Sie-T'HR6€-5PIR- IT^-AND-OTtieR- P06M3 • BY-WeB- 3T6RP-tlVliTIM0- # • » • • • 4 > LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. p^' 3 ^ \ 5 @]^p» icpiirigi^t "^n. Shelf .^Ui^Ts UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. THE THREE SPIRITS AND OTHER POEMS BY WEBSTER P. HUNTINGTON >T^'7 / ^<^ 1801 Gazette Printing House Columbus O A O Copyrighted by the Author iSqi DEDICATED 10 MY FATHER CONTENTS. PAGE The Three Spirits. .... 9 The Gain of Living 33 Art against Nature, .... 34 To G. G. R 36 The Deserted Homestead, ... 37 Russia, 39 To A , 41 In the Cemetery at Norwich, . . .42 To THE Baby. .... .4s To MY Mother's Portrait, . . .46 W. D. W 48 Rehoboam. . . . . . . .so The Author to his Critics. . . . si THE THREE SPIRITS THE THREE SPIRITS. Unknown to Reason or to Faith, Unsolved in prose or rhyme ; Hope's mockery, the scoff of Death — Thou mystery of Time I Who shall ex})lore tlie hi(hlcn path That man hath never trod ? Who tell the vanity of Earth, The majesty of God? Who can do this hut tliou, O Soul Immortal, loosed from clay ? Oil, tear the darkness from our eyes xVnd hless us with tlie day ! Soar to the heig'hts the angels know. And in thy boundless Higlit Beg of the Powers a single ray From the Fountainhead of Light. lo THE THREE SPIRITS. Entreat that tnitli may l)e revealed, That Hoi)e and Faith may rise, Till some prophetic s})irit ope The portal of the skies ! See! The veil asunder })arts! Swing wide the gates at last! And on the Dreamer's vision dawns The Spirit of the Past! THE DRHAMHR. Spirit of gladness, Spirit of woe, Spirit of sadness Man eannot know, Speak to the donhting heart, Counsel the brave ! Thou of all sj)irits art Al)l(' to save ! Scan with, your vision tlic path of tiu' years. Strewn with life's sorrows, bedewed with life's tears; Marked by the crosses of women and men Who never on earth shall raise them again. THE THREE SPIRITS. ii THE SPIRIT OF THE PAST. Peace, troubled lieart : I am an aged man — Too old to list to th}^ complaints or heed Thy phantasies. My age sits heavy on me And I oft haye wished that I miglit one day be A yictim of my sickle; l)ut to me Death iieyer comes. Yes, I am yery old. My locks, that in the morn of earthly things Did shame the })lnmage of the raven's wings, Are whitened with tiie tonch of Time ; my eyes, Once bright as histrous gems, are dim witii age ; I stroke my beard and falter in my step. Yet have 1 seen tlie strength of empires i>ass away; Have held witliin this outstretched hand the power To bless or to condenni ; to fill with hoi)e The heart cast down 1)y grief; the arrogance Of pride-encumbered men to blast; the thrones Of kings to overthrow; the power to deal To all humanity its weal or woe. Of Earth's mysterious gloom, when Cliaos reigned And brooding Night with })iercing eye descried Naught save perpetual darkness in the world, I knew the infancy. To me the birth Of mortal life within tlie universe 12 THE THREE SPIRITS. Was but the })layful time of budding youth. Thus live I still, caused by that great First Cause- The One ()iuiii[)()te]it — who at His will Brought sunlight out of darkness and displayed His own divinity to all mankind By planting deep witliin the human breast That tender instrument. (Jod's masterpiece, The Soul. The chosen i)eople of the world Wore out the dreary years of their first light Beneath my gaze. Their father, Abraham, In whom the truth divine first had its dawn, Whose mighty heart beat in the breast of him Who later on gave Law unto his race, Sped o'er his earthly course marked and observed. The passage of the Hebrew host I viewed, When Moses through the waste of desert land Led on the people of his God. The walls Of high Jerusalem had not been reared. When from the summit of tlie loftv clouds The fields of Palestine beneath my feet Lay basking in the glory of the sun. How followed on the footsteps of the Jews The inundation of the land with blood. Thou knowest ; how, when centuries rolled b}^. The love of sacrificial offerings, THE THREE SPIRITS. j So long indulged with bloody rites by priests Whose su})erstitions ruled the peevish age, Brought on a time when naught would satisfy A nation's craving, save that Innocence, Embodied in a sinless Man of Peace, Should be itself the last great sacrifice ! thou eternal scribe, who in the Heavens Dost keep man's record in the Book of Life, Blot from the compromising page the deed Of this misguided people and command That History shall be forever dumb ! Galilee, whose liquid surface felt The imprint of the Master's feet, be still ; Nor whisper to the flowers uj»on thy l)anks The fate of Him who walked above thy wave ! And Calvary, whose firm foundation groaned Beneath the weight of that uplifted cross. Whose soil gave to the sacred blood a grave. Seal thou thy li})s, as they did seal his tomb ! Dream on, unconscious soul, and to thy breast Grapple the fond delusions of thy life ! Time never dies: but that which measures time, The throb of human hearts, but for a day Put forth tiieir feeble efforts, and are lost. Nations may fall, and frcjm their crumbled dnst A hundred more may rise to power again ; 14 THE THREE SPIRITS. And Man himself, his ho])es and fears, must shaie The dissolution of existing things. Yet in the Heavenly volume of the saints These poor events are but the })aragraphs That make the chapters in the Book of Life. What would'st thou save from out tlie wreck of Earth? (3f all the good that in thy heart doth dwell What would'st thou have in Heav'n made infinite? Ambition ? 'Tis a shining vanity That lures thee, then enchains thee, then deludes. Knowledge? Pause and comi)are thy boasted lore With the great mind tliat rules tlie universe. Love? Ah, this alone is the holy key Wherewith thou may'st unlock th' eternal gates I This is God's greatest boon to man — to love ! Whether it be on earth with human rites Or in the consecrated court of Heav'n. Hear my voice, my })arting benediction : Witliin thy spirit deep let Love abide ; And to the joys of immortality The angels, waiting, shall receive thy soul ! THE THREE SPIRITS. i^ Into the dark and boundless night The pliantom spirit fled. I heard the rustle of his robes Like tlie night-wind overhead, And the gentle cadence of his voice Seemed from the buried dead. Alone in the falling darkness, Alone — ni}^ soul and I ! Each dared not meet the other's glance, Each dared not live or die, While quaking at the ver}^ breeze That gently passed us by. How deep the silence of the hour, How long the shadows grew ! How ev'ry prayer that from the heart Was breathed to God anew Bore up its load of hope and fear As Heavenward it flew ! A pause, and to the open door Another form was led ; Approached, and o'er its thoughtful brow A frown, in passing, fled, While fixing on my face its gaze In accents clear it said : i6 THE THREE SPIRITS. THE SPIRIT OF THE PRESENT. I am the spirit of the Present. Hear My words, for I shall never reappear To give thee counsel. What I now may say, Preserve and act upon until that day When ev'ry soul shall its transgression own And reap the harvest as the seed is sown. To live is to exist for better things, Since Death, the transient visitor, but brings The spirit out of darkness into light, Adds glory to the day, dispels the night, Rebukes all that is evil and makes free The blessedness of immortality. Yet doth thy share in future bliss depend Upon the motives that do shape thy end. Fulfilment of thy })y heart ? Beware ! Existence is no })altry tiling : It hath an ecjual power to bless and sting. Thou hast heard. Let, then, thine attentive ear With e([ual earnestness incline to liear The whispered counsels uf thy inmost soul : Give Conscience in all things conn)lete control ; Make it the ruler o'er thy mind's domain, .Vnd like the music of some Heavenly strain Whose gentle harmony, low, sweet and clear. Pervades the universal atnjosphere. Until the baser senses feel the spell Of influences, they can not re})el. Its guiding voice shall cause to fall inert Thy wrong i)ropensities, and shall assert Its wondrous })0wer to keep thee undefiled Till thou with Goil in peace art reconciled. THE THREE SPIRITS. 23 So saying, witli a silent tread, Like one who walks amongst the dead In some secluded burying ground ; Or as a thoughtful priest might pace The corridors of some holy place, Betrayed not by a single sound ; The Spirit fleet in soft retreat Glided into the great Unknown, While whispered the breeze in an undertone, " A vision seen, a vision tlown ! " Seen, and forever unforgot ! Flown, yet around the hallowed spot Where stood the Spirit a moment since. As a rose its sweetness doth distil, There lingered then and always will A consciousness to all-convince Th' uncertain mind, by doubt made blind, That One had l)een there who had graced The courts of Heaven and embraced The joy of all things pure and chaste! Thus musing on the strange {)ortent Of ev'ry wonderful event That })assed before me like a dream, I caught tlie sound of voices singing — Now softlv sweet, now loudlv riup-ina- — 24 THE THREE SPIRITS. That to the list'ning ear did seem A Heav'nly strain, a glad refrain, Bearing tlie ecstaey of bUss Of those in a fairer world than this Who living had done least amiss. As, gazing into the Promised Land A soul on the verge of Heav'n might stand, Hearing the music of the spheres, I paused, my heart two worlds between,' And heard a hymn of powers unseen — Tlie harmony of untold years. And this is the song th' angelic throng Sang of the triumphs of sacrifice And telling of One who should arise To speak the glories of I^aradise ! THE CHANT OF THE ANGELS. Eternal God ! Thou Perfect One alone Of all who bow the knee before Thy throne — Father of all— Thou wlio didst think, and with the thought evolve Th' material universe, and dissolve The sweets of life within the soul of man; We do recall THE THREE SPIRITS. 2^ The wondrous mercy of Thy mighty plan Conceived ere otlier life than Thine began ! And dost Thou now to favors multiplied Like grains of sand upon the wild sea-side Year after year, Add this last token of Thy tender love For erring Man, who didst Thy pity move When i)ierced him first of deadly sin the fang ; Wlien the first tear, The crystal symlx)! of liis grief, o'ersprang Its bounds, the sad betrayer of a })ang? Speed the Si)irit on Heav'nly mission sent ! Haste his departure, strengthen his intent ! Cause Earth to know Tliat Truth and Love survive and Mert'y })leads, Though oft the heart, stricken and wounded, bleeds^ Shuddering that no helper lifts the veil Of endless woe ! O Father, let Thy messenger })revail. Teaching that laith in Thee can never tail ! 26 THE THREE SPIRITS. THE SPIRIT OF THE FUTURE. Seeker of truth, who after righteousness Doth hunger and thirst as mortality Longetli for tliat which is infinite, Peace ! Thou who dost meditate on sacred themes, Communing with anotlier liigher world Whose spirit forms, on wondrous errands sent, Appear before thee and their counsels give Of holiness, of virtue and of love ; Thou mortal, first in liistory, for whom Time, backward turning from his onwar