4 i»i :,.; V* ' -v. V o o V A v .0 c 4- ? > c ' A ■--• V ^ 'A V *o V o ^ <& ^ V O. £ ? " V >•«%?*, °* .v .^ <£*<* <: . *, http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofallkiOOmars V-- V ^K 0,0 ^ A>^ b ,. £% If J 5 ^ b u^ '.b ^ 0° ^ o ' d *' %v Vv V '°wm&: b^ ^^. ^ ^ O v 1 CATALOGUE OP ALL KINDS OF Pine Sporting Good MANUFACTURED AND IMPORTED BY o 'J AMli F. MI Nos, 51, 53, and 55 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. CONTENTS. ARCHERY GOODS, Arrows Book of Rules, Score Books or Cards. . 7 Bows 5 Equipments, etc 7 BASE-BATL GOODS. Badges 19 Balls (Dead) 9 Ball (Prize) 11 Bases 12 Bats 10 Bat and Ball (Prize) 12 Bat Bags 11 Belts (Imported Worsted) 14 Belts (Leather, Union Web, and Prize), 13 Caps 14 Flags and Foui Flags 18 Gloves (Catchers') 17 Hats 15 Pants 17 Score-Books and Score-Sheets 18 Shirts and Shirt Fronts, etc 15 Shoes, Shoe Spikes, and Stockings. . 17 BOATING AND YACHTING GOODS, Boating and Yachting Goods 20 CRICKET GOODS. Balls, Bats, Bat Bags, Buck Leg Guards 22 Belts 23 Cricketers' Guide (Lilly white's) 23 Gauntlets 23 Gloves and Protectors 23 Shoes and Spikes 23 Score Books 23 Stumps or Wickets, with Bails 23 Uniforms — Caps, Shirts, Pants, etc. . 23 FIREMEN'S GOODS. Belts. Caps, Pants, Shirts, etc 50 Buckets, Lamps, Scenes, and Torches, 51 Parade or Service Suits 51 Rubber Coats and Capes 51 Trumpets, with Cord and Tassels .... 51 FISHING RODS A^D TACKLE, Bait Boxes 30 Baskets and Trout Baskets 28 Books (Fly and Tackle) 27 Fishing Rods 26 Fishing Suit 28 Floats, Flies, Fyke and Landing Nets, 30 Hooks. Leaders, and Lines 29 Reels. 28 Seines 25 Sinkers, Spears, Split Shot, Swivels . . 30 Spoons 29 F00T-BALL GOODS. Foot-Ball GoodB 24 MISCELLANEOUS GOODS. Ballot-Boxes 24 Dancing Clogs 52 Club Ornament 19 Oar Locks 52 Pedestrian Suit. ... 52 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Musical Goods and Instruments 53 GUNS, RIFLES, AND GUN TACKLE. Accoutrements and Ammunition 31 Air Guns and Air Pistols 33 Decoys and Calls 34 Guns and Rifles 32 Gun and Rifle Implements 33 Gun, Rifle, and Pistol Cartridges. ... 33 Gunning or Hunting Suit 33 Moccasins 52 Nets and Hammocks 34 Night-hunting Lamps 52 Pistols (Single-shot Cart'ge or Powd'r, 35 Revolvers (Allen, Hornet, Blue Jack't, 35 Revolvers (Colt's, Smith's, Smith &W. 36 Sportsmen's Sundries 33 Tents : . 52 GYMNASIUM GOODS Barnett's Patent Parlor Gymnasium . . 41 Belts, Knee Breeches, Tights, etc. ... 43 Boxing Gloves 46 Dumb-Bells (Wood or Iron) 41 Fencing Foils, Masks, Swords, etc. . . 45 Gymnasium Apparatus (Miscellaneous) 47 Home Gymnasium (J. F. Marsters") . . 37 Horizontal Bars 39 Horizontal Bar (Marsters' Improved), 40 Indian Clubs 42 Indian Club Exercise Books 43 Private and Public Gymnasiums 49 I Rings — For Swinging or Exercising. . 39 \ Striking Bags 44 Trapeze Bars and Sets (Single or D l ble) 38 Wands —For Exercising 39 i SKATES AND SKATING GOODS, American Club Skate 55 Barney & Berry's Club and Rink. ... 55 Winslow's New York Club Skate 55 Wood-Top Skates 54 Skating Implements or Sundries 54 SPORTING PUBLICATIONS. Sporting and other Publications 56 CATALOCxUE OF ALL KINDS OF MANUFACTURED AND IMPORTED BY AMES F. MAEiTlES, Nos. 51, 53, and 55 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. INTRODUCTION. In again presenting an illustrated Catalogue to my patrons and the sporting classes of the American people in general, I do so much encouraged by the results of a success- ful business experience among them — a feeling increased by a consciousness of the fact that this success has been induced by honorable and fair dealings with all, and by selling the best goods for the lowest prices. In attestation of this, I simply say that I am successfully competing with the best New York houses in the matter of furnishing outfits for many of the Professional and Amateur Base-Ball Clubs of the country, that this speciality of my business is rapidly increasing among them, and that I have just supplied, for the second time, the annual outfit for the best professional club of New York City, and one of the most celebrated in America. All that I have done for the convenience and satisfaction of my customers in the past I shall again do for them in the future, and will always keep the lead, as I have heretofore done, in reducing my prices simultaneously with the reduction of the mar- ketable value of each or any of the materials from which my various assortments of Sporting and other Goods are manufactured. Since the issuing of my last illustrated Catalogue, owing to an inability to obtain first-class goods at prices that would enable me to sell them to the public at moderate rates, I have established my own factory, and CAN NOW TRULY SAY THAT I manufac- ture MOST OF THE BASE-BALL, FISHING, AND GYMNASIUM GOODS CONTAINED IN this Catalogue. This alone gives me superior advantages over any other American house ; and taken in connection with the fact that I have been compelled to add to my salesrooms the two stores recently adjoining my premises, in order to accommodate the large additions I am constantly making to my stock, warrants me in saying to all that I am prepared to make better bargains with them than they can secure elsewhere, and that I am determined to be surpassed by no house in this line of business in the country. Congratulating the American people on the increasing popularity of out-door sports among them, on account of its tendency to produce better physiques in ouryouth, and commending this Catalogue to their favorable consideration, I subscribe myself, with great respect. Their Obedient and Attentive Servant . JAMES F. MARSTERS, Nos. 51, 53, and 55 Court St.. Brooklyn. IMPORTANT. Compare the Prices in this Catalogue with those op any other Cat- alogue you may receive, and recollect that these are my prices for First-class Goods. All questions for information regarding my goods addressed to me personally or by letter will be courteously and properly answered. All estimates desired will be cheerfully given. All orders for goods without the cash will be promptly filled and sent^C 0. D. at my lowest rates. All orders for goods with the cash will be promptly filled and forwarded at a reduction op pive per cent, from my lowest rates. All orders POR samples will be promptly filled at the wholesale rates or DOZEN PRICES. All orders for goods or samples of goods, or for any single article, must state the designated number for the same in this Catalogue, if it is numbered ; and if it is not numbered, use the exact descriptive language contained herein for the same ; when the desired article or thing is not described in this Catalogue, please use the plainest possible language in ordering, so as to avoid mistakes. All necessary directions for self-measurement in ordering goods for personal wear will be found in this book under the sub-headings respectively of ' ' Shirts ' ' and ; ' Pants," of the departmental head of " Base-Ball Goods." All orders for Caps or Hats, and Shoes or Stockings, should distinctly give the size or number worn. Always consult both the illustrated pages and the descriptive matter, and be sure you have the numbers, etc. , correct before ordering. All money remitted to me should be sent by Postal Money Order ; and where this is not possible, by Registered Letter. Postmasters are required by law to register let- ters when requested to do so. All orders should be plainly addressed to JAMES F. MARSTERS, Nos. 51, 53, and 55 Court St., Brooklyn. ARCHERY GOODS. The revival a few years since in England of the delightful pastime of Archery from the list of really contributive pleasures of past ages has led to its introduction in America, where, through its constantly increasing popularity, it is certainly destined to occupy within a brief period a prominent position among the favorite out-door sports of our people. To continually keep pace with the demands of the pleasure- loving public— and whenever it is possible, to anticipate them — has always been the ob- ject of my ambition. I have therefore added to rny large stock of Sporting Goods a complete assortment of every thing, both domestic and imported, pertaining to Archery, which I respectfully offer at prices that will compare favorably with those of any other similar establishment in this country. Bear in mind that these and all other goods mentioned in this Catalogue, or contained in my store, are the best of each of their respective kinds and qualities manufactured, and that I will send them C. O. D. to any point in the United States reached by express. Archery Practice in England. JAMES F. MARSTERS, SPORTING GOODS, BROOKLYN. 5 EACH. $0 08 NOS 3. LENGTH. .2 ft. 6 in. .2 ft. 9 in. .3 ft. 3 in. .3 ft. 9 in. .4 ft. 3 in. .4 ft. 9 in. .5 ft. in. .5 ft. 6 in. .6ft. Oin. .4 ft. in. .4 ft. 6 in. .5 ft. 6 in. .5 ft. 6 in. .6ft. Oin. .4ft. Oin. .4 ft. 6 in. .5 ft. in. . 5 f t. 6 in. .6 ft. in. .4ft. Oin. .4 ft. 6 in. .5ft. Oin. .5 ft. 3 in. .6ft. Oin. Good 1 1 i i tt t i (t tt tt 1 1 (( t( cc ti 41 Best tt u it (i Qualit u 1 1 it it u it tt it it u it ii it it n ti Self-La 1 1 t. it it 'ooi, Lancewooii Bows. 4. 10 18 28 35 45 70 1 20 1 40 1 20 1 40 1 65 1 90 2 15 1 40 1 65 1 90 2 15 2 35 2 15 2 40 2 85 3 35 3 75 5. 6. Polished u it 8. Stained and Polished 9. ti 1 1 10. it it 11. it u 12. 13. it it 14. it it 15. 16. " Polished tt it it 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Superior Plush Handles and Flemish Strings it it it tt it ti it tt tt it ti it ti it tt it ncewood 23. it 24. it 25. " for Ladies 26. it Lamcewooi, ami Hickory Bows. NOS. LENGTH. EACH . 27. .5 ft. 3 in. Ladies' Lemonwood $4 25 28.. 6 ft. Oin. Gents' " 4 50 29 . . 5 f t. 3 in. Ladies' Lancewood and Hickory 4 50 30.. 6 ft. Oin. Gents' " " 6 50 31 . .5 ft. 3 in. Ladies' Fancy Wood, Backed 6 50 32.. 6 ft. Oin. Gents' " " " 8 00 33. .5 ft. 3 in. Ladies' Three-piece 8* 50 34. .6 ft. in. Gents' " 10 00 Kflckory Bows (Indian Male). Arrow and Strings with each Bow. NOS. LENGTH. EACH. NOS. LENGTH. EACH. 35.. 26 inches $0 20 36.. 30 " 40 37. .40 " 45 38. .45 inches $0 50 39.. 50 " 55 40.. 60 " 65 Japanese Bows, with Fine Flemish Strings, $1.90. JAMES F. MARSTERR, DEALER IN SPORTING GOODS, Arrows. NOS. LENGTH. PKR DOZ. 1 . .12 in. Arrow $0 25 2..16in. " 45 3 . . 20 in. Sharp Points, Glued Feathers 70 4. .21 in. " 3 Feathers 90 4a. 21 in. Painted and Polished 1 35 5 . .24 in. Polished 1 65 5a. 24 in. Painted and Polished 1 90 6. .25 in. £ Knocks, Painted and Polished 2 15 6a. 21 in. " " " 1 90 7. .28 in. " " " 2 35 8. .25 in. f " " " 2 80 9.. 28 in. " " ; ' 3 25 10 . .18 in. Hickory (Indian make) 55 11.. 21 in. " " 75 12.. 24 in. " " 90 13.. 27 in. " " 115 14. .24 in. French Arrows and Horn Points 3 00 15.. 28 in. " " " " 5 00 Ornamented Arrows, NOS. PER DOZ. 16.. 25 in. Best Footed, with Parallel Points, Painted and Gilt, and Painted between the Feathers S8 50 18. .25 in. Old Deal, Painted, Gilt and Painted between the Feathers 6 00 19. .28 in. Old Deal, Painted, Gilt and Painted between the Feathers 6 75 20. .28 in. Gents' best Footed, with Parallel Points, Painted and Gilt, &c 9 00 (Arrows for Japanese Bows, $2.00, $2.25, $3.00, and $3.50.) SS B©WS 9 $0 90 1 40 • 1 90 4 $2 40 5 2 85 6 3 35 Cross Bows (Brass Barrels). $1 90 ■ 9 $3 35 2 85 | 10 4 25 (Cross-Bow Arrows. la £0 90 2a 1 40 3a $1 90 4a 2 35 Xo. 104. Mutual ?Base-Ball Club^ IVew York. No. 103. Chicago Base-Ball Club, Chicago, 111. NOS. 51, 53, AND 35* COURT STREET, BROOKLYN. Crlves ? €tori§, Belts, Etc, NOS. 1 . . Ladies' Gloves, Round Top per pair, si 20 2.. " " Lace Tips " 140 3 . . " Arm Guards, Plain Green " 1 40 4.. " " Lined and Stitched " 190 5.. " " Silk Lined " 2 15 6. . " Quiver Belts, with Slides each, 2 35 7.. " " Stitched " 2 90 8.. " Red, White and Blue Tassels 45 9 . . Gents' Gloves, Plain, Round Top per pair, 1 20 10.. " " " Lace Tips " 140 11: . " Arm Guards, Plain, Elastic Bands " 1 40 12.. " " Lined and Stitched " 190 13 . . " Quiver Belts, fine each, 2 65 14. . " Red, White and Blue Tassels Si 45 SIZE. EACH. SIZE. EACH. 12 -inch Target Mounted on Straw, $0 90 15 " " " " 1 15 18 k{ " ic " 1 90 21 " " " " . " 2 35 24 " " " " 2 65 30-inch Target Mounted on Straw, $4 35 36 " " " " 5 00 42 ' l " " " 6 00 48 '.' " . " .,"" 6 50 54 •' " ■" " 7 50 EqraipmeMts, Etc. Quivers, Ladies— SI. 90, $2.65 ; best, S2.90 each ; Gents' .each, S3 65 Sockets and Belts, Ladies' and Gents' " 3 65 Flemish Bowstrings, whipped, ready for use " 45 Best White " " •' " 50 Green Baize Bow Case Covers " 65 5 feet Iron Target Stands, ready for use. " 3 75 5 feet 6 inches Iron Target Stands, ready for usa ' ; 4 25 6 feet " - ; " " 5 00 Heavy Flemish Bowstrings, whipped " 35 Ebouy Scoring Tablet, Round, with Card and Pricker each. sO 75 Patent Leather Tablet, Square, with Card " 75 Scoring Cards for Round Tablet per doz., 40 Scoring Cards for Square Tablet " 75 Grease Box, Wood each, 25 & 50 Grease Box, Ebony, with Grease each, 75 Wood Grease Cups, with Lids and Grease " 45 Ebony " " •• " 65 Archery Book of Rules (new), 13 Illustrations, cloth " 20 Archer Score Books (new), bound each 45c. , 65c. and 90 I^oatlier Belts for Base-Ball. Firemen, Cricket, and Boat Clubs. No. 100. Bo§ton Base-Ball Club, Boston, ]flass. S.F.MARS^ j J NEW ° J. F. Marsters' Superior Sail Canvas Base-Ball Bat Bags. NEW k; ;; V & BASE-BALL GOODS. Base Balls. I take pleasure in offering to ball players my excellent line of Base Balls. I have made a lasting reputation on these goods by keeping the quality superior to any in the market. The growing popularity of my new Professional Dead Balls is due to the uniform manner in which every ball is made, viz. , all Yarn, 1 ounce Moulded Rubber, and guaranteed to the requirements of the Convention. On account of the many worthless imitations of Dead Balls with which the market is now flooded, owing to the increasing popularity of our National Game of Base Ball, I stamp all my brand with my name in full on each ball, and if any of them purchased direct from me are not as I represent them, I will refund the money or exchange the goods at the discretion of the purchasers. Remember that I am the Sole Agent or the " Malm Ball " (usd by the Boston and other Professional Clubs) for the Cities of New York and Brooklyn. Being a manufacturer of most of the articles mentioned in the following list, I offer them to clubs and dealers, believing that my low prices for the superior grade of goods here presented, will secure your patronage. JiOTE.— Orders for SAMPLES of a single article or pair, will be filled at the Wholesale Rates or Dozen Prices. Orders accompanied with the Cash will be filled at 5 per cent, below the Catalogue Prices. In ordering, order by numbers, as indicated in this list, and never neglect to send sizes of Shoes, Caps, Belts, &c. PROFESSIONAL DEAD BALLS. PER DOZ. BY MAIL. J. F. Marsters' Red, White, Blue (New) $15 00 $1 50 J. F. Marsters' Prof. Dead Red Ball 13 00 1 25 J. F. Marsters' Prof. Dead White Ball 13 00 1 25 The Mahn Dead Ball 15 00 1 50 Ryan's Dead White Ball. . . 13 00 1 25 Harvey Ross' Dead White Ball 13 00 1 25 J. F. Marsters' Boys' Dead Ball 3 00 30 J. F. Marsters' Boys' Dead Red Ball 3 00 30 Red Star (Gold Stamp) .... 10 00 1 00 No. 14 Morocco, for young boys. AMATEUR LIVELY BALLS. PER DOZ. BV .MAIL. J. F. Marsters' Dollar Ball (best practice ball made) $10 00 $1 00 J. F. Marsters' Bounding Rock 10 00 J. F. Marsters' Atlantic. . . . " Star Ball " N. Y. Regul'n " Practice, or Junior \ Junior Red (Gold Stamp) . . I Young America, or Young America Red 4 00 i Convention, or Convention Red 3 00 1 O. K., or O. K. Red 2 00 88c. per dozen, or 10c. each by mail. 10 00 1 00 10 00 1 00 8 00 75 8 00 75 5 00 50 6 00 00 40 30 20 10 JAMES F. MARSTERS, DEALER IN SPORTING GOODS, Base-Bali EegnlmtJI o n Bats , My assortment of Bats are the largest in the country, as my new and improved ma(;hinery (introduced into my factory for this purpose) enables me to manufacture my Bats from the most approved models and of any design at lower rates than can be obtained elsewhere. Clubs, in ordering selected Bats from any of the following styles, may rely on securing the very best in the market. In ordering, order by numbers, and be careful to state what lengths are desired, as Men's or Regulation Bats are 3G, 38, and 40 inches long, and Boys' Bats are from 24 to 34 inches long. 100. Hill's Patent Spring Bat. $8 00 per dozen. No. 101. Hill's Patent Fluted Bat. $5 00 per dozen. No. 102. J. F. Marsters' Superior Willow Bat, Full Polished. $7 00 per dozen. No. 103. J. F. Marsters' Extra Half-Polishd Bat. $4 50 per dozen. No. 105. J. F. Marsters' Superior Wound Handle Bat. $5 00 per dozen. No. 106. J. F. Marsters' Mutual Model Ash Bat. $2 75 per dozen. No. 107. Superior Bass, Spruce, and White Wood Bats. S2 75 per dozen. No. 108. J. F. Marsters' Boys' Assorted Wood Bats. $1 25 per dozen. No. 109. Lyman's Patent Self-adjusting Ash Bat, of selected timber, with hollow centre and a sliding block of wood, which falls to the handle of the bat when in the attitude of striking, thus preventing the bat from being top heavy $8 00 NOS. 151, 153, AND 155 COURT STREET, BROOKLYN. II Bat Bags 9 (SEE ILLUSTRATION OF BASE-BALLS.) PER DOZ. No. A. .Best Sail Canvas Bags, for holding 2 doz. bats, leather top and bottom. . *6 00 No. B. .Best Sail Canvas Bags, for holding 1 doz. bats, leather top and bottom. . 4 50 Prto Ball Prize Ball, as illustrated above, without case each, $5 00 . " with case " 8 00 The above illustration, representing my new Prize Ball and Case, is designed for presentation to such Base-Ball or Cricket Players as have won especial distinction or merit on the field. It is also intended, as the title implies, as a prize for the winning club in cases of special contest. Both the Ball and Case are made in the most admira- ble and substantial manner, so that their intrinsic value alone are sufficient to make them worthy objects of emulation, outside of those higher and nobler motives which induce the desire for superiority among men. 12 JAMES F. MARSTERS, DEALER IN SPORTING GOODS. Pite Bat ami Ball. SOS. EACH. 110. .Prize Bat and Ball, in Morocco case, as per above cut, Silver-plated Ball, Rosewood Bat, highly poliBhed, silver-plated mounting, and engraved . . . $25 00 111.. Same as 110, without Ball 20 00 112 Rosewood Bats, polished 4 00 113 . . Imitation Rosewood Bats, highly polished 2 00 114. .Prize Bat Cases, same as No. 110 10 00 The above illustrates my new Prize Bat and Ball and Case. It is manufactured for the same objects and purposes as the Prize Ball on the preceding page, except that the complete combination makes it much more elaborate and valuable, and thereby in- creases its attraction as the reward of the victors in field contests. ses. Extra Biiperfnie Ball Canvas. 1 Taylor's Complete Patent Field Base. NOS. • PEK SET. 133 . . First quality, 3 canvas bags, 3 leather straps, and new regulation home base, complete set $5 00 134. .Second quality canvas, same number of pieces as No. 133 4 00 Taylor's Patent Base Castings can be used on either the old or new bags. Complete set 2 00 135. .Taylor's Patent Bases, complete — can be adjusted on the field in a mo- ment, and cannot get out of order. Price, complete, with home plate . . 8 00 NOS. 51, 53, AND 55 COURT STREET, BROOKLYN. 13 Leatler Belts, For IJall Player?, Firemen, and other Organizations. (SEE ILLUSTRATION OP BASE-BALL BELTS.) BY MAIL NOS. PER DOE. EACH. 1 . . Boys' Plain Black Patent Leather, 1 \ inches wide ; waists 24 to 30 inches Si 50 $0 20 1^. Men's, as above, 2 inches wide ; waists 31 to 35 inches 2 75 25 1 . .Of Red, White, or Blue Patent Leather, Boys' 2 90 25 H.Of Red, White, or Blue Patent Leather, Men's 3 50 35 Any of the above styles, fancy stitched, with silk, one dollar per dozen extra (see Illus- tration No. 2. 3. .Black Patent Leather^ full-lined and fancy stitched, with silk around the edges, lined with fine enameled leather star or shield-shaped slide, with initials of player on, and name of club on back (see Illustration No. 3) 15 00 1 50 3 . . Colored Patent Leather 18 00 1 75 4.. Black Patent Leather, half -lined, with name of club in red, white, or blue block letters, in sunk panel of same colors, with initials of player on side, to match 10 00 1 00 4 . . Colored Patent Leather 12 00 1 25 5. .Black Patent Leather, full -lined and bound, scalloped edges of red, white, or blue patent leather. In other ways same as No. 4 (see Illustration No. 5) 18 00 1 75 5 . . Colored Patent Leather 21 00 2 00 Union Welto Belts, Of this grade of webbing I make but two styles; belts 2 inches wide, and length to suit wearer. BY .MAIL PER DOZ. EACH. A. .Red Centre, white border s3 50 $0 35 B..Blue " " " 3 50 35 Gymnasium Belts, made of imported Webs, of the best materials and patterns, russet leather finish, double straps, heavy plated buckles, width 3 and 3£ inches 15 00 1 50 Prae Belts, On hand, or made to order, any style or pattern required. I make Prize Belts for Base-Ball and Boat Clubs, Firemen, Pedestrians, etc. BY MAIL. NOS. EACH. 23. .With plated silver mountings s6 00 24.. " pure " " 15 00 25. .Extra Fine Stitched Belt, with name, etc., according to style and work- manship, $3, $4, and $5 each. Boating Belts, elastic web, with gold gilt plate each .s0 75 80 14 JAMES F. MARSTERS, DEALER IN SPORTING GOODS. Imported Worsted Wei) Belts. These Belts have become extremely popular among ball players, gymnasts, and the boating fraternity, where it is necessary that nothing should impede the motion of the body in the various attitudes. This has been the objection to heavy leather belts, and thus my own are preferable. These Belts are made of the best material, 2\ inches wide, and any length to suit size of waist. I now have in stock the following thirteen different styles ; but any designs not illustrated in this Catalogue will be furnished or made to order on the shortest notice and at the lowest figure. BY MAIL. 110. .(See illustration), White Centre, Red Edge SG 00 sO 60 111.. " " all Blue 6 00 60 112.. " " Red, White and Blue Stripes alternately GOO 60 113. . " " Blue and White Cross Bars, new 6 00 60 114.. " " Blue Centre, White Edges 6 00 60 115. . " " Green " White Edge 6 00 .60 116.. " " Chocolate, Black Edge 6 00 60 117. . " " Blue and White Stripes alternately 6 00 60 118 . . " " Red Centre, White Edge 6 00 60 119.. " " allRed 6 00 60 120. . " " Red and White Stripes alternately 6 00 60 121.. " " Red " " 6 00 60 122. .(not illustrated), all White 6 00 60 The above styles correspond with the similar numbers 110 to 122, on my colored pages. Any of the above styles, with name of Captain or name of Club on back, on leather panel, letters to match, $3 per dozen extra, or 25 cents each extra. UOTICE. Do not cut the Illustrations when ordering goods from Colored Plates, but send the name, and all will be correct. imber or Base-Ball Caps* I always keep in stock a large assortment of Base-Ball, Boating, Cricket, Fatigue. Firemen, Jockey, and other Caps, a few designs of which will be found on my illus- trated sheet or on the illustrated pages of this Catalogue. In order to avoid mistakes, order by numbers from the following reduced Price-List : BY MAIL. 1'ER DOZ. EACH. Styles Nos. 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170. 171, and 172. Nassau Caps. of second quality Flannel or Alpacca $6 00 $0 65 The same styles, of the best Uniform Flannel S 00 75 Opera Flannel 9 00 80 " " Merino " 12 00 115 Styles Nos. 182, 183, 184, 185. 186, 187, 188, 189, are Jockey-shaped, and require leather peaks and straps. I make no second quality of these styles. NOS. 51, 53, AND 55 COURT STREET, BROOKLYN. 15 BY MAIL. I'ER DOZ. EACH. The same styles of the best Uniform Flannel $9 00 $0 85 °P era " 12 00 1 15 Merino " 15 00 1 35 White Duck ] g qq Blue Cloth 24 00 Nos. 200, 201, 202, and 206. .Boston Caps, of Opera Flannel 9 00 85 Nos. 204, 205, 206, and 207. .College Caps, of Uniform Flannel 6 00 65 The same styles, of best Opera Flannel 9 00 85 Nos. 208, 209, 210, and 211, Navy or Boating Caps, of White Duck. . . 12 00 1 15 The same styles, of the best Blue or Red Flannel 9 80 1 15 " cloth 12 00 1 15 Red, White, Blue, or Black Glazed Cloth, for political or special occasions or Fourth-of-July Parades 6 00 The same, made of any colored Flannel 10 50 90 Best Blue or Black Cloth, silk lined 15 00 1 30 Enameled Leather. Red, White, or Blue— the best and most serviceable cap made 22 00 ° 00 White or Black Glazed Silk Covers for Boating- Caps 4 50 Nos. 212, 213, 214, and 215. .Athletic Caps, of Opera Flannel 9 00 SO Ba§e=Ball Mats. Nos. 216, 218, 220, 222. .Brooklyn Hat, made of the best Uniform Flan- nel, Red, White, and Blue, trimmed any color sl5 00 $1 35 Nos. 217, 219, 221, 223. .Mutual Hat, of best Uniform Flannel 15 00 1 35 SMrts. White, Blue, Green, or any colored Flannel, and trimmed with any colored braids and buttons, with initial letter or monogram on front to match, as per styles Nos. 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, etc. (see Colored Illustrations). BY MAIL. XOS. I'ER DOZ. EACH. 134. .Shirts, 1st quality Flannel (see Colored Illustrations). . $36 00 $3 25 135.. Shirts, 2d - ' V 3300 300 136. . Shirts, 3d " 27 00 2 50 137. .Opera Flannel, any color 32 00 3 75 138. .Boat Club Shirts (see Colored Illustration No. 105), with extra large folding collar, star or anchors on collar, made in the best manner, 48 00 4 50 139 . . Shield Shirt Fronts, with initial letter of club on front 5 00 50 140 . . Initial Letters for shirt fronts 2 00 °0 141 .. Monogram Letters for shirt fronts .. . . 9 7* ok f* 1 to <©o For measurement of Shirts, send size of Collar worn, size around Chest, and length of Arm. No. 127 No. 128 Base-Bali, Boating, Cricket, Gymnasium, and Running Shoes. Base-Ball, Foot-Ball; Running, and Skating Stockings. V Base-Ball, Foot-Ball, Running, and Skating Stockings JAMES F. MARSTERS, SPORTING GOODS, BROOKLYN. 17 Base-Ball Pants, PER DOZ. PER PAIR. No. 126. .Pants, first quality Flannel, of any color desired £36 00 $3 25 No. 127. . " second quality Flannel " " 32 00 3 00 Parties ordering Pants can obtain a perfect fit by sending a correct measurement, as follows : Size around Waist, Outside Seam, Inside Seam. In measuring for Knee Pants, measure six inches below the knee. Base-Ball Sloes, (SEE ILLUSTRATIONS OF BASE-BALL SHOES, ETC.) NOS. PER DOZ. PER PAIR. 125 . . Extra White Canvas, extra instep straps, without spikes $42 00 $3 50 The same Shoe, with steel plate spikes 48 00 4 00 Of good White Canvas, and with instep strap 24 00 2 00 The same Shoe, with plate spikes 27 00 2 75 Without instep straps, and without spikes 22 00 1 85 126. .Extra White Canvas, low cut, without spikes 36 00 3 25 Made of Russian Calf-skin, with plate spikes in soles 8 00 Base-Ball Sloe Spites, James F. Marsters' Superior Malleable Iron Safety Spikes. NOS. DOZ. SET. 132. .Malleable Iron Safety Spikes, complete, with screws $3 00 133. .Brass Shoe Spikes, English Cricket, set of 8 and screws 6 00 134. .Steel Plate Safety Spikes, complete, with screws 6 00 Directions for Fastening Malleable Iron Safety Spike. — Place the spike on the shoe, with the wide spur or spike in front, \\ inches from the end of the sole to the wide end of the spike. Use an awl to make holes for screws ; drive the screws securely down. Base-Ball Stockings and Catchers' &!€>¥©§, PER DOZ. BY MAIL. To be worn with knee breeches, made of all wool, first quality, bright colors, extra long, to come above the knee (see Illustrations Nos. 150 to 159) $9 00 $0 80 No. 160. . Same as above, second quality 6 00 65 J. F. Marsters' Base-Ball Catchers' Gloves, made of best Indian- tanned Buckskin, padded palms, no fingers (in ordering send size of hand) . . 3 50 is JAMES F. MARSTERS, DEALER IN SPORTING GOODS. Base=Ball Foil Mags, PER i AIR. BY MAIL. No. 1 20 . . Made of any color Silk, with initial letter of Club painted in Gold (see illustrated page or sheet), and trimmed with any color Silk Fringe to match (without Staffs) s6 00 $6 25 No. 121 . .Made of Red, White, or Blue Bunting, or of any two colors of the same material, as per illustrated page or sheet 2 00 2 25 With initial letter of Club 3 00 3 25 No. 122. .Made of same material as No. 121, in two colors 2 00 2 25 In three colors •. 3 00 3 25 No. 123. .Made of Red, White, and Blue Bunting, or any three colors. . 3 00 3 25 With initial letter of Club 4 00 4 25 No. 124.. Extra French polished Flagstaff's, of proper length, and to match the above Flags, with Brass Spear-heads and Tips 5 00 No. 125. .Plain Ash Staffs, 7 feet in length, with Brass Tips 2 00 BdP American Flags, made of the best Bunting, of all sizes and prices, always on hand. College and Society Banners and Flags of any description made to order at low rates. Estimates of Outfits for Base-Ball Clubs, etc. , cheerfully given. Copy ri glutei Base=Ball Score Books, With new and improved methods of scoring, as now used by first-class Clubs, are superior and cheaper than any others yet published. J. F. Marsters' Pocket Score Book, pamphlet, 7 games each 10c. " " " cloth, 23 games, "■ 20c. " " " " "48 games, " 45c. " " " " boards, 61 games, " 65c. Tine Practice Base-Ball Score Books, This book is more for the use of Amateur and Junior Clubs, or for practice games for Professional Clubs. It is a trifle smaller than the large field books, containing space for all the particular points in the game. Bound in cloth, very fancy, 60 games Si 50 The Practice Score Book No. 2, same size sheet as the Practice Book, bound in flexible boards, for pocket, 30 games 90 Tie lew Association Fieli Score Books, By HENRY CHADWICK. These are the only authorized Field Score Books published, and are now adopted by the Professional and Amateur Conventions of Base-Ball Players. 30 games, cloth S2 25 90 games, cloth $4 00 60 " " 3 00 120 " "* 4 75 Score Sheets, 5c. Field Score Books made to order, any number of games or any style of binding required. J. F. Marsters' Reporters' and Scorers' Sheets (new) put up in neat pads of 50 each, and convenient size for the pocket each. 45c. NOS. 51, 53, AND 55 COURT STREET, BROOKLYN. 19 Base-Bail Bates,, ilmtit M. B. 0. 0f|t00ijtp,f.f. PER DOZ . On Red, White, or Blue Silk Ribbon, in Gold or Silver Bronze $3 00 Each additional dozen, same printing 1 00 On Fine Satin Ribbon 00 Each additional dozen, same printing 2 00 Beautiful Base-Ball Clolto OraameMt The National Game of Base Ball, a magnificent colored lithograph, representing the Atlantic and Mutual Clubs playing a match in full uniform. Size, 40x26 inches $4 00 BOATING GOODS Boating and Yadftiting Cups. (SEE illustration.) BY MAIL. PER DOZ. EACH. Navy or Boating Caps of White Duck. $12 00 Si 15 Of Best Blue Flannel 9 00 1 00 Of Best Blue Cloth 12 00 115 White or Black Glaze Silk Covers for Boating Caps 4 50 Boating and YacMing Mats. PER DOZ . Boating and Yachting Hats of any color Flannel, trimmed with any color, (see plate) $15 00 Of any color Cloth 24 00 Boating ami Yacnting Belts, (SEE ILLUSTRATIONS AND PRICES OF BASE-BALL BELTS.) Boating and Yacnting Pants. PER DOZ . Of Best Twilled Navy Blue Flannel (see plate) 642 00 Boating ani Ya Wood Reels, with Plate 50c, 60c, 75c, $1 00. 1 25 Plain Brass Click Reels, extra fine finished, to hold 25 yards, $2.50; 40 yards. $3.50 ; GO yards 4 50 Rubber Click Reels (latest imported), very light and handsome, for fly fishing, to hold 25 yards, $4.50 ; 40 yards, $5.50; 60 yards 6 50 Multiplying Reels (latest imported) $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, and 3 00 Multiplying Brass Reels, very fine, to hold 25 yards line, $3.50 ;- 40 yards, $4.00 ; 100 yards 4 50 German Silver Reels are double the prices of those given above. Complete, with Strap, each. Trout Baskets. si. 25, $1.50, $1.75. $2.00 and $2 50 No. HI. Fishing Suit. No. 210. No. 217. No. 21*. No. 219. No. 222. No. 223. Base-Ball, Boating, Cricket, and Foot-Ball Hats. NOS. 51, 53, AND 55 COURT STREET, BROOKLYN. 29 EACH. 1 yard Single Gut SO 15 1 yard Double Gut $0 30 2 " " 25 2 " " 60 3 " " 50 3 " ' ; 90 1 " " extra heavy 25 1 " Twisted 25 2 " " " 50 ! 2 ' ; " 50 '6 " " " 75 I 3 " " 75 Pickerel Spoons, EACH. Buel's, assorted sizes. . . $1 00 Chapman's, ' ' 75 Mann's, " 75 James Bates', assorted sizes, for Pickerel, Black Bass, Weak Fish, etc 40 Caledonian Minnow 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2 00 Hooks, Snellen Single UwL PER DOZ. Limerick Hooks, Single Gut $0 40 Spring Steel, Carlisle, Single Gut 50 " New York Bass, Single Gut 50 " Sproat, " 50 Superfine Kinsey, l ; 50 Moofrs 9 Snellen BonMe p h d 2 !2j ^ gi X !zj !2{ &' Pj go CD GO » 2 o o *«• o 10 M> O E3 Ms TCX w ^ 3 > > M cc W teJ ^ " 9 i > § p & X P ct- GO P o .c p P CD 0^ crT 1 o § 3 2 oq p" CD o P^ G0^ GO 60 go' E s" en ^ p. w 3" 1 P- Mj o — p P P GO * » TJ P GO *" GO g P P. a? g ™ CD P a? CD Q 8 P & P — =s 31 ?§ P^

P^ p ^ H O O cT & CD^ >P M n 3 ^ CD P g- P GO CD j CO GO H> ^ SO CD "5© O' CGJ7 CD O m et- O O Ms 3 CD o' 1 W 2- p' p 2 So CD c *" GO* W p o Jjj p P CD 1 td P W P- P. Q "t P 2, p CD - - P- cf or g 2! P W Hi CD CD p ^ G? P " o O 3. O ® *~* tr o § p M CM P - C ct- It 1 o 5. P p ■* CD =» p* p CD P- tr 1 GO Ms o Pj p p El o 5' p Pj _S Ms p H P p p c^ 2 p p 5 2 3 2 so ^ 1 " CD SO *-■ M- " CD 7. "g GO SO P o ct- P J n> H fc=S ft g J" P. o 3- 2 CD CD o p & CD l-j GO CD ro -3© o M- O 5" p cT o GO go n ;' P T o GO GO p a. O GO M g 2 8- & M- <, ° *5 GO > 3 CD a' SO m 31 » O " ™ l-H >^ CD *.. 3' GO O o P GC o CD O P 1 O S' p GO CD ; S" o >o P $=*3 2. w o — o" LL o GO • P GO w (3 o p i— i P ? Ms o o GO § 3 r cd CD CD O W 1 P 3 **[ M. P_ 3" cr? P V CD CO* CD " go' CD O CD M- o B' SO p" 2 S O pQ crq M- cr? P P P P p" CD P o o' GO .'i o p GO ^ if el- 3o <_ 5- i? ■ s' P. B" 3 o " o GO P 1 . f SO p 4^ trt- O S3 p i-b P O o 2 o H Pj ct- e» e CD N to ^ CD ►p s. CD H o P el- 3 GO o 1-1 CD on? P S" p- p n p Ms c -T C 5 c I =3 & 1=1 G SC se o o or o o o 000000 No. 110. Firemen's Dress Uniform. 1 \o. IOJ>. Gunning Suit. NOS. 51, 53, AND 55 COURT STREET, BROOKLYN. 33 Gun niii ]RMe Implements, Implements — Muzzle- Loading : Cleaning Rods (see prices below), Tumscrews, Nipple Wrenches, and Lock Vises. Breech- Loading : Loading- Machines, Closing Machines, Loaders and Closers, Breech and Barrel Cleaners, Cutters, Cappers, Ex- tractors, Cartridge Fillers, Powder and Shot Measures, etc. Cleaning Rods, in four pieces 81.00, $1.50, and $2.00. Sportsmen's Bumlries, Cap Carriers, Cartridge Covers, Corkscrews, Dog Bells, Dog Chains, Dog Couples, Dog Muzzles, Dog Whistles, Dram Flasks, Drinking Cups, Gun Cases, Gun Covers, Gun Oil, Pocket Compasses, Bowie Knives, etc., etc. (RiMBiiiig or HnimtiMg Built This beautiful outfit, which is certainly a desirable convenience to all who use the gun, will be found, with the prices, detailed below. It is well made, out of the best Drab Duck, and will therefore stand a great deal of that peculiar wear incident to life in camp or forest. This will be better understood by reference to Illustration No. 109. Cap $2 50 Coat 10 00 Vest and Coat 14 00 Pants 3 50 Boots, of best leather, stout soles, to go above the knees 22 00 Superior American CarWIges. For Rifles and Revolvers. CALIBRE. PER IOO. CALIBRE. PER IOO. No. 22. $0 50 No. 44 Short $2 20 22 Long 75 25 85 30 1 00 44 Long 2 40 44 Colt and Winchester 2 00 44 Pointed 2 00 31 Colt's, Paper 1 75 j 44 Extra Long — Howard and 32 1 25 32 Long, $1.50 ; Extra Long. . . 1 60 36 Colt's, Paper 2 25 38 Short 1 70 38 Long I 80 38 Extra Long 2 40 41 1 50 Ballard 2 50 44 Colt's, Paper 2 75 44 Henry 2 00 46 Pistol 2 00 46 Rifle 2 75 56 Spencer Sporting 3 50 56 Carbine 3 50 Every other kind or calibre not mentioned above supplied at short notice. Air (&mms ami Air ' Pistols Of every design and quality, with targets and darts or cartridges for the same, for sale at and in some instances below manufacturers' retail prices. Haviland's Patent Air Rifle, shoots darts, No. 22 cartridges, or ball $25 00 34 JAMES F. MARSTERS, SPORTING GOODS, BROOKLYN. Superior ©eieoys ami (Ml* Fig. i. Duck Decoy. Fig. 2. Snipe Decoy. Fig. 3. Duck Call. Superior Duck and Snipe Decoy?, and Duck and Turkey Calls. PER DOZ. Canvass Back $18 00 Mallard 18 00 Teal— Green and Blue Wing 18 00 Gray Duck 18 00 Dusky Duck 18 00 Same as above, solid wood 12 00 Snipe Decoys for any of the marshes of the United States or Canada, $S.00, $5.00, and $2.50 per doz. Duck Calls, $2.00 each; Turkey Calls, $2.75 each. Both accurate imitations. Nets ami lammocte, Quail or Partridge Nets. These Nets are excellently made, and will be found well adapted for the purpose intended. Price, $2.00 each. Cotton Hammocks. These Hammocks are made in a most substantial manner from the strongest cot- ton rope twine, and are invaluable to hunters, fishermen, lumbermen, etc. Plain, each $3 00 Colored, " 3 50 AMERICAN PISTOLS. My stock of Pistols embrace every standard kind and quality of those manu- factured in the United States, from a miniature Single Cartridge Pistol to the largest sized Revolver. But there are some which I make specialities of, such, for example, as the Hornet Revolver, Smith's Patent Revolver, the Blue Jacket Revolver, and the Ethan Allen Revolver, all Superior Cartridge Pistols. Of the former, viz., the Hor- net and Smith's Patent Revolver, I give illustrations, which represent their exact size. Parties ordering either of them can rely upon getting a first-class American Revolver. H - 0<5 P o J. F. M»§ters ? Excelsior Home (G-ymmasiiDim. With Trapeze, Swinging Rings, Ropes, etc., Complete. J. F. Marsters' Excelsior Home Gymnasium, as illustrated above, affords conven- ient, agreeable, and healthful exercise to all, as it can be easily put up in any room or parlor without injury to the ceiling. Its use is especially recommended to the debili- tated, and to persons engaged in sedentary occupations, as well as to parents seeking to make home attractive to their children. The prices are as follows : Rope 5 feet long, Bar %\ feet, with Galvanized Iron Rings, 5 inches in diameter u 6 | K 3 u (i (( 5 (C " .8 " 3 " " " 5 " The above with 10-inch Rings, $1 per set extra ; with the Rings beautifully cov- ered with leather, $1.50 per set extra ; or common leather covering, 75c. per set extra. PER SET. . $4 00 5 00 6 00 38 JAMES F. MARSTERS, DEALER IN SPORTING GOODS, Slingle Trapeze Bets, 5 feet Ropes, with 2] feet Bar 6 " " 2i 8 " " 2^ 10 " " 3 12 " " 3 PER SET. $2 50 . 3 50 . 4 50 . 5 50 . 6 50 PER SET. 14 feet Ropes, with 3 feet Bar $7 50 16 18 20 20 3* U 8* 5 8 50 9 50 10 50 12 00 The last above-named is intended for two performers, and is therefore made extra strong. Interior View of Marsters' Excelsior Private Gymnasium. (SEE ESTIMATE OF COST ON iAGE 49.) Both my Single and Double Trapeze Sets are made from the best qualities of the several materials used for this purpose, and I claim that they cannot be excelled on either side of the Atlantic. BoMMe Trapeze Bets, PER SET. Small Bar, 2+ feet, with 4 feet Ropes, and Centre Rope to reach from large Bar ; large Bar, 4 feet, with 9 feet Ropes, complete, with sockets and hooks $10 00 The above, with 6 feet Ropes to small and 12 feet Ropes to large Bar 12 00 With 6 feet Ropes to small and 15 feet Ropes to large Bar, with extra sockets and hooks 15 00 Other sizes will be made to order at special prices. Excelsior Trapeze Bar LENGTH. 2 feet, Maple. 8i 3 EACH. $0 40 50 65 LENGTH. EACH. 3i feet, Ash SO 75 4 " 1 00 4* " 1 25 These Bars are made of superior White Ash or Rock Maple, and are as finely finished or modeled as my Hickory Horizontal Bars. They are also notched and ready for immediate use. NOS. 51, 53, AND 55 COURT STREET, BROOKLYN. 39 Superior Hidkory HwtonM B»s 9 LENGTH. EACH. LENGTH. EACH. 5| feet $2 25 6 " 2 50 4 feet $1 50 4| " 1 75 5 " 2 00 6* " 3 00 These Bars are smoothly and evenly turned, and are modeled on the most ap- proved plan. They are made with proper notches, and ready for immediate adjust- ment to Uprights. Swinging Mings, 6-Inch Galvanized Weldetl Iron Kings, with Ropes, Sockets, and Hooks. PER PAIR. TER PAIR. 5 feet Ropes $2 50 | 14 feet Ropes $7 00 6 " 3 00 16 " 8 00 8 " 4 00 ! 18 " 9 00 10 " 5 00 20 " 10 00 12 " 6 00 22 " 12 00 These Rings are made in the strongest manner, and cannot be easily broken. Large Sized Swinging Rings. DIAMETER. EACH. DIAMETER. EACH. 6 inches $1 00 I 10 inches $2 00 8 " .• 150 ! 12 " 2 50 These excellent Galvanized Wrought Iron Rings are intended for heavy Gymnasium work, and can therefore be subjected to the greatest strain without fear of breaking. Swinging Mings fw CMlIrenu DIAMETER. EACH. DIAMETER. EACH. 4J- inches SO 75 I 5 J- inches $1 00 5 " 85 I 6 " 125 These Rings, for children, are made of Glued Woods, but are quite strong. Exercising Kings, These Rings are made of best quality Maple, in one piece, and are five and six inches in diameter. Price, 5 inches, per pair, 50 cents ; 6 inches, 75 cents. Excelsior Wanis, Black Walnut, Beautifully Turned and Polished. 4 feet long, without balls on the ends per dozen, £4 50 5 " " 6 00 White Ash or Maple, Beautifully Turned and Polished. 4 feet long per dozen, $3 50 5 " " 4 50 Wooden Balls for Wands, 1 dozen pair extra, " 2 00 40 JAMES F. MARSTERS, DEALER IN SPORTING GOODS, «L IF* M»sta*s 9 Improved PortoMe ModzoiM Bar, With Fixtures, complete, and ready for immediate use. My Improved Bar, as illustrated in the above engraving, can be put up in any room or parlor in fifteen or twenty minutes, and can also be easily transferred and ar- ranged for out-door use. It is manufactured from the most suitable wood, and is war- ranted to give satisfaction. Especially recommended to students at college and to as- sociations or clubs, where its use and expense can be alike enjoyed and borne amongst a number. Uprights 10 feet high, and 4 square inches thick, arranged for different heights. Bar feet in length. Price, complete, $12. I also make another size, much more elaborate than the above. Price, $25. NOS. 51, 53, AND 55 COURT STREET, BROOKLYN. 41 Burnett's Patent Parlor CrjmMKisiiLiiiM, Tlie World-renowned Chest Expander. The advantages of the Barnett's Parlor Gymnasium consists in its excellent combi- nation of utility and amusement — a fact made obvious by its adoption in the Public Schools of New York City. The illustrations above represent several of the different forms of exercise especially belonging to the uses of this Gymnasium. For the young, old and middle-aged ; for the narrow-chested ; for the round-shouldered ; for spinal distortions ; for dyspeptics ; for ladies sitting at the sewing-machine ; and to all persons engaged in sedentary occupations, it is invaluable. The prices are as follows : No. 2 each, $1 00 I No. 4 each, $1 50 No. 3 " 1 25 I No. 5 " 175 No. 1 is for children, 90 cts.; No. 2, for ladies; No. 3, boys; Nos. 4 and 5, men. Wood Biimlb Bells, Rock Maple — Finely Turned and Highly Polished. PER PAIR. pound . $0 75 1 00 1 25 4 pounds $1 50 5 " 1 75 6 " 2 00 Lignum- Yitae — Finely French Polished. pounds $1 50 I 4 pounds , " 2 00 5 " $2 50 3 00 Rosewood — Finest Workmanship and Elegantly Polished. pounds $2 50 " 3 00 4 pounds $3 50 5 " 4 00 Any other weights of either of the above will be furnished at proportionate prices. Iron BtMrt Bells, Made of fine quality Cast Iron, Japanned, from 1 pound to 100 pounds, at cents per pound. 42 JAMES F. MARSTERS, DEALER IN SPORTING GOODS, UMnoe's lew MoiM Imiiani Clulw All made of the best Maple Wood, thoroughly Seasoned and Polished. EACH. PER PAIR. EACH. PER PAIR. 1 pound ....SI 40 2 " 180 3 " 2 25 4 " 2 75 5 " 2 90 6 pounds $3 00 7 " 3 50 8 " 3 75 10 " 4 50 12 •• 5 50 These Clubs are used exclusively in the principal gymnasiums of the United States and Canadas, and thousands of them are sold every year throughout the country for private and professional use. The smaller sizes are for ladies and children. Rosewood Clubs, for Ladies' use, and for prizes or presents, of superior workman- ship, double the prices given above. Indian Clubs of shorter lengths, for swinging in rooms with low ceilings, made to order at special prices. Miniature Indian Clubs, for Sleeve Buttons, made of Rosewood or Ebony, per set of two, 50 cents. Miniature Indian Clubs, for Shirt Studs, of same material as Sleeve Buttons, per set of three, 75 cents. SmperiOT PitcMmg Quoits. Pitching Quoits, of approved design, and of all weights, made from the best iron, 7 cents per pound. Weights run 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 pounds each. Four Quoits to a set. NOS. 51, 53, AND 55 COURT STREET, BROOKLYN. 43 KeJhe 9 s IiaproYei System off Indian Clolto Exercise. IlilllllHPIISi The best Indian Club Exercise Instruction Book in the World. Kehoe's Indian Club Exercises, containing 30 excellent Illustrations of the different forms of exercise practiced with Indian Clubs, taken from life, bound in cloth, $1. Wheelright's Instruction in Indian Club Exercise (another excellent book), illus- trated with 1 back- view plates, paper, 25 cents. (Ojmnasiiiirai Ti Worsted Tights $4, $5, and $6 00 Cotton Tights $2.75 to 10 00 Silk Tights $10.50, $15, and 17 50 Knee Tights $3.75 to 10 00 Velveteen Knee Breeches 10 00 its mm Trunks $2 00 to $5 00 Worsted Shirts 4 00 " 6 00 Cotton Shirts 2 00 " 5 00 Silk Shirts 10 50 ; ' 15 00 Shirts, with Ruffles. . 5 00 Pants, Flannel, made to order, in the best style, from $3 to $3.50 per pair. All the above goods are made of the best material suitable for Gymnasium use. Belts 3 Blioes3 ami StoeMmigs. EACH. No. 117. Gymnasium Belts, Fine, Heavy Worsted Web, fancy finished, 3 inches wide (same colors and designs as in Belt Illustrations) $2 00 No. 118. The same as above, 2% inches wide 75 PER PAIR. No. 127. Gymnasium Gaiters, Fancy, all sizes (see Illustration) $2 50 No. 128. " Shoes, White Canvass, low cut, all sizes (see Illustration) 1 25 No. 130. " Slippers " " 100 No. 131. " Shoes " " 3 00 Stockings (same colors or styles as in illustrations of Stockings) 85- 44 JAMES F. MARSTERS, DEALER IN SPORTING GOODS, Kelaoe's Improvei. BMMug Bsi§ An Excellent Method of Morning or Evening Exercise. The Improved Striking Bag provides an agreeable and strengthening exercise for those persons whose physical condition prevents them from practicing with the Dumb Bells, Indian Clubs, etc., being particularly intended to strengthen the wrists, arms, shoulders, back, loins, and the muscles of the abdomen, and will learn the striker how to deal a strong blow. It is of inestimable value to dyspeptics and persons of seden- tary habits. A few minutes' exercise in the morning will quicken the circulation of the blood, and impart a healthy glow to the whole body. Thare is no danger of bark- ing or scraping the knuckles, as the fist does not come in contact with the sand bag, which is completely enveloped by another bag lined with four inches of prepared sponge or curled hair, and covered with English Buck, Buff Leather, or Canvas. The prices are as follows, and include Riugs and Hooks, complete : No. 1 . .20 pounds, covered with Superior Buff Leather $12 00 No. 2.. 25 No. 3.. 20 No. 4.. 25 No. 5.. 20 No. 6.. 25 14 00 the best English Buck . 16 00 18 00 Extra Quality Canvas 10 00 12 00 NOS. 51, 53, AND 55 COURT STREET, BROOKLYN. 45 Mine Femcrag UMls, Masts, Sticks, etc. Made of Extra Quality Metal, for Strength and Elasticity. Fencing Foils, No. 1, Iron Mountings, with Wound Handles $1 50 " No. 2, Brass Mountings, with Fancy Wound Handles 3 00 '• s No. 3, Superior Brass Mountings, with extra Wound Handles and extra Fine Steel Blades 4 00 Fencing Foil Blades, No. 2 x 1 25 Haute Rapier Swords 6 00 Wire Fencing Masks, No. 1, Plain 2 50 " " No. 2, with Ears 3 50 " " No. 3. " and Tops 4 50 Fencing Sticks, with Willow Baskets 1 00 46 JAMES F. MARSTERS, DEALER IN SPORTING GOODS, tosteris' S'tadtai 'HaM=m&ile Boxing O-loTes. (USED BY THE PROFESSION THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES) All made of the Finest Curled Hair, and made entirely by Hand. I have long given especial attention to the manufacture of these Gloves, and claim them to be unequaled by any in the market. They are made entirely by hand, out of the strongest and softest materials, and combine every requisite of First-class Boxing Gloves. During the long period in which I have manufactured and sold these Gloves I have never heard or received a single complaint against them, proof positive of the universal satisfaction they have given by their durability and finish. On the opposite page will be found my prices for these Gloves, which. I think, are much lower than they can be purchased elsewhere. NOS. 51, 53, AND 55 COURT STREET, BROOKLYN. 47 Fdce-Mst of Marsta's 9 Staiiiajri Boxing ($l©Yes a Per Set of Two Pairs, Superior Curled Hair. No. 0.. Boys' Size $2 50 No. 1. .Men's No. 2. u No. 3. u No. 4. (( No. 5. (( 3 00 3 50 4 00 4 50 4 75 No. 6. .Men's Size $5 00 HEEL PADDED. No. 7. .Men's Size 5 25 No. 8.. " " 6 00 HEEL PADDED AND VENTILATED. No. 9. .Men's Size $7 00 No. 10. Best Drab Buckskin, Heel Padded and Ventilated, $10. Miscellaneous O-ymmasimim Apparatus, Balance Poles, 20 feet. • $5 50 Batute Boards of Second-growth Ash , $11 to 15 00 Blocks or Pedestals to Bars, each 5 to 7 00 Dancing Barrels, 12 pounds 15 00 Gymnasium Stilts, per pair. $5 to 7 00 Hat and Plate Sticks, each 30 Health-Lift Machines 10 00 Herrinbone Ladders and Peg Pole Ladders, per foot, each 1 00 Horizontal Bar, with Steel Rod, 5 feet 6 inches in the turning 12 00 Horses, to rise from $40 and 50 00 Incline Ladders and Poles, per foot, each 1 and 2 00 Leaping Bars, 14 feet, of Lancewood, each 15 00 ' ' 12 " Second-growth Ash, each 7 00 Machine to measure height 10 00 Parallel Bars, with or without Platform, per foot $2 to 3 00 Pirch Poles, 18 feet 14 00 Pulley Weights, in boxes $25 to 30 00 Rings, round or Elliptic, covered with leather, per pair 8 00 Rowing Machine, complete, and ready for use 30 00 2 Machines, 1 Seat, 2 Levers 55 00 4 " 4 Seats, 4 " 110 00 Tight-Rope Bars, 12 feet, each 5 00 Tranker Bars, 3 feet, not painted 2 00 Vaulting Boards, 5x9 feet 20 00 Wrist Machine 25 00 48 JAMES F. MARSTERS, DEALER IN SPORTING GOODS, NOS. 51, 53, AND 55 COURT STREET, BROOKLYN. 49 Etarsters' Excelsior Private (^jiemmmiiil (SEE ILLUSTRATION ON PAGE 38.) Estimated Cost of Apparatus for 2 to 10 Members. In response to numerous requests for estimates for private gymnasiums, I have compiled the following, which I trust will be accepted as a general reply to all persons seeking information of this character. Of course, it can be modified to suit the desire of the purchaser, either by increasing or decreasing the number of the apparatus, or by the exclusion of some, and the substitution of others : 1 Marsters' Improved Portable Horizontal Bar (see page 40) $1 2 00 1 Double Trapeze 7 00 1 Pair Swinging Rings, with Rope . . . . 3 00 1 " Parallel Bars 10 00 1 Wooden Ladder, 12 feet 8 00 4 Pairs Kehoe's New Model Indian Clubs, 2, 4, 6, and 8 pounds each 11 00 3 " Iron Dumb Bells, 6, 8, and 10 pounds each 3 25 Total $54 25 Mwsters 9 Excelsior PmMi© OymmasiMii. (SEE ILLUSTRATION ON OPPOSITE PAGE.) Estimated Cost of Apparatus for 20 to 100 Members. 1 Adjustable Horizontal Bar, that may be raised or lowered as desired $1 2 00 1 Pair of Parallel Bars , 15 00 1 Pulley or Rowing Machine (the best being the new patent, with sliding seat) 30 00 1 Double Trapeze, suitable to the height of the room to be used 10 00 2 Single Trapeze sets , 10 00 2 Pairs of Swinging Rings, to swing the length of room, from wall to wall. . 8 00 1 " 10-inch Swinging Rings, for leg and foot swinging 6 00 1 Short Hanging Rope Ladder 10 00 1 Suspending 20-ft. Rope Ladder, to hang from ceiling or suspend across room, 20 00 1 Lifting Machine 30 00 10 Pairs Kehoe's Model Indian Clubs, from 2 to 12 lbs. each, averaging 5 lbs., 30 00 10 " Iron Dumb Bells, from 3 to 50 lbs. each 15 00 6 " Wooden Dumb Bells, for light practice 8 00 4 Sets of my Superior Hand-made Boxing Gloves 16 00 10 Barnett's Chest Expanders, assorted numbers 16 00 1 Vaulting Horse : 25 00 1 Kehoe's Improved Striking Bag 15 00 4 Pairs Fencing Foils, Gloves, and Masks 20 00 4 ' ' Basket-handled Fencing Sticks, for beginners 4 00 Total $300 00 Gymnasium Suits, consisting of long flesh-colored worsted tights, shirt, trunks, blue and white belt, and white canvas slippers, will be furnished at $13.75 each. It^" The above estimates, it should be borne in mind, are for FIRST-CLASS goods. Gymnasium apparatus of any description sent C. O. D. to any part of the country. FIREMEN'S GOODS. Below will be found a list of the principal articles of this department of my busi- ness which I keep constantly in stock. Any thing not enumerated therein can be sup- plied at short notice, and sent C. O. D. to any part of the United States. These prices are for first-class goods. Firemen's Berdce Hats aM €aps 9 No. 73. No. 74. Made in the Best and most Serviceable Manner. No. 73. .Firemen's Service Hat. 8 Cone, best quality Regulation Black Hat, medium or heavy weight, with Eagle, Hound, or Tiger Tip No. 74. .Firemen's Service Hat, 4 Cone, best quality Regulation Black Hat, medium or heavy weight, with Hound, Eagle, or Tiger Tip No. 75. .New Regulation Dark Blue Cloth Cap (see Illustration No. 110), 3£ inches high, with straight visor, spring top, etc., without metal wreath and figure in centre With metal wreath and figure No. 77 . . New Regulation Cap, made of best Blue Flannel, 3f inches high, without wreath and figure, as Colored Caps Nos. 208-11), With metal wreath and figure Glaze Covers for Nos. 75 and 76, of best quality material PER DOZ. EACH. $63 00 $5 50 60 00 5 25 24 00 27 00 4 50 2 25 2 50 50 Mrameii's Leatler Belts. (SEE ILLUSTKATIONS ON PAGE 8 AND PRICES AND DESCRIPTION ON PAGE 13.) I'EK DOZ. EACH. No. 6 . . New York Regulation Belt, made of extra quality leather, with nickel-plated spring clasp, socket to carry spanner, and side- strap with spring to catch on ladder while using the pipe at fires. (These Belts have saved many a Fireman's life. ) Price, all complete $:J6 00 s3 50 Firemen's SMrts ante! Faints* (SEE ILLUSTRATION NO. 110, AND PRICES, ETC., ON PAGES 15 AND 17.) \o. "20!*. No. 209. No. 210. 5Jo. 211. No. 212. No. 213. No. 214. No. 215. Boating, Firemen's, Base-Ball, Foot-Ball, and Cricket Caps. , / Ko. 202. No. 203. No. 204. No. 205. Mo. 200. *°- 20r - Base-Ball, Fool-Ball. Cricket, Archery, and Boating Caps. JAMES P. MARSTERS, SPORTING GOODS, BROOKLYN. 51 Firemen's Parade or Berviee Suit, This beautiful Suit (see Illustration No. 110), consisting of shirt and pants of the best quality flannel of any color, with number of company on shirt bosom ; fine cloth cap, with metal wreath and number of company ; and the new regulation belt, No. 6, described on the preceding page, will be furnished to order at $135 per dozen, or $12 each. Without letter on shirt, and with 8-cone hat, $171 per dozen, or $16 each. With 4-cone hat, $168 per dozen, or $15.50 each. Kmiltoltoer Coats ami Caps, White or black Rubber Coats and Caps, of superior quality $80 00 $7 00 The same, black, with stripe on sleeve 90 00 8 00 Rubber Caps, with Capes 12 00 1 25 Mreimeifs Trumpets. Polished Brass. Nickel Plated. 16 inches $4 00 18 " 4 50 20 " 5 00 16 inches $7 00 18 " 7 50 20 " 8 00 For Presentations or Parades. 16 inches, chased and plated $15 00 18 " " " 18 00 21 " " " 21 00 16 inch, extra chased and plated, bell and mouth-piece gold lined, 21 00 18 inches 26 00 20 inches, extra chased, etc $32 00 22 " 40 00 20 inches, beautiful emblems in in relief, made and finished in best style, extra heavy plated . . 50 00 22 inches 60 00 Silk Trumpet Cord and Tassels, $2.50 to $4; Cotton, $1 to $1.75 ; Silver, $2 to $3.50. FILLER'S PATENT SOLID BAND ^ND CORRUGATED BELL This is decidedly the best and the prettiest Duty Trumpet ever made, having a corrugated bell and solid cast bands, instead of the plain bell and hollow bands, which, as every Firemen knows, is so easily liable to become bruised or dented, and thus pro- ducing vexation, besides considerable expense for repairs. The prices are as follows : Polished Brass. Nickel Plated. 16 inches $4 50 18 " 5 00 20 " 5 75 16 inches 7 50 18 " 8 00 20 " 9 00 HHsceManeoiiis Firemen's Brapplies. Leather Buckets, $40 per dozen ; rubber, $27 to $30 per dozen ; Pails, $30 to $36. Improved Spanners, $9 per dozen; common, in steel, $10 per dozen. Brass Lanterns, $3 to $6; silver plated or nickel plated, $6 to $8; red, white, blue, green, or purple glass, with name engraved thereon, $1.50 to $2 extra. Six-sided Lamps, with name of company engraved on colored glass, small size, Prince's metal, $30 each; medium, $35 ; large, $45; nickel plated, $7.50 extra. Torches, all kinds, $3.50 to $15. Lithograph Fire Scenes of all kinds, 25x36, $2 to $3 ; 20x26, $1.25. Pictures given on large orders. MISCELLANEOUS. TUie Weston Petetriam Suit. This excellent Suit, as will be seen by reference to Illustration No. 108, and which is quite similar to the one worn by the great Weston during his recent successful ef- forts, is made entirely of first-class material, and will be supplied to Pedestrians at the following moderate prices : Shirt (Worsted), $5 ; Breeches (Black Velvet), $10 $13 50 Cap and Belt, 1$ each 2 00 Shoes, $3.50 ; Stockings, $1 per pair 4 50 SteMlari Banding Clogs, The attention of Clog Dancers is respectfully invited to the following line of Stand- ard Dancing Clogs, all of which are made from the most approved desig-ns : Red, Blue, or Black Morocco, Fancy Stitched $2 00 The same Clogs, extra quality 2 50 " " with Tips 3 50 ' ' Trimmed all around, very fancy 6 00 Superior Rattles, per set, 25 cents. Brass Heels, 50 cents. Also, Clogs made to order for the use of Dyers and Bleachers, Tanners, Brewers, Slaughtermen, and others engaged in wet work. Those at a distance wishing to purchase Clogs must send the measurement of their feet, which is very easily done by placing the bare foot on a sheet of paper, and pass- ing a lead pencil entirely around it. Then get a narrow strip of paper, and measure round the ball and instep of the foot exactly, and mark the parts with the pencil across the strip of paper. Let your strip be a foot long, and three-quarters of an inch wide. Sporfeifli©M 9 s EefuiMlfces. Below will be found several articles of interest to Sportsmen, which were inad- vertently omitted from the proper department, or were presented to my attention too late for classification. Boudren's Adjustable Dash Lamp. WITH LOCOMOTIVE REFLECTOR, FOR NIGHT HUNTING, ETC. The attention of hunters is called to this superior Lamp for Jack shooting deer at night, being neither affected by wind, rain, or jolting, and always giving a brilliant and powerful light. It burns kerosene without a chimney. Sent to any address for $6. Good's Oil-Tanned Moccasins. These Moccasins are well adapted for the necessities of Sportsmen, and no hunter should be without them, as they combine all the advantages of a boot and shoe. They are comfortable, durable, and convenient, being easily taken off and put on, and not in- jured by wet or dry weather. Boot Moccasins, $5 per pair; Shoe Pac or Indian, S3. Excelsior Canvas Tents, For hunting, camping out, fishing, bathing, base-ball, cricket, etc., kept constantly on hand or made to order of any design at prices varying from $10 to 50. Oar Locks of every description and quality manufactured, from $1.25 to $5 a pair. No. 108. Pedestrian Suit. No. 107. Gymnasium Suit. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. All of the Latest Importation and Manufacture. My department of Musical Instruments is replete with every thing manufactured in this line in Europe or America, as additions are constantly made to my stock every month. This having been one of my specialities since 1857, has given me an experience and advantage in the market not possessed by other houses, and I therefore have no hesitation in saying that I am thus enabled to offer Musical Instruments very much cheaper than any other New York or Brooklyn firm dealing in this class of goods. Any of the following Instruments, etc., will, be sent C. O. D. to any place in the United States reached by express. EACH. Accordeons, 8 keys, $3.00 ; 10 keys, $4.00 $4 00 ' ' 8 keys, with double note 5 00 10 keys, " " 8 00 " 12 keys, " " 12 00 Banjos, $1.50, $2.50, $5.00, $8.00, $10.00, up to 50 00 Bones, Rosewood, per set of four, 75c. ; Ebony 1 25 Concertinos, 20 keys, small, $1.75 ; large 3 00 $4.50, $6.50, $8.50, $10.00 12 00 Drums, Regulation, $7.00, $9.00, $12.00 15 00 Flutes, $1.00, $1.50, $2.50, $4.00, $6.50, to 25 00 Flute Harmonicans, 7 keys, $3.75 ; 8 keys 4 50 Guitars, $3.00, $5.00, $10.00, $15.00, up to 50 00 Mouth Harmonicans, 50c, 75., $1.00, $2.00 3 00 Tambourines, 75c, $1.50; Silver, $3.50, $5.00 6 00 Violins, $2.00, $3.00, $4.50, $5.00, $10.00, up to 50 00 Instruction Books for all instruments, with 200 tunes, price 50 cents. Prices of Cornets, Clarionets, Violincellos, and all kinds of Musical Instruments, sent free on application. Complete sets of Instruments for Brass and String Bands. Strings of good quality for Violins, Banjos, and Guitars, 12 cents each. Best quality, 25 cents. Banjo Bridges, 10c ; Tail Pieces, 20c. ; Keys, 10c ; and Thimbles, 25c. Violin Bridges, 10c ; Tail Pieces, 40c ; Keys, 10c ; and Tuning Forks, 75c. B^" Musical Instruments of all kinds repaired and put in order by skilled work- men at moderate prices and at short notice. Address all orders to JAMES F. MARSTERS, Nos. 51, 53, and 55 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. SKATES AND SKATING GOODS. This department of recreation and pleasure is my great Winter Speciality ; and during the months of the year in which the Frost King holds high carnival, my store is the recognized emporium of the Cities of Brooklyn and New York for all kinds of Skates and Skating Goods. This position I have gained through a reputation for keep- ing the best goods at the lowest prices, the truth of which can always be tested by calling at Nos. 51, 53, and 55 Court street, Brooklyn, during the winter season. Winter's Tastiine at the North. On the opposite page will be found illustrations, etc., of those Skates which enjoy a standard reputation, and which bid fair to retain their popularity in the future. Any of these Skates will be sent by express C. O. D. to any part of the country. Beperior Wooi-Top Bkat©§. I'ER PAIR. Boys' Skates, strapped, complete $1 00, $1 10, $1 25, SI 50, to $2 00 Ladies' " " « $1 25, 150, 175, 2 00, 2 50," 5 00 Gents' " " " 1 25, 1 50, 1 75, 2 00, 2 50," 5 00 Jg^- Keys for all kinds of Club Skates, 10c, 15c, and 25cts. each. Heel Plates and Screws, lOcts. per pair. Extra Heel Buttons, Clamp Screws, Straps, Buckles, etc. Ht^p" Repairing and grinding done in all branches at the shortest notice. Skates ground by steam power, equal to new, and put in perfect order for the ice. JAMES F. MARSTERS, SPORTING GOODS, BROOKLYN. 55 JtaBiarl Patent ClmiTb ami IRIirnl Slates. Wmsloir's New York Club Skate. This Skate has long been favorably regarded by the Skaters of America, possess- ing as it does, peculiar merits, which cannot fail to make it as popular in the future as it has been in the past. It is manufactured in two qualities at the following prices : Blued, per pair, $:i.50. Superior Nickel Plated, per pair, $5.00. The Patent American Club Skate. This popular Self- Adjusting Skate is the latest patented, I believe, and will give satisfaction to all who use it, as the manufacturers claim that their sales are increasing annually. It is simple and durable in construction, requires no Heel Plates, and is readily fitted to the boot by turning the screw ; and being locked and unlocked by the motion of the lever, it forms a firm and reliable fastening. Made in three qualities : Blued, per pair, $4.50. Polished, $6.50. Nickel Plated. $8.00. Barney & Berry's Club Skate. The superior and beautiful manner in which Barney & Berry's Club and Rink Skates are always manufactured, have contributed to make them universally and de- servedly popular. The ' ' Barney & Berry Club " is an economical and splendid Skate, made from Imported Steel, with Blued Foot and Heel Plates, and Extra Tempered Blades ; while the " Barney & Berry Rink," though made from the same metal, is of a more elaborate and beautiful character, plated, and finished in the very best manner. Club Skate, Blued, $3.50. Rink, Polished, $8.50. Plated and Highly Finished, $10. Barney & Berry's Superb Kink Skate. SPORTING PUBLICATIONS, My Book Department is one of the great features essentially growing- out of my large and constantly increasing Sporting business, and it is my intention to make it as complete and extensive as possible by the addition of every new Sporting Book pub- lished from time to time. Therefore, if any book is desired, and it is not contained in the following list, I will be happy to forward the same on receipt of letter inclosing the name and publishers' price, which includes the prepayment of postage on the book. Angling : How to Angle, and where to go. 30 Illustrations, 190 pages, boards. . SO 50 Archery and Fencing 25 Athletic Sports for Boys. Containing complete instructions in Gymnastics, Fen- cing, Broadsword Exercises, Rowing, Sailing, Skating, Swimming, Driving, Riding and Angling ; 194 Illustrations, in boards 75 Bees : Their Habits, Management, and Treatment. Illustrated, 128 pages, bds., 50 Book of Advertised Wonders : A Collection of the Various Arts, Secrets, Money- making Schemes, " Patent" Rights, Receipes, etc., sold by traveling specu- lators and by newspaper and circular advertisers, embracing much that is valuable, worthless, and fraudulent ; with explanatory notes of the real character of each, thus saving money, time, and material. 100 pages 50 Boxing Made Easy; or, The Complete Manual of Self-Defense. Illustrated.... 10 Cage and Singing Birds: How to Catch, Keep, Breed, and Rear Them; with directions as to their nature, diseases, food, etc. 23 Illust. , 148 pages, bds., 50 Cattle : Their Breed, Management, and Diseases. Illustrated, 218 pages, bds. , 50 Chad wick's American Cricket Manual. Containing Revised Laws, etc.; Rules, Instructions in Bowling, etc.; Averages of leading American Clubs, and Scores of Games played by American and Canadian Gentlemen ; the Game of La Crosse, in the United States and Canada. Over 100 pages, boards. . . 50 Common Objects of the Country. 170 Col. and 40 Plain Illust., 148 pages, bds., 50 Common Objects of the Sea-Shore, including Hints for an Aquarium. 78 Col- ored and 24 Plain Illustrations, 136 pages, boards 50 Creedmoor (National) Rifle Association 20 Cricket, and How to Play It. By a Member of Marylebone Club. Illust. , paper, 25 Cricketers' Guide. Hlustrated 25 Croquet. By Capt. Mayne Reid. Illustrated, paper, 25c; cloth 50 Dewitt's Base-Ball Guide. Containing Revised Code of Rules of the Profession; Improved Points in Pitching, Batting, and Fielding; Full Championship Records; List of Professional Nines; Averages of Pitchers and Batsmen; Instructions to Managers, Captains, and Umpires ; Explanatory Appendix of Rules of the Code ; How to Play the Game, and to Keep Scores, etc. By Henry Chad wick, Base-Ball Editor of the New York Clipper 10 Dogs: Their Breed, Management, and Diseases. Illustrated. 266 pages, bds. . . 75 Fishing with Hook and Line. Illustrated 25 Fishing with Hook and Line. By Frank Forrester. Illustrated, 64 pages, cloth, 1 00 Foot-Ball Book of Rules 15 Fur, Fin and Feather : The Game Laws for every State in the Union, published annually. 200 pages of important matter 50 Gymnastics i .«Jf ^B . .»?. C 20 & % -Imps «/ \ c / ... % ' «\* -.- r> V -,CV /; < V * ^ o V .1"*- A V ,0' ^ o A > tf ^ «* ? — A" <> o & '^ DOBBS BROS. LIBRARY BINDIh DOBBS BROS. LIBRARY BINDING , JUL -69 v ^ ^Y^ \ * ST. AUGUSTINE ipkFLA. ^^ 3T. AUGUSTINE «* ^^ FLA '" A ^0 <^ *cC(\VA LIBRARY OF CONGRESS $ 029 726 843