>;/^^' M , 0^ ,...;\ 0^ .•-•' "^o. .-S^ ^s, '^- '"'"^ '^ ■ .-^' '^.^ .^ o ^-^^ -^I«^ ^^•^*. ^ ^^, ^ ^^^PLEM%;r •) TO (- Homes in Texas FOR OCTOBER, 1876. WOODWARD, TIERNAN & HALE. PRINTERS, ST. LOUlS. in^iDEX Anderson County 3 and 47 Brazoria County 26 and 46 Brov/n County 32 Brown and Comanche Counties 32 Burnet County 32 Cherokee County 8 and 48 Freestone County 8 and 38 Freestone and Leon Counties 39 Harris County 29 Henderson County 29 Houston C ounty 16 and 43 Lampasas County 33 and 36 Leon County 10 and 39 Madison County 31 Matagorda County 32 Mil am C o u n t y 23 a n d 45 Montgomery County 34 and 45 RobtTtson County 33 Rusk County 46 San Jacinto County 45 Smith County 6 Trinity County 29 and 45 Tyler County 31 Walker County 13 and 45 Williamson County 31 Wood County 28 ^^PPLEM£7V^ I TO Homes @Texas For October, 1876 A CONVENIENT REFERENCE FOR THE IMMIGRANT TO FIND A ''HOME IN TEXAS," EITHER BY PURCHASING OR RENTING LANDS ON THE LINE OF THE INTERNATIONAL ANI> GREAT NORTHERN RAILROAD, INDUCEMENTS ARE OFFERED OF GOOD LANDS AT LOW PRICES AND ON LONG TIME, enabliug the purchaser to pay for his homestead by his own labor. Those who desire to rent improved farms for a year or more before purchasing, will find exactly what they want by carefully reading this Supplement, and corresponding direct with the farmers and land owners whose names and post office address are here given, or with THOS. F. FISHER, Immigration Agent I. tf Gt. 'N. R. R., Palestine, Tex., and Chattanooga, Tenn. Or DR. W. G. KINGSBURY, Texas Immigration Agent, 119 South Fourth Street, St. Lout's, Mo. A NEW FEATURE. At every Station on the line of the I. & Gt. N. R.R. a register is kept, showing the names of OAvners, description, price and terms of sale, &c., of all lands lying near or tributary to said Station, and at all important Stations buildings are provided for the use of Immigrants ( FREE OF CHARGE) until they can get transportation to their future home in the interior. ANDEESON COUNTY. TEXAS LAND COMPANY, IRA H. EYANS, Manager, Palestine, offer for sale the following lauds. Terms, one-fourth cash, balance on a term of years with usual interest, with a liberal discount for all cash. No. 1. 216 acres, W. B. Harrison, original grantee; one mile east of the town of Neches. The I. it G. N. Railroad runs througli the centre of this tract. Good upland timbered with pine, post oak and hickory. This tract is watered by springs and a small creek. Pi-ice, $5 per acre. No. 2. 540 acres, A. R. Stevens, original gi-antee; situated immediately west of the town of Neches. 100 acres rich chocolate land, 440 acres upland, timbered with fine post oak and hickory; fine quarry of iron ore rock on this tract. In the driest season an abundance of water in a spring branch on this tract, and good water can be had in Avells at depths varying from fifteen to forty feet. This is considered the best tract of upland in the vicinity. Price, $13 to $10 per acre. No. 3. 122 acres, W. B. Harrison, original grantee; situated one and a half miles west of Neches, The I. & G. N. R. R. runs through the northern portion of this tract. Good upland and well timbered witli pine, post oak and hickory. Price, $5 per acre. No. 4. 200 acres, W. B. Harrison, original grantee ; situated one and three-quarter miles northeast of Neches. The I. & G. N. R. R. touches the northwest corner of this tract. Good upland, timbered with pine, post oak and hickory. Water in all seasons in spring branch running through this tract. There is a good well of water on this tract. $5 per acre. No. 5. 250 acres, J. 0. Ogden, original grantee; east of and adjoining the town of Neches ; 50 acres rich black soil, 200 acres good upland timbered with pine, post oak, red oak and hickory. Good water in spring branch running through this tract, and can be obtained in wells at depths varying from fifteen to forty feet. .f5 to $10 per acre. No. 6. 150 acres, P. Lee, original grantee; about one-half mile west of the town of Neches. 100 acres rich chocolate soil, 50 acres gray upland. Timber, pine, post oak, red oak and hickory. Spring branch furnishes good water in all seasons, and also furnishes the motive power for the Washington saw mills. Iron ore rock quarry on this tract. $5 to $10 per acre. No. 7. 143 acres, Wm. Gibson, original grantee ; two miles east of Neches. Good upland. Timber, pine, post oak, red oak and hickory. Several fine springs of per- manent water in this tract. $5 per acre. The several tracts of land just described, embracing 1656 acres of land, are situ- ated in the heart of the pine regions of Eastern Texas, Neches being the most impor- tant point for the shipment of lumber in the State of Texas. About twentv saw mills ship their lumber from this station. In addition to its great advantages as a shipping point for lumber, there is an abundance of excellent iron ore in the immediate vicinity of the town and throughout the surrounding countrv, which only awaits capital and enterprise for its profitable development. During the late war two furnaces were in operation in this region, and a good quality of iron was made from the ore found here. The factory for the manufacture of the famous Billup's Cotton Gin is now located at Neches. A good foundry is also in operation in Neches. The Murchison Cotton Manufactory is situated three and a half miles east of town, and is fitted up with about $30,000 worth of fine machinery. This factory is now in opera- tion. Good church and school advantages. No. 8. 50 acres, Dan'l McKenzie, original grantee ; one mile from Palestine, in a northerly direction. Good upland. Timber, post oak, red oak and hickory. Fine spring upon this tract. Is close to a growing town, and would make a nice fruit and vegetable farm. $15 per acre. No. 9. 59.14 acres, Wm. S. McDonald, original grantee; situated two miles south- west of Palestine. Part good chocolate soil, and the rest good post oak upland. $6 per acre. No. 10. 40 acres, Wm. S. McDonald, original grantee; situated one and a-half miles south of Palestine. Soil and timber same as No. 9. Two good springs upon this tract furnish an abundance of good water. $6 per acre. No. 11. 100 acres, Joseph Jordan, original grantee; situated three miles south- west of Palestine. 40 acres rich black land on Dodge Creek, which runs through this tract, furnishing good water in the driest seasons. 60 acres post oak upland. $5 per 4 ANDERSON COUNTY. No. 12. 50 acres, Joseph Jordan, original grantee; situated three miles southwest of Palestine. 8 acres rich bottom land on Town Creek, which bounds this ti*act on the north, and which furnislies a permanent supply of good water. 42 acres upland, timbered with post oak and red oak. .^(j per acre. No. 13. .50 acres, same original grantee; two miles southwest of Palestine, Good post oak upland, .fo per acre. No. 14. 100 acres, Kearson Crist, original grantee; three and a-half miles south- east of Palestine. 40 acres rich chocolate soil; 60 acres gray upland. Timber, post oak and hickory. $4 per acre. No. 15. 50 acres, Alfred B. Davis, original grantee ; five and a-half miles south of Palestine, and about six miles north of Elkhart Station. Grood oak and hickory up- land. $3 per acre. No. 16. 160 acres, Jeremiah Blackwell, orit-inal grantee; situated five miles west of Elkhart Station. About 40 acres of rich Ijlack laud lies on a branch of Parker's Creek, which runs through this tract and always liunishes a plentiful supply of good water. The remaining 120 acres is gray upland ; timber, pine and post oak, $6 per acre. No, 17, 160 acres, B. B. Stalcup, original grantee; four miles south, twenty de- grees east of Elkhart Station. Gray upland soil, well timbered with pine. An abun- dant supply of water in all seasons furnished by a spring branch which runs through this tract. $5 per acre. No. 18. 300 acres, Jefferson Adams, original grantee, four and a half miles west of Douglas Station. Soil, rich black bottom land of Trinity river, and well timbered with overcup oak, ash, elm, sweet gum and hickory. $3 per acre. No. 19. 1,000 acres, John Chairs, original grantee; about thirteen miles from Pal- estine in a northwestly direction, and situated near the Athens and Palestine road. Timbered with post oaik, black oak, sweet gum and hickory, and interspersed with open glades. About 50 acres of this tract is rich black soil, from three to six feet deep, .lying on Beaver and Clear creeks. About 300 acres is rich red land, and 100 acres is rich chocolate land; the remainder is gray post oak and upland. Two good stone quarries on this tract, also several fine springs, the waters of which unite and form Clear creek. A grist mill half a mile east of this tract is supplied with water from this creek. The preliminaiy survey of the Missoui-i, Kansas & Texas Railway runs within one and a half miles of this tract. The sun-ouRding county is well set- tled, and churches, school-houses and cotton gins are situated in the neighborhood. .|2 per acre for the whole tract; $2 50 to $3 per acre if subdivided. No. 20. 100 acres, Eli A. Bowen, original grantee; about six miles east of Pales- tine. Good post oak upland. |3 per acre. No. 21. 201) acres, James Arnold, original grantee ; seven and a half miles south- east of Palestine. Good upland, timbered with pine, post oak, water oak and hickory. .?3 per acre. No. 22. 100 acres, Wm. Jergins, original grantee ; seven miles northeast of Pales- tine. Good post oak upland. $3 per acre. No. 23. 160 acres, Reuben D. Shade, original grantee; about five and a half miles northeast of Palestine. Good post oak upland. $3 per acre. No. 24. 100 acres, .Jolm Paddon, original grantee; about four miles northeast of Palestine. About no acres, situated on a branch of Mound Prairie Creek, is rich black bottom land ; the reuiaiuing 50 acres is good post oak upland. The branch mentioned above furnishes a supply of good Avater. $4 per acre. No. 25. 50 acres, A. J. Mazze, original grantee, two miles southwest of the town of Neches. Good upland. Timber, pine and hickory. $3 per acre. No. 2i). 200 acres, T. S. Barnes, original grantee; three miles southwest of the town of Palestine. Four acres cleared and planted with peach trees; 196 acres post oak upland, interspersed with open glades. $3 50 per acre. No. 27. 200 acres, Sam'l G. Wells, original grantee; two and a half miles east of Palestine. Good upland. Timber, post oak and red oak. There are several fine springs upon this ti-act. $5 per acre. No. 28. 100 acres , John Armstrong, original grantee; twenty-four miles north - Avest of Palestine. About 30 acres rich black soil bottom land, lying on Catfish bayou. This bayou, with several fine springs, furnishes an abundant supply of good water in all seasons. Tlie remaining 70 acres is gray upland, well timbered with post oak and red oak. $3 per acre. No. 29. 1.50 acres, Jos. Hurtz, original grantee. This land lies all around the town and depot of Elkhart. About 25 acres rich chocolate soil; the remainder is good upland, timbex-ed with post oak and hickory. $10 to $15 per acre. G. W. Hudson, Tennessee Colonv, Anderson County, has 1,283 acres, in three tracts, for sale or rent, to wit: 363 acres eighteen miles southeast from Palestine, on Squirrel Creek, unimproved, Avell timbered with hickory, black jack, red oak, su- mach, &c. ; gray sandy soil, very productive, good water. Price and terms to suit purchasers, and title warranted. ANDERSON COUNTY. 700 acres twenty- one miles northwest from Palestine: 225 acres under fence and in cultivation; 100 "acres of same black waxy land and ten feet above highest over- flow; good for wheat, corn, cotton, &c. ; well timbered with post oak, black jack, hickorv, ash, sumach, &c. ; good water, good gin-house and patent press, new and in fine order; one and a half miles from Trinity river; game and fish in abundance; a good dwelling and eight good tenant-houses on the place, out-houscs, &c. Will sell at $15 per acre, payable in five annual payments without interest, or will lease if parties prefer. 220 acres, one-half mile from Tennessee Colony, fifteen and one-half miles north- west from Palestine, well timbered; 40 acres in cultivation and under fence; gray and red lands; good schi)ol, church, smith shop, wood shop. Masonic hall, two large stores, Grange and hall; religious worship each Sabbath. Xo litjuor sold witliin two miles of the school. Splendid water and no healthier locality in the country. Fifteen families reside in the village. Address G. W. HUDSON, Tennessee Colony, Anderson County, Texas. R. 0. Mynatt, Tennessee Colony, Anderson county, has 250 acres of good gray sandy upland, also black sandy and waxy bottom land, for lease for one or more years, situated three and a half miles from Tennessee Colony and twelve miles west from Palestine, well timbered and watered; fine range for hogs, horses or cattle; only one mile to a prairie five miles in circumference, affording winter and summer range for any reasonable amount of stock; good houses and fences. For further par- ticulars address as above. Mrs. E. H. Pekry, Palestine, or R. M. Jackson, Tennessee Colony, Anderson county, Texas, has 2,200 acres for sale in difl'erent portions of Anderson county, in tracts to suit pui-chasers. 160 acres for sale or rent upon favorable terms, situated three and a-half miles west from Palestine. 70 acres of grav sandy soil has been in a good state of cultivation ; house and fence recentlv destroyed by fire ; splendid spring and plenty of timber on the place; good stock range, game abundant; good road to Palestine, three miles to depot. Will take rent in improvements. Address as above for particulars. J. T. Jackson, Bethel, Anderson county, has 1,000 acres for rent or lease, one to five years, twenty- three miles northwest from Palestine; about 500 aci-es in cultiva- tion this year; gray sandy land and easily worked; good fences, water and range; splendid neighborhood; church, school and stoi-e within two miles; game and fish in abundance. Will assist renters to make a crop. Good road to Palestine, wliich last season proved to be a better market than New Orleans, by those who tried both markets. J. J. Smith, Tennessee Colony, Anderson county, has 2 500 acres for sale, lease or rent, or will hii'e good hands at reasonable rates to cultivate the same; situated fourteen or eighteen miles Avest and northwest from Palestine, and one mile south of Tennessee Colony, Avhere thei-e is a good school, church, store, shops, &c., ,s[)lcndid timber, good water; out-houses tenant-houses, steam gin, mill and threshing ma- chine, all in good repair; soil gray, good for cotton, corn and grain; fine winter and summer range; good springs, and a never-failing running creek passes through the tract. For particulars address as above. Dr. W. H. Monday, Merrell, Kauftman county, has 240 acres, ten miles north of Palestine; 100 acres in cultivation; double dwelling-houses with brick chimneys, out- houses, cribs, stables, &c. ; good well of water, good orchard of peaches and apples; springs in abundance on the ]>lace. Terms, $5 per acre. Jacob Crist, Palestine, Anderson county, has for sale 3,377 acres of land, in ten tracts : Tract No. 1. 640 acres, eight miles southAvest of Palestine ; 200 acres in cultivation , good fence, with dwelling and tenant-houses, gin-house and iron press and water mill, good cistern and spring water; balance well timbered with post oak, red oak, hickory and black jack; the soil is gray sandy and chocolate. Price, $5,000, or $3 per acre rent . Tract No. 2. 320 acres adjoining tract No. 1. Post oak upland, well timbered ; no improvements. Price, $1 per acre. Tract No. 3. 200 acres, 75 acres in cultivation; good fence, dwelling and tenant- houses, good cistern and spring water; soil black, sandy gray upland. Price, $5 per acx-e, or rent for $3. Tract No. 4. 157 acres, seven miles from Palestine; all good timber land. Price, $3 per acre. Tract No. 5. IGO acres, ten miles west of Palestine; 30 acres in cultivation, 20 acres of black bottom soil, the balance chocolate; good timber, oak, ash, hickory, &c. ; good fence, house, corn crib and stable, and good spring water. Price, $<■; per acre, or $4 rent. Tract No. 6. 160 acres, eleven miles west of Palestine; 50 acres in fine state of cultivation; three tenant-houses and out-houses, well of water and school-house; 130 acres in black bottom soil, the rest post oak upland. Price, $12 per acre, or $5 per acre rent. 6 SMITH COUNTY. Tract Xo. 7. 28 acres, well timbered and fine building site; black soil. Pricie, ^ per acre. Tract No. 8. 361 acres, eleven miles west of Palestine; 130 acres in cultivation, good dwelling and tenant-houses, gin-house and press (new gin stand), good fence, Avell of water, good orchard of apple, peach and plum; chocolate soil, timbered with hickory and post oak. Price, $10 per acre, or rent $i. Tract No. 9. 2(0 acres, nine miles west of Palestine; post and pin oak timber; cliocolate soil. Price $3 per acre. Tract No. 10. 1,111 acres, eleven miles southwest of Palestine ; in the Trinity river bottom; rich black soil, Avell timbered with over-cup, pin oak, ash, mulberry, pecan, elm, &c. Price, fl 50 per acre. Terms of sale of the above land are one-third cash, balance in one and tAvo years, Avith ten per cent interest ; also Avill lease unimproA'ed land for three and four years ; Avill also sell tracts to suit purchasers, prices accord- ing to the quantity and quality of the land. Parties desiring to see th« land can do so by calling on Ira Williams, one mile from Douglas depot; post office address, Prairie Point, Anderson county, Texas. JACOB CRIST. N. H. BlaOk, Palestine, Anderson county, has for sale 1,128 acres intAvo tracts: Tract No. 1. 700 acres, eight miles soutliAvest of Palestine; 75 acres in cultiva- tion; chocolate soil, aa'cII timbei'ed, good fence, Avell and cistern Avater; good fi'ame dAvelling, six rooms, hall and kitchen; offered cheap for cash, or at $4 per acre rent. Tract No. 2. 428 acres, tAA'elve miles west of Palestine; 75 acres in cultivation; dAvelling and tenant-houses good fence, apple and peach orchard ; chocolate soil; post oak timber. Price, fo per acre, or $3 rent. Terms of sale, one-half cash, balance in tAvelve months, Avith ten per cent, interest. Refer to Ira Williams, near Douglas depot, or Prairie Point post office, Anderson county, Texas. N. H. BLACK. P. W. EZELL, Nechesvllle post office, has 2,000 acres of unimproved land, tAVO to four miles from Nee. osville; also two improved places, one of 60 acres and one of 30 acres, Avith unimproved land attached to each. Good schools, good neighborhood. Cotton, corn, barley, oats, rye and potatoes produced plentifully. Raised 400 bushels of sAveet potatoes per acre in this land last year, AA'hich sold at seventy-five cents a bushel. Price, $2 to $4 per acre. Terms liberal. J. R. Cook, Tennessee Colony, Anderson county, has 350 acres under fence, and in good state of cultivation, tAventy-one miles northAvest from Palestine, six miles northwest from Tennessee Colony, about equally divided in gray sandy, black sandy and l)lack waxy land, very productive for corn cotton and grain; good dAvelling, out- houses and tenant-houses; neAV gin-house and press in fine repair; splendid stock range, stock Avater, &c. \Vill rent from one to five years, supply renters Avith corn and stock at Ioav figures. Fine crop groAving on the place. Address J. R. COOK, Tennessee Colony, Anderson county, Texas. R. M. Jack'^ON, Tennessee Colony, Anderson county, has 500 acres for rent, twenty-three miles northAvest from Paleetine, eight miles northAvest from Tennessee Colony; 400 acres gray sandy land, one mile from Trinity river; good houses and AA^ater. 100 acres under good fence, black waxy and black sandy land, six feet above overflOAV. The entire tract of 500 acres has lately been in cultiAation. Will rent for one or ten years, as renters px'efer. Will take part of the rent in repairs. Will furnish renters meat, corn and merchandise. AVould prefer to rent all of the land to one man. SMITH COUNTY. TEXAS LAND COMPANY, IRA H. EVANS, Manager, Palestine, Texas, offer for sale the folloAving lands. Terms, one-fourth cash, balance on a term of years, with interest, or at a liberal discount on prices named for all cash. No. 1. 113>^ acres, James Jordan, original grantee; on the line of the I. & G. N. R. R., and about midway between the towns of Overton and Troupe. About 25 acres cleared; the rest is post'oak upland, Avhich is easily cuKivated and yields well. Kick- apoo creek runs through this tract, furnishing an "abundance of AVJiter in all seasons. Tne surrounding country is Avell seitled and the location is healthy. Cotton gin Avithin one-fo'irth mile of this tract This land is situated in one of the best farming regions of Eastern Texas, and a more desirable location for a small farm cannot be found. ^10 per acre. No. 2. 175 acres, Thos. Orr original grantee; this is a part of the tract upon Avhich Whitehouse dei)ot is situated, and is about, eight miles south of the city of Tyler. About 25 acrea is rich creek bottom laml and tlie remainder is good red upland. The Avhole tract has been cleared and enough of it can be sold to make a fine farm. $10 per acre. SMITH COUNTY. / No. 3. 50 acres, J. H. Saunders, original grantee ; about one -fourth mile southwest of the town of Lindale, on the I. & G. N. R. R. Good post oak upland; location healthy and surrounding countrj^ well settled. $10 per acre. No. 4. 30 acres, M. J. Falvel, original grantee; immediately adjoining and north- east of the town of Lindale. Gray upland soil; well timbered with post oak, i-ed oak and hickory. $15 per acre. No. 5. 75 acres, Thos. Burbridge, original grantee; immediately adjoining the town of Lindale. Gray upland soil, well timbered with post oak and red oak. $10 to $15 per acre. No. 6. 75 acres, J. A. Gibson, original grantee; immediately adjoining the town of Lindale. Soil and timber same as Wo. 5. $15 per acre. The four last tracts constitute a b'-dy of land of which the town of Lindale, on the I. &G. N. R. R., is the centre. Excellent water is obtained in wells at a moderate depth. This is a fine fruit region. The surrounding country is well settled; society Is good, schools and churches are convenient, and the railroad depot is close at hand. A fine location for several small farms. A. J. SCARiJKo, Lindale, Smith county, has for sale 240 acres near Lindale; about 100 acres in cultivation, 75 acres of which is good bottom land th;it will make one bale of cotton or foi-ty bushels of corn to the acre, or 400 gallons of good ril)bon-cane syrup to the acre; plenty of tenant-houses; good fence, both spring and Avell water; also six acres in orchard, composed of the finest apples, peaches and i)lunis that can be had~a general variety. Price, $15 per acre. Terms, two-thirds ca.sli, balance in twelve months without interest. Very good neighborhood, convenient to schools, churches and lodges. J. T. COPELAND, Lindale, Smith county, has for sale 320 aci-es; has for rent 100 acres. A tract of 32') aci*es, five miles from railroad; unimproved first-class upland, rolling enough to drain itself; soil a red and chocolate loam ; fine timber and good water; situated in a thickly settled country, with good neighborhood, convenient to schools and churches. Price, $5 per acre. Terms, one-hali cash, one-half in twelve months, with ten per cent interest. 