|\\\)at\\A, ^\ lL?-V^^tv^T^\a\ \o3 , , . /1\ on j l^^ts^ CATALOGUE ALBANY'S BICENTENNIAL LOAN EXHIBITION, AT IHE ALBANY ACADEMY. July 5 to July 24, 1886. 1686-1886, ALBANY, N. Y. ; WEED, PARSONS & CO., PRINTERS. 1886. f^ ^ OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES. J. HOWARD KING, President. JAMES T. GARDINER, Vice-President. HENRY JAMES TEN EYCK, Secretary. LEDYARD COGSWELL, Treasurer. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. James T. Gardiner, Chairman. Mrs. John Boyd Thacher, Charles Tracey, Mrs. Erastus Corning, Jr., W. O. Stillman, Mrs. Robert Shaw Oliver, Henry James Ten Eyck, Mrs. Clarence Rathbo.ne, Geo. Douglas Miller, Miss Frances C. Nott, Charles Visscher Winne. BICENTENNIAL LOAN COMMISSION. J. Howard Robert C. Pruyn. John Boyd Thacher, Selden E. Marvin, \. Tovv'nsend Lansing, John L. Van Valkenburgh, John C. Nott, Robert Shaw Oliver, Douw H. Fonda, Lewis Boss, King, President. Charles Tracey, Samuel B. Towner, Henry James Ten Eyck, John Zimmerman, Robert D. Williams, W. O. Stillman, James T. Gardiner, Geo. Douglas Miller, William Bayard Van Rensselaer, Charles Visscher Winne. LADIES' AUXILIARY COMMITTEE. Mrs. John Boyd Thacher, Mrs. Erastus Corning, Jr., Mrs. Robert Shaw Oliver, Mrs. Clarence Rathbone, Miss Frances C. Nott, Mrs. Philip Ten Eyck, Mrs. Samuel Hand, Mrs. William Cassidy, Mrs. Hamilton Harris, Mrs. Tohn De Witt Peltz, Mrs. J. G. Farnsworth, Mrs. Ledyard Cogswell, Mrs. Jacob H. Ten Eyck, Mrs. Volkert P. Douw, Mrs. James P. Boyd, Mrs. E. B. Ten Broeck, Mrs. John H. Reynolds, Jr., Miss Anne V. R. Russell, Mrs. Rufus W. Peckham, Mrs. Marcus T. Hun. PICTURES, PRINTS AND STATUARY. Mrs. John Boyd Thacher, Chairman. Mrs. William Cassidy, Irving Browne, Lf.wis Balch, Thomas Buckley, Mrs. Walter D. Nicholas, Miss Harriet I. Barnes, John Battersby. William Bruce, Charles G. Saxe, Edward R. Cassidy. OLD FURNITURE, ANCIENT DRESS AND GENERAL RELICS Miss Frances C. Nott, Cluiinnan. Mrs. a. Bleecker Banks, Mrs. R. D. Williams, Mrs. J. TowNSEND Lansing, Mrs. Volkert P. Douw, Mrs. j. H. Ten Eyck, Miss Gertrude Ten Eyck, Mrs. James P. Boyd, Thomas Buckley, Mrs. F. S. Pkuyn, Thuklow Weed Barnes. CERAMICS, GLASS AND IVORIES. Mrs. Robert Shaw Oliver, Chairman. E. D. Palmer, Mrs. Ledyard Cogswell, Rev. Wesley R. Davis, Charles L. Pruyn, Mrs. Samuel Hand, George D. Fearey, Miss Anne V. R. Russell, R. W. Gibson, Miss Rathbone, Harry C. Cushman. BRlC-A-BRAC, OLD SILVER AND PERSONAL ORNAMENTS Mrs. Erastus Corning, Jr., Chairman. Mrs. John De Witt Peltz, Mrs. John H. Reynolds, Jr., Mrs. Marcus T. Hun, Miss Harriet W. Learned, Mrs. Bayard U. Livingstone, Miss Vanderpoel, Richard L. Annesley, James H. Leake, Mrs. E. B. Ten Broeck, W. W. Byington. BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAPS AND MANUSCRIPTS. Geo. Douglas Miller, Chairman. Rev. W. W. Batti^rshall, N. C. Moak, Leonard Kip, Lewis Boss, Rev. Edward A. Terry, Robert D. Williams, Mrs. Hamilton Harris, B Irving Stanton, •Mrs. Marcus T. Hun, Harmon Pumpelly Reap, Miss Cynthia R. Dexter, Duncan Campbell. W. B. Melius, INDIAN RELICS. Charles Visscher Winne, Chairman. Douw H. Fonda, S. N. D. North, W. W. Crannell, J. Wallace Canaday. DECORATIONS, ARRANGEMENTS AND TRANSPORTATION W. O. Stillman, Chairman. R. W. Gibson, Mrs. J. G. Farnsworth, Mrs. D. K. Bartlett Craig McClure. CATALOGUE, PRINTING AND INSURANCE. Charles Tracey, Chairman. Selden E. Marvin, John L. Van Valkenburgh, Frederic G. Mather, C. N. Greig. RELICS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Charles Visscher Winne, Chairman. A. H. Spierre, John S. Hut.man, ). W. Kenny, Angus McD. Shoemaker C. N. Greig, Supaintcmlcnt. James H. Leake, ) B. Irving Stanton, [■ Curators. William C. Miller, ) OPENING EXERCISES. The celebration of the One Hundred and Tenth Anniversary of the National Independence !s a thing of the past. In Albany at least it was a memorable event, honored in a fitting manner. To our city it was not only the Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, but it was the first opportunity of celebrating in anticipation our own Two Hundredth Anniversary as a city. This was anticipated in the e.xercises which opened the Grand Loan Exhibition of the historic and rare collection in the Boys' Academy, which makes the first chapter of the Bi-Centennial Celebration. The day itself was all that could be desired. The weather was certainly warm, but it would have been strange if it had not been. It was not sultry, however, and a clear sky and an occasional breeze served to reconcile all as far as possible to perfect July temperature. '• Early in the morning and by the light of day," the large boys and small boys amused themselves with firecracker, toy pistol and diminutive cannon, and forced upon the attention, even of the deepest sleeper, the fact that it was the Fourth, or rather that the Fourth was being celebrated, and "all day long the noise of battle rolled." The day was ushered in by the usual salute from the same old cannon that has so often pealed forth the notice to our citizens. Not many hours after daylight the fields in the vicinity of the city were alive with base ball games, which is, with man}' of the rising generation, a regular way of beginning the celebration of the Fourth. Shortly before nine o'clock the regular and official celebration of the day was initiated by the Jackson Corps leaving their armory, on Beaver street, and proceeding to the armory of the Burgesses, on Broadway. The Jackson Corps was under the command of Major McFarlane, and numbered forty-three muskets, si.x staff officers and four officers of the line, a total of fifty-three. The Burgesses Corps, commanded bj' Major Van Zandt, presented a rank of thirty-six muskets, nine staff and three officers of the line, in all forty-eight. The two companies presented a fine appearance as they proceeded up Broadway to Livingston avenue, to Ten Broeck street, to Clinton avenue, to Pearl street, to State street, to the City Hall. Exercises in the City H.\ll. In the City Hall the regular Fourth of July exercises took place, the common council chamber being, as usual, the theatre. Before half-past ten, the hour at which the exercises were to commence, the chamber was vi Opening Exercises. densely filled, while a large number, unable to obtain admittance, filled the halls and front of the building. A most interesting programme was carried out as follows : Music, Boring's band ; prayer. Rev. Joseph A. Lanahan ; address by Mayor Thacher; reading of Declaration of Inde- pendence, Eugene Brumaghim ; oration, George W. Kirchwey. The oration by Mr. Kirchwey was a masterly and exhaustive effort. The speaker reviewed some of the evils threatening the republic, and pointed out the many dangers and abuses to which a representative government is subject. At the close he was heartil}' applauded. The Declaration of Independence was read plainly and forcibly by Mr. Brumaghim. At the conclusion of the Fourth of July e-xercises the concourse pro- ceeded to the Academy park, where the Bi-Centennial Loan E.vhibition was to be opened. First came the Albany City band, then the Jackson Corps escorting the Loan Commission, Mr. J. Howard King, chairman, J. Townsend Lansing, John L. Van Valkenburgh, Douw H. Fonda, Charles Tracey, Prof. Boss, Samuel B. Towner, Henry J. Ten Eyck, W. O. Stillman, James T. Gardiner, George D. Miller, W. W. Crannell, Craig McClure, Capt. Henry Cushman, and others. Then came Boring's band in front of the Burgesses Corps, which acted as escort to the mayor and common council. There were in this party: Mayor Thacher, accompanied by President Patrick McCann, Aid. Hitt, Greagan, Fleming, Norton, Klaar, and others, in front of whom wa.s Mar- shal Thomas H. Craven. The column was formed on Eagle street, right resting on State street, and the following was the line of march : Eagle to State, to Swan, to Washington, to Boys' Acadeni)-. Opening Exercises. The opening exercises of the Bi-Centennial Loan Exhibition were held in the tent which had been erected in the rear of the academy. Seated on the stage, waiting for the procession to arrive, were Mrs. Erastus Corn- ing, Jr., Mrs. Marcus T. Hun, Mrs. Gen. Farnsworth, Mrs. V. P. Bouw, Mrs. Br. Bartlett, Mrs. John Boyd Thacher, Mrs. Philip Ten Eyck, Mrs. Jacob H. Ten Eyck, Mrs. James P. Boyd. About twelve o'clock the mayoralty party and the Loan Commission arrived at the tent and took places upon the stage, and soon after the exercises opened to an audience that tested the capacity of the enclosure. When composure reigned, Mr. J. Howard King, chairman of the Commis- sion, stepped forward and said : " The e.xercises will now commence with a Bi-Centennial march, specially composed for this occasion by Mr. Frank E. Greene, and rendered by the Philharmonic Society, a recently organized amateur association of which we are all justly proud, and whose generous contribution to enhance the pleasures of this day is now and hereafter will always be most thoroughly appreciated, and to them will rightfully belong the honor of the opening act of what we nope and confidently believe will prove a glorious celebra- tion of our city's two hundredth birthday ! " Opening Exercises. vii Dr. Davis' Impressive Prayer. The overture was greath^ enjoyed and loudly applauded. Rev. Dr. Wesley R. Davis then offered up the following impressive prayer for the Divine blessing : "Lord God of the heavens and the earth, we adore Thee; we magnify Thy name for Thou art our refuge and strength ; the joy of our days and the shelter of our souls. Under the shadow of Thy wings we live and breathe, and by the throbbing of Thv heart we know that our hearts are not forgotten. Thou dost call us Thy children; ignorant and foolish though we be, and even our sins cannot make us strangers to Thy love. We plead for pardon and peace through Jesus Christ, Thy son. We thank Thee for this day, with its brightness and beauty. We praise Thee for the memories that throng our spirits as we enter upon the Bi-Centen- nial of our city's chartered life. Thou hast been the guiding God of our fathers ; Thou hast led them with pillar of cloud by day and with pillar of fire by night. They trusted in Thee and were not ashamed of their trust. Thou hast justified them before all nations, and crowned their love of liberty in the rights and privileges of their children, who dwell in serene homes and a fair land. Make us worthy heirs of the sturdy integrity, sound faith and pure love which transfixed their humble yet kingly lives. Bless us with strength and courage that we may be loyal to the convic- tions of righteousness, which are given unto us out of Thy truth. We pray Thee for the president of the United States and all associated with him in authority. Make him wise with the wisdom that cometh down from above; which is first i^ure, then peaceable, easy to be entreated and full of good works. Bless the governor of our own State, the mayor of our own city, and all who bear rule in our midst. Bless our people and homes and the multitude of strangers that shall soon come to tarry with us. May our gladness and just pride, our sense of civic prosperity and power recognize Thee as the inspiration of human joy, progress and peace. Make us to know that all gifts of mind — that have their bloom in art and science, in philosophy and song, in commerce and government — spring forth from Thy universal power and grow under Thy universal care. Be with us unto life's end and afterward receive us to Thy glorjf for Christ's sake. Amen." Mr. King then addressed Mayor Thacher, and in behalf of the Com- mission turned over the exhibition to the city in the following words : President King's Address. Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen of t lie Ciiize)ts' Bi-Centennial Committee : On behalf of the ladies and gentlemen of the Bi-Centennial Loan Com- mission, it is my proud privilege and official duty, to beg j'our acceptance of this collection of articles, relating chiefly to the histor}% progress and peculiarities of Albany, and which has been handed down from generation to generation, till made sacred through the lapse of time, it has come to be ranked among our household gods. These rare, curious and interesting treasures of ancient and modern art have been gathered together with infinite care, patience and taste, and I B . viii Opening Exercises. should, sir, be lacking to-day in the most important of my obligations, did I fail to call your attention to the arduous services, cheerfully rendered, by the ladies and gentlemen composing the different committees of our Loan Commission. For no one knows better than I do that to their untiring efforts, in the brief space of time allotted to the work, coupled with the generous response with which their requests have fjeen met, not only in our own but in sister cities, is due the whole credit of bringing together into this old building, replete with the recollections of the boyish days of so many of our fellow-citizens, these hundreds of rare and beauti- ful articles, making a complete showing of that persistence and thrift — those local characteristics handed down to us from the men who, two hundred }'ears ago, stamped their impress upon the Albany of to-day — coupled with the most excellent achievements of modern art and skilled industry. And I feel, sir, it is not asking too much from all our fellow- citizens, that they should, by their prompt and generous patronage, testify their hearty appreciation of this self-imposed and truly patriotic task. Two hundred )ears ago, Mr. Mayor, the Dutch trader, after buffeting cruel winds and angry waves, at last grounded his bark upon the banks of the Hudson, in front of what was to be the Albany of the then future, and with outstretched arms, ladened with tokens of peace and good will, endeavored to win the confidence of the wily red man. To-day, in our turn, we are come to ask from you and your associates, the formal accept- ance "at our hands of these costly treasures and priceless relics, which serve to mark the " footsteps on the sands of time." But how changed all the circumstances and surroundipgs ; and while cherishing the hallowed memories of the past, it is with pleasurable pride we point to the newer Albany, with its hills crowned with almost unrival- led specimens of modern architecture, beautiful buildings, builded by the artist and artizan of to-day, its health-giving parks, its marts of thriving business, its houses of mercy, its temples for worship, and its happy and virtuous homes, and while on the threshold of those festivities which are to mark our two hundredth birthday, and upon which so much of earnest thought and careful deliberation has been expended by some of our best citizens, shall it not be both the pleasure and pride of every true Albanian to bear aloft the standard of our ancient home, and under its broad folds to swear for the future renewed allegiance to dear old Albany. Reply of Mayor Thacher. Mayor John Boyd Thacher's reply was as follows : Mr. King — I accept this work so wisely initiated and so happily com- pleted. As chairman and acting for the Bi-Centennial General Committee, I assume control of the Loan Exhibition, and for myself and in behalf of our citizens, I return you our grateful and emphatic acknowledgments for the efforts you and your skillful associates have made in gathering into one convenient reservatory the curious relics and precious memorials of many ages. You have provided us with a pleasant diversion and a most instructive entertainment. Believe me, sir, we cannot forget the patient toil, the persistent exploration into half-forgotten fields, the sift- Opening Exercises. ix ing discernment and the tireless energy which have distinguished the exer- tions of the ladies and gentlemen forming your committees, and which shall henceforth raise, almost beyond the reach of others, the standard of love's sweetest labor and the measure of the most exalted generosit)'. Citizens, we are assembled upon historic ground. It was here, in the second month of the year 1864, that the army relief bazaar was opened. Into its cofTers our people poured their wealth to strengthen and maintain the noble work instituted b\^the sanitar)' commission of the war. In 1S56 this place witnessed a brilliant scene. The benevolence of a few men and of one woman had given Albany a watching place for the stars, and the dedication of the Dudley observator)' was celebrated here with enthusiasm and with splendor. Massachusetts loaned us her Everett, and that gifted orator bore his audience up into the heavens and sustained the flight for two fascinated hours. In 1831, in a room in yonder building, was born the electro-magnetic telegraph. When Joseph Henry rang a bell over a wire more than a mile in length, it was an announcement to commerce and to the world, that the lightnings were harnessed and ready for their use. Henry was born in Alban}-. received his education in that building, there carried on his experiments and there made his discovery. Surely we owe the memory of this great man a might)' tribute and a brave reward. .On the 26th day of July, 1788, the State convention agreed to the adop- tion of the Federal Constitution. Two weeks afterward our city signal- ized the event with the most imposing ceremonies ever known in America up to that time, and which even now, after the lapse of a hundred years, we may not hope much to surpass during our Bi-Centennial Celebration. The procession was an hour and a half passing a given point, and in it every trade, profession and calling was represented, while our best citizens patriotically molded themselves into tableaux upon moving floats. Where we now are was the climax of the hill, and so it was of their efforts. Here the multitude sat down and feasted, drinking innumerable toasts to the compact of the States. It was here in 1689, that Jacob Leisler's assumption of the governship of New York was rebuked by the stubborn patriotism of the burgers and the fidelity of our Indian allies. Leisler sent his son-in-law, Milborne, with four ships and a company of armed soldiers to force a recognition of his authorit}', and to take from us our charter, which was declared null and void because granted in the time of King James II. The mayor was shut up with a small force in Fort Albany, at about the point where St. Peter's church now stands. Milborne marched up to the fort and demanded admission, which was denied him, whereupon he prepared to fire. Then a company of Mohawk Indians, encamped where we now are, sent word to Milborne, that if lie did not at once withdraw they would destroy him and his men. The New York usurpers retired and our char- ter remained safe in its seal and in its integrity. So I say that the spirit of historic interest inhabits the spot chosen for this exhibition, and it is our duty to recall its glories, hallowed as they are by charity, dignified by benevolence, immortalized by scientific discovery. X Opening Exercises. made sacred by fidelity and patriotism, and now in these latter days dedi- cated forever to the great cause of education and the advancement of learning. Mayor Thacher then in a most happy style introduced the poet of the day, Mr. William D. Morange, who read the following composition, which was often interrupted with applause: THE POEM. All things combining, urging and inviting To make the hour auspicious and deligliting — The gentle cracker and the tuneful gun ; The small boy's cannon, bursting with its fun ; The drum that's beat by every lackey Horner; The horn that's heard — or taken at the corner. The gaj' parades, this marvellous display, This courtly audience honoring the day, All things persuading, prompting and inspiring. The intellectual gun to do some firing — Here, on this sweet and restful day, old Time Comes up, to be put down in prose and rhyme. Oh ! that the men of vanished days could see The eager present, big with history. Debating over famous spots and nooks Located variously in various books I Oh ! that the men of vanished days could hear ( The stories of the past that now appear ! By some whose minds upon the past are bent It might be thought in order to present On this occasion something like a show Of all the past we read about or know ; Great Scripture memories, served with solemn phrase. Allusions to the classic Roman days. The lives, the big events, the joys, the tears. Comprised within our past two hundred years: The birth of empires and their vast dissensions. Enormous wars and wonderful inventions ; The strange exploits and mysteries of crime Encompassed by that period of time; Others might think their bounder, duty lay. To fairly revel in a mi.xed display Of feathers, beaver skins and telephones, Cocked hats, mould candles, gas and cobble stones. Steamboats, old wigs, pipes, krout and fancy stitches. Flint locks, bows, Gatling guns and leather breeches, Street pumps and scalping knives, electric lights, And clubs and hatchets used in various fights, Including clubs that, in these times of peace, Are sometimes used by our discreet police. Openinc, Exercises. And so, contrast the past With present days, And show each epoch's various whims and ways. Others, again, might urgently insist On filling out a long and labored list Of customs, laws and facts, from Hudson down. That makes the story of our grand old town; The style of Indian and the things they wore, When Hudson's vessel glided to the shore; The style of Dutchmen that prevailed, when fate, Made them the rulers of more recent date. And ringing through the hills and valleys round, Old Dutch made Indian war whoops weak in sound. Others might want to give the subject life, Some fiery notes of Dutch and Indian strife; Some thrilling tales of those long-buried days When old time water earned its meed and praise; When moving proudly to the river's side, The Halfmoon people mi.xed their drinks with pride, And taught the Mohawks, waiting at the shore. Ideas of Indian corn not known before. Some more might ask, as requisite and just. To lift our glory out of common dust. All things pertaining to our busy past ; The push and fire that made us grow so fast ; A business record of the changes made In churches, burial-grounds and haunts of trade; The truths, the fables in the guise of truth. In print, or whispered of our city's youth ; The sounding titles of the potent race That early held dominion in the place; The loveh' women and the daring men, All these might tribute claim from voice and pen; Have genuine interest and charming power, Give History's garden many a blooming flower. But well may wait some other brilliant hour. We simply celebrate that long gone time, When stout young Albany began to climb The hill of fame; to note that famous hour, When clad with chartered right we rose to power ; To glorify the date we won our name, Albeit in modern style, we start the game With great display and many a sounding word A little while before the thing occurred. Two hundred years ago, that is to say, 'Twill be two hundred at some future day, One Thomas Dongan — famous Irishman — Bestowed home rule on Dutchmen, and began Opening Exercises. The chartered town now here, and hnked his name Forever with the story of our fame. To found great cities was a cherished thought, That througli all ages mighty wonders wrought. Prophets and poets, seers and gifted men, Were never more sublimely known, than when On bold imagination's rapid wing, They, o'er the living present hastening. Cleft the far future, and with proud delight. Announced some dream of undeveloped might ; Declared some spot of small renown to be The favored choice of wondrous destiny. When from the sparkling and majestic tide That fronts our town our shipmen saw with pride The scenes of marvellous beauty all around — The pleasant V'ales, the hills with splend present days. The record of our home commands our praise. The story of our progress may not show Impetuous haste — these days might call it slow — But all along our line of march there comes, Now through the noise of war and roll of drums. Now through the days of peace and quiet hours, The evidence of sterling worth and powers. The honest traders who began our lite And came to meet the club and scalping knife, Oi'ENiNG Exercises. Wisu with the maxiiiis, habits and intent, That through all ages marked their own descent; Brought with them to the savage solitude A stately form, a friend that grandly stood. Their guest, protector, source of strength and might. Their herald to true glory based on right. Wearing their garb, and speaking in their tongue. In tones that through all later times have rung; Bearing the legends, grand and eloquent ; " In Union Strength" — "Taxation by Consent" '•Free Right to Worship God." The friend I see Was civil and religious liberty ! Intolerance shadowed not with gloom)' wing Our early soil, nor thrust its deadly sting ; Our young life blood of progress felt no death From the foul poison of its vampire breath, Such is our record, though our title be Fort Orange, Beaverwyck or Albany. Satiric fancy, dealing with our past. Might make some glory hunters stand aghast. And hardly realize our claim to glory, From certain features noted in the story. If to be quaint and whimsical in plan. With odd streets, staggering like a drunken man. Accord but strangely with the pnjud renown That lights a classic or historic town — If the old place, a hundred years ago. Might lack in certain things we moderns know — If Holland brick in clumsy structure piled, With curious roofs fantasticallj' tiled, May not exhibit Architecture's throne With all the wonders later times have shown -- If to be hallowed ground, the crimson trace Of grand exploits must illustrate the place. And the immediate soil we tread must bear Ensanguined evidence — then seek elsewhere ! But if to be the teeming source of power; The fount of bold device that rules the hour. The theatre of wise suggestive plan And schemes of blessing unto fellow-man, If to have gloried in and hailed with praise A throng of heroes since the earh' days ; If martial ardor glowed with splendid fire. Compelling even foemen to admire ; If to have been, and still remain to be, The home of gentle hospitality. Refinement, lofty aims and generous hearts, The patron, lover, friend of all the arts — Oi'ENiNG Exercises. If such a record may a glow impart To local annals — let us all take part ! I env)^ not the man whose honest glance Takes in our past — war, business or romance -- Our martial annals, or the large display Of genius, beauty, serious life or gay, Who cannot recognize all through our story Our genuine claim to real substantial glory. Here our great Cooper found attractive themes Thnt filled his speaking page with glowing dreams ; Here, where his pungent satire grew more bright Our Irving gathered flowers of rare delight ; Here Franklin for the first time promulgates The plan which makes us now United States : Here, like the planets circling round the sun, Old chivalry took light from Washington. And gallant Schuyler, ardent Lafayette, And kindred souls familiar moved and met. Here, the great central seat of power and law,f Came those whose just renown the nation saw: The men of splendid rhetoric and brain, Whose eloquence could every heart enchain. The magnates of the past, whose genius shines And later history brightens and refines. From time to time found here abiding place, And felt the charm of genuine social grace. I need not make a catalogue display, Nor more than merely mention the array Of great men, of our own or other nation, Who found old Albany a pleasant station ; Nor try to run the glorious list all over From George, first president, to later Grover ; Not yet anticipating history Complete the splendid line with David B. If some may find our progress too sedate. Too slow and tedious, for the headlong gait, Whirl, fire and dash, that yields such sudden birth To younger cities on our western earth — Cool judgment still may find a deal to praise, In what the cynics call our old Dutch ways ; We are no longer Dutch in power or name ; Our acts, not lineage, merit praise or blame. New men, of different race and various clan, The Saxon, Frenchman, Scotchman, Irishman, The German with the down east Yankee, rear Alike the standard of dominion here, Urge, coax and guide us on with rapid pace, And make the future of this old Dutch place. Opening Exercises. For what old Dutcli ideas control us still — Sound judgment, conscience, and right will — Thank heaven ! and may the kind benignant fates Arouse and strengthen more such old Dutch traits! Time's potent finger may with sudden change Deck other spots with life more rare and strange, But if sedate and less impulsive, we Just simply waddled, we might thankful be, If with the consciousness that things begun, Exhibit prudence, justice, right, when done ! One hundred thousand souls go far to prove That progress here is surely on the move. We certainly have magnified a deal Since here the Mohawks ate their Indian meal, And spite of all the sneers that make us slow The fact of utterance does not make it so. In countless traits, we justly dare to stand The peer of any city in the land ! In one thing we are like the old Dutch people Before the days of banking house and steeple; For, through the forests of our streets and houses, A cunning, savage foe, at times arouses The thoughtless settlers, with the knives and axes We moderns learn to know as jobs and taxes. But with a leader, brave, resolved and true, Who knows his duty and who dares to do. Like him, who fills with grace our civic chair And writes his title John Boyd Thacher, mayor — Let the wild Indian come, with whoop and rattle. If pluck and bravery count, he'll win the battle ! Now, take our city, all in all, her claim Is large and just for past and present fame. With radiant power, the glory of the past Lights up the present ; present days will cast New radiance on the future ; and when time Shall tell in careful prose, or careless rhyme. The record of what makes our claim to glory; One pleasant feature in the splendid story, Securing praise, inspiring new ambition, Will be the fact of this grand Exhibition ; This noble work, inspired by cultured thought. And fair hands helping, to perfection brought. High honor to the ladies and the men ! To Howard King — our King — yet citizen ; Our Stillman, Mather, Gardner, Boss, Ten Eyck And all the earnest throng whose aim alike Has been to honor in your spacious hall Our fine old city's birthday festival. C Opening Exercises. Then came an oration b)' JNIr. Leonard Kip, as follows : THE ORATION. It has been our custom hitherto to improve our National Anniversary with no stinted commendation of our origin, progress and resources. We have satisfactorily reviewed our foreign wars, and have learned to believe that every battle was for us a victorj', and every leader upon our side a master of military strategy. We have told ourselves that all our soldiers were heroes inspired with patriotic fire, and that all against whom we have ever fought were minions of brutal tyrants. We have looked into our congressional halls, and recognized in our representatives marvels of unequalled ability and learning; and we have noted in their settlement of foreign difficulties, the exhibition of wonderful skill and acumen, ever, as through some kindly fate, working for our sole glory and advancement. And this has come about — we somewhat modestly admit — not from hav- ing educated in ourselves such unsurpassable qualities, but simpl)' from the tendency of our free and independent institutions to create in us a nation of gifted citizens, adorned with attributes of valor and statesman- ship which, in the nature of things, could not be expected to grace the down-trodden subjects of selfish and effete monarchies. Such has always been our pleasant programme upon this day; and perhaps its exaggera- tions need not too severely be scrutinized, since they may not unlikely tend to evoke a patriotic sentiment, firm in the idea that certainly no sacrifices of life or fortune could be too great if made in defense of such incomparable results of political freedom. Now, for a while, we change our method, letting the great interests of the nation at large go on without our patronage, and bringing our obser- vation down to the more limited area of our city, which, with good reason, has chosen this day to celebrate a striking event in its own history. It happens that, two hundred years ago, the settlement of Albany gained a charter and became invested with civic dignities. To us, at first sight, this scarcely seems to be a matter worthy of great attention. A city charter is merely a change of government, in what has previously existed safely under the shield and protection of a larger organization ; and hence it gives simply the power to conduct municipal operations under a dif- ferent and generally more complicated system. But in the olden days a city charter was a sacred thing, to be long and earnestly striven for, and, as sometimes happened, to be attained onl}' through war or insurrection. Towns grew into importance and shrank back again into obscurity with- out having been deemed worthy of the honor; other and perhaps smaller towns secured it only by valor in some especial cause, or as a reward for distinguished political services. The giving of a charter was as the sword of knighthood laid upon the civic shoulder — the patent of its nobility — the partial release from feudal tenures. It placed the city more closely beneath the protection of its sovereign ; it gave it what did not then Opening Exercises. xvii always exist, the right to protect itself. Its streets might run red with blood in contest with some rival city, but it would be in maintenance of its vested privileges, and this consciousness alone would be sufficient to give vigor to the defense. It could organize civic institutions, with fair expectation that, under the protecting ajgis of the charter, they would become permanent ; and it could emblazon its arms upon its flag. Naturally, therefore, it could not fail to happen, that almost from the very foundation of Alban}' — or at least from the earliest time when it began to be apparent that it had a fair promise of a successful future — ideas of civic independence should accompan)' its growth and color its aspirations. Its original settlers, upon leaving Europe, had by no means cast aside their traditions or affiliations ; why should not Albanj' some day attain the dignity of older cities? And why, in fact, should it not, in this broad land, where e\-erything was of such rapid growth, reach its due measure of importance with yet greater celerity ; so that, instead of toil- ing for centuries through abject vassalage, it could advance with speedy pace, and even in a single generation attain some measure of dignity and self-government .' In the beginning a mere trading post upon the border of a manorial estate, it had been held in something like feudal dependence, under a crude system of law, tempered only by the shadow of colonial authority, which, centered at a distance, could not always successfully maintain its influence or afiford protection. Then, set apart by itself and a semblance of freedom given it, it was still somewhat overborne by the authority of its powerful neighbor, as well as bound b}' olden tendencies toward consent and agreement, if not entire obedience. And when at last the charter was bestowed, and Albany became a free and independent city it must have been with much self-satisfaction and complacency. Those ancestors of ours were not, by nature, unduly given to open demonstra- tion of their feelings; and did not, as far as we now can tell, hail their charter with fireworks, processions and pageantry. But all the same, it was a boon for which in their quiet manner they greatly rejoiced ; know- ing that now they could stand before the world, as did their ancestral cities abroad, free, under certain necessary restrictions, to make their own laws and endow their school, churches and seats of learning, and in many ways look forward to assured prosperity, as well as to possible commercial importance. And now, in pleasant memory of that time, we open our celebration of Albany's Bi-Centenary. We will speak about our natural resources, our commerce and manufactures, our railroad and water connections; and we will give out our invitations to all the world, to come and establish fraternal trade with us. We will look with satisfaction upon being one of the oldest living cities of the thirteen colonies. We will review our his- tory and point with pride to the fact that in the Revolution, Albany was so long the keystone of the contest, the critical position which, if once lost, would result in all being lost, the objective point for the possession of which two armies fought. And in addition, as flowers to a feast, we have here collected into one pleasing museum the treasures of our homes, to exemplify our perception of taste, our artistic culture and our veneration xviii Opening Exercises. for the past. Some of this gathered wealth speaks only of the present, and claims no other recognition than for its beaut)' and costliness. As such it is welcome ; and cannot fail, when rightly considered, to prove an incentive to future art. And there is much that comes to us redolent with sweet suggestions of the past; with richness of design or material more or less perhaps, or possibly with no especial artistic beauty at all, except the quaintness which in such matters is often beauty's handmaid, yet none the less of priceless value to us, since each piece whispers some story of the past. That tarnished lace — in its freshness it must once have decked some form of grace at the Court of William the Silent. That rusted sword — it must have been drawn for the faith in the army of Prince Maurice. That old stained and worm-eaten Bible — some pale brow and trembling lips may have bent over it for the last time, while the inquisitors of Philip stood knocking at the door below. That capacious bowl — it may have had festive groups of generals and councillors of State gathered about it, as they drank in rejoicing for some victory over the Spanish army. Is it not right that we should hold these relics in veneration.' They not only speak to us about the past, but they tell us that Albany has an ancestry in art. They prove to us that those who earliest came among us did not, in canting spirit, attempt to cast awa}' all beauty from their lives, but that it was a part of their earnest care to surround themselves, in their new relations, with pleasant memories of the daj'S gone b)^ ; to the intent, per- haps, that when their shattered fortunes were repaired, the whole sweet past might be restored in all its power, and their homes again bloom with the accustomed loveliness and refinement. But when the heir, who at his majority has come to his estate with great rejoicing, would wish at some future period to celebrate a particular epoch in his life, we are apt to ask what should be the incentive to the new festivities, and how far they may be justified by what has past? What has been the life that now is to be signalized with loud acclaim, what the performance of its early promise, and what its influence upon its period and surroundings.' If it has been a barren, profitless life, remarkable only for its duration, wherein should it be made an occasion for joyful gather- ing ? The beggar at the gate, with his still more extended span of years, might therein show a better claim for consideration. In the review of any life, there must be cause for sadness as well as for joy ; and it is a fool- ish heart that can give vent to exultation only, and feel no self-reproach for neglected opportunity. And so in Albany, when we would boast our age and history, we should at least consider whether as a city we have, in all respects, been true to our early promise and advantages. In matters of trade and enterprise we may have done passingly well, and even in sur- rounding ourselves with all material comforts. But what about the influ- ence which we should have allowed our artistic associations to exert upon us in fostering, enduring and wide-extended tastes .' In what respect, while more and more richly embellishing our lives, have we reminded ourselves that, while our homes are to be made beautiful, their surroundings should not be neglected? And in this connection, how far have we impressed it upon our consciousness that we should strive to give our city, which in Opening Exercises. xix one sense is our larger home, a portion of our taste and culture; so that for this, as well as for commercial enterprise, it may have some claim upon the world's admiration and regard ? What example, in this direction, do we find in the cities from which, in part, our own city traces its lineage, and