%:- r ~. - -0 cl. *<- \""\# CO 1 «5 ■% > ,o- <*>^ V % ^ 81 ^V V ,,, ; ^/*a •V ^ o •0 V s ' J <- .••*> &.% ^ v* *" ** "^ ' ■V •%* V '^ P m., V 'o, v* A "b • 00 ' '^-V ^ & : *i v. ^ A V ' . - > . >' » ** A* V.A THE PEDIGREE ENGLISH PEOPLE Ek 5£ twv elprjixivuv TeKfiypiuiv, 6/j.cos Toiavra (Lv tis vop'ifav /mXicrxa a SirjXdov, ovx a/J-ipTavof ko.1 oore Cos iroirjral vpvrjKao-c irepl avr&v, iirl to fiel^ov Koap-ouvres, /jl3.\\oi> iriaTevoiv, ovre Cos \oyoypd 2. The Recovery of the Ancient Spirit and Rule . . 137 B 2 4 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Pagar 3. The Eritons, at the Coming of the Anglo-Saxons, wide- spread and numerous 200 4. The Resistance offered to the Jutes, Saxons, and Angles, an Evidence of the Numerical and Material Strength of the Britons 201 Section VII.— The Extent to which the Britons and Anglo-Saxons became incorporated into one people 210 1. Gildas examined ........ 212 Gildas's blunder, or fraud, detected .... 219 2. The Aboriginal race surpassed in number their Anglo- Saxon invaders ........ 227 3. The Britons did not suffer, relatively, a diminution of number from war ........ 230 4. On the extent to which the Britons remained on the conquered territory, and amalgamated with the Anglo- Saxon conquerors. ........ 233. (a.) From the first Saxon invasion to the founding of the kingdom of Mercia in a.d. 586. . . ib. (b.) From the founding of Mercia to the union under Egbert of Wessex, a.d. 586 — S2S. . . . 241 (c.) From the death of Egbert to the Conquest, and forwards ........ 250 Section VIII. — Influence of the Danish and Norman invasions on the Ethnological Character of the English people . . . 2-66 1. The Danish invasion in its influence on the distribution and admixture of Race 267 2. The Effect of the Norman Conquest on the Ethnical Character of the English people ..... 271 Section IX. — The History of the Political and Social Relations of the people, as indicative of the presence of the Ancient British race, and of its condition, in the settled Anglo-Saxon kingdoms 304 1. The Constitution of Society among the Anglo-Saxons . 305 2. Britons in a state of bondage 313 CHAPTER II. THE EVIDENCE OF PHILOLOGY. Section I. — ICurly stages of relation between the Anglo-Saxon and British Celtic languages 319- CONTEXTS. 5 Pa re i. Language of Britain at the Saxon Invasion . . . 3:9 2. The Anglo-Saxon replaces the Celtic in the Anglo- Saxon States : an Objection based on this fact con- sidered 323 3. The Comparative freedom from Celtic of the earliest Anglo-Saxon literature considered and accounted for . 32S Section II. — Celtic elements in the English language . . • 3]3 1. Celtic elements in the English language derived directly from the Celtic tongues, and subsequent to the Anglo- Saxon Conquest . . . . . . . . 341 The Criteria used, (1) (2) (3) j [8 (1.) Celtic words in the modern English Dictionary . ib. (2.) Celtic words in the living dialects of England . . 364 (3) Celtic words once found in the written English, but now wholly discontinued 372 Remarks: 1. The vernacular of England during the " Semi- Saxon " period must have contained a large infusion of Celtic ...... 37S 2. A large proportion of the British Celtic of the Modern Dictionary was assimilated since the Semi-Saxon period ..... ib. 3. A large proportion of the British Celtic of all three classes belongs to the Cymric branch 379 4. Elements of foreign origin in the Welsh language ....... 3S0 5. Welsh words often improperly derived from Latin, &c 3^3 2. Celtic Elements in the English language derived immediately from Latin 384 3. Celtic Elements in the English language derived through the Teutonic tongues, or through Norman French . 387 4. Concluding Remarks on the English language . . 397 CHAPTER III. THE EVIDENCE OF TOPOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL NAMES. Section I. — The enduring nature of Local Names .... 400 Section II. — The various uses cf Local Names .... 403 6 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Page Section III. — The Ethnological Value of the Celtic Local Names of England ........... 405 1. The Celtic local names of England as evidence of Celtic Settlement ib. (a.) Celtic names of Mountains and Hills, omitting Scotland and Wales 406 (b.) Celtic names of Rivers and Streams in Britain, omitting Wales and Scotland .... 408 (c.) Celtic names of Valleys, Dales, &c, in England, omitting Wales and Scotland .... 411 ( XI 7i )> 3, for " successioni " read successione. „ 145, line 3 from top, for " commeatum " read commeatuum. ,, 177, ,, 12 „ ,, for "Reguum " read Regnum. „ 1S8, ,, 6 ,, bottom, for " principium " read principum. „ 381, ,, 4 „ „ for " Geo." read Gee. ., 44S, „ 5 ,, ., for '-Wootton's " read Wotton's. Part I. Intro&tirtot'g. 7%£ Pedigree of the English People \ CHAPTER I. National Origin. section I. The Composite Character of Nations. jHOUGHTFUL students of ethnology, even at a somewhat early stage in their researches, arrive at the conviction that purity of national descent — such purity as would entitle any one nation to pronounce itself entirely distinct in blood from other nations — is a thing impossible. The intermixture of different sections of mankind has been more like that of the waves of the sea than of the river of snow-water passing through the Swiss lake. The race has been so unsettled on the face of the globe — its migrations have been so prolonged and nume- rous ; admixture, through amity, interest, force of conquest, necessity, has in every country so much prevailed — that few nations, even the quiescent races of oriental climes, can predicate of themselves that they belong simply and c 2 20 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. exclusively to this variety or that, or can trace their lineage to a single tribe or family. Many persons may not readily acquiesce in the conclusion that, by an ordination of Providence, the development of the higher qualities of the race has been made dependent upon this intermixture of blood. But if facts which lie on the field of history do not fully and beyond contradiction justify such an hypothesis, they at least go far to establish its probable truth. Peoples, in proportion as they have been quiescent, isolated, suspicious of foreign customs and alliances, have in the course of ages given signs of exhaustion, and at length paid the penalty of over-conservatism by decay and extinction. On the other hand, the mightiest nations have been those whose origin is traceable to mixed sources. That combination of noble qualities which culminates in national greatness, is found at the focal point where the varying but still harmonizing attributes of different stocks of the race meet and blend. There seems to be a tendency in prolonged isolation to leave in bolder relief some one or some few of the great qualities of a people, and it is by no means improbable that by a beneficent law of the universe such idiosyncracies are made to disappear, or at least recede, before less marked but more solid qualities. In the Celt we have the fervid impulse ; in the Teuton, patient perseverance : the com- bination of the two forms a completer, stronger personality than either by itself. Aptness to luxuriate in the ideal, and power to embody the ideal in actual form — philosophical meditativeness and practical industry — are oftener found apart than in combination. In China, India, Japan, they are not wedded together. But they are found more or less associated among the more composite peoples of Greece, Rome, Germany, France, England, America. The Jews, ORIGIN OF ANCIENT NATIONS OBSCURE. 2 1 the most unmixed people, perhaps, in the civilized world, seem in this, as in other things, to form a strange exception to a general rule. Though deprived of empire, of political unity, of country, they still maintain a vitality and display at times an intellectual energy and practical talent truly marvellous. But there is one consideration which to some extent accounts for this seeming mystery. The Jews, though un- mixed, are not properly isolated. They mingle in the daily life and imbibe the habits and modes of thought of all nations. While fortified by a sense of national unity which no other people enjoy, their intellectual treasury is enriched by the literature of the whole civilized world. An intel- lectual renovation proceeding from such various sources, and the physical influences of the various climates of the globe, may be sufficient to account for the persistent vigour of the Jewish race, while they also supply a clue to some of its manifest defects. SECTION II. The Origin of the Aboriginal British Population Obscure — The Analogy of other Early Nations. The ethnological tree of England spreads its deeply im- bedded roots in forms so tangled and directions so diverse as sorely to perplex the student who would understand the whole history of its growth. The labours of the historian and ethnologist are much of a kind with those of the geologist, who has to search out and classify the formations of many thousand ages. The latter finds the strata up- heaved, dislocated, intermixed, presenting sudden faults which break off the thread of evidence, and bringing strange materials from regions wholly unknown, transported by forces enormously surpassing any subject to/ modern ex- 22 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. perience. The historian, standing over the field of ancient British history, finds himself in similar plight. He sees before him an unwieldy chaos which he wishes to reduce to some order. Whence came those numerous and busy tribes faintly pictured in the pages of Avienus, 1 Diodorus, 2 Strabo, 3 Caesar, 4 Tacitus, 5 and in the Welsh Triads ? What was the age of their arrival ? Which was the first comer, if their arrival was in succession r And which continued to bear the generic designation of the stock, if their arrival was simultaneous ? Assuming, as we must at last assume, that they all belonged to what modern ethnologists call the great Indo-European family, and to the Celtic branch of that family, whence the wide varieties of their speech, and the designations whereby in Ireland, Caledonia, and Wales, they have continued to be known ? The same or a similar difficulty besets the ethnologist's path, proceed whither he may in the field of ancient history. Thucydides tells us that Hellas was at first the abode of many tribes ; that these tribes were migratory ; that the stronger pressed upon and dispossessed the weaker, forcing them into the wilder and remoter parts ; that thus the fairer and more fertile regions, such as Thessaly, Bceotia, and most of the Peloponnesus became the theatres of contention, and that Attica, by reason of its poverty, enjoyed greater repose, and thereby grew in strength and importance. 6 But beyond these general facts handed down by tradition from primeval times, Thucydides can give us but little information. When he begins to assign to separate tribes their distinct origin, he at once falls back upon the aid of myth and fable, the story of the Trojan war, of Hellen the son of Deucalion, Minos, &c. 7 The 1 Ova Maritima, vers. 94 ft seq. '- Lib. v. :i Lib. iii. 1 De Bell. Gall., passim. B Opera, passim. r ' Thucyd. i. 2, 3. : Ibid i. 3, 4. ORIGIN OF ANCIENT NATIONS OBSCURE. 2$ Athenians, all account of their ancestry failing them, ingeniously made profit out of the disadvantage, and boasted that they were descendants of neither this man nor that, but ol avroxOoves, veritable sons of the soil. 1 This idea was afterwards, along with many others, borrowed by the Romans. Hence their indigence aborigines. Horace speaks of the human race issuing out of the earth — " Cum prorepserunt primis animalia terris " — showing that the ancients were not at least inferior to the framers of the extremest " development " doctrine of modern times ; only the old Greeks and Romans chose to be considered children direct of "mother earth," rather than those of apes — a pride of ancestry which, though not ambitious, is on the whole worthy of commendation. An impenetrable veil hangs over the progenitors of the Romans, search for them from what quarter we may. This people, therefore, failing a better account of their own origin, fell back upon the confused and contradictory legend of iEneas and Ascanius conducting, after the fall ■of Troy, the Trojans into Latium. The Pelasgi, it is likely enough, formed the generic stock whence proceeded the various tribes of Italy, the Sabines, Tyrrhenians, Siculians, Prisci, Sacrani, Umbri, Liguri ; and these, though brethren in blood, indulged in hostile incursions upon each other, as the ancient Britons also did, from motives of jealousy and interest. But of the degrees of their kinship wc know- little ; and still less of the consanguinity of the Pelasgi to the old Etruscans, the probable progenitors of the different tribes of Hellas. 2 The story of Hercules arriving in Latium and slaying the giant Cacus, and the whole account of Romulus and Remus, betray a people as helplessly de- 1 Herodotus i, 171. 2 See Thirlwall's Hist, of Greece, i. 2. Svo. ed. 24 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. pendent on fable as were the old Cymr'y in their legends of Hit Gadarn and Pry dam ap Aedd Mawr. Again, we possess but the most shadowy knowledge of the tribes which wandered up and down the plains of India before they coalesced into the mighty Hindoo race ; or of the manner in which the same or related tribes founded the other great empires of the East, of which China forms the chief. How the hordes of the North strove together before joining their rude forces to overwhelm the Western Empire ; or how many elements fused with the Franks to found the great empire of Charlemagne, it is easier to imagine than specify. The absence of historic records is cause of all the uncertainty. The mystery which hangs about the early inhabitants of Britain is the product of the same cause. They were here, in all probability, long before the art of writing was known in Europe, and certainly long before the art of writing history was known ; and even of the things their wise and learned men did commit to writing after the science of history had been taught them by the Romans, what quantities have been lost it is now impossible to tell. 25 CHAPTER II. The Ancient Britons. — Their Ethnological Afflnities. — Their State of Culture. It will be useful, preliminarily to entering upon the argu- ment of this essay, to cast a glance at the ethnological unity and the culture of the various tribes and confederacies of tribes known by the generic term " Ancient Britons." We shall thus virtually supply an answer to two pertinent questions : — First : Were all the early inhabitants of Britain substantially of the Celtic race, and of near kin- ship r Secondly : Were they in culture, power, and general political development such as to be fitted, while beaten in the field, to form a persistent and vital element in the future population of the country ? SECTION I. Restilts of Modern Ethnological Research respecting the early Inhabitants of the British Isles. We are to show in the course of this inquiry how far the English nation has, in the process of crystallizing into form, gathered into its body elements from among the Ancient British race. In order to this we must determine at the outset the meaning of the term " Ancient Britons," either eliminating from the mass some of the " nations " found among the early inhabitants of these islands, or 26 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. supporting by reliable evidence the hypothesis that all the dwellers in Britain and Ireland when Caesar arrived were, under different names, substantially one people. The latter alternative shall be our task. In maintaining this hypothesis, we shall not attempt ignoring the fact that Teutonic settlements had been made on our eastern, and north and south-eastern shores prior to Roman times. Whither did not the pirates and free- booters of the Elbe district and Scandinavia penetrate ? Still, the aborigines of Britain were a Celtic people, and our conclusion shall be, that in so far as aboriginal blood has been absorbed in the rearing up of the great community now called the English Nation, so far has the English nation been derived from the Ancient Britons. The hypothesis maintained by some searchers into the pre-historic past that a pre-Celtic wave of population passed over Britain is of no importance here. Again, even though Teutonic blood should be accounted alien to the Celtic, and be allowed in some measure to have mixed with it in Britain in the early ages, still this admixture is demonstrably so light, as in no sense materially to affect the soundness of our conclusion. The kinship of Celts and Teutons, however, and their departure at no very remote period from a com- mon centre, is a question of great interest, and must be taken account of, here and there, during the progress of our investigations. (a). Preliminary Ethnological Data. We are of the opinion that the human race is one. This ground is taken not merely on the faith of Scripture, but -also as the demonstration of science. 1 It is too dogmatic 1 It is hardly necessary to observe that the most eminent naturalists .agree in this opinion, as ex. gr. Prichard, Cuvier, Blumenbach, Humboldt, Pickering, Owen, Latham, De Quatrefages. ETHNOLOGICAL DATA. 27 and too little " scientific," to declare that the nations of the earth, which in mental, moral, and physical constitution possess so much in common, have sprung from different centres and at different epochs. As surely as that " one touch of nature makes the whole world kin," so surely does the universal kinship everywhere develop the same touches of nature. Amcng the arguments for the unity of the race, as well as for the near consanguinity of some of its branches, that of language is allowed to be one of the most interesting and conclusive. The common possession of the same terms as signs of the same ideas by nations inhabiting widely remote regions, argues relationship ; and the more ample the common property, the nearer, presumably, the kinship. A comparison of the various languages spoken in Britain, Ireland, and Gaul in the time of Ca3sar, in so far as their elements are now ascertainable, leads infallibly to the conclusion that the tribes and " nations " which spoke them, though torn asunder by dissension, and widely sepa- rated by locality, constituted substantially but one people. Not only is the human race, divided by modern scientific classification into the three varieties — the Mongolian, Negro, and European 1 — proved by its modes of speech to have an organic unity, but the Indo-European class of languages, embracing as chief branches the Sanscrit and the Classic tongues, contains abundance of materials in favour of the comparatively recent origin of man on the earth — recent, we mean, when compared with immeasurable geological periods. Bunsen, one of the most adventurous and untrammelled thinkers of our age, has shown that the Egyptian antiquities and language, and other languages, 1 See Latham's Varieties of Man, p. 13 et scq. Cuvier's designations are Mongolian, Ethiopian, and Caucasian. Latham prefers the terms Mongolida?, At'.antidae, and Japetida:. 28 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. furnish evidence that all the nations, which from the dawn of history to the present time have been the pioneers of civilization in Africa, Asia, and Europe, must have had one beginning. 1 It has taken a long time, doubtless, to separate the one race into sections so unlike ; and again long periods to elaborate the subdivisions of each. But facts carefully compared leave no room to doubt the nature of the process. (b.) The remote Relation of Celts and Teutons. The family of languages termed Indo-European embraces the Sanscrit, Iranian, Hellenic, Romanic, Slavonic, Teutonic and Celtic. A family likeness exists in all these. As to the Teutonic and Celtic, it may be argued that the points of analogy between them are few. In one sense they are few ; in another, very numerous. They are amply sufficient to establish a proof of relationship. 2 In a subsequent chapter on Philology, many of these points of analogy are brought to view. It is true that the early relationship of Celts and Teutons is not a question whose treatment is essential to the object of this work — that object being to unfold relationships which arose between a portion of the race named Teutonic, and a portion of the race named Celtic, not in remote, but in historic times, and having as the theatre of their opera- tions the British Isles. We have to show, in short, how far the native, perhaps aboriginal, tribes of these islands have entered into the ancestry of the present British people. To inquire, therefore, into prior relationship between Celts 1 See Bunsen's paper on Egyptian Researches in Relation to Asiatic an J African Ethnology, read before the British Association at Oxford. - See Prichard's Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations, Latham's ed., 1857. Confer also Schilter's Thcsaur. Antiq. Teuton., and Wachter's Glossarium German., passim. RELATION OF CELTS AND TEUTONS. 2Q and Teutons as members of the great Indo-European family, would only be to take a step in the direction of universal ethnology, which would eventually land us at the universal brotherhood of all men. We must not run into this wide inquiry. Our point of incidence is at a recent stage in the history of mankind, where national distinctions had followed race distinctions, and these had obtained such prominence as to sever into widely-separated sections the originally one family of man. Teutons and Celts, for the objects of this essay, form sufficiently distinct Ethnological stocks, meeting in the course of their migrations in these Western regions as strangers, and more or less coalescing with each other, so as to constitute in process of time one great nation. It is impossible, however, for the sake of an artificial arrangement, to ignore the fact that, as already intimated, these people, if each followed for itself the line of its descent backwards, would as infallibly as the rays of the sun or the branches of an arterial system, meet at no great distance in a common centre. Their modern coalition is only a new confluence of streams, which not only as tiny rivulets had taken their departure from the same fountain, but had now and then glided closely past each other, and even partly mixed their waters in traversing the continent of Europe. It were utterly irrational and unhistoric to hold absolute distinctness and separate purity of blood as between these divisions of Europeans. They were separated by territory, aggregated by interest, not by difference or community of blood. "Britons, Anglo-Saxons, Danes, and Normans," says Sir F. Palgrave, " were all relations : however hostile, they were all kinsmen, shedding kindred blood." 1 Where could these races have met before they crossed 1 English Commonwealth, i. p. t*. 30 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. swords on British ground ? The Cimbri had once possession of the Cimbric Chersonese or Jtitlaxid, and being so near and in such teeming numbers, had most probably peopled the same tracts which afterwards yielded the Angles, Jutes, and Saxons, who followed them more as despoilers than friends to Britain. Nor is it at all beyond the bounds of probability that the Britons sent for help to North Germany, not merely as the wonderful region whence heroic warriors and fierce sea-rovers in countless myriads issued, but also as the land which they knew by tradition to have once been the home of their own ancestors. Tradition, the memory of a nation, is wonderfully retentive, and upon the whole singularly accurate. Commerce, also, had evidently existed between the two peoples. Saxons had been allowed to settle in Britain prior to the Roman occupation. The " Saxon Shore " of the Island on the south [litus Sax- onicum\ had most likely derived its name from Saxon incursions and settlements in those parts. 1 Names of places on the opposite shore of the Channel clearly prove that Teutonic settlement had also been largely effected in Gaul. The point of early junction referred to between the ancestry of Britons and Saxons would form a parallel to the relation subsisting between the Saxons and Danes of England and the followers of William at the Conquest, for these also were in part children of the North of Germany and of the Scandinavian peninsula. The composition of the Conqueror's forces, however, is largely dealt with in a subsequent chapter. It is curious to notice by the way another antecedent junction, mentioned by Appian.' 2 He says that the Nervii, 1 See Grimm, Gesch. dtr Dcutsch. Sprache, p. 6^5. 8 De Rtb. Gall., iv. 1., 4. RELATION OF CELTS AND TEUTONS. 3 I one of the Belgic tribes, were descendants of Cimbri and Teutons. Nep/?ioi 7]ara; 8e KifM(3pwv Kai TevTovow airoyovoi. The names given by Greek and Roman historians are at times very vague and perplexing. For example, Dion Cassius says that the Greeks called some of the Celts " Germans," and the country they inhabited (Celtica), GCTMClliy. KeA/riiil' yap Ttves ov% S77 Tepfxavovs KaXuvfxev, &C. The opinion held by some accomplished ethnologists, such as Latham, 1 that the " so-called " Cimbri of the Cher- sonese were not Celts, and that they were not related to the Cymri of Britain, is, we conceive, more ingeniously than soundly advocated. Local names in Jutland, and words in the vernacular of Schleswig and Holstein are found to be Cymric. It is difficult to know why the Chersonese should be called Cimbnca at all, except for the reason that Cimbri abode therein ; and it is impossible to account for the belief of ancient historians that this penin- sula was inhabited by Cimbri unless such was the case. Equally difficult is it to account for the adoption of the name Cymry or Cymri by the people now represented by the inhabitants of Wales, unless we allow as the reason their relationship to the ancient Cimbri. Not much im- portance can be attached to Zeuss's assertion, that the name is of recent adoption by the Celts of Britain. It may be so, and yet be only a revived ancient name, and revived on the ground of conscious right of consanguinity. The- etymology Zeuss gives to Cymro, Cymru, &c, is also fanciful and misleading : " can, in comp. cyn — same as Latin con, x See The Germania of Tacitus, Ed. by Dr. Latham, 1851. Append., p. civ. Though in this instance compelled to dissent from Dr. Latham, we are bound to confess to the highest admiration of his various writings. An accomplished modern writer, coupling his works with the late Dr. Donaldson's, speaks of them as " somewhat dangerous." They can only be so as his great erudition enables him but too successfully to advocate a wrong opinion when he happens to adopt it. 22 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. and bro=brog, land — whence he arrives at the meaning of indigenous, belonging to the country} There exists no ground whatever except fancy for such etymology as this. The plain account of the name is that it is a modification of Cimbri, just as Cimbri again, according to the testimony of Diodorus, is "a slight modification" of Cimmerii. 2 He says, " Those [Celts] towards the north and bordering upon Scythia are so exceeding fierce and cruel that, as report goes, they eat men like the Britons who inhabit Iris. So fierce are they that by some they have been held to be the same with those who in ancient times overran all Asia and were then called Cimmerii, but who are now through length of time, with a little alteration, named Civibri." Be the case as it may with respect to the Cimbric Chersonese, there can be no dispute as to whether the Celts of the continent are found in frequent contact with Teutons. As we have just shown, they are said by Appian to unite with the Teutons in the composition of the people called Nervii, and the name he gives them is Cimbri. Paterculus mentions Cimbri and Teutones together as a " German " people. 3 Caesar informs us that they overran Gaul together, and were only put in check by the Belgae, 4 &c. That people thus intimately associated should to a great extent become mixed, and their languages in future times exhibit many materials in common — as we find them now to do — is all but unavoidable. (r.) The Celtic tribes of ancient Britain — the Cymry, Bclgce, Lloegrians, Brython, Gaels, Picts, Scots. Having glanced at the earlier relations of the stocks which in conjunction have contributed the main materials 1 Confer Zeuss, Qrammatica Cettica, 2nd Ed. pp. 206, 207. - Diod. Sic.x.z. :1 Lib. ii. S, 12. 'De Bell. Gall. ii. 4. EARLY BRITONS ALL CELTS. 33 of the English nation, we now confine our attention to the Celtic tribes of Britain, and their relation to each other. We need not stay to prove that the native population found by the Romans in Britain were Celts. Whatever that term may mean, it is a designation properly applied to them. Very few even among the wildest theorists have denied its correctness, while the united voice of historians, ancient and modern, is in its favour. But while the British aborigines were all Celts, they still presented many diversities. They were divided into several independent sovereignties. They went by different names, and spoke languages which to a stranger might appear to be different. They had arrived in Britain, it cannot be doubted, at different times, and probably at different points of the coast, and from different parts of the continent. Some had come from the north of Germany, some from Belgic, some from Armoric Gaul. Their separation prior to their reunion in Britain may have been very long. The only question we need settle here is whether that separation had been so prolonged as to occasion such diversities in speech and manners, and such intermixtures with other races, as would render it improper to consider them one nation or people, under the common designation "Ancient Britons." The researches of modern historians unequivocally favour the opinion that under the names of KeArai, TaXarai, Gauls, Gaels, Gwyddyls, Celts, Cimmerii, Cimbri, Cymry, Brython, Lloegrians, Scots and Picts, only one race, under different tribe or clan divisions, political organizations, and periods of existence, is spoken of, and while different degrees of diversity through shorter or longer periods of estrangement and foreign admixture had intervened, still no such diversity prevailed as would materially affect their unity and integrity, and hence their classification as one people. D 34 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. i. The KifjLfiepioi. — we mean the historical Kt/^epun, not those of Homer — the Cimmerii, Cimbri (hence Welsh Cymry), at one time peopled the valley of the Danube, the shores' of the Sea of Azof, the Crimea on the Cimmerian Bosphorus, and the Chersonesus Cimbrica or Jutland. From this last locality it was that they issued forth in such formidable hosts in the second century, B.C., and committed such havock among the Roman armies under Papirius Carbo, Junius Silanus, Cn. Mallius, and Servilius Csepio, until they were at last (B.C. 101) brought to bay by Marius near Verona, and completely and finally defeated. This great branch of the Celtic race was probably its chief representative in Roman times, but they had brethren in the form of scattered tribes in various parts of the continent of Europe which are occasionally mentioned by ancient historians, both Greek and Roman. These were fragments of the great Celtic stock left behind during migrations, cut off by war, or voluntarily wandering in search of better fortune. At what time, or from what quarter, the Cimbri (Cymry) came first to Britain it is impossible to ascertain. For the Celtic race, in their westward progress from Asia, Meyer assigns two principal routes, and along one or other of these, and perhaps chiefly by the northern (if credit is given to the declarations of the Triads), the Cymry made their way to their final home. Meyer listens to the intimations, slight as they may be, of history, but mostly relies on the abiding footprints discovered in local names. He traces one route through Syria and Egypt, along the northern coast of Africa, across the Strait of Gibraltar, and through Spain to Gaul, where it separates into three branches, one termi- nating in the British Isles, the other in Italy, and the third near the Black Sea. The other great stream of migration ran less circuitously and more northwards, through Scythia SUPPOSED ROUTES OF CELTIC MIGRATION. Page 33 THE CYMRY. 35 in Europe, the shores of the Baltic Sea, Scandinavia or Jutland, Prussia (the supposed Pwyl of the Welsh Triads), through Northern Germany, the plains of the Elbe (the region of the Saxons), and to Britain across the German Ocean, the " hazy sea," [Mor Tawcli) of the Triads. It is conjectured, moreover, that the stream which came by Africa and Spain was the earliest to reach Britain. They may have been the Gaels. The two routes are roughly represented on the annexed sketch map. Whatever the origin of the name Cymry, and whence- soever the people, it is obvious from the whole tenor of their history that they had from early times obtained a commanding position among the other Celtic tribes of Britain. They seem, by pre-eminence, to have been called by the old ancestral name, Cimbri — the name, however, of a section only of the generic stock, the Celtse (KeXrat). While, therefore, all the British Celtic tribes shall be com- prehended by us under the term " Ancient Britons," a place of distinction must be accorded the Cymry as the strongest, and most persistent in maintaining language, race, and territory, of all their brethren. It may be that this dis- tinction was won at the cost of greater comparative re- duction in number than fell to the lot of the more yielding tribes — the Brython, Lloegrians, and Cumbrians. Be this as it may, history presents no section of a people standing forth more conspicuously from the general mass, and solemnizing with more impressive sacrifices at the shrine of home and country. They yielded — but only inch by inch, to a superior foe ; and, at the last, an unincorporated remnant scorning surrender, carried away with them, as ./Eneas did from Troy, their choicest and most valued treasures — their kindred, and their ". . . . sacra .... patriosque penales," made Wales their chosen land, Mona, as many think, the D 2 36 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. sanctuary of their priesthood, and the Snowdon mountains the citadel of their freedom. Their name, language, and honour they have to this day preserved as memorials of their past ; and though they have left behind them, en- g"ulphed in the great vortex of conquest and incorporation, the greater part of themselves, their brethren of Strathclyde, Cumbria, Cornwall, and the long ago vanished Lloegrians and Brython, they still survive, and constitute a part, not insignificant, not morally or politically unhealthy, but strong, vital, and honourable, of the renowned people of Britain. Their time of painful conflict for independence is past ; their time of peace, good government, prosperity is come — of which their good genius long centuries ago might have said : — " Revocate animos, moestumque timorem Mittite ; forsan et hasc olim meminisse juvabit. Per varios casus, per tot discrimina rerum Tendimus in Latium ; sedes ubi fata quietas Ostendunt." The " Latium " to which, " through so many perilous adventures," and much against their will, they have been conducted, and where, for 1,900 years at least, they have first found " peaceful settlements," is union with England. And now that they have been taught at last to value peace, let them gird themselves for distinction in a new field — to them in modern times perfectly new — the field of the in- dustrial arts, intellectual culture, and political pro- gress. With respect to these things, the people of every civilized country, knowing their story, and holding in honour the honesty and brightness of their nature will say to them : — " Durate, et vosmet rebus servale secundis." 2. The BelgeB. The opinion has always prevailed, and cannot be invalidated, that Britain was first peopled from THE BELG^. 37 Gaul. A large portion of Gaul, corresponding with modern Belgium and Holland, with portions of Flanders, Picardy, and Normandy, was inhabited by the "Belgae," and named by the Romans Gallia Belgica. Tribes were found in Britain also, whom Caesar calls Beiges, and gives us to understand that they were of the Belgae of Gaul. Now it has been a question in ethnology whether the Belgae of Gaul, and by consequence those of Britain, were Celts (like the Galli in general), or Germans, or a mixture of both. We believe that the Belgae of Gaul themselves were largely a Celtic people, with an infusion of Germanic blood. There is nothing to be gained to ethnology by denying that the Belgae of Britain were a branch of those of Gaul. Not only the statements of Caesar, but the local names on both sides the channel, show that they were one people. Now the only point material to us in this place is, whether these " Belgae " were, in the main, a Celtic race. That they had received a Teutonic tinge is admitted ; but were they Celtic in the main ? They were. And more : they were a branch of the Celts nearly related to the Cymry. This is proved by the language they spoke. Strabo was not a careless or incorrect historian, and he not only states that the Celtic name was given to all the Gauls, 1 but dis- tinctly affirms that the language spoken by the Celts was, with few variations, the languag'e spoken by the Belga ; " Eadem non usque quaque lingua utantur omnes, sed paululum variata." 2 The nature of this language may also be learned from the local names, and tribe names, of Belgica. The dwellers on the sea coast opposite Dover were the MorxrCx (Welsh, viur, sea ; Corn.,///*)/-; Arm., mdr). Many of the 1 Nomen Celtarum universis Gallis inditum, ob gentis claritatem. Lib. iv. 2 Strabo, lib. iv. 33 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. towns of the Belgae situated on rivers were called by names commencing" with dur, the Celtic word for " water," as Z>w;-ocortorum (modern Rheims), Turnacum (Tournay), Z)^rocatalaunum (Chalons), (Welsh, dwr, water, river). 1 Others, and their inhabitants, commenced as in Welsh, Cornish, or Armoric, with tre, " abode " ; as Trev\ri y KtrebaXVi, Tricasses. Some, again, contained the Celtic dun (Welsh, din, dinas, " a high place of strength," citadel ; Corn., dun, a hill), as Virodunum, ~Lugdunum. Others had the Celtic caer (Welsh, caer ; Corn., caer ; Arm., ker ; Irish, cathir, pronounced cair, a " fortress," " city "), as Caeresi, Ccrtovallum, Carmiliaca. Their rivers had the Celtic avon and wysg, as Matr I°^° MSS. pp. 424, 617—623. THE CELTS OF BRITAIN AND GAUL. 43 and nearly as much at variance with that of Zeuss, it is seen how much has yet to be discovered before we can speak with determinate confidence on the subject. It must be confessed that the materials supplied by the Gaulish inscriptions are very scanty, and that the inter- pretations as yet given them are imperfect, and by no means adequate as data for conclusions. They may safely be taken as handing down remains of a tongue clearly Celtic, but showing inflexions which it would be hazardous to say are identical with any now found in Irish, or dis- similar to any at one time found in Cymric. 1 3. The Celts of Britain and of Gaul generally. In Britain and in Gaul the Celtic race was broken up into a great variety of tribe distinctions. In Gaul they are said to have constituted sixty-four states or bodies politic (civitates 2 ) ; and Caesar mentions four " kings " among the 1 One word, supposed to be Celtic, is very prominent in these inscrip- tions, and is understood to be the verb of the sentence in each case, expressing the act of dedication. This word is IEVRV, and has given rise to much discussion and conjecture, since in none of the modern Celtic dialects is there found a term corresponding with it in form and meaning. It is just possible that this is an archaic Celtic word cognate with the Greek iepeus, priest, and iepevw, to dedicate; or, since the Greek alphabet was known to the Druids, and the Greek language itself may- have been known, this word, and others (including many of the vocables common to Welsh and classic Greek) may have been borrowed by them from the learned tongue, as many Latin words, as proved by these inscriptions, were borrowed. Upon the whole it seems highly probable — and these Gaulish inscrip- tions add to the weight of probability — that the Galli of Caesar were in the same line of Celtic descent with the Irish, and that the name is preserved to this day in Gadhel and Gael, and commemorated also in the Triad Galedin, Celyddon, and Gwyddyl, as well as in Caledonia, TaKaras, KeXrai, and Celtse. It is also nearly certain that these Galli or Gaels were the first to colonize Britain, and probable that they were the first to colonize Gaul, and that in both cases they were closely followed by a people of the same original stock and using a similar language, called Cymry, Cimbri, and in earlier times Kifx^pioi, Cimmerii. 2 Tacitus, Annates, iii. 44. 44 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Britons of Kent alone in league with Cassibelaunus against the Romans. 1 Whatever length of time may have elapsed since the British Celts had left the parent stem, it is clear that inter- course and recognition of kinship had continued. Caesar's reason for invading Britain — that " in all his wars with the Gauls " the Britons had rendered them assistance, is proof of this. Their communications with each other were frequent and rapid. Caesar no sooner purposes to invade, than his purpose is known to the islanders through " merchants " passing to and fro. 2 The warmest national sympathy was exhibited when danger threatened, although probably — as the manner of the race has always been — they allowed no delay in fighting each other, when no foreign foe threw down the gauntlet. The relationship of the islanders to the tribes of the Continent is clearly stated by Caesar, although his words, " pars interior ab iis incolitur, quos natos in insula ipsa memoria proditum dicunt," seem to intimate an interior population in Britain of singular antiquity and origin. In the names which all these people continue to give each ■other we recognize the accents of ancient consanguinity. The French, descendants in the main of the ancient Galli, call the Welsh Gallois ; the Welsh call the Irish Gwyddyl ; the Highlanders call both themselves and the Irish Gael — distinguishing themselves as " Gael Albinnich " from the Irish " Gael Erinnich." As to language, Tacitus has left a most significant state- ment : their speech was nearly alike — " Eorum sermo baud multum diversus." ;i As to religion, the same Druidic 1 De Bell. 0,7/1. , v. i8. 2 Dc Bell. (rail. iv. 18. And yet the Emperor Napoleon thinks " the Britons had no shipping in the time of Caesar." — Hist, of Julius Cctsar, vol. ii. p. 184. 3 Vita Aerie, xi. THE CELTS OF IRELAND AND CALEDONIA. 45 cultus prevailed in Gaul and Britain, only the latter seems to have been considered its chief seat. The same kind of houses were built. The social and political institutions of both had much in common ; in their manners and customs, modes of dress and life, as well as in personal appearance and temperament, they manifested all the characteristics of one and the same people. As to the inhabitants of that part of Gaul, called in earlier times Armorica, and now Brittany, or Bretagne, evidence, both of history and of language, is superabundant to prove their close relationship with the Cymric Celts of Britain. The language of both people, in spite of a sepa- ration of more than a thousand years, and the natural changes in inflection, through loss or addition of words, through the influence of Latin and French on the Armori- can, of Latin, English, and Norman-French on the Welsh r are still so nearly alike as to merit no stronger separating name than that of "dialects" of the same speech. History relates the conquest of Armorica by the Britons, and the settlement at different times of vast hosts of them, now by force, now by permission, in that land, mixing anew the blood of ancient kindred, and swelling into a more copious body the vocables of long-separated branches of the one ancient speech. Hence the correctness of the statement made by M. Emile Souvestre : " Le bas Breton actuel n'est done pas un reste de Gaulois, mais de langue Britannique." l It is beyond doubt that, while the lan- guage of ancient Amorica, along with that of Gaul generally, not omitting Belgica, belonged to the generic Celtic, that same language, through more modern vicissitudes, may now be termed Birtannic-Celtic, rather than Gallic-Celtic. 4. The Celts of Ireland and Caledonia. In the absence of historic record, we are justified in presuming, on grounds 1 Lis Demiers Bretons, i. 144. 46 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. of antecedent probability, that Ireland would receive it's first inhabitants from Wales or Scotland. Wonderful explorers were those ancient Celts ! Probably they soon pushed their way through thicket and swamp to the High- lands of Scotland, and finding there an end to their territory, they then from the highest eminences looked out westward, and descried the misty coast of the Green Isle. The early separation of these pioneers of the Gallic race through their crossing to Ireland, whether from Scotland or Wales, is quite sufficient to account for the marked difference now existing between the Gaelic or Irish language and the Welsh. The first tribes to arrive in Britain would probably be the first settlers in Scotland and Ireland. Pressed towards the interior by subsequent arrivals, nomadic hordes but slightly attached to any particular spot, they would readily move forward to new pasturages, rather than long contend for the old. The Gaelic or Gadhelic people, therefore, may be presumed to have had the advantage of priority of occupation. But the ground, of course, is one of presump- tion — not one of historic statement, much less of induction from, a large array of facts. The Gaelic language undoubtedly differs very widely from the Cymraeg. So does the Irish. These two, the Irish and Gaelic, are so nearly alike, that for the general pur- poses of philology, they may be considered as one, and in this light we treat them, here and in the chapter on philo- logy. Adelung, and with him Schloezer, followed our great Cambrian philologist and antiquarian, Edward Lhwyd, in directing special attention to the divergence of these two dialects of the Celtic language from the Welsh. Modern philology has pursued the inquiry to further results, and has established beyond question not only the fact that Welsh, Gaelic, Irish, Cornish, Armoric, and Manx are GAELIC AND CYMRIC CELTIC. 47 cognate languages, or rather dialects of the same mother language, but also, that these six are to be divided into two groups of three each, according to their nearness of approxi mation to each other : — f Erse, in Ireland, i. Gaelic Branch ] Gaelic, in the Highlands of Scotland. \ Manx, in the Isle of Man. / Welsh, in Wales. 2. Cymric Branch < Armorican, in Brittany. V Cornish, extinct. 1 An unwritten language, having no guarantee for the permanence of its forms, but the organs of hearing and speech, commences the process of becoming two languages the moment those who speak it separate into two commu- nities occupying different territories. The number of com- munities formed determines the number of new languages, or dialects, to be developed. All things being equal, diver- gence will increase according to time given. These posi- tions are allowed to be indisputable. If, therefore, the Irish, Gaelic, and Manx have diverged from the Welsh more than the Armorican and Cornish have done, this is proof only of longer separation. The insular position of the Gaels of Ireland would almost completely cut them off from their brethren in Britain, and thus facilitate the growth of dissimilarity in the cognate languages, or dialects. The Armoricans, though in like manner sepa- rated by the sea, are proved by history and tradition to have, through many hundred years, maintained intercourse with their British kindred, and to have at times received large accessions of population from them. The effect of territorial separation would by this means be greatly 1 The Lexicon Cornu-Drittanicun:, by the Rev. R. Williams, M.A., of Rhydycroesau, is the best contribution yet made to Cornish philology, and demonstrates the propriety cf this mode of grouping the Celtcj tongues. 48 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. neutralised, and the substance and forms of the two dialects be kept more nearly alike. As to the Cornish, this was lopped off from the Cymric stock in comparatively recent times, and its divergence therefore is not great. If we take Wales itself as an example, we shall find that the provincial estrangement, through the w r ars of the Middle-ages between the North and the South, caused a divergence so great in the language of the two sections, that a man of Anglesey is scarcely understood in Glamorgan. The same thing is seen if we compare the speech of York- shire with that of Kent. The greater similarity of modern Irish to modern Gaelic than of either to modern Welsh l may be seen at a glance by comparing one sentence of the Lord's prayer in each : English : Give us this day our daily bread. \ Irish : Ar naran laeathamhail tabhair dhuinn a riu. / Gaelic : Tabhair dhuin an diugh ar n'aran laitheil. Welsh : Dyro i ni heddyw ein bara beunyddiol. The Armoric bears decided similarity to the Welsh. Armoric: Ro deomp bep deiz hor bara pemdeziec. Welsh : Rho i ni bob dydd ein bara beunyddiol. Again : — A rmoric : Merc'hed Jerusalem, na oueilit ked warnoun me, mes goueilit warnoc'h hoc'h-unan, &c. Welsh : Merched Jerusalem, na wylwch o'm plegid I, ond wylwch o'ch plegid eich hunain, &c One sentence to show how much the Armoric has been corrupted by French. 1 But how much more similar to each other were all these Celtic dialects a thousand or fifteen hundred years ago it is needless to remark. The old Cornish vocabulary of the thirteenth century, in the British Museum (Cotton. Bib!. Vespas. A. 14) will show the student who is familiar with the Welsh of the twelfth century how much nearer these two languages were then to each other, than the Cornis/: Remains Fifteenth Century, recently published under the able editorship of Mr. Norris, are to the Welsh of the present time. ARMORIC, CORNISH, IRISH. 49 Armoric: Mes araog an holl draouze hei a lakaio o daouarn warnoc'h hag o persecute, o livra ac'hanoch d'ar sinagogou, hag o lakaad ac'hanoc'h er prizonion, hag e veot caset dirag ronancd ha gouarnerkn, &c. The Cornish language comes nearer to the Welsh than does the Armoric. Words italicised are corruptions. 1 Cornish. Pan welas na ylly delyffre. Nyns us pons war dhour Cedron. Yma gena un be da, gorra hag eys kemyskys. Mesk ow pobel ny vynnaf na fella agas godhaf. Dour ha ler, ha tan, ha gwyns, haul ha lour, ha steyr kyffris, . . . anken y a wodhevys. Godheveuch omma lavur, ha gollyouch genef. Pan y'th welaf, bos hep hyreth my ny allaf. Yn levyryma scrifys, dre cledhe nep a vewo, ef a vyru yn sur dredho. Mi a credy yn Dew an Tas 01gallusek,Gwrearan nefha'n'oar. Ny a whyth yn dhy vody sperys, may hylly bewe. Govyn orto mar a'm bydh oyl a vercy yn dywedh. Welsh. Pan welodd na allai draddodi. Nid oes pont ar ddwr Cedron. Y mae genyf un baich da, gwair ac yd cymysg. Ymysg fy mhobl ni fynaf yn bellach eich goddef. Dwr a llawr (daear), a than, a gwynt, haul a lloer, a ser yn gyf- ryw, ing a oddefasant. Goddefwch yma lafur, a gwyl- iwch genyf. Pan y'th welaf, bod heb hiraeth mi ni allaf. Yn y llyfr y mae yn 'scrifenedig, y neb a fo fyw drwy y cleddyf, ef yn siwr a fydd farw drwyddo. Mi a gredaf yn Nuvv Dad Hollalluog, Creawdwr nef a daear. Ni a chwythwn yn dy gorph yspryd, mal y gelli fyw. Gofyn wrtho (iddo) pa un i mi fydd olew trugaredd yn y diwedd. From the foregoing examples it is evident, thatall these six divisions of Celts are nearly related to each other, and that nearest to the Cymry come, first the Cornish, and next the Armoricans. The Gaels, or Gaedhils of Ireland, have departed further from the Cymric type, in language, if not also in blood. The Picts and Scots have usually been associated with 1 Confer Williams's Lexicon Comu-Britann. On the analogy of the different Celtic tongues, see at length Zeuss's Gramm. Celtica, 2nd Ed. t passim ; on the conjugation of the verb, especially, pp. 425 — 606. 50 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Caledonia. These names are recent in origin, being used only by later Roman writers. 1 Bede (sixth cent.) calls Caledonia " provincia Pictorum ; " and it would seem that in his time the name Picts, or Pehts, had nearly superseded the older term Caledonii — derived from the Cymric Cclyddon y and this related to the generic Galatcz, Celtce, Galli. That the Picts were a branch of the Cymry, and the Scots immigrants from Ireland, 2 where the name Scoti originated, is to be considered as certain. The name "Picts " is of doubtful origin ; 3 but that the people who had probably pushed their way from the Cumbrian kingdom into the hilly regions of South Caledonia were Cymry in language is evidenced by the local names they impressed on that region, and also by the names of some of their later kings found in a MS. in the Colbertine library. "We find the words ben and pen used to designate mountains and eminences, as i? high). Cairngorm has many correspondences in Wales, as Cameo\o\ Llywelyn, Came&ti. Dafydd, Carneo\o\. y Filiast, Tiefgurn, &c. The register of Pictish kings from the fifth century down- wards contained in the Colbertine MS. gives several names which are Cymric : Taran (Welsh, taran, thunder) ; UVAN" — a slight modification of the Welsh Ievan, Ivan or Owen ; TALORG — Welsh, tal, high, as taken, 1 high part of the head, "forehead"; Talies'm ; local names, Talgarth, Talog ; Wrgwst — Welsh, Gwrgwst ; Drust — Welsh, Trzvst ; Drostan — Welsh, Trwstan, &c. 2 The ^Noro\Aber, applied in Wales to a confluence of waters, whether of inland streams or of rivers and the sea, was used in Caledonia in a similar way. Many places once called abcrs in Scotland have been changed into Gaelic Invcrs {iribhir). No aber exists in Ireland. And it may be remarked that the word aber is used in modern Cymric not only as an historic local name but also as a word for haven, creek of the sea, &c, as aber Milford. The Triads say : " In Britain are three chief rivers, Thames, Severn and Humber, ! The cen in this word is the Ir. and Gael, ccan, head. Lewis Glyn Cothi (circa. 1450) uses tal for "head": " A dawn Duw'n ilodau'n ei ddl." Works, p. no. Now obsolete. • See Garnett's Essays, p. 196, et scq. E 2 52 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. and one hundred and forty three chief abers." Many of the rivers in Scotland and Wales almost exactly agree in name The Tweed, Towy ; Tay, Tav; Dee, Dee; Clyde, Clwyd Nith, Nedd ; Avon, Avon ; Ayr, Aeron ; Esk, Wysg Teviot, Teivi, &c. The ancient topographical names of Caledonia, the country of the Picts, even of its northern parts, more nearly correspond with those of Wales than do those of Ireland, the early home of the Scots. Greater nearness of kinship is thus indicated. At the same time, the evidence of language, local names, traditions, history, combine to prove that all these countries were inhabited by people descending from the same great Celtic family, which may all be classed together as Ancient Britons. Now in conjecturing the causes of divergence of these Celtic languages no difficulty need be encountered. The process of change is obvious. Time and territorial separa- tion, as already shown, are elements amongst these causes. Another and main source of dissimilarity is the condition under which all unwritten language is propagated. Writing, and especially printing, powerfully aid in fixing and perpetuating the standard of a language. But in the absence of all such mechanical means, and when the eye had no agency in fixing the form of words and phrases, but all was transmitted phonetically, departure from the standard, if " standard " could be said to exist, would be facile and rapid. Variation imperceptibly introduced would form a " dialect." A dialect would soon grow into what would be termed a " language." Let an educated English- man from Suffolk or Essex enter any village smithy near " Ratchdaw " (Rochdale) or " Owdum " (Oldham), and he will hear a language he would by no amount of persuasion believe to be English. Let him employ an exact phonetic shorthand writer, and have the sounds which are uttered in THE LLOEGRIANS AND BRYTHON. 53 his hearing faithfully represented on paper, and he will still be nearly as sceptical. " Fattle be i'th the foyar " has the looks of an outlandish tongue, but divested of contrac- tions and Lancashire articulation, assumes the homely garb of " the fat will be in the fire. 5 ' So of " Si geet oop bi shrike o dee, on seet eawt, on went ogreath tilly welly coomb within a moile oth teawn, when o tit wur stonning ot on ealheawse dur " : — So I got up by break of day, and set out, and went right on until I well nigh came within a mile of the town, when a mare was standing at an alehouse door. " Im wur off neaw in eer eh wur " : — I am worse off now than ever I was. 1 Let only the peasantry of such a district as this emigrate into a distant region, after the manner of the nomades of ancient times, and soon their language will be as different from that of Kent as Breton is now from Cymric, or Erse from either of these. 5. The Lloegrians and Brython. The Lloegrians, from whom is derived the modern Welsh name for England [Llocgr), a branch of the "Nation of the Cymry," came from South-Western France, the valley and region of the river Liger, modern Loire, and settled in the south and east of Britain. The Brython probably came from the same part of France, held the same relation to the " Nation of the Cymry," and settled in the North of England. These, in all probability, have their name still preserved in the common designation " Bretons. " But more of th? Lloegrians and Brython in the next sub-section, where we give the evidence of the Welsh Triads. 2 1 See, Works of Tim Bobbin. Ed. 1862. Pp. 41, 83. 2 The Welsh Triads, or Trioedd Ynys Prydain, are given in full in the Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales. Vols, ii and iii. 54 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. (d.) The Welsh Triads on the early Settlers in Britain, and the identity of their origin. Whatever value may attach to the Triads as historic records, they are at least in many respects documents of great interest, and may be received even by the most hypercritical Wolfian as corroboratory cf other evidence. They are echoes and exponents to us of what the long lost records of Welsh history contained, and of the voice of ancient tradition. The Triads are clear and positive in according the first colonization of Britain to the Cymry (Cimbri). Triad First says : — " Three names have been given to the Isle of Britain from the beginning. Before it was inhabited it was called Clas Merddin, and afterwards Fel Ynys. When it was put under government by Prydain, son of Aedd the Great, it was called Inis Prydain (the Isle of Prydain), and there was no tribute paid to any but to the race of the Cymry, because they first possessed it, and before them no men dwelt in it, nor anything else except bears, wolves, beavers, and the oxen with the high prominence. " The fourth Triad contains the following : — " The three national pillars of the Isle of Britain : — First, Hu Gadarn (Hu the Mighty) who originally conducted the nation of the Cymry into the Isle of Britain. They came from the summer country which is called Deffrobani [where Constantinople now stands], and it was over the hazy sea [the German Ocean] that they came to the Isle of Britain and to Llydaw [Armorica, Bretagne] where they continued, Ike." The fifth Triad says : " The three honourable [addwyn) tribes of the isle of Britain : The first was the nation of the Cymry that came with Hu the Mighty into the isle of Britain, &c. The second was the tribe of the L.loegrmys y [Loegrians, Lignrians /] that came from the land of Gwasgwyn [Gascony ?] being descended from flic chief nation EVIDENCE OF THE WELSH TRIADS. 55 of the Cymry. The third were the Brython, who came from the land of Armorica, having their descent from the primitive stock of the Cymry ; and they are called three tribes of peace, because they came by consent of each other in peace and quietness." l Now these Three Triads are categorical on the following heads : — 1. That the first inhabitants of Britain were the Cymry. 2. That the region whence they came was the "summer country,'"' and that their path was across the German Ocean. 3. That the same people settled also in Armorica. 4. That besides and after the Cymry, two other tribes, the Lloegrwys from Gwasgwyn, and the Brython from Armorica, came over. No attempt at chronology is here made, but an order of succession is plainly indicated. All the tribes are of one blood. The later comers settle, as if for consolidation, with the consent and friendship of the first possessors — the Cymry. Note also that the regions whence they came are those frequently mentioned by Roman historians as parts inhabited by the Celtse. In all this there is no tone of hypothesis, no hesitation in statement, no clashing with the utterances of authentic history. Avoiding, there- fore, the scepticism which is as hostile to the investigation of historic truth as the weakest credulity, we receive the Triad account as substantially worthy of reliance. Next comes a Triad which puts a little change upon the scene. The Cymry and their kinsmen the Lloegrwys and Brython were not to have it all their own way in the " isle of honey." Still, as yet, there are no hostile arrivals, but certain " refuge seeking " people from the far north, and from across the water. " The three refuge-seeking tribes 1 Myv. Arch, of Wales, ii. 57. 56 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. who came in peace, by consent of the nation of the Cymry, without weapon or attack : The first was the people of Celyddon in the north ; the second was the Gwyddelian tribe who dwell in Alban [the Highlands of Scotland] ; the third were the men of Galedin [Holland ?], who came in naked vessels to the Isle of Wight when their country was inundated, and where they had land assigned them by the nation of the Cymry ; they had no right of possession in the isle of Britain beyond the land and protection accorded to them under limits, and it was stipulated that the rights of the primitive Cymry should not be theirs until the end of the ninth generation." ' No intimation is given that these arrivals were of another race. They came as brethren seeking shelter when in distress, and were allowed, upon definite conditions, to settle down as part of the family of states. Who can doubt, therefore, that the regions of Caledonia (Celyddon), and Alban (the Highlands), were in these early times peopled by tribes the consanguinity of which with the Cymry was well known ? And who can fail to perceive that the names " Celyddon " and " Galedin " are cognate with Galata?, Celtae, and Galli ? As yet, then, we see that, according to the Triads, Britain, north and south, was inhabited by one single race. But now times of trial are coming. The seventh Triad relates that the ancestral estate is invaded by strangers. " The three invading tribes that came unto the isle of Britain, and never departed therefrom : 2 the first were the Coraniaid, who came from the country of Pwyl [Poland ? more probably some region of northern Germany] ; the second, the Gwyddyl Ffichti [Gaelic Picts], who came to 1 My v. Arch, of Wales, ii. 57. 2 In allusion to the Romans, &.C., who, when the Triad was written, had taken their departure. EVIDENCE OF THE WELSH TRIADS. 57 Alban by the sea of Llychlyn ; ' third, the Saeson ^Saxons). The Coranians are situated about the river Humber, and the shores of the German Ocean ; and the Gwyddyl Ffichti are in Alban, on the shore of the sea of Denmark. The Coran- ians and the Saxons united, brought the Lloegrians into confederacy with them by violence and oppression, and afterwards took the crown of monarchy from the nation of the Cymry. Of the Lloegrians who did not become Saxons there only remain those who inhabit Cornwall and the Commot of Carnoban in Deira and Bernicia." 2 The following remarks we subjoin : 1. The events shadowed forth in these later Triads occurred after the departure of the Romans, and in Saxon times. 2. Some, even of these "invading" tribes, are kinsmen to the Cymry. The " Gwyddyls" 3 are the people mentioned in a preceding Triad, as one of the peaceful refuge- seeking tribes, and come from the same region of " Alban." This reflection upon their character as intruders, therefore, must have reference to their first appearance from " the sea of Llychlyn," or to a change in their disposition and conduct in Saxon times, and after a long residence in the country. 3. The "Coranians" who came from the country of Pwyl, supposed by some, as Edward Lhwyd, to mean Poland, are a people unknown in history. From the position of their settlement about the Humber, it is probable that their preceding home was North Germany or Denmark. The 1 Llychlyn may be translated " the lake of pools," and would, therefore, be applicable to the inland waters of Denmark, opposite to which, in Alban, the Triad immediately afterwards locates them. 3 My v. Arch, of Wales, ii. p. 58. 3 Givyddel is probably the Cymric depravation of the name Gadhel=- Celt, borne by the more Westerly tribes. 58 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Triad contains no intimation that the Coranians were of an alien race. They took possession by force, and after- wards conspired with the Saxons ; and this rendered them obnoxious. Had they been of an alien race, this would probably, under the circumstances, have been mentioned to their further discredit. 4. The "Lloegrians," who also conspired with the Saxons, are said in the seventh Triad to be from Gwasgwyn, and were, therefore, if this region is in the south-west of France, of remoter connection, although of the same stock, with the nation of the Cymry, and hence more liable to be won over into confederacy with the " invaders," But if the Triad is correct in making* the people of Cornwall a remnant of them, they must have been nearly related to the Cymry, as the Cornish language sufficiently implies. The " Saxons " are the only intruders, hitherto enu- merated, certainly known to have been of Teutonic race and to have made good their stay in Britain. All others are either expressly claimed by the Triads as relations to the "nation of the Cymry," or are presumably such. Lloegrians, Brython, the people of Celyddon, the Gwyddelian tribe of Alban, the men of Galedin, are all relations and friends. The Coranians, though an invading tribe, are not said to be of alien race. The Gwyddyl Ffichti, another invading tribe, are certainly kinsmen. Saxons alone, there- fore, known by positive declarations of history to be strangers in blood, are in this Triad declared to be alien invaders of the country. We have accomplished this portion of our task. The substantial unity of race of the earl)- inhabitants of Britain has been shown. These multifarious tribes, all of one kindred, though arrived from different countries, across different seas, at different periods of time, we embrace under the one general designation Ancient Britoxs. THE CIVILIZATION OF THE BRITONS. 59 Having done this much, we next proceed to give an estimate of their general condition, social and intellectual, with the view of establishing a priori the presumption, that such a people would not be bodily dislodged, much less utterly extirpated, but would continue on the soil, and enter into the new nationality established by their con- querors. SECTION 11. An estimate of the Social Cojidition and Civilization of the Britons at the time of the Roman Conquest. The early Greek and Roman historians — the only sources we are disposed here to rely upon — give but few and fragmentary accounts of the Ancient Britons ; and of these accounts we propose noticing only such as tend to show that the aborigines were by no means the low type of barbarians which ill-informed writers have too commonly represented them to be. They were as the poet, speaking from a Roman point of view, describes them : " Penitus toto divisos orbe Britannos ;" ' but their life had still a connection with the greater life which pulsated on the continent. They were of the race which had captured Ancient Rome, had been led by Brennus, had foiled Mallius and Caepio. They had divers means of intercourse with distant peoples, and had received into their bosom and retained many of the attri- butes of the old Eastern civilization. (1.) Early Notices. What is said by Herodotus and Aristotle is of no weight. Festus Avienus, a writer of the fourth century, in a geo- graphical poem, furnishes a very interesting piece of 1 Virgil Eclog. I. 60 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. information, of the correctness of which we have no reason to doubt. Avienus, be it observed, wrote in the fourth century ; but his statements on the matter in hand relate to a time 700 years earlier. He says that in the fourth century before Christ, Himilco,the Carthaginian, penetrated beyond the Pillars of Hercules, and surveyed the coast of Britain. Pliny, referring to the same vovage, assigns it to the time when Hanno explored the Western Coast of Africa, and when Carthage was at the height of its glory — " Carthaginis potentia norente." Now according to Himilco, what, at that early time, was the character of the Britons ? They were not the con- temptible barbarians, the painted savages, depicted by some of our " historians." They were " a numerous and powerful race, endowed with spirit, very dexterous, all busy with the cares of trade." 1 Midway between Himilco and the Christian era, Polybius simply indicates the importance of Britain by remarking, that " many had already treated of the Britannic isles and the working of tin." 2 Diodorus Siculus, a contemporary of Caesar, says that the Britons in their wars, " used chariots, as the ancient Greek heroes are reported to have done in the Trojan war ; were simple in their manners, and far removed from the cunning and wickedness of men of the present day . . . that the island was thickly inhabited — etvai Se kcu iroXvavOpoiirov T-qv vrjaov — that those of Cornwall were particularly fond of strangers and civilized in their manners — (^(Aofevoi tc 8t.a(pep6vTU><; elal /cat Sta T)]V twv £eVcuv e/XTropoiv £ 7ri/u£i'av i$7][xcpa)ixevoi ras dycuyas — &TC. 1 Ora Maritima. Ed. 1791. " Multa vis hie gentis est, Superbus animus, efficax sollertia, Negotiandi cura jugis omnibus." Vv. 98 — 100. 2 Polyb. Hist. iii. 57. 3 Died. Sic. v. 21, 22. STRABO, CiESAR, TACITUS. 6 1 Strabo, the geographer, describes the inhabitants in a still more picturesque way : They were " clad in black cloaks (ixeXdyx^oLLvol), with tunics (^trwvas) which reached to the feet, and girt about the breasts (e£woyxevoi) ; walking with staves in their hands (^era pdfiSuv TrepiTraToiWcs), and bearded like goats ; subsisting by their cattle, and leading for the most part a wandering (vo/m8iKws) life."i Strabo was no poet, but rather a matter-of-fact geographer, and yet this description gives the picture of a people far advanced in culture, and enjoying almost ideal happiness. (2). Cixsar and Tacitus. Caesar, in his account of Britain, speaks with the ill- concealed bias of a not very successful invader, and betrays on occasions very imperfect knowledge of his subject. He never saw far into the interior, for the very reason that the inhabitants were not the helpless barbarians he at times describes them, and of the Cymry especially he had no knowledge whatever. Be it observed that what is implied in some of Caesar's statements, and clearly expressed in others, takes off completely the edge of his most damaging descriptions. For example : Britain, he tells us, was well peopled, full of houses built after the manner of the Gauls; brass and gold money was used, and iron rings of a certain weight (in barter). 2 The men of Kent were the most civil- ized, differing but little from the Gauls. The greater part of those in the interior tilled not their land, but lived on flesh and milk, and were clad in skins — precisely the mode 1 Gcogr. lib. iii. 5. It is generally allowed that Strabo by his KaTTirtpiSes, and Herodotus by his Katro-tWpioet, referred to the British Isles. 2 De Dell. Gall. v. 10. On the "ring money" of the Celts, Comp. Sir W. Betham's paper read before the Royal Irish Acad., Dublin, 1836. On the text of Cassar, respecting the coin of the Britons, see further under (d) in this Section. 62 THE PEDIGPvEE OF THE ENGLISH. of life, by the way, followed by the " more civilized " Gauls. Then comes the libel about a community of wives, which hostile critics have made ready use of, but which no fair and competent historian of our day for a moment believes. 1 The position of woman and the respect paid to wedlock generally among the Ancient Britons sufficiently neutralize this unsupported assertion of Csesar. Individual cases might occur, but the custom could not prevail. But in addition to being workers in tin, coiners of money, smelters of iron, they were, even according to CaBsar him- self, possessed of great skill and courage in battle, were competent to manoeuvre with cavalry, and constructed a species of chariot-machines which did terrible execution among the Roman legions. " It evidently appeared," he somewhat unguardedly adds, " that our heavy-armed legions were no match for such an enemy." 2 Tacitus seems to have had his doubts whether the first inhabitants of Britain had been " born of the soil" — in- digence — or were adventitious settlers. 3 This he considers a question lost in the mist of antiquity — an indirect testi- mony of value, it may be remarked, to the remote origin of the Britons, and their long occupancy, even then, of the island. He considers them generally similar to the Gauls — which they might well be since they were a kindred people ; but he ascribes to them the superiority in energy and courage — qualities which the Gauls, after once posses- sing, had, through the loss of liberty, lost. 4 So independent, 1 De Bell. Gall. v. 14. " Uxores habent deni duodenique inter se communes, et maxime fratres cum fratribus, parentesque cum liberis ; sed, si qui sunt ex his nati, eorum habentur liberi, quo primum virgo qutcque deducta est." - Ibid, v, 16. 3 Vita. Agric. xi. 4 It is difficult to know on what ground, in the face of Tacitus's testimony, Makintosh could describe the Britons as generally inferior to the Gauls. Hist, of Engl. i. 14. ORGANIZATION AND GOVERNMENT. 63 fierce and obstinate were the Britons, that had there only- existed among them union and concert, they might have baffled the Roman power to the last ; but wanting mutual confidence and coherence, when attacked by the foe, they fought separately, and were thus subdued. 1 Tacitus confesses that though in the time of Agricola (circ. A.D. 80) the Britons were conquered, they were not even then disheartened ; they were reduced to obedience but not to bondage. He adds that even Julius Cassar, the first of the Romans who had set foot in Britain at the head of an army, could only be said by a successful battle to have made himself master of the sea-shore. Having failed to conquer the island, he only, as a discoverer, made it known to others who came after him. Rome could not boast of a conquest. 2 How much is here implied ! (3.) Organisation and Government. It has been pronounced useless to inquire what form of government prevailed among a people so low in culture. This is taking for granted the thing to be proved. They were low enough in culture, doubtless, when judged by the standard of to-day ; but it has not been proved that they were so low in culture that organization, government, salutary customs, and a strict moral code, did not exist among them. We have the authority of Cassar, amongst others, for saying that the Britons' form of Government was monar- chical. They had as many as four kings in Kent alone. 3 The power of the king was tempered by an element of popular right exercised in public assembly, and by the influence of the Druidic priesthood. This indicates 1 Vit. Agric. xii. - Ibid. xiii. '■■ Dc Bell. Gall. v. 22. 64 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. organization, subordination of states, checks and counter- checks — the results of experience and wisdom. That the states were small is no argument against the fact of government. The kings of the Britons were not tyrants, military adventurers, hap-hazard products of revolution, but, in the main, hereditary sovereigns, governing by force of public law. The influence of the Druids in the conduct of public affairs, whatever may be thought in our day of their superstitions, argues the subjection of the popular mind to the governance of religious ideas ; and if we are to judge of the quality of the Druidic teaching from the ethical maxims of the Triads, the guidance received from this quarter could scarcely be otherwise than salutary. (4.) The Arts of Civilized Life. The above remarks naturally suggest the inquiry, how far those arts and usages which we generally associate with the term civilization, and are considered to rescue a people from a state of barbarism, had a place among the Ancient Britons. If our expectations be moderate, as they ought to be, we shall not be disappointed. The Britons, in Caesar's time, had some knowledge of the arts of life. They were not barbarians. Were they semi-barbarians ? Skill in warlike tactics and in the construction of war implements is not, we admit, the best exhibition of know- ledge ; but it yet remains skill, and is evidence of culture of a certain sort, however ill applied — otherwise what becomes of our boastful modern civilization one of whose main and most costly developments is concerned in it ? This culture to a considerable extent the Britons had, and Caesar was bitterly convinced of the fact. What was better, they were industrious, devoted to "trade." A tribe, however obscure, was never yet touched THE BRITONS COINERS OF MONEY. 65 with the ncgotiandi cur a ascribed to the Britons, but that it entered thereby the school of civilization. Four hundred years before Christ, or thereabouts, the Britons were found by Himilco to be adepts in the matter. They were " fond of strangers" — a sign that they were either in a helplessly early state of national childhood, or advanced beyond that condition of barbarian life where strangers are deemed as enemies. In Caesar's time, they were workers in metals ; coiners of a kind of money ; builders of houses like those of Gaul ; lived in entrenched towns and villages, and worshipped in colossal, though rude and mysterious, temples, which time itself seems incapable of demolishing. Caesar testifies — not surely with the object of exalting his own skill in taking it — that the capital of Cassivellaunus (Caswallon) was admirably defended — cgregie munztum. 1 The Britons' skill in fortification is evidenced by the remains of their great works which continue to this day, ex. gr. the dun or dinas called the Cattcrduns in Scotland, Chun Castle and Caer-bran in Cornwall, the camp on the Malvern Hills, Caer Caradoc in Shropshire, Tynwald in the Isle of Man. 2 But a word further on the account given by Caesar con- cerning the kind of money used by the Ancient Britons. The text which reads, " brass money and iron rings," whose duties related to the military operations and great strategic posts of the island, Under these chiefs, the subordinate functionaries, mili- tary, civil, and ecclesiastical, would be counted by thousands. Then would come their families and dependents, numbering many more thousands, and forming in every Municipium, Colonia, and other city, a compact Roman residentiary body. (e.) The merchants, tradesmen, artists, &c, formed another very considerable ingredient in the Roman population proper. (d.) But we may note that all these people were confined to the cities and towns we have been enumerating ; and that in these same towns was resident a large population purely "British. If the whole population in the Roman cities had been Roman, it were a serious item in the whole. But probably in these very towns the great majority of the inhabitants were of the original race of the country. These cities, in most cases, had once been British cities, and the men and women who once ruled, as well as those who served there, had now been made servants to the new- possessors, until such time as, one after another, they might again win their rights of citizenship. The great body of the servile class were, doubtless, Britons — the "hewers of wood and drawers of water" were not brought from Italy while so many were to be found among the conquered people. The masters were now Romans, the servants Britons. But all Britons were not servile. Britons would be at liberty to improve their ruined fortunes as they listed. As tradesmen, dealers, merchants, mechanics, 1 82 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. agriculturists, gardeners, &c., they enjoyed freedom of action. Submission to the laws was all that was exacted. We have given, we think, as ample a view of the Roman element in the population as the truth requires ; and yet feel warranted in concluding that this element, compared with the whole population throughout the country, was but a small — an almost inappreciable fraction. 4. The Roman residents withdrew, en masse, from Britain when the military occupation terminated. The fact thus stated, if true, is a very surprising one. The Romans had been masters in Britain for more than yw/r hundred 'years. They had been engaged in all the enterprises in which a conquering people delight in a newly-acquired land. They had made colossal fortunes ; had been born and educated here for eight or ten generations running in the same families ; their sires and grandsires for as many generations were buried here ; cities, large and splendid — temples, classic and colossal — villas and baths, rivalling those of Baise and Pompeii — fortresses, roads,, bridges, amphitheatres, which would command the admi- ration of ages, had been reared by them all over the island ; and the images and altars of their gods consecrated a thousand spots from South to North ; and 3'et, no sooner does the army vanish, than the Roman people quit the island, leaving all these splendid and precious memorials of their wealth, genius, and piety to be the property of the liberated Britons ! It is an astounding fact. The Romans must have had hard times of it in Britain, and the times must have been growing worse, to lead to such an issue. It was so. After much and long pros- perity, adversity asserted her right, and bore down upon them with unsparing severity. Civil commotions increased. Property became insecure. Military adventurers snatched' THE ROMANS ABANDONING BRITAIN. 183 the sceptre of authority from the hand of the ruler. The army became divided and fought against itself. Rome torn up by faction, weakened by corruption, harassed by external foes, became incapable of protecting her distant though favourite province. The spirit of the Britons re- gained its elasticity, and seized on the heritage of its late rulers. The Romans saw no prospect of quiet, and so, compounding with necessity, they went to try their fortunes elsewhere. The Saxon Chronicler informs us that, A. D. 418, "the Romans collected all their treasures that were left in Britain, and some they hid in the earth so that no one has since been able to find them, and some they carried with them into Gaul." l The Triad relates that " the third invading tribe which came to the Isle of Britain, and departed from it, were the Cassarians, who through violence continued in this island upwards of four hundred years, until they went back into the country of Rhufain (Rome)" . . . " and there remained of these only women and young children under the age of nine years, who became a part of the Cymry." 2 Scarcely is anything of the kind known elsewhere in history ; and yet we can hardly disbelieve the representa- tion. We may have a difficulty in accounting for it, but the fact cannot be cavilled at. It is clear that, while successive Emperors had squandered untold wealth in Britain, as if they would compensate for the decay which 1 Sax. Chron. ann. 418. This was the year of the first great departure ; the entire clearance took longer time. On one or two occasions, too, they returned to assist the Britons ; hence the year 426 is often given for the final evacuation. Myv. Archeology of Wales, ii. 58. 1 84 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. was wasting Rome by adorning this remote limit of the Empire with " High towers, fair temples, goodly theatres, Strong walls, rich porches, princely palaces, Large streets, brave houses, sacred sepulchres, Sure gates, sweet gardens, stately galleries Wrought with fair pillars and fine imageries," the Roman people did not find in this country a congenial home. The splendour was the creation of the authorities. The British population were kept under guard of the military. The Roman traders, capitalists, functionaries, &c, were here to push their fortunes, like the English now in India under protection of force. The machinery was lubricated by the legions. When these became demoralised and faltered in their allegiance, setting up emperors cf their own, until at last they were led to Gaul by their last chosen, Constantine, " the tyrant," and the island was left exposed, confusion at once ensued, and no time was lost when the legitimate Emperor, Honorius, became impotent to succour, in deciding* upon quitting the island for ever. The guilty feeling of usurpers, no longer capable of holding their ground, possessed the whole body. Such only as were on intimate terms with the Britons, with }*oung children and women, from whom nothing was to be feared, continued to live in Britain. However distinct the Roman people had kept themselves, in the mass, from the natives, it is impossible but that in 400 years a home feeling would grow up, alliances take place, friendships be formed, and interests established which would cause many a Roman to feel among the Britons and be treated by them as one of themselves. But these would be few compared with the whole. The truth remains that the Roman race quitted t he land, and left the ancient possessors, who were spread, ADMIXTURE OF ROMANS AND BRITONS. 1 85 as we have shown, over its old surface, in quiet enjoyment of all it contained. At the departure of the Romans, therefore, the Ancient Britons were a numerous, and comparatively unmixed people. Our conclusion on the former is categorical, and certain ; on the latter, it is subject to qualification, as we now proceed to explain. SECTION IV. Admixture of Race during the Roman Occupation. The Roman law contained no prohibition against inter- marriage. If any impediment arose, it would be from the repugnance of the natives. But in all nations there are persons little governed by national sentiment, ready to adapt themselves to circumstances, and preferring personal intercourse and advantage to abstract ideas. Residence in the same neighbourhood through life would make friends of Roman and British families. In 400 years antipathy would stand little chance of retaining its vigour among the peasantry, and persons of equal rank in towns. Neighbourly feeling, cherished by deeds of common politeness, and of kindness in seasons of need, would overlay opposite senti- ments, and friendships and matrimonial alliances would occur. Whether it be a fact or not that Constantius him- self set the exampleby marrying a British princess (Helena), the circumstance that the statement was made in early times, and credited, shows that the event was not im- probable — that, in other words, the relations of conquerors and conquered were not such that persons of the highest rank might not intermarry with the natives. The soldiery who came without wives would, in many cases, marry native women. Where the soldiers were 1 86 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Celts from Gaul, or elsewhere, as already intimated, the junction would produce no intermixture of race ; but we must remember that the Roman army was a conglomeration of fragments from almost every nation in the then known world. The cases of inter-marriage between soldiers and British women might, therefore, include curious examples. We need only consult the Notitia Imperii, and the inscriptions discovered on tombs, altars, &c, to see that the legions were composed of Spaniards, Thracians, Dacians, Cilicians, Sarmatians, Dalmatians, Tungrians, Germans, Moors, and even Indians. Did some of all these marry British wives ? When we remember how in suc- ceeding generations the characteristics of ancestry reappear, as evidenced by the natural history of man, how can we wonder at the variety of cranial development, physiognomy, complexion, temperament, displayed in the streets of every village and town of England and Wales ! The "women and young children" are allowed by the Triad to have become "a part of the Cymry." They merged into the mass, adopted the speech and manners of the Britons, and were soon in their descendants not dis- tinguishable from them. Let it be kept in mind that long before the departure of the Romans, Christianity had been embraced by a large proportion of both peoples. Constantine the Great had become a zealous patron of the Church, and the Britons in large numbers received the faith. The wall of separation as between Christian and "heathen" having thus been broken down, and a new ground of sympathy and con- fidence, more sacred than any other, found, intermarriage would more freely take place. Rome profited from such alliances, and gave them every encouragement. Amity and goodwill sprang from them. Every family tie was a tie between the people and their LATIN CORRUPTIONS OF CYMRIC. 1S7 masters, made oppression less galling, and conquest more secure. The etymology of proper names, though a dangerous guide, is not altogether to be discredited. In times long subsequent to the evacuation of Britain there were numerous personal designations current in the island which indicated Roman origin. The corruption of the British language by the intro- duction of Latin vocables, made greater progress both in Roman and post-Roman times than is usually acknow- ledged. In the estimation of some of our "Welsh literati " it were a proof of traitorous intentions towards the Cymracg to say that its vocabulary is intermixed with Roman words ; but the fact is beyond question, as our chapter on Philology, and Appendix A., will show. At the same time it cannot be too frequently insisted upon, that intermixture of languages is not a certain index to a proportion of race intermixture. In the chapter referred to, we have endeavoured to dis- tinguish between the two, and to show how the former is an evidence of the latter as fact, and in what respect it may be considered evidence as to its measure. The introduction of Latin into the Cymraeg might be the fruit of respect for the speech of the ruling class ; and might still more arise from the respect entertained by the better instructed — the clergy — for the Latin, as the deposi- tory of ancient learning. That the Britons had to some extent cultivated the Latin is certain. The indications of history are few, but we have shown that Agricola used special efforts to induce them so to do. The works of Taliesin (say 6th cent.) give evidence of his acquaintance with the classic writers, both of Greece and of Rome, and Cymricised Latin words are often met with in his verses. Also in Aneurin's Gododin (6th cent.) vv. 231,239, we meet with many corruptions, ex. gr. fossawt, for fosse, a ditch 1 88- THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. (Lat. fossa), Calan Jonawr, the first of January, v. 268, (Lat. kalendas) ; Llywarch Hen (6th cent.) has gwydr (Lat. vitrum), &c. Latin words became further naturalized in the speech of the Cymry in the middle ages ; thus, at the very opening of the laws of Hywel Dda 1 we meet with the word emenda'dsanty "improved" (Lat. emendo) ; and in the elegy of Meilyr on Gruffydd ap Cynan (12th cent.) we meet with the epithet, "rex radau," King of gifts or. graces. How the terminology and technical phrases of superior languages/or the languages of superior nations, are adopted as in some sort signs of presumable culture by the. unedu- cated, we need not say : the Welsh of the present day afford ample and humiliating illustrations. We have few means of knowing how far the culture of Latin proceeded among the Britons during the stay of the Romans. Mr. Wright is assuredly wrong in the opinion that Latin had become the fixed and only language of Britain, and was the speech in general use on the arrival •of the Saxons. Not only is there no evidence that the Romans, here or elsewhere, made a point of imposing their language ; but the traditions, early literature, and subse- quent vigour of the Cymric tongue, conclusively prove that the language had remained as fixed as the people. We have said^, that Agricola set on foot measures for teaching Latin to the Britons. But how did he proceed ? He wisely began with the sons of the chief people — " principium filios," expecting that the example of the high would be followed by those below. All this would tend to prove that up to Agricola' s time, when Rome had already been master some hundred and thirty years, the Britons had made no acquaintance with the Latin tongue. As yet the children of even princes and the nobility had not been 1 See Wotton's Leges Wallice. AMALGAMATION OF ROMANS AND BRITONS. 1S9 taught it. But soon the administration of the laws came to be in Latin. Latin was the language of official life. In two or three hundred years, it would infallibly make pro- gress, especially among the instructed classes, and would become the chief, if not only, language spoken in the Municifiia, Colonice, and Roman towns generally ; and would thus become a powerful instrument in the fusion of the two peoples. The languages would doubtless, as languages of daily intercourse, mutually borrow. The process for both would be facilitated by the numerous Celtic vocables already existing in the classic Latin, and belonging to its primitive and most venerated materials — memorials of some ancient common origin between it and the Cymraeg — and by the similarity of articulation of the two tongues. As an example of a common inheritance, the Welsh word taran, thunder, may be cited. Ennius, in earlier Latin, says^ " Jupiter tarans," while Virgil has, " Jupiter tonans." These philological indications, added to other reasons already mentioned, ;or left to be understood, justify the presumption that amalgamation took place between Romans and Britons, but how far this fusion proceeded we cannot of course determine. Taking what has already been shown — the relative smallness of the Roman resi- dentiary population — as our guide, it seems reasonable to conclude, even after making the amplest allowances, thai its progress was not great. When the Romans withdrew, the population of Britain was substantially Celtic, as they found it. Neither the occasional immigrants from North Germany, nor the influx from Italy during the imperial rule, produced any such change in the inhabitants as to render it inappropriate still to call them the Ancient Britons. I go THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. SECTION V. The influence of the Roman Conquest upon the Celtic character of Western Britain. That the eastern side of our island retains hardly any traces of the Celtic aborigines, and that the western has •become their favourite, though not their only home, cannot admit of debate. Had the Romans any hand in deter- mining this state of things ? Or were the determining •causes at work in times anterior to the Roman Conquest, and have they continued so in later times ? The great line of march for the Roman troops was from South to North through Leicester, York, and Newcastle. On this line the great military stations are found. To the east of this line, from time immemorial, the piratical rovers of the German Sea would have some influence, and here and there effect settlements. Here probably settled the " Coritani." We read of no great Celtic power at any time inhabiting these regions ; under the behests of nature, they had been left in a state of comparative wildness, abounding in forests, moorlands, and swamps. Up to comparatively recent times, indeed, the " Fen Country " was but a thinly peopled, unwholesome, sadly uncultivated tract. The Celt had no love for it. But if we look to the Western side, along the entire length of the island, the Cymry axe found predominant — in Cornwall, in Wales, in Cumberland, and Strathclyde far into Scotland. Now it appears by no means certain that the Romans had any hand in causing this distribution of the Cymry. The unhistoric representation about the Romans, and after them the Saxons, "driving the Ancient Britons into the mountains of Wales," is utterly groundless. A preference PREFERENCE FOR THE WESTERN SIDE. igi for the West would arise from the nature of things, unless the aborigines were a people without either imagination or reason. The cold morasses, stagnant lakes, and tangled forests of what are now called Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, and Lincolnshire, were not likely to be more inviting' than the crystal streams, sheltered vales, and towering hills of the West. Once discovered, the western side of Britain, in the most primitive times, and to the most untutored tribes, would be more covetable than the eastern. Previous to Roman times also, as afterwards, the German Sea marauders were the plague of the Britons. To avoid their presence, and to keep their flocks and property out of their reach, the inhabitants would naturally incline to the interior, except where their strength was adequate to check their unwelcome visitors. The power of the Iceni and Trinobante's in Essex, Norfolk, Suffolk, &c, was not sufficient to prevent them from committing depreda- tions, and even forming settlements, on their shores ; nor was the power of the Romans altogether sufficient for the purpose. It is, therefore, conceivable that their visits would cause the aborigines in their earlier stages of possession to feel no strong attachment to those parts even if the landscape had been pleasing^ and the soil fertile. The condition of things when the Romans began their conquests, was therefore something like the following: The southern and western parts were well peopled. As far as the mountains of Caledonia, the different tribes of Britons, all speaking the same tongue, were found in more or less teeming multitudes. In the central parts of the island also they abounded in almost equal numbers, as evidenced by the vast forces they brought into the field to stem the progress of the Romans. But in proportion as Rome established her power, in that proportion did a select i~w, the more brave and defiant, seeing resistance was useless, 192 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. quit their native locality, and seek shelter among the unconquered tribes of the West, in Wales, Devon, Cum- berland, and the region still further north. Thus an intense hereditary spirit of nationality was concentrated in Wales which never ceased to fulminate its most terrible thunder- bolts against all aggressors on the sacred soil of Britain, and has not even allowed its powerful vocabulary to fall into complete desuetude even in these latter days. Although all real reason for its use has long ago vanished, the phantoms of the past appear, now and then, sufficiently real to call forth a malediction. It is just possible that to pirate freebooters of North Germany allusion is made in the Welsh Triads, where amongst the " three invading tribes which came into the Isle of Britain, and never departed from it," are mentioned, " the Coranians, who came from the country of Pwyl," and settled about the river Humber and the. shores of the German Ocean. 1 This may refer to a period anterior to the Hengist incursion, or subsequent to it, and the intruders may have been of Germanic or of mixed origin. We cannot rely upon such general statements, made without date or definite order of succession ; but they may legitimately be received as suggestive, and corrobora- tory of other proofs, in building up a structure of argument. We, therefore, accept this Triad as indicating one of the causes which in early times induced a brave remnant of the Cymry to move by degrees towards the opposite western coast — probably in that particular case, more towards Lancashire and Cumberland than towards Wales. There was a poetic fitness in this migration of the ancient possessors into the more hoary regions (if geology will pardon a figure) of the island. And the step might 1 My v. Arch, of Wales, vol. ii, 59. POETIC FITNESS. 1 93 well have been suggested by a prophetic foresight also. The -western side is the region of primary formations, which not only determine the picturesqueness of the surface, but the underground wealth. Nearly all the mineral treasures of Britain are carefully laid up on the Western side — the region whither their good genius conveyed so many of the staunchest of the Ancient Britons. But war, oppression, and sentiment prevented the Cymry from finding the concealed riches. Is it, therefore, that the slow and searching Englishman — the compound of Saxon and Celt — must follow them to the West, to aid in the discovery and converting to use of treasures which so long had lain under their feet ? The Celt, though not wanting in constructive power, has not for many ages in the British Isles turned it to the highest account. Poetic, airy and sentimental, his aptitude is small for burrowing the earth. He is naturally at home when ranging the breezy hills, or the fairy intellectual dream-land. But when he with his quick perception and prompt action is joined to the profound, persistent Teuton, then comes forth the inventive discoverer of worlds above and worlds beneath — the man who can extract gold from the quartz rock, and dig coal and iron from the bowels of the hills. We do not think that Roman influences contributed in very large degree to the movement of the aboriginal race westwards. They led to the overlaying of the features of Celtic nationality in the South, and all other parts except the West and extreme North ; but this was done by dis- placement, not of the race, but of the language, and other elements of national character. That the race had not been displaced, but remained in vast numbers on the soil, was demonstrated on the departure of the Romans. The British kingdom of Lloegria was immediately set up, with London as its capital. The Saxons had to fight the old Britons o 1 94 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. twenty years for possession of Kent ; and afterwards for every inch they gained from Kent to the Highlands. Nothing can be more conclusive as proof that the Romans had never dislodged the Britons from the soil of England than the universal movement alluded to, for the recon- struction of the native States. Once the land was free from the repressive power of strangers, the original race resumed its old position ; and we need no better evidence that the government of Rome had never obliterated the distinctions of rank and family recognised among the Britons, than the fact that when this resumption of power w r as set on foot, the genealogies of the princes were known, and the rightful claimants to power identified. A dispute arose respecting right of precedence to the supreme office of Pendragon (an office similar to the Saxon "Bretwalda"), but the princely families and their order of descent were all known, and, doubtless, the ancient laws and usages were in safe keeping against the moment of political resur- rection, when the barriers of oppression were removed from the national tomb. What had been the precise condition of the princely and noble families of the Britons during this time of suppressed political existence, it is now impossible to relate. How far did they consent to accept military employment abroad : how far were they domiciled and pensioned from the public Treasury ; were their sons and daughters married into wealthy Roman families ; were they encouraged to tread the path to a convenient oblivion through extravagance, dissipation, and shame ; or did tyranny crush them all, wherever it could, with impartial and implacable vengeance ? The last supposition is totally inadmissible, being so obviously in conflict with the known temper and custom, as well as interest of the Roman people. Some consideration was extended to rank and station, and the gentle and help- FAMILY PEDIGREES. I 95 less, overtaken by misfortune through no fault of their own, but through the ambition of imperial Rome, were dealt with as humanely as the necessary assertion of power would permit. Moreover, the hope of redemption ever sustained the British heart, and in the later ages, as signs increased of the coming downfall of the Empire, that hope grew brighter and more buoyant. A Census, though perhaps unwritten, was carefully kept of the survivors of dis- tinguished families — for the Celts through all times have been warmly loyal to their chiefs — and when the moment came round, the names, with their genealogies were pro- claimed. SECTION VI. The Nitmerical and Material Strength of the Britons at the Anglo-Saxon Invasion. We have been anxious to present as faithful a picture as possible of the Ancient Britons, their number and dis- tribution throughout the island, under the Romans ; for here lies the basis of the whole argument. This being done, and the interval between the liberation of the Britons from Roman rule and exposure to Anglo-Saxon attack being so short, part of the proof implied in the wording of this section is already furnished. If the Britons were spread over the island, and in powerful bodies, under the Romans, and at the time of cession of Roman rule, nothing short of a miracle could prevent their being so when the incursions of the Picts, Scots, and North Germans, took place. Such as the Romans left them, such the Anglo-Saxons found them. This is true, notwithstanding - the emigrations to Brittany, and the hosts which are said to have followed the fortunes of Maximus and Constantino the usurper to Gaul. o 2 196 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. But we must, in the briefest form, give a few details re- specting this critical period in the condition of the Ancient Britons. i. The effect of the Roman dominion on the spirit and capacity of the nation. It has been shown that it was in harmony with the policy x)f the Romans to encourage the increase and prosperity of subject races. But it was neither their policy nor their practice to develop the British mind, to encourage habits of self-reliance, or the exercise of self-government. They consistently promoted such development as tended to the increase of revenue, without impeding the action of a rigid military rule. The increase of population, the improve- ment of agriculture, commerce, mining, were encouraged, since men for the army and taxes for the treasury were thereby furnished. But, side by side with this tilling, planting, and irrigating, there was at work a method of exhaustion. The British yoLiths were drafted into the legions, and many sent on foreign service, it being the custom of the Romans to gain new provinces by the aid of troops drawn from the old — a custom, by the way, superior in its wisdom to that pursued by the British in India until the late disastrous mutiny. Offices of trust and emolument, calling into play talent and acquirement, were, as a matter of course, bestowed on Roman candidates. A chief qualification for these posts was indubitable loyalty. In the army, Britons might be promoted, but with discretion, and exclusion from chief command. When a common soldier lik Constantine " the tyrant," could rise to be imfierator, nothing could prevent, here and there, a Briton from obtaining subordinate com- mand. Allectus, who rose against and destroyed Carausius, EFFECTS OF ROMAN DOMINION. I Q7 and assumed the imperial title he had usurped, is said to have been a Briton. But, as a rule, with numerous excep- tions in favour of the unquestionably loyal, the natives were not promoted in the army. "When, therefore, the Roman Government was withdrawn, the Britons were found in a condition of prostration little adapted for the management of affairs. Bede, with a tone of deeper colouring than the truth demanded, tells us that " the South of Britain," destitute of armed soldiers, of martial stores, of all its active youth, which had been led away never to return, was wholly exposed to rapine, as being totally ignorant of the use of weapons. * The untrustworthy Gildas has already painted the same picture, but follows his bent by dashing in darker lines. 2 Things were bad enough, though not quite so bad as this. Among the chief causes of the weakness and bewilderment of the Britons may be counted the following - : — (i.) The moral impotence incident to dependence on the guidance and authority of others through 460 years. (2.) Exhaustion of property by confiscation and taxation. (3.) The necessity of creating a new arm}-, settling property in land, establishing a fiscal system, Sec. (4.) Divided counsels — the marked misfortune of the Celtic race. 2. The recovery of the ancient spirit and rule. Rome in recalling her army (if, in the confusion which accompanied the usurpation by Constantino, and the re- moval of all the troops under his command to Gaul, such an act as " recalling her army " can be ascribed to Rome; left in Britain certain officials with nominal 1 Ecclcs. Hist. i. 12. Sec also Sax. Cliron. aim. .| | ;. - De Excid. Brit. 14, 15. It is well known that Beck's account is only -a copy, with alterations, of that of Gildas. 198 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. authority and bearing nominal command, but of therr functions very little can now be known. Whatever they may have been, the natives, in the absence of the army, were not likely long to respect them. The chiefs of the different tribes overhauled their pedigrees and began to advance their claims to rule the country. The record of descent was always an important care with the Britons. Their social and political organization was based upon their elaborate genealogies. Never was there a people more aristocratic and oligarchial. Referring to their descendants of the thirteenth century, Giraldus says : "The Welsh esteem noble birth and generous descent above all things, and are therefore more desirous of marriage alliance with high-born than rich families. Even the com- mon people retain their genealogy, and are not only able at once to recount their grandfathers and great grandfathers, but even refer back to the sixth or seventh generation, or even beyond." 1 Every district belonged to a particular family connection or clan, which had grown up around some chieftain (called Pen-teulu — caput familise), 2 and no person not by birth related within the ninth degree to such pen-teuhi could possess land or hold rank in that district. His pedigree, therefore, was the Briton's title to dignity and property. The princes and great men — precisely after the analogy of all early Oriental nations — kept their bards or genealogists as a necessary family institution, filling the functions of general annalists, musicians, and moralists. The Isle of Britain was soon astir with the work of repairing the ancient desolations. Not only tribe govern- ments or kingdoms, North, South, East, and West were established, but an effort was also made, amid much dis- traction and division of counsels, to cement a bond of union 1 Cambria Descript. i. 17. 2 Lazes of Hywel Dda, iii. 1. TIMES OF PERPLEXITY. 1 99 between the different kingdoms by a confederacy and the appointment of a supreme prince called Pendragon. This may have been an arrangement known among the Britons in ante-Roman times. Something of the kind existed among the Gauls. Or it may have been in imitation of the practice of the Romans, who looked upon the Empire, not as a unity so much as an aggregation of unities, with Rome as supreme and directing centre. The seat of the Pendragon was established in London — the chief city, by this time, of the Lloegrian Britons. It was in this very effort at a wise arrangement for defence, that the Britons managed to discover a bone of contention and occasion of their own defeat. Every prince of course would like to be Pendragon. The Lloegrians were the tribe whose capital had been fixed upon, at least by themselves, as the seat of the Pendragon. But the Cymry claimed to be the first colonists of Britain — the hosts and patrons of all subsequently arrived tribes — and nothing appeared to them so just and natural as that their ruling prince should be Pendragon. The enemy was already knocking at the gate, but the wranglers could hear nothing but the din of their own contentions. Reason reeled, and the appeal was made to arms. The people, who were already too feeble to repel an invader, increased their impotency by shedding each other's blood. In this war of rival claimants, Vortigcm, the Lloegrian, was loudest, most daring, and successful in demanding - the Pendragonship. It must be confessed that the endeavour to establish a native government after the ideal conceived was a failure. All that can be scored to the credit of the Britons during this painful interval is a spirit of thorough-going, heroic patriotism. The sorts of government that were established under Vortigern, Ambrosius, Uthyr Pendragon (said to be 2 00 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. father of Arthur), granting for a moment that the accounts we have received are worthy of credit, were not adequate to self-protection, and were hardly anything better than fortuitous experiments of rivals for supremacy. It is im- possible to determine at this distance of time how far Roman intrigue was concerned in frustrating a restored British monarchy ; and how far credit is due to the repre- sentations of Geoffrey respecting Ambrosius as claimant with Roman proclivities against his brother Vortigern as the national champion. There may be truth underlying the representation. All we certainly know is that the national spirit was now thoroughly roused. Not in Wales, but all over England, the Britons were politically active. The old chroniclers shadow forth to us in that dim age weighty transactions, powerful and violent rivalries, audacious courage. But the scene is one of power mingled with weakness — private passion and intrigue warring against reason and the common weal — usurpation, insu- bordination, interminable disorder. No picture more affecting could well be offered to the study of the historian than a noble, heroic people, long-oppressed, but just let free, holding in a trembling hand the cup of their destiny, and in the mad eagerness after a drop of its contents, clashing it all to the ground ! There now occurred a strange coincidence in the fortunes of Rome, the mistress of the world, and of Britain, her late province — both became the prey of " Northern bar- barians." 3. The Britons, at the coming of the Anglo-Saxons, widespread and numerous. It has been already said, that such as the Romans left the Britons, such the Anglo-Saxons found them. It is beyond dispute that their number had vastly increased, in RESISTANCE TO THE ANGLO-SAXONS. 20 1 spite of all diminishing influences, during the Roman occupation, and that, in all conceivable respects, the practice of self-government excepted, they had become a greatly superior people to what they were at the com- mencement. They were better educated, better trained to arms, better practised in all the arts of life : in a word, they had received all the advantages of the Roman civilization, and were, therefore, in point of general culture, pretty much on a par with the Romans themselves. We may take it as proof of the teeming numbers of the Britons rather than of their desire to abandon their native country that so many scores of thousands of them are said to have emigrated about this time to Armorica. Maximus is related to have led as many as 60,000 British youths to Gaul. 1 Usher calculates that the number would be more like 30,000 soldiers, with some 100,000 peasants to form the settlement. 2 On this subject of Maximus's expedition to Brittany, there remains a good deal of obscurity. Lobineau, the historian of Brittany, disbelieves it. But nothing can discredit the fact so universally admitted that vast numbers of the Britons did settle in Brittany. Breton tradition to this day bears it out ; local names and language are strongly in its favour. Our next section will show that the country was populous enough to spare these hosts, military and otherwise, and yet remain well inhabited. 4. The resistance offered to the Jutes, Saxons, and Angles, an evidence of the numerical and material strength of the Britons. It took these invading tribes, usually called "Anglo- Saxons," a hundred and fifty years to establish themselves 1 Richard of Circnc. Anc. State of Brit. ii. 2, 35 ; Nmnius, sect. 27. 2 Usseri, Autiq. Brit. Eccles, pp. 107, 108. 2 02 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. on British soil. The value of resistance is to be calculated according to the force resisted. The Anglo-Saxon invasions, and the wars which suc- ceeded them, continued as we have shown from A.D. 449 to A.D. 828, when Egbert, of Wessex, received the dignity of Bretwalda. This length of conflict tells an instructive as well as a ghastly tale. We clo not disguise the fact, that much of the obstruction to Saxon progress in the later ages of the Conquest, proceeded from the Saxons themselves — one Saxon state waging war with another — but throughout this long and most dreary period, the Britons never ceased to be conspicuous in the field, mostly as the only opponents. When Vortigern invited Hengist and Horsa and their companions to aid against the Picts and Scots, and pro- bably also against a party amongst the Britons who sym- pathized still with Roman supremacy, the martial tone and equipment of the Britons must be confessed to have been inferior. But they had men among them who knew the Roman art of war. They had workers in iron and brass, who had been taught to fabricate the Roman arms. Romans of rank, and most likely officers of the army, were still in their midst, though not perhaps earnest helpers in the defence of the island. In Csesar's time the Britons had no better weapons than the Germans ; they had no steel, though probably they had bronze blades ; but after long- schooling under the most martial nation of the earth, they could no longer be in so ignorant a condition. Their mis- fortune was, that they were poor — "without martial stores," as Bede expresses it — and that the means and men they commanded were divided under leaders of different opinions and sympathies. Vortigern was a party leader, and many of the people of the land refused to enlist under his banners. The Welsh Triads inform us that the Cymry were opposed to WEAKNESS FROM DISSENSION. 203 the invitation sent to the Saxons. But A r ortigern per- severed ; and on this account, the invitation having turned out disastrously to the whole British race — he is always spoken of in the Triads with unsparing bitterness and contempt. 1 This dissension greatly reduced the force first confronted with the invaders. The party of Ambrosius was numerous, and they were opposed to all Vortigern's acts. The Cymry were also numerous, probably much more so than the Lloegrians and the Ambrosian party together. Until, therefore, the danger of losing their country stared them in the face, and their own annihilation was threatened, they kept apart and neutralized each other's effective action. The invaders had comparatively easy work of it. So it was that Hengist managed at length to settle his handful of followers in Kent, and found there a kingdom. Even under the circumstances, however,, it cost him twenty years of conflict to do the work. This first troop of Jutish [Saxons)^as by no means numerous, although they proved of great service at the first to Vortigern in repelling the Scottish Celts. But their number when they turned traitors, and forced a permanent settlement in the country, rapidly increased. An old Chronicler says, referring, it may be, to the whole of the Anglo-Saxon invaders, that a " large multitude " joined them from every province in Germany. 2 Geoffrey, with his usual magniloquence, assures us that Hengist raised in Germany an army of no less than 300,000 men, and fitting- out a^fleet, returned with them into Britain. 3 The exagge- ration is palpable. Nennius says, "at that time the Saxons 1 Comp. Triads, passim. - Ethelward's Chron. B. i. 3 Brit. Hist. vi. 15. There is obviously here an enormous exaggeration. To convey such a multitude it would require a fleet of 1,500 vessels, giving 200 men to each : or even 7,000 vessels of the capacity of those used by Csesar in conveying his 30,000 men across. He used 700 ships. -204 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. greatly increased in Britain, both in strength and numbers." 1 We are told by Bede that their first victories over the Picts being known in Germany, " as also the fertility of the country, and the cowardice of the Britons, a more considerable fleet was sent over, bringing a still greater number of men, who being added to the former, made up an invincible army." 2 When Bede speaks of "" cowardice," it is well to remember that he was himself a rather prejudiced German, and withal a borrower from the pages of Gildas — into whose trustworthiness it will be our duty by and by to examine. If the history of the Britons from beginning to end proves anything, it proves •that in the virtue of courage they are beyond impeachment, •except that not unfrequently its superfluity overbalanced their caution and discretion. With all their reinforcements the invaders made but slow progress. With all the weakness which division created among the Britons, they still fought heroically. Vortigern being for the present, as represented by Geoffrey, in disgrace and deposed, owing to his mar- riage with Rhonwen, daughter of Hengist, 3 and, as was .suspected, his secret plotting in favour of the Saxons, his eldest son Vortimer, in Welsh history called Gwrthefyr, took the command, and, according to Nennius, four times valorously encountered the enemy. 4 He drove them back to the isle of Thanet, thrice shut them up there, besetting them on the western side. In one MS. of Nennius it is stated that the Saxons took to their ships, 1 Hist. Brit. 50. 2 Ecchs. Hist. i. 15 ; Sax. Chron. ann. 449; Nennius, 43. 3 Geoff, of Mon. Brit. Hist. vi. 12. " It was through the devil entering into his heart that he who was a Christian should fall in love with a .pagan." i Hist. Brit. 43, 44. FIRST CONFLICTS. 205 and departed for five years ; and in the work bearing the name of Gildas, these most cruel robbers (crudelissimi praedones) as they are called, finding an opportunity, returned to their own country (recessissent in domum). 1 This, however, could only be for a season, and in order to obtain temporary repose and replenish their wasted forces. For twenty years had they to fight their way into possession of the first corner of the country — the very corner which Caesar had also first coveted. They fought and failed, and fought again, however, until the object they desired was gained. " They fought at ^Egelsthrep, and there Horsa was slain." They fought next year at Crecanford (Cray- ford), and there Hengist and Acsa, his son, "slew four troops of Britons with the edge of the sword." Next year there was a great conflict at the same place, when Hengist " slew four thousand men." 2 A few years later we hear of battles at Wippids-fleet, at Cymenes-ora, on the banks of the river Maercredsburn, at Andreds-cester — places difficult now to identify — but of the last it is said that Ella "slew all that dwelt therein, so that not a single Briton was there left." In 495, Cerdic, with his son Cenric, and "five ships," arrived, and the Britons, who by this time had allowed Hengist to settle down in Kent, and Ella in Sussex, contested several battle- fields in the South-West about Hampshire, disputing the ground inch by inch for a period of four-and-twenty years. Cerdic, however, had not come over to be beaten. In the year 519 he gained a decisive victory at Cerdicsford, " and from that day forth the royal offspring of the West Saxons reigned." But setting up a kingdom in other people's territory is one thing, to enjoy security and rest is quite another. Again and again the Britons return to the charge 1 De Excid. Brit. 25. Sax Chron. arm. 455 — 457. 206 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. and not till a new invasion on another part of the coast demands their presence and prowess, is Cerdic allowed leisure to fit on his crown. " It was not until fourscore- years after the disembarkation," observes Mackintosh, ■"that Cerdic, at the head of the West Saxons, made a lasting impression on the Western Britons in a series of battles where he was probably resisted by the valiant Arthur." l Already on the coast of Essex, Ercenwine, with a horde of pirates, challenges the Britons to hold their own ; and no sooner is this challenge accepted, than another is hurled at them on the neighbouring coast of Norfolk and Suffolk by Uffa and his Angles. Difficulties thicken, but the islanders are not yet disheartened. These invaders in turn, or simultaneously, having been encountered, a still more powerful force from the same inexhaustible region invades the North. In the year 547, Ida and his Angles establish themselves between the Tweed and the Forth. The Britons of these parts have hastily to collect an army, and take the field. The regions now covered by the counties of Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmoreland, and the South of Scotland, become the scenes of many sanguinary conflicts. This was about the time when Aneurin and Llywarch Hen sang their verses, and this was the country which a section of the nation of the Cymry, called "Cumbrians," then called their own. At this period was contested the. disastrous battle of Cattraethy wherein Aneurin foug"ht, and which forms the subject of his poem, the Gododin? This battle deprived the Cymry of their rule in those parts. Multi- 1 Hist, of England, i. 31. 2 The Gododin seems to be named after the tribe of the region, whose name the Romans varied into "Ottadini." CONFLICTS IN THE NORTH-WEST. 207 tudes submitted to the victors. Aneurin and Llywarch Hen, of Argoed, " Arcades ambo, Et cantare pares," lost their country and their state, and retired, with their spirit of poetry and liberty unshackled, into the secure asylum of the mountains of Wales. These sore conflicts in the North took place about a hundred years after the first settlement of Saxon tribes in the South. This interval was a time of gloom and horror to the Britons. It determined the question whether Britain was to be the prey of strangers. It relegated to the care of barbarism the whole of Roman civilization left in the country. Taken at a disadvantage, torn by faction, attacked in all direc- tions, and with a fierceness almost unparalleled, by Picts and Scots, Jutes, Saxons, and Angles, who, acting - as if by concert, seemed resolved upon compassing their total ruin, it had been no cause for wonder if they had succumbed to so hard a fate, and their name had been blotted out of the records of succeeding ages. But they managed to hold up their head, and to perpetuate their race and name. Whole bodies of them, it is true, entered into "confederacy" with the Saxons. The entire kingdom of Lloegria did this. The tribe of the Brython did this. They " became Saxons/' as the Triad expresses it, thus diminishing the i nil uence and power of their own brethren, and swelling the ranks, and augmenting the power and territory of the invaders. But the "true Britons," (as they might well call themselves) never wavered, never flinched. Where they could they kept possession of the walled towns, and strong castles and camps, left so thickly strewn over the island by the Romans ; and, where obliged to quit these, they converted hills and forests into new fortresses, and 208 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. carried on for ages a guerilla warfare in the very heart of the Saxon States. After the Anglian conquest of the North and the setting up of the Kingdom of Northumbria, British resistance took the form, chiefly, of occasional devastating incursions, and insurrections. These were not movements originating merely in the West. They occurred as the work of a people still existing in the heart of England. The insurgents are often termed " Welsh " ( Wealhas), but not because they came from Wales, but because this was the name the Anglo- Saxons gave to a people not belonging to their own race. We find that though the Kingdom of Wessex had been in a manner founded since A.D. 495 or thereabouts, Cerdic and his successors had frequent occasion to meet the Britons in the field long years after that time. In A.D. 552, the very year Ethelbert, first Christian king of Saxon race, was born, they fought a severe battle at Searo-byrig (Old Sarum, in Hampshire) ; the following year at Berin-byrig (Banbury, in Oxfordshire); in 571 at a place in Bedfordshire; six years later in Gloucestershire, and seven years later still at Fethan-lea, a place identified by some with Frethern. 1 Mighty conflicts and innumerable skirmishes of which no record has reached us must have taken place between the Cymry and Midland Anglo-Saxons, for the Kingdom of Mercia was only founded in A.D. 586 — a hundred and thirty- seven years after the Hengist incursion — and its position would necessitate manifold quarrels with the Britons of Wales and neighbouring regions, many of whose posses- sions it swallowed up. After this we come to a period of greater repose to the Britons. The Anglo-Saxons, before they had settled all their differences with the original inhabitants, began in earnest to 1 Sax. Chron. ann. 495 — 584. BRITISH RESISTANCE CONTINUES. 2O0. quarrel amongst themselves. A long series of desolating wars occurred between Wessex, Mercia, and the Xorthern Kingdom, which continued to rage with greater or less fury until the time of Egbert, when the whole were united under one general government. For 200 years or more we hear little of contests between the Anglo- Saxons and the Britons, beyond occasional raids and outbreaks. What has now been adduced is sufficient to show that a powerful opposition w r as offered to the Anglo-Saxons, and continued for some hundreds of years, by a fraction only of the Ancient Britons. If they had been all united, and presented a combined and well-compacted front to the foe, it is clear enough he could never have made good his footing in the land. Celtic disunion alone made possible Anglo- Saxon triumph, and was the " g - ood-and-evil '' ag'ent in originating the majestic creation of the modern English nation. If, with their numbers reduced by this cause, they still accomplished what history, impartially read, gives them credit for, they must have been a people not only of undaunted courage, but of great resources. They at last set a limit to Anglo-Saxon progress. The wave of conquest met with an unyielding barrier. A people so ambitious of territory as the Anglo-Saxons were only by the sheerest inability to advance prevented from incorporating the whole of Wales, Strathclyde, and West Wales, or Cornwall, into their own proper dominion. It is quite conceivable that but for the mutual jealousies of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, this work might, in course of time, have been accomplished. Northumbria would long have anticipated the conquest of Strathclyde by Kenneth III. of Scotland (.\.D. 973) if Mercia had not been treading on her heels; and Mercia would in 2IO THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. time have incorporated Wales had not Wessex been so powerful as her rival. The different States of the Heptarchy, or Octarchy, and especially the three just- named, had, by the tenth century, in spite of the destruction of life by almost incessant wars, greatly multi- plied in population, having received, en masse, the Lloe- grians, Brython, and probably the Coranians, into their body at an early stage of the Conquest, as well as myriads of Britons of the Cymric and other stocks in subsequent times ; they had continued advancing in numbers for three or four hundred years, and had spread themselves as naturalized possessors, of a mixed race, over the greater part of the island, excepting the countries mentioned on the Western side. Here, still, a brave people guarded their " Thermopylae," hurling grim defiance at the invaders' advance, and here the so-called Anglo-Saxons ceased advancing. SECTION VII. The Extent to which the Britons and Anglo-Saxons became incorporated into One People. The preceding pages have made the conclusion certain that amalgamation between the two races took place. We have now to make manifest the extent of that amalgamation. It is generally allowed, even by " Anglo-Saxon " en- thusiasts, that the English have not derived an immaculate descent from the North Sea freebooters. But in the con- ception of most people, the amount of Celtic blood intermixed is very small. " When the Saxons arrived, the Ancient Britons were all slain, or driven into the mountains of Wales." This is the strain of the " school histories of England," and from these, repeating the same note, most INCORPORATION OF BRITONS AND SAXONS. 2 I I people take their impressions, and nurse their prejudices, and it will take a long time before the thorough-going - , unscientific Englishman brooks the idea that he is any- thing less than a Saxon. Somehow this piece of adventu- rous imagination has been taken as a postulate in English history. Even some writers of attainment, and learned college lecturers, still slide into so fallacious a mode of representation — a mode, it need hardly be said, unworthy of an age of historic research and boasted scientific pro- gress. If the history of England, and of British Ethnology, when read rightly, and only with a view to truth, teaches anything, it teaches that the English people have to a far wider extent had their origin in an amalgamation with the aborigines of this island, than we have been accustomed in our easy, unenquiring way, to believe. The question however, we may note by the way, is not one relating solely to the Anglo-Saxons and the Ancient Britons, for a great variety of elements have been introduced into the population of Britain, as we have already in the course of our discussions explained. But the two largest contributories to the stream of English blood are the Celtic and the Germanic, or, limiting terms more strictly, the Cymric and Anglo-Saxon. Our present section has to treat upon this specific part of the general subject. In showing how far the aboriginal and Anglo-Saxon races coalesced upon the subjugation of the former, we begin Im- proving the vast preponderance in number of the former at the outset of the struggle, and that the latter suffered as great a diminution by the casualties of war as their com- petitors, so that their relative strength continued the same ; and then offer a variety of arguments in support of the position that the soil of Central Britain was never deserted by the first possessors, but gradually became the common inheritance of a complex but united race. I' 2 2 12 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. i. Gildas Examined. Before proceeding further, it is necessary to search into the foundations of the popular belief respecting the state of the Britons at the crisis of the Anglo-Saxon invasion, and their complete expulsion by that invasion from the soil of England. That belief is to the effect that the Britons, after the departure of the Romans, were in a completely prostrate condition, were incapable of offering resistance to Picts, Scots, or Saxons, and were ruthlessly mown down by the sword without deliverance, a small " remnant " only barely escaping, like sheep from the jaws of devouring wolves, into the mountains of the West, or as miserable fugitives across sea to Brittany. This belief, instilled to this day alike into the child's mind in the nursery, and the student's in the lecture-room, is, in all probability, as palpable a superstition, as devoid of foundation, as gratuit- ous, and as impossible of rational credence, as any wild and idle romance ever imposed upon unsuspecting child- hood. The story upon which this notion is founded is graphic and compact as any in Homer, and, of course, highly flattering to our Saxon pride, and it is only a pity it is not true. But how did it originate, and who is responsible for its first propagation ? Has it any countenance in any authentic ancient historian, or in any induction which may be arrived at from contemporary circumstances and facts ? "We answer the former question by saying, the story is authenticated solely by the monk Gildas — himself scarcely authenticated ; he is alone responsible for it : and the latter, by saying, it receives no credence whatever from any inde- pendent and credible historian, or from the candid examination of any known contemporary facts. That a belief based on so uncertain a foundation should be found as part of the faith of modern Englishmen, only shows how GILDAS EXAMINED. 213 fondly mankind cling to established ideas, and by what subtle and easy processes groundless ideas sometimes become established. Let us quote Gildas's story, and then examine its trust- worthiness. In a work called after his name, and entitled Dc Excidio Britannia, he gives the saddest picture imaginable of the condition of the Britons after the with- drawal of the Romans, and finishes off the last and darkest shades with two strokes of his brush representing the afflictions wrought by the Picts and Scots, and the Saxons. The Britons, now a " wretched remnant," pressed by the Picts and Scots, send a letter to Aetius, a powerful Roman citizen, as follows : — " To Aetius, now consul for the third time : The groans of the Britons. The barbarians drive us to the sea ; the sea throws us back on the barbarians : thus two modes of death await us — we are either slain or drowned." x This is a picture of helplessness scarcely surpassed. The Romans not responding in this last extremity, the Britons take counsel what to do. But they go from bad to worse. " Then all the councillors, together with that proud tyrant Gurthrigern (Vortigern), the British king, were so blinded, that, as a protection to their country, they sealed its doom by inviting in among them (like wolves into the sheep-fold) the fierce and impious Saxons, a race hateful both to God and men, to repel the invasions of the Northern nations. Nothing was ever so pernicious to our country. ... A multitude of whelps came forth from the lair of the barbaric lioness. They first landed on the Eastern side of the island. . . and there fixed their sharp talons. . . . Their mother-land, finding her first brood thus successful, sends forth a larger company of her wolfish offspring, which, sailing over, join themselves to their bastard comrades." - 1 Dc Excidio Brilannicc, 20. " Ibid. 23. 214 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. " Some, therefore, of the miserable remnant being taken in the mountains, were murdered in great numbers ; others, constrained by famine, came and yielded themselves to be slaves for ever to their foes, running the risk of being instantly slain, which truly was the greatest favour that could be offered them ; some others passed beyond the seas with loud lamentations instead of the voice of exhortation : ' Thou hast given us as sheep to be slaughtered, and among the Gentiles hast thou dispersed us.' Others committing the safeguard of their lives, which were in continual jeopardy, to the mountains, precipices, thickly-wooded forests, and to the rocks of the seas (albeit with trembling hearts) remained still in their country/' l This is the story upon which the popular belief has been built. We are not unmindful that Venerable Bede and Nennius give the same general account as that given by Gildas ; but as these authors flourished the former more than a century, the latter about three centuries, later than Gildas, and drew their materials from his pages, their accounts can offer no corroboration to his, and are worthy of no con- sideration, if his can be shown to be unreliable. Besides, if any narrators subsequent to Gildas had pretended to draw from original British sources, the testimony left by Gildas would go to confute them, for he expressly states that he himself was unable to draw from such sources, there being none such in existence — but drew from foreign accounts [transmarina relatione). Those, therefore, who accord to Gildas's account the character of credibility, must, in so far as the state of the Britons at the Saxon conquest, and the achievement of that conquest are concerned, take Gildas as their sole authority. Our attention, must, therefore, centre upon Gildas ; and the value of the doctrine that the Britons were a craven 1 Dc Excid. Brit. 2*. GILDAS EXAMINED. 215 • crowd, incapable of resistance, instantly scattered, driven into the sea, and into the mountains, must be measured by the value of his testimony. Let us inquire, then, briefly, into the history of Gildas, and without fatiguing the reader with minutiae, scrutinize with some degree of care the value of his narration. As to who Gildas was, and when he flourished, we ■ cannot do better than quote the words of Air. Hardy, in his preface to the great work already frequently cited in our pages. 1 " Gildas (or Gildus, as the name is given by Beda and Alcuin) claims, on account of his antiquity, the earliest place in this collection. His life has been twice written at different times ; the first is attributed to St. Gildas de Ruys in Brittany, in the 1 ith century, and the second to Caradoc of Llancarvan, who flourished in the 12th century." It will appear, therefore, that these biographies were written, one five hundred, the other six hundred years after Gildas's age. Not only from this fact, but especially from the subsequent words of Mr. Hardy, their accounts must be held totally devoid of value. " As both these authors have confounded the actions of two persons at least of the name of Gildas, it will be advisable in this sketch of his life to rely on the few and obscure notices relating to himself, which are to be discovered in his work."' Nothing of value is known of the author, therefore, except what is said of him in the work. But what is the value of this r It must be conceded, of course, that the work called by Gildas's name, was written by some one ; but it is an immense demand upon our credulity t< 1 require the belief that the known work is correct in all that it says of the otherwise unknown author. But what is the work's account of its author ? Let Mr. 1 lardy again speak. " It appears from these notices, that 1 Monumenta Historica Britannica. See pp. 59, Co. 2l6 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Gildas was born in Britain, in the year of the siege of Mount Badon ; * that he exercised some sort of ecclesiastical function ; that he crossed the sea, and that, at the earnest request of his friends, after ten years' entreaty, he composed his epistle. Various dates have been assigned to the siege of Mount Badon, but according to the Annates Cambria, apparently the best of all existing authorities, it took place in A.D. 516. In that year, therefore, let us say Gildas was born. It appears to have been generally allowed, from a passage in the work, 2 that he wrote his epistle in Armorica. We are to conclude that he went abroad at least as early as A.D. 550. If he took ten years to consider and mature his history, it would bring the period of its- composition to A.D. 560." 3 Such then is the man. His life has been written by two different biographers, but both lived more than 500 years after his time, and both have confounded together the lives of two different individuals of the same name. If they have ascribed to A, the acts of B, and vice versa, it is quite con- ceivable that they should ascribe the acts of both to a person perfectly supposititious. These biographers being unworthy of any but the most sparing credit, we are thrown back for all that we know of Gildas upon a few obscure allusions contained in a work ascribed to himself. Gildas may have been an authentic person. But the evidence is, to say the least, defective, and it is just possible that Gildas is simply an assumed name attached by an unknown writer to a work which for the most part was a work of imagination. The name seems to have been common, for there are at least two or three persons called Gildas, contemporaries, mentioned — Gildas Sapiens (our supposed author), Gildas Cambrius,. 1 De E.xcid. Brit. 26. - Ibid. 3 Monumenta Hist. Brit. p. 60. GILDAS EXAMINED. 217 and Gild as Quartus, and it is to be noted that the work of Nennius, the Historia Britonum, was for many ages ascribed to a Gildas. On the whole there is reason for the language used by- Mr. Stephenson in his preface to the original Latin edition recently published by the English Historical Society : "We are unable to speak with certainty as to his (Gildas's) parentage, his country, or even his name, the period when he lived, or the works of which he was the author." But, allowing for the moment that Gildas was an authentic person, and the author of the Excidium Britannia, how far is his book an adequate authority for the belief founded upon its representations ? Mr. Hardy says : " The Epistle of Gildas contains but very few incidents of historical interest, and those are involved in a multitude of words. The account which he gives of his materials in chap. 2 prepares his readers to expect a very meagre narrative, and such is precisely the character of the work. In the earlier portion, he exhibits but an indistinct acquaintance with the events which took place towards the conclusion of the Roman domination in Britain and during the following century ; his narrative is general, confused, and declamatory, and except in very few instances, it cannot be traced to any known source. It is remarkable that when he comes to his own times, he is, if possible, more obscure and his facts less copious. As to his authorities, Gildas says that he wrote more from foreign relation than from written evidences pertaining to his own country} And the vague and meagre manner in which 1 Quantum tamen potuero, non tarn ex scripturis patriae scripto- rumve monumentis, quippe quso, vel si qua fuerint, aut ignibua hostium exusta, aut civium exsilii classe longius deportata non compareanl,. quani transmarina relatione, quae crebris irrupta intercapedinibus non satis claret. 2l8 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. the Roman transactions in the island are hinted at, rather than described, perfectly coincides with his own acknow- ledgment. For the second period [the period which spe- cially concerns our subject] his veracity must rest entirely on his own authority, as none of the contemporaneous Greek or Roman writers afford it any support, but the ■ contrary; his statement relative to the abandonment of the island by the Romans from the Empire of Maximus, and the subsequent erection of the Roman walls, are wholly irreconcilable with their testimony. From the early part of the 5th century, however, when the Greek and Roman writers cease to notice the affairs of Britain, his narrative, on whatever authority it may have been founded, has been adopted without question by Beda and succeeding - authors, and accepted, notwithstanding its barrenness of facts and pompous obscurity, by all but general consent, as the basis of early English history." l It should excite no wonder then that Gibbon should characterize Gildas and his History in the following words : " A monk, who, in the profound ignorance of human life, has presumed to exercise the office of historian, strangely disfigures the state of Britain at the time of its separation from the Roman Empire. Gildas describes in florid lan- guage the improvements of agriculture, the foreign trade which flowed with every tide into the Thames and Severn, the solid and lofty construction of public and private edifices. He accuses the sinful luxury of the British people — of a people, according to the same writer, ignorant of the most simple arts, and incapable, without the aid of the Romans, of providing walls of stone, or weapons of iron, for defence of their native land." Now it is a canon in historical criticism that an author is worthy of credence in proportion as he draws from l Monum. Hist. Brit. p. 61. GILDAS'S BLUNDER DETECTED. 2IQ authentic sources, or was himself an eye-witness of the events recorded ; is supported by other independent testimony ; and is free from bias and prejudice. On all these points Gildas falls short. He himself confesses that as to sources he was in command of " no documents of the country" where the events took place, but depended on reports which reached him beyond sea (transmarina relatione). He does not even hint that any stray docu- ments which had escaped the fire of the barbarians and safely crossed the seas, had fallen into his hands. So far from this he even implies a doubt as to whether any such ever existed—" if there ever were any of them " (si qua fuerint). 1 It was certainly to his credit that he delayed ten years, as he informs us, committing his story to writing', and only did so at , last at the pressing entreaty of his friends ; but it is just as likely that his reluctance arose from conscious untrustworthiness as from modesty or the purpose of further elaboration. Gildas'' 's Blunder, or Fraud, detected. From the facts now about to be narrated, it will appear extremely probable, nay, even morally certain, that the description given by the author of the Dc Excidio Britannia of the impotence and distress of the Britons, did not in strictness apply to the insular Britons at all. It will appear that the celebrated letter to Aetius, Consul for the third time, entitled, " The Groans of the Britons : The Barbarians drive us to the Sea," 2 &c. (see p. 213), of which 1 Dc Excid. Brit. 2. 2 Kepellunt nos barbari ad mare, repcllit nos mare ad barbaros ; inter haec oriuntur duo genera i'unerum, aut jugulamur aut mergimur.— Dc Excid. 1 j. 220 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. so much has been made, in all probability never proceeded from the Britons. It may be said that the very form of this letter, so rhetorical, sententious, and antithetic, casts doubt upon its authenticity. No people under pressing misfortune would write to the Roman Governor in such pedantic language ; and that the pretended historian had never come upon such a British document in written form is conclusively proved by himself, when he confesses that he drew not his narrative from documents of his own country, there being none such existing, but from "foreign relation." He was writing at a distance of more than a hundred years after the supposed events ; he was writing without the authority of a single document belonging to Britain ; in no other independent author do we find a syllable respecting a letter, message, or deputation from the insular Britons to Aetius, deploring their helplessness> and miserably craving succour. Is it possible that this author, for some reason unknown, charged to the brim with the bitterest hostility towards the Britons, has caught at any rumour floating in Brittany, where he was writing, or has fallen in with some general record of some message or embassy to Aetius, proceeding, not from the Britons, but from the Bretons, and that in his eagerness at detraction, or in his blundering haste, he has applied the whole to the former ? Can it be that upon such a blunder, or such a piece of historic fraud, believed in for 1200 years, has been founded the doctrine taught by almost general consent in our modern histories, and in our schools and families, con- cerning the utter ruin and extirpation of the Ancient Britons ! Let us examine some well-authenticated facts touching a message to Aetius. We all know that St. Germanus, Bishop of Auxerre, paid two visits to Britain in the defence of the Catholic doctrine against Arianism, and that the THE TESTIMONY OF ZEUoS. 221 latter of these visits was in a.d. 447. During the first visit, about fifteen years before, when he was accompanied by Lupus, Bishop of Troyes, occurred the alleged "Alle- luiatic Victory," when the enemy was convinced " both by preaching and by miracle." The second visit was short, the heretics were confuted and silenced in a public discus- sion. Germanus now, having settled the Britons in the faith, returned to Gaul. It is important to remember that this was in the year 447, and also that this was the very year in which Aetius was "Consul for the third time." Zeuss, in his learned work on the Germans, 1 has a pas- sage respecting this return of St. Germanus into Gaul, with a reference to Constantius' s life of Germanus, which suggests more than it expresses. He says : " Presbyter Constantius relates that as Bishop Germanus was returning from Britain, where at the time the Saxons had made a descent, his intercession was besought by envoys from the Armoricans, against whom, on account of their defection, Aetius [then Controller of the Empire — rempublicam gubernabat] had let loose the King of the Alans that he might chastise them. They [the Armoricans] are not as yet called Britons, but soon they are often so called." 2 1 Die Deutschen und die Nachbarstammc. Mi'inchen, 1S37. 2 " Als Bischof Germanus, erzahlt Presbyter Constantius, aus Bri- tannien, wo damals die Sachsen eingefallen waren, zuri'ickkehrte, baten ihm Gesandte der Armoricker um seine Verwendung, den Aetius hatte wegen ihres Abfalls den Alanen Konig zu ihrer Ziichtigung gegen sie losgelassen. Britannen sind noch nicht genannt ; bald wird ihrer ofter gedacht." Die Deutsch. und die Nachbarstanune, p. 576. With reference to the point that the Armoricans were at an early period — earlier than Gildas — called Britanni, he says (p. 194): "The Franks called the warlike people inhabiting the North-Western part of Gaul Bretton ; the Latin writers since the 5th century called them Bvitanni and Bnttones, and their country Britannia Cismarina." Die Franken (nannten) das Kampflustige Volk in der Nordwesteckc von Gallien Bretton ; die Lateinischen Schriftsteller schon seit dem 5 Jahrhundert Brittanni, 222 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. It does not appear that the facts here referred to as re- related by Presbyter Constantius in his life of St. Germanus — a work of considerable interest and of authority, written by a contemporary of the bishop 1 — suggested anything to the mind of Zeuss beyond their own bare contents. To Dr. R. G. Latham, however, reading the passage in Zeuss, the coincidence of date and of an appeal to Aetius appeared very striking. 2 Brittones, ihr Land Britannia Cismarina (Bretagne). Lappenberg places as early as the usurpation of Maximus in Britain (a.d. 383) the settlement of a Roman military colony, consisting of British warriors, in Armorica, which has given name as well as a distinct character and history to Bretagne. — (Gibbon, vol. iv. p. 391, note.) In Sidonius Apollinaris (a.d. 468), iii. 9, pp. 73-74 ; Jornandes (a.d. 550), c. 45, p. 678 ; and in Gregory of Tours (a.d. 570), we have accounts of another early military settlement of Britons in Armorica, or on its confines on the River Loire. "The feeble Emperor, Anthemius," saj's Gibbon? " could only procure for their (the Gauls) defence the service of 12,000 British auxiliaries. Riothamus, one of the independent kings or chief- tains of the island (' Britonum rex ' — Jornandes) was persuaded to transport his troops (' oceano a navibus egressus '—Jornandes) to the Continent of Gaul ; he sailed up the Loire, and established his quarters in Berry, where the people complained of these oppressive allies, till they were destroyed or dispersed by the arms of the Visigoths." — Mil- man and Smith's Ed. iv. 288. 1 Acta Sanctorum, vii. 216. (The Bollandists.) Constantius's words are: "Vix domum de transmarina expeditione remeaverat, et jam legatio Armoricani tractus fatigationem beati Antistitis ambiebat. Offensus enim superba insolentia regionis vir magniflcus Aetius, qui turn rempublicam gubernabat, Eochari, ferocissimo Alanorum regi, loca ilia inclinanda pro rebellionis praesumptione permiserat, quae ille aviditate barbaricae cupiditatis inhiaverat. . . . Medioque inter- prete primum precem supplicem fundit. ... Ad stationis quietem rex exercitusque se recipit ; pacis securitatem fidelissimam pollicetur, ea conditione, ut venia, quam ipse praestiterat, ab imperatore vel ab Aetio peteretur. Interea per intercessionem et meritum sacerdotis rex com- pressus est, exercitus revocatus, provinciae a vastationibus absolutae." - Dr. Latham immediately communicated his impressions to the author, who, he knew, was revising this work for a new edition, counselling further enquiry. We believe the question had never before been raised. HILDAS S FRAUD, OR BLUNDER. 223 Bishop Germanus proceeded on his journey to Ravenna, where, having succeeded in his good offices on behalf of the Armoricans by obtaining peace for them from the Emperor (Valentinian III.) and Aetius, soon after, in July, 448, he died. Now the coincidences to be accounted for are these : Gildas, writing a century after the event, says that the Britons sent a "letter" to Aetius beseeching his protection; Constantius, living at the time, says that the Armoricans (early called "Brettons") obtained the good offices of St. Germanus on their behalf with Aetius : the supposed letter of the Britons was sent in the year when Aetius was third time Consul, which we know was A.D. 446-7 ; the well- authenticated mission of St. Germanus on behalf of the Armorican Brettons was in the same identical year ; both appeals were against "barbarians," the barbarians in the case of Brittany being the Alani, led on by their King Eochar — in the case of Britain, the Picts and Scots. It is, of course, not absolutely impossible that events so nearly coinciding should have taken place in the case of two peoples at the same time. If we had in Gildas the authority of a contemporary writer, with the names of per- sons and details of circumstances given, as we have in Pres- byter Constantius, it might be difficult to choose between the two, as we might be compelled to admit the equal reliable- ness of both ; but Gildas lived ages after the pretended " letter to Aetius " was written, and confesses that for his statement he had no documents of the country (Britain) to consult, but relied simply upon a report which reached him across sea (transmarina relatione). The narrative given by < !onstantius has come down in its integrity to our day : no allusion to the letter to Aetius containing the "groans oi the Britons" is found in any writer except Gildas, and the personality of Gildas, with the trustworthiness of the author of the De Excidio Britannia, whether we call him .2 24 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Gildas or by some other name, are so problematical as to constitute no foundation for our faith. The evidence is circumstantial and moral, and in the trial of all questions, whether historical or criminal, no evidence is so reliable. This case must be decided by the balance of probability . It is improbable that all the co- incidences above mentioned should have taken place, and we think it is impossible for any enlightened and honest judgment to resist the conclusion that the writer called Gildas has in this matter applied to the Britons of Britain what properly belonged to the " Brittones " of " Britannia Cismarina," — so-called before his age, and deriving their name from blood-relationship with the insular Britons. It may be added that Gildas drew from no authentic sources except when treating of times earlier than the period of which we are now inquiring — the early Saxon period — and even when treating of those earlier times, he comes into helpless collision with trustworthy historians, such as Caesar and Tacitus, on points involving the credit of the Britons — points which those historians were under no temptation to distort to the advantage of the islanders. But neither was he himself an eye-witness of the struggle he portrays. In fact, he wrote — or, more strictly speaking, the book was written — a hundred years after the main •events we are now concerned with had transpired. . One question remains to ask : Was Gildas an unbiassed witness ? It is impossible to read his pages and note his pervading tone of depreciation towards the Britons, and of eulogy and flattery towards the Romans, without feeling that he was not. He never lets slip an opportunity of heaping on his countrymen epithets of disparagement and reproach, and he seems willing to include the Saxons, Picts, and Scots, in the same category. The Britons are cowards, poltroons, hares and chickens, neither brave in war nor QILDAS EXAMINED. 225 faithful iii times of peace ; the Saxons, clogs, wolves, a race hateful to God and men ; the Picts and Scots, brutes, inspired with avidity for blood, and " all more eager to shroud their villanous faces in bushy hair than cover their bodies with decent clothing/' But the Romans are lions and eagles, generous and noble friends, mighty in war, magnanimous in victory. The one-sidedness and disingenuousness of Gildas are of themselves sufficient to vitiate and condemn his work as a history. No special pleading can be history. Palpable ex- aggeration, strained and bitter invective, unreasoning and blundering partiality — main characteristics of Gildas's pro- duction — would disentitle any pretended annalist to credit. An example or two of Gildas's partiality and exaggera- tion will suffice. His picture of Britain as a Roman province belies all history and all probability. " The Romans having slain many [Britons], and retained others as slaves, that the land might not be entirelyreduced to desolation, left the island, destitute as it was of wine and oil, and returned to Italy, leaving behind them taskmasters to scourge the shoulders of the natives, to reduce their necks to the yoke, to chastise the crafty race, not with warlike weapons, but with rods." And yet we know that Britain was a favourite province, and a favourite abode of many emperors, a rich mine of wealth to numerous procurators, and a field of renown and glory to many of Rome's leading generals. On the return of the Romans to aid against the Picts and Scots, he uses the following pompous style of descrip- tion : — " Upon this the Romans, moved with compassion .... send forward, like eagles in their flight, their unexpected bands of cavalry by land, and mariners by sea, and planting their terrible swords on the shoulders of their enemies, they mow them down like leaves which fall at the 226 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. destined period, and as a mountain torrent swelled with numerous streams, and bursting its banks with roaring- noise, with foaming crest, and }reasty wave rising to the stars " l But the sentence, like most, indeed, of this turgid author's, is too long to be fully quoted. Of the Britons, on the other hand, he says : — To oppose the Picts and Scots, " there was placed on the heights a garrison equally slow to fight, and ill adapted to run away, a useless and panic-stricken company, who slumbered away days and nights on their unprofitable watch. Meanwhile the hooked weapons of their enemies were not idle, and our wretched countrymen were dragged from the wall and dashed against the ground. But why should I say more ? They left their cities, abandoned the protection of the wall," &c. "The enemy butchered our countrymen like sheep, so that their habitations were like those of savage beasts, for they turned their arms upon each other," 2 &c. He calls Boadicea " that deceitful lioness," although history has clothed her with all the attributes of true no- bility and heroism. After the revolt which she headed, when the Romans sent their legions in vast force to avenge it as already described in our pages, he asserts that the Britons had no marshalled army, no preparations for resistance, but " made their backs shields against their vanquishers, presented their necks to their swords, and stretched out their hands to be bound like women, so that it became a proverb far and wide that the Britons are neither brave in w T ar nor faithful in time of peace." 3 A representation more mendacious was never put on record. He charges his countrymen with being an indolent and cowardly race, totally subjugated and dispersed by the Saxons from the outset, although he knew, or ought to have known, that in his own time — a century or more after their 1 DcExcid. Brit. 17. 8 Ibid. 19. i.l. 6. BRITOXS MORE XUMEROUS THAN SAXOXS. 227 asserted total overthrow — they were still in possession of half the island, and stubbornly maintaining, though with waning fortunes, the fight against the invader ! It is time to have done with Gildas. It is clear, that, allowing he was a real person, and wrote his history at the time commonly supposed, his statements in all matters pertaining to the Britons, are wholly unworthy of credence. He pursues them with an animosity that is never satiated, and belies all authentic history in branding them with the character of timidity, cowardice, and tame submissiveness, when their country was being torn from them by strangers. It is impossible to dignify such a chronicler by the nam^ of historian, and it is utterly impossible to receive his statements as anything else than the splenetic exaggera- tions of an ill-informed, and prejudiced monk. Gildas is therefore not mentioned by Lappenberg as an authority for early English history. And yet upon the representations of this writer has been based the faith of Englishmen concerning their own purely Teutonic descent. From him alone has proceeded the doctrine that the Britons were exterminated, or driven clean off from English soil, into "the sea," or into "the moun- tains of Wales." There exists no other authority whatever for such notions. We are compelled in deference to truth to reject the authority of Gildas, and pronounce the notions based upon it as visionary and historically " superstitious." Having so far cleared the way, we now proceed to con- sider more in detail the strength of the British population after the departure of the Romans. 2. The Aboriginal Britons surpassed in number their Anglo-Saxon invaders. In almost all invasions, the aggressors an- few < mpared with the inhabitants. It was so in the Roman nvasion 228 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. of Britain. It was still more so in the Norman. At the time when the Saxons and Angles first made a regular attack on the island, the inhabitants — already numerous even in Roman times, as proved by the large towns, and military and fiscal stations existing all over the country,, -end in our pages enumerated — with the increase which had since the departure of the Romans taken place, were a powerful and widely distributed race. In the North, in the South, in Wales, the population was not sparse. In all these parts considerable states flourished. What, therefore, com- pared with this wide-spread and multitudinous people, for the proper government and taxation of which the Romans had at least above a hundred towns, cities, and strongholds,, could the invaders, coming over in their small cheols, mis- called " ships," — three "ships" — five " ships," at a time, 1 amount to ? What could they amount to, making every reasonable allowance for the thinly inhabited regions of the East, and for the hosts which had emigrated to Gaul' and Armorica ? The number given by Geoffrey of Mon - mouth (300,000) as having come over to support Hengist is perfectly imaginary. It is not to be supposed that the Saxon " ships" were to be compared in capacity to the Roman triremes, and yet Csesar had to build, as he himself declares, 700 transports to convey an army of 30,000 across the Channel, with baggage and all appurtenances. Sup- posing that the Saxon keels were actually equal to the Roman in capacity — it would take a fleet of some seven thousand such " ships" to bring an army so enormous as that mentioned by the imaginative and romantic Geoffrev ! 1 Some ingenious writers have recently discovered that "three "and "five" are not to be understood literally, as giving the bare number of ships,, but figuratively, meaning three or five squadrons ! We do not find the Saxon Chronicle, and other such works, so very imaginative as all this would imply. THE BRITONS NUMEROUS. 229 The creation of a fleet a tenth of the size is inconceivable under the circumstances. We readily admit, for the clear voice of the old chroniclers bears it out — that immense numbers of soldiers, pirates, miscellaneous adventurers, came over with, and after, the different Saxon and Anglian Chiefs. This concession is simply a relation of the truth. We have even given pro- minence to this fact in preceding pages, as the means of exhibiting in stronger relief the power whereby the Britons for so long a time maintained the contest. But the invading body, though large when considered absolutely, and in the mass, was small when held in comparison with the teeming thousands which inhabited the many score cities and wide plains of Britain. The success of the Anglo-Saxons, like that of the Romans before them, and that of the Normans against the English afterwards, was not the success of numbers, but of a military and brute force, superior in con- cert, fiercer in resolve, more practised in arms than that which it had to confront. The people who fought the Romans for so many long- years, not without some success, and who were afterwards for centuries nurtured, protected, cultivated by them ; a people numerous enough to yield by taxation a revenue sufficient to maintain the military and civil service of Rome in the island, and yield a surplus sufficient to enrich em- perors, procurators, governors, and their underling-s for three or four centuries, however they may have passed their lives in the forced indignity of subjection, cannot for a moment be compared with any multitudes of adventurers crossing the German Sea in open boats. If the objection, already so often answered, be still repeated : " The Anglo-Saxons must have been as numerous as the Britons, because thi \ conquered them;" we can only meet it by saying: — The Normans under William must have been, by parity of rea- 230 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. soning, as numerous as the people of England, and the Northmen led by Rollo must have been as numerous as the inhabitants of Neustria — an hypothesis so absurd as to need no exposure. 3. The Britons did not suffer, relatively, a diminution of number from war. The point is not whether they were not diminished, but whether they were more ^minished in proportion than their opponents. Granted* modes of warfare in those bar- barous times were destructive enough of human life. But if well-forged and sharpened weapons counted for anything" in the trial of battle, one would suppose that here the Britons would have a marked advantage. They had been taught the forging of blades and spear points, and the forming of shields and helmets, by the Romans, as well as all the tactics of attack and defence. However furious, therefore, the onsets of the terrible warriors of the North,, there is no reason for concluding that the brave and better- trained Britons, with the advantage of a better panoply,, would leave more men hors de combat than their enemies. The fierce and less regular movements of the latter, on the contrary, would frequently expose them to more serious losses. The most stubborn and devastating conflicts took place, no doubt, at the first stages of the invasions, and victory at that time would be followed by unsparing severity, on whichever side it turned. Whole towns and villages would be depopulated, and misery and desolation spread far and wide. On the other hand, it is to be borne in mind that in those more primitive times, when men were less hampered with property, and less attached to locality, the inhabitants of whole towns and districts would readily retire before an approaching foe, and find easy shelter in the forests and DIMINUTION OF BRITONS AND SAXONS. 