100 acres for rent, well adapted for corn and cotton; ordinaiy season will pro- duce twenty bushels of corn or one-half bale of cotton to the acre. Will rent for one- third corn and one-fourth cotton, tenant furnishing teams and implements. E. R. U. McLeary, Lindale, Smith county, has for rent 40 acres, four and a lialf miles from railroad depot ; soil chocolate loam, mostly fresh land ; tAvo good dwelling- houses, good well of water at each house; also a No. 1 apple, ]ieach and pear or- chard, with vineyard; situated in a good neighborhood; Baptist and Methodist churches convenient; perfectly healthy, no local cause of malaria. Terms of rent, one -third corn and one -fourth cotton, renter to furnish himself. Thos. J. Bautley, Lindale, Smith county, has for rent 100 acres, three miles from railroad depot; good gray land, very level, undulating enough to drain itself; has three good houses for renters, well supplied Avith springs of pure water, with orchard, &c; desii-able neighborhood. Rent for one-third corn, one-fourth cotton. A. C. Strayhon, Lindale, Smith county, has for rent 100 acres, six miles from railroad depot; good gray land, a little undulating; two good renter houses, Avith wells of water; near by is a saline for making salt; good neighborhood, convenient to churches. Terms of rent, one-third corn, one-fourth cotton. T. A. Love, Lindale, Smith county, has for rent 100 acres, one mile from the rail- road depot; good fresh gray land; on the place is a water mill for grinding, &c. ; a healthy locality Avell supplied Avith spring and Avell water. Churches and schools convenient Terms, one-third corn and one-fourth cotton. J. C. Lyons, Lindale, Smith county, has for sale 150 acres, four miles to railroad depot; 40 acres improved, Avith good houses; good gray land with some bottom; excelleixt neighborhood; good Avell water, &c. Price, $4 per acre, cash. J. S. Lyons, Lindale, Smith country, has for sale 50 acres in a good neighbor- hood; 20 aci-es in a high state of cultivation; log houses and good water; churches and schools convenient. Price, $7 per acx*e, cash. J. B. Kowen, Lindale, Smith county, has for sale 100 acres in a good neighbor hood, convenient to churches and schools; about 15 acres in cultivation; good crop, house, well and spring Avater; very liealthy location. Price, $5 per acre. Terms, one-half cash, balance in twelve months, Avith ten per cent interest. C M Wiley, Lindale, Smith county, has for sale 450 acres, three miles fi'om the I. & G.N. R. R.; 5U acres in cultivation, good fence, comfortable dwelling-house; timber good ; well Avater, gins and mills convenient ; good orchard and floAver garden ; church and school Avithin one mile. Price, $6 per acre. Terms, one-third cash, bal- ance in one and tAVO years, Avith interest and vendor's lien. S.J Morris, Lindale, Smith county, Avants two hands; will pay $10 per month and furnish board and Avashing. S. J. & J A. Morris Lindale, Smith county, have for rent 140 acres, two and a half miles from railroad depot; good gray land Avell adapted to corn, cotton and small grain; Avell and spring water; in a good neighborhood, convenient to churches and schools. Terms, one-third corn and one-fourth cotton, tenant furnishing himself. FREESTONE COUNTY. freestok:; county. TEXAS LAND COMPANY, IRA H. EYANS, Manager, Palestine, Texas, offer for sale the following lands. Terms, one-fourth cash, balance on a term of years with interest, or a very liberal discount for all cash. No. 1. 250 acres, Joel Hamilton, original grantee; immerliately adjoining the town of Oakwcods. The eastern portion of this tract is well timberrd with large post oak, white oak, and red oak; the western half is rich black prairie land. $15 per acre. No. 2. 3-20 acres, H.A.Boyd, original grantee; one-half mile west of the town of Oakwoods. About 40 acres is prairie, the rest is timbered with good post oak, elm and sweet gum; deej) rich black soil. $12 per acre. "VV. J. EuBANKS, Cutler, Freestone county, has 150 acres for rent, three miles from Oakwoods depot, two miles from tfe Trinity river. Terms, $4 per acre, or one -third of the corn and one-fourth of the cotton. W. 8 Edwards, Butler, Freestone county, has 400 acres for rent, about thirteen miles from Oakwoods depot and near the Trinity river, all in cultivation, about one- half bottom, the balance hammock lajid. Terms, one-third of the corn and one- fourth of the cotton Also, l,'-00 acres of unimproved land to lease on favorable terms. Valley and hammock land, plenty of fine water, good range, and a very heal- thy locality. Dr. E. H. Manning, Butler, Freestone county, has 150 acres for rent, eight miles from Oakwoods depot, and four miles from Trinity river; two-thirds ujiland, one- third bottom land. Good well of water, school and church convenient. Average crop, 1,200 lbs. of seed cotton and twenty bushels of corn. Terms, one-third of the corn, and one -fourth of the cotton, or $3 per acre money rent R. K. Oneal, Butler, Freestone county, has for sale or rent 500 acres improved land, five miles northwest from Oakwoods station, near Keechi creek. Price, $5 per acre, or rent for one-third of the corn and one-fourth of the cotton. J. T. Gill, Butler, Freestone county, has for sa e or rent 800 acres of improved land. Price f5 per acre, cash, or will rent for one-third of the corn and one-fourth of the cotton, or $3 per acre for the improved land. 640 acres six miles from Keechi, on Keechi creek, gr ly sandy upland, and black sandy bottom land, 150 acres improved, a portion of which is Keechi bottom land . Price, $2 .0 to $5 per acre for the upland. Will rent for one-third of the corn and one-fourth of the cotton H. Morgan, Oakwoods, Leon county, has 700 acres, 200 acres improved, for sale or rent. The soil a gray sandy and black bottom land. Price, $5 per acre, or will rent for one-third of the corn and one-fourth of the cotton. Samuel Dextek, Agent, Palestine, Anderson county, has 10,000 acres, from one to seven miles from Oakwoods depot, gray sandy and valley land. Price, $2 to $2.50 per acre; terms liberal, will be divided to suit purchasers. A. E. Moberly, Butler, Freestone county, has for sale 103 acres of land, seven miles from Oakwoods station. Fine large dwelling-house, fifty feet square, contain- ing five rooms, and convenient out-houses. Soil, light sandy loam, two under-ground cisterns on the place. Price, $12 per acre. CHEROKEE COUNTY. TEXAS LAND COMPANY, IRA II. EVANS, Manager, Palestine, Texas, offer for sale the following lands. Terms, one-fourth cash, balance on a term of years, with usual interest; or for all cash, a liberal discount will be made on the prices given. No. 1. 193 acres, Houston & Great Northern Railroad Company, original grantee ; situated on Neches river, about sixteen and one-half miles south, 11 degrees east of Rusk, and — miles of Jacksonville, and lying south of and adjoining the Ninu'od Ragsdale survey. Well timbered with pine. $3 per acre. CHEROKEE COUNTY. y No. 2. 200 acres, Crawford Bennett, original grantee. The town of Reynolds is situated upon this tract, and occupies an area of 14 acres. The soil is light gray upland; surrounding country thickly settled, healthy, and well supplied with water and good stone for building purposes. $5 to $10 per acre. No. 3. 960 acres, John Harris, original grantee; situated about sixteen and one- half miles south, 10 degrees east from the town of Rusk, on the waters of the Neches river. This tract is heavily timbered with pine. $3 per acre. No. 4. 918 1-5 acres, John Harris, original grantee; situated about seventeen and three-fourths miles south, 5 degrees east from the town of Rusk, on the waters of the Neches river. This tract is heavily timbered with pine. $3 per acre. B. F. Brittain, Jacksonville, Cherokc^ county, has 176 acres, situated one mile from tlie Jacksonville depot, has a new iio.—e with four rooms, well finished, good Avell of water, and necessary out-houses, about 60 acres in cultivation. Price $3,000. One-half cash, balance in twelve months. J. A. FURNEY— J. A. Templeton, Agent, Jacksonville, has 87 acres, situated one and one-fourth miles from Jacksonville station; 35 acres in cultivation. Price $500 cash. B. F. Brittaix, Jacksonville, has 200 acres, 50 acres in cultivation, four miles from Jacksonville ; dwelling and out-hovises, good spring and well water; very pro- ductive, and well adapted to the groAvth oi grain and cotton. Price $1,200. One-half cash, balance on twelve months time. W. R. TILLMAN— J. A. Templeton, Agent, Jacksonville, has 600 acres, 50 acres in ciiltivation ; eleveo miles southwest from Jacksonville station, and four miles from the railroad; 400 acres good pine land, line location for a saw-mill, the supply of pine adjacent being inexhaustible; healthy, never-failing springs and splendid range for stock; can be divided into four farms." Price $3 per acre. J. L. Mcpherson, Jacksonville, has 125 acres ; 80 acres under fence and in cultiva- tion, two miles north of Jacksonville station; good running water through the entire farm, numerous springs of good water; improvements nearly new; an excellent neighborhood. Price, $1,250. One-half cash, the balance on time, with 10 per cent, interest. Allen & Lawler— J. A. Templeton, Agent, Jacksonville, has 80 acres, unim- proved , four miles south from Jacksonville station. Price !^5 per acre. One-half cash, balance on time. 0. C. Grimes— J. A. Templeton, Agent, Jacksonville, has 70 acres under good fence ; bottom land on the waters of the Neches river, eleven miles from Jacksonville depot ; well adapted to the growth of cotton and cane. Has produced one bale of lint cotton to the acre. Can furnish good houses for two, and if necessary, for three families. Will be rented November 1, 1876, for one-third of corn and one-fourtli of the cotton. J. E. Walker-J. A. Templeton, Agent, Jacksonville, has 140 acres; 70 acres good productive land under fence, and 60 acres under cultivation; one and one-half miles from Jacksonville station; two good dwellings and all necessary out-houses, plenty of timber for fencing and fii-e-wood; well watered. Price *1,500. One-half cash, balance in twelve months. If not sold by October 1, 1876, will be rented for 1877, for one-third of the corn and one-foui*th of the cotton. J. A. Templeton, Jacksonville, has 50 acres for rent, two miles soutli of Jack- sonville station; good tenant-houses, and running water; land well adapted to cotton and corn. Tei'ms, one-third of the corn and one-fourth of the cotton raised, or money rent, as may be agreed upon. Apply until October 1st, 1876, to the above address „ J. T. Simpson— J. A. Templeton, Agent, Larissa, Cherokee county, has 80 acres for rent, nine miles northwest from Jacksonville station, in a good, healthy locality; tenant-houses in good condition. Will rent for one-third of the corn and one-fourth of the cotton, or will furnish teams and tools for one-half the crop. For particulars address J. T. Simpson, as above, by letter, or J. A. Templeton, in person, at Jackson- ville. ■ B. C. Rhome— J. A. Templeton, Agent, Jacksonville, has CO acres for rent, one mile from Jacksonville station. For terms and particulars apply to J. A. Templeton, until October 1, 1876. * W. J. Webb— J. A. Templeton, Agent, Jacksonville, has 75 acres for rent, five miles northeast of Jacksonville depot. Will furnish lands on shares, or rent for part of the crop. Address, until October 1, 1876, as above. 10 LEON COUNTY. LEON COUNTY. TEXAS LAND COMPANY, IRA H. EVANS, Manager, P. 0. Palestine, Texas, offer for sale the following lands. Terms one-fourth cash, balance in annual instalments running over as many years as may be agreed upon, with usual interest; or for all cash, a liberal discount will be made on prices given below : No. 1. 1000 acres, M. de la Concepcion Marquez, original grantee. The town of Marquez is located upon and occupies about 60 acres of this tract. Good quality post oak upland soil. In the N. E. portion are about 120 acres of rich black soil, and the soutluM-n ixtrlion ai)))roaches closelj^ to the same character. The remainder is gray sandy upland, which produces well. The whole tract is interspersed with open glades. The surrounding country is quite Avell settled. Churches, school-houses and cotton gins are convenient. AVater is obtained in wells at depths varying from forty to sixty feet. Land at a suitalile distance from town for farms will be sold at from $5 to $10 per acre. No. 2. 4U0 acres, Jefferson McGrew, original grantee. The town of Jewett is located upon a portion of this tract. The soil is gray sandy upland, which yields well. The surrounding country is well settled, and is supplied with springs of pure cold water and running streams. Jewett is the most important town upon the line of the I. & G. N. W. 11. between Hearne and Palestine, and is the largest town in Leon County, and commands the trade of a large area of country. Churches, schools, and Odd- Fellows and ^Masonic Lodges are to be found here. The town is improving steadily. Price, $5 to $10 per acre, at a distance suitable for farms. No. 3. 50 acres, John S. Carson, original gi-antee. A portion of this tract has been cleared, but the most of it is well timbered with post oak and red oak. Price, $5 per acre. No. 4. 100 acres, J. R. Brown, original grantee; situated west of and adjoining Keechi Station. Southwestern portion rich black bottom land, the remainder gray sandy upland, timbered with post oak and red oak. Spring of good water on this land.' With the exception of a small portion of this land immediately adjoining the town, this land will be sold at from $5 to $10 per aci-e. No. 5. 400 acres, McLin Bracy, original gi'antee; situated one-fourth of a mile south of Keechi Station. 1(0 acres rich prairie bottom land; the remainder is gray upland, well timbered with post oak, red oak and hickory. Brown's branch and Alligator creek run through this land and furnish a plenty of water. Price, $5 per acre. No. 6. 250 acres, D. W. Suarez, original grantee; situated east of and adjoining the tow^n of Keechi. Several springs of good Avater on this tract, w^ell timbered with post oak, red oak and hickory. Soil gray sandy upland, for the most part t5 per acre. No. 7. 200 acres, J. L. Hogg, original grantee; situated two and a half miles southeast of Keechi. Good upland that will produce from aOO to 400 pounds of lint cotton to the acre. Price, $3.50 per acre. No. 8. ; 00 acres, Benj. Milspaugh, original grantee; situated within one-half mile of the depot at the town of Oakwoods. About 125 acres of this tract is timbered with a line large growth of post oak; the remaining 248 acres is prairie. This tract is situated near the Trinity river, and in the most fertile portion of Leon County. The soil is of a rich black character, and ranges from one -half to three feet in depth. Good well water can be obtained at from twenty -five to forty feet from the surface. Pric^e, $14 per acre. No. 9. 280 acres, C. M. Jones, original grantee; situated about two miles west of the town of Marquez. Post oak upland, interspersed with open glades; gray sandy soil, a church, school-house, cotton gin and grist mill are located near this tract. $3.50 per acre. No. 10. 143 acres, W. Van Rosenberg, original grantee ; three miles west of Mar- quez, and within one mile of the tract last described. Good post oak upland, and very well timbered ; would make an excellent farm. $5 per acre. No. 11. 223 acres, Jefferson McGrew, original grantee. About one-half mile wesj of the town of Keechi. Soil, mostly gray upland. Timber, post oak and red oak. $5 per acre. R, B. Coleman, Jewett P. O., has for sale 3,000 acres of land, and for rent 390 acres ; wants twelve farm hands. 2 560 acres of my land is located nine miles east of Jewett station, and from five to seven miles south of Buffalo. Gray and black sandy loam, well watered and well timbered. Timber consists of red oak, black jack, post oak and hickory; sweet gum and pin oak on branches. Lies well, some of it almost level. Patented in my own name. Price $2 per acre for 100 acres or more. One -third cash and balance at one, two and three years pavments. 500 acres near Jewett, well timbered w^ith post oak and black jack, at $5 per acre, same terms as above. 700 acres with farm on it, eight LEON COUNTT. 11 good tenant-houses, good gin-house, iron press and iron horse -power, 800 acres under fence and 200 in cultivation, springs and wells in eveiypartpf the farm. Terms : $6 per acre for whole tract, one-half cash, balance one and five years. Prefer to have farmers able to furnish themselves ; Avill rent 10 acres of good land for one bale of cotton weighing 500 pounds, or for one-third of the corn and one-fourth of the cotton. Parties not able to furnish themselves can be furnished team, tools, and get half the ci'op. ^ ^ 4- ^ Lands adapted to the raising of cotton, corn, sugar-cane, potatoes, rye, oats and barley, and all kinds of grasses, peaches, pears, plums and apples grow as well here as in any part of the State; horses, cattle and hogs are cheap. F. Mitchell, Jewett post office, has for sale 585 acres of land. For rent, 80 acres. Wants four farm hands. , . , ... My lands are located in three tracts ; two of 160 acres each, with small improve- ments. Price *2.50 per acre, one-half cash, balance in one and two years. Third tract, 265 acres, mostly bottom, well timbered with gum and pin oak. Price, *4 per acre, and terms same as other tracts. All my lands are gray and black sandy loam, lie well situated ten miles east of Jewett, and eight miles south of Buffalo station. H. J. Page, Jewett post office, has for sale 770 acres of land. For rent, 80 acres. Wants three farm hands. , » -o «• 1 My lands are located eleven miles east of Jewett, and nine miles south of Buffalo, about half bottom and half upland ; gray and black sandy loam, well watered, and timber of all kinds in abundance. 80 acres of land in cultivation, mostly bottom, and good cotton land as there is to be found anyAvhere. Price, $5 per acre. One-halt cash, and balance in one and two years. Prefer croppers that are able to buy their own team and tools and furnish them- selves. J. L. Shaw, Jewett post office, has for sale 480 acres of land. For rent, 40 acres. Wants two farm hands. , My lands are situated twelve miles southeast of Jewett ; gray and black sandy loam, about one-third bottom; 50 acres in cultivation and well improved, well water- ed and well timbered. Price, $5 per acre; one-half cash, balance one and two years. Single men can get $12 to $20 per month and board for farm hands ; mechanics, $1.50 to $3 per day. Reuben Long, Jewett post office, has for sale 600 acres of land. For rent, 120 acres. Six hands are wanted. My lands are located on Keechi creek, seven miles south of Jewett; about half the land is black sandy bottom, covered with pin oak, walnut, mulberry, linn, and other kinds of bottom timber; uplands lie well, well timbered with post oak, hickory and black jack. 120 acres in bottom, well ditched and in high state of cultivation, good fences and improvements, with No. 1 gin-house and press; also a large fine orchard with all kinds of fruit trees already bearing. Price, $5,000 cash. , Hiram Smith, post office, Jewett, has for sale 860 acres of land. For rent, 80 acres. Wants four farm hands. My lands are located eight miles east of Jewett, one-half bottom (my farm of 80 acres all in bottom ;) land, gray and black sandy loam, well watered and well timbered with red oak, hickory and black jack. Price, $5 per acre, one-half cash, balance in one and two years. I prefer hands who can furnish themselves, and cultivate for one -third the corn and one-fourth the cotton. Dr. M. L. Hagard, Buffalo, Leon county, has for sale 360 acres of land, 140 in cultivation, good buildings, splendid fences and out-houses, with five good settlements thereon for tenants. The greatest abundance of good water, nice orchard, &c., and one of the best gins in the country. My farm is two miles from I. & G. N. H. R., six miles from Jewett, and five miles from Bufl"alo. Terms very reasonable. Correspon- dence solicited. J. A. Kandless, post office, Jewett, Leon county, has for sale 440 acres of land, 150 in cultivation, with good fence, good dwelling and three tenant-houses ; about three -fourths of the ti-act is bottom land. Price, $7 per acre. Terms, half cash, bal- ance in one and two years ; or I will rent at $5 per acre. Noah Griffin, post office, Jewett, Leon county, has for sale 488 acres of land, bottom and upland ; 90 acres in cultivation, dwelling and three tenant-houses and other out-buildings. Price, $4.12)i gold, per acre. Terms, half cash, balance in one year; or I Avill rent for $5 per acre; unimproved land to sell at $2 per acre at one, two or three years time. N. S. Rankin, post office, Jewett, Leon county, has for sale IfiO acres of land; 65 acres in cultivation, with three tenant-houses, balance unimproved. Price, $1,000 gold, cash. W. L. Selman, post office, Jewett, Leon county, has for sale 200 acres of land ; has for rent 80 acres. My lands are three miles from Jewett; upland, timbered, good for corn, cotton, &c. Price, $3 per acre. Terms, one, two and three years time ; title good ; will rent 80 acres at $5 per acre, or one-third of corn and one-fourth of cotton. 