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TO THEM WE RESPECTFULLY DEDI- CATE THIS WORK. 1. i.'' J] i> ■N liT,'' \\i\ Wr PREFACE IX |)r(i(liicin^; [\us hunk llic ;iiiii has liciMi two-fold: to ])ro\i(l(' as a ptTiiiaiicnl record of t lie fi real war a pictorial iiuister-rr)ll of all tho officers and stndeiit- otficers of tlu' \a\al Ail Ser\ice. and to present in narratixe form the history and achievements of the \a\;d A\ iation ('ori)s. To the former end ex'ery elVorl lias heen exerted to oi)tain as many jjiiotofiraphs of indi\idual memtiers of the officer-[)ersonnel as was possible nnder the many difficulties enconiilered. Every trick of the printers' art has lieen employed to reproduce these pictures to the hesl aii\antay:e, it heiiif;- borne in mind tliat most of them were snapshots and totally unsuited for reproduction. Heeause of the larjie number of men in the corps and the many photofjraphs eolleeted, the data relating to each mendier of the personnel must necessarily be brief. .V brief history of the corps, toj;ether with articles pertaininji to a few of its branches and acti\ilies. and a coniprehensi\e collection of pictures illustrating its salient features com|)rise the remainder of tlie book. Primary consideration has been given to the persoimel section of the volume, and tiie text matter has eonsequentl.v been made .secondary in some instances. To have A A -I »i r THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE NAVY, WASHINGTON. August i>S, 1!)19. \. A. War Book Committke, Washington', D. C. To the Novdl Aviators: WHEXiu August. li)lS, 1 foiiiul ou visit iuii' France a coiuijIcIc chain of Naval Aviation Stations engaged in a systematic patrol of I lie waters of that "neck of tlie bottle" through which our tro()|)s and supplies had to j)ass, I had hut to examine the weekly charts of Gernum submarine operations to realize how much our aviators were doing lo make these waters safe. To the men engaged in these duties, whether on land or actually flying, there came few of the thrills of actual war. but they will always have the deej) satisfaction of knowing that their work, though silent, counted much in the winning of the wqr. I venture to predict that when the records of the German naval activities become available, we will find that the enemy also recognized the importance of the American Navy in the air as well as on the sea. There is one outstanding feature of American Naval Aviation in the great war — it conducted actual and active operations against the enemy for many months, and conducted them with credit and success. When the United States entered the war. our Naval Avia- tion was almost less than a nucleus in both materiel antl personnel. In the summer of the following year, our Naval Aviators were doing patrol work in American-built planes, not only in our home waters but also on the coasts of England, Ireland, France and Belgium. In addi- tion, we were conducting operations on a large scale with lighter-than- air craft in France and were taking an important i)art iii the work of the Northern Bombing Grouj) near the Belgian border. Taking the work as a wliole from the conception and working out of the broad operating ])lans in the very beginning down lo the training of the personnel, the creation of the materiel and the final operations against the enemy, the enterprise must be stamped with the approval of the countrv as a whole. <^^jL^^^^^^<,^d^>C^a£4^^€^^ .rr?. >^- ^ m^ W' K i . U. S. Naval Aviation in the War OjxTJil idii-^ and Acliicvcinciits of llic Xaval Air Force Mv John 1{. ( ox HEX AiiR'rica (-iitcred seven years. In November, 1910. Eugene the war, the I'nited Ely made the first fli^Mit from the deck of war States Navy ])ossesseil lull one aircraft station and twenty-two train- irifi' seaplanes witli none lit for service use, and a lif;litcr-than-airef|uip- niciil that was iieulij;il>le. Tliere were tiiirty-eight naval aviators. When the armistice was signed, there were in opera- a iia\al ves.sel, when lie flew from the I'. S. S. Birmingham, a .scout cruiser, at Hampton Roads, out over the waters of the Roads and ('hesa|)eake Hay. This marked the beginning of iia\al aviation. .\ few months later, in the spring of 1911, flights were made by Curtiss in a hydro- aerojilane to and from the armored cruiser Pennsi/liania (now the I'itt.i- tion twenty-eight United States naval hnnjli) in the harbor of San Diego, C'al. air stations overseas, thirteen in the United States and insular possessions, two in Canada, and twelve land .s(|uadrons for special offensive operations against sub- marines at their ba.ses, not to mention the numerous schools, storehou.ses, assembly plants, repair dei)ots, and the naval air- craft factories which were required to fur- nish the necessary personnel and facilities for the operation of tho.se air stations. The aviation personnel at the clo.se of hostilities had reached a total of 4-2,000— more than two-thirds the entire naval personnel prior to our entry into tlie war. EXPERIMENTAL PEKIOU The first .scientific demonstrations of aeromuitic principles were niatle by I'ro- fes.sor Langley at Quantico, or Widewater on the Potomac, ^'a., in 189(>. Langley was subjected to so nmch ridicule that he broke down under the attack and his death occurred before he was able to complete his experiments. In 190;5 the Wright Hrothers made their first success- ful flight with a "heavier-than-air" craft carrying the pilot. Then followed nu- merous exjjeriments, both in this country To conduct these experiments, on both ves.sels were built false decks forward. From that time until the winter of 1917, the time was occupied in experimentation, and the formation of the nucleus of a naval aviation section. The first naval aviator to qualify for flying was Lieut. T. (i. Ellyson, who, it should be said, was also the first to u.se the catapult as a launching apparatus, from which he made an ascent at the Xaval .\cademy. Other pioneers in 1911 l'-2 and 1913 were Lieuts. .lohn Rodgers, .lolin II. Towers, P. N. L. lU'llinger. (\ K. Hronson, Chevalier, Hillingsly. Stol/, Saufley and Whiting; Lieut. Comdr. 11. C. Mustin; Lieuts. 1$. L. Smith and .V. \. Cunningham, U. S. Marine Corps; Xaval Constructor H. C Richards, Civil I*'nginccr .1. \'. Rockwell. Ensign ^'. 1). Ilerbster, and i)erha|)s half a dozen more of the regular Xavy and Marine Corps. The toll was heavy among these adventurous young pioneers, for the machines were frail and crude, and the hazards were great. Lieut. Hillingsly was killed in a crash in 191:?. and in the following two or three years, Stolz, Rock- and in Europe, extending over the ensuing well, Saufley and Bron.son sacrificed their . ^^Tt _^rv: ^V_— .'N^r^'V: 'V_::^,'>.,^?T^.A^= ^-7=^ ',,VS -^5^'- Official, U.S.N. A. S. LlEtT. R. C. Savflet. lives to the development of naval aero- nautics. The first aviation camp to be es- tablished by the Navy was located at Annapolis in 1913; prior to which naval flyers and students trained at the Curtiss school at San Diego, Cal. At about the same time a camp was started at Guan- tananio, Cuba, and operated while the fleet was in Caribbean waters. In De- cember, the Annapolis camp was trans- ferred to Pen.sacola.Fla., where the battle- ship Mississippi (later sold to the Greek Government) was assigned as station .ship. Shortly afterwards, an air station was constructed ashore at Pensacola, which was destined to be the first fixed aviation station in America. During the follow- ing summer the Mississippi was sold and the armored cruiser Xorfh Carolina became the aviation and station ship. She was the only vessel, and Pensacola the .sole station, engaged in naval flying at the time we entered the war with Germany in April, 1917. At that time the Navy had thirty-eight qualified aviators, and all of 163 enlisted men detailed to aviation duty; while the assortment of twenty-two seaplanes were fit for training pur])oses only; the equipment comprised live kite planes, two free l)alloons and no dirigibles. ADMINISTR.\TIOX OF THE AIR SERVICE Back of the marvelous expansion of naval aviation was a superb administra- tive organization, without which the service would have i)roven a failure no matter how much zeal, inventive genius and patriotic enthu.siasm had been mus- tered in the cause. As has been pointed out, production at once jumped to enormous jirojjortions, and the necessity for establisliing stations in remote parts of the world called for rapid construction, equi]3ment of all kinds in cjuantities and transportation facilities. These prol)lenis required administrative ability of a high order, and the success of the operations is largely due to the officials who admin- istered the affairs of the naval air service. Captain Noble E. Irwin, U. S. N., was early in the war detailed as Director of Naval Aviation, and Supervisor of the Naval Reserve Flying Corps, imder the Chief of Operations at the Navy Depart- ment. Both Secretary Daniels and Assistant Secretary Roosevelt gave their heartiest support to the air service, and allowed the director practically a free hand to carry out his camiiaign. As- sociated with Captain Irwin were the pioneers of naval aviation: Capt. H. C. Captain Mustin Leaving Catapult. ''/ A.> ~'^^ V V Bi-ROESS-Diw Skai-laxe. Mustiii; Coindrs. Kcmiclli Wliiting. .1. II. Towers, \V. (I. Cliilds; I.icut. Coiiulrs. P. N. L. Bellinger, C. deC. Chevalier. A. C. Read, and E. O. McDonnell; Maj. M. L. Smith of the Marine ('(>r])s, and other young enthusiasts who had demonstrated their ability in the ])rofession of living. The naval aviation forces in Kurojie were under the command of ("apt. T.T.Craven, who after the deniohili/.ation succeeded Captain Irwin as Director of Naval .Avia- tion at the de])artment. The air service afloat was luider Ca|)t. Hutch I. Cone, aide for aviation on Vice-Admiral Sims' staff. Captain Cone was seriously in- jured when the IJritisli steamer Leinsler was torpedoed on October 10, 1018. while returning from an inspection trip of the naval air stations in Ireland, but later resumed active duty. At the Navy Department, the work of the aviation service wa.s divided among a !iumi;er of bureaus, all of which cooperat- ed to the fullest extent. The activities of the service were under the Office of ()])erations: the jiersonncl, officers and men, was supplied in sufficient number by the recruiting dixision of the Hureau of Navigation; the Bureau of Steam Kngi- neering furni.shed motors and radio e(|ui|)- ment; the Bureau of Construction ami Rei)air the hulls and wings of tile planes; the Bureau of Ordnance the nuichines, guns, bombs and other armament; the Bureau of Yards and Docks conducted tlie building operations at the many stations throughout the world and furnished the motor transportation; the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery sujjplied tiainc, 1!)17, just two niontlis to the day after war was declared, and consisted of trained and student aviators selected at the retjuest of the French Navy to assist in combat- ing the Hun .submarines which were working havoc along the French coast. At the very outset a board of officers was sent abroad to study foreign types of machines, and returned with some startling facts concerning the submarine menace, which had assumed proportions much uglier than was at that time fully appreciated in this country. It became apparent at once that not only must America send over aircraft of a far sn])erior type to any which the Navy had, but they must be shipped across in ciuan- tities that astounded the authorities. After a conference in which theories and preconceived plans were ruthlessly tram- pled down, a definite ])rogram of ty])es was agreed upon, which when once adopted, was scrupulously followed througliout the war, regardless of all doubts and criticism. As a consequence of the faithful adherence to the program, an uninterrupted ])roduction was accom- plished with no lo.ss of material which had to be scrapped, and what was still more vital, with no loss of time. The per- formance of the aircraft in actual service amply vindicated the selection of the types. In a marvelously short time the Navy had emljarked upon an aviation program, on both sides of the Atlantic, on a scale which astoni.shed all who were cognizant of its development. No less remarkable was the growth of the personnel. From the handful of aviators who had conducted the experi- - '^n if ..>^.' ~vy- -V't I ? '.I ;' < 1, Naval Aiii SiATinN, I'knsacola. In Aiu/iisl. 1 1)18. i * u c':a,a, .>.A_,, ',A.'-- mental work at Pensacola, there grew eoj)per.smiths .who ooiih ahiiost overnight a corps of officer.s and men and a system of training tliat soon met the demands whicii were made upon it. Men from every walk of life were gathered into the aviation .service, and there was no lack of recrnit-material from the ontset; on the contrary, the difficulty lay in taking care of the large force and in providing adecpiate training facilities. These were soon forthcoming, and within a few months a .series of schools had been estahlislied and com- mi.s.sioned. where special instrnction was imparted. Trade schools were opened ) acetylene welding, boatswain's males who were ai'rial |)hotographers, carpenters mates who could liuild and rci)air wings, and gunner's mates who could o|)cratc a nuKJiine gun from airc:raft. All these men were given an intensive course, the best tpialified sent to finisliing schools, and then distributed to the various sta- tions at home and abroad for actual experience. Officers were specially trained not only in flying, but in bombing, navi- gation, gunnery, radio, aerogra])hy, in- ternal combustion engines and for execu- tive duties. Manv technical and nnuni- all over the country, and new aerial facturing experts were enrolled as officers ratings were improvised to provide for and immediately sent abroad to install the tliversified mechanical duties which were recpiired. No time could be sjwnt in obtaining new legislation; and des])ite the arbitrary table of .seagoing ratings which had been rigidly fixed for the Navy years before by law, the aviation cori)s soon built uj) a large force of aerial machinists skilled in gas engines, quarter- masters who were expert pigeon keepers, and o])erate machinery and e(iuii)ment at assembly and rcjiaii' bases. M.\SS. INSTITUTK OK TI'.(1IN"()I.<)(; V Principal among the schools conducted in the United States was that at the Mass- achu.setts Institute of Technology-, offi- cially designated as the U. S. Naval Aviation Detachment. This school >Ai^. 13 i Tf Parade Grounds, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. U. S. Xaral An'atinn Dcfachniciit. was opened in July, 1917, with forty- three students, all possessing a teehnieal education. The first commanding officer was Lieut. E. H. McKittrick of the regu- lar navy. The plan of instruction called for a highly intensive cour.se of eight weeks, with a class graduating every two weeks. Later two weeks were added to the course. Instruction was imparted by the faculty of the Institute, which also turned over the necessary buildings and equipment for the school. Later, Walker Memorial Building was assigned to the naval detachment for use as quarters and a cafeteria. On December 31, 1917, Lieut. Comdr. R. W. Cabaniss, U. S. Navy, relieved Lieutenant McKit- trick in command, and in the following March the building at 84 Massachusetts Avenue was acquir- Cali.sihe.nhs, A.M. 1* ed for u.sc as a receiving ship, with Lieut, (j.g.) S. W. Sargent, USNRF, in command. At the receiving ship all men who reported from otlier stations for training were held for from two to six weeks before assignment to the main .school, .serving meanwhile under instruc- tion. It was there that the weeding-out process was conducted, no men being .sent to the school who were not fully qualified, mentally, morally and phys- ically. The discipline of the school was kept at all times at a high standard, and the secret of the success of the de- tachment was the development of the greatest degree of energy within the least possible time. Many young men who could not stand the tension dropped out, which only i li T (\ Van Viilzali. stiiiiulatefl t li c re- maiiuler to groater I'tl'iirt. Tliere w a s no l('l-u|) ill t li (■ drills or tlic disciplini' from the date llic sclidoi (ipciicil iinlil liostiiitii's ceased. (oiiiniaiidor ('ali;i niss served as coin niaiidiiif,' oflicer unlii July ;5. 1!)18, when he was relieved hy Lieut, ("onidr. II. Great credit is due Coniniander ("ahaniss for tlie success of tlie scliool; and the pace which lie set, as well as the standard of disci|)line lie insisted ui)on at all times, was maintained under his successor. Over '■2()() coIle>FC"5--f^3__Hri_^_/-u- =^^(f^^^:^(i^ C^- At the training station, Great Lakes, a number of classes were conducted during the war, and shortly after the armistice all the training service for the aviation force was rounded up there under one department. At Dunwoody Institute, Minneapolis, there was a ground school of the same general character as at Cambridge and in addition the school had the benefit of the mechanical facilities of Dunwoody Insti- tute for instruction in a number of arti- ficer brandies, particularly carpenters, machinists, coppersmiths, etc. A school for the training of men in the operation of the Liberty motor was con- ducted at tlie works of the Packard Motor Co., Detroit. At the Curtiss works in Buffalo was a school for carpenter's mates, copi (ligiil instructions. They were armed with lioinl)s of 'i.'iO or 500 ])ounds and with macliine guns for use against a submarine on the surface or against hostile aircraft, 'i'he |)lanes coidd cruise from four to nine hours, depending on the nature of the jiatrol, while the air- ships could remain out for forty hours or more. 'I'o give an idea of the operations of a single air station, a flying s(|uadron or patrol frequently covered from 10,000 to l.),0()0 nautical miles in the course of a week. In one day tlic patrol s(|uadron attached to one station put in fifty-four hours and twenty-six minutes flying time, covering a distance of "2,8"27 nautical niilo. and l)y cstaliiisliing re-fueiling depots this station was ahlo to send out ])atrols each covering 400 miles, and ex- tending 11'2 miles north, Vli> miles south atid 1 1.) miles out to .sea from the station. That these seai)lanes were built for diM'ability is illustrated by the exjierience of an U.S. ty])e in October, 1018, which sustained itself for twenty-four hours after an enforced landing on the water, in spite of a ,)0-knot gale anv<'r ■•20 feel high. THE EMEROENCY P.\T1{()I. Tlic emergency or S. (). S. palrol was made oidy when an enemy submarine was re|)orted wiliiin the zone coxered by the station, a hmited number of seaplanes l)eing held in reser\c for that contingeiuy. Success de|)ended upon the rapidity with which jilanes, fully ef|ui|)ped, could be gotten away, with com])lete instructions as to the sui)posed location of the sub- marine. On a surpri.se insi)ection, the longest time re(|uired to get out orders, launch two |)lanes com|)lelely ('((uipped aixl manned, in the air with full inslruc- ■f:y ^m{ Naval Aviation- Cadkts i.n Tuai.ni.ng at Lake Uolse.na, Italv. IT ^O^" -^ m ¥ 'mrjtim Pilots of Field "B, " Northern Bombing Group, Campagnb, France. tions, was seven minutes, an illustration of the rapidity with which seaplanes can be operated as compared with surface craft. i\.s a result of the vigilance of these patrols, the German submarines late m the winter of 1918 began to avoid the areas embraced in aircraft patrol, and extended their operations much farther out to sea, which greatly diminished their chances of destroying ships, but with the advantage that if they located an unes- corted shi]x the greater distance from protection rendered it more probable that the sulmiarines would accomplish their work of destruction before destroyers or other vessels from allied bases could render assistance. BOMBING ENEMY BASES This development led to the campaign against the enemy's submarine bases. Six squadrons of land bombing airplanes for daylight, and six similar squadrons for night bombing were organized under the name of the Naval Northern Bombing Group. The personnel of the organiza- K/=^=^^^ tion was part naval and part marine, and was combined with the air forces of the British to bomb the German submarine bases at Zeebrugge, Bruges and Ostend. The day bombing squadrons were gen- erally composed of marines and the night squadrons of naval aviators. Army land machines were used because they were speedier and could carry more bombs than the seaplanes; and for the further reason that the German bases and sub- marine docks were along the Belgian canals, where seaplanes could not be operated as advantageously as land machines. At first the field was located at Calais, but the Germans soon found it and bombarded it both from the air and from their long range guns, and it was decided in the summer of 1918 to split the squadrons up into several stations which were located at Antingues, St. Ingleverte, Oye, Campagne, and Calais, all incorporated with the big station at Submarine Photographed from a Seaplane. m ^^x^^i ^~ t >• r ^> Dunkerquc. The Germans bombed the stations 7.)() tinu's from tlic air, and with the long raiifio guns .)()() times. Dunkennic itself was under almost continuons honi- bardment for a year immediately pre- ceding; the arniistiee. The duiiouts ;i| Dunker(|ue were exeeedingly impnlar during the enemy raids, which were of almost nightly occur- rence. During one night I lie Huns droi)i)ed ii'iO bondis. varying from (iOO ])ounders to ■-ZO-pound pit-s(|ueaks, on the Dunkercpie station and its im- mediate vicinity. The dugouts were 15 feet uiulerground and protected with corrugated sheet iron, .sand, cement and cobble- stones. The j)er.sonnel was so distributed that a direct hit on a dugout would not have killed more than fifty men. Never- theless, the constant bombard- ment got on their nerves at times. A 1 t h o u g h the Northern Bombing Group had only gotten into full oi)eration when hostil- ities cea.sed, nevertheless the group accomplished much effec- tive work, and was in position to do the enemy a great deal of damage if the war had con- tinued. Bombing oi)erations v.crc also conducted extensively l)y tlie American na\al axiators i n Italy, of w iiicji more will be said later. These were the |)rimary func- tions performed by naval avia- tors — overseas patrol, respon.se to einergency calls, and bomb- ing enemy ba.ses. Secondary duties con- sisted of the e.scort of convoys, which was of no mean imi)ortance, and, parti- cularly in the latter part of the war, spotting and reconnaisance duty with the battle fleet. To this end several of the American battleships were er(Tn']>])ed with fast planes for this work. Had the German fleet come out and given battle there is no doubt that these aviators wciiild lia\e rendered a good account of Ihemsehes and jjrovcn an invaluable part of the fleet not only in scouting but in actual engagement with tiic enemy. They were not permit led, iiow- ever, to demonstrate their u.se- fulness in this field of endeavor. x.v\'al aiu st.vtioxs in kn(;laxd Principal among the stations in England was that at Killing- holme, a small town hjcaled on the east coast. This incon- s])icuous little place had nothing to recommend it as a residential center, and before the war was known oidy by the fact that oil tanks had been constructed on the beach, and oil-burning coastwise ves.sels sto|)ped there . occasionally to replenish their ^^k supply of fuel oil. Killingholme, '^T however, pos.sessed a strategic ■, value as an air station, and was early utilized by the Royal Air Force which stationed a squadron there, later so greatly augmented that iiy the summer of 1917 it had bccon.c one of the leading air stations in (ireat Britain. Wlu-n a British and American joint board decided that the I'nitcd States would cooperate in palrolliim the North Sea. Killinglioln:c was made an all-.\nierican station. In December. 1!)17, (dmniander Whiting, who was then in Euro])e. was ordered home for the purpo.se of organizing the necessary per.sonnel and to obtain the e(|uii)nient to o})erate it by the Navy. Men and material were dis])al(Iie(l from time to time, but it was not until May, 1!)1S, that the big colWcr Jaxoii left New York with a large force of men, a cargo of snitjilies, and the first .\nierican .sea- :^'" 19 Air Station, Killingholme, England, U. S. Forces, Jily H). I)lanes to be sent to Europe. She arrived on June 1, when the necessary additional buiklings to house the men and accom- modate the |)hines were promptly erected, and ste|)s were taken to reheve tiie British forces at the station. The work pro- gressed so rapidly that on July 20, Com- mander AVhiting relieved Wing Com- mander Bowhill, RNAS, who had served with great distinction in the war, espe- cially in command of the Royal Air Force in ]Meso]jotaniia, where he su])])lied food hy airplane to Cieneral Townshends he- sieg<'(l army. Killingliolme had meanwhile become the center of great ship])ing activities; convoys were constantly passing up and down the coast; it was within striking distance of the lines of submarine travel; and, moreover, it was in the ])ath usually taken by Zep])elins in their raids on the English coast. By pushing the patrols out on .somewhat extended flights, great assistance could he rendered to fleet maneuvers and observations from this base. Expansion of the station as it was turned over by the Briti.sh was conducted by the Public Works Depart- ment of the rnited States Force, and the additional build- ings were con- structed at a rate which astoni.shed I he British, twent y - e i g h t liuildings being liuilt in thirty days with green crews, lacking only plumbing and wiring. By this time, the complement had reached 1,.5()() men, and the Naval Air Station was ready for business. From July '2(1 until the fateful 11th of Novem- Ijcr, there was constant work at Killing- holme. Some of the activities reduced to figures were: Over (),()()() ships were convoyed; the Being Taken over by 1918. _J' i -> V ; - I t 4i J ^M '^' l'\lHnl. I'l.ANK |{KIN(i l'l( KKI) LP AT SkA HY SihMAHINK ChasEB. ness to recharge tlicir slorjijiv l>alU'ri<'s. a Killinfiholiiic tcaiii ami anollicr Aiiicri- iiiglitly ])atrols were c-oiidiR-led of sexeii can team from the aviation coiistnictioii and cifilit hours' duration. Xotwitli- cani]) at Driffield. 'I'lic welfare activities stjuidiii;;' llie almost constant log. often were nn(ly hii;h winds and rainstorms, ("• A., the Hed Cross and the Hrilish the weather was not iierniill.'d I o interfere Ministry of Information. with the daily patrols and cou\(i; Despite the cxi<;eneies of lli H ^ -x- II WUKlT IIVDUAVIO.V 1>K ClIASSK. Onr-iniin smut plane. recreation welfare wiu'k were not Some of the e.xploits of the Killini;holme flyers will he mentioned hrielly. I'ilots Schietfelin and Cutler in a lar^e .seaplane on July 19 sighted a submarine eruising on the surface '25 miles from AVhithy. They dropped a homh, which fell '.'(( feet from the center of the suhmarine. After tlie explosion the sul)Tnarine"s .screws were seen to rise and almost break the surface, then the submarine disappearetl. No further moxement was discerneil, and the plane returned to the station. The submarine was not put out of business, however, for she later in the day at- tempted to attack a convoy, but was overlooked. IJaseball. football an.l track repulsed by a motor launch which dropped athletics were eneourafied, and numy ,i,.ptl, ..harges, forcing; the submarine to spirited games were i)layed lietween the the surface. In the light which ensued, station teams and teams from nearby a destroyer rammed the .submarine, which stations. The first .\merican game of was umd)le to submerge, anil after lieing ba.seball ever played in Midi was l)etween again rammed, she capsized and sank. J ? ■y\ :,x,A,'l, "— ■ f — 'j-- ■j^ Hi >Tr- On June 13 a seaplane, with Lieutenant Cleeve of the Royal Air Force as first pilot and Ensign Allen, USNRF, second pilot, sighted a submarine's wake. They immediately dropped two bombs in the line of the wake, whereupon oil and wreckage came to the surface, but the submarine continued its course. De- stro^'ers were signalled, and depth bombs brought more oil and wreckage to view. The submarine was not again sighted. On July 9 Ensigns Scliieffelin and Staub, first and second pilots, both USNRF, with Wireless Operator Roll- hause and Machinist's ]Mate Bernstein, sighted an oil patch while flying at 2.000 feet altitude, and new oil was constantly a]>pearing, indicating the presence of a submarine nearby. Two bombs were dropped, one scoring a direct hit, and the other very close. Destroyers were sig- nalled, and upon their arrival dro])])ed several depth charges, when bul)l)les rose to the surface, and the oil patch widened to more than twice its former size. According to the records of the British Admiralty this submarine is classified as "seriously damaged." On June 8, while the station was still under joint control, pilots Captain Mun- day of the British air service and Ensign Rumill, USN, sighted a peri.scope 15 miles east of Spurn. The periscope disap- peared immediately and the plane upon arriving at the position noticed a dis- turbance of the water, as if the submarine were lying on the bottom, and bubbles were seen to rise. Two bombs were dropped, whereupon more bid)bles as well as oil came to the surface. No further results were ob.served, but owing to lack of fuel the seaplane was conii)elled to put back to the base. On the occasion of a distressing acci- dent when two flyers were killed and a third .seriously injured as a result of their .seaplane crashing into Humtier River, a gallant attempt was made to save the victims. Seaplane 4067 was starting for Dundee on October '•28, 1918, with Ensigns Benjamin Lee and J. Gar- rison, both NRF.. as pilots, and R. G. fM Camp Borden, Canada. For a short time Naval Aviators were trained here. 2i -=0- ■Vy'. Fisher, machinist's mate, •id chiss, wlieii tlie seaplane crashed into tlie lliinilier River. Lieut. R. H. MeCaiin and En- sign G. S. Hodges dove overl)oard from a rescue launcli, under the burning wreckage in their endeavor to save the lives of the flyers. Hodges brought Garrison unconscious through the l)urn- ing wreckage to the rescue boat, keeping him under water intermittently and with his own person protecting the unconscious officer from the flames. In his rescue Ilodges himself was severely burned, antl it was solely due to tlie heroic rescue work that Garrison was not lost. Both Lee and Fisher were drowned. Other naval air stations in the 15rili>li Isles were maintained at Feli.Kstowe, Wexford, Queenstown, Lough Foyle, Whiddy Islanil, besides the assembly and repair base at Eastleigh, 70 miles south- west of London, which was estal)lished for the purpose of serving the entire Northern Bombing Group, acting in conjunction with the delivery and dis- tribution at St. InglcNcrte. France, which Copyright by I'ndcT-^ood ^ U ndt:r-d:'j'j'-i , S. V. Rescue bt British Destroyer. Watch Tower, Pensa( ola. was located irdand four or fixe miles from Calais. In the early summer of 1918, the Huns were very active in this western front and grave alarm was felt that tlie enemy might break through to tiie channel i)orts and overrun the country adjacent to Calais, in which section the original plans were to establish the reiiair and assembly base. It was deemed urgently neces.sary to seek another location more protcctetl from bonil)ardment and possible cajiture, and where mechanics could turn out the planes and assemble parts without inter- ference, yet accessible to the jjatrols and air stations of France and Fngland. The British had jjartly (■omplcted an "ac- ceptance base" at Eastleigh, which the Air Ministry offered to the l. S. Xavy. The offer was accepted, and the station was taken over in July, 1018, completed in record time, and for the remaining months of the war this base rendered efficient .service to the American naval air .service in supplying equipment as needed. '■'^ i3 -\) -c^ --t^ i> STATIONS IN FRANCE Tlie first naval air station to be es- tahlislied in France was Dnnkercjue, near the Belgian line on the Strait of Dover, and close to the front. Construction was undertaken by the French authorities, which was exi^ected to be completed by September, 1917. October came, and it was still but SO per cent done, when a de- tachment of fifty Americans was detailed to push the work. In November, 100 more bluejackets were sent to Dunkertiue and every eti'ort was made to expedite the -SF^^^^-^^^lJS^ ---^^ coast, but an occasional offensive patrol was made with the Hanriot single sealers, the usual plan being to send out two or three DD flying boats equipped with two 130-j3ound bombs, accompanied by a flight of five Hanriots as protection from enemy craft. The DD"s carried a gunner forward and aft, but still were not con- sidered self-protecting and were, more- over, slow and unwieldy. Great trouble was experienced with equipment, es- jjecially the flying boats' power plants, which caused a large percentage of I ■'f? 1; s ., W- m m -*-*3S'. ■,-....i»ij--j9Hii*' ^? ■\ ;) ill ^k>- H.\NRioT Scouts at Dcxkerque. construction. Sliortly thereafter tlie station was ready for occupancy, and in January trained personnel began to arrive. Patrols, however, could not be carried out for lack of ordnance and flying equii)ment. At first the operations consisted of patrols to be abandoned because of motor failure. Notwithstanding, luinierous "alerts" were answered and on many occasions submarines were liombed. The station was credited with one sub- marine. At critical periods the entire station force was turned over to the anti-submarine patrols over the English British, and every assistance was lent Channel, and l)v arrangement with the them and the French, particularly during French Sea])lane Station almost constant the enemy drives in that area. American daylight patrol was maintained. Due to pilots frequently joined French and the inferior types of planes it was not British squadrons ojierating with land possiljle to patrol the nearby Belgian machines. Observers were loaned and i\ji [111 m ^) iiiiiii ^^ .■:J, jiii,i fe tlu" stalidii pcrsoiiiu'l assisted the allies ill the erection of airdroines and in other essential work. Lieutenant Chevalier, ulio was in coni- ii'.and from the fall of 1917, was relieved in July, 1!)1S, to take charge of the aviation repair base at Eastleif;h, heinj; relie\ed hy Lieutenant (iates. NHI-', who distinguished himself as a daring (Iyer and who was later brought down inside the enemy lines while flying with a French spad s(|uadroii and was captured, but possibly due to the a|)proaehing At one tin:e a British night bombing s(|uadron was tiriven from its airdrome and the airdroir.e conii)letely wrecked by an enemy night raid. To permit the British to continue their night bombing ojierations, the re])airs imist lie made immediately, and with the assistance of the .American force the airdron:e was put in shape, and by evening the British were again able to operate. \l another time the British were driven from their airdrome, and the .Vmericaii contingent erected new barracks and A\VAITIN(; SkCHETAHY I{()(1SK\ KI.t's InsI'Ki TI0\. DlXKIOrKJlK. KlIWI K br<'ak in tlu' CTicmy s resistance, he was sa\cd. and after the armistice obtained his release. During the entire occupancy of the station, Dunkenpie was subjected to hangars for them on another field, so that the British operations might be continuous. One day a (ierman seaplane was reported operating off Ostend. Five enemy bombing raids, many of them .\merican Ilanriots were dis|)atched on offensive patrol into the area, where they remainecl for an hour or more without locating the Boclie. Meanwhile a fog came u|). and the flight became scattered. One nuichine landeii Mate, as menihers of the erew, iiad of i)assing convoys were uncertain, so an exjjerience, thriilini,' in itself, wliieli witii no adjoining air stations to co- illustrates the variety of luizanis of operate in convoy work, long (lights were aerial warfare, necessary. Upon leaving Le Croisic, the clouds After the station began to oi)erate, Le were very low and quite a .sea running. Croisic w'as used as an as.sembly ba.sc for Search was made for mines and sui)- Tellier, 1)1) and Le Peu seaplanes. As marines, but none were found. .\fter more machines, e(|ui])ment and s])arc cruising several hours, their motor went parts were received and hangar si)ace dead and about .'? ]). m. they were forced p^o^■ided. more extensive work was under- to make a tail-to-wind landing on the sur- taken. The installation of r;idio ashore face with a big sea running. .V pigeon and in ])lanes enabled tiie intelligence was dispatched for help. They were not officer to kec]) better informed of the certain of their location, and the .sea positions of jjlanes on ])atrol. and with llic became very rough. As night came on addition of a machine shop and a <-,ir- they stood watches, one bailing while the ])enler sho|), damaged i)lanes and worn other two sle])t. The next morning they engines were tjuickly ])ul back in com- .sent out anotlicr pigeon, urgently calling mi.ssion. for help. They had no food and all hands Not long after the station was in com- were seasick. It developed that the mission, four submarines were sighted motor trouble was due to failure of the off Belle Isle, and two planes sent on gas tank to feed. About 11 o'clock the patrol. They did not get the sub- .second day, Wilkinson got the motor marines, and one plane failed to return started, and tried to put back to He __ >>_ — ^ . — n^yW^T^^y. ri /-•■. _ y ^ __w- — r-^ ' ' 27 -(r- D'You, but they made little headway because of the rough sea. Then tlieir left pontoon filled with water. In mak- ing' a des])erate attem])t to get the machine off the water, they broke their left wing, and in the words of the report of the ])i]ot, they "'got themselves into a hell of a scrape." Things then began to look pretty black, but the men were game. Night again came, and they again took watches, first lying on the wing, then bailing, then sleeping. They had many anxious moments when it was feared the craft would roll over. They passed a mighty uncomfortable night and were growing very weak from lack of food or water. The morning of the third day found them in a still more pre- carious condition, with the wing getting near the boat as it crumpled. They Jiad to bail constantly and stay out on the wing ti|). As the waves came over they felt they were going steadily lower. They finally decided to cast off the wing and tried to get the other wing off. but they wore too weak to loosen the nuts. Tliev were gradually sinking on the starboard side and all staying to the portside to kec]) lier righted. They saw their only ho])e was to cast off the wing, and were about to give up hope, when Wilkinson gave a yell that he had sighted something. At first tliey thought it was a submarine, and their only hope was that it would blow them up and end it all. It proved, however, to be a French destroyer which was one of the many vessels and aircraft that were searching for the missing plane. Tiie men were in bad condition from the trying ordeal, but they soon recovered after getting back to station. Their plane sank a few minutes after they had been taken off. C00PER.\T10N WITH FRENCH Throughout the American activities, there was hearty cooperation with the French Air Service, although for the first few months the French were .sorely ha!idicap])ed, due to their own pressing needs, in su])i)lying motors and acces- sories. This cordial teamwork dates ^J^ii;i^k-^ww> L'. S. Naval .\ir Station, Pacillac, FnA.NtE. Supply base. '2S m ..-',i m r "■>! S^'V^ •. vA / ! Ojl)iri,il r. s. v. 1. .s. L. S. \\\ \i. Ami ST\iiri\. Ii.i-; 'I'l im', ]''u\\( k. '-,'■• ■? ■ .' i ■< f#rf —s\.,—^,s\.^ ~frt>^^\ -^ i— "--"'-^"^ C-, ItfT • it. rather than to try to infiltrate American jjersonne! into French stations. The cietachment furnished a basis for opera- tion of three stations, 500 additional Americans being needed to man them, jierforming such duties as boatmen, truck drivers, chauffeurs, waders, yeo- men, hospital corpsmen, cooks, bakers, stewards, messmen, etc., liased upon the French organization plan of about "200 men to a station of sixteen flying boats. The French inidertook to erect the three stations at points to be mutually in bombing and in aerial gunnery. This plan, together with the proposal of the French to establish three seaplane sta- tions and one school, was submitted to Washington for approval; and on June 21, 1917, the training was actually started at Tours and at St. Raphael. Dun- kerque was selected as the first American station, becau.se of its proximity to the German lines, and because of its great importance in preventing the coming and going of submarines from the German bases in Belgium. It was esjiecially In the Harboh of Brest, France. agieed upon, to be reimbursetl by tlie U. S. Navy. It developed, however, that while the ground training and pre- liminary instruction in flying at land stations were to lie handled by tlie Frencli, the subsequent training in flying boats, bombing and aerial gunnery could not well be undertaken by the French, because of crowded conditions at their schools. The French thereupon pro- posed that the U. S. Navy establish a school for the finishing training of student aviators in French flying boats, as well as desired that the United States should actively engage in oft'ensive operations with the Allies as soon as possible. Dun- ker(|ue offered this opportunity, and the only suitable location for a seaplane base, where it was hoped our aerial patrols woxdd come in contact with the aircraft of the enemy. The French were quick to see the eflfi- cacy as well as the sentimental value of having the other two bases located adja- cent to the principal points of entry for American troops landing in France, and yr « m It 1^-^ - i i l\-K\ I'. S. Naval Aih Station. Lk Thinite, France suggested points on tlic Loin- and Gironde Rivers, and after a survey was made of the coast Le ("roisic was clioseTi as tiie site for the station, as aeriid j)atrois could operate for the ])roteclioii of conxoys entering; the Loire River, and St. Trojan as tlie l)ase near the (lironde Ri\cr. Mout- cliic was chosen as tlie site for tlie school. In the course of sul)se(|uent conferences wilii liic French ^Ministry of Marine, il was de\elo|)ed that the Freiicli liad shorf- coniiufis in both jiersonTiel and material. These were candidly admit led, since, due to the niol)ilizalion liy the army of every al)le-l)o^— ^*-— ^ — material. Con.se- (|ueiitly, a i)olicy w a s ailo])ted coxering devel- ()|)mcntsof naxal a V i a I i o n in F'rance that the Inited States Navy would look to the French Navy for sea- planes, motors, instruments, ar- mament, bombs aTid accessories; while the pre- liminary training of pilots would be conducted in the I' n i t e d States, with the finishing train- ing at French schools until such time as the .\merican .schools should be in o|)eration, and that the V. S. Navy would bring to Europe the recpured quota of motors, automobiles, trucks, and boats, bringing over as soon as i)racticable its own construction ma- terial, machine tools ami camp e(|uipage. In August it was agreed in conference that the production of the English tyjjc iif Curtiss bi-motored flying boat, an .Vmerican develo|)ment, shoidd be pushed in the United States. Accordingly, the French asked that the Navy undertake the maintenance of a station at Brest from which to operate this seaplane, .,. ^-.^AkJig'riit-A." Xose-In, Lake Bolsena. -O-z '<^-- -J^>~ -Ti^ ,.^t^- f'-l-'SSr^T^Sni. F " i- wliicli was larger, of greater radius, and of more seaworthy qualities than any Frcncli flying boats. At the request of the French, the U. S. Naval Air Service constructed and oper- ated a station at He Tudy to augment the French station near Cape Pen March, where the Huns were sinking a large number of vessels. The Navy Depart- ment then proposed to construct seven additional stations if the French could outfit them with flying lioats. The French replied they could ecjuip one station a month, beginning with October and ending with February, 1018, when it was expected that American production would be available in Europe. The sending over of set-uj) seaplanes would nuike too great a demand on the tonnage, and consequently the policy was adopted of setting up, assembling and testing the planes in France. A base for this work was re(|uired and it was deter- mined to make it a sujjjjIv base as well. A plot of ground at I'auillac had been assigned as a base for ])atrol vessels of the U. S. Navy in the (Jironde River, and this site was used for tiie new station. By September the training of our pilots and mechanics at Tours and St. Ra])hael was com- pleted, and the de- tachment was con- solidated at Mout- chic, small parties being sent thence to the French seaplane schools at Hourtin, Kite Down at Se.v \ r Island City," l(j the .school of aerial fire at Cazeau and to the bombing school at St. Raphael. French railroads at that time were sorely overtaxed and could not lie relied upon for the movement of freight along the coast. It was taking three weeks to make a shipment from Brest to Bordeaux, less than 500 miles. Being plainly evi- dent that with the advent of the American troops this situation would become wor.se, water transportation was provided when the French requisitioned the Meckne.s, a steamer of 800 tons net capacity, and the Bella of 750 tons capacity was requi- sitioned by the U. S. Shipping Board. Sailing ves.sels were later chartered, and the problem of the transportation and distribution of stores l)etween Brest and I'auillac and intermediate stations was solved. By October 1st, additional men be- gan to arrive from the States. Pilots were trained and they awaited only the conii)letion of the stations and the delivery of seaplanes to begin operations. Le Croisic was first to be finished, the work being jjrincipally done by Oernian prisoners under the supervision of Com- mandant Vaschalde of the French .service. Dunkerque, as we have stated, was re- tarded, due to .shor- tage of French labor, and was eventually t.iken over and com- P i)letetl by the Ameri- ^ cans. St. Trojan, ™ similarly, was badly delayed by labor ■^0^— I . S. \a\m. All! .Station, shortage, ahortive strikes and the coii- Iraetors' inal)ility to jjet material. Simi- lar conditions ])revailed at Montcliic, wliicli was completed willi llie aid of our own men. Alter many disconrafiing de- lays the stations were finally commis- sioned and their influence was .soon felt in the rajiid diminntion of sinkings along the French coast. Prior to the coming of the .\inericans, the destruction of allied shii)s averaged one a day; within ten months after our patrols became active only three shij)s were lost in the luitrol area between Pen Marehe antl He l)"Vou, ;i !•!) i)er cent reduction I The harmony which in general pre- ^•ailed between the Americans and the French was demonstrated by the friend- shijjs built uj) between our men and the natives, as well as by the cooperation existing between the air forces of the two countries. The ]iersonnel at the Ameri- can stations was nuich larger than at the French stations, due. of course, to the de[)leted man jiower of France. This larger complement of men accounted for the better liumor, higher morale, conse(iuently greater efficiency at American air stations, which was noticeable to tlie French oilicials thenisehes. In the matter I'liod. our men fared as well as miglit be expected under con- ditions wliicli tlu'iiB^ existed in France Practically all non- • I'lmn i\c/ and the I'ouTo CoRsiNi, Italy. perislijible I'oodslult's, were brought from the Inited States. Fresh meats. <-gf.> and \egelal)les were olitainable in the vicinity of the stations, al \-ery high prices it is true, but not more than the French themselves i^aid. In many instances these supplies were obtaiiM-d on I'"rcnch commissary contracts. OPER.VTIOXS l\ ITALY The part played by I lie Inited Slates naval aviators in Italy did'ered in several important respects froiTi the o|)cralions already described in I-',ngland and I''rance. In llaly there was mn— i>=^l/"-"Hf S^s^/ y \^^[ i <,< m threw off one of the enemy, at the same time ])utting out the fire. The other enemy j)lanc followed him down to 500 meters. Ludlow landed a short distance from Pola, and the enemy plane returned to its base. Hammann saw Ludlow land, and after throwing off the two machines with which he was engaged, landed near Ludlow and after destroying the damaged machine, Ludlow returned in Hanuimmi's machine, sitting on the boat directly under the engine. They did not leave, however, until thev had made certain toward the sea. When the machine was about over the naval base, it started to turn to the right, went into a right sj)iral and crashed to the ground, landing in a corn patch. At the time of the descent the machine was flying at an altitude of "2,50 meters. Both Bergen and Murphy died from the injuries they received. In accordance with instructions from the Italian authorities, Porto ("orsini worked in conjunction witli the Venice .squadron in offen.ses against the enemy bases, and in carrying out these instruc- Copyright by L/nderwood ^ Underwood. A'. }'. Transport Picking up U. S. Patrol Plane in Mediterranean Sea. that the abandoned machine had sunk, firing 100 rounds at it from the air to complete the destruction. The men were badly bruised and cut uj), l)ut otherwise no injury was inflicted. All jjilots re- turned to ba.se. On September 15, an unfortunate accident occurred in which two flyers gave up their lives. Ensign Louis J. Bergen, pilot, with Gunner Thomas L. Murphy, ob.server, left the station in a Macchi. Thev followed the course of the canal tions joint raids were made by the two squadrons on Pola and the Austrian hangars. Pola was bombed on July 17 by American planes, destroying four hangars belonging to the Austrians, and one of the Germans. The hattlealup Babenbiirc/ was hit, sending her to dock for repairs. In August, 1918, four seaplanes, under the direction of Lieut. R. B. Read, made a flight in which the pilot of one. Smith, was forced to land, owing to engine trouble. Because of darkness and rough sea, his t m 1 r i I'll m l-i'L' ;^6 ^^'- 111(1 after mine were of a higher class than those who lours his were attracted to the naval Hying (•orj)s. 1 ■■■tV;' T>'i 'N V • < <* V > . li left wing was badly daiiiagei remaining in the water fivi machine was sighted by an Italian ])atrol Its hazards, as well as the bovmdiess op- boat which towed him within 5 miles of portunities it offered for individual en- the Italian coast. Another. Pilot Stuart, deavor, ai)i)ealed to them. Vice-Admiral lost his direction owing to heavy mist and Sims at the close of hostilities, in a nies- darkness. When he sighted the Austrian sage couched in the conservatism of an coast, thinking he was south of Pola, he changed his course due north and flew up the coast, sighting a town which was pro bably Cittanu(>\a. lie flew over the town and dropped sevcra bombs and after fly- ing over the Piave lines he landed at Venice for refuel- ling, when lie re- turned to t h e station. The other macliines continued northeast and headed for tlie .Vustriaii coast, near which was sighted a line of Italian destroyers, wiiirh aided tlieni in the'r course by their flashes. Near the Austrian coast they encf)iuitered a heavy strata of clouds at a height of ','.(1(1(1 meters. They arose to an altitude of .'S.+OO meters, which was ke])t while fhinu over Pola. Thev released four official dis])at<-h. asked the Na\y Dejiartment to. ■'Please express to the 1 a V a 1 aviators o f America my most sincere a|)i>recialion of their courageous and loyal perfor- mance of duty at home and abroad throughout t h e war. Their bril- liant ex|)loits. their determination t o win will e\cr re- main one of the ligiiest tributes to .\iiierican niaiiliood. The performance of duty of these young naval aviator.; under my conunand has not only been in keeping with the very best traditions of our naval service, but has in addition won for America the enthusi- astic praise of her allies." Admirals are not wont to "slop over" .' I Harris 4 f'^U'irnj Admiral Sims bomlis. all of which were seen to ex])lode, in their official corre and although a heavy barrage was put ii|). no damage was done to the machines, and they returned safely to their station. 'I'hese activities were contimied almost daily through August. Septemiier and Oclolier. .\ PERSOXXEL OV UHiM (;i{.\UK A gallant and adventurous lot of men were attracted to the naval air service; young men to whom danger was but an londence: in fact there is some regulation against effusive- ness, so we may infer lliat .Vloits and the clii\alry of these young knights of the air. .Vnd well he may, for the record is re])lete with acts of heroism and daring. To mention all of liieiii would far exceed the limits of this narra- tive, and to speak of a few would be show- incentive to greater effort. Of all the ing an unfair discrimination. Vet our fine, up-standing, clear-eyetl yoimg story would lie incomi^lete if we failed to .\mericans who entered wholeheartedly call attention to some achievements, for into the war for the liberties of mankind, they were inextricably woven into the r^V'r ^n HS-2 Patrol Plane Equipped with Davis Non-Recoil Aircraft Gun. cross by the King of history of the naval air service in the war. Take, for example, Lieut. A. L. Gates, whom we have mentioned. Gates was serving at Dunkerque when a signal was received that a British plane had been brought down by the Germans up along the Belgian coast, and had fallen in the sea within range of the German guns ashore. Gates immediately jvnnped into a seaplane and without waiting for assist- ance or for an observer or a machine gimner, "shoved off" at a 90-mile clip. Reaching the place where the British aviators were clinging to the wreck of their plane, still being the target of the guns on shore. Gates swooped down beside them, and reckless of the wicked Hun fire, made a skillful landing, pulled the three wrecked aviators into his plane, soon rose and beat it back to Dunkerque, meeting on the way the other rescuers who were hurrying to the scene in planes and coast water craft, motioning them to go back to avoid the enemy gunfire, which by this time had gotten very angry. For this service Gates was awarded the dis- tinguished flyinj England. On October 4, Gates was one of the pilots in a squadron of seven Spads which left St. Pol airdrome with orders to patrol the Ypres salient over territory around Courtrai, Roulers, Dixmude and Foret d'Houthoulet — a lively part of the west- ern battle front at that time. After being out forty minutes they encountered about fifteen enemy aircraft, consisting of Fokker scouts, biplanes and a few triplanes. The Spads quickly dived to a point within the allied lines, and the enemy craft did not pursue them; where- upon, the Spads climbed and returned to enemy territory. Two of the Americans had engine trouble and returned to base, but the other five machines kept on. While flying over Courtrai at an elevation of 4,000 meters, a superior enemy air squadron was sighted — probably the same Fokker sc|uadron — and the signal was given to dive and return to base. At the moment of the last dive several Huns were directly above them and Gates' machine was seen to be making a right 1( 7'v'r'f" .•1; ; -yv f •'r r - ■y ■' ; , I ■ r - V * - t I'l NKKAl, 111- Twci \a\ AI. .\\ lATOHS AT PoFfTO CoUSIXI. vertical virage. This was the hast seen of raid, obtaining a direct hit. On his way liim, and he was given up as h)st. He was cai)t\ired and after tlie armistice, a little over a month later, was safely returned. Doubtless he owes his life to tlie fact that the enemy resistance had begun to crumble, and the Huns saw the wisdom of treating him with humane c-onsidcra- tion. home, assisted by another Camel he shot down a 2-scatcr enemy plane in flames. He wa.s a glutton for low bomb raids, for the citation mentioned two other trijjs in which he did goo- covered an active ])eriod of engine stopped dead, forcing a landing in several months bombing and fighting, a rough .sea. The craft was without In August he flew over the Hun airdrome radio or kite to call for assistance. Two at \'ar.senaere, firing (i.")(t rounds with his carrier-pigeons were released, one of machine guns into it. besides dropjiing whom refused to l)udge from the machine four bombs and, although flying very until Moore threw the clock at him. One low, the Huns were unsuccessful in pigeon, with the one word "sinking," getting him. On September 1.5, he made reached home, but as they had lost their the Huns another call, this time at the course their location was tmknown. The Uytecirke airdrome on a low-bombing men were continuously soaked and lashed /. }-, J I 'U r y i --00 v-S^- by the March seas, for eighty hours, without food or water, until finally picked up by a trawler. Reports mean- while had been sent to headquarters that they were lost. Comdr. L. H. Maxfield, of the regular Navy, was recommended for a gold life- saving medal for an exploit as luiusual as it was heroic. The dirigible "Capitaine Caussin" under his command was patrol- ing a convoy north of Quiberon, when the pressure began to fall, and after making every effort to keep the dirigible in the air, she came down. Upon striking the water, two of the crew, Allely and Elliott, were thrown into the sea. They were having considerable difficulty swimming, because of their combinations, or "teddy bears," which greatly impeded their movements, and Allely called out for help. By this time the ship had drifted 75 yards, but Mr. Maxfield, shouting to Allely to hold out, jumped into the sea. He swam to them, Ijut by this time the dirigible was three-quarters of a mile away. A small motor boat ajjpeared and picked them up, afterward coming to the dirigible and removed several members of the crew. The re- maining men were left in the ship, which rapidly drifted ashore. Had Maxfield not gone so promptly to the rescue of the ; two men, Allely certainly, and Elliott probably, would have drowned. For their gallantry in action near He Tudy, two American jjilots, R. H. Harrell and K. R. Smith, were recom- mended by the French comman- dant for the Croix de Guerre A southbound coastal convoy was off Pen Marche when two avions were seen dropping bombs '■2 miles to seaward. The destroyer Stewart left the escort and proceeded at full speed to the scene, and a French destroyer ap- proached from the northward. With the aid of planes which dropped smoke bombs at the spot where the submarine was seen from the air, the destroyer headed for the position, dropping charges as it encircled the submarine. The avions continued to drop bombs until they brought up clear water. Between the destroyers and the planes the Hun had no chance of escape. O. E. Wilhams and H. W. Studor were the observers in the two planes, and rendered very efficient service in placing the bombs and guiding the destroyers. And so we could go on almost inilefi- nitely, recounting exploits such as these, which would be recalled by the readers of this book as merely a part of their daily routine in the adventurous days of com- radeship and unselfish .service in the United States Naval Flying Cor])s. Great credit is due the enlisted per- sonnel of the naval air service. No finer class of men was ever brought into a military force than the members of the crews of the air stations abroad. Many of these men won commissions, and still others rendered ecjually praise worthy service in the enlisted grades. All the radio operators and a great many obser- vers were enlisted men, and not a few gave a good account of themselves as , pilots. All honor to the blue- ' jackets and marines of the naval A aviation service! 2=^_3/>^___j^V)g^-^yVj^ ^CCx-- I', 1 V .1AI.'1 ' A » ' The Liberty Motor Cf)MPiLKi) FROM Official Soi'rces DrRIXC; tlie time Unit tlie |)roduc- tioii of airi)lane oiiuiiies fur train- ing was getting iiiider way, care- ful thought was being given to the i)os- At that time England was manu- facturing or experimenting with thirty- seven different kinds of engines and France with fortv-six. It seemed wise» sihilities of j)r()duciiig coml)at engines if ])ossi!)Ie, for the I iiited States to avoid tain a year's output of a given engine. such engines and in i)roducing them in <|uantity. American engineering talent, ingemiity and knowledge of design was at least equal to that abroad. .rv -^^'V5V?<<-i— II It was apparent that prompt action was necessary to meet the enormous require- ments for engines and spares demanded by the contemphited program. It was also clear that these requirements could not be met imless the automobile-engine industry could be mobilized for that purpose; furthermore, even with the talented organizations and experience of this industry, there was little chance of completing the task unless their efforts could be concentrated on one type of standardized engine designed especially to suit American quantity-production methods. After many preliminary investigations, Col. Edward A. Deeds came to the con- clusion that it was essential for the United States to concentrate its energies upon the smallest possible number of types of engines and to give special at- tention to equipment which could be manufactured in quantity, and which would be least affected by the rapid advances in the art. He considered it entirely possible to design and build an engine suitable for war purposes and adai)ted to American ideas of quantity production in less time than the Boiling Commission could com- plete its investigations and negotiations and send us drawings and models of European types that in all probability would be wholly unsuited to our produc- tion methods. He believed that the United States should concentrate its greatest effort on a type of aircraft engine which could be made in powers sufficiently high to assure continued usefulness for a term of years and which would possess the maximum degree of interchangeability between similar parts. Colonel Deeds proposed this plan im- mediately to his associate. Col. S. D. Waldon, who, after giving it careful con- sideration, agreed entirely with the plan. A few days later J. G. Vincent, of the Packard Motor Car Company, arrived in Washington and proposed substantially the same idea, which had been developed as the result of his experience with air- craft engines, and which had been crys- tallized by conferences held in Detroit with the French and English commissions then touring the United States. As subsequent investigation proceeded this conclusion received the unanimous support of lioth the American and Euro- pean authorities and its wisdom has been absolutely demonstrated by the results which have been attained. Colonel Deeds, Colonel Waldon, and Messrs. E. J. Hall and J. G. Vincent met at Colonel Deeds' apartment in the New Willard Hotel in Washington and considered in a general way the requirements which the engines must meet. It was determined that they should be built around a 5 by 7 inch individual steel cylinder with alumi- num piston, forked rods, and direct-drive propeller, and that nothing experimental or untried should be used. Messrs. Vincent and Hall set to work on May 29 to combine their knowledge and information, and within two or three days they had outlined the important characteristics of design of the Liberty engine. These preliminary layouts were submitted to the Aircraft Production Board and the Joint Army and Navy Technical Board, who approved the design and on June \ authorized the con- struction of five each of the 8 and 12 cylinder sizes. Every feature in the design of these engines was based on thoroughly jiroven internal-combustion engine practice. Parts for ten engines were at once started through the tool rooms and experimental .shops of various motor car companies. This work centered in the plant of the Packard Motor Car Com- pany, which most cheerfully and pa- triotically gave to this work its entire energies and wonderful facilities. Meanwhile the plans of the engine had been submitted to H. M. Crane, engineer of the Simplex Motor Car Company, and of the Wright INIartin Aircraft Corpora- tion, who had made a special study of Mi l.f II! Hi ^■m m y.^fj -^-oiTr^T'" — ^i .."k ■ ^^ n.'^- I'l((K;UKSsn E AsSEMULIMi OF LiHEKTY MoTDKS. aviation engines in Enioije and wlio for iil)\var(i of a year liad heen working on the ])roduction of tlie Hispano-Suiza 150- liorsepower engine; also to David Fergus- son, chief engineer of tiie I'ierce-Arrow Motor Car Com])any, and to many of tlie hest experts in tlie country on the pro- i 4;! Two Liberty Twelves Constitute the Power Plant of the Company agreed to produce 10,000 of the 8 cylinder engines, but before the con- tract had been made information from abroad indicated that efforts should be concentrated on the fi-cylinder engine. Contracts were therefore let for '•2'2,oOO Liberty 1'2-cylinder engines to six concerns. This number was sufficient to take care of the requirements of both the Navy and the Army. The first of these contracts was signed in August, 1917, and ])roduc- tion work started immediately. It was at once apparent that, to avoid delay and confusion, the engineering and standard- ization required for developing and manu- facturing the engine nuist necessarily be done in close proximity to the production plants. A district office was therefore established in Detroit, and James G. Heaslet, formerly vice president and general manager of the Studebaker cor- poration, an engineer and manufacturer of wide experience, was appointed dis- trict manager. At the request of the Chief of the Engine Production Dejjart- ment an order was issued in October, 1917, which placed all engineering, inspection and ])roduction of the Liberty engine in charge of a committee of engineers and- manufacturers composed of Lieut. Col. E. J. Hall, Maj. James G. Heaslet, Henry M. Leland, C. Harold Wills of the Ford Motor Company, and Messrs. Beall and Roberts of the Packard Motor Car Comjjany. With them were associated D. McCall White, engineer of the Cadillac Motor Company, and Walter Chrysler, general manager of the Buick Company. Presided over by Major Heaslet, these men in their respective plants and in joint meetings pushed forward the de- velopment and production of Liberty engines. Each without reservation re- vealed all the trade secrets and processes which they had developed in their plants during the preceding years. The Packard Motor Car (^ompany gave to this develop- mental work all of its equipment and ])ersonnel. The wonderful organization of the Ford Motor Company was devoted to solving the problems presented by the production of this engine. The unique method of making a rough cylinder from ^■: ^^ > v - V'< ■'' V r ■''I 1 >, » '-1 *, k- a piece of steel tiil)in of making diirahlc and satisfactory hear- ings, were among tlie extraordinary Motor or^^ani- results of the wmk -1 *. 1. ^ _ n. _c*. •0, nil manufacturers throughout the production Hue, including the producers of the raw metal. These changes were made with such speed and energy that by May 2!), 1018, one year from tlie date when the design of the engine was begun l.'-24;5 Liberty engines had been produced and delivered for service. The magnitude of this accomplish- ment may be realized when it is compared with the deA'elopment of automobile motors. Practically no automobile motor of any size or importance has ever been put into production and into service without at least one year being devoted to its design and development. This time was not required for the Liberty engine, because its original design re- cpiired substantially no change and also because the best ability in the country was devoted without stint to its develop- ment and production. During six months, from May '29 to November 29, 1918, the production of Liberty engines increased by leaps and bounds; during October, just preceding the armistice, 150 13-cylinder engines were being produced and delivered into service on each working day. The record of monthly deliveries of these engines is as follows: December, 1917 22 January, 1918 39 February 70 March 122 April 415 May 620 June 1,102 July 1,589 August 2,297 September 2,362 October 3,878 November 3,056 Total 15,572 These engines were distributed as follows : American Navy 3,742 Plants manufacturing airplanes . . . 5,233 Aj Aviation fields for training pur- poses 907 American Expeditionary Forces in France in addition to those which went over installed in planes 4,511 Allies — England, France and Italy. 1,089 Total 15,572 In January, 1918, three of these engines were shipped to the American Expedi- tionary Forces. In March, ten engines were shipped to the British, six to the French, and five to the Italians. By June 7 tests aliroad had proceeded so- far that the British Air Minister cabled to Lord Reading that the excellent results obtained from the Liberty engine had placed it in the first class of high-powered engines, and that they were convinced that it would be a most valuable contri- bution to the allied aviation program. On Se])tember 26, the British Air Ministry reported that the Liberty performed at least as well as the Rolls-Royce, in iden- tical airplanes, and that their opinion of June was fully confirmed. Birkight, the designer of the Hispano- Suiza engine in France, advised Count Poinatowski that the Liberty engine was superior to any high-powered engine then developed on the Continent. The British placed an order for 1,000 Liberty 12-cylinder engines and subse- cjuently stated their desire to increase this to 5,500, to be delivered by December 31, 1918. The French made inquiry as to the possibility of their securing 20 per cent of all of these engines produced. The Italians also indicated their desire to purchase a large number for immediate delivery. The vision of Colonel Deeds and the decision to develop an American aviation engine has been fully and completely justified by the results obtained. The engine which approaches nearest to the Liberty in power and efficiency is the English Rolls-Royce. However, this m 'Mi. )m mt d^ r^' weighs ai)])nixiinatcly 10(1 poiiiids iiiDrc and delivers appioxiiiiately 100 horse- l)o\ver less than tiic Liberty. The maxi- mum production of the Rolls-Royce engine in England lias Tiever ex('ee<]ed 70 jier week; the average production lias ranged from 40 to 4,5 per week. Tliere can he no doubt that, had the war continued, the Liberty engine in planes piloted l)y American, British and French aviators would soon have domi- nated the air on everv front. America, ^■^^--M^--^^ vi- and America alone, liad the facilities and tiie vision to produce airplane engines with the neces.sary power and in the necessary quantities to carry the war in the air into Germany's own territory. The Liberty engine was a development made necessary by war, but it has already proved that it will show its value in time of peace. This past May four Liberty's successfully drove the NC-4 from America to Europe on the first trans-Atlantic fiio-ht. ^ yv f^ "Uh, uhlNotMe! Co'se All ain't saying Aii won't do Jes whut ma country' want me to. But dcy's one joi) Aii fo'see Ain't gwine to teach itself to me — Uh, idi! Not me! "v/, - ] KK Dat's dis heah aihrplane stuff — No, Bo.ss, Ah'll bah some othaii kind ob cross Lak drive a mule, or tote ii gun. But .\li ain't flirtiii wif de sun — I li, uhl Not me! '-"-O iU If all nnis" do a loop-de-loop Let mine be 'round some eliicken coop; It ain't gwine be uj) whah de crows, Kin say Ah's trompin on deer toes — I'll, nil! \()t me! m It sho' look sweet. Ah don't deny, To be a-(^ozin' 'round de sky. But dat's fo' folks dat's in de mood, Not fo' me tho' cose Ah's shrewd — Uh, uli! Not me! 'f"fi)r Down heah Ah firs' saw light ob day Down heah am whah Ah's gwine to stay; Folks, Ah don't keer to hab ma feet Git too blamed proud to walk de street — Uh, uh! Not me! '■Clsi^ 0})erati()ns with tlie Fleet AXIATION played a part in tlic long vigil kept l)y the (irand Fleet. In this respect tlie British Navy had made great advances, by the develop- ment of the seajjlane carriers, a vessel with a flush deck from stem to stern, enahling the returning ])lanes to land on hoard without difficulty. Nothing a])- jiears above the deck of these ve.s.sels, except a small deck house, which di.sa])- pears when the ])lanes are about to return. The British had some four or five of these carriers, strange looking craft, with their stacks protruding from the sides. Of our own battleship force, the Te.vas alone was e(|uipped with airplanes, and that only a short time before the armistice. It was not until the winter months following the armistice that the American Xavy utilized effectively the planes for control of great gun fire. Lieut. Com- mander E. (). McDonnell, who made a brilliant record on both the western and the Italian fronts, |)articularly in bomliing and night raiding, conducted ex])eri- ments in fire control at (iuantanamo, Cuba, which demonslratetl tiie great value of aircraft in battle i)ractice. Here also the Texas was u.sed in making the experiments. She was equi])i)ed w-ith a small two-seater and tw-o single-seaters, and a false deck was constructed on the turret, with removaI)le planking over the guns themselves, which was taken away when the large guns were fired. The single seater was intended for short range .scouting and fighting, tlie two- .seaters being u.sed for recoimaisance, fire control and .spotting. While the fleet was at (iiuintanamo, the Mianinsippi was Scout Pl.\ne o.n I . .■^. s. Texas. 4!) ^^ iti litf lHiJLIIIIL^»!.I iK Copyrnjiil f'y Underwood rf Vnderwoud, V. 1'. A Floating Aerodrome. H. M. .S, "Furious" on a Zeppelin strafing expedition. similarly eqiiijiped, and flights were made from hoth of these dreadiiaughts. Laud phines, however, were used during the tesis of fire control of the Texas, when ten IJ-inch guns fired salvos on a range of 20,000 yards, the maximum elevation of the guns. Lieutenant Commander Mc- Donnell controlled the fire by means of both radio telephone and telegraph, using the telephone first, immediately followed by the telegraph signals. Every sjiot received from the ship was immediately acknowledged from the plane. The firing was done in the open sea under weather conditions that were favorable, but with a great deal of interference from smoke from the stacks of the ship, which at one time was so bad that the targets were lost to view from the tops. Indeed, after the third salvo the targets were totally obscured, and reliance was made entirely upon the control from the planes. The average time for the transmission of the message was five seconds from the sea- plane to the plotting oflBcer, which period^ r\ :-% could with practice, have Ijeen reduced it was believed, to two seconds. As this was the first occasion when any naval vessel had depended entirely upon tele- phone communication from a seaplane or air])lane for target-practice spotting, the results were most gratifying to the gun- nery officers who watched the tests with the keenest interest. Of special im- portance was the fact that communica- tions were accurate both ways, in both receiving and sending. The flight was not made from off the Texas because of the uncertainty as to the required amount of wind, and the low-powered airplane used, although it later developed that tliere was sufficient wind to have made the flight from the turret with safety, and without delaying the target practice. Return landings were made on the Ijcach during these tests. Three methods of return were possible; to the beach, on the water near the shij), or on board the ship. When landings were made on the surface of the water, the m r Jj' >'/}• VA') ^13tN-- n- '^^~ T > r ; I - Y > 1 1 ' T r ^> y ' ' ^ V \ ,1 A>>^ -^> wheels were released by the tripping gear of the planes, the air bags were imme- diately filled, and the craft would float safely for twelve hours if necessary. Both types of machines were equipped with radio sets, but only the two-seater had the apparatus necessary for both sending and receiving. The single-seater could send but could not receive. KITE BALLOONS During the operations of the battleship force in the North Sea, one vessel in each division of the U. S. battle squadron was equipped with kite balloons. They were used to some extent for fire control, but their principal duty was to look for submarines, torpedoes and mines. They were also used by the ships of the convoys while traversing the submarine zone, and to .some extent by our destroyers. Trawlers operating in the submarine zone were also supplied with kite balloons. It is planned to equip at least one ship in every four of the battle fleet with them. THE FLEET AIR I)ET.\CHMENT Another development which has come since the war ended is the organization of a fleet air detachment, with the U. S. S. -T>- --0-'. "Wa Shawmiit as parent ship and carrier. This vessel rendered valuable service during the war as a mine-layer, being part of the force operating in the North Sea in laying the celebrated mine barrage which did so much to break the submarine menace, and destroy the morale of the Hun undersea pirates. After her return from this duty, she was equipped as the mother-ship of the fleet air detachment, consisting of a squadron of large seaplanes, which may be used for reconnoisance, for scouting, for bombing submarines and mines, and for attack by bombing on any enemy position where anti-aircraft guns are not used. Their principal duty, however, is scouting and spotting. The squadron consists of five of these seaplanes. The iShawmut carries gasoline and spare parts, and acts as a tender to the air squadron. She will operate with the fleet in the battle manoeuvers, in which the air detachment will doubtless, in the future, play an important part. During the cruise to the West Indies the Shawmut and the fleet air detachment accompanied the fleet, making many flights en route. i.-*. Bomb Explosion Photogk.\pheu from Seaplane. Jl ^V' \sr m vi. "\y :'iV(; m Ia:. k. .i' .'i nt a few sliorl lliglils, I hen went out of eonimissiou forever, so had very little good efl'ect upon personnel or material. The kite balloons tested out on the I'. S. S. Oldulioiini and XrraiUi in the fall and winter of 1!)U)-1!)17, ])roved that good s|)otting coidd lie done from tiiis type of aircraft. i)ut little interest, unfortunately, was aroused in the department, so that they were soon ordered otl the ships. Ne.vt, in the s])ring of 1!)1T came the orders for the first small Mimjis, modeled after the lines of the Mrilish. The Good- year Tire and Hnlilier ('om|)any hiiilt the first envelopes, and (urtiss tlu' Nacelles. .Vliout the time the tirst ship was to lie delivered, a class of students was started in .Vkron. 'I'his was in June, 1!)17, and during that sunniier the students took their free lialloon cour.se. their aerostatics, their meteorology, as well as their regular na\al studies. The dirigililes were flown, hut the envelojies were constructed of such ]>oor material that they could not lie kept intlaled more than a week. Hence to get the maximum henelit out of the shijjs during their short li\es. they were used twenty-four hours a day. In the early fall of 11(17, the first con- tingent of naval lighler-than-air ofiicers and men was sent to France, and in No\eud)er and Deeemlier regular war |)at rolling was done in the French ships at Roehefort and I'ainilioeuf. In January, 1!)18, all hands were asseinliled at I'aini- hoeuf and a start was made in cleaTiing. relinilding and enlarging that station, which was later completely taken over hy us and o|)erated under our flag. R 34 R-St. TiiK FinsT Lli;iiTER-TiiAX-.\ni (haft to Chciss tiik .Vti.antk . .■,:i i'TKfhzrr^^?^- l^' I If j Students in Training at Akron. Meanwhile, students were sent from the United States to England for training, and some of these were later given im- portant billets under the British and per- formed valuable and efficient war service. Paimboeuf continued to grow and im- prove until the signing of the armistice. Active patrols were carried out and en- gagements with enemy submarines were rejjorted. Guipavas, the American dirigible sta- tion near Brest, was practically com- pleted when the armistice was signed. This station did, however, do active flying and, at the time of the President's first arrival at Brest, the station sent out two ships to escort the George Washington into port. Kite balloon stations had been established all along the coast of France, and good work was being done by the pilots. In the United States active work had been carried on at Chatham, INIontauk, Rockaway, Cape May, Hampton Roads, Key West, Pensacola and Akron. Officers had been given Ground School training at Tech, and flying training at Akron and Pensacola. Important patrols and experimental flights were made both by kite balloons and dirigibles. The Tech- nical Bureaus of the Navy Department had pushed rapidly ahead, had con- ducted valuable research work and had turned out the "C"-type ship; so it can be seen that abroad and at home interest was growing inlighter-than-air craft, andmuch good work was done. The necessity for lighter-than-aircraft for the Navy is now fully realized by strategists, and work to provide our Navy with lighter-than-air craft is being ])ushed by those in authority. The General Board has for many years realized the importance of this sort of craft, and has recommended their con- struction time and again. The work done by the German Zeppelins in patrol- ing and scouting over the North Sea, and the effect of the British lack of rigids, has brought this necessity home. To the popular mind the Zeppelin did not make good in the war. This opinion is based wholly upon the results of the raids over England, in which many ships were lost. Admitting that these raids were on the whole unsuccessful, although they most certainly did keep a great number of British heavier-than-air craft in England that were sorely needed at the front, and most certainly did at one period keep the people of London, to say the least, under a nervous strain, we do know that a constant and efficient patrol was kept over the North Sea which could not have been kept by any other type of water or air craft. ' i ' . Hangars at Akron "\ It is proposed from now on to have the following types of lighter-than-air craft. These may never he ])la(e(I in C|uantity produetion, hut certainly will he used and experimented with: Free Balloon. — There is nothing new ahoiit this. It has heen used since 178.3. and its use will he continued. There is nothing hetter in whicli to train kite or dirigihle students, and, hy some, free hallooning is looked ujjon as the greatest sport in the world. Kite Ualhntn. — 'IMiis will he used hy the Na\y for search, and |)()ssihly for spotting. The .\rmy will certainly continue to use it for the control of fire, and other uses will most surely he forthcoming. Two distinct tyjjcs are now recognized — the French ('ac(|uot and the Italian Avorio- I'rassoue. yon-Rigid. — This type, in various sizes, will always have its use in the Navy for patrols, search, and convoy duty, and will continue to prove a most u.seful unit of the Naval forces. It is douhtful whether land forces will he able to derive much benefit from it. However, that remains to be seen. Riijid. — This will be the greatest of all aircraft, anil will revolutionize all naval strategy and tactics. No one realizes the limitations of lighter-than-air craft better than those who work constantly with them. They arc not the ones who see small rigids .\T-I;f AT Paimdoecf. Rescuk at .Sea. taking the place of yachts, nor do they see daily scheduled trips for ])asscnger and freight being carried out this year. They leave that sort of projiaganda to Ihe stock sellers and to the etiitors of po])ular aviation magazines. What they do see, however, as the scout of the future, is a rigid of somewhere between fixe and ten million cubic feet ca])a(ity, filled with some inert gas, driven by reliable gaso- line, steam, or electric motors, capable of staying out two or three weeks, with guns sufhcieut to fight off any figliting ]>lane, and bombs sufficient to wreck a batlleshii). It is (|uitc useless to at- tem|)t to make the real surface craft man believe that some day the slow moving battleships and cruisers will l)c of little use, but most certainly the day is fast approaching when such will he the case. I' 'U,- III (^^hV -; ■AJ -\J Production of Spruce for the Navy By F. M. smith. Lieutenant, V. S. N. (//( ('lidrgi- (if Sjiriirc I'rodiiclKiii fur llic \(ir!j) Few of us have given more than a passing tliought to the many prohlcms of forced production which had to be successfully met liefore any aggressive aviation policy could he even seriously con- sidered. But for the initiative and ability of the men who silently shouldered these responsibilities in the liackground of the war, Anicrifan aviation could not have l)ecn the i)o(cnt factor for victory which it proved to he. The story of the production of sjjruce lumber for the construction of the -Navy's aircraft tells of a difficult task undertaken in the face of many discouraging obstacles and of hard work carried on throughout a .season of severe N'cw Kngland weather. E.xpcrieuce had shown that spruce of a very high grade was the only material perfectly suited to the manufacture of nuiny airplane parts. Sub- .stitution of other woods in the place of spruce had never been successfully accomplished, and when tried was usually accompanied by failure of the plane in action. The pre-war construction of air- craft had been very small and spruce of sufficient quality and i|u:inlity had been easily obtained. This normal supply, however, was totally inadequate to meet the denuuids of war-time construction iiiid for nuiny months constantly jeopardi>.ed our entire aviation program. — -ICditor. r^ IN J)K('EM1{KI{, 1917, il \va.s ap- parent that on ;icc()iiiil uf llie enor- irions (IciiiMnds lor airplanes both at lionic and ■•iliroad tlic Sprncc Produclion Section of I lie Army, whicli had ahsolule conlrol (d' spruce pi'odiKl ion in IIk' wcsI and sonlli wonid he unaMe to prodnce suflicienl material lo meet the demands. It was, therefore, considered exireniely 1msiii was aroused aiiioiifi tlic Now I'liij^laiid operators. In spile of Itie iimneiise dis- taiifes lo lie lra\e!ed to iiilcrv i<'\\ llic dill'ereiil maiuilacturers, and tlie dillicully of Iraveliiii; in New l'",iif;land diirint; llie winter nionllis in order to visit liie dit- I'erent mills, practically every lar^c o|)erator was personally interviewed and satisfactory agreements as lo specifica- tions and contracts drawn up, sucli eon- tra('ts issued liy tlie IJnrean of Supplies and Aceouuls to cover IIIO conct'rns. Insjiection and shipment of nialcrial coinmenced liy -lauuary 111, 1!IIS. Con- tracts were made I o allow for (lie purcliase of all the matei'ial which could lie pro- duced in accordance with the siieciliea- tions for a period of six months, ins|iec- lion to lie made al the mill liv a repre- sentative of the Navy Department as the malcrial left the saw. 'I'lie Olliee of Spruce I'rotluetion for the Navy was eslalilished with ]\ead(|uarlers at Hoston lo handle all ni.illcrs con- n<-clc(l wilh llu' prodnclioii .inil Nhipiiicnl of spruce. ;ind al Ihc I iiiic of I he sigiiiiii; of Ihc .■ii'MiisI ice I'-M coll I i-aci s were in for c <■ c o V c I' i II i; opcral ions at ;i7."> mills. ( dii I I'acis were so di'a w ii that canctdlation was ellcilcd niimcI were fairly well eslalilished. .\n inspe<-lor was detailed lo each dislrict wilh an ollicial shmip licariui; lln- dis- trict numlicr. In this wa,v olijeclionalile ship- ments could lie easily traceil. 'J'he lirsl shipmeids were naturall.v no! up to standard, Imt in- siieclion rapidl.v im- pro\ed uiil il ilnrinj; the latter part .if lit IK lietter malcrial w a s beinj; produeeil t h .1 u was heinj;' rec<-ived Irom the west. Oul of Ihc entire Kritish .irdcr ol over :!.t)(H).0(llt feel, uu- favoralih- reptirt was made on only niiu- ears 7 after ils receij)! in V.Ufi- laiid, and only ."> p<'r cent of I he conlcnt sot the nine ears was re- jecleil. .Ml nine car- <; !«', <'■'■ y; ^t()graphs taken from high altitudes than was possible with the cameras they had at that time. Accordingly several camera manufac- turers were interested in the jjrojcct, and by the following December a camera had been constructed for the Navy, which 11-16 AT 0,000 Feet. " "■* 59' "' - ' i i "1 if' Shot with a Camera Gun, Low. stood a satisfactory test at an altitude of (i,100 feet over Pensacola, although the lenses were not all that was desired. Tests of aerial cameras of several tyiJes were continued during the ensuing months, with varying results, until the development of the naval camera, which is recognized to be the most comjilete among all the machines that were used hy the allied air services. At the time of the armistice, the naval air service had aliout perfected plans wliereby photo- graphic negatives made of the enemy's battle craft, harbors and fortifications could lie developed l)y the naval photo- grapher in the seaplane while in flight en route from the scene, and a print dis- ])atched by a pigeon within ten minutes after the photograjih was taken! A great deal more in the nature of advanced photograjihic experimental work was in contemplation for the furtherance of naval aerial warfare, but which cannot be disclosed now. Training of aerial photographers began with the detail of a naval jjhotographer to the army school of aerial [ihotography at Langley Fielil, Hampton, Va., in Novem- ber, 1917, for a course of instruction. Upon graduation he passed an examina- tion for commission and was appointed ensign in the reserve force, whereujjon he was sent to Miami, Florida, for the pur])ose of establishing a similar school for naval photographers. This school was put in commission in A]iril, 1918, and in June the first group of naval photog- raphers, consisting of nine trained men. went abroad for duty at the various United States naval air stations. At the same time several trained photographers were sent from the school to stations in this country. The course at the school of aerial jiho- tography covered a larger field than that of the army school; instead of confining the instruction to aerial photography alone, several i)hases of the profession were taught, and ujjon completing the course, the graduates were competent to jierform whatever record photographic work might be required at a Naval air station, or on board a warship carrying aircraft, in addition to aerial photographic map-making. By the tim? hostilities ceased, the trained jiersonnel of aerial photography in the naval service comprised nine photo- graphic officers (all ensigns. Naval Reserve Force), seventy-seven printers and ten machinist's mates, the latter being camera repair men; of this force, forty-two were abroad, or were en route to France. The first class of twenty photographers was formed from among candidates who had passed a competitive examination among reservists at New York. The second class came from Great Lakes training station, and the remainder were recruited from civil life or through individual examinations at the various stations. The instruction of camera repair men was con- ducted at the factory in Rochester, where the machinists were taught the con- struction of cameras, their repairs and general mechanism. 60 Parachutes I5v l,ii,t T. 1{. Kmerson, I'. S. X. R. F. HOW CAX llie many daiigers eii- couiitercd l)y aviators he miiii- lized to the greatest degree of .Tvr sal'ely:-' Ipoii this prohk'iii has 1)cl-i1 ceiilorcci I lie iiixfiUive genius and taUmt of many intrepid pioneers of aerial navigation not only in the I'nited States l)ut in every eoiiiitry in whieli tlie development of aerunauties has made any ap])recial)le progress. After the war cloud hail de- scended upon the earth and aerial war- fare lieeame a reality instead of a tiirilliiig (■]ia|)ter hy Jules \ erne, tiie proi)lem of lessening tlie dangers of aerial eoinhat heeamo acute, resulting in a coordina- tion of effort which advanced safety devices and appliances for aircraft to a degree that leaves one speechless witli wonder and admiration at the patience, scientific skill ■and acumen of those re- spon.sihle for making t h e lanes of the air almost as safe as the macadamize d road for the aiilomoliile. Return i n g to earth with- out misliai) is contingent up- on the avia- tor's skill as a l)il()t, upon the ])roper func- t i < I n i n g of engine and the correct opera- .■\ Perfect Descent. tion of the conii)onent parts of the craft. Every stage in the manufacture of an airplane is the equivalent stage of nuik- ing the jjlane safe for flight. Safety is the |)rimary consider ition; hut when the throh of the motor is silenced hy a hullet from an enemy machine gun, or likewise if the gas hag of a dirigii)le is hadiy torn, the navigator of the air is compelled, as .Julius Caesar says in his commentary, "to seek safety in flight." It is then that the parachute comes into its own. The operation of the parachute is familiar to almost everyone. Ask a child to descrihe a parachute and he will mentally picture a ])ygmy-like figure high in the clouds clinging to a slowly descend- ing opened umhrella. Devotees of county fairs have long hecn familiar with the |)araclnite descent from the old fire- halloon as the tiirilling and lireath- taking event of the .|;,y. riic |)ara- iliiite is really the only prac- tical aerial life-saver. It ap])ea re d a century a g o coincidentally with the ap- pearance of the first suc- cessful fi r e - l)alloon. The evolution of the i)aracluite has heen a series of im- (il »==:>- ^^\^^;=>- ■■^^^ m^ 'AAA € provements upon the basic ideas con- ceived at that time. Descents by para- chute in the earher days of its develo]j- ment were resorted to only in cases of the greatest emergency, for so uncertain was the possibiUty of making a safe land- ing that it was deemed almost as safe to take one's chances with the burning balloon. As a consequence no appre- ciable progress in the development of the parachute as a practical aerial life- saving device was made until a gener- ation or so ago. It may be said without fear of contra- diction that to America is due the credit for developing parachuting to the point where it is now a science and indeed a practical life-saving device for the pilot of lightcr-than-air craft. Since the war, experiments by both the Navy and the Army have indicated that the time is not far distant when the utility of the para- chute for heavier than air machines will be manifest. In the days when parachuting was regarded as a particularly hazardous stunt, that intrepid pioneer, Maj. Thomas S. Baldwin, popularly known as Tom Baldwin, set out to develop a safe para- chute. For many years he gave demon- strations throughout the United States and Europe, demonstrating the practica- bility of the parachute. Major Baldwin's efforts did much toward arousing a popular interest in free ballooning and parachuting. Then as suddenly as a bolt of thunder from a clear sky the great war came upon a surprised world, and it was very soon realized that aircraft of all kinds would play an all-important role in the great conflict. It was many months, however, before any of the belligerents equipped their aircraft with parachutes, while in the meantime hundreds of men in the air service were lost as their machines and balloons fell in flames or were shot down. Allied and enemy war lords then fully realized that the mastery of the air would achieve the ultimate victory. How could this great advantage be gained if there was no insurance against tiie loss of the only men skilled and equipped to carry on this work after months of arduous training? A para- chute must be developed which will cut down the heavy casualties of the air, was the decision of those in charge of the aerial program. We can better afford to lose planes and balloons than we can to sacri- fice the lives of the men whose skill alone gives the command of the air its potential value. With these outstanding facts forming the basis for concerted action no time was lost in devising and manufacturing in large quantities a tyj)e of parachute at once efficient and safe. A degree of develop- ment in parachuting was attained in time to bear an important influence on the value of aircraft in the war. The type of parachute developed for war purposes was an improvement on the older one-man type, used to permit men in the basket to descend in case the i m T^,T"! i I m ). ■'T^-^h^ -*i= a- -\f-— o- ^r ^^W <, .4,A^ /A A. ci,A.V t ^<^^.^ Copyright Vnu,t ^( I rhhruoi^L Plucky 19-Year-Oi,d English Girl Starting 'J.OOO-Foot Drop. balloon caught fire, in that the balloonists were enabled to remain in the basket, which, cut away from the burninj; bal- loon, descended safely to earth bearing its load of human freight. This is known as the basket parachute, and made possible the saving of maps, records and instruments of great value and of poten- tial danger should the basket fall into the hands of the enemy. The basket para- chute is considerably larger in diameter than the one-man or individual type, and those who have made descents by means of both declare that tlie only sensation caused by the basket drop is merely the j)Ieasurable thrill of slow and gradual descent, very similar to an elevator ride, while with the individual tj-pe one must jump out of the basket and undergo the hair-raising sensation of a suspense of from three to six seconds, which seems like an eternity, the period elapsing from the moment the pilot jumps over the edge of the basket until the jiarachute, umbrella- like, opens up. It is a remarkable fact, which in itself is significant, that during the entire time in which American forces operated on Euroj)ean soil during the recent war, only one death resulted as the direct result of a parachute drop. In that particular instance the burning balloon fell directly upon the opening parachute, setting it on fire and causing the observer to fall to earth. That the parachute proved its value in lessening the number of air fatalities is demonstrated by the fact that one observer jumped to safety four times in one day, while another made three safe descents in four hours. During the historic Argonne drive thirty parachute jumps were made by allied aviators. Without these safety devices, not only would tiie lives of many brave and valua- ble airmen have been lost, but valuable data, maps, records, etc., would have fallen into the enemy's possession, mak- ing it necessary for allied leaders to reshape long thought out plans. Naturally more than one type of l)ara<]uite resulted from the concentra- tion (ifolfort upon this important i)roblein. 1 I I •I ,1 ■I (i:! "Mhich caused stil] another prol)leiii, •choice of the most desiral^le type. There were the Baldwin, the Stevens and a few ■other American tyi)es; at least a half- dozen French makes; the Spencer and "Guardian Angel," both of British make. The United States Navy has experi- mented with all these and a nund)er of others. To Lieut. J. Keily, USX, is due the ■credit of making the first parachute jumj) in the American navy. This test was made in England, in October, 1917. Later jumps were made in the United States from balloons, dirigibles and planes. During the period of war naval experi- mental jjilots also worked with the Army in the effort to develoj) a parachute which would be as nearly perfect as scientific and inventive genius could devise. On March 30, 1918, the basket para- chute was tested in the Navy for the first time. An observer descended from a Walloon in the basket, together with mai)s, instruments, etc. The very next day the French army, hundreds of miles away, made its first succes.sful experiment with the .same ty])e paraciuite. The American parachute was designed by Bankston, TV'ho made the first test, while J. R. Gammeter, of the B. F. Goodrich Com- pany, designed the release mechanism, which was a lever by means of which the ba.sket with all its contents could be Telea.sed from the burning balloon. Among the many foreign models pur- chased by the American Na\-y and ex- perimented with in this country while army and navy experts were acti\-ely studyingthei)arachute fpiestion in Europe are the Usuelli and mol)ile Italian types. In Italy an American naval aviator jumped from a huge Italian dirigible, using an Usuelli parachute, into the Mediterranean Sea 1,400 feet below, ■carrying with him a small pneumatic life-boat (designed by Major Leone) which he .successfully used upon landing an the water. In June, 1918, the navy began experi- mental work with parachutes as applied to seaplanes. On August 4, 1918, Maj. T. Orde Lees, AFC, RAF, successfully demonstrated the popular Briti.sh para- chute, "The Guardian Angel," l)y drop- ing from a swiftly moving HS-2 flying boat, piloted by Lieutenant Barron. Almost a year before this the CJermans had made successfid tests of the ])ara- chute as a life-saving device for airj)lanes. This .sjHirred the British to greater effort. The war not only ser\cd as a medium for advancing the develojnnent of all types of aircraft to a degree which in jjre-war days could not have been foreseen by e\'en the most hopeful air enthusiasts, but at the same time carried forward with an equal rapidity of advancement the de- velopment of the parachute as a life saving device for airplanes as well as balloons. The Navy Department is now experi- menting with a type of parachute de- signed by Airplane Inspector Coughlin, of the Bureau of Construction and Repair, which is said by exjierts to hold great ])romi.se as a still further degree of ])arachute development. The Coughlin parachute is designed for use on balloons and dirigibles. The most efficient para- chute for heavier-than-air craft, accord- ing to exi)ert opinion based upon more than 200 successful tests, is the British "Guardian Angel." Experimental work on all types is being pu.shed rapidly, and im])ortant improvements in design and a])pIication are now in process of develop- ment. Among the new jjhases contemplated is a reduction in size of parachutes used over water becau.se of the need of one that is small, light and more easily stowed on heavier-than-air craft. This is declared to be practicable, as a plunge can safely be made into water with far greater velocity than a dro]> to land. Still another contem])lated improvement is a parachute which is independent of any connection with the aircraft to facilitate its opening. Test after test has jiroven v7? 64 -(/ — if — ^iD' 1' I ... 'i - V V f i V ^ '-> V 'TV- - V V ' I : r J'AKi ( O r. ,t ; . Enemy Obskhva- Tll>X li.Vl.l.OON IX I'l.AMKS. tliat most of the acci- dents occiirriiif; result from failure of the para- chute to open in suffi- cient time to ciieck the fall of the flier before he hits the earth. There are two main causes which, in the case of the ordinary parachute, ac- count for a delay or an entire failure to open. The first is that the aperture at the apex of the body acts as a very efficient air ejector, and the suction creates a partial vacuum within. When the weight of the airman first comes on the rigging it pulls the cords together, and if, by any fatal chance, the silk gii.sscts at the moutli of the |)arachute should overlap and be i)resseil together by tlie o])i)osing current of air, the vacuum extends to the moutli, sucks the silk gussets together and seals up all entrance of the external air. A parachute in such ca.ses never opens, and the aviator falls to certain death. The .second main cause accounting for the failure of the i)arachute to open is entanglement of the rigging, which is compo.sed of fine coiled cordage. A large number of coiled cords are in con- tact and they have a strong tendency to become entangled. When the weight of the descending aviator makes a snatch at this cordage, all bunched together, the least air current will whip these cords round each other, with the imminent risk of their loops taking a grip and bind- ing themselves in knots. A partial entanglement of rigging means a lo])- sided i)arachutc body, and a dangerous increase in tlie sjjced of ilescent. A badly knotted entanglement means con- striction of the mouth of the parachute, and a high speed fatal fall. balloon or air])lane in such a way that the force which lireaks the i)arachute and its human load away from the craft also serves the ])urpose of cH'ecting the oi)ening of the para- chute. It .soon became ap- parent. liowc\er, tiiat under certain conditions, partic- ularly in modcTTi war- fare, it would be prcter- able li> liaxc a type en- tirely independent of any such comict-tion between aircraft a n d parachute. It is u])on such types among others that experts are now centering their efforts. The development of a ])ara- chute which reduces the hazards of the air to an absolute min- imum is now being sought. In dreat Hritain the Air [Ministry has created a sjjccial Parachute Conunittee. The important work done by the I nited States Air Service at the ex|)erimental field, Choi.sy Le-Roi, in coo])eration with the French Section Technique at St. Cyr, C'halais-Meudon and Villacoublay, will be carried on in the I'nited Stales. The navy, which has made many success- ful tests, is i)re|)aring to carry on the good work along definitely laid-out and well- conceived plans. The prcseiit policy of the navy in regard to i)ararluiles can be summarized thus. One parachute for each member of the crew of dirigibles becau.se of fire danger: for observation balloons, in ca.se of enemy attack; for heavier-than-air jilancs when subject to attack, or when special cir- cumstances warrant. That the work done by the ])ioneers in this dangerous and thrilling field formed one of the most exciting cha])ters in the war and constitutes one of the most important phases in the devcloi)ment of aeronautics is concetied by all who have a first-liand knowledge of the many elc- In the past a type of parachute was used which was connected with the ments of personal danger involveil •yy. ^ ^f-*-"^ , 'I .; ■> V Vv' ym^ ll ' i ' > ! 1 1 m ' .A' ''^ •'-■ C3^ ( (( ,ri,:,„d J LmliTivuuJ, A . 1 . iNC-t ^^D NC-l at Rockawav, (May 8.) The First Trans- Atlantic Flight By Lieut. Commander A. C. Read, U.S.X. THE expedition which resulted in tlio NC-i crossing tlie Athmtic was planned and engineered by the Navj' Department; all of the personnel were acting under orders. There was doubtless hardlv a sinule naval aviator hull of Number 1 was then assembled with the ujiper works of Number '■2 and tlic combination designated NC-l. The ships detailed to assist the flight were of three classes: "base shijjs,"" five in number, carrying su])])lics and aviation that would not have given most anything personnel, sent to the ports wliere stops he possessed for the privilege of going, were scheduled; "Meteorological shijjs," The eligibles, however, were not as numerous as is generally thonglit, for the flyers for this trip were solectcd from those imfortunate ones who had seen no over- seas duty during the war. five battleships, stationed at jjoinls aboul 400 miles off the courses, to obtain meteo- rological data; and "Patrol" or "Station ships" consisting of sixty-eight destroyers placed at 50 mile intervals wherever the The original plan was to send all four line of flight led over the o])en sea. Later NC's over, but when NC-l was partially five other destroyers were placed by tlic wrecked by dragging her moorings in a Commander Destroyer Force on a line gale, and going ashore, it was at once tween Lisljon and Cape P'inistcrre, so .seen that all four coukl not be prepared that the total number was .seventy-three, at the time scheduled for the start. The Besides these there were several other ly- — - ^Vl -'-''• >,S ^■.^ "■'? 'C^ .A'A, ships necessar.y to fuel the destroyers. Ill short, the Trans-Atlantic Flight was distinctly an "All Navy" project. All three planes st;irted together from Rockaway on May 8th. NC-i was forced down 80 miles off Cape Cod by motor trouble, while en route to Halifax, and finally taxied into the Naval Air Station, Chatham, the following morning, NC-3 and NC-1 meanwhile reaching Hali- fax and later going on to Trepassey Bay, Newfoundland. NC-4, after making re- pairs at Chatham, was held up six days by a "northeaster," but finally the weather moderated in time to fly to Halifax and then to Trepassey before the others started. The day following her arrival the three planes started together in the late after- noon for the Azores. At dark, finding that it was impossible to maintain forma- tion, they separated, each making the best of its way along the course. The next morning when still about 2.50 miles from the Azores, a dense fog was encountered which nearly proved the undoing of all three planes. Both NC-3 and NC-1 eventually landed, hoping to locate themselves. They found the sea .so rough that all hope of getting up again was abamlonctl; in fact, the crews had con.siderable difficulty in staying afloat. The crew of NC-1 was i)icked up by a tranijj steamer, six hours after landing, the plane later sinking. NC-3 sailed stern-first for about 200 miles until off Ponta Delgada, then started up her engines and taxied into pcjrt, after weath- ering nearly sixty hours of gale and waves as high as 30 to -10 feet. Nobody © Naval A ir Service. NC-3 AT Ponta Delgada. ^^ - & 0" ' -^z.^^- -^r^*^\ -V V y r I , ' •S' v' 1 ' ! ' •'■fy ■ fr "'f V ■ -yV? 'I • A Ac- i' • A.,A-- I ' I *';i m V L tulrrn'tnnt ^ I luterwtMKl, \. Y. I.IEirT. CoMIiH. ReaD I.EAVINfJ NC-4 AT PLYMOUTH, KngLANIJ. except those who went through the experience will ever realize how they did it. No one i)reviously had thought it possible. NC-4 was fortunate enough to sight land and reached Horta, Fayal, the morn- ing after leaving Trepassey; then a few days later, as soon as the weather per- mitted, ran the 1.50 miles to Ponta Delgada in order to fuel u]i for the 800- mile run to Lisbon. NC-3 was too badly battered to con- tinue the flight and was conse(|uently i V. ,t ( , A. ). NC-1 AT HOCKAWAV. dismantled and sent back to the States; she is now being thoroughly overhauled and will fly again. N('-4 left after a week of waiting for sea and weather conditions to moderate. The run to Lisbon was made without particular incident. Later she continued on her way to Plymouth, England, stop- ping in the Mondego River for minor repairs and again at Fcrrol, S])ain, to spend the night; this was necessary, due to the delay experienced at the .Mondego River. All of the European cities visitetl were most enthusiastic about the flight and everywhere the crews were treated as distinguished guests. The Portugue.se awarded them tlieir highest decoration, that of the "Tower and Sword"; the British awarded them the Royal .\ir Force Cross; ban(|Uets, receptions and "what-not" were in ()ri:e ■■2.(H p.m.— 8 May 6.5.3 p.m.— 8 May 1.07 p.m.— 14 May 5.10 p.m.— 14 May l'-2.53 ]).m. — 15 May 9.39 p.m.— 15 May 10.05 p.m.— 16 May l.'-23p.m.— 17May 1'2.39 i).m.— '20 May Arrived Ponta Delgada, San Miguel '2.'2-l p.m. — 20 May Left Ponta Delgada Arrived Lisbon Left Lisbon Arrived jNIondego River, Portugal Left Mondego River, Portugal Arrived Ferrol, S])ain Left Ferrol, S])ain Arrived Plymouth, England 10.18 a.m.— 27 May 8.01 p.m.— 27 May 5.29 a.m.— 30 May 7.21 a.m.— 30 May 1.38 J). m.— ,30 May 4.47 p.m.— 30 May 6.27 a.m.— 31 May 1.26 p.m.— 31 May Total Distance sea miles 284 355 474 1,206 153 153 786 134 237 487 Elapsed iime in air 4 hrs. 51 min. 4 hrs. 03 min. 6 hrs. 23 min. 15 hrs. 13 min. 1 lir. 45 min. 9 hrs. 43 min. 1 hr. 52 min. 3 hrs. 09 min. 6 hrs, 29 min. 4,116 53 hrs. 58 min. Note : On water 2 hours and '2.'! minutes not included in elapsed time. A'C-3 Crews A^C-4 Comdr. J. H. Towers, USN, Commanding Comdr. Holden C Richardson, C. C, USN. Lieut. Comdr. Robert A. Lavender, USN. Lieut. David McCulloch, USNRF. Boatswain Lloyd R. Moore, USN. Lieut. Comdr. Albert C. Read, USN, Commanding 1st Lieut. Elmer E. Stone, USCG. Lieut. James L. Breese, USNRF. Lieut. Walter Hinton, USN. Ensign Herbert C. Rodd, USNRF. CMM Eugene S. Rhoads, USN. AY-1 Lieut. Comdr. P. N. L. Bellinger, USN, Commanding. Lieut. Comdr. Marc. A. Mitscher, USN. Lieut. Louis T. Barin, USNRF. Lieut, (j.g.) Harry Sadenwater, USNRF. Machinist Rasmus Christen.sen, USN. CMM (A) C. I. Kesler, USN. Lieut. Comdr. R. E. Byrd, USN., and Lieut. J. B. Rhodes, USNRF., went as far as Newfoundland. 70), - -a -A - 1' . ' ■, iTff The Homing Pigeon A Fearless Messenger in Time of War By Lieut, (j.g.) J. J. McAtee, R. F. ALTHOUGH a descendiuit of tlmt after tlioir ships had lu'on torpiMlocd liy foatliored family which has fur- suhmarines. nishcd the whole worhl witli a Tlie establisiiinj; of pigeon hjfts at commonly accepted emhloin of ))eace. the various naval air stations was not tlie homing ])igoon of today has proven seriously considered until Fehruary. 1!)IS. itself to lie really a bird of war, as tlie ]iaii it has played recently on land and water, has been of great military value to the governments it served. The pigeon has estal)lishe(i itself not onlv as a carrier that can be trusted to Since that time fourteen lofts at the following stations have Iieen completed and et|uii>iied with pigeons: (hat ham, Rockaway Beach, Bay Shore, ('ai)e May, Anacostia, D. C; Hampton Roads, More- head Citv, ^liami, Kev West, Pensacola, mission but it delivers its messages with a speed almost etpial to that of the wireless. The heliograph, tele])hone, telegra])h and wireless — the princii)al means of coninumication u.sed during tlie recent war — all have one great weakness. Mes- sages so transmitted are as clear to a watchful enemv as thev are to the friends -^v. faithfully and fearlessly perform its San Diego, Coco Solo, and (ireat Lakes. Upw-ards of (iOO pigeons were trained at the above mentioned stations and previous to the signing of the armistice there were more than 2,500 trained pigeons in the V. S. Naval Air Service abroad. These birds performed ad- mirably when it is considered that they were all in their first year of training. An idea of their efficiency might be for whom the message is intended, gained from the records of the work done Special corjis of experts for the intercej)- by the birds at I'auillac, where a c()mi)le- tion and interpretation of enemy nies- ment of seventy-eight birds deliverctl .sages were maintained by all of the 698 messages in one month — 219 of these belligerents and much important data messages being of an urgent nature, sent was secured by both sides concerning by .seaplanes down at sea. location and intentions of enemy units. Since the historic occasion on which a Carrier pigeons alone carried messages dove carried to Noah unmistakable silently, swiftly and directly to the parties evidence that the flood was subsiding and for whom they were intended, and enemy land and a safe harbor were not far dis- bullets (lisi)atched to interriii)t their tant. the pigeon has been jiroving its flight .selik)m stopped the.se faithful utility and versatility and its uiuiues- couriers. tioned ability to serve man in many In the Xavy the i)igeon did important extremities. There is a ca.se on record scout duty along the .sea coast and proved of a navy air pilot doing patrol duty a sure means of communication between on the coast of France who completely air iiilots and their stations. They were lost his bearings when his comi)ass failed also carried by practically every patrol him. After aimlessly wandering around boat operated in European waters, and for some time, this |)ilot thought of the in many instances were insf runiental in two pigeons he carried. He quickly bringing aid that saved the lives of crews liberated the birds and followed them in 'II M ,| Wit? --n their flight. They guided him safely back to his station. Messages to be carried by pigeons are written on small blocks of onion skin paper. The message is then rolled into a small pellet and inserted in a light alumi- num container which is strapped to the bird's leg. As the pigeon needs light to guide his flight it is not possible to use them at night nor in heavy, foggy weather. The distance a bird will ac- complish depends largely upon its indi- vidual training and capability. In the second year of training, however, a bird should be able to travel up to 500 miles with accuracy, and 200 miles has been ac- complished by birds in their first year of training. The very nature and importance of the work entrusted to these winged mes- sengers has given them numerous op- portunities to distinguish themselves in the military and naval service. Hun- dreds of stories of their accomplishments have been recorded and many of the birds have won world wide fame. A few examples of the nature and value of the work may be determined by the follow- ing extracts from records on file in the Navy Department. One instance is that ensuing when a British patrol boat was attacked early one morning by a German submarine. The vessel was torpedoed and rapidly began to sink. The skipper, however, had time to write a brief message, roll up the scrap of paper and attach it to the leg of a pigeon before the shattered craft sank under his feet. Just in time he threw the bird into the air and within the next minute he was struggling in the water clinging to a bit of wreckage. By this time the U-boat had risen to the surface the crew quickly discovered the pigeon and opened fire on it with rifles. The skipper, struggling in the water saw that the bird had been hit and gave up all hope of rescue. However, he failed to consider the plucky nature of the bird and the tre- mendous power of its homing instincts. Some iQ miles away the pigeon alighted on the deck of a patrolling destroyer, its silvery gray plumage speckled with blood, one of its wings crippled and the tail feathers completely shot away. The bird was quickly carried to the com- mander of the destroyer who took the message from its leg and three minutes later the destroyer was speeding to the rescue, with her wireless filling the air with news of the enemy's location. In less than an hour the survivors of the sunken vessel were safe on board the rescuing ship. A game little bird had saved their lives. The pigeon later recovered from its wounds and resumed its place on the "active" list. A seaplane of the Royal Naval Air Service got into trouble at sea and tossed its pigeons into the air at l.ii a. m. The pigeon reached its loft at 8.00 a. m. with this message: "Am down off North Goodwin; light vessel; very rough sea." At 8.04 a patrol boat was on its way to the rescue. On another occasion a pigeon reached its loft carrying the following message: "Down at Nieuport; compression tap blown off; radiator empty; filling up with salt water and will return as soon as possible." Another seaplane was sent to the rescue but was unable to discover the disabled machine. Five days later the seaplane's second pigeon homed with a message written in German, dispatched from the German seaplane station at Zeebrugge. It read: "English machine and pilot Cooke are prisoners. Observer Crothers dead." At a certain seaplane station in Flan- ders early one morning a pigeon was seen to dive from the clouds and enter its loft hurriedly. The thin piece of tissue paper carried in the small cylinder on its leg read: "Potvin, shot down 10 miles N. N. E. Nieuport; one Hun down; my tanks shot; French destroyer on its way; .send fighters. Graham." At the seaplane station this meant ■J- ^, * - m K k.- it. Witli the engine a-roarin; .\way we go soarin' And the exhaust sparks go flying l)y. The wires all a-singin' I'p we go swingin' Just to say how-de-do to the sky. The earth like a picture. .\ beautiful uUNlure. Of yellow and purple and gold. .\s i)ure and clean. .\s an idealist's dream Or the heart of a prophet of old. -_rw- And all that'.s betwixt us. And a fall that will fix us. Is spruce and some doped cotton cloth. ]?ut it's the game, it's the game. .And hf)nf>r anJ~ 3n iHemoriam HE (lied as lie hud willed t<.) die, A warrior of the embattled sky, Who deemed his life's work hardly done Had he not struck the godless Hun: Struck with the ardent strength of youth For Peace, for Liberty, for Truth, For every gift that makes life dear. That men might live devoid of fear, That Mothers, with their babes in arms Secure, may dwell, from wars' alarms. That the young wife with eager care Her spouse's evening hour prepare. That children at their school or play Be no more blood-mad German prey. IN sweetest youth full well he died Vighting to stem the Huns' red tide. Offering as sacrifice to Heaven The dearest gifts to mankind given — His love's young dream, his school girl wife. His boyhood's home; Oh! cruel strife Calling the boy at manhood's brink The fiery cup of War to drink. Dauntless he grasped the fatal cup Nor faltered to its deepest sup; Hurling defiance at the foe. The German beast, the World's worst woe. Brave boy, he willed no better end. Than home, than friends, than wife, defend. To heed the call of Lafayette, Of Noble France's bloody sweat His fair young face upraised to Heaven For these, resigned his life, God given. Glad was his life, and great his death. Xor faltered to his dying breath Oh! gentle boy but light we weighed The greater part your death portrayed To our dull minds; while now we mourn All that was you, unduly borne To mysteries unfathomed deep Where sleep our heroes — where you sleep. Midst France's sons, in France's breast. So doubly honored, doubly blest. TO the far eons while the sun His burning cycles daily run Your name shall live in France's name, America's undying fame. In Belgium's dauntless few who stood Checking the hell-loosed German brood; Where Britain's sleepless bulwarks ride Sweeping the Huns from every tide. Where Italy, true to her fame. Withstood the hordes of sin and shame. Graved is your name — 'mongst heroes all. Who sprang like falcons to the call. Of Country, Liberty, of Right At the high dawn of Freedom's fight. Sleep, gentle boy, where heroes sleep. In France's earth — nor shall we weep. Knowing the glory of your end For France, for Lafayette our friend. Bearing aloft the blazing brand Of freedom from our Western Land. Teaching the World with proud last breath, America was true to death. S.\MUEL W. B. HOSFORD. 4/ - r, — ( . '.-vi .4,A> '.VA: :-<}: ■ \ *- ^ t.\,V; y.AA • A .'- ■ >,V>,- . i ) . ,i^ > Aui:. '2!), 1918 Peiisacola •Ian. '>8 Hamilton Hils. Aus. ■ii. 1!)1S Brest, I'raiice Oct. 8 1918 Paris All- 11, 1918 I'orto Corsiiii Mav 5. 1919 Hockaway Mav ■27. 1918 Julv 7, 1918 Mi)Utcliic Dec. 2ti. 1917 Pensacoia Aug. a, 1918 Feb. ^3 risliernians Islainl Sept 51, 1918 (iallup's Islaiiil Mar. '25. 1918 Peiisaciila Mav 17, 1919 Pensacola Mav iO, 1919 Coco Solo Apri .5, 1918 Kev West .liilv 1.-). 1919 League Is., Pliila. I'eb. 27. 1918 Julv •ir>. 1919 Coco Solo Sept 10, 1918 Mass. Inst, of Tec Mav 31. 1918 Miami, Ha. Mar. IG, 1918 Pensacola Dundee. Scotland -'^ I 1 -yw, Xaiiu Hank Killed Place ^VYV Adams, IIahhy E Lieut, (j.g.) Oct. 5. 1918 Pauillac 'li'li ' Adams, High Jacou.s Knsign May 5, 1919 Rockaway ^^Q-J^ ' ^ ' ' Aldk.v, Spencer T Ensign May +, 1918 Hay Shore ] Y ' j 1 .\\DEnso.N, Walkhed A. . , Electrician Oct. -2-2, 1918 .Vhroad I . • , Andersox, Wallace C .Seaman Oct. 3(1, 1918 ^^Vt-i I A-\dhe\vs, J. F Ensign July 13, 1918 Chatliani | | I AsiiLKV, J. \Vm Lieut, (j.g.) May 19. 1919. Uakeh, Claide A Seaman Dee. .5, 1917 Moutcliic q^,' ' ^ t ' Harnett, Lester A Quartermaster -Vug. 22, 1918 .Xbroad Til Hark, CiiAPi.v C Lieutenant Sept. 29, 1918 Dunkirk |'' Harhktt. T. W Quartermaster July 1. 1917 France Harron. Harold C Ensign .\pril 29, 1919 Cape May Harry, E. H Ensign .\ugust. 1918 St. Trojan ' , . Hkma.n, \Vm. J Student Officer July 12, 1918 Hay Sliore ' " Hi:].L, A. M Ensign Feb. 28, 1919 Hampton Hds. Hi-.i.L, C. A F'eb. 23, 1918 Fisliermans IslanATON, Tiios. Wixdell Student Officer Ehrke. .\. E Machinist EicHELBEHOER, Ed. C (Quartermaster FyLLis, .\lbeht E. K Lieut, (j.g.) Elwood, Samuel W Student Officer EvAXs, G. B Ensign Fazio, ("has. J Machinist I"'isiiER, Raymond R ' Machinist Fexton, Jos. J Aug. 13, 1918 Pensacola Fisher, Lorm H Student Officer Sept. 21, 1918 Chel.sea Flieshman, Charles Electrician .\ug. 2. 1917 Bay Shore Fowler, P'rancis M Ensign NLiy 17, 1919 I'ensacola Fraley, Guy B Student Officer Aug. 12. 1918 Pensacola 'y'^/vi., Frothixgham, Philip B Ensign Sept. U, 1918 St. Inglevert f ' 1 1 i|i Ciaxster, J Quarterma.stcr May 18, 1918 Dunkirk <;exdrax, B. Lamcox Gunner Mar. 29, I9I8 Miami. Fla. fiERIIARDY, Theo. W Sludcnt Officer Nov. 23, 1918 Key West Ginns, John F Lieulenant Oct. -27, 1918 Scho.indijk |)| <;oGGI\s, Ja.mesL Quartermaster .\iig. 11. 1918 Porto Corsini .-A iJoLDMAN. P (Quartermaster .\ugust. 1918 Flanders Coast '■ (I ^=si ^<^ . .'> •' / y' ■ Same Rank Killed PcLLiAM, Harold A Ensign April 4, 1919 Read. C. S Kiisign Feb. i*>. I9IS Ritchie, David May 7. 1919 Red.mav, Wm. Frederick Machinist Aug. i\, 1918 Reed, Curtis S En.sign Feb. 27, 1918 Reed, Chas. E Ensign Aug. 16, 1918 Reid, Ceoffrey L Ri< e. Charles B Student Officer Sept. 27, 1918 RiCHARDSO.\, Je.sse Machinist Aug. 22, 1918 Ri< HTEH, George Quartermaster Dec. 7, 1917 Ku HARD.SO-V, Robert E Electrician Oct. 11, 1918 RiES, Fred E Ensign Nov. 10. 1918 Riley, Frank William Ensign Oct. 12, 1918 RiT< hie. Davie May 17, 1919 Rouen. D. H Captain Oct". 27. 191S l{oi!iNsoN, II, A Ensign Mar. .'51, 1919 RoEHHu;. Harold L Ensign .July 15. 1919 Ri:tlei)(;e, Davxe IIorto.v Ensign Feb. 7. 1919 Saufly, R. C Lieutenant .June 9, 1910 Sainders, Stewart Bextox Ensign Sept. 24, 1918 Schneider, .\NTnoxY Stmlent Officer Sept. 22, 1918 Scherdixg, Walter Tips Stinloiit Officer Oct. 2U, 1918 Scott, W. R , .Quartermaster Mar. 17, 1918 Sergai. Bexxett Macliinist Oct. II. 1918 Skaggs. a. D Quartermaster Feb. 28. 1918 Smith, Edward .\.. .Ir Student Officer .\pril :iO. 1918 Smith, Winthrop F Ensign Oct. 11). 1918 SouLDER, II. G Boatswain. .luly 15, 1919 Soi-THER, .V. F Lieutenant Julv 19, 1918 Sparkes. .James A Student Officer Oct. .'SO. 19is SpRAGiE. Wm. Griffith Ensign Oct. 20. 1918 Stoker, Ellsworth W Machinist Aug. 20. 1918 Stoltz. M. L Lieutenant .June, 1915 Stirtevant. a. D Ensign Feb. 18. 1918 Sti-rte\ant. Eldred Midshipman Oct. 9. 1918 Sylvester, Byrl E StU(k-nt Officer .lunc 19. 1918 Talaska, Walter Paii .Student Officer September 2. 191 Tate, Ja.mes .\le.\ander Stuthmt Officer Mar. 21. 1919 Taylor. C. W Lieutenant Oct. 22. 1918 Taylor. Ermond .Vlbert Stuih-nt Officer Feb. 19, 1919 Taylor. Harvey .Iohx Quartermaster Oct. 18. 1918 Taylor. R(iderick P Machinist Oct. 10. 1918 Terres. High F^nsign .^ug. 21, 1918 Terrier. Stewart McD Ensign Feb. 23, Thomas. R. H : Machinist July 25. 1919 TiBUETTs, RissELL D Ensign Oct. 8, 1918 TiMKHAM, Edward I Ensign Mar. 30, 1919 ToLXAs. Trygva J Ensign Dec. 31. 1918 Topp. .ArGtsTUs Student Officer .Vug. 12. 1918 ToRXES, Berxhard .\pril 27. 1919 Treble. He< tor Wm Student Offic-er Oct. 1, 1918 Triex. Eldoxe H Ensign Mar. 31. 1919 Tti ker. L. F Quartermaster .Aug. 1918 Tyson. C. McC Lieut, (j.g.) Oct. 11, I9I8 \"an Kirk, Deax R Ensign May 1, 1917 Vath. Earl J Electrician Aug. 20. 1918 Velie. 11. G Quartermaster May 7, 1918 VoRNAiER, Glexwyx A Student Officer Nov. 2. 1918 Walker. Doxald Ensign April 7. 1919 Walker. Gcy- Adler Ensign Oct. 19, 1918 Wats, Earl Joseph Electrician Aug. 22, 1918 Weddell. T. M Quartermaster Mar. 7, 1918 Weed, Walker Ensign Weigel, Carl Herrmaxx Ensign Mar. 31, 1919 Well.s. Harry M Seaman .\ug. 0, 1917 WiGMoRE. John Student Officer .Jan. 18, 1911 Willmoth. George T Seaman Oct. 30. 1918 Wii.,^^ ■;^'i' ^-JV^. vCirVi' -sl. rSNRF. N. A. No. 448. HTA. BAKER. CIIAS. S. Lieutenant 4925 Couduil Road. Wash- ington, D. i-l. IVnsarolu, (iroal Lake.-^, HiiriNiii of OiHTalions. Wash.. I). <". liSNRF. N. A. No. 191 IITA. y Y; i BARIN, LOUIS T. Lieutenant 802 E. Asli St.. Portland. Oregon. Pfnsucohi. .Miami, Hampton Roads. I SNRF. N. A.l.\o..5(i. Ill A. BELL, Ct)l.l.l.\ W . Lieutetuint Colorado Bldn.. Wash.. D. C Rockaway Bcarh. Aviation .\ide. Third Naval District. ISNHF. N. A. No. 106. LTA. BLAIR, WILLIAM \1. Lieutenant 4830 Drexel Blvd.. Chiinno. 111. Great Lakes. Mami>toii Roads. Pensaeola.N. Bonih. Gr. USNRK. N. A. No. 436. HTA. BLASIAR, ARTHUR F. Lieutenant (luilford. N. ^ . Bensaeola. Cohimhia I'niversitv, tJreat Lakes. LTA and IITA. BRISCOE, BEN.I. Commander I 709 W. Main St . Jackson, Mich. Naval .\ide to Cai)t. II. 1. Cone, Foreign Waters. USN. ^^^SV^^^^^^^ BBISIUGBAIIA.M M Lieutenant Greenwich, ('onn. West Palm Beach. Huntington. L. I. USNRF. N. A. No. 79. HTA. CHENEY. CHARLES C Lindenanl 241 Walden Drive. Glencoe, I'erisacola. Fla. N. A, LTA. III. No. 17.56. CORISETT. M. Q. Lirtitrnttnl Carnegie. Pa. Peiisacola, Akron, Hampton Roads, \Vashinf,'ton. I'aimboeuf, USNRK. N. A. No. 549. LTA. CONEY, A. C. Lieutenant 262 Rerkeley St.. Rochester, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. USNRF. HTA. ^f^SSs \'- COHHIN. IIOHACK W. Lieutenant Grand Isle, Vt. Philadel- phia, Brooklyn, Roston. USNRF. N. A. No. 621. HTA. COOMBE, R. G. ■ Lieutenant 116 Easti63rd St., New York City. Palm Beach, Hunlinglon, Moulchic, Le Croisic, Milan, Calais, East- leigh. USNRF. N. A. No. 92. HTA. CUMMINGS, JAMES H. Lieutenant Care of John B. Stetson Co.. Sth & Moiilgoniery .\ve., Philadelphia, Pa. Itay Shore. L. I., Miami, USNRF. N. A. No. 377. HTA. ^ 'liJ ^^/ ^!l^ CURTIS, LAURENCE Lieutenant 464 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Newport News, Pensacola. HTA. DICKKHSON, JOHN S. Lieutenant Red Bank, N. J. Bureau C. & R.. Naval Dpexalions, Wa^li., Brunswick, Ga. USNRF. DIT.MA.N. .VLIiERT J Lieutenant Englewood, N. J. Bay Shore. Experimental pilot, Bu. of Ordnance. \Vash. USNRF. N. A. No. 103. HTA. 'O-r. <=^=-^ •^3 IHM.V.. I'AKH IIOHAIIO Lieutenant Garrison, N. Y. Bu. St. Eng., Wash., D. C. Londun, Paris, Brest, Balloon Sect.. A.E.F. at Paris. Kr. I'S- NBF. DUN Ml 1.11 , TIIOH.NK Lu'ult'iiant Thornehurst. Lake Forest, 111. Bay .Shore, .Miami, ButTolo. IISNHK. N. A. No. 109. HTA. FALLON, NUGKNT Lieutenant Commander 67 William St.. NYC. Newport News, Norfolk, Paris, .Moiitchir, Felix- stowe, Washington, Pen- sacola, Boston. USNRF. N. A. No. 113. HTA. i ) Kin , SIIKRIDAN n. Licutcnnnl Columbia Club, 4 \\'csl 43rd St., New York Cily. Hay Shore. L. 1.; Miami. Ituroaii Uiierations. Wash.; I'SNHF. N. A. No. 1092. *^«™ rib ^ ^ ^^^^^- ''^...r^^l FULLER, PERCIVAL S. Lieuteitant 826 Main St., Racine, W is. BuH'alo, Pensacola, Coco Solo, C. Z. USNHF. N. A. No. 131. HTA. ;f GARTZ, RICHARD C. Lieutenant Pasadena, Cal. Akron, Cape May. Rockawuy, Paimboeuf, Paris. N. A . No. a.i'o. LTA. A^ : A » ■ GOULD, ERL C. li. Lieutenant Wooclliiiiii Road, Pitls- litir^'h. Pa. West Palm Beach, lliintint^ton. Bay Shore, key West. USNRF. N. A. No. 68. HTA. GREENE, PAUL A. Lieutenant Rogers, Texas. Pensacola, .\kroii, Hampton Roads, \Vashin^ton, D. C, Rock- away Beach. New York. USNRF. .N. A. No. 612. LTA. GUGGENHEI.M, H. F. Lieutenant Commander H7» .Miulison .\ve.. New York Cily. H. Q. in Paris, LoniloM, Rome; Northern Bonihinn (ir.. H \.F.; duly at most foreign N. .\. .Sta- tions. USNRF. HTA. ^/i-\i m ki\ ~i^' 81 -J^ -.- --'L^-- ^■. •--^ >*.c/ ' w IIAMT.KN. \V. L. Lieutenant 15h3 Mission St.. San Francisco, Cal. Akron, Kochcfort. Paris, Paim- hoeuf. Washington. N. A. No, ini. I,TA. IVES. PAUI, F. Lieutenant 167 Court St., Dedham, Mass. Pensacola, Calciicit, Portland, Felixstowe. Kill- ingholme, EnR. IN. A. No. 195. HTA. LOWREY, ALAN J. Lieutenant Harvard Club, 27 W. Mth St.. New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola, WashinKton. USNKF. N. A. No. 282. LTA. r ■- \ , ^i%> . •«» i^ §.' K <•*»«. i-"^ iiuLMKs, i:akij-: F. Lieutenant V. S. Naval Wt Station. .Anacostia, D. C. IV KY; JULIAN D. Lieutenant Boston, Ga. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, N. A. No. 521. USNRF. HTA. (O) McCANN, RICHARD II. Lieutenant' E. Washington Lane, Ger- inantown. Pa. R. F. C. Toronto, Can., Hampton Roads,Ft. Worth, Washing- ton, K illingholme, Eng. USNRF. N. A. No. U7. HTA. J^IT^A^ HOOD, Dii-\Al.i' I Lieutenant 77 Warren St., Rrookline, Mass. Akron, USNRF. LTA. LEE, WILLIAM JUSTICE Lieutenant Box 378, Jacksonville, Fia. Construction & Inspection Onicer, Buffalo, Wash., D. C, Pliiladelphia, Garden Cily, Rockaway. USNRF. HTA. MASEK, WILLIAM Lieutenant 4866 Winthrop Ave., Chi- cago, III. Pensacola, Bay Shore, Hampton Roads, Le Croisic, Fr. U.S.N. N. A. No. 58. LTA. HTA. ^^' 8-2 ^^y M.WKlKLn, I.. II. ijtrnnitirifffr 627 Coiiclriili Ave..- Si. Paul. Minn. IV-nsacdla, Akron. I*aimh»nul". Fr., WashiMKloii. U. S. N. N. A. .^". 17. LTA. HTA. MOI.ONKY, JOHN F. Lieutenant • 316 W. 9:ird Si..' New York Cily. C. O. al (Jui- pavus and Whiddy Island. IJ.S.N. NAYLOR. JIKMAY H. Lieutenant 12 Hasl 781h St.. New York Cily. Hav Shore; Miami, Wash.. D.C. USNUF. N. A. No. 212. ll'EA. Lielttrnttnl 17(1') Prairie .\ve., Chicago. Ill Yale Llnil No. 2, HnlTal". N. Y.. Pensacola; Sq. 1. Northern BoinbinK Gr. IISNBF. N. a. No. 127. HTA. PIERCE. TIIO.MAS J. II. Lieutenant 1086 Narrogansell Hlvd , Cranston. R. I. .Sqnanliini. Mass.. Pensaeola. Hamil- ton Roads. Coco Solo. il. '/. USNRF. N. a. No. 169. HTA. piii-z. JOHN i,Hi;(ii;ir Lieutenant KH Broail St.. Koslon, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola. Kla. RKAl). A. C. Lieutenant Commander Comdr. NC-4 TransAlIan- lic Flight. LISN. N. A. No. 21. HTA. til) nEE.MEUN. c. n. Lieutenant 3061 Clcinview Ave.. East, Hill. Cincinnati. Ohio: Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pen- sacola. Hnrcau Navii;. (TraininK Section). HTA. RICHARDSON. LieatenunI 21)23 ^- 83 —-v^- -- -tP - rsnr:} '^gg-- ■• ■-u_^::r.-f ---"^.C^-l*^. '^•'^ ; " :.'-' --ait.'' SARGENT, SAMUEL W. Lieuienant 360 Penn Rd., Wynnwood, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tocli. In charge of Receiving Ship. USNRF. SMITH, F. M. Lieutenant Kittery, Maine. Bu. of C. & % R , Wash., Oflicer in charge of Spruce Produc- tion for the Navy, Super- intending Construction of Aircraft, Boston, Mass. USN. STONE. A. J. Lieuienant Commander % General Ordnance Co.. 2 W. 4;trd St.. New York City. Washington, D. C USNRF. SHUMWAY, CARL E. Lieutenant 25 Bellevue Ave., Melrose. Mass. Akron, Rockaway Beach, Queenstown, Ire., Castletown. Ire.. RAF. Balloon Base No. 16, Meriheld, Cornwall, Eng N. A. No. 319. LTA. rt_^ kk r^P 1 1^^ SQUIRES, J. G. Lieutenant F. 1125 Lexington Ave., New York City. Bu. Construc- tion & Repair, Wash.. D. C. Sup. Con. .\ircrart. New York. USNRF. STRONG, ALEXANDER Lieuienant 39 Court St., Dedham, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Hampton Roads, USNRF. N. A No. 374. HTA. SMITH. CLINTON M. Lieutenant Box 14, Dighton. Mass. Miami, Pensacola, Montauk, Anacostia. HTA. I STARK, EDWIN M. Lieutenant Commander 365 Park Ave.. Mansfield, O. Ass't to the Manager Naval Aircraft Factory, Navy Yard. Philadelphia USNRF. tc \ TOWNSEND, R. S. Lieutenant 6 Otis Plaip. Hoslon, Mass. Newport Mews, Hampton Rouds, New I-Aiiidon. IJSN- RF. N. A. No. J 19. LTA. VORYS. JOHN M. Lieiiteruml 441 Kast Town St.. Colum- bus, Ohio. Palm Reat-li, Hiiiiliiif;tou, L. 1,, iVloiit- chic, Hourtin, St. Raphac;!, Felixstowe, Hamptnii Rds., USNRF. N. A. No. 7,t. HTA. {V^'i W AI.KKH, SAMUEL S. Lktilenunt (iarrison. New York. Le Croisin. Fr., Milan. H.. St. Inglovcrl, Fr. USNRF. N. A. No. 86. IITA. ',"^^^0 ..<^^MR%>, WALMl. J. IIKNRY Lieutenonl 166 Washington Ave.. Prov., R. I. Squantum. .Mass., Hampton Roads, Anacos- lia, D. C. LiSNRF. N. A. No. 525. HTA. WALTON, MAHK \V. Lieutenant 'y737 WocxIJawn Ave., Chi- cago. III. Haraplon Roads, Moiirc-hir. Fr.. itolsena. It. ISNHF. N. A. No. 120. IITA. W ATKINS. R. A., Jr. Lieidenant 307 KasI Stain St.. Mnr- shalltown, Iowa. Pensa- rola; USS l.-I, i'hila.l Instructor Coliiniliia Univ.; Detroit. Packard; Hii. St, Eng. USNRF. WHITEIIOUSE, \V.P.,Jr. Lieutenant lllil Vanghan St., Portland, Me. Paimlioeuf, Brest, Paris, l^ndon. US.NMF. N. A. No. W. LTA. WOLCOTT, ROBERT W . Lieutenant 1819 West Washington Ave., Retlilehem, Pa. .Mass. Inst, of Te<-h., Drill & Discipline Ollicer. USNRF. /I \1\U. FRANK A., Jr. 4<)3 Hth .\ve.. Brooklyn, N Y. RFC. Toronto. Can., Bay Shore, Ma.ss, Inst, of Tech.. Seattle, San Diego. N. A. No. 152. HTA. ■.k'l liULiAji ,, Allen, F. H.. Lieiilenanl. KcniUorlh. III. t ^:T r Ames. Allan W. LicultMiatil. Care of Jamp> C. Sawyer, . I 111 Andover, Mass. Palm lieaeli, Hunlinglon. flay Shore, , I 1 Ft. Worlh, Hampton Hoads. Dayton. \Vashinii:lou, Paris, London, Tex. N. A. No. 57. R. F. HTA. .\Monv, Francis I., Jn.. Lientenant, 413 Commonwealth AVe.. Boston, Mass. Toronto, Can., Marblehead, Boston Navy Yard, Op. Nav.. Hampton Roads. Pensacola, Bay Shore, Mass. Inst, of Tech. N. A. No. 141. HTA. Babbitt, Le.vian L., Lieutenant, Houghton, N. Y. Pensacola. U. S. S. Senllle. San Diego, Rockefort, Paim- boeuf, Gujon. N. A. No. 283. U. S. N. HTA. HvLCH, Gordon IL. Lieutenant Commander, 120 Broadway, New York Citv. Washiugfon. D. C., Bureau of Operations. R. F. N. A. No. 495. HTA. Baldwin, .\ugustus M., Lieutenant, 73 Remsen St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Treluier. Fr., Cotes du Nord (C. O.). H. F. N. A. No. 699. HTA. Barnabv, R. S., Lieutenant, 2.t7 Hamilton .\ve.. New Brighton, N. Y. Barrv. fiDWARD I!,, Lieutenant. 1412 Mass u-husetts ' Ave., Washington. D. C. Bahtlett, II. T., Lieutenant. N. .\. No. 21. Battle. C. E., Lieutenant. Beach, Ch.ibles Frederic. Lieutenant, West Hartford, Conn. Huntington, Moutehic, Dunkirk, Escadrille do ■St Pol. N. A. No. 7.5. HTA. BiGGERS. Robert L., Lieutenant, Care of W. O. Riggers, Book BIdg., Detroit. Mich. Pensacola, Miami. H. F. N. A. No. 21.5. HTA. Boettcher, .\RTHt'R IL. Lieutenant. 164.S Jarvis .\ve.. Chicago, III. Bu. of Ordnance. Washington, D. C. R. F. Biimkenridge, Gwin. Lieutenant. Church St., Rich- mond Hill. New York City. R. F. C. Canada, Bay Shore, I'eiis;n' .■ A>- Lamar. L. V., Lieutenant, nl I N. Havlen St., Pensacola, Kla. N. A. No. 21«. Landon. H. H.. Jn., Lieutcnanl. l'> K. a.lrtj St.. New York City. I.ANzsnowN. Lieut. C'ommaiider, New York City. N. .\. No. 105. Lfftin. Kdw. H., Liculenaiit. Lkkjhton. HnicE (Iahunkh. Lieul. rommaniler. Tnnk- hannork. Pa. IVnsarola, llamplon Roads. Kiilinjiliolme. V. S. N. N. .\. No. 10. HTA. LiTTi-K. Chables G.. LiiMiIenant. 227 Hijrh St.. Ncw- hiirypnrt. Mass. Ooodyear Tirp & Hubher Co.. Akn>n. Hochefort. raimbo«*uf. St. Cyr. (luipavas, Kr., Cape May. N. A. .No. 1(12. LTA LoFTiN. Edw. H., I^itMitenant. LoFTiN, Frank., Lieul. Conunander. LoHMANN. .\lfrf.d P.. Comniancier. Pi-rkiii^ Mill, Akr<»ri. Ohio. Naval .\ircraft Factory. Navy Yard. Phiiadelpiiia- H. F. HTA. Lo\ i:tt. Hobfrt A.. Lieut. Commander, Locust \'aney> L. I., N. \ . Wt'si Palm Heach. Hunliiijitoii, France- H. F. MTA. LvNCH. Frank R., Lieutenant. 25 Ix>gan St., Lawrence, Kan. MrAniE, .\i.E.x.\NDEn G., Lieut. Commander. Read- %illr, Mass. M< Coin. pAi'i. IL. Lieutenant. 612 E. Monroe St., \li. Pleasant. Iowa. N. A. No. 159. McCrary. F. R., (^'ommander. MrCfi.i.ocH. Daviii IL. Lieutenant. 280 Madison .\ve.. New "^'ork City. M< h w MNE. .Archibald, Lieutenant, 682 Prospect \ve.. Hartford. Conn. McNamara. J. F.. Lieutenant, 32 Everett St.. Arlinfiton. \Ia.»«. N. A. No. 199. \I icHoNALi), Kknneth R.. Lieut. Commander. 69 Fordhani Drive. HutFalo. N. Y. M MniE-N, W'li^oN K.. Lieut. C'ommander. M M.E. A. E. J.. Lieutenant. Stonelejgh Court. Phila- delphia. Pa. Naval .Aircraft Factory, Navy Yard, IMiila- drlphia. R. F. M\soN. C. P.. Lieutenant. N. A. No. 52. MiLLF.R, Roman J., Lieutenant. MiMs. Harvey B.. Captain. N, A. No. 576. MiTrHEn. M.. Lieut. Commander. N. A. No. 33. Moloney. John F.. Lieutenant. 316 W. 93rd St.. New York City. Commanding, (iuipavas. Fr., \\'hiddy Island. Ire. MoNFORT, J. C, Lieut. Commander, Mason. Ohio. Pensacola, Navy Dept., Washington, Creat I^kes, Seattle, Hockaway. V. S. N. N. A. No. 3r>. HTA. Mot LTHRiH'. Bi;rr. Lieutenant. 1270 lltli .\ve.. San Francisco, (^al. Pensacola. .\kron, Paimboeuf, Fr. R. F. N. A. No. 616. LTA. MoiiNT. David A,, Lieutenant. Bayheod, N. J. Annapo- lis. Key \\»^l, Rockaway. .\viation Aide Third District. R. F. 'N. A. No. 2065. LTA. Mi RRAY. Cecil D.. Lieutenant. 38 W. 51st St.. New ^ ork Ciiv. Hampton Roads. Moulchic. Paris. Si. hiule- %eri. London. U. S. S. Texas. R. F. HIA. MisTLN. H. C, Captain. N. A. No. 11. NoHFLEET, Lieut. Commander. N. A. No. 555. <>'('oNNELL. \Vm. J., Lieutenaul. 5712 Sixth .\ve.. Brooklyn. N. Y. l*\iMER. KnwARU (I., Lieutenant, I6I9 l*earl St., Sioux City. Iowa. Paris, Irving. Lieutenant. 124 E. 72nd St., New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Hampton Roads. Pensacola. :N. a. No. 317. HTA. Parsons. Robert D.. Lieutenant, Care of The R. F. Condrich Rubber Co.. Akron. Ohio. Bu. of Construction A: Repair, Washington. D. C. R. F. Pai NACK. R. R.. Lieut. Commander. N. A. No. 27. Pennon Hn. Rali-h C.. Lieutenant. N. A. No. 100' j. Peterson, Lot is A.. Lieutenant. 152 Rird .\ve., RufTalo, N. Y. Pauillac. France. ISNRF. Pike. C. M.. Lieutenant. Lubee. Maine. Squantum. Mass.. Hampton Roads. N. A. No. 293. HTA.' PooH. Roger M., Lieulenant. 777 Ma i»rk ("itv. Ilav Shore. Ru. OiH-rations. \\ ashing:! on; London. Northern Bomb. (;r. N. A. No. 558. R. F. HTA. Pi MPFi.L^. H. .\.. Lieutenant. Owego Tioga Co., N. Y.^ I*«nsacoIa. Naval Aircraft Factory, Philudelphiu. R. F N. A. No. 2U. IITA. HvNiJoi.pii. l\. D., f-ifiitennn(. 20 roiirlliiiid Phn-r. Itoiisloii. 'l>xas, R F. C. CaiKKla, .\<»w ^'ork. Ronton. \\ iLshint-'Ion. I). C, Hampton Roads. IN-n-sacoIa. Forei^'ii Waters, l^iidon, l:]ng. N. A. No. 161. IITA. RECKFt)Hn, John King. Lioiitenanl. 220 Fifth .Ave. .Nrw York ('ity. Naval .Aircraft Factory. R. F. Reed. Wm. F., Jb.. Lieutenant, 1238 N. 12th Ave.. IVn.saroIa. R. F. Reid, .M. K., Lieutenant, Racquet Club. IMiiladelphia. Pa. N. A. No. 182.5. RiriiAHnsoN. II. C, Commander. N. .A. No. 13. UoBEMT><. CiiAni-E'i II. J.. Lieulenant, 10 FVaukliii I'hue. Flu.shinj;. L. I. N. A. Ni>. 240. RoUKnTs, Wm. E., Lieutenant. Canton. N. C. Naval .\ircraft Factory, Navy Yard, Philadelphia. Pa. R. F. RonM.vN. T. C, Lieu?., care of Wm. .\. Read & Co.. C.nr. tledar and Nas,sjiu .Sl.s,. New York City. VoIuntt R. F. N. A. No. 51. IITA. Sl.ATEB, H. N., Lieulenant, Port WashiiiKlon. L. I N. Y. N. A. No. 329. Smith. O. W., Jb., Lieutenant, 309 Hillside Ave. Jenkinlown, Pa. Naval Aircraft Factory, Philadelphia. Pa. R. F. Smith. Cobdon A., Lieutenant, 27 W. Mth St., New York City. S.Mrrn. K. R., Lieutenant, Patchopuc, L. L. _N. Y. Palm Reach. Ilunlin^rton, I.e (^roisic. Moutchic, He Tudy. Paris, St. Insleverl. Fr. N. .\. .No. 87. Spenceh. IC. W.. Jn.. Lie it. Commander. 109 Wade St. Highland Park. III. Pensacola. Squantum, San Diego. I'. S. N. N. A. No. 20. HT\. Staiil. Rl'Dol.piiE. Lieutenant. Jackson. Mich. Starr. F. C. t'oininander. Stimson, H. C, Lieutenant, Hollywood, King Co.. Wash. Stone, E. A.. Lieutenant, Red Gate Apt.. Norfolk. Vii l>r HTA. Stone, George Lewis. Lieutenant, Cure of Stone-Hoult Furniture Co., (irand Rapids. Mich. Pensacola. Straper. Ralph M., Lieulenant, 70.i7 No. Ashland lilvd . ChicOKo. III. .\kron, Paris. Paimboeuf, Guipavas, Fr.. Pensacola. .N. A. No. 97. LTA. Strickuanp. G. R.. Lieut.. \. A. -\o. 34. Swift. Henry. Lieulenant. t Lil>i»rly Sq.. Roston. Mass. .Squanlnm. Toronto, llamplon Roads, Pcn.sacola, Great Lakes. H. F. N. A. No. 149. IITA. Tavlob, Ch\ble.s F.. Lieulenaiil. 31 Clinton .Ave.. Monlclair. N. J In charge Aeronautical Kngine Laborg. lory, Washington, D. C. ISMIF. Thom\s. Wai.l.vce S., LieulenanI, 721 K. High St.. Soringlield. Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Seattle. Great Lak.-s. Pensacola. R. F. N. A. No. 2093. HTA. Too, R. E., Lieulenant. Towers. J. IL. Commander. U. S. N. N. A. No. 3. TowNsEND. Ji'Lit:s C. Lieut. Commander. Van Deb Veeb, N. R.. Lieut. C'ommander. U. S. N V\N \ VLZIH. IL C. Lieul. Commander. .Mass. Insl. of Tech.. Miami, V. S. N. .N. A. No. 66.-.H. Vernon, Victob. Lieutenant, Huntsville, Ala. N. A. No. 606. Wesson. IL. Lieutenant. 220 .Maple St., Springfield. Mass. W FVEBBMKEB. R. D., Licul. Commandcr, U. S. N. N. A. No. 2126. W HiTF Newton II. . Jr., Lieut. Commandcr, U. S. N N. A. No. 22K1. White. Robebt W., Lieul.. 17lh Floor, 30 E. 12nd St.. New York City. Rockaway. Pensji.ola. W ashiiiglon. Abroad. LTA. OTONE, C. t\., IjieUieuaUL, lAeu v»«ic n|ri.. .."«.'..". a. Newport News. Hampton Roads. Calshol, Bein- ridge, Felixstowe, Eng., -Anacostia. N. A. No. 13K. .V .^- -HrV^ Whitehouse. W.m. Penn. Jb., Lieutenant, 108 Vaughan St., Portland, Maine. Paimboeuf, Paris, Brest Fr London, Eng. R. F. N. A. No. 99. LTA. Whiting, K., Commander, Washington, U. S N N. A. No. 16. WiLLCox, Westmore, Jr., Lieutenant. 516 Warren Crescent, Norfolk, Va. Newport News, Hampton Roads Pensacola, Naval Operations, Washington, D. C R F N. A. No. 136. HTA. Williams, J. F., Lieutenant. Darien, Conn. Naval A^^aft Factory, Ass^t Chief Engineer, PhUadelphia Navy Witmeb, C. C, Lieut. Commander. WoRTHiNGTON, J P Lieutenant, 3924 Morrison St. N. V\ .Washington. D. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. Hampton Roads, Chatham, Bay Shore, Brunswick, Washmgton. HTA. Wrigley P K., Lieutenant, 2466 Lake View Ave Chicago, III. Great Lakes, R. F. Young, S. D., Lieutenant. %-~^ 7 >■ V ■ - T V f' t nPHE preceding section and the one following comprise a grand muster of the commissioned * personnel of the Corps. The Senior Division includes officers of the rank of Lieutenant or above, while the following emliraces those of the rank of Lieutenant (junior grade) or below, and includes also student officers who were training as pilots or for commissions l)ut who had not com- pleted tlieir course upon the signing of the armistice. Of necessity the amount of data concerning each man has had to be brief, consequently onlv those facts have been given which would aid in recognition and enable the reader to communicate with other members of the Corps. No attempt could be made to include citations or other honors, or the particular capacities in which each man served. The order of this data is: name, rank, home addre.ss, stations served at. and whether he was in the heavier-than-air or lighter-than-air branch. Naval Aviator designation numbers have sometimes been given as they usually indicate the com- parative length of a man's service. To avoid confusion all addresses which were found to be incorrect have been omitted. This accounts for some .'t[)p;ircnt oversights in this respect. — KoiTOH. '•^r 1 V // - V .\ \ > ABBOTT. BOYD It. Ensign 224 Park St.. Lancaster Ohio. Moss. Inst. Tech. Miami. Pensacola. HT.\ ABBOTT, MAURICE J. War XInchiniat fiO Howe St., Lewistim, Mt*. IVlham Bay, C;i»liimtiiQ Univ., Roi:kB\vay, Wash., KoyWpst. HTA. ADAIR, EARLE T. Student Officer 2M Marshall Ave., N. S.. Pittsbtirt'h, Pa. .Mass. Inst. Tech., .\kron, Ohio. LTA. ADAMS.CHARLESIH.. Jr. Lieut, (j.g.) 136.5 Bellf^ Ave., l.akewcmd, Cleveland. Ohio. Mass. Inst. Teih.. Key West, Kla.. Cape May. N.J. N.A.No. 457. HTA. ADA.MS, EUSTACE L. Ensign ' r H. D. Cabot, Newton- ville. Mass. M. I. T.. Bay .Shore. Squantum. Key West. Cape May, Monlaiik, Wash. N. A. No. 417. IITA. ADAMS. J. DliOLEY Student Officer 614 Rector Ave.. Little Rock, Ark. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. Miami, Pensacola. IITA. ADSIT, HAROLD C. Student Officer .■502 W'ost Penn Street, Hoopeston. Illinois, Seattle, Wash. HTA. AFFLECK. W. RUSSELL Ensign 674 North Broadway. Yon- kers. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. Miami, Moutchic (Fr.). N. A. No. 705. HTA. AICHER. FRED, Jr. Ensign 2501 Ridf;e Road. Berkeley. Cat. Mass. Inst. Tech.. Key \Vest. Miami. Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 1771. HTA. AICHER. JOHN W'. H Student Officer HolIywmMi, Clalifnrnia.Dun woody Inst., .Minn.; Miami HTA. ALBERTSON.R.D. Lieut. U-Q-) 125 .Main St.. Geneva. N. Y'. .Mass. Inst. Tech.. Bay Shore. Key West. Cape May. Montauk. N.A. No. 461. IITA. ALBRITTON, PAUL C. Ensign Bee RidKC. Fla. Mass. lust. Tech.. .Akron, Pensa- cola. LT.\. -a — "^■•■, .^ -^ ALDKN, M. Ensiijn 475 5lh Ave., New York City. Dunwoody Miami,- Key West, sacola. Inst.. AI.EXANDER. W. H. Lieut. (J.g.) Iloulton, Maine. Mass. Inst. Tech., Pensacola, At- lantic Fleet Air Detach- ment. N. A. No. 175'... HTA. ALLEN, PHILIP, Jr. Lieu(. I. J.g.) 35 Charles Field St., Provi- dence, H. I. Mass. Inst. Tech., Pensacola, Anacos- tia. N. A. No. 721. HTA. ■ ALLEN, ROBERT R Slu1. HTA. ALLISON, FRANK F. Student Officer Spring Mills, Center Co Pa. Mass. Ray Shore. Inst, of Tech., HTA. ALLISON, T. LYLE StuiienI Officer it22 Concord St., Bremer- ton, Wash. Seattle, Wash. HTA. ALVORD, DONALD B Lieut. (./.(J.) Clearwater, Fla. M. I.T., I'cii^.icola, Yarmciiith, Fc- i'\^l'i\\c. l.niif:]i Fovlc, (li ii,l..wii. MoUcna, N. k. .\o. 22,->. HTA. c:i;.^ 't^ ALWARD. EDWAHD E. Ensign Pataakala. Ohio. Muss. Insl. of Tech., Great Lakes. Pensacola. Aerographer, -N. A. No. 2249. AMSLER. HERVEY M. Ensign Farmers Nat'I Rank, Hemp- stead, Texas. Mass. Inst. of Tech., Miami, Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 22.30. HTA. ANDERLE, EMIL J. Ensign 132 Hudson Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key WeBl, Pensacola. N A. No. 1571. HTA. ANDERSEN. CARLJ. Ensign 17 South Kilby St.. Glou- cester. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola. Hamp- ton Roads. Va. N. A. No 267. HTA. V Kk\ ANDERSEN, KRANK A Shidenl Ofjicer 21 St. Lukes Rd.. Brighton, Mass. Mass.. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore. Long Island. ANDERSEN, SIDNEY W. Student Officer South Shore Country Cluh. Cliicogo, III. Dunwoody Inst.f Minneapolis. HTA A,M'LU.M)-\. A,. Jr. Ensign St. Augustine. Fla. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami, Pen- sacola. N. A. No. 1206. HTA. [ANDERSON. (HAS C- Stuiient Oj)icer Boswell. Indiana. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Cambridge. HTA. , i ANnlCHSON, C. W. 'JJi.'l Sniinnui Ave, Santa Unsa. {'.alilornia. Mass. Iris(. <>r 'I'erh., Mtaini, i'l^nsacnla. .\. A. Ni.. I :i:.:i. IITA. ANDKRSON. GEO. II. Sttntrnt Officer Hdx 2i{.">. Lake Forest. Itlitiiii'^. DiiriwcxHiy. Miatiii. Key West. llTA. ANnEKSON.GIJUnilN 1). Lieut, (J.g.l 2(>: J.(,i:an Hall, U. of I'.. IMiilailelphia, I'a. Ma.i-S. Inst, of Ti-.h.. r.hiitham. Miami, Peiisacola N. A. No. 1826. Phila ilTA. ANOKHSON, .MICRHILL Sttittriit Ojpieer Center St., Exeter. !\. 11. Ma«i. Inst. of Tech.. .Miami. HTA. '■f ((.'1 'om. I'nh. Inf \ Fitting Finish. 'T c^M ANDERSON, OSCAR K. Ensiijn P. O. Box 31. Fore,stville. Conn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola, N. A. No. 2U0. HT.\. ANDERSON. S. W. Slmlrnl Offirrr 2im So. l.'ith St.. La Cros,se. Wis. Dnnwoofjy Inst.. Miini.. Miami. HTA. ANDERSON, W. C. Ensiqti \'M LitK-oln Riiatl. Rrnok- lyn. Mass. Inst, of Tei-li . .Miami, Pensarola. Cocm Solo. C. Z. N. A. No. 1133. HT.\. ANDHETTA. S. A. Slinlent OJficrr lt)2 Karmin^ton .\ve,. Hart- ford, (-onii Mass. Inst, of Tei-h. HTA. ill ANDREWS. tLEROY L. Ensign 3305 Windsor Mill Road, Raltimore. Md Mass Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pen'i.icola. N. A No. 1609. ITA. ^■^:^m^ ANDROUS. PAUL A. Ensign 1040 W. Onondaga St. Syracuse, N. Y. Mass. Inst of Tech., Hoy Shore, Pensacola, Hampton Rds. ANEWALT, HENRY P Ensign 2518 171h St., Fulford, Apt. 6. Washington, D. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No- 1356. HTA. ANTHONY, W. B. E. Ensign 1931 Fairview St.. So. Berkeley, Cal Seattle, Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No 2234. HTA. APPEL, RONALD B. Ensign 82 Hale Ave., White Plains, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2241. HTA. APPLEGATE, RAY P Ensign 4637 No. Paulina St., Chicago. III. M..I. T., Key We^t, Miami, Pen- sacola, Great Lakes. N. A. No. 1204. HTA. .Mmi ARCHER, LUTHER B. Student Officer Holland, Texas, Seattle, Washington. HTA. ARMSTRONG, H. C. Ensign 215 Lexington Ave.. Ft. Smith, Arkansas. Seattle, San Diego, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2413. HTA. ARMSTRONG, L. F. Ensign 335 W. Francisco Ave., Chicago, 111. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Great Lakes, Akron, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1974. LTA. ARMSTRONG, OWEN Student OXOeer 635 So. Willett St., Mem- phis, Tenn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Rockaway Beach. LTA. ARNOLD, R. S. Student Officer Paint Lick, Ky. Dunwoody Inst., Minn., Miami. HTA. ARNSPIGER, RODES A. Ensign Lexington, Ky. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. A HP, H)L1S C. Ensign 718 5th Ave., Moline. Illinois. N. A. No. 1725. ARROWS.MITH, J. E. Ensign 526 Park Ave., East Orange, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore, Pensacola. N. A. "• 1741. '^^ -V T r: ASKEW. MILKS A. Ensign Duyton, Alabama. Mass. Inst, of Tech., (ireal Lakes, Pensacola, Washinstou, D. C. Miami. IITA. ASTHY. PKHHY D. Lieul. ij.'j.) Lincoln Hfl.. Salt^ni, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., I*en- surola, C.. ■ 1 tTt- - -_-r;r^ > T •• V r I v; y. , Andicrson, Hobgrt C, Stlidrnl Oflficor. Tpprr Moiil- clair. N. J. Anmrrson, Howland, Wnr. (Jiiii. VvDRRBo^.. SiDNKV V\ .. Sluilml Odicer, 5332 Hyde I'urk Ith.l , Chiiiit;.), III. Anokhson. \\'ii,t<»n II.. Sltidfiir Offircr. Diivid City. -Nehr. Mns.s. Insi ,.f Toch. kiy Wist. Flii II TA. .\Nr>Rr:\\s. Aarijn H., Slinlfiit Ollicrr. -\muii:«.s. Chkstkr \\ ., Stuilcnt Oflicer, Ku.st l.unsiiiK. Mich. .\Mml.;\\s, II. v., ICnsipn. IVnsarohi. N. -\. No. 1I*)I .\.-vl>iiEws. IIkkbert J. .Sliiil.-iil OIlic.T. Niipi)lc-cici. \liili AM)iir.:«.-c. J\MKS H., Sliiilriil Olliiri-. IL'KI Siiririflii'lil Avr . Irliana. III. Ancki.i,. Ndhmvn II.. Sluili-iil Odiiir. :;.')(ll Uiil(;i> Roail. Hc-rkcli>y. Cal. Ankkw. OkWalt IIosmeh. Slmli-iil OlIi.iT. '(I'll C.liarn- Imt of ('.DlllilU'i-rr. jVliniir-opolis, Minn. Vnthony. II. M., iMisiyii. ll;t (^oinrniMiwi-allh Ave. lio^roii. Mass. .^NTOMUES, II. K.. Sludont Olliior. :il>n llinnlxill St.. Denver. Colo. Mass. Inst, of 'rech.. Kry \\.-sl. Kla. IITA. \|..;\R, IIf^ri II.. SindiMil (lllicer. \i'i-M.:in. John 1... l';nsif,Mi. ( ilfn ( -ove. Lon^' Island, N. Y. Mass. Insl. of TiTh.. I'i-nsai„la. I'auiUa.-. Mollli-liit . Arra- clion. N. A. iNu. 720. IITA. Archibaud. F. X.. S(udi-nl Olli.or. T.'iO 10. IT.llli St.. New York C.ily. Mass Insl. of Tecli., l^l■\^ llav.-n I'ensacola. IITA. AaciiiB\Lo. \\ M.rr:]! D., Sludenl Ollicer. 'i'M\ \\ . 1 I2d St.. New York Cily. Mass. Insl. of Terli. l.TA. Ar-Moi'R, Lksthr, haisipn, H K. ()')lli St., New York ('ily. -Mass. Inst, of Tech., Ilayshore. Pensjicola, Kla. N. .\. No. 2207. IITA. Ahmoii. ItoBKHT J.. Studeiit onieer, 1622 I*olk .\ve.. Houston, Tex. Arms. Louis L.. Student Oflieer, New York Trilmni-, New York City. \rmstrong. II. K., Student Oflieer, 177.') lliMuiipin .-Vve., Minneapolis, iVIiini. DunwiHxiy Inst., Miami. IIT.\. Vrmstronc, I'm I, I,., Ens. \MMsrRoNf;, HoBKRT K., .Ir.. I^usipu, Ml.') Oaklauil .\ve.. Ann Arbor, -Mieh. N. A, No, 210.^. •Vrmstiuinc. \\ . L., Ensign, Goodyear Tire \ HuldiiT Co. N. A. No. 2:iH0. Armstronc, Wl-.sl.KV A., Slnd.-nl ( tllii er, lo'l W. Del.i- van Ave.. liulValo, N. Y. ABNol.n, Cforok C, Jr., Slu.lent (Ulieer, 2:ili Adelaide Ave, I'rovidiuee, H. I. .Mass. Inst, of Teell. IITA. .\hnoli>. JvMi s II., Student Ollieer. ^ •^ ^ ■^ .■\aoN>i»N. Israel I., Ensign, 122 Bellingituni Si Chelsea, Mass. N. A. No. 912. .-\ Hill I II. John W'., Student Ollicer. 52 Mugcc .\vc,. Koehester, N. Y. AnTill'H, 111. '.IV 111. W.. Ensign, Marylan I Slate CoUege, College Park, Ml. \. \. No. l.>01 .\.SHBV. John S.. Student Olfieer, F'airmont, Killinore Co., Nebr, .Seattle, \Va.sh.; San Diego, Cal. UT\. ,\sHi.EV, John W., I.ieiit. fj g ), IIS Main St., .\mesbury, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensaeolii, Moutehic. Brest, Fr,; Chatham, N, A. No. 2»l. IIIA. .^SHTON, C. E., l.ieiiL. (j,g.), 7702 Krankslowll \ve., Pillsbiirgh, Pa. .\snToN. Oliver. Student Oflicer, ,^sTLE'rr, Ml fiH <;.,. Student Ollicer^ TJ87 Upper Mountain Ave., Moiitclair. N..J. ,\tkins, Frank Imiward, Jr., ,Sliident Officer. 30 E Walnut St., Merchanlville, N. J, Mass. Insl. of Tech. IITA. Atkins. John H.. Jr., Student OITicer, 1521 Fairfield Ave.. Shrevejiort. La. Atkinson, Leon (i., .Student Ollieer, 35 Victoria Circle, Newton Center, Mass. Atwater. \V. H., Lieut, (j.g.l. Central Valley, N. Y. Newport News, N. Y. Navy .Yard, Hampton Hds.: Moiil- chic, Fr., Paris; Bolscna. It.; ('harleslon. N. A. No. 112. IITA. Atwood. Clarence C, Ensign. Gardner, Kansas. Atwooii. Havmond LoHiNfi. Lieiit. (j.g.), Paris. Maine. Mass. lust, of Tech.. Pensaeola. Fli-et Air Detach., Killing- holme, Hampton Roads. Forth Worth. N, A. No, 292. IITA ,\rcHiN(.LOss, Reginald La. (•.. Kiisign, \'.\\ E. 71st St., New York City. Ai'ERswALD, Richard R.. Ensign, \\\ Lafayette Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. N. A. No. 12(12. AliolsTlNE, Irvinc. D., Student. Ollieer, 1616 \y. 2d St., Grand Island, Nebr. .\i HERMAN, Lewis ('., Student Oflicer. AiisTiLL. Jere. Ensign. Spring Hill, Mobile Co,, .\la. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. Peiisacula. N. A. No. 1879. LTA. AisTiN. D. F., Student Ollieer, 92 Monlcluir .\ve., Caldwell. N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Newporl, R. I., New London, Conn- HT-\. -\i'sTiN. JvMEs Mason, Student Ollicer, Middletowii. Conn. .\vKRii.L, Harold (»., Student Ollicer, 206 West St.. Wdrcester, Mass, \vERv, Lyman C, Lieut, (j.g.), Brockporl. N. Y. N. A. No. 1)61. Avi.:rv. Tiikodohe STRONn. Ensign. 171 Washington Ave., Albany, N \ . N. A. No. 1719, <^ % ^ ^ I 1, » -i ,<»,,»,;> .\l.STlllA,N Lk.11T liuMllKll, I'h'Ho tahcn from Avulritin Files ill Polo. 95 m BACHMAN, R. H. Ensign 40 East 40lh St., New York City. M. I. T., Bay Shore. Pensacola, Montauk, Hampton Rds. N. A. No. 1412. HTA. BAEHR, MAX J. Lieut. Uo-) 923 Locust Ave.. Long Beach. Cal. M. L T.. Cran- well, E. Fortune. Paim- boeuf. H. Q. London. N. No. If>85. LTA. BAHR, M. CASTLE Ensign R. F. D. No. 3. Helena. Mo. Mas.s. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Key West, Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 2376. ITA. BAILHACHE. P. L. Student Officer 2901 Scott St., San Fran- cisco. Cal. M. L T.. Akron, San Pedro. U. S. S. hiadrono, U. S. S. Goliah (Foreign Waters). LTA. BAKER, CHARLES W. Student Officer 76 Hardenbrook Ave.. Ja- maica. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. baki:h, i:ii.\iL.NLi v. Ensign 431 Shady Ave.. Pittsburgh. Pa. Aviation Beach, Great Lakes. Hampton Roads, Norfolk. HTA. BAKEH. (iLoKCJt; K. Ensign Wellesley, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. Moutchie, Guipavas. N. A. No. 3.-)2. HTA. BAKER, S. SAMUEL Student Officer 19 Amory St., Cambridge, 'ri' Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. ' BAKER, WILLIAM C. Student Officer Middlebrook Pike, Knox- ville, Tenn. Great Lakes, lU. HTA. BALL, TOM LEE Student Officer R. F. D. No. 2, Care of Wenonah Mines, Bessemer, Ala. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. HALLOHD, llAKULIi B. Ensign 114 Brunswick Ave., Gar- diner, Maine. Mass. Inst- of Tech., Key West, Miami. Pensacola, Hampton Roads. N. A. No. 974. LTA. BANIK, ADOLF T. Ensign East Grand Forks. Minn Mass. Inst. of Tech. .Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 219.S. HTA. BARNES, A. S., Jr. Student Officer GlcBwood. Raleigh, N. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. BARNES, DANA A. Ensign 161 Bay State Rd., Boston, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1670. HTA. BARNES, EARL C. Ensign 450 W. Eldorado St., De- catur, III. M. I. T., Groat Lakes. Pensa., Miami. Moutchie, Campagne. Mal- pensa. N. A. No. 675. BARNUM. WM. N. Ensign 78 Front St., New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech. iMiami. HTA. lllll! HARON, KKEUKRICK J. , ^ ^- Ensign ^ 51 Lawn St.. Hoxbiiry. Mass. Ilolsrna. Italy . llili|ls. I'iiris, Tours, Kiil- wiui. Italy; Challlani. ^. '^ f ' A. Nu. ir.ii irr\. 't V • I liARR. HARRY C. War. \lactinisi 20 East 3rd Si.. Wayii.s lioro. Pa. Pensanda. Hampton Roads. Miami, IIIA. IIMUI. J. .S. Ensign nil I'h-asaiit Si,. Ilhai-a. iN, V, .Mass, last, i.nVih,. Hay .Shor<*. iN'risa<^i)la.. )lam|>ttli,\vp., liuntiiitfton. W. \'a. Mass. Insl. of T.tIi. HTA. _\k: ^-1 ./ '~. {(') //I Irrnnh'oniil Film Srri-i ii i; ■ ' lit. 1 J, ' HAiiin, i:i.\ii:ii i,. \\ Sliiilrnl UJ)icer ("oiicord .St,. Ilolliston. Mass, Mass. Insl. of Tccli. HTA. Patrolling with thk Fleet llVHin . I IMlM \s u. Ensign \')M) Cirard Ave. Soull Miiiti.. Minn.. Diinwoody Insl.. .Mirni s;„-..la. N, HI \ Mi.imi, 1>. A. .No. l'22'l. iiMtin. \\ All i:u A. Ensign .'.(I !.■> \. Rolii'y St.. ChicuBO. III. Si'attlc. San Dicjto. Pensacola. N. .A. No. 2112. IITA. DAIlSi;. HORACE iN. Ensign 2« W csl 2.!r«. Inst. Pe:isa- iUC.NEIMCr. rALI. A. Alachirtisl 206 Park Plare. Bridfreport, (^oiin. Colunihia sity. New York. bk\m:u. p. K. Knsign Tuscnrawus. Ohio. Oun- woody lust.. Minn.; Mtnmi, Ki'v West. Petisacola. N. A. No. 23«:i. HTA. BENSON. iu:{;ii E. Ensign 720 \V(ist mil St.. Eric, Penn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore. Brunswick. Key West. Pcnsncola. N. .\. No. 2369. HTA. Startixg .\ftek a Crash BENZ, HERBERT f; Sliiilent Offin-r 6hlt Cahle Ave.. Si. Paul. Mhin. Dutiwoocly lust-, Minn. HTA. BERGAW. CORLISS A. Ensign ;2fi No. Newlin Ave. Whillier. ("aliforuia Seat- tle. Sau Die;*!!. Prnsacola. N. A. No. 23H1. HTA. BERGHOHN. W. H. Ensign 2.1 Reservoir -Vve., Jersey Cily. N. J. Muss. Inst of Tech., Miami, i'eusacola. N. A. No. I.I'»;i. HTA. BESW ICK. HOW ABL) A* Ensign Ludlow. Vt. Mass lust. *>f Tech.. Pensa<-ola, Bay Shore. Wexforil. Ire, Hampton Roads. N. K. No. 963. HTA. !»9 m.''L liETTS. CLAUDE S. Ensign 1430 Perry St., South Richmond, Va. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Key West, Pensacola. N. A. Nu. 2.-17. irT\. BEVENS, MAXSON I. Student Officer 611 No. Chaparral St., Corpus Christ!, Texas. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. iiILLII\?.(). HTA. BOOTH. E W., Jr. Ur-nf. (j.g.) 230 Fountain St.. Grand Rapids, Mich. Mass. Inst. of Tech., Pensacoh*, N. A. No. 1021. HTA. BOSTICK. E. iELLIS | I Ensiqn Memphis Goal Co., Mem- phis, Tenn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. Paris, Moulchic, Pauillac, Bay Shore. N. A. No. Wi> BOT'i'A. UlGi) Lieut, ij.q.) Johnson Curtiss Aeroplane Co , Mont^'oraery, Ala. Mass. Insi. of Tech., Pen- sacola. N. A. No. 2641. HTA. BOTTOMS. R. R. Ensign Athens, Alabama. Pen- sacola. Akron. Rockaway Beach, Key West. N. A. No. 2676. LTA. BOWKER. W. K.. Jr. Student Officer 2660 Menio Ave., Los Angeles. Cal. Seattle. Washington. HTA. BOWSER, ARDA C. Student Officer 11th St., Ford City, Penn- Mass. Inst, of Tech HTA. BOURQUIN, MARION M. Ensign Butte, Montana. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Hampton Roads, Pensa- cola, Enghsh Stations. N. A. No. 1257. HTA BOWERS, ANDERSON Ensign 313 N. McKean St., Kit- laniiintr. Pa. M. I. T.. Key WpsI. Miami, Pensacola, Brest. Moulchic. N. A. No. 12->:. HTA. BOYD, ROBERT M. Student Officer 1617 S. Washington Ave., Saginaw, Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. HTA. BOYD, SAMUEL N. Ensign 320 E. Capitol St.. Wash- ington, D- C. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola. fi B BOYD. THEODORE P. Lieut, ij.g.) 77 Union Ave., Framing- ham, Mass. Bay Shore, Key West. Brunswick. Ga. N. A. No. 175. HTA. Ensign 321 E. Chestnut St.. Bloom- ington, Illinois. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2233. HTA. Ensign 465 W. 152nd St.. New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 2341. HTA BHACKEN, L. Ensign 713 West First St.. Oil City, Penn. Mass. Inst of Tech., Key West. Miami, Pensacola. N.A. No. 1797. HTA. uitAi)i.i:v. i.ovn M. IIHADY . 11. W II, I.I WIS Knsitjrt Kiisi. Hammond, La. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pen- sacola. Queenstown, Ire.; Bay Shore. .\. A. No. 9»». IITA. id:! m- >?TT BRESNAHAN, M. E. Ensign 128 ChestDUt St., Lynn. Mass. Mass. last, of Tecli., Miami, Pensacola, N. A. No. 1929. HTA. BRIGGS, LANDRUM O. Ensign 100 Grace St., Suffolk, Va. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 1808. BRESNAHAN, WM. H. Student Officer 128 Chestnut St., Lynn, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. BREWER, FRED L., Jr. Lient. (j.g.) 22-1 liurr Oak Ave.. Bhie Island, 111. Columb'a Univ., Philatlelphia. Hamp- ton Roads. BRIDGMAN, DON. S. Ensign H. F. Bar Ranch, Buffalo, Wyominf;. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Wash- ington, Miami. N. A. No. 2419. HTA. t BRIGGS, M. G. Ensign 8.i8 East 21st St., Brooklyn, N, Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Pensacola, Hampton Boads. N. A. No. 1640. HTA. BRIGGS. WM. WRIGHT Ensign Cassville. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. Hampton Roads. N. A No. 228(1. HTA. BRIGHA.M, \V,\I. W. Ensign 41 Wheatland -\ve., Dor- chester, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech. Miami. HTA. RRLMER, F. C. Ensign Ensign Stockton. Md. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1770. HTA. Snow Hill. Md. Inst, of Tech. Pensacola. N.A. LTA. Mass. Akron No. 2293 BRIMER. WALLACE E. BRINKEHIIOFF. R. J. Student Officer 408 Union St., West Spring- field. Mass. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Bay Shore. HTA. BRISTOL. L. HASTINGS Ensign 282 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Pensacola. N. A. No. 1714. HTA. BRITT. GEORGE H. Ensign 622 Scranton Life BIdg.. Scranton. Pa. Pauillac. Fr., EasUeigh, Eng. HTA. BRITTINGHAM.EDW.G. Ensign Care of British Vice Con- sulate, Gomez Palacio. Du- rnrigo. Mexico. Mass. Inst. of Tech., Pensacola. Miami. N. A. No. 2053. HTA. BRITTON, J. W. Stmieni Officer 131 1 11th St., Wichita Falls, Texas. Seaflle, Wash.. San Diego. HTA. BBITZ, EVERETT F. Ensign 126 West 129th St.. New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech. , Ba y Shore, Pen- sacola, Rockaway. N. A. No. 1704. Yvy. r^'v'^' -^/v',? ^^'i ^'"f > V V-- iiHix. i;ahi, h. BKO.MI.EY. INNIS .\1. HKONK. DKTLKN W . HltOOKKH, V. DO.NAI.I) Eiisiiiri Ensiiitt Knsigri Sluili-ril Officer r' Monroe. Wash. I*ensacoIa. San Difso. N. A. No. 2621. I1T.\. yv) Wiishinfilon St.,Sonora. Toulnmne ('o., California. Seal tie. VVasli.. San l>ieA:o, I'ensai-ola. N. .\. No. 2242. iriA. Sloncham, Hoston. Mass. -Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key \Ve.st, Miami, Pensaeola. N. A. No. 1H<)H. IITA. 1(),60.'! Miles Ave., Cleve- lanil, (.>hio. Ma.ss. Insl. «if Teeh. IITA. itK(H»Ks. i:vi:hett k. Ensign 6306 Watermiin Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Mfiss. Insl. of Tot'h.. Key W'esl, Miami. Peiisacola. N. A. No. 1608. HTA. imoHSIvN.WILLAlil) \. Ensiftn 280 Lee Si.. Oakland. Cal. Mass. Inst, of T^ch., Lang- ley Field. Miami, Pensa- o^^.- w:i\ it: HHOWN, C. Y. Ensign Chapman Illdg.. Spartan- burg. S. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami, Peiisacola. N. A. No. 1385. HTA. BROWN. CARROLL G.W. Student Officer 20 Fenelon St., Dorchester, Mass. Miami. Brest. Fini- stere, Fr. LTA. BROWN. H. E. Ensign Stratford, Conn. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Newport, Akron, Rockaway Beach, Key West. LTA. BROWN, J. W. A. Ensign 407 New Rochelle St., Pittsburgh. Penna. M.I.T. Blue Hill Observatory, Op- erations. Wash., Montauk, New London. HTA. BROWN. KKNNKTH 0. Student Officer St. Albans. Vermont. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. HTA. BROWN. RAYMOND R. Ensign ;iO Park Ave., Detroit, Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Pensacola. N. A No. 2657 LTA. BROWN. VINCENT S. Ensign 5.i:j Clayton St.. San Fran- cisco, Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Pensacola. N, A. No. 1866. LTA. BRUCE. FRANK P Student Officer 2519 11th Ave. So.. Minn., Minn. Dunwoody Inst - tule, Minn. Miami. LTA. .}a :- BRUCE. LYSCOM A., Jr. Ensign 61 Rockwell St.. Dor- chester, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Pensacola. N. A. No. I.i65. LTA. BRUCE. WALTER T. Ensign ."JIS Hampton Place. Ports- mouth. Va. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola. Hamp- ton Roads. N. A. No. 978. HTA. BRUNER, JAMES D. Slmlenl Ofjicer 1216 22nd St.. Rock Is-land III. Dunwoody Inst.. Minn. .Miami. HTA. BRUSH. M. W. Lieut, (j.g.) Route No. 2. Germanlown, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. N. A. No. 2112. BRYAN, JDllN B. Ensign 1207 Avenue V., Sheeps- head Bay, L. I., N. Y. Columbia Univ.. Packard Factory, Hanifkton Roads, Pauilliiic. Kr. HTA. BRYAN. WALTER C. Ensign 47.'i Franklin Ave., Brook- lyn, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore. Pen- sacola. N. A. No. 1567. HTA. BRYAN. WALTER D. Siuiicnt Officer Y. M. C. A.. Beaumont, Texas. Seattle. Washington. HTA. BUCHANAN, W. G. Ensign 21 Roosevelt Ave.. Chico- pee. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No 1980. HTA. i V T ' - 1!L(:II.\N.%AN, 1). II. Ensign 603 North 9lli St., Temple, Texus. Seattle. San Dieuo. Pensncolu. N. A. No. 2228. IITA. hlcki.i;y.i:mmktt\v. student Officrr 602 American Nat'l Hunk Hlil^'., Snn Francisco, Cal. Dunwdody Inst., Minn. HTA. Bl l.kLl;-^. CMAItI.i:s S. Entiitjn J.-IViTsmi H>^ HURTON, J. H.. Jr. l.ieul. U-o.) 31 Archer Ave.. Mt.Wriioti Hay Shore. Miuiiii. I\. A. ^(). 15.11. HIHTON. JOHN F. Eitsitjn Hosliiii. Mas.s. .Mass. Inst, of Teeh.. Pensacola. lU'SllNKLL. J. II. Kn.vt'in 11!2') \ille I'la.e. Miiin.-ap- ulis. Minn. DunwiMMly. Key \Nesr, .Miami. IVn-^arola. N. A. .No. y57. IITA. HI TI.KH. .STlIAln M. / iriil. I J. II.) .'i.'*:!! Itartmcr .\ e. .Si. Louis. .Mo. It. F. C. To- ronlo. ('anadu; l*ensa<'ola. Calais. Fr.. North Homli. C.r. N. A. No. l.-.(l. Mr\. ''Ak ■- 7 " ■ ■ A.NOTHER Jol! KOI! THE WhKCKIXG ChEW HllT. DAI.K J Knxiiin Newlier.i;. Oregon. Seattle, \\'ash.. Miami. IVnsacola. N. A. No. 2211). HL riDlJM. \l.l)i;!ll I Stitdetit O_0icfr 1200 Now York Ave.. Pasa- dena, ('nl. Seattle. \Va?'h- ington; San Diego. HT.\. HLTTS. JOHN H. Slu'/enl OO'icrr l.'iOS Cherry St.. Vickslmri;. Miss. Seattle. Washington IITA. ItVNdN. JdllN F. Sliidenl Officer Care of Great Western Sn^'ar Co.. Sterling. Colo- rado. Seattle, Washington- San niego. IITA. Ill!l :^=^'-=^J^^ i^.^. ItABEn, Malcolm J.. Ensif,'n. Backus, Clinton D., Lieut, fj.g-)- Bauk, William H., Student Officer. 546 Third Si., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1!aii(;kh. Jack Moohe, Knsign, 963 E. South Temph-, Sail Luke City, Uliili. N. A. No. 16.50. Baer, E. B., Sluiienl (lllieer, 4 Crocus Hill, Si. Paul, Minn. Seiitlle, Wiish.; Miiimi, Fla. HTA. Bailkv. Ai.ni:nT A., Lieul. (.i.R.), Hamplon, Va. Moss. Inst, of Tech.. It. N. A. S. Hoehamplon, Cranmell. Pem- hroke. I'aimhoeul', (oiip.iver. N. A. No. 10K6. HTA. Bailev, 1). C. ,Ih.. Sluiienl Officer, 829 Park Ave., New York Cily. Bailev, Mobiiis II., Ensign, 45 Davidson Road, Wor- cester, Mass, N. A. No. 313, Bailev, Boscoe S., Ensign, Care of Western Colorado Power Co.. Montrose, Colo. Bailv, LivmosToN B., Student Officer, Lancaster Ave., Ardmore, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech, HTA. Baibd, Benjamin II,, Lieut, (j.g.), Fairmont Hotel. San Francisco, Cal. Moutchic; French Foreign Legion, He Tudy; Bolsena, Ilaly; Brest. N. A. No. 554, HTA- Bakek, C. F., Ensign, 16 Welen Head, Wellesley. Mass, Bakeh, Chas. W., Ensign, 628 Empire St., Ishpeming, Mich. Baker, Fbedebiok, Student Officer, 215 Market St.. Rockland. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami, Key West, Fla. HTA. Bakeb, J, L,. Lieut, (j. g.). 140 W. lOSlh St., New York City. Bakeb, II. E., Student Officer, 363 Main St., Plymouth, Mich. Bakeb, Loval .S., Student Officer. Bakeb, Mabtin R., Student Officer, Hurston, R. F. D. No. 7, Knoxville, Tenn. Bakeb, Mvebs E., Lieut, (j. g.). Great Neck, L. I.. N. Y. N. A. No. 524. Bakeh. Phii.ip D., Ensign, 2231 E. 3d St., Dululh, Minn. Bakeb. Vibuil P., Lieul. (j.g.), 2137 W. 21st St., Los Angeles, Cal. Baker, W. C, Jb., Student Officer, 1863 Victor St., Bronx, New York City. Bakeh, William, Ensign, 1807 Madison Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Key West, Fla. N. A. No. 1467. Bakewell. Ben;/imin P., Ensign, 5529 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. Baldwin, G. O., (iunner. Baldwin, Leo A., ICnsign, 493 Classon Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. N. A. No. 1572. Baldwin. M. A.. Lieut, (j.g.). 504 11th St.. South Fargo, N. Dak. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Ohio; Pensacola, Fla.; Montanl, L. I., N. Y. LTA, Baldwin. Walteb S., Jr., Ensign, 19 Woodruff Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Ohio; Rockawuy Beach. LTA. Baldwin. W. Le.ster, Ensign, 1101 Fidelity BIdg., Baltimore, Md. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bayshore, Pensa- cola, London, Kng. N. A. No. 1328. HTA. Ball, Frank H., Student Officer, 300 N. Summer Ave., Creston, Iowa. Ballantine, Hebbebt W., Ensign, 550 Park Ave., New York Cily. Ballantine, John II., .Student tifficer, Cedarhursl, L. I.. N. Y. Ballard, Harry D., Student Officer, Winona, Miss, Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Fla.; New Orleans, La. Ballew, a. D,, F^nsign, Tuckernlaii, Ark. Mass. Inst. of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2134. HTA. Ballou, Howard M., Student Officer. Bamrick, Edwabd Joseph, Ensign, 9616 Indiana Ave., Chicago, III. Bankeb, William J., Student OlFicer, Ukiah, Cal. Bankhead, Clabence A., Machinist, 1915 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. Banks, Robert I... Ensign, 2017 Ogden Ave., Superior, Wis. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2406. HTA. Bannan, Francis E., Student Officer. Bannlstkb. John E., Student Officer, 100 Conduit St., Aniiai>olis, M«l. Barbee, N. C. Iahbv, Ensign, 619 N. Blount St., Raleigh, Babber. Albert C, Ensign. Bard, William H., Ensign, 27 S. Ninth St., Reading, Pa. N. A. No. 704. Babchi, Joseph P., Ensign, 474 West St., West Ilohoken, N.J. Barbot. II. \ ,, Shident Officer, 414 N. 2d Si., Camden, Pa. Baroeb, James A., Student Officer, 144 Green Ave., Detroit, Mich. Babie, William L., Ensign, 490 Bewick Ave., Detroit, Mich. Key West, Miami, Pensac<)la. HT.\. Babk. Eable B., 732 West Ave., Elyria, Ohio. N. A. No. 707. Babkclkw, Elwood H., Ensign, 140 W. 37th Si., Los Angeles, Cal. N. A. No. 2416. Barker. Francis M., Student Officer. Care of Wads- worth Noyes, 120 Exchange St.. Portland, Maine. Mass. Inst, of Tedi. HTA. Barker, G. S., Ensign. 1851 E. 97lh St., Cleveland, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Hampton Roads, U. S. S. Nevada; Bantry Bay, Ireland. LTA. Babkeb. Raymond. Student Officer. 409 W. 71st St., Chicago. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Babklev, Lacy E., Student Officer, EnOeld, N. C. Bahlow, IIabby N., Student Officer, Bethany, Mo. Seattle, Wash. HTA. Babnaby, Conbad, Ensign. Babnes. a. K., Ensign, Dublin, Texas. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola, Key West. N. A. No. 1807. LTA. Babnes. Babon S., Ensign, 1140 Wood Ave., Colo. Springs. Colo. N. A. No. 1207. Barnes. Donald D., Ensign, New York Mills, Oneeda Co , New York Slate. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Norfolk, Pensacola; Wash.. D. C; Chicago. N. A. No. 562. Barnes, Habby P., Student Officer, Ambler, Pa. Babnes, J. P., Carpenter, N. A. No. 670. Barnes, Philip J., Lieut, (j.g.), W^illiamstown, Mass. Barnes. Walter G.. Student Officer, 2639 Aldrich Ave.,^ South Minneapolis, Minn. Babnett, Daniel W., Ensign, 210 E. Ninth St., Rome, Ga. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, N. Y.; Pensacola, Fla. N. A. No. 1935. HTA Babnett. Mabshall D.. Student Officer. 5456 Vickcry Blvd.. Dallas, Texas Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Fla.; New Orleans. La. Babnett. Robebt F., Ensign, Latrobe, Pa. Mass. Insl. of Tech.. Bayshore, L. I.; Pensacola, Fla. N. A. No. 2032. HTA. Babnum, D. S., Ensign, 312 Highland Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. N.A. No. 677. Babb, C. C, Student Officer, 169 Park Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Barb. Samiiel D., Ensign. Babr, Thomas Turner, Jr., Ensign, Metuchen, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. Miami, Pauillac. Mout- chic, Trojan. HTA. Barb, W. M , Lieut, (j.g ), 14 Wall St.. New York City. MasB. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore, Kev West, Moulchic, St. Irojan, France. N. A. No. 381. HTA. Babhatt. Roswell F., Lieut, (j.g.), 133 Harrison St., East Orange. N. J. Mass. Insl. of Tech.; Blue Hill, Washington, Paimboeiif, Paris, London, U. S, S. Aroostook (Transatlantic Flight Duty). Rabbett. Joseph D., Student Officer. Barrett, William S., Student Officer, 20 Babcock St., Providence, R. I. Barrie, O. S., Boatswain, 1442 Temple Place, St. Louis, Mo. Great Lakes, III. Barrie, Robert, Jr.. Student Officer, Rose Lane, Haver- ford, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Bartholomew, Herbert, Student Officer, 410 John St., Champaigne, III. Bartholomew. O. A., Ensign, 2809 Irving Ave., South- Minneaiiolis, Minn. Barthleson, August C, Ensign, 811 Gibson St., Muske- gon, Okla. N. A. No. 2355. Bartlett, William E. A. S., Student Officer. Barton, Charles W., Student Officer, 126 23d St., Elrahurst. L. I., N. Y. Babton. Fbed B., Ensign, 835 W. Market St., Akron, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Rockaway, Akron. LTA. Rabuch, Walter R., Machinist. Barus, Maxwell, Student Officer, 5 Nassau St., New York City. Basham, A. B., Student Officer, 438 W. lllh St., Shaw- nee, Okla. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Fla. HTA- ' i"r'n' V •- U >.: Mi no .■.i^- T V 'Vv' Hass. Waltkii II.. Sluiloiil Odiccr. 82 Melliii Ave, Akron. Ohio. N. A. No. I'WI. lUssKTT, C. C. Jll.. LieiU. Gg). Ilurvurd Cliih. New York Cily. Luriiyi'lti: F. C. Moulchic. Dunkcn|iii-. Nnrlhorn lloiiib. (ir.. H. A. K. .Miiiini. N. A. No. 1.116. Ill A. ItA.-iSKTT. NoiiMAN Doi'iil.As, SliiiliMil OITifcr, Deinoniit PrintiiiK Co., Morlisrr. Wis. Uiinwocxly lii.sl. HT.X. HA.>w ^'ork Cily. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Miami, IV-nsaeola. N. \. No. 23H2. IITA. Hates. Cmesteh .\., Ensign, 78 UidiBC .\vc., rowlnckel, H. I. N. A. No. 1510. IUtes, IIaholii Q.. Lieut. (j.K-), 481 Seyburn .\vc., Delroil, Mich. HnlTalo, New York Cily. Hates, IIahoi.d, Kn.Hign, 481 Scyhurn Ave.. DiMroit, Mich. Hates. IIaiuuson. Kiisign, 31t C St., N. W., Wash., D. C. N. A. No. 2219. Hattle, C E., Lieut. Hatti.e. (i. K.. Student OIIic<'r. 13 Washin^'lon Terrace, St. Ixjuis. Mo. .Seatlli-. Wash. IllA. Hatts, Walter II. Hatm. Jame.s Iv, Jn.. l,i<\MN .A.. Student Ollicer. 569 Lancaster Ave., Ilryn Mawr, Pa. HiMITONEIIlE, (i. W ., lOiisign. Hest. IlEiilllcnT W'., Knsign, 493 Commonwealth .\vi'., Hostoli, Mass. Mass. Insl. ofTech., Hliyshore, Pensacola, North Syilney, Miami. N. A. No. 1137. IITA. Hethel. Iv TunNEli, Stuilent Ollicer. 910 W. Crace St . Hichmonil, \ a. Mass. Inst. ofTech.. Key WCst. IIT.^. Itii laiooi:. John Claiience, Knsign, 1210 Logan Ave. Miurieii|>olis. Minn. Het/. Ceo., Jn., Student Ollicer. Ashersville. Ky. Mass. Inst, (if TcH-h.. Hay Shore, Brunswick, Key West- Hevikh, H. H., Knsign, 212 Berkeley Place, Brooklyn. N. Y. BmwELi.. Ci.vnE C. Student OlBccr, 173 Beacon St.. Hurl ford, (.^onn. BioHELL. (i. II., Knsign, Kinsley, Knns. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2222. HniELow, LovAL A., Student Olhcer, 10 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. HioEiow. HoiiEnT H.. Knsign. 1520 Hill St., Ann Arlior. Mich. Muss. Inst, of Tech., Hay ,Shore. Pensiu-oln. N. A- No. 2250 LTA. BiauERS, Clyde K., Knsign, Steplienville. Texas. Biucis, Caul IL, Knsign, 1 Central Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. N. A. No. 1273. Bl<;<;s. James K.. Knsign. N. A. No. 708. Hi<;i.En. Fi»ei>ehk:k .\., Ma<:hinist. 501 Superior Ave., Chippewa Falls, V\ is. Ukileh. Paul G.. Calvcslon. Ind. N. A. No. 23B1. BlLliElinACK. GonnoN B., ,Student Ollicer, Church St., Cliamiaiign. III. Bit. linos. Dwioht H.. Lieut, 'ig ). 9 West St., North Soitl.Tiine. Muss \ \ N.I. 1'I73. Ill WY^' HiNGHAM, RoBEBT WoBTH. Jb.. Student Oflicer. Chero- kee Park, Louisville, Ky. Bingham, H. W., Jr.. Student Officer, Gleuview, Ky. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore. LTA. Bingham, Rov R., EnsiBU. N. A. No. 243.) Bi.sHop, Cabcy W., Ensign, .5203 .S. Jay St., Takoma. Ma.sh. N. A. No. 2351). Hitter, Herbert C. Student Olliier, 37(J0 N. Hermi- tage Ave., Chicago, III. Black, IIulon W., Student Officer, 1906 Guadalupe St., Austin, Texas. Blackburn, James D„ Ensign. N. A. No. 2t28. RucKsTOCK, B, T., Machinist, 13524 Earlwild Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Rlackhell, VV, E., Ensign, 2326 Webster St., Berkeley, Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech., San Diego, Pensacola, Rocka- way Beach. N. A. No. 1 128. IITA. Blackwell, William M, Ensign. Marion, S. r,. Mass. ;,"»'_■ of Tech., Miami. Key West, Pensacola. N. A. No Blade. Estle J., Gunner. Bladsworth, Timothy P., Machinist. __ Blagden, Franci.s Meredith, Student Officer, 176 E. .0th ht.. New York City. Mass, Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Pensacola. Blair, Fbancis King, Ensign, 653 Waveland Ave., Clncago, III. N. A. No. 1112. Hlair, Geo. B., Student Officer. 209 Beall Ave.. Wooster. Ohio. Blaib. Lawbence D.. Lieut, (j.g.). 808 Devonshire St.. 1 ittsburgh. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Operations. Wash., D. C, Key West, N. A. No. 2111, HTA. Blair, Octave, Ensign, 995 Madison Ave., New York City. . '*LAIR. Roy R., Student Officer, 758 Stout Ave., Wyom- IVr. ■""^""'""'' '^'''o- Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Fla. II I A. Blair, Thomas S., Lieut, (j.g.), 7i5 N. Michigan Ave., r.m"^ ui!. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. N, A. No. 1441. H I A, Student Ollicer, North Bl\keslee, Mar.shall E. Chelmsford, Mass. Blakev, R. K., Lieut, (j.g.) Rlalock John W.. Student t)IIicer. .Southern Bank & 1 rust Co.. Valdosta. Ga. Bronx''N'"Y''' °°"'-"''' ^- Ensign. 1818 Topping Ave.. Ne'w Y'orTai "*'""-" ^- L'""'"' 'JK'' I^IW. 103d St.. Mass*"^""'""'' ''*'*"^ '^•' S""d'-"t Officer. Williamstown N. A. No. 284. Rlanchard. M. B. Blandforh. John B.. Jr., Student Officer. 171 Tei IITA "''sl"-"uck Heights. N. J. Mass. Inst, of 1 rrace Tech. IITA. ^ liLEEC^EH, T.^B.,^Ensign, 12 S. Portland Ave., Brooklyn, ^ Bleistein, C. W., Lieut, (j.g.). 713 Main Street, BulTalo, Blewitt, Bertram J., Student Officer. Bliss, Wvllvs King, Student Officer, 4929 Loins Ave.. t>t. Louis, Mo. Seattle, Wash.; San Diego. HTA. Block, Bernard, Ensign, Mallyn Road, Merion, Pa. Block, Harold S., Ensign, Wheeling, W. Va Ja^svShs^^i^"^^'' ^- f- ''''"<■ .'liiii.l. Fleet. i\. A. %1^ Washington Ave.. Hrouklyn. \. Y. Hhvbson, (Jeohge Daxa. Student OITicer. Sprinp St., Johnson Criy. Tenn. Huaobi nv, Jami;s A.. Jh.. Shideni Ollirer. 3I"J.' Krosid- way, New V<»rk Cily. HnAnpiELu, J. a.. Student Ollirer. 3'>0T Cilhu Ave.. Dalhis. Texas. Mass. Inst, of Terh. Bhadfori), Smith M.. Lieul. (j.g.). Bel Air. Maryland. N. A. No. .')06i^. BnAin.Ev. Andebvii.i.e S.. Student Officer. Munro Ave.. \\ ytinliiii, C(iliinil>us, Ga. Hmi.ii-i. t; OoNALD. Lieul. (j.g.). 132d and I03d Aves.. I^dniontc.n, AILerla. Canada. Mass. Inst, of Tech., lliifralo, Dayton. Ohio. Bhaoley, Tudor W.. Ensign, 905 Cooper St., Camden. N. J. Brady. Charles V. Mo. N. A. No. 1115. Brady. J. B., Ensign. Bhkuv, John C, Student Officer. Itn\r>^ . Bichard M.. ICu'iign. Rapldaii. \ ii Lakes. III.: Hampton Roads, \ a. Brai-nahd, .M. S.. Gunner. Bramigan, Arthur T., Student Officer. Wayland. Mass. Brandt. William E.. Student Officer, Co. L. 7rh Rcgl.. Cami» Perry, Great Lakes. 111. Braxdenstein, Errol W., Ensign. N. A. No. 1190. Urannan, William Forrest, Ensign. 112 Porthmd Si.. Bryan, Oliio. N. A. No. 1959. Bhansome, E. D., Lieutenant. Engineers Chib, Phila- delphia, Pa. N. A. No. 286. Branson, Frank L.. Ensign, Fairfax. Ala. Mass. lost, of Tech., Pensacola. Chatham. IIT.\. Uraitn, Christian W., Student Oflieer, 2 '9 Marshall St.. Paterson, N. J. Breathitt. James. Jr., Sludent Officer, llopkinsville. Ky. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore. H lA. Breck, Lewis T.. Boatswain. 5.'> IT W aitcnnan Ave., St. Louis. Mo. Breen. James W., Gunner. Breen, Leo.nard J.. Ensign. 152 Graham Ave.. Pater- son, N. J. Bbeese. James L.. Jr.. Lient. ("j.g.). Bremier. Fbed. Sludent Officer. Universally f;iul>. Wash- ington, D. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech. IITA. Bhennan. Edward. Lieut, (j.g.). Southampton. L. I.. N. v.; Bay Shore, N. Y.; Key West, Fla.; Chatham., Mass IITA. Bhknnan, IIubebt, Sludent Officer. Bbennan, John R., Ensign, Harrington Hotel, ington. D. C. Brennan, Robert. Ensign. Denison, Texas. Inst, of Tech.. Key West, Miami. iVnsacnIa. Fla. No. 1668. HTA. Brenza. Julius C, Student Officer. O':.! W esl (; Blvd.. Chicago. III. Bre.ssman, a. a.. Ensign. N. A. No. 11. Bbett. Donald C. Student Officer. 3100 Walnut Sf., Philaielphia. Pa. BRFrrrEL, C, Ensign. 131 Nagle Ave., New York City. ItREWEH. Edward S.. Lieul. (j.g.). 650 Canton Ave. Milton. Mass. Pensarola. Fla.: R. N. A. S. Westgale. Portland; Felixstowe. Eng.; St. Trojan, .\rcachon. France. N. A. No. 197. HTA. Brewer. J. S.. Student Officer. 306 S. Monn.e St . Bulli- more, ,Md. Pensacola, Fla. Brewster. Charles II.. Lieut, (jn*. 1 L3 Waverly Place, New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. Killingholme, R. A. F.; Cutterick, Eiig.; Nortlieru Bomb. Group. N. A. No. 326. HTA. Wash- Mass. N. A. artidd BiiEVMAN. Chas. IL. Ensign. I Brk:e. M. I)., Ensign. Brickell. IIarbv L.. Machinisl. BRiDr;E, R. S., Ensign. 229 \m\ Dyke .\ve., Detroit, Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. Queenstown, Rockaway. L. I. N. A. No. 910. HTA. Briikjeman, Hollls L., ICnsign, 171 Broadway, Cam- hridg)', .Mass. Brkjcs, Clark W.. .Student Officer. Briocs. Ferris B.. Student Officer. 373 Washingt<»n Ave.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Bricjgs, L. G.. Machinist. Bricham, Wm.. Ensign. 2H29 Vallejo St., San Francisco. Cal. Bbincham. Li'ciEN M., luisign. Brinkmam, Baymond Oliver, luisign. U Woodbine St., Hartford, ("oiul Mass. Inst, of 'lech.. Akron. Ohio; Pensacola. Fla. N. A. No. 2152. LTA. Bbitt, Raymond L.. Sludent (tllicer. Brittan. Joe M., Stuks. D. W.. Lieut, (j.g.). Desson. Miss. Brooks, Garnett T., Student Officer, Royslon, Ga. Mass Inst, of Tech.. Miami, Fla. H lA. ititooKs. James L., .Student Officer, 1909 Morris .Vve., Birmingham. Ala. BiiooKs. WvLTER A.. I-lnsign. N. A. No. 2197. Brotherhood. John (J.. Sluut. (i.g.). Baldwin, L.I. .N.Y. Y f Mass. Insl. of Tech., Pensncolo. Moiili-hic. Fr., Slonehenge, Eng., Kiliingholme. Eng. N. A. No. S.SB. Bri MMiTT. L. \\ ...Sludenl Oflirpr. Care of General Motor Corp., Holbrook Ave., and (^. T. H. R., Delroil, Mich. Seattle, Wash.; San Diego, Pensacola. HTA. Bbunelle. Henry E., Student Officer. Briner. Donald B., Student OlBcor, 1216 22nd St . Rock Island, 111. Bruneh. H.arold Milton, Student Ollieer. 1H6 Browne i , Ave.. Erie. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. S.V Brunhouse. RoBT. S., Student OfB"'ir, 1819 Chesl nut Si . r ■ Philadelphia, Pa. ' Brining, A. J., Student Officer, 12.'il W. Jefferson St., !^ Louisville, Ky. Dunwoody Inst., Great Lakes, Miami. ' HTA. BnitssT.\B. James S., Student Officer, 758 Lolhron Ave., Delroil, Mich. Bryant, R. C Ensign. 88 Henry St., Binghamton. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. N. A. No. S.M. LTA, Bryne, F. J.. War. Gun. Bin hanan, Archibald A., Student Officer, 76 Decatur St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bensonhurst, Pelhain Bay, Key West. HTA. Buchanan, T. S.. Ensign. "^ Buchanan, W. W., Machinist, Cornwell, Mass. Buck. Ellsworth B., Ensign, 60 Marion Ave., Staple- ton. S. 1. N. Y. Mas.s. Inst, of Tech.. Blue HiU Ob- C,; servatory. Operations, Naval Observatory, Wash. f Buck. Leonard J.. Lieut, (j.g.). Park St. and Prospect k Ave., Bethlehem, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech.,Washington,D. C. C , KucK. Willis, Student Officer, 357 Broad St.. New Lon- I don. Conn. 1, Buckley, Wm. A., Boatswain. _i BuCKNELL, Elmer J., Ensign. "l . Hi;CK.sTAFF, John Bay, Ensign. 300 S. 36th St., Phila- delphia, Pa. V, Buerkin, Julius A., Ensign, 491 Commonwealth Ave., V Boston, Mass. BuLKELEY. Warren, Ensign, 509 Audubon Rd., Brook line, Mass. V BuLKLEY, Milton, Student Officer, 619 Mariposa Ave.. I Oakland, Gal. Bull, Albert S., Student Officer, BiUerica, Mass. C Bullen, W. G., Ensign. I BuLLis. Richard O., Student Officer. 525 S. Westlake ] Ave.. Los Angeles. Cal. Seattle, Wash. HTA. di ; Bullitt Hugh K.. Student Ollieer, 13U 3rd Ave., j! Louisville, Ky. Seattle. Wash. HTA. i I iv,'\V'-'-?,™','-''^"^^*' ^- Student Officer. 1916 16th St., j> N. W., Washington, D. C. I , BuLLricK John D.. Ensign, Fort Atkinson, Wise. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1429. HTA. (• , "'^"X!"^"- Arthur IL, Ensign, 421 No. Broarlway, Yon- kers, N. Y. ^IhiNKER, R. U.. Ensign. 615 No. Broadway. Y'onkers. ^ KuNT, J. IL. Lieut, (j.g.) N. A. No. 1301. Burchahd. Russell, Student Officer, Hamilton, N. \. J. Burchell. Robt. L., Student Officer, Erie, 111. o ^i-"','"-^T?,'''"."."'"= ^- Ensign. 2449 Delaware Ave., Buffalo N. -i . Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron , Key West, Fla. IN. A. No. 1964, LTA. Burden. Wm, D.. Student Officer. 7 East 91st St.. New York City. Burean. AcHiLLE G.. Carpenter. 1923 W. Allegheny Ave.. Philadelphia. Pa. Burford. Edh ard S.. Student Officer. Naval Y. M C A Norfolk. Va. BuRGET. Robt. V.. Student Ollieer. 1209 E. Wabash Ave.. Terre Haute. Ind. BuRGOON, Willard T.. Student Officer, 1414 Newman Ave., Lakewood. Ohio. Burke, Frank L., Ensign, 13 Brevoort Place, Brooklyn. N. Y. Burke, Frank L.. Fnsign. N. A. Burke, James .Michael. Ensign. Burke. Stanley C, Student Officer, Georgetown University, Wa.shington. D. C. Burke. Thomas F., Ensign. 45 W St.. N. W.. Washing- ton, D. C. Birke, Thomas J., Ensign. N. A. No. 2305. BuHKH\KT. LoRis E., Eusigu. Bubleioh, Rov J., Machinist, 107 1st St., N. W., Wash- ington, 1). C. Burn, Farrar. Ensign, BuRNE, Edward B., Ensign. BuHNE, John C, Student Officer, Huntington, L. I., N. Y. BuRNHAM. Adison C. Eiisigu, 15 Bracebridge Rd,. Newton Center. Mass. N. A. No. 1088. Burnha.m, Donald C. Student Officer. Timken Bldg.. San Diego. Cal. BuRNHAM. Marston. Eusigu. 3563 7th St.. San Diego. Cal. .Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. Miami. Pensacola, Coco Solo. N. A. No. 1131. HTA. BuRNHAM. Randolph T.. Student Officer. 1505 E. Gen- esee St., Syracuse, N. Y'. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Charleston, S. C. Akron. LTA. Burns. A. C. Lieut, (j.g.). 1031 Wall St., Los Angeles, Cal. N. A. No. 610. Burns. Frederick J.. Student Officer. BiTRNs, Robert W.. Ensign, West CarroUton, Ohio. N. A. No. 676. Birr. Samuel IL, Student Officer. 99 Monroe St.. Brook- lyn, N. Y. BiiRRows, Lees J. .Ensign, 1013 N. Michigan Ave.. Sagi- naw. Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore. L. 1.; Pensacola. Fla. N.A. No. 1985. HTA. Burt. Frederick ington. W. Va. M.. Ensign. Westmoreland. Ilunt- BuRTis. Eric F., Ensign. Burton. Benjamin B.. Student Officer. New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Anacostia. HTA. Burton. Halbert G.. Student Officer, 3 Walker St., Cambridge, Mass. BiiRTON. Robert A., Jr.. Ensign. 1953 Conway Bldg. Chicago. 111. Mass. Inst, of Tech. BuRWELL. Geo. IL. Student Officer. Millwood. Va. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Bush. Geo. Allen. Student Officer. 209 Columbia Bldg.. Louisville. Ky. Bush. Geo. W.. Student Officer. 13414 Shaw Ave.. E.. Cleveland, Ohio. Bu.sh, James T.. Ensign. University Club. Chicago, 111. Great Lakes, Hampton Rds.. Monchead City, N. C. BiisHMAN. Robert P., Student Officer, 97 Lenox Ave. East Orange, N. J. BuTCHART. Ellis J.. Ensign, 127 10th St.. Duluth. Minn. N. A. No. 307. Butler. H. F., Ensign. Butler. James H.. Student Officer. 26 Benefit St., Worcester. Mass. Butler. John Joseph. Student Officer. Bear 288 Charles St.. Maiden. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Butler, Marion, Ensign, 1333 15th St., N. W., Wash- ington, D. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola, Moutchic, Fromenline. France. N. A. No. 922. HTA. BtiTRicK. S., Carpenter. Byers. John R. B.. Student Officer, 935 5th Ave., Cora- opolis. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. BvERS, Wm. L., Student Officer. North Andover, Mass. Byork, Amos, Ensign. Byrd. Edward R., Student Officer, 120 Broadway, New Y'ork City. Byrne. Gilbert R. Student Officer. 128 S. Hill St., Jackson. Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Ohio; Rock- away Beach. L. I. LT.\. Byrne, Joseph IL. Student Officer. Y. M. C. A. Hous- ton, Texas- w m m C\HKR. HOHACKC. Ens tun St (imps. Arkniisns. Mnss. Fnsl. of T.'.-h . H:iy Sli )r.', Itriin-ivvirk. (ia., K<'y WrsI, I'iMisiicoIa. i\. A. No. 2157. MTA. CALKAHI). I.WIW W, Machinist MO Circuit Rouii. \Mii- throp, Mass. Pntiillar. Kr.. Kuslli;iBli, Eng., Buy Shori-. ( AI.DWKLI.. M. W. fCnsiiin 1 1" No. Kniiilworlti .\vc., Oak Park. [II. Mass. I -sr. of Teirh., S. I*. f)6l. Miami. IViisacola. N. .\. No. 1744. I IT A. CAMKHON. H. n. Sluf/rnt OOic'-r 2(M)6 Cotiimliia Itoail. WaslittiKlud. O. C. Mass, Insl. of Tech., Bay Shore. Key West fhom .v.n HS Flying; Boat CAMPBKLL. H. Mdchini.st Malliews Terrace. Rocky Hiver, Ohi< Aiitangiie, Fr.. Kng. HTA. Pensacola, KitHtleigh, CAMPHKLL. II. ir. Jr. Sltident OjOicrr 323 N 8th Si.. Patersf.ii N. J. .Mass. Insl. ol" Tech. Miami. HTA. CAMPHKM.. \I. JAMI-S h'nsii/ti 210 \V. Iowa Ave.. Iii- dianola. Iowa. Mas.s. Inst. of T^'ch.. Key West, Mtaiiii. P.-ns;ir, CAMPBi:iX. W. it. Ens iijn I<> CentiT Hill Ave.. Nan- tiisket Beach, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. PerLiacolu, I\.rtlan — ^,^jn^---,-■) \\ illniington, N. C. Mass. lust, of Tech., Pensacola. N. .\. No. .ill. 1IT.\. CAREY, W. JAMES Sdidcnl Officer 784 Broadway, S. Boston, Mass. Mass Inst, of Tech., Cambridge; Miami. ilTA. CARLSON. HOMER Enjiiijn 302T N. Uth Ave., Omaha, Nebraska. Mass. Inst, oi' Tech., Bay .Sliore. Bruns- wick, Pensacola. key West. N. A. No. 2:i:ifi. HTA. CARPENDER, VVM. Ensif/n 178 George St., New Bruns- wick, N. J. Mass Inst, of Tecli., Pensacola, Cape May. \' CARPEN'li:ii. AI.I.A.N W . W,'., Ensign 'V - ir>()H Franklin St.. Wilming- |on, Del. 1^ CARPENTER, C. II. Ensign 610 No. Ilrnry St., M,adi- 8on, Wisconsin. Dunwoody, Key West, Miami, Pen- sacola. N. A. No. 2089. IIT.\. CARPENTER, PHILIP J. Ensign 1608 Franklin St., Wilming- ton, Delaware. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. IITA. CARIl. JOHN ICDWIN Ensign "^ lot) -Main Si.. Porlerville. Calif■ Y CASKY. JOHN .SliiilrnI OJIirrr 27 (^hironiorit Avt^.. Provi- ilr-rici-. H I. .M:is«. Insl. ,,1' 'I'frh., \cwporl, Kt'y West II r\. CASSIUY, KUBEHT V. Ensifin V.i Flint St.. Somorvillr, Mjiss. Mas-i. Iiml. of 'IVcli., I'ensanola. Quoori-*- towii. Ire.. Clialliam. IN'. A. No. 1072. IITA. CASSIDY. \V\1. P. Ensi'in I l.i Gletiilalc I'ark. Itoih- •■slpr. N. Y. Mass. Insl. 1.1 IVnh.. Ilarvaril Radio. -Miami. IVMisai-ola. N. .\. iNo. :;62t. IITA. CMIIIIKN. CIIAS. K. Ensign Lyiu-ltliurt;, S. C. .Seattle, San Dii'^'o. Pensacolu. A. .No. 2:i7.-». IITA. N. N-!> (itlNNKKY I'l.ANK IaKINc; IIif 4:-^N^ i I > - CAVAlNAGII. v.. II. "^ ' Ensitin I 720 Clark Si.. ICvacislon. , , III. Cr.-al I.ak.s. Mass. Inst of Tech.. Blue Mill Observatory. C3>^ III WIMKMI.AIN. K. W. Ensign i\\ (traftoii .S(.. .\rlinirlon. Mass Mass. Insl. of IVih.. -Miami. I'onsn«M>ta. N. A. No. 2074. HTA. CIIAMItKHI.MN. W. .M. Ensign nil McTri.k Si.. Woneslor. Mass Mass. Insl of Iwh., Key W.-sl, IITA. I IT ciiAMiiKni.iN. J. n. Ensitin T'lrrt'sdale, I'hila., Pn- Mass. Insl. of Tf'ch.. .\k- rori. Pensacolu. N. A. MO. 2149. LTA. — /^_ .- — -(~- r y — 'CO" r^^^^^^:=^-—r-J^-.-=S^^ X i l! CHAMBERS. C. F. Machinisl 587 West 177th St., New York City. Columbia University. Easlleigh. Kng.. Pensacola. CHAPIN, ROBERT E. Ensign 1979 D. St.. Lincoln, Ne- braska, Seattle. San Diego, Pensacola. N, A. No, 222.3. IITA. CIIAP.MAN, THOMAS H. Ensign 208 Lapsley St., Selma, Alabama. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola, Montauk, Hampton Roads. N. A. No. 219. IITA. CHAPMAN, THOMAS H Lieut, (j.g.) 52 R. I. Ave, N. E., Wash- int-ton, D. C. R. F. C. Toronto: Hamp. RiU., Ft. Worth. Key West. Pensa.. Bn. Op. N. A. No. 898. CHAPPELL, JAY F, Ensign 622 Fairoaks .\ve.. Oak Park. III. Ma.ss. Inst, of Tech., Key West. N. A. No. Uh8. IITA. CHARLES, THOS. J. Machinist 238 92nd St.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Columbia Hampton Roads, Fr., Bay Shore. Univ.. Brest. CHARPIOT.CHARLES L. Student Officer West Unity, Ohio. Seattle. Washington, San Diego. HTA. CHASE, BURR L. Ensign 42.'!0 North Main St., Niagara Falls. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. N. A. No. 2581. HTA. l\{ } h if CHKTLAIN, A LOUIS Ensign 7414 Sheridan Road. Chi- cago. Ill, Mass. Inst,, of Tech.. Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2:i60. HTA. CHETLAIN. KENT G. Ensign 7414 SheridanlRoad. Chi- rafio. 111. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami, 'Pensacola. N. A, No. 2298. HTA. r CIIEYNEY. HENRY C. Student Officer Green Bay, Wisconsin. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Great Lakes, Miami. HTA. CHILD, JOHN W. Student Officer First St..\Villouphby Beach. Va. Oiinwoofiy Inst., Minn. HTA. fl^ CHILSON. C. E. Ensign Fargo. N. D. Dunwoody, Creat Lake^, New York, Detroit. Miami. CHILTON. WM E.. Jr. Ensign 1222 Virginia St., Charles- ton. W. Va. M. I. T.. Key West, Pensa., N. Sydney. Miami. N. A. No. 1110. HTA. CHURCHELL. H. C. Ensign 116 McLennan Ave., Syra- cuse. N. Y. Mass. Inst. Tech., Bay Shore. Hamp- ton Roads, Pensacola. HTA. CHURCHILL, G. K. Ensign 145 East 35th St.. New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore. Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 2208. 118 CHUTE, JAMES L Ensign 63 North St.. Saro, Miiiiie. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key \\«.'sl, Miami, Moutchir, Fr., Malpensa. Italy. N. .\. No. 143.1. IIT.\. t:i..\Ii.\lJGII, SAMUEL F. Stndpnt Officer Tuscaloosa. .\la. M.iss. Inst, of Tech. IITA. CLAFLIN. WILLIAM \V. Sluilcnl Officer l.">6 (>rant ■\vft.. Newton Center. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech. IITA I/O CLAI'I'. KENNETH II. Lieut, ij.fl-} 1.1 Ivxchanne Place, New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. iVnsacohi. R. A. F., Wales. KillinKholme. N. \. No. 229. IITA. ! V -■V 'II] ,^',A.v ()\ i;n \'inc;is[.v Kf.v AT Miami CLABK. C. D. Knxign ni'l Market St.. .Sunliury. I*a. .\Ias.s. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. IVnsacoln. North Syilney. N S. N. A. No. 1112. IITA. CLAHK. EDWARD A., Jr. Student Officer Pond .St.. Jamaica Plain. Hoston. .^lass. Mass. Inst, of lech. IITA. CLAHk. JllllN C. Knsiijn 11.-.4 N. Prairie St., Gales- hiirg. Illinois. Mass. Inst. "ech.. Key West, Pen- sacola IITA N. A. -No. 22OT. CLARK, RANSOM I! 202 N. WcmkI St., Oxforil Ohio. Masvs. Inst, of Tech.. Hay Shore. Key West. Moutchic. Fr., St. Trojan, Fr. N. A. No. 42(1. MIA II!) I^?t=l^ mi i % !^^ CLARKE, A. FIELDER Ensigrt 5201 Weytminster Place, Pillsburgh, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Bay Shore, Pensacola. N. A. No. 21.30. HTA. CLARKE. JO.SEPH G Ensign .323 Wilson Ave.. Cyn- thiana, Ky. Mass. Insi,. of Tech., Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2334. HTA. CLAUSEN, E. W. Ensign 202 First National Bank, Atchison, Kansas. Masti. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacrjia. HTA. CLEMENT, EDWARD J. Ensign 508 Milton Ave., Syracuse^ N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.» Bay Shore, Pensacola. ^.N. A. No. 1592. HTA. CLERY, EDWARD D., Jr. Sludenl Officer Plandorae. Long Island, N. Y. Si^atlle, Wash. HTA. CLIFTON, HENRY C. Slurirnl OJTicer 3607 McKinley Ave., El Paso, Te.xas. Seattle, Wash- ington, San Diego. HTA CLIFTON. JOE A. Sladeni Officer 3601 McKinley Ave., El Paso, Texas. Univ. of Wash., Seattle, Wash. HTA. CLINE, J. THADDEUS- Ensign 2J01 DuranI Ave., Berke- ley, California. Mass. Inst,, of Tech.. Miami, Pensa. cola, San Diego. N. A No. 1369. HTA COATS, CECIL LYNN Ensign 4526 Brooklyn Ave., Seat- tle, Washington. Univ. Wash.. .Seattle, San Diego, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2262. HTA. COBB, JA.MES O. Ensign. Winston, Salem, N. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Hampton Roads, Pensacola, Key West. N. A. No. 1605. HTA. COGAN. GEORGE E. Student Officer 98 Ave. C. Hayonne, N. J. M.ass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore. HTA. COGGESHALL, J.. Jr. Lieul. ij.g.) 9 Autumn St., Boston Mass. Ma.ss. Inst, of Tech., Hampton Roads, Pensacola, Bu. Operations. N. A. No. 417. HTA. .H. Jl COHEN, ALVIN F. Ensign 38 Broad St., Charleston, S. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2284. HTA. COII.E. WILSON W. Ensign Cookeville, Tenn. Mass. In.st. of Tech., Pensa. Moutchic. Avord. Old .Sar- um. Northern Bomb. Gr., Fr. N. A. No. 362. HTA. COLBY, ANTHONY D. Lieul. (j.g.) Rockville, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Hampton Roads, Pensacola, Bay Shore. N. A. No. 487. HTA. COLE. ELVVOODIB Student OOicer 605 Voris St.. Peoria, Illi- nois. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Great Likes, Key West HTA. iiil.K. Ill (ill I.. \I. Ensiijfi I I Franklin Si. Miirris- liiun. I\. J. Muss. Insl. "I Tnch.. Miami. K'-y Uisl. Bav Shorr. Hriins- wick. (;a. N..\. 1(1211 IITA. COLKMW. FHIiVMAN Sluili-nt Offiri-r Santa Rosa, Caltfornia. Seattle, Washinj^ton; San Diego. IITA. COLES, VVII.I.IAM M. Etisifjti 2~il Castro St., .San Fran- risro, California. Mass. Insl. of Tec-li.. Miami, Pensacola, Key West. N. A. No, 1667. IITA. COM. INS, JKHOMI-: J Kltsiiju 1602 I*illst(»n Ave.. Scran- Ion, Pa. .Mass. Inst, of Te<-li., Key West. Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 202,5 IITA. 1 I' V-,.'v': In the Cloids 1(-' h. ^Sb' COLLINS. JOS. J. Eiisitjn l<^'^ Salcm St., I,.iiwreti('e. M.iss. Mass. Insl. o! Tech.. Hiiy Shorr, IViinsncola. N. A. i\o. 1661. HTA. .Ir. COLLYKH. Kit\M\ I hnsum C!ielseu-on-M iidsoii, I >n hh ess Co., N. Y. Mass. Inst < f Tech.. Hay Sliorr. Pensacola. N.A. No. 1897. HTA. COLWKLL. SAMl KL G. Kns ifjn II (^)ninry St.. iVovidenre. Hhode Island. M. I. T.. P»*iisa«'nla. Moutrhic, l,e Croi.sic. lluiiiptuii Roads. N. A. No. 932. HTA. COMIUC. \VM. H. Shuienl Officer 673 f'aroinlelct St., Los AiiK<>I**s, California. Seatlle., Wasliiiiglon. San Dieso. 'ccy T^-nT-i- '•'^^i-j>' if COMLY. SAMUEL N. Sfai/enl Officer I'orl Chester. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. CONDON, EDW. T., Jr. Lieut. (Jg.) Morristown. N. J. CurtLss. Buffalo; Bu. of S. K. Wash., I. E. M., Seattle. Wash- iugton. HTA. ti) \i SS^' CONGDON. K. \V.. Jr., SliidenI Officer 267 RidKewood Ave., Glen Hidfje. N. J. Mass. Insl. of Tech.. liiiy Shore. HT.\. CONGEH, K. li.. Jr. Ensign Irvington-on-Hudson, New York. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Hay Shore, Brunswick, Ga., Miami. N. A. No. 20.J9. HTA. CONDON, GUY B. Student Ofjicer So. PenoKscot, Maine. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore HTA. CONE, JAMKS HAROLD Student Ofjicer Room .32« King Si. Sta- tion, .Seattle, Wash., Seattle LTA. *waSt CONN, R. DONALD Ensign 2t)5 Penn St.. Point Marion, Pa. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Miami, Key West, Pen- sacola. N. A. No. 2582 HTA. CONNELL, BYRON J. Ensign Wilkinsburg, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., San Diego, Pensacola. Rockaway. N. A. No. ITl.";. HTA. CONNELLY, THOS. J. Ensign 2722 X St., .Sacramento, Cal. Mass. Insl. of Tech.. Akron. Pensacola, Hamp- ton Roads, Key West. N. A. No. 156.-!. LTA. CONNOLLY, JOHN F. Student Officer ]7t8 Larkin St., San Fran- cisco, California. Seattle, Washington. HTA. CONOLLY, JOSEPH F. Ensign 61 Somerset St., Rochester. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. Miami, Pensacola, Killingholnie. N. A. No. lilt HT» CONOVER, E. VAN A. Student Officer 411 Sewall Ave., Asbury Park, N J. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Cambridge. HTA. '*H CONSTABLE, HENRY B. Ensign 2064 East 7th St.. Char- lotte, N. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Hampton Rds., Bresl, Pauillac, Moul- chic, Fr. N. A. No. liUO. CONWAY, M. A. Student Offitcer 369 Mason St.. Portland. Oregon. Universily Wash . Sealtle, Key West. HTA. COOK, THOS. E. War, Machinist I.').'S College Ave., Pough- keepsie, N. Y. Columbia Univ., Pensacola. COOK. T. K. Ensign 11129 Glenwood Ave., S E.. Cleveland, Ohio. Ak- ron, Brest, Fr., Guipavas. Fr. LTA. Vii -^H^ CORBKTT, JAMES M. Knsiyn li'i OntrnI Square. Sonier- \\\\t\ Mass. Miiss. Iiisl. of 'i^'rh.. Miurni, I'eiisocolu. Moiitauk. N. A. No. 997. LTA. IITA. COlUtl.N. HUl.LAiND K. Knsign (■rand Isle, NiTiiuiiit. Moss Inst, of 'I'wh., Hay Shore, I'eiisacoln, Key \Ve.sI. N. A. No. 621. LTA. IITA. COKCOKAN. LARHY Ensign Hi Park St.. \V. Spriiifrfiold, Mass. Mass. Inst, of 'I'eeh.. Key West, Maiini. I'eri- sacolu. Hay Shore. (Chat- ham. N. A. No. 426. IITA COHMACK. WILLIAM S Knsiiin r> Hi^elow Terraee, Newton, Mass. Muss. Insi. of 'IVrh.. Pensarola. Hocka way, Paris, Moutchie. I'V. N. A. No. I0»9. IITA. ^vy:- /t-^ Interior of .\x II-Hi from the Pilot's Seat COILMNC. norCLAS I). hJnsign r>}l Hamilton Ave., Lynn. Mpss, Mass. Insl. of Tech , Hay Shire, iV-nsneola. N. A. No. 980. LTA. CORRY, ARTHl R Ensign (hiincy. Fla. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Hay Shore. I'en- sacola, Paiiilhir. Fr., Moul- rhic, Fr., L'Aber Vrach. Kr. N A. No. 739. HTA. COHVLLL. LKWTSS. Enxign Osceola. Wisconsiu. Dun- wrwxly, Mttin., Key West. Pensaeohi. N. A. No. 2IK7. HTA. CUH/.INK. (iliO W\L. Jr. Simient Officer Jtll Kniporia Ave., Wichita, Kansas- Seattle, WusIhiik- ton. HTA. I r.\ kj.. COTT. R. S. Enaiitn or! W Urcnil Si r„luni- liils (llij., Diiiittci.clv, \liiiM Ml iriii ki\ Wivl Pensdciila iN \ INi, J I'lJ COTTRELL, EDWIN H. Ensign ■{6 Watson Avf.. East (Iranpi- N J Mass. lust. .,1 Tp( li Miami Key West, I'c IIS Kdla N \. No. 2:)5l. }l I \ COUGHLIN, GEORGE E. Lieut. {j.Wir km m M /^'r^_ — ^ » r -> V ' V ( Hn\li;n, PAUL C. Knsitjn \\. ¥. I) i\... 1, Clinton, Iriwii, Oiuiwoody. Miami, Key \\esl. I*i:nsacolu. N. A. No. 2530. HTA. CHOMWKI.L, A. C. Kttsign 2 H. Toiirnine Apts. .31st and Colouial Ave., Norfolk, V'ir^'iiiia- Mass. Inst, of Trrh-, liay Shore. Pen- sacola. N. A. No. I:!I2. C.KOMN. KHA\CIS L. Ensujn 12<) Pinkney St., Boston, Mass. Mas-s. Inst, of Tech.. Mtnini. Pensaeola. N. A. No. 2165. IITA. CHO.MN, KHKDUICK M Stuth'iit Ojjicer 77 Hirchwood St., West Roxhiiry, Mas.s, Mass. Iiisl. of Teeh., iVnsaeola - > V T A I s \-il 1''(IH-MAI1C)N' ^■M ciiuwua. iiiicii A. Sli„lrnl Officer lloaslon, Texas. Harvard Hadio. Mass. Inst. ofTech.. Miami. Moulrhie, S(iiiad- J C.^DLE. C. J.. Student OfTicer. Charleston. III. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Great Lakes. III.; Akron, Ohio; Rockaway Beach. L. I. LTA. Cadwell. Marion S., Ensign, 212 Lakeview Ave.. Jamestown. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami. Pensacola. Fla. N. A. No. 1839. HTA. Cahili.. Frank V., Student Officer, 502 Geo. St.. New Brunswick, N. J, Cahill, Geo. a., Jr., Lieut, (j.g.), 147 Milk St., Boston. Mass. Caldren. Fred G., Student Officer. Caldwell, Harold B., Student Officer. 130 Summit Ave.. Ml. Vernon. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA Caldwell. Lafayette Hardwick. Student Officer. Lookout Mountain. Chattanooga. Tenn. Seattle. Wash. HTA. Caldwell, Thos. B., Ensign, Carbondale, III. Dun- woody Inst.. Minn., Key West, Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2131. HTA. Caldwell, Walter Bruce, Ensign. 601 West 110th St., New York City. Caldwell, Wm. H., Ensign. 3603 Locust St., Philadel- phia, Po. N. A. No. 1383. Calhoun. Howell Vincent, Student Officer, 410 River- side Drive, New York City. Seattle, Wash., New York. HTA. Callahan, Cornelius J., Ensign. Y. M. C. A., Camden, N.J. Callahan, P.a,trick J., Lieut, (j-g.), 123 Cushing Ave., Dorchester, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Mout- chic. He Tudy. France. N. A. No. 331. HTA. Callard, Chas. G., Student Officer. 110 Dyer St., Lans- ing, Mich. Callaway. Steven W.. Ensign. 1600 Harmon Place, Minn., Minn. N. A. No. 2138. Callendeb. John M., Jr.. Student Officer, 526 Polk Blvd., Des Moines, Iowa. Gallery, Wm., Ensign. 4875 Ellsworth Ave.. Pittsburgh. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. Miami, Moutchic, France: Northern B. G., Campagne, France: Malpensa, Italy. N. A., No. 615. HTA. CURTZE, FRED. A. Ensign 630 Myrtle St , Erie. Penn. Mass. Inst. of Miami. Pensacola No. 1809. HTA. Tech.. N. A. CUTTHRELL. H. H. Lieut. U-9) Winston Salem. W. Vir- ginia. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Miami, Pen- sacola. Key West. N. A. No. 1590. HTA. <^ -^ ^ ^ Callihan, Roy M.. Ensign. Camp. James L., Jr., Student Officer, 20.39 New Hamp- shire Ave.. N. W., Washington. D. C. Camp, Samuel T., Student Officer, Balboa Park, San Diego. Cal. Campazzi, E. J., Ensign. 15 Prospect Place, New York City. Ma&s. Inst, of Tech.. Key West, Fla. HTA. Campbell, David P.. Ensign, Douglas Place, Dudley Ave., Louisville. Ky. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Hampiun Roads. N. A. No. 1543. LTA. Campbell, G. C, Ensign. Campbell. Hugh Gordon. Ensign. Care of Sigma Phi Place. Geneva, N. Y. Campbell. J^sse Lee, Student Officer. 1000 Md. St., Columbia. Mo. Campbell. John R., Student Officer, 343 High St., Mazda Club. Newark. N. J. Campbell. Parker T., Student Officer. 2160 Scottwood Ave., T(»ledo. Ohio. Campbell. Wm., Carpenter. Canby. John W.. Ensign, Hackensack, N. J. N. A. No. 19611. Canfield. F. D., Ensign. Y. M. C. A.. Des Moines, Iowa. Canfield. Wrenn M.. Student Officer. 210 Capital City Bank BIdg., Des Moines. Iowa. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Boston. LTA. Cannon, A. H.. Machinist. 135 Maple St., Gardiner, Me. Cannon. Geo. C. N. A. No. 903. Cannon. Harry J.. Student Officer. 642 Ohio Bldg., Toledo, Ohio. Cannon. John J., Student Officer, 515 Tenth St., Brook- lyn. N. Y. Cantwell. Wm. H., Lieut, (j.g.). 729 Prospect Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Moutchic. N. A. No. 284. HTA. Canty. Geo. R.. Lieut. (Jg). 1 Highland St.. Boston, Mass. Pauillac, France; Eastleigh, Eng.. Northern B. Group. Capser. Leo W., Ensign. m EiWiii ,/;^^^ t""^ "'■■•^>^" If. -,_! ■> -r ' Cahiikh, Kahle W., Fiisitfii, 89 Ktrllaiid St.. Lynn, Mass. (lAniiAHT. Lkwis H.. Sliitlciit Ofliccr. 212 Ponce dc Leon Ave., Allanla. Ga. Carle, PAlL,tKnsit'n,f 1730 l^a Loma, Herkelcy, Cnl. Mass. Inst, of Teeh., Hay Shore, L. L. Pensncola. N. A. No, 1327. f'.AHi.KToN. \V.5K , 'Boat-swain, N. A. No. 2(l\\in, Sludeiit Oflieer, 91 Itisliopsfra'e Hoad. Ni-wli.n\Ci-nler, Mass. Mass. Insl. of Te.li. IITA. ('ahi„sun, Hai.I'II ANimiiw. Student Officer, .19 Ntjrman St., K. OraURe, N.J. ('ABl.rr<:i, V. J., Ensi'-n, 29 Kvelyn Place. Bronx. New V..rk Cily. (!\aMAN, Al.l,\N. Student t )nirer. it.', lloharl .\ve., Sntn- niil. N. J. CxnMICHAl-:!.. Halph A.. StTident Ollii-er. 29 l.'.lh St., Washinslon, D. C, <:\nM:s, Sami KL J., Kiisij-n. 123 \\. 8tli St., Cambridge, Ohio. (:\nM:v. C. C. Student Officer, 1526 Lafayette St.. Denver, t^olo. Carnochan. G. M.. Ensign. New Cilv. Rockland Co., N, Y, Mass. Insl. of Tech , Miami. HTA. tl \nei:\THR, Gka\t II,. Lieut, l.j.t:.*. La Porte. Peini. Akron. Pensaeola, ilarnptnn Itoads, Paindjoeiif, Guipavas, Bay Shore, Ilockaway. N. A. No. .-il.i. I.TA. CMii-i-:Nrl;a, K. S.. Knsii.'n. 3 Brifjham .St.. Watertown. Mass. M.-iss. Inst, of Tech.. Pensaeola, Moutchic, Kraia'c. killiiifhohne, Kiig. N. A, No. 1197. UT.\. ('.vnnERK. RoBT. M . Student Officer. 137 E, 73rd St., New ^'ork Cily. Cmoioi.i.. CHESTi-:n I>.. Sliident Ollicer, 2 Congress St., Worcester. iMass. Cahboi.l, Kbank (i.. Student ( lllicer. 3tl3 \\ - ItlL'nd St., New York City. ('arrolI-. James EnwAan, Student Officer, 7 Parcell St.. Elmhursl. N. Y. Cahhoi.i.. John D., Lieut, (j p.), Boidevard Apl.. Balti- more. Md. t^^RS^ALLEN, J. I>.. Ensign, 512 \V. End Ave.. New York City. Carson, A. K., Ensign, 33 Grand St.. Oneontti, .N. Y.. N. A. No. 211K. Carson. At.EXANnKH V.. Ensign, 33 Grand .St.. Oneonla. N. Y, Mass. Inst, of Tech., Mianu. Key West, I*ensacola. Fla. N. A. No. 2I1H. lilA. Cahson. Clifford ('.. EnsigiL Rarslow. Texas. Mass. Insl. of Tech.. RulTalu. Washington, .\kron. LTA. Carson. John L., Jr., Student Offi<-i'r. Jl 1 1 West Oelevan Ave., Bidlalo. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of leih. HTA. CARSors, L. F., Ensign. 203 .S. (^onrl St., .Montgomery, .\la., N. A. No. 7()(>. Carter, Dickson II., Stut l,ako. Akron, Ohio; Pensa- rola, Fhi. N. A. No. 199".. l/IA. f'oLLiNS. R. E.. Slmient Oflicor. 272'> Ffanovfir Circln. hirniitifth^m. AIn. Mass. Ins(. ol Tei-h.. Miami. IITA. r.oi^TON, T. M.. Knsijin, San Dic^o. '■()i,T, RoswEi.L C, Student Oflirer. ilopp S(.. Iliislol. M I. Mass. Iiisl ot Twh.. Newpnrl. It. I. M'l\ (IniMiiL. IIamhy !'>., Jh., Shidenl Oflicer. f:oMi:v. HonT T.. Student Oilicrr. 27011 Berkshire Hoad. Clevc.ai.d. Ohio. ('oMi>o. Ono. L., IJent. (j g.), Hahlgren, \'a. CoMi'TON. R. P.\KKi:n, Kiisign. 5.'>6I Delmar Ave.. St. LiHiis, Mo. CoNirr, K. J.. Lieut, (j-g.). 100 IJnroln St.. \r\v Itritaiii. ('oim. iloNrFv. n. L.. luisign. Annrostia. N. \. No. 1166. (lo'Nii \. I'^oHAnn M.. Jn . Student Ollicer. ("oNLEV, M. M., Kiisign. Madera. Cul. N. A No. 1JI12. t^ONNELL, Knw.\an M.. luisign, 9 Carleton Ave.. Rrad- ford. Mas.s. Mass. Insl. of 'IVch.. Miami, IVn.sacohi. N. A. No 192(1. IITA. Connelly. Mir ton K. KnsJK'n. r>6l6 Mirhigan Ave.. Chicago, Ml N. A. No. 20;tH. Conner, Kahl U.. Knsign. ('oNNEM. Jos. W.. Lieut, (j.g.). IVMiam Apt., N. i:Uh St., Riclimund, Ind. CoNNERs, Wm. J.. Jn..Licul. (j.g.). 2.)0 Main St.. HufTalo. Iihaca. N. Y. CoiisoN, K. T.. l*-nsign, 120 Ocean Ave. Ocean Cily. N.J. N. A. No. M17. Con«oN. FiiROEnic \V.. Student Oflicer. 6;j l^lm Road- Ni'wlonville. Mas.s. CoRsiTT. IImuiv R.. Flnsign. 116 7th .\ve.. La firnnce, III. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. Miami. Pensacoln. N. A. No. K.m.. JITA- ('orTEii, IIamold J., Ensign. 728 S. Fourth St., Spring- (iehl. HI. Cotti\<;mam. W. S.. Knsign, Lake Shore Blvd., Cleve- I:irui. Ohio. N. A. No. n.'>7. (Joijcii. Flouhnoy R., Student Ofliccr, TnhhKjuoh. Okla. Com-s. SioNEY \V.. Student OITicer. 419 St. Clair Ave.. Detroit. Mich. ('on TEM. norr.LAs, Student OfTiecr. Aigburth Park. Towson. Md Sealth'. Wash, MT.\, CoiiiTNEv. Ehnest II., Student Ollicer, 109 Fifth Ave,. Saginaw. Mich. Cown.L. CiiAHLEs C. ICnsign. 161 Reck .\ve., Akron. Ohie'dway. .\ustiii. lev. ('ozENs, W. Iv. Roat.swain. (^RAFT. Mi-:hhittS.. Student Ofiieer, 701 JetVersftn Jtank RIdg.. Rirmirigham, Ala. Muss. Inst, of Tech. IITA. CnAFTs. Lewis II., ICnsign, 20 Anderson Phice. Ruflalo. \. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. .Msimi. Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 1666. HTA. ('nANinLL. ,\nnisoN R.. Machinist, I U> Stewart Ave., N. Y. N. A. No. .'517. CoNNOH. W.M. n.. Student Otlicer. 10 :ird Si.. Mar^hlield. Wis. CoNovEH, I':lmeh C, Studeni Ollicer, 2.')9 S. M.iin St.. Akron. Ohio. CoNOVEU. How A no WM.. Shidenl Oflii'T, hnirninuiil Hotel. Jersey City. N. J. ('ONHAO. John !>.. Sludeul Ollicer. Maniillon. Mn. CoNsTANTiNE. A. R.. Lieut. *.i.g.), Creal Lakes CoNTANT. CoHNELirs R., Sludeiil Ollicer. lllO Hudson St.. Mohoken. N. ,L C.oNww, Milton K.. Student Ollicer, 721 <^)uehec Place. N. W.. Washington. I). C. (Conway. FnAfvK. Lieut, (j.g.). 4l(;iII W. Monroe .Si .. Chicago. III. Akron. Ohio: Rockaway. R»)toii. Wexford, Qne<'nsIown, Paimhoeuf. Rerehaven- I.T\. Cook, M. R., Machinist Cook Hm.ph C. Stu.lent Ollicer. 2(H (irand C.cniral Place. Inwood, Long Islanfi, N. \. Mass. Inst, of Tech . Mi.y Shore. IITA. Cook. Pobt.. Student Ollicer. 11129 (Jlcnwood Ave,, C'levelanil. Ohio. CnANDALL, C. IL, Machinist. Ckandall, Leonard J.. Student Ollicer. 20.'» IC. St.. W arrcn. Pa. Ckane. Josini\, Jh., Lieut, (.j.g,). WeslwoiMl. Mass StpiantunL Ft. W orlh. I lampion Roails, Killinf^holme \. \. No. 29(1. HTA. ('haswell, G, K. Knsign. I7(i6 T<)i>pin(; \v«^., Rrons. N. Y. N. A. No. M.'-.7. CnAWFOnn. Alhert M., Ensign. Jl I 2 Conn. .\ve,. N. W'.. Washington. D. (2. Chaweoro. Rryce, Jr., Siudent Ollicer. 1912 Lothrop S( , Omaha, Neh. Crvhford. Frederick C. Student OfTicer. University Chih. Cleveland. Ohio. Mass. Insl. of Terh.. Dunwoody lusiidile. HTA. CnvwEORrt. Ronr. R. P.. Siudent OITiecr. Cr\v\fori>. Thko- J., Machinist. CRAWKtuui. \V. D , Student Ollicer. Cohinihi;i. S. C . Seattle, Wash. IITA. Crees, Rc)bt. R., Student Omcer. 317 29th St.. .San Francisco, Cal. (2bi-;ighton, Rert IL. Ensign. 404 Secoinl St., Pilcairn. Cooley. IIarold I).. Student OITirer, (irand Jury RIdg.. Pa. .Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola and Miami, Fla. Nashville. N. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA CooLEY. RiriiARD L.. Lieut, (i-g.). .14 Prescotl St., New- tonville. Mass. N. A. No. 10;J6. Coon. Lioyd Frvnk. Studeni OITieer. 7P> Wells Fargo Rldg., San Francisco, Cal. Coon, Stanley. Ensign. 616 Deiihani Rhlg . Oenver. Colo. CooNEV. E. W.. Ensign. 40 W. 127th S! . New York City Cooi'ER. Andrew A.. Lieut. U g.). Home. (Ja. Mass. In»-t. of Tech.. Pensacola. Fla. N. A. No. /.7» HTA. (!ooi'ER. Philip, Studeni OfTiwr. Amite. La Seal tie. Wash IITA Col•EI.A^n. Phillii's, Student Ollifer, Care of Rev, Theo Copeland. PinebliilL .\rk. CoRBETT. John Oennen. Student f>nicer. Washington it I^'e liniv., S. .\. I'). House. Lexintrlon. \ n. CoRBOV. Leo. J,. Student Ollii-er CoHEY, James. Student Officer. 23 Freni h St., Pawl uckei . R. 1. Corey, Rus.sell R., Lieut. \j.p.). Villa Tranquillily, Far Rocknway. N. Y. N. A. No. 553. Cornell. Alfred R.. Ensign, 420 W. I30th St.. New York Cily. Corner. Wm. Watson. Siudent Officer. 5235 I7th Ave . N. E, Seattle. Wash. Cornet, II L., Jr.. Student Oflieer. 4550 Persh'ngSt.. St. Louis. Mo. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Pensacola. HTA. Cornish, Donald O.. Machinist 51i Prescotl St.. Now- tonville, Mass. N. A. No. 1016. HTA. Crinklev. Andrew. Ensign. (mcswELL, John R., Ensign, 45.15 Forest Ave.. Norwoeid, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Akron. Rockaway Reach. LTA. Chittenden. Rogers, Student Officer. 711 Manheim Road, Kansas City. Mo. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. HTA. Crocker. IL J.. Student Officer. 2301 Laguna St.. San Francisco. Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HT.\. CnoM. J. F . MuchiniRl. CnoMpTON. C. Jr., Lieut. G-B-^- "' Wi||i;tins Si , W or C4>sier, Mass. Crone, linwAKD Artiu'r, Stu, M. L , Student Ollicer. H F. I>. No. 3. Fayptlville, N, C. Curry. Frvncis J.. Student Ofiicer, 109 Chestnut St., Darby. Philadelphia, Pa. (,]inR\ . Ceralo Cw.. Ensign, 6 Craigie Circle, Cambridge, .Mass. ClRTlcE, Aubrey, Student Ollicer, Delta Upsilon House, Slanl'ord University, Cal. CURTIN. Jos. Wm., Sluilent Ollicer, 112 S. Wells St., Chicago, 111. Curtis, I.eChino W,. Student Ollicer. Bed Hook, New York. Mass. Inst, of Tech. IIT.\. Curtis, Paul W., Ensign. N. A. No. 1284. CuRTiss, Chas. p., Ensign. CusHiNo. llowABD W., Eusigii, N. A. No. 1058. CusH.MAN, Alvan A., Eusigii. CusHMAN, Raymond J., Ensigu, Bay Shore, L. I. N. A. No, U15. (!;utli.;r. John F.. Ensign. 2620 ltaiicr()ft V\'ay, Berkeley, Cal. N. A. No. 1663. Cutler. Rk:ha»d II.. Student Ollicer, 108 Elmwood Road. Roland Park, Md. Cutting, Robt. Hill, I'-nsign. Oak KidII, Winchester, Mass. N. A, No. 2011. # -^ "^ <^ ^■^A 6. ^^■^?s Showixg Bomb R.\rK .\nd Release Mechanism ^rT^ yvY; --U- DALE. JOS. S.. Jr. D.\Li;.\ni;n(;. joiin h. DALL, CIIBTLS B. DALRY.MPLi:. K.. Jr. tJnsifjn Eiisitju Ensitjit Lifut. ij.*l) 6K Lafayette .\vo.. Mt. R.R. No. LllollaiiJ. Michi- Princeton Chlh. .New York Heaiichamp Phice, New Wriion. N. Y. Miiss. Inst. gan. Dunw. i'niv.. Packard I'lanl. De- troit. IITA. (juipavDS. I'aimluM'nf. LT.\. IITA. A.N It.vli.vx Kite B.vlloo.n m DALY. LKWI.S A. Ensign 627 S. 6J2 St.. Moiimotiih, Illinois. DiinwrKKly. Miii- nciipolis. MtEiiiii. Peiisii- culn. N. A. No. 2365. HTA. DAMEL. Jun.\ M iCnsitjn 3000 Q. St.. N. W.. Wiish- inik'ton. n. C. Mnss. Iiisl. of Tech.. Pcnsarola. I'uuil- lac, Moiitchic. Il*" Tiidy. N. A. No. 714. HTA. DANLV. I'lllLO IF. Atnrhinisl 51 l\ Iowa Si.. ('.hi''ai:<>. lit. Otliiniltia LJnivcrxily. IVI- tuiin Hay. f{(>ckiiv\ny lietirh. DALGMTERS. C. G. Sfudent OJficer Van Wi^rl. Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Teh. IITA. 131 DAUM, RAYMOND J. Ensign 139 E. 59lh P'..Los Anieleii. California. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Grcal LmIii-s. Hork- away, Pensanuia. .San Mict; >. r. S. S. Ih,nlin,il„n DAVIDSON, JOHN S Ensign 321 West «7th St., New Yorli City. M. I. T., Key West. Miami Moulchic, Campainne. N. R. C... B. Iv F. N. A. No, 1 l.ill. DA\ II)S(JN, ROBERT B. Ensign 1525' Adams Ave.. Scran- ton, I'a. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No 2370. IITA. DAVIS, COURTLAND II. Student Ofticer 223 North Columbus. St., Alexandria. Va. Dun- woody, Minn. IITA. pL W DAVIS, DWIGIIT S. E/isign Wol.urn. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Miami, Pensacola. No. 1431 H I'A. N. A. DAVIS. GEORGE E. W. Ensign 2627 Hearst Ave.. Berkeley. Cai. San Diego, Pensa- cola, N, A. No. 2005. DAVIS, HAROLD R. Lit'iil. ij.g.) The Connecticut. Washing- Ion. D. C. M. I.T.. Pensa., I lamp Rds.. Ft. Worth. KillinL'liolrnc. Anacosti:!. N \. \.i ;,"ll. IITA. DAVIS. JOHN LORD Student Officer 281 W. College Si.. Oherlin. Ohio. Mass. Key West. ] nst. of Tech. ITA DAMS, ROBERT J. j 1 .J Lieut, (j.g.) '^-SVVV' S"! Upper Mountain Ave., Upper Montclair, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pen sacol;'. Key West. N. \. No. ,'107. IITA. DAVIS, THOMAS E Ensign 203 Twelfth St., N. W.. Canton, Ohio. Mass, Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Pen- sacola, Hampton Roads. N. A, No. 11931.2. HTA, DAVISON. RU.SSELL L. Ensign ,5033 Walnut St., Phila- delphia. Peim. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Cambridge, Pen- sacola N. A. No. 1003. DAVY, W. MYRON Lieut, ij.g.) M. I. T., Cambridge. Mass. Geoliis-'ical Dept. Mass. Iiisi. of Tech. IITA. DAWSON, HAROLD K, Student OXlicer 51 Edward Ave., Pittsfield, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Cambridge, Key West. HTA. DEANE. ANDREW Ensign K53 Hancock St., Wollas- ton, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2183. HTA. ]:!-.; DAVISSON, CYRUS G, Ensign 1350 Carroll St.. Brooklyn, N. V. Mass Inst, of Tech., Akron, Pensacola. Newport. New London. N. A. No 1361. LTA. DEERING. EDWARD M. Student ujjicer Hamilton Ave.. Y'onkers. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. i>i: i.\ \ i:u(iM:. J. H. dki.aiiantv. r. w i)i;i.i.. kdwahd ii dk lonh. c. ii. Slmlrnl Officer Lieut. (J'l) Sliulelil Officer Sluilriil Officer ".').!1 St. Charles Ave., t07 W S.-ilh St.. New ^ Ork .il I Sulphiii Ave, Mi.lille Killiiiiii. llliriiiis. Dii New Orlean-*, I.a. Scallle, C.ily, Rockaway |j4-ac»i. rnwn, Ohio. .Mass. Iii^l. \ve May, N. J. L'Alwr-Vraeh, Fr., Le Croisic. Kr., hay .Shore, N. Y., Cape May, I'aiiillac, Fr. ^' A A , DKMOMCr. <;. F. Knsiitn .193 Park Place. Brooklyn, N. Y. Whitestone, .Mass. Inst of Tech., Miami, iVnsncolu. N. .\. No. 11)24 MTA. DKMPSKY, Pl.INN D. Sltutenl OO'tcer 23 Queenshnry St., litiston, Mass. Mass Inst, of Tech., Key West. HTA. 133 DENISTON, NOBLK G. Ensign Sardinia, Indiana. Mass. Inst, of Tech , Great'La ces, Akron, Pensacola. N. A No. 1728. LTA. DENNIS, JOHN W. Ensign Grundy, Virginia. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola. Akron, Rockaway, Hamp- ton Roads, LTA. DENT. ELBERT, Jr. Ensign 308 West Springfield Ave., Chestnut Hill. Pa. M. (. T., Pensacola, Holsona, Mout- chic. He Tudv, Bay Shore. N. A. No. 315. HTA. DENTON, W. M. Student Officer 604 Linwood Ave., Evans- ville. Ind. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron. LTA. DES ROCHERS, GEO. E. Ensign 157 Montezuma St., Hough- ton, Mich. Great Lakes, Pensacola. DETTLING, GEORGE H. Ensign 1826 Sherman St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Buffalo, East Greenwich, Great Lakes, B<,ston. New York. HTA. Di:\ i:\i;ai , w. f. student Officer Lee, Illinois. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Key West HTA. DEVINEY, AL E. Ensign 306 W. 19th St., Austin. Texas. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1743. HTA. DIAL, MORSE G. Ensign 416 8th St., So. Fargo, N. D. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pen- sacola. N. A. No. 1389. HTA. DlCkEY, FRED C. Ensign 131 Newbury St.. Boston. MasHi. Mass. In^t. of Tech., Key West, Miami. N. A. No. I.'i30. HTA. DICKEY, LINDSAY K. Ensign 3037 So. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Mass. Inst of Tech.. Bay Shore, Pensacola. HTA. ^^. DILLON, THEODORE F. Ensign 903 South 4.9th St.. Phila., Penn. Mass. Inst,, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Mout- ehic, Treguier, Fr. N. A. No. 1636. DICKSON. ALBERT C. Student Offitcer 2309 Boulevard. Wilming- ton, Delaware. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. HTA. DILTS. ALEXANDER R. Ensign P. O. Box 215, Hanover, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Goodyear Field, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2155 LTA. 'f~~^f- OIXIIN. JOHN I'. Slll,l,lll OfficiT 7.'{.'> Itni'kiiiiin St.. Casper, WyomillK- Sratlle, Key Wesl. IITA. DODI). Jdll.N \l,l'IU;i) Slmlfill Officer 22 Lnwn Ave,, Midilletown, Connecticut. Mas.s. Inst. ufTcch. IITA. DODD.S. \I.N(;i;.NT (i. Sludenl Officer !t'> Rowley St.. (iouverneur, IN. Y. Mass. InsLofTech., Key West. IITA. DODGE. IIAHUIS T. Ensign 2706 Travis .St., Houston, Texas. Mass. Inst, of Tech., CjinibridKe, Key West, PensiK-ola. N. A. No. 1857. IITA. The Pdi.nt St. Matmiki, Kilvxce Taken from a Plane on the MV/// to Sea of 700 Feet DODGE. LESLIE P. Stuilinl Officer 132 Middlesex Uoad, Chest- nut Hill. Ma:.■)<) North Fourth St., Sleiibenville, Ohio. Litica, ISew Ilovcn, Great Lakes. -rr=zi DOI.IiEE, (JEOIIGE II. Ensigti l:l()l H. I. St.. Lawrence, Kansas. Mass. Inst, of T«-h.. Key Wesl, Pen- sacola. N. A. No. 2243. HTA. r\- DOLECEK. i;i)WMII) K Lieut. ij.ij.\ Wilson. Kansas. Mass. Inst. 1 :!.") /T^'^i — ,.-v -- ~n A- i<==w> — ^^^S ,:>'i>— 'J^ ^f- ~—^l- Y.'i Wif;? >.^ <;:^ m DONNELLY.DORWIN J. Ensign 5720 Fifth Ave.. Pitts- burgh, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Pensacola. N. A No. 1643. UTA. DONOVAN, JAMES A. Ensign 16 Summit Ave.. Lawrence, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. DOUGH KRTY. F. F. Ensign University Cluh. 546 Dela- ware Ave.. liulFaio, N. Y. Mass. Inst. of Tech., Bufl'alo. DOUGLAS, ARTHUR L. iStudenl Officer Cri'sthnf'. Kansas. Mass. Insl. r.r Tech . Miami. UTA. DOW. EDWARD P. Studeni Officer 615 So. 5th St.. Grand Forks. N. D. Seattle. U. S. S. Commnf/orc, Chi- cago. HT.\. DOW. LOUIS FENNER Stuffenl Officer 226 Pearl St.. Burlington. Vermont. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Cambridge. HTA. :X DOUGHERTY', W. V. Ensign 1204 No. Market St., Wichita, Kansas. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. Miami, r^eiisacnla. N. \. !No. lOm. HTA. DOWNS. PHILIP W Ensiijn 2433 Pinkney St.. Omaha, Nebraska. Mass. Tech., Pensacola. No. 1160. nst. N. iUS^ DOYLE. JESSE IRWIN Ensign 430 West Hortter St.. Pelham. Philadelpliia. Pa. Mass. Inst. of Tech.. Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 1833. HTA. DREIFUS. .M. D, Student Officer 1415 Pine St., New Orleans, La. Mass. lust, of Tech. IITA. DREYFUSS. ARTHUR J. Studeni Officer 421 .\tlanla .\ve.. San .\iitonio,. Texas. Siiattle. Wash. HTA. DRISCOLL, ARTHUR D. Ensign 65 Ferry St.. Everett. Mass. M. I. T., Rockaway, Hampton Roads, Akron, Pensacola. N, A. No. 2520. LTA. DHIiMM, i;l V Ensign Sparkill, New York. M. I. T., Phila., Cape May, Akron, Rockaway. Brest, Ray Sii., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2651. HTA. DRURY, P. A.. Jr. Ensign 2400 16lh St.. Washington. 1). C. Mass. Inst, of Tech., .\kron, Pensacola N. A. No. 2643. LTA. DRY. MORRIS E. Ensign Mexico, Missouri. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. Pensacola. N. A. No. 1834. HTA. DU BOIS. JOHN E. Ensign Wichita. Kansas. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2198. HTA. -fj^ ^ VV' mjciii;i\iiN, N. M. hieitl. O'.ff.) Spriiit'dnlc IVrracc. Si. John's. N. F .\kr.in. rilstii\%n It(M llilllllirttll, (.undnti, J^iiiillac. H"Vi!m, Casiii-iowii, Hoy sh. i.r.\. DIIDLKV. DDN.M.I) S Knsiifn .ITO Linwooil .\vi-.. Hiiiriil.i. N. V. Mass. Inst.c.fTiTh., .Miami. IN-iisacdla. N. \. Nil. lO.il. IITA urnt.rv. iiknry l.. Jr Slu,l,-nl Oriicrr I'ark Hill. Yonkera. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Toch. UTA. ni i'kf:tt, way.nic Lit-ui. ij.q.) I III I.ako .\vi!.. Rochi-slcr, \. Y. Bay Shorn, Ma>w. IrwI. of Tech., iVnsacuhi. Porlo,. Corsiiia. Ilnly. N. A. No :)2T. IITA. : ,i\.': (C) Cnmm. Inf. Itii. Italian Skaplaxe at Pouto Corsixi liiiil I'ilntinii Is Uirjiiirid to Xarigiifr This 7()-Fonl Channel l)i FKY. IIKHHKHT .S. Sliiilrnl (>{li,;r llli South Ohio Air. < '.'ihirnhiis. Ohio. Iriiv. Wash.. Scatllf. Miami. IIIA DUFFY, -MALRICK F. Sludrnl DOicrr IIH So. I'arksiili- Ave. <"hicapo. 111. Duiiwoody, Miami. IITA. DLIKK. Ht .SSKLL K. .SlililrnI OO'irrr 115 (irovc'laiKl Avi'., Day- ton, Ohio. .Mass. Inst, of Ti-rh. LTA. - rv- 137 ^ I)li\CA\. EDWAHI) -M y2\ McDonoiiph Si.. Hn.(>k- lyn. N. Y. New V.,rk City. iNavy Ilqtrs.. Lon- don. N. Horab. Gr., Aii- taDgue. Fr. DUNCAN. GILHERT W. DUNHAM. CHESTER A. DUNKELBERG. R. C. DUNLAP, HARRY \V., Jr. Sliitlfnt Officer 1176 Murray Hill Avp., PillsburKh. Penn. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Ensign .Sa Sawyer Ave., Boston. Mass. Mass. Inst, ol' Tech., Hampton Roads, Montauk. SIndi-nl Officer 2lnl Fairfield Ave.. Fort Wayne, Indiana. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore. HTA. Ensign .■5.533 Beverly Place.. Pitts- burgh, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1161. HTA. i ' I I ih m i ¥ iinwx' -iriTriT DUNNEI.I.. R. H. Sfufienl Oflirrr 2400 Aldrich Ave. So.. Minneapf>lis Minn. .Seattle Wash.. Dunwoody Inst.. Minn. IITA. DUNSIETH, G.. Jr. Lieiil. (j.g.) East Cottage. EUwood City Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. U. S. S Ari:ona, Key West. Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 971. HTA. DUPUY, ALBERT E. Ensign Montrose. Colorado. Mass. Inst, of Tech., San Diego, Pensai^ola. HTA. UURFEE, THOMAS Ensign 156 George St.. Providence. R. I. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. HamplonRoads, Pensacola, Chatham. N. A. No. 415. HTA. DUSHANE, C. B., Jr. Lieut, (j'.j.) Mt. Washington, Balti- more Co.. Md. M. 1. T., Pensa.. Moul<-hic. Milan. N. B. G ..St. Ingleverl. Hamp. Rils. N. A. No. 400. HTA. DUTTON, DANIEL F. Ensign 1115 Kenwood Ave.. Hous- ton. Texas. Mass. Inst, of Tech., San Diego, Pen- sacola. N. A. No. 1889. HTA. DWYER. MARTIN J. Ensign 920 W. Graydon Ave., Norfolk. \a. Pcnsa.. M. I. T.. (Jui'cnslown. Whiddy Ishuui. Hampton Roads. N. A. No. 999. HTA. Dabkohua, Castho M., Student OlTicer, 1619 R St.. Washington, D. C. Dahn. John Henhv, Jn., Student Officer, 131 Joralamen St.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Dain. James W.. Student Officer, Smithville, Tex. Dalen, H. John, Ensign, 389 6th St., San Pedro, Cal. '% DUTTON, TOM W. DWYER, DALTON Sludenl Officer Student Officer Prairieville, La. Mass. Inst. 3800 Broadway, New Y'ork of Tech. HTA. City. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Brunswick, Ga., Key West. HTA. # # <§• ^ ^ Daley, Freperick M., Ensign. Hamilton. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1945. HTA. Dallett, Morris, Student Officer, Westtown, Pa. Dai.ton. Tho.s. A., Student Officer, 33 N. Laurel St., Hazelton, Pa. Dalv, Clarence J., Student Officer, 1425 Williams St., Denver, Colo. Daly. Le Grand. Student Officer, 1008 Grand View Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Seattle, Wash. Darby. A. M., Ensign, 909 Land Title BIdg., Phila- delphia, Pa. Darling. Erle G., Student Officer, 213 W. Kilborn St., Lansing, Mich. Darling, Geo. A.. Student Officer, 106 Shaw St., New London, Conn. Darling, \N'alter C Ensign, 824 Main St., Coshocton, Ohio. Davidson. Beale B., Student Officer, 55 Charles Gate East, Boston, Mass. ; ^ Tvyf ^'■yTf 'r'r vy ^w: - V > iA'4 .*.A- ;\\: "AA Davidson. IJonai.i) L., Stuilont Oirui-r. Cliflon Ave, Athcnin. N. J. Davidson. John II.. Ensign, 182.5 F St., N. W.. Wash- ington. D. C. iV. K. No. 27«. DwiDsoN. L. K.. .Smdent Odircr, Savannah. Mo. Si-alllc. Wiisli. I.TA. Davidson. Lk'stkh, Knsijin. 1019 Cliarlp.'s St., St. Josoph, Mo. Davidson, \V. II.. Ensign. .381 South St.. lin.iiilway. Yonkers, N. Y. Davies. Jefferson \V., Student Oflicor, 202 ir>tli St., Racine. Wis. Davies. Okville. Ensign, 5202 Magnolia .\ve., Chicago, III. N. A. No. 1827. Davis. Wrns. II., Student Omccr. 1950 E. 90th St.. Cleveland. Ohio. Davis. ICdmi no J., Student Onicer,'2291 Broadway, IieaunH>nt. 'I'ex. D4VIS, IOdwaud a.. Student OITiccr. 46 Eye St.. N. \V.. Washington. D. C. Davis, F. A., Moaiswain. Davis, F. Hamilton. Lieut, (j.g.). 49 Wall St.. New York City. Davis, FnANK S. It., Student OfTicer, Cropseyville, N. Y. Davis. FaEDKniCK D.. Ensign. 615 N. Ilopart HIvd.. Los .\ngele,s. Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami, Pcnsa- cola. San Diego. N A. No. 1651. HTA. Davis, Granville E., Ensign, Grand View, Texas" Mass. Inst, of Tech.. IVnsacola. Kla.; .Muntnuk. L. 1. .\- A. No. HOT. Davis. Jch: C. Student OITiccr, 798 Washington Ave., Memphis. Tcnn. Davis. Hov E-. Ensign. Care of The Pal Cafe. Strawn. Texas. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. .Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 217K. IITA. Davis. Stdnet, Ensign, 1700 .\ustin .\ve., Waco, Tex. Davis. T. P.. Ensign. Four Daks. N. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key W'esl. Miami, Pensacola, Coco Solo. N. A. No. Il.'i6. IITA. Davis, Winsor R., Lieut, (j.g.), 2»t W. 76th St., New York City. Davison. F. T.. Lieut, (j.g.), 690 Park Ave., N. Y. Palm Heach. Huntington. irr.\. DwisoN. l,i:sTKn. I'^nsign. 1019 Charles St., St. Joseph. Mo. Dunwoody. \lirni.. .Miami. Pensacola. IITA. Davison, Wm. Walter, Ensign Davison. William W.. Ensign. 1837 Cherokee Ave.' Hollywood, t'.al. .Seattle. San Diego. Pensacola. HT.\. Davisson. Osi:ar F., Jr., Student Ollicer, 307 Central Av*!., Dayton, Ohio. Davift, John A., Student OfTicer. 314 Page St., San Francisco, ('al. l)\vv. J\MKs IS.. Student Ollicer. 241 Oxford St.. R.ichesler. N V. Mass. Inst, of Tech. DAWsitN. IIerheht 11., Ensign, Care of Columbia (^luli. Indianapolis. Ind. D\v. Cecil E.. Student Ollicer. 227 E. Capitol St . Washington. D. C. Davton. Wm H, .Student OITicer. 2222 Maine St., (^>uincy. III. De\n. Joseph L.. Lieut, (j.g.). (]>pelika. Alabama. Mass lust, of Tech.. Pensacola. iVIoutchic. .Avord. N. H. ti. Holsena. Scuola. N. A. No. 36.!. IITA. I)i: lt,\Hl)ELEBEN. CiiAS. F.. Jr., Student OITicer. 17 Idle- wild Park. Birmingham. Ala. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami, HTA. De P\HDKi.KnEN. Prince. Student OfTicer. 17 Idlewild Park. Birmingham, Ala. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pidham Day. LTA. DeBi-ssy. W'\i.es L., Ensign, 134 State ,Sl., Meriden, Conn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Fla., Pensacola, Fla. N. A. No. 2386. IITA. Decker. IIar«>ld J,, Student OITicer. 41l*East 7th Ave., Denver. Col<». .Seattle. Wash.. San Diego. Cal. IITA. Decker. James L.. Student Ofiicer. Lc Roy, N. Y. Mass, Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore, L. I. HTA. De('lark. F. F., Lieut, (j.g.). DeFord. Geo. W., Student Ofiicer. Staplehiirst." Neb. Deitzer, Raymond O., Machinist. Delano, M. P., Lieutenant, 308 Prince St., West New- Ion, .VIas.s. N. A. No. 104. Delanv, Theo. W.M., Student Ofiicer, Georgetown College, W'ashiQgton, D. C. Dellino. Torvai.d. Ensign, 1225 Hawthorne .Ave., .Apt. D.. .Minneapolis. .Minn. .N. A. .No. l.itU. Dement. Cyrvs. Student Ollicer, Smyrna, Tcnn. Mass. IiLst. of Tech.. IITA. Demcsev. Bi ssei.l a.. Ensign. 1107 Elmwood .Ave., Ft. Wayne. In liana. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Newport, Miami. Pensacola. Ilamptf>n Roads. IIT.A. DiMisTER. RvLAND N., EusigR, 1414 Harlam Ave., Ballimore. Md. I)E\ M LI. ICi.ioT W., Student OfTicer. Pillsfield. Mass. Denman. Gilbert M., Student OITicer, 109 West French Place. San .Antonio, Tex. Denmnc. iMattiiew J., Ensign, 2011 Oakford St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Dennis. John Murdoch, Lieut, (j.g.), 1226 St. Paul St., Baltimore. .Md. Dent. Thos. A.. Lieut, (j.g.). 101 Park Ave.. New York City. Slass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2427. IITA. De SiBoiiR. II. L. J., Student OITicer, 1603 K St.,Wash- ington. D. C. Great Lakes. 111. DeSonier. Lawrence .Adelbeht. Ensign. N. .A. No. 767. Deichleh. GisTAvE II., Student OITicer, 524 E. Green St.. Champaign. III. Deveiin. James A., Jr.. Ensign. 6052 Overbrook Ave., Philadelphia. Pa. Mass. Inst of Tech.. Bay Shore, L. I., Pc-nsa.-ola. Fla. N. A. No 1901 IITA. Devine. James J.. Ensign. 61 Centre St.. Bridgewaler; Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No 2372. IITA. Devine. Patrick Francis, Machinist. Devine. Hobt. E., Student OITicer, 2115 W. Tioga St., Philadelphia. Pa. De \oe. Raymond F., Student Ollicer. 109 West 83rd St.. New York City. Dewey. A. B., Lieut. G g)- 920 Lincoln Parkway, Chicago. III. DeWitt. Clyde F., Student Officer. 8tl Judson .Ave., Evanston. 111. Mass. Inst, of Tech. IIT.A. Dexter. Sidney B., Student Olliecr, 48 West 55th St.. New York City. Devo. Howard N.. Stiiilent OITi.er. 250 Hiverside Drive, New York City. l)unw«MMly Inst.. .Minn. IIT.A. Diamond. C.lark G.. Ensign. 319 West Ferry St.. Buffalo, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Ohio, Rockaway Beach. LTA. Dibble. Jascer C. Student OfTicer, Valley Stream. N. V. Mass. Inst, of Tech. IITA. Dickey, W. C Ensign. Dickson, Donald W., Slnilent Ofiicer. 41 Holder Hall, Provinceton, N. J. Dickson. Frvnk. Student Officer. Pittsburgh. .Athletic Association. Pittsburgh. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Chicago Municipal Pier. DiEHL. Walter S.. Ensign. Jonesboro. Tenn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Bu. C. «; R.. Washington, D. C. HTA. DiEMEB. R. D.. Ensign. Ten Hills. Ballimore Co.. Md DiEMER. Rort. W.. Student Ofiicer. 78 East Pcnn St . Gerniantown. Philadeliihia. Pa. DiEMFR. HoRT. P.. rnsign. Washington. D. C. Pensa- cola. .Mass. Inst of Tech.. Akron. Rwkaway. Halifax. Dietrich, .\. F.. Lieut, (j.g). N. A. No. 115. Dietrich, Arthur M., Jr.. Student Officer, 69 Ingraham Place. Newark. N. J. Dn-TRicu. Fri:d C. Ensign. Rio Vista. Cal.. and Elks Club. Oakland. Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Fla., Pensacola. Fla. N. A. No. 2553. HTA. DiLKEs Jos. II.. Student Officer, 221 Ixicust St.. Phila- deljihia. Pa. Dm. Henry II.. Student Officer. Albion Hotel, Bal- timore. Md. Dillon. Edw \hd, ICnsign, 31 Clinton St., Newark, N. J. N. A No. 21.39. DiMiT. William R., Ensign. 1.323 Summer St., Grinnell, • Iowa. Seattle, Wash.; San Diego, Cal.; Pensacola, Fla. N. A. No. 2177. DiMMicK, E. W., Ensign. 828 South 7th St., Tcrre ll.iule. Ind. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. Fla. N. A. No 2r.ll. IITA. DiNEi. Edward P., Student Officer. 1 West 93rd St., New York City. DiNKiNs. John H., Student Officer. 7225 IlollywtMid HIvil.. I.os Angeles. Cal. .Seattle. San Diego. Cal. IIT.A. Di\oN. Brewer. Student Officer, 165 South St., Talla- dega. Ala. ^ Yy' J I ' ;. 'J •Mr I. !; i M'Y v V? A .>.i m Ink Di\oN, J. M.. Marhinist. DoAK, Hubert A.. Sludeiit Omcer, Greenville, Tenn Dunwoody Inst. HTA. DoAN. J. L., Ensign, 229 Queen St., Philailelpliia, Pa. DODD. J. M., Ensign, 27 \V. T.'Srd St., New Yurk City. N. A. No. 739. Dodge, James Wm., Student fJfTleer, Conloocook, N. H. DoDGF, Roy H.. Knsign, 1200 E. 6.^tli St., Seattle. Wash. Great Lakes, Camp Saufley, Pensacola. DoDSON, \V. C, Ensign, P. O. Box 10, Charlotte, N. C. Mass. Inst, of Teeh., Key West. Miami, Pensacola, Coco •Solo, Panama. N. .\. No. 113K. IIT.\. DoocETT. Le.slie Eabi., Machinist, Independence, Kans. DoHERTY, Emmett E., Sfudeul OfRcer, 333 Univ.Tiity Ave., Missoula, Mont.. N. A. No 430. J., l.ieut. 'j-g.K Rayport, L. I.. DoLLARn. Oaklev N. Y. No. 378. DoiKimrK, Everett, Ensign. ?.~ East 57th St., New York City. Do^AHtiE, Frank T., Ensign, 13 Barllett St.. Iloxhury, Mass. N. A No. .178. Donahue, James M., Student Officer, 121 Merrifield St.. Worcester, Ma,ss. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Donaldson. Bryan Wesley. Ensign, H. K. McCann Co.. 61 liroadway. New York City. No. 1168. ■ Donaldson. John W., Ensign, 16 Wall St., New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Cape May. Bay Shore. N. A. No. IMS. HTA. Donavan. Wm. E.. Student Officer, 255 Park Place, Dc- ■catur. III. Donelson, Warren W., Ensign, Huntingdon, Pn. Donovan. Henry I,., Student Officer, 592 E. Third St.. .S. Boston, Mass. Donovan, Walter V., Student Officer, 1334 Pacific St., Brooklyn, N, Y. Donnelly, Fred'k S., Student Officer, .141 Bellevue Ave.. Trenton. New Jersey. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Hay Shore, L. I. HTA. DoBGAN, Albert Wm., Ensign, 2012 Madison Ave.. Toledo, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami, Pensacola, Coco Solo, Panama. N. A. 1642. HTA. DoRLoN. Elias G.. Student Officer. IS Sheldon Ave.. Troy, N. Y. DoBMAN. Roderick Aitken, Student Officer. 30 West 7flth St.. New York City. Dobneb. Fbank \., Jb., Gunner. DoBWiN, OsCAB J.. Student Officer. Minocqua. Wis. Doss, Gillman H., .Student Officer. 100 East Main St., Hartselle, Ala. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. HTA. Doss, Pail C. Ensign. Philo. 111. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. Pensacola. N. .\. No. 2007. DosTEB. T. W.. Ensign. 1 East Hanover Circle, Birming- ham. Ala. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pen- .sacola. HTA. DoTTS, Walteb M., Student Officer, 249 Monterey .\ve. Pelham, NY. Douns. John Patbick, Ensign, 1928 F;merson St., Den- ver, Colo. N. A. No. 1981. DoiiGHEHTV, D. R.. Ensign, 4500 Ellis Ave., Chicago, III. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pensacola. N. A No. 115. HTA. Dougherty, Eugene, Ensign, 5334 Geraldine Ave., St. Louis. Mo. DoiGHRBTT, G. Frank, Student Officer, 1462 East 27th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. DouoHEBTY, Nelson, Lieut, (j.g.), 555 Park Ave., New York, N. Y, Columbia University, Pensacola, Fla. Doughs, Gilbert W., Lieut, (j.g.). Hotel Margaret, Brooklyn, N. Y'. Ray Shore, Key West. Akron. Rocka- way. N. A. No. 105' 3. LTA. Dousseau. Raymond A.. Student Officer. Electric House Wesleyan Univ.. Middletown, Conn. Dowd. John J., Ensign. Student Officer, 42 Beck Hall, rn, 11 Seymour St., N. Worcester, DoHELL, Benjamin B., Lieut, (jg.'.. 3162 Mt. Pleasant M., N. W., Washington, D. C. Pensacola, Fla.; Cane May. N. J. N. A. No. 330. HTA. DowELL, Cleo L., Student Officer, 1935 Procter St.. Port Arthur, Tex. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. HTA. Downing, Edgar E., Student Officer, P. O. Box 767, Montgomery, Ala. Downs, Mobev H., Lieut, (j.g.). DonniCK, James P., Student Officer. 1625 First St., Washington. D. C. Doyle. Louis John, Ensign, Yale Club, Hlh St and Vanderbilt Ave., New York City. Doyle, P., Gunner. Drake, Paul Shirley, Ensign. Dreher, H\rry W., Machinist. Drennen, Donald, Student Officer, Care of Birmingham -Motor Co.. Birmingham. Ala. Dresser. Henry Owen, Student Olliccr, .Manhattan, Kans , .Seattle, Wash. LTA. Driver, Berry O., Student Officer, Roanoke, Ala. Drummond. Thos. Jos., Mach., 27 Oak .\ve.. West Roxbury, .Mass. Drummond, T. Kenneth, Student Officer, 214 West 71st St., New York City. Great Lakes, Princeton Naval Unit. HTA. Dbuby, Walteb E., Student Officer, 951 S St., Roslin- dale. Mass. DucKHOBTH, IL, Ensign. N. A. No. 2251. ^ Dt:DDLE.sTON, JoHN W., Student Officer, 5 Linden St., Cambridge, Mass. DuPFiEi.D, George, Student Officer, 480 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. Duhrssem. Alfred, Cambridge, -Mass. Duke, Joh.n. Jb., Ensii Mass. N. A. No. 1727. Duun, E. S., Student Officer, 43 Westmoreland Place- Los Angeles, Cal. Seattle, Wash. LT\. Dumas, Gardner D., Ensign, 376 AnJover .St.. Lowell. Mass. Pensacola, Fla., Great Lakes, III. N. A- Nj. 10 1. HTA. Dunbar, Erroll, Student Officer. 1832 Biltm^re St.. N. W.. Washington, D. C. Duncan, C. C, Ensign, Unadille, Ga. Duncan. James W., Student t)fncer. Room 210, Sfjuthern BIdg., Washington, D. C. Dunklee, F. E., (funner. Dunlap, Richard W., Ensign, Danville, Kentucky- Northern lioinhiiig (iroui), France. DuNLop, J. M., Ensign, Petersburg, Va. Ellerslie Farm. Dunn, Edward K., Student Officer, 30 E. Preston St., Baltimore, .VId. Great Lakes, Princeton. Dunn, Lewis B., Student Officer, 314 S. Broad St., Hillsboro, 111. Dunwojdy Inst.. Miami. HTA. Du-N.N. W. H-. Ensign. Weston, Mass. DuNsEiTH. C. R.. Jb.. Lieut. O'.g-). Ellwood City. Pa. N. A. No. 971. DuBANT. Walter LeR.. Ensign, 310 Sixth .\ve., S|n- kane. Wash. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore. Hamptou Roads, Pensacola, San Diego. N A. No. 1195. HTA. DuRKEE, John H., Ensign. Du Teau, Alfred A.. Student Officer. IIOS S. 2tth St.. Lincoln. Neb. Duvai.l. Edwin M., Ensign, 1117 N. Nevada Ave., Colo. Stirings. Colo. DwiGHT, John W., Jb.. Student Officer, 17th and II,Sts., Washington, D. C DwiGHT, Maitland, Eiisign. Dyer, James Edward, Ensign. DvsAHT. L. T., Ensign. Melissa, Tex. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Hampton Rds., Va.; Miami, Pensacola, Fla. N. \. No. 2328. .'if! -1,' ■■ .. ■ ^> V KADKS, ROSCOK Knsinn f 'aliiivrii, Illinois. Muss. Iiisl. i.r Teili.. Charli-sliiri, l^■ll^^^■l)l^. .\krci.i. Hcirk- Jiwiiy I'ruch. LT.\. K.\(,i:il. MMI.I.l: SlllilrnI ()_Oic,T 21.1 Fiili-lily riili;., Hull! tnnrc. M(i. Mjis.s. Iiisl () IVcli. HT.\. IvMtNKST. CLYDK T. Krtsi.. Oninpp. N. J. \Iiiss. Irisl. nf Tci-ll.. Akr I'rnsii.olii. I'. S. S. Wi lah. Charhiim. N. A. Ni. l.')T'J. LTA. A (iitoi I' i)K Okfkers at Tre^uie:;, France ^r.v ..\b k ,», . KASTMA-N, I'lliill' -i. Ensiijn 48 Highland Avo.. Oransrt*. N.J. Mass. Inst, of Tnrh., key \\'e,st. .Miami, IVii- sacola. Cape May. N. \. No. 1280. HTA. KHKHIIAHI). \V. C. EnsitjTi I.IB Pofilar St.. H<>sliii:i lliilfevicw Orivi'. In- dianapolis. Indiana Mass. Insl. of T.-ih.. Miami. Pi-nsai-. la. Hampton Hoads \ \. Nti. I,"ll!l HIV i;CKKRS()N. GEO. D. Ensign 65 Central Park West. New York City. Hay Shore. Key West. Miami. N. A. No. .'iOfi. HTA I H Tf r ■■' \ WW i % •v4 EDWARDS. CHESTER S, Machinist 718 Clinton Ave., Newark N. J. Pensacola. Hamp- ton Roads, Akron. LTA EDWARDS, O. M., Jr. Ensign 705 Walnut .\ve., Syracuse, New York. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 1587. HTA. EDWARDS, THOMAS R. Slutlent Officer 4209 Illinois Ave.. N. W. Wash.. D. C Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. HT.\. EHLBERT, HENRY L. Sludenl OJJicer 1806 Avenue I, Birming- ham, Alabama. Inst, of Tech, Key HTA. EHRHART, E. O. Ensign 351 West 29th St., New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 21'))!. HTA. ELDER, WILLIAM F. Ensign 2420 Ashby Ave.. Berkeley, California. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1972. HTA. ELLIS, EKL HUBERT Ensign 624 A. C. Foster BIdg., Denver, Colorado. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2040. HTA. ELWABI). ALLEN Ensign 10 DurrcU St., Methuen, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Rockaway. Halifax, Nova Scotia. Pensacola Hampton Roads. LTA. EMANUEL, VICTOR rSI Sludenl Ofjicer St. Urban Apts. 2 W. 89lh St.. New York City. .Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. HTA. EMERSON R. Lieut (J-g-) Austin, Texas. Washington, D. C. Most foreign sta. -\rmtstice Commission to fiermany. N- A. No. 622. It. Dir. Pdol 122. LTA. EMERY, FRANCIS J. Lieul. (j'-g) 71 Cedar St., Roxhury, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. Philadelphia. HTA. EMISON, J. W. StiidenI Ofjicer 618 Reichman St., Houston, Texas. Seattle. Washington. HTA. EMRICH, RUSSELL L. Ensign 415 King Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Rock- away, Miami. N. A. No. 1407. HTA. ENGLEMAN, FINIS E. Ensign Dunnegan, Mo. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key \\'est, Miami, Pensacola, Bay Shore. N. A. No. 2195 HTA. ENGLISH. JAMES G. Ensign R. No. 2, Box 41. Greeley, Colo. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. N. A. No. 1529. HTA. ENO, ARTHUR R. Student Ofjicer 3219 9lh St., Congress Hgts., Washinjton, D. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. i:\()S, CKOUCK /.(>«/. (J,q.) NewiMirl. H. I. J'ensarolu, MniilrliM-. Fr.. LAhrr \ rarh. Kr.. Hampton Hoads. N A. .No (A. HTA, ERDMAN. A. W .. Jr. Ensign Prospocl Ave , & Albany H(l.. Hartford, (lonii. Mass. Insl. of re<'h . Akron. IViisacoIa, Chaltiain. .\. A. No. 1562. LTA. KHICKSON. ALKHKl) Ctir punier Naval Air Sliition, llaiiip- tlis. ftiiaiilunaiVio Hay. On ha, Pi'iisarola. I.TA. l.MU.KSON, JOHN K. Slntieiil Officer l-'iilda, Miiiu. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacula. HTA. .-./■p ^■^- k. ■•, U-li ox THE Step i:ui(;ss()N. K. sKii hd student Officer 'M Hfnrunslicid Road, Wor- ifstor. Mass, Mass, Insl of Tech. IIT.V, i;iiM, ciii-.si i:ii I' Ensitin 807 Kast SprtHK St,, New .\lhany, liuiianu, Muiu, Ids!, of Twh,. Miami, KSSICk, \\\1. It Student Officer Eureka, Kansuis. Seattle, WashiriKlon I1T,\, i;sri;ni.v, i-.ml h Ensign 4.16 N, tlh Si,. ReadinK. Penii, .Mass, Inst, of Tc. Atlanta. Ca. Ma R«K-kaway. Inst, of IITA. EWliLL. VVM. P. Slailcill Officer CambridKC, Md. Mass. Insl. of Tech. IITA. Eads. AtinnKii I... Student Ollicer, 41 West lOlh St.. New York City. Eaci.ksfiei.d. Wm., Slinlent Ollicer. 3124 Mt. Pleasant St., N. W.. Washington. D. C. Eakin. John C . Student Officer. I'M).'; H.illery St., Liltlc Rock. Ark. I'James. J. C Ensifin. I^AnLli:, Clahence 10., Student Ollicer, Chase, Mil Eastehly. M. II.. Lieul. (.j.g ). Eastwood. J. L., Lieut, (j g.). N. A. No. 40.'>. Eastman, Wm. II , Ensign, .30 Vernon St., Newiiorl. R. I. Easton, G., Ensign, 124 West Eighty-sixth Si., New York City. ■ k \\\ Easton, William, Ensign. Loudonville. Albany Co.. ,0 v' NJ [vj y Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West, ("ape May. Pensa- eola. N. A. No. 463. IITA. Eaton. Albion K., Lieut. ClK ). 16 Oxford Si.. Cam- bridge. Mass. Eaton, Cakleton W,. Ensign, Orono, Maine. Eaton. Joseph A., Lieut, (j.g.), 123 Packard Ave.. Tufts College. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensaeola. Cattewaler, Kng., Felixstowe, Eng., The Hague. Holland, Rockaway, Dahlgren, Va. N. A. No. IM. IITA. Eaton, Rea L.Stinlenl Ollicer, Eaton, Colo. Seattle, Wash., Miami. Fla. HTA. Ebelino, p. H., Student OITicer, 327 Dwyer Ave., San Antonio, Tex. Seattle, Wash., Key West, Fla. IITA. Ebeksole. Wm. G., Ensign, 167 Exeter Terrace, Rulfalo, N. Y. EcKEi.MAN. C. F.. Student Ollicer. Lincoln. Kans. Seat- tle. Wash. H TA. Eddt, E. B.. Machinist. Eddy, Robebt Lewis. Student Ollicir. Willard Hotel, Washington. I). C. Edcebton. GiTBDoN. InviNG, Ensign. 41 Hawthorn St., Cambridge, Muss. Mass. Insl. oC Tech., Pensaeola, Fla. N. A. No. 21.50. IITA. Edmonds. Reoinald W.. Ensign. 86 Hewlett St.. Ros lindale, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Fla. IITA. EVHli. HOY S. Ensign Highland, Howard Co., Md. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. Pensaeola. N. A. No. 2300. HTA. ICn.MoNusoN. John .S.. .Student Ollicer. 187 .Memphis. Tenn. Kdmindson. WiLFOBu A . Lieut. (j.g.). .S. Parkway, Ei>« auds. N Y. I'^nw Anns, Philadelphia Edh AMI) Pern. Indiai Edwards, St., Omaha. <:. II., Machinist, 331 list St.. IJn.oklyn, I'.iiwaud I Pa. \Ia .Mitchell, Ensign, 2117 I.m-usl Sf.» Inst, of Tech., Instructor. LT.A. Ilii H\nD K., Student Ollicer. 123 W. Main St.. Great Lakes. 111. Robebt I).. Student OITicer. 1126 South 3llh Neb. Edwahos. Thomas E., POnsign, Care of II, S. Oepl of Labor. I'J Pasfi, Tex. Edwabds, William .S., Jr., Student Oiricer. 213 S. 21st .St., Rirmingham, Ala. luinllABT, Wilbur W., .Student Ollicer. 4301 Grant Hlvd . Pittsburgh, Pa. Ehrmanntraut. Wm. R., Lieut, fj.g.). 1310 Perry Place, Washington P. ('.. EiTEL, Edmund IL, I'msign, Highland Park, III. Col- umbia University, Chatham, U. S. N., Gas Engine .Sch., (ireat Lakes. EiDMANN. Frank Lewis, Lieut. f.i.g.). 65 Fairfield Ave.. Ilolyokc. Mass. (Columbia University, Packard. Detroit- ICLDREn, Andrew J., Student Officer, 1736 G St., Wash- ington. 1). C, Eldridge, Carleton G., Ensign. 1332 Mass. Ave.,. Washington, D. C. Eldbidge. Pulton M., Student Ollicer, Elleh. Herbert T.. Student Officer, Euclid .\ve at 90th St., Cleveland. Dunwoody Inst.. San Diego. IITA. Ellicott, Wm. IL, Ensign, 1731 20th St.. N. W.. Wash- ington. D. C. N. A. No. 1420. Ellington, K. R, Lieut, (j.g.), Clayton. N. C. N. A. No. 1009. Elliott. Habold Abbaham, Ensign, 76 Cliope Place^ Detroit, Mich, N. A. No. 760. El.Llo'iT, Henry S., Student Officer, 211 Jefferson St.^ Henderson, Ky. V V V N > • ^yV? !* V VluuoTT. [\i.\oN C. Kiisif^n, 6Ui Driilmni UMk-. Denver, i'.tA". MiiMs. Inst, of Tech., (*rciit Laka^, Pcnsucolu, WushiiiKtnn. IITA. KiA.UiTT, f^Kv^(lI,I>s F.. Student ("Kfic«r. Evniis City, E*a. EiJ.iorr. H<>s(:()K C. Student Olltc^r, 37 Lowden Ave., West Suimrrvillf*. Mass. Ki.LioTT. \\ M. M.. Jh., Student Officer, 2.% \V. Dudley Ave.. WfstnHd. N. J. Eli.is. Jomnstonk I).. Lieut, (jk.), 1031 W. Erie Ave.. I^.niin. Ohio. .\. A. No. 701. Klmohi:, LvNwotJii K.. Student OJlicor, Hurn-iide, Conn. Mass. Insr. of Tech. LTA. I''i,s\s, NoHM \N Iv. ICn-siffn. I'once Dc I..er>n Apts,. .\llnntH. (III. .MuKs. Inst, of Teeh.. Key \Ve.st. Miami, rensacolfi. N. A. No. 16H7. IITA. Ei.vinr.K. Kahlr C, Student (Jlfirer, Hotel Si';,'uoia. lledwfMKi f'ity, f'al. Iu,v. Mahi.on L., ICnsi^'M. Ilutrhinson. Kan^. Mass. Inst. of Tech.. -Newport, Hay Short-. Pensat-nla. WashiuKlon, New York. IITA. Kmuhson. AnTiiin J,. Knsiyn. I (> \r|din!;loii Moad, llrifokhne. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Teeh.. key West. .Vljaini, I'ensaroln. Norfolk. .\nn(0.sti«. N. ,\. No. MM. Kmi;iison. Kiiwaiu) K.. Student OMiccr, .'tl llovey St., Ne\vt<)n. Mass. Kmi-:hy. Chahles C.. Srudent <»Mi Kast filUh St., New V(»rk, N. Y. Mass. Insl. nf Teeh.. Bay Shore. Pensarota. IITA Kmmkiit. All. an H., KiLsiffii. SI.'J South Oueen St.. Mar- tinshiirK'. W. \a. Kmi:nirK iNfjERsoi.i,. Student ((Hirer. 19 ^^ illard Ituad. Hrookline, Mass. ENDEn?!, John F., IJeut. O'.K-). 17 lltKhlaiid St., Hart- ford. Conn. N. A. No. ml. I'^NDicoTT, John, EnsiK't, .'JK6 L'tnftwninl Ave,, Boston, .Mnns. Enoel. William P.. Student Ofliner. ENfJListi, Fhank K., EiisiKU. 1H6 ICd wards St.. New Haven. Crmn. .Mass. lust, of Tech., Miami, Pensarola. N. A. No. 2(>l'>. LTA. Ei'ES. BnANcii P.. KnsiKM. 2016 B St., N. W.. Washing- ton. I). ('. .Muss. Insl. of Tech.. Miiimi, Pciisiirola. N. A. No. I7i:i. IITA. EnoMAN, CiiAiiLEs K.. EnsiKU, 216 Bryant St., Biifriiln. N. Y. N. A. No. 2I.»'>. KnoMAN, CiiAs. B.. Jn.. Student OIHcer, 20 Library PI., Princeton. N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore. Bruns- wick. IITA. EnwiN. John C, Stutlent OfTiter. 210 West llth St., Charlotte. N. C. E-ifjfinoL. Joseph .Mfreil, Student Ollirer. 2» Cro'»ke .\ve.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Diinwooiiy. .MinneapoliH. Minn. HTA. EsTADiiooK. Fred T.. Lieut. Ij.g.), Odo.Hsa. Now York. Mass. Insl. «if TiM-h.. Bay Shore. N. Y.; Pensucolu. Fla. N. A. No. .->72. IITA. EsTAiiiiooK, II. C. Ensign. Evans, A. W., Ensign. N. A. No. 6*>6. Evans, Fhedeiuck. Liout. fj.R.). . Evans, C. Iv. I^nsiKu. N. A. No. UtU. Evans, Boiikht B.. Student Ollicer. MM Washinxton Blvd., Indianapolis. Ind. EwAN. Chaules M., EnaiKH, Covington. Ky. N. A. No. P>H8. EwAHT. liiviNo D., Ensipn. .'>12 W. I I2th St.. New Ynrk Cily. Columhiu Univ., Great Like*. Ill H I'A. ■^ <$► ■A .-;^ I'm Scared of It All I'm Hciireil of it all, (Jod "s truth so I am: It's too big and hrutal for inc. My nerve's on tlie raw and I don't give a damn I'or all tile sixteens that I .see. I'm lost in the cockpit: the wings arc too wide: The l)ul)l)le gf)es slopping altont: Oh I want to go l>a<'k to the \— !t's again — I wish to hell I was out. ^ *, J, « .^A^-^f' I'd rather go hack to m\ Ohl (iyrene. To the l''-t)oats that ride on the foam. Or even to Saufle.v with chaos supreme. Than to have them carry me home. My brain is packed full of mysterious gloom. My eyeballs are glazed and aglare: This sixteen is deadfalled with danger and doom. It never was meant for the air. My knees kiiuik together; I'm full of unrest; I cringe — I'm so weak and so small; I can't get my bearings, I'm crushed andoppres-ed With the haste and the waste of il .ill. The turns and the spirals — one motor is cut. .\nd fear in the faces I .see. Wi^'vecomedownfora landing — suciessfully. but- II'.^ all blooming torture to me. I walcli the wan faces under the dash; .\ll kinils of queer antics I see. .\nd each one of them is expecting to crash. And none has a kind thought for me: ,Iust jaded and panting like fogs in a pack, Kach one contemplating his fate. Oh. (lod, liut I'm lonesome — I wish I was back On the beach before it's too late. I feel its all wrong but I can't tell you why- The bum|)s are iloing their very best. Still X-il"s and ones are all hogging the sky- I wish I was back at Key West I I'm scared of it all; from afar I can hear The trumpet of Gabriel's call. We're nothing but men with a little veneer; Terra tirma is best after all. 1 t.-. FAGER. GEnli(;K K. Sludrni Officer Miirphyshoro, Illinois. Seattle, Washington. i^ITA. ■'BV 4 FAIRLAMB, R. C. Jr. Ensi'jJi 1936 Walnut St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Mass. Inst of Tech., Miami, Pen'^acola. N. A No |o:i:t. HTA. FAKE. FRANK C. Ensiqn 100 Fairview Ave., Pied- mont, Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Kev West, Miami. N. A. No. l.">l>U. FALGE. ROBERT N. Ensign Care of Good.vear Co.. Akron. Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Pensa- rola. N. A. No. 2001 ri'A. FALOON, DALTON R. Siudeid Officer 12.5 Dii Rois Ave., Dri Bois. Ponn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. HTA. FALVEY. WALLACE J Lieut, (j.g.) 71 Slrathmore Rd., Brook- line, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensac^da.Anacoslia. N. A. No. 1002. HTA. FANCHER. PHILIP D. Enslf/n Montevalio. Ala. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami, Pen- sacola. N. A. No. 2514. HTA. FARMER. EARLAND M. Ensiijn South Dartmouth, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 1219. HTA. > '< FARNHAM. JAMES P. Lieut, {j.g.) 57 West 57th St., New York City. Ray Shore, Miami. N. A. No. 500. HTA. FARRELL, FRANK 1 Ensign Medford, Oregon. Inst, of Tech., U. Marhtebead, Ray Key West. N HTA. Mass. S. S. Shore, A. No. 2014. FARRER. JOHN A., Student Ojjlcer 28 Hurlbut St., Cambridge. Mass. Tech. Mass. HTA. Inst, of FARRIS, ROBERT Machinist 1105 W. Maple St., Alva, Okla. Pensacola. Le Croi- sic, Fr., U. S. S. North Carolina, Hamplon Roads. HTA. FAY, ( II \H1 1 s L. Lieut. (J.g.) 304 South Isl Ave. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. N, A. No. 614. FEUER. A. J. En\'itin 811 Kenmore PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. Pensacola, Bay Shore, Rrunswick, Key West. HTA. FELDMANN, W. II. Student Officer 2320 W. Lanvale St.. Baltimore, Md. Mass. Inst, of Tech..*'Key West, Pensacola. HTA. FELIX. KENNETH A . Student Officer 204 Tennyson Ave., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Mass. Inst.^of Tech., Miami. HTA. Ai . -•J^T?-- — =Til KKI.LOWS. Uli:il.\lU) c. Ensitjn 1137 Arni)l(l Avp., N. VV. Cnnlnn. Oliiii. Muss. hist. of 'I'ecli.. Mi:i[iii, PciisiK'dla. N. .\. Nu. I'lTT. IIIA. FKl.TMA.N. CKOHCIC 11. Student OfticiT .\nsonin. Ohio. Mass. Inst. ofTecFi. 11 TV Fi;iu;ij.s().\. jAMKS o. Ertsifin .\ms(er«- FEROUSON. n. F. Sluilent UDicrr Carnegie, Oklahoma. .Mass. lust, of Tech.. .\kron. Key SVest, Pensacola. LT.\. FEHHV. i:\HL K. Ensign »l Klizaheth St.. Pitt.slield, .Mass. .Mass. Inst. lon Hoads, N. A. No. 616. LTA. Ml ■,C^r.7 T> FILLEY. LOUIS J. Ensign 1 121 \\'ayno Ave., So. Pasadfiia. Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West, Miami, Pensacola, San Diego. N. A. No. 1337. HTA. FINCH, FOSTER D. Ensign Sprini Hope. N. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2277. HTA. FINGER, ARMIN W. Student Officer 177 34th St., Milwaukee, W'is. Mass. Inst, of Tech , Cambridge, Pelham Bay. HTA. FINKLER, ALBERT T. Ensign 4H5 W^yr)ming Place, Mil- waukee, Wis. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West, Miami, Pensacola, Hampton Roads. N. A. No. 2127. HTA. W^ FIN LEY, JOHN T. Student Officer 1928 Eye St.. Washington. r>. C. Seattle, W'ashington. HTA. FLSHEIi. CAUL A. Ensign 1206 West Second South St., Salt Lake City. Mass Inst, of Tech., Bay .Shore, Pensacola, Hampton Roads. N. A. No. 998. HTA. FISHER. J. FRED Ensign 1908 Louisiana Ave., St. Louis, .Mo. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami. N. A. No. 475. HTA. FISHER. PAUL D. Machinist 99 Huron St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Columbia Univ., Pauillac, Fr., IT. S. Marines HTA. FISHER, PORTER G. Student Officer 33 Penhurst Park. Buffalo, N. Y. Mass. lost, of Tech. HTA. FISKE, ROGER B. Ensign Topsfield, Mass, Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. N. 2098. HTA. Mass. Miami, A. No. FITZGERALD, GERALD Ensign Ticonderoga, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Newport, R. I., Key W^est, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2110. HTA. FITZGERALD, JAMES N. Student Officer 214 N. Seventh St., Newark. N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore. HTA. FITZPATRICK. T. J. Student Officer 808 Corinthian -\ve., Phil- adelphia, Pa. Dunwoody. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. FLANIGAN, FRANK J. Lieut. 0.9.) 23.S Harvard Ave.. AUston, Mass. Curtiss Aeroplane, Buffalo, Bay Shore. FLECK, A. L. Student Officer 929 Quindaro Blvd.? Kan- sas City, Kansas. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Rockaway, New York LTA. FLECK, HAROLD J. Ensign 304 N. K. 4th St., Newton, Iowa. Dunwoody, Miami. Key W'est, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2324. HTA. TV '1| FLKCKIiNSTEIN. J. IJ. Sludenl Officrr hlO HaH's St.. (Jnitld Ha|ii. Texas. Mass. Inst, of Tri'h., Key Wost. Miami. Peiisacola. IIT.X. I'LETCIIKH, W. 1) Knsi'ju IIiMivclton, .\. Y. Mass. last, of Tech., Miami, I'ensucola. N. A. No.I716. IITA. FLICKINGER, C. 1'. Ensign TttiZ \. Crovc .\ve.. (►ilk Park. III. Mass. Insl. of Terli.. hay Shore, llniiis- wick. Key West, Pansacolu. "■ A. No. 2312. UTA. ILVW, (,II\HLES E. Ensign 12 Smith Hoail. C.lifton- ilale, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tei-h.. Key \\est, .Miami, Pensacola. N. .A. No. I7«l. HTA. U!) / >T.-.vi> i, ^ *^^i~^^ * *' ; I FLYNN. FRED T. Ensiijn 92 BuckinBham St., Harl- ford. Coon. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2192 HTA. FLYNN. MAURICE B. Lieul. U-a> 16 Vinton Rd., Madison. N J. Mass Inst, of Tech., Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 1961. HTA. FLYNN, W. HUGO Student Officer 740 N. Burlington Ave, Hastings, Nebraska. Seat- tle, Washington. HTA. FOLEY, TIIDS. I>. Student Officer Adams Ave- and N. E. Boulevard, Frankford, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. FOLWELL, RALPH T. Sludenl Officer 111 liclhlehem Pike, Chest- mil Hill, I'l'ini, Mass- Inst of Tech- HTA- FONDEVILLE, E. L- Student Officer 1-11 Park .\ve-, East Orange, N- J. Mass- Inst- of Tech-, Cambridge, Goodyear Fly- ing Field, Akron, LTA. FORBES, WILL Student Officer Waterloo, Iowa- Mass- Insl- of Tech., Great Lakes. HTA, 38 S. cago, Tech cola. LTA. FORGAN. J. 11 , Ensign Dearborn St. III. Mass. I Bay Shore, N- A- "■ No , Chi- nst- of Pensa- 1780. ill. W( D FORKNER, JOE R. Ensign 42U Itth Ave., N. E., Seattle, Wash. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. N, A. No, 1479, HTA. FORREST, RONALD C Sludenl Officer 712 N. 49lh St., Seattle, Wash. Seattle. HTA. FORSTER. GEORGE F, Slufient Officer 111 Rogers Ave., -Macon, Ga. Seattle, Washington. llTA. FOSTER, JAMES R. Student Officer 132 West 5aih St., New Y'ork City. -Mass- Inst- of Tech-, Bay Shore- HTA, FOW, FHA.NKLl-\ RILE Student Offiicrr 541 Argyle Road. Brooklyn, N. Y. Dunwoody Inst., Minn. HTA. FOWLER, LEROY A, Ensign Bozeman. Montana. Mass, Inst, of Tech., San Diego, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2039. HTA. FOX, AUSTIN Student Offitcer 426 South Oak Park ,\ve.. Oak Park, Illinois. Seattle, Washington. HTA. FOX, JAMES M. Student Offiicer 542 West 112 St.. New Y'ork City. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. 150 -i 7n i I \-^> WJ -Tf ^J- ~:i:u FOX. MIIIMAN J. SluJi-nl Officer l.'>02 Iiiflitiiui Avo., La Portp. Iiuliaiiii. SL'jitlle. (Jrcul Lukes. UTA. I'HA.NCISCO. CYIUS I". Ensign 69 Hnlsoy St.. Ncwork. N. J. Mjis.s. Inst, of Tech., ,\kr(>ii. IViisncola. LTA. FHA^/, CHISS W ESTON Ensiijn Rpstmcre. Tullinadge. Ohin. Siiminit Cdiiiity. Muss. Insl. of Tech.. .\kr ^^ m i 1 1 IB FROST. EDWARD M. Student OJjIicer 1407 Harrison St., Lynch- hurf.'. Vir^'inia. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Boston, Bay Shore. HTA. FRYE, EDGAR P Ensign R. F D No. .3, Wilton, N. H. Great Lakes, U. S, S. Kansas, Miami. Dayton. FULLER, WM. Ensign 1 200 ""jLake Shore Chicago, III. Mass. Tecii., Key W'est. No. 1430. Drive. Inst, of N. A. 2614 Polk St., N. W., ^ ^ <^ <^ <^ Fagan, p. F., Ensign. FaCeros, Edward D., Ensign., Minn.. .Minn. N. .\., No. 750. F\HV. Charlks. Lieut, (j.g.), 410 Fifth St., N. W., Washingloii. I). C. .Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Ft. Worth, Killinghulme, Stonehenge., R. \. F., Fr., Nor. Bomb. Gr. N. A. No. 301. H l A, Fales, Herbert G., Ensign, ll.'j Highland St., West Newton, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Hammondsport. N. Y., Hiiffalo, N. Y. Fallon. C. G., Ensign, 31 Borroughs St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Farlei, Adrian M., Student Officer, Harbor Road. Sonlhport, Conn. Farley, Eliot, Ensign, Dcdham, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola. HTA. Fabley, W. Scott, Ensign, Opelika, .\Ia. Great Lakes, 111. Farmer. Chas. Ralph, Ensign, Santa Rosa. Cal. N. A. No. 21b. Farnham, Willard E., Ensign. Farnsworth. Grover C, Ensign, 2710 Ontario Road, Washington. D. C. Farbell, Henry E., Jr., Student Officer, 918 Security Bldg., St. Louis, jMo. Farhell, Ray.mond. Student Officer, Palo Alto, Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech., .\kron. LTA. Farrelly, Richard L., Ensign, Harrison, N Y. N. A. No. 887. Farthing, Wm. J., Lieut, (j.g.). No. 3 Montrose Apt.; Houston, Tex. Bu. of Ordnance, Washington, D. C. Farwell, J. v.. 3rd, Lieut, (j.g.l. West Palm Beach, Fla. Faulds, John L., Student Officer, 588 Walnut St., New Orleans, La. Favorite, George Upton, Ensign, Devon, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. HTA. Fawcett, Charles H.. Ensign, 411 West 63rd St., Kansas City, Mo. Fay, J. A., Ensign, 1371 Columbia Road. Washington, p. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech., San Diego, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1241. HTA. Fay, Robert R.. Ensign. N. A. No. 1734. Feaman, Phillip B., Student Officer, 108 Birchwood Ave., Louisville, Ky. Febiegr, Wm. S., Student Officer, 480 Randolph Ave.. Milton. Mass. Great Lakes, 111. Fellows. Earle H., Ensign, .322 Carrinla St , Ruther- ford. N. J. Rockaway Beach. L. L, Coco Solo, C. Z. Fellows. Herbert A., Student Officer. Room 275 Patent Office, Washington, D. C. FUIIR, HARRY E. FULLAWAY. W. M. Lieut. 0.9-* Student Officer 41 Fourth Place, Brooklyn, 2<)55 Pacific St.. Omaha, N. Y. Bockaway, Pensa., Nebraska. Seattle, San Pallicc, Paris, Brest, Lon- Diego. HT.A. don. QueenstowD, Castle- lown. B. Sh., Wash. LTA. Felton, Wm. S.. Ensign. 357 Essex St., Salem, Mass. Feniston. Noble C, Ensign, Box 51, Sardinia, Ind. Fentress, Herberts., Student Officer, 1801 Willoughby St., Norfolk. Va., Uunwondy, Minn. HTA. Ferebee, Samuel W., Jr.. Student Officer, Newbern, N. C. Ferguson, Guy H., Ensign, 480 Pine St., San Francisco. C'd. N. A. No. 1083. Ferguson, Wilbebt H., Student Officer, 2639 E. 29th St., Kansas City, Mo. Febguson, Willabd E.. Ensign. 61 East 80th St., New York City. Febris, Dakin Dennett, Ensign. Febhis, John M.. Student Officer, 76 Y'oung Ave.. Pel- ham. N. Y. Fessendkn, John IL. Jr.. Student Officer, 3402 Nebraska Ave., Tampa. Fla. Fessler, James Andrew. Student Officer, 812 Kercheval Ave.. Detroit, Mich. Feuchtwanger, a. J., Ensign. Mastic, Mass. Field, Hugh T., Ensign, Calvert. Tex. Seattle, Key West, Pensacola. N. A. No. 237,S. HTA. Fields, J. C. War. Gun. Fillebrown, Howard Merbell. Ensign, 24 Vincent St., Binghamton, N. Y Ma.ss. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. Pensacola, Fla HTA. Finch, Volney C Ensign, Pacific King Co., Tacoma, Wash. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola, Miami, Moutchic, Calais, Nor. Bom. Gr., Dunkirk, Hampton Rds. N. A. No. 23.i3. LTA. Fincke, Donald M., Ensign, 655 .\cademy St., .\storia, L. I., N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron. Pelham Bay. Brest, Guipavas, Fr. LTA. Finley, .Adin W., Student Officer. 1018 Commercial St.. Emporia, Kans. FiNNEGAN, James Joseph, Lieut, fj.g.), 527 Fifth Ave.. New York, N. Y. New Port News. Va. Washington, D. C, St. Ingleycrt, Fr., Hampltm Roads, Va.. Northern Bombing Group. HT.\. Finney, Frvnk B., War. Gun. Finney, William L., Ensign. 541 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 111. N. A., N... 2252. Fish, Albert S., Ensign, 212 Linden St., Akron, O- Fishback. George Benjamin, Ensign, Paris, Ky. N. A. No. 1967. FisHEB, Evan T., Student Officer. Redland. Cal. Fisher, II. S., Ensign, 2787 Boulevard. Jersey City, N. J. Fisher. O. W., Jr., Ensign. Bellingham, Wash. Care of Fisher Flouring Mills Co., Mass. Inst, of Tc^h., Keyport, N. J., College Pt.. L. I., Elizabeth, N. J.; Seattle, Wash. Fitch, H. IL, Ensign. Fitzgerald, Wyatt E , Carpenter. Fitzgibbon. Wm., Ensign, 371 West 123rd St., New York City. N. A. No. 2338. Fitz, Edward C. Student Officer, 18 Tremont St.. Bos- ton. Mass. Great Lakes, III Fitzpatrick, Elmer J., .Student Officer, Radcliff, Ohio. Fit/p\tbick, Joseph P.. Lieut. (j-S-). 507 110 .St.. New York City. FiTZPATBlCK. Paul E.. Student Officer, 2037 Seneca St., Buffalo, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. FiTzsiMONs, Jos. G., Student Officer, 8 Bromley Rd.. Charlotte. N. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron. Pensa- cola. LTA. 9 pm^ FiTzpATmcK. Wai.teb C. rionlswnin. ,., V*^;'."""' -'^*»" Ki J-. .Sliidi-nt Olli. HIvd.. Kiinsas City. Mo. Fi.aM(;an. Ch\s. W., Stilcldil OITirpr cliii.p|l.■-£ S.. Ensign. 2<)1.-} Mi.higan Chicago. III. Fl.FMIN*; versily. Cal Flem.m; IIabvey C, Ensign. 4«»6 Kimhark .\vp.. v '^'"■''i-, '" ^'"'"' '■"*'■ "f Tech., Miami. Pen.sacola. « A. No. IK112. UT\. Flemin.; IlF.HBEnT Paii.. Ensign. 11 E. Wyoming Ave., Melrose .Mass. .M„s,s. I„s|. of Tech., Miami, Pensacola, Fl«. N. A. .No. 21')1. MTA. Flet<:heh. Haboi.i) II,li„ Ensign, I.'iTS Massachusetla Ave.. Cambridge. .Mass. FLETniER, .Milan Erie. I'a. .Sludent OHicer. 118 Peach St. Fletcheb. Ralph Anpbew. IJent. (j.g.). Weslford. Mass. .Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Ordnance. Seattle. Wash. Fleirv, Enu Ann Care of H. , W) E. I'dh St., 111. Mass, Inst. ilnance. II . Sludent Ollii .\elT. New York City. t^^"':'^' .^' '- • •'*'"N. John B.. Student Officer, Illinois Athletic Club. Chicago. III. c foi-Kl. .\HTHin C. Slfi.l.Mt Olli.-er. 2:1(1 Summit Ave., St. Paul. Minn. Fokhes. I). P., Lieut. Ill Fohbes. Tai.bot. Student Officer, 610 W. 115lh St.. .New York City. FoBii. Bi BDETTE E.. Student Officer. 5198 Cornell Ave., (.lucago. 111. FoBi.. .Nevil, Lieut, (j.g.). Care of Slate St. Trust Co., I "ston. j\lass. .Mass. Inst, of Tech., Oiwratioiis, Washing- ton. 1). C. U'.g.). 241 .N. .Main St.. H.Kkfortl, FoBn, Newell A.. Student Officer. W(!slern Springs. Wm. v.. Student Officer. 9.!1 tth St . Boston. III. FoBI .Mass. KoniiK. Thomas IL, Ensign. 661 South 2nd East, Salt k, » . Lake (ily. Utah. Seattle, Pensacola. San Diego. N A .No. 2(170. IIT.V. Fob(;an. Donald M \\'ashington, D. C. FoBBEsTAi.. James V.. Lieut New York City. .N. A. No. 154. Forsteb. Henbv, Lieut, (j.g.), 65 White St.. Milton .Mass. Dunkirk and St. Inglevert, France. N. A. No Ensign. The Highlands A|il.. (j.g.), 28 Nassau St., .MahqI'AD, Ensign, 6251 .McPhersoii Ave. Fobsteb. L. St Louis. Mo. F. 1703. F.iss. Fbjnk K.. Lieut. O.g). 4625 I^kc Park Ave Chicago. Ill .Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West, Miami Pensacola. N. A. No. 959. IlTA. Foster, James G., Student Officer, Union Springs, Ala. Foster. John C, Tuscaloosa. Ala. N. A. No. 1 12. FosTEB. John M.. Student Officer. 1220 ilininan Ave. r.vanston. 111. ** Foster. Haymond .\., Ensign. Fosteb. Hobt. .M., Student Officer, Central Y M C K BufTalo. N. Y. ' ' ' Student Officer. 67 N. 11th St. Student Officer. 1.113 Nia- FosTEB. Robebt ]• Newark. N. J. Fosteb. .Steblini; J.. Jr.. znma St.. Birmingham. .\la. ^^^Foi-ST. Chesteb a.. Ensign, 1401 Gregory St., Chicago, FowELL. Fred ,M., War. Machinist. N.''A.'!"Nt T7!r2*"' '^•' '^""^"' ""' *^* Williamson. Mass. Si ''s'o.'a',^^ ■""•?"- ^- '^""'•'" ""'"•-'■ »«3 S. Presa .M.. ."sail .\ntoiiio. Tex. Fov. BvRON C. Ensign. Fox, E. T., Ensign, 237 .Madison Ave., New York City. mII,'"'' n"" ^^; ^";[>'"- '■"» Lincoln Ave., St. Paul. M "" , ,V""»'"x'5'. .^•"-»',., ■"•" °f Tec',., Chatham, Miami, i'ensacola. N. A. No. 2279. HT.\. Fox Sami EL .M Lieut (jg). Torresdale. PI ., Penn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., BulTalo, Bu. C. & R., Washington. Fox. Thos. L.. War Gunner. Fov, BvRoN C, Ensign. Fbancis, C. C. Ensign. Fbank. Inoram Nathan. Student Officer, 2233 Larkii> St.. .San rranci.soo. Cal. Fbanke Allen, Student Officer, 6106 Kimbark Ave., Chicago. III. Fbankiin. Lapayette. Ensign. 351 Lafayette St.. Denver. Colo. Seattle. Wash. flTA. Franswiirth. Groveh C.. Ensign. Fbantz. Robt. .N.. Ensign. Smiley Hall. Claremont. Cal Fl Inst Ma Eraser. Albert A., 228 Raymond Ave.. .South Orange, N. J. N. A. No. 961. Eraser, Daniel W., Ensign. Fbaseb. GiLDEBT H., Student Officer, 182 Juniper St . Atlanta. K:ust St Philadelphia. Pa. French. S., War. Boat.swain. French. Clarence B.. Ensign. 49 Pleasant St., Walt- h.am. Mass. .Mass. Inst, of Tech . Buy Shore. N. Y.; Pensacola, Fla. N. A. No. 1920. HT.\. French. J. Bedford. Lieut, (j.g). 315 S. 41st St.. Phila- delphia. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore, PiMisacola. Cape .May. Freidenheim, Leon. Ensign, 9 Marshall Road. Yon- kers, N. Y'. .Mas.s. Inst, of Tech.. Peii-iacola, Ru. Opera- tions. Bu. Con. ^^ Repair. Bix-kaway. Fbev. Bobt J.. Student Officer. 117 Peuilletou St., New Haven. Conn. Fbitt.s. J. W., Wash. IlTA. Fbit/e. J. B., III. Franziieim. W a.. ICiisign. Wheeling, W. Va. M»,,. - ol lech. Akron. Ohio; Pen.sacola, Fla.; Chatham. N. A. No. 1197. LTA. , Student Officer. Ilughson. Cal. SiMttle. Student Officer. 802 Bigelow St.. Peorin„ X, FnizzELL. Paul J.. Ensign. .1566 13th St.. N. W.. Wash- ington, D. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech., .Miami, Pensacola. -N. A. No. 2388. HTA. Fbotiiin(;h\m. Philip B.. Ensign. Fboiiu\<;h\m. Sami-fl. Jr.. Ivisign, Overlee, I^no'. Mass. Mass Inst, of Tech.. Key West, .Miami. Pensacola N. A. No. 11.2. IlTA. FnvF. IKrvev E., Student Officer, 121 F St., S. W.. .\rdmore, Okla. Fuller. Ernest J., Lieut, (j.g.). Crescent .\thletic Club. Brooklyn. N. Y. Fuller, John E., Ensign, 25 BickerstalT St., Boston, Mass. Fuller, R.'N..'Student Officer, 332 Park St., S. Akron. Ohio. Fuller, Robt. L., Ensign, 2605 Durant .\ve., Berkeley, Cal. Funnell. C. L., Ensign, 316 Woodworth .Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Keyport. N. J.; Whitestone,. L. I. I.-,:! tO- M« 1 I' Yf ^^^ i' s^^ GAFFNEY, B. F. Ensifin Lake City, Michigan. Dun- woody Inst.. Minn., Miami, Key West. Peusacola. N. A. No. 2523. HTA. GAGE. FRED TI. Lieul. (j.y.) 16 Byron St., Haverhill. Mass Diego. HTA. Pensacola, N. A. No San 265. GAINES, CHARLES H. Student Officer Gallatin. Tenn. Mass. Inst. of Tech., Pensacola. HTA. GAINES. LUDWELL E. Ensign Fayettesville, \V. Va. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Cam- bridge. HTA. mi yy, ./: . y. GALLAGHER. D. C. Slu.A^ ;, ''>/.!, 'cryxr^-' ~ . "V I ^r (. wiM.n.i)\\i<;nr A. Sttufenl Offirrr MXi Itryiuil Ave. So,. Minneapolis, Minn. Muss. I list . of Tech. . M inmi. HTA. CARIUSUN. J.. Jr. Li^ut, (j.g.) l'22'i \\'estover Avo., Nor- folk, Va. Miiss. Inst. <.f Tech.. JVnsiu-ol;i. Mour- cliic, Fr.. KillinKlailnii'. Imi^'. N. A. INo. 261. UTA. (;AU\i;it. I. I. Ensiijn 10 K. l(»tli St.. \<-w York Cily, Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key VVrst. iVnsiirolii. N. A. No. 20;J0. IITA. ).\ll\ I.N. J. K. Sfudent Ojjicer \Xy\ lOvans .\ve.,St. Louis, Mo. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron. Pensacoln. LT.A. ^^ ;>.- GATKLV. I.KWIS H. <;atv.tiii:<)Iuhu:k. Stiuirtit OjD'tcrr Ensign Caro of \V. .S. Johnson. .50 Morri-s .\vr.. Morris- Matnaron«*i-k. N. ^". Mass. town. N. J. Mass. Inst, of Inst, of I>j # m GERE, HOWARD M. Sltt(lent Oj)icer 305 Erie St., Syracuse, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. HTA. W^^M GERMER. EDWARD. Jr. Ensign 402 West 6 St.. Erie. Penn. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. I'en- sacola. Rookaway. N. A. No. 612. HTA. -*rTr-\\ GERRY. FRANK H. Ensign 63 Hobart St., Danvers. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech , Hay Shore. Pensacola. N. A. No. 1810. HTA. GETZ. CHARLES L. Student Officer nil Wejit Lanvale St., Baltimore, Md. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. I I ' 't'? GEYER, CLARENCE H. Ensign 32 Euclid Ave.. Ruffalo, N. Y. M. I. T . Pens., . K. F. C. S. A. G., F( \\.,rlh, Hamp. R(is.. Killin^'hohne. N. A. No. 231. HTA. GIBBS. FRANK H. Ensign Warrenton. N. C. Mass. Inst, of Te'h.. Miami. Pen- sacola, Rockaway Beach. N. A. No. I.i51. HTA. GIBBS. LAUREN W. Ensign 301 B St.. Salt Lake City. LItah. Mass. Inst, of Te"h.. Akron. Rockaway. P'n- sacola. N. A. No. 158. LTA., HTA. GIBBS, WALTER Ensign 14 Thetford Ave.. Dorches- ter. Mass. Mass. Inst, if Tech.. Newport. U. S. S. Mnas. Akron. Rockaway Beach. LTA ■vv; M GIBSON, H. F. Ensign 1814 ITth St.. Bouliler, Colo. Mass. Inst, of Te h.. Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 156. HTA. GILMAN. JOSEPH T. Ensign 315 Charles River Road. Cambridge. Mass. Seatrl^. San Diei.'o. Pensacola. N. A No. 2200. HTA. GILL, LESTER N.; Student Officer Garden Grove. Iowa. Dun- woody Inst.. Minn.. Miami. HTA. GILLAM, C. R. Student Officer 121 E. Maple .\ve., Lanir- hfirne. P.^nn. Mass. Inst, of Te h. Bay Shore. HTA. GILLEN. FREDERICK J. Student Officer 16 Prospect St.. Lawrence, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Terh. HTA. GILMORE. LEON M. Ensign Wills Point. Texas. Seat- tle. Washington. San Diego. HTA. GILPIN, KENNETH N. GIVEN, FREDERICK II. Ensign Boyce, Virginia. Mass. Inst, of Tech , Miami, N. Bomb. Gr.. Calais. Fr., Mout hie. Fr. HTA Ensign 5") West St.. Cortland, Maine. Bay Shore, Bos- ton. Squantum. Hamptoni Rds , Pensacola. N. A- No. 752. HTA. ,a1 "■ft' CI.KNN. (iKoRGE M. I'Tl Miilililn, I'll. Sralllc. Siiil I)ii';.'o. IN'iisaroIa N. A. .\... 1MI>1. UTA. GOEBi;i.. WILLIAM IL Kfixi'in r>7.'» Tftlh St.. Itrijoklyri. N. Y.. Mass. Irisl.cirTe.h.. HulTali). Ci.lleso Poial. MorehcHil City. Smithliflil. N. A. -No. 1619. (;(ii;i>i:f:Ki;. oscAH a. Slllllflll OfticiT '(I N. mill Si.. Knst Orancc ^ J. .Mjiss. Insl. jf Tech UTA. r.OElM'EKT. K. T. 21.'il riidiii St.. San Krari- risco. Cal. Mass. Iiisl. of Tech.. .Miami. I'lMlsu-ola. N. A. No. 1.'>K'I. UTA. 4 I'. S. N.WAL .\lK .-slMloN Al t.lJO.N, iMi.UM K (iOKTZ. A. ().. Jr. GOINC. IlKMU 11. GOLD, urn's I). GOLDMAN. I.OtilS J. Sliiilrril OJjicrr 11.(1 \V. Charles Place. At- lanlii- Cily. .\. J. Iluii- wiKKiy Inst.. Minn. HT..V. Eiisitjn 1 nion. S. C Mass Inst, i.r Te'ri ■V V ■ i GOIJLLICT. AI.KIti;i) r. StUtiPtll OJ)ic*T Vt\ So. Till St.. Newark, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech. l'.-ii»i, ■..Li, Key West III A. COVKM, HOHH. Liritt. (j.g.) 600 N. Cam.lltoM A Baltimore, Mil. M. I. l*ensucola. Miami, (^)ti town, I.oukIi Foyle folk. .N. A. No. Tl.i. N.ir- niA. (;HAi)i;ii, (;. \v., jr. Etisiqn II Hi;;lilaiHl Terrace, Mar- l.Iehea.l. Mas.s. .Mass. Inst, of Teih . Norfolk, I'ensacola, .Morehoad (^ity. N. A. No. 1887. IITA. ORAFFIS, JOS. M. Ensifjn 81.5 Lafayette Parkway, ("hirapo. III.. .Montchic, Fr., Luke Bolseiia, Italy, P)rlo Corsini, It. N. .\. No. I.>0.1. IITA. ■"'^ -<<«-•■ s\ ^ > i^^o ^m ^^f^ Shi>ir{u(f Four ScaplatHs /lant/imj from IJavils (iltAlIAAI. ALAN H., Ensign 23 S. Maple Ave.. Easl OraiiKe, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. liay Sh ir::^^S^TSiVSlCr^<;{)5rr^.^^ GRAY, ALI mil .^ Knsitltt ,119 Con^'ress St., Portland, Me. M»s.s. Inst, of Tech. Akron. Ilanioton Roads. North Sydney. N. S.. Rockaway Beach. LTA. IaIaI lo!) K'.- mi r,R\Y, CILSON H.. Jr Ensiiitt Strtin^'liavpn. Abcrdeon, Miss. Mass. Inst. <,rTe(--li.. Key West. N. A. No. 2022. HTA. GREENE, JAMES H. Ensign 38.^) (^lail St., Albany. N. Y. Muss Inst, of Tech.. Akron. R«)ckaway. ITamplori HoaHs, Key West. LTA. (iRAY, HAROLD E. Ensign Ttl Monadnnck BIdg.. San Francisco. Cal Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Keyport, New York. GRKEFr, CHARLES A Ensifin Qiioi,ii,.. Look Islan.I. N. Y M.iss. Insl. ,,f Tech.. Ak rori, Rockaway. LTA. GREEN. RAY F. Ensign :Am Crocker Rldg.. San Francisco. M. I. T.. San Peiiro, San Diego, Akron. Pensacola, Hampton Rds N. A. No. 1559. LTA. GREENE. JOHN H. D. Student Officer 4050 Greenview Ave.. Chi- cago. III. Dunwoody Inst., Minn.. Miami. HTA GREENE, W. C. Jr. Lieut, ij.g.) 101! Cliflnrd St., F>rovid- ence, R. I. i GREENWOOD, F, M. Student Officer. ' \ i ; 'J Muir, Michigan. Mass. -• i y^ Inst, of Tech., Akron. LTA. ' I <<^~A^ Bb GHEKa. C. \V.. J.. Student OJ)icfr 3220 Pillshury Avp.. S. Minn., Minn. Dunwoody. Miami. HTA. GUIKH. IIAHRV P., Jr. Ensujn Slalesviile. N. C Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Key Wedt. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2555. HTA. (iHIFFKN. I'. V. H. Lieut. (J.ij.) 1127 Forest Ave.. Evan- ston. Illinois. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Rcton. Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2118. HTA. 160 m^^^^-^-f—^ 1 1 •11' , ■ 1, ' CHOOM. MAIUIV It 7 Moiiirrey Place. Mobil*^. Alii Mass, Inst, of 'I"ecli., Akron. Itockaway, Chicago, (ircat Lakes. (;n()Six:i,()Si:, ii. v. I'nluski. Virginia. Muss, Institulc of Tech.. Miami, Pensi.cnia. IN. A. No. 21 U. HTA. (;iu)SKCi,().si:. \\ 1' Sluilenl Offi-iT Cores. \ irffiiiia. Musis. Ittsl. oflVli. IITA cm mis. II \HHY i.. Slililrul (Ipicrr '2t\ Hrillon Ave., Elinliurst, I,. 1. .Muss. Inst, of Tech. i,r.\ ■ ic ni • .;.' Thy This for a Weak Stomach xl (Jill \i\i \N. I.l;n()^ II. CIUIMIKI.!.. JOSKI'll J. CI 11.1). IIKIIHKII r II. (;t ll.l.nw !■ K. I 1 Ensign Ensign Ensitin Ensign "Ilk lliiiitinKloii, I.. 1., N. Y. Mjiss. Inst. ofTech... Miami. IVn.sncola, N. K. V. IMiilH. iN. A. No. 1216. HTA. ."iO.IS Miiiii.son Ave.. Fresno. Culifoniiii. .SoHtlle. Sun I)»To. P.'ri.sju-olu . N. K ^|.. 22111. IITA. UV.Vi Western Ave.. To|H'- ka. kan.sas. .Mass. Inst, of Tei'li.. May Shore. IVnsa- colu. N. A. iN.i. 121T. HTA. 2? Sal.™ St.. Wakefield. -Mu.ss. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. .Miami. I'ensacola N A No 22:i.i HTA. ■t_ .-^ -V ". X 's 'V ">► ,'>*^^-,f, y r- ^~ V^,_^ Kil \rSs5' ■cc^ y,r GUINN. T. n. Enaitfn 115 Hurt St., Atlanta. Ga. Mass. Inst, of Tech. .Miami. Pensacola. MoreliPad City, Hampton Rtls. N. A. No. 1912. HTA. GUNTIIER, GORDON Ensiqn 1 Parkland Place, St. Louis, Mo. Dunwoody, Miami, Key West. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2609. HTA. GWTLLIAM, R. C. Ensign 2510 Eccles Ave., Ogden, Utah. Seattle, Miami. San Diego, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2426. GWIN, W. B. Ensign Rolaad Apts., Washington, D. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Anacostia. N. A. No. 1010. HTA. <^ <^ <^ # <^ M^ Gabel, Cuihbebt C., Student Officer. 216 First St., Belvidere, III. Mass. Inst, of Tech. LTA. Gabeline, C. a., Ensign, 715 N. 5th St., Burlington, Iowa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2202. HTA. Gadsden. Philip H., Lieut, (j.g ). 64 Hasell St., Charles- ton. S. C. N. A. No. 233. Gaetneb. Walteb C. F., Student Officer, 46 Spring Park Ave., Jamaica Plains, Mass. Gallagher. Geo. Dominic. Ensign, 133 Lafayette Ave., Bufifalo, N. Y. Gallagheb, V. L., Ensign, 309 Hartman Bldg., Colum- bus, Ohio. Gallivan, T. J., Ensign, 65 Hollis St., Framingham, Mass. N. A. No. 1512. Gardiner. Chables M., Ensign, 141 Bucknam St., Everett. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Coco Solo, C. Z., Chatham. N. A. No. 1831. HTA. Gabdineb. James S., Ensign. Clinton, Md. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1622. Gardner, Alfred. Lieut. G-g ). 46 Cedar St.. New York City. N. A. No. 1093. Gabdneb, A. HowABD, Ensign. 317 Wheeler St.. Ft. Worth, Tex. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 1096. HTA. Gardner. Henby L.. Ensign. N. A. No. 2404. Gardner. Robert Roveb. Student Officer, 456 Pros- pect Ave.. Buffalo, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Gardneb, W. II., Lieut, (j.g.). Mastic, L. I., N. \. N. A. No. 343. Gardner. Walter R., Student OiTicer, 54 Stinson Ave., Providence, R. I. Gabgan, Thomas V., Student Officer, 241 East 175th St., New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Garlington. JtiLius P., Ensign. Cedartown, Ga. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami, Fla.; Pensacola, Fla. N. A. No. 1326. HTA. Garnett. Wm. T.. Ensign. 1834 St. Andrews PI.. Los Angeles. Cal. N. A. No. 1663. Garrett. Wm. M., Student Officer, 1027 Proctor St., Port Artliur, Tex. Garrison. Clifford R., Student Officer, 8 Brenlmoor Park, St. Louis. Mo. Gabtner. Walter C. F.. Ensign, 46 Spring Rd.. Jam- aica Plains, Mass. N. A. No. 8498. Garver. D. B., Student Officer, 334 W. Beaver Ave.. State College. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Garvev. E. T.. Ensign. N. A. No. 660. Gary, John, Student Officer, 154 Ralston Ave. So., Orange, N. J. Gaskins, Pale.mon H., Ensign, Winecoff Hotel, At- lanta, Ga. Gaston, Frederick K.. Jr.. Student Officer. Greenwich. Conn. Gaston, John M., Ensign, 300 S. 36th St., Philadel- phia, Pa, N. A. No. 2231. Gaston. William, Lieut, fj.g.), 97 Bay State Rd., Boston. Ma.ss. Squantum. Hampton Rds.. Ft. VN'orth, Eng.; N. Bomb. Squ., St. Nylevert. Milan, HAF. Sq. 214. N. A, No. 294. HTA. Gatchet, F. L., War. Machinist. 2814 E. Olive St.. Seattle, Wash. San Diego, Columbia University, Eastleigh. Eng. Gatens, N. R., Ensign. Gates, Carol Welleb, Ensicn. 36 Groton St., Forest HiUs, L. I., N. Y. N. A. No. 1500. Gates, Garrett D wight. Student Officer, Oakhurst Clinton, Iowa. Gauthier, Charles B., Ensign, 1285 S. Lincoln St., Denver, Colo. Gaveb, Wm. U.. Student Oflicer, Mt. Airy, Md. Gavett, Robert M., Ensign. 318 W. Front St., Plain- field, N. S. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore. Pensacola, Hampton Rds. HTA. Gavin, Abthur, Ensign. N. A. No. 1242. Gavin, Thomas Austin, Student Officer, 411 Oliver St.» Whiting, Ind. Geahart, a. F., War. Machinist. Geaby. John White. Jb., Lieut. O-g). Chestnut Hill, Pa. Newport News and Hampton Rds., Va. N. A. No. 134. HTA. Gabhabt. Arthur L, Student Officer, 2112 G. St., N. W., Washington, D.C. Geddes. Homeb R., Lieut. (j-&-), Lowellville, Ohio, Akron, Ohio; Pensacola, Florida. N. A. No. 552. LTA. Geddes. Wm. J., Ensign. 1809 E. 18th Ave., Denver, Colo. Mass. Inst, of Teih., Bay Shore, L. I.; Pensacola, Fla. N. A. No. 1621. LTA. Gee, L. Gayon, Ensign, 4352 Drexel Ave., Chicago, lU.- Geffenev, Wm. L., Student Oflicer, 1701 33rd Ave., Oakland, Cal. Gehbis, John B., Student Officer, Melrose Park, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Geigeb. Davis E., Student Officer, 115 E. Bath Ave., Ashland, Ky. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore. L. I.; Brunswick, Ga ; Key West, Fla. HTA. Geobge, Herbert, Boatswain. George. Walter N., Student Officer, 706 S. Florence St., Springfield, Mo. Georgi, Carl H.. Student OlUcer, Grand View, Nyack, N. Y. Gerber. Fritz K. E., Ensign, 102 Beach St., Stapleton, L. L. N. Y. Gerhard, Lester G., Student OlBccr, 415 N. Third St., Lehigliton, Pa. Gerke. Carl H.. Student Officer, 319 Davlan Apts.^ Indianapolis, Ind. Gerbn, J. II., War. Boatswain. Gest, J. H., Ensign. N. A. No. 2128. Gheen, Joseph W., Ensign, 332 Buttles Ave., Columbus ,. Oliio. Gial, Geo. Wm.. Jr., Ensign, 58 Clarendon PI., Buffalo, N. Y'. Gibbs, E\rle Ed, War. Machinist, 819 Ashland Ave., Wilmette, III. GiBLiN. Edwin J., Ensign, 17 Mount Vernon St., Dor- c hester. Mass. GiBLiN, Jerome Edwin, Ensign, 1009 New Hampshire; S-ve., Washington, D. C. "■> v'^i'"f.''^' """"" ^'■ l.ii'iit. f.i.B.). «() Hrr)aclwny. New .York Cily. Cunmlii. Huy Shorr., Piusui-ohi, Muss. Inst, of Tech. N. \. .\„. l.-,6 IllA. GiB.soN, J. V... Wnr. .Miichiiiist. Gibson. John H.. Licul. Cj.([.). GiFFoim. John Van TnrEs, EnsiRn. 714 .S. New lliiinp- shire. Ave., Ijis .\nKele.s. Cal., .Muss. Irisl. of Teeli.. Miami, I'ensncola, San Dieiio. N. ,\. No. i(.l(). IITA. fiii.BKiiT, Ki.iiN J.. Sliidenl Oflicer, Yakima, \Vu.shiiiglon. S-atlle, WasliiiiKioii. HTA. Gii.BKHT. IIahwoodJ., War. Machini.st, 822 S. Michigan Ave.. Saginaw. Mii-h. Columbia llniversily. I'aokanl, Uetroil: Kuslleigh. Kng. ; .S|. Ingleverl. Kraiire. Gii.DKHAis. K. It.. Knsign, ll'K) Park Ave.. Itiehmond. \a. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron. Ohio; Hamilton Hds., \'a. GiLDKH, (;eo.. Ensign, 2-t Gramercy Park. Nevk- York City. Mass. Inst, iif Tech.. Hamilton Hiis.. Hay Shore. Key West. HnjiLswick. .Miami. - i\. A. No. ifiO. HTA. Gii.es. Kvnum II.. Ensign, 1121) Hickory St., Texurkana. Arkansas. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Flu. N. A. No. 1772. IITA. Gii.iis. (iEo Stkwaht, Ensign. Gill, Walter .M., Student Oflicer, 1.'>I)K New Ilampsliire St., Lawrence, Kaiis. P., Student (tHicer. 203 S. 61sl St., Gillan, Monhoe Itirminghum. Ala. (iil.LEsi'iE, Emehson, Student Oflicer, Lower Salem, Ohio. (iiLLEsiME, P. K., Ensign, Port Deposit, Md. N. .\. No. 2288. Gillette, Willis C, Ensign, S-t Adams St., Rochester, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Ohio. Uockuway Beach, L I., N Y. LTA. Gillies. K. M.. Knsign, 7311 Oglesliy Ave., Chicago, III. Ma.ss. Inst, of Tech., Key West, .Miami, Pensucola, Ana- costia. H'lW. Gillies, William R., Student Officer, 114 Cedar Hill .\ve., Nyack, N. Y. GiLLMAN, Loris W.. War. Gun. GiLLOcHLY, Ma.\ W., Student Officer, 7211 Union Ave., Chicago, III. GiLLON, James L., EiLsign, Warren. H. I.. N. A. No. 416. GiLLoN, James H., Student Oflicer, 13 Oxford St., Tauu- ton, .Muss. GiLMAN, Ciiaiu.es. Studciit Oflicer, 33 West 73rd St., New York City. Mas<. Inst, of Tech. (ilLMAN. Lewis W,, War. Gun. GiLMoRE, John O., Student Officer, Worlhen, Ga. Mass. Inst, of Tecfi. GiLMoHE. W. S., Care Guy Wallon Union Central iildg., Cincinnati, O. N. .\. No. l.=>Of. Gii.Min. Chahles Edwabd, Student Officer, 4061 La- tons .\ve.. Seattle. Wash. GiNN, Wm. II., Ensign. 2867 N. Pttlethorp St., Philadel- phia. Pa. N. A.. No. 2306. GiBiDi.iAN, J. N.. Ensign. 8720 Forthill Blvd., Oakland, Cal. .Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola, (treat Lakes, Columbia Univ.. Il.inipton Hds. GiTTiNi:s. IIoMi.a IiioMi.soN. Student OfIi(-cr, .McCork, Nebr. Mass. Insl. of lech. HTA. Glasheen. Wm. S., Student Officer, 36 Constitution St., Providence, R. I. Gij;ason, Habold L., Ensign, 8 Pcacevalo ltd., Dor- cla^ster. Muss. Gl.ECKLEn. Victob. Ensign, LaGrange, Tex. Mass. Inst, of 1 ech., Akron. Ohio: Pensacola, Flu. N. A. No. 2475. LT.\. Glenn. Benjamin O., Student Officer, 220 Wainman St., Greensboro, N. C Giomstai.. Abthub E., Student Officer, 1261 .').'>th St., Brooklyn. N. Y. (iiosiiEEN. .\nrinin M . Student Oflicer, Austin Con- struction Co.. Inilian Ilcati, .Md. Goni.E. Geo. Hobeut. Student Officer, l-tS W. Hancock St.. Detroit. .Mich. GoDBE. NoBMAN F., EiisigD, 340 S. Fifth St.. East Salt Lake Cily, Utah. Goebel, Wm. John, Ensign, 230.3 Rus.sell St., Berkeley, Cal. GocoiNKS, J. L., Ensign. GoLAY, A. A., War. Machinist. Colder. Benj. M., Ensign, 2011 N. 33d St., Philadelpfiia. Pa. GooCH. DeWitt R., Student OfTicer. Rellflowcr, 111 Seattle, Wash.; Chicago, III. IITA. GoonELL,'EnMiN li., Jb., Ensign, 63 Park St., Montclair N. J. GooDFELLOw. Abthi'B N.. Licut. (j.g.), .3131 Mofris St., Gerniantown. Philadelphia. Pa. Pauillac, France. GoopiNo. AuTlirn F. Student Olliicr. Ill f.th Ave., S. W., Roihesler, Minn. l>uiiw i:A.>.^J- .3^ v>- ft CyyV HAAS, lllu;^() p. Kitsiqn 73I» Franklin St., Worci's- tiT. Miiss. Muss. Insl. iif Tocli.. Itnv Shurc. Pfnsa- inln. N. A. Nci. IIH.-.. MIA. HACKNEY. WM. 1,. Efisiijn McflrCKor, Texas. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. N A. No. 177.-!. HTA. llACKSlAIVr. NKll, A. Ensign JftlO detiese*' .\ve.. Satri- nii«. Mi.h M I I' . I'lii- sar la. Mi.inii. Mcnililiir. Ilanipruii Hnads. hav Sliori'. \ A. .No. 128,'.. HTA. iiai;iuj:. i. it. Sluilenl i)j)iriT 1449 N. Pennn. St.. Iii.li- anapolis. Ind. Mass. Inst. .,r Tech.. Key West. IITA. t¥^ I'. S. N.WAL .\m Station at .Vucachon. Khance hi h >0vOsn' HA<;i;k\IST. F K i:„-Hi i,..,.i :ll HiKk«i-ll St.. \liililrn, Mass. Mass. Insl. iif Tech.. ButTalo, Peiisacolu. HT.\. \\\l.\\ . W \l,l Kit W Ki\sit]n KilHI W . AllcflicTiy Ave, I'liiia . Pa Mass. Inst, iif Tech . Cape May. Miami, Peusacula. N.A. Nu. 1225. HTA. HAIIN. AH I III H \l Ensinn 12l:t !Ncw Jersey A\c.. N. W.. Wasliinglon. I) C. Mass. Inst, of Ti sucolu. 1 ITA. ■1... Pen- =,cv_-^v^r^>-^r^,=^EEy>== ' ii\ii;i.i:n. paiii. f. Enfiitjn OranjiclairK. S. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. .Miami. Pensaeola. N. A. No. 19(12. IITA. 1 (i.i IS'-/ >-s <^v^-. HAINES, n. S.. Jr. Ensign 525 Graytlon Park, Nor- folk, Virginia. Mass. Inst. of Tech., Pensacola. <^-<^ HAINES. JOHN F. Sludeut Officer 5609 (Ireene St., German- town. Phila.. Penn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Cape May, Gloucester, Philadelphia. Il'r\ HALL, C. ARNOLD Ensign 915 Downer Ave., Utica, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. Newport, Chatham, Peusacola. N. A No. 2489. HALL, EDWARD B. Lieul, (J.g.) Jackson City Chjh, Jack- son, Mich. Engineering Bureau Steam Wash., D. G. HALL. KENNETH V. Ensign 15.3 Hamilton Place, Fond du Lac. Wisconsin. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pen- sacola. N. A. No. 1718. HTA. ilALL. LEIGH S. Ensign Concord, N. H. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Curliss A. & M. Corp., Buffalo. HALL. iMVH(»N C. Ensign 216 Griflith Ave.. San Mateo. Cal. Seattle, San Diego. Pensacola. N. A. No. 1922. LTA. HALLAGAN. STUART D- Ensign Newark, New York State. PauilJac, Fr . Easlleigh, F.ng., Bay Shore, Washing- ton, D. C. HALLETT. J. G. Ensign 57 Elm Road, Newtonville. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Miami, Paiiillac. Moulchic, St. Trojan. Fr. N. A. No. 682 UTA HALSEY, F. K. Sludenl Officer 27 Prince St., Elizabeth N. J. Mass. Insi. of Tech. Key West. HTA. HALSTEAD, C D. R. Student Officer 162 Hillside Ave., Newark. N.J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Brunswick, Ga., Key West. HTA. HALSTEAD. H LOUIS Ensign 1129 Cherry St.. Philadel- phia, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech , Miami, Key West, Pensacola. N. A. No.2591. HTA. Ill ' ' ■ ,'1 1 I HAMBLEY. GILBERT F. Student Officer Salisbury, N. Inst, of Tech., HTA. C. Mass. Cambridge. HAMBLY. ALVINS. Ensign 2620 Benvenue Ave., Berke- ley, California- Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami. Pensacola. N A. No. 1584. ITA. HAMILTON, WM. Ensign 190 Wadsworth Ave., N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore. Pensacola. N. A. No 1062. HTA. HAMMER, LLOYD A. Lieut, (j.g.) Care of Humble Oil ^ Be- finin Co., Houston, Tex. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pen- sacola. N. A. No. 297. HTA. I -■'. J yy.T -1 rvv IIAMMKH, T. F. t^nsigri 119 Elm Si.. Brniir.,ril. (^'(iiin.. Muss. Inst. of IVch.. Hii. S. K. (A). WasliiiiKloii. D. C. IITA. IIAM-V10M>, II. C. Ensign 1127 llrDiid St., Griniiell, Iowa. Ma.ss. Insl. of Teth., Key West. N. A. No. \W\. IITA. IIANCIIKTTIC, II. W. Ensign 2()n Oil OpiTntors lilili;.. Ft. Wortli, Texas. .\1n.ss. Inst, of TiH'h., Bay Shore, I'ensacola. .\. A. No. 1617. II \M\I\S. \V. \V. SUidrnL O^/OT. 601 N. .'■.6lh Ave. West Diiliilli, Minn. DtllivNooily, Key West. IITA. Wkecked N'('-1 xt Hoc KAW.vY Hkacii, Loxg Isl.vxd Occurred Before the Slurt of the Traii.i-Alhtnlic i'liijhl 1IA^SE.^, Al.liEltl A. Ensign University (;lnb, Washinf:- lou, I). <:. Mass. Inst of Tet'h.. .\kron, I*ensacola. N. A. ^o. 11169. LTA. IIAIUIIiMil IttJIl, W.G. Ensign 21.^ Danforlli .\ve., Jersey City, M. J. .Mass. Inst, of TiH;li.. Key We-st, .Miami, Pensacola, L,<»n(lon. N. A. No. 1119. HTA. 1(17 ' iiAiiDiN, i;i)\\. <;. Ensign loin West 2ll|h St., Okla- homa City, Okla. Seattle, Miami. IViisacola. N. A. V.O. 2.5.i7. HTA. HAitDi.M.. Li:sii;ii .M. Ensign IOIj Park .\ve.. Collings. wooil. N'. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Great Lakes. Miami. Pensacola. N. .V. No. 2106. HTA. I I 1lW i HARDINO, M Slll(l,'i,t Ofjir, 7120 Nortiiiil Ulvci.. Chi- ca^'o. 111. Diinwo(nIy Inst., Minn.; Miami. IITA. HARDING, W Ensign West Lebanon. N. H. Mass. Inst. (>(■ Tech.. Mi- ami, Pciisacola, Cape Mav, N. J. N. A. No. 979. IITA. II \III)Y. CLARENCE W. Ensign Tenimseh. Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Montaiik. N. A. No. l(l(.:i, IITA, HARLOW, WILLIS Y. Ensiqn 95 Fulton Ave., Hemp- stead, L. I.. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Key West, Pensacola. in'\. HARPER, CECIL F. Ensiqn Zillali. V.ikima Co.. Wash. Mass Inst ,,r Tell,, I'lMi- ula. Mr.-itlli. Key West. N. A. No. 121,-, IITA. IIARRELL. ROIST. II. Ensiqn .Austin, Tevas. Pensacola, Tours, Fr., Fromentine, Fr., Le Croisic, He Tudy. IITA. II MIMINCTON, v.. D. Ensiijn 112 E. Rockwell ,\ve., Klkhorn, Wis. Seattle. San Die^o. IITA. HARRIS, F. II. Ensign 7 North St., Brallleboro Vt, Mass. Inst, of Tei-h Hay Shore, Hauip on Rds Pensacola. N. A. No. 1890 HTA. J HARRIS, FRED M. Ensign East Orange, N. J. Ray Shore, L. J., Miami, Pen- sacola, N. Ronil,,. Cr.. Fr N. A. No. 241. IITA. HARRIS. HAROLD C. Lieut, ij.q.) Prospect St,, Dedham, .Mass. Akron, Rockaway, Roehampton, La Trinite, Hp'sl, Cape Mav. M. A. N.,. 1081. LTA." HARIIIS. JOHN W Ensiqn 1414 Tremont St., Gal- veston, Tex. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Pen- sacola, .N. A. No. 1149. HTA. HARRIS, STEPHEN W. Ensign Kb Pelham Rd., New Ro- chelle, N. Y. Hay Shore. Miami, Rockaway. N. A. No. 1521. Hi A. HARR!.«, WVI. S. Ensign Cuero, Texas, Mass. Inst, of lech., Miami, Pensa- cola, Queenslown, ,re. N, A. No. 1294. hTA. HARRISON, E. .M. Lienl. 3. LI A. martsiidhni:. Kiisiijn Sp.ihritrlit. N. J. Itisl. of IVili . IVnsat'{)la. Nurlli Nova Scniia. N. 1132. HTA. H. D. \1mss. Mhiiii . Sydiify. A. Nj. -^^7v«:_^.. -^)--Hy— ^- 11 \ii\\ 11 1!). ruM I Si.lucla. Va. ,\1 r.-.li . Miami. N. .Syilii N. A. N. ^s. Insl. „f IVnsarnla. . Nova .Sc-otia. 10.11'. iri\. IIVSKELL. IJfUl 131 EasI 6 York Cily. of Tfcll., 1 !)i(!Ko. N. iriA. AHMOin I.. Of/.) Isl SI.. Now Mass. Insl. 'ensar tia. San A. No. imi. Clerget Motokki) Honokio Scout Ti/pc Of/rn ('(irritd on Slnp.s 4 ^ u •1 ." ^^H II\Ski:\V. R. K. Ensign S. 228. m m HAWKSWOKTll, T T. Ensiqn 652 Stanley St.. New Bri- tain, Conn. Mass. Inst, tif Tech.. Akron. Rockaway. LTA. HAVES. A. Machinist Morehead City. N. C. Pensacola. Hamilton Rds., .Morehead City. N. A. No, 609. HTA, HAYES, F. SEVERANCE Ensign 1820 Hammond Ave,, Su- perior, Wis, Dunwoody, Miami, Pensacola. No. 2483. HTA, N, A. HAYNE. T. B. Student Officer Congaree. S. C. Univ. of Washington. Seattle. HTA. IIAYNES. P. L. Ensign 18tli and Acklen Ave., Windsor Apts., Nashville, Tenn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Key West, Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 2608. HTA. HAYWOOD. A., Jr. Ensign 42 Pros()ect Ave., Flushing, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2185. HTA. HAZEI.TGN. E. LUCE Ensign 15 Carroll St., Portland. Me. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Newport. Akron. Brest. HKALY. WILBERT M. Ensign Lisbon. N. H. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Curtiss Plant, Buffalo, N. Y. HEARD. J. M.. Jr. Ensign Long & Jefferson Sts.. Aberdeen, Miss. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, I'ensacola. N, A. No. 2215, HTA. HEATH, B. D., Jr. Student Officer Hcathcotc, Charlotte, N. C, Seattle, Washington. HTA. HEATH, CLYDE J, Student Officer 183 Fifth St. Muskegon, Mich., Seattle, Washing- HTA. HEDTLER. ROBERT S Lieut, (j.g.) 119 Highland St., Chelsea, Mass. Columbia, Chatham, No. Sydney, Miami. HTA. 4^/ A? •t>— ^l> \ ^ IlKCKMAiN. C. II Student Officfr 540 \V. 165 St.. New York City. Mass, In'*t- of 'I'ech., Newport, Miumi. iii:l\i. ah I ml h ii. Kri^ifin I'M Iliiinhnldt Aviv. So. MiiineHpoMs. Minn. Dun- woody. IVnsnciilii, Hfii-k- oway N. A. No. 1001. II TA. 1II:.MMKN\V\V, I.. T l.ii'iit. ij.ii.) II Monndnixk St.. I)or- ctiester. Mas-*. Itil- of Sli^;ini KtiKineeriliK. \\ ush- inf^'Ion, D. C. lli:\ll'Ull.l.. 11 W . Kusigtt 962 Ilerefonl Drive. Ak- n>n. (Ihio. Mass. lust, of IVch.. Miami. N. A. No. 2Ua5. HTA. Official. V. S. ,\. A. .S The Executive M.\.\sion, W.\siiim;tc)N, U. C. ^^:^ IIKNDKKSON. K. F..Jr. Lieut, ly.ff.) .Monaduock. Dublin, !N. H M. I. T.. Ilaiuii. Rds . Pen- sacola. M»Mittliif, Milan. St. Illf^lvert. .\. Huiub. Gr. N. A. No. 398. IIKNDKHSON, S. T. Ensign 607 Kast Ave., Charlotte. N. C. Mass Inst, of Tech., Key West. Miami, Pensacola. Rockaway. N. A. No. IU40. liTA. iiKMtioN. PAi 1, i:.; Ensii/n 2:>n ItlulT, Wichita. Kans .Muss. lust, of Tech , .Mi- ami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2.-i2.i. ilTA. lll;.MlY.<.llAItLl:ST. Lieut- ij.il.) 151 Kast Tlh St.. Brooklyn, N. v. hay Shore, Key West. .Miami. N. A. No. 1313. HTA. 171 ^■J- -^'^ •^.^:^v■" 'f ^> '--ir HICKS. \VM. PAUL Ensitm 71,1 WfXMlh'Mirno A%'e.. (to- variH. Mil MiisH. Insl. of Tech., Hjiy Shoro, IVnsji- rol:.. N. A. No. 1931. HTA. MIDKN. HOUKHT II Knsujn Puiiffoleapue. \' i r n i fi iii Mnss. Insl. of Ttvir. Mi- iiiiii, Pprisari)lii. \. A. No. 219»). IITA. lUKSTANI). JOHN K. Slntirnl OJJio'r Hain)>ri Ensign North Cohocton. N. Y. Mass. Iiisi. of TtN-h.. Mi- ami. Priisacola N. A. No. I417. IITA. i^ •^ ^J^^^^^^^i^ y* vj^y* .'AU (C) Coritm. /*«'*. fnf. Lkts (!( m ■ A K:^. HII.IMNC.A iniU H M Ensign 1.111 I'Mdy St., Chicapo. IN. Mass Insl. of Tech.. Miami, Pcnsacola. Hamp- ton Itoads. (ireat Lakes. N. A. No. 2436. HTA. nil. I.. MKMiY W. Ensign ■H.^ Oak drove St., Minne- apolis. Minn. Mass. lust. of Tech., Miami N. .\. Nn. I.S26. HTA HILL. NKHNON II. Ensiitn 605 N. I28t.. Waco. Texas. Mass. Inst, of Tech., AVron, Rocknway, Key West. LTA. IIILI.Hi:il{;, WALTER R. Lieut, (j.ft.) «I Hillberu Ave.. Brock- ton. Mass. Mass, Inst. i>f Terh . Hampton IMs . Pen- s;irola. Morihiiik. N. A. No. 419. HTA ITS ii'; I" HIMES, B T. Ensign West Palm Henrh, Fla. Mass. Inst, of ']>t>l. IIT\.' J ^\-K^. 'm ■ VV::-i HODGES. GEO. S. Lieut, ij.'i.) R. F. D. No. 5. Potitiac. Mich. Mass. Insi. of Tech., Pensacola, Ft. Worth, Kil- lingholme, Eng. N. A. No. 253. HTA. HODGES. GRAHAM R. Ensign 1313 Euchd St.. Washing- ton. D. C. Mass Inst, of Tech., Rockaway. LTA. HODGMAN. FRANK H. Stutfent Officer 31 ; E. I7th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Charleston, Akron, Rock- away. LTA. HOFFMAN. ROY H. Ensign North Reading. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Ak- ron. Rockaway. LTA. HOFFMEISTER. R.B. Ensign 1080 13lh St., Boulder. Colo. Seattle. San Diego, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2432. HTA. HOLDEN. JACK P. Ensign 4SQ Palmerston Blvd.. To- ronto, Canada. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola, Cape May. N. A. No. 1020. HTA. HOLDEN. N. PARKER Student Officer 669 Second Ave.. Detroit, Mich. Ma.ss. Inst, of Tech., Yale Boat House, Pel- ham Bay, U. S. S. Po- cahontas, Key West. HTA. HOLDEN, WILLIAM II. Ensign 7 James St., Lynn. Mass Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Mi- ami, Pensacola. HTA- m -W — -t/^- iYY^ f^ -ar !»k 11(11. 1)1N(;. WILMS A. lioLunr, nohma.n iiollincswoiiiii. \v. iidi.lowav, WVl. K., Jr. SliiitenI Offin-r Sludrnl OJJia-r Kn«i./n Sliiilrril Oflicrr 70.5 llillsl>nr. I.. N. Y. r,On K 1 llh St.. No. I'i>rl- 40.) Wi-st lUllh St.. Now " list. i>r .VIa^4s. Iiisl. of Tech. HTA. land. Ore Scnillc. San York City. .Snatlle. Wash- Dieco. IV'nsaroI.'i. N. \. in(;ton. liT.A. N. C. .\1 Tech. IITA No. 2269. IITA. (C) I nilrriiiml i' ((;,/.' \ 1. < Ki.« ui C-5 Starti.ng koh Xewfoc.vdlaxd, Mav, 1910 IIOLMAN. NEWTON D. Ensign 42.^ K St. Vrain St., Colo- railo Sprinps. C9 Belle Ave.. Lnkewood, Ohio. Ma&.s. Inst, of Tech., Key Wesl. IITA. HULTUN.KICIIAHI) A. Ensign 77 Pacific St.. Filchhiiri, Mass. .M. I. T.. Hay Sh., IVnsa.. Miami. Moutchic. Fromeiitine, Chatham. \. A. No. 877. HTA. ~-'V^-~'%: 'V /\-^y^.<\- , J^ J^^ IIONODI.I;, IIKNItYS. Ensitin (\"t F. Tluchlel .\ve., Ak- ron. Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Hockaway. I.TA. 17,5 noon. C. CARLYLE Ensign t;».'l Auburn Ave., HiiffaJo, N. Y. lliiiv. Wash.. Key West. !V. A. No. 1733. HOOD. HARVKY P.. Jr Ensiqn 2 Benlon Road. Somervillp, .Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. Peusacola. N. A. No. 18.S0. HTA. IIOONKR.JOIIN R.C. Stm/ertt Ofjicer Haddani. Kansas. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. .Miami. HTA. HOPKINS. HOWARD G. Sfiltlfnt Ofjicer Wescofsvillt'. Pcnu. Mass. Inst, of Tech. LTA. llnl'KINS. JdllN Sfui/ent Officer ■in Cross St.. Medford. M.iss. (Ireat Lakes. Pen- sacoli. HTA. HOPKINS. R. (i. Student Officer 1.517 Lake Ave.. Wihnette. III. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. III(PL1;h. HAROLD S. Sliiilent Officer .■53 E. Ilh St.. Williamsport. Pa. Ma.ss. Inst, of Tech.. Newport. Brooklyn. LT.\. HOHSLia . \\ M. 11. Student Officer 936 36th Ave.. Seattle Wash. Seattle. Key West HTA. m iifii HOUGH. HENRY J. Ensiqn 31136 nenl PI.. N. W.. WashiuKlon. D. C. M. I. T.. Pensa.. Miami, Auliiigues. Carapafjne. Moutcliic. N. A. No. 748. HTA. HOWARD. VINCENT K Ensicin 8 Milford St.. Bin!;hanilon, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. Fla.. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2540. HTA. HOUSE. MILES F. Stui/ent Officer 416 So. Meldrum St.. Kt. Collins, Col. Seattle, .San DicKo. HTA IIOYT, FERDINAND A Ensign 16 Dutchess Terrace, Bea- con. N. Y. Great Lakes Pensacola. IIUBACHEK. F. Lieut, ij.g 21)00 Fifth Ave.. S. Minnea- polis. Minn. Dunwoody, Pensacola, N. A No. 906. HUDSON. ALFRED W. Lieut. {Jg.) 56'i Greene .\ve . Brooklyn. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. Chatham. N. A. No. 490. HTA. I IILT.KH. DANZELK. Enaiiifi 121". ^l;l(li'^(Hl Av4\. New ^ nrk (jly. Avor K. Clisiiri St., Porl- lami. (>n!f;(in. Mass. Inst, of Torh.. U. S. S. SoiiUt Dnko/a, Key West. Miumi N. A. No. 1525. }tO| firaril Av<-.. Krokiik Iowa. Mass. I ns) . nCTccli. Miami. iVrisacola. Moiir chir. Fr. N. A. No. 1127 HTA. !^, rf »'.{' Ofkkiai. ((imi'LEMENT of Sr.vTroN at Porto (Ohsim. Italy December }i. I!)1S im IILI.MK. KEiNNETII W. fCnsifln 15 I'ierri'iMinl Si., Brook- lyn. -N 1 MI. T., Key West. Miiiini. IViisa.. Mon- lauk. Norfolk. I lamp. Hnsa(Tola. \. A. No. 15K6. HTA. ■.• ^i^^^^O-^— -o^^/x^ -^r^ ^c6!y .t/>/v— :^^ms AM '>'i!(l >v s-v ^fi miNSAKER, JAMES W Uludcnl Officer 7'H Hicli Si., Denver, Colo. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore, Peosacola. HTA. HUNT, MA.NLLV F. Ensign 330 Highland St., Worces- ter, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 2467. HTA. HUNTER, HAHOLD F. Ensiijri 82 Pinckney St.. Boston. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2345. HTA. IIL.MEU. Ivli.\iM;THH Ensign 1001 Forest Court, Palo Alto, Cal Mass Inst, of Tech., Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 1550. HTA. HUNTER, ROBT. L. Ensiqn 5052 Walnut St , Philadel- phia, Penn. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. -Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1424. HTA. HUNTINGTON, E. J. Lieul. (j.fi.) Geddes Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Hampton Rds. N. A No 2014. HTA. nURD, NORMAN C. Ensign 3 Hugh St., Dover, N. H. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2393. HTA. HURLEY. FRANCIS C. Ensign 55 Sturbridge St., Matta- pan, Boslon, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2442. HTA. t^''^' '^^ ,!:■ JM HUSTED, JOHN G. W. HUTCHEON, FRANK E. Ensign Peekskill-on-Hudson, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Pensacola, Ghat- ham. N A. No. 970. HTA. Ensign 195 Elwood Ave., Newark, N. J. M. I. T., Bay Sh.. Pensa., Moutchic, Avord, Amesbury, Bolsena, Bock- away. .N. A. No. 349. HTA. HUTCIHNGS. (i B., Jr. Ensign 123 Prospect St , Stamford, Conn- Mass. Insl. of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2108. HTA. HUTCHISON, R. C. Slwleni Ofjicer Garden City, Kans. Mass. Inst. Bay, of Tech., Pclham Miami. HTA. HI- I l.s. -MKLMN K. Ensign 102 E. Si. N. W., Miami, Okla Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 1924. HTA. II1UE, FORREST J. Slnttenl Oflicer Colonnade Club, Univer- sity, Va. Mass. Inst, of Tech . Miami. HTA. HUTCHINSON. H. D. Ensign 60 Lincoln St.. Unionlown, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Norfolk, U. S. S. P. 439, Miami, Pensacola, New York. N. A. No. 1350. IIYlCn, BOYKIN J Student Offwcr 211 West Cervanles St, Pensacola. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, HTA. 03c:' 'A |v IIYLAND. E. M. Jr. Sliidvnt OfflciT UticH. N. Y. Muss. Inst. of Tech.. Charlosloii, .S. C. HTA. Haahkn. |>. j , i:„.,ij.„ IV. A. No. W6. Hack. II. IM., Sliiileiil Olliccr. Hai>i)i:\, IIamii.iok, .Sludent Officer. 1207 IVlli Si.. WashiiiKtiiri, I). C. llAnnKi.i), IIaiiolb K, Ensign, Youlc Adams, Mass. IV. A. No. IH.'IK. IIadlkv, FiiKii L., En.sign. N. A., No. IV'W. Hadlev. IIkmiv s.. Ensign. I3I68 Clifdin Blvd.. Cleveland. O. Mass. Insl. of Tech.. .Miami. Fl.i. N. \. No. 1327. HTA. Hafnkh, VicTOn 1... Student Officer. .) i Appleloii St., Iloston, .Mass. "isV'''^ "■ '*""'^-"^ '^■' ''-"si^'". Omaha, Nehr. N. \. No. Haggehtv. a. (!., EnsiKn. N. A. No. 722. HAnliE, .\LrnKi>. iMisign. Hah.v. F 11.. I.icul ij.K.). I |i) East ll.ilh St.. New York ..'•i."- *'"'*''■ '■"'' "I I'-ih.. Pensacola, Fla. N. A. No. 471. HT.A. Hahn. William P.. Ensign. Lecl.silnle. Pa. Ma^^s. Insl. of Tech., Akron. His. IQ West nih SI.. New York City. .Mass. Inst, of IVcIl, Pensacola, Fla. llAiiaiT. Hi. HAaii A.. Student Ollicer, .•!12 Times Kldj.- , New York Cily. Mass. Insl. of Tech.. Boston. IITA. Haines. J. AI.L^:N. Lieut, (j.g). '54 Prospect St.. Win- uetka. III. Halbkht. FaAMK DiNN. Eosign, Hampton Roads. N. A. No. 2066. Haldun, William II.. Student OffScer, 7 James St.. Lynn. Mass. Hale. Andrew, Ensign. 48 Rhodes Ave., Akron. Ohio. N. A. No. 1864. Hale. Georoe E.. Ensign. 167 Sand St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hale, Liitheb W., Sludent Officer, 58 West 47th St., New York City. Hale. J. D., War. Muchinist, Benton Harbor, Mich, Halev, James E.. Student Officer. 100.5 West .Ird St.. Dixon. 111. Hall. Ai.exandeh M., Lieut, fjg). 1000 Park Ave., New York f'ity. Hall, Chahles C.., Sludenl Officer. 2204 West Grace St., Richmond, \a. Hall. Courtney B.. Student Officer, 41 Rradlinrn St.. Rochester. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Newport. B. I., and New London, f\tnn. HT.A. H\ll. Ei>»i.\ M . Ensign. N. A. No. .147. Hall. Hanskll, Student Olficor. 712 Third St., Macon, Ga. Hall. IIlbeiit M., Student Officer, Bay Minette, .Ala Hall, John W.. Sliiilent Officer. Hall. Kellv B.. Sludent OITicer. B. K. I). N.i. 10, CrawfordsviUe, Ind. Hall, Lincoln .N.. ICnsign. N. A. No. 1.58.5. Hall. Ralph C. Student Officer, 4600 Maryland Ave., Si. I^uis, Mo. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West, Fla. HTA. Hall. Ravmond Avehv. Ensign. Box .18. Cape Charles. \'a. Hall, V\ . S., Ensign. 17 Elm St., Rochester. N. Y. Hallett. Ron\li) p.. Ensign. 61 Middle St.. Gloucester, Mass. .Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Sliami, Pensacola. Fla. N. .A. No. 1148. Hallibl-hton. S. .S., War. Machinist. Halliwell. H. D.. Ensign. 147 Market St., Belhlehein. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2270. IITA. IIai.hm. O. T., Ensign. N. A. No. 1272. IIalsi:v. Ei.iutEU A.. Student Officer, 58 East 177 St., .New \'ork City. H^i.siKAn. J. Steri.inc. Ensign. 128 Ivast 78tli St., New York Cily. B. F. C.. (Canada, t^anip Bathlioiie. Camp Bor- den. Ilamploii Boads. .San Diego. Cal HTA. HAl-srj;ii, W.T^DER, Ensign, 682 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. .Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore. Pensacola. Fla. N. A. No. 1061. H \MiiL\. Haiihv B., Jr.. Student Oni<;er, 2620 Benvcnuo \v.- , ll.rkc-|.-y. Cal. Seattle. Wash. II lA. II (MILL. Cinris F.. Student Officer. 18 Park St . StOnc- liam. .Mass. Hamilton, Fmoman, Student Officer, 20.5 Lytton .Ave., Sh('euli!y Farms. Pit Ishiirgh. Pa. er. 2')1 Prospect , Sludenl Ollii . Baltimore , Ensign, \\'areli; Ma Peu- N. A. III. Hamilton. Raymond N., .Ave.. .Milwaukee. Wis. II*MM\NN. Cms. Ha/eltinic. l-^iisigii, 2.540 E, St.. Baltimore. Md. N. .\. No. It'll. IIammann, Harry C, Student f)ffi<:er. 217 N. Maple Ave., .Martinsburg, W. Va. Duuwoody Insl. Hammhh, <;eoii(;e D.. I'^nsign, 218 W. DeSotu St.. sacola, Kla. N. A. No. 2470. HaMMO.NI). Bt^RTON H No. 1224. Ham-moni), Everett Harold, StudiMit Ollicer. Hammond. Leonard A., Student Officer, Warsaw. IIampiiill, Bi'ssell, Ensign. Pelham Bay, N.Y. IIan*(;\n. Thomas P., Student Officer. 20 ICiiclid Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Hance, E. IL, Lieut, (j.g.), N. A. No. Oil. Hanciiett, James Malcolm, Ensign. South Nalick. Mass. Coliimhia Univ., Sqiiantum, Mass.; Hampton Roads, Cape .May. N J. Hand, G. ('., I'Jnsign, 136 Crickelt Ave., Ardmore, Pa. N. A. No. 894. Hand, H. F., .Student Officer, Laurence, N. Y. Hanky. I'm l S . Student Officer. 29 Sixth St.. Quaker- town. Pa. .Mass. Insl. of Tech. HTA. IIanf. Hobaht W., Student Officer, 473 Third St., San Bernardine, Cal. Hanford, John William, Ensign. Haniean. John C. Student Officer. Emmetshiirg. Iowa. Hanlev, John D.. Ensign, 89lh St. and 10th .Ave., N. E . Seattle. Wash. N. \. No. 21 17. Hanna, Walter S.. Jr.. Student Officer, 17:1 Woocilniid Ave., (Jolnmbus, Ohio. Hannan, Emmktt D., Student Officer, .502 N. 5th St., Paducah, Ky. Hanse.n, C. L,. Ensign. Hansen, Fred G., Ensign, 1506 Foster Ave., Toledo. Ohio. Hansen, J. E.. Jr.. War. Machinist. Hanson. Wm. II . Sludenl Officer, 3401 Pleasant .Ave Minneapolis. .Minn. IlARcEn, Andrew P.,Stuilenl Olliier. 316 Dickson Ave, Bon Avon, Pa. Hahdenuorf. F. M.. Ensign. N. A. No. 2456. Harder, H. G.. Ensign, Nelson St., Bayside, L. I. Mass Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. HTA. Harder, Keith (^. .Student Officer, Wilke.sville. O. Harder. Balph Wm.. Student tJfficer. 115 .S. Emerson Ave., Iiidianaiiolis, Intl. Hardin. Josiah B., Student Officer, 501 Aiislin St.. V\'acn, Tex. Hardy, Frank K.. Student Officer. .Shawsheeii Road, Andover. Mass. Hardy. Rlfis. Jr.. Ensign. 1818 Kalurama Rd., Wash- ington. D. C. N. A. -No. 1226. Haroett, Daniel G., Student Officer. Elbres Pharmacy. Miami. Fla. Hark.son, Ulysses S., Student Officer. Harlan, Joseph L., Ensign, 1326 Walnut St.. Berkeley. Cal. N. A. No. IH6. Linnaan St., Harlow, John S., Jr., Student Officer, Cambridge, Mass. Harmon, Aitstin, Student Officer. 2128 Penobscot BIdg., Detroit. .Mich. .Mass. Inst, of Tech. .Miami. HTA. Harmon. I.iwrknce E.. Jr.. .Student Officer, 623 Dele- ware Ave.. Buffalo. N. Y. Harnett, F. B., Sludent Officer. Rnrnelt, Cal. .Seattle Wash. LTA. IUrrell, Jerry D., Student Officer, Box 791, Port Arthur, Texas. University of Washington, Seattle. IITA. IT!) fHr^ -^=r:i'>r==rTV^.-~jJ^^^N :,1 ' Harrell. Samuel R,. Sliident Officer. 119 N. 10th St., Nobelsvillp, Iiid. Harrigan, J. J., Wfir. Boatswain, N. A. No. .'j.">0. IIarrigan, M. J., Lieiil. ij-^'.). Orosse, Mit'h. Harrington. Arthur S.. Sludent Officer, ;126 Wyan- dotte St., S. Hcthlthem. Pa. Harris, Abram W.. .Jr., Slud.-nl Olli.vr. 17(11 An}i St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Harris, Andrew Stewart, Student Officer, 54 East 14th St.. Atlanta, Ga. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron. O.; Pensacola, Fla. LTA. Harris, Arthur William, Student Officer, ^i'.V2 Broad St., Providence, R. I. Harris, Klliot H.. Ensign, 33 West *»:ird St.. New York City. Harris, George C. Student Officer. Apt. B, No. 1 Dean Apt.. Birmingham, Ala. Harris, Harold B.. Student Officer. Harris, Harry L., Ensign. Apt. 507 Fontanel Courts, Washington. D. C. N. A. No. 1081 Harris, James C, Student Officer. 2;i8 E. Front St., Missoula, Mont. Hahbis. Jall Chandler. Student Officer, 54 East 14th St., Atlanta. Ga. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Harrls, John H.. Sludent Officer, 2200 East 91st St.. Georgetown, Tex. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Pen-sacola. LTA. Harris. John McC, Ensign, 2466 KenUworth Heights, Cleveland, i^hio. Harris. Leon B.. War. Machinist. 3301 Calhoun Blvd.. Minneapolis, Minn. Harris, Samuel C, Student Officer, Care of Y. M. C. A., Wilmington, Del. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Harris. W. N.. Ensign. 1118 Main St.. Danville. Va. Harri-^, Walter P., Ensign. N. \. No. 1777. Harris. Wilson P., Ensign, 1211 Centra' Ave., San- dusky, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1777. HTA. Harrlson, Donald L. Sludent Officer, 6963 Frankstown Ave., Pittsburgh. Pa. Harrison, Si mner D., Ensign, 147 So. Munn .Ave., East Orange, N. J. Ma.ss. Insi. of Tech., Pensacola. Key West. HTA. Harrison. William B., Student Officer, R. D. No. 1, Carlersville. \a. Habshaw, Frank. Ensign, The Studebaker Corp.. South Bend, Ind. Harshbebger, Fred A.. Student Officer. Hart, Alfred L., Ensign, 86 Buckingham St., Water- bury, Conn. Hart, Herschel R., Sludent Officer, Crescent St., Williamstown. W. \'a. Hart. Lee P.. Student Officer, 332 Maryland Ave.. N. E., Washington. D. C. Hart, Leland 1*.. Ensign. 816 LSi.. S. E,, Washington, D. C. Hartigain, James C. Ensign, 26 Hayes St., Norwich. N. Y. Harting, John B., Student Officer. 20 E. Johnson St.. Germantown. Philadelphia. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Hartley, Francis, Jr.. Ensign, 27 Stone Rd.. Belmont. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Moulchic, L Aber \rache. HTA. H AUTMAN. Aubrey C. D.. Ensign. Beta Theta Pi House. Middleton, Conn. N. A. No. 1839. Habtman. Leonard C. Ensign, Lincoln. Nebraska. Seattle, Wash.. Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2558. HTA. Habvev, Harold F., StudenI Officer, Eldon, Mo. Haskell. Henry Corvill. Student Officer. 72 Federal St.. Brunswick, Me. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. Fla HTA. Haskell, M., Ensign, 92 Winter St., Portland. Me. N. A. No. 1752. Haskins. John E.. Student Officer. 1026 Title Inc. BIdg.. Los Angeles, Cal. Hassan, Emin, Ensign, 365 E. 21st St., Brooklyn. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 1598. HTA. Hassell, Thomas F., Student Officer, Billow St., Cliflon. Teun. Hasselman. C. H ., Ensign, Hampton Rds.. Rockawny. N. A. No. 2444. Hastings, Eugene T., Ensign. 204 3rd Ave., Joliel, III. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola, Miami. Paris. Moutchic. HTA. Hastings. Herbert R., Sludent Officer, 530 West End Ave., New York Cily. Hatch, Richard W., Student Officer, North Marshfield, Mass. Hathaway, S. D., Ensign, Care of W. T. Ham & Co., Inc., Souihgate Terminals, Norfolk. Va. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron. Norfolk, V, S. S. New ./cr.svy. BrcKjklyn. LTA. Hauber, Carl, Ensign, Springfield, Ohio. Hauenstein, Clifford E., War. Machinist. Haun, Joya Canfield, Student Officer, 2261 Shattrick Ave., Berkeley, Cal. Havel, Frederick. Ensign, 1906 E. 15th Si.. Seattle. Wash. Hawkins. A. D.. Ensign. Hawkins. M. I., Ensign. Hawkins, Ress, Lieut, ij.g.), Easton, Maryland. N. \. No. 223. Hawkins. Tom W., Student Officer. 629 N. College St., Charlotte, N. C. Hawobth, Richard, Lieut, (j.g.). N. A. No. 706. Hawthorn. Ablin E., R. F. D. No. 2, Spencer, la. Dunwoody, Minn., Miami, Fla. Hayden. Philip S., Student Officer. 85 S. Prospect St., Burlington. Vt. Haye. P^dward J.. Student Otlicer, 1173 Bellevue Ave., Syracuse. N. Y. Hayes, Benjamin S., Ensign, 2620 College Ave., Berke- ley, Cal. Hayes, II. E., Ensign. H\YEs, H. IL. Jr., StudenI Officer, 28 Eiiihorn Road, Winchester, Mass. Hayes. L. B.. Student Officer, Box 239, Route G, San Jose. Cal. Seattle. Hayes. Benj\min S., Ensign. Hayes, H., War. Gun. Hays. Rolfe M., Ensign. 810 S. Tliird St.. Champaigne, III. Hazard, Charles M., Student Officer. 627 Clark St., Milwaukee, Wis. Hazleton, Everett L.. F-nslgn. 15 Carroll St., Portland, Me. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Ohio; Brest, Fr.; New- port. LTA. Hazen, G. B., War Mach., 286 Dean St.. Brooklyn, N.Y. Hazen, E. R., War. Mach. Hazen. MAYN\nD T., Ensign, 1008 A^^ylum Ave., Hart- ford, Conn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Fla. HTA. Hazlett, Harry C, Student Officer, Pleasant Valley, Wheeling. W. Va. (ireat Lakes. HTA. He^ld. Merwyn. Student Officer, 134 N. 17th St., Lincoln, Nebr. Heald. Pusey' Bancroft, Sludent Officer. 2231 Hurley Ave., Ft. Worth. Tex. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. HTA. Heap, George R., .Student Officer, Care of Y. M. C. A., 1736 G St.. N. W., Washington, D. C. Heard. Drayton, Student Officer, 322 Chestnut Road, Edgeworth. Allegheny Co., Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Great Lakes. Hampton Roads. HT.\. Heaslip. Charles T., Student Officer, 454 Riverside Drive, New York City. Heath, Marion C, Student Officer, 2096 Suney Rd., Cleveland. Ohio. Great Lakes, III. HTA. Heath, Otis L.. Sludent Officer, 17 Isabella Ave., New- ark. N. J., Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. He^th, William T., Student Oflicer. 76 Soldiers PI.. Buffalo, N. Y. HEFFELFiNfjEB. ToTTON P., Eusigii, 312 Chamber of Commerce. Minneapolis. Minn. Dunwoody Inst., San Diego. HTA. Heffbon, John M.. Ensign. 361 N. Maple Ave.. Green- wich, Conn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Instructor. Hegedorn. Walter, Student Officer, 391 Webster Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Heider. Raymond F., Student Officer, 55 Yale St., Holyoke. Mass. Heil. Geo L., Sludent Officer, 1231 Boswell Sl.,Topeka, Kans. Heil. J. Kenneth. Student Officer. 5735 University Ave., Chicago. III. Dunwoody Insl.. Miami. HTA. Heineman. Edward T., Sludent Officer, 631 Grace St., Chicago, 111. Mass. Inst of Tech. HTA. Heits-Menken, J. M., Ensign. j;^V, Heu>. LoTHnop Motley. Lieut, (j.^'.). 22 Kasr 82nd St.. yYV ' New York. Pensacola. Kt. Worth, llnnipfon Roads. Buy Shore, Miami, Uninswiek. Helm. GtioHcit: \V., Knsipn. 1.171 Ith Ave., L'misville, Ky. .\. .\. No. 1365. HKNOKnsoN, Colin Dwin. Knsiffii, Lewisliurj;. \V. \'.i. Sratrle, Wash., San I>ieno. Cal.. Pcnsacola. N. A. No. 2:V>1. HIA. Hendehson, (lEoncE R.. Lieut. O'.pK 273 Saytes .\ve.. Pnwturkel. R. L, Mass. Inst, of Tech., I'ensanola. N. A. No. 90<>. HTA. IIendehson. J. W., Student OITicer. 2I3'> Mn-isnchiisetts Ave., ('anihridtfe, Mas.s. IIk.ndkbso.n, ISul. Knsi^'n. N. A. No. 2141. llcNOHiCK. Jack M., Student Odiccr. 2(17 Mnriii.- Itiiiik Hid*:.. Ix)n;{ Reach. Cal. IIknihuckson. Fkank f)., S(ud»MiI OfTirer, 7 Hanover Sq.. -New York City. Henrv, f^HAs \\ .. Knsi^n. The Rarqni'l Chib. Philadrl- phia. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Teeh. Pensarohi. HTA. Hi:nniM\N. Mobhis W.. Student OITicer, 32n N. Frank- tin Av«-.. River Forest, III. Mass. Insl. of Tech. HTA. Hiiuwar. J\mes H.. Lieut, j t-.i. 301 West 32nd St., New York City. Bay Shore. I.. I.. Ki-v West. Monlauk. .\. A. No. KUt. HTA. Hkhtel. JosKpn P.,S(u*l. of Tech. HTA. Hr.ssKv, JoHV H., Student Oilirer. l.">00 Pnlnani Ave,, Brooklyn. .\. Y. Heth. Louis E., Student onicer, 938 Wn-iliinfilon Ave., Racine, Wis. Hktzi:l. H\rry C. Student OfTicer. 2.>1K I7th St., \\a>hinKtoii. I). C. Hi:rcHEL. Harry J., Student OiBcer. .>1«» Third St , Iir<«iklyn. N. Y. Heu.sel, Phillip, Ensign. Hki >iM:i;n, Wii.m\m. Student Oirirer, 2()I*> Marine \\f., San .\n(onio, Texas. Seal'.lf. Wash. I!T.\. Hewitt. Lambert. Kn.sign. 1112 Van Ness .\ve., Snn Francisco. Cal. N. A. No. 1766. Hewitt. Ro=coe S., Student Officer, 820 N. St. Joe Ave.. Ilastinp^, Nehr. He^dt, KnwARn F., Ensipn. 88 Lincoln St.. Montelair- N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore. Pensacola. N. A. No. 1863. Hevman, -Monnis A.. Student (tiliccr, 317 Union .Vve., S. E., Grand Rupids, .Mich. Hick. Charles M., Lieut, (j.g.), 45 Sibley St . Ham- mond, Ind. HicKr^, Benjamin J., Ensign. 317 Fordhani H. III. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key Wei*t. Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1373. HTA. HiiiN, F. D.. Student Officer. Care of Olympic Club, San Francisco, Cal. Seattle, Wash. HT.\. HiLMRR, Chas. F., War. Gun. Hii.BcsH. Wm. Dale. Student Officer. 1('2 Adolph .\ve.. Akrnti, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. \\V\. Hiioi BHANn. E. S.. Student Officer, (6 Allen IM.. Hart- >.' ford. Conn. Mass. Insl. of Tech. HTA. 7' HiLDEBn vm>t, B. E.. Ensign, 248 Bandnlph Ave.. [^ , Pcftria, III. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 132:>. HTA. HiLOEBBANnr. Geo. N., Ensign. 218 Randolph Ave.. I j Peoria, III. Mass. Inst, of Tech Key West, Miauii. h I Pensacola. N. A. No. 1710. HTA. A , ^ Hill, .\lbubt E.. Student Oflicer. 20.'> The Alabama .■\pls.. NVashington. D. C. Hill, Alexa-ndeb B.. Jr.. Ensipn, 2.»07 Hearst .\ve., J, Berkeley. Cal. N. A. No. 1647. Hill, BovnT., Student Officer, 20K West St., Freeport. III. Hill. Charles F., Student Olficer, 705 Taylor St., Ml. W ashington, D. C. '/ ■ Hill. Geo. .\., Lieut, (j.g.). Hudson. Mass. Mas.«. Inst, •f Te.h.. Miami. Key West. N. A. No. 1481. HTA. Him.. H\miiton R.. Ensign. Westbury. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tecli . Bay Shore, Pensacola, Brunswick. No. 1312. HTA. S.'TT'^r U.4 i l^i c- 'K A U. Hill. Jame.** Pearson. Ensipn, Smyrna. Delaware. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Miami and Pensacola. N. A. No. 2176. HTA. Hill, John W.. Student Officer, luvx Hot.l. 9lh and Troost St., Kansas. Mo. Hill. Joh.n W^, Ensign, 471 Beechwood .\ve., Bridge- port. Conn. N. A. No. 698. Hill. Mahlon W., Ensign, 23 IIolIani'HOM, Roy .\.. Ensign. HiLL^rn, DoriM.AS. Ensign. 2021 Hillyrr PL, Washing- ton. D. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Fla. IIiMEs. Geo. Heck-m.-vn. Ensign. 1721 Columbia Rd.. Washinglon. D. C. N. A. No. 1913. HiNos, Hoii\(:e S.. Ensipn, 43 Central Ave.. Newton- \ ilji-. Mass. Ma.ss. Inst, of Tech.. Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1147. HTA. HiNEs. John Willis, Ensign. 17 Gramercy Park. New York Cily. Mass. Inst, of 'lech.. Bay Shore, Pensacola, Moutrhic-Lananau, Killinphuline. Dundee, Chatham. N A. N<.. 338. H TA. HiNKKL, .\i.viN ('.. Student Officer. 576 Westminster Ave.. Eli/abelh. N. J. HiNTON, Sebastian, Ensign, 10 S. I-n Salle St., Chicago, III. Hipke. Lucius W.. Student Oflicer, 3021 Cedar St.. Milwaukee, W'is. HiBSCH. Oliver J., Student Officer, 6611 N. .Ashland \\c., Chicago. III. Hi.>co\, David F.. Ensipn, East Patchogue, Long Is- land, N. Y. N. A. No. 1253. tyY m HiTE. Hi;fiH Mairy. Ensign. 42 Arlington St., Cam- bridge. -Mas-;. Mass. Insl. of 'IV
  • c.iK>N. Paul E., Student Officer, 39 West Broadway. Rangor. .Maine. HoncEs. CiiAS. E.. Ensign. 213 Gardner Rd , Brookline. Mass. N. A. No. .397. HoDcEs. K. B.. Lieut, (j.g.). 522 Pine St., Albany, Ga. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola. .Moutchic. Killingholme. .N. A. No. 335. HTA. lloLKiKiNs, Mebton O., Sludent Officer. 185 South Side .\ve.. Freeport. N. Y. Hon:n. M. A.. Lieut, (j.g.l. 2374 Grandin Rd., Cincin- nali. Ohio. N. A. No. 194. HoFK. Pml Frank. Student OfTicer. 615 Cramer St.. .Milwaukee, W is. HTH^L. Loi IS L., Sludent Officer, 467 Center St., South Manchester, (^onn. .Ma.ss. Inst, of Teeh. HT.\. lIoHL. Stewart M.. Jr.. Student Officer, 627 W. 113lh St., .New York City. Hoisin(;ton. II. W., Ensign, .51 E. Woodruff Ave., Columbus. Ohio. .Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, L. I., IViLsacola. HT.\. IloLOEN, Geo. F., Student Officer, 248 Post .\ve.. San .\ntonio. Tex. Holding, R. S., Ensign. I'V^TT^. As:=:^^^ ^^-y^.^ ISI m. N. A -/•hs f-'r--'- ^ >. K - C:i^ ^ii. i:-) Wi m V A L-. IJoLGATE, RoBiiRT R., Ensign. Evanston, III. Mass. Inst of Tech.. Akron, Rockaway Reach. LTA. HoLLANP, James G., Ensign, 3l^i HoIIister Ave., Grand Rapids, Midi. Duuwoody Inst., Miami, Pensacola. HTA. HoLLiDAY. Fhedrrick T., Student Officer, 1 Hillhouse Ave., New Haven. Conn. IIoLLis, Thomas, Jr., Ensign, New London, N. H. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. HTA. HoLLOWAV, T. F., Ensign, River Rank. Reverly, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Ray Shore. Cape May, Moiitchic, Fronientine, France N. A. No. 878. HTA- HoLMAiv, \\'m. D.. Student Officer, Psi Upsilon House, Middleton. Conn. HoLMQi 1ST, C\RL W., Ensign, 110.3 Major St., Wood- lawn. Reaver ("o.. Pa, Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Rockaway. Marginal Parkway. LTA. HoLST. Emmert T., Ensign, Elks Club, Seattle, Wash. N. A. No. 1125. Holt, Arthur R., Ensign, 15 Rice St., Newton Center, Mass. Holt. Rknj. Dean, Ensign, 548 E. Park St., Stockton, Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Pensacola, Sau Diego. N. A. No. 1371. HTA. Holt. John.W., Student Officer, 8 Atwood St., Hartford, Conn. HoLTBY. Earl D., Student Officer, 175 Edwards St., New Haven. Conn. HoLTHAM. Earl A., Ensign, 828 12lh St., Modesto. Cal. N. A. No. 1 185. HoLTON, J. RAnnv, Ensign. 505 W'. 13th St., Austin, Tex. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Fla. N. A. No. 1888. HTA. HoLZL. Alfred P., War. Gunner. Ho.MER. Joseph W., Ensign. N. A. No. 668. HoNDLE. W. C, War. Machinist HoNEV, Frederic D., Student Officer. Gresham, Ore. HoNNEN. Edward IL. Student Officer, 1423 N. Lejon St.. Colorado Springs, Colo. HoopES, Thomas T., Lieut, (j.g.), 124 High St.. New- bury port, Mass. Squantum, Mass.; Hampton Rds.; Pensacola, Fla.; Chatham, Mass. N. A. No. 1094. HTA. Hopkins. D. W.. Ensign, 3435 Cornell PL, Cincinnati. Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. Great Lakes. W^ashingtou, D. C. HTA. Hopkins, J. G., Jr., Student Officer. Greenwood, Va. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Hopper, Geo. T.. Student Officer, P. O. Rox 446. Spo- kane, Wash. Horn, Herbert E.. Ensign. Horner, Joseph, Jr., Student Officer, Green Ray. Wis. Care of Press Gazette. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Fla. HTA. Horner. Wm. W., Lieut, fj.g), 4907 Carnegie Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Ohio; Rockaway Reach, N. Y.; Rrest, France. LTA. HoRRELL, Martin L., Ensign, 600 Karpen RIdg.. Chicago, 111. HoBTON. Harry D.. Ensign, Peconie, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1675. HTA. Horton, Jerome L., Student Officer. 2670 Hudson RIvd.. Jersey City. N. J. HosFOHD, Hemphill jM., Student Officer, Waxahochie, Tex. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Ohio; Rockaway Beach, L. I. LTA. HosKiNs, Arthur C, Student Officer, 525 Jefferson Ave.. Detroit, Mich. Hough, E. R., Ensign. Hough, Warren R., Student Officer. 410 E. John St.. Champaign, III. HovEY, Leon R., Ensign. 29 Lancaster St., Cambridge. Mass. Inst, of Tech,, Pensacola, Fla. Howard, Charles Sothoron, Student Officer, Frederick, Md. Mass. Inst. (»f Tech., Charleston. Howard, Howell IL, Student Officer, 205 W. 2d St., Dayton, Ohio. Howard. John Cochane. Student Officer. Winchester St., Haverhill. Mass. Howard, John G., Ensign, 210 Lexington Ave., Ro- chester, N. Y. N, A. No. 1949. Howden, Frederick J., Student Officer, 104 Park Ave. E., Savannah, Ga. Seattle, Wash. HTA. Howe, DtrnLEv Rooebs, Student Officer, 22 Worthing- ton Rd., Brookline, Mass. Howe. Harold, Lieut, fj g ). Care of Tioga Cigar Co., Owego, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. Pensacola Miami. Panillac. Moutchic, Rrest. N. A. No. 518. IITA' HowERTON, James, Ensign, N. A, No. 1074. Howlett, W. M.. Ensign, 23 Irving St., Cambridge, Mass. Hubbard. Charles E., Lieut, (jg.), 30 Powel Ave., Newport, R. I. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Moutchic, Pen- sacola, Fromentine, Fr.; Miami. N. A. No. 350. HTA. Hubbard, Milton Le Compte, Student Officer, 118 Academy St., Cambridge, Md. Dunwoody Inst. HTA. HiTBBELL, Nelson E., Ensign, 135 N. Pearl St., Ruffalo, N. Y. N. a. No. 2431. HuBBELL, Wm. L, Student Officer, Canal St.. Westport. Conn. HucK. Louis C, Student Officer, 446 Diversey Parkway, Chicago. 111. Huddleston. Walter D., Ensign, 332 W. Broad St., Texarkann, Tex. N. A. No. 766. Huffman, Kenaz. Ensign. 411 Ernest & Cranmer BIdg., Denver, Colo. Seattle, Wash., D. C. HTA. Hughes, Caleb C. Jr., Student Officer, 213 14th St., S. E., Washington, D. C. HucHE-s, Ernest L., Student Officer, 1206 Hinman Ave., Evanston, 111. Ht;ghes, Harry I Rolla, Mo. Hughes, Paul A. Montclair, N, J. I , Jr., Student Officer, 1001 Pine St., ,, War. Machinist, 15 Berkeley PI., HuKiLL. Emory W., Ensign, Middletown, Del. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West, Miami. N. A. No. 1524. HTA. Hulett, E. C., Ensign, Holly, Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Pensacola, Montauk and Rockaway. N. A. No. 2085. LTA. Hull. Wm. B.. Ensign, 139 Sheldon Ave., Grand Rapids. Mich. N. A. No. 1719. Hulse, J. IL, Ensign. N, A. No. 1288. Humbert. O.scar L.. Student Officer. 828 S. D St.. Arkansas City, Kans. Seattle, Washington. HTA. HuMisTON, W.M. T., Student Officer, Vero, Fla., Seattle, Key West. LTA. Hummer. Richard P.. Ensign. 4535 Beacon St., Chicago, 111. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Norfolk, Saunders Range, Md.; Pensacola. N. A. No. 1162. HTA. Humphreys, Wm. V., Jr., Ensign. N. A. No. 173. Humphreys, Wm. Y., Jr., Lieut, (.j.g.). HuNEKE. BoBERT C, War. Boatswain. HuNNEWELL, C. F., Ensign, 50 Chandler St., W. Somer- ville. Mass. Hunt, Vincent R., Student Officer, Bricelyn, Minn. Dunwoody Inst., Miami. HTA. Hunter, Ryron W., Student Officer, Fremont, Nebr. Seattle. Wash. HTA. Hunter, Charles N., Student Officer. Rurlingame, Cal. Hunter, Donald Wm., Student Officer, 80 Westminster Ave., Detroit, Mich. Hunter, Harry H., Ensign, 1119 Judson Ave., Evans- ton, III. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Pensacola, Queenstown. Wexford. Ireland. IITA. HiTNTER, Robert D., Ensign, 977 Hackensack PIk. Rd.. North Rergen, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore. L. I., Pensacola, Fla. N. A. No. 1950. Hunter, T. W.. Ensign, 57 Eliot St., Detroit, Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Pensacola, Miami. N. A. No. 1382. Huntington, Edwin Jay, Lieut, (j.g.). Geddes Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Hamp- ton Roads. HTA. HiiNTLKY. Robert R., War, Carpenter. 303 Electric RIdg., Buftalo. N. Y. Philadelphia Navy Yard; Pauillac, France; Easlleigh, Eng. Huntley, W. C. Ensign, East Auburn, Cal. Seattle; San Diego, Cal., and Pensacola, Fla. N. A. No. 1899. Hurt, Sherwood L., Student Officer, Rartow County, White, Ga. HussEY, John Edward. Student Officer. 5811 Cabanne Ave.. St. Louis, Mo. Great Lakes Naval Training Station, U. S. Naval Unit, Yale University, New Haven. Hutchings. John II. , Student Officer, 2805 O Ave., Galveston. Tex. Seattle, Wash. HTA. HuTCHiNS, D. J.. Lieut, fj.g). 256 Tyler Ave, Detroit Mich., Supt. constr. aircraft. New York City. HuTC iiNsoN, Arthur Edward, War. Machinist. Hutchinson, Hubert, Student Officer, 311 Mt. Prospect :,:^ ii^i''!; 18-2 Ave., Newark. N. J. Mass. tnsl. of Tech.. Miami and Pensac.ilii, Klu. IIT.\. Hutchinson. John C. Sliidcnl Ulli. it. 6.'>') Mossa- chusells Ave., .\rIingtoii. Mass Hl'TCKiNso.N, Lestkr B., ICnsit'ti. N. A. No. 618. lliTCHiNsoN. llF:a. N. A. No. l.')52. Til trnisoN, Ll.Tius Lee, Student Onirer, .\shliiirn. Va. Seultlo. }ITA. Hyde, Riis.sei.i. N., Lieut, fj (t). 22 Devens Hd., Swnmp- scoll, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Te.li., Peiisaeolu; I)uniie«i .Set.: Fehxslowc, Kug.; I'aiiilluc. Fr.; Key Wist, Kla. .\' A. No. IHl. ilvMBii. H. G., Student Oincer. Lancaster, Wis. Mass Irisl. of Teih., Key Wi-sl. Klu. IITA. llvsoM. HoscoE II., KnsiKn, 1200 Massailiusetl.s Ave., (^imliriilge. Mass. .Mass. Inst, of T>l;li., .\iroM. Ohio; Hmkuttuy Heath, L. I.; Key West, Fla. LT.\. And I Learned About FlvinLj- from Her I've taken niv liop.s where I've found "em; I've looped and I've .spviii in niv time; I'vv '-.id niy piekin'.s o' seaplanes. \i\' some o' the lot was prime. One was an outcast I'-boat, One was a dizzy X-9, Oil. tlie "twelves" and "sixteens" I still see in my dreams, .\iid llie (ivronos that ever were mine. J'Vi Now I'm not a and with F-boats, For, takiu' em all along. Vou never can say till you've tried em. An' then you are like to he wrong. There is some that ,vou know that ,vou mightn't. There is some that you know that .vou niifiht: .\nd you'll often pet stunts when vou're ftyin' your hunks. That will help you in tea-tal)le HightsI I was a young man at Miami. Keen as a hoy to begin; They gave mc a rusty ole flivver, The first I had ever been in. Older than me, but my first un, — More like an alarm clock she were, — Hut she slipped in one night when I spiralled too tight. An' I learned about flviii' from her. Then I was transferred to Suiza's, (F/lse I'd be taxi-in' now), I was proud as a newly-made Ensign, .\nd I told em I'd show 'em all how. I soared up over the islands .\nd down where the coral keys were. And I kei)t out o' harm near the ole turtle farm- Ami I learned about H\'in" from her. Oh, I've taken my hops where I've found em, .\nd now I'm through with the fun; The more time you've got in "sixteens," The more .you will think of the "one's." .\nd the end of its sittin' an' Ihiiikin', An' dreamin" more flyin' to see; So be warned by mv lot (wliich I kiujw you will not). An' learn about flvin' from me. 1 1 M i'J |i" f ; -I ■A A. 183 JAMKS. JOHN K. Stiiiffnt OfficT 2612 Mupkirs Si,. Hous- ton. Texas. Mass. Inst, of r»Th.. Akron. Kockuway \Wnv\\. LTA. J\M(.S. HM.IMI M Kns '*//! "»24-'i Haymf>inl .\vt'.. St. Louis. Mf» Mass. Inst, of IVrh.. K«'y \\»-^I. CL>lum- hia University. N. .\. No. 2321. iir.\. jAMLsoN. n. lu uroN Ensifjn Linden, Mich. Mas.s. Inst, of Tech.. Key West, Miami, P.-nsaiTohi. .\. A. N J. I'^Jrf. HTA. JAH\ IS. CLAHKNCE It Ensign Oncifia. N. Y. Mass. Inst- of Tech.. Miami. Pensa" c>ln. .\. A. No. 2668- HTA. Sl'IHALLI\(; .\.N .\-10 ON Irs |{a< K AT l*K.\SACOL.\ Ji:.N(_kl«N, MLl'IiiCN II. Ensign 88 Prospert St.. Providence, R. I. M. I. T. IVnsa., Miami. Mont chic. Cani- papne, Malpensa it., Chat- ham. N. A. No. 681. HTA. JKNkS. WluSro.N \i. Ensign 90 Tower Rd.. Wiilerbury. Conn. Mass Inst, of Te*'h., Newport. Key West, Pen- sacoln. HTA. Jli.N.M.\(;S. \LLYNR. Ji;.NM\'(;s. JAMES C. Lieut. (j.(7.) StudrnI Ofiiar IHO South Penn Square. F*liilacli-lphia. I*a. Stpiail' tiini, llituiploii Hds . Key West. ('aiM' May, (!haltiain. IM. A. No. *55. HT\. Hox 91. Miueral Weils Tex. Univ. Wash.. Seat- lie. IITA. - — >=^'V:-^'^ _-^YV^ V ^^,— is.-, Os:?' JENMNi.S. Hul;r i: Lieut, (j.y.) 323 Main St., Menominee, Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Grpilt Lakes, Key West, Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 1709 HTA. JOHA^^hi^. hLMhli L Lieut, ij.g.) 5 Arthur St., Somerville, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. Lake Boi- sena. It., Porin Cnr'^int Italy. N. A. No. ,'._'". MIX, f -^K*" V.^ JKRMAIN.HEHI'.iH I I Ensign 316 Huntington Ave., Bos- ton. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. Chnrleslown. N. A. No 2224. HTA JEWETT, ORIS F. Student Ojjicer 105 N. 5lh St., Sawtellf". Cal. Seattle. North Island, San Diego. HTA. JOBES, HAROLD L. Ensign 21 Bay View Ave., Prince Bay, New York. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Key West. Pensac la. N. A. No. 1966. LTA. JOHNSON, ARCHIE C Ensign Waseca, Minn. Mass. Inst. of Tech., Akron, Rockaway Reach. LTA. JOHNSON. FRANK M Lieut. Ij.g.) 1143 Fairmont St.. Wash- injrton, D. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Hamp- ton Roads. N. \. No. 1096. HTA. JOHNSON. LACLI 1 . Student OjDicer 50 the Boulevard, Pelhara, N. v., Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore. HTA. .t:v^'> JOHNSON. MILTON O. Sluiieni Officer 708 Fremont Ave.. Morris, III. Dunwoody. Miami. HTA. JOHNSON, WARREN F. Ensign Cold Spring Harbor. L. 1., N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. Pensacola. Mout- chic. Fr. N. A. No. 1111. JOHNSON. W. W. Ensign 314 Main St.. Galva. Illi- nois. Dunwoody. Miami. Key West, Pensacola. HTA. JOHN.STON, GALE Student Officer 122 Jackson Place. Mexico. Mo. Dunwoody lust. Minn. HTA. JOHNSTON. (>SWALD L. Student Officer Care Jas. McNaughton, Rronxville. N. Y. Mass. Insl. of Tech.. Bay Shore. HTA. XV" JONES. ARTHUR L. Ensign 7 St Michaels Place, Charleston. S. C. Mass. Inst. of Tech.. Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1891. HTA. JONES, MARK Z. Ensign 121 Court St.. Janesville. Wis. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Akron. Pensacola. N. A No. 2631. LTA. JONES. PAUL LUCAS Student Officer 27.32 Tracy Ave., Kansas City. Mo. Mass Inst, of Tech Mo. Mass HTA. JONES. VICTOR H. Lieut, ij.g.) 533 Byron St.. Mankato, Minn, .\kron, Cape May. Hampton Roads, Pensa- rola. .N..\ No. 881. LTA. JONES. WOO LSEYF. Ensign 2701 Fifth St.. Tuscaloosa, Ala. Mass. Inst, of Twh.. IVnsncoIa, Miami N A. No. 1411. HTA. J<»m)A\ RAYMOND D. Enxign \2 Slehhins St.. Sprin;?- Ilt'ld. Mass. Mass. Inst, of 'ItH'li.. Key Wost, Miami, IVnsHi'ola, .\nacoslia. N. A. No. I WA. IITA. JORDAN. ROBERT Ensign 3ir> West 97 St.. New York City, \tass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacnia, Chatham. N.A. No. 921. HTA. >*^fc3e^^- Another "Xose-Ix." 'A A J. JOLIRERT. CLEMENT C. Student Officer 18 Riverside Square. Hyde Park. Mass Mass. Inst, of Tech. IITA. JOVA. JOHN A. Lirut. ij g.) Roseton, Oranpe ('o.. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pcn- sacola. N. A. No. 429. HTA, JLLIAN, DALVEN Ensign 607 Fountain St.. Mineral Point. Wisconsin. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Great Lakes. Key West. Miami, Pensa- rola. N.A. No. 1720. HTA. JULLIFFE. H. \V. Student Officer 136 Marion .\vc.. Mans- lield, Ohio. Mass. Inst of Tech. HTA. is: -O- n- r- ^^t-S^^v Ibsen, Norman H.. Ensign, 607 S. Slate Si.. Ann Arbor, Mi.h. N. A. No. 1I(>9. Jdol, Milw.\rd. Student Ofilrer, Robinson, Kans. Igleheabt. G. p., Lieut, (j-g.), 10 Nassau St.. Princeton, N. J. Cambridge. Buffalo. New York City. Iles. Malvkrn, W.. Sluilent Officer, 321 Mississippi Ave., Davenport, Iowa. Ingalls. D. S.. Lieut, (jg.). 11808 Lake Shore Blvd.. Cleveland. Ohio. Palm Beach, Huntington, L. L, Dun- kirk. Easlleigh. Eng. N. A. No. 85. HTA. Ingebsoll. C. D., Ensign, 251 E. Chestnut St., Canton. III. Mass. In."^ iiiii: X Jones. C'-Annoix I,., Stiidpnt Offirnr. 5012 \V;,lmit Si.. IMiiUidelphiu, Pa. JoNfcis. Chas. Alvin. tCnsi^.'!!, 1*)27 Oliver BUJf;.. I'ills- Imrtrh, I'a. Jones. Cliffohd B., Sludent Ofliorr. VXM) Ohio St., L:iw- rrncn, Kans. JoNKS. Dkcatl'h, KnsiKii, <>!(! Park Ave.. Richnioiul. \a. Ohio, Mass. Iii.sl. of Tech.. Akron, Ro<:kaway, L. I. I/PA. Jones, D-wrn (I vlk. Kn.si(rn, 23ft McK night HIdf;.. Minneapolis. Minti. Mass. Irisl. of Tech.. Hhie Hill Observalory, Soadle. W asli. Aernjirapher. Jones, Kowin M.. Shident DHirer. (lareof The Jones Co., Jackson, Miss. Jones. Ceo. K.. Stinienr olli.er. 127 II St.. S. K.. Wash- inpton, D. C. Jones, Henhv C, Sludont OHiccr. «2>> .\Innndiix \2'.V.\ Tanipa. Kla. Mass. Insl. of Tech.. Bay Shore, IVnsacoia. Ana- ioslia. D.C.. Hampton Roods. \ a. N. \. No. 11172. HTA. JoNFj*, Max S., Knsign, 7307 Flora Ave.. St. I^mis, Mo. N. A. No. 373. Jones. Minor S., Student Oflicer. 9t Itroad St.. Charles- ton. S. C. Jf)\Es, NirHOEAs R., Student Oniccr. 150 Broaiiway. New York, Croat Lakes, Miami. Jones. P. S., Kusigu. N. A. No. 685. of Tech., ll:inipIoti Buad^. No. lM.->. HTA. Jo NEs. RwMOND S., Student Officer. Puritan .\pl. 2!7, Loui'-ville. Ky. Jones, Roi.lin T.. Student Oflicer. 117 Crennvvood PL, BulTalo, .\. Y. Jones Ro^ A.. War. Gunner. Jones, Samiei, Manlv, Student OfTiccr, 302 P.^mbroke Ave., Norfolk. Va. Mass. Inst, of Tech. IITA. Jones. Sainders P., Eiisifc'n, 1048 Cherokee Rd.. Louis- ville. Ky. Jones, Thomas M.. 3rd, Lieut, (jg.). 811 Ridge Ave.. Pillshur^rh. Pa. Mass. Itisl. Pensacola. Hay Shore. N. A. Jones. \V. R . War. Machinist. Jones, W'.m. If., Student Oflicer. Bennett Creek, Vn. Jones. Wm. L. EiLsign. N. A. No. 2072. JonoAN, CH\nLES B.. Student Officer. 2 West 72nd St., New York (>ity- JosEi'H. R7. IITA. Jt NELL. John. Knsign, .Minneapolis Club. MinneapoU^. Minn, \iass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2088. HTA. JiNKiN. Ceo., 4lh. Ensign. 1318 Real Estate Trust Bldi;.. Phihulelphia. Pa. N. A. No. 1M59. ■ vr i^/if M i fit V ■ I' Maneuvers at Gcaxtaxamo 1?at l: \H'J :^^- - -rt „'-' ■■. r T^T^iN ' If- -^J 11 III M '1 ^tlT KAiNT. EDWIN S. Ensign 1367 Comm. Ave. Boston. Mass. Akron, Hoi-lianiFiNm. Brest. La I'iilli... \\ iil.iy IslanrJ, Banlry M.iv I. TV KEARNEY. DANIEL W . Ensign 126 E. Church St., Sharao- kin. Peun. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2164. HTA. KEAHNEY, PATRICK E. Ensign 58 Maple St., HndsoD, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola. N. A. No 892. HTA. KEELEK, HICIIABD J. Ensign 3121 Third Ave.. So. Minn., Minn. Mass. Inst of Tech., Bay Shore. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2194 HTA KEEP C. RLSSELL Ensign 273 North Onf..r1K. LI \ KELLY, STEPHEN F. Ensign 901 Jackson Ave., Bronx, New York City. M. I. T., Newport, Bay Shore, Key West, Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 949. KELSEY, CARLETON Ensign Meriden, Conn. Keyport, N. J. KEMP, THATCHER J. Student Officer 2115 Ilobart Blvd.. Los Anpeles, Cal. Seattle, Washinfitou. HTA. KEMPE, A. F. Student Officer 14 Oakwood Place. Eliza- beth. N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. •y^- vy KEMPTON. FRANK Enstgn 602 Ponce de Leon .\ve., Atlanta, Ga. Mass. Inst., of Tech.. Akron, Rock- away. LTA. KENDALL. JOHN W. Ensign Meyersdale, Penn. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. San Diego, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1792. HTA. KENNEDY. JOHN W. Student Officer 1129 Cleveland Ave., Port- land, Oregon. Seattle, San Diego. HTA. KENT, FRANCIS R, Student Officer 195 Lincoln St., Worcester Mass. Mass. Inst- of Tech HTA. 190 tr- -J^'^ KK\r, SKIMKMIS !•: Student OQuFr H<»H*'. Ark. Muss Inst of Terh.. l*ensnrola. HTA ki:usiiA\v. <;. ii. IT.'i N. Crecnwnnii A\o., Knnkiikci'. III. Mjiss. IiihL ol T»hIi.. Miiiiiii, Kry Wrsr, Pcnsu.-olii. N. A. i\o. I'tltit. HTA. kKSKM, Fl.nVI) H. ICrtsiiin Fox ('hiisi'. Pa. Mus Inst ol TitIi.. Akroi Itorkawuy. Mfinltiiik, Vt'l suculu. LTA. KKTCIIAM. J»)ll\ li Ensign 2 Rcrtor St.. New York City M. I. T.. Key Wrst. I'l'iisa.. ()iiiM>iist4)\vii, WhUi- Starting after a Crash •AAX > V >s -- KEVKS. CIIKT. A. Ensitjn 818 Scarritt Bldj;-. Kansas City, Mo. Mass. Inst, of Toi-h., key West. Fla. HTA. KEYES. 1,1.1)1 l> II Ensign .\uburn. Wash. .Miami. Great Lakes, Sao Diego. KIMBALL. CIHIIS C. Sludent Oflirrr IJ68 So. 2nih .Si., Linrolii, \el>. .Mass. Inst, ol 'IVm-Ii., (ireat Lakes, Miami. H'r..\. KIXDV. WAIU) H. Ens iff ri Fayette. Ohio Mass. Inst. iiC 'IVch.. Great Lakes, Pensaiola, Kev Wcsl. .\- A. No. 2211 HTA. 191 KING. B. FHANK ^^tudenl OJ)iriT Forresr Ctly, Ark. Mass. Iiisl. of Tech., New (Irleans, I*ensacoIa. Miami. HTA- KING. FRANK Enaign ^•26 West 107 St.. New York City. Hampton Rds., CaJais, Anacostia- N. A. No. 245. KIRBY. PAIII, J. Ensign 426 Cumberland St.. Har- risbur^, Penn. Mass. Iiisl. Newport. liay Tech Shore. M N. A. N.. I'eii^.triil III A. KIKK.. HERBEHTS. Ensign 30T, Hisrhland Ave. Ni-.w Castle, Pa. M. I. T.. Miami, Pensacola. Moutchic. Fr.. Hay Shore. N. A. No. 1282. MTA. KIRKENDALL. F. C. Sludenl OffuiT ai West Union St.. Wilkes- liarre. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech. IITA. KITTRIDGE. L. T. Eivsifin VVoolwitrh. Maine. Pensa- cola, Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2662 HTA. KNAUER. H. P Ensign Route 2. Potlstown, Pa. Mass. lust, of Tech.. Pensa- cola. Moutchic. Fr.. Killing- holme. Fns. N. A. rSo. 726. HTA. KNIGHT. JOHN A.. Jr. Ensign 931 West 41h St., Williams- port. Pa.. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 1229. KINTZ. LESLIE 11. Ensign 51."> Monroe St.. Ann Arbiir. Mich Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Akron. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2617. LTA. KIRBY. HAROLD L. Ensign Havre. Montana. Mass- Inst, of Tech.. Miami- Pensacola. Hampton Rds.. Anacostia. N. A. No. 1508. HTA. KIHK. LE GRANDE F. Ensign Youn^stown. New York. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key NA'est. Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No 2097. HTA. KIHK. HOY K. Enxign 1 86 W. Oxford St.. Alliance. Ohio. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. UU. HIA. KLAGFH.WALTKH II. Ensign 617 So. Main St.. Ann Arbor, Mich. Mass. Inst. of Tech., Miami. Pensacola, Hay Shore. N. A. No. 1360, "ITA. KLOOR, I.OllIS A., Jr. Ensiqn 219 Avenue K.. Crowley La. Pen'iacola, Hampton Roads. Rockaway, Mon- tauk N. A. No. 2137. LTA. KOBLEGARD. II. II. Student Ojfficer 218 East Main. Clarksburg. W . \ a. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Hay Shore. L, Brunswick, (ia. IITA. KOCH. HENRY F. Student Ofjicer 869 Amboy Ave.. Perth Amboy. N. J. Mass. lust, of Tech. HTA. --is— KOKNIG. HKRBERT A. Slutlent OXfictT ■153 McOonough St.. Hrooklyn, N. Y. Muss. I list, of 'J'ecli., Akron. Uucknway. LTA. KuKM(;i:U. KAltL W. Stutienl 0£icer Kinpijiorl, Tcnii. SeallU \\ ashin^•lull. UTA. KUllI.iat. WAI.Tiat W. Ensign 337 N. Main St.. Old l'"ort'<'. Pii. Mass. Ins(. of Tech., Miami. Pt'nsaf()la. N. A. \n. I i:i(i. IITA. KtJLI»Ii:N. ALTON L. Ensign 763 Park Ave.. Dunkirk, \. Y. M. 1 1. T.. Key Wi-sl. Mi iallli, I Viis;n:ijla, Hay SI, <»rL'. (,)in- i-snl.iwii. .\. A. .\c, >. II IL Ill \. Taking Olt the DiHKiim.K at I'aimdoki'k, Fuance, to Give Assistant Secretary of the Navy Roosevelt a Ride -^^f^ t'AA. KOM(;SM\RK. V. L. Knxign <'edar Hapids, Iowa. Muss. Iiisl. of Tech.. Great Lakes. Miami, Pensacola. HT.\. KOHKK, II \H\\\ II Slmlenl Officrr 1720 \V. Lnfiiycllc Ave.. Haltiiiiore. Md. Mass. Insl. of IVrli., Leacue Island. Navy ■» ar.l. IMiila- delphia, I'a. IITA. KOTIIK. WILLIAM C. Stiidrnl Officer 7.> W asliint^toii .\ve.. (Iranlwoml, N. J. Mass. Insl. of Tech.. Key Wcsl. IITA. K.HAMER, C. IL Student Officer l.tn K. .Mnlh St.. Alton. 111. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. HTA. I!).1 KRAMER, IVAN L. Sludenl Officer 566 Prospect Place, Brook- lyn. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Akron. LTA. KREBS, W, W. Ensign 509 Napoleon St.. Johns- town, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Ilamptoo Roads. LTA. KUNKEL, CHARLES F. Lieut, (j.g.) New Curaberland, Pa. M. I. T., l*ensacoIa, F^t. Worth, Hampton Roads, Killingholme, Eng. N. A. No. 273. HTA. KROUSE. S.HARVEY Ensign 306 Chestnut St., Phila- delphia, Penn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. Chat- ham. N. A. No. 960. HTA. KURTZWARTH, E. L. Stuilenl Officer 152 King Ave., Detroit, Mich. Great Lakes. Dun- woody, Mass. Inst, of Tech. KRUMM, HARRY \V. Ensign 3000 Arunah Ave., Bal- timore. Md. M. I. T., Bay Sh.. Key West. Moutchic, Malpensa. N. B. G. N. A. No. 3!!0. HTA. fy^ ■^ <^ <@> ^ ^ ^ Kaftan, A. G., War. Gunner. Kahle, George F., War, Boatswain. Kahlert. Wm. G.. Student Onicer, 194 E. Robis St., St. Paul, Minn. Kahn, Jerome Vemann, Sludenl Officer, 3975 Beechwood Ave.. Rose Hill, Cincinnati, O. Mass. Inst, of Tech., La- Fayelle Escadrille, France. HTA. Kaiser, Karl H., Ensign, 1ft Haviland St., Suile 5, Boston, Mass. Kaiser, Richard W., Student Oificer, Bonnie Crest, New Rochelle, N. V. Kamm. Walker W., Student Officer, No. 7 Russian Hill Place, San Francisco, Cal.; Seattle, Wash. LTA. Kane, Richmond K., Student Oflicer, Glacier Park Hotel, Glacier Natl Park, Mont. Kane, Robert R-, Student Otricer, Gate City, \ a. Dunwoody Inst. HTA. Kanke, Bernard. Student Officer, 675 Frederick Ave.. Detroit, Mich. Kastner, A., War, Gunner. Katoubette, IjIvingston R., Student Officer, 334 Cen- tral BIdg., Seattle. Wash. Kauffman, Allen. Ensign. Kauffmann. Samuel H., Student Officer, 6 North Dod St.. Princeton, N. J. Kauth, Elliott, Ensign. Kavana, Luke J., Sludenl Officer. 304 S. Ashland Ave., LaGrange. III. Kavanai'Gh, L. T., Jr., Student Officer, 60 South Grant St., Memphis. Tenn. Kaye. Lewis G., Ensign, 44 Campbell Hall, Princeton, N. J. N. A. No. 122». Kazanjian, H.. Jr., Ensign, New Rochelle, N. Y. N. A. No. 2188. Keddie, Edward A., Ensign, 804 Center St., Roston, Mass. N. A. No. 747. Keefe, Owen F., Student Officer, 14 Irving Park, Walertown, Mass. Keefe, Thomas J., Student Officer, Chester Club, Chester, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Keeler. Harry F.. Student Officer. 414 Pratt St.. Longmonl, Colo. Keene. Campbell, Ensign. 169 State St., Augusta, Me. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola, Key West, Miami, Hamp- ton Roads. Fleet Air Detachment. N. A. No. 1423. HTA. Kkenan. Lewis Champlin, Ensign, 1718 Ave. F.Gal- veston. Tex. N. A. No. 2371. Keith, Geo K.. Ensign. Rox 6, Grafton. Mass. Kellar, John W.. Ensign, Lee, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron. Ohio, Pensacola, N. A. No. 21 18. LTA. Keli.ey. Fbank R.. Student Officer, 1932 Waldick Ave... Columbus. O. Kellev, Oliver M., Ensign, 822 N. Fulton Ave,, Baltimore, Md. Kellock, Albro Latimer, Student Officer. Cambridge,. Mass. Kellogg. John P., Ensign, 212 Stone St, Walertown^ N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. Pensacola, N. A. No. 1981. HTA. Kelly, Daniel F., Ensign. Kelly, Ebhol ¥.., Student Officer. 1200 Port St.. New Orleans, La.; Seattle. Wash. HTA. Kelly, Francis J., Student Officer. 11204 Edbrooke Ave.. Chicago. III. Kelly. Henry F., Student Officer. 93 Sawyer Ave., Dorchester, Mass. Kelly, Herbert Charles, Ensign, Union RIdg., Saa Diego, Cal. Seatlle. San Diego. Pensacola, N. A. No. 245H. HTA. Kelly. Norman W., Lieut, (j.g.). Kelly, W. R.. War Machinist, 132 Collage Ave., Fall River. Mass. Kelly, Wm, Arthur. Student Officer, Main St., Beth- esda, O- Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron O.; Rockaway, L. L LTA. Kelly. William H., Student Officer. 305 Sorin Hall,. Notre Dame, Ind. Kelsey, Robert P.. Ensign, 77 Montvale Road, New- ton Center, Mass. Kelso. Albert D., Student Officer, 2 Holyoke St.^ Cambridge. Mass. Kemp. Herndon. Ensign. 905 Magaffin Ave.. EI Paso^ Tex. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Pensacola, N. A. No. 2363, HTA, Kendall, Charles H,, Ensign, 146 Court St., Rrock- ton. Mass. Kendall, Everett A., Student Officer. Kendig. Chas. Hope, Ensign, 2647 D wight Way^ Berkeley, Cal, N. A. No. 1854. Kenderick, Charles M,, Student Officer, 1241 Euclid St., Washington, D. C. i 1^^ IM','.^ A A KENDiurK. Joseph, Sludont (Jflii Dorrheslcr. Mjiss. ■.^ ■ Sl"ew Haven, (.onn . Great Lakes. MIA. KiLBi BN. lliNliv T., Student Ollicer. WM West 121st L i in\" ^"^- ^®'**- '"'"■ "' '''•'■''• ""y Shore, Kii.BrnN. John R., Ensign, 616 Maryland Ave.. P lairgti. I'a. 70. 'itts- Kii.MEH, O. R, Lieut, (j.g.). N. A. N KiMnM.1,. DoNAl.n B., Student Ollic St.. Wa-ihinglon, D. C. KniHM.i,, (JEoncE A., Stuil.-Ml Ollirer. I'l,i2 Colfa .So. -Minneaiiolis. Minn.; Sealll,-. Wa-li. IITA. No^'liw""' ■'^" *'"^- '-"^W". "ediands. Cal. N. A Kill 1619 Monroe .\ve.. Ki.MBi.oioH, William E., Slud.-nt OflicT, Kllil: M., BirDiitighain, ,Ma. er. II F. n. No. 5. KiMMEL, Stanley I>.. Student OH Box ,i66a, Los .\ngeles. Cal. KLM.ME1.. Waltek L., Student OdiciT. CluTokee, Kan. KiM iii.E>, II. A.. KnsiKu. Sherman II I, TIsl St. «• Broadway, ^ew \ ork City. Mass. Inst, of Tcdi., I'en- eacola. Ha, N. A. No. 10..1. KlNDAl.L, NoLON M., Lieut, (j.g.) N. A. No. ,170. King. Ciiaiiles Cihtis, Easign, 62-70 West Iowa Ave.. Memphis, lean. .Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Fla. Kin,:, 11, m„ E . Student Ollicer, 1011 Thirteenth St., "iliiielle. Ill DiMiw.K.dy Inst., Minn.. Miami, Fla. IITA. kiN<,. i;i>w Aim MacDonald. Student Ollicer. IdS Wntch- iing Ave., Plainlield, N. J. .Mass. Inst, of Teng Island. N V Bay Shore. .Miami, Moulchic, LeCroisic. riamplon Boaork (.ily. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. Fin. N. A. .Nil. 538. Knejss, Geo. B., Ensign, 41B .So. I. 5th. .St.. Philai V-'-- •^'i'.'^i- ''"*"■ of Tech.. Miami. Pensacola. N. 1 .) . . . 1 1 1 ,\ . lelphio, A. No. Onicer, Nasvhille. Ga. Kni,:iit. IIewev. Student Oiinnoody Inst., Minn. HTA, ^K^NioiiT, n.^t.. Ensign, 28 Cambridge Place. Brooklyn. Knu;ht, Geoiehev. Student Ollicer, Fanwood. .N'. J. Knip Md. N. •P. IlmvAnn Franklin, Ensign. Howard Park, V. A. No. 20.">2. Knoeh/.i:h. Lei Iliininioiid. Mil. HTA. Knollenber,;. versify Club. Hon ) P., Student Ollicer, 16 Elizabeth St., Mass. Inst, of Tech., Great Lakes. Bernhard H.. Student Ollicer. Uni- nhdu. T. II. Knohle. Clarence. Student OHiccr. 25 .Springdole Road, Atlanta, Ga. Frederick \Vm., Lieut. York, Hampton Roads. (j.g.), 103 East 86lh CommuiiicatioD ag. \a. Kobbe. St , N.. omcer. KoECHL, Orro R.. Student Officer, 17 Montgomery Place, llrooklyil, N. Y., Great Lakes, 111. IIT.\. Kc.oER. E. H . Ensign. 1113 .Massachusetts Ave., Wash- ington, I). C. N. A. No. 51'). KoilLER. (Jerai.d E., Student Ollic-.T. nil i:ast (ireen M.. <>liani|iaigii. III. Ko\/i:. John E., Balliniore. Md. KooN. IIenhv F. Perth Amboy, N. J. KOSAEK, FrA.NCIS, EllsigU. Koii.NTzE, IIarolo, Ensign. Col. Natl. Bank, 11. Student Ollicer. Jb., Student ((III lll p.. Student Officer, 5056 East E St iitano, Cal. Personnel Office, Washington, D. C Akron hio. Khai'se, F. Arthur. Student Ollicer, 2307 University St.. St. Lmiis, Mo. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Kbeiis Allen J., Jr., Student Officer, Murphts Hotel, BichiniHHl, Va. !■;. \ , U,i N. 3rd St. Machinist. 2726 W. 16th St., Krieoer, A\ron S., Jn., Student Officer, 51 Philaihlphia, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech. Kri-eoer. Chicago. 111. Kriecer IKiuMi, II.. Student Officer, 1930 Kenwood Parkway, .Minneaiiolis, Minn. Krieiier. Harrv 11., Student Officer, Utah Power & Light Co.. Salt Lake City, Utah. Krio. Charles .Steinwav, Ensign, 200 West 71st St.. New York City Mass. Inst, of Tech., U. S. N. Torpedo htalion. Key Wi-sl. Vliaini. Pensacola, Murine Field. Ix>ndon. N. .\. .No. 1283. MTV. Kri.mhine C. S.. Student Officer, 5037 Larchwood Ave., Pliiladelphia, Pa. Mass Inst, of Tech. Krlpnick, Ai.viN J., Student Officer. 5118 North Broad- way. St. Ixniis, Mo. KnirsE, Albert, Ensign, 2212 Gilpin Ave., Wilmington. Pel. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Pensacola. N. A. i\o. 2391. Kl'EHNLE, Carl F., Jr. KuHN. Jerome II.. Student Officer. Rurlingham, Cal. ■T V /.^ '■ /y -'.'■> i J >J i ■>■ S w C5^' — ''■*■' -~ ]:T"i INanI M. I \V.^sl, L'Al)pr N(i. i,X l.H I 1 . I-.IM, \l( H, h'lisii/n iket Iteach, Mass. T.. Peiisacola, Key Paris. Moutchic. Vrarh, Fr. N. A. . IITA. lagi;h(jlist, cahl s. Mac linist 701 Elwood Ave., N. Min- neapolis, Minn. Colum- bia University, Cape May, N. J. i.AllMAN. PERCY E. Shirlenl Of/icrr -127 Buchanan St.. Topeka, Kansas. Mass. Inst, ol" Tech., Great Lakes. HTA. LAIRD, FRED LESLIE Ennign 7 Clarendon Ave., Mont- j)elier, Vermont. .Mass. 'nst. of Tech., Key West, Pensacola, N. A. No. 2314. HTA. LAIRD, JOHN A. Lieut, ij.ij.) 243 Park Ave., East Orange. N.J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Great Lakes, Washington, D. C, Key West. N. A. No. 150.5. HTA. LAIRD, JOHN EVANS £!nsign Freehold. N. J. Mass. Inst. of Tech., Ray Shore. Pen- sacola, N. A. No. 1404. HTA. LAMBETH, CHAS. E Ensign Charlotte, N. C, Mass. Inst, of Tech., Rockaway Beach, Coco Sola. LTA. LANCTO, J. WILLIAM. Ltfiil. (j.g.) 24 Baker St., Lynn. Mass. Pensacola, Calshot, Eng., New Haven, Eng., Felix- stowe, Eng., Qiieeustown, Ire. N. A. No. 221. HTA. i,\m:. i;i)\\ Alio w. Ensign 363 75th St., Brooklyn, N Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2184. HTA LANK. MINOT E. Ensign 60 Delaware Ave., Detroit, Mich. Seattle, San Dieco, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2204. HTA. LANG. WALTER B. Ensign Rulledge. Del. Co.. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Pensacola. N.A No 2308. HTA. LANGLEY. WAYNE L Ensign Durham. N. H. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Hampton Rds., Pensacola, Rockaway Beach. HTA. LANE. WILLIAM li.. Jr. Ensitjn 1616 N. New Jersey St., ludianai>olis, Ind. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami. Pensacola N. .\. No. 1159. HTA LANt;. FRED P Lieut. (J.g.) 310 Ridge St., Newark, N. J. M. I T., Bay Sh., Key Wist, Moulchic. Cler- mnnt. L'\her V rach N. A No 122. HTA. LANKFORD, M. Ensign 918 Graydon Ave., Nor- folk, \a. Great Lakes, Mass. Inst, of Tech., Blue Hill, Boston. HTA. LAN PHER, HENRY C. Ensign 43 Wildwood Terrace, Glen Ridge, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Pensa- cola. Norfolk. N. A. No. 1264. HTA. 196 -sj- -'\;-= LAHKIN'. IIAROI.I) 1'. Krisign \Vilmin«lou. Cal. Seattlr. Koy West. Pcnsncola. N. A. No. 1941. HTA. LA.SIIK1I. Ill'.lllllll I Knsinn Tivoli. N. Y. 'I'uiirs, St. Raphael. Moiilchie. Diiii- kerqiie. Fr. N. A No. 761). HTA. i.MiMKH. (;ic()Iu;k t 111 I*iiickney St.. Chester, S. C, Mass. Inst, of Tech., Peiisacolu. HTA. LAUHl;.MIi:i\I, C. 1'. Sliiikiil Ofticcr Volliey Motel. 11(1 Hiver- sifle Ave., SjHikaiie, Wash. •Seattle. Wash.. San Dic^o, Cal. HTA. .fe? Tilt: ri.vtNG Fish Dernrated for Riijuttii at Miami. Fehntitrij. 11)1!) I.Al N. ALlilillT C i.AMiini. i.i;\\ F. LAWLEIl, KHANK 1'. LAWLER, LEO T. Student OjOicer St. James. .Missouri Mas'*. Inst, of Tech., Key West. HTA. Ensiijtt Univ. .Mich., .\nTi Arbor. .Mich. Mass. Inst, of Te<:h.. fireal Lakes. Miami, I'en- sacola. N. A. .No. ISTK. HTA Ensign 990 Geary St.. San Kran- ci.sco, Cal. .Ma.ss. Inst, of Tech.. .Miami. HTA. Ensign Coudersport. Penn. Mas.s. Inst, of Tech., .Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. l'>,-.l. HTA. 1!)T ,<^'i'-S. m m LAWLER, RICHARD H. Ensign 345 E. 43 St.. Chicago, 111. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. (Ireat Lakes. Miami. Key West. Pen.sacola. N. A. No. 2559. HTA. LAWLER. S. W . Jr Student Officer Ft. Myers. Fla. Mass. Inst of Tech.. Cambridge. HTA la\\iu:mji:. ii. j., Lieut. (J.g-) Merion Cricket Club. Hav- erford. Penn. Operations, Washinaton. D. C. HTA. LA\\iU';.\(:i:, w. u.. Ensign 30 Rural Ave.. Medford, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pensa- cola. Hampton Roads. N A. No. 1576. HTA. ^-Vj LAWSON. EDWIN M. Ensign 99 CambridKB St., Win- chester. Mass. Mass. Inst. of Tech., Pensacola. HTA. LAWTON, JOHN S Sluf/enl Officer Evans Mills, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Cambridge, Mass. HTA. LAYCOCK, CHAS. II Sluilent Officer Wilkesbarrc. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. HTA. LEA. C. RUSSELL Student Officer White Plains. N. V. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Cambridge HTA. A% ■^j LEAK. VIRGIL T. Ensign Coconut Grove, Fla. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Hampton Roads. Pensacola. Miami, Moulchic. Fr., St. Trojan, Fr. N. A. No. 383. LEARNED. N. J. Lieut, (j.g.) 215 E. Church St.. Elmira, N. Y. M. I. T., RNAS., Cranwell. Kiig.. Roehamp- ton, RAF. Capel, Eng., Cape May, N. A. No. 673. LEDERER, H. A., Jr. Student Officer 1921 Eutaw Place. Balti- more, Md. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. HTA. LEEDS, GERALD E. Ensign 68 Main St.. Waterville. Me. School of Aerial Phot- ography. Miami. Pensacola, Rockaway Beach. ,J 771 Colo. Miam 1523. :ML\(;, JOHN. Jr. Ensign York St., Denver, Mass. Inst, of Tech., i, Fla. N. A. No. HTA. LEFFEN, STANFORD Ensign 421 Sergeant Ave.. Jopliii, Mo. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Bay Shore, L. I., Pensacola, Fla. N. A. No. 1853. HTA. LEGGATT, H. B. Ensign 640 Broadway, Lowell, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola, Hamp- ton Rds. N. A. No. 1895. HTA. LEHMAN, T. V. Student OJjicer 1173 East 114 St.. Cleve- land. C)hio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. HTA. lUlU 4^^ m "^ -ij — ^^ LICIDIG. D().\Ai,li \1 Ensign 1730 La Lunia Avr.. Hcrkr- ley, (;al. Mass. Inst. «>f LKISENRI.NG. WM. J. Lieitt. ij-q.) Ill.'>(i .Minlwood Plans WashiiiKlnn, I). C. .Mass. Inst, of" Ti'di., liay Slutrts Key West. Cane May. N. A. No. 451. IITA. I,K.SI,Ii:. COMtAI) C. Ensitin 1111 N. K.lh St.. IMiila- ili'l|>liia. I>a. Mass. Inst, of Trail.. Ki-y West. Miami. 'ensat;<)la. Kla. N. A. No. I()io, 2S22. IITA. LEWLS, E. I)E^(■.I1 Ensign 30it Waverly .\ve., Syra- cuse. N. V. .Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key Wttst. IVnsa- cula, Miami. IS. A. No. 1263. i.i;\\ IS, (■i;i)U(;i-: ii. Sliidenl Of'licrr 111 I Kent Iload, Cynwyd, I*a. .Mass. Inst, of Tech., .Miami, Key West. HTA. I.I.W IS. llA\lll.ln\ A. Ensign Hastings. Mich. Pensacola, Fla. ;4>— 3{V5ir&-rf>^-_:^^ ■/"t ^l lllil rcgr\ '^M LEWIS. PAUL SAXTON Sliiflrnt Officer 55 East Mitchell St.. At- lanta, Ga. Mass. lust, of Tech. HTA. LEWIS. P. F. Ensign 754 Hackett Ave., Mil- waukee, Wisconsin. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Rockaway, Akron. N. A. No. 1474. LTA. (G) LEWIS. RALPH R. Lifiit. (J.tj.) 33112 North 16lh St.. Phil- adelphia. Pa. M. I. T.. I*ensacola, Si. Iiifjieverl. Moutchic. Killirife-holme. N. A. No. 233. LEWIS, R. R.. Jr. Ensign Frederick. Md. Mass. Inst, fii'lech.. Key West. Miami. I'ensacola. N. A. No. 1948. IITA. ^.JJ.. LIBHY, LEWIE E. Ensign 637 Central Ave., East Orange, N. J. Mass- Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 2208. HTA. LIDE, B. M., Jr. Student Officer 6102 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Cambridge, Miami, Fla. HTA. LILE, CHARLES T. Ensign First National Rank, Jack- son. Tenn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola, Wash.. D. C... Morehead City. N. A. N... I!121i. IITA. LINDERMAN, G. B. Ensign River Bank. Beverly, N. J, Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1799. HTA. ^m lim:. (:i.aiu:.ncii s. student O^icer West t awn. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Cambridge, Akron, Ohio. LTA. LINSERT. ERNEST E. Student Officer \2\ Goden St., Belmont. Mass. Mass- Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. LTA. LITTLE, GEORr;K \V. Ensign Wadesboro. N. C. Mass. Inst, of Tecli.. Key West. HTA. LITTLE. JAMKS A. Ensign Bramwell, W. Va. Mass. Inst- of Tech., Pensacola, Miami, Moutchic, Fr., Fro- mentine. Fr. N. A. No. 734. HTA. LLOYD. F. C. Ensign Menominee, Mich. Cohjm- hia Universily. New York, Detroit LOGAN. DANIEL N. Ensign 21 Bates St.. Washington, D. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Key West, Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 2585. LOHRKE. (). E.. Ensign 101 Pros(>ect St.. East Orange. N. J M. I. T., Peiisa.. Moutchic, Rose. Dns. RAF., N. B. G. N. 348. HTA, — v~ r\. LOMBARD, RALPH D. Ensign 76 Magnolia Terrace, Spring6eld, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Pen- sacola. N. A. No. 2659. LTA. 300 ^T^nb-- "rn. Pen- sacola, ("ape May. N. .\. No. 1151. LTA. Ltnii. J. L. student Officer Somerset, Ohio. Seattle, Washington. IIT.\. LOMTI'. JOHN \. Sludenl Officer l.Ul .So. 32nd St., W. Philadelphia, I*a. .Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Cambridge. MIA. •,'111 *1 LOWMAN, A. Ensign ■614 Euclid Ave., Klmira, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron. Hamptuii Roads, V. S. S. Nemda LTA. LOY NOLAN 1 Ensign, Ltgonier Ind. Mass. Inst., of Tech., Cambridge, Mi- ami. N. A. No. 1520. HTA. LUCCOCK. EMORY W. Ensign 1245 Real! Ave., Wooster, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Kla. N. A. No. 2051. HTA. LUDLU.M, TIIP:0. T. Ensign 1040 Northampton St., Holyoke, Mass. Mass, Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1722. HTA. ii'f; LUNDGREN. WM. E. Ensign 901 St. Mark's Ave., ISrooklyn, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2429. HTA. LUSH, HAROLD I. Ensign 3705 Texas St., San DicRo, Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron. Rockaway, Pelham Ray. LTA. LUTZ. HOBART K. Ensign 1218 Tenn. St., Lawrence, Kansas. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2254. HTA. LYNCH. JOHN PAUL SInrlenI Officer 11 Woodbine St., Roston, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. HTA. LYNCH. JOSEPH B. Lirnl. [j.g.) 74 Garfield St., Cambridge. Mass. M. I. T.. Key West. Miami, N. A. No. l.-)lti. HTA. LYNN. DAVID E. Ensign 915 Mahoning .Ave., Youngstown. Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Hampton Roads. N. A. No. 969. LYON, ROBERT F. Ensign. 2110 Clarendon Rd., Brook- lyn, N. Y. Bay Shore. Key WesI, Miami, Moutchic llam|]|on Rds. N. A. No. 507. HTA. ^ ^ <^ # <^ Laflkiche, Pierre, Ensign, Sheridan, Wyo. Seattle, Wash.; San Diego. Pensacola. N. A. No 2310. HTA. L.MNE, Hahrv N., Ensign. 913 East Third St.. Los Angeles. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Hampton Roads. HTA. Laino, Fred M., 707 S. Park Ave., Saginaw, Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Fla. LYON, MONTAGUE, Jr. Student Officer 5865 Gates Ave., St. Louis. Dunwoody Inst., Miami. Fla. HTA. M Minn LYON, NORMAN M. Ensign 3842 Reading Rd.. Cincin- nati. Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Akron, Pensacola, Hampton Roads. LTA. (j.g.). 1202 Westover Ave., ■§> # Laird, Cecil W.. Lieut. Norfolk. Va. N. A. No. 973. Laird. J. R., Dunham. Ensign. 54 New Main St., Haver- siraw, N. Y. Rockaway, Pensacola, Hampton Rds. LTA_ Lake. .Albert C Ensign, Hamstead. N. H. N. A. No. 716. L\KE, R. v.. Ensign. 2032 Park Road. N. W., Washing- ton, 1>. C. Lallv, Francls S., Student Oflicer, 53 Olney St.. Dor- chester. Mass. Lamb. Frank, Ensign, 2130 26th .St., Sacramento. Cal. N. A. No. 1674. Lamberton. Lewis M., Student Oflicer. 1327 Liberty St., Franklin. Pa. Lamberty. John J., Ensign, 331 W. Wilson Ave., Glen- dale, Cal. Lamkey, Frederick M., War. Machinist. L\MPEHTi, Francisco A., Student Officer, 8 Court St., Slaiilelon St., New York. Lampley, Ira T., Stuf:«, Warwick H.. Studniif Olliccr, Box 713 Bcau- vnoiil. 'I'px. I.AMio.N. fJKoncE. Student Officer. 3812 N. Kedvolo Ave, ChicaKu. 111. Lamjon. II. R., Ensign. 19 East 53rd St.. New York City. I.A.MiliKCAN. Wm. E., Ensign. :><) Plaza Drive. Iterkeley. Cal. N. A. No. 17011. I.ANK. n^Nll:!. I).. Slii(I,-iil Om.cT. r.riT Itl^i.ksl.m.- Ave,. Chicago. III. •Lank. Fiianki.in K.. Jh.. Lieut. (j.g.>. I lUjti Wyoming Ave.. \Vasliiii;.'(oii. O. C, Lank. Oi.ivKa K.. Ensign. I.ANO. l)(UiKaT M.. Student Ollieer. 17 \V. North Ave.. Atlanta, (ia. I.ANcniiiN. JoMN..Srnilenl Olficer, 7l').">lli Ave.. New York Cily. Muss. Insl. of Tech.. l)un«o.Kly lust., Minn. IITA. I.am;k. K. L.. Lieut, (j g.). N. A. No. .'.IK, LANGFonn. H.. War. Machinist. Lanoi.kv. I.K.STKH L.. Student Officer, Madlniry I'.oad. Durham. N. II. Mass. Inst. ofTeeh. IITA. I.AssiNo. lloHKHT It.. Studcut Ollicer, St. Petersburg, Fla. Mass. Insl. of Tech. HT.\. Lati.mi-;h. IIomkm II.. .Stiulent Officer. Idlewild and Web- ster St.s.. Dayton. O. LiTi\. Cn\fi., War, Machinist. 610 E. Pike St., Seat lie, W .lOi. I,\ rrrv?6 Locust St.. Cin- cinnati. O. .Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Itiifralo. Lai'Uknck. Mohtimkh. Ensign. Lavkiikms. a., lOnsign. La \ik. Mich Mill I-^. Ensign. Sjiring I.ake. New Jersey, Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. Miami. Peiisac<»la. .Mon- tauk. ILiinpl.in Hoads. N. A. .No. Ill.">2 lll\. Lami.hh. H. II.. Ensign. 34j E. ■I3rd St.. Chicngci. 111. Mass. Insl. of Tecli.. Creat Lukes, .Miami, key \Vc.sl, Pensacola. HT.\. L\»hk.\[:k. (;i;o. K.. Jh.. Lieut. 0" g.\ I 12 East lOth St.. New ^'ork City. Lawhknck, J. H.. P^nsign. 666 Lincoln .\vc.. St. Paul. Minn. N. A. No. .".an. I.awiu:nck. J. W.. luisign. 1 1.')."> North Highland .\ve., Pittsburgh. Pa. (Ireal Lakes. Pensacola. LvwiiKNTK. .Mai.coui H., Student Officer, 27 Monlgom- ery PI . lirooklyn. N. Y. LvwiiKNcK. H. T.. Ensign. .'>2 Kipp Ave.. Rutherford, N. J. N. A. No. 11.71. Lawrknck. W m.tku II., Siridciil OlIioT. tlameron. Tex. Seallle. \\ ashington. IIT.X. Lawson. EnwiN .M.. Ensign. 90 Cambridge .St.. Winches- ter. .Mass. Lawson. Jop.i. S.. Ensign. I.A^TON. David. .Student Officer. Oyster Ray, Long Island. N. Y. I.KAiil. Pai I. It.. SliiilenI Ollicer, 1.507 N. Meriilian St.. Indiantiiiolis, lud. l.iMi>Ki>. IIabold G.. Ensign. .'53 Washington St.. Meriden. Conn. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Ruirnlo. College Point. N. Y. LE*nT Nki.vii.i.k. Lieut, (jg-). 235 E. C.crman St.. Bal- timore. Md. LrAVKNwonTii. En(;AK C. Ensign. Rox .Mass. flambridge. I-KK. Ci.MiKNcK J.. War. Machinist. I«3 Hunterdon .St.. Newark. N. J. ('olumbia l"niv.. Philadelphia. Detroit, Pauillac. St. Trojan. I.KK. IIoijACE }., Ensign, Catholic University, Wash- ington. D. C. Lei:. l.vwnE.Nrr: W.. Ensiea, Detroit Athletic Club, Detroit. Mich. Washington, D. C, Fond du Lac. Wise. N.A. No. 201. IITA. I.EK. l.Kwis II.. Lieut, 'j.g ). 5013 Washington Ave.. St. Ixiiiis. Mo. Mass. Insl. of Tech.. Pensacola. Killingholmc. TV. A. No. 201. IITA. Lee. R. D.. Student Officer. 2215 Main St.. Dallas, Tex. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Akron. Ohio. LTA. Lee. T. R.. Ensign. «21 West 178th St.. New York City. IV. A. .No. 607. I.ekk. Wm. a.. Student Officer. 72 Seaman Ave., Ne * York. N. V. I.EEKowirz. David. Student Officer. 687 Preble Ave., Pillsbiirnh. Pa. Li;tiH\\D. Leon. .Student Ollicer, Colonial .\ve.. Hotel Jamaica, L. I., N. Y. Leiian. H. a.. Ensign. Taunton, Mass. N. A. No. 277. Lehman, Fmankun S., Student Officer, Ciettysburg, Ohio. LEiia. IlKNav S., Ensign, Y. M. C. A.. Wilmington. Del. N. A. No. 2395. Lkiiiikk, O. E.. Ensign. 101 Prospect .Ave., East Orange. N. J. N. A. No. 318. Leiskniunu. E. R.. Lieut. (j.g.> N. A. No. 361. Leistneh. .\li(;t!sT. Ensign, 707 Press, Riiighamton, N. Y. N. A. No. 2.301. Lei.and. a. F.. Student Officer. Iff Archer Ave.. Mt Vernon, N. J. Muss. Inst, of Tenmu>. a. R.. Lieut. f,i.g.), 21111 St. Paul St., Ralli- more, Md, Mass. Inst, of 'Vecll.. llallliiton Roads. Wash- ington. London, Eng.. Paris, Moiitchic, Paimboeuf, Key West, Flu. Leonvhd, IKaitv E., .Student flfficer. 108 Carnegie .\ve.. East Orange. .N. J. LeomiaiU). Iv II.. I'^isigu. Leoniiamd. Ceohoe J.. Jn.. .Student OllicrT. 321 Rakemer St.. .Marshlield. Wis. Leonhaiiii. John T.. Student Officer. 310 Paulison .Ave.. Pas.saic. N. J. Miiss. Insl. of r.ch. IITA. I.Ki'i'i.A. W. J.. Student Olficer. 1559 Marion St.. Denver, Colo. Leslie, Cavon (I.. ICnsien. 1352 Drexel RIvd.. Chicago, III. Lksi-ie. John L.. Ensign. 306 South 17tli .St.. .MIcntown, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Seattlf*. Wasli. I.EsTEn. RoBEliT R.. Lieut. ruce St . Phila- delphia, Pa. Lindsay. Jean C, Ensign. N. A. No. 1848. LiNDsEY, Willis C, Student Officer. Wushinglon. Ga. I.ii-CMAN. Alhert F.. Jr.. Lieut, (j.g). 1056 Webster Ave . Chicago, III. Liei-MVN. llMon. War, Rnalswain. I V t'-^ V V, f^ m ' y I m ^ /MtiT- — - a- — If — - M List, Daniel C, Student OlTicer, 1844 Columbia Rd., Washington, D. C. Litchfield, Allyne C, Ensign, 200 Bay Slate Rd.* Roston, Mass. Little. Chas. K., Ensign. Little, Henry. Jr.. Student OfTicer, 403 Comraon- weallh Ave., Boston. Mass. Little, John C. Ensign. I-ittleton, C. H. .S.. Jr., Ensign. 55.5 South Grand Ave., Pasadena. Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Akron, Pensacola, and Chatham, Mass. N. A. No. 1555. LTA. Livingston. J. L., Ensign. Livingston, Richabo. Ensign. 540 W. James St... Lancaster. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2206. HTA. Livingstone, S. R., Lieut, fj.g.). 40 Eliot St.. Detroit, Mich. Washington. D. C. LTA. Lloyd, Edward S., Student Ofiicer, 5620 Gates Ave., St. Louis. Mo. Lloyd. H. W., War. Mach., 106 Saratoga Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Lloyd. J. Hubert B., Student Officer. 221 Clayton St., San Francisco, Cal. Univ. of Washington, Seattle. HTA. Lloyd, Walter P., Student Officer, 1422 Mass. Ave., Washington. D. C. Locke. John L.. Student Officer. 1705 13th South, Seattle. Wasli. Seallle, San Diego, Gal. HTA. LocKMAN, D. E., Ensign. LocKwooD. J. E.. Ensign. 38 W. Johnson St.. German- town. Pliila., Pa. N. A. No. 1230. LoEB. William P._. Ensign. 528 S. 14th St.. Newcastle. Ind. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, and Pensacola. N. A. No. 1636. HTA. Logan, W. V.. Ensign. 1790 Rroadway, New York. Great Lakes. III.; Pensacola. Fla. HTA. LoHMAN. Frederick W., Student Officer. 158 East Market St., .\kron. Ohio. LoKKER. Clarence A., Student Officer. 100 E. 9th St., Holland, Mich. Dunwoody Inst.. Minn. HTA. Long. Carl Herman. Student Ollicer. 444 Morris Ave.. Elizahelh. N. J. Long. Herbert J.. Student Officer. 209 E. Jefferson St.. Waverly, Iowa. Long. Matt Ransom. Student Officer, Roxboro, N. Car. Mass. Inst, of Tech. IITA Long, Paul W., Student Officer, 1435 Sivth Ave., Huntin.gton, W. Va. LooMis, Ralph L., Ensign. Bedford. Mass. French Aviation Schools. Dunkirk, Eastleigh. N. A. No. 578. HTA. LoBD. Walter V., Student Officer. 1033 Avon Place, South Pasadena. Cal. Lordly, L. C Ensign, 308 W. 32d St.. New York City. LoBBlMER, RoBT. E.. Ensign. 71 West Boston Blvd., Detroit. Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West and Miami. N. A. No. I.i22. IITA. Lose. Ralph D.. Ensign. 1217 Oakdale Drive. Ft. Wayne, Ind. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1721. IITA. Loud. Edward C.. Ensign. Love. Alfred H.. Student Officer. 764 Putnam .Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HT.A. Love. W. C, Student Olficer, Fremont. Ohio. Lovelace. L. M., Ensign. LovEBiNG. Thosias S., Studcut Olficer, 1461 Summit .\ve.. St. Paul, Minn. LovEBiNG. W. K.. Student Officer, 66 First Ave.. Salt Lake City. Utah. Seat tie. HTA. Low. Giles J., Student Officer, 193 Sterling Place, Brooklyn. N. Y. Lowe. H. B.. Student Officer, 705 St. Clair Ave., Cleve- land. Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Lowe, William B., Student Officer, 1526 Bolton St.» Baltimore. Md. LuDiNGTON. D. T.. Ensign, Clovelly. Ardmore, Pa. N. A. No. 2162. LuDiNGTON. H. J.. Ensign. HoUey. New York. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. Miami. Moutchic. Camp Malp- pensa. Northern Bombing Squadron. Italy. N. A. No. 1455. IITA. LuDLOw. Geo. H., Lieut, (j.g.), 1203 Forest Ave., Evanston. 111. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola, Lak© Bolsena, Porto Corsini, Venice. Bay Shore. N. A. No. 342. HTA. LuFKiN. C. F.. Lieut. fj.g.\ Care of E. C. Lufkin. Texas Co.. N. Y. N. A. No. 129'. LtiKENs. James W., Ensign. Crum I^ynne, Pa. N. A. No. 2326. Lumpkin. R. A., Ensign, 101 Wabash, Ave.. Mattoon. III. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Akron, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1865. LTA. LuNDiN. Erick E., Student Officer, 2806 No. Francisco Ave.. Chicago. 111. LuNT. Dudley C. Ensign, 135 Brac'cctt St.. Portland, Me. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Akron and Hampton Roads. U. S. S. Arizona. LTA. Lyle. Wesley B.. Ensign. Idaho Falls, Idaho. Mass Inst, of Tech., Miami and Pensacola. N. A. No. 1986. HTA. LvLEs. Berbv S.. Student Officer, 912 Palmetto BIdg,. Columbia, S. C. Lyman. Carl. Student Officer. 217 East Capitol St., Washington. D. C I.YMAN. W. Clark. Ensign. 118 N. Fourth St., Easton. Pa. Mass, Inst, of Tech., Miami and Pensacola. N. A. No. 2135. HTA. Lynch. Cecil J.. Student Officer, Lokota, N. D. Lynch. Harold Vincent, Student Officer, 622 Wesley Avenue. Ocean City. N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech, HTA. Lynch, John, Student Officer, 3325 Pecos St., Denver, Colo. Lynch, John H., Student Officer, 25 Logan St., Lawrence, Mass. Lynch. Kenneth R.. Ensign, 1236 Sherman St., Ala- meda. Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2023. HTA. Lyon. I. W., Ensign. Larchmont. N. Y. No. 1155. Lyon. Robert G.. Ensign. 10 E. S8th St.. New York, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami, Pensacola. Norfolk. N. A. No. 1860. Lyon. Rossmore D.. Lieut. Cj.g.). South Road. Pough, keepsie. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. Pensacola- Bay Shore. N. A. No. 968. HTA. Lyon. Stuart G.. Student Officer, 80 Jewett Ave., Buffalo. N. Y. Lyons. John A., Student Officer, 51 Putnam St.. Somer- ville, Ma.ss. ■^>^r ^ L^ fe Ik^^^^^^BBI^^^^^ .^^^■H " ^^M^JHHJl^^H 'i; Hangars at Akron -^s- T >'T': MnimlDK. GEO. \V. SliiilrnI Officer Kast Ave.. Brighton Sta., H.K-llCSt.T. N. Y. Mus-s. Insl. of Tech., Key West. IIIA. MclinOOM, K.MIL li. 703 iilll St., Lnniiiiie. \\ yn. Mass. Inst. «jf 'IVeh.. .Mi- ami. Pensaeola. i\. .\. No. 20(i>) I1T.\. McCAIIAN, IXW ID Knsitjn 214 Secoiiii St.. lliinling- doii. Peiiii. Mas.s. lust, of Tech., iMianii. IVnsaeola. N. A. \ Park Ave., Minneap- olis. Minn. DiiiiwiKMly, San Diejro. IVnsaeola. N. A. No. 2268. IITA. McKENNA. VIRGIL V. Ensign Weslbury, L. I. Mass. Inst* of Tech.. Ray Shore. Pen- sacola. Philadelphia. N. .K. No. 1126. HTA. MrKL;NZII:;, K. C. Stinlent Officer 1411 Walchiinf; .\ve.. Plain- field. N. J. Mass. Inst. oC Tech., Bay Shore. HTA, - ■> ^-^{\J^V\^r y^-^—^- ^^— -- ^■-:— ^r-0___-:^-^ --0- ■'if ■4 207 '"ZJZ^' '5?„- n^- A... — ,--- — f*ls^^, cS; s:\ MrK EN/IE. W. C. Ensign Bannockburn, S. C. Mass. lust, ol' Tech., Key West, Miami. Pefisaci'ila, Ilarap- Inii Hiiad.f. N. A. No. I2(,:!. IITA. McKIM, HORTON A. Ensign Box 512, Tonopah, Nev. Mass. lust, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1556. HTA. McKINNEY, W. P. Ensign 4 Temple Court Apt., Knox- ville, Tenn., M.I.T., Mi- a'ui Moatchic, Campai'ijr^, N. B C. Malpensa. N. A. No 1154. HTA McKlNNON, RALPH T. Ensign 516 W. 12th St., Sioux Falls. S. D. Seattle, San Diego, Peusacola. N. A. No. 2267. IITA. McKNIGHT, H. W. Ensign 218 S. Third St., Fulton, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2455. HTA. McKONE, CARL S. Studeni Officer 15 Center Place, Dubuque, Iowa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. HTA. McKOWN, RICHARD E Ensign Boothbay Harbor, Maine. Mass. lust, of Tech., Mi- ami, Peusacola. HTA. McLaughlin, guy Lieul. (j.g.) Lynchburg, Virginia, Pen- sacola, San Diego. N- A. No. 90. HTA. im^ M< LELLAN, C. A. Ensign 42 Massasoit St., Matta- pan, Boston, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Ilanioton Roads, Pensacola, Hay Shore. N. A. 492. IITA. McMAHON. A. W. Ensign 112' 2 Whitney Avenue, Hampden, Conn. Mass. I nst. of Tech. , M iam i. Pensacola, Key West. N. A. No. 2289._11TA. McMASTER. JOHN D. Ensign 39 Bentley Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Miami, New York. HTA. McMURRAIN. S. B. Ensign Cusseta, Ga. Cazaux, Fr. Moutchic, Fr., Pensacola. N. A. No. 2603. HTA. McMURRAY, JOHN W. Ensign 645 Clackamas St., Port- land. Ore. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. San Diego, Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 1 132. HTA. McNALLY. LEO A. Lieut, (j.g.) 2666 N. Main St., Fall Riv- er, Mass. Akron, Rocka- way. Queenstown. Castle- townbere, Ire., Pauillac, Fr. HTA. McNAMARA. GHAS. G Student Officer 10 Lake St., Hammonds port. N. Y. Mass of Tech.. Boston, HTA. nst. Miarai- McPHERSON. L. H. Ensign Martell, Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2036. HTA. ■^f^ -W '-•:-t Y: ^:^V? d A K-l ■ * ' McTEhnan. k. k. l.il.') KasI liTlh St.. Hrook- lyn. N. V. Muss. Inst, of 'iV-ch.. Hay Sliorr. Ilalnptoil Hoads. Pcnsacola. i\. A No. 1699. }ITA. .MACCAI..MAN. I) ,1 Knsitlti Lakemciiit. N. Y. M. 1. T.. Key W'i'st. -Miami. IN*iLsa- cola. C.iK-o Solo. Washing- Ion. .\kron. N. A. No. 1747. LTA., IITA. M VCCIIA.NDLER. ITIZ Ens'ujji .■).'» Jersey St.. .San Kran- eisco. Cal. Seallle. Wash., Key We.st. Miami. I'en.sn- colu. N. A. .No. 2l:i9. HTA. MACnONAI.n. A. c. l.irul. (J.g.) 41 I,il)Crly St.. Harre, Vernintil, M. I. T.. Pensa.. Ft. Wcirlb. Killint'liolme. I>nn(lee. iS. .\. .No. -75. IITA. Tin; lU.MAiNs OF .V (u.vsii on the Hoist MACDoNAI.I). t.l-.ti. H. Ensirin 17 Copen St., Dorchester. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Hay Shore, Pensacola, llaiupton Roads. N. A. No. 1791. HTA. MA(,I)(INAI.D. C. (.. Ensign 66.'>A .iflth .St.. Oakland Cal. .Mass. Inst, of Tech., .\kron. Hampton Roads, I'ensacolu. N. A. .No. 2178. LTA. .',:-. rv_ '-•.^-r^^VlL-r . V ■20!l .MACK. JULIAN J. Ensiun I'lll W. Thompkins St., (ialeshiirj:. III.. l)nnwoody, Miami. Key WCsl. Pensa- colu. N. A. .No. 2361. HTA. MAfKENZIK. II. L. Slnilrnl OjDiri-r Hopkinton, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. \^ "r^ C3s3' -y ■TYil MACKIE, JULIAN J. Ensign 2537 Hearst Ave., Berke- ley, Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. Miami, Peusacola. N. A. No. 1374. PITA. MACMEEKIN, D. W. Sttn/cnl Of/icrr 302 So. 28th Sl. Lincoln, Neb. Diinwoody, Miami, Key West. M ACNKII. CIIAS. Enstgn RED. No. 162. Mi'iilo Park, Cal. Seatlle. San Diego, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2327. HTA. MACV. K. nWIGIII Ensign Lynnville, Jasper Co.. Iowa. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. N. A. No. 1693. HTA. MADIGANIJOHN W. Ensign 15 Clark's Hill Ave., Stam- ford, Conn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., liay Shore. Pen- sacola, London. Eii^'. N. A. No. 1259. HTA. MAGEE, WM. A., Jr. Ensign 5 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech., San Pedro, San Diego, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1399. HTA. MAGENNIS. FRANK T. Ensign 79 Atlas St., Akron. Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Akron, Pensacola, Coco Solo. LTA. MAGUIRE, J. RUSSELL Student Ojjlcer 188 Hobart St., Meriden . Conn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. 1 1 T A. iLi n MAGUIRE, LEU J Student Officer 3105 S. Figueroa St Angeles. Cal Los Ali- A1. I. T ami. Cape May. Pclbam New Loudon. MTA. MAIIONEY. JUILN J., Jr. Ensiqn 2654 Washington St., Rox- bury, Mass. Mass. Inst. of Tech., Miami, Key West, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2634. HTA. MAIN A, W M. Stuf/ent Officer 67 11 Parnell Ave., Chica- go, III. Dunwoody, Minn., Great Lakes, Seattle. HTA. MALCOMSON. GEO. W. Ensign 116 La Salle, Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. Mass. Inst. of Tech., Key West. Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2031. HTA. iv !^%' lUi ^ I 05.^ MALLORY. N. W. Ensign 718 Cherry St., Santa Rosa. Cal. Seatlle. San Diego, Cal., Pensacola. N. A. No. 2084. HTA. --C/^ MANCHESTER. H.L. Ensign 133 North Main St., Aule- boro, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 2137. HTA. MANN. WILLIAM Ensign 455 Fort Washington Ave.. New York City. School of Aerial Photography, Mi- ami. Navy Yard, Phila.. - Ai^oacostia. .^ _ MANN. YULEE W. Lieul. ij.g) Pensacola. Fla. Mass. Inst, ol Tech., Washington, D. C. I'll I.. M MAHIil lO . I.Ku.NAnn Ensign I2(IK I'llh Si . Wiishint'li'li. lie, M 1 .1'. Il.iinp lids. Kr-y \\»-sl. Mi.iiiii. Priis;i,, MfMirt'lii-ad (-il>. AniH-ostijt. IV. \. No. 1232. IITA. MAHI.S. AHTIIIH S. .MAKkl.l., (.1,1). II.. Jr MAUk.S. HOIllilt I' \V. Eiisiyn Ensign Stiukni i>j)icer ')') \V. Lurros.'ic .\vr., Lans- lla/lcton. Pa. Mass. Inst. Medina Hoad, .\kron, Ohio. rlownc. I'enn. .Si-allle. of Tccll. (Instrnclor), U. of .Muss. lust, of Tech., Cam- San I>ic(;o. Pensacola. N..\. Wash., Seatrle (Instructor). bridge. LT.\. .No. 2.118. HTA. f'"^ lMA.S .\lllH\IN(i AT MlA.Ml HkA( II. I'l.llUIDA f'isititig Blimp from Key IVesI MARKTHALKR. A. F. Ensitjtt 222 Hahvsay .'Vvc. Kliza. belh, N. J. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Key Wesl. Miami, Pensucola. I^. A. No. 19T3. HTA. _ ^ A 'V MAHI.l:'^ . J()ll.\ s. .Machiitist :!.■! East .'>:)rd St.. ('.-^ --0^ ^^L^ iV 7- ■'if MARSCHAT. R. A. Ensign Asliley Falls, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pelhara Bay, Chatham. IViisacola. N. A. Nil. 11127. LTA. MARSH, LUCIEN A. Student Ojjlicer ■too Post St., San Francis- co. Cal. Univ. of Wash., Seattle, Wash. MARSHALL, HARRY L. Stiittenl Officer 5921 Kenmore Ave., Chi- cago, 111. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. IITA. MARSHALL, IRVING D. Ensign 71 Summer St., Kverett, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., S. P. Petrel, Miami, Pcn- sacola. N. .\. No. 2J17. HTA. ill. a^*^ ^JM 4M MARSHALL, L. P Lieut, {j.g.) 71 Summer St., Everett, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore. Pensacola. N. A. No. 91.5. MARSHALL, R. B. Lieut, (j.g.) 1519 Shady Ave., Pitts- burgh. Pa. M. I. T.. Mon- tauk. Rockaway. C. May. Hamp Rds.. .\kron. Key West. IN. A. No. 2605. LTA. MARTIN, CHAS. H. Student Officer 920 E. Oak St., New Al- bany, Ind. Dunwoody, Miami, Key West. HTA. MARTIN, EDWARD Lieut, (j'.g.) 17 Adriance Ave., Pough- keepsie, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Mon- tauk, Hampton Roads. N, A. No. 6()J. HTA. MARTIN. HORACE C. Ensign 1572 Mass. Ave., Cam- hrlrige, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 11(4. HTA. MARTIN. LEROY V., Jr. Ensign 1010 Tenth St., Miami, Fla. .Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Key West. Pen- sacola. N. A. No. 2562. HTA. MARTIN. R. M. Student Officer 212 Alamosa Ave., San Antonio, Tex. Seattle, Wash. HTA. -MARTIN, ROBERT R. .Student Officer 31 Prospect -Ave., Larch- mont, N. Y. Seattle, Wash. HTA. MARTIN, M. SCOVELL Ensign 32 Lincoln St., Glen Ridfie, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Ray Shore. Pensacola, Squadron 6. HTA. MARTIN, W. II. Ensign Laurens, S. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. Key West, Pensacola. HTA. MASON. GEORGE S. Student Officer 119 Temple St.. Fredonia, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. HTA. MATHERS. JOHN L. Student Officer 122 West Hemlock St., Hazletou, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. HTA, ^'y~-;^_^^.--^-{h.WV^f^,^-^r'.^^;^^^ ^-__/ il'i MATTKRN. LKWIS II. Siiiiirnt Oflirfr 116 S. Williums St.. Diiv- tf.ri, Ohio. .Mass. Inst, of Tecli.. Key West. 11T.\. M.VTTIlKVVS.HOBKiri' K. Slmleiil OffiriT 12K) Union St.. Itrooklyn. N. \. Dnnwooiiy, (treat Lakes, \\ usJiinKton. I>. C IIT.\. M.\TTIIIESSEN. H. I'. Ensign 4.)l.> rirexel Hlvd.. Chi- caj;o. 111. Holsna. 1 1.. New Ix>ndi»n, Paris, Htiiiie, It. N. A. No. 737. MATTOX. W. I.ICCKIli Ensign .Newiian. Ga. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 2255. IITA. ^•^I'il .\r.sTi)nx Ch.vsse Pl.\ne Sole Peculiar Inter-plane Strut Coiislnirtion MALCK, FRANK W. Ensign P. O. Box 156. Princeton. Ind. Ma.ss. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Peosacola. N. A. 1189. UTA. .MA.\A.M.sYL\ i;.sti:h H. Ensign 1760 Euclid St., WashinK- ton. D. C. Masw. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Pensactdu. N. A. No. 1353. IITA. .MAXION. EMILE.Jr. Student Officer ■462 Fulton St., Jamaica. N. Y. .Miami, Brest. Fr. LTA. MAXWELL, F. R.. Jr. Lieut, (j.g.) 31 Court St., Dedham. .Mas.s. Mass. Inst, of Tech, Pensacola. N. \. No. 2013. LTA. -rv- .::3.: m MAXWELL, HthLi K. Lieut, ij.g.) 2703 6th St., Tmcaloosa, Ala. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2125. MAXWELL, L. H., Jr. Student OjD'tcer 2703 6th St., Tuscaloosa. Ala. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. HTA. ^f^=— ^j^^^-^iy^'^wi'f MAXWELL. K. C. Student OJ)icer 123 Park Drive, Raleigh, N. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. HTA. MAXWELL, WALLACE Student Officer 120 Newton St., Seattle, Wash. Univ, Wash., Seat- tle. HTA. V. V MAYTIIAM, 1 HOMAS E. Ensign <>85 Richmond Ave., Buf- falo, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron. Key West, Rockaway. N. A. No. 1544. LTA. MEAD, ROGER R. Ensign 4151 Montview Blvd., Hen- ver, Colo. Seattle, San Diego. HTA. MEADOR, LEWIS E. Student Ofjicer Drury College, Springfield, Mo. Great Lakes. HTA. MEGARGEE, B. J. Student Officer 708 Madison Ave., Scran- Ion, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. fr c>.A. h- MELCHER. BURTON W. Ensign 216 West Oiimiiii St.. Madi- son, Wis. Dunwoody h'sl.. Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2367. HTA. MELLEN. G. R, Jr. Sludent Oflicer Kingston Pike, Knoxville. Teun. Univ. Washington, Sejittle. HTA. MELLON. RICHARD K. Student OJjicer 6500 Fifth Ave.. Pitts- burgh. Pa. (Ireat Lakes. HTA. MENZIES, JOHN C. Lieut, ij.g.) 194 Orange Street, New Haven. Conn. Columbia Univ., Pauillac, Easlleigh. Dunkerque, Zeebrugge, N. IV t; nT\. MERRILL. RUSSEL H. Lieut, ij.g.) 1310 Pleasant St.. Des Moines, Iowa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Caoe May. N. A. No. 469. HTA. MERRIMAN. E. A. Ensign 6936 Stewart Ave.. Chi- cago. III. Dunwoody, Mi- ami, Key West. Pensacola. N. A. Wo. 2529. HTA. MERRITT, HAROLD J. Ensign 81 Union St., Canton, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1029. HTA. MERRITT. M. P. Ensign Middleton, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore. Pensacola, Coco Solo. N.A. No. 1277. HTA. '^^S^y—^j z:^^- ---,'k — i t I MKIUU 11. HOSWELL A. Ensign 103 Orange St., Macon. Ga. Mjiss. Inst, of 'I'ech.. Key V\ est, Miami, IVrisacoIa. N. A. No. 2012. HTA. MIJtSHoN, ]:i>\V. J. En sign 27 Spring St.. Hn>"kport. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Ti'fh., K»*y West. Miami. IVnsa- rola. N. A. Nt). IIHI. HTA. MKKTZ. M. IIAWI.KY Ensign 21') Wosi II. St., Onlnrii.. Cal. Seat I If, San DicKi). Ppiisacola. N. A. No. 2:i>>6. IITA. MKSKRVFY. K. C. . Jr. Ensign 361 i Pcnnsyl Kansas City. Insl. of Tech., vanta Mo. . Key Ave., Mass, West. N. A. No. 2020. IITA. ^ fl 1 p.. te »,> ()h.skh\ .\T!o\ Halloox, Pen'Sacola M ESSMOR K. C A H M A N Sludenl (Jfficfr 556 Fifth Ave., New York Cily (jreat Lukes. IIT.\. MKTLKN, l)V\ ll> W. Ensign 520 N. Davis St.. Helena. Monlann. St-attle. San Diego. I'eiisacola. N. A. 2322. MEYER. HUSTED M«C. Stuflent Ojjicer 167 Hazel Ave., (ileii< L. Ensign HFD. No. I, So. Portlun.l. Me. Columhia University, llumpton Bonds, Detroit. Anucoslia, D. G. MITCHELL, ill i;i( A. Ensign 6 College St., Brunswick, Me. Mass, Inst, of Tech., Akron. Hockawuy, Pensa- cola. LTA. k m :a^ X-9 ZooMiNc Okf m- K A I p. MITCHELL. \\M. H. Ensign 229 Lake Shore Drive, r.hicapo. 111. Muss. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Key West, Great Lakes. N. A. No. 1475. HTA. MIX. DONALD (L Ensign 1 Kensington H ts.. \\'<>r- cester. Muss. Muss. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. Pensa- cola. N.A. No.2193. HTA. MODISETTE, R. M. Lieut. (J.g.) Salem, Ohio. Great Lakes. Anacostia. Hampton Kds., Pensacola, Great Lakes. HTA. MULLKH, JOHN P. Ensign 4">0o Woodland Park Ave. Seattle. Wash. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Seattle. Miami, Pensacofrt. N. A. No. 2077. HTA. 517 .-.Q^:;sss^^ ^ h!.A- MONAGHAN. JOHN A. Ensign 44 Ayers St., Waterhury Coim. M. I- T., Hay Sluire, Key West, Miami, Petisa- cola, liamplon Rds. N. A. No. 1938. HTA. MONTEITH, M. Ensign Helton, Tex. Great Lakes, Peusacola. MONTGOMERY, Ensign 801 West End Ave.. New Y'ork City. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore. Pensa- cola. Cape May. N. A. ^^. I i')f. iiTA. MONTGOMERY. LiruL (j-g.) 41 Midhind Ave.. Arling- ton. N. J. M. I. T.. Akron. Cape May. Rm-kaway, Hampton Rds.. Coco Solo, Key Wesl. LTA. MONTGOMERY, J. K. Ensign Marion, S. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola. Miami, Hampton Roads. N. A. No. 665. HTA. MOODY, JUDD W. Ensign Lowelt, Ark. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Mi- ami, Autingues, Moutchic. Killiugholme. N. A. No. 940. HTA. MOONEY, W. M. Ensign 141 Water St., Paterson. N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Pensacola. N. A., No. 2214. HTA. MOORE. A. K. P. Ensign 212 Walnut St., Montclair, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech. Inspector of Eng. Material Brooklyn Aeronautic Dis trict. MOORE, F. W. Student Officer 502 W. 13lh St., Austin. Tex. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. HTA. MOORE, HARRY C. Ensign 1707 Atlantic Ave., Atlan- tic City. N. J. Key West.. M. I. T., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2081. HTA. MOORE, J. BALLARD Lieut, (j.c.) Wasli. Loan & Trust BIdg., W ashington. D. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Operations Aviation, Washington, D. C. N. A. MOORE, WM. B., Jr. Gunner 3028 Hilligas Ave., Berke- ley, Cal. U. S. S. Winchester, S. P. ir.9. Miami. Pensa- cola. Taliaferro Field, Camp Saufley. HTA. MOORE. WM. P. Ensign 5 Fairview Circle, Birming- ham, Ala. Seattle. San Diego. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2343. HTA. MORFORD, JAMES R. Ensign 528 East 10th St.. WUming- ton. Delaware, M. I. T., Pensacola. Miami. Mout- chic. L'Aber Vraeh. Hamp. Rds. N. A. No. 730. HTA. MORGAN, BOWMAN S. Machinist Wilton. N. H. Columbia Univ., Squantum. Norfolk. Detroit. MORGAN, J. Machinist 5122 Camac St.. Phila.. Pa. Pauillac, Fr., Trom- pulete, Fr.. (Jueenstown, Ire. HTA. '^^S^' - — ar^ ,»!-- jJl^ r -d—'if—^ -0- MIIHCAN. JOSEI'II A. EnsUjn ■15 Main St.. Loiiuruiiiiiy. Md. Mass. Inst, of Ti't-h., Miami. IViisacdla. N. .\. No. 2220. .ITA. MORGAN. MILLAHI) Stmhid Offici-r Hailny. N.C. Mass. liisl ,,r Tech. HTA. .MOIUULL. ICnr.AR VV. Ertsifin 12(IH Drew Ave.. So. .Miii- neajtolis, Miiiu. Dnii- wooiiy, Miami. I'ensacola. N. A. No. 22:!H. I ITA. MOHHIS. CHAS. Knsign MiLss. Inst, of Tech., Pen- sacola. Coco Solo. C. Z. f:. It.'i Comm. Piih. Inf. Beach .Scene, Key West MOHHIS. EDWAHD K. Sliiilrril Officer South Lee. .Mass. .Mas.s. Inst, of Tech. HTA. .MOHHI.SS, P. G. H. Lieut, ly.f/.) 74.5.1 Greenview .\ve., Chi- cuKO. III. Cireat Lakes. MOHHOW, rllOMAS I. Knsi'lti Ltro<.tkhaven. L. I.. \. ^'. Mass. Inst, of Te<'h.. .\k- rou, Pensacola. PaimlHwiif, Fr. N. A. No. 695. LTA. __^V^X^®,^^__V^_ -/T- MOKSK. AH nil H L. Ensign \-\ Ilersom St.. Watertown. Ma.ss. .Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2319. IITA. _V^i r\ y^, -ry- i\'.) MOn.SK. IllC.MAHl) A. Slndeni OJJicer 34 Russell Strvol., Millon. Mass. Mass. Inst, of 'J'ecli. HTA. ^^ ^^0^^ l^^W^ MOSKLEY. GEORGE G. Lieut. U-0-) !(>(» Prospect Ave., Pligh- hiiKl P.irk, III. K. I.al.-iy- ello Esratirille. Mdiilchic, Dunkirk. 24.'1 Fr. Sparl. Sq. N. A. INo. S66. MOSLEY, A. J. Student Officer 2617 Race Si.. Denver, V.tAii., Seattle, San Die^'o. HTA. MUDGE, \VM. Y. Lieut, ij.q.) 7 Wedgemer Ave.. Win- chester. Mass. R. F. C.. Borden, Can., Ray Sh., IVnsa.. Milan. Calais. Kil- liii;,'liolni.- N. A. N<.. 157. MLILLER. CHARLES G. Ensif/n 6« W. 56th St.. New York City. Mass. Inst, ol" Tech.. Key West. Miami. IV-nsa- cola. N. A. No. 2189. MIA. MUNHALL. ALFRED N. Ensign 2424 Farmers Rank BIdp., Ritlsburt'h. I*a. Mass. Inst., of Tech.. Bay Shore. Peu- sacla. N. A. No. 1593. ilTA. MURPHY. C. B. Student Officer Hillshnro Hotel. Tampa, Fla. Dnnwoody Institute, Minneapolis. MURPHY, DUDLEY B. Ensign Fallen Road, Lexington, Mass. Squantum, Hamp- ton Roads, Killingholmo. En^i., I'^ast Fortune, Scot- laud. N. A. No. 201. HTA. M ck^. % MUHPHY. J(JI1N LEWIS Ensign 41 Woodward St.. South Hoslon. Muss. M. I. T., Ilaiuplou Hils.. Pensacola, Ficci Air Dcliich. N. A. I\o. I'li'l. HTA. I MtlRRAY, ARTIMIH U. Sluilrul Officrr 1110 Nott St., Schenec- tady, New York. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. HTA. MURPHY JOHN D. Ensign Norwich, ('onn. M. I. T., Newport. Key West, Miami. IN'tisa.. Moillchic, Fr,. lli; Tiidy. Fr.. liav Sh . Hoik- away. N. A. No. 1 ll'l'. HTA MURPHY, THOMAS H. Lieut, (j.g.) 9 ('onatit St., Province- town, Mass. Pensacola, Killinf.-hohuc. R. A. K. Fortune. llatn|>ton Rds., WashiuKlon. N. A. No. 51. MURRAY, IJAHOLU J. Ensign 37 May Ave., Brockton, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola, N. A. No. 2037. HTA. MIHHIil.L, JKSSli L. .^Itideitl OOicer Champaign, III. Mass. Inst, of HTA, Tech. Miami. r-^^rVr^^rv -r- ^V^"S^^=^:ss= MURPHY. WM. A. Ensign 372 Dudley St., Roxhury, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pensa- cola, Cape May. N, A. No. 965. HIA. MUHrolJiJIl, JAMES F. Ensign Chatsworth, 111. l)uu- woody, Miami, Key West. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2409, •2:^0 'cciy nCN MYKKS. GEORfiE M, Sludrnl Officer 239 Hluine Ave. Detroit. Mich. Muss. Inst.ofTfch.. Miami. HTA. MYEIIS, STANLEY II Ensign 202 N. 2.';th St.. Corvnilis. f>re. Univ. Wash.. Sitn HiefTO. Pensacola. N. A. No. 1<>'»2. MYEns. \V. DEAGDEN Ens inn .^09 E. Lockwood Ave., ^^|•hste^ Groves. Mo. Mass. Inst, of Tech., .\k- ron. Hampton Houds. L'lW. •^ ■^ '^ ■$: McAnoo. RoBT. H., En.sign, I.il2 I61I1 Si.. W asliiriKlon, D.C. N. A. No. 1955. McAlMii). Wai.tkii C, Slmlent Olliier. 'nii' Ki-iicsaw Apt.. l(>lli aiHJ Irvine Sis., \\ ushinploii. I). C. DiinwtMdy Inst.. Minn. MIA. .McAnoo, W.M. G.. Jr., Ensign, 121.! Uilh Si., Washins- lon. D.lC Nt>. 2.16. .McAlkxanokb. O. G., Licul. (j.K.). 10()2 Lainnr Avo • Memphis. Tenn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pcnsacoln. Ehi ^. A. No. M2. McAi.i isr Fii. Ai incur T.. SindenI onicer, Seminole Ave., Chcslnul Mill i'hilii.iilphia. McAnih. I'll ink I,. J., Ensign. KnighLs of Columlnis Rldg, Fl. Sill. Okla. MrAiKK. J. J.. Eient. (JB). 3361 Ml. Pleasant St.. Hashinglon. I). C. Washington, Rockaway, Chatham. .Miami. Pensacola. Bay Shore. .McBniDi:. I). F.. Slnlent OITicer. 2 Oswego St., Utica, N. Y. Mass. Insl. of Tech.. Pelham Hay. HT.\. McCahill. Eioi-m: P.. Slinlent Onicor, Ge )rgelown University, Washington. D. G. McCall. Jamks L.. Student Omcer, 6029 Frerct St., New Orleans, La. McCalli'M. Stepmkn n.. Student OfTicer, 6012 Kings- bury Blvd., St. I^)uis. .Mo. McCann. R. II., Ensign, 109 E. Washington Lane. Ger- manlown, I'a. N. A. No. 147. AIcCaiu., Donald E.. Student Ollicer, 729 N. 12th St., Onincy. III. McCarthy, A. L.. Wnr.Mach., 13 10 Thrriot Ave., Bronx. N. Y. N. A. No. II4-.. McCmithv. Chas. F.. Ensign. 10 !.'> E. loili Ave . Den- ver, Colo. .N. A. No. 17111. McCahthy, (i. II.. Ensign. McCabtiiy. Jehry R., Student Ollicer, 70 Park .\vc., Detroit, Mich. McCarthy, L. A.. Ensign, 2214 Blaisdcll Ave., Miime- apolis, Minn. No. IM.'S. McCakthv. Wm. v.. Student Ollicer, 56 High St.. Springfield, Ma.ss. McC.MrLKV. J. E.. Student Ollicer, 11 Tremont Ave., Somerville. .Mass. McCaisi AND. John W.. En.sign. 73:10 Princeton Ave... r!hicago. III. McChesnkv. M. N.. Lieut, (j.g.l. N. A. No. 1069. McClatchy. John B., Student OITicer, .Marion, Pa. McCleu.anh. DoiioLAss. Student Ollicer, 540 West 113lh St.. New York City. McCi.EI.l.AND, James IC, Student OfTicer. Springfield. Ky. McClintock. IC. K.. Ensign, 1301 Lincoln Ave.. Tyrone. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. .\kron. Pensacola. Hockaway Beach. N. A. No. 1220. LTA. McCi.iNTOCK. Jack R., Ensign, nil I.vlc St . Waco, Tex. i\. A. No. 1H36. McClintock. James L, Student Ollicer, 72.1 Harrison .\ve.. Canon City, Colo. McClino. Harrison T., Student Ofiicer, 7113 firanil Ave., St. Paul. Minn. McClire. John P.. Student OITicer. McCuRE. T. IL, Ensign. 34 W. 44th St.. New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tecli., Akron, Norfolk; Brest, Cam- brai. Fr. LTA. McColm. Donald B., Sliiil Ili.ir. I27fl lirvden Bd.. Columbus. Ohio, .McCoMB. Ili.cH L., Ensign. Care Lab.. Dayton. Ohio. >f Dayton Eng. Mt:CoNNELL. Hugh. E;nsign. 8 Uigelow St., Cambridge, Mass. McCoNNELL, RoBT. K.. Eusign, 61 Crescent St., North- ampton, Mass. N. A. No. 1372. McCoNNELL, RoBT. P.. Ensign, Mokelumno Ilill, Cal. McCoNNEL, Samuels Y., Student OOicer, 1314 Mas.s. Ave., Washington. D. C. McCoNNELL. .Stuart, Student OITicer, 913 President St., Brooklyn. N. Y. Mass. Insl. of Tech. HTA. McCoaM\(:K. James Stanley. Ensign. .'iK Beochwood Terrace, ^'onkers. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Blue Hill Observatory. .Norfolk. Va., Committee oil Experimental Power. HTA. .Mc?f:oRM\cK. BoBT. J.. Eusigu. Walcrbiiry. Conn. McCoiiMiCK. Cii\s. B.. Student OlHcnr. 306 9th St., N. W .. Washinglon. I). C. .Mi:ConMicK. Herbebt IL. Slndcnt Ollicer. IltO Center St.. S. .MaiK-hesler. Conn. McCoHMicK. J. S. v.. Ensign. !{27 Washington Road, Pillsburgh. I'a. Mass. Insl. of Tech.. Akron. Pensacola. Paiml..Miif. Fr.; Cape May, N. J.; Paiiilluc. Fr. N. A. No. 694. LTA. McCoHMicK. O. L.. Student OITicer. It.ipliine. Va. DunwcK«ly Insl.. Minn. HTA. McCoRMiCK. Walter W., Sludenl OHi, cr, Dopont Fabrikoid ('o., Wilmington, Del. MrCosKRn. Dave. Ensign. The Measiircgra|ih Co., St. Louis. .Mtt. I). I., War. Machinist. 634 Cllcllnn .\ve., Philailetiihia, Pa. McDkrmott. M. J.. Ensign, 547 E. Chelton Ave.. Phila- delphia. Pa. N. A. No. 702. McDoNM.D. II\Roi.D Rowland. Ensign, 1552 L St.. Fresno. Cal. M.-iss. Inst, of Tech., Wingfoot Lake and Rockaway Beach. L. 1. McDonald. Hayward C, Student OfTicer. 2621 Haste St.. Berkcly. Cal. McDoNM.D. Bonr. T., Student Oflicer 602 .Monroe St., Ann .\rbor. Mich. Ml |)(.vm:i.i . V. C. l.ieiil. I}^^^. •,'-,'1 - o — A— #--ip^ , Lieut. Ci g). 1 130 Park Ave., Balti- McDoNNEi.L, v. R more, Md. McDonnell, Paul A., Student OfTicer, 601 Lennox St., Baltimore. Md. Mc-nowELL, C. S., War. Machinist, 322 Market North, Canton, Ohio. McDowell. Richard, EnsipiL 61*) W. 17.^ St., New Yfirk City. N. A. No. 2060. McElligott, Edmlind W., Student OfTicer, 1009 Univer- sity Ave., S. E., Minneapohs, Minn. McEndy. J. K., Lieut. O'.K.). 122 E 36th St.. New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key We^t, Mimai. N. A. No. 1518. HTA. McEwEN, \Vm. Robert. Ensign, 51 Maple Ave.. Wells- ville, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.; Seattle, Wash.; S,in Diego, Cal. HTA. McFarlano, Andrew L., Student OfTicer, Lockwood Rasiii, E. Boston, Mass. McFarlin, Chas. Kirk. Lieut, (j.jr.), 170 (^lenwood Ave., East Orange. N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., (>ueens- town, U. S. Headquarters, London. Ent;. IIT.V. McFavden, Jos. It., Student Offlcer, 350 N. 41st Ave., Omaha, Nehr. McFerren, Donald J., Student Officer, Hoopeston, III. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron. Pensacola. LTA. McGee, Raymond L, War. Gunner. McGiNNEs, EncAR \., F^nsi^'ii. MilMiifiton, Md. Mass, Inst, of Tech., Akron. Pensacola. LT.\. McGlNNis. Thos. Polk, War, Machinist, 602 .\llison Ave., Roanolte, Va. McGoLDRicK, Wm. J., War. Machinist, 27 Vernon St., Waltham, Mass. McGb41l. Thos. E., War. Machinist, Ashfield, Mass. Pensacola. U. S. S. Norlh Carolina. U. S. S. .SVn»/c. Hampton Roads, Va. Mcf'.RAN^GHAN, Jo.s. J., Ensigu, 73 Park St., Carhondale, Pa. N. A. No. 2187. McGrath, Francis D., Student Officer, 9 Maplelon St., Brighton. Mass. McGuNiGAL, Patrick, War, Carp. MoGuinness, Wm. V.. Student Officer, Calamus Hd., Winlield, L. I., N. Y. McGiiiBE, John B., Lieut. O'.g-). 51 Chambers St., N. Y. City. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bayshore, Pensacola. N. A. No. 925. LTA. McHuGH, M. F., War. Mach., 81 t ,\mslerdam Ave.. N. Y. City. McHuGH, Marion L., Student Officer, 1.102 W. Douglas, Wichita, Kan. Univ. of Washington, Seattle. McIllwraith, John N., Student Officer, 210 N. St., Bridgewater, Ma.ss. McIlree. Vance E., Student Officer. West. Union, Iowa. McIlvan, Greer. Student Officer, Care of Q. Gilvain, 816 Berger BIdg., Pittsburgh, Pa. McIntire. Donald E., Ensign. 1731 Columbia Rd., Wa.shington. D. C. N. A. No. 1940. McIntire, John K., Ensign. .360 West 1st St., Dayton, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1796. McKain, Jos. N., Student Oflicer, 19th St., Miami, Fla. McKean, E. D., Ensign, N. A. No. 697. McKee, Jewel Chester, Student Olhcer, Athens, La. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. McKee, R. S., War. Mach. McKee. Robt. B., Student Officer, Bingham School, Asheville, N. C. McKee, Roy J., Ensign, Wycote Rd., Jenkinstovvn. Pa. McKellar, E. F., Ensign, 457 W. Delevan Ave., Buffalo. N.Y. N. A. No. 861. McKelvy, Lockhart C, Ensign, 5901 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1697. HTA. McKelwav, .\lexander J., Ensign, 2071 Park Rd., Washington, D. C. N. A. No. 1135. McKinnon, D. A., Student Officer. Mdss. Inst, of Tech. HTA. McIviNNON, T. N., Ensign, 1104 E. 36th St., Minneapolis, Minn. McLaren, Archibald, Ensign, Setaukel, L. I., N. Y. McLalighlin, C. B., Ensign, 51 Creighton St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. McLaughlin, Wm., Jr., Student Officer, Hyattsville, Md. McLean, Raymond, Ensign, 103 W. Lanvale St., Balti- more, Md. McLean, Robt. Jr., EnsigrL 103 W. Lanvale St., Balti- more, Md. Mass. Inst, of Tccli.. .\kron. Ohio; Bayshore, L. I.; Brest, Fr.; Guipavas. France. LTA. McLellan, Douglas II., Lieut. O'.g-). McLennon, Clyde H., Lieut. G.g-). McLeod. J. 1... Lieut. Ij.g.), 256 Broiikline St., Cam- bridge. .Mass; Pauillac. Borilcaux and Brest, France. HTA. McMahon. J. Edward. Ensign, 6935 Stony Island Ave.. Chicago, III. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Fla.; Autingues, Campagne, Moutchic, France. N. A. No. 862. HTA. McManus, J. D., Ensign, 75 W'arren Ave.. Marlboro. Mass. McMaster, Marcenus D., War. Mach.. 176 Chestnut St., Rochester, N. Y. Pauillac, Fr.; lie Tudy. Fr. McMillan. II. G., Ensign. Edgewood. Mt. Ilcrmon, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami. Pensacola; Rockaway Beach, L. I. N. A. No. 1941. HTA. McMiLLEN. James A., Student Officer. Care W'ashington University. St. Louis, Mo. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. McMuRBEY, Jim, Jr., Student Officer, Camilla, Tex.; Seattle, Wash.; San Diego, Cal. HTA. McNabb, Duncan J., .Stu lent Officer, Grosse He. Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, O.; Pensacola. LTA, McNally, Edwin M., Lieut, (j.g.), Indianapolis, Ind. McNeab, Cyril, Student Officer. McNeill, Mai.com, R., Lieut, (j.g.), Evanston, III., Great Lakes. McNui.tv. Harold. Lieut, (j.g.). Naval Air Station. San Diego, Cal. Ma.ss. Inst, of Tech., Key West. Miami, Pensacola; San Diego, Cal. N. A. No. 1653. HTA. McNuLTY, John P., Student Officer, Georgetown College, Washington. D. C. McPeake. Enoch. War. Mach., 306 West 114th St.. New York Cily, Columbia University; Pauillac, Fr.; Eastleigh, Eiig. MfrpHAUL, John J.. Ensign. 1223 Irving St., Brookland, D. C. N. A. No. 2065. McPherson. II. .\.. Student Officer, 806 Florida Ave., Taniiia, Fla. University of Wash., Seattle. Wash. HTA. Mc(.)uiCK, Chas. J., Student Officer. 819 Lawrence Ave., Chicago, HI. McQuiSTON, Dale S., Student Officer, 40t E. Center St., Paxton, III.; Dunwoody Inst. Minn.; Great Lakes. HTA. McQuiSTON, Irving M., Lieut, (j.g.), 91 Taylor St., Waltham, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bayshore, L. I.; Pensacola, Fla. N. A. No. 905. McRae, Bruiie M., .Student Officer, 31 Coligni Ave., New Rochelle, N. Y. McRae, Don\ld p.. Ensign, 618 Story St., Boone, Iowa. McRae. Ken.neth M., Student Officer. McShane. C. ().. Ensign, .South Bethlehem, Pa. Iiist. of Tech., Pensacola. Fla. McVay, Glen A., .Student Officer. McVay. L. O.. Student Officer, Sidney. Ohio. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Macaulev, D. M., N. A. No. 204. MacCart, Raymond D., Ensign, 23 Pleasant St., Dorchester, .Mass. MacCartney, J. G. M., Student Officer, 1817 13th St., Altoona, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. MacCoull, Neil, War. Mach., 537 W. 121st St., New York City. MacCov. W. Logan, Ensign, Overbrook, Pa., Great Lakes, 111.; Pensacola. MacDonald, Lowell. Student Officer, George Smith Hall. C32 Cambridge, Mass. MacDougall, Chas. B., Ensign 142(1 24lh Ave., S. Seattle, Wash. MacEi.wee, a. T., Ensign, 36 Sawyer St., Portland, Me. MacEnery, J. E., Ensign, 259 E. 176 St., New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech., New York; Charleston, Pensacola, Miami, Key West. HT.\. MacFarlane, James W., Student Officer. S. P., 965 New- Castle. Del. MacGbegor. Frederick N., Student Officer, 661 S. Barkesdale St., Memphis, Teiin. MacIver, J., War. Mach., Pasadena, Cal. Mack, Harry J.. Student Officer, 501 Walker St., St. Johns, Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. MacKavley, Wallace, Student Officer, 456 Mt. Hope Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Ensign, North Wilbraham, Mass. Mass. Mass. ^^^^^hi)^=^i^^c^ 2'2^ -^^ I iiri Wi "A i 'Jv * MacKw, DoNALli C, Sludent Oflirer, 7100 Yale \\p , Chicago. III. MacKknzii:. Kenneth C, Student Olliopr. lilt Wal- chuna Avi'.. I'liiintielfl. N. J. MacLkan. a. 1), Slu.lrnt Olliprr, 12(1') K. Main St., New Albany. Indiana. .Mas.<. Inst, of Tech.. Key West, Fin IlIA. M\c l,]:\N. I. A.. Student OHiccr. 1032 Bella Visla Ave., Oaklanil. Cal. Seattle. Wash.: San DieRO. IITA. MmMii.I-AN. DoNAl.li H.. Knsipn. Kreepnrl. Me. Mai Mm, I. AN. KlONNtTll D., Knsifn. I'illslon, I'a. MacMii.lan. Hoy W.. War. Boatswain. MacMi'hiuv. OoNAin M.. Student Ollicer. 2i>ll Pine Gr<»ve .\ve.. f'hicaKO, 111. M\frnK. Sri:eMi:N H . Sluilent (Mlicer. 1K2K f:oliMnliia lid . Washint-lon. I), C. Mai I 111)1. II MIDI. I). Sludent Oflicer. .Marion. III. Mass. Inst, of Ter h . .Miami. IITA. Macwittv. I'luNK I,. Student Ollieer. 2.jl Cleveland .\ve-. Ilashroiicli Ileit'his. N. J. Maiiokn. .MArr J., Student Ollieer. Morrispluins, N. J. Mass liisi of leih. .\'ewporl, R. I.; New Bedford, Mass. HIA. .Maiumin, II. A.. ICnsign. 3815 Bales St.. I>itl.shuri:h. Pa. N. A. No. 316. .Magf.e. William I,.. Sludent Officer. ll."> Broadway, Taunton. .Mass. MAt:iNNl-:s. Wii.i i,\M r>.. Knsign. Sharon. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. .Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2001. HTA. Maooin. FnKOKMicK II.. Knsisn. II Bailey St.. Balh, .Maine. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Ilaniplon Hoads. I'ensacola, Miami. N. A. No. .' — MAGRlfMM. 1 Seatlle. Wash. Iahhy \. IITA. IITA. Stutle I ((Hi.-er. .loseph. OrcL (V MAcriHF. llAiMin F.. Sludent Ollicer, 319 Uuval St., Key West, Fla. Mahonfv. I)a.nii:l R. Ensign. Georgelown Univ.. WashiiiKlon. D. C. N. A. No. 1348. Mahonkv. James B., Student Ollicer. 5 Custer St., Lawrence. Mass. Mahonkv. John K . Sliidenl Olli.er. Ba«lins. W yo. Mahonkv. S. P.. ICnsiKU. 174 Maple St.. Ilolyoke. Mass. MAiEn. lOiiwAiui II., Sludent Oflicer, .502 Y. M. C. A. Bldir.. lloiislon. Tex. Male-tie. Geo. A.. Student Oflicer. I3I.T 2.')th St.. San Diego, Cal. Mall, Ivok C. Knsign, 721 Fremont St.. Manhallen, Knns. Mallebs. Edward Benjamin. Sludent Officer. 4338 Drcxel Blvd.. ChicaKo. III. Mallokv. H. II., Sludinl Oflicer. 107 Si. Hegis .\pls. Omaha. Nehr. Mass. Insl. of Tech.. Key West. IITA. Malonk. FiiANKiiN. Sludent Officer. lO.j illi Si.. Brook- lyn. New York. Manikhhk. IUhoip 1... Student Officer. 1307 Dearborn Parkway. Chicago. Ill .Manikuhk. I.oi IS, Sludent Officer. Boom 416, 112 W. .\dams .St.. tlhicago. III. .M\NN. MvMioN B. Sludent Officer. Gallatin. Mo. Dun- woody Inst.. .Minn.; Miami, Fla. HTA. Mannkrs.John v.. Ensign. 276 Orange Bead. Monlclair. N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. Ilaniplon Bonds. N. A. No. 293. HTA. Manning, Edcau T.. Ensign. 12 Armory Terrace. Nashua. N.H. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Akron. O.; Pensacola, F'In. N. A. No. 1.-18 1. I.TA. Mannv, EpMiNikS. Student Officer. .Wtl Westminster Place. Si. Louis. Mo. Mass. Insl. of Tech. IITA. Mansfield. Lewis P.. Sludent Officer. 190 Pine Si Portland. Me. .Mass. Inst, of Tech . Bay Shore. HTA. Mansfohd. Behkelev. Ensign. l.-i22 Yeslerwav Seatlle, Wash. N. A. No. 1431. Makchant. Alfred W., War. Boalswain. .MiRHELNAKK. Ehnf;st C, Ensigu. Marr. John W.. Sludent Officer, H. F. D. No. I. Lc\- ingloii. Ky. Mahriner. W. F.. Lieut, (j.g.), 1710 East Gadsden St., Pensacola. Ha. Pensacola. N. A. No. 213. MAR.snEN. Georcb C... Student Officer. 30 Bryant St., Portland. Me. Marsh. Bhvan, Sludent Oflicer. -MAnsmi.i. Ki,H\HD C. Ensign. 3231 Bercdilli Ave.. Pleasanl Bidgc. Cini-innuti. Ohio. Mass. insl. of Tech., Akron. Ohio; Pensacola. N. A. No. 2146. LTA. Mahshali., L. K.. Lieut. (J.g.). N. A. No. 381. Goldsboro. N. C. Box 2493 Boston, Maf Inst. ore Ave. . ^^An.sli\LL, Marcus M.. Ensign, 2404 Broadway, San Diego. r,il. N. A. No. 1.36T. MmsiiM.L. K. \\ . Lieut. CJK.). The Lenox Apt., 13lh and Spruce ,S|.. Phihi'lelphia. Pa. -\kroii. Ohio. Rix'k- awny. I., L. Pens.-icola. .Marsh \i.i.. Bichard M.. Ensign. Maksiiui'RN. E. ().. .Student Officer. Marsteiis. Cihrles E.. Ensign. P. O Mass. (ireiil Lakes. Pensacola. Fla. Mmiston. BoHi-MiT L.. I'-iisign. Rolla. Mo. of Tech.. San Diego. IITA. Martin. Bernard D.. Student Officer. Martin. ICdwahd S.. Sludent Ollicer. .M Mil IN. Gradv IL. Student Officer. Martin, IIi'ch S, Student Officer. (i.-iO N. K Los Angeles. f:al. Martin. Isau: Hov. Sludent OfficcT, 177 Wealwood St., Akron. Ohio. MvRTiN. John M.. Sludent Officer. .-i21 llh Si., S. E., Minnncapolis. .Minn. DuiiwcMMly Inst., Miumi. Pensacola. IITA Martin. Laurence C, Student Ollicer. 32 Lincoln St., Glen Bidge. N. J. Dunwoody Inst.. Minn. Martin. M. S., Ensign. 32 Lincoln St.. Ghn Bidge, N. J. N. A. No. 1 1 13. .Martin. Boiikks A., Student Officer, 277 East 4th St., Atlanta, Ga. Martin. W. IL. Ensign. Laurens. S. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech , Miami. Key West, Pensacola. HTA. -Mmhiniihi.i,, D. C. Sludenl Ollicer, I0,'> Easi Mth St.. Hill. hlMs,,ii. Kaiis. Muss. Insl. of Tech. LTA. \l >si,\, G S . Li, 111. (I g.), 121 West Walnut Lane. Ger- inaiiiosMi. Phil.-idclpliia. Pa. Mass. Insl. of Tech.. Hainp- loii Biiads, Pensacola. HTA. Massev, L. B. Sludent Ollicer. 11111 Kenyoii St.. Wash- ingloii. D. ('- Great Lakes, 111. Matciikttk. William H.. Jr.. Sludent Oflicer. Mathi:s. B. W., ICiisign. Plainview. Tex. Mass. Insl. of Tech.. Pensacola. .\" Thayer St.. deuce. B. I. Mathkws. Charles M.. Student Officer. Mathias. Rohert D.. Sludenl Officer. Matiiiasen, .\lfred. Student Officer. Keyporl Mass. Insl. of Tech.. Bay Shore. HT.\. Matiiiasen, Otto F.. Sludenl Oflicer, 1127 Howard St.* Omaha. Nehr. .Seallle. \Vash. HIW. Matson. R. C. IL, Student Officer. Sewanee. Tenn. Mass. Insl, of Tech., .Miami. Fla. II TA. Maftkh, Rokitii. Lieut, (j.g.'l. 911 S W .ishinglon St., Marion, Inil. loronln. Canada. RK(' ; llainptun Boads, Pensacola; Killiiigholine. Eiig.; N. Biunli. (ir.. Fr. N. A. No. 162. HTA. Matteson. G. C. Ensign. 20 Winlhrop St.. Bochester, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola. f^alais. Fr.; Milan, ll.; Bay Shore. Miami. N. A. No. .",73. Matthews. Donxld IL. Sludenl Officer. Paliser St.» Johnston. Pa. Matthews. Kdoah. Student Officer. 423 Lincoln St., Johnston, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech. LT.\ Maui:k, Earle Lewis, Ensign. Mal-ohan. Wm. E.. Ensign. Maulbetsch. John F.. Student Officer. 221 Washington St.. Ann .\rhor. .Mich. Maiirkr. Cihri.es F.. Sludent Officer. 243 S. Main St., Wilkesharre. Pa. Mavis, J,rK B.. Lieut, (j.g.). 314.1 Sheridan Road. Chi- cago. III. Pensacola. Bay Shore. Coliimliiu Uiiiversitv, Delroil. Pack.ird. Great Lakes. Philadelphia. HTA. .Maxwki.i.. II, \\ . Jr.. Lieiil. ij g.l. Glen Cove. L. I., N. Y. Bay Shore, Miami, .Moulcliic. Gallurele, It., Milan, Joya del Colle, Si. Ingleverl. LTA. Maxwki.l. Borkiit L., Student Officer, lOO.T Guadalupe St., .\ustin. Tex. Maves, Wendell W., Ensign, Grunewald Hotel. New Orleans. La. Mavnahd. Charles E.. Sludenl Officer. Miilinn B.iad, .\kroii. Ohio. Mavnard. Merlin T.. Stu lent (Jfficer, .W3 .Soiilh Sixth St., .San Jose. ('al. -Mavo. T. F.. Lieut, (j.g.), 1729 Coliseum Si.. New Or- leans, l.,u. iMAZK, MoNTooMEBV. Li'eut. (j.g.). 2630 Broadway. New , S. E., Provi- N. J. lY.v'. .; i . A^' ir.i ^-^-f^-'-^-'Tr.^-'UJXCiJ: ■■ : .11 I I II York Cily Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Buffalo. Columbia Univer- sity. N. \ . Me.«:ham. Eugene M., Student Officer. Meachen, H. F.. War. Machinist. Meads. Robi. T., Ensisn. 423 S. Stone Ave.. III. Dunwoody, Miami. Pensacola. N. A. ITA. Mass. Air Slation. ; Rockaway Meany, Robt. E., Ensign. Meabs. Cecil F.. Student Officer, Norfolk Va Inst, of Tech. HTA. Meath Geo. M.. Student Officer. 208 East 41h St Olynipia. Wash. ,\Ik..i:skv. W. J.. War. Gun. Naval Rnikanviy Reach. L. J., Pensacola. FI; Bea.-h. N. Y. N. A. Meegan, Jo-sEPH A., Student Officer. 260 Commercial St.. Portland. Me. Meehan, J. L.. Ensign. , '^l'^"*"*.''. IIowABD D., Student Officer. 602 Whitney Ave.. Wilkiiisburg. Pa. s ^!f,""!i/L'"='''' f*- S'ident Officer, 1731 13th Ave.. Seal lie, Wash. Seattle, Wash. LTA. Meieh. Harbv A.. Student Officer, Seatlle. Wash. Mell, Brook Ga. 1120 36th Ave., Ensign, 44 West Peachtree St.. Atlanta, Mellen. Abthur Wsr.. Jr.. Ensign. 2676 Morris Ave.. New lork City. Mei.len. Romney J.. Student Officer. 210 Bennett Ave., Cripple Creek. Colo., Seallle, Wash., Key West. Fla. Mellenbruch, Dale F., Student Officer. 1344 Kentucky &!.. Lawrence. Kan. Mellor Duncan M., Student Officer, Miller Hall rarni. Norfolk. Mass. Melville, George S., Ensign. Melville. Kenneth, Student Officer, 2120 E 47lh St Seatlle. Wash. Mendenhall, James Howe, Student Officer, 25 Main ,M.. 1 oughkenamon. Pa. Dunwoody Inst., Minneapolis, Minn. HTA. Mendom David, Lieut, (j.g.). 2419 Michigan Ave., p ''«??-j'."- . f™?^";"'"' '^»- Hampton- Roads., Brest, Fr., Whiddy Island. Naval Base No. 6. HTA. Menefee. John W.m.. Ensign, Graham, N C insl. of Tech., Akron, Ohio, Rockaway Beach, L. I. Mengal. Clarence. R. Jr., Student Officer, and Main Sts., Evanston, 111. Mas3. LTA. Forest Mengele, Frank A., Student Officer, 146 Tremont St.. Boston, Mass. Menzel, F. W.. Ensign, 15 Poplar St.. Brooklyn, N. I . i\. A. No. 509. Merceb. George W., Student Officer, 43 Society St Charleston. S. C. Meredith. Otis, Student Officer, Beacoiislield Apts Houston, Texas. Merkle Edward B., Student Officer, 1373 E. Broad at., Columbus, Ohio. Merrifield. .«amuel a.. Ensign. WiUiamsville Vt ft^ss. Inst, of Tech, Akron, Ohio. Rockaway, L. I., N. Y. Mebbill. Chas. L. Lieut. Gg.). 102 Queensberry St., Boston. Mass. Merrill, Donald H.. Lieut, (j.g.). 1679 Mass. Ave.. Cambridge. Mass. N. A. No. 672. Merrill, N. E., Lieut, (j.g.), Osceola Club, Pensacola, r la. Merriman. Lawrence C, Ensign. 2401 Bowdilch St . Ni o'i^?!' 9?t.. Seatlle, San Diego, Pensacola. N. A. Merritt. RoswELL A., Ensign, 403 Orange St.. Macon, Ga. N. A. No. 2012. Messinger. Chas S.. Ensign. 253 Bushkill St.. Easton n ■ Mass Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore. Hamplon Boads, I'en.sacola. Moulchic, Cape May. N. A. No. 254. HTA. Metzger. Norman. Student Officer. 1508 Broadway Indianapolis, Ind. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. HTA. Meyers. W. Blagden. Ensign. 226 .Spring St., Webster Groves, Mo. Arthur, Texas. HTA. Vim of Washington, Seattle; Key West. , La Grange. No. 2.342. 70 Worlh St.. 68 West 56lh St.. New ,, , ., . '. -■- ^'"dent Officer, 175 Delavan Ave., Newark. N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Mezger. Erwin R ' ' I'A AIiCHEALs. G., War Machinist, Marshall. III. Mickey. R. Z., Ensign, 1428 W. 25lh St., Cleveland, Ohio. MlDDi.ETON. Chas. G., Ensign. Inter. Southern HIdg. Louisville, Ky. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. Fla. Miles. Vernon G.. Student Officer. 644 Sth St., Port Millard, I. W.. Student Officer. 764 Transportation BIdg.. Chicago. III. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Miller. A. B., Student Officer. Plainsboro. N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Miller. Albert P.. Sliident Officer, New York, N. Y. .Miller, Chas. G., Ensij York City. Miller. Ci.eophas E.. Ensign. Miller, Felix G., Student Officer. 509 Walnut St., Chattanooga, Tenn. Dunwoody Insl., Minn. HT.iV. Miller, Franklin G., Student Officer. 700 W. 179 St , New York Cily. lyiiLLEE. II. A., Ensign, 119 Magnolia Ave.. Riverside. Cal Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pensacola, Rockaway. N. A. No. 1164, HTA. Miller. H. H.. Student Officer. 108 Grove St.. Tona- wanda, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Great Lakes. HTA. Miller. J. Bebnabd. Student Officer. 27 West 44th St., New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. MiLLEB, J. M., Ensign. N. A. No. 494. -Miller. John W., Ensign, Holmsville, Neb. N. A. No. 1516. Miller. Raymond Percy, Lieut, (j g). Middlesex Ave., Swampseott, Ma.ss. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Aeromarine. Keyport, N. J.; L. W. F., College Point, L. I.; Garden City, L. I. Miller. Richard B.. Ensign. 401 S. 15 Si.. Independ- ence. Kansas. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore, L. I.. Pensacola. Fla. N. A. No. 1892. HTA, Miller. Robt. Stewart, Ensign. Miller, Vaughn. Ensign, Lookout Mountain, Tenn. Rockaway Beach. LTA. Miller. «'m.. Ensign. 1507 E. Gadsden St., Pensacola, Fla. Pensacola. Palm Beach, Huntington, Bay Shore, Hampton Roads. Milan, Italy, St. Inglevert, France, Easlleigh, Eng. HTA. Miller. E. H.. Ensign. 14 W. Peoria St., Chicago, III. Great Lakes. 111., Hamplon Roads, Va. MiLLiKAN, Edward P., Student Officer. 473 Park Ave., River Forest, III. MiLLiNix. Bonnie L., War Boatswain. Mills, James W., Ensign, St. James Hotel, 6lh St. and Penn. Ave., Wash., D. C. N. A. No. 2219. MiLsoN. Thomas IL, Paterson, N. J. Student Officer, 528 E. 29th St., MiNNis. James L.. Student Officer. 5284 Westminster Place. St. Louis. Mo. MlNTY. Casper C. Sludenl Officer. 205 North 15th St., iiVX' Dodge, Iowa. Dunwoody Inst., Miami, Pensacola. H r.\. MiNTV. John E., Student Officer, Muskegon, Mich. Dunwoody Inst., Key West. HTA. 208 Webster Ave., Minn., Miami and MiRKiL, Haxelton, Jr., Ensign, 527 Lafayette BIdg., Philadelphia, Pa. MisHLER. Floyd E.. Ensign. 314 E. 9lh St.. Newton. Kansas. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West, Pensacola N. A. No. 2256. HTA. MisKovsky. James F., Student Officer, 351 E. College St.. Oberlin. O. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Chicago. Cleveland. LTA. Mitchell. Archie Delwood, Student Officer, Ontario, Cal. Seallle, Wash. HTA. Mitchell. Charles W.. Jr., Ensign. 4001 Greenway, Rall'more. Md. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. 'Pensacola. Miami, Moulchic, Killingholme. Eng., Hampton Roads, Cape May. N. A. No. 664. HTA. Mitcheil. Francis H.. Ensign, Clinton Springs Ave. Cincinnali. O. N. A. No. 409. Mitchell. Frost A., Ave., Toledo. O. Student Officer. 2057 Glenwood St., .AlncHELL. Henby B., Student Officer, 207 Hi LaGrange, Ga. Mitchell. John J., Jr.. Ensign. 1550 N. State Parkway, Chicago. III. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Great Lakes, Key West. Pensacola. N. A. No. 1909. HTA. MoELLER. Sydney D.. Student Officer, 890 W. William .St.. Decalur. III. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Cambridge, Bay Shore. HTA. MOESER, Wm. F. C Washington. Student Officer. .Sedro-Wooley, MoHR, Herman F., Student Officer, Apalachicola, Fla. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. h^ rt- ^' ^.!- \m' ^i^^j- m ^ x.^. ii\ui Monroe. Geo. E.. Student Oflicer, lift K. Pino Ave, Grove Cily, I*u. Mass. Inst, of Tc<:h.. .\kron, O. LTA. Mo^T^r;I li, T. G., Student OMicer. J.'to \Vasliin(,'tOQ Illdf.'., Miirlison, Wise. Duuwoody IiLst. Minn.. Miumi, Fhi. liT\. MoNTANYF. IT\HOi,D P.. Studcut OITicer. 120 West 20th St., New York ("ily. Mo.NTKiTH, I). W.. Lieut, fi.g.). University Cluh. San Frani-isco. Cal. Mass. Inst, of Teeh.. Ilu. St. KnK.. Wash- iiiKlon. n. ('..: liCM laero) Hrooklyn. Dist., N. Y. MuNTcoMKEtv. .\lla.n D.. Student OHicer, 1600 Rio (Jrariiie Si. Austin, Texas. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. II TA. MoNTtiOMKHv. G. S.. Knsign. N. A. No. .300. MoNTooMKHY. James K., Studcnt OHicer, 600 Meabane St., BurlinKtori. N. C. MoNTf;oMi;io . It m.i-h S., Student OfGcer, Main St., Warsaw. N. ^ . MoNTooMKRY. W W.. KiLsigR, l.jOI IleurySt., Berkeley* Cal. Mass. Inst- of Tech., Key We-sl, Pcnsncola, Miami- N. A. No. i:t2l. IITA. Moon, l-lnw. IlARnis. Ensign, 271 1 Ri Vermont .\ve., Lytichhurg. Vu. Moon A. ('. Shelton, Knsi|;n. 1 IH Ciareraont. Ave. , Muntclair. N. J. Mass. Tn-;t. of Tech., Akron. Chatham, lUnkaway, l>ensacoln. N. A. No. 17.'">y. LTA. MooHi:, Hen McG., Student OHicer, Houston Ave., Macfin, (la. Moore. Chahncey C Student Ofiicer, .309 2nd St., No.. Great Kails. Monlana. Moore, Li.ovij Roy. War Boatswain. N. \. No. 206. M<)OHK. Mm'hice Mautoi.m. Lieut. Ci-fr'-)* S.") I Security Blilt:.. Minneapnlis. Minn. Moulchic-I^acanau, (iirnnde. Dunkertpie. France, Zeehrn^'ce Moh'. IlelKium IITA. Moohe. Neii, a , SttKlent Officer. 1511 Waslitenaw Ave., Ann Arbor, Afich. MooRK. HoRERT, Jr.. Lieut, (j.g.). 403 Ilennnn Bld^., Nesv Orleans. La. Ma>=s. Inst, of Tech.. S. P. 630, Key West, Fla. N A. No. UTft. HTA. MooHE. REniNGTON, Student Officer, 305 New St., Eaton. I*a. MooiiE, H. G.. Student Officer, 151 Pearson St., ChicaKo, 111. Moore, Robert C, Student Offiier. Bingham, Maine. Mass. Inst, of Tech. L r.\. Moore, Theodore J., I'^nsijin. Moore. TnKo. W.. Student Officer, 617 Ave. B. Miami, Fla. .Mas.s. Inst, of Te*oN, Stijaht T., Student Oflicer. Monnow. Timyf.h K.. Ensign, 4201 Ellis .\ve.. Chicnpo, III. Moa<;F. At. I, AN 1... Knsipn, 128 F*l<'asant St.. Arlinpton, Muss. .\krr(ti, Ohio; Horkjiwny. L. I.; Oueenstown, Ire.; M. \I. .\. .S.. Hoehainiit.oii, Eng.; Castletown, Ire.; La Trinilc. Bre-sl. Kr. LTA. MoiisK, Claude S., Stuilcnt OlIiiiT. I'l l;im St., (!len Falls, N. Y. iMon.sE, (Jto. H., Ensign. MoiisK. (Ii-:oiu:e H., War, Gunner. -Morse. IIahold M., Student (>ni<'er. Clarks, Nebraska. .Mass. Inst, of 'IV.-h., Miiinii. M r\. Morse, Krnrv (! , Sliident Ullieer, 80 Glendale St., Dorchester, Mass. MoHSi:, Maii.and II.. Sliident Officer, .\nson, Maine. Mass. Inst. i>l' Tech. HTA. MonsE, Robert D., .Student Officer, 46 Pleasant St., Marlboro, Mass. .Mass. Inst, ol Tech. IIT.\. Morse, Thos. R., Lieut, (j-g-). FalnKaith, Ma.ss. N. .\. No. 366. Mortimer, Laitrence, Ensign. Morton. .\. N.. Ensign. 22.'> Roberts .\ve., Yonkers, N. '^'. .Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola; .Monlchic, Fr.; Hamp- ton Roads. N. A. No. 860. IITA. Morton. Ci.ahk, Student Olficer, 1211 Gratul Ave.* I'Virt Smith, Tex. Morton, John W.. Ensign, 22.^ Roberts .\ve., Yonkers, N. Y. N. A. No. 1041. Morton. Lindi.ey C, Student Officer, 801 66th Ave.. Oak Lane. Philadelphia, Pa. Morton, W alter F., Student Officer, 73 West 29lh St„ Rayonne, N. J. MoRv, (Jeo. 11., Ensign, 425 College Ave., Appleton, Wi.sc. .Seattle, Wash.; San Diego, Cnl.; Pensacola. N. A. No. 2263. HTA. MosELEV, Hi:nry Vincent, Lieut, (j-g-*- Alexandria, La. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pensacola; Field " R ' Northern Bombing Group, Fr. N. A. No. 476. HTA. MosELEY, Hehbert F., War. Gunner. MosE.s, James, Ensign, 3841 South Rroadway, Los Angeles, Cal. MosHER. F. 11., Lieut, fi-gl. 1 "6 liehnont St., Wash- ington, I). C. N. A. No. 2.')«. Moss, W. R. M.. Lieut, (j.g.). Law Bldg., Norfolk, Va, Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Fla. N. A. -No. 9W. HTA. MOS.SER, R. D., Lieut, (.i.g.), 117 Edgewood Rood, Ard- more. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Fla. LT.\. MossER. Philip D., Ensign, 344 Wcslervelt .\ve.. Staten Isliind. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Roy Shore,Pensacola. HTA. Mott. C. R.. Student Officer, 86 W. Forest Ave., De- troit, .Mich. Duuwoody Inst., Minn. IITA. Mott, Elliot W^, Ensign. MouLTON, Everts, Student Officer. 7108 llolywood Blvtl., Los Angeles, Cal. .Moultrie, L. G., Ensign. 210 East 8th St., Rome, Go. Mass. Inst, of Tech , Key West, Miami, Pensacola. I!T.\. MofNT. Leslie C, Lieut, (j.g.l. Mot NT, M. R, Student Olliccr, Riverview Place, Lynch- burg, Va Mass. Inst, of Tech. HT.\. Mointkout, Edgar Va<:k. Student Olficer. 128 Selye Terrace, Rochester, N. Y Mass. Inst of Ti-eh. HTA. Mow BRAY, C. C, War. Mach., Detroit, Mich. Columbia University; Pauillac, Gironde, L*-\ber \ rach, Finistere, Fr.; Hampton Roads, Va. MoYLAN, Charles E., Student Officer, Jamesvillc, Md. Ml'DGE. E. T., 2d. Ensign. 1752 Park Ave., Baltimore, Md. Mass. List, of Tech.. Ray Shore, L. 1.; Pensacola, Fla. N. A. No. 966. HTA. Midge, Raymond C. Lieut. O'.g). Ludlow, Vermont- Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Flu, N. A. No. 298- HTA. I '■■r^ ;■'? ■\:> 1 '1 VVt IliTi .r\y' z:^,e=Jn^: t MuGFORD. Frank M., War Gunner. MlLFORD, Edward M., Student Olficer, 211 Marlbor- ough Road, Brooklyn. N. Y. Mlilen, George J., Student Oflicer. IVIlliiken. Howard H., Ensi^'n, Short Beach, Branford, Conn N. A. No l!i6R. MiLLiN, .(oiijv M., Student Ollicer, Alpha Delia Phi Club, 1.16 W. I 1th St., New York Cilv. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pcnsacola, New York. HTA. ' MuLLiNAX, K.. War. Boatswain, 521 15th Ave., W. Seattle. Wash. N. A. No. 557. MuMMERT. A. J., Lieut. (j-K). 2808 Locust St., St. Louis. Mo. B. S. K. Design Section, Division Aeronautics, Washington, D. C. MuNGEH, Leonid\s P., Student OITicer, Cotton Ave., Motevalle Rd., Birmingham, Ala. MuNROE, Robert, 3rd, Ensign, 365 Pennsylvania Ave., Oakmont, Pa. N. A. No. 1610. MuNSON, R. F., Lieut, (j.g.), 511 West Ave., Medina, N. Y. MiiRisoN, Richard V., Ensign, 509 E. Chalmers St.. Champaign, III. MliRPHv, Clarence R., SUident OHlcer, 1030 S. Monroe Ave., Green Bay, Wise. Murphy, Daniel F., Student OlUcer. ,32 Rodney Dorms. Univ. of Penn., Philadelphia, Pa. MuRpnr, Geoboe, Student Olficer, Harbor Beach. Mich. Murphy. H. C, Lieut, (j-g-). Murphy, J. G., Ensign, 2 Gibson Terrace, Somerville, Mass. Murphy, Jas. Doyle, Ensign. Harrison, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola; Monfauk, L. I.; Ilamptooi Roads, Morchead City. HTA. Murphy, James M., Student Officer, 500 W. Uh St., Dayton, Ohio. MitRpHY. Joel H., Student Officer, 500 W. Ith St., Day- ton, Ohio. Murray, Francis D., Student Ollirer, 2 Charier Oak Ave., Hartford, Conn. Murray, Frank, Student Olficer, 166 2d Ave., Norths and Hillsboro Pike, Nashville, Tenn. Murray, George D., Lieut, fj.g.). Murray. Geo. S., Lieut, fj-g-)* Murray, Harry, Student Officer, R. F. D., No. ') Hills- boro Rd., Nashville, Tenn. Murray, Norbert M., Ensign. Murray, R. L., Ensign, 2115 5th St., Port Arlhur, Tex. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Ohio; Rockaway Beach, N. Y LTA. Murray, William R., Sludent Officer, 461 Wayne St.,. Jersey City, N. J. Mubrin, William R., Ensign, 401 W. US St., New York. City. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. San Diego. HTA. Musk. David A., Lieut, (j.g.), 51 Powell Ave.. Newport, R. I. N. A. No. 902. MussER, Howard B., Student OlDcer, 312 E St., N. E., Wa.shington, D. C. Myers, Edwin E., Student Officer, 46 First St., Hins- dale, III. Myers, Edwin H., Student Officer, Hockley. Texas. Myers, Kenneth D., Student Officer, 750 Ave. C, Bayonne, N. J. Myers. Staniey TL. Ensign, 130 Kings Road, Corvallis^, Ore. N. A. No. 1992. v-^ m mj <^ <^ <$> <@> <^ Mi - W'ulcolt Rd., Winchi-stLT, Mass. Great Lakes. HT.\. ^^■rr id llS-l IX Flight i'^At f: NKLSON. IRA H. Student Ofjicer 169 Irvinglou Ave, Orange, N. J. Mass. of Tech., Key West, i i\ELSOi\. J(JH.\ E. Ensign So. Belvidere St., St. Johns- lust, bury, \'t. Mass. Inst, of ITA. Tech., Buffalo. HTA. NETHERCOT, I). G. Ensign 518 Cherry St.. Winiietka, III. Mass. Inst, of Tech., San Diego. Peusacola. N. A. No. 1801. HTA. NEWBERN. PLl.NV A. Etisign 429 East 3rd St.. Oklahoma City, Okla. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Ray Shore. iVnsa- cola. N. A. No. 1692. HTA. ^^^r>r~^-^f\ — .^"v ^r>:>^V^^-p^-^r.-r^^---r-^^rr-_ .v^.^^^^^- - ^n:::^^^ NEWBERY. EARL 11. Ensign 'V High St.. Round Brook, f N. J. Univ. Wash.. San Diego, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2368. HTA. .m:\\ kll, frank c. .'Sltidenl Officer 36 Reverly Court, Detroit. Mioh. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. HTA. NICHOLS. JOHN G. Student Officer Care of Corporation Com- mission. Raleigh, N. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Mi- ami. HTA. NICKERSON, C. M. Ensign Y M . C. A.. Berkeley Cal. M I T., Marblehead, Bay Sh Norfolk, Pensa., Mi- ami. London. N. A. No. 445. HTA. NICKOLS, FRANK A. Ensign 2210 Roslyn Ave.. Balli- more, Md. Mass. lust, of Tech., Miami. HTA. NICOLSOIV, ROBERT L. Student Officer 689 Piedmont Ave., At- lanta, Ga. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Dunwoody. HTA. NIEHAU.S, RUUEKT L. Ensign 33 San Carlos Apts., Madi- son .\ve., Cincinnati, Ohio. M. I. T., Aliami, Pensacola, Great Lakes. N. -\. No. 1652. HTA. MKLSI-;i\. L. Ensign 20 First St., Weehawken, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Elizabeth, Whitestone, L. I. NOBLE, RUSSELL C. Ensign 6')1 Forest St., New Haven, Conn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola, Hamp- ton Hoads. N. A No. 1233. HTA. NULL, TELFORD B. Lieut. U-3-) 2(i76 Birch St., Denver, Culo. Akron, Cape May, I lampion Rds., Key West, Garden City. N. A. No. 1260. LTA. <& # # ■^ Nade.\u, R, A., Ensifn, 708 Mason St., Flint, Mich. Nash, Douglas E., Lieut, (j.g.), 35 High St., So. Nor- walk. Conn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Key West. HTA, Nash, J. F., Lieut, (j.g.), 30 Professor's Row, Tufts Col- lege, Mass. N. A. No. 556. NOEL, CELEST J, NOEL, EDWARD T. Ensign Studertt Officer 1330 Concord Ave., De- Scottsbluff, Nebr. Dun- troit, Mich. M. I. T., Bay woody, Mass. Inst, of Shore, Hampton Rds., Tech., Great Lakes. HTA. Great Lakes, Pensacola, N. A. No. 1760. HTA. ^ <§> <^ <^ <» Nason, Robert C, Student OfBcer, 5 Chester St., N. Cambridge, Mass. Nathan, A., War Machinist, 725 Riverside Drive, New York City. Naugle, Philip D., Ensign. Neal, a. W., Ensign, Jacksonville, Fla. N. A. No. 1386. Neal, E. F., Student OfHcer, 927 West Grace St., Richmond, Va. Seattle, Wash. HTA. Neal. Wm. W., Student Officer, Louisburg, N. C. Neale, R. W., Student Officer, 15 Felton St.. CUfton- dale, Mass. Neale, Wm. F., Student Officer, 1422 Austin St., Waco, Texas. Neel, Guv Weaver, Ensign, N. A. No. 1384. Neff, Samuel W., Student Officer, 61 Washington Sej. South, New York City. Nelan, Thomas F., Student Officer, Mifflintown, Pa. Nelms, F. Jr., Student Officer, 552 S. 48th St., Phil delphia. Pa. ^N^.; ^ iW ■^N Carpenter, 49111 Asliliinil Ave., i\IhS3. ■^^- Nelson. Elmek L. Chiini;.). 111. Nelson. Fbank C, Ensign. Campbell. Ciil. lait. ol liTh.. Bay .Shore. I>ens.ieola. UTA. Nelson. HEnnEKT E.. ,Stiire. Ilaniplon Ron.ls Pensacola. Ha. N. A. No 1629. Noble. Leland F.. Ensign, Mannsville, N. V. .Mass. Insl. of Tech.. .Miami. Pensacola. Key West. N. A. No. .104. IITA. Noel. Ai-giiste L.. Ensign. IS Washington Sq.. North. New ■» ork City. .Ma.ss. Inst. Tech.. Great Lakes, Ilampton Reads. \'a. HT/\. Nolan. John F., Ensign, 241)1 Valentine Ave., Fordhum, New York Cily. Mass. Insl. of Tech.. Akron, O.. and Hockoway Reach, New York. LT.\. .Nolan, .M. D., Ensign, 616 Cheyenne Ave., Alliance, Neb. Mass. Insl. of Tech, Key West. Miami. Pensacola. Ha. N. A. No. 1794. Noi.ANi), J. L.. Ensign. NoiEN. Mabtin C. Student Officer. 29 Ransoine St.. Muskegon. Mich. NonlKjBEN. AnoLPH G., Slinlent Officer, 412 So. Front St.. .Mankalo. Minn. Noni.HoiisE, .Sterling M.. Ensign. 120 Broadway, New J ork Cily. Mass. Insl. of Tecll., Hay Shore, Pensacola. N. A. No. 11)1). UTA. N0B.MENT. Robert T.. Student Officer. .McDonogh, Md. NoRRis. A. F.. Ensign. 24 Princeton St., Worcester. Mass. NoBBis. Beverlv a., Stnilent Officer. 15 W. 74th St.. New York Cily. NoBBis. Ralph II.. Lieut, (j.g.). Chelsea. Mass. Mass. Insl. of lech. Pembroke. Wales, Mullion, Eng.. Paim- boeuf. France. Monlauk. Rl>""".l^"l''-- an!i-'plL,l .uJraU^.h^s. .1 ki y to these symbols foUows. — Editor. A Harris & Kwinp. (/J) Bftchrach. {E) Kdmonston. {F) V. A. Swiiine. (G) Klias (lohlensky. {K) " Kazanjian." (A) Marshiilt Sinrlin. (M) James \ M.'rrili.-w. ( V) Kiigeitr IliircJiiiisoa. (Q) J. M. l-;ili,.ir. i'hila. i/t) Ira L. Ilill. (S) *"Straii.ss Portrait." ( T) Towiiscik!. (U) Umlt'rwood \ riidiTWood. (H) "Sid WJiiliiiK Portrait." (A) Ilixoii-Comidly Studio. >"V,V''^' OAKLEY. GEO. T. Ensign 932 Riverside Ave.. Tren- ton. N. .1. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. liay Shore. Pensa- ci.la. N. A. No. 1638. OBRIEN. HERBERT S. Student Officer 210 No. Cass St.. Wabash, Ind. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. OCONNELL, DENNIS F. Student Officer ].58 Adams St.. Dorchester, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech. Mo., Seattle, Wash. HTA. HTA. O'CONNOR, FERGUS A, Student Officer 5048 Ridge Ave., St. Louis, i ODLAND, THEO. Student Officer Erskine, Minn. Sealtle, San Diego. HTA. OETINGER, II. W. Ensign Warminster, Bucks Co., Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West, Pensacola, Miami. N. A. No. I (37. HTA. OKELL, JACK Ensign 98 Monte Vista Ave., Ilakland, Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. San Diego, Pen- sacola. N. A. No. 1388 OLMSTED, GARDNER Ensign 2U5 Telegraph Ave., Oak- land, Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech., San Diego, Pensa- cola. Ruckavvay. N. A. No. 1335. HTA. OLMSTEAD, H. G. Student Officer Adrian, Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Newport, Miami. HTA. OLSON, CARL G. Ensign 690 Lawrence St., Apple- ton, Wis. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Miami. N. A. No. 1829. HT\. OLSON, EDWARD M. Ensign 3725 Byron St., Chicago, III. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Key West, Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 2186. HTA. OLSON, ROBERT W. Student Officer Amboy. Minn., Dunwoody Inst., Minn., Miami. HTA. OMARAII, C. B. Ensign Eureka, 111. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Rockaway Beach. LTA. O'NEILL. D. EDWIN Ensign 123 W. 70th St., New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Pensacola. Pau- illac, Moutchic, Fromen- tin. N. A. No. 876. HTA. ORAM, ROBERT C. Ensign 648 South 2nd East St., Salt Lake Cilv. Utah. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Mia- mi, Pensaola, Rockaway Beach. N. A. No. 1080. ORDWAY, RICHARD S. Ensign RFD. No. 1, Manchester, N. II. M. I. T.. Moutchic, Avord, Fr., Old Sarura, Eng., No. Bomb. Gro. N. A. No. 368. HTA. '.e^ '>^^. -a— r. —.•. — . Ollll, FHANK WYLIE Lieut, (j.g.) 20:) Nnrlli Brevard St., (Iharlolli-. N. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Guuuery Inst. OHTON, ja.\ie;s w. Sludrnt OJificrr 3337 Garfield .\ve., Kansas Cily, Ml). Mass. Insl. of Tecli., Miami. Jl'r,\. OSHUHN, C. VV. Ensign l.il \V. Pike .St.. Clarks- hnrc. \\ . \ a. Mass. Inst, of 'i"i;ch.. Hay Shore, Pensa- cola, IVfiami. .\. \. No. 1742. HTA. OSGOOD. FORREST C. Lieut, ij.g.) 12 Woofjhuu] St., .\rIinf?ton, Mass. .Mas,s. Inst, of Tech., Newport, Pensacola. N. .\. No. y.U). HTA. u WHEHE THE D.\SHI.\G IIe.VVI KI!-TH.\X-.\lIi PiLOTS Get Se.XSICK mil os(;o()i), !•. (ilioRtiK Lieut. (J.g.) 1ft Harvard St., Laconia, N. II. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Gnrtiss Co., Rurfress Co. Marblehead, Ru. C. & R. Wash.. D. C. LTA. o.sTi;,Mii:R(;, zk.no Lieut, ij.g.i R. R. No. 15, Rox 7.'">, l.os (iatos, ("al. iVIass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, San Di- ego. HTA. OTTWVAY. F. II. En.-iign Lyons, N. \'. .Mass. Inst, of Tech., Ray .Shore, Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 1K17. HTA. Xv,-_rw_,^;yJlCr^^ ()rrKHiiAi:K.i'iiiLii' (;. Ensign 3.''>2') I3lh St., N. W., VVash- iniiton. D. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech., .\kr n. Rockaway, Ivey West. LTA. ■Jlil rx. OWEN, KNIGHT^B. Lieut, (j.g.) Vineyard. Haven, Mass, Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pen- sacola. Moiitchic, Fr., Kil- lingholme, Eng. fITA. OWENS, S. W. Ensign 213 East Grace St., Rich- mond, Va. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Peusacola, Rockaway Beach. N. A. No. 1315. HTA. <^ ^ <^ m Oakes, F. Warhen, Jr., Lieut, (j.p.), 677 Emerson St., Denver. Colo. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West, Fla.; C. N. O. Washington. D. C. N. A. No. 466. HTA. Oberrender. Willard H.. Student Ollicer, 482 Summit Ave.. South Orange. N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech. O'Brien. A. W., Ensign. 37 Girard St., N. E., Wash- ington. D. C. N. A. No. 656. O'Brie.n. Henry C, Student Officer. 10 Howland St., Cambridge, Mass. O'Brien, Heivry N., Student Officer, 410 W. Sandusky St.. Findlay. Ohio. O'BniEN. .Iames, Ensign. N. A. No. 764. O'Brien, Lawrence T., Ensign. O'Brien. Paul, Student Officer. O'Brien. Wm. Van R.. Student Officer. 1214 N. Calvert St., Baltimore. Md. Obrikat, Edward B., Student Officer. 3232 3d St., San Diego. Cal. O'Rryan. L. T., Ensign, Springfield, Ky. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacoia, Miami. HTA. O'Cali.aghan, Thos. E.. Student Officer, 1005 W. 10th St., Erie, Pa. O'CoNNELL, Daniel J.. Ensign, 89 Bryant Ave., Milton. Mass. N. A. No. 1245. O'CoNNELL. Harold P.. Student Officer, 1147 W. 55th S(., Chicago. Ill Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. HTA. O'CoNNELL. Leland D., Student Officer, 393 W. 40th St.. Los Angeles, Cal. O'CoNNER, Cornelius J., Ensign, N. A. No 1117. O'Day, Daniel H., Ensign. O'DoNNELL. Paul F.. Student Officer, 400 S. 15th St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Oelkers. a. H., Ensign. San Marcos, Tex. Great Lakes. III. LTA. O'German. Bichard J., Student Officer, 3529 Locust St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Ogier. Walter W., Jr., Student Officer. O'GoBMAN. C. J., Ensign, 472 Main St.. S. Manchester, Conn. O'Harra, Roswell B.. Student Officer, Carthage, III. Dunwoody Institute. Minn. O'Keefe. Bobt. R.. Student Officer, 29 St. Bose St., Jamaica Plains, Mass. O'Keefe, Walter F., Student Officer, 124 E. Fourth St.. Bethlehem, Pa. Oliver. John E., Student Officer. * >"LounHLiN. Leo T.. Boatswain, Brookville. Va. N. A. No. 132L Olsen, Carl G.. Ensign, 676 Lawrence St., Appleton. Wis. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacoia. Miami. HTA. Olsen. Harry. Ensign. 321 Fulton St.. Palo Alto. Cal. O'Mallev. Paul C, Student Officer. Postmaster, N. Y. O'Neil. Chas. R.. Student Officer, 10 Central Ave., Flushing, L. I. O'Neil, C. F., Ensign, 370 W. Market St., Akron, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron. Pensacoia. N. A. No. 2438. LTA. O'Neill. Frank Thomas. Student Officer, 541 Tenth Ave.. San Francisco. Cal. Mass. last, of Tech. HTA. O'Neill. Neil, Jr., 750 Bay St., San Francisco, Cal. N. A. No. 1351. O'Neol, Aur.usTiN F., Student Officer, 777 Ardmore Ave., Akron, Ohio. Oppenheimer, B. J.. Student Officer, 419 Sumner Ave.. Springfield. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HT.\. Oram, John F., Lieut, (j.g.). Oband. James B., Student Officer, 2208 Sangar Ave., Waco, Texas. Ormsby, Thom-as F., War. Machinist. Oan, James O.. Student Officer, Woukon, Iowa. Dun- woody, Seattle, Wash. HTA. Orr, Marshall S., Student Officer, Smilry Hall, Clare- mont, Cal. Orr, B. C. Ensign. 209 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacoia. Orme, Charles D., Ensign. Obtner. Howard B., Student Officer. OsBORN, Charles A., Student Officer, 1502 Columbia Boad, Washington, D. C. Osborne. Edmund B., Student Officer, Stone Bridge Road, Montclair, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech. O.SBORNE. Geo. E.. Student Officer. Osgood, Wm. P., Ensign, 627 Lake St., Madison, Wis. N. A. No. 2414. OsTiN, Oscar L.. Ensign. 64] Cal. N. A No. 2163. f)sTRiD(:E, C. L., Lieut, (j.g.) town. Mass. N. A. No. 231. O'SuLLivAN, H. C, Ensign. Oswald, Carl L., Ensign, 17 Rock Creek Church Boad, Washington. D. C. Ott, G.. Ensign. N. A. No. 133. Owen, George T.. Lieut. (].g). 1203 Harvard St., N. W., Washington. D. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensa- coia. Queenstown., Aghada, \\ hiddy Island; Hampton Roads, Va. N. A. No. 274. HTA. Owens, James M., Jr., Lieut, (j.g.). Box 268, Palm Beach, Fla. Owens. Theo., Lieut. fj.g.). College Club. Seattle, Wash ; Pensacoia, Fla.; Hampton Roads, \'a. HTA. OxLEv, John H., Ensign. Denver Athletic Club, Denver, Colo. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacoia. Wash., New York. N. A. No. 709. Oyen, a. Scipio, Ensign. 1107 Mer. Exch. BIdg., San Francisco, Cal. Post St., San Francisco, 198 Summer St., Water- '^■ ■> f y^ - I I i'ackahd. i;n. n. PXCkAllI). WAltllK.N PACKAIin. W.VI. G. PA(iK, II. M. Lieut. (J.g.) /iVl.VlV/H Ensiqn Knsif/n 12 Marion I{o^er Carlton Hotel, Chi- lai-'o. Ill Mas.s. Inst, of Teil... Key West. N. A. No. 1472. HTA. Kn.iifjn 1027 We-slern Ave.. N. S Pitlsliiir^'h. Pa. Mass Inst, of Tech.. I'ensocolo HTA. .-V— ^-v-_-v .,\sxr^s.- r ^- r -'■'•--_- "—r^r-^-- r^ Hk'. r --- — \ ;'rr-NV PALMER, C. A. Ensign S5 Ann St., Arkon, Ohii). Mass. Ins(. of Tech.. Akron, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1978. LTA. PALMER, C. D. Ensign Penisaiiila, Hampton Rds., U. S. S. Texas. Anacostia. N. A. No. 116. UTA. PARKT. JOHN W. Ensign Quitman, Miss. Mass. Inst, of Tei^h., Akron, Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 21,')6. LTA. PARKER, ALTON N. Ensign Crystal .Springs, Miss, Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Pen'^arola. N. A, No 2132. HTA. 1 H 1 ' ji 9 * V 1 t^ *^ ^StHk m -m^ I'l'A'. im^ PAHkKK, KEN N Kill S. Ensign Parker Pen. Co., Janesville. Wis Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. IN. A. No. 1042. PAItKKR. PARK G. Ensign 166 N. Mountain Ave., Monlelair, N. J. Mass. Iiist. of Tech., Hay Shore, Pensacola. Coco Solo, C. Z. N. A. No. U21. IITA. PARKS, BENJAMIN S. Ensign PARKS. lUCIIARU C. Sifulent O^cer 2712 Halldale Ave., Los Timf»ninm, Md. nun Angeles, C^ul. Mass. Inst. woody Inst, , Miini MIA of Tecli.. Akron, Rock- awav Heacli, L. I., N. Y. LTA, PARSLEY, CLYDE L. Ensign RIackstone Hotel, Omaha, Nehr. Mass, Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola, Chat- ham. N, A, No, 1989, HTA. ^ PARSLOW. CHARLES E. Ensign Oi:t W. Bishop St., Santa Ana, Cal. Mass. Inst,, of Tech., Key West. Miami, Pensacola, Hampton Rds. N. A. No 1776. HTA. PARSONS. EBEN Ensign 4ft Iliamphrey St., Swamp- sott, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Bhje Hill Observa- tory. Brunswick, Ga. PARSONS. LEWIS M. Ensign 40.37 Spruce St., Philadel- phia. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Sliore, Hamp- ton Roails, Pensacola. N. A. No Jir.7. HTA. PARIHIDGL. MOHHIS Ensign Partridi^c Inn. Auj,'usla. Ga. Pensacola, Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. N. A. No. 2401. HTA. PARTRHXiE. W. H.. Jr. Ensign Brook St.. Wellesley. Mass. Akron. Pcnsa., Rockaway. Ouccnslovvn, R. N. A. S., Boehampton, La Pallice, Brest. LTA. PATTERSON. W. II Slni/enl Officer Devon, Chester Co.. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. PATTERSON. W. K. Ensign 2()H S. I.ilh St., Harris- biir^'. Pa. M. I. T., Key Wesl. Miami, Pensacola, Hampton Rds., Moutchic, N. A. No. 12a6. HTA. ^^^^''^^ ^ 4" "^ PATIISO.N'. \VM. II. PATTON. J\MKS li, Jr. I'ALJL. F. C. I'AXSO.N. DAVin \V. Stitdent OjDicer Kiisiijri Student Officer Kmign 1«.")2 Mnnr.H! Si.. N. W., Bon Air. Va. Mass. Iiisl. of Walcrtown. Kla. Creat MUt Cheslniil .St, I'hila- WashinKliin. I). C. Mass. Toi:h., Miami. PfMisacoIa. Lakes, Pensacula. LTA. delpliia. Pa. Mass lust. Inst, of Tech.. Newport N. A. No. 13:!1. IITA. of Tceli.. Akron. Iloirkaway News, Hampton Hoads. Beach. LTA. llTA. r vi I TmmiBin^mig li Hi f ^^ Lieutenant I!iio\s(iN Le.winc E.M'Ehimental Catapilt in F Moat m :ir PICAHCE, J..STKELIC Stuileiil Officer 2'A Mast Tii!i>chocken St., (iermnntowii, l*)iila(lel|>hia. Pa. l)uuw(K)dy Inst. M^inn., .Minn. HTA. PEAHSD.N, KHAiNCIS II. Student Officer 56 N. CIny St.. Hinsdale, III. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. PIOASLKli. ALFHKI) T. Etmifin Wm LrK-ust Si., r>iil)ui|iie, Iowa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 1646. HTA. ->^^,^ -•^^^a-^y^-.f,; Pi:CK, F. c. Knsitjn .'.86 Fifth Ave.. New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola, San niego. N. \. No. 73S. HTA. i'i-> rT^Ri- PECK, L. S. Lieut, ij.fj.) Sewickley, Pa. Harni)lnn Rds., Moutchic, Fr., He Tudy, Fr. N. A. No. 172. LTA. PEDDLE, J. IS. Student Officer D'Arlington Ap(s., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore. HTA. I'EMJLETOiN, \V. !•:. Student Ufjicer .1 Dessau Place. Macon, Ga. Dunwoody, Great Lakes, HTA. PENNEY, T. C. Ensiijn 2501 Girard Ave., So. Minneapolis. Minn. Dun- woody, Miami, Key West, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2.'?97. ITA. PENNINGTON, S. C, Jr. Ensigti Paradise Ave., Cantons- ville. Md. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami. N. A. No. 1470. HTA. PERKINS, ERNEST F. Student Officer 153 E. Emerson St.. Mel- rose, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. HTA. PERKINS. M. F. Student Officer 111 N. Tennessee S t., McKinney, Tex. Seattle, Wash. HTA. PERRIN, JOHN Lieut. (j.(j.) 1.32 Fisher Ave., Rrooklioe, Mass. Pensacoia, Yar- mouth, Felixstowe, Lough Foyle. Bay Shore. N. A. No. 202. rr PERRY, II. \\., Jr. Student Ofliccr 18 S. 20th St.. Birmingham. Ala. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. PERRY. R. A. Ensign 6'll5SlP«arl Ave. .Chicago. III. Dunwoody Inst., Mi- ami, Key West, Pensacola. HTA. PERSONS, ROBERT W. Student 0.(licer Marshall, Minn. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. PETERMANN, F. P. Lieut. (J.g.) 300 Tamarack St., Laur- ium, Mich, Dunwoody, Pensacola. N. A. No. 904. HTA. PERRY, WARREN M. Ensign 64 Princeton Ave.. Y'oungs- town, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. Miami. M o u t c h i c. Campagne. N. A. No. 1450. HTA. PERRY. WILLIAM M. Student Officer 4953 Fountain Ave., St. Louis. Mo. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. PEl EltSEN. EDW. S. Ensign 72^1 Drexel Ave., San Antonio (Bexar Co.), Tex. Staff II. S. N. A. Hdqtrs., Paris, Fr., Brest, Fr. PETERSON, E. ERNEST Ensign 408 Bcllevue Ave., N. Seattle, Wa.sh. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 1723. HTA. >— ^ ^^"i y V i'i:Tri:itst)N. s. ii. Knsiffn IVinri'lcm, Minn. Minno- nptilis, \Iiiiini. Pciisucolij. IITA I>ETEUSt)N. W.M. LUUIS Lieut, ij.lt.) id:, linrry St., Boston PKITIT. Alt! mit I-; Ensitjii SUittenrt. Ark. SimUIIi! Mass. iMiiss. Iiisl of Tcih., Sun Dicpo, l>(Misaculii. I\. H. A. V . KiUinKhohnc. KtiK.. \Vlii(i1. HTA. -.^rv^ rilll.LII'S. KI.I.IOT S. Ensiijn \hb v.. T'llti St., New York ( jly. .Mass. Insl. of Tech. H :i y S h o r e, Pcnsacola, Itoikiiway. N. A. No. 1680. IIT\ Arf I'lKUCE, ALLEN F. Ensign 136 N. Kmliil Avp.. Wosl- lieiil. N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., H;iv Slinn-, I'ciisii- fiUy. Il.'iini'.lnij (Ms. \H\ PIERCE, HAROLD \V. Ensifin 224 Adams St., Milton, Moss. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Nnv.'tl Opcriiliorls Aviulion ili>.~ HI >, PIERCE. THOMAS D. Entiign Lancdon, N. D. Mass Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami. Pensaeola, Ilamp' Ion Roads. N. A. No, 21)71. IITA. PIERREPONT, S. Ensign Ridgefield. Conn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Hampton- Roads. IITA. I'INKLEY, GEORCE I). Ensign Gibson City. 111. Mass. Inst, of lech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. l\o. 2321. IITA. PITTELKOVV. A. G. Student Officer 513 Chalmers Ave., De- troit, Mich. Great Lakes, Pensacola. PITT.MAN. (;E0RGE II. Ensign 4932 Worlh St., Dallas, Tex. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West, Pensacola. N A. No. 211!0. IITA. PLACE, PALMER B. Student Officer Newmarket, N. II. Mass- Inst, of Tech. IITA. PLACIO, RUSSELL 1' Ensign 198 St. Paul St., Ilrookline Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech. Pensacola, Eastleiph.Mout- chic, lie Tudy. N. A. No, 686. IITA. 1•LA^K. EAUL E. Ensign American Flyinc Cluh, 1 1 East 38th St., New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. Key We*l. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2638. PL.Xrr. FRAiMv C. Ensign 420 South Elgin St., Tulsa, Okla. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2565. IITA. PLATT. LOUIS J. Lieut. Ua) 30 Church St., New York City. Rockaway. Bu. Steam Engineering. Wash.^ D. C. LTA. %gg||f- ' i " II m PLATT. R. L. Ensign 1127 Grand Ave., CnrlhnfiP, Mo. Mass. lust, of Tech., Miami. Pensacola, N . A . No. 1648. PLUESS, MARTIN D. Ensign Ansonia. Ohio. U. of Wash., San Diego, Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 2303. HTA. POINDEXTER, GARY A. Ensign 212 N. 7th St., Temple. Tex. Seattle. Wash.. San Diego, Pensacola . N . A . No. 2524. HTA. POLLARD. JAMES Ensign 121 Liberty Road, Soruerville. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami sacola. N. A. No. IITA. J.. Jr^ West Mass. . Pen- 2226„ ■'If' .-.-^:t:^v III' ■tn i ihIh^ Pollock. i>r;i)i,i;^ \i. Slndifii O/ficcr 1 I(>J( Kiirlid Ave.. Cleve- Ijitid. Ohio. I'nivcrsity of \\ (isJiitiKrini. IITA. I'oon. AI.KHKD K. hSnsign 35 East A9th St.. Now York Ctly. Mass. Inst, of Tech. Key West. UTA. POi'i:. JOHN W. Student Officer Srnrkvillf. Miss. Mass. Inst, of Teiih MTA. PORK. W. M. II. Ensiijn 1016 Fust'T St., Kvanston, in. I)iiiiw(M«ly Itist. Minn., M ianii, Pensacola. IllW. hi I f \M-^ m SOPWITM Mai 11[.\K CONVEHTEI) I'lIK WaTKK \Vi)»K I!Y AlMllNIi PoXTOON'S >.,«*; ¥^>k POIUKOS, CKOIKJK S. Sliiili-nl Officer l^ox 311. lies' Moines. Tnwu Seutllc, Son Oicgo. HTA. 1'(1HI1:H. W. Ll'.noV.T Krisiijn St. Ipiince. Mich. Mn.s,s. Inst, of Te<'h., Key West, Pensaeola, Minmi. N. A. No. 1379. HTA. POST. C. F. Eivsign .')858 Unrllett St.. Pitts- burRh, Pa. Mas,s. Inat. of Tech., ("ape May, Key West, Miami. N. A. No. 1514. HTA. POST, (iF.OHGK H. Lieut, ij.fj.) 292 Riverside Drive. New York (lily. Mas-s. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore, Pensa- eola. N. A. No. 1198. HTA. i'M) ^"^^-^o- I>()ST. L. ARBETT Ensign Sotiiui liracl). Conn. Mass. Insl. ol" Tech., Bay Shorp, lirunswirk, (ia., M-ami. N. A. No. 2046. IITA. POST. THEO. H. Ensign Topeka, Kani. Mass. Inst. of 'Fech., Miami, Pensacola, Hampton Roads, N. A. No. 2105. HTA. POSTEN. WILLIAM C. Student Officer 41 Prospect Ave., Atlantic HiKhlands. N. Inst, ol' Tech. J. Mass. HTA. POSTLE. W. E. Ensign 218 SoiHh 17th St., Col- umbus, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron. Rockaway, Halifax. LTA. POTTER. JULIAN W. Ensign 1257 State St., Howlinf; (ireen, Ky. Mass. Inst, of Tech. Pensacola. PUTTINGER, C. A. Ensign Fori Alkison, Wis. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key W'est, Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 1381. HTA. POTTINGER. EARL H. Ensign Fort Atkinson, Wis. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola, Miami. Ant indues, Mout- chic. N. A. No. 916. HTA. POTTS. J. F. Ensign 1958 East 71 St., Cleveland. Ohio. CIreat Lakes, Pensa- cola. ?^' ''^ mSt>^ POWERS. II. M. Lirnl. (>.(/.) Ilollis, N. II. Mass. Insl of Tf'ch.. Pensacola. F( Worth. Haniplun Hiis., Killiii;.'holmc. Anacoslia ^, \ No :;ni. IITA. POWKRS. MAR.SHALL ■Sliii/fril UJIiccr M.i Hid^'rwood Ave., Glen HidKe Teih.. N. .1. Mas,s. Insl .Miami. HTA. I'OWERS. RALPH A. Knsiijn '2H7 Kent St., Hrookline, .Mass. .Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Washington D. C. N. A. No. 2.'-><(. HTA. POYNTZ. PRARCE C. Lieut. (J.(7.) .346 Meyran Ave.. Pitts- burgh. Pa. M. I. T., Key West, Miami, Monlchic, Kr.. L'Aber Vra.li. Fr .\. A. No. II I'l, II r,\. J' I'iiici:. M. .si\.m,i;y Etisifjtt Hiiy Slmro lUvcl.. 'ruiiipii, I'l.i \Ims^ I„m. ..r IVrli.. \liiiini, l'..|isiii-..lii. i\. A. .\... 17 11. II r\ I'liici:. I,. I'. Slutlfnt ()Oicfr r>«:;7 Oci-im View Drivn. (Ijikhiiicl. Oiil. Si'allli;. Sun l)il^L.'»l. iNMLSIlColu. ri i.iizKH, josiopii J'Jrtsifin i :|jiytnn. Mil, (Iri'Hl Lli'ti- I hiiiiploii Hdiifl.s. i'itiM:i;, MiKJii \v. Stiiilrnl OjDicrr 111' W. I>n|)i: Ml.. Diiiiii. N. C. Muss. Irisl. 1,1 r.-i h., Miami. HT.\. IMIUINCTON, C. A. tCnxign W'Mrmi ,\ve., I'lyiiioiilli, .Muss. MasM. IiiMl. ol" r«'<^h., Miiiiiii. J*onMucoIu. IN. A. No. 1297. IITA. I'inilllL. I'M I, N.'w York \. C. r.iilriil I'lirk Sri.. Ni'vv York (lirv. .\Inss. Iiisl. .,1 T.-ili.. I'ci'i- Hii(;nlii. lliiin|ilon Hiiiiils. N. A. .\.i 7.il. iir\. # ^ ■^ Pai.i:, AsiiuKv 1).. Sliiiliiil Ollicc'r. ISci:. \ViLl,l\M (i., Jh.. WiMxilHTry Korcsl. Vu. I'm KAiil). KiiWAiil) 1).. I.iiMil. I.J.H.).. 12 Marlon Hiniii. \\ aliTl<>\% n. Muss. Akron. (.!a|»: May. IliH-kaway. K'lW. i'\rkMU., I.M iiKNH .\., Stuilenl Ollii-cr. IXi LaGruilKW St.. S llavin. Miih. I'\( kp:m. Hosiok \V.. Sliid.'ril Olli.iT. II. I'". D. No. X, Marshalllown, Iowa. IJniv. ol" WushiitKlon, Soalllo. i'Amn.i :io (Ii.knn 1)., Stiiili'nl Olliror. T>1') lliaisliai Si.. .ManliMlhiii. KailH. I'Arii;. Do.wi.ii L.. ShKltMit. Ollircr, KiiiK l-^flward .\l)l.s., Mi'lwcioil St.. I'iMsliiirgli. I'a. I'm;k. Kii.bv a.. SliKJcnl OHiror. Il.'i W l)avi» St., Hnrlinnlon. N. C. Mass. InsI, of Tr.li.. Hay Sliorr, I,. I.; Itriins>vi(k. Ca.; Key W.sl. Ha. MIA. I'nol:. lOi.oAH H.. SindiMil Ollirrr. I'mnk. .Stki'Iikn. luisigii. KW (loininonwcallli Avf.. llosloM, Mass. Muss. Iiisl. of Tuch.. Key VVfst, I'la' N. A. No. 11(1.-.. MIA. Palmi-:i)o. Jtoi.AM). ICnsiffii. Tho EdKciiiore. IvasI OraiiKO. N. J. I'ciisarola; l>ov("r, I'orMand, luig.; Op., VVasliinK- ton, llaiiiplon Moads, \a. I'_Ai.Mi;a. rMvin.j:s II., Sliidant Ollici^r, 2'Kl foundry St.. N. 'roiiovMiiida. Ni'W York. .Mass. InsI. of TitIi. IITA. Palmhii, Kiimaiip 11., KnsiKii. N. A. No. 11162. I'Al.MlMi, T. 11 . lOnsiKii. :ii:i VV'yominf Si.. Kl Paso, To<. Prnsarola: Monlrliir, riiTiiMuil, Fi!rrand. l.'Mnjr Yracli.St. •rni,JHii. San Dii-t". .^ . A. .No. :!').'., IITA. l'.\Nro>r, Mm nici: II.. l-insij-ii. H. !•'. I). Nf) (t, Lansing. Mirll P*NN. }■'.. II., l-;nsit.-n. Slaiil'ord linivarsity, Cal. N. ,\. ^o. I')II7. Paiiofi-;. Clahi;n(;u Cm., Lii-nl. (j.^.), P. O. Hose 2:11, llatniilon Hiiads, Vn. Pahkm, J. II., lOnsign. N. A No. l.lo.i. Pahki:, ItlciiAitn C, StitdfMit. (Xlircr, Tinionioin. Md. I'MtKKn. .\iwTi\. Linol. Ij.K.), New York nil y. Avialion Corps. Kronch ,\riny. Porlo Corsini. \rnir-r (2 list Sipindrrai. Ilaliaii Navyl. N. A. No. lli:!0. HT.\. I'\nhi:n. I%ni,t»\ H., I';n>*icn. Kariiiini:lon, \lf. Tonrs, San II;. pin. 1. Iss,,.nl,,n. \I. hi.-. Dinikirk. Kr ; ll.ils.-na. Ilaly; S...lliind; II.H-kaway ll.-a.li. i\ . A. No. 7.-.11. II TA. PAiiKKa, k^owi.ToN. Stiidrnt Olliccr. llol)iiis..ii. Kans. PvHKMn. P\iiK ., Mnsigii, 62;t Isl .\v(... Sail Lake Cily, lllidi. I'AiiKs. Hkmii Wm., Sliidonl Ollira-r. 14114 KasI 11)11 Si.. Clnv.'land. Ohio. Muss. InsI. of T.'fli. III'A. Pmii.htt. Hmmono C, lOnsiijn. l.'iO') I:, liidilli- Si. Hulliniorn, Md. .Muss. InsI. of 'IVi-li.. Purkanl. Dflroil. Mich Paiions. It. M., I'^nsiKn, AniaKans.M I. I.. 1 l'vpini:i.i., Sti:i'|ij-:n A., Licul. (.j.K-l. I'misi.(ju. VVm. K., Student (Jllicar, VN'i'slcyan Univ., MiiMI.'lon. Conn. Pausun.**. JamI':s II.. .Sliid.-nl (Uli.-iT. .-.ll Spni.-n Ave, Kuns.-iH Cily. .Mo. P.»nvm. J. I,., Limit, (.if I. I'rospiT. Vrx. N. A. No. 691. Pasmi.i;^. \\ ,m. p.. .Sliiil.-nt OlIir.T. 1.32 Si. JaiiH's Place, Hr.ioklyn. N. Y. (ircal Lakes. IITA. Pass. II II.. lOnsigii, S. Avery Ave.. .Syracuse, N. \*. Muss. InsI. ol'l'iM-h., Key West, Miami, Pensacola. N. .\. No. y.m>. IITA. Patmick, IIamuv. SlndiMil (>ni..T. I'lU Itlaikslone Ave., Chica(;o, 111. Paitkiison. J. D.. ICiisiKn. lO.'iy Magazine St., New (JrlcaiiH. La. pA'i-ri:iisoN. Z. II., ICnsi^'n, 21 K.ainluiii Pluce, Pough- kcepsie, N. Y. Ma.is. InsI. it( Tci'h.. Buy Shore; Pensa- cola, I'lu.; l<.-. Payne. C. ir.. Ensign, 201 Weatherfleld Ave., Harlford, Conn. N. A. No. 41'.3. Payne. Clyde S., Ensign, 1.350 Jones St., San Francisco, Cal. Payne, Robert I., Student Officer. Payson, S. E., Lieut, (j.g.). Loma Portal, San Diego, Cal. N. A. No. 432. Peabohy, Julian, Lieut. f.i-g-), Westhury, N. Y. Intelli- gence Oflicer, Washington, Moutchic, Paimboeuf, Guipa- vas. Peachy, Henby Kyd Dougla-s, Ensign, The Decatur Apis., Washington, D. G. Naval Observatory, Washing- ton, D. C; Aeronautical Accessory Dept., New York City. Peacock. Edwaro L., Ensign. 50 King Ave., Detroit, Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacol a. N. A. No. 151(1 I IT A. Peakes, G. 1... Student OITiccr, General Bakelite Co , Perth Amboy, N. J. Mass Inst, ot Tech. HTA. Peale. Wm. B., Student Officer, 40 E. 62 St.. New York City. Pearson, Maury C, .Student Officer, Care of Central Nafl Bank, .Spartanburg, S. C. Pearson, P. C. Ensign, Greenwich. Conn. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 1368. HTA. Pease, Maxfield, Ensign, 15 Queensberry St., Boston, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Buffalo, Washington, New York. HTA. Peck. F^remont G., Student Officer, 381 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, N, Y. Peck, .Scot E., Ensign. N. A. No. 916. Peder.son, John E., Ensign. Pedott, .Sidney. Ensign, 4339 Boulevard, Chicago, III. N. A. No. 2291. Peiffer, Lawrence J., War. Gunner. Pelton, Paul C, Student Officer, 125 Pearl St.. Rut- land, Vl. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Fla. HT.\. Pelt/., Gordon M., Lieut. (.|.g), 123 Ithaca St., Elm- hurst. L. I., N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech , Great Lakes Train- ing Station. IIT.\. Pemberton. Henry R.. Student Officer, 1008 Clinton St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Pemberton, Wm. L., Ensign. ,30 West 44th St., New York City. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Akron, Ohio; Pensacola, Fla. N. A. No. 1364. LTA. Pendleton, M. E., Ensign, 247 Rodes Ave.. Lexington, Ky Pengue, a. F., Carpenter, 148 Orchard St., Bridgeport, Conn. Penn, Ai.rert W., Ensign, 3112 West Ave., Austin, Tex. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Fla.; Pensacola. Fla. HTA. Penniman, C. F.. Lieut, (i g.), Care of R. H. Johnson, 1816 Park Ave., Richmond, Va. N A. No. 2350. Pennock, E. R., Ensign, 1111 Seventh Ave., Altoona, Pa Penrode, Glenn Frank, War. Machinist, 42 Wood- ward Terrace, Detroit, Mich. Pentz. R. H.. Student Officer, Du Bois, Pa. Mass. Inst. of Tech.. Miami. HTA. Perkins, Arnold M., Ensign, 310 N. Vienna, Ruslon, La. N. A. No. 2309. Perkins, C. H., Student Officer, 760 Milwaukee St., Den- ver, Colo. Seattle, Wash.; San Diego. HTA. Peblman, Jesse B., Ensign. Perin, Oliver W., Student Officer, 5368 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Perbin. G. M . Student Officer, 42 Capen St., Stoughton, Mass. Mass. Insl. of Tech. HTA. Perron. H. V., Ensign. N. A. No. 357. Perry. P. R. Student Officer, 2515 Columbia Rd.. N. W., Washington, D. C. Perry R. D., Ensign, 2426 Vrginia St., Berkeley. Calif. Mass. Insl. Tech.. Hay Shore. Pensacola. Miami. Miami Marine Field, San Diego. HTA. Perry, Volney B., Student Officer, Cambridge, Mass. Perry, Warren B., Student Officer, Brattleboro, Vt. Perry, William M., Student Oflicer, 4953 Fountain Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Petebmann, M. v.. Jr., Student Officer, Franklin Grove, Illinois. Dunwoody Insl.. Minn.; Miami. HTA. Peters, E. B.. Ensign, 1222 Irving St., Washington. D.C. Peters, Harlow J., Student Officer, 62 West 51st. St., New York Cily, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Peters, Karl A., Student Officer. 310 N. Warren Ave., Peters. Reed G., Ensign. 4822 Cass St., Omaha, Nobr. Petebs,*Thomas B., Student Officer, Chandler Hotel, Fort Worth, Tex. Petersen. H. P.. War Machinist, 257 W. Grand St.. Elizabeth. N. J. Eastleigh, Eng Peterson. E.mmett J., Student Officer. Peterson, F. Somers, Lieut, (j.g.). Belvedere, Marin County, Cal. San Diego. Pensacola, Key West. N. A. No. 2236. HTA. Peterson, Joel B., Student Officer. 11132 S. Iloyne Ave., Morgan Park, III. Peterson. Leroy, Student Officer, 69 West 11th St., New York City. Mass. Insl. of Tech. HTA. Peterson, Wm. IL, Student Officer, 2719 Wheeling St., El Paso, Tex. Petree. Jay Ralph. Ensign. Oregon, Mo. Seattle, Wash.; Miami, Pensacola, Fla. N. A. No. 2460. HTA. Petring, G. K., Student Officer, Nebraska City, Nebr. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Pettyjohn, C. R., Ensign, 700 Federal St., Lynchburg. Va. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, O.; Rockaway Beach. LIA. Pfeiffkb, La\vrence J.. War. Gunner. Pharis. Chas, S.. Sludent Officer. 1750 W. Genesee St., Syracuse, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, N. Y. Pheiffeb, Arthur E., Ensign, 4 Hadwen Lane, Wor- cester, Mass. N. A. No 1193. Phelps, Dudley W., Sludenl Officer, 1757 K St., N. W., Wash., D. C Phelps. Wm. C, Student Officer. Philbin, Gebald G.. Ensign. 63 W. 52 St., New York Cily. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West, Miami, Fla., RtM^kaway Beach, Moutchic. Conyagne. Malpensa. HTA. Phillips. Abthur W.m., Sludent Officer, 29 E. State St.. Albion, N. Y. Phillips, Henry A., Student Officer. Phillips, Paul M.. Student Officer, 1218 Washington St., Wilmington. Del. pHiNNEY. James H., War. Gunner. PiAGET, Eugene A., Student Officer, Llewellyn Park, West Orange, N. J. PicciRiLLi, P. J., Lieut, (.j.g.). Pk'kard. Clarence, Student Officer, 410 E. llh St., Indianola. Iowa. Pickard, WiLLARD C, Student Officer, 410 E. Fourth Ave., Indianola, I )wa. ^ Pickering. Leland L., Student Officer, R. F. D. No. 4, Fullerton, Cal. Pickett. Harold C, Student Officer, 24 Andover St., Georgetown, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. HTA. Piel, W., Ensign. 150 Riverside Drive, New York City. Pierce. Allin II., Student Officer. Pierce, Francis B., Student Officer, 2225 Sedgwick Ave.. New York City. Piebce. Harold W., Ensign, 224 Adams St., Milton. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Naval Operations Aviation Division. HTA. Pierce, James L., Student Officer, Blessing. Tex. Seattle. Wash. HTA. Pierce. William Brown. Student Officer, 5114 Harper Ave., Chicago, III. Great Lakes. HTA. Piers. Eber F., Lieut, (j.g.). 2730 Harrison Ave.. Ogden, LItah. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. San Diego, Cal.; Pensacola. Fla.; Navy Dept., Washington. D. C. LTA. PXE (SON. Lisle Avery, Ensign, 441 Greenwich Ave., New ilaven. Conn. Columbia Univ., Detroit. Great Lakes. Pigeon, Frank B., Student Officer, 174 Lexington St.. East Boston. Mass. PiGON, C. II., Ensign, 36 Wallace St., Somerville, Mass. Mass. Inst, ot Tech., Miami, Pensacola, Fla. N. A. No. 1611. HTA. Pike, C. M., Ensign. Lubec, Maine. N. A. No. 293. Pillars, Herbert O., Sludent Officer, 308 Muscatine Ave., Iowa Cily, I iwa. Pine. Charles A., Student Officer, 44 W. Sydney Ave., Mount Vernon. N. Y. Pinkham. Geo. F., Ensign. PiNKNEY, Harold M., Student Officer, 247 Ida St., .\legan, Mich. Piper. H. C, Ensign. 321 Clifton Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. N. A. " HTA. 1 r'< m "w ' V VP m m M ^^3^ /p'. -~ — ^t~^ 1,1 w, ILUIL 'JsM> m ^i=m '4 iw m PiPKR. HoBEnr I... Jb., EnsiKH. Tyrone. I'n. H. N. A. S. Cranwell, Kiif-: H. A. F. CnpH. Kiij;.; Pfiimboeuf. Frunce. and CajM' iMay. N. A. No. 667. LTA. PiPEn. Walter S., Student 0(Ti»^i-r. W) Fourth Ave., L. I. City. N. Y. Pipp, Walter C... Student Oflirrr, (>are Americnii Leafjup Hasp fiall f'.lub. New York City. Pitts, J. I,., War. Machinist. Pitts. W S., Lieut, (j.g.), 116 Grove St., MontKoraery, AIu. N. A. No. 470. Pitzeh. L. J.. War. Machinist, Waukegan. III. PiXLEH, L. C, Kn^ign. Plaster, Max L., Student Ofiicer. Platt. William, Ensign, 133 K. 66th St.. N<'w York City. Mass. hist, of Teeh., Hampton Itoads. Prnsiirol;i, Anacostin; Moiitchir, Brest. France. N. A. No. tli*>. HIA. Plumb. Walter FitzOerald, ICnsign. 32 PleasatU St.. S. E.. Crand Hapids. Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. Miami. Peusaeola. N. A. No. 1812. HTA. pLiMn, Walter G., Ensign, 2123 Cal. St., Washington, i:> c. Polk, Eahle V., Student Oflicer. Polk, E. F.. Student OITicer. Bolivar, Tenn. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Akron. (>.. HiH-kaway UeaclL LTA. PoLLARO. Patrick M. Pollard, R. V.. Ensign, 1016 River St., Ilytle Park, Masa. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. S()uantuni, .\kron. Rvernk A., Lieut, (jg-). Care of J. H. Pope R. D. No. I. Hastings, Nebr. RAF, Cranwell. Eng.. Ilowden. Ijowlhorpe. Yorkshire, Eng., Kiugsnorlh. Kent. Eng. N. A. No. 1032. LTA. Pope. Wm. IL, Student OlTiccr. 163 E. College St.. Oberhn, Ohio. Porcheh. Fhancis n.. Student Officer, 105 Gainsboro. Boston. Mass. Porter, Frederic IL. Student Officer. General Delivery, San Diego. Cal. Porter. John, Jr.. Ensign, Fessenden School. \\ est Newton. Mass. Moss. Inst, of Tech. Pohter, James M., Jr., Ensign. 53 North 3d St.. Flaston. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. Fla.. Miami '.Marine FicldJ ; Northern Bombing Group, France. N. A. No. 655. HTA. Porter, Tuurman H., Student Oflicer, llll iih St., S. E., Minneapolis, Minu. Potter, T. W'., Ensign. We-stchesler. N Y. Potter. Wm. F., P^nsign, 2501 Girard Ave., S. Minne- apoUs, Minn. Pot Ni>, M. \\ , Ensign. 1016 E. Center St.. Warsaw. Ind.; Dunwoody, Miami. Key West. Pen.sacola. HTA. Pounds, Arthur K.. War. Boatswain. PouND.s. Lewis C. Student ()niH6. PowEL. Benjamin R., Student Officer. P. O. Box 212, Montgomery. Ala. Powell. Ralph C, Sludnit Ollicer, AUendale Farm, Media, Pa. Powell, Bobkht James, Ensign, 326 W. 72d St., New York t'ity. .Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Buffalo, Wash- ington, New Yi>rk. Powers, A. IL. Ensign. 611 '^ Main St.. Fort VVorlh, Tex., Seattle. Washington; San Diego, Cal.. Pensacola. Fla. N. A. No. 229L HTA, Ensign, 271 Weslwooil St.. Power*:, Edward Youngsiown. Ohio. Powers, George E., Student OfTicer, 181 Somerset Ave., Taunlon. Mass. Powers, T. G., Ensign. Pratt. Henry Z., War. Machinist, 100 W. I15th St., New York City. N. A. No. 126. pRArr. James M.. Lieut, (j.g.). 371 Central Park West, New York City. Mass*. Inst, of Tech., Chatham, Newport. R. I. [•Ensign. 2015 Columbia Rd., Wash- Insl. of Ti'cli., IVn-^iicoln. Ilainploa N. A. .\o IIH. HTA. Student Oflicer, 218 E. 12lh St.. IL, Ensign. 50 Washington Sq.. Pratt. Philip R., ington. n. ('. ^Llss. Roads, Larigley Fiehl pRERiE. F'red C., Hutchinson, Kaiis. Preston. Clifford East, New York City. Preston, E. M.. Student Officer. 515 W. Franklin St.. Richmond. Va. Seattle, Washington. HTA. Preston, Ralph A. D.. Ensign. N. A. No. 6|0. Preston. Randall J., Student Officer, 1601 IIyew(»rth BIdg., Chicago. III. Price, Robert M.. Ensign. 219 N. Laurel St., Hazellon, Pa. Key West, Pensacola. HTA. PHn)niE. Tazewell Patton. Student Officer. Waco, Tex.. First State Bank & Trust Co. Seattle. Washington. HTA Pride. Alfred M., Ensign. 150 Hurlson St.. Sommer- ville, Mass. N. A. No. 1119. Phien, Walter F., Lieut, (j.g.), 63 Nicholson St.. Roe Croisic, Northern Bombing Group. HTA. Prince. Earl S.. Student Officer, Suit Lake Cily. Phinoi.e. Kirk IL. Ensign. Spirit Lake, Idalio. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. San Diego. Cal.; Pensacola. Fla. N. .\. No. 180 L HTA. pRITCH\nD. A. D Chicago, III. PniTCHARTT. Wm Ave., Akrnn. Oliio. pRocTon. C. ('. No. 977. Student Officer. 1515 W. Monroe St., IL, Student Officer. 515 E. Biichlel Ensign, Dearborn, Mich. N. A. pROCTOR. Paul Milton, Ensign, 1021 Main St.. Kansas Cily. Mo. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. Pensacohi. N. A. No. 2317. HTA. Proctor. Rklph W.. Student Officer. 138 Elm St., North Cambridge, Mass. Prosaer. James C. Student Officer, 8505 Decker Ave., Cleveland. Ohio. Provost, Eusede. Lieut, (j.g.), 16 9th Ave., Haverhill, Mass. Mass. last, of Tech., He Tudy, Porto Corsini. Italy. N. A. No. 323. Prudhom. Hmiold C, Ensign, 305 Union Sta. Plaza, Kansas Cily, Mo. Pulitzer. H., Lieut. Q.g.), 7 E. 73d St., New York. N. A. No. 110. Pul'sifer, G. IL, ville, Mass. Mass. Ensign. 20 Birch Hill Inst, of Iccli. H TA. Road, Newlon- Punnett. T. B., EiLsign. II W 10th St.. New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Cranwell, Eng.; llochampton, Eng.; Paimhoeuf. France. PuRCELL, Edward W. Place. Wash tigton. D. C, PuRDHEN. Harold E, Ave., Lr)s Angeles, Cal. i'uRDV. Clair J N. A. No. 1655 PuRDY. Herbert McL.. Ensi^- Plrsei.i. (JEoRciE F., En.sigii. Student Officer, 1406 Delafiehl Student Officer. 1177 Norteii Ensign. It Lansing St., .\uburn. N. Y. .% A No. 65 L lllilllllJIItL MaI.N lUlLDING, M. I. T. 2i.i m /r vV ■ ■ f'^ 'yA il it -s\^ r^^- QUIGLEY. F. R. Ensifjn 558 Lexin^'ton Ave.. New York City. Seattle. San Diego. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2tl8. HTA. ^i (A-) 4^ QUINN. DAVID H. Ensign 568 Newbury St.. Boston. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2403. HTA. -^$LJ' '%■. m HALF'H. THOMAS G. Ensign 54 Hawthorne Ave.. Graf- ton, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore, Pensa- cola, Sydney, N. S., Hamp- ton Roads. HTA. RAMEY, ARTHUR G. Ensign 311 E. Washinjrton St.. Charlestown, W. Va. Mass. Inst, of Tech. RAMSEY. B. M. Ensign 348 Llth Ave., Newark. N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Halifax. N. A. No. 1077. HTA. RANKIN. HENRY Student Officer Gastonia. N. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. HTA. RATHFON. L. PAUL Student Officer The Rosemont. Hutchin- son, Kansas. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. HTA. UAUH. STANLEY E. Student Officer 328 Central Ave., Dayton. Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore. HTA. <^^A::> RAYMER. PAULH. Ensign Beaver, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola, Qiieenstown, Wexford, Ire. N. A. No. 12.52. HTA. REA, THATCHER W. Ensign 367 Longfellow Ave.. De- troit, Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Pensa- cola. Hampton Roads. N. A. No. 710. HTA. REAMS, PAUL E. Ensign 738 Kirkman St., Lake Charles, La. Mass. Inst. of Tech.. Key West, Pen- sacola. N. A. No. 2612 HTA. REBER. EARL E. Boalswain 1231 Lewis St., San Diego, Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Newport News, Chatham, San Diego. HTA. REESE. CHAS. E. Student Offiicer 249 E. Walnut St.. West- field, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. HTA. REICHELDERFER, F. W. Ensign Harlan. Ind.T; M. I. T.. N. Sydney. Miami. IVnsa., U.S.S. Shawmitf Lishon in NC4. Trans-Atlantic Fheht N. A. No. 2122. HTA. REMSBURG. JOHN H. Eniiign Middletown, Md. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1923. HTA. .RENISON. WILLIAM J. Ensign 59 Tonnwanda St., Dor- chester Dist., Boston, Mass. Great Lakes, Pensacola. 244 m m RKNN. HAKKY J ^tudriil Oflicer Colk-KC Si., Oxford, N. C. Moss. Inst, of Tech. H TA. lUC.NMK. ROSW KLL M. Lieut. (J.ft.) 2129Tliird St.. Simla Miin icT. ("ill. Mas.s. Inst. <) Tech.. Buffalo. IH.\. HKNO, L. M. Ensiiftt 12:i \V Mudisim Si.. Chi- .i,-... III. I.a Kiiyi'lli- F. ('... I'laiid.Ts, Monldiilit-r. Clia- leau-Thierry. Moiitchic. Corsini. Fr.. War Cross. N. A. No. 13.i2. ilTA. RENTZ. TIIOS. II. Ensitin 20.^ Piirilan Ave., F"orcst Mills. I,. I.. N. Y. Moss. Insl. of Tech.. Miami, Pensacola. N. .\. No. 2567. HTA. '■ Ml III I %d 'W 1 1 m -r I 1 1 |I ¥1,1 t,i Stakt of Tiiaxksgivixc; 1).\v K.vt k. Miami. 1918 < «» RE.X, KDMUND S. Ensitjti 9 Brook St., Pawtiickct, R. I.. .Muss. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore. Peusncola. i\. A. No. 1928. HTA. KKYCROFT. HARLAN L Ensiiin 231 Pleasant St.. .\rlinKlon, Mass. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. Wo. 1745. liTA. Bin |;KSUN, PALL Sliiikrit OOicer Dawson. Minn.. Diinwoody lust. Aliuu., Miami. HTA. BKYNOLDS, H. E. Student Ojjicer 782 Main St., Kost., Ro- chester. iN. Y. Moss. Inst, of Tech. HTA. \ _^^^ 0>^—^(h^V^.uiiwoody. Pcnsucnlii, Moulcrhic. lie Tiidy. Fr. IN. A. No. 737. HTA. ROTH. K. MOWARI) II. Sttuhnt (Jfticcr 102 Oakland I'iarr. HufTalo, N. Y. Ma.ss. Inst, of Tech.. HTA. HOTH. HKRMAN L. Ensign 128 3nl Ave. \V.-s(niont, Johnstown. Pa. Muss. Inst, of Tech.. .Miami. Pensa- cola. Goto Solo. N. \. No. 1113. HTA. ROTHEIM, ROHKRT Lieut, (j.g.) 1765 Brondwny, New York City. Coliimbiii, Hock- away, Detroit, League Is- land. ROTHIIOCK, A. A. Sliidenl ()J)icer Thomasville. N. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. HTA. ROlHSCillLn, R. C. Ensign l.SO \V. 87th St.. New York City. ^Ias8. Inst, of Tech.. AJiron, Rockaway. LTA. ROUDKHlSIi, JAMES K. Ensign Newtonsville. Ohio- Mass. Inst, of Tech.. .\kron, Rockaway. LTA. f'T ■219 -_A a-—^yrr^ .LiUl i^y W HOllLEAU. LOUIS J. Licul. (Jo-) 1222 Quincy St.. N. E. Washington, D. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Chiilham. N. A. No. 453. HTA ROULET. ALFRED L. Ensign 665 Farmington Ave., Hart- ford, Conn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Pensa- cola. N. A. No. U73. HTA. ROUNDS. EDWARD W LifuHj.g.) 248 Gray St., Arlington Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech. Hampton Rds.. Ponsacohi Roekaway. N. A. No. 1290 HTA. RIILIRKE, GRATTAN L. Student Officer Lisbon, N. D. Mass. Inst. ofTecii.. Bay .Sliore, Bruns- wick. HTA. ROUSE. DETOR V. Student Of/ieer Dover. Fla. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. W^" ^ ROVVK, HAIIHY A. Student Oflicer Hampton. Va. Mass. Inst, of Tech HTA. ROWE. R. M. Ensign 82 Hancock St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech, Great Lakes, Pcn- sacola. N. A. No. 2430. HTA. ROWEN, HAROLD J. Lieut, ij.g.) 44 Rockview St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Mont- chi., Fr , II.- Tudy. Fr., Key West. HTA. RUDESILL, CARL'J. Student Ofjieer Charlotte. Mich. Seattle, Miami. HTA. RUDLOFF, JOHN A. Student Officer 54 Myrtle .\ve.. Montclair. N. J, Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. RUDY, PAUL P. Ensign 1632 (Jtis Bldg., Chicago, 111. Mass. Inst, of Tech., • Miami, Key West, . Pen- sacola. N. A. No. 2420. HTA. RUKEYSER, W. A. Ensign 4 West 43rd St., New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Miami, Key West. LTA. ^ ^-^^JMlifc RUM ILL, GEORGE ED. Lieut, ij.g.) Indian Point, Me. Mass. Inst, oi' Tech., Pensacola, KillinKhoIme, I'^ng., Key West. N. A. No. 217. HTA. — f^-^: RUMPELT. MORTIMER Ensign 15 West 38th St., New York Cily. Bay Shore, Key West, Miami. N. A. No. 542. HTA. RUTLEDGE. HENRY B. Ensign 1922 Willow Ave., Min- neapolis, Minn. Dtin- woody, Mont auk, Pelham Bay, Brest, Fr. RYAN, EDMUND J. Ensign 1595 Beacon St., Brookline, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2451. HTA. ^J^ Til A U -,'1 A --s^^N .m m kill I; 4^ RYAN. EDWIN S. 'M Doti^lns Ave., Freeport, 111. Mass. Inst, of Toch.. Miaiili, Key \Vi\st, IVn- .A P\ I : ^ (.>! AnaiKn. II. I)., Slinlent Ollici-r. Woodsilalc, WheelinR, \V. \a. .Muss. Inst, of Tech. MT.V. QlicK, FaA>cis K.. Slinlent onircr. 186 Pleasant St., Newton Centre, Muss. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Fla. IITA. Quick, Lansing M., ,Studeiit OHicer, 207 Woodworlh Ave., Yoiikers, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Ray Shore. IITA. QuiLHOT. IIakoi.d J., Kasign. Johnstown, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2398. IITA. QiiiLTV, Samuel E., Student Oflicer, 60:i Piijo St.. Lake Charleys, La. QuiM-AN, Herbert E., Student OITieer, 1878 E. «Uh St., Cleveland. O. QuiNl.AN, Ralph E.. Sludenl Ollicor, :t2') Powe'l St., Henderson. Ky. Oi INN. Francis W., Ensipn, .'» Iti 1 XorlhiimlMTland St.. PillsliiirKh. Pa. .Mass. Inst, of lech.. NorfoU. Va.; .\kron, Oliio; Hostoii. .Mass.; Rockavvay Reach. L. I. LT.\. QuiNN. J. J.. 102 N. tlh Cavell Si.. Duhilh. Minn N. A. No. 62.!. <.)rn-r\ER, Geo., Student onicer, 828 E. Parkway, lirooklyn. N. Y. (JiMcK. LENsiNn M.. Student OITicer, 207 Woodworlh Ave., Yonkers. N. Y. QuMLl.lAN. WniiTOMB W-, Studeilt Ofiicer. 81 C^nlhert- son St., Atlanta, tin. Rae. John II., Student Otiieer. 571 Park .\ve.. Rochester, N. Y. Raffertv. James A., Student Ollicer, .127 W. I61I1 St . New Y'ork City. l{\FFO. D. C)., iMisign, .\llunln. (ia. Rmtkrm, CiiMoN- R., Student (tllicer. Alexandria. Minn. II \MSEY, D. W. C. N. A. No. «. Ranoi.e, Hanson F., Student OtRcer, 43.'!9 Drexel RIvd., Chicago, III. Great Lakes. Randolph, Donai.o W.. Sludenl Ollicer. oihaiid Wash- inglon St.s., WilmingtoiL Del. Ransom, Jui.ius C, Student Ollicer, 61 Lillle Hall, Princeton, N. J. Hansome. Charles C. Student Ollicer. 120 E. 31st St., New York Cily. Rwp. Frank A., Student OITicer, .3.i2 W. Elm St., RrcK'kton, Mass. Kasche, Robert C, Ensij.'n. 117 (Uncy Road, Norfolk, \u. Raseman. Richard J., Student Officer. 491 E. Cr.-iinl HIvd.. Detroit. Mich. IUtimiin. Hahmv R., Sliiilenl Ollicer. Glen Ellyn, III. Diinnoridy Insl . Minn , Miami. IITA. Rattikn, William J., Student Ollici'r. .\nson, Tex. Raven, A. A., Student Officer. Rawley, Wei.don N., Student Olficer, Churcliville, Vn. Ray, O. W., Jb. Studenl OIBcer, 92 Pinckney St., Roston, Mass.; Seattle. LTA. Rav. William L.. Student Ollicer, 1600 E. La Rue Si., Pensacola, Fla. Rk»d, Duncan II., Lieut, (jsl. "'" Crest, Pcncliii^' Read, Georce R., Ensign. .').> Dearborn St., Man- chester, N. H. Read. Rorert E., Lieut, (j.g.). Trinity House, Water- town, N. Y. N. A. No. ."16I. Head. Russell R\Rion. Lieut, fj.g.), I E. 62nd St., New York Cily. Read. William .\ , Jr.. Ensign, 28 Nassau St., New York Cily. Muss. Insl. of Tech., Pensacola, Ft. Worth, Washinglon, I). C. N. A. No. 1366. IITA. Reioan, R.J .Student Ollicer, 139 Stale Road. Cynwyd, Pa. REAHnoN. John L.. Sludenl Ollicer. Hk\m.., JiuiN W.. SlndcMit Ollicer. 2913 .Macomh St., W.lshinglon, 1). C. Redmond, (ierai.dyn L., .Student Officer. Tivoli. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Ray Shore, N. Y. IITA. Refii. Edwahd tiooDwiN, .Sludcnt onicer. University CIul), 3(113 Euclid Ave.. ( llcvchind, I )liio. Reed. IIarhv A.. Swilow Rldg.. Jeirersnnville. Ind. Reed, Jacob, Lieut, (j.p.). 1.50 Elm St., Worcester, Mass. Siinuntum. Sun Diego. HT.\. Rfed, LvwRE.NcrE \., .^Indent Oflicer, 1137 N. JelT St., Springfield. Mo. Ri:ei>. Lahricnce .\eili., Sludenl Olficer. Heher .Springs, Ark. Seattle. Wash.; San Diego. IITA. Reed, Leon\rd \\'.. Student (Olficer, 21.>0 Drake Park .\ve., De_s Moines, Iowa. Reed, Rovden E., Lieut, (j.g.), ,5,'> Dearborn .St., Manehesler, N. H. Reed, Rush IL, Lieul. (.i.g.l. Reed, William D., Student Olliier. Ilollaml, Texas. Reeder, J. R., Ensign. 6U Park \\'ay, .Monessen, Pa. Reemelin, Clarence R., 3061 Cleinview .\ve., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Reeves. Owen T.. Student Officer. 266 Ranilolph Ave., Peoria, III. Mass. Inst, of Te Renner .Ave., Newark, N. J. Reich, Frederick C, Student Officer, A^7 Fourth Ave.. Ij)ng Island City, N. Y. Hei':h. Willmm F.. Jr.. Ensign. 11-18 St.. KImhurst, Long Island. l\. Y. Ma.ss. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. Reid. Geoffrey L., Student Olficer, 111 Main St., .N. Andover, Mass. Reid. Howard C, Student Officer, 110 Morningside Drive, New York City. Mass. Inst, of Te(;h., Miami. HTA. Reid. William S., Studenl Olficer. Due Wrsl. S. C. Reideb. Francis D., Student Ollicer, I0O3 N. Huron .St., .Ann Artior, Mich. Reifert, J\ck II., Student Oflicer. 131 Lincoln .Ave., •Syracuse, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pelham Ray, U. .S. S. C. 215. IITA Reilly. Joseph C, Student Ollicer. 218 E. Price St.. Phitailclphia. Pa. Reimhrdt. C. G. Ensign. 103 RikIicIIc Ave.. I'hila- delphia. Pa. Reme^'. John T.. Lieut, (j.p.), 1527 New Hampshire Ave , W.ishiiiglon. D. C. N. a. No. 187. '•VV? I \ ; 1 i'>''. ^ ■-'.■. I ^-Cf^ M^ Remmehs. John J., Student Officer, 1149 N. Raymond St., Pasadena, Cal. RE]VT.scHi,En, Peteh E., Stutient Officer, Q17 Campbell Ave., Hamilton. Ohio. Dunwoody Inst.. Minn. HTA. Renwick, Erle B., Student Officer, 3 Brinsley St.. Grove Hall, Boston, Mass. Reivwick, J. G., Lieut, (j.g). Princeton, N. J. N A. No. 901. Uenz, Edwaud F., Student Oflicer, 349 Garfield Ave.. Syracuse, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Ohio. LTA. Repko. J. iS., War. Machinist, Queens Road, Queens, Long Island. N. Y. Reqi'a, Lambence K., Ensign, 321 Mountain Ave., Piedmont, Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Pen- sacola. N. A. No. 1(161. HTA. Reuschel, ,I. E.. War. Gunner, Maryland Hotel, San Diego, Cal. Miami. Pensacola, Harvard, San Diego. N, A. No. 1317. HTA. Revelle, Habhv H., Student Officer, 506 Lahoma Ave., Norman, Okla. Hex. WALTEn Edwin, Ensign, 8836 Crefeld St., Chest- nut Hill. Philadelphia, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensa- cola. Fla. N. A. No. 1837. HTA. Revbubn. Kbancis C, Student Oflicer, 4529 Lindell Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Revcboft. Wendell G., Ensign, 234 Pleasant St,, Arlington. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Marine Field, Moulchic, N. Bomb. Gr. N. A. No. 1446. HTA. Revmond, Dai.ton S., Student Officer, 442 N. Blvd. Baton Rouge, La, Reynolds, Habby V., Ensign, 248 S. Flower St., Los Angeles, Cal. Revnolds, .Samuel W., Ensign, 714 10th St., Oakland, Cal. Mass. Inst, of TeL-h., Miami, Pensacola. HTA. Rhoades, Dee J.. Ensign, 704 Locust St., Big Rapids, Mich. Seattle, Wash.. San Diego. Rhodes, Augustus L., Student Officer, The Alameda. San Jose, Cal. Rhodes, Bbaxton, 251 E, Gregory St., Pensacola, Fla. Rhodes, Fbed B.. Ensign, 3006 Albermarle St., Wash- ington, D. C. Rhode.s, Washington I., Student Officer, Toms Brook, Shenadoah Co,, Va. Rice, Albebt F., Lieut, (j.g.1, 16 Hamilton Terrace. New Y'ork City. Mass, Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola, Fla, N. A. No. 433. Rice, Chas. B., Student Olffcer, 1225 Jnrvis Ave.. Chicago, 111. Rice, Clarence E., Student Officer, Hayes Center, Nebr. Rice, Fredebick W., Jr., Student Officer, 16 Elko St., Brighton, Mass, Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Rice, J. Pebcival. Student Officer, 2510 Rio Grande St., Austin, Texas, Mass. Inst, of Tech , Akron. Rock- away. LT.\. Rice, Neil W., Ensign, South Hamilton, Mass, Mass. Inst, of Tech. Rice, Stanley B., Student Officer. 4142 Parkside Ave.. Philadelphia, Pa. Rice, WilliamIE., Student Officer, Famous Bldg.. Perry, Okla. Rich, J. J., Student Officer, 27 W. 61st St., New York City. Richard, G. L., Knoxville, Tenn, N, A. No. 497. RicHABDs, H. Donald, Ensign, 353 Church St., Royers- ford. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Akron, Pensacola, LTA, RicHABDS, Leon K., Student Officer. Britt, Iowa. Richabds, Lobenzo M., Student Officer, Buckington- ham Apis., Salt Lake City, Utah. Richabds. Thomas G., Ensign, 619 S. B. B. St., Los Angele.s, Cal. N. A. No. 2246. Richards, W. V., Lieut. (}.g.). Fishers, Ind. RicHABD.soN, David W., Student Officer, 28 E 8lli St.. New York, N. Y. Richardson, Geo, W.. Ensign. 250 W. 82nd St., New York City. Richardson, Geo. W., Jn., Student Officer, 1.38 E. 79th St., New York City. RicHABDsoN, James M., Student Officer, 627 Lake St., Madison, Wis. RicHABDsoN, John, Student Officer, 204 Trust Bldg., Rockford, 111, Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Fla. HTA. Richardson, Lawrence, Ensign, 45 Weissinger Gaulvert Apts., Louisville, Ky. Mass. Inst, of Tech., New Y'ork. Rockaway, Richabdson, Leon C„ Student Officer. 308 Eddy St., Ithaca. N. \. Richardson. 0,mab Burt, Student Officer, 525 S. Central ,\vc , tlleudale. Cal. San Diego, Columbia, Mass. Inst, of Tech. RicHAB isoN. W. Landstrket. Lieut, (j.g.), 228 Lincoln Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. N. A. No. 582. Richardson, W. A., Jr.. Student Officer, 34 Chestnut Drive. Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, Mass. Inst, of Tech , Miami. HTA. RicHDALE, Jay W., Ensign, 7015 Blair Road, Washing- ton. D. C. Richmond, Edward G., Lie it. (.jg.), 74 E. Main St.. Fredoniii, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Akror. Rockaway. N. A. No. '111. LTA. Richteh, Louis A., War. Carpenter. RiCKARD, Guy, Ensign, Schoharie, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Pensacola, Miami, Curtis Field. HTA RicKEB, Ei.LERY T., Student Officer, 471 Broadway, Cambridge, Mass. RiDALL. Edmund W., Ensign, 518 N. Highland Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pensacola, San Diego. N. A. No. 1174. HTA. RiDDLEBERCEB, Charles Wm., War. Machinist, 15 W. 63rd St., New York City. RiFsENBERGER. Fb»nk R., Studcut Officer, 546 Union Place, Wcehawken, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. HTA. RiGAN, Felix R.. Student Officer, Hayes Store, Glou- chester Co., W. Va. RiGDoN, Thornton F., Ensign, 163 Billcourt West, Lexington, Ky. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Bruns- wick, Key West, Pensacola. HTA. Riley. Charles William, Student Officer, Burnside, Conn. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. HTA. Riley, Francis \.. Student Officer, W. 231st St., Spuyten Duvvil, New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Rockaway, N. Y. LTA. Riley, George J., Student Officer, 5124 Warnock St., Philadelphia, Pa, Riley, Ivers W., Student Officer, 821 6th St., Min- neapolis, Minn, Riley, Russell F,, Student Officer, 55 Josephine .\ve., Somerville. Mass. Ripley, William R.. Ensign. Tacoma. Wash. Risei.ay. Edmund G.. Student Officer, 5!{7 Brec'cenridge St,, Bufl'alo, N, Y Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Rittenhouse, David, Ensign. 220K W. 21st St.. Min- neapolis. Minn. Dunwoody, Key West, Miami, Pen- sacola. Pacific Fleet, Langley Field. HTA. Roan, William E., Ensign, Ford Motor Co., New Orleans, La. N. A. No. 1488. RoABK. Eugene W., Student Oflicer, 139 W. Gilman St., Madison, Wis. RoBBiNs, Joe, Student Officer, Owosso, Mich. Dun- woody Ins!., -Minn., -Miami, Key West. HTA. Roberson, Robert E., War, Cariienter, RoBERSON, T. Lloyd, Student (officer, 5110 Lake Park Ave., Cliicago, III. Mass. IiLst. of Tech. HTA. Roberts, Abthub E,, Student Officer, 26 S, High St., Jackson, O. Roberts, H. F.. Student Officer, 17 DelHnger Ave., Batavia, N. Y'. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Roberts, Ralph .S., Student Oflicer. 1813 Idlewood Ave., East Cleveland, O,, Univ. of Washington, Seattle. Roberts, Roland W.. Student Officer. Robebts. Thomas T., Ensign, 919 W, William St., Deca- tur, in. N. A. No. 385. Roberts. Tobias L., Student Officer, 48 Mt. Desert St., Bar Harbor, -Me, Roberts, Waiter F. Robertson, Fbed L. Chicopee F;dls. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. HTA Robertson, George M.. Student Officer. 38 College Ave.. New Brunswick. N. J. Robertson. Guy R.. Student Officer. Robebtso.n, Hiiling. p., Jr., Student Officer, 404 N. 9th St.. Temple, Tex. Robebtson, Thoma.s J., Ensign, Yale Station, New Haven, Conn. N. A. No. 1845. Robebtson, W, V. M., Jr., Ensign, 2026 First Ave., Birmingham, Ala. Mass. Inst, c.f Tech., Operations, Washington, D, C, Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No, 2423. HTA. Robeson. Frank K., Student Officer, 133 W. University Ave.. Champaign, 111. M r ■ V y -' , Student Officer. O'Neill. Nebr. , Student Officer. 15 Arlington St., ^W rA-^. -y'y V\ 1 I , ' Robins, John Q., Jb., Ktisign, Tupelo. Miss. N. A. Nn. I'KJO. HoBmsoN, A. J., Kmigii, 190 Summer Sto Maltlcn. Mass. HoBiNSON, Chahlks S., War. Mndiirml. 317 K. 51st St.. New York. N. Y. HoBiNSON, G. B.. Slu.ieiit OITirnr. Ml. GilciuJ. (). Diinwoorly Inst., Minn. HoBiNsoN, II. A.. ICnsij.'n. lOI Court St., WostlieM. Muss. HoBrNsoN. IIahhv L., Sludeul Olfirer. K.'jO S. Sanle I'V, Sniina. Kaiis. HoMNHY. Gkobge O., lOnsi^'n. IlillinK^. Mont. Romm:y. Wii.i-oKD W., Student Olliccr. 107 K St., Salt i.ake Cily, Hlah. RoNALDsoN. G. M., Ensipn. US PikeS(., HiiUin House, La. Ma.ss. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. N. A. No. I.5:r.. HTA. HooNHv. l-j>\v\nn F., Sludi^tit OHicer, 201 North Col- umbus St.. Ai(.-\;niriria. \ a. RooNKY. J \Mi:s I., Studcni Oflicer. 16:i Kent St.. Rrook- line, Mass. RoosKVKi.T. John K., LitMit. (j.^.), .'iO Pine St., Ni'w York City. Root, HiBOKrr R., Stii.l.iit ( Hlicer. V. O. Box 1023, RoRiNsov, Ler C., Student Oflicer, 1309 Washtenaw Colorado Si»rin;,'s, Colo. Root. (W \hiu:x J.. Sindcnt OIHcor, 431- Sec. For, Ave., .\rin Arbor, Mirh lUiBiNsoN, 1,Y\N IJ.. Student Oflirer. RoniN-^oN, RiissKiL R.. Student Odieer, 6353 Greene S( . IMiila-iclphia. Pa. RoHiNs.ix, .Samikl. Sludent Oflicer. 2014 O St., Wa.sh- int'ton. I). C. RoBiNsoM. STANi.fr'v L., Studcnt (Officer, Agrirullural Colh'j,'c>. Miss. .Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. IITA. Robinson, Wai.tkb Stkvens, Jb., Slud*'nt Oflicer. 119 Mill St., Sprinu'tield, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech. LT.\. Ri.niNsON, W'm. R., Ensifin. 715 K. Ruchlel Ave., .\kroii. O. N. A. No. 2261. HoniNsoN, Wm. n.. Student OHicer. The Cloister, 1 Ilillhouse Ave., Now Haven, Conn. RocHK. !•'. J.. 20 Ellsworth .\vf.. Cambrid-re. Mass. RorKi:Ft:Li.KH. William (>., Lieut, (j g.), (Jreenwieh. ("ontL lluntin^'toii. Rav Shore. Pensaeola, New London, Miami, Kiltint'holna-, Kn^. IITA. Rocki:y, Stiabt S., KiLsign, Pipestone, Minn. N. .\. No. 1«02. RocKwi-xL, CiiAs. H,, Jb., Ensife'n. 1167 Woodlawn .\ve., Chicago. 111. RocKWKi.L. Donald E., Ensign. 106 Profe-:sors Row, Tuft-s (!ollff;e, Mass. Mass. liisl. of Tech , .Miami, iVnsacola. N. A, No. 221«. HTA. RocKwooD, Robkbt E,. Lieut. lj.{.'.>. RonKCEHDTs, Cunts A.. *''>6 Holt.'hl .St., San Francisco, Cal. RoDKN, Cfob(;k R()BtBT. Jk.. Student Oflicer. X\2 <;rccM\\«M«| Ave. WMicote, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tecli., PhihKiilphia. Pa. HTA RoDEN. Hknuy W.. En.si£rn, IllJt Live Oak St., Dallas. Texas. N. A. No. 15i:j. RonENBAinH, ICl.MEB S., 130 Irviilg St., San Francisco, C.A. N. A. No. 1309. Roi)i;h. Walter L.. Ensign, Newark, N. J. N. A. No. 4U. Roni:s, Clifto.n, Ensign. 2037 Douglas Blvd.. Louis- ville. Ky. RoixiKHs. Oliveb, Student Oflicer, Care of Mellon Aat I Hank. Pittsburgh, Pa. RoiKJEns, Wm. R., Ensign. N. A. No. 2160. Roe, Habvev E., Ensign, Weston, Ohio. N. A. No. 1130. RoGEBS, Cabl W.. Siudcnt Oflicer. 36 Parks St., Nowlon, Mass. RocEHs, Cha.s. .\., War. Gun. Ro(;Ens. (Jabdneb .S,, Ensign. Jtl .S. Fitzhugh St., R<'troit, .Mich. Duiuvtioily Inst., Minn. Roseboboi'gh, J. C Lieut. Cig-*» 905 Upson .\ve.. El Paso. Tex. Ross. E. A.. Ensign. 1200 Matlock Ave., Pearl Harbor, Honolulu. Ross. EnwiN Albebt. 1865 West 25th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Ross, Fbank D., Ensign, I Liberty St., New .'ork City. Ross, HowABD L., Student Oflicer. Ross. John W., Ensign. N. A. No. 1531. Ross. Kenneth D., Student Ofliccr, N. 1101 Post St., Spokane, Wash. Ross, L. W,, Ensign. Rossiteb, Richmond, Student Ofliccr. RoTMENBURG, Merle E.. War. Mach. RoTHERMEL. AoDisoN J., Student Oflicer, 131 West 93rd St.. New York City. RoTHWEi.L. James L., Ensign, 513 Ilerrick St.. Elmira, N. Y. Rolsena, Italy; Arcachon. Fr. N. A. No. 1460. HTA. RouGHLEY, Hugh W , Ensign. RoUBKE. Gbattan L., Student Oflicer. Lisbon. N. D. Rouse, Habolo A,. Ensign. 255 West 90th St.. New York City. RoussEL, W. D- Student Oflicer. 422 Gravier St., New Orlejins, La. Routh, William P., Student Oflicer, Texas P. A: L. Co., Dallas, Tex. RowF. Chables a.. Ensign, Roland Park. Baltimore, Md. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Key West, Pensa- eola. Moutchic, St. Inglevcrt, Fr. N. A. No. 736. HTA. Roue. Isaac S , Ensign, 1709 N. Calvert St.. Balti- more. Md. RowEN, Edwabd J., War. Maeli., Jamaica Plain, .Mass. N. A. No. 200. Rov. Reuben S., Student Ofli<-er, Care of L. S. N. Nat- chitoches, La. RoYCE. Milton P.. En-^ign, Itha'^a. N. Y. R. F. D., No. 5. Ma«s. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Pensaeola. .N. A. No. 2464. HTA. RovsTEB. F. .\., Ensign, 303 Colonial .\ve., Norfolk, \ a. M:(ss. In--t. of Tech., iVnsacola. Fla. RuBiNKAM, 1 1. \\., Ensign. N. .\. No. 1732. RucKEB. Lyle W., Student Oflicer, 1310 June St.. L0.1 Angeles, Cal. Rudy, Walter D.. Student Oflicer. Mt. Airy, Md. Ruhckert F., War. Mach.. 308 Adams St.. Ruffalo, N. Y. RiMPH, Fi.OYD Ed., \^'ar. Mach. RiNDLE, Henry M.. Student Oflicer, 305 .Vvcrigg A.e.. Passaic. N. J. ^5:s ^-^t?i- rn;;^' - , »- - — -A — A^ Rush, H. L.. Jr.. Liniit. fj.g.). 1400 H. St.. N. W., Wash- ington. D. C. N. A. I\o. 39'u. Rush, W. L., Student OiGcer, Shubuta, Miss. Dunwoody Inst., Minn. RussELi,. Charles L.. Ensign, .1263 Hawthornn RIvd.. St. Louis, Mo. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Washington, D. C. HTA. Russell. James C, Student Officer, 400 Washington St., Camden, Ark. Russell. Philip AinEN, Lieut, fj.g.), Dedham, Mass Mass. Inst, of Tech , Hnflfalo. K. Greenwich. R. I. HTA. Rust. Edgar IL, Fnsipn, 1229 Clarkson St., Denver, Colo. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Ray Shore, Pensacola; Kil- rnRhoIme, Eng. N. A. No. 1291. HTA. Rust, Lawrence A.. Student Officer. Bloomington, III. Dunwoody Inst., Miami. HTA. Ruth. Vincent E., Student Oflirer, 958 Diversey Park- way, Chicago, III. Rutherford, John M., Lieut, fj.g.). Tuxedo Park, N. Y. Ray Shore. L. I.; Key West, Miami, Washington, D. ITA. N. Ensign, 1595 Beacon St., Rroukline, A. No. 164 RvAN, Edmund J. Mass. RvAN. G. W.. War. Mach. RvAN, James Hilary, Student Officer, 13 Beaver St., Albion, N. Y. Dunwoody Inst., Mass. Inst, of Tech., Great Lakes, Hampton Roads, Pensacola, Bay Shore. HTA. RvAN, Raymond P.. Student Officer, 741 St. Owen PI., Bronx, New Vork City. RvAN, William Miles, Ensign, 2036 Canal St., New Or- leans. La. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, "^ensa- cola. N. A. No. 1958. HTA. Ryerson, Creighton. Ensign, 515 W. Washington St., Jackson, Mirh. Rvlandeb. Paul N., Ensign. 514 Garrett BIdg., Bal- timore, Md. ^ ■@> <^ <§> <^ Creation of Pensacola AMieii tile Lcird wns desifjning creation, .\nd laying out oceans and lands. With never a moment's laxation, Xot even to spit in His hands — As anyone will in a hurry He let things go liy now and then. In all the excitement and worry. That He should have done over again. So rather than muss up the outfit. He saved every blunder and blob, .\nd laid them away in the corner. To use at the end of the job. On the sixth afternoon of the contract — His time would expire that day — He boiled out the dregs of creation, .4nd shoveled the litter away. He gathered the wreckage and tilling. The scum and the sewerage and sump, .\nd He built on the shores of the Gulf Stream The great International Dump. He rushed things then in a hurry, .\nd because of the rush He was in. He named this place "Pensacola," .\nd "Pensacola" it alwavs has been. Then feeling sarcastic and gloomy. Because it was .Saturday night. He picked out the nastiest corner, -\nd named it "San Carlos" for spite. It is there that they do things backward, .\nd the sanrd, \las,s. .Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. N, A. No. 1490. IITA. SABCKM. Jt)llN C. Sludenl O^tn-r 122 Ciiliurn St., Lowell, Mass. .Mass. Inst, of Tech., IITA. ==CV=,=r^-=S^^^^^C^==^J>^5[l<^:^^^>;=:^;i;^^ &.5.5 f;^7 ^-'SrSN m^ '■:fn SATTERFIELD. D. E., Jr. Lieul. (j.g.) 834 West Grace St.. Rich- mond, Va. Mass. Inst, of Tech. SATTERWHITE. R. L. Ensign 527 Liherty St., Franklin, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Akron, Hampton Rds., TJ. S. S. Arizona. SAUNDERS. DAVID G. Ensign Emmetsbiirg, Iowa. Mass Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore, I'eusacola. N. A. No. 1813, HTA. SAUNDERS. WM. R. Student Ojjicer Bedford, Va. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. HTA. SAVAGE. JASPER V. Mach in ist 4527 6nth St.. Porrland, Ore. San Diego, Great Lakes, Columbia Univ. HTA. SAWYER, LOUIS Sfutfent Officer Fayetteville. Ark. Univ. of Wash.. HTA. Seattle. Key West. SCANDRETT. R. B. Jr. Ensign Eiigle & Elm Sts.. Ten- afly. N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola. Akron. .■^< .HI-.\< K. Ji».->. II., ,ir«l Ensign Wynnewood, Penn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore Pensacola. N. A. No. 1740. HTA. M SCHIFF, HERBERT Lifui. (j.g.) 525 West End Ave., New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore. Pensa- cohi, Chatham. N. A. No. 916. HTA. SCHILLING, WM. C. Ensign 2850 Gravois Ave.. St. Louis, Mo. Pensacola, Columbia Univ., Bay Shore, Great Lakes. HTA. SCHLUETER, T. L. Ensign 515 Bellevue Ave., Oak- land, Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Key West, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1392. LTA. SCHLICHTER. A. B. Student Ojjicfr Cor. Granbyand Main Sts. HoUister, N. C. Dun- woiidv lust. Minn., Minn. H lA SCHLICHTER, F. P. Ensign 28 Radford St.. Yonkers, N. Y'. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron. Rockaway. Hamp- ton Roads. LTA. SCHLOEDER. N. S. Ensign ."J Eldorado Place, Wee- hawken, N. J. Mass. Inst. of Tech., Bay Shore, Key West, Miami. N. A. No. 504. HTA. SCHLUMS, OTTO W. Ensign 13 Roxbury Terrace. Rox- bury. Mass. M. I. T.. Pen- sacola. Moutchic, Brest. Bay Shore. Norfolk. N. A. No. 653. HTA. SCHMIDT, IIEL.MAN Carpenter 5().'J Chesapeake Ave.. East- port. Md. Pensacola, Ana- costia, D. C. N. A. No 1026. HTA. '250 f^^v SCMMIIT, W Al.l i:H K. iVi I UL Kiisiijn '^SrVn 218 Superior St.. Tolcdn. jl'''| Ohio. Muss. Inst, of Tech.. I Bay Shore, Key West. .1 Minnii. N. .\. No. 1312. I IT A. SCMNAIU;!.. I). C. Slwl-lit OffiriT Ciand Korks. N. I). Muss. Insl. of 'I'ech.. Key West. IITA. SCMOKI'I'ICI.. A. K. Stuflenl O/firer Ransom. Knns. Seal tic, Wash., Miami. HTA. scm LTZ. !■:. n. 2112 Jaekson St.. Sioux (^ity. Iowa. Seattle, Great Lakes. HT.\. fT 1 n I '<\\. j^ 4 n 1 I: I ■ ■ '-h N-!) Puking on- An K Boat at Kkv West ■^.<^^^ .S<:il\VAh. JAMES L. Ensign 5106 Washington Ave., St. Ixttiis, Mo. Mass. Inst, of Tech., IVnsacohi. UiM^k- flway, Cnpi* May. N. A. No. 652. HTA. SCHWARTZ. KD. A- Studcnl Officrr 15 Adrianco Ave., Pough- ktM'psie, N Y. .Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Buy Shore. HTA. scnwi-:i/j:n. h. j. Knsign 150 East 72nlyle. N. A. .\o. 171. HTA. SHAW. i.\Ij1u;.\ i.. Eiisii/li .Shaw llciulil. Dcralur. III. .Mass. InsI, of Ti-cb.. Mi- ami, Pensut^ola, (Ireat Lakes. Philaili'Iphia. N. A. No. 1659. IITA. SIIKA, l'llA.\k J. Sliiileiil Ofjicer 11)2 First .\vc'., Irwin. Pa. \Iass. lust, of Tech. HTA. <^^-i^'^ rrx, .' \Aa (iALLAri)KT Sf:APL.\\K S/iouiiifj Prnpdlcr Cnnslruriion Pcrnlifir to This Ti/pr of Plane SHEA. JOlliN J. Kiisifjn 36 Frank St., No. Cani- hrid;;*', Mass. Muss. Inst. ofTech.. Hay Shore, Bruns- wick, Key West. Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 2362. IITA. SIIKALV. L. K\ANS .Mucfiirtist IJlUir Mountain, S. C. Vcu- sacula. IITA. SIIKKIIY.CVHIL, El). Ensign 3628 So. 26th. Omaha, Neb. Mass. Iiisl. of Tech., Great Lakes. HTA. -rv__.^V^X[^~ Mii:iin.i;-^ . H. (). Ensign .'I6.">1 Campliell Sr., Kansas City. Mo. Mas.s. Inst, of Tech.. Key \\ list. Miami, Pcnsarola. N. A. S«i. 2171. HTA. 9 m .SUKILS, HENRY C. Ensign 58 Francis St., Roxbury, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., iJiiO'nIo, Keyporl. Ensign 24:15 Sheridan Ave., So. Minneapolis, Minn. Dun- woody, Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. N.A. No. 863. IITA. SIli:PllERr).SAM'LR. Ensign 177 East Main St., Lan- caster, N. Y. Mass. Inst, ot Tech.. Ray Shore, Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 1814. HTA. SlIEPPARD. L. B. Ensign Hanover, Penn. Mass. Inst. of Tech.. Ray Shore, Pen- sacola. N. A. No. 170 , HTA. LTA. SHERBROOK. W. A. Sfudenl Officer 140.T Beacon St., Brook- line, Mass. >.Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Commonwealth Pier. HTA. SHERMAN. ALDEN W. Ensign 148 Princeton St., Lowell, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2387. HTA. SHERRICK. R. G. Ensign 1037 Tuscarawas St., W. Canton, Ohio. M. I. T., Great Lakes, Charleston, Key \\csl. Pensacola. N. A. No HTA. SIIERRILL. CHAS. M. Ensign ,307 E. Laurel St.. San An- tonio. Tex. Univ. Wash., Seattle, San Die^ro. Pensa- cola. N.A. No. 2287. HTA. .VMi Mi SHERWOOD. DAVID W. Student Officer Ballston Spa, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. HTA. SHIELDS, EDWARD M. Lieut, ij.g.) West Chester. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Chatham. N. A. 452. SHERWOOD, FRANK S. Ensign 110 East 16 St.. New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West, Pensacola. N.A. No. 2313. HTA. SHETRON, JOHN II. Ensign 118 Victoria PI , Syracuse, N. Y. M. !. T.. Key West MoutchicNo.Rnmb.Gr.Sl., Inglevert, Malpensa, Rock- away. N.A. Nn, 1 li;v HTA SHEWARD, C. M.. Jr. Sftident Officer 908 Broome St.. Wilminjr- ton . Del . Mass. I nst. of Tech. HTA. SHILLING. W. JAMES Ensign 308 N. Carrollton Ave., Baltimore. Md. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. Chat- ham. N. A. No. 951. HTA. SIHPP. JOHN v., Jr. Sludenl Officer Midway, Ky. Mass. Inst. of Tech., Great Lakes, Philadelphia. LTA. SHORT. ROBERT W. Student Officer 214 W. Franklin St., Elk- hart, Ind. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. ^i'jrJ "TRIh- ■ -A r* hS. \ ^Yl' 11 ii ' ■■', SHUMAKIiR, T. FOYK Sludenl 0(?iV,r 6o:i Lind.-n St.. I,ini;i. Dili... \ln^s. Insl. orTwh.. Mi;iiiii. Camp Hicks. Tex. Kil[iii>:lt(>liiie, Kng. SI union PE, Krisitjit Point View. Miiiiiii. Kla. Newport. Hiirvard HiMlin, Mlaiui, (Ironl Lakes. Key West. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2502. SKiAL, Al.l.l.i. .->nii !■:. Cliir SI.. KI P. Ti'x. Seattle , Wash. MTA. i:i2 \\a> WOd ■;ii,i.. II SlittI, .\(lains .Iiin(;toii ily Iii.st. AHOLD W. Ill OffiriT i St.. N. W.. D. C. Dnn- Miim. UTA. I'l'LLixG Down a Kitp; Hai.i.oon at Ska i.<^^ .S!\nin\^. \ 1111,11 Knsiijii mil Knohlock St.. Still- water. Okla. Mass. lust, of Tech.. .Miami, key We,st, Pensacola. i\. .\. No. 2Sfl.'J. .^iMo.NDS. \\.M.ri:H Ensign 727 Harvard St.. Koeliesler, N- Y. Mass. Inst, of Teeli.. .Miami. Pensaeola. N. A. No. 203.-!. IITA. sim;laih. KHA/.i;it \. Ensign Hrooklyil. N. Y. Roeliamp- l. 222 E. 16tli St.. llopkins- ville, K y. Mass. I nsl . of Tech.. IVrisacola. Wash- ington. D. C HTA. SMITH. ()M\ i;h II. Linif. {j.'j.) 908 N. 61 Si., Overl.rook, I*a. Mass. lust, of Tech., IVnsaeola. KAF. W'arsash. KiiK-. Queenstown. In*. sal SMI III, MM. I'll i:. h'nsujft 21B2 Valentine Ave., New Yorkt'ily. IVnsneola, Cha- tham. N. A. No. 2010. HTA. p Mi >^ ^r^f^ Italian Skc tkj.n ot IIaxgahs at Lake Bolsena, Italy Shoinni/ Miirrhi Chaxxr I'lancs in M'aler ^f¥-^ m^j^- S^' \^ s\iriM, ui<:ii\FU> w. SliiilrnI Offia-r SnliMll. W . \ a. Mass. Inst, of Tt-cb.. Miami. HT.\. S\IHM. UK II \UI) .M. e May. N. A. No. 575. HTA. .SMiril, rillH) ('.liarlotlesville, \u. .Mns.s. Inst, of Tech.. Akron, HcK-kaway Beach. LTA. )>(}S -;CKN SMITH. VAN DOM C. Ensign 102 Waverly Place, New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tecit-, Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2034. HTA. SMITH, WILLARDG. Mackinisi 17 Haynes St.. Hartford, Conn. Columbia Univ.. USS. North Carolina, USS. Slackton, Miami. SMI III, W. H. Sliident Officer 4 Coltafje Place, Warren. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. SMITH. WILLIAM P. Ensign ftO^ Hancock St.. Sandusky, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Miami, Mout- chic, Paris. Brest. N. A. No. 644. HTA. SNAVELY. RALPH A. SNOOK, JOHN LLOYD SNOW, CHARLES IL Ensign Ensian Student Officer 725 E. Madison Si.. Spring- 403 Walpr St.. Trov, Ohio. .';i2 E. Taylor Si.. Bloom field. Mil. Seal lie. Wash., Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key inalon. 111. Dunwoody San Uiego. HTA. West. HTA. HTA. .SOLLEY, ROBERT F. Student (IJJicer 111 Easl 60lh Si., New Yfirk City. CJreat Lakes. LTA. SOMERS. ANDREW Ensign 89 Keap Si.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pen- sacola, Moutchic. Fr., lie Tudy, Fr. HTA. SOMMERS. JOHN E. Ensign Clifton Springs. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Mi- ami. N. A. No. 1539. HTA. SONNABEND, A. M. Ensign 43 Munroe St., Roxbury, Boston, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola. Miami. N. A. No. 1603. HTA. SONNEBORN, R. G. Student Officer 2120 Eiilaw Place. Balti- more, Md. Mass. Inst, of Tech. Uh •. I, ;. V V -^ llill mi M£Ji yh .'. 1*1 A> ■-vZ>0' SOUTHER. HUGH S. Ensign Cleveland. Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami, Pensacola, Hampton Rds. N. A. No. 1012. HTA. SOUTHWOHTll. Ensign 122 Cheslnul Si.. held. Mass. Mass. Tech.. Key West. A. P. Wake- Inst. of Pensa- cola. In. a! No. 2542. HTA SPARLLNG. lOLLlolTW. Ensign 109 101 h Ave.. W. Ash- land. Wis. Dunwoody, Key West, Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1209. HTA. SPEAKER. TRIS. E. Student Officer Hubbard. Tex. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. ■-Tr^. .^ > - *• S .Mrlloc Si. Ixiiiis. .Mo. S.Mlll.-. S;iTl Dic't'o llTA. si'EM;r;n. hvro.\ Ensign 7:iO North 22. Si. Josepli. Mo. Muss. Insl. ol'lVrli.. Ki'y Wc^l. MNiiili. IVtisji- cola. N. A. No. 21)11. HTA. SPHAGUK. E. L. Ensign .30 \V>st lHh St., New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. .Minmi. I'ensacola. N. A. No. 1200. N. A."s Tu.MXINC WITH THE FrENCII AT A VOHD-CllEU, Fh.^N'CE Land Miirlilncs Were I'srd hi/ This S(iitailrou '/< I i M STACKV. JAMKS |[. Ensign White Hivcr Jet.. \ eniioiit, Mass. Inst, of Terh.. .Mi- ami, I*ensacoUl. N. A. No. IT.iO, HTA. .STACKHOIJSE.JOIIN M. Ensign l.U Market Si.. Hlooms- biirK, IVnn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Key West, Peiisucola, iN. A. .No. 2688. HTA. STALK, A. HOLSTAN Ensign Care Loein;; A'Tti Enf;. Corj).. New York City. \\'ashington, 1). C, llamp- lou Roads. HTA. -^.p^JV^^S^^-^^^ .STANKOIil). M. II Slinlrnl Officer 411)6 Conk St., Duliith, .Minn. Ounwoody Inst., Minn., .Miami. •,>(;.) — >_■■ STANTON. GEO Ensign 39 N. Fullerton Ave., Monlclair. N. J. Mass. Inst. i)f 'I'l'ch., Key West. N. A. No. 2018. IITA. STAPP, C. C. Student Officer 203 W. Church St.. Cham- paigDe, III. Dunwoody, Great Lakes. HTA. STARK, THOMAS E.. Ensign Hodgenville, Ky. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pen- .sacola. N. A. No. 2.'i20. HTA. STARKEY. WILMEHT Student Officer 911 Chester Ave., Avalon, Pa. Ma.ss. Inst, of Tech., Key West. HTA. ^ STARR, LOWELL Student Officer 152 Deer Hill Avenue, Dan- bury, Conn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Ren.sonhurst; Pel- ham Bay. HTA. STAUB, JOHN F. Lkut. (j.g.) a.SO Temple Ave., Knox- ville, Tenn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Ft. Worth, Killinjjholme. En^'. N, A. No. 26.3. HTA. ST. CLAIR, J. R. Lieut, {j.g.) 19:i0 E. 4lh St., Duluth, Minn. .Ma.ss. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Pensacola. N. A No. 930. HTA. STEARMAN, LLOYD C. Student Officer Harper. Kans. Seattle, Wash.; San Diego. HTA. I'^lf m m STEBBINS, ROBERT P. Ensign Covina, Cal. Mass. Inst. of Tech., Akron, Rock- away Beach. LTA. STEEL, VAN H. Ensign 2083 Rosedale Ave., Oak- land, Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech., San Diego, Pen- .sacola. N. A. No. 203.5. HTA. STEELE, O. I., Jr. Ensign Excelsior Springs, Mo. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Mi- ami. Key West, Pensacola. HTA. STEEVES, DUDLEY W. Ensign Box 54, R. No. 1, Hayward, Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1387. HTA. I III STECJE, GEORGE H., Jr. Ensign 34 Monroe Place, Hrook- lyn, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore. Pensa- cola. Rockaway. N. A. No. 1212. HTA. -'^ ^-N -".- __'%- — STi:PUl-.iNS, A. \v. Ensign 20 Highland Ave., Mont- clair, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Hamp- ton Rds. N. A. No. 1630. HTA. v^^Si' STEPHENS. FRED H. Ensign 147 Ashmoiil St., Dor- chester Centre, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Mi- ami. N. A. No. 1537. HTA. .__vn___. STEPHENS, ROBERT E. Ensign University Club. San Diego, Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami, Pensacola, San Di- ego. HTA. I 'I 'ix3 '':^:^i.- 0' M'W _lA\'4 STKI'IIKNSON, Ensign 423 N. Ccnier St. Ii.-m, l'„ Mass. Ir.h. MIA. F. L. Belhlc- Inst. (if STKV i:,\s. K. A. MfichinisI I.iiki- I'Imid. N. Y. Col- iitnhia Univ., Great Lakes, Key West. STKMC.NS. JAMICSW. SliKlfnt Officer {'liarles and ('ainden St.s., Italtiinore, .\1d. Wash.; IVorfolk. Sfutllr IITA. sTi;\ i;.\.s().N, M. I.ifitl. (j.ij.) Meadow ltr(M)k Club, \V1- -n- ---f;T » V m - > # c'v'v >.v>A ^•*«t4. STRIBLING, H. A. L. /.icHf. (J.J.) 75 Liickii! St., Atlanta. Ga. Coliiiiihia Univ., Moiil- chio. Fr., Morehead City. N. C. STRONG, T. J. Lieui. (J.g.) (Champaign, III. Mas.s. Iiisl. of Vrrh , Hay Shore, P.-iisacula. N. A. No, 'I2y. IITA. STIJDLEY, ItAHHIC'lT Ettsigtt 2H1 N<:w York Ave, Itrook- lyn, N. Y. .Mass. Insl. of Tfcli., Hay Shore, Peiisa- cnhi. IITA. STU.MI'K, WM. A. Lieul. U-9-) 122 Oak St., I'lalt-slmrK, N. Y. Hofkaway, Hay Shore. Pensaeola, Hampton H«Is.. Giiipavas, Fr.. Chat- ham. I.IA. TlIK Km) (IF .\ I'khkkct W.IR Tearing Don it Ihr IIS-Vs afirr the Armixlicc STURGIS, ALANSON H. Lieut. (J.g.) 120 Hnylslon St., Boston, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Teeh., Pcnsacoln. N. A. No. 2015. HTA. sri.LIS AN. ANDHKW J. Ensign 4211 V'inoenncs Ave, Chi- cago, III. Dunwr>o^ i'liii -a— ■rV'^ ^4 SWEENEY. FRANCIS J. Stuf/rnt Officrr 550 Melropolifan Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mass. iDst. of Tech.. Pelham Bay, Miami. HTA. SWEETLAND. G. Ensign 12 Fairlawn St.. Everett, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Rockaway, Hamp- ton Ruads. SWENNING, KARLA. Enxiyn 5 Park St.. Brookline, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Mi- ami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2173. HTA. SWIFT, CLIFFORD G..Jr. Ensign Temple, Tex. Seattle, San Diego, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2197. HTA. SWIFT. WM. E. Ensign Lake Forest. III. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Great Lakes, Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2329. HTA. SWINEFORD, OSCAR, Jr. Ensign 1302 Grove Ave., Rich- mond, Va. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Miami, Hampton Rds., Berkeley, N. A. No. 1536. HTA. SYMES, J. P. Student Officer 2218 Roosevelt Ave.. Ber- keley, Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech., San Die^o, Pensa- cola, N. A. No. 1779. HTA. SYMINGTON. TIIOS. R. Ensign 220 Ridsewood Road. Ro- land Park, Baltimore, Md. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1846. HTA. m MM ^ <$. Sabin, Glenn C, Ensign. Sadenwateb, H., Lieut, (.j.g.). .Sadowskv, Jack Phelps, Student Officer, 5.3:5 W. End Ave., New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech. St. Claib, Harry L.. Student Officer, Saltville, Va. St. Clair. J. R., Lieut, (je). 1930 E. 4th St., Duluth, Minn. N. A. No. 93(1. Sal-sman, J., War. Boatswain. N. A. No. .'J2'i. Sams, Brl'ce, J., Ensign. 235 Gordon East, Savannah, Ga. Sams, Lewis P., Ensign, 116 Juniper St., .\tlanta, Ga. N. A. No. 1359. SAM.STAG, IL R., Student Officer, 307 W. 81st St., New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Sanderson. Earl J., Sludent Officer, .32 State St., Seneca Falls, N. V. Sanfori), Herbert H.. Ensign, 758 Waverly St., Palo Alio, Cal. Sancmasteb, Norman I., Student Officer. Samos, Fileto D., Ensign. N. A. No. 1056. Sargent, Fitzwilliam, Lieut. (j.g.1., Haverford, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, O. N. A. No. 61,'t. LTA. Sargent. Howard C, Lieut, (j.g.), 49 Oliver St., Maiden Mass. Mass. Insl. of Tech.. Pensacola, Moutchic, St. Trojan. Chalham. N. A. No. 372. HTA. Saul, John M., Student Officer, 934 New York Ave., N. W., Washington, D. C. Mass. Insl. of Tech. HTA. Saunders, Don E., StudenI (lihcer, Colerain, N. Car. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. IITA. Saunders, Eugene D., Sludent Officer. 2925 Coliseum St., New Orleans, La. DunwooSan Diego, Pensacola. Sawyer, Damian C. Ensign. N. .\. No. 2399. Sawyer, Gene F., StudenI Officer, 1123 East 86th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. HTA. Sawyer. Lester B., Student Officer, 2015 G St., N. W., Washinglon, D. C. Sawyer. Ralph II., Ensign, 24 Clinton St., Framing- ham, Mass. Saxry, J. Bert, Ensign, Santa Barbara, Cal. N. A. No. 2076. Saxton, R\y D., Student Officer. Sayles. Phiiip S., SuidenI Officer, New Bedford, Mass. Mass. Insl. of Tech , Newport, R. L, Bay Shore. HTA. Sayles, R. W., Ensign, 16 East St., Adams, Mass. N. A. No. 1 162. .Saylor, William S., Student Officer. Saybe. Caryl H.. Ensign, 868 Carroll St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Pensacola. Moulchic, Avord, Old .Sarum, Eng., Campaigne, St. Inglcvert. N. A. No. 367. Scarborough, H. C, Ensign, Plattsmoulh, Neb. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Akron, Rockaway. LTA. Scarlett, Ed, G., Ensign. 37 Lake Ave., Lynn, Mass. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1211. HTA. Sc\TTERGOon, George B., Ensign, 111 W. Philelena St., (iermanlown, Philadelphia, Pa. Mass. insl. of Tech., Akron. Rockaway. LTA. ScHENCK. I. P., Ensign. N. A. No. 1402. ScHERMRRHORN, H., Lieul. fj-ff.). 1^6 Oakleigh Road, Newton, Mass. N. A. No. 208. ScHERMERHORN, Jamets, Jr.. Student Officer, Detroit Times, Detroit, Mich. .Mass. Inst, of Tech. SctiiLicHTER, Fred P., Ensign, 28 Radford St., Yonkers, N. Y. Schiller, Morgan B., Ensign, 530R Ellsworth Ave., Piltsburgh, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Seattle. i? un m 1 mm r^'th--- '-vVr' c'^fA^ ^6M ScHiMMEL, Vernon G.. Ensign, 205 Colonial lildp., Winchester, Ky. .\. A. iSo. 2026. ScKlVEHV. A. K., Slinlcrit OJlircr, Wnodlnrul, Pii. ScHi-oss. Monroe II., Student Oflicer. 2.114 IJifjiw Plan-, Hultimore. Md. SriiMTi). Heiuifhi W.. I-Ji-iitrn. 100 I-'Im^-rove \ve., Prnvii:n, Ki.MER I... Stiidenr OHiiiT. SciiOEMR"^, KncAR O., Studi'iit Ofllrer. S{:iioi-M:i,n. EnwiN H.. Siiidcnl (tmrer. 227 S. list St., I>hil.i.lrl,.hia, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Te.h. MTA. S< jiorn t II. Hof;EH S., Student Odirrr. 1*> MonuTnent Hoad. Phihidelphia, Pa. .Mass. Insl. of Tech.. Hay Shore. L.I. IITA. Sriioi./, Jackson V., Ensign, 5867 Nina Place, St. Louis. Mo. ScuooNMAKKn. K., EnsiRn. N. A. No. .IJKl. SciioRTMANN, Kdwahd C, Student Ofiicer, 227 Lahaii St.. Providen<;e, R. L ScMoi'TON, IlKNnv W.. Lieut. I'.j.p.^ 26 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Navnl Ohservniory. Wasliinpton. D. C, P)lila^.l^ .lotpi-n IL. Student Ollicfr. ^96 S. Maryland St.. Hrooklyn. N. \. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Akron. Rock- away. L'r\- Si-:r C. Student Officer. 5255 Enriglit Ave.. St. Louis. Mo. Mass. Inst, of Tech., U. S. Naval Air Staiion. Miami. MTA. SciiwABi:, .loHN C, Jr., Ensign. 12 College .\ve.. Cohnn- I)ia. Mo. Akron, O., Pensac(4a, Rockaway, Moreliead City. Key West. N. A. No. 1109. LIA. SriiwAHTZ. F. R., Ensign, 151 Central Park West. New York. ScHWARZ. L. L.. War. Gun. Scott. Everett R.. Ensign. 200.'t 7tli ,\vc,, Kearney, Nehr. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Sau Diego, Pensacola, Miami. N. A. No. 1657. SroTT, I'lvERETT L.. Sludeiit Onicer, 91-2 16th St., Rouhler, Colo. Scott, Francis W., Studenl Officer, 1371 Peacitree St.. Atlanta, Ga. Sc:orr. George Drake, FJeut. (j-K-)* 31 Westmoreland Place. Si. Louis, Mo. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Ray Shore. L. I., Key West, Rrnnswick. Miami. N. A. No 165. ScciTT, John Miatt, Sludcrit Officer, 1.1.18 Oakenwald Ave.. Clilcago, III. Scott. S. (;.. Student Officer. 309 South New St.. Cham- pai::n. Ill Mass. Inst, of Tech. MTA. Scott. William R.. Jr., Ensign, 145 Juniper St., .\llanta, Gu. N. A. No. 1110. SroTTT, Will Jeriioli>. Studenl Officer. 21rd St.. 7th Ave., Kearney. Nelir. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HT-\. SciMNroN, Semeno S.. Student Odicer, H'.i') Edtrewood Ave. Tr4-iiton. .\ . J. Mass. Inst, of lech., Newport, R. I. MTA. Sciiin»Ea. Norman C, Student Officer, 25 Fountain St.. West Newton, Mass. Scully, F. P., Lieut, (j.g.), 5 Dexter Park. Cambridge. Mass. SnifRRY. Tom, Student Officer, 190.1 Rennet t .\ve., Dallas. Tex. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pensacola. MT.\. Sears, Willi.^m, Student Officer, 30 W. 4Hh St., New York City. Se\ion. DoNAiJi L., Student Officer, 485 Renton St., Santa Rosa. Cal. Vniv. of Washinglou, Seattle. Seboli). Chasi-: Iv. W'ar. Mach. Si-KTior. Jkromi: F.. Knsign, 1107 Jarvis .\vc., Chicago, III. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. Miami. Pensacola, Montttuk. N. \. No. i:J22. Seeman, William. Student Officer. 261 Riverside Drive, New York City. Mas.s. Inst, of Tech., Ray Shore. L. I., Pensacola. LTA. Seideis. IL <:.. Lieut, q.g.). 211 N. Medford St.. Rir- mingham, Ala. A ruiapolis, "Washington. Pensacola. MT.\. Selio. Albert S.. Student Officer. ll!i Washini:ton St., Atlanta, Ga. .Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. MTA. Selvac.e, Euckne S.. Ensign. 2522 Ridge Road, Rerkeley Cal. Sewell. A. T., Ensign. N. A. No. 2117. Sevmoi'r, Freoehick D.. Student Officer. 55 Prospect St.. East Orange. N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Ray Shore. MTA. Srymoi-h. II. J., Ensign. Lima, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. .\kron. Mami)ton Rds., Key West. LTA. SuArKKORO. RoREitT S., Student Officer. 1015 Reacon St.. Itrookline. Mass. Mass. hist, of Tecli. IITA SiiACKNO. Ji LIEN S., Studcut Officer. 800 Argyle Road, Rrooklyn, N. Y. Shanus. Richard E.. Student Officer, 901 16th St., N. W.. Washington. D. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. MTA. Shank. William C. Ensign. Globe RIdg., Pittsburg, Kan.«. Great Lakes, Pensacola. Shani.v. John .Skvton. Student Officer. Court Hotel, 555 Rush St.. San Francisco. Cal. Shannon. Wm., Student Officer, 616 76th St.. Rrooklyn, N. Y. Sharp, Malcolm P., F^nsign. 650 Mendota Court. Maclisa. Wis. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. N. A. No. 1510. MTA. Shaver. Roy W.. Student Officer, Care of Mctz Mfg Co., \\althaiiL Mass. Shaver. W. A., War. Mach.. Ill East Carter Ave., Ash- land. Ky. Shaw. Clifton R.. Student Officer, Route No. 5. Wea- ther Ford. Tex. Shaw, Lawrence I., Student Officer, Osceola. N';I)r. Shaw. William L., Ensign. 2300 McKinney Ave., Dal- las, Tex. N A. No. 1624. Shea. El^w^Rll L.. Lieut. fj.g.>, 90 Palm St., Nashua, N. IL R<»yal Flyint.' Corps. Toronto, Hampton Rds., San Diego. N.' A No. 153. MTA. Shea, Gerald P.. Student Officer. 213 Temple St., Syra- cuse, N. Y. Shehan. J. M.. Lieut, (j.g.). N. A. No. 4a4. Shehan. W\lter H., Student Officer, 73 Sherman Ave., New MaveiL Conn. Sheldon. Kenneth H.. Ensign. The Cloister Club. New Haven. Conn. N. A. No. 2096. Sheldon. Ralph M.. Student Officer. 1879 Ninth Ave., Watervliel. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Buffalo, Akron. LTA. SHELTfiN. Clarence M.. Ensign. N. A. No. 2143. Shelton. Leonard W.. Student Officer. 497 S. EI Molino Ave.. Pasadena. Cal. Seattle. Wash. MTA. Shepard. M. R.. Lieut. Ob). ^'•"st Derry. N. H. Ord- nance, experimental aircraft machine guns and cannon. HTA. Shepard. William Wall\ce. Student Officer. Auburn. Cal. SeaHlc. \\aslL. Key West. MIA. Shepherd, Leland IL, Student Officer. 165 Arlington Ave., Providenci?, R. I. Shepherd. Thomas L.. Student Officer. 312 N. Chestnut St.. Plallsville, Wis. SiiEppAMD. r^. W.. Lieut, (j.g.). Sheppahd. W. II. , Ensign. 225 Rrondway Market RIdg., Detroit. Mich. N. A. No. 625. Sherbirne, G. IL, War. Mach., Mystic. Conn. Sheridan. Edward J.. Student Officer. 147 W. Muske- gon Ave., Muske^'ou, Mich. Sheridan, Thomas H.. Lieut, (.jg), 1405 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. (Jreat Lakes. Pensacola. Washington. D. C. Sherman. H. U.. Jr., Student Officer, 24 Union St., :\lontclair. N. J. (Jreat Lakes. 111. HTA. Sherman. S. F.. War. Mach. Shields. John F.. Student Officer. New Rochelle. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tw^h. HTA. Shields. Lf>ris G.. Student Officer, 3rd and Maple Sts., Great N<-.k. N. Y. :i 'II /3'^. :-l- "r n A- — ■— * -'f' A''-^ i^H Shields, Paul V.. Student Officer, Manhasset, L. I., New York. Shields, William L., War, Gun. SmnK. Chafee Wright, Student OfTicer, Main St.. Brodkvill.'. liid. Shihk, Elbert W . Lieut, (j.g). Richmond. Ind. Shirley. Elser C, Student Officer, 150 Wilder Ave.. Los Gates, Gal. Shoemaker. Allan W., Student Officer, 22.3 East Cora- mene St., lirJdfjetOTL N. J. Shoemaker. William. Jr., Student Officer. 112 S. 54lh St., Philadelphia. Pa. Shone. G. C., Ensign, 356 Kingsley Ave.. P:do Alto, G;d. N. A. No. 1.-J05. Shore. Harold F.. Ensign, Chillicothe, Mo. Seattle, Wash., San Dingo. Peasacola- N. A. No. 2167. TITA. Shorney, Gordon D., Student Officer, 304 S. Euclid Ave.. Oak Park, 111. Dunwoody. Miami. HTA. Showalter, W. IL. Ensign.. Merced. Calif. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Akron, Rockaway. LTA. Shumaker, Grover C., Student Officer, 324 Main St., Tupelo, Miss. Shuman, Oelwin L.. Ensign. 2801 Benvenue Ave.. Berkelev. Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Peiisaeola. N. A. No. 1394. HTA. Shumway, Paul E., Lieut, (j.g.), 43 Grove St., Green- field, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Ft Worth, Hampton Rds.; Killingholme. Eng.; Cape May. HTA. Sibley, Dean S., Ensign. Newport, N. H. Mass. Inst. of Tech., Curtis Aero Corp. under Bur. of Steam Eng. SiDLO, Charles T., Ensign, 722 Humboldt St., Denver, Colo. SinvvAY, Ralph H., Student Offi^^er. 5T5 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Great Lakes, Pensacola. SiKDLER. Howard D., Student Officer, 36 Oakland Ave., Bloomfield. N. J. Siegbert, Henry. Student Officer, Hotel San Remo, 74th St.. and C. P. West, New York City. SiEVERT. Leo Ellsworth. Student Officer, 400 N. Mon- terey St., Alhambra, Cal. SiMARD, C. T.. Ensign, 2318 Glen Ave., Berkeley. Cal. N. A. No. 1604. Simmons, Franklin C, Student Officer, 160 Bellevue Ave., Upper Monlclair, N. J. Simmons, John G., Student Officer. 16 Knickerbocker Road, Englewood, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Simmons, Jull\n D., Student Officer, 35 West 53th St., New York City. Simon, Edgar K.. Student Officer, Edgemnre Chil). Edgemore. L. I., N. Y. Simpson, Colin Campbell, War. Mach. Simpson, John D., Student Officer, 105 East 15th St., New York City. Simson, Jess Rav, Ensign. N. A. No. 1191. Sinclair. Arthur H.. Ensign. 3170 17th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. N. A. No. 725. SiNciE, Clarence, Student Officer, 465 West End Ave.. New York City. Sittenham, F. W., Lieut, (j.g.). 29 W. lllh St.. New York City. SiuLis. Wilbur T., Student Officer. 251 W. 129th St., New York City. Sk ELTON, Leonard W., Student Officer, 497 So. EI Molino Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Seattle. HTA. Skewes, T., War Gun. Skinneh. Edmund B. Skirm, Joseph G., Lieut. G.g.\ 17 Maple St., Princeton, N.J Skyles, W. F., War. Mach. N. A. No. 613. Slatteby, Alfred M., Student Officer. 137 Savin Hill Ave., Boston, Mass. Slayter, Riohabd Eugene, Student Officer, 4417 Gaston Ave.. Dallas, Tey. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. HTA. Sloan, Julian R.. Ensign, 20 W'illinra St., New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron. Hampton Roads, U. S. S. Rhfide Island, Arkansas, Grand Fleet; Berehaven, Ireland. LTA. Sloan, Vernon G., Ensign. Arlington Heights, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech. Garden City. L. I. Sloane, Douglas. Lieut, fj.g.), 328 Cabot St.. Newton- ville, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. HTA. Sloman, Frank IL, P'nsign, 185 Dolores St., San Fran- cisco, Cal. Small, R. B.. W^ar. Mach., 1102 West 5th St., Marion, Ind. Smart. Jackson W., Student Officer, 702 S. University St., .\nn Arbor, Mich. Smart, Rov L.. Student Officer, Clayton, Ala. Smith, Albert V., Student Officer. 32 Oakland St., Win- throp, Mass. Smith, Alvin W^, Jr., Lieut, (j.g.). Care of Dr. Hahne, 41 1 Graflon Apt., Dayton, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola; Moutchic, Le Croisic, Ferrand, Fr.; Porto Corsini, Italy; Miami, Hampton Roads. N. A. No. 356. HTA. Smith, Andrew M . Ensign, I.^04 Hay Ave., Hollywood, Cal. Seattle. San Diego. Pensacola. Hampton Roads. N. A. No. 2119. HTA. Smith, C. W^., Ensign. 2421 Harriet Ave., S. Minneapolis, Minn. N. A. No. 1658. Smith, Carl D., Student Officer. 65 Fairfield Ave., Holy- oke, Mass. Smith, Charles R. W., En-^ign, 321 Hawthorne Rd., Roland Park, Md. N. A. No. 1878. Smith, Chester C. Eu?ign, 3002 Charlotte St., Kansas City. Mo. Smith, Donald J., Ensign, Sheldon. Ind. Smith. E Traver, Lieut. (J.g.). 223 E. Main St., Pat- chogue. N. Y. Buffalo, R. F. C.. Gosport, Turnberry, Ayr, R. A. F., Sq. 213. Dunkirk, Fr. HTA. Smith, Earl B., Ensign. N. A. No. .165. Smith, Ellsworth E., Student Officer, Menands, N Y. Smith, Elwyn L., Ensign, Syracuse, N. Y. N. A. No. 96 t. Smith, Everett, Jr., Ensign, 27 Wall St.. New York Cily. S.mith, Francis P., Jr., Ensign, Mamaroneck, N. Y. N. A. No. 723. Smith, Frank S., IJeiit. fj.g.1, HalleltsviUc, Tex. Smith, Fred G. Smith, G. E., Ensign, Box 215, Okhihoma City, Okla. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Rockaway Bea:h. LTA. Smith, Gordon, Ensign. N. A. No. 933. Smith, Hampton S., Student Officer. Smith, Harold A., Student Officer, 114 13th Ave., Columbu'!, Ohio. Smith, H.\rry C, Student Officer, 147 Franklin St., Marietta, O. Smith. Herbert I.,.. Slnd'-tit Officer. 3037, S. Vermont .\ve., Los Angeles, Cal. Smith, Hewitt, Student Officer. 901 S. 30lh St., Birm- ingham, Ala. Smith, Hugh C, Student Officer, 7 Marair)n Ave., Detroit, Mich. Smith, J. D., Student Officer, Sheldon, Ind. Smith, James M., Student Officer, lll^i Walnut St. Harrisburg, Pa. Smith, John E.. StuiSi.. ( -.liiirlfs and .-iOlh Sis.. Hiilliinore. Mil. MiiBS. Inst, ol 'Irah. MIA. Smith. Hiihvkn K.. Sliiiiciil OUkpr. Calliiliun. Fl.i. Mass. Iiisi. 1,1 Tech. IITA. Smtth. 'Iii<)m\s B.. ICnsiKD. 2029 Pine Si.. Pliiladolphin. Pa.. Crcat Lakes, Pfiisacola. Smith. W hi hm A.. Slmlraii n(I!.-.-r. Ifi 11 Ih St., Parkcrs- laire, \\ . \a . DnnwiM.rly Insl., Minn. I/I'A. Smith. W m. J.. Kiisifn. Ollll S. Crorki'll Si.. Sherman. Tex. Mass. Insi. of Terh., Miami. Pensacola. Hampton Hoads. .N. A. No. 2121. IITA. Smith, Wii.iiam N. II.. Jn., Student Omror, 434 Halifax St.. Ilnleidh. N. C. Smith. VV. R. I., ,hi., Knsign, 202 First Natl. Bank Bids., Birhmond. V a. Mass. Inst of Teeli.. Bay Shore, Pcnsarolu. Halifax. N. S.. North Sydney. N. S.. Key West. HTA. Smith. Vati :s B . Stuilent OITicer, 2IR Seminole Ave.. Delriiil. Mich. .S-vi:i.i,„N. C. ,\,_ War. Machinist, 272 W William St., Decatur. III. Snkli., Hmioi.d v.. Ensign. Snoddv, B. I,., Knsinn, 16 State St., Schenectady. N. Y. N. A. No. 2172. .Snoiwmass. Pa it. VV., Student Ollirer. .'jl:! Pros|iect Ave.. Mc-diim. N. Y. .Snodv. Allan P.. Lieut. t).i;.\ 19 Haclforil I'l., Yon- kc^rs. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore, Key West. I'ensac'cda. HT.A. S.^o^^, Ai i iikd T.. Knsii-n, 117 S. ftSrd St., Philadcjiphia, Pa. Mass. lust. ciC Tec-li.. Biirpe.s.s Co., Marblehead, Mass. SivOH. William I'.. ICnsifii. I 17 Bay State Road. Boston. Mass. N. A. No. .'iiB. .SiNowniiiN. John W.. Sliident l>nic:cr. 102.") V. Jersey St., Klizabeth, N. J. SNVDinn, Chas. A., Sludc-nl OlIiccT. W.llsburo, Pa. Mass. Insl. of Tech. HTA. Snvdlr, NviloN K.. Knsign. Berrien S(igs.. Mich. N. A No. 2.",ll|. SNviiLn, W. OvLiiTON. Fnsign, Birdsville. Md. SonoTs. I-'., Unr. Machinist. .'^ONKns. (Jlknn W.. Student Oflieer. RO:! S. Lal'ountnini' St.. Kokonio. Incl., Diinwoody Insl., Minn.; Miami. Key West. HTA. SoNTK, jA,Mr:s B., War. Machinist, Meri'Iian, Mi.ss. SopEiL (;i:o. A., Jn., Student Odicer, 391 West Knd .\ve.. New York City. SoeEH, llAnoLf) C, Knsi^■n. N. .\. No. 915. SonucaJS. S. B., Carpenter. SoijT.i:, \ . .X.. \\;\r. Machinist, %0 Saratoga Ave.. Yonkers N. Y. SniT.is. IIaiiolu \.. Student Oflicer. 2.'>l VV. 120lh St , New York City. Mass. Inst, of Ti-ch. IITA. SoULls. WiLBLR T.. Sludent OHieer. 2"il VV. 120lh St.. New York City Mass. Inst, of Tcvh. HIV. SoLiH, .\Rnv, War. Boatswain. SorTliLK. ItiCHAni) (;.. linsign. 70Ii9 VValcTnian .\ve.. St. Louis. Mo. SovTiiwEi.L. Fnicn B.. Student Ollicer. 1107 12th St.. Boulder. Colo. SoL'THWic^K. Ivan A.. Student Orticcr. Carver. Okla. Mass. Insl. of Tech.. Akrcui, Pensacola. LT.\. Soi'thwohth, Thomas I>.. Lieut. Off)- l*ox 1. Sjiring- ville. Utah. N. A. No. :)119. Si>ai:th. John N.. Student OfTiecr. 211 Thurston Ave., Ilhaca, N. Y, Si'Aiin. Bav-mond .\., Knsign, 22."1 Chestnut St.. Sewiek- Ic-y. Pa. N. a. No. 20117. Si'ANc;i.i:ii, C\m,i-:TO\ H.. Sludeiil IKTIcer. 308 K. Main St.. Kdmond. Okla. MTV. Spaitloino. C. a.. Slndcnt Olliii-r. Ilarlf.inl, Mich.; Seattle, Wash. HTA. SpAiii.niN*;, Ihah O., I'Tisign. SpKAni:, llAncHu IL, KiLsign. Spefh, Fhvnk II. , J a., Knsign, 674^ Thomas .St., Pitts- liurgh. Pa. N. A. No. 1171. .Spence. ItEnNAnn L.. Knsign. .")2') Third .'^t.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Mass. Insl. of Tech.. Key West. .Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 1613. HTA. SpENOEH. .\ltTHLn W., Student Onicer. Spenoeh, Leon C, .Student (lllicer, Norlh BennioL'ton, Vc. SpEnicv, InviM; 1... Slndcnt ( Ulieer. SpEnnv, RoilEni A., Sludent ftllicer, 2107 Adclhert Iload, Cleveland, Ohio. SpiEc^AL, Bai.ph a.. Student OHieer. 190 lllh St., Milwaukee. Wis. SpiKCELBEHo, Ceo. .\., Studeut onicer. 36 W. 76lh St., New York Cily. Spikes. Joseph N., Student OITicc-r. Beniamin. Tex Mass. Inst, of Tech. I.TA. Spii.hne. }\mk-, ]., Stu.lcnt OlIiciT. IKO lli\cr St., Kast I>cdham. .Mass. Spink. K. S.. Jn.. Knsign. Phoenicia. .N. Y. Mass. Insl. of Tech.. Bay Shore, Ilamiilon Hoads, Pensacola. N.A. No. 177H. HTA. SpRArr. William .\., Knsign. SpHiNGALl. CvHlis F.. Lii-ut. (j.g.). Ill Spring St.. Maiden. Mns,s. Mass. Inst, of Tech., BulTulo. Klizalietfa, New York. N. A. No. 17H9. IITA. SpHlNcjER. ICkward F., Eosign. Aspermonl. Tex. N. A. No. 2316 SpRiTANcE. Horace I'^. .\sst. Surgeon. SpHLNT, J. I).. Knsign. 223 N. .3d St.. Wilmington, N. C Mass. lust, of Tech., Key West. Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 11113. LTA. SpiiRiiiEn. DctNAi.D P., Knsign, 32.'> Oliver St.. Whiting, Incl.; Dnnwoodv Inst.. Minn.; Key West. Pensacola, Marhlchc-ad City. N. A. No. 2133. ilT\. .Sc.u inn. Charles C. Knsign. 30 .Stearns Bo;id. Brook- line. .Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech. Stackpoie. Robeht K.. Sludent Ollic-er. 31'>.5 Bro.idwny. New York City. .Stacv, IL. Lieut, (j.g.). STAi-Tonn. Lac:. F.. Knsign. •STAca;. DwTGHT Iv, Student Ollicer, 1.">1 West .\vc.. Bridge|>ort. Conn. .Staiil. I'^nir C. Ensign, 22,5.'> Parkwcnid Ave., Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key We,*!. Miami. Pensacola. N. .K. No. 20110. Stvi.ev. William .M., .^^tiident Olficer. 602 Irma Ave.. Bc.-iiimonl. Texas. Si \i,L, Bii;ii\Ri> C. Sludent Oflicer. B()x 217. Monu- ment Beach. .Mass. Si ANCiLL. Leslie E., Ensign, 2706 Ontario Boad, Washington. D. C. N. A. No. 22.511. Stinoing, Russell J.. Student Oflicrer. lloneyville, Utah. •Stwdish. Miles W.. .Student OfUcer. Roc^hcstcr. Mich. Stomi-ori). Bohert IL, Knsign. 332 Putman .\ve., Brooklyn, N. Y.. Mass. Inst, of Te(;h.. Pensai;ola, Chat- ham. N.A. .No. 067. Stanley. Ci.\imnce. Knsign. Great B.'irringloii, Mass. .Mass. Inst, of lech.. Miami. Pensacola. IITA. Stanlev, Ceh MO T.. I'^isign, 1211 Weslnim^tcr PI., St. Louis, -Mo. .SrAM.EY, IIenrv T.. Lieut, (.i.g.i. 20 (Ireyst one Park, Lynn. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tc'li.. Pensacola. Catlewalei. Newlynn. Felixstowe. St. Trci.jan. Paiilliac. Fr;ince. Key West . Stanley, John. I''nsign. N. A. No. 1 lo.'j. Stanley. Richari) B.. iuisiL'ii, Lincoln, N. 11. .\. .\. No. 1001. Stanton, Edwin M.. F^nsign. 1R31 Harrison .\ve.. New York Cily. Staples. John F.. Student Ollicer. .Stark. Howaro B.. Knsign. 2521 ('cdar St., .Milwaukee, Wis. N. A. No. 2221. Stark. Walter B., Sludent Oflicer. Starnks. William E.. Student OHieer. Starr. Freperk; IL, I*^nsi;;n. l''.'iston, Md. Starls, Henry L.. Ensign. 4007 Penhurst .\ve.. Balti- more. Md. .St. Ci.Ain. Harry I... Student OITicer. 316 First Natl. Bank Bldg.. Boanoke. \a. .M.as.s. Inst, of Tech. HT.K. .Stearms. Timothy B., Student Oflieer. Brunswick, Me. Steoma.n, W'. M., Ensign. 81 \'an Winkle St.. Dorchester, M.ass. N. A. No. 1538. Steele. Dinn K.. Student OITicer. 372 Walnut Ave., Roanoke. Va. Steele. FaAN<;is B.. Sludent Ollicer. 32 Kllicolt Ave., Balavia. N. Y. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Bulfnlo. Steei e, Peri^v D.. Ensign. McArthur. Oliio. N. A. No. 2366. STEF\M)Nirii, C. J., Sludent Ollii'er. 31 10 Salmon St.. Philadelphia, Pa. SiKFFENS, FliEnEnit^K B.. Sliicleni Oflicer. 37 .Seaton V^ -273 ^i^^ F. n. No. 3. Fort Alkiri- Ml. Vernon. PI.. N. W.. Washin^'fon. D. C. Mass. Insl. of Terh., Key We^t. UTA. Strin. Iliino B., Slndent OfTicer. 3554 Bosart Ave., AvoniJjile. Cineinnali, Ohio. Dnnwoody Inst... Minn. Steiner, Howard C. Sludent OfTicer, 700 Patterson Ave.. S. W.. Canton. Ohio. Stelleh. Wabrrn K., Student OHirfr. 3333 Archvvood Ave., Cleveland, f>hio. Stenberg. I.yma"j II., Student Oflicpr, B. Jox 324. Piiyailup, Wash. Stengei., Ai.viN L., Ensign, 408 Jones Ave., son. Wis. Stephanowich, Clement J., Ensign. Stephens. II. T., Ensign, 17 Urban St., N. Y. Stephens, Stanford H., Sludent OlTieer. 205 Beacon Si., Boston, Mass. Stevens, F. H., Ensign. Lake Placid. N. Y.; U. S. Naval Air Sta., Brest. N. A. No. 1977. Stevens. John L., Student Ofilrer. 31 t River Si.. Valdosta. Ga. Mass. Insl. of Tech.. Key Wesr. HTA. Stevens, Louis G., Student Officer, Care of B. F. Machlan, TaUoina Park. Washington, D. C. Stevens. William D. B., Student Oificer. Stevens. Willlam F., Ensign, 1526 Sherwin Ave., Chicago, III. Stevenson, George William. Ensign, Waverly. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Key West, Pensacola. HTA. Stevenson. Mabklev, Ensign. 803 Finance Bldg., Philadelphia. Pa. Great Lakes. Washington. D. C. Stevenson, Paul E., Student OfTicer. 4-t Boylston St., Cainliridge. Mass. Stevenson, W. A., Student Officer. 412 West College St.. Rochester, Minn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Montauk, Miami. HTA. Stewart, Bebnie R., Student OfTicer, Apt. 512 G St.. N. W., Washington, D. C. Stewart, Geo. S., Student Officer. Stewart. John C, I'-nsign, 5IH Grove St., Sewickley, Pa. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Bay Shore. Pensac(Wa. N. A. No. 1601. HTA. Stewart, Boss, Student OfTicer, 310 Dennis Ave., Houston, Tex. Stewart. Slavton J.. Ensign, 504 N. 4 St., Camden, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. Key West, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2340. HTA. Stewart, Vance, Ensign. N. A. No. 1440. Stickley, Wellington E.. Ensign. Woodstock. Va. Ma'>s. Insl. of Tecli.. Bay Shore, Pensacola, Hamptou Ri)ads. N. A. No. 16JIH. HTA. SriCKNEV, Joseph B.. Student OfTicer. Care of F. .\iiams. Pan American Union. Washington. D. C. Stifel, Arnold G.. Ensign, 4941 Lindcll Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Stillweli. Bichard N.. Ensign. Quincy. III. Stilphen, M. B., Student Olficer, 65 Church St., Swan- ton, Vt. Mass. Inst, of Tenh. HTA. Stimson, Doivald C, Ensign, Eaton Rapids, Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore. Pensacola. N. A. No. 1894. Stimson. Thomas D.. Ensign. The Highlands. R F. D. No. 2, Seattle. Wash. Great Lakes, Pensac<.|a. Stitt. Edward W inglon D. C. Stockard, Henbv J., Ensign. 316 Bonding St.. Raleigh, N. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Key West. HTA. Stocker, Robert M., Lieut, (j.g-). The Brighton, Washington. D. C. STOCKETT.f ohn W.. Student OflTicer. 312 4lh St.. S. E., Washngton. D. C. Mass. Inst of Tech. HTA. Stockton. Manley, Student Ofricer, 2H23 13th St., N. W.. Washngton. D. C. Stockwell, W. F., Ensign. N. A- No. 692. Stohlm\n, Edwin L., Student Officer, 32i! Dorset Ave., Chevy Chase. D. C. Stokes. Sylvanu.s, Jr., Student OfTicer. Stolts. Charles L., Student OfTicer, 226 E. 60th St.. Portland, Ore. Stolts, Wm. E., Student OfTicer. Stone, Arthur C, Ensign. 501 Old Stale Bank Bldg., Evansville, Ind. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, (Hiio; Pensacola. Fla. LTA. Stone, C. L.. Jr., Ensign, 22-32nd Ave.. San Francisco, Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. HTA. , Sludent OfTicer, 1708 H. St., Wash- Stone, Chauncey W., Student Oflicer, 12 Fifth Ave,. New York City Stone, G. L., Lieut. 0-g-)- Stoner. Harold E., Student OfTicer. 125 N. UUh St.. Ft. Dodge. Iowa. Seattle, Wash., Miami, Fla. HTA. Stoppel, Fred IL, Lieut, (j.g.). Stoppelman, E. a.. War. Machinist, Route 4, Box 170, Seattle, Wash. Columbia University, N. Y., San Diego. Great Lakes. 111. HTA. Stout, Henry L., Lieut, (j-g.l. Stowe. Byron S., War. Machinist, Hcmstead, L. I. Stowe, J. B., War. Machinist. Stowell, F. M.. Student Oflicer. 1903 Girard Ave.. So. Minneapolis, Minn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Dunwoody, Philadelphia. Coco Solo. Stratford. Wm. M\lcolm. Student Officer, 62 Branard Ave., Houston, Tex. Seattle, San Diego, Cal.; Pensacola, Fla. HTA. Stratton, Samuel S., Ensign, 7 Lafayette St.. Newbury- port, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Ohio,; Rockaway N. Y. LTA. Strawn, Habbv Omar, Student Oflicer. Landover. Md. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, L. L, N. Y. HTA. Strebel, Arthur C, Ensign. Stbeno. Geo. W.. Student Oflirer, 98 William St.. Pitlson. Pa. Stbitmattfr, Frank IL, Student Officer, 813 Orchard St., Toledo, Ohio. Strivings, HosroE S.. Student oniccr, Castile, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Strobel. C. E., Ensign. Oakland. Cal. Mass.'' Inst, of Tech.. Kev West, Miami,; Pensacola. Fla.; San Diego, Cal. N. A. No. 1645. HTA. Strohm. W. 1'-.. Student Officer, Powell, Wyoming. Sthomer. Bn-iAN Wm.. Student Officer. 410 W. Ith St.. Hastings, Neb. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. HTA. Stromeyer. W. H., Ensign, 1008 Trinity Ave.. New York City. N. A. No. 917. Strong. L. S.. Student Officer. 2324 Pillsbury Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Dunwoody Inst.. Minn. HTA. Sthoiigh, Vi'st. L., Ensign, 93 College Ave.. New Bruns- wick, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Hampton Roads. Pensacola. Fla. Stroock. Bertram A., Student Officer. Newburgh, N. Y. P. O. Box 706. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA Sthotz. Harold C, Ensign. 365 Sheridan Road, Win- net ka, 111. nn7iwr)ody, Miami, Key West, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2485. HTA. Struble, F. H., Ensign, 916 Montana Ave., Gladstone, sacoia. Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Akron. Ohio. Fla. LTA. Stuart, John G., Ensign. Sti'art. Kimbebly. F'nslgn. 406 Wisconsin"7Ave., Neenah. Wis.. Lake Bolsena. It. Moutchic, Fr.. Porto Corsini, It- HTA. Stuart. L. B. Sturgeon, Andrew, Ensign, 36 Ma[)le St., New Haven, Conn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Miami, Moutchic, Campagne, Malpensa, Italy. N. A. No. 651. HTA. Suher, C. A., Student Officer. SuGHRUE. John J., Student Officer, 328 Bay State Road, Roston. Mass. Mass. Inst of Tech. HTA. Sullivan. Frederick. Student Officer. 3016 lUh St., N. W.. Washington. D. C. Sullivan, Giles J.. Ensign, 1606 Fairchild St., Man- hattan. Kan. N. A. No. 2203. Sullivan. Harry W., Ensign, 501 8th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay .Shore, Pensacola, San Diego. N. A. No. 889. HTA. Si LLiVAN, Herbert F.. Lieut, (j.g.) 649 Walnut St., Fall River. Mass. N. A. No. 486. Sullivan, John W.. Student Officer. 43 West St., Manchester, N. H. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Fla. HTA. Sullivan, Paul R., Ensign, Jamestown, N. Y. N. A. No. 1186. Sullivan, Timothy St.. f>maha. Neb. Sullivan, Upton S., delphia. Pa. Sullivan, Wm. A., Student Oflicer. 2005 Terrace Place, Nasliville, Tenn. Sullivan. Wm. P., Carpenter. SuLZBEBGER, Marion R., Lieut. (j.g.). 30 West 70th St., New York City. N. A. No. 628. E.. Student Officer, 718 S. 30tb Ensign, 1910 Walnut St.. Phila- 1 til iiiiiiii '.'♦ V' T 1 'I M I-awrenco. Mass. ■'■^■'' '-' ' "'-^l"-'-' '"-I-. SONDERI.AND. J. !•;.. Sl,„l.>ril OfTiriT. 5011 N iHll, Si Omaha. Neh. Sraulo. W'.,.!,.. s.,„ 1)1,^;., ("l IITX SuNDHEiM, Geo. M.. Sii„i,.,ii olIiiiT. Supuv. Albert E.. EnsiKii. M<„uro.w. Colo. OWo.""""' ■'°"'' '^'- '^""'X"- 'J'-iversily Cli.l,. .\kro.,. SuKPEliN.iNT F., Eiisij;.!. Glcii Falls. N. Y. Sutton, FnEDEnicK T.. Sl.i.lonl Oflii.T. Mercnnlilo K:.ii;'':,-^;r"'riTV "■" *''•• '^^ ^"^'' C'-^- K«^-^:" "' - "m,:,.n. to;, W. ,: ,,,s,.. RolaXl'^ir^-AS:;'^" ''■■"""''■'■^ Oni.cr.2 <,.M»1„ R„.„. Swan. Henhv, EiKig,,. 710 Emerson .St.. Donvpr. Col > RochA7;.r""N'v' •"';>•,''"■'",■ 'J-'- '"•■' Wesrmi„.sl,T Roa-l. Fa"^',':;t pi,n;„,?.i,hi'a'"ivi'-;;^'- "' ''"•"="•• ''"^•" ■^'^-"f' SuAw, John 11., Stiulcril Onicor. Gar.lnpsvillc Nov Chl™t-o''li5: *^''^''- ^- ^""'•■"' "'"''«'■■ '«' ••'■«"'■■ Ave.. SwANsoN. Emil. Lieut, fj.g.). Sl^srr"ui. Mhm ^^'- ®""'™' '""""■• '■■•'■' Minnehaha ,/r,':2r^- '"'n ",'" "•• Sludent Omoor. Nalionjl Bonk MiamTpia^'llTl""""" ^^ ""■ ^'"^- '"''■ "' T-ch.. Walf,f,^r,n: D. ";• •'^""''■"' """■'""• -"■■" Columbia Road. SwEENEV.'P. .A., Ensign. Waysi.l... Okla. Vll'^T";' •'v'^?,-.- ';'"^'';'.'- '">^ "'f-'B"'^ Ave.. I'aris. Ky. It ,^l'- / "[ '■'^''•; .'■'''="' '■"'"■»■ Akron. Il„m„(„„ ur)ncl.,. I'mnsyhania, Arkansas. IV. A. No. 1<)I0. LTA. .Sweet, Ca»lvle..W., Ensign, N. A. No. 1.320. Y ttramony Park. .\,.w SwENsoN. S. n.. Ensign. SwErr Ghbeht N. Ensign. 7 Karon St.. \Vincl,..st,r. V ?o I "f,- .''".'■ ?' J'"''' • "«n'l>lon Roads, IVnsacola. Grou, 'ilTA ■" "^ '" ""'^' '^"'■■ll"'r» Rombing Swett. Wm ().. .Stinb-nt OdicT. lO.ifiO Longwood Drive. Chicago. 111. DunwocKiy. Miami. Key West. ilTA. Swioiarr Wm. (;.. Sinilrnt Ollicer. lOK.-, Thurman St.. I'orlhiiul. Ore. SwiNTo.N. J. R., War. .Machinist. 229 Johnson Ave., J rinidad, Colo. SwiNTON. R. H.. Ensign. 20 Sullivan Ave., Port Jervis. iv' o-„- .V„. *■'• "' T^"''- Miami, PeiLsacola. N. A. No. 2a0.-). n I A. SwoPE. Leslie M.. Student Officer. 2.50.-5 Park Ave. Hichmond. Va. Dunwoody Ihst.. Minn. HT.\. Swope, Jos A.. Studenl Oiricer. 317 Riin.ly Ave.. INewcastle. Ind. SvMMEs. Chanoleb W.. Student Officer. 2:i0 Main St V\ iiiche-stcr. Ma.ss. M.iss. Inst, of Tech. IlTA. SvMoNs:. Dan H., En.sign. :!2t Fifth St.. Elyria. Ohio. ',' r;T ■m, JM k A Three-Point Landing V^^' :Y'rf '^V- TAFT. PHILLIP E. Machinist Box 417. Hampton, Va., Columbia Univ., Pensarola. Yorklown. Newport News, Hampton Rds., Anacostia, Ruckaway, Miami. TAINTOR. CHARLKS W. Ensign 124 Brattle St.. Camhridge. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2027. HTA. TALBOT, ANDREW B. Lieut. (J.g.) San Rafael. CaL Akron, Pairaboeuf, Kr.. Opera- tions. Washinylon. N. A. No. 9». LTA. TALHor. hoiii-:ht a. Lieut, ij.g.) 270 Riirkminster Rd., Brookline, Mass. Mass. Inst. "T Tei'h., Pensacola. N. A. No. 456. HTA. TALCOTT. C. H. Ensign \^2 Prospect St., Torring- Ion, Conn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. Miami, Pensaciila, N. A. No, I2*>"). HTA. TALIAFERRt^, A. P.. Jr. Ensign 440 Riverside Drive, New York City. Monti hir, (Fr.), Lake Roisen.i It , I'orin Corsini ll N \ No. IIMT. HI \ TANCREN, A. E. Machinist 1960 Chercmoya Ave., Hol- lywood. Cal.ji'^San Uie-^o, Atmapolis, Giiantanamo. Pensacola. U. S. S. Hun- tington, Montauk.^ HTA. TAYLOR. JAMES B.,Jr Lirnf. (j.ij.) 471 Park Ave., New York City. Ray Shore, Miami. Bn. Operations. Washing- tf»n. D. C... Hampton Rds. N. A. No. 437. W TAYLOH. JAMKS S. Ensign 1012 Euclid Ave., Herke- lev, Cal. Mass. Inst, ol" TpcI.. HTA. TAYLOR, RAYMONDS Ensigrt 411-412 H. W. Hellman RIHp., Los Anpeles, Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Ak- ron, Key West, N. A. No, l:ti).-v I.TA. TEAGIIE. A. DAWSON Ensign 1201 Laniar Rldj;., .Augusta, Ga. Ma.ss. Inst, of Tech., .Miami, I'ensacola, N. A. No. KiT.S, HTA. TEETS, JOHN N. Ensign liox 4.5.!, Newton, III. Mass. Inst, of Tech., San Die;.'o, Great Lakes. Pen- sacola, Anacostia, .Seattle, Wash. TEMPLE, WILLIAM G. Ensign 928 Detroil St., Denver, Colo. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Rockaway. N, Y. LTA. I I'.MI'LEI'ON, J. .S. Ensign Walnut, Bureau Co., Illi- nois. Great Lakes, Pensa- cola. TEKIIUNE, EDW. A., Jr. Ensign .54 Mellen St., Dorchester, Mass. M. I. T., Key West, Miami, .Moutchic, Calais, Malpensa, It. N. A. No. 1444. HTA. TERHUNE, HOWARD H. Ensign 54 Mellen St., Dorchester, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech,, Pensacola. HTA. '270 ^--j-v -^""-^ -%e> C^ ''■'"'"" TiatltV, JESSIi L. TKLLO.N. I'AHKIJH Ensiijti Liftit. ij.g.) 1'. O. Box 16 19. Tulsa, 30 Webs pr Si.. \V. Ni-wl m (Iklu. Sonllle. Greal Lakes. Mass. \1. (. T.. IViisa . Ilamptoti Huads. YariiiDiilli. Kl.i. \llaiiii. r.;ilais TI{.\CKIl.\Y, r.KO. E.. Jr. 126 Kayellt! .Si.. \\ i-sttnuiit , J..liMs|.;wn. I'll M. 1 r.. l'tMis;n-()la, .Miami, Norlh Mil.iii. killini;lii,liii.-. .N. .\. H.irnl) Sq.. I.Whnr \ racli. No. .-)1U. IIIA. N. A. N(). 68!1 IITA. Ox THE Way B.\ck to Camp Saufley afteu a Wekk Kvd at PEVsAroi.A. TIKIMAS OE LOS. Ensign ll'» '(111 Avp., S. li.. Hoa- noke. \a. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Pensa- colii, Hampton Kds.. Mi- Hiiii. -N. A. -N... 102.! THOMAS. DUNCAN G. THOMAS. W 1 1, LI \ \1 S. Lieut, ij.g.) Stiuitnt Oificer 1 116 Wyoming Ave., Kings- Orclianl Hill. Hoanoke, \'a. ton. Pa. .Mass. Inst, of Tech., Cape May, Peiisa- cola. N. A. No HKl. HTA. SiNillli'. \Vasliinj;lciM. I IT A. IHOMI'SON, ABBOTT B. Studrnl Officer Melrose, Conn. Mass. Inst. of Teili. HTA. -A^^ M ^^ THOMPSON. A. E. 'Studenl Officer Greer Apfs.. New Castle, Pa. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Akron. LTA. THOMPSON,',CLIVE I.^ Student Officer .'. '. Day Ave., SuffielH, Conn Mass. Irst. of Tecfi., Mi- ami. HTA. THOMPSON, E.L., Jr. Ensign Prospect St., Hover, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. liay Shore, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1182. THOMPSON, OWEN Student Officer 16.i7.-ilstSt., N. W., Wash- intrton, D. C. Mass. Inst. of Tech. HTA. i-^,y.< THORPE, LESLIE Lieut, (j.g.) 7():j Genesee St., Rochester, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. N. A. No. 1103. LTA. THORPE, RAYMOND G. Ensign 100 Stadium Place, Syra- cuse. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West, Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1919. HTA. THROCKMORTON. G. P. Student Ofiicer 140 West Jersey St.. Eliza- beth. N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. TILLETT, HENRY A, Jr. Ensign 540 Butternut St.. Abilene, Tex. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2259. HTA. TILTON. THOMAS A. Ensign S6 Dallon Rd.. Newton Center, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2168. HTA. (At TILTON, WARNER B. TIMANUS. C. S. Ensign Student Officer Raymond, N. H. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. N. A. No. 20S4. HTA. ,3118 Karnes Blvd.. Kansas City, Mo. Mass, Inst, of Tech., Hin^ham. HTA. TINGEY, HAROLD C. Ensign 11 Sheridan St., Haverhill. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2339. HTA. TINGLEY. H. V. S. Student Officer 2.3 Union St.. Bristol. R. I Mass. Inst, of Tech., Mi ami. HTA. TINSLEY, TIMOTHY W. Ensign Jackson. Tenn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. N. A. No. 2019. HTA. TIPTON, JOSEPH S. Student Officer Pulaski, Va. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. HTA. TIPTON. M. C. Ensign 614 Twelfth St.. E. Las Vegas, New Mexico. Goat Island, Mass. Inst, of Tech., Great Lakes, aiiami. HTA. M p u ^1 /^. I TISCIII.KK. AMO.N W . Sludi'nt OjO'iccr 511 Fortune Ave., Cin- cinnati, Oliio. Dunwoody. Univ. of Wash. Tiri S. MAIUn 1.. Jr. l^n s I ijn 800 Orancc Ave.. Coronado, Cal Ma^w. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. I'eii'iucola, San l)i- CKO. N. A. .No. litI9, IITA. T()\\NSHKNI>. BAILKY Eiisvjn 45 W. 3jth St.. New York City. .Mass. In-^t. of Tech., Buy Shore, Bruns- wick. Miami, I'eiisiicola. N. A. No. 2576. IITA. TBABUCCO, J. KlJCaCNE Ensiqn San Hafael, Cal. Akrou, Mas.s. Inst, of Tech.. Hock- away, Monlauk. ^'^^ \ Ai Miami Bea( ii. 117(0 Ilns Been Slciliniieil ,il Miitmi That Dries \nt Remember These Sinicl'ii/ Mornings? TK.MilJE. \VM. A. THAC.Y. Kltl:ni:ilI('K 1.. THAIL, OSCAK THANT, KDGAR SIfidcnl OJJicfr Ertsitjr{^h, l*a., Dolroil. Mich. TLITTLE. A. DARWIN Ens lift I 10th St.. Cohisa, Cnl. Mass. lust, of 'iVch., San Diego, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1599. HTA. TUTTLi:. CIIAS. W. Eiisiyn lOlh St., Cohisa. Colusa ('o.. Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech., San Diej,'o, IN-iisa- cola. N. A. No. llJtl. nxA. TUTTLi:, rilOMAS w. Ensifjii 2') Hroftkdain Ave., Verona, New Jersey. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensa- cola. N. A. No. I9.'>7. HTA. W^ t # V A. M^ 'i\ lo\^ (C) I'holn. hy A. E. Wells. E-1 AT Pexsacola. TWKKD, JOHN II. LieuHj.g) Box 421. Mnilisoii. Conn Mass. Inst, of Tech.. PensU' .ola. CoioSolo, C. Z. N.A. No. 2.i7. I.IA. TYLKH, EDW Altl) J. Sllldent OjO'tcrr Kno.shiirK Falls. Wrmont. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. HTA. TYNER. GERALD K. Ensign 191 Park Ave.. Oranpe, N J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. IVnsacola. (ireat Lakes. N. A. No. 1210. HTA. UNGER, JOHN S. Sliiilent OJftcrr ■t.l Chestnut St.. lioyer- town. I*a. Univ. of Wash., Seattle, W^ash. ^s^!>=^' A -.JSI ^v Ij'NGER. WILLIAM S. Ensign 122 South 5th St.. Du- quesne. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 1319. HTA. UPTON, VIRGIL M. Ensign 4532 18th Ave., N. E. Seat- tle. Wash. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2508. HTA. # <» URNER. GORDON Ensign Marline Ave., Fanwood, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. N. A. No. 1492. HTA. UTT, ARTHUR H. Sludent Officer 1104 So. 2nd St., Spring- field, 111. Ma.ss. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. HTA. <^ <©■ ^ ^ Taber Le«iie R., Ensisn, 18 Park Place, Auburn, N. V. N. A. No. 62(1. Tabeh. Phiiip. Ensign. 321 W. 12lh St., Tulsa, Okla. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 169o. HTA. Tague, Wm. H., Student OfTicer. Po tsmouth. la. Tai.bot. .Iohn C, Ja.. Sludent OlFicer, 603 W. 140 St., New York City. Tai.bot, P.. Enf.if;n. N. A. No. 71. Talks, Chas. P., Student Officer, 1309 Park Road, Washington, D. C. Tallman, F. G., Jn., Ensicn. Tallman, Thos. A.. Ensign. 629,i2 Maryland Ave., S. W., Washington, D. C. Talmage, R. A., War. Gunner. TAN^ER J. W., Ensign, 2315 Nueces St., Austin, Texas. N. A. No. 2150. Tardif, Paul J., Student Officer. Taussig. Fbanois H., Student Officer, 191 Park Ave., Yonkers, New York City. Tavenner, Geo. T.. Ensign, Stoddart Apt. 4, 2900 Q St.. N. W., Washington, D. C. Pauilliac, France and East- leigh. Eng. Tayloh. a. G.. Ensign. N. A. No. 2375. Tavior Austin B., Ensign, 2313 Broadway, Little Rock. Ark. N. A. No. 1717. Taylor, C, Ensign. LeRoy St., Newburgh, N. Y. N. A. No. 1067. Taylor. C. J., Lieut, (j.g.), 4 S. Maple Ave.. East Orange. N. J Taylor. Chas. E., Jr., Student Officer. 2312 Broadway. Little Rock, Ark. Taylor. H. L , War. Machinist. Taylor, Harold C, Student Officer, 171 Ridgewood Ave., (^len Ridge. N. J. Taylob, Heinrich C, Student Officer, Bloomfield. la. Taylor. James Irwin. Student Officer. 7 N. Queen St., York Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron. Rockaway Beach, L. I. LTA. T4YLOR. R. S.. Ensign, 103 E. 86th St.. New York City. N. A. No. 1395. Taylor. Roscoe L., Ensign, 559 Monroe St., Rochester, N. Y. N. A. No. 1370. Taylor. William D., Ensign, Bloomsburg, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Bay Shore, Brunswick. Pa. N. A. No. 955. HTA. Teao. Phillips. Si ndciit Officer, 107 Boulevard, Atlantic, Mass. Mass. Inst, ol Te, h,. Key West. Fla. HTA. Teasley. John B.. Sludent Officer, Canton, Ga. Tebbe. Cvbil IL, Ensign. Care Lanier Hotel, San An- tonio, Texas. Temple. Bknj. F.. Ensign. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Pensai:ola. HTA. Temple. Frank E., Ensign. Tenney. Thorvald F. H,. Student Officer. 172 Main St., Branford, Conn. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HT.\. Teroli.er, Dark R., Student Officer. Terrell, Wm. .\., Student Officer, Frederick Hall, Va. Terry, Charles C, Jr.. Student Officer, 905 W. Colfax Ave.. .Soulli Bend. Ind. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. Fla. HT.\. Terry. Whitelah J.. Sludent Officer. 5231 Weslmiii.ster Place. St. Louis, Mo. Mass. Inst, of Tech. LTA. Thackers. Alex M.. Jr., Lieut, {.j.g.). Tharp. Carey E., Sludent Officer, 101 E 21st St., Austin. Texas. Theard, Albert L.. Ensign. TiiERRlEN, Z. W.. Sludent Officer, 120 Park St.. Port- kind, Me. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. Fla. HTA. TniRAnEAU, W. L.. Lieut, (j.g.). 208 Peoples Bldg., Charleston. S. C. Thomas, Benjamin Hilton. Ensign. 410 E. Thomas St., Rocky Mount. North Carolina. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Key West. Pensacola. HTA. Thomas. Bp.rkely A., Student Officer. Florence Apts., Scranton. Pa. Thomas. Charles Neil. Ensign, 2478 Lake View Ave., Chicago, III., Great Lakes, Pensacola, Fla. Thomas. Charles S.. Student Officer. 2122 S. Western Ave.. Los Angeles. Cal. Thoma-s. Howard H.. Student Officer. Thomas. John V., War. Machinist. 77 Durham Ave., Bullalo. N. Y. TiioM\s, Kenneth A., War. Boatswain. Grandview, Wushinglun. R. F. D. No. 2, Box 50, Pen.siicola. Fla. Thomas. Lyman H.. Ensign. 4654 Dodge St.. Omaha. Ncbr. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Fla. N. A. No. 2057. HTA. Thomas. Mohris L., Ensign, 25 W^indermcre Place, St. Louis. Mo. Thomas. B. D.. Lieut, (j g.). Bx. Ill Central Ave., Weston. Mass. N. A. No. 207. Thomas, B. P.. Ensign. 60 James St., Dorranceton, Wilkcs-Iiarre, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. Fla.; Rockaway Beach. L. I., N. Y. N. A. No. 626. IITA. Thomas, Bobert K.. Student Officer. 1427 Greenleaf Ave.. t;hicagn. III. Thomas. Boberi W.. Ensign. 470 Lyell Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Key West, Pensacola. ilTA. Thomas, Thornton H., Student Officer, Nederland, Colo. Thomas. Wm. Stephenson, Student Officer, Orchard Hill. Roanoke, \'a. Tho.mason, Benjamin W.. Student Officer. Thompson, Coy R., Student Officer, 327 W. 22nd St., New York City. Thompson, E. C. 112 S. 301h St., Louisville, Ky. Thompson, Edward A.. Student Officer, 1620 Tyler St., Topeka. Kans. Thompson. Frederic De. L., Ensign, Bx. 286, Sound Beach. Conn. N. A. No. 2506. Thompson. G. L. Lieut, (.(.g.). Racquet Club. Plliia- delj)hia. Pa. (?.ommiinii-ation Officer Naval Air Station, Rockaway Beach. L. I.. N. Y^ Thompson, Guy W . Student Officer, 1303 E. 41st St., Seattle, Washington. San Diego, Cal. HTA. Thompson. J. S., Ensign, The Cloister Club, New Haven, Conn. N. A. No. 650. Thompson, Lawson B.. Student Officer. Thompson, Silvert W., Sludent Officer. Thompson, W. D., Jr.. Lieut, (j g.). 319 Pine St.. Con- cord. N. H. N. A. No. 382. Hi. J m.b ■5f-'# \X fl% K - - , V * -—,-1 A l> S-y >irf^ A ki m 'in Ml Oniror. 3t E. North Si.. Thoms. CiiAniEs Davis. Studrnt OfTicer. 10t)<> Kast Ave.. Rochrsler, N. Y. Mass. Iiist. of Tech., Cambridge, Ma.is. LT.V. 'I'HonnrnN. IlAnnv I!., IJeiit. fj.R.), Care of Miss Penrl E. 'riiorhiirii. Alliol, Mass., Muss. Insl. of Tech.. Peiisaeola. Harripion Moads, Morehead City (.Conimaiidiiif: (Xlicer). i\. A. No. :\W. TuonNinN, Douglas A.. Student Onieer. flerinj?, Nebr. Seattle. \\'a,shiiigtou. HTA. Thornton. S. D.. War. Machinist. Thhai.i., \V. .\., Ensi^rn. 'IiiHMi.s. \\Mihi:n II.. Student Omcer. 520 N. Wash- ington. Ave.. W ellintrlon, Kans. Tiii'iiLow, I'ail E., Student OlTicer, 9 Stratford St.. Mel- rose, Ma.ss. Thiuman. E. C. War. Machinist. U. S. N. TimENEH. ll^KON II., Student Ollicer, 215 W. Wubiut St., Princeton, Ind. Tighe. EiiMi nu J., Studc Buffalo, N. Y. Tilbihm:. Aiheht H., Lieut, f^j.g). 915 Queen St.. Cape May, N. J. Moulehie, Kr.. Fehxstowe, Eng., Iln-si, Fr., i*orlo Corsini, It., Cape .May. LTA. Tii rsTON, EnwAnn M.. l*!risij.'n, 2l.'t2 Cherokee Parkway, Lonisville, Kv- Mass. Inst, of Tecli., Miami, Pensaeola. C«f)e May. N. A. N«.. 200!. UT\. TiLLOTsoN, H. F.. Ensign, Dime SavinRs limik. Delroit, Mieh. N. A. No. 2260. Tii.isoN, EnNKST F.. Ensiis, Inst, of Tech.. Miami, Pensacoln, Fhi. N. A. No. 1911. HTA. TiLTON. J. II.. Jn., Lieut, (i.e.). The Ontario, Washington, D. C. TiMMr.HMAN. (I. F., WnT. Machinist. TiMOTHv, HifjH W\i . Stu, I*!ri^"iun, l.'i05 Linden Ave., Itnllirnore. Mil. Ma^.^. Iti^l of Te( h,. Key West, Miami. Pensacnia, Fl;.. N. A. No. lOH. MTA. TiNKHR. ilr:iii)i-:nT D , Ensi^-n. Wolfeboro, N. II. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Hav Shore. L. L. Hrunswick, fla.. Key West. Pensaeola. Fla. N. A. No. 2101. HTA. Tipton. IIa)u>ll> IK., Stuclent Oflicer. Logan, Ohio. TisoN. Ai.KXANDEH, Jb.. Student Ollicer. 15 William St.. New York City. TncoMB. Wm. S.. iMisit.'n. Kennebtiiik. Me. Mass. Tnsl. of Tech., Bay Shore, L. L. Pensacoln. N. .\. No, 1122. ToBRY. FnwARn S.. Student Officer, 105 W. 55lh St., New York ('ity. ToBfAs. HriiH KEr.«o. Student Officer, 273 3rd St.. Albany, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. HTA. ToBiN. G. J.. Ensipn, 3K0 De\\olf Place, Hackensack, N. J. N. A. No. 126«. Toon. A. B.. Jn., War. Machinist, 71 1st St., San Fran- cisco. (.2al. Tonn, E. IL. I>ut. fj P>. 3925 Ibis St., San Die;;o. Cal.. San Diego. Columbia University, St. Ingf^lveri, France; Bome. Italy. ToivoNEN, IU>n'0 A., War. Carpenter. Toll, Oliveb, Ensign. Cnre of Prof. 'I Ma.ss. Toi-MAN, Chester A.. Student Oflicer. ToLMiE. T. W., War. Machinist, 308 Mnnchcsler, la. ToMAssENE, John Warren, Student Highland Ave.. Cinrinnnli. O- Mass. Inst. ToMijNsoN, EiiWAnn H.. Student OfTicer. 2(7 Orchard St.. Klizaheih. N. J. Mass. Insl. of Tech.. Bay Shore. HTA. ToMLiNsoN, CiLBFRT E.. Ensign. 1906 N. 32nd St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Kev West, Pensucola, Fla. N. A. No. 2012. HTA. TouVellr. (Juv T.. Student Ollicer. ao2 First Nal'l. Bank Bld^.. Lincoln, Nehr. TowLE. Max C... Student Omcer. 1328 N. 26lh St.. Lincoln, Nebr. TowLEn. J. Bahber. Student OlUcer. 212 Ncwbern Ave.. Balelgh. N. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. oil, Auiherst. S- Jama St., Officer. 2657 . of Tech. TowNSENO. Charles HowAnn, Ensign, 71 Cleveland St . Orange, N. J. Moss. In^t. of Tech.. Pensacola, Miami, Moutchic. N. A. No. 740 HTA. Townsley, W. W., Ensign, 420 E. College St., Oherlin, Ohio. N. A. No. 320. Tbacv. \\\i. II.. SliHlcnl Officer. 1927 Cleneay Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Traintom. Chas. W.. Ensign. 121 Brattle St.. Cam- bridge. Mass. Tramel. J. II., Student OlTicer. South Shore. Country Club. Chicago. III. Mass. Inst, of Te.h. HTA. [.. Student Officer. Arcadia, P'lorida. HTA. Ensign. 138 N. La Salle St.. Chicago, IL, Ensign. Newman, Cal. Diego. Pensacoln. N. A. No. Mas-S. 1813. Treadwei.l, L. II Mass. Inst, of Tech. Thee. Ronald L.. Ill N. A. No. 285. Theft.s. IlAnnv Inst, of Tech., San HTA. Trei HAFT, Wm. C. Student Officer. 3765 Cleveland, Ohio. Tribkix. I. P., Emign. N. A. No. 376. TiuMBiK. BoriKHT M.. Jn.. Student Officer, 7180 Brigh- ton Boad, Ben .\von. Pa. Thits<-hi.er. Ehnest B.. Student Officer. 12 Bell Place, W.Kidhaven. L. L. N. Y. Troiit:\)an, Ned, Lieut, fj.c), Sbreve, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Hampton Boads.Va.. Pensacola. Fla. HTA. TnownainejE, Alexander B., Student Oflicer, 1 W. 6tlh St.. New York City. Tmo\\ BHiucE, John IL. I\n-;igii, Main St., Chatham. N. J. N. A. No. 2209. 'Ihov, ^L\NDERVILIJ■:. Ensign. Iiu'E. Herbert W., Student OlTicer, Tech. Chambers. 8 Ir\ington St., Boston. Mass. TavGVK. ToLNAs, Student Officer, 521 llh St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Tt'CKER, Claude, War. Boatswain. U. S. N. Ticker. IUrold S., Student Officer. 1908 W. Tioca St.. Pliiladelphia. Pa. TrHNBiLL. AnrniBM.n J.. Student Oflicer, 5002 20th SI-, N. E.. Sealll.'. \\ ash. Turner, Amthi'B E., Ensign, Junction City, Ore. Ti'RNEB. Geo. H.. Ensign. Turner. R. S., Ensign. Billerica. Mass. N. A. No. 2123. Ti'ttle. Albert E.. Lieut, (j.g.) 350 Charles River R<)ad, Cambridire. Mass. Ti'TwiLER. Robert E.. Student Oflicer. 274 Edgewood Place, River Forest, III., Seattle. Washington. HTA. Tweedei.l, Wm. T., Jr., Student Oflicer. 9 K. View St., Edc Sla., Pawtucket. B. I. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. HTA. TwiNiNfi. C. S.. Jr.. Ensign. 850 Park Ave., New York City. Mass. Insl. of Tech. HTA. TwiTCHELr. P. E.. l':nsign. 153 S. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mass. Insl. of Tech. LTA. TwoMEY. E. F., Ensign, 66 Bockaway St.. Lynn. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Buffalo. Bu. C. & R., Washington, Sup. Con. Aircraft, New York City. Tygebt, E. .\., Ensign. 1.529 Green St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Tyler, Raymond F., Lieut. Cj.g.). Middlehury. Conn. Tyler. W. A . Ensign, 80 Pierrepont St.. Brooklyn. N. Y. TvLOR, J. Ellwood. Student Officer. Easton. Md. Tym. Norri« F., Ensign. 612 Br-c BIdg.. Omaha. Nebr. Tyndall. C. \\'.. Itlnsign. New ^ ork City. Pensacola. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Akron. Hamplfui Boads. N. A. No. 987. HTA and LTA. Uhri. W. C . Jr.. Ensign. 2163 S. Grand Ave.. St. Louis, Mo. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, .Xkron. Hampton Bo;ids. LTA. IIleby. U. J., Jr.. Student OfTicer, 139 Caryl Ave., Yonkers. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. Key West. HTA. ULRinr. ('arl T.. Student Officer, 120 Broadway. New York City. IIbmy. H. S.. Student Officer, 290 Ml. Prospect Ave., Newark. N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Fla. HTA. v' V "T^ 1. ■ * 1 ?Y t ■i ^^^ ,-■* ri i>s;! 4 Vr '&■'. jy-- J ^ b.;i0th St., So. Fargo, N. D. Univ. of Wash., San Diego. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2407. HTA. VAN ATTA, R. C. Ensign 449 Park Ave., Waverly, N. Y. Mass. Inst, t of Tech., Bay Shore, Great Lakes. / ^rv. Ml ^ '^If <.^<^ d.' ^VA^^ A Sl-ND.W Ml)HMN(; Hop AT Ml .J '^A \i(;eant, napoleon En.<:ign 411 Riverside St., Lowell, .Mass. .Mass. Inst, of Tech., .\kron, ll - i.y — -T- '>i'^^_-j.V=-; Us, W •V )i y? f .A -' ■ I : ' / \\M)i;, ruA.NK i;. Knxiijfi 43t liirih St.. Hichinuiid Hill, i\(-w York Cily. Mass. Inst, of 'lV<'h,, Pen- sacola. N. A. No. JOOO. IITA. W Al)l.l;i(;ll. I'Al L F. Lieut, (j.fl.) 12 West Baltiinurc St.. Lynn, .Mns.s. Muss. Inst, of Tech., Peusacolu. Ilamp- lon Honds.. Bay Shore. N. A. No. 1(11. II lA. \\A(;i:.M;r. .loii.N u. Stnticnt IJfficer 2428 K. 2.1r(I2 Mohawk St., Los .\n;.'i'lcs, Cal. Mjiss. Inst, of Tech. Bay Sliore, Sua DieKo, Pensanoln. N. A. No. 1.-.95. HTA. W.Mii.si; KoH .\ Clii-;nt, Dlnkiuk, I'"i(-\NCK. WAGiM:it, I'AI 1. Kn.Ki'in Care of Bank of Italy. Market St. Branch, San Francisco, Cal. Seattle, San Dicgu, Pcusucolu. N. A. No. 1947. LTA. .. — n ^ — 'V ^'■v. — WAIT. EnOAH F. hjn sii]ri 112 Franklin St.. Johns- town, Pa. Mass. Insl. of Te»;li., Miami, IVnsacola. Buy Shore. N. A. No. 935. W AITi:, LFON J. Erision Berlin. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Te»:h., Miami, Key West, I'ensacolu. N. A. No. 2481. HTA. WAlll;. MAII.^IIALL W. Sludenl Officer 28 Kast .S2ud St., New Y'ork City. Mass. Inst. ()f Tech, ■I v- ^M '.'NT 1',.. w WALKER, ERNEST E. Ensign Paoli, Indiana. Great Lakes, Mass. Inst, of Tech., Blue Hill Observatory. UTA. WALLER, PHILIP R. Sludenl Officer 20.1412 Fulirman Ave., Seatlle. Wash. Seattle. WALLER. ROLAND E. Ensign 112 W Newell Ave., Rulh- erford, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Bay Shore, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1403. HTA. WALSH, ARTHUR E. Sludenl Officer 766 Ostroni \ve-, Syracuse, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Bruns- wick, Key West. HTA. W AI.SII, KMl:i)i;itlCK I. StinhnI Ofjicer 2130 Bucker .\ve., Everett, Washington. Mass. liist. of Tech., Bay Shore. HTA. WARBASSE, C. N. Ensign 131 Seventy-sixth St., Brooklyn. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2169. HTA WARBURG, JAMES P. Lieul. (j.g.) 983 Charles River Road, Cambridge, Mass. New- port News,Haml)t<>n Roads. Washington, Bureau of Nav. HTA. WARBURTON, WM. Lieul. (/<;.) 122 East 76th St.. New York City. RFC. B. .Sh.. CaUrhot, Neu haven, .\mien, Campafrni.. \, li. (;. N. A. No. Ihi ^.A^s WARNER. HERBERT R. Ensign Plymouth, Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Miami, No. Bomb. Gr., Fr., Moutchic, Fr. N. A. No. 732. HTA. WARNER, J. LAIRD. Ensign Ten Sleep, Wyo. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Pen- sacola. N. A. No. 264!i. LTA. WARNER, PAUL CHAS. Lieut, {j.g.) 3.S Lockwood Ave.. New Rochclle. New York. Mass, Inst, of Tech., Key West. Pensacola. N. A. ^fo. 2620. HTA. WARREN. ALDRED K. Lieul. {j.g.) 12 Summ?r St.. Salem, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, San Diego. N. A. No. 183. HTA. ^M^^ W ASS. WAHHKN 11. Ensign 32 E. Islay St.. Santa Barbara, Cal. Mass. Inst. of Tech.. Key West, Mi- ami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1396. HTA. WASSELL. HERBERT L. Student Officer Little Rock. Ark. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore. HTA. --rv^ WATERMAN. FRANCIS Ensign 2001 Allston Way. Berke- ley. Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West, Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1821, HTA. WATERS. ROBERTS. Ensign Southmont, Johnstown. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Mout- chic, Pensacola. Treguier. N. A. No. 921. HTA. 'Cfc^' -A— — r ^ WATKHWOHTII \VM. W ATKINS. GEO. I,. ICnsign Ensign KUdH \UTidian .\\t: Cl..ve- Ih(lf) HiM'ck St.. HirmiiiK- IiiikI. Ohio (irrtil Lakcs, luiiii. Alii. Mass. Inst, of iViisarola. UTA. 'I'cch.. I'frisacola H'l'.A W \1'S((.\, I>AIJ1, IJrill. ij.ij.) Hoacoii. N. Y. Mnss. Inst, of TrrJi.. May Shore, J*en- ^acolii. Minituhic, Fr.. Fro- menliiic, Kr. N. A. No. 359. WATTS. (ilLIllCRTS. Stntlenl Officer 2I.'» K. Fo.sIcr Ave. Stale Ciillefe. Pa. Mass. Inst. oin-iti. IITA. i (C) Photo hy A. E. W.ll.i. MoU.\l.Nl'KCTl(J-\ .\T 1'E-VS.\10LA. \VE.\THERHEAD, C. 1 1 . Lieul. (j-9-) IS.'! E. Gay St.. Columbus. Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Teeh., Pensacola. F'ort Wdrlh, Killingholme. Kiif?. N. A. No. 305. IITA. W i;Hlti:H, IIAHOLD En:iign .■i3U N. ITIh St.. Philadel- phia. Pctiti. .Mass. Inst, of Tech.. .Miami. Pensacola. jN. A. No. 1217. IITA. W KliSTi;n. MORTON S. Knsifjn Lawrence. I.. I.. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech. .Miami. Pensacola, Hampton Hds. N. A. No. 111.!. irr\. WEDDELL, REID Ensitjn .\tlanta, (la. Mass. Inst, of Te<-Ii., Miami, Pensacola. IITA. 58!) L-WEGENER. FRANCIS A. Ensifjn 610 West 116lh Si.. New York Cilv- Columbia Univ.. Paiiillac, Fr. HTA. WEIR, HORACE M. Student Officer 21-12 Ashland Ave., Indi- anapolis. Ind. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Great Lakes, Miami. HTA. WEISS. HAROLD T. Ens ion Edpehill Road. Euclid Heights, Cleveland, Ohio. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Akron, Rockaway Beach, Hamp- ton Roads. LTA. WELLBAUM. R. O. Student Officer 728\ River St.. Dayton, Ohio., Mass. Inst, of Tech. LTA. t^, WELLS. OLIVER S. Ensign 1329 N. Central, Oklahoma City, Okla. Seattle. San Diego, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2347. HTA. WENDLER, PAULB. Ensign 711 Salem Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2344. HTA. WENTWORTII. R. S. Ensign Strafford, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Brooklyn Aero. Dist.. Bu. St. Eng. WENTZ, WILLARD W. Ensign 127 Aycrigg Ave., Passaic, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore. Pensacola, Mi- ami. N. A. No- 1401. LTA. in''T'T 111, WESSON, HARRY B. Student Officer 111 So. Mountain Ave., Montclair, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola. WEST, HOWARD E. Lieul. (J.g.) Brighton, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Hampton Rds., Pensacola, Moutchic, Fromentine. N. A. No. 402. HTA. WEST, JOHN DORMAN Ensign 11 Mountain Ave., Maple- wood, N. J. M. I. T., Bay Shore, Pensacola, Mout- chic, Arcachon. N. A. No. 888. HTA. WESTERFIELD, A. L. Ensign Hotel Gibbons, Dayton.'O. Mass. Inst, of Tech.,iMi- ami, Pensacola. N..A.IN0. 16M. HTA. ^k-K. WESTERFIELD, JASON <•:[-■ ■ ! ir Ensign f[ i , J '11 Orange, N. J. Great Lakes, ;tlMi' Pensacola. WESTON, CARLYLE D. Ensign 2201 Aldrich Ave, S..\Iinn., Minn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Chatham. N. A. No. <)28. HTA. WETHERILL, WM. C. Lieul. U-g-) Chestnut Hill, Phila., Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Buf- falo, Elizabeth, New York, Westerveit Board. WETTACH. ROBERT H. Ensign 2831 Espy Ave., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Pauillac, Moutchic, He Tudy, Fr. N. A. No. 733. HTA. ■ K X*0 ^A, WUEKLKR, AHTIIliK G. Lieut, ij-9-) Stow, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech., IVnsacola, Mout- chic, Fromentine, Fr. N. A. No. 361. IITA. \\m:i:i.i:i(. .siuaut s. Etisiijti 202 (Jarfiild Ave, Kiuli- coll, N. Y. Mas.s. Inst, of Tech.. Key West, Miami, I'ensacohi. N. A. No. 1921. IITA. wiinciiiat. iuis,sELK. Stuilnit Officer 3(16 W. Mason St., Jackson, Mich. Seattle, Key VN'est. IITA. WIIITCO.MH, II. D. Lieut. U.S.) 3001 Kast 7lh St.. Kansas t^ity. Mo. Mass. Inst. <)f Te<-h., Pensacola, Comdr. Squ. V. IITA. I WllITi;. DAI.i; T. J-l\ A,,^ Lieut. (Jg) ' ' ' ' 432 liarl Court. Klyria. i I I Ohio. Akron. Hockaway, ' A i i. Oueeuslown, it(M>hampton. Castletown, tiujan. H. Sh, N. A. No. 972. LTA. WlllTi;. FRANK K. SlufierU Officer 1110 Coliimhia Hd., N. \V.. WashitiKlon. I). C Great Lakes. IITA. WlllTl;, lUCIIAIlD U. Lieut. (J.g.) Snow llill, Md. Mass. Inst, of Te<'h., lianipton Rds., U. S. S. liulijarm. II. S. S. Flihawk, Key West. .Miami, r. iisacola. N. A. No. 972. WHITE, RUSSELL, II Enjign 3329 Kast Madison St., Seattle, Wash. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Seattle. Miami. Pcnsacula. N. A. No. 972. HTA. ¥r^ •p •';*'A, "li- i'ji 03^^ s <- if <¥ iA '^■■■'f^ WIIITK, THOS. G. Student Officer 2081 Maine St.. Quincy, 111. Diinwoody, Miami, Key West. HTA. WHITEIIOUSE. R. T..Jr. WHITESCARVER. W. F- Ensign 108 Vaughan St., Portland. Me. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Hampton Rds., Pensacola, Moulchic, Fr., Le Cr(»isi<". Fr. N. A. No. 391. HTA. Sltidenl Officer 234 Broad St., Georgetown, S. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. W lU riN(;. EDMLiND A. Ensign 76 Gates Ave.. Montclair, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., liulTalo, Keyport. illff WHITING, IRVING II. Student Officer f T 2975 Corydon Road. Cleve- m land, Ohio. Seattle, Diego. HTA. San WHITMAN. R. L. Lieut. U-9-) 150 East 72nd St., New Yorit City. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Great Lakes. HTA. WHITMORE, F. R. Ensign 143 So. Rarkley St., Waler- loo, Iowa. Columbia Univ.. Hay Shore, Great Lakes, Pensacola. HT.\. WHITNEY. PAUL LeB. Ensign Elracoiirl, Medina Road, Akron, Ohio. M. I. T.. Hampton Rds., Brest, Fr., K.y West, N.A. No. 2601 . LTA. WHITNEY. RICHARD T. Lieut, (j.g.) 2I*> Hope St., Providence, R. I. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Hampton Roads, Pensa- cola, Moutchic, L'Aber Vruch. N. A. No. 393. WHITTED, JAMES A. Lieut. (J-9.) 200 West Ga Riia St., Pensacola, Fla. Pensacola. N. A. No. 179. HTA. WIIYEL. THOS. M. Ensign 183 E. Fayette St., Union- town. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 1700. WIIYTE. DAVID R. Ensign 930 Queen St., East Toron- to, Canada. Bay Shore, Key West, Miami, Pensa- cola, Hampton Rds. N. A. No. 2161. LTA. WIIYTE, RUSSELL I. Student Officer 2503 14lh St.. N. W., Wash., D. C. Mass. Inst. of Tech. HTA. WICKER, J. C WICKWIRE, A. M.. Jr. Ensign Blackford, Va. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Norfolk, Pensacola, Moutchic, Brest, Brooklyn. N. A. No. 689. HTA. 292 Student Officer 149 Highland Ave.. West- field, N. J. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore. HTA. WIEBUSCH, E. G. L., Jr. Ensign 207 North 7tb St., Waco, Texas. Seattle, San Diego, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2510. HTA. 'A 1 1 i • ',tl" ^M WKiEi.Y, H()iii:itr c Knsitjn AlbiHiiicrque, Nnw Mexico. Alass, Inst, of Tech., Snii Diego, Miuoii, Key West. N. A. No. 20SB. I IT A. W ICCLESWORTH, A. G. Ertsitjn 426Ceiilriil Ave., Wilmetle, III. Mdss. Inst, of Te<-h., Key \Ve.st. N. A. No. I 166. IITA. WICGLESWOBTII. F. l.ieiU. (J.ii.) 2 West Hill l>lnt;e. Boston. Mass. Muss. Inst, of Tech. WILBUR. ROBT. A.. Jr. Ensitin 606 W. Clinton .St., Elmir.i, N. v. Moss. Inst, of Tech., Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 22B.1. HTA. > .r ^ V V ,r S^^SKG^sfis^f. T( t Just Enterikg the AVaier for the First U. S. N. Flight in Irei and m i h \VILKi:S. JOF. L. Stitdcnt Officer 5010 Gaston Avo.. Dallas. Tex. Seallle, Washiiiflon; Miami. HTA. i \\ ILKINSON. II. N. Machinist \Vliilcvill(?. Tcnn. ^ Pen- sacola, Le Croisic, Fr. \VIl,KIi\S(»N. N. I.I';K Ensit]n 310.3 Camphdl St.. Kansas Cily. Mo. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pcnsarola. N. A. No. 2179. HTA. WILLARD. KDW AHD A. Sludent Officer 13 Clinton St.. Hartford. Conn. Uunwooiiy Inst., Minn. HTA. 293 V-' ■• : ^;!| WILLCOX, HAROLD M. Lieul. (j.g.) 2011 Pine St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacdla, London, Killing- holme, Enfe'., N. A. No. 222. HTA. WILLIAMS, A, J., Jr. Ensign .it:! East 207lh St., Bronx, New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1820. HTA. WILLIAMS. A. S. Lieut, (j.y.) Cliapin, S. C. Akron. Mon- lauk. Key West. N. A. No. lU. HTA. WILLIAMS.CLANCEY L. Ensign 254 Elm St., Oberlin, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Hamp- ton Roads, Pensacola, Miami, Moutchic, Paris. N. A. No. 570. HTA. ^;TiT m f. WILLIAMS, FRANK C. Student Oflicer 284 Prospect PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay .Shore, Brunswick, Key West. HTA. WILLIAMS, J. A. Ensign 157 Slarm Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Mass, Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Pensacola, New London. N. A. Na. 1820. WILLI.^VIS. J W.. Jr. Ensign 9.il 22nd St.. San Diego, Cal. Seatlle, San Diego. N. A. No. 2083. HTA. WILLIAMS, JOHN McM. Student Officer 251 Elm St., Oberlin, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. HTA. /P WILLIAMS, ROBERT M. Student Officer 1600 Arch St.. LitUc Rock, Ark. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore. HTA. WILLIAMS.STANLEY B. Printer 1401 Main St., Pine Bluff, .\rk. Miami, Hampton Roads, WILLIAMS, VICTOR J. Student Officer Bolivar. New York. Mass. Insl. of Tech WILLIAMSON, F. V. Ensign 112 So. Portland Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1354. HTA. WILLING, ARTHUR Ensign Box 349, Morehead City. N. C. M. I. T., Pensa., Miami, Calais, KUIing- holme, Hamp. Rds. More- head. N. A. No. 3I!5. HTA. WILMETH, JAMES L., Jr. Student Officer 300 Takoma Ave., Takoma Park, Wash., D. C. Dun- woody, Minneapolis. HTA WILSON, ALFRED C. Ensign 1006 N. Calvert St., Balti- more, Md. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Coronada Beach. N. A. No. 1633. WILSON, A. F. Ensign Hollister, San Benito Co,, Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pen- sacola. N. A. No. 1306. Hoi '1 1 i 1; WILSON, E, F. l.ieul. (j.il.) 51 Main St.. 'riiomaston. Me. Mass. Irisl. of Tech., Pensacola. N. A. No. 2171. IITA. WILSON, HUSSEL E. Ensitjn General Del. Bosworlh, Mo. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensaeola. N. A. No. 221.5. HTA. WILSON. W. IIKNHV Ensign 186 State St.. Perth Am- boy. N. J. Mass. Inst, of Teih.. Biifralo, Elizabeth, Garden City. N. A. No. 1018. IITA. Wl.VIMER, ED W Ann L- Machinist 712(1 Knieralil Ave., Chi- ra^o. 111. (^ilunibiii liniv.. Great Lakes, H()ekaway lieaeh. IITA. ...Ol /kks ... . . jiiij — ^ «^* . iJiMft^r^-^^'%t .irf&::-^: ^■l^-^'A The Staiit of a Day's Flying. \ViNiN(;s, W. c. Ensign 1655 IN. Alubiima St., Indiaiiupolis. InJ. j Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Hockaway Itcucli. I.TA. WISK. K. S. N. Ensign Moiitcliic. Lake Itolscna, Porto Corsiiii. HTA. WISSMAN, LEO B. Student Oj)icpr 551 Kasl Thirteenth St.. Cincinnati, Ohio. Miami. wirri:. kdwahd b. Ensign 1291 Fillmore .\ve.. ButFalo, IS. Y. .M. L T.. Key West. Miami, Moulchic, Outung. Malpensa. N. A. No. 1447. HTA. i>9o iTif T 4-'- 1 WOLF. JAMES EDWIN Ensign 1 7 St. Lukes Place, New York City. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Great Lakes, Bay Sliore, Hrunswick, Charles- ton . N. A. No. 2107. HTA. WOLFE, ALEX McW. Ens iff n 1931 St. Paul St.. Balti- more, Md. Mass. Inst, of Tech. Pensacola.Moutchic. Bay Shore. N. A. No. 899. HTA. WOLFER. J. F. Ensign 170 E. King Si. Lancaster, Pa. M. I. T.. Pensacola, Miami. Hampton Rds Lanffley Field. U. S. S. .4ri- zona.N. A. No. 1214. HTA. WOLFF, ALFRED Ensign 607 Milwaukee Ave., Janes- ville. Wis. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Great Lakes, Pensa- cola, Hampton Rds. N. A. No. 615. HTA. P-v; WOMER, P. B. Ensign 139 W. Greet! St., Unzlelon, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Akron, Rock- away Beach. N. A. No. 2667. LTA. WONDERS, MAX E. SliKlenl Ofjicer .3.';i2 Lincoln Blvd., Omaha, Nebr. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West. HTA. WOOD, ALFRED M. Student Officer Wildie, Ky. Dunwoody Inst.. Miami. Key West. WOOD, CEDRIG W. Student Officer 86 Dorchester Rd , Buffalo, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore. HTA. WOOD, D. G. EnstQn Birdwood. Va. M. I. T.. Hampton Roads, Pensa., Quecnstown, Whiddy Is- land, Wash.. Miami. N. A. No. 1250. HTA. WOOD, LEON FORREST Ensign De Goiia, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Buffalo, Akron. LTA. WOOD. W. PERRY Ensign 51.S Shalto Place, Los Angeles, Cal. Ma.ss. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pensacola, Coco Solo, G. Z N. A. No. 1130. HTA. WOODS, JOHN H. Ensign 17831 Lake Ave., Lake- wood, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 1213. WOODS, WM. R., Jr. Ensign Becket, Mont. Mass. Inst. of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pensacola. N, A. No. 1597. HTA. WOODY. V.'ARREN V. Ensign Barnard, Kan. Seattle, Wash., Miami, Pensacola. HTA. WOOLSEY, WILLIAM E. Ensign Formoso, Kan. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Pensacola, Cha- tham. N. A. No. 934. HTA. WORLEY. FRED M. Stuflent OOicfr 1H6 W. 6th St., Topeka, Kans., Seattle, Miami. HTA. ..J. ^^^^. W^ i! i m -l'.K, rrv'f B - 1 y '- V > ' ' A,'' it^^ \\iinwdy. Sail Dief^o. IVnsardla. N. A. N«. 2266. HTA. W HICIIT. WEBSTER M. WYI.Ii;. II MIDLl) II. W.^ciiTEH. KEiiiti.\.\Ni). Kiisigu. Mass. Inst. s<'ott. Mass. Wacenseii.. KofiAH White. Lieut, (j.g.). 5788 E. Circle .\ve.. Chiiaf;ci. III. WAtjijE.NEM. C. K., Ensign. -Ill Hently St., C<»lumbus, InH. Waoneh, AHTllin C, Ensign, l.iU Cleveland Plaee, Denver. Col. .N. .\. No. 1626. W.AGNEH. T. H., Ensign. Wagner, Thos. II., Jk., Ensign. N. A. No. 1 161. Waldon. Riis,sELL E.. Ensign, 427 Seward \\t:.. Ilelroit, Mich. N. A. No. 2Mt. Wales, L. A.. Ensign, Care of A. H. Ix^aeh & Co.. 62 Cedar St.. New York City. Wai.keh. DoNAi.n. Ensign. 85 Washington St., East Orange. N. J. N. A. No. 201«. Walkeb. H. W., Ensign, 1233 Munsey Bldg.. Wash- ington, n. c. Waijcer, James Cari,, Ensign. Walker. Jos. R., Student OIBccr, 158 Summer St., Boston, Mass. Walker, Leslie A., Lieut, (j-g). l + W Pike Road, En.sley. Birmingham, Ala. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensacola, Fia. N. A. N.). Tin. HTA. \\'ai.ker, Leon B., Student Officer. 1 Hillhouse Ave., New Haven. Conn. Walker, O. P., Ensign, ];tl;j Iv Boulevard St., El Paso, Tex. N. A. No. 2116. Walker, W. J., Lieut, (j.g.), N. A. No. 1167. Wallace. Ci.avton M., Student OITicer, 8 Lake St., Wolfeljoro. N. H. Mass. Inst, of Iwh. HTA. Wallace, V,. H., War. Mailiinisl. 62(1.1 Palatine .\ve., Seattle, Wash. Puget Sound Navy V;irwari> J.. Student Officer, 313 Soulhbrook Courts, Washington. D. C. Univ. of Washington, Seattle. HTA. Walsm. C\hn\h \'.. Student Officer, 122 Willonghby Av,-.. Brooklyn. \'. V. Walsh, Jos. R., Student Officer, 3 E. 128th St.. New York City. Walter, Edwin II., Ensign, (i06 West St., Wilmington, Del. N. A. No. 2124. Lieut, (j'-g.) linniffti Bivouac IMaco, Fort Thomas. Ky. iM. I. T., Moiitrhio. Kr.. Brost. Fr., L'Aber Vrarli. Pensucolu. N. A. No. ;t22. IITA. Bowesinont. N. D. Seiiltle, Uuiv. Wash,. San Die^o, Pensacola. N. A. No. 19ia. HTA. W .\LTEH. Otto F.. Student Ollicer, Coluinhus, Neb. Muss. Insl. of Terh. HT.\. Walters, C. \\., Kiisif^n, Casseltou, N. D. Ward, Ai-Krkd, War. Machinist. Warij. IIahrison F., Student OITicer. Wakd, J-iscKH I., \\'ur. (iuuner. Ward, Max F.. Sludent Oflicer. W ARD. Thomas W'm.. Student (XTiccr, Sharon. Pa. \\ ari)«ki.l. ('harles En., Kiisi^n. N. A. No. 759. Ware. IIknhv M.. Student Oflirer, 2 MaRnoIia Court. Greensboro, N. (^. Mass. Inst, of 'I'ei'h. HTA. W'ARE, BoBT. Hur.HEs. Student Ollicer, Country Club. BnKikline. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. WAnFOHii. IIknry W., Student OITi(;er. Genesee. N. Y. Warner. Kdward A., Student Otliccr, Republic Bldt,'., Kansas City, Mo. Seattle. Wash., Miami. Fin. HTA. Warner. H.. Student OfHcer. flrnflon Hotel, Wash- in^'lon. O. C. Mass. Inst, ol IVch. I.TA. Warren. B. A., Student Ollicer, :t2 Weston St.. Waltham. Mass. Warren, B. Bates. Ensign, 1311 Columbia Road, Washintrton, D. C Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pen- sacola, Cape .May. N. A. No. i:i! 1. HT.\. Warren. Walter K.. Student Oilicer. HKH-lTth .\ve.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Washbiirn, Fhederick a., Sliideiir Ollicer. Washbi HN. J. B., War. Boatswain. 70.5 l.'lth Ave., Milwaukee. \\ is, Pensacola. Sciuantum. Mass., San Diego, Cal.. North Island. IITA. Waters, Hakris M.. Fnsign, Alexandria, Va. N. A. No. 1990. Waters, Opal Selbv. En.^ign. 2617 Durant Ave.. Berkeley, ('al. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Fla., Pensacola. Fla. N. A. No. 1391. HTA. Watkin.s J. L., Student Officer, -112 W. Clinton St., Elmira, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tef Tech.. Bay Shore. L. I.. Pensacola, Fla. N. A. No. I.IU). HTA. \\'aijoh, B. S., luisifn. f'jisign. Hansel Hall Apt«t.. Windsor Ma.*^. Inst, of Tech.. Akron, Ohio, •if t A. r-O- ^97 Weaveb. R. B., Mass. Ensign, 620 Columbus Ave., Boston • SYiK s-'"-. 9;v \: ^^'^i k: Webbeb. Ralph B., Student Officer, 1195 Beacon St., Brookline, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Weber. Chahles M., Ensign, 1117 Trust & Sav. BIdg., Los Angeles, Cal. Websteb, Fred N., Ensign, T, Chicago, 111. 30 E. Lake Terrace> Weed, Geo. W., Student Officer, 1912 Avenue II.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Dunwoody Inst., Minn. HTA. Ensign, Carmen St., Patchogue, N. Y. Weeks, W. L. N. A. No. 2261. Weems, Chas. N. A. No. 1172. L., Ensign, 16.51 York St., Quincy, lU. Ensign. Frankfort. N. Y. , Student Officer, 4202 Parkside Ave.. Wegner, Fritz W. Weil, Edward A., Philadelphia, Pa. Weinberg, Harry W„ War Boatswain. Weinig. C. A., Student Officer, 604 Linwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Wets, Charles W., Jh., Ensign, 430 Oxford St., Ro- chester, N. Y. N. A. No. 611. Weis, Ebwin T . Student Officer, 2482 Glenwood Ave.. Toledo, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Welboan, Lee C, Student Officer, 34 N. 23rd St., New York City. Welch. E. P.. Ensign. Oloncester, Mass. N. A. No. 997. Welch. Leo. D., Student Officer, 169 Clinton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Welch. Richard E., Student Officer. 25 Barton St.. Newburyport. Mass. Weld. Frank E., Ensign. Weld, L., Lieut, (j.g.)., 82 Brever St., New York City. N. A. No. 219. Welleb. Michael, Student Officer. 2002 H St., N. W., Washiuglon, D. G. Welles, C. R., Student Officer, Stratford, Conn. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Welles. Russell, Ensign, 71 Town St., Norwich, Conn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1186. Wells. Chandler, Lieut, (j.g.), 490 Linwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Packard Motor Co. Wells, R. H., Ensign, 104 Charles River Ro.id, Cam- bridge, Mass. Wells, Thomas M., Student Officer, 314 Orange St., Wilmington, N. C. Welsh, Madison F., Lieut. 'j.B.). 404 Elderado St., Decatur, 111. Mass. Inst, of Teth.. Hampton Roads, Pensacola, Fla., Rockaway Beach. N. A. No. 414. Weltv. Henry Harrison. Student Officer, 1242 Western Ave., Topeka, Kansas. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Fla. HTA. Weltv. Leonard A., War. Boatswain. Franklin. Dela- ware County, N. Y., Pensacola, Fla,, Killingholme, Eng.; Bay Shore. L. I.; Miami, Fla.; Anacostia, D. C; Hampton Roads, Rockaway, L. I.; U. S. S., North Carolina, U. S. S. Seallle, V. S. S. Shawmut. HTA. Welzant, Geo. P., Ensign, 721 S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Akron. Pensacola. N. A. No. 1994. LTA. Wenner, Frank H., Ensign. 110 Addington Place, Utica. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola. Wenz, E. a.. Ensign. Werxelman, D. J., Jb., Ensign, 3529 Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa. N. A. No. 23.32. Wesley. Harold H., Ensign, Terra Ccia, N. C. Wessells, Walter B., Ensign, 315 Dolphin St., Balti- more, Md. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Pensacola, Fla. N. A. No. 1844. HTA. West, James W., Student Officer, 35 W. 15th St.. Atlanta, Ga. West, W. M.. Lieut, (j.g.). 56 Nightingale St., Dor- chester, Mass. N. A. No. 220.'2. Weston. C. F.. Ensign. Royal St., Medford, Mass. Wetherby, John K., Jr., Student Officer, 1519 Spruce Place, Minn., Minn. Whalen, Ed.mund a., Jr., Student Officer, 153 Clifton Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Whales, T. C, War. Boatswain. Wha fLEy. Wm. J., Student Officer, 2248 Arlington Ave., Birmingham, Ala. Wheelan, Wm. L., Student Officer, 834 Carlton Ave.. Plainfield, N. J. Wheeler. Henry C, Student Officer. Wheeler. J. L., Ensign, 524 Riverside Drive, N. Y. City. N. A. No. 2008. Wheeler. John E., Student Officer. Wheeler, Oscar G., Lieut, (j.g.). 8 Grey'ock Road, Allston. Mass. Pensacola. Washington, D. C. N. A. No. 237. HTA. Wheeler, R. A.. Ensign. Orchard Park. N. Y. Wheltle, Albert Francis. Student Officer. 105 E. West St.. Baltimore, Md. Mass. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Whelan, T. J., Ensign, 95 Cottage St., Lynn, Mass. N. A. No. 2062. Wherry. Kenneth S., Student Officer, 3433 Carnegio Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Whidden, Wm. B., Ensign, 39 Sterling St., West Newton. Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Bay Shore. L. L. Pensacola, Fla. N. A. No. 1815. HTA. Whioham, Wm., Jb., Ensign. 5815 Fifth Ave., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, L. I., Pen- sacola, Fla. HTA. Whipple, Bussell A., Student Officer, 1335 Smith St., Providence, R. I. Whitaker, E. L., Ensign. Whitakeh, H. D.. Ensign, 3133 Menio ,\ve., Hyde Park. Cincinnati, Ohio. N. A. No. 1445. Whitaker, L. J., Ensign. Whitaker, R. A., Ensign, 1116 Main St., Baton Rouge, La. N. A. No. 1946. Whitcomb, Franklin L., Student Officer. Whitcomb, K. F.. Ensign, 1 123 Asbury Ave., Evanston, 111. Ma.ss. Inst, of Tech., Rockaway, L. I.; Hampton Roads. Va.; Akron, O. ; Pensacola. Fla LTA. N. A. No. 2430. Whitcomb, Rollin L., Student Officer, 2136 Girard Ave., So. Minneapolis, Minn. White, C. W., Ensign, Hertford, N. C. N. A. No. 1706. White, Edw. 1., Student Officer, 615 Blackstone Ave., Fresno, Cal. White, Erskine N., Student Officer, 1125 Madison Ave., New York City. Great Lakes, 111. White. Jos. IL, Student Officer, 5610 Dorchester Ave., Chicago, III. White, L. G.. Lieut, fj.g.). 203 Court St., Portsmouth, Va. White, Raymond M., Ensign, Great Western Sugar Co., Billings. Mont. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Fla., Pensacola, Fla. N. A. No. 1551. HTA. White. Russell H., Ensign. 3329 East Madison St., Seattle. Wash. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Univ. of Wash., Pensacola. White, Sibley L.. Ensign. 128 E St., S. E., Wash- ington, D. C. N. A. No. 1764. White, Walter, Ensign. N. A. No. 1496. White, Wm. M., Jr., Student Officer, Mexico, Tex. Whitehead, Charles P., Student Officer. Whitehead, John T., Student Officer, 1322 E, Mar- quette Road, Chicago, 111. Whitehead, V. L., Jr., Ensign, 2 Mechanic St.. Buffalo, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Miami. Pensacola. N. A. No. 2425. HTA. Whitehurst. Ben. W., Ensign, The Earlington, 16th St., Washington, D. C. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Wash- ington. HTA. Whitelaw. Geo. P., Student Officer, 5291 Westminster Place, St. Louis, Mo. Mass. Inst, of Tech. LTA. Whiteman. Z. II.. Jr.. Ensign, 106 E. 4th St.. WiUiams- port. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pen- sacola. Fla.. Hampton Roads. Va.. Cape May, N. J. N. A. No. 1651. HTA. Whiting. Rrainard S.. Student Officer. Whiting. Robert B.. Ensign. .Station B., Winsted, Conn. Great Lakes, III., Pensacola, Fla. LTA. Whitney, J. B., Ensign, Sewickley, Pa. N. A. No. 1084. Whitney, King, Ensign, Geneva, N. Y. Akron, B. N. A. S., Roehampton. Eng.; Queenstown. Ire.; Brest. France; La Trinite, France. LTA. Whittaker. James E.. Student Officer, 5 Trumbull Square, Worcester, Mass. Whittle. Geo. V., Lieut, (j.g.), Grestwood, Town of Eastcliesler, N. Y. Akron, Ohio, Washington, D. C., Hampton Roads. LTA. Wick. Henby C, Jr., Student Officer, 13124 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Wickes, Bradford, Student Officer, 105 E. 53rd St., New York City. Wicket. J. Caldwell, Ensign, Richmond, Va. Mass. I! I '] f ■/ -J ■-'"'■■? 'i^- A" •;'V7 M ■•"A^.^ 298 if V, }lA <4v !'..'] sinl. of Ti-rli.. Norlolk. I'onsacola, MiMini, \I„ulcliic. \\iII1 Deacon I.'"' /^ "'"'"• Mass. Mass. Insl, of ■|>ili.. Ilamplon lloacis, \a., Pensacola, Kin., New York, Hosloii. IIIW. Wii.ev, N. Chesteb. Sludent Olliccr, III Crocker St Somerville, Mass. Mass. Insl. of Tech. LTA. WiLKiNs, Ci.EoN, Student Oflicer, Spanish Fork. Utah. \Vn.Km.s, K. B., Knslfn, 3771 Clay Si., Snu Francisco, Cnl. N. A. No. 1765. ^^ iLKiNsoN, Win., War. Gunner. WiLiETT, .losEcH J., Jr., Student OfTicer, 1323 Ave. F., Annislon, Ala. IV ^\"'m''**V '^"T'"n S-. Lieut. tJB). Char.in, S. C. .N - A. No. 1 1 'I. WiLLTA.M, c. n. Mich. Williams, A. J., Ensign, 373 E. 207th St.. New York City. Williams, Cha.s.. Student Officer, 365 W. Clinton St.. I-.lmira, N. Y. Williams, C. E.. War. Gunner. Wilijams, ERNE.ST N., Student Officer. Williams. Eugene A. .Student Officer, 309 .Massachusells Ave., N. W., Washington. L). C. Williams, InA Jason. Student Officer. 1122 Fairmont St., Washinglon. D. C. Williams, J. G., Sludent Officer. 712 Canillcr HMk.. Atlanta. Ga.. Seattle, Washin ton. HTA. Williams, John Warren, Student Officer. 136 Edge- woixl St., Ilarllord, Conn. Williams, Lancdon T., Student Officer. 223 Woodland Ave, Columhus, Ohio. Dunwoody Inslilulc. Minn. WiLLiA.Ms. Marcus E., Ensign. Williams. Richard T., Ensign. 391 Elmwood Ave Biiiralo, N. Y. Mas.s. Inst, of Tech.. Miami, Pensacola. Key We^il. HTA. Williams, Siiinev D., Student Officer, 209 Slate Si llnrri.sl.nrg. Pa. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Miami, Florida. 11 1 A. Williams. Stai nton, Sludent Officer. 990 Prospect Ave Ilarlford. Conn. Ala.ss. Inst, of Tech. HTA. Williams. Vernon M.. Ensign. N. A. No. 2210 WiiiMMs. Wm. K.. Student Officer. 160 Wilson Ave Cnhiiuhiis. Ohio. \\lLll^M^oN. AliTlilB Iloici.Ass. Sliulent Officer, 6 Oivision St., Ihon, N. Y. Mass. Insl. of Tech. HTA Williamson, H. L., Ensign. N. A. No. 629. WiLLmoHAM. JuDsoN. Student Officer, 703 Piedmont Ave., .\llanta, Ga. Willis, P. Connallv, Student Officer. 925 N. Ifilh St.. Waco, Texas. Seattle. Washington. San Diego, Cal. HTA. Wilus, Rert W., Ensign. N. A. No. 1739. Wii.soN, A. G.. War. Hontswain. 136 W. 90lh Si New York City. N. A. No. 1 163. Wilson, C. M., War. Machinist. 3961 Ashland Ave St. Louis. Mo., Coliiinliia University. Great Lakes 111 ■ Philadelphia, Pa.; Paiiillac. Ounkirk ,1'aimhocuf Krarice ' Lieut, (j.g.), 32 Slinson St., Delroil. Wii.soN, Charles C. Student Officer. 213 Webstei Ave., Muskegon. Mich. Wilson. D.. Lieul. Q.g.), 63 Hancock -St.. I>cxington. Mass. Mass. Insl. of Tech.. Pensacola and ahoard U. S. S. Shawmul. Wilson, Everett Rohlano, Ensign High Park, Grand \icw Drive. Peoria. III. Mass. Insl. of Tech.. Bay Shore, L. I.. Pensacola. Ilamploti Roads. HT.\. Wilson, Frank M.. Sludent Officer, 5.5.33 Sierra V«ta St., L()s Angeles. Cal. Wilson. James IL, Student Officer. 3.!2 McKinley Ave, Salem, Ohio. Mass. Insl. ofTcch., Miami. HTA. Wilson, Jiii.iis L.. EiLsign. 116 W. 122nd St., New York Cily. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Key Wcsl. PensacolB. N. A. No. 1795. HTA. Wilson. Lincoln .S.. Lieut, rj.g.). H. F. D. No. 61, Norwalk. Conn. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Hay Shore. Ilamp- lon Roads. PeiLsacola. N. A. No. 1171. \\ iLsoN. Leslie E.. Student Officer, pilal. Fort Lyon, Colo. Wilson, Milton A., Student Officer, ershcld. Conn. WiusoN. Samuel J.. Student Officer. W1T.SON. W. II., Ensign, Tallahassei lOID. II. S. Naval Hos- 1 St.llc SI., Weth- Fla N. A. No. W11.S0N, W. Henrv, Ensign. lK6SlaleSt.. Pcrlh Amhoy. N. J. WiusoN, Walter G., En.sign, 31 I5lli Si . Lowell, Mass. N. A. No. 1015. A\m.son, Wm. S., Ensign, 1239 {Jirard St., N. W., Washinglon, D. C. WiNvNTs, F. IL, Ensign, 15 W. Madison St., Baltimore, Md. WiNDsoB, John J., Student Officer, 1 19 Don Gnspor Ave., Mass. Inst, of Tech., U. S. S. Minnesola, .San Francisco. Hi A. WiNo. IIebbebt C. Lieut, (j.g.), 231 W. Ifllh Ave.. Columhus. Ohio. ,\kron, Rockaway (.)ueenstown. Ireland; Wcxlor.l. IrH.iii.l; H. N. A. S. Roehamplon, Eng., La Irinilc. Hrcsl. Fr.incc. \\lNN, Fred M , Sludent Officer, 629 VV. lOlh St., Oklahoma Cily, Okla. .Seattle. Washington. HTA. WiNSLOw, lUiRNsiDE, Eiisign. 115 Co!d Spring St., New Haven, Conn., Great Lakes. Pensacola. WlNSLow. Robert C, Sludent Officer, Uniim Trust Co., Indianapolis. Iml. .Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Pensacola. Kla. HTX. Winston. James W., Student Officer, Dunrte, Cal. Wintebhalteb. William Cimbles, Ensign, 75 Lin vood Ave. Craflon, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Kla. N. A. No. 20.50. HTA. Winter.steen, John. Ensign. 2220 Delnnccy St., Philadelphia, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West. N. A. No. U78. HTA. WiepERMAN, Wvi.TKR K., Student Officer, Loan & Trust Co.. Logansporl. Ind. Wiseman, C. J.. Sludent tJlTicer. 2221 Fulton St.. San Francisco. Cal. Withebill, Llston L., Student Officer, 100 Walnut St., Syracuse, N. Y. Wolf, E. L., Lieut. aeO. 1931 St. Paid St., Baltimore, Md. W OLFE, J., Lieut, (j.g.), Brooskidp Farm, Ossining, N. Y. ,, ^^"'-I'lN. 'JEO. L., Ensign, 1705 W.-ilnut Si.. Berkeley, Cal., .Seattle. Washington: San Diego, Cal., Pensacola, Fin. N. A. No. 2211. HTA. Woon, Abthib R., War Carpenter. I'. S. WDoi). Fbi:i)i;rick S., Student Officer, .\vc., Cleveland, Ohio. Wool). (;. L., K:nsign. N. A. No. 1937. Woon, HiNRV L., Ensign, Huntington, Mass. Insl. of Tech., Instructor. Wood, Quuntan, Ensign, Logan, La. Seattle, W'nsh- inglon. Key West, Pensacola. Kla. N. A. No. 2307. HTA. Woon. R. C, Ensign. N. A. No. 1397. Woon, H. W., Ensign, Ivy Depot, Allicrmarle Co., Va. N. A. No. 2009. Wood, R. Warned. Ensign. 56 Warren Ave.. East, Detroit, Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Miami, Pensacola. HT.\. Wood. Itov W., Student Officer, 1205 Fairview Road, P. 11.. Lilllc Rock. Ark. Woon. Thomas W.. Student Officer. La Fnyctlc. Ala. WooDiTousE. Hmitland, Sludcut Officer. 3|9 W. End Ave.. .New York (aly. \\oonLM:F. Haboiu I!ov, Student Officer, Ottawa, Kan. N. 7600 Euclid L. I., N. Y. I y > if: t . I . • I Uf^^: \A ooDiiuFF, liiuirE F., Ensign, HopkinsvUIe. Ky. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1873. HTA. \\'ooDruiFF, C C, Jr., Ensign, 525 University Ave, Ilhaca, N. V. N. A. No. 1139. WooDRiiFF, T., Ensign, 130 Atlantic St., Bridgetown, N..I. Woods, T. F., Ensign. 314 State St., Albany, N. Y. Woods, Wilmam R., Student Onicer, 1441 Lafayette St., Denver, Colo. WooDsiDi:, L. H., Ensign, 24 E. Madison St., Balli- more. Md. WooLEY, Geohce T., Lieut, (.i-g.)- WoOT,sEv, T. J., lOnsign, 350 Post St., San Francisco, Cal. N. A. No. 1331. WoRPEiv. Leslif J., Student Officer. WoBLEY. Fred M.. Student Officer, 1416 W. 6th St.. Topeka, Kans. Seattle, Miami. HTA. Worth, L. K.. Ensign, 728 W. Colorado Ave., Colo- rado Springs. Colo. N. A. No. 2075. Whav. James H. L.. P:nsign. 2218 Locust St.. Phila- delphia, Po. Mass. Insl. of Tech., Bay Shore, Pensacola, Moiilchlc, Fromentine. N. A. No. 936. HTA. Wbenn. Caivfiei.d M., Student Officer. 210 Capital Bk. BIdg., Des Moines. Iowa. Mass. Inst, of Tech. LTA. Wright, Allyn Lee. Ensign, Colnmhus, Wise. WniGH'r. Edward P.. Lieut. (].a.), 225 Taylor Ave., Detroit, Mich. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Bay Shore, Pen- sacohi. N. A. No. 954. HTA. Wright, F. IL. Ensign, Liberty, Ky. N. A. No. 148. WniGHT, Francis M., Student Officer, 911 W. Green St.. I'rhann, 111. Wright, James N., Ensign, 345 Gilpin St., Denver. Colo.. Great Lakes, Pensacola. Wright, Kenneth M., Student Ofliccr, RoIIa, Mo. Wright, Marc S., Ensign, 669 Washington St., Brook- line, Mass. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. San Diego, Cal., Pen- sacola. Fla. N. A. No. 1782. Wright. Ralph E., Student OfBcer, R. F. D. No. 5. Celina. Ohio. WniGHT, Richard S., Student Officer, 657 Anbury St., San Jose, Cal. Seattle, Washington. HTA. Wright, Theodore Paul. Lieut, (j.s.), 22 Lafayette St., Hempstead. L. L, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Buffalo. Garden City. N. Y. HTA. Wright. W. F., Ensign, 861 W. Market St., Lima, Ohio. N. A. No. 1558. Wyant, Lynton D., Student Officer. WvMAN, Edward E., Ensign, 403 Lancaster Ave., Haverford, Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Buffalo, Elizabeth. '■< * r # •©■ <^ <§> To the men who wi're qualified early in the history of Narai Ariafion, the list given below leill he of particular interest as it shows the order in which the first 35(J men were designated as Narai Aviators. Up to the present time the Na"y h:is trained and so designated over 2,700 naval fliers. imm Vo. Name No. Name No. IVame No. 1. Ellyson, T. G. 65. Gates, A. L, 125. Rodman, T. C. 187. 2. Rosers, J. 651 2. Brown, L W, 126. Smith, E. T. 188. 3. Towerp, J. II. 66. Lovetl, R. A. 127. Otis, T. S. 189. 4. Herbsler, D. D. 67. Ames, A. W. 128. Hawkins, A, W. 190. 5. Cunnin^'ham, A. A.. 68. Gould, E. C. B. 129. l.iifkiu, C. 191. 6. Smith. H. 1.. 70. Kilmer. 0. P. 131.. Poller, S. 192. 7. Chevalier. G. deC. 71. Talbot. P. 131. Fuller, P. S. 19-;. 8. Bellinger. P. N. L. 72. Davison, H. P. 132. Gernea. E. de 194. <). HillillKsley. \V. D. 73. Vorys, J. M. 133. f)ll, G, A, 195. 10. Murray, J. N. 74. McLeish. K. 134. Geary, J. W. 197. Jl. Mustin. 11, C. 75. Beach, C. F. 1341 i. Wetheral, R. W. 198. 12. Mcllvaine, W. M. 76. Farwell. J. V. 135. Ilinlon, W. 199. 1.!. Richarhson, 11. C. 78. Read, R. B. 136. Willcox, W. 200. 16. Whilinjr, K. 79. Brush, G. M. 137. Lee. B. L. 201. 17. Maxfield, I,. H. 80. James, (). B. 13K. Stone, E. A. 202. IK. McDoimell, E. 81. Rockefeller, W, A, 139. Fuller, C. F. 203. 19. Capehart, W. 82. Mcllwaine. A. G. 141. Slocker, R. M. 201. 20. Spencer, K. W. 84. Ireland, R. L. 142. Foster, J. C. 205. 21. Harllelt, 11, T. 85. Ingalls, D, S, 143. Allen, F. S. 206. 22 Murray, G. 86. Walker, S, S, Ill Arnory, F. I. 207. is! Corry. W. M. 87. Smith, K, R. 145. Rend, D. H. 208. 21. Read, A. C. 88. Lynch, F, R. V, 146. Goldthwaite, D. R. 309. 25, Johnson. E. F, 89 Lawrence, G. F, 147. McCann, R. H. 210. 26. Evans, F, J. 891 r„ Merrill, N. E. 148. Wright, A, H. 210 27. Paiinark, R, R, 90. McLaughlin, G. 149. Swift, H. 211. 28. Sroheld, 11, W, 91. McGrary, F. R. 150. Butler, S. M. 212. 29. Childs, W. G. 92. Coombe, R. G. 151. Gordon. H. B. 213. 30. Dicman, G. C, 93. Landon, H, H, 152. Zunino, F. A. 211. 31. Yoiinff, R, T. 94. Culbert, E, P. 153. Shea, E. L 215. 32. Gille.spie. G. S. 95. Feher, A, 154. Forreslall, J. V. 216. 33. Milsrher, M. A. 95a . Fitz Simon, R. 155. Brackenridge, G. 217. 34. Strickland. G. 1!. 95b. Pichon. C. F. 156. Gibson, H. F. 219. 3.S. Montlort, .1, (>, C, 95c . Zar. M. A. 157. Mu.lge, W, 220. 36. Cabaniss. R. W, 96. Coil, E, W, 158. Clarkson, W. 221. 37. Chase, N. R. 96 -s. Chamberlin, E. G. 1.59. McC.id, P. 11. 22 ■> 38. Stone, E. F. 97. Strader, R. M. N. 160. Halslea.l, A. II. 223! 39. McKitlerick, E. II. 98. Talbot, A. B 161. Randolph, R. D. 224. 40. Leighton, B. G. 99. Whitehouse, W. B. 162. Matter, R 225. 41 Griflin, V, C, 100. Crompton, G 163. Warburton, W. J 226. 42 Cecil, H. B. R. 101. Hamlen, W. L, 163 0, Peterson, H, A. 227 43. Siigden, C. E. 102. Little, C. G. 164. Rutherford, J. M. 228. 44 Bre.ssman, A. A. 103. Brewer, A. D. 165. Laughlin. G. M. 229. 45 Ramsey, D. W, C 104. Delano, M. P. 166. Evans, G. B. 230. 46 Hull, G. T. 105. Lansdowne, Z. 167. Johnson, A. R. 231. 47. Peyton, P. J. 106. Hell. G. W. 168. McCulloch, D. II. 232. 48 Kirkpalrick, R. D 107. Chadwick, N. 169. Pierce, T, J, H, 233. 49. Geiger, R. S, 108. Ditraan, A. J. 171. Shaw, G. W. 234. 50. Bonner, W. D. 109. Donnelly, T. 172. Peck, L. S. 235. 51. Murphy, T. H. 110. Carter, R. C. 173. Humphreys, W, V. 236. 52. Mason, C. P. 111. Stone. G. W. 174. Berger. F. G. B. 237. 52 /o. Salsman, J. 110 .<. Allen, G. L. 175. Boyd, T. P. 238. 53. Simpson, Jr., F, 112. Atwaler. W. B. 175! i. Alexander, W. H, 239. 51. Donahue, R, 113. Fallon, N. 176. White, B. C, 240. 55. BrevNsler, D. L. S. 111. WUliams. A. S. 177. Coddington, D. II. 2!1. 55 2. Sunderman, J. T. 115. Dietrich, A. F 178. Kerr, R. H. 242. 56. Barin, L. T. 116. Palmer. C. D. 179. Whitled 1 A 213. 57. 58. Parker, S. V Masek, W. 117. 118. Murr.iy, C D. Taylor, M. 180, Vflllltl*!. J , 1%. . Haskell. A. 244. 215. 246. 59. Coffin, E. A 119. TownshenH, R. S. 181. Hyde. R. N. 60. Eaton. P, r. 120. Walton. W. W. 182. Keves. K. R. 61. Enos. G. 121. Depew. G. G. 183. Warren, A. K. 247. 62. Varini, F, 122 Goodyear, F. 184. Eaton. J. A. 248. 63. Hawkins. C. A. 123! Hutchins. Hurd. 185. Peterson. W. L. 249. 64. Ruttan. C. E. 124. Schieffelin. J J. 186. Stanley. H. T. 250. Name Remey, J. T. - Palraedo, R. Forbes, D. P. Allen, F. G. . Baker, C. S. Greenoiigh. C. W. Ames, C. B Hofer, M. \. Ives. V. F. . lirewer, E. S. Dumas, G. D. McNamara, J. F. Rowen, H. J. Compo. G. L. Perrin. J. Hutchinson, L. B. MacCaulay, D^ M. . Lochman. D. E. Moore. L. B. . Thomas. B. D. Clements. J. R. Schermerhorn, H. . Murphey. D. B. Giosvenor, T. P. . Roe, G. T. . Tuelon, H. P. Marriner, W. T. . Pumpelly, H. A. Biggers. B. L . Farmer. C. R. Greenfield. E. R. Weld. L. M. . Phelan. J. Lancto. G. W. Wilcox. H. M. Hawkins. R. Wenz. E. A. . Alvord, D. B. Baum, J. E. Smith. F. S. Hawkins, S. C. Clapp. K. H. . Dowell. B. B. Osl ridge, C. L. Bergin. T. M. Gadsden, P. H. Graves. L. D. Connelly, L. W. McAdoo, Jr.. W. G. Wheeler. O. G. Benjamin, II. R. Souther, A. F. Roberts. Jr.. C. H. Harris F. M. Naylor. H. B. Voorhees. D. A. Maxfield, II. W. King. F. E. Lamar, L. E. Bancroft. Jr., F W. Griswold. R. A. Chapman, T. H. Frothingham, P. B. m :.l f W J',i I 300 -n-- ^ r YANCKV, \\1 1.1,1 \\I It. Sliii/rnl Ojjirrr Liht'rly. M(». Mas.s. Inst, ofrrrh.. Miami, Key West. HT.\. ■^ AWtJKII. KO.'illlH C. Ensign "H Linden St.. Rochester. N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Key West, Miami. Pensn- colu. N. A. No. 2172. I IT A. VIOOMANS, SIMPSON I.imt. {j.ij.) 3530 filadslone HIvd.. Knn- sas("ily. Mo. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. IVnsacola. N. A. No. 902. IITA. Vi:il\A. THOMAS !•;. Ensign Hedhmds, Cal. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Pensaeola, Akron. N. A. No. l.j«0. IITA.. I.TA. The End of a Five Hours' Pathol. VOUNC, A. C, Jr. Ensign 220 Shnfer St.. Hichmond, \'a. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. Instructor in .Meteorology and Ttieory of Itullooniiifj;. LTA. YOUNG. FHANKLIIN Ensign <>/.(t[ia, Fla. Dunkirk, Key West, JVloutchic Holsenn, Pensaeola, U. S. S. Missis- sippi. N. A. No. 761. HTA. YOCNC. now AMI) P. Ensign 2107 Itoulevard, W ilminp- ton. Del. Mas.s. Inst, of Tech., Key West, Pensa- eola. N. A. No. 229.1. IITA. YOUNG, KENNKTII I.. Lieut, {j-9-) llin;.'liam, Mass. Mass. Insl. of Tech., IVnsacola, llatnpton Rds., Morehead City. N. A. No. 313. IITA -H)^^^-^ Wi ZEISER, J. S. Ensign 1113 Union St.. Schenec- tady, N. Y. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Bay Shore, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1871. LTA. ZELLKn.IlUliliHTH. Ensign Trumbull Ave., Stoning- ton. Conn. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami, Key West, Pensacola. N. A. No. 2580. HTA. ZIESING, RICHARD, Jr. Lieul. Ij.g.) 10610 Magnolia Drive, Cleveland, Ohio. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Akron, Pensacola. N. A. No. 1035. LTA. ZKLLER, JOHN H. Student OJficer 308 W. King St., Shippens- burg. Pa. Mass. Inst, of Tech., Miami. HTA. ZIEGLER. ARTHUR W. Ensign 556 N. 12th St., E. St. Louis, III. Dunwoody, Miami, Key West, Pensa- cola. N. A. No. 2453. HTA. # <$> ^ ■^ Yates. C. O., Jb., Student Omcer, 1201 Walnut St., Almedo, Cal. Yavenneh Geo. T., Ensign. Rm. 701 Cent. Y. M. C. A.. Cleveland, Ohio. Yehington, John G., Student Officer, Watervlit, Mich. Yost, Wm. A., Student Officer. .«^°,'"^?' AnTHUB, Student Officer, Care of Franklin & Marshall Academy, Lancaster, Pa. Young, J. H., Ensign, 1012 New Hampshire Ave., Washington, D. C. Young, R. D., Ensign, Galesville, Wise. London, East- leigh, Eng., Great Lakes, III. YouNC, WrLLiA.M, Jk.. Student Officer, 245 Stuyve,sant Ave., Brooklyn, .N. Y. Dunwoody Insl.. Minn. HTA. fouNGMAN, Arthur V., Student Officer, Lloyd Road, Monlclair, i\. J. YuNGMAN, A. T., Lieut, (j.g.), 152 W. Hortter St., Philadelphia, Pa. Zabbiskie, Alexander C. Lieut, (j.g.), 23 Gramercy Park, New York City. Intelligence office. Lough Foyle, Ireland. H. M. Naval Base, Buncrana, Lough Swilly, Ireland. Zabriskie, George Gray, Lieut, (j.g.), 23 Gramercy Park, New York. M.iss. Inst, of Teih., I^ouch Foyle, Ireland, II. M. Naval Base Buncrana, Lough Swilly Ireland. Zabecob, Mercer O.. Student Officer. Ziegeb, Harold M., Student Officer, 830 Pacific Ave., Long Beach, Cal. Zeller, Wm. M., Jr., Student Officer, 111 '< N. Meridian Brazil, Ind. Zebfoss, Geo. K., Student Officer, 412 Linden Walk, Lexington, Ky. Zimmermaiv, John L., Jr., Student Officer, 363 East High St., SpringGeld, O. ZooK. Richabd M., Student Officer, 141 S. Scoville Ave., Oak Park, III. ZuCKER, Arthur A., Student Officer, 60 Broadway, New York City. ZuGER, J. R , Ensign, Georgetown College, Washington, D. C. N. A. No. 1867. ^>= 'CIC/ if — --^- -■'*--= -^ 9^* i"^ m PA^X ^k V,v.^':S7 -.-^^ -fV^ngr^__v ''^'^y W 11 u M fBlfe m m Willi rJi HI 44 7 9"" o^> ^■^ .•i?^.^. -^^^ 'bV" V -> /-^^E?/)'- "^ 'o>- -A" ^s ^:. .<9^. <<' .. 't- '- ■ r .N^ ■A' -J. '^^V*-'/ V "^ -^^o'^ .0' cr .\^,?pp,r ¥• \ c>* .:^^^;?-^.•" -^x^ > ^4 'O- -"^ - *^ ^* <*.,. " -^^-0^ ^;" . 7-tf^V"-,* \V^^ ^!^M^' -^"^ V^ ' H O .Ov- '^^ ^'^"^■"' .4' v^ ^^■' ■ft? -^^ .-^■^ .-^'^' *\. ■^-> . . ' A <* ' 0° • ">. V^' ^ ^^, f: '^^v o V- ,*»^' 5 -A- .^' .N^' Aq* o V .A°^ > r ^•*>, V. ^'•^^. .j:^ % .-', -1 ^^., * ^,--->r';f^-/ V---S- -.'•^••••"-'^ .N^^ :^^ 'X. .//;«^;;^^ ^^^;«^'X ,.^\-;a:^;-.'^... ' ..^^^i^-f'^ \ .'\ ■y > 0° >* ,0^^' '%. "-^^0^ .<^°- c<^^ '^ '• MANCHESTER N DIANA 46962' \^X^ A^ aV-^. . r (-, - .0^ •J