GV 1116 .U5 W6 1919 Copy 1 GV 1116 .U5 M6 1919 Copy 1 LAW, nuLcS AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF BOXING N THE STATE OF WISCONSIN 1919 PUBIilSHED by the STATE ATHIiETIC COMMISSION n„ of D« -'tC 23 1S19 WISCONSIN STATE ATHLETIC COMMISSION LAW Chapter 73c of the Statutes [Enacted as Ch. 632 L. 1913; Ch. 773 L. 1913 S. 85 and amended by Chs. 272, 486 L. 1915 and Ch. 374 1919.] Section 1636 — 241. 1. There is hereby created a board which shall be known as the "State Athletic Commission of Wisconsin." Within thirty days after the passage and publication ot this act, the governor shall appoint a member who shall serve for two years, another who shall serve for three years and another who shall serve for four years. Thereafter each member shall be appointed for a term of five years. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner for unexpired terms. Two members of the commission, with the secretary shall con- stitute a quorum for the exercise of the powers or authority conferred upon it, and in case of a vacancy, the remaining members of the com- mission, unless such vacancy is filled. 2. The commission shall maintain a general office for the transaction of its business at such place as the commission may designate. The commission may hold meetings at any place other than the place in which the general office is located, when the convenience of the parties so requires. The members of the commission shall elect one of their number chairman of the commission, shall adopt a seal for the com- mission and make such rules and regulations for the administration of their office, not in- 2 consistent herewith, as they may deem expedi- ent, and may from time to time amend or abro- gate the same. (a) The commission shall appoint, and * * * may remove, a secretary to the commis- sion, whose duty it shall be to keep a full and true record of all the proceedings, of the com- mission, preserve at its general office all its books, documents and papers, prepare for serv- ice such notices and other papers as may be re- quired of him by the commission, and to per- form such other duties as the commission may prescribe; and he may, under the direction of the commission, issue subpoenas for the at- tendance of witnesses before the commission with the same effect as if they were issued in an action in the circuit court, and may, under the direction of the commission, administer oaths, in all matters appertaining to the duty of his office or connected with the administra- tion of the affairs of the commission. Dis- obedience of such subpoenas and false swear- ing before such secretary, shall be attended by the same consequences, and be subject to the same penalties, as if such disobedience or false swearing occurred in an action in the circuit court. (a-1) The secretary shall hold office during the pleasure of the commission and shall give a bond to the state of "Wisconsin in the sum of two thousand dollars, with good and sufficient sureties to be approved by the commission, for the faithful nerformance of his duties as such secretary. iSuch secretary shall receive such salary as the commission shall fix, not exceed- ing fifteen hundred dollars per annum. (a-2) The commission shall have, and is hereby vested with the sole direction, manage- ment and control of, and jurisdiction over, all boxing and sparring matches and exhibitions to be conducted, held or given within the state by any club, corporation or association; and no boxing or sparring matches or exhibitions shall be conducted, held or given within the state except pursuant to authority therefor granted by the commission and in accordance with the provisions of this act and the rules and regulations of the commission. The com- mission may, at its discretion, issue, and for cause revoke a license to conduct, hold or give boxing and sparring matches and exhibitions to any incorporated club or association formed as hereinafter provided. The commission shall have full power and authority to limit the num- ber of sparring or boxing exhibitions to be held or given by any club, organization or corpora- tion in any city in this state, wherein such box- ing contests are conducted in the manner herein provided. No boxing or sparring exhibition shall be conducted by any club, organization or corporation having a, license to coilduct si^ar- ring or boxing exhibitions in this state e^cerit by a sanction or permit from the state athletic commission. Every license shall be subiect to such rules and regulations, and amendments thereof, as the r>ommission may prescribe. From and after January 1. 1916. no license shall be issued bv the commission to anv club, cornoration or association to conduct boxins: or starring exhibitions as herein provided for in anv citv of the second, third or fourth elf ss unless such citv shall have consented by ordin- ance or resolution bv its common council to the conducting- of boxing or sparring exhibi- tions in such city. (b) The commission shall make to thp legis- lature a full rer)ort of its proceedins:s for the two years endina: with the nrecedins: first day of December, before the beginning of the reg- ular session of the legislature; said report to the legislature shall be completed and shall contain a statement of clubs, organizations or corporations, the number of licenses revoked, the gross receipts from each club, organization or corporation, and such other information and comments in relation to the work of the com- mission as the public interest may require. 