3f Kip SF 459 .G9 U6 Copy 1 t It- 'STANDARD of PERFECTION for CAVIES 50c Copyri|iht«d 1923 COPY UNITED CAVY BREEDERS ASSOCIATION Incorporated ■> < ' JA ' ^ '< Ltl a e sz^^:^ OFFICERS L. Frank Grafius , President 1003 So. Euclid Ave. Oak Park, 111. Georire Lautenschlager 1st Vice President mi So. Euclid Ave.. Oak Park. 111. Fred MoscKerosch 2nd Vice President 4907 Grace St.. Chicago. 111. George C. Eckert . Secretary 1447 Belmont Ave., Chicago, 111. O. H. Petersen ^ Treasurer 2420 N. Ballou St., Chicago, ill. DIRECTORS Chairman A. M. Haynes 3656 N. Tripp Ave., Chicago, 111. G. D. Berg 1 029 Newport Ave., Chicago, 111. H. H. Bussian . 3750 Osgood St., Chicago, 111. A. C Brumm 831 Marion St., Oak Park, 111. Wm. Garpow 35 I 7 Pierce Ave., Chicago, 111. H. W. Gerard 1611 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. ^ W. Dietz 736 Cornelia St., Chicago. 111. I iif'o. Jost. . 1826 N. Rockwell St., Chicago, 111. OCT -7 1322 Ci ^ ^ PREFACE THE wide interest in the cavy, with the improvement and de- velopement which have taken place in the varieties of the animal itself, has called for a revised standard. In order that this book may be accurate and complete as possible, we have consulted w^ith and obtained the ideas and opinions of the best authorities breeding the modern cavy. These ideas have been analyzed and given to you in the most condensed form, in order to assist both breeder and judge as to correct type, color and markings. It is sincerely hoped that these efforts will be found valuable to the scientific breeder and fancier as well as to those who own a few cavies as pets. Thanks are due the many friends and fanciers for the assistance given in this work. UNITED CAVY BREEDERS ASSOCIATION, Inc. STANDARD OF PERFECTION STANDARD OF PERFECTION GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS Base of ear: The root or bottom of the ear where it grows out from the head. To determine the angle of droop to the ear, the point or the end of the base of the ear in front or to- w^ards the face of the Cavy is used. Belly: The section of a Cavy, from betw^een the front legs to betw^een the hind legs, of the w^idth embrased w^ithin a straight line extending from the inside of the front legs to the inside of the hind legs on either side. Belly color: The color described for the belly of a Cavy. Blaze: Applied to the white section separating the cheek markings on the Dutch mark Cavy, connecting w^ith the sad- dle at the neck extending in a w^edge shape w^ith point of w^edge in a very narrow^ line between the ears, dow^n the face tov/ard and over the nose tip, broadening out gradually, in- cluding the w^hisker bed, and connecting again w^ith the saddle at the throat. Body color: The color of the entire coat; in Golden or Silver Agouti, the color of the entire coat except upon the belly; in Dutch mark, the colored coat on the body and cheek markings. Body marking: The rear section of a Dutch mark Cavy from a straight line extending around and over the back and belly at about half-way betw^een the tip of the nose and the rump, extending to and over the rump, dow^n the hind legs to the hock joint. Bold: As applied to the eye, bolting, prominent and bright. Brassiness: Having the color or tint of brass; yellowish. Breed: A race of Cavy, the members of which maintain shape and coat characteristics that they possess in common. Breed is a broader term than variety. Breed includes varie- ties, as for example, the Black, Red or White varieties of the English Breed. Brindling: The mixture of hairs in the coat of tw^o or more colors where a solid color is called for. STANDARD OF PERFECTION Butterfly: The marking on the end of the nose of the Himalayan variety; may also be on Tortoise and White. It should resemble a butterfly without spread vsrings, in shape. Cheek marking: The patches of colored coat covering each cheek, extending from just back of, and including, the ear and eye, over the entire cheek down to, but not including, the w^hisker bed. in a clear even line around the outline of the low^er jaw and between the eyes. Coat: The fur or hair covering all sections of the Cavy. Coat color: The color described for the fur or hair cover- ing of the Cavy. Condition: The state of a Cavy, as regards flesh, health, cleanliness or order of coat. Creaminess: Having the color or tint of cream. Crinkle: A small ridge or furrov^ on the ear; corrugated or crimped. Defect: An imperfection, fault, not perfect. Disqualification: A deformity of serious defect that ren- ders a Cavy unw^orthy of w^inning a prize. Droop: To bend dow^n gradually. The droop of the ear is the angle at which it falls below a horizontal line across the base of both ears at the front, taking the top side of the bulk of the ear as viewed straight from the face only into con- sideration. Dull: Without luster or gloss. Eye circle: The portion of fur or hair surrounding the eye. Faking: Artificial coloring of the coat or any part there- of; injury of the coat of any Cavy entered by another ex- hibitor; staining of exposed skin in any section of the Cavy; in fact, any self evident attempt on the part of an exhibitor to deceive the