which we so complacently believ-e we are outstripping in every essential attribute ? For centuries, indeed, they seemed to be dormant ; it was no time to become inspired with ideas of progress, when siege and battle and rapine were almost the habit of the day. It may well be understood, that then, not only could no scheme for civic improvement be organized, but that even their household treasures must often need careful concealment. But within a generation there has been to many of those cities an awakening. The superfluity of their riches has been gathered into galleries, to which all the world has been invited for study. The love of art-culture has extended ; and they have asked themselves why, with beauty in their homes, everything around them should not be made to correspond.' They have re-embellished their churches and erected new civic buildings. They have not, in any rash spirit ot modernizing, widened their narrow streets. This, if it could be done at all, would almost be profanation, since much history has there been made and centered. But in the outskirts they have opened newer and broader avenues ; and little wooded parks have taken the place of antiquated fortifications now swept away ; and arched colonnades have been extended as an artistic framework along the borders of noted places ; and fountains have been set to gush at the corners of the streets or in open courts. Much of this has been done, too, not as we make improve- ment, through individual impulse grafting separate and incongruous ideas upon our streets, but rather through common assent giving the adorn- ment of our city into the custody of thoughtful minds, wherebj- well con- ceived designs fitly carried out may graduall}' grow into a harmonious whole. And with all this, their great historic names and their benefactors have not been forgotten. In the galleries we see their sombre portraits in ruffs or slashed dciublets, or chain armor, or official robes, an imposing line extending far back into the middle ages ; in the niches outside the public buildings are their stone busts; in the public parks, bronze or marble statues more largely attest the gratitude of the people and keep alive those sacred memories. How far, with all our boasted enterprise and progress, have we advanced into a realization that the material requirements of health, protection and convenient commercial facilities are not the onl)' things our city need regard ; but that the truest economy is that which, withm certain bounds, would lavish our resources upon it, and by one systematic effort clothe it with beauty, and make it not only a satisfaction to ourselves, but an attraction to others ? And in doing so, how far have we become ready to give grateful expression to the memory of our great men and benefactors.' Their line does not reach back for many centuries, and yet they are not few in number. Almost at a thought we can recall many who long before this should have had a better recognition of their value to us. There is Petrus Stuyvesant, the last of our Dutch governors; a man who, in his XX Opening Exercises. time, was not great!)' loved in Beaverwyclc, and in resentment of his fan- cied encroachments was somewhat disrespectfully treated by it, but whose reputation has grown bright as a ruler of much administrative ability, and who, if he had not been deposed by a stronger povver, wonld have deserved well of the whole colony, and now certainly seems to demand some notice in the city which has become its capital. There is DeWitt Clinton, the promoter of the Erie canal ; who thereby helped make Albany what it is, instead of remaining, as might have happened, little more than an inland village. There is Robert Fulton; who, with his mechanical genius, fitly supplemented the work of Clinton, and gave to the canal the power more efficiently to let its cargoes float down to the ocean. There is Philip Schuyler, for a period the commander of the Northern patriot army, and for many months the defender of our outposts; and who, if due justice had been meeted out to him, might himself have had the good fortune to fight the battles of Stillwater and Saratoga, and take prisoner the royalist leader whom he was merely left to entertain. There is Washington Irving, the most genial of New York writers; whose pleasantry about the customs of our ancestors has been long forgiven, as we have learned to read between the lines, and appreciate aright his tenderly drawn picturing of our colonial homes — as accurate and sympathetic in description as any thing that Scott has ever written about the lowland life of his native land. And there is Fennimore Cooper, still ranking as the greatest of American novelists ; whose pen has made classic the woods and waters of our north- ern border, and who, in two novels of his later years, has illustrated old- time life upon the Hudson river, and the colonial societj' of Albany itself, with a fidelity and accuracy of detail that can never be excelled by any other pen, even though equal genius might be found to wield it. What has so far been done among us to give permanent expression of our grati- tude to these and others who in this connection might be mentioned.'' Where is now even our single monument to the soldiers who, within our memory, went from among us to the battle field, never to return .' So far there maj' have been some excuse for a portion of our remiss- ness. During the generation now passing we have been occupied with more serious matters than tasteful deccjration of our streets, or public acknowledgment of our benefactors. For a while we were fighting for our homes ; and there were times when we did not feel certain in what condition the fortune of war might leave them to us. And after that came days of trouble and despondency, in which all seemed dark in our credit and resources, and we knew not whether we should ever fully recover from the shock of arms and settle down once more to the pleasant ways of peace. But even within the present \'ear the clouds of uncer- tainty have rolled apart, and we have become able to see prosperous paths stretching out before us. Three of our greatest generals have passed away, and we have met no indication of offense or detraction from those who once called themselves their enemies; nothing but the chival- rous respect with which brave men will ever regard other brave men who have fought with them upon principle and in honor. From his retirement the leader of the lost cause has come and again uttered those olden soph- Opening Exercises. xxi istries which once stirred half a continent to warfare. For a time there were some among us who stood uncertain about what might happen. Was this the ghmmering of a torch which again would light us up with conflagration.' But as we listened, we heard little to dismay us. Even the few words of sympathy with the utterances of the fallen chieftain had no fervor in them; and, rightly understood, seem nothing else than the desire to soften, for a short period, the disappointments of a broken down, embittered old man. The danger of disunion for any cause that we have yet known has forever passed away. Each footfall in the funeral march with which we have borne our heroes to their graves has found a throb of answering sympathy in some southern soldier's heart ; and the hands that lightly met at Appomatto.\, have now been clasped with warm and fervent pressure across the tomb at Riverside. The aspiration of the great soldier has become fulfilled, and at last we have peace. And now, with that peace has come our opportunity. How will we improve our coming years .' Some da)' there will be other celebrations of this kind in Albany. I do not speak of another anniversary of our char- ter, a centuiy hence. None who are now here would live to see it; nor, amid the many changes of social and civic life, could we be sure that it would ever have a place. But within the present generation will come the tri-centenary of Albany's first settlement ; and it may be looked upon as certain that the occasion will not remain unimproved. There may be attractions attending it, like the present ; once more in this very place, perhaps, and even with some of these same art and household treasures taking their mute part in it. And it is almost certain also, that there are many persons now here who will then be here again. With what spirit and under what circumstances will they come.' Will they draw near through broken and market crowded streets, — past antiquities, unnoticed and uncared for, — along lines of architectural incongruities, our great buildings unfinished, and becoming a world-wide reproach, because no public spirit has been aroused with sufficient force to free them from political incapacity ; and entering here, look upon the collection of that day as something to be considered with a careless and indifferent eye, and worthy only to afford an hour's amusement, before being remanded to its former comparative obscurity? Or, under happier auspices, will they come through pleasant and shaded ways, adorned with tasteful and har- monious architecture, past our public buildings all completed and crowned with the approbation of the world for their beauty and richness, — across bright open spaces where fountains sparkle in the sun, and through parks where our great men, in enduring bronze and marble, look down from their sculptured pedestals and mutely attest our grateful memory for them ; and with such associations cheered, here gaze upon our relics, not merely as precious heirlooms that can tell entertaining stories of the past, but as treasures that have already taught a lesson, in adding inspiration toward an ever-brightening future of art and culture.' xxii Opening Exercises. A pot potir>-i of national airs was rendered by the Philharmonic Society, Father Terry offered an impressive benediction, and the exercises were over. The audience then passed into the Academy building and inspected the grand collection of rare, historic and valuable articles. Albany Argus, July 6, 1886. ALBANY'S BICENTENNIAL LOAN EXHIBITION. THE Bicentennial Loan Exhibtion is held under tlie auspices of a Loan Commission appointed by the Citizens' Bicentennial Com- mittee. The exhibition is in the Albany Academy liuilding, which, from its central location near the Capitol, is admirably adapted for such a purpose. It will be opened on Monday, July 5th, as a part of the Fourth of July exercises, and continue open daily (Sunday excepted), until the close of the Bicentennial week, Saturday, July 24. Admission twenty-five cents; season tickets, not transferable, $1.00. The hours are as follows : For the first two weeks, from 9 a. m. to 10 p. M.; during the Bicentennial week, July 19-24 inclusive, 8 A. m. to 10 p. M. There are seven general departments of the exhibition proper. The Department of Pictures, Prints and Statuary occupies the east room in the second story. On account of lack of space many of the Prints have been placed in the Book and Manuscript room. The Department of Old Furniture, Ancient Dress and General Relics, the south-east morn on the principal story. The Department of Ceramics, Glass and Ivories, the north-east room on the principal story. The Department of Bric-a-brac, Old Silver and Personal Ornaments, the east room on the second story. The Department of Books, Pamphlets, Maps and Manuscripts, the north-east room on the principal story. The Depart- ment of Indian Relics and the Department of Relics of the Civil War. the south room on the second story. The exhibition is designed especially to illustrate the growth, devel- opment and historic past of Albany, and to present to the minds of this generation some idea of the character, manners and habits of their ancestors, and to awaken an interest in the men and events which have made the city famous throughout the United States. At the same time it is not limited in its scope to historic Albany. It includes any thing of interest in connection with the colonial or State governments of New York and surrounding Commonwealths, and all articles of value or artistic worth, such as pictures, prints, statuary, ceramics, glass, ivories, old furniture, ancient dress, Indian relics, bric-a-brac, silver, bronzes, personal ornaments, books, pamphlets, manuscripts, maps, etc. The net receipts of the exhibition will be used to commemorate in some suitable and permanent manner the Bicentennial anniversary. All articles are moved free of expense, and by expert workmen. Receipts are given for all articles received. After the closing of the exhibition, articles belonging to parties who are out of town will be stored with the Safe Deposit Company, to await the owners' return. A general insurance against loss or damage by fire, as far as practicable, has been effected on all articles; and a specific insurance on specific articles, at the request of their owners, and at such valuation as they have desired. Watchmen are employed day and night to guard the collection. Small articles of special value are exhibited in glass cases, locked and guarded. The building itself, as is well known, is a sub- stantial, detached, stone structure, affordinsr a minimum of fire risk. GENERAL INDEX. PAGES. Indian Relics 7-17 Relics of the Civil War 18-26 Ceramics, Glass and Ivories 27-44 Books, Maps and Manuscripts. 45-9S Bric-a-brac, Old Silver, etc 99-ioS Pictures, Prints and Statuary 109-130 Old Furniture, Ancient Dress 131-146 Dutch Kitchen, etc 147-150 List of contributors 1 S'-'SS INDIAN RELICS. South Room, Sccoiitl Story. (From till collection of A. G. Richmond, Canajoltarie.) Case of 48 pieces. Arrow heads, spear head of Obsidian, discs of stone, and others made from fragments of clay vessels, decorated and plain. Fragments of pottery, plain, decorated and corrugated. From the clifT dwellings of Southern Utah. Case of 27 pieces. Stone axe. From Stony Point, N. Y. Arrow heads of jas- per, chalcedony, agate, etc. From California. Case of 20 pieces. Arrow heads and spear heads. From Illinois. Case of 30 pieces. Arrow heads, spear heads, leaf-shaped implement, one lotary arrow. From Indiana. Case of 19 pieces. Spear heads, arrowheads, celts, double-bladed notched axes, handle of clay vessel, representing head of animal. From Arkansas. Case of 272 pieces. Beads of sea shell, snail shell, claj', glass and copper; wam- pum, bone comb, shell ornament, copper arrow head, Jesuit medals, Jesuit finger ring on finger joint, as found ; brass buckle, copper handle of paint brush. From Indian graves. New York. Case containing 79 ornaments of catlinite ot Minnesota pipe-stone. From Indian graves. New York. Case containing 20 pipes. From North Carolina, Georgia and Indiana, of stone; from Georgia, North Carolina and Canada, of claj' ; from Ohio, of catlinite. Card of 21 pieces. Arrow and spear heads in form of anchor. From South Carolina. 8 10 Card of 48 pieces. Arrow and spear heads in form of diamond. From Soulli Carolina. 1 1 Card of 45 pieces. Arrow and spear heads in form of a star, with border. From South Carolina. 12 Card of 28 pieces. Arrow and spearheads, leaf-shaped implements and knives From Wisconsin. 13 Case of 19 pieces. Gorgets from North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia. 14 Case of 170 pieces. Shell ornaments, shell beads, stone beads, shell fish hook, bone fish hook, bone awls, bone war whistles, bone gorgets. From California. 15 Case of 387 pieces. Shell beads, stone beads, shell ornaments, arrow heads, flint drills, bone awls, arrow heads, bone knife. From California. 16 Case of 57 pieces. Shell ornaments, bone discs, bone fish hook, shell fish hook, bone tube, bone awls, bone war whistles, bone knife, bone tools, stone ornament. From California. 1 7 Case of 43 pieces. Spear and arrow heads, knives, scrapers and perforators. From California. iS Case of 43 pieces. Spear and arrow heads, scrapers, hem.atitc grooved axe, hematite celt, hematite sinker and perforator. From Missouri. 19 Case of 19 pieces. Spearheads, knives and daggers. From Missouri. 20 Case of 22 pieces. Perforated stone axe, flint celts, flint chisels, flint d.tggers, flint scrapers, flint flakes and cores. From Denmark. 21 Case of II pieces. Flint celts (pecked), flint celts (ground), stone cells (pecked), flint scrapers. From Sweden. 2 2 Case of seven pieces. Two perforated axes (pecked), one perforated axe (ground), two flint celts (chipped), two flint celts (ground and polished). From Denmark. 23 Case of seven pieces. Three very large flint celts, four small Hint celts. From Denmark. 24 Case of 17 pieces. One flint celt (small, chipped), five daggers, two chisels, two scrapers, two drills, two arrows, two knives (one with serrated edge), one bone iiuplement. From Denmark. 25 Case of 17 pieces. Ten flint scrapers, four (lint flakes, one flint celt (polished), one hollowed stone, one grooved stone (perhaps used in weav- ing) From Denmark. 26 Case of 26 pieces. Two stone celts, from England ; one stone celt, from Ireland ; one stone celt, from Germany; one flint celt, from Jutland; one flint celt, from Zealand ; one flint celt, from Bogeuse Funen ; three stone celts, from Italy; three flint arrows, from Italy; four flint scrapers, from Italy; five flint scrapers, from bone caves of France ; one flint flake, from bone cave of France ; one stone gouge, from Switzerland ; one stone quoit, from Jutland ; one fragment of pottery from Swiss Lake. 27 Card of 77 pieces. Arrow heads, scrapers, perforators, shell scraper, perforated shell, disc of potter)', handle from clay vessel, leaf-shaped implement, fragment of perforated skull. From Ohio graves. 28 Grooved stone axe, from North Carolina. 29 Grooved stone axe, from Michigan. 30 Grooved stone axe, from CHff Dwelling, Arizona. 31 Grooved stone axe, from Kansas. 32 Grooved stone axe, from (mound builders), Illinois. ^^ Grooved stone axe, from Missouri. 34 Grooved stone axe, from New Jersey. 35 Grooved stone axe, from Pennsylvania. ;^6 Grooved stone axe, from Massachusetts. 37 Grooved stone axe, from Missouri (very large). 38 Grooved stone axe, from Missouri (granite). 39 Grooved stone axe, from Indiana. 40 Grooved stone axe, from New York. 41 Flint spade (large), from Missouri. 42 Flint hoe, notched, from Missouri. 43 Flint spade, from Missouri. 44 Grooved stone axe (small), from Missouri. 45 Flint implement, from Tennessee. 46 Flint implement, from Tennessee. 47 Flint spear head, from Tennessee. 48 Flint implement, from Missouri. 49 Flint implement, from Missouri. 50 Flint implement, from Missouri. 51 Flint implement, from Missouri. 52 Flint implement, from Missouri. 53 Stone celt, from Missouri. 54 Stone celt, from Missouri. 55 Stone celt, from Missouri. 56 Stone celt, from Louisiana (mound) 57 Stone celt, from Pennsylvania. 58 Stone celt, from Indiana. 59 Stone celt, from North Carolina. 60 Stone celt, from North Carolina. 61 Stone celt, from North Carolina. 62 Stone celt, from North Carolina. 6^ Stone celt, from North Carolina. 64 Stone celt, from Mohawk Valley. 65 Stone celt, from Mohawk Valley. 66 Game stone, from North Carolina. 67 Game stone, from North Carolina. 68 Game stone, from North Carolina. 69 Game stone, from North Carolina. 70 Game stone, from North Carolina. 7 r Game stone, from North Carolina. 72 Game stone, from Mohawk Valley. 73 Game stone, from Mohawk Valley. 74 Game stone, from Mohawk Valley. 75 Game stone, from Mohawk Valley. 76 Discoidal stone, from South Carolina. 77 Discoidal stone, from Missouri. 78 Discoidal stone, from Ohio. 79 Perforated stone, from Missouri. 80 Perforated stone, from California. 81 Perforated stone, from California. 82 Perforated stone, from California. 83 Flint hammer stone, from Denmark. 84-93 Hammer stones, from Mohawk Valley, 94 Hammer stone, from Pennsylvania. 95 Grooved hammer, from Pennsylvania. 96 Target stone, from Georgia. 97-100 Stone drills, from California. loi Small stone paint mortar, from South Carolina. 102 Mortar made from vertebra of whale, from California. 103 Stone mortar, from California. 104 Stone mortar, from Mohawk Valley. 105 Stone mortar, from Me.xico. 106 Stone pestle, from California. 107 Stone pestle, from California. 108 Stone pestle, from California. 109 Stone pestle, from Utah. no Stone pestle, from Mohawk Valley 1 1 1 Stone pestle, from North Carolina. 112 Bottle of parched corn, from Mohawk Valley. 113 Bottle of charcoal, from Mohawk Valley. 114 Bottle of paint, from Mohawk Valley. 115 Bottle of paint, Utah. 116 String of Wampum, from Mohawk Valley. 1 1 7-1 20 String of beads, from Mohawk Valley. 121-134 Arrow heads, from Mohawk Valley. 135-148 Scrapers, from Mohawk Valley. 149 Fragments of pottery (20 pieces), from Mohawk Valley. 150 Bones of animals, clam shells, etc. (20 pieces), found on site of an Indian village, Mohawk Valley. 151—161 Stone sinkers, from Mohawk Valley. 162 Sharpening stone, from Mohawk Valley. 163 Mound jar, from Arkansas. 164 Mound jar, from Arkansas. 165 Fragments of pottery (20 pieces), from Utah. 166 Clay "God of waters," from New Mexico. 167 Clay vessel, from New Mexico. 168-170 Pitted stones, from Mohawk Valley. 171 Stone pipe, from North Carolina. 172 Stone pipe, from North Carolina. 173 Stone pipe, from North Carolina. 174 Stone pipe, from Mohawk Valley. 175 Clay pipe, from New York. 176 Perforated stone, from North Carolina. 177 Aztec Idol. 178 Catlinite pipe, from New Mexico. 179 Tomahawk and pipe combined from western Indians. 180 Trade axe (iron), from Mohawk Valley. 181 Trade axe (iron), from Canada. 182 Trade axe (iron), from Ohio. 183 Iron hoe, from Mohawk Valley. 184 Brass kettle from grave. New York. 185-187 Copper arrows, from Mohawk Valley. 188 Arrow heads of crystal, white quartz, clouded quartz, red quartz, chert, etc., 9 pieces, from South Carolina. 189 Feather rope, from Southern Utah. 190 Rabbit netting, from Southern Utah. 191 Indian doll (Sioux). 192 Piece of feather rope, used for wrapping the dead. From cave dwelling, Southern Utah. Piece of rabbit net, made from fibre of wandering milkweed. From cave dwelling, Soutliern Utah. 193 Arrow point of pure crystal, from South Carolina. Buckskin suit of Sioux Indian, modern. Catliente pipe, modern. Steel toma- hawk and pipe combined, modern. Large stone pipe, from North Carolina. 194 Pottery from New Mexico, modern. (From the Collection of Charles W. Hutchitison, Ulica, A'. Y.) 195 Pair snow shoes (Ga-weh-ga-a). 196 Indian shirt, painted. 197 Squaw chemise, painted. 198 Squaw chemise, bark. 199 Gun case, ornamented. 200 Bow and arrow quiver, ornamented. 201 Bridle and trappings, hair. 202 Riding whip, " sinew." 203 Hair ornament, elk tooth. 204 Hair ornament, grizzly bear claw. 205 Necklace, puma teeth. 206 Deer tail tuft. 207 Scalp lock, ornamented. 208 Rattle (Gus-da-wa-sa) 209 Rattle, nut necklace. 210 Rattle, deer hoof. 211 Rattle, dancing. 212 Rattle, dancing. 213 War stick, beaded. S14 Dancing stick, beaded. 215 Pipe tomahawk (0-sque-sont). 216 Pipe tomahawk (O-sque-sont). 217 Spoon, bone, quill ornaments (Ah-do-gwa-sa). 218, 219 Spoon, quill ornaments. 220, 221 Spoons, two bone spooiis plain. S22 Knife scabbard, beaded. 223 Sack, large, beaded. 224 Two paint sacks, beaded. 225, 226 Two paint sacks, beaded. 227 Beaded jiocket book (Ciot-gwen-da). 228 Gambling stick. 229 Double silver cross (Da-ga-ya-sont). "Snipe clan." Buried with an Iroquois Sachem. 230 Silver pipe (Ah-so-qua-ta). Presented to " Sarcagus " Sachem by the Massachusetts Baptist Missionary Society, A. D. 1807. 231 Boy's hoop, scalp ornamenl. 232 Boy's hoop. 233 Iroquois wampum belt (Oy-on-wa). 234 String wampum (Ote-ko-a). 235 Stone hammer. 236 Stone celt (Uh-ga-o-gwat-ha), three and a quarter incjies. 237 Stone celt (Uh-ga-o-gwat-ha), five and a half inches. Found in Marcy, Oneida Co. 238 Stone celt, twelve and a half inches. 239 Stone hammer head. 240 Knife scabbard, small beaded. 241 Ball bat (Ga-ne-a). 242 Hair brush. 243 Skin dresser, bone, ornamented. 244 Anklet, deer hoof. 245 Anklet, elk hoof. 246 Garnished ball, quills 247 Head ornament. 248, 249 Two whistles, bone, ornamented. 250 Bone seine needle, ornamented. 25 1 Awl case and bear claw. 252-254 Three awl cases, ornamented. ■^SS- 256 Two dancing ornaments. 257. 258 Two hair sticks, ornamented. 259 Boy's snow shoe (Ga-weh-ga). 260, 261 Two head ornaments, feather. 262 Five pair child's moccasins (Ne-wa-ta-gut-ah) 263 Head dress, "buffalo hair." 264 Indian axe, " Dutch." 265 Pin cushion (Ya-wa-o-da-gua). 266 Work bag (Ga-ya-ah). 267 Bow and arrow quiver, rawhide. 268, 269 Two Indian bows, Apache, (Wa-a-no) 270 Nine arrows, pointed, (Ga-no). 271 One poisoned arrow (Ga-no). 272 War club ball head (Ga-je-wa). 273 Bead watch case. 274 Indian pipe, Tuscarora. 275 Iroquois wedding cake, "Seneca." 276 Bridle ornament. 277 Beaded band. 278 Watch bag, beaded. 279 War stick. 287 Tray No. i. 288 Tray No. 2. 289 Tray No. 3. 290 Tray No. 4. 291 Tray No. 5. 14 280 Three wooden bowls. 281 Two antique knives, ivory handles. 282 Pistol, owned by Gen. George Clinton. 283 Ninety-five portraits Indians, Biddle. 284 Portrait, Red Jacket (Sa-go-ye-wat-ha). 285 Portrait, John Abeel, the Corn-planter, (Gy-ant-wa-ka). Who was the friend and companion of Joseph Brant, or Tha5'-en-da-ne-gea, was ahalf-breed and the son of Jolin Abeel, who was an Indian trader living among the Senecas, and who married the daughter of a leading sachem. He had three sons, all famous, (Gy-ant-wa-ka) John the Cornplanter, (Teh-wan- yars) Black Snake, (Kan-ya-da-ri-o) Handsome Lake the Prophet. 286 The Bostonians in Distress, lithograph, London, 1774. (Loaned by IF. IV. CrannelL') Indian knives, etc., 29 pieces. From Western States Indian axes, etc., 13 pieces. From Western States Indian a.xes, etc., 6 pieces. From Western States Indian tube, etc., 3 pieces. From Western States Indian pestle and axe. Found on the farm of Worthington Frothingham, Loch Worth, Albany county. {Collection from Hudson's bay and strait, made on the expedition of tlu Steamer Alert in 1885, by James MacNaughton.) 292 Skin of Polar bear ( Ursus Maritinus), shot by exhibitor. 293 Skin of white fox. 294 Skin of red fox. 29s Eskimo lance and harpoon. 296 Eskimo woman's suit, made of seal skins. 297 Skin model of Eskimo kayak, or hunting boat. 298 Eskimo "goggles," for preventing snow-blindness. 299 Part of Eskimo dog-harness, from Greely Relief Expedition. 300 Cannon-ball from Fort Prince of Wales, near Fort Churchill, on the west coast of Hudsoa's bay. This fort was captured and partially destroyed by the Frencn admiral, La Perouse, m 1782. La Perouse had previously served in the War for Independence by the American Colonies. 301 Fore-paw of polar bear. This bear weighed 1,700 pounds. (Zuni Potleiy from the Collection of James H. Manning.) This pottery is from the Zuni and Moki Indians of Arizona and New Mexico, known as " Pueblos" or community dwell- ers. Their pursuits are pastoral and agricultural, and notwith- standing the fact that thej' live in this apparent civilized man- i.S ncr they are still the most ardent idol and sun-worshipers of this continent. Their implements for domestic use are all manufactured by themselves. Their plows arc made of wood, their carts are also made of wood, tlieir hoes, corn planters and all other implements are mostly wooden. War implements are almost unknown to them, and the implements of this character which are still in their possession are merely the relics of ancient limes, when they engaged in war with their enemies. They use the bow and arrow, the war club and spears. The most interesting phase in their domestic life is the manufacture of pottery, all of which is made without the potter's wheel, and shaped entirely bj' hand, and decorated v/ith grotesque and almost unknown figures. These figures generally represent animals, clouds, rain, etc.; they are made from the common claj' of the countrj', molded as above explained, entirely by hand, and when completed are baked on the open ground, by piling fuel all around them. The designs are painted on them with small brushes, made from the spear of Yucca, and the material which is used for painting them is generally some mineral pigment found in the country. This pottery consists of mugs for drinking, vases for holding water, and a variety of cooking vessels. The accompanying photographs show in some instances the manner of their living, and the genera! appearance of the villages in which they reside. 302 Vase, from Zuni. 303 Vase, from Moki. 304 Vase, from Moki. 305 Vase, from Moki. 306 Vase, from Moki. 307 Model of rattle, from Moki. 308 Vase, from Moki. 309 Vase, from Moki. 310 Vase, from Moki. 311 Vase, from Moki. 312 Vase, from Moki. 313 Vase, from Moki. 314 Vase, from Moki. 315 Vase, from Moki. 316 Vase, from Moki. 317 Vase, from Moki. 3 1 8 Vase, from MokL (_From the colketioit of Mrs. C, P. Wi/iiams. ) 319 Nest of boxes from South American Indians on the heights of the Andes. 320 Bridle and spurs. The effect of which is called " making a raid." !6 321 I'L-ailier flowers. Made from the feathers without coloring, in the convents near Rio Janeiro, S A 322 Flower made of fish scales, from Bahia, S. A. 323 Stone hatchet and copper hatchet from the Andes. 324 Human head. A battle trophy, condensed by some long process and only for some celebrated chief. They are greatly valued and worn at their war dances, during which the cords fastened in tlic mouth are pulled, saying, 'speak now if you can." 325 Blow gun. With the sharpened arrows used with it. which are poisoned in some cases and lly on their deadly errand without a sound. 326 Bow and arrows. After an arrow has killed a man a lock of his hair is bound on it it is never used again, and becomes a trophy. 327 Anklets and necklaces of bones and beads, worn by Indiar. tribes of South America. 328 Ornaments worn about the head and ears, made of the Brazilian beetles so much used for jewelry. 329 Ten small and one large spoon made by hand ; each carved of a separate pattern by Indians living on the Andes. 330 Cocoanut bowl, decorated by Indians near Quito. 331 Gourd bottle. Taken from the hand of an Indian after his morn- ing toilet had been completed. 332 An idol, from the Sandwich Islands. When the natives renounced idolatry and burned their idols this was hidden in a cave by some one who feared some calam- ity to visit the islands because of the destruction of their gods When worshiped it was clothed : it had hair, teeth and eyes. It IS made from the bread fruit tree. MISCELLANEOUS CONTRIBUTIONS. ;^^;^ Six arrow heads or spear points, Indian Charles P. Sanders 334 Stone hatchet, Indian Charles P. Sanders 335 Indian hammer, called the '"hammer of death," Mrs. Abraham Lansing Taken by Col Peter Gansevoort at the siege of Fort Stan wix, in August, 1777. Belonged to the late Peter Gansevoort. 336 Wampum shells « Mrs. Abraham Lansing A string of shells used by the North American Indians as money. Belonged to the late Gen. Peter Gansevoort. 337 Indian peace pipe Charles R. Carroll Used by the Indian Chief Black Kettle, killed by the U. S. troops. I? 338 Sioux Indian moccasins, beaded James H. Bunn 339 Indian povvder horn, 1730 Samuel S, Pruyn With a map of the Hudson river from Albany to New York carved by an Onondaga Chief. 340 Indian knife, 1729 Maj. Jacob H. Ten Eyck Decorated and carved by the Indians. 341 Chief Joseph's squaws' sash, Nez Perces Indians, Harry Hoff Hunter 342 Leggins, Nez Perces Indians Harry Hoff Hunter 343 Saddle bags, Nez Perces Indians Harry Hoff Hunter 344 Gun case, Assinaboine Indians Harry Hoff Hunter 345 Blanket strap, Assinaboine Indians Harry Hoff Hunter 346 Knife sheath, Assinaboine Indians Harry Hoff Hunter 347 Moccasins, Assinaboine Indians Harry Hoff Hunter 348 Blanket, made by the Navajo Indians, F- W. Boutelle, Slingerlands 349 Leggins made by the Apache Indians . . F. W. Boutelle, Slingerlands Worn to protect their limbs from the cactus. 350 Playing cards, made and used by Apache Indians, F. W. Boutelle, Slingerlands 35 1 Indian saddle-bag, taken from an Apache, F. W. Boutelle, Slingerlands 352 Indian arrows, made by the Arrapahoes, F. W. Boutelle, Slingerlands 353 Silver ornaments Rufus K. Viele Purchased at Fort Sill, Indian Territory, from Topin, daughter of " Kicking Bird," a Kino Chief. Supposed to have been manufactured by the Sioux Indians. 3 RELICS OF THE CIVIL WAR. South Klhdii, Second Story. 501 Piece of Main Gate Post of Andersoiiville Prison A. H. Spierre 502 Confederate Money , , A. H. Spierre Part of original funds of army of Northern Virginia, surrendered at Appomattox. 503 Piece of Rebel Flag that floated over Richmond ... . A. H. Spierre 504 Missouri Defense Bonds ; five bills A. H. Spierre 505 One Hundred Dollar Confederate Bond, with coupons attached, A. H. Spierre Taken from Confederate Treasuiy at Richmond. 506 Check from check book of Treasurer of Confederate States, dated April 10, 1865 A. H, Spierre 507 Check from book of Chief Quartermaster U. S. A., dated April 10, 1865, at Appomattox A. H. Spierre 50S Memorandum Order from Gen. W. T. Sherman, issued at Jackson, Miss A. H. Spierre 509 Fift}' Cent Shinplaster, issued by City of Albany, in 1862, A. H. Spierre 510 Autograph Letter from Gen. W. T. Sherman A. H. Spierre 511 Autograph Letter from Gen. John A. Logan . ..... .A. H. Spierre 512 Silver Badge, presented to delegates to G. A. R. National Encamp- ment at Denver, Colorado A. H. Spierre 513 Enfield Rifle, carried by a Sergt. of Co. F, i6th N. Y. Artillery, A. H. Spierre 514 Bayonet, picked up in front of Ft. Steadman, Petersburg front, A. H. Spierre 515 Shell, from rebel works on Richmond front A. H. Spierre 516 A note to the Union officer in command at White House, Va., from Mrs. R. E. Lee Geo. W. Gray 517 A card found tacked to an inner door-post at White House, Va., Geo. W. Gra)' 51S Piece of shell fired from Fort Sumter, whicli struck a U. S. Iron clad Geo. W. Gray 519 Cane, made from flagship St. Lawrence W. H. Passenger 520 Shell pin, from Chickamauga Creek . . . W. H. Passenger '9 521 Housewife, carried tiirough Sherman's marcli W. H. Passenger 522 Four photcgraphs of soldiers W. H. Passenger 523 Piece of shell that was imbedded in his head at the battle before Petersburgh, 1864 Capt. Morton Havens 524 One of his boots, showing the passage of a minie ball through the leg. Cold Harbor, 1864 Capt. Morton Havens 525 A piece of the rope that hung Major Wirz, the Andersonville prison keeper Capt. Morton Havens 526 Autographs of Majors Gee, keeper of Salisbury prison, and Duncan and Winder, assistant keepers at Andersonville, Capt. Morton Havens 527 Original lines composed by Major Gee while confined in Old Cap- itol prison Capt. Morton Havens 528 Rebel song sent to Capt. Havens in Princess Anne county, Va., Capt. Morton Havens 529 The original order detailing Capt. Havens to arrest J. Wilkes Booth, Capt. Morton Havens 530 Flag of Eleventh N. Y. Battery Capt. Geo. W. Davey 531 Confederate scrip, in frames Capt. Geo. W. Davey 532 Sword captured at Gettysburg Capt. Geo. W. Davey 533 Forage requisition of Gen. R. E. Lee Capt. Geo. W. Davey 534 Military pass Capt. Geo. W. Davey 535 A Confederate flag taken at Five Forks, Va Capt. J. S. Hutman 536 Confederate cabinet badge Mrs. J. S. Hutman 537 Ten cent Confederate postage stamp Mrs. J. S. Hutman 538 Confederate sword and canteen, captured at Port Hudson, La., J. M. Halfinger 539 Drum carried by J. M. Halfinger, 177 X. Y. Vols.. . .J. M. Halfinger 540 U. S. regulation sword Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 541 Bayonet and scabbard Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 542 Sword belt Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 543 Flute cane (Wilson) Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 544 " Hunt " cane Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 545 Sergeant-Major chevron Maj . Geo. H. Treadwell 546 Second Lieut, strap ... Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 547 First Lieut, strap Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 548 Captain's strap Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 549 Major's strap Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 550 A. D. C. strap Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 551 U. S. A. belt plate Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 552 Photograph — Officers 7th Artillery Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 553 Photograph — Members of Co. B., Guard at Soldiers' Home, Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 554 Piece 7th Artillery flag Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 555 Piece 7th Artillery flag fringe Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 556 U. S. A. canteen Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 557 Bowling Green Bible. . Jas. R. Duncan 558 Broken Bayonet. " Saratoga " Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 559 Virginia murder document " 1767 " Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 560 Savannah newspaper Nov. 8, 1864 Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 561 Rebel bullet (poisonous) Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 562 Army strap and buckle Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 563 German Catholic prayer book J. Barth 564 Army '' medal " Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 565 Loose stone from Fort Reno Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 566 Loose stone from Fort Gaines Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 567 Loose stone from Fort Cameron Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 568 Set Libby prison chess men John Daly 569 Libby prison chess board John Daly 570 Piece of Libby prison flag staff. John Daly 571 Libby prison toothbrush John Daly 572 Libby prison pipe John Daly 573 Libby prison fish bone John Daly 574 Picture of General Grant Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 575 Four war maps Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 576 Picture (soldier) Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 577 Bills of exchange Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 578 View of parole camp at Annapolis Maj, Geo. H. Treadwell 579 View of city of Annapolis Maj. Geo. H. Treadwell 580 Piece of shelving from Jeff Davis' pantry, Richmond Va., John S. Bartlett 581 Laurel root ring, from Lookout Mountain John S. Bartlett 582 Army Corps Badge, made from Laurel root, from Lookout Mountain, John S. Bartlett 583 Piece of Submarine Cable, from Charleston Harbor, S. C, John S. Bartlett 584 Explosive bullet, used by rebels John S. Bartlett 5S5 Piece of Rebel Ram Merrimac John S. Bartlett 586 Piece of U. S. Ship Cumberland John S. Bartlett 587 Piece of Stair Case of Marshall House, at Alexandria, Va., John S. Bartlett 5S8 Two Bullets taken from body of Union soldier by Dr. John Swin- burne John S. Bartlett 589 Sheet of paper picked up on battle-field of Fair Oaks, John S. Bartlett 590 Shoe worn by a rebel soldier John S. Bartlett 591 Belt taken from Black Horse Cavalry John S. Bartlett 592 Pocket Album, with pictures of Co. B, ist U. S. Sharpshooters, J. W. Kenny, East Albany 593 Piece of Rebel flag, captured at Yorktown, Va., J. W. Kenny, East Albany 594 Drinking cup used in army J. W. Kenny, East Albany 595 Medal of Identification, worn by Sharpshooter, J. W. Kenny, East Albany 59^ Pair Rebel shoes, taken from Blockade runner at Charleston, S. C. Henry Wilkes 597 Rebel Canteen Henry Wilkes 598 Rebel Cartridge Box Henry Wilkes 599 Rebel Drum, captured from 6th Georgia Regiment. . . Henry Wilkes 600 Two Rebel Body Belts Henry Wilkes 601 Four Rebel Body Belt Plates Henry Wilkes 602 One card of Buttons, Confederate and Union, thirty-six in number, Henry Wilkes 603 One Laurel Root Pipe Henry Wilkes 604 Two Fuses and Primer, from nth N. Y. Battery Henry Wilkes 605 Petrified Wood from Cedar Mountain , . ..Henry Wilkes 606 Bone and wood ornaments, made in Andersonville Prison, Henry Wilkes 607 Bullets, from battle of Wilderness Henry Wilkes 608 A medal of honor, presented to Henry Wilkes by U. S. Govt, for participation in destruction of rebel ram Alberraarle, Henry Wilkes 609 Letter of thanks from Secretary of Navy Gideon Wells, accompa- nying medal Henry Wilkes 610 Two furlough papers Henry Wilkes 611 Book of autographs containing signatures of prominent generals of the war John W. Ennis 61 2 Bone ring, carved in Libby prison John W. Ennis 613 Tinderhorn and steel, knife, bullet mould and musket wrench, used in Libby prison John W. Ennis 614 Parched corn and piece of hoe corn, received from negroes, while escaping from prison John W. Ennis 615 The draft wheel used in Albany in 1863 Post 121, G. A. R. 616 Flint lock breech loader made in 1824 Capt. Ira B. Sampson Captured by Ira B. Sampson. 617 Sabre used by a Confederate Capt. Ira B. Sampson 61S Sword used by Lieut. Ira B. Sampson Capt. Ira B. Sampson 619 Sword used by Capt. Ira B. Sampson Capt. Ira B. Sampson 620 Commissions as Capt., Lieut, and Sergt.