23 1 woodlands which everywhere abounded, and in the ab- sence of regular garrisons, soon again return to their homes. The Anglo-Saxons, although they never seem to have repaired, would, doubtless, at first, eagerly use the great lines of military roads constructed with so much labour by the Romans, conducting their attacks mainly along these lines, while the wide districts lying between, being less easily approached, would be left comparatively unharmed, and become places of rendezvous and shelter for the inhabitants. It may be asked how, if not by the sword, were the Britons so sadly decimated r The question assumes what we deny to be the fact. The Britons were not so sadly decimated. If so, it may again be asked, how, to all appearance, did they diminish so rapidly in number, that very speedily all over England we find none but Anglo- Saxons ? This question again assumes too much, although in perfect keeping with popular opinion. It so happens that the Britons did not " so rapidly diminish in number," even " to all appearance" and that we do not " very speedily find none but Anglo-Saxons all over England." Our imaginary questioner has been, to all appearance, reading his " School History," which often helps him to find Teutons where he ought to have discovered true Celts, and Anglo-Saxons where he ought to have found Britons. It is true that in process of time the Celtic language disappears from the Anglo-Saxon parts, and that gradually the population throughout the greater portion of the I [eptarchy, or Octarchy, or Hexarchy, as we may choose to call the Saxon States — for it is uncertain whether seven or eight States, properly independent, ever contempora- neously existed — assumes the appearance of a homo- geneous race ; but this was a result which was very slow in taking shape. It was, for example, far from complete 232 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. in the time of Athelstan ; for then communities of Cymry, using their own language, and observing their own usages, were in integral existence in the heart of Wessex itself. This was five hundred years after the arrival of Hengist. In the reign of Egbert, the counties of Dorset, Somerset, Wilts, as well as Devon, were all considered as belonging to the Weal-cynne, 1 (the dominion or kingdom of the AVelsh) a sufficient proof of the nationality of the inhabitants. This was nearly four hundred years after the settlement of Hengist. Of course this designation, Weal-cynne, could only mean at that time that the inhabitants were the JVealas — " the foreigners" — as the Anglo-Saxons, with admirable audacity, termed the people, who for a thousand years had their home in the country — the government under which they lived was nominally that of Egbert, who was styled not merely King of Wessex, but King of England. The Anglo-Saxons might well multiply with rapidity when whole tribes or states of the Britons entered into "confederacy" with them and "became Saxons," as the Triad indignantly expresses it. Lloegrians, Brython, and probably many others, did this ; and the Britons would of course in appearance diminish in proportion under such a process. But this is a different question, and when thus settled, only tells in favour of the general position we adopt. If the Lloegrians, and their companions in ready submission, had their blood changed into other than Celtic blood by the method whereby they " became Saxons," well and good. Change of government — mere recognition of a new dynast}- — is all that is required, in that case, to convert a Jew into a Gentile. The Mauritanians and Celtiberians, the Syrians and the dwellers on the Ganges, by submission to the 1 Will of King Alfred, pp. 14, 15. Ed. Pickering, 1S2S. Reprinted from the Oxford ed. of 17SS. BRITONS "BECAME SAXONS." 233 prophet of Mecca, all became genuine Arabs according to that theory. But of the general fusion of the Celts of Britain and the Anglo-Saxons we have to treat in our next section. Our subject here is the diminution of the Britons, not through cession and absorption, but through the casualties of war. Making every reasonable allowance for the reductions made in the British inhabitants, on the one hand by poli- tical arrangement, and on the other by sheer destruction in the field, they were still a numerous and active race two hundred years after the founding of the first Saxon King- dom. Throughout the country, even in the central parts, as at Bedford, Banbury, Petherton, Bath, we find so late as A.D. 552, 584, 658, &c., mighty battles fought by the Britons proper of those districts, who rose to avenge the oppressive exactions of their conquerors. 1 If these had been the incursions of marauding hordes from "Wales or Cumbria, penetrating for the moment far into the enemy's •country, and retreating with their booty, their presence were of no value to our argument. But they were nothing" of the kind. They were spontaneous movements of the dwellers in those regions. What other commotions went on throughout the country from similar causes we do not know, or have no space to relate. But it W certain that the Britons were a powerful part of the people of England in these times, either in the form of communities still wearing the badges of their nationality in language, laws, and customs ; or as more complying subjects of the different Saxon states. Then it is to be remembered that during all this time "West Wales," or Cornwall and Devon, great part of Somerset, Wilts, Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Shropshire, Cheshire, Lan- cashire, Yorkshire, Westmoreland, Cumberland, and tli i J Sci.x. Cliron. under those dates. 234 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. South of Scotland, as well as the whole of Wales — the palria intacta of the Cymry — were in the possession of those Britons who had hitherto kept themselves wholly un- mixed with the Teutons. In all this there is nothing which sounds like a diminution of the British race through war. If, therefore, the Britons were reduced in number, relatively to the Anglo-Saxons, it was the effect not of casualties of war but of absorption into the new nation- ality now in process of formation. At the coming of the Saxons, as we have shown, the Britons greatly surpassed them in multitude, and it necessarily follows, granting to each side nearly equal losses through fighting, that the great majority of the subjects of the so-called Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy were not Saxon, or any species of Germans, but Britons, and, through marriage of Saxon men with British women, half-blood Britons. Whole tribes or king- doms of Britons had at an early stage sent in their submission. Necessity, convenience, family ties, interest, led thousands more to remain where they were, and prepare for peaceful union with the iron Northmen, As the German warriors cannot be supposed to have brought many women over, a mixed breed would speedily multiply through their taking British wives. The Cymry alone, and only the more enthusiastic and unyielding of these, retired to seek shelter with their brethren in Wales. This section of the Ancient Britons from the outset protested against all deal- ings with the Germans ; they never ceased to criminate and denounce Vortigern for his first alliance with them ; and to the last they consistently maintained an attitude of protest and defiance. 1 The remaining Britons in process 1 Thus the bard Golyddan (7th century) exclaims : "O, Son of Mary, whose word is sacred! woe's the time that we sprang not forth To resist the dominion of the Saxons — that we cherished them ! Far be the cowards of Vortigern of Gwynedd ! " Arymes Prydain Fawr. (See Myv. Arch, of Wales, i. p. 156.) THE ABORIGINES STILL IN THE LAND. 235 of lime " became Saxons ; " and so it was that the Ancient Britons diminished in number, and the Saxons " mightily multiplied. " But we must now, with the greatest care and minuteness, search out what evidence is available upon this vital point in our argument. 4. On the Extent to which the Britons remained on the Conquered Territory and amalgamated with their Anglo- Saxon Conquerors. The tenor of the conclusion we shall arrive at on this point the reader has already gathered from the preceding discussion. The facts there cited and the reasoning founded upon them, left us no alternative but to conclude, even long before the whole of the case was gone into, that the claims put in for the Britons were good. The additional evidence to be now presented will conduct us to the same verdict,, but, if possible, with an emphasis of conviction many times multiplied. We shall distribute the results of our researches under three chronological divisions, thus : [a.) from the first Saxon invasion to the founding of Mercia. (p.) From the founding of Mercia to the union under Egbert of Wessex. (c.) From Egbert's time forward. (a.) The first Saxon Invasion to the Founding of the Kingdom of Mercia in a.d. 5S6. There can be little question but that myriads of the Britons, as soon as the territory on which they were settled was taken possession of by the invaders, and some form of government was established, made their submission,, and transferred their allegiance. It is so in almost every instance of conquest known in history. The masses are not swayed so much by sentiments of nationality as b\ 236 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. attachment to their native soil, their homes, familiar scenes, and the property, be it ever so little, which they, like greater folk, delight to call their own. Hence the ease and apparent indifference with which they consent to a change of masters. Promises of protection under better laws and lighter taxes, of kind masters and cheaper fare, are usually abundant on such occasions, and these are the things which in the main carry influence with the impassive multitude of every country. The Alsatians, since the recent con- quest of their district by Germany, have shown a persistent loyalty to France which is strangely exceptional. It is very true that times have been when the British princes had enormous influence over their followers. They could, by appeals to their passions and patriotism, rouse them to a frantic pitch of excitement, and bid them follow- through any perils, and at any sacrifice. But the age which succeeded the withdrawal of the Romans was not the time for such enthusiasm. The Britons were fatigued and exhausted. Though they made extraordinary efforts, their movements were like those of a person toiling under bodily pain and weariness. Such was their condition when they found their country attacked at all points by a new and ruthless enemy, that they would hail peace and quietness almost at any price. None but those who were inspired by the loftiest sentiments of patriotism, and the most powerful impulses of valour, could take the lead at such a time as this, and impart to the sluggishness of their wearied countrymen the resolve still to fight and conquer, or die. The Lloegrians, with Vortigern as their king and London as their capital, at first maintained a hot contest with the invaders. But it seems that their courage at last flagg'ed ; ■they sued for peace ; enticed by the Coranians, they entered into confederacy with the aggressor, and " became Saxons." The Lloegrians were a people of the same stock THE ABORIGINES STILL IX THE LAND. 237 with the Cymry, had arrived in the island at a time subsequent to the Cymry, and by their consent ; and from their Southern position, we may fairly judge that theirs was a third wave of immigration, following that of the Brython, also sprung from " the same primitive race with the Cymry," who had been pushed forward to the region above the river Humber. 1 These are said by the Triad to have come from Armorica. They also, since they are never said to have united themselves with the Cymry during the Saxon troubles, in all probability by degrees became, lik< ■ the Lloegrians andCoranians, united to the Anglo Saxons. It is worthy of remark that Taliesin, in his poem, Gwaw, Lludd Jlfawr, specifies three nations besides the Cymry and Saxons as inhabiting Britain in his time (6th Cent, f These he denominates by the very intelligible names Eingyl> Gwyddyl, and Prydyn — Angles, Givyddelians (or Gaels), and Britons, ox Brython? All these, excepting only the Cymry, seem to be in his time associated with the Saxons. Pos- sibly by the Gwyddyl he meant the borderers on Caledonia who had been absorbed into the kingdom of Northumbria along with Dcivr and Bryncich. But be this as it may, the intimation concerning the Prydyn, the point which here concerns us, is important. These two communities, or nations of Celts, the Lloegrians and the Brython, along with the inhabitants of Dcivr and Bryncich (Deira and Bernicia) also confessedly Celts, and by the Angles incorporated into the kingdom of North - humbra-land, would take at once the greater part of the Ancient Britons residing in the part of the island now 1 In the name Ilumbcv we have several of the radical elements of Cimbri, Cumbri, Cymry. The hard initial consonant has been changed into an aspirate in Humber, probably in compounding North-I/umbu- huid. - See the poem Qwawd Lludd Mawr, in the Myv. Arch. 0/ Wales, vol. L .238 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. ■denominated " England" out of the pale of the British race, and so far swell the proportions of the Anglo-Saxon popu- lation. Is it too much to say, that this incorporation alone would be so considerable as to more than double the num- ber of the unmixed Anglo-Saxon population ? We think not. It will not be amiss to refer for a moment to the intimations given in the Saxon Chronicle — next to the Annates Cambriae, the most reliable of all the Ancient Annals of Britain, and valuable in the present instance, and throughout this Essay, as being free from all favourable bias towards the Britons — as to the localities where the Cymry were found, and found active in battling for their rights, at comparatively late periods of the Saxon contests. In a.d. 571, it is recorded in the Chronicle that Cuthulf fought against the Britons, or Welsh, [Bretwealas] at Bedcanford, (Bedford), and took four towns — Lygeanbirg (Lenburg), Aegeles-birg (Aylesbury, Bucks), Baenesington (Benson), and Egonesham (Eynsham). Then after six years, A.D. 577, Cuthwine and Ceawlin fought against the Britons {Brettas), and slew three kings, and took three cities, Gloucester, Cirencester, and Bath. Again, in A.D. 584, Ceawlin is said to have taken " many towns, and spoils in- numerable." x Now several of the towns here mentioned were cities of importance under the Romans ; 2 and if now, after a hundred and fifty years of opposition to Saxon supremacy, the Britons still kept them in their own possession, the fact is significant. At the date last mentioned, the invaders had not succeeded 1 Florence of Worcester says, "Much booty and many vills." Flor. is a mere copyist from the Sax. Chron. and Bede. 2 Gloucester and Bath were both Colonic; and Cirencester, a privileged town under the Latii Jus, was a most important military post, having no less than six military roads meeting in it as a centre. THE ABORIGINES STILL IN THE LAND. 239 in founding Mercia, but they had in a manner established their rule in the other six states, Northumbria, the last, having now existed some forty years. When Mercia was set up, it completely extinguished the hopes of the Britons beyond the Severn, and doubtless converted the mass of the inhabitants from the Severn to the Wash, and north- wards as far as the borders of Lancashire and Yorkshire, into tolerable " Saxons." The simple fact that at the late period mentioned the Britons were in possession of the chief strongholds of Gloucestershire and Somerset, and in the very centre of England held Bedford, and four neighbouring towns — how many others we do not know, but four they held and lost — and that besides these, Ceawlin took from them " many towns, and spoils innumerable," is decisive evidence which cannot be set aside, that they were strong and numerous in the land, and gives fair ground for the presumption that they had never yet been effectually disturbed in their pos- sessions in these places since the time of the Romans. We shall by and by see that these were not the only places far in the interior of England which were at that period in the hands of the Britons. These were but a few of the many which they held. Others they continued in undisturbed possession of, even for hundreds of years after the last of the above dates ; but these they lost, with many others only obscurely hinted at in history, when the seventh kingdom of the .Saxons, Mercia, was established. Now, what became of the subjects of the " three kings,'' and the inhabitants of the seven towns, and " many towns," and of the districts surrounding them, when their conquest was effected ? Were all these people slain ? Did the con- querors so blindly mar their own fortunes as to clear tho fields of their cultivators, the towns of their merchants and traders, the workshops of their mechanics, <\c, possessing 240 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. themselves merely of the empty shells of walled towns, and of desolated acres, which could neither pay tribute nor pro- vision an army ? We may be sure that our Saxon ancestors had more wit than this. Once they overpowered the war- rior part of the population, their policy was to obtain the submission and friendship of the rest, and as speedily as possible gain strength and profit from multiplied subjects and extended empire. The Britons, on their part, had the example of their brethren before them in yielding submis- sion when hopelessly overcome. All around them they found their own kith and kin in the condition of a subject race. In short, necessity left them but one alternative — either accept the new rule or perish. It was by the conversion of the former inhabitants into subjects that the Saxons could by any possibility make the territories they won into "kingdoms." They had no means of planting such a large tract as Mercia with new settlers, when, after years of ruinous conflicts, they succeeded in becoming its nominal masters. They wanted to be " kings of men," and the men must be found, for the most part, in the Britons they had conquered. Without this, the Saxon states could not, by any method conceivable to us, become the populous communities they appear to have been in the time of Egbert and Alfred. " Some writers have asserted," says Edmund Burke, " that except those that took refuge in the mountains of Wales and in Cornwall, or fled into Armorica, the British race was in a manner destroyed. What is extraordinary, we find England in a very tolerable state of population in less than two centuries after the first invasion of the Saxons. It is hard to imagine either the transplantation, or the increase, of that single people, to have been in so short a time sufficient for the settlement of so great an extent of country." The Saxon and Angle conquerors did not, anymore than THE ABORIGINES STILL IX THE LAND. 241 the Romans, carry on a war of extermination. Their object was to obtain settlements, wealth, and rule. They had sagacity enough to see that a large population is a source of wealth and the only means of replenishing an army. The conversion of the Britons who, by their superior civi- lization and their bravery in war, gave promise of good materials for the erection of new states, into friends and obedient subjects instead of having them as formidable opponents, was an object worthy of the ambition of the noblest of the Saxon chieftains. The Britons were the de- positaries of all the culture which the Romans had been able, by more than four hundred years of example and in- struction, to leave behind them, while the Anglo-Saxons were rude and completely illiterate. If by brute force they -could subjugate the Britons, the fame of ruling where great Rome had ruled, and the advantage of inheriting all the treasures of refinement and learning which Rome had bestowed upon this its valued province, would be theirs. Thus interest, generous ambition, and sentiments of humanity, combined in sparing the lives of the natives wherever submission could be obtained. (b.) From the Founding of Mercia to the Union under Egbert of Wessex a.d. 586— S28. Our information consists frequently of mere scraps, mere intimations, sometimes of mere implications. The old chroniclers merely wrote lists ; they seldom reflected — never philosophized on the facts they chronicled. But the bare isolated, unaccounted-for f tic Is are now to us very precious, and at times disclose a whole world of truth respecting the political and social condition of England in early ages. Thanks, therefore, to the chroniclers. It is seldom that we meet with such a burst of eloquent R 242 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. description as is contained in the following short passage of Bede's, and yet the words are more valuable to us by what they imply than by what they state. " At this time (A.D. 603), Ethelfrid, a most worthy king, and ambitious of glory, governed the kingdom of the Northumbrians, and ravaged the Britons more than all the great men of the English, insomuch that he might be compared to Saul, once king of the Israelites, excepting only this, that he was ignorant of the true religion: for he conquered more territories from the Britons, either making them tributary, ox driving the inhabitants clean out, and planting English in their places, than any other king or tribune." : If the redoubtable Ethelfrid gave the inhabitants the option of becoming tributary subjects, we may safely ga- ther that the other Saxon chieftains would do the same, and most of them even more. The tenor of the passage shows that making the Britons " tributary," allowing them to live on the land, and enjoy their own customs, was as much aimed at by this notorious ravager, as their expulsion. He was satisfied to establish his own supremacy, making their princes reguli under him, and receiving tribute in acknowledgment of subjection from the whole people. This being the policy of him, whom Bede afterwards describes as one " ravaging like a wolf," the presumption is legiti- mate, that the Saxon conquest, as a whole, was characterized by milder measures. Moving a few years further on, we meet with the Britons maintaining their rights by wage of battle in the centre of Oxfordshire. " Afterwards Cynegils received the kingdom of the West Angles, and, in conjunction with Cuichelm, he fought against the Britons at a place called Beaudune, and slew more than 2,040 of them." 2 There is no shadow of 1 Ecclcs. Hist. i. 34. This is the Ethelfrid who is said to have slaughtered the monks of Bangor. 2 Ethelwerd's Chron. ch. vi. Sax. Chron. ann. 614. THE ABORIGINES IX WESSEX. 243 intimation that these Britons, whose army was so numerous that they left 2,040 dead on the field, were intruders. They were the inhabitants of the parts. This battle was fought a hundred and sixty-five years after the settlement of Hengist in Kent, when Wessex was a great power, and Mcrcia had been established some eight-and-twenty years. If we come down a little further, to the year 658, in the interior of the South -Western parts, a conflict is seen rag'- ing between the Saxon King Kenwalh, and the Britons, " and he drove them as far as Pedrida " (Petherton). 1 The host was not driven farther into its own territory than Petherton, in Somerset. It is very curious and significant that we now find a Briton by name on the throne of Wessex ! All know how in the North the great Welsh Prince Cadwalla, or Cadwallader, in 634 defeated Edwin of Northumbria at Hadfield. In 685 a king of the same British name rules in Wessex. He was probably a person of mixed extraction, but his name suggests a British relationship. We have repeatedly noted the fact, that to a late period great parts of Somerset, Wilts, Dorset, &c, were inhabited by the Britons. We see above, that they were fighting in the heart of Somerset, in the middle of the 7th century. There will be, again, occasion to show that they were in these same parts at least two hundred years later than this date. The inference is fair that they had continued there throughout the interval, even occasionally putting a prince of there own race on the West-Saxon throne, and unless their expulsion was effected at some point subsequent to the latest period named, we must conclude that they were never expelled at all, but gradually merged into the English popu- lation of Wessex. History does not inform us of any extensive migration from these regions into Wales, or any 1 Sax, Chrou. arm. 658; Ethclwerd's Chron. ch. vii. R 2 244 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. other quarter. The conclusion is fair, that since extermina- tion was not the policy of the Anglo-Saxons, the natives never did migrate, but amalgamated with the ruling race. Egbert, who mounted the throne of Wessex, in A. D. 800, found the Britons numerous and troublesome throughout his kingdom. Their discontent, and frequent insurrections in territory claimed by Wessex, had been the plague of his predecessors. Fifty years before his accession, Cuthred had to make war upon them. After him, Cynewulf " fought very many battles" with them. Payment of tribute seems always distasteful to our Britons. They are in their own country, and " before them there were none here except bears, and wolves, and the oxen with the high backs ;" why, therefore, should they pay tribute to strangers r This was their favourite, conclusive argument, and this spurred them to incessant mutiny. Egbert made up his mind that there should be an end put to this grumbling, and Wessex should have peace from Winchester to the Land's End. After settling himself upon his throne, therefore he gathered, in the year 813, a mighty host, and set to work against West Wales [Weste Walas). He " harried the land" from east to west, i.e., from the settled parts of Wessex as far as he could towards Cornwall. But he failed in obtaining- recognition of his authority beyond that celebrated border stream 5 the river Tamar, a stream as often made sacred by the tincture of Saxon and British blood in about equal pro- portions (for hereabouts both parties fought till they could fight no longer) as any in the island of Britain. The British princes paid formal court to the Brefcvalda — the great, widely reigning King, 1 and promised some amount 1 Mr. Kemble totally rejects the idea that the Bretwalda was a" king of kings," or lord-paramount over the other sovereigns of the Heptarchy. The fanciful derivation, Bret-wealda, " wielder of the Britons," he also rejects. His more rational etymology is, bryten, wide, and wealda, a ruler : a great, far-reaching king or governor. Hist, of Aug!. -Sax. ARGUMENT OF AMALGAMATION. 245 of tribute, and there ended the matter for a time. "All these details of indecision and repeated struggles," says Palgrave, " attest the important fact, which would other- wise be concealed, of the strength and compactness, of the British population. Had they not been nearly equal to the English, such a stubborn resistance could never have been maintained." l Precisely so. Now, it may be asked, how proving the persistence and continuous power of the native race contributes to a proof of their amalgamation with the conquerors. The question is natural and to the point ; and we answer it by saying, in the first place, that the longer we can show the Britons to have endured, the higher is the probability that they were never as a race exterminated ; and secondly, if we can show that so late, say, as the eighth, or ninth, or tenth century, their number was still great, their language, and some of their institutions, still tolerated, even in the midst of some of the Saxon kingdoms, the presumption is made very strong that their ultimate disappearance was not through extinction but through incorporation ; at least the burden of proof is justly thrown upon those who maintain the contrary. If at the present day there existed in the midst of England the remains of an ancient people who contin- ually harassed our rulers as the Fenians of Ireland are doing, and with far greater effect, would not the pheno- menon be evidence of a state of things such as we are con- tending for? Or, if districts or towns were now existing in Warwickshire or Bedfordshire, inhabited by representatives of former possessors of all the surrounding territory, would that not be sufficient proof for most reasonable persons that expulsion or extermination had not been the law of the strongest: Again, if wholesale abandonment of the con- quered territory had been resorted toby the Britons, should 1 English Commonwealth, vol. i. p. 409. 246 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. we not have some account of it in reliable authors ? From the eighth century forward to the Conquest we hear not a syllable of any migration of the Britons to other lands, any more than of measures adopted for their destruction. If they ceased to exist as " Britons," therefore, it was because they changed their form, and existed thenceforth as " Saxons." Of the manner in which the fallen race was sometimes disposed of we have a curious and instructive instance about the end of the seventh century. Egfrid, king of Northumbria, makes a grant of the district of Cartmel, 11 with the Britons thereupon, to the See of Lindisfarne." 1 Cartmel is in Furness, Lancashire. The inhabitants of Lancashire at the date of this summary and pious transac- tion (a.d. 685) seem therefore to have been Britons, and it moreover appears that when an Anglo-Saxon King ob- tained the power of absolute disposal of the whole body of the inhabitants of a district, he exercised that power, not by their extermination, not by their consignment to per- petual and degrading servitude, but by bestowh|g them as a holy gift upon Mother Church, thus handing them over to the best protection then existing, and conferring upon them what doubtless in that age would be deemed the greatest honour a subject race could receive. Of the number and position of the aborigines in Lan- cashire about this period very little is known ; nearly as much obscurity hangs over this great region as over the Eastern shores. So quiet, and perhaps so thinly peopled was it, that a few scattered notices of the slightest descrip- tion are all that is vouchsafed to it for five or six hundred years after the Roman occupation of it ceased. The above account of the donation of the Britons of Cartmel is by 1 See Camden, Britannia, Ed. Gough, iii. 3S0 ; Palgrave, Engl. Com- monw. i. 436 ; Proofs and Illustr. cccxi. LANCASHIRE IX THE TENTH CENTURY. 24J far the most important of all the pieces of information received. The Saxon Chronicle just makes a passing" allusion in the year 923: "King Edward went with his forces to Thelwall (Cheshire), and commanded the town to be built, and occupied, and manned ; and commanded another force, also of M ercians, the while that he sat there, to take possession of Manchester, in Northumbria, and repair and man it." Manchester was nominally in Northumbria . but it was in a state of ruin without garrison. The fortr< had probably been left to crumble ever since the Romans occupied it. Thus was a district, one day destined to be the centre of the manufacturing and commercial world — the most densely peopled, most industrious, wealthiest of all parts of industrious England, allowed to rest as a land of soli- tudes and silence. The Britons scattered over it were few, and the soil unproductive ; so that the conquerors of Northumbria, though claiming jurisdiction over it, allowed the inhabitants to go and come pretty much as they listed, Xo one dreamed of the exhaustless treasures which lay under its moorlands. No one saw through the mists of the future the gathering of the peoples of all lands to par- take of, and multiply its wealth. For eight or nine cen- turies it was the most neglected by our chroniclers of all the counties of England. We think it may be inferred from this that Lancashire, and parts adjoining, were left in the quiet possession of the Ancient Britons, and that, therefore, until the late influx under the guidance of manufacturing enterprise, the mass of the inhabitant was of that race. The notice we shall give of the North Britons lying" beyond to the furthest extremities of Strathclyde, will more naturally fall under the next period. Of the condition of the native populations of the Eastern 24S THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. parts during this period, nothing whatever is known. If we could venture to base a conclusion upon mere pro- bability, it would be that the Ancient Britons there were few in number, and less unmixed in blood than in other parts of England. The kind of conquest effected by Egbert over the Celts :'* the West of England, and of Wales, in no respect involved the removal of the people from the soil. All he ; aimed at was to extort from their princes a recognition of his supremacy, they continuing to rule as before, but under him as feudatories. It was this kind of conversion which in time made the Britons English. But it was a long- process. The wars he waged were many, and extended ever a long series of years. Egbert's authority was at last acknowledged by the princes of West Wales (Cornwall),, and North Wales (Wales), a few years before his death. 1 The great combination of Danes and Britons defeated at the battle of Hengistes-dun was the last attempt to cast off his authority. 2 But this work was to be done over again,. as we shall see, by Athelstan. The Britons had not diminished in number, had not left the land, had not re- linquished their ancient language and usages, had not been deprived of the government of their own princes, notwith- standing all the show of supremacy which Egbert had established. In fact, to suppose that the conquests of Egbert involved. the removal of the British race from Wessex, carries with it the absurdity of supposing that the rule he established over Wales (called by AVilliam of Malmesbury " North Wales ") involved their removal from Wales ; and that his making the Saxon-Anglian kingdoms of Mercia and Northumbria tributary (a.D. 82 7), involved the banishment. 1 William of Malmesbury, ii. 1, 6. 2 Lappenberg, Hist, of Eng. under Aug. -Sax. Kings, vol. ii. p. 5. UNION PROMOTED BY EGBERT. 249 of his own race from those regions. The Britons, when overcome, were made tributary ; the Saxons, when over- come, were made tributary ; the one, like the other, remained undisturbed on their territories, and equally contributed to> build up the slowly-growing body of the great English nation. Egbert was the man who first worked out the idea of a fusion of the different kingdoms into one. He it was who capped the whole with the name "England" — 'A. -Sax. Engla-land). At a great Witenagemot, at Winchester, was this matter, by statute, accomplished. "Egbertusrex totius Britannia), in parliamento apud Wintoniam, mutavit nomen regni de consensu populi sui, et jussit illud de csetero vocari Angliam." l The collective name — the name of the island — had always been in Latin, Britannia? The Romans had sectionized it as already shown into five portions under names Brit. Prima, B. Sccunda ( Wales), Flavia Ccssariensis y , Maxima Ccssariensis and Valentia. Then came the different designations of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, and the names the new conquerors gave the countries of the Britons — Wizalas, &c. The people of the Teutonic states were most likely called Angles, and Engliscmen — the name " Anglo- Saxon " having not yet come into vogue. Egbert now wished to remove all the old nomenclature, banish ail division, and call the country, whether inhabited by Saxons,. Angles, or Wealas — England. The Church first gave 1 Monast. Anglican, vol. vi. p. 60S. "England" is simply a modern English corruption of Egbert's vernacular Engla-land, literally mm terra, taken from the master people. 2 There are occasional instances in the Chroniclers where Wales is called by the name Britannia ; ex gr. Asser, Life of A If r. ami. 853. :; Ina Lege r, xxiv. The name " Saxons " has always been the favourite one with the Britons ; and it has usually carried with it a measure of reproach, like "Sassenach" with the Irish ; but this feeling is now, happily, nearly extinguished in Wales. 250 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. prominence to the name of the Angli, and the usage thus established was consolidated in the Saxon speech, and the name applied to the country. (c.) From the death of Egbert to the Conquest, and forwards. Nothing occurred between the death of Egbert and the accession of Alfred to disturb the Britons, for other cares than their suppression or extermination pressed hard on the rulers of Wessex. The visits of the Danes became so frequent and desolating that self-preservation rather than -conquest became the first idea of the English. The Britons, partly aided by the Danes, became bolder, threw off the restraints put upon them by Egbert, and revived their national character in parts where it had suffered partial obscuration. The policy of Alfred was to conciliate and unite ; and he experienced the benefit of such a policy in finding the Britons of Somerset, &c, when he emerged from his temporary retirement, flocking by tens of thou- sands l under his standard, to fight the Danes and scatter them, on Eddington Hill. The populations named were " true Britons " — Britons in blood as well as in spirit. They were recognised as such in the language of the time. In the age of Alfred we all know that those regions now distributed under the county names of Dorset, Wilts, Somerset, Devon, were de- nominated in the Anglo-Saxon language, Wcat-cynne — the territory or dominion of the " strangers," or Britons — a designation which clearly shows that though the supreme authority might by arrangement under stress of conquest, 1 " All the men of Somerset and the men of Wiltshire, and that por- tion of the men of Hampshire which was on this side of the sea [i.e. not in the Isle of Wight], and they were joj'ful at his presence." Sax Chron. ann. 878. See also Will of King Alfred, pp. 16, 17. FROM EGBERT TO THE CONQUEST. 25 1 be in the hands of the Wessex King — " rex totius Britan- nia?" — the Britons occupied the soil and maintained vir- tual rule. From before the Romans they were there. Every hill and stream throughout the region was named in their language. There, owners by original settlement, occupiers during" Roman supremacy, owners again by Roman cession, from age to age they had remained, and there, under the guise of doers of homage, in the persons of their hereditary princes, to the " great king " of the West Saxons, they still continued. Why should they quit the soil of their fathers if under form of feudatorial subjec- tion they were invited to remain ? l True, this kind of arrangement for a proud and warlike race was hard to bear, and the most restive and daring spirits to the end rebelled and died, or retired to plot and create insurrection ; but the great majority would settle down to pursue imme- diate interests, reconciling themselves to an inevitable fate. Even as late as the reign of Athelstan, who died A.D. 940, or within a hundred and twenty-six years of the Norman conquest, Exeter, the ancient capital of the Damnonii (the people of Dyvn-naint) was governed \>y a compromise between the two races. 2 The city was divided into two parts — the British part and the English part, and each had equal power in the government of the place. It was not till this period that this power of the Ancient Britons, in their dis- tinct, unmixed character, was disturbed in Exeter. Till now, by law, their ancient authority was recognised by their conquerors as co-equal with their own. A change now took place. "Fiercely attacking them," says William of Malmesbury, he [Athelstan] obliged them to retreat from Exeter, which till that time they had inhabited with equal privileges with the Angles." :! After all that had been (') Comp. Kemble, Saxons in England, pp. 20, 21. {-) See Will. Malmesb. Hist, of Kings of Engl. ii. 3. - Ibid. ii. 6. 252 THE PEDICtREE OF THE ENGLISH. accomplished by Egbert more than a century before, and: fixing the Tamar, fifty miles further westward, as the im- passable boundary, here are the Britons, under the cegis of Wessex law, maintaining intact their own nationality at Exeter, and only forfeiting their rights by the irrepressible passion of their race for uncontrolled liberty. From the Tamar to the extremity of Cornwall (the corn, or horn of the JVea/as, or Welsh) they still were, in effect, rulers- Athelstan did not here much trespass upon their right. But more than this is borne out by history. It shows us that the Britons of these parts continued to enjoy their pristine privileges when Wessex itself had fallen, and the rule of the Saxon race in England had been extinguished, The Norman conquest upset the dominion of the Anglo- Saxons for ever, and for a time paralysed the English speech, but on Cornwall the Conquest had but slight effect — on the Celtic speech of Cornwall, none at all, for that speech continued to live on, until, by natural death through absorption of the people into the English pale, it recently passed away. 1 Domesday Book, that black and dismal record of acreage, tenements, and tax-paying human chattels, might be expected to afford valuable information in Celtic names of occupiers. But in this we are disappointed. Such was the rage of royal cupidity after houses, acres, " sac and soc," that Domesday hardly ever takes time to afford us the slightest glimpse at the social condition, the nationality, or the speech of the inhabitants. It seems on purpose to ignore whatever did not "pay taxes to the king." Its whole strength is employed either in gloating over the taxable, or in bemoaning the ruin which the war of conquest had brought upon the taxable. Things were so and so, " tem- pore Regis Edwardi," acres yielding so much to the king,. 1 See Camden's Britann. Gousrh's ed. vol. i. 15. THE BRITONS IX DEVON. 2j$ tenements yielding - so much to the king - , castles yielding so much to the king ; but now, alas ! they are all " vastata," and yield neither sac nor soc. Of Exeter it is said : " In this city forty-eight houses have been destroyed since the King's arrival in England." 1 The compilers, in the hurry of completing inventories of all the properties in England, never trouble themselves with the insertion of British names of the chief men of the Weal-cynne and Cornwall — a circumstance which has emboldened some writers to assert that none such existed — that the British race, in fact, had been utterly obliterated. Now such a conclusion could only be arrived at from sheer ignorance of the history of the time, or from stubborn adherence to a preconceived theory in the face of facts. A g-ood body of evidence exists, partly detailed already in these pages, that in a large portion of the West of England in William the Conqueror's time, no language but the Welsh or Ancient British, commonly called Cornish, prevailed. The inference is inevitable that many of the Thanes and heads of townships enumerated in Domesday were of British blood and British speech. Bur it is quite conceivable that they had assumed Saxon names, and had learned the Saxon speech in addition to their vernacular ; or, perhaps, had Saxon names given them, in addition to the British, for convenience of record and other reasons. 2 Evidence is not wanting" that, although the people of Devon after Athelstan's time were not under rulers of their own, they had still conceded them a certain amount of self- government by British law and custom. They possessed some semblance of state machinery, co-ordinate with the English government, though, of course, in reality not of 1 " In hac civitate sunt vastatae 4S domus, postquam rex venit in Angliam." - See Palgrave Eng. Commoniv. 1. 240. Proofs and Musty, ccxl. iii. 254 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. equal weight. They retained, for example, the power of treating with the King of Wessex respecting their peculiar rights, almost as if they still continued a separate inde- pendent kingdom. They held courts of their own, ad- ministering their own laws, in their own language. Compacts were formed between them and the English. The Witan of Wessex recognised the authority of the Racd-boran of the British as equal with its own. Each guarded the im- munities of its own subjects, and when disputes arose, they met on equal terms, through representatives of equal num- ber from each to discuss and arrange. 1 This, be it remem- bered, was the state of things just on the eve of the extinction of the Anglo-Saxon power through the Conquest. 2 We are thus brought to the first half of the nth cent. Seven Imndred years, therefore, after the landing of Hengist and Horsa, the Britons are proved to form a recognised, but separate, portion of the Kingdom of Wessex. About this time was concluded a compact between the "lawmen" of the two parties, whose record ends thus: " This is seo gerasdnisse the Angel- cynnes Witan and Wealh theode Raedboran betwox Deunsetan gesatten " ; rendered thus, in Lambard and Wiikins ; " Hoc est consilium quod Anglise nationis sapientes, et Wallias consiliarii, inter Monticolas constituerunt." Palgrave re- marks : " By reading Deunsetan instead of Dezmsetan, all difficulties [in making out the meaning of the statement] disappear, and we find that it is a treaty between the British and English inhabitants of Devon, and which establishes the very important fact that the Britons still existed as a people unmingled with their conquerors." 3 1 These representatives were twelve in number from each side ; an early form, doubtless, of our modern "jury." 2 Palgrave, Eng. Commonw. vol. i. 240. Proofs and Illustr. ccxliiL ccxliv. 3 Eng. Commonw. vol. i. 240. Proofs and Illustr. ccxliv. THE BRITOXS IN DEVON AND CORNWALL. 255 The race were recognised as a distinct people, but the tenor of this compact fully implies that at the time when it was formed, viz., some fifteen years before the Conquest, they were in Devon and Cornwall, subject to the dominion of the crown of Wessex. They were bound to render tribute. It is probable that they still enjoyed many of their old customs ; but they were expected to obey the ordinances of King Edgar in the same manner as the Eng- lish themselves ; and this they would find the less difficulty in doing since many of their own ancient laws had been incorporated in those of Wessex. "All these facts," observes Palgrave, " will afford much matter for reflection, and convince us of the great difficulty of penetrating" into the real history of nations. Read the Chroniclers, and it will appear as if the Britons had been entirely over- whelmed by the influx of the Teutonic population ; and it is only by painful and minute inquiry that we ascertain the existence of the subjugated races concealed amidst the invaders." On the whole, with regard to the Britons of " West Wales," it may be concluded that at the time of the Nor- man Conquest the river Exe rather than the Tamar was their boundary. From the latter stream, and probably from a point more western, they gradually shaded off, as one travelled eastward, until they assumed in Devonshire, Dorset, and West Somerset, the character of Englise-men. To the West of the Tamar they were as demonstrablv Celtic as the people of Wales are to-day ; and to the East of the Exe, in the whole of Devon, Dorset, Wilts, and Somerset they were as really Celtic in race, however dis- guised as Saxons by the adoption of the Saxon langu and manners, as are the inhabitants of modern Cornwall, or the " French " of the Cotes du Nord, or Ille et Vilainr. We have now to cast a glance towards the North. All 256 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. admit that as 3^ou travel northward in a straight line from Gloucester to Manchester and Carlisle you pass through a country which was substantially Celtic in the sixth and seventh centuries. To the east of this line the Britons who were willing to pay tribute had gradually " become Saxons." The further west you went from the same, the more purely Celtic did you find the inhabitants. To show that the bulk of the inhabitants of the Lowlands of Scot- land, and of the North of England from the Scottish border to the Mersey, is Celtic, we need only refer to the an- cient kingdoms of Strathclyde and Cumbria, and the com- paratively recent date of their extinction. This recent -date is a very material as well as interesting point. We are not left to plead for the Celtic character of these wide tracts of country — forming, along with Wales and the West of England, fully one-fourth of Roman Britain — at some dim legendary period of the far past ; evidence is not wanting which points to comparatively recent times ; and to these times alone need reference here be made. If these states existed, whether as tributary or otherwise, until within a comparatively modern period, and their inhabi- tants were then Celtic, then the point is settled that the bulk of the people of those regions are in blood Celtic still (with greater or less admixture of Danish and Anglo- Saxon), unless there be some ground for believing that since that comparatively modern period the original dwellers were bodily expelled, or spontaneously quitted the land. But neither of these suppositions is entertained by any one. Northumbria obtained nominal supremacy over Bernicia (Bryneich) , as well as Deira (Deivyr) . But that supre- macy must have been of a very short-lived, or of a very superficial character — most probably both. Strathclyde embraced the greater part of Bernicia. It reached from STRATHCLYDE AND CUMBRIA. 257 the Clyde to the Sohvay, and west and east from the Irish Sea to the Lothians. The kingdom of Cumbria continued southward from the Solway to the Mersey, including, on the west, Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Lancashire, and stretching considerably to the east into Yorkshire. In this great region of Strathclyde (Ystrad-Clwyd) and Cumbria, was the chief seat of Ancient British power and culture for many centuries. Asser tells us that the " army of the pagans " (the Danes) in the year 875, reduced all Northumberland, and ravaged the Picts and Strath- Clydcnsians} Whatever may have been the meaning of the supremacy once obtained by the Angles over Bernicia, its consequence was not the extinction of the kingdom of Strathclyde. At Alclwyd Dumbarton) 2 was the chief seat of the Britons continued until the Danes over-ran the country. But even then, that ancient kingdom was not extinguished ; for it was in exist- ence under a recognised sovereign of its own, in the year 924, when it is said by the Chronicler, that the king of the Strathclyde Britons and all the Strathclyde Britons (Strac- clacd IVcalas) , or Welsh, chose King Edward (the elder, son of Alfred), for father and for lord." 3 If it should be said that this only means that he became master of those regions, that there was actually no " kingdom " and no "king" in existence — it may be replied that not only would this be in contradiction of the plain statement of a 1 Life of Alfred, ann. 875. 3 Alclwyd is a purely Celtic word : W. allt, a hill or eminence, and clwyd, the name of the river; the hill or fortress on the Clwyd. '• Dumbarton" is a curious instance of the tautology as well as histori- cal growth of local names. The first syllable is the Celtic dun or din, a hill or fortress ; the second is the A. -Sax. burli or byrig, a translation of the Celtic dun ; the third is the A. -Sax. tun, a " town," or enclosure, hut slightly differing in meaning from burh. 8 Sax. Citron, ann. 924, S 258 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. recognised authority, but it would involve the absurd con- clusion that there was no " king of the Scots," and no " dwellers in Northumbria," in those days ; for all these, and others, are said in the same passage to have chosen Edward, " for father and for lord." To the same effect is the testimony of William of Malmesbury, who says, that Edward brought under all the Britons who were called Wallenses ; " Brittones omnes, quos nos Wallenses dicimus, bellis profligatos, suse ditioni subegit." l And Ethelred, in proof of Edward's goodness and influence, tells us that he induced " the Scots, the Cumbri, the Wallenses, &c, to choose him, not so much as lord and king, as father." 2 This certainly looks as if they were still in existence as distinct states. The affection which prompted this choice of Edward seems, however, to have been but a very slight and momen- tary passion, for before Athelstan's reign, we see them again turning recalcitrant towards the English. Athelstan's forces, commanded by himself and his brother Edmund, regained their allegiance, without their affection, by the memorable victory of Brunanburh, gained over the com- bined armies of the Scots, Strathclydians, Cumbrians, and Danes. " These mighty smiths of war O'ercame the Welsh (Wealas) : Most valiant earls were they, And gained the land." 3 Owen (Eugenius) was the name of the prince of Strathclyde in this great contest. A few years after this the brave Cumbrians furbished 1 Lib. ii. c. 5. 2 "Bum, non tarn in dominum et regem, quam in patrem, cum omni devotione eligerunt." Ethelr. Rievall. de Gcncal. Regum, p. 356. 3 Sax. Chron. ann. 937. CUMBRIA JOINED TO SCOTLAND. 259 their swords anew, and took the field in concert with the Danes. This time Owen's son Donald (Dyftiwal) was their leader ; and once more were they destined to be subdued by Edmund, 1 brother of Athelstan. Edmund, now himself king, hands over his authority over Cumbria to Malcolm I., king of Scotland, on condition that he should assist the English by sea against all comers. 2 In this compact it was arranged that Cumbria should be governed not by the Scottish king, but by his son and suc- cessor [Tanaist)? In the time of Canute, Duncan was the ruler of Cumbria. The Danes' authority was resisted by the Cumbrians, but they were quelled. Duncan ascended the Scottish throne A.D. 1033, and his son, Malcolm III., according to the arrangement just noted, became the regulus of Cumbria. Some twenty years only before the Norman Conquest, Cumbria was, by Edward the Confessor, vested in the Scottish king. It was at this late date that all their territories, with their numerous inhabitants, were thus cut off from the stock of more southern Celts, and made to appear as if they belonged to a more northern race. The " Picts and Scots" are now seen melting into the one name, "Scots," and the country to the north of the wall of Severus is henceforth called " Scotland." But although a united " Scottish " government is thus 1 Sax. Citron, ann. 945. To this same contest probably reference is made in the Brut : " Ystrat Chit adiffcithwyt y gany Saeson." Strath- clyde was devastated by the Saxons. Brut y Tywysogion, ann. 944. 2 Sax. Cliron. ann. 945. Owing to this arrangement, Dyfnwal (Donald, Dunwallon) is deposed, and is said by some authorities to have gone to Rome. " Ac ydaeth Dwnwallawn brenhin Ystrad Clut y Rufein." And Dunwallon, King of Strathclyde, went to Rome. Brut y Tywysogi , ann. 974. :I W.tan, under, below; eistedd, to sit: one who occupies the next seat of authority. S 2 260 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. established, the older designations of the people are not all at once forgotten. In the old " Brut of the Princes " it is recorded that " Malcolm, son of Dwnchath, king of the Picts and Albanians, and Edward, his son, were killed by the French." 1 This was Malcolm III. (Canmore), called king of " Scotland " in the public records. The people, both " Picts " and " Albanians," were still the same — all. the difference effected was a difference of government. The stone was only put in a new setting. We find passing references to the old race of Strathclyde, under the name "Picts," at a still later period than the above. John of Hexham, and Henry of Huntingdon, both mention them. They fought against Stephen in the battle of Clitheroe, and in the battle of "the Standard," in the year 1138. 2 The fight at Clitheroe was contested on the Scottish side by " Scots and Picts " against the English. 3 " The Scots, therefore, and the Picts, scarcely held on from the beginning to the third hour of the conflict," &C.' 1 From these historical notices it is evident that Strath- clyde maintained its independence, or at least its form as a government either independent or tributary, much longer than the more southern Cumbria. This country of the Ancient Brigantes suffered more, perhaps, than any other district long maintaining Celtic rule, from attacks both from cognate and from alien despoilers. It was frequently set upon by the Strathclydians. Northumbrian Angles were continually ravaging it. It was seldom free from Danish incursions. The Anglo-Saxons from the South,. 1 Brut y Tywysogion, pp. 55, 57. 2 Sax. Citron, ann. 1138. 3 "Hoc bellum factum est apud Clithero inter Anglos, Pictos, et Scotos," &c. J oh ann. Hagust. p. 260. 1 Ibid. p. 261. " Scoti itaque et Picti vix a prima hora initi conflictus usque ad tertiam perstiterunt." CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND. 26 1 the Scots from the North, in later ages, made it their prey. So reduced at last was Cumbria, that when "William the Norman came to take his inventory in Domesday, he " found it not in his heart " to exhaust it further, but remitted all its taxes. The population had evidently become thin and impoverished — for nothing else could have mollified the heart of William — and it took long ages to repair the desolations which had been wrought. Great numbers of the Cumbri had retired into Wales after the disastrous battle of Cattraeth. Their places had been partly filled by Pictish incursions from Strathclyde, and by Danish settlers who had arrived by the Irish sea, and the traces of these are discoverable in the local names of Cum- berland and Westmoreland to this day. 1 At the same time we are far from admitting that any such displacement of the Ancient British element had taken place as rendered the ancestry of the present inhabi- tants less Celtic than Teuton. Far otherwise ; sparse as the population might be, the bulk of it was Celtic. The traditions, superstitions, dialectic peculiarities of the coun- try prove this ; as do also the general character, tempera- ment and complexion of the people. From this survey of the extreme North of England on the Western side, including the Lowlands of Scotland, there need be no hesitation felt in asserting that the Ancient British population were never dislodged from their native soil. Where the Angles, Saxons, Danes, and Normans found them, there they left them. Partial dislodgment, doubtless, took place, as will always occur amid great 1 The mountains bear names imposed by the various races mentioned, .as: Scaw Fell (Dan.) ; Bow Fell (Dan.) ; High Pike (Celt.) ; Black Comb (Celt,); Saddle-back (Sax.) ; Dent Hill (Celt.). So of rivers: Derwent .(Celt.) ; Esk (Celt.) ; Sark (Dan.) ; Cambtck (Celto-Sax.— W. Cam, crooked; Sax. beck, a brook); Duddon (Celt.); Croglin (Celt.) ; Nent .(Celt). Few streams bear other than Celtic names. 262 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. commotions and conflicts of nations ; but no such dislodg- ment is witnessed to by history, and no such wholesale immigration of foreign races, as would entitle the historian of this day to conclude that the race-character of the in- habitants had been changed. If we retrace our steps southward, we shall everywhere find on the line of our present survey, traces of the Ancient British population at recent dates. In the latter half of the eighth century, Shrewsbury, then called Pengwern, was the capital of the Kings of Powis : and Offa gave proof to succeeding ages how great was the difficulty of confining the Cymry of North Wales within limits by the construction of his stupendous " dyke." l That great earthwork, Clawdd Offa, measuring a hundred miles long from the mouth of the Dee to the Bristol Chan- nel, is an abiding memorial of the terrible power of the Britons, and the unfailing resolution of the brave old Mer- cian king. In those rude times rude strength was occa- sionally manifested on a magnificent scale ; and this is an instance of it. The modern soldier would pronounce the building of a huge rampart a hundred miles long, from sea to sea, a clumsy and unmilitary method of checking an invader ; but we must bear in mind that Offa had the ex- ample of the Romans before him, and that they had been able, with all their strategy, to discover no better method of hemming in the uncontrollable Caledonians than build- ing great earthworks and walls across the country. Neither Offa nor the Romans had heard of the grandest erection of the kind (in existence probably even then) the wall of China ! The plan was adopted in Britain as an exceptional expedient to meet an exceptional case of peril. As to Herefordshire, not only is the staple of its popula- 1 See Lappenberg, Anglo-Saxon Kings, vol. i. 231. SHROPSHIRE AND HEREFORDSHIRE. 263 tion known to be purely Celtic, but it continued to a very- late period to associate itself with the Cymry of Wales in uncompromising opposition to the Saxon kings. In the twelfth century (temp. Henry II.) Hereford city was con- sidered as " in Wales," although it had been the chief city of Mercia in the reign of Offa. Part of the county was assigned to the Welsh by Offa's dyke ; and it continued as one of the regions of the " Marches " l — indeed, the region, par excellence, of the " Marches," for it gave the name of "Earl of March" to Mortimer 2 — to be the general boun- dary-land " between the English and the Welsh, allowed as such to belong partly to both — for many ages after the kingdom of Mercia had been swallowed up in the general dominions of the English kings. All this implies an inti- macy and sympathy between the Cymry and the inhabitants of these parts which could arise from no other cause than identity of race. But it is needless to multiply facts to prove a point so generally admitted. Not only will no one who has pondered the early ethnography of England, deny that the people of Herefordshire were genuine Celts, but he will freely grant that the inhabitants of Worcestershire and Gloucester- shire also were almost entirely of the same race. He finds no account of extensive displacement. He hears nothing of a Saxon population transported from other regions, and located in these. The country is found always peopled, apparently by the same race, whether the name it bears is Maxima Cczsaricmis, imposed by the Romans, Myrcnarzce, or Mercia, in Anglo-Saxon times, or the more familiar 1 Anglo-Sax. Mearc, a mark ; hence a boundary-line, border, separating different kingdoms. The kingdom of Mercia itself had its name from its being the mearc or boundary region between the Britons of Wales and the East Angles. - His chief residence was Wigmore Castle, in Herefordshire. 264 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. county designations of the present day. Different kings of different races rule, different laws and different languages prevail ; but the people are immortal, conveying down from age to age the blood of the same British race (with more or less Teutonic admixtures), and continuing still, in their physiological characteristics, manners and customs, super- stitions, dialects, to form a Myrcna-rice, a border kingdom, between the purer Celts of Wales and the Celto-Saxons of England further East. Of Monmouthshire we need not speak. It was certainly from no considerations of race that this county, so late as the eighth Henry, was numbered with the counties of England. To this day a very large proportion of its inhabitants even retain the Welsh language ; and the whole, with the exception, of course, of the immigrant element which the rapidly-developed trade and manu- factures of the county have attracted — are of Celtic blood. We have now completed the survey we intended making. We have seen in the early stages of the Saxon conquest, whole populations, tribes, or kingdoms, in the South, and in the Central, and North-Eastern parts — Lloegrians, Brython, the men of Galedin, the Gwydde- lians, and the Coranians — pass away, and melt almost simultaneously into the mass of the Anglo-Saxon people. In the South -West the great kingdom of Wessex has by degrees stretched forth its long arms, and gathered into its embrace the Britons of the South coast counties of Hants and Dorset, along with those further North in Somerset and Wilts, casting its spell with more or less power over the dwellers in Devon, and far into Cornwall. The primary Celtic colours have slowly mingled with the complementary Teutonic hues, forming at last a settled mid colour, but fringing off at all the extreme points in the bright CHANGE OF SPEECH NOT A CHANGE OF RACE. 265 unequivocal " red-dragon " Celtic. In the extreme North, Strathclyde and Cumbria, large and powerful Celtic king- doms, covering nearly, if not fully, one-fourth of the surface of Roman Britain, eventually disappear, drawn into the all-absorbing Maelstrom of a now English-speaking race. The same sort of change is seen progressing in the intervening space along the border lands ol the " Marches " — Cheshire, Shropshire, Herefordshire, Monmouthshire, Gloucestershire, and Worcestershire. Thus, in the course of 600 or 700 years, more than half the face of our island (omitting Wales and Scotland) is plainly seen with the "naked eye" of history, without telescopic or micro- scopic aid of conjecture, assumption, or myth, to pass by slow but appreciable gradations from a Celtic into the out- ward seeming of a Teutonic territory. In a word, nothing more, nothing less, can be said of the teeming multitudes of Ancient Britons once inhabiting the parts referred to, than was intimated by the gth Triad of the Lloegrians — viz., that they "became Saxons ;" and nothing more can be said of the agency of the Germanic and Scandinavian race in bringing this to pass than what is ascribed by the Chronicle to the Normans, in a particular case — viz., that they reduced all, small and great, to be Saxons. 1 What proportion of Ancient British blood is indicated by this picture as having passed into the ancestry of the present English, we shall not seek precisely to determine. It, however, immeasurably surpasses in copiousness any- thing that has ever yet been acknowledged by our histo- rians. Of the immense preponderance of the Britons over 1 Brut y Tywysogion. Rolls office ed. by Rev. J. Williams, Ab Ithcl, p. 63. This was, however, a very superficial mode of making Celts into " Saxons." It is applied to the conquest of the Isle of Anglesea, whose inhabitants have never displayed many signs of being " Saxons." 266 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. their Saxon and Angle conquerors during the first stages of the Conquest, few sane persons can have a doubt. That they did not continue to maintain this preponderance, has never yet been proved. That they gradually dwindled away in the character and outward expression of Britons,, over the greater part of the island, is clear ; and the causes and manner of the change have just been explained. But that this kind of change is tantamount to extinction of race elements, no person of ordinary capacity will pretend to believe. If that were true, the English-speaking sub- jects of the English crown in Scotland and Ireland would no longer be Celtic in blood, but Saxon. The radical un- soundness of the idea is seen from its liableness to be so easily reduced ad dbsurdum. , But the Jutes, Saxons, and Angles, of earlier or later immigrations, are not to be considered as the only factors along with the Ancient Britons in determining the ethno- logical character of the English people. The Danes and Normans are also to be taken into the account. SECTION VIII. Influence of the Danish and Norman Invasions on the Ethnological Character of the English People. In speaking of the English or Anglo-Saxon nation from this time forward, it must not be forgotten that they were no longer a Teutonic, but a mixed race. When the Danish and Norman conquests were effected, the process of amal- gamation with the ancient Britons had far advanced, although still, especially in the time of the former, far from being completed. ETHNICAL INFLUENCE OF THE DANES. 267 1. The Danish invasion in its influence on the distribu- tion and admixture of race. The distribution or location of races in the British Isles had been pretty well completed before the settlement of the Danish rule. For many ages prior to this, and even prior to the Saxon and Anglian Kingdoms themselves, the country had been afflicted by Danish invasions on a larger or smaller scale ; and Danish settlements in great number had been effected on our coasts. But neither the earlier nor the later Danish incursions materially affected the boundaries of the Cymry of Wales and Cornwall ; although in Cumbria and Strathclyde they may have had some effect. The Norman conquest having occurred still later, not only effected much less by way of race intermixture than the Danish, but in the way of race distribution pro- duced hardly any change. All that these conquests can be held to have done, therefore, in this relation, is the effacing still further the already obscured signs of Celtic nationality on the western border of England, the dis- placement of a portion of the Britons of Cumbria, and the confining of the uncompromising Cymry more strictly within the limits of Wales, and " West Wales," or Corn- wall. During neither of these conquests were large masses of Britons, except those who came with the conquerors, brought into a state of fusion with the English ; nor were any portions of Wales proper annexed to the English sovereignty. What the Saxon Chronicler relates of the work of Edmund in ravaging Strathclyde in a.d. 945, and granting it to Malcolm, King of the Scots, on condition of his becoming a fellow-worker with him, "by sea and by land," we have already shown. Malcolm, was, of course,, to become a fellow-worker " by sea," emphatically for the purpose of checking the Danes. .268 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. The Danes, pressing especially on the Eastern coast, by degrees became masters of Northumbria, Mercia, and East Anglia. We have shown that they indeed swarmed in prodigious numbers on all parts of the coast of Britain, •coming at one time in " three hundred ships," and numbering at another time as many as 30,000 men. Alfred, with all his extraordinary exertions, was com- pletely unable to expel them from the Southern parts of the island. He therefore adopted the wise policy of paving the way, since they were known to be essentially of the same race with the Anglo-Saxons, for their gradual fusion with the inhabitants. He accordingly arranged for their peaceful settlement in the country, ceded to them, under conditions, the Kingdom of East Anglia, and laboured to the extent of his power to promote a good understanding between them and their Anglo-Saxon opponents. By this time they had obtained power over nearly two-thirds of the territories of the Heptarchy. This they had accomplished through a series of conflicts as bloody and disastrous as any which the history of this much-enduring land has ever -chronicled. It has been stated by some writers (incorrectly, we venture to think), that the Danes about the time when their horrid massacre was planned by Ethelred, A.D. 1002, numbered nearly one-third of the inhabitants of England. •One-sixth would probably be nearer the truth, and even that proportion was diminished by the atrocious deed referred to. It was, however, more than restored soon afterwards by the avenging invasions of Sweyn, Thurchil, Knut (Canute), and other great commanders, with their teeming hosts. Under Canute, who in A.D. 101 7 became sole monarch of England, perhaps the Danish element may, without exaggeration, be said to have constituted nearly one-fifth of the population — the Anglo-Saxons, INFLUENCE OF THE DANES IN THE NORTH. 260 including the Saxonized Britons, furnishing the remaining four- fifths. The Danish element held the highest place in East Anglia, and the Eastern side of the island throughout, to the extreme of Northumbria. The British kingdom of Cumberland was inundated in the latter part of the tenth century by the Norwegians, who found their way thither by the Irish Sea — a sea well known to the Northmen from times much earlier ; for it was the route they pursued on their way to France. The kingdom of Strathclyde having by this time been annexed to the dominions of the Scottish king, it is probable that the in- cursions of these new Norwegian hordes affected chiefly Southern and South-Western Cumbria, still inhabited by the comparatively unmixed Welsh-speaking Celts ; l and that numbers of these were forced to flee the country, and seek a home among their brethren in Wales. The Nor- wegian immigration was so large that it gave a Scandi- navian tinge to the region now included in the counties of Cumberland and Westmoreland, visible, as we have shown, to this day in the local names of the district ; and con- tributed to hasten the entire extinction of the Cymraeg of the region. 2 We must guard, however, against the supposition that the displacement of the original population was on any large scale. The Celts and Saxons, and even Danes throughout Northumbria, had doubtless largely intermixed before the arrival of these new comers, giving room for the probable conjecture that those alone would be com- pelled to evacuate the country whose attachment to the 1 The language of Cumbria is proved to be identical with the Welsh by the literary remains of the Cumbrian bards, Aneurin and Llywarch Hen, and by dialectic words and local names. : See Ferguson's Northmen in Cunib. and Westm. ; and Worsuac's Danes and Norwegians in England, passim. 2JO THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. ancient speech and usages was too stubborn to bend, and who, therefore, scorning to coalesce with the hated North- men, retired into Wales. Whatever may be the truth as to the Scandinavian ad- mixture in Cumbria, it is on all hands admitted that the North of England was more affected by it than the South. But, of course, no amount of intermixture with Danes or Norwegians could affect the race quality of the Anglo- Saxons, supposing for the moment that the Anglo-Saxons existed now in their unmixed integrity in the land, for Ave all know that Danes, Norwegians, Angles, and Saxons, were of the same Teutonic race. Under the actual circum- stances, the people of England at the time being a com- pound of Celts and Teutons, the effect of receiving into their body a quantum of Danes and Norwegians would simply be the increasing of the proportion of Teutonic as compared with Celtic blood in the mass. It cannot be denied that the Danish invasion and conquest did operate in this manner. The Norman conquest, as will by-and-by be shown, contrary to the traditional faith prevailing, had hardly a preponderating effect in favour of Teutonism. When endeavouring to gauge the influence of the Danes on English ethnology two related but antithetic ideas occur to the inquirer. The rule of the Danes in England was brief; but the era of Danish incursions was long. They held sovereignty in this country only for some eight •and twenty years — A.D. 1013 — 1 041, i.e., from the accession of Sweyn to the death of Hardicanute. But ever since the year 787, when they first made serious attempts upon the country, they never ceased to pour in accessions, more or less numerous, to the Teutonic population. Dr. Donaldson is therefore probably in error when denying that the Danish and Norman "settlements produced any con- siderable effect on the ethnical characteristics of the ETHNICAL EFFECTS OF THE NORMAN CONQUEST. 2 7 I country." l In the sense of adding a new element of race, they, it is true, effected nothing ; but in the sense of alter- ing the relative proportions between the Celtic and Teutonic elements they did something", and that something was in augmentation of the Teutonic, and the production of the Dane rather than the Norman. 2. The effect of the Norman Conquest on the ethnical character of the English people. - Though we are accustomed to look upon the Normans as a new people, distinct from the Saxons and the Danes, it must be now kept in mind that they were so in reality, as far as they were Normans, only as arriving in Britain at a later time and from a different direction, and swayed by opposite interests. As the Danes were brethren — though not loving — to the Saxons, Jutes, and Angles, so were the old pure Normans brethren, or rather sons — though neither loving nor filial — to the Danes. The Northmen, or Danes, who had for ages been the plague of Britons and Anglo-Saxons, and bore rule in the country when William demanded the crown, were the same people, ethnically, who had in the early part of the 10th century entered France under Rollo, and converted Neustria into Normandie. Rollo had recognised the Danes in England as brethren in race before his descent upon France, for we remember that he had come over to assist Guthrum the Dane in conquering East Anglia. Having, years after this, succeeded in establishing himself and a horde of fol- lowers, in Neustria, to which he gave the name Nbrmandze, because he had converted it into an abode of the ''men 1 On English Ethnogvaphy, Camb. Essays, 1856. /'. 53. - Portions of this section are reproduced from a paper read by the author before the British Association at Brighton, 1873, and before the Ethnological Society of London. 272 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. of the North," he began to create a race which, under the name Normans, were in reality not so. He at once adopted the language of the conquered territory, and proceeded to knead into one the Celtic inhabitants and the colonists he had introduced. The work of amalgamation proceeded ; Rollo extended and con- solidated his sway ; the Normans became quite as much Celts as the Celts became Normans ; the population grew ; a feeling of kindred also prevailed between the old inhabi- tants of Normandy and those of Brittany — for originally they were the same Celtic race — in great measure, indeed, actual contributions to that race, as shall again be shown, from the insular Britons; and after some 150 years of advancement in the arts of civilization under French culture, these Celto-Normans come over under William to achieve the Conquest of England. If this representation is a correct one, it will follow that the " Normans ■ who conquered England were only in a very qualified sense descendants of the old Scandinavians. This representation we claim as substantially correct. It is supported by history, and contradicted by neither history nor fable. It is contradicted only by the " School Histories of England," and popular ignorance, Even if it were true — which it is not — that the followers of William the Conqueror were in the main, or entirely, pure Normans, the ethnological revolution they would effect in England would still be very insignificant. In their application to the Norman conquest, under this view of it, the words of Dr. Donaldson are true : " The Scandi- navian settlers were rather chieftains and soldiers des- potically established in certain districts, than bodies of emigrants who affected the whole texture of the popula- tion." As already observed, the Danes through a long- series of years had been pouring in their hordes, and THE "NORMANS" NOT ALL NORTHMEN. 273 lighting for themselves settlements in different parts of the island ; but the " Normans " under William came as a body of " chieftains and soldiers," and accomplished their great exploit all at once through sheer superiority in one battle- field. The battle of Hastings, the first they fought, was also the last before their supremacy was a fail '■ accompli, for what fighting followed was only in settlement and defence of that supremacy, against the contumacy of different sections of the country. The whole of the fighting from first to last was done in four years. By 1071 the whole of England, from Cornwall to the Tweed, and from the Eastern borders of Wales to the German Sea, was the prize — the blood-stained prize— of the Northmen's valour ! The wars with the Welsh only serve to prove the vitality — the unextinguishable spirit — which animated that people. No change was produced in their location — none to speak of in their ethnical character. We have said that William's followers were not pure Northmen ; and also that even if they had been such, they had only produced a faint change in the ethnical character of the English people, by reason of their comparative fewness. We have already intimated that the people of Normandy, from systematic amalgamation of the natives with the conquerors, were a highly mixed race. That the race inhabiting the old district of Neustria were in the main Celts, we need not stay long to prove, for few will deny it ; that the amalgamation took place is the unambiguous testimony of history, and its truth is, at least, corroborated by the significant fact that the language of the natives became the sole language of the com- pound people. We have throughout rejected the doctrine that the adoption of a language is proof of prepon- derance of number on the side of those whose ver- nacular it was; and \vc reject it here. But be the T 274 rHE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. number of the natives of Neustria great or small, it is clear that they were all taken, as they were found on the land, as subjects of the conquerors, and that in course of time a complete fusion took place between the two peoples. But we must here more closely enquire into the race elements of the regions whence the so-called " Norman " conquerors of England were derived. To determine this matter we must cast a glance at those regions as they were settled before the North-men had a place as a ruling" community in France — and then at the nature of the Norman conquest of Rouen and the sur- rounding country, the nucleus of Normandy, estimating, as far as we can, the amount of northern blood introduced into the region afterwards so called. It will soon appear that the name was no faithful exponent of the race, any more than the name of France is of the nationality of that country. This region was a part of that territory which, as Caesar tells us, was inhabited by the Galli — a people usually considered more purely Celtic than the Belgse of the North-east, more Celtic, therefore, than the Cymri and Britons, and divided by a still wider line from the Aquitani or Iberi of the south-west. It was possessed of a large number of towns and a considerable population, divided into several tribes or clans. On the breaking up of the Roman Empire in the fifth century, Clovis, or Chlodwig (a.d. 486), the head of a Teutonic tribe, and of the family of Merowig, which occupied a tract of country between the Rhine and the Somme, pushing- his way westward, became master of the Galli as far as the eastern limits of Armorica. It would seem from the best authori- ties that the conquest effected by Clovis and the hordes which followed him under the name of " Frank-manni," or " freemen," was comparatively without bloodshed. They met with strenuous opposition in the eastern parts, the INFLUENCE OF THE NORMAN CONQUEST. 275 territory of the Belga? ; but on reaching Rheims, Clovis became a Christian, and of the orthodox Roman Church ; and henceforward his progress, as argued by Thierry, was a matter of diplomatic arrangement through the bishops, the customary mediators between the Roman Emperor and the provincials. From the Somme to the borders of Brittany the Franks were admitted as masters almost without opposition ; in fact the people who had been ruled by the Romans wanted masters. The change was simply a change of rulers, with the addition of some Germanic rules respecting the relation of classes and the occupation of land. The masters w r ere alone Frank-manni, all others being in a state of more or less subjection or bondage. The title " Franks " was thus for a long time applied as a social rather than an ethnological designation, until at last it lost its specific meaning, and settled down as a national and geographical term. The new sovereignty thus set up by the Frank-manni extended from Antwerp to Renncs. and from Calais to Nevers. What is worthy of especial notice in this new occupation is the fact that it reduced but by a very small number the native Gallic population, and added but a very small proportion of Frankish immigrants. The district occupied was large : the Merovingian tribe, though terrible in war- like power, was small. The parts subsequently embraced under the name Normandy w T ere the most distant westward, and the last and easiest brought under rule, so that here the disturbance was smallest and the influx of alien blood least. M. Guizot notifies a striking differ. u< ■ between the Neustrian Franks and their brethren of the Osfcr-rike, or Austrasian kingdom on the Rhine, in thai the latter were far more dense and compact than 1 in- former. The Neustrian Franks had, indeed, taken pos- session of so wide a territory that they were obliged T 2 2 7 6 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. to spread themselves sparsely over the underlying native- race. This was the first Frankish conquest of the region. In about 300 years another followed. This was brought about by that more concentrated and more intensely Germanic family of Franks which held the Austrasian kingdom. In the 8th century, when the earlier Franks- and the natives had well-nigh forgotten their separate origin and were nearly fused into one people, Pepin and his son Charlemagne overran the whole country, and established a new Frankish dynasty — the Carlovingiam The change now introduced, though not accompanied by greater violence, was far more radical and disturbing than the former. A large proportion of strangers was thrust in, the old social system was more disintegrated. But the language, religion, and manners which Rome had given Gaul were not dislodged. And as Charlemagne aspired to create an empire even transcending in glory the Roman, he pursued a policy similar to that of the Romans in his humane treatment of the subjug-ated. In fact the new order of things was greatly in favour of the natives. Of the conquest by Pepin, M. Guizot says: "Never was a revolution accomplished more easily and noiselessly. Pepin possessed the power ; the fact was converted into right ; neither resistance nor protest of sufficient weig-ht to- leave a trace in history was offered. Everything seemed to remain the same ; nothing was changed except a title. Yet it is certain that a grand event had happened — that the change marked the end of a particular social state and the beginning of another, a veritable epoch in the history of civilization in France." In this second Frankish conquest, therefore, as in the first, no attempt was made to dislodge the inhabitants. The high places of society were occupied by the ruling INFLUENCE OF THE NORMAN CONQUEST. 277 Franks ; but the next lower strata, and especially the multitude below, continued what they had always been — substantially Gallic or Celtic. We may mention, in passing, that after the death of Charlemagne and the dismemberment of his empire, during a period of anarchy and confusion scarcely equalled in the history of civilized nations, and mainly through the power of feudalism, several dukedoms or countships were set up, which virtually were independent sovereignties, although doing nominal homage to the King of what was now called France. Brittany had always preserved a kind of independent existence ; but now arose, one after another, the countships or dukedoms of Anjou, Poitou, Maine, Guienne, Burgundy, Champagne, Provence, &c., to define and synchronize which has always proved an impossible task to French historians. This was in fact the period when feudalism grew into full stature, and spread with mysterious rapidity over all Europe. With several of these sovereignties William the Bastard had intimate relations, of which he availed himself to the full in raising his army of invasion. It was at this time of confusion, when the kingdom of France proper was in its weakness, and every feudal lord was carving out a petty kingdom for himself, that the Norman Rollo, with a troop of followers, made a descent upon Neustria. It will be well at once to mark and estimate the volume of race-intrusion. Rollo was the captain of a robber-band. lie had been banished for a misadventure from the Danish Court, and set out to mend or make his fortune by such means as might be effectual. He led no army. He carried, as was the fashion in those days, a troop of desperate freebooters, in small boats capable of skimming shallow rivers, and even of being dragged up the banks, to pass bridges and obstructions. 