, in this country, two hundred thousand persons who are descendants of the early settlers of this town A little previous to the year 1700 (Oct. 22, 1695). a church was organized in this town, which went to South Carolina and planted another Dorchester ; so that in civil affairs you have children and grandchildren in this western world. A large number of persons of the following names, descendants of the early settlers of this town, are now living here or in 74 646 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. this vicinity, viz. : Baker, Bird, Blackman, Blake, Bradlee, Billings, Capen, Clapp, Davenport, Foster, Glover, Holmes, Hall, Hawes, Howe, Hewins, Humphreys, Jones, Leeds, Lyon, Moseley, Minot, Pierce, Payson, Preston, Pope, Rob- inson, Spur, Sumner, Tileston, Tolman, Yose, White, With- ing-ton, Wales and Wiswell. Any information concerning- these names would be very interesting to us, appreciated, and treasured up for posterity. The inhabitants of this town propose to celebrate the 19th anniversary of our birth-day as a nation, on the coming July 4th. Hon. Edward Everett, a native of this place, and late Minister Plenipotentiary to Great Britain, will address the assembly. The sons and daughters of the town, wherever scattered, are invited to come to their ancestral home and unite with us on this occasion. It is too much for us to ask that a delegation be sent from your borough to add to the interest of this festival ; but should one or more of your citi- zens whom you would approve be in this country, it would give us great pleasure to have them attend as our guests. Dorchester adjoins Boston on the south, contains about 8000 inhabitants, and for its size is one of the wealthiest towns in the country ; its valuation last year was $10,182,400. Its location is one of great interest, and its founders had an eye for the beautiful when they pitched their tents upon this land of promise ; their hands cultivated these spreading fields, and "helped to subdue a wilderness which now blossoms like the rose." Within the last generation science has subdued the ele- ments, and made them applicable to the purposes of man ; distance is computed by time and not space, so that you seem neighbors as well as friends ; and by this epistle we reach forth across the ocean, offer you the right hand of fellowship, and in imagination look forward to that future when the only question asked by all nations will be — How does it stand related to eternal truth ? With great respect, your friends, Edmund P. Tileston, Edmund J. Baker, Ebenezer Clapp, Jr. Wm. D. Swan, Wm. B. Trask, Wm. H. Eichardson, James Swan, Samuel Blake, C. M. S. Churchill, Edward Holden, HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 647 PROM THE MAYOR OP DORCHESTER, ENG. ''J>i the Members of the Dorchester Antiquarian and Historical Society, Dorchester, Massachusetts, U, S. South Street, Dorchester, Dorset. I6th June, 1855. Gentlemen and Friends : — Your letter, which as Major it fell to my lot to receive, has created a feeling of interest amongst us, and we welcome with great cordiality the com- munication from those whom we may style kinsfolk. I have caused your letter to be printed, and have circulated it amongst such persons especiallj' as are likely to assist us in our inqui- ries on the subject of it. I myself, and I believe many others, would gladly pay you a visit, but that we cannot spare the time required to do so. We feel that we cannot furnish you with an account of our town and neighborhood in such a manner as we would wish, in time for your anniversary, but we hope by the 80th anniversary to be enabled to collect a portfolio for you, which, if you wish, we shall gladly forward to you. I have already a nucleus of the collection. Mr. White's name is still known in the Borough, and there are still names amongst us which are enumerated by you. The Town itself does not probably exceed, by much, the limits it had when our common ancestors left it. Being surrounded by the lauds of the Duchy of Cornwall, which are held in common, there has been a constant check upon increasing our bounds. We are, however, we trust, increasing our station amongst other towns, and we hope ere long that the obstacle to our extension may be removed. The County Goal and other public buildings being situated here, and the Assizes and Quarter Sessions being held here, add to our importance. The suburb of Fordington now forms part of our Borough. We have five Churches, and several Chapels for those whose doctrines difier from the Church of England. Of these churches, two are in Fording- ton and three in Dorchester. The Holy Trinity Church was rebuilt in 1824-5 ; the Church of All Saints about five or six years ago. The Church of St. Peters is the oldest church in the town. There is now a scheme on foot for restoring and repairing this church, and for giving greater accommodation to our poorer brethren. When completed, we shall give them upwards of 200 free sittings, and the building will then be a handsomer specimen of architecture. At present the com- mittee are stayed by want of sufficient funds. Two import- ant Railways, the London and South Western and the Great Western, approach us, whilst at eight miles distant we have the Port of Weymouth, and the Island of Portland, with the 648 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. Quarries, whereon the Government have established Convict Prisons, and by convict labor in great part they are forming' a breakwater. Our design is to furnish you, if acceptable, with a full de- scription of the town and neighborhood, accompanied by such views as we may be able to procure or furnish to illustrate our account. We do not think we can do this with justice to the subject before next summer, but if you will then ac- cept it as a pledge of good feeling and good fellowship, it is humbly at your service. You will perhaps let me know how these matters should be sent to you ; and with every good wish for your welfare, I remain yours very faithfully, THOMAS COOMBS, 3Iaijor. ladies' DORCHESTER AND MILTON CIRCULATING LIBRARY. One of the first fairs in an open grove in this vicinity was held at Vose's Grove, a beautiful spot at the head of tide-water on Neponset River, July 4, 1838, for the purpose of raising funds wherewith to establish a library. The project was originated the year previous by Miss Lydia B. Baker. The ladies who assumed the responsibility on this occa- sion, were Mrs. Mary Morton, Miss Clarissa Sum- ner, Miss Penelope Rowe, Miss Lydia B. Baker, Miss Lucia P. Brown, Miss Susan M. Kendall, Miss Mary Codman, Miss Ida, Miss Geraldine T. and Miss Rosalin G. Russell, Mrs. Mary B. Churchill, Miss Eliza R. Glover, Miss Lucinda and Miss Harriet Baldwin. The proceeds of the fair were ^965 10. A second fair for the purpose was held in 1852, which yielded ^612. These amounts, with a liberal contribution of books and money, have made this a permanent institution. It now contains about 2500 volumes, exclusive of reviews and pamphlets. HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 649 THE MATTAPAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. This Association, located at Harrison Square, was formed December 18, 1848. Its first officers were — Increase S. Smith, Librarian ; Charles Carruth, Treasurer ; Frederic W. Macondray, Ebenezer Tol- man, and Thomas C. Wales, Committee. The pre- sent number of volumes is 1179, many of which are very valuable works. THE GARDNER LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Incorporated in 1856. Charles C. Temple, Pres't ; C. C. Hall, Secretary ; George Haynes, Treasurer. DORCHESTER ATHEN.EUM. In March, 1856, several gentlemen in the north part of the town suggested the idea of a society for the promotion of social intercourse and mutual im- provement. Among the most active were John J. May, Ambrose H. White, and Amasa Pray. A pub- lic meeting was called, and such progress was made that the old Everett school-house was soon purchased and removed from Sumner Street to the Junction of Pleasant, Cottage and Pond Streets, and remodelled to suit the purpose of an Athenteum and a library. Its first officers were John G. Nazro, President; John J. May, Secretary ; Ambrose H. White, Trea- surer ; Amasa Pray, Jacob Davis, Ebenezer Clapp, Jr., and Michael O. Barry, Trustees. March 14th, 1857, it was incorporated, for " the purpose of estaU lishing a library and a reading room, and for ad- vancing useful arts, science, &c." These, with other small libraries and those con- 650 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. nected with the Sunday Schools and Parishes, to- gether with the public libraries and other sources in the neighboring city of Boston, to which so many of our citizens have easy access, furnish reading matter attainable by all. BANKS. The first bank established in Dorchester, was call- ed the Dorchester and Milton Bank. It was incor- porated in 1832, and was situated at the Lower Mills. It first President was Moses Whitney ; its first Cashier, H. Temple. In 1850 this bank was robbed of about J3 2,000, on which account the name was changed to the Blue Hill Bank, which name is still retained. Some of the money was recovered. The Mattapan Bank., situated at Harrison Square, was incorporated in 1849. First President, Edward King ; first Cashier, Frederic Beck. A Savings Bank., also located at Harrison Square, was incorporated in 1853. First President, William Richardson ; first Treasurer, Charles Howe. MINISTERIAL AND CHURCH LANDS. The early settlers of New England, in their zeal for the religious welfare of the newly planted colo- ny, were careful to endeavor to promote it in various ways by their public acts. Accordingly, we find that as soon as the land in the town of Dorchester became of marketable value, an allotment of it was made for the support of the ministry. The frequent inquiries which have been made by clergymen and others, who have removed into the town since the HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 651 division of this property was effected, induces ns to give the following brief record. The original grant is as follows : "At a meeting of the proprietors of the common land of Dorchester y^ Lyeth between y^ divisions that are already Layed out on y^ line that runneth from Ded- ham to y*' tope of y^ Blue hills, they doe freely giue, sequester and set out forever, fower hundred acres of land, that is two hundred acres thereof to be im- proved from time to time for the use and mainte- nance of the ministry to y^ inhabitants of Dorches- ter on y'' North West side of y'' river Neponset, and y^ other two hundred acres to y^ inhabitants of Dor- chester that live on the South West side of the sd river Neponset, for to be improved for the use of the ministry there from time to time, and the donors dew declare that y*" land above said shall not be giv- en or any way made over, alienated or sold, directly or indirectly, to any minister or any other p'sons whatsoever, or to their heirs, executors or assigns, but shall remain and continue to be improved for the use above said." mo. "Voted by the proprietors above sayd y® 16-11- 1659." " 1-10-1662. It was voted that the 400 acres given for the maintenance of the ministry for Dor- chester and Unquety should with the common land be divided, and Capt. Clap and Ensign Capen are appointed to do that work and make a return." " 8-10-1662. Robert Redman was appointed to receive the pay of the town of Milton for laying out the 200 acres of land given for the ministry." 652 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. It appears that when Milton was set off from Dorchester and incorporated as a separate town, in 1662, Dorchester withhekl its objections on condi- tion that the ministerial and chnrch lands should not be taxed. The following is the vote passed by the town, May 5, 1662 : " Provided also, That all the lands or any of their Estate inhabiting upon the lands lately reserved for the maintenance of the ministry in Dorchester, both it and they shall not be charged to any common charges by our neighbors at Unquity. Neither that meadow which doe belong to the Church of Dor- chester." " 7-10-1763. The committee appointed to lay out and divide the 400 acres of land given for the use of the ministry made their return. The vote was whether Milton should have that end next the parallel line, and Dorchester the end next the river. The vote was in the affirmative." When, in 1806, the First (and only) Parish in the town became so large that it was impossible to accommodate all in one Church, the Second Parish was organized. Before that, the town was the pa- rish and the parish the town ; and the affairs of the two were therefore intimately connected. Now it became necessary to organize as parishes ; and as the division was a matter of necessity, the income of the ministerial and church property was divided, by mutual consent, in the proportion that each pa- rish was taxed by the town. And here we will add, that the ministerial property was parish property, given for the support of the clergy and other neces- HISTORY OF DORCHESTER, 653 sary expenses connected with public worship ; and the church property was land, money and other valuables, given by individuals to the Church as an organization within the Parish. The funds of these two organizations have always been kept separate, as much so as those of two different towns, each having a treasurer of its own. When the trouble occurred in the Second Parish, a new difficulty arose about the division of the income from these fands ; and after a few years the First Parish took the initiatory steps to cause a division of the same. The final step was taken by the joint agreement of the committees of the three Parishes, January 31, 1825 — it being well un- derstood, by those versed in the law, that the First Parish had a legal right to the whole. The principle adopted was that the First Parish should have one half, the Second and Third one fourth each ; and all the ministerial property was thus divided, except- ing the lot on which the Almshouse stands, and a parcel of land then held by Jeremiah S. Boies, on a lease of ninety-nine years. To the First Parish was assigned the A. Q. R. " Great Wood Lot," in Milton, containing 60 1 27 " Little Pasture," in " " 16 2 23 " Gravel Hole," in " " 11 37 "Purgatory Swamp," Dorchester," 12 32 " Indian Hill," .. » -j 10 " Ministerial Meadow," " (op. Alms H.) 2 38 Forty shares State Bank, Boston, . . $2660 00 United States 6 per cent, stock, . . 