'rice ^-J^sh- HOTEL GUroE, FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. 1^' K%i 18 7 6 Containing the Names of Hotels, Names of Proprietors, Rateai j per Day and parts of Day, per Week and parts of Week, I of Hotels in every principal Town and City in the ' United States and Canada. A Work much needed by the CommercJarTrraveil^S^ ,he Country, as well as by Hotel keepers, as a I?ock^^eferei»ee^ i>T for office use. / -b^ ^^"^ ' ^ '^5'!' vT , \ •"-: —. 'n V^ ,'~. ' y lS7e„ PUBLISHED BY JUSTUS roe: «fe No. 51 CORTLANDT STREET, NEW TORSi. Corner Greenwich. ^^s. PRICE AA^ith Card, $1.50, Without Card, $1.00. i ^'''' y^b -^«e:^-w-^:^s&@ — Entered according to Act of Congress in the j'^ear of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventj''-8ix, by Justus Rok, in the Ofllce of the Librarian of Congress at Washington D. C. INTRODUCTORY. Nature makes the tail of a horse to follow the animal ; art, or common custom, has made the Preface of a book to lead it, neither are strictly necessary, or even essential, and yet while the one may be useful in switching away the flies, in fly time, the other may be equally useful for an opposite purpose, and at any time. Nature seldom makes a blunder in any of her efforts, never 1 an apology ; art often makes the one, and the apology that follows is generally worse than the blunder. If I have made the former in presenting this my first born to the public, it is now too late to make the latter ; it is my maiden effort, and I must father the little one, trusting that by kind nursing from a generous public, it may grow in age, cast off its baby clothes, be able to sport a mustache and a cane, wear an ulster, part its hair in the middle, be a welcome guest in every house- hold, travelling bag, or pocket, and some day be ornamental as well as useful to the world. Common custom requires in a work of this kind a few hints, or words of advice, but for me to give advice to the great body of Commercial Travellers of our country, would be as silly as to feed a Kentucky mule, with Connecticut shoe pegs, and try to convince him that they are a new kind of oats raised in Nebraska. If any of them stand in need of that article, let them ask the first fool they meet on the street, few of them but know more than I do. And for me to advise the Hotel-keepers is almost as siUy, as few of them but know better than I "how to keep a Hotel," and few of them about the country, but have received circulars and letters from me, and been bored enough already by me, in my endeavor to convince them of the advantages of a notice in my Guide, and telling them what little I know about hotel-keeping after nearly thirty years ex- perience. To give advice is not my forte, I need it myself, but in view of the fact that information which cannot be relied upon is dear at any price, it has been my endeavor to give that which is perfectly reliable and trustworthy, and so meet the demand of the travelling public, let the cost be what it may. My Guide has not been made up from Directories and the names and prices guessed at, you can guess full as well, or