12 LEON COUNTY. M. S. Monroe, post ofSce, Jewett, Leon county, has for rent 150 acres of land, upland; I Avill rent for one-third of corn and one-fourth of cotton. E. Parish, Keechi, Leon county, has 160 acres, seven miles southeast from Kee- chi station, 25 acres of improved gray sandy land, for rent or sale. Price, $3 per acre. Will rent for one-third of the corn and one-fourth of the cotton. M. Keils, Keechi, Leon county, 780 acres, bottom land, three miles south of Kee- chi station, on Buffalo creek. Soif, black sandy. Will sell for $2.50 per acre, cash, or rent the improved land (60 acres) at $4 per acre, or one-third of the corn and one- fourth of the cotton. A. Moore, Keechi, Leon count}", 160 acres, .50 acres impi'oved, six miles east from Keechi station. Black sandy land. Price, $2 per acre, or Avill rent upon usual terms. J. M. Mayberry, Keechi, Leon county, ICO acres, 30 acres of improved land, four miles southwest from Keechi station. Price, $4 per acre, or will rent upon usual terms. W. H. Cooper, Keechi, Leon county, 320 acres, 50 acres improved, five miles southAvest from Keechi station. Price, $'i per acre ; or I will rent for one-third of the corn and one -fourth of the cotton, or ^ per acre for the land. M. Smith, Keechi, Leon county, 400 acres bottom land, black, stifl'and gray sandy, 75 acres improved bottom land, situated three miles southeast from Keechi station. Price, $4 per acre, or will rent the improved land for $4 per acre, cash, or one-third of the corn and one-fourth of the cotton. Thomas Smith, Keechi, Leon county, 160 acres one mile south from Keechi sta- tion; 15 acres Improved; will sell for $2. .50 per acre, or Avill rent for one-third of the corn and one-fourth of the cotton, or $4 per acre for the improved land. J. PuRViss, Keechi, Leon county, 1.50 acres, 20 acres improved, four miles west of southwest from Keechi, gray sandy and mulatto land. I will sell for $2.50 per acre, or rent for one-third of the corn and one-fourth of the cotton, or $3 per acre for the improved land. G. Utesey, Keechi, Leon county, 100 acres, 22 acres improved, black and gray sandy land, situated three miles south irom Keechi station. Will sell at $3 per acre, or rent for one-third of the corn and one-fourth of the cotton, or $4 per acre for the open land. J. Kbed, Keechi station, Leon county, 160 aci-es, 80 acres improved, gx'ay sandy land, seven miles south southwest from Keechi station on Buffalo creek. Will sell at $2.50 per acre, or rent for one-third of the corn and one fourth of the cotton, or $3 per acre for the open land. Mrs. McDonald, Centerville, Leon county, 640 acres, 20 aci-es improved, gray and black sandy land. Price, $2 per acre, or will rent the improved land at $4 per acre; situated three miles south of Keec i station on Buffalo creek. E. Barnes, Agent for Powers, Centerville, Leon county, 640 acres, gray and black sandy land, tour miles south of Keechi station on Buffalo creek. Price, $1.50 per acre. M. Smith, Agent for G. Prewitt, Jewett, Leon county, 140 acres, gray and black sandy land, situated two and a half miles southeast from Keechi station. Price, $2 per acre. P. Parker, Keechi, Leon ^county, 160 acres, 30 acres improved, situated about seven miles south southeast from Keechi station, in the forks of Keechi and Buffalo creeks. Price, $2.50 per acre. Will rent for one-third of the corn and one-fourth of the cotton, or $3 per acre, money rent, for the improved land. E. N. Price, Keechi, Leon county, 160 acres, 30 acres improved, dark sandy land. l*i-i(?e $2..50 per acre, or Avill rent for one-third of the corn and oiu'-fourth of tlie cot- ton. $4 per acre for improved land, situated six miles soulli southeast from Keechi station, in tlie forks of Keechi and Buffalo creeks. • ]i. Menrey, Keechi, Leon county, 100 acres, 30 acres improved land, six to seven miles south southeast from Keechi station, in the forks of Keechi and Buffalo creeks. Price, $2.50 per acre, or Avill rent at usual rates. Col. Lathrop, Keechi, Leon county, 160 acres, 30 acres improved, dark sandy land, seven and a half miles southeast from Keechi station. Price, $2.50 per acre, or will rent ui)on tlie usual terms. H. Burleson, Keechi, Leon county, 150 acres, 20 acres improved, four and a half to five miles south of Keechi station. Will rent upon the usual terms, or sell at $4 per acx-e. G. Nippart, Keechi, Leon county, 160 acres, 40 acres improved, four miles south- east from Keechi station. Will rent upon the usual terms, or sell at $2.50 per acre. J. Reed, Keechi, Leon county, 320 aci-es, 35 improved, four miles southwest from Keechi. Will sell at $3 per acre, or rent upon the usual terms. E. Sparks, Marquez, Leon county, 372 acres, 130 acres improved, five miles south from Marcjuez depot, and one mile fro'm tlie International & Great Northern Railroad ; sandy land of superior quality, well timbered and watei'ed, good improvements, orchard, garden, cribs, out-hoiises, lots, 'rin-house, press, &c. Price, $3,000, one-half cash, balance twelve months, without inl 'lest. WALKER COUNTY. 13 Also a water mill, with 5 acres of land, situated on Clear creek, three miles from the above place, and eight miles from the depot. Has two driving Avheels, running gin and mill at the same time, ginning five to six bales on a sixty- saw gin per day. Also good cotton press ; abundance of water for any imrpose. Price, $2,000, one-half cash, the balance in tAvelve months, with 10 per cent, interest. Land in the vicinity can be purchased at $2.50 per acre. Splendid range fur any kind of stock. M. J. Price, Marquez, Leon county, 480 acres, 150 acres improved, seven miles from Marquez, and two miles from the I. & G. N. E. U. Good valley land, Avell water- ed, and productive, 200 acres under fence, good log cabins. Price, $2,000, one-half cash, the balance in twelve months, without interest. E. E. B AXEMAN, Marquez, Leon county, 125 acres in cultivation, four miles south of Marqviez ; good upland, Avell situated for stock, being near the Navasota river. Gin and press. Price, $3,000, one-half cash, the balance in twelve months, with interest. Title perfect. F. M. A3IOS, Marquez, Leon county, 400 acres, 30 acres in cultivation, five miles south of Marquez; the I. & G. N. R. R. passes through the tract. About one-half of the tract is good black bottom land, the bakance is fine upland. For sale at $4 per acre, or will rent for one-third of the corn and one -fourth of the cotton. Also 200 acres two miles east of Marquez, 80 acres in cultivation, mostly bottom land, has good log- houses, peach orchard and nevei-f ailing branch of water. Will rent for one-third of the corn and one-fourth of the cotton. Charles Chamberlain, Marquez, Leon county, 100 acres for rent, upon the usual terms. vSoil sandy upland and black river bottom. Well fenced and Avatered, fine water for family use; good cabins, a young orchard of apples, pears and plums; convenient to a gin and Marquez station. J. T. SI3IMS, Marquez, Leon county, 100 acres for rent, fourteen miles east of Marquez, good houses and Avater. Will rent on the half-crop system, and furnish ba- con, meal and clothing during the year (if necessary) payable out of the crop. WALKER COUNTY. TEXAS LAND COMPANY, IRA H. EVANS, Manager, Pa^esfine, Texas, oflfer for sale the following lands. Terms, one-fourth cash, balance in a term of years, with the usual interest; or if all cash, a liberal discount will be allowed on the prices here given. No. 1. 2000 acres, J. J. Porter, original grantee. The town of Riverside is situated upon and occupies 22 acres of this tract. About 1800 acres of this tract is timber, large pine and cedar, the remainder is prairie. About 210 acres is rich black bottom land, the remainder being good gray land. One of the finest quarries of building rock in the State is located upon this tract. Trinity river forms the northern boundary of this tract. There is a fine spring issuing from strata of solid rock, and also a spring branch. About 40 acres is under fence, and a small log house within the enclosure ; also a cotton gin, grist mill, church and school-house in the immediate vicinity. $5 to $10 per acre, according to. distance from town. No. 2. 870 acres, Shepperd, original grantee; situated about two miles south of Phelps station, along the I. & G. N. Railroad. About 150 acres cleared, the remainder is pine, white oak and post oak; fine large timber. About 470 acres rich bottom land, and the remainder is good gray upland. 100 acres has been under cultivation, and has gi-own one bale of cotton to the acre. Winters bayou, which passes through this tract, a good well and several springs furnish an abundance of water. Among the improvements is a fine large one-story house and several good out-buildings, and a good orchard of plum, peach, cherry,"^mulberry and fig trees. $5 per acre. No. 3. 2214 acres, Theo. Bennett, original grantee; situated three and one -half miles north of Waverly, upon the I. & G. N. Railroad. This tract is finely timbered with large pine, post oak and white oak, adapted for saw mill use. About 700 acres is dark, and the remainder gray upland soil. There are two good springs upon this tract, and also a good well. Two cotton gins and two good grist mills are located within one and a half miles of this tract. $3 per acre. No. 4. 300 acres, D. F. Garrett, original grantee. Phelps station is located upon this tract, and the Huntsville branch of the I. & G. N. IJailvoad diverges from the main line at this point. About 90 acres. is cleai-ed, and the leniainder is well timbered Avith pine, post oak and hickory, suitable for saw mill use. The soil is gray upland, and has produced fine crops upon the portion cleared. The suiTOunding countiy is well supplied with water. $5 to $10 per acre, 14 WALKER COtTNTT. No. 5. 440 acres, Samuel Houston, original ^i-antee; situated within one-fourth of a mile of Phelps station. Heavily timbered with a fine large growth of pine, post oak, red oak and hickory. About 100 acres of rich bottom land lying along Jones' creek, the remainder is good upland. Jones' creek furnishes plenty of water for stock. Neighboring wells are from twenty to thirty feet in depth. $5 per acre. No. 6. 100 aci-es, part of the McGary headright; situated within one-eighth of a mile of Phelps station, in a soiithwesterly direction. The whole tract is well timbered with large pine, post oak, red oak and hickory, suitable for mill use. The soil is good dark upland. $5 per acre. No. 7. 211 4-10 acres, Houston & Great Northern Railroad Company, original grantee ; situated two miles west of Phelps station. The Huntsville Branch Railroad touches the extreme northern portion. The soil is dark upland, timbered with good pine and post oak. $5 per acre. No. 8. 268 acres, Houston & Great Northei*n Railroad, original grantee; situated about one mile north of the town of Riverside. This tract is timbered with post oak and pine, interspersed with open prairies and glades. Soil, dark sandy upland; surrounding country Avell settled. Church, school-house, cotton gin and grist mill located within two rniles. The I. & G. N. R. R. runs through this tract. ?5 per acre. No. 9. 500 acres, John Caruthers, original grantee. 320 acres, Jos. Zwickie, origi- nal grantee; total, 820 acres. The town and station of Dodge is situated upon and occupies about 35 acres of this tract. Surface, gently rolling. Soil, good upland ; well timbered with post oak, red oak and pine. Sandy and Palmer's creeks run through this tract, and good water can be obtained in wells at depths varying from 25 to 40 feet. Location healthy ; surroundingcountry well settled; church and school advantages good. A grist mill and cotton gin is located within one mile of the town. $5 to $25 per acre, according to proximity to the town. No. 10. 100 acres, D. H. McGary, original grantee ; situated about ten miles west of the town of Huntsville. $3 per acre. J. W. Keeland, Huntsville, has for sale 300 acres, three miles from the city of Huntsville, black sandy land, 160 acres in cultivation, comfortable dAvelling, good freestone water, &c. Price, $5 per acre, one-third cash, balance in one, two and three years. J. B. Prewett, Huntsville, has for sale 284 acres, eight miles from Huntsville and two miles from Dodge, on the I. & G. N. R. R. ; creek hammock, black prairie and pine timber, valuable for farming and timber. Price, $2 per acre, one-half cash, the balance in one and two years, with interest. J. Lyle Smith & Geo. Fearhake, Huntsville, have for sale 1,500 acres, two miles north of Dodge, on the I. & G. N. R. R., black, sandy prairie and pine timber; freestone water. Price, unimproved, $2 cash, in tracts to suit purchasers; for im- proved, $3 to $5, in tracts to suit purchasers, one -third cash, balance one to thi-ee years. J. M. Alexander, Huntsville, has for sale 325 acres, five miles north-west of Huntsville, black prairie and sandy, 75 acres in cultivation, dwelling, &c. Price, $12.50 per acre, one-half cash, the balance one to four years, with interest. E. Phillips, Huntsville, has for sale 545 acres, about one and a half miles above Riverside station, on the Trinity river, unimproved, half prairie, half Avell timbered, all rich bottom land, as good cattle and hog range as in the State. Price, $3 per acre, one-third cash, the balance in one and two years, Avith interest, or Avill take in part pay, a stationary corn mill, of about ten horse power. B. F. PuLLlAM, Huntsville, has for sale 540 acres of land, four miles south of Huntsville, sandy land, fine timber, pine, oak, gum and hickory, freestone running spring water, 60 acres in cultivation, comfortable dwelling and necessary out- buildings. Price, $3 per acre, one-third cash, the balance in one and two years, in tracts of 100 acres or more. J. M. Wynne, Huntsville, creek bottom, under fence, dwelling and necessary out-buildings, good freestone well. Price, $3 per acre, or one-fourth of the proceeds of the crop. P. J. Jennings, Huntsville, has for sale 640 acres, in two tracts: Tract No. 1. 320 acres ; has for rent 200 acres, said land six miles west of the rail- road crossing, on the Trinity river, black prairie and oak timber, one-half each, good stock range. Price, $6 per acre. Terms, one-fourth cash, balance in one and two years, with interest, in tracts of 100 acres or more. Tract No. 2. 320 aci-es on San Jacinto river, twelve miles west of Huntsville, fine timber and good tillable land, churches witliin one mile, and a school-house conven- ient. Price, $3 i)er acre, in tracts of 100 acres or more. Terms, one-third cash, the balance in one and two years, with interest. Also, 200 acres black pi-airie land, un- der good fence, with good houses, for rent. Price, $4 per acre, or one-third corn and one-fourth cotton. E. T. HiGHTOWKR, Huntsville, has for rent 40 acres black prairie land, good dwelling, cistern, &G. Price, $4 per acre, with the privilege of fencing 200 acres for the rent one year. WALKER COUNTY. 15 J. W. Bush, Huntsvillc, has for sale 1,260 acres in two tracts. Tract No. 1. 160 acres, one and a half nriles west of Dodge, black ijrairie, with sufficient timber, 80 acres with necessary improvements. Price, $6 per acre, cash. Tract No. 2. 1,100 acres, twelve miles northeast of Huntsville, near the Trinity- river, sandy loam. Price, $1 per aci-e, cash, in tracts of 100 acres or less ; over 100 acres, one -third cash, the balance in one and two years, with interest. J. W. Carey, Huntsville, has for rent 150 acres, four miles northwest of Hunts- ville, black pi-airie and creek hammock, comfortable dwelling and necessary out- houses, freestone Avater, and under good fence. Price, $3 per acre, or one-fourth of the crop. E. L. Parish, Huntsville, has for sale 200 acres, five miles west of Huntsville, black prairie and woodland, 100 acres in cultivation, good dwelling and necessary out-houses, good Avater. Price, $2,500. Terms, one-half cash, the balance in one and two years, with interest, or for rent at $4 per acre. W. O. B. GiLLASPiE, Huntsville, has for rent 200 acres, five miles southwest of Huntsville, black soil, good water, no better anywhere ; comfortable houses and good fences. Price, $3 per acre. Any open lands not fenced will rent for one year free. R. H. Bush, Huntsville, has for sale 240 acres, three miles south of Riverside, on the I. & G. N. R. R., valuable for pine timber. Price, $2.50 per acre. Terms, one-half cash, balance in one year, Avith interest, in ti'acts of 100 acres or more. J. T. Hunter, HuntSA-ille, has for sale 820 acres, southwest of Huntsville, black prairie and sandy land, 160 acres in cultivation, under plank fence; Avell finished and valuable dAvelling Avith out-houses, burn, &c., good Avell and cistei-n Avater.' Price, $10 per aci-e, one-half cash, the balance in one and tAVO years, Avith interest, or for rent at $3 per acre, for one year or more. Cohen Hyman, Huntsville, has for sale 250 acres, twelve miles west of Hunts- ville, San Jacinto bottom, 70 acres in cultiAation, good dAvelling and necessary out- houses. Price, $6 per acre, one-half cash.^the balance iujone^and tAvo years, with interest. L. A. Abercrombie, Huntsville, has for sale 280 acres, in tAVO tracts. Tract No. 1. 70 acres, one mile south of Huntsville, black and sandy laud, 25 acres in cultivation, AVith improvements, balance Avoodland, good water accessible. Price, $10 per acre (or Avill rent for $3 per acre). Terms, one-third cash, the balance on time to suit purchasers. Tract No. 2. 220 acres, nine miles northeast of Huntsville, and four miles from Dodge, on the I. & G. N. R. R., part black prairie and part sandy land, 60 acres cleared but not in cultivation, the balance Avoodland ; no residence on the tract. Price, $4 per acre, one-third cash, the balance in one and tAA'o years, or to suit purchasers. Claude B. Smith, Agent, Huntsville, has for sale 186 acres ; for rent, 100 acres. 186 acres eiglit miles south of Huntsville, near San Jacinto riA'er, small improvements, creek hammock and some black prairie, good water, good neighborhood, church and school. Price, $5 per acre, one-third cash, the balance in one and tAvo years, with interest. 100 acres one and a half miles east of Huntsville, light upland, small improve- ments, Avith fine spring of good Avater, very desirable for market garden, and Avell adapted to fruit -groAving; 20 to 25 acres noAV in cultivation. For sale on easy terms. Henry C. Spivey, Rockdale, Milam county, has for sale 200 acres of land. 100 acres under good fence, 75 acres in cultivation, plenty of good timber and AA^ater, good dAvelling-house and three houses for tenants, good neighborhood, schools and churches convenient. The land groAVS ribbon-cane, millet, Hungarian, rescue grass, corn, cotton, vegetables and fruit of all kinds. Terms, $5 per acre, one-third cash, the balance in one and tAvo years ; Avill rent for $3 per acre. This land lies thirteen miles from Huntsville, tAvelve miles from Riverside, and eight miles from the Trinity. B. F. Read & Co., Lovelady, Houston county, have for sale 2S0 acres, fifteen miles southAvest of Lovelady, on the Trinity river, "l50 acres under fence, good dAvell- ing, stone chimneys, good barn, tAvo good sets of tenant-houses, three good Avells of Avater, land very rich, above overfloAV, good hog and cattle range. Price, $1,500. Terms, one-third cash, one and tAvo years on the balance, with ten per cent, interest. Renting this year for ten bales of cotton. Dr. J. M. Hady, Old Waverly, Walker county, has 50 acres, one and one-half miles Avest from Old Waverly, and six miles east of Waverly station, on the I. &G. N. R. R. 40 acres highly improved. Good comfortable residence, containing seven rooms; good tenant-house, smoke-house, barn, blacksmith shop, &c. Best of free- stone Avater in the yard. Improvements all neAV, soil good, and capable of producing a bale of cotton or forty bushels of corn to the acre. For price and terms address as above, or apply in person. 16 HOUSTON COUNTY. HOUSTON COUNTY. TEXAS LAND COMPANY, IRA H. EVANS, Manager, Palestine, Texas, ofter for sale the following lands. Terms, one-fourth cash, balance in a term of years, with usual interest; or for all cash, a liberal discount will be allowed on the prices here given. No. 1. 50 acres, A. E. Gossett, original grantee; about three-quarters of a mile from Crockett de])0t. The soil is ricli, black, stiff land. Timbered with post oak and Avater oak; an excellent place for a fruit farm. $25 per acre. No, 2. 50 acres, Francis Johnson, original grantee; about two miles south of Crockett. Soil, rich, dark upland, covered >vith a fine growth of post oak and red oak timber. Three saw-mills in the A'icinity. Adjoining country abundantly sup- plied with water from wells. A good tract of land. $5 per acre. No. 3. 50 acres, D. Harrison, original grantee; about two and one-half miles northwest from Crockett. Soil, dark sandy uphmd. Timber, large post and red oaii, hickory and sweet gum. A fine brown sandstone quarry is located on this tract, with a good spring near the centre, and a running branch "furnishes an abundance of good water in all seasons. $5 per acre. No. 4. 10 acres, Henry Masters, original grantee; about two and one-half miles south of Crockett. Soil, gray upland, covered with a large growth of post oak and liickor}^ timber. $5 per acre. No. 5. 25 acres, Frank Johnson, original grantee ; about one mile soutlnvest from Crockett depot. The soil is of a black, stiff character. Timbered with post oak, red oak and hickory; good land for a fruit farm and market garden. $15 per acre. No. 6, 15 acres, A. E. Gossett, original grantee ; about one mile west of Crockett. Soil, gray sandy upland. Large red oak, post oak and hickory timber. Tanyard creek forms the southwestern boundary and is never dry. $15 per acre. No. 7. 5 acres, A. E. Gossett, original grantee; within three -fourths of a mile from Crockett. This tract is a rich, black, stiff soil. Timbered with post oak and water oak. $25 per acre. No. 8. 5 acres, A. E. Gossett, original grantee; within one-half mile of Crockett depot. This tract is cleared and inclosed ; the soil is a gray upland, and well located for a fruit farm or market garden. $50 per acre. No. 9. 100 acres, Henry Masters, original grantee; about two and one-half miles southwest of Crockett. The soil is of a heavy post oak character, covered with post oak, red oak and hickory timljer. $5 per acre. No. 10. 160 acres, Benjamin Adams, original grantee; about four miles north, 45 degrees east, from Crocke t. This tract is timbered with red oak, hickory and pine, and watered by a branch of Hurricane bayou. About 60 acres is black, sandy soil ; the remainderis gray upland. $4 per acre. No. 11. 30 ?i acres, in tracts ranging from ^ to 5 acres eacli; situated witliin a radius of from 300 yards to one and one-lialf miles of the town of Crockett. Al)()ut one-half of the area of these tracts is timbered with post oak; the remainder is eitlier prairie or cleared land. The soil is generally black, stiff" land, but tliere is some gray upland. These tracts are admirably adapted for residences, market gardens, or for fruit-growing. Portions of these tracts are fencrd in. The adjoining country is thickly settled with an intelligent class of people. Tlie country is well timbered and watei-ed, and contains an almndance of stone suitable for building purposes ; is well sui)plieil with cliurches, scliool-houses, grist mills, cotton gins, saw-mills, etc., con- veniently located. >50 to .'fl.^O per acre, according to location of land and (luality of soil. Crockett is the county seat of Houston county, has a ])oinilation of about 1,.500 inhabitants, and is one of the most important shipjiing and l)usiuess points on the line of the International and Great Northern Railroad. The town is well supplied with churches and schools, and the society is good. No. 12. 160 acres, R. R. Russell, original grange; about thirteen miles northeast of Crockett. Timbered with fine large i)ine and post oak; about 30 acres is excellent land ; the remainder is average sandy ui)land. $2 per acre. No. 13. 