278 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. His men were picked, daring, and strong of limb. He chanced to fall on the coast of Neustria, probably not with- out knowledge of the fertility of the land and the sweetness of the climate, and went up, plundering his way, until he approached Rouen. There was no army in existence to meet them. Charles the Simple could scarcely protect his own capital of Paris. Accustomed as that coast had been to devastation from Danish adventurers (for Rollo was by no means the first, though he was the most terrible visitor of his kind), there was no concert or organization for defence, each feudal lord being satisfied if by thickness of wall and depth of moat he could keep scatheless his own castle, and pass on the unwelcome strangers to his next neighbour. The common people, carrying their whole world on their backs, made the forest and the crags their safe retreat. Rollo's fleet of boats had nearly reached Rouen when the inhabitants heard of them. The city was filled with consternation. Rouen had many stalwart men, probably far outnumbering' the Norman plunderers ; but they were not fighting men in the feudal sense of the. term ; and it would take many men of strong make,, unaccustomed to arms, to meet the giant Rollo himself. There was no attempt at defence. The archbishop, taking the customary lead, went forth to meet the pirates and to arrange terms. Rollo and his followers were admitted through the gates as conquerors. The Normans went round to view the city ; and finding' it a strong and gainly place, chose it as their home and centre for further- operations. This is the representation given of the matter by Depping", in his Expeditions JMaritimcs des JVbrmans, by Wace in his Roman da Ron, and, following them, by Thierry. Having now secured a footing, the chief recruited his INFLUENCE OF THE NORMAN CONQUEST. 279 small fighting force from the citizens of Rouen and the district around. The great town of Bayeux (the seat of the old Baiocasses}, and Evreux (of the old Eburovices), and others were soon captured. No time was lost in forming - matrimonial connexions. Rollo took to wife the daughter of the Count of Bayeux, and by adopting a method of ruling at once strong and mild, demanding - nothing but feudal subjection and tribute, became popular with the natives. As a stroke of policy, he professed himself a Christian ; he made peace, after successful conflict, with the King" of France, and married his daughter, having put away his former wife on the singular ground that he was now a Christian man. The land of Normandy was granted him in fief, and was duly parcelled out among his followers. The Northmen now freely intermarried with the natives, and, strange, to say, in two generations, as Sismondi has shown, had generally laid aside their Northern speech, and adopted the Romance language. Now, in pondering these events, one cannot fail of feel- ing surprise at the fact that a body so small could conquer and possess a region so large and populous, the fief of an established and civilized kingdom, and studded on all sides with baronial castles and intrenched cities. The exact number of the immigrants cannot be ascertained, nor the populousness of the towns and districts they subdued ; but from the tenor of the whole account it is perfectly clear that the conquerors were but a mere handful as com- pared with the natives. To remove our surprise, however, we have only to remember the maxims and practices of the time. Feudalism, now dominant, had its stringent and omnipotent laws. The bearing of arms was an honour conferred only on the few. Men-at-arms were gentlemen. The commonest grade of people, from whom the soldiery in our days of standing armies are drawn, were not men ; 2 8o THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. and " chattels " could not be supposed capable of bearing arms. The fiefholder, or lord, had a claim for military and any other kind of service from his retainers ; and the king - , as suzerain of the lord, had a claim on him. But the lord, as already observed, was often in practice the master of his own territory, and the protectors of that territory were his own men-at-arms. To bring the army of the king to his assistance might be a work of long negotiation and doubtful result. When, therefore, an enemy stronger than the local guardians attacked a terri- tory, the day was his own. This was precisely how it was that Rollo, prompt in action, fell in purpose, with few companions, but companions of the right mettle, surprised Rouen, and obtained ascendancy over the populous city and districts surrounding it. In those days the prowess and bodily strength of one man npt unfrequently scattered a multitude, and turned the tide of battle when the foe had well-nigh seized on victory. The Homeric mode of war- fare had almost been reproduced. Whoever has read " Ivanhoe " will scarcely forget the graphic picture of feudalism and its practice of arms there given, or the pro- digious valour and exploits of such knights as Ivanhoe, Brian de Bois-Guilbert, and the Black Knight. Now, when a district had been won by the sudden descent of such a small body of men as Rollo and his com- panions, and the conquest extended by the aid of the subjugated, it were absurd to suppose that the race-elements of the country were greatly affected. The land was still tilled, the vines tended, the cattle herded, by the same race which had done so before. The conquerors would soon stamp their own name on the country, and even on its in- habitants ; but the real change would only be a change of name and of name-givers. The conquerors might beg-in at once to enter into marriage alliances with the natives, INFLUENCE OF THE NORMAN CONQUEST. 28 1 and might abandon their own speech, adopting that of the land they had won ; but this would only give advantage to the native race. This was precisely the case in Western Neustria, after- wards called Normandy. The disturbance of the native race by the Norman was even less than that caused by the Frankish conquest. The land was not more the same land than the people who dwelt upon it were the same people as they had been for ages ; that is, they were substantially Gallic. And if this was the case in Normandy, a fortiori 'it was the case in the regions lying eastward and southward of that territory, while Brittany, to the west, was in a more marked degree than any held by a native race — a race, according to the best authorities, not omitting scientific searchers of the present day, more Cymric than the BelgaB, and nearly related to the so-called Celts of Britain, through various accessions between the 4th and ;th centuries from the Cymri of Wales. The wide and fertile regions on both sides of the river Loire, where afterwards we find the duchies of Maine, Anjou, Poitou, Touraine, the seats of the ancient Arvii, Pictones, Turones, Ligures, and on the east as far as the Somme, and even the Scheldt and the Meuse, the land of the ancient Belgae, were all marked by an immense preponderance of the native race, the intrusive Franks having only given it the faintest tinge of Germanic blood. All the great writers and almost all the scientific explorers of France agree that the modern French are what in popular phrase we designate them, a " Gallic " people — considerably Aquitanian or Iberian, dark-haired and swarthy, to the south and south-west, but prevailingly Gallic in the much more extensive central and northern part, Cymric or Belgic in the cast, and emphatically Cymric in the extreme north-west. We should not omit 282 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. to mention that M. Broca, the celebrated ethnologist of Paris, has recently confirmed this view — the view also of M. W. F. Edwards and the two Thierrys — by minute and carefully conducted calculations. He has found, taking the measurements of the military conscription as his basis, that a line drawn diagonally across France from near Coutances in La Manche to Lyons, and another parallel to it from a little west of the mouth of the Somme to Geneva, cut off to the north-west the shortest in stature, whom he classes as purest Celtic, and to the north- east the tallest, that is, the people of Belgic race, corres- ponding" with the Gallia Belgica of Caesar, leaving in the intervening space a people of medium height, representing, as M. Broca thinks, the ancient Galli proper. He holds the Bretons to be the most unmixed Celts of all the inhabi- tants of France, and considers them the key to the ethnology of that country : " la clef de l'ethnologie de la France est en Bretagne." We have said so much on this point of the substantially Gallic and, so-named, Celtic character of these regions with a distinct purpose ; for we now desire to point out that from all these parts in greater degree from some, in less from others, were drawn the forces which William the Conqueror used in his descent on Britain. It is clear that this is the most satisfactory way to estimate critically, in the absence of definite statistics, the ethnological influence which the Conquest exerted on our population. The degree of that influence must more appear from other considera- tions again to be mentioned. What, then, was the field whence William gleaned his army ? Normandy, of course, was the first and principal part of it. A line drawn from Abbeville through Mantes and Alencon to Granville, in the Contentin, will nearly describe the inland limits of this country. It generally Pa^e. 283 INFLUENCE OF THE NORMAN CONQUEST. 283. corresponded with the modern departments of La Manche, Calvados, Orne, Eure, and Seine-Inferieure. Having first, with due forethought, g-ot permission of the Pope to enter and plunder England, and establish there the tax-office of Peter's-pence. his next step was to call a council of his barons and most intimate friends. They agreed to his proposals. In ordinary cases this alone would be required ; but the enterprise was of a nature so grave that, according to the Chronique dc Normandic, the barons advised that the people of Normandy should be consulted. This was a departure from the rules of chivalry and feudal policy of great import for us to note ; for it led to the result that William's host was not a feudal agglomeration of fief- holders and their men-at-arms simply, but an armed multitude, under recognized chiefs, gathered from all ranks of the people far and near. William called a popular assembly, and requested a free expression of their views. Opinions differed ; for he had now consulted men many of whom prospered by peaceful pursuits — merchants, trades- men, agriculturists. But the hero's tact and resolution at last prevailed, and all Normandy began to pour in its contingents. His next step, very significant to our argument, was to make proclamation through all the surrounding states, wherever any kind of influence could avail him, inviting indiscriminately all who had in them a love of adventure, all who needed a better fortune, all who could bring sword and lance, to come to the conquest and partition of England. From William of Malmesbury, Guilielmus Gemeticensis, and Ordericus Vital is, we learn that the call was promptly answered from all quarters. 1 Brittany, to whose ducal house William was nearly related, was first and most liberal in response. 1 Will, of Malmesb., b. iii ; Ord. Vital. Hist. Eccles. p. 494. 284 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Two of the duke's sons, Alain Fergant and Brian, and the lords of many castles and important fiefs, such as Rouel de Gael, Robert de Vitry, Bertrand de Dinan, were among the Breton volunteers. The young Count Alain alone, according to Hume, was followed by no less than 5,000 men. Others flocked in from Maine and Anjou, from Poitou and Flanders, Burgundy and Aquitaine, and from the very borders of the Rhine and Italy. Most who came from these distant parts were hungry adventu- rers and military vagabonds, whose trade it was to fol- low the standards of any chief who would pay or promise pillage, and who scarcely had a right to anticipate the day when noble families in England would proudly trace their lineage to them as "Normans who came in with the Conqueror ! " All who came to swell the ranks were welcomed with eagerness. Broad manors, castles, titles, pillage, were freely promised. The terms had a charm that operated mightily. Some joined on regular pay, some on the simple condition of licence to plunder, some on the promise of a Saxon heiress in marriage. 1 All were satisfied with promises, and all were ardent for the fray. Proud and poor Norman barons, Breton, Flemish, Anjevin counts had already marked for themselves those Saxon estates which suited their cupidity. Outlaws and thieves, humble villeins and serfs of Gallic and Frankish blood saw a chance of "founding a family." Power of muscle was now a precious possession ; for he who did most execution on Saxon flesh would most win the Conqueror's favour. The spirit of the terrible man's harangue before the battle was already interpreted before the Channel was crossed : — " Remember to fight well and put all to death ; for if we conquer we shall be all rich. What I gain you will gain: if I take their land, you shall have it." 1 Chron. de Novmandie, p. 227. INFLUENCE OF THE NORMAN CONQUEST. 285 Thus the Conqueror's great army was gathered and made ready for embarkation. It crossed the Channel and won the battle of Hastings, and by this one blow secured for Duke William the throne of England, and for every man who did his work well a substantial recompense. But we must more particularly examine the non- " Norman " part of William's invading army. It is a fact — and a most interesting fact in the treatment of our present subject — that a very large proportion of William's followers, as already intimated, were genuine Bretons, and that not a few were Britons. AVe advance, therefore, a second step. Already it has ajDpeared that the soldiers raised by the Conqueror in his own duchy of Normandy, must in great measure have been of Celtic origin ; we now have to show that in addition to these, he had in his train auxiliary forces which had no taint of Norman blood at all, but pure unequivocal Celts, close relations of the Cymrypi Wales and Cornwall ! Some of his chief captains were princes and lords of Brittany, and among these were men who became possessors of some of the chief baronial estates, and founders of some of the chief " Norman " families of England ! Of course, this statement will be received with a measure of incredulity. Many who have only read the " history of England," in their school books have never become aware of the fact. The Norman conquerors were A T ormans representing all the puissance and chivalry of France, and, beyond dispute, of the high breed of the sea-kings and terrible warriors — the Vikings and Thunderers of the North. This is their faith. But its basis is very sandy, and when that is washed away, it will be easy to see that the Norman conquest, if it added a good deal of Teutonic, added also a good deal of Celtic blood to the already mixed .286 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. "blood of England. Alas, then, in many cases, for the pride of pure Norman descent ! The Normans, having conquered and established them- selves as rulers over the Celts of the region which they called Normandie, naturally excited the jealousy and hostility of the Celts of Brittany ; but still, amid frequent conflicts and constant rivalry, the rulers by degrees con- tracted alliances by marriage, and it came to pass that "William the Conqueror himself, when a child, was entrusted to the care of his father's cousin, Alain, the ruler of Brit- tany, as guardian. If the ruling families were thus related, the populations were much more so. Originally identical in race, they had for many centuries freely settled in each -other's territories, and largely contracted alliances by mar- riage. It was not therefore strange, if Breton soldiers came to fight side by side with Normans in William's invading ■army. We have shown that when William's resolve was fixed, he immediately invited all the assistance he could com- mand. His proclamation, dispersed through Brittany and other neighbouring countries, such as Poitou and Anjou — offering good pay and the pillage of England — attracted immediate attention, and brought multitudes to his stand- ard. William was complaisant and full of promises ; his liberality by anticipation made many friends; old feuds and sores between him and the Bretons were healed, and many of them came forward well armed for the conflict. Elides, whose father, Conan, William was suspected to have got poisoned, was now Count or regulus of Brittany under Norman influence. It has been already mentioned that his two princely sons, Alain and Brian, were among the first to arrive, with their train of followers, numbered by thousands — strong Breton " men at arms " ready for BRETON CHIEFS IX WILLI AM'S ARMY. 287 the fray. 1 These two young leaders were called by their knightly followers " Mac- Tier us "-—sons of the ruler (W. teyniy chief, king), and both were destined, but Alain more especially, to obtain the highest prominence in the " Nor- man " baronage of England. The chief command of the second division of William's army on the field of Hastings was entrusted to Alain. Other Breton knights of renown, each leading his com- pany of warriors, were, Riwallon de Gael, otherwise called Raoul de Gael, and Raulf de Gael, lord of the castle and city of Dol ; Bert rand de Dinand? and Robert do Vztry, the last two somewhat mixed in blood and bearing French names, but recognised as Breton chiefs, and, like the others, accompanied by a " numerous train of followers," all of the Breton race. The captains of com- panies from Anjou and Poitou are not so plainly named ; but the fact is stated that many came from these Celtic 3 states, and joined the forces of the Conquest. Alain Fergant, the son of Eudes of Brittany, already named, with his 5,000 followers did noble service at the battle of Hastings, and is commemorated by the old rhyming chroniclers thus : — 1 Lobineau, Hisi. de Brctagne, i. 98. Alain attained to the highest celebrity in England. Brian also proved a distinguished warrior. Three years after the battle of Hastings we find him leading Norman troops to a decisive victory in Devon, on the river "Tavy," now Taw, where nearly 2,000 men on the Saxon side fell. Sax. Citron, ann. 106S. 2 The pretty little town of Dinan, once a powerful fortress, bears to this day a purely Celtic name. The older form of it, with the ter- minating (I, Dinand, suggests the derivation dyfn-uant, its situation being on the brink of a deep ravine. The simplest derivation, however^ is din-nanl, the hill, or fortress on the valley. Dinan is a good specimen of an old Breton town. 3 These were, probably, notwithstanding the Frankish conquests, as prevailingly Celtic as was Brittany itself apart from the accessions it received from the Cymry. 2 88 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. " Li quiens Alain de Bretaigne Bien i ferit od sa cumpaigne ; Cil i ferit cume baron, Mult le firent bien Breton." — Geoff. Gaimar} " Alain Fergant, quens de Bretaigne, De Bretons mene grant cumpaigne ; C'est une gent here et grifaigne, Ki volentiers prent e gaaingne. " Bien se cumbat Alain Ferganz, Chevalier fu proz e vaillanz; Li Bretonz vaid od sei menant, Des Engleiz fait damage grant." — Benoitde St. Manre.- The Breton warrior did not lose his reward. A vast region of country north of York fell to his share ; and here on a steep hill overlooking the river Swale he built the great castle which he called Riche-mont (high or wealthy hill), now Richmond in Yorkshire. 3 Riwallon de Gael became Lord of Norfolk, and built for his residence the great fortress of Norwich Castle ; but he was by and by found plotting against his master, and was obliged to retrace his steps to his native castle of D61. The first Lord of Coningsby is by an old ballad thus traced to Brittany : — " William de Coningsby, Came out of Britany With his wife Tiffany, And his maide Manfas, And his dogge Hardigras." 4 1 See Monumenta Hist. Brit. vol. i. p. 828. "Alan, son of the Duke of Brittany, supposed by some to have been the original stock of the royal house of Stuart, followed his standard." Mackintosh, Hist, of Eng. i. 96. For the credit of the Breton prince, it is to be hoped he had no such posterity ! ~ Chroniques de Norm. i. 496. :! " Et nominavit dictum castrum Richemont, suo idiomate Gallico, quod sonant Latini divitem montem." Dugdale, Monast. i. 877. 1 Hearne, Prccf. ad Joh. de Fordun, Scoti -Citron, p. 170. BRETON CHIEFS IN WILLIAM'S ARMY. 289 It may be possible, though difficult, to assign to all the Celtic knights in William's army their true localities in Brittany and the border lands between that state and Normandy. Concerning many of them the matter is clear enough, for the towns and castles which were called after them remain, and bear their ancient names, under slight disguise, to this day. We have selected from the old lists of William's companions, still extant, those names which are plainly Celtic, whether of Breton, Anjevin, or other origin. Several of the strongholds they inhabited, it will be observed, are in the " Contentin" l — the intervening promontory between Brittany and Xorth Normandy, having Cherbourg? the great naval arsenal of France, at its extremity ; but as all this district was intensely Celtic before the conquest of Gaul by the Franks, and was not much altered in its ethnical character by that event ; and was moreover the part of Normandy least affected by the Norman immigration, it seems likely enough that at the time of William's expedition, people of Celtic derivation were mainly its inhabitants, and it is morally certain that those lords of castles and manors w T hich bore Celtic names were themselves of Celtic descent. The following particulars, though highly interesting to the Celtic student, are not brought forward here as of un- qualified importance, though still of some significance in our discussion. Unless we had the actual pedigree of each family before us, we cannot be absolutely certain that all knights bearing Celtic names, and holding cas 1 This local name, " Contentin," is a curious corruption of the . of Constantius Chlorus, who honoured the town of Constantia (now Coutances), -with a designation following his own name. 2 Cherbourg is a bilingual name. Its first part is the Celtic a city, or fortress ; its second, a Saxon translation of the first, burg. Its name, when Richard III. made a grant of it to King Robert's daughter, was Or-us-bure. U 290 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. bearing identical names with their own — for lord and manor had one appellation — were of pure Celtic descent; nor is there guarantee that every designation apparently Celtic is actually and undoubtedly such. The following few taken from a large number found in the Roll of Battle Abbey, 1 are most probably all Celtic — as much so as Dynevor, Powis, or Penmon in Wales. They are- nearly all situated in the Contentin. Bertrand de Dinand . . in Brittany. (Dinan, from din-a.s, or din- ncmt.) De Briquebec, Contentin, (brig, top, summit, similar to din, dun, or tor. See further on, on Local Names. From this knight descend, by the female line, the Earls of Huntly and Dudley. 1 Battle Abbey and Monastery, whose ruins are now inconsiderable,, were built by William the Conqueror, on the slightly swelling ground about seven miles from Hastings, where the chief brunt of the battle which secured for him the crown of England fell. The plan of the church was so laid that the altar stood on the spot where the English standard was taken, and where King Harold is said to have fallen. The real site of the altar and choir was discovered only a few years ago,, when excavations were being made which brought to light the pave- ment and crypt foundations of the " Lady Chapel." These interesting remains, parts most likely of Duke William's original work, having lain for centuries under the debris of the great Abbey, are now open to the view of visitors. The " Roll of Battle Abbey," is of uncertain origin, but was drawn up by reason of a command left by William, that the names of his companions in arms in the conquest of England should be carefully recorded and hung up as a memorial in the building which was itself a greater memorial of bis vast achievement. Various copies of this Roll extant, show that it varied at different times, owing, it is suspected, to the willingness of the monks in charge to humour the vanity of families in subsequent ages, who were anxious to have their ancestors' names among the heroes of Hastings. The great entrance gateway and most of the other buildings, whose remains are visible, are of a later age than that of the conquest. Some assign them to the time of Edward III., and the gateway is held by many to be of the Tudor period. BRETONS IN WILLIAMS ARMY. 2 9 I De MorviWe, Contentin, (Celt, mor, sea. Fr. ville, town : a town near the sea.) De Tourv'ille, ,, (Celt, twr, tor, high place or fortress, as Tor-point, Tor-bay, Twr-gwyn, Hey Tor.) De Bamville, * (Celt, barn, judgment, award. So named as the castle or place where matters were decided. A court.) De Bolvllle, ,, (Celt, bol, a round body, a hill or swelling in the surface of the earth, &c.) De Cambernon, ,, Camber, Cimber, Cymro, are all of one de- rivation. This name afterwards changed into Chambernoun. The first of the name in England settled at Madbury, Devon. De Trely, ,, (Celt, tre, an abode, settlement.) More than one baron of this name was settled in England. Present descendants not known. De Cavences ,, (Celt, cacr, a city, or fortress.) The C«rbonels were owners of this castle, and came over with William, but probably afterwards re- turned. De Mordrac ,, (Celt, mor, sea.) One of this house, Henry Mordrac, was Archbp. of York. Carrog ,, From the Castle of Carrog (Caerog) came the Maresmenes. Palgravc. De Tregoz ,, (Celt, tre, an abode, settlement.) The lord of Tregoz appears as chief figure in all lists of the Conqueror's companions. There is a place called " Lidiatt Tregoz" in Wiltshire. De GraigUQS „ (Celt, craig, rock.) The Mordrac family held this castle. Fr. orthography, though not pronunciation, is faithful to the true etymology of ihis name. De GVzjiisy ,, (Celt, can, cain, white, fair.) Hubert de Canisy was a prominent man in the con- quest arm}'. The above, along with many others, such as Brecry {brig), CanviWe [can cain), Garnototo [earn, cairu, a heap), Brasville [brus, large, great), were all inj.he same district, r 2 292 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. a district which, from its position as a promontory, was likely to maintain its ancient characteristics of race com- paratively unchanged. Some of the above names were known in pre-Roman times, — and, thanks to the wonder- fully enduring nature of personal and local designations, are known to the present day ; and it is not too much to presume that those warriors who bore them in the nth century, were direct descendants of the race which had handed them down from early ages. From a multitude of names given in the old chroniclers — names which no Celtic scholar would be surprised to find in a list of Welsh or Cumbrian magnates — we have selected the following — all of whom are given as fighting under William's standard : — Bolbeke . (bo I, and bychan, small). Cantemor . (cant, hundred, a dis- trict ; mawr, large.) Caroun . (caer, and perhaps Iwan or Owen). Coudve . (coed, wood, and tre). Gomer . . (Cymber, Cymro). NerwWle . (ner, lord). Penbri. . (pen, head, and bre, a hill ; comp. Penberi & Penbre in Wales). (Rer. An; Pynkensy . St. Mor . Talbot . . To may Tracy . . Tragod . T^rbeville T«rbemer — Brompton's ;lican. Scriptor. (pen, head, end ; can, or cain, fair, white). (mor, sea ; or mawr, great.) (tal, high, head, and bod, habitation). (twr, tor). (tre). (tre, and coed, wood). (twr, tor). [twr, tor). Chron. Ed. Selden, i. 963.) Breton . . (Same derivation as Britain and Briton). (caer ; or cor, a circle, and perh. the Norse by), (dwr, water, river). (dwr, water). Glauncourt (gldn, margin ; cur, circle). Howel . . (Cymric proper name). Kymarays (Cymro, Cimbri). Corby Doreny Dursiunt Kyriel . . (caer). Morley . . (mor, and lie, place ; a situation near the sea). Morteigne (mor, tain, a plain), il/ortivans (mor). Ry . . . (rhi, chief, leader). Rysers . . (rhi, or Rys, prop. n.). Tally . . [tal, high, tall ; lie, place). Thorny . {tier or tor). "WILLIAMS ARMY LARGELY CELTIC. 293 Tourys . (twr, tor ; or dwr, Tregylly . {tre, gelli, grove) water, and perh. Trivet . . [tre,tref). Ry or Rys.) Turlcy . . [twr, tor, and lie, place; Tregos . [tre). or perh. dwr, water] . — From Leland. (Collectan. de reb. Brit. Ed. Hearne i. 206.) Now from these dry details of names, with their probable derivations, what is there to gather that will be of use in our argument ? Two things, certainly : — First : That the addition made by the Norman Conquest to the population of England was not a clear Teutonic ad- dition. And this will apply with as much force to the chivalrous and aristocratic class as to any other. Secondly : That, taking into account the Celtic basis of the " Norman " population itself, and the large number of Breton, Anjevin, and Poitevin, warriors, that swelled the ranks of the invading army, a very material proportion of the addition made to the population of England through the conqnest was beyond all question Celtic. It can scarcely perhaps be said that a moiety of William's knightly companions in arms were of Celtic race, — probably, of this class, the majority was in favour of Norse blood ; but it would require a good amount of presumption to assert that the majority of the supposed 60,000 men who fought, and won a kingdom on the field of Hastings, belonged to the Teutonic race. It only seems a marvel that such a thing should ever have been believed. Now then comes the consideration of quantity. To what degree did the army of the Conquest add to the non- Germanic element in Britain? Confining our attention to the army and its crowds of ministering attendants, the answer of course would be that the degree would depend on the number of the invaders. This is not the whole of what must be considered ; but it is the first part of it. It has been said by Mackintosh and other historians who 294 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. have somewhat critically scanned the accounts of this descent, and especially the capabilities of William's trans- port vessels, without calling in question the number of vessels given, that the multitude which formed the Conqueror's army could not be fairly taken as exceeding 25,000 men. Four hundred knights or captains are mentioned by name in the Roll of Battle Abbey ; and it is said by men who have understanding in these matters that the custom of the time would assign to that number of knights such a proportion of cavalry and infantry as would give a total in round numbers of about 25,000; but it is obvious that this would mean 25,000 soldiers. The traditional total is 60,000. Who first sent the ball rolling by mentioning this number none can tell. Considering the way things of the kind are magnified by the popular wonder-loving and imaginative faculty, it is satisfactory to find the army which at a stroke brought England to the feet of the Norman, estimated with so much moderation. We are willing that the traditional number should stand, especially as the concession will only operate favourably to our argument. The more you augment the common soldiery, the more you will augment the non-Norman element. Now, even if we allowed that all the 60,000 men had been veritable Norsemen, the augmentation of Scandina- vian blood in Britain would not be relatively very large, despite the fact that the total population of England at the time was probably under three millions. But the considerations already advanced will not allow the sup- position. Perhaps not more than half the knights com- manding companies were Normans — we mean in the qualified sense in which AVilliam himself, whose maternal ancestors in more than one instance were of the earlier inhabitants of the country, was a Norman. We have seen INFLUENCE OF THE NORMAN CONQUEST. 295 that a number of the chief knights were Bretons, followed by their Breton soldiery. Many were Poitevins, many Anjevins, <5cc. The names of a large proportion of them are palpably Celtic or Gallic, with Norman- French accre- tions, as De Morville, De Tourvtile, De Treby, De Tregoz, De Carroy, De Brasville, Penbr'i, Talbot, Morley, Sec. If a large proportion of the lieutenants w T ere thus Celtic or Gallo-Frankish (though it is admited that their being called after Celtic local names is not conclusive evidence that in every instance they were of Celtic or pre-Xorman race), what must we not believe as to the nationality of the common soldiery and camp-followers ? Each knight had brought as many retainers, dependents, villeins, and serfs as he could persuade to follow him. The nationality of these is clear. Their class was that which conquest and feudal law had made either servile or holders of humble fiefs. Into this class few of the Norman fraternity had been suffered to descend. If race-characteristics can be supposed to be so persistent as many hold, without renewal from the original stock, in that multitude there were some with features as Roman as any that had landed on the same strand with Caesar, and some with the German red hair and round head which followed Merowig and Chlodowig from the Rhine country, and not a few from the lustrous-eyed an'd black-haired Iberians of old Aquitania. But it is impossible to doubt that the great majority were authentic Gauls and Celts. If this representation be correct, then the effect of the Norman conquest, so far, on the ethnology of Britain must have been greatly gainful to what was already in the main a non-Teutonic or Old British, that is, a Gallo-Celtic population. But there are two or three slightly qualifying facts to be mentioned. The conquering army was not the only 296 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. channel guiding Norman blood into Britain at this period. Before the conquest, and after the conquest, hosts of Normans, perhaps as pure in extraction as any, had settled here. All know that in the time of Edward the Confessor, whose mother was a Norman, and who had spent so large a portion of his life in the Court of Rouen that he was said to be more French than English when he was placed on the throne, great numbers of his relatives and friends had been brought over, or had brought themselves over, and had been placed in high positions, and made the owners of large estates. Malmesbury, with his usual moderation, only says, " The King had sent for several Normans who had formerly ministered to his wants when in exile." So far had this work of favouritism gone on, however, that the greatest discontent and apprehension had been excited among the English party, and a strong feud already existed, which required but little to kindle it into open war. The Norman party was, indeed, small, but it was also influential. Bishops in those days were potent in state matters ; and Edward had seated Norman prelates at Canterbury, Rochester, and London. About the King's person, in high offices of state, in chief posts of command, were found Normans. When William the Bastard, therefore, a few years before the Conquest, came over on a visit to his royal relative, he found himself surrounded by such troops of his own countrymen that he felt nearly as much in Normandy as if he had not crossed the Channel. It is surmised that this was the time when the idea of becoming ruler of England first took shape in his mind. It is true that as yet the addition to the Norse blood of England, apart from the Danish importation, was but small, being confined to chief families and their domestics and dependents ; but such as it was it must be taken into account. INFLUENCE OF THE NORMAN CONQUEST. 297 A much larger influx occurred after the Conquest. The barriers had now been thrown down, and all had a right of entry. The cowards who could not fight, the soft and luxurious, the idle loungers and waiters on the tide- strand of fortune could now come. The land of the kingdom, all the patronage of the kingdom, had been seized by the Conqueror, and was held in his single hand ; and on whom he pleased he bestowed favour. His terrible besom swept away all Saxon influence, and left the ground clear for his own partisans. Under William and under his immediate successors, thousands of Normans came over who had no hand in the Conquest as such, except as they contributed to fortify the position. But in such a body of emigrants purity of Norman descent would rarely be found ; nor,, probably, was it in any case demanded. All who came with Norman sympathies, Franco-Norman speech, and, haply, Norman names, were " Normans," were registered as such in the Saxon mind, and for ever after in English history. This then is the conclusion we arrive at from this necessarily general review of the subject in all its parts. The people who came in with William the Conqueror, though called "Normans," were Norman in blood in a lesser, Cymric and Gallo-Frankish in a far greater, degree ; and making every allowance for those of purely Norman extraction, who before and after the Conquest settled permanently in the country (for many after a time returned), the preponderance lies greatly in favour of those racial characteristics which were ascendant in Britain after the Saxon conquest, and had been scarcely balanced by the Teutonic after the incursions of the Danes. This is about all the gain to our argument which accrues, at present from this branch of our inquiry. The positive advantage it proffers is not strictly within the range of 298 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. our subject matter, being in favour of the Celtic genus, rather than of the " Ancient British " species. Most undoubtedly it gives quite a new aspect to the change effected by the conquest in the ethnology of Britain, for it gives a presumption in favour of the hypothesis that this change was in the direction of Celticizing rather than of Teutonizing the English nation. But although it has been admitted that the Celtic addition thus made to the English, was not an addition directly derived from the Britons, and therefore cannot be fully appropriated in furtherance of our specific position, still, indirectly, much of that addition may be shown to have actually come from that quarter. Great multitudes of the Cymry of Britain, as we have shown, had emigrated to Brittany within the five or six hundred years preceding the conquest ; and their descendants who joined William's army, and merged into the English people on their settle- ment here, may not unfairly be claimed as additions from the Ancient British stock. It is more than probable that the feeling which excited the Bretons to join an expedition intended to humble the Saxons^was a desire to avenge the wrongs which had been heaped on their ancestors, and which had forced so many of them to quit their native land to seek a shelter among their brethren in Brittany, or, as it was then generally called, Armorica. Intimate intercourse had always subsisted between the Cymry and the Armoricans. They felt themselves to be but one people ; and the immigrant Cymry were received and allowed to settle in Armorica just as the Armoricans, under the name Brython, had been allowed to settle in Britain ages before. We have frequent intimations of this intercourse through the space of at least 700 years, and reaching to within a short distance of Rollo's conquest of Normandy. SETTLEMENTS OF CYMRY IN BRITTANY. 299 Whatever may be thought of Conan Meiriadog's expe- dition under Maximus (in A.D. 383), as to its details, there can be no reasonable doubt but that in that age hosts of the Cymry did go over to Armorica. The Breton historian, Lobineau, rejects the story of Conan's settlement in Brit- tany under Maximus, on the ground that Maximus's fleet landed near the Rhine, and not on the Armorican coast. This, however, does not make it impossible that Conan and his followers should, and that under Maximus's auspices, reach, and settle in, Brittany. M. Lobineau, who has most laboriously investigated the history of his native country, is of opinion that large settlements of Cymry were effected on the coasts of Armorica. They called the parts where they settled Llydaw, a word meaning " the sea-coasts," and identical in sense with Armorica. 1 They established themselves at D61, St. Malo, St. Brieuc, Treguier, St, Pol de Leon, Quimper, Vannes, &c; and spread gradually from those centres into the country around, and the interior. They reached Rennes and Nantes. 2 The names of Devonshire and Cornwall, which they imposed on the districts of their adoption, are evidence that a large portion of the colonists were from those counties in Britain. ; It is impossible to read the local names which still survive in Brittany, some of them slightly disguised by French orthography and additions, without feeling that the people who imposed them not only used the language of the Cymry, but also were guided by the same ideas in the designation of places of abode, positions of defence, sanctuaries for Christian worship, as the Cymry. Take the 1 Lobineau, Ilistuirc de Bretagne, pp. 5, G. 2 Ibid, p. G. ■• Histoire de Bretagne. See also Sharon Turner's Hist.oJ the Ang ■■ Saxons, vol. ii. p. 183. 300 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. following as a few specimens : Dot (situated in a vale), Dinan, Plancoet, Lailvollon, Lannion, Perrhos (pen) ; Lan- mettr (mor — it is on the sea) ; Taule [doleu, on the marshes, near the sea) ; Morlaix [mor, and lie, a place on the sea or mor and dais, a ditch, ravine, a narrow sea entrance) Landivisio ; Lanilis ; Lysnevin ; Hyzvel-goet ; Carhaix Pemnarch (a headland) ; Concameau ; Pontaven (avon) Pontwy ; Landevan ; Hennebon (hen-bont) ; Vannes ; Maur Nantes ; Carnac ; Morblhan ; Caen (in Normandy) ; Lam- bader ; Roscoff ; Creislier ; A bervrach ; Tregastel, Sec, These were, beyond doubt, abodes and sacred spots of the old Cymry. Then the villages and homesteads, the brooks, ravines, hills, crags of Brittany, bearing Cymric names, are beyond number, and attest most distinctly the identity of the people with those of Wales. In the sixth century it is said that Caradog Vreichvras (of the strong arm), king of Cornwall, a friend of Arthur, and one of the Knights of his Round Table, emigrated to Armorica with a large company of his subjects. 1 This account, it must be allowed, savours somewhat of the legendary. Alain of Vannes having (in the ninth century) got rid of his rival, Judichael of Rennes, became sole king of Brit- tany, and completely overpowered the Normans. He died in 907, and his son-in-law, Mathnedoi, unable to cope with the Normans, fled to England, and placed himself and his family under the protection of Athelstan. He does not seem to have ever returned to his home ; but his son Alan, when he had grown to manhood, collected forces, landed on the coast of Brittany, surprised D61, St. Brieux, &c, and regained the throne of his ancestors. 2 This event took place within an age or two of the Norman Conquest ; and 1 Sharon Turner, Hist, of Anglo-Saxons, vol. ii. 1S9. 2 Ibid. p. 190. SETTLEMENTS OF CYMRY IN BRITTANY. 30 1 it is impossible to doubt that Alan had been assisted in this expedition by the Cymry, many of whose children, or children's children, might enrol themselves among the hosts which came over with William. Another instance is given, at an earlier period than this, of intercourse between Brittany and the Cymry. Another Alain was in the year 682 King of Brittany. The royal race of the Welsh having become extinct through the death of Cadwalader the Blessed, at Rome, " Ivor, son of Alan, King of Armorica, reigned, not as a king, but as a chief or prince. And he exercised government over the Britons for forty-eight years, and then died. And Rodri Moel- wynog reigned after him." x All these and numberless other facts, some of which have already been specified (see p. 221, note), show clearly that the people of Armorica and the Cymry were on terms of closest intimacy, and mutually recognised each other as one race or nation. The narrowness of the intervening channel admitted of frequent interchange of visits, and the many wars in which both were engaged g'ave constant opportunity for mutual assistance. When William, therefore, invited the warriors of Brittany to join his standards, can it be doubted that thousands, allured by promises of lands and castles in the country of their forefathers, now in possession of a tottering race of usurpers — for in their estimation the Saxons were nothing" else than usurpers, and that they were in a tottering con- dition after the wars with the Danes and the feeble reign of Edward the Confessor, no one could doubt — would eagerly respond. Hence it was that Alain Fergant, the chief prince of Brittany, and Brian his brother, and such heroic men as Raulf de Gael of D61, Bertram of Dinan, &c, with their numerous troops of horsemen, were the first to proffer aid. The martial spirit and the hope of plunder, 1 Brut y Tywysogion, in Monumenta Hi:,!. Brit. vol. i. p. 841. 302 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. once aroused, would quickly win their way among the ex- citable Bretons, and all over the land the great Duke's call to arms would not resound uselessly. The feeling of friendship and relationship towards the Britons, of grudge and vengeance towards the Saxons who had caused the exile of their forefathers, and of eagerness for gain as well as for wild adventure, combined to draw the sons of Brit- tany to the field of Hastings. The popular poetry of the Bretons is not without some allusions to the time. In Villemarque's collection is a song bewailing the loss at sea of one of the young Breton heroes,, which begins thus : — "Between the parish of Pouldregat and that of Plouare, 1 Young gentlemen were levying an army, To go to war under the Son of the Duchess, Who has collected many people from every corner of Brittany ; " To go to war, over sea, in the land of the Saxon. I have a son, Silvestik, whom they expect ; I have a son, an only son, my Silvestik, Who departs with the army in the train of the knights. " One night on my bed I was sleepless, I heard the maids of Kerlaz singing the song of my son," &c. 1 As the original supplies a good illustration of the similarity of the language to the Welsh, we give the opening portion of it : — " Etri parrez Pouldregat ha parrez Plouare, Ez-euz tudjentil iaouank o sevel eunn arme Evit monet d'ar brezel dindan mab aim Dukes Deuz dastumet kalz a dud euz a beb korn a Vreiz ; "Evit monet d'ar brezel dreest ar raor, da Vro-zoz. Me meuz ma mab Silvestik ez-int ous he c'hortoz. Me meuz ma mab Silvestik ha ne meuz ne met-hen, A ia da heul ar strollad, ha gand ar varc'heien. " Eunn noz e oann em gwele, ue oann ket kousket mad, Me gleve merc'hed Kerlaz a gane son ma mab," &c. Barzaz-Brciz, public par M. de la Villemarque, vol. i. 104. Paris 1S39.. Other publications of the Vicomte H. H. de la Villemarque, illus- trating the literature of Brittany, &c, are — Poemes des Bardes Bretons du Vie. Steele. Paris 1850 ; La Lcgcndc Ccltique, en Irdandc, en Cambriae, at en Bretagne, St. Brieuc, 1859. BRETONS AND CYMRY WITH WILLIAM. 303 The "son of the duchess" is understood to be the Alain Fcrgant already mentioned, son of the count or duke of Brittany, here called son of the " duchess " in honour of his mother. It is worthy of special notice that this old song — and popular songs and ballads are generally good reflections of the truth — shows that many people from all parts of Brittany were collected for the war. Facts might be indefinitely multiplied to the same effect, but these must now suffice. They establish the probability, and indeed the certainty, that great numbers of Bretons were ranked among the forces of the Conqueror. They prove beyond this that among the Bretons of those times were large numbers of the Cymry of Britain, exiles from their country by reason of the Saxon conquests ; and as such men would be the first, whether in their own persons or in the persons of their descendants, to embark in a war upon the English, it were perversity and wanton abuse of history to doubt that a good proportion of the "Norman " settlers were genuine children of the Ancient Britons. We have thus, therefore, advanced another step, and proved, Thirdly : That a non-Teutonic element was added to the English population through the Norman Conquest which was not merely Celtic, but in substance, though not in exact form, Ancient British. The conclusion we draw from the whole of this section, therefore, is ; that while the Danish Conquest considerably augmented the Teutonic blood of England, the Norman Conquest had the opposite effect. 304 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. SECTION IX. The History of the Political and Social Relations of the People as indicative of the presence of the Ancient British Race, and of its Condition, in the Settled Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms. This is a tempting, though a difficult, subject, and its suitable treatment would require far wider limits than can be here assigned to it. Through the few openings we propose making in the veil which conceals the humble and subject class from view, while warriors and princes mono- polize the open field of public attention, sufficient will be seen to form in the thoughtful reader's mind a strong abutment to the structure of argument we have been en- deavouring to erect. As far as seeing the actual condition of society in the mid-age of Anglo-Saxon power is concerned, the his- torian is as yet at a point of view far down the slope towards the dark, mist-covered valley, at the bottom of which, until recently, he had always dwelt. The laborious investigations of Palgrave, Strutt, Sharon Turner, Kemble, Wright, Thorpe, and others in England, and of Lappenberg, Thierry, Sismondi, Pauli, Schmid, &c, on the Continent, have thrown no little light upon the subject ; and probably much yet remains to be thrown, and that after a while the hill summit will be reached, and a clear view obtained of things still concealed. Do we already know sufficient to warrant the conclusion that political and social arrangements existed among the Anglo-Saxons which indicate the presence in their midst of an Ancient British element of population ? It signifies nothing here whether that element belonged to the free or to the servile class ; the question is — AVas it there or was ANGLO-SAXON SOCIETY. 305 it not ? There seems to be more than mere intimations — something amounting to proof is, we believe, discoverable. Part of the matter bearing on this subject belongs to the chapter on Laws ; here, therefore, the exhibition of even the little that is known must be partial. 1. The Constitution of Society among the Anglo-Saxons. The entire people of England in Edward the Confessor's time — Britons, Saxons, and Danes together — are to be probably estimated at not more than two and a half millions — or about twice the present population of Wales. This estimate, which is the largest allowed by the researches of the most competent historians, suggests a thousand thoughts respecting the woeful waste of life in Britain since the time when the Romans governed a population requiring a hundred military strongholds to keep it in check, and effectually tax it ! This population of two millions and a half was divided by the same kind of demarcations of " parishes," "hundreds," and "shires," that we have at present; 1 and it is not at all improbable that the parishes and villages of England in those times numbered more than one-half what they do to-day. The estimate is a moderate one, that in Edward's time England had 10,000 parishes. Our vastly increased population has not so much increased or altered the divisions of the territory, as created larger towns, and a more thickly-sjDread village and rural population. Domesday Book gives a gross population of only about 300,000 ; but this great instrument was drawn up, not as a census of the whole people, but for revenue purposes ; 1 This refers, of course, to the part of Britain known as " England." County divisions in Wales were first instituted by Edward I., and com- pleted by Henry VIII., when the district of the "marches" was divided into the " shires " of Denbigh, Montgomery, Radnor, Breck- nock, Glamorgan, and Monmouth. X 306 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. and enumerates, therefore, only such persons as had pro- perty profitable for the king. Hence, it takes cognisance, ex. gr., of only 42 persons as inhabitants of Dover, and only 10 for Bristol. The whole country was divided into townships, or districts surrounding the tuns, or enclosed settlements of the lords ; and into cantreds (cant, tref, hundred abodes) or " hundreds/ a division copied absolutely from the Britons. Each tun had its own goverment — its own fiscal officer, acting under the lord of the land, but chosen by the tenants (tenentes), who was called tun-gerefa, town-reeve. He received tolls and dues for the lord, who was the proprietor of the tun, and these dues were of the nature of rents. 1 Each town- ship had its own police. When a crime was committed, the "hue and cry" was raised, and the whole township was responsible for the arrest of the guilty man. The government was thus distributed over the country, each township and shire governing itself. The king was the main centre in which all the parts and author" ities met and cohered. The people were divided into two great classes — the eorls and the ceorls, or the " Twelf-haendmen " and the " Twihaendmen " — persons possessing a dozen, or only two, hands, i.e., having so much legitimate power and value in the community. There was also, after the time of Alfred, but not before, a class of inferior eorls called sithcundmen, or " Six-haendmen," whose value was mid- way between the eorls and ceorls, because of their limited possessions. The t/ieozues, or servi, were not considered a part of the people at all ; they were chattels, and counted with the cattle. They were reduced to this degraded condition as persons taken in war, as criminals, or as the descendants 1 Palgrave Engl. Commons, i. Sz. DIVISIONS OF ANGLO-SAXON SOCIETY. 307 of such. The idea that the . theowes were all "Ancient Britons," is entertained by no competent historian. 1 The ccorls formed the great majority of the inhabitants. They included all classes or degrees, from the humblest " legal " subject to the merchant and tradesman, corres- ponding, in fact, to the whole of the "middle" and ■" industrious " classes of modern times. Every lay person who was neither eorl nor theowe, was a ceorl. The clergy were a distinct class, but being in those days the best educated men, and having by the Church cast around them a character of sanctity, were ranked with eorls, and were ■of more value than they ; for the compurgatory oath of an eorl was only equal to that of six ceorls (or twelve hands against two), while the priest's was equal to that of 120 ceorls, a deacon's to sixty, and a monk's (neither priest nor deacon) to thirty. Bishops having much to do with law- making, it was ordained that a bishop's word, like the king's, was conclusive without oath. Every priest, even the lowest, ranked as a thane — a " mass-thane," or religious man of rank. Truly the Anglo-Saxons were very pious after a sort ! Yes ; but the fact of the matter is, they yielded rank to the man who had real power, of whatever kind, in the community. It does not appear that the servile class, the theowes, num- bered high. Domesday notices only between 20,000 and 30,000 — less than one-tenth part of the men of property, leaving out of account the general body of the ceorls. They were not hopelessly shut up to perpetual bondage. They were not prevented from acquiring property, and not unfrequently purchased their own freedom. Masters often manumitted their slaves, or by will decreed their future freedom. If therefore, it could be made out — which it cannot — that the class of the sen 1 /' was made up of the descendants of the 1 See Lappenberg, Angl. Sax. Kings, ii. 320. 308 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. subjugated Britons, no proof whatever would be thereby supplied that descendants of the Britons were not to be found in the classes of freemen, and even Thanes. The ceorl class included a most singular subdivision. These were persons who were perpetually attached to the land on which they were born, and although "legal" and " free," passed with the land when it was sold, and were under obligation to render service to their new, as they had been to their old master. They were cultivators of the soil, dwellers in villages — corresponding, therefore, to the villani of the Romans, and in some respects, to the villeins of feudal times. Tacitus describes a class of this sort as existing among the ancient Germans ; and the laws of Howel the Good show that such existed among the Britons ; probably, indeed, all the nations of Europe possessed an arrangement somewhat similar. Now, it has been argued by some historians — very learnedly by Palgrave — that this class of the ceorls was in great measure made up of the subjugated British race. The nature of their relations to the classes below and above, gives an air of probability to the theory. The villani were not slaves, but at the same time they were not wholly free. They were not allowed to leave the soil on which they were born ; and had no political power what- ever — a condition likely enough to be decreed for the subject race. Whether all classes of ceorls were thus politically powerless, may be doubted. The bordarii, the soclimanni) the libcri homines, were all ceorls, but of a higher order — the first holding cottages [bord) ; the second and third holding land : and as it should seem, not tied per- petually to the place of their birth. 1 The " liberi homines " were of the highest rank of ceorls, and held their land by military tenure. 1 See Sir H. Ellis's Introduction to Domesday. DIVISIONS OF ANGLO-SAXON SOCIETY. 309 That the Britons, to whatever class they were doomed in special instances, were on the whole treated with some consideration, we have every reason to believe. As a race, they were not merely allowed to continue on the conquered territory, but, as already shown, were tempted to do so b}' various advantages. An extraordinary fact, surely, in a conquered country, conquered too, after unexampled sacrifices — was the continued residence of the subjugated in towns of their own, and under laws and magistrates of their own, within the bounds too of the victors' jurisdiction ; as was the case with the IVealas of Wessex (as at Exeter), until the time of Athelstan's extension of the West Saxon •dominions westward. Though the pride of the conquering Teuton denominated the fallen nation Wealas, and Wyliscmen, or strang'ers, it went not so far as to deprive them of all liberty. In the rank of scrvi, they were put only as Saxons, Angles, or Danes themselves were put, i.e., they were subjected to bondage when taken as prisoners of war, or when convicted of crime of a certain degree of enormity. They generally belonged rather to the different classes of ceorls. Their princes were allowed in some qualified form to maintain their status, though, of course, deprived of all power ; and their best families were only prevented by want of means from occupying the rank of Thanes. It is true, most of the land of England had been divided among the successful warriors — the king taking a goodly portion himself; but we have no authority for supposing that all the land had been taken from the Britons. It was not the practice of the northern nations to rob the conquered of all their territory. The Burgundians in Gaul, the Visigoths in Spain, pursued the policy of taking only a portion of 1 In- land, charging the portion still held by the p itives with 310 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. tribute for the king. 1 But Saxon supremacy had been most dearly bought in Britain — the brave Cymry having defended their own with a persistent resolution which found no parallel in Gaul, Spain, or Italy, and it is there- fore just possible that more of their land had been taken than was usual in cases of the kind. That there were Wealas, or Wyliscmen, who were pos- sessors of land, and had their appropriate wer-gild, or personal value, 2 just in the same manner with the ruling* race, is shown beyond all doubt by the laws of King Ina, compiled at the close of the 7th century. 3 These laws prove that there were Wealas who were free (for they had their wergild), but who possessed no land ; and also Wealas who were proprietors, of various degrees, and subject to divers charges. If the free Wealh possessed no land, his wergild was seventy shillings ; 4 but if, in addition to paying' gafol, or rent to the king, 5 he also held a "hide " of land (variously estimated at from 40 to 100 modern acres) then his wergild was a hundred and twenty shillings. 6 1 See Allen's Rise and Growth of the Royal Prerogative in Engl. p. 138, &c. 2 From A. Sax. wer, man, and gild, money. The wer-gild was a fine which a person was obliged to pay for homicide, &c, and varied in amount according to the rank of the slain. A person's status in society, therefore, was expressed by his wer-gild. Slaves had no wer-gild. See Bosworth's Angl.-Sax. Diet, sub verb. Wer. 3 Ince Leges, 23, 33, &c. Comp. Dr. Rein. Schmid's Die Gesetze der Angclsachsen, esp. on Die's Gesetze. Dr. Schmid's work contains also the Laws of Alfred, of Edward, of Ethelbert, and of Athelstan. 4 No Saxon shilling coin has been discovered, but its value is computed at about fourteen pence of our money. 5 From Cymric gafael, to hold, a " hold," signifying in this case, by payment of toll, that the king had a claim on the man. The legal term gavel-kind is from this same word, and represents a purely ancient British custom. Laws of Ina, xxxii. NATIONALITY OF BRITONS RECOGNISED. 311 Now it would be impossible to find more conclusive evidence than is here supplied in support of the positions : — (1.) That the Ancient Britons were properly incorporated into the body of the Saxon population of Wessex. (2.) That they were so incorporated, not as servile, but as free men. (3.) That they were granted the dignity of a graduated personal value according to the property they held. (4.) That they were holders of land. 1 It also seems clear that the Britons, like the Saxons themselves, were free to ascend in the social scale, accord- ing to their loyalty, talent, industry, and increase of means. We have already explained the rank of the " Sithcundmen " or " Six-haendmen," as the medium class of aristocracy. Now it was provided that the Wyliscman who should be in possession oifive "hides " of land should enjoy the rank which was held by the six-haendman, or Thane. 2 This was the qualification also for the Saxon's advance to the position of Thane, or titled noble. The Saxon ceorl could rise to this elevation, provided the five hides of land had been in his family for three generations ; that is to say : A ceorl became possessor of five hides, his son succeeded to the estate, this son's son did the same, and this last man's son was entitled to the rank of Thane, by authority of Wessex law. The Briton and the Saxon were thus treated alike. It is worthy of remark, however, that the very laws which thus secured to the Britons similar privileges to those of the ruling race, distinguished their nationality from that of the Saxons, They are marked as Wcalas. A difficulty was evidently experienced in bringing about a 1 See Lappenberg H*s£. of Anglo-Sax. Kings, vol. ii. 320, and Schmid's Die Gesctze dev AngelsacJisen, passim. 2 Laws oflna, xxiv. 312 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. thorough amalgamation, and toning down the meeting waves of colour, so as to present the appearance of a uniform hue. It cannot be doubted, the Wyliscman was then, as now, a stubborn subject, proud of his ancestry, boastful of his " antiquity," contemptuous of late-born authority obtained by brutish force, and by no means anxious to coalesce with the Saxon. The Saxon on his side, felt him- self every inch the superior. Had he not beaten the Wyliscman in open fair fight, and taken his land by right of his broad seax, which was his only law and title of acquisition, and gave his nation its name ? l Thus, for ages, a line of demarcation was maintained, — old memories lingering like embers, rekindled by every casual whiff of wind, the old Cymric language cherished with a brave, nervous, unreasoning earnestness, which demanded public recognition in the statutes of the realm. This was perfectly natural — the precise result to be anticipated from the known temper of the Britons, and indicative too of generous and discreet policy on the part of the Saxon Kings. Let it not be said that generosity was out of the question with a people like the Saxons. The lion is at times innocent, both in look and purpose, although when occasion suits, he can shake the hills with his roar, and make a fearful spring on his prey. The Anglo-Saxons, though unpoetical as the plains of the Elbe, were a thoughtful purposing race, grim and iron-handed in execution, and withal capable of a sense of sweet satisfaction, when the prize of valour was won. They were not an irreligious people, 2 and though Thor put 1 The derivation of Saxon from seax, a sword, is familiar, and from its appropriateness naturally thought correct. They were a nation of " swordsmen." ~ It requires some qualification in speaking of the religiousness of the old Germans. Here, as everywhere else, since their doings on the THE CONQUERED IN BONDAGE. 313 no veto on the " plan " which they uncompromisingly pursued : — " That he should take who had the power," Odhinn counselled discretion; and there was an Alfadur (Father of all), higher than either Odhinn or Thor, who embraced the Wyliscmcu like the Englen and the Scaxan as his children ; and a Valhalla above, which was more likely to be reached, if heroic fighting and victory were followed by heroic magnanimity. 2. Britons in a state of bondage. Domesday Book gives some grounds for believing that in the latter age of the Anglo-Saxon power a large pro- portion of the Thcozves were Ancient British prisoners of war. We have to remember that the statistics of Domes- day refer to things as they were immediately after the Norman Conquest. Now it is well known that the contest between the English and the Britons had of late ages been mainly confined to the border parts, between the territories of the Heptarchy and the country still held by the Cymry. If prisoners of war, therefore, were often con- signed to bondage, we should naturally expect to find the Theowe class numerous in the regions referred to, especially since the struggle in more recent times was conducted with greater bitterness, if possible, than had marked it at any former stage. British stage have come to view, they have not been indifferent to the "useful." Caesar says of them: "The Germans acknowledge no gods except those that are objects of sight, and by whose means they plainly benefited." (Quos cernunt, et quorum aperteopibus juvantur.) J V. Bell. Gall. vi. 21. Is this Germanic temper, with its subsequent alliance with Celtic idealism and warmth, at bottom of the fact that tendencies to superstition in England are ever put under check of rationalism, and that on the other hand a too intellectual scepticism is still tempered by an emotional piety and faith ? 3 14 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Now the facts presented in Domesday very remarkably tally with this antecedent probability. The Theowes enumerated are found to be in the parts last yielded up by the Britons. In Gloucestershire, for every three freemen there was one bondman. In Cornwall and Devon they were in the proportion of five freemen and one bondman. Staffordshire presented the same proportion. Unfor- tunately, this great survey omitted the counties of Cumber- land^ Westmoreland, Northumberland, Durham, and part of Lancashire, so that we have no means of judging of the condition of things in the parts embraced by the Celtic kingdom of Cumbria. The further we remove from Wales, the fewer slaves we find enumerated. Almost everywhere, eastwards however, the proportion of slave to free is found to be about one in ten ; that is, the reader will re- member, one in ten of the people registered in Domesday ; for Domesday took no notice of the great majority of the ceorls, who were possessed of no property. But there is a notable exception in the case of East Anglia, where the proportion of slave to free is only one in twenty ; and a still more notable exception in the case of the Eastern part of Mercia, embracing the counties of Lincoln, Huntingdon, and Rutland, and of the county of York, where not a single slave is noticed ! In Nottinghamshire the servile class was very small, amounting to one only in 215 persons registered. On the other hand, in these parts the section of ceorls attached to the soil — the villani — appear to be very numerous, giving rise to the suspicion that here the theowes had been permitted, in course of time to work themselves up to the condition of the lowest type of ceorls, thus securing, at least, recognition by the law as human beings, and parts of the nation, although their actual com- forts might not be at all thereby augmented. 1 1 See Lappenberg, Angl.-Sax. Kings, ii. 321. SENSE OF RIGHT IN SAXON SOCIETY. 315 From this necessarily hasty survey of the condition of society under the Anglo-Saxon dominion, we rest in the following conclusions : — ■ [a.) That the community embraced a goodly proportion of the Ancient British race. [b.) The Britons were not as such incorporated into the servile class. (c.) They were granted the dignity of a graduated per- sonal value according to the property they possessed. (d.) They were holders of land. ( 2. PURITY OF EARLY ANGLO-SAXON. these circumstances, they contain some few Celtic terms, not derived from Latin, as shown below, is proof of the naturalization, even at that time, of Celtic ingredients in the daily-life language of the Anglo-Saxons. We give an extract from iElfric (ioth cent.), showing a slight admixture of Latin and Celtic, mainly in names of agricultural implements, with modern English added. Latin. A. -Saxon. Latin. A. -Saxon. Vomer : Sccar, a ploughshare. Vitularium : Cealfa - hus, calf- Aratrum : Sulk, plough. house. Aratio : Eriung, ploughing. Bobellum, Buris : Sulk-beam, plough- (old form of handle. bovillum) : Fait, a fold for cattle. Stercoratio : Dingiung, stinking. Subula : A el, an awl. Fimus : Dinig, dung. Scops : Bismc, a besom. Dentale : Cipp, harrow. Caule : Sceapa-Locu (Lat. Stiba : Sulk-kandla, plough- locus), sheepfold. handle. Equiale : Hors-em, place for Occatio : : Egcgung, harrowing. horses. Rastrum : Raca, a rake. Vanga Spada, a spade. Traha : Citkc, a drag. Conjuncta : Foriogen, gathered. Runcatio : : Weodung, a weeding. Sarculus : Scrcadung-isen, tear- Tragum : : Dvaege, a drag-net. ing iron. Aculeus : Sticel, a goad. Terebrum : Navegar, a borer. Veractum : Lencgten-ertke,spring. Pastinatum, Sulcus : : Furh, furrow. (in Classic Circus : Witktkc, a band. Latin, land Funiculus : Rap, a cord. prepared Proscissio : Land-brace, break- for plant- ing the ground. ing) : Plant-s/Zcvj (Lat Ovile : : Sceafa-hus, sheep- planta), a planting house. stick. Bucetum : Ilryllwa-Jald, cow- Fossorium fold. (p. -Classic) Cosiere, vel delf-isen, Falcastrum : Sithe, a scythe. vel spada, vel pal, Serula ■'■■.., a saw. a spade. 1 1 The modern Welsh for spade is pal. If the word is not Celtic, wc have here an instance of an old Saxon term being preserved in the British tongue while it has no memorial in the English. So also W. rhaith, judgment, A. -Sax. raed; caib, a hoe, A. -Sax. cipp. THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Latin. A. -Saxon. Latin. A. -Saxon. Plaustrum : TVaen, a waggon. Ligo : Becca, a stake. Rota Hweol, a wheel. Cantus : Fclgc, a felly. Bovile sta- Radii : Spacan, spokes. bulum Scepen-steal, vel fald, Sarcina : Berthcn, a load. sheepfold. &C.j &c. We have also such ecclesiastical terms as the following: — Latin. A .-Sax. Latin. A. -Sax. Encenia Niwe - circ - halgung Fibula : Oferfeng, vel dale, a [from Gr. Kopuucav~\ Clasp. 2 Anastasis : Digdnyssum, resur- Sculptura : Graeft, a Carving. rection. 1 (W. cerfio, to carve, Capitulum : Cappa. (W. cap) a cap crafu, to scrape.) (insenseoi See Append. B.sub. head cover verb, crafu. ing). The Saxon instrument for writing was called graef. The relation of this and graeft, sculpture, to Gr. y2 a 4> w " to write," and Welsh crafu, to scrape, scratch, and ys-grifio, to write, is obvious. But the Anglo-Saxon may have had the word previous to the time of making its habitat in Britain. Rebellio is rendered by wither- ewy da, a com- pound term, part of which, the prep, wither, against, is proper Teutonic, and the latter part proper Celtic. W. ccdi, to rise, has as one of its forms, cwyd. The meaning, thus, would be, to rise against, to rebel. If from A.-Sax. cwide, 1 " Digelnyssum " is clearly a hybrid word, having no proper deriva- tion from A.-Sax., except in the nys, parent of Engl. " ness," marking quality, as in darkness. The terminal urn is Lat. The A.-Sax. has digcl, but in the sense of " a secret," and having a meaning, therefore, quite the opposite of anastasis (avaa-raa-is) — rising to view, a resurrection. The digcl of the A.-Sax. is most probably borrowed from the Celtic. The Welsh has two words, digcl, meaning open, obvious, unconcealed, from di, priv. and celu, to conceal ; and the opposite dygcl, hid, con- cealed, from dy, intens. and celu. The A.-Sax. digcl seems to be borrowed from the latter; it has no cognate or analogue in A.-Sax. 2 W. dal. to hold ; this fibula being a dress fastener, as well as ornament. A.-Sax. dale has no cognates in that language. CELTIC ELEMENTS IN ENGLISH. $$$ speech, this again is identical with the Celtic : W. gweyd, to speak, ckwedl, report, and the less satisfactory meaning o c resistance in speech would be derived. The above will suffice to indicate how the Anglo-Saxon of iElfric was not free from some little admixture of Celtic, as well as Latin. The next step from the ioth and nth centuries would bring us to the " Semi-Saxon " age, but to the peculiarities of that age we shall have occasion more specially to refer under another section. Suffice it further to remark, that the Anglo-Saxon language in the specimens we have received of it from the time of Caedmon to that of ^iElfric — brief specimens it is true, but which, if longer, would not greatly vary the result — show a comparatively pure, yet not an entirely pure speech ; and that the reason of that comparative purity is that the specimens are reflections of the literary and not of the popular tongue. SECTION II. Celtic Elements in the English Language. The revived interest now displayed in the study of Celtic literature, including the Celtic languages, assists to rescue the subject in hand from the grasp of national prejudice, and transfer it to the care of science. We shall be led to confess, by degrees, the confused character of the conceptions we had entertained even of our own ancestry, and that the analysis of our own English language — not altogether a language " undefiled " — in the light of an improved Celtic scholarship, had been one means of cor- recting our notions. To the Germans, as is usual in all matters of minute, painstaking scholarship, we arc mainly indebted for the 334 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. results already attained in Celtic studies. The extra- ordinary zeal and talent displayed in the study of the Celtic languages by a prince of the Imperial Family of France, Prince Lucien Buonaparte, are well known to all, and have greatly aided in giving tone and impulse to the study. The names of Chevalier Nigra, in Italy, with Adolphe Pictet, in Switzerland, De Belloguet, Monin, Renan, &c, in France, must not be omitted. German scholars have, after a fashion of their own, by laborious analysis and synthesis, determined the relation of the Celtic languages to the whole family of Indo-European tongues ; and also, in a more limited field, applied the results of their labours to the elucidation of English Ethnology and English History. Adelung and Vater in their remarkable work, 1 had years ago supplied voluminous materials ; Arndt, in his Ur sprung und Verwandschaft der Europdischen Sprachen ; Diez, in his Lexicon Etymological i y and Grammatik ; Holtzmann, in his Kelten und Germanen ; Leo, in his various learned productions ; 2 Meyer, in his Importance of the Study of the Celtic languages ; Diefenbach, in his Celtica; J. C. Zeuss, in his Grammatica Celtica ; and Ebel in his Celtic Studies, and in his additions to Zeuss's Gram. Celt, are amongst our chief assistants. We must not forget also the labours of Pott, Grimm, and Bopp, in Comparative Grammar and General Philology. In our our own country the study has been cultivated by Edward Davies, Lhwyd, Whitaker, Prichard, Archdeacon Williams, Halliwell, Latham, Garnett, Guest, Norris, Stokes, and 1 Mithridatcs, oder AUcgcmeine Sprachcn-Kundc. Four vols. Berlin, 1806— 1S17. - Vorlesungcn u'ber die Gcschichtc des DcutscJien 1 olkes und Reiches. Halle, 1854 — 1S61. Fcricngcschriftcn, vermischte Abhandlungen zur Geschichte dcr Deutscltcn und Kcltischcn. Halle, 1S47 — 1852. Rectitn- dincs Singtilarum Personarum. Halle, 1842. A work on Saxon local nomenclature. VARIATIONS IN CYMRIC. 535 others, with considerable success. We have now so far advanced that we cannot recede. New light will still pour in upon English ethnology and history from the searching- converging- lens of philology. It comports with the nature and design of the present work to direct attention more to vocabulary than to grammar. The Science of Comparative Philology is of necessity based upon an analysis of Grammar, inflections and phonetic laws, but the object we have in view in this chapter requires not a discussion of the principles of this Science. No one now denies that the Celtic is a sister tongue to the Teutonic. To enter upon a comparison of Celtic and English inflection and syntax were to begin a task too long ; for, to say nothing of the complexity of the subject, from the multiplicity of Teutonic and Romance diversities represented in our present English, the changes which have occurred in the inflection and construction of the Celtic dialects themselves, as witnessed by their written literature, would deprive us of any reliable stand* ard by which to test examples. 1 If, for instance, it were desired to compare the syntax or the accidence of Welsh with those of English, in order to show that the latter had become partaker of the features of the former, the question at once offers itself: What Welsh should be the standard — that of Taliesin, of Cynd- delw '12th cent.), or that of the present age ? The truth is that the Cymraeg of to-day is as different from the Cymraeg of Aneurin's Gododiu (say 6th cent.), or even of the laws of Hywel Dda (ioth cent. ; but the language in which they now appear is believed to be that of the i 2th cent.) as modern English is from the Gothic of Ulphilas — 1 Compare, for Instance, the grammar of modern Welsh and modern Irish. When the two are compared in their earlier forms, as in Zeuss's Grain. Ccltica, they exhibit a nearer approach. 33^ THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. as different, not in lexical substance merely, but also, and chiefly, in grammatical forms and combinations. 1 It were easy to fill too much space with examples ; let one or two suffice. Aneurin's Gododin opens thus : — " Gredyf gwr oed gwas, Gwrhyt am dias." Of manly mind was the youth, Heroic mid din of battle. How many of these terms and inflexions are familiar to the modern Welshman of good education ? Not more than two of the terms, gwr, man, and gwas, a youth, and even the latter of these has come generally in modern Welsh to mean not " youth," but " servant." The inflexions are all obsolete. The first line in the sixth stanza of the same poem will show how words still in use are differently inflected and governed. " Gwyr a aeth Ododin, chwerthin Ognaw." The heroes marched to Gododin, and Gognaw laughed. The line in modern Welsh would be : "Y (art.) gwyr aethant (3rd pers. pi. past) z" (prep.) Ododin, chwerthinaz" (3rd pers. sing, past) Gognaw." This may be taken not only as an illustration of the fact that Welsh, like English, abounds more than in earlier times in the use of the article, prepositions, and other particles ; but that, also, unlike the English, it has increased its conjugating forms. Llywarch Hen's expression, in his Gcraint ab Erbin, " Ac elorawr mwy no maint," And biers beyond number. 1 The hopelessness of the attempt of some Celtic critics to prove that the language of Taliesin and Aneurin is as late as the 12th or 14th century, is at once seen by its comparison with the language of the laws of Hywel Dda. The latter language, allowed to belong substan- tially to the 12th century, is much more similar to modern Welsh than the former — a fact sufficiently conclusive against this hypothesis. ACCIDENCE AND SYNTAX OF WELSH. 337 though all the vocables are more or less familiar to the Cymro of the present time, is still as an expression com- pletely unintelligible to him, and that by reason of the disguise thrown over the words by an inflexion no longer known, and by the use of a word in a sense no longer attached to it. Elorawr here is the pi. of elor, a bier, but the plural termination awr is now obselete, the plural of elor being elorau; no, than, has long given place to net. Maint is now used for magnitude or quantity, rather than for number. In prose the change is equally great. It is not less marked in the vowels, and mutations of initial consonants, than in numbers and cases of nouns, tenses of verbs, and connecting particles. The truth is that the modern Cymric has felt the influence of surrounding tongues, has assimilated its grammar and syntax to theirs, while occasionally im- parting to them, in return, some of its own peculiarities. The same thing holds true of modern Irish. The gram- marians of this language find its forms so changed and corrupted that to rectify them properly they are obliged to have recourse to the most ancient MSS. But it is clear that if any Celtic grammatical forms are to be employed in proof of Celtic influence of this kind penetrating the English, the forms must not be those of Modern but those of Ancient Celtic ; and then, of course, the signs of the influence must be sought for, not in the present English, but in the language at some very distant point in its history — in Semi-Saxon, if not rather in the Anglo-Saxon itself. The signs of interchange must in all reason be inquired after under the period when the lan- guages were most brought in contact, and were most liable to modification. Conditions having changed, Cymric cannot be supposed to have lent its characteristics to the English in recent ages. z 333 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Some writers 1 have attempted a comparison of the Cymric and Greek languages, with the view of proving the oft-debated point that the former is a near relation of the latter. But the theory can hardly, by any amount of lin- guistic lore, be established, if the comparison instituted is between the grammar forms of modern Welsh and those of ancient Greek. The principle would hold equally good if the comparison were made with modern English. At the same time it cannot be doubted that a remote relation- ship does exist between the Celtic and Greek, as well as Latin. They are members of a family, the Celtic having probably broken off from the parent stem, as Prof. Schleicher thinks, at an earlier period than either Greek or Latin. It must not be taken for granted that the muta- tions and inflexions of any language, Welsh included, are the same in all ages of its history ; to secure this per- manence the language must become " dead," and be embalmed or fossilized in written form. The grammatical features of Modern are very different, as already shown, from those of Ancient C3^mric. If M. Halbertsma had known that the sound th was present in Cymric of all ages (as far as the language can be traced), he would have refrained from putting the query, whether " the English alone could boast of having pre- served the true sound of the old etch (th) which has dis- appeared from the whole Continent of Europe, so as not to leave the means of forming a faint idea of the sound of this consonant without the aid of English : " 2 The Welsh 1 The exaggerations of £ughe and others in finding coincidences between Welsh and Greek are well known. Many of the coincidences pointed out are nothing but words borrowed hy Welsh from the Greek •■--some of them through the Latin — as, cigion, ocean, d/tewfa; dagr, a tear, Sdicpv ; pesgu, to feed, fJSfficu, Lat. pasco. - Comp. Dr. Bosworth's Origin of the Engl. Germ., &c, Lr.ngs., p. 37. PERMANENCY OF LEXICAL MATERIALS. 339 has this sound in both its forces, as in Engl, the, and ///ought. But this can hardly be said to be proof of a peculiar connection between Welsh and Greek, although the latter has the sound th, represented by the character 6, because the same sound was possessed by the old Gothic and Anglo-Saxon, although it has now disappeared, as M. Halbertsma lamented, " from the whole Continent of Europe." But there are signs, it must be confessed, that the sound th, both soft and hard, was much less frequent in ancient than it is in modern Cymric. When we pass from the evanescent grammatical features of a language to its lexical materials, the ground seems to become solid. Words, in their substance, though it may be not in their inflectional modes, are permanent. Of the language of to-day they are as genuine parts as they were of the same a thousand years ago, and passing under various modifications into its divided dialects, and by degrees into separate languages, still continue unequivocal mementoes of a past connection and relationship of these languages amongst themselves. They are like stones which, once dug from a particular rock and wrought into a particular temple, have passed in the course of successive ages into edifices of different styles and purposes — triumphal arches, amphitheatres, monasteries, churches, fortifications, asylums — and at each exchange of locality and service have passed under the mason's chisel into a new form, but throughout have retained, in what remains of them, their original body, stratification, and quality, and may be com- pared by the geologist with rocks of the same stratum from any part of the globe. Proceed we now to the question of the chapter — the Celtic lexical elements of the English language. The following positions are indisputable. 