INTRODUCTORY. perhaps better than I. With the exception of the figures marked with an x, and in those cases I have heard from sources I felt to be quite trustworthy, the rates given are about the price charged, and every flguie can be relied upon almost implicitly, as I have letters fiom the landlords in my office to show by what authority I use them, with the positive assurance from hundreds of them, that Guests with my Card will be treated with more than ordinaiy care and attention for the same or less pay ; but the rates as they .appear in my Guide, have been exclusively made to me, and are in no sense to be used as public property, or be regarded as the regular rates. My Book is not an old face you have always perhaps been glad to welcome, but a new one, come to wui its way to your favor, and its true reward. It is the little pioneer log house hot€l, at the " cross roads," rea :: Arlington, Bakersfield, Barnard, Barnet, Barre, Barton, jfBartonLanding; HOTEL. PROPRIETOR. Darling's, J. B. Darling, Howard's, W. Howard, Albu'h Springs,E. H. Hudson, A;ae8', Geo. W. Ames, Mansion, Chaxancey Smith, Arlington, A. Bartlett, Beales', E. H. Beale, Silver Lake, C. E. Fi'ench, Nillson, L. W. Hazelton, 1.50 AH 7 13 Barre Spring, S.Bruce, Cottage, S. R. Oruway, 2.00 AI I . . Twingville, H. Peck, Cry.stal Lake, V. N. Spaulding, 2.00 AI 7 . . ,VaUey. C. AV. Cade, 1.50 A F 5 9 VERMONT. 17 TOWN. HOTEL. PROPRIETOR. Bellows Falls, Island, S. C. riemming, " Towns', Charles Towns, Bennington, Gates', John R. Gates, Stark. Wm. H. Cady, " Walloonxsac, Alfred Robinson, 2.50 A 14 . . Benson, Union, Jonas Reid, Bolton, Bolton, R. E. Weller, Bradford, Trotten, H.E.Harris, Bratntree, SnowvUle, Nath. Hutchinson, Brandon, Brandon, Vail & Merritt, 2.50 AJ 1 1(J Brattleboro, American, G. A. Boyden, 2.00 11.. " Brooks', Chas. G. Lawi'ence, " Revere, H.C.Nash, Bridgewater, Carpenter's, C. B. Carpenter, 1.50 AF 6 10 Bridport, Bridport, N.B.Phelps, 2.00 AI 9.. Bristol, Bristol, J. J. Ridley, Brookfleld, Traveller's, Mrs. E. Clark, Brownington, Central, J. A. WjTnan, Burlington, American, H.H.Howe, Park, H. F. PettingiU, " Rowe's, R. C. ROWE, 2.00 10 .. " Van Ness, D. C. Barber&Co., 3 00AL .. .. Cahot, Wlnooski, Wm. P. Whittier, 2.00 AH A . . Calais, Moscow, A. Slayton, Cambridge, Borough, C. B. Waite, 2.00 AEE.. Canaan, Canaan, Charles H. Weeks, Castleton, Sanford, Franklin Sanford, Charleston, Clyde River, A. J. Morrill, Charlotte, Washington, O. H. Alexander, 1.75 AH H . . Chelsea, Orange County, A. W. Whitney, Chester, Central, N. O. Johnson, 2.00 AI I . . " Chester, H. H. Ingraham, Clarendon Spr., Clarendon, B. Murray. & Sons, 2.50 AK K . . •' Green Mount'n,A. F. Style, Concord, Concord, A. W. Honghton, Corinth, Foster's, L. P. Foster, Coventry, Coventry, E. W. Landgraayd, Craftsburg, Orleans, Wm. Hodgen, CattingsvUle, Todd's, Horace Todd, Dauby, ^^^^t^Tabor,"^- ^- ^<'"'^' 2.00 AI I.. Danville, Smith's, A. H. Smith, Derby Centre, Central, W. H. Hinman, 2.00 AF F . . Derby Line, Derby Line H. B. Benson, 18 VERMONT, TOWN, HOTEL. Dorset, East Dorset, " North Dorset, " Washington, Dover, West Dover, Drunimerstown,Frink's, East