''^- .^^ =* ^' ^^^ v^^ x^ '^^. ^.^. %/ ».^~ . / ^i A^ ^^ .^" •''^.. "^<>- ,^^' .^^% cOJ-' -3^ '^. NO<=eo ■■\^y "v^, .-^' ,% .^'c.;'-\>n-», % ••■'*/;-"'>c.*'"°\>* -•i. ^^'^^ ^-^ V' .0 ^c ' '/ .'V "-->' \0 C>, .-0 \' ''' "\ ^f. .■^^ ^^<^^ ,v-\" 'is- .<^^ '•">. A a"" ^^.^ ■^.^ ^cJ^ BLNJAMIN F. THOMPSON Historian of Long Island From an oil portrait by W. 5. Mount GENEALOGIES OF LONG ISLAND FAMILIES A COLLECTION OF GENEALOGIES RELATING TO THE FOLLOWING LONG ISLAND FAMILIES DICKERSON, MITCHILL, WICKHAM, CARMAN, RAYNOR, RUSHMORE, SATTERLY, HAWKINS, ARTHUR SMITH, MILLS, HOWARD, LUSH, GREENE COMPILED BY CHARLES j; WERNER Editor, Enlarged Edition, Ttiompson's History of Long Island; Author of Historical Mis- cellanies Relating to Long Island and A History and Description of the Manufacture and Mining of Salt in New York State; President, Suffolk County Historical Society; Member, New York Historical Society, New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Long Island Historical Society. MAINLY FROM RECORDS LEFT BY BENJAMIN F. THOMPSON Historian of Long Island I LL U STR ATE D Published bt CHARLES J. WERNER 44 Whitehall Street New York, N. Y. 1919 nz7 vi S2(i3 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY COPIES PRINTED OF WHICH THIS IS Number THIS BOOK IS HOPEFULLY INSCRIBED TO CHARLES KAVANAUGH WERNER BORN NOV. 24, I918 BY THE AUTHOR CONTENTS PAGE DiCKERSON II MiTCHILL 25 WiCKHAM . . : 41 Carman 49 Raynor 55 RUSHMORE 69 Satterly n Hawkins 85 Arthur Smith 99 Mills 105 Howard 117 Lush 119 Greene 121 Rev. Z. Greene's Account of his Family 125 Index 131 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Benjamin F. Thompson Frontispiece MiTCHiLL Homestead, Manhasset, L. I. . facing p. 25 Carman's River, L. I " 49 Home of Col. Isaac Satterly,® Setauket, L. I. " T] MiCAH Hawkins^ "85 Rev. Zachariah Greene* " 125 PREFACE A S the title indicates this volume contains a series of genealogies of native Long Island families compiled principally from records left by Benjamin F. Thompson, historian of Long Island who died March 21, 1849. During the latter part of his life, Thompson devoted con- siderable time to genealogical research, confining his activities to Long Island and he soon acquired a reputation in this line of endeavor second only to his historical achievements. Thompson's original material has been amplified to a con- siderable degree where it was found possible or advisable to do so. Much of the biographical and descriptive matter comes from the pen of the compiler. Generally speaking, the gen- ealogies have not been extended beyond the "forties" of the past century to which point the historian carried them. One generally knows the names and particulars of one's grand- parents and the present day generations of the families herein- after mentioned, can if they choose, call to mind the members of their respective families who were born, married or died since the period mentioned above. Thompson's genealogical manuscripts were carefully tied in bundles and at the historian's death were found in the same receptacle that contained the manuscript of the third edition of his well known "History of Long Island" lately published. From these facts it is evident that he intended to publish them separately or as an appendix to his History. Their length and importance precluded the latter possibility and they are now given to the reader as a separate and distinct work. Huntington, L. I. June 1st, 1918 DICKERSON This family is particularly noted for the eminent positions in different walks of life which several of its members have held. True, these men did not reside on Long Island, but they all belonged to the same family, and in the case of one, Hon. Mahlon Dickerson of New Jersey, there arose an attachment for the land of his ancestors that was manifest on many occasions. The family is supposed to have come from the Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire, England. It is known that Philemon and Nathaniel Dickerson were brothers, and it is generally conceded that John* and Thomasf were also, thus making a family of four brothers who came to the new world. It is supposed that all four emigrated together or within a few years of each other, but we have definite information on this point in the case of only one, Philemon Dickerson who shipped as a passenger on board the "Mary Anne" of Yarmouth, on May lo, 1637. He is named in this connection, as a servant (employee) of Benjamin Cooper, husbandman, aged 50, of Brampton in Suffolk County, England, or of Cooper's sister aged 48. He made known his desire to settle at Salem. Mass., and we find first trace of him there in 1639, pursuing his trade of a tanner. He was made freeman of Salem in 164 1, and there married Mary Paine, eldest d. of Thomas Paine of Salem, who was born Oct. 12, 1611, and died March i, 1697, aged 86. About 1649 ^^ removed with his family to Southold, Long Island, where he spent the remainder of his days and where his descendants are still found. He was a prominent man in the set- tlement and seems to have been looked up to, somewhat, by the other settlers, perhaps on account of force of character or some other attainment. His home lot, consisting of about four acres, was at the extreme southeastern end of the settlement, fronting on Town Street, and bounded south by the head of Jockey Creek. The land is, or was. recently owned by the Terry family and the pioneer's dwelling stood a few rods east of an old barn which belonged to Hiram Terry, some thirty-five years ago. As late as 1882, the remains of Philemon's tan vats could be plainly discerned in a hollow just east of this barn. In common with others, he owned many other tracts of land in different parts of the town. Philemon Dickerson died at Southold. May 27, 1672, aged about 74. His will bears date of June 20, 1665. and was proved * Settled at Salisbury, Mass., in 1640. f See page 23. II 12 Genealogies of Long Island Families June 5, 1672. Letters of administration were granted to his widow Mary on Oct. 28, 1672. Will of Philemon Dickerson Pheleman Dickerson of Southold in the Jurisdicon of New York, being in perfect memory maketh this my last will and Testament, in manner ffowlowing: That is to say: I will and bequeath unto my beloved wife my house and whome lott with all the accomoda'^°"* belonging thereunto that is within the old Towne bounds both upland and meadowe with all the appurt- nances thereunto belonging, during her life or widowhood, and after that, to be disposed to my children equally : — Also I give unto my wife foure cowes and all my goates, with all my mouv- able goodes that is within my house : — And also my crop of corn, and my swine : — this I give my wife forever — And the rest of my cattell to be disposed of to my too dafters Elisabeth Dickerson and Mary Dickerson, when they com of the age of one and twenty : — Allso my will is that my tow oxen and my tow steeres y* my sonn Thomas and my sonn Peter have them, provided that my wife shall have use of them during her life or widowhood, and after that then to be devided betweene them. I give to my sonn Thomas fourteene acres of Land at the North Sea which I bought of John Baylye. Allso I do give all the rest of my land at North Sea, and at Corchauge to my three sonnes — As allso my house and home lott after my wifes decease — or in case she marry, then to be devided equally to my three sonnes. I do allso make my wife Mary Dickerson sole executor of this my last will. In witness heereof I have heerunto sett my hand, dated this Twentye day of June 1665. Pheleman X Dickerson the mark of Witness Barnabas Windes, Senior John Youngs, Pastor Thomas Hutchinson Entered upon Record May the 8, 1672 by me, Richard Terry, Recorder CHILDREN OF PHILEMON DICKERSON^ AND MARY PAINE, HIS WIFE 1. Mary,2 bap. March 20, 1642, at Salem, Mass. 2. Thomas,^ bap. March 10, 1644, at Salem, Mass. 3. Elizabeth,^ bap. March 16, 1646, at Salem, Mass. Genealogies of Long Island Families 13 4. Peter," bap. July 9, 1648, at Salem, Mass. Thomas^ lived at Southold, where he had 2 males and 4 females in his family in 1686. He died at Southold. Very little is known of him and strange to say, his descendants have left no trace of themselves. Peter^ lived at Southold and carried on his father's trade of tanner. He had considerable property both real and personal. He md. first, a d. of Thomas Reeve and second, Naomi Mapes, d. of Thomas Mapes, who was b. Jan. 17, 1667-8, and d. March 4, 1724-5, aged 58. Peter Dickerson^ d. at Southold, March 15, 1723. Children were: John,^ Thomas," Philemon,^ Mary^ and Naomi, ^ who md. in 1715, Samuel Terry, who d. Aug. 1762, leaving his widow and children, Daniel,* Richard,* Abigail* and Bethiah*. John/ b. 1675, (Peter,^ Philemon^) lived at Southold and inherited a large proportion of his father's real estate. He d. at Southold in 1758, sometime prior to May 23rd of that year, when his will was probated in the New York Surrogate's Office (Liber XXI, Folio 110). His first wife's name was Mary. On Jan. 25, 1710, he md. Abigail, d. of John Reeve. Children : I. Thomas,* d. Feb. i, 1703-4, an infant. Nathaniel,* d. Jan. 14, 1707-8, an infant. Bethiah,* d. April 21, 1725, aged 20. Mary,* d. April 12, 1725, aged 10. William* lived at Southold and md. first, on March 17, 1737, Dorothy Corey, d. of John Corey. She d. Oct. 18, 1755, and he md. second, Deborah Horton, March 2, 1758. He d. at South- old about 1 79 1, leaving: a. Bethiah,^ b. Sept. 20, 1738. b. Abraham,^ b. April 10, 1741. c. Jonathan,^ b. April 9, 1744. and had William,® who lived at Southold, and was Deacon of the Presbyterian Church there. d. Mary,^ b. June 22, 1746. e. Abigail,^ b. April 14, 1749. f. William.^ b. June 22, 175 1. g. Ruhamah,^ b. April 12, 1753. h. David, ^ b. March 16, 1755. 6. John* md. Elizabeth Corey. He lived at Southold and was a refugee in 1776, from that town to Guilford, Conn. He signed the Association in 1775, which bound its subscribers to support the Continental Congress and the New York Provincial Congress. He served in Col. Samuel Drake's Provisional Regi- ment which was recruited from Sufifolk, Westchester and Orange 14 Genealogies of Long Island Families Counties. He afterwards served in the Second Regiment of the Line, Connecticut troops and in Col. Henry B. Livingston's Fourth Regiment of the Line, New York troops, which regiment contained many Suffolk County men. In the Census of 1776, he is mentioned as having one male child over 16, and two under; one female child over 16, and three under. His wife d. suddenly on Jan. 12, 1778, at Guilford, Conn., aged 40. No particulars of his children are known. 7. Selah,* b. 173 1, md. first, Sarah Overton, Nov. 7, 1754, and second, Susannah Robertson, June 26, 1766. He d. Dec. i, 1809. Like his brother John,* he was a refugee and fled from Southold to Guilford, Conn., in Sept., 1776. He returned in Jan., 1783. He signed the Association in 1775, but there is no record of service in any regiment. His surviving children were Samuel^ and Selina,^ who did not marry. SamueP was b. in 1776, and md. Julia Wells, who was b. Sept. 4, 1772, and d. March 4, 1840. He lived at Southold until 1821, when he removed to Hopewell, Orange County, New York, where he d. Feb. 7, 1829. His children were all born at Southold. and are as follows : a. Susan,^ b. Nov. 6, 1792, d. unmd. at Hopewell, Nov. 26, 1851. b. Sarah," b. Aug. 3, 1796, md. Abraham Torrey, of Orange County, and d. Aug. 17, 1857. c. Mary," b. June 2, 1801, md. John Case, of Southold, and d. at Middletown, N. Y., March 6, 18^65. d. Martha," b. Sept. 16, 1803, md. John Shorter, of Orange County, and d. at Hopewell, Feb. 7, 1828. e. Albert," b. Dec. 27, 1805, md. Eliza Weller. of Orange County, and d. at Hopewell, Nov. 12, 1833. f. Adeline," b. Feb. 16, 1808, md. Hugh Colwell, of Orange County, and d. at Newburgh, N. Y. g. Harriet," b. Aug. i, 181 1, md. George H. Dickerson, of Orange County, and d. at Newark Valley, N. Y., April 11, 1889. h. Eliza," b. Nov. 6, 1815, d. unmd. at Van Etten, N. Y. i. Julia," md. John Norris, of Orange County, and d. at Van Etten, N. Y., Jan. 24, 1875. 8. Deborah.* 9. Walter* moved to Morris County, N. j., in 1761. He left a son, Noadiah,^ who d. in 1844, aged 86. TO. Mehitable,* md. her cousin, Joshua Dickerson* (Thomas.' Peter^), who moved to Morris County, N. J., in 1745. Jonathan Dickerson^ (William,* John,^ Peter^) settled in Setauket, L. I., where he md. Martha, d. of Joshua Long- Genealogies of Long Island Families 15 botham, in 1772, and d., aged 69, Sept. 24, 1813. His widow, b. 1742, d. Nov. 19, 1813, aged 71. They had: 1. Joshua L.,^ b. May 10, 1773, ^"d d. December, 1795. 2. WilHam,^ b. April 13, 1775, md. Mary Cleves, Oct. 24, 1799, and lived near Southold. She d. July 13, 1813, leaving Mary Ann'' md. "William Clark Tooker, April 15, 1820; Caroline'' md. John Van Brunt, March 6, 1828 who d. in 1842 (leaving issue) ; Maria' md. William Rudyard, April 17, 1847; Deborah'' md. James Harvey Davis, Jan. 5, 183 1 ; and Clarissa.'' William Dickerson® md. as second wife Elizabeth Terry, and had by her Elisabeth,'' md. William Horton ; William^ and Frances.'' 3. John,*' b. Aug. 2, 1776, and d. July 22, 1777. 4. David,^ b. July 10, 1778, md. Anna, d. of Joseph Brewster, March 9, 1805, and d. without issue, Sept. 5, 1832. 5. Mary,® b. Sept. 14, 1779, and was unmd. as late as 1845. 6. Juliana,*' b. March 20, 1781, md. William Mills Brewster, Feb. 5, 1804, and had Martha,'' b. Feb. 4, 1809, who md. Benja- min Wilsie, Jan. 29, 1829, and had Mary.^ 7. Benjamin,*' b. Nov. 13, 1784, md. Elizabeth, d. of Nathaniel Sweazy, Jan. 29, 1809, who d. May 15, 1847, ^g^d 63. Issue: Walter,'' b. April 5, 1810; Juliana,'' b. June 13, 1812, and d. Sept. 4, 1830; William Benjamin,'' b. Dec. 2"/, 1814; Joel SzueacyJ h. Nov. 24, 1817, and md. Martha Mapes, April, 1848; Joshua,'' b. Sept. 19, 1820, and d. May 2. 1822 ; Sarah Eli::abeth,'' b. Nov. 12, 1823, and md. Stephen Alfred Hulse, Jan. 30, 1845; and Mary Ann,'' b. Sept. 24, 1828, and d. Aug. 16, 1830. 8. John," b. Sept. 4, 1786 ; md. Sarah, d. of Vincent Jones, and had issue: Vincent,'' md. Margaret, d. of Gilbert Floyd; Minor'' md. Harriet, d. of Samuel WoodhuU ; John'' md. Juliana, d. of Walter Smith ; Sarah'' md. Samuel Davis and Gilbert Will- iamson ; Catharine'' md. Sydney Hart ; Charles'' ; and Jane'' md. Joseph Jayne. Walter Dickerson^ (Benjamin," Jonathan,^ William,* John,^ Peter^) was b. April 5, 1810, and md. Deborah, d. of Ebenezer Ackerly, of Patchogvie (d. 1826), March 20, 1834. Children: 1. Hannah Elizabeth,^ b. Nov. 19, 1839, and d. June 20. 1847. 2. Emma Amelia,^ b. Jan. 13, 1842, and d. June 12. 1847. 3. Mahlon Walter,^ b. April 24, 1846. and d. June 25, 1847. All three children dying within 13 days leads to the belief that they were victims of some malignant disease. Walter Dicker- son kept a store at Woodville Landing, now Shoreham, which he later sold to his brother, William Benjamin Dickerson,'^ and removed to Setauket, where he erected a home on the west side of the mill pond where he died. William Benjamin Dickerson^ (Benjamin." Jonathan,^ 16 Genealogies of Long Island Families Witliam,* John,^ Peter^) was b. Dec. 27, 1814, and md. Mary Eliza, d. of John Randall, Aug. 25, 1840. He had John Randall,^ b. Dec. 8, 1846. Thomas Dickerson-^ (Peter,^ Philemon^), md. Abigail Reeve, d. of Joseph Reeve, on Jan. 13, 1713. He lived at Southold, where he d. Sept. 12, 1725. In his will, dated May 27, 1725, he appoints his brother John^ and Ensign Benjamin Reeve as execu- tors, who however, refused to act, and the will was not probated until April 10, 1739, when Daniel,* his second son, was appointed administrator, having probably then become of age. His widow, Abigail, on March 17, 1737, md. Charles Wager, formerly of Boston, Mass., two of whose children married two of his step- children. All of Thomas Dickerson's children with the exception of Joseph* and Abigail,* removed to Morris County, N. J., in 1745, where several of their descendants achieved considerable prominence, as related hereafter. Children : I. Thomas,* md. June 7, 1737, Sarah Wager, who was b. in Boston, IVTass., Aug. 26, 1714. He d. in 1772, leaving Thomas,' who md. Eleanor , and d. Feb., 1800. II. Daniel/ md. Oct. 11, 1839, Marcy Youngs, and d. Aug. 19, 1796. Children: 1. Abraham,^ b. 1744; md. first Abigail Douglas, second Mary Dalglish, d. 1814. 2. Nathaniel,^ b. 1747; md. Tabitha , d. May 30, 1797. 3. Abigail,^. 