\"S ^^ 2'^'^'^^'^ E TJf ner^Awyer THE Singing Brook / By / Elizabhth E. Turner Sawyer, (Mrs. C. B. Sawyer) CHICAGO THE JUSTITIA PUBLISHING CO. 161 LA SALLE ST. D ^672-f^ Copyright, 1S91, by Mrs. Elizabeth E. Turner Sawyer '(olie Singing Qiroof[. H, Singing Brook! the hillside Is vocal with your song, As down your rocky pathway You gaily glide along. You sing of happy childhood When rippling in your glee, You join them in your laughter, As merry, glad and free. Of manhood strength and freedom, As dashing down you go. Of progress and persistence In your ever onward How. You sing of joy and gladness When sparkling in the sun, And then of care and sadness When day's bright course is run. Of peace and sweet contentment Thro' valleys fair and green, Of health, of hope and happiness, Where pleasant homes are seen. You sing to soothe our sorrows In murmurs soft and low, So gently lull the tumult And banish care and woe. You gladden rocky hillsides, Give life to stately trees, The tiniest flower and blade of grass, Beasts, birds and busy bees. In shady nooks and corners. All foir things growing there. The feathery ferns and mosses Screened from the noontide o-lare. You freshen all your pathway, Make all your borders bright, Your clear, sweet, sparkling water To all is a delight. In harmony with nature You ever sweetly sing, Have, since you leaped forth Hashing From your deep, dark living spring. Wisdom and love have crowned you With crystal, liquid life; How wonderful your powers, With untold blessings rife. Go! scatter rich gifts freely, Sing gladly all your way, Tell all the bliss o^ giving Can cheer life's longest day. Show how our life you mirror, From childhood to all age. That in your song you mingle The wisdom of a sage. Could we but read your message, And learn the lesson right, Our hands would scatter blessings, Make all life's journey bright. Elizabeth E. Turner Sawyer, (Mrs. C. B. Sawyer). Wolf borough, N. H. July 20th, 1891. Ki