.S1605 4 O ■/SS6' iL^^CCt^t(^€X,^.. CHARTER. CONSTITUTION MtMB Saint N trme^r/ rjM^I® IPeter (B» Stupvesant jflrst iprc9iDent 4. 1835-1836 CHARTER, CONSTITUTION BY-LAWS AND List of Members OF THE Saint Nicholas Society OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Organized February 28th, 1835 Incorporated April 17th, 1841 new YORK PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE SOCIETY 1907 . 1 Douglas llaislor & Co. flew liJorJj. Gift Authoj ©doin of tbe Society Extract from the Minutes At a Meeting of several gentlemen, residents and natives of the City of New York, held at Washington Hotel, on Saturday evening, February 14th, 1835, to consider the expediency of establishing a Society to be composed of old residents of the City of New York and their descendants — Abraham Bloodgood, Esq., was called to the Chair, and Washington Irving, Esq., appointed Secretary. The object of the meeting was briefly stated by Judge Irving. Doctor Manley offered the following resolution : Resolved^ That it is expedient to form a New York Society. Which was unanimously adopted. On motion of Mr. Schermerhorn it was Resolved, That a Committee of five be appointed to prepare a Constitution and By-Laws for the Society, and that they report at the next meeting. The Chair appointed Mr. Peter Schermerhorn, Judge Irving, A. R. Wyckoff, Hamilton Fish, and Doctor Manley, as such Committee. On motion, the Chairman and Secretary of the meet- ing were added to the Committee. The meeting then adjourned, to meet again at the same place, on Saturday evening, February 21st. ABM. BLOODGOOD. Washington Irving, Secretary. 4 ORIGIN OF THE SOCIETY At an adjourned meeting of citizens of New York, held for the purpose of forming a Society, to be com- posed of the residents of the City of New York and their descendants, at Washington Hotel, on Saturday evening, February 2ist, 1835 — Abraham Bloodgood, Esq., was called to the Chair, and Washington Irving, Esq., appointed Secretary. ^Ir. Schermerhorn presented a report from the Com- mittee of seven, appointed at the last meeting to prepare a Constitution for the Society. Mr. Mulligan offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted : This Society shall be composed of those persons present at the adoption of the Constitution, who shall sign the same, and pay the sums thereby required, and of such other persons as shall be admitted members according to the provisions of the Constitution. The Constitution reported by the Committee was then amended, by substituting, instead of the Monday in Easter week to be observed as the anniversary of the Society, ''the sixth day of December in each year, un- less that day fall on Sunday, in which case the anniver- sary shall be held on the seventh." On motion of Ogden Hoffman, Esq., the Constitu- tion, as amended, was adopted as the Constitution and By-Laws of the Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York, and was referred back to the same Com- mittee to classify the several parts as Constitution and as By-Laws. Ogden Hoffman, Esq., was, on motion, added to the Committee. On motion, it was Resolved, That the members present hand in their names to the Secretary, to be enrolled by him, and that such enrollment be con- ORIGIN OF THE SOCIETY 5 sidered as a subscription of the Constitution until such time as the Constitution is prepared to be signed by the members. The following names were then handed in : (Then follows a list of two hundred and seventy-five names.) On motion, it was Resolved, That a Committee of five be appointed by the Chair to report, at the next meeting, the names of suitable persons to be selected as officers of the Society, and that on the coming in of their report any member may be at liberty to nominate any other candi- date than those reported. The Chair appointed Judge Irving, General Laight, Cornelius Hever, General Jones and Abraham Scher- MERHORN, on this Committee. On motion, the Society then adjourned, to meet again at the same place on Saturday evening, February 28th, at half-past seven o'clock. ABM. BLOODGOOD. Washington Irving, Secretary. At a meeting held on the 28th of February, 1835, the Constitution and By-Laws were formally adopted, and the first officers were elected. Chronicle A. D. 1835. February 14th. — Meeting of Washington Irving and other gentlemen, at Washington Hotel, to consider the expediency of establishing a Society of old residents of the City of New York and their descendants. February 28th. — Adoption of the Constitution and first election of officers. November 2'/th. — President's Badge and Seal of the Society adopted. December 7th. — First anniversary meeting at the City Hotel. By-Laws amended. 1836. December 6th. — Second anniversary meeting at the City Hotel. The Secretary reported the names of two hundred and seventy members on the roll. Con- stitution and By-Laws amended. 1837. December 6th. — Third anniversary meeting at Delmonico's, William and Beaver Streets. About one hundred and twenty members present. 1838. December 6th. — Fourth anniversary meeting at the American Hotel. Permanent Fund, $1,907.65. Cash in bank, $637.23. 1839. September 12th. — The Society adopts a flag, viz. : the original Dutch tricolor with the city arms in the centre. Flag procured at an expense of $51.93. December 6th. — Fifth anniversary meeting at the American Hotel. 1840. December yth. — Anniversary meeting at the American Hotel. The Treasurer reported the Perma- nent Fund, $3,144.15. Cash in bank, $365.85. 8 CHRONICLE 1841. April lyth. — The Legislature passed an Act incorporating "The Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York." June 1 6th. — Resolution, and the appointment of a Committee for the purpose of procuring ''a room in a central situation for the laying of the foundation of a library and museum, as also for the meetings of the Society and use of its members." December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at the American Hotel. About one hundred and forty members present. 1842. March loth. — Constitution and By-Laws amended. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at the American Hotel. The Secretary reported the actual number of members to be three hundred and twenty-three. Amend- ments to the Constitution and By-Laws ratified. 1843. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at the City Hotel. Constitution amended. 1844. March 2'/th. — A Committee, Samuel Jones as Chairman, recommended that at each Quarterly Meeting a lecture be delivered by such member as can be induced to address the Society, and that the stewards procure proper refreshments consistent with economy. That Tuesday in Easter wxek be the commencement of these celebrations. It was resolved that the first meeting be held on Thursday in Easter week, April nth, and that the price of tickets for the refreshments be set at one dollar. April nth. — Eirst Paas Eestival at the City Hotel. Constitution amended by fixing the second Monday of November as the time for the election of officers. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at the City Hotel. CHRONICLE 9 1845. March i^th. — The Society approves of the reso- hition of the Board of Officers as to the celebration of the Paas on Thursday in Easter week, and that the price of tickets should not exceed two dollars ; and adopts the resolution of the Board as to the flag, the badge of the President and three new livery dresses. March 2/th. — Paas Festival at the City Hotel, at which Chief-Justice Jones delivered a lecture. December jth. — The Society met at "The Stuyvesant Institute," and in the presence of the Presidents of the sister societies, wearing their official insignia, and of a very large assembly of ladies afid gentlemen, J. De Peyster Ogden, Esq., delivered a lecture illustrative of the history and character of our Dutch ancestors. December. 6th. — Anniversary meeting at the City Hotel. 1846. April j(5^/l— Paas Festival at the City Hotel. December 4th. — Address before the Society by the Rev. Thomas De Witt, at the Dutch Church, Lafayette Place. December yth. — Anniversary meeting at the City Hotel. 1847. ^^/'n/ 8th. — Paas Festival at the City Hotel. December 2d. — Address before the Society, at ''The Tabernacle," by Charles F. Hoffman. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at the City Hotel. Constitution amended. 1848. April 2/th. — Paas Festival at the City Hotel. December ist. — Address before the members of the Society, their families and friends, at the ''New Assem- bly Rooms," 539 Broadway, by Hon. Wm. A. Duer. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at the City Hotel. 1849. April I2th. — Paas Festival at the City Hotel. Price of tickets, $1.50. A bill of $28 was subsequently paid for "extra eggs." November 12th. — Constitution amended. lO CHRONICLE November ^oth. — Anniversary address at the Chinese Buildings, by Rev. Thos. E. Vermilye. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at the American Hotel. Permanent Fund, $6,647.90. Cash, $940.41. 1850. April 4th.—F2LSLS Festival at "Niblo's." July 22d. — Special meeting of the Society upon the de- cease of Zachary Taylor, President of the United States. December jrf. — Anniversary address by Wm. Betts, Esq., at the Chinese Building. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at ''Niblo's." 1 85 1. March i^th. — Adoption of the style of the Certificate of Membership. April 24th. — Paas Festival at the Irving House. Jiuie I2th. — Resolution for a new die of the Seal of the Society. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at the Astor House. 1852. April 15th. — Paas Festival at the Astor House. May I2th. — Special meeting to notice the arrival of the Dutch frigate, "Prins Van Orange," at this port. Com- mittee appointed to provide a public dinner, to be given to its captain and officers. May 26th. — Grand banquet at the Astor House on the occasion. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at the Astor House. 1853. March ^ist, Thursday. — Paas Festival at the Astor House. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at the City Hotel. 1854. April lyth, Monday. — Paas Festival at the St. Nicholas Hotel. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at the St. Nicholas Hotel. CHRONICLE II 1855. April pth. — Paas Festival at the St. Nicholas Hotel. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's corner Broadway and Chambers Street. 1856. March 24th. — Paas Festival at the Metropolitan Hotel. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at the Metropoli- tan Hotel. 1857. April i^th. — Paas Festival at the St. Nicholas Hotel. December yth. — Anniversary meeting at the St. Nicholas Hotel. 1858. April 5^/?.— Paas Festival at the St. Nicholas Hotel. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at the St. Nicholas Hotel. 1859. April 2ffth. — Paas Festival at the St. Nicholas Hotel. December 6tli. — Anniversary meeting at the St. Nicholas Hotel. i860. April gth. — Paas Festival at the St. Nicholas Hotel. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at the St. Nicholas Hotel. Constitution and By-Laws amended. 1861. April Tst. — Paas Festival at the St. Nicholas Hotel. December 6th. — Anniversary celebrated at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Permanent Fund, 127 shares of the stock of the Bank of New York, par value, $12,700. Cash balance in bank, $1,644.75. 1862. April 2ist. — Paas Festival at the St. Nicholas Hotel. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. 12 CHRONICLE 1863. March ipth. — Constitution amended. April 6th. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. 1864. March 28th. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December 6th. — Anniversary celebration at Delmonico's. 1865. The Paas Festival for this year was omitted, from respect for the memory of President Lincoln. June ^th. — By resolution of a special meeting of May 1 6th, the festival of Pfingster was celebrated this day by a supper at Delmonico's. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, $17,605. Cash balance in bank, $1,597-85. 1866. April 2d. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. 1867. April 22d. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, $21,885. Cash balance in bank, $1,776.33- 1868. April 13th. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. 1869. March 2pth. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December 4th. — Anniversary Address by Hon. James W. Beekman, at the Historical Society Building. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at St. James Hotel. Permanent Fund, $23,820. Cash balance in bank, $1,895.32. 1870. April 1 8th. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, par value of securities, $18,300; estimated value, $24,239.50. Cash balance in bank^ $1,694.62. 1871. April loth. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. CHRONICLE 13 December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, par value of securities, $18,300; estimated value, $23,875. Cash balance in bank, $2,208.50. 1872. April 1st. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, par value of securities, $19,800; estimated value, $25,345. Cash balance in bank, $1,763.70. 1873. April 14th. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, par value of securities, $20,800; estimated value, $23,531.25. Cash balance in bank, $1,717.58. 1874. April 6th. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. June 4th. — Constitution amended. December fth. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, par value of securities, $27,124.89; estimated value, $27,400. Cash balance in bank, $1,640.16. 1875. March ^oth. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, $26,124.89. Cash balance in bank, $3,197.69. 1876. April lyth. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, $27,124.87. Cash balance in bank, $3.659-i5- 1877. April 2d. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, $27,124.87. Cash balance in bank, $3,i93-67- 1878. April 2 2d. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. 14 CHRONICLE December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, $27,000. Cash balance in bank, $2,73242. 1879. April 14th. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December 4th. — Constitution amended limiting mem- bership to 500. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, $27,000. Cash balance in bank, $3,265.94. 1880. March ^oth. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, $27,000. Cash balance in bank, $2,763.26. 1 88 1. April i8th. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, $27,000. Cash balance in bank, $3,006.12. 1882. April loth. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December 6th. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, $27,925.14. Cash balance in bank, $3,919.87. 1883. March ist. — By-Laws amended. March 26th. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. November ^oth. — Anniversary meeting. Constitutional limit of membership complete, 500 members. Permanent Fund, $29,725.14. Cash balance in bank, $3,442.41. Constitution amended. December 6th. — Anniversary dinner at Delmonico's. Original draft of Constitution presented by Hon. Hamilton Fish. 1884. April 14th. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December 4th. — Anniversary meeting. Permanent Fund, $30,585 14. Expense Fund, $1,783.42. CHRONICLE 15 December 6th. — Anniversary dinner at Delmonico's. 1885. February 28th. — Semi-Centennial of tlie Society celebrated at Delmonico's. President Vanderbilt in the Chair. June 4th. — Badge of the Society adopted. December jd. — Anniversary meeting. Permanent Fund, $31,613.71. Expense Fund, $668.57. December 6th. — Anniversary dinner at Delmonico's. 1886. April 26th. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December 2d. — Anniversary meeting. Permanent Fund, $38,895.44. Expense Fund, $301.54. December 6th. — Anniversary dinner at Delmonico's. 1887. April nth. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December ist. — Anniversary meeting. Permanent Fund, $39,218.64. Expense Fund, $476.10. Consti- tution amended increasing the limit of membership to 600. December 6th. — Anniversary dinner at Delmonico's. 1888. April 2d. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. June /th. — Constitution amended increasing life mem- bership fee to one hundred dollars. November ^oth. — Anniversary meeting. Permanent Fund, $41,688.64. Expense Fund, $610.01. December 6th. — Anniversary dinner at Delmonico's. 1889. April 22d. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December fith. — Anniversary meeting. Permanent Fund, $43,938.64. Expense Fund, $110.27. December 6th. — Anniversary dinner at Delmonico's. 1890. April /th. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. June fjth. — Constitution and By-Laws amended. December 4th. — Anniversary meeting. Constitutional limit of membership complete, 600 members. Permanent Fund, $45,405.19. Expense Fund, $513.30. l6 CHRONICLE December 6th. — Anniversary dinner at Delmonico's. 1891. March jth. — Constitution amended. March ^oth. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December ^d. — Anniversary meeting. Permanent Fund $46,325.91. Expense Fund, $1,259,17. December yth. — Anniversary dinner at Delmonico's. 1892. April i8th. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. June 2d. — Banner of the Society adopted. Adoption of the new Certificate of Membership. October nth. — The Society took part in the Naval Parade held in New York Harbor in celebration of the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America. December ist. — Anniversary meeting. Permanent Fund, $47,345.91. Expense Fund, $1,219.32. December 6th. — Anniversary dinner at Delmonico's. December 2/th. — The Society was represented at the laying of the corner-stone of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. 1893. April ^d. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. April I2th. — Special meeting. Committee appointed to take charge of the dinner to be given to the Officers of the Dutch Frigate ''Van Speijk," now visiting this port on the occasion of the grand International Naval Review of the Representative War Ships of the World, by the President of the United States. April 2'/th. — The Society witnessed from the steamer "Cepheus," chartered for the occasion, the grand Inter- national Naval Review of the Representative War Ships of the World, by the President of the United States, held in New York Harbor (as preliminary to the opening of the Columbian Exposition). May 8th. — The Society entertained the Captain and CHRONICLE 17 Officers of the Netherland Frigate "\^an Speijk," at a banquet at the Hotel de Logerot. December ist. — Anniversary meeting. Permanent Fund, $47,825.91. Expense Fund, $1,052.99. December 6th. — Anniversary dinner at Dehnonico's. 1894. March ist. — Constitution amended, increasing the Hmit of membership to 650. March 26th. — Paas Festival at The \\''aldorf. November ^oth. — Anniversary meeting. Permanent Fund, $49,894.91. Expense Fund, $1,763.96. December 6th. — Anniversary dinner at Delmonico's. 1895. April ijth. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December 5th. — Anniversary meeting. Permanent Fund, $51,094.91. Expense Fund, $2,655.08. Consti- tution amended. December 6th. — Anniversary dinner at Delmonico's. ' 1896. April 6th. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December ^d. — Constitution amended. December jJ. — Anniversary meeting. Commemoration Fund authorized. Permanent Fund, $52,054.91. Ex- pense Fund, $3,009.11. December 6th. — Anniversary dinner at Delmonico's. 1897. April ipth. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. April 2yth. — Grant Monument Celebration. December 2d. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, $52,735.91. Commemoration Fund, $810.51. Expense Fund, $1,700.29. December 6th. — Anniversary dinner at Delmonico's. 1898. March ^d. — Constitution amended. Article VIII., Insignia. March ^d. — Flag presented to the Society by Mr. P. G. Thebaud. April nth. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. l8 CHRONICLE December ist. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, $53,334.91. Commemoration Fund, $1,139.25. Expense Fund, $1,938.78. December 6th. — Anniversary dinner at Delmonico's. 1899. April ^d. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December isf. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, $54,394.91. Commemoration Fund, $1,477.81. Expense Fund, $2,032.14. December 6th. — Anniversary dinner at Delmonico's. 1900. March ist. — Committee reported $2,160 col- lected in aid of the sick and wounded in South African War. April i6th. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. November ^oth. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, $55,314.91. Commemoration Fund, $1,826.48. Expense Fund, $2,327.55. December 6th. — Anniversary dinner at Delmonico's. 1901. April 8th. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. In- formal presentation, through the Minister of the Nether- lands, of a silver cup as a wedding gift to the Queen of Holland. December ^th. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, $56,294.91. Commemoration Fund, $2,185.77. Expense Fund, $2,181.42. December 6th. — Anniversary dinner at Delmonico's. 1902. March ^ist. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December 4th. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, $57,254.91. Commemoration Fund, $2,555.86. Expense Fund, $2,071.12. December 6th. — Anniversary dinner at Delmonico's. 1903. April i^th. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. Commemoration by the Society of the 250th anniversary CHRONICLE 19 of the granting of Alunicipal Government to New Amsterdam in 1653. December ^d. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, $57,894.91. Commemoration Fund, $1,882.08. Expense Fund, $2,217.13. December yth. — Anniversary dinner Vt Delmonico's. 1904. April 4th. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December ist. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, $58,994.91. Commemoration Fund, $2,243.24. Expense Fund, $2,055.08. December 6th. — Anniversary dinner at Delmonico's. 1905. April 24th. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. December ist. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, $59,714.91. Commemoration Fund, $2,614.99. Expense Fund, $2,626.86. December 6th. — Anniversary dinner at Delmonico's. 1906. April i6th. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. November ^oth. — Anniversary meeting at Delmonico's. Permanent Fund, $60,974.91. Commemoration Fund, $2,693.95. Expense Fund, $1,644.04. December 6th. — Anniversary dinner at Delmonico's. 1907. April 1st. — Paas Festival at Delmonico's. 22 ACT OF INCORPORATION regulations for the admission of its members and their government ; the election of its officers, and their duties ; the suspending or expelling any of its members, and for the safe keeping and protection of its property and funds ; and from time to time to alter or repeal such Consti- tution, By-Laws, rules and regulations. The present officers shall hold their respective offices until others shall be chosen in their places. Section 4. The said Corporation may purchase and hold any real or personal estate, but the annual income thereof shall not exceed five thousand dollars. Section 5. The said Corporation shall possess the general powers, and be subject to the general restric- tions and liabilities, prescribed in the third title of the eighteenth chapter of the first part of the Revised Statute.-. Section 6. The Legislature may at any time alter or repeal this Act. Section 7. This x\ct shall take effect immediately. State of New York, Secretary's Office. I have compared the preceding with an original Act of the Legislature of this State, on file in this office, and do certify that the same is a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of said original. JOHN C. SPENCER, Secretary of State. Albany, April igth, 1841. Constitution Adopted at a meeting of this Society, February 28th, A.D. 1835. Amendments adopted March loth, A.D. 1842; November i2th, A.D. 1849; December 6th, A.D. i860; March 19th, A. D. 1863 ; June 4th, A. D. 1874 ; December 4th, A. D. 1879 ; November 30th, A. D. 1883 ; Decem- ber 1st, A. D. 1887 ; June 7th, A. D. 1888; June 5th, A. D. 1890; March 5th, A. D. 1891 ; March ist, A.D. 1894 ; Decem- ber 5th, A. D. 1895 ; December 3d, A. D. 1896; March 3d, A. D. 1898; March 6th, A. D. 1902. ARTICLE I. OF THE NAME OF THE SOCIETY. Section i. The name of this Society shall be ''The Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York," and its objects shall be to afford pecuniary relief to indigent or reduced members of this Society and their widows and children; to collect and preserve information respecting the history, settlement, manners, etc., of the City of New York, and to promote social intercourse among its native citizens. ARTICLE II. OF MEMBERS. Section i. Any person of full age, in respectable standing in society, of good moral character, who was a native or resident of the City or State of New York prior 24 CONSTITUTION to the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five, or who is a descendant of any such native or resident, or who is a descendant of a member of this Society, shall be eligible as a member. But whenever, and as long as there shall be six hundred and fifty members of the Society, no one shall be elected to membership unless he be the descendant in the oldest male line of a member or former member, and in all elections to membership the ballot shall be first taken on the candidates who may be the descendants of members. Section 2. Candidates for admission must be pro- posed by one member and seconded by another who shall state, in writing, the name, place of residence, pro- fession or occupation of the candidate and his qualifica- tions for membership ; also that they know him personally, and that he is a proper person to become a member of the Society. The name of every candidate, with those of his pro- poser and seconder, shall be sent to the Secretary twenty days before he can be balloted for. Members shall be elected by the Board of Officers. A candidate must receive three-fourths of the votes of the officers present, and two black-balls shall exclude. A rejected candidate shall not be again proposed within six months after such rejection. Section 3. Each member shall, immediately on his election, sign the Constitution and pay to the Treasurer his initiation fee and the annual dues for the current year, and shall not take his seat as a member until he shall have complied with the requisitions of this section; but such election shall be void if the member so elected shall fail to qualify as required by this section, within sixty days after notice of his election is mailed, addressed CONSTITUTION 25 to him at the address specified in the Proposal Book of the Society. Section 4. The initiation fee shall be twenty dollars, and each member shall annually pay the sum of five dollars (in advance for the ensuing year) on the anni- versary meeting in each year. Section 5. The payment at one time of one hundred dollars or more shall constitute a life member; and the member so paying shall, if not in arrears, be exempt from the payment of the initiation fee or annual dues or both. Section 6. If any member neglect or refuse to pay his annual dues for the space of one year after the same shall become due, he shall be considered to have resigned his membership, and his name shall be stricken from the roll of the Society, unless some good reason for such neglect or refusal be presented to the Board of Officers, in which case the said Board may by resolution continue him as a member. Section 7. Any member wishing to resign shall ten- der his resignation in writing, which may be accepted, provided the amount of dues (if any) for which said member may be in arrears shall be then paid up. Section 8. Whenever a member shall, in the opinion of a majority of the whole Board of Officers, be guilty of conduct unbecoming a member of the Society, it shall be the duty of the Board to request him to present his resignation within a time specified by the Board, and upon his failure to present such resignation within such time, such member may be expelled by vote of not less than two-thirds of all the members of the Board of Officers, at least one month's previous notice, in writing, 26. CONSTITUTION of the time and place of a hearing having been given to the member, by maiHng or dehvering to him a copy of the charges. ARTICLE III. OF THE OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY. Section i. There shall be annually elected, on the second Monday of November, at a special meeting to be called for such purpose, from among the members of this Society, a President, a First, a Second, a Third, and a Fourth Vice-President, a Treasurer, a Secretary, and an Assistant Secretary, who, with twelve Managers, whose election is hereinafter provided for, shall constitute the "Board of Officers." There shall be elected at the next meeting for the election of officers, twelve Managers, who shall divide themselves into four classes of equal numbers each. The first class shall serve for one year, the second class for two years, the third class for three years, and the fourth class for four years; and at each annual election, after that first next ensuing, there shall be elected three Managers for the term of four years, and such additional number, if any, as may be necessary to fill vacancies for the remainder of the terms of the Managers whose places they fill. No IManager shall be re-eligible until one year after the expiration of the term for which he shall have been last elected. There shall also be elected at each annual election of officers, two Chaplains, two Physicians, and two Consulting Physi- cians. Section 2. The election shall be by ballot, and a plurality of votes shall constitute a choice. Section 3. The officers so elected shall be installed and shall enter upon the duties of their respective offices CONSTITUTION 27 at the Stated Meeting immediately preceding the anni- versary meeting. Section 4. The President shall, when he is present, preside at all meetings of the Society, preserve order, put the question, and declare the decision. He, in conjunc- tion with one of the Vice-Presidents, may call special meetings of the Society when they shall judge proper, and he shall call them when required by the Board of Officers, or when requested in writing by any nine mem- bers, specifying in such request the object for which such meeting is desired. He shall appoint the time and place of all meetings, and shall sign orders on the Treasurer from the Board of Officers. Section 5. The Vice-Presidents shall assist the Presi- dent in presiding at the meetings. The duties specified in the preceding section shall, in case of the inability to act of the President, by reason of his absence or sickness, devolve on the First Vice-President; and in the absence or sickness of both, on the Second Vice-President; and so on, according to rank; only that, in regard to signing orders on the Treasurer, each shall have equal powers with the President. Section 6. The ]\Ianagers shall constitute a Board for dispensing the Society's bounty, agreeably to the regula- tions and restrictions prescribed in this Constitution, or by the laws and resolves of this Society ; and for this purpose, they shall meet at least once a month in Sum- mer, and twice a month in Winter, and five shall be necessary to form a quorum. At their meetings only they shall decide on the application of claimants, and, if a majority of those present shall consent to grant relief, they shall recommend them, in writing, to the President 28 CONSTITUTION and Vice-Presidents, either of whom is authorized to draw on the Treasurer for the sum specified in the recommendation of the Managers ; provided that no more than twelve dollars be given to any one person in one year, except as provided in Article VL, Section i, of this Constitution, or unless otherwise determined at a meeting of the Society ; and provided, also, that the whole sum thus dispensed by the Managers and by the Society in one year, do not exceed the revenue of the Society for that year arising from the interest on the Permanent Fund (hereafter mentioned) and from the annual dues. The Managers shall likewise recommend to the attention of the Chaplains and Physicians such persons as they suppose might be benefited by their assistance. Section 7. The Treasurer shall have the custody of the money and other property of the Society. He shall keep regular accounts of all receipts and disbursements, in suitable books provided for that purpose, which shall be open at all reasonable times to the inspection of the members. He shall keep an account of the fees and dues that accrue, and shall appoint a proper and discreet person to collect the same, and shall allow such person a reasonable compensation therefor. He shall, at least once in every three months, report to the Board of Officers the names of the members whose dues remain unpaid, and the amount they respectively owe, specify- ing those whose dues have been in arrear more than a year. He shall preserve vouchers for all disbursements. He shall enter on his books each sum paid by him in consequence of the recommendation of the Board of Managers, the name of the President or Vice-President who signed the order, and the name of the person to whom the money was paid. He shall, at each Stated CONSTITUTION 29 Meeting, present an abstr > accounts, showing the urn received and ex]- .ce the \ -d Meeting 'f the Society; and h;. lie whoi, .. t n-ceived md expended since the previous anniv' stival, pecifying the amount ot the Pen nd mount of cash ' imp 1 and vvha't ue before the next i' "^fl^S?.lr^^^:I^. if liey thmk Vro^^{^4^^^-'i^U, i%m km?^^'i^'\.V.'^ ,. Section 8. Th^Ws0c*r?Miai«p^^R9]^-"«hlf?*wt4ii*Tciw»/paipH til the record^^ .e,i.x»M.9i^a^^ dj»t|p^^^.,«iftfl,^4^a^iv7i,^^jaar ■dJ oJ aniv.il ,iM ^d bsJnsgsiq ban .dgSi ;ive notice i -tf^ies -oo ©» efesi ,m Ompanies of a^l° ?^' Iq bsaoqmoa IsdioJ y»9*ook b snildaMi /i He shall, under -. ■rase from the ^ h ,>ersons as shaHfenyi^^l^^^fiP},^ j^A^l^^^gy^^l^y^^'^.y^^j^ino orfeited their title tfi)Biik.M3diorjaUi)ii>bn>i^kin^stj'^^^ntB.lii«' 'f at the next n1^t%l|^'?Yf R'*i^2^>?#t«^?i308 ^rf* ^o aJaupned 9803p(. fi ni noqu baaifilns ^t^ bluow zismpa wan by thce kiW ,^ifeWJ8iiw otcvii/i^^fcq^i^j a^k^H^^A <^ i Li^ . X -i-iant S?« ""'■' •*"" fo\ b*vii«jaib»rii^mlil9|iil «»|1J llcngrt^i- t ■(-]-|^ Secretary ^^^" »93iov TisdJ JsI oj EeloriaiH Jnisg 'UlS dul. heir com imong the members. Tli listressed persons as may .leir atter.- ion by the Manai' r-. Section ] Physicians e advice and lance to such sick or maimed person as may be THE Du Weat«er-vane that lon^grlpea the ol tch Government House (Stadt Huysi656 and later Washington Irving's house at Sleepy Hollow. This weather-cock was given to Wash- ington Irving by Mrs. Elizabeth Mackie May 13, 1836, and presented by Mr. IrVing to the Saint Nicholas Society December 5, 1848. The gentle- men who met at the WashingJ^cm Hotel February 14, 1835, to consider "the en>@diency of estab- lishing a society to be conlpBsed of the old residents of New York and wi«r descendants," had in mind at that time theda^fge settlement of New Englanders in New YorlK ind the encroach- ment of these new residents injj|the business and social standing of the older cKi ens ; and at the banquets of the Society the pas ling ways of the new comers would be enlargm ipon in a jocose vein. The weather-cock, wh«i placed upon the President's table pointing to tfte eastward, was a signal that the time had arrife for the sons of Saint Nicholas to let their woyes be heard in honor of old New York. CONSTITUTION 29 Meeting, present an abstract of his accounts, showing the sum received and expended since the last Stated Meeting of the Society ; and Hkewise the whole amount received and expended since the previous anniversary festival, specifying the amount of the Permanent Fund, and amount of cash on hand, and what may become due before the next meeting of the Society, that they may, if they think proper, take order for the disposition thereof. Section 8. The Secretary shall have the custody of all the records and journals of the Society and shall make a regular entry of all the proceedings at each meeting. He shall keep a roll of the members. He shall give notice through the post office or letter-delivery companies of all meetings, whether stated or special. He shall, under the direction of the Board of Officers, erase from the list of members the names of all such persons as shall, b}^ the terms of the Constitution, have forfeited their title to membership, making a report there- of at the next meeting of the Society. Section 9. In the absence of the Secretary, the duties specified by the last preceding section shall devolve on the Assistant Secretary, whose duty it shall be to assist the Secretary when present. Section 10. The Chaplains shall perform the relig- ious duties at the meetings of the Society, and shall by their counsel and advice promote harmony and good-will among the members. They shall also visit such sick and distressed persons as may be recommended to their atten- tion by the Managers. .. Section ii. The Physicians shall give advice and assistance to such sick or maimed person as may be committed to their care by the Managers. 30 CONSTITUTION Section 12. In case of the death, resignation or re- moval of any of the officers before the end of the year or term for which they were elected, the Society may, at any subsequent meeting, choose others in their room, in the mode prescribed in Section 2 of this article, to serve for the remainder of the term for which such officers were elected. Section 13. The Board of Officers shall meet reg- ularly on the Monday preceding each Stated Meeting. Special meetings may be called by the Secretary, under the direction of the President, or of the Vice-President acting in his stead, or of any three members of the Board of Officers. In addition to the duties conferred upon the Board by this Constitution, they shall likewise execute all such business as may from time to time be committed to them by any law or resolve of the Society; and they shall report their proceedings at every Stated Meeting of the Society. The presence of at least seven members shall be necessary for the transaction of business. They may, in their discretion, appoint a Sergeant-at-Arms, with such powers, and subject to such duties, as they may deem proper; and may allow him such compensation as they shall think reasonable. ARTICLE IV. OF COMMITTEES. Section i. The Committee of Finance shall consist of the President, the Vice-Presidents, and Treasurer ; the President shall be Chairman of the Committee. They shall have the management of the Permanent Fund, and CONSTITUTION 31 shall direct its investment. All funds and money be- longing to the Society shall stand in the name of "The Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York." The Committee shall, when moneys are to be disbursed from the Permanent Fund, or any amount transferred there- from by resolution of the Society, give an order, in writing, to the Treasurer, for such disbursement or transfer. They shall have power to sell out stocks or other securities belonging to the Society, and to reinvest the same. They shall report their proceedings at each Stated Meeting. Section 2. There shall be appointed annually, at the meeting when the officers of the Society are elected, a Committee of Accounts, consisting of five members, not being officers, whose duty it shall be to examine the books and accounts and vouchers of the Treasurer, and to examine the proceedings of the Committee of Finance and of the Managers, and to report thereon to the Society at its next meeting. Section 3. There shall be appointed annually, at the meeting when the officers of the Society are elected, a Committee of Installment, consisting of two members, who shall, on the anniversary festival, present and install the officers elected for the ensuing year. Section 4. There shall be elected by the Society (by ballot), at the next meeting when the officers are elected, a Committee of Six as Stewards of the Society, whose duty it shall be to take charge of the general detail of the anniversary celebration, as shall be prescribed by the By-Laws, or by a resolution of the Society, who shall divide themselves into three classes of equal numbers each. The first class shall serve for one year, the second 32 CONSTITUTION class for two years, and the third class for three years ; and at each annual election thereafter there shall be elected two members of said Committee for the term of three years, and such additional number, if any, as may be necessary to fill vacancies for the remainder of the terms of the members whose places they fill. Pending such election the President shall have power to fill vacancies ad iutcrirn. No member elected to this Committee shall be re- eligible until one year after the expiration of the term for which he shall have been last elected. Section 5. All Committees (special as well as stand- ing) whose appointment is not otherwise directed by the Constitution or By-Laws, or a resolution of the Society, shall be nominated by the presiding officer and confirmed by the Society. ARTICLE V. OF THE FUNDS. Section i. All sums received as initiation fees, dona- tions, bequests, etc., and all sums paid by life members, shall be invested under the direction of the Committee of Finance as a Permanent Fund, to be loaned out at interest, or invested in stocks or public funds. And if at any time the interest arising from the Permanent Fund, together with the amount received from the annual dues, be more than the exigencies of the poor and the current expenses of the Society require, the surplus shall be carried to the Permanent Fund. In like manner, if the Stewards shall at any time receive more money than is required for the expenses of the anniversary festival, the surplus shall be paid over to the Treasurer, and be carried to the Permanent Fund. CONSTITUTION ^^ Section 2. Xo money shall be transferred from the Permanent Fund except by a resolution of the Society at a Stated Meeting, at which there shall be present at least one hundred members, three-fourths of whoni shall vote in favor of such resolution. Section 3. All such sums as arise from the annual dues of members, and from the interest or income of the Permanent Fund, shall constitute a fund, to be called the Charity and Expense Fund, from which all the debts of the Society shall be paid and the charities disbursed. But if the said fund shall exceed the amount of expenses and of charities distributed, the surplus shall be annually carried to the Permanent Fund, according to the pro- visions of Section i of this article of the Constitution. ARTICLE AT. OF THE PERSONS TO WHOM CHARITABLE DONATIONS MAY BE MADE. Section i. The widow and children of a deceased member shall (if so determined by the Board of Man- agers) be entitled for five successive years to an annuity from the funds of the Society, to the full amount of the moneys which the deceased member shall have actually paid into the Treasury, payable in such manner, and to such persons, as the said Board of IManagers shall direct ; provided, however, that said annuity shall in no case be paid to a widow of a member after she shall have married again, nor to children after they shall have attained the age of fourteen years. Section 2. None shall be objects of the Society's bounty (except as provided in the preceding section) 34 CONSTITUTION but such members thereof as shall become indigent, and children of a member of this Society. ARTICLE VII. MEETINGS. Section i. The Society shall hold three Stated Meet- ings in each year, on such days as shall be determined by the By-Laws. Section 2. Special meetings may be called as pro- vided in Section 4, Article IIL, of this Constitution. Special meetings shall be competent for the transaction of any business which may come before them, except questions touching a transfer of the Permanent Fund of the Society, and except also such other business as by this Constitution, or the By-Laws, may be confined to Stated Meetings. Section 3. As the benevolent and charitable objects of this Society will be greatly promoted by a social inter- course among its members, the Society shall celebrate its anniversary by a dinner, on the 6th day of December in each year, unless that day fall on Sunday, in which case the anniversary shall be held on the following day, and the Society may at any Stated Meeting provide for other festivities. Section 4. All the meetings of the Society shall be held at such hour and place as the President, or person acting as President for the time being, shall appoint. Section 5. A quorum for the dispatch of business, except in cases where a larger number may be required for any special act, by any article of the Constitution, CONSTITUTION 35 shall consist of such number of members as shall be pre- scribed by the By-Laws; but any number of members present at the time appointed for a Stated Meeting, may from time to time adjourn such Stated JMeeting. ARTICLE VIIL OF INSIGNIA. :kL(2L-L(2LZi.