Arlington, Green Mount'n Eden, Eden, " Eden Pond, Elmore, Daniels', Enosburgh, Eagle, Essex Junction.Central, " Junction, Factory Point, Colburns', " Thayers', Fairfax, Fairfax, " Valley, Fairfield, Driscoll's, E. " Ishani's, Fair Haven, Knights', Felchville, FelchvUle, Ferrisburg, Martin's, Franklin, Franklin, Georgia, Depot, " Franklin, Glover, Union, Grafton, Phelps', Granville, Granville, Greensboro, Greensboro, Guilford, Broad Brook, " Springs, GuUdhall, Essen, Halifax, Stark's, Hancock, Green Mount'n Hardwick, E. Hardwick, " Hardwick, Hartford. Union, " White River, Hartland, PavUlion, " Railroad, Highgate, Chaniplain, " Green Mount'n " Stinehoxise, PROPRIETOK. B. Barrows, John Curtis, George W. Baker, 1.50 .... 9 . . A, B. Collins, S. W. Frink, ,N. G. Hard, 1.50 AD D 13 Jacob Harrington, 1.00 A 5 .. Isaac D. Davis, S. Daniels, F. C. Kimball, Jr., 2.00 AG Q .. Fred W. Chase, 2.00 A I 10 .. Samuel Tyler, John S. Angel, 1.50 A 7 . . H.W.Davis, A. FOSS, 2.00 AH 7 . . E. J. Pease, 1.50 AG D .. J. G. Driscoll, S. Isham & Son, 1.00 A 5 .. C. C. Knight, 2.00 AI I 16 GUbert A, Davis, 1,75 AE E 14 S, Martin. Herbert S. Chaplin,2.00 AH 5 „ P. E. Spencer, R. S. Shepard Ethan E. Foster, F. & H. Phelps, 1.25 AH 7 .. D. W. Rogers, 2.00 AF F .. Anson B. Cook, Chauncey Guellow, 1.50 AE B .. C. C. Lynde, Wm. H. Hartshorn, Jedediah Stark, John E. Wright, Drennon Bros, John Birks, 2.00 AI I . . H. M. Cutting, Charles W, Pease, 2.00 AI I .. R. L. Britton, 2.00 AI I.. Frank Dun ton, J. Osborne, ,W. H. Lantman, 1.50 6.. Misses Stinehouse, VEKMONT. 19 TOWN. HOTEL. PROPRIETOR. Hinesburg, Flanagan's, Geo. W. Flanagan, 1.50 AF F . . Hubbardton, Webster's, Martin J. Webster, 1.00 AF A .. Huntington, Camel's HunipG. Conger, " Huntington, E.T.Collins, Hyde Park, American, E.B.Sawyer, " Union, D. Randall, " VaUey, Poteus Butts, Irasburgh, Irasburg, E. W. Powell, Jamaica, Jamaica, S. E. Rawson, Jericho, Barney's, M.Barney, Johnson, Johnson, G. H. Saxby, 2.00 AH D . . JonesviUe, Forest, A. B. Cooper, Landgrave, Green Mount'n, David Howard, Larrabies Point, United States, Faut & Kimball, LeicesterJunc'nJunction, O. C. Huntley, 2.00 AF E . . Lowell, Mt. MoiTis, H. C. Brown, 1.00 A 4 . . Ludlow, Ludlow, H.A.Green, 2.00 8.. Lunenburgh, Chandler's, J. B. S. Chandler, 2.00 AH F . . Lynden, Lynden, S. R. McGaffey, " Lj'nden Centre, C. E. Hoffman, " Walker's, George B. Walker, Manchester, Elm, S. R. Chas. F. Orvis, 2.50 AJ .... Equinox, F. H. Orvis, 4.00 AQ 25.. Marshfleld, Eagle, L. D. Bemis, 1.25 A 7 .. Middlebury, Addison, Darwin Rider, " Glen, Wii-L ALLEN & Co., 1.50 .... 10 . . " Middleburj^ T. B. Smith, Middlesex, Washington, Benjamin Barrett, Middletown, Montvert, D. Doolittle, " Valley, Orlando Gates, 2.00 7 . . Milton, Austin, A. N, Austin, 2.00 AI I 18 " Elm Tree, Wm. Landon, " The Rest, J. D. Gale, Monkton, Collins', Elmer D. Collins, Montgomery, Sampson's, A.S.Sampson, Montpelier, American, C. Clark, 2.00 AH H 18 " Bishop's, H. H. Bishop, " PaviUion, T. O. Bailey, 3.00 A .... " Union, George P. Foster, 2.00 10 .. Moretown, VUlage, Noah Fisher, Morrisville, MorrisviUe, Orcutt & Boynton, Newberry, Spring, R. W. Chamberlin, New Haven, New Haven, Wm. M. Patch, VERMONT, TOWN. HOTEL. PROPRIETOR. Newport, Bellevue, Horace Bean, 2.50 — 15 . . " MemphremagogW. F. Bowman Newport, Newport, N. C. Cole, 2.00 AF F 15 NewportCentre Spring, A. R. Glines, Nortlifleld, National, William Blood, Northfield, J. H. Ransom, 2.00 .... 