1077 12 Cash, ....... 103426 75 $4771 38 654 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER, To the Second Parish was assigned the " Great Pasture," in Milton, containing Part of " West Wood Lot," A. Q. K, 40 3 24 20 60 3 24 $1662 50 72J 5 18 Twenty-five shares State Bank, Cash, ...... $2385 68 To the Third Parish was assigned A. Q. R. " Trott's Pasture," in Milton, containing- 36 1 25 Part of " West Wood Lot," " 25 2 23 62 8 Notes and demands against sundry persons, $2385 68 The committee on division close their report as follows : " It is more than probable that the whole of the real and personal property now divided, might, upon strict principles of legal right, have been retained by the First Parish, in exclusion of the other Parishes, and of all claims and interference of the town. Nevertheless, having separated from this from urgent necessity, and not from animosity or caprice, they had a strong claim in equity to a portion of the funds ; and it is believed that this transaction, in which the First Parish not only acquiesced, but took the lead in the division of this property, upon the broader principle of equity, will forever be considered a distinguished act of their munificence and liberality." The church property was divided among the First, Second and Third Churches, in 1817, in proportion to numbers. John Russell, who died August 26, 1633, left half of his property to the Church ; and HISTOay OF DORCHESTER. 655 David Price, who died about 1653, left a large por- tion of his to the same. Most of the donors to the Church have been dead upwards of a hundred years, BURIAL-GROUNDS. The first burial-ground in Dorchester is supposed to have been situated around the first meeting-house of the settlers, near the present corner of Pleasant and Cottage Streets. The ground now designated as the " Old Burying- Ground," and situated at the corner of Boston and Stoughton Streets, was agreed upon in November, 1633 ; and on March 3, 1634, the town voted to lay it out five rods square. This has been enlarged, from time to time, until it now contains not far from three acres. This is one of the most interesting burial-grounds in the country, having been used as such for two centuries and a quarter, and furnished a final resting-place during that time for the bodies of no less than six thousand persons. Many of the descendants of the first settlers, from far and near, visit this sacred spot. Some " Old Mortality " might here find objects of interest and occupation for many a day. Like other burial-grounds in our country, it was a neglected enclosure until a comparatively recent period. About twenty-five years since, the late Samuel Downer, a man of leisure and great taste, devoted much time to its improvement, by set- ting out and cultivating within its borders a variety of ornamental trees and flowers. It is believed" that no burial-ground in the United States has inscrip- tions so ancient as some here found, excepting per- 656 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. haps that of Jamestown, in Virginia. The oldest one is that of Barnard CajDen, who died November 8, 1638, aged 76 years. The present stone is in place of the original. The oldest original stone covers the grave of two persons, and has the follow- ing inscription : " A.bel his ofFering- accepted is His body to the Grave his so^le to blis| On October^ twentyfand no more In ti^Yeare sixteen ht/ndred 44." The following is a few years later : Svbmite svbmitted to her heavenly King- Being a flower of asternal Spring Neare 3 years old she died in heaven to waite The Yeare was sixteen hundred 48. The South Burial-Ground, situated on Washing" ton Street, near the Lower Mills, was first used as a place of interment in 1814; the first tenant being Mrs. Lucinda Hawes, wife of Mr. John Hawes, who died May 18, and was buried May 20, 181-1. " Dorchester Cemetery," so called, situated on Norfolk Street, was bequeathed to the Second Pa- rish by its pastor, Kev. John Codman, D.D. It was consecrated October 27, 1848, an address being made on the occasion by Eev. J. H. Means, succes- sor to Dr. Codman, and a prayer by Rev. William M. Rogers, of Boston. The remains of Dr. Codman were transferred to the family tomb in the Cemetery, on the same day. The members of the Parish have erected a granite monument to his memory, and in- sciibed upon it " Our Pastor." The first interment HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 657 was of the body of Mrs. Mary C. Sanborn, and took place on October 19, 1848. The Konian Catholic Cemetery, on Norfolk Street, was purchased of John Tolman, of Dorchester, Au- gust 12, 1850, by John Dolan and James Kelley. It then contained about ten acres, but has since been enlarged. Numerous interments have been made in this ground from Boston and the neighboring towns. CONCLUSION. Having accompanied our readers through the successive epochs of the history of our ancient Town, and intr(jduced them to the men and things of the present generation, let us, in bringing it to a close, briefly review the past, and give due respect to our progenitors, as far as they devoted themselves to the true purposes of life. In estimating their charac- ters, it is proper that we should take into considera- tion the age m which they lived, and judge them by their light, not ours. Nor would we over-estimate the past, to the disparagement of new and better things. The ship Mary and John, which brought the first settlers of Dorchester, properly belonged to what is called the Winthrop fleet, but was the first to arrive ; consequently the trouble and responsibility of fixing upon a place for settlement devolved upon them. Gov. Winthrop and his party soon arrived, and 658 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. " set down " at the mouth of Charles River. These, witli the settlers of Salem, established the Puritan Commonwealth. Although, on their arrival, better provided than the Pilgrims of Plymouth with the necessaries of life, and rejoicing in the bright and genial summer weather, yet who can tell of tiieir straits in this then inhospitable wilderness ^ They were in want of cattle and swine, both for breed and for husbandry, and were in doubts and fears concerning their Indian neighbors. Their suffering during the first winter must have been great ; yet they never wished to turn their feet homeward. They had suffered too much, before they resolved to leave their country, to be easily enticed back, and were determined not " to hazard a celestial advance- ment for a gilded coronet, or prefer the flattery of mistaken mortals to the a])probation of angels." Roger Clap, after enumerating their wants for food, says, " Bread was so very scarce, that sometimes I tho't the very crusts of my Father s Table would have been very sweet unto me. And when I could have meal and water and salt boiled together, it was so good, who could wish better 1 " Ponder upon that, ye epicures and fault-finders of the present generation. Yet, adds the same writer, " I do not remember that ever I did wish myself back again to my Father's house." They kept up a correspon- dence with their friends in England, and entered warmly into the plans which helped to crush out the power of Charles I. and his friends, and looked with admiration upon Cromwell, who was in Parlia- ment before they left their native shores, and was HISTORY OF DORCPIESTER. 