2a. No boxing or sparring exhibition shall be conducted by any club or organization except by license issued to such club or organization by the state athletic commission of Wisconsin; and no club or organization shall be entitled to re- ceive a' state license unless it has been incor- porated under the laws of the state of Wiscon- sin, and provided, further, that the membership of such club shall be limited to persons who have been- continuous residents in the state at least one year. The apDlication for a license, as herein provided for, shall be in writing, and shall be addressed to the commission, and shall be verified by some officer of the club, organiza- tion or cornoration on whose behalf the aopli ca- tion may be made. iSuch application shall be accompanied by an annual fee. which shall be twenty-five dollars in cities of not more than five thousand inhabitants: fifty dollars in cities of not more than fifty thousand inhabitants; one hundred dollars in cities of not more than seventy-five thousand inhabitants; and three hundred dollars in all cities of the state having a nopulation of over one hundred fifty thousand inhabitants. .Such application must show that the club or organization has a bona fide lease for one year of the building, for athletic pur- poses, wherein such contests are to be held. Before any such permit or license is granted to any club, organization or corporation, which shall have filed its application as herein pro- vided, such applicant must file a bond of two thousand dollars of good and sufficient surety with the state treasurer, conditioned for the payment of the taxes herein imposed. 3. Every club, corporation or association which may hold or exercise any of the privileges conferred hy this * * * section shall, within twenty-four hours after the determination of every contest, furnish to the said commission a written report, duly verified by one of its of- ficers, showing the number of tickets soDi for such contest, and the amount of gross proceeds thereof, and such other matters as the commis- sion may prescribe; and shall also within said time, pay to the said * * * commission a tax of five per cent of its total gross receipts from the sale of tickets of admission to such boxing or sparring match or exhibition. 4. Whenever amateur boxing and sparring matches or exhibitions are held under the aus- pices or sanction of the Amateur Athletic Union, or the Young Men's Christian Associa- tion or any organization of Wisconsin National or State Guard, the license fee necessary under this act shall not be required of said organiza- tion; such matches and exhibitions shall, how- ever, be subject to all the other provisions of this act and the rules and regulations of the commission. 5. The commission shall appoint official repre- sentatives designated as "inspectors," each of whom shall receive from the commission a card, authorizing him to act as such inspector wher- ever the commission may designate him to act. The commission may, and at least one inspector shall be present at all exhibitions and matches and see that the rules are strictly observed, and an inspector shall also be present at the count- ing up of the gross receipts, and shall imme- diately mail to the commission the official box office statement received by him from the of fleers of the club. 6 6. No boxing or sparring match or exhibition shall be held on Sunday. 7. No intoxicating liquor shall be given away, sold or offered for sale in any building or part thereof, in which boxing or sparring exhibitions are being conducted. 8. No boxing or sparring exhibition shall be of more than ten rounds duration, and no one round of such exhibition shall be permitted to extend for a longer period than three minutes. (a) There shall be one minute intermission between each round. (b) No contestant shall in any such boxing or sparring exhibition wear, or be permitted to wear, gloves weighing less than five ounces for contestants under one hundred and forty pounds, and six ounces for contestants over one hundred and forty pounds. (c) No contestant under the age of eighteen years shall be permitted to participate in any such boxing or sparring contest. (d) No betting or wagering at any boxing or sparring contests shall be permitted by any club or organization before, after, or during any such contest, in the building where such contest is held. (e) Contestants shall break clean, and must not hold and hit. Butting with head or shoulder, wrestling or illegal use of elbows shall not be allowed. There shall be no unsportS' manlike conduct on the part of the contestants. This shall include the use of abusive or insult- ing language. (f) No decision shall be rendered in any con- test held under the provisions of this * * * section. 9. No person under the age of eighteen years shall be admitted to a boxing or sparring exhibi- tion, unless accompanied by his parent. 10. Each contestant must be examined prior to entering the ring by a physician who has been licensed to practice in Wisconsin for not less than five years; such physician to be ap- pointed by the commission. The physician shall certify in writing, over his signature, as to the contestants' physical condition to engage in such contest. The commission is authorized to grant li- censes upon the application and the payment of a fee of ten dollars per annum to competent referees, who shall be bona fide residents of the state, and may revoke any license 'so granted to any such referee upon such cause as the com- mission shall deem sufficient. The referee must stop the contest or match when either of the contestants shows a marked superiority or is apparently outclassed. 