340 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. First. — The English language now contains a large infusion of words introduced from the Celtic tongues. Secondly. — 'The English language once contained multi- tudes of Celtic words which it has not retained. Thirdly. — The Celtic words it now contains have not all been assimilated in Britain, and from the Celtic tongues in Britain. Many came along with the Anglo-Saxon from the Continent ; and many, incorporated in Britain, were so incorporated from the Latin, or some other tongue than the British, whether of the Cymric or Gaelic branch. Norman-French, Dutch, Danish, German, have been filters through which Celtic has distilled into the English, and multitudes of the Celtic ingredients it now contains had belonged to the Anglo-Saxon in common with many of the Indo-European family of languages long before Britain had become the theatre of its development. Why these materials should be called " Celtic " we shall endeavour to explain under our second head. Now, the question to be determined by this Essay being, How far the present English nation can be shown to have been compounded of Teutonic and Ancient British materials, from the evidence, among other things, of its speech, our philological argument must be shaped and limited so as to include the following topics : — i. The Celtic elements which the English language has derived directly from the Celtic tongues, and subsequent to the Saxon Conquest. 2. Celtic elements in the English language derived by that language from the Latin. 3. Celtic elements in the English lan- guage derived by that language from the Teutonic tongues, and from the Norman-French. Neither of the last two can be taken as evidencing admixture of race, as between Anglo-Saxons and Britons, but as simply contributing to the general philological question concerned. Their importance in this last respect BRITISH CELTIC IN ENGLISH. 34 1 claims ior them admission into the present discussion ; and they are, therefore, introduced. Our analysis of Celtic-English shall be conducted in the order above indicated. 1. Celtic elements in the English language derived directly from the Celtic tongues, and subsequent to the Anglo-Saxon conquest. This section itself opens before us a very wide field of treatment. It is clear that our witnesses must be sum- moned not only from the modern English dictionary, but from the vocabularies of the language in any age since the Saxon conquest, and from that living English which floats on the popular tongue unconfined as yet to any lexicon. If the Celtic in Britain, whether Cymric or Gaelic, ever infused its vocables into the Anglo-Saxon speech, even though every tittle of such infusion had disappeared from the standard tongue prior to the age of Chaucer, but still can be traced as a fact once existing, we gain force to our argument from the fact — for we have evidence of such prolonged intercourse of the two peoples, and of such junction and fusion of race as we are in search of. Again, if the living dialects of our English are found to contain numerous elements which are undeniably Celtic, though never dignified with a place in the lexicon, we have as expressive and faithful indices to the past inter- course of the two peoples as any Norman-French or Danish terms now recognised as classic can be to the junction of Normans and Danes with the population of England. We, therefore, summon these solemn witnesses from the dead past, and these fugitive tell-tales from the obscure nooks and corners of our present England, to unfold to us the details of a transaction which no written history so clearly, impartially, and incontestably attests. 342 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. It is impossible now to say what multitudes of terms from the speech of the vanquished and incorporated Britons became familiar as " household words " to the English of the Heptarchy. Doubtless, they were far more numerous, in proportion to the extent of the language, in early times than at present. That in process of ages they have disappeared, leaving, however, thousands of their kindred behind, only shows that they were subject to the same law which has swept from the Saxon so many of its own vocables. Hosts of these, as we all know, no longer appear in the English dictionary. Let a few instances in proof be given, under the first letter of the alphabet only : — Abie, " to pay for." Alegge, " to confute." Abraid, "to open." Alond, " on the land." Agrise, " terrify." Anethered, " conquered." Afterwending, "following." An, " grant," " allow." Agrill, " annoy." Amanse, " curse." Awhene, "vex." Aschend, "injured." Aken, " reconnoitre." Aschreynt, " deceived." Allyng, " entirely." Atbroid, " seduced." Arm, " poor." Awend, " go." These were once standard words in the English, but are now not to be heard. Any reader of Havclock the Dane, King Alysaunder y th.e Owl and Nightingale, the Ormulum, or the Life of Bckct, may multiply instances without difficulty. 1 And not only have many hundred miscellaneous words disappeared, but many others, which, from their antithetic or other peculiar character, might naturally be expected to have been retained. The English was once enriched, not 1 Confer also, A Dictionary of Oldest Words in the Engl. Language, by H. Coleridge. Lond. 1S63. EXTINCT ENGLISH WORDS. 343 only with the former, but also with the latter words of the following couples : — ( Neither ( Inmost ( Income ( Nother ( Outmost ( Outgo ( Highest ) Overcome ( Heretofore I Nythemest I Overgo ( There afterward ( Thither f Therein ( Somewhere ' Therehence ( Thereout \ Somewanne, &c. So great, indeed, has been the process, if not of degrada- tion, at least of deprivation, that it may be safely affirmed that about onc-scucuth of the vocabulary of the 13th century has entirely disappeared. To render a reason for the abandonment of materials so useful, and belonging so essentially to the language, may not be easy. The dis- turbance which ensued on the introduction of the Norman- French had doubtless much to do with it, and, at a much later period, the passion which grew upforthe " enrichment " of the language by the use of words of classical derivation, were among the causes in operation. We shall see also in the course of our discussion that not only Teutonic, but Celtic materials, once forming part of the English tongue, have dropped out of their places in the progress of ages. And in this there is nothing strange or improbable. If the materials of the English itself have been disintegrated, Celtic materials, subject to the same influences, would become subject also to the same fate. Out of the whole body of Celtic materials now in the English language, only a small portion, as already inti- mated, can be iairly claimed as a direct witness to amalga- ,,.' ition of race. To determine that portion, and to bring ii down to the smallest proportions necessary to constitute a genuine factor in the argument, certain criteria must be adopted, and when adopted rigorously applied. We must separate and classify under their proper heads all words 344 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. which, while containing Celtic roots, are presumably or demonstrably not of British origin, i.e., have not been in- corporated since the Saxon tongue became a denizen in Britain; and also such as have within that very period been incor- ated, but not from the speech of the Ancient Britons. It is essential to the integrity of our argument that this distinc- tion should be made, for we are arguing for race- amalgamation on British soil, and no amount of speech admixture, through the coalescence of the Celts and Teutons on the Continent, in ages antecedent, can here be of any avail. The magic skill of etymologists is proverbial, and all dealing with the results of their manipulations requires the utmost care. The transformations of words, moreover, in passing from language to language, from land to land, and from age to age, the disguise they assume through trans- position, elimination, agglutination of parts, and their occasional perverse change of meaning, make the labour of the most sober and skilful student by no means easy of accomplishment, or certain in result. The same word, at different periods of its history, and in the same language, assumes forms so different as to be scarcely recognisable. To give one or two familiar instances : our indefinite article, "a" was once "arie;" the personal pronoun,. "I" was at different times Yk, Ik, Iche, and also Ich; "always" was once a/gates; "hateful," atelichc; "lord,"" iilaford; "lady," hlcefdigc; " solemnly," solempcnly. Even the same word, in the same language, and at the same timc y occasionally appears under very diverse shapes. The whimsical transpositions of the Welsh 'nawr into 'rwau T and the squeezing into both these forms of the phrase, yr awr hon, " this hour," will be a well-known instance to the Cymro. Again, it is not an uncommon thing to see a word retaining its form more tenaciously in a foreign ANGLO-SAXON WORDS PRESERVED IN WELSH. 345 language than in its own. Thus the Anglo-Saxon pic is better preserved both as to sound and orthography in the Welsh pyg than in the English "pitch" ; nacddre is better represented by the Welsh neidr than by the English " adder," and raca by W. raca than by the English " rake." "Words of this sort, especially such as have relation to agriculture and domestic life, are very numerous, and a most interesting list might be collected. Such words being found in large number in the Welsh and Cornish are extremely suggestive as to the commingled state of the Saxons and Cymry, both adhering to their own languages and usages, in ages earlier than the formation of our present English. And again, instances not a few occur where English words which still exist, but with a modified meaning, con- tinue to retain in the Cymric the genuine sense and charac- ter which belonged to them in their old English home. Shakespeare uses "brave," not in the sense of" courageous," but " fine," — brave words, brave clothes, &c. The Welsh say tyzvydd braf, fine weather, dillad braf, fine clothes. In the English version, Moses is styled " a proper child," i.e., comely, fair ; and in North Wales this very word " proper " is commonly used for beautiful, decent — dynes bropor, a beautiful woman, gwisg bropor, a decent dress, Sec. Not only so, but, curiously enough, the Cymric and other Celtic tongues may be shown to contain many Teutonic vocables, in all likelihood borrowed through intercourse and intermixture in Britain, of which there are now no traces in the English. They are flies in amber, with the difference that they are still alive and doing service. Caught, like stars falling from one region, and saved from destruction, they are sent rolling in other circuits — on the tongues and in the literature of another race. The Anglo- Saxon cgida, egithc, a rake or harrow, is preserved in W. 346 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. oged, harrow ; A.-Sax. pal, in iElfric's vocabulary given as the equivalent of Lat. fossorium (post-class.), a digger's instrument^ and synonymous with delf-isen " a delving iron," is not found in the English language, but is safely handed down in the Welsh pal, a spade. This question, however, has another side : it is possible to argue that both these, and a hundred other words similarly preserved in the Celtic tongues (see p. 369, note 1), were not borrowed at all from the Teutonic, but are Celtic words which the Anglo-Saxon itself for a time borrowed and then re- linquished. Words perhaps, like men, have a congeniality for their old homes, and after long and distant wandering, return thither, for final rest. So it is that old Saxon words are now creeping back to our English, and putting to shame the Anglicised Latin, weak and affected, as well as alien. Caution is sometimes required lest words of similar meaning, having also an approximately similar form, should be supposed to have an identical ultimate deriva- tion. Arsmetric and arithmetic are of identical meaning, and are as much alike in form as thousands of words derived from the same roots, and yet the former is from ars and metrica, the latter from a.piOp.6^ words of totally different signification. The classical scholar will be intimate with many such instances. But although etymology is beset with difficulties, it is not, therefore, to be depreciated. In our present inquiry its services are invaluable. Many thousand words exist in the English language whose pedigree is as clearly ascer- tainable at least as that of any Norman baron, and many hundred words concerning whose Celtic origin no well- informed philologist can for a moment hesitate. But there are some of these, about the time of whose assimilation there is much room for debate. Independently of earlier Latin, and more recently added Teutonisms, a few, if not CRITERIA. 347 several hundred words now enrich our language (without counting Norman-French and classical novelties), concern- ing which no competent Celtic and Anglo-Saxon scholar would hesitate to say that they formed no part of the speech which Hengist, Horsa, Ella, or Cerdic brought over from the Continent. Now to distinguish these latter elements from the former is a task of prime importance to our discussion, and a task which has never hitherto, to our knowledge, been attempted. Speaking of things, Plato, in his Cratylus, says that they possess cfxjyvr], o-x^a, and xP sound, form, and colour. In like manner it may be said of words that they have sound, form, and meaning ; and the nearness to each other of words in these three respects, to whatever languages they may belong in our day, must determine the measure of their consanguinity. At the risk of greatly reducing what might with much reason be construed into Celtic material in the speech of Englishmen, we have adopted the follow- ins criteria: — (a.) That a word be ascribed to that lang'uage as its . /. arest source in which it is found, as to root and meaning, most accurately and fully represented. Thus, " person " comes from Lat. persona; W. carehar, from Lat. career ; 1 " malady," from French, maladie. (b.) That a word found to prevail in two different families of languages, such as the Teutonic and Celtic, be assigned to the one or the other, according as it is found in its authentic root to permeate most numerously the dialects or tongues of that family. An English word found in Irish and Welsh, or Welsh and Cornish, or Welsh and Armoric, or in any greater number of these tongues, and found else- 1 This, notwithstanding the fact that Lat. career itself is of etymons essentially Celtic (car), or belonging to a primitive language, from which archaic Latin and Celtic have sprung in common. 348 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. where only in Dutch or Anglo-Norman, or German, or in more than one of them, but displaying a fainter affinity, is classified as a Celtic word, and with that branch of Celtic with which it most harmonizes. (c.) When a word is equally represented in two languages, or in two families of languages, it is assigned to a particu- lar source according to preponderance of probability derived from historical, or other considerations. On this principle, " hour," W. awr, Fr. heure, Lat. hora, is con- sidered as immediately borrowed from the French, itself already borrowed. " Goose," W. gwydd, Ir. geadh, Corn. godh, Germ, gans, Anglo-Saxon gos, is classed as Teutonic. The Celtic elements, determined according to these criteria to belong to the English language, and to have coalesced with it subsequent to the Saxon Conquest, so- called, are distributed as follows : — (i.) Celtic words in the English Dictionary. (2.) Celtic words in the living dialects of England. (3.) Celtic words once found in the written English, but now discontinued. (1.) Celtic words in the modern English Dictionary. [Other derivations are capable of being assig'ned to several words in the following table. In such cases the question to be settled is : Out of two or more possible sources, which is the probably immediate source whence it was borrowed by the English ? The Celtic languages are represented thus : Welsh, W., Irish, Jr., Cornish, Com., Armoric, Arm., Manx, M. Gaelic and Irish being so similar, are classed together under Ir. The Teutonic tongues are marked thus : Anglo-Saxon, A.S., German, G., Danish, Dan., Dutch, D.] CELTIC WORDS IN ENGLISH. 349 English. Aerie Babe : Backgammon Bait : Bank : Bar Bacon : Balderdash : Banner : Barb ; Bard : Barley : Barrel Base Basin Basket : Bastard Beagle Belly;: Big Celtic. W. eryr ; Corn, er ; Arm. ever ; Ir. iolar ; M. urley, eagle. W. ab, son ; baban, babe ; Corn, baban and mob. W. bach, small, and cammon, combat. W. bwyd, food ; abwyd, bait ; Corn, buit ; Ir. biadli ; Arm. boned. W. ban, banc ; Iv.bcann; Corn. ban and bancan ; Arm. bancq. W. bar; Ir. barra, v.; Corn. bara, v.; Arm. barren, v.; M. barrey, v. W. bacitm ; Ir. bogun. W. baldovddi, to babble ; 6«Z- dovddus, babbling. W. 6flHer (fr. 6«;z, high, &c); Corn, baner ; Arm. bannicr. \V. &ar/; Ir. beavbh ; Corn. &af/; Arm. &«;'/. W. frarrfi ; Ir. 6ard ; Corn. ianZ/i ; Arm. &arr. W. barlys ; Corn, barlys. W. baril ; Arm. &«?'«£ ; Gael. baraille. W. &fls; Corn. &as ; Arm. &«2. W. &«s, shallow, &as« ; Ir. baisin ; Arm. basdhin. W. basged ; Ir.basgaid ; Corn. basced ; M. bashaid. Corn, ifls, shallow ; Arm. bas ; shallow. W. bastardd, tarddu, to spring; Ir. basdard ; Corn. bastardh ; Arm. bastard. W. bach, little, or W. bllgail- gi, shepherd's dog. W. bol; Ir. bolg ; Corn. bol. W. batch, a burden ; bcichiog, with child. Teutonic or other Cognates. Gothic, aro. The word has no relation to Lat. aer, Gr. a-qp. G. &K&*. A.S. batan, to bait ; Gr. |3t6roy. A.S. &AHC; Fr. &rt«r; Gr. fiowds. G. bache, " wild sow.' G. fahne ; Fr. banniere ■ A.S.fana, standard. Lat. barba. Lat. bardus ; Gr. [UpSos. A.S. &sro ; Lat./«;/ ; Ir. caban. Cantred : W. cantnf — r««/, a hundred, and tref, abode. Teutonic or other Cognates. A.S. beige, belly ; Fr. bouiller, to boil. No Teutonic cognate. Sansc. vdti. Gr. jUoXyos, [3o\ybs. Pers. 6ac/z, child. Sansc. uarrt. Lat. brachiiun, Fr. on?s. Gr. Ppaxiuv. Fr. brigand (from W. or older Celtic.) Fr. brouterj Gr. pippuo-Ku, fut. ppucroaai. Dan. biinke. Lat. ccnium. CELTIC WORDS IN ENGLISH. 351 English. Celtic. Cairn : W. cam; Ir. cam ; Corn, cam ; Arm. cam ; M. cam. Carol : W. carol ; Corn, carol ; Arm. car oil. Carse (a fen) : W. cors, a bog, fen ; Corn. cors ; Arm. cors. Cart : W. carlo, to carry, cart ; Ir. cairt ; Corn, carios ; Arm. carr ; M. cayr. Cast (in play) : W. cast, a trick; Corn. cast. Arm. cacz. Cell : W. cell, closet, edit, to hide; W. and Corn, celli, a grove. Clack : W. dec, clccian, clock, bell ; Ir. clogaim ; Corn, c/oc/z, bell ; Ir. c/j£, ib ; M. clagg. Clean : W. s7<.;;/, clean, pure; Ir. glanj » Corn, glan ; Arm. Teutonic or other Cognates. Clamp : W. clwm, a tie, clwmi, to tie. Clock : W. cloch, bell ; Ir. clog ; Corn. clock, &c. Club : W. dob, dwb, cloppa. Cock-boat : W. eweh, a boat ; Corn, coc ; Ir. ciiacli. Coot (fowl) : W. cwtiar, from cwta, short ; cwtiar, short-tailed hen. Cope : W. coppa, cob ; Corn. cop. Corner : W. corn, cornel j Ir. cearn ; Corn, cornel ; Arm. cor/K Coracle : W. corwgf corwgl. Could : W. galla, power, also gal/ml ; Corn, gal I os, gaily; Arm. £7Z//0»J\ Crag : W. craig ; Ir. craig ; Corn. carrag. Creak : W. crj'^-, crecian, ysgrcck; Corn, cri, noise; Arm. cri. Cricket : VV. cried!, crician, v. Cringe . W. crychu, crino, bend, wither, eZ ; D. /c/wM t \ A.S. caeppe, cop, Head, L Lat. cappa. Lat. z'aietf ; Sans. 5"^^. A.S. cearcia;: ; San: . to resound. G. 352 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. English. Crockery : Cromlech : Crone : Crook : Croom : (a crooked fork, pro- vincial) Crouch : Teutonic or other Cognates. A.S. crocca. Celtic. W. crochan, hollow vessel pot, cragen, shell ; Corn. crogen, shell. W. cromlech— crom, bending, llech, flat stone ; Corn, crom, bent ; Ir. crom. W. crino, wither ; Ir. criona, Gr. yepuv, old. old. W.crwc, s. crwca, a.; Ir. cruca. W. crwm, a bending, crymu, to bend ; Ir. crom ; Corn. crom. G. krumb : Dan. krum. Crowd Cudgel Cut Cuttle (fish) Dad Dainty Dale W. crychu, v. neut, to bend, wrinkle. This is possibly the root both of " cringe " and "crouch," perhaps also of " crook," but it is more probably itself derived fr. crwc, with the w modified into y in the verb. W. crwth, mus. instr. ; Ir. cruith ; Corn, crowd. W. cogail, distaff ; Corn, cigel. W. cwta, a. short, cwt'du, shorten ; Corn, cot ; Ir. attach. No trace of this word in any of the Gothic languages. W. cuddio, to hide, cuddigl, retreat ; Corn, citdhe, to hide ; Arm. cuza. Eng. " hide " is of same origin as cuddio, the A.S. hydan substituting initial h for the Celtic c or k. W. tad ; Ir. laid ; Corn. tad. W. dant, tooth, dantaith, feast; Corn, dans, tooth; Ir. dead; Arm. dant. W.>dol; Ir. dail; Corn, dol; Arm. dol. This word is Lat. chrotta Britanna, in Venant. Fortun. Lat. curtus seems to be of cognate origin. Sansc. hud. Lat. dens, tooth ; Gr. 65oijs-oiDr, oak d'irach oak; Corn, derow, do. Though derzeydd is a satisfactory derivation of " Druid," it is not so clpar that derm, oak, is the root AA 354 English. THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Flabby Flag(stone) Flasket Flimsy Flippant Fool Frith Fudge Funnel Gale Gown Gable Celtic. of derwydd, the ydd taken as a termination, and giving the idea of a person having to do with the oak, as mesurydd, a measurer, mdinydd, " a miller." A Druid was not so much concerned with the oak itself as with religion, know- ledge, and science, under the shadow of the oak grove. True, he esteemed the fruit or seed of the oak sacred. Still this analysis of the word derw-ydd is more probable than Dr. W. O. Pughe's, derw-gwydd, " oak-knowledge." W. llib, llipa, gwlyb, flaccid, soft, moist. W. llech; Ir. Hack. W. fflasg, flasged, a basket made of straw or wicker. W. llymsi, spiritless, flimsy. W. llipan, a glib chatterer. W. ffol,ffwl; Corn, fol, Arm. foil. W.ffridd ; Gael, frith, a forest, park. A.-Sax., in name, Fyrhthe. Leo acknowledges the word to be Celtic. W. ffug, deception, a feign- ing ; Corn, fugio ; Ir. bog. "Fudge" is a made-up story, pretence, " stuff." W. ffynel, air-hole, chimney. Ir. gal, gale, blast of wind ; W. aiccl, breeze ; Corn, aiccl ; Arm. aiccl. W.gwn; Corn. gun; Ir.gunna ; M. goon. W. gafacl, a hold. The gable Teutonic or other Cognates. Mid-age Latin, flaskettus, from the Welsh. Ft. folic, fou. [" Frith," an arm of the sea, Lat. /return, has no relation to this word.] Lat. has fucus, a dye, for false appearance. Gr. &e\\a, Lat. acolus. Low Lat. gunna ; Late Gr. yovva. CELTIC WORDS IN ENGLISH. 355 English. Gavelkind Grouse Grudge Guess Guiniad (a fish) Gull (bird) Gun -Gyve Haft Hag Haggard Happy Harlot Celtic. Teutonic or other Cognates. gives timbers a hold, support. Ir. gabhaidh ; Corn, gaval. W. ceg,throa.t, cegio, to choke. No Teutonic cognate. W. gafael, a hold, to hold. See index " gavelkind." W. iar, or giav, a hen, and No Teutonic cognate. rlios, moor — a "moor-hen." This is the common name of the bird in many parts of Wales. W. gvwgnach. Lat. r.ugio, Gr. vpiJfu. W. ceisio, seek, inquire ; Ir. D. gissen. geasam. \V. gwyn, white — the colour of the fish. W. gwylan ; Corn, gullan. W. gwn; Corn. gun, a scabbard. W. gefyn, fetter, gafael, hold ; Ir. geibheal ; Corn, gavel. W. gafael, a hold ; Corn, gavel. W. hagv, ugly; Corn, iiagcr ; G. hager. Arm. haer. >> >j ») W. hap, chance, luck (?) W. herlawd [very doubtful [The classic tongues etymology] ; Corn, harlot, contain nothing cog- a vile man, rogue, villain. Is herlawd itself a Cymric or Celtic word at all ? It is given here in de- ference to the opinion of others. " Harlot " may have had its origin in A.S. ceorl, G. kcrl, a rustic, a slave, a " fellow," and in course of time, a coarse saucy person. The term. ot is not to mark the fern., as Charles, Charlotte, since in Chaucer " har- lot" is used for prolligate A A 2 nate with this word ; ceorl, kcrl, are the nearest approach to it in the Teutonic] 356 English. THE PEDIGREE OE THE ENGLISH. Hiccup Hitch Hoax Hog Hoot Howl Hurry Husk Hush Kindle Label Lad Lagging Lath League Celtic. persons of either sex, whence, perhaps, the Cor- nish harlot. Ilerlod, boy, stripling, ; herlodes, damsel, are mod. W. without bad meaning attached. W. hie, a hitch, a snap. The latter part of the word is perhaps a modification of " cough." W. hie; Corn, hig, a hook; Arm. hygen. W. hoced, deceit, cheating. W. hwch, a sow; Corn, hoch, pig, hog ; Arm. houch, hoch, a pig. W. udo, howl, hwtio, hoot. W. wylo, weep, cry ; Ir. guil ; Corn, gwelvan. W. gym, drive. W. gwisg, covering; Corn. givesc, husk. W. ust ! W. cynneii ; Corn, cunys, fuel; Arm. cened ; Ir. connadh. W. Hub, strip, llabed. W. llawd, boy, lodes, girl ; Ir. ath. W. llac, loose, remiss ; Ir. lag ; Corn, lac, M. lhag. W. llath, rod, yard, measure. Though found in Germ. latte and Fr. latte and perh. cognate to Lat. latus, the terminal sound til, which it assumes in none of these langg., seems to suggest its immediate appropriation from the Welsh. W. llcch, a slab, a stone; Ir. leac ; Arm. leach ; M. Icac. A " league " was a measure of Teutonic or other Cognates, Gr. £ sail, ; ; Lat. sus ; a sow. G. hculcn Lat. flco. Lat. curro. Gr. K \c Lat. ac-cendo, candco. Lat. laxus. Lat. latus? G. latte; Fi latte. Fr. licue, fr. low Latin leuca, adopted in Gaul, " Quum et Latini CELTIC WORDS IN ENGLISH. 357 English. Loafer Lubber Lurk Maggot Marl Mead Mew Morrow Moult Celtic. distance marked by a stone standing on end. W. lloffa, to glean ; Uoffwr, a gleaner. A loafer is one who hangs about, picking up a precarious living. W. llabi, llabwst. W. Ucrcian, to loiter, lurk ; Corn, kvcli, a footstep, a trace; Ir. lorg ; Arm. Icrcli. Because a person who lurks makes marks by which he is traced? W. magit, to breed, nourish ; Corn, maga, to feed ; Arm. maga, ib. W. marl, rich clay ; Ir. marla. W. medd ; Ir. mcadh ; Corn. mcdh ; Arm. me?:. W. miivian as a cat ; a word invented to imitate the cry of the animal. W. bore, morning ; y font, to- morrow ; Corn, bore; Arm. bcure. The former mean- ing of " morrow " was "morning," thence the morning to come — both which meanings are still retained in German. The W. has two cognate terms to express the distinctions, bore and font. The change from W. bore to morrow, reducing the b into m, is less than the change of Germ, morgen into morrow, eliminating both the g and the n. W. moel, bare, moeli, to make bald; Corn, mod, bare; Arm. moel; Ir. maol. Teutonic or other Cognates. mille passus vocent, et Galli leucas." Hieron. [Certainly not from G. laufen, to run; run- ning being far from the habit of such a person.] G. mergel. Gr. /xedv; Sans, madhu _ Lith. medus, honey. G. morgen; Gr. irpw't ; Sansc. prae, fr. pur, to advance. The A. S. has mom and morgen. 158 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. English. Celtic. Muggy : W. mwg, smoke; Ir. muig ; Corn. moc. Mustard : W. mwstardd, mws, a strong scent, and tarddu, to spring. Niggard : W. nig, nigio, to narrow. Nod, v. : W. nodi, to mark ; am-naid-io, to give a sign ; Corn, nod, mark, token , Ir. nod. Odd : W.od, singular, notable; odid, rarity. Pall : W. pallu, to fail, weaken ; applied like the English word to failure of appetite. Pantile : W. pen, top. A tile for the top of a house, a "roofing tile," which formerly was written pen-tile. Park : W.parc; Corn. pare; Ir.pairc, Arm. pare; M. pairk. In this case, as the word park is not in the A.-Saxon, the Celtic is chosen as the source whence the word has passed not only into Eng- lish, but also into French. Paw : W.pawen; Com. paw ; Arm. pad. Penguin : W. pengwyn (white-head), a (bird) descriptive name. Perk : W. perc, smart. Pill : W. pel, a ball; Corn, pel ; Arm. pellen. Plait : W. plethu, to weave, plait ; Corn, pleth, a plait, wreath ; Ir.fillcadh. Poke : W.^zc^jwhat swells or pushes; Corn, poc, a push ; pock, a shove, is still used in the Cornish dialect. Poll (head) : W. pel, ball; Corn, pel; Arm. pellen. Posset : W. pose!, possed, curdled milk. Teutonic or other Cognates. A.S. smocca, smoke. Fr. moutarde (Gallic). G. knicker, Dan. gniker. Lat. nota, nuto. Fr. pare ; G. park (Gallic). G. fuss ; Gr. ttovs ; L. pes. Lat. pila, pillula, dim. D an. fletter ; Fr. plisser. G. ball. CELTIC WORDS IN ENGLISH. 359 English. Celtic. Teutonic or other Cognates. Quay : W. cac, an inclosure ; Ir. No Teutonic cognate, ceigh ; Arm, kae ; Corn. ce. except D. kaai. Queen : Vide Appendix B, " Queen." Quip : W. chwib, chwip, a quick turn ; gwibio, to wander. Quibble : W. id. To argue evasively and triflingly, ever starting and turning from the point in hand as may suit, would combine in W. both chwipio and gwibio — both perhaps in reality one word. No Teutonic cognate. Quirk : W.chivym, rapid; also whirl. Rule : W. rcol ; Corn, rowlia; Arm. A.S. regol; G. re gel ; reolia. Lat. regula; Fr. regie. Sad : W. sad. firm, sober, thought- ful; applied in Eng. because of the quiet thoughtfulness of sorrow. Sallow : W. sal, ill, salw, mean ; salw'i olwg, dejected and sallow in appearance. Scare : W. yscar, to separate ; Corn. cscar, enemy Screech : W.ysgrcchain; Ir.screachaim; G. schreien. Scrip : W. yscrcpan, crop; so " crop " of a fowl, which is a purely Celtic term, though found in A.S. Germ, and D. The idea is that of a place to hold, a cavity. A.S. crop; G. kropf. Sham : W. siom, a disappointment. Shriek : W. ysgrcchain, Ir. screachaim. "Shriek" and "screech" are the same in derivation, varied in orthography as if to meet a slightly diiferent shade of meaning. G. schreien. Slab ; W. l!ab,ys!ab, a thin strip. Lat. lam-ina. Spigot : W. pig, yspigod, a point, A.S. piic, a little needle spigot ; Corn, pigol, a pick. or pin ; G. picke, a pick-axe. 360 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. English. Spike Squeeze Squeak Stain Tall Task Through Torch Torque Tudor, (adj. as Celtic. W. do. a point, a nail. W. gwasgu ; Corn, gwyscel, Arm. gwasca; lr.faisg. W. gwychian. W. taenu, to spread, ystaen, a covering spread over the surface, whether to colour or protect. W. tal, Corn, tal; Tal Cam, the high rock in St. Allen. W. tasg, Ir. tasg. Possibly the first use of the Eng. "task" was to mark a quantity to be learned, under instruction, then to be done under di- rection. If so, dysgu, to teach (the word also means to " learn," like lemen, in Germ.) may have been its origin. W. trwy ; Ir. tve; Corn, tre, over. W. torch, a ring, wreath ; pro- bably applied to the flaming substance on account of circling motion of flame. {Vide Append. B. "torch.'') W. torch, id.; tor is common in Celtic to express round- ness, protuberance, &c. Torrog, as adj. expresses the quality of fulness ; a bulg- ing form. W. torchog is circling, coiling, as y sarph dorchog — the coiling serpent. W. troi, to turn, twist. W. Corn. Arm. tro, a turn, circuit. ( I Idc Append. B. "torch.") W. Tudyr, the name of Owen Tudor, of Wales, who mar- Tcutonic or other Cognates. Lat. stannnm, an alloy ; Gr. relvw, to extend. Gr. ot5acr/cw, Lat. disco, are not the immediate source ; Fr. tache. A.S. thurh; G. durch. Archaic Celtic root. Lat. torquco ; Fr. torche, It. torcia ; Span, au- tarch a. Lat. torquco. CELTIC WORDS IN ENGLISH. ;6i English. " Tudor style.") Twaddle Wai Whim Whole Celtic. ried Catherine of France, widow of Henry V., and from whom descended the "Tudor" Royal Family of England. W. chwcdl, gossip, a story, chwedlcna, to prattle, talk. W. wylo, to cry, weep ; Corn. wole and oh; Ir. and Gael. guil; Manx gul. This word appears in Semi - Saxon period,^, gr. in Alysaunder, but the A. -Sax shows no trace of it, unless by a violent interpretation it be referred to wad, slaughter, death, and waelhlem, " a slaughter, or war cry." W. chwim, a brisk motion, a turn. W. holl, oil, altogether, the whole. It is barely re- presented in A.-S., but found in Semi-Sax. ex. gv. Robert of Gloucester, 377. The aspirate wh was more probably inherited from the Celtic than from Gr. Ir. huile and oil ; Corn, oil, Arm. holl and oil. Teutonic or other Cognates. Possibly from Theodore, Gr. Oeooiupos It. guaiolare ; Lat. Gr, kAcu'w. rleo , Gr. 8X0 all. A.S. al A. -Sax. al, and Germ. all, are related. The above list could not perhaps be greatly augmented — it is just possible it ought to be, by one or two words, curtailed. It is much shorter than the extravagant expec- tations of some Celtic enthusiasts would dictate, and too ample to be received without demur by others. The Englishman who believes himself to be a pure Teuton, would rather it were not proved to him that he is every day talking so much Celtic. It is perplexing - , however, 362 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. to see in such a work as Marsh's English Language x the following, and other equally unlikely words, derived from the Celtic — mostly from the Welsh: — barrow, broider, clout, kiln, tenter, fleam, flaw, frieze, griddle, gruel, wall, wicket, flannel, housing, locker, flummery, mesh, pail, pitcher, pottage, ridge, drill, solder, size, tackle, tassel,. — clearly none of them of Celtic, but nearly all of well- known Teutonic origin. Let it be noted that the affinity with Brito-Celtic claimed above is not that of mere general relationship and similarity existing between two branch languages of the old Aryan stock ; but the affinity of distinct and imme- diate descent. The language now called English, it is believed, possessed them not in its earlier forms. It borrowed them bodily from that Celtic speech it en- countered in Britain, just as it has borrowed hundreds of others from the Latin. If it did not so borrow them, by all means let it be shown. The Welsh, of all the Celtic dialects, as might be ex- pected from the greater intercourse of the Cymry, has yielded the largest number of derivatives, and its forms are the forms most closely imitated. The above list is the result of much sifting, and repeated examination of each separate term, and is presented with some degree of confidence in the Brito-Celtic character of nearly the whole, with slight reservation respecting a few, among which may be mentioned : " basin," which some may prefer deducing from Fr. bassin ; " cope," of whose Teu- tonic kinship there exist some suspicious indications ; " harlot," apparently disclaimed by all languages, ex- cept the Cornish ; " denizen," which some derive from old Fr. douaizon, or deinzein. 1 Ed. Dr. Smith, 1S62, p. 45. CELTIC OF ENGLISH MAINLY CYMRIC. 363 In this list we have included all those Celtic vocables in our present standard English we wish to rely upon as directly evidencing in favour of our argument. They are not given, be it again remarked, as the whole of the Celtic now found in modern English, but as the approximate whole of the Celtic wkich coalesced with the English in Britain, and has survived. As will be seen hereafter, the English contains not a little Celtic which it has received through Latin, possibly in Britain, possibly elsewhere, but this is not taken as evidence of race-intercourse and admixture. The words in our list, at least, have remained to this day ; how many more survive, in situations less prominent — in the dialects of the widely separated provinces of England,, and in the obsolete vocabulary of ancient records only now beginning to see the light — we shall by and by have oppor- tunity briefly to discuss. It is pertinent here to observe, and the philosophic his- torian would deem it a point of no slight significance — that the above list is in some degree an index to the social .condition, as well as to the mental idiosyncracies,. of the people it commemorates. Here are few terms used in law, art, science, or government. The Britons who amalgamated with their conquerors had been taken out of these spheres of thought and action. Their power to impregnate the intrusive speech would be the power of humble daily intercourse, while engaged in domestic, agri- cultural, or military toil. The superior civilization they had inherited, their nobler faith and carefully digested laws, would doubtless at first have forced upon their Anglo-Saxon masters a vast number of technical terms and formula?, names of objects and places, of customs, festivals and offices ; but these were speedily got rid of when a Saxon priesthood grew up with sufficient learning to adapt their own strong and rugged speech to the new 364 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. inheritance of ideas on which they had entered. We have already seen how Celtic terms were carefully excluded from the earlier written Anglo-Saxon. The Vocabularies of Archbishop -ZElfric, and the Anglo-Saxon Vocabularies of the 1 ith century, furnish evidence of this ; and the literary history of King Alfred — notwithstanding that this noblest of all rulers was much under the influence of a Celtic scholar, the Welshman Asser — conclusively shows that he bent all his energies to constitute his own much- beloved Anglo-Saxon the vehicle of all the ideas of his time. But, while, under royal authority, the revived Anglo- Saxon scholarship of that age rejected the " barbarisms" which had crept in, the same barbarisms continued to hold their own in the language of daily life—in the market- place, in the corn-field, in the smithy ; and by and by, like a deeper current concealed for a time from view, burst again to the surface. Accordingly in the written literature of the " Semi-Saxon " period, two centuries after Alfred, we meet with a large number of purely Celtic words. To these we shall in due time return. The train of our argument leads us in the next place to glance at the Celtic materials found in the living dialects of the English language. (2.) Celtic Words in the living Dialects of England. In the " nooks and corners " and over the wide plains of our country are tens of thousands of people whose scanty vocabulary contains hundreds of vocables which the columns of no standard dictionary have ever contained, and amongst these are numerous remains, pure and genuine as chips of diamonds, of the Ancient British tongue. Admirable is the unconscious fidelity of these sons of toil CELTIC OF ENGLISH MAINLY CYMRIC. 365 in handing down from father to son these precious memo- rials of the past ! l To what extent the Celtic of the dialects can be claimed as British contributions — i.e., contributions made since the Anglo-Saxon conquest — is hard to determine. Some can be traced through the Latin to the misty pre-historic times when from some sources now untraceable Celtic drops were distilled into all the Indo-European tongues — some through the Anglo-Saxon — some through German. But many- others find no reflections in these languages. A multitude confess, by orthography and significance, to relationship with the Cymraeg. This, as might be expected, is notably the case in Lancashire, Cumberland, Westmoreland, York- shire, Shropshire, Wilts, and — what was formerly termed " West Wales " — Devon and Cornwall. The Celtic local or geographical names, as we shall by and by have occasion to show, still in great numbers remain, clinging with far greater tenacity to the soil than do the strongest fortresses or the most renowned cities. But with a fixedness which is still more wonderful, because under conditions apparently less allied to permanency, pure Celtic idioms and vocables manage from age to age to survive, defying the purism of lexicographers, defying the withering breath of time, hiding themselves for safe shelter amid the obscurities of peasant life, and with in- 1 Abundant materials in proof may be found in the following, among many other contributions of laborious collectors : — Tim Dobbin ; Tin- Lancashire Witches; Carr's Craven Dialect; The Dialect of Leeds and its Neighbourhood; Halliwell's Diet, of Archaic and Provincial Words; Grose's Glossary of Provincial Words; The Cornish Provincial Dialect; Dickinson's Words and Phrases of Cumberland; Barnes' Hwomely Rhymes in the Dorset Dialect; Baker's Northamptonshire Words and Phrases; Evans's Leicestershire Words, Phrases, and Proverbs ; Cooper's Glossary of the Provincialisms of Sussex ; Akerman's Provincial Words, &c., of Wilt- shire; Clark's John Noakcs and Mary Styles, in the Essex Dialect. 366 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. genuity like that of instinct, disguising themselves in such voluminous drapery of Saxon grammatical forms, as de- mand all the skill and patience of the philologist to unloose. Great has been the industry of collectors of dialectic words and phrases ! But great also has been their neglect of etymology. They have collected words, apparently without a thought of the world of ethnological interest belonging to them. Even so useful a work as Halliwell's Dictionary of A rchaic and Provincial Words loses half its value to the thorough student through this omission — an omission, by so zealous a labourer in early English, scarcely to be accounted for. 1 To give a collection of all Celtic dialectic words dis- coverable, were to compose a dictionary. We must select a corner of the wide field, and give the result of our gleaning as a specimen of the whole. Let us turn to Lancashire, and touch also upon a side of Cumberland. In Lancashire, almost all the words are found to assimilate to the Welsh dialect of Celtic. Celtic in the Dialect of Lancashire.. Awf, a horrid person W. wfft, interj. shame ! fie ! Bam, mocking tale, gibe Armoric, bamcin, to deceive. Bitter-bump, the bittern W. bwmp-y-gors, " the bwmp of the moor," the bittern ; first word ex- presses the bittern's hollow cry. 1 An occasional etymological note, however, is given by Mr. Halli- well. The following account of the first use of a purely Celtic word is scarcely reliable : — " The word pen was first introduced into Cornwall, where the Phoenicians had a colony who worked the tin mines. Hence we have many names in Cornwall which begin with pen." (Diet. They and their language lived concurrently with the Anglo-Saxons in parts of England for many ages after the Saxon and Anglian kingdoms were first estab- lished. The Ancient British speech was under ban only in those parts where Saxon power was completely domi- nant, and through the space of two centuries those parts over wide England were few. It was by slow degrees that the Britons were brought under, silenced, and incorporated, and this circumstance favoured both admixture of race and admixture of language. 1 (3.) Celtic words once found in the written English, but now wholly discontinued. Some short time ago the writer made a pilgrimage to the site of the once celebrated city of Caerlleon [Isca SiluYuni] the reputed seat of King Arthur and the Round Table. There, in addition to a few faint indications in the external aspect of the place of its former renown and magnificence — fragments of Roman pottery, portions of the city wall, the " mound " of the castle, the circular hollow where the Roman amphitheatre stood — he found in the small museum of the local Antiquarian Society a number of disentombed British and Roman remains of some interest— a partial resurrection of the great past of Britain after many centuries of oblivion. It occurred to him that, in like manner, the old British words found in the early literature ot Saxon England, long entombed and 1 See pp. 235—366. CELTIC IN OBSOLETE ENGLISH. 373 forgotten, but now gradually being brought to light, and curiously examined, are exponents to us of a former state of things. Notice has already been taken of the comparative freedom from Celtic terms of the earliest Anglo-Saxon literature {temp. CaBdmon, Bede, Alfred, JElfric), and the reason of that freedom was conjectured. Two hundred years later, the Anglo-Saxon tongue put on a very dif- ferent appearance. It became marred, or beautified — as opinion may incline to pronounce — with a multitude of foreign terms — Celtic, which had long floated in the vulgar speech, and Norman-French, which had come across the Channel and conquered the Court and the elite of the English nation. The language had now reached the stage which we are accustomed to designate " semi- Saxon." The new importations were more Norman- French than Gallo-Celtic. These had affected the contents and forms of the English language even more materially than the men who had brought them had affected the race- character of the English nation. But Celtic elements from other quarters had also come in. We have now to give specimens of these, that is, in so far as they have disappeared from the modern English dictionary. Dragged into light from rare and ancient MSS. in the Museums and Public Libraries of the king- dom, though few, they arc still as authentic and vital as the wheat grains preserved in the folds of an Egyptian mummy, and tell as true a tale of forgotten ages. The following list, again, is only given as containing specimens. Of the Celtic contents of the English in the semi-Saxon period, a much larger number has been col- lected than our space will admit. Mr. Coleridge's little Dictionary, 1 which has been carefully consulted and found 1 Diet, of Oldest Words in Engl. Lang., Lond. 1863. 374 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. of service, strange to say, hardly marks a dozen words through its whole length as having their origin in the Celtic tongues. But this absence of breadth and minute- ness of scholarship marks many other recent works on Early English. (<7.) Celtic words, from different English Authors, now obsolete. Old English (now obs.) Accle, to seal, hide (Lat. celo) Ac-ore, grieve, make sorry Acorye, chastened, punished A rvel, a funeral, funeral cake Asele, seal — (same as acele) Atprenche, to deceive Avoth, take in, hear Awene, promp^to think Bali, belly Bast, of illegitimate birth Bay, in the sense of " to bait " Bemothered, confused (cogn. with mither) ; contr. "bothered" Bick, fight Blin, tired, fatigued Bolkcn, to belch Bollen, swollen Celtic Origin. W. cell, a hiding place; edit, to hide; Corn, cedes. W. cur, anxiety, pain. W. id. W. arwyl, funeral solemnity. W. celu, to hide. W. prancio, to play tricks. W. yfed, drink, imbibe. W. awen, the poetic muse, genius. W. bol, belly ; Corn, bol, id. W. has, low, mean ; Arm. baz, id. W. bivyd, food. W. byddar, deaf; byddaru, deafen. W. bicra, to quarrel, fight, fr. pigo ; Corn, piga ; Arm. pica, id. W. blino, to tire. W. bol, belly. W. The same. 1 Our sources, with one or two exceptions, have been the following: Havelok the Dane, Ed. by Sir F. Madden, for the Roxburgh Club ; The Owl and Niglitingale, Ed. by Mr. Wright, for the Percy Society ; Specimens of Lyric Poetry, temp. Edw. I., by Mr. Wright: King Alysaunder, in Weber's Metrical Romances, Ed. by Mr. H. Coleridge; The Land of Cokaygne, in Hickes's Thesaurus, vol. i.; The Life of St. Margaret, ib. ; Layamon's Brut, Ed. by Sir F. Madden, 1S47; The Ormu- luni, Ed. by Mr. White, three vols., 1S47; A Moral Ode, Hickes's Thesaurus, vol. i.; Life of Thomas Beket, Ed. by Mr. Black, for the Percy Society; Robert of Gloucester's Chronicle, Ed. by Hearne, 1S10 ; Frag- ments in Harleian MSS., Brit. Mus., Nos. 913 and 2277; Vocabularies, Ed. by Mr. Wright for Jos. Mayer, Esq., 1S57. CELTIC IN OBSOLETE ENGLISH. 375 Old English {now obs.) Celtic Origin. Braid, treacherous (rel. to A.-Sax. W. brad, treachery; Corn, prat, a praet, craft) cunning trick. Bulics, bellows W. bol, belly. Capull-hyde, horse-hide W. ceffyl, a horse. Carke, to pine away W. cur, anxiety, pain, curio, to pine away. Crouthe, fiddle W. crwth, fiddle ; Corn, crowd. Dizele, secret, concealed W. dygel, concealed, rfy, intens. edit, conceal. Earth-grine, earthquake W. daear-gryn, earthquake; crynu, to tremble. Perth, road (A.-Sax. ford, a shal- W, ffordd, road ; Corn, fordh. low in a stream) (Ferth, for " road," is Celtic usage, whatever the ult. derivation). Frith, a wood, copse W.ffridd, forest, wood. Fyke, to deceive, flatter (fudge) W. ffugio, to dissemble ; Com. fitgio • Ir. bog. Gaff, an iron hook W. gafael, hold (Fr. gaffe). Giis, a step, a stair W. gris, a step (Lat. gressus). Gain, elegant (gainly) W. cain, bright, fair; can, white; Corn, can ; Ir. can ; Arm. can. G ruche, to murmur, grumble (pro- W. grwgnacli, grumble. bably early form of " grudge " Haltren, clothes W. di-hatryd, to doff one's clothes; di, privative. Kendel, a litter of cats W. cencdl, progeny, family. Ledron, thief, robber W. Ueidr (pi. lladron) thief; (Fr. larron ; Lat. latro). Ma, more W. intvy, more. Panne, head ) W. pen, head; Corn, pen; Arm: Puune, ib. j /^»«. Pretta, to deceive (A.-Sax. prcat, W. praith, an act, a trick ; Corn. craft) /J'"* 1 , a cunning trick. Pull:, a pool (.-1. -Sax. /,('/, a pool) W. pivll, a pool; Corn, pol ; Arm. poul ; lr. poll; Manx, poy!, a pool, a pit. Rhoxle, grunt W. rhoclii, grunt. Shruke, wither W. cryclut, wither, shrink. Teh, ill-humour W. dig, angry; taiog, rude; Gael. taoig, a passion. Terry, to vex, incite W. tacru, to contend, urge. 376 THE EEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Old English {now obs.) Celtic Origin. Treyc, sorrow (A. -Sax. trcga, YV. tralia, oppression. vexation) XJnplyc, unfold (un, priv.) \V. plygu, fold, bend; Corn, plegye, plait. A hundred years' advance brings us to the age of Chaucer — " the father of English poetry." After a hard heat of reading in the Ca?iterbury Tales, one is startled by the reflection that Spenser has called him the " pure well of English undefiled!" If Norman-French can defile, surely Chaucer daubed the " English " sadly enough. But there must be some truth in Spenser's judgment, and we can therefore conclude that Chaucer, instead of running with the fashion of the day in making a display of Norman- French, moderated the mania, and aimed at restoring the Saxon to its proper place. But Chaucer moved among, and wrote for, persons of quality and rank ; he was there- fore bound to some extent to honour the speech patronised by courtly people. That he was conscious of the corrup- tion of the language and of the want of reformation he gives frequent proof. Of the want of uniformity in writing the English he complains in his Troilus and Creseide : — " And for there is so great diversite In English, and in writing of our tongue; So pray I God that none mis-write thee, Ne thee mis-metre for defaut of tongue." Amid the confusion, and the struggle, on the one hand to corrupt, and on the other to restore, the English, did any Celtic terms escape destruction in the ag - e of Chaucer ? Very many. We have culled the following from the poet's pages 1 as amongst Celtic words then in the English language, but which are no longer there. 1 Chaucer's Works, Bell's Ed. Eight vols. 1854. ENGLISH OF CHAUCER. 377 (6.) Celtic Words in Chaucer, now obsolete. Augrym ; " augrym-stones " were W. awgrym, a sign, hint. W. is counters or calculi for facili- derived from Lat. augur, but tating calculations the form in Chaucer is a copy of the W. Bollen, bulged W. bol, belly. Uragat, a drink made with honey W. bragod, a sweet liquor ; brag, malt. W. brock, din, tumult ; brochi, bluster. \V. ceffyl, a horse ; Ir. capall. W. cortcg, a boat, a coracle. W. caroli, to sing ; cur, a choir. W. mas, ecstasy; maws, delight. W. mcdd, mead, drink made with honey ; Gr. p.tOv. Nyfle, a trifle, unsubstantial W. ttyfel, niwl, a mist, fog. thing W. eos, nightingale ; cosi, to sing like the nightingale. W. pib, a pipe; pibau, to sound the horn W. rliys, ardency; rhyswr, com- batant. Rote, a musical instrument, to W. crwth, a violin. " sing by rote," to sing along with an instrument Scrivenlich, after the manner of W. ' serif ettu, to write. a writer Strolhir (prop, name), valley in W. yst rad, a dale ; and hir, long. North of England. None of these had reached the English through Latin or Norman-French. They were borrowed from the Cymric language, and though now lost to the English — with one or two exceptions with a change, as " mead " for meth — are to this day living portions of the language of Wales. But for Chaucer we might not have known that such frag- ments of the old Celtic speech had played on the lips of the courtiers of Edward III. The tongue of the educated Englishman nowhere articulates them in our day. Brokking, throbbing, quivering 'Capil, a horse (not fr. Fr. cheval) Carrik, a ship Karolc, to dance and sing Mase, a wild fancy, ecstasy Meth, a liquor made with honey trifle, •Ocy, the nightingale's note Poupe, to make a noise with horn Rees, an exploit, eager action 378 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. We have to remark in concluding these last sub- sections : i. That if these few old chroniclers and rhymers, whose writings, along with Chaucer's, we have been putting under contribution, have furnished so many Celtic remains when the language they represent is the language of the more cultured class, then the vernacular of the common people of England at the time must be presumed to have contained a much larger amount of materials of like nature. The proportion of Celtic terms to the total of the vocabulary of the peasant class, was, therefore, very large. Of the 40,000 usable words in our present English, an educated man is supposed to have at command about 10,000, while a rustic rarely learns beyond 400. l We conclude that the common people of the semi-Saxon period, however great the zeal of the higher classes to cultivate an Anglo-Norman speech, had a vocabulary in very large proportion Celtic. 2. The critical student will also observe with regard to the first list — the British- Celtic of the modern dictionary — that a large proportion of the vocables therein contained must have been assimilated since the semi-Saxon period — otherwise the vocabulary of that period would have contained them. Now the interval from the 14th to the 19th century was not a time of much intercourse between the English and the Welsh, or any others of the Celtic stock — not of such intercourse, we mean, as would transfer many Celtic terms into the English. The first portion of that period was a time of utter alienation between Wales and England. Whence, then, came those Celtic words, of clearly British origin, added during that time r There can be no difficulty in answering the question. They came from the lips of the common people of England ! There 1 Comp. Trof. Max. Mailer's Lect. on Science of Language, p. 26S. CELTIC OF ENGLISH CHIEFLY CYMRIC. 379 they had continued to play ever since their first appropria- tion, and there they continue to this day. And the next coming age, under the guidance of a taste for the simpler archaic dialectic treasures of the language, Saxon or otherwise, will admit many more such materials — not indeed because they are Celtic, but because they belong to the home and heart speech of the English people. There are many, many hundreds of them in the various counties of North, West, and South, waiting for admission; and, fortunately, the Latinising" rage of Johnson is not a failing of the literary men of our times. 3. It is to be noted that the great majority of British- Celtic words tabulated, whether of the standard English, of the dialects, or of the obsolete printed vocabulary, belong to the Cymric branch. This is of some moment to the solidity of our argument. Facts here again echo to antecedent probability. Probability, planting its argument on the intimations of history, says : If there exist Ancient British terms at all in the English language, they must be Cymric more than Irish, and Irish more than Armoric (an offshoot of Cymric for the most part), because contact with the Cymry (including the Cumbrians and "West Wallians") was more close and frequent than with the Gaels of Ireland and Scotland, and contact with these was more frequent than with the Armoricans. The Lloe- grians and the Brython were also of the same branch as the Cymry. These were completely incorporated in early times, and not improbably are partly represented by the blood of the West of England, including Devon and Cornwall. All the nation of the Cymry, except those who fell in war, retired into Wales, or crossed over to Armorica,. were also by degrees incorporated ; their language there- fore might well permeate in larger measure the Saxon tongue than the other branch of Celtic. With this. .380 TPIE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. reasoning, the phenomena of modern- and old English completely agree. 4. Some acute Anti-Celtic reasoners have started the following objection : — " If things are so — if admixture of language is proof of admixture of race (which is granted), and if incorporation of the Ancient Britons has carried Celtic elements into the English language, then, by parity of reasoning, since the English and the Romans have, doubtless, in some measure merged into the nation of the Cymry, there ought to be a corresponding tincture of these languages in the AVelsh of to-day." The argument is perfectly fair and logical ; but its effect, though expected to be crushing, is perfectly innocuous. We accept it without qualification, with all its consequences. Unhappily, it assumes what is not the fact, viz., that " the Welsh of to-day" is an immaculate Celtic tongue. The Welsh people have, unquestionably, received no small admixture of Roman and Saxon blood ; and the simple answer to the above objection is^that the AVelsh language has received a very considerable infusion of Latin and Anglo-Saxon words. 1 Nay, more ; the AVelsh people are not free from Scandinavian, Flemish, and Norman- French admixtures, as proved by history, physiology, and proper names ; and the AVelsh language is not free from a corresponding tincture of Danish, Flemish, and French. 1 Even so early as the time of Aneurin (See Gododiit, vv. 630, 26S> 231, 743, 629, 191) the following Latin corruptions, among numerous others, occur: ariant (argentum) ; calan (kalendic) ; fossawd (fossa) periglawr, the word for priest, one to stand between the soul and " danger " (from periculum) ; gwydr (vitrum); plwm (plumbum). We find in this early age traces even of Anglo-Saxon corruptions. The bard Meigant, circ. a.d. 620, uses the word plwde (see Myv. Arch, of Wales, i. 160) for a bloody field, or blood, which he could only obtain from A. -Sax. Mod, blood, blodig, bloody; and Aneurin has the word bludwe (v. 142) for what appears to have been the battle-field. No Celtic dialect now contains this corruption. CORRUPTIONS IN WELSH. 38 1 The school of Dr. W. O. Pughe (who, in ignorance of the teaching of comparative philology, seemed to consider the Welsh a language fcr se, separate and distinct from all other languages, developing all its forms and compounds from its own exhaustless store of roots) cannot well brook the doctrine that the Welsh is largely Latinized and Anglicised. There is no word which their convenient etymological legerdemain will not at a touch resolve into Cymric " roots," however obviously Latin, Greek, or Saxon its origin. It is impossible to argue gravely with people who will, ex. gr. derive cgkvys, W. for church {iKuX-qo-La), from such Welsh "roots" as eg, "what opens," and glwys, " fair, beautiful " — "because the church opens its doors to- the holy ! " The science of philology is now fast dispelling" such linguistic folly. 1 By a rigid analysis of the materials of separate languages, it discovers what elements are common to many, or to a few, and finds here the safe principle of classification and key of relationship. It proves beyond contradiction that there is no tongue on earth which is a language per se, distinct from all other tongues, and evolving all its forms from its own resources. Dr. W. O. Pughe, the learned author of the chief Welsh dictionary extant, seems to have proceeded on the quiet assumption that the AVelsh was such a lang-uage, and his great work contains many hundreds of derivations from Welsh "roots" which are palpably fanciful and misleading. 2 1 Few scholars will question the correctness of Mr. Max Mailer's statement that " large numbers of words have found their way from Latin,"' and even German, into the Celtic dialects, and " these have frequently been taken by Celtic enthusiasts for original words, from which German and Latin might, in their turn, be derived." Lectures on the Science of Language, First series, p. 200. Our note p. 3S0, but more at length, Appendix A, will supply proof of this. - Mr. Geo, the publisher, of Denbigh, has in the press a new edition of Pughe, which it is hoped will be conducted under the guidance of competent scholarship, and be brought up to the present slate of know- ledge. 1S73. 3 82 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. The long history of the corruption of the Cymric language needs not detailing in these pages. Its stages, of course, are Roman, Saxon, Danish, Norman, and English. The language has some few elements common to it with the Latin which can hardly be termed either corruptions or borrowing's, since they seem to have been equally the property of each from a very early age, and to have been borrowed or derived by each from that primitive Aryan source which has tinged so many of the European languages, Classic, Teutonic, and Celtic alike. Hence also the Welsh, like the Irish, has many words kindred to A. -Saxon and German, as, fem. gwen, fair, white, beautiful ; Anglo-Saxon, cwcn, woman, queen, whence Eng. queen : cor, a choir, Anglo-Saxon c/ior, a chorus ; Germ, clwr, a chorus : W. main, to grind, melin, a mill ; Anglo-Saxon, miln, a mill: Germ, maiden, to grind, vi'uhlc, a mill: W. poll, people; Germ, fiebel: W. clock, a bell, Germ. glocke, a bell, Anglo-Saxon, clucgc, a bell, &c, which elements appear to be as congenial and native to the Teutonic as to the Celtic — to the Celtic as the Teutonic. But since the Celtic is on the whole invested with more features of a venerable antiquity than the Teutonic, if advantage must in this matter be claimed by either, the Celtic must have it. But multitudes of vocables are now found in the Welsh, and arc in all dictionaries assumed to be properly Welsh words, which no modern philologist can fail to recognise as foreign. Most of them belong to the Latin, and to the classic period in Latin. Some are post-classic, and belong- to ecclesiastical nomenclature. But many are Teuton, derived from the Anglo-Saxon of the Conquest, and many more are immediately derived from the English, inherited by that language from Latin, Greek, Saxon, or Norman- French. Not a few are words which have passed directly CORRUPTIONS IN WELSH. 383 from the Norman-French, without apparent contact with the English. Such seem to be anturio, Fr. aventurer; cessail, Fr. goussel ; errs, Fr. creseau ; dedzaydd, Fr. deduit ; gwersyll, Fr. guerre-sella ; ncgcs, Fr. negoce, &c. On account of the interest of this subject to philologists we have taken some trouble to form a reliable list of words, usually considered Welsh, which are derived from the different sources above enumerated ; but to save space, the biographies of doubtful, or apparently doubtful words, tracing the various phonetic changes they have undergone, and which it would have been interesting to add, have been omitted. The immediate derivation, and, in some cases, a further or ultimate derivation is supplied. 1 The materials of Appendix A. are quite sufficient for the purpose in view. Every reasonable person will allow their force, as proving - that the people and language of Wales are by no means free from foreign admixture. Having granted so much, we only expect equal candour and obedience to evidence on the other side. 5. But besides these obviously foreign accretions, the Cymric has a multitude of words which it possesses in common with many other Indo-European tongues, and which are as native to it as they are to any of the others, but which are frequently, by over-zealous classicists, con- sidered as borrowings from Latin or Greek. 2 Such words, are ar graph, imprint ; aru, to plough ; caer, a fortress, a city ; genu, to give birth to ; cor, a choir ; llcwyrch, light ; llyfr, a book ; met, honey ; medd, mead ; swn, a sound ; iaran, thunder ; torch, a ring, wreath ; torf, a crowd ; /:cr, a tower, &c. In Appendix B. will be found a small col- lection, capable of extension, of words of this class, indicating materials inherited by the Welsh from that ancient fountain of Indo-European speech, whence the 1 See Appendix A. - See Appendix B. 384 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Hellenic, the Romance, the Teutonic, as well as the Celtic tongues, have so largely flowed, and which is now usually denominated Aryan. Appendix A. will prove that the writer is free from Celtic fanaticism, while Appendix B. offers a few impartial gleanings, which, if virtually justi- fying the claims of Celtic, also illustrate the close relationship of the various tongues and races of Europe. 2. Celtic Elements in the English language derived immediately from the Latin. We have now to pass on from the consideration of British-Celtic materials in English — on which chiefly, as the reader has been already warned, we rely for direct support to the argument — to a few specimens of words found in Celtic, but whose transmission into English has been through the Latin. This is done partly by way of digression, and in the interests of general philology. Assuming for the moment that these elements are entitled to the designation "Celtic," it is obvious that their passage into English through the Latin, without any contact between Anglo-Saxons and Celts in the British Isles, would be very possible. The Latin had brought them down from the early ages of its own history, having first adopted them either by contact with the Ancient Celts, or from the common Aryan source, whence they passed also into Celtic, and, many of them, into Gothic tongues. Of course it is competent to ask, wherefore, then, call them " Celtic" at all ? We may with equal reason ask, why call them Latin ? If on the ground of apparent natural affinity with the language in which they are found, their constant presence from early times in that language, and the absence of evidence of their ever having been borrowed from a contemporaneous tongue, words can be CELTIC INTRODUCED THROUGH LATIN. 3S5 pronounced as belonging to the language of which they form a part, then these words can quite as properly be termed Celtic as Latin. But if to belong to a language words must be incapable of being traced to any other, then it will follow that no language has more than a very meagre vocabulary of its own. Let it be allowed that these words are also entitled to be considered Latin, since they cannot be proved to have been borrowed by Latin from Celtic ; they are on the same ground, at least, entitled to the appellation, " Celtic," since it cannot be proved that Celtic borrowed them from Latin, or any other tongue known to history. They may be, and probably to a great extent are, common property derived from a common prehistoric source, although their passage into English is allowed to have been directly from the Latin, and their use here is mainly, if not exclusively, to establish a link of relationship between the Classic, Teutonic, and Celtic tongues, as members of the same family. Words of this class are numerous. To be on the safe side, many which have an apparently good claim for reception have been omitted. To save space, only one Celtic cognate is in most cases given. W. Welsh ; Ir. Irish; G. Gaelic ; C. Cornish. English, Latin. Celtic Cognate. Acclaim Clamo \V. Hefain, to cry, shout ; C. lef. Ago, Actum Ir. aige, to act; W. egni, energy. Acf Action Admire Ad-miro W. mir, fair. Aliea Alienus W. ail, another. Amenity A-moenitas W. mwyn, kind, pleasant; G. tender. Arduous Arduus (high) Ir. ard, high; C. id. At Ad W. at, to. Candid Candidus W. can, white; Ir., C. id. Co-eval -;.;vus \V. ocs, age. •Conceal Concelo W. celu, to hide. CC 386 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. English. Latin. Celtic Cognate. Congeal Congelo W. ceulo, to curdle. Corrode Cor-rodo W. rhusdu, to rust, eat away. Council Con-cilium root cal) (fr. W. gain', to call. Crisp Crispo W. eras, parched, dry. Crust Crusta W. eras, dry. Dean Decanus W. deg, ten; C. dec, id. Decency Deceo W. teg, fair; C. del, id. Decimal Decima W.dcg, ten; C. dec, id. Define De-finio \7. min, edge, limit. Devour De-voro W.pori, to graze, eat. Diminish Di-minuo W. man, main, small. Fable Fabula W. ebu, to say (?). Incendiary In and car (to shine) deo W. can, white ; Ir. id. Lamina Lamina W. V.ab, llafn, a slab, a blade. Lateral Lateralis, latus W. lied, breadth ; Ir. hid; C. broad. Latitude Latitudo W. Id. Laud Laus — dis W. clod, praise ; Ir. cliu, id. Mamma Mamma W. mam, mother. Minim \ Minus Minor W. man, main, small. Minute Nebula Nebula W. nifel, niivl, mist; Ir., C. G. netil, id. Negation Negatio, nego W. nage, no, naciiu, refuse ; C. and Arm. nag, no. Noun Nomen W. enw, name. Plausible Plaudo, laus -dis W. clod, praise ; bloeddio, to crv, shout. Plenary Plenus W. llawn, full; C. latrn, id. Radius Radius W. gwraidd, root. Radix Radix W. The same. Reside Sedeo W. sedd, a seat ; C. sedhva, a seat. Scribe Scribo W.ysgrifio, crafu, to scrape. Scripture Scriptura W. The same. Seat Sedeo W. . .', a seat. Senior Senis W. hen, old; C. ib. ; Ir. and C. sean, id. Spike Spica VV. | . , a point. Spine Spina VV. j . i, stile, pen. CELTIC INTRODUCED THROUGH LATIN. iS 7 English. Terrene Tribe Trope Union Unity Vacant Vacation Venus Celtic Cognate. W. tir, earth, land; G. and C. id. W. tref, a dwelling; Ir. treabh ; C. trev. W. troi, to turn ; W., C, and Arm. tro, a turn. \V. un, one ; Ir. aon ; C. itn ; Manx, Latin. Terra Tribus Tropus Unus Unitas W. The same. ^ Vaco, vacuus (root W. gweig, open, empty ; C. Arm. ) vag) id. Venus W.gwen, fair, white ; used as epithet for woman, same as A.S. cwen, Engl, queen. Vide Append. B. " gwyn." 3. Celtic Elements in the English language, derived through the Teutonic tongues, or through Norman-French. The Teutonic tongues, including Anglo-Saxon, Danish, German, and Dutch, are naturally entitled to be classed together as sources of modern English ; and Norman- French, being mainly a mode of Latin, should, if it were convenient, be also in some manner classed along with that language, or stand by itself as a hybrid. But words derived from the N.-Fr. cannot be said to be a direct gift of the Latin. They are cut off from their primal source by the intervention of this new tongue. Convenience and simplicity of arrangement have decided in favour of the present grouping. Some words in this table arc of doubtful origin ; but the contest is hot between Celt and Saxon for a right in them. For the most part we have given the benefit of the doubt to the latter. Who can decide with certainty as to the immediate quarter whence the English obtained the word pilgrim ? We shall be told that it came from the L. percgriuits. Of course it did. But the question as it affects c 2 388 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. the English language is not whence it came at the first, but whence it came at the fast step. From Fr. pelerin ? Germ. pUgo? ? Corn . pirgirin ? \r.pirgrin ? or VJ.pererin ? It is curious to note the metamorphoses of this word in the different languages. The Germ, and the Fr. have agreed to banish the r from the first syllable. The Engl, follows in this, as well as in the introduction of the /. It seems therefore to have borrowed the word from one of these languages ; but you have no sooner gone to rest upon this conclusion than you observe tha.t it has tacked to the word an ending different from both. We cast into the scale the agreement with the Germ, in the letter g, and give the Teuton the victory. This is the kind of chase the etymo- logist has often to pursue. The word parsley is another instance. 1 Ticmip is quite as perplexing. 2 It will be borne in mind that the same qualification applies to this table as applied to the last — it is not relied upon as evidence of admixture between the Ancient Britons and the English. The Celtic roots which have reached the English through the languages here given as direct sources were probably the common property of the Celtic and Teutonic languages, and of the original, for the most part, of the N.-French (Latin) for ages far anterior to the junction of Celts and Teutons on British ground. Let the 1 Gr. TrcrpoatXivov, Lat. pdroseli non, are plain; but the crder of descent in the following is not so easily ascertained: — A.-S. peterselige; Germ. pctevsilic ; Dan. petersille; (now the t is dropped), Ir. peirsill ; W '. pcrsyll .- Fr. persil. Which is the next of kin to the Engl. " parsley?" - The Teutons and Celts alike have perceived some suitableness or other in the letters uwp or omp, with a variety of initiatory forces, for expressing the idea of a full, rounded, or protuberant body ; but the law which determined the adoption of this or that leader, in the shape of a first letter, may be too occult for even a clever etymologist to discover. Trump has these relations: lump, bump, hump, rump, clump, dump, and \V. clamp, swmp ; and across the Channel, Danish, German, and Swedish, klump ; and Dutch, hlomp. CELTIC THROUGH TEUTONIC AND FRENCH. junction of Celts and Teutons on British ground. Let the table be valid for its own object only — viz., to show how- far the English tongue is charged with Celtic elements, or, at any rate, elements which are as much Celtic as they are anything The}' may belong to a period of human speech far preceding any form which may be distinctively termed Gothic, Hellenic, or Celtic, and we might be pushed in the last resort to confess that they can only be classified in a general way as Indo-European, or Aryan, but they are found, apparently in their natural habitat, in modern Celtic, and offer no signs of foreign derivation or relation. They serve at the least, like the preceding table, to show the interrelationship of the languages concerned as members of one family. It is especially to be noted that many of the Norman- French contributions w r ere obtained by that language, not from Latin, but from the Ancient Gothic or the Celtic. They are marked (*). The list given is by no means complete, and only one Celtic cognate is given with each word. [A. S. Anglo- Saxon, Dan. Danish, D. Dutch, G. German, Fr. Norman- French, W. Welsh, Ir. Irish, C. Cornish, A. Armcrici] Celtic Elements in English borrowed from Teutonic or Norman-French. English. Tent, or N.Fr. Celtic Cognate. Abide A.S. bidan W. bod (be). All A.S. eal W. oil. Anomaly Fr. anomalie (d 6p.a\6s) W. hafal. Anvil A.S. anfilt Ir. inneon. Ape A.S. apa W. epa. Ball Fr. balle; G. W. pel. Barm A.S. beorm C. burm. Baron Fr. baron Ir. fir (L. vir). Be A.S. beon W. bod. Beak A.S. piic W. pig. 590 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. English . Tent, or N.Fr. Celtic Cognate. Beat A.S. beatan W. baeddu. Bed A.S. bed W. bedd. Beef Fr. bceuf W. buweh. Beer* Fr. biere W. and A. bir. Begin A.S. beginnan W. cyn. Boat A.S. bat W. bad. Boss Fr. bosse W. both. Bottle Fr. bouteille W. both. Bride A.S. bryd Ir. brideog; W. priod. Broth A.S. broth W. *berwad (decoction) Brother A.S. brather W. brawd. (?) Bruit Fr. bruit W. brudio, brut. Buck A.S. buc W. bwch ; Ir. boc. Cable* Fr. cable W. gafael. Cat* A.S. catt W. cath. Caress Fr. caresser W. car. Care Goth, kar W. cur. Cargo A.S. care (Span, carga) W. cario. Castle A.S. castel W. castell. Cede Fr. ceder W. gado. Chair Fr. chaire W. car. Charity Fr. charite W. cariad. Cheek A.S. ceac W. ceg. Cherish Fr. cherir W. cir, car. Choir A.S. chor \Y. cor. Clay A.S. claeg W. clai. Clew A.S. cleow W. clob. Close Fr. clos W. clyd. Cloth A.S. clath W. id. Cluck G. glucken W. cloch. Cob A.S. cop W. cob. Come A.S. cuman W. cam (step). Con v. A.S. connan W. gwn (1 know). Cony* Fr. conin W. cwning. Coquette* Fr. coquet W. coeg. Cord Fr. cord W. corden. Cot A.S. cot \Y. cwt, cyttiau, pi. Crab A.S. crabba W. craf-u. Crack* Fr. craquer \Y. rhwvg. Cramp A.S. hramn a \Y. crym-mu. Cranny* Fr. cran W. ran. CELTIC THROUGH TEUTONIC AND FRENCH. 39* English . Teut. or N.Fr. Celtic Cognate. Crave A.S. cravian W. crcf-u. Crump A.S. crump W. crwm. Cry* Fr. crier W. cri. Cup A.S. cupp W. cwpan. Daub* Fr. dauber W. dwb-io. Deal A.S. daelan W. di-doli. Deep A.S. deop W. dwfn. Demand Fr. demander W. mynu. Deny Fr. denier W. na, nac. Deploy Fr. deployer W. plygu. Display Fr. deployer W. plygu. Door A.S. dur W. dor. Double Fr. double W. dau-plyg. Dower Fr. douer W. dodi. Dragon Fr. dragon W. draig. Earth A.S. eorth W. daear, ar. Eat A.S. eaten W. bwydo. Egg A.S. aeg W. wy. Ell A.S. elne W. elin. Employ Fr. employer W. plygu. TLtiquetto* Fr. etiquette W. toe, tocyn (a ticket Falcon Fr. faucon W. gzvalch. Fife G. pfeife W. pib. Finch A.S. fine W. pine. Fine Fr. fin W. main. Flap A.S. laeppa W. llab. Flat Fr. plat W. lied, llydan. Floor A.S. flor W. llawr. Four A.S. feower W. pedwar. Freeze A.S. frysan W. fferu. Full A.S. full W. gwala. Gallant* Fr. gallant W. gallu. Garden G. garten, A.S. geard W. cae, caer. Garter* Fr. jarretierre W. gar (leg). Glass A.S. glaes W. glas (green). Glave* Fr. glaive W. llafn, glaif. Glen A.S. glen W. glyn. Glib Dan. glib W. llib, llipa. Glow A.S. glowan W. gloyw. Goad A.S. gad W. gwth. Goose A.S. gos W. gwydd. THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH, English. Tcut. or N.Fr. Celtic Cognate, Gormand* Fr. gourmand W. gor (extreme - Grace Fr. grace W. rad. Grave A.S. grafan W. crafn. Gravel Fr. gravelle W. graian. Ground A.S. grund W. graian. Guard Fr. guarder W. caer. Guise* Fr. guise W. gwedd; Arm. Herald* Fr. heraut W. her, herawd. Hide A.S. hydan W. cuddio. Hive A.S. hyfe W. cafn. Horn A.S. horn W. corn. Hour Fr. heure W. awr. Iron A.S. iren W. hairan. Kin ) Kind A.S. kyn. W. cyn, cenedL Kindred ) King A.S. cyng W. cun. Know A.S. cnawan W. gwn (I know;. Lap A.S. lappian W. lleibio. Large Fr. large W. llawer; Com. lour. Lath Fr. latte W. Hath. Lather A.S. lethrian W. Uathru. Lead A.S. laedan W. ilywio. Leap A.S. pleafan W. llwff. Light A.S. liht W. lluch. Linnet* Fr. linot W. Uinos. Lip A.S. lippe W. llafn. Load A.S. lade W. llwyth. Lock A.S. loc W. clicied. Lump G. klump W. clamp. Mail* Fr. maille W. magi (n< Malady Fr. maladie W. mall-dod. Marine Fr. marine W. mor. Marshal Fr. marechal W. march. Meal G. mehl W. mal-u. Mean A.S. maene \Y. man, main. Meat A.S. mete W. maeth. Mellow A.S. melewe W. mal. Mile Fr. millc W. mil. Mill A.S. miln W. mal, melin. Mince Fr, mince W. man. Mind Dan. minde W. cnyn. CELTIC THROUGH TEUTONIC AND FRENCH. 593 English. Mine Minion Mock Mole Monej' ' Morning Mound Mount-ain Mule Murder Musk Mutton Neat (clean) Neck Nedder Needle Nephew Nest New Nip • No Noon Nut One Onion Over Ox Pea-s Peak Pike Pick Pear Pellet and Bullet Pin Pioneer Pipe Pique Plague Plant Plate Neut. or N.Fr. Fr. mine Fr. mignon Fr. moquer Fr. mole Fr. monnaie A.S. morgen A.S. munt A.S. id. A.S. mul A.S. morther Fr. musk Fr. mouton Fr. net A.S. necca A.S. nedder A.S. naedl Fr. neveu A.S. nest A.S. neow D. knippen A.S. ne A.S. non A.S. knut A.S. aen Fr. ognon A.S. ober A.S. oxa A.S. pisa A.S. peac, pnc A.S. pera | Fr. pelote A.S. pinn Fr. piochier (pioche,/>/c/i;axe) A.S. pipe Fr. pique G. plage Fr. plante G. platte Celtic Cognate. W. mwn. W. man. W. moc-io. W. moel. W. mwn. W. bore. W. mynydd. W. id. W. mul, mil. W. marw. W. mws, mwsg. W. moilt. W. nith. W. c-nwe. W. neidyr. W. nodwydd. W. nai. W. nyth. W. newydd. W. cneifio. W. na. W. nawn. W. cnau. W. un. \V. wynwyn, cenin (?) W. ar. W. ych. W. pys. W. pig. W. per. W. pel. W. pin. W. pigo. W. pib. W. pig. W. pla. W. plent (ray). W. lied, llydan. 394 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. English. Tent, or N.Fr. Celtic Cognate. Plight A.S. plintan \V. plygu. Pool A.S. pol W. pwll. Pottage* Fr. potage W. potes. Practice '- Fr. or Sp. : W. praith. Press Fr. presser W. brys. Pretty A.S. praete W. pryd. Pure A.S. pur W. pur. Quern A.S. cwyrn W. chwyrn. Queste Fr. queste W. cais, ceisio. Quit Fr. quitter W. gadu. Radish A.S. raedic W. rudd. Rag A.S. hracod W. rhwyg. Rake A.S. racian W. id. Range Fr. ranger W. reng. Rank Fr. rang W. id. Raven A.S. hraeven W. bran. Ray Fr. raie W. rhe, rhedeg. Read A.S. raed W. raith, araeth (?) Recoil Fr. reculer W. cilio. Red A.S. red W. rhudd. Rend A.S. rendan W. ran-u. Rent A.S. id. W. id. Rhyme A.S. rim W. rhif. Rind A.S. rind W. croen. Road A.S. rod \V. rhawd, rhodio. Roast G. rbsten W. rhost ; Ir., C, and Arm Rock (crag) Fr. roche W. craig. Root Dan. rod W. gw-raidd. Rose Fr. rose W. rhos-yn, rhudd. Rot A.S. rotian W. rhydd. Rough A.S. hreog W. garw, crych. Round G. Rund W. crun. Route* same as Fr. route W. rhawd. " road" Row A.S. rawa W. rhes. Royal Fr. royale W. rhi. Rowel Fr. Rouelle W. rhod. 1 The word "practice" has the corresponding Celtic root, praith, act, practice; but its direct descent is uncertain. Fr. pratique seems more probable than the Spanish practica. Ultimate derivation, Trp6.a£72-nines ; Campo^mum, now Kempten ; Taro- dumim, now Dornstadt, in Germany ; Thun, Switzerland ; 1 This is one of the numerous cases occurring where a name is made up of two synonyms, sometimes of different, sometimes of allied languages. Both here are Celtic ; so also Brandon, Pendennis, Penrhyn. Brinton, Cotswold, Pembury, Penton, on the contrary, combine Celtic and Anglo-Saxon. 408 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. 'Meloditnum (Melun) ; ~Lugduimm 'Lyons), \ T erod//;?nm (Ver- dun), in France ; Lugdunum (Le3'den) in Holland ; Braun- berg, Bren-den-\z.o$, Bran-den-hurg, in Germany ; Dzndy- mus, in Phrygia: Pentelicus, in Greece; Tyrol, &C. 1 (b.) Celtic Names of Rivers and Streams in Britain 2 (omitting Wales and Scotland). Almost all the chief rivers of England bear Cymric appellations. Cymric words applied to water, running water, rivers, brooks, are: Aw, wy, dwr, water; Ui,avon, flowing water, collection of waters ; wysg, water in rapid motion ; rhyd, stream, also a ford across a stream ; rial's, an archaic word for brook ; iiant, a stream, or valley. Examples in Wales : Avon and dwr are common nouns, applied, with some other qualifying term, in a multitude of cases. Tav, Taw, Tawe, Tony, Tcivi, apparently compounds of aw, are familiar names, some of them being names of many streams. Dwrdwy, or Dyfr&wy, Wysg, Rhetdiol, Wy, Gwi-li, Llu-gwy, Ldrcy, ~Da.udd:cr. hdur Suss. Dee (dv. T ) Chesh. Av.nc Dev. Derwent Lane. Anney Dev. Dcrwent Yorks. Avon Glouc. Derwent Derb. A von Wore. Dour Kent. Avon Hants. Heref. A.xc Dev. Dourwater Yorks. C :!..'. V Cumb. Corn. Ca\der Lane. Durbeck :. CaXdcr York. Esk Dev. Dartnt Kent. Ex Dev. Dart Dev. ■ Corn. Darwen 1 . . Cumb. 1 Comp. Diefenbai . . ii. pt. i. p. 3; • Comp. Vilmar, On Hessian Zeits< des Vereins, for 1837, p. 255; Adelung, '.' , ii- 57 ; , ii. p. ETHNOLOGICAL VALUE OF LOCAL NAMES. 409 Med way Kent. Thames (W. Tafwys). Nader Wilts. Thur Norf. Oitsebum (Wy sg). Washburn (Wysg). Rhea Staff. Wey Dorset. Rhcy Wilts. Wey Surrey. Severn Wye Heref. Stour Ess., &c. Wye Hants. Tees Durham. Wyre Lane. &c, &c. A multitude of our English rivers, again, have names, purely Celtic, expressing a certain quality, such as colour, smoothness, roughness, noisiness, slowness, briskness, &c. Dulas and Dou-glas both mean dark brook, from die, dark, and dais, old W. for brook, still used in South Wales, but still more in Ireland. &c. Aire (W. araf, slow), York. Arav (W. araf, slow), A run (W. garw, rough), Suss. Arrow (W. garw, rough), Heref. Cam (W. cam, crooked), Glouc. Ess, Cam Id. Cambr. Ca/nbeck Id. Cumb. CamM Id. Corn. Crcke (W. crech, rugged), Lane. Crouch (W. croch, loud), Ess. Deben (W. dyfn, deep), Suff. Dove (W. dof, quiet, tame), Derb. Esk (W. gwisgi, fern, wisgi, Devon. quick, brisk, gay), Cumb. &c. Gara (W. garw, rough), G arrow (W. garw, rough), Heref. Lavant (W. llefn, smooth), Sussex. Lcden (W. llydan, broad), Glouc. Leddm Id. Heref. Leven (W. llefn, smooth), Cumb. &c. Morcambe Bay (\V. mur, sea; cam, crooked; a tortuous estuary), Rothcr (W. ruthro, to rush), Sussex. Wear (W. gwyro, to deviate, wan- der), Dur. Yar (W. garw, rough), Norf. Yarrow Id. 410 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. It may be doubted whether the Lune, the Allan, the Ellen, the Aln, and others of like elements, are not from the W. alon, harmony, a/aw, music ; or from alwyn, white, fair ; or again from elain, fair, shining, splendid. Corn, elyn ; Ir. aluin. The names Ribble( 1 ), Invell, Ouse, Tyne, are obscure. 7>ent is probably but a contracted form of Da rent, Derwent, from dwr, and Ouse from Wysg. In continental countries known to have been inhabited by the Celtic race, we find numerous streams bearing primitive names, identical in signification with those of Welsh, Scotch, and English rivers. In France: Avon, joining the Loire ; Avon, joining the Seine ; Calavon, Gaxumna, IslaXrona, X^ranius, Dor&ogne, Axitnra, Dru- entia, Thuvr, Durd&n, Dozirdon, Douxon. In Germany : The Lahn, Kxgana, Merz'na, Oder, Durbach, £> iir renba.ch, Dumhach, Duren, Rhine, Rcgen ; and, perhaps, the Ezsa.cn, Esc/zaz, Ezsc/iba.ch, Etscliba.cn, EsclieVQrm\n, Ags- bach, &c. 2 In Spain : The Douro, Torio, Duerna., DuraXon, Avono, In Hungary : The T/iuroig, Waag. In Italy : The Aufcnxe, Aventia., Savone, Avens. 1 On the name Ribble, the Rev. James North, M.A., of Liverpool, after the appearance of our first edition furnished the following annotation : — " The name by which Ptolemy designates it i compounded surely thus — B:l, the deity, and Is, water, and whence, obiter, our ice, another English word in almost its original Celtic purity. The ultimate syllable is plainly the Roman termination, and if the penult follows the same course, it perhaps embodies the word mums. If not, what is it but the Celtic ? Might we therefore saj Chaldaic affix to Bel, • denoting an attribute or an additional name, which took the form f Amnion in Egypt and Palestine. The direct translation of Bel-is into Latin was Rivus Beli ; and what is that but Ribble- Many of ur Westmoreland names for things and places would bear out your ideas forcibly." The " Del " theory is doubtful. : In fact, it is the I . nd none is more competent to pronounce an opinion — that almost every river name in North Germany is of Celtic ori . &c, i- p. • • ETHNOLOGICAL VALUE OF LOCAL NAMES. 411 (c.) Celtic Names of Valleys, Dales, &c., in England (omitting Wales and Scotland.) Welsh words signifiying various kinds of surface de- pression are the following : dol, a dale ; cwm, a hollow, bottom, dingle ; nant, a dingle, also a brook (Corn, nans ; Arm. nant) ; til, a recess, corner (Corn, til, a recess ; Ir. kil, cul, Arm. kil.) l Examples in Wales : ZWbadarn, Cze/wbran, Nantmel, Nanteos, Cz'/maenllwyd, GY/bebyll, Do/gelley. Ap-pledur-comb I. of W. Compton Som. Butcombe Som. Crowcombe Som. Chalacombe Dev. Da/ton Lane. Chumleigh Dev. Dolton Dev. Combe Dev. Dawlish Dev. Combe Som. Dawley Salop. Combe Oxf. Facomb Hants. Combe Hants. Gatcombe Glouc. CombsvmerQ Chesh. llfcacombe Dev. Comberton Wore. Kilbuvn Mid. Combeabbas Som. Kildanes Lane. Combelong Oxf. Kildale Yorks. Combeheld Wore. Kilham Yorks. Combe Florey Som. Killpeck Heref. Combhay Som. Kilmersdon Som. Combmart'm Dev. Kilsby North. Con: ?)pyne Dev. Kilworth Leic. Compton Surr. Paracombe Dev. Cumberland abounds in cums , as noticed by one of native rhymers — "Th ere's G\\';/zwhitton, (Jzmwhinton, Cumranton, Cumrangon, Cmnrew, and Cum catch ; And mony mair dims i' the country, But nin wi' C'K/;.'divock can match." 