8 . . North Wolcott, North Wolcott.A. B. Pike, 1.50 AE 5 .. Norwich, Union, N. F. Bush, OrweU, Boynton, Joshua W. Boynton, Pawlet, Franklin, D. W. Bromley " Indian River, D.Woodward, Peacham, AtweU's, JohnAtwell, Peru, Bromleys, G. K. Davis, 1.50 A 7 . . Pittsfield, GreenMounta'nJ. H. Spaulding, 1.25 6.. Pittsford, Otter Creek, L. F. Schofield, Plainfleld, Plainfield, B.P.Young, •' Spring, James Morse, Pljrmouth, Tyson, Eugene O. Pratt, 2.00 AG G 16 " Union, L. J. Green, Wilder Honse, D. P. Wilder, 1.50 AD D . . Post Mills, Lake, Nathan Davis, . . Poultney, Beaman's, C. C. Beaman, 2.00 AE E 13 " Eagle, A. Murdock, " Poultney, E.G.Dyer, Pownall, Union, L. Burlingame, Putney. Kendrick's, D. H. Kendrick, 1.50 AF .... Readshoro, Stowe, Carp'nter&Faulkn'r Richford, American, J. B. Sweatland, " Union, J. P. Goddard, Richmond, Richmond, L. Love, Rochester, Rochester, T. M. Eaton - J. M. Cooley, E. Adams & Co., 2.00 AJ I . . Berthold Winkler, Tilly Haynes, WilUam M. Bemis, 2.00 AI I . . M. & E. S. Chapin Wm. L. Clegg Wetherbee cfc Neal F. E. French, James P. Murphy, Mrs. M.H. Plumb, Norris L. Sweet, Charles B. Melvin, Leonard Drake Fred. Boyd, 1.25 AD D . . S. H. Wardwell, Joseph Case, A. L. BUss, 3.00 AL L . . 1.00 EG .. .. G. C. KeUey, 2.00 A 9 . . L. E. Francis, 1.25 AD D . . C. A. Oakes, W.H.Harlow, M. H. Davis, J. W. Partridge, A. M. Munday, John E. Terrell, G. T. C. Holden Samuel Look, Gideon Haynes, Reuben Snow, 2.00 A I I 14 Thomas Kendrick P. G. Hackett, J. J. Nesmith, T.H.Simpson 30 MASSACHUSETTS. HOTEL. PBOPRIETOR. I FuUer C. W. FuUer, 2.00 AH G 16 ■ ' Joslin's Horace I. Joslin, 2.50 AIH.. Holbrook's Mrs. S. Holbrook, _ Westboro Dollin K. Sherman 2.00 A J .... ■; Buschman's John Buschman, ■ ! Foster's Mrs. S. N. Foster, m, Westminster SamuelB.Beaman ^ Allis' Mrs. M. E. Allis & Son, 2.00 AF 6 10 Mansion A. G. Bailey, 3.00 AL K . . S.Williamstown Nathan Field, American Wm. Lnmflin, 2.00 AI 6 . . Central S. A. Hartshorn, Bay State H. Barnes & Co., Elmwood D.J.Baker, Exchange W. F. Weeks, 2.00 10 . . Grand Central T. Jameson, Lincoln S. W. Balcom, New Brewster Thomas Kendrick, 1.50 AH 6 . . Qninsigamond Cliflford & Tower, Waldo R. W.cfeL.B.Stuart, Bartlett's Jacob M. Bartlett, Worthington 1.25 AF 7.. TOWN. Webster, WeUfleet, Westboro, Westfleld, Westminster, WUbraham, WUliamstown South " Winchenden, Wobum, Worcester. 283 Main St., 93 Main, 648 Main, Belmont, 25 Waldo, Worthington, RHODE ISLAND. Apponaug, Apponaug Jas. H. Atwood, 2.00 AI 10 Bristol, Bristol M.V.Newton, Chepachet, Eddy's J. M. Eddy, 2.00 AI I Crompton, Booth's Wright Booth, Cumberland, Cook's Edmund L. Cook, EastGreenwich Kent R. G. Brown, " " Updike's Misses A&A Updike Hopkinton, Hope VaUey F. M. Burton, Kingston, Kingston J. S. Brown, 2.00 AI . . . Naragansett Pier Atlantic Abijah Browning 3.50 AO O . " " Delavan J. G. Bums, 3.00 AN 18 . " " Mettatoxett John H. Caswell 2.50 .... 15 . Newport, Aquidneck SR PhUip Rider " Howard St. John France " Ocean S. R. Weaver ort, Bristol, Bi-ookfield, Brooklyn, Canaan, Canton, CentralVillage, Chester, Clinton, Colchester, W. Cornwall, Coventrj', Danhuiy, DayviUe, Deep River, Derby, Birmingham " Union Enfield Hazardville East Hampton, Pokatapang East Haven, Nettleton's Essex, Fairfield, Falls Village, HOTEL. PROPRIETOR. Dorrance's Wm. Dorrance, Elmore's E. S. Elmore, Rail B,oad James Deimay, 1.50 8.. Clarke's Dyer H. Clarke, Baltic R. J. Brophy, 2.00 AI 8 14 Berlin HenryA.Gwatkins Bassett Charles T. WeUs, 3.00 Bolton William H. Hunt, 2.00 AF 7 14 Indian Neck Eli Goodrich, 2.00 AF F 18 Lounsbury '8 David Lounsbury, Way's James R. Way, American Geo. G. Thompson, Atlantic A. R. Lamb, Sterling Atwood &Whiting, Bristol Pierce &, Norton, Central Mrs. P. Schwai'zweller, 1.50 7.. Commercial L. P. Goodwin, 2.00 A H G 17 Brookfield John Kane, 1.50 AF 6 12 Brooklyn Charles C.Burdick, 2.00 AI I .. Biker's D. A. Riker, Hawks' A. P. Hawks, , CoUins' John D. Collins, Jr Weaver's Erastus Weaver, Smith's Richard P. Smith, Gabrielle's Chas. Gabrielle, Mansion Anthony Miller, Doomis' S. T. Loomis, 1.25 AC 6 . . Pahqnioque Piatt S. Osborn, 2.00 AJ I .. Turners S. E. Hapgood Wooster O. E. Austin, 2..50 DayvxUe L. M. Kennedy, 2.00 AI F . . Wahginnicut William D. Worthington, 2.00 AI 118 2.00AI G .. George L. Thomas, 2.00 AH F . . S. Charter, Wm. G. BueU, 1.50 .... 10 . . Geo. D. Nettletou 'Harrington's Geo. Harrington, Welch's John Welch, Fairfield Valentine&Willett 2.00 AI I .. Dudley's E. I. Dudley, 2.00 AI I . . Peck's Geo. K, Peck, -. CONNECTICUT. 33 TOWN. Farmington, Gildeisleeves Landing, Glasstonbiiry, Goshen, Granby, East Granby, Greenville, Greenwich, Guilford, HOTEL. Whitman's Union Gaines' Goshen Benjamin's Hay den's Union Greenville Half Way Lenox S. R. Guilford Hunt's Champion Haddam, Hartford. High&AUenSt. Adams' Asylum & Trumbull, Allyn Bacon 217 Main, City 28 Market, Derby's High cor. Allyn Park Central 554 Main, Sigoumey 6Farmington A V.Union Hall PROPRIETOR. Wm. Whitman D. B. Williams, 2.00 .... 10 W. H. Gaines C. J. Soudant, Samuel Benjamin, E. Hayden, Frank Granger, T. Cunningham, 2.00 AI I S. W. Newman, A. J. Rutges, E. M. Sherman, 2.00 10 James A. Hunt, D. Watrous, 2.00 AI G G. F. Adams, 2.00 AJ G 26 State, Hazardville, Hebron, Jewett City, Kent, KUliugly, LakevUle, Litchtield, Lyme, Manchester, Meriden, W. " Middletown, United States Charter's American Jewett City Comstock's Attawaugan DanielsonvUle Olive Branch MUler's Crossman's Lyme Knox's Bixbee's Mechanics' Brentnal's Meriden Curtis Air Line Fanners & Mechanics T.M.& R. J.AlIyn, Redfield, N. W. Taylor, 3.00 .... 18 Augustus Derby, 2.00 11 E. G. Hastings, 4.00 AN O N. J. Coyle, 2.00 AJ I A. J. Pease & Co., 2.00 AI I D. A. Rood, 3.00 AM . . Sylvester Charter, Horace F. Porter, 1.50 AF 6 Ira F. Lewis, DanielB.Comstock Lewis Worden, Chas.E. Hutchins, 1.50 AH (j . Clark B. Cornell, 1.50 AH D . Miller Bros. Wm. H. Grossman, E. E. Clark, 1.50 AH 7 . C. B. Knox, 2.00 AH G Theodore Bixbee, .75 EE . . . M. Moran, P. L. Brentnal, A. H. Bradley, 3.00 10 Mrs. J. Taylor, Thomas Furniss, 1.50 AH 8 C. N. Brainard, 34 CONNECTICUT. TOWN. HOTEL. MidcUetown, McDonough " New York Milford, Sparks' Moosup, Kenyon " Yoimg's Mystic Bridge, Hoxie's Naugatuck, Naugatuck New Britain, Bassett's " New Britain " Union New Canaan, Taylor's New Haven. State cor. George, St. Austin, Union cor. Wooster, City 153 Chapel, Elliott 73 Union, Florence, 264 State, Madison 444 Chapel, New Haven 51 Court, Thomas' .. Church, Tontine Nefv liondon. Atlantic, Metropolitan National Steamboat PequodS. R. New Milford, Bristol's Niantic, Howard Newtown, Central Norlolk, Dick's " Norfolk Norwalk, Connecticut " Taylor's SouthNorwalk, City " French's " Stedman's Norwich, American Chelsea Thames PROPRIETOR. J. S. Dickinson, 3.00 AL L . . Donahue & Bro., N. J. Sparks & Co D. K. Douglass, Horace P. Young, B. F. Hoxie, George D. Squires, 2.00 AI J . . C. Bassett, John A. Tryon, John Howson, 1.00 AA A . . Leroy Taylor, Orson Austin & Sons, 2.50 AN .... James Barker, 2.00 AI I . . R. Dyer, C. W. Bradley, Wm. DooUttle, 2.25 AK K . . S. H. Mosely, Alfi-ed Thomas, 1.50 AE E . . J. W. Bradley, Theodore John 2.00 AI J .. R. P. Freeman, Ticknor & Hutchinson, 2.00 A J .... Wm. & J.D.Bacon, H. S. Crocker, Isaac B. Bristol, Chas. Bahcock, Douglass Fairchild 2.00 A J 10 . . Wm. J. Dick, G. B. Jaycox, 2.25 AJ .... Mrs. J. Burke, L. Taylor, 2.50 A J .... H. H. Bartlett, 2.50 AK K . . C. G. French, 2.50 AI I . . F. F. Stedman & Sons A.D.Clark, 2.50 AI I 18 Edwin Fay, 1.00 EG .... J. M'. Sorell, TOWN. Norwicli, Oxford, Plaiufield, Plaiuville, Plymouth, Poquonock, Putnam, Rainbow, Rockville, Rocky Hill, Salisbury, Sandy Hook, New Saybrook Seymour, Sharon, Somers, Southingtou, Stafford, Stamford, Stonington, Suffleld, TareffvUle, Thompson, Thompsonville. Tolland, Unionville, Voluntown, Wallingford, Washington, Waterbury, Waterford, CONNECTICUT, 35 HOTEL. PROPRIETOll. Uncas T. A. Holmes, 1.50 United States F. Richter, Wauregan C. W. Johnson, 3.00 Oxford E. L. Warner, Austin's C. W. Austin, Plaiufield Fowler & Clark, 2.00 AH 6 . . Tinker's Frank A. Tinker, Quiet A. B. Curtis, Village Gaylord Hitchcock 1.25 AD C . . Elm St. W. B. White, Quinebaug D. Case well, Rainbow Dana L. Pajiie, Reeuey's E. & F. Reeney, Shipman's Samuel Shipman, Russell's Theodore Russell, Sandy Hook Edward Taylor, Feuwick Hall D. A. Rood, Merwiu's Sidney Merwin, Dunham's A. B. Dunham, Sharon Mrs. S. L. Potter, United States Warren Kibbe — Bradley S. C. Hooker, 2.00 All.. Plimpton's Paley Plimpton, Hamilton S. R. S. T. Cozzens, Kingman's F. Kingman, Union B. P. Wallace, Williams' A. W. Williams, 1.50 AF F .. Tremont Richard R. Barkei", Knox' Knox Brothers, 1.50 AH i: . Reed's Wm. Reed, Thurston's A. L. F. Thurston, Thompson Stephen Crosbj^ Thompsonville B. F. Lord, County, 2.00 A J J .. Olmstead's Geo. H. Olmstead, Dunham's Chas. Dunham, Union Hiram Jenks, Hoey's Lawrence Hoey, . . Ford's R.W.Ford, Meyers John Ptaff, . . . . Scovill J. Doolittle, 3.00 AL 20.. Waterbury E. H. Hayes, 2,50 . . . 