& Section i. The only recognized insignia of the mem- bers of the Society shall consist of a badge, pendant from a ribbon, of the following description: The badge shall be ^ inch in length and width, made of gold or of silver gilt; the obverse — the Arms upon the Seal of the Society, stamped in relief, being in substance the old Arms of the City of New York ; the reverse — plain, with the number of the badge engraved upon it. The ribbon shall be orange, ribbed and watered, i}i inches in width and I inch in displayed length, suspended from a gold or silver gilt bar ^ inch in depth and lyV inches in breadth, bearing the words "St. Nicholas" in block letters, in relief. ^6 CONSTITUTION Section 2. The insignia shall be worn only on the left breast, at meetings and celebrations of the Society, or by members when acting officially to represent the Society, and shall not be worn as an ornament or article of jewelry. Section 3. The Treasurer shall procure and issue the insignia to members, and shall keep a record thereof. No member shall receive more than one badge unless to replace one which has been lost or destroyed. Section 4. The insignia to be worn by the President at celebrations of the Society shall be the badge adopted by the Society November 27th, 1835, consisting of a silver medal bearing the Arms above described, suspended from a collar; and, upon other occasions, a medal of gilt and blue enamel bearing the Arms of the Society: or a badge similar to that of the members of the Society, but of larger size, pendant from an orange ribbon. Section 5. The insignia worn by the Stewards shall be a badge similar to that of members, but of larger size, pendant from an orange ribbon worn close about the neck. ARTICLE IX. ON THE MODE OF ALTERING THE CONSTITUTION OF THE SOCIETY. Section i. No alteration, repeal or amendment of any part of this Constitution shall take place unless the proposition for such alteration, repeal or amendment, shall have been made at a previous Stated Meeting; and such proposition shall not take effect unless there are CONSTITUTION 37 present at least forty members, three-fourths of whom shall vote in the affirmative, and the votes on such ques- tion shall be recorded by the Secretary, if required by five members present. Section 2. The By-Laws of this Society may be altered, repealed or amended, either at a Stated ^Meeting or at a special meeting, when called for the object of making such alteration, such object being expressed in the notice of said special meeting. The proposition for such alteration, repeal or amendment, must have been made at a previous meeting. B^=Xaw8 Section i. The Stated Meetings of this Society shall be held on the first Thursday in March and May, and on the Thursday next before the x\nniversary, in each year, except when such Thursdays are public holidays, in which case the meeting shall be held on the following day. Section 2. The Secretary shall give at least two days' notice through the post office or letter-delivery companies of the time and place of all meetings, whether special or stated. Section 3. At special meetings, the consent of two- thirds of the members present shall be necessary to con- stitute a vote. Section 4. Fifteen members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum, except in cases where a larger number may be required by the Constitution or By-Law^s, for any special act. Section 5. At each meeting of the Society, immedi- ately after the presiding officer shall have taken the Chair, the minutes of the previous meeting shall be read by the Secretary, and passed upon by the Society; the next business in order shall be reports of officers and committees ; then proposals of candidates. Section 6. Any member having observations to make, or resolutions to propose, shall rise in his place and 40 BY-LAWS address the Chair ; and all resolutions shall be submitted in writing and handed to the Secretary, and shall be by him entered on the minutes. Section 7. The Secretary shall keep a Proposal Book wherein the proposer or seconder of a candidate shall record in writing under his own signature the statements required in the first paragraph of Section 2, Article II., of the Constitution, and no name shall be considered in nomination unless the proposal be submitted in the manner required by this Section of the By-Laws. Section 8. The Secretary may, at the written request of members, enter their names in the Proposal Book as the proposers or seconders of candidates, and further comply with the terms of Section 7 of the By-Laws, pro- vided that the statements required by the first paragraph of Section 2, Article II., of the Constitution shall appear in the letters proposing or seconding a candidate. The Proposal Book to be open to inspection at the offices of the Society that members may state any facts within their knowledge in regard to the qualifications of candi- dates. Section 9. The Stewards shall select the place of meeting for, and shall provide the anniversary dinner ; shall stipulate the price, and issue tickets therefor ; and, in conjunction with the President and Vice-Presidents, shall prepare the toasts, and sign and give invitation cards to the dinner. Section 10. No topic connected with the party politics of the day shall ever be discussed at the meet- ings of this Society. Ibistor^ {Extract fvoiu O'CallagJiaii's "History of Nczv Nether- laud;' Vol. II., pp. 2 1 2- IS, New York, 1848.) ■*On the Feast of Candlemas, on the 2d of February, 1653, the Director-general issued a proclamation, ap- pointing Arent van Hattem and Martin Krygier, burgo- masters ; Paulus Leendertsen van der Grist, Maximilian van Gheel, Allard Anthony, Willem Beekman and Pieter Wolfertsen van Couwenhoven, schepens. The City was, however, not allowed a Schout of its own. Cornelis van Tienhoven, the Company's Fiscaal, was commissioned to act as the City's sheriff. *"In the transaction of public business, the burgomasters and schepens sat at first together, and performed the same duties. They constituted a court of sessions ' for the hearing and determining differences and disputes be- tween parties as far as it may be practicable.' " {Extract from BrodJi cad's ''History of Nezv York," Vol. I., Second Edition, pp. ^48-^0, Nezv York, 18 jp.) "The organization of the municipal government of New Amsterdam took place at the most important crisis which the Dutch province had yet seen. Holland and England were now at open war. The Puritan colonies, sympathizing with parliament, longed to make New Xetherland a trophy of the strife, and to extend the English power from Stamford to the Chesapeake. Stuyvesant, foreseeing his danger, wrote to the several governments of \'irginia and New England, expressing 42 HISTORY the friendly feelings both of the West India Company and of the authorities of New Netherland and proposing that the commercial intercourse between the Dutch and English colonies should continue on its former peaceful footing, notwithstanding the hostilities between their mother countries." (From The Records of New Amsterdam, 16^^-16/4, Vol. I.: Minutes of the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens, 16^^-16^5, p. 4p; published by the City of New York, iSpy.) "Thursday, February 6, 1653, present Martin Krigier, [Arent van Hattem], Poulus Leendersen van der Grist, Maximilyanus van Gheel, Allard Anthony, Willem Beek- man and Pieter (Wolfertsen). "Their Honors, the Burgomasters and Schepens of this City of New Amsterdam, herewith inform everybody, that they shall hold their regular meetings in the house hitherto called the City tavern, henceforth the City Hall, on Monday mornings from 9 o.c, to hear there all ques- tions of difference between litigants and decide them as best as they can. Let everybody take notice hereof. Done this 6th of February, 1653, at N. Amsterdam. Signed (as above except Arent van Hattem)." Xist of ©fficers ©fficers tor tbe J^ear 1835. ©meets tor tbe l?ear 1836. President, Peter G. Stuyvesant. 1st Vice-President, Abraham Bloodgood. ^d Vice-President, Washington Irving. Sd Vice-President, GuLiAN C. Verplanck. kth Vice-President, Peter Schermerhorn. Treasurer, John Oothout. Secretary, Hamilton Fish. Assistant Secretary, Wm. a. Lawrence. Managers, Cornelius Heyer, Robert Benson, Thomas R. Mercein, Abraham Asten, John W. Mulligan, James L. Brinckerhoff, James R. Manley, Alex. R. Wyckoff, Jeromus Johnson, Daniel E. Tylee, Charles Graham, John Leveridge. Chaplains, Rt. Rev. Benj, T. Onderdonk, Rev. Robert M'Cartee. Physicians, William H. Hobart, Edward G. Ludlow. Co7ist(lting Physicians, Hugh M'Lean, John W. Francis. Stewards, Abm. Schermerhorn, Daniel B. Dash, James L Jones, Ogden Hoffman, Robert Ray, Charles H. Hammond, Jacob R. Le Roy. President, Peter G. Stuyvesant. 1st Vice-President, Abraham Bloodgood. ^d Vice-President, Washington Irving. Sd Vice-PresideJit, Gulian C. Verplanck. Uth Vice-President, Peter Schermerhorn. Treasurer, John Oothout. Secretary, Hamilton Fish. Assistant Secretary, Wm. a. Lawrence. Managers, Cornelius Heyer, Robert Benson, Thomas R. Mercein, Abraham Asten, John W. Mulligan, James L. Brinckerhoff, James R, Manley, Alex. R. Wyckoff, Jeromus Johnson, Daniel E. Tylee, Charles Graham, John Leveridge. Chaplains, Rt. Rev. Benj. T. Onderdonk, Rev. Robert M'Cartee. Physicians, William H. Hobart, Edward G. Ludlow. Consulting Physicians, Hugh M'Lean, John W. Francis. Stewards, Ogden Hoffman, Jacob R. Le Roy, Daniel B. Dash, Robert Ray, Egbert Benson, Augustus Fleming. Charles H. Hammond. 44 OFFICERS iS^fficers tor tbe 18eat ©fficers tor tbe l^ear President, CiULIAN C. VeRPLANCK. 1st I 'ice-Pi-esident^ Washington Irving. '2d J'icc-Pj-esident, Petp:r Schermerhorn. 3d I 'ice- Pres ide n /, Cornelius Heyer. Uth J 'ice-President, Egbert Benson. Treasurer, John Oothout. Secretary. Hamilton Fish. Assistant Secretary, Wm. a. Lawrence. Managers, James R. Manley, Thomas R. Mercein, Abraham Asten, John W. Mulligan, James L. Brinckerhoff, Abel T. Anderson, Robert Benson, Jeromus Johnson, Daniel E. Tylee, Charles Graham, John Leveridge, George B. Rapelye. Chaplaifts, Rt. Rev. Benj. T. Onderdonk, Rev. Robert M'Cartee. Physic in ns, William H. Hobart, Edward G. Ludlow. Conszilting Physicians, Hugh M'Lean, John W. Francis, Stewards, Ogden Hoffman, Samuel Swartwout, David C. Colden, Alex. R. Wyckoff, Anthony J. Bleecker, Jonathan Nathan, James Bowen. 1S3S. President, GULIAN C. VeRPLANCK. 1st Vice-President, Washington Irving. 2d Vice-President, Peter Schermerhorn. Sd Vice-President, Cornelius Heyer. hth J 'ice-Preside7it^ Egbert Benson. Treasurer, John Oothout. Secretary, Hamilton Fish. Assistant Secretary, Wm. a. Lawrence. Ma7tagers, James R. Manley, Thomas R. Mercein, Abraham Asten, Charles Graham, Abel T. Anderson, Henry Beeckman, Robert Benson, JerOxMus Johnson, John W. Mulligan, John Leveridge, George B. Rapelye, William J. Van Wagenen. Chaplain, Rt. Rev, Benj. T. Onderdonk. ^Physicians, William H. Hobart, John D. Ogden. Consulting Physicians, John W. Francis, Hugh M'Lean. Stewards, Alex. R. Wyckoff, David C. Colden, James Bowen, Anthony J. Bleecker, Jonathan Nathan, John A. King, James I. Jones. O^fticcr^ tor tbe ISear ©fRcc tl.'t i^tcii. <;ULIAN L,. 1st Vict WASHING! fd Vice !'ETER S- Utrt I tc i-Pt efi ia etlty Eghert Benson. Ahkaham /\sten, ^ ; ; . s' John Leveridge, inodl3fmS(l3Q ^IQtS^ Gv>Rr.K B, RaPELYE, W n 1 1 , >! : v . . . \\ vM J. Van W.^}5e.t\tn3<5t831^»?&Sitir Clt!ll*Olt ki !<• .:r; r Benson, ■'.,,!,; ,; ,• ' ; .., Jekomu- John V :ev. iJhNj. j • Phvsirinfts a:itt.t.\m H_ ]' , V N i 1 1 f0X^ JBa^c;e or Ifnsiania of tbe >rc6iOcnt0 of tbe Saint IFlicbolas Society Morn at :©anquct0 salO to bave tccn presented b^ Ipcter Scbcrmcrborn ^ourtb lt)ices=iprc0iDcnt» \s:^e OFFICERS 45 Officers tor tbe Iffeat ©meets tor tbe l^ear 1839. ISiO. Presidefit, GuLiAN C. Verplanck. 1st Vice-President, Washington Irving. 2d Vice-President, Peter Schermerhorn. 3d Vice-President, Cornelius Heyer. Utk Vice-President, Egbert Benson. Treasurer, John Oothout. Secretary, Hamilton Fish. Assistant Secretary, Wm. a. Lawrence. Managers, JAMES R. MaNLEY, Thomas R. Mercein, Abraham Asten, John Leveridge, George B. Rapelye, William J. Van Wagenen, Robert Benson, Jeromus Johnson, John W. Mulligan, Abel T. Anderson, Henry Beeckman, John D. Campbell. Chaplain, Rt. Rev. Benj. T. Onderdonk. Physicians. William H. Hobart, John D. Ogden. Consulting- Physicians, John W. Francis, Hugh M'Lean. Stewards, Alex. R. Wyckoff, David C. Colden, James Bowen, Anthony J. Bleecker, Jonathan Nathan, John A. King, James I. Jones. President. GuLiAN C. Verplanck. 1st Vice-President, Washington Irving. 2d Vice-President, Peter Schermerhorn. Sd Vice-President, Cornelius Heyer. hth Vice-President, Egbert Benson. Treasurer, John Oothout. Secretary, Hamilton Fish. Assistant Secretary, Wm. a. Lawrence. Managers, James R. Manley, Thomas R. Mercein, Abraham Asten, George B. Rapelye, William J. Van Wagenen, John B. Schmelzel, Robert Benson, Jeromus Johnson, John Leveridge, Henry Beeckman, Samuel G. Raymond, Alex. I. Cotheal. Chaplain, Rt. Rev. Benj. T. Onderdonk. Physicians, William H. Hobart, John D. Ogden. Cottsulting Physicians, John W. Francis, Hugh M'Lean. Stetvards, Alex. R. Wyckoff, David C. Golden, James Bowen, Anthony J. Bleecker, Jonathan Nathan, John A. King, James I. Jones. 46 OFFICERS ©fficers tor tbe Mat ©fRcers tor tbe ISear 1841. 1843. GULIAN C. VeRI'LANCK. 1st J^ice-President, Washington Irving. 2d Vice-President, Peter ScherxMerhorn. 2d Vice-President, Cornelius Heyer. Utk I'ice-President, Egbert Benson. Tj-easzirer, John Oothout. Secretary, Hamilton Fish. Assistant Secretary, Wm. a. Lawrence. Alanagei-s, James R. Manley, Thomas R. Mercein, John Leveridge, William J. Van Wagenen, John B. Schmelzel, John Turner, Robert Benson, Abraham Asten, George B. Rapelye, Samuel G. Raymond, Alex. I. Cotheal. James H. Kip. Chaplain, Rt. Rev. Benj. T. Onderdonk. Physicians, William H. Hobart, John D. Ogden. Consulting Physicians, John W. Francis, Hugh M'Lean. Stewards, Alex. R. Wyckoff, David C Golden, James BoHven, Anthony J. Bleecker, Jonathan Nathan John A. King, James I, Jones, President, Egbert Benson. 1st Vice-President, Peter Schermerhorn. 2d Vice-President, William J. Van Wagenen. 3d Vice-President, John Turner. Uth Vice-President, James R. Manley. Treasurer, John Oothout. Seer eta ry, Hamilton Fish. Assistant Sec7'etary, James Manley. Managers, Robert Benson. John Leveridge, John B. Schmelzel, James H. Kip, David C. Golden, George B. Rapelye, Abraham Asten, Samuel G. Raymond, Alex. L Cotheal, Abraham R. Lawrence, Frederic De Peyster, Jonathan Nathan. Chaplains, Rt. Rev. Benj. T. Onderdonk, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye. Physicia7is, Wm. H. Hobart, John G. Adams. Consulting Physicians, John W. Francis, Hugh M'Lean. Stewards, Alex. R. Wyckoff, James L Jones, Jacob R. Nevius, Anthony J. Bleecker, William Turner, ' William Dumont, AL Charles Paterson. OFFICERS 47 ©tflcers tox tbc ISeat ©tficers for tbe IJear 1843. 184r4.. President^ Egbert Benson. 1st Vice-Presidetit, Peter Schermerhorn. 2d Vice-President^ William J. Van Wagenen. Sd Vice-President, James R. Manley. kth Vice-President^ Abraham R. Lawrence. Ty'easurer^ John Oothout. Secretary, Hamilton Fish. Assistant Secret ary^ James Manley. Managers^ Robert Benson, Alex. I. Cotheal, Abraham Asten, Samuel G. Raymond, James H. Kip, David C. Golden, Frederic De Peyster, John Leveridge, John B. Schmelzel, Jonathan Nathan, William H. Johnson, Robert Kermit. Chaplains, Rt. Rev. Benj. T. Onderdonk, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye. Physicians, William H. Ho hart, Jacob Harsen. Consulting Physicians^ John W. Francis, Hugh M'Lean. Ste%iiards, Anthony J. Bleecker, William Turner, Jacob R. Nevius, William Dumont, M. Charles Paterson, Alex. R. Wyckoff, John D. Van Buren. President, James R. Manley. 1st I 'ice-President, Peter Schermerhorn. 2d J 'ice-President, William J. Van Wagenen. 3d Vice-President, Abraham R. Lawrence. Itth Vice-President, Ogden Hoffman. Treasurer, Frederic De Peyster. Secretary, Samuel G. Raymond. Assistant Secretary, James Manley. Ma7iagers, John Leveridge, John B. Schmelzel, James H. Kip, Alex. I. Cotheal, Jonathan Nathan, Robert Kermit, William H. Johnson, James F. De Peyster, Hamilton Fish, Samuel Jones, Anthony J. Bleecker, Thomas C. Chardavoyne. Chaplains, Rt. Rev. Benj. T. Onderdonk, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye. Physicians, William H. Hobart, Jacob Harsen. Consulting Physicians, John W. Francis, Hugh M'Lean. Stewards, John D. Van Buren, Jacob R. Nevius, Cornelius V. S. Roosevelt, Charles F. Hoffman, Peter A. Schermerhorn, Denning Duer, James De Peyster Ogden. 48 OFFICERS ©tficera for tbe JSeat ©tRcers tov tbe )Seat 18^5. 1846. President, James R. Manley. 1st Vice-President, Abraham R. Lawrence. 2d Vice-President^ Ogden Hoffman. Sd Vice-President, Samuel Jones. hth Vice-President, James De Peyster Ogden. Treasurer, Frederic De Peyster. Secretary. Samuel G. Raymond. Assistant Secretary, James Manley. Managers^ John Leveridge, James H. Kip, Alex. I. Cotheal, Jonathan Nathan, Robert Kermit, Francis V. Many, James F. De Peyster, Hamilton Fish, David C. Golden, Anthony J. Bleecker, Thomas C. Ghardavoyne, Harm an G. Wester velt. Chaplains, Rt. Rev. Benj. T. Onderdonk, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye. Physicians, William H. Hobart, Jacob Harsen. Consulting Physicians, John W. Francis, Hugh M'Lean. Stewards, John D. Van Buren, Jacob R. Nevius, Charles F, Hoffman, Denning Duer, Alex. R. Wyckoff, William Turner, Dayton Hobart. President, Samuel Jones. 1st Vice-President, Abraham R. Lawrence. 2d Vice-President, Ogden Hoffman. 3d Vice-President, J. De Peyster Ogden. kth Vice-President, John A. King. Treasurer, William H. Johnson. Secretary, Samuel G. Raymond. Assistant Secretary^ James Manley. Managers, James H. Kip, Alex. I. Gotheal, Robert Kermit, David G. Golden, Wm. J. Van Wagenen, Thomas G. Ghardavoyne, Hamilton Fish, James F. De Peyster, William M. Vermilye, Harman G. Westervelt, Francis V. Many, Abraham Fardon, Jr. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. William Berrian. Physicians, William H. Hobart, William Turner. Consulti7ig Physicians, John W. Francis, Hugh M'Lean. Stewards, Gharles F. Hoffman, Pierre M. Irving, Denning Duer, Alex. R. Wyckoff, Isaac S. Hone, James Breath, Lewis Gaylord Glark. OFFICERS 49 OtCxccvs tor tbe leat ©meets for tbe l^ear 1847. President, Samuel Jones. 1st Vice-President, Abraham R. Lawrence. 