judge and thus obtain an unfair advantage in com- petition; a disqualification. Foreign: Applied to a color not described as for that section of variety. STANDARD OF PERFECTION Furnished: Applicable to the Peruvian and Peruvian silky breeds as regards quantity of fully developed coat. Glossy: Full of luster; shiny. Guinea pig: A slang and defamatory term of unknown origin applied to the Cavy; commonly used by breeders of commercial or laboratory Cavy. Head furnishing: Applied to the coat covering the head of a Cavy of the Peruvian breed. Intermixing: Two colors w^ithin the same section or patch, w^here a clear distinct line of separation should exist between the tw^o or more colors, thus causing the line to be irregular. Junior: A Cavy less than four months old. Leg: All that part of the low^er extremity of a Cavy cov- ered with fur or hair extending down to the toes. Litter: The young of a Cavy born at one time. Mane: Applied to the coat of the Peruvian breed. Patch: A portion of the coat of only one color. Pen: A group of Cavy of the same variety consisting of a male and three females. Pigment: Coloring matter in either coat or skin. Pricked ear: An ear standing erect or nearly so, usually small in size and crinkled. Profile: A direct side view of a Cavy, applied both to live specimens and to illustrations. Profit: The state of pregnancy. Rose petal: Applied to the shape of the ear on all varie- ties of the English breed of Cavy. An ear smooth and free from wrinkles, creases or folds and having a slight concave curve near the center extending from the base to the outer edge. Rosette: A formation of the hair resembling an egg cup, the hair radiating out in a circle from a nicely formed and STANDARD OF PERFECTION filled center. This formation of coat belongs to the Abyssinian breed of Cavy, but an occasional rosette of sometimes im- perfect formation will put in an appearance on a specimen of the English varieties, in this case it is a disqualification. Saddle: The marking of the Dutch mark variety, of white color, extending around the body and shoulders from a line draw^n in back of and clear of both ears, dow^n the front line of the shoulders and under the cheeks to include the chest and front legs, the w^hite extending back to a straight line draw^n around the body and belly half way betw^een the tip of the nose and the rump. Self-color: (See solid-color). Senior: A Cavy four months or over. Silky: As applied to the coat, soft and of fine texture. Also applied to the breed of Cavy having a long coat from the head back over the rump; also termed Angora. Smooth-haired: Applied to the varieties of the English breed of Cavy. Solid-color: A uniform color unmixed w^ith any other. Stops: The marking on the hind legs of the Dutch mark variety, of solid w^hite, extending from the hock joint out to the toes. The marking on each leg of the Himalayan variety, of solid black extending well up each leg from the toes. Sutty, Suttiness: Brow^n or black pigment, varying in its density, in the skin of the light colored or red varieties either solid or vari-colored. Surface color: The visible color of the coat when the Cavy is at rest. Sweep: Applied to the coat of the Peruvian breed. Symmetrical: Perfect and even in proportion to the out- line of section. Ticking: The narrow^ band or bar of a different color near the end of each hair, dividing each hair into alternating color, the tip, also the large section towards the root being of the STANDARD OF PERFECTION same color. The general effect of the colors of the band and tip producing the surface color. Found in Golden and Silver Agouti and Cinnamon. Tipped: Each hair having a color different from that of the body of the hair, at the extreme end. Trimming: The cutting or removing of long hairs where short hair is called for; removing of side sprigs or extra toes. Typical: Expressing a characteristic, in color or type, representative of a breed or variety. Type: All parts or sections of a Cavy, viewed as a whole, with regard to the standard shape of the breed it represents, (see ideal page) Trio: A group of Cavies consisting of a male and tw^o females. Under-color: The color of the low^er portion of the fur or hair, not visible when the coat of the Cavy is in its natural position. Under-cut: Applied to the continuation of the line over the belly which separated the saddle from the body marking on the Dutch mark variety. Uneven Ticking: Lacking in uniformity; sections or parts of sections of the coat where the hair is tipped instead of ticked, or wholly lacking in either ticking or tipping thus giving the appearance of solid color. Vari-colored : Applied to varieties having more than one color; not of solid color. Variety: A sub-division of a breed of Cavy having the same characteristics of shape and formation of coat, but dif- fering in color of coat and exposed skin, from other groups of the same breed. The general difference betw^een the terms "breed" and "variety" is w^ell brought out in the statement, popular among fanciers, "Shape makes the breed; color the variety." Wiry: Applied to the coat; coarse, harsh and stiff; not soft; bristle