1 Kil, in Irish, has been extensively applied in the sense of an enclosure or retreat of a sacred nature (like Han, in Welsh); but this is a secondary use of the word — a specific and religious use. But the original idea is a narrowing, a dyke, a recess ; and with this the Cymric adj. cul, narrow, agrees. 412 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. AViltshire is equally rich, the name Combe, Coombs, in some of its forms, being" frequently borne not only by places, but from them by families. The word nant has been left by the ancient inhabitants in many a corner of England, but it survives chiefly in the parts nearer the borders of Wales, and in Cornwall. Nantg'isstl Corn. Naunton Wore Nantwich Chesh. Pennans Corn. Naunton Glouc. Trenans Corn. Ay;; 'he ad Cumb. On the Continent are : Nantes, Nantua., Nancy, in France ; and Val di Nant, Nant T)a.x\t, Nant Bourant, <5cc, in Switzerland. In the grandest depths of the Savoyard Alps, near Chamounix, several Nants still survive ; as Naut-hx\x.r\, Nant Bourout, ¥>or\-nant, Nant-xvoix — in short, " nant " is a common name for mountain torrents in the Mont Blanc range — a fact very remarkable, as showing that these Celtic tribes had penetrated into these distant solitudes, not as fugitives seeking shelter, but as settled inhabitants — the name-givers of the regions, and that the names had become so current and settled under their influence that no power of new-comers and new languages has been able to dislodge them. They are enigmas to German and French writers who look not into a Celtic dictionary, and arc derived by some of them from natare, to swim, " because of the water that is th (i/.) Cities or Fortresses, Towns, Homesteads, &c, Celti "... Cymric words in use are: I . •', tre, • r, as Bodederxi (Edern's abode, Tranadog Madog's home), riarvon (the fortress in Arvon), &c. The prefix tre has been largely used in some counties in n -oores of farmhouses in Pembrokeshire or Carmartl alone ETHNOLOGICAL VALUE OF LOCAL NAMES. 413 being so designated. To the word tre> signifying abode or home, is generally added the name of the person who formed a settlement or built a house on the spot. 1 The prefix cacr, a fortified place, almost invariably marks a work of defence of great antiquity — in the majority of cases coeval with Roman or even ante-Roman times. The following are a few from among the multitude of names of this class found in England : — Bodmin Corn. Cargo Cumb. Bodibam Suss. Carbarn North. Bodenham Heref. Carhampton Som. Bodney Norf. Cark'm Yorks. Bothel Cumb. Carperly Yorks. Botbergest Heref. Carrocke Cumb. Botley Berks. Carlisle Cumb. Botley Hants. Daventry North. Bralntrce Ess. Tr egonna Corn. Caerwent Mon. Tregony Corn. Caerleon Mon. Trcllgga Corn. Carden Chesh. Trelow Corn. Carthorpe Yorks. Tr eneglos Corn. Carhallock Corn. TrcsiUan Corn. Careby Lin. TVethurgi Corn. Carcolston Nott. T«vissick Corn. Carbrooke Norf. Trevulga Corn. Carburton Nott. Tr ewadlock Corn. Cardeston Salop. Truron Corn. Carey North. Towns named from their situation on the waterside are numerous. The Celtic dwr, water, sometimes taking the form dour or fur, is often found in names of Continental towns as well as rivers. Tours, ancient Turones', Tourna.i, ancient 7lvnacum : Douvres, ancient Dubris : several 1 The terminating try, in Oswestry, is not, as some have supposed, the Welsh trc, but the English "tree," as applied to the Cross. The Welsh name is Crocs-Oswallt, Oswald's Cross — a translation of the old " Oswald's-tree." 414 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. ancient Bi///riges in Gaul, indicating the meeting of two waters. Probably the incipient Bi (bis) was prefixed by the Romans to mark the confluence of two streams, both called dwr or lur by the natives. Instances in England are : Dover, ancient Dubris ; Diking, Dorchester, Durley, a village in Hants ; Dursley ; ibf dwelling, abode), the commols (W. cwmmwd, subdivision of a hundred), the tres t &c, &c. ? Imagination can only descry one way. The Anglo-Saxon accomplished this difficult task in Celtic nomenclature — so uncongenial to ag^es of war and semi- barbarism — by the slow but certain method of personal dntercourse with the ancient inhabitants. . The land, we argue, was still in the main peopled by the old race — now, indeed, in a subject state — tilling the fields, clearing the forests, forging war implements, and fighting battles for their masters, and by degrees winning freedom and citizen- ship by length of service and accumulated wealth. Many portions of the country, many important towns in the heart of whatisnow "Old England," were still entirely in thehands of the Britons, who maintained their own usages, laws, and language intact, acknowledging the Anglo-Saxons only as nominal masters, and exercising over them the kind of influence which the pupils of the Romans, unsuccessful now in war, might be expected to use towards the un- tutored, but strenuous children of Schleswig and Holstein, By degrees, the geography of the country would be learned ; the very dingles, rills, memorial stones, crom- lechs, camps, castles, nay, the individual homesteads of the different neighbourhoods, would become familiar by their own proper Celtic names ; the native language would die away into the aggressive Saxon, and the native popu- lation itself, forgetting old grudges, would form with the ruling race an undistinguishable mass. The three following positions are established by history .and the nature of the case. 1. Except where a developed literature exists, unless EE 2 420 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. there be a fusion of peoples, no fusion of their languages takes place. 2. Where no fusion of languages occurs, in the absence of writing, transmission of local names will be scanty. 3. Where the language of a conquering race is found to be extensively charged with the common vocables and local names of the conquered, prolonged social converse and commingling of blood are fairly deducible. Let those who cannot deny the Celtic origin of thousands of the geographical names of England explain how these could have been adopted on any other hypothesis than that now maintained. The aboriginal race of Britain, unfortunate in being commemorated by little of what may be termed authentic history, and in having this little discredited by its alliance with that mythic and traditional lore which at least re- presents the spirit rather than the form and reality of their existence, are still fortunate in having the evidence of their earliest possession of the soil, and of a language of a well-ascertained type, inscribed on the rocks and moun- tains, and over all the great natural features of thecountrv, as with a pen of adamant, indelibly and for ever. Nations have existed which have passed away leaving no trace of and eventful histories except a few scattered names of places, enshrining, as the amber does the fly, memen- l ies of their speech, and leavi the research and learning of the ethi lecture to what stock and era they belonged ; and here ce of lo ■! names are perfect. 1: ■ old Britons have not this poetic advantage; they havi itirely dis md therefore, while their identity is better authentic. 1I1 ■ charm lent by mystery and distance is not cast ar their • ton ti 1 the same e ORDER OF OCCUPATION SHOWN BY NAMES. 421 Not only the /act of the occupation of Britain by various races is attested by local names, but the very order of occupation is clearly defined. No student of these in- teresting and instructive relics can doubt that the oldest of them belong to the Celts and the more recent to Danes, Normans, and English. The primeval footprints have been trodden upon by less ancient travellers, and the impressions made by these are again traversed, in some cases nearly effaced, by their pursuers. All the impres- sions bear a character, and are as incapable of being con- founded with each other or referred to the same age or people as the legends of coins, the inscriptions of monu- ments, or the caligraphy of manuscripts of different eras and countries. The names which stretch back to the remotest historic, and doubtless to pre-historic times, and which have been articulated with more or less uniformity by the tongues of all the generations which have come and gone during the ages, as those of mountains, rivers, estuaries, unquestionably belong to the Celtic race. The great natural strongholds, which became in course of time cities, are either Celtic or Roman, or Roman and Celtic joined, as London, Chester, Manchester. Towns, again, which bear purely Saxon names are of more modern growth. The creeks, headlands, and maritime positions which have Norse appellations — the wicks, the nesses, and holms — are easily referred to the times of Scandinavian incursions, Norman local names are few, and younger than the Danish ; while properly English names, though numerous, are demonstrably of very recent birth. In some cases we find the history of a thousand years, with the order of occupation, and the nationality of the name-givers, compressed in the hieroglyphics of a single local name. DuM/k/'ton has the same idea of an entrenched place thrice repeated, covering, in due order of succession, 42 2 THE PEDIGREE OF THE EXGEISH. Celtic, Saxon, and later Saxon or English periods ; PENt- lowhill, in Essex (Celt, pen, A. -Sax. hlaew, a heap, Engl, hill), BRlXc/cwhill, in Somerset, " hill " again thrice re- peated in different succeeding tongues, cover pre-Roman, Roman and Saxon, and post-Saxon ages. Moving" onwards and to shorter periods, we find in Chesterton the Roman and Saxon ages combined ; in Sandwich, and Fish- guard the Saxon and Danish ; in Ash/y-de-la-Zouch the Danish and Norman-French ; in Richmond (riche-mont) and Montgomery, Norman-French itself; in Haverford,. Norman-French [haver 1 , a port and English. But in DourwdXcr (Yorkshire), the great gulf from Ancient British to English times is completely bridged across, leaving conjecture to say how the Celtic dwr (water , was allowed so long to remain un wedded to a sympathetic synonym, and the modern "water" came at last to see in it a thing of its own flesh and blood. It is much to be desired that the local names of Britain afforded a sufficient light upon the supposed priority of the Gaelic to the Cymric tribes as colonists. The test-words wysg, ben, inver, bally, &c, hitherto so much relied upon as evidence of prior occupation by the Gael of North and East Scotland and Ireland, as well as parts of central I Britain, are quite unsatisfactory. These words mayhavebeen present in ancient Cymric even if absent from modern Welsh, for an enormous portion of the language has changed, and the value of the theory now examined depends exclusively on the supposition of a stability in human unwritten speech through thousands of years which all experience disproves. We rather rely on the probabilities of the case, 1 Uorrowcd by French from Celtic, and identified with aber and . The occurrence of this word in Normandy, as at Havre de Gi , &c, has already been noted. It is more frequently in Brittany, as Aber-vrsich, >.\:c. ORDER OF OCCUPATION SHOWN BY NAMES. 423 as arising from ethnological and historic facts. It is more likely that the tribes which pushed their way farthest, and have in all historic times dwelt in the remotest quarters of North Britain and Ireland were the first to colonise these islands. New arrivals would be more likely to urge forward the earlier occupiers to fresh pasturage and settle- ments, than to outstrip them in the race ; and that dis- embarkation from the Continent took place in all oases on the South Coast is morally certain. But if shades of dis- tinction can be found in abcr and inver, pen and ben, tref and bally, assigning the former to the Cymric, the latter to the Gaelic dialect, by all means let probability, having otherwise gained a footing, have its position thereby to some small extent strengthened. As wysg, however, and gwisg (see p. 38, note), are to this day present in Welsh, and pen, also present in it, is almost as near ben as it can well be without being identical, it is fair to surmise that bally and inver may have once been the common property of Cymric and Gaelic — in fact that the former is only an euphonised form of ban, high, and lie, a place, all cities in early times being places of strength built generally on bold and high situations ; and that inver and abcr only represent the different ways in which the ancient scribes imitated the native pronunciation of the same thing, a confluence of waters — an hypothesis rendered highly probable by the occurrence of other variations of the terms on the Continent, as Havrc-de-Grace, ^4w-anches, already mentioned. On the whole, therefore, although not assigning the first importance to local names as proofs of race-admixture, we are far from considering them as insignificant in their bearing on the argument, Where they fail to prove, they render probable ; where they fail to render probable, they at least significantly suggest. 424 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. SECTION IV. English Proper Names and Surnames. We have seen it argued with great warmth, and equal ignorance, that since Englishmen are not called by Celtic names they have no participation in Celtic blood. A sufficient reply to this would be, that since Englishmen are not called after the names of their alleged forefathers, Hengist, Horsa, Cerdic, Ella, Ercenwine, Ida, and their distinguished pirate companions — therefore they have not descended from them, and since there remains no more probable ancestry, they have descended from none, but are veritably sons of the soil — indigence aborigines: or, if this be thought too absurd, then, as the Ancient Britons are declared by authentic history to be inhabitants of Great Britain before Hengist and Horsa's arrival, Englishmen must have descended from them. But, in truth, strange as it may seem to some, the bearing of personsal proper names and surnames on the core of the subject is very slight. We introduce them here, rather with a view of demonstrating" this fact, and thus of disencumbering the question of any adventitious matter, than of adding" material force to the argument. At the same time we shall be treading on the heels of the subject, and shall occasionally really touch it, adding meantime a few points of specific interest to the historian and ethnologist. i. Surnames a modern invention in England. All names, philosophically considered, are simple signs to distinguish individuals. A person would naturally be described by some per »nal mark, ownership, or locality. The nations of antiquity usually gave a person one name — Abraham, Isaac, Jacob ; 1 'ericles, Themistocles, SURNAMES A MODERN INVENTION. 425 Phidias ; Caradog, Taliesin, Grwyddno ; Edwin, Gurth, Harold, Rollo, &c. To define him more specifically, he was called the son of such a person, or (inhabitant understood) of such a place. The Romans surpassed other early nations in the multiplication of names. Caius Julius Caesar, Publius Cornelius Scipio, Cnaeus Julius Agricola, Caius Cornelius Tacitus, Marcus Tullius Cicero, &c. The object was twofold — definition and dignity. The Normans first established the practice of surnames in England, and probably first adopted it after their arrival here. Surnames — that is, names in addition to the single personal name, now called the " Christian " name, and descending in the same family from generation to generation — were not known among the Britons and Saxons. Even after the Norman Conquest, the practice was not introduced among the English population, so far as reliable records testify, for one or two hundred 3 T ears. In Domesday Book, the Norman families often bear names of addition, descending to their posterity. Darcy, Arundel, Devereux, Perci, Laci, are examples. As late as the fifteenth century surnames were only of partial use in England. Thus in 1406, a person describes himself as Willielmus filius Adae Emmotson, who, in 1416, is Willielmus Emmotson — showing progress towards a settled surname. Another curious example ; a person described as Johannes filius Willielmi filii Johannis de Hunshelf, appears soon after as Johannes Wilson. 1 The length of Welsh and Irish pedigrees is proverbial. In the later Middle Ages a man had one name, and was defined as the Mac or Ap (son) of another, he of another, and so on, in long series. In Wales, in the 15th and 16th centuries, the patronymic ap or ab is used not unfrequently 1 Confer Penny Cyclop, vol. xvi. p. 71. 426 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. as many as six times, ex. gr. Gruffydd ap Will, ap Rob. ap Cadwal. ap Mered. ap Hug. ap .levan. A document of the year 1460, relating to the Herbert family, is signed by two gentlemen styling themselves, " levan ap Rhydderch ap levan Lloyd, Esq.," and " Howell ap David ap levan ap Rhys, Gent./' followed by three others styling themselves " Bards. 5 ' l But early British history shows the same usage as existing, though in more moderate form, among the ancient Cymry. Caractacus is often styled Caradogap Bran, and his grandson was Cod ap Cyllin. As specimens of the names prevailing among the better classes of Wales in the 13th and 14th centuries, we may quote from the lists still preserved in the Bibliotlicquc Royalc, in Paris, of whole companies of Welsh soldiers who had fled their own country, and entered the service of the French King. The name Gallois, or de Gallois, is not uncommon in France, and is known to be borne by descendants of these Welsh refugees. The foremost of these was a young chieftain of the family of Prince Llewelyn, called by the French Evain, or Yvainde Gallcs, (Owain of Wales;, an especial favourite at the French Court. He and John Wyn s or Win, Robin ap Llwydin, Edward ap Owen, and Oicon ap Griffith, were all captains of troops of Welsh soldiers in the wars of France against England. Among the 100 Welshmen, more or less, following the fortunes of brave Owain, or Yvain de Gallcs, were men bearing the following names : Hywel Ddu (standard bearer). Llewelyn ap Jorwerth. Morgan de s (ap) David. [euan ap David B Einion de (ap) Hywel. Madog du ap Greffin. 1 Fenton's Pembrokeshire, p. .17, App. * The French substitutes the .:'. for ap in some though not in all cases. SURNAMES AS PROOF OF RECENT ADMIXTURE. 427 Gruffydd de (ap) Ionvrch. 1 Iorwerth ap Grox ap David. Ithel de (ap) Iorwerth. Cadwaladr Hael. Madog de (ap) Gruffydd. Ieuan ap Gruffin ap Rait. Hywel de (ap) Einion. Robin Uchel. Ioguen ap Morbran. Gwilym Gwenarth. Robin ap Bled. Einion ap David Sais. Gwilym Goch. Griffin ap Ieuan ap Roger. Ieuan Gwilym ap Ogwen. Hary Walice Mon. 3 &c, &c. Here, and in the other lists of followers of John JVzh, s Robin ap Llwydin, Sec, such names as Ieuan, Hywel, Davydd, Gwilym, Robin, Gruffydd, abound. The same names occur often — a fact still observable in the onomatology of Wales. The few here pointed out are the chief names of the Welsh to this day, both Christian and surname : Jones, Davies, Williams, Roberts, Griffiths, Howells, are their Anglicised forms. Ieuan has propagated itself in a great variety of shapes, for from this one original appellative have descended the whole troop of John, Owen, Evan, Ievan, Jones,, loan, and a few others. 2. The value of English surnames as proofs of inter- mixture. It must be confessed that English surnames, being the creations mostly of the last 400 years, can be of no value as evidence of early intermixture between Celts and S^lxons, though half the population were called Jones, Davies, Williams, or Roberts. They can only be proofs of recent intermixture. Multitudes of them are based on personal qualities, localities of birth, handicrafts, See (as were those of Wales, and as are those of Germany), and arc often 1 A mistake apparently for Iorwerth. Many of the names, as given by Thierry, are evidently incorrectly spelled. ~ Biblioth. Royale, Cabinet du Saint Esprit. 3 Ibid. Titrcs Scellcs do Clairamboult, t. 114, fol. 8925. 428 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. found to be not only pertinent and expressive, but even beautiful — while a large proportion must be allowed to be grotesque, ludicrous, absurd, and not a few even indecent. The Christian names of Modern England, so far from being either Celtic or Saxon in origin, strange to say, are in the major part derived from the Greek and Hebrew Scriptures. The influence of religion among "Welsh and English has expelled most of the national names of both racer., under the idea, perhaps, that they savoured of heathenism, substituting" others consecrated by Old and New Testament associations. The names which are now in common use, and which cannot be cast aside without apparent singularity, are only some fifty-three in number! The following twelve are constantly occurring : John, "William, Henry, George, James, Robert, Thomas, Francis, Charles, Edward, Richard, Samuel. Of these, four are Scripture names, four Norman, only one Saxon Edward , three are from other sources. Not one is purely British. Of the 41 other names, composing" the total 53, 28 are names of religion : so that out of the 53 current names which distinguish the many millions of our male population, 32, or three-fifths are taken, from the Scriptures'. If this were proof of piety, how pious were the people of England ! Twenty-five of the 53 are of Hebrew origin, so that, if modern names were sufficient evidence of consanguinity, a moiety of us must stand confessed as of the seed of faithful Abraham ! 3. The disuse, in modern times, of Celtic and Saxon names. As far as personal nomenclature is co I, modern Celts and Saxons alike have denied their progenitors, calling themselves, as seen above, after the nam. strangers. foreign languages, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, PERSONAL NAMES IN ENGLAND. 429 have lent designations to five out of every seven of the males of England and Wales ! The Cymry have dropped the renowned old names, Caradog, Caswallon, Einion, Arthur, Cadwgan, Ednyfed, Cynvelin, Aneurin, Cynddehv, Rhiwallon, Taliesin, Merddin, Madog, Goronvvy, Edeyrn. And the English have abandoned their equally noble, Winfrid, Thorold, Ida, Harold, Aldre'd, Ailvvin, Egbert, Ella, Ethelbert, Ethelred, Kenelm, Oswald, Offa, Kenric, Ailred, Egfrid, Sigebert, Adda ; have never repeated even Hengist and Horsa, who at least had the merits of adventurous pioneers and successful colonists ; and of the illustrious names of their ancestors have honoured as they ought only Albert, Alfred, Edwin, and Edward. The Queen of England has added new lustre to the British Arthur ; by giving it a place in the royal circle, and it were well if so high an example were followed in many directions, both as to Celtic and Saxon names. In the names of females, the departure from the custom of our ancestors, both British nnd Anglo-Saxon, has been equally marked. Among the female names of the Anglo- Saxons were, Elfheld, Adeleve, Edburh, Algifa, Edgifa, Athelgifa, Winfreda, Ethelheld, Ethelfritha, Bertha, and Editha, of which the last two only have been retained. In the Cot- tonian MS. Tib. B. 5, the names of a whole Saxon family are given thus : — " Dudda was a husbandman in Haethfelda : and he had three daughters ; one was called Deorwyn, the other Deorswytha, and the third Golde. Wullaf, in Haeth- felda, hath Deorwyn for his wife ; and Aelfstan, at Kengawyrth, hath Deorswytha, and Ealhstan, the brother 430 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. of Aelfstan married Golde." 1 We submit that we have here finer female names ''all of which are also beautifully significant in Anglo-Saxon) than our modern Florence, Augusta, Georgiana, Frances, Blanche, Henrietta, Char- lotte, Grace. 4. Recent Celtic Names. If we look at the extent to which modern Celtic surnames prevalent in Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, have found their way into England, and take this as evidence of inter- mixture in modern times, we shall doubtless build on a good foundation. Only let this branch of evidence be understood as applied with this limitation. Names, usually a msidered Welsh, which have a large place in every English Directory of our day — the London Post Office Directory especially — are the following : — Jones, Williams, Hughes, Thomas, Griffiths, Owen, Parry, Bowen, Lloyd, Lvans, Morgan, Jenkins, Lewis, Howell, Powell, Rees, ■and Davies. Jones in the London Directory fills about halt the space occupied by the incomparable Smith. Will nuns fills lengthy columns ; also Griffiths, Thomas, Davies, Lloyd, &c, &c. The general conclusion to be drawn is, that the prospect of advancement in England has attracted large numbers from Wales within recent years. The process is still rapidly going forward : and it is observable that the Welshman, once he has acquired the manners, language, accent, of the Englishman, carries nothing in his complexion or physiognomy, and little now in his name, to distinguish him from the general type of Englishmen. But large as has been the influx of Welsh names, that ot Scotch and Irish has been far greater. If statistics . >f those who every year " cross the Tweed " and never return, and of those who come over from the Green Isle to make friends 1 Comp. Turner's Hist, of the Angh-Saxt us, vol. iii. p. 9. CELTIC PERSONAL NAMES IN ENGLAND. 43 I with " Sassenach " were carefully taken, 1 perhaps many who believe to their great comfort in the Teutonic purity ■of the English would feel a measure of dismay. Who can number The Camerons, Campbells, Craigs, Cunninghams, The Dixons, Douglases, Duffs, Duncans, The Grahams, Grants, Gordons, Guthries, The Macdonalds, Macgregors, Macleans, MacLeods, The Muirs, Munros, Murrays, Murdochs, The Reids, Robertsons, Rosses, and Scotts : And The O'Briens, O'Neills, O'Connors, Murphys, Dalys, Falloons, Donovans, Flannaghans, Mullonys, Sullivans, Bradys, Donnels, and Patricks, who contribute so much to the variety of our nomenclature and to the balance and suppleness of our national mind ? What should we do without the prudent painstaking Scotchman, quick in finding his opportunity, and never remiss in its improvement ? and what without the effer- vescent hearty Irishman, who hews our wood and draws our water, and withal substitutes elasticity for Teutonic rigidness, and relieves with poetry, humour, and intellectual vivacity our dull matter-of-fact uniformity — although in his natural unmixed state, he often occasions a huge amount of trouble r Welshman, Irishman, Scotchman, German, Frenchman — all come with a welcome to our all- absorbing nationality ; weld them all into one mass, and forth there comes a " good man and true," fit for any noble deed of mind or hand that mortal can perform ! As to the political problem offered by the Irishman, it is feared that 1 From the Census of 1861. (See Papers, Sec, in Brit. Mas. vol. lii., part 1), we find that there were at that time in London, 12 Scotchmen for every 1000 people in Scotland. 15 Welsh • „ „ in Wales. 18 Irish ,, ,, in Ireland. 432 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. the English legislature has scarcely yet apprehended rightly the temper and genius of his race. For ages, tyrannic force alone was used in their government. A philosophic study of the people, had our " legislators " been capable of it, would have shown that a frank and generous treatment, not unaccompanied by firmness, suited the case better than a suspicious hate-inspiring coercion. Irish disloyalty is the child of English love of force and hereditary routine, joined to foreign ecclesiastical inspira- tion. The former must cease, and the latter be blown out. That accomplished, the Irishman may become as loyal to the throne as he is brave in the field and eloquent in the forum. But always, as he merges nto our population and "becomes a Saxon," he forms a valuable element in the peerless race of the English. 5. Teutonic Xames of Persons and Places in Wales. Xames, in Wales, are suggestive of large intermixture. It is now no uncommon thing to meet with Welsh-speaking persons bearing such names as Wilson, Saunders, White, Smith, Hooper, Marychurch, Warlow, Cleaton, Gibson, Norton, Johnston, Chambers, Mills, £cc. In the parts of Pembrokeshire colonised by Flemings, temp. Henry I., and earlier by Danes and Xormans, it may be expected that Teutonic names should abound ; and such, to a great extent, is the case. A multitude of names suggestive of Anglo-Saxon, Flemish, and Danish origin are to be found. In these districts, the language spoken is a kind of English. The areas occupied by the Saxon tongue and by Saxon and Xorse local and personal names, are about the same in extent, ami nearly coincide. About one-halfof Pembrokeshire is occupied by a pi of a mixed nationality speaking a modified English. Hence the name Anglia Transwalliana which Camden THE FLEMINGS IN PEMBROKESHIRE. 433 somewhat aptly applied to the district, and which has since become current as "Little England beyond Wales." The observant enquirer at once sees here the marks of an ethnological intrusion in the personal appearance and speech of the inhabitants, and the personal and local names he encounters. The account usually given of the Flemish immigration, and, as a supposed consequence of the type of language found in the hundreds of Roose and Castle- martin, although scarcely sufficient to explain all the features of the case, may be taken as correct as far as it goes. In the reigns of William Rufus and Henry I., we are told by William of Malmesbury, Giraldus de Barri (12th century), Hollinshed, and others, great numbers of Flemings were encouraged or allowed to settle in the North of England, the reason for such encouragement being that Matilda (Maud), wife of the Conqueror, and mother of Rufus and Henry, was daughter of Baldwin, Earl of Flanders, and that the immigrants had been driven in a state of destitution from their former homes by a great inundation of the sea. Having multiplied and become troublesome in the north, and the Normans, already settled in Pembrokeshire, being at the same time molested by the Welsh, whose lands they had taken, Henry hit upon the expedient both of relieving the northern districts of a nuisance and of protecting his kinsmen, the Normans in Wales, by transferring the Flemings bodily into Pem- brokeshire, giving them a portion of the lands taken from the Welsh for their support and the duty of " repressing the brutal temerity of the Welsh," as W. of Malmesbury expresses it, as a pastime and feudal obligation. But it is to be noted that previous to the arrival of these particular Flemings in the North of England, a consider- able number of their countrymen had already come over in the miscellaneous multitude of the Conqueror's army. F F 434 THE PEDIGREE OF THE E^ T GLISH. William, we have already seen, had sent his enticing pro- clamation to Flanders among other neighbouring states, inviting all who wished for conquest and booty in England to rank themselves as brothers in robbery under his standard ; and Malmesbury informs us that in Rufus's time such numbers of these people had come across the Channel that they appeared burdensome to the kingdom. The Flemings first settled in Rhos, according to the Annales Ccimbriac, in the year 1 107, and according to Brut y Tywysogion and Malmesbury, a year or two earlier. We have also intimation in the Brut of another settlement in the same parts in the year 11 13; but this was probably only one of the many small accessions which, at different times before and after, were made to the general body. The notices given are so meagre, after the manner of the old chroniclers, that we can form but a dim conception of the composition and organisation of the new settlers. No hint is given as to their leaders, if they had any, of the mode of their transit, of the specific spots where they found shelter, or of the conflicts with the natives, whereby, with the aid of the Anglo-Normans, they must by degrees have fought for themselves a home. They were probably a horde of humble, industrious people, having no persons of exceptional influence to act as guides or leaders, obeying the command of the king, as feudal discipline, joined to necessity, had taught them to do, and placed in their new homes under the military supervision of Norman officials. As part of this arrangement, the Castle of Roch at one end of their territory, and of Benton, on Milford Haven, at the other, were well placed, and here we are told was stationed Adam dc Rupe (Adam of the Rock — Roch Castle being perched on a solitary rock standing out of the plain) in whose family was vested the hereditary office of comes /a, "Count of the Slnuv," h'.lding tho government of the THE FLEMINGS IN PEMBROKESHIRE. 435 maritime district from Newgale Sands to the Milford Creek. Haverfordwest was the main centre for trade and •defence of the Flemish territory. Giraldus, who flourished within fifty years of their settlement, and as a native of the parts, must have been well acquainted with their character and condition, describes them as a people brave and robust ; ever most hostile to the Welsh, well-versed in commerce and woollen manufacture ; anxious to seek gain by sea or land ; a hardy race, equally fitted for the plough or the sword. All this is likely enough to be true ; but they seem to have lost other qualities, which, if Giraldus is correct, made them a very extraordinary race. " These people," he says, " from the inspection of the right shoulder [bones] of rams, which have been stripped of their flesh, and not roasted, but boiled, can discover future events, or those which have passed and remained long unknown. They know, also, what is transpiring at a distant place by a wonderful art and prophetic kind of spirit." The " pro- phetic spirit " we fear has been lost, if ever possessed, but belief in fortune-telling and occult knowledge, though not peculiar to Pembrokeshire, is still exceptionally strong in these parts. The facts above given are sufficient to account for the character of the language of the Pembrokeshire " En- glishry." How the Flemings, who used in their original home a rather different speech, came to adopt English, is made clear only by their previous sojourn and settlement in the North and other parts of England. Flow they cast their English into a peculiar pattern, and made it a linsey- woolsey fabric of divers colours, will be at once understood from the mixture of Norman, English, Welsh, and Flemish, which constituted their society. For even Welsh would in time settle among them ; and that many English had been brought hither by the policy of Flenry and his pre- 436 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. •decessors is not only probable, but almost demonstrated by the physical characteristics, the names, and the mixed language of the district. 1 Pembrokeshire English has peculiar words, peculiar inflections, idioms, articulations. It has, in fact, no "words," but " oords ; " is not pronounced but "pro- jiaazunced ; " it often omits the auxiliary, saying, " I written," for " I have written ; " the vowel o is frequently ill-used, " cold " being caauld, and " told," taauld ; the terminal ow in "borrow" is sounded broad a (borrtf) ; to "mow," is to " maaoo ; " "going," is " gwain." The neuter gender is never recognised by the peasantry, but everything is either he or she, and the masculine objective is always n; " I told him," is " I taauld'n." "How" is universally used for " why." " How did you come "" would here have no reference to the manner of comings but solely to the reason for coming. For " I am not," "he is not," the common expression is "Iarn't," "he arn't." A couple does not necessarily mean two of a kind, but most usually usurps the meaning of " a few." When a person does anything " leisurely," he does it " all by lechars ; " one person throwing stones at another is said to " pile " him ; " orra one " and " norra one " are used for " one " and " not one ;" a cow addicted to pushing is said to "pilk;" a large piece of bread is a "culf;" a small loaf baked is a " cook," boiled it is a " trolly ; " an article of good substance and bulk is said to have a good " sump " in it; one of stunted growth is "cranted;" one of weak condition of body is " hash ; " one whose intellect is im- paired is " dotty ; " to be stern or brave is to be " dern ; " an unworthy person is a "pelt;" to be showy is to be " filty," a woman over-dressed is " rilty-fine ; " oatmeal 1 Slc the Author's Annals and Antiquities of Wales. London, 1S72, Vol. 11. B7I : .111 i ( 'at I I . . : -yj. PEMBROKESHIRE ENGLISH. 437 gruel is "budram;" when a person talks incoherently it is " a rammus ; " to fallow the land is to " vedge " it ; a furrow is a " voor ; " any small meadow is " burgage ; " to save water from running to waste is to "vang" it; to cover a fire so as to keep it in over night is to " stum " it ; to beg is to " kedge," " soul/' or " hoggle," and the second means begging at "All Souls' time ; " man is used very peculiarly under the form "men," "no, my good fellow" is "no, men ; " " answer my lad," is " answer men ; " a gap in the hedge is a " slop." Traces of Welsh are found in " cowelL" a kind of basket, W. cawell; " coppat," is the thatch on a mow, or small stack of corn, W. cap, coppa ; to " freeth," as in Devon, is to wattle, W. ffridd, a division, quick-set ; completely is "rottle," W. trzvyadl, thorough ; to pour is to " hild," W. hidlo, to pass through a sieve ; a great eater is a " gorral," W. gor, much, extreme, and bol, belly. The boundaries of the "Englishry" and "Welshery" in this curiously mixed district are about the same to-day as they were 650 years ag'o. An old antiquary of the county, George Owen, about 260 years ago, writes ; — " The shire is well neere divided into two partes between the English speeche and the Welshe, for the hundreds of Castle-Martin, Rowse, and all Narberth, excepting the parishes of Llan- ddewi and Lampeter, and all Dougleddy, excepting the parishes of Llanvalteg, Langain, Landyssilio, Lanykeven, and Crynow, doe speake the Englishe ; and then the hundreds of Kernes, Kilgerran, and Dewis-land speake all the Welshe tongue ; so that above seventy-four parishes are inhabited by the Englishmen, and sixty-four parishes more by the Welshe, and the rest, being about six, speak both languages, beginning at Cronwere by Carmarthen- shire, and so passeth up to Lanhaden, where both languages are spoken, and from thence between Bletherston and Lanykeven to New Mote, and soe between Castle-blythe 438 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. and Ambleston, and between Trefgarn'and St. Dogwell's, and over the hills betweene Hay's Castle, and then turning down Newgall Moore, as the same river leadeth to the sea betweene Roche Castle and bridge, the southern part of which Lansker speaketh all English, and the norther side "Welshe, well neere, as I sayde before, parting the shire in two equall halves betweene them." l This description would probably apply w T ith equal truth to the same district at any point of time between the 12th and 17th centuries, and illustrates in a remarkable manner the tendencies of language and race to maintain their limits, if not invaded by extraordinary forces. It would well apply, we believe, to the present state of things in the same parts, with one important qualification — viz., that the line of demarcation nowhere so distinctly and definitely separates the languages as it did when the description quoted was written. The reason of this is obvious. With the march of education, English slowly diffuses itself everywhere through the Welsh parts, not to the exclusion of the vernacular, but as a companion speech ; and on the other hand, the Welsh, drawn by trade and inclination, settle in no inconsiderable number among the once hated intruders. The hostility of the two races has nearly dis- appeared, leaving behind it only a faint residuum of dis- like. Intermarriages take place. Long past is the time when the words of the antiquary already quoted were true, when the English " held themselves so close as to wonder at a Welshman coming among them, the one neighbour saying to the other, 'Look, there goeth a Welshman ! ' " Names of places naturally follow race settlements. Names ending in ton, Teutonic for " abode,"' are almost as common ';-. Register, TEUTONIC, NORMAN, DANISH NAMES. 439 in Roose and Castle-martin as those ending in the synony- mous Cymric trc are in Dewsland. But through all time and circumstance, expulsion or absorption of race and hot furnace of bloody conflict, not a few of the ancient Cymric designations have survived almost unharmed and without disfigurement even in the most Anglified parts. Pem- broke, Teuhy [Din), Narberth, and the various parish Llans are conspicuous instances. With almost braver and more strenuous affection, the obscure hamlets, farmsteads, rills, and ridges cling to their early Cymric names, — Trefran, Camros, Talbeny, Coedg'anlas, Pennar, Pwll-y-crochan, as well as Carew, Benton, and Begelly. Saxon surnames in this country are numerous : such are Starbuck, Taplin, Stokes, Sinnett, Barham, Tucker, Scowcroft, Watt, Perrott, Nicholas, Scourfield, Mansel, Parsell, Reynish, Brigstocke. Norman-French names of persons and places are also met with in goodly number — continuous memorials of those Normans introduced by Henry I. and his predecessors. Such names are Roche, Devereux, Bonville, Arnold, Raymond. There are places called Filbatch, once owned by William de Filbatch ; Hascard, owned by Richard de Hascard ; Dale, given to de Vale ; Picton Castle, from which was named William de Picton. The question of local names brings into singular promi- nence the settlement in Pembrokeshire of another nation- ality — the Danish. In the 9th and 10th centuries, during the long and severe struggle of this people to compass the conquest of England, the creeks and islands along the coast of Wales, and especially those of Pembrokeshire, were much infested with these marauders. Such a harbour as Milford Haven was not likely to escape the notice of the Vikings. Hence the whole of that neighbourhood, both on the margin and in the interior, shows signs of 44Q THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. their presence. They came hither chiefly in search of plunder. Their visits were sometimes hasty and brief, but at other times prolonged, and ending in permanent settle- ment. Where they impressed their mark so deeply as to leave a local name in their own language, it is presumable that the place had become their permanent home. The words guard, garth, a place enclosed, protected ; zeick, a creek ; thorp or drop, a village ; by, an abode ; holm, an island ; stack, stakr, a columnar rock, are all Xorse, and are all, with several others of kindred origin, to be found in Pembrokeshire. Fishguard. Wick Haven. Flatholm. Goodwick. Oxzc ich. Skokholm. Hasguard. Stackpole Head. Sieep^olm. Gellyswick. Stack Rocks. Freystrop. Wathzczc/f. Penyholt Stack. Goultrop. hittlewick. St. Bride's Stack. " Tenby. Hehcick. Burry Holmes. Derby. MusselK'z'c&. GrsLSS-lwlm. Colby. Cam ar wig. Then there are such obviously Scandinavian names as Caldy, Skomer, Skerryback, islands ; Studdolph, Has- g"uard, Haroldston, ITubbaston, Gomfreston, Herbrand- ston, homesteads ; Strumble Head, Sker-las, c5cc. As to personal names, Danish traces are discoverable in Colby, Skyrme, Buckley, Lort. The same result would be obtained by a minute exami- nation oi personal names, and the physical characteristics, such as the complexion, hair-colour, and stature of the people; all would tend to show that the County of Pembroke has been largely visited by the North Sea \ ikings, and that theyhave left here not only fragments o:" their language, but also a slight tinge of their blood. One other thing is evident, here as elsewhere in early British, and more recent NAMES AND PHYSICAL CHARACTER. 44 1 Saxon history, viz., that the lines of demarcation between Briton and Saxon have been gradually wearing out (as is always and unavoidably the case, when two types come in contact), and that this process is brought to pass, to out- ward appearance, by the merging of the Celt in the Teuton rather than the reverse. The Pembrokeshire people exhibit certain physical aspects of a marked character which cannot well be traced to a Norman or Danish origin ; and, on the other hand, are scarcely to be considered Celtic. The short and stout build, the round and comely physiognomy, dark and curly hair, and dark eyes, giving a type of countenance almost Jewish, so often to be met here, powerfully suggest a foreign origin. How much of this is due to the cause suggested by Tacitus [Agric. xi.) in his description of the Silures (whose near neighbourhood may have led to admixture with the more westerly Britons), when he ascribes their dark complexion and curled locks to an Iberian source, and how much to the Flemish intrusion, it is, of course, impossible to tell ; but that a mixture of races has occurred in these parts is as clear from the physical character of the population as from their speech and local names. 44^ CHAPTER IV. Evidence of the influence of the Ancient British Race upon the Anglo-Saxons, supplied by the development of early english law. Common sense and experience unite in telling us that if a conquering nation receive in whole or in part the laws of the conquered, the circumstance argues : — First : The probable intellectual superiority, or superior civilization, of the subjugated race ; and Secondly : That the conquest was not one of extermina- tion, but of incorporation where the triumph was complete, of subjection to tribute where incomplete. The phenomena of the Norman Conquest confirm this hypothesis ; but more especially in its second branch ; for it scarcely can be said that the Anglo-Saxons were, intel- lectually, in advance of the Normans. But William con- quered England, not with the view of expelling the in- habitants, but with the view of making them his subjects ; and he ultimately found it desirable, nay indispensable, in order to make such a nation obedient to his rule, to respect its laws and institutions. He swore, after much manoeuvr- ing to avoid it, to " rule according to law," — not the law of Normandy, not the more congenial one of his own overbearing will, but the law of Jul ward — the law of the English nation — that law which in its great formative elements had, long before William's era, swayed the British mind, and in substance continues to rule it still. EVIDENCE OF ENGLISH LAW. 443 Now what is demonstrably true in the case of Normans and Anglo-Saxons, is constructively true, to say the least, in the case of Anglo-Saxons and Britons. If the Nor- mans, having prosecuted a Avar of conquest and not of extermination, chose to appropriate the laws of the country, the probability is that the Angles and Saxons, if their object was to make a war of conquest and not of extermination, would in like manner respect the chief articles of public law with which the conquered were familiar. This is hypothesis ; we want facts. The question, therefore, is, did the Anglo-Saxons to any extent adopt the Ancient British laws ? If they did, we hold it next to certain that they so did because of the reason involved in our hypothesis, and which has been seen to govern in the case of the Norman Conquest, viz., that the people whose laws they properly were, continued in great part to be subjects under rule. Let us for a moment advert to the other reason which might be expected to obtain in the case of the Ancient Britons more than in that of the Anglo-Saxons, viz., their undoubtedly superior intellectual culture, and nearer approximation to a state of civilization. A less civilized people is ever subject to the spell which the institutions of the more civilized are fitted to cast around them. We all know that the Britons of this island, after nearly five centuries of Roman government and cul- ture, were a civilized people, and that the Angles, Jutes, and Saxons were not. Britain, at the arrival of these strong-armed, earnest-minded, needy aggressors, was such as the pride, favour, taste, and resources of Rome could have made her. She was deserted (under stern decree of necessity) as a jewel is relinquished — as is a long-inhabited, sumptuously furnished mansion. The superb architecture, the refinement of manners, the well-adjusted machinery of 444 TH E PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. public law which Britain presented, could not be witnessed by the rough but keen-eyed Teutons without winning - for the people of whose minds they were the exponents — though they were a fallen people — a good measure of respect and veneration. Who does not remember the striking analogy of the conquest of Greece by the old Romans ? If that martial people in their earlier, less corrupted days, con- quered Greece, the art, splendour, wisdom of Greece also conquered them. Jutes, Angles, and Saxons, like Xormans and Romans, were men — neither better nor worse than men ; but it were to argue on the assumption that they were something in stupidity and blindness which men never yet have been, if it were contended that their admira- tion was not excited by the material magnificence, the intellectual endowment, and social culture which they encountered for the first time in this island. "We must now recur to our question : — Did the Anglo- Saxons to any extent adopt the Ancient British Laws ? We are not writing for the information of lawyers : they all know that the question can only be answered in the affirmative. In truth, we are not writing for the purpose of informing any intelligent person on this subject ; but simply of recording an almost universally admitted truth. The Anglo-Saxons certainly did, to some extent, embody in their code, when they became ripe to construct one, elements belonging distinctly to the Ancient British juris- prudence. The quantum was perhaps small, but it was there. The chief articles of public law, in those times, referred to the relations of king and people, the tenure of land, the class relations of the people among themselves, and the administrative divisions and tribunals of the countrv, &c. If in these, or some of these, we find exact correspondence and agreement in the Ancient British and Anglo-Saxon EVIDENCE OF ENGLISH LAW. 445 laws, our conclusion must be that the latter borrowed from the former— unless indeed it can be shown that both equally borrowed from a common source, as ex gr. the Theodosian Code. Now on this point, Sir F. Palgrave — no mean authority — has written thus : — " Opposed as the native and the stranger were to each other, the main lines and land- marks of their jurisprudence were identical. They agreed in their usages respecting crimes and punishments ; they agreed in allowing the homicide to redeem his guilt by making compensation to the relatives of the slain ; they agreed in the use of trial by ordeal and by compurgation ; and these being the chief features of the law, and of its administration, the question whether such analogous cus- toms be of British, or of Saxon origin is little more than a mere verbal dispute," &C. 1 Lest it should be thought that language to the same effect as the following, if it came from the present writer, would be that of a special-pleader for a foregone conclusion, we shall again quote Sir F. Palgrave in the judgment he pronounces upon the quality of the Ancient British legisla- tion. The readers of the " School Histories of England," will of course decline to understand such language. The Britons are known to have been "barbarians," and "there- fore," such sentiments must be absurd, &c. ! " The historical order prevailing in this code," 2 says 1 Rise and Progress of Englisli Commonwealth, vol. i. p. 38. 2 The Code of Howel the Good (ffywel Dda), a.d. 906—948. This Code was a revision of the Laws of Dyfnwal Moelmud, which had long existed among the Britons, and of the tenor of which King Alfred had doubtless been carefully informed by his Welsh instructor, Asser. The Code of Hywel gives its own history thus : — " Howel the Good, son of Cadell, Prince of Cymru, summoned to him six men from every cantrev [hundred] in all Cymru. . . . And they examined the laws : such of them as might be too severe in punishment to mitigate, and such as 446 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Palgrave, " shows that it was framed with considerable care, and the customs it comprehends bear the impress of great antiquity. . . . The character of the British legislation is enhanced by comparison with the laws which were put in practice amongst the other nations of the Middle Ages. The indignant pride of the Britons, who despised their implacable enemies, the Anglo-Saxons, as a race of rude barbarians, whose touch was impurity, will not be considered as any decisive test of superior civiliza- tion. But the Triads, and the laws of Hocl Dda, excel the Anglo-Saxon and other Teutonic customals in the same manner that the elegies of Llywarch Hen, and the odes of Taliesin, soar above the ballads of Edda. Law had become a science amongst the Britons; and its volumes exhibit the jurisprudence of a rude nation shaped and modelled by thinking men, and which had derived both stability and equity from the labours of its expounders." 1 Great mystery hangs over the derivation of the greater part of the common law of England. We have no means of knowing how much of the customs, so-called, was in- cluded in the Dom-boc of King Alfred, who collected and digested the laws of the Heptarchy — for that precious book is lost. But we have laws of Edward the Confessor, of Alfred, of Athelstan, of Ethelbert, and of Ina. 2 The three celebrated codes in operation before Edward's time — the Mcrccnlagc, the West Saexenlage, and the Datie- lagc, doubtless contained a large portion of what is now might be too lenient to render more rigorous. Some of the laws they suffered to remain unaltered ; others thty willed to amend ; others they abrogated entirely; and they enacted some new laws." Ancient Laws and Institutions of Wales. Public Records Ed. B. iii. c. i. 1 Rise and 1'rogrcss of English Commonwealth, vol. i. p. 37. s See Dr. Reinhold Schmid's Die Uesetze der Angelsachsetl ; and Ancient Laws and Institutes of England. Public Records Ed., by Thorpe, 1S40. EVIDENCE OF ENGLISH LAW. 447 called the " un-written " law of England, and were pro- bably brought together in a somewhat classified form in the Confessor's Code, as intimated by Roger de Hoveden. 1 Many of the rules, and very much of the terminology of our jurisprudence, are derived from the Normans. Our "common" law, however — termed "common" probably from its being " common to all the realm 2 " — has no special paternity. It is a collection brought in from all quarters — extracted from the wisdom, consecrated by the usage, and corrected by the experience of all ages, and of all the nations now blended in one in the people of Eng- land. It may, therefore, contain an indefinite amount originally derived from the Ancient Britons ; and much of that amount may have been previously derived by the Britons from the Theodosian Code. It is universally admitted that the law of Gavel-kind, in Kent, and other parts — which ordains, among other things, that the father's inheritance, including his lands, shall be divided among all his sons equally — is borrowed from the Ancient British law. This law was in force all over Wales till the time of Henry VIII. Its designation is purely Welsh ; gavel meaning in that language, a " hold," a "grasp," "tenure" ; kind being probably the Anglo-Saxon cind, " kindred," " relation," signifying a law which gave to a man's family, or children, a hold or claim upon his property. This is a better derivation than gafael-ccncdl, which is rather uncouth and very improbable, ccnedl mean- ing "tribe " rather than children or family. , The Ancient British law of vassalage was in many points an exact pattern of the Anglo-Saxon. The villein among the Ancient Britons, however, was not so degraded a being 1 Annals, vol. ii. On Henry. II. 2 Stephen's Blackslonc, vol. i. p. 45, 5th Ed. 44 8 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. as the theowe, but corresponded rather with the ceorl (vil- lanus) among the Saxons. He was a " bondman," but he was still a man, not a mere thing, or animal. He held his gavel by praedial service rendered to the king, just as the Saxon ceorl held his " gafol-land." Work was to be done on the king's manor ; a thirlage l rendered to the mill. The king's corn was to be reaped by the British vassal, and his hay to be mown : his hawks were to be kept, and his hounds fed. 2 The rent paid in " kind," which was denominated the " farm " 3 among the Anglo-Saxons, is regulated in the same way, and described in nearly the same words in the laws of Hywel Dda, and in the Code of Ina. 4 It has been already remarked that among the Anglo- Saxons the ceorl could rise to the rank of a six-haend-maii, and be considered a person of gentle blood, if property to the amount of five hides of land had continued in his family for three generations ; and it has also been shown that the same privilege was granted to the IVcalas, or Ancient Britons, settled among the Anglo-Saxons. Xow there was a law precisely to this effect among the Britons themselves. The laws of Hywel Dda enact that the descendants of a bondman shall become free in the fourth generation, if hy grant from the king, he and the inter- vening descendants shall have held five acres of land 5 — 1 A. -Saxon, thrael, a bond-servant; hence English "thrall," and " thraldom." - Some faint reflection of this is to be witnessed to this day, where the small farmer has to keep the squire's hound or spaniel. 3 A. -Saxon feormian, to supply provisions, to entertain. ' See YVootton's Leges Wallice, pp. 166 — 16S, 175; Laws of Ina, Ixxv. A more accurate and accessible work than YVotton's is the edition of the Welsh Laws of Hywel, issued by the Record Commissioners — Ancient Laws and Institutions 0/ Wales. b YVotton's Lt\qcs Wallia, p. 154. EVIDENCE OF ENGLISH LAW. 449 the acre of the Britons being about the same measurement as the Saxon "hide." This fact, says Sir F. Palgrave, "evinces a further conformity between the British and English laws." 1 On the whole, it appears highly probable that the Saxon laws which Alfred found scattered among the three divisions of the country, the Mercen-lage, the West-Saexen- lage, and the Dane-lage, were largely derived from the codes existing iamong the Britons, and which themselves had been partly inherited from the Romans. Of the laws of Mercia this is especially probable, since a vast propor- tion of that recently-erected kingdom's subjects were Britons. Nor is there much reason to adopt a different opinion with respect to the laws of Wessex. The revisal of Alfred and the revisal of Hywel Dda> therefore, might be concerned with the very same ancient materials ; and it is not improbable that Hywel, who came last, might profit from the work of Alfred, as Alfred, through his Welsh counsellor Asser, w r as likely to have profited from the ancient laws of Wales beyond the border. One thing is certain : the Britons, who had enjoyed such prolonged intimacy with the Roman mind and institutions, had an immense advantage, as compared with the Angles and Saxons, in the performance of any such task as the compilation of a code of laws. The Britons were at the outset in possession of this advantage. The Anglo- Saxons, at the outset, were a rude and illiterate people. For many ages their only work was fighting. Until they were Christianized they had but a poor pretence to civilization. As they had absorbed large numbers — even whole States — of the Britons into their dominions, it was but natural that they should avail themselves of the legal 1 Rise and Progress of English Commonwealth, pp. 30, 31. GG 450 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. customs already prevailing among that people, and which were superior to anything which they could be supposed to have transported with them from the wild regions of the Baltic and the Elbe. Appropriation has always been a law of action with the Anglo-Saxon race : appropriation of the best, come whence it may. This has been the rule followed with respect to territory, language, population, laws. Nothing comes ill that answers a good purpose ; nothing is rejected for its foreign origin, its novelty, its apparent want of artistic harmony with things already appropriated. Two questions alone are asked : Will the thing be useful r and : Is it obtainable ? The next step is action and acquisition. Out of many sources of greatness, which the English nation may claim, this unfettered spirit of trading for material and institutional gain is one of the chief. The corroboratory evidence furnished by these few particulars touching English law may be very small ; but, so long as it adds something to the balance of probability, we care not to claim for it any more important function. 45i CHAPTER V. The Evidence supplied by the Physical, Mental, and Moral Qualities of the English. We have hitherto been ranging distant fields of inquiry ; — now, we return home, and sit down by the hearth. It is to be hoped that the handfuls of produce we have gathered from the far-distant Celtic and Teutonic times and regions, and the larger results of our gleaning in the broad and fertile fields of British History and Celtic Philology, have been found to furnish a somewhat substantial treasury of evidence in favour of the position we have adopted — viz., that a large proportion of the blood of England is truly Celtic blood. Our next contribution of evidence is to be drawn from the personal qualities of the living English- man himself. We must try to understand this complex entity, the authentic Englishman ; taking him first as a whole, in his synthetic unity, and then, dissolving the bonds of cohesion, reducing him to his original elementary race constituents. What, then, is the "Englishman," and whence did he proceed ? To define him, draw aline around him, marking off all projecting angles, all furtively receding niches, and all points, at which he is alone occupant, and where neither Cymro, Saxon, nor Norman, in any of his essential traits, has the least chance of standing-room, is, indeed, a task impossible to perform. But, as in a rainbow we can tell G 2 452 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. where the red and where the yellow is, though we fail to put our mathematical finger on the point where it ceases to be, so we may be able approximately to define and distinguish the Englishman. But, to define the English- man is to define the English nation, and a definition of the English nation will bring it into comparison with the ancient Teuton and Celt, as well as with the modern Teuton and Celt, and empower us to judge whether it most resembles the one or the other, or partly resembles both. Our present chapter embraces two distinct branches of science — one referring to characteristics belonging to physical organization, the other to mental characteristics, and we shall briefly survey them in this order. SECTION I. Physical Characteristics of the English People. Amongst the English are to be found specimens of every description of physiognomy, complexion, temperament, and cranial formation discoverable among all the European and Asiatic varieties of the race. The ethnological student, walking along one of the great thoroughfares of London — that " Babel" which forms, not the point of dispersion, but the point of junction of all incongruities— with a slight effort at abstraction, forgetting for the moment that all the busy myriads that hurry to and fro are veritable English people, with, of course, not a few distinctly marked visitors from foreign lands— might fancy that he had unconsciously entered some great "exhibition," where every typical human physique, profile, cranium, complexion under the sun, had been brought together for the inspection cf the curious. 1 1 London, as Dr. Donaldson has remarked [Cambr. Est. p. 72), is a good speculum in which to view the whole people of England, for its PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS. 453 Complexions dark and light — faces round, oval, triangular — profiles perpendicular, angular, slanting — eyes black, blue, grey, brown, oblique as Chinese, large and dazzling as Iberian — hair white as flax, black as jet, red as fire, brown as copper, strong as bristles, fine as silk, lank, straight, curly ; the high Caucasian brow, the low, retiring, animal pate, hardly deserving the name of forehead ; the broad, thick, pugnacious head and neck ; the projecting chin and heavy jaws ; lips as large as negroes', small and delicate as an Italian Madonna's ; noses as straight as Apollo's — as crooked as a son of Abraham's. But all this disjointed heterogeneous crowd — so infallibly suggesting the idea of Babel — if it but speak, articulates only one language, and in its movements displays the one leading characteristic of Englishmen, take them in London, Calcutta, or elsewhere — earnest pursuit of some gainful, probably honourable calling, and unflagging re- solution to get on and prosper. If our abstracted observer visit Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol, the result will be nearly the same. Not precisely the same ; for in the North, and in the West, a larger proportion will be visible of forms distinctly and prominently Celtic. In the North, too, there will be frequent appearances of the light Scandinavian complexion — permanent witnesses of the settlement of the Danes in Northumbria and Caledonia. But with all this, there will population is drawn from all parts of the island. Our Population Ab- stracts (Census, 1861), prove that nearly one-half the inhabitants of the two metropolitan counties, Middlesex and Surrey, are born beyond the limits of those counties, the numbers being — Middlesex, born in the county, 1,307,648, born elsewhere, 898,837; Surrey, born in the county, 434,317, born elsewhere, 396,776 ; but since the time when these figures were taken the proportion of extraneous births has largely increased. For London proper, the proportion of home-births is greater, being in 1861 as follows: born in London, 1,741,177 ; born elsewhere, 1,062,812. 454 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. be infinite variety everywhere. Dark, light, and many in- termediate complexions — every conceivable form of limb, profile, and skull. This strange and perplexing variety suggests one of the chief sources of the strength, genius, and glory of England. To use a somewhat strong figure, the blended rays have flashed forth in light. The daring, the perseverance, patient application, ingenuity, force of muscle, clearness and grasp of intellect, wealth of fancy, flight of imagination, humour, wit, drollery, and warm sympathetic emotion and benevolence, which have made the English nation the wonder and the envy of the world, come from that unex- ampled blending of races which is reflected in that motley crowd. But not these alone, alas ! appear. There are also signs not a few of all that is feeble, base, wicked, and miserable ! If our observer proceed to a centre of population less affected by extraneous influences, and, therefore, ap- proximating more nearly to the staminal type of the British people proper — say of the time of Alfred — when the Britons and the Anglo-Saxons had become pretty well kneaded into a consistent mass — ex. gr., if he go to Winchester, Oxford, Reading, or Leicester, he will still, indeed, find variety, but not the same crowding abundance of it. He will see the Celtic and Teutonic races in their chief features, very plainly depicted ; but will find a nearer approach to unity and homogeneity than he could hope for in the Strand or Cheapside. Our supposed ethnological student will perhaps wish a subject of greater simplicity — a sharper division of the Celtic from the Teutonic features ; in other words, he will be ready to witness the process of analysing the complex Englishman, and inspecting microscopically the element- ary parts of him. lie will be inclined to go to "Wales to COMPLEXION. 455 see some portions, and to the most sequestered parts of Norfolk, Lincoln, or perhaps Denmark, to see the others. If he will permit a caution from those who have been to those same parts, on the same errand before him, he may be informed that the step would be compara- tively useless and disappointing — that, in fact, the pure breed of Celt is now rarely to be found, even in Wales, Cornwall, or the Highlands, and the pure Teuton never in the British islands, or anywhere else. He must be content to listen to descriptions of ancient writers, and to the results of modern scientific research. These, if carefully attended to, will tell him a good deal more respecting the origin and constituent parts of the present English people than he can learn from any number of School or other Histories of England, even though of the approved and established authority of Hume or Goldsmith. What, then, according to early writers, were the dis- tinguishing physical characteristics of the Celts and Teutons of past ages, and what are the conclusions of science respecting them now ? Space will admit of the treatment of only two leading and testing characteristics — complexion and the form cf the cranium. i. Complexion, or Hair Colour. What is the testimony of ancient writers respecting the complexion of the Gauls and Ancient Britons, or Cells, on the one hand, and Old Germans, or Taitons, on the other ? The answer to this will help us in the analytic part of our inquiry. We shall afterwards arrive at the synthesis in the modern Englishman, and shall be able to judge how far he, in his complex personality, represents one or other, or both of these. The popular belief is, as already often intimated, that the Englishman is a descendant direct of 456 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. the Saxons and Angles of Schleswig and Holstein — a belief as groundless and fallacious as ever easy credulity- entertained, and capable of being in some measure cor- rected by the discussion of our present subject. Let us premise that it is more than probable that the Greeks and Romans, 1 to whose writers we are indebted for certain minute descriptions of the personal character- istics of the ancient Teutons and Celts, were themselves of a prevailingly dark complexion. This was especially the case with the Romans. From Homer we gather that golden locks were held in high esteem, at least by the poet himself, but whether they prevailed among Argives or Trojans is not hence deducible. The probability is that they were exceptional. 2 Hence, according to the usual rule of setting a high value on that which is rare, their writers took especial notice of the light or " yellow" hair 1 Latham's Yar. of Mankind, p. 542. 2 Mr. Gladstone, Studies on Homer, v. 1, p. 552, says : " Now the result of all that we have drawn from Homer thus far would be to connect the Celts with the Pelasgi, with Media, and with the low Iranian coun- tries ; the ' Germans ' with the Helli and with Persia. Observe, then, how the differences noted by Strabo between Celts and Germans corre- spond with the Homeric differences between Helli and Pelasgi. And, lastly, as to the auburn hair, which was with Homer in such esteem, Menelaus is $avdbs (passim); so is Meleager (II. ii. 642); so is Rhada- manthus (Od. iv. 564) ; Agamede (II. xi. 739) ; Ulysses (Od. xiii. 399, 431) ; lastly, Achilles (II. i. 197). But never once, I think, does Homer bestow this epithet upon a Pclasgian name. None of the Trojan family, so renowned for beauty, are $avOh ; none of the chiefs, not even Euphorbus, of whose flowing hair the poet has given us so beautiful, and even so impassioned, a description (II. xvii. 51). Nothing Pelas- gian, but Ceres (II. v. 500), the Ka\\i.ir\6Ka/j.os , is admitted to the honour of the epithet. It could hardly be denied to the goddess of the ruddy harvest, ' Excutit ct flavas aurea terra comas.' — Propertius. Now Tacitus, describing the Germani, gives them ' truces et Coerulei oculi, rutilac comae, magna corpora.' Germ, iv." THE OLD GERMAN COMPLEXION. 457 of the Germans, and of the less light hair of the Gauls and Britons, as a feature of comeliness. The authors of the Crania Brztannzca 1 say rightly : " The prevailing colour of hair among the Romans was that which is called black, yet it was not universally dark even, for blond or fair hair sometimes occurred, and perhaps, from being rare, was esteemed beautiful." To the same effect is the language of Dr. Arnold. 2 " The Greek and Roman writers invariably describe the Gauls as a tall and light-haired race, in comparison with their own countrymen ; but it has been maintained that there must be some confusion in these descriptions between the Gauls and the Germans, inasmuch as the Keltic nations now existing are all dark- haired. Compared with the Italians, it would be certainly true that the Keltic nations were, generally speaking, light-haired and tall." Dr. Latham's opinion on the Roman complexion, guardedly expressed, is to the same effect. " At the same time the description of Tacitus 3 is no over-statement, since we must not only remember that he wrote as an Italian, accustomed to dark-skins and black hair," &cc. So great, indeed, was their admiration of the German red tints, that the ladies of Rome, in their enthu- siasm, hesitated not to have recourse to a colouring mixture in order to give their slighted raven locks the hues of aristocratic German yellow ! The fever, swelling to the height of the silliest fashion, had gone all abroad, even in the ranks of professing Christian ladies, as far as Africa, and in that quarter called forth the following severe castigation from the faithful outspoken Tertullian : — I observe certain ladies who change the colour of their hair with the crocus (saffron). They are ashamed of their own nation, because they were not born Germans or Gauls ; 1 Davis and Thurnam's Cyan. Dyit. p. 24. ■ Hist, of Rome, i. 530, 531. * Geymattia of Tacitus, p. 31. 45 8 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. and thus change their country by their (coloured) hair ! " l We need not render the remainder of the invective ; the language used is strong. Possibly the ladies of England, who are said to have a weakness now-a-days in favour of yellow hair, might hear of it in church in the nervous language of the African presbyter ! Owing to this widely prevalent custom of colouring the hair in ancient times, it must be confessed that the natural colour of a people cannot always be gathered with certainty from the descriptions of historians. Nor have we a more reliable guide in the works of the old painters. These gave their figures, of whatever age or nation, the complexion which was fashionable in their own day. There can be little doubt but that the Italians and Jews have always been, as they now are, prevailingly dark. The painter, however, in his work, takes the liberty to follow his own or his age's ideal of beauty. Hence, ex. gr. the celebrated Italian Botticelli (a.d. 1473 — 15 15] in his famous works. The Feast in the Forest, Summer, Spring, The Mar- riage Festival; and Raphael, in his Holy Family, give the hair of all the figures as truly xanthous? Still, while the historian often wrote according to the artificial appearance, and the artist painted as his own imagination, or the fashion in vogue, dictated, the historical testimony left us is so abundant, varied, and apparently prosaic and literal, that we cannot hesitate, upon the whole, in receiving it as true to facts. Our first authority is Tacitus. When Tacitus speaks of 1 " Video quasdam et capillum croco vertere. Pudet eas etiam nationis su;o, quod non Germana: aut Gallse procreate sint : ita patriam capillo transferunt. Male ac pessin-.e sibi auspicantur flammeo capite, et decorum putant quod inquinant. Quis decor cum injuria ? Quae cum inmunditiis pulchritudo ? Crocum capiti suo mulier Christiana ingeret ut in aram ? " &c. Dc Cultu, ii. 6. 2 See the paintings in the South Kensington Museum. THE OLD GERMAN COMPLEXION. 459 " Germans," let us bear in mind that he speaks of a people whose country comprehended all that wide region stretch- ing from Bohemia to the Baltic northwards, and from Poland, westwards, to the Cimbric Chersonese, the cradle, therefore, of the Teutonic tribes who conquered Britain, and whose children the modern English are popularly supposed to be. Now Tacitus tells us distinctly that the Germans were a red or reddish haired people ; and he goes so far as to say that they all bore this character — a comprehensiveness of statement which we may, at least, understand as signifying that the general run of Germans were red haired. His words are : " Unde habitus quoque corporum, quanquam in tanto hominum numero, idem omnibus, truces et ccerulei oculi, rutilce comce, magna corpora et tantum ad impetum valida." l " Hence (because they bore a distinct national character), although so numerous, they have the same personal appearance, and they have all fierce blue eyes, red (or yellow) hair, and large frames powerful for attack." Juvenal was a poet, but poetic allusion is often the best history. Alluding to the same peculiarity of the German complexion, he says : — "Caerula quis stupuit Germani lumina, flavam Ccesaricm," &c. ? 2 Calpurnius Flaccus calls the Germans a people " red in their personal appearance " : rutilcz sunt Germanae vultus, &c. 3 This, it is true, may be said to mean only ruddy, healthy, of fresh colour ; but, interpreted by the descrip- tions of other authors, it must be understood to mean more. And he is evidently referring to natural complexion, not to an artificially-produced appearance through painting ; for, he has just said that a peculiar aspect belongs by nature 1 Germania, iv. Ed. Bekkeri, 1831. 2 Saiir. xiii. v. 1C2. 3 Dcdamut. ii. Ed. Gronovii. 460 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. to every people (sua cuique genti etiam facies manet) ; and adds, that all are not tinged of like colour, but diversely, each according to its own peculiarities ; r Non eodem omnes colore tinguntur. Diversa sunt mortalium genera ; nemo tamen est suo generi dissimilis}. Strabo informs us that the Germans chiefly differed from the Celts (KeA.Tcu, as he called the Gauls), by their greater stature and more xanthous hair. But of this again. There can be no question, therefore, that in the opinion of both Greek and Roman writers, both poets and his- torians, the Germans of antiquity were afair-complexioned, blue-eyed, red, reddish, or yellow haired people. Now Baron Bunsen had a little difficulty about this matter ; and it so happens that his very difficulty turns eventually to the advantage of our argument. He informed Dr. Prichard that he had " often looked in vain among his Prussian countrymen for the auburn or golden locks, and the light cerulean eyes of the old Germans, and never verified the picture given by the ancients of his countrymen until he visited Scandinavia ; there he found himself surrounded by the Germans of Tacitus." 1 Bunsen, probably enough, saw a smaller proportion of Prussians xanthous than corres- ponded with the strong description of Tacitus ; but most observers in England know that the Germans who settle in this country are more frequently marked by fair, reddish, or dun-coloured hair, than are the English, and those of us who have spent any time in Germany, have seen that the same approximately xanthous complexion is there prevalent which is represented by the German residents of London or Manchester. The hair colour of the people alone tells you that you arc out of England. The same dry, unclear complexion of skin — the same dun, third- part black, third-part red, third-part yellow, hair, is seen 1 Prichard's Natural Hist, of Man, p. 197. Ed. 1S43. Also Thys. Hist, of Mankind, iii. 19.:. THE OLD GERMAN COMPLEXION. 46 1 everywhere. The colour in the majority of instances is so peculiar that while you cannot describe it, you unfailingly recognise and classify it as " German : " it is a dingy tan produced nowhere but under the German sky — a kind of compromise or transition colour, which has departed from the regular red of Tacitus's German, and is now apparently on its way towards a higher "development" under the influence of an old Celtic and Sclavonic admixture. But the fact that Bunsen found in the North of Europe, in Scandinavia, the country of the Danes and Normans (from whom AVilliam Rufus came), and the seat of the early Angles (for Denmark was in blood and genius truly Scan- dinavian; — the very characteristics described by Tacitus, is an interesting one. In those northern parts the early race has escaped the effects of admixture, has preserved its pristine features with greater completeness than was possible to the dwellers in less Northern and central Germany. The testimony of the acute and philosophic Bunsen is thus a strong support to that of Tacitus and other ancient historians, to the effect that the Ancient Germans were a red or reddish haired people. But now comes the question : do the English people who are said to have descended from those Ancient Germans, display these same characteristics of race ? Are they prevailingly blue-eyed and red, or yellow-haired? Nothing of the sort. We have only to open our eyes to see the contrary. Some ladies by their skilful toilet-dyeing, testify to the contrary ! To become red or xanthous now- a-days requires some outlay of money — much of time and ingenuity. So rare is the genuine red, that it attracts attention, in a crowd, on the street. Dr. Prichard, who emphatically held that the modern English are darker than their supposed German ancestors, although he had his own way of accounting for the fact, was doubtless nearly right when he said that eight out of every ten of 462 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. the inhabitants of England are dark-complexioned. 1 Either, therefore, the Ancient Germans are not correctly described by history, or the English are not descendants of the Ancient Germans. But, if history of the kind we have quoted is to be rejected, a new historic criticism and basis for a knowledge of the old world must be invented ; the utter uselessness of all existing records of the past must be demonstrated ; and history must be made to mean nothing more than the private reminiscences of each individual, as furnishing evi- dence to himself alone, of things which he himself has seen. It is unquestionably our fortune, as English, to be so far from fair-haired, that we are at the nearest possible approach to what Prichard denominates the Melanic type of complexion. This has been made plain by experiment. In twenty large assemblages of English persons of both sexes, and all ages — and a person in childhood is known to be more fair-haired than he proves to be when adult — where 10,000 complexions have been marked for the purposes of this work, not one-fourth of the number were either red, reddish, or yellow-haired. The following tables contain an approximate exhibition of the general result : 2 In London. TOTAL OBSERVED. BLACK AND BROWN. LIGHT AUBURN. FAIR. RED. 6,000 4-500 1,000 350 150 North of England. TOTAL. BLACK AND DARK. LIGHT AUBURN. FAIR. RED. 5,000 3,550 930 360 160 \ i Phys. Hist, of Mankind, iii. 19. : The observations made for these tables were suggested by Prichard's Physical History of Mankind, iii. 119, &c. THE ENGLISH A DARK-HAIRED RACE. 463 This result is given as an approximation to actual fact. But the process is at the command of any one, and there is no need to depend on others' testimony. It is believed, however, that the effect of observation will in all cases generally harmonize with the above figures, with the allowance of a small margin of diversity for different parts of the kingdom, and the different conceptions observers may entertain of what is meant by red, fair, auburn, dark brown. Our tables show that the red and light colours prevail in the North of England, where the influence of the Scandinavian settlements in Caledonia and Northumbria have been felt, more than in London. It is highly pro- bable that observations in the West of England, or in Wales, would give a larger proportion of black and " brown " than in London, the Celtic stock being in those parts less affected by admixture with the light Saxon. Now, as race is proved by science and history to be, not absolutely unchangeable, but, on the whole, if kept free from admixture, permanent in its chief characteristics, it is incumbent on those who believe in the Anglo-Saxon derivation of the English people to explain, and account for this strange and wide departure in complexion from the original type. How have w T e English become a generally dark-haired race ? Even granting that from difference of habit, town life, nature of employment, and food, some slight variation may have been caused in the complexion, as Dr. Prichard believes ; l and that thus the Germans and the English alike have grown darker, 1 Natural History of Man, p. 179. See also a Paper by Dr. J. Beddoe, On the Permanence of Anthropological Types, published in the Memoirs of the Anthropological Society of London. Vol. ii. p. 37. As far as town life is concerned, Dr. Beddoe is not of opinion that it has any influence in darkening the hair. In some cases, as in Somersetshire, he has found the natives of towns to be lighter than those of the surrounding country. P. 42. At the same time, his observations quite confirm the opinion "that the invading Teutons were fairer than the prior inhabitants " of the parts of Britain to which he refers. 464 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. much has yet to be explained in the wide divergence observed. Besides, on that theory, the people of Wales, as well as others, ought to be growing darker ; dwellers in towns ought to be distinguished for their jet; and the negro race, from age to age ranging the open hills, desert, and jungle, ought to be found something else than black. Recurring to our question we again ask : How have the English become a dark-haired race ? Is there any way of solving the difficulty besides the too usual, but always unsatisfactory one of cutting the knot ? What help does science proffer ? We are a scientific people, or are in process of becoming such. We have a British Association for the advancement of Science. Can we advance the science of our own ethnological relations ? The traditional ethnology which now rules, and which is ever iterating the dogma that the English are descended from the Germans, or, which, as intended, is the same thing, from the Anglo- Saxons, is in direct conflict with the findings of history, physiology, the natural history of man, and ethnology. Some of our men of science delicately and apologetically hint that perhaps the Ancient Britons have had some little hand in the matter of beclouding the bright gold of our Saxon complexion ; and an occasional " historian " when he wants to account for so many slaves in Anglo-Saxon kingdoms is willing to venture a guess that they might be Britons. But on the whole we cling to our ancient faith, and allow science and history to go for nothing. There is one hypothesis at hand to account for our com- plexional change — an hypothesis, too, which, if we mistake not, both history and physical science justify : The people of England have abandoned the "fierce blue eyes " and "red locks" of ancient times in favour of the hazel, brown, and black eyes, and the brown and black hair, through some decided modification of race relation. Has this modification been occasioned by contact with the Celtic TiiE CYMRY DARK-HAIRED. 