4. Daniel,^ first wife unknown; second, Mrs. Margaret Potts. He d. Jan. i, 1800. 5. Rebecca,^. 6. Elizabeth,^ III. Joshua,* md. his cousin, Mehitable Dickerson* (John,' Peter^), Oct. 30, 1740, and d. about 1761. Children: 1. John,^ md. first a Brown; second, Agnes Messier, and d. March, 18 18. 2. Joseph,^ md. Mary Estile, and d. in 1803. 3. Erastus,^ md. and d. in 1807. 4. Bethiah,^ b. July 3, 1764; md. Jared Coe, and d. in 1816. 5. Mehitable.' IV. Joseph,* d. April 29, 1740, at Southold. V. Abigail,* md. Henry Wells, April 8, 1736, who was b. in 1714, and d. in 1793. She d. March 16, 1786. Abigail did not move to New Jersey with her brothers and sisters but remained at Southold. There is also a tradition that she later went to Ver- Genealogies of Long Island Families 17 mont with her husband and children, who were Thomas Dicker- son,^ Joseph,^ Obadiah,^ d. Dec. t.j, 1755; Naomi,^ Hannah^ and Elizabeth.^ VL Elizabeth* md. Andrew Wager, Jan. 21, 1743. VII. Peter/ the youngest child, was b. in 1725, after the death of his father. He md. first, Oct. 20, 1745, Ruth, d. of Joseph Coe, and sister of Benjamin and Thomas Coe, who moved to New Jersey from Queens County, Long Island, about the same time as Peter did. She d. Feb. 10, 1763, and her husband md., second, Nov. 7, 1763, Sarah Armstrong, widow of John O'Hara. Peter Dickerson* was a member of the first Provincial Congress of New Jersey, in 1775, and subsequently commanded the second company of the Third Regiment of the New Jersey Brigade, raised in 1776, of which Col. Elias Dayton was commander. Capt. Dickerson, in 1776, accompanied his regiment on an expedi- tion against Sir John Johnson and his Mohawk Indians, who were located about 18 miles above Schenectady, N. Y. Sir John and his dusky allies retired and after building a fort on the Mohawk River, known as Fort Dayton, the regiment returned. He died at Morristown, N. J., May 10, 1780, and is buried there. His valuable Revolutionary papers passed into the hands of his widow's executor, who carried them into the western part of New York State, where they were lost. Children of Peter Dickerson* by his first marriage were : 1. Mary,^ b. March 31, 1746; md. David Case, Dec. 22, 1763, and d. in 1774. 2. Jonathan^ was b. Sept. 20, 1747, and was named after President Jonathan Dickinson of Princeton College. On Oct. 12, 1768, md. his cousin, Mary (b. Sept., 1752), d. of Thomas Coe, who came from Queens County, Long Island, as mentioned before. He d. Nov. 7, 1805, aged 58, and is buried at Morristown, N. J. Children were : a. Mahlon,^ b. April 17, 1770. and d. Oct. 5, 1858. Mahlon Dickerson achieved national prominence as Governor of New Jersey, United States Senator and Secretary of the Navy. It is not within the province of this genealogy to give an extended biography of this most distinguished member of the Dickerson family, but it is our pleasure to briefly touch some of the lesser known aspects of his interesting and useful life. To those who seek a full account of his career, we recommend either Vol. 10 of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record or Apple- ton's Dictionary of American Biography. The fairly numerous publications concerning New Jersey's famous men also render good accounts of his life and labors. Mahlon Dickerson graduated at Princeton College, in the class 18 Genealogies oe Long Island Families of 1789, to which Silas Wood, first historian of Long Island, also belonged. A strong friendship existed between the two states- men which was accentuated when both men became members oi the same Congress in after years, Dickerson as Senator from New Jersey, and Wood as Congressman from the Long Island district of New York. Mr. Dickerson had another close friend in Benjamin F. Thompson, historian of Long Island, and source of these gene- alogies. The friendship started through Thompson's efforts to familiarize himself with the genealogy of those members of the Dickerson family who had removed to New Jersey. Into this undertaking, Mr. Dickerson entered enthusiastically. Pride in his Puritan and Revolutionary ancestors was a characteristic of the man and the antiquities of his native land always claimed from him, interest and respect. Mr. Dickerson made several visits to Long Island and never failed to stop at the historian's home at Hempstead, and spend a few days. Thompson, accompanied by his wife and daughter, returned the call at Mr. Dickerson's home in Suckasunny, N. J., and mention is made of this pleasant visit in Thompson's biog- raphy contained in the Enlarged Edition of his well-known His- tory of Long Island. On his last visit to Southold, in the sum- mer of 185 1, Mr. Dickerson erected a dignified monument to the memory of his forebears who were among the early settlers of that historic town. The shaft can still be seen in the Presbyterian graveyard. Speaking of his ancestors, he once said : "In early times few men of fortune or distinction emigrated to this coun- try — people came here generally to better their condition, of such I believe was my ancestor who first came to this country. I believe myself to be a descendant of a race of honest, industrious, psalm- singing deacons, with which pedigree I am content." Mahlon Dickerson was admitted to the bar in 1793, and removed to Philadelphia in 1796, where he practised his profes- sion for 13 years. He was appointed by Governor McKean, Adjutant General of Pennsylvania, and subsequently Recorder of the City of Philadelphia, which office he resigned in 1810 and returned to New Jersey, where he was elected Governor in 1815 and again in 1816. In 1817 he was elected United States Senator from New Jersey and thereupon resigned the Governorship. Mr. Dickerson held the position of Senator for sixteen years, or until 1833, and during this long incumbency he made an enviable name for himself as a statesman. In 1834, he was nominated by Presi- dent Andrew Jackson and confirmed by the Senate as Minister to Russia, taking the place of James Buchanan, afterwards Presi- dent, but was induced to decline this office and accept that of Secretary of the Navy, upon the duties of which he entered July Genealogies of Long Island Families 19 I, 1834. Failing- health caused him to resign this position in 1838 and retire to private life. Although not again holding official position, he was a potent factor in the councils of the Democratic party for many years. He also took much pleasure in agri- cultural pursuits and conducting his extensive and valuable iron mines upon his estate at Suckasunny, Morris County, N. J. In May, 1846, he succeeded General James Tallmadge as President of the American Institute. He lived for a considerable portion of his life at Suckasunny, N. J., where he was much interested in operating the above- mentioned iron mines which had formerly belonged to his father. He died Oct. 5, 1858, aged 88. Mr. Dickerson never mar- ried and is buried at Suckasunny. A plain monument with the following inscription marks the spot : "Mahlon Dickerson, son of Jonathan and Mary Dickerson; born April 17, 1770, died Oct. 5, 1858. His biography is writ- ten in legislative records. 'Mark the perfect man and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace'." b. Silas,** b. Oct. 3, 1771 ; d. Jan. 7, 1807, aged 35. Silas Dickerson was frequently a member of the New Jersey State Legsilature, and in 1801 was chosen Speaker of the House of Assmbly. He was accidentally killed January 7, 1807, at the age of 35 years, leaving a son who died prior to 1849. c. Mary,** b. Sept. 8, 1778; md. David I. Canfield in 1796, and d. April 27, 1830, aged 57, leaving Mahlon Dickerson,^ Silas Dickerson,^ Augustus,'^ who became a Captain in the United States Army and md. a daughter of the celebrated statesman, Lewis Cass ; Frederick^ and a daughter,'^ who md. a Mr. Piatt, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and left two daughters, Juliet^ and Caroline,^ of Cincinnati. d. Jonathan Elmer,** born Sept. 8, 1781, and d. young. e. Aaron,** b. Sept. 10, 1783; d. Nov. 9, 1824. Dr. Aaron Dickerson graduated at Princeton, 1804, and received the degree of M.D. at the University of Pennsylvania in 1809. He md. a daughter of John Connaroe, of Philadelphia, and settled at Mar- cus Hook, Pa., where he followed his profession until his death, Nov. 9, 1824, aged 41, leaving Julia,'^ his only child, who was brought up by her uncle, Mahlon Dickerson. f. John,** b. March 10, 1786; d. without issue, 1822. g. Philemon,** b. June 26, 1788; d. Dec. 10, 1862. Philemon Dickerson, like his brother Mahlon, was a public man and filled several important positions with great ability. He graduated at the University of Pennsylvania in 1808 and md. Sidney M., daughter of Col. John Stotesbury, of New York, a Revolutionary officer. He commenced the practice of law in Paterson, N. J., and was elected Governor of New Jersey in 1836 and 1837. In 20 Genealogies of Long Island Families March, 1841, he was appointed judge of the United States Court for the District of New Jersey, which office he held as late as 1849. He left four children: John Henry, ^ Edward N.,'' Phile- mon^ and Mary/ John Henry Dickerson^ md. and settled as a surveyor at St. Martinsville, La., and had three children, his youngest, a son named Philemon.* Governor Philemon Dicker- son made his home at Paterson, N. J., where he died on Dec. 10, 1862. 3. Jesse,^ b. June 17, 1749, and d. Aug. 27, 1749. 4. Phebe,^ b. Feb. 3, 1751 ; md. Abraham Hathaway and d. October, 1827. 5. Jesse,^ b. Aug. 13, 1753; md. Phebe , and d. Novem- ber, 1829. 6. John,^ b. Feb. 17, 1756; md. Grace Lindsley, Oct. 15, 1780, and d. May 14, 1828. 7. Esther,^ b. March 22, 1757; md., first, George King, Oct. 2, 1774; second, Col. Jacob Drake, Dec. 15, 1781, and d. Oct. 2, 1819. 8. Nancy,^ b. May i, 1759, and md. Caleb Jennings. Children of Peter Dickerson* by his second marriage were : 9. Peter,^ b. Sept. 29, 1764. 10. Ruth,^ b. June 12, 1767; d. June 11, 1773. 11. Joseph,^ b. Dec. 8, 1770; md. Emma Pierson, March 4, 1790, and d. Dec. 3, 1846. 12. William,^ b. June 20, 1773; md. Kezia Sturges, Nov. 24, 1799, and d. Oct. 31, 1810. / Philemon Dickerson^ (Peter,^ Philemon^) was b. at South- old, and md. Hannah, d. of Henry Case, of Southold, in 1709. He d. Sept. 14, 1718, and his widow md. Dr. Samuel Billard, Dec. 9, 1725, whose descendants lived in Southold for many years. Children : 1. Peter,^ b. 1710; md. Sarah , and d. young. 2. John,* b. 1712; md. Martha Bonnell. 3. Peter* removed to Springfield, N. J., about 1735. As the descendants of Philemon Dickerson^ are enumerated with considerable detail in Vol. XXX, N. Y. Gen. and Biog. Record, the line is not repeated here. Furthermore, they all resided in New Jersey, and there is nothing regarding them of interest to a student of Long Island families. The following line, descendants of Nathaniel Dickerson, brother of Philemon Dickerson,^ is here given in outline because of the fact that one member of this branch married the noted Genealogies of Long Island Families 21 preacher, Rev. Caleb Smith, a native of Long Island, and one who was intimately connected with the early history of Princeton College. Members of this branch of the Dickerson family did not live on Long Island. Many of them spelled their name "Dickinson." Nathaniel Dickerson, brother of Philemon Dickerson^, located at Weathersfield, Conn., but removed to Hadley, Mass., in 1657. He was the first deacon of the church there and d., aged 70, in 1670. Children : I. Samuel/ b. 1638. II. Obediah,^ b. 1641. III. Nathaniel/ b. 1643. IV. Nehemiah/ born 1644. Children were: i. Nehemiah,^ b. 1672; 2. William,^ b. 1675; 3-4. Mary^ and John,^ twins, b. 1678, John^ d. young, and Mary^ md. Samuel Gaylord; 5. Sarah,' b. 1680, md. Samuel Mighile; 6. Samuel,^ b. 1682; 7. Hannah,^ b. 1684, md. Benjamin Church ; 8. Nathaniel,^ b. 1689, and lived in Sunderland, Mass.; 9. Israel,^ b. 1691 ; 10. Ebenezer,^ b. 1696; II. Rebecca,^ b. 1699, ^^- Jonathan Smith. V. Hezekiah/ b. 1646 ; lived in Hadley, Springfield and Hatfield. Mass., succesively. He md. Abigail , and was the father of Rev. Jonathan Dickinson,^ first President of the College of New Jersey, afterwards called Princeton College. He was b. April 22, 1688, graduated at Yale College, 1706, and was pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Elizabethtown, N. J., for nearly forty years. He assumed the ofiice of first president of Prince- ton College, on Oct. 22, 1746, but died just a year later on Oct. 7, 1747, aged 59. His wife, Joanna, died April 20, 1745, aged 63. His successor as president of the college was Rev. Aaron Burr, father of Col. Aaron Burr, the statesman. Rev. Jonathan Dickinson's^ second daughter Martha,* md. Rev. Caleb Smith, a very able preacher and native of Long Island. He was b. 1724, at St. George's Manor, Mastic, L. I., the son of Major William Henry Smith, who was son of Colonel Wil- liam Smith, patentee of St. George's Manor and founder of the "Tangier" Smith family, so-called from the fact that Col. Smith had been governor of the British colony of Tangier, Africa, before coming to America. He was also an intimate friend of the second president of Princeton, Rev. Aaron Burr, and preached the funeral sermon over the body of his friend. The sermon was entitled "Diligence in the Work of God, and Activity During Life." It was published at New York in 1758, and is a small duodecimo volume — a very rare item and much sought after by collectors. Rev. Caleb Smith also edited a ser- 22 Genealogies of Long Island Families mon preached by Rev. Aaron Burr at the funeral of Governor Jonathan Belcher, of New Jersey, who died August 31, 1757. This was also published and is fully as rare as the before-men- tioned work. Rev. Caleb Smith was pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Newark Mountains, N. J., (now Orange), where he died Oct. 22, 1762. His children by this marriage were Nancy,** Eliza- beth* and Jane.* Rev. Mr. Smith had a son ApoUos* by his second wife Rebecca Foot. Mary,* another daughter of Presi- dent Dickinson, married John Cooper; and another, Abigail,* married Jonathan Sergeant, of Princeton, N. J., whose son, Jonathan D. Sergeant,* was a distinguished lawyer of Phila- delphia, Pa., and died in 1793. His son, John Sergeant,® was a Member of Congress from that city. VI. J0HN.2 VII. Azariah^. VIII. J0SEPH.2 CHILDREN OF WILLIAM DICKERSON^ (Nehemiah,^ NathanieP), b. 1675. 1. Mary,* b. 1703; md. John Smith. 2. William,* b. 1706; lived in Granby, Mass. 3. Dorcas,* b. 1709; md. Hezekiah Smith. 4. John,* b. 1715. 5. Josiah,* b. 1724. 6. Elisha,* b. 1729. CHILDREN OF JOSIAH DICKERSON* (William,^ Ne- hemiah,2 NathanieP), b. 1724. 1. Josiah,^ b. 1750, lived at Northampton, Mass., and d. in 1812. 2. Elisha,^ b. 1752, and d. at Hadley, Mass., in 1811. 3. Cotton,^ b. 1754, and d. at Northampton, Mass., in 1826. 4. Sybil,^ b. 1759; ^d- Daniel Dickerson at Amherst, Mass., and d. 1840. 5. Maria,^ b. 1762 ; md. John Smith, of Hadley, Mass. 6. William,^ b. 1765, and lived at Hadley, Mass., in 1847. Cotton Dickerson^ (Josiah,* William,^ Nehemiah,^ Nathan- ieP), b. 1754, lived at Hadley, Mass., and d. there in 181 1. Chil- dren were : I. Cotton Gaylord,^ b. 1786, lived at St. Johnsbury, Vt., md. Lucy Stone of Windsor, Vt., and had several children of whom William L.J was a resident of Jersey City, N. J., in 1847. Genealogies of Long Island Families 23 2. Josiah,*' b. 1789. 