like. STANDARD OF PERFECTION VARIETIES Cavies (Guinea Pigs) Abyssinian — Black English — Golden Agouti Abyssinian — Cream English — Himalayan Abyssinian — Golden Agouti English — Red Abyssinian — Red English — Silver Agouti Abyssinian — Broken Colors English — Tortoice Shell Angora (Peruvian Silkies) English — Tortoise Shell English — Black and White English — Blue English White English — Brindle Peruvians — Black English — Cream Peruvians — Cream English — Chocolate Peruvians — Red English — Cinnamon Peruvians White English — Dutch Peruvians — Broken Colors GOLDEN AGOUTI Shape 20 Eveness — Of ticking on body, chest and feet 30 Color 20 Condition 1 Belly Color 5 Eyes 5 Ears 10 Shape SILVER AGOUTI 100 20 Eveness — Of ticking on body, chest and feet 30 Color 20 Condition 1 Belly Color 5 5 10 Eyes Ears 100 GOLDEN Remarks — The Golden Agouti should be of a rich deep golden hue with even dark ticking all through, with the chest and feet to match. The belly should have a bright rich red appearance as narrow^ as possible. SILVERS The Silver should be of a dark silvery hue, having even STANDARD OF PERFECTION m z o r X CO r < > o o c H o > < STANDARD OF PERFECTION dark ticking all through with the chest and feet to match, to be as free as possible from eye circles. The belly color to be narrow and as near w^hite as possible. DUTCH MARKED ENGLISH Shape — -As in ideal page 1 Color 10 Condition 5 Eyes 5 Ears 10 Blaze and checks 1 5 Clear neck 1 Saddle 10 Undercut 10 Feet stops 1 5 100 Remarks — Dutch come in red, black, cream, chocolate and Golden Agouti. ENGLISH HIMALAYAN Shape — As in ideal page 1 Color — Purity of white, free from brass coloring 1 5 Density of markings 20 Condition 1 Eyes — -Large, bright and ruby color 1 Nose — Markings well carried up to the eyes 15 Ears — Black to base 1 Feet — Markings well carried up 1 100 Remarks- — Markings to be placed same as the Himalayan rabbit. Feet, ears and nose markings must be black. SOLID RED ENGLISH Shape — As in ideal page 20 Color 25 Coat — Short and glossy 1 Condition 1 Eyes — Large and bold 1 Ears — Shapely to match body 1 5 Feet — Solid color to match body 1 100 10 STANDARD OF PERFECTION a c H O X > m D n > < II STANDARD OF PERFECTION SOLID BLACK ENGLISH Shape — Broad shoulders, roman nose, and body not to short 25 Color — Deep, raven, rich 30 Coat — Short and glossy, free from corrugations 1 5 Condition 1 Eyes — Big, bold and clear 10 Ears — Slightly drooping, with good width between them 1 100 Remarks — The color should be deep and lustrous, the same going dow^n to the skin. Feet to match body color. SOLID BLUE ENGLISH Shape^^As ideal in page 20 Color — Deep, rich and even 30 Coat- — Short and glossy 1 Condition 1 Eyes — Bold and large 5 Ears — To match body, color shapely ■'. 1 5 Feet — To match body color 1 100 Remarks- — Blues should be a dark, rich blue, as in the blue ra bbit. ENGLISH BRINDLES Shape 1 Color — Even mixture of Red & Black 1 5 Coat 45 Condition 1 Eyes — large and bold 5 Eairs — To match body color 5 Feet — To match body color 10 100 12 STANDARD OF PERFECTION SOLID CINNAMON ENGLISH Shape 20 Eveness — Of ticking on body, chest and feet 30 Color 20 Coat 5 Condition 1 Eyes 1 Ears 5 100 Remarks — Cinnamons should be of a cinnamon shade and even and free as possible from the eye circles, having even, dark ticking all through, with chest and feet to match. SOLID CREAM ENGLISH Shape — As in ideal page 25 Color — Pure and even 30 Coat — Short and glossy, free from corrugations 15 Condition 1 Eyes Big, bold and clear 1 Ears — Slightly drooping, not fallen, with good w^idth be- tw^een them, color to match body 5 Feet — Color to match body 5 100 Remarks — Dairy cream is the ideal color of a cream Cavy. Free from brassiness tinge. SOLID CHOCOLATE ENGLISH Shape — As in ideal page 25 Color — Deep, rich and even 30 Coat- — Short and glossy 1 Condition 1 Eyes — Bold and large 5 Ears — Shapely to match body 1 Feet — To match body color 1 100 Remarks — Color guide, use a bar Germains sweet choco- late. Ruby eyes. 13 STANDARD OF PERFECTION if* > < U LU H X -v c flj UJ O H o 00 J a z 14 STANDARD OF PERFECTION Remarks — Reds should be deep, rich red color with the feet and ears to match body color. Burnt sienna is the correct color. The Cavy with ears matching body will have preference over one with the dark ears. TORTOISE and WHITE ENGLISH Shape — As in ideal page 10 Color — Red, Black and White, as in the standard of these varieties 25 Patches — Clean, clearcut and distinct 20 Equal distribution with uniform placing 25 Coat — Short and glossy 5 Condition 3 Ears 5 Eyes 3 100 Remarks Color should not be intermixed. Patches to be cut clean and evenly distributed. The photograph of this variety is a guide to show not how^ patches are to be placed but more to give the breeder an idea of w^hat is meant by square cut and distinct patches. Square alternating patches more essential than quantity of patches. TORTOISE SHELLS Shape As in ideal page 1 Color — Red and black 20 Patches — Clear and distinct 4 5 Coat — Short and glossy 1 Condition 5 Eyes — Laige, bold and clear 5 Feet 5 100 Remarks — The color should be deep red and black, equal- ly distributed in small patches. The smaller and more uniform the better. 