-Maj. .Capt. Ira B. Sampson 621 Horse pistol used by Confederate Capt. Ira B. Sampson 622 Piece of Confederate gunboat Merrimac Capt. Ira B. Sampson 623 Relics from Fort Fisher Capt. Ira B. Sampson 624 Piece of shell which wounded Capt. Ira B. Sampson, Capt. Ira B. Sampson 625 Missive sent north in a button containing 625 words, Capt. Ira B. Sampson 626 Missive sent north in a button containing 225 words, Capt. Ira B. Sampson 627 Piece of pulley used on gunboat " Curlew " . Capt. Ira B. Sampson 628 Star from garrison flag which floated over Fort Williams, Plymouth, N. C Capt. Ira B. Sampson 629 Contents rebel cartridge Capt. Ira B. Sampson 2Z 630 Piece of traverse wheel of a gun carriage Capt. Ira B. Sampson 631 Shoulder straps worn by Capt. Ira B. Sampson, Capt. Ira B. Sampson 632 A powder cup Capt. Ira B. Sampson 633 Set of chess men made in prison by a knife by Capt. Ira B. Sampson Capt. Ira B. Sampson 634 Rebel bullets Capt. Ira B. Sampson 635 Steel projectile thrown from a Whitworth breech-loading gun, Capt. Ira B. Sampson 636 Relics from the bridge across the Tar river, Newberne, N. C, Capt. Ira B. Sampson 637 Une.\pIoded Parrot shells Capt. Ira B. Sampson 638 Piece of stockade and dead line of the Andersonville prison pen, Capt. Ira B. Sampson 639 History of two prison escapes Capt. Ira B. Sampson 640 Brick, from Engine House, in which John Brown was confined. 641 C. S. A. Belt Plate.- J. G. Campbell 642 First shell fired at Harper's Ferry W. F. Mullin 643 Shell from Gettysburg battlefield. 644 Ring made from bone of forearm cut off at Roanoke Island. 645 One piece of hard-tack, brought home by Lieut. W. W. Bennett, 177th N. Y. vols. 646 One Rebel Canteen J. G. Campbell, Albany 647 One Army Bugle W. F. Mullin, Albany 648 Eight Confederate Army Buttons. 649 Breech-loader, taken from the U. S. Ship Congress, Thomas Hames, East Albany 650 Rifle, formerly the property of Gen. G. P. T. Beauregard, Frank B. Cornwell, Albany 651 Cavalry Enlistment Poster, 1S61. 652 Oil Portrait of Colonel L. O. Morris. 653 Balls, etc., from Lookout Mountain. 654 Rebel Flag, Virginia. 655 Signal Flag used at Richmond. 656 Confederate Money. 657 Confederate shin-plasters. 658 Plans of battles, etc. 659 Jefferson Davis' autograph. 660 C. J. Memminger's autograph. 661 Confederate Sash. Lieut. Ed. Pointer, Albany 662 Six pound cannon-ball, dug up at Yorktown, Va., C. A. Burns, 44th N. Y. vols. 663 Sword of Col. John Hastings, 7th N. Y. Art. 664 Two pictures Camp Jackson Col. Hastings 665 Muster Roll of Co. H, 41st Virginia Infantry D. C. Case. 666 Confederate Money John Dutcher, Bath 667 Zouave Cap, worn by C. B. Ashley, 146th N. Y. Vols. 23 668 Personal Valor Medal, presented by U. S. government to Robert H. King for participation in destruction of ram Albemarle. 669 Portrait of Robert H. King. 670 Springfield Rifle, carried through war by Sergt. Frank Mart, 7th N. Y. Artillery. 671 Bullet extracted from body of Nicholas Dovvling in front of Peters- burg, Va. 672 Twenty-nine Camp Views Geo. M. Payfer, Troy 673 Discharge from Revolutionary Army, dated June 7, 1783, B. Quinn, Albany 674 Gold Medal to Capt. John Cooke. 675 Padlock, made from apple tree under which Lee surrendered, E. J. Genet, E. Greenbush 676 Lot of War Pictures Major C. R. Knowles, Albany 677 Group of Officers of 18th N. Y. Infantry Col. J. Hastings 678 Two Buck Shot Col. J. Hastings 679 Cane, made from door of Libby prison, Lew Benedict Post No. 5, G. A. R. 680 Book, cut in twain by shell Lew Benedict Post No. 5, G. A. R. 681 Confederate Sabre, captured at Appomattox. D. C. Case, 12th N. Y. M. R. 6S2 Piece of Stockade and piece of Corn Bread from Andersonvllle prison Post 400, G. A. R. 683 Rebel Knife, captured at 2d Bull Run Mrs. H. Finch, E. Albany 684 Old Flint Lock Musket, carried by John Drew, a Revolutionary soldier, at surrender of Burgoyne, J. D. Rockefeller, E. Albany 685 Old Sabre, worn by John Lowrie during Revolutionary War, Mrs. C. B. Ashley, Greenbush 686 Army Cap, worn by John Wilkes, nth N. Y. battery. 687 Colt's Revolver, worn by John Wilkes. 688 Copy of Albany Evening Journal of April 13, rS6r, announcing com- mencement of War. 689 Copy of New York Herald, announcing surrender of Lee. 690 Copy of the Free South, a Union paper published at Beaufort, S. C, in 1864. 6gi Barnards's Photographic Album of Sherman's March to the Sea, E. J. Genet, East Greenbush 692 Sabre from Battlefield of Chickamauga, Tenn F. W. Ober 693 Stone from Lookout Mountain . . . F. W. Ober 694 Confederate Carbine captured at Charles City, C. H. McKenna, 1st N. Y. M. Rifles 695 Springfield Rifle Charles Mitchell, Albany 696 Officer's Sword and Belt, found between the lines December 25, 1864. 697 A complete set of Infantry Accoutrements, worn by Chas. Mitchell, 7th N. Y. H. Art. 698 Battle Flag of Company F, 3d N. Y. vols Mis.« Wrightson 24 699 Field Return, Hoke's Rebel division C. V. Winne 700 Lot of Union envelopes used during the War. 701 Flint-lock Musket from Gettysburg Dr. A. Vanderveer 702 Ulster County Gazette, in mourning for death of George Washing- ton CO. Shaw 703 Memorial to Mayor and Commonalty of city of Albany November 11, 1833. 704 Old rusty sword found in Greenbush, near old barracks. 705 Badges worn 4th of July, 1S34 and 1840, by Geo. B. Lisher. 706 Lafa)'ette badge, 1834. 707 Sunday school badges. Second R. P. Dutch Church, 1834. 70S Copy of London Times, 1798. 709 Medallion, Signing Declaration of Independence. 710 Medallion, battles fought during Me.xican war. 711 Medallion, Lincoln. 712 Certificate of membership of John Parmenter in Fire Department of New York City, 1820. 713 Mexican knee and shoe buckles, captured during Me.\ican war. 714 Stone from grave of John Brown. 715 Piece of bark from tree to which Gen. Israel Putnam was tied by the Indians. 716 A British button, grape shot, and piece of wall from Ft. Ticon- deroga. 717 Charm made from marble from Garfield's tomb, Mrs. Hall, East Albany 71S Sword and belt belonging to Col. H. S. Gansevoort, U. S. Army. 719 Sword captured from Mosby, the guerilla, in the 'Valley of the Shenandoah, Va., September, 1864 Mrs. Abraham Lansing 720 Flag presented by Gen'l Peter Gansevoort to his son, Col. Henry S. Gansevoort, U. S. Army, while commanding the 13th N. Y. State Cavalry at Head-quarters, Falls Church, Virginia, June 10, 1864 Mrs. Abraham Lansing 721 Thurlow Weed Post stand of colors and guidons. 722 Portrait of Gen. Lewis Benedict Mrs. John T. Hall 723 $100 Confederate Bond... .. W. F. Elmendorf 724 Carbine, breechloader, made in 1842. Picked up at Harper's Ferry, Va A. K. Pruyn 725 Key of Salisbury Prison, with history . Capt. A. McD. Shoemaker 726 Cannon Ball from Fort Prince of Wales, Hudson's Bay, captured in 1782 by the French James McNaughton 727 Certificate from Old Cooper Shop Refreshment Room at Philadel- phia Post 121. G. A. R. 728 Part of Carbine from Stony Creek, Dinwiddle Court House, Va. E. M. Cartright 729 Cane made in Andersonville Prison Chas. A. Thatcher 730 Various articles from Gettysburg battlefield, Sanford B. Martin, Gettysburg, Penn. 25 73' Bail bond of Jeff. Davis, with signatures Paul Cushman 732 The Virginia Ordinance of Secession, with signatures, Paul Cushman 733 Map of Andersonville Prison A. McD. Shoemaker 734 Bowie Knife, found on Bull Run battlefield John L. Newman 735 Rebel Canteen, found at Rappahannock Station, Va., John L. Newman 736 Revolving Carbine, used by Rebel Cavalry, picked up on battlefield of Spottsylvania C. H., Va William Todd 73S Springfield Musket, earned by a member of 165th N. Y. Vols., William Todd 739 Quart Pail, used for making coffee by member 79th N. Y. Vols., William Todd 740 Uniform Jacket, 79th N. Y. Vols. (Highlanders) William Todd 741 Glengarry Cap, 79th N. Y. Vols William Todd 742 Pair of Scissors, carried through the war. William Todd 743 Picture of attack on Fort Sanders, Kno.xville, Tenn.. .William Todd 744 Sword, Sash and Belt of Major C. E. Pruyn, ii3th N. Y. Vols., killed at Petersburg, Va., June 15, 1864 Samuel S. Pruyn 745 Confederate Officer's Coat, Sailors Creek Dr. A. Vanderveer 746 Pistol, captured from rebel guerilla R. C. Folger 747 Cotton blow from " Pequin Farm," Va G. W. Grey 748 Piece of flag of 5th N. J. vols R. C. Folger 749 Two rings made from gun carriage captured from the rebels at Hilton Head, S. C R. C. Folger 750 Five cent piece, carried into and out of Libby prison . . . R. C. Folger 751 A piece of shirt of guerilla Mosby R. C. Folger 752 Trumpet (or bugle) exhumed at Bunker Hill, while excavating for the monument R. C. Folger 753 Indian Pouch and Pipe of Peace R. C. Folger 754 One "A ''tent State of New York 755 One Gatling Gun State of New York 756 One Stack Muskets State of New York 757 One Cook's Tripod. 758 Mountain Howitzer Watervliet Arsenal 759 Wayne Howitzer Watervliet Arsenal 760 Mexican Mortar, captured in Mexican war Watervliet Arsenal 761 Hotchkiss Canister Shot Watervliet Arsenal 762 Twelve pounder Shell, strapped Watervliet Arsenal 763 Parrott Shell Watervliet Arsenal 764 Springfield Musket Watervliet Arsenal 765 Spencer Carbine — 7-shooter Watervliet Arsenal 766 Henry Rifle — i6-shooter Watervliet Arsenal 767 Hall's Rifle, breechloader . . Watervliet Arsenal 768 Belgian Rifle Watervliet Arsenal 769 Fayetteville Rifle, made at Fayetteville, N. C ...Watervliet Arsenal 770 Rifle, with sabre-bayonet Watervliet Arsenal 26 77J Mexican Wall Gun Watervliet Arsenal 772 Trowel Bayonet Watervliet Arsenal 773 Canteen, Cartridge Box, Bayonet Watervliet Arsenal 774 Sheath and Belt Watervliet Arsenal 775 Set of U. S. Equipments, new style Watervliet Arsenal 776 Two brass Guns (St. Matthew and St. Mark), captured at City of Mexico, during Mexican war Watervliet Arsenal 777 Reviews of Army of Potomac at Centreville, Va., A. McD. Shoemaker 778 Charge of the Union Troops at Donaldson ... .A. McD. Shoemaker 779 Gavel made from piece of Andersonville Prison, Capt. A. McD. Shoemaker 780 Locket carried through seven Rebel Prisons James Kesson 781 Watch captured by D. Frank Allen from the confederates. 782 Picture of the Blood Hound Hero of Libby Prison. 783 Cavalry Sword of a trooper of the Fourth Virginia Cavalry from the Second battle of Bull Run Mrs. Frank Chamberlain 784 Floral design at Monterey, Cal G. H. Treadwell 785 Pressed Beef used in U. S. Hospital G. W. Grey 786 Box caps, nipple, button, and bullet from deserted rebel camp near south side R. R., Va G. W. Grey 787 Battle of Gaine's Mill, June 27, 1862, by Duke d'Orleans. Life pic- tures of Comte de Pans, Due de Chartres, General Meade, Colonel J. F. Porter, Colonel Radowitz, etc. Gen. John G. Farnsworth 78S Union Prisoners at Salisbury, N. C Mrs. J. T. Hall 789 Andersonville Prison Stockade and Hospital Post 121 790 Army Corps badges Post 121 79r State street m 1715 George H. Treadwell 792 Union War Prisoners' Association . ... Mrs. J. T. Hall 793 Fort Albany, Arlington Heights Post 121 794 U. S. iron-clad ram Lafayette Charles R. Knowles 795 U. S. iron-clad steamer New Ironsides G. W. Gray 796 Libby Prison. 797 Gavel made from piece ol Libby prison Post 121 798 Colors of the Sixteenth N. Y. S. \' Post 1 2 1 799 For what he was pictured. 800 Members of Twenty-fifth Regiment working in the trenches at Fort Albany John O'Hagan CERAMICS, GLASS AND IVORIES. North-east Room, Principal Story. ORIENTAL WARE. 1 Rare cylindrical vase American Art Association, New York Dark green glaze with decoration in deep black. KangHi period. 2 Rare incense burner American Art Association, New York Globular shape on tripod support, scroll handles, carved ornamentation and glaze in imitation of bronze. Ornament to cover in imitation of carved jade. Engraved seal-mark of Kien-Lung period. 3 Daimio short sword American Art Association, New York Very keen, two-edged blade, black lacquer scabbard, carved mountings and ornaments of exquisitelj' wrought silver, gold and shakado. 4 Gold lacquer bo.x Atnerican Art Association, New York Lozenge shape; delicate ornamentation of grasses, birds, etc. 5 Very old gold lacquer box. .American Art Association, New York Relief ornamentation in mother of pearl, etc 6 Dispatch box American Art Association, New York Gold avanturine lacquer, remarkably fine quality; mountain scenery, foliage, blossoms, etc.. in gold and silver. 7 Snuff bottle American Art Association, New York Mustard-yellow crackle glaze, fine quality. 8 Collection of old knife handles, American Art Association, New York Fine specimens of metal work in silver, bronze, iron, etc. 9 Snuff bottle American Art Association, New York Camillia green crackle glaze. Kien-Lung period. 10 Snuff bottle American Art Association, New York Carved porcelain in imitation cf Cinnabar lacquer. Kien- Lung period. 1 1 Pair modern cloisonne enamel vases, American Art Association, New York Japanese, perfection of this art. Rare in color and fine workmanship 28 12 Liver-color bottle American Art Association, New York Fine qualit}' glaze, with orange-peel surface. Kien-LLing period. 13 Bottle vase American Art Association, New York With slender neck. Fine qualit)' iron-rust glaze. 14 Celadon vase American Art Association, New York Very even glaze with engraved Lotus design beneatli. Speci- men of the Kien-Lung period. 15 Rare rose color vase American Art Association, New York Kien-Lung period. 16 Japanese antique iron vase. .American Art Association, New York Carved, inlaid and relief ornamentation of figures, etc., in gold and silver. 17 Superb vase American Art Association, New York Chinese cloisonne enamel on bronze, designs of flowers, birds, etc., in finely blended colors on white ground. 1 8 Cloisonne enamel incense burner, American Art Association, New York Floral and vine designs in green, pink and other colors on turquois blue ground, engraved gilt ornaments and handles. 19 Bottle-shaped vase American Art Association, New York With four tubes around top of slender neck, red JJamb^ glaze, with splashes of darker shade. Lang-Yeou specimen of Kang-Hi period. 20 Beaker shape vase American Art Association, New York With raised centre, sea green glaze wuli enameled decora- tion of imperial dragons and clouds in rose color. Kien- Lung period. 2 1 Antique Chinese bronze incense burner, American Art Association, New York Early Ming period, showing interesting effects of age. 22 Hawthorne ginger jar .Vmerican Art Association, New York Fine blue with hawthorn blossoms in white reserve. Kang- Hi period. 23 Wall vase American Art Association, New York Semi egg-shell texture, decoration of flowers and vines in red and gold. Kien-Lung period. 24 Rouge corail tea-pot American Art Association, New York Rare. Fine quality. Yung-Ching period. 25 Very old brown crackle group, Buddha, American Art Association, New York 26 Bovvl American Art Association, New York Imperial yellow glaze with inscriptions in gold, and emblem- atical and other ornamentation in bright colors. Kien-Lung period. 27 Semi egg-shell bowl American Art Association, New York Coral red glaze with decoration of blossoms in natural colors. 29 2 8 Vase American Art Association, New York Straight ovoid shape, finely glazed in imitation of agate. Rare specimen Kien-Lung period. 29 Blue and white bottle American Art Association, New York Fine texture, decorated with floral designs painted in fine quality blue beneath glaze. 30 Bottle-shape vase American Art Association, New York Sang (if poulet g\2ize, fine quality porcelain and glaze. Kien- Lung period. 31 Flower vase American Art Association, New York Very fine turquois blue glaze with cloudings in darker shade, and minute crackle beneath all. Kang-Hi period. 32 Mustard crackle vase American Art Association, New York. Rare quality irridescent glaze with minute crackle beneath. 33 Blue and white vase American Art Association, New York Semi egg-shell texture, peony flowers painted in deep blue beneath glaze. 34 Kien-Lung vase American Art Association, New York Straight shape, deep blue glaze with rich decoration of floral and vine designs in gold applied over the glaze. 35 Sang de bauf vase American Art Association, New York Bottle-shape, fine quality porcelain and glaze. Kang-Hi period. 36 Rich gros bleu vase American Art Association, New York Bottle-shape. Kien-Lung period. 37 Bottle vase American Art Association, New York With two tubes at top of slender neck, fine texture and pure white glaze. Yung-Ching period. 38 Flambe bottle-shape vase. . .American Art Association, New York With handles at neck, fine red glaze with splashes of garnet and lavender. Kien-Lung period. 39 Blue and white cylindrical vase. Choicest texture and color. Decoration of mandarin figure, etc. Wing period. 40 Antique silver incense burner, American Art Association, New York Gourd design, relief, open work inlaid and other designs of ornamentation artistically executed. Handles and other orna- ments inlaid with enamels, coral and malachite. Rare speci- men of Japanese art in precious metal. 41 Bleu poudrtf vase American Art Association, New York Jar-shape, decorated with emblems and ornaments in gold applied over the glaze. Kang-Hi period. 42 Bottle-shape vase American Art Association, New York Rouge Corail glaze, with two green lizzards in relief at neck. Kien-Lung period. 3° 43 Celadon vase American Art Association, New York Low form, finely engraved ornamentation beneath very even sea green glaze. Kien-Lung period. 44 Curious wooden pouch American Art Association, New York Ornamented in relief with carved figures, etc., in ivory and wood. 45 Large sang de bmif jar American Art Association, New York Ovoid shape with fish handles, rich glaze. Kien-Lung period. 46 Gorosa bronze sword guard. .American Art Association, New York Square shape, carved and inlaid ornamentation of storks, etc. 47 Copper sword guard American Art Association, New York Engraved and relief ornamentation of wasp's nests, wasps, etc. 48 Imperial yellow vase American Art Association, New York With engraved ornaments in green, blue and white glazes. Elephant-head handles at neck. Kien-Lung period. 49 Snuff bottle American Art Association, New York Carved and decorated ornamentation. 50 Modern bronze vase American Art Association, New York Tall, cylindrical shape, with bamboo design stand. Very fine Patine, beautiful relief ornamentation of floral and other designs in gold, silver and other metals. 5 1 Jar and cover American Art Association, New York Yellow glaze, with decoration of flowers, storks, etc., in colors. Kang-Hi period. 52 Crackle vase American Art Association, New York With y?^///)^/ glaze, splashes of sang Jc bctuf, garnet and other colors. Kang-Hi period. 53 Silver sword guard American Art Association, New York Exquisitely wrought designs of peonies and chrysanthe- mum flowers. 54 Shibn-ichi sword guard American Art Association, New York Very fine workmanship. 55 Large sang de bosuf va^e ■ . . .American Art Association, New York Rare. Very fine quality of glaze and porcelain. Lang-Yeou specimen. 56 Snuff bottle American Art Association, New York Boy with vase on sacred elephant, nicely modeled and deco- rated. Kien-Lung period. 57 Avanturine lacquer box American Art Association, New York Shape of koto, Japanese musical instrument. 58 Daimio short sword American Art Association, New York Black lacquer scabbard with exquisite ornamentation in gold lacquer, mountings and ornaments of silver, beautifully wrought and inlaid with gold. 59 Ivory inro or medicine case. .American Art Association, New York Very fine, etched decoration. 31 60 Silver incense burner American Art Association, New York Lotus design, finely wrought. 6 1 Twin snuff bottles American Art Association, New York Decorated with fishing scenes, huts, etc. Kea-King period. 62 Japanese inro or medicine case, American Art Association, New York Pure gold lacquer with finely modeled gold and silver figure in relief. 63 Set copper plates American Art Association, New York Illustrating the process of cloisonne enamel (inlaid work). 64 Daimio short sword American Art Association, New York Carved blade, black lacquer scabbard picked with gold, most exquisitely wrought solid gold mountings and ornaments. 65 Carved Cinnabar lacquer inro or medicine case, American Art Association, New York 66 Japanese inro or medicine case, crest decoration, American Art Association, New York 67 Lacquer perfume box American Art Association, New York Imitation of wood veins, maple leaves ornamentation. 68 Daimio pouch American Art Association, New York Ornaments of pure gold exquisitely wrought. Extraordinary pearl for Netsuke. 69 Porcelain opium pipe American Art Association, New York Finely decorated with imperial dragons, etc. 70 Japanese silver pipe American Art Association, New York Finely carved dragons, clouds, etc. ; used for tobacco. 71 Old gold lacquer perfume box, American Art Association, New York Ornamentation of sunflower and insects. 72 Daimio pouch American Art Association, New York With pipe holder attached. Exquisitely wrought solid gold ornaments and ivory and gold netsuke. 73 Large bottle-shape vase American Art Association, New York Rich lavender glaze with carved ornamentation beneath. Kang-He period. 74 Large Celadon vase American Art Association, New York Ovoid shape with flaring neck and base, ornamentation of floral designs engraved beneath glaze, which is of rare even quality ; slight fracture at neck repaired with gold lacquer by Japanese artist. Yung-Ching period. 75 Large plaque American Art Association, New York Fainille Rose, circular deep form. Ming period. 76 Collection of carved ivories (Nichkies), Robert C. and Charles L. Pruyn Seven hundred in all. Collected by Hon. Robert H. Pruyn while Minister to Japan, as were also other specimens of Jap- anese art. One of the best collections in the world. 32 77 K-i^d bowl with medallions, China J. Townsend Lansing 78 Marl vase J. Townsend Lansing 79 Marl vase J. Townsend Lansing 80 Egg-shell cup and saucer, Japanese Mrs. V. P. Douw 81 Chinese bowl, in Ming period Mrs. V. P. Douw 82 Chinese junk in ivory Mr. Clark 83 Lacquer box J. Townsend Lansing 84 Lacquer box J. Townsend Lansing 85 Old Hizen bowl Mrs. John Newman 86 Cup and saucer, very delicate, modern Japanese work, Miss Monteath 87 Old red lacquer plaque Rev. Wesley R. Davis 88 Covered box, Nankin Mrs. V. P. Douw 89 Persian plate Mrs. V. P. Douw 90 Small vase, Japanese, fine glaze Mrs. V. P. Douw 91 India dish, decorated with green dragons. . .Mrs. Erastus Corning 92 Old Asiatic decorated plate Mrs. Erastus Corning 93 Old India plate, pink Mrs. Erastus Corning 94 Satsuma plaque, representing a warrior Mrs. J. T. Lansing 95 Satsuma dish, representing frogs driving Mrs. J. T. Lansing 96 Chinese bowl, imperial yellow Mrs. J. T. Lansing 97 Satsuma bowl Mrs. J. T. Lansing 98 Cups, blue and red, Japanese Mrs. J. T. Lansing 99 Chinese jar, honeysuckle pattern Miss D. M. Douw 100 Small Kaga cup Miss D. M. Douw loi Satsuma plate, representing teacher and pupil. .Miss D. M. Douw 102 Blue bowl, with medallions Miss D. M. Douw 103 Old Japanese dish Mrs. William Cassidy 104 Royal Imari bowl, decorated with floral designs, panels and crests, in coral red, blue and gold Rev. Wesley R. Davis 105 Kaga vase, dragons in blue and panels with deer and Japanese jugglers, coral red and gold Rev. Wesley R. Davis 106 Nagasaki vase, decorated with water plant, brilliant glaze, very curious specimen Rev. Wesley R. Davis 107 Satsuma vase, basket design, with panels, Buddha and the tiger, and other mythological subjects Rev. Wesley R. Davis 108 Old Nankin plate Mrs. James Kidd 109 Japanese cup and saucer Mrs. Montgomery H. Throop 1 10 Kaga bowl Mrs. Montgomery H. Throop 1 1 1 Plate, very old Chinese Mrs. Ira Harris 1 1 2 Plate, very old Chinese Mrs. Ira Harris 1 13 Plaque Mrs. John F. Rathbone 114 Canton plaque Mrs. J. H. Ten Eyck 33 1 5 Hizen plaque Mrs. J. H. Ten Eyck 1 6 Old Nankin plate Mrs. Henry Lansing 1 7 Old Nankin plate Mrs. Henry Lansing 1 8 Old Nankin bowl Mrs. Henry Lansing 19 Nankin saucer, dark blue Mrs. Henry Lansing 20 Nankin dish Mrs. Henry Lansing 1 2 1 Awata fire-box Mrs. Theodore Olcott [22 Arita vase Mrs. Theodore Olcott 23 Arita vase Mrs. Theodore Olcott 24 Old Japanese plate E. D. Palmer 25 Old Japanese plate. E. D. Palmer 26 Old Japanese plate E. D. Palmer 27 Old Japanese plate E. D. Palmer 28 Old Nankin plate E. D. Palmer 29 Old Nankin plate E. D. Palmer 30 Old Nankin plaque E. D. Palmer 3 1 Old Nankin plate E. D. Palmer 32 Old Nankin jar, open work bottom E. D. Palmer T,;^ Old Hawthorne jar of rare Hawthorne pattern E. D. Palmer 34 Blue and white Nankin (old) E, D. Palmer 35 Old Chinese jar E. D. Palmer Selected by G. H. Boughlon from English collection 36 Satsuma jar Mrs. Philip Ten Eyck 37 Satsuma vase Dr. S. B. Ward 38 Kaga dish Mrs. Ledyard Cogswell 39 Platter, Nankin, flower pattern Mrs. P. M. Murphy 40 Plaque, Nankin Mrs. P. M. Murphy 41 Plaque, Chinese Mrs. P. M. Murphy 42 Large Canton vase Mrs. S. S. Pruyn 43 Large Canton vase Mrs. S. S. Pruyn 44 Japanese water jar, blue inlaid with gold Mrs. S. S. Pruyn 45 Small Satsuma jar Mrs. S. S. Pruyn 46 Satsuma vase Mrs. Grange Sard 47 Turkish coffee cups Mrs. J. Townsend Lansing 48 Antique Chinese vase (Green family) Robert C. Pruyn 49 Mandarin vase, of rare color Robert C. Pruyn 50 Pair of large Awari vases, blue and white Robert C. Pruyn 5 I Red lacquer cabinet, thirteenth century Charles L. Pruyn 52 Set Kioto ornaments, five pieces Charles L. Pruyn 53 Kaga bowl Charles L. Pruyn 54 Satsuma vase of rare design Charles L. Pruyn 55 Satsuma vase, crackle ware (Rose family) Charles L. Pruyn Spoken of in " Young's Ceramic Art." s 34 156 Satsuma vase, crackle ware, basket pattern Charles L. Priiyn Spoken of in " Young's Ceramic Art." 157 Awari vase (r6oo) Charles L. Pruyn 158 Chinese plaque (Ching-Hoa period, 1465) Charles L. Pruyn 159 Satsuma vase, crackle ware Charles L. Pruyn 160 Set of bronze ornaments (lotus leaf design) three pieces, Charles L. Pruyn i6i Pair bronze vases Charles L. Pruyn 162 Small Hizen bowl Mrs. Erastus Corning, Jr. BRONZES. 163 Antique bronze faun of the 17th century, set in socket of leaf design Rev. Wesley R. Davis 164 Bronze candlestick, design of lily stalk mounted on satyr's hoofs, by Antoine Barye Rev. Wesley R. Davis 165 Vase with birds, Japanese George Douglas Miller 166 Cloisonne vase, brass handles George Douglas Miller 167 Cloisonne vase ... George Douglas Miller 1 68 Japanese bronze, " The demon of the woods.". .Mrs. S. S. Pruyn 1 69 Japanese bronze fire box Mrs. S. S. Pruyn 170 Japanese incense burner Mrs. Theodore Olcott 1 7 I Jar ol old India brass Mrs. Ledyard Cogswell 172 Bronze vase, ornamented with protruding dragon claws, Japanese, Dr. S. B. Ward 173 Cloisonne jar Mrs. J. H. Ten Eyck 174 Japanese bronze ash box Mrs. S. S. Pruyn 175 Japanese junk in bronze Miss Monteath 176 Cup and saucer, bronze, inlaid with brass, Japanese work, Mrs. Jacob H. Ten Eyck 177 Cloisonne plaque, Buddha and the tiger. . . . J. Townsend Lansing 178 Cloisonne on Satsuma ware. . , Mrs. J. Townsend Lansing 179 Toilette box with stand, cloisonne Miss D. M. Douw 180 Bronze censer Miss D. M. Douw 181 Bronze vase. . , Mrs. V. P. Douw 182 Cloisonne jar ...... Mrs. V. P. Douw 183 Small cloisonne plate Mrs. V. P. Douw 184 Cloisonne jar Mrs. V. P. Douw 1 85 Cloisonne vase Mrs. J. Townsend Lansing t86 Cloisonne vase Mrs. J. Townsend Lansing 187 Small bronze box Mrs. J. Townsend Lansing 188 Bronze teapot, antique Japanese Mrs. J. Townsend Lansing 189 Bronze vase, modern Japanese Mrs. J. Townsend Lansing 190 Bronze incense burner Mrs. J. Townsend Lansing 3S 191 Japanese brazier Mrs. V. P. Douw 192 Chinese bronze Bishop Doane 193 Bronze plaque, Japanese Vantine & Co-, New York 194 Large bronze vase or " koro " Vantine & Co., New York 195 Bronze temple lamp Vantine & Co., New York 196 Japanese teapot W. Howard Brown 197 Brass candlestick Rev. Wesley R. Davis From the Tuileries. Stamped with coronet, and hand chased. 19S Pair of brass candlesticks Rev. Wesley R. Davis First empire. Hand chased. 199 Bronze Ganymede and the Eagle Frederick Townsend HISTORICAL AND FAMILY CHINA. 200 Plate from Baron Steuben's dinner set Mrs. James Kidd 201 Dinner plate of the Westerlo family Mrs. H. Pumpelly 2C2 Dinner plate of the Bleecker family Mrs. H. Pumpelly 203 Cup and saucer brought from China in an Albany sloop, Mrs. H. Pumpelly 204 Dinner plate which belonged to Barent Bleecker, 1750, Mrs. H. Pumpelly 205 Teapot, Holland ware, 1620 John Wolf 206 Cup and saucer which belonged to Lord Howe, Mrs. Anna Verplanck Clapp 207 Old Dresden cup and saucer Mrs. C. G. Van Rensselaer 208 Set of early Meissen ware Mrs. E. H. Durell There are two cups, two saucers and a teapot on the exhibit. They bear the initials of the Rev. John G. Gebhard, the great- grandfather of the loaner, on an ermine draped shield. The lettering was done in Paris over 100 years ago, where the set of china was sent for the purpose. The cover of the tea-pot has strawberry and leaf design, which in heraldry is used in the baronial crown. 209 Blue and white pitcher Mrs. Edward Bowditch Formerly owned by the father of Nathaniel Bowditch, the mathematician. 210 Pyramid vase, Kane family, Lowestoft Amasa J. Parker, Jr. 211 Pyramid vase, Kane family, Lowestoft Amasa J. Parker, Jr. 212 Pitcher, Kane family, Lowestoft Amasa J. Parker, Jr. 213 Mug, Kane family, Lowestoft Amasa J. Parker, Jr. 214 Custard cups, Kane family, Lowestoft Amasa J. Parker, Jr. 215 Dish, red and white Mrs John F. Rathbone Belonged to the family of Miriam Coffin. 216 Cup and saucer Mrs. John F. Rathbone Belonged to Miriam Coffin, Nantucket. 36 2 1 7 Old plate Mrs. John Taylcr Cooper After the pattern used by Washington. 2 1 8 ] Jelf t plaque Mrs. E. J- Miller Belonged to Governor De Witt Clinton. 219 Platter, blue and white (Ten Eyck family), Mrs. A. Bleecker Banks 220 Vegetable dish, blue and white (Ten Eyck fatnily), Mrs. A. Bleecker Banks 221 Red Lowestoft mug (Lansing family) . . . .Miss Susan Y. Lansing 222 Platter, Chinese (Lansing family) Miss Susan Y. Lansing 223 Gravy boat, Chinese (Lansing family) . . . .Miss Susan Y. Lansing 224 Bowl, Chinese (Lansing family) .Miss Susan Y. Lansing 225 Platter, willow jjattern (Lansing family) .. Miss Susan Y. Lansing 226 Old India vase, Kane family Miss Cornelia Kane Rathbone 227 Lowestoft mug, Kane family Miss Cornelia Kane Rathbone 228 Lowestoft custard cup, Kane family. Miss Cornelia Kane Rathbone 229 Covered dish, Canton china Ledyard Cogswell 230 Cup and saucer, Lowestoft Mrs. Paul F. Cooper 231 Tea-pot, white and gold Henry Stevenson Walsh Brouglit by Capt. Dean in the '' Enterprise." 232 Three cups and saucers, red Lowestoft. . . Miss Phoebe A. Pearce 233 Punch bowl, blue and white Henry Stevenson Walsh Owned by John Stevenson, Esq., first warden of St. Peter's church, and first President of St. Andrew's Society. 234 Beaker in white and blue, Lowestoft. . . . Mrs. Jacob H. Ten Eyck 235 Bowl, Lowestoft Mrs. Henry Lansing 236 Crown Derby teapot, which belonged to John Loudon McAdam, Mrs. Paul F. Cooper 237 Cup and saucer of great age Mrs. Paul F. Cooper 23S Blue pitcher Mrs. Ira Harris Old English ware, decorated with scenes from "John Gil- pin's ride." 239 English pitcher Mrs. Paul F. Cooper Decorated with Shalcespearean scenes. 240 White and green pepper pot George Douglas Miller Used in Connecticut in 17th century. 241 Fruit dish with stand, with Ten Broeck monogram, Mrs. C. G. Van Rensselaer 242 Plate, with Ten Broeck monogram. . . . Mrs. C. G Van Rensselaer 243 Saucer, red India Mrs. C. G. Van Rensselaer 244 Bowl, Chinese Mrs. J. H. Ten Eyck 245 Plate, Lowestoft Mrs. Henry Lansing 246 Cup and saucer (over 300 years old). . . Mrs. John Tayler Cooper 247 Tea-caddy (over 300 years old) Mrs. John Tayler Cooper 248 Teapot Mrs. James Kidd 37 o 249 Vase Mrs. James Kidd 250 Old Nankin plate Mrs. James Kidd 251 Vase, white and gold, Kip famil)- Mrs. Leonard Kip 252 Pieces from child's tea-set, Lowestoft Miss Russell 253 Plate, Lowestoft Miss Russell 254 Vase, Lowestoft Mrs. Leonard Kip 251; Chinese bowl Miss Russell 256 Lowestoft sugar bowl J. W. Russell 257 Lowestoft platter Miss Russell 258 Japanese bowl Miss Russell 259 Nankin tea caddy Ledyard Cogswell 260 Nankin tea caddy Ledyard Cogswell 261 Cream jug, English Miss Cornelia Kane Rathbone 262 Cup and saucer, English Miss Cornelia Kane Rathbone 263 Lowestoft jar Mrs. J. H. Ten Eyck 264 Small tray, Chinese Mrs. J. H. Ten Eyck 265 Bowl, Chinese Mrs. J. H. Ten Eyck 266 Bowl, Chinese Mrs. J. H. Ten Eyck 267 Cup and saucer, English ware Mrs. W. B. Van Rensselaer 268 Cup and saucer, English ware Mrs. W. B. Van Rensselaer 269 Hizen plate Mrs. John Tayler Cooper 270 Hizen plate Mrs. John Tayler Cooper 27 1 Minton cup and saucer Mrs. Peltz This cup belonged to Maximilian of Mexico. 272 Old cup Mrs. George Evans This belonged to Harmon Bleecker. 273 Dish Mrs. George Evans This belonged to Harmon Bleecker. 274 Lowestoft plate Miss Russell 275 Cup and saucer with coat of arms Miss Russell ENGLISH WARE. 276 William and Mary plaque Mrs. Edward Bowditcli 277 Rose tea pot (Swansea), decorated by Rose, a famous painter, George D. Fearey 278 Swansea plate, decorated by Pollard George D. Fearey 279 Worcester plate (1750) George D. Fearey 28b Bow tea pot (1730), blue and white George D. Fearey 281 Wedgwood fruit dish (1750) George D. Fearey 282 Staffordsliire tea pot, blue and white George D. Fearey 283 Crown Derby cup and saucer Mrs. Erastus Corning, Jr 284 Plaque, blue and white (Doulton) Mrs. John F. Rathbone 285 Two small jars of Wedgwood (early specimens), Mrs. John Tayler Coojier 38 286 Green and white basket work dish (Leeds), Mrs. John F. Ratlibone 287 Minton plaque Miss Cornelia Kane Rathbone 288 Minton dish Miss Cornelia Kane Rathbone 289 Minton plaque Miss Cornelia Kane Rathbone 290 Minton plate Miss Cornelia Kane Rathbone 291 Minton plate Miss Cornelia Kane Rathbone 292 Plate — Pindar and Bourne Miss Cornelia Kane Rathbone 293 Wedgwood jar, brown and turciuoise E. D. Palmer 294 Old English flower pot E. D. Palmer Decorated in relief with Canterbury bells and primrose leaf. 295 Wedgwood sugar bowl, yellow and white E. D. Palmer 296 English lustre cup and saucer, 1702 E. D. Palmer 297 English lustre pitcher E. D. Palmer 298 Doulton bowl Mrs. J. H. Ten Eyck 299 Plaque of Doulton " Underglaze " Mrs. W. W. Byington Decorated by Miss Hetta L. H. Ward. 300 Minton plate Mrs. Ledyard Cogswell 30 T Decorated plate James McNaughton 302 Crown Derby plate, old Mrs. John Macdonald 303 Minton vase Mrs. Henry Russell 304 Copeland vase Mrs. Henry Russell 305 Coalport vase Mrs. Henry Russell 306 Crown Derby vase Mrs. Henry Russell 307 Royal Worcester tea caddy Mrs. Henry Russell 308 Crown Derby plate Mrs. Grange Sard 309 Crown Derby plate Mrs. Grange Sard 310 Old English coffee pot Mrs. A. Bleecker Banks 311 Fruit dish and stand, early English ware.. Mrs. Augustus C. Pruyn 3 1 2 Dish, Lowestoft E. D. Palmer 313 Large blue Wedgwood jar Mrs. Ira Harris Decorated with Flaxman's design. 314 Two Crown Derby cups Mrs. Watkins, Schenectady 315 Piece of Spode, rare Mrs. J. G. Farnsworth 316 Blue Spode plate Mrs. Erastus Corning 317 Wedgwood vase, black and white Mrs. Erastus Corning 318 Wedgwood sugar bowl, Mayflower pattern.. Mrs. Erastus Corning 319 Copeland pitcher Mrs. Erastus Corning 320 Royal Worcester plate Mrs. Erastus Corning 321 Old Chelsea cup and saucer Mrs. William Cassidy 322 Wedgwood pitcher Mrs. William Cassidy 323 Tea cups, Coalport ware Mrs. C. P. AVilliams, Jr 324 Cup and saucer. Royal Worcester Mrs. William H. McClure 325 Cup and saucer, Royal Worcester Mrs. William H. McClure 39 326 Teacup and saucer, Royal Worcester Mrs. William Barnes 327 Teacup and saucer, Crown Derby Mrs. William Barnes 328 Wedgwood pitcher R. K. Viele 329 Large pitcher, Leeds ware C. V. Winne 330 Set of very fine Belleek cups and saucers, Irish ware, Mrs. William H. Van Antwerp 331 Copeland tete-a-tete set Mrs. Robert Lenox Banks FRENCH WARE, INCLUDING SEVRES, ETC. 332 Old French plate E. D. Palmer 333 Old French plate E. D. Palmer 334 Montereau plate E. D. Palmer 335 Montereau plate E. D. Palmer 336 Reticulated Sevres tea set, time of Louis Philippe, George D. Fearey 337 Decorated Sevres tea set, with Napoleon's monogram, used at the Chateau des Tuileries George D. Fearey 338 Blue vase, Sevres Mrs. Erastus Corning, Jr. 339 Pair of Vincennes mantel ornaments, Sevres, Robert C. and Charles L. Pruyn 340 Large Sevres vase Mrs. Van Rensselaer This vase is one of a pair ordered by Napoleon I as a present to the Emperor of Russia. When finished one vase was slightly imperfect, and therefore could not be given by one emperor to another. The vases were purchased by Mr. Wil- liam Bayard for the Manor House, Albany. 341 Pieces of fine Sevres, decorated by G. Pedersen, W. W. Byington This porcelain is unmarked, and therefore belongs to the period during which unmarked pieces were allowed to be sent out from the Sfevres factory, 1798-1801. 342 French Limoges vase, rich decoration of flowers upon dark green ground Rev. Wesley R. Davis 343 Rouen dish Mrs. J. Townsend Lansing 344 One old Sevres plate with portrait of Madame Pompadour, Mrs. Erastus Corning 345 Sevres plate, "Rose du Barry " Mrs. Erastus Cornmg 346 Covered bowl, French Mrs. Erastus Corning 347 Quimper plate Mrs. William Cassidy 348 Quimper plate Mrs. William Cassidy 349 Quimper plate Mrs. William Cassidy 350 Tournai plate Mrs. William Cassidy 35 1 Tournai plate Mrs. William Cassidy 4° 352 Frencli vase of the first Empire, with beautifully pencilled panels and heads of laughing satyrs in gold, mounted by cupids. Rev. Wesley R. Davis 353 Pair of Sevres vases Clarence Rathbone 354 Sevres plate Mrs. W. B. Van Rensselaer DRESDEN WORK, INCLUDING BERLIN, ETC. 355 Berlin plate, from Centennial Exhibition George D. Fearey 356 Berlin china flower pot Miss Cynthia Dexter With coat of arms of the House of Hanover. 357 Berlin china bowl, white and pink Mrs. Erastus Corning, Jr. 358 Large Dresden pitcher Mrs. Theodore Townsend With marine decorations. 359 Dresden cup and saucer Mrs. Montgomery H. Throop 360 Small Dresden vase George Douglas Miller 361 Old Dresden, imitation of Japanese Mrs. Erastus Corning, Jr. 362 Figure (girl's head), Vienna Mrs. John F. Rathbone 363 Piece of Meissen china Howard Van Rensselaer 364 Bonbon box supported by negro Mrs. John F. Rathbone 365 Bottle painted in red ... Mrs. John F. Rathbone 366 .Bottle painted with animals Mrs. John F. Rathbone 367 Dresden tea-pot Mrs. Philip Ten Eyck 368 Old Dresden vase Miss Cornelia Kane Rathbone 369 Dresden plate Mrs. Henry Lansing 370 Dresden coffee cup and saucer Mrs. Henry Lansing 371 Old Dresden plate, pink and white Mrs. Henry Lansing 372 Dresden plate Mrs. Ledyard Cogswell 373 Old Dresden cup Mrs. A. Bleecker Banks 374 Old Dresden cup and saucer Mrs. Henry Russell 375 Royal Saxony fruit dish Mrs. William Cassidy 376 Cup and saucer from the Vatican, Vienna ware, Mrs. William Cassidy 377 Small Dresden teapot, Marcolini period Mrs. V. P. Douw 378 Dresden box with cover, modern Mrs. V. P. Douw 379 Old Dresden plate Mrs. Erastus Corning 380 Old Berlin plate, open work border Mrs. Erastus Corning 381 Berlin game plate, modern Mrs. Erastus Corning 382 Dresden salt cellars, modern Mrs. Erastus Corning 383 Dresden dishes Mrs. W. B. Van Rensselaer 384 Dre.sden cup and saucer Mrs. Wm. Barnes 41 GLASS. 3S5 Carafe belonged to Louis Napoleon Mrs. Ira Harris 386 Pitcher Mrs. Theodore Townsend Old French decorated glass. 3S7 Light blue Bohemian glass vase Miss Cynthia Dexter 388 Old cut glass pitcher and bowl Mrs. Ira Harris 389 Venetian glass plate Mrs. Theodore Townsend 390 Venetian glass small pitcher Mrs. Montgomery H. Throop 391 Venetian glass cup and saucer Mrs. Montgomery H. Throop 392 Old goblet, cut glass George Douglas Miller 393 Large covered vase, white and gold Miss Pierce 394 Venetian glass vase Mrs. Henry Russell 395 Cameo glass vase Mrs. Henry Russell 396 Cameo glass vase Mrs. Henry Russell 397 Small girandole Mrs. Jacob H. Ten Eyck 398 Old cut glass decanter with silver stand. . . .James McNaughton 399 Old cut glass pitcher., James McNaughton 400 Old cut glass celery glass James McNaughton 401 Old cut glass decanter Mrs. Henry Lansing 402 Old cut glass preserve saucer Mrs. Henry Lansing 403 Old cut glass Jelly glass Mrs. Henry Lansing 404 Old cut glass tumbler Mrs. Henry Lansing 405 Old cut glass tumbler Mrs. Henry Lansing 406 Old cut glass hock glass (green) Mrs. Henry Lansing 407 Old cut glass dish Mrs. Henry Lansing 408 Old cut glass dish Mrs. Henry Lansing 409 Old cut glass liquer glass Mrs. Henry Lansing 410 Old cut glass liquer glass Mis. Henry Lansing 411 Old cut glass candelabrum Mrs. J. H. Ten Eyck 412 Bohemian glass vase Mrs. J. H. Ten Eyck 413 Venetian glass finger bowl Miss Cornelia Kane Rathbons 414 Antique Roman vase, iridescent glass, Rev. Wesley R. Davis Excavated by Schliemann at Olympia ; perfect in shape. 