3. Also five daughters,^ names unknown. Samuel Dickerson, of Maryland, was probably a descendant of some one of the early generations of the Dickerson family. Mention of his descendants is here made as they held prominent positions in the walk of life; and also to prevent confusion, as there were two Philemon Dickersons in this line who must not be confounded with those bearing the same name who were descend- ants of Philemon Dickerson,^ of Southold, L. I. The fact that "Philemon" was a favorite name with this family, is evidence that they were related to the other branches. Samuel Dickerson was a wealthy man and his son, General Philemon Dickerson of the Revolutionary Army, commanded the New Jersey Militia at the battle of Monmouth. General Dickerson was afterwards a mem- ber of Congress from New Jersey, and died at Trenton, N. J., Feb. 4, 1809, aged 68. John Dickinson, another son of Samuel, an eminent statesman and political writer, was the author of the celebrated "Farmer's Letters," which produced a wonderful effect in establishing American liberty. He was born in 1732, and died Feb. 15, 1808, aged 75- . . Philemon Dickerson, president of the Trenton Banking Co. during the "forties" of the past century, was a grandson of Gen- eral Philemon Dickerson above mentioned. A Thomas Dickerson was of Rowley, Mass., in 1643, ^^^ ^^^^ in 1662, leaving a son, James and four daughters. He may be the Thomas who is supposed to be a brother of NathanieP and Philemon^ as mentioned on page II. Nathan Dickerson, who was b. at Southold, L. L, Dec. 29, 1790, was probably a descendant of Thomas Dickerson^ (Phile- mon^), of whose line there is no record. He was a minister of the Gospel. His son Halsey was md. three times ; first to Parnissa Leek ; second to Elizabeth Sawyer, and third to Polly Overton, on Oct. 15, 1848. By his first wife he had issue: Charles Wesley, Maria, George Whitfield, Mary Sophia, Emma, Martha, Elizabeth, Sarah, John Nelson, William Fletcher and Francis Asbury. Samuel Dickerson, perhaps also a descendant of Thomas,^ md. Julia Wells of Southold, Feb. 11, 1792. MITCHILL This family is native to that part of old Queens County now Nassau County and several of its members have achieved promi- nence in the public eye, chiefly Dr. Samuel L. Mitchill, scientist, statesman, physician and author. It should not be confused with the Michell family which appeared at Bridgehampton, Suffolk County about 1650. Robert Mitchill, a descendant of Sir Humphrey Mitchill of Old Windsor, Berkshire, England ; md. first Mary Lockerson and second Hester Smith by whom he had Robert^ first of the name in America, who was born in 1670 and came to New York about 1694. He is supposed to have removed to the town of North Hempstead about 1700 but his name does not appear in the town records until April 7, 17 13 when he was chosen "surveyor of highways" and "fence viewer" for Madnan's* Neck. His home- stead was at Cow Neckf and like most of the settlers at that time, he was a farmer. In the town records, under date of April 2, 1717 we read of "ye spring yt hath a hollow tub in it yt is ye spring yt Robert Mitchill fetcheth water at." His first wife was the widow Phebe Thorne, maiden name Denton ; and the second, Hannah: Van Wyck,$ widow of Thomas Cornell. He often held the office of surveyor of highways and fence viewer, and in 1740 he was chosen one of the town trustees. His ear mark for cattle was "a Swallow fork in the off Ear and a hole in the Near Ear and a half penny the fore Side the same." Robert Mitchill^ died in 1743 aged 83. He had eleven children, three by his first wife and eight by the second. CHILDREN OF ROBERT MITCHILL^ AND PHEBE DENTON THORNE HIS WIFE. I. Uriah^ md. Susan Hubbs, Feb. 27, 1735. He was active- ly engaged in the Revolutionary War. After the battle of Long Island, fought during the last week in August 1776, he removed to Newburgh, N. Y., with many other refugees (see F. G. Mather's L. I. Refugees p. 468). There he served in the 4th Dutchess Regiment and was Quartermaster of General Mc- Dougall's Brigade, 1777- 1778, later serving as Post Quartermas- ter at Newburgh until July 1782. After peace was declared he * Now Great Neck, t Now Manhasset. t Daughter of Johannes Van Wyck^ of Little Neck who was son of Cornelius Barentse Van Wyck^. 25 26 Genealogies of Long Island Families returned to his home at North Hempstead and was appointed Sheriff of Queens County on Feb. i6, 1784, which office he held until 1788. During the latter part of his life, he lived at Success Lake and frequently held the office of surveyor of highways. His ear mark for cattle was "Crop Near Ear half penny under Slitt off half penny fore side." Children were: 1. Hannah^, 2. John^. 3. Robert^ md. Sarah Allen and had Susan,* Henry,* Phebe,* Martha,* William* and Allen.* 4. Uriah^ md. Freelove Smith and had Isaac* and a daugh- ter who md. William Thorne. II. JoHN^ b. Dec. 27, 1716, md. Deborah d. of Samuel Prince, who was b. Jan. i, 1717 and d. Oct. 2, 1806 aged 89. John MitchilP d. May 1792 aged 76. He had one son John^ b. Jan. 31, 1743 md. first Rebecca Hewlett in 1764 who was b. Jan. 15, 1743 and d. Jan. 22 1790 aged 47 and second in 1793 her sister Jane Hewlett* who was b. Aug. 22, 1749 and d. Feb. 2, 1816 aged 66. John MitchelP d. Oct. 7, 1823 aged 79. III. Jacamiah^ md. May 30, 1730 Elizabeth d. of Major Thomas Jones of Oyster Bay who was b. about 17 10 and d. after 1768. She probably survived her husband and md. again, for she is spoken of as Elizabeth Lawrence, in the settlement of her brother Thomas Jones'* estate. Jacamiah Mitchill is first spoken of in the Hempstead Town Records, in 1736 when he owned land on the north side of the "Great Plains"; and again in 1745 when he owned land in the same locality. Children were : 1. Sarah^ md. Joseph Bowne. 2. Freelove^ bapt. June 15, 1734 and md. John Carle. 3. Margaret^ bapt. Nov. 20, 1746 and md. Jacob Ryder. 4. Phebe^ bapt. Aug. 19, 1733 and md. Jonas Halstead. 5. Jacamiah^ bapt. Nov. 20, 1746, md. Sarah Bowne, and had Deborah* who md. a Thompson ; John* ; and Elizabeth* who md. first Peter Ludlow and second Robert Ludlow. 6. Elizabeth^ bapt. Nov. 20, 1746. 7. William^ bapt. June 11, 1731. Jacamiah Mitchill's will was probated June 17, 1747 from which we judge that he d. in that year. Said will mentions wife Elizabeth, brother John, Jacob Smith husband of wife's sister Freelove Jones, son Jacamiah and five daughters. By his second wife Hannah, Robert Mitchill^ had the follow- ing children : ♦ Rebecca and Jane Hewlett were daughters of Benjamin Hewlett^ (George^ George^). Genealogies of Long Island Families 27 IV. Phebe^ bapt. Aug. i6, 1732, md. James Fairlie, a sea captain of New York. Her son was the celebrated Major James Fairlie,^ who took an active part in the Revolution. He was aide to Baron Steuben, also served in the ist and 2nd Regiments of the Line, and was captured by the British on Long Island in Oct. 1780. Besides these military services he was Assemblyman from 1798-1808; Claim Agent for the State of N. Y. ; Alderman of N. Y. City and Clerk of the N. Y. State Supreme Court as late as 1827. He was b. in N. Y. City in 1757, md. Maria a d. of Chief Justice Robert Yates and d. Oct. 10, 1830. He left several daughters one of whom md. Thomas Apthorpe Cooper the tra- gedian. Cooper's daughter Priscilla md. Robert Tyler son of President John Tyler in 1839. V. Hannah.^ No information can be obtained concerning this child ; she may have died young. VI. Thomas^ bapt. April 20, 1739, md. Eustatia Clements. He was appointed Captain of the North Hempstead Company of the Queens County Militia on June 25, 1776, having previously been ist Lieutenant. It is probable that he fought in the battle of L. I., as members of his company are known to have been there. Children : 1. Hannah.^ 2. Catharine.^ 3. Jane.^ 4. Sarah^ md. John Patterson. 5. Elizabeth^ md. Archibald Campbell. 6. Stephen^ md. Margaret Norris Patterson. VII. Uriah^ second, md. first Sarah Cornell, second the widow Elizabeth (Smith) Doughty. Children by first wife : 1. Elizabeth.^ 2. Phebe Fairlie^ md. George Birch. 3. Sarah. ^ 4. Robert.^ 5. Cornell.^ Children by second wife : 6. Fairlie^ d. young. 7. Mary.^ VIII. William^ bapt. June 11, 173 1, md. Sarah d. of Will- iam* and Amy (Underbill) Latham of Cow NeckJ who was b. Feb. 26, 1731 and d. aged 93, Dec. 17, 1824. Children were: * William Latham was son of Joseph Latham who purchased land at Cow Neck in 1718. t Now Manhasset Neck. 28 Genealogies of Long Island Families I. Charles^ was a physician and lived at Manhasset. He md. Elizabeth d. of John Thorne and had five children of whom here- after. Dr. Charles Mitchill when a boy, lived with his uncle Dr. Samuel Latham at Plandome where his cousins Singleton MitchilP and Samuel Latham MitchilP also resided. Dr. Latham d. July 24, 1781 and bequeathed part of his land to his nephew Charles, who later exchanged it for property at Manhasset be- longing to his uncle Robert Mitchill,^ and lived thereafter at this place. The house whch Dr. Mitchill obtained from his uncle, is still standing in the village of Manhasset and is a very fine and substantial example of colonial architecture. He was frequently overseer of roads and highways and a prominent man in the town. On the first Tuesday in April 1803 the town of North Hempstead granted to him the right to erect a mill on the creek running into Manhasset Bay, near his home. "At the above Said Townmeeting it was Unanimously Voted that Dr. Charles Mitchill Shall have and is hereby given Liberty to Erect a building and Mill on the Stream from which the Saw Mill was Lately Taken and adjoining the Mill Dam, and bridge over which the publick Highway now runs off the head of Cow- neck to great neck in the Town of North Hempstead, the said Charles Mitchill his heirs and assigns to make and keep the Said Dam and Bridge Sufficient for a good publick Highway, and to grind and boult for the Inhabitants of Said Town for the Ac- customed Toll in Case he Erects a Gristmill on Said Stream." The mill was erected and traces of it may still be seen at this date (1918). 2. William^ md. Abigail d. of William Doty and had Marian* and Latham* who md. his second cousin Sarah T.,* d. of Stephen MitchilP (Thomas, 2 Robert^) and d. Sept. 23, 1844 leaving Latham Jones^ and Sarah Latham.^ William Mitchill was a physician at Manhasset. IX. Mary^ ) No particulars are available and it is X. Augustus^ ) probable that they d. young. XL Robert^ b. July 6, 1732 md. Mary d. of William Latham (see note p. 27) on June 22, 1759 and d. July 12, 1789. His widow d. Oct. 4, 1806. His ear mark for cattle was "a half penny under Each Ear and a hole in the Near Ear." In 1761 he is named as pounder, that is an official of the public pound, and in 1762 he was overseer of highways. Robert Mitchill lived in the Mitchill homestead at Manhasset near the creek flowing into Manhasset Bay. In 1781 he exchanged this property for lands belonging to his nephew Dr. Charles Mitchill at Plandome Genealogies of Long Island Families 29 at which place he thereafter made his home, Dr. Mitchill occupy- ing the old house at Manhasset. Children were : 1. James^ b. May 14, 1760, md. Mary d. of Daniel Frost* and d. aged 75, Sept. 17, 1835. Children were: a. Robert* d. young. b. Catharine.* c. Nancy* md. George Niven and had George,^ Mary Frost,^ Kathien B.,^ Annie. ^ d. Phebe* md. John Clowes and William Mott. By her sec- ond husband she had Georgiana,^ Lucretia^ and Rachel.^ e. Daniel.* f. Sarah,* md. Ira Floyd, April 12, 1818, and had Edwin,^ Ira,^ Robert,^ Clinton,^ Charles,'^ Sarah'^ and Laura L.^ g. Jane* md. lohn C. Lloyd. h, DeWitt Cfinton'' md. Mary E., d. of William L. Rose and had James^ and Joseph Latham.^ i. Maria* md. Joseph Cheseman and had Mary E.,^ and Oscar.^ 2. Joseph^ d. unmd. in 181 8 aged 51. 3. George^ md. Phebe d. of Obadiah De Milt. On Nov. 6, 1801 he sold his fourth interest in the mills and dwellings at Plandome to his brother Singleton Mitchill. This property had been bequeathed to the four brothers George, Joseph, Singleton and Samuel L., by their uncle Dr. Samuel Latham. Children were: a. Samuel Latham* md. Ann E. Kneeland and had Adeline Furman,^ Samuel Latham,^ Ann Maria,^ Cornelius Smith, ^ Maria Louisa^ and Margaret Eliza. ^ b. Eliza Jane* md. Roelof R. Schenck and secondly Theo- dorius Strang. c. George* md. Mary D. Sutphen and had Theodore Cod- wise,^ Georgiana,^ Mary Jane^ and John Sutphen.^ d. Edmund.* 4. Singleton-'' b. May 9, 1774. The following account of Judge Singleton Mitchill by his friend Benj. F. Thompson is herewith given verbatim: "Singleton Mitchill, 4th son of Robert and Mary Mitchill, was born on Cow Neck L. I., May 9th 1774 and at the age of 3 years went to live with his uncle Dr. Samuel Latham, where he continued to reside dur'ing the life of the latter whose death took place July 24, 1781 and by his will gave his nephew t his farm and * Daniel Frost* was son of Wright Frost^ of Matinecock (Wright^ William^). t Together with his three brothers. 30 Genealogies of Long Island Families mill at Plandome, on condition of his paying to the Doctor's brother Thomas Latham, the sum of $5000. At the age of 15 years the subject of this notice lost his father July 12, 1789. At this time he was invited by his cousin Joseph Latham a merchant at Rahway N. J., to reside with him; and had been there but a few months when his neighbor John Town, post- master of that place, in the spring of 1790 made him his deputy which office he continued to fill till he left there in the autumn of 1792. He then returned to Long Island and took charge of his mill property till he came of lawful age in May 1795 ; allowing his brothers Joseph, George, and Robert to share with him in the profits thereof, as if they had been joint owners thereof. In 1796, young Mitchill purchased of Benj. Tredwell a farm of 60 acres at the head of the neck, together with a store and stock of groceries therein, which he carried on for nearly two years when he sold the same to Samuel Wooley at an advance of $1000 having made $1500 more by his business, being a gain of $2500, and returned to his farm at Plandome in Sept. 1798. In the spring of 1799, being in the city of New York, he fell in with his friend Robert Sheffield in command of the ship ' Mars,' belonging to Lefferts and Carpenter, who invited him to accompany him to Liverpool, passage free, which he accepted and having engaged a part of the vessel, purchased for the purpose of exportation 100 bushels of rye flour and 500 bushels of rye in grain. But before it was put on board he sold his interest in the freighting of the vessel to Francis Thompson who also agreed to take the flour and grain ofif his hands at cost. Having pocketed the money, he returned to his labors at the mill. In Nov. 1800 he accompanied a friend to Albany to attend a meeting of the Legislature convened for the choosing of electors for President and Vice President of the United States. While strolling along the docks of that city, he found a vessel about to leave for New York without a cargo and bargained with the captain to furnish him a freight within two days. He thereupon engaged a number of active boys to go out upon the roads west of Albany, meet wagons coming into the city with wheat and if not already sold, direct them to the vessel. In the course of the next day, 1500 bushels were received on board at 12/6 per bushel. That evening another vessel from Rahway was about to return without a cargo — Mitchill agreed to load him also with wheat, provided the captain would loan him the money to pay for it. This was agreed upon and in the course of a day or two more 1700 bushels were delivered on board at the same price. On arriving at New York he sold both cargoes at 3/6 per bushel advance, making a neat gain of about $1200 in 10 days. Genealogies of Long Island Families 31 In April 1800 he gave to his brothers George and Robert, $3000 each to induce them to leave the farm, and entered upon farming and milling on his own account. On the 12th day of May I&D3 he married Maria, daughter of the Hon. John Schenck then State Senator. In the summer of 1805 he built a small sloop of 20 tons called the 'Early Ann' which he employed in his milling business. In 1806 he bought his brother Joseph also out of the concern for $3000 more and was the same year appointed a justice of the peace. In Feb. 1808 went into Suffolk County to purchase cattle by which he cleared $200. He was engaged more extensively in agriculture, horticulture etc., by which his farm was greatly improved. In 181 1 was a delegate to the Con- gressional convention at Tammany Hall when Geo. Townsend of Queens County was nominated to represent the first district and was elected. In 181 5 he was among the most efficient persons engaged in building the Dutch Reformed church at Manhasset. In 1820 he was elected Supervisor of his town, with particular reference to carrying on the controversy with the adjoining town of Hempstead relating to the common lands and marshes of that town, to a part of which the former town claimed to be entitled, on the ground that it was the common property of both when the original town was divided into two towns. The case was de- cided in favor of Hempstead in despite of counsel opposed to them, Robert Emmett, John Duer and Ambrose Spencer, and cost the town of North Hempstead. $6029.62^. In June 1819 he was chosen a Vice President of an Agricul- tural Society founded in Queens County and the next year re- ceived for premiums, 6 ten dollar silver mugs, half a dozen tea- spoons, besides other articles. In 1818 he became one of the Judges of the County Courts. In 1826 was a delegate to the State Convention at Utica, which resulted in the nomination and election of De Witt Clinton for Governor and Henry Hunting- ton for Lieut. Governor of the State — 1827 was elected President of the North Hempstead Bible Society. In 1834 was one of the vice presidents of the convention at Herkimer, when Wm. L. Marcy and John Tracy were nominated and subsequently elected Governor and Lieut. Governor. In 1835 was a delegate of the State Convention to the National Convention at Baltimore on the 20th May when Martin Van Buren and Richard M. Johnson were nominated for President and Vice President of the U. S., and were afterwards elected. He was first Judge of Queens County for several years. He was one of the commissioners for receiving subscriptions for, and distributing the stock of the Long Island Railroad — and was a trustee of the Jones fund, (for care of the poor) from its organization. He lost his wife Sept. 19, 1830 aged 49 and on Dec. 13, 183 1 32 Genealogies of Long Island Families he md. Sarah, widow of John C. Hewlett and daughter of Divine Hewlett." We may add that his first wife Maria Schenck was born May 12, 1803 and his second wife Sarah Hewlett was born Feb. 22, 1788. He died Dec. 9, 1861. All of his children, 10 in number, were by his first wife, of whom hereafter. 