400 acres, J. .Jacobs, original grantee ; al)0ut twenty miles northeast from Crocke: t. 75 acres of this tract is a rich, sandy loam, lying in a valley; the remainder is ordinary gray upland. Tlie tnict is covered witli "a growth of valuable timber, principally pine, wiute oak and post oak. $2 per acre. No. 14. 160 acres, John A. Caraway, original grantee; about twentj^-two miles north, eighty degrees east, from the town of Crockett. About .50 acres is cleared; the remainder is pine, post oak and ]dn oak tinil)er; soil, gray upland. .|2 per acre. No. 15. 160 acres, H. C. Sides, original grantee; about twenty miles east of the town of Crockett. Soil, good gray upland; timbered with large pine, post oak, white oak and pin oak. $2 per acre. HOUSTON COUNTY. 17 No. 16. 500 acres, Jacob Masters, Sr., original grantee; about nine miles north- east of Ci'ockett. About 100 acres is cleared ; the remainder is timbered Avith post oak and black oak; about one-half of the tract is rich chocolate land, the remainder gray upland. $1 per acre. No. 17. 320 acres, W. D. Harrison, original grantee; about twelve miles east of the town of Crockett, on Piney creek. Soil, gray upland, timbered with large pine. 5-2 per acre. No. 18. 40 acres, Jamea Teague, original grantee ; about twelve miles east of Crockett. Good upland ; timbered with pine, post oak and red oak. $2 per acre. No. 19. 177 acres, Oliver Peterson, original grantee ; situated about twenty miles northeast from Crockett. Soil, graj' upland; timbered with pine, black oak and hickory; well supplied with running water. $2 per acre. No. 20. 120 acres, • Gonzales, original grantee ; about fourteen miles south- east from Crockett. Gray upland; timbered with pine. $2 per acre. No. 21, .50 acres, Gr. W. Hallmark, original grantee; situated on White Rock creek, ten miles from Crockett. Soil, gray upland; timbered with post oak and pine. $2 per acre. No. 22. 33 acres, Eli Dumer, original grantee; about eleven miles east from Crockett. Soil, gray upland ; timbered with piue and pin oak. $3 per acre. No. 23. 200 acres, Wm. James, original grantee; twenty-five miles east of Crock- ett, on Cochino creek. About 50 acres" is i*ich bottom land ; the remainder is good upland ; timbered with pine, post oak and pin oak; about 50 acres is cleared; a last- ing spring and stream of living Avater on this tract. $2 50 per acre. No. 24. 50 acres, Jacob Prewett. original grantee; about twenty miles from Crockett. Soil, gray upland ; good pine timber, $2.00 per acre. No. 25. 80 acres, Leroy Hudwell, original grantee; about thirteen miles north- east of the town of Grapeland. About 50 acres is excellent chocolate soil, the remain- der is gray upland; timber, principally post oak. $2 per acre. No. 26. 160 acres, Isabella M. Bryer, original grantee ; about eighteen miles south, eighty -six degrees east, from Crockett. About 75 acres is good post oak upland, and is cleared; the remainder is pine upland, covered with large timber. $2 per acre. No. 27. 160 acres, James Majors, original grantee; about fourteen miles east of Crockett. Eastern portion good gray upland; remainder ordinary pine upland; timbered with pine and post oak. $.2 per acre. No. 28. 138 acres, N. C. Hodges, original grantee; about five miles northeast from Crockett. Post oak upland. $3 per acre. No. 29. 229 acres, Jacob Masters, original grantee; about seven miles northeast from Crockett. Soil, gray post oak ui)land. *2 50 per acre. No. 30. 200 acres, Elijah Wheeler, original grantee; about five miles east from Crockett. Soil, rich, sandy loam and post oak upland. $3 50 per acre. No. 31. 60 acres, Jacob Masters, original grantee; seven miles northeast from Crockett. Soil, post oak upland, Avith excellent timber. $2 per acre. No. 32. 100 acres, F. W. Thomson, original grantee; about seven miles east from Crockett. Soil, light gray upland; timber, pine and pin oak. $2 50 per acre. No. 33. 177 acres, G. H. Prewett, original grantee; about eight miles south of Crockett. Soil, average post oak upland ;limber, post oak, red oak and black oak. $2 50 per acre. No. 34. 200 acres, Stephen Box, original grantee; about eight miles south of Crockett. Soil, good gray upland ; timber, chiefly red oak. $2 50 per acre. The above described tracts arc situated in a Avell Avatered country. Wells sunk to the depth of from tAventy to fifty feet furnish an abundant and iiiifailing supply of good freestone Avater. The difierent neighborhoods are usually supplied with good church and school facilities, and mills and cotton gins are located at convenient dis- tances. No. 35. 32f) acres, H. Orender, original grantee; about four miles south of Grape - land. About 40 acres is good creek bottom land; the remainder is high upland. Timber, pine and red oak. About 40 acres cleared and inclosed, with a good house within inclosure. A large spring branch flows through the tract, on Avhich is a dam, water-power, overshot grist mill and cotton gin. An excellent location. $8 per acre. No. 36. 300 acres, R. A. Baker, original grantee ; about nine miles northwest from Crockett. Soil, gray upland; all timbered with pine, post oak and hickory, excei)t about 40 acres, which is cleared and fenced. A house and good well of water on this tract. $5 per acre. No. 37. 1,280 acres, W. R. Bell, original grantee; about four and one-halt miles southwest of Grapeland. Soil, pine and post oak upland; well timbered. $3 per acre, 18 HOUSTON COUNTY. No, 38. 320 acres, J. de Jesus Procelln, original gi'antee ; about four miles west of Grapeland, Soil, dark gray upland; timbered mainly with hickorj\ Two lasting streams cross the tract. $2 per acre. No. 39. 300 acres, J. de Jesus Procella, original grantee; about four miles west of Grapeland. Soil, dark upland timber; principally hickory. Water abundant in two lasting streams. $2 per acre. No. 40. 150 acres, B. A. Foreman, original grantee ; about five miles soutliAvest of Grapeland. Soil, gray upland; water good and abundant from spring branches; timber, post oak and pine. $2 per acre. No. 41. 100 acres, A. W. Beckham, original grantee; about six miles northwest of Crockett. Soil, gray upland; timber, post oak and hickory. An iron-rock quarry is located on this tract. $3 per acre. Xo. 42. 200 acres, Ramon de la Garza, original grantee; about nine miles west of Crockett. Soil, gray upland ; timber, post oak and hickory. Sandstone and iron ore deposits on this tract. $3 per acre. No. 43. 100 acres, Ramon de la Garza, original grantee; situated about six miles southwest of Grapeland. Soil, dark upland ; timber, post oak and large pine. Spi'ing branch supplies this tract with an abundance of living water. $2 per acre. No. 44. 100 acres, John Beatty, original grantee; about ten miles M^eet from Crockett. Soil, black sandy upland; timbered with post and red oak. $2 50 per acre. No. 45. 100 acres, Daniel McLean, original grantee ; about ten miles southwest of Grapeland. Soil, ordinary post oak upland ; timber, post oak. $2 per acre. No. 46. 212^ acres, Jonas J. Hail, original grantee; about five miles west of Crockett. Soil, black sandy upland; all timbered. A good tract of land for a farm. $5 per acre. No. 47. 600 acres, J. Ei'win, original grantee. The town of Grapeland is situated upon and occupies about 45 acres of this ti'act. Soil, gray upland of good quality; timber, post oak. Wells are fifteen feet deep and siipply an abundance of good water. $5 to $10 per acre. No. 48. 516 acres, J. P. Martin, original grantee; located immediately west of and adjoining the above 600 acre tract, the general features of which are the same. An abundant supply of water by springs and branches. $3 to $5 per acre. No. 49. 1,100 acres, John Grisset, original grantee; about eight miles Avest of Crockett. About 1.50 acres rich bottom land ; timbered with good over-cup, white and red oak ; the remainder is good post oak upland. $3 per acre. No. 50. 100 acres, John Grisset, original grantee ; about nine miles west of Crock- ett. Soil, gray upland ; timber, post and red oak. $2 per acre. No. 51. 200 aci'es, G. Greenwood, original grantee; about six and one-half miles west of Grapeland. Soil, post oak upland; timber, post and red oak; water abun- dant in spring branches. .f2 per acre. No. 52. 250 acres, A. W. Beckham, original grantee; about five miles northwest of Crockett. About one-half of this tract is rich, dai'k upland, the remainder is gray upland ; timber on the former, red oak and hickory; on the latter, large pine. Water ample from springs and bx-anches. A good sandstone quarry on the tract. $6 per acre. The countrj^ surrounding the tracts just described is supplied with an abundance of stock water, by the nunierous creeks and branches that drain the country, and water can always be had by digging from fifteen to forty feet. With but few excep- tions these tracts are located convenient to schools and churches, grist mills, saAV mills and cotton-gins. No. 53. 320 acres, Fernando del Valle, original grantee ; ten miles southwest of Crockett. Soil, gray upland; timber, post oak and hickory. A branch of Hurricane bayou flows through this tract. $3 per acre. No. .54. 139^^ acres, E. Gossett, original grantee; about six miles west of Crock ett. Soil, gray upland ; timbei-, heavy post oak and liickory. .f2 per acre. No. 55. 100 acres, Stilhvell Box, original grantee; about seven miles southeast from Crockett. Soil, good upland ; timber, post oak and red oak. $3 per acre. No. 56. 123 acres, Elijali Wlieeler, original grantee; about four miles east from Crockett. Soil, rich, sandy loam, and i)Ost oak upland. $3 50 per acre. No. 57. 132 acres, B. G. Ijams, original grantee; aljout five miles southeast of Crockett. Soil, post oak upland ; timber, post and red oak. $3 per acre. No. 58. 41 acres, ^Y- 1^- I^erry, original grantee; adjoining tract No. 57, just de- scribed, and about the same character of soil and timber. .^3 per acre. No. 59. 275 acres, C. Lovelady, original grantee; located directly north of and adjoining the town of Lovelady. Soil, gray upland ; timber, post oak and pine. $10 U) $15 per a(n-e. No. 60. 320 acres, 0, Lovelady, original grantee; about one-half mile north of HOUSTON COUNTY. 19 Lovelady. Soil, good gray upland; timber, fine large post oak. Water from an ex- cellent spring on this tract. $10 per acre. No. 61. 750 acres, J. J. Thomas, original grantee; one-fourth mile east of Love- lady. Soil, gray upland ; timber, pine, oak, hickory and black walnut. About 53 acres cleared and fenced. $5 to $10 per acre, according to locality. No. 62. 750 acres, J. J. Thomas, oi-iginal grantee; about one mile northwest of Lovelady. About 40 acres rich, black creek bottom; the remainder is good gray upland; timber, pine, post oak and hickory. A spring and branch of White Rock creek furnish an abundance of water. $5 per acre. No. 63. 787 acres, John Forbes, oi-iginal grantee; about one and one-half miles southeast of Lovelady. Soil, gray upland; timber, principally post oak, some pine. $5 to 110 per acre, according to locality. No. 64. 1,986 acres, John Forl)es, original grantee ; about one and one-half miles southeast of Lovelady. Soil, about ;'>0 acres rich creek bottom land; about 50 acres post oak upland, and the remainder gray upland; timber, with the exception of 10 acres cleared land and the same ({uantity of prairie. The tract is covered with large post oak, pine and hickorJ^ White Rock creek furnishes an abundant supply of water at all seasons. The entire tract is good farming land. $5 to $10 per acre, according to locality. No. 65. 209 acres, Ignacia Lopez, original grantee ; about ten miles west of Love- lad.y and near the Trinity river. Soil, gray upland; timber, post oak and pine. $3 per acre. No. 66. 100 acres, Ignacia Lopez, original grantee ; about twelve miles southwest of Lovelady. Black post oak upland ; timber, good post oak. $2 per acre. No. 67. 200 acres, John Oheairs, original grantee; about five miles Avest of Love- lady. Soil, gray upland ; timber, post oak, black oak and hickory. $3 per acre. No. 68. 200 acre's, John Cheairs, original grantee; about five miles northwest of Lovelady. Soil, one-half gray upland, and the other half black, stiff upland; timber, post oak. $2 50 per acre. No. 69. 133 acres, J. Bynum, original grantee ; about six miles northwest of Love- lady. Soil, gray upland ; timber, post oak. $2 50 per acre. No. 70. 100 acres, W. J. Gaun, original grantee; about seven miles south, twenty degrees west from Lovelady. Soil, post oak upland; about 20 acres cleared; timber, post oak. $2 per acre. No. 71. 200 acres, P. Blanchard, original grantee; six miles north of Lovelady. Soil, gray upland ; timber, post oak and some pine. $2 per acre. No. 72. 320 acres, E. P. Broxton, original grantee ; about five miles north of Love- lady. Soil, gray upland; 35 acres cleared; timber, post oak. $2 50 per acre. No. 73. 100 acres, W. Prissick, original grantee; seven miles northwest of Love- lady. Soil, stiff post oak upland. A spring of excellent water upon this tract. $5 per acre. No. 74. 249 acres, O. L. Crowson, original grantee; about six miles northwest of Lovelady. Soil, gray upland ; timber, chiefly post oak. $3 per acre. No. 75. 80 acres, H. Dickerson, original grantee; about three miles northeast of Lovelady. Soil, gray upland; timber, pine and post oak, large and of good quality. $3 ])er acre. Samuel S. Elliott, Grapeland P. O., has for rent 143 acres of land. One field of i-ed, sandy land, and second-bottom black sticky land. Will supply teams and feed for teams for half the crop. Would rather rent for money, which can be pai-d out of the crop when made. Can be leased for three years. This land is five miles from Grapeland. R. M. Gakrett, Agent, Grapeland P. O., has for sale 2,200 acres and 1,208 acres This land is from four to eight miles from Grapeland. Various kinds of soil— bottom second-bottom, upland, gray land, &c.. The whole Avill be sold at $1 per acre, or broken up into small tracts at $2 per acre. Dan. Egbert, Grai)eland P. O., has for sale 640 acres of land. One mile and a half from Grapeland. <:iray land and some bottom; two tracts of 320 acres each Price, $2 per acre. One-half cash and the balance at twelve months. On one of these tracts is a fine pinery, from wliich at least 200,000 feet of lumber could be gotten out. Also a fine water-power. A tributary of Elkhart creek runs through this tract A good mill site. J. D. Evans, Grapeland P. O., has for sale 500 acres of land. One of the best places m Texas. 100 acres in cultivation ; well watered and well timbered ; the 100 acres under good rail fencft ; upland and bottom land. At $3 per acre, $1,500. On easy terms. On the place is a two-story dwelling-house, oi'ibs and out-houses gener- ally. This land is five miles from Grapeland. J. E. HoLLiNGSWOKTH, Grapeland P. O., has for rent 50 acres of land. Gray, sandy land. One mile and a half from Grapeland. Grange hall and school within a short ilistance. A class of good neighbors. Terms, the renter furnishing teams, «&c. 20 HOUSTON COUNTY. one -third of the corn and one -fourth of the cotton; or one -half of the whole crop if I furnish and feed the teams. G. M. Forrest, Grapeland P. O., has for sale 320 acres and 108 acres of land: Of the first named tract, 85 acres is cultivated ; partly red and gray land. Four and one -half miles from Grapeland. Dwelling and out-houses. Price, $1,500; easy tei-ms. Of the second tract, 40 acres is cultivated. Six miles from Grapeland. Level and sandy soil. Dwelling and out-houses. Price, $600. Both of the above tracts have alwavs yielded well. Good Avater, and whatever parts in cultivation are under good fences. Situated near the neighborhood known as Pleasant Hill. A healthy, desirable place. W. J. Chaffin, Grapeland P. O., has for sale 2,100 acres of land. Various kinds of soil of good quality; upland and bottom lands. 100 acres under fence, half of which is plank fence. Two dwelling-houses, apple orchard, saw and grist mill, flour mill and cotton gin run by water. The stream of water never runs dry. Carry logs and Avagon ; tAVO yoke oi oxen ; plenty of fine timber. There can be fifteen or twenty small families located on this land. The place is very healthy and AA'ater good. Good stock range ; hogs can be kept fat on the mast, and good pasturage for other stock. Price, $10,000. W. H. Campbell, Augusta P. O., has for sale 500, 240, 100 and 170 acres of land: First tract. Good upland, a portion red mulatto soil. Seven miles from Grape- land. Price, $2 per acre. One-fourth cash. Second tract. Upland soil. Six miles from Grapeland. 30 acres improved, Avith dAvelling and out-houses. Price, $1 per acre. One-fourth cash. Third tract. Thirteen miles from Grapeland; six miles north of Augusta. Up- land soil. Price, $1 per acre. Can be paid for on time at 10 per cent, interest. Fourth tract. Good upland and bottom. Good Avater-poAver, gin and mill, on San Pedro creek, Avhich never runs dry. 13 acres improved. Ten miles from Grape- land, and two miles south of Augusta. A good class of people as neighbors, and a neighborhood from which a good class of custom can be had. No price is given, but it can be obtained by correspondence. Wm. Lively, Grapeland P. O., has for sale 300 acres of land. Good gray sandy land. About a mile and a half from Grapeland. Suitable to the cultivation of vege- tables, fruits and grapes. Price, $1 pei- acre ; terms easy. James Whitley, Grapeland P. O., has for sale 500 acres of land. Three miles from Grapeland. Good gray upland and bottom. A good school adjoining and a good community. Plenty of good timber for fencing. San Pedro creek runs through this tract. $3 per acre ; on good terms. W. J. Kyle, Grapeland P. O., has for sale 100 acres of land. One mile from Grapeland. Good gray land; well situated. A nice spring branch running through it. A little east of Saii Pedro creek. This land can be bought for $1 50 per acre. J. W. Cary, Huntsville, Walker countv, has four hundred acres best quality of black prairie land. Dwelling, &c., good aa'cII of Avater, oak timber. Fourteen miles Avest of Lovelady. Price, $10 per acre ; oiys-third cash, balance in one, two and three years ; or for rent at $5 per acre. E. L. Parish, Huntsville, Walker county, has 900 acres. Tavo miles north of the Trinity river from Calhoun ferry. Black prairie and pecan ridge; very productive. 75 acres under fence; small improvements. Price, $10 per acre; one- third cash, balance in one, two and three years ; or for rent, $4 per acre. AVill sell in tracts of 150 acres or more. Jas. R. Bracken, Crockett P. O., has for sale 177 acres. Seventeen miles north- east of Crockett. .50 acres in cultivation; rich bottom land, fine improvements, dwelling, Avith ten rooms, four stone chimneys, out-buildings of all kinds, besides a good box house for tenants, two Avells of water and fine siu-ings. Price, $8 per acre ; $500 cash, balance payable in your own time, Avith 10 per cent, interest. Free schools one and one-half miles from the house. Can furnish purchaser fifty head of cattle, tAvelve milk cows, &c. Good moral and religious community; unimproved lands in the neighborhood can be had at $1 per acre. All good, strong land. The owner is seventy-seven years old and Avishes to sell his farm to go and live with his children. W. H. CuNinFF, Houston county. For sale: Various tracts, in quantities to suit purchasers, at prices ranging from $1 to $5 i)er acre, according to quality and situa- tion. Terms, onc-lliir^ acres, one-half mile south of Rockdale ; timber land, post oak; on the Avaters of the Yegua. 40 acres in cultivation, log house, crib, &c. ; water con- venient. Price, $800 cash, or $500 cash, balance on time, Avitli interest. Tract No. 2. 91^ acres on Allen's creek, ten miles south of Rockdale ; 40 acres improved, plum and two peach orchards; bottom and post oak land, equally divided; Avater good. Price, $1,000; one-half cash, balance on time, Avith interest. W. E. MiTCHUSSON, Rockdale, Milam county, has for sale 143 acres, fifteen miles Avest of Rockdale, near the I. and G N. R. R. ; post oak timber; 50 acres in cultiva- tion, log house, smoke-house, kitchen, potato-house, Avell of good Avater. Px'ice, $1,500 cash. J. Ward, Cameron, Milam countj^ has for rent 100 acres in two tracts. Tract No. 1. 60 acres, fifteen miles north of Rockdale; timber, well Avater, cabin, smoke-houses and corn crib; all fenced in; rent one-third of corn and one-fourth of cotton. Tract No. 2. 40 acres three miles north of Cameron, fenced in and aa'cII culti- vated. Rent, same as above . W. T. Hawkins, Rockdale, Milam county, has for sale 100 acres, eight miles Avest of Rockdale ; Avell improved ; tAvo houses on it ; watered by Brushey creek. Price, $20 per acre. U. J. Thaveatt, Milano, Milam county, has for sale 775 acres in three tracts. Tract No 1. 100 acres of post oak and black jack land, tAvelve miles east of Rockdale and four miles south of Milano, upon which is an ordinary dAvellin^, a good horse poAver gin and mill; 25 acres of open land; good spring of Avater. Price, $1,500 cash. Tract No. 2. 500 acres, adjoining above; 15 acres in cultiA^ation ; good dAvelling; garden, orchard and Avell of water. Price, $1,500 cash. Tract No 3. 175 acres adjoining above, improved ; 30 acres of this land has been in cultivation and only requires refencing. Price, $400 cash. $6 per Avill se MILAM COUNTY. 25 The above lands are in a good neighbovhood, convenient to schools and churches, and caj^able of producing twenty-five bushels of corn and from one thousand to one thousand two hundred pounds seed cot on per acre; millet and oats do well. The three places can be sold at once; one-half cash, balance on time. C. Cave, Milano, Milam county, has for sale 135 acres ten miles east ol Rockdale and five miles south of Milano; 40 acres in cultivation, well improved; good water, good neighborhood, church, school and Grange hall within four hundred yards of the place. Price, $1,400, one-half cash, balance on time. George Reslet, Cameron, Milam county, has for sale 8,000 acres good post oak land, within from three-fourths to four miles of Int. & G. N. R. R., improved. Prices, fi'om fl to $5 per acre. Terms, one-third cash, the balance in one and two years. George Resley, Cameron, Milam county, or John A. Buckholts, Bryan, Brazos county, have for sale 627 acres good post oak land, improved, within five miles of Roclidale and two miles of Int. & G. N. R. R. Prices, from $3 to $5 per acre. Terms, one-third cash and balance in one and two years. GEORGif Resley, Cameron, Milam county, has for rent 80 acres on Littie river, bottom and upland, within two miles of the county seat, Cameron; good fence; land very productive. Terms, one-third corn and one-fourth cotton, or $5 per acre. "W. B. Streetman, Cameron, Milam county, has for sale 200 acres, in two tracts. Tract No. 1. 100 acres near the Int. & G. N. R, R., within two miles of Gause sta- tion; part post oak and part prairie. Price, $5 per acre. Terms, one-half cash, and balance in one and two years. Tract No. 2. 100 acres near the Int. & G. N. R. R., within one mile of Gause station; heavily timbered ; very rich; a running creek crosses one end of it. Price, $5 per acre. Terms, one -half cash, balance in one and two years. George Green, Cameron, Milam county, has for sale 10,247 acres, in twelve tracts . Tract No. 1. 250 acres adjoining the town of Rockdale. Price, $10 per acre. Tract No. 2. 100 acres two and a half miles west of Milano.- Price, $5 per acre. Tract No. 3. 267 acres post oak land near the Burleson county line. Price, $1 50 per acre. Ti-act No. 4. 640 acres one mile northeast of Milano. Price, $4 per acre. Tract No. 5. 2,000 acres post oak land near the bridge leading to Calvert, Price, $4 per acre. Tract No. 6. 1,224 acres on Little river, one mile above Bryant station. Price, $5 per acre Tract No. 7. 2,197 acres on the Bell county line, between Elm creek and Little river; prairie land. Price, $3 per acre. Tract No. 8. 400 acres on Little river, eight miles above the town of Cameron; rich bottom land. Price, $6 per acre. Tract No. 9. 1,500 acres on the waters of Cedar creek; post oak land. Price, $1 50 per acre. Tract No. 10. 300 acres on Canon Snap creek ; post oak and creek bottom. Price, $2 per acre. Tract No. 11. 369 acres on Walker creek, eight miles north of the town of Came- ron. Price, ?2 per acre. Tract No. 12. 1,000 acres on Little Pena creek; prairie land. Price, $4 per acre. S. J. Crossett, Ad. Hall P. O. , Milam county, has for sale 288^ acres in two tracts : Tract No. 1. 138« acres ; 40 acres timber, balance black prairie, 10 acres in culti- vation under good fenee; box house with three rooms and gallery; peach orchard of one hundred trees ; sixteen miles from Rockdale, in the direction of Belton on north side of Little river. Price, $4 per acre. Terms, one-third cash and balance in one and two years. Tract No. 2. 150 acres Little river bottom land, two miles fi-om above described land, at same price and terms; post-office, churches and schools near by; very con- venient, and range for stock good the year round. Title perfect. F. M. BiANKENSHip, McMillan, Bell county, wants three families to cultivate one hundred acres of land at Bryant station, thirteen miles west of Cameron, north side Little river valley; rich black prairie land; comfortable houses. Terms, one-third eorn and one -fourth cotton, or $5 in money. H. Zeuner, Rockdale, Milam county, has for sale 110 acres located three miles southeast of Rockdale ; about 50 acres under fence; house with three rooms; timber land, post oak; water -tank on place, plenty of water by boring forty or fifty feet. Price, $850 cash or $900 in three annual payments with interest. 26 BRAZORIA COUNTY. BEAZOHIA COUNTY. OOL. Overton Young, Sandy Point P. O., wants eight hands iu families. Will furnish houses, land, teams, tools, cisterns, use of gin, half the feed for team, and give half of the crop. Have tAvelve white hands on the place. The others are wanted in December and January next. A good school for small children is kept on the place. H. J. B. Cash, Sandy Point P. O., wants twelve hands in families (young men preferred) to crop on the halves. Will furnish houses, land, team, tools, cisterns, use of gin, and feed for team. Will take some at any time. Will rent 1,100 acres of rich Oyster creek land with improvements. For terms, cori-espond as above.. B. H. Epperson & Co, Agents, Sandy Point P. O., have for rent 1,000 acres of cleared land, and under good fence, with forty-three comfortable tenant-houses, adjacent to Sandy Point railroad station. The land is as rich as any, and as pro- ductive as the best. 2,214 acres on Linnville bayou, Brazoria county, for sale at $5 per acre. Terms, one, two and three years, with ten per cent, interest and vendor's lien for pur- chase-money. The Columbia and Wharton Raili'oad grade runs through the tract. B. H. Epperson & Co., Agents, Sandy Point P. O., have for sale 4,700 acres, lying on Oyster creek and Brazos river; about 90'J acres in good cultivation, and we can safely say there is no richer land in Texas or out of it. This tract can be purchased for $20,000, one-third cash and the balance in one, two and three years, with ten per cent, interest from date, with vendor's lien for purchase-money. Also another tract of 900 acres on the Brazos river, five miles from Sandy Point; 300 acres in cultivation. Price, $5,000, one-third cash, balance in one, two^and three years, and same terms as above. These places are well improved and there is no richer land anywhere. We par- ticulai-lv call the attention of immigrants to this section of Texas. Here are large plantations which can be purchased at very low prices, in some instances for less than the machinerj^ on the premises cost. C. M. Desel, Sandy Point P. O., has for sale 567 acres, on the west bank of Oyster creek; 140 acres cleared and in cultivation, will yield seventy-five to one hun- dred bushels of corn to the acre, and from one to two bales of cotton; in perfect order. Price, $7,000; terms liberal. John W. Whiteside, Sandy Point P. O., has for sale 333X acres, situated on each side of Ovster creek; 100 acres in cultivation, 150 a^ acres on veiy favorable terms, or for rent; 70 acres improved; good freestone water and comfortable buildings; sit- uated one-half mile east of Centralia, convenient to schools and churches. Y. W. RANDOLPH, Centralia P. O., has for sale 500 acres in four tracts, at $1 25 to $3 per acre, one-third cash, balance in one and two years; ■situated seven and eight miles from Centralia, convenient to schools and churches; good freestone water, good land, and splendid range for hogs and cattle; gin-houses and mills convenient. Can rent a farm of 50 acres on favorable terms ; several other small tracts can be had in the vicinity upon same terms. This section of country is offering great induce- ments to immigrants. Thos. Perry, Centralia P. O., has for sale 135 acres, situated two miles east of Centralia ; good box cabin upon the place. Price, $2 per acre, cash, or will rent upon usual terms. 30 TRINTTr COUNTY. A. J. C. DUNNAM, Centralia P. O., wishes to hire three hands for saw mill or grist mill at Centralia. Hon. W. C. Thompson, Centralia P. O., has for sale 927 acres, in five different tracts, at $2 per acre ; one-fourth cash, balance in one, two and three years. Partial improvements upon all the tracts ; good land and splendid range for cattle and hogs. Two tracts near Sumpter, the old county seat of Trinity, the balance within two miles of Centralia, at which point is a good school, church, saw and grist mill and gin. Dr. J. W. Bowman, Centralia P. O., has for sale 400 acres, and for rent 420 acres fine prairie land, 75 acres under fence ; will rent half of the improved upon favorable terms. The 400 acres for sale is in three small tracts, two miles west of Centralia, and will be rented to actual settlers. John Scarborough, Pennington P. O., has for sale 3,500 acres, and for sale or rent 235 acres, and wants two good farm hands. 3,500 acres in tracts, (already sur- veyed and laid off), from 122 to 300 acres; situated within one mile of the town of Pennington. Two creeks run through the land; part timber and prairie. Will be sold at $5 per acre ; one-third cash, balance in one and two years. 232 acres, 60 iu cultivation, three miles from Pennington; well improved; will sell at $7 per acre, upon same terms as above ; or will rem to good tenants for one -third of the corn and one-fourth of the cotton ; or will furnish teams and tools for one-half of the crop. I want two good farm hands, single, must be sober and industrious. Xelms & Dill, Pennington P. O., have 104 acres for sale or rent; situated two miles from Pennington; choice tract, 60 acres in cultivation. Good new comfortable buildings. Price, $1,100; one-fourth cash, balance in one, two and three years; or will rent to a good tenant upon usual terms. J. H. Pennington, I'ennington P. O., has for rent 600 acres fine prairie land (iu tracts of 200 acres or more) , adjacent to the town of Pennington, for a term of three years; or will furnish land, teams, tools, and feed for one-half of the crop. C. B. Wood, Pennington P. O. , has for sale 2,.500 acres, cane, bottom and ham- mock land ; very fine tract, suitable for small farms ; no improvements ; splendid nog range, and good cattle range; convenient to churches and school-houses Will sell on favorable terms to actual settlers, or will lease for any term of years. If not sold, will employ hands to put same in cultivation. C. B. Wood, Pennington P. O , has for sale 75 acres adjoining the town of Pen- nington, fifty acres fenced and in a high state of cultivation. Tlie fence is built of plank, with cedar posts; has fine residence, carriage -house, and all the necessary out-houses, good water; within six hundred yards of t'ennington College, and directly on the road leading from Crockett, through t'ennington, to S. E. Texas. This is a very desirable place, the land is good, and a very healthy locality ; a young orchard of peaches, piums, pears and apples, and a fine strawberry patch! Object in selling is change of business. J. H. POLTEN, Pennington P. O., wants a small family of farm hands, and will pay customaiy rate of hire. William Cox, Pennington P. O. , has three farms for sale or rent, all improved. Price, $S per acre. Robert Reese, Pennington P. O., lias two farms, one for rent and one for sale. Price, $3 per acre. J. F. James, Pennington P. O., land for i-ent, prairie, easy to put in cultiva- tion. Jesse Thompson, i ennington P. O., has 500 acres for sale in Bunch prairie, on easy terms, convenient to church and schools; 2oO acres are improved land, 7o acres in cultivation. For rent, or will hire hands to cultivate for wages. J. T. WORTHAM, Pennington P. O., has 5i5 acres, 15a improved. Will rent or lease upon favorable terms, or will sell at $3 per acre, one-third cash, balance in one and two years, with interest. Can be divided in four tracts. G. W. Roberts, Crockett, Houston county, has for sale 400 aci-es, four miles from Trinity station, on the I. & G N R. R., heavily timbered with long leaf pine; a splendid site for a saw mill; the land good quality for pine land; well watered. Price, $4 per acre. Terms, one-third cash, the balance in one and two years, with interest. R. N. Read, Lovelady, Houston county, has for sale 1,320 acres in five tracts. Tract No. 1. 160 acres, thirty-six miles east of Trinity station, 40 acres in culti- vation, with comfortable improvements ; good water and timber. Price, $4 per ac^re. Terms, one-fourth cash, the balance iu small payments, with interest. This is a very desirable tract of land . Tract No. 2. 160 acres, forty miles east of Trinity station, about 25 acres in cul- tivatiun, the balance well timbered, with good water and comfortable improvements. Price, $2.50 per acre Terms, one-fourth cash, the balance in three payments, with interest. WILLIAMSON COUNTY. ' 31 Tract No. 3. 20i) acres, forty miles east of Trinity station aud two miles west of Livingston, very rich black-haw' land with good timber; bountiful water, i^rice, $2.50 per acre. Terms, one-fourth cash, the balance in tour annual payments, with interest. Tract No. 4. 160 acres, thirty-five miles east of Trinity station, with 35 acres in cultivation; good water and timber and comfortable improvements; part of this tract is very rich. Price, $2.50 per acre. Terms, one-fourth cash, the balance in three annual payments, with interest. Tract No. 5. 640 acres, thirty-five miles east of Trinity station, 75 acres in culti- vation, the balance heavily timbered; part of this ti-act is very fertile, and good range for hogs and cattle. Price, $2 per acre. Terms, one-fourth cash, the balance in four annual payments, with interest. >^ B. F. Read & Co., Lovelady, Houston countv, have for sale 561 acres in two tracts. Tract No. 1. 114 acres, ten miles southeast of Lovelady; upland; fine oine and oak timber; good water and good range A patent from the State. Price, $2 per acre. Terms, one-third cash, tlie balance on time . Tract No. 2. 447 acres, five miles south of Lovelady, on Tantabogue creek, 30 in cultivation, under a new fence; comfortable houses an'd good cistern ; within three hundred yards of the I & G N. R R. ; 100 acres of prairie, the balance heavily tim- bered; half of this tract is very rich. Price, $3. 50 per acre Terms, one-fourth cash and three annual payments on the balance, with 10 per cent interest. TYLER COUNTY. J. ALLEN" HULtyG, Lampasas, Lampasas county, ha=^ 1,107 acres for sale in Tyler county : headright of A G Parker, on Billum's creek, about seven miles north of "Woodville , Well watei-ed and timbered . Soil, black l)ottoiii land ; about 200 acres in cultivation, with very good houses. Price, $2 per acre for liie entire tract MADISON COUNTY. B. r. Read & Co., Lovelady, Houston county, have for sale 150 acres, three miles "ofMidM'ay; mostly prairie, balance post oak timber; good upland; clear title ; good neighborhood. Price, $2 50 per acre. Terms, one-third cash, balance on liberal time. WILLIAMSON COUNTY. J. 8. Morrow, Georgetown, vrilliamson county, has 1,7.56 acres, five miles from GeorgetowH, on the Georgetown and Burnet road; open post oak, fine gi-ass. spring of never-failing v.^ateratthe improvements near the center of the tract. Middle San Gabriel creek runs through the center. No better stock ranch in the country. Price, $3,500. Address as above for terms. 4,440 acres, from two to four miles from Taylor, near the line of the I. & G. N. R. R. Fine prairie. Will be sold in quantities of not less than 160 acres. Price, $5 per acre . One-fourth cash, balance in five annual installments, with 10 per cent, interest, 177 acres good prairie land, about eight miles east of Georgetown, near the line of the I. & G N. R. R. Price, $5 per acre. 170 acres, about ten miles north of Georgetown; about 40 aci'es in cultivation; good dwelling-house and out-houses abundance of water, timber and open land. Price, $1,000 in cash or cotton. f^ 2,500 acres prairie land, about six miles north of Georgetown, on both sides of the Belton and Georgetown stage road, being a part of the Manschaca League; good soil and abundance of water. Price, *3 per acre, one-third cash, balance in one and two years, with 10 per cent interest. Will sell in small tracts. 32 BROWN AND COMANCHE COUNTIES. J. Allen HULING, Lampasas, Lampasas county, has 2,391 acres in Williamson county, headright of C. W. Baker, about three miles northeast of Taylor, on the I. & G. 'N. R. R. ; all prairie, well watered; soil black hog wallow, veiy productive. Price, $3 to $4 per acre, one-third cash, balance two years credit. 4,500 acres, headright of B. Evans and L. Waters, six miles north of Georgetown; well timbered, soil good black land, very productive. Price, $2 to $4 per acre, one- third cash, balance on two years credit. 2,214 acres, headright of Richard West, one mile of Liberty Hill; well timbered and watered; soil good black land, with clay sub-soil. Price, $3 to $5 per acre, one-third cash. 160 acres, tAvo miles west of Round Rock, headright of John H. Dillard,on Brushy creek; plenty of timber and water, soil black loam, fine spring on the land, capable of irrigating 15 to 20 acres. Price, $4 per acre, one-third cash, balance on two years credit . MATA&ORDA COUNTY. Shapard, Stephens & Co., Brazoria, J. H. Shapard, Columbia, has for sale the "Tabb" or C Davis plantation on Caney, tsventy miles fi'om Columbia, containing 703 acres, about 240 acres in cultivation. Dwelling-house, country store, out-buildings, garden, orchard, &c Price, $7,500, one-third cash, the balance in one and two years. 300 acres, out of .the Gustave Edwards league, on Caney; $3 per acre. Terms as above. 500 acres, part of the Robert Scoby league, on Caney; $3 per acre. Terms as above. 0. E. Broussard & Co., post oflace, Galveston, Texas, have for sale 700 to 800 acres,, out of the Hubert league, on "old Caney," Matagorda county; improved land, rich and productive. Price, $6 per acre, one-fourth cash, the balance in one, t^vo and three years, with 10 per cent, intei'est. BUENIT DQUNTY. J. Allen Huling, or Pratt & Hamon, Lampasas, Lampasas county, have 2,000 acres in Burnet county for sale, three miles southwest from Lampasas ; headright of James Leonard, principally black prairie land, a little timber and plenty of vrater. Price, 50 cents to $1 per acre, one-third cash, the balance on two years credit. 320 acres in Burnet county, eight miles north of Burnet town; headright of J . Becker; well timbered and watered ; £oil, black sandy post oak ; the land is very fertile. Price, $2 per acre , cash . BEOWN COUNTY. J Allen Huling, Lampasas, Lampasas county, has 10,000 acres, headrights of M Rhyme, John Van Winkle, Wm. Hays and M. Bell, situated on the Colorado river, about twelve miles above the mouth of Pecan bayou, and twenty miles south- west from Brownwood, fronting eight miles on the Colorado river; several streams run through the land. Well timbered and watered; soil, some fine valley land on the Colorado river and creeks, the balance fine black sandy open post oak. Price, $1 per acre, one-fourth cash, the balance on two years credit. BEOWN AND COMANCHE COUNTIES. J. Allen Huling, Lampasas, Lampasas county, has 9,000 acres in Brown and Comanche counties ; headrights of Singleton and Thompson and Jesse Dickerson, onthe waters^of Copperas and Sweetwater creeks, about twelve miles north, 40° west from the town of Comanche, and eighteen miles north,. 45° east from Brownwood. Price, $1 per acre, one-third cash, the balance on two years credit. Plenty of timber and water. Soil, good sandy, open post oak, with black valley and black corn land. ROBERTSON COUNTY. 33 LAMPASAS COUNTY. M. T. Hawkins, Rockdale, Milam county, has 640 acres of land in Lampasas county, unimproved. Price, *5 per acre, cash or on time with interest. J. Allex Hulixg, or Pratt & Hamon, Lampasas, Lampasas county, have 2,828 acres, eight miles north, 30 o west from Lampasas springs ; headright of Abel L. Eann, situated on north Luceis creek, in a good neighborhood; plenty of timber and water; soil, deep black sandy post oak. Price, $2 per acre, one-third cash, the balance on two years credit. 792 acres, about ten miles north, 25 ^ west from Lampasas springs, on the waters of School and Luceis ci-eeks; headright of Thomas Brown; good black sandy soil, timber plentiful, water easily obtained by digging. Price, $1.50 per acre, one-third cash, the balance on two years credit. 2,-500 acres, twelve miles north, 10^ east of Lampasas springs ; headright of Eliza- beth Brown; the soil is about one-half good black land, the balance is good pasture land, and timber plentiful. Price, $1 per acre, one-third cash, the balance in two years. 560 acres, two miles east of the town of Lampasas; headright of Irwin Addison; soil, black mezquit valley land, all irrigable ; timber and water plenty. Price, $2 to $5 per acre, one -third cash, the balance payable in two years. ECBEETSON COUNTY. TEXAS LAND COMPANY, IRA H. EVANS, Manager, Palestine, Texas, offer for sale the following lists of lands. Terms, one-fourth cash, balance in annual instalments, running over as many years as maybe agreed upon, with usual interest; or for all cash, a liberal discount will be made on the prices given below. No. 1. 560 acres, Vincent Mindez, original grantee; situated within three-fourths of a mile of the town of Eugiewood. 525 acres good post oak'upland, 35 acres cleared. $8 per acre. No. 2. 136 acres, Francis Slauter, original grantee; situated west of and near the toAvn of Englewood. Good post oak upland. $10 per acre. No. 3. 196 acres, Francis Slauter, original grantee ; situated one mile southwest of Englewood. Good post oak upland, interspersed with open glades. $7 per acre. No. 4, 120 acres, Francis Slauter, original grantee; situated one mile west of Englewood. Good post oak upland. Price, $7 per acre. No. 5. 196)^ acres, Francis Slauter, original grantee; situated oi-ye and a quarter miles south of Englewood. Good post oak upland. $6 per acre. No. 6. 1963^ acres, Francis Slauter, original grantee; situated one and a half miles west of Englewood Good post oak upland, interspersed with ooen glades, $5 per acre. No. 7, 172K acres, Francis Slauter, original grantee; situated three miles west of Englewood. Good post oak upland, interspersed with open glades. Price, $5 per acre. No, 8. 1,722 acres, Francis Slauter, original grantee; situated within two and a half miles of the town of Englewood, in a southwesterly drection. Of this tract about 1,100 acres is good post oak timber, interspersed with open glades; the remain- der is open prairie . Price, $5 per acre. The soil of the above described tracts is a dark gray sandy loam, and produces re- markably well. From twenty to twenty-five bushels of corn, and from two hundred and fifty to four hundred pound.s of lint cotton is the average vield per acre upon adjoining farms of the same quality of soil. This land is particularly well adapted to the cultivation of fruits and vegetables. Good well water can be obtained at depths of twenty-five and thirty feet. Several cotton gins and grist mills in the immediate vicinity of these lands. School-houses and churches a,re located at short distances from each other throughout the neighborhood, and at Englewood there is a good school. Several new farms have been opened of late in this vicinitv, on lands sold by this company, and excellent crops have been raised on them this year. These lands are quite closely grouped, are close to a town and railroad depot, and consti- tute an excellent location for a small colony. No. 9. 190 acres , less about 50 acres occupied by the town of Lake, railroad depot and water tank, etc. James Farris, original grantee. 100 acres of rich black soil, 34 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. situated on Duck creek, and for the most part heavily timbered with post oak, red oak. pin oak and elm.; 90 acres of upland, 30 acres cleared and formerly in cultiva- tion. A lake of clear water upon this tract furnishes Avater for stock in all seasons, and there is also a permanent spring of excellent water upon the land. School- house, church and cotton gin within one mile. This land surrounds the depot and town of Lake, and therefore is a valuable lo>'ation. Land well adapted to cotton, corn, and all the vegetables and fruits. $12 per acre. No 10. 100 acres, W. F. Gray, oi-iginal grantee; situated five miles northeast of the town of Englewood; good post oak upland. $.3 per acre. No. 11. 150 acres, J. T. McGrew, original grantee; situated about one mile south- west of the city of Hearne; soil mostly black prairie: a portion of this tract is tim- bered with oak and hickory. Its good soil and proximity to the important town of Hearne makes it a valuable tract of land for farming and gardening purposes. $10 per acre. No, 12. 3.000 acres, Francisco Ruiz, original grantee ; situated immediately east of and adjoining the city of Hearne ; this tract extends back from the city a distance of three miles. Soil, gray upland, and well adapted to the growth of all kin.^^s of fruits and vegetables. The proximity of this land to the important city of Hearne, and its situation close to the crossing of two great lines of railroad, both of Avhich furnish outlets to St. Louis, Chicago and the Gulf , renders it an excellent location for those wishing to engage in the growing of fruits and vegetables for shipment abroad The whole tract is covered with timber, which is mainly post oak and hickory. Good water can be had in wells at a moderate depth. At a suitable distance from the city for farms, $5 to $10 per acre. No. 13. About 3'i,000 acres, Pedro Pereiro, Jose de Jesus and Mariano Grande, original grantees. This is the unsold portion of an old Mexican grant of eleven leagues or 48,700 acres of land. This grant is in the form of a parallelogram, being about eighteen miles in length by about four and one-fourth miles in width. About two-thirds of the grant is situated in Robertson county and the remainder in Leon county. The I. & G. N. R. R. runs through the northwest corner of this grant for about three miles. About 18,0 acres have been sold out of this grant to actual set- tlers. The westcrft line of this grant is about one-half mile east of the town of. Englewood. About eleven miles from the western line the Navasota river flows through this grant; and Duck creek, and the north and south forks of Camp creek, together with other tributaries of the Navasota. furnish an abundance of water. This tract is well timbered with post oak, pin oak, sweet gum and hickory, in which are many open glades. The land varies in character, from the rich lands along the Navasota river and other streams, to the different grades of upland. For fruit grow- ing the country is unexcelled : wild grapes grow in the greatest abundance along the streams, and the different varieties of fruits and vegetables are cultivated veiy suc- cessfully. There ai-e numerous springs of water, and good water is to be had in wells by digging from twenty to forty feet. There are a number of churches and schools upon this tract; cotton gins are located at convenient points. This tract of land is well suited to settlers from the older States, with small means, who wish to becoine owners of the land they cultivate. It is also admirably adapted to colonization on a large scale, by people wlio wish to form communities by themselves, or for an association wishing to buy a large body of land at a low price for subdivision among its members. The most liberal terms will be extended to colonies wishing to locate upon this tract. Probably there is not in the whole State of Texas so large an amount of land in a siijgle body with such convenient railroad facilities ; consequently it affords extraordinary facilities for colonization, in connection with cheap lands, cheao lumber, and aii abundance of timber and water close at hand. This land is for sale .it from $-! to $5 per acre in small tracts, according to the quality of the land, etc. The whole of the unsold portion of this tract, estimated to contain 30,000 acres, is now offered for sale at the low price of $'0,000. The title to this grant is good, it having been tried and sustained in the United States District Court at Galveston, Texas, nearly twenty-five years ago ; and it was also tried and sustained much more recently in the courts of this State. Owing to its superior railroad facilities and the charac- ter of its soil, this tract offers unsurpassed advantages for a colony to engage in the growing of fruit and the raising of early vegetables for the Northern market as well as the Texas market; it is safe to assert that no more profitable business than this can be engaged in. MONTG-OMESY COUNTY. TEXAS LAND COMPANY, IRA H. EVANS, Manager, PaZes^me, Texas. No. 1. 3,200 acres, George AV. Lewis, original gi-antee. The town of Willis is situated upoii and occupies an area of 128 acres of this tract. A fine growth of large pine, white oak and hickory upon this land. The soil is gray upland, of an excellent quality, and produces well. Indian Camp creek runs through the centre ofHhe tract, and furnishes a permanent supply of water. Good water is obtained in wells at from MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 35 thirty to sixt^y feet in depth. Willis is a new town that came into existence about three vears since, upon the consiruction of the I. & G. N. Railroad. At present it has a population of about 1000 inhabitants. Its society is excellent. The town contains churciies, school-houses, Odd-Fellows and Masonic buildings; also a cotton gin, a wagon manufactory, where excellent wagons are made out of the white oak in the adjacent forest, ancl a saw mill ; a broom manufactory is now being built there. It is the largest town in the county, and the principal business and shipping point of the county. At a suitable distance from the town for farming purposes, the land will be sold at prices ranging from $10 to *15 per acx'e. No. 2. 100 acres, Lemuel Smith, original grantee. Hunger's station and saw mill are located on this tract. Soil, gray upland, well timbered with pine. $5 per acre. Jessie McCaleb, Agent, Willis P. O., has for sale 3,000 acres, and 300 acres for rent. Tract No. 1. 2,500 acres, three miles from Willis, 300 of which is improved ; will sell in any sized tracts desired ; good u[jland, fine range for cattle and hogs, convenient to schools, churches and mills. Price, $5 to $12 per acre, one-third cash, balance in one and two years. Tract No. 2. 700 acres, four miles from Willis, same class of land. Terms same as above. Tract No. 3. 100 acres, four miles from Willis, improved, same class of land. Price, $5 per acre. 300 acres improved in Tract No. 1 will be rented to good tenants at $3 per acre. WiLLTAMSTON WILLIAMS, Agent, Montgomei'y P. O. For sale, 22,738 acres, viz: Tract No. 1. 1,668 acres, 500 of which is under fence, three miles from Montgom- ei'y. Price, $5 to $12 per a^e, one-third cash, balance in one and two years ; will sell, lease or rent in quantities to suit. Tract No. 2. 1,400 ao-es, slight improvement, four to five miles from Montgomery. Price, >i per acre; for sale, lease or rent. Tract No. 3. 1,060 acres, slight improvements, four miles from Montgomery. Price, $3 to $6, in small tracts. Tract No. i. 2,900 acres (5ro of which is cleared) six miles from Montgomery; will sell in small tracts. «-3 to $8 per acre. Tract No. 5. 1,200 acres (300 under fence) three miles from Montgomery. Price, $6 to $12 per acre ; will sell, lease or rent. Tract No. 6. 1,109 acres improved, two to five miles N. E. of Montgomery. Price, $4 to $S per acre, according to quality and situation. Tract No. 7. 1,500 acres, two miles from Montgomery, 800 acres improved. Price, $10 per acre, in quantities to suit purchasers ; will sell, lease or rent. Tract No. 8. 382 acres (65 under fence) one to two miles from Montgomery. Price, .r6 to $10 per acre. Tract No. 9. 3,788 acres, six miles of Willis, well timbered, most of it fine pro- ductive land ; average price in small tracts $3 per acre, one-third cash, balance in one and two years. Tract No. 10. 640 acres timbered, seven miles from Willis. Price, $2 per acre. Tract No. 11. 300 acres near above. Price, $3 per acre. Tract No. 12. 250 acres five miles from New Waverly. Price, $3 per acre. Tract No. 13. 120 acres six miles ^. W. of Willis, "choice tract." $6 per acre. Tract No. 14. 200 acres near New Waverly. Price, $3 per acre. Tract No. 15. 640 acres eight miles S. E. of Willis. Price $3 per acre. Tract No. 16. 640 acres near above. Price, $3 per acre. Tract No. 17. 320 acres near above. Price, *2.50 per acre. Tract No. 18. 640 acres ten miles S. E. from Willis. Price, $3 per acre. Tract No. 19. 640 acres four miles from R. R., south of Willis. Price $3 per acre. Tract No. 20. 200 acres near above. Price $3 per acre. Tract No. 21. 769 acres nine miles south of Montgomery^on Lake creek. Price, $4 per acre, partly improved. Tract No. 22. 967 acres eigliteen miles S. E. of Montgomeiy, three miles from I. & G. N. R. R. ; fine pine timber. Price, $3 per acre. Tract No. 23. 640 acres, well timbered with white oak and pine, on the I. & G. N. R. R., one mile from Bell's Mill. Price, .t4 per acre. Tract No. 24. 369 acres two to three miles fi-om I. & G. N. R. R. Price, $3 per acre. Tract No. 25. 100 acres ten miles north from Montgomery. Price, $1 per acre. 36 LAMPASAS COUNTY. Tract J^o. 26. 200 acres nine miles north from Montgomery. Price, $3 per acre. Tract No. 27. 100 acres twelve miles north of Montgomery. Price, $3 per acre. C. B. Stewart, Montgomery P. O., has for sale 10,000 or more acres of timbered lands within six to eight miles of the town of Willis, on the I. & G. N. R. R., in Montgomery county, to reliable settlers at reasonable prices, on terms extending from five to ten annual payments. These lands are of fair average quality, producing tmenty to thirty bushels of corn, and eight hundred to one thousand two hundred pounds of seed cotton to the acre. Also for payment in hand, other lands lying on and near said railroad, suitable for like crops, and for production of early fruits and vegetables for the supplv of St. Louis, Chicago, Cincinnati, Memphis, and other cities in the States north of Texas. Letters of inquiry, addressed as above, will be duly answered. WiLLiAMSTON WILLIAMS, Agent, 3Iontgomery countv, has 640 acres, seven or eight miles south of Montgomeiy, timbered. Price, $3 per acre. 320 acres seven and one-half miles south of Montgomery, timbered. Price, $3 per acre. 320 acres six miles south of Montgomery, timbered. Price, $3 per acre. 160 acres, part of the S. D. Hays tract, timbered. Pi-ice $2.50 per acre. 320 acres seven miles south of Montgomeiy, timbered. Price $3 per acre. 320 acres six and one-half miles south of Montgomery, timbered. Price, $3 per acre. 640 acres six and one-half miles south of Montgomery, timbered. Price, $3 per acre. 278 acres, one hundred acres cleared, six miles north of Montgomeiy, timbered. Price, $4 per acre. 80 acres six miles northeast of Montgomeiy, timbered.*^ Price, $3 per acre. 3,080 acres, timber and prairie, six to eight miles northeast of Montgomeiy, fine ■white oak and pine. Price, $3 per acre. '.50 acres six miles south of Montgomeiy, timbered. Price, $3 per acre. 320 acres six miles south of Montgomery, timbered. Price, $3 per acre. .320 acres six miles south of Montgomery, timbered. Price, $3 per acre. 320 acres six miles south of Montgomery, timbered. Price, $3 per acre. Thos. McMillan, Willis, Jlontgomery county, has 300 acres for sale, situated about eight miles from '\Villis, twelve miles from Huntsville and Montgomery, the county seat. Fine hannnock land near the west fork of the San Jacinto ; well watered and timbered, title good. Price, for entire tract, $4 per acre cash, or $5 on time. J. S Thomasson, Sr , Willis, Montgomery county, has 250 acres, about three- fourths of a mile from Willis, finely improved. Will be sold on favorable terms. Agent for several parties owning valuable property in and about the flourishing town of Willis, which will be sold upon liberal terms. Address as above. Jesse McCaleb, Agent, Willis, Montgomery county, has 500 acres, near Willis ,^ for rent on usual terms, and will furnish provisions, &c., if necessary, payable out of the crop. As Agent, I offer valuable tracts of land for sale, at prices varying from |4 to $10 per acre. One-third cash, balance on one and two years credit. W. C. Meare, Willis, Montgomery county, has 200 acres, two miles from Willis, well improved, good dwelling, cabins, tenant-houses, &c. 130 acres under good fence,. 70 acres in cultivation. Cane bottom and hammock land, will produce from half to one bale of cotton, and tAventy-five to fifty bushels of corn to the acre. Good spring water running constantly through the field. For sale at .f 7 per acre, half cash, balance on time . LAMPASAS COUNTY. Pratt & Hamon, agents, Lampasas post office, 1800 acres superior Colorado river valley land, being a portion of the Francisco Vejereai league and labor, lying eight miles below the mouth of Pecan bayou. These lands are situated immediately on the Colorado river; wood and water in abundance, soil unsurpassed in fertility; it is subdivided into small tracts to suit purchasers, and ofl"ered at $2 50 to .$5 per acre, one- half cash, balance in one and t^vo vears. This section of country is rapidly filling up with substantial and intelligent fanners; churches and schools are being estabhshed. Also, 6,000 acres of fine pasturage lands for sale cheap, on the Colorado river and • vicinity. Also, 2,200 acres, the lower half of the Ed. Muston league, on the Colorado river subdivided into 141 acre lots, all fine mesquit valley land; a fine supply of wood and water. Price, $2 to $4 per acre. Terms, one-half cash, balance in 12 months: title clear. LAMPASAS COUNTY. 37 Also, 1,760 acres, out of the John Elkins survey, situated on Lampasas river and Sims' creek, twelve miles north of the town of Lampasas ; nearly all good tillable land, with a fair portion of timber; water good and in abundance. Will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, at from $1 50 to $3 50 per acre. Terms, one-half cash, balance in 12 months, with interest. 500 acres of the above tract would make a superb stock ranche. Thomas Pratt, or Pratt & Hamon, agents, Lampasas post ofa.ce, have for sale 960 acres, sixteen miles west by north from the town of Lampasas, one and one-half miles from the Colorado river, on Lynch's creek, on the direct route fi-om Austin to the upper counti-y, and on the lower road from Lampasas to San Saba; one of the finest tracts in the county; seven-tenths of this tract is susceptible of cultivation; nearly all well timbered. Lynch's creek, a fine running stream, passes through the entire tract, afi'ording an ample supply of water for all purposes ; a cedar brake in one corner of the survey will furnish fencing material for ages. The improvements consist of 40 acres under a substantial cedar fence, four or five log cabins, house and cow lots, orchard of peach trees, &c., &c. There is on the tract an orchard of about 1,000 pecan trees and an extensive quariy of the finest quality of marble. The ti-act can be divided so as to make four good farms ; an ample supply of good tillable land, wood and water to each farm. Will sell the entire tract at $3 50 per acre, cash, or $4 per acre, one -half cash, balance in one and two years, with interest. Also, two small tracts of 160 acres each, lying in the forks of North and South Lucv creek, about four and a half miles from the town of Lampasas; will make two comfortable farms and stock ranches ; just the place for a small farmer; water and fii-e-wood in abundance; one-half of each tract is good tillable land. Title good. For sale cheap, at $2 per acre. Moses Hughes, or Pratt & Hamon, agents, Lampasas post office, have for sale 50 acres, lying adjacent to the town of Lampasas, on the Sulphur Fork of Lampasas river. This is the finest valley land, very productive, and its proximity to the Sul- phur Springs renders it exceedingly valuable. Will be sold cheap forcash. Also, forty or fifty half-acre lots, lying within the corporate limits of the tow^n of Lampasas, suitable for beautiful building sites and family residences, convenient to the Sulphur Springs. For sale at from $75 to $100 per lot. Also, a tract of 1,000 acres, lying seven miles west of Lampasas, on the San Saba mail route ; 100 acres of choice valley land, under a good cedar fence, in a fine state of cultivation; other improvements consist of a good two-story rock building and out-houses, horse and cow lots, &c.; two never-failing springs on the premises, and pasturage in the vicinity unsurpassed ; stock w^ater in abundance. This is one of the most desirable places in the coxinty for farm and stock-raising combined. Titles good. Price, $3,500. J. A. Hajvion, or Pratt & Hamon, agents, Lampasas post office, have for sale five acres of land, lying three -fourths of a mile from the town of Lampasas; soil of superior quality ; finely situated for family residence. Purchaser has the privilege of an irrigation ditch ; a good investment for a gardener. Price, $250. C. C. Cooper, or Pratt & Hamon, Lampasas post office, have for sale 130 acres, more or less, all first-class valley land, and susceptible of irrigation, situated on the Sulphur Fork of Lampasas river, north and adjoining the town of Lampasas; about 100 acres under a good fence, 40 acres under a high state of cultivation; a neat and convenient dwelling-house on the farm; out-houses, well of excellent water, lots and other conveniences complete ; also including a splendid frame building residence in the town of Lampasas, adjoining the farm. The building is a frame of tasteful architecture, and cost between two and three thousand dollars. On the premises, within sixty yards of the residence and about two hundred yards from Hanna's Spring, is a fine, pure sulphur spring, affording a large supply of water, and resorted to by many visitors, and can wath little trouble and expense be utilized advan- tageously. It is altogether a splendid and valuable property, and can be purchased at the present time for $15,000, half cash, balance in one and two years. A liberal deduction wiU be made if a cash sale is effected. John Van Arsdal, or Pratt & Hamon, agents, Lampasas post office, have for sale 75o acres, five miles northAvest of the town of Lampasas, head of South Lucy creek ; 60 acres of good tillable land in the tract ; water in abundance for stock and other purposes; a good supply of firewood, rock and stone for building and fencing purposes. The entire tract is offered at the exceeding low price of 75 cents per acre. Here is a chance for a shepherd or stockman, or one who wishes to combine farming and stock-raising. Thomas Pratt, or Pratt & Hamon, Lampasas post office, have for sale four town lots, lying withm two hundred yards of the Lower Sulphur Springs, improved and unimproved; for sale cheap, for cash. Also, one corner lot, with neat, substantial office, 16x32, second block from public square, conveniently situated for business purposes. Also, two lots, each 69x128, pleasantly situated; in the center of the two lots grows the noted "Big Live Oak," the largest tree in Lampasas county. For price and terms, address as above. / 38 FREESTONE COUNTY. E. B. MiLLiCAN, or Pratt & Hamon, agents, Lampasas post office, have for sale a small farm of 13j^ acres of choice valley land in East Lampasas, on the Sulphur Fork, and adjoining the town of Lampasas ; all in cultivation and under a good rock and timber fence ; a most substantial dwelling of hewed logs, a superb well of water, afiording sufficient to irrigate the whole premises ; a beautiful family residence, and well adapted for a kitchen garden. A very desirable property, and can be bought upon early application for $1,000. Alvin Anderson, or Pratt & Hamon, agents, Lampasas post office, have for sale 260 acres, four and a half miles northwest of the town of Lampasas, on South Lucy's creek; 50 acres in cultivation and under a substantial fence; other improvements consist of a log cabin and out-lots, and a well of fine drinking water; ample supply of fire-wood, and an abundance of stock water; 100 acres of the tract is good tillable land; a very suitable place for a small farmer, and for stock-raising. For sale upon early application for $750. 0. R. Green, or Pratt & Hamon, agents, Lampasas post office, have for sale 200 acres, two and a half miles northwest of the town of Lampasas, 100 acres of which is good tillable land ; would make an excellent stock ranche ; water good and in abundance ; a veiy desirable piece of land, convenient to market. Price, $4 per acre, half cash, balance on time. Also, a fine residence in the town of Lampasas, in what is designated as Barnes' Addition, a two -story frame building, substantially and tastefully finished, kitchen, stables, cribs, etc., a well of excellent water; the impj-ovements are made on two lots, each 45x128. For sale at a bargain, if early application is made. FEEESTONB COUNTY. H. Manning, Butler, Freestone county, has for sale 1,997 acres of land in five feracts. Tract No. 1. G40 acres, seven miles northwest of Oakwoods, on the I. & G. N. R. R., and adjoining the town of Butler ; about 400 cleared and in a good state of cultiva- tion; six settlements on this tract, box and log-houses, good wells of water and springs, also a fine orchard of apples, peaches, pears and plums. The land consists of level upland bottom, sandy soil, with hickory, oak and black jack; will rent for money, the upland at $3 per acre and the bottom at ^, or v/ill rent on the one -half plan; plenty of corn on the place, and will sell or loan at the customary rates. Tract No. 2. 237 acres adjoining the above tract; 200 acres in cultivation, with good fence, with double log- house, with brick chimney^, well and spring water ; two other settlements on the place, with box-houses, well and spring watered. This is a choice place, has a good crop growing, 40 acres in bottom and 160 acres of upland, yellow- sandy. Will be sold, rented or leased, to suit the emigrant. Tract No. 3. 514 acres, two miles south of Butler, and five miles northwest of Oakwoods, 50 acres in cultivation ; this is a beautiful level tract of land, with a never- failing spring of water, hickory and black jack timber. Price, $2 50 per aci-e, on long time, with interest ; this is one of the best settlements in the State, convenient to schools, churches, steam mill and gin, &c., &c. Tract No. 4. 100 acres, two miles northeast of Butler, all bottom land, 30 acres under a good fence, good crop growing, comfortable house ; will rent for $5 per acre, or sell at $10. Tract No. 5. 506 acres, on the south side of Keechi creek, five miles west of Oak- woods ; the laud, timber and water all good, with good range for cattle and hogs ; will sell or lease on easy terms and long time, to suit the emigrant. H. Manning, agent, Butler, Freestone county, lias for sale one-fourth of a league of land, or 1,107 acres, lying on both sides of Keechi depot, five miles from Keechi depot, and six miles from Oakwoods, being the best tract of land in the east end of Freestone county; bottom prairie and creek bottom; timber ol the usual kind. Price, $2 50 per acre, with two years time. J. W. GORBIAN, Butler, Freestone county, has for sale or rent 1,000 acres, in two tracts. Tract No. 1. 800 acres, one and a half miles west of Butler, 250 acres in cultiva- tion ; a farm dwelling-house with seven rooms, also five box tenant-houses, with brick chimneys, good wells of water and at the dwelling two good cisterns; sandy soil, easily cultivated, stock on the place that could be rented, if preferred, to farm on the shares; or will rent for one-third of the corn and one-fourth of the cotton, or to one man for $3 per acre, with the use of tlie gin and screw. Tract No. 2. 200 acres, three miles southwest of Butler; all valley land, makes a bale of cotton or fifty bushels of corn to the acre ; good houses, plenty of water, good fences, soil good for planting cane ; will sell on reasonable terms, or rent on the usual shares, and could also furnish stock if desired. LEON COUNTY. 39 W. C. GOKMAN, Butler, Freestone county, has for rent 200 acres, three miles southwest of Butler ; all level upland, very productive, mostly fresh land, good fences, with good houses and plenty of water; renting this year for $3 50 per acre ; would pirefer to rent on the shares. S. M. CONLEY, Butler, Freestone county, has a tract of land lying between But- ler and Oakwoods, sandy soil, good water, timbered with black jack, oak and hickory ; will sell in small quantities to suit purchasers, at $1 per acre. James Strickland, Butler, F]•e^.^''tone county, wants hands to pick out fifty or seventy-five bales of cotton this fall ; has for rent 400 acres, two miles east of Butler, all under cultivation, bottom and upland ; good houses and water, steam mill and gin on the place. Address as above for terms. &c. J. H. Jones, Butler, Freestone coxinty, has for rent 150 acres, five miles east of Butler, and four miles northeast of Oakwoods; black land, very rich, good houses, well and cistern water; will rent on the usual terms. W. J. EUBANKS, Butler, Freest -ne county, has for rent 100 acres adjoining the last named (J. H. Jones') about the same quality and on the same terms. Mrs. E. Mobery, Butler, Freestone countv, has for sale 100 acres adjoining the town of Butler, with a good dwelling that cost to build it $2,500; will sell all for $1,.'")00; a beautiful location. S. H. Greene, Butler, Freestone county, has for sale 110 acres adjoining the town of Butler on the east. 100 acres in cultivation, good improvements, good water, 30 acres bottom land, the balance upland. For price and terms, address as above. FESESTONE AND LEON COUNTIES. Samuel, Dexter, Palestine, Anderson county, has 26,000 acres for sale, 400 for rent. 25 hands wanted. This land is known as the Simon Sanches eleven league grant. Titles are perfect Situated in Freestone and Leon counties, adjacent to the town of Oakwoods, fronting on the Trinity river and extending back in a westerly direction about six miles. This comprises first-class bottom and upland, good water, timber and range for stock; will be sold in quantities to suit purchasers, at prices ranging from $2 to .|5 per acre, ac- cording to quality and quantity. Terras, one-third cash, balance in one and two years, with ten per cent. )nterestfrom date of sale. Will rent 400 acres of open land for one-third of the corn and one-fourth of the cotton, or will furnish land, team and tools and give one-half. Address as above. J. W. Perrin, Oakwoods, Leon county, has 2,720 acres for sale, situated around Oakwoods. in Freestone ^nd Leon counties, distant one to f -ur miles ; all good farm- ing land, good timber, water and range for horses, cattle and hugs. Price from $2 to $5 per acre, according to quality, quantity and situation Terms, one-thiid cash, the balance in one and two years, with ten per cent, interest from date of sale; 40 acres improved land for rent , upon the usual terms. M. TV. Harmon, Trustee, Oakwoods, Leon county, has 1,000 acres for sale. 100 acres for rent, four hands wanted ; land situated one and a half miles from the town of Oakwoods ; very productive, has fine water and timber, and is the healthiest locality in this section of country Price for the unimproved land, $5 uer acre, one-third cash, the balance in one and two years, with ten per cent, interest. Will sell the im- proved land if parties desire to purchase, or will rent the same for one-third of the corn and one-fourth of the cotton produced on the land. Tenant out-houses good. Address as above. LEON COUNTY. D. C. Berry, Oakwoods, Leon county, Texas, has 420 acres for sale, or 125 acres for rent; five hands wanted; land situated ten miles from Oakwood, at the old Na- varro landing on Trinity river Soil dark sandy, easily cultivated, capable of pro- ducing .50 bushels of corn to the acre ; well timbered and watered ; will sell at prices ranging from $2 50 to $5 00 per acre, or will rent for one-third of the corn and one- fourth of the cotton produced. Also, 40 acres, all in cultivation, with fei-ry which yields from $500 to $800 per year, which I will sell for $800; good houses on the place. Address as above. J. J. McBride, post office address, Galveston, Texas, has 625 acres for sale, or 225 acres for rent; 12 hands wanted; situated near old Navarro Landing, Trinity river, about ten miles from Oakwoods Station; soil sandy and easily cultivated, good water, well timbered. For particulars address J. J. McBride, Galveston, Texas. 40 LEON COUNTY. J. J. McBride, Galveston, Texas, agent for Mrs. Baunerman, has 175 acres ad- joining the above tract for rent; sandy land, easily cultivated, water good, timber plenty; will rent upon usual terms. Address J. J. McBride, Galveston, Texas. , J. C. Lamon, Oakwoods, Leon county, has 340 acres for sale, or 115 acres for rent; 6 hands wanted; situated ten and a half miles from Oakwoods, and half a mile from ferry crossing at Navarro Landing, Trinity river. Soil dark sandy and black stiff and clay, productive and easily cultivated ; go'od spring and well water, timber good and plenty of it. For particulars address J. C. Lamon, Oakwoods, Leon county, Texas. W. C. Crualvtie, post office, Tehuacana Hills, Limestone county, Texas, has 250 or 300 acres for sale, 75 acres for rent ; 3 hands Avanted ; lands situated about two miles from Navarro Landing, near the above ; good land , soil dark sandy, black and clay, good spring and well water, plenty of good timber. For sale upon very reason- able terms. Address W. C. Crumatie, Tehuacana Hills, Limestone county, Texas. Mrs. McDaniel, Oakwoods, Leon county, has 240 acres for sale, or 60 acres for rent; 2 hands wanted. Situated two miles west of Navarro Crossing; soil mostly a black sticky and dark, mixed with sand; fertile and easily cultivated, yields 40 to 50 bushels corn to the acre; finely timbered. Price low and terms liberal; address as above. Mrs. E. Duncan, Oakwoods, Leon county, has 850 acres for sale or 300 for rent; 15 hands wanted. Lies four miles southwest from Navarro Landing; as fine a tract of laud as can be found in the country; dark sandj^ soil, very productive, easily cul- tivated, with a favorable season will make over a bale of cotton to the acre ; one of the highest elevated places in the countj^; fine wells and springs and fine timber. For particulars address as above. P. L. Anders, Oakwoods, Leon county, has 350 acres for rent; 16 hands wanted; 5 miles from Navarro Landing, 15 miles from Oakwoods Station; fine sandy river land, part bottom, part upland, easily cultivated; good wells, springs and timber. For particulars address as above. E E. Batejlvn, Marquez post office, will sell or rent 100 acres of land ; will sell at ft2 to $6 per acre, on time to suit purchaser; will rent for one-third grain and one- fourth cotton; wants 10 to 15 farm hands. F. B. Williams, Marquez post office, will rent or sell lands on terms to suit; wants 6 to 8 hands to work on shares ; will advance provisions if required. Wyatt Seals, Marquez post office, will sell land at $2 to ."^5 per acre; will rent for one-third grain and one-fourth cotton; Avants 15 good hands to work for share of crop ; will let them have land to be paid for in one to three years. __ Elias Sparks, Marquez post office, wants 10 farm hands. Let some good hands come and he will give them inducements to stay; will rent or sell lands to suit the new settler. Chas. McArthur, Marquez post office, wants 15 hands to farm on shares Lar Weaver. Marquez post office, wants hands to farm on shares. Marcus Watson, Marquez post office, wants 4 hands to farm on shares. Jim Watson, Marquez post office, wants 4 hands to farm on shares. Ross Smith, Marquez post office, wants 10 hands to farm on shares. Felix Copeland, Marquez post office, wants 2 hands to farm on shares Morris Bates, Marquez post office, wants 4 hands to farm on shares. Julius Allison, Marquez post office, wants 4 hands to farm on shares. Arthur Allison, Marquez post office, wants 4 hands to farm on shares. Jim Alston, Marquez post office, wants hands to farm on shares. Charles Darsitt, Marquez post office, wants 6 hands to farm on shares. K. Emmons, Marquez post office, wants 4 hands to farm on shares. Amb. Grayson, Marquez post office, wants 4 hands to farm on shares. W. P. Sewell, Marquez post office, wants 6 hands to farm on shares. C. G. Walker, Marquez post office, wants 4 hands to farm on shares. The following lands are located in the vicinity of Leona, in the southern portion of the county, distant from sixteen to twenty miles from the I. & G. N. R. R., and about equidistant from Buflalo, Jewett and Marquez stations. These lands are all ©f the first quality of timber, bottom and prairie, and will px-oduce three-lourths to one bale cotton, and thirty to fifty bushels corn to the acre, and are well adapted to the growth of small grain. Grazing for cattle, horses and shee]) is very fine, and this is admitted to be about the best hog country in the State. The prices and terms are unusually liberal. Schools and churches are plentiful, and society as good as any in the State. Water abundant and of the best quality. Landers, Makamson & Rogers, Leona post office, have for sale 1,300 acres un- improved upland, well timbered. Price, $2 50 per acre, on three years credit, with- out interest. B. C. Makamson, Leona post office, has for sale 600 acres upland, well timbered. Price, $2 50 per acre. LEON COUNTY. 41 A. G. ROGERS, Leona post office, has for sale 500 acres prairie and timber, on terras to suit purchasers. Also, for rent, 250 acres improved upland, arlioining prairie; also wants 10 farm hands; terms satisfactory; invites correspondence. W. J. Cox, Leona post office, has for sale 200 acres cotton and uplands, improved. Terms easy. - W. P. Evans, Leona post "office, has for rent 120 acres well improved upland on shares ; also wants 9 farm hands. ' W. C. Barkley, Leona post office, has for rent 75 acres well improved upland on shares; also wants 6 farm hands. Clem, Reed, Leona post office, has for sale 400 acres, partially improved, at .f2 50 per acre. HiLLiARD Cook, Leona post office, has for sale 160 acres, slisrhtly improved at $1 50 per acre. Ned SIMMS, Leona post office, has for sale 160 acres, slightly improved, at $1 per acre. James Simms, Leona post office, has for rent 100 acres well improved uplands, on shares ; also wants 8 farm hands. A. S. SIMMS, Leona post office, has for sale 200 acres well improved uplands at $5 per acre. ' Dr. A. Welch, Leona post office, has for sale 300 acres well improved uplands, at $1 50 per acre. Thomas Beaver, Leona post office, has for sale 200 acres well improved uplands , at $1 50 per acre. Wm. M. Evans, Leona post office, has for sale 317 acres well improved timbered upland, at $10 per acre. Also, for rent, 115 acres well improved timbered upland, at $5 per acre. R. T. Moore, Leona post office, has for sale 191 acres, well timbered and watered, at $7 50 per acre. Also, for rent, 75 acres well improved upland, at $5 per acre or on shares; also wants 5 farm hands . H. H. Thompson, Leona post office, has for sale 300 acres improved bottom land, at $7 50 per acre, on terms to suit purchasers. Also, for rent, 130 acres, upland and bottom land, on shares; also wants 8 farm hands. Geo.W. Patrick, Leona post office, has for sale 1,000 acres unimproved tim- ber land, at $2 50 per acre ; terms easy. Also, for rent, 150 acres well improved upland, on shares; also wants 10 farm hands. I. B. Brashear, Leona post office, has for sale 260 acres well improved upland. at ?12 50 per acre. Also, for rent, 80 acres well improved upland, on shai-es; also wants 7 farm hands, Wm, C. Reed, Leona post office, has for rent 80 acres well improved upland, on shares ; also wants 7 farm hands, J. H, Evans, Leona post office, has for sale 240 acres well improved upland, at $7 50 per acre. Also, for rent, 80 acres well improved upland, on shares; also wants 7 farm hands. Geo. W. Ross, Leona post office, wants 3 farm hands, and will rent 40 acres well improved upland, on shares, Mrs. a. J. Ross, Leona post office, wants 5 farm hands, and will rent 75 acres well improved uplands, on shares. Mrs. Thomas Keese, Leona post office, wants 4 farm hands, and will rent 40 acres well improved uplands, on shares. Geo, W. Murff, Leona post office, wants 1 farm hand, and will rent 20 acres well improved upland, on shares. Wm. Murff, Leona post office, wants 2 farm hands, and will rent 40 acres well improved upland, on shares. R. M. EwiNG, Leona post office, wants 15 farm hands, and will rent 300 acres well improved upland, on shares. W. H, Fletcher, Sr,, Leona post office, wants 4 farm hands, and will rent 80 acres well improved upland, on shares . W, H, Fletcher, Jr,, Leona post office, wants 2 farm hands, and will rent 40 acres well improved upland, on shares. D. Haines, Leona post office, has for rent 50 acres well improved upland, on shares; also wants 3 farm hands. 42 LEON COUNTY. jA>fES Thompson, Leona post office, has to lease 250 acres, for a term of years; very favorable ternis to an industrious man. W. H. Waltman, Leona post office, has for rent 100 acres improved creek bot- tom, on shares; also wants 8 farm hands. I. W. Waltman, Leona post office, has for rent 80 acres improved creek bottom, on shares; also wants 7 farm hands. WiLET DeBerry, Leona post office, has for rent 100 acres improved creek bot- tom, on shares ; also wants 8 farai hands. Nelson Robeson, Leona post office, has for sale 160 acres improved upland, at $2 50 per acre John S. Durst, Leona post office, has for rent 125 acres well improved upland, on shares ; also wants 10 farm hands. Geo. T. Pruitt, Leona post office, has for rent 50 acres well improved upland, on'shares ; also wants 4 farm hands. W. W. McAdams, Leona post office, wants 12 farm hands, and will rent 200 acres improved upland, on shares. L. D. Ross, Leona post office, wants 4 farm hands, and will rent 60 acres weU improved upland, on shares. S. Robinson, Leona post office, has for sale 250 acres unimproved timber land; time and price to suit purchaser. ^ilso, for rent, 50 acres well improved timber land, on shares. Geo. W. Scott, Leona post office, has for sale 240 acres improved prairie and timber land, at $7 50 per acre, on time. A. J. Gillmore, Leona post office, has for sale 200 acres improved prairie and timber land, at $5 per acre, cash. Wm. G. Edwards, Leona post office, has for rent 100 acres improved timber land, at $5 per acre ; also wants 7 farm hands. Wm. Ponsonby, Leona post office, has for rent 135 acres well improved upland and bottom land, on shares ; also wants 9 farm hands. I. G. Gilmore, Leona post office, has for sale 400 acres improved upland, at $10 per acre, cash. Also, for rent, 25 acres, on shares ; also wants 2 farm hands. C. Bennett, Leona post office, has for rent 100 acres improved upland, «n shares ; also wants 5 farm hands. W. H. HOLLiN&sw'ORTH, Leona post office, has for sale 270 acres, upland and bottom land, at $5 per acre; terms easy. PuRDiE Richardson, Leona post office, has for rent 70 acres fine bottom aud upland, at $5 per acre ; also wants 5 hands. J. D. Cessna, Leona post office, has for sale 500 acres creek bottom and upland. Price, $4 per acre ; terms easy. Also, for rent, 150 acres improved bottom land. T. T. Shurman, Leona post office, has for sale 110 acres improved upland, at $10 jper acre; terms easy. Also, 300 acres improved bottom land, at $3 50 per acre ; terms easy. James Shurman, Leona post office, has for sale 320 acres improved upland, at |3 per acre ; terms easy. W. H. CozART, Leona post office, has for sale 318 acres partially improved up- land, at $4 per acre, on one, two and three years' credit Also, 150 acres well improved upland, on shares; also wants 10 farm hands. L. Keeling, Leona post office, has for rent 100 acres well improved upland, on shares; also wants 6 farm hands. Walter Gilmore, Leona post office, has for sale 200 acres improved prairie aud timber, at $7 50 per acre ; terms easy. T. G. Nixon, Leona post office, has for sale 200 acres improved prairie and tim- *^®^ Allo^fOT^renreOaSwe^lHm^^ timber land, on shares; also wants 4 farm A TURNER, Leona post office, wants 5 farm hands, and will rent 100 acres well improved upland on the share system. WM. Curry, Leona post office, wants 3 farm hands, and will rent 60 acres well improved upland, on shares. WM. RiGLEY, Leona post office, wants 3 farm hands, and will rent 60 acres well mproved upland, on shares WM. Crawford, Leona post office, has for sale 160 acres improved upland, at per L. J. per acr^- $4 50 per acre. , i„ ^ --„4. «« l! J. WRIGHT, Leona post office, has for sale 100 acres improved upland, at |6 HOUSTON COUNTY. 43 Mrs. M. G. Rineheardt, Leona post office, has for vent 100 acres improved cot- tou and upland, on shares, and wants 6 farm hands. H. D. Patrick, Leona post office, has for sale 288 acres well impi-oved bottom and upland, at $7 per acre. D. C. Carrikgton, Leona post office, wants 30 farm hands, and will rent 500 acres improved upland and bottom land, in quantities to suit, either on shares or for money rent. D.C. Oarringtots-, Leona post office, has for sale 3,000 acres improved and unim- proved upland and bottom lands; number of acres made to suit parties desiring same. Time, prices, &o., to suit purchaser; actual money in hand no object where purchaser is a hard-working, reliable man. Will sell, rent or lease lands.- A. H. CULTON, Leona post office, has for sale 800 acres improved land ; two good improvements on same ; fine water at both places. Will sell to one or two good men, who can make a small cash payment, on easy terms. HOUSTON COUITTY. W. H. White, Porter's Springs, Houston county, has 625 acres fipr sale, situated eleven miles west of Crockett ; good sandy soil, 200 acres under good fence and in fine state of cultivation, balance well timbered with red oak, hickory, post oak, &c. ; good dwelling-house, barns and stables, four good tenant-houses on the land, plenty of wells and springs. Price from $1 to $5 per acre according to quality; terms to suit purchasers. Wanted, two families and tenants ; two hands for wages. Address as above. T T Pridgeon, Porter's Springs, Houston county, has 475 acres, 100 acres im- proved ten miles west of Crockett ; good black sandy and stiff soil, will produce fortv to' fifty bushels of corn or a bale of cotton per acre; three good tenant -houses, good fence one mile from steam grist mill and gin, convenient to g©od school and church one of the healthiest locations in the State; good range for cattle, hogs and horses ' Wanted, two families with sufficient number of hands to cultivate the 100 acres ; will sell 375 acres unimproved at $6 per acre, one-half cash, two years time on the balance. John Murchisox, Porter's Springs, Houston county, has for sale 457 acres, twelve miles west of Crockett; good sandy soil, 2.50 acres under good fence and in fine ^tate of cultivation, the balance well timbered with red oak, hickory, post oak, &c., ffood frame -dweUing with brick chimneys, good kitchen, barn, stables and all neces- Lrv out-iiouses attached. There are four good teuant-houses on the land. Two good wells in the yard and several good springs convenient. Price, $5 per acre, one-third cash balance payable in two years with lien to secure balance of purchase money. Will 'sell entire tract, or in lots of 100 acres each. Also 138 acres adjoining the above, s-oodsaudv soil, 40 acres under good fence and cultivation, balance well timbered with same kind of wood as above, good tenant-house and good spring convenient. ■Price, s3 50 per acre, payable as above. W S HOGAN Porter's Springs, Houston county, wants to hire a young man of ffood tiuiet disposition for wages ; also a family that can furnish themselves. Lives thirteen miles west of Crockett. Address as above. s FT Brister Porter's Springs, Houston countv, has 400 acres for sale, or 60 acres for rent, seven miles west of Crockett; good sandy soil, 200 acres under good fence and in fine cultivation, balance well timbered with red oak, post oak and hick- nr^^ood loo- dwelling-house, good barn and stable ; tenant-houses sufficient for four haWs (who can be emploved), and as good well water as can be found in the county. Will sell at $5 per acrerone-half cash, balance m one year. Four hands wanted. W P Turner Porter's Springs, Houston county, has 225 acres for sale, or 85 acres to rent, thirteen miles west of Crockett; good black sandy soil, 85 acres under Jood fence and in fine state of cultivation, balance well timbered with post oak red oak mulberry, elm, sweet gum, hackberry, &c. ; good log- houses tor dwelling, three gjod tenant-houses, good cribs and stables, good well and cistern. Price, $8 per acre, one-half cash, balance to suit purchasers, i our nauds wanted. RoRFRT H HYDE & Ellanora Htde, Wcldon post officc, offer for sale on lib- <.val terms 1 800 acres of the most choice land in Texas, situated in Houston county, twelve^es west from Lovelady station on the I. & G. X. R. R. it being a high body ortSe^nd fronting one and a half miles on the east bank of the Trinity river, em- bracing about 300 acres choice black hog wallow land, loO acresunder cultivation, produces from thirtv-five to sixty bushels of corn per acre, and l,o00 o 2,000 pounds cotton in the seed per acre, under good cultivation and tair seasons, balance choice ?andv land with an abundance of choice timber, witn valuable improvements. On river bank, about 150 acres in cultivation, with six tenant-buildings &c., producing 800 to 1200 pounds seed cotton per acre, and twenty-five to thirty bushels corn per acre with good trame buildings, cribs, stables, gm-house, press grist mill, good new 44 HOUSTON COUNTY. ferry boat (it being the best crossing place for miles above or below), and being the most desirable place on the Trinity river to build up a city, as stated by steamboat- men. Said river is navigable four to six months each year. The United States govern- ment having made a liberal appropriation to deepen the channel at the mouth of the river, it is reasonable to expect a better class of boats to navigate the same. Also have a large store-house thirty-six by forty-two feet, one and a half stories high, cypress roof, with abundance of the best freestone water from springs and wells, the latter found twenty-three to twenty-five feet in depth from top of ground. 1 oakum's History of Texas calls this place "Trinidad," which was once a flourish- ing town. There is also a bed of coal on the river bank which we have not yet tested, but is believed to be valuable. Will if desired sell my stock of horses, mules, cattle and hogs and farming tools on liberal terms for land and improvements. If sold in a body, $7 per acre, one-fifth cash, balance m one, two, three and four yearly payments with eight per cent, inter- est after maturity until paid. Title warranted. Healthy locality, the present own- er having lived on the premises since 1852 and lost none of his family. The above is offered in a body to suit a number of families ; if not taken soon will sell m small lots to suit purchasers a portion of said lands and improvements. ' Robert H. Hyde, Weldon post office, has 40 acres improved land adjoining above for sale or rent,^ay 40 acres good gray land, 20 acres under f^^nce, with new box-house galleiy and shed-room, smoke-house and kitchen, with 2'i acres good timber adioin- ing, plenty of good spring water, only 600 yards from boat landing. Terms, «400 one- fourth cash, balance one, two and three years with eight percent, interest after mat- urity until i)aid, being the most suitable place for a good blacksmith and wagon shop m this section (and which is very much needed), or will rent the same for $60 per year with the privilege of purchasing. ^ Robert H. Hyde, Weldon post office, has 60 acres improved land for sale or rent, adjoining above, 20 acres choice sandy land improved, and 40 acres in good tim- ber adjoining; good split log-house with gallery and shed-room, smoke-house, kitchen and stable, good spring of water near and also a well Terms, $500, one-fifth cash balance one, two, three and four years with interest at eight per cent, after maturity* or will rent same at $60 per year with privilege of purchase, unless sold in a body with foregoing tracts before application is made. Robert H. Hyde, Weldon post office, offers for sale or rent a stock farm of 100 acres adjoining the foregoing; 33 acres choice sandy land under fence and cultivation balance m timber. Double log-house, double crib, smoke-house and spring-house all above overflow and adjoining fine range. Terms, $1,000, one-fifth cash, balance one, two, three and four years with eight per cent, interest after maturity until paid : or -oall rent for $100 per year with privilege of purchasing, unless sold in a body with foregoing tracts before application is made. Robert H. Hyde, Weldon post office, offers for sale 200 acres choice black land 150 acres under cultivation, adjoining the foregoing, with improvements. Pi'ic€ .$4 OOo' one-fourth cash, balance one, two and three years with eight per cent, interest after maturity until paid. Will divide this land into four shares if desired ; plenty of eood wood and water. ' ^ ^ ^ Robert H. Hyde, Weldon post office, offers to sell unimproved lands on and near the Trinity river, twelve miles from I. & G. N. R. R., in lots of 40 60, 80 or 100 acre tracts to suit purchasers, at $5 per acre, one-fifth cash, balance one, two three and four years with interest at eight per cent, after maturity until paid. Timber in abundance, red oak, post oak, hickoi-y, elm, sweet gum. •' ^ ■"^S- '^.-J'- ^opsoN, Crockett post office, wants twenty-five hands to attend 400 acres best Trinity river lands, situated seventeen miles west of the town of Crockett- buildings are three miles from the river, good comfortable buildings, good water and' healthy location; said place is for sale, orrenton one -half farming shares.will furni<5h land, teams, tools and feed for teams, or will lease for a term of years. None need apply only experienced farmers ; those applying to farm on shares must be able to subsist themselves for six months, after which time I will extend such assistance as the crop will justify; will also furnish free sufficient number of milch cows durine the milching season. v^uyto uuimg Also a farm of 450 acres on a tract of 1,300 acres, three and a half miles southwest of Crockett ; well watered, fair buUdings, and very healthy location. Also a farm of 160 acres three miles west of Crockett; fine water, common buildings, healthy location! Also a farm of 80 acres on a tract of 460 acres, three miles south of Crockett; fine water, good buildings, healthy location. ' Also 750 acres, fifteen miles south of Crockett; three small farms on the tract choice land, well watered, well timbered. "di^t, Also 133 acres, thirteen miles south of Crockett; well timbered and healthy loca- tion. Also 1,500 acres wild lands, eight miles south of Crockett. Also 400 acres wild land, four miles south of Crockett: creek bottom land, well timbered.- The above lands will be sold cheap for cash , or one-third cash, balance in one and two years. Price and terms to suit purchasers. WALKER COUNTY. 45 TRINITY COUNTY. T. W. Markham, Huntsville, Walker county, has for sale 250 acres, twelve miles east of Trinity on the I. & G. N. R. R. ; part upland and part bottom land, well tim- bered and watered. Price, $2 per acre. Terms, one-half cash, balance in one and two years with twelve per cent, interest. S. Phillips, Huntsville, Walker county, has for sale 1,418 acres in two tracts. Tract 1. 905 acres, two and a half miles east of Trinity station, part of I. G. Webb's survey; well timbered with mostly large leaf pine, with a good deal of fine hammock land that will produce a bale of cotton to the acre ; veiy desirable tract for a saw mill. K sold before January next, will take $1,000 cash, or after January will sell for $1 50 per acre, one-third cash, balance in one and two years with interest. Tract 2. 513 acres, four miles east of Trinity station, part of I. G. Webb's survey; well timbered and same quality of land as Tract No. 1. If sold this year will take $500 cash, or after January will sell for $1 25 per acre. MILAM COUNTY. E. Sterling C. Robertson, Salado, Bell county, has 4,428 acres in 43 tracts, six miles from Gause station, on the I. & G. N. R. R., to wit: 542?^ acres, fronting on the Brazos river, 2,500 varas and running back for quantity on the west side of the river, in Burleson county; about 400 acres of the above tract is beautiful black prairie, with some sand, and the balance is good timbered land along the line of the river. 40 tracts of 80 acres each, adjoining and back of the above land. As fine cotton and corn lands as can be found on the uplands in the State. This land is all covered with post oak and hickory timber, and watered with a number of beautiful spring branches, running through it, of freestone water. 2 tracts of 343^^4 acres each, adjoining the above; well watered, but the land not quite so good as the above. There is a large settlement'all around this body of land. Warrantee title given, and will be sold at from $2 50, $5 and $8 per acre, one-half cash, balance in one and two years, with ten per cent, interest from date until paid; or will sell entire tract of 4,428 acres, at $5 per acre, one-half cash, balance in ten years, with ten per cent, interest from date until paid. ..-,4 SAN JACINTO COUNTY, E. L. Angier, Huntsville, Walker county, has for sale 623 acres, twelve miles east of New Waverly ; headright of Thos. G. Webb, upland, well timbered, pine, oak, &c. Pi'ice, $3 per acre, cash, or if on time, one-third cash, balance in one and two years, with twelve per cent., with twenty-five per cent, added on cash price. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. T. W. Markham, Huntsville, Walker county, has for sale 100 acres, ten miles west of Willis, on the I. & G. N. R. R. , in Montgomery county; land well timbered. Price, $2 50 per acre. Terms, one-half cash, balance in one and two years, with in- terest at twelve per cent. WALKER COUNTY. E. L, Angier, Huntsville, Walker county, has for sale 811 acres in two tracts. Tract No. 1. 640 acres, eight miles west of Riverside, on the I. & G. N. R. R., and one mile from Trinity river, on Nelson creek; 60 acres under good fence, dwelling and out-houses, never-failing water; 100 acres or more bottom laud, the balance sandy upland, well timbered. Price, $2,000 cash. Tract No. 2. 171 acres, seven miles east of Huntsville, and one and a half miles west of the I. & G. N. R. R., sandy upland, well timbered with pine and oak. Price, $3 per acre, cash. T. W. Markham, Huntsville, Walker county, has for sale 130 acres, about one mile from I. «& G. N. R. R., near old Phelps ; well timbered with pine. Price, $2 per acre. Terms, one-half cash, the balance in one and two years, with twelve per cent, interest. Also 100 acres, nine miles southwest of Huntsville ; well timbered. Pi-ice, $1 50 per acre, cash. Title perfect. W D. Ferguson, Huntsville, Walker county, has for sale 177 acres, six miles northwest of Huntsville; well improved, 40 acres of rich bottom land, and a fine or- chard, well watei'ed and well timbe^d. Price, $6 per acre, one-half cash, the bal- ance in twelve months. be^d . Pric( •^6^ 8* 46 , KUSK COUNTY. BSAZOEIA COUNTY. W. G. MOSELEY, Oy.stei' Creek, Brazoria county, has 645 acres on Oyster creek, adjoining ' Oyster Creek station;" 300 acres of red cane and peach land, balance black elm and prairie About 120 acres cleared, all first-rate, 40 acres now rented and in cultivation, with new cabins, fences, &c. ; most of the cleared land laying out. Dwelling-house out of repair; good, new corn-crib, two new cabins; I. & G. N. K. K. i-uns through the eastern part. Good timber and abundant, constant and unfailing water, health good. This is one of the most desirable tracts of land on the line of the railroad. Is a good situati.on for a cotton factory, tannery or brick yai'd. Price $12 per acre for entire tract. Will sell in lots from 20 to 50 or 100 acres. Will rent cleared laud two years for fencing, with post and plank. Address as above. W. G. MoSELEY, agent. Oyster Creek, Brazoria county, 1,637 acres in the John Bradley and Geo. Robinson leagues, unimproved; situate'd on east side ol Brazos river, about six miles above Columbia, and extending east to prairje and E. E. Will Bell in lots of 300 acres or less. Price from H to $6 per acre, one-third caRh, balance in one, two and three years, with ten per cent, interest. Will lease tracts to parties for three years ; for fencing and building, timber abundant, and of the best quality. Land nearly all rich cane and peach. Prairie front : good for stock ranche. 611 acres, H H. Cornwall survey, about two miles southeast from Oyster Creek station; all prairie, high, rich loamy land, suitable for cattle or sheep. ?rice $3 per acre, one-third cash, balance in one, two and three years, with ten per cent, interest. E. L. Angier, post office address HuntsviUe, Walker county, 720 acres, twelve miles east of Ai-cola station, on Chocolate bayou, at the Mill crossing. Headright of Angier, HaU and Bradley; well watered and timbered. Price, $3 per acre, cash. Address as above. A. C. Barnes, Chenango station, Brazoria county, 266 acres in "Harris" league situated on both sides of Oyster creek, two and a half miles from Chenango station; 175 acres cleared and in cultivation. Gin-bouse, press and several good cabins on tract; rich Oyster creek land ; none better Will seU the whole or in tracts of 10 to 50 or 100 acres. For particulars, address as above. jAaiES Jamison, Oyster Creek, Brazoria county, three tracts of improved lands, two tracts of 75 acres each, and one tract of 40 acres, situated two to three miles south of Oyster Creek station. All in cultivation this year. Fencing pretty good on all the places. Gin -house, mill and blacksmith shop attached. Will rent for a share of the crop, and furnish team and tools, or for money rent. 3333^ acres, one mile below the above, in cultivation several years since . Will lease upon favorable rates for a term of years, to suit renters. Also unimproved timber and prairie lands to lea.se for the improvements. Address James Jamison, Oyster Creek, Brazoria county, Texas. H. Tankersley, Sandy Point, Brazoria county, has for sale 1,050 acres rich Oyster creek bottom land, with prairie front on I. & G. N. E. B., situated between "China Grove" plantation and Sandy Point station. Well improved, 16 new cabins, plank fencing, good gin-house, steam engine and press, splendid winter and summer range for stock. Price, 5:20,000, one-third cash, balance in one, two and three years. Mrs. Irene Burney, Sandy Point, Brazoria county, 200 acres rich black prairie land for sale, situated between "China Grove" plantation and Sandy Point station, 1. & G. N. E. E. runs trough the tract; soil adapted to any crop. Fine range for stock, unimproved. Price, $2 50 per acre, cash. Eenters for share of the crop wanted. C. H. Day, Sandy Point, Brazoria, Texas, wants four families to work for half the crop. Win furnish land, houses, teams, seed, «S;c. Immigrants from Louisiana, Ala- l)ama>nd Georgia preferred. Land rich and productive. J. G. Smith, Sandy Point, Brazoria county, wants two good steady men to crop on the shares; rich Oyster creek land, in good state of cultivation. Will furnish team, farming implements, house room, feed for team, for one-half the crop raised. Prefer men accustomed to cultivating cotton, corn and cane. RUSK COUNTY. W. C. Gibson, Henderson, Rusk county, has for sale 640 acres of land, well im- proved, with 200 acres under fence, situated nine miles north of Henderson. Price, $4 ptr acre, 1,060 acres, 600 under fence, situated on Sabine river, one mile south of Camden, and twenty miles north from Hendersom P|icert3 per acre. For further particulars address as above. _^ *t M. •• ANDERSON COUNTY. 47 S. A. Graham, Henderson, Rusk county, has for rent 275 acres of cleai-ed land, situated eleven miles due west from Henderson, convenient to three depots, viz: Henderson, Overton and Troupe, eleven miles distant each. Well watered and tim- bered, sun-oundeci by good range. Terms, renters to furnish themselves, and pay one-third of the corn and one-fourth of the cotton produced on the place. L. & J. E. Strickland, Henderson, Rusk county, has for sale or rent 300 acres of land; about 125 acres in cultivation; good orchard, very good buildings, excellent water Hud plentv of timber, the soil easily cultivated and productive; improved farm- ing implements can be used without trouble. This farm is situated nine miles west of Henderson, the countv seat, and about the same distance from two stations on the I. & G. N. R. R. Price, $1,2.50. WiU be rented at customary rates if not sold. Address L. & J. E. Strickland, Henderson, Rusk count}', Texas. Ras Redwine, Henderson, Rusk count}', Texas, has 3,300 acres for sale, or 600 acres for rent. 1,000 acres of the above is hickoiy and black jack land, rather scarce of timber, unusually level for timbered country; almost every acre good, productive land; rather scarce for rail timber, but lumber can be purchased at the mills within a few miles, at $10 per thousand feet. Gin-houses and press, running-gear all com- plete, frame dwelling-house with five rooms, three of them ceiled and finished com- plete ; aU built since the war. The tract is well watered, and 75 acres in cultivation. This land is on a public road leading to Henderson, and within five miles of the depot. Price, $3 50 per acre, one-third or one-fourth of the money down, the balance in one and two years, with ten per cent, interest. For particulars address as above. Ras Redwike, Henderson, Rusk county, has 800 acres for sale, or 225 acres for rent; situated within six miles of Henderson, Rusk county, the terminus of the Over- ton & Henderson Railroad. Rusk county is one of the most populous counties in the State, and Henderson, the county seat, can boast of one of the finest schools in Texas. The soil is chocolate, free from gravel; timber, heav}' growth of black jack, red-oak, black haw, &c. ; 225 acres under a good fence. Price, ^ per acre, one-third cash, balance in one and two years, with ten per cent, interest. If not sold will be rented or worked on shares, to suit the convenience of applicants. Also has 400 acres for sale, or 115 acres for rent, situated six miles northwest from Henderson, and eight miles from the I. & G, N. R. R. Two churches within two miles— Methodist and Cumberland Presbyterian. The soU is red oak and bottom land ; as fine timber as can be found in Eastern Texas, fine springs and creeks, every acre tillable. Two settlements, one with 45 acres in cultivation, the other 75 acres, nearly all the land fresh cleared within the last three years. Price, $5 per acre, one-third cash, the balance in one and two years, with ten per cent, interest. If not sold, will be rented for one-third of the corn and one-fourth of the cotton. Also has 320 acres for sale, or 35 acres for rent ; seven miles from Henderson ; 35 acres under fence, two years old, fine spring range and outlet for stock. AYill sell the entire tract for 63 per acre, one-third cash, the balance in one and two years, with ten per cent, interest. To a party who will move upon the land and improve it, a long credit will be given without advance payment, or will sell in quantities to salt purchasers, at $4 per acre, one-third cash, the balance in one and two years. 320 acres for sale, ten miles west of Henderson; unimproved. Will sell on time, at $2 per acre, with ten per cent, interest from date of sale. 200 acres for sale, or 60 acres for rent, seven miles from Henderson, the terminus of the Overton & Henderson Railroad, on the public road, one-half mile from church. 60 acres under fence, upland and bottom land; 17 aci-es black gum meadow land is being cleared, that will produce sugar-cane, cotton, corn, potatoes, etc., and can be irrigated by closing the ditches. This tract ot 17 acres is worth $75 per acre to any one who intends to farm. Will sell the entire tract at $6 per acre, one-third cash, the balance in one and two years, with 10 per cent, interest. Sentell & Redwine, Henderson, Rusk county, have 500 acres for sale or 175 acres for rent; situated within one mile of Henderson depot, and three-fourtiis of a mile from Henderson College; good improvements, spring and well water, fine tim- ber, 175 acres under fence, good range and outlet for cattle, which keep fat in the woods until January. Price, $10 per acre. For particulars, apply as above. ANDEESON COUNTY. A. F. Garner, Elkhart, Anderson county, has 320 acres for sale, or 100 acres for rent, ten miles northeast fi-om Elkhart station; sandy soil, part upland and part bot- tom; well timbered and watered. Good houses for families. Price, $3 per acre, or will rent for one-third of the corn and one-fourth of the cotton, or $3 per acre, money rent. J. J. Curry, Elkhart, Anderson county, has 213 aci-es of improved land for sale, three miles east of Elkhart station; 40 acres under cultivation, 2()0 bearing fruit trees. Price, $3 per acre ^^ CHEROKEE COUNTY. T. G. Gresham, lona P. O., Anderson county, has for sale or rent ^20 hctpr- 7fi acres of improved land, eight mUes east of Elkhart; soil Jood chocolate land riVo: duces well ; the improved portion all bottom land and above^S?erflow G?od ho^^^ -and chocolate soil, finely watered and well timbered; ifooo aS-efof^cmSnl on the league 700 acres under fence and in cultivation ; good biiildings Wl sell the entire tract at $3 per acre cash, or would give a good trade for goods with or w fhout th^ rsTe^a^fe^^ni^o^nlfrenT' ''' ^""*'^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ -<^ onl-fo'urtK t^h^e'cSS^'o? GEO. A. Wright, Palestine P. 0., has 355 acres of unimproved land well tim- fi!h?'^7/ivi'1? ^""^ ^'^^o^^i ^r1 "P^^^^ «^d black prairie bStom adioining a fine fishing lake.known as Caddo Lake, near Fosterville in this county Te?ms?3Be? acre, one-third cash, the balance in one and two years, with ten per centTterest^ Also 178 acres, 15 acres open, the balance well timbered with pine red oak and nin oak Good miU site; good neighborhood, schools and churS. Terms ^niS one-half cash, the balance in twelve months, with ten percent intereTt? ^ ' Also 496 acres for sale, and 25 acres for rent; one farm hand wanted This land lies nine miles northeast from Grapeland, on the line dividing Houston and AndertSn counties. 40 acres of open land, part bottom and part upland^; good hJuses e?od weS of water, fine stock range . Will seU at $4 per acre , one -half ca^sh one hllf fn twlive Ta^'goodTenan?.^'"'''''^- '"'''"'''' ""''^^^ "'^^'^ acres open land on ifberJlTerml .^•i^^^*^i,^^ ^^^®^ ^^^^,^^^®Tl^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^t and four farm hands wanted ; sandy loam f^'J' Joff ^'■''^?'''?-^''^''''^ ^^^^i'^^J^^ ""<5^ie of the field; some good bottom land i^^ '!tff.''l''''^*'^'^^i'?"i ^^-^^ ^''''^H ^^^ ^^"se, with tenant-houses ; a splendid hog and cattle range. This land is situated twenty-two miles southeast of Palestine tel miles northeast of Grapeland. WiU sell at fe per acre: half cash, hSf in twelve SneSms"^ ^^'' ''^''^ interest. WiU rent for money, or part of the crop on libl^ CHEEOKEE COUNTY. »K !^f;L^'® ^^^' l*®^* ^l*^ ^®^* y®^'' within the jurisdiction of Pine Springs Grange, about 500 acres of good farming land, bottom and upland, and there will bisituations lor from ten to fifteen hands, in some of the best families in this county, convenient to church and school. •^' I will answer any questions addressed to me by persons wishing to rent, buy or hire WALTER BARNES, Secretary Pine Springs Grange, No. 105; P. O. address, Larissa. Directions for Eeaclini Teias. C2^ JTLF from the North or West, take the St. Louis, Iron Mountain (^ & Southern Railway at St. Louis, Mo., Cairo, 111., or Colum- bus, Ky. From the Southeastern States, take the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railway at Columbus, Ky., or the Memphis & Little Rock Railway from Memphis to Little Rock; thence by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railway ! to Texarkana, Texas; thence by the Texas & Pacific Railway to Longview, Texas, where you reach the ** INTERNATIONAL & GREAT NORTJEEERN RAILROAD,'' which is the shortest and quickest route to Tyler, HEARWB, Jacksonville, Bryan, JPALESTINB, Navasota, Crockett, WACO, Huntsvllle, Calvert, HO USTOJSr, Corsicana, GALVESTON, JtOCKDALB, ColumMa, TA YL OB, SAW ANTOWIO, B O UJSTD B O CK, Buffalo, AlISTIW, .)eweu, WESTERN TEXAS. Immigrant Tickets at a Reduced Rate can be had at principal Ticket Ofiftces in the United States for all important points in Texas. Ask for Tickets, and SEE THAT YOU GET THEM, by the ' International & Great Northern Railroad. For information about rates, address H, M. BLOXIE. Gen'l Superintendent I. &. Gt. N. R. R., Palestine, Texas. 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