15 STANDARD OF PERFECTION SOLID WHITE ENGLISH Shape — As in ideal page 25 Color — -Pure and even 20 Coat — Short and glossy i Condition \ Eyes — Large, bold and pink « I Ears- — Shapely, Color to match body 15 Feet — To match body color 10 100 Remarks — White ears and feet are essential. Smudge and black spots will disqualify. BROKEN COLORED ABYSSINIAN Shape — Short and cobby, not flat sided. Limbs well form- ed and closely set, without and narrow^ness, w^ith plenty of depth in the shoulders and hindquarters 15 Color — Clear and bright, with plenty of lustre 10 Rosettes — Each to rise and radiate evenly all around w^ith a clearly defined center w^ithout break or gap, and to be distributed regularly all over the body, the greater the number the better, providing that each is clear and distinct without guttering or running into each other 30 Coat — Short, harsh and w^iry in texture, w^ith erect mane running right dow^n the back from shoulders to rump, and w^ithout flatness or softness of any kind. The scuff or collar to stand erect and pass right around the shoulder w^ithout a break 20 Head — Wide and fair length, nose very prominent w^ith v/ell developed mustache, covered w^ith harsh erect coat on cheeks 1 Eyes — Large, full and bright 5 Ears 5 Condition 5 100 16 STANDARD OF PERFECTION DO r > n > CO < in CO > Z > < 17 STANDARD OF PERFECTION SOLID COLOR ABYSSINIANS Shape 1 5 Color 15 Rosettes- — Same description as broken color 30 Coat 15 Head 10 Eyes 5 Ears 5 Condition 5 100 SOLID COLORED PERUVIANS Sweep (rear coat) — Of as uniform length as possible 15 Density of Coat 1 5 Texture or silkiness of coat I 5 Side sweep — Hair to be as long as possible 15 Color — To be of a solid color, free from stray off-colored hairs 1 5 Head Furnishing — Fringe should fall well over the shoulders and furnished so that it falls in a thick mane 1 5 Condition 1 BROKEN COLORED PERUVIANS Sweep (rear coat) — As of uniform length as possible 15 Density of coat 1 5 Texture or silkiness of coat 15 Side sweep — Hair to be as long as possible 15 Color — To be of a solid color, free from stray off colored hairs 1 Head furnishing — Fringe should fall well over shoulders and furnished so that it falls in a thick mane 1 5 Condition 1 5 18 STANDARD OF PERFECTION c < > z n > < 19 STANDARD OF PERFECTION SHOW RULES Section 1 . Under normal conditions entries shall close the day advertised (entries bearing postmark of that date being eligible) and entry fees must be paid on or before that time, except when telegraphed and in such cases remittance must follow by first mail. Sec. 2. All entries must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor. Otherw^ise he forfeits all entry fees, all prize money and all other premiums, as w^ell as the right to have his Cavies remain in the shov/ room, in cases of disqualifications under this rule other exhibits shall, if qualified, be moved up in the list of w^inners subject to the disqualified exhibitor's right of appeal. Sec. 3. In cases w^here it shall come to the know^ledge of the management that disqualified parties have, unknow^n to them, succeeded in making an entry or entries, the right is reserved to cancel such entries, and such party shall forfeit his entry fee, prize money and other premiums. The Show^ Management reserves the right to refu-^e entries from exhibitors w^hose conduct in their opinion makes it de- sirable for the w^elfare of the show^ that their Cavies be de- barred from competition. Spc. 4. Exhibitors attempting to interfere w^ith or influence the judge or judges shall be dealt w^ith as provided in Sec- tion 2. Sec. 5. Judges shall be required to sign the judge's book or card provided by the Show^ Association. Sec. 6. No specimen shall be removed from the show^ un- til after its close except upon the written consent of the Show Secretary, or Superintendent. Sec. 7. All entries are entered and shown at the risk of ow^ners and associations will exercise all reasonable care in the handling and protection of the exhibits. Sec. 8. No judge shall exhibit in any class which he is judging, and no exhibitor or any one interested in any exhibit that may be in the class shall act as assistant to the judge. 20 STANDARD OF PERFECTION H m n > < 21 STANDARD OF PERFECTION Sec. 9. The placing of names or marks of any sort, not provided by the show, on Cavies or in the hutches shall be left to the rules of the Show Associations. Sec. 1 0. Show managements shall have the right to refuse entry to the show^ room, or to remove from the same all diseased or unsightly Cavies, and are expected to avail them- selves of this right. Entry fees on such Cavies shall be for- feited. Sec. 1 1 . All specimens must be exhibited in their natural condition. Any violation of this rule shall exclude such specimen from competition and cause the withholding of all premiums aw^arded. Sec. 12. Special aw^ards on sw^eepstakes shall be made on points, first prize to count 6; second, 4; third, 3; fourth, 2, and fifth, 1 . The total number of points w^on by an exhibitor to be multiplied by the number of Cavies