5. Samuel Latham'' b. Aug. 20, 1764, md. Catharine, widow of William Cock and daughter of Dr. Samuel Akerly in 1799 and d. without issue Sept. 7, 183 1 aged 66. Dr. Samuel L. Mitchill was a figure of national prominence in the realm of science and was by far the most illustrious member of this family. His versatility was remarkable and he is noted as statesman, scientist, physician, author and lawyer. Dr. Mitchill was called the Nestor of American Science and he richly deserved the appellation. Extended biographies can be found in the va- rious biographical publications and there are several separate publications devoted to his life and memory. Therefore we will devote ourselves to some intimate details of his busy life and such matter as we believe has not been generally published. In this connection we append herewith an article written by his friend Benj. F. Thompson and published in the Hempstead "Inquirer" : The Late Samuel L. Mitchill, L. L. D. Some of the older inhabitants of Hempstead may remember the Rev. Leonard Cutting, rector of St. George's Church, who was settled here in Aug. 1766, and removed to the southward in 1784, the year subsequent to the close of the revolutionary war. Mr. Cutting was a man of extensive learning, a finished scholar, and had been professor of classical literature in Kings (now Co- lumbia) College, N. Y. the faculty of which had been separated and the course of studies interrupted by the war. Mr. Cutting not only loved learning himself, but was strongly attached to those of his pupils, who were anxious to acquire it. While he taught a school here in his own house, he had among other pupils, who afterwards arose to distinction in various situations, Samuel L. Mitchill, a native of Cow Neck, L. I., and subsequent- ly one of the most useful and scientific men in the United States. Mr. Cutting and young Mitchill soon became mutually attached to each other; the one from finding a capable and willing instruc- tor, and the other in acquiring an ardent, industrious and docile pupil. Their intercourse became more than usually familiar, from the kindness of the one, and the obedience and studious habits of the other. Young Mitchill boarded with a farmer at some distance from the school, for in those difficult and trouble- some times, while the enemy was in possession of the Island, it Genealogies of Long Island Families 33 was necessary to be very careful and economical in the expendi- tures of a family — and this probably, is the reason why he was not allowed by the family in which he lived, a candle by which he could study at night — and he could only pursue his studies by the light of a fire. — Such a flickering, uncertain light injured his eyes, and caused that short-sightedness which accompanied him through life. His preceptor becoming acquainted with the situation of his pupil, and desirous of encouraging his application to books, invited him to rise early, come to his room, and study there, be- fore the other pupils arrived. This invitation was accepted, and Mitchill generally arose before sunrise, prepared his own break- fast, walked a mile, and frequently arrived at the school before his preceptor was out of bed. This course was highly gratifying to Mr. Cutting, for instead of being displeased at such early calls, he stimulated his pupil to repeat them, and afforded him every facility in his power. A habit of industry and early rising was thus established, and so well confirmed that it never forsook him. The good old man when thus aroused from his slumbers, would cautiously approach the door and inquire, "Samuel, is that you?" and being answered in the affirmative, would open the door, and bestow enconiums upon his favorite pupil. By this means, the industrious scholar ingratiated himself into the good opinion of his worthy teacher, and became proficient and foremost in the studies pursued in the school. Here he acquired the first ele- ments of Greek and Latin, and read the principal books, prepara- tory to a more extended collegiate course. But the opportunity of a further prosecution of academic studies on a more extensive plan, under competent instructors, never occurred, and his proficiency in these learned languages, for which he was in after life remarkable, was the effect of subse- quent private tuition, and long continued self application. While employed in his classical studies at Hempstead, he also commenced the acquisition of the French language under Mr. John H. Hentz, a private teacher, who collected a small class in this village. At that time it was not much appreciated, but the pupil's mother seconded his wishes to acquire it. His knowledge of this language was likewise improved by study, and by his sub- sequent travels in France, which enabled him to speak and write it with facility and correctness. Thus, his academic education may be said to have commenced and terminated in Mr. Cutting's school, his studies there being brought to a close in his seventeenth year, after the decease of his uncle. Dr. Samuel Latham, in 1781, to whom he was mainly indebted for the expenses of the educa- tion he had thus far received. The celebrity which our subject afterwards acquired is too well known to be here recited. Hempstead, Nov. 25th, 1845. B- F- T. 34 Genealogies of Long Island Families From the North Hempstead Town Records, we quote ver- batim the following interesting activities in which Dr. Mitchill was the prime mover : "The manner by which Success Pond was furnished with yellow perch, originally there were no yellow perch in the waters of the Pond at Success in this town. In the year 1790, Samuel L. Mitchill then a resident of North Hempstead and shortly after- wards a member of Assembly for Queens County, in company with Uriah Mitchill then Sheriff of Queens, brought them from Ronkonkoma Pond in Suffolk County. Those gentlemen went in a wagon for the express purpose of transporting alive some of the yellow perch from Ronkonkoma to Success. They took about three dozen who had been wounded most superficially by the hook, and dismissed all of them but two into Success Pond, vigorous enough to swim away. This they were enabled to do by filling a large churn with the water of Ronkonkoma Pond and putting so few fish into it that there was no' necessity of chang- ing it on the road ; and by driving steadily on a walk, the whole distance of forty miles, without stopping to refresh either man or horse. From these individuals the multiplicity of yellow perch in Success Pond and the neighboring waters have proceeded. Dr. Mitchill in his Memoir on the Fishes of New York printed in the 1st Vol. of the Transactions of the Literary and Philosophical Society of N. Y., has described this fish under the name of 'Bo- dianus flavescens' believing it to be a species not before known to naturalists." "The manner in which the light house at the extremity of Cow Neck* in the Town of North Hempstead came to be built. As long ago as 1790, Samuel L. Mitchill was so strongly con- vinced that a light-house ought to be built on Sand's point, that he and Samuel Wood surveyed it by chain and compass that year. In 1805 during an excursion on board the "Active" Revenue Cut- ter while commanded by Capt. Caleb Brewster, "f" the expediency of such a light house became the subject of conversation, and on board of that vessel were the Memorials written by Dr. Mitchill which were circulated among coasters, pilots and navigators for subscription. All the petitions came forward to Congress during the winter of 1806 and that gentleman, then a Senator of the United States, brought in a bill for the erection and endowment of a light house on Cow Neck.$ It passed into a law, Jan. 26, * Now Manhasset Neck. t Capt. Caleb Brewster of Brookhaven, a Revolutionary seaman. t Now Manhasset Neck. Genealogies of Long Island Families 35 1806, shortly after the State of N. Y. ceded the jurisdiction. Gov. Tompkins purchased five acres of land for the purpose from Mr. Benj. Hewlett; David Gelston, Esq., Collector of the port of N. Y. issued proposals for the construction of the building. They were accepted by Messrs. Mason of New London and carried on with so much dispatch that the lantern was ready for the recep- tion of oil before the end of Nov. 1809. There was a grand civic festival at the place, at which the members of the most respectable families in the neighborhood at- tended ; Samuel L. Mitchill as the founder, was honored with an invitation to meet his fellow citizens and was there on one of the happiest occasions that had occurred within the recollection of the numerous company that assembled." 'The manner by which the height of the Harbor Hill in North Hempstead* was ascertained. On the morning of July 20th 1816, the height of the Harbor Hill was determined by the barometer, and found to be three hundred and nineteen feet above high water mark. The way in which this operation came to be performed was this, Samuel L. Mitchill had in Dec. 181 5, been one of the visitors of the Military Academy at West Point. He there received from Capt. Partridge the Professor of Engineering in the Academy, a list of heights ascertained by himself in New Hampshire, Ver- mont and New York. Dr. Mitchill engaged him to come during the ensuing summer and take the altitude of the Harbor Hill in Queens County. Capt. Partridge accordingly called on Dr. Mitchill in New York on the i8th of July, informing the Doctor that he had come from West Point prepared for the service. The proper directions were given to him and he with several cadets, viz: Delafield, Giles and Sickels, proceeded with the barometer on foot, to Hempstead Harbor t on the 19th. The same day Dr. Mitchill, Andrew Ellicott the famous geometrician and astrono- mer, Mr. Griffiths of New York and Mr. Haines of Philadelphia, followed them in a carriage and went to Judge Mitchill'sJ at Plandome. The Judge and his son Warren accompanied them to the place of destination and the two parties met at the Har- bor on the 20th between break of day and sunrise. The mercury in the barometer and thermometer was first observed at the level of high tide, near the base of the hill, and afterwards on the high- est knoll of the summit with great nicety, and the conclusion was that the height was 319 feet, an elevation 28 feet higher than the * Located at Roslyn Village. t Now Roslyn. i Judge Singleton Mitchill. 36 Genealogies of Long Island Families most considerable height on the Nevesink Hills in New Jersey." "Mill-stone Rock, on the premises of John Schenck Esq., North Hempstead, was admeasured by the above gentlemen on the same day, and ascertained to contain a mass of granite above the surface of the ground of 2400 cubic feet." 6. Robert^ b. Nov. i, 1776 md. Phebe d. of John W. Seaman and d. March 22, 1808 aged 31. Issue: a. Robert Milton* md. Julia Lyon and had Mary P.^ who md. Lindley Underbill in 1847. b. Samuel.* c. Hannah.* d. Robert.* 7. George^ b. Feb. 3, 1769 and d. Oct. 20, 1813 aged 44. 8. Jane=^ b. May 10, 1762 md. Aspinwall Cornwell and d. Aug. 31, 1793 aged 31. Cornwell was ist Lieutenant in the North Hempstead Company of Militia in the Revolution, and may have fought in the Battle of L. I. as did some of this com- pany. 9. Priscilla^ b. June 6, 1779 md. Aspinwall Cornwell, her sister's husband in 1795 and had Robert,* Joseph,* Priscilla,* Mary* and Jane.* CHILDREN OF ROBERT MITCHILL^ (Uriah,^ Robert^ and Sarah Allen his wife. I. Henry* md. Elizabeth Townsend. II. Susan* md. John Morrell, III. Phebe* md. Richard Thome. IV. Martha* md. John Thorne. V. Allen* md. Phebe Smith. He lived at the head of Cow Neck. * Children were : 1. John Allen^ md. a Wardell. 2. William^ md. first, Sarah E. Sands; second, Catharine d. of Abraham Franklin. 3. Hannah^ md. Daniel Cornell. 4. Elizabeth^ md. Lemuel Tyler. VI. William* md. first, Jane d. of George and Susan Hew- lett, who d. March 23, 1794 aged 24 by whom he had Susan^ wife of Daniel E. Smith. Second wife was Elizabeth Smith who d. Nov. 19, 1839 aged 80. He d. Aug. 30, 1843 aged 81. * Now Manhasset Neck. Genealogies of Lx)ng Island Families 37 CHILDREN OF JOHN MITCHILL^ (John,^ Robert^ and his first wife Rebecca Hewlett. I. Benjamin* murdered when a youth on May 13, 1783. II. Sarah.* III. Susan* md. Daniel Jackson. IV. Samuel T.* md. Phebe Jackson and had : 1. Phebe E.» 2. Benjamin^ md. Maria Jane Barlow and had Phebe Eliza,' Susan Ann,® Samuel,® Emma,® Jackson,® Cordelia,® Barlow® and Thomas.® V. Whitehead* b. Feb. 5, 1783 md. Margaret d. of Hewlett Cornwell of Port Washington on Nov. 25, 181 5. Whitehead Mitchill lived on the northern part of Cow Neck (now Manhas- set Neck). He was Commissioner of Highways for many years. His children were : 1. Phebe Elizabeth.' 2. Charles W.,° md. Hannah E., d. of Jacob Covert and lived at Port Washington. VI. John* md. Sarah De Grove and had a son John."^ VII. Phebe* md. Roelof R. Schenck and had John R.,'* Will- iam," Rebecca^ wife of Isaac U. Townsend and Peter.' VIII. Jane H.* CHILDREN OF STEPHEN MITCHILL^ (Thomas,^' Rob- ert^) and Margaret Norris Patterson his wife. I. Jane.* II. Matthew P.,* md. a Holthuysen. III. Jacob Sutherland.* IV. Elizabeth P.* V. Sarah Thorpe* md. her second cousin Latham Mit- chill* (William,^ William,^ Robert^) and d. in 1843 leaving issue, see page 28. VI. Catharine A. M.,* md. Aaron Ruggles. VII. Thomas* md. Maria R. Tyson. VIII. Robert.* IX. Cornelia Caroline* md. a Broome. X. Susan Stokesbury* md. J. C. Holthuysen. 38 Genealogies of Long Island Families XI. Margaret Olivia* md. her second cousin John T. Mitchill* (Charles,^ WilHam,^ Robert^) and had issue, see page 39- XII. Charles Livingston.* XIII. Cornelius Van Wyck.* XIV. Samuel.* XV. Helen L.,* md. Sylvanus Smith in 1846. CHILDREN OF SINGLETON MITCHILL' (Robert,' Robert^) and Maria Schenck his first wife. Judge Singleton MitchilP was b. May 9, 1774, md. Maria d. of John Schenck on May 12, 1803. She was b. Feb. 12, 1782 and d. Sept. 19, 1830. He md. again Sarah, widow of John C. Hewlett and daughter of Divine Hewlett. She was b. Feb. 22, 1788 and was md. to Judge Mitchill on Dec. 13, 1831. He had no children by his second wife. I. Warren* b. May 2, 1804, md. March 10, 1830 Catharine, d. of Minnie Onderdonk, who was b. Feb. 10, 1809 and d. April 24, 1889. He d. Jan. 13, 1888. Warren Mitchill lived at Man- hasset, his birthplace, and followed the occupations of farmer, auctioneer and surveyor by which he became well-to-do. He was a popular and prominent man in the town and filled the office of Justice of the Peace for sixteen years. He was also an elder of the Presbyterian Church at Roslyn for many years. In politics he voted the Democratic ticket until 1856 when he supported John C. Fremont the Republican candidate for President and was thereafter identified with this party. Children were: 1. Joseph^ b. Feb. 26, 1831 and d. Oct. 7, 1838. 2. Singleton Latham® b. Jan. 26. 1836, md. Oct. 19. 