659 emphatically the representative of the free and vigor- ous spirit of that day. To his everlasting credit be it spoken, he was one of the first to dispute the divine rii>ht of kinos. He was manifestlv a friend o o * and helper of the colony ; he lopped otF all ma- chinery which in his opinion interfered with its true progress, and under him it flourished, because let alone. Most of the dwellings of the first settlers were log houses ; in them they managed to keep pretty com- fortable in winter, abundantly provided, as they were, with wood. Much of their time, in the long evenings of that season of the year, was doubtless spent in conversation about their old homes in England, and the civil and religious commotions and restrictions there, as well as upon the wild beasts and still wilder Indians here. When the snow barricaded their dwell- ings, or they looked out upon a rocky and barren soil, what a contrast to the clear and arable lands which they had left ! Then they would compare their own condition with that of their relatives in England, who were smarting under the exactions and persecutions brought about by Bishops Laud, Wren and Cosins on the one side, and the hardly less intolerant Scotch Presbyterians on the other. We should not forget, however, that they were stren- uous and self-willed themselves, Gov. Endicott go- ing so far as to send back to England John and Samuel Brown, for worshipping after the manner of the church of their native country. Samuel Gorton, it would also appear, was persecuted by them, be- cause too liberal for his age. To him there was 660 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. " no heaven, but in the heart of a good man ; no hell, but in the conscience of the wicked." He looked upon all creeds, formulas and dogmas as mischievous and of no authority compared with the word of God. Such doctrines as these met with no favor in the eyes of our puritan ancestors. There were a few other individuals, at that early day, whose imagina- tion soared beyond the transient and the twilight of the present, and who could see in the future an ideal good. They could see " spring part her sweet lips with the inspiration of glorious youth and beauty ; they could see morning cut the empyrean with a face bright and beautiful as light, and evening droop her head as she flew homeward to rest." How in- spiring to natures of this kind, to hear " Anne Hutcliinson and Henry Yane talk together of faith, of the divine light, and the new future." But the age was neither ready nor willing to appreciate the great truths they promulgated, and which, one by one, have since been acknowledged ; they did not awake, as Herder says of the Germans, " when it was noon every where else " ; but they sprang for- ward and impressed their generation with their en- ergy ; it was their appointed work to help build the vestibule of that great temple of liberty, whose dome will finally shelter and bless the whole world. The Puritans of Massachusetts Colony had more cultivation and action, but less charity and brotherly love, than the Pilgrims at Plymouth. They consi- dered their emigration here as an exodus from bond- age to freedom, and desired none of the worshippers of the Mother Church, or the " Scarlet Woman," to HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. 661 enter their new English Canaan. Their lives were spent in the fear of God ; but they were not without their seasons of enjoyment, or even of the sports of life. They occasionally had their festive gatherings, and unbent from the trying realities of life and the stern dogmas of their faith. This applies more par- ticularly to the first comers, and not so much to their children, the first generation born here, who, it must be admitted, had not the opportunities, train- ing, experience, and consequently the ability, of their fathers. They were born into a wilderness ; and as the essential conditions of life and progress are never changed, they could not sustain the cha- racters of those who had been familiar with kings and courts, persecutions and prisons. They were taught to follow that road which leads to the " eter- nal city " ; but their position was cramped, their ideas hedged in by circumstances, which have so much to do, the world over, in the formation of character. Ancestors! in you we recognize the pioneers of noble thoughts and the founders of a great religious commonwealth. Uncharitable, injudicious, dogma- tic, were many of the elements which made up the great whole of your character as rulers and as men ; yet we trust that an intelligent and vigorous pos- terity will avoid your errors, and unfold and per- petuate your highest aspirations, until every vestige of wickedness is removed, and the highest type of christian civilization acquired. Descendants ! to you we devise the great' inheri- tance we have received from our fathers. It is yours 76 662 HISTORY OF DORCHESTER. to retain its best and banish its worst features. There are many lands yet to be explored, many truths to be acknowledged, many inventions to be made, and many oppressions to be overturned. " It is for you to search creation through, climb all mountains, cross and sound all seas ; number, clas- sify, and follow in their course all the stars of the firmament ; dig into the bowels of the earth, gather its hidden treasures, fathom every secret, solve every riddle of nature, copy all beauty, breathe all music, and accumulate to use and enjoyment whatever of comfort or of luxury nature can supply."* Thus may science continue its conquering march, until truth, immortal truth, be enthroned in every heart, every error rooted out, and every virtue engrafted on the tree of life. When this great consummation is complete, may we all be found citizens of the kingdom eternal, and sharers in its unspeakable blessings ! * From the Christian Examiner, with slight alterations. INDEX OF NAMES. In this history, much of which has been copied from old documents and records, the orthography of many of the names is various. In the index the name is given according to the true pronunciation, as near as can be ascertained. Abbot, pas^e 382 Ackleag, 341 Adams, 74, 262, 323, 330 336,341, 410, 525, 537 Aldridge, 101 Allen, 21 , 33, 38, 40, 64 122, 143, 234, 265, 341 370, 482, 600, 550, 551 557, 608 Alline, 603, 604 Allyn, 382 Ames, 292, 535 Anderson, 256 Andrews, 38, 40, 126,154 192, 199, 256, 344, 424 475, 542, 545 Andros, 42, 100, 140, 176 253 494 Angie'r, 143, 501,533 Annable, 78, 105 Anne (Queen), 279 Appleton, 530, 560 Armstrong, 92 Arnold, 524 Aspinwail, 143 Atherton, 48, 101,102,104 110, 111, 118, 143, 158 160, 166, 167, 172, 174 176, 179, 181, 182, 187 188, 189, 191, 193, 202 211, 248,254,256,285 341, 424,425,429,444 488, 489, 490, 491, 492 559, xi. Aiherington, 353 Atkins, 410 Atwood, 143 Austin, 59, 383 Avery, 143, 185,640 Awaslionks, 506 Axson, 265 Ay let, 123 Ayres, 249, 617 Babcock, 110, 143, 144 209, 284, 343, 578, 603 604, 615, 620, 62, xi. Babson, 514, 515 Bacon, 144, 264 Badcock, 101, 210, 344 353, 368 Badlam, 344, 353, 373 454, 455, 544. 545 Bailey, 144, 418, 573 Baker, 87, 100, 101, 105 113, 118, 126, 136, 139 144, 182, 199, 239,- 256 264, 265,269,307,341 344, 352, 353, 364, 379 424, 455,491,504,510 628, 564,569,591, 604 605, 606, 607, 614, 616 619. 625,626,627,629 633, 636, 637, 638, 640 641,642,643,646, 648 Balch, 323, 331, 535, 539 Baldwin, 633, 334, 648 Ball, 144,199,236,239 250 Ballard, 138 Bancroft, 15, 382, 582 Barker, 101, 117,126,144 257, 505 Barnard, 299, 312, 382 572 Barr, 256 Barrows, 412 Barry, 344,505,517,649 Bartol, 544 Bascomb, 38, 40 Bass, 42, 43, 44, 45, 124 417, 622, 625, 564, 565 594 Bales, 92,101,106,113 139, 144, 155, 158, 170 181, 344, 424 Batten, 55, 144, 195 Baxter, 267, 268, 373 Bedman, 144 Beal, 237, 342, 344, 567 Beaumont, 144 Berk, 526, 650 Beighton, 73 Belcher, 111, 120, 183 232, 256,260,341,353 601, 602,610,611,612 613, xii. Belknap, 6, 358 Bellingham, 91, 143, 206 Bendall, 608 Benham, 27, 38, 40, 160 Bent, 353 Benjamin, 408 Bernard, 321, 361 Betts, 144 Bigg, 119 Billings, 54, 101, 110, 120 144, 262,' 267, 288, 307 341, 344,506,515,518 662,581,598, 646, xi. 664 INDEX OF NAMES. Birch, 53, J 44, 201, 209 211, 212,220,224,225 232 Bird, 101. 105, 109, 144 186, 199, 202,206, 254 256, 260,261,266,270 285, 299, 308,311, 334 341, 342, 344,352,353 386, 435, 457, 462, 536 564, 567, 624, 625, 6i6 Bishop, 307 Bissell, 73 Blacksloue, 8, 161, 164 413 Blackmail, 144, 199, 247 341, 342,344,345,346 352, 353, 646 Blake, 8, 30, 42, 50, 61 74, 101. 106, 108, 113 132, 137, 143, 144, 164 165, 174, 176, 179, 181 185, 191, (92, 195, 199 207, 209,211,212,218 227, 230,231,233,234 23(i, 238, 241, 242, 245 247, 248, 250,251,252 255, 256, 257, 258, 270 288, 291, 294,298, 299 300, 301, 302,306,307 Sra, 310,311,313,314 315, 334, 341, 342, 348 367, 388, 389, 424, 493 528, 545, 550, 662, 565 566, 567, 584, 636, 637 646 Blaney, 344 Blindinan. 76 Bliss, 536 Bodge, 352, 616 Boies, 335, 457,613,614 618, 622,623.624,625 626, 630,631,632,633 635. 638, 639, 640, 641 653 Bollard, 61 Bolton, 144, 199, xii. Boment, 577 Bond, .532 Bosiock, 133 Bostwick, 344 V Bourne, 101, 107 Bowdoin, 355, 386, 444 470 Bowen, 250 Bowes, 296 Bowker, 144 Bowman, 296, 297, 298 309, 311, 312,320, 325 326, 327, 328, .329, 330 360, 363,406,480,516 522, 629, 530, 531, 564 665 Boyden, 410 Boylston, 284, 290 Er 9 Bradish, 210, 211 Bradley, 117, 143, 144 199, 209, 226,238,239 285, 345, 646 Bradstreet, 77 Bradford, 20, 56, 143, 382 549, 602 Brainard, 253 Brancker, 38,41. 129 Breck, 30, 59, 88,91, 94 101, 107, 108, 133, 136 143, 144, 169, 176, 177 183, 185,239,243,246 248, 249,250,251, 253 255, 281,307,424,430 434, 437, 438, 445, 484 485,510, 525,561 Brenton, 441 Brewer, 352, 408, 415, 417 572 Briani, 256 Bridge, 133 Bridges. 77 Bridgham, 144 Briggs, 511. 584 Brin.smead, 127, 143, M4 483, 656, 557, 561 Brinley, 619 Brooke, 36 Brooks, 262, 385, 393, 394 418 Brock. 501 VBrown, 144, 199,233,239 294, 362, 366, 366, 414 648,659 Brundage, 542 Buck, 144 Buckminsler, 99 Bugbee, 72 Bulkley. 230. 274 Bullard, 117,440 Bullock, 101, 111 Bulnnch, 418 Burge, 121. 144,237,239 Burgess, 130 Burgoyne, 348, 368, 369 540 Burr, 101, 107, 108, 167 168, 169, 405, 566 Burroughs, 370 Burrill, 410 Bursley, 38, 41 Busse}', 642 Butler, 101, 109, 144, 195 219, 411,424,470,482 483 495 Bull, 'l44, 211, 256, 289 293 Buitolph, 265 Bvbv,'2I5 Byles, 296, 319 Cabot, 14 Calef, 438. 440, 441 Galley, 256 Candler, 141,481 Capen, 38, 42, 43, 44, 45 87,89,97,118,136,144 158, 195, 199,201,203 205, 206,208, 211,218 220, 222. 223, 225, 226 227, 229, 230,231,233 236, 238,241,243, 245 251, 254,258,2.59,260 261, 266,267,268,283 285, 294,327,342,344 353, 370, 424. 435, 436 437, 462, 453, 455, 488 495, 630, 636, 537, 538 560, 569, 571, 631,632 633, 641, 646, 651,666 Caps, 256 Carriel, 344 Carruth, 649 Carew, 261 Carlwright, 144, 204, 223 Carter, 38, 46 Cealey, 144 Charles!., 126, 193,658 Charles II., 115, 196,205 Chamberlain, 144, 587 Chambers, 353 Champney, 296,341,342 Chandler," 144, 256, 294 549 Channing, 378 Chapin, b'O Chaplin, 144, 211, 226 227, 233, 237, 256 Chauncv,222 Checkley, 320 Cheesebrough, 25 Cheeney. 256, 636 Chilton, 142 Child. 459, 539, 552, 553 Church, 323 Churchill, 646, 648 Chickalabot, 10, 11, 12 13,23,35,218,219.222 Clap, 4. 5, 17, 18, 19,21 22, 38, 41, 42, 51, 82 87,91,96, 101,103,111 112, 113, 128, 137, 144 163, 155, 167, 175, 176 177, 179, 181, 182, 183 186, 187, 188, 189, 191 192, 193, 194, 195, 199 200, 201, 206, 208, 212 218, 221,225,227,230 231 , 233, 234, 235, 236 237, 238, 241,245,247 248, 250,251,253, 254 265, 257, 258, 259, 260 268, 269,270,281,283 284, 286, 288, 289, 290 291, 294.299, 301.305 307, 308, 313, 323, 327 341 , 342, 344, 347, 348 351, 352,353,356,358 360, 363, 364, 365, 370 INDEX OF NAMES, 665 378, 413, 4'24, 438, 434 4">G, Ul, 443, 4fi4, 497 608, 5iy, oiO, 521,o"24 630, 631. 539.560,503 668, 669, 572. 574, .'>87 6)7, 621.64-2,643,646 649, 651, 658 Clark, 38, 46, 49, 74, 101 114, 115, 116, 144, 164 167, 170, 177, 179, 181 18.'i, i:;5, 192, •206,209 <212, 218,247, 253,256 281, 424,434, 458, 527 631, 590, 613, 623,628 629, 637 Clemeiil. 38, 46, 72, 81 111. 144, 209, 256, 424 Cobiirn, 413 Cochran , xli. Cock, 88 Codiiiiiglon, 141 Codmau, 109.266,302,.S71 378, 379, 380, 38 1 , 382 383, 384, .'.86, 4' '7, 411 412, 572, .573, 648, 656 Cogaii,38, 47, 48 Coggings, 45 Cogs wt-l 1,519 Cole, 342 CoHicott. 17, 38, 46, 47 48, 148, 155, 167, 182 195, 421, 694 Collins, 1.(4,205,341 Collyer, 344, 353 Colmau, 304, 305, 382 Colson. 284, 597, 620,622 Conaui, 15,16,25,87,480 Conev, 641 Connor, 628, 629, 637 Conger, 552 , Cook, 38,49,61, 103,117 128, 172, 256,441,622 Cooli-lce. 296, 342, 347 631, 532 Coombs, 618 Cof.por, 46, 67, 304, 331 478 Copp, l."4 Corle.t, 144, 223 Cornbury, .%! Cotlon, 45, 128, 129,216 312, 489 CouMns. 215, 659 Cowell, 58 Cox, 293, 317, 341, 353 410.6(6,624,625 Crablree, 2.36 Craclock, 16, 90,401 Crandall, 410 Crab, 93 Cram, 343 Crane, 144,229,2.56,342 344, .3.-/2, 3o3, 373, .383 4M, 4.57,453,469,539 640, 541.630 77 Crebnre, 144, 256, 342 379, 380, 528, 625, xii. Cremiii, 144, 199 Cromwell, 107, 196, 555 606, 658 Crosby, 144, 341 Crouch, 344 Cunlifte, 144, 192 Cunningham, 408 Curtis, 71, 144, 199.256 439, 522,523,524,552. Cusliing, 242, 410, 412 672, 590 roller, 331 Culshuniaquin, 11, 13, 47 Culler, 138 Uyson, 353 Dakin, 262 Dalrymple, 361 Daniels, 55, 125, 144, 353 607 Danforth, 86, 114, 127 139, 144, 145, 229, 242 213, 244, 246, 247, 251 262, 258, 260, 262, 267 268, 270, 275, 280, 281 282, 285, 288, 290, 294 295, 296, 297, 298, 301 327, 389,4116,480,503 606, 607, 608, 512, 513 614. 516, 662 'Davenport, 101, 117, 144 115, 160, 175, 199,200 207, 229, 270,285, 311 341, 342,344,353,409 437, 602, 646 Davie, 145, 608 Davis, 81, 131, 144, 341 312, 344,352,376,439 441, .541, 669,622,628 649, xii. Darby, 343, 344 Deane, 145, 550 D'Aulua, 122 DeCliambourg, 276 D'Estaiug, 584 De Vcre, 18 Dcebie, 38, 50, 424 -Dcering, 611, 612, 613 Deluce, 334, 341, 314 Dennison, 444, 497 Denny, 573 Dciislowe, 38. 49 »„Dcnton, 88, 144 Dewey, 38, 49, 50, 61 Dexter, 668 Devotion, 510,511 Dickorman, 101, 116, 117 141, 344,424 Dickinson, 383 Diniocke, 38,50, 195 Dodge, 416 Doggeil, 286 Dolbeare. 452 Dolan, 657 Dole, 336 Dolman, 52 Doiy, 368 Douglas, 549 Douse, 253, 308 Dove, 352 Downer, 73, 286, 655 Drake, 144, 151,229,231 249, 293, 319, 320,493 494 Draper, 344, 353, 535. 547 673 Dudley, 6, 10. 63, 79, 312 Duffield, 543 Dummer, 109, 294 Dunbar, 441,608, 540 Duncan, 17, .30, 38, 50, 58 109, 115, 127, 145, 148 150, 153, l.i5, 158, 160 167, 171, 176, 177, 386 424 Dunham, 507 Dunton, 249, 250 Dwight, 261.. 546 Dyer, 17, 27. 38. 50, 135 145, 199,370,411,424 694, 608, xii. Dyke, 139, 145 Easlburn, 416 Eaton, 130, 342 Edmands, 138 Edwards, 76 Eeles, .38, 51, 154 Egglestoa, 27, 38, 51 Elder, 145, 199, 239 Eliot, 13, 47, 103, 129 180, 186, 187, 190,219 222, 243, 246, 296, 331 382, 469, 478, 493, 581 Ellen, 69, 209, 237, 238. 288 Ellis, 65, 191, 297, 342 436,442.457,497 Ellms, 100, 140 E well, 38, 61 Emerson, 110, .383, 477 Emery, 487, 650 Emmons, 383 Endicotl, 16, 17, 18, 62 85, 123, 146, 151,494 659 English, 314 Eiio, 57 Enslin, 605 Erbury, 76 Eusiis, 385 Evans, 101, 117, 130, 199 256 Everdnn, 307, 576, 601 6C9, 610, 611,618, 626 Everet;,.320,331,4r6,439 466, 472, 478, 480, 63* 666 INDEX OF NAMES. 539, 552, 567, 5G8, 569 570, 646, xii. Eyres, 131 Fairfax, 65 Fairfield, 487 Fairii, 341, 344 Faueuil, 611 Farmer, 41,50,51,70,75 96. 102, 495, 559 Farnham, 101, 115, 119 135, 424 Famsworlli, 101, 119, 120 126, 164, 179, 424 Farringlon, 334, 436 Farris, 342 Fay, 38, 51 Feakes, 38, 52 Felt, 344, 494 Fenn, 101 , 120 Feniio, 209, 229, 341, 342 352, 353, 582, 533, 625 Fessendcn, 341 Ffower, 101, 119,424 Field, 353, 552, 553, 557 561 Filer, 38, 51 Filmore, 409 Fish, 504 Fisher, 59, 108, 138, 145 185, 186, 193, 195, 199 200, 205, 207, 209, 263 488 Fisk, 260,511 Filch, 66 Fling, 342 Flinn, 412 Flint, 116, 125, 145, 212 219, 220, 221,226,228 234, 235, 236, 238, 240 252, 295, 405, 406, 486 496, 560 Flood, 38, 52, 195 Fobes, 289 Ford, 17, 27, 33, 38, 42 49,51,98 Forward, 145 Foster, 88, 101, 106, 108 118, 123, 130, 145,176 181, 182, 183, 185, 186 187, 188, 189, 191, 192 193, 194, 195, 199,200 205, 208, 211,218,219 220, 221, 223,224,225 226, 227, 230, 244, 245 254, 260, 261,266,268 269, 281, 285,299,308 31 1 , 334, 342, 344, 382 424, 430, 433, 434, 435 436, 441, 444, 487, 492 493, 494, 495, 533, 544 559, 646, xi. xii. Fowle, 519 Fowler, 342 Fowst, 256 Fox, 262, 459, 574 Foye (Fry), 124, xii. Francis, 145,199,211 Freak, 114 Freeman, 441 French, 38, 52, 145,546 Fuller, 20, 21, 101, 120 379, 416, 624, 625, 640 641 Furnell, 221 Ga^e, 363, 366 Gallop, 38, 52, 151, 152 153 Gamline, 57 Gamsby, 342 Garch, 353 Gardner, 116, 212, 281 332, 551, 568, 606, 620 625, 633 Gates, 369 Gattlifle, 145 Gay, 312 Gaylord, 17, 22, 27, 38 52, 73, 79, 93, 148, 518 George, 145, 183, 199,206 221, 233, 237, 238, 240 246, 249, 256, 269 Gerrish, 511 Gibbens. 25, 77, 122, 167 Gibbs, 38,.53,77, 123, 135 Gibson, 27, 38, 52, 106 115, 118, 134, 148, 158 170, 227, 241, 424, 443 444, 469 Gilbert, 14, 38, 55, 101 121, 195 Giles, 344 Gilderslceve, 265 Gillespie, 458, 602, 603 622, 625 Gilman, 416, 618 GiUet, 38, 54, 93 Gill, 54, 101,110, 120,121 136, 14.5, 184,237,353 364, 368,441,590,601 608, 617 Gingle, 91 Glcason, 472 Glover, 27, 28, 38, 53, 54 69, 81,91, 98, 110, 122 141, 145, 148, 155, 158 160, 169, 174, 176, 177 179, 180, 181, 183. 185 189, 190, 192, 2.52, 253 288, 341, 342, 344, 352 353, 370, 424, 425, 528 5.56, 662, 569, 592, 593 646, 648 Glyssan, 549 Goddard, 335 Goffe, 49, 326, 344, 352 Goyt, 38, 55 Gookin, 11 Gooley, 342 Gorges, 7, 14, 161, 274 Gordon, 330 Gore, 308, 523, 530, 538 636 1 Gornell, 101,121,199,210 236, 237, U3 Gorton, 103, 171, 172, 659 Gould. 459, 546, 547 Gourd, 40 Grant, 38, .55,211, 229 Granville, 409 Graves, 145, 184, 247 , Gray, 332, 378, 382, 506 Green, 61, 250, 342, 372 Greenleafe, 162, 477, 544 Greenough, 87, 88, 383 Greenway, 27, 38. 55, 95 131, 186,424,532 Greenwood, 510, 540 Gridley, 410 Griffin, 383 Griswold. 73 Griggs, 105, 352 Grasillia, 370 \ Gulliver, 145, 184, 256 ' 342, 362 Gunn, 66, 93 Gurnsey, 72, 145,206,207 237 Hackwcll, 68 Hale, 5^0 Hall, 17, 35, 38, 48, 56 145, 183, 199, 206, 208 209, 211, 218,220, 223 225, 226, 236, 238, 240 241, 242,245, 247,248 2.50, 251, 2.53, 254, 266 285, 288, 325, 326, 327 328, 341,342, 352,353 354, 363, 407, 418, 435 439, 444, 464, 542, 550 551, 646, 649 Hammond, 39, 56, 124, xi. Hampden, 36 Hanaford, 419 Hancock, 297, 321, 322 323, 525, 530, 562, 583 611, 616 Hannan, 619, 627, 635, 636, 638 Hannum, xi. Harding, 3.53 Hardy, .574 Harlain, 631 Harmben, 162 Harrington, 334 Harris, 25,30, 41,46,49 52,57,60,61,69,70,78 108, 119, 125, 145,269 285, 342, 3.54, 357, 372 377, 378, 406, 407, 443 445, 479, 480, 487, 551 555, 570, 602 Hart, 38, 55 INDEX OF NAMES. 667 Hartshorn, 440 Hastings, 5o0 Hatch, 3S, 55, 298, 303 319, 320, 385, 563 Hathorne, 38, 47, 56 Haven, 95, 145, 354, xi. Hawes, 101, 123, 145, 189 199, 341, 345, 424, 458 604, 605, 656 Hawkins, 101, 121, 122 160, 165, 166, 177, 254 424, 578 Hayden, 38, 55, 93, 342 629 Haynes, 36, 63, 408, 649 Hayler, 415 Hayward, 345 Hazard, 7, 23, 24. 48, 292 Hazelton, 410, 613 Heakes, 25, xi. Healey,' 344 Heath, 179,533 Healon, 459, 547, 551 Hedding, 409 Hemmenway, 117, 135 Henchman, 611 Henry, 543 Henshaw, 91, 145, 199 211, 256,321 Herder, 660 Hereman, 352 Herring, xi. Hersey, 353 He wens, 117, 135, 145 ' 199, 241, 256, 646 Hewitt, 345 Hews, 291, 440 Hey wood, 63 Hibbins, 161 Hichborn, 568 Hicks, 100, 139, 205, 256 Higginson, 16, 318 Hill, 39, 69, 94, 145, 148 154, 178, 199,201,209 211, 229,236,239,415 v 416, 424, 534, 570 Hilton, 145 Hinckley, 81,82, 136,503 Hinsdale. 254 Hix, 117, 145 Hobart, 261, 585 Hobby, 312 Holbrook, 145 Holcomb, 39, 57, 61 Holden, 327,339, 347, 352 353, 362, 415, 416, 439 -44(Jj 544, 545, 643, 646 Holder, 101, 125 Holland, 39, 57, 145, 167 177, 308,424,561,682 587, 592, 598, xii. Holley, 39, 57 HoUingsworth, 607, 622 624, 625, 626, 630, 631 632, 641, 642 Hollister, 490 HoUoway, 145 Holman, 39, 58, 133, 145 148, 153, 155, 170, 195 235, 342, 424, 482, xi. Holmes, 37, 134,139, 145 199, 256,265,266,288 646 Holt, 128, 214 Homans, 324, 334, 342 444, 566. 570, 629 Hooker, 128, 216 Hooper, 415, 416 Hopkins, 40, 383 Hoppin, 67, 145, 182, 223 233 Horlon, 341, 342, 410 Hosford, 39, 57, 32 Iloskins, 27, 39, 56 f Hosley, 145, 239 Hoss, 199 Houchin, 101, 115, 123 424 Houghton, 145, 259, 539 Howard, 30, 79rl0], 124 145, 174, 176, 181, 182 183, 289, 424, 425, 429 Howe, 86, 108, 133, 145 199, 209,311,324, 327 335, 336, 344, 348, 360 361, 370, 373, 417,452 455, 532, 534, 543, 645 550, 567,610,618, 646 C50 Hoyt, 39, 57 Hubbard, 6, 9, 60, 122 123, 167, 173, 178, 260 283, 289, 493, 698 Huchings, 353 Hudson, 219, 220 Hughs, 342 Hulbert, 27, 39, 60 Hull, 33, 34, 39, 59, 60 70, 73, 494, 608, xi. Humphrey, 56, 78, 101 124, 137, 145, 199, 200 229, 248, 251, 252, 293 307, 327, 341, 342, 345 347, 378. 424, 448, 475 527, 564, 574, 586, 646 Hunnewell, 293 Hunt, 341,342 Huntington, 610 Husey, 256 Hutchinson, 9, 28, 36, 47 48,58,62,64,70,79,85 88. 114, 123, 145, 156 159, 195, 228, 284, 361 533, 589, 615, 620, 660 Incombe, 77 Ireland, 145 Isles, 145 Ivers, 619 Jackson, 138, 239, 256 342, 345, 487, 597, 603 620, 621,622,623,626 Jacobs, 466 James II., 251 Janeways, 401 Jarvis, 606, 607 Jefirey, 39, 60, 136 Jenkins, 94, 119,342,552 618 Jenner, 290 Jennison, 160, 410 Jewett, 145 Johnson, 9, 16,33,39, 50 54, 61, 101, 103, 104 111, 138, 139, 172, 179 229, 342, 353, 370, 404 418, 543 Jones, 39, 49, 57, 60, 61 73, 98, 101, 109, 125 134, 145, 148, 150, 155 158, 160, 164, 174, 176 177, 179, 181, 182, 185 186, 187, 188, 189, 191 192, 194, 195,200,206 209, 2.39, 240, 256, 299 304, 342, 353, 386, 410 424, 430, 432, 455, 524 525, 563, 646 Joseph, 201, 207 Josias, 11, 23 Josselyn, 29 Joyce, 109 Judd, 62, 522 Karman, 122, 177 Kellend, 123 Kelley, 657 Kelton, 256,308, 341,342 345, 544 Kempton, 78 Kendall, 354, 382, 648 Kern, 146 Keyes, 253 Kibbee, 410 Kibby, 53. 14h5 Kimball, 343, 471 Kimwright, 58, 145 King, 342, 343, 362, 650 Kingsbury, 535, 539, 546 Kinnersly, 39, 62, 102 Kinsley, 101, 125, 145 146, 150, 184, 576, 677 Kirke, 251 Kirkland, 382, 634, 651 Kitchmakin, 26, 581 Knight, 39, 61, 127, 195 206,410 Kosciuszko, 623 Lafayette, 344, 370 Lake, 48, 102, 125, 189 200, 209 Lambert. 39, 62, 102, 536 Laner, 146 668 INDEX OF NAMES. Lane, 102, 12(), 239, 414 Manly, 523 Morrill. 410 421 Rlaiin. 343, 547 Mplciilf, 457 Lathrnp. 377.414, 510 Maimiiijj, 3)3, 419 Miaiitoiionio, 104. 1(17, 171 Land, G59 ' Mansfield. 120 Miles, 551 Lnwreiire, ]ii', 239, 518 Mapley, 25(; Miller, 39.^(5, G7, 94, 102 Lea.lhelior, 134, 146, 243 Marreit, 524, 525 130, 195,342,371,531 2.'53. 231,257,290,308 Marsli. 115,528 Milleil, 55, 102, 131, 146 Lcavilt, 39, G2, 218 Marslnll, 39, 66 \86, 424 Lerhfoid, 85 IVlarshfiel.l, 39, G8 Mills 72,91,430,443 Lee, MG, 313, .524 Martin, 41,102,129,159 502, 5(i3 Leeds, 102, 12G, 128. 140 211 Minor, 412 14G, 182. 200, 209, 246 Martyn, 264 Minot, 17, 39, 67, 86, 108 256, 288, 290, 327, 342 Mas2, 106, 117, 130 No;d, 215 2!5, 248, 256, 285, 312 146. 182, 193, 200, 207 Negus, 1 19 345, 439, 549, 607, 646 Means, 407, 636 Nelson, 86 xii. Mears, 352 Nowl.irrv, 25. 27, 39, 54 Moekins, 146, 188 64, (.9, 692 Mncondrav, 649 Mellen, 352 Nouoll, 375, 585 Makepeace, 39, .53. 62, 67 Mellish, .339, 342 Newman, 102, 131, 132 102, 160, 195, 424 Meraw, 345, 352 Newton, 39. (i9, 146, 234 Mallard, 262 Merrick, 516, 517 5.')7 M:ini:Mita.vr. 283 Mcrrifield, 146, 184, 221 Nichols, 136 Maners, 117 233,239 I' INDEX OF NAMES. Nilos.W, 70, 297, 312 ] 3i.")hj,383, 508, 551 f Nixe No;.hr,iffi, 283 Norciiis^iai I Nor,iuiLfl;(;2 Nortoi.,' 11 ; Nowell', )1 I Nojcs, 4 1 , xii. 1 ' Obbe ine at, 6 O'Kelly, 16, 2fi8 OJdhnin, 0, 35, 150, 151 15i Oliv4, Us 207, 211,306 sea 51 , 564. Or^ij, 35; OsboiTi, M ( Os^od'l, 2'!, 264, 265 J Oiheman. 09, 410 Oiis, 320.372, 373, 491 518,'57(l Overman, 12 3 Oxenbridgc, 509, 608 Packard, 32, 383, 557 Paine, 183,ri2, 515 Palmer,' 48„ 483, 542 Parker, .J, 70, 78, 414 416, 593 Parkman, 3,, 70, 377 Parks, 179. 198, 694 Parsons, 1 1 Partridge, iJJ Pascal, 27G Fallen, 102,132, 174, 182 ].-!3, 185, 86, 187, 188 180, 191, 93, 209,424 430 Paul, 146, t)0, 209, 293 434, 457, .ji9 Payson, 88,118, 139, 146 289, 296, 26, 345, 353 383, 516,(17, 518,544 645, 560, iG2, 603, 622 G46 Peabody, 48,",, 506 Peacock, 146 Peaks, xi. I Pearson, 571* Pease, 255 Peck, 66, llil 119, 459 548, 553 ; Pejion, 146, 2i!<9, 282 Penniman, 111, 133 Pepperell, 309 Perkins, 25 Perrv, 541 Passacus, 191; 192 Peters, 416 Pettee, 410 Phelps, 17, 25, 27, 33, 34 N 39, 50, 60, (M, 70, 71 73, 74, 78, 9b » - 78 Philip (Kin?), 219, 220 224. 228, 232, 237, 497 Phillips, 27, 39, 71, 72 158,342,424,526, 611 Phips, 342, 573 Pickering, 4-1-2 Pierce. 22, 33, 39, 53, 55 71, 91,95,108,146, 148 160, 167. 178, 249,261 282, 286, 296,307,311 327, 339,342, 343, 344 345, 347, 348, 352, 3.53 3.55, 3.58, 359, 368, 377 378, 380, 382, 409, 410 419, 424, 452, 494, 521 522, 524, 532, 567, 572 573, 588, 602, 604, 605 607, 619, 638, 640, 646 xi., xii. Pierpont, 500, 501, 502 Pigge, 436 Pigrom, 146 Pike, 372, 409, 418 Pillsberry, 146 Pimer, 146 Pinney, 39, 47, 73 Pitcher, 39, 72, 424 Place, 146 Plant, 526 Plumb, 146, 239 Plummer, 229 Pocock, 146 Pomerov, 33, 39, 75, 146 Pond, 51, 102, 132, 146 200, 209, 345 Poole, 78, 96, 200, 226 485, 487, 488 Popham, 14 Pope, 39, 74, 75, 96, 146 150, 195, 200, 227, 239 256, 311,342,386,424 441,628, 646, xii. Popkins. 382 •Porter, 377, 378, 382, 416 417,574,585,587 Powell, 339 Pratt, 106, 146,262,342 345, 352, 501, 539, 551 552 Pray, 649 Prentiss, 383, 561 Prescott, 312, 3.39 Preston, 39, 77, 102, 119 146, 200, 206, 207, 227 230, 231,233,241, 252 269, 270, 281, 283, 285 293, 308, 327, 342, 358 364, 366, 437, 443, 445 576, 587, 598, 608, 611 626, 627, 628, 635, 636 637, 639, 640, 641, 642 646 Price, 39, 77, 78, 102, 146 285, 655 669 Prince, 2, 5, 7, 9, 1 4, 24 27, 33, 65, 82, 93, 169 304, 306, 382, 509, 557 Procer, 200 Procter, 39, 73, 202, 424 532 Provost, 265 Pryn, 215 Pufier, 120, 146, 410 Purchase, 39. 42, 72, 97 Putnam, 113, 273 Pynchon, 39, 46, .58, 75 76,77, 81, 82, 115 Quarternian, 265 Queen Mary, 559 Quincy, 141, 294, 295 361, 628 Raleigh, 14 Rainsboro', 85, 107 Rainsford, 97 Rand, 371, 503 Randall, 39, 78, 97, 343 523, .539, 624 Rawlins, 39, 78 Rawson, 147,161,162,434 Raymond, 39, 78, 97, 419 Redman, 59, 146, 256,651 Reed, 102, 133,382 Revere, 577 Richards. 33, 39, 80, 122 147, 345, 353. 412, 602 xi. Richardson, 361,38.5, 410 415, 416, 564, 646, 650 Richmond, 343, 408 Rider, 126, 413 Rigby, 102, 105, 108, 133 147, 209, 212, 226, 233 237, 241,424, 443 Ripley, 119, 382 Robbins, 99, 354, 532, 533 643 Roberts, 147, 211 Robie, 146 Robinson, 72, 88, 102,105 132, 133, 146, 147, 177 200, 207,209,247, 249 253, 256, 260, 276, 279 288, 322, 324, 327, 337 339, 334, 353, 359, 361 364, 373, 378, 414, 415 449, 485, 498, 504, 505 544, 560, 562, 621, 622 623, 646, xii. Rocket, 39, 80, 97 Rockwell, 17, 22, 27, 39 52,79 Rogers, 71, 146, 312, 405 485, 656 Rolfe, 319, 471 Rook, 279 Rosseter, 17, 19, 25, 27 31, 39, 78,79,83, 147 670 Roihwell, 489 Rovve, 147, 648 Royal, 134, 14G, 147, 229 230, 234, 292, 3G8, 563 Rnggles, 408, 610 Rush, 14G, 200 Russell, 97,352, 648, 654 xi. Ryland, 183 Sag-amore of Agawani, 8 162, 164, 431 Salesbury, 39, 147 Saltoiislall, IG, 36 Sammes, 58, 147 Saiiburn, 383,657 Sanders, 147, 239. 515 Sanderson, GG8, G16, 617 641,642 Sandras, 256 Sanfbrd, 39, 80, 81, 82 88, 156,411 Sanger, 408 Sargent, 410 Savage, 46, 53, 61, 77, 96 10!, 107, 109, IIS, 147 200, 260, 478, 594 Savcis, 457, 624 Scott, 352, 410, 442 Searl, 147, 200, 209, 317 Seaver, 3J-3, 345 Sedgewifk, 175 Sellock, 102, 134, 147, 424 Sension, 39, 81, 156 Sevvell, 48, 60, 273, 304 321,524. 525, xi., xii. Sevmour, 482 Shailcr, 413, 414 Share, 365 Sharp, G2, 112, 147, 345 631 Shaw, 244 Shay, 340, 352, .371 Sheiden, 98 Shed, 345 Shellon, 147 Shepard, 352, 44-5, 470 Sherlock, 526 Sherman, 231,343, 530 Shoot, 256 Shove, 1.32, 502 Shuttlcsworth, 535 Sigourney, 143 Simonds, 3.35, 31.3, 495 Simpkins, 175 Skihon, 16 Smead, 147, 195 Smith, 1,2,3,4, 3, 8, 10 14, 18, 39, 75, 81, 82 138, 140, 147, 148, 181 183, 200,207,209,211 287, 343, 419, 424, 449 6.34, .554,565, 613, 614 61.5,616,623,649 Suell, 289 INDEX OF NAMES. Snow, 48. 552 Soper, 293, 439 Sougih, 98 Soule, 544 Southeole, 18, 19, 27, 28 39, 82 Sparks, 47, 65 Spaujdiiig, 410 Spooner, 352 Spragne, 18, 25, 348 Spring, 383 Sproat, .550 Spurr, 109, 147, 184, 200 229, 232, 237, 238, 279 302, 343, 35.3, 438, 64G Squamaug, 218,219,222 Squantiini, 5 Sqneb, 5, 18, 20, 615 Slagg, 106, 111, 118, 131 Standish, 7, 8, 104, 1G2 431 Stanton, 147, 229 Staples, 147, 410 Stearns, 517 Stedinan, 624 Steele, 147 Stetson, 58, 353 Stevens, 242, 292, 441,442 Stevenson, 2.56 Stiles, 147, 194, 223, 236 239, 302 Siimson, 296,416 Stoddard, 3J3, 352 Stokes, 52 Stone, 517, 6i8, 619 Siorer, 618, (i35 Storrs, 383, 407 Sioughlon, 17, 27, 33, 34 36, 37, 39, 58, 60, 61 64, 65, 7(1, 79, 83, 84 85,86, 91, 92, 107, 110 115, 120, 147, 148, 153 155, 156, 157, 158. 166 176, 191, 195, 196, 200 203, 210, 218, 22n, 221 223, 225, 226, 2.30, 235 243, 247, 248.251, 253 26G, 271,272, 273,274 276, 277, 278, 286, 298 299, 353, 424, 425, 451 434, 4^14, 451, 516, .556 587, 591,592, 591., 600 G01,G03. 617, xii. Strange, 39, 82 Stratton. 345, 441 Sirceter, 133 Strong, 51, 52, 98, 112 114, 383 Sluart, 383 Sullivan, 616 Sumner, 39, 46, 86, 87 147, 1.55, 158, 164, 179 181, 185, 191, 192, 194 195, 200, 20], 205, 2C6 220, 223, 225, 226, 227 228, 233, 23f , 36, 238 240, 241, 241 <.;'48, 251 253, 256, 2(1( ,/',C2, 2C8 335, 339, 34 'u 7 i3, 368 424, 436, 43'?' / i^ 458 i 4.-)9, 631, 626,% i|i, 629 ' 6.30, 631, 632, i]lf,J, 640 / G41, 642, 646, 648:. Sunderland, 147. 41 C> Swan, 244, 298, SbG-,, 447 448, 477, 574, 643, , 646 Swift. 39, 43. 86, 99, 105 147, 200.234,241,0 236 352, 424, 505, 31 6,f 561 369, 387 Svkes, 147 Sylvester, 98 ' Symmes, 51 1, 514 / Taft.G30 Talbot, 39, 87, 147, 25 536 Talcott, 25 Taylor, 86, 102, 141, 147 210, 211,281.299,312 34,3. 491,492,619,663 Temple, 634, 649, 660 Tennant, 305 'J'errv, 27, 39, 87 Thacher, 61,224,2.38,243 260, 280, 282, 343, 344 382, 506, 509, 608 Thnxter, GG, 28(i Thayer, 322, 343, 353,382 316, 590 Thomas, 245, 475, 495 Thompson, 7. 8,9, 10,127 147, 161, 162, 16.3, 163 286. 343, 353, 431, 432 532, 574, 614 Thornton, 8, 39, 88, 353 4S9 Thorp. 6C6 Tiicston, 39. 87, 108, 132 147, 167, 177, 192, 2C0 209, 245, 247, 249, 253 254, 255, 256, 257, 260 268, 294, 309, 311,343 346, 347, 375, 380, 381 383, 424, 434, 435, 436 437, 438, 445, 472, 495 505, 532, 573, 607, 622 624, 625, 626, 630, 631 G32, 640, 641,642,643 , 646 Tilley, 39, 47. 87, 182 Tillliighast, 591 Ting, 147 Tolman, 102, 134, 135 147, 183, 2(:0, 209, 256 260, 261, 327, 343, 359 3G4, 3G9, 370, 373, 453 642, 646, G49, 6.57 Tomlins, 104 f s INDEX OF NAMES. Tompkins, 102 133, 135* I 47 383 \ Topi iff, 102,134., 147, 183 200, 257, 259, 266, 268 269, 279, 290, 327, 343 424, 5+2, 543, 567 Torrev, 235, 243. 260, 282 341", 343, 434 ' Traill, 473 Trask,25,643, 646 Treadvvell, 102, 136, 147 Trecotiilc, 619, 635, 636 637 Trescolt, 51, 102, 135,147 200, 209, 232, 256, 260 276, 307, 3+3, 353, 4+5 451, 454,456,458, 459 Trevoiir, 8, 161, 162,431 TroU, 53,73, 102, 105,136 183, 200, 209, 254, 266 269, 302, 307, 343, 563 Trow, 352, 353 Trowbridge, 102, 105, 136 147 Trumbull, 19, 230, 504 a Waters, 343 Waldo, 438 Wales, 102, 111, 137, 147 148, 211, 223, 224,256 268, 269, 270, 281, 283 285, 30S, 327, 343, 345 370, 372, 424, 546, 58+ 646, 649 Walfourd, 8, 19 Walker, 383,520,524,603 Walter, 280,297,312,002 Ward, 147, 336, 3+5 Ware, 109, 116, 147, 148 229, 237, 382, 617, 639 Warham, 17, 18, 20, 22 27, 33, 35, 37, 39, 46 64, 86, 90, 91,93,404 424, 498, 500, 558 Warner, 148, 190 Warren, 114, 309, 336, V 508 Washington, 334, 335, 336 Wassausmon, 228 Walerhouse, 102, 141,421 480 505 Tucker, 86, 134, 147, 229 234, 235, 250, 345, 410 419 Tii.!or, 372 Turner, 102,123, 135,147 150, 200, 239, 343, 353 424, 4;i9, 491, 591 Tuthill, 39, 88, 147 Twitchell, 147 Twombly, 608, 617, 620 639 Uncas, 171 Undcrhill, 150 Upham, 410, 453 Upsall, 27, 39, 45, 88, 89 90, 115, 119, 158, 170 424 Usher, 205 Vane, 8+, 156, 193, 660 Vaughn, 341, 343 Veazie, 543,544,549 Vernon, 306 Vincent, 454, 456 Vinton, 540 Vore, xi, Vose, 86,98,99, 141, 142 147. 343, 353, 364, 453 462, 516,572,578,582 583, 584, 585, 598, 604 606, 614,615, 616,619 620, 629, 631, 633, 630 637, 640,641,646,648 Wads worth, 147, 296 Wainwrighl, 147,561,570 Waitt, 352 SWay, 39, 61, 86, 91, 99 "■ 134, 147, 200, 206, 421 42+ Wealherby, 457, 458, 640 Webb, 148, 304, 345, 546 608, 617, 620, 639 Webster, 475 Weekes, 102, 105, 111 135, 137, 147, 164,170 179, 200, 239, 2+2, 2+8 25+, 256, 424, 559 Weld, 45, 312, 378, 497 Welthean, 80 Wentworth, 614, 618, 619 635 Weston, 8, 172 Weymouth, 229 Whalley, 49 Whcalon, 229 Wheeler, 327, 496 Wheelwright, 156, 353 Whitcomb, 100, 102, 139 195,343 White, 13, 14, 15, 10, 17 18, 6+, 90.99, 100, 106 12+, 147, 181, 183. 200 200, 261,206, 267,327 343, 345, 363,512,533 545, 548, 562, 565, 645 6+6, 0+7, 0+9 Whitfield, 39,93,303,304 305, 31!, 36 1,. '320 Whipple, 102, 140 Whiston, 343, 346, 347 Whiting, 382, 535, 640 641,612 Whilnev, 372, 382, 549 571, 050 Whiltaker, 319 Whittemore, 352 671 Wighen, 3+5 Wilcocke, 147 Wiles, 424 Wilkes, 147, 209 Wilkins, 39, 91, 158, 181 421,424, 592 Wilkinson, 148 Willard, 243, 274, 493,509 Willet, 440 William in.. 279 Williams, 27, 39, 84, 91 92, 95, 147, 154, 173 180, 182, 185, 188, 33'4 341, 343,345, 352, 353 305, 372,389,418,444 458, 498, 499, 007, 638 Willis, 102, 115, 140, 147 ''Wilson, 102,141,147.155 180, 208, 3+3, 345, 405 489, 507 Wilton, 39, 92 Winchell, 99 Winr.nequassum, 432 Wiuship, 352 Winshott, 167 Winslow, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 Winsor, 480,487 Winihrop, 2,4,9, 10, 14 18, 20, 21, 28, 33, 36 48, 63, 63, 61, 70, 75 77, 79, 82, 84, 91, 96 107. 121, 122, 156, 159 167, 169, 170, 173, 177 n8, 469, 478, 6.67 Wiswall, 30, 90, 102, 106 110, 124, 137, 138, 147 100, 164, 160, 174, 176 177, 179, 182, 183,200 201, 209,245,2+7,2+8 2.50, 201', 207, 308, 334 3+1, 343,3+5, 352, 358 370, 424, 425, 429, 430 432, 434, 444, 483, 484 485, 486, 504, 506, 524 627, 5.56,562, 608,610 026, 646, xii. Withnm, 514, 515 Withingion, 102, 105, 132 138, 139, 147, 148, 150 200, 203, 227, 229, 230 231, 240, 251, 253, 254 256, 271,290, .301,311 312, 333,341,343,345 352, 3.53, 358, 363, 364 373, 415, 416,417,424 437, 445, 663, 571,673 628, 646, xii. Woicott, 17,27,39,47,84 92 Wollaston, 8 Wood, 10,23,28,102,141 148, 239,282,341,383 419, 56+, 687 Woodbiidge, 281 672 INDEX OF NAMES. Woodcock, 270 Worcester, 383 Wyatt, 58, 147, 148, 237 \ ! Woodman, G12 Wren, G59 238.256.28! V \ Woodward, 102, 141, 148 Wright, 39. 92, 102, 141 Wyman, 281 186, 192, 434, 511,336 211,424 .549 Wroth, 76 Young, 7, 8, 10 Woolrldge, 25, 27. 39 I LRpJaVS