11. Any club, corporation or organization which shall conduct, hold or give or participate in any sham or fake boxing or sparring match, shall thereby forfeit its license in accordance with the provisions of this section which shall thereupon be by the commission cancelled, and declared void; and it shall not thereafter be en- titled to receive another such, or any license pursuant to the provisions of this * * * sec- tion; nor shall any such license be issued to any club or organization, which has among its members any member who belonged to a club or organization which had its license revoked. 12. Any contestant who shall participate in' any sham or fake boxing or sparring match or violate any rule or regulation of the commis- sion shall be penalized in the following man- ner: For the first offense he shall be restrained by order of the commission for a period of not less than three months nor more than one year in the discretion of the commission, such period to begin immediately after the occurrence of such offense, from participating in any boxing to be held or given by any club or corporation, duly licensed to give or hold such hoxing or sparring match or exhibition; for a second of- fense, he shall be totally disqualified from fur- ther admission or participation in any boxing contest, held or given by any club, corporation or association, duly licensed for such purpose in this state. 13. Whenever any club, corporation or asso- ciation shall fail to make a report of any con- test at the fime prescribed by this * * * sec- tion, or whenever such report is unsatisfactory to the commission, the secretary may examine or cause to be examined, the books and records of such club, corporation or association, and subpoena and examine under oath its officers and other person or persons for witnesses fop the purpose of determining the total amount of its gross receipts for any contest and the amount of taxes due pursuant to the provisions of this * * * section, which tax he may, upon and as a result of such examination, fix and determine. In case of a default in the pay- ment of any taxes so adjudged to be due, to- gether with the expenses incurred in making such examination, for a period of twenty days after notice to such delinquent club, corpora- tion or association of the amount, such delin- quent club, corporation or association, shall ipso facto forfeit its license and shall be thereby disqualified from receiving any new license, or any renewal of its license; and it shall in addi- tion forfeit to the people of the state of Wis- consin the sum of one thousand dollars, which may be recovered by the attorney-general in the name of the people of the state of Wiscon- sin, in the same manner as other penalties are by law recovered. 14. Any person who violates any of the pro- visions of this section, for which a penalty is not herein expressly prescribed, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. APPROPRIATION. 20.48 STATE ATHLETIC CO>IMISSIOT*. All license fees or taxes received by the state athletic commission shall ibe paid within one week after receipt into the general fund, and five thousand two hundred ten dollars thereof is appropriated, annually, for salaries and ex- penses of said commission. Of this there is allotted : (1) To each member of the commission com- pensation of five dollars per diem for each day actually spent in the performance of his ofiicial duties; but not exceeding an aggregate of fif- teen hundred dollars annually for all the mem- bers. (2) To the secretary of the commission such salary as shall be fixed by the commission, not exceeding fifteen hundred dollars annually. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF BOXING IN THE STATE OF WISCONSIN Adopted by the State Athletic Commission. 1. The general offices of the Wisconsin State Athletic Commission shall be located at No. 70, Sentinel Building, in the city of Milwaukee. 2. The offices shall be open between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M., except upon legal holidays. 3. Blank application forms for licenses to conduct boxing and sparring matches or ex- hibitions shall be provided by the commission. 4. Applications for licenses and accompany- ing documents required by the provisions of chapter 272 of the laws of 1915, as amended (sec. 1636—241 Statutes) and rules of the com- mission shall be written plainly, and all ques- tions appearing on the blank forms of appli- cations shall be answered fully. Said applica- tion shall be signed by the president or secre- tary of the club. 5. All papers filed with the commission shall be the property of the commission. _ 6. Before acting upon the application for a license, the commission may, in its discretion, examine, on oath, the applicant and other wit- nesses. 11 7. The form of license shall be as follows: STATE ATHLETIC COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN License No To All to Whom These Presents Shall Come: We, the iState Athletic Commission, do here* by certify, that on the day of 191...., there was filed with us an application in writing with a view of obtaining a license to promote and con- duct boxing exhibitions in the State of Wiscon- sin, for the Said appli- cation was duly verified by its officers and , the fee required by law having been paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and a verified copy of a surety bond and a verified copy of a lease as required by law having been filed: NOW, THEREFORE, The State of Wisconsin '5oes hereby grant unto the said the powers anri. privileges conferred by Section 1636—241 of the Wisconsin Statutes, for the purpose of holding boxing contests in the in the city of , Wisconsin, for a period of twelve months from dst^ hereof. This license is subject, however, to such rules pnd regulations as the commission may from time to time prescribe. IN WITNESS W^HEiREO.F, the ^State Ath- letic Commission has hereunto set its hand and seal this day of . . , 191 STATE ATHLETIC COMMISSION, By Secretary. Chairman. 12 8. The license certificate issued by the com- mission shall be inclosed in a suitable wood or metal frame, in order that the whole of said certificate may be seen therein, and shall be posted up and at all times displayed in a con spicuous place in the box office of the club so licensed. 9. It shall ibe unlawful for any club, corpora- tion, or association holding a license certificate to post such certificate or to permit such cer- tificate to be posted upon premises other than those for which such certificate was issued. • 10. All clubs holding licenses shall be held absolutely responsible to the commission for all matches or exhibitions held by said club. 11. All clubs must notify the State Athletic Commission in writing of the date of each and every match or exhibition held by said club, at least eight days prior to the holding of such exhibition or match. 12. All clubs, organizations or corporations holding a state license, must obtain a separate permit or sanction from the State Athletic Commission before holding any boxing show. 13. The financial report required by Section 1636—241 of the Statutes shall be transmitted to the Commission with the statutory tax. Blank forms of reports shall be provided by the commission. 14. No person shall be admitted to a boxing or sparring match or exhibition, under the age of eighteen, unless accompanied by his parent. 15. No person shall be admitted to a boxing or sparring match or exhibition without a ticket, including boxers and seconds. 16. All complimentary tickets issued to the press shall be marked "Press" and shall not exceed five to one paper. No more than two of said tickets shall be given to any newspa- per for seats in the press roto, to be used for it§ acting news reporters only, whose names and IB the name of the paper shall be written on stub of ticket. No other tickets for seats in the press row shall be issued, except to the com- mission, its representatives, timekeeper, and ofRcers of the club holding the contest. 17. All complimentary tickets shall be marked "complimentary" in large letters and both ends of the tickets shall be clipped. 18. All tickets not marked "complimentary" and clipped at both ends will ibe considered as a regular 'admission ticket, and the state tax collected thereon for the maximum price charged for admission for the contest or ex- hibition. 19. The total number of complimentary tick- ets, exclusive of press tickets, shall be limited to two percentum of the seating capacity of tjie hall or auditorium wherein the exhibition or match is held, and the state tax will be col- lected for the maximum price charged for ad- mission for the contest for all complimentary tickets in excess. 20. The price of the tickets shall be printed in large type and displayed above all ticket sellers' windows, and shall not ibe varied. 21. Every admission ticket, pass or compli- mentary must be deposited immediately by the ticket taker in a, securely locked box to be pro- vided for by the club, which box shall be opened only in the presence of a state inspec- tor, and such inspector shall see that all the tickets, passes or complimentaries are carefully counted, and report to the commission, the price of admission charged in each class of tickets and exchanges with the gross receipts of all the tickets and exchanges. 22. The commission shall appoint official representatives designated as "inspectors," each of whom shall receive from the commission a card, authorizing him to act as such inspector wherever the commission may designate him 14 to act. The commission may, and at least one inspector shall be present at all exhibitions, and matches and see that the rules are strictly observed, and an inspector shall also be pres- ent at the counting up of the gross receipts, and shall immediately mail to the commission the official box office statement received by him from the officers of the club. 23. It shall be obligatory for an officer of the club, corporation or association to give to a member of the commission or the state inspec- tor, immediately after the determination of a boxing contest or exhibition, the gross receipts thereof, and any other information requested pertaining to the contest or exhibition.. 24. In all boxing or sparring matches or ex- hibitions, contestants, referee, timekeepers, seconds and examining physician shall at all times be under the control and direction of the commission. 25. No boxing or sparring matches or exhibi- tions shall be held on Sunday. 26. There shall ibe prominently displayed in at least four (4) places in every hall or audi- torium, licensed under the provisions of this act, the following notices: "NO BETTING ALLOWED" "NO SMOKING ALLOWED" 27. No person shall compete in a boxing or sparring match or exhibition in any club, cor- poration, association, or any other organization not licensed in accordance with the provisions of section 1636—241 of the Statutes. 28. All tickets exclusive of press tickets shall have the price and date of show printed plainly thereon, and shall have a coupon attached, which may be held by the purchaser thereof. " 29. All clubs must purchase a separate set of tickets for each show, and file with the com- 15 mission, when requested, a verified duplicate of the order to the printer for said tickets. The printer must file with the commission a duplicate manifest of each delivery. 30. No licensed referee shall be allowed to make arrangements for boxing matches for any club or act as manager for a boxer. '31. No introductions or announcements, ex- cept those pertaining to the contest or exhibi- tion, shall be made from the ring, unless au- thorized by a member of the commission or in- spector. 32. Preliminary boxers must be gloved and ready to enter the ring immediately after the finish of the preceding bout. Any boxer caus- ing a delay in not being ready to immediately proceed with his bout when called will be sub- ject to a suspension for a period from two to six months. Contestants in the main match or "wind up" must be in the building wherein the contest is to be held and ready to respond for their bout by nine P. M. 33. No more than one club shall ibe granted a license to conduct professional boxing con- tests or exhibitions in cities of the second, third or fourth class, nor shall there be more than two boxing shows in any calendar month in cities of the second, third or fourth class. 34. No more than three clubs shall be given a license to conduct professional boxing con- tests or exhibitions in cities of the first class. 35. Each cluib shall be limited to one show each month in cities of first class excepting that the commission may at its discretion grant a special sanction to hold one extra show to one of the three clut^s in any calendar month, such privilege to be awarded alternately be- tween the three clubs. 36. Clubs are prohibited from issuing pass out checks or tickets except in cases of abso- lute necessity, and such cases shall be reported 16 to the commission or the inspector for ap- proval. '37. Tickets of .different prices must be printed on cardboard of different and distinc- tive colors. 38. Clubs are prohibited from accepting cash at door for admission to boxing shows and each person passing into a boxing show must be provided with a ticket or pass. 39. Clubs are prohibited to sell any ticket for any price other than the price printed there- on or to change the prices of tickets at any time after tickets for the exhibition have been placed on sale, or to sell any tickets at any "time during the exhibition at less price than tickets for the same seats were sold or offered for the exhibition. 40. In order to prevent delays and annoyance to spectators resulting from disputes arising between contestants and between contestants and clubs after boxing contests or exhibitions have begun, it is required that all contracts between the club and boxers agreeing to be contestants shall be in writing, signed by the parties thereto or of their authorized agents, and filed with the commission at least five days before the contest before any sanction for such contest or exhibition will be issued by the com- mission. In case any such contract shall pro- vide for the payment by the club to any con- testant of any stipulated or guaranteed amount, exceeding $150 — a certified check, certificate of deposit or accepted draft for said amount, pay- able to bearer, shall be deposited with the com- mission not less than five (5) days before the date set for said contest. In case of the per- formance of such contract by and on behalf of such contestant such check, certificate : of de- posit or draft will be delivered by the commis- sion personally or by registered mail to such contestant, or to the person signing such con- 17 tract as his agent, promptly after the contest, unless written protest or objection by the club against the delivery thereof is first served on the commission, in which event, the same will be held by the commission until the parties can be heard and their rights in the matter determined by the commission, unless the par- ties or either of them shall appeal to a court of law, in which case the commission will de- liver such check, certificate of deposit or draft in court in such action to be awarded by the court ' to the party found entitled thereto. In case any such contract shall provide for any such guarantee to aiiy contestant, such contestant or some person authorized on his behalf shall deposit with the commission, not less than five days before the date set for such contest, a certified check, certificate of deposit or accepted draft, payable to bearer, for the amount of any forfeit agreed in said contract to be posted by such contestant to secure his appearance, his making the agreed weight, if any, and the good faith performance by him of said contract on his part, the amount of said forfeit to be in no case less than twenty-five per cent of the amount of such guarantee. In case any contract for contest, or exhibition, shall provide for comDensation to the contest- ant on a percentage of the receipts only, such forfeit shall nevertheless be so deposited by the contestant in each instance and the amount thereof shall be as fixed by the commission and named in the sanction issued by the commis- sion for such contest or exhibition. If the con- testant bv or on whose behalf such check, cer- tiflcate of deposit or draft is deposited with thp commission shall duly appear and in good faith perform all the terms and conditions of said contract. RxceDt as he may be prevpnted from so doing by default, of the club or of his agreed opponent, then said check, certificate of Ig deposit or draft, will be delivered by the com- mission personally or by registered mail to the person by whom the same was deposited with the commission promptly after the close of the exhibition, unless the club by written notice first served on the commission shall claim said deposit as forfeited by such con- testant, in which event such deposit will be held by the commission until the parties can be heard or given opportunity to be heard and their rights in the matter determined by the commission, unless the parties or either of them shall appeal to a court of law, in which case the commission will deliver such check, certificate of deposit or draft in court in such action to be awarded iby the court to the party found entitled thereto. Every such check, certificate of deposit or draft so deposited with the commission either by any club as a guarantee or by or on behalf of any contestant as a forfeit, the delivery of which shall be contested before the commis- sion, will be held by the commission a reason- aible time, not less than three days nor more than ten days after service on the parties in- terested of notice of the commission's ruling or order for delivery of such deposit to enable any party dissatisfied with such ruling or or- der to institute such legal proceedings as he or it may be advised for the possession of such deposit. Unless notice of such legal proceed- ings is served on the commission within the time named in the order, such deposit will be delivered by the commission as provided in its said ruling or order. Every sanction for any contest or exhibition issued by the commission shall be revocable by the commission at any time and every such sanction shall be revoked and shall stand ipso fact absolutely revoked, without notice or any action by the commission, unless ever^ ^U£^r- 19 antee or forfeit provided for by any contract for any contest or exhibition, or by these rules, shall be deposited with the commission in the manner and within the time prescribed by these rules. 41. Any boxer making a contract with a club and failing to deposit his forfeit money at least five days prior to date of contest will be liable to suspension for such time as the commis- sion may determine. 42. The boxing ring shall not be less than 16 feet nor more than 24 feet square, and shall be formed of posts and ropes, the latter extend- ing in triple lines 2, 3 and 4 feet from the floor of the ring. The floor of the ring shall extend beyond the lower ropes for a distance of not less than two feet. Posts must be prop- erly padded and the ring floor padded at least two feet outside the ropes, and extend over the edge of the platform with a felt or soft mate- rial to be approved iby the commission, not less than one and one-half inches in thickness, un- der a canvas covering. (When the floor of the boxing ring is not elevated at least 3 V2 feet above the floor of the building there shall be a clear space of 3 feet on all sides of the ring from the posts.) A gong, not less than 8 inches in diameter shall be fastened to one of the posts of the ring for the timekeeper, such bell must not be on a post in the corner occupied by a contestant and his seconds. Contestants are prohibited from changing the location of corners during any of the contests. 43. Scale of weights shall be: Paper 108 pounds Bantamweight 115 pounds Featherweight 125 pounds Lightweight 135 pounds Welterweight 145 pounds Middleweight .,..,.,, 158 pounds 20 Commission 175 pounds Heavy, all over 175 pounds 44. The chief official of the boxing match or exhibition shall be the referee. 45. The referee shall be appointed by the commission and shall receive from the com- mission a card authorizing him to act as such referee, and no club shall employ or permit any one to act as referee excepting those hold- ing such card of authorization from the com- mission. 46. No decision shall be rendered by the ref- eree. A decision may be given in amateur tournaments pursuant to the authority and jurisdiction of the Amateur Athletic Union of the United States. 47. The referee shall before starting the match or exhibition ascertain from each con- testant the name of his chief second, and shall hold such chief second responsible for the con- duct of the seconds during the progress of the contest, and shall, prior to the contest, instruct the contestants concerning the commission rules. 48. Contestants must box in proper athletic costume, including protection cup, approved by commission. 49. Clubs must notify the secretary of the commission of the name of the referee at least 48 hours prior to the day on which any boxing contest or exhibition is held. 50. Contestants may learn the name of the official referee of the club before whom they are to compete by application to the secretary of the commission. If said contestants are not satisfied with the official referee they must notifv the secretary of the commission in writ- ing 24 hours prior to the match or exhibition, and in case of failure to do so they must sub- mit to the jurisdiction of the club. 21 51. Unless the commission shall have been informed of the name of the club's referee forty-eight hours prior to an exhibition or in case there shall be any dispute as to who shall be the referee and not definitely settled twelve hours prior to the contest, the commission will appoint a referee for said exhibition. 52. All matches or exhibitions in which more than two principals appear in the ring at the same time, commonly called a "battle royal" exhibition, are forbidden. 53. No contestant shall box or spar more than ten rounds in the same ring on the same day. 54. All clubs and contestants must enter into written contracts, which contracts shall be exe- cuted in triplicate, one of which shall be filed with the commission. Contract blanks will be furnished by the commission, which must be used for all contests or exhibitions. 55. Clubs must not wilfully violate or break contracts consummated between club or boxer. 56. Boxers or contestants must not wilfully violate or break contracts properly consum- mated between boxer and club. 57. In all matches or exhibitions not more than three seconds shall attend or assist a con- testant, and the official referee shall enforce said rule. 58. There shall be no coaching by the seconds or any other person, and the seconds must re- main seated and silent during the round and must not rise from their seats until the bell announces the termination of the round. The seconds are forbidden to throw or splash any water on the boxer during the contest or be- tween the rounds, nor throw or cast a towel in the ring as a signal of defeat. 59. The contestants in all contests and ex- hibitions shall weigh in stripped not later than 3 o'clock of the day of the match in the pres- 22 ence of an inspector, club representative and commission physician who will make physical examination of contestants at that time, in case the contest is held in the afternoon the con- testants shall weigh in at 10:00 a. m., and the weights of the contesting boxers will be announced at the ringside. This rule must be observed regardless of private agreement con- cerning the match. 60. Chief or main match or exhibition shall commence not later than 10 p. m. The club must select from the various contests the chief or main match exhibition. 61. The kidney punch, back hand blow, or striking with open glove, shall be forbidden in all contests. 62. Contestants shall break clean; and must not strike a blow while breaking from the clinches. Contestants must not hold and hit. Butting with head or shoulder, wrestling or clinching, or illegal use of elbows, shall not be allowed. There shall be no unsportsmanlike conduct on the part of the contestants. This shall include the use of abusive or insulting language. 63. The referee must stop the contest when either contestant shows marked superiority, or is apparently outclassed. If contestant fails through weakness, or is knocked down, he must get up unassisted, ten seconds being allowed him to do so; the other man ip. the meantime must return to his corner, and remain there until his opponent can get up. The referee may stop counting at any time if this is not complied with. 64. Each glove shair 'weigh at least five ounces for contestants under 140 pounds and six ounces for contestants over 140 pounds and shall be new for the "chief or main match. The gloves must not be twisted or in any way manipulated. In case a glove shall break or 23 come off during the contest, the referee shall order time taken out while a new glove is be- ing adjusted. 65. Only soft cotton or linen bandages shall be used and shall be confined to three thick- nesses for protection of the hands. One thick- ness of adhesive tape may be used to hold soft bandage in place and all bandages shall be subject to the approval of the commission or referee. 66. The length of a match or exhibition shall not exceed ten rounds. Each round shall be limited to a three-minute period or less. There shall be one-minute intermission between each round. ,67. No person under eighteen years of age shall be permitted to participate in any contest or exhibition. 68. Each contestant must be examined prior to entering the ring by a commission physi- cian, who has been licensed to practice in the state of Wisconsin for not less than five years. The physician shall certify in writing over his signature as to contestant's physical condition to engage in such contest. And said physician shall be in attendance during contest, prepared to deal with any emergency which may arise.. Said physician shall file said report of ex- amination with the commission within twenty- four hours after the contest. Blank forms of physician's reports may be had at the com- mission's office and all questions must \>e answered in full. 69. No person other than the contestants and the referee shall, during the progress of the contest, enter the ring. 70. If a main match or exhibition is stopped by the referee, or, by a member of the State Athletic Commission, or inspector, for an in- fraction of the rules of the commission or for a violation of the provisions of Section 1636 — 24 241, the club shall hold all box office receipts of said match or exhibition for a period of forty-eight hours, pending the decision of the commission. 71. No boxer shall.be permitted to contest against an opponent ten pounds heavier than himself, in the lightweight class or under said class. 72. As to questions arising, not provided for in these rules, the commission shall have power to decide such questions or interpretation of rules. All persons attending a sparring match or exhibition shall behave in a gentlemanly and sportsmanlike manner, and shall not coach the contestants or make anyj:emarks or noise while the bouts are going on. : 73. No officer, matchmaker or stockholder ot any club, corporation or association shall offici- ate in any capacity at any boxing or sparring match or exhibition or interfere in any way with the contestants. 74. No sanction will be granted to any club for any boxing contest or exhibition in which any boxer is to take part for whom such club or any officer, member, stockholder or employe of such club, is manager, advisor or match- maker. 75. All boxers to appear in the main contest or exhibition, must train in tne city wherein said contest Is to be held, or some other suit- able place designated by the commission, at least three days prior to the date of their en- gagement. 76. No boxer will .be allowed to take part in any boxing contest or exhibition who, within six days prior to the date of such contest or exhibition, shall have taken part, in any other boxing contest or exhibition. 77. A boxer, or his manager, after closing a contract with a club, shall deposit the forfeit money agreed upon with the State Athletic 25 Commission, at least five days before the con- test. Anyone violating this rule will be sus- pended by the commission from participating in any boxing contest or exhibition held in the state for a period of not less than two months or more than one year. 78. Not more than twenty rounds of boxing prior to the chief or main match will be per- mitted at any show, except, by special permis- sion from the commission. 79. Any club that does not announce in the Dress a substitution for any contestant that has been advertised at any boxing show, as soon as it is known, may be penalized by the commission, by suspension for a period of not less than thirty days nor more than three months. 80. Any boxer, or manager for boxer, who has entered into a contract with any club to participate in a boxing or sparring match, who shall find that for any reason or cause that he will not be able to fully carry out his con- tract, and does not notify the club and the commission of his incapability to do so, and the reason or cause therefor, may be penalized by the commission by suspension for a neriod of not less than thirty days nor more than 8 months. Telegrams or letters showing accept- ance of terms pending to the signing of con- tract will be considered as an agreement be- tween a boxer, his manager, and the club. 81. It shall be within the province of the commission to suspend any boxer, his man- ager, or seconds from boxing in the iState of Wisconsin, or acting in capacity in connection with any boxing contest or exhibition, who is eruilty of unfair dealings, ungentlemanlv con- duct, or for violating any of the rules pnd reg- ulations of the commission for a period of not less than one month or more than eight months. 82. In order to have a sufficient number of inspectors at the entrance doors at a boxing show, the club must notify the commission 24 hours before a show is held as to how many doors will be used. In any case where more than three doors are to be opened for admis- sion, the commission reserves the right to limit the number of doors to be used. 83. Contests or exhibitions between negroes and white persons, otherwise known as mixed bouts, are strictly prohibited. 84. In case of a substitution, the substituting' boxer must satisfy the commission and exam- ining physician that he qualified under these rules to engage in such contest or he will not be allowed to box. 85. Any boxer who participates in any un- licensed or unsanctioned boxing bout or exhibi- tion in the State of Wisconsin will be barred for a period of from two to eight months from boxing in the state. 86. The examination given boxers must be as follows: Temperature, pulse, (sitting and standing), lungs, heart, blood pressure, urine analysis (when deemed necessary.) 87. Inspectors must file within twenty-four hours after a bout has been held a report of the weights of the boxers at the hour of their physical examination. Boxers failing to ap- pear for weighing and examination at 3 o'clock must be reported to the commission and may be suspended from three to six months for nonappearance. 88. If any case occurs which is not, or which is alleged not to be provided for by these rules, it shall be determined by the members of the Wisconsin State Athletic Commission in such manner as they think just and conformable to the usages and best interest of boxing. 27 89. All appointments for inspectors, doctors and referees shall expire iSeptember 2d next following the date of their appointment. 90. No club or association and no officer, matchmaker or stockholder of any club or asso- ciation shall advance or loan money to aid a boxer in any capacity in posting his forfeit money Avith the commission for any boxing contest or exhibition held in connection with the club. 91. No boxing contest or exhibition can be held in connection with any homecoming cele- bration, unless given or held under the auspices of a regular licensed club. 92. All boxing contests or exhibitions (whether admission is charged or not) held or given in connection with any theatrical per- formance, circus, picnic, side shows at Fairs, club smokers, lodges, stag parties, benefits or any other amusements are strictly prohibited, except when held at military camps or canton- ments by order of the War Department. Adopted by the iState Athletic Commission of Wisconsin. WALTER H. LIGINGER, Chairman. DR. C. W. MORTER, WILLIAM P. HART, Commissioners. MANNING VAUGHAN, Secretary. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 029 726 923 9