465 aborigines of Britain r The affirmative of this seems to be the honest utterance of modern science. 1 But are we sure that the Celts, and amongst them the An- cient Britons, were themselves of dark complexion r This we have hitherto of necessity assumed, and must now briefly prove. The Welsh of to-day, though not free from admixture — with Flemings and Norsemen in Glamorgan and Pem- broke, &c, with Iberians or Celtiberians — a modified form of their own stock — in the whole district embraced by ancient Siluria, and with English more or less all around the Principality, are on the whole the purest Celts we have in Briton (though by no means so unmixed as their cousins in Ireland;, and are a prevailingly dark-haired people. 2 They were so in the middle ages ; they were so in the times of the Romans. 3 1 The eminent Frenchman, M. Edwards, says that while the great linguist Mezzofanti, recognised in the irregular pronunciation of English the influence of the Welsh language, he, M. Edwards, saw in the com- plexion and features of the English people the images of the Ancient Britons. Des Caract. Pliysiolog. des Races Huiuaines, p. 102 et seq. 2 The following incident came to our knowledge as this edition was passing through the press : — At a musical gathering of the Welsh in London, at Christmas, 1S73, an English friend of the author was greatly struck with the almost universally dark complexion of the persons present, and casually mentioned the circumstance, being at the time unaware of the doctrine and argument of this work. Assemblies in Wales invariably produce the same impression. 1 Tennyson confirms the opinion that the old Britons, as a rule, were dark. His works have done not a little to cast an air of unreality about the story of King Arthur, even those parts of it which are mani- festly historical ; but he has often managed by his allusions to give as correct representations as if he were writing history. Thus he makes Queen Bellicent, speaking of Arthur and his race, say : " Dark my mother was, in eyes and hair, And dark in hair and eyes am I, and dark Was Gorlois ; yea, and daik was Uilier, too, Well-nigh to blackness ; but this king [Arthur] is fair Beyond the race of Briton= and of men." — Holy Grail, p. 20. II If 466 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. No one can observe the names of persons scattered through the ancient records of Wales, the Mabinogion, the Triads, the Bonedd y Saint (genealogy of the saints), the Brnfs, the Laws, See. ; and the names of families, chiefs, bards, Sec. ; without observing a phenomenon which the records of no other people perhaps so amply exhibit. We mean the frequent occurrence of names taken from the colour of the hair. It was a principle of name-giving with the Welsh to embody in the name (or surname, or nick- name) the personal quality most observable in the man, or the most marked circumstance connected with his history. The principle was one indeed followed by other nations, by the Teutonic nations, by the Romans. William I. was William the Bastard ; William II., his son, was AVilliam Rufus ; John was John Lackland ; Caligula the emperor was known by this nickname (from caligce, the foot-dress of the common soldiers) which he received when a boy, though his proper name was Caius Csesar. The Welsh had a liking so deeply inwoven into their nature for marking personal peculiarities by names, that they have not to this day altogether abandoned it. In some districts it develops a vicious habit of using nicknames ; but more generally it is a traditional semi-literary semi-heraldic custom, closely allied, however, in its seriousness to the serio-comic, and frequently in healthy keeping with the quiet humorousness of the race. Vortigern is doomed for ever to be known by the alliterative nickname, Gwrtheyrn Gwrtheneu (of per- verse lips), because he invited the Saxons (who indeed required no invitation; over to Britain, and put them in the way of winning the land. Warriors are often complimented for their strength, as Caradog Vreich- vras (of the large or strong arm' : good princes for their moral qualities, as Ivor Jlacl (the generous), llvw-'l Dda (the good . Among the idiosyncracies THE CYMRY DARK-HAIRED. 467 registered, as we have said, the colour of hair is very frequently found. The two colours most attended to are black and red, but with a considerable preponderance in favour of the former. Bards, when distinguished by their complexion, are almost always black or red, die or cock. Thus Gwilym Ddit, (Wil- liam the black) ; Llywelyn Goch (Llewelyn the red.) The softening of the initial consonant of the qualifying word is always observable — d into dd, or soft ///, and c into g, &c Along" with " black" and " red/ 5 we occasionally meet with "white" (gcuyn), "grey" [llzvyd), but never, that we remember, with " yellow." Among the " bards " registered in the Myyyrian Archai- ology of Wales between A.D. 1280 and 1330, there are six bearing names of colour : four " blacks," one " red," and one " grey" — Gwilym Ddu, Llywelyn Ddu, Goronwy Ddu y Dafydd Ddu (black), Llewelyn Goch (red), and Iorwerth Llzvyd (grey). In the registers of the Welsh men-at-arms who followed Yvain de Galles (Owen of Wales), Jehan Win (John Wynn),. and Robin ab Llzuydin (Robin the son of the little grey man), to France in the 14th century, we find several per- sons distinguished by the colour of their hair ; but perhaps the soldier's partiality for the " red" led some to assume an epithet which their physical aspect but approximately justified — at all events, although this indicates but little, in these lists the reds are nearly as numerous as the blacks. On the whole, general indications of this kind exist in sufficient number to show that the dark complexion was prevalent among the Welsh of the middle ages ; and we all know that such is the case in our own day. If persons of royal rank, like Boadicca, or others of commanding- position, who were not positively dark, or who fell in with 11 2 468 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. the fashion of imitating the admired Germans by using saffron, are described in rhetorical phrase as " golden- haired," we know what value is to be attached to the description. But now as to the complexion of the Ancient Brito?is. Of them, specifically, in this matter few notices remain, but there are a few, and these are suggestive, and as the Gauls and the Britons were identical in race, we can receive the description of one as applicable to all. Tacitus, 1 speaking of the Caledonii, a people largely impregnated, be it remembered, with Scandinavian blood, says they had yellow hair (rutilca comcc) ; but as, with the eye of a keen observer, he sees in their complexions and stature signs of derivation from the Germans (Gcrmanicam origincm) , he probably was writing only of the seacoast settlers, who, at different times, had crossed over from North Germany and Scandinavia. Of the Silures of South Wales, who, whether or not of Iberian race, were certainly more genuine Celts than the others — Tacitus, as already mentioned, says, that they had dark embrowned complexions (colorati vultus) , and that those nearest Gaul resembled the Galli. AVe must then ask, what as to complexion were the Galli ? With respect to the Gauls in the matter of complexion, it is a significant fact that in order to gain a high degree of xanthousness, they were obliged to have recourse to dyeing. Livy writes that they had, not rutihv coma?, red hair, but rutilaUv comic, "reddened hair." Most Con- tinental scholars translate rutilata here in the light of the known custom among the Gauls, by the equivalents "reddened," or "made red": thus lleusinger has "ge- rotheteshaar"; S< huurtzkopf (1593), "rot gefitrbthar"; and 1 Vita. Aerie. 1 1. GAULS DARKER : GERMANS REDDER. 469 Guerni, " chevelure roussie." Somehow, the ancients had a liking for red hair. The Gauls possibly displayed this weakness under Germanic influence. A fashion fever had laid hold upon them. They had learned and had seen that the great and terrible nations of the Germans had by nature flashing blue eyes, and glowing red hair. How could they be equal to the Germans, and strike terror into their enemies by the fierceness of their looks, as well as participate in the admiration which all surrounding tribes felt for the Ger- mans ? The Germans were red by the gift of nature ; they, to whom nature had been more niggard in this case, would make up the deficiency with paint ! So they became a people possessing, not riitilcc comcc, red or ruddy hair, but rutilataz comce, hair made or coloured red. Would any people whose complexion and hair were by nature light and red, buy saffron to paint them- selves so r ! We now recur to Strabo's words, already mentioned, where he said that the Gauls were not so red as the Germans, or, which is the same thing, that the Germans were redder than the Gauls. The Gauls 5 attempts at colouring were not quite successful ; the disguise was too 1 We have pleasure in giving here the opinion of a very acute ethno- logical observer, the late Rev. Dr. Rowland Williams, who, in a written note upon this passage — the original MS. having been submitted to his inspection before printing — says : — " I rather hold that Northmen, Germans, Gauls, were all light, or xanthous— the Northman lighter, Gaul yellower, German redder; but I still hold that the South of France with its Aquitanian, i.e. Iberian, blood, and with its warm, vinous climate, transformed the Gallic race, and we ascribe to the Celts, as Celtic, features which they only adopted from older or more southern races. Are not such characteristics generated in situ, and not merely inherited ? " Many other valuable notes by the same hand were left on the MS., some of which have in substance been incorporated with the text. 470 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. transparent ; they were still held to be a darker people than the Germans. But we have another piece of information by Strabo which is very useful in this place. While the Gauls were less xanthous than the Germans, he tells us that the 1 Britons were still less xanthous than the Gauls. " The men are taller than the Celtae (Gauls), with hair less yellow, and looser built in their persons." 1 The Britons were therefore known to this acute and accurate writer to be two degrees darker than the Germans ; and Prichard has been led by the circumstance to make this emphatic observation : " The difference [between Britons and Gauls] must have been strongly marked in order to have drawn the attention of a writer who seldom takes notice of physical characteristics. It appears, then, that the Britons were a darker race than the Celts of the Continent." 2 Prichard had thus advanced so far as to recognize and declare the fact of the deeper tinge of the old Britons. He had also, as we have seen, declared that the English, unlike their reputed Germanic ancestors, are a race dark in the proportion of eighty per cent And yet he seems never to have perceived how the old British hue could have imparted itself to the modern English. This, how- ever, was seen by later, and especially by Continental naturalists — Pruner Bey, one of the best scientific writers on the human hair, had, in 1864, come to this conclusion : " Cross-breeds are recognisable by the fusion and juxta- position of the characters inherent in the hair of their parents. Whilst the red colour forms on the one hand, as it were, a bond of union between the most disputed 1 Q'L Si cvSpcs ci/.ajK^ijrci Toh o. See also Dr. Wil mi's Paper, Anthrop. Rev. of London, i - Prehist. Annals of Scotland, 2nd edition, 1S63, i. 278. Sec also an le by the same Author in the Canadian Journ l "4, re- printed in Anthrop Rev. of London, Feb. 1S65. MENTAL AND MORAL CHARACTERISTICS. 479 this junction to modification, presenting thenceforth more freely the variety of "long" and "short" skulls, which Dr. Thurnam has found so puzzling, and which has given origin to his theory of a two-fold type of cranium repre- senting two different waves and periods of early inhabi- tants — but the process must have mainly taken place on British ground. On this whole question scientific research has yet much light to throw. Many patient inquirers must institute in- vestigations, take measurements, and classify facts. It is a fertile and interesting field of study. At present, so far as enquiry has proceeded, the state of knowledge seems to be in favour of the view above enunciated. It is not advanced, however, as in itself conclusive ; it is simply a contribution — a small weight thrown into the scale of our general argument. SECTION II. Mental and Moral Characteristics. Here, again, we must necessarily limit our field of dis- cussion, fixing only on some few leading features in the mental character of the English which suit our subject, and whose partial treatment will not distort, though it but imperfectly expound, the subject. If, in finding the synthesis of the English character, we discover that it accords not with the old Teutonic charac- ter, we must search for the ground of the difference ; and if that ground is revealed in the known characteristics of the Ancient Britons, we need not further pursue our search. First, let us mark the broad mental and moral charac- teristics of the generic stocks — the Cells and the Teutons. No appreciable difficulty is encountered by philosophers in 480 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. determining these two sets of general characteristics ; they stand out in relief, inviting recognition ; but as the inquiry approaches the specific branches which have shot out from the respective stocks, as for example, the Scotch on the one hand, and the Prussian on the other, divers difficulties, not easily got rid of, obstruct the way. Dr. Kombst has given as fair and comprehensive a description of the Celtic and Teutonic idiosyncracies as any we know. The main points are the following : l — Celtic Race. Teutonic Race. Quickness of perception; great Slowness, but accuracy of per- powers of combination ; appli- ception ; slowness, but depth and cation; love of equality, of society , penetration of mind; not bril- of amusement, of glory; want of liant in wit like the Celts; caution and providence ; .... distinguished for acuteness, national vanity ; fine blandishing fondness for independence more manners ; great external polite- than rank ; provident, cautious, ness, without internal sympathy ; reserved, hospitable: with aris- irascible; not forgetful of injuries; tocratic conservative tendencies; little disposition for hard work ; respect for women ; sincerity, (abounding in wit, &c.) adventurous, dec. This is the substance of Kombst's analysis, and it must be allowed to be on the whole faithful, [n his full descrip- tion, however, it is evident enough that he had the French before him as the type of the Celtic character ; hence he has introduced some features which are by no means prominent in the Celtic populations of Britain, such as "great external politeness" "without internal sym- pathy," "love of glory," &c. It may also be fairly ques- tioned whether he is right in including " application " as amongst the idiosyncracies of the Celtic race ; this quality most certainly does belong to the Teutonic. We want, however, to find out the differentia of the true 1 See Berghaus's Physical Atlas, Johnstone's Ed. (Kombst's Ethno- graphic 3/.//' of Great Britain and Ireland). THE "DIFFERENTIA" OF THE ENGLISHMAN. 48 1 Englishman as compared with the true Celt, and true Teuton. The Englishman is not a faithful copy of the genuine German of ancient times. He exhibits intellectual and ethical characteristics which did not prominently enter into the synthesis of the German character — we are not speaking of the modern German, for that would be beside the point and unquestionably unjust — such, for instance, as inventiveness, quickness, constructiveness, imaginative- ness, tenderness, benevolence, liberality, individuality, and religious ideality. And as to the Celt, again, a great number of the weighty, solid, strong qualities of the English separate them widely from him. The whole story of the Celt is, as an eminent writer has pictured it, 1 marked by not a little grandeur and mystery. He certainly has been a roving child of nature ; wild, impulsive, proud, irascible, uncalculating, feeble in purpose, unapt for government, ever attempting the sublimest, often the sublime and ridiculous in one — as ex. gr. now in Ireland — but ever accomplishing a failure. His deeds in past ages have been unique, heroic, terrible, and his miscarriages affecting. The Celts' progress through Asia and Europe, seen in the dim light of an imperfect history, and, therefore, probably partaking of the fascination and grandeur which mystery never fails to lend, deserves to be painted in hues befitting the trail of a comet. If you compare their march to that of a river, it is a suc- cession of cataracts and foaming torrents. Everything seems to be abnormal and exceptional. Growth is not a steady development ; enterprise is not according to plan ; the most momentous predicaments are treated as unreali- ties; means are not measured to ends ; the creations of fancy 1 See Cornhill Magazine, March, April, May, 1S66. These able articles by Mr. Matthew Arnold have since been published in volume form, entitled, On the Study of Celtic Literature. 1 I 482 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. are taken as facts. The Britons in all ages have been ex- amples of all this. Vast numbers of the Irish of to-day are, beyond all comparison, its most striking illustrators. Mr. Matthew Arnold, with the insight of genius, has happily hit upon the chief weakness of the Celt — his disbelief in the authenticity of fact. The present disturbers of the peace of Ireland persistently ignore the magnitude of the power they wish to foil. 1 The true Celt idealizes his own future according" to an exuberant fancy, un- governed by reflection, and proceeds to the enjoy- ment of that future like one whose path was clear, and whose success was decreed by fate. Hence the grand attempts often made — the occasional heroic achievements — the frequent, even customary abortions. Physiology and psychology tell us that the great characteristics of the different branches of the Celtic race are brilliancy of con- ception, ardency of temperament, and uncontrollable de- sire for action. We all know how quick, fitful, whimsical, and emotional they are, — how inapt for council, diplomacy, organization, patient labour, and "biding of time." The fancy and imagination of the Celt, as displayed in Middle Age literature, have never yet been duly recognised. Their manifestations were often grotesque, unconnected, inharmonious, but most undoubtedly carried upon their front the imprint of genuine poetry. Mental gifts and habits, like physical characteristics, may re-appear after long, partial, or total temporary obscuration. A nation's life, like an individual's, may through violence or dis- ordered function, be subject to suspension, and, after a while, by degrees, again recover its former consciousness and brightness. The seeds of poetic inspiration and genius lodged in the Cymric mind, once under Roman culture, 1 This was written at the height of the " Fenian " agitation in 1 THE CELT IN MIDDLE -AGE LITERATURE. 483 were buried under heavy masses of rubbish during the barbaric wars of the Saxon conquests. Little time was then enjoyed for letters, and the stores of literary treasures which had been accumulated were rudely swept to the abyss. New generations with slighter culture grew up, and the intellect of the Cymry waned into a condition not out of keeping with the sterner barbarism of their Anglo- Saxon neighours. The force which prevented the return of deeper chaos and night, however weakened by corrupt superstitions was Christianity. But though the depressing influences were strong, the Cymric intellect was not wholly stupefied ; its schools of learning were the first in Britain (see Appendix C), and to the Cymry of Wales, it is more than probable, is due the honour of having imparted to the thought and literature of Europe an impulse far more powerful than was imparted in those times by any other people. The mixed race peopling England were slow in developing any kind of literature. The still com- paratively unmixed Celts of Wales and Armorica were far in advance of them, and by a happy combination of con- structive power, love of the marvellous, and a fancy of boundless range and fertility, succeeded in creating a type of literature until then probably unknown in Europe- The romance poetry, and prose which in the Middle Ages swayed with such potency in Brittany, Provence, Italy, Germany, and England, it is well-known had its origin amongst the Cymry. Geoffrey of Monmouth is the real parent of the whole brood. The adventures of Merlin, King Arthur and his knights, Richard Cceur de Lion, and a host of others, follow, and these culminate at last in the Trouveres poems of France, the Italian epic romances, and, with increasing extravagance of fancy, combined with an ignorant superstition, in the saintly fables of the Church. Among the Welsh Mabinogiou are remains indicating a I 2 484 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. fancy as playful, and a feeling as delicate and tender, as are found in the productions of any age. How came this to pass ? Can it be explained as being anything less than the re-appearance of hereditary characteristics r The culture and genius which, dating from the pre -Roman times, had received expansion from Roman enlightenment, and asserted their presence irom age to age, even under the disadvantages of incessant political disaster, broke forth at last from obscure situations, and spread a light and a vivifying power over many lands, which the conquering Teuton scarcely as yet knew how to appreciate. Indeed the romance literature was of too airy a nature to emanate from, or easily find entertainment by the truly Teutonic mind — even allowing to that mind a larger share of poetic susceptibility and inventiveness than is meted out to it by the balances of severe pro-Celtic critics. But in truth no such Teutonic mind has existed in Britain since the first ages of the Saxon Conquest. Even the new race of amalgamated Britons, Saxons, and Angles, called English, was too matter-of-fact and sensuous, or too much under the guidance of its ever present Saifiwv common-sense^ to relish these imaginary creations about giants, elves, and enchanters. These were the proper products of the Celtic ■imagination, and found congenial reception among all the nations of the continent, especially in Brittany, Normandy, and Provence, where the Celtic race was in the ascendant. Now, whatever the value of the romance literature con- sidered in itself, it undoubtedly speaks much for the people who gave it birth. We refuse credit to the pages of Geoffrey .as descriptions of authentic facts, simply because they are not history, but fiction ; but estimated as fiction, it is impossible not to accord to them admiration. The question is not as to the absolute value, per sc, of certain productions concerning heroic or preternatural beings and THE ROMANCE LITERATURE CELTIC. 485 adventurers, but the mental force and fertility of invention they exhibit. In so far as the Middle Age romances display these, they display the genius and culture of the Celtic race of the times. It is not of material import whether the cradle of that literature which produced the stories of Arthur, Merlin, Richard Cceur de Lion, Roland, Sir Ferumbras, and the hosts of others of similar vein, was Brittany or Wales, but probability decidedly inclines in favour of the latter. The natural course of propagation would be first to Brittany — with which the Welsh held constant intercourse — then to Normandy, then to the remoter provinces of France. The romances would receive from each country and language, as they advanced, some new conceptions, gradually assume new forms, and develop new characters, some of Southern and some of Northern paternity, and in course of time furnish reasonable grounds, in the absence of reliable accounts, for the conflict of opinion which has existed, some ascribing to them a Scandinavian, some an Italian, some a British origin. Mr. Hallam — by no means predisposed to give the Celt undue credit for genius — is obliged, upon this question, to lean in his favour. Speaking of the origin of French literature, and having mentioned the versified lives of Saints by Thibault de Vernon (nth century), Taillefer, Philip de Than [temp. Henry I.), &c, he says : " but a more famous votary of the muse was Wace, a native of Jersey, who, about the beginning of Henry's II. 's reign, turned Geoffrey of Monmouth' s history into French metre. Besides this poem, called Le Brut d' Anglctcrre, he composed a series of metrical histories, containing the transactions of the dukes of Normandy, from Rollo, their great progenitor — who gave name to the Roman de Rou — down to his own age. Other productions arc ascribed to AVace, who was, 486 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. at least a prolific versifier, and if he seems to deserve no higher title at present, has a claim to indulgence, and even to esteem, as having far excelled his contemporaries, without any superior advantages of knowledge. In emula- tion, however, of his fame, several Xorman writers addicted themselves to composing chronicles, or devotional treatises, in metre. If the poets of Normandy had never gone beyond historical and religious subjects they would probably have had less claim to our attention than their brethren of Provence. But a different and far more interesting species of composition began to be cultivated in the latter part of the 12th century. Without entering upon the controverted question as to the origin of romantic fictions, referred by one party to the Scandinavians, by a second to the Arabs, by others to the natives of Brittany, it is manifest that the actual stories upon which one early and numerous class of romances was founded are related to the traditions of the last people. These are such as turn upon the fable of Arthur ; for though we are not entitled to deny the existence of such a personage, his story seems chiefly the creation of Celtic vanity. Traditions current in Brittany, though probably derived from this island, became the basis of Geoffrey of Monmouth's Latin prose, which, as has been seen, was transposed into French metre by Wace. The vicinity of Normandy enabled its poets to enrich then- narrative with other Armorican fictions, all relating to the heroes who had surrounded the table of the Son of Uther." ' Mr. Ellis is still more explicit. " Various theories have been proposed for the purpose of explaining the origin of romantic fiction, which has been successively ascribed to the Scandinavians, to the Arabians, and to the Armorieans, while some authors have supposed it to be of Provencal, and others, of Norman invention. Bishop Percy, to whose 1 Europe in the Middle Ages, chap. i.\. THE ROMANCE LITERATURE CELTIC. 487 elegant taste we are indebted for the l Reliques of Ancient English Poetry,' the most agreeable selection, perhaps, which exists in any language, has prefixed to his third volume a short, but masterly dissertation, in which he assigns to the Scalds the honour of having produced the earliest specimens in this mode of composition. He observes that these poets, the historians of the North, as the bards were of Gaul and Britain, continued for a time the faithful depositaries of their domestic annals ; but that, at a subsequent period, when history was consigned to plain prose, they gradually attempted to set off their recitals by such marvellous fictions as were calculated to captivate gross and ignorant minds. Thus began stories of adventures with giants, and dragons, and witches, and enchanters, and all the monstrous extravagances of wild imagination, unguided by judgment and uncorrected by art. He contends that the vital spirit of chivalry, its enthusiastic valour, its love of adventure, and its extrava- gant courtesy, are to be found in the Scaldic songs ; that these characteristic qualities existed in the manners of the northern nations long before the establishment of knight- hood as a regular order ; that the superstitious opinions of these people respecting fairies and other preternatural beings, were extremely analogous to the later fictions of romance ; that the migration of a certain number of Scalds into France, as attendants on Rollo's army, is at least extremely probable ; and that, since the first mention of the stories of chivalry occurs in the song of a Norman minstrel [Taillefer] at the battle of Hastings, this filiation of romance is equally consonant to history and to pro- bability. "The only rational objection, perhaps, which can be adduced against this system is, that it is too exclusive. The history of Charlemagne, it is true, appears to have 488 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. been very early in favour with the Normans, because the song of Rollo, certainly, and that of St. William very possibly, were anterior to the Conquest ; and it is also likely that these and other fragments of traditional poetry may have contributed the principal materials of those longer works, which, at a much later period, formed the regular romances of Renaud of Montauban,Fierabras, Otual,Ferra- gus, and the other heroes of Charlemagne. But this does not account for the much more numerous and popular fictions concerning Arthur and his Knights, which occupy not only so many of the romances, but also of the lays and fabliaux of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and are evidently derived, as the learned editor very candidly acknowledges, from a different source. Besides, though the manners of chivalry, as exhibited in the Rolands and Olivers, are common to the Launcelots and Tristrams, nothing' can be more opposite than the morals of the heroines; and the frailties of an Yseult, or a Guenever, afford a lamentable contrast to the severe chastity of a northern beauty. But surely, in surveying a system of fictions in which love and war are the chief agents, it is impossible to abstract our attention altogether from the delineations of female character. " The third hypothesis which supposes Brittany to be the native country of romantic fiction, has been, with some modifications, adopted by Leyden in his very able intro- duction to the ' Complaynt of Scotland,' and has the advantage of being free from the objections which have been made to the preceding theories. Similarity of language proves the similar origin of the Armoricans and of the natives of this island; and the British historians, such as they arc, affirm that a large colony of fugitives from Saxon tyranny took refuge in Brittany, and carried with them such of their archives as had escaped the fury THE ROMANCE LITERATURE CELTIC. 4 89 of their conquerors. The Norman poets themselves fre- quently profess to have derived their stories from Breton originals ; and their positive testimony seems sufficient to prove that the memory of Arthur and his knights was pre- served in Armorica no less than in Wales and in Cornwall. With respect to the tales of Charlemagne and his imaginary peers, unless we suppose them to have been imported by the Normans from Scandinavia, we must refer them to Brittany; because the Bretons were the first people of France with whom the Normans had friendly intercourse, their province having been attached as a sort of fief to Normandy at the first settlement of that duchy uuder Rollo. It is not improbable, as I have already mentioned, that a mutual exchange of traditions may have introduced Ogier, and other Danish heroes, to the Court of Charlemagne, and perhaps a similar commerce between the bards of Wales and Brittany may have given to Arthur his Sir Launce- lot and other French worthies. The supposition that some traditional anecdotes concerning these two princes of romance were already current among the Normans, would explain the facility with which the very suspicious chronicles of Geoffrey and Turpin were received, and the numerous amplifications by which they were, after their translation into French, almost immediately embellished. " The reader will perceive that the preceding systems are by no means incompatible, and that there is no absurdity in supposing that the scenes and characters of our romantic histories were very generally, though not exclusively, derived from the Bretons, or from the Welsh of this island ; that much of the colouring, and perhaps some particular adventures, may be of Scandinavian origin, and that occasional episodes, together with part of the machinery, may have been borrowed from the Arabians." l 1 Early English Romances. Introduction, pp. 16-20. 490 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. The quantum of proof in favour of our general argument derivable from these considerations may be small, but to the extent of its measure is, practically, unassailable. The higher tone of mind in Britain, in the Middle Ages, was among the Cymry, as proved by its literary products. Brittany was in constant communication with "Wales, receiving the impress of its culture, and assisting to hand over to the continent the productions of its intellect. If the semi-Teutonic mind of England and Normandy followed in the same wake and produced a romance literature of equal or superior merits when the example had been set by others, it may be worthy of commendation as an imitator and improver, but not of the crown of honour as originator. To the Celtic mind belongs this honour ; and this mind was capable of the achievement by reason not merely of its rare characteristics of impulsiveness, sensibility, and brilliant fancy, but also of its antecedently inherited cul- ture, which in its effects lay hid, like the latent force of a seed to be developed into vitality and visible form when the external conditions of germination favoured. So far at present of the Celt. But now what of the Teuton — the old genuine German-Teuton, the ancestor, according to popular apprehension of the Anglo-Saxon, and through him, of the great English race. At what point of time can he have broken off from the vivacious imaginative Celt ? By what strange differencing influences of climate, mode of life, intermixture with phlegmatic races, can he have been met since he quitted the paternal roof where the Celt and he were brothers ? As long as history has known him, he has been a rather slow, deliberate, and cautious individual ; and yet, though slow, a moving steady- going individual. You may, perhaps, expect nothing brilliant, tender, poetic, from the true, typical German ; THE TRUE TEUTON. 49 1 but it will excite no surprise if lie achieve something strangely great, in thinking or acting — for he is deliberate, clear-headed and strong ! This in brief is the German- Teuton. Now what shall we say of the Englishman r Is he a faithful reflection of either Celt or German-Teuton ? Of the Celt, he certainly is not ; most certainly not of the German-Teuton ! Can it be said that he is a copy of both combined ? Beyond question, think we, it can. His qualities are a selection from the best of both: The English must be either Celtic, or Teutonic, or both. They have no choice of other derivation. But they are not Celtic : they present leading features diametrically opposed to the Celtic idiosyncrasy, and we find on exami- nation that these features are German and Saxon ! On the other hand, they are not German ; for they present leading features which the slow deliberate old German never could have worn, and these features are Celtic ! The natural history of the English nation, we suspect must turn out to be a description of the processes and stages whereby Celt and Saxon were welded into one, and came to exhibit the characteristics, in one personality, of two antecedent national factors. " School histories " will continue for many years to come to say : "When the Saxons came over, all the Britons retired into the mountains of Wales." " There were no Saxons in England after the battle of Hastings/' may quite as truly be said. But "school histories" are not always the most critically accurate of informants ; and it seems full time to put faith in better guides on the present subject. Whether our hypothesis be that there has been a large intermixture of Celtic with Anglo-Saxon blood in Britain, or the contrary, it is at least demonstrably certain that the present English people are the exact similitude of the result which might be 492 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. expected from such intermixture. A people which is at once loftily ambitious and plodding; imaginative and practical ; proud and patient ; energetic and cautious ; religious and " worldly ; " fertile of philosophers and traders ; of inven- tions and traditions ; declares on every page of its auto- biography as read in the deep imprint of its actual, and incomparably earnest life, that it is neither of Saxon nor of Celtic descent, but of both. And if not of both equally — then comes the question, on which side does the advantage lie. It may be objected that our representation of the Celt is not correct ; that, for example, the French have displayed great aptitude in diplomacy and government, although substantially a Celtic people. This is true. But the French people had the advantage of a Roman political education, of intellectual culture through the wholesale adoption of the Roman language, which latter the Celts of Britain and Ireland had not, and of a larg'e Frankmannic infusion. Despite all this, and much besides, however, the French people display to this clay the most essential characteris- tics, and amongst them, some of the weaker and more damaging characteristics of the Celtic race. Of these, we may mention a passion for excitement,.political disquietude, frivolity, national vanity. The French want nothing for }he accomplishment of the highest destiny, but a strong infusion of the Teutonic steadiness and gravity, It may again be argued that our description of the Celt does not agree with the Scottish character, which is known by all to exhibit as much caution and steady plodding' as that of the Englishman. We answer that our description of the Celt may be true, notwithstanding that it tallies not with Scottish idiosyncrasies. The Scotch arc much less Celtic than the Welsh— infinitely less so than the Irish. I he prevalence of brownish and yellow hair in Scotland is THE ENGLISH A CELTO- TEUTON RACE. 493 a living history of the Scandinavian descent of a large portion of the inhabitants. From the earliest periods, Danes, Norwegians, and Low Germans made settlements on the Caledonian coasts, especially north and east — as the local names of those parts, notably of the Shetlands and Orkneys, to this day testify; and all know that these islands, originally peopled by Celts, were in after times mainly peopled by Northmen, and long remained under Danish or Norwegian rule. The Danish conquest of England settled vast numbers of Northmen in the south of Scotland, and the Western coast was seldom free from the irruptions of Norwegian and Danish adventurers. All these sources of admixture have well-nigh obliterated the Celtic features of a large proportion of the Scottish people, and given them several of their most marked and valuable characteristics. But to recur to our question : On which side does the advantage lie ? In the constitution of the English people, does the Celtic or the Teuto-Germanic ingredient pre- ponderate ? One man will say, the Germanic, because the language is chiefly Anglo-Saxon. But in the first place the English language is not chiefly Anglo-Saxon, and in the second place, even if it were so, the adoption of a language has no bearing on the question of proportion of race admixture. The language of Gaul became Roman, although few Romans merged into the population. The Norman conquerors of Neustria, on the other hand, adopted the French. In England the English people received the Norman. Another will say the Germanic, because the government proves to be in the hand of the Saxon. But this again says nothing as to preponderance of race, and it moreover assumes a very important point — viz., that the people who 494 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. now govern are proper Saxons. The Danes obtained the government : Were they therefore more numerous than the former inhabitants ? The Normans obtained the government. The Roman legions gained the government of all Gaul. The English now govern the millions of India. A third — with a logic, by the way, more characteristic of the Celt than of the Saxon — will come forward and boldly declare the Germanic, because the whole character of the people of England is truly Anglo-Saxon — the mental genius of the nation is German from first to last. Now this is just what we have been showing that it is not. The character of the English is exceedingly far from being a copy of the Anglo-Saxon or Germanic; and the differentia cannot be traced to the effects of external influences — not even to the powerful agencies of secular civilisation and religion. Let the following summary of the leading psychological and ethical features of Celt, German, 1 and English be pondered. The characteristics "given are universally allowed. Each student can judge for himself from which side — the Celtic or the Teutonic— the eclectic Englishman has borrowed most. Of course, it may be argued that the source of mental and moral characteristics is not raciat, and to some extent this must be allowed to be true. But viewed in a broad light, the influence of race is seen to tell in no inconsiderable degree. 1 The word " German" as used here cannot be taken as indicative of the people of modern German}-. It were incorrect to say that the Prussians, for example, are not an inventive people; and to pretend to believe that the modern Germans are not possessed of a poetic imagination while they own the names of Goethe, Schiller, Lessing. Klopstock, Korner, Arndt, and Uhland, to say nothing of the un- paralleled imaginative creations in philosophy of the schools of Leibnitz, Kant, Fichte, Hegel, Schleiermachcr, and Schelling, were a market' either ignorance or disingenuousness. But the modern Germans can have no material hare in the parentage of the English people. CHARACTERISTICS. 495 Summary of Psychological Characteristics Celtic. Quickness and clear- ness of perception. Powers of combina- tion. Imagination. Wit, humour. Individuality. Loyalty to Princes. Love of society. Patriarchal or family government. Reverence. tho- Generosity. English. Deliberativeness. Accuracy and roughness. Directness. Clearness of percep- tion. Powers of combina- tion. Imagination. Wit, humour. Providence. Independence. Aristocratic tenden- cies. Adventure. Sociability. Sentiment of Home. Reverence. Patient labour. Silence and reserve. Generosity. German or Saxon. Slowness. Accuracy. Steady purpose. Providence. Aristocratic cies. Adventure. tenden- Patient labour. Silence and reserve. The following are qualities which the English may be said to have inherited from Celt and Saxon alike. Celtic. Quickness of percep- tion. Hospitality. Courage. Individuality. English. Power of abstraction and generalization. Hospitality. Courage. Self-assertion. German or- Saxon. Depth of thought. Hospitality. Courage. Sternness. There are certain great features of the English people of which it is hard to say whence they have been derived. Are truth, fidelity, sincerity, characteristics of the Celt ? Would the Cymry allow that these virtues belonged peculiarly to the kin of Hengist and Horsa ? Public 49 6 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. benevolence, or organised charity, seems almost to be an idiosyncrasy of the English. Here ends our psychological discussion. It is simply suggestive — in no sense exhaustive. But it seems to prove that some of the noblest qualities, mental and moral, of Englishmen, are of Celtic origin. In reviewing this whole subject of physical, mental, and moral characteristics, it appears that he must be a bold man, if a genuine Englishman, who will declare that he is more Teuton than Celtic, or more Celtic than Teuton ; and he must be a bolder man still who will assert that he is purely Celtic and not at all Teuton, or purely Teuton and not at all Celtic. The anthropology of the English nation we conclude is in favour of the position held in these pages — viz., that the English owe their origin largely to the Ancient British race. The evidence, in this branch of it, is deposed by a witness that cannot err. That witness is Nature, not History. Its evidence depends not on opinion, theory, illegible parchment, distorted party representation, vague tradition. It is read in the ineffaceable characters of living features of myriads of men, and beams forth perpetually in the intellectual and moral activities of the nation. The signs of descent supplied by the physique and mental manifestations of a people are more infallible in the estimation of science than even the most categorical declarations of individual historians. On the skin, in the eyes, on every fibre of hair, is written the pedigree of the man. It is useless for him to refer to mere personal names, family parchments, traditions of descent, isrc, for though twenty generations ago he had William the Norman as his ancestor, the blood of the Norman has been intermixed many hundred times with many hundred times mingled blood of other races in the interval, and must by this time have become sadly diluted. To rely on the CHARACTERISTICS. 497 loose statements of popular historians in a matter of science were absurd. The deliverances of anthropology, anatomy, physiology, and psychology, as well as the patient findings of antiquarian research, as contributive aids to ethnology, are clear, positive, unhesitating. They prove that the English nation is a Mosaic work of divers and harmonious colours ; but there are two colours which still predominate high above the rest — the light Teutonic, and the dark brown Celtic. The English mind is a com- pound of two classes of activities, each of essential moment in the creation of the highest order of thought — the ener- getic, warm, and ornamental Celtic, and the patient, pro- found, and stable Teutonic — "Genus unde Latinum, Albanique patres, atque alta mcenia Romse." KK 49 8 RECAPITULATION. It may not here be out of place to refresh the memory of the reader by bringing into a focus the chief lines of our argument, or rather of its results — necessarily omitting all details of facts and minute witnessings of history, science, and logic, which often carry with them the most convincing force. The reader can mentally retrace from his present point of view (he will pardon us the natural vanity of believing that he has passed through all the tangled wilderness we have spread out for him), all the main paths he has traversed. The different inhabitants of Britain at the time of the Roman invasion, though divided into many tribes or states, are seen to be all of one race — "the Ancient Britons." Their number is great — spread out over all the land from Kent to the Highlands. They are far advanced in the arts of life, are fond of trade, work in metals, carry on commerce with distant countries, are terrible in battle, have a regular kingly government, coin silver money, &c. The Romans themselves have hard work to subdue them after a hundred and fifty years and more of fighting, and having at length accomplished this task, are obliged to garrison some hundred fortresses to maintain order and draw revenue. The Romans after bestowing above 400 years of culture on Britain, resolve to leave it to the care of the natives, who at et up rival governments in different parts of the country, and are caught in the confusion 1 tion by foes from without and from within, and are com- RECAPITULATION. 499 pelled while suicidally fighting with each other, to fight for home and life against a fierce and terribly needy foreign foe. They are found to be so numerous, brave, and power- ful, that, though fated to compass their own ruin through perverse dissension and refusal to combine in time against the common enemy, they still manage by the isolated efforts of disjointed hosts, to dispute the ground for some hundred and fifty years, although in that time whole states, " becoming Saxons," had joined the aggressor, and turned their swords against their own countrymen. No signs appear of an "exterminating" warfare being carried on by either Romans or Germans. The natives, if submissive, are everywhere allowed to remain in their native districts — their title to property and liberty being changed — by the Romans they are invited to the privileges of citizens of maternal Rome, and by the Germans they are pressed to " become Saxons." Whole tribes pass over accordingly, and hosts of the common people of other tribes follow. Those who wish to retain their language and cus- toms are allowed to live in towns of their own, or to possess parts of towns, even within the bounds of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, and to live also under laws and magistrates of their own. Some 500 years after the first Saxon invasion, a great part of the South and West of England is called Wealh-cynne — the dominion of the Welsh, and the whole of Devon and Cornwall is still decidedly Celtic. In the North the kingdom of Strathclyde survives till within a few years of the Norman Conquest. At this time the inhabitants of Britain are mainly composed of the de- scendants of the Ancient Britons ! The Danes, if they add to the Teutonic population in their own persons, have previously greatly reduced it by their most sanguinary and desolating wars. The Normans bring over more Celts than Teutons. K 2 500 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. The subject Britons are seen dwelling on the land under the protection of Saxon laws — holding land from the king — rising in the social scale from lowly to high conditions through possession of property — and having a personal wergild value, Sec, just like the Anglo-Saxons themselves. The English language, through the presence in the heart of the country of a population continuing to speak the Celtic tongue, becomes saturated with Celtic elements. Those elements are not such as were common to Anglo- Saxon and Celtic from times anterior to the Saxon Conquest — though many such exist — the result of pre- historic intercourse in the Cimbric Chersonese and North Germany — but actual introductions since the two races met on British ground. The local names of England, imposed by the Ancient Britons, and adopted from them by the Anglo-Saxons — by their number and their prevalence in distant localities almost all over the island, are clear witnesses not only of previous occupation by the Britons, but of conjoint occupa- tion for a great length of time — for by such conjoint occupation alone could a strange people speaking a strange tongue, and having no knowledge of writing, become familiar with the names whereby not only the g'reat natural features of the country, such as the mountains, hills, rivers, vales, &c, but less prominent objects in sequestered situa- tions, such as rivulets, dingles, knolls, homesteads, &c, had from time immemorial been known among the natives. To the vast proportion of Britons thus seen to bo mixed up with English society, and, under the ameliorating laws of the later Middle Ages, rising from a depressed to a free condition, and gradually forming an essential part of all ranks of the community, is added in later times, and especially in the present age, a eon-tant .stream al Celtic elements flowing in from Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, so RECAPITULATION. 50 1 that the name "Jones" is now more prevalent than either " Brown " or " Robinson," and is closely followed by the * l Scotts " and the " Murphys," and only eclipsed by ** Smith ! " 1 1 The appearance of Mr. Smiles's book, The Huguenots : their Settle- ments, Churches, and Industries in England and Ireland, reminds us of an accession in modern times to the Celtic element of the population of England, seldom thought of, but of a peculiarly interesting and valuable kind. The French Protestants, who, between 1550 and 1700, but chiefly during the "wars of religion," and on the "revocation of the Edict of Nantes," took refuge in this country, were vast in numbers and of inestimable worth to the moral life and industry of England. For a hundred and fifty years the flow of Protestant refugees, the flower of the population of Flanders and the different provinces of France, was almost incessant. Not less than 400,000 emigrated at the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. In the first quarter of the seven, teenth century, London alone contained, among a population compara- tively small, not fewer than 10,000 foreigners, mainly Huguenots. They were also found in all the larger towns, in some, as Norwich, numbering several thousands. They were mostly of the merchant, manufacturing and artizan classes, and brought with them not only a peaceable, serious, religious spirit, but knowledge and skill in the industrial arts, especially in weaving, dyeing, tanning, and work in the precious metals. "Wherever they settled they acted as so many missionaries of skilled work, exhibiting the best examples of diligence, industry, and thrift, and teaching the English people in the most effective manner the beginning of those arts in which they have since acquired so much industry and wealth." They excelled as market gardeners, and the famous gardens of Wandsworth, Battersea, and Bermondsey, were amongst the results. Those who found refuge in England are estimated at one hundred thousand persons. They became leaders in the art and merchandise of the country. In paper-making they were supreme, and one of their descendants, Mr. Portal, is maker of our Bank- note paper of the present time. Many of their names became dis- tinguished in English history, literature, and science. Their hard application led to fortune and distinction, and some of our peerages are inherited by descendants of Huguenots, such as Radnor, Clancarty, De Blaquiere, Rendlesham, Taunton, Romilly ; and their blood is mixed with that of Russell, Elliot, Temple (Palmerston), Cavendish, and Osborne. Speaking generally, the blood of the Huguenots was Celtic (Gaelic) blood, and was therefore a contribution to the Celtic clement in the English nation. 502 1HE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. If after this any doubt should exist as to whether the greater part of the actual population of England is a contribution from the Celtic race, nothing is wanted but simply to look the English in the face, scan their features, measure their skulls, watch the rapid, and profound opera- tions of their minds, and the humane and pious actions of their lives. In all these things they are now what they never were in the persons of their partial ancestors before they trod on British ground, and had the good fortune of "taking in," in more senses than one, the simple "Wylisc- man ! " 503 CONCLUSION. We have been engaged in slowly tracing the beginnings and early developments of one of the most colossal creations of time — the British nation ! Were we to examine the field of universal history, our survey would command no other such ethnological marvel. In no epoch, in no land has anything of the sort appeared. It would seem as if the world, at the birth of the British people, had grown consciously old and desolate, and that, like the fabled Phcenix, it had undertaken, by a painful but sublime process of fire, to renew itself; and the island of Britain was selected as the theatre where the prodigy was to be accomplished. It took a long time to lay the foundations of this great national superstructure. Some thousand years elapsed before all the kinds of materials were brought together. The Celtic tribes had inhabited the island probably for many hundred years before the republic of Rome was inaugurated; but, solitary and self-contained, they possessed an insufficient amount of those elements of expansion and development required for national maturity. The Roman added a mighty impulse by lodging in the mass the seeds of the old world's civilization, Christianity added a still mightier and sublimer force. The Saxons, Danes, and Normans, a rough and ener- getic race, poured in their successive contributions of influence ; and by the union of all into one body, and its tempering by long and painful discipline, 504 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. under the guidance of religion, commerce, science, and education, the result has come forth in the shape of this English nation, which is to-day not the envy, so much as the pattern and friend of all surrounding peoples, and promises to continue for many ages the exemplar and director, if not the virtual ruler of the civilized world. We have on more than one occasion alluded to the secret of the greatness of the English race — namely : the com- plexity of its origin. It is inconceivable that any one of the races which have contributed towards the formation of this people could ever of itself have attained to this great- ness — let the time given be however prolonged, and the circumstances however propitious. The best proof of this is the actual performances of unmixed races. The Saxon, wanting in vivacity, has here been supplemented by the excitable and imaginative Celt ; and the Celt, fitful, incautious, irascible, believing in the unseen, often, while " building castles in the air," neglecting what lay in reality at his feet, has been brought under method and order by the infusion of the deliberate, " practical," and impassible qualities of the Teuton. The English people by this admixture are possessed of all the attributes which are required for government — science, religion, the prosecution of trade, and the exten- sion of empire. The love and practice of liberty — a liberty which prohibits lawlessness — exist nowhere, as the normal condition of the people, as they do in England. Religion goes forth to subdue the superstitions and idolatries of the world from no country as it does from Britain and the United States. The industrial arts, practical science, the enterprises of commerce, are by no other people pursued with such absorbing delight, and unfailing success. If we look to the relative power, fame, and distinction of Lhe British people— the wide reach of their dominion — CONCLUSION. 505 (though their home is but this small island of the West) the solidity and moral influence of their character, and the prodigious wealth of their resources, we naturally feel an inward exultation, which requires for its moderation the memory of other illustrious nations which from being high and commanding have long ago perished out of sight ; and are legitimately proud of belonging to a country which has h>een the cradle and the home of so mighty and peerless a race — a race which Milton has aptly described in his Areopagitica as " not slow and dull, but of a quick, ingenious, and piercing spirit, acute to invent, subtle and sinewy to discourse, not beneath the reach of any point the highest that human capacity can soar to," etc. The doctrine of our essay being, that a good propor- tion, probably the larger part, of our nation is of Celtic blood, we are here supplied with a new ground of alliance and friendship with our distinguished neighbours of France, who are almost entirely Celtic in blood, although not in language. The policy of less enlightened times produced between us and that great nation sentiments of antipathy not in keeping either with our mutual interests, or ancient race relations. France has had her times of error and false ambition : she has had rulers and leaders whose trade was revolution, and whose instruments were rapine and blood. But she is now, we trust, taking the road of peace, and, under better counsel, aims at husband- ing her great resources, becoming our rival, not in the barbaric pursuit of arms, but in the arts of industry, the creation of wealth, the culture of mind, and the guidance of nations. 1 The Celtic race in Britain should learn to look 1 This was written in 1868, when the Second Empire had succeeded in producing at least the appearance of social repose, and laying the basis of commercial prosperity. But since that time another great change has come over France. A Republic has replaced the Empire. 506 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. with new interest on France in this her time of regenera- tion, and especially on that western corner of France, Brittany, where the old decaying language is lingering, an object of admiration to the antiquary and linguist, but a serious impediment to the people's progress, and where the Celt is seen in his integrity quite as much as in the moun- tains of Merionethshire, or the Vale of Teivy, while in the one like the other of these regions, he has enjoyed the advantage of a slight commingling with the Teuton, which he had lacked in the South and West of Ireland. The student of history, and the ethnologist, are begin- ning to view with increasing interest that remnant of the old race and language of Britain still found in the Princi- pality of Wales, and a feeling of reciprocation is growing in the Principality. These pages develop one chief reason of this. The fundamental rule of science, whether in history or elsewhere, is not what has been believed, but what is true. The inquiry into what is true, on the present subject, discovers a strong link of relationship between the Cymry and the English — a link of relationship, indeed, made doubly strong by the entrance on a scale of magni- tude hitherto but slightly recognised, of Cymric blood into the people of England, and also, on a smaller scale, of English blood into the inhabitants of Wales. This being the case, let us ask what sentiments, on this ground of The Franco-Prussian war, unhappily provoked by Napoleon, in a few months ended in the destruction of a great army, and the humiliation of France. But peaceful relations with Britain have not been disturbed ; the self-renovating power of the country is again receiving a wonderful display; and soon France will be more powerful and prosperous than ever. It is only to be feared that the sore produced by defeat will go on festering, and that the spirit of revenge will, sooner or later, bring on another, and perhaps greater, calamity. The war demon is abroad, once more, among the nations, usurping for barbaric use the skill of art ami the discoveries of science, and leading thoughtful men to enquire what is meant by our boasted modern civilization. THE MODERN WELSH. 507 ethnological relationship alone, these two classes of the Queen's subjects ought to cherish towards each other ? If considerations of race can be allowed to sway at all in the guidance of feeling between communities, they can be so allowed, and are trebly meritorious, when, as in the present case, the feeling generated is conducive to public order and the strength of the empire. We see no reason whatever for the cultivation of a narrow feeling of nationality on the part of the "Welsh. Its root is ignorance, and its fruit dis- advantage. Estrangement between two peoples under one rule helps only to starve the weaker. The Scotch have had sufficient perspicacity to recognise their own predica- ment, and profit from a rational course of conduct. Ethno- logically, the pure Irish of the South and West do not occupy the same parallel. The Welsh of Wales — who, if our survey in the preceding pages be accurate, are now the most prominent and faithful representatives of the old Cymry who contributed the chief materials at least for the founda- tion of the English nation, and who, therefore, are entitled to see in that nation a near relation — are not so prompt in recognising their consanguinity, and claiming the advan- tages belonging to it as they ought to be. Instead of seeking under the guidance of a few mistaken zealots to establish an exceptional state of things on their own behalf in Wales — a permanent wall of separation in language, and the revival of sore memories — they will do wisely to further the process of coalescence, and claim, not the title of ancient possessors merely of the soil of Britain, but, with a nobler and more profitable audacity, property in the greater part of the present British people! The foundation of this great national superstructure was verily laid by them : the ground colour in the texture belongs to them. If in suffering the lopping off of some branches of their national vine, they have only aided its propagation 508 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. in more fruitful soil, why should they not rejoice r If they nave lost the greater part of their ancient territories — over which they generally managed so heartily to quarrel — they have the consolation of having, in that very process contributed to constitute the nation which now owns and rules those territories ; for without the Celtic ingredient the British race could not have had existence. Language is not a differencing attribute of nations. To consider language the main characteristic, and especially to deem all beyond the circle of its use as of another race, were wilfully to ignore the truth of fact, and adopt an absurd hypothesis. The French of to-day are not the less Celts because they happen to speak a modified Latin ; nor are the French-speaking Teutons of Canada the less Teutons for their French articulations ; nor, indeed, are the negroes of the United States the less negroes because they speak a kind of English. In like manner the blood of Anglo- Saxons, Danes, and Normans flowing' in the veins of Scotch, Ulster Irish, and Welsh, is not the less 'Teutonic because it happens not to be accompanied in every case by the tones of the respective languages once belonging to it ; nor is the ancient Cymric blood now flowing in English veins the less Cymric although the persons owning it speak the English language. There is much more Cymric blood in England this day than in AVales, despite the fact that more Welsh is articulated in Cardiganshire than in all England together. Language is not by itself an index to race. No valid reason exists, accordingly, why the Welsh should not feel that they and the English are ethnologi- cally one people ; and it is better they should share in the honour and dignity, the intelligence and enterprise of England, than rest contented with the obscurity which blind adherence to antiquated customs, and to a speech PROGRESS IN WALES. 509. which can never become the vehicle of science or com- merce, must entail upon them. The Welsh, like the Scotch, should aspire to be in intelligence, enterprise,, culture, all that the English are, feeling that, " Frei athmen ist das Leben nicht." Merely to enjoy freedom is not to reach the highest ends of national, any more than individual, life. Let the earnest life of England — its strong steady aim at the high and excellent, pulsate through all Wales, and the highest models in thought, art, character, be emulated ; let the English language, which is destined soon to " make the whole world kin," and which is the only medium for the introduction into Wales of all the intellectual life and civilization of England — without prejudice to the Welsh as long as the popular instinct cleave to its use — be diffused far and wide among the people. Let education — the most urgent need of Wales to-day — the best, the highest education, be promoted both by the zeal of the people, and by the just and paternal care and liberality of the Govern- ment — care and liberality which up to the present time have been almost exclusively reserved for other parts, not more loyal, not more needy, of the empire. 1 (See Append. C.) 1 We believe that this would be a better course for Welshmen to pursue than follow the counsels often given them at some of their popular quasi-literary gatherings. Not a few people still survive who foster a tendency to estrangement rather than coalescence between the Welsh and the English, and generate a spirit which in essence is not dissimilar to the Hibernic furor, though free from its disloyalty. Efforts are made to maintain a clannish isolation, which, if left to the arbitrament of the natural course of things, would soon cease to be. The sensitiveness displayed under public criticism betrays a conscious- ness of weakness in the case, and that the critics are partly right. At the same time these labours of a few to move back the dial of progress in Wales, though it demonstrates the truth of Mr. Arnold's finding — that the Celt is capable of resolutely disbelieving the reality of fact — 510 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. This subject should awaken certain wholesome reflections in that portion of the English mind which, through want of thought or want of information concerning its own ethnical antecedents, delights to consider itself par excel- lence, Saxon, as opposed to Ancient British — Teutonic, as opposed to Celtic. It is owing to this want of reflection that we so often hear of the wondrous achievements of the "Anglo-Saxon" in legislation, science, arms — of the sagacity, enterprise, practical aptitudes, &c, of the "Anglo- Saxon " — of the destiny of the world to become subject to the leadership and rule of the "Anglo-Saxon " — and divers other things of like nature. A few years ago a journal called The Anglo-Saxon, destined not long to live, was brought into existence, charged with the duty of sounding abroad these sentiments, and doubtless had some share in establishing wrong notions in the public mind respecting the purely Anglo- Saxon descent of the English people and languag'e. It was conceived and executed in the poetic and rhetorical style, much like orations at Welsh Eisteddfods, and, there- fore, obtained no hold on the minds of scientific men. *' The editors hoisted the standard of the race on the first day of the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine (p. 5), and an Anglo-Saxon messenger was forwarded by rail and steam to every corner of the globe recognised as an Anglo-Saxon settlement." Of course they were not oblivious of the saying of Gregory, Non Angli sed Angela when " the youthful Angli, 1 arc virtuous compared with the headlong folly, and bluruU-ring use of means to an end, displayed at present 1 by"] enian li turbers of the 1 ace 'in Ireland. The two things arc similar only as mistaken race aspirations. The former co-exists with 1 tyalty— the latter 1. conspiring and traitorous. 1 Most probably British children sent as slaves to the K : . n market by our Anglo-Saxon Forefathers. " ANGLO-SAXON " FANATICISM. 5 1 1 early leaflets of the mighty Anglo-Saxon branch, drew all the eyes of Rome to their angelic forms." The editors were not quite sure whether " the good old man, like the High Priest of old, spoke, not of himself, but by the spirit of prophecy ; but whether inspired or not, the saying has not fallen to the ground. From that time for- ward the tree of the Anglo-Saxon race took root and flourished ; for a thousand years the mighty trunk grew and shot upwards, rude and rugged perhaps in appearance, and then it spread forth its branches to the uttermost ends of the earth, affording shelter, and protection, and support to the other families and less favoured races of man- kind. The Anglo-Saxons have been accomplishing their destiny. . . . The whole earth may be called the fatherland of the Anglo-Saxon race,'' &c. (p. 4). A map was given in which the whole of North America, the whole of Hindostan, the whole of New Holland, was coloured as peopled by " the Anglo-Saxon race." The doctrine taught concerning the Britons, as a matter of consistency, was the traditional one : " When the Saxons were the conquerors, they became so entirely masters and possessors of the land, that the ancient inhabitants were either banished to the mountains [the usual " of Wales" is omitted], or perished by the sword." (p. 104). By one means or other we got rid of them entirely. This was bad enough as history. When speaking of the English language, the Anglo-Saxon was not over-learned, for it added on the same page: "If we trace it (the English) from its primitive, oral, and extemporaneous state, to the age of Alfred, when it assumed a written form, and from Alfred through Wickliffe and Chaucer to the reign of Elizabeth, when it put on a more classic and elegant dress, and even from Elizabeth to the present time, notwithstanding the corruptions which commerce or science, affectation or 512 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. vanity, have introduced, the English language — simple,, earnest, homely, expressive, is still substantially the same." This is certainly bold, especially when we remember that our present English, though more than ever "expressive," is not to half its extent derived from Anglo-Saxon, and that in grammatical inflection and construction it exhibits an almost total contrast to the language of Alfred. As to its being " simple," every Linguist will testify that there exists not in Europe or the world so complex and hetero- geneous a tongue. The Anglo-Saxony in truth, was simply the representative of a species of fanaticism, and, like all such productions,, disdained the examination of facts, and the guidance of scientific induction. Its career, therefore, though doubtless "brilliant," was deservedly brief. Now whatever may be thought of the existence in times past, and in other lands, of communities which might be- correctly denominated Anglo-Saxon, it is manifest that in Britain no such community has been known since the period of the so-called Heptarchy. The " Saxon " and " Anglo-Saxon " people of England have, from the first establishment of their rule in this land, been blending themselves inextricably with the old British race, and have won many of their most valuable mental and moral characteristics through this very circumstance. The people of England to-day are possibly quite as little Anglo-Saxon as their speech. As to America, it is obvious that the great branch of the "Anglo-Saxon" race on that continent is still less Anglo-Saxon than their brethren of England. The first colonizers of North America were of the same ethnic mixture with our own ancestors; but for a hundred years and more the American people have been constantly receiving accessions of blood from all the nations of Europe — some from Asia and Africa, and some from the "ANGLO-SAXONS" NON-EXISTENT. 513 aborigines of America itself. They have already assumed a character in points strikingly differing from the parent stock in Britain, and in all these points they present a tendency to diverge from the " Saxon " type. It is a nice question, and one for which physiological science is scarcely as yet ripe, to determine how much of this differentia is owing to climate, food, and mode of life ; but it is not too much to say, that one of its chief causes is admixture of races. It is well that that great community, the inhabitants of the United States, should be called "Americans," for they are not English, and much less Anglo-Saxon in type. The study of anthropology and ethnology — young in England, has scarcely had its birth in America, but when it wakens and receives atten- tion there, free from the partialities of race prejudice, and under guidance of that love of scientific truth which dis- tinguishes Americans of culture, we shall hear no more of the " great Anglo-Saxon race " in America. In fine, this people of England, so strong in mind, will, and hand, must learn to consider itself as something else than Anglo-Saxon ; for this it cannot in strictness bo called, whatever style of loose nomenclature its humour may choose to adopt. Largely charged with ancient British blood, and formed on British ground, its proper designation is BRITISH. It is not Teuton, although it contains much Teutonic blood ; it is not Celtic, although it contains much Celtic blood. It is neither Anglican, Saxon, nor Cymri, but all these and more blended together. If it is more Teuton than Celtic, more Germanic than British, let proof thereof be given. Ever since the time of Gildas, the plea has been desultorily put in, and solely upon his worthless authority ; but the argument and the evidence have never been offered, and probably will long delay their appearance. LL APPENDIX A Welsh Words Derived from the Latin and Other Languages. The Welsh Orthography is that of Modern Welsh. Welsh. English. Immed. Derivation and Cognates Achos, Cause, Lat. causa. Actau, Acts, , ago, actum. A dail, Building, , cedilis. Additrn, Ornament, , ad-orno. Addurno, Adorn , id. Addysgu, Instruct, , ad-disco ; Gr. Si5a acies. A wdl, An ode, ,, oda. A wdwr, Author, Fr. auteur ; Lat. auctor. Awdurdod, Authority, Lat . auctoritas. Awgrym, A sign, ,, augurium. A iast, August, ,, Augusti (mensis). A wydd, Desire, » avidus. Bacsen, Foot-covering, baxea. Bagl, A crutch, ,, baculum. Barf, Beard, ,, barba (Ebel) ; but found in Corn, and Arm., and I •bit in Ir. All, including Lat probably derived from a common source. Baron, Lat (late) baro ; or Fr. baron. Bathu, To coin, ,, batuo. Bedydd, Baptism, ,, : G r. . «n Baptize, ,, id. Bendigaid, Blessed, ,, bencdictus. Bendith, Blessing, ,, benedictio. Bendithio, Bless, >> benedico, benedL . Benthyg, Loan, „ bencfactum, facio. Woman, •i fojmina ; but, Gael. APPENDIX A. 517 Welsh. Berf, Berfa, Berwi, Bilwg, Bock, Belli, Bord, Boreu, Braich, Brawd, Brefu, Brwmstan, Budr, Bugail, Bresych, Bivrdais, Bwrdd, Bwysi-fil, English. Verb, Barrow, To boil, Bill-hook, Cheek, Bolt, Table, Morning, Arm, Brother To low, Brimstone, Filthy, Shepherd, Pot-herbs, Burgess, Board, table Beast, Immcd. Derivations and Cognates. Lat. verbum. A.-Sax. berewe. Lat. ferveo ; Gael, bruich. English. Lat. bucca. English. A.-Sax. (See " bwrdd.") Gr. irpai in the morning ; A.-Sax. morne, morgan; Ger. Morgen. hat. brachium. A.-Sax. brother ; Lat. frater. Lat. fremo ; Gr. fip£u.u\ English. A.-Sax. bryne, a burning and stan, a stone. Lat. puter, putris. Celtic for animal. &c."— Ebel. By stack, Steer, ,, brassica. English. A.-Sax. burgh. A.-Sax. bord, a plank. Lat. bestia. Last syll. from mil, 'Compounded like the German Alaulthier, Lat. bestia. Cadair, Chair, Lat. cathedra ; Gr. KadeSpa. Capten, Captain, Fr. capitaine ; Lat. caput. Welsh spelling cadben, as if from cad, battle, and pen, a chi fanciful adaptation. The is a Cadwyn, Caeth, Caeikiwed, Calan, Calenig, Calch, Caled, Call, Camp, Chain, Captive, Captivity, Lat. catena. „ captus. — Ebel. The root is in Celtic, as, W. cae enclosed field, can, to shut up ; Corn, caid, cap- tive; Arm. kez; id. First dayof month, As calan Mai, calangauaf, dyJJ, calan ; Lat. calendar. New year's gift, id. Lime (chalk), Lat. calx. Hard, ,, calleo, callus. Wise, ,, callidus. Exploit, ,, campus (Martius), Roman place of games. 5U IHE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Welsh. English. Immed. Derivations and Cognates. Canu, To sing, Lat. cano. But both possibly from a common etymon. Cantwr, Singer, ,, cantator. Cancr, Cancer, ,, cancer. Cant, Hundred, ,, centum. But the hund, in " hundred " (from A.-Sax. hund, ioo) and Lat. centum, W. cant, Gael, cend, &c, are all from one etymon, the strong breathing represented in one by h, in the other by c. Canwriad, Centurion, Lat. centurio. Canwyll, Candle, ,, candela. Car char, Prison, ,, career. The direct descent of the whole, carcliav, is doubtless from Lat., but car or caer is common Celtic, as cacr, a place of defence. The Lat. may be but a reduplication of the same archaic word, car-cer. Cardod, An alms, Lat. caritas. But the etymon, car, is common to Celtic, as W. car, a friend ; cariad, love, Gael, car, car aid. Carrai, Thong (of s hoe), Fr. courroie, Lat. corrigia. Canu, Stag, Lat . cervus. Castell, Castle, ,, castellum. Cdth, Cat, ,, (late) cattus. — Ebel. Cawl, Broth, ,, caulis (herbs). Ceulad, Runnet, ,, ccagulo. Cawn, Reed-grass, ,, canna. Caws, Cheese, " caseus, or A.-Sax. cesc ; Germ- Kiise. Cebystr, Halter, ,, capistrum. Cedrwydd, Cedar, ,, cedrus. Ccgin, Kitchen, ,, coquina, coquo. Cengl, or Cingcl, Girth, ,, cingula, cingo. Cerwyn, Mash-tub, " car(o)enum, instead of car- (w)enaria. — Ebel. Cessail, Armpit, Fr. gousscl, Lat. axilla. Cest, Paunch, Lat . cista ; Gael, cistc, likewise borrowed. Cestog, Large-bellied, ,, id. Chwefror, February, ,, Februarii (mensis). Cingel, Girth, Fr. sangle, from Lat. cingo. Ciniaw, Dinner, Lat coma. Cist, as cist -faen, Sepulchral chest, ,, id. Ciwdawd, Tribe, clan, civitas. — Ebel. Claddu, To bury, ,. claudo, to shut up, inclose. APPENDIX A. 519 Welsh. English. Immed. Derivations and Cognates. Clawdd, A ditch, Lat. id. Cloddio, To dig, „ id. Claer and clir, Clear, „ clarus. Cleddyf, Sword, ,, gladius, Fr. glaive. Cler, as " Gwyr cl er," literati, Lat. clerus ; Gr. K\i)pos Clo, A lock, „ clavis, claudo, Gr. K\eLw. Cloi, To lock, The same elements of the word, c, or k, and I, transposed, are found in the A.-Sax. loc, a lock, locian, to lock. The : Germ. Schloss, has the Latin order. Clos, A yard, Lat. claudo. Cock, Red, ,, coccum. Codwm, A fall, ,, cado. Coeth, Purified, ,, coquo, coctus. Cog, A cook, „ id. Cogail, Truncheon, staff. , ,, (late) conucula — Ebel. Cogi, To cook, ,, coquo. Coleddu, To cherish, ,, colo. Colofn, Column, ,, columna. Colomen, Dove, ,, columba; Fr. colomb. Condemnio, To condemn, „ con-damno. Congl, Corner, ,, angulus. Coron, Crown, ,, corona; Germ. Krone. See "cor,'" Append. B. Corph, Body, ,, corpus. Cory 11, Top of the he ad, ,, corona. Credo, Belief, ,, credo. Credu, To believe, „ id. Crefft, A trade, Eng. craft ; A.-Sax. craeft. The form crefft is borrowed ; but the Celtic, like the Teutonic tongues, have the etymon. Craeft, craft, and crefft alike indicate skill, manual and mental, but the former is the first and literal meaning — skill in using the hand, cutting, carving. Welsh crafu, cerfio, to scratch, carve. Ir. sgrabam ; Gael, grabhal, to carve ; Arm. crava ; Corn, gravio ; vide " argraph" and "crafu," Append. B. Creadur, Creature, Creu, Create, Creawdwr, Creator, Crefydd (cred- ffydd) Religion, Croesaw, To welcome. Croes-ffordd, Cross-road, Lat creatura, creo. creo. creator. ,, credo and fides. ,, recipio. „ crux ; and A.-Sax, ford, a shallow to cross a river, then any road 520 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Welsh. English. Immcd. Derivations and Cognates. Crys, Shirt, Fr. crcseau. Cufydd, Cubit, Lat. cubitus. Cur, Care, pain, ,, cura. Cwccwll, Cowl, ,, cucullus. " According to Diefenbach, the Latin word had already been borrowed from the Celtic' — Ebel. Cwiryl, Quarrel, ,, querela. In Pughe's Diet., but scarcely naturalized in W. Cwestiwn, Question, From the English ; scarcely natu- ralized in\V., but in common use. Cwlltwv, Coulter, Lat. culter, colo. Cwnseri, To conjure, ,, conjuro. Cwmmwl, Cloud, ,, cumulus. Cwfw, Ale, ,, cervisia. Cwyr, Wax, ,, cera ; Gael, ceir, also bor- Cybydd, Miser, ,, cupidus, cupio. [rowed. Cyffes, Confession ,, confessio. Cyllell, Knife, ,, cultellus, dim. of culter. Cymmar, Partner, ,, corn-par. Cymharu, To compare, ,, comparo. Cymmell, To compel, ,, compello. Cymmwys, Suitable, ,, commodus. Cymmysg, Mixed, ,, commisceo. See " Mysg." Cyudyn, Stubborn, ,, contendo. Cynnwrf Disturbance, ,, con-turba. But root of turba [cyd and tor/), is frequent in the Celtic : W. tor, a he ap, tyrru, to crowd, tyrfa, a multitude (same as Lat. turba), Gae , torr, to heap up, &c. Cystal, ) Cystadl, ) As good, equal, Lat. constatus. Cysson, Agreeing, ,, con-sono. But see "swn" consonant, .," in Append. B. Cyssyl, Council, „ concilium, con-calo. Cyssylltu, To join, ,, con-solido, or sulo. Cysludd, Affliction, ,, castigo. Da grau, Tears, Gr. Sdupva. Damnio, Condemn, Lat. damno. Dannod, To cast in the teeth, ,, dens. Dant, Tooth, Fr. dent ; Lat. dens-tis. DJs, Mow or stack, „ tas. APPENDIX A. 521 Welsh. English. Immcd. Derivations and Cognates. Dawn, A gift, Lat. dono, donum. Deddf, Law, ,, datum. Dcdwydd, Happy, Fr. deduit. Dewin, Wizard, Lat. divino. Diafol, Devil, ,, diabolus ; Gr. ojc£/3oAos. Dibynu, Depend, ,, dependo. Difyr, Amusing, ,, diverto. Difyru, To divert, „ id. D iffr wy th, Fruitless, ,, de-fructus. Diffyg, Defect, ,, de-fectus, deficio. Diffyn, Defend, ,, de-fendo. Dileu. Wipe out, „ deleo. Diliw, Deluge, ,, diluvium. Diuiai, Half-penny, ,, dimidium. Diserth, Desert, ,, deserta. Disgyn, Descend, ,, descendo. Diwrnod, Day, ,, diurnum. Doctor, Doctor, English ; Lat. doctor. Doeth, Wise, Lat. doctus, doceo. Dolur, Pain, Fr. douleur ; Lat. dolor. The orthography and pronunciation of dolur favour its reception through the Norm.- French. Dosparth, A section, Lat. dis-partio, pars. Dosparthu, To classify, ,, id. Draig, Dragon, ,, draco. Dur, Steel, ,, durus (hard). Dwbl, Double, English, from Lat. duplex. Dwl, Dull, ,, ,, A. -Sax. dol. Dydd, Day, Lat. dies ; A.-Sax. daeg. Dylifo, To flow, ,, diluvio. Dysgl, A dish, ,, discus ; Gr. 5ur/cos, Dysgu, To learn, to teach ,, disco; Gr. 5t5d Fr. oeillade, a glance. Lat. assideo. ,, elementum. ,, oleum ; Gr. dXei/xfia. ,, eleemosyna; Gr. eKe-qixoavvrj. English, from Lat. articulus. ,, ,, ,, excuse A. -Sax. gesceod, shod, from sceo, shoe ; Germ. Schuh. Lat. expositio, ex-pono. ,, expono. ,, extraneus. ,, extendo. ,, ascendo. A. -Sax. willice, will : Lat. ■a- ill a, Ffaelu, To fail, Ffagl, Torch, Ffair, A fair, festival), and this from forum (market-place). Lat. willingly voluntas. English; A. -Sax. feallan, to fail; Germ. feJilen. Lat. facula. English. Germ. Fcicr (holiday, ferise (Roman holidays), or from Ffaith, A fact, Lat. factum, facio. Ffald, A fold, A.-Sax.M/. Ffals, Cunning, English, false ; Lat. fallo, falsus. Ffenestr, Window, Lat. fenestra. Ffcnigl, Fennel, ,, fceniculum — Ebel. Fferm, A farm, English. A. -Sax. feorm, food, support- -hence the land which yielded support. Ffarmwr, Farmer, English. Ffldm. Flame, Lat. flamma. Ffiangell, Scourge, ,, flagello ; Germ. Flegel, whence Engl, flail. F/oi, To flee. „ fugio. F/61, Foolish, fool, Fr. /<>/, from late Latin, follis, a wind-bag, but this perhaps derived from old Celtic root. It is in Corn, and Arm. F/orch, Fork, English. Lat. furca. Ffordd, Way, road, A.- Sax. ford, a shallow in a stream, a ford. APPENDIX A. 523 [mined. Derivations and Cognates. Engl. ; from late Lat. foresta. Lat. fortuna. „ fossa, fodio. Fr.frein; Lat. fraenum. English. Lat. fructus. Lat. figura. Fr. fiimer, to smoke ; Lat. fuma- Lat. forma. [rium. ,, formo. ,, firmamentum. A.-Sax. feordhling, from feordha, a Lat. fustis. [fourth. Fr. foume, Lat. furnus. Lat. fons ; late Latin, fontana. „ firmus. ,, capra. A.-Sax. geard ; Germ. Garten. id. English, from Lat. gemma. A,-Sax. geld; Germ. Geld. English, from Lat. honestus. See " aitr." Lat. modus ; and W. gov, extreme. ,, craticula. ,, gradus. ,, grammatica; Gr. ypd^/xa, From one etymon have sprung ypd/mfia, from ypdcpw, Welsh crafu, cerfio, Gael, grabbal, A.-Sax. craeft, also, perh. writan, to cut, write, Germ, schreiben, Schrift. The first part of the word "gram," therefore, may be considered pure Aryan. Welsh. English. Fforest, Forest, Ffortun, Fortune, Ffos, A ditch, Ffrwyn, Bridle, Ffrwyth, Fruit, Ffugyr Figure, Ffumev, Chimney, Ffurf, Form, Ffurfio, To shape, Ffurf a fen, Firmament Ffyrling, Farthing, Ffyst, Flail, Ffwm, Furnace, Ffynon, Fountain, Ffyrf, Firm, Gafr, A goat, Gardd, Garden, Garth, Inclosure, Gem, A gem, Golud, Wealth, Gonest, Honest Goreuro, To gild, Gormod, Excess, Grissill, Gridiron, Grddd, Degree, Grammadeg, Grammar, (writing). From one et) Grawn, Grapes, Lat. granum. Gronyn, A grain, ,, granum. Gwdg, Empty, ,, vacuus. Gwael, Vile, ,, vilis. Gwain, Scabbard, Fr. gaine ; Lat. vagina. Gwal, A wall, Lat. vallum. Corn, gwal; Ir. gal and bala ; Germ. Wall; Sansc. valan. The form in modern High- land Gael, is balla and balladh, but that gwal, or wal, or val was the earliest adopted form is evident from the well-known instance Penfahel, mentioned by Bede as a Pictish name of a place at the head or end of the wall of Severus. Bede i. iz. 524 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Welsh. EnglisJi. Immcd. Derivations and Cognates. Gwastad, A plain, Lat. vasto, to waste, to level by cuttir g down trees, &c. A. -Sax. westan. Gwastraff, Waste, Lat. vasto, or A. -Sax. westan, to Gwastraffu, To waste, waste, and Welsh rhafu, to spread. Gweddw, Widow, Lat. vidua. Gwedyd, To speak, A. -Sax. cwedan. But conf. "gweyd," Append. B. Gwener fdydd), Friday, Lat. Veneris (dies). Gwenwyn, Poison, ,, venenum. Givers, Verse, lesson, ,, versus. Gwersyll, Camp, Fr. guerre, war, and selle, seat. Gwibcr, Viper,. Lat. vipera. Gwilio, To watch, ,, vigilo. Gwin, Wine, ,, vinum. Gwisg, Garment, ,, vestis. Gwyrth, Miracle, ,, virtus. Gwydr, Glass, ,, vitrum. Gwyl, Festival ,, vigil ; Fr. vcille. Gwyllt, Wild, A.- Sax. wild. Gwynt, Wind, Lat. ventus, or A. -Sax. wind. Gwyrdd, Green, ,, viridis ; Gael, gonu ; A. -Sax. grene ; Germ, griin. Gwyryf, Virgin, „ virgo. Gwyrth, A miracle, ,, virtus, power, strength. Gyrru, To drive, ,, curro. II a! in, Spittle, ,, saliva — E. Harnais, Harness, 0. Fr. harnas, X. Fr. harnais. licit, Hat, A. -Sax. haet. Ileddyw, To-day, Lat. hodie. Helyg, Willow, ,, salix ; Gael, seileach, fr. same. Hogi, Sharpen, ,, acuo. Ilosan, Hose, ,, A. -Sax. pi. Jiosan. 1 /,.-.',". Late, ,, sero, serus, late. Hynod, Notable, „ notus ; W. /;j, apt, g'ving emphasis. I a it, Jupiter, ,, Jovis. dyddj Thur „ Jovis (dies). Liu, A yoke, n jugum. lonaivr, January, ., Januarii (mensis). / A Jew, .. Judaius; Gr. 'Ioi'Scuoj. APPENDIX A. 525 Welsh. English. Immed. Derivations and Cognates. Ienangc, Young, Lat. juvencus. Iwrch, Roebuck, ,, hircus. Llabyddio, To stone, Llaes, Loose, Llaeth, Milk, gen, ydXatcTos. Celtic genitive, are Gael, leig Eng. milk ,, lapido. ,, laxus. Fr. lait; Lat. lac-tis; Gr. yd\a, and Teutonic cognates with this Gr. to milk; A.-Sax., meolc; Germ. Milch; Prob. the Fr. lait, has descended from Belgic or Gallic. Ital. latte. All from Aryan : root. Llafur, Labour, Lat . labor. Lie, A place, Fr. lieu; Lat. locus. Lledr, Leather,, A.-: Sax. leder ; Germ. Leder. Lleidr, Thief, Lat . latro. Lleisw, Lye, ?> lixivium; A.-Sax., laeg. LI eng, Legion. ,, legio. Llesg, Faint, feeble, ,, laxus. Llcw, Lion, ,, leo. Lleuipard, Leopard, English. Lat, leo-pardus. Lleyg, Layman, Lat . lay. Comp. Germ. Lcitte. Llinell, A line, ,, linea. See " llin," App. B. Llith, A lesson, ,, litera. Llong, Ship, „ longa (navis). — Ebel. Llugorn, A lantern, ,, lucerna.' — Ebel. See" Ihiserti." Llugorn m ay be from lluab, a . light, and Corn, horn, the material of which the instrument was made. Llun (dydd), Monday, Lat . luna (the moon). Llun, Figure, ! „ Llunio, To shape, lineo, delinio, to portra}-. Llurig, Coat of mail, ,, lorica. Llusern, Lantern, ,, lucerna, lux. Llyfn, Smooth, ,, lasvis ; Gr. Ae?os. Llyfr, Book, " liber. But conf. " llyfr." Append. B. Llynges, A fleet, ,, longa (navis). Llythyr, A letter, ,, litera. Llylhyrenog, Learned, ,, id. Llythyraeth, Orthography, ,, id. Llythyr en, Alphabetic letter, ,, id. Machlyd, Setting of sun occludo. Maer, Mayor, Fr. maire; Lat. major. 526 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Welsh. English. Magwr, A wall, Mai, May, Malais, Malice, Man eg, A glove, Mantais, Advantage, Mantell, Mantle, Marchnad, Market, Maten, A mat, Mawrth {dydd) Tuesday, Mawrth (mis), March, Meidr, Measure, Mcddwi, Get drunk, Meddyg, Physician, Medi, To reap, Medi (mis), September, Meistr, Master, Melldigo, To curse, Melldith, A curse, Melldiihio, To curse, Mclyn, Yellow, Memrwn, Parchment, Men, y fen, Waggon, the Mcrcher (dydd), Wednesday, Merthyr, Martyr, Mesnr, Measure, Mctel, Metal, Milwr, Soldier, Modd, Manner, Mocs, Behaviour, Moesol, Moral, Morthwyl, A hammer, yn, Virgin, Mud, Mute, Mur, Wall, Mwydo, Moisten, M\\lvr, Metre, My/yrio, Meditate, Mymryn, A particle, A monk, Mynachdy, Monastery, Immed. Derivations and Cognates. Lat. maceria. ,, Maiae (mensis). English. Lat. malitia, malus. Fr. manique; Lat. manus, hand. ,, a vantage. A. -Sax., maentel ; Germ. Mantel. English. Germ. Markt ; Lat. mer- cor, mercator. English. A. -Sax. meatte. Lat. Mars, Martis (dies). ,, ,, ,, (mensis). ,, metrum ; Gr. utrpov. Gr. ixedvu}. But conf. " medd. " Lat. medicus. [Append. B.] ,, meto. ,, id. English. Lat. magister. Lat. male-dico. ,, male-dictum „ id. ,, melinus ; Gr. firiXivos ; Ital. giallo, whence, yellow ; Germ. gelb. ,, membrana. wain, A. -Sax., waen] Gael, feun, id. Lat. Mercurii (dies). ,, martyrus; Gr. p.aprvp. English ; or Fr. niesurc. Lat. metallum ; Gr. ixiraWov. ,, miles. ,, modus. ,, mos, moris. ,, ,. moralis. ,, martulus (martellus). — Ebel. ,, virgo, vir-ginis. ,, mutus; Fr. mutt. ,, murus. ,, madeo. English; or Fr. mitre. Lat. memoro. ,, minima res. ,, monachus ; Gr. ftvaxis. ,, id., and ty. a house. APPENDIX A. 527 Welsh. Mynyd, Mynwent, English . A minute, Graveyard, tions in memory of limned. Derivations and Cognates. English ; Fr. minute ; Lat minutus. Lat. monumentum. Because erec the dead were to admonish the living Myrdd, | Myrddiwn, j A million, Gr. fivpids-dSos, pi. /xvpiaSuv. Mysg, Among, ( A. -Sax. miscan ; Germ, mischen \ Lat. misceo. Cymmysgu, To mix, Natur, Nature, Lat. natura. Naturiol, Natural, „ id. Neb, None, ,, nemo. Neges, Errand, Fr. negoce ; Lat. negotium. Nifer, Number, Lat. numerus. Nod, A mark, ,, nota. NottJi, Naked, ,, nudus. Nwyfus, Vigorous, ,, navus. Odl, An ode, \ rhyme, j awdl, ,, oda. Oed, Age, ,, aetas. Oged, Harrow, ,, occa. Ogof, A cave, ,, cavus. But see, "<:«/»," "can, in Append. B. Olew, Oil, ,, oleum. See "o/ezi 1 ." Append. B. Ongl, A corner, ,, angulus. Or graph, Orthography, ,, orthographia. See " crafu,' Append. B. Orivyrain, The east, quarter ) . . !• ,, onor, onens. dwyrain, of sunnsing, Pabell, Pavilion, Fr. pavilion; Lat. papilio. Padett, A pan, Lat. patella. Pal, Spade, ,, pala ; A. -Sax. pal, a stake. Palas, Palace, Fr. palais ; Lat. palatium. Palf, Paw, palm of hand, Lat. palma ; Fr. palinc. Pannu, To full, „ pannus, a cloth. Papur, Paper, Fr. papier ; Gr. irdirvpos. Par, A pair, Lat. par. Parchell, A small pig. ,, porcellus. SccEbel, " porchett. Pared, A wall, Sj an. fared ; Lat. parietes. Parod, Read}', I. at. paro, paratus. 528 :he pedigree of the English. Welsh. English. Imntcd. Derivations and Cognates. Parth, Part, Lat. pars, partis. Pastwn, Baton, staff, 0. Fr. baston. Pan, The country, Fr. pays ; Lat. pagus. Pawl, A pole, Lat. palus. Pen-elyn, Elbow, ,, ulna. Penyd, Penance, ,, poena, pcenitentia. Pererin, Pilgrim, ,, peregrinus (per-ager). Pcrffaith, Perfect, Fr. parfait ; Lat. perfectus. Periglor, A priest, Lat. periculum. The Welsh viewed the priest as one averting " danger." Peroriaeth, Music, Lat. os, oris. Prob. "per" from purus. Person, Person ,, persona, sono. Perthyn, Belonging to, ,, pertineo. Perygl, Danger, ,, periculum ; Fr. peril. Pescu, To feed, ., pasco ; Gr. /36c7cu. Phiol, A dish, ,, phiala — Ebel. Pilio, To peel, ., pilo. Pistyll, Conduit, ,, fistula. Plethu, To plait, ,, plico ; Germ, flechten. But, see "plygu," Append. B. Phi, pluf, Feathers, ,, pluma. Pluazcg, Feathery, „ id. Plyg't, To bend, ,, id. But see Append. B. Poen, Pain, ., poena ; A.-Sa::. Pocnus, Painful, „ id. Poenydio, To impose pain , ,, pceniteo. Pont, A bridge, ,, pons, pontis. Porch ell, A young pig, pork, a ,, porcellus. Porphor, Purple, ,, purpura, or Gr. iropQvpa. Porth, A gate, ,, porta. Portreiadu, To portray, Fr. portrairc. Post, A post, , ... ; Lat. postis, pono. Pol hell, Blister, t. pustula. Pottel, Bottle, Fr. 601 teilli ; [tal. both Praidd, A flock, Lat. pi Proof, ,, probo. Profi, To prove, Profiad, Experience, J 'reseb, Man . Prescnol, Present, ,, pr.i. ens, pra:-sum. APPENDIX A. 52 9 Welsh. English . Preswylfa, A habitation, Prif, Chief, Pris, Price, proffes, Profession, Pvudd, Wise, thoughtful Punt, A pound sterlin weight of money (Lat. libra). scillingas ; the Saxon, 48 ; the Pur, Pure, Pardr, Rotten, Pwll, A pit, Pwnc, Point, Pwrcas, Purchase, Pwys, Weight, Pwyso, To weigh, Pwyth, Recompense, Pydew, Pit, Pyg, Pitch, Pysg, Fish, Pysgotwr, Fisherman, Rhaith, Rhaith, advice. to each Rhadell, Rhamantus, Rheibio, Rhastel, Rliaw, Rhelyw, Rheul, Rheswm, Rhesymu, Rliialtwch, Rhidyll, Rhingcian, RhCd, Rliitu, Law, right, A jury, "Rhaith" law, anc other like A. -Sax. rih A grater, Romantic, To seize, bewit Hay rack, A shovel, Residue, Rule, Reason, To reason, Pomp, state, Riddle, To gnash, A wheel, To roar, Immed. Derivations and Cognates. Lat. prassul. A man is "chief'' in his own house. ,, primus. English; orFr.^n'.v; Lat. pretium. English. Lat. profiteor, professus. , Fr. prude; Lat. prudens. g; A. -Sax. pund ; Germ. Pfund, a . The Norman pound was = 20 Mercian, 60. Lat. purus. ,, putris. ,, palus. ,, punctum. English ; or Fr. pourchasser, to obtain by buying. Fv.peser ; Lat. pendeo. ,, id. Lat. pactum. ,, puteus. A. -Sax. pic; Lat. pix. ,, fisc ; Germ. Fisch ; Lat. piscis. Lat. piscator. A.-Sax. reht, riht ; Germ. Recht ; Lat. rectum. A.-Sax. raed, Germ. Rath, counsel, " rhaith," a jury, seem to be related and raed, and Germ. Recht and Rath. Lat. radula. Fr. romantiqite. (Romanus.) h, Lat. rapio. Ital. rastello, palisades. Lat. rado. ,, reliquiae, Fr. reliijue. A.-Sax. regol ; Lat. regula. Fr. raison :■ ; Lat. ratio. „ id. Eng. royalty; Fr. royaute. A.-Sax. hridde! ; Germ. Ruder. Lat. ringor. ,, rota. ,, rugio ; Gr. dipio/xat. M M 53° THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Welsh. English. Immed. Derivations and Cognates. Rhwyd, A net, Lat. rete. Rhwyf, An oar, ,, remus, Fr. ranie. Rhyfel, War, „ rebello, bellum. Scgru, To set apart, ,, sacer, sacro. Sadwvn (dydd] , Saturday, ,, Saturni (dies). Sacr, Carpenter, English saw-er, now sawyer, one who uses the saw. Sail, Foundation, A. -Sax. syl ; Lat. solum. Sam, A causeway, ) T Sarnu, To strew, Lat. sterno. Sarph, Serpent, ,, serpens. Scbon, Soap, Fr. savon ; Lat. sapo; Ital. sapona ; Gael, siabunn. Scgur, Idle, Lat. securus, sine-cura. Senedd, Senate, „ senatus, senis. Seneddwr, Senator, ,, senator. Serio, To sear, A. -Sax. seoran. Siampl, Example, English. Lat. exemplum. Sicr, Certain, Germ, sicker; Lat. securus. Sicrhau, To assure, „ id. Siengl, Single, English. Lat. singulus. Sill, ) Sillaf, 1 Syllable, ( Engl, or Lat. syllaba ; Gr. avWaS,', ( (taking together letters). Uncert. from which of these the Welsh is borrowed. Si one, Active, Lat. juvencus, young. Soddi, \ Suddo, J To sink, ( A. -Sax. scothan, to boil, seethe, ( hence " sodden"; Lat. sido. Sugno, To suck, Lat. sugo ; A. -Sax. sucan. BHgyl, Stile, A. -Sax. stigel. Swch, Ploughshare, Fr. soc ; Lat. seco, to cut. Swllt, Shilling, Lat. solidus ; late Lat. solta. Swnibwl A goad, „ stimulus. Sydyn, Sudden, English. A. -Sax. . Symbylu, To stimulate, Lat. stimulus. Swn, Sound, Fr. s •: ; Lat. sonus. Though a common etymon exists, thi ; particular form seems to be thus derived. See ST. 1 ;;, sain, in Append. B. Office, l.at. situs. Syber, Sober, proper, „ sobrius, or Fr. sobrc. Sych, Dry, ,, siccus. Sylfaen, Foundation, A. -Sax. syl, and \\ . ..:..■. a stone. APFE> DIX A. 55 Welsh. English. Immed. Derivations and Cognates Syml, Simple, Lat. simplex. Sy in mud, To remove, ,, se-moveo, motus. Synio, Perceive, ,, sentio. To en n, To spread, Tafarn, Tavern, Taradr, Auger, Tarfu, To scare, Tasg, Tax, Tewi, To be silent Terfyn, End, bound, Terfysg, Commotion, Terfysgit, To make a motion, Teym, A king, Teyrnas, Kingdom, TeitI, Title, Ton, Tone, Traddodi, To deliver, Traddodiad, Tradition, Tract Ji, A sand, Tracthu, Relate, treat of, Trafael, Travel, labor, Trafaelu, To travel, Trawst, A beam, Trebl, Treble, Trist, Sad, Tristwch, Sadness, Trosedd, Transgression, Trwsio, Tie, or gird up, Try bed d, Trivet, Trysor, Treasure, Tymestl, Tempest, Tymer, Temper, Tymmyg, Timely, (tymp-ig) Sometimes der. from Lat. tendo. But see taenu, teneu, Append. B. English, from Lat. taberna, Fr. touret ; Lat. terebra. Lat. turbo. ,, taxo; Gr. rao-crw. ,, taceo. „ terminus. ,, misceo. Terfysgit, as if from tor/ (a crowd) or twm>, (noise", and tnysgit, (to mingle.) ■ „ id. ,, tyrannus, Gr. rvpawos. „ id. ,, titulus ; scarcely naturalized in Welsh, but in gen. use. ,, tonus, prob. borrowed from English. ,, trado, tradidi. „ id. ,, tractus. „ tracto, like ffaith from factum. Fr. travail (s.), travaillcr (v.) „ id. Lat. transtrum. English. Not quite naturalized, but in common use. Lat. triplex, Fr. triste; Lat. tristis. „ id. Lat. transeo-itum. Fr. trousscr. English. Lat. tripes ; Fr. trepied. Fr.tresorj Lat. thesaurus; Gr. Lat. tempestas, tempus. English. Lat. tempero, id. English. A. -Sax. lima, time, has a common root with tempus M 2 532 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Welsh. Tymp, Tyner, Tyst, Tystio, Tystiolacth, Ufydd, Uffern, Ugain, | Ugaint, J Urdd, Urdd as, Usuriaeth, Uwd, English. III! mcd. Derivations and Cognates Time of child- Lat tempus. birth. Tender, ,, tener. Witness, ,, testis. To bear witness, ,, id. Evidence, " id. Obedient. obedio ; /. substituted for h. Hell, infernum. / Lat. viginti ; but a common root Twenty. is seen in Gr. eutocn; Lat. viginti ; v W. ug&in ; Gael../?r/;ead. Order, ordination, ) T , , _. . • Lat. ordo. Dignity, ) Usury English. Lat. usura. Scarcely naturalized. . . . Lat. uvidus. spoon meat. Ymbalfala, To grope, ,, palma. Ymerawdwr, Emperor, imperator. ^merodraeth, Empire, id. (Ymerawdwr-aeth.) i'mgcleddu, To cherish. colo. Pref.y;;/, reflexive. Ysgeler, Wicked, scelerosus. Ysgol, School, schola ; Gk. :r, daear, earth ; A. -Sax. card ; Germ. Erde, earth; Engl, ear (of corn), and Old Engl, car, to plough. " General in all European Language s." — Ebel. , ', \ , , r • ^ Lat. aer; Gr. l-hp, Ec\\a\ Corn. A breath of air . .. m i ■ Gael, at e: A wen. Poetic aftlatus, \ T ' q u . I . I ;. ■•, Air, ' Awr, Hour, ,, h ra: Gr. :-,a: Gael, uair; G . Uhr; C rn. i ur; Manx. . APPENDIX E. 539 Welsh. English. Cognates. Benyw, Woman, Lat. femina, venus; Gr. j3avd, yvvq; O. Germ, winia (uxor); ban, Corn, bcnow ; bcncn (spousa) ; Ir. bainion, bean, ben; Gael, bean; Sansc. vanitd; Arm. gwam ; Fr. femme. Comp. Bopp, and Ebel. Boreu, Morning, Gr. irput; A. -Sax. morn, morgan Germ. Morgen ; Corn, bore; Arm. beure. Bugail, A herdsman, Lat. vacca, pastor, bubulcus ; Gr. Bods. Buwch, A cow, Lat. vacca ; Gr. (3ovs ; Gael, bo ; Corn, buch ; Arm. bit. Brawd, pi. brodyr, Brother, Lat. frater ; Gr. See, also, Given, gwyn. Car A friend, Lat. carus ; Gr. x a P^> X«P' s ; Gael. cava ; Corn, car ; Arm. car ; Fr. cher ; Sanscr. craiyas. Cariad, Love, Lat. caritas; Gr. x^-X d P'- T0 ^ and xalpu ; Gael, carantachd ; Corn, carense. Can, Hollow, Lat. cavus; Gr. uo^Xos] Gael. .... Cant, The end or haft • Lat. cornu, the projecting part ; Ir. of a thing, [ and Gael, cairn ; W. cam, pro- Corn, The horn, / miner.ee, pile; Corn, id'., as of land, " Cornwall," the horn or promontory of the Wealas, or Welsh. 540 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Welsh. English. Cognates. A. -Sax. horn ; Germ. Horn. The Teutonic differs from Celtic in the rough breathing h being substituted for c. Ceffyl, Horse, Gr. mfHXk-qs; Lat. caballus ; Fr. cheval; Ir. capall; Corn, cevil (Corn, local name Pen-cevil, " horse's head ") ; Manx, cabhyl. In use amongst peasantry in Yorkshire in Welsh form kevill. " Slav, kobyla ; Lith. kumeli, kumahikas."' — Ebel. Cell A cell, -. Lat. cella, a cell ; celo ; Gr. ko'lXos, Cclu, To conceal, hollow; Ir. and Gael. cil,ceall; Gerfio, To carve, V Corn, ecles, to hide: Sansc. cal, Gil, A corner, recess, j to cover : Gr. icXela, to shut in. Cilio, To retreat, ^ Vide " crafu" and " argraph." Ci, A dog, Lat. canis; Gr. ki/w; Germ. Hund : Ir. and Gael, cu, pi. coin; Corn, ci, pi. ken, kuen ; Sansc. cvan, c'un. Clock, . A bell, A.-Sax. clucge; Germ. Glocke; Fr. cloche ; Gael, clag ; Corn, clock; Manx, clagg. Cor, A choir, Lat. chorus ; Gr. %6pos ; Fr. clwcur ; Gael, coisir ; A.-Sax. chor ; Germ. Char. The first signif. of W. cur, is a circle, which proves its affinity to Gr. X"P°^> a dance in a ring. Not improb. that W. coron, Lat. corona, Gr. Kopdvij, Germ. Kn ne, are from the same idea of a circle — surrounding the head. Crafu, To scrape, cut, Yide " argraph " and ". &c, Cynnwrf, or Commotion, | W. cyd, together, twrf, a tumult ; Cynkwrf, disturbance, J or tyrfa, a crowd, multitude ; Lat. turba, a crowd; turbo, to disturb; \\". !;,r, a heap, tower ; Gael, tur, id.; A.-Sax. tor; Germ. Thurm ; Lat. turris, Sec. Yide "twr." W.twf, is the tumult of a crowd, or tyrfa: and tyrfa, like Lat. turba is a twr, tor, or tur, i.e., a heap or accumulation (of mem. Yide " torf." Dagrau, Tears, Gr. tidicpva; A. -Sax. tdeher, tear; Germ, ziihre; Gzel.deur; Corn, dager; Arm. Dt rw, deru en ) Qak an oak . tree ( Gr. SpCs, 86pu ; Lat. quercus, quer- (singular), i '. nus : Goth, triu ; A.-Sax. treow, a tree ; Slav, drevo ; Ir. dair, Corn, dar, pi, Yrm. rfcfo, i Dydd,p].dyddiau, Day, Lat, dies: Ir. rf»7»; Corn. 5aj'w ; A. -Sax. cwyde, a Oweyd, Say, 't speech, saying; ewedan, to speak; Chwedl, A saying, J Corn, gwes'ys. Gwen,/., White, fair, ) Also applied as an epithet and Gwyn,m., Beautiful, j propername to females. A. -Sax. cwen, a queen, wife, woman. The Celtic adj. gwen, white, fair, has a significance, when applied as an epithet of distinction, which the A. -Sax. cwen has not. The latter is clearly borrowed from the former, as is proved by Cwensea, the Saxon name of the White Sea; Germ. Weissc-mecr ; Fr. Merblanche. The primitive sense 01 " white " is lost to the A.-Sax. cwen, and Eng. queen ; and by this loss its use for a female ruler is simply arbitrary and technical. The W. given retains the primitive signification, and explains the reason of the epithet. Gael, and Ir. can and fionn ; Corn, gwyn; Arm. gwenn. The root is also seen in Lat. candco, candidus. Comp. also, Gr. yvvr/, yiyv o/j.a\ ; Lat. Venus, cunnus ; Goth, quens ; and Celtic, benyw, bean, as possibly all related. Gwir, True, truth, Lat. verus; Gael, fior; Corn, gwir ; Arm. gwir ; Germ, wahr ; Sansc, varyas. excellent ; Engl, very — " the very man." Gwin, Wine, This belongs to a class which from antecedent probability might be looked for in the primitive stage 01 most European languages. There can be no reason for deriving it into Welsh or Irish from Latin. It seems to be the property of all the Aryan tongues, with slight differences, initial and terminal, corresponding to the genius of each. Gr. olvos, Mo\. yohos (origin. FZi/os) Lat. vinum ; Ir. and Gael. Jion ; Corn, and Arm., gwin ; A.- Sax., win; Germ. Wein ; Russ. vino. It is not absent from Semitic: Heb. ]», ain. Gwldn, Wool, PGr./irfAoj', beautiful, useful, good) 542 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Welsh. English. Cognates. Lat. lana ; Gael, olann ; A. -Sax. wull ; Germ. Wolle. The sheep is prevailingly white in all countries, and its covering, in W.gwldn, may owe its name to its pure and white appearance, from gldn, pure, clean. Gwr, A man, > Gr. ytpuv, an elder, a senator ; Lat. Qwron, A noble, brave > vir, Gr. (Lpys; Ir. and Gael. fear ; man, J A.-Sax. aw; Corn, goiir ; Goth. rm'r; Sansc. varus, from yrzr, to defend. Hafaljfel, vial, Like, similar, Gr. 6/j.a\6s; Lat. similis ; Gael. adv. amhuil ; Corn, haval ; Arm. hcvel. Haul, The sun, Gr. ffXtos ; Lat. sol ; Gael, and Ir. soil; Corn, //n;/; Arm. heol; Goth, sauil ; Lith. srt»/t\ Icuanqc, and) _. (Lat. juvenis, juvencus; Gr. t/S?;; r^ 1 Young, \ ^ . . . Ifangc, ) ° ( Corn. yonc,iouenc ; Arm. lonanc Sansc. yavan ; Goth. Jungs; Lith. jciunas ; Slav. y»»». Comp. — Ebel. A.-Sax. t#»£, ?'cw£, geong.— Bopp. L/a&, //«/;?, Slab, blade, Lat. lamina, Gr. i\a/a*«s; O. Norse, flair.— Ebel. Llewyrch, Alight, ashining, Gr. Xi'-x^oj; Lat. lux ; Gael. lochran, soileirich, to lighten ; Corn, lugarnj luclias, lightning. Llin, Flax, \ Gr. A/jw ; Lat. linum ; Gael, Llinyn, A string, ( Corn, lin; Arm. lin; Manx. Lin, lliazos, A multitude, G r. Xa6.r, Xaik6j ; Lat. laicus (hence Eng. /<7j'-man) ; Gael, lion, to crowd; A.-Sax. leod, people. Llucliio, To lighten, Lat. luxeo;Gr.Xtfxi'w; Gael. lot light; Corn, luchas, lightning; A.-Sax. Hitting. Llueh A flash of lightning Germ. 2 i, &c. Llyfr, A book, Lat. liber; Ir. and Gael. Icabhar ; Corn, lyvyr and levar ; A.-Sax. lar, doctrine. Germ. Left re, doctrine, lehren, to teach, &c, may be related. Main, To grind, Lat. molo : Germ, wahUn : Goth. mala::: Si ' .' Ir. in til : Com. tttelias; Ar: . APPENDIX E. 543 Welsh. English. Cognates. Melin, A mill, Lat. mola : Avm. melin ; Gr. /u'\?;; A.-Sax. mylen ; Germ. Miihlc ; Golh. moulin ; Fr. moulin; Arm. melin; Corn, melin ; Lith. malunas ; Sansc. mala/nan. Mariv, To die, Lat. morior ; Ir. mevbh, dead ; Corn, marwel, to die ; Arm. mervcl. Mel, Honey, Lat. mel ; Gr. fiikr, Ir. mil; Cor. and Arm. mel; Goth, milith. Mis, Month, Lat. mensis ; Gr. /jtfy, /xeis ; Ir. and Gael, mios ; Corn, mis ; Lith. menu ; Sansc, mas; Goth. 7;zcta. Min, ffin, cyffi- Edge, bound, Lat. finis, confinis;| Gael.' fluid; niau, limits, Corn, and Arm. min; also Corn. mein, margin, lip, mouth. From these Fr. mine, whence Eng. mien ; look, air, manner. Mor, The sea, Lat. mare ; Ir. muir ; Corn, and Arm. mor ; Anc. Gaulish, mori ; Germ. Mecr ; Sansc. miras. Mynydd, Mountain, Lat. mons ; Fr. mont and montagne; Ir. and Gael, monadh ; Corn, menedh; Arm. menez. Lat. mons is referrable to no simple root in that language, unless it be the archaic min, found in emineo, and this is none other than myn in W. mynydd men in Corn, menedh, and mon in Ir. monadh. Curiously enough mons and mens (mind) seem to have a common root, whose office is to mark prominence, projection, in mens associated with the promi- nence of the head, the supposed seat of intelligence (hence also W. menydd, brain), and in mons the prominence of the mountain. Nef, Heaven, Lat. nubes ; Gr. vtyos) Ir.neamh; Corn, nef; Arm. env ; Sansc. navas,iiabhas ; Lett, debbes, iovdnebbes • Slav. nebo. — Bopp. Nigivl, niwl, Mist, Lat. nebula ; Gr. ve^i\-q ; Germ. Nebel; Ir. neul; Corn. nhil. Nos, Night, Lat. nox ; Gr. vti%; Ir. and Gael. nocht ; Corn, nus ; Arm. nos; Goth, naht ; A.-Sax. niht ; Germ. Nacht ; Sansc. nic,nakta; Russ. noch ; Slav, nosch. The word is clearly from a common Aryan root. The history of its descent offers no proof of its being a Latin or a Teutonic gift to Celtic. Nyth, Nest, Lat. nidus; Ir. and Gael, nead; Corn, neid; Arm. neiz ; Sansc. Nida ; A.-Sax. nest ; Germ. Nest. Oes, An age, Lat. aetas ; Gr. altbv ; Lat. aevum ; O. H. Germ, ewa ; " is wanting in Slav, and Lith." Ebel! Oleic, eli, Oil, ointment, Lat. oleum ; Gr. H\a.wi>; Gael, ola oladh; A.-Sax. ael ; Germ. Acl ; Corn, oleu ; Arm. oleon ; Goth alev. 544 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Welsh. English. Cognates. Plygu, To bend, Lat. plico, flecto; Gael. />///; Corn. plegye, pleg, a flexion ; Arm. plega ; Germ, flechten. Lat. plica, and Eng. "plait" and "ply" related. Poll, People, Lat. populus (rel. to which is blebs); Corn, pobel ; Arm. poll; Germ. Piibel; Gael, poball. Q. whether W. " pobi '" is not of identical origin with W. " pob," all, every; or, whether pobi, and Lat. populus, are both derived from pob. Populus, sometimes contracted poplus, and plcbs, pleps, plebcs, are not reducible to Latin roots. Rhi, King, Lat. rex; Gael, righ ; A. -Sax. ricn • ; Germ. Reich, a kingdom; Corn, ruy, and ruif; Arm. roue; Fr. roi ; Goth, reiks ; Sansc. raj. Swn, ) o i Lat. sonus ; perhaps akin to Gr. ' ; bound, r r Sain, ) arhw, to groan ; Gael, son ; Corn. and Arm. son ; A. -Sax. son ; a sound, a song ; Sansc. suaud. There is no reason for deriving W. swn and sain from Lat. which is desti- tute of a root simpler than sonus itself. Sedd, gorsedd, A seat, throne, Lat. sedeo, sedes; Gr. ; Corn. sedhe, esedhc (v.) ; Ir. suidh ; Arm. ase::a ; Goth, sitan ; Slav, sesti ; Lith. sesti. — Ebel. Sycli, Dry, Lat. siccus: Gr, o-auKos; Fr. sine : Corn, sych ; Arm, seach ; Lith. sansas ; 0. Slav, suchu. Taenu, To spread, Lat. tendo, tenuis ; Gael, tana, thin ; Corn, tanow ; Arm. tannad. The word tin seems to be from " taenu," to spread (a coating); A. -Sax. tan, a spreading; Sansc. ianu. W. tcncn is from same archaic root. Taran, Thunder, Lat. tono,tonitrus Gr. arlvu ; Gael. torrun ; Corn, taran : Arm. taran, lightning. It is known that this word was in use amoung the Ancient Gauls, for Lucan informs us that Jupiter [Tonans] was called by them Taranis. See, also, p. i8g. And so perh. TanarTJS, Inscrip. Orell. No. Z054; A. -Sax. thunder; Germ. Donner. Tarw, A bull, Gr. raiVo? ; Lat. taurus: Umbr. turn; Gael, tavbh : Corn, tarow ; Anc. Caul, tarvos ; Slav. lour. Conf. Max. Miiller, Oxford Essays, 1S56, p. 26. Torch, A ring, wreath, ) Lat. torqueo. But torqueo is not Torchi, To coil, wreathe. ) derivable from any Latin root ; tero, to rub, cannot be its origin. The idea of roundness, promi- nence, a bulging, or swelling, i^ expressed in Celtic by tor, twr, and APPENDIX B. 545 Welsh. English. Cognates. the act of turning is expressed by troi. Big-bellied is torrog, in W. and Corn; Arm. torrec ; Gael, torrach. The Gaulish and Briton princes wore as an ornament a gold ring or collar around the neck, in reference to which custom, Llywarch Hen, circ. a.d. 620, uses the word eur-dorchawg, golden-collared, or wreathed. See p. 69, ante. A. -Sax. tumian, to turn ; tor, a prominence, hill ; Germ. Thurm; Eng. torch, because of the coiling action of flame. Tir, daear, Land, earth, Lat. terra ; Gael. Corn. Arm. tir ; Corn, tir dcvrac, watery ground; tir ha mor, land and sea. Terra is not traceable to a Latin etymon simpler than itself. The word is not represented in the Teutonic tongues. Fr. tcrrc : Ital. terra. Torf A crowd, -^ Lat. turba ; Cymric twr is a Tyrfa, A crowd, 5 heap, and tor means in Cymric, Tyrru,\. To crowd, ) Corn., Gael., and Arm. a rounded prominence, a hill, a heap, an accumulation; A. -Sax. tor, a hill, a peak, a tower; Germ.Thurui ; Dan. torm. Twr, A tower, Lat. turris. Same idea as in turba, and the Celtic and Gothic equivalents are the same as the cognates under '■"torf; " Gael., Corn., and Arm. tor; A.-Sax. tor and twr; Germ. Thurm; Dan. torm; Fr. tour; Gr. rvpais. Ty, A house, ) Lat. tectum, tego, (to cover) To, Thatch, ) Gr. Tiyos; to^os ; It. teach, tigh; Corn, ti ; Arm. ti ; Germ, dach ; Lith. stogas ; O. Norse, thak ; A.-Sax. thacc, theac ; Icel. thak, thatch. Ynys, An island, Lat. insula; Gr. pijaos £ mkcos. — Pott. Ir. inis ; Arm. cnez ; Germ. Inscl. Ysgrif, A writing, ) Lat. scribo, akin to Gr. ypd 33i- ^Eneas coming into Latium, 23. Aetius, alleged letter of Britons to, 213—219. Agricola, the Roman general, | builds a wall from the Forth to the Clyde, 91 ; in Britain, ib ; attacks Anglesey, 147 ; encourages learning and trade, ib ; penetrates the North, ib ; erects the wall from the Tyne to the Sohvay, ib ; Latin up to the time of, not adopted by the Britons, 319. Akerman, J. Gr., on the coins of the Romans, 66, note. Alain, of Brittany, a chief in William's army, 286. Alaric invades Italy, 92. Alban, the British martyr, 160. Alclwyd, name of Dumbarton, 257. Alfred, King, appenrs, III; his great exertions, ib. ; his retirement, and great victory at Westbury, 112 ; aided by the old Britons, ib. ; his death, ib. ; will of, quoted, 232 ; JDomboc of, 446. Allen's Royal Prerogative quoted, 310. Alliteration, practice of, among early Britons, 71 ; among modern Welsh, 73 ; evil effects of, ib. ; allit. and final rhymes among the Welsh, 74. Alsatians, the, 236. Americans, the, differ from the English type, 512; not "Anglo-Saxons," 5'3- Ammianus Marcellinus on the Druids, 78 ; quoted, 157. Ancalites, the, 132. " Ancient Britons," meaning of terms, 25 ; all the, one in race, 58. 552 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Aneurin, the bard, referred to, 69, 72, 106, 187, 206, 336. Angles, the, invade Britain, 103 ; give the name to England, 105. Anglesey, inhabitants of, 265, note. " Angli, non, sed angeli," 105, 510. Anglia Transwalliana, 432. Anglo-Saxon, the, a journal called, 510. Anglo-Saxon words better preserved in Welsh than English, 345 ; lost to English, preserved in Welsh, ib. Anglo-Saxon, language, the, earlier relations of, to the Celtic, 319; replacement of the British tongue by, no proof that the Saxons were more numerous or their language superior, 323 ; freedom from Celtic of the early, 328 ; not more than a third of modem English derived from, 398. Anglo-Saxons, the, invade Britain, and establish their different kingdoms, 97 ; conquered by the Danes, 107 ; progress of, in subjugation of Britons, slow, 201 ; admixture of, with the British race, 210 ; were suipassed in number by the Britons, 227 ; pro- gress of absorption of the aborigines by> 2 35 ! constitution of society among the, 305 ; caused their ruder speech to replace the British, 323 ; personal names of, dropped in Eng- land, 428 ; the English not properly descendants of, 510,513. Annales Ca7nbria:, quoted. 216, 434. Apes, human descent from, 23. Appian, referred to, 30, 150, Aquitani, &c., of Caesar, who, 40. Architecture, Roman, in Britain, 182. Armoric language, the, 45, 47 — 49. Armorica, 45 ; peopled, 54 ; the Bry- thon come from, 55 ; Britons settle in 201 ; inhabitants of called " Bret- ton" and " Brittanni," 221, note, 222, note, 229, 300. Army, Roman, in Britain, under Cresar, 86, 87; under Aulus Plautius, 144; average number of, 94 ; magnitude of, under Scvcrus, 157 ; how consti- tuted, 186; how used, 196; promo- tion in, il>. Arndt's Europiiischen Sprachen, 334. Arnold, Prof. Matthew, on the Celtic race, 4S 1 , 4S2, 509, note; on Celtic Literature, 48 1. Ait and science in Dmidic times, 64, 69. Art, not a guide on complexion, 458. Ait of writing known to Druids, 71. Arthur, King, mythic or historical, 98, 99, note ; opposes Cerdic, 206. Ascanius, coming into Latium, 23. Asser, his life of Alfred, referred to, no, in, 257. Athelstan, compels the Britons to re- tire from Exeter, 251 ; gains the great victory of Brunanburh, 258. Athenians, origin of the, 23. Atrebatii of Gaul and Britain, 38. Attica, by poverty grew strong, 22. Augustus Csesar, refers to Britain, 159. Aulus Plautius, Roman general in Britain, 140. AvroxOopes, the idea of, 23. Avienus, referred to, 22, 59 ; his ac- count of Himilco's voyage, 59. Avon, Welsh for river, 52 ; applied to rivers in England, 408 ; found on the continent, 410. Aw, wy, avon, in Celtic names, 408. Ban, ben, in Celtic names, 406, 422. Bards, early, of Britain, office of, 77. Bardes Bretons, Poimes des, by de la Villemarque, 302. " Barbarism," a term not applicable to the Britons, 79. Barrow-tombs, their contents as evi- dence of civilization of Britons, 67. Barzaz-Breiz, by de la Villemarque, quoted, 302. Battle Abbey, 290. note. Bayeux, taken by the Normans, 279. Beddoe, Dr. J., on complexion of Eng- lish, 463, note. Bede, Ven., Eccles. Hist, referred to, 50, 99, note, 102, 154, 160, 161, 197, 204, 322. Belga?, their country, 36: mainly Celts, 37 : cognate with the Cymry, ib. : their language, 37 — 40 : M. Souves- tre's opinion on, 40 ; what Caesar meant by, 40, 41, 42 ; their seat in Britain, 165. Belgic names of places, 3S. Belloquet, Roget de, his Ethnogfnie Gauloise, 41. Ben and pen, value of, as test words, 406, note; 423. Berghaus's physical atlas, quoted, 480. Bertram, Professor, supposed author of Richard of Cirencester's History, 103. Bern and de Dinand, in William's army, 287. Betham, Sir W., his Etruria CelHca referred to, 41; on ring money of Celts, 61 ; note. INDEX. 553 Bibliothtque Roy ale, of Paris, Archives of, 427. Bibroci, the, 132. Blackstone's Commentaries, 447. Blood, intermixture of, its effects, 20. Boadicea, Queen, 69 ; overcome by Suetonius, 91 ; seriousness of the crisis her revolt occasioned, 145. Bod, in Celtic local names, 412. Bceotia, Thucydides on, 22. Bordarii, order of ceorls, 308. Bosworth, Dr. Jos., F.R.S., quoted, 126, 310. Botticelli, Iris figures xanthous, 458. Boulogne, the port where Caesar em- barked, 86. Breton language, the, similarity of, to the Welsh, 45 ; M. Souvestre on, ib. Bretons, in William's army, 286 — 303. " Bretton," early name of Armoricans, 221. Bretwaida, the office of, 137, 194 ; etymology of, 244, note. Brian, of Brittany, iriWilliam's army,26. Brigantes, The, of Yorkshire, 142. Britain, first inhabitants of, 21 ; its early tribes all of one race, 27, 32 ; first peopled from Gaul, 36 ; the Celts of, and of Gaul, 43 ; first peopled by the Cymry, 54 ; its ancient names, 54 ; early notices of, 59 ; Caesar's account of, 61 ; writing known in, 71 ; invasions of, 83 ; a point of attraction in early times, ib ; Roman invasion of, 85 ; Saxon conquest of, 97 ; etymology of the name, 127 ; accumulation of race - elements in, 123, 124 ; generally populated in Roman times, 128 ; prosperity of, 152 ; the sumptuousness of Rome emulated in, ib ; conquered with difficulty by the Romans, 155 — 159 ; importance attached to its conquest, 158 ; conquests of Christian Church in, 159 ; distribution of population in, in Roman times, 161 ; Roman cities in, 170; colonic in, 172; Roman divisions of, 177 ; the Romans leave, 182 ; language of, when the Romans departed, 188, 319—323 ; condition of, when left by the Romans, 197 ; difficult subju- gation of, by the Saxons, 201 — 210 ; effect of Norman conquest on ethnology of, 271 ; constitution of society in, under Anglo-Saxons, 305 ; order of occupation of, shown by local names, 421. Britannia, the name, 127 ; sometimes applied to Wales, 249, note. Britannia Prima, its towns, 177; Brit. Secunda, ib. British, the name, suggestive of the race of the people, 123, 126. British bishops at the council of Aries, 160. " British," the proper name of the English, 123, 126, 127. Britons, the, their origin, 21 ; their state of civilization in Caesar's time, 63 ; their skill in war, 64 ; devoted to trade, ib ; smelters of metals, 65 ; coiners of money, 65, 66, 89 ; revelations of their barrow tombs, 67 ; art of writing known to. 71; the sense in which they were con- quered, 79 ; their extirpation not attempted, 80 ; first attacked by Coesar, 85 ; second attack of,by Csesar, 87 ; were tributarii, not vecligales, 133; averse to taxation,^. ; resistance offered by, to the Romans, 137 ; stood alone in the conflict, 158; mutual distrust their weakness, ib. ; Caesar's boast of having conquered, them, 159. Britons, the, intermixture between, and the Romans, 185 ; did not generally adopt the Latin language, 188 ; settled in the Western side of the island from choice, 191; numerical strength of, at the Saxon invasion, 195 ; causes of their weakness when the Romans withdrew, 197 ; their genealogies kept during their subjec- tion, 198 ; recover}' of their ancient spirit, ib. ; set up new governments, 199 ; their quarrels, ib.; widespread and numerous, 200 ; the resistance they offered to the Saxons, 201 — 210 ; become incorporated with the Saxons, 210 ; their number as compared with Saxons, 227 ; how far diminished by war, 230 ; " became Saxons," 232 ; remained on the conquered territory, 235 ; their incorporation necessary 10 form the new kingdoms, 240 ; the policy of Alfred towards, 250 ; by law joint rulers of Exeter, 251; recognised as a separate people in Wcsscx till near the conquest, 255 ; not slaves, or theowes, as such, in Anglo-Saxontimes,3on— 31 1 ; found in a state of bondage, 313. Brittany, formerly part of Lugdunensis, 39 ; people of, related to the Cymry, 554 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. 45 ; language of, identical with Cymraeg, 47—49 ; contributes to the army of the Conquest, 286 — 303 ; called Llyda'di by the Cymry, 299 "Brittanni," early name of the Bretons, 221. Broca, M., on the Gallic race, 282 ; on the Celtic cranium, 476. Bronze spear-heads, British, 67, note. Brunanburh, the battle of, 258. Brut y Ty-wysogion, quoted, 259, 260, 265, 301. Bryn, ire, in Celtic local names, 406. Bryneich, etymology of, 51. Brython, the, of the same race with the Britons, 36, 55 ; and Lloegrians, 53 ; mentioned by Taliesin, 237. Bunsen, Baron, on unity of human race, 28 ; on complexion of Germans, 460. Burke, Edmund, on the supposed ex- termination of the Britons, 240. Cadwalla (or Cadwallader), a Briton, on the throne of Wessex, 243. Caedmon, the hymn of, 329. Caer, Celtic for fortress, 38, 291, 412. Caer-Caradoc, the battle of, 142. Caere, the town of, its privileges, 136 ; its name, ib., note. Caerlleon [Isca Siluiiim), a visit to, 372. Caer- Went, "Venta Belgarum," 127, note. Csesar on the British Celts, 40 ; on state of culture of Britons, 70 ; the conquest of Britain by, 63, 85 ; leaves Britain, 88 ; his death, ib.; on the population of Britain, 130 ; cultivates the friendship of theBritons, 134 ; his invasion of Britain declared by Tacitus to be a failure, 156 ; Commentaries, referred to, 22, 32, 43, 61, 62, 63, 65, 70, 71, %i, 89, 130, 134, 166, 313. Caledonia, the Celts of, 45. Caledonian "States," 169. Caledonians, the, a numerous and warlike race, 148 ; attacked by Agricola, ib.; found to be a stubborn foe, ib.; are defeated at the battle of the Grampian Hills, [49. Caligula, the Emperor, makes a sham conquest of Britain. 156. Calpurnius Flaccus, 459. Camalodunun (Colchester), 145, 172. Camden, referred to, 65, 69, 141, 252, 404. Cantii, the, quickly submit to Cesar, 131. Canute, the Dane, becomes King of England, 107, 113, 116. Caracalla, extends citizen privilegest o the Britons, 151. Caractacus, the British prince, a son of Bran, 89, note ; opposed by Ostorius, 89 ; is led captive to Rome, 90 ; is liberated, 91; referred to, 140; leads the Silures against Ostorius, 142 ; the importance attached at Rome to his capture, 156. Caradog Freichfras, 300. Carausius, the usurper, 153. Cam, a Cymric word, 51, 406. Cartismandua, Queen, betrays Caracta- cus, 90, 143. Carlovingian dynasty, the, 276. Carnoban, commot of, 57. Cartmel Britons, disposed of, 246. Cassivelaunus, the British chief, 87, 132. Catalauni, the, of Gaul and Britain, 38. Cattraeth, battle of, 69, 206. Catyeuchlani, the, 38, 132. Celt, temperament of the, 193. Celts, called Germans by Greeks, 30 ; their routes to Britain, 34. Celtic elements, in the English lan- guage, 333 ; derived since the Anglo- Saxon conquest, 341 ; criteria re- specting, 347 ; in the modern English dictionary, 34S— 30 1 ; in the living dialects of England, 364 — 372; in obsolete English, in Chaucer, 376—377 ; in the popular speech, 378 ; assimilated since the Semi- Saxon period, ib ; derived through the Latin, 365, 384 — 387 ; derived through Norman-French and the Teutonic tongues, 387 — 397 ; process of their assimilation, 397. Celtic languages, or dialects, 46, 47, 52 ; remains of, in English. ^i>i> 37 2 - Celtic Literature, Arnold's, 481. Celtic Studies, Ebel's, 334, 415. Celtic tribes of Britain. 31. Celts, KAtcu, TaMrai, $$ ; of Britain and Gaul, 43 : of Ireland and Cale- donia, 45 ; and Teutons, related, 28 ; power of in North Britain extin- guished, 259. Celyddon, the name, related to Galatx, Cclta-. Galli, Sec., 56. Cen (Ir. cean), Cymric for head, 51. c 'en til, I raelic of j - ,51. Census ol~ [86l, 453. Ceorls, in Ang.-Sax. society, 306, 308. Cerdic, founds Wessex, [02; opposed by Arthur, 206. INDEX. 555 Cerdicsford, battle of, 205. Characteristics, physical, of the English, 452; mental and moral, of ditto, 479. Charlemagne, Empire of, 24, 276 ; Romance of, 489. Chaucer, the Celtic of, 376. Cherbourg, a Celtic name, 289. Chersonese, Cimbric, 32. Christian church, the, in Britain, 159. Christianity brought into Britain, 95. Clironique de Normandie, 283, 284. Cil, a recess, in local names, 911. Cimbri, the, inhabited the Cimbric Chersonese, 30 ; the Nervii descen- dants of, ib. ; the, of the Chersonese were Celts, 31 ; the Cimbri, Cimmerii, and Cymry, related, 32 ; the Cymry of Wales of the same stock with the, 31 : gave name to the Crimea, 34 ; defeated by Romans, ib. ; time when they came to Britain uncertain, ib. Cimbric Chersonese, the, once peopled by the Cimbri, 30 ; named from the Cimbri, 31. Cimmerii, the, the ~Kiiiix£piot. and the Cymry of the same race, 32. Cities, three principal, of the Triads, 171, note. Cities, Celtic names of, and towns, in England, 412. Cities, Roman, in Britain, their various designations and privileges, 170 — 173 ; their position and distribution as evidence of native population, 174. Civilization of the Ancient Britons, 59. Claudius, the Emperor, invades Britain, 89 ; is styled " Britannicus," ib., 140. Clawdd Offa, Offa's Dyke, 262. Climate of Ancient Britain, 83. Clovis invades Gaul, 274. Code of Howel Dda, 445, note ; 449. Ccelbren y Beirdd, referred to, 42. Coinage, early British, 65, 89. Colonial, the Roman, in Britain, 170, 172, 177; in Wales, 174; object of establishment of, 178. Comes Britanniarnm, office of, 181. Comes Litoris, in Pembrokeshire, 434. Comes Litoris Saxonici, office of, 181. Comparative Philology, its basis, 335. Complexion of the ancient Germans, 455 — 461 ; of Greeks and Romans, 456 ; of the English, 461 — 464 ; of Welsh, 465 ; of the Celts, 465—471. Conan Meiriadog, his expedition to Brittany, 299. Coningsby, William of, a Breton, 288. Consulares, officers so called, 180. Conquest, the Roman, of Britain, 85 ; the Saxon, of Britain, 97 ; the Danish 107 ; the Norman, 1 15 ; influence ot Roman, in driving the Britons to the western side of Britain, 190; slow progress of Roman, 137; extermina- tion of the natives not an object ot the Roman, 134 ; nor of the Saxon, 246 — 264. Constantine, the emperor, 91, 154; the Britons have peace in his time, 154- Constantius, the emperor, 91, 153. Constantius, the presbyter, his life of St. Germanus. 221. Conversion of Saxons not attempted by Britons, 105, note. Coraniaid, the, who, and whence ? 56. 57, 192; join the Saxons, 57. Coritavi, their seat in Britain, I64. Cornish language, the, 47 ; the speech of the West of England at the time of the Conquest, 253. Cornish Vocabulary, 48. Cornu-Britamiicum, Lexicon :, Williams,' 47, note. Cornwall, the name, 252 ; the Britons, possessors of, ib. Cornavii, their seat in Britain, 164. County divisions of England, 305 ; ditto of Wales, ib., note. Coxwall Knoll, 142. Craig, an element in local names, 406. Crania Americana, Morton's, 476. Crania Britannica, quoted, 457> 475- Cranium, form of, in old Germans and Celts, 471 — 479; English, 477. Creccanford, battle at, 205. Crimea, the, of cognate derivation with Cimbri and Cymry, 34. Cumberland, local names of, 261, 269, 411; is inundated by Norwegians, 269, Cumberland dialect, 369. Cumbria, the kingdom of, its locality, 206 ; lost to the Cymry by the battle of Cattraeth, ib. ; its people Celts, 256; extent of, 256,257; subject to frequent attacks, 260. Cumbrians, 35 ; lose the battle of Cat- traeth, 206 ; choose Edward as lord, 258 ; arc conquered by Athclstan at Brunanburh, ib. ; rise against the Danes, 259 ; become subject to the Scottish king, ib. Cunobelin (Cynfelin), his coins, 66, 89. Cuvicr, Baron, his classification of mankind, 27, note. 556 THE PEDIGREE OF THE EXGLISH. Cwm, cum, in Celtic local names, 411. Cymenes-ora, battle at, 205. Cymric, or Welsh language, 45 ; simi- larity of, to Armoric, 47 ; to Cornish, 49 : dissimilarity of, to Irish, 48 ; corruption of, 'from Latin, 187 ; changes in its grammatical inflexions, 336 ; of the sixth cent., ib. ; com- parison of, with Greek, 338 ; as pre- server of Anglo-Saxon words, 345 ; corruption of, through Latin, French, English, 380 — 384, 515; archaic words common to, and to Teutonic, &c, 382, 538. Cymry, the, descendants of the ancient Cimbri, 31 ; Zeuss's opinion on the name, ib. ; the relation of, to the Belgse, &c, 33 ; relation of, to the VLiMxipioi, 34 ; the time of their coming to Britain uncertain, ib. ; powerful among Celtic tribes, 35 ; their love of nationality, 35, 54 : their attachment to language and customs, 80; were not seen by Cassar, 130; concentration of, in Wales, 192 ; claimed to be the first colonists of Britain, 199 ; opposed to alliance with Saxons, 202 ; a section of, ruled in Cumbria, 206 ; surviving in Wessex under Athelstan, 232, 251 ; retire into Wales, 234; have a prince of their race on the throne of Wessex, (a.d., 685,) 243 ; the language and laws of, in use in West of England at time of Conquest, 253—255; of Cumbria and Strathclyde, only re- cently incorporated, 256—262 ; a cause of trouble to Offa of Mercia, 262 ; power of, in Herefordshire, 263 ; effects of Danish and Norman conquests on, 266 ; multitudes of, settle in Brittany, 298—303 ; law a science among, 446 ; complexion of, dark, 465 ; the Romance literature originated by, 482 — 490 ; relation- ship of, and the English, 506. Cynddelw, the early bard, quoted, 73. Cynegils, Saxon King, 242. Damnonii, people of Dyfnnaint, 251. Danclage, the, a source of English law, 446, 449, 493. Danes, The, invade England, 107 ; rapidity of their conquest, ib. ; first arrivals, io<>; increase of numbers, ib. ; begin to settle, 110; gain East Anglia and Northumbria, [10,268; their increasing extortion, I 13 ; their final triumph, ib. ; their conquest but slightly affected the Ethnology of Britain, 114; like that of the Saxons, their conquest a mere mili- tary achievement, ib, ; policy of Alfred towards, 268; estimate of their contribution to the population, ib. ; massacre of, ib. ; length of their rule in England, 270; related to Saxons, 271 ; settlements of, in Pembrokeshire, 439. Danish invasion, influence of, on Eth- nology of England, 266, 270. De Belloquet, his Ethnoginie Gauloise, 41, note. Deal Harbour, place of Coesaris land- ing, 87, note. Demetae, their seat in Britain, 165. Denizen, derivation of, 353, 362. Denmark, the name, 107. Depping, his Expeditions, 278. Devon, people of, brought under rule of Wessex by Athelstan, 253 ; after Athelstan, had self- government, ib. ; held courts, 254, 255. Dialects, Celtic, 39, 45 ; divergence of the, 47 ; principle of subdivision, 47, 48. Dialects, living, Celtic words in 364. Dictionary, the modern English, Celtic elements in, 348 ; proportion of Teutonic in, 398. Diefenbach's Celtica, 406, 408. Diez's Lexicon Etymologicum, 334. Din, an element in local names, 406. Dinan, in Brittany, its name, 2S7, note. Diocletian, divides the empire, allotting Britain to Constantlus, 153. Diodorus Siculus, on the Cimbri, 32 ; his account of the Britons, 60, 70 ; referred to, 22. Diogenes Laertius, on the Druids, 78. Dion Cassius, referred to, 31. 50, 69, 88, 89, 140, 155, 159. Distribution of the British population in Roman times, 161. , the, of King Alfred, 446. Domesday-Book, nature of its contents, 252 ; is no guide to Celtic names of occupiers, ib. ; quoted, 253, 305 ; on the senile class, ortheowes, 307, 314 ; enumeration of population by, 314. Donaldson, Dr., on the effects of Da- nish ami Norman invasions on Eth- nology of England, 270. Druidism, intellectual and moral aspect of, 71 : proper seat of in Britain, 70; the religious influence of, 78. INDEX. 557 Druids, as teachers of the young, 7 1 : knew the art of writing, ib. ; their authority in Government, 64 ; Pytha- gorean in doctrine, 75. Dugdale, Monasticon, 119, 249, 288. Dumbarton, the Celtic Alclwyd, 257 ; history of the name, ib., note. Durandus' Rationale Divin. Offic, re- ferred to, 74. Durotriges, a tribe of Britain, 165. Dux Britanniarum, office of, 181. Dwr, Celtic for water, 38; in Celtic local names, 408, 410, 414. Ea, Ey, in local names, 403. Eai-ly English Romances, quoted, 486. East Anglia, Saxon Conquest of, 103. East, the, of Britain, condition of, in Roman times, 190. Ebel, Dr. Hermann, referred to, 334. 51 5, et passim; his additions to Zeuss' Grammatica Celtica, 334. Eboracum (York), one of the two Roman Municipia in Britain, 171. Edmund, King, cedes Cumbria, 259. Edward, the Confessor, shows favour to Normans, 116, 296. Edward, son of Alfred, Lord of the Strathclyde Britons, 257, 258. Edwards, M. W. F., referred to, 282 ; on complexion of English, 465 ; on Celtic skull, 476. Egbert, King of Wessex, 103 ; his resolve to subdue the Britons, 244 ; fails to penetrate beyond the river Tamar, ib. ; nature of his rule over the Britons, 248. Eingl, Gwyddyl, and Prydyn, 237. Eisteddfod Meetings, orations at, 510. Ella, leader of the Frisians, founds the kingdom of Sussex, 102. Ellis, Mr., Early English Roman* . quoted 486. Ellis, Sir H., introd. to Domesday, quoted, 308. Emperor Napoleon III., his Life of Ccesar, 86, 87 ; fall of, 404. Empire, French, abolished, 404, note. England, origin of name, 105, [26; •conquest of, by the Danes, 107 : by the Normans, 115; compound character of the people of, 123 ; the name formally imposed by Egbert, 249, note ; Celtic local names of, 406 — 423 ; surnames of people of, 424 ; recent Celtic, personal names in, 430—432 ; the Christian names of, neither British nor English, 427 — 430 ; local names of, proof of race admixture, 416 — 423, 500; greatness of, 503 ; Cymbric blood in, 506 ; the inhabitants of, not descendants of Anglo-Saxons, 512. English nation, miserable state of, on Alfred's death, 113, 115. "English," origin of the designation, 105, 126, 143. English language, early stages of, 328 ; Celtic elements in, 333 ; words lost to, 342 ; Celtic words in the modem dictionary, 348 — 361 ; ditto in living dialects, 364 — 372 ; ditto in obsolete English, 372; in Chaucer, 376; in the speech of the common people, 378 ; Celtic in, chiefly Cymbric, 379 ; elements in, through Latin, found also in Celtic, 384—387 ; why call these " Celtic " ? 384 : element in, from Teutonic Tongues and Norman- French, also found in Celtic, 387 — 397 ; natural process of infusion of Celtic into, ib. ; aquisitive genius and prospects of, 398 ; not more than one-third of, Teutonic in origin, ib. ; diffusion of in Wales necessary, 509. English people, the, origin of the name, 105, 126 ; ethnical materials in the composition of, 123—128 ; amalga- mation of the Ancient Britons with, 235 ; influence of the Danish inva- sion on the ethnology of, 266 ; in- fluence of the Norman invasion on ethnology of, 271 ; physical charac- teristics of, 452 ; complexion of, 455 ; have become a dark-haired race, 461 ; cranial form of, 477 ; mental and moral characteristics of, 479 ; a Celto- Teutonic race, 491 ; psychological characteristics of, 495 ; the gradual formation of, 503 ; secret of the great- ness of, 504 ; the greatness of, ib. ; affinity of, with the Welsh, 506—508 ; their properly Saxon origin ques- tioned, 510; not Anglo-Saxons, 512. " Fnglyn," a vVelsh, 73, note. " Englishry " of Pembrokeshire, 437. Eochar, King of the Alani, 222, 223, note. J'.orls, in Anglo-Saxon Society, 306. Ercenwine, founds the kingdom of the Easi Saxons, 102. Essex, kingdom of, set up, ib. Ethelfrid, King, hi \ policy towards the conquered, 242. Ethelred, of England, flics to Nor- mandy, 1 ro. 558 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Ethelwerd's Chronicle, cited, 103, 203. Ethnogenie Gauloise, de Belloquet's 41. Ethnology, the early, of Britain, 25 ; of the Englishman, how written, 496. Etruscans, the, 23. Etymology, dangers and difficulties of, 344, 346- Eudes, of Brittany, sends his sons with the Conqueror to England, 286. " Eugubian Tables," 41. Eusebius, referred to, 154. Evans, J., F.R.S., on British Coins,'66. Evreux, taken by Rollo, 279. Exe, the river, the boundary of the Britons, 255. Exeter, city of in the 10th cent., partly governed by the Welsh, 251. Expulsion of Britons, an absurd idea, 104. Expulsion of population, not Roman policy, 134. Extermination of British Aborigines, improbable, 79 ; not attempted by Romans, 134 ; or by Saxons, 233, 234, 237, 239, 240, 241, 246, 248, 250, 252-264,499. Extirpation seldom possible, 80. Faith and Scepticism in England, 313, note. Fel Ynys (Island of Honey), name of Britain, 54, 55. Fenton's, Pembrokeshire, 426. Ferguson's Northmen in Cumb. and West., quoted, 269. Feudalism, growth of, in France, 277 ; its laws of war, 279. Ffichti, see Gwyddyl. Flavia Caesariensis, towns of, 178. Flemings settle in Pembrokeshire. 433 Florence of Worcester, quoted, 238. Fortification, art of, among Britons, 65. Fortification, the Britons' skill in, ib. France, after Charlemagne, 277. Franco-Prussian war, the, 505, note. '■Frankmanni," the, 274. Franks, the, 24; conquer Gaul, 274; give name to France, 275. French people, the, character of, 492. Frisians, under Ella, found Sussex, 102. Frontinus, the Roman General, subdues the Silures, 146. " Gael Albinich," and " Erinnich," 44. Gaelic language, differing from Cym- ric, 47 . Gaels, or Gwyddils of Ireland, 46. Galatae, of Asia Minor, 39. Galedin (Holland), " the men of," 56. Galgacus, his speech before battle of the Grampian Hills, 168. Galli, the Ancient, 40; divided into many kingdoms, 43 ; the Galli of Armorica related to the Britons, 45 ; of Gallia Celtica, related to the Irish, 37, 42 ; of Gallia Belgica, related to the Cymri, 42 ; modern French, who are descendants of, 282. Gallia Belgica, its situation, 37 ; 282. Gallois, the French proper name, of Welsh oiigin, 426. Garnett, R., Essays, referred to, 51. Gaul, people of, classified by Caesar, 39. Gaulish Inscriptions, 41 — 43. Gavelkind, law of, of British origin, 447. Gavol, feudal law term, 310, note. Geoffrey Gaimar, quoted, 288. Geoffrey of Monmouth, referred to, 91, 99, 153, 2 °3, 204, 228, 483, 485. Geological periods, origin of man com- pared with, 27. Geraint ab Erbin, of Llywarch Hen, quoted, 336. German scholarship, 333. Germania of Tacitus, quoted, 457, 459. Germans, the Ancient, complexion of, 456—461; skull form of, 471 — 479: psychological characteristics of Eng- lish compared with those of, 494 : character of, not attributable to modern, ib., note. Germanus, Bishop, in Britain, 161, 220. 223; his life, by Constantius, 221: probable bearer of a message to Aetius from the Armoricans, 221. Gibbon, Edward, quoted, 103,218,222. Gildas, referred to, 99, 105, 197, 212 — 227; his authority as an historian examined, 212; his story of the weakness and pusillanimity of the Britons without foundation, ib. ; his story quoted, 213; popular belief solely based on his authority, 214; his identity doubtful, 215 ; Iris sup- posed life, 216; several persons of the name, ib ; his book not trust- worthy, 217; Gibbon's opinion of, 218 ; wrote without original sources, 219; his historical blunder or fraud, ib. ; his blunder detected, 219 — 224 ; contradicts authentic historians, 224 : was biassed, ib. : his history exagge- rated and improbable, 225 ; flatters the Romans, ib. ; depreciates his countrymen, 220 ; his story unworthy of credit, 227 ; quoted, 435. INDEX. 559 Giraldus Cambrensis, referred to, 93, 198 ; quoted, 198, 433. Gladstone, Right Hon. W. E., Studies on Homer, 456. Gloucester, a British city, 238. Gloucestershire, people of, Celtic, 263. Gododin, of Aneurin, 187 ; quoted, 336. Gods recognised by Saxons, 313, note. Godwin, Earl, the Saxon, 1 17. Golyddan, the bard, quoted. 72, 234. Goths, the, invade Italy, 92. Government, among the Britons, mo- narchal, 63. Grammatica Celtica, of Zeuss, referred to, 32, 49, 324. Grampian Hills, the Battle of the, 149 ; Galgacus's speech before the, 168. Greece., tribes of, origin of, 22. Greek complexion, dark, 456, 457. Greek, relation of Cymric to, 317, 333. Gregory, afterwards Pope, his saying, Non Angli, &c, 127, 510. Grimm, J., his Gesch. der Deutsch. Spr. referred to, 30, 328. Guerni's translation of Livy, 469. Guest's, Dr. E., English Rhythms, referred to, 329. Guizot, M., quoted, 136, 275, 276. Gurthrigern, or Vortigern, 213. Gwazvd Lludd Mawr, Taliesin's, 237. Given, the word, 387, 541. Gwvddelians, or Gwyddyl Fichti, the, 57, 58, 237. Gwyddyl FJichti, the Triad on the, 57, 58, 237. Gwynedd, " Venedotia," 127, note. Gwysg, word for stream in Welsh, 38. Hadrian, the Emperor, in Britain, 91 ; part of Caledonia lost to the Romans in his time, 150. Hadrian's Wall, built, 91. Haerethaland, name of Denmark, 109. Hair, colour of, among Gauls and old Germans, 455 ; the art of colouring the, not of recent origin, 457, 468 ; colour of among the Germans, 459 ; among modern English, 4O1 ; among the Cymry, 465 ; among the Ancient Britons, 470. Halbertsma, M.,on the English Alpha- betic th, 338. Hallam, H., Middle Ages, quoted, 315, Hardicanute, Icing of England, 116. Harold, the Saxon, his oath to William, 117; is crowned king of England, ib. ; is opposed by his brother, Tostig, ib. ; loses the battle of Hastings, 118. Hastings, battle of, events lsading to, 117 ; the battle, 118, 273. Havelok the Dane, 374. Havre, same as aber, 422, 423. Hawkins, Mr., on early British coins, 65. Hearne, T., quoted, 288, 293. Heineccii, Hist. Jur. referred to, 93. Helen, son of Deucalion, 22. Helena, the Empress, a Briton, 153 ; mother of Constantine the Great, ib. Hellas, the abode of many tribes, 22. Hengist arrives in Britain, 100 ; his conflicts with the islanders, loo, 203. Heusinger's translation of Livy, 468. Hercules, story of, 23. Hereford, once in Wales, 263. Herefordshire, its people Celts, 262. Herodotus, on civilised state of Britons, .59; I2 9- Himilco, on civilised state of Britons, 60 ; on population of Britain, 129. Hindoo race, the, 24. Historical blunder, or fraud, of Gildas, 219—204. History of England, early, the popular notion concerning, baseless, 212 ; its source, ib. ; written in local names, 403,421. Hoare's Ancient Wiltshire, 67. Homer, on complexion of the Pelasgi, 456, note. Horace, quoted, 23, 101, 399. Horsley's Britannia Romans, referred to, 94. Houses of the Britons, how built, 130. Hu Gadam, the legend of, 24 ; the Triad on, 54. " Hue and Cry," early use of, 306. Hughes's HorcB Britanmcae, 161. Huguenots, the, contribute to the Celtic blood of England, 501, note. Huns, invade the Roman empire, 92. Human race, of one origin, 23 ; classi- fication of, 27. Humber, the river, deriv. of name, 237. Huxley, Prof. T. H., quoted, xii. Hywel Dda, laws of, quoted, 198; re- ferred to, 445 — 449. Iberians, characterised, 295. Iceni, the, of Norfolk and Suffolk, rise against Ostorius, 141. Ida, founds the lcingdom of Norlh- Humbra-land, 103. Ina, laws of, quoted, 249, 310, 31 1. Indigenes aborigines, the Roman, 23. 560 THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. Indo-European, the class of languages, 28 ; the, variety of the race, ib. Influence of Roman rule on Britain, 93. Inguar and Ubbo, Danish leaders, 1 10. Ingulf of Croyland, quoted, 117. Invasion, Roman, of Britain, 85; Saxon 97; Danish, 107 ; Norman, 115. Iiwer, and its synonyms aber, havre, 422-423. Mo MSS., referred to, 42. Ireland, the Celts of, 45 ; first peopled from Britain, 46. Irish, the, language, its difference from Welsh accounted for, 46, 48, 50 ; changed in form, 337. Iris (Ireland ? ), cannibals in, 32. Italy, various tribes of, 23. Itinerarium Antonini, the, on tribes of Britain, 163. Itium, modern Boulogne, 86, note. "Ivanhoe," Scott's, 280. Jews, race purity of, 21. John of Hexham, quoted, 260. Jornandes, referred to, 222, note. "Jupiter tarans" in Ennius, 189. Jury, trial by, probable original of, 254. Jutes, the, inhabit the Cimbric Cher- sonese, 30 ; under Hengist and Horsa, found the kingdom of Kent, 102, 203. Jutland, peopled by Cimbri, 30 — 34. Juvenal's Satires, quoted, 459. Kalends, Lat., Welsh Calan, 188. Kaarcnreptoes of Herodotus, 61, note. Kemble, J. M., his Hist, of Anglo- Saxons, quoted, 244, 400. Kent, Ancient British Kingdoms in, 63 ; inhabitants of, more civilized than other Britons, 61 ; Coesar lands in, and subdues, 63, 85 ; the Saxon Kingdom of, established, 102. Kil, or Cil, in Celtic local names, 411. Ki/j-ixipioi, Cimmerii, Cimbri, 34, 43. King Alysaunder, 374. King Arthur, romance of, 483. " Kingdoms," of Early Britain, 166. Knight's C, Old England, cited, 177. Kombst, Dr., on Celtic and Teutonic races, 480. Lancashire, iti inhabitants in the 10th cent., 246. Lancashire dialect, 53, 368. Land of Cokaygne, 374. Language, shows oneness of mankind, 27; of Britain on the arrival of the Saxons, 188, 319—323 ; the cultured sometimes succumbs to the rude r 323 — 327 ; conquerors do not always impose their, 320 ; grammatical forms of, evanescent, 335, 338 ; lexical materials of, enduring, 339 ; the English, its history and growth, and corruption, 328 — 399. Languages, process of separation of. 47. Languages of Britain, time of Bede, 321. Lappenberg, Dr., quoted, 248, 262, 307, 3"- Latham, Dr. R. G., his Varieties of Man, referred to, 27 ; his edition of Prichard's Celtic Origin, &c, 28 ; his writings, 31, note; his opinion on the Cimbri, ib. ; his English Lan- guage quoted, 329 ; on the Silurian Celts' complexion, 471. Latin, corruption of Cymric with, 187, 515 ; not the speech of the Britons, when the Saxons arrived, 188, 319 — 323, archaic words common to, with Celtic, &c, Appendix B. ; not adopted by the Britons when Agricola began his command, 320 ; why it became the language of Gaul, 324. Latio jure do?iatcc, Roman cities, 172. Latin hymns, early, with rhyme, 74. Law, the Anglo-Saxons' respect for, 316 ; evidence of English, as to Celtic admixture, 442 — 450. Laws, Ancient British, adopted by Anglo-Saxons, 443 ; conformity be- tween Anglo-Saxon and, 447. Lay anion's Brut. 374. Le Brut d' Angleterre, 485. Legende Celtique, la, of de la Yille- marque, 302. Leges Wallice, Wotton's quoted, 188. Leo, Dr. H., his Vorlesungen, referred to, 180, 334, 410 ; his Feru schriften, and Rectitudines, 334. Lewis Glyn Cothi, cited, 51, 3 Lexical forms, value of, 339. Lhwyd, Edward, quoted, 38 ; on Irish and Cymbric, 46, 57. Libert homines, order of ceorls, 308. 'St. Margaret, 374. Life of Thomas Beket, 374. Lindisfame, the See of, receive gift the Britons of Cartmel, Livy, referred to, 68, 130 ; on the com- plexion of the Gauls, 408. Lloegr (England'!, origin of name, 5 j. Lloegrians, the, a British tribe, j 54,58,236,237. . • the, 54, 55. 58. INDEX. 50 1 Llychlyn, the name, 57. Llydaw, the name given by the Cymry to part of Brittany, 299. Llywarch Hen, the bard, quoted, 69, 336 ; referred to, 106, 188, 207. Lobineau, the historian, his Histoirede Bretagne, referred to, 92, 287, 299. Local Names, their nse, 400 — 423; ethnological value of 405 — 423. London, the period of its rise, 139 ; a great mart of trade in the first cen- tury, 144 ; a place for ethnological study, 452 ; Celtic denizens of, 431, note ; birthplaces of the population of, in 1861, 453 note. Londinium, London, 144, 172. Lucan, on the Druids, 78. Lucien Bonaparte, H.I.H. Prince, as student of Celtic, 334. Mabinogion, the Welsh, 483. Mackintosh, Sir J., referred to, 62 ; 118, 288 ; note, 206. Macsen Wledig (Maximus) 92. Mac-Tierns, title of Alain and Brian, , 2S7. Malcolm I. and III. of Scotland, 259, 260. Malmesburv, W. of, quoted, 93, 117, 119, 248/251, 258, 283, 296, 433, 434. Man, recent origin of, 27. Mandubratius, Ccesar protects, 134. Mankind of one origin, 27; divisions of ib. Manx language, the, 47. March, Earl of, first, 263. Marches, region of the, 263 ; origin of the name, ib. note. Marsh's English lang., referred to, 362. Martyrs, first Chnscnn. -n Entanr 160. Massacre of the Danes, 2C8. Mass-thane, title of priest, 307. Matrona, river, (Mame), 42. Matthew Paris, his Flor. Jlist. 161. Maxima Caesariensis, 177, 1 78. Maximus, {Macsen 1! ledig) 92. " Men-at-Arms," feudal, 279. Mercenlage, the, as source of English law, 446, 449. Mercia, kingdom of, established, 103, 208; origin of name, 263, note. Merddyn Wyllt, quoted, 69. Merlin^ romance of, 483. Metres, the four and twenty Welsh, 73. Meyer, on Celts coming to Britain, 34; on ktudy of Celtic Language, 334. Meyrick's Origin. Jnhab. referred to, 65. Middle Ages, romances of the, of Celtic origin, 482 ; higher tone ot mind in the, among the Cymry, 490. Migration, Celtic, routes of, 34.' Minos, myth of, 22. Jlithridates, the, of Adelung, referred to, 46, 334, 406, 408. Monasticon, Dugdale's, 249, 288. Money, pre-Roman British, 65, 66. Monmouthshire, inhabitants of, 264. Monumenta Historica Britannica, re- ferred to, 66 ; its catalogue of British coins defective, ib.\ quoted, 162, 215, 216, 288. Mor Tawch, the Hazy Sea, 35. Mountains, Celtic names of, in Eng: land, 406 — 408. Miiller, Max, Prof. Lectures on Lan- guage, quoted, 323, 378 ; his opinion on the coiruption of the Celtic dialects, 38 r, note; referred to, 398. Municipia, Roman, in Brit., 170 — 172. Myrcnarice, or Mercia, 263. Myths, real persons changed into, 99. Myvyrian Archaiology of JFales, re- ferred to, 53, 55, 56. 57, 183, 192, 2 34> 2 oJ< -Mr- Names, local, evidence of, 400 ; endu- ring nature of, 400—402 ; uses of, 403 ; classification of, ib. ; ethno- logical value of Celtic, 405 ; names of hills, mountains, 406 ; names of rivers, 408 ; evidence of, as to race admixture, 416 — 423 ; history written in, 420 ; order of occupation of Brit- ain commemorated in, 421 ; Teutonic in Wales, 432 ; as proof of race admixture. 416. Names, personal, evidence of, 424 : surnames of recent origin, ib. ; value of, as proof of admixture, 427 ; de- rived from Scripture, 420 ; disuse in modern times of both ( 'eltic and Saxon, ib. ; recent Celtic, in England, 430 ; Welsh, ib. ; Scotch, ib.; Irish, 431 ; Teutonic, in Wales, 432. Nant, in local names, 408, 411, 412. Napoleon, the Emperor, his < , ir, referred to, 44 ; on Cx-sar's point of embarcation and debarcation, 86, 87. Nash, D. W., F.S.A., on Gaulish in- scriptions, 41 note. Nationality, not a Roman idea, 136 ; how viewed by the populace, 235. Nations, composite character of, 19 ; ancient, obscure origin of, ib, ; quies- cent, not progressive, 20. Negotia?nli cura of the Britons, 65. OO 56: THE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH Nennius, referred to, 92, 97, 99, 100, 101, 103, 154, 2or, 204. Nervii, a Celtic tribe, 30. Neustria, Rollo conquers, 115 ; old in- habitants of, 274; its race not changed by conquest, 274—281. Niebuhr, his Rom. Hist., 135, 170. Nigra, the Chevalier, 334. Non AnglisedAngeli, 127, 5x0. Norman Conquest, 115; influence of, on ethnology of England, 271, 303 ; the muster for the, 286 ; the army largely Celtic, 289, 293 — 303 ; com- memorated in Breton poetry, 302. Norman descent, pride of. 2S5. Normandie, origin of name, III, 271. Normandy, Rollo settles in, 115, 271 ; Ethelred flies to, 116; early people of, Celts, 120; later people of, not Normans, 272. Normans, the, invade England, 115 ; of kindred blood with the Danes and Saxons, ib., 116, 271 ; their settle- ment in Neustria, 115 ; basis of "William's claim to the English throne, 116; their influence in Eng- land before the Conquest, 117 ; gain the Battle of Hastings, 11S; the number of their army, ib., note ; their army largely composed of Celtic soldiers, 120 ; only in a small degree affected the ethnological character of the English, ib. ; all "Normans " not Northmen, 272. Northumbria, the Saxon kingdom of, established by Ida, 103, 104, 256; inhabitants of mainly Celtic, 269. Norwegians inundate Cumberland, 269; and Danes in Pembrokeshire, 440. Notitia Imperii, on the tribes of Britain, 163, 171, 197- Obsolete Celtic words in English, 379. Occupation of Britain, length of, 92 ; order of, commemorated in local names, 421—423. Offa's dyke, 262. Oldham, dialect of, specimen of, 53. Ordericus Vital is, quoted, 283. Origen, refers to the Britons, 160. Ostcr-rikr. the, 275. Ostorius, the Roman General, opp ! to Caractacus, 89; subdues Britain as far as Yorkshire, 91, 141 ; meets the Silures, 142; the boast of the Silures respecting bis death, 143. Owen, Prince of Strathclyde, 258. Qwl and Nightingale, 374. Pal grave, Sir F., referred to, 29, 39, 93, 245, 254, 327, 445, 446, 449. Parish Divisions of England, 305. "Parsley," derivation of, 388. Patercufus, quoted, 32. Pedigree, the, of the English, a short one, 125 ; how written, 496. Pedigrees, Welsh and Irish, 425. Pelagius, (Morgan), a Briton, 160 ; his speculations, 1 Gi ; his errors embraced in Britain, ib ; confuted, ib. Pelasgi, the, 23 ; the Celts related to, 456, note. Peloponnesus, Thucydides on the, 22. Pembrokeshire, Flemings in, 433 ; the English of, 435; Saxon, Danish, and French local and personal names in, 439 5 physical character of people of, 440. Pen and ben, value of, as test words, 406, note. Pendragon, the office of, among the Britons, 98, 100, 137, 199, Pentculu, the law of, 198. Pen-val, a Cymric word, 50. Pepin, over-runs France, 276. Percy, Bishop, referred to, 486. Pharsalia, Lucan's, quoted, 78. Philology, the evidence of, on admix. ture of race in Britain, 317 ; limita- tion of its use, ib. ; its testimony clear, 31 8. Phoenicians, the, 129. Pictet, M., on Gaulish inscriptions, 41. Pictish local names, 50; Kings, 51 ; personal names, ib. Picts, the, and Scots, 49 ; a branch ot the Cymry, 50, 97 ; the Cal first called by the name, 154 ; break over the wall of Severus, ib ; late use of the name, 260. Piers Plowman, Vision of, quoted, 7:. " Pilgrim " derivation of, 387. Plautius, Aulus, in Britain, 140. Pliny, quoted, 70, note. Plurality of origin of human race, un- Bc, 27. Poetry, modern "regular" Welsh, specimen of, 73, note. Poems, the Ancient Welsh, age of, 69, Political state of society, as indicative of a Imixture ol~ Britons and Saxons, 304. Polybius, quoted, <>o. Pontifex, origin ofthe epithet, 324, note. Pouchet, M., on complexion, 471. the, attachment of to locality, 236 Population, of Britain, in Roman times, INDEX. )6 3 128; was large, 129; Himilco, on, ib ; Ccesar's testimony on, 130 ; capable of yielding revenue, 133 ; expulsion of, not the Roman policy, 134 ; extent and power of, under the Romans, 137 ; distribution of, in Roman times, 161 ; Roman, in Britain, 179; proportion of Danes in the, 268 ; of England, in Edward the Confessor's time, 305 ; divisions of, in Edward's time, ib ; the servile class of, 307, 313 ; Celtic accession to, in modern times from Wales, 430; from Ireland, 431 ; Celtic addition to, by Huguenot refugees, 501. Population " Abstracts," 453, note. Porphyry, his reference to Britain, 159. Post Office Directory, London, 430. Pott's Etymolog. Forschungen, 408. Pott, Dr. F. A., quoted, 317. Praesides, officers so called, 186. Pre-Celtic people in Britain, 26. P re-historic Annals of Scotland, Wil- son's, quoted, 476, 478. Prichard, J. C, his works referred to, 2 8. 50, 320 ; on complexion of the Germans, 460 ; on effect of town life, &c, on complexion, 461, 463 ; on the cranium of civilized races, 472. Princely and noble Britons, under the Romans, 194. Prisci, the, a tribe of Latium, 23. Procopius, De Bell. Goth., quoted, 327. Provincia, the Roman, 139. Pruner Bey, on Roman and Greek crania, 474. Prydain, the Triad on, 54. Prydain, son of Aedd the Great, 127. Psychological characteristics of the English, Germans, &c, 495. Ptolemy, his Geogr., referred to, 99 ; on the tribes of Britain, 162 — 165. Pughe, Dr. W. O., his theory of the Welsh language erroneous, 381 ; his Dictionary of Welsh language, ib. " Queen," derivation of word, 387, 541. Race, absolute purity of, impossible, 19 ; Celtic and Teutonic, characters of, 20; purity of Jewish, 21 ; the Ancient Britons of one, 26; leading race divisions of mankind, 27 ; early relation of the Celtic and Teutonic, 28 ; admixture of, in Britain com- mencing, 83 ; the Roman, in Britain, 85 ; the Teutonic, 97 ; the Scandi- navian or Danish branch of the Teutonic, in Britain, 107; the Nor- man-French branch of the Teutonic, in Britain, 115 ; the Argument for admixture of, 123 ; race components of the English people, 124. Raed-boran, the, of the British, in Devon, recognised as co-ordinate with the Witan of Wessex, 254. Raphael, gives Jews yellow hair, 456. Ravel, or Ralf de Goel, 287. Reduplication in local names, 407, 42 T. Retzius, on the Celtic skull, 475, 477. Renaud off ' Montauban, 488. Revenue, the British yield, to Romans, 132. Rex, Latin, used in early Welsh, 188. " Rex Anglorum," title first used, 105. Richard of Cirencester, quoted, 81, 154, 160 ; on the tribes of Britain, 162, 165 ; quoted, 201. Richard. Cceur de Lion, 483. Richmond Castle, first built by the Celtic Chief, Alain of Brittany, 288. Riothamus, a British King, 222, note. Rivers, Celtic names of, 52, 408 — 410; on the Continent, 410. Riwallon de Gael, of Brittany, in William's army, 287, 288. Robert of Gloucester 's Chronicle, 1 1 6, 374- Robert de Vitry, 287. Roger de Hoveden, referred to, 117. Roll of Battle Abbey, 290. Rollo, the Dane, 115 ; visits England, 271; invades Neustria, ib; creates a Celto-Normanrace, 272; conquers Neustria, 277. Roman army, in Britain, magnitude of, 94, 157 ; how composed, 186. Roman invasion of Britain, 63, 85. Roman magnificence reproduced in Britain, 182—185. Roman population, in Britain, 179 chief officials in Britain, 180. Roman Empire, fall of, 92. Roman de Rote, Wace's, referred to 278, 485. Roman complexion, dark, 456, 457. Romance literature, the, of the Middle ages, of Celtic origin, 482—41)0. Romans, the, origin of, 23 ; invade Britain, 63, 85 ; retire from Britain, 92 ; occupy Britain 465 years, ib ; their policy was not to extirpate the population, 134 ; wise as conquerors, 135; unsurpassed in government, ib; their theory of parental govern- ment, 13O ; aimed not at a united O J 564 l'HE PEDIGREE OF THE ENGLISH. "nationality," ib ; their slow pro- gress in the subjugation of Britain, 139; exhausted by the campaign against the Silures, 143; their troubles increase, 154 ; withdraw from Britain when deprived of military protection, 182 — 185, -admixture of, with Britons, 185 ; effect of their conquest on the spirit of the Britons, 196. Romulus, and Remus, story of, 23. Rosini's Antiq. Roman., 170, 172. Rouen, Rollo's descent upon, 277. Rhyme, final, in Latin poetry, 74. Sabines, one of theLatian tribes, 23. Saint Alban's (Verulamium), the in- surrection of the Britons at, 145. Salopia Antiqua, Hartshorne's 324. Sandwich, the Romans debark at, 87. Savigny, in ZeUschrift, ref. to, 170. " Saxonicum litus," origin of, 30. Saxon, Anglo-, conquest, its beginning, 97, cq; Hengist and Horsa, 100; the successive arrivals and settlements, 102, 103 ; the Triad on 57. Saxon Chronicle, the, referred to, 99, 102, 103, 109— 113, 183, 204, 205, 208, 233, 257—260. Saxon kingdoms, the. territories em- braced by, 103, 104 ; wars, 208. " Saxon shore," the, or Litus Saxoni- cum, 30, 181, 327. Saxons, the, first permanent alien settlers in Britain, 58 ; previous visits of, to Britain, 99, 153 ; their original region, 99 ; their conquest of Britain. 97 ; the slowness of their progress, 201 — 209. Si andlnavia, 30, 35. Scandinavian languages, 327. 3! 7. Schmid, Dr. R., his Gesetze der An- ovisac//.' en, 310, 31 1, 344, 446. Schwarzkopf's translation, 41 Science, and art in ancient Britain, 64, 09. 75- Scotch, the, influx of, in modern times into England, 430; character of, 492 ; ethnology, of, 493. Scotland, first peopled, 46: language , 7 ; ori 1 onqui red with di tltj by the Romans, 1 47— [49, [50 j had three Roman cities of the " Latian Law," 17;: the kingdom of Strathclyde united to, 209 : inhabitants of, Celtic, 25(1; re< name, 259. Scots, the, come from Ireland, 50 ; the Caledonii first called Picts and, 154- Segontiaci, the, 132. Segontium, (Caer Seiont), 173, 174. Semi-Saxon age, English of the, charged with Celtic, 373. Seneca makes a loan to the unwilling Britons, 154. Sepulchres, as sources of history, 67. Sequana, river Seine, 42. Severus, the Emperor, in Britain, 91 ; his hazardous campaign in Caledonia, 150 ; builds a rampart to restrain the Caledonians, ib. Shakespeare, quoted, 75, 522. Shrewsbury \Pengwerri) capital ol Powys, 262. Siculians, the, a Latian tribe, 23. Sidonius Apollinaris, referred to, 222, note. Silchester, (Callcva Attdb.itum), 177. Silures, the, of South Wales, meet Ostorius, 142 ; Caractacus's address to them before the battle of Caer- Caradog, ib ; defeated, 143 ; finally subdued, 146; their complexion, 468, 471. Sismondi, his Hist, des Franca:s, re- ferred to, 118. 279. . the order of, i Saxon society, 306. Skulls, Celtic, Saxon, Greek, 4 J English and "Welsh, 477 — 479. Smiles, on the Huguenots, 5< 1 Society, state of, in early times, as in- of admixture betweei and Saxons, 304 ; constitution of. among the Anglo-Saxons, 305. . 1 1 Saxon times, 308. Souvestre, M., on the Belgic people, 40; on the Breton langua . S Q, the histori. . [s, bronze, 67. St. form's battle of the. ; Stanley. Dean, on 5 : , 402. Britain, 101 — . Stillingfleet, his - ■ '7 v Strabo, 1. 37 ; his account of I mplexion of Gauls and INDEX. S u Straits of Gibraltar, crossed by the Celts, 34. Strathclyde, the kingdom of, incorpo- rated with Scotland, 209 ; its Celtic character to a late date, 256, 257 ; the Britons of, choose Edward as lord, 257. Strat-clwyt, see Ystrad-clwyd, and Strathclyde. Suetonius, the Roman General, opposes Boadicea, 91 ; slaughters the Druids of Anglesea, ib ; again referred to, 144; his great preparations to meet Boadicea, 145. Suetonius Tranquillus, quoted. 471. Surnames, a modern invention, 424. Sweyn, the Dane, gains the English throne, 113. Tacitus, on the valour of the Briton?, 63 ; referred to, 22, 43, 44, 62, 63, 90, 91, 141 — 149, 156 — 158,168; his life of Agricola, 91 ; his Annates referred to, ib. ; on the progress of the Britons under Agricola, 94 ; on complexion of the Germans, 458 ; on complexion of Caledonians and Silurians, 468. Tal, a Cymric word in Pictish, 57. Tal, Welsh word for head, 51. Taliesin, referred to, 106, 187, 237. Tamar, the river, made the boundary of the Britons, 252. Tanaist, epithet, its etymology. 259. Taran, a Pictish Cymric name, 51. Tax-gatherers, oppress the Britons, 146. Taylor's, Rev. Is., Words and Places, quoted or referred to, 324, 404. Tertullian, refers to the Britons, 159 ; on hair-colour of Romans, Sec, 457. Teutonic Settlements in Gaul, 30. Teutonic and Celtic related, 29. Teutons and Celts related, 28, how dis- tinct, 29 ; how related, ib. Thanct, Saxons driven into, 204. Theodoret, historian, referred to, 154. Iheowes, in Anglo-Saxon society, 30(1. Thessaly, inhabitants of, 22. Thierry, Amadee, his Hist, des Gaulois, referred to, 42. Thierry, Aug., his Conqu&te d' Ingle- terre, referred to, 115 — 119. Thirwall's, Bp. ; Hist, of Greece re- ferred to, 23. Thorn mcrel's, Dc, RechercheS snr la Fusion, Cr'c, referred to, 329, 39S. Thucydides, on origin of Hellenes, 22. Thurnam, Dr., on Crania, 473. Tim Bobbin, works of, quoted, 53. Tin, the Britons workers in, 60, 62. Togodumnus, brother of Caract., 140. Tombs of dead, sources of history, 67. Tor, twr, in Celtic names, 293, 406. Torques, golden, used by the Ancient Britons, 69. Tostig, son of Godwin, 117. Towns, Celtic names of, in England, 411 — 416; 412; and on the Con- tinent, 413. Towns, Roman, in Britain, 170 — 17S ; their nature and purposes, 170. Tradition, value of, 30. Tre, Welsh for abode, 38, 291, 413. Trench, Abp., his Sacred Latin Poetry, referred to, 74. Triads, the Welsh, evidence of, 54 - 5S, 127, 171, 203; probable relation of, to Druidism, 74 ; the wisdom they enshrine, 75 ; their terseness and ful- ness, ib. ; Pythagorean in tone, ib. ; Christian in doctrine, ib. ; an index to culture of Britons, ib. ; example of the, 76, 417. Tribes of Britain, mentioned by Caesar, 164 ; mentioned by Ptolemy, il>. ; by Richard of Cirencester, 165 ; some of them powerful, 169. Tribal arii, the Britons were, 133. Trinobantes. oppose Caesar, 89, 131 ; their seat in Britain, 165. Trouveres Poetry of France, 483. Tun, the Anglo-Saxon for town, 306. Tun-gerefa, office of, 306. Turner, Sharon, ref. to 99, 299, 300. Tweed, river, names related to, 52. TwelfJiaendmen, order of, in Anglo- Saxon times, 306. Twihaendmen, the order of, in Anglo- Saxon times, 306. Tyrrhenians, the, of Latium, 23. Uish, water, in old Cymric, 3", note. Umbri, the, a tribe of Latium, 23. United Slates, the people of the, not " Anglo-Saxons," 513. Unity of the human race, 26. Dasher's, Archb., Eccles. Brit, quoted 161, 201. Valentia, province 01, 177, note, 178. 'la, the Saxon, ; ■ ;. Vallej , Cell ic name i "T, in England, 41 r ; cm tin- < lontinent, .| 12. \ ;: i .Ml ige, Saxon law 1 of; identical with the Ancient British, 4 17. lotia name of North Wales, cog- 566 THE PEDIGREE OE THE ENGLISH. nate with Veneti in Brittany, Veneti in Italy, 127, note. Veneti, the name, cognate with Welsh, Givynedd, Venetia, &c., 127, note. Venta, Venetia, Venedotia, 127, note. Verulamhtm, (St. Alban's), the great slaughter of Roman allies at, 145 ; one of the two Roman Municipia in Britain, 171. Vespasian in Britain, 141, 144. Victoiy, statue of, falls, 145. Villani, the class of, in Anglo-Saxon times, 308 ; the Britons supposed to be placed among the, ib. Villemarque, Vicomte H. H. de la, quoted, 302 ; his works, ib., note. Vil mar's Ortsnamen, 408. Virgil, quoted, 59, 135. Vocabularies, volume of, 374. Vocabularies, Aelfric's, 364. Vortigern {Gwrtheynt), invites Hcngist and Horsa, 100, 202; marries Rhon- wen, 204 ; claims the office of Pen- dragon, 199 ; condemned by the Triads, 203 ; the bard Golyddan on, 234- Wace, referred to, 278, 485. Wales, the Silures of, attacked by the Romans, 142 ; the Druids of, exter- minated, 144 ; Wales hitherto vir- tually independent, 146 ; Frontinus subdues the Silures of, ib. ; early Christian martyrs in, 160 ; one only of the Roman Colonics situated in, 174 ; entitled Britannia Secunda under the Romans, 177 ; the cities called Stipendiaries in it, 175 ; the Cumbrians retire into, 261 ; little in- fluenced by Danish and Norman in- vasions, 207 ; Danish settlements in, 432 ; Teutonic names in, ib. ; more intimate union of with England needed, 507 ; people of, and of England, one, 508 ; English lan- guage in, 509; education the great want of, ib.: learning in, 547. " Wales, North," W. of Malmesbury's designation of Wales, 248. ' Wales, West," Saxon name of Devon and Cornwall, 233, 2.) 4. Wall of Agricola, 91 ; of Hadrian, ib.; of Scverus, described, 91, 150; second wall of Agricola, 147. Wealas (original of Welsh), the name given by the Saxons to the natives, t02, 200, 232. 2. |'), 300. lleal-eviaie, the, vv territory of the aboriginal Britons, Temp. Alfred, 250 ; the omission in Domesday of Celtic names in, 252 ; in the tenth century, 543. Welsh, origin of the name, 102, 208, 232, 249. , Welsh language, the, 45, 47 ; similarity of to the Breton, 47 ; dissimilarity to Irish, 48 ; similarity to Cornish, 49 ; classified under Cymbric branch of Celtic, ib ; its relation to Greek 318, 338 ; divergence of modern from ancient Welsh, 335; as preserver of Anglo-Saxon, 345 ; extensive cor- ruption of, through Latin, French, English, 380—384; archaic words, common to, and to Teutonic, 382 — 384 ; remains of in local names of England, 408 — 410; exclusive main- tenance of, in Wales, an evil, 50S ; materials in, derived from Latin, Sec, xVppendLx A : archaic elements in, in common with Teutonic and other tongues, Appendix B. " Welshery " of Pembrokeshire, 437. Welshmen, of middle ages, dark, 4115 ; modem, dark, ib., note. Wergild, among the Saxons, 310, 500. Wessex, Saxon kingdom of, established, 102, 104 ; presence of Britons in, at a late period, 208 ; its throne occu- pied by a Briton in name, 243 : ruled by Egbert, 244, make- efforts to subjugate " West Wales," ib. : Britons separately exist in, till near the Conquest, 255. Westmoreland, inhabitants of, Celtic, 256, 257, 261 ; inundated by Nor wegians, 269. // 'est-Saexen-lage, the code of Wessex, 446, 449. West Wales, or Cornwall, 244, 24S. William of Malmesbury, referred to 93, 251,258.283. V illiam, the Conqueror, his claim to the English throne, 116; hi- way prepared, 117: his averred compact with Edward the Confessor, ib. ; exacts an oath from Harold, ib; prepares to invade England, ib. ; lands at Pevcnscy. Il8; wins the battle of Hastings, ib.. 273: his l",.l- lowers but qualified "Nora — 2S5 ; Bretons, and other Celts, in his army, 285— ; 1 ;■ Williams, Rev. Rowland, D.D.. on Cymryand Gaels, 41, note; on the Teutonic complexion, INDEX. 5^7 Williams, Rev. R. his Lexicon Cormi- Britannicn?n, 47, 49. Wilson, Dr. Daniel, his Prehtst. Annals of Scotland, quoted, 478. Winchester, the name, 127. Windisch, Dr. Ernst, on Fick's Wurter- buch, 15. Wit and humour, Celtic, 495. Worcestershire, people of, Celtic, 263. Worsaae, Dr., on Danes in England, 269; on Scandinavian skulls, 520. Wotton's, Dr., Leges Wallia, 188, 448. Wright, T., M.A., F.S.A., his opinion on the post-Roman language of Britain, 320 ; his ed. of Vocabularies, 330. Writing known among the Britons, 71. Ify, Welsh for water and root of ivysg, 38, note. Wyliscman, the, characterised, 312. Wysg, not necessarily Irish, 423. Xanthous Complexion of Germans, 458. Xiphilinus, quoted, 155, note. Ynys, Fel, name of Britain, 54, 55. Yoriv {Eboracitni), one of the two Roman Municipia in Britain, 171. Ystrad-clwyd, kingdom of, 257. Yvam cle Galles, 426. Zeuss, on names Cymro and Cymru, 31,49; his G rammatica Celtica, re- ferred to, 32, 49, 334, 406; his Deutsch. v. d. Nachbarst ; quoted, 221 ; his account of Germanus's return from Britain, 221; states that Armoricans were called "Bretton" and " Britttanni," ib., note. Zosimus, the historian, referred to, 154. Zumpt, on words Municipiurn and Colonia, 170. LONDON I JUDD A.N'B CO., PlhljNlX I'KJNTINC WOKKS, DOCTORS' COMMONS, B.C. £h/. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. Recently Published, in z zoh., Super Royal Svo., Emlessed, Gil!,pf. \ Price £3 3s. ANNALS AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTIES AND FAMILIES OF WALES. Containing the Political Histoiy, Genealogy, and Heraldry 01 the Principality in separate Counties. With 1S0 Illustrations en wocd. from photographs of Castles, Mansions, Arms, Seals, Tombs, &c. By THOMAS NICHOLAS, M.A., Ph.D., F.G.S. London: LONGMANS, GREEN, REAPLPv & Co., Paternoster Rev, {From the AthenvEUM.] " This is one of the most valuable and useful historical woiks thai \ seen for some time, and Dr. Nicholas deserves our thanks for the manner in which he has executed his task Each county of the Principality is sepal described. AYc have first its physical geography, and afterwards a ( description of its archaeological remains, including notices of its ancient buildings, its castles, and abbeys. Then we have, in each county, an elaborate account of its old and extinct Families, as far as they can be traced, and this is folk, a history of the present County Families, and their pedigrees. We can recom- mend this book as one of great value as well as i f authority : it is, in fact, the best and fullest Histoiy of "Wales that we po ^r ^ V? <•/' * O0 N V .v ,0 o ^.'wV O0 v ^0 0, - "V- ,\V **> ■# N * ;>>i - -\- q ; .^'^ ' ~> C> v ... ,^ v ; - , • ' W - V* W .** ^'^ 4 -7j ' : ' 4?% A .00 '