exhibited in his variety; this grand total to be the number of points counted in the competition. In a case of palpable error, or alleged fraudulent practice on the part of any judge, any exhibitor shall have the right w^ithin twelve hours after the aw^ards are posted, to make a w^ritten protest, accompanied by a $5.00 deposit. The protest shall be passed upon by a committee of three, consisting of the judge, the fancier, and if possible, a licensed judge, w^ho is dicinterested. If the exhibitor's protest is sustained, forfeit shall be re- turned and if not, shall be retained by a local branch. It is advisable that the protested class be entirely re-judged. It is recommended at all associations holding shows to employ United Cavy Breeders Assn., judges w^hen possible. In the English Dutch mark, Abyssinian and Peruvian class- es it is suggested that v/here there are four or more of a color to have separate classes. Exhibitors attempting to interfere w^ith, or influence the judge or judges, shall have their stock disqualified and be barred from the show-room. General Disqualifications In applying the Standard of Perfection, if judges find any of the defects described below^, they shall disqualify the 22 STANDARD OF PERFECTION specimen and state on the proper card or blank the nature of the disqualification. Under all disqualifying clauses the specimen shall have the benefit of the doubt. In any variety of the English breed, a specimen having one or more perfect or imperfect rosettes in any section or part of its coat. Any specimen having coat of a color not as described for the variety in which the specimen is exhibited. Any specimen in the Cream or White varieties of the English breed, having black or nearly black ears or feet. (This to be understood to mean either one or all of the ears or feet). Under all disqualifying clauses the specimen shall have the benefit of the doubt. Any specimen bearing evidence of faking or trimming. Any specimen exhibited, found not to be the bona-fide property, for a period of at least 30 days just preceding the date of Show and at the time of the judging, of the party or parties in w^hose name the entry w^as made. Any specimen exhibited or entered as a junior that bears conclusive evidence of being four months old or older. Any specimen blind in one or both eyes. Patch of off-colored hairs — (six or more hairs in one distinct group to be considered a patch). Absence of impor- tant color spots. Toe Nails of any other color than called for by standard. Sore eyes, or eyes of any other color than called for by standard. Diseased specimen. Deformities, such as other than four toes on front feet and three toes on hind feet, crooked limbs, etc. Evidence of the use of foreign sub- stance on coat. Positive evidence that specimen is heavy with young. Any specimen showing signs of an injury or w^ound. ENGLISH CAVY CUTS Ears that are torn or frayed on edges — the amount of cut depending on how badly torn or frayed ears punched for mark- ing or showing signs of having an ear tag will not be dis- qualified but we w^ish to discourage this habit. Ears of a dark color on red Cavy. Stray off -colored hairs. Eye circles — (a ring around the eyes made up of hairs of other than body color). 23 STANDARD OF PERFECTION ALABAMA Falkner, C. E., 112 No. 19th Street, Bessemer Zimmerman, Alfred, Mobile ARIZONA Freeland, Arthur C, R. No. 6, Phoenix CALIFORNIA O'Brien. L. C, Box 183, Alameda Gleason, Jessie, Atascadero Cronk, W. C, Beaumont Snyder, J. N., P. O. No. 52, Buena Park Hutcheson, A., Care Camp Kearny Jacques, E. E., Mrs., R. 2 B. 8, Chico Roseberry, B. H., Box I, Claremont Wright, J. A., P. O Box 201, Culver City Davis, M. F., Danville Samuelson, J. P., Durkam Schlotthaner, Dan, R. 1, Box 148, Exeter New York Caviary, 345 E. Paliu Ave., Gardena Bayless, Geo. J., 3 14 Magnolia Ave., Glendale Glendale Pt. Stk. & Fur Frming, 62 7 E. Acacia St., Glendale Woodworth, Carroll L., Glendora Petersen, Edlef, Mrs., R. F. D. No. 2, Healdsburg Reinhart, J. A., Hollister Rudolph, J. L., Box No. 94, Hughson Wann, W. O., Hynes Lore, J. E., 104 So. Rose Ave., LaManda Park Strite, C. E., Dr., LaMesa Lawndale Caviary (R. E. Wallers) Lawndale Hadsell, R. J., 1000 Redondo Ave., Long Beach Lackey, C. A., R. No. 1, Box 148, Long Beach Angel, Percy, 223 E. 82nd St., Los Angeles Bagwell, Hubert T., 1923 .'Xrtington St., Los Angeles Barnett, Geo. Dewey, 223 E. 82nd St., Los Angeles Bennett, B. D., Mrs., 1203 E. 33rd St., Los Angeles Boggs, J. C, 7502 Whitsett Ave.. Los Angeles Chambers, Chas. L., R. R. No. 5, Box 930. Los Angeles Fernandez, Marie, 2 12 N. Beaudry Ave., Los Angeles Genor, M. S., 555 1 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles Heller, Dick, 3617 4th Ave., Los Angeles Klengenburg, K. E., 226 E. 76th PI., Los Angeles Sears, Ethel M., Mrs., 2050 Charlotte St., Los Angeles Stodel, Andrew, 2018 Magnolia Ave., Los Angeles 20th Century Caviary, 1701 S New England Ave., Los Angeles Cruver, Ida A., Mrs., P. O. Box 635, Montebeilo Cruver, Wm. F., P. O. Box 63 5, Montebeilo Cruver, Grace, P. O. Box 63 5, Montebeilo Thompson, A. M., Mrs., 1712 Adeline St., Oakland McConnell, W. A., 321 El Morado St., Ontario Millard, A. C, Mrs.. 1132 East A. Street, Ontario Durler, O. J., 388 N. Orange St., Orange Graham, Elmer, Orick O'Bryan, Wm. Cedric, Route No. 2, Box 321 A., Pasadena Orth, Wm. G., R. F. D. No. 3, No. 3 10, Pasadena Salsgiver, Wm. i., 389 N. Marengo Ave., Pasadena Sweet, Muriel W., Mrs., 1665 San Pasqual, Pasadena Andrese, R. C, 967 W. 4th St., Pomona Dean, W. E., 702 Columbia Ave., Pomona McRea, Wm. C, Raymond Nicoll, Gertrude C, Mrs., San Anselmo Rickey, John Q., 3910 8th Ave., Sacramento Busseniust, Pres. R. G., Porter Hotel, Calif. Small Stk. Frm., San Fernando Moore, R. D., 523 Chatsworth Drive, San Fernando Herzinger, L., Mrs., Shotwell, San Francisco Henn, Theodore, Mrs.. 1468 4 7th Ave., San Fancisco 24 STANDARD OF PERFECTION Killeen, Francis, D. J., 2 161 Sutter St., San Francisco Olden, Chas. E., 1150 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco Lawrence, Joe, 719 Treat Ave., San Francisco Rosemont, Juliet, 2 1 Rosemont Place, San Francisco Rosemont, H. P., 2 I Rosemont Place, San Francisco O'Barne, Burt, Box 877 A 5 — R2. San Gabriel Bricos, C. R., 5 64 Sepulvepa St., San Pepro Shurragar, A. W., 1433 Palm St.. San Luis Obispo Morton, L. D., Capt., 401 Coast Highway, Santa Barbara Hazelworth, N. L., Miss, Route 4, Box 45 1, Santa Rosa Lohsen, Henry, Box 113, Stege Lohsen, Geo., Box 113, Stege Skarratt, Carleton F., Turlock Witmer Bros., R F. D. No. 5, Box 112, Watsonville Brown, E. M., Mrs., 2406 Chandler Ave., Selma COLORADO Knapp, Ernest, Mrs., 13th and Moline St.. Aurora Miller, John. R. No. 2. Box 178, Canon City Corrin, E. D., 2 112 W. Kiowa St., Colo. Springs Fry. Karl M.. 701 East 4th St., Pueblo CONNECTICUT Konip, Robert, Resthaven, Danbury Christensen, C, Mrs., Moodus Ricker, C. A., 2 76 W. Main St., Norwich Wells, Wm. A., Norwich Rundell. Chas. D., Box 35, Plainfield O'Connell, Thomas, I 7 Cutter St., Stonington Sage, Walter F., 2 70 Blohm St., West Haven DOMINION OF CANADA Myers, O. M., 423 13th Ave. East, Colgary. Alta. Tracey, E. S.. City Hall. Halifax, N. S. French, E., 1 8 Greenway Ave., Hamilton, Ont. Martin, A. E., Room 332 Royal Aptr, , Hamilton, Ont. Moore, 1., 4 1 Primrose Ave., Hamilton, Ont. Austin. John B.. 110 Stanley Ave., Mimicr, Ont. Whyte, Kenneth E., Grimsby. Ont. Goodwin, A., Mr., Paris, Ont. Collin, G. H., 339 Bradford St.. St. James. Winnipeg Telfer. Alex G, P. O Box 17. Winn peg St., London Junet, Ont. Lake. A. H., 225 Crawford St., Toronto, Ont. Meyers, Violet, Mrs., 72 Heath St., Toronto, Ont. West, Wm., 161 August Ave., Toronto, Ont. FLORIDA Hitchings, C. E., Bradentown ILLINOIS Seward, Wm. H., Box 81. 7532 62nd St., Argo Beno, Emil J., 5 15 Washington Ave., Cairo Peyla, Geo.. Catlin Adams, Peter P., 283 7 N. Hamlin Ave., Chicago Beauvais, Arthur, 19 West Erie St.. Chicago Berg. G. D., 1029 Newport Ave., Chicago Bertram, Robert, 3333 N. Marshfield Ave., Chicago BuGsian, H. H., 3 750 Osgood St., Chicago Chapman, J. B., 13 E. 1 1 1 th St., Chicago Dietz, E. J. W., 736 Cornalia St., Chicago Eckert, Geo. C. 144 7 Belmont Ave., Chicago Englehardt, 4029 Federal St., Chicago Fancher, W. M., ! 06 W. 114th St., Chicago Fronts Cavy Farm. 2856 So. Kildare, Chicago Frye, Wm. E., 825 So. Oakley Ave., Chicago 25 STANDARD OF PERFECTION Card, Chas. H., 3025 Colorado Ave., Chicago Garpow, Wtii., 35 17 Pierce Ave., Chicago Gerard, H. W., 1611 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago Hart, John E., 7025 So. Racine Ave., Chicago Haynes. A. M., 3636 N. Tripp Ave , Chicago Jackson, .Alex., 144 W. I I I th St., Chicago Jost, Theodore, 1826 No. Rockwell St., Chicago Kampan, Aloizy, 12024 Wallace St., Chicago Kraatz, Fred. 2233 Augusta St.. Chicago Lapinski, J. W.. 3232 So Leavitt St., Chicago Lauletta, Joseph, 1449 No. California Ave., Chicago McLane, R. F.. 2401 W. 63rd St., Chicago Moscherosh, Mrs. Fred, 907 Grace St., Chicago Nootbaar, R., 1815 N Washtenaw Ave, Chicago Petersen, O. H., 2420 N. Ballou St., Chicago Ringland. G. A., 1243 Montana St., Chicago Sutter, Edward P., 1817 N. Washtenaw Ave., Chicago Schelm, Dr. G. W., 2 112 Seminary Ave., Chicago Wojtalewicz, Adam, 403 5 Roscoe St., Chicago Wilhelm, Jacob, 2256 Lewis St., Chicago Wayman, E., 7018 Danta Ave., Chicago Lober, Edward, Mr., Ciscna Park Carr, A. L.. 611 No, Jefferson Ave., Dixon Insko, J. W., Donavon Dowling, J. D., Mrs., 339 Calumet Blvd., Harvey Dunn, Frances, Mrs., Garham Carson, Harrell L., 420 Cooper St., Greenville Dowling. J. D , Mrs., 339 Calumet Blvd., Harvey Briscol, Robt., Hinsdale Leslie, G. D., 112 Cochran St., Joliet Arthur, Reginald H . 