1864, Addie E., d. of Col. Andrew A. and Maria (Case) Bremner. Mr. Singleton L. Mitchill followed his father's profession of survey- ing in which he became very proficient and prominent. For twelve years he was Inspector of Elections and has been vestry- man in Christ's Episcopal Church at Manhasset. II. Mary Elizabeth* b. Sept. 9, 1806 and d. Feb. 21 1810. III. Robert* b. Oct. 7, 1808. IV. William L.,* b. Oct. 4, 1810, md. July 27, 1838 Delia d. of Joseph Hoxie. V. Edward* b. July 7, 1812. Genealogies of Long Island Families 39 VI. Singleton L.,* b. Sept. 19, 1815, and d. July 13, 1835. VII. John Schenck* b. Feb. 8, 1817, and d. Feb. 25, 1818. VIII. Joseph L.,* b. Aug. 1818 and d. Dec. 27, 1847 aged 29. IX. Mary Elizabeth 2nd* b. June 24, 1820, md. William K. Hinman, Oct. 14, 1841 and had Singleton MitchilP b. Dec. 29, 1842 and Sarah Esther^ b. Jan. 10, 1845. X. Erastus* b. June 25, 1823 and lived in the Town of North Hempstead. CHILDREN OF DR. CHARLES MITCHILL^ (William^) AND ELIZABETH THORNE, HIS WIFE. I. Maria* md. Benjamin Hewlett and d. Jan. 31, 1848. II. William Latham.* III. Jane Thorne.* IV. Charles* md. Charlotte Morton. . V. John Thorne* md. his second cousin Margaret Olivia* d. of Stephen MitchilP (Robert^) and had: 1. Margaret Jane.^ 2. Charles.^ 3. Elisabeth." 4. Mary Louisa." WICKHAM John Wickham the common ancestor of the family in this country had six sons, of whose names, only Joseph^ is known who was called Colonel and Esquire. He was first of the name on Long Island and emigrated from Killingworth Conn, to South- ampton where he is recorded as having a grant of land at Sagg in Aug. 1686 provided he staid there seven years and worked at his trade of a tanner which condition he fulfilled. He md. first Sarah Satterly, living in 1698, and secondly Elizabeth, family name un- known, who d. June 4, 1725 aged 31. He died at Glastenbury Conn., July 7, 1734. His will dated April 20th 1734 and pro- bated Aug. 17, 1734, mentions his children also land purchased of Col. Smith and Robins Island Neck now known as New Suf- folk. Witnesses were Joshua Budd and John Holloway. His Children were Joseph,^ William,- Benjamin,^ Samuel,^ Jona- than,^ Elizabeth,^ and AbigaiP who md. Jonathan Stader and had Elizabeth^ who md. John Conkling in 1740. Of these only the descendants of Joseph,^ Elizabeth^ and Abigail^ (as above) are known to present day genealogists. There was a Capt. Thomas Wickham who resided at East- hampton, concerning whose ancestry there is some doubt. That he was a son of either William,^ Benjamin,^ SamueP or Jona- than^ seems certain, but exactly which one it is impossible to state. He has been occasionally confused with Thomas^ son of Joseph,^ who was a physician and moved to Orange Co. N. Y. ; but they were entirely separate individuals. Capt. Wickham was a seafaring man and a person of some importance in revolu- tionary times. He was a refugee from Easthampton to Stoning- ton after the Battle of Long Island and was also, together with Thomas Bering and John Foster, an auditor of the claims of all the refugees. Capt. Wickham was a member of the ist 2nd and 3rd Provincial Congresses and of the New York State Assembly in 179 1. He was Captain of a Privateer sloop of eight guns with which he was successful in taking several enemy vessels. With Capt. John Grinnell and Major John Davis he made an unsuc- cessful attack upon the British at Sag Harbor, but managed to bring his boats oflf safely after his two associates had been cap- tured. It is stated in Mather's "Refugees from L. I. to Conn." that he had a daughter Sarah who md. Judge John P. Osbom of Noyack — also that no descendants of his are now found in East- hampton, where it is supposed he died. Elizabeth^ married David Gardiner of Southold, a great grandson of Lion Gardiner, first proprietor of Gardiner's Island. 41 42 Genealogies of Long Island Families From his father David Gardiner also of Southold, he inherited Pesapunck Neck in that Town and lived there. He was born in 1705, married in 1725 according to the Gardiner genealogy and died March 2, 1748. His wife Elizabeth d. Feb. 11, 1769 aged 57 years according to her tombstone. This would make her 13 years old at the time of her marriage which is possible but not proba- ble, perhaps the age on her tombstone is wrong. Children : 1. John^ b. 1727, d. Oct. 19, 1795. 2. Elizabeth^ md. an Osman. 3. David.^ 4. Martha.^ 5. Mary.3 6. Cloe^ md. Jonathan Pike of Southold, Jan. 19, 1758. 7. Joseph^ md. Mary Burts of Southold. 8. Lion^ b. about 1740, d. about 1810, was a blacksmith of Southold. He stood over six feet high and stories are told of his marvelous strength. During 1773-74 he lived at Rocky Point. 9. Crispus.* 10. Gains.^ 11. Juliana^ md. Samuel Jennings of Southampton, Nov. 6, 1766. Joseph^ was b. June 4, 1701, lived at Southold and md. Abigail Parker d. of John Parker a Welshman, on May 29, 1723. She was b. Feb. 28, 1703 and before her marriage lived with her father at Southampton who was a Doctor and fuller. John Parker d. Feb. 9, 1727 and is buried at Mattituck, Town of Southold, there- fore it is supposed that he died at the house of his daughter Abi- gail. Another daughter Mary md. William Albertson. CHILDREN OF JOSEPH^ AND ABIGAIL WICKHAM. I. Abigail^ b. Dec. 5, 1724 md. first Dr. Daniel Hull Dec. 6, 1739 who d. Sept. 26, 1744 and by whom she had: Helen* b. May 13, 1741 and md. an Osborne. Abigail* b. July 9, 1743 and md. Daniel Osborne. On Oct. 21, 1750 she md. again Rev. Thomas Paine of Amenia, Dutchess Co.. N. Y. and later of Cutchogue, L. I. He was b. in 1724, graduated from Yale College in 1748 and was Pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Cutchogue from 1750 until his death on Oct. 15, 1766. Their children were: Benjamin* b. July 3, 1751.* Daniel* b. April 28, 1753. Samuel* b. June 20, 1756 and who was lost in the Christmas storm, Dec. 24, 181 1. Mary* b. Oct. 22, 1758. Genealogies of Long Island Families 43 Thomas* b. April 29, 1761. Olive* b. August 16, 1763 who md. Jeremiah Terry and had Thomas.^ Prudence* b. June 20, 1756 and d. aged 3 months. *Benjamin* md. Deliverance Wells, Oct. 21 1790 and had: Benjamin^ b. Nov. 8, 1792 d. Oct. 30, 1812. AbigaiP b. July 31, 1795, md. Davis Glover. Polly ^ b. Sept. 6, 1797, md. Sutton G. Hallock. Christiana^ b. April 24, 1799, "^d. Thomas Hallock. Thomas^ b. Oct. 30, 1801, md. first Maria Haynes, second Louise widow of Albert Case. Esther^ b. Sept. 20, 1803, md. a Wines. Rhoda^ b. Sept. 21, 1805. Betsy"^ b. Nov. i, 1807. Maria^ b. Oct. 21, 1810 and d. Oct. 24, 1824. Benjamin^ b. Dec. 29, 1812 and d. Dec. 3, 1884. Persis Moore^ b. Dec. 22, 181 5 and d. May 13, 1892. n. Parker^ b. Feb. 28, 1727. The name of his wife is un- known. He was known as Major Wickham, lived in Southold Town and was the possessor of a large estate. He is chiefly re- markable for being one of the three individuals in SufTolk County whose estates were confiscated by the government on account of their loyalty to the British cause during the Revolution. The others were Dr. George Muirson and Richard Floyd. He was a prominent man in the town and was Supervisor from 1767 to 1774. He was the owner of Robin's Island in Peconic Bay which had been in the family for two generations previous, being owned by Joseph^ w];io left it to his son Joseph^ who in turn bequeathed it to the subject of this notice. It was part of his confiscated estate above mentioned and was sold by the commissioners of for- feiture in 1784 to Col. Benjamin Tallmadge and Capt. Caleb Brewster for £1250. Children of Parker Wickham^ : I. Joseph Parker* md. Nov. 10, 1791, Phebe d. of Dr. Micah Moore of Southold, whose mother was Abigail Ledyard widow of Capt. John Ledyard, who md. Dr. Moore about 1765. Phebe More Wickham was born in 1769 and was a half-sister to the celebrated traveller John Ledyard who d. in Cairo, Egypt in 1778. Joseph Parker Wickham* d. without issue Jan. 28, 1806. He was a lawyer of respectable standing and shortly after the Revolution, went to England and obtained pecuniary redress from the English Government for his father's sufferings and losses during the War. Phebe Moore Wickham is considered by authorities to have been among the first persons to start a Sunday School in Amer- 44 Genealogies of Long Island Families ica which she did at her husband's house at Mattituck in i8ii. She was a very estimable and religious woman. The house in which this Sunday School was held, was built in 1790 by Joseph Parker Wickham* and was his home until he died in 1806 and afterwards housed his widow. In 1822 the dwelling was pur- chased by James Wickham Reeve^ son of James and Parnel Wickham Reeve* who occupied it until his death. The house, always pointed out to sightseers as the James Wickham Reeve house, stood until Jan. 1917 when it was torn down to make room for a modern dwelling. It was located on Main St. and formed part of what is now known as the Archer farm. 2. Mary* who d. in infancy. 3. Parnel* was b. in 1757 and lived at Cutchogue during Revolutionary times. While residing at this place she was the victim of an American raid from Connecticut in July 1778 and lost a white faced sorrel mare which had been given to her by her grandfather Joseph.^ The raider was Capt. Jesse Leaven- worth and as Miss Wickham was a patriot, he was severely reprimanded for his deed and ordered to make restitution for the sorrel mare. On Aug. i, 1779 Miss Wickham md. Ensign James Reeve, and d. June 30, 1793, aged 36. Her husband md. again Mehitable Downs and d. March 4, 1830. He was baptized Oct. 30, 1756. Parnel Wickham Reeve was the mother of the follow- ing children : Anna* md. William Wickham* (John^) Nov. 25, 1802. James Wickham* md. Phebe Goldsmith and had Anna Wick- ham*' who md. Andrew Gildersleeve on Nov. 7, 1838 at Matti- tuck. Irad.» 4. Parker* was a school teacher and d. unmarried Sept. 16, 1808 at Stony Brook. 5. Helen* who md. Leverett Hudson and had Helen' who md. James Aldrich. 6. William* who d. young. 7. Thomas* b. March 16, 1767, md. Anna d. of Seth Worth on Dec. 29, 1796 and d. aged 78 on May 21, 1845. Children : Joseph Parker** b. Oct. 20, 1797. Phebe his wife d. March 5, 1830, aged 25. Henry* b. Jan. 14, 1800 md. Phebe Ann d. of John Woodhull in 1834 and had Anna,^ Henry Worth,® Frances Woodhull," Alfred Hull,« and Wessel Sell.® Benjamin Coleman* b. June i, 1804. Hull* b. May 24, 1807 and d. unmd. Oct. 26, 1833 aged 26. Alfred* b. April 3, 1810 and d. Nov. 21, 1841, having md. Genealogies of Long Island Families 45 Emily d. of Ira Tuthill who after his death md. Rev. George F. Wiswell, June 4, 1846. Seth Worth^ b. June 12, 1816 and d. in infancy. Anna Maria^ b. Oct. 5, 1818. Sarah^ md. Samuel Reeve. *Joseph Parker Wickham^ md. for his first wife (as outlined above) Phebe Moore Reeve who was a daughter of Ensign James Reeve by his second wife, Mehitable Downs. They were mar- ried in 1827. After Mrs. Wickham's death, her husband mar- ried again Mary C. Taylor. In early life Mr. Wickham removed to New York where he later founded the dry-goods firm of Wick- ham Bros, and Hutchinson. He died at Brooklyn in 1883 and his wife died in 1870. Children : Phebe A.,^ Sarah E.,^ Joseph P.,* Adelia,® William H.,** Charles Worth,^ and a daughter® who md. P. B. Coxe. Charles Worth Wickham® was b. in Brooklyn N. Y. on June 19, 1852 from whence he removed to Matituck in 1877. He md. in Oct. 1884, Annie S. Raynor d. of Hiram M. Raynor of New York. Children: M. Clare,^ W. Raynor,^ Cedric H.,'^ Helen M.,^ and Spencer.'' III. Joseph^ b. Nov. 26, 1728 md. a Wells and lived at South- old. He d. shortly after the close of the Revolution. Children: 1. Elizabeth* md. Thomas Moore and had Joseph,^ William' and Thomas.^ 2. Benjamin* who d. unmd. 3. Joseph* who never md. 4. Patty* who md. Nathaniel Tuthill of Orange Co. N. Y ^ 5. Abigail* who md. Nathaniel Wells. 6. Daniel Hull* b. Jan. 17, 1771 md. Mary d. of Jacob Draper of Thompson Conn, on Dec. 31, 1794 and had seven daughters and two sons. Five of the daughters died young. He d. at Staten Island, Feb. 3, 1853 aged 82. His eldest son, Rev. Joseph D.,' was Principal of the Burr Institute of Manchester Vt., and md. Julia Ann d. of Jonathan E. Porter who d. Dec. 23, 1830 and he md. again on Oct. 12, 1834, Elizabeth C, d. of Rev. Samuel Mer- win. Esther^ one of the daughters md. Rev. George Stebbins Pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Sterling, Illinois. Abigail' another daughter was unmarried up to 1849 ^^^ the youngest son Daniel Hull' md. Ruth d. of Jonas Hawkins (son of Major Jonas Hawkins of Stony Brook) and had issue. 7. Jerusha* unmd. IV. Thomas^ b. January 13, 1733, graduated at Yale College became a physician and removed to Goshen, Orange Co., N. Y. He d. about 1794. 46 Genealogies of Long Island Families Children : 1. Thomas* d. unmd. 2. John* was a lawyer and d. at the age of 34 unmd. 3. Joseph* md. a Gale. 4. Abigail* md. Daniel Wells. V. JOHN^ b. Dec. 20, 1734 and d. Aug. 7, 1808 aged 74. He signed the Association in 1775 which pledged its subscribers to support the Continental Congress and the Provincial Congress of the Province of New York. He is supposed to have lived at Easthampton and to have been a refugee from Long Island to Connecticut, after the Battle of Long Island fought in August 1776, which gave possession of the Island to the British. He married Hannah Fanning and was the father of the following children : I. John* b. June 6, 1763 at Southold md. a d. of William Fanning by whom he had William^ and Edmund.^ He md. again a d. of Dr. McClugg of Virginia. He had a large family by his second wife, one of whom md. Hon. Benjamin Watkins Leigh, a United States Senator from Virginia. John Wickham was origi- nally intended for the army and with this end in view, he pur- sued a course of study at the military academy of Arras, France. He returned to this country however, without embracing the mili- tary profession and settled at Williamsburg Va., where in 1785 he began the practice of law in which he was destined to excel. Wickham removed to Richmond Va. in 1790 and in a short time became one of the foremost lawyers in that city, if not in the entire state. Among his most important cases was the defense of Aaron Burr accused of treason against the Government, in the trial of whom he was associate counsel. This memorable event began May 22, 1807 and lasted with some interruptions, for six months. Due to the ability of his counsel. Burr was acquitted and the presiding justice, commenting on the case, remarked: "The subject has been argued in a manner worthy of its im- portance. A degree of eloquence seldom displayed on any occa- sion has embellished solidarity of argument and depth of re- search." He continued in the practise of the law until his death and amassed a considerable fortune. A man of fine address and courtly manners, it was said of him by the poet Moore that "he was the only gentleman he had found in America, and would have graced any court in Europe." John Wickham was a close friend of that eccentric but able statesman, John Randolph of Roanoke who made the following bequest to Wickham in his will of Jan. I, 1832: "To John Wickham Esq., my best friend, without mak- ing any professions of friendship for me, and the best and wisest man I ever knew, except Mr. Macon, I bequeath my mare Flora Genealogies of Long Island Families 47 and my stallion Gascoigne, together with two old fashioned sil- ver cups, and two tankards, unengraved ; and I desire that he will have his arms engraved upon them, and at the bottom these words: 'From John Randolph of Roanoke, to John Wickham Esq., a token of the respect and gratitude which he never ceased to feel for his unparelleled kindness, courtesy and services'." John Wickham's grandson Williams Carter Wickham^ was a distinguished military officer in the Confederate Army and when peace was declared, devoted his best efforts towards the recon- struction of his native state. He was b. at Richmond Va., Sept. 21, 1820 and d. there July 23, 1888. Henry Wickham^ a great- grandson of John Wickham is at present a practising lawyer at Richmond. 2. Abigail* b. May 5, 1766 and d. unmd. June 25, 1783 aged 18. 3. Nancy* b. July 8, 1768 md. Samuel Davids on March 13, 1788 and died Jan. 24, 1844. Children: James W.,** Abigail,' Richard,^ Henry,^ Eliza,^ Nancy^ and Mary.^ 4. James* b. Aug. 27, 1770, md. Jane Wright and d. at Cal- cutta India, July 14, 1818. 5. William* b. Oct. 4, 1773 md. Anna" d. of James Reeve and Parnel Wickham Reeve* (Parker,^ Joseph^) on Nov. 25, 1802. She d. March 18, 1825 aged 43. Children: James Parnel,'^, John," Elizabeth,^ Nancy,' William' and Henry." 6. Henry* b. May 5, 1777 and d. unmd. Oct. 4, 1801. He was a lawyer. VI. Sarah' b. March 12, 1731 md. first Joseph Conkling by whom she had the following children: 1. Helen* did not marry. 2. Sarah* md. William Albertson and had Joseph,' Sally,' William,' Charity' md. Hutchinson H. Case* and Josiah.' By her second husband Rev. Benjamin Goldsmith of Aqua- bogue, she had : 3. Amelia* md. James Hallock. 4. Benjamin.* 5. Joseph.* 6. Lydia* md. Moses L. Case by whom she had Joseph Wick- ham Case.'t She d. May 5, 1843. * Hutchinson H. Case was b. at Southold, Aug. 17, 1794 and was the sixth generation from Henry Case of Southold first of the name on Long Island. He was a young man when the War of 1812 took place and went as a drummer boy with Capt. Noah Terry's company of soldiers who were quartered at Orient. From there he went to Sag Harbor and served in Capt. Isaac Sat- terly's company and later became a member of Capt. Bailey's 48 Genealogies of Long Island Families artillery company. In 1816 he md. Charity Wickham as out- lined above and was the father of the following children: Oscar L.,® who d. in 1850 aged 33; Francis*' who d. in infancy; and Julia M.® who md. Theron Bunker Worth in 1852 and was the mother of several children, only one of whom survived namely, Theron O. Worth^ the youngest, who resided at Bridgehampton. After his marriage Mr. Case lived at Cutchogue and was for many years President of the Suffolk County Mutual Insurance Co., also a director of the Southold Savings Bank. JJoseph Wickham Case or J. Wickham Case as he was gen- erally known was b. at Cutchogue, Oct. 18, 1806. He was a pub- lic man a good part of his life and filled many offices in the town and county among which may be mentioned: Assemblyman 1839- 40; County loan commissioner for many years; Assistant county clerk 1841-44; County Clerk 1844-50; County treasurer 1852- 55 ; and a great many offices in Southold Town. His chief bid for fame however, was the publication in 1882-84 of the Southold Town Records under his editorship, in which he incorporated much of his invaluable historical and genealogical knowledge. He was sixth in descent from Henry Case of Southold, first of the name on Long Island. VII. Elizabeth^ b. Oct. 27, 1738 md. James Reeve and d. Oct. 26, 1819 aged 80. She had Elizabeth* who d. in 1806. VIII. Jerusha^ b. Feb. 13, 1740 and d. unmd. IX. Daniel Hull' b. Dec. 30, 1745 and d. unmd. Q X Z H! < >■ ~\ ■0 c (0 ■c z c JS _j — uJ > ? < S: CARMAN John Carman^ and his wife Florence emigrated from Eng- land and reached Roxbury Mass. on Nov. 4th 163 1. His wife is believed by some to have been the daughter of Rev. Robert Ford- ham who afterwards founded the town of Hempstead L. I. in company with Carman in 1644. From Roxbury they went to Lynn Mass., where they remained until 1637. During that year they journeyed to Sandwich Mass., and from thence to Walling- ford and Stamford Conn. It was from the latter place that Rev. Fordham and his band of pioneers left to form the town of Hempstead. Today members of the family are numerous on Long Island, particularly in Nassau County. He was a promi- nent man in the town and died in 1653. His wife died in 1656. Children : 1. John^ b. July 8, 1633 md. his wife Hannah in 1660 and d. 1684. 2. Benjamin^ d. in 1694. 3. Abigail^ b. 1635 md. Benjamin Coe. 4. Caleb^ b. Aug. 6, 1639 d. 1643. 5. Joshua^ b. 1649. 6. Caleb^ b. Jan. 9, 1645 was the first white child born at Hempstead and was blind from birth. John Carman^ and Hannah his wife had the following chil- dren. In his will he makes mention of all his children and ap- points two eldest sons John and Caleb as executors. 1. John^ md. Hannah d. of Capt. John Seaman. 2. Caleb. ^ 3. Samuel.^ 4. Thomas^ d. in 1756. 5. Joshua^ a minor in 1684. 6. Joseph^ a minor in 1684. 7. Abigail.^ Benjamin Carman^ (John^) died in 1694. His will men- tions the following children : 1. Benjamin^ eldest son and a mute who had Benjamin.* 2. John^ d. before 1759 and had a son John* who was his heir. 3. Sarah^ eldest daughter. 4. Dinah.^ 5. Mary^ a minor in 1694. 49 50 Genealogies of Long Island Families Thomas Carman^ (John,^ John^) d. in 1756 leaving the fol- lowing children : 1. Thomas* md. Susan d. of John Wood. 2. Abigail* d. single. 3. Samuel* d. single. 4. Joseph.* 5. Hannah* md. Barent Van Wyck in 1755 and had Barent,' Thomas' and Samuel.' 6. Phebe* md. in 1732 John Townsend b. 1708 and had Rich- ard,' Thomas,' Samuel,' and Ruth.' John Townsend lived at Westbury. 7. Ruth* md. first Thomas Powell and second Jacob Hicks. By the first she had Thomas,' Solomon' and Stephen Powell' ; by the second, James,' Charles,' and Abigail Hicks.' 8. Sarah* md. Samuel Carman whom it is impossible to place. They had no children. He may have been Samuel' (Sam- uel* of Fireplace, Caleb,^ John^). 9. Mary* d. single. Thomas Carman* (Thomas,' John,' John^) md. Susan d. of John Wood and had : 1. Abigail' md. Jarvis Coles and had Elizabeth," Thomas,* Sarah," Frances," Mary" and Samuel." 2. Thomas' b. 1760 md. Ann d. of Thomas Dorlon who was b. 1776 and d. aged 72, March 28, 1848. They had: Ann," Thomas," and Joseph." 3. Samuel' md. Sarah d. of John Raynor and d. Dec. 8, 1843. They had Abigail" md. Edmund Frost, Mary," Hannah," Phebe" and Samuel R." md. Sarah Ann d. of Thomas Baldwin. 4. Joseph' md. Susan d. of Benjamin Tredwell and had Mary" md. John Seaman, Sarah" md. Wm. Thompson 1830, and Joseph" md. first a Verity and second a Coles. Of the children of Thomas Carman' (Thomas,* Thomas,' John,2 John^) and Ann Dorlon: Ann^ b. Jan. 6, 1788, md. Rich- ard Carman as hereafter noticed. Thomas^ b. July, 1792, md. Elisabeth d. of Joseph Smith, March 10, 1812 and had ist Ann Eliza^ b. 1814 md. Brewster Valentine 1834 and had Wm. Edgar' b. Oct. 13th 1835, 2nd Susan^ b. June 1818, md. Geo. H. Bergen July 1838 and had Elisabeth^ and Charles G.,' 3rd Samuel^ b. Sept. 25, 1821, md. Elizabeth d. of Daniel Raynor Nov. 9, 1844 and had Bergen R.,^ b. Aug. 14th 1846. Joseph^ b. July 1792, md. Abigail d. of John Raynor Jan. 181 5, and d. March 14, 1843 ^^^^ 46 — she d. March 9, 1843 aged 47; issue, Jane'' b. Jan. 5, 1816 (md. Reuben Pine, June 3, 1841) David^ b. Oct. 7, 1822 and d. March 8, 1843, Ann^ b. Oct. 22, 1819 (and md. Increase Golden) Genealogies of Long Island Families 51 Joseph'^ b. Oct. 2, 1825 and md. Rebecca Rhodes, Gelston^ b. Oct. 20, 1830, Susan^ b. Oct. 1836 and Elisabeth^ b. Oct. 1833. Benjamin Carman* (Benj,^ Benj,^ John^) was b. 1714 d. Oct. 16, 1795 aged 81, leaving Richard,^ Samuel,^ Stephen,' Mary^ and Elisabeth,^ of whom Richard,^ md. Sarah d. of Thomas Horsefield and removed to St. John's N. B. in 1783 where he died —his wife died 1835 aged 71. Samuel^ b. 1748 md. Mary d. of John De Mott and d. April 31, 1817 aged 69; his widow d. July 4, 1824 aged 69. Stephen^ b. 1752 was four times md., ist to Sarah d. of Joseph Pettit — 2nd to Sarah d. of James Raynor — 3rd to Nancy d. of John Smith and 4th to Elisabeth d. of Daniel Smith and widow of Joseph Dorlon. Mary^ b. 1755 md. William Rushmore 1774 and again Wm. Locey, and d. aged 79, Jan. 26, 1834. Elisabeth^ md. Joseph Clowes. CHILDREN OF SAMUEL^ (Benj.,* Benj.,^ Benj.,^ John^) AND MARY DE MOTT. I. Catharine^ b. July 8, 1770, md. Abraham Bedell Dec. 28, 1783 and died Oct. 17, 1832 aged 62. Issue: Stephen C./ Henry Tredzvell,'' Mary,'' Frances,'' Hiram K.,'' Matilda,'' Jacob Mor- ton,'' Benjamin Lester,'' Sarah L./ Green Miller,'' Elizabeth,'' Abraham,'' Catharine,'' Cadzvallader Aquila.'' Of whom Stephen C/ b. March 26, 1788, md. ist Hannah, d. of Elias Dorlon June 21, 1826, who d. April 28, 1838 aged 47 and 2nd Hannah d. of James Hall 1845. Henry TrediveW b. April 26, 1790 and d. Sept. 16, 1791. Mary'' h. March 7, 1792 and md. Henry Golden May 13th 1810. Frances'' h. Jan. 28, 1794 md. Gilbert Lawrence May I, 1813 and d. Sept. 19, 1832. Hiram K.,'' b. Sept. 15, 1795 md. Hannah d. of James De Mott. Matilda^ b. Aug. 18, 1797 md. Jacob Coles Feb. 21, 1819. Jacob Morton' b. Dec. 27, 1799 md. Lydia A. d. of Benj. Whaley March 3, 1825. Elizabeth'' b. March 18, 1801 md. Eliance Miller May 3, 1829. Benjamin Les- ter'' b. June 16, 1802 md. Hannah d. of Thomas Tredwell July 6, 1822. Sarah L.'' b. Jan. 19, 1805 md. James Southard Aug. 31, 1825. Green Miller'' b. Oct. 31, 1803 md. Lydia d. of John De Mott Aug. 3, 1826. Abraham'' b. May 5, 1806 md. Hannah Ann d. of Wm. Everit Sept. 19 1827. Catharine'' b. 27, 1809 md. Garret Dunbar Dec. 3, 1828 and had Sarah Amelia^ b. Sept. i, 1830. Cadwallader Aquila'' b. April 6, 181 1 md. Elizabeth Young Sept. 19, 1832. II. Ann® b. Dec. 5, 1771 md. Abraham Snedeker Nov. 17, 1790, and had: SamueP b. April 28, 1791, md. ist Sarah d. of Samuel Seaman Feb. 11, 1812 and had Abraham S.,^ Ann Eliza- beth® and Susan,^ 2nd Ann d. of Carman Rushmore Aug. 26, 52 Genealogies of Long Island Families 1847. Stephen C? b. Dec. 6, 1799 "i^. Elizabeth d. of Nathaniel Seaman Dec. 19, 182 1. SaraW b. April 26, 1793, md. Charles De Mott June 12, 1812 and had Elizabeth Ann« md. Bernardus Hen- drickson, Phebe^ md. Tredwell Davison, William,^ and Mary* md. Lewis Davison. in. Abigail" b. Nov. 20, 1777, md. Isaac Clowes June 18, 1791 and had no issue; he died Sept. 8, 1825 aged 69. IV. Mary« b. , md. Richard Wiggins who d. April 4, 1847. V. Sarah^ b. July 19, 1778 md. William Nichols and had Samuel/ William/ Carman/ Elisabeth^ md. Danl. Purdy, Abi- gail^ md. Wm. Thorp, Mary Sophia^ md. Lorin Workman. VI. Elisabeth^ b. md. Gilbert Dorlon and died with- out issue. VII. Samuel® b. Feb. 10, 1783, md. Ann d. of David Ellison Sept. I, 1800; (she was b. May 29, 1782) and d. Dec. 4, 1846 aged 63. Issue: William'' b. April 23, 1801 md. ist Cynthia Van Cleef Jan. 3, 1822, 2nd Ann d. of Elijah Raynor and d. Sept. 26, 1829. Richard? b. April 23, 1803, md. Rachel d. of Elijah Raynor March 9, 1822, and d. Feb. 13, 1827. Epenetus'' h. March 29, 1806 and d. Jan. 26, 1832. Lydia Ann'' b. April 18, 1809, md. ist Augustus Bache Jan. 18, 1826, who d. April 24, 1824; 2nd Wm. Philpit 1836. Mary Ann'' b. Nov. 12, 1814 md. Robt. G. Ander- son (b. March 6, 1814) March 24, 1833. Eliza'' h. Feb. i, 1817 md. Wm. B. Cropsey March 17, 1833 (Cropsey b. July 2, 1808). Charles'' b. June 8, 1819 md. Charlotte d. of Wm. Fish Feb. 1841. Emeline'' b. Nov. 8, 1821 md. Gilbert B. Miller 1838. Cynthia'' b. May 8, 1824 and d. May 1825. VIII. Richard® b. Sept. 2, 1785 md. Ann d. of Thomas Carman Jan. i, 1807 and had Mary Ann'' b. Sept. 14, 1807 md. Abraham Weekes Nov. 13, 1828. Thomas D.'' b. July 26, 1809, md. Ann d. of Oliver Denton Nov. 19, 1832 and had Adeline^ b. 1834. SamueP b. March 23, 181 1 md. Ann d. of Micah Baldwin and had Mary Ann® b. July 20, 1837 and Martin V.® b. Nov. 5, 1840. Caroline'' b. April 5, 1814, md. Joseph S. Cornwell and had Alfred C.® Isaac'' b. Aug. 9, 1816, and d. Sept. 6, 1837. Valentine'' b. Aug. 11, 1818 md. Adeline d. of James Albro. Coles'' b. May 3, 1820, md. Frances d. of Wm. Bennett. John'' b. Feb. 10, 1822 and d. May i, 1823. Richard'' h. Sept. 13, 1824 md. Elizabeth Hewlett Sept. 13, 1847. Elbert'' h. Nov. 25, 1828 and d. Oct. i, 1835. IX. Lydia® b. md. Sylvanus Sammis and had David'' md. Magdalena d. of one Birdsall. Samuel C' md. Rachel d. of Genealogies of Long Island Families 53 Henry Hentz. Mary'' md. Garret Monfort. Francis'' md. a d. of Chas. Colyer, X. John B.® b. md. Abigail d. of Saml. Seaman and had Ehenezer,^ Samuel,'' Benjamin,'' Sally Ann,'' Mary,'' Elisor- beth,'' John.'' XI. Robert M.® b. md. Louisa d. of Stephen Wood and had Lucy,'' Stephen,'' Mary,'' Elisabeth,'' William,'' Robert,'' Louisa.'' CHILDREN OF STEPHEN CARMAN' (Benjamin,* Ben- jamin,^ Benjamin,^ John^) by his four wives. 1. James^ md. Elizabeth d. of Joseph Dorlon. 2. Stephen.^ 3. Elizabeths 4. Samuel S.^ had Nelson,^ James,'^ Valentine.'' 5. Sarah^ md. Jacob Valentine. 6. Benjamin.^ 7. Mary^ md. George Weekes. 8. RacheP md. ist Thomas Lax by whom she had Isabella' md. Joseph Weekes, 2nd Samuel Downing by whom she had Sarah' md. Chas. J. Folsom and George.' Samuel Carman,' probably son of Joseph* was b. Sept. 21, 1722 and had issue: ist John,^ 2nd Benjamin,^ 3rd Lott,'^ 4th William,^ 5th Ann,^ 6th Mary.^ Of these, John^ md. Arabella d. of Samuel Pettit, who d. Feb. 20, 1838 and had Esther,' Anna,' Samuel,' Mary,' Elizabeth,' Elijah,' Sarah,' Jane.' Ben- jamin^ md. Elizabeth d. of Stephen Powell and had John.' Lott' md. Margaret d. of Joseph Hall and removed up the Hudson River. Ann^ md. Moses Cornelius. Mary^ md. Joseph Hall ist, and Sylvester Bedell" 2nd. CHILDREN OF JOHN« (Samuel,' Joseph,* Thomas^) AND ARABELLA PETTIT. 1. Esther'' md. ist Jotham Smith, 2nd William Wilson. 2. Samuel'' md. Phebe d. of John Raynor and had William' b. June 20, 1812 and md. Mary Ann d. of Elijah Mott who d. March 2, 1849; AbigaiP b. 1814 and md. James Bell Nov. 4, 1835; and Caroline® b. July 4, 1815, md. Benj. T. Smith March 27, 1833 and had Sarah Ann,® Caroline,® Augusta,® George W.® Henrietta" and Edwina.® 3. Mary"* h. March i, 1789, md. James Lush April 25, 1807, and had Maria® b. Feb. i, 1808, Sarah® b. Sept. 21, 1810, Carman' b. Sept. 23, 1813, Ann' b. Dec. 3, 1817, Julia' b. Feb. 12, 1820, William' b. Oct. 16, 1821 and d. an infant, Mary Elizabeth' b. 54 Genealogies of Long Island Families May I, 1824, md. Edward Z. Thompson July 10, 1843 ^^^ Will- iam second,* b. Sept. 8, 1826. 4. Elijah'' md. Phebe d. of John Gildersleeve and had John,* Benjamin,* Abraham,* George,* William,* Mary,* Elizabeth,* Emeline,* and Catharine.* 5. Eliza'' md. Ephraim Seaman and had Benjamin,* Maria," Sarah,* Mary,* Hewlett,* Caroline* and Charles.* 6. Sarah'' md. John Pratt and had Mary* md. Wm. Smith, Eliza* md. James Powell, Jemima* md. Jacob Nostrand, Ruth* md. John Bedell, Phebe* and John.* Joseph Carman,^ probably son of Joseph* and brother of SamueP was born Aug. 25, 1724. Samuel Carman* of Fireplace, brother to Silas* is supposed to have been the son of Caleb,^ which Caleb^ together with John,' Thomas^ (called Dumb Tom) Joseph,* SamueP and Joshua' were sons of John,^ son of John^ the emigrant. He left i. Sam- uel and 2. Hannah^ md. William Smith and had Sylvester,® Will- iam,* Lydia® (md. ist to David Floyd, 2nd to Egbert Tangier Smith) and Docea® md. Seth Smith. This branch of the family gave its name to Carman's River, which rising at Middle Island, Town of Brookhaven, flows south into the Great South Bay at Fireplace. Stephen Carman* (whose son was he?) had Joseph, Stephen (who d. unmarried) Thomas and Elizabeth who md. Gilbert Pet- tit. Joseph md. Ruth d. of John Mott.and d. about 1833 aged 70, she d. about 1838. Children: 1. Jane md. Ananias Langdon. 2. Rebecca md. Saml. Stringham. 3. Elisabeth md. John Wood. 4. Levina md. Samuel Wood. 5. Thomas d. unmarried. 6. Stephen b. 1790, md. Sarah d. of Felix Fowler. 7. Joseph b. Oct. 28, 1792 md. Marian d. of Moses Wickes 1814 and had Maria md. Henry Pearsall and Catharine md. Rob- ert Wright. 8. Hannah md. Caleb Mott. 9. Sarah md. Carman Dorlon. A reunion of the Carman family was held at Hempstead, L. I., on Nov. 4th, 1881. Some three hundred members were present and the exercises were held at Liberty Hall. For a more ex- tended account of this event see Vol. 13, page 48, N. Y. Genea- logical and Biographical Record. * According to the age and date of death of his son Joseph, he probably was a son of the third generation. RAYNOR This genealogy relates to the descendants of Edward Raynor who was one of the original settlers of Hempstead in 1644. An- other family descends from Thurston Raynor who was early at Southampton and whose descendants stuck pretty closely to the east end. Both Edward and Thurston were at Watertown Mass. before coming to Long Island. It is possible that they were re- lated and one authority states that Edward was a nephew of Thurston. The Edward Raynor family is by far the largest and most im- portant. The members have generally lived in Nassau and the western part of Suffolk County. Up to about the middle of the past century, the thriving village of Freeport in Nassau County was known as Raynortown, from the large number of the family residing there. It is said that Edward Raynor founded the set- tlement in 1659. Edward Raynor was a large landowner and a prominent man in the town. Samuel Raynor his eldest son was executor of his father's estate. The Raynors are closely related to the Carman family with whom they have frequently intermarried. Edward Raynor^ was b. at Ipswich, England in 1624 and emigrated to Watertown Mass., from whence he removed to Hempstead in 1644, when that settlement was founded. He d. in Dec. 1685 or Jan. 1686. His will was admitted to probate on Jan. 18, 1686 and his son SamueP is named as executor. Chil- dren were SamueP eldest son, Josiah" and probably several daughters. JosiAH^ had Henry,^ Amy^ and Sarah.' Samuel^ eldest son of Edward Raynor had Samuel,^ Ezekiel,' John,^ Mary^ and Martha.^ Of whom: Ezekiel^ md. his wife Amy and left the following children: Joseph,* James,* Benjamin,* Elijah,* John* and Daniel.* Of whom: I. Elijah* b. 1736 md. Rebecca as first wife and sec- ondly Mary d. of Thomas Baldwin and d. March i, 1818 aged 82. Children were : 1. Willett.» 2. Gilbert' of whom hereafter. 3. Rebecca' md. John Gildersleeve. 55 56 Genealogies of Long Island Families 4. James.' 5. Nancy' md. Benjamin Gildersleeve. 6. RacheP md. George Weekes. 7. Amy' md. Joel Smith ) . , , _ 8. Mary' md. Jacob Hubbs f ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ twms. 9. Elijah' b. 1786, md. Phebe d. of Isaac Smith and d. Feb. 6, 1835 aged 49. 10. Ezekiel' b. Feb. i, 1790, md. Nancy d. of Lewis Conk- ling March 18, 18 14. 11. Sylvanus.' II. John* md. Phebe Mollineux and d. 1786. Children were John,' Sarah,' Elizabeth,' David,' Whitehead' as follows : 1. John' md. Ruth d. of Jacob Valentine and d. June 30, 1842 aged 76 leaving: a. Phebe® md. Samuel Carman and had William/ Abigail' md. James Bell, and Caroline^ md. Benjamin T. Smith. b. Valentine® md. Maria d. of John Colder and had Charles/ Coles,^ Rushmore'^ and Amanda.'' c. Abigail® md. Joseph Carman and d. March 9, 1843 aged 47, leaving Jane/ David/ Ann/ Joseph/ Gelston/ Elizabeth/ and Susan.' d. Elizabeth® md. George Doty. e. Jacob® md. Phebe d. of Joseph Whaley and had Sarah Ann' and Eliza.' f. David® md. Sally Biggs and had Oliver' who was drowned Oct. 26, 1847 aged 24. g. William® b. Feb. 16, 181 1 md. Matilda d. of John Alle- mand in 1832. She d. Nov. 15, 1842 and he md. again Elizabeth d. of James Soper, Oct. 15, 1843 and had Josephine' and William Edgar' b. Aug. 28, 1847. 2. Sarah' md. Samuel Carman and had : a. Abigail® md. Edmund Frost* of Wheatly. b. Mary.® c. Hannah." d. Phebe.® e. Samuel Raynor® md. Sarah Ann d. of Thomas Baldwin. 3. Elizabeth' md. Samuel Mott. 4. David' b. March 11, 1772 md. Rachel d. of William Smith, Dec. 28, 1794. Children were: a. Hannah® b. March 16, 1798, md. Samuel J. Messenger in 1825 and had John,' Mary,' Lavinia' and Charlotte Elizabeth.' ♦ Son of Charles Frost* (Williams WilliamZ Williami) of Wheatly. Genealogies of Long Island Families 57 5. Whitehead^ b. Nov. 10, 1774 md. Mary d. of Samuel Sea- man, Aug. 27, 1796 and d. Jan. 21, 1845 ^S^^ 7^- His wife Mary was b. Sept. 23, 1776. Children were : a. Eliza'' b. Dec. 29, 1797, md. Joseph, son of Jacob Raynor* on March 21, 1823 and d. Feb. 6, 1825. Left Hiram H.' b. Harriet" b. March 24, 1799 md. Joseph Smith, son of Joseph, Dec. 24, 1819 and had Carman,^ Eliza,^ Mary,^ Sydney,'^ Nelson,^ and Emily. '^ c. John® b. Oct. 28, 1800 md. Jane Bijotat d. of Rev. S. Bijo- tat, Feb. 24, 1822 and had Ann Maria,'' Samuel,^ William H.,' Julia, ^ Mary,^ George. '^ d. Hiram® b. Oct. 15, 1805 md. Hannah Eliza, d. of William Summers, April i, 1830 and had Hiram M.,'' Mary,^ Eliza,^ Will- iam S.,^ and George B.'' e. SamueP b. Aug. 16, 1810 md. Sarah D., d. of William Plummer of Poughkeepsie N. Y., April 21, 1835 and had Mary S.,^ James W.,^ Eliza P.,^ William P.,^ Jane D.,^ Samuel J./ Anna N.^ HL Joseph^ b. 1728, md. April 4, 1750 Elizabeth d. of John Lester, b. May 21, 1733. He d. Dec. 29, 1812 and she on Feb. 24, 1826. Children were: Amy,^ John,^ Elijah,^ Phebe,^ Eliza- beth,^ Joseph,^ Benjamin,^ Rebecca,^ William,^ Thomas,® Sarah," Of whom: 1. Amy^ b. Aug. 2, 1750 md. Samuel Mott and had Rosetta," William.® Willet,® Elijah,® Samuel,® Benjamin,® Joseph,® Eliza- beth,® Phebe.® 2. John^ b. March 22, 1752 md. Mary d. of John Carman and had bv her Mary® and Amy.® By his second wife Rebecca d. of John Mott, he had Ruth® md. Oliver Smith, Feb. 1817, Elisha," Mott,® John,® Elizabeth® and Benjamin,® all of whom settled in the town of Brookhaven, Suffolk County. 3. Phebe^ b. Jan. 3, 1755 md. Daniel Ellison and had John," Joseph,® Nancy,® Elijah,® Thomas,® and Sarah.® 4. Elijah^ b. March 20, 1757 md. Levina d. of William Smith and d. June 2, 1844 aged 89. She d. Nov. 17, 1829 aged 61. Children were : a. Clarissa® md. her cousin Samuel Raynor® (Thomas,' Joseph,* Ezekiel,^ Samuel,^ etc.). b. Hannah® md. Henry Soper. c. Eliza® md. Henry Jackson. * Unplaced see p. 66. 58 Genealogies of Long Island Families d. Rachel® b. April 12, 1805 md. Richard Carman March g, 1822. e. Nancy' b. May 26, 1803 md. WilHam Carman. f. Martha*" md. John De Mott. 5. EHzabeth' b. Oct. 12, 1759 md. Adam Carman and had May,* she then md. Adam Smith and had Raynor Rock," Sally,' Oliver,* Gershom® and Catharine.* Raynor Rock Smith* was born Feb. 27, 1785 and his name will go down to posterity as the leader of the small band of res- cuers who saved eight lives from the wreck of the bark "Mexico" which was cast up on the beach, south of Hempstead, Jan. 2, 1837. Of a total complement of 115 souls on board the ill-fated vessel, only the above mentioned eight were saved through the heroism of Capt. Smith. A large silver cup, with an appropriate inscription was presented to the Captain by a committee of ap- preciative gentlemen from New York. Raynor Rock Smith lived at Raynortown, now Freeport. 6. Joseph^ b. Feb. 26, 1762 md. Susan d. of Amos Raynor (unplaced) and had Amos,* Elizabeth,* Stephen,* Mary,* Joseph" and Elbert* of whom hereafter. An Amos Raynor supposed to have been Amos,* was among those Long Islanders converted to Mormonism during the period of 1830-1845. He, together with many others from the town of Hempstead, left their native isle and journeyed to Nauvoo 111., and finally to Utah. The cause of this conversion and migration was the energetic preaching of Selah Lane, one of the earliest Mormon proselyters and teachers. Lane lived at Greenwich Point, Hempstead, and conducted well attended services at his house which came to be known as "the Temple" and which gave the sect their idea of the great temples or tabernacles erected at Nauvoo and Salt Lake City, so it is said. During the "thirties" of the past century, many Hempstead peo- ple left at Lane's bidding and journeyed west with him. Tradi- tion states that fully 1000 individuals from Long Island and ad- jacent territory were converted to the faith of Mormon through the efforts of Selah Lane. 7. Benjamin^ b. May 9, 1764 md. Nancy d. of Daniel Smith by whom he had Daniel,* Phebe,* John,* William,* Nancy,* Ben- jamin* and Richard* of whom hereafter. She d. Feb. 12, 1813 aged 42 and he md. again on Feb. 28, 182 1, Elizabeth d. of Arche- laus Doxy, by whom he had no issue. 8. William® b. Sept. 6, 1766 and d. aged 48, Sept. 18, 1814. 9. Rebecca® b. Jan. 10, 1769 md. Jacob Raynor (unplaced, see p. — ) and had James,* Joseph,* Jacob,* Rebecca,* Phebe," md. Jacob Bell, Elizabeth* md. Uriah Smith. Genealogies of Long Island Families 59 10. Thomas^ b. June 3, 1771 md. Ann d. of Samuel Smith, June 3, 1799. She d. Jan. 4, 1830 aged 52. Issue: a. Samuel® md. his cousin Clarissa® d. of Elijah Raynor' (Joseph,* Ezekiel,^ etc.). b. George® md. Sarah d. of Jacob Golder and d. 1844. c. Amy® md. John Edwards. d. William® md. Susan Verity. e. Phebe® md. Thomas Smith. f. Thomas® md. Marian d. of Timothy Smith. g. Joseph® md. Letty d. of Jacobus Golder. h. Elisha® md. Ruth d. of Joseph Carman. i. Nathan Holdridge® md. Frances Rheinhart and d. March 8, 1844 aged 25. j. Gelston® d. previous to 1849. 11. Sarah^ b. July 10, 1774 md. John Allen and d. May 21, 1848 aged 74. She had John,® Marinda,® Eliza,® George,® Maria' and Sarah Ann.® IV. Benjamin.* His wife's name was Mary and he lived at Hempstead South. His children were : 1. Ezekiel^ his children were: a. Daniel® b. Sept. 24, 1786, md. Phebe d. of Benjamin Ray- nor,* in 1814. For children see later. b. Menzies.® c. Ezekiel.® d. Margaret® md. Joseph Ellison. e. Sally® md. Elijah Raynor.J f . Mary® md. David Pine. 2. Lester^ md. Abigail d. of Raynor$ and had Amy,* Sarah,® Hannah® and Ann.® 3. Benjamin^ md. Hannah d. of Jacob Bedell and had Will- iam,® Lydia,® Assenah,® Sarah Ann® and Benjamin.® 4. Daniel^ b. April 16, 1745 md. Elizabeth Baldwin June 16, 1768 and d. Jan. 25, 1815. His wife was b. April 17, 1747 and d. May 3, 1827. Issue: a. Willet® b. 1769. b. Jacob® b. 1771. c. Elizabeth® b. 1773. d. John® b. 1776. e. William® b. 1782. f. Daniel® b. 1785. g. Joseph® b. 1787 ) ^^jng^ h. Benjamin® b. 1787 [ * Unplaced, see p. 67. t Unplaced. 60 Genealogies of Long Island Families 5. Menzies' b. Nov. 23, 1770, md. Rebecca d. of Dr. Daniel Bontecou July 5, 1795 and had Miriam Powell,® Caroline Starr," Daniel Bontecou,® d. previous to Aug. 1842, Benjamin Lester," William Charles,® d. previous to Aug. 1842, Daniel Olcott,® Re- becca Bontecou,^ Menzies,® Mary Martha,® Jane Elizabeth Barry," William Charles® and Cornelia Shelton® d. previous to Aug. 1842. Rev. Menzies Rayner was an eminent divine who during his lifetime wrote and published many religious books, some of which enjoyed a very extensive sale. Thompson in his "History of Long Island" speaking of them says : "All bear intrinsic evi- dence of sincerity, moderation, intelligence and industry." His greatest work was done among the Universalists and he is considered to have been one of the most important preachers of that faith. Before joining this society he had been allied with the Methodists and Episcopalians successively. From a perusal of his sermons, many of which were published, we see that he was master of a direct and efifective style of composition and no doubt of delivery. He was never at a loss to make his meaning clear to his listeners and have them feel the emotions stirring his own breast. At a period when some pastors felt that an involved style spelled excessive knowledge, his method of preaching and conducting services was no doubt appreciated and has evidently contributed to his fame. The following sketch of his life and work was written by Mr. Rayner himself and forwarded, by re- quest, to Thompson for use in his "History of Long Island." There the reader will find a condensed transcript of it, but here it is given in its entirety for the first time. In sending the ac- count Mr. Rayner says : "I send you, after so long delay, the account concerning my- self which you desired. You can make such use of it as you choose — if it is not too late. It will be seen, I believe, that I have not been entirely idle, and if in any instance or in any way, I have contributed tO' the promotion of truth and virtue among my fellow beings, it is what I have sincerely and constantly desired." REV. MENZIES RAYNER'S ACCOUNT OF HIS LIFE Rev. Menzies Rayner, Son of Benjamin and Mary Rayner, was born at Hempstead-South, Long Island, Nov. 23, 1770. He obtained his education, principally under the direction of private Instructors and at different periods. When very young he be- came a member of the Methodist Society, and at the age of nearly 21 years, he was admitted as a Preacher in the travelling con- nection of that denomination, by the Conference then holding its session in the city of New York. Two years after this he was Genealogies of Long Island Families 61 ordained in said Methodist connection, in the Town of Lynn, Mass — by Francis Asbury, Bishop — so called — of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States. After this he continued a travelling Preacher in said denomination, nearly three years, when receiving an invitation to settle in the Protestant Episcopal Church in Elisabeth Town, New Jersey, he accepted the same, and was, accordingly ordained as Minister of said Church (first Deacon, and subsequently Priest) by the Right Reverend Bishop Provost, of New York. He continued Pastor of that Church about six years, when receiving a call from the Episcopal Church in Hartford, Conn — he removed thither, and remained Rector of that Church about ten years. (During his residence there he preached occasionally at Warehouse Point, in East Windsor, and also in Glastenbury, and formed an Episcopal Society in each of those places.) He then, in compliance with an invitation, re- moved to the town of Huntington, Conn., where he became Rec- tor of the two Parishes of Huntington, and New Stratford, (since named Monroe.) Here he remained sixteen years when having after careful inquiry and examination, embraced the doc- trine of Universal Salvation — he received a call to become Pastor of the Universalist Church and Society in Hartford, Conn. — (then vacant by the removal of the Rev. Mr. Bisbee) to which place he removed Nov. ist, 1828 — just sixteen years from the time he before left it. He continued Pastor of the U. Society in Hartford about four years, when, at the solicitation of the U. Society in Portland, Maine (left vacant by the death of the Rev, Mr. Bisbee) he removed to that town, (now city) where he re- mained about four years, — with the exception of four or five months of the latter part of that time, which he spent at the South, in Virginia and North Carolina — preaching almost daily in different sections in those States. Soon after his return, he was invited to visit Troy, N. Y., where, not long afterwards, he removed, in which place, and at Lansingburgh — three miles above — he remained about four years more — preaching also, part of the time at Schenectady, Fort Ann, and Hartford, N. Y. In the latter part of August 1840 he removed to the city of New York — where he had two sons residing. Here he ministered about a year as Pastor pro-tem, to the Universalist Society in Bleeker Street, which had recently been left vacant by the re- moval of Rev. Mr. Le Fevre, who is now Pastor of the U. Society in Hudson. His residence is still in New York, where he of- ficiates alternately to the fifth Universalist Society in this city, and to the U. Society in Newark, New Jersey, the Rev. Mr. Hal- lock supplying said Societies in like manner. Rev. Mr. Raynor was married at Enfield, Ct. July 5th, 1795, to Rebecca Bontecou, a daughter of Dr. Daniel Bontecou, of New 62 Genealogies of Long Island Families Haven; by whom (and who is still living) he has had twelve children — six sons and six daughters — nine of them viz. four sons and five daughters are living — their names are the follow- ing, Miriam Powell, Caroline Starr, Daniel Bontecou, (deceased) Benjamin Lester, William Charles, (deceased) Daniel Olcott, Rebecca Bontecou, Menzies, Mary Martha, Jane Elizabeth Barry, William Charles, and Cornelia Shelton, (deceased). His publications — all upon the subject of Theology, — have been considerably numerous — though none of them are very large. While situated in the Episcopal Church in Huntington, Ct., he published, in the year 1818, a small duodecimo volume, of 210 pages, entitled "A Catechism of the Bible," which has been very generally approved, and considerably used as a Sunday school book. Soon after this — during a season of great religious excite- ment, he published a small 18 mo work, entitled "A Dissertation upon Extra ordinary awakenings, or Religious Stirs," etc., etc. — the first edition of which 1500 copies, was sold within a few eke, and another edition of 3000 copies was printed and pub- lished at Hudson, N. Y. During his ministry at Huntington he also wrote and published several Pamphlets — Reviews — Sermons, etc. among which was "A Review of a sermon on Regeneration by Rev. Mr. Taylor, of New Haven;" and also a Review of a sermon by Dr. Tyler — then of Southbury Ct, on the Persever- ce of the Saints — (highly Calvinistic). This Review was re- plied to by Dr. Tyler, and which Mr. Rayner followed by another review, in a pamphlet of 60 pages, which closed the controversy. He also published, while in Huntington, a pamphlet of between 30 and 40 pages entitled "The Force of Prejudice," etc. During his residence in Hartford, as a Universalist Minister, he edited and published a weekly Paper, called "The Religious Inquirer" — the Rev. Mr. Paige, of Springfield, Mass. being assis- tant Editor, a part of the time. While in Portland he edited as- sisted by Rev. Mr. Brimblecom, a weekly Paper called "The Chris- tian Pilot." While resident Minister of the Universalist Society in Portland, he delivered several courses of Lectures upon dif- ferent subjects, among which were nine Lectures on the Parable of the "Rich Man and Lazarus," which soon after were published in a volume, by Marsh, Capon and Lyon, Boston. Another course was on "Revivals of Religion" — Protracted meetings, anxious- seats, etc., with their accompaniments and results — with a de- scription of a true revival of Religion. These lectures were six in number, and which were published, first in the "Christian Pilot," and then in a small i8mo volume, and extensively circu- lated. While in Portland he also published a Review of a Mis- sionary Sermon by Dr. Tyler — then Minister of a Congregational Society in the city. Here also he commenced a work entitled Genealogies of Long Island Families 63 "The Universalist Manual or Book of Prayers and other Religious Exercises" etc., which he completed while residing in Troy and Lansingburgh, comprising 286 pages and which was Stereotyped in New York, and several editions published, by P. Price, No. 130, Fulton Street. 6. Mordecai^ b. Aug. 12, 1773 md. Letty d. of Jonathan Baldwin, May 6, 1796. She was b. June 25, 1778. He d. Sept. 6, 1826 aged 53. For his children see hereafter. CHILDREN OF DANIEL RAYNOR« (Ezekiel,» Benja- min,* Ezekiel,^ Samuel,^ Edward^) and Phebe Raynor* his Wife, daughter of Benjamin Raynor. I. Jane^ b. Sept. 17, 1815 and md. Benjamin Smith in 1835. II. Hannah^ b. Jan. 23, 1817, md. Jacob Smith in 1834. III. Rebecca^ b. Feb. 28, 18 19. IV. Elizabeth^ b. Sept. 11, 1821. V. Margaref b. Dec. 20, 1823, md. George W. House, Feb. II, 1843. CHILDREN OF BENJAMIN RAYNOR' (Joseph,* Eze- kiel,' Samuel,^ Edward^) and Nancy Smith his wife. I. Daniel" b. Oct. 28, 1791 md. Mary Ann d. of Daniel Bedell, April 13, 1820 and had : 1. Edward^ b. Oct. 15, 1821, md. Ann Catharine d. of Daniel Doty, who d. Feb. 11, 1846 leaving Bedell D.,^ b. Aug. 25, 1843. 2. Elizabeth^ b. Feb. 7, 1823 md. Samuel Carman Nov. 9, 1842 and had Bergen R.* b. Aug. 14, 1846. Bergen R. Carman lived at Hempstead on Fulton St. near Franklin. His son Charles Carman" md. Susan Paynter of Hempstead and took part in the Spanish-American War. He resides on Hilton Ave., Hempstead and is President of the Empire State Bag Co. of Brooklyn, N. Y. 3. John^ b. April 20, 1824. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 William^ b. April 13, 1826. Mott^ b. Jan. 3, 1828. Matilda^ b. Sept. 16, 1829 and d. Sept. 24, 1836. Alanson'^ b. March 2, 1832. Francis^ b. Sept. 3, 1834. Amanda^ b. April 19, 1838. Ellen^ b. Nov. 3, 1841. * Unplaced, see p. 67. 64 Genealogies of Long Island Families II. Phebe® b. Nov. 27, 1794 and md. John Simonson, Feb. 10, 181 1. Issue: I. Nancy.'' Hannah.'' William.' John.^ Warren'' b. Aug. 9, 1824. Wellington^ b. Aug. 6, 1827. Ann Augusta^ b. March 8, 1837. III. William^ b. Jan. i, 1796 and d. Feb. 13, 1826, aged 30. IV. JoHN° b. April 3, 1798 md. Maria and had Mary Jane^ who d. March 8, 1843 ^g^d 16. V. Elizabeth® b. Sept. 8, 1800. VI. Nancy® b. Nov. 10, 1802. VII. Benjamin® b. Feb. 28, 1807 and md. Fanny, widow of Nathan H. Raynor,$ who d. July 8, 1847 aged 29 and on Feb. 8, 1848 he md. Mary Ann Southard.* VIII. Richard® b. May 25, 1810 and d. aged 11, Oct. 22, 1821. CHILDREN OF JOSEPH RAYNOR' (Joseph," Ezekiel,» Samuel,^ Edward^) and Susan Raynor his wife, daughter of Amos Raynor.$ I. Amos® md. Sarah d. of Adam Carman and had Stephen.' Susan/ Oliver,^ Joseph,^ Charles' and Richard.'' His second wife was Sarah d. of James Lewis. See mention of Amos Raynor' on page . II. Elizabeth® md. William Soper and had Susan,' Joseph,' Mary,' Ann' and Elliot.' III. Stephen® md. Amy d. of Adam Smith and had Ann/ Sally,' Maria' and Gilbert.' IV. Mary® did not marry. V. Joseph® b. Oct. 9, 1798 md. Nancy d. of David Smith in 1820 and had Emeline,' Sydney,' Mary Elizabeth,' Ann Amelia,' Louisa' and Elbert.' * A descendant of Thomas Southard who was at Hempstead in 1670. Hon. Samuel L. Southard the statesman, was of this family. X Unplaced. Genealogies of Long Island Families 65 VI. Elbert® did not marry, Gilbert Raynor^ (Elijah,* Ezekiel,^ Samuel,^ Edward*) md. Sarah d. of Amos Raynor* and d. April 2, 1822 aged 66 and his widow d. Aug. 19, 1835 aged 63. Children were: I. Gilbert® d. July 16, 1833 aged 26. II. Elizabeth® md. Hamilton Matthews, Dec. 1831. III. William® was living in 1849. CHILDREN OF MORDECAI RAYNOR' (Benjamin* Ezekiel* SamueP Edward*) and Letty Baldwin his wife. I. Rebecca® b. Jan. 24, 1798, md. Peter C. Bell Feb. 9, 1814 and had : 1. Caroline'' b. Dec. 6, 1814, md. Abraham Burroughs, March 11, 1835. 2. James I./ b. March 12, 1816, md. Abigail d. of Samuel Carman Nov. 4, 1835. 3. Benjamin Lester'' b. Feb. 17, 1818 and d. April 9, 1840. 4. William Riley^ b. Oct. 13, 1819 and d. Oct. 6, 1820. 5. Mordecai R.'^ b. March 14, 1821 and d. Nov. 18, 1821. 6. Letty^ b. April 23, 1822 and d. Oct. 1823. 7. Elizabeth^ b. Nov. 27, 1823 and d. Oct. 14, 1825. 8. John Fletcher^ b. Sept. 24, 1826. 9. Mary Ann^ b. Jan. 27, 1829. 10. Peter C.,'' b. Feb. 16, 1837 and d. Feb. 25, 1837. II. Benjamin Riley® b. July 28, 1799 and md. Jane Chap- man. Children : III. Phebe® b. May 14, 1801 md. Lawrence HaflF and sec- ondly Kirk Baker. IV. Letty Celina® b. Oct. 30, 1804 and md. Jedediah Chapman. V. Nancy® b. Oct. 29, 1806 md. Edward Worden. VI. Mary Ann® b. March 17, 181 1 md. Moses Hart. VII. Cornelia® b. Aug. 3, 181 3 md. Ambrose George and had: 1. Mordecai R.^ 2. Mary Eliza.^ 3. Charles Edward.' * Unplaced. 66 Genealogies of Long Island Families 4. Thomas Jefferson.^ 5. Cornelia Elizabeth.' 6. Susan Hinchman.' 7. Emily.'' VIII. SusAN^ b. Aug. 26, 1816 md. Benjamin Hinchman. IX. Martha Margaret" b. Dec. i, 1818 md. Moses Bedell. X. MoRDECAi Lester® b. Feb. 21, 1822. XI. William Henry^ b. April 9, 1825. The following line is that of a Joseph Rayngr whom it is impossible to place, with the data available to the compiler. That he is a descendant of Edward Raynor^ is certain, but what generation or whose son he was, it is impossible to find out. It is hoped that some reader can supply the missing link. It is be- lieved that he was among the fourth generation. Joseph Raynor had the following children : I. James md. Hannah Carman and d. without issue, in 1824. II. Joseph. III. Jacob md. Rebecca'' d. of Joseph Raynor* (Ezekiel," Samuel,^ Edward^) and had issue: 1. Phebe md. Jacob Bell. 2. Eliza md. Uriah Smith. 3. James b. Dec. 21, 1792 md. Almira d. of Elijah Sprague Dec. 13, 1824 and d. Oct. 15, 1846. 4. Joseph md. Eliza® d. of Whitehead Raynor' (John,* Eze- kiel,' Samuel,^ Edward^). 5. Jacob md. Rebecca . IV. Thomas. V. Zebulon md. Watts and had : 1. Phebe. 2. Micajah. 3. Thomas. VI. Micajah b. 1756 md, Sarah Arthur widow of Jesse Baldwin and d. aged 89, Dec. 23, 1845. Issue: I. Micajah b, April 1800 md. Ruth d. of Jonathan Baldwin and had : Genealogies of Long Island Families 67 a. Piatt A., b. May 2, 1824, md. Sarah d. of William Simon- son, b. Sarah Ann b. Sept. 10, 1826. c. Andrew B. b. Sept. 14, 1828. d. William b. Sept. 8, 1830. e. Frances b. April 10, 1833. f. John H. b. July 31, 1838. 2. Fanny b. July 28, 1802 md. Sylvanus Bedell Feb. 4, 1822 and had : a, Jane Ann, b, John. c, Elbert, Joel and Isaac Raynor were brothers, but who their father was or what generation it is impossible to state by means of data available to the compiler. They were evidently descendants of Edward.^ Joel Raynor md. Abigail d. of James Smith and had : I. Benjamin b. 1772 md. Rebecca d. of Green Carrier, Sept. 1797, who was b, Aug. 17, 1771. Issue: 1. Phebe b. 1798 md. Daniel Raynor' (Ezekiel,' Benjamin,* Ezekiel,^ SamueP). 2. Hewlett b. Jan. 15, 1801. 3. Morrell b. Jan. 18, 1804 and d. 1810, 4. Andrus b. 1806 d. 1826. 5. Harriet b. Aug. 12, 1811 md. John Kellum May 28, 1831. 6. Emeline b. May 11, 1821, Isaac Raynor had : I, Isaac. II. John, HI, Smith d. Oct. 16, 1847 aged 63, Issue: I. Jeremiah d. July 27, 1848. RUSHMORE This family is essentially a Nassau County clan although members have scattered in all directions. The name is still found at Hempstead and other places on Long Island. Thomas Rushmore^ born in England, was a blacksmith by trade and settled at Hempstead about 1648 and died there in 1682 aged 73. He married Martha Hicks by whom he had Thomas," Jacob^ and John^ — also several daughters. Thomas Rushmore^ md. Sarah and is mentioned as of Hempstead in 1698. Children were: Thomas,^ John,^ Sarah,' Ann,3 Martha.' John Rushmore^ md. Mary d. of John Carman and had Car- man,^ John,^ Thomas,' Elizabeth' and possibly others. This John^ is supposed to be identical with Ensign John Rushmore of the Hempstead militia in 1665. Elizabeth' md. Gilbert Lawrence in 1761 and had a son John* b. 1763 who was father of Gilbert,^ Andrew,® James,® Elizabeth' and Martha Lawrence.® Carman Rushmore' eldest son of John,^ was b. 1725, d. Oct. 30, 1812 aged 87. Hannah his wife b. 1729, died the same day as her husband, without issue, aged 83. Thomas Rushmore' third son of John* md. Ruth Bedell and d. about 1792 leaving William* b. Oct. 14, 1744; John* b. 1751, d. unmd. Nov. 26, 1838 aged 87; and Abigail* who md. a Bryant. William Rushmore* (Thomas,' John^) b. Oct. 14, 1744, md. Mary d. of Benjamin Carman and d. Aug. 4, 1796 aged 51. His wife who was b. in 1755, survived him and md. William Locey and d. Jan. 26, 1834, aged 79. Children were: I. Abigail® b. 1775 md. Adam Mott and had Mary' and William.^ n. Thomas® b. Sept. 30, 1779, md. Jane d. of Samuel Sea- man and d. aged 47, Dec. 4, 1826 leaving Lewis,* William," Lorenzo Dow,® Samuel,® Stephen,® Elbert,® Thomas,® Eliza- beth® and Sarah.® Of these Lewis Rushmore® was a vestryman of St. George's Episcopal church at Hempstead from 1834 to i860. Lorenzo D.® was a clergyman and resided at Hempstead. HL Carman® b. Jan. 4, 1783, md. Ruth d. of Reuben Pine, May 24, 1800 and d. March 30, 1832 aged 49. She was b. March 69 70 Genealogies of Long Island Families I, 1782. Issue: John,** Mary,« Milly,^ Ann,*' Rachel/ Eliza Jane," Benjamin C.,*' Hannah" and Mary Rebecca." IV. Benjamin^ b. April 17, 1785 md. first, Sarah d. of David Sammis, Feb. 16, 1809. She was b. Dec. 28, 1789 and d. Sept. 17, 1812 aged 22, leaving Martha" b. June 7, 1810, md. William Ben- nett in 1837, and had William'^ and Sydney.'^ He md. second, Elizabeth d. of Samuel and Sally Clowes, Feb. 14, 1816. She was b. Nov. 12, 1796 and had issue: Sarah Elizabeth" b. July 17, 1817, md. Joseph Hall in 1836; Benjamin Franklin" b. Aug. 8, 1820, md. Catharine d. of Thomas Tredwell, Feb. 29 ,1848 and was Sheriff of Queens County 1876-79; Cornelia S.," b. Dec. 26, 1826 and d. May 12, 1828; Caroline" b. March 16, 1829; Henry Edgar" b. Nov. 7, 1834 and d. April 2, 1841 ; Edwin" b. Aug. 7, 1824 and Harriet Antoinette" b. June 29, 1838 and d. April 7, 1839. Benjamin Rushmore^ was Town Clerk of Hempstead, 1834-40. V. Ann^ md. Gilbert Hutchings and d. June 20, 1838 leav- ing Rushmore," George" and Hamilton." VI. RuTii^ md. Israel Hutchings and d. leaving William.^ VII. William^ b. April 14, 1793 md. first Rebecca d. of Thomas Gould, Oct. 27, 1812. She was b. Oct. 23, 1794 and d. Dec. 18, 1828 leaving Emeline," Cornelia," Ann," William C," Mary," Thomas L.," and George." He md. second Huldah E., d. of Jones and widow of Rev. Wm. Ross. She was b. Oct. 28, 1795 and was md. Dec. 3, 1829. She had Henrietta R.," and Charles." Of these children : 1. Emeline" b. Dec. 3, 1814, md. Isaac H. Herbert, April 30, 1832 who d. March 6, 1846 leaving Charles Augustus'^ b. Oct. 25, 1833; Maria Louisa^ b. Feb. 25, 1836; William Fisk^ b. Sept. 17, 1838; George Rushmore'^ b. Jan. 31, 1841 ; Truman Post^ b. June 15, 1844 and d. June 4, 1845; Isaac Hand'' b. Feb. 12, 1846. 2. Cornelia Ann" b. Oct. 14, 1816, md. J. Sands, Aug. 18, 1836 who d. Dec. i, 1840 leaving issue, Ann Louisa'^ b. Oct. i, 1837 and Rebecca Jane'' b. April 5, 1839. 3. William C," b. Oct. 8, 1818, md. Henrietta d. of John Dikeman, March 11, 1841 and had William H.,'' b. May 16, 1842 and John Dikeman'' b. Sept. 5, 1845. 4. Mary" b. July 24, 1820. 5. Thomas L.," b. Dec. 2, 1822, md. Eliza V., d. of Samuel H. Moser, Nov. 25, 1845 and had Samuel Moser^ b. May 26, 1847. 6. George" b. Dec. 24, 1827 and d. Aug. 2, 1846 aged 18. Genealogies of Long Island Families 71 7. Henrietta R.," b. Dec. 6, 1830. 8. Charles'' b. Feb. 28, 1833. CHILDREN OF THOMAS^ (William,* Thomas,^ John^) RUSHMORE AND JANE SEAMAN, HIS WIFE. 1. Lewis" b. Oct. 11, 1799, md. Mary d. of Benjamin Sea- man. He was a vestryman of St. George's Episcopal Church, Hempstead, from 1834 to i860. 2. William'^ b. Aug. 21, 1801, md. Susan d. of Job Ireland and had Caroline.'^ 3. SamueP b. July 29, 1803 and d. Jan. 19, 1813. 4. Lorenzo Dow'^ b. July 30, i8c6, md. Ann d. of David Gil- dersleeve, Sept. 1826 and had William T.'' b. May 21, 1827; Mer- win^ b. Sept. 15, 1834; Emily'' b. March 25, 1837; and William Fisk'^ b. March 13, 1839. 5. Elbert" b. April 22, 1809, md. Sarah Francis d. of Amos Fanning of Albany N. Y., Oct. 11, 1836 and had Adeline Jane^ b. Oct. 24, 1839 ai^d Mary Elizabeth^ b. June 19, 1846. 6. Elizabeth" b. Nov. 24, 181 1, md. John S. Seabury, Dec. 30, 1834 and had Harriet H.,^ Elizabeth E.^ and Jane A.'' 7. Sarah" b. March 22, 1814, md. John French and had Sarah,^ Jane'' and John.'' 8. Stephen" b. July 23, 1817 md. Margaret d. of Butler and has Eliza.'' 9. Thomas" b. June 6, 1820 md. Mary d. of Robert Francis June 21, 1846 and had a child b. in 1847. CHILDREN OF CARMAN RUSHMORE^ (William* Thomas^ John^) AND RUTH PINE HIS WIFE. 1. John" b. Dec. 29, 1801, md. Martha d. of Thomas Gould Jan. 20, 1828. She was b. June 6, 1799 and had Edward C' b. Feb. 10, 1839 and Cornelia'' b. May 21, 1837. 2. Mary" b. Nov. 9, 1803 and d. March 5, 1816. 3. Milly" b. Dec. 6, 1816. 4. Ann" b. Aug. 26, 1809 and md. Samuel Snedeker Aug. 26, 1847. 5. Rachel" b. April 7, 1812. 6. Eliza Jane" b. Nov. 24, 1814. 7. Benjamin C." b. May 20, 1807. 8. Hannah" b. Aug. 19, 1820 and d. Feb. 9, 1837 aged 16. 9. Mary Rebecca" b. April 3, 1825, Thomas Rushmore,^ son of Thomas,^ md. Anakee Hendrick- son and had the following children : 72 Genealogies oe Long Island Families I. Martha* b. Sept. 14, 1716 and d. young. II. Jacob* b. Aug. 3, 1720 md. Mary Mott and had a son James' who settled and died at Half Hollows May 9, 1823 aged 78. His son Jacob^ d. July 7th, 1824 aged 56 leaving only a daughter. Jacob Rushmore's* wife d. May 5, 1765 and he md. again Deborah d. of John Whitson May 25, 1766 and had: 1. Jacob* md. Esther d. of Arthur Dingee, July 31, 1794. She d. Dec. 23, 1818 leaving Mary^ who md. Alfred Grossman. 2. John* removed to Livingston County N. Y., and had one son and two daughters. 3. Deborah.* III. Sarah* b. Oct. i, 1722, md. Daniel Cock* of Mosquito Cove (now Glen Cove) on April 27, 1748 as second wife. She d. before 1765 leaving Sarah* who was b. at Mosquito Cove, March 6, 1749, md. Jacob Coles June 7, 1765 and d. at Mosquito Cove of yellow fever in 1798. IV. Thomas* b. Jan. i, 1724 and d. a young man. V. Silas* b. May 20, 1727 md. Phebe d. of Jacob Titus, Feb. 3, 1753, and settled in Ulster Co. N. Y. He had Samuel,' Jacob,* Jeremiah,* Martha,* Sarah* and Mary*. Of these Sarah' md. Richard Weekes of Cedar Swamp and had Hannah,® Eliza- beth,® Phebe,® Sarah,® Rachel,® Freelove,® Ann,® Martha,® Mary," Richard,® Silas,® Samuel® and James.® VI. Stephen* b. Jan. 5, 1731 and d. young. VII. Isaac* b. Feb. 8, 1733 and d. Aug. 16, 1779 of whom hereafter. VIII. Phebe* b. Feb. 22, 1736 and d. young. IX. Benjamin* b. Sept. 4, 1738 md. Jemima Coles and d. Dec. 13, 1820 aged 82. His wife d. July 24, 1819 aged 78. He lived at Cedar Swamp and during the Revolution suffered through British depredations. Children were : 1. Charles* b. 1772, md. Elizabeth d. of Jacob and Martha Willets June 2, 1796 and d. without issue Oct. 8, 1817 aged 44. His wife d. March 18, 1836 aged 64. 2. Coles* b. 1770 and d. March 25, 1825 aged 55. 3. Elisabeth* b. June 6, 1774 md. Samuel Prior and d. Nov. 29, 1798. Her d. Mary® b. August 14, 1797 md. Willet Underbill and d. Oct. 11, 1827. * Daniel Cock (John.z Jamesi) b. at Matinecock, Oct. 5, 1699, d. 1771. His first wife was Levine, widow of John Carman and d. of Daniel Coombes ; his third wife was Susannah d. of Richard Youngs. Genealogies of Long Island Families 73 X. Jemima* b. March 17, 1741, and d. young, Isaac Rush more* (Thomas^ Thomas^ Thomas^) was b. Feb. 8. 1733 and d. Aug. 16, 1779 aged 46. He md. Sarah d. of Edmund Titus who was b. Oct. 27, 1735 and d. June 19, 1775. He Hved at Cedar Swamp and followed the trade of a black- smith. During the Revolution he suffered from British depre- dations. Children were : I. Phebe^