2d I'ice-President, J. De Peyster Ogden. 2d Vice-President, John A. King. Uth Vice-President, Hamilton Fish. Treasurer, William H. Johnson. Secretary, Samuel G. Raymond. Assistant Secretary, Alexander I. Cotheal. Managers, James H. Kip, Thomas C. Chardavoyne, William M. Vermilye, Jacob Anthony, William J. Van Wagenen, Francis V. Many, Abraham Fardon, Jr., Elias G. Drake, James R. Manley, T. C. WiNTHROP, Harman C. Westervelt, Jacob Harsen. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. William Berrian, Physicians, William H. Hobart, John G. Adams. Consulting Physicians^ John W. Francis, John C. Cheesman. Stewards, Pierre M. Irving, Lewis Gaylord Clark, Nicholas Low, James Breath, Charles R. Swords, Aaron B. Hays, John T. Stagg. 184.8. President, John A. King. 1st Vice-President, J. De Peyster Ogden. 2d J ^ice-President, Hamilton Fish. Sd J 'ice-President, Ogden Hoffman. Uth Vice-President, Egbert Benson. Treasurer, William H. Johnson. Secretary, Samuel G. Raymond. Assistant Secretary, Alexander I. Cotheal. Managers, James H. Kip, Thomas C. Chardavoyne, William M. Vermilye, Jacob Anthony, William J. Van Wagenen, Francis V. Many, Abraham Fardon, Jr., Elias G. Drake, James R. Manley, Harman C, Westervelt, Charles R. Swords, Jacob R. Nevius. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. William L. Johnson. Physicians, William H. Hobart, John G. Adams. Consulting Physicia ns, John W. Francis, John C. Cheesman. Stewards, Charles R, Swords, James Breath, Nicholas Low, Pierre M. Irving, Lewis Gaylord Clark, Aaron B. Hays, John T. Stagg. 50 OFFICERS ©meets tor tbe l^eat ©ffieers tor tbe 18ear 1Q49. President, John A. King. 1st Vice-President, J. De Peyster Ogden. 2d Vice-President, Hamilton Fish. 2d Vice-President, Ogden Hoffman. hth Vice-President^ James H. Kip. Treasurer, William H. Johnson. Secretary, Alexander I. Cotheal. Assistant Secretary, Charles R. Swords. Managers, Samuel Jones, Egbert Benson, Samuel G. Raymond, Thomas C. Chardavoyne, Jacob Anthony, William J. Van Wagenen, Abraham Fardon, Jr., Elias G. Drake, James R. Manley, Pierre M. Irving, Aaron B. Hays, John J. Cisco. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. William L. Johnson. Physicians, William H. Hobart, John G. Adams. Consulting Physicians, John W. Francis, John C. Cheesman. Ste^uards, James Breath, Nicholas Low, Dayton Hobart, Denning Duer, Alexander E. Hosack, Gerard Stuyvesant, Richard H. Ogden. 185 O. Presidetit, James De Peyster Ogdex. 1st Vice-President, Hamilton Fish. 2d Vice-Presidefif, Ogden Hoffman. 8d Vice-President^ James H. Kip. Itth Vice-President, Samuel G. Raymond. Treasurer, William H. Johnson. Secretary, Alexander I. Cotheal. Assistant Secretary, Charles R. Swords. Managers, Samuel Jones, Jacob Anthony, William J. Van Wagenen, Abraham Fardon, Jr., James R. Manley, Pierre M. Irving, Aaron B. Hays, Frederic De Peyster, John J. Cisco, John W. Livingston, James J. Roosevelt, James Breath. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. William L. Johnson. Physicians, William H. Hobart. John G. Adams. Consulting Physicians, John W. Francis, John C. Cheesman. stewards, Nicholas Low, Richard H. Ogden, Henry A. Heiser, John Romeyn Brodhead, James Watson Webh, James W. Beekman, Elias G. Drake. OFPICERS 51 (S^fficers tor tbe l^eat 1851. President, James De Peyster Ogden. 1st Vice-Prcsidetit, Hamilton P'ish. 2d Vice-President, Ogden Hoffman. Sd Vice-President, James H. Kip. Uth Vice-President, John W. Francis. Treasurer, William H. Johnson. Secretary, Charles R. Swords. Assistant Secretary, Richard E. Mount, Jr. Managers, Samuel Jones, James R. Manley, William J. Van Wagenen, Jacob Anthony, John W. Livingston, Frederic De Peyster, .Aaron B. Hays, James J. Roosevelt, Charles Kin(;, Cornelius Oakley, Sylvester L. H. Ward, Ambrose C. Kingsland. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. William L. Johnson. Physicians, William H. Hobart, John G. Adams. Consulting Physicians, John C. Cheesman, J. Kearney Rodgers. Sten'ards, James W. Beekman, J. Romeyn Brodhead, Elias G. Drake, Nicholas Low, Henry A. Heiser, James Breath, John J. Cisco. iS)tficer0 tot tbe 13eac 1853. President, Ogden Hoffman. 1st I 'ice-President, Hamilton Fish. 2d Vice-President, James H. Kip. Sd Vice-President, John W. Francis. uth Vice-President, Frederic De Peyster. Treasurer, William H. Johnson. Secretary, Charles R. Swords. Assistant Secretary, Richard E. Mount, Jr. Managers, . Samuel Jones, John W. Livingston, William J. Van Wagenen, Jacob Anthony, James J. Roosevelt, Cornelius Oakley, Sylvester L. H, Ward, Ambrose C. Kingsland, James W. Beekman, Benjamin H. Field, John- G. Adams, b. Henry Haight. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. William L. Johnson. Physicians, Benjamin Drake, William H. Jackson. Consulting Physicians, John C. Cheesman, James R. Manley. Stewards, Nicholas Low, J. Romeyn Brodhead, Pierre M. Irving, John J. Cisco, Aaron B. Hays, Augustus Schell, William J. Bunker. 5 2 OFFICERS Officers tor tbe l^ear Officers tor tbe l^ear 1853. President^ Ogden Hoffman. 1st Vice-President, Hamilton Fish. ^d Vice-President, James H. Kip. Sd Vice-President, John W. Francis. kth Vice-President, Frederic De Peyster. Treasurer, William H. Johnson. Secretary, Charles R. Swords. Assistant Secretary, Richard E. Mount, Jr. Managers, Samuel Jones, William J. Van Wagenen, Jacob Anthony, Cornelius Oakley, James J. Roosevelt, James W. Beekman, Sylvester L. H. Ward, John G. Adams, D. Henry Haight, Alex. I. Cotheal, John D. Van Buren, John Ridley. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. William L. Johnson. Physicians, Benjamin Drake, William H. Jackson. Consulting Physicians, John C. Cheesman, Richard S. Kissam. Stewards, Nicholas Low, J. Romeyn Brodhead, John J. Cisco, Augustus Schell, Aaron B. Hays, Gerrit G. Van Wagenen, Benjamin H. Field. 18S4r. President, Frederic De Peyster. 1st Vice-President, Hamilton Fish. 2d Vice-President, John W, Francis, Sd Vice-President, James J. Roosevelt. hth Vice-President, J. Romeyn Brodhead. Treasurer, William H. Johnson. Secretary, Charles R. Swords. Assistant Secretary^ Richard E. Mount, Jr. Managers, William J. Van Wagenen, Jacob Anthony, Cornelius Oakley, James W. Beekman, Sylvester L. H. Ward, D. Henry Haight, Alexander I. Cotheal, John Ridley, Elias G. Drake, Nicholas Low, John J. Cisco, James H. Kip. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. William L. Johnson. Physicians, Benjamin Drake, Abram Dubois. Consulting Physicians, John C. Cheesman, Richard S. Kissam. Stewards, Gerrit G. Van Wagenen, Benjamin H. Field, John Van Buren, William Dumont, Adrian B. Holmes, Peter H. Vandervoort, Edward Slosson. OFFICERS 53 ©fficers tor tbe l^ear ©ttlcers for tbe l^ear 1855. Presidctif, Frederic De Peyster. 1st I'^ice-President, Hamilton Fish. 2d Vice-President^ James J. Roosevelt. 3d Vice-P7-esident, John Romeyn Brodhead. kth Vice-President, Gerrit G. Van Wagenen. Treasurer, William H. Johnson. Secretary, Charles R. Swords. Assistant Secretary, Richard E. Mount, Jr. Managers, William J. Van Wagenen, Jacob Anthony, Cornelius Oakley, Sylvester L. H. Ward, Elias G. Drake, John J. Cisco, James H. Kip, James De Peyster Ogden, Augustus Schell, William Dumont, James Manley, John Alstyne, Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. William L. Johnson. Physicians, Richard S. Kissam, Edward L. Beadle. Consulting Physicians, John W. Francis, John C. Cheesman. Stewards, John Van Buren, Peter H. Vandervoort, Adrian B. Holmes, Benjamin H. Field, D. Henry Haight, Alex. I. Cotheal, Duncan F. Curry. 185 G. President, James De Peyster Ogden. 1st J'ice-President, Hamilton Fish. Sd Vice-President, James J. Roosevelt. 2d Vice-President, John R. Brodhead. Uth Vice-President, Gerrit G. Van Wagenen. Tr-easurer, William H. Johnson. Secretary, Charles R. Swords. Assistant Secretary, Richard E. Mount, Jr. Managers, William J. Van Wagenen, Jacob Anthony, Cornelius Oakley, Sylvester L. H. Ward, Frederic De Peyster, John J. Cisco, James H. Kip, Benjamin H. Field, Augustus Schell, William Dumont, James Manley, John Alstyne. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. William L. Johnson. Physicia ns, Richard S. Kissam, Edward L. Beadle. Consulting Physicians, John W. Francis, John C. Cheesman. Stezva rds, John Van Buken, Adrian B. Holmes, D. Henry Haight, Alexander I. Cotheal, Duncan F. Curry, Peter H. Vandervoort. James Breath. 54 OFFICERS ©tficers tor tbe l^ear ©tticets for tbe ISear 185 r. 1858. President, James De Peyster Ogden. 1st Vice-President, Hamilton Fish. 2d Vice-President, James J. Roosevelt. Sd Vice-President, John R. Brodhead. kth Vice-President, Gerrit G. Van Wagenen. Treasurer, William H. Johnson. Secretary, Charles R. Swords. Assistant Secretary, Richard E. Mount, Jr. Managers, William J. Van Wagenen, Cornelius Oakley, Sylvester L. H. Ward, Frederic De Peyster, John J. Cisco, James H. Kip, Benjamin H. Field, Augustus Schell, William Dumont, James Manley, John Alstyne, James W. Beekman. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilyk, Rev. William L. Johnson. Physicians, Richard S. Kissam, Edward L. Beadle. Consulting Physicians, John W. Francis, John C. Cheesman. Stewards, John Van Buren, Peter H. Vandervoorf, James Breath, Duncan F. Curry, Benjamin R. Winthrop, Alexander I. Cotheal, Harman C. Westervelt. President, GuLiAN C. Verplanck. 1st Vice-President, Hamilton Fish. 2d Vice-President, James J. Roosevelt. Sd Vice-President, John R. Brodhead. kth Vice-President, Gerrit G. Van Wagenen. Treasurer, William H. Johnson. Secretary, John G. Adams. Assistant Secretary, Worthington Romaine. Managers, William J. Van Wagenen, Frederic De Peyster, John J. Cisco, Benjamin H. Field, Augustus Schell, James H. Kip, John Alstyne, James W. Beekman, James Manley, James De P. Ogden, William Dumont, Andrew Warner. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. William L. Johnson. Physicians, Edward L. Beadle, James Anderson. Consulting Physicians, John W. Francis, John C. Cheesman. Steiva yds, John Van Buren, Peter H. Vandervoort, John D. Van Buren, Charles Vandervoort, Gerrit G. Van Wagenen, Edgar S. Van Winkle, William J. Van Wagenen. OFFICERS 55 ©tficers tot tbe 13ear 1859. President, GuLiAN C. Verplanck. 1st Vice-President, James J. Roosevelt. 2d Vice-President, John R. Brodhead. Sd Vice-President, Jacob Harsen. hth Vice-President, Charles R. Swords. Treasurer, William M. Vermilye. Secretary, Richard E. Mount, Jr. Assistant Secretary, WORTHINGTON ROMAINE. ]\Ianagers, William J. Van Wagenen, Frederic De Peyster, John J. Cisco, Benjamin H, Field, Augustus Schell, James H. Kip, John Alstyne, James W. Beekman, James Manley, James De P. Ogden, William Dumont, Andrew Warner. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. William L. Johnson. Physicians, Edward L. Beadle, Abram Dubois. Consulting Physicians, John W. Francis, John C. Cheesman. Steiva rds, John Van Buren, James A. Pinkney, Aaron B. Hays, John D. Van Buren, Charles Roome, William H. Johnson, John Groshon. Officers tor tbe l^ear 18GO. President, Hamilton Fish. 1st I 'ice-President, James J. Roosevelt. '2d Vice-President, John R. Brodhead. 3d Vice-President, Jacob Harsen. Uth Vice-President, Charles R. Swords. Treasurer, William M. Vermilye. Secretary, Richard E. Mount, Jr. A ssista nt Seer eta ry, Worthington Romaine. Managers, GuLiAN C. Verplanck, James De P. Ogden, Frederic De Peyster, John J. Cisco, Benjamin H. Field, Augustus Schell, James H. Kip, John Alstyne, James W. Beekman, William Dumont, James Manley, William H. Johnson. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. W^illiam L. Johnson. Physicians, James Anderson, Edward L. Beadle. Consulting Physic ia ns, John W. Francis. John C. Cheesman. Ste7vards, James H. Pinkney, Charles Roome, James Breath, Washington R. Vermilye, Richard L. Suydam, John G. Storm, John Groshon. 56 OFFICERS ©fficers tor tbe J^ear ©tficers for tbe 35ear 1S61. President^ Hamilton Fish. 1st Vice-President, James J. Roosevelt. ^d Vice-President, John Van Buren. Sd Vice-President^ John R. Brodhead. hth Vice-President, Charles R. Swords. Treasurer, William M. Vermilye.. Secretary, Richard E. Mount, Jr. Assistant Secretary, WORTHINGTON ROMAINE. Mafiagers, GuLiAN C. Verplanck, James De P. Ogden, Frederic De Peyster, John J. Cisco, Benjamin H. Field, Augustus Schell, John Alstyne, James W. Beekman, William Dumont, James Manley, William H. Johnson, Jacob Harsen. ChaJ>lains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. William L. Johnson. Physicians, Edward L. Beadle, James R. Wood. ConsTilting- Physicians, John W. Francis, James Anderson. Stewards, Charles Roome, James H. Pinkney, John D. Van Buren, James Breath, Edward Schell, James M. McLean, Edward Slosson. 1S6S. President, James J. Roosevelt. 1st Vice-President, Jacob Harsen. 2d Vice-President, John Van Buren. 3d Vice-President, Augustus Schell. hth Vice-Preside7it, Charles Roome. Treasurer, William M. Vermilye. Secretary, Richard E. Mount, Jr. A ssista nt Seer eta ry, WORTHINGTON ROMAINE. Managers, GuLiAN C. Verplanck, ' James De P. Ogden, John J. Cisco, William H. Johnson, Charles R. Swords, Benjamin H. Field, Hamilton Fish, Frederic De Peyster, James W. Beekman, John R. Brodhead, John Alstyne, William Dumont. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. William L. Johnson. Physicians, William Rockwell, William E. Vermilye. Co7istilting Physicia?is, James Anderson, James R. Wood. Stewards, James H. Pinkney, Edward Slosson, Claudius L. Monell, James M. McLean, Edward Schell, Carlisle Norwood, Augustus R. Macdonough, OFFICERS 57 ©fficets for tbe 13ear 1863. President, John Van Buren. 1st Vice-President, Augustus Schell. ^d Vice-President, Charles Roome. Sd Vice-President, James W. Beekman. ( kth P'ice-President, Benjamin H. Field. Treasurer, William M. Vermilye. Secretary, Richard E. Mount, Jr. Assistant Secretary, WORTHINGTON ROMAINE. Managers, GULIAN C. Verplanck, John J. Cisco, William H. Johnson, James J. Roosevelt, Hamilton Fish, John Alstyne, James De P. Ogden, Frederic De Peyster, Charles R. Swords, Jacob Harsen, D. Henry Haight, William Dumont. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. William L. Johnson. Physiciafis, William Rockwell, William E. Vermilye. Consulting Physicians, James Anderson, James R. Wood. Stewards, Edward H. Arthur, Augustus R. Macdonough, Robert G. Rem sen, Dayton Hobart, George W. McLean, James A. Suydam, William Irving Graham. ©fficers tot tbe 13eat 1S64. President, James J. Roosevelt. 1st Vice-President, Augustus Schell. 2d Vice-President, Charles Roome. '3d Vice-President, James W. Beekman. kth Plce-President, Benjamin H. Field. Treasurer, William M. Vermilye. Secretary, Richard E. Mount, Jr. Assistant Secretary, WORTHINGTON ROMAINE. Managers, GuLiAN C. Verplanck, Hamilton Fish, John Van Buren, William H. Johnson, Charles R. Swords, William Dumont, Tames De Peyster Ogden, Frederic De Peyster, John J. Cisco, John Alstyne, D. Henry Haight, James M. McLean. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. William L. Johnson. Physicians, William Rockwell, William E. Vermilye. Consulting Physicians, James Anderson, James R. Wood. Steioards, Edw^ard H. Arthur, Robert G. Remsen, Edward Slosson, Augustus R. Macdonough, William Irving Graham, James A. Suydam, George W. McLean. 58 OFFICERS Officers tot tbe Jffear Officers tor tbe IBear 1865. President, Augustus Schell. 1st Vice-President, Charles Roome. 2d Vice-President^ James W. Beekman. 3d Vice-President, Benjamin H. Field. Uth Vice-President, Richard E. Mount, JR- Treasurer, William M. Vermilye. Secretary, Augustus R. Macdonough. Assistant Secretary, Archibald S. Van Duzer. Managers, GuLiAN C. Verplanck, James De P. Ogden, John Van Buren, William H. Johnson, Charles R. Swords, William Dumont, Hamilton Fish, Frederic De Peyster, James J. Roosevelt, John Alstyne, b. Henry Haight, James M. McLean. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. William L. Johnson. Physicians, Abram Dubois, William E. Vermilye. Consulting Physicians, James Anderson, James R. Wood. Steivards, Edward H. Arthur, William Irving Graham, George W. McLean, Robert G. Remsen, James A. Suydam, James Breath, Edward Slosson. 1866. President, Augustus Schell. 1st Vice-President, Charles Roome. 2d Vice-President, James W. Beekman. Sd J^ice-President, Benjamin H. Field. Uth I ^ice-President, Richard E. Mount, Jr. Ty-easurer, William M. Vermilye. Secretary, Augustus R. Macdonough. Assistant Secretary, Archibald S. Van Duzer. Managers, GuLiAN C. Verplanck, James De P. Ogden, John Van Buren, William H. Johnson, Charles R. Swords, James M. McLean, Hamilton Fish, Frederic De Peyster, James J. Roosevelt, John Alstyne, D. Henry Haight, Aaron B. Hays. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. William L. Johnson. Physicians, Abram Dubois, William E. Vermilye. Consult ittg Physicians, James Anderson, James R. Wood. Stewards, Edward H. Arthur, Robert G. Remsen, James Breath, William Irving Graham, George W. McLean, Edward Slosson, Charles Vandervoort. OFP^ICERS 59 ©tficers for tbe 18ear 1867'. ©tficers tor tbe l^ear 1868. President^ Charles Roome. 1st Vice-President^ James W. Beekman. 2d J 'ice-President, Benjamin H. Field. \ 3d J 'ice- President, Richard E. Mount, Jr. Ut/i I 'ice-President, James M. McLean. Treasurer, William M. Vermilye. Seer eta ry, AuGLSTUS R. Macdonough. A ssista nt Secret a ry, Archibald S. Van Duzer. 3Ianagers, GuLiAN C. Verplanck, William H. Johnson, Charles R, Swords, D. Henry Hakjht, John Alstyne, Aaron B. Hays, James De P. Ogden, Frederic De Peystek, James J. Roosevelt, Augustus Schell, Hamilton Fish, William Remsen. Chaplains, Rkv. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. William L. Johnson. Physicians, Abram Dubois, William E. Vermilye. Consttlting Physicians, James Anderson, James R. Wood. Stew a yds, EinvARD H. Arthur, ("iEorge W, McLean, Robert G. Remsen, William Irving Graham, James Breath, Edward Slosson, N. W. Stuvvesant Cati.in. President, James W. Beekman. 1st Vice-President, Benjamin H. Field. 2d J 'ice-President, Richard E. Mount, Jr. 3d J 'ice-President, James M. McLean. !tth I'ice-President, John T. Hoffman. Treastcrer, William M. Vermilye. Secretary, Augustus R. Macdonough. Assistant Secretary, Smith E. Lane. Managers, Gulian C. Verplanck, William H. Johnson, Charles R. Swords, D. Henry Haight, John Alstyne, Aaron B. Hays, James De P. Ogden, Frederic De Peyster, James J. Roosevelt, Augustus Schell, Charles Roome, William Remsen. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. William L. Johnson. Physicians, Abram Dubois, William E. Vermilye. Consulting Physicians, James Anderson, James R. Wood. Steivards, George W. McLean, Robert G. Remsen, Abraham R. Lawrence, Jr., William Irving Graham, James Breath, Carlisle Norwood, N. W. Stuvvesant Catlix. 6o OFFICERS iS^tficers for tbe ISear ©meets tot tbe l^ear 1869. Preside?ti, James W. Beekman. Isi Vice-President, Benjamin H. Field. ^d Vice-President, Richard E. Mount, Jr. 3d Vice-President, James M. McLean. Uth Vice-President, John T. Hoffman. Treasurer, William M. Vermilye, Secretary, Augustus R. Macdonough. Assistant Secretary, Smith E. Lane. Managers, GuLiAN C. Verplanck, Frederic De Peyster, William H. Johnson, Charles R. Swords, Augustus Schell, William Remsen, James De P. Ogden, John Alstyne, James J. Roosevelt, D. Henry Haight, Aaron B. Hays, Charles Roome. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. William L. Johnson. Physicians, Abram Dubois, William E. Vermilye. Consulting Physicians, James Anderson, James R, Wood. Stewards, William Irving Graham, Robert G. Remsen, Carlisle Norwood, James Breath, N. W. Stuyvesant Catlin, Smith Clift, John Fowler, Jr. 1870. President, Benjamin H. Field. 1st Vice-President, Richard E. Mount, Jr. 2d Vice-President, James M. McLean. Sd Vice-President, John T. Hoffman. Uth Vice-President, Augustus R. MACDONOuciH. Treasurer, William M. Vermilye. Secretary, Smith E. Lane. Assistant Secretary, John C. Mills. Managers, Gulian C. Verplanck, Frederic De Peyster. Charles Roome, Charles R. Swords, William H. Johnson, William Remsen, James De P. Ogden, James J. Roosevelt, Augustus Schell, Aaron B. Hays, D. Henry Haight, James W. Beekman. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. William L. Johnson. Physicia ns, Abram Dubois, William E. Vermilye. Consultittg Physicians, James Anderson, James R. Wood, Stewards, William Irving Graham, N. W. Stuyvesant Catlin, Smith Clift, James Breath, Carlisle Norwood, John Fowler, Jr., Benjamin L. Swan, Jr. iqr f.LD,83iJ0iD0S 151'^ • AMEs \V, Bi^KKMAN, JAMiiS Vv , iifcl MA^iKs RooMF, Charles Roc- Am;..,!; fi ■> DLBOii, M E. Vermilyj WlLLlA^; Carusl; James Bi N. \V. S John Fo BeNJAMIis i.. Smith Clift. JBaDge or Ifnsicinia of tbc IpresiDents of tbe Saint IRicbolas Society formerly worn wben attending as a 0uegt Banqnete of Sister Societies OFFICERS 6i Officers for tbe l^ear 1871. Officers tor tbe HJear 1873. President, RICHAR.D E. Mount, Jr. 1st Vice-President, James M. McLean. 2d Vice-President, John T. Hoffman. Sd Vice-President, Augustus R. Macdonough. kth Vice-President, William M. Vermilye. Treasurer, Edward Schell. Secretary, Smith E. Lane. Assistant Secretary, John C. Mills. Managers, William H. Johnson, Charles R. Swords, D. Henry Haight, Augustus Schell, Benjamin H. Field, James W. Beekman, Charles Roome, Aaron B. Hays, Frederic De Peyster, James J. Roosevelt, Hamilton Fish, William Remsen. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. Noah H. Schenck. Physicians, Abram Dubois, William E. Vermilye. Consjdting Physicians, James Anderson, James R. Wood. Stewards, William Irving Graham, Carlisle Norwood, James Breath, N. W. Stuyvesant Catlin, John Fowler, Jr., Benjamin L. Swan, Jr., Smith Clift. President, Richard E. Mount, Jr. 1st Vice-President, James M. McLean. 2d Vice-President, John T. Hoffman. Sd Vice-President, Augustus R. Macdonough. kth Vice-President, William M. Vermilye. Treasurer, Edward Schell. Secretary, Smith E. Lane. Assistant Secretary, John C. Mills. Managers, William H. Johnson, Charles R. Swords, D. Henry Haight, Augustus Schell, Benjamin H. Field, James W. Beekman, Charles Roome, Aaron B. Hays, Frederic De Peyster, James J. Roosevelt, Hamilton Fish, William Remsen. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. Noah Hunt Schenck. Physicians, Abram Dubois, William E. Vermilye. Consulting Physicia us, James Anderson, James R. Wood. Stewards, Carlisle Norwood, James Breath, Smith Clift, Benjamin L. Swan, Jr., George W. McLean, John Treat Irving, Samuel Jones. 62 OFFICERS iS^fficers tor tbe l^ear Pj-esident^ James M. McLean. 1st J 'ice-President, Augustus R. Macdonough. 2d Vice-President, William M. Vermilye. 3d Vice-President, Charles R. Swords. hth Vice-President, Carlisle Norwood. Treasurer, Edward Schell. Sec7-etary, Smith E. Lane. Assistant Secretary, John C. Mills. Managers, William H. Johnson, Richard E. Mount, D. Henry Haight, Augustus Schell, Benjamin H. Field, James W. Beekman, James Breath, Aaron B. Hays, Frederic De Peyster, James J. Roosevelt, Hamilton Fish, William Remsen. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. Noah Hunt Schenck. Physicians, Abram Dubois, William E. Vermilye. Consulting Physicians, James Anderson, James R. Wood. Steivards, George W. McLean, Benjamin L. Swan, Jr., John Treat Irving, Samuel Jones, George L. Kingsland, Cornelius* Vanderbilt, Jr., Carlisle Norwood, Jr. Officers tor tbe 13ear President, James M. McLean. 1st Vice-President, Augustus R. Macdonough. 2d Vice-President, William M. Vermilye. $d Vice-President, Charles R. Swords. kth Vice-President, Carlisle Norwood. Treasurer, Edward Schell. Secretary, Smith E. Lane. Assistant Secretary, John C. Mills. Managers, William H. Johnson, Richard E. Mount, D. Henry Haight, Augustus Schell, Benjamin H. Field, James W. Beekman, James Breath, Aaron B. Hays, Frederic De Peyster, James J. Roosevelt, Hamilton Fish, William Remsen. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. Noah Hunt Schenck. Physicians^ Abram Dubois, T. Matlack Cheesman. Cottsultitig Physicians, James Anderson, James R. Wood. Stezvards, George W. McLean, Benjamin L. Swan, Jr., John Treat Irving, Robert G. Remsen, George L. Kingsland, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr., Carlisle Norwood, Jr. OFFICERS ^Z ©fRcers for tbe l^ear President, Augustus R. Macdonough. 1st I 'ice-President, William M. Vermilye. 2d Vice-President, Charles R. Swords. Sd Vice-President, Carlisle Norwood. Uth Vice-President, George W. McLean. Treasurer, Edward Schell. Secretary, John C. Mills. Assistant Secretary, P. Van Zandt Lane. Managers, D. Henry Haight, Augustus Schell, Benjamin H. Field, James W. Beekman, James Breath, Aaron B. Hays, Frederic De Peyster, Hamilton Fish, William Rem sen, James M. McLean, Theodore Roosevelt, John Schuyler. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. Noah Hunt Schenck. Physicians, Abram Dubois, T. Matlack Cheesman. ConsJilting Physicians, James Anderson, James R. Wood. Stewards, Robert G. Remsen, Benjamin L. Swan, Jr., John Treat Irving, George L. Kingsland, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr., Carlisle Norwood, Jr., Eugene Schieffelin. Officers tor tbe 13ear President, Augustus R. Macdonough. 1st Vice-President, William M. Vermilye. 2d J 'ice-President, Charles R. Swords. 3d Vice-President, Carlisle Norwood. kth Vice-President, George W. McLean. Treasurer, Edward Schell. Secretary, John C. Mills. Assistant Secretary, P. Van Zandt Lane. Managers, D. Henry Haight, Augustus Schell, Benjamin H. Field, James W. Beekman, James Breath, Aaron B. Hays, Frederic De Peyster, James M. McLean, Hamilton Fish, William Remsen, John Schuyler, Theodore Roosevelt. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. Noah Hunt Schenck. Physicia ns, Abram Dubois, T. Matlack Cheesman. Co7tsulting Physicians, James Anderson, James R. Wood. Stewards, Benjamin L. Swan, Jr., John Treat Irving, Robert G. Remsen, George L. Kingsland, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr., Carlisle Norwood, Jr., Eugene Schieffelin. 64 OFFICERS ©fficers for tbe 13ear Officers for tbe Iffear 18T7. President, William M. Vermilye. 1st Vice-President, Charles R. Swords. 2d Vice-President, George W. McLean. Sd Vice-President, Robert G. Remsen. Uth Vice-President, John Treat Irving. Treasurer, Edward Schell. Secretary, John C. Mills. Assistant Secretary, P. Van Zandt Lane. Managers, Augustus R. Macdonough, Augustus Schell, Benjamin H. Field, James W. Beekman, James Breath, Aaron B. Hays, Frederic De Peyster, James M. McLean, Carlisle Norwood, Richard E. Mount, Benjamin L. Swan, Jr., William Remsen. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. Noah Hunt Schenck. Physicians, Abram Dubois, T. Matlack Cheesman. Consulting- Physicians, James Anderson, James R. Wood. Stewards, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr. Carlisle Norwood, Jr., Eugene Schieffelin, Stuyvesant Fish, Theodore Roosevelt, James W. Beekman, Jr., John Schuyler. 18T8. President, William M. Vermilye. 1st Vice-President, George W. McLean. 2d Vice-President, Robert G. Remsen. 3d Vice-President, Edward F. De Lancey. kth Vice-President, Abraham R. Lawrence. Treasurer, Edward Schell. Secretary, John C. Mills. Assista?zt Secretary, P. Van Zandt Lane. Managers, Frederic De Peyster, Aaron B. Hays, Augustus Schell, William Remsen, Benjamin H. Field, James Breath, James M, McLean, Carlisle Norwood, Richard E. Mount, Benjamin L. Swan, Jr., Augustus R. Macdonough, Nathaniel P. Bailey. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. Noah Hunt Schenck. Physicians, Abram Dubois, T. Matlack Cheesman. Consulting Physicians, James Anderson, James R. Wood. SteTvards, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Carlisle Norwood, Jr., Eugene Schieffelin, John Schuyler, James W. Beekman, Stuyvesant Fish, George W. Talbot. OFFICERS 65 ©tRcet? tor tbe l^eat ISTO. ©tficets for tbe 18ear 1880. President, Robert G. Remsen. 1st Vice-President, Edward F. De Lancey. ^d Vice-Preside Jit, Abraham R. Lawrence. 3d Vice-President, Nathaniel P. Bailey. kth Vice-President, John Jay. Treasurer, Edward Schell, Secretary, John C. Mills. Assistant Secretary, Frederic J. De Peyster. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. Noah HUxNt Schenck. Physicians, Abram Dubois, T. Matlack Cheesman. Consulting Physicians, James Anderson, James R. Wood. Majiagers, Frederic De Peyster, Aaron B. Hays, Augustus Schell, William Remsen, Benjamin H. Field, John T. Irving, James M. McLean, Carlisle Norwood, Richard E. Mount, Benjamin L. Swan, Jr., Augustus R. INLicdonougii, Alexander Hamilton, Jr. Stewards, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Carlisle Norwood, Jr., Eugene Schieffelin, John Schuyler, James W. Beekman, Stuyvesant Fish, Robert Stuyvesant. President, Edward F. De Lancey. 1st Vice-President, Abraham R, Lawrence. ^d Vice-President, Nathaniel P. Bailey. 3d Vice-President, Cornelius Vanderbilt. Uth Vice-President, Carlisle Norwood, Jr. Treasurer, Edward Schell. Secretary, John C. Mills. Assistant Secretary, Frederic J. De Peyster. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. Noah Hunt Schenck. Physicians, Abram Dubois, T. Matlack Cheesman. Consulting Physicia ns, James Anderson, James R. Wood. Managers, Frederic De Peyster. Aaron B. Hays, Augustus Schell, William Remsen, Benjamin H. Field, John T. Irving, James M. McLean, Carlisle Norwood, Benjamin L. Swan, Jr., Augustus R. Macdonough, Robert G. Remsen, John Schuyler. Stewards, Eugene Schieffelin, James W. Beekman, Stuyvesant Fish, Robert Stuyvesant, Chauncey M. Depew, Seymour A. Bunce, J. Harsen Purdy. 66 OFFICERS ©fticets tot tbe lear 1881. ©fficers tor tbe l^ear 1883. President, Edward F. De Lancey. 1st Vice-President, Abraham R. Lawrence. 2d Vice-President, Nathaniel P. Bailey. 3d Vice-President, Cornelius Vanderbilt. ktk Vice-President, Carlisle Norwood, Jr. Treasurer, Edward Schell. Secretary, Charles A. Schermerhorn. Assistant Secretary, Henry Erskine Smith. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. Noah Hunt Schenck. Physicians, Abram Dubois, T. Matlack Cheesman. Consulting Physicians, James Anderson, James R. Wood. Managers, Frederic De Peyster, Aaron B. Hays, Augustus Schell, William Remsen, Benjamin H. Field, John T. Irving, James M. McLean, Carlisle Norwood, Benjamin L. Swan, Jr., Augustus R. Macdonough, Robert G. Remsen, John Schuyler. Stewards, Eugene Schieffelin, James W. Beekman, Stuyvesant Fish, Robert StuyVesant, Chauncey M. Depew, Seymour A. Bunce, J. Harsen Purdy. President, Abraham R. Lawrence. 1st Vice-President, Nathaniel P. Bailey. 2d Vice-President, Cornelius Vanderbilt. Sd Vice-President, Carlisle Norwood, Jr. hth Vice-President, John C. Mills. Treasurer, Edward Schell. Secretary, Charles A. Schermerhorn. Assistant Secretary, Henry Erskine Smith. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, Rev. Noah Hunt Schenck. Physicians, Abram Dubois, T. Matlack Cheesman. Consulting Physiciatts, James Anderson, Stephen V. R. Bogert. Managers, Frederic De Peyster, Edward F. De Lancey, James M. McLean, Augustus Schell, Carlisle Norwood, William Remsen, Benjamin L. Swan, Jr., Benjamin H. Field, Augustus R. Macdonough, John T. Irving, Robert G. Remsen, John Schuyler. Steivards, Eugene Schieffelin, Robert Stuyvesant, James W. Beekman, Chauncey M. Depew, Stuyvesant Fish, Seymour A. Bunce, E. Benedict Oakley. OFFICERS 67 Officers, for tbe 13ear 1883. President^ xVbraham R. Lawrence. 1st Vice-President, Nathaniel P. Bailey. 2d Vice-President, Cornelius Vanderbilt. Sd Vice-President, Carlisle Norwood, Jr. kth Vice-Preside7it, John C. Mills. Treasurer, Edward Schell. Secretary, Charles A. Schermerhorn. Assistant Secretary, Henry Erskine Smith. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E.Vermilye,D.D., Rev. Noah Hunt Schenck,D.D. Physicians, Abram Dubois, M.D., T. Matlack Cheesman, M.D. Consulting Physicians, James Anderson, M.D., Stephen V. R. Bogejit, M.D. Managers, Benjamin H. Field, Augustus Schell, James M. McLean, Augustus R. Macdonough, Robert G. Remsen, Edward F. De Lancey, Benjamin L. Swan, Jr., William Remsen, John T. Irving, Carlisle Norwood, John Schuyler, Eugene Schieffelin. Steiva rds, James W. Beekman, Stuyvesant Fish, Chauncey M. Depew, E. Benedict Oakley, Frederic J. De Peyster, James H. Beekman, Robert Cambridge Livingston. iS^tficers tor tbe l^ear 1884. President, Nathaniel P. Bailey. 1st Vice-President, Cornelius Vanderbilt. 2d Vice-President, Carlisle Norwood, Jr. 3d Vice-President, John C. Mills. kth Vice-President, James Wm. Beekman. Treasurer, Edward Schell. Secretary, Charles A. Schermerhorn. Assistant Secretary, Henry Erskine Smith. Chaplains, . Rev. Thomas E.Vermilye,D.D., Rev. Noah Hunt Schenck,D.D. Physicians, Abram Dubois, M.D., T. Matlack Cheesman, ]\LD. Consulting Physic i a ns, James Anderson, M.D., Stephen V. R. Bogert, M.D. Managers, Augustus Schell, James M. McLean, Augustus R. Macdonough, Robert G. Remsen, Edward F. De Lancey, Benjamin L. Swan, Jr., William Remsen, John T. Irving, Carlisle Norwood, John Schuyler, Eugene Schieffelin, Abraham R. Lawrence. Stewards, Stuyvesant Fish, Chauncey M. Depew, E. Benedict Oakley, Frederic J. De Peyster, James H. Beekman, Robert C. Livingston, Fordham Morris. 68 OFFICERS ©meets for tbe l^eat ©meets tot tbe l^eat 1S8S. P7-esidcnt, Cornelius Vanderbilt, 1st Vice-President, Carlisle Norwood, Jr. "2d Vice-President, John C. Mills. 3d Vice-President, James William Beekman. kth Vice-President, Stuyvesant Fish. Treasurer, Edward Schell, Secretary, Charles A. Schermerhorn. Assistant Secretary, Henry Erskine Smith. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E.Vermilye,D.D., Rev, Noah Hunt Schenck,D.D. Physicians, Abram Dubois, M.D., T. Matlack Cheesman, M.D. Consulting Physicia ns, James Anderson, M.D., Stephen V. R. Bogert, M.D. Managers, James M. McLean, Augustus R. Macdonough, Robert G. Rem sen, Edward F. De Lancey, Benjamin L. Swan, Jr., Nathaniel P. Bailey, Chauncey M. Depew, John T. Irving, John Schuyler, Eugene Schieffelin, Abraham R. Lawrence, J. Hobart Herrick. SteiJi'ards, E. Benedict Oakley, Frederic J. De Peyster, James H. Beekman, Robert Cambridge Livingston, Fordham Morris, Austen G. Fox. 1886. President, Cornelius Vanderbilt. 1st Vice-Presidetit, Carlisle Norwood, Jr. 2d Vice-President, John C. Mills. 3d Vice-President, James William Beekman. kth Vice-President, Stuyvesant Fish. Treasurer, Edward Schell. Secretary, Charles A. Schermerhorn. Assistant Secretary, John B. Pine. Chaplains, Rev.ThomasE.Vermilye,D.D., Rt.Rev. Henry C. Potter, D.D. Physicians, Abram Dubois, M.D., T. Matlack Cheesman, M.D. Consulting Physicians, James Anderson, M.D., Stephen V. R. Bogert, M.D. Managers, James M. McLean, . Augustus R. Macdonough, Edward F. De Lancey, Nathaniel P. Bailey, Chauncey M. Depew, John T. Irving, John Schuyler, Eugene Schieffelin, Abraham R. Lawrence, John Jay, John L. Riker, S. Oakley Vanderpoel. Stewards, Frederic J. De Peyster, James H. Beekman, E. Benedict Oakley, Austen G. Fox, J. Edward Simmons, Henry Rem sen. OFFICERS 69 ©meets for tbe l^ear ©ffieers tov tbe ISeat ISST. 1S88. President^ Carlisle Norwood, Jr, 1st Vice-President^ John C. Mills. ^d Vice-President^ James William Beekman. Sd Vice-President^ Stuyvesant Fish. hth Vice-President, Frederic J. De Peyster. Treas'urer, Edward Schell. Secretary, Charles A. Schermerhorx. A ssista tit Seer eta ty, John B. Pine. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E.Vermilye,D.D., Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter, D.D. Physicians, Abram Dubois, M.D., T. Matlack Cheesman, M.D. Consulting Physicians, Stephen V. R. Bogert, M.D., GouvERNEUR M. Smith, M.D. Mafiagers, John Schuyler, Edward F. De Lancey, Nathaniel P. Bailey, Abraham R. Lawrence, Augustus R. Macdonough, Chauncey M. Depew, John Jay, John L. Riker, Albert Mathews, Cornelius Vanderbilt, James H. Beekman, Alfred Van Santvoord. Stewards, E. Benedict Oakley, Austen G. Fox, J. Edward Simmons, Henry Remskn, Edward King, George G. De Witt, Jr. President, John C. Mills. 1st Vice-President, James William Beekman. 2d Vice-President, Stuyvesant Fish. Sd Vice-President, Frederic J. De Peyster, Uth Vice-President, Chauncey M. Depew. Treasurer, Edward Schell. Secretary, Charles A. Schermerhorn. Assistant Secretary, John B. Pine. Chaplains, Rev.Thomas E.Vermilye,D.D., Rt.Rev. Henry C.Potter, D.D. Physicians, Abram Dubois, M.D., T. Matlack Cheesman, M.D. Consulting Physicians, Stephen V. R. Bogert, M.D, Gouverneur M. Smith, M.D. Managers, John Schuyler, Augustus R. Macdonough, Chauncey M. Depew, John Jay, John L. Riker, Albert Mathews, Cornelius Vanderbilt, James H. Beekman, Alfred Van Santvoord, Carlisle Norwood, Jr., E. Benedict Oakley, Austen G. Fox, Stewards, J. Edward Simmons, Henry Remsen, Edward King, George G. De Witt, Jr., J, Seaver Page, S. Franklin Stanton. 70 OFFICERS ©meets tor tbe 13ear ©ffieers for tbe 19ear 1889. 1890. President, Edward Schell. 1st Vice-President, James William Beekman. 2d Vice-President, Stuyvesant Fish. Sd Vice-President, Frederic J. De Peyster. kth Vice-President, Chauncey M. Depew. Treasurer, Charles A. Schermerhorn. Secretary, John B. Pine. Assistant Secretary, E. Benedict Oakley. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E.Vermilye,D,D., Rt.Rev. Henry C. Potter, D.D. Physicians, Abram Dubois, M.D., Stephen V. R. Bogert-, M.D. Consulting Physicians, Gouverneur M. Smith, M.D., T. Matlack Cheesman, M.D. Managers, John Jay, John L. Riker, Albert Mathews, Cornelius Vanderbilt, James H. Beekman, Alfred Van Santvoord, Carlisle Norwood, Jr., J. Harsen Purdy, Austen G. Fox, John C. Mills, Henry Remsen, J. Edward Simmons, Ste%vards, Edward King, George G. De Witt, Jr., J. Seaver Page, *S. Franklin Stanton, S. Edward Nash, F. De Peyster Foster. President, James William Beekman. 1st Vice-President, Stuyvesant Fish. 2d Vice-President, Frederic J. De Peyster. Sd Vice-President, Chauncey M. Depew. hth I 'ice-President, Edward King. Treasurer, Charles A. Schermerhorn. Secretary, John B. Pine. A ssistant Secret a ry, E. Benedict Oakley. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E.Vermilye, D.D., Rt.Rev. Henry C.Potter, D.D. Physicians, Stephen V. R. Bogert, M.D., Gouverneur M. Smith, M.D. Consulting Physicians, Stuyvesant Fish Morris, M.D. , T. Matlack Cheesman, M.D. Managers, Cornelius Vanderbilt. James H. Beekman, Alfred Van Santvoord, Carlisle Norwood, Jr., J. Harsen Purdy, Austen G. Fox» Edward A. Quintard, Thomas L. Ogden, J. Edward Simmons, Edward Schell, George G. De Witt, Jr., P. Van Zandt Lane. Stewards, S. Franklin Stanton, J. Seaver Page, F. De Peyster Foster, S. Edward Nash. William Jay, George H. McLean. OFFICERS 71 iS^tricers tor tbe 13eat 1891. ©tficers tor tbe 13ear 1892. President, James William Beekman. 1st Vice-President, Frederic J. De Peyster. 2d Vice-President, Chauncey M. Depew. 3d Vice-President^ Edward King. hth Vice-President, S. Franklin Stanton. Treasurer, Charles A. Schermerhorn. Secretary, John B. Pine. Assistant Secretary, E. Benedict Oakley. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E.Vermilye, D D. Rt.Rev. Henry C. Potter, D.D. Physicians, Stuyvesant Fish Morris, M.D. T. Matlack Cheesman, M.D. Consulting Physicia ns, Stephen V. R. Bogert, M.D. Gouverneur M. Smith, M.D. Managers, Carlisle Norwood, Jr. J. Harsen Purdy, Austen G. Fox, Edward A. Quintard, Thomas L. Ogden, J. Edward Simmons, Edward Schell, George G. De Witt, Jr. P. Van Zandt Lane, J. Seaver Page, Hermann H. Cammann Douglas Taylor. Stewards, F. De Peyster Foster, S. Edward Nash, William Jay, George H. McLean, F.Augustus Schermerhorn, Charles C. Haight. President, Frederic J. De Peyster. 1st Vice-President, Chauncey M. Depew. 2d Vice-President, Edward King. 3d Vice-President, S.. Franklin Stanton. kth Vice-President, Frederic De Peyster Foster. Treaszirer, Charles A. Schermerhorn. Secretary, George G. De Witt. Assistant Secretary, E. Benedict Oakley. Chaplains, Rev. Thomas E.Vermilye, D.D. Rt.Rev. Henry C.Potter, D.D. Physicians, Stuyvesant Fish Morris, M.D. Edward Quintard, M.D. Consulting Physicians, Stephen V. R. Bogert, M.D. Gouverneur M. Smith, M.D. Matiagers, Edward A. Quintard, Thomas L. Ogden, J. Edward Simmons, Edward Schell, S. Van Rensselaer Cruger, P. Van Zandt Lane, J. Seaver Page, Hermann H. Cammann, Douglas Taylor, James William Beekman, S. Edward Nash, Robert G. Remsen. Stewards, William Jay, George H. McLean, T. Matlack Cheesman, Charles C. Haight, John B. Pine, Philip Schuyler. 72 OFFICERS ©tficers tor tbe 19ear ©tficers tor tbe l^ear 1893. President, Frederic J. De Peyster. 1st Vice-Preside7it, Chauncey M. Depew. ^d I Ice-President^ Edward King. Sd Vice-President, S. Franklin Stanton. kth Vice-Preside7it, Frederic De Peyster Foster. Treasurer, Charles A. Schermerhorn. Secretary, George G. De Witt. Assistant Secretary, E. Benedict Oakley. Chaplains, Rev.Thomas E.Vermilye, D.D. Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter, D, D. Physicians, Stuyvesant Fish Morris, M.D. Edward Quintard, M.D. Consulting Physicians, Stephen V. R. Bogert, M.D. GOUVERNEUR M. SMITH, M.D. Managers, Edward Schell, S. Van Rensselaer Cruger, P. Van Zandt Lane, J. Seaver Page, Hermann H. Cammann, Douglas Taylor, James William Beekman, S. Edward Nash, Robert G. Remsen, George H. McLean, William Jay, Augustus Van Cortlandt. Stewards, Charles C. Haight, T. Matlack Cheesman. John B. Pine, Philip Schuyler, Eugene Van Rensselaer, Edward de P. Livingston, 1894. President, Chauncey M. Depew. 1st Vice-President, Edward King. 2d Vice-President, S. Franklin Stanton. 3d Vice-President, Frederic De Peyster Foster. kth Vice-President, Stuyvesant Fish. Treasurer, ' Charles A. Schermerhorn. Secretary, George G. De Witt. Assistant Secretary, E, Benedict Oakley. Chaplains, Rt.Rev. Henry C.Potter, D.D. Rev. Henry Van Dyke, D.D. Physicians, Stuyvesant Fish Morris, M.D. Edward Quintard, M.D. Consulting Physicians, Stephen V. R. Bogert, M.D. Gouverneur M. Smith, M.D. Managers, J. Seaver Page, Hermann H. Cammann, Douglas Taylor, James William Beekman. S. Edward Nash, Robert G. Remsen, George H. McLean, William Jay, Augustus Van Cortlandt, Frederic J. De Peyster, Charles C. Haight, T. Matlack Cheesman. Stewards, Philip Schuyler, John B. Pine, Eugene Van Rensselaer, Edward de P. Livingston, Austen G. Fox, Abraham Van Santvoord. OFFICERS 73 OTicers tor tbe Bear ©fficers for tbe l^ear 1895. President, Chauncey M. Depew. 1st Vice-President^ Edward King. 2d Vice-President y S. Franklin Stanton. Sd Vice-President, Frederic De Peyster Foster. Ittk Vice-President, Stuyvesant Fish. Treasurer, Charles A. Schermerhorn. Secretary, George G. De Witt. Assistant Secretary, E. Benedict Oakley. Chaplains, Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter, D. D. Rev. Henry Van Dyke, D.D. Pkysiciatts^ Stuyvesant Fish Morris, M.D. Edward Quintard, M.D. Consulting Physicians, Stephen V. R. Bogert, M.D. Gouverneur M. Smith, M.D. Managers, James William Beekman, S. Edward Nash, Robert G. Remsen, George H. McLean, William Jay, Augustus Van Cortlandt, Frederic J. De Peyster, Charles C. Haight, T. Matlack Cheesman, Philip Schuyler, John B. Pine, William G. Hamilton. Stewards, Eugene Van Rensselaer, Edward de P. Livingston, Austen G. Fox, Abraham Van Santvoord, William Carpender, Henry C. Swords. 1896. President.) Edward King. 1st Vice-President, S. Franklin Stanton. 2d l^ice-President, Frederic De Peyster Foster. 3d Vice-President, Stuyvesant Fish. Uth Vice-President, Eugene Schieffelin. Treasurer, Charles A. Schermerhorn. Secretary, Charles Isham. Assistant Secretary, E. Benedict Oakley, Chaplains, Rt.Rev. Henry C.Potter, D.D. Rev. Henry Van Dyke, D.D. Physicians, Stuyvesant Fish Morris, M.D. Edward Quintard, M.D. Consulting Physicia^is, Stephen V. R. Bogert. M.D. Gouverneur M. Smith, M.D. Managers^ George H. McLean, William Jay, Augustus Van Cortlandt, Frederic J. De Peyster, Charles C. Haight, T. Matlack Cheesman, Philip Schuyler, John B. Pine, William G. Hamilton, Chauncey M. Depew, Eugene Van Rensselaer, Edward de P. Livingston. Stewards, Austen G. Fox, Abraham Van Santvoord, William Carpender, Henry C. Swords, B. Aymar Sands, Stanley W. Dexter. 74 OFFICERS ©tRcers for tbe l^ear ©tficers tor tbe 13ear 189T. President, Edward King. 1st Vice-President , S. Franklin Stanton. 2d Vice-President, Frederic De Peyster Foster. Sd Vice-President, Stuyvesant Fish. kth Vice-President, Eugene Schieffelin. Treasurer, Charles A. Schermerhorn. Secretary, Charles I sham. Assistant Secretary, E. Benedict Oakley. Chaplains, Rt. Rev. Henry C.Potter, D.D. Rev. Henry Van Dyke, D.D. Physicians, Stuyvesant Fish Morris, M.D. Edward Quintard, M.D. Consulting Physicians, John Neilson Beekman, M.D. Gouverneur M. Smith, M.D. Ma7iagers, Frederic J. De Peyster, Charles C. Haight, T. Matlack Cheesman, Philip Schuyler, John B. Pine, William G. Hamilton, Chauncey M. Depew, Eugene Van Rensselaer, Edward de P. Livingston, Austen G. Fox, Abraham Van Santvoord, Herbert Beach Turner. Stewards, William Carpender, Henry C. Swords, B. Aymar Sands, Stanley W. Dexter, George H. McLean, Howard Townsend. 1898. President, S. Franklin Stanton. 1st Vice-President, Frederic De Peyster Foster. '2d Vice-President, Stuyvesant Fish. Sd Vice-President, George G. De Witt. kth Vice-President, Austen G. Fox. Treasurer, Charles A. Schermerhorn. Secretary, Charles Isham. Assistant Secretary, E. Benedict Oakley. Chaplains, Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter, D.D. Rev. Henry Van Dyke, D.D. Physicians, Stuyvesant Fish Morris, M.D. Edward Quintard, M.D. Consjilting Physicians, John Neilson Beekman, M.D. Gouverneur M. Smith, M.D. Managers, Philip Schuyler, John B. Pine, William G. Hamilton, Chauncey M. Depew, Eugene Van Rensselaer, Edward de P. Livingston, Henry Lewis Morris, Abraham Van Santvoord, Herbert Beach Turner, Edward King, William Carpender, Henry Cotheal Swords. Stewards, B. Aymar Sands, Stanley W. Dexter, George H. McLean, Howard Townsend, John Harsen Rhoades, Howland Pell. OFFICERS 75 ©tRcers tor tbe Ueat ©tficers for tbe JUear 1899. 1900. President, S. Franklin Stanton. 1st Vice-President, Frederic De Peyster Foster. 'Zd Vice-Presidetit, Stuyvesant Fish. Sd I 'ice-Pres ide n t , George G. De Witt. hth Vice-Presidenty Austen G. Fox. Treastcrer, Charles A. Schermerhorn. Secretary, Charles Isham. Assistant Secretary, E. Benedict Oakley. Chaplains, Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter, D.D. Rev. Henry Van Dyke, D.D. Physicians, Stuyvesant Fish Morris, M.D. Edward Quintard, M.D. Constclting Physicians, John Neilson Beekman, M.D. GouvERNEUR M. Smith, M.D. Managers, Chauncey M. Depew, Eugene Van Rensselaer, Edward de P. Livingston, Henry Lewis Morris, Abraham Van Santvoord, Herbert Be.\ch Turner, Edward King. William Carpender, Henry Cotheal Swords, B. Aymar Sands, Stanley W. Dexter, Bradish Johnson. Stewards, George H. McLean, Howard Townsend, John Harsen Rhoades, "Howland Pell, George Blagden, Evert Jansen Wendell. President, Frederic De Peyster Foster. 1st Vice-President, Stuyvesant Fish. ■2d Vice-President, George G. De Witt. Sd Vice-President, Austen G. Fox. hth Vice-President, George H. McLean. Treasurer, Charles A. Schermerhorn. Seer eta ry, Charles Isham. Assistant Secretary, E. Benedict Oakley. Chaplains, Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter, D.D. Rev. Henry Van Dyke, D.D. Physicians, Edward Quintard, M.D. John Van der Poel, M.D. Consulting Physicians, John Neilson Beekman, M.D. Stuyvesant Fish Morris, M.D. Maftagers, Henry Lewis Morris, Herbert Beach Turner, Abraham Van Santvoord, Edward King, William Carpender, Henry Cotheal Swords, B. Aymar Sands, Stanley W. Dexter, Bradish Johnson, S. Franklin Stanton, Howard Townsend, T. Matlack Cheesman, ^LD. Stewards, John Harsen Rhoades, Howland Pell, George Blagden, Evert Jansen Wendell, William Pierson Hamilton, Paul Gibert Thebaud. 76 OFFICERS ©fftcers tor tbe IBear ©tficers for tbe Igear 1901. President^ Frederic De Peyster Foster. 1st Vice-President^ Stuyvesant Fish. 'Bd Vice-President, George G. De Witt. Sd Vice-President, Austen G. Fox, kth Vice-President, George H. McLean. Treastirer, Charles A, Schermerhorn. Secretary^ Charles Isham. Assistant Secretary, E. Benedict Oakley. Ckaplaifis, Rt. Rev. Henry C.Potter, D.D. Rev. Henry Van Dyke, D.D. Physicians, Edward Quintard, M.D. John Van der Poel, M.D. Consulting Physicians, John Neilson Beekman, M.D. Stuyvesant Fish Morris, M.D, Managers, Edward King, William Carpender, Henry Cotheal Swords, B. Aymar Sands, Stanley W. Dexter, Bradish Johnson, S. Franklin Stanton, Howard Townsend, T. Matlack Cheesman, M.D. John Harsen Rhoades, HowLAND Pell, Frederic J. De Peyster. Stewards, George Blagden, Evert Jansen Wendell, William Pierson Hamilton, Paul Gibert Thebaud, Moses Taylor Pyne, James Gore King. 1903. President, Stuyvesant Fish. 1st Vice-President, George G. De Witt. 2d Vice-President, Austen G. Fox. sd Vice-President, George H. McLean, kth Vice-President, George Blagden. Treasurer, Charles A. Schermerhorn. Secretary, Charles Isham. . Assistattt Secretary, E. Benedict Oakley, Chaplai7is, Rt.Rev. Henry C. Potter, D.D. Rev. Henry Van Dyke, D.D. Physicians, Edward Quintard, M.D. John Van der Poel, M.D. Consulting Physicians, John Neilson Beekman, M.D. Stuyvesant Fish Morris, M.D. Maftagers, B. Aymar Sands, Stanley W. Dexter, Bradish Johnson, S. Franklin Stanton, Howard Townsend, T. Matlack Cheesman, M.D. John Harsen Rhoades, Howland Pell, Frederic J. De Peyster, Frederic De P. Foster, Evert Jansen Wendell, James William Beekman. Stewards, William Pierson Hamilton, Paul Gibert Thebaud, Walter L. Suydam, James Gore King, Frederic Gallatin, Francis C. Huntington. CS^fflcers tor tbt' n: : ©fRcers for the Dear 1903. President . bTUYVES- ■ . 1st Vic, George k.. , .'./ ; . President y Al'si liN G. Fox. :id Vice-President, George H. McLea' Uih Vice-President y George Blagden. Charles isH;^/a>lanir 70 iftOfe'j; [»3J8ia 1 ffi^r John \ .Kl :\;. i )_ ! ' ■ ' :n Co^ OHN N; WILLIA- Paul C John 'J Francis C. Amory Sibt. Richmon JBaDae or llnsignia now worn b^ tbe presidents of tbe Saint IFlicbolas Societv wben attending as a (5uest :(Banquets of Sister Societies OFFICERS 77 (S^tficers tor tbe IJJear ©tficers tor tbe ]])ear 1903. President^ Stuyvesant Fish. 1st Vice-President^ George G. De Witt. '2d Vice-President^ Austen G. Fox. 3d Vice-President^ George H. McLean. kth Vice-President, George Blagden. Treasurer, Charles A. Schermerhorn. Secretary, Charles Isham. Assistant Secretary, E. Benedict Oakley. Chaplains, Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter. D. D. Rev. Henry Van Dyke, D.D. Physicians, Edward Quintard, M.D. John Van der Poel, M.D. Consulting Physicians, John Neilson Beekman, M.D. Stuyvesant Fish Morris, M.D. Managers, S. Franklin Stanton, Howard Townsend, T. Matlack Cheesman, M.D. John Harsen Rhoades, HowLAND Pell, Frederic J. De Peyster, Frederic De P. Foster, Evert Jansen Wendell, James William Beekman, William Pierson Hamilton, Paul Gibert Thebaud, John T. Lockman. Stewards, James Gore King, Walter L. Suydam, Frederic Gallatin, Francis C. Huntington, Amory Sibley Carhart, Richmond Talbot. 1904. President, George G. De Witt. 1st Vice-President, Austen G. Fox. 2d Vice-President, William Jay. 3d Vice-President, George H. McLean. hth Vice-President, James Gore King. Treasurer, Charles A, Schermerhorn. Secretary, Charles Isham. Assistant Secretary, Henry Cotheal Swords. Chaplains, Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter, D.D. Rev. Henry Van Dyke, D.D. Physicians, Edward Quintard, M.D. John Van der Poel, M.D. Consulting Physicians, John Neilson Beekman, M.D. Stuyvesant Fish Morris, M.D. Managers, John Harsen Rhoades, HowLAND Pell, Frederic J. De Peyster, Frederic De P. Foster, Evert Jansen Wendell, James William Beekman, William Pierson Hamilton, Paul Gibert Thebaud, John T. Lockman, Stuyvesant Fish, Walter L. Suydam, George Van Nest Baldwin. Stewards, Frederic Gallatin, Francis C. Huntington, Amory Sibley Carhart, Arthur F. Schermerhorn, Guy Van Amringe, Joel Rathbone. 78 OFFICERS ©tficers tor the lljear ©tficers for tF)e l^ear 1905. 1906. Preside7it^ George G. De Witt. 1st Vice-President^ Austen G. Fox. ^d Vice-President^ William Jay. Sd Vice-President, George H. jMcLean. hth Vice-President, James Gore King. Treasurer, Charles A. Schermerhorn. Secretary, Charles Isham. Assistant Secretary, E. Benedict Oakley. Chaplains, Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter, U.D. Rev. Henry Van Dyke, D.D. Physicians, Edward Quintard, M.D. John Van der Poel, M.D. Consti/ting Physicians, John Neilson Beekman, M.D. Stuyvesant Fish Morris, M.D. Managers, Frederic De P. Foster, Evert Jansen Wendell, James William Beekman, William Piekson Hamilton, Paul Gibert Thebaud, John T. Lock man, Stuyvesant Fish, Walter L. Suydam, George Van Nest Baldwin, Frederic Gallaiin, Francis C. Huntington, George R. Schieffelin. Steivards, Amory Sibley Carhart, Arthur F. Schermerhorn, Guy Van Amringe, Joel Rathbone, Thomas G. Evans, Frederic W. Rhinelander. President, Austen G. Fox. 1st Vice-President, Charles A. Schermerhorn. ^d Vice-President, William Jay. 2d Vice-President, George H. McLean. Uth Vice-President, James Gore King. Treasurer, Henry Cotheal Swords. Secretary, Charles Isham. Assistant Secretary, William Foulke. Chaplains, Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter, D.D. Rev. Henry Van Dyke, D.D. Physicians, D. B. St. John Roosa, M.D. John Van der Poel, M.D. Consulting Physicians, Stuyvesant Fish Morris, M.D. John Neilson Beekman, M.D. Managers, William Pierson Hamilton, Paul Gibert Thebaud, John T. Lockman, Stuyvesant Fish, Walter L. Suydam, George Van Nest Baldwin, Frederic Gallatin, Francis C. Huntington, George R. Schieffelin, George G. De Witt, Amory Sibley Carhart, Arthur F. Schermerhorn. Steiva rds, Guy Van Amringe, Joel Rathbone, Beverley R. Robinson, Frederic W. Rhinelander, Edward De Witt, G Beekman Hoppin. OFFICERS 79 ©tficers tor tbe UJear i9or. President, Austen G. Fox. 1st Vice-President, Charles A. Schermerhorn. ^ff Vice-President, William Jay. 3d Vice-President, George H. McLean. hth Vice-President, James Gore King. Treasurer, Henry Cotheal Swords. Secretary, Charles Isham. Assistant Secretary, William Foulke. Chaplains, Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter, D. D. Rev. Henry Van Dyke, D.D. Physicians, D. B. St. John Roosa, M.D. John Van der Poel, M.D. Consulting Physicians, Stuyvesant Fish Morris, M.D. John Neilson Beekman, M.D. Managers, Stuyvesant Fish, Walter L. Suydam, George Van Nest Baldwin, Frederic Gallatin, Francis C. Huntington, George R. Schieffelin, George G. De Witt, Amory Sibley Carhart, Arthur F. Schermerhorn, ■ Guy Van Amringe, Joel Rathbone, William D. Murphy. Steiva rds, Beverley R. Robinson, Frederic W. Rhinelander, Edward De Witt, G. Beekman Hoppin, George Blagden, N. Thayer Robb. Xist of %itc flDenibers June, 1907 LIFE MEMBERS. DATE OF ELECTION. Abeel, F. H Jan. i6, 1888 Abeel, George Sept. 2, 1872 Abeel, John H Aug. 31, 1874 Abrams, Seth Rogers Nov. 27, 1905 Addoms, Mortimer C Jan. 16, 1888 AsTOR, Wm. Waldorf . . . .June 2, 1879 Austin, Eugene K Feb. 29, 1904 B Bailey, Edmund S Feb. 27,1882 Baldwin, George V. N...Aug. 29, 1870 Banks, Charles Mar. i, 1875 Banks, David June 14, 1888 Banta, Theodore M Oct. 23, 1888 Barger, Milton S June i, 1896 Barger, Samuel F Mar. 2,1868 Barney, Charles Tracy. .Jan. 16, 1888 Beekman, J. William Nov. 29, 1869 Bell, Gordon Knox Dec. 1,1902 Bishop, Cortlandt Field. Feb. 29, 1892 Bloodgood, WiLBER A...June 2,1879 BoGART, John Nov. 30, 1874 Bogert, Edward S Mar. i, 1880 BoGERT, Theodore L. .. .Nov. 28, 1898 Bookstaver, Henry W. ..Mar. 2, 1874 Boyd, William A Mar. 3,1873 Brinckerhoff, Elbert A.Jan. 16, 1888 Brokaw, George TuTTLE. Nov. 26, 1906 Brooks, John I June i, 1874 Brooks, John I., Jr Nov. 26, 1894 Brouwer, Theophilus A.Nov. 27, 1882 Brouwer, William Mar. 7,1882 Brower, Wm. Leverich. .Jan. 16, 1888 Brown, Benjamin B. W.. April 29, 1907 BucKMASTER, JoHN W June I, 1885 Bull, Robert Maclay... .Oct. 23, 1888 BusHNELL, Joseph Dec. 2, 1901 Bussing, John S Sept. 2,1872 Butler, Charles Henry. Jan. 16, 1888 c Cannon, Charles M Dec. i, 1884 Carey, Frederic Foster. Feb. 26, 1900 Carhart, Amory Sibley. .Feb. 26, 1883 life members. date of election. Carpender, William Jan. Chanler, William AsTOR.May Cheesman, Timothy M...Mar. Clark, Appleton L Oct. Clark, Charles H Jan. Clark, Henry Schieffelin, June Clarkson, Banyer Jan. Clearwater, Alphonso T.June Cobb, Henry Evertson. . June Coles, Barak G June Colles,GeorgeWetmore.Nov. Coykendall, Samuel D..Jan. Crispell, Charles W Jan. Cromwell, O. E Feb. Crosby, John Schuyler. .Nov. Cruikshank, Edwin A. ...Nov. Cunningham, Seymour. ...Nov. 18S8 1898 1875 1884 1894 1895 1874 1876 1874 1893 1899 Davis, John W. A June 3, Delafield, Francis June 4, Delafield, Maturin L., Jr. Feb. 26, Delafield, Richard Dec. 2, Depew, Chauncey M Mar. i, Depew, Chauncey M., Jr. .April 29, De Peyster, Frederic A.Feb. 26, Devoe, Frederic W Nov. 28, De Witt, George G Feb. 28, De Witt, Thomas D Nov. 26, De Witt, William G Nov. 26, De Witt, Peter Nov. 26, Dickerson,Edward N., Jr.Nov. 26, Douglas, William P June 2, Drake, Clifford Nov. 30, Drake, Craig F. R Nov. 29, Drake, Lawrence Nov. 29, Drake, Simeon J Dec. i, Drake, Simeon J., Jr Dec. 2, Du Bois, Cornelius June 4, Du Bois, William A June 3, DuMONT, William H Nov. 30, DuTCHER, John B June 2, 1894 1901 1901 1900 1881 1876 1873 1903 1897 1875 1901 1874 1884 84 LIFE MEMBERS LIFE MEMBERS. DATE OF ELECTION. TiEMANN, Louis S Nov. 28, 1904 TowNSEND, Howard Jan. 16, 1888 Trevor, Henry G Feb. 26, 1894 TJ Underhill, Eugene Nov. 27, 1871 Vanderbilt, Wim. K Mar. 4, 1872 Vanderhoef, George W.Nov. 27, 1905 Van Nostrand, Charles B. June 3, 1889 Van Rensselaer, Eugene. Jan. 16, 1888 Van Slvck, George W Feb. 28, 1876 Van Volkenburgh, Edward, June 4, 1877 Van Volkenburgh, Philip Jan. 16, 1888 Van Wart, Ames May i, 1880 Vedder, Maus Rosa Nov. 30, 1874 Viele, Herman Knickerbocker, May 30, 1881 Vroom, Geo. A Aug. 31, 1874 Wagner, Frederic C Jan. 16, 1888 Wagstaff, Alfred Mar. i, 1875 LIFE members. date OF ELECTION. Ward, Irving Nov. 30, 1874 Ward, Sylvester L. H Aug. 29, 1870 Webb, F. Egerton Jan. 16, 1888 Webb, William S Nov. 30, 1874 Webster, Hamilton Fish. June 2, 1884 Weir, Robert F Nov. 29, 1882 Wells, James N Mar. 3, 1884 Wells, William J Jan. 16, 1888 Wemple, Henry Y Mar. 4. 1867 Wemple, J. Russ Dec. i, 1873 Wendell, Evert jANSEN..June 4, 1888 Westervelt, John C Jan. 16,1888 Westervelt, Leonidas Feb. 28, 1899 Wheeler, Schuyler S Nov. 30, 1903 Whipple, Walter J Nov. 27, 1899 Whitehouse, Charles A. .June i. 1891 Whitney, Charles A Feb. 28, 1881 Wickham, William Hull. June 4, 1894 Willets, Howard Nov. 28, 1898 Wilmerding, Lucius K... Aug. 31, 1874 Wilson, James B Nov. 29, 1875 Wilson, Henry S Nov. 29, 1875 Winthrop, Egerton L Mar. i, 1869 WisNER, Percy Feb. 29, 1904 Wood, Gilbert CoNGDON. Feb. 29, 1904 Wood, J. Wardell Oct. 23, 1888 Wood, William H. S Mar. 4, 1889 Wreaks, Henry June i, 1885 ■jitiot of SubscriD bcvs nklhrjt^tti^'^. 'V Certificate ot /iRembersbip BDopteO 5uue 2, 1 892 ©rlcjtnal in Colore Xist of Subscnbino nDenibers June, 1907 SUBSCRIBING DATE OF MEMBERS. ELECTION. A. Adriance, Henry B June 1,1896 Anderson, James H Nov. 27, 1882 Andrews, W. Loring Mar. 2, 1891 Anthony, Richard A Nov. 28, 1904 Asi'iNWALL, J. Lawrence. Feb. 26, 1883 Austin, William M Nov. 30, 1903 B Bailey, Theodorus Dec. i, 1902 Baldwin, Percy V Nov. 26, 1894 Bangs, Fletcher Harper. May 2, 1898 Banks, David, Jr Feb. 26, 1894 Banks, James Lenox June 4, 1894 Barbour, William D Dec. 2, 1901 Barcl.w, J. Searle Nov. 30, 1896 Barry, Robert P,, Jr Mar. 3, 1902 Baylis, William Nov. 27, 1899 Baylis, William, Jr April 27, 1906 Beck, Fanning T. C Nov. 28, 1904 Beekman, Charles K.... April 29, 1907 Beekman, Gerard Mar. 2,1868 Beekman, John N Mar. 4.1889 Benjamin, Marcus June i, 1896 Bieby, Andrew A Mar. 4,1889 Blagden, George May 4, 1904 Blagden, Linzee Nov. 26, 1906 Blake, Clarence M Feb. 27, 1905 Blake, Theodore E Nov. 28, 1904 Bogart, Orlando M., Jr. .Jan. 16,1888 Bogart, Richard W June 2, 1884 Bogert, Henry L Mar. 3, 1890 BoLMER, Thomas H Oct. 23,1888 BooRAEM, Robert Elmer. June 4, 1894 Boucher, Charles Feb. 26, 1900 BowDOiN, Te.mple Dec. 2, 1901 Boyd, Carlisle S., M.D..Feb. 26, 1906 Boyd, William A., Jr June 4,1894 Bkathwaite, Frederick G. June 3, 1890 Brower, Abram G Mar. 2, 1896 Bull, Charles C Mar. 2, 1903 Bunker, William Nov. 28, 1904 Burtis, Arthur Nov. 26, 1894 c Cammann, D. M Mar, i, 1886 Cammann, Edward C Mar. 4,1901 subscribing MEMBERS. DATE OF election. Cammann, George Philip. Feb. 28, Cammann, Hermann H.,.Mar. 3, Cannon, Mott D Jan. 16, Carey, H. T Feb. 28, Carpender, Charles J Nov. 29, Carpender, John N Mar. i. Carpenter, Augustus H.Mar. i. Carpenter, Charles L...Nov. 26, Carpenter, Edward A... May 4, Carpenter, Henry C May 4, Carpenter, William H..Feb. 26, Chambers, John A Feb. 27, Chanler, Lewis S Nov. 26, Chandler, Walter Feb. 27, Chandler, Walter, Jr. . .Feb. 26, Chrvstie, Thomas Ludlow Nov. 26, Clark, William N Nov. 26, CocKCROFT, John V Nov. 26, CoE, Charles A Nov. 26, CoE, Edward Benton June 4, CoE, Henry E Nov. 26, Cole, William M Nov. 29, Cornell, George W Feb. 29, Crosby, Edward N Nov. 27, Culver, Frederic F Mar. i. Cutting, Robert Bayard. May i, D Daniell, John F Nov. 30, Darlington, Charles F. .June i, Darlington, Joseph G...Nov. 30, Darlington, Rt. Rev. J. H. Feb. 26, Davies, JuLiEN T June 4, De Bost, William L Mar. 2, De Lancey, Wm. Heathcote, Mar. 3, Demorest, William C Mar. 4, De Peyster, Henry Feb. 26, De Peyster, William, M.D. Nov. 28, De Peyster, Wilson Feb. 26, De Rose, Edward Nov. 27, Dewey, Edward WiLKiNS.Mar. 2, De Witt, Edward Dec. 2, De Witt, Theodore Feb. 29, 1879 1888 1876 1897 1897 1897 1894 1904 1904 iqo6 1893 1894 1905 igo6 1906 1894 IQ06 1894 1894 1894 1897 1904 1897 1899 1903 1896 1896 1900 1894 1903 1879 1901 1877 1904 1877 1893 1896 1901 S6 SUBSCRIBING MEMBERS SUBSCRIBING DATE OF MEMBERS. ELECTION. Dexter, Stanley Walker, Oct. 28, 1888 DoMiNiCK, Bayard Mar. 4, 1901 DoMiNiCK, H. Blanchard.Nov. 30, 1891 DoMiNicK, H. B., Jr April 27, 1906 Dos Passos, Louis Hays.. Feb. 27, 1905 Doi'vv, Charles G April 29, 1907 Du Bois, Floyd R Mar. 3, 1902 Du Bois, William Maison.Juhc 3, 1895 Du Pont, Henry A June i, 1897 DuRYEE, Gustavus Abeel. Feb. 29, 1904 subscribing date of members. election, Hartshorne, Jas. M., Jr.. Mar. 4, 1889 H.A.WES, James Anderson. Feb. 29, 1904 Herrick, E. Hicks Nov. 30, 1903 HoAG, William N June 1,1891 Hoffman, Chas. Frederick, Jr. Jan. 16, 1888 Hopkins, Sheldon Nov. 30, 1891 Hoppin, Gerard B Mar. 3, 1902 Hubbard, Walter C Nov, 29, 1897 Hunt, Thomas Nov. 27, 1899 Huntington, Francis CMar. i, 1897 E Eddy, Thomas A Mar. 4, 1889 Elmendorf, John B May i, 1905 Elliman, Douglas L Nov. 26, 1906 Elting, Ezekiel J May i, 1905 Elting, Peter J Nov. 27, 1905 Embree, Lawrence E Nov. 28, 1898 Erhardt, Joel B Mar. 3, 1890 Erving, John Langdon. . . June 3, 1889 I Innes, William T June 2,1884 Ireland, John B Mar. 4, 1872 Ireland, John DeCourcy.Nov. 28, 1892 Irving, Alexander Duer, Jr. Nov, 29, 1897 Irving, Cortlandt Nov. 28, 1870 IsHAM, Charles June 4, 1888 Falconer, Bruce M Dec. 2,1901 Ferguson, Walton Mar, i, 1897 Floyd, Augustus June 4, 1888 Floyd, Nicoll, Jr Oct. 23, 1888 Floyd, William Nov. 30, 1903 Floyd-Jones, Thos Jan. 16, 1888 FoLSOM, William H Nov. 26, 1906 FooTE, Robert DuMONT..June 2, 1884 Foster, Abbott May 31, 1892 Foster, Antoine L Dec. 2, 1901 FouLKE, Bayard Fish Mar. 3, 1902 Fowler, North r up Mar. 2, 1903 Franklin, Edward M June 4,1894 Freeman, Joel F Nov. 26, 1900 Fry, Geo. Gardiner Jan. 16, 1888 Gallatin, Albert R Nov. 26, 1900 Gallatin, Frederic, Jr. . .Dec. i, 1902 Gibson, Henry P Dec. i, 1902 Giles, Stephen W Feb. 28, 1898 Graham, James Lorimer..Nov. 28, 1898 Gray, Gerald Hull Nov. 26, 1894 Gregory, Henry Elsworth. Jan. 16, 1888 Grinnell, E. Morgan Nov. 26, 1900 GuLiCK, Alexander R — Jan. 9, igoi H Hall, Valentine G Mar. 3, 1890 Halsted, James M Nov. 28, 1898 Hamilton, William P Dec. 2,1895 Harison, George D. L May. 31, 1875 J Jennings, Albert G Nov. 29, 1897 Johnson, Bradish Mar. 1,1880 Johnson, Joseph Horsfall, June 4, 1894 JoLiNE, Adrian Hoffman. Feb. 28, 1898 Jones, Oliver L Nov. 30, 1903 Jones, Oliver L., Jr Feb. 26, 1906 Jones, Townsend, Jr June 4, 1888 Jordan, Sidney S June 4, 1894 Jordan, Thomas De M...June 4, 1894 K Kellogg, David M Jan. 4, 1888 Kerley, Charles G May 1,1905 Kip, Charles A June 4, 1894 Kip, Elbert S June 3, 1895 Kip, George G June 4, 1894 Knox, John Mason Nov. 26, 1894 Lane, Barent H June 3, 1890 Lawrence, Edward S April 29, iqoi Lawrence, Isaac Feb. 28, 1881 Lawrence, John Burling. May 4, 1904 Lawrence, Townsend April 29, 1907 Lawton, J. Warren May 29, 1876 Lefferts, F. Raymond, Jr. Feb. 28, 1899 Lefferts, Frederic R Feb. 28, 1898 Le Roy, Henry W Dec. 2,1895 Le Roy, Otis June 3, 1890 Lindsay, John D Nov. 28, 1904 Lines, Ernest H June 4,1894 Livingston, John H June 4,1894 SUBSCRIBING MEMBERS 87 SUBSCRIBING DATE OF MEMBERS. ELECTION. Livingston, Johnston June 3. 1890 Livingston, Philip Mar. 4,1889 Lloyd, Herbert De NvsE.June 3, 1895 LocKMAN, Frederic I.... Nov. 26, 1900 LocKMAN, John Q Nov. 26, 1900 LouNSBERY, R. P June 3, 1878 Lowe, Henry Wheeler. . Mar. 3, 1902 Lowe, Wm. Ebbets Jan. 16, 1888 Ludlow, James B June 3,1890 Lynch, Eugene TiLLOTSON. May 31, 1875 March, Clement Feb. 29, 1892 Marden, Francis S June 3, 1890 McNamee, Charles Nov. 26, 1900 Milliken, Hugh K April 27, 1906 Mitchell, Cornelius B..Nov. 26, 1900 Montgomery, Henry E...Dec. i, 1902 Morris, Richard L Nov. 26, 1906 Morris, Stuyvesant Fish. Sept. 23, 1885 Morrison, George Austin, Jr. Mar. 4, 1895 Mott, Arthur B Nov. 28, 1881 Mott, Frederic C June i , 1896 Mott, George H June 4, 1894 Nathan, Jonathan Nov. 27, 1899 Nichols, Acosta June 3, 1895 Nichols, George L Feb. 26, 1894 Nicoll, DeLancey June 2,1879 NoRRis, Henry S Jan. 16,1888 O Ogden, David B May 4,1904 Olcott, Eben E Dec. i, 1902 Ostrander, Charles F...Mar. 3, 1902 Peck, Thomas Bloodgood. Mar. 2, 1896 Pell, Frederick A April 28, 1902 Pell, Stephen H. P Mar. 2, 1903 Pentz, Perry C June 4, 1894 Pentz, William Edwards. Nov. 28, 1892 Pentz, William R Nov. 30, 1903 Piffard, Henry G Feb. 29, 1864 Prall, William Mar. 3, 1890 Prince, Henry Axtell. ..Nov. 26, 1888 Pryer, Charles Feb. 26, 1900 PvNE, Percy R Nov. 28, 1904 Pyne, Percy R. (2d) Mar. 4, 1907 Rapelye, Henry Staples. Jan. Rathbone, Albert Mar. Read, Clark Potter Mar. Reese, William Willis,. .Mar. [6, 1888 2, 1903 3, 1902 4, 1907 subscribing date of members.- election. Renwick, Edward B Dec. 2, 1895 Renwick, Edward S Dec. i, 1857 Rhinelander, Frederic W. Mar. I, 1897 Rhinelander, Philip Oct. 23, 1888 Rhoades, John HARSEN..Feb. 27, 1899 Rhoades, Lyman Mar. 2, 1903 Richards, Guy Nov. 28, 1904 Richards, William W Nov. 28, 1904 Richardson, Franklin S..Mar. 3, 1902 Richardson, Sinclair Mar. 4, 1907 Riker, Samuel, Jr May 31, 1892 Robb, Nathaniel Thayer. Mar. 4, 1895 Roberts, Charles, Jr Jan. 16, 1888 Roberts, Nathan B Oct. 23,1888 Robinson, Beverley R...Nov. 26, 1900 Robison, William June 4, 1894 Rockwood, C. G., Jr June i, 1897 Roosevelt, Theodore Feb. 27, 1899 RUTHERFURD, WaLTER NoV. 29, 1880 S Sackett, Henry W Feb. Sandford, Clarence H..June Sands, B. Aymar June Satterlee, F. LeRoy Nov. Schermerhorn, Arthur F. Feb. Schermerhorn, Edward G. Mar. Schermerhorn, J. Maus. .Oct. SCHMELZEL, WiLLIAM R. . .Mar. Scott, John Frederick... Mar. Scudder, Hewlett Dec. Shirley, Rufus G Nov. Shrady, Jacob Mar. Skidmore, Samuel T June Skidmore, William L Nov. Smedberg, John A Nov. Smidt, Frank Bishop Mar. Smith, B. Marston Dec. Smith, Hiram June Smith, Orison B Nov. Speir, Francis, Jr Nov. Spencer, Edwards Jan. Spies, Francis F Dec. Starr, Walter D Feb. Stelle, Frederick W Nov. Stewart, Wm. R June Stout, Charles H Nov. Strong. Selah B Nov. Suvda.m, Walter L Nov. Swan, Edward H Mar. Swords, Charles R Feb. Talbot, Robert Bancker. Nov. 29, 1S75 Tap?, Edward W May 31, 1892 Taylor, Samuel Roberts. Jan. 16, 1888 2b, 1900 3? 1878 ^, i8qo 27, 1871 28, 1898 3, 1902 171 1887 4, 1889 4i 1907 2, 1867 30, i8q6 I, i860 4. i8q4 27, 1893 29, 1876 4> 1889 2, 1901 3, i«95 26, 1894 30, i88s 16, 1888 2, 1901 28, 1887 26, 1900 4i 1888 29, 1897 27i 1899 26, 1900 4, 1901 29- 1904 88 SUBSCRIBING MEMBERS subscribing date of members. election. Thompson, William Leland, Nov. 28, 1898 Thompson, Von Beverhout, Jan. 16, 1888 Tiemann, Paul Ernest... Mar. 29, 1882 Tovvnsend, James Bliss.. June 4,1894 Townsend, Smith De Lancey, June 4, 1888 Truax, Charles H June 1,1891 Trvon, J. RuFus June 4, 1894 Turner, Thornton F June 4, 1894 "V Van Amringe, Guy Mar. 3, 1890 Van Buren, John Dash.. Mar. i, 1897 Van Cortlandt, Augustus, Nov. 28, 1881 Van Cortlandt, Robert B. June 3, 1890 Van der Poel, John Nov. 30, 1886 Van der Poel, Samuel O.June 2, 1884 Van de Water, Geo. R..Jan. 16, 1888 Vanduzer, Henry SAYRE.Jan. 16, 1888 Van Dyke, Henry Jan. 16, 1888 Van Hoesen, George M..May 30, 1881 Van Nest, Frank R Feb. 27, 1905 Van Nest, G. Willett June 4, 1894 Van Nordhn, Warner Nov. 27, 1905 Van Norden, Warner M.Nov. 27, 1905 Van Rensselaer, Cortlandt S. June 3, 1889 Van Rensselaer, Stephen, Mar. 3, 1890 Van SANTVooRD,SEYMOUR.Feb. 29, 1904 Van Schaick, John B Feb. 29, 1904 subscribing date OF MEMBERS. ELECTION. Van Slyke, Evert Nov. 27, 1899 Van Woert, James B Feb. 29, 1904 Van Wormer, John RuFus. June 4, 1894 Vermilye, Frederic M...Nov. 30, 1885 Verplanck, William E...Nov. 28, 1898 Verplanck, William Gorden, Oct. II, 1887 VooRHEES, Theodore Jan. 16, 1888 Vredenburgh, James B...Nov. 28, 1898 Waddington, George June 3, Wagstaff, Alfred, Jr Mar. 4, Wagstaff, David Mar. 4, Walbridge, T. Chester. .June 4, Walsh, James W June i, Walsh, Samuel A June 3, Wandell, Townsend June i. Wells, Thomas L June 4, Wemple, Charles E Nov. 27, Wemple, Edward L Feb. 26, Wemple, Harry Y Nov. 28, Wendell, Burr June 4, Wendell, B. Rush June 3, Wenman, Charles H Mar. 3, Wisner, Charles Sept. i, WisNER, William TALMAN.Sept. 3, Wolff, John B Nov. 27, Wood, Arthur King Mar. 2. WooDWORTH, Newell B..Nov. 26, WooLSRv, George M Mar. 4, 1907 1907 1894 1896 1895 1891 1894 1871 1894 1892 1894 1890 1902 1879 1877 1905 1903 1888 1907 Young, William Hopkins. Nov. 28, 1892 LOf% Xi8t of ^former fTDembers Who, by death, resignation or otherwise, since the organiza- tion of the Society, have ceased to be Members FORMER MEMBERS. DATE OF ELECTION. Abed, F. H Dec. i, 1873 Abeel, George Feb. 28, 1835 Ackert, Alfred T Nov. 28, 1866 Adams, Charles H Jan. 4, 1877 Adams, John G Dec. 5, 1837 Adams, William Mar. 10, 1858 Adams, William Sept. 9, 1845 Addoms, Charles Nov. 30, 1841 Adriance, Isaac Nov. 27, 1835 Adriance, John Dec. 6, 1856 Allen, William M June 9, 1846 Alstyne, John Mar. 12, 1844 Alvord, Alwyn A Nov. 30, 1865 Andariese, Edward Feb. 28, 1835 Anderson, Abel T Feb. 28,1835 Anderson, C. Van Allen April 9, 1857 Anderson, Henry J Feb. 28, 1835 Anderson, James June 8, 1852 Anderson, Smith W Feb. 28, 1835 Anderson, W. G April 4, 1874 Andrews, Clarence R June 3, i8go Anthon, George C Dec. i, 1857 Anthony, Jacob Mar. 12, 1839 Anthony, H. T Mar. 10, 1846 Anthony, Nicholas K Mar. 12, 1839 Anthony, Richard K Mar. 12, 1839 Arthur, Chas. S Nov. 29, 1875 Arthur, Edward H Mar. 9, 1852 Ashfield, Alfred Dec. 5, 1848 Asten, Abraham Feb. 28, 1835 Astor, William B Feb. 28,1835 Aymar, Benjamin Feb. 28, 1835 B Bailey, James Muhlenberg. Dec. i, 1873 Bailey, Nathaniel Piatt Dec. i, 1873 Baker, John Mar. 11, 1852 Baldwin, Austin P Feb. 26, 1894 Baldwin, Theodore E June i, 1868 Banker, Edward Feb. 28, 1835 Banks, David S May 30, 188 1 Bayard, Robert Feb. 28, 1835 Bayley, William A Nov. 28, 1866 Beadle, Edward L Dec. 6, 1852 Beck, John B Feb. 28, 1835 Beckwith, Leonard F June 3,1890 Beebee, George W Dec. i, 1846 FOR.MER MEMBERS. DATE OF ELECTION. Beeckman, Gilbert I May 29, Beeckman, John H Mar. 9, Beeckman, Henry Feb. 28, Beekman, James H Nov. 29, Beekman, John K Feb. 28, Beekman, James W June 9, Bell, George June 7, Bell, Walton P Aug. 30, Benedict, Erastus C Dec. 2, Benson, Benjamin L Nov. 30, Benson, Egbert Feb. 28, Benson, Robert Feb. 28, Benson, Robert Mar. i, Betts, William Dec. 5, Berrian, William Feb. 28, Bibby, Edward W Feb. 28, Bibby, Henry W Nov. 29, Bininger, Abraham Dec. 5, Bininger, Andrew G Dec. 5, Bishop, T. Alston Mar. 4, Bishop, David Wolfe Nov. 28, Bissell, William H June i, Bixby, Francis M Sept. 3, Blackwell, Josiah Jan. 16, Blagden, George June 4, Bleecker, Anthony J Feb. 28, Bleecker, Anthony L Mar. 8, Bleecker, Garrat N Mar. 12, Bloodgood, Abraham Feb. 28, Bloodgood, Nathaniel Dec. 5, Blydenburg, Benjamin B. Jr. Jan. 16, Boardman, Lansdale Mar. 4, Boardman, William S Jan. 16, Bogardus, Robert Feb. 28, Bogert, Cornelius R Feb. 28, Bogert, Eugene June 10, Bogert, Henry K Sept. 10, Bogert, Peter J Mar. 12, Bogert, S. V. R June i, Bogert, Walter L Feb. 26, Booraem, Augustus C Mar. 13, Booraem,W. E Dec. 4, Bostwick, Charles B Mar. i, Bostwick, Henry Anthon. . .Mar. i, Bowen, James Feb. 28, Bowers, "Henry C June 4, Bowne, Richard H Dec. 6, 840 835 869 835 846 842 875 835 835 880 845 835 835 880 845 843 872 870 891 866 888 894 835 842 840 835 843 835 835 845 839 850 874 875 875 835 894 856 90 FORMER MEMBERS FORMER MEMBERS. DATE OF ELECTION. Bowne, Samuel June 9, 1846 Boyce, Gerardus Nov. 29, 1853 Boyd, James R Mar. 2, 1863 Boyd, John J Feb. 28, 1835 Boyd, John J., Jr Mar. 2, 1863 Boyd, Melville Mar. i, 1880 Brady, Henry Austin Mar. 6, 1849 Bray, Charles Mar. 3, 1890 Breath, Charles May 29, 1865 Breath, James Sept. 11, 1838 Breese, William G Mar. 8, 1853 Brevoort, Henry Dec. 8, 1835 Brewer, Mervin R June 8, 1852 Brinckerhoff, Elbert A Feb. 28, 1835 Brinkerhoff, James L Feb. 28, 1835 Brinkerhoff, Peter R Feb. 28, 1835 Bristed, Charles A Mar. 13, 1851 Brodhead, J. Romayn Mar. 11, 1845 Bronson, Arthur Mar. 12, 1850 Brooks, James Ward Sept. 23, 1885 Broome, George C June i, 1891 Brouwer, John June 8, 1837 Brown, James E June 7, 1853 Browne, George W Sept. 12, 1843 Buckhout, Isaac C Sept. i, 1873 Buckmaster, Charles H June i, 1874 Buckmaster, Thomas H Nov. 29, 1853 Bunce, Seymour A Sept. 2, 1872 Bunce, Oliver B June 2, 1873 Bunker, William J Sept. 10, 1850 Burtis, Peter P June 3, 1895 Bush, J. Adriance Mar. i, 1875 Bushnell, Chas. J June 8, 1852 c Cadwell, Charles H Oct. 23, 1888 Campbell, A. Post June 10, 1845 Campbell, Duncan P Feb. 28, 1835 Campbell, Henry P June i, 1874 Campbell, James Feb. 28, 1835 Campbell, John D Feb. 28, 1835 Cannon, Sylvanus T. May 2q, 1871 Carow, Isaac Feb. 28, 1835 Carpenter, Leonard J Nov. 29, 1875 Carr, Henry S Feb. 28, 1876 Case, Robert L June i, 1868 Catlin, N.W. Stuyvesant.. .Nov. 28, 1864 Cebra, John Y April 16, 1835 Chadwick, William N Nov. 27, 1835 Chanler, J. Winthrop Sept. 4, 1871 Chambers, James Mar. 11, 1845 Chardevoyne, Thomas E...Feb. 28, 1835 Chardevoyne, William Feb. 28, 1835 Chauncey, Henry, Jr June 4, 1894 Cheesman, John C Mar. 12, 1844 Cheesman, Louis M June 2,1884 Cheesman, Oscar Nov. 29, 1853 Cheesman, Timothy M Dec. 5, 1848 Chrystie, Thomas W Sept. 11, 1838 Chrystie, Thomas W Nov. 26, 1877 Cisco, John J Mar. 9, 1847 Clark, A. Ludlow Feb. 29, 1904 Clark, Edwin Feb. 28, 1836 FORMER MEMBERS. DATE OF ELECTION. Clark, Hull Mar. 12, Clark,' Lewis G Mar. 12, Clark, Wm. E Feb. 26, Clarke, Bayard, Jr Dec. 2, Clarkson, Floyd Feb. 27, Clarkson, Frederick June 4, Clearwater, Chas. Knapp...Jan. 16, Clements, jas. W. G Dec. 5, Clift, Smith May 29, Clinton, Charles A Feb. 28, Clute, John D June 9, Cochrane, John Sept. 12, Cockroft, J. V. H Feb. 28, Codwise, David Feb. 28, Colden, David C Feb. 28, Coleman, Robert B June 10, Coles, Edwin S Feb. 28, Coles, Isaac U Dec. 8, Colt, Roswell L Feb. 28, Colton, John B Jan. 16, Colville, Alfred Mar. 11, ColviUe, Alfred Dec. i, Colvill, John Mar. 12, Colvill, John Nov. 27, Combes, Richard C May 29, Cooke, E. G Dec. 6, Cooper, D. J Mar. 2, Cooper, Edward Mar. 4, Cooper, James S Nov. 29, Cooper, Peter June 7, Cornell, George J June 8, Cornell, Joseph Nov. 28, Cornwell, Daniel H Nov. 28, Coster, John Gerard May 30, Cotheal, Alexander I Dec. 8, Cotheal, Henry L Dec. 5, Cotheal, Isaac E Mar. 8, Cox, William A Dec. i. Crane, Benjamin F Feb. 28, Crane, John J June 8, Crane, Theodore Feb. 28, Creighton, William Feb. 28, Cromwell, Charles T Feb. 28, Crosby, Ernest H June 4, Crosby, Howard Jan. 16, Crosby, John P April 18, Crosby, William B Feb. 28, Crosby, William H April 18, Cross, Norman F Nov. 28, Cruger, Henry D Feb. 28, Cruger, S. Van Rensselaer.. Jan. 16, Cruger, William E Mar. 8, Cunningham, Lewis Sept. 11, Cunningham, John Sept. 11, Cunningham, James B Mar. 6, Currie, Charles P Nov. 28, Curry, Duncan F June 11, Cutting, Charles W Mar. 2, Dakin, Edward S Nov. 29, 1875 Dash, Daniel B Feb. 28, 1835 Dash, Daniel B June 11, 1850 Dash, John B Mar. 9, 1841 FORMER MEMBERS 91 FORMER MEMBERS. DATE OF ELECT Davis, George Nov. 29, Davis, Gilbert Mar. 7, Davis, Gilbert F Mar. 24, Davis, Henry S. F April 30, Davis, Lewis Johnson May 31, Davis, Michael V. B June 3, Davis, Samuel C Nov. 28, Davison, Henry J., Jr Oct. 23, Davison, L. Vermilye Sept. 3, Dayton, William G June 8, Dean, Edmund E Sept. 9, Dean. Gilbert Mar. 3, Dean, Nicholas May 28, Deas, Fitz Allen Dec. 3, Dederer, Charles Mar. 8, Dederick, Zachariah. . , Mar. i, De Kay, George C Sept. 12, De Kay, James E Nov. 27, DeLancey, Edward E Dec. i, Delafield, Edward Nov. 30, Delafield, John Feb. 28, Delamater, Charles H Dec. 2, Delaplaine, John F June 11, Delavan, Edward C Aug. 29, De Lancey, Edward F May 30, De Motte, Mortimer Sept. 12, Denike, Abraham Mar. 3, De Peyster, Arent S Sept. 12, De Peyster, Edgar May 29, De Peyster, Frederic Feb. 28, De Peyster, Frederic J June 4, De Peyster, Gerard B May 29, De Peyster, I. Ashton Nov. 30, De Peyster, James F Feb. 28, De Peyster, Johnston L Mar. i, De Peyster, J Watts Sept. 9, De Peyster, Nicholas Dec. 2, De Peyster, Pierre C .Mar. 11, De Peyster, Robert G. L...Feb. 28, De Peyster, William June 10, De Witt, Thomas June 10, : De Witt, F. Clinton Nov. 26, Dibblee, William W Dec. 6, Dickinson, Howard C June 4, Diefendorf, Menzo May 29, Dodge, Henry M Nov. 29, Dodge, Robert Nov. 30, Dodge, William Mar. 12, Doremus, R. Ogden Mar. 2, Doubleday, Stephen W Mar. 4, Doubleday, Ulysses Mar. i, Doughty, Francis E June 4, Douglass, William Feb. 28, Drake, Benjamin Dec. i, Drake, Elias G June 11, Drake, John Jacob Alar. 11, DuBois, Abram Mar. 11, Dudley, Henry Mar. 2, Duer, Denning Feb. 28, Duer, George W Sept. 11, Duer, John Feb. 28, Duer, John Mar 3, Duer, William A Feb. 28, Du Flon, Pierre June 6, ON. 842 843 871 900 880 890 «35 884 852 835 851 844 870 870 848 879 843 865 835 863 865 863 856 851 835 845 845 877 849 894 876 844 868 88q 875 894 835 846 844 851 835 838 835 890 835 870 FORMER MEMBERS. DATE OF ELECTION. Dumont, Robert Mar. 8, 1842 Dumont, J. Ludlow Dec. 2, 1856 Dumont, R. S Sept. 9, 1856 Dumont, Theodore S Nov. 28, 1870 Dumont, William June 8, 1837 Dunscomb, William E Mar. 12, 1839 Dusenbury, W. Coxe Dec. i, 1857 Duryee, Abram Dec. 4, i860 Duryee, Joseph W Oct. 11,1887 Duryee, William Rankin., . .June 2, 1884 Dwinelle, William H Mar. 2, 1874 E Edgar, Newbold Mar. 9, 1841 Edgar, William Feb. 28,1835 Edmonds, Francis W June 11,1844 Eigenbrodt, David L Nov. 29, 185s Elsworth, Henry Jan. 16, 1888 Ely, Smith, Jr June 4, 1866 Embury, Daniel, Jr June 7, 1859 Embury, Peter June 7, 1842 Embury, Philip A June 7, 1859 Erben, Henry Dec. i, 1846 Erben, Henry, Jr June 28, 1872 Evans, Thomas Grier Mar. i, 1886 Fardon, Abraham Mar. Fardon, Abraham, Jr Mar. Fardon, William Mar. Faye, J ames J June Fearing, C. F June Fellows, James Waite Nov. Fellows. Richard C Sept. Ferris, Claiborne Mar. Field, Benjamin H Mar. Field, Clinton Osgood Nov. Field, Maunsell B Sept. Field, William H Mar. Fink, Charles Dec. Finlay, J. Beekman Mar. Fish, Hamilton Feb. Fish, Nicholas Feb. Fitch, John Sept. Fleming, Augustus Feb. Floyd, John Gelston Jan. Floyd- J ones, De Lancey ...Mar. Forbes, Francis Mar. Forbes, Paul S Feb. Ford, Charles H Nov. Forman, William H . . . Nov. Forrest, George J Feb. Forrester, James C Mar. Fosdick, Charles B June Fowler, Frederick R June Fowler, Isaac V Sept. Fowler, John, Jr Mar. Fowler, Theodosius A Sept. Francis, Henry M Nov. Francis, John W Feb. Frazer, Donald Mar. II, 184s 8, 1842 O1 1852 3, 1890 4i 1866 28, 1870 7i .8,SQ 3, 1862 12, i8so 29, 1880 10, 1850 3, 1862 2, i8si II, 184s 28, i8^S 271 1882 4, 1871 28, 183s 16, 188S I, 1886 I, 1875 27l i86s 27i 1882 28, 1892 20, 1864 II, 1845 2Q, 187s 6, 1854 6, 18 S3 II, 1851 9, 184s 30, 1841 28, 1836 8, 1842 92 FORMER MEMBERS FORMER MEMBERS. DATE OF ELECTION. Fryer, Isaac Mar, 7, 1848 Fryer, William J Mar. 3, 1873 Funck, James Nov. 30, 1841 G- Gaines, Stephen W June 4, 1863 Garr, Andrew S Feb. 28, 1835 Garrison, Wm. R Dec. 5, 1874 Gaul, Edward L Mar. 4, 1872 Genin, Sidney C Sept. 4, 1871 Gerard, James W June 9, 1846 Gerard, James W Feb. 27, 1871 Gerry, Elbridge Feb. 29, 1864 Gilbert, Clinton Mar. 11, 1851 Giles, George W Feb. 28, 1835 Giles, John S April 14, 1862 Gilford, Samuel, Jr Feb. 28, 1835 Gillender, Augustus T Dec. 2, 1872 Giraud, Daniel Feb. 28, 1835 Giraud, Jacob P Feb. 28, 1835 Glover, Samuel Feb. 28, 1835 Goelet, Ogden Mar. 2, 1896 Goelet, Peter Feb. 28, 1835 Goelet, Robert Mar. 4, 1895 Goodhue, Robert C Dec. 3, 1844 Gould, John W June 4, 1894 Gourlie, John H Dec. i, 1864 Gouverneur, Saml. L Feb. 28, 1835 Graham, Charles Feb. 28, 1835 Graham, W. Irving Dec. 4, i860 Greene, John W Nov. 28, 1866 Greenfield, John V Nov. 27, 1835 Groshon, John June 11, 1850 Guernsey, Joseph R Nov. 28, 1892 Guest, William A Dec. 2, 1872 Guion, John H Feb. 27, 1888 H Hackett, James H Feb. 28, 1846 Hackett, John K Nov. 28, 1870 Haight, Benjamin Feb. 28, 1835 Haight, C. H Feb. 27,1871 Haight, Edward May 30, 1864 Haight, Frederick E June 4, 1894 Haight, George April 16, 1845 Haight, Gilbert L Nov. 30, 1874 Haight, D. Henry Sept. 11, 1838 Haight, John E Feb. 28, 1836 Haight, Halsey Jan. 29, 1876 Hall, A. Oakey June 2, 1862 Hallet, William P Dec. 3, 1844 Halsey, Anthony P Feb. 28,1835 Halsey, George A June 3,1861 Halsey, Harvey R Nov. 27, 1893 Halsey. Jonathan O Nov. 30, 1874 Halsted, Jonathan Mar. 11, 1845 Hamersley, A. Gordon Sept. 11, 1838 Hamersley, Andrew S Mar. 13, 1856 Hamersley, J. Hooker Nov. 30, 1874 Hamersley, John W Dec. 2, 1861 Hamersley, Lewis C Feb. 28, 1836 FORMER MEMBERS. DATE OF ELECTION. Hamersley, Louis Dec. 8, 1873 Hamilton, Alexander Dec. i, 1846 Hamilton, James A Feb. 28, 1835 Hammond, Charles H Feb. 28, 1835 Hand, Clifford A June 3, 1861 Hardenbergh, John A June 3, 1872 Hardenbrook, John K Mar. 1 1, 1845 Harriman, William E June i, 1891 Harriman, W. M Mar. i, 1880 Hasbrouck, J. Chester Nov. 27, 1893 Harsen, Jacob Mar. 9, 1841 Harriman, F. Cottenet June i, 1891 Harris, Townsend Nov. 27, 1876 Hawes, Emory Feb. 28, 1898 Hawkes, W. Wright Mar. 12, 1839 Haws, Robert T Nov. 29, 1853 Hays, Aaron B Dec. 8, 1835 Hays, Charles H Jan. 4, 1885 Hays, De Witt C Mar. 4, 1861 Hays, William J Dec. i, 1857 Hayward, Robert S Mar. 2, 1874 Heermance, William L Jan. 16, 1888 Hegeman, WiUiam Nov. 28, 1866 Heiser, Christopher Mar. 11, 1851 Heiser, Henry A Mar. 12, 1S39 Henderson, N. P Feb. 28, 1876 Henry, John T Sept. 6,1853 Henry, Philip Sept. 14, 1852 Henry, Philip, Jr June 3, 1861 Heroy, James H Sept. i, 1673 Herrick, B. L June 2, 1879 Herrick, J. Hobart Dec. 1,1862 Herriot, George G Sept. 23, 1885 Herriot, J. Groshon Nov. 30, 1863 Heyer, Cornelius Feb. 28, 1835 Heyer, Edward P Feb. 28, 1835 Heyer, Henry A Feb. 28, 1835 Hicks, Silas, Jr Dec. 3, 1850 Hinton, John H Mar. 3, 1890 Hobart, Dayton Feb. 28, 1835 Hobart, William H Feb. 28, 1835 Hoffman, Burrall Nov. 26, 1894 Hoffman, Charles F Feb. 28, 1835 Hoffman, Eugene A May 31, 1892 Hoffman, George E Feb. 28, 1835 Hoffman, John T Dec. i, 1862 Hoffman, Lindley M Feb. 28, 1835 Hoffman, Lindley M Dec. 2,1861 Hoffman, Martin Feb. 28, 1835 Hoffman, Murray Feb. 28, 1835 Hoffman, Ogden Feb. 28, 1835 Hoffman, Richard K Feb. 28, 1835 Hoffman, W. O June 3, 1861 Holmes, Adrian B Dec. 5, 1848 Hone, Isaac S Feb. 28, 1835 Hone, Phihp Feb. 28, 1835 Hone, Robert S June 8, 1837 Hoogland, Andrew Sept. 6, 1859 Hook, Gulian Mar. 7, 1848 Hook, John de Wint Sept. 10, 1839 Hosack, Alexander E Feb. 28, 1835 Hosack, David Feb. 28, 1835 Howe, Samuel O June 4, 1888 Hull, Oliver June 8, 1837 FORMER MEMBERS 93 FORMER MEMBERS. DATE OF ELECTION. Hunter, Abraham T Feb. 28, 1835 Hunter, William A Feb. 28,1835 Hurst, James H June 16, 1888 Hyatt, Stephen Mar. 3, 1873 I Ireland, Andrew L May 29, 1871 Ireland, Augustus F May i, 1899 Irving, Ebenezer Feb. 28, 1835 Irving, Gabriel F Feb. 28, 1835 Irving, John T Sept. 11, 1858 Irving, John T Feb. 28, 1835 Irving, Pierre M Mar. 12, 1841 Irving, Washington Feb. 28, 1835 J Jackson, Wm. H Mar. 11, 1845 Jacobson, Frederick June 7, 1853 Jacobus, Lyman A Dec. i, 1846 Janeway, James G Nov. 28, 1892 Jay, John Mar. 2, 1850 Jay, Peter Augustus Feb. 28, 1835 Johnson, Henry W Mar. i, 1875 Johnson, James C Feb. 28, 1835 Johnson, Jeromus Feb. 28, 1835 Johnson, Samuel William... Mar. i, 1880 Johnson, Theodore P June 2, 1884 Johnson, William Feb. 28, 1836 Johnson, William H Nov. 27, 1835 Johnson, William L Mar. 11, 1845 Johnson, William T Sept. 11, 1838 tohnston, John Mar. 10, 1846 Jones, David S.....' Feb. 28, 1835 Jones, Edward R Feb. 28, 1835 Jones, F. M May 30, 1870 Jones, George Feb. 28, 1835 Jones, Isaac, Jr Feb. 28, 1835 Jones, James I Feb. 28, 1835 Jones, John Feb. 28, 1835 Jones, John Q June 7, 1853 Jones, Samuel Feb. 28, 1835 Tones, Samuel June 4, 1866 Jones, Walter R. T Mar. 16, 1880 Tones, W. D Mar. 3, 1879 Jones, Wm. G June 8, 1837 Jordan, Conrad N Feb. 27, 1882 Judah, S. B. Helbert June 10, 1845 K Kane, J. Grenville Dec. i, 1873 Kearney, Philip J Dec. 8, 1835 Keese, John Sept. 11, 1838 .Keese,John D Feb. 28, 1835 Kemble, Gouverneur Feb. 28, 1835 Kemble, Richard F Feb. 28, 1835 Kemble, William Feb. 28, 1835 Kendrick, Edward June 2, 1873 Kermit, Robert Feb. 28, 1835 Ketcham, Arthur C Nov. 27, 1905 Ketcham, William P June 2, 1884 Keteltas, Eugene M June i, 1874 Keteltas, Henry Aug. 31, 1868 Kiersted, Henry T Sept. 9, 1845 King, Charles Feb. 28, 1835 FORMER MEMBERS. DATE OF ELECTION. King, James G Feb. 28, 1835 King, John A Feb. 28, 1835 King, John A Feb. 27, 1882 King, Le Roy May 30, 1881 King, William H ; Mar. i, 1875 Kingsland, Ambrose C Mar. 9, 1847 Kingsland, A. C June 3, 1861 Kingsland, Daniel C Mar. 9, 1847 Kingsland, George L June 3,1861 Kingsland, William M June 3, 1861 Kip, Brockholst L June 10, 1845 Kip, James H Dec. 8, 1835 Kip, John I Mar. 12, 1839 Kip, Leonard W Feb. 28, 1836 Kip, William F Nov. 30, 1903 Kip, William W May 29, 1871 Kirby, Abram M Mar. 1,1886 Kirby, David L Jan. 16, 1888 Kissam, Ben j . T Aug. 29, 1870 Kissam, Richard S Dec. 5, 1845 Knapp, Gideon L June 9, 1846 Knevels, Delancy W Nov. 30, 1858 Knickerbacker, Henry June 2, 1873 Knox, John M June 10, 1851 Kortwright, Lawrence M..Jan. 16, 1888 Labagh, John J Feb. 28, 1835 Laight, Edward W Feb. 28, 1885 Laight, WiUiam E Feb. 28, 1835 Lane, P. Van Zandt Mar. 2, 1863 Lane, Robert May 29, 1871 Lang, John Feb. 28, 1833 Lawrence, Abraham R Feb. 28, 1836 Lawrence, Ferdinand Mar. 9, 1852 Lawrence, John June i, 1874 Lawrence, John L Feb. 28, 1835 Lawrence, Jonathan S Mar. 4, 1861 Lawrence, Richard M Feb. 28, 1835 Lawrence, William A Feb. 28, 1835 Lawrence, William B Feb. 28, 1833 Lawrence, William M Jan. 16, 1888 Leconte, John L Mar. 9, 1847 • Lee, Benjamin C June 11, 1850 Lee, Benjamin F Mar. 3, 1873 Lee, James April 18, 1835 Lee, William P Dec. i, 1857 Lefferts, James April 18, 1835 Lefferts, Marshall Dec, i, 1873 Le Moyne, Edward M Sept. 3, 1877 Leonard, John Feb. 28, 1835 Le Roy, Daniel Feb. 28, 1833 Le Roy, Herman Feb. 28, 1833 Le Roy, Herman, Jr June 8, 1837 Le Roy, Jacob Mar. 11, 1843 Le Roy, Jacob R Feb. 28, 1835 Leveridge, Benj. C Feb. 28, 1833 Leveridge, B. C Sept. i, 1853 Leveridge, John Feb. 28, 1833 Livingston, James B Mar. 2, 1874 Livingston, John W Mar. 7, 1843 Livingston, Murray Mar. 3, 1874 Livingston, R. C June i, 1874 Lloyd, William R June 1,1891 94 FORMER MEMBERS FORMER MEMBERS. DATE OF ELECTION. Lloyd, William T Aug. 31, 1874 Lockwood, John B Aug. 31, 1868 Lockwood, Joseph B Mar. 2, 1874 Lorillard, Jacob Feb. 28, 1835 Lorillard, Pierre Mar. i, 1880 Lossing, Benson J Mar. 18, 1856 Lott, Henry Feb. 28, 1835 Lott, Jerome Dec. 3, 1844 Low, Cornelius Feb. 28, 1835 Low, J. Augustus Mar. 30, 1857 Low, Nicholas Feb. 28, 1835 Lowery, John A Feb. 27, 1871 Lownds, James M Nov. 27, 1835 Lownds, Oliver M April 17, 1835 Ludlow, Edward G Feb. 28, 1836 Ludlum, Isaac F Nov. 30, 1874 Luff, Charles E Dec. 2, 1856 Luqueer, Francis S Mar. 10, 1846 Lyon, Samuel K Feb. 26, 1894 Macdonough, Augustus R..Mar, 11, 1851 Main, Austin L. S Feb. 28, 1835 Mandeville, William Feb. 28, 1835 Manley, James Dec. 8, 1835 Manley, James R Feb. 28, 1835 Many, Francis June 8, 1847 Many, Francis V Sept. 12, 1843 Mapes, James J Sept. 11, 1855 Marshall, Daniel D. T Nov. 28, 1870 Mather, John C Feb. 4, 1862 Mathews, Albert Feb. 27, 1882 Maxwell, WiUiam H Feb. 28, 1835 McAlpine, C. L June 6, 1878 McCartee, Robert Feb. 28, 1835 McCartee, Robert Nov. 30, 1868 McCoon, James H Nov. 26, 1877 McCoun, William T Feb. 28,1835 McCrea, Edward P Mar. 2, 1874 McCuUough, James Nov. 27, 1835 McEvers, Bache Feb. 28, 1835 McEvers, Charles, Jr Feb. 28, 1835 McFarlan, Francis Dec. 5, 1848 McKnight, J. M. Scott Feb. 28, 1835 McLean, George W Nov. 30, 1858 McLean, Hugh Feb. 28, 1835 McLean, James M June 9, 1857 McMillen, Charles June 2, 1873 McMurray, Henry R June 4, 1866 McVicar, Benjamin Feb. 28, 1835 Mead, Charles D Mar. 2, 1863 Meeks, Joseph June 3, 1861 Mellville, Allan Feb. 29, 1864 Melville, Thomas June i, 1868 Mercein, Thomas R Feb. 28, 1835 Merrifield, Richard Sept. 4, 1865 Merritt, William H June 3, 1861 Meserole, Nicholas W June 2, 1884 Mesier, Edward S Nov. 30, 1847 Milledoler, Philip E Nov. 27, 1835 Miller, George P Mar. 3, 1890 Miller, Morris S Mar. 30, 1881 Miller, Sylvanus Feb. 28, 1835 Mills, John C Nov. 28, 1864 FORMER MEMBERS. DATE OF ELECTION. Minturn, Robert B June 7, 1842 Mitchell, George Mar. 11, 1851 Mitchell, John M Feb. 26, 1883 Monell, Ambrose Nov. 27, 1865 Monell, Claudius L Nov. 30, 1858 Monell, Joseph S Nov. 29, 1859 Monroe, Augustin May 31, 1892 Moore, Benjamin, May 31, 1875 Moore, Boltis Mar. 12, 1840 Moore, D. Sackett Mar. i, 1886 Morell, Geo. W Dec. 6, i860 Morford, Charles A June 11, 1850 Morris, Harry M Mar. 3, 1873 Morris, James Nov. 30, 1868 Morris, Richard L Feb. 28, 1835 Morris, Robert H Dec. i, 1846 Morris, Thomas F Mar. 1,1875 Morris, William Lewis April 16, 1835 Morse, Samuel F. B April 16, 1835 Mott, John G June 11, 1844 Mount, Henry R Aug. 31, 1874 Mount, Richard E Mar. 10, 1845 Mower, Mandeville Nov, 29, 1897 Mulford, Robert L Mar, 2, 1863 Mulligan, John W Feb. 28, 1836 Murray, David C Dec. 3, 1850 Murray, John R April 18, 1835 Myer, Albert J Nov, 27, 1871 Myers, T. Bailey Sept, 12, 1854 IS" Nathan, Benjamin Nov. 27, 1835 Nathan, Jonathan Feb. 28, 1835 Nathan, Mendez May 31, 1875 Nathan, Seixas Nov. 27, 1835 Neill, John Delancey Nov. 26, 1877 Neill, Samuel M Mar. 12, 1844 Neilson, Anthony B Feb. 28, 1835 Neilson, John, Jr. . . , Feb. 28, 1835 Nelson, George P Sept. 11, 1855 Nesbitt, Daniel A June i, 1896 Nesbitt, George F June 10, 1845 Nevins, Jacob R June 8, 1837 Nichols, Robert Nov. 30, 1841 Nicoll, Edward A Feb. 28, 1835 Nicoll, Edward H June 3, 1872 Nicoll, Henry Dec. 3, 1839 Nicoll, Solomon T Dec, 3, 1839 Norwood, Carlisle Nov. 29, 1859 o Oakley, Alfred P Oct. 23, 1888 Oakley, Charles April 16, 1835 Oakley, CorneHus Mar. 11, 1845 Oakley, E. Benedict June 4, 1863 Oakley, Edward J Nov. 29, 1853 Oakley, Henry A June 3, 1872 Oakley, Hobart Nov. 29, 1869 Ogden, James De Peyster,.Sept. 11, 1838 Ogden, John D Feb. 28, 1835 Ogden, Nicholas G June 11, 1844 Ogden, Richard Nov, 29, 1875 Ogden, Richard H Feb. 28, 1835 FORMER MEMBERS 95 FORMER MEMBERS. DATE OF ELECTION. Ogden, Thomas Ludlow May 31, 1875 Ogden, Wallace Jan. 29, 1876 Ogden, Walter Nov. 29, 1875 Ogsbury, Francis Mar. 9, 1841 Onderdonk, Benj. T Feb. 28, 1835 Oothout, Edward May 31, 1875 Oothout, John Feb. 28, 1835 Oothout, William Mar. 9, 1847 F Paris, Irving Mar. 4, 1872 Palmer, John C Mar. 3, 1879 Parmele, T. W Mar. 3, 1862 Parshall, Charles Mar. 11, 1845 Paterson, Matthew C Feb. 28, 1835 Patterson, John M Sept. 12, 1843 Paulding, James K Feb. 28, 1835 Paulding, William Feb. 28, 1835 Paulison, John Paul Mar. 4, 1889 Peck, William J June 4, 1866 Pell, Alfred Mar. 12, 1840 Pell, Archie D June i, 1874 Pell, Charles E May 29, 1882 Pell, Duncan C June 9, 1846 Pell, Tames K Dec. i, 1879 Pell, John B June 7, 1842 Pell, John H Mar. 2, 1868 Pell, William Cruger May 29, 1882 Penf old, Edmund Mar. 10, 1846 Perlee, R.N Dec. i, 1879 Philips, Lewis W Mar. 4, i86i Phoenix, Daniel A Nov. 27, 1835 Phoenix, J. Philips June 7, 1842 Phyfe, James D June 12, 1855 Pierrepont, Henry E Dec. 5, 1847 Pierson, Henry L June 8, 1838 Pinkney, G. Albert Nov. 10, 1874 Pinkney, James H June 8, 1852 Place, Tames K May 30, 1864 Piatt, John H Feb. 27, 1865 Popham, Charles W Dec. i, 1846 Post, Samuel L.,Jr June 4,1866 Post, Waldron B Dec. 2, 1856 Prime, Frederick Feb. 28, 1835 Prime, Rufus Dec. 8, 1835 Pruyn, John V. L June 3, 1889 Pryer, James Sept. 6, 1859 Pryer, John Mar. 9, 1847 Purdy, Samuel A., Jr May 31,1875 Purdy, Wm. Halsted Dec. 2, 1872 Q Quackenbos, Mangle M June 8, 1837 Quackenbos, Nicholas Nov. 29, 1853 Quackenboss, Henry Mar. it, 1858 Quintard, Charles Todd Nov. 29, 1880 Quintard, Edward A Mar. i, 1886 Quintard, William I Mar. 2, 1891 Rapelye, George Feb. 28, 1835 Rapelye, George B Feb. 28, 1835 Ray, Richard Feb. 28, 1835 Ray, Robert Feb. 28, 1835 FORMER MEMBERS. DATE OF ELECTION. Raymond, Samuel G Feb. 28, 1835 Reed, Isaac H April i8, 1835 Remsen, Henry Nov. 30, 1874 Remsen, Henry R Dec. 3,1850 Remsen, Robert G Sept. 12, 1848 Remsen, William Mar. 11, 1845 Remsen, William, Jr May 21, 1875 Renwick, James Feb. 28, 1835 Rhind, Alexander Colden..Mar. i, 1880 Rhinelander, John R Feb. 28, 1836 Rhinelander, Wm. C Feb. 28, 1835 Rhoades, John Harsen Nov. 26, 1888 Rhoades, Lyman Nov. 26, 1888 Ridabock, Frederick A May 30, 1864 Ridabock, James H Dec. 2, 1856 Rice, Thomas D Sept. 10, 1845 Rich, James V Mar. 14, 1850 Richards, Benjamin, Jr June 7, 1859 Ridley, J. M Dec. 2, 1861 Ridley, John Sept. 12, 1843 Riker, Henry L Nov. 30, 1891 Riker, Richard Mar. 3, 1890 Roberts, Marshall O June 7, 1842 Robinson, Beverly Feb. 28, 1835 Robinson, Henry Mar. 8, 1842 Robinson, Herman F Mar. 11, 1901 Robinson, William D Sept. 11, 1838 Rockwell, William Dec. 2, 185 1 Rodgers, J. Kearney Mar. 8, 1836 Rogers, George P Feb. 28, 1835 Rogers, John Feb. 28, 1835 Rogers, Jones June 4, 1863 Rogers, Wm. Bayard Sept. 4, 1865 Romaine, Benjamin Feb. 28, 1835 Romaine, Samuel B Feb. 28, 1835 Romaine, Worthington June 6, 1854 Roome, Charles Mar. 9, 1847 Roome, Walter Dec. 4, i860 Roosevelt, Charles H June 4, 1863 Roosevelt. Cornelius May 29, 1871 Roosevelt, Cornelius V. S..Nov. 27, 1835 Roosevelt, Henry June 12, 1855 Roosevelt, James A Mar. 9, 1847 Roosevelt, James J Feb. 28, 1835 Roosevelt, Nicholas Latrose. Dec. 2, 1878 Roosevelt, Robert B June 7, 1859 Roosevelt, Samuel June 11, 1850 Roosevelt, Theodore Mar. 8, 1859 Roosevelt, Van Ness Nov. 27, 1871 Ruckel, Philip P Feb. 28, 1835 Rutherford, Lewis M Mar. 8, 1842 Rutherfurd, Robert W Mar. 3, 1873 S Salomon, S. N Mar. 3, 1875 Sanford, Edward Feb. 28, 1835 Satterlee, Clarence., Sept. 4, 1882 Satterlee, Edward R Nov. 30, 1868 Satterlee, George B Nov. 30, 1874 Satterlee, Samuel K May 29, 1871 Savage, George W Dec. 2, 1867 Schanck, Andrew H June 3, 1872 Schell, Augustus Mar. 12, 1850 Schell, Edward Sept. 7, 1859 96 FORMER MEMBERS FORMER MEMBERS. DATE OF ELECTION. Schell, Richard Sept. lo Schell, Robert Mar. 4 Schenck, I. Frederick May 31, Schenck, Nathaniel P Dec. 2 Schenck, Noah Hunt Nov. 29 Schermer horn, Abraham Feb. 28 Schermerhorn, Archibald B.Feb. 28 Schermerhorn, A. Van C...Feb. 28 Schermerhorn, E. E Feb. 28, Schermerhorn, Edmund H.Feb. 28, Schermerhorn, George J... Jan. 16 Schermerhorn, J. Egmont. .Nov. 29 Schermerhorn, J. Lefferts...Dec. 5 Schermerhorn, John Feb. 28 Schermerhorn, John J Feb. 28 Schermerhorn, John P Mar. 12 Schermerhorn, John S Feb. 28 Schermerhorn, Peter Feb. 28 Schermerhorn, Peter A Feb. 28 Schermerhorn, Peter B Feb. 28 Schieffehn, Edgar S Mar. i SchieffeHn, Eugene Feb. 27 Schieffelin, H. Maunsell Mar. i SchieffeHn, Wm. H Sept. 2 Schmelzel, George Mar. 8 Schmelzel, George J Mar. 8 Schmelzel, John B Mar. 8 Schoonmaker, Henry Mar. 7 Schuchardt, F. Gebhard June 4 Schuyler, John Dec. 2 Schuyler, M.Roosevelt Feb. 26 Schuyler, Philip June i Schwab, Benjamin W June i Scott, George Hobart June 2 Scott, William May 31 Scudder, Henry J Mar. 4 Seaman, John F Dec. 5 Seaman. William B Nov. 28 Seixas, Jacob B April 16 Seton, Alfred Dec. Seward, Clarence A Nov. 28 Seymour, Daniel Mar. 14 Seymour, William, Jr Nov. 28 Seymour, William W Mar. 4 Sharpe, George H Nov. 27 Sharpe, Henry G Sept. 4 Sherman, Watts Nov. 29 Sherwood, John H Mar. 3 Shrady, William Mar. i Sidell, Wm. H Dec. 8 Simonson, John Feb. 28 Skaats, Bartholomew Nov. 30 Skellorn, George W April 16 Skiddy, Francis Dec. 5 Skidmore, Samuel T Mar. 10 Slote, Alonzo Sept. i Slote, Daniel Mar. 8 Slote, Daniel L Feb. 28 Slote, Henry L Aug. 29, Slipper, Henry U Dec. 8, Slosson, Edward Mar. 12 Slosson, John Nov. 29 Smidt, John C. T June 12 Smidt, William Henry Mar. 3 1850 1872 1875 1881 1835 1888 1875 1848 1835 1835 1840 1835 1835 1835 1835 1880 1871 1880 1872 1842 1853 1836 1841 1866 1872 1877 1868 1897 1879 1869 1861 1835 1844 1866 1850 1866 1889 1876 1882 1859 1862 1869 1835 1835 1874 1835 1845 1846 1873 1873 1887 1870 1835 1844 1853 1855 FORMER MEMBERS. DATE OF ELECTION. Smith, Charles Dickinson. .Mar. 11, 1845 Smith, Cornelius Dec. i, 1846 Smith, Edwin Sept. 9, 1856 Smith, Fletcher Mar. 12, 1840 Smith, Gamaliel G Nov. 27, 1876 Smith, George B Feb. 28, 1835 Smith, Gouverneur M Mar. 4, 1872 Smith, Morgan L Mar. 4, 1861 Smith, Thomas R Feb. 28, 1835 Smith, Uriah J Dec. i, 1846 Smith, Washington Nov. 29, 1859 Smythe, Henry A June 2, 1862 Spencer, George H Nov. 26, 1906 Stagg, Benjamin Feb. 28, 1835 Stagg, Benjamin, Jr Feb. 28, 1835 Stagg, Gerard S Mar. 12, 1839 Stagg, John T Feb. 28, 1835 Stagg, Junius T Sept. 9, 1845 Stagg, Peter Feb. 28, 1835 Stansbury, Edward A Nov. 30, 1858 Stanton, Edmund C June 30, 1881 Stanton, Henry Feb. 29, 1892 Stanton, S. Franklin Mar, i, 1875 Staples, William J Mar. 8, 1842 Stevens, Alexander H Dec. 5, 1845 Stevens, John A., Jr Jan. 16,1888 Stevens, Robert L Feb. 28, 1835 Steward, John June 6, 1854 Stewart, James J Mar. 12, 1844 Stilwell, William M Dec. 2, 1895 Storm, Garrit Dec. 5, 1843 Storm. John G Nov. 29, 1853 Storm, Thomas June 6, 1854 Storm, Walton Dec. i, 1884 Stout, Aquila G Mar. 12, 1840 Stout, Francis A Nov. 30, 1868 Stoutenburgh, Wm. E June 11, 1840 Striker, Garret H Mar. 7, 1848 Striker, Garret H., Jr June 9, 1857 Striker, James A June i, 1874 Strong, Charles E Mar. 9, 1847 Strong, George T Mar. 9, 1847 Strong, George W Feb. 28, 1835 Strong, James Feb. 28, 1835 Strong, P. Remsen Mar. 11, 1845 Stuy vesant, Gerard Feb. 28, 1835 Stuy vesant, Henry May 30, 1881 Stuyvesant, N. W Feb. 28, 1835 Stuyvesant, Peter Feb. 28, 1835 Stuyvesant, Peter G Feb. 28, 1835 Stuyvesant, Robert R June 4, 1863 Suffern, Chas. Carroll Mar. 29, 1878 Sutherland, John L June 4, 1894 Sutphen, John Sept. 12, 1848 Suydam, Charles S Nov. 27, 1871 Suydam, David L Mar. 7, 1843 Suydam, James A Mar. 3, 1862 Suydam, John R Feb. 28, 1835 Suydam, Lambert June 8, 1837 Suydam, Peter M Feb. 28, 1835 Suydam, Richard L Sept. 9, 1856 Swan, Benjamin L., Jr Feb. 27, 1865 Swart, Joel N Nov. 28, 1866 Swartwout, Samuel Feb. 28, 1835 FORMER MEMBERS 97 FORMER MEMBERS. DATE OF ELECTION. Swords, Charles R Mar. 12, 1840 Swords, Edward J Mar. 8, 1842 Swords, George H Mar. 8, 1842 Swords, Tames R Mar. 8, 1842 Swords, John E Mar. 10, 1857 Swords, Stanford Nov. 30, 1874 X Taller, William H Nov. 26, 1883 Talbot, George W May 29, 1871 Talbot, Richmond Nov. 27, 1882 Talman, George F Feb. 28, 1835 Talman, George H Feb. 27, 1871 Tapp, E. W Feb. 28, 1876 Tappan. Henry P Dec. 3, 1850 Tappen. Frederic D Nov. 30, 1874 Ten P.roeck, Rensselaer June 3, 1873 Thebaud, Paul L Aug. 31, 1874 Thomas, James P Nov. 27, 1835 Thompson, Alexander B Dec. 4, 1849 Thompson, David Gardiner. Mar. 2, 1874 Thompson, T. De Witt Nov. 29, 1875 Thorne, Eugene Nov. 27, 1871 Thorne, George W Dec. 30, 1871 Thorne. John M Dec. 4, 1849 Thorne. John W Nov. 28, 1864 Thorne, William Sept. 2, 1872 Tiemann, Daniel F Sept. 7,1858 Tiemann, Peter C Feb. 27, 1882 Tillou. Francis R Nov. 30, 1841 Tillotson, Gouverneur Dec. 3, 1858 Tilden, Samuel J Dec. 7, 1867 Timpson, James A Aug. 29, 1864 Tisdale, John Henry Nov. 30, 1847 Titus, James H May 20, 1850 Titus, Peter S April 16, 1835 Todd, William James June i, 1868 Tompkins, Minthorne Mar. 9, 1841 Tompkins, Ray Sept. 7, 1847 Torrey, Charles W Feb. 27, 1882 Townsend, Effingham L Dec. 5, 1848 Townsend, Issac Dec. 8, 1835 Townsend, John J Sept. 6, 1853 Townsend, S. Van Rensselaer, Jan. 16, 1888 Trenchard, Edward Nov. 30, 1891 Tucker, Fanning C Dec. 8, 1835 Turk, William Mar. 12, 1839 Turner, Herbert B June 2, 1879 Turner, John April 16, 1835 Turner, William Feb. 28, 1835 Turnure, Lawrence Sept. 4, 1882 Tylee, Daniel E Feb. 28, 1835 XJ Underbill, James Aug. 31, 1874 AT Valentine, Abraham B Mar. 3, 1879 Valentine, David T Sept. 8, 1857 Van Antwerp, James June 7, 1842 Van Antwerp, William April 16, 1835 Van Arsdale, William J May 30, 1870 FORMER MEMBERS. DATE OF ELECTION. Van Auken, Barret Havens, Jr. Feb. 26, 1883 Van Benschoten, James June 9, 1846 Van Beuren, Michael M Nov. 29, 1853 Van Brunt, Charles H Nov. 28, 1887 Van Buren, Martin June 6, 1854 Van Buren, John D Feb. 28, 1835 Van Buren, John Dec. 5, 1848 Van Cott, Cornelius Nov. 30, 1889 Vanderbilt, Cornelius May 30, 1870 Van Derlip, George M May 31, 1875 Van der Poel, A. Ernest May 29, 1876 Van der Poel, Aaron Sept. 12, 1843 Van der Poel, Aaron J May 31, 1869 Van der Poel, H. W Nov. 27, 1882 Van der Poel, Jesse O Feb. 29, 1864 Van der Poel, John Mar. 10, 1857 Van der Poel, S. Oakley June i, 1874 Vandervoort, Charles Dec. 3, 1839 Vandervoort, James Sept. 14, 1852 Vandervoort, John L April 16, 1835 Vandervoort, Peter H Mar. 12, 1839 Vandervoort, Peter L Feb. 28, 1835 Van Dolsen, Abraham Jan. 16, 1888 Van Dolsen, William I Jan. 16, 1888 Van Duzer, A. S Dec. 4, 1855 Van Duzer, Selah Mar. 12, 1844 Van Duzer, William A. S...Nov. 30, 1858 VanDyck, A. V. B Jan. 25, 1881 Van Nest, Abraham Feb. 28, 1835 Van Nest, Alexander T June 3, 1872 Van Norden, James Dec. 5, 1848 Van Nostrand, David June 6, 1862 Van Nostrand, Jacob Sept. 12, 1848 Van Nostrand, James Mar. 12, 1844 Van Nostrand, Seymour Nov. 29, i38o Vanolinda, Aaron B Mar. 11, 1852 Van Rensselaer, Kiliaen — June i, 1874 Van Rensselaer, Maunsell. . June 3,1889 Van Santvoord, Abraham. .June 2, 1873 Van Santvoord, Alfred Feb. 28, 1876 Van Santvoord, Cornelius. ..June 3, i860 Van Santvoord. T. C Nov. 28, 1898 Van Schaick, Jenkins Nov. 30, 1868 Van Schaick, S. D Nov. 29, 1875 Van Schaick, William M. . . . Feb. 27, 1871 Van Slyke, Evert S Mar. 4, 1901 Van Valkenburgh, Aaron. . .Mar. 18, 1875 Van Vechten, A. V. W Aug. 31, 1874 Van Vliet, Stewart May 30, 1864 Van Wagenen, Frederick... .June 12, 1855 Van Wagenen, Garret G Feb. 28, 1835 Van Wagenen, George A... Mar. 9, 1852 Van Wagenen, Hubert Feb. 28, 1835 Van Wagenen, William I . . . Feb. 28, 1835 Van Wagenen, William W..Mar. 12, 1839 Van Winkle, Edgar S Mar. 8, 1842 Van Winkle, Isaac June 11, 1856 Van Winkle, M. A Nov. 29, 1881 Van Wyck, Charles Sept. 9, 1858 Van Wyck, Jacob T Nov. 28, i83i Van Wyck, William Feb. 28, 1835 Van Zandt, Peter P June 8, 1837 Varick, Abraham Feb. 28, 1835 98 FORMER MEMBERS FORMER MEMBERS. DATE OF ELECTION. Varick, Richard Mar. 9, 1847 Varick, Theodore Romeyn..Aug. 29, 1870 Vermilye, Jacob D Nov. 30, 1863 Vermilye, Robert M Sept. 7, 1859 Vermilye, Thomas E Mar. 9, 1841 Vermilye, Thomas E., Jr... Dec. 6, 1859 Vermilye, Thomas E., Jr.. .June 3, 1889 Vermilye, WiUiam E Dec. i, 1857 Vermilye, William M Mar. 9, 1841 Vermilye, W. Romeyn June 9, 1846 Verplanck, Gulian C Feb. 28, 1835 Verplanck, Samuel Feb. 28, 1835 Verplanck, William W Feb. 28, 1835 Viele, Egbert Ludovicus... .Nov. 27, 1876 Voorhies, Jacob, Jr June 2, 1873 Vosburgh, Benjamin F Nov. 28, 1866 Waddell, William C. H....Dec. WagstaflF, David June Wainwright, John T June W^aldron, Victor B April Walker, John W Feb. Wallis, Alexander H June Walsh, Alexander R Feb. Walsh, James W Mar. Walton, Edward H Dec. Ward, Augustus H Mar. Ward, Charles H Feb. Ward, Charles Samuel Jan. Ward, Egbert Mar. Ward, Elijah Dec. Ward, Moses Sept. Ward, Richard R Nov. Ward, Samuel, Jr Sept. Ward, Sylvester L. H Sept. Ward, Theodore A Dec. Warner, Andrew Feb. Warner, Peter R June Warren, John Nov. Wasson, C. C Dec. Waters, George G Dec. Watts, John Feb. Webb, H. Walter June Webb, J. Watson April Weekes, John A June Wells, James N Dec. Wemple, C. Yates Sept. Wemple, Christopher Y. . . .Mar. Wemple, Henry Y., Jr Nov. Wenman, Evert Feb. Wessels, Francis June Wessels, Wessels Mar. Westervelt, Harman April 1845 1862 1890 1835 1835 1866 1835 1842 :855 843 1872 1858 1835 1838 1847 1854 1835 1842 1835 1879 1850 1836 1894 1835 1873 i860 1871 1846 1892 1835 1842 1842 1835 FORMER MEMBERS. DATE OF ELECTION. Westervelt, Harman C Mar. 8, 1842 Westervelt, Isaac T. . ., Sept. 12, 1843 Westervelt, Jacob A Dec. 5, 1843 Westervelt, John S June 11, 1850 Wetmore, Theodore R June i, 1868 Wheeler, John V Feb. 29, 1892 Whitehouse, George M Sept. 9, 1873 Whittemore, William L Jan. 4, 1888 Wilkes, George Feb. 28, 1835 Wilkins, Gouverneur M Feb. 28, 1835 Willcox, David Mar. i, 1897 Willets, Marinus Nov. 22, 1873 Wilktts, Joseph C June i, 1891 Williams, George H June 6, 1854 Williamson, David B Nov. 30, 1874 Williamson, D. D Aug. 30, 1875 Willis, Edward Sept. 12, 1854 Willis, Francis May 30, 1864 Willis, John R Dec. 2,1872 Willis, Oliver W Feb. 28, 1836 Willis, William H Dec. 5, 1848 Willis, William H., Jr Jan. 3, 1865 Wilmerding, George G Sept. 2, 1872 Wilmerding, William E June 8, 1837 Wilson, John D Nov. 29, 1875 Wilson, William Dec. 8, 1835 Winthrop, Benjamin R Feb. 28, 18^5 Winthrop, Henry R Sept. 11, 1838 Winthrop, Thomas C June 7, 1842 Wisner, William H Mar. 8, 1853 Wreaks, Charles F Dec. 2, 1872 Wright, Henry A Dec. 8, 1835 Wodell, Joseph Nov. 27, 1893 Wolcott, Frederick Hubbard. Oct. 23, 1888 Wolfe, Christopher Feb. 28, 1835 Wolfe, John Dec. 5, 1845 Wood, Edward Oct. 11, 1887 Wood, James R Nov. 8, 1848 Wood, J. Warden Nov. 30, 1852 Woodworth, A. J Jan. 16, 1888 Woolsey, Edward J Dec. i, 1879 Woolsey, Theodorus B Mar. i, 18S0 Wykoff, Alexander Feb. 28, 1835 Wykoff, Henry Feb. 28, 1835 Wykoff, Henry I Feb. 28, 1835 Wykoff, Henry S Feb. 28, 1835 Wynkoop, Augustus Feb. 28, 1835 Y Yates, Charles Feb. 7, 1859 Z Zabriskie, Albert G Mar. 12, 1844 Zabriskie, Martin R Mar. 11, 1845 SEP 10 1907