33 2 So. Washington Ave., Kankakee Grimke, Chas., Lo:Tibard Gallwan, Chas. L., 242 So 18th Ave., Maywood Kingsley, Geo. Jr., 1203 So. 3rd Ave., Maywood Brown Wm. C, 1413 26th Ave., Moline Hartwick, Fred M, R. D. No. 1, Box 240, Morton Grove Brumm, A. C , 83 1 Marion St., Oak Park Gerry, Warren G., 748 So. Grove Ave., Oak Park Grafius. L F.. 10D5 So. Euclid Ave. Oak Park Lamb, R E., 1042 So. Cuyler, Oak Park Lautenschlager, Geo. C, 1111 So. Euclid .Ave., Oak Park Naven, Francis M., 306 Morton St., Peoria Cushman, R. E., Sterling Detweiler, Harold A., R. F. D. No. 2, Box 44, Sterling Peterson, H. C, 711 So. Race St., Urbana INDIANA Kief, Chas., 123 Casy Ave., Clinton Bruggner, J. V., 1404 W. Franklin St., Elkhart Roge, Ben J., 366 Truman Ave., Hc.mmond Bennett, John S., 702 Russell Ave., Indianapolis Copelen, J. T., 1444 Gimon St., Indianapolis Flick, Elmer F., 13 15 Ringold Ave., Indianapolis Lockwood, Lafe H., 2017 Shelby St., Indianapolis Merwin, R. A., 147 Kentucky Ave., Indianapolis Craftsmen, The, P. O. Box 464, Jeffersonville Lnnis, H W., Care Dodge Mfg. Co., Mishawaka Ehrmann, Albert C, New Haven Roytck, Sylvester A., 103 1 N. College Ave., South Bend Lewis, A. M., 2332 Washington Ave., Terre Haut * Gregory, Thomas W., 2404 Washington Ave., Terre Haute IOWA DeVore, Frank L., 1408 S. Central Ave., Burlington Bozarth, C. A, M D, 303 V2 Mrin St. Cedar Falls Clark, A. F., City Hall, Cedar Rapids 26 STANDARD OF PERFECTION Sigmund, B. Jas., 2429 4th Ave., Cedar Rapids Jones, J. I., 1417 2 1st St., Des Moines Ebbert, W. H., Box 834. Marion Parker, John. 4 18 Union St., Marshalltown Grooms, G. W., 415 W. 2nd St., Ottumwa Packwood Poultry & Game Frm., Jefferson County, Packwood Robinson, Geo., R No. 3, Ottumwa Julien, Gus, 92 1 Dawson St., Waterloo KANSAS Darrin, W. H , Basil Gutzman, G. E., Blair Roberts, Edward K, Mrs., 505 W. 1st St., Coffeyodle Mock. H. S. D., M D., Concordia Plumley, Ira, Concordia Witmer, Edward A., Farlington Delano, A. M., Mrs.. 143 7 Otis Ave., Wichita Stoner, M., Route 7, Wichita KENTUCKY Lyne, Oscar, Mrs., 4 14 Aylesford Pla-^e, Lexington LOUISIANA Ball, T. B., Angle Abele, Frank R, 53 8 Joseph St.. New Orleans Ellis, Harry, 2720 Orleans St., New Orleans Hodapp, H H, Mr. 541 Octavia Ave, New Orleans Mangimo, P.. 22 12 Franklin Ave., New Orleans Roch & Reich, 2628 Brenville St., New Orleans MAINE Scribner, Marion, Mrs., Box 61, Bolsters Mills MARYLAND Emmons, J. A., 90 Cuthbert Ave., Arlington Fink, J. Adam. 924 N. Eden St., Balto Kruella, Frederick C, 45 15 Belmont Ave., Lamaville-Balto Loetz, August B.. 34 18 E Fairmont Ave.. Balto Nehrens, Walter O., 408 S. Pulacki St., Baltimore Mahoney, John, Lieut. N. S. N., Box 165 Indian Head Waldecker, Chas. R., Capt., Mt. Wa hington. Sprins? Park MASSACHUSETTS Broadbent Arthur, 10 Adams Sl , AUiston Elmer, Edward, 54 Pelham St., Methuen Kroller, Anders O., Morgan St., So. Hadley Packard, Fred George, 5 7 Beacon St, No. Adams Berry, E. R., 182 Beethovan Ave., Waban MICHIGAN Vealey. Vir. N., Mrs. R.. No. 8, Adrian Thompson, J. B., R. 6, S State St., Ann Harbor Chapin, L. F., R. F. D. No. 2, Billaire Mead, Alfred E., 3 04 West Front St. Buchanan Doaley, James, 105 7 Cavalry Ave., Detroit Neil, John E., Jr.. 230 Wertred Ave., Detroit Gruetter, Nellie G., 444 Woodland Ave., Ferndale Mott, Carl W., Glenwood Dayton, M, M,, 646 Neland Ave., S. E., Grand Rapids Reuss, A., 5 1 5 Sinclair Ave., Grand Rapids Hunt, H. L., 217 So. Leslie Ave.. Lansing Philpott. K. L., 322 Bingham St., Lansing EdwBrds, Ogden J., Leslie McKay, Hattie S., Mrs. Romed 27 STANDARD OF PERFECTION MINNESOTA Eisenacher, H. C, 580 3 7th Ave., N. E. , Minneapolis Krouse, Fred, 3813 28th Ave., So., Minneapolis MISSOURI Duncan, Wm. A., 221 South Second St., Clinton Gray, J. T., Box 3, latan Outdoor Enterprise Pub. Co., Kansas City Anderson, F. W., Star Rt , Lickins; Althans, Carl, M. D.. 3248 Lafayette Ave., St. Louis Bierman, O. E., 5222 Plaver Ave., St. Louis Hund, Phil R., 2 107 Forest Ave., St. Louis Leach, Ike, 725 So. Benton Ave., St. Charles MONTANA Diel, Ruth K., R. No. 3, Missoula NEBRASKA Brubaker, R. H., Lexington Thurber, May E., Miss, 1547 N. 32nd St., Lincoln White, M. T., Mrs., 4015 Izard St., Omaha Norens, E. F., Superior NEW HAMPSHIRE Belisle, J. A., West Street, Lebanon Proctor, J. P., So. Lyndebaro NEW JERSEY Shafer, Burton S., Daupne St., Belvidere Matlack, Carl W.. 2814 Hansen Ave., Camden Walters, Albert R., R. No. 3, Cranbury Rawler, Harry, Elmer MacBrair W C, Box 133, Essex Diller, lohn, Mrs., Grenloch Marten, T. A., Midland Pk. Ackerman, W. O., Neshanic Tolman, Walter E., Neshanic Krebs, J. F., 3 Jerome Place, N. Bergen Mierop Bros., 380 N I I th St., Paterson Howard, Andrew M,, 19 Lexington Ave, Ridgwood M'Enter, J. S., 16 Hanks Ave., Ridgwood Terhune, Donald, Ridgwood Eaton, H. A. 614 Butler St., Riverside Eccles, M. E. & M. W., Box 187. Short Hills Barras, Joseph, 29 Eastern Ave., Somerville Parker, Horace H , 28 Eartern Ave., Somerville Hunt, W. S., Box 154. Stockton Ehmann, M. F., 4 72 Putherford Ave., Trenton Gaines, E. C, Mgr Pine Grove Caviary, West North Ave., Westfield Harrison, F. J., 84 Riggs Place, W. Orange NEW YORK Greiner, Wilbur, Box 23, Alden The Eureka Caviary (Chas. W. Clark), 345 Locust Ave., Amsterdam Peter.<5, C H., 346 Steinway Ave., Astoria Denlea, Geo B., 678 Warren St., Brooklyn Humpsted, Christopher N., 1182 Rockaway Ave.. Brooklyn Curd, Chas, 947 East 96th St., Canarsik Mege. Frank, 943 East 96th St.. Canarsik Douglas, Albert J., 7i McLrea St., Fort Edward Smart, James M., I I Grove Ave., Glens Falls Briggs, Benj. F., 35 High St , Green Island Gainarrd, N. A., 87 George St., Green Island Granlich, W., 26 Nassau Ave., Long Island Tewes, Herman, 3 16 — 15th St., College Point, L. I. Morris, Mary, New Haitford 28 STANDARD OF PERFECTION Bachmann, Oscar, 271 Ave. A., New York City Gerhardt, Orval, 356 Maple St., Rochester Schug, Fredrick K, 113 Senard St., Syracuse Boss, S., Sherburine Hanby, Clifford, 2 1 6 Hoosich St., Troy Lutz, Henry John, 34 College Ave., Troy Dcigman. \Vm. J., Waterford Halton, John J., 41 Clinton St., White Plains NORTH CAROLINA Moriarity, C. J., 501 N. Tryon St., Charlotte NORTH DAKOTA Kraemer, Aug., Rev., Box 67, Fessenden Norquist, C. A., Killdeer Zankl, los. J.. Killdeer OHIO Anderson, Ivar F., 1030 Sixth Ave., Akron Klein, F. S., 3 15 Franklin Ave., Almhurst Marshall. M. E, 342 North Main S^ Bowling Green Parker, B. J., 193 7 W. 65th St., Cleveland Root, Blulah B Mrr,.. Kinsman Smith, H. E., 12 70 Cook Ave., Lakewood McDade, East Main Street, Madison Cox. DeWitt, Sr., 502 Clinton St., Martins Ferry DeFoil, H. H.. Montezuma Norwalk Animal Industry, R. F. D. No. 1, Norwalk Newman, John M., Royal Theatre, Oak Harbor Freihofer, Jacob J., 752 S. Gordon St., Piqua Glasgow, Paul R., Fairfield Farm, Ravenna Haskins. H. C, M D., 3 16 Nasby Bldg., Toledo Hank, Russell J., Tuscarawar Hannenstein Lloyd E, Care Mt. Mkt., 3 1 9 E. Liberty St., Wooster Webster. Leigh A., Mrs., R. F. D. No. 1, Box No. 107, Youngstown OKLAHOMA Hartman, G. O . M D.. Care University Hosoital, Enid Tucker, C. H., 718 F. St., Perry OREGON Ansdall, Ham. A. Van., R. No. 1, 19 Jeanette Ave., Medford Gass, James K.. 778 Hadsey St., Portland PENNSYLVANIA Daugherty, Wm. W. 220 Howard Ave., Altoona Moser. W. J.. 604 Elm St., Butter Shackleton, John H.. 1103 Paiker St., Chestei Pierce, H. C, Columbia Crs. Rds. Gerbart J. Wilson State Road East Greenville Steitz, Chas. R., East Greenville Shreve, Ivan C, Edinsboro Malmgren, Carl, Fisher Seiders, Harry A., Hamburg Strawbecker, S., 1527 1/2 Derry St., Harrisburg Probst, Arthur, 216 N. 5th St., Jeanette Lamborn, Walter, 448 Brich St., Kennett Square Brown, G C. Box 7. Luchburg Harvey, Anson B., 25 E 4th St., Media Stutman, J. H., 127 Lehigh Ave., Moutronville Troxwell, Elmer, 2482 Main St., Northampton Baner, John G., Parryville Mayer, Lloyd, Parryville Bennett, H., 1850 E. Madison St., Philadelphia 29 STANDARD OF PERFECTION Butcher, Lillie R., 6617 Hoverford Ave., Philadelphia Everhart, N. George, 2548 N. Marshall St.. Philadelphia Fenimore, Albert C, 233 E. Ashmead St., Philadelphia Haednch. Clarence D . 4832 Triscom St Frankford Phila Heins, Harry B.. 5132 Chancellor St., Philadelphia Laboratory Supply Co., 284 I Ridge Ave.. Philadelphia Linck, Frederick, 1916 Oxford St., Philadelphia Palmer. John M., 3834 N. Park Ave., Philadelphia Scott, Walter S., 1626 Harworth St., Philadelphia Scott, Walter S.. 42 5 5 Romain St., Philadelphia Seeberger, Frank F., 34 W. Rittenhouse St., Philadelphia Weeks, L. F.. 1236 Fitzgerald St Philadelphia Wittmpier. Geo. W.. M. D.. 2647 N. 5th St., Philadelphia Wolfinger, Chas., 164 W. Albanus St., Philadelphia Emerick. Gideon, 42 7 S. Jackson St., Pottsville Royer, Allen F., Prescott Snover. Cecil L., 726 Marion St., Scranton Fluck. Robert K., Spinnerstown Bartell, Elenn E., 1544 S Wilton St., W. Philadelphia Caracker, Irvin, Wrightsville RHODE ISLAND Dozier, J. G., Box 438, Harrisville Saunders, F. E., 638 Public St., Providence See, Chas., 5 7 Ingleside Ave, Providence Tingle, Joseph, 4 Victoria Mt., Thornton Plante, John, 93 Cumberland St., Woonrocket SOUTH DAKOTA Inman, Luther L., 412 S. Congress St., Aberdeen Lonchs, M. J., Spencer Smiley, R. A., Belle Fourche TENNESSEE Harris. E. L., 15 12 E. Main St., Chattanooga Rucker, W. M., 145 Delucas Ave., Nashville TEXAS Parks, H. W., 3901 Worth St., Dallas Atlee, L. W., (Cavy Supply Co.) 3 02 W. Crocket Ave., Elgin Lozano, C. O., R. No. 1. Box 42 7. El Paso Ellis, G. H., 1203 McGown Ave.. Hanston Locke. Otto M., Jr., New Brownfels Bain, J. O., 1714 N. Hackberry St., San Antonio Rodgers, Fred, 1917 W. Travis St.. San Antonio Webb, J. E., 70! E. Josephine St., San Antonio Beck, Wm., Mclndoes VERMONT VIRGINIA Wilson, Herbert L., 104 13th St., N. E., Alexandria Mountain View Caviary, F. E. & E. L. Johnson, Henry Dixon, James F., 1003 W. 38th St., Norfolk Ballentine, Roland C, Box 264, Portsmouth Johnson, Cameron, 2017 West Grace St., Richmond WASHINGTON Fuller, Frank, Mrs., Cold Creek Chadwick, E. P., Mrs., Pasco, Wash. Hamberg, Eugenie C, M. D., Pasco, Wash. Karnmaun, Henry, Pasco, Wash. Carr, Henry W., 115 N. Warner, Tacoma, Wash. Heidrick, R. J., Box 78, Vader, Wash. 30 STANDARD OF PERFECTION WISCONSIN Sievert, Harold W., 904 Superior St., Appleton Peehn, F. G., M. D., Corliss Dudley, A. J., P. O. Box 107, Cornell Ranney, Leon S., Dodgerville Eichelman, J. R., 517 Prairie Ave., Kenosha Jenson, J. C, Kenosha Smith, Walter A v I : % Tyler St., LaCrosse Bahr, Walter O., Manitowac Moertz, Prinan W.. 880 First St., Milwaukee Knight, J. J., Neenah Roether, Gilbert L., Main St., Pewankee Kiehl, F. O., Reedsville Klug, Reinhold, R, R F. D. No. I, Reedsville Ballheim, F. C, Seymour Baethke, Aug. J., Trevor Warber, Arthur. Box 465, Waupen Witt, Fred T.. R. F. D., Clintonville 31 Holli LIBRARY OF CONGRESS iiiiillllBllf 002 836 43^ o Hollinger Corp. pH8.5