415 Bohemian glass goblet Mrs. Erastus Corning 416 Iridescent glass Mrs. J. Townsend Lansing 417 Piece of old English cut glass Mrs. J. G. Farnsworth 418 Rare glass, belonged to Baron Teck Mrs. J. G- Farnsworth 419 Venetian vase, antique, dark amber flecked with gold, Rev. Wesley R. Davis 420 Rare glass, belonged to Baron Teck Mrs. J. G. Farnsworth 421 Cameo glass Mrs. J. G. Farnsworth 422 Flagon, with silver top Mrs. J. G. Farnsworth 6 42 423 Vienna glass, Lobmeycr. maker George Douglas Millet 424 Antique Russian drinking glass. Mrs. Wm. Barnes 425 Bohemian vase Mrs. Wm. H. McClure 426 Venetian glass mats Miss Cornelia Kane Rathbone 427 Venetian dish Miss Cornelia Kane Rathbone 428 Pitcher, red glass Miss Cornelia Kane Rathbone 429 Antique Oriental glass Mrs. C. P. Williams, Jr. 430 Venetian finger bowl Mrs. V. P. Douw 431 Venetian glass bottle George D. Fearey DELFT WARE. 432 Plaque. Mrs. Edward Bowditch 433 Plaque Mrs. Edward Bowditch 434 Plaque Mrs. C. G. Van Rensselaer 435 Old Delft cow and milkman Mrs. John F. Rathbone 436 Old tankard with cover Mrs. John F. Rathbone 437 Plaque, old E. D. Palmer 438 Plaque, old E, D. Palmer 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 Blue and white jar E. D. Palmer Blue and gray jar E. D. Palmer Plaque Miss Vandenburgh Plate Mrs. Henry Lansing Plate Mrs. Henry Lansing Plate Mrs. Henry Lansing Plaque John Wolff 446 Plaque John Wolff 447 Plaque John Wolff 448 Plaque.. John Wolff 449 Plaque John Wolff 450 Plaque Mrs. R. S. Oliver 45 1 Plaque Mrs. R. S. Oliver 452 Plaque Mrs. C. G. Van Rensselaer 453 Plaque Mrs. C. G. Van Rensselaer 454 Plaque Mrs. R. S. Oliver 455 Bird cage plaque Mrs. Erastus Corning MISCELLANEOUS. 456 Nove dish, Venice Mrs. J. Townsend Lansing 457 Majolica plaque Mrs. Erastus Corning 458 Italian water jar, inscribed "Vera Coriando, 1524," Mrs. Erastus Corning 459 Moorish jar •' Mrs. Edward Bowditch 460 Moorish vase, yellow and blue Mrs. Edward Bowditch 43 46 r Etruscan pitcher, great age Bishop Doane 46 J Majolica vase Mrs. John F. Rathbone 463 Majolica tankard Mrs. John F. Rathbone 464 Old Italian medicine jar E. D. Palmer 465 Neapolitan jar E. D. Palmer 466 Jar made at Doccia, Italy, by Ginore, in 1735 E. D. Palmer 467 Rhinoceros horn, carved in vase form . . . .George Douglas Miller 468 Carved paper cutter George Douglas Miller 469 Triptych with five copies of Fra Angelicos figures in miniature, Mrs. Montgomery H. Throop 470 Black Hawthorne vase Richard L. Annesley 471 Old Red Lacquer plaque Rev. Wesley R. Davis 472 Lowestoft plate, Walsh family Miss Sarah W. Barnard 473 Old Satsuma jar Mrs. J. G. Farnsworth 474 Staffordshire plaque George D. Fearey 475 Staffordshire plaque George D. Fearey 476 Delft plaque George D. Fearey 477 Delft plaque George D. Fearey 478 India plaque George D. Fearey 479 Creil (French) plaque George D. Fearey 480 Creil (French) plaque George D. Fearey 48 1 Creil (French) plaque George D. Fearey 482 Creil (French) plaque George D. Fearey 4S3 Creil (French) plaque George D. Fearey 484 Cup and saucer, Spode Mrs. J. G. Farnsworth 485 Plate, Spode Mrs. J. G. Farnsworth 486 Fruit dish (willow ware), Leeds Mrs. Teunis VanVechten 487 Red cloisonne bowl Mrs. J. G. Farnsworth 488 Porcelain candlestick of Iniari ware W. Howard Brown From Buddhist Temple, of great age. 489 Sevres cup and saucer Mrs. George Evans 490 Sevres plate with portrait of Marie Losinska. Mrs. George Evans 491 Sevres plaque Mrs. George Evans 492 Sevres platter Mrs. George Evans 493 Sevres platter Mrs. George Evans 494 The Pruyn collection of Oriental pottery, bronzes and lacquer, Charles L. Pruyn 495 Pitcher, English ware , Mrs, John L. Newman 496 Punch bowl. Canton Mrs. J. T. Cooper 497 Tureens, French china J. Howard King 498 Black Lowestoft teapot Mrs. Cuyler Ten Eyck 499 Chinese teapot, Canton Mrs. J. H. Ten Eyck 500 Japanese teapot Mrs. J . H. Ten Eyck 44 501 Japanese tea caddy. Mrs. J. H. Ten Eyck 502 Nankin cup and saucer Mrs. J H Ten Eyck 503 Old Hizen bowl . Mrs. Cuyler Ten Eyck 504 Chinese pitcher Mrs. Cuyler Ten Eyck 505 Eustre pitcher Mrs. John L. Newman 506 Basin and ewer, Chinese Mrs. C. G Van Rensselaer 507 Lowestoft cup Mrs. Cuyler Ten Eyck 508 Nankin cream pitcher . . . . Miss Pearce 509 Nankin coffee pot Miss Pearce 510 Old China tea pot Mrs. V. P. Douw 5 1 1 Hizen tea pot Mrs. C. G, Van Rensselaer 5 1 2 Lowestoft bowl Mrs. C. G. Van Rensselaer 513 Pitcher, English lustre. .Mrs. J. F. Rathbone 514 Lowestoft cup and saucer Mrs. J. F. Rathbone 515 Candle cup and saucer Mrs. James Kidd 516 Wedgwood cup and saucer Mrs. Joel Nott 5 1 7 Wedgwood cup and saucer. Mrs. Joel Nott 518 Crown Derby cup and saucer . . .Mrs. V. P. Douw 519 Spode cup and saucer.. Mrs. John Tayler Cooper 520 Dresden glass • Mrs. R. S. Oliver 521 Bohemian glass vase ... Mrs. W. B. Van Rensselaer 522 Cup and saucer, Vienna ware Mrs. Henry Russell 523 Sevres pitcher . . .Mrs. R. S. Oliver 524 Dish, old English ware Mrs. William Barnes 525 Platter, old English ware Mrs. William Barnes 526 Coalport cup and saucer Mrs. William Barnes 527 Coalport cup and saucer Mrs. William Barnes 528 Royal Worcester cup and saucer Mrs William Barnes 529 Copeland teapot Mrs. John G. Farnsworth 530 Capo di Monte cup and saucer Mrs. W. H. Van Antwerp The " Kakamona," or Japanese wall pictures, used in decorating the Ceramic Room, have been kindly loaned by Mr James Terry Gardiner. The antique Persian, Kelim, Ghiordes, Kisac, Daghistan and Camels' Hair rugs, used in the decoration of the Ceramic Room, have been kindly loaned by the Rev Wesley R Davis, and also the " Kakamona " of Baby Bears, a water-color on silk, by the famous Japanese artist, Okio. BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, ETC. North-ivest Rooi/i, Principal Story. 1 Cicero. — De Officiis et Paradoxa Printed by Fust and Schceffer, Mayence, February 4, 1466. This edition of the Officia was the last book printed by Fust, the second of the triumvirs of the printing world Gutenberg's name never appeared in any of his books Schoeffer, the last of the trio, married (he daughter of Fust, as the words, Manit Petri pueri met, in the colophon of the above book seem to indi- cate. Fust went to Paris soon after the printing of this work, and died there that same year, of the plague The present book is a perfect specimen of this press. 2 Saint Augustine. — Ue Singularitate clericorum. Printed by Ulric Zell, Cologne, 1467. This IS the first book printed at Cologne bearing a date and the name of the printer Zell printed very many books from this time until 1494, but put his name in only three books At the close of the fifteenth century there were twentj' printing establishments in Cologne. 3 Cicero. — Epistola ad Atticum Printed by Nicholas Jensen, Venice, 1470. Jenson was perhaps the most elegant printer of his time. Louis XI sent him to Mayence to learn printing, intending, doubtless, to have the art introduced into bis realm . but for some reason Jenson, while he ever after proudly wrote Gallicus after his name, never returned to France, settling in Venice, and making that city famous in the annals of typography by his beautiful Roman type, straight lines and wide margins The colophon containing the date and printer's name will be found on the last page. 4 Diogenes Laertius. — Vitse Philosophorum Printed by Nicholas Jenson, Venice, 1475. This is the first edition of this work, and by the same printer as the preceding title. This copy belonged once to Philip 46 Melancthon, the religious reformer, and is filled with marginal notes \n his handwriting. It was afterward m the collection ot Dr. Kloss, of Frankfort. Chronicon Nurembergense. Printed by Antonius Koburger, Nu- remburg, 1493. While this book is not particularly rare, it is full of interest on account of the wood engravings made by Wolgemuth and Pleydenwutf. There are over two thousand o( these in the volume Albert Durer had been an apprentice to Wolgemuth from 14S6 to 1490, and many of the engravings are suggestive of his hand. It was one of the most pretentious books of the fifteenth century. On the recto of folio ccl.xiiii is the first Dance of Death of which we have any recollection, and which prob- ably formed the model of this kind of drawing The book was reprinted in 1497, in smaller folio and inferior type. Horace. — Opera omnia. Printed by Johannes Giirninger, Stras- bourg, 1498. In the Bihl. Haileian, vol. ill, No 754, this edition of Horace is called '' one of the greatest curiosities in the whole Haileian collection." The text is in large Roman type, while a small Roman letter is used for the annotations. Liber festivalis. Printed by Julian Notary, Westminster [London], 1499. This book is printed in English of the old black letter char- acter. The title and the headings of the chapters are in Latin. The reverse of the last folio bears the colophon and the print- er's peculiar mark. This is the only book printed by Notary in England in the fifteenth century This copy is bound by Chainbolle-Duru Robert Whittingtoii. — • Grammatices opusculum. Printed by Wyn- ken De Worde, London, Flete street, 1519. Wynken DeWorde succeeded to Caxton's press. In 1502 he moved from Westminster to Fleet street. The peculiar device is partly Caxton's and partly his own The letters W and C are the initials of the first English printer Dionisius Richel. — Un compendio de Las Processiones. Printed by Juan Cromberger, Mexico, 1544- This little Spanish tract of twelve leaves is one of the rarest of Americana. As with the discovery of the art. so with its introduction into the new world — the date is difficult to fix. Senor Icazbalceta, the Mexican bibliographer, gives 1540 as the date of the first book printed in this country, and of which a copy is said to be owned in Madrid. He cites the present title as the fourth book. Cromberger had printed in Seville and unquestionably was the first to set up a press in America. Regla Christiana breve. Printed in Me.xico, 1547. This book has no printer's name, but, as will be observed, is of the same type and character as the preceding. 47 11 Speculum Conjugiorum. Printed by Johannes Paulus, Brisscnsis, Mexico, 1556. This printer, known as Juan Pablos, is claimed by some as the first printer in America. He is believed by some bibliog- raphers to have been a workman for Cromberger, and upon the latter's death to have come into possession of the press. 12 An Almanack for the year of our Lord 1646. This Almanack was printed at Cambridge, in New England, in the year 1645, being calculated for the j-ear 1646. It was printed by Stephen Day, the first printer in the colonies and the printer of the Bay State Psalm book. Stephen Day's name never appeared in an imprmt. This honor was reserved for his brother, Mathew Day, the printer of the succeeding title. These four Almanacks belonged to the Rev. Samuel Hough, minister of Reading, Mass. They were interleaved by him and contain many entries in his handwriting. They passed into the possession of Judge Samuel Sewell, and remained in the Sewell family until they were purchased by the late John K. Wiggins of Boston From the latter's collection they passed into that of the late Mr. George Brinley of Hartford. At the sale of his books in 1878 they came into the library of the present owner. The three printers who were first to exercise their art in the colonies are here represented, they are Stephen Day, Mathew Day and Samuel Green. 13 An Almanack for the year of our Lord, 1647. Cambridge, prmted by Mathew Day, 1647. From a purely bibliographical standpoint this is the rarest book of all the Americana. It is the first book printed in the colonies with the name of printer, date and place, and it is the only copy of tins book known. 14 An Almanack for the year of our Lord 1648. Printed at Cam- bridge, 1648. Over against the month of June for this year the Rev. Mr. Hough recorded that on " 14 June '48, Alice Jones was exe- cuted at Boston for witchcraft." It was this manuscript note made contemporaneously with the event which fixed in the history of New England the date of the first execution there for witchcraft, and the name of the unfortunate person. 15 An Almanack for the year of our Lord 1650. Printed at Cam- bridge, 1650. Each of these Almanacks has been bound by Mathews the elder, of Brooklyn, the foremost binder of our country. The present title is so arranged as to show its covers and design. 16 A Fast of God's Chusing. By Thomas Thacher, Boston. Printed by John Foster, 1678. This is a sermon preached on a public fast day by the first pastor of the old South Church of Boston. Foster was the first to set up a press in Boston. His earliest book is dated 1676. This copy is bound by Riviere in liis best style. 48 1 7 Keith, George. — The Presbyterian and Independent Visible Churches in New England. Philadelphia, printed by Will. Bradford, 16S9. William Bradford was the first printer in the Province of Pennsylvania. His first work was dated December 28, 1685 and was an almanack for the year 1686. 18 Keith, George. — The Notes of the True Church. Printed and sold by William Bradford at the sign of the Bible in New York, 1704. 19 Keith, George. — The Great Necessity and Use of the Holy Sac- raments. Printed and sold by William Bradford at the sign of the Bible in New York, 1704. These two books are from the first press in the city of New York. Bradford began prmling there in 1693. In 1694 he printed the " Laws of the Province of New York," which mav be called the first book printed, the work done in 1693 consisting of proclamations only. 20 Cicero. — Omnia Opera. Printed by Sebastian Gryphius, Lyons, 1546. The Gryphii were famous printers in Paris and Lyons. This edition of Cicero's works is not very highly valued, but a single volume from the set is here presented to illustrate the Grolicr bindings. Each volume is clothed sumptuously in Grolier designs. There is a Grolier club in New York, but if the pos- session of a genuine Grolier was made the qualification for admission, the circle would be exceedingly small. Grolier was the patron of Aldus and the Meca-nas of printers and book lovers. Says Dibdin : "What bibliomaniac can enjoy perfect tranquility of mind unless he possess a Grolier copy of some work." At the bottom one reads the benevolent motto "Jo Grolerii et Amicorumy 2 1 Ptolemy. Printed for John Sprint, London. This copy was bound by Roger Payne, the celebrated and eccentric binder, and his origmal bill for binding the same is also exhibited. 22 Valerius Ma.ximus. Printed by Aldus, Venice, 1502. This is one of the earliest Aldines in which the Anchor device appears, and which will be found on the recto of the first leaf. 23 Hennepin. — Nouvellc Decouverte. Printed by Broedeler, Utrecht, 1697. This is the first edition of Father Hennepin's "New Dis- covery," and this is the first engraving of Niagara. 24 Evans. — The Minister of Christ. Philadelphia, printed by B. Franklin, 1732. This and the two following titles are from Benjamin Frank- lin's press. This is an early specimen of Franklin's printing, and rare. 49 25 Ascott. — ("onsiderations Relating to the Present State of tlie Christian Religion. B. Franklin, at the New Printing Office, Philadelphia, 1732. The autograph of Benjamin Franklin is lo be seen wiili this book. 26 The Constitutions of tlie Free Masons. Re-printed in J'hiladel- phia, 1734. This is the first masonic book printed in America, and was printed by Benjamin Franklin, himself an active member of the order. 27 Illustrations of Masonry. Batavia, printed for the author, 1826. This is the original Morgan book. It was in type when its author, William Morgan, disappeared, or as some say, was kidnapped. 28 Laws and Ordinances of the City of Albany. Printed by Alex- ander and Jaines Robertson, Albany, 1773. This is the first book printed in Albany. 29 The Charter of the City of Albany. New York, printed by H. Gaine, in Hanover Square, 1771- This is the first printed copy of our charter. At a meeting of the Common Council, held January 31, 1706, it was "Re- solved, that Mr. John Abeel, Mr. Evert Banker, Mr. Hen- drick Hansen, Mr. Johannes Cuyler, either or more of them by occasion when they go down to New York, lake a fair copy of the city charter and agree with the printer to print the same at such cheap rate as can be agreed for to the cost and advantage of the city, and for the amount thereof to be paid out of the first money to come in." Sixty-five years passed before the charter was printed. Let every Albany bibliomaniac seek these two books They are becoming very, very rare. Generally they are found bound together. 30 The Book of Mormon. — By Joseph Smith, Jr. Palmyra, printed by E. B. Grandin, for the Author, 1830. This is the original edition of the Mormon Bible. It has the "testimony of three witnesses" on the recto of the page directly after page sS8, and on the reverse side the "testimony of eight witnesses" to the "plates of gold" shown them by Joseph Smith, Jr., upon which was the " Revelation," and from which the Bible was translated. It is said that the manu- script from which the book was printed and which suggested the scheme to Smith, was the work of a deini-clergyman, Solo- mon Spalding. 31 Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of the Latter Day Saints Kirtland, Ohio, 1835. Printed by F. G. Williams & Co. This book of the " Doctrine and Covenants" is much rarer than the Bible. Kirtland, where it was printed, was to have been the New Jerusalem. It is interesting to note that at this early period of the church the Mormons were not ready to 7 s° avow tlieir belief in polygamy, and on page ajr it is disfinctlj slated " we declare that we believe, that one man should have one wife, and one woman but one husband." 32 Junius. London, printed for Henry Sampson Woodfall, 1772. This is the first authorized edition of the letters of Junius. This copy belonged to Sir William Draper, and has his auto- graph on the title page and manj' autographic notes, interest- ing because of the important part he pla3-ed in drawing the fire of Junius. Surrounding the book are autographic letters of Woodfall, the printer. Sir Philip Francis, John Wilkes, Duke of Grafton, Duke of Portland, Lord North and other charac- ters in Junius. Warren Hastings' autograph will be found directly over that of Sir Philip Francis, the reputed author of Junius. ^;^ Johannis de Aurbach Summa. Printed by Ginther Zainer, Augs- bourg, 1469. This book is exhibited as a specimen of early printing. It is the second book printed at Augsbourg, and with the exception of the Cicero of 1466 and the Augustinus of 1467, is the earliest printed book in this collection. 34 Mercurius Trismegistus. Printed by Gerardus de Lisa, (quarto) Treviso, 147 1. This is the first edition of this work. The type is peculiar for that period. 35 Fasciculus Temjjorum. Printed by Arnoldus Therhoerner, Cologne, 1474- This is the first edition of this work so often reproduced in the 15th century. The wood cut on the page at which the book is open speaks of the inferior state of the art in Cologne at that period. 36 Fasciculus Temporuni. Printed by Erhardus Ratdolt, Venice, 1481. This edition is more interesting than the preceding. The state of the art of engraving at that time is seen in the curious attempt to produce cavities and depth of shade in the right hand picture of the page on which the book is opened. On the left hand page the city of Venice is seen. 37 Vetus Testamentum Belgicum. Printed by Jacobs and Yemants, (two vols.) Delft in Holland, 1477, folio. The second volume is here shown opened at the colophon to sliow the printers' mark and date. This is the FIRST I.MPRES- siON of the Dutch Bible, and as such should be of interest to the descendants of the Hollanders. The book is very rare. 38 Evangelia und Renaria. Johannes Bamler, of Augsbourg, is believed by bibliograph- ers to have been the printer of this book, one of the earliest editions of the Epistles and Gospels. The curious wood-cuts scattered through the volume alone make it interesting. This copy belonged to Dr. KIoss of Fiankfort. The wood-cut, at which the volume is opened, represents the Saviour rising from the tomb while the three soldiers sleep. 39 La Mer des Histoires. (Two vols. Folio) Printed by Pierre le Rouge, Paris, 1488. This is the first Frencli, and a very rare, version of the Rudi- nientum Novitiorum. The wood-cuts have been highly colored by some miserable hand and consequently disfigured for the bibliomaniac. 40 Thucidides. The hystory writtone by Thucidides, London, 1550. This is the first English translation of this aulhoi. 41 Euclid. Printed at London by John Daye, 1570. This is the first English edition of Euclid. The preface was written by John Dee, the famous astrologist. The book is opened to show the admirable way in which solid angles were taught. 42 Roger Ascham. To.xophilus. Priijted in London by Ed. White- church, 1545. This is the first edition of this book which is read with relish even now by those who love the purity of early English. He taught Elizabeth the languages, and was appointed secretar)' to Edward VL This book was dedicated to Henry VHI. 43 Roger Ascham. The Schoolmaster. Printed by John Daye, Lon- don, 1570. The first edition of this work. It was published by his widow, Margaret Ascham. 44 Francis Bacon. The two books on learning. Printed for Henrie Torres, London, 1605. This is the first edition of the two books. It was enlarged to nine books and printed in Latin in 1623. 45 Francis Bacon. IX Books on Learning. Printed by Leon. Lich- field, Oxford, 1640. This is the first English edition of the nine books. An autographic signature of Francis Bacon is also exhibited. The words " To tresorer Mr. Chanc, at ye excheqr," are also in his handwriting. The document is dated November 26, 1613, and has several other rare signatures. The title p.ige and frontis- piece of the book were engraved by Marshall. 46 Cotton Matter. Magnalia Christi Americana London, printed for Thomas Parkhurst, 1702. This is the first edition of this first ecclesiastical history of New England. The original map is found in this copy. Upon it our city is called New Albion, and the island south of us. Bears Island. 47 .^ithmetic designed for beginners. Raleigh, N. C, Bronson iV- Farrar, 1864. This specimen of Confederate printing is mteresling because of the curious examples given for solution. On page 44, example 6 reads: " If one ConfedcriUe soldier c:iii wliip 7 Yankees, how many soldiers can whip 49 Yankees?' The book is opened at another interesting proposition. 48 Free- Masons, The Constitutions of the. London, [printed by William Hunter, 1723. This is the first masonic book ever printed or published. It was written by Dr. Anderson secretar)' of the Grand Lodge, London. 49 Terentius. Opera. Printed by Griininger, Strasbourg, 1496. This is the same printer who gave us the Horace mentioned above. These are among the first attempts to represent dra matic character in engravings. 50 Lai:tantii, Opera. Printed by I^es Freres de la Vie Comnnine Rostock, 1476. This is the first book printed in tliis place. 51 Fasciculus temporum. Printed by Jean Valdener, Utrecht, 1480. This is the finest specimen known of this press. 52 Bartholomeus. Printed l)y Jacob Bellaert, Harlem, 14S5. This curious book is the only specimen of this press. aut()(;rai>hs. Abbreviations. A. L. S. autographic letter signed; L. S. letter signed; D. S document signed; A.M autographic manuscript ; 3 P. written in the third person Ki.\i;s .wi) Ulteens of Kngi..\ni). J J Henry \'I1, D. S. July 25, 1498. 54 Henry VHI, D. S. October 2ji, 1543. 55 Edward VI, D. S. first year of his reign. 56 Elizabeth, D. S. and marginal autographic notes, August 30, 1566 57 James I, D. S. March 31, 1597. 58 Charles I, D. S. September 20, 1637. 59 Oliver Cromwell, D. S.; signed as Proteulio/i.^ alpJialutically arran^fti.) 31S Volume (4x3^), Gospel of Mark in Tamil, Secretary of American Bible Society 319 Pamphlet (6x10^), Siamese Gospel of Luke, Secretary of American Bible Society 320 The Albany Argus, No. 46, Vol. I. (July 2, 1813), framed, The Argus Co. 321 Washington ];irthday celebration jjrogramme, 1813, The Argus Co. 322 Albany Register, April 15, 1814 Dr. Wm. H. Bailey 323 Autograph letter from Philip Schuyler to Walter Livingston, Chair- man of the Secret Committee at Albany. .Thurlow Weed Barnes This letter relates to the disposition of Lady Johnson, and other matters of interest. Dated Fort George, June i, 1776. 324 Autograph letter from Governor Jonathan Trumbull of Connec- ticut to Samuel Stringer, Chairman of the Albany Committee of Safety. Dated Hartford, 30 May, 1775. .Thurlow Weed Barnes 325 Autograph letter from Lynde Lord, Chairman of the Committee of Safety of the town of Litchfield, Connecticut, to the Albany Committee of Safety; replying to a request for immediate rein- forcements. 4 August, 1777 Thurlow 'Weed Barnes 326 Biblia Sacra (Latin Bible). Amsterdam, 1669, Dr. ^V^ W. Battershall 327 Homilies to be Read in the time of Queen Elizabeth of Famous Memory, London, 1676. In black letter. . Dr. W. W. Battershall 32S Pencil drawing of house corner Broadway and Tivoli streets, opposite Manor house, built 1700, also tile from the same, Mrs. J. C. Bell 329 De Revolutionibus Orbiinn Coelestium. 1543, Nicolas Coperni- cus Prof. Lewis Boss This is the first edition of the immortal work in which Copernicus demonstrated the true theory of the solar system. Copernicus died in 1543, a few hours after the first copy of this edition had been placed in his hands. 330 Tabulae Astronomicae Alfonsi Regis, 1492 Prof. I^ewis Boss These astronomical tables were constructed in 1252 by order of Alfonso of Spain, upon the Ptolemaic hypothesis then in vogue. It was in relation to these very tables that Alfonso said: "If I had been consulted in devising the universe I should have made it on a much simpler plan." This, the third edition, was not printed in time to be used by Columbus in his first voyage of discovery. ^31 De Motibus Stellae Martis, 1609, John Kepler .. Prof. Lewis Boss This is the great work in which Kepler demonstrated the laws of planetary motion. This is the first edition, which is very rare. It was published in the year when Hudson first sailed up the river that now bears his name. xl 64 3JJ biilcrius Nuncius, 1610, Galileus Prof. Lewis Boss This is a copy of the first edition of the biilluiin in which Galileo announced tne discovery of the telescope, and in which he also gave an account of his first observations upon the moon and planets by telescopic aid. This edition is very rare. ^^^ Fac simile, Magna Carta of King John, 12 15 Irving Browne 334 Fac simile, Warrant to execute Mary Queen of Scots, 1587, signed by Elizabeth Irving Browne 335 Fac simile. Warrant to execute Charles I, 1684. . .Irving Browne 336 Fac simile, Twelve London newspapers, 15S8-1 806. Irving Browne 337 Gold Obang, A very rare Japanese coin. . . . . W. Howard Brown 338 Private seal, Time of Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, W. W. Byington ^^q Missal. Juntas, Venice, r577 Mrs. William Cassidy 340 Illustrations (steel engravings) by famous Italian artists ofTasso's Jerusalem Delivered Mrs. William Cassidy 34 1 Essay on Man. Warburton Mrs. Anna Verplanck Clapp Frontispiece designed by Pope. London, 1745. Early edition. 34.; De Bybel, Tot Leyden. Daniel Elzevier, 1663, Mrs. Anna Verplanck Clapp This old Dutch Bible contains the record of the Verplanck family in New York, beginning with the marriage of Gulian Verplanck and Hendrekje Wessells, 1668. 343 Original draft of " Gov. Marcy's Patch Bill ". . . . Edward E. Cook 344 Colored fashion plates, 1810 Mrs. John Tayler Cooper From the Repository of Arts, Fashions, etc. London. 1810. 345 Autograph letter of Richard Wagner Erastus Corning 346 Autograph letters of the Presidents of the United States, Monroe Crannell 347 Autograph letters of the Governors of the State of New York, Monroe Crannell 34S Autograph letter of John Howard Payne, author of " Home, Sweet Home " Monroe Crannell 349 Autographs of Napoleon I, Wellington, Mirabeau, Humboldt, Leigh Hunt, LaFayette, Washington, Franklin, Hamilton, Grant, Philip Schuyler, Webster, Clay, Irving, Hawthorne, John Brown and others Monroe Crannell 350 Deed of lot in Beverwyck, signed by Richard Nicolls, first English Governor of New York, 1667 Monroe Crannell 35 1 Bank checks of Gov. Marcy, J. Fenimore Cooper, Daniel Web- ster and others Monroe Crannell 352 Albany ballots used in six Presidential elections, 1864-1884 ; also New York State Electoral College ballots of same period, Monroe Crannell 6s 353 Naturalization paper, Colony of New York, 17 15. Monroe Crannell Signed by Judge Henry Beeckman, Judge of Ulster county. 354 Old Albany newspapers — Federal Herald, 178S; Centinel, 1798 •. Sentinel, 1S04, in mourning for Hainilton; Gazette, J 789; Reg- ister, 1814; Register, 1815, in mourning for Fulton; Argus, 1815, framed W. W. Crannell 355 Seventy-five specimens of Colonial and Continental currency, in frame W. W. Crannell 356 Programme of funeral obsequies of General \Vashington in Albany, and two small prints of Washington issued at the time of his death, in frame W. W. Crannell 357 Complete set of Confederate government currency, 50 cents to $1,000, and small Confederate flag from Richmond, Va., in frame . W. W. Crannell 358 Complete set United States fractional currency and city of Albany currency, in frame W. W. Crannell 359 Complete set United States cents, 1793 to 18S6 inclusive, in frame, W. W. Crannell 360 Silver medal for valor in Crimean war, 1854, Clarke Winslow Crannell 361 Charter, laws and ordinances of city of Albany, printed in 1800. W. W. Crannell 362 Book of Common Prayer 171 1, (in English and Dutch) used in St. Peter's church, Albany W. W. Crannell 363 Dutch book, owned by a resident of Fort Orange, 1649, W. W. Crannell 364 Albany Register, April 24, 1S09. Glorious news by the steamboat, \V. W. Crannell 365 Broadside, April 12, 1804. Conduct of Aaron Burr, W. W. Crannell 366 Broadside, April 24, 1809. Proclamation by President Madison, W. W. Crannell 367 Albany Register, September 2, 1812. Naval action between the Constitution and Guerriere. (See original challenge in fraine.) W. W. Crannell 368 Com. Perry's victory on Lake Erie, in verse W. W. Crannell 369 Albany Register, January i, 1808. New Year's Address, W. W. Crannell 370 Albany Gazette, January i, 1813. New Year's Address. W. \V. Crannell 371 Albany Argus, January i, 1815. New Year's Address, W. W. Crannell 372 Ricketts' circus bill. Green street, August 4, 1797. .W. W. Crannell 373 Thespian hall bill. Pearl street, September 19, 1805 .W. W. Crannell 9 N ^i 66 374 The Balance, published hy Harry Croswell, Hudson, June 17, 1806 \V. W. Crannell 375 Military Monitor, New York, February 26, 1814. .W. W. Crannell 376 Colored print, scalping scene, war of 1812 W. VV. Crannell 377 Dutch Bible, Dordrecht, 1729 \V. W. Crannell 37S Dutch Bible, Dordrecht, 1741 O. Carr 379 The Old Government House, Bowling Green, New York, Currier & Ives, New York Engraved from a painting taken in iSoo. 380 View of Broad street. New York, looking north to Federal Hall, where Washington was inaugurated. . . Currier & Ives, New York 381 Fractional currency, Albany, 1861, 1862 G. G. Davidson 382 Story of Rimini. By Leigh Hunt. First American edition. Bos- ton, 1816 Rev. W. R. Davis 383 Religious Discourses. By a Layman (.Sir Walter Scott). London, 1828. (79 pages.) Rev. W. R. Davis The preface is signed ' VV. S " Abbotsford, 2 January, 1828. This book is e.\ceedingly rare. 384 Oiconomy of Human Life Rev. W. R. Davis Translation of an Indian manuscript bv an ancient Brahmin, with forty eight beautiful engravmgs. 385 Effort to revive Albany Library and Atheneum. Circular to stock- holders, 1826 William DeyErmand 386 Certificate of membership in the '' Society of the Cincinnati," of Simeon De Witt, Chief of Topographical Staff under Washington, 1785 Richard Varick De Witt 387 Hanger worn by General De Witt at Burgoyne's surrender, Richard Varick De Witt 388 Illustrations from ancient manuscripts and missals, Westwood, London, 1 844 Bishop Doane 389 Virgilii Opera, Incidit Pine, Londini, 1774 Bishop Doane 390 Horatii Opera, Incidit Pine, Vol. I, Londini, 1733, Bishop Doane Vol. II, " 1737, Bishop Doane 391 Senecae Opera, Crispinum, Geneva, 1614 Bishop Doane 392 First Prayer-Book of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Bishop Doane "As proposed at a convention of the said church in the State of New York, New Jersey Pennsylvania. Delaware, Mary- land. Virginia and South Carolina, held Philadelphia, 1785," London reprint, 1789. 393 Manuscript service Bishop Doane Used by Bishop Provoost, at the consecration of Christ's church, Duanesburgh, Albany county, August 25, 1793. 394 Golden remains of the Ever Memorable, Mr. John Hales of Eaton Colledge, etc., second impression, London, 1673.. Bishop Doane 67 395 Chaucer's works, London, 1687 Bishop Doane 396 Sylva (discourse on forest trees). Terra (philosophical essay on the earth) and Pomona (a treatise on cider), published by express order of the Royal Society, London, 1679 Bishop Doane 397 Works of Iren^eus, Paris, 1570 (fine binding) Bishop Doane 398 Histoire Generale des Eglises Evangeliques des Vallees, de Pied- mont ou Vaudoises Bishop Doane 399 Church Ritual, Antwerp, 1625, with old-fashioned notation of psalms Bishop Boane 400 Paule Sharpe's History of Council of Trent, Frankfurt, 1621, Bishop Doane 401 Old account-book, 1686-1692 James Doherty 402 Commission of Lieut. Garret Staats in 3d N. Y. Regiment in Continental Army. Signed in 1776 by John Jay. Mrs. M. L. Douglas 403 Appointment of John De Peyster, by George II, as " Mayor of Albany, Coroner and Clerk of the Market," with seal (4I inches in diameter) of Province of New York Signed by W. Bobin, Deputy Secretary. Fort George, in New York, 14 Oct., 1729, Miss Douw 404 Appointment of John Jacob Beekman as Mayor of Albany. Signed by Governor George Clinton, Poughkeepsie, 27 June, 1783, with seal Miss Douw This was Albany's Centennial mayor, a man of very marked character. He presided over the Centennial festivities a hun- dred years ago. 405 Child's ABC book, with the Lord's Prayer, the Creed, etc. Am- sterdam, 1781. Printed on cardboard Miss Douw 406 Maxwell's New York Almanack, 1774, with quaint frontispiece, Miss Douv^ 407 Certificate that Jeremia Van Rensselaer was made a freeman and citizen of Albany. Signed by Volckert P. Douw, Mayor, 1766, Miss Douw 408 Ships' passports. Signed by Presidents Andrew Jackson and John Tyler, and Secretaries of State Edward Livingston and Daniel Webster Miss Douw 409 Copy of The Pekin Gazette, only Chinese newspaper printed, giv- ing semi-official publication of government decrees, with occa- sional news items '. Miss Douw 410 Deed of pew in old Dutch church at foot of State street, signed by minister, elders and deacons. 411 Probate of will of Myndert Schuyler, 1756, with seal. 68 412 Deed of Paepskne island (now in Greenbush). From ihe Pairoon to the Douw family (present owners\ in 165S for "950 beaverskins * * purchasers to pay besides tenths of all grain and such other taxes as the Director (of the Patroon then living in Holland) may fix * * Purchasers may buy from the savages the land opposite said bouvvery." 413 Deed from Andries Douw of Catskill and Hendrick Douw of Rens- selaerwyck to Jonas Douw et al., of a portion of Paepskne island (in what is now Rensselaer county), Volkert Douw and Henry Van Rensselaer witnesses. 1707 414 An order from the Commander of His Britannic Majesty's Forces in North America, dated Albany, 16 May, 1760, directing parade of troops at 5 a. m., before the Dutch church, thence to proceed to Fort Stanwix (now Rome); also engraving of the old church, J. L. Earll, Utica 415 Letter dated Albany, 8 June, 1779, and signed "Abm. Ten Broeck, Chairman," to citizens in Tryon county, appointing meeting at Albany on 17th June to devise means for mutual protection, etc., J. L. Earll, Utica 416 Three commissions to Peter Vrooman (1733, 1760 and 1788). Signed by Wm. Cosby, James DeLancey and Governor George Clinton . . J- L. Earll, Utica 417 Permission to Peter Vrooman to maintain a gate across the king's highway. Schoharie, 26 Aug., 1773. J- L. Earll, Utica 418 The Balance and Columbian Repository, vol. HI. Hudson, N. Y., 1804 J. L. Earll, Utica 419 View of Old Dutch Church, demolished in 1806 (small), J.L. Earll 420 Dwight's Comprehensive Geography. Printed by Charles R. and George Webster, Albany, 1 798 Caleb Finch 421 Autograph letter of George Washington to General Forman, July, 1777 Mrs. Geo. Evans 422 Autograph Letter of Sir William Johnson, 4th April, 1773, Douw H. Fonda 423 Two Ledgers of Sir William Johnson to 1752. . .Douw H. Fonda 424 Advertisement in Albany paper, 1809, of T. & J. Russell, Apothe- caries Douw H. Fonda Fastened to piece of old elm tree (planted at north-west cor. State and Pearl streets by Robert R. Livingston, a signer of the Declaration of Independence). 425 Fifteen Letters, etc., from Cornelius Glen, Peter Schuyler, Jelles Fonda, Barent Bleecker, Daniel Connor, Cornelius Van Schel- luyne, S. De Witt, Elisha Avery, etc Douw H. Fonda 426 Three accounts current of Jellis Fonda, 1752-1776, Douw H. Fonda 69 427 Cook Book. London, 1672 Rev. S. T. Ford "The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet, stored with all manner of Rare Receipts, very pleasant and beneficial to all Ingenious Persons of the Female Sex.' With quaint frontis- piece. 42S Washington's Farewell Address Geo. W. Gladding 429 Les Images, Paris, 1637, illustrated E. J. Genet, Greenbush 430 Advertising card and specimen of their work of J.& T. Gladding, silhouette makers, Albany, 18 10 D P. Gladding 431 The Plow Boy, Vols. I-III, Albany, 1819-1822. Edited by John O. Cole and Solotiion Southwick S. R Gray 432 Portraits (engravings) of Rev. Dr. Sprague, John Wilson and Major Charles E. Sprague S. R. Gray 433 The Zodiac, a monthly magazine published by E. Perry, Albany, 1835-6 S. R. Gray 434 The Cultivator, Vols. I-IV, Albany, 1834-38. Conducted by Jesse Buel, J. P. Beekman and J. D. Wasson S. R. Gray 435 Albany Religious Spectator, Vol. I, 1844-45. Edited by Rev. Dr. W. B. Sprague S. R. Gray 436 Discours du General Foy. Presented by Gen. Lafayette to Daniel Webster, with Webster's autograph. 2 vols S. R. Gray 437 Printed Rates of Toll between Albany and Schenectady, established by act of Legislature,- 1802 S. R. Gray 438 The Daily Advertiser. New York city. 24th Nov., 1788, S. R. Gray 439 Webster's Albany Almanac, 1809-1886 S. R. Gray 440 Deed of 42 State street from Richard Nicolls, Governor-General, 25th Oct., 1667 S. R. Gray 441 Memoir of an Anterican Lady (Mrs. Schuyler of Albany), S. R. Gray 442 Conveyance of half of Rutten Kill in rear of 42 State street, 1712, signed by Robert Livingston, Mayor, and John Schuyler, Justice, S. R. Gray 443 View of Army Relief Bazaar, Albany, 1864 S. R. Gray 444 Forty specimens, colonial and continental currency, 1750-1777, E. A. Griffin 445 Bible. 1632, Robert Barker, London F. E. Griswold 446 Old almanacks, 1787, 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793 F. E. Griswold 447 First Regulation for the order and discipline of troops of the United States, 1779 F. E. Griswold 448 John Rogers note book, 15 So Mrs. Hamilton Harris 449 Rogers coat of arms, owned by the New England branch of the family since 1690 Mrs. Hamilton Harris 450 Old Hebrew Le.\icon Gideon Hawley 70 451 Oil painting of the Lansing lionse (Pemberton corner), corner of N. Pearl and Columbia streets, 1710 Miss R. H. Hindman 452 Two copies of the Bulbodli Mewa, a monthly illustrated magazine in the Marathi language, published by Bombay Mission, India, Rev. R. A. Hume, India 453 ^■^o copies of the " Duyanodaya," a weekly paper in English and Marathi languages, American Board of Foreign Missions, Rev. R. A. Hume, India 454 Map of Albany, 1659, reprint 1833 Mrs. Marcus T. Hun 455 Embroidered map of Europe Mrs. Marcus T. Hun 456 Old account book of Livingston & Hun, 1730, Mrs. Marcus T. Hun 457 Erie canal medal, badge and invitation Leonard Kip 458 Photograph of City Hall (built 1829, burned 1880) . .C. R. Knowles 459 Old History of America, German CM. Lang 460 Various Roman coins found near Castle, in the Tyrol, Sigmunds Kron CM. Lang 461 Collection of various German seals C M. Lang 462 Three Tyrolese deeds and wills with seals, 1504, 1631, 1638 (on parchment) CM. Lang 463 Otficial paper, Insprugg, Tyrol, 1740. In matter of the revolt, C M. Lang 464 Certificate of soldier's discharge. Signed by General George Washington, 1783. . J. Townsend Lansing 465 Silas Marner J. Townsend Lansing Printed at Mobile during Rebellion 1863, on wrapping paper. Cover of book is made of wall paper. 466 Volumes of Albany almanacks from 1798 ..J. Townsend Lansing 467 Pew Indenture J. Townsend Lansing 468 Patent for land signed by Gov. George Clinton, J. Townsend Lansing 469 New York Weekly Journals, Munday, 15 March, 1735, J. Townsend I>ansing 470 Albany Centinel, 7 July, 1801 J. Townsend Lansing 471 Six old newspapers, 1788 to 1S07 J. Townsend Lansing 472 New Testament, Anthony van Heufsen, Delft, 1659, with silver clasps Miss S. Y. Lansing 473 Seal of Robert Fulton William Lansing, Jr 474 The Gentlemen's Recreation William Lansing, Jr 475 Elements of the Common Laws of England, by Sir Francis Bacon, 1639 Miss A. D. McClellan 476 Parchment commission to Abraham Yates, Jr., as Mayor, by Gov. Clinton, 1794 William Lansing 71 47 7 Brass seal, Yates coat of arms Miss J. A. Lansing 478 National Journal, Washington, D. C, July 11, 1826. Containing an account of the death of John Adams A. S. Lawyer 479 The True American, Schoharie, N. Y., 2 October, 1813. Contain- ing news of Commodore Perry's victory on Lake Erie, A. S. Lawyer 480 Free Press, Schoharie, 24 November, 1830. Containing accounts of anti-masonic troubles A. S. Lawyer 481 First survey of the Schoharie Patent, 1763 A. S. Lawyer Y ^ 482 Ancient survey of part of Schoharie A. S. Lawyer y . 483 Grant of Schoharie lands (called Schoary or Hunters field), 1728, A. S. Lawyer 484 Commission of John Leeke as sidesman of the port of New Haven Conn., (on parchment), Boston "the 3d year of our Sovereign Lord King George HI," A. D., 1769. .... . . .James H. Leake 485 History of King Philip s war James H. Leake 486 Declaration of Independence, printed on satin, 1776. Mrs. John McDufifie 487 Gesang Buch, Wittenberg, 1524 Dr. Irving Magee, Kingston 488 Indian deed with tribal signs, 1766 ..Dr. Irving Magee, Kingston 489 Greeley flag James H. Manning Flag of the famous Greeley expedition to the Polar regions, the last relic recovered by the United States steamer Bear, sent out for rescue. 490 Peace flag James H. Manning A souvenir of the jubilee in the Stale Senate Chamber after the surrender of Gen. Lee. 491 View of the old Exchange building, site of present post office. Mechanics & Farmers Bank 492 First map of city of Troy, N. Y , on cloth, 1786, Wheeler B. Melius 493 Grotius de Veritate Religionis, Christiana Elzivir, Amsterdam, 1662, with autograph of Dr. Eilardus Westerlo. .Ernest J. Miller 494 Scrap book containing Albany souvenirs Ernest J. Miller 495 Old Dutch Bible, with map of the world, 1700.. .Ernest J. Miller 496 Camden's Britannia. London, 1695. Open at cut of antique Hali- fax gibbet, the forerunner of Dr. Guillotine's device for the French revolution 100 years later. , Ernest J. Miller 497 Old map of Hudson river, Quebec, 1776 James Moir 498 MS. page of Fenimore Cooper's " Headsman," Miss Gertrude Mosher 499 Brooklyne-Hall Gazette, 1 7S2 Miss Gertrude Mosher 500 Autograph letter of Charles Dickens, 1839 . . Miss Gertrude Mosher 501 Albany Gazette, 1792, framed Frank Munsell 72 502 Advertisement of the Rutland Coach, framed Frank Munsell 503 View of old Dutch church, State street, framed. . .Frank Munsell 504 View of Rensselaer Manor-house, framed Frank Munsell 505 View of Rensselaerwyck, framed • . . , Frank Munsell 506 Schoolmaster Bradt's account book Frank Munsell 507 Old Albany Bank bills, framed Dudley Olcott 508 Connecticut Courant, Hartford, 13 April. 1779. ..J. DeWitt Peltz 509 N. Y. Pocket Almanack, 1771, with a view of the city, J. DeWitt Peltz 510 Interior of old Dutch church, 1715 to 1806, foot of State street, Miss Phebe A. Pearce 511 First train of cars in New York, July 5, 1831, Miss Phebe A. Pearce 512 North Pearl street, 1S05. Painted by J. H. Brower, Miss Phebe A. Pearce 513 Albany. View irom Greenbush, 1836 Miss Phebe A. Pearce 5J4 Original appointment of John Lansing, Jr., signed by Gov. Geo. Clinton Wm. Ray De Lano 515 A View of Albany. Painted in 1800 by William Wilkie, D. H. Pratt 516 Tracts of Luther. Original editions W. Packer Prentice I. Ein Heilsam's Buchlein von Dr. Martin Luther, concern- ing confession. Translated from Latin by Spalatini, 1520. IL Letters of the same to the theologians at the Augsburg Council. Written in 1530. Original edition published in 1549. in. Letters of Dr. Luther, published at Jena 1556. Bound in vellum Greek text, imprint of 1537, at Basle. Bound in vellum 517 Tragedies of Euripides. Folio edition in vellum, W. Packer Prentice 517^ Count Pufendorf's Life and Acts oi Charles Gustavus of Sweden, 1697. Profusely illustrated and with fine wood-cuts, W. Packer Prentice 518 Theologia Christiana. Parts I and IL B. Picteti, Geneva, 1696, (Duod.) W. Parker Prentice 519 Ten pieces of Continental currency, including the rare fSo of 1779 Samuel S. Pruyn 520 Deaths in Albany from Cholera, 1832. Compiled by S. Pruyn, Samuel S. Pruyn 521 Order book of The Albany Rifle Battalion, 1823. Samuel S. Pruyn 522 Picture of The Atheneum, on Broadway. Demolished July, 1855, Samuel S. Pruyn 523 Picture of The Albany Brewery, Dean street, site of present rail- way station Samuel S. Pruyn 73 524 Dutch Psalm book, 1620 Samuel S. Pruyn 525 Picture of Old Dutch Church at foot of State street. Built in 17 15; demolished in 1806. Drawn by S. Pruyn Samuel S Pruyn 526 Dutch Bible, silver trimmings, 1714 Samuel S. Pruyn Used in Old Dutch Church by Francis S. Pruyn. 527 Dutch Bible, silver trimmings, 1704 Samuel S. Pruyn Containing record of slaves owned by Pruyn family. 528 A " Pinkster Ode." Albany, 1803 Samuel S. Pruyn 529 One dollar bill of Albany Exchange Bank, 1849. Samuel S. Pruyn 530 Two photographs of Second Dutch Church, Beaver street. Erected 1 8 1 o Samuel S. Pruyn 531 An old advertisement. Pruyn &: Olmstead, North Market street (Broadway), 1828 Samuel S. Pruyn 532 Japanese book, representing Buddha and si.xteen attendant gods, Samuel S. Pruyn 533 Laws of the Colony of New York. One of the earliest editions 1 7 10. " Printed by Wm. Bradford, Printer to the Queen's most excellent Majesty for the Colony of New York," H. S. Quackenbush 534 Newport Herald, 7th May, 1789 Joseph W. Russell Account of Washington's Inauguration. 535 American Daily Advertiser. Philadelphia, 25th Dec, 1799, Joseph W. Russell In mourning for Washington. 536 Albany Argus, 24th June, 1834 Joseph W. Russell In mourning for Lafayette. 537 Dinner invitation. President Jefferson to Killian K.Van Rensselaer Member of Congress, Albany, 1803 Joseph W. Russell 538 Subscription paper for celebration of Erie canal completion, signed by Stephen Van Rensselaer and many other prominent men, Joseph W. Russell 539 Autograph Letters, Cleveland and Hendricks, framed . . . J. Ryan 540 Legal Document. Jensen vs. Vosburgh (on parchment), 1770, Mrs. A. Safford 541 Original grant of land (from George I, 1714), "at head of Yonker (now State) street, between the houses of Stephanus Groesbeek and Abraham Cuyler * * to wardens of the English church in Albany, to erect thereon a church for divine service accord- ing to the liturgy of the church of England, and to inclose the same for a coemitery," etc., parchment with seal, St. Peter's Church 542 Letters patent from George III, confirming the above and grant- ing a royal charter forever as " St. Peter's Church," 1769, parch- ment with seal • St. Peter's Church y 74 543 "Ye church book, began ye 15th Aprill i7io".St. Peter's Church Containing names of original subscribers, records of parish meeting and elections, marriages after 1729, receipts and ex- penses, last entry is of 1739. 544 Bible (Oxford 17 17), used in the first church. .St. Peter's Church 545 Register book for St. Peter's church in Albany in the province of New York, from the 25th day of June, 1756, by the Rev. Mr. John Ogilvie, Minister " St. Peter's Church 546 A model of the church built in 1802; showing the cracks in wall, whicii necessitated erection of the present structure, St. Peter's Church 547 Walton (Izaak.) The compleat angler or the contemplative man's recreation. Being a discourse of fish and fishing not unworthy the perusal of most anglers. Simon Peter said : I go a fishing : and they said, we also will go with thee. John xxi.3. London, printed by T. Maxey for Rich Marriot, in S. Dunstan's Church- yard, Fleet-street, 1653." 8vo Dean Sage This copy of the ist edition of Walton belonged to John Evelyn the author of Evelyn's Diary, and is perfect. 548 Walton, Izaak. " The compleat angler or the contemplative inan's recreation, etc." Printed by J. G. for Rich Marriot, 1655, Dean Sage This is the 2d edition, and it is one of the strange facts in bibliography, that although a perfect copy of this edition is quite as rare if not rarer than the ist, there is a very great dif- ference, much more than In ordinary cases of the kind, in their value. A perfect copy. 549 Walton Izaak. " The compleat angler or the contemplative man's recreation." Printed by J. G. for Rich Marriot, 1661, Dean Sage This is the 3d edition. A perfect copy. 550 Walton Izaak. " The compleat angler or the contemplative man's recreation." Printed for R. Marriot, etc., 1668 Dean Sage This is the 4th edition and with the ist, 2d and 3d forms the set considered so desirable by collectors. A perfect copy. 551 The lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Watton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert. Written by Izaak Walton. 4th ed., 1675 Dean Sage 552 S. (J.) "The true art of angling: or, the best and speediest way of taking all sorts of fresh-water fish with the worm, fly, paste and other baits in their proper seasons ; how to know the haunts of fish and angle for them in all waters and weathers, at the top, middle and bottom, baiting of the ground and right baits, oyls and oyntments, baits natural and artificial ; the several ways of angling; to make oyl of asper, and many rare secrets never 75 before made pubUck ; containing the whole body of angling and mystery of a compleat angler, by J. S., Gent., a Brother of the Anele London, printed for George Conyers at the Golden Ring and John Sprint at the Bell in Little Britam. Price bound 6d." Perfect copy. 24 mo .Dean Sage This minute woik by an anonymous writer forms one of the marked features of most angling book collections, partly from its merits as a manual, but far more from its rarity, only a few copies of the earlier issues having escaped the wear and tear of time.— Bibliotheca Piscatoria. _ rr^ -'Barnes (Dame Jtilyans.) The bok [of St. Albans] containing the treatises of Hawking ; Hunting ; Coat-armour; Fishmg; and Biasing of Arms. As printed at Westminster, by Wynkyn de Worde • the year of the Incarnation of our Lord 1496- Lon- don, reprinted by Harding and Wright, for White and Cochrane, and R. Triphook 1810." Fol ; -Dean Sage i=;o copies printed. This consists of "Introduction,' "Bio- graphical Notices," and finally a verbatim, literatim, and punc- tuation facsimile of the 2d edition of " Boke of St. Albans, a bibliographical labor carefully and conscientiously executed by Mr. Joseph Haslewood.— Bib. Pise. CC4 Markham, Gervase. " The young sportsman's delight and instructoi in angling, fowling, hawking, hunting, ordering singing birds, hawks, poultry, conies, hares, dogs, etc., and how to cure them, by G M Sold at the Ring in Little Britain. Price 6d." rwith a second title, as follows] : "A compleat and experienced angler in two parts : or the Anglers Vade-mecum, shewmg the best way to make fishing rods, lines, floats, plummets, hooks, artificial flies, panniers and other tackle; and how to find the haunts of fish, and take them with all sots of baits, as well arti- ficial as natural, in all sorts of water. To make divers sorts of oils and ointments exceeding the oil of osprey. The second part containing directions to take fowl, and to order singing birds, hawks, hares, poultry, and dogs. Printed for G. Conyers at the Ring in Little Britain," [anno 1712] PP- iv, 138- 24"- Dean Sage The Bibliotheca Piscatoria says: "This book is very rare, and we only know of the existence of one perfect copy, which is now in the Denison collection." The above is the copy spoken of in the Bib. Pise, re- Walton Izaak. " The complete angler or the contemplative man s recreation : being a discourse of rivers, fish ponds, fish and fish- ing written by Izaak Walton and instructions how to angle for a trout or grayling in a clear stream by Charles Cotton. With 76 original memoirs and notes by Sir Harris Nicolas, K. C. iM. G. 2 vols. London William Pickering 1836." 8° Dean Sage This edition was originally issued in numbers in two forms; one with the impressions of the plates on the pages direct, at SIX guineas, the other with the impressions of plates on India paperat ten guineas. The " Chronicle of the Compleat Angler " sa)'s of it that it is "One of the handsomest publications of modern times, an ornament to the Angler's Library, unique of its kind, and perhaps destined to remain so." 556 Scrope (William). " Days and nights of salmon fishing in the Tweed; with a short account of the natural history and habits of the salmon, instructions to sportsmen, anecdotes, etc. By William Scrope, Esq. London, Murray, 1843 " Dean Sage Copies of this first edition are scarce. One of the most enter- taining of angling books. 557 Crawhall, Joseph. "The compleatest angling booke that euer was writ, being done oute of ye Hebrewe and other Tongves, by a Person of Honor. Adorn'd with scvlptores. Imprynted att Newe Castle upon Tine by Andro Reed for ye authour ande fviiysshed ye twelft daie of August thys yere thyncarnacon of cure Lorde MDCCCLXXXL" Pp. 238. 4° Dean Sage One hundred copies of this book were printed and the plates destroyed. In its unique composition and th-e artistic skill dis- played as well in its general style as in the exquisite pen and ink and etched illustrations with which it abounds, it deserves a high rank among the modern productions of the book-maker's art. The iirst edition of this was published in 1859 and was limited to forty copies. It is a smaller book than this and con- tains fewer illustrations. 558 Crawhall, Jose])h. Izaak Walton; his Wallet Booke. c ia.i^.ccc.lxxxv. London, Field & Iver, The Leadenhall Press. Samson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington Dean Sage This is the last of Mr. Crawhall's productions, and consists of "the songs and poesies" contained in the "Compleat Angler." Every page is illustrated in Crawhall's peculiar style of originality. Of the large paper edition one hundred copies were printed, and to each of these is attached by a ribbon one of the wooden blocks used for the cuts. Its merits are far below those of several of Mr. Crawhall's former works. 559 Hart der gesuntlu-it Zii latein Hortus Sanitatis. Sagt in vier Biicheren vie hernach volger. Im Ersten — Vierfiiszsigen und Krichenden. Im Anderen — Voglen und den Fliegenden. Lii Drittin — Vischen und Schwimmenden. Im Vierden. Deni Edlen Gesteyn und allem som den Anderen der erden wachsenisi. Getrucktzu Strassburg bei Mathia Apiario — nach Christi gebrirt MDXXXVI jar Dean Sage 77 This is compiled chiefl)' from the German Hortus Sanitatis of J. Aube. The " Tractus de Picibus " is divided inlo many short chapters and has numerous wood-cuts of fish and fishing of the most singular character. These cuts are interesting from the fact that they are among the earliest in the art of wood engraving. The title page and colophon, the latter bemg especially elaborate, are attributed to Holbein. The contem- poraneous paper binding is, through accident or design, cov- ered with leaves of a black letter copy of the New Testament. 560 Liber Precum Communium. Tlie Book of Common Prayer ol Church of England, translated into Latin. London, 1733, Rev. D. L. Schwartz 561 English Miracle Plays. An illustrated book compiled from MSS. in British Museum Rev. D. L. Schwartz 562 One of the last written words of General Grant with autograph ; also engraving of General Grant John A. Sleicher 563 Autograph letters from prominent public men. . .John A. Sleicher 564 Appointment by Congress of Josiah Edson, Gentleman, to be an Ensign in the 2nd Conn. Regt. Signed by Sain. Huntington, president, Philadelphia, September, 1780 B. R. Spellman 565 Certificate, Albany, October, 1788, signed by Thomas Hun, Robt. McClallen and Leonard Gansevoort; Jr., aldermen, of theii "admission of Donald McDonald to be a Freeman," B. R. Spellman 566 Removal of clerk of Schoharie county, signed by Governor DeWitt Clinton, 1819 B. R. Spellman 567 Revolutionary claim — Pension paper of Henry Plugh, signed, 1818, by John C. Calhoun, secretary of war B. R. Spellman 568 Earliest " monogram " seal, city of Albany B. I. Stanton 569 1752 to 1793 "beaver " seal, city of Albany B. I. Stanton 570 1793 to date, present seal, city of Albany B. L Stanton 571 Map, city of Albany, 1794 B. 1. Stanton 572 Agreement to sell house and lot corner Maiden lane and North Pearl street, Albany, April 6, 1686. Hendrick Lansing (son of original settler) and Peter Tomase (Mingael). Witnesses. Jan Janse Bleecker and Hendrick Cuyler (original settlers), B. L Stanton 573 "Indentured" deed relating to "Cajaderosera " patent, Albany county. B. L Stanton 574 "Death warrant" of Thomas Anderson, 1748. Albany, Jaines De Lancey, chief justice B. L Stanton 575 Union College lottery ticket B. L Stanton 576 King George H. judge's commission to Cornelius Wyncoop, B. L Stanton V 78 577 J'ln Vin Hagen (original settler) will, signature and seal, Robert Strain 578 Nanning Visschcr (son of original settler) will, signature and seal, Robert Strain 579 Dirk Van DerHuyden (son of original settler) lease, signature and seal Robert Strain 5S0 Jacob Janse Schermerhooren (original settler) bill of goods from Holland, 16S9 Robert Strain 581 Gertrude and David Schuyler, Sale of negro to Simon Danielson Van Antwerpen, 1728 Robert Strain 582 Jan Lansing (son of original settler), deed of land in Albany, 1 702 Robert Strain 583 L. Van Schaick, Holland, to Ryer Schermerhorn (original settler), Albany, 1697, letter Robert Strain 584 Letters to Albany residents, 1699, etc Robert Strain 585 Indentured parchment mortgage of land in the " Camp," Albany county Robert Strain 586 Picture Old Tun Tavern, Philadelphia, where first Masonic Lodge was organized in 1730 Dr. J. VV.M. Shattuck 587 German Family Bible H. N. Snow 589 Illuminated MSS. of the XIII century .. Montgomery H. Throop Obtained by e.x-Governor Enos T. Throop in 1842, from the library of the Princes of Cariati Spinelli of Naples. 590 Illuminated MSS. Choir Book ot XIV century, Montgomery H. Throop Containing introits, versicles, etc.. for every Sunday and holiday in the 3'ear, with musical notes. 591 Colden's Memoir of the Celebration of completion of Erie canal, Montgomery H. Throop 592 Albany Daily Argus, Oct. 27, 1815 Matt. J. Tiernan 593 First Philadelphia Directory, 1785 Sampson, Murdock & Co 594 First Boston Directory, 1789 Sampson, Murdock & Co 595 First Albany Directory, 18 13 Sampson, Murdock & Co 596 First London Directory, 1677 (reprint). .Sampson, Murdock & Co 597 First New York City Directory, 1786 (reprint), Sampson, Murdock & Co 598 Massachusetts Psalter, 1709 Sampson, Murdock & Co In Indian and English languages (rare). 599 Badge given to Dr. Swinburne by Mme. La Marquise Belisi on behalf of the French ladies of the American Ambulance corps ; soiled in removing blood stains Dr. John Swinburne Coo Cross of International Society (Sanitary) given to Dr. Swinburne at close of siege of Paris, 187 1 Dr. Joiin Swinburne 79 6oi Legion of Honor badge from the Freni;li Republic to Dr. Swin- burne, of the American Ambulance, in recognition of his services Dr. John Swinburne 602 Shield badge from the American colony during the siege of Paris to Dr. Swinburne Dr. John Swinburne 603 Commission to Leonard Gansevoort as judge, signed by Gov. John Jay, with seal attached, dated 1799, Peter G. Ten Eyck, Schodack Landing 604 Commission, signed by Gov. George Clinton, appointing Leonard Gansevoort a delegate to Congress, dated 1788, Peter G. Ten Eyck, Schodack Landing 605 Commission, signed by Gov. Morgan Lewis, appointing Jacob Ten Eyck judge, 1807. . .Peter G. Ten Eyck, Schodack Landing 606 Commission to Leonard Gansevoort, 1780, Peter G. Ten Eyck, Schodack Landing 607 'Wills of Johannes Beeckman and Abraham Cuyler, Peter G. Ten Eyck, Schodack Landing 60S Patent, signed by George Clinton, Governor, 1791, Peter G. Ten Eyck, Schodack Landing 6og Letters from Alex. Hamilton and Aaron Burr. Mrs. Cuyler Ten Eyck 610 The Albany Centinel, 25 September, 1801 .Henry James Ten Eyck 61 1 Page of the MSS. of first edition of Webster's Dictionary. Henry James Ten Eyck 612 Autographs of Robert Morris, Wm. H. Seward, O. W. Holmes, VV. C. Bryant, Ed. Everett, Daniel Webster, Gen. Scott, Horace Greeley, Jas. Henry, Wendell Phillips, Jas. Henry, Disraeli, Schliemann, Von Moltke (two frames). .Henry James Ten Eyck 613 Two Indian bills of sale, 17 19 and 1722. .. .Mrs. J. H. Ten Eyck 614 Old Dutch manuscript, 1683 » Mrs. J. H. Ten Eyck 615 Patent of 185 acres to Hendrick Ten Eyck, 1761, Mrs. J. H. Ten Eyck 616 View of Dutch church erected in 1715, demolished 1806, Mrs. J. H. Ten Eyck 617 Map of Albany, 1S28 Mrs. j. H. Ten Eyck 619 Le Nouveau Testament, Caen, 1563 Rev. John Townsend With Psalms set to music in square notes. 620 Liturgy and Catechism Rev. John Townsend Prepared by ministers at Geneva, Switzerland. Formerly owned by Samuel Johnson, first president Kings (now Colum- bia) College, NewYork. / 8o 62 1 Paradise of the Lord, 1644 Rev. John Tovvnsend Illustrated with autograph of the former owner, Archbishop Sharpe. 622 Pennsylvania Gazette, 5th June, 1776 Clarence Valentine 623 Plow Boy, Albany, 30th Dec, 1820 Clarence Valentine Containing an account of a Centennial celebration. 624 East Florida Herald, St. Augustine, 1823 Clarence Valentine Containing article on the completion of " the Great Ameri- can Canal " (Erie canal.) 625 The Friend, Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, 9th August, 1862 Clarence Valentine 626 Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, 1862, Clarence Valentine With Hawaiian flag in colors. 627 Several Land Patents signed by Gov. George Clinton, 1791, Clarence Valentine With great seal of State. 628 Commission of Henry Dodge as commissary of State Prisoners, signed by Gov. George Clinton, Albany, 1791, Clarence Valentine On parchment. 629 Commission of Captain Lieutenant, signed by Samuel Huntington, President of Congress, 1781 Clarence Valentine With seal, on parchment. 630 Removal of inclined plane and railway from State and Eagle streets. Original subscription for bonds to effect the object, 1843 Charles Van Benthuysen & Sons 631 Pages from an account book, 150 years old, Charles Van Benthuysen & Sons 632 Specimert printing. Van Benthuysen, 181S-1824, Charles Van Benthuysen & Sons 633 Counting House Almanac, 1819. Charles Van Benthuysen & Sons 634 Cartoon " Political Drill," representing Weed, Seward and others. Old Schuyler house in background, Charles Van Benthuysen & Sons 635 Gazette of the U. S., Washington, ti May and 26 December, 1792, Charles H. Van Benthuysen 637 Electrotype medal Declaration of Independence and medallion of same Charles H. Van Benthuysen 638 Dutch prayer book, 1696, used in old Dutch church, Mrs. Mary Vanbergen 639 Hallelu-Jah, Rotterdam, 1696 Mrs. Mary Vanbergen 8i 640 An ancient medallion found in a convent in Russia, Mrs. Isaac Vanderpoel 641 Medal of Napoleon I. presented to Colonel Claxton, Mrs. Isaac Vanderpoel 642 Cross of Legion of Honor, presented to Colonel Claxton, Mrs. Isaac Vanderpoel 643 Cross of Gregory the Great, presented to Colonel Claxton, Mrs. Isaac Vanderpoel 644 Decoration of Napoleon I. to Colonel Claxton, Mrs. Isaac Vanderpoel 645 Decoration from the Bey of Tunis to Colonel Claxton, Mrs. Isaac Vanderpoel 646 Silver medal of St. Peter, presented by Gregory XVI. Mrs. Isaac Vanderpoel 647 Greek Madonna and child, from monastery near Moscow, Mrs. Isaac Vanderpoel 648 Finger ring given by Joseph Bonaparte, king of Spain, to Commo- dore Claxton. On opposite side is piece of the flag of the Frolic Mrs. Isaac Vanderpoel 649 Clavonic cross of XII century Mrs. Isaac Vanderpoel 650 Deed signed by Governor George Clinton, 1786, with seal. Miss Rebecca Vandenbergh 651 Outline of Van Vechten genealogy, showing a consecutive Albany county residence of over 250 years, A. V. W. Van Vechten, New York 652 Copy of Governor Dongan's patent to Derrick Teunisse Van Vech- ten, 21 March, 1686 A. V. W. Van Vechten, New York 653 Photo view of the funeral procession of General Grant, 1885, Aaron Veeder 654 Dutch books belonging to John Knickerbocker, one of the original settlers R. K. Viele 655 New Testament and Psalms, Amsterdam, 1618, with autograph of owner. Ph. Livingston, 1734 • • Mrs. C. G. Van Rensselaer 657 View of Albany. A painting by William Hart, 1848, Isaac W. Vosburgh 658 Island opposite Albany. A painting by William Hart, 1846, Isaac W. Vosburgh 659 Four water-color views of Albany. James Eights, 1805, Isaac W. Vosburgh J 82 661 Vocabulary of New Testament Greek, with manuscript notes. By Dominie Eilardus Westerlo. Albany, 1760-1790, Miss Catharine Westerlo 662 Hebrew words and phrases translated into Latin. By Dominie Eilardus Westerlo Miss Catharine Westerlo 663 Notes of lectures on Ecclesiastical History (in Latin). By Dominie Eilardus Westerlo Miss Catharine Westerlo 664 Four sermons, two in Dutch and two in English. By Domine Eilardus Westerlo Miss Catharine Westerlo 665 Itinerary of the Portugese East Indies, illustrated. Amsterdam, 1644 Miss Catharine Westerlo 666 Commission as Colonel to Josiah Whitney, in 1779, from "the major part of the council of the State of Massachusetts Bay, in New England." Signed by Caleb Gushing and eleven others of the council William M. Whitney 667 Appointment of Josiah Whitney as Justice to keep the peace, 1788, with signature of Gov. John Hancock and the seal of the Com- monwealth of Massachusetts AVilliam M. Whitney 668 Ter Tria. Faithfull Teate, London, 1668.... Miss Anna Williams 669 Old book of Dutch sermons, with brass clasps (no title page), John Wolff 670 Photograph (from sketch) of "The Old Elm Tree," John M. Wood Planted by Philip Livingston, a signer of the Declara- tion of Independence, at north-west corner of State and Pearl streets, sketch made in 1849. 671 Commission issued to Johannis Lansing in 1723, as captain of a company of militia in Albany Charles Visscher Winne 672 License or certificate issued to Levinus L. Winne in 1804 to prac- tice law Charles Visscher Winne 673 Commission issued to Levinus L. Winne in 1811, as captain in the New York State militia Charles Visscher Winne 674 Commission issued to Dr. Nanning V. Winne in 1829, as Surgeon- General on Gen. Van Rensselaer's staff. .Charles Visscher Winne 676 Manuscript of a sermon preached at Watertovvn, N. Y., November, 1722. 677 Danses des Morts illustrated. 678 Original challenge of the British frigate Guerriere in the war of 1812. "The Guerriere, 44 guns, 300 men will be happy to see the President to-morrow — report outside the Hook — or any other of the large frigates to have a social tete-a-tete." Written across 83 the registry paper of an American brig, from which the Guer riere "had talcen whatshe wanted." Framed in wood from the victorious Constitution. 679 First Publication of the Holland Society, of New York, includ- ing portraits, fac simile of bill of fare Dutch songs, tiles, coats of Arms, manuscripts, etc. 680 Annual Catalogue of Yale College, 1812 (Broadside); one of the earliest issues. 68r Plan of City of New York, 1728, 683 Printed Abstract of Graduation Theses, Harvard College. 1773, 1782 and 1785. 684 Deed of Cow Common, Massachusatts Colony, 1674 685 Bill of Sale, Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1675. 686 The Rutland (Vt.) Herald, July i, 1799 (V. 26). 687 Commission as Major to Leonard Williams, signed by Governor Thomas Chittenden, of Vermont, 1796. 688 Map of New York, 1728. 689 Italy, a poem by Samuel Rogers, illustrated by Turner; also auto- graphic original manuscript of the poem. 690 Opera et Libri Vite Thome de Kempis. Press of Casper Hochfeder, Nuremberg, 1494- 691 Book of sea mosses. 692 Chinese paintings on rice paper, fish, sea shells, butterflies. 693 Promissory note in payment for pew purchased in St. Peter's Church, 1803. 694 Music Book, by Elisha West, 1802. 695 Book plate of the "Albany Society Library, 1759," over 100 years old. 696 Artotype of the famous painting " First Impression of the Printing Press." {Co7itrilmtions from Schenectady.) 697 Hindoo New Testament Mrs. James Sanders 698 Currency issued by city of Schenectady in 1815. 699 Patent to Rev. Dr. Nott, 21 June, 1826, having autographs of John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, William Wirt and Eliphalet Nott. 700 Patent to Rev. Dr. Nott, having autographs of Andrew Jackson. Louis McLane, Roger B. Taney, Henry L. Ellsworth. 701 Patent to Rev. Dr. Nott, having autographs of James Monroe and William Wirt. 702 Patent from Governor Stuyvesant, of Van Slyck's Island in the Mohawk, to Jan Barentse Wemple and Jacques Cornelise Van Slyck, 12 November, 1662. This is the first patent issued to the settlers of Schenectady. 84 703 Dutch Bible, Dordreclu, 1700 Chas. Toll, Scotia 704 Autograph letter of Philip Schuyler, 1779 Mrs. A. A. Yates 705 Sandwich Island Bible. 706 Liturgies of Cyril the Great, Basil and Chrysostom, in Greek and Arabic. This book is over 500 years old. It was biought from tfie convent of St Anthony on the Red Sea Manuscript, one volume, bound. 707 Dutch Testament and Psalms of Margt. Nicoll, Albany, 1770, Hon. Walter T. L. Sanders 708 Book on the Colonies, formerly belonging to Sir Wm. Johnson. Mrs. De Lancey Watkyns 709 A i)iece of First Wrapping Paper made in America. Mrs. Joseph Harmon, Schenectady 710 Milton's Paradise Lost, in Latin, London, 1741. Mrs. Washington, Schenectady 711 Wood Cut of New York and Rensselaerwyck. Mrs. Joseph Harmon, Schenectady 712 Six Pieces Continental Money, Mrs. Joseph Harmon, Schenectady 713 Arabic Psalter. Written in black and gilt, with border. Date unknown. Manuscript, bound, one volume. 714 Abyssinian Psalter. Manuscript, bound in wood (Mahogany). Date unknown. Parchment. 715 Persian poem. Manuscript, in black and gilt. Obtained at Shiraz, Persia, durmg the reign of Abbas Mirza, by a Russian officer, who gave it to the donor, and he to Union College library. 716 Latin Bible. Printed at Nuremburg, 147S, by Ant. Coeburger. Coeburger was one of the most famous of early printers. He died in 1513 at Nuremburg He is said to have employed thirty presses and one hundred men. 717 Boccaccio's Decameron. Printed by Philippo at Florence, 15 i6. A fine specimen of the press of the Juntas, and the first edi- tion in which are found the thiee novels which are believed not to have been written by Boccaccio. 718 Original petition to the congress of the U. S., signed by 133 resi- dents between the North river and Vermont, and the names of a committee of seven, chosen by the subscribers, endorsed thereon, dated November 26, 1781, demanding with threats the determination of the boundary lines between New York and Vermont Charles P. Sanders 719 Original list of the books, deeds, leases and other papers belonging to the Reformed Low Dutch church in the Elders Chest, dated January 5, 1795, (of Albany) Charles P. Sanders 85 72C Bond (original) of John Butler of Kaghonevvago in the county of Albany and province of N. Y., for _j^i,ooo conditioned for the execution of a certain contract and conveyance of land for the erection of a Dutch church at Kaghonevvago, dated January 7, ! 753 Charles P. Sanders 721 Letter dated " Manor Livingston," November 4, 1789, and signed by Henry Livingston Charles P. Sanders 722 Original general commands from head-quarters, Van Schaick's island, dated August 26, 1777, Robert Throop, A. D. C, Charles P. Sanders 723 Indenture lease between John Butler of Butlers-Ferry, Tryon county, and Hendrick Vroonian and others, yoemen, dated October 10, 1772 Charles P. Sanders 724 Original letter to Lieutenant-Governor Van Rensselaer of the State of New York, from the chiefs of the St. Regis Indians, asking his assistance in obtaining the monies due them from the State of New York, November 14, 1802 Charles P. Sanders 725 Certificate of enlistment according to An Act of the Legislature of the State of New York, passed at Poughkeepsie, October 9, 1780, dated Albany, i8oi, upon which is indorsed the following. " No bounty lands were promised for troops raised pursuant to the Law of October 9, 1 7S0" Charles P. Sanders 726 Assignment of and contract to convey bounty lands dated Decem- 9, 1 783 Charles P. Sanders 727 Power of attorney for the collection of bounties and monies due for military services in the Revolution, dated January 5, 1784, Charles P. Sanders 7 28 Affidavit of captain, mate and seamen (as to tjie care of a vessel that had sprung a leak) with the seals of officers taking the same attached, taken before Hans Christopher Lellienschiold, member and deputy secretary in the Royal Council and notary public of the Island of St. Thomas in America Charles P. Sanders 729 Letters and documents relating to the organization of a branch of the Sons of Liberty in Schenectady. This was a secret society organized in 1766 to effect the independence of the Colonies. Charles P. Sanders I. Original letter from the Sons of Liberty in Albany in regard to organizing a branch of that society in Schenectady. 2. Letter from New York, dated January 20, 1766, containing an inclosed letter for use in stirring up and organizing the the Sons of Lib- erty in Schenectady. 3. Original letter from the Sons of Liberty in New York to the Sons of Liberty in Albany. 4. Also one dated February 14. 1766 5 Also one dated New York, April 3,1766. 6. Also one dated May 31, 1766. 7 Letter undoubt- 86 edly an answer to the above letter. 8. Proceedings of tlie Sons of Liberty of Albany. March 3, 1766. g. Constitutions and signatures of the Sons of Liberty of Albany. " The N. Y. Gazette or the Weekly Post Boy " of February 20, 1766. Published by John Holt, New York, Broad street, near Exchange Charles P. Sanders This paper was an organ of the Sons of Liberty. 730 Gaines' New York Pocket Almanack ... Charles P. Sanders Containing memorandum of the weather, etc . written therein by their original owners. Two of 1790, one of 1792, two of 1793. one each of 1794, 1795, 1796. 731 Gaines' Universal Register or Columbian Kalendar, 1791, Charles P. Sanders 732 Webster's Calendar or the Albany Almanac, 1799, Charles P. Sanders 733 Beers' Calendar or Southwick's Almanac. Published at Albany, 1814, No. 94 State street Charles P. Sanders 734 Literature lottery ticket of the State of New York for drawing December, 1824 Charles P. Sanders 735 Literature lottery ticket of the State of New York for drawing 183 1, Charles P. Sanders 736 Road lottery ticket, June 20, 1800 Charles P. Sanders 737 Certificate of stock of the Western Inland Lock Navigation Com- pany, 1803 Charles P, Sanders 738 United States notes bearing interest at si.K per cent, dated 1783, seven in number Charles P. Sanders 739 Indenture bonds of the Colony of New York, payable to bearer with interest, dated November i, 1709 Charles P. Sanders 740 License to use a carriage in the town of Troy, Rensselaer county, dated October 8, 1799 Charles P. Sanderg 741 Document on stamped paper, under the Stamp Act of 1765 and 1766 Charles P. Sanders 742 Ship's papers with stamp attached, under the Stamp Act of 1765 and 1766 Charles P. Sanders 743 Lieutenant's commission of the State of New York, June 29, 1781, signed by Geo. Clinton and Robt. Benson. . .Charles P. Sanders 744 Lieutenant's commission of the United States Army, dated June 3, 1783. Signed by Elias Boudinot, President of Congress of the United States Charles P. Sanders 745 Paymaster Jeremiah Van Rensselaer's Commission, 3d N. Y. Battalion, dated November, 1776, signed by John Hancock, President, Charles Thomson, Secretary. .Mrs. Charles P. Sanders 746 News Paper, " The Guardian or New Brunswick Advertiser," pub- lished on Albany street. New Brunswick, N. J., July 11, 1797, Charles P. Sanders 87 747 1 'le Daily Advertiser, published New York, January 28, 17SS. Charles P. Sanders 748 The Craftsmen, published at Kingston, 1824. .Charles P. Sanders 749 An extra sheet, published upon the first inauguration of Washing- ton as President, dated printing office, Lansingburgh, May 6th, 1789, indorsed on the back with ink "King Washington's speech. " Charles P. Sanders 750 Page 60 of the Albany Gazette, April 11, 1772. .Charles P. Sanders 75 I Two Diplomas, dated 1782, 1784 Charles P. Sanders 752 General Orders of June 6, 1794, by Brigadier-Gen. Henry K. Van Rensselaer Charles P. Sanders 753 Letters Patent of certain lots in Brandt Lake tract, signed by Daniel D. Tompkins, Governor of the State of New York, Charles P Sanders 754 Letters Patent from King George II to Lieut. Walter Butler and others, 4,000 acres of land lying on the north side of the Mo- hawk river, dated Dec. 4, 1735 Charles P. Sanders 755 A Grant of the State of New York, dated 1790, signed by George Clinton, Governor Charles P. Sanders 756 Duplicate sterling bills, 1 763 Charles P. Sanders 757 Union College commencement ball invitation, July 28, 1813, 758 Invitation Albany dancing assembly, 1791 . . . .Charles P. Sanders 759 Invitation City Assembly, Albany, Knickerbocker Hall, January, 1826 Charles P. Sanders 760 Invitation to ball at Denniston's tavern Charles P. Sanders 761 Various other dancing invitations and calling cards, dated from 1790 to 1800 Charles P Sanders 762 The Sheriff's Receipt Book of the county of Albany, containing the receipts from 1796 to 1800 Charles P. Sanders ADDENDA. 765 Historical sketch of Albany Female Academy by Miss T. A. Plympton Albany Female Academy 766 Picture of old house corner Broadway and Tivoli street, opposite Manor house, built about 1700, taken down 1839, pencil draw- ing. Also tile from the same Mrs. J. C. Bell 767 Boccaccio's Decameron, translated from Italian into German, curious wood-cuts, Strasburg, 1547 Dr. J. H. Blatner 768 Autograph letter of James Buchanan Alpheus T. Bukley 769 View of State street looking east from St. Peter's church to old Dutch church. Colored lithograph from sketch made in 1805, Miss Burtsell 88 770 View of Mcarket street (now Broadway) looking north to old Dutch church and beyond, colored lithograph from sketch made in 1 805 Miss Burtsell 771 Autograph letters of Alexander Hamilton, Robert Morris and Aaron Burr James Fenimore Cooper 772 View of Broadway, looking south to old Dutch church; the market in the foreground Miss Cynthia R. Dexter 773 Boston Gazette, March 12, 1770 W. J. Etrick 774 New York Morning Post, November 7, 1783 W. J. Etrick 775 Albany Chronicle, November 20, 1797 W. J. Etrick 776 Bible of Tan Jan Bleecker of Albany 1729. . .Mrs. George Evans V 777 Psalm book of Elizabeth Staats, 1742 Mrs. George Evans 778 Music book of last century, 1737. Belonged to Elizabeth Bleecker, Mrs. George Evans 779 Law book, having on last leaf the Collins family record from 1701 to 1 740 Mrs. George Evans 780 Two early newspapers, the America Farmer and the Northern Budget, both of 1799 Mrs. George Evans 781 Book, containing specimens of Continental money, Mrs. George Evans 782 One cash account book of William Kane. ... . . .John N. Foster Was a store keeper in Albany ; the accounts cover the years 1760 to 1771 inclusive, bound in pig sliin 783 One cash book of William Kane John N. Foster From 1764 to 1792, covering his transactions before, during, and after the war of the Revolution in this city, showing the rise and decline of articles by reason of the war ; for sample: salt, $180 per bushel ; tea, $25 per pound ; rum, $85 ; shrub, $60 per gallon : chocolate, $12 per pound ; flour, $40 per hun- dred weight; black handkerchiefs, $35 each. We aiso find most of the old Albany names, 150 and 160 years ago. 784 One Mechanics' and Farmers' Bank check, endorsed by Gov. Wm. L. Marcy, 1827 John N. Foster 785 One six-shilling, Continental currency, 1776 John N. Foster 786 One newspaper, Albany, 1809 John N. Foster \ 787 Medallion of Madame Campan, struck off by order of her pupils "^ after death. Paris, 1825, Col. E. J. Genet, East Greenbush, N. Y. 788 Proposition of James Gould, 23d April, 1831, for making first railway coaches (see picture) The James Gould Co 789 Letter to James Goold, after fire of 1838, signed by Erastus Cor- ning, John Townsend, J. R. Bleecker, Barrendt Staats, James McNaughton, Rufus King and forty other prominent Albanians, offering loan of $12,000 without interest. .The James Goold Co 790 View of Albany from Greenbush (old) The James Goold Co 89 701 Stock Book of Hudson River Sleaml)o.it Co., 1826, The James Goold Co 792 A Recommendation, Albany, April, 1810, signed by the Patroon, Abraham Van Vechten and others, of James Goold of Stephen Town as an industrious and faithful young man of more than common mechanical genius as a chaise maker, of sobriety and strict integrity The James Goold Co 793 Copy of Petition to the Legislature for the establishment of the "Canal Bank of Albany" (Capital, $500,000.) Signed by 136 citizens. 1827 The James Goold Co 794 Subpoena, 1743, Albany County Court of Common Pleas, The James Goold Co 795 American Spelling Book. Noah AVebster, Brooklyn, 1801, Miss Clara T. Harris 796 Eulogy of Washington in rhyme. Pittsfield, 1800, Miss Clara T. Harris 797 View of the oldest Insurance Co. building in the United States, and a History of the Company. .Insurance Co. of U. A. Phila. 798 Bond, 1774 James H. Kelley 799 Translation of a Letter of Madame Campan to her Nephews and \/ Nieces of the Genet family, and information given by her con- cerning their grandfather and grandmother, Edme Genet and Miss Cardon, the father and mother of Citizen Genet, Miss Madeline Manley / 800 Manuscript Memoirs of Edmund Charles Genet (Citizen Genet), tJ Miss Madeline Manlej-^ 801 Sports and Pastimes of England, by Joseph Strutt, 140 engrav- ings colored by hand. London, 1S45 N. C. Moak Very rare. One of 50 copies. 802 A Decree of Star Chamber concerning printing, made ir July, 1637 '. N. C. Moak Reprinted by the Grolier Club of N. Y., in December. 1884, from the first edition of Robert Burke, 1637. 803 Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, The Astronomer-Poet of Persia, N. C. Moak Rendered into English verse by Edward Fitzgerald. One of 150 copies printed for the Grolier Club of N. Y., May, 18S5, on Japan paper. 804 Diedrich Knickerbocker's (Washington Irving) History of New York, 1809 N. C. Moak Republished from the original manuscript with fac simile Elzivir-types by the Grolier Club of N. Y., May, 18S6. 80s An original drawing of a Greyhound by Sir Edwin Landseer, Estate of Dr. J. S. Mosher 9° 806 Original sketch of a Dancing Woman l)y Geo. Cruikshank, Estate of Dr. J. S Moshei 807 Original engraving by Albrecht Durer, 15 12, Estate of Dr. J. S. Mosher 808 Original wood cut by Albrecht Durer. .Estate of Dr. J. S. Mosher 809 Admission card to inauguration of Dudley Observatory, 1856, signed by G. Y. Lansing, Chairman Benj. Oppenheim 810 Northern Budget (Troy) 9 October, 1799 W. L. M. Phelps 811 The Albany Centinel, 8 January, 1802 W. L. M. Phelps 812 The Albany Register, i June, 1802 W. L. M, Phelps Si 3 Will of Major-General Knox, executed in Albany during the Revolution, witnessed by Lafayette, Major-General Schuyler, Baron Steuben, General Gates and others L. B. Proctor 814 Bill of sale of negro, signed by Martinus Vrooman, 1S09, A. G. Richmond 815 Early English Dictionary, Dychis, London, 174S F. N. Sill 816 Holy Bible, Edinburgh, 1633 F. N. Sill 817 Albany Register, 31 December, 1799 Mrs. M. H. Stoddard 818 Workingmen's Advocate, Rochester, N. Y., 1839, Mrs. M. H. Stoddard 819 Parchment deeds of lands in Elsonburgh, Salem Co., New Jersey, from Richard Guy and Bridget, his wife, to Andrew Thompson. Deed dated November ist, 1680; recorded July 24th, 1701, David A. Thompson 820 Also one from Andrew Thompson to John Thompson and Isaac Smart. Deed dated February i8th. 1697; recorded March 1 1 th, 1698 David A. Thompson 82 1 Also one from William Thompson to Andrew Thompson. Deed dated December 28th, 17 10 David A. Thompson 822 Lidian wampum "Belt of Condolence," Rev. W. H. Ten Eyck, New Brunswick, N. J. Given to Mayor Volckert P Douw, of Albany, by the Six Nations in 1775, on the death of his daughter. 823 Deed for pew in Old Dutch Church .Clinton Ten Eyck 824 Certificate signed by Thos. Lawrence, 1701 ....Cantine Tremper 825 New Testament and Psalms, 1662, and two other old Dutch books Mrs. John Van Appledorn S 26 Bronze medal Charles H. Van Benthuysen One of the awards at the 'Worlds Fair" London, 1862; awarded to an American for superiority of his manufactures. 827 Proceedings of Congress, 1778.. Mrs. Van Rensselaer, Greenbush 828 Testament and psalms used in old Dutch church (silver clasps), Maurice E. Viele 9' 829 Autograph Letter of General Washington Wm. J. Dunham 830 First English and Dutch Dictionary, Rotterdam, 1647, Joiin Bronk 831 One Volume of Dacier's Horace. French translation, 1691, Matthew Hale 832 Poetfe Minores, Cambridge, 1684 Matthew Hale S33 First Edition Dryden's Virgil. Illustrated, 1697 . .Matthew Hale 835 Old ink stand and sand box Wm. Dey Ermand S36 Wood cut of Roman Catholic Church James McQuade 837 Old Dutch Bible, with brass trimmings and clasps. Dordrecht, 17 14 AVilliam Wendt Very well preserved 838 Fac similes of earliest English painting • Religious legends as illustrated on ancient stalls in ('arlisle Cathedral. 839 Three Philadelpliia Bi-Centennial medals . . . .John G. Burch, Jr. Bronze with bust of William Penn. 840 Brooklyn bridge memorial medal John G. Burch, Jr. Issued as a souvenir at the opening of the great bridge 841 Hebrew book, used at the festival of Passover (over 300 years old) Isaac M. Strasser 842 Ram's horn, used on the day of atonement (very old), Isaac M. Strasser 843 One of the medals distributed by King George III, among the Six Indian Nations to conciliate them C. M. Jenkins 844 The Record of the Paine Family, 1580 Dr. H. M. Paine MISCELLANEOUS. 845 William the first Prince of Orange, an engraving in 1584 of Van- der Werff's portrait Mrs. Anna Verplanck Clapp 846 Maurice, Prince d Orange, portrait on steel, 1625, Mrs. Anna Verplanck Clapp 847 Dutch sea shore scene with gentleman's coach in the foreground. An old engraving after painting by Van de Velde. Mrs. Anna Verplanck Clapp 848 William B. Winne, "the penny postman," 1813; Silhouette por- trait .J. Howard King 849 The State bank The oldest bank building in the United States. 850 Residence of Benjamin Winne R. H. Waterman An oil painting of a very old building in Albany, now demol- ished. 92 85 1 Wasliington memorial medal. . Riifus K. Viele Portrait in profile surrounded by the legend " He is in glory; the world in tears," silver, rSoo. S52 A receipt for money to Volckert Janse Douw, from Kilian Van Rensselaer, 1694. 853 Stockholders roil of the Bank of Albany in 1796, N. Y. State National Bank Used at the annual election for directors. 854 Contract for erection in 1803, of the present State bank building, with small cut of same N. Y. State National Bank 855 Photograph of the old stone Manor house of Westbury Manor. Berks Co., England, still standing, George R. Howell It was sold by Edward Howe!) in 1639 on his emigration to America. 856 The Four Gospels in the ancient Armenian language, 1152, of the Armenian nation Megerdich Attarian Written and engraved with a pen 857 Deed, 1687, to Evert AVendell, land on Gallows hill, now about Eagle street and Hudson avenue Philip Wendell Parke 858 Document signed and sealed, 1652, by Director General Peter Stuyvesant Philip Wendell Parke 859 Old Dutch Catechism, 1692 Miss Harriet I. Barnes 860 Five pieces Continental currency, 1775-79, Miss Harriet I. Barnes 861 Deed signed by Gov. Peter Stuyvesant, 1652 P. W. Parke 862 Bill of exchange, 1752 John G. Campbell 863 Two old parchment deeds, one signed by Cadwallader Golden, George K. Golden, Newburgh, N. Y. 864 An engraving of Madonna and Child, 15 16, by Albert Durer, Rev. W. R. Davis 865 War council of Romans. A study by Giovanni Antonia Amato, born at Naples, 1475 Rev. W. R. Davis His pictures are chiefly to be seen in the churches of his native city, particularly in the St. Dominico Maggiori. 866 Boston Gazette, March, 1770, description of Boston Riot, Young Men's Association 867 Y. M. A. circular, 1834 Young Men's Association 869 Protest offered by the " Barnburners " in the Baltimore Demo- cratic Convention, 1848, and explanatory letter by James C. Smith of Canandaicua Matthew Hale 93 870 First railway train in America, 1831, containing silhoutte por- traits of Mayor Jolin Townsend, Thurlow Weed and other Albanians Henry R. Pierson Copy of painting in the Connecticut Historical Society. 871 Appointment of A. Y. Lansing as Postmaster of Albany, signed Ebenezer Hazard, Postmaster-General. 1782, Miss J. Anna Lansing 872 Deed of land in Montgomery Co., from N. Y. State to A. Y. Lan- sing, 1799, signed John Jay, Governor, with seal. Miss J. Anna Lansing 873 Appointment by George II. of Abraham Yates as Sheriff of Albany in 1756, signed and sealed Miss J. Anna Lansing 874 Dinner invitation and card, over too years old, also one from President of Congress, 1 787 Miss J. Anna Lansing 875 Appointment of A. Y. Lansing as N. Y. Commissioner in Bank- ruptcy, signed J. Madison, Secretary of State and Thomas Jefferson, President, 1802 Miss J. Anna Lansing 876 Will of C Swart, 1690 (in Dutch) Miss J. Anna Lansing 877 Appointment of Abraham Yates as Mayor of Albany, 1792, signed George Clinton, Governor, with seal .... Miss J. Anna Lansing 878 Regret to breakfast invitation from John Jay, Chief Justice of U. S., to A. Yates, Mayor, 1 792 Miss J. Anna Lansing 879 Letter accompanying medal from corporation of New York to A. Y. Lansing, 1826 Miss J. Anna Lansing 880 Ballot New York State election, 1793 Miss J. Anna Lansing 881 Leonard Gansevoort, commission as delegate to Congress, 1788, signed, George Clinton Peter G. Ten Eyck 882 Leonard Gansevoort as Recorder of Albany, 1780, signed, George Clinton Peter G. Ten Eyck 883 Leonard Gansevoort, commission as Judge of Court of Probate; signed, George Clinton, 1799 Peter G. Ten Eyck 984 Patent to James Caldwell for 800 acres west of Lake George, signed, George Clinton, 1791 Mrs. P. G. Ten Eyck 885 Will of Abraham Cuyler, 1 749 Peter G. Ten Eyck 886 Will of Johannes Beekman, 1731 Peter G. Ten Eyck 887 Ulster Gazette, Kingston, January 4, 1800. .. Clarence Valentine 888 Two one-shilling notes, continental currency. .Clarence Valentine 889 Two-dollar bill, Bank of Hudson Clarence Valentine 8go Fob seal of Alanson Douglas of Troy, 1790. 891 Collection of half-cents, U. S. A., 1807-56. 892 Student's certificate, Albany Academy, February, 1836. Wm. Dey Ermand 893 The Original Charter of the City of Albany, signed by Governor Dongan, July 22, 1686. / J 94 894 Autograph letter Matthew Hale From Alexander Hamilton to J. B Schuyler. August, 1790. 895 Autograph letter Matthew Hale In rhyme from Gouverneur Morris to Philip Schuyler, Jan- uary, 1779. 896 Photograph of Nicholas Van Rensselaer (aged 92 years), Col. E. J. Genet, East Greenbush Who was with Gen. Montgomery when he fell, and who carried the news of Burgoyne's surrender to Albany. 897 Two copies of New Testament and Psalms, Dordrecht, Cantine Tremper Black letter — silver clasps. 89S Old Livingston Family Bible, printed in 1730. .William Patterson With family record from 1731. 899 Stevenson House in 1 780 Richard V. DeWitt Where 92 and 94 State street now are. A water color. 901 Photograph of old building corner Broadway and Clinton avenue which was built about 1 700 Clement & Co On spot now occupied by Clement & Co 902 Letter from Holland to one of the original settlers of Paapskne Island, 1653. 903 Map of Albany, 1832. 904 Colored woodcut of Gen. AVashington with the Declaration of Independence in his hand Charles P. Long 905 The old Elm Tree Munsell's Sons Photographed from drawing made in 1S40. 906 Les CEuvres d' Ambroise Pare, Paris, 1579, Dr. A. Van Der Veer 907 English-Dutch dictionary, Amsterdam, 1749 Mrs. Geo. Evans Fine frontispiece. 909 Commission of Jacob Ten Eyck as first judge, 1807, P. G. Ten Eyck, Schqdack Landing 910 Will of Abraham Cuyler, 1749, P. G. Teii Eyck, Schodack Landing 911 Will of Johannes Beekman, 1731. P. G. Ten Eyck, Schodack Landing 912 Commission to Leonard Ciansevoort as judge. P. G. Ten Eyck, Schodack I^anding Signed by John Jay, with seal attached, 1799. 913 Commission to Leonard Gansevoort 1788 and 1780. P. G. Ten Eyck, Schodack Landing 914 Patent of land to James Caldwell, with seal attached, 1791. P. G. Ten Eyck, Schodack Landing 915 Specimens of the earliest American Engraving. Revolutionary illustrations of Timothy Dwight's "Greenfield Hill," 1794. P. G. Ten Eyck, Schodack Landinp 95 9i6 Visiting card of Prince Kung, Prime Minister China, Miss Douw 917 Various old prints of Albany Joel Munsell's Sons 918 The Bostonians in Distress. A caricature print, 1774, Charles W, Hutchinson, Utica 919 Silhouette bust (in profile), by Gladding. . ..William Dey Ermand 920 Illustrated broadside of religious topics Joel Munsell's Sons 921 Bank of Albany check book 1792, of Wm. Cooper, J. Fenimore Cooper 922 All Saints Cathedral. V'iew from north-west. 923 All Saints Cathedral. Interior looking east. 924 Japanese picture representing silk culture (very old), Samuel S. Pruyn 925 Perpetual lease, 15th October, 1694, from Killian Van Rensselaer, Patroon, etc., to Dorothy J., widow of Volckert Jans Douw. 926 Perpetual lease of Fallitie Kill and some land for lumber pur- poses from the Patroon, to Gerrit Teunisse and Jonas Douw, 1699. 927 Conveyance from Killian Van Rensselaer, 1696. On east side of the Hudson river in Albany county 928 Masonic apron Mrs. A. P. Payne Worn over 150 years ago by Charles Husted. 929 Account of the detachment posted at Albany under the command of Charles Oliver. . . Walter Dickson 930 An account dated 1694 Walter Dickson 931 An account dated 1725, signed Mynders Schuyler, Walter Dickson 932 Note signed by Philip Livingston, 1728 Walter Dickson 933 Note sighed by Robert Livingston Walter Dickson 934 Bought of John Shorey, etc., etc Walter Dickson 935 Pieter Schuyler document signed Anthony Van Schayck, 1705, Walter Dickson 936 Promissory note, dated 1731, George Schaick. .. .Walter Dickson 937 Document, Albany June, 1734, Stephen V. Renselar, Walter Dickson 93S .Albany Directory for year 18 14 Walter Dickson 939 Note dated 8th .\ugust, 1754 ; signed Dirk Van der Heyden, Walter Dickson 940 Check, signed John Yorke Walter Dickson 941 Document, in German, J. Beeckman Walter Dickson 942 " I, underwritten, John Borghaert, promise to pay the judge, lawyer and cryer's fees" Walter Dickson 96 943 " New York, June )'e i6, 1735. Received of Mrs. Margaret Collins ten pound Elizabeth Schuyler " Walter Dickson 944 "New York, 1720. Sir, Verplank' has told me you had, etc. Augustus Jay " Walter Dickson 945 Albany the 5th of July. Account of Conneckut Voorsies. Major Livingston Walter Dickson 946. Old account book. Date, 1700. Braght Boeck Tusgen. Walter Dickson 947 Order for stores. Job Cuyler Walter Dickson 948 Albany, August 13, 1708. Promissory note. Montour. AValter Dickson 949 Letter dated 1817 ; signed, Peter S. Schuyler. . . .Walter Dickson 950 Dated 1722 ; signed, sale of Canajoharie land, money paid by M. Collins. Witnesses, Koenvalt Ten Eyck, James Banks, and others Walter Dickson 951 Receipt. Albany, August, 1708 ; signed, John Schuyler. AValter Dickson 952 Receipt. New York, July 30, 1733 ; signed, James Livingston. "Walter Dickson 953 Letter from Fort Nicholson, 1709, by Peter Matthews. Walter Dickson 954 Receipt from Golsbro Banyar, 22 May, 1746 AValter Dickson 955 Letter from Ed. Holland, April 21, 1749 Walter Dickson < 956 Captain Silvester Salisbury's letter, December 23, 1721, Walter Dickson 957 Receipts for material for new Fort Frederick, 9th day Sept. 1735, AValter Dickson 958 Receipt from Arent Brat, June 2, 1731 Walter Dickson 959 Receipt from Cadwallader Golden, February 3, 1734, Walter Dickson 960 An account relating to Canada expedition, May i, 1710. Walter Dickson 961 Old account book, 1704 Walter Dickson 962 Receipt from officer Captain James Weever, in command of Ma- jesty's soldiers, at Albany, 1709, 24th Dec Walter Dickson 963 Receipt from Colonel Richard Ligolsby for subsistence of soldiers, December 25, 17 10 Walter Dickson 964 Catalogue lawyers' fees, estimated by governor and council for New York, 1693 Walter Dickson 965 James Madison, President. Message printed. .. .Walter Dickson 966 The Microscope, 1819 Walter Dickson 967 Albany Evening Journal, June 12, 1830 Walter Dickson 968 Arnold in effigy, 30th September, 1780 Walter Dickson 97 969 Memoranda from Common Council minulcs in relation to Philip Livingston, 2d day of March, 1727 Walter Dickson 970 Report of Committee, Northern Inland Lock Navigation Com- pany, October 30, 1792 Walter Dickson 971 Historic s])ots in Albany to be memorialized in 1886 by inscrip- tions, in July, 1886. Description of the forty-two tablets, Young Men's Association 972 Presidents of the Young Men's Association — Daguerreotypes, from 1833 to 1850 Young Men's Association 973 Engraved card of the semi-centennial of the Y. M. A., with ]5or- trait of Amos Dean, the founder, and a view of the first building occupied by the association Young Men's Association 974 Marbleized effect produced by a painter's cleaning slab, surface polished after ten years' use (from the Relic Department), D. P. Gladding 975 Works of Virgil. Translated into English verse by Mr. Dryden. London, 1 709. Illustrated Ledyard Cogswell 976 Mandelyke Nittreksels of Boekzaal. Amsterdam, 1748. 977 First edition of Froissart's Chronicles in French, 1495, Duncan Campbell 978 Ortelius. Great Atlas of the World. Published Antwerp, 1575, Duncan Campbell 979 Latin Bible, with the manuscript notes of Melancthon, 1492, Duncan Campbell 980 Greek Epistles. Venice, Aldus, 1499 Duncan Campbell 981 French New Testament, 1525 Duncan Campbell 982 English Bible, 1549 Duncan Campbell 983 German Bible, 1483 Duncan Campbell 984 First English abridgement of the Statutes, 1520, Duncan Campbell 985 Book of Heraldry. Pub. London, 1562 Duncan Campbell 986 Dutch Album. Manuscript, 1598 Duncan Campbell 987 John Calvin's Book. Manuscript notes in his handwriting, 1561, Duncan Campbell 988 St. Jerome's Lives of the Fathers, 1490 (French), Duncan Campbell 989 Hebrew Bible, on vellum. Manuscript, 1450. .Duncan Campbell 990 School Arithmetic. London, 1640. Duncan Campbell 991 Castle of Knowledge. Robert Record, 1596. .. Duncan Campbell 992 Higdon's Polycronicon (English), printed by Treveris, 1527, Duncan Campbell 993 Dutch Bible. Suppressed by Charles V, 1540.. Duncan Campbell 994 Geneva Bible. First edition printed in England, 1576, Duncan Campbell 995 Book of Psalms. Peter Schaefer, one of the inventors of print- ing, 1478 Duncan Campbell 13 98 996 Second folio edition of Shakespeare, 1632... .Duncan Campbell 997 Statham's Abridgement of the laws of England about 15 15. Roger Pynson Duncan Campbell 99S Pierotti Latin Grammar. Printed by Wynkende Worde, 15 12, Duncan Campbell 999 First edition of Chaucer's works, 1532 Duncan Campbell 1000 The Mysterie of the Old Testament, published by Jehan" Petit, 1490 (in French) Duncan Campbell looi The Mysterie of the Passion, Jehan Petit, i486 (in French), Duncan Campbell 1002 Officium, on vellum, 1440. Manuscript Duncan Campbell 1003 Processional, on vellum, 1450. Manuscript. .. Duncan Campbell 1004 Missal, on vellum, 1439. Manuscript Duncan Campbell 1005 Theological treatise, on vellum, 1250. Mss. . Duncan Campbell 1006 St. Gregory's Commentary on Ezechael, 1150. Manuscript, Duncan Campbell 1007 Epistle of St. Paul, old oak board cover, 1030. Manuscript, Duncan Campbell 1008 Black letter Herbal (Book of Plants), 1526. . .Duncan Campbell 1009 Old carpenter shop at corner of Chapel and Steuben streets, Charles F. Van Benthuysen One of the oldest buildings standing in Albany. Photo- graph taken in April, 1SS6, by Carl J. Phisterer, before its demolition for the Y M C A loio Prayer book with elaborately illuminated edges, Mrs. Augustus H. Walsh Formerly belonging to James Stevenson, mayor of Albany, whose father, John Stevenson, was first president of the St. Andrew's Society and warden of St. Peter's Church. This name is inscribed on the Church bell given by Queen Anne, ion Photograph of old Dutch house adjoining the Albany Female Academy, now Hendricks' flower shop on North Pearl street, A. M. Holmes 1012 Engraving of Noah Webster, with fac simile pages of earliest and latest editions of Webster's Dictionary. 1013 Diary of a journey from Boston to New York in 1704, by Madam Knight. 1014 The Generall Historic of Virginia. London. Printed by J. D. & J. H. for Michael Sparks, 1624. Opened at the original list of F. F. Vs. The busts over the book-cases are of President Wm. H. Harrison, William H. Seward, Simeon De Witt, Thomas Addis Emmett, Stephen Van Rensselaer, .\le,Kander Hamilton, Abraham Van Vechten and De AVitt Clinton, and belong to the .Albany Institute. BRIC-A-BRAC, OLD SILVER AND PERSONAL ORNAMENTS. ILast Room, Second Sto/y. 1 Gold ornaments 150 years old, of Guinea gold. . .W. L. M. Phelps 2 Black Brussels lace cape Mrs. Fredk. Townsend 3 Two silver buckles Mrs. Robert Strain 4 Carved ivory fan with painted feathers Mrs. Isaac Vanderpoel 5 Very old silver breast pin Miss D. Grotenhuis 6 Pair very old silver sleeve buttons, 1725 Mrs. Robert Strain 7 Italian carved fan Mrs. Charles Wing 8 Silver handkerchief holder Francis Nicoll Sill 9 Cuffs, old Point, collar, modern Point d'Alenfon, Mrs. Fredk. Townsend 10 Agate scent box Miss D. Grotenhuis 1 1, 26 Fourteen pieces of lace, illustrating methods of making, prepared for instruction. George Douglas Miller 27 Chinese carved fan Mrs. Henry Glassford 28 Fine piece of filigree work B. F. Mi.\ 29 Coral beads Mrs. Anna Verplanck Clapp Given by Washington Irving 10 Julia Hoffman, after the death of \\\s /inatuee Mathilda Hoffman. 30 Ony.x box, 1733 Mrs. Augustus H. Walsh 3 1 Fan 200 years old Mrs. Sheffer 32 Point lace fan Mrs. James P. Boyd T,2, Carved ivory fan Mrs. J. C. Y. Paige 34 Tear cups Rev. Robert Hume 35 Pair of shoe buckles . Helen R. Delavan 36 One buckle, presented by Catharine of Russia to Citizen Genet, while, ambassador at that court E. J. Genet 37 Pair of shoe buckles Francis Nicoll Sill 38 Silver peppermint box loo years old Miss D. Grotenhuis 39 Carved ivory fan E. J. Genet 40 Peppermint box Mrs. J. De Witt Peltz Russian Niello work. 41 Piece of embroidery Rev. D. L. Schwartz 42 Piece of the robe of Ivan the Terrible Mrs. Isaac Vanderpoel 43 Box made of Charter Oak. . ... Mrs. Augustus H. Walsh Box Mrs. Isaac Vanderpoel Made from wood of the ship Constitution. Presented to Commodore Claxton, who died on the ship. 44 ( ^ Ring Mrs. Isaac Vanderpoel Presented by Joseph Bonaparte, Ex-king of Spain to Com- modore Claxton. 45 Chatelaine, French fine blue enamel Miss J. A. Lansing 46 Pair of knee buckles George Douglas Miller 47 Cross Mrs. Isaac Vanderpoel Worn by Russian monk in the twelfth century. Brought from a convent in Moscow. 48 Old tobacco box John D. Parsons Inscribed in German on one side, " Pious people are wanted — where are they?" on the other side " People hope for better times — when will they come ? " 49 Indian pocket-book, over 100 years old.. .Mrs. Augustus H. Walsh 50 Old fashioned vinaigrette Mrs. Isaac Vanderpoel 5 I Holland castor Miss P. A. Pearce 52 English tankard ; Erastus Corning 53 Silver spoon, Germany, date unknown Mrs. Fredk. Townsend 54 Old silver ladle Mrs. William Cassidy 55 Gold tea-caddy spoon Mrs. J. Townsend Lansing 56 Tankard Francis Nicoll Sill 57 Antique fish cream-jug Erastus Corning 58 Old Dutch spoon, oblong bowl Mrs. J. G. Farnsworth 59 Salt-sellar, design, Russian sleigh Erastus Corning 60 Old pitcher Mrs. William Cassidy 61, 63 Cream pitcher and sugar bowl, 1776 Miss Messenger 62 Silver sugar tongs Old Dutch family 64 Silver meat dishes Mrs. Anna Verplanck Clapp 65 Tankard Mrs. James Kidd Belonged to General Ireton. 66 Spoon, which belonged to Thackery Erastus Corning 67 Spoon, which belonged to Charles Dickens ...... Erastus Corning 68 Old Holland sugar tongs Miss P. A. Pearce 69 Silver basket, marked Judith Verplanck, 1740, 70 Silver pitcher Miss Meads Presented to her father, John Meads, at the Centennial of Washington's birth. Original card with it. / 71 Silver mulled wine tankard used at funerals, Dutch, John B. Visscher 72 Silver sugar bowl, oak pattern I. D. F. Lansing 73 Traveling teapot, belonged to the Empress Eugenie, Mrs. James Kidd 74 Much worn table knife from Holland. . . . Mrs. Matthew Robertson 75 Cake basket ... Miss Phoebe Pearce 76 Old silver tankard Philip Wendell Parke 77 Old silver tankard Philip Wendell Parke 78 Old silver tea caddy Mrs. Anna Verplanck Clapp 79 Chatelaine i So years old David Saxe 80 Pewter plate with crest Leonard Kip 81 One silver sugar bowl Mrs. John Tayler Cooper This and No. 132 were brought from the palace at Versailles by the French refugees, and bought by Governor Tayler. 82 Modern Russian tankard Erastus Corning 83 Silver punch bowl Philip Wendell Parke 84 Two silver casters for holding claret glasses, Mrs. John Tayler Cooper Belonged to Stephen Schuyler ; loaned by his granddaughter. 85 Silver Doat (Dutch) spoon Mrs. John Tayler Cooper Belonged to M. Van Vechten, 1778. 86 Square silver tiay, marked Judith Crommelin Verplanck, 1760, Mrs. Anna Verplanck Clapp 87 Round silver tray Mrs. Anna Verplanck Clapp Bought by Judge Daniel Crommelin Verplanck at the sale of Gouverneur Morris, when the great statesman died. They were bought in Paris at the time of the great Revolution. 88 Cup and spoon Mrs. Robert Strain Q 5 Six large silver spoons, very old Mrs. Robert Strain ^ I Six small silver spoons, very old Mrs. Robert Strain Owned by Agnes Bradt loaned by her great-great-grand- daughter. (Small spoon which belonged to Barent Ten Eyck in 1680, Mrs. Robert Strain Small silver spoon which belonged to Alida Ten Eyck, 1703, Mrs. Robert Strain 91 Silver cream cup George Douglas Miller 92 Silver (Doat) spoon W. W. Crannell In memory of Col. Philip P. Schuyler, died June 3, 1808. 93 Silver cup, 1696 Mrs. Robert Strain 94 Silver teapot Dr. Thomas Hun 95 Silver porringer , George Douglas Miller 96 Two tea-spoons, 200 years old Miss I. L. Hotaling 97 Silver tankard Old Dutch family g& Modern French-cow cream jiitcher Erastus Corning 99 Two tea-spoons P. A. Pearce ICO Table-spoon Miss Phcebe A. Pearce loi Silver chocolate cup Francis Nicoll Sill 102 Silver speaking trumpet L. G. Verbeck Presented to L. G. Verbeck, of Rotterdam, Holland, by Presi- dent Buchanan, for his humane treatment of five American ship-wrecked sailors of tlie ship " Peter Webster," 1857. 103 Old silver incense burner Miss Ida Z. Schenck 104 Silver dice-box Mrs. Francis S. Pruyn This box belonged to Madame Hazen, a lady of the Court of Marie Antoinette. 105 A child's spoon, arrow head, engraving of Moscow on bowl, Mrs. William Barnes to6 Tea caddy, date 17 10 Mrs. John G. Farnsworth 107 Silver spoon Francis Nicoll Sill 108 Russian table-spoon, antique gold Mrs. William Barnes no Incense burner, Louis III, 1610 Miss Messenger 1 1 1 Soup spoon, antique gold Mrs. William Barnes 1 1 2 Old spectacles '- Francis Nicoll Sill 1 1 3 Marrow spoon, George I Miss Messenger 114 English rat-tail spoon, marked J. B. P. S., 1717- .Miss Messenger 1 15 Antique Dutch-cow cream pitcher Erastus Corning 116 Silver tankard Mrs. Jacob V. Vrooman 117 Silver Roman salt cellars Mrs. Marcus T. Hun 118 Muffineer, George II, 1755 Miss Messenger 119 Silver tea-spoon for measuring tea, 1675 Miss D. Grotenhuis 120 Two silver spoons, George III, 1770 Miss Messenger 121 Loving cup ; belonged to Lord Danly, marked " 1567." Erastus Corning 122 Deep oval bread basket John B. Visscher 123 Case of silver, 1764 Mrs. De Lancy Watkins 124 Two antique silver spoons Mrs. E. H. Durell With the crest of the Seitz family of Wurtemberg, Rhenish Bavaria. 125 Gravy ladle from Holland Mrs. DeLancy Watkins 126 Two memorial spoons, 1802 Mrs. Jacob V. Vrooman 127 Spoons, German, 1782 Miss Messenger 1 28 Silver beaker Philip Wendell Parke 1 29 Traveling case, silver J. Townsend Lansing 130 Cream jug, which belonged to Clare College, Cambridge, Erastus Corning 131 Mulled wine tankard G. Y. Lansing I03 132 One mustard cup Mrs. John Tayler Cooper This and No. Si were brought from the palace at Versailles by the French refugees, and bought by Governor Tayler. 133 Silver urn, over 100 years old Mrs. Francis S. Pruyn 134 Sugar bowl Old Dutch family 135 High silver pitcher nearly 100 years old Mrs. W. S. Egerton 136 Emu egg vases mounted in silver work, done in Australia, Miss Rathbone 137 Miniature of the parents of Citizen Genet Col. E. J. Genet 138 Silver and Rhine stone snuff-box Mrs. John Tayler Cooper Belonged to Stephen Schuyler. 139 Miniature of Governor Clinton Col. E. J. Genet 140 Miniature of Cornelia T. Clinton, daughter of Governor Clinton, and wife of Citizen Genet Col. E. J. Genet 141 Memorial pin of Mrs. Stephen Schuyler, 1794, Mrs.' John Tayler Cooper 142 A mourning locket Mrs. Francis S. Pruyn 143 English inlaid silver watch J. Townsend Lansing 144 Old English repousse gold watch repeater, double case, J. Townsend Lansing 145 Key ring used by a French chatelaine Miss Messenger 146 Bracelet of Egyptian scarabei Mrs. J. Townsend Lansing 147 Arsinoe coin pin Mrs. J. Townsend Lansing 148 Watch, copper case, painted J. Townsend Lansing 149 Silver snuff-box Philip Wendell Parke 150 Reading glass Miss J. Anna Lansing 151 Miniature of Laura Spencer Mrs. Augustus H. Walsh 152 Major-General Levi Whitney Miss Garfield 153 Miniature of John Stevenson Mrs. Augustus H. Walsh First President of the St. Andrew's Society, warden of old St. Peter's church. His name is on Queen Anne's bell. 154 English silver watch, double case J. Townsend Lansing 155 Scarabeus seal J. Townsend Lansing 156 French miniature J. Townsend Lansing 157 English silver watch, double case J. Townsend Lansing 158 Old watch Mrs. D. L. Schwartz 159 Watch case Rev. D. L. Schwartz 160 Silver snuff box Major Harmon Putnpelly Read This box belonged to the Hon. George Read, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. 161 Antique enameled watch Mrs. James Kidd 162 Portrait, Mrs. George B. Throop Montgomery H. Throop 163 Miniature of Madame de Campau on ivory Col. E. J. Genet 164 Silver snuff-box William L Van Zandt / 4 I04 165 Ivory miniature, John H. Livingston Ernest J. Miller 166, 167 Two wax pictures, Jas. Stevenson and wife, Mrs. Augustus H. Walsh 168 Ivory miniature Francis Nicoll Sill 169 Miniature of Matthew Visscher James Ten Eyck He was the secretary of the Committee of Safety in 1776, and first read the Declaration of Independence to the citizens of Albany, at the City Hall on the corner of Broadway and Hudson avenue, on its receipt from Philadelphia on July ig, 1776. Loaned by his great-grandson. 170 Tobacco-box of Matthew Visscher James Ten Eyck 171 Autograph letter of Matthew Visscher. . .Henry James Ten Eyck 172 Miniature of Rev. I. N. Wickoff, by Peele J. A. Wilson 173 Carved ivory figures of Buddhist priest Miss Rathbone 174 Rhine stone knee buckles Ledyard Cogswell 175 Official buttons of a Chinese Mandarin Miss S. D. Doremus Showing the seven ascending grades, viz. : gilt, opaque white, clear white, opaque blue, clear blue, dark coral, and highest rank, light coral. 176 Turban, shoes and scarf of a Hindoo gentleman, Rev. Robert Hume 177 Rhinoceros horn carved as a vase Miss Douw 178 Bex Mrs. Paul F. Cooper Made from the keel of The Endeavor, the ship in which Capt. Cook sailed around the world. 179 Carved cane Bishop Doane From the birth-place of Washington. 180 Japanese Prince's sword W. Howard Brown 181 Old Roman fibula Charles M. Lang Found at castle of Sigmunds' Kron, Brenner Pass. 182 Old German girdle Charles M. Lang 183 Cane Cantine Tremper Brought to this country by Moses Cantine, a Huguenot, 200 years ago. 184 Old Tyrolian necklace Charles M. Lang 185 Inlaid ivory box Rev. Robert Hume 186 Old cream jug, blue ware- Mrs. Matthew Robertson 187 Cream jug, black and white Mrs. Matthew Robertson 188 Christian lamp . . . . , Bishop Doane From the Catacombs of St. Calixtus, Rome. 189 Carved paper case George Douglas Miller 190 An ancient bronze warming utensil Bishop Doane From Japan. Over 2,000 3'ears old. 191 First presentation of foreign ministers to the Emperor of China. Miss Douw Taken from a pen sketch. i°5 192 Fragment of double head of marble Bishop Doane Picked up in the churcli of Santa Petronella, one of the Roman Catacombs. 193 Tankard Charles M. Lang Used by Wurtemberg Monks, date 1763. 194 Russian Ikon Mrs. Isaac Vanderpoel 195 Vase from the mound builders, Ohio, prehistoric, Mrs. Erastus Corning, Jr. 196 Bronze cup George Douglas Miller 197 Box made of wood of a coffin taken from Pompeii 4,000 years old John N. Foster 198 Model of grotesque stone carving in Angel Choir, Lincoln Cathe- dral Bishop Doane 199 Pompeiian lamp Bishop Doane 200 Brass vessel containing water from the sacred river Ganges, Rev. Robert Hume 201 Model of St. Augustine's Chair, Canterbury Cathedral, Bishop Doane 202 Bead bag Mrs. Matthew Robertson 203 Chinese shoe Rev. Robert Hume 204 Brass cup with spout Rev. Robert Hume Used for religious purposes. 205 Brass bo.x Rev. Robert Hume For carrying articles commonly used by offerings in idol worship, Western India. 206 Traveling glass, gilt ornamentation, in leather case, Henry James Ten Eyck Used by Aaron Burr during his visits to Albany in the first part of this century. 207 Bronze idol of the goddess Parvati, very old. .Rev. Robert Hume 208 Crepe shawl Mrs. Matthew Robertson 209 Italian painted china salt cellars Mrs. Charles Wing 210 Drinking cup Henry James Ten Eyck Used by Ethan Allen during the Revolution. 211 Plate ware, unknown, over 100 years old. Miss Frances Hunter Ten Eyck 212 Twenty-six varieties lace Mrs. Ira Harris 1. St. Gale embroidery. 2. Blonde lace; two pieces. 3. Maltese embroidery. 4. Point Applique ; two pieces. 5. Two pieces of English lace. 6. Point a I'Aiguille ; two pieces. 7. Rose point ; three pieces, 8. Black Maltese lace. 9. Irish point lace. 14 io6 10. Black Brussels lace. 11. Old English pillow lace. 13. Old altar lace. 14. Brussels point lace. 15. Old Mechlin. 16. Mechlin; three pieces. 17-1S. Point de Venise ; three pieces. ii3 Sandal wood and carved ivory box for card counters, made in India Miss Rathbone 214 Carved Japanese card, case George Douglas Miller 215 Shawl, black blonde Miss J. Anna Lansing 2 1 6 Lace Jacket Miss J. Anna Lansing Made by Cocha Vamba Indians, S. A. 217 Piece cardinal lace Miss J. Anna Lansing 218 Barbe, point de venise Miss J. Anna Lansing 219 Piece of old Brussels lace Miss A. V. R. Russell 220 Lace, 250 years old Mrs. M. H. Stoddard 221 Piece of old Honiton Miss J. Anna Lansing 222 Piece Mechlin lace Miss J. Anna Lansing 223 Lace collar, round point Mrs. Paul F. Cooper Took the prize at first Paris Exhibition. 224 Old silver tankard Jacob H. Ten Eyck sj 225 Funeral spoon, Dutch A'lrs. Volkert P. Douw 226 Silver salver Bishop Doane This salver formerly belonged to Bishop Burnet, Bishop of London. 227 Pair of silver candlesticks, very fine Mrs. Volkert P. Douw 228 Icelandic vase Bishop Doane 229 Norwegian marriage tankard, 200 years old Bishop Doane 230 Collection of family silver, from 100 to 200 years old, Mrs. Peter G. Ten Eyck, Schodack Landing 231 Silver tankard Mrs. Charles W. Abrams 232 Old silver spoon Mrs. J. B. Nott 233 Silver sugar bowl Mrs. Charles W. Abrams 234 Gold finger ornament Miss Douw 235 Silver bread-basket Mrs. Jacob H. Ten Eyck 236 Very old watch Mrs. J. B. Nott 237 Silver ladle Jacob H. Ten Eyck 238 Pair silver candlesticks, over 100 years old, with snuffers and tray, Mrs. Jacob H. Ten Eyck 239 Old watch „ Mrs. William Kidd 240 American filagree silver basket B. F. Mix 241 Point-lace shawl which belonged to Eugenie. Mrs. Erastus Corning 242 Black lace shawl, Chantilly Mrs. Philip Ten Eyck 243 Black lace shawl Mrs. Erastus Corning, Jr. / / I07 244 White shawl, round and flat Point, modern. Mrs. Fredk. Townsend 245 Silver coffee urn Mrs. Leonard Kip 246 Old brass incense burner Miss Cynthia R. Dexter 247 Blonde lace cape, 90 years old Mrs. Isaac Vanderpoel From convent in Moscow. History iinlcnown. 248 Embroidered handkerchief Mrs. Charles Van Zandt Done in Lisbon 1780. 249 Point de Venise cape, old lace Mrs. Fredk. Townsend 250 Silver urn which belonged to G. V. S. Bleecker, 100 years old, Charles Visscher AVinne 251 Chinese good wish stick Mrs. Erastus Corning, Jr. The art of manufacturing this lacquer was lost over 300 years ago. 252 Old carved fan, painted sticks Mrs. Volkert P. Douw 253 Carved ivory fan Mrs. Ledyard Cogswell 254 Spanish fan, 1750 Mrs. Charles G. Saxe 255 Old Watteau fan Mrs. Montgomery H. Throop 256 Old paper fan Mrs. J. Townsend Lansing 257 Old French fan brought to this country about 1780, Mrs. J. Townsend Lansing 258 White whalebone fan Mrs. J. Townsend Lansing 259 White whalebone fan .Mrs. J. Townsend Lansing 260 Chinese carved ivory fan Mrs. J. Townsend Lansing 261 Black crape fan, gold spangles Mrs. A. Cuyler Ten Eyck 262 Fan, black thread lace Mrs. Jacob H. Ten Eyck 263 Mourning pin Leonard Kip Worn at the time the American Colonies were mourning for George II, 1760. 264 Parasol handle, 200 years old Mrs. Marcus T. Hun 265 Mourning pin, 1812. Dr. Thomas Hun Inscription on back. " A. Hun, died Januarj' 2g, 1S12, setat 43 years, 11 months and 21 days." 266 Mourning ring Dr. Thomas Hun Inscribed on back " T. Hun, died iSoi." Loaned by his grandson. 267 Mourning ring, colored head of a saint with crystal covering, Dr. Thomas Hun 268 Alms basin from St. Peter's Episcopal Church. .St. Peter's Vestry Inscription: From the worshipful Philip S. Van Rensse- laer, Mayor of the city and Vestryman of St. Peter's Church, Albany, 1799. 269 Epergne, belonging to General Schuyler, 1761 . George L. Schuyler 270 Camp silver which belonged to Col. Fish. . . Mrs. Bayard Livingston 271 Earrings and bracelet Mrs. Marcus T. Hun Given by the Bey of Tunis to Mrs. Claxton. 272 Silver beaker, 1685 W. T. L. Sanders 27 J Vase George L. Schuyler Presented 10 Col. Peter Sctiuyler by Queen Anne, 1710. 274 Teapot, originally a flagon, with Schuyler coat of arms, George L. Schuyler Brought to this country by Philip Peter Schuyler, 1640 300 years old 275 Queen Anne kettle Mrs. William Croswell Doane 276 Two miniatures, Marie Antoinette and Madame Augier, Mrs. George C. Genet 277 Memorial locket Miss J. Anna Lansing 278 Miniature of Dr. N. V. Winne, loaned by his son, Charles Visscher Winne 279 Fan carried at the coronation of the Empress Josephine, Mrs. George C. Genet 280 Two fans Charles M. Lang 281 Colored lithograpli of the Hindoo Triad, Brahma, Vishnu, Sliiva, Rev Robert Hume 282 Colored lithograph of the God Krishna and Iiis wife Radha, Rev. Robert Hume 283 Wood carving of DaVinci's Last Supper. . .Mrs. Edward R Hun 284 Baptismal bowl from St. Peter's Church St. Peter's Vestry 100 years old; marked with the Van Rensselaer coat-of-arms. 285 Alms basin St. Peter's Church. This is one piece of St Peter's communion service, which consists of six pieces, presented by Queen Anne. The hall marks give the date 1714. Each piece bears the royal arms of Great Britain (old style) and the following inscription; "The gift of Queen Ann, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, & of her Plantations in North America ; Queen to Her Indian Chappel of the Onandagus A (crest) 1714 '■ PICTURES, PRINTS AND STATUARY. East Room, Second Story Eight views of old Albany as it appeared between 1800 and 1S14. These are the original paintings by Dr. James Eights from which nearly all the pictures of old Albany are taken, Mrs. Mary Wharton Gibson, New York city In identifying the buildings by the aid of the following key, begin to count from the left and go in regular order to the right. X I. Corner of State and Pearl streets, 1S14. — i. George Web- ster's dwelling. 2. Charles R. and George Webster s book store, and printing oflice of the Albany Gazette. 3 Office and bookbinder)'. 4. Jacob Vanderheyden's, called Vanderhe3'den Palace. 5. The Pruyn mansion. 6. Dr. H. WoodrulTs office. 7. Mansion of Bait. Lydius. All parts of this house, brick, wood-work and ornamental iron were prepared in Holland, and brought from there for the use of the first clergj'man. Rev Dr. Shaaets of the old Dutch church. 8. William Pitt Beer's law office. 2 n. Continuation of Pearl street, from near the centre to the corner of Steuben street, 1814. — i. Cornelius Brower's house; he was bell-ringer of the old Dutch church. 2. Uranian hall, appropriated to schools; the first story was kept by R. O. K. Bennett, the second by Mr. Thompson. 3. Residence of Dr. William McClellan, afterward of Dr. William Bay. 4. Resi- dence of John L. Bleecker. 5. Residence of Peter E. Elmen- dorf. 6. Residence of Gerardus Lansing. 7. Writing school. 8. John Andrew's, police constable, g. Store-house. 10. Build- ing in the distance was the family mansion of Harmanus Bleecker. •7 III. Pearl street from corner of Columbia street looking north, 1805. — I. Catharine Fisher. 2. Skerrett, blacksmith and locksmith. 3. Grocery. 4. School kept by James Crabb. 5. Occupant unknown. 6. William McGwiky, chocolate man- ufacturer for James Caldwell. 7. James Brown, grocer, form- erly Cornelius Groesbeeck, shoemaker. 8. North Dutch church, John M. Badford, pastor. 9. Corner opposite Bock Ins the baker. 4 IV. West side of Market street from State to Maiden Lane, 1800. — I. Old Dutch church. 2. John Robinson's corner, now 110 the Museum 3 J. and M. Van Schaick, merchants. 4 Dwell- ing and store of David Waters ; south store, Hugh Orr. 5 Albert Wi'.lett ; south store, William Phillips ; north store, David Newland. 6. William Mulroy, merchant. 7. Bank of Albany, G. W. Van Schaick cashier. 8. John Malay mer- chant. 9. Abraham R. Ten Eyck, booksellei. to. Dwelling and store of Douvv B. Slingerland. 11. Dwelling and store of Barent G. Staats, merchant. I2. Dwelling of Teunis Vau- Vechten 13 Market. V. Market street from Maiden Lane to Steuben street, about iSoo. — I. Richard Lush, dwelling and store: north store, John Brinckerhoof, hardware. 2 Richard Dun, groceries. 3. Mar- tin Beekman, dwelling. 4. Talbut, house and sign painter. 5. barent Bleecker, Esq. 6. Gen. John H. Wendell. 7. Stephen Lush, dwelling and office. 8. Dr. Samuel Stringer, dwelling and office, g. Andrew Brown, house built by Derrick Ten Broeck. 10. Dudley Walsh, u. Sandrum Lansing, cel- ebrated as a cake baker. 12. Chancellor John Lansing. VL Market street from Court street looking north, with the old Dutch church and market, 1805. — (Right hand side.) i. Thomas P. Gould, hardware. 2. Dwelling and store of Henry Lansing, dry-goods. 3. Richard Dun and Son groceries. 4. James Daniels, English hat store. (Left hand side.) I. John Spencer, stones and hardware. 2. StafTord & Spencer, copper- smiths and hardware. 3. John D. P. Douvv, hardware. 4. James and Walter Clark, dry-goods. VIL Market street, with market and old Dutch church, looking south, 1S05. — (.Left hand side.) i. Dwelling of Leon- ard Gansevoort, Esq. 2. Dwelling and store of Paul Hock- strasser. 3. The lower part occupied by J. Hill, glover; upper part was used by G. Fairman, engraver. 4. Dwelling of Abram Hun, father of Dr. Hun. The Rev. John Bassett of the Dutch church resided with him. 5. Store and counting house of Barent and John R. Bleecker. 6. Dwelling and store of David and John Blackley. 7. Dwelling of David Fonda. 8. In the distance, store of Fonda and Winne, Crock- er)- merchants 9. James and Archibald Kane, commission merchants 10. John Fatin, connected with the Groesbecks of this city. tl. Dr. Jacob and George Manchius, druggists and post office. 12. Dutch church. (Right hand side.) 13. John Robinson's corner, now the Museum. 14. J. and M. Van Schaick, merchants. 15. David Walters. ifj, Albert Willett. 17. William Mulroy. 18. Bank of Albany. 19. John Maley, merchant. 20. Abraham R Ten Eyck, book seller. 21. Douw B, Slingerland, merchant. 22. Barent G. Staats, merchant. 23. Teunis Van Vechten. VHL State street, looking east from the hili, 1S05 — (Right hand side.) i. James Chestney, chair manufacturer. 2. Car- penter shop. 3. Carpenter shop. 4. George Merchant, Esq. 5. Mansion of Mr. Green 6 William Van Rensselaer, law office and mansion. 7 Distant yellow house, Governor John Taj'ler's mansion S. The building beyond the church, George Manchius, druggist and post office. (Left hand side.) i. Part of St. Peter's Church. 2 Phillip S. Van Rensselaer, Mayor of the city. 3 Dwelling of Charles R. Webster. 4. Dwelling of George Webster 5. Charles R. and George Webster's book store and printing office, printers and editors of the old Albany Gazette. 6. Bait. Lydius. 7. William Pitt Beers, dwelling and law office. S. Occupant unknown. 9. Joseph Sharp, a mulatto barber. 10. State Bank. 11. Whiting and Watson, law book sellers, afterwards E. E. Backus. 12. Star and Shel- don, dry goods merchants. Gen. Worth served his time as a clerk tor this firm. 13. Wine store. 14. George Pearson, tobacco manufacturer and residence. 15. Samuel Dexter, druggist, also his dwelling. 16. Tontine Coffee House, kept by Matthew Gregory. 17. Webb and Drummer, crockery mer- chants. iS. Arant Vedder, groceries. ig. Occupant un- known. CO. John Barry, tobacco manufacturer. 21. Samuel Hill, hardware store and dwelling. 22. John McGaffin, Esq. 23 Beyond the church, James and Archibald Kane. 24. Old Dutch Church. Charles Calverly, Sculptor. 9 Marble medallion " Lily of the Valley." Charles Calverly, Sculptor. 10 Marble medallion " Taking Comfort." E. D. Palmer, Sculptor. 1 1 Bas-relief of Bishop Doane Bishop Doane Robert M. Pratt. 1 2 Pond Lily ... Frederic G. Mather Charles Warren Eaton. 13 Water color Charles Warren Eaton Theodore Frere. 14 Scene in Cairo Robert S. Oliver Homer Martin. £5 Landscape Charles L. Pruyn T. B. Clemens. 16 Still Life Gen. Frederick Townsend Walter L. Palmer. 1 7 Venice E.J. Larrabee W. H. Willcox. 18 Atlantic City, from Brigantine Beach J. B. Thacher Artist Unknown. 19 Portrait of Johannes Schuyler. . George L. Schuyler, New York city Father of Major-General Philip Schujder. Born 1697 ; died . 1741 Albert De Vriendt. 20 The Bookselltr of Antwerp Erastiis Corning Emil Lambinet. 2 1 Farm Scene Rev. Walter D. Nicholas From the Rogers and Bookwalter sale. Henrv Ferguson, A. N. A. 22 Scene in the Adirondacks Ezra G. Benedict COTURIER. 23 Farm Scene A. Bleecker Banks Fred. Voltz. 24 Cattle at the Stream Erastus Corning P'red. Fink (deceased). 25 Portrait of Rev. Wm. B. Sprague, D. D E. P. Prentice Estate C. L. Elliott (deceased). 26 Portrait Gen. F"rederick Townsend Meyer Von Bremen. 27 Indecision Charles L. Priiyn T. B. Clemens. 28 Still Life ' Gen. Frederick Townsend A. W. Twitchell. 29 Portrait of Elliott A. W. Twitchell A. Schreyer. 30 A Russian Winter Erastus Corning Leon Bonnat. 31 Portrait of George Lee Schuyler, 1883, George L. Schuyler, New York city Son of the above. Born 1811. John Constable. 32 English Landscape Rev. Walter D. Nicholas R. M. Staigg. 33 Portrait of Major Philip Schuyler, 1865, George L. Schuyler, New York city Son of the above. Born 1S36. Vedder. 34 " Break, break " Robert S. Oliver Will. H. Low. 35 Blowing the Horn John Battersby W. Coosemans. 36 French Landscape George D. Fearey C. L. Elliott (deceased). 37 Portrait Gen. Frederick Townsend 113 Alexander. 38 Portrait, Joel Rathbone Gen. Frederick Townsend George Innes. 39 Landsca]je study Dr. James P. Boyd A. Bertolli. 40 Turkish Bazaar Gen. Frederick Townsend J. F. Kensett. 41 Study in the Catskills E. D. Palmer Roberts. 42 Portrait of Abraham Yates Mrs. Abraham Lansing Mayor of the city of Albany in 1790. J. G. Brown. 43 His only Comfort John Battersby Artist Unknown. 44 Portrait of the Fondey family Maurice E. Viele Sir Godfrey Kneller. 45 Portrait of the iirst mayor of Albany, Peter Schuyler, The Schuyler Estate, West Troy Andreas Achenbach. 46 After the Storm Rev. Walter D. Nicholas From the Governor Morgan collection. James E. Freeman (deceased). 47 Scene in the Campagna, Rome Mrs. Abraham Lansing Edward Gay. 48 The " Old Round Top " near Canajoharie, Hon. James Arkell, Canajoharie, N. Y. It is a stone structure formerly used as a magazine or store- house by one of the e.arliest settlers, Kane — from whom the Arctic explorer Kane was descended. This building stood at the end of an artificial bayou of the Mohawk, where the bateau.x of the earlier period were pushed up to this trading post. Carl Millner. 49 Snow-Capped Mountains Erastus Corning W. Bouguereau. 50 Baby's Bath Erastus Corning A.. C. HOWLAND. 51 The Recruits. W. J. Arkell Camerona. 52 Picture Robert S. Oliver J. W. Ehninger. 53 Death and the Gambler J. W. Ehninger, Saratoga Springs Jervis McEntee. 54 Autumn in the Catskills E. D. Palmer "4 F. E. Church. 55 Sunset in Vermont E. D. Palmer J. W. Ehninger. 56 The Turkey Shoot J. W. Ehninger, Saratoga Springs R. Earle. 57 Portrait of Colonel Richard Varick Richard Varick De Witt Military Secrelary to Washington, wearing Cincinnati badge, painted in 179T. With sword. Gilbert Stuart. 58 Portrait of General Peter Gansevoort Mrs. Abraham Lansing R. W. Pennie. 59 Interior of a ship-smith's shop R. W. Pennie Ingham. 60 Portrait of Mrs. Joel Rathbone Gen. Frederick Townsend William Hart, N. A. 6 1 Landscape C. Halloran Ezra Ames (deceased). 62 Portrait of John Leonard Gansevoort Mrs. Abraham Lansing T. L. Smith, A. N. A. (deceased). 63 Long Lake in the Adirondacks Frank Chamberlain A. De Bylandt. 64 The Horse Fair Gen. Frederick Townsend Artist Unknown. 65 The Dead Christ, painted in 1824 Rev. John Walsh Nicolans Lauvers. 66 Triumph of the Church over Paganism (Rubens) James Vint Ezra Ames (deceased). 67 Portrait of Harmanus Ten Eyck J. H. Ten Eyck Ezra Ames (deceased). 68 Portrait of George Clinton, Governor of the State of New York from 1777 to 1795, and trom 1801 to 1804. Vice-Pres't from 1804 to 1 813 Mrs. John Tayler Cooper Ezra Ames (deceased). 69 Portrait of John Taylor, Governor of the State of New York in 1817 Mrs. John Tayler Cooper Gilbert. 70 Portrait of Henry Clay in 1837 Mrs. William Cassidy Artist Unknown. 71 Portrait of Thurlow Weed Thurlow Weed Barnes William Page (deceased). 72 Portrait of the late Jolin O. Cole Mrs. John O. Cole lis William Page (deceased). 73 Portrait of Mrs. John O. Cole Mrs. John O. Cole Gilbert Stuart. 74 Portrait of Philip J. Schuyler, 1806, George L. Schuyler, New York city Born 1768 ; died 1835. Artist Unknown. 75 Portrait of Jeremias Van Rensselaer, first patroon on the east side of the river Mrs. C. G. Van Rensselaer Ezra Ames (deceased). 76 Portrait of Elias Buel in 1820 Jesse Buel 77 Portrait of Stephen Van Rensselaer . . .Mrs. C. G. Van Rensselaer V. P. Shaver (deceased). 78 Legion, painted about 1845 Mrs. V. P. Shaver Artist Unknown. 79 Portrait of Mrs. Philip Schuyler — Catharine Van Rensselaer, George L. Schuyler, New York city Born 1734; died 1S03. Vander Lyn. 80, 8i Two fruit i)ictures Carl N. Greig W. S. Macy. 82 Head of Hamilton Harbor, Bermuda George Douglas Miller Vedder. 83 Olive Grove Robert S. Oliver S. R. GiFFORD. 84 The Coming Storm E. D. Palmer Artist Unknown. 85 Portrait of Jan Baptiste Van Rensselaer. .Howard Van Rensselaer Cole. 86 Mount Washington Charles L. Pruyn Artist Unknown. 87 Portrait of Philip Schuyler. . . .George L. Schuyler, New York city Grandson of Philip Pieterse. Born 1695; shot and burned in his house at Saratoga by French and Indians, 1745. Artist Unknown. 88 Portrait, Andrew Jackson witli hickory fram.e, The Argus Company Myerheim. 8g Town of Beverwyck in Holland Mrs. William Cassidy From which Albany took its first name. Gilbert Stuart, 1806. 90 Portrait of Mrs. Philip J. Schuyler — Mary A. Sawyer of Massa- chusetts George L. Schuyler, New York city Born 1786 ; died 1852. ii6 C. L. Elltott (deceased). 91 Portrait of Enos T. Throop Montgomery H. Throop Martin. 92 Portrait of Mrs. Alexander Hamilton, George L. Schuyler, New York city Daughter of Major-General Philip Schuyler. Born 1757; died 1854. Crayon drawing taken when she was 94 years old. Walter L. Palmer. 93, 94 Venice (water colors) 'Walter L. Palmer A. Malve. 95 The Ploughman Rev. Wesley R. Davis Lavinia Steele Kellogg. 96 Summer Friends Lavinia S. Kellogg, New York city William Pretvman. 97 Orchids 4 Erastus Corning J. G. NiCOLL. 98 Marine (water color) James Vint Ella L. Winne. 99 Water color. . . '. Ella L. Winne Chauvel. 100 The Seasons (after Jules Breton).. . . , J. Townsend Lansing Geo. H. Boughton. loi Water color John A. Sleicher GORGIA. 102 AVater color A. Bleecker Banks Lavinia Steele Kellogg 103 Roses Lavinia S. Kellogg. New York city G. H. McCoRD. 104 Old Mill by Moonlight Rev. Wesley R. Davis Sam. Colman. 105 Venetian Scene George D. Fearey F. H. De Haas. 106 Water color, Coast of New England James Vint Appian. 107 Trees and Sky, an etching, artist's proof. . .Rev. Wesley R. Davis Will H. Low. 108 Original drawings for the illustration of Keats' Lamia, Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia E. L. Henry. 109 Dinner in the Olden Time George D. Fearey 117 Walter L. Palmer. I lo Watei color sketch of Venice Walter L. Palmer 1 1 1 Water color sketch of Venice Walter L. Palmer 1 12 Water color sketch ot Venice Walter L. Palmer 1 1 3 Water color sketch of Venice Walter L. Palmer Mauve. 1 14 Landscape with Sheep J. Townsend Lansing Pine. 115 Portrait of William Samuel Johnson Mrs. Anna V. Clapp Chairman of the committee of five on the final revision of the Federal Constitution in 1787. The original document in the State Department at Washington has numerous interlineations and marginal corrections in his handwriting. He was the first Senator from Connecticut. Portrait painted in 1783. Ezra Ames (deceased). 1 16 Portrait of Mrs. Col. Le Mai, daughter of Citizen Genet, Mrs. T. Kirby Van Zandt Artist Unknown 117 Cat and Kittens Mrs. L Annesley William Hart, N. S. 1 1 8 Landscape James MacNaughton Clinton Loveridge. 119 Landscape Clinton Loveridge, Brooklyn, N. Y. " That down some shado^vy lane some ghost Might drive his spectral kine." F. D. Briscoe. 120 Marine Gen. Frederick Townsend A. F. Tait. 1 2 1 Ducks George D. Fearey R. W. Pennie. 122 Portrait R. W. Pennie William Page. 1 23 Portrait of a lady AW Twitchell John Fred. Engel. 124 The Confidantes . . .John Fred. Engel, Munich, Germany Ella L. Winne. 1 25 Still Life . . Ella L. Winne T. F. Kensett. 126 Marine View George D. Fearey A. H. WVANT. 127 An Autumn Day George D Fearey James E. Freeman (deceased). 128 First Landscape in 1834 Mrs. Burtsell / ii8 Charles Warren Eaton. 129 Afternoon Shadows Samuel A. Foster, New York city John Freu. Engel. 1 30 The Fisher Maiden J- B. Thacher Fred. Fink. 131 Portrait of John Meads Miss Meads George H. Boughton. 132 The Puritan's Daughter Joseph W. Drexel, New York city Walter Sanford. 133 The Three Sixes Walter Sanford James M. Hart, N. A. 134 Portrait of the artist's father Isaac W. Vosburgh Leonard Ochtman. 135 The Mill Pond Leonard Ochtman, New York city Gilbert Stuart. 136 Portrait of Judge William Cooper Paul Fenimore Cooper Walter Sanford. 137 Prison of the Inquisition AValter Sanford Julia Hart Beers. 138 A Summer Day in Metuchen, Julia H. Beers, Metuchen, New Jersey Ezra Ames (deceased). 139 Portrait of Mrs. Meads. A. W. Twitchell. 140 Portrait of the mother of John Fred. Engel, the artist, A. W. Twitchell Charles G. Davidson. 141 Ancient House, corner Chapel and Steuben streets, one of the oldest houses in Albany C. G. Davidson George H. Boughton. 142 Old School-house William Bruce George H. Boughton. 143 The Irish Emigrant William Bruce Wm. Bliss Baker. 144 Landscape Guy E. Baker James M. Hart, N. A. 1 45 Landscape E. D. Palmer James Kidd, Jr. (deceased). 146 Killing of the Horse at the Grave of an Indian Chief, William Kidd Artist Unknown. 147 Old portrait Mrs. George Evans 119 AViLi. H. Low. 148 Decorative panel — Summer John Battersby Wm. Magrath, N. a. 149 The Gaidener T. B. Clark, New York city AValter L. Palmer 150 Interior with portrait of the late Thos. W. Olcott . . .Miss Olcott W. G. Van Zandt. 151 Portrait of a horse VV. G. Van Zandt J. T. Peele. 152 The Old Oaken Bucket The Misses Monteath Charles M. Lang. 153 Head - Charles M. Lang Will H. Low. 154 Reverie , J. B Thacher AVm. Bliss Baker. 155 Boys in the Wood J. B. Thacher Louis Kaiser. 156 Sand Doiin Louis Kaiser George Maynard. 157 '' The Committee of Safety " James Arkell, Canajoharie The Holland tile manlle-piece in the picture was originally ii Governor Bouck's mansion in Schoharie, and was trans- ferred to the old Frey mansion in Palatine Bridge, where it now stands. This latter place is of historic interest, as being the gathering place of the " committee of safety " in revolutionary times, and two of the members of the original committee are represented in the picture as reading the " news letter " of the day. Artist Unknown. 158 Robert Livingston, First Lord of the Manor, Hermon Livingston, Catskill George H. Boughton. TS9 Stage Struck Mrs. L. Annesley M. a. Ackerman. 160 Hager and Ishmael Mrs. M. A. Ackerman John Fred. Engel. 161 The Congratulators John Fred. Engel, Munich, Germany James Kidd, Jr. (deceased). 162 The Exercise J. B. Thacher Leonard Ochtman. 163 An Autumn Memory Leonard Ochtman, New York city Julia Hart Beers. 164 Fir Tree Cottage Studio. .Julia H. Beers, Metuchen, New Jersey I20 Hevry iKNfAK (deceased). 165 Portrait of Bishop Doane and brother in childhood. . Bishop Doane Wm. p. Morgan. 1 66 Mountain Stream Wm. P. Morgan Walter Sanford. 167 Portrait Walter Sanford Henry Inman (deceased). 168 Portrait of Bishop White Bishop Doane Second American Bishop. Edward Gay. 169 Apple Blossoms John A. Sleicher Trumbull. 170 Portrait of Major-General Philip Schuyler, George L. Schuyler, New York city Born 1733; died 1S04. Henry Inman (deceased). 171 Portrait of Bishop G. W. Doane of New Jersey. . . .Bishop Doane Walter Blackman. 172 Aspiration J. Townsend Lansing Antonio Casanova. 173 The Idol of the Day Rev. Walter D. Nicholas T. L. Smith, A N. A. (deceased). r74 Winter Moon-light Scene T. L. Smith, A. N. A. F. A. Bridgman. 175 A Chance Acquaintance Rev. Walter D. Nicholas N. Diaz. 176 Gathering Fagots , Rev. Walter D. Nicholas Formerl)' in the collection of Fairman Rogers, Esq., of Philadelphia. Meyer Von Bremen. [ 7 7 The Love-letter Erastus Corning Homer Martin. 178 Landscape Estate Dr. J. S. Mosher A. F. Tait and James M. Hart. 179 The Regretted Shot C. Halloran Will H. Low. 180 Skipper Ireson's Ride J. B. Thacher From Whittier's poem. B. Seignac. 181 An Interior Charles L. Pruyn Homer Martin. [82 Landscape Miss Gertrude Mosher Kruseman Van ElteN. 1 83 Landscape James Vint Adolph Schreyer. 184 The Halt at the Well Rev. Walter D. Nicholas From the celebrated collections of Mr. Stuart, of Paris, and Mr. Spencer, of New York. E. RUDAUX. 185 Scene in a Hunting Lodge Rev. Walter D. Nicholas Formerly owned by the late Governor Morgan of New York. F. A. Haswell. 1 86 Landscape Rev. Wesley R. Davis Artist Unknown. 187 Portrait of William of Orange, King of England, Francis Thomas, Troy, N. Y. Presented about i6go to Captain John Thomas, afterward of Braintree, Mass.. with three companion pictures (Queen Marj-, Queen Anne and Prince George) and a grant of $35,000 by King William for services rendered by Captain Thomas in the " Glorious revolution of 168S." George H. Boughton. 1 88 The Rest by the Wayside Rev. Walter D. Nicholas Diaz. 189 Landscape Charles L. Pruyn Artist Unknown. 190, 191 Two old portraits (heads) Cantine Tremper Given by a British officer to a nurse for services during ill- ness when the British army evacuated Kingston. Meyer Von Bremen. 192 Eating her Berries Rev. Walter D. Nicholas Artist Unknown. 193 Thomas Brown, Rector of St. Peter's Church, 1760, St. Peter's Church Kensett. 194 Landscape E. D. Palmer Artist Unknown. 195 John L Van Rensselaer, second Patroon, Mrs. C. G. Van Rensselaer, Greenbush W. Whittredge. 196 Beach George D. Fearey J. F. Engel. 197 The Smoker John Battersby Artist Unknown. 198 Gen. Philip Schuyler George L. Schuyler 16 Artist Unknown. 199 Crayon portrait of Henry Guest of New Brunswick, H. G. McNaughton Drawn by a British officer wlio was (alien prisoner at that place during the Revolution. Walter L. Palmer. 200 Water color of Venice Walter L. Palmer Charles Calverly, Sculptor. 201 Little Ida Charles Calverly, New York City Marble medallion. E. D. Palmer, Sculptor. 202 Design for the Coat of Arms of the Fort Orange club, J. B. Thacher Charles Calverly, Sculptor. 203 Jesse and Daisy Charles Calverly, New York City Bronze medallion. J. GOUPIL. 204 Figure A. Bleecker Banks Clinton Loveridge. 205 The Normanskill mill and waterfall at Kenwood S. R. Gray William Hart, N. A. 206 Loch Tay and Castle, with the village of Kenmore in the dis- tance H. G. McNaughton John Gott. 207 Medallion of a resident of Albany, 1855 W. W. Crannell Kosciusko. 208 Pen and ink sketch of Colonel Timothy Whiting, Henry Whiting Garfield Colonel Whiting was at West Point with Kosciusko, and as he was writing home Kosciusko took his letter, and with ink which they made from rusty nails drew Colonel Whiting's por- trait on the sheet. Henry Moreland. 209 The Mischievous Boy, 1772 Ernest J. Miller A mezzotint engraving on glass bj' Henry Moreland (father of the celebrated George Moreland), who died in 1797. Form- erly the property of George Clinton, first Governor of this State. McEntee. 210 Small painting Mrs. Cantine Tremper Artist Unknown. 2 1 1 Old portrait Cantine Tremper Ezra Ames (deceased). 2 1 2 Portrait of lady (water color) Cantine Tremper 123 James Eights. 213 Original painting of "Hodges' Dock," the present steamboat landing Mrs. C. C. Burton David Johnson. 214 Landscape J. B. Thacher Artist Unknown. 215 Spanish portrait, 1621. Mrs. Augustus H. Walsh Ernest Longfellow. 216 Horses Drinking Robert S. Oliver Vander Lyn. / 217 First portrait of Mr. Doll Mrs. Isaac Vanderpoel v James M. Hart, N. A. 218 Old Elm Tree Corner George D. Fearey Edward Gay. 219 The Island Creek. Picture of the spot where the blast furnace now stands George D. Fearey Charles Warren Eaton. 220 Landscape Charles Warren Eaton ROSSITER. 221 Village Church William Wendell Wm. p. Morgan. 222 An Adirondack Road Wm. P. Morgan Frederic G. Mather. 223 Seventeen Sketches of the Old Capitol Frederic G. Mather Artist Unknown. 224 Portrait of Stephen Van Rensselaer, the last Patroon. Mrs. Henry Lansing D. S. Pierce. 225 Portrait of Rev. Wm. B. Sprague, D. D D. S. Pierce Artist Unknown. 226 Portrait of a sister of DeWitt Clinton. . .Mrs. Charles B. Lansing Artist Unknown. 227 Portrait of a sister of DeWitt Clinton. . .Mrs. Charles B. Lansing x*' Chauvel. 228 The Lake, etching after Corot J. Townsend Lansing Mrs. B. U. Steenburg. 229 Crayon Head Mrs. B. U. Steenburg Thomas Chauvel. 230 Solitude J. Townsend Lansing 124 Seymour Hayden. 231 Calais Pier J Townsend Lansing Artist proof etching after Turner's painting Artist Unknown. 232 Paul Preaching at Athens (engraved in 1677), Raphael, James Vint NicoLANS Lauvers. 233 Engraving (Rubens) James Vint John Pettis. 234 Etching on satin John Battersby William S. Jackson. 235 The Cathedral of Chihuahua, Mexico James T Gardiner Built in 1740 at a cost of $700 000 from a gift ol one per cent of the profits of tlie Santa Hulalia mine Style, Spanish Renaissance, detail modified by Aztec workmen. George P. Hughes. 236 Crayon Head George P. Hughes Burne Jones. 237 Six Days of Creation Bishop Doane Burne Jones. 238 The Four Seasons James T Gardiner Burne Jones. 239 The Wheel of Fortune James T. Gardiner Burne Jones. 240 The Golden Stairway James T. Gardiner Hamilton Hamilton. 241 Etching — Winter Charles Visscher Winnc Maria L. McMicken. 242 Crayon Heads Maria L. McMicken George H. Boughton, 243 Boys Teetering William Bruce Artist Unknown. 244 Portrait of Samuel Osgood (in the hall), Col. E. J. Genet, Greenbush First Postmaster-General of the United States. C. L. Elliott (deceased). 245 Portrait of Rufus H. King (in the hall) Rufus H. King Artist Unknown. 246 Portrait of Philip Pieterse Schuyler and wife — Margritta Van Slichtenhorst George L. Schuyler, New York city Married in Beverwyck, now Albany, December 12 (O. S.), 1650. He was born in Holland, date unknown; died 1683. She was born 1628; died 1711 I2S Eastman Johnson. 247 Portiait of Robert H, Pruyn National Commercial Bank C. L. Elliott (deceased). 248 Portrait of ex-Gov. Enos T. Throop. . . .Montgomery H. Throop H. K. Brown, Sculptor. 249 Quoit Player (out of doors statue) E. P. Prentice estate Launt Thompson, Sculptor. 250 Photographs of works Launt, Thompson R. H. Parks, Sculptor. 251 Memory,, bas-relief Wm. M. Whitney E. D. Palmer, Sculptor. 252 Coat of Arms of the State in bronze E. D. Palmer E. D. Palmer, Sculptor. 253 The Child Napoleon I J. B. Thacher Cut without model. J. S. Hartley, A. N. A., Sculptor. 254-256 Photographs of other works. . . J. S. Hartley, New York city J. S. Hartley, A. N. A., Sculptor. 257 Bronze group J. S. Hartley, New York city A Pantheistic Study. Charles Calverly, Sculptor. 258 Bust of John Brown Charles Calverly, New York city Original in bronze owned by the Union League Club, New York city. E. D. Palmer, Sculptor. 259 Early Sorrow E. 11. Palmer Charles Calverly, Sculptor. 260 Bust of Elias Howe Charles Calverly, New York city J. S. Hartley, A. N. A., Sculptor. 261 Portrait bust of William Cullen Bryant, J. S. Hartley, New York city Honorable mention at New Orleans Exposition. E. D. Palmer, Sculptor. 262 Peace in Bondage Gen. Frederick Townsend J. W. Ehninger. 263 Ten drawings to illustrate the poem of John Gilpin, J. W. Ehninger WORKS BY ALBANY ARTISTS. Ezra Ames (deceased). 62 Portrait of Judge Leonard Gansevoort Mrs. Abram Lansing 69 Portrait of John Taylor, Governor of the State of New Yorl< in 1817, Mrs. John Tayler Cooper 68 Portrait of George Clinton, Governor of the State of New York from 1777 to 1795, and from 1801 to 1804. Vice-Pres't from 1804101813, Mrs. John Tayler Cooper 212 Portrait of lady (water color) Cantine Tremper 67 Portrait of Harmanus Ten Eyck J. H. Ten Eyck 76 Portrait of Ehas Buel in 1820 Jesse Buel J. Ezra Ames. 139 Portrait of Mrs. Meads. M. A. ACKERMAN. 160 Hagar and Ishmael Mrs. M. A. Ackerman H, K. Brown, Sculptor. 249 Ouoit Player (out of doors statue) E. P. Prentice estate Wm. Bliss Baker. '55 Boys in the Woods J. B. Thacher 144 Landscape Guy E. Baker Geo. H. Boughton. 142 Old School-house William Bruce 143 The Irish Emigrant William Bruce 243 Boys Teetering William Bruce 1 59 Stage Struck Mrs. L. Annesley 188 The Rest by the Wayside Rev. Walter D. Nicholas 132 The Puritan's Daughter Joseph W. Drexel, New York city Julia Hart Beers. 138 A Summer Day in Metuchen. .Julia H. Beers. Metuchen, New Jersey 164 Fir Tree Cottage Studio Julia H. Beers, Metuchen, New Jersey Charles Calverly, Sculptor. 10 Marble medallion " Taking Comfort." 9 Marble medallion "Lily of the Valley." 258 Bust of John Brown Charles Calverly, New York city Original in bronze owned by the Union League Club, New York city- 260 Bust of Elias Howe Charles Calverly, New York city 201 Little Ida Charles Calverly, New York city Marble medallion. 203 Jessie and Daisy Charles Calverly, New \''ork city Bronze med.illion. 1^7 Charles G. Davidson. 141 Ancient House, corner Chapel and Steuben streets, one of the oldest houses in Albany C. G. Davidson. Charles Warren Eaton. 13 Water color Charles Warren Eaton 220 Landscape Charles Warren Eaton 129 Afternoon Shadows Samuel A. Foster, New York City C. L. Elliott (deceased). 248 Portrait of ex-Gov. Enos T. Throop Montgomery H. Throop 245 Portrait of Rufus H. King Rutus H. King 26 Portrait Gen. Frederick Townsend 37 Portrait Gen. Frederick Townsend John Fred. Engel. 161 The Congratulators. . John Fred. Engel, Munich, Germany 124 The Confidantes John Fred. Engel, Munich, Germany 130 The Fisher Maiden J. B. Thacher Henry Ferguson, A. N. A. 128 An early landscape Mrs. Burtsell 22 Scene ni the Adirondacks Ezra G. Benedict James E. Freeman (deceased). 47 Scene in the Campagna, Rome Mrs. Abraham Lansing 128 First landscape in 1834 Mrs. Burtsell Fred. Fink (deceased). 25 Portrait of Rev. Wm. B. Sprague, D. D E. P. Prentice Estate Edward Gay. 219 The Island Creek. Picture of the spot where the blast furnace now stands George D. Fearey 169 Apple Blossoms John A. Sleicher 48 The " Old Round Top " near Canajoharie, Hon. James Arkell, Canajoharie, N. Y. It is a stone structure formerly used as a magazine or store- liouse by one of the earliest settlers. Kane — from whom the Arctic explorer Kane was descended. This building stood at the end of an artificial bayou of the Mohawk, where the bateaux of the earlier period were pushed up to this trading post. John Gott. 207 Medallion W. W. Crannell William Hart, N. A. 203 Loch Tay and Castle with the village of Kenmore in the distance, H. G. MacNaughton 61 Landscape C. Halloran 128 James M. Hart, N. A. 134 Portrait of the artist's father Isaac W. Vosburgh. 145 Landscape E, D. Pahiier. 21S Old Ehii Tree Corner, north-west corner of State and Pearl streets, George D. Fearey J. S. Hartley, A. N. A., Ssculptor. 261 Portrait bust of William CuUen Bryant, J. S. Hartley, New York city. Honorable mention at New Orleans Exposition. 254-256 Photographs of other works J. S. Hartley, New York city. 257 Bronze group J. S. Hartley, New York city. A Pantheistic Study. Henry Inman (deceased). 168 Portrait of Bishop White Bishop Doane. Second American Bishop. 171 Portrait of Bishop G. W. Doane of New Jersey Bishop Doane. 165 Portrait of Bishop Doane and brother in childhood. . . Bishop Doane. James Kidd, Jr. (deceased). 146 Killing of the Horse st the Grave of an Indian Chief, William Kidd 162 The Exercise J. B. Thacher Louis Kaiser. 156 Sand Doun Louis Kaiser Lavinia Steele Kellogg. 103 Roses . Lavinia S. Kellogg, New York city 96 Summer friends Lavinia S. Kellogg, New York city Clinton Loveridge. 119 Landscape Clinton Loveridge, Brooklyn, N. Y. " That down some shadowy lane some ghost Might drive his spectral kine." 202 The Normanskill mill and waterfall at Kenwood S. R. Gray Will H. Low. 154 Reverie J. B. Thacher iSo Skipper Ireson's Ride J. B. Thacher From Whittier's poem. loS Oiiginal drawings for the illustration of Lamia, Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia 148 Decorative panel— Summer John Battersby 35 Blowing the Horn John Battersby Charles M. Lang. 1 53 Head Charles M. Lang 129 Wi\i. P. Morgan. 222 An Adirondack Road Wm. P. Morgan i66 Mountain Stream Wm. P. Morgan Homer Martin. 178 Landscape Estate Dr. J. S. Mosher 182 Landscape Miss Gertrude Mosher 1 5 Landscape Clias. L. Pruyn Wm. Magrath, N. A. 149 The Gardener T. B. Clark, New York city Maria L. McMicken. 242 Crayon Heads Maria L. McMicken Leonard Ochtman. 163 An Autumn Memory Leonard Ochtman, New York city 135 The Mill Pond Leonard Ochtman, New York city E. D. Palmer, Sculptor. 253 The Child Napoleon I J. B. Thacher Cut without model. 202 Design for the coat of arms of the Fort Orange club. .J. B. Thacher 259 Early Sorrow E. D. Palmer 1 1 Bas-relief of Bishop Doane Bishop Doane 262 Peace in Bondage Gen Frederick Townsend 252 Coat of arms of the State in bronze. E. D. Palmer R. H. Parks, Sculptor. 251 Memory, Bas-relief Wm. M. Whitney Walter L. Palmer. 17 Venice E. J. Larrabee 150 Interior with portrait of the late Thos. W. Olcott Miss Olcott 93 Water color sketch Walter L. Palmer 94 Water color sketch Walter L. Palmer no Water color sketch of Venice Walte- L. Palmer 1 1 1 Water color sketch of Venice .... Walter L. Palmer 1 1 2 Water color sketch of Venice . . Walter L. Palmer 113 Water color sketch of Venice Walter L. Palmer William Page (deceased). 72 Portrait of the late John O. Cole Mrs. John O. Cole 73 Portrait of Mrs. John O. Cole Mrs. John O. Cole R. W. Pennie. 122 Portrait R. W. Pennie 59 Interior of a Ship-smith's shop R. W. Pennie 17 13° J. T. Peele. 152 The Old Oaken Bucket The Misses Monteath D. S. Pierce. 225 Portrait of Rev. Wm. B. Sprague, D. D D. S. Pierce William Pretyman. 97 Orchids Erastus Corning T. L. Smith, A. N. A. (deceased). 174 Winter Moon-light Scene T. L. Smith, A. N. A. 63 Long Lake in the Adirondacks Frank Chamberlain Walter Sanford. 133 The Three Sixes Walter Sanford 1 37 Prison of the Inquisition Walter Sanford 167 Portrait Walter Sanford V. P. Shaver (deceased). 78 Legion, painted about 1845 Mrs. V. P Shaver Mrs. B. U. Steenburg. 229 Crayon Head Mrs. B. U . Steenburg Launt Thompson, Sculptor. 250 Photographs of Works ..Launt Thompson A. W. Twitchell. 140 Portrait of the mother of John Fred Engel, the artist, A. W. Twitchell T. KiRBY Van Zandt (deceased). 300 Horses Thomas Hurst 301 Cattle Thomas Hurst W. G. Van Zandt. 1 5 1 Portrait of a horse W. G. Van Zandt Ella L. Winne 125. Still Life Ella L. Winne 99 Water color Ella L. Winne OLD FURNITURE, ANCIENT DRESS AND GENERAL RELICS. South Room. Principal Story. 3 TO 12 14 Dressing table ' J- Howard King Formerly the property of Elisha W. D. Skinner, who for many years published 'Cae. Daily Advertiser 2X the old Elm Tree corner. The table was made about 1810. Old Flemish tapestry Duncan Campbell This piece of tapestry is descriptive of the destruction of the temple It was made at Antwerp in 1630, and was many years constructing. Fire screen. . . A. Bleecker Banks 4 Chair — belonged to King Louis Phillippe — taken from the Tuilleries during his flight, in 1848 Mrs. James Kidd 5 Old mahogany stand Mrs. A. Cuyler Ten Eyck 6 Old clock Leonard Kip 7 Reporter's chair, from the Senate chamber, old Capitol, Thurlow Weed Barnes 8 Old writing chair, used by Gov. Seward while in Albany, 1838 to 1842 Wm. H. and F. W. Seward 9 Flax wheel Col. E. J. Genet, Greenbush With flax and thread grown and spun on the farm of Abram Witbeck in the town of Greenbush in l8li. Music stand . Robert Shaw Oliver II Piano, probably imported into this country by John Jacob Astor, and is about 1 00 years old Cluett & Sons Old chair Mrs. John Tayler Cooper Harp Mrs. J. Howard King Old table Mrs. John Tayler Cooper This table was painted by a daughter of an English officer during the Revolution. 15 Mirror, formerly owned by Gov. De Witt Clinton, G. V. S. Sanders 16 One '• Empire " mantel clock Mrs. William Cassidy 132 ly Hall lamps from the Van Rensselaer Manor House, Eugene Van Rensselaer 1 8 Italian carved wooden chair, sixteenth century style, Mrs. W. O. Stilhnan 19 Harp of the time of Empress Josephine ....Robert Shaw Oliver 20 Piano 150 years old Mrs. Charles P. Sanders, Schenectady 21 Chair, in which Thurlow Weed wrote editorials for the Albany " Journal " for many years Thurlow Weed Barnes 22 Washington relics Mrs. J. V. L. Pruyn Chair from East room at Ml. Vernon 23 Washington relic Mrs. J. V. L. Pruyn Wash-stand from Mt. Vernon. 24 An arm chair, from Mt. Vernon Mrs. J. V. L. Pruyn 25 Inlaid table Mrs. Jacob H. Ten Eyck 26 Screen from Van Rensselaer Manor House, Eugene Van Rensselaer 27 Carved tea-table A. Bleecker Banks 28 Portrait of Washington Mrs. J. V. L. Pruyn From a panning by Robert Edge Pine. 29 Engraving of Washington Mrs. J. V. L. Pruyn 30 Old clock Maurice E. Viele 31 Round table, from Mt. Vernon Mrs. J. V. L. Pruyn 32 Idol from Burmah Mrs. Ira Harris 33 Old chair Mrs. James Kidd 34 Silk embroidered gown, 1760 Mrs. A. E. V. R. Hoff 35 Old fashioned dress Miss S. Y. Lansing 36 Old silk dress Mrs. Orin B. Fuller 37 Old silk petticoat Miss S. Y. Lansing 38 Old crepe shawl Mrs. AVilliam Barnes 39 Bead bag Mrs. J. L. Newman 40 Wedding dress and shoes Mrs. J. L. Newman Worn by Mrs. Egbert B. Egberts one hundred and fifty (150) 3'ears ago. Mrs. Egbert was May Van Dam Lynch, a grand daughter of Gov. Van Dam, the former Dutch Governor of the Provinces. Loaned by her great grand daughter. 41 Five antique coinbs Mrs. J. L. Newman 42 Old shawl Mrs. A. Cuyler Ten Eyck 43 Antique memorial locket Mrs. J. L. Newman Worn by Mrs. May Egbert Ten Eycic in 177S. Loaned by her great grand daughter. 44 Black bead bag Mrs. J. L. Newman 45 Antique shoes Mrs. J. L. Newman 46 Shawl Mrs. A. Cuyler Ten Eyck 133 47 Kmbroidered dress and bag 200 years old; gloves worn with cos- tume Miss E. B. Groot 48 One ,box of games, belonged to Gov. Clinton, Mrs. J. L. Newman 49 Pink silk gown and blue petticoat Mrs. J. B. Nott Worn by Mrs. Gov. Tayler, 1765. 50 Table cloth Mrs. W. E. Haswell 5 1 English thread lace cap Mrs. A. Cuyler Ten Eyck 52 Pair of old gloves Miss E. B. Groot 53 Vest of Citizen Genet Col. E. J. Genet J Embroidered by Marie Antoinette and Madame Campau. 54 Wedding vest, worn by Francis Nicoll, over 100 years old, Francis Nicoll Sill 55 Sugar bowl made of a cocoanut, mounted with silver, 150 years old Mrs. P. G. Ten Eyck 56 Old bag Mrs. C. P. Williams 57 Venetian sun-shade Miss Douw 58 Embroidered table cover Geo. D. Miller 59 Crimson satin Mrs. J. B. Nott Worn by Mrs. Charles D. Cooper, 1797. 60 Sideboard George H. Treadwell Brought over by Benjamin Winne from Holland in 1703. It has been traced directly down to the present owner. 61 Mahogany knife boxes, very old. . Mrs. Teunis Van Vechten 62 Vest worn by L. Gansevoort Mrs. A. Cuyler Ten Eyck 63 Old figured chintz wrapper, rufHed shirt, about 17 So, Mrs. J. B. Nott 64 Curtains and lambrequins used on teaster beds, Mrs. C. P. Williams Spun and worked about 200 years ago; the embroidery is inter- esting because it shows the stitches which have been revived within a few years under the name of " Kensington." 65 Old fashioned bonnet (calash) Mrs. J. L. Newman 66 Embroidered Japanese robe Mrs. Charles T. Wing, N. Y. city 67 Parsee child's dress Mrs. Henry A. Glassford, N. Y. city 68 Parsee child's dress Mrs. Henry A. Glassford, N. Y. city 69 Pair of slippers Mrs. J. Townsend Lansing 70 Picture of George Washington and family Miss Douw 7 1 Old banner Mrs. Charles P. Sanders Carried by the minute men in the Revolution. 72 Dress of a Bedouin Sheik of to-day Thurlow Weed Barnes 73 Scarf of a Bedouin Sheik Thurlow Weed Barnes 74 Old quilt Miss Phoebe Pearce 75 New York State flag • • Mrs. Abraham Lansing From which the New York State coat of arms was taken. 134 76 Old Flute Richard L. Annesley This flute and case was the property of Major Cochran of the British army, in the Revolutionary war of the United States of America, Major Cochran was sent by Sir Henry Clinton with dispatches to Lord Cornwallis, at Yorktown, at which seige a cannon shot took ofi his head. This flute was taken with his baggage by the Raven Privateer out of Connecticut river, and the flute sold at auction for $400 (old Continental money). I have been the owner of it forty-five years. 77 Old blue silk dress Mrs. Watkins, Schenectady 78 Long trained mull dress Mrs. J. B. Nott 79 Pearl street, 1S30 Mrs. T. Kirby Van Zandt 80 Memorial Picture Miss Meads 81 Embroidered picture. Cantine Tremper 82 Old print of the Van Tassel House. . Mr. Eugene Van Rensselaer The spot from which the Legend of Sleepy Hollow was taken. 83 Old print of Washington Irving's house, Mr. Eugene Van Rensselaer 84 Old print, 1793, " I'm in haste " Mrs. W. W. Crannell 85 Ancient mirror Mrs. A. E. V. R. Hoff 86 Bed froin the Van Rensselaer Manor House, Mr. Eugene Van Rensselaer 87 Sampler over 100 years old F. N. Sill 88 Origin of the stars and stripes George Douglas Miller 89 Light figured challis Mrs. J. B. Nott Worn by Mrs. J. B. Nott at the reception in the capitol, given to La Fafayette when here as the guest of the nation. 90 Old Schuyler chair Mrs. John Tayler Cooper 91 Old English chair J. Bleecker Groot 92 Carved chair, brought from England in 1700 Miss Groot 93 Carved mahogany chair Miss Sarah Saunders 94 Carved sofa J. H. Brooks 95 Chair Mrs. Anna Verplanck Clapp Brought by Judith Cornelia Ver Planck from Holland in 1720. 96 Chair formerly owned by Gov. De Witt Clinton, Mrs. Paul Cushman 97 Fiddle back chair Mrs. J. W. Morange 98 Chair nearly 300 years old Mrs. Teunis Van Vechten 99 Mahogany work stand, brought from Holland, known to have been in the Bell family over 100 years Miss Alida Winne Bell 100 Chair, 200 years old, from Coeymans Robert C. Pruyn loi Chair Leonard Kip 102 Chair Mrs. V. P. Douw '35 103 Chair brouglil by Judith Cornelia Verplanck from Holland, in 1720 Mrs. Anna Verplanck Clapp 104 Inlaid card table George Douglas Miller 105 Inlaid card table, 150 years old Miss Phoebe A. Pearce 106 Chair, 200 years old Miss Phcebe A. Pearce 107 A cattle branding iron monogram K. H. T., used in Schenectady in 1690 Frank K. Toll 108 Old bronze lock and wooden lock of the Powder magazine of Albany Verplanck Colvin These locks were brought from Holland at a very early period, and transferred from the old to the new magazines, as the growth of the city compelled a change of location, until the sale of the building on Powder House Hill, located where the city Reservoir now stands. They belonged to the old Fort in State street, and probably to the earlier Dutch fortresses in Holland. 109 Old chair Mrs. J. W. Morange no Painting of the Schuyler coat of arms Mrs. Thomas Cooper Copied from a window in the old Dutch Church, 1658. 1 1 1 Inlaid mirror E. D. Palmer 112 Mahogany work stand Mrs. Jacob H. Ten Eyck 1 13 Chair Mrs, H. Pumpelly 114 Hand-carved box, fifty years old Mrs. Jane Wyland 1 15 Cradle Mrs. C. G. Van Rensselaer Belonged to First Patroon, 1768. 1x6 Italian carved settle, i6th century style Mrs. W. O. Stillman 117 Tankard from the Penn and Hammond families, Charles D. Hammond, Slingerlands Elizabeth Hammond, the widow of William Hammond, sister of the Admiral Penn and aunt of the Quaker, came to Boston in 1634, with an only son Benjamin Hammond. The oldest son of the latter was John Hammond who married Mary Arnold. This was the Mary Hammond who presented this tankard to " Ye Second Church in Rochester" (Massachusetts), where it was used until 1857, when it was presented to the family. 1x8 Small spinning wheel used in the time of Marie Antoinette, J. Townsend Lansing 119 Old chair A. Bleecker Banks 120 Carved mahogany chair, inlaid Miss Sarah Sanders 121 Writing desk and dressing case of Andrew Jackson, James Fenimore Cooper 122 Mahogany work table Charles Visscher Winne 123 One Florentine carved chair Mrs. Jacob H. Ten Eyck 124 Canteen used in the Revolutionary army J. N. Foster 125 Bronze lion of Herculaneum brought out by the French refugees, Mrs. John Tayler Cooper 136 126 First steam engine to drive a printing press in the United States, C. H. Van Benthuysen 127 Pier table Mrs. J. W. Morange 128 Farm yard scene, embroidered by Miss Elizabeth Ann Dexter in 1812 Mrs. AVm. Bayard Van Rensselaer 129 Model of a Whitehall boat, presented to Gov. Seward while at Albany, by citizens of New York. . . Wm. H. and F. W. Seward 130 Picture of the old Dutch Church of Schenectady, Mrs. Watkins, Schenectady 131 Old high back chair Charles Visscher Winne 132 Inlaid chair, 200 years old ... Miss P. A. Pearce 133 Inlaid desk Charles Visscher Winne 134 Child's chair Mrs. Robert Strain 135 Dutch marquetry clock Thomas Buckley 136 Medallion of Benjamin Franklin, rare, Col. E. J. Genet, Greenbush 137 Medallion of Voltaire Col. E. J. Genet, Greenbush 138 Picture, 180 years old The Misses Skerrett 139 Old fashioned scoop bonnet Mrs. Robert Strain 140 Picture painted by Margaret Ganssevort in 1791, Mrs. A. Cuyler Ten Eyck 141 Sampler over 100 years old, worked by Mrs. Visscher Winne, Loaned by her grandson Charles Visscher Winne. 142 Chest of drawers, used in Conn., in 1790 . . .Geo. Douglas Miller 143 Chair Mrs. C. A. Vander Veer This chair was brought from the original church of Monmouth, N. J., 1782. 144 Portrait of Mrs. Francis Pruyn Samuel S. Pruyn 145 Sword worn by Gen. Seward W. H. & F. W. Seward 146 Old quilt Mrs. Robert Strain 147 Pistols which belonged to Gen. Steuben Mrs. George Evans 148 Old sampler Mrs. C. P. Williams 149 Chair from the Van Rensselaer Manor House, Mrs. J. M. McCloud 150 Tinder box Mrs. D. M. Moore Carried all through the Revolutionary war. 151 Piece of the old Albany stockade Mrs. J. Sanders 152 '■ Washington " pitcher Irving Browne The name given to indicate that the article had been sent to England for the purpose of having engraved on it some device connected with Washington, and often was added the mono- gram of the owners. In the present instance the pitcher bears upon it the mono- grams of Mr. and Mrs. Cotfin of Nantucket, to whom it be- longed. It is very old. 137 153 Old lock Miss P. A. Pearce 154 Turkish coffee pot Mrs. Volkert P. Uouw 155 Bale of cotton from Texas Maurice E. Viele 156 Old cannon ball Mrs. James Sanders 157 Brass candle sticks of the first Patroon. .Mrs. C. G. Van Rensselaer 158 Iron lamp John J. Smith 159 Old snuff box Mrs. Orin B. Fuller 160 Very old tortoise shell eye-glasses Geo. Douglas Miller 161 Eye-glass from Holland, 200 years old Mrs Orin B. Fuller 162 Box Mrs. Moore Containing scale and weight used in in tlie West Indies for weighing money brought to this country in iSoo, and here used for the same purpose in one of the stores in Schenectady. 163 Two wax figures, John DeP. Douw, Volkert P. Douw . . Miss Douw 164 Ivory crucifix, 170 years old Mrs. William Cassidy 165 Child's chair Franklin Townsend This chair is the property of Franlclin Townsend, 3d, which has descended to him through four generations, originally hav- ing been presented to his maternal great great grandmother, Cordelia Laresty, when she was born. 166 A printer's " stick " used in the old Advertiser officer, 60 years ago, James L. Travers 167 Grinder for spices, probably 200 years old Miss Douw 168 Bronze plaque of the Declaration of Independence, Mrs. Volkert P. Douw 169 Flint steel James Doherty 170 Gourd with many designs carved upon it. . .Mrs. W. C. Marshall 171 The Atlantic cable Henry James Ten Eyck 172 Christening cup, 300 years old Mrs. Wagner 173 Horn snuff spoon over 100 years old Francis Nicoll Sill 174 Pitcher, belonged to and used by Martha Washington's mother, Mrs. Charles Van Zandt 175 Old vase Mrs. Charles Van Zandt 176 Scotch broach, 100 years old Mrs. William Ellis 177 Lowestoft set. Miss J. Anna Lansing 1 78 Brass door knocker George Douglas Miller Used in New London, Conn., 140 years ago. 179 Old mirror Mrs. V. P. Douw 1 80 Cup Mrs. A. Cuyler Ten Eyck Used to hold coals from which the old Knickerbockers lighted their pipes. iSi Japanese screen brought from Yokohama by the late Mrs. Mary Pruyn Mrs. Robert Strain 182 Dutch tile from Holland 200 years ago. . .Mrs. Volkert P. Douw 183 White bowl with gold spots J. Townsend Lansing Formerly owned by General Washington 18 i84 Delft plate. J. Townsend Lansing 185 Dish, with view of old Dutch Church .. . .Mrs. Charles P. Sanders 186 China, 100 years old Mrs. A. Cuyler Ten Eyck 1 87 Old china beer mug Mrs. A. Cuyler Ten Eyck 1 88 Tea pot, pitcher and sugar bowl Miss J. Anna Lansing Brought by Captain Dean from India, with the letter giving the order. 189 Wooden server, inlaid and brass handles, over 100 years old, John Wolflf 190 Photograph of the old Sanders House ...Mrs. Charles P. Sanders Built in 1713. 191 Idol Miss Douw 192 Table, 1710 - Mrs. Robert Strain 193 Dish with view of old Albany Theatre. ..Mrs. Charles P. Sanders 194 George Washington memorial book. . . . .Mrs. George W. Clinton 19s Old tile Mrs. A. Cuyler Ten Eyck 196 Order book of Fort Schuyler Col. E. J. Genet 197 Old mirror Mrs. V. P. Douw 198 Specimens of earliest Daguerreotype portraits made in America — Rev. Dr. Beman, of Troy, Judge Sutherland, of Geneva, Judge Miller, of Rochester, and George Merritt, of New York, George Douglas Miller 199 Part of the Herbtsen window, from Old Dutch Church, 1656, F. Munsell 200 Old family Bible, printed in 17 14 Samuel S. Pruyn 201 Picture made of cork Mrs. J. M. McCloud 202 Revolutionary $3 bill Richard L. Annesley The bill of three dollars, accompanj'ing this, is a sample of the currency of the United States during the war of the Revo- lution. This bill was presented to R. S. Jones (the subscriber) by Mrs. Martha Washington at Col. Jackson's hut, on the heights of Morristown, New Jersey, in May, 17S0. Immedi- ately after the extreme hard winter, when Col. S. B. Webb's regiment, to which he was attached, struck their tents and took possession of their huts January 12th — Snow 2 or 3 feet deep — he was then, when the bill was received, just t3 years of age, and just at the end of his term of enlistinent of three years — supposed to be the youngest person in the pay roll of the army. RICHARD S. JONES. New Albany, Indiana, October 12th, 1S50. 203 Hair trunk Mrs. Robert Strain 204 Marble frame, oval glass Mrs. C. G. Van Rensselaer 205 Old Dutch psalm book, 1620 Samuel S. Pruyn 206 Samples worked by Jane Stringer in September, 1706, Mrs. Ledyard Cogswell 207 Secretary Leonard Kip 139 208 Tortoise shell comb Mrs. I. Vanderpoel 209 Carved tortoise shell comb Mrs. E. H. Durell 210 Dutch tile. 211 Tortoise shell box John Wolff 212 Knife made in 1760 John N. Foster 213 "Comfortia" , Col. E. J. Genet, Greenbush Used for passing hot coals to light tlie pipes of tlie old Knickerbockers. 214 Brass tobacco box W. W. Crannell Brought from Holland about 175 3'ears ago. Motto: " In het groon, met vat sooen." 215 Dagger, reproduction from the Spanish original, Mrs. Charles G. Saxe 216 Bronze and copper tobacco box Mrs. Cantine Tremper Brought from France by the first member of the Tremper family, a Huguenot, who emigrated to America in i6go. He located just below Albany. The engraving on the box illustrates the scriptural story of Herodias' daughter dancing before the King and the fulfillment of the King's vow through the presentation of John the Bap- tist's head on a charger. The inscriptions translated read, "A friend is a crown of glory," " Speech without kindness partakes of the Judas act." 217 Iron box Mrs. W. B. Van Rensselaer 21S Inlaid tea box .Mrs. P. G. Ten Eyck 219 Brass inkstand, brought from Holland, over 200 years old, Mrs. Wm. S. Egerton 220 Collar of Greek costume Charles M. Lang 221 Breast-plate of Greek costume Charles M. Lang 222 Waist of Greek costume Charles M. Lang 223 Embroidered scarf Charles M. Lang 224 Mantilla Miss Knower, Knowersville 225 Bonnet, 1700 Mrs. John Ochtman 226 Mameluke dagger Mrs. John Tayler Cooper 227 Crystal knee buckles Mrs. W. C. Benton 228 Pistols of Miles Standish George McCammon 229 Ticking, feather lined. Ticking, cover of a pillow 200 years old, to which the feathers by use had become felted, making a fabric similar to plush. 230 Bead bag Mrs. Orin B. Fuller 231 Brass mortar and pestle S. S. Pruyn 232 Hat from Burmah Mrs. Ira Harris 233 Copper urn Mrs. J. B. Nott 234 Bunting flag of 13th N. Y. S. Vols., in the Rebellion, Mrs. Abraham Lansing 235 Tortoise shell spoon holder John Wolff I40 236 Tobacco box Mrs. T. Kirby Van Zandt Made in Holland from a model sent from Albany. 23S Spinning wheel, Miss McPherson Peter Kinnear 239 Persian bronze |)eacock inlaid with turquoise. An incense burner J. Townsend Lansing 240 Tongs made and used about the year 1800 for catching rattle- snakes Miss E . B. Goold When in spring the snakes emerged from their winter quar- ters and hung their heads from the holes, the plan of action was to slip up quietly behind one and catch the reptile by the sack of the neck just below the head, with the little pins fast- ened in the spoons of the tongs, and so secure the snake alive and still make it helpless. 241 French chintz, Louis XVI Mrs. J. Townsend Lansing 242 Picture representing the burning of .Schenectady in i6go, Mrs. Yates, Schenectady 243 Chair, 150 years old Mrs. A. Cuyler Ten Eyck 244 Old black bonnet Mrs. L. N. Griswold 245 Solid ebony desk made at Singapore, India, from that sent to Yedo, Japan, and then sent as a gift to E. P. Maltby, E. P. Maltby 246 Spinning wheel Peter Livingston 247 Band-box ... Mrs. L. N. Griswold 248 Child's high chair, very old Mrs. Jacob H. Ten Eyck 249 Mahogany dressing table of 150 years Mrs. Rufus H. King 250 Court dress worn by Gen. John Jay, when minister to Spain in 1779 John C. Tay, Rye, N. Y. 251 Two small panel engravings of John Jay. .John C. Jay, Rye, N. Y. 252 Old silver tankard John C. Jay, Rye, N. Y. 253 Old silver tea pot John C. Jay, Rye, N. Y. 254 Gold snuff box John C. Jay, Rye, N. Y. Presented to Gov. John Jay by the State of New York. 255 Pin containing Washington's hair John C. Jay, Rye, N. Y. 256 Portrait of John Jay John C. Jay, Rye, N. Y. Oil painting by Stuart (original). 257 Cane brought over in 1 630 George R. Howell 258 Old sword Mrs. V. P. Douw 259 Old helmet George Douglas Miller 260 Antique silver horn, worn on the head of a Druses woman, Mt. Lebanon, Syria Rev. Wesley R. Davis 261 Queen Anne gun Mrs. T. Kirby Van Zandt 262 Spread of the banqueting table of Philip Livingston, signer of the Declaration of Independence. . . Mrs. C. G. Van Rensselaer 263 Pair of LaFayette's pistols Mrs. John Tayler Cooper 141 264 White mull dress Mrs. J. B. Nott 265 Col. Lyker's sword Dr. A. Vander Veer 266 Washington's pistols Mrs. John Tayler Cooper 267 Old silver mounted pistol J. Townsend Lansing 268 Old sword John J. Smith 269 Whip handle. Used in Maryland in 1680. . . .Mrs. W. C. Benton 270 Jeweled hilt sword CM. Lang 271 Old Japanese helmet Mrs. Volkert P. Douw 272 China mugs 100 years old Mrs. M. H. Stoddard, Troy Road 273 Table brought by Judith Crommelin Ver Plank from Holland in 1 740 Mrs. Anna Verplanck Clapp The table is of peculiar interest, from the fact that Tallej-rand, La Fayette and many other noted celebrities dined at its board. 274 Persian prayer rug Thurlow Weed Barnes 275 Maroon velvet coat, sixteenth century Charles M. Lang 276 Damask table cloth. Woven with the name of George II, Col. E. J. Genet 277 Piece of wedding dress over 100 years old F. N. Sill 278 Watered brocade waistcoat, of Louis XIV, about 1660, Charles Lang In 1745 costumes were so expensive that most of the people hired them rather than to purchase their own. Buber states that the Marquis de Mispoin paid his tailor ^240 for the use of seven dresses he wore but once. 279 Embroidered picture Miss Meads 280 Old Dutch painting Mrs. T. Kirby Van Zandt 281 Portrait of Catharine de Wendelaer Dr. Thomas Hun 282 Embroidered landscape George Douglas Miller 283 Print of the old Dutch Church Miss Anna Davis 284 Silhouette portrait of Rev. John McDonald, D.D., James MacNaughton Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, 1785-1795 ; and first pastor of the United Presbyterian Church, i8oi-i8ig 285 Etnbroidered landscape George Douglas Miller 286 Pair of embroidered satin pictures Miss Mitchell 287 " Calash " bonnet Mrs. C. P. Williams Worn years ago when the hair was dressed very high on top of the head. 288 Elaborate embroidered vest of Churfiirst, Carl Albert of Bavaria, monogram jewels and spangles Charles M. Lang 289 Coat and vest Col. E. J. Genet, Greenbush yj Part of the court dress of Citizen Genet, worn when embas- sador, with the insignia of his rank as Adjutant-General of the Army of the Alps. 142 2go Old blue curtain Mrs. R. Strain 291 Old scoop bonnet Mrs. Robert Strain 292 Old painting on glass, head of George III, Mrs. Jacob H. Ten Eyck 293 Sir Charles Sanders' picture. .Mrs. Chas. P.Sanders, Schenectady 294 Portrait of Rensselaer Nicoll F. N. Sill 295 Curious and ingenious needle-work done by hand, Mrs. C. P. Williams 296 Robert Sanders Mrs. Charles P. Sanders This portrait was talien 200 years ago. 297 Painting of the old Kane Mansion in Albany, on North Pearl street, occupied by William H. Seward, while Governor, Wm. H. and F. W. Seward 298 John Sanders Mrs. Charles P. Sanders One of the earliest members of the family in America, painted 250 years ago. 299 Portrait of Deborah Glenn Mrs. Charles P. Sanders More than 200 years old. 300 Old glass painting, Frederick III, 1736. .Mrs. Charles P. Sanders 301 Engraving of Aaron Burr State Library 302 Portrait of " Billy Winne," postmaster, 1813, William H. Anthony 303 Silhouette portrait of Hon. Archibald Maclntyre, James MacNaughton Comptroller of New York State, 1S06-1S21. 304 Old wood cut of St. Nicholas Miss S. Y. Lansing 305 First train of cars run in New York State, 1831 Miss Pearce 306 Tombs of the Bleeckers Mrs. George Evans ■sj- 307 Tombs of the Beekmans Mrs. J. Townsend Lansing J 308 Sampler worked by Sarah Elmendorf of Albany, 1771, Mrs. George Evans 309 Crossing of Jeroboam Mrs. James Elmendorf 310 Portrait of Leonard Gansevoort Dr. Thomas Hun 3 1 1 Portrait of Pau Estate of Peter Gansevoort 312 Old looking-glass Mrs. A. Cuyler Ten Eyck 313 Water color picture of William H. Seward's house, Wm. H. and F. W. Seward 314 Florentine jewel casket E. D. Palmer 315 Old scoop bonnet Mrs. Robert Strain 316 Bureau Mrs. Robert Strain 317 Chest of drawers Gerard Wood 318 Erie Canal medal Montgomery H. Throop 319 Suit worn at Fort Stanwix by Gen. Gansevoort, Mrs. Abraham Lansing 143 320 Dress suit uniform of Gen. Gansevoort. . .Mrs. Abraham Lansing 321 Objects of interest collected by present owner during a journey around the world Thurlow Weed Barnes 1. Japanese vases of Shippo ware, called in Europe and Amer- ica Cloissone, made by Nami-kawa, of Kioto, the most celebra- ted (living) artificer in Japan. 2. Japanese sabres, formerly the property of native noble- men. 3. Ivory carvings from Kioto. 4. Pamphlet containing story of the "Forty-seven Ronins," as sold at their burial place in Tokio. (See Mitford's work on the legends of Japan.) 5. Japanese ink atand. 6. Japanese toys. 7. Japanese doll. 8' Japanese newspaper. 9. Water color sketches from Yokohama. 10. Bronze box, showing raised work done in Kioto. 11. Embroidered card cases, showing thatched dwelling- houses, and Fusiyama, the sacred mountain of Japan. 12. Chessmen, from Shanghai, China, on an inlaid board, from Bombay, India. 13. Carved ivory card-case, from Hong Kong. 14. Turquoises, in rough state, as worn by Nepaulesc women, in Darjeeling. 15. Specimens of the finest Benares work, brass, silver plated. 16. Kutch ware, from Hyderabad, solid silver. 17. Weapons, from Jey poor. Raj putana, India. iS. Sandal-wood and ebony boxes, carved and inlaid, from Bombay. 19. Buttons, of precious stones, such as are sometimes worn by wealthj' native gentlemen of India. 20. Marble box from Agra. This box is interesting as show- ing the sort of stone of which the Taj, the most beautiful build- ing in the world, is constructed. The inlaid work is similar to that which ornaments the interior of the Taj. 21. Portraits of Nurmahal, Moontajmahal (for whom the Taj was built), and of the great Moguls, Jehangees, and Ak- bar, also (in centre) painting of the Kulub Miliar, all in ivory ; from the Chandni Chouk, Delhi, India. 22. Brahmin prayer bags. 23. Specimens of Indian embroideries; from Delhi, Cal- cutta and Bombay. 24. Brass jar, made at the school of arts, Jeypoor. 25. Tobacco pipes, from the native bazaar, Cairo, Eg)'pt. 26. Attar of roses, as sold in the perfumery bazaar, Cairo. 27. Turkish coffee cups, from native bazaar, Stamboul. 28. Turkish fez, from Constantinople. 29. Mother of pearl, from the grotto of the nativity, Bethle- hem, Palestine. 144 30. Olive wood candle-sticks, as sold at the entrance to the Mosque of Omar, Jerusalem. 31. Florentine box, containing ornaments in lava from Pom- peii. 32. Decorative silk girdles, from Rome. The light colored sash is an old design; the darker shade is very modern. 322 Marquetry chair Mrs. John G. Farnsworth 323 Marquetry corner table, 120 years old. . Mrs. John G. Farnsworth 324 Rocking chair Miss Phoebe A. Pearce 325 His uniform as Commander-in-Chief of tlie State forces, worn by Gov. Seward upon military occasions. Consisting of military coat, one pair of gilt epaulets, pants and vest, chapeau and plume, gilt sword and sword belt. ..Wm. H. and F. W. Seward 326 Hair trunk of Governor Gansevoort Mrs. Abraham Lansing 327 Candelabra, used on Gov. Seward's table, at all State dinners, Wm, H. and F. W, Seward 328 Gold headed cane, used by Gov. Seward while in Albany, Wm. H. and F. AV. Seward 329 Official certificate of Gov. Seward's election in 1840, signed by John C. Spencer, Secretary of State, Wm. H. and F. W. Seward ^'30 Marble bas relief of Washington, which hung in the hall of the Executive Mansion Wm. H. and F. W. Seward 331 A very rare specimen of a cast-iron back for an open fire-place, which bears the date of 1756 Rathbone, Sard & Co. 332 Old stove Rathbone, Sard & Co. Manufactured by J. Glonninger & Co. Huntingdon Furnace, and bears evidence of having been manufactured at some time at a blast furnace, as the plates are more than half an inch thick. The stove was probably constructed when the principles of stove construction were very crude. 333 Portrait of Sarah Elmendorf, old carved wood frame, Mrs. George Evans 334 Portrait of General Washington, Richard Church, Belvidere, N. Y. With accompanying letter presented by him to Mrs. General Wally Stuart. 334^ Old portrait of Margaret Mather Sill F. N. Sill 335 Gun captured at Battle of Bunker Hill, 1775 T. T. Beebe 336 Old chair J. Howard King This chair belonged to General Joshua King, grandfather of General Rufus H. King and J. Howard King, of Albany. Gen- eral King, then Lieut. King, was the first officer before whom the captors of Major Andre brought their prisoner. Lieut. King at once saw that his prisoner was not what he made him- self out to be. Andre then confessed his identity and made an appeal to the generosity of Lieut. King. The latter could not forget his duty to his country, while he sympathized with the I4S hard lot of the prisoner. In this chair Andre sat and penned his entreaty to Washington to set him free as he had been caught on neutral ground. Washington refused to interfere and Andre went to the gallows. 337 Brass fender, from Lansing family, very old, George H. Treadwell 338 Silhouette of Gov. Seward in Albany, 1838, Wm. H. and F. W. Seward 339 Andirons over 100 years old, from the Schuyler house, Mrs. J. Savage Delavan 340 Andirons, over 200 years old Mrs. Volkert P. Douw 341 Wooden seated arm chair C. P. Sanders 342 One volume Goodwin's works, 203 years old. .William E. Haswell 343 Nuremberg chair, 17th century Mrs. W. O. Stillman 344 Old Dutch chair brought from Holland in 1690 S. S. Pruyn 345 Child's chair from tlie family of Mrs. Matthew Trotter, during four generations Mrs. Teunis Van Vechten Loaned bj' her granddaughter. 346 Painted table ... Mrs. C. G. Van Rensselaer 347 Old scoop bonnet Mrs. Robert Strain 348 Stirrups worn by Leonard Gansevoort during the Revolutionary War Mrs. A. Cuyler Ten Eyck 349 Bed spread Miss Pearce 350 Pistols used in the Burr-Hamilton duel, Richard Church, Belvidere, N. Y. 35 1 Gold mounted cane Mrs. E. H. Durell Presented by Bolivar, the South American Liberator, to G. C. Burckle. Loaned by his great niece. 352 Brass tongs Mrs. J. Ochtman 353 Piece of Scotch plaid, spun, dyed and woven in Aberdeen, Scot- land Mrs. William Ellis 354 Embroidered picture of Mount Vernon, done in Albany in the last century Mrs. George Evans 355 Door knocker of Gen. Simeon De Witt's house, 1796, now the Steamboat landing Richard Varick DeWitt 356 Fur shears owned in one family 160 years B. E. 357 Prayer rug Henry Russell This is one of the most rare and valuable pieces in the col- lection. 358 Surgical instruments Dr. Wm. H. Bailey 359 Picture of Fannie Sill F. N. Sill 360 Cotton material, spun, woven and colored about 100 years ago, Mrs. C A. Thatcher 361 Portrait of a member of the Lansing family.. Mrs. Henry Lansing " Aunt Catalina," 150 years old. 19 146 362 Dress worn 175 years ago Mrs. M. H. Stoddard, Troy road 362^ Bust of Gov. Seward State Library 363 Bust of Alexander Hamilton State Library 364 Washington letters Mrs. J. V. L. Pruyn 365 Silhouette portrait, full length, of Alanson Douglas, of Troy, Geo. Douglas Miller 366 Portrait of Margaret Fonday and sister, painted in 1776, Mrs. Yates, Schenectady 367 Two knife boxes and two dozen knives and forks, Mrs. P. G. Ten Eyck 368 Two links of the iron chain State Library Which was kept suspended on floats across the Hudson river near West Point for Sonne years to prevent the British ships from ascending above that point during the Revolutionary war. 369 Bonnet made in 1800 Miss McHaffie 370 Chair, made and used before the Revolution, George H. Treadwell 371 Powder horn of Johannis Van Siclen, curiously carved, date A. D. 1762 Geo H. Van Siclen of the Holland Society, N. Y. DUTCH KITCHEN. 501 Old cupboard, brought from Holland in 1699, Mrs. D. M. Moore, Schenectady 502 Kitchen cupboard Mrs. V. P. Douw 503, 504 Two small ornaments, Delft Mrs. John Ochtman 505 Hot-water plate Mrs. V. P. Douw 506 Three blue printed ware plates Mrs. Robert Strain 507 Delft ware over 100 years old Mrs. F. E. Griswold Part of a dinner set which belonged to Susan Woolsey, daughter of Alida Livingston. 508 Pickle dish Mrs. F. E. Griswold 509 Cream pitcher, Dutch lustre Mrs. V. P. Douw 510 Gravy boat Mrs. F. E. Griswold 5 1 1 Delft sugar bowl Mrs. John Ochtman 512 Breakfast plate Mrs. F. E. Griswold 5 13 Dinner plate Mrs. F. E. Griswold 5 14 Soup plate Mrs. F. E. Griswold 515 Small platter Mrs. F. E. Griswold 516 Salad bowl Mrs. F. E. Griswold 517 Vegetable dish Mrs. F. E. Griswold 518 Old teapot Mrs. F. E. Griswold English lustre, buried in Guilford during the war of 1812. 519 Looking glass, 150 years old Mrs. Robert Strain 520 High old Dutch clock Mrs. Jacob H. Ten Eyck 5 2 1 Spinning wheel, 200 years old, Mrs. Charles P. Sanders, Schenectady 522 Two old fire buckets Jacob H. Ten Eyck 523 Warming pan John L. Newman 524 Warming pan E. J. Genet 525 Dutch oven Mrs. Charles P. Sanders, Schenectady 526 Wheel for winding flax Mrs. Harmon, Schenectady 527 Dutch cullender C. C. Ham 528 Flour ladle E. J. Genet 529 Blue china soup tureen. . . . Mrs. Peter G. Ten Eyck, Schodack 148 530 Soup tureen Mrs. F. E. Griswold 531 Delft platter Mrs. John Ochtman 532 Blue and white platter Miss Vandenburgh 533 Large stone China platter, brown and white, with East India print, Mrs. V. P. Douw 534 Pair of brass candlesticks Mrs. W. W. Crannell 535 Large platter Mrs. F. E . Griswold 536 Blue china platter ... Mrs. P. M. Murphy 537 Mexican sword ... .Thomas McBride 538 Brass cullender Mrs. James C. Bell 539 Small work basket, 100 years old Mrs. John Ochtman 540 Long handled flap-jack pan Miss Vosburgh 541 Dutch Bellows, 200 years old. ... , John H. Rowland 542 Old brass skimmer Mrs. William E. Haswell 543 Old bellows, 200 years old. . Mrs. Charles P. Sanders, Schenectady 544 Brass tea kettle, 150 years old, from Holland, Mrs. John Ochtman 545 Copper furnace, 150 years old Mrs. A. Cuyler Ten Eyck 546 Round gridiron on pivot Mrs. Harmon, Schenectady 547 Old crane Mrs. Austin A. Yates, Schenectady 5 48 Brass tongs George H. Tread well 549 Brass shovel George H. Treadwell 550 Large iron pot, Dutch Miss Vosburgh 551 Round small pot brought from Holland in 1650, Mrs. Harmon, Schenectady 552 Biscuit oven. 553 Foot warmer Mrs. Jacob H. Ten Eyck 554 Long handled frying pan . . Mrs. Charles P. Sanders, Schenectady 555 Flint-lock breech loading rifle F. E. Griswold 556 Brass skimmer Mrs. Robert Strain 557 Old bellows Mrs. Charles P. Sanders, Schenectady 558 Old toaster. Mrs. Harmon, Schenectady 559 Egg poacher Mrs. Charles P. Sanders, Schenectady 560 Dutch stoupie, brought from Holland over 200 years ago, Mrs. Wm. E. Haswell 561 Old gridiron Mrs. Charles P. Sanders, Schenectady 562 Bread tray Mrs. Robert Strain 563 Rocking chair, 200 years old, Mrs. Charles P. Sanders, Schenectady 564 Knitting sheathes and needles Mrs. John Ochtman 565 Aunt Neltje Catalina Van Brugan 566 Clinton chair Mrs. T. K. Van Zandt 567 Arm chair George H. Treadwell 568 Coffee mill A. Vander Veer 569 Old Holland waffle iron Mrs C. V. A. Craver 149 57° Sweetmeat jar from Holland, over loo years ago, Mrs. William E. Haswell 571 Box from Holland 200 years old Mrs. Robert Strain 572 Large stone jar Mrs. V. P. Douw 573 Stone jar brought from Holland Mrs. John Ochtman 574 Pewter tea pot, Dutch Mrs. John Ochtman 575 Pewter porringer Mrs. V. P. Douw 576 Pewter tankard Mrs. Jacob H. Ten Eyck 577 Child's high chair, 1795 Mrs. Robert Strain 5 78 Pewter platter Miss Vandenburgh 579 Old tub Mrs. Robert Strain 5S0 Two large pewter platters. . Mrs. Charles P. Sanders, Schenectady 581 Bread tray over 100 years old ; made from the knot of a tree, Mrs. W. W. Crannell 582 Long handled frying pan. .Mrs. Charles P. Sanders, Schenectady 583 Old coffee mill Mrs. Charles P. Sanders, Schenectady 584 Trommels, four boxes for tea, bonbons, coffee and tray, Mrs. John Ochtman 585 Six pewter platters Mrs. Jacob H. Ten Eyck 586 Tinder box William Vosburgh 587 A comforter to hold the live coals for the pipe, William Vosburgh 588 Cherry stand Mrs. Charles P. Sanders, Schenectady 589 Pair wooden shoes brought from Holland . . .Mrs. John Ochtman 590 Blue umbrella, 150 years old Mrs. Robert Strain 591 Old Dutch cloak 150 years old Mrs. John Ochtman 592 Chains and hooks for crane Mrs. Robert Strain 593 Old Dutch Bible, 173S Jacob H. Ten Eyck 594 Wooden dipper made from the root of a tree, very old, Mrs. William E. Haswell 595 Revolutionary pen knife John N. Foster 596 Tray Mrs. Robert Strain 597 Round platter, Dutch pottery brought from Holland in 1650, Mrs. Robert Strain 598 Fire bucket, 1681 John N. Foster 599 Dutch oil painting Mrs. John Ochtman 600 Pot from Holland Mrs. Harmon, Schenectady 601 Gun E. J. Genet 602 Warming pan Mrs. C. G. Van Rensselaer 603 Infant's rocker Miss Pearce 604 Cradle used for slave babies Mrs. Robert Strain 605 Quilt James F. Mix 606 Old kitchen rocker Mrs. Robert Strain 607 Webster's calendar, 1797 Mrs. W. W. Crannell 15° 608 Child's rocker Mrs. F. E. Griswold 609 Arm chair D. B. Mix 610 Reel Mrs. Robert Strain 611 Old iron Andirons Mrs. V. P. Douw 612 Dutch brass biscuit oven Mrs. Wm. E. Haswell 613 Dutch worsted hetschel A. Vander Veer 614 Small knit spread Mrs. John Ochtman 615 Nancy Van Brugan. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. Page Abrams, Mrs. C. W io6 Abrams, W. C 62 Ackerman, Mrs. M. A 126 Albany, City and Count)' of. . . . 55, 56 Albany City Bank 62 Albany Female Academy 62, 87 Albanj' Institute g8 American Art Association 27-31 American Bible Society 62, 63 Annesle)', Mrs. L 117, 126 Annesley, R. L 43, 134, 138 Anthony, W. H 142 Argus Company, The 63, 115 Arkell, J 119, 127 Arkell. W. J 113 Ashley, Mrs C. B 22, 23 Attarian, M 92 Bailey, W. H 63, 145 Baker, G. E 126 Banks, A. B. . 112, 116, 122, 131, 132, 135 Banks, Mrs. A. B 36,38, 40 Banks, Mrs. R. L 39 Barnard, Miss S. W 43 Barnes, Miss H. 1 92 Barnes, T, W 63, 114, 131, 132, 133 141, 143 Barnes, Mrs. W. .39, 40, 42, 44, 102, 132 Barth, J 20 Bartlett, J. S 20 Battersby, John 113,121,124, 12S Battershall, W. AV 63 Beebe, T. T 1 44 Beers, Julia H 126 Bell, Miss A. W , 134 Bell, Mrs. J. C 63,87, 14S Benedict E. G 127 Bennett, W. W 22 Benton, Mrs. W. C 139, 141 Blatner J, H 87 Boss, Lewis 63, 64 Boutelle, F. W 17 Bowditch, Mrs. E 35. 37, 42 Boyd, T. P 113 Boyd, Mrs. J. P 99 Bronck, J 91 Brooks, J. H 134 Brown, W H 35,43,64, 104 Browne, 1 64, 136 Page. Bruce, W 126 Buckley, T 136 Buel, Jesse , 126 Bulkley, A.T... 87 Bunn, J. H 17 Burch, Jr., J. G.. . 91 Burns, C. A 22 Burton, Mrs. C. C 123 Burtsell, Mrs 87, 88, 127 Byington, W. W 38,39, 64 Calverley, C 126 Campbell, Duncan 97,98, 131 Campbell, J. G 22, 92 Carr, O 66 Carroll, C. R 16 Cartright, E. M 24 Case, D. C 22, 23 Cassidy, Mrs. W 32, 38, 39, 40 64, 100,114, "5, 131, 137 Chamberlain, F . . . . 130 Chamberlain, Mrs. F. 26 Church, Richard.. 144, 145 Clapp, Mrs. A. V 35, 64, 91, 99 100, loi, H7, 134, 135, 141 Clark, T. B 129 Clark, Chas. H 32 Clement & Co 94 Clinton, Mrs. George W 138 Cluett & Sons 131 Cogswell, Ledyard 36, 37, 97, 104 Cogswell. Mrs. L..33. 34, 38, 40, 107, 138 Colden, George K 92 Cole, Mrs. J. O 129 Colvin, V 135 Cook, E. E 64 Cooper, J. F 88,95, 135 Cooper, Mrs. J. T. .36, 37, 43, 44,64, loi 103, 126, 131, 134.135. 139. 140. 14J Cooper, P. F 118 Cooper, Mrs. P. F 36, 104, 106 Cooper, Mrs. Thomas 135 Corning, E...64, 100,101, 102. 112, 113 120, 130 Corning, Mrs E 32,38,39,40, 41 42, io5 Corning, Jr., Mrs. E. ...34, 37, 39, 40 105, 106, 107 Cornwell, F. B 22 152 Page. Crannell, C. W 65 Crannell, M 64, 65 Crannell, W. W.. 14, 65, 66, loi, 127, 139 Crannell, Mrs. W. W 134, 148, 149 Graver, Mrs. C. V. A 14S Currier & Ives 66 Cushnian, PanI 25 Ciishman, Mrs. P 134 Daly, John 20 Davey, George W 19 Davidson, C G 127 Davidson, G. G 66 Davis, Miss Anna 141 Davis, W. R 32, 34, 35, 39, 40, 41 43, 66, 92, 116, 121, 140 De Lano, W. R 72 Delavan, H. R gg Delavan, Mrs. J. S 145 De Witt, R. V 66, g4, 114, 145 Dexter, Miss C. R 40, 41, 88, 107 Dey Ermand, William 66, 93, 95 Dickson, Walter . . .95, 96, 97 Doane, W. C 35, 43, 66, 67, 95, 104, 105, 106, 124, 128, 129 Doane, Mrs W. C loS Doherty, James 67, 137 Doremus, Miss S. D 104 Douglas, Mrs. M. L 67 Douw, Estate of V. P. . . .67, 68, 92, 94. 95 Douw, Miss. .32, 34, 67, 95, 104, 106, 133 137. 13S Douw, Mrs. V. P. .32, 34, 35, 40, 42, 44, 106, 107, 134, 137, 13S, 140, 141 145, 147. 148, I49> ibo Dre.xel, J. W 126 Duncan, J. R 19 Dunham, W. J 91 Durell, Mrs. E. H 35, 102, 139, 145 Dutcher, John 22 E., B 145 Earll, J. L 68 Eaton, C. W 127 Egerton, Mrs. W. S 103, 139 Ehninger, J. W 113, 114, 125 Ellis. Mrs. W 137. 145 Elmendorf, Mrs. J 142 Elmendorf, W. F 24 Engel, |. F 127 Ennis, j. W 21 Etrick.W. J 88 Evans, Mrs. G .. 37, 43, 68, 88, 94, iiS 136, 142, 144, 145 Farnsworth, Mrs. J. G.. .38, 41, 43, 44, 100, 102, 144 Fearey, G. D . . . . 37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 112, 116, 117, 121, 127, 128 Finch, Caleb 68 Finch, Mrs. H 23 Folger, R. C 25 Fonda, D. H Ford, S. T Foster, J. N, 88, Foster, S. A Fuller, Mrs. O. B. . . Page. 68 6g 105. 135, 139. 149 127 ...132, 137, 139 Gansevoort, Estate of Peter 142 Gardiner, J. T 124 Garfield, H. W 122 Garfield, Miss 103 Genet, E." J ... .23, 69, 91, 94, 100, 103 124, 131, 133, 136, 138, 139, 141 147. 149 Genet, Mrs. G. C 108 Gibson, Mrs. M. W . 109 Gladding, D. P 6g, 97 Gladding, G. W 69 Glassford, Mrs. H. A 99, 133 Goold Co., The J 88, 89 Goold, Miss E. B 140 G. A. R Post 121 24 G. A. R. Post 400 23 G. A. R. Post, Lew Benedict 23 Gray, G. W 18,25, 26 Gray, S. R 69, 128 Greig, C. N 115 Griffin, E. A 69 Gnswold, F. E 69, 148 Griswold. Mrs. F. E 147, 148, 150 Griswold, Mrs. L. N 140 Groot, J. B 134 Groot, Miss E. B 133, 134 Grotenhuis, Miss D 99, 102 Hale, Matthew. 91,92, 94 Halfingcr, J. M 19 Hall, Mrs 24 Hall, Mrs. J. T 24 Halloran, C 120, 127 Ham, C. C 147 Hames, Thomas 22 Hammond, CD 135 Harmon, Mrs. J 84, 147, 148, 149 Harris, Miss C. T 89 Harris, Mrs. H 6g Harris, Mrs. Ira 32, 36, 38, 41, 105 132, 139 Hartley, J. S 128 Hastings, | 22, 23 Haswell, W. E 145 Haswell, Mrs. W. E. .133, 148, 149, 150 Havens, M 19 Hawley, G 69 Hindman, Mrs. R. H.... 70 Hofr, Mrs. A. E. V. R 132, 134 Holmes, A. M 98 Hotaling, Miss I. L loi Howell, G. R 92, 140 Hughes, G. P 124 Hume, R. A 7", 99. 104, 105, 108 Hun, Mrs. E. R , 108 Hun, Mrs. M. T 70,102, 107 Hun, Thomas loi, 107, 141, 142 IS3 Ilunler, H. H 17 Hurst, T 130 Hutchinson, C. W 12,13,14, 95 Hutman, J. S .... 19 Hutman, Mrs. J. S 19 Jay, J. C. 140 Jenkins, C. M. gi Kaiser, L 128 Kelley, J. H 89 Kellogg, L. S 12S Kenny, J. W 20 Kesson, James 26 Kidd, Mrs. J 32, 35, 36, 37, 44, 100 loi, 103, 131, 132 Kidd, W 118, 12S Kidd, Mrs. W 106 King, J. H 43, 91,131, 144 King, Mrs. J. H 131 King, R. H 23, 127, 140 Kinnear, Peter 140 Kip, Leonard 70,101, 107, 131, 134 Kip, Mrs. L 37, 107 Knower, Miss 139 Knovvles, C. R 23, 70 Lang, C. M 70, 104, 105, 108, 128 139, 141 Lansing, Mrs. A... 16, 24, 113, 114, 126 127, 133, 139, 142, 143, 144 Lansing, Mrs. C. B 123 Lansing, G. Y 102 Lansing, Mrs H..33, 36,40,41, 42, 123 145 Lansing, L D. F loi Lansing, Miss J. A. . . .71, 93, loo, T03 106, 108, 137, 138 Lansing, J, T . .32, 34, 70, 102, 103, 116 117, 120, 123, 124, 135, 137, 13S 140, 141 Lansing, Mrs. J. T 32. 33. 34. 39 41, 42, 100, 103. 107, 133, 140, 142 Lansing, Miss S. Y 36, 70, 132, 142 Lansing, W 70 Lansing, Jr. , W 70 Larrabee, E.J 129 Law)'er, A. S 71 Le.ilie, James H 71 Lippincott & Co 12S Livingston, Mrs. B 107 Livingston, H 119 Livingston, P 140 Long, C. P 94 Loveridge, C , . , . 128 McBride, Thomas 14S McCammon, G t39 McClellan, Miss A. D 70 McCloud, Mrs. J. M 136, 138 McCUire, Mrs. W. H 38, 42 Macdonald, Mrs. J 38 94 136 Page. McDliflie, Mrs. J 71 McHaffie, Miss 146 McKenna, C. H 23 McMicIcen, M. L 129 MacNaughton, J 14,24,38,41, 117 141, 142 McNaiighton, H. G 122, 127 McOuade.J 91 Magee, 1 71 Maltby, E. P 140 Manley, Miss M 89 Manning, J. H 14,15, 71 Marshall, Mrs. W. C... 137 Martin, S. B 24 Mather, F. G in, 123 Meads, Miss 100, 118, 13a, 141 Mechanics & Farmers' Bank 71 Melius, W. B 71 Messenger, Miss M. G. . . . 100, 102, 103 Miller, E. J 71,98,104, 122 Miller, Mrs. E. J 63 Miller, G. D 36, 41, 82, 83, 91, 93, 98, 99, 100, 101, 115, 134, 135, 137. 138. 140. 141, 146 Miller, Mrs. G. D. .34, 40, 42, 43, S3, loi 104, 105, 106, 133 Mitchell, C 23 Mitchell, Miss 141 Mix, B. F 99, 106 Mix, D. B, 150 Mix, J. F 149 Moak, N. C 89 Moir, James 71 Monteath, Miss 32, 34 Monteath, Misses 130 Moore, Mrs. D M 136, 137, 147 Morange, Mrs. J W 134. 135, 136 Morgan, W. P 129 Mosher, Miss G 71, 129 Mosher, Estate of J. S 89, 90, 129 Mullin, W. F 22 Munsell, F 71, 72, 94, 95, 138 Murphy, Mrs. P. M 33,148 National Commercial Bank 125 Newman, J- L 25, 147 Newman, Mrs. J. L....32, 43, 132, 133 New York State 25 N. Y. State Library .57, 58, 59, 60, 61 142, 146 New York State National Bank. Nicholas, W. D . .ir2, 113, 120, 121, Nott, Mrs. J. B \4, 106, 123, 133, 139. Ober, F. W Ochtman, Mrs. J. . 92 126 134 141 23 139 145, 147, 148 149. 150 Ochtman, L 129 Olcott, D 72 Olcott, Mrs. T 33, 34 Olcott. Miss 129 Old Dutch Family 100, loi, 103 154 Page. Oliver, R. S. .44, iii, 112, 113, 115', 123 131. 132 Oliver, Mrs. R. S 42 Oppenheim, B 90 Paige, Mrs. J. C. Y 99 Paine, H. M,. , 91 Palmer, E. D ... 33,38, 39, 42, 43, III 113, 114, 115, 121, 12S, 129, 135, 142 Palmer, W. L 122, 129 Parke, P. W ,92,101,102, 103 Parker, Jr., A. J 35 Parsons, J. D 100 Passenger, W. H... 18, 19 Patterson, W 94 Payfer, G. M 23 Payne, Mrs. A. P 95 Pearce, Miss P. A . . 36, 41, 44, 72, 100 loi, 102, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137. 142 144. 145. 149 Peltz, J. deW 72 Peltz, Mrs. J. de W 37, 100 Pennie, R. W 129 Phelps, W L. M 90, 99 Pierce, D. S 130 Pierson, H . R 93 Pointer, E 22 Pratt, D. H 72 Prentice, Estate of E. P 126, 127 Prentice, W. P 72 Proctor, L. B 90 Pruyn, Mrs. A. C. 38 Pruyn, A. K 24 Pruyn, C. L. . . .33, 34, 43, 112, IT5, 120 121, 129 Pruyn, C. L. and R. C 31, 39 Pruyn, Mrs. F, S 102, 103 Pruyn, Mrs. J. V. L 132, 146 Pi uyn, Robert C 33, 134 PrLyn, S. S . .17, 25, 72, 73, 95, 13G, 138 139. 145 Pruyn, Mrs. S. S 33, 34 Pumpelly, Mrs. H 35, 135 Quackenbush, H. S 73 Quinn, Bernard 23 Rathbone, Sard & Co 144 Rathbone, Clarence 40 Rathbone, Miss C. K. .36,37, 38,40, 41 42, 103, 104, 106 Rathbone, Mrs. T-F.. ..32,35,37. 38 40, 42, 43, 44 Re.id, H. P 103 Richmond, A. G. 7-12, go Robertson, Mrs. M 101,104, 105 Rockefeller, |. D 23 Rowland, J. H 148 Russell, Miss A. V. R 37, 106 Russell, Kenry 145 Russell, Mrs. H 38,40, 41 Russell, J. W 37, 73 Ryan, J 73 Safford, Mrs A Sage, Dean 74, 75, St. Peter'sChurch. .73, 74, 107, 108, Sampson, Ira B 21, Sampson, Murdock & Co Sanders, C. P 16, 84, 85, 86, 87, Sanders, Mrs C. P. . . .86, 132, 133, 142, 147, 143, Sanders, G. V. S Sanders, Mrs. James S3, 136, Sanders, Miss S 134, Sanders, W. T. L 84, Sanford W. . . . Sard, Mrs. G 33, Saxe, Mrs. C. G 107, Saxe, David Schenck, Miss I. Z Schuyler, Estate of Stephen Schuyler, O. L. . . .107, 108, in, 112, 116, 120, 121, Schwartz, D. L 77, 100, ScTiwartz, Mrs. D. L Seward, W. H. and F. W 136, 142, 144. Shattuck, J. W. M Sh.aver, Mrs V. P Shaw, C . C Sheffer, Mrs. T Shoemaker, A. M 24, 25, Sill, F. N 90, 99, 100, 102, 133. 134. 137. 141. 142, 144. Skerritt, Misses Sleicher, J. A 77, 116, Smith, J. 1 137, Smith, T. L Snow, H. N , — Spelman, B. R Spierre, A. H Stanton, B. I Steenburg, Mrs. B. U Stillman, Mrs. W. O 132,135, Stoddard, Mrs. M. H..90, 106, 141, Strain, R Strain, Mrs. R 99, loi, 136, 138, 142, 145, 147, 143, 149, Strasser, I. M Swinburne, John 78, Ten Eyck, Mrs. A. C. . .43, 79, 132, 133, 136, 137, 138, 107, 140, 145. 05, Ten Eyck, Clinton Ten Eyck, Miss F. H Ten Eyck, H. J 79, 104, Ten Evck, James Ten Eyck, J. H...17, 106, 126, 147, Ten Eyck, Mrs. J. H 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 41, 43, 79, 106, 107, 132, 140, 142, 147, 148. Ten Eyck, Mrs. P 33. 4°. Ten Eyck, Peter G 79, 93, 94, Ten Eyck, Mrs. P. G 93, 133, 146, 73 76 121 22 78 145 13S 149 131 137 135 107 130 38 139 lOI 102 113 115 124 103 103 131 145 78 130 24 99 26 104 145 136 127 141 130 78 77 iS 77 130 145 146 78 137 150 91 79 131 142 148 90 105 137 104 149 36 135 149 106 106 139 147 'SS Page. Ten Eyck, W. H go Thacher, J. B. . .45-54, gS, III, 123, 126 127, 12S, I2g Thatcher, C. A 24 Thatcher, Mrs. C. A 145 Thomas, Francis I2i Thompson, D. A 90 Thompson, Launt 130 Throop, JI. II 78, 103, 127, 142 Throop, Mrs. M. H..32, 40, 41, 43, 107 Tiernan, M. J 78 Todd, William 25 Toll, Charles 84 Toll, F.K 135 Townsend, F.. . - . .35, iii, 112, 113, 114 I'j, 127, I2g, 137 Townsend, Mrs. F gg, 100, 107 Townsend, John 7g, 80 Townsend, Mrs. T 40, 41 Travers, J. L 137 Treadweil, G. H . . . .ig, 20, 26, 133, 145 146, 148 Tremper, C go, g4, 104, 121, 122, 126 134 Tremper, Mrs. C 122, I3g Twitchell, A. W 122,117, '3° Valentine, Clarence 80, g3 Van Antwerp, Mrs. W. H 3g, 44 Van Appledorn, Mrs. C go Van Benthiiysen & Sons So Van Benthuysen, Charles F q8 Van Benthuysen, Charles H , go 136 Vanbergen, Mrs. M 80 Vandenbergh, Miss 14S, I4g Vandenbergh, Miss A 42 Vandenbergh, Miss R Si Vanderpoel, Mrs. I 81, gg, 100, 105 107, 123, I3g Vander Veer, A. . . . 24, 25, g4, 141, 14S 150 Vander Veer, Mrs. C. A 136 Van Rensselaer, Mrs. C. G 35, 36 42,44,81. go, 115, 121, 135, 137, 138 140, 145, I4g Van Rensselaer, Eugene 132, 134 Van Rensselaer, Howard 40, 115 Van Rensselaer, W. B 61, 62 Van Rensselaer, Mrs. W. B 37, 40 136, I3g Van Rensselaer, M rs 3g Page Vantine&Co 35 Van Vechten, A. V. W 81 Van Vechten, Mrs. T. .43, 133, 134, 145 VanZandt, Mrs C 107, 137 Van Zandt, Mrs. T. K 117, 134, 140 141, 148 Van Zandt, W. G 130 Van Zandt, W. 1 103 Veeder, Aaron 81 Verbeck, L. G 102 Viele, M. E go, 113, 132, 137 Viele, R. K 17, 3g, 81, 92 Vint, James 114, Ii5, 121, 124 Visscher, Jno B loi, 102 Vosburgh, I. W Si, 128 Vosburgh, W i4g Vosburgh, Miss 148 Vrooman, Mrs. J. V 102 Wagner, Mrs Walsh, Mrs. A. H. gS, gg, 100, 104, Walsh, H. S , Walsh, John Ward, Samuel B 33, Washington, Mrs , . Waterman, R. H Watervliet Arsenal 25, Watkins, Mrs. De. L...38, 84, 102, Wendell, W Wendt, W Westerlo, Miss C Whitney, W. M 82, Wilkes, Henr)' Williams, Miss A Williams, Mrs. C. P...15, 133, 136, Williams, Jr., Mrs. C. P 38, Wilson,]. A Wing, Mrs. C. T 99,105, Winne, C. V... 24, 3g, S2, 107, 108, 135. Winne, E. L Wolff, John 35, 42, 82, 138, Wood, Gerard W^ood, J. M Wnghtson, Miss Wyland, Mrs. J 137 103 123 36 114 34 84 91 26 134 136 123 91 82 I2g 21 82 141 142 42 104 133 124 136 130 139 142 82 23 135 Yates, Mrs. A. A 84, 140, 146, 148 Young Men's Association g2. g7 -N. /^ i\:c^ a A, 1 ^y t\ ^ ■ |3^ -TN \' /(}V ^^^-f ■^0 1-) I \ N*. ^y. \ ^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS