E 462 .15 .fl75 Copy 1 RULES AND REGULATIONS rOK THE GOVERXMEXT OF THE ^oriAN's Relief Corps AUXILIARY TO THE Grand Army of the Republic. 1894 E. B. Stillings & Co., Printers, 55 Sudbury Street, Boston, \ DECEMBER EDITION RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE Woman's Relief Corps, AUXILIARY TO THE GRAND SRMY OF THE REPUBLIC. 1394.^ XJECEliviEBZEXe E3DI'X•I01^^. BOSTON : E. B. STILLINGS & CO., PRINTERS, ^h SuDBTRY Street. AS Sons An,er.;-linquent Hepoi-)s. JI^r^NOTE. — F'or distribution of Free BInnks (see third pag:e of cover. *lilaiiks marlcpd (•), aso Cliarter AijpUcation Blaiiks and Departuient Rfcqui.-ition Books, must l)e ordered by Uepartnient Treasurer Irom National Treasurer on regular requisition blanks. CHAP. V. WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS. 81 ARTICLE XXI. OFFICIAL COMMUNICATIONS. Communications are to be made on letter paper, folded in three equal parts, and endorsed on the first fold in the following ma nner : Headquarters Corps, No ) Department of W. R. C, > Auxiliary to the G. A. R. ) , 18 . . A .T. . B President. [Here give brief statement of contents.] Reply will be made by endorsement through the different channels required. Members address Corps Secretaries ; Corps Presidents the Department Secretary; Department Presidents the National Secre- tary, From National Headquarters to Corps the reverse rule is fol- lowed. The National Secretary addresses the Department President, and the Department Secretary Ihe Corps President, As a matter of convenience the Department Secretary may address the National Secretaiy on subjects of routine business. FORMS. [For a Member in the Corps,] , 18 . . . A D , Secretary .,,.., Corps, No Madam : I respectfully ask a decision on the following point: ************* Yours in F, C. and X., L L [Corps to Department.] Headquarters . . Corps, No. . . Department . . W. R. C. / Auxiliary to the G. A. R. ( 18 . . Secretary Department of Madam : *********** Yours in F. C. and L., G . . . . H . Corps President. 32 RULES AND REGULATIONS i [Depaetment to National Headquabters.] :>aetment of "w. i Auxiliary to the G. A. R. Headquarters Department of W. R^C, \ I J , National Secretary, W. R. C. Madam : Yours in F.y C. and L., K L Department President. ORDERS. Orders received by Corps must be read in regular order of business, at the next meeting after being received. No vote is necessary on their reception. If business is suggested it lays over until " New Business'' ; otherwise the orders will be duly filed. All official orders issued by Cori)s and Departments will follow in style and size those issued from National Headquarters. The Official Orders of a Corps will be signed: By order of A B , Corps President. C D , Corps Secretary. [Of a Bepaj'tment] By command of E F , Department President. G H , Department Secretary. [Of National Headquarters.] By command of I J , National President. K L , National Secretary WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS. 33 RULES OF ORDER' FOR THE NATIONAL CONVENTION. [May also be used in so far as they apply in Department Conventions. ] Section 1. Order of Business. 1. Opening of the National Convention in due form. 2. Calling Roll of Officers. 3. Report of Committee on Credentials, appointed prior to Conven tion, the National Secretary, Chainnan. 4. Calling roll of members. 5. Reports of officers, beginning with that of the National Presi- dent. 6. Appointment of committees, to consist of five members each, as follows : 1st. Committee on Resolutions. 2d. Committee on Reports of Officers. 3d. Committee on Rules and Regulations and Ritual. 7. Reception and reference of communications from Department Conventions, to be called according to seniority. 8. Reception and reference of commmiications from individuals. 9. Reports of Committees. 10. Unfinished business. 11. New business. 12. Election and Installation of Officers. 13. At the second and each succeeding session the minutes of the preceding session shall be read immediately after the opening cere- monies. This shall also be done before the closing exercises at the last session. 14. The most important business, including the election of officers, shall be made the special order of business not later than the after- noon of the second day. 15. This order of business may be suspended at any time for a definite purpose, by a two-thirds vote of the National Convention to be taken without debate. Section 2. The National President shall state every question properly presented to th6 National Convention, and before putting it to vote shall ask, " Is the Convention ready for the question?" Should no member offer to speak she shall rise to put the question, and after she has risen no further discussion will be in order. Section 3. The National President may speak to points of order in preference to other members, rising for that purpose. She shall announce all votes and decisions, and decide questions of order, sub- ject to an appeal to the National Convention, by any two members, which appeal, if required, shall be in writing. 34 RULES AND REGULATIONS Section 4. "When an appeal is taken from the decision of the pre- siding officer, said officer shall surrender the chair to the officer next in rank, who shall put the question thus: "Shall the decision of the chair stand as the judgment of the National Convention?" Section 5. When the decision of any vote is doubted, the National President shall direct the National Secretary to count the vote in the affirmative and negative, and report the result to her. Section 6. When two or more members rise to speak at the same time, the National President will decide who is entitled to the floor. Section 7. A motion must be seconded and stated by the National President before any action thereon is in order and if required by any two members, shall be reduced to writing. Section S. A motion may be withdrawn by the mover and seconder before a vote is had thereon, and, if withdrawn, no record thereof shall be made on the minutes. Section 9. The name of a member making a motion or offering any business shall be entered on the minutes. Section 10. A division of a question containing two or more dis- tinct propositions may be demanded by any member. Section 11. Should a member wish to speak she will rise and respectfully address the National President, confining her remarks to the question before the National Convention, and avoid personalitiea and unbecoming language. Section 12. No member shall be interrupte'd while speakings except by a call to order, or by a member to explain. Section 13. No member shall speak more than twice upon the same question, except for explanation when misrepresented, nor longer than ten minutes at any time, without a vote of the National Convention, to be taken without debate. Section 14. No member shall, in debate, impeach the motives of a fellow member, treat her with personal disrespect, or pass between her and the chair while she is speaking. Section 15. Any conversation calculated to disturb a member while speaking, or to hinder the transaction of business, shall be deemed a violation of order, and if persisted in shall incm- censure. SE, Chap. III. Art. II 12 13 officersof. Chap. Ill, Art. IV 13 organization of. Chap. Ill, Art. I . 12 reports required, Chajt. Ill, Art. VI, Sec. 11 16 vacancies in office tilled. Chap. Ill, Art. V, Sec. 3 14 voting in, Cliap. Ill, Art. VII 16 Disbursements. Chap. IV, Art. VIII 21 Also see Corps, Department and National Treasurers' duties. . 10, 15, 20 Discipline, Chap. V, Art. VII 25-27 Discharge, honorable. Chap. II, Art. IV, Sec. 5 8 dishonorable, Chap. II, Art. IV, Sec. 6 8 Dispensation for initiation, Chap. II, Art. 11, Sec. 7 6 Disposing of old correspondence. Chap. V, Art. XVI 29 39 Page Dues, Chap. V, Art. ni ''H Election : Corps officers, Chap. II, Art. VII 8, 9 Department officers, Chap, III, Art. V 14 National officers, Chap. IV, Art. V 18 Delegates to Department Convention, Chap. Ill, Art. II 13 Delegates to National Convention, Chap. IV, Art. II, Sec. 1 . . . . 17 Election Returns, Corps and Department, Chap. V, Art. II 23 Engrossing- Charters, Chap. V, Art. XV 28 Eligibility : to membership, Chap. I, Art. IV 4 by transfer. Chap. II, Art. IV, Sec. 2 7 by re-instatement. Chap. V, Art. IV, Sec. 2 24 by dispensation, Chap II, Art. II. Sec. 7 6 after rejection. Chap. II, Art. II, Sec. 6 6 territorial limits. Chap. II, Art. II, Sec. 8 6, 7 to office, Corps, Department and National 8, 18, 18 Fees, — Charter, Corps, Department: Admission, Chap. II, Art. II, Sec. 1 5 charter members, Chap. II, Art. I, Sec. 1 4 by transfer. Chap. II, Art. Ill, Sec. 2 7 by re-instatement, Chap. V, Art. IV, Sec. 2 24 returned, when. Chap. II, Art. II, Sec. 6 6 forfeited, when. Chap. II, Art. II, Sec. 5 6 Inspection, Chap. V, Art. V 24, 25 officers appointed. Sees. 2, 3 25 Installation of officers, Corps, Chap. II, Art. VII, Sec. 3 9 Department, Chap. Ill, Art. V, Sec. 2 14 National, Chap. IV, Art. V, Sec. 2 .18 Letters designating Blanks and Reports, Chap. V, Art. XX 30 Memorial Day, Chap. V, Art. XI 28 contributions for. Chap. V, Art. XVII . . .• 29 Membership, eligibility to, Chap. I, Art. IV 4 admission to. Chap. II, Art. II 5 application for, Chap. II, Art. 11 5 by transfer, Chap. II, Art. Ill, Sees. 1, 2 7 Depai'tment Convention, Chap. Ill, Art. II .... 12 National Convention, Chap. IV, Art. II 17 ofdisbandedCorps, Chap. II, Art. IV, Sec. 3 7 Meetings : Corps regular, when held, Chap. II, Art. V, Sec. 1 8 Corps special. Sec. 2 8 Department annual and semi-annual, Chap. Ill, Art. Ill, Sec. 1 . . 13 Department special, Sec. 2 13 National annual, Chap. IV, Art. Ill, Sec. 1 18 National special. Sec. 2 18 Department Council meet, Chap. Ill, Art. VI, Sec. 9 16 National Council meet. Chap. IV, Art. VI, Sec. 9 20 Name, Chap. I, Art. I 3 National Convention, National Council, Chap. IV, Art. VI, Sees. 9, 10 . . 20, 21 duties of officers, Chap. IV, Art. VI 19-21 election of officers. Chap. IV, Art. V 18 meetings of , Chap. IV, Art. Ill 18 membership of, Chap. IV, Art. II 17 officers of. Chap. IV, Art. IV 18 reports required. Chap. IV, Art. VI, Sec. 12 21 Also Chap. V, Art. I 22 voting in, Chap. IV, Art. VII 21 vacancies in office, Chap. IV, Art. V, Sec. 3 18 40 Page Objects of the Woman's Relief Corps, Chap. I, Art. II 3 Organization, Chap. I, Art. Ill 3,4 Corps, Sec. 1 3 Departments, Sec. 2 (see also Department) 4,12 National, Sec. 3 (see also National) 4, 17 Provisional Departments, Chap. IV, Art. IX 21 Officers: Corps, Chap. II, Art. VI, Sec. 2 8 Department, Chap. Ill, Art. IV, Sec. 2 13,14 National, Chap. IV, Art. IV, Sec. 2 18 Provisional, Chap. IV, Art. IX, Sec. 1 21 appointed, terms of. Chap. II, Art. VI, Sec. 4 8 duties Corps, Chap. II, Art. VIII 9 duties Department, Chap. Ill, Art. VI ... 14-16 duties National, Chap. IV, Art. VI 19-21 Official communications : forms of address, orders, how disposed of, Chap. V, Ai't. XXI . . . 31, 32 Past Officers,— honors : Chap. V, Art XIV 28 Per capita tax, on Corps and Departments, Chap. V, Art. Ill, Sees. 2, 3 . 23, 24 Preamble 3 Provisional Departments, Chap. IV, Art. IX 21 Proxies, Chap. V, Art. XII 28 Quorum : Corps, Chap. II, Art. V, Sees. 3, 4 8 Department Council, Chap. Ill, Art. VI, Sec. 9 16 National Council, Chap. 1\, Art. VI, Sec. 9 20 Relief Fund, held sacred, Chap. V, Art. X 28 Reports: Corps, Department, National, Secretary's, Chap. V, Art. 1 .... 22 Corps, Department, National, Treasurer's, Chap. V, Art. I . . . . 22 Department Staff Ofhcers, Chap. Ill, Art. VI, Sec. 11 16 National Staff Officers, Chap. IV, Art. VI, Sec. 12 21 Rejected applicants. Cbap. II, Art. II, Sec. 6 6 Rules of Order for National Convention 33-36 Revisions, Chap. V, Art. XVIII 29 Secrecy, Chap. V, Art. VIII • 27 Titles of Address, Chap. V, Art. XIII 28 Transfer, Chap. II, Art. IV, Sees. 2, 3 7 Vacancies in office, how tilled: Corps, Chap. II, Art. VII, Sec. 5 9 Departments, Chap. Ill, Art. V, Sec. 3 ... 14 National Convention, Chap. IV, Art. V, Sec. 3 18 Voting in Department Convention, Chap. Ill, Art. VII 16 National Convention, Chap. IV, Art. VII 21 Past oflficers but one vote. Chap. Ill, Art. VII; Chap. IV, Art. VII . 16, 21 W. R. C. Home Board, Chap. IV, Art. VI, Sec. 11 21 Headquarters Woman's Relief Corps, Chicago, III., December, 1894. 1 certify that the above and forep;oing is a true and correct copv of the Rules and Regulations and Rules of Order of the National Convention, Woman's Relief Corps, Auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic. ^^ J^d^, National Secretary. / FREE BLANKS TO BE DISTRIBUTED AS FOLLOWS Department Secretaries to Corps Presidents, Forms A, B, J, L and N to Corps installing officers, Form U; and to the officer designate to institute a Corps, Form G. (See Chap. III., Art. VI., Sect. 3. Department Inspectors, Form to Assistant Inspectors. (See Chap. V Art. v., Sect. 1.) National Secretary forwards Forms C, D, E, F, M, V and Departmer Treasurer's Bonds to Department Presidents ; and Forms A, B, I N and Corps Treasurer's Bonds to Detached Corps Presidents ; an to the officer designated to institute a Detached Corps, Form G (See Chap. IV., Art. VI., Sect. 3.) National Chaplain forwards Memorial Day blank Form J to Detache Corps Presdents, and Department Chaplain's blank Form K t Department Chaplains. (See Chap. IV., Art. VI., Sect. 5.) National Inspector forwards Form O to Inspectors of Detached Corp; Form P to Department Inspectors, and Form R to Assistar National Inspectors. (See Chap. V., Art. V., Sect. 4.) National Instituting and Installing Officer forwards Form H to Depar ment Instituting and Installing Officers. (See Chap. IV., Art. VI Sect. 8.) ^ Oi?(?&ffeO No. 1. No. 2. Nos. 1 and 2 represent the official electrotypes of the Woman's Relief Corps badge. No. 3 represents the Recognition badge. Corps will be supplied only through their Department Headquarter; :^^^i^<^^^^'^>^- . M National Secretary. ^ — TTT ^^ LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 012 160 675 6