10 . . Sandy Point John H. Manwaiing, 2.00 AT 1 36 CONNECTICUT. TOWN. HOTEL. PROPBIETOR. Watertown, Warren Mrs. O. B. King WatervUle Waterville Lawrence Ruth Westbrook, Westbrook Geo. C. Moore, West Haven, Hinman's PrestonH.Hinman " Sea View George R. Kelsey Westport, Westport David S. Gray, WUlimantic Braiiierd D. Lathrop, 2.00 All " National A. A. Snow, 2.00 AI I Windsor, Alford E. S. AKord, WindsorLocks, Charter Oak Henry Cutler, 2.00 AI 7 Winsted, Clarke E. Y. Morebotise, 2.00 AI I " Forrester's John R. Forrester West Winsted, Beardsley E. C. Stevens, 2.00 AI I WolcottviUe, Allen's Henry J. Allen, 2.50 AI I Wells' H. Wells, Woodbury, McMartry's Mrs. McMartry, " Travers' James W. Travel's, Woodstock, ElniwoodHaU 1.50 AE E South" Stear's A. L. Stear, NJiW YORK. 37 TOWN, HOTEL. PROPUIETOK. Adams, Huson's Arthur B. Huson, Addison, Brant's A. L. Brant, " Exchange James E. Smith, Afton, Musson's Bichard Mvisson, Akron, American F. Fink, 2.00 AE E . . Alabama, Clark Charles Clark, 2.00 A J 5 Albany. 274 Broatlway, Bums' J. F. Bums, 719 " City John A. Gladding, Broadway cor. Chas. E. Leland Steuben St., Delavan & Co., 100 State Eldredge's Eldredge & Son, Church cor. John, Empii-e P. Murphy, 2.00 u . . 7 S. Pearl, Globe Jas. A. Honck, 34 Beaver, Germania John Bissikinuner, 387 Broadway, Mansion Wm. Thompson, 2.00 AJ I Broadway & Maiden Lane, Messenger E. J. Kearney, 0.75 EE Broadway & Madison Av., Oneonta Martin Fryer, 1.50 AD 6 . . 170 S. Pearl, Pearl St. W. Edward Stiles, 2.00 .... 11 . . Broadwav & Maiden Lane, Stan wix Hall Delavan Peck, Albion, Mansion B. Ball, " Orleans Taylor & Son, 2.00 " Warner's Marvin Warner, Alden, Patterson's G.F.Patterson, 1.25 ADC.. Alder Creek, Thurston's Geo. L. Thurston, Alexander, Heintz's John Heintz, Alexandi'iaBay Grossman C. Grossman & Son 2.50 Alfred, Alfred Clark L. Wilter, Alleghany, Ward's D. Ward, 2.00 AF 8 14 Alma, Forest C. G. Watkins, 1.50 AD C 11 Almond, Green's B. F. Green cfe; Co Altoona, Travellers Home John McGregor, 1.50 AD 5 10 Amenia, Pratt's Peter Pratt, 2.00 x Tuttle Chas. H. Tuttle, Amityville, South Side Mrs. E. C. King & Son, Amsterdam, Amsterdam Schuyler DeForest 2.00 x " Fox James Fox, 1..50 x .. .. " McDonnell J. W. Ingalls, 2.00 x .... " Tremont Frederick Deal, 2,00.... 7.. 38 NEW YORK. TOWX. HOTEL. PROrRIETOR. Amies, Central Pratt Chamberlin, 2.00 AE 7 . . Angelica, Charles Joseph Gillies, 2.00 AG G 15 AutAveip, Foster's T. M. Foster, 2.00 AG 8 .. Aica Huggins C. H. Jarrell, 2.00 AI J . . Randolph, Clement's E. Clement, 1.50 AE A . . Ripon, Mapes John Weisgerber 2.00 AIT.. Rubicon, Rubicon Marcus Trumer 1.25 — 4 . . Schleisingerville,Menger's George F. Menger Sheboygan, Beekman Halsted & Stearns 2.00 All.. " Rape's Fred. Pape, 2.00 AH 8.. Sparta, Warner J. D. Condit, 2.50 AJ J .. Superior, Avery's M. L. Avery, Tomah, Merkley's M. H. Merkley, Watertown^ American A. B. Hitchcock, Rail Road Nelson W- Pierce, 2.00 AI I . . Waukesha, Schaflfer's M. Schaffer, Waupun, Western H. Hopkins, 1.50 — 5 . . Wausau, Forest C. A. Single, 2.00 ... . 7 . " Paradis' D. Paradis, 2.00 AH 10 . . Whitewater, American Luther Cadman, 1.00 AA . . . . " Exchange G. P. Dustin, 2.00 Wtnneoonne, Union James Gingles, 1.00 — 4 . . 102 MISSOURI. -1 1.75 AC € 12 I Albany, Alexandiia, AlleuvUle, AiTow Kock, Booue^-ille, Brooklield, Buffalo, Brunswick, Callao, Cameron, Canton, HOTEL. Albany Warner's Allenville Arrow Rock Central McPherson's Blossom's Hovey's Brunswick Owens' Combs' Downs' Cape Gu'ardean,St. Charles Chilicothe, BroAming Clinton, Columbia, Danville, De Witt, Allen's McKim's Arnold's Planters Fredericktown, Kent's Fulton, "WTialey's Gallatttn, Glascow, Glenwood, Hamilton, Hannibal, Hermann, Holden, Huntsville, Independence, Ironton, Jefferson City, Jonesbiu'g, Kansas City, rROPKlETOK. 2.00 A 2.00... 11 Kahoka, Eagle City Broadway Goodman's Continental National Nieboff's BeU's Austin Merchants Ironton A. & P. Dining Hall Central Madison Nichols' Pacific Camp's Commercial La Clede Xindell Tremont W. G. WiUiams, E. Warner, P. N. O'Brien, 1.50AE E I. M. Seconejost, 1.50 5 Mrs.M.J.McPherson2.50 AK L G. N. Blossom, E. Hovey, John Knechler, 2.00 AI 7 T. F. Owens, Chester D. Combs 2.00 AI 8 Wm. Downs, Z. Block, S. G. Swetland, Robert Allen, Robert J. McKim Wm. H. Arnold, P. P. GuiUett, Peter Kent, David L. Whaley, M. P. Cloudas, Franz Michels, W. F. Staples, Wm. Goodman, W. H. Grubb, Geo. A. Kettering, 2.00 AI . . Bernard Niehoff, Richard BeU, 2.00 -.. . 9 Mrs. M. McCampbell, 2.00 AI D 1.50 AH 2.00 M. S. Morgan, D. S. Drake, 2.00 A I 2.00 AJ J. W. Mal)rey, 2.00 AI .... J. A. Huegel, 1.50 X .... B.H.McCarty & Son, 3.00 x .... Saniuel Nichols, 2.00 AI 7 . . J. W. Mabrey, 2.00 AI G . . Josiah Camp, Emanuel Fielder, 1.50 AF D . . John H. Burke, Chaiies Richards, 3.00 AM I . . A. Kearos, 1.00 AB A . . MISSOUKI. 103 TOWN. HOTEL. PROPRIETOR. Keytesvllle, Mackay's Andrew Mackay, Kii'ksville, American J. S. Pool, La Grange, Tremont S. H. Williams, 2.00 ...... . . Lamonte, Lamonte W. S. Files, 1.50 AF F . . Lathrop, Daniels' John O. Daniels, Lebanon, La Clede Altaway & Co., 2.00 AI .... Lexington, Johnson's BayUs & Johnson, 2.50 10 . . Liberty, Courtney's A. C. Courtney, Louisiana, City Mrs. J. Bracey, 2.00 7 . . " Sladeck's Mrs. A. Sladeck, Macon, Scott's J. V. Scott, Marshall, Ming's W. O. Ming ; 1-* t^ iO t^ iC !>. iC < i-i 1-1 s^ 5. lO lO lO lO O >OOlO >ooo MOlCO > 10 10 m »C»OmiO^S^^iOlOiOmi> r 00 <1j • • 00 t> 10 ' r-i rH p-< i-J rH IC o m »o m lO »o t- ic iM |^^ c^ 01 1^ 100 ; oiO >oo 88 IM o iC lOlOiOO 0000 88 ' CD ct ^ ^ CO TTCO-rt^ M • 88 ic?888 <^cot~o '0S88 i-l ^S8S j^CO5O0«5 ,000 Miooic Loop t-5oqo _ 8 Lo o 8 8 8 g605O ooop 0000 SDOJoiljj SS88 1" 1^0 N 8888 08S8 co^ooo I-l T-l 1-1 1-1 N 8888 m »C iC o oc-i -s-o IH 1— (1-1 i-( OOOQ 10 IC 10 O 05 -H CO IC 03 c> r-i e-i i-(r-(i-l lOOUSO »>050e4 O <0 liO 10 10 "O o OT 05 C-l iM CI Ct~OOOOM o M^CoSSSSoDOoSSo < oo M88 j88 At^ bCcS a O pin -5 feci cS'C (C ® O J-i cS'C ® g cS © o s-i -S o S10S8S irf «d oooJo OOOOQ ooooS 10 ?0 1-^00 05 §8888 ■^ cot>o6oJ Soooo _ o o o o •^ lO«DI>o6 lOpOOp t-;OOlOO CO 10 «o W 1^ oopoo lO 10 o 10 o COTl" lii U5«0 00 c 100 eo-^ in ujsd Sopop ICO 100 coco ■•«' li 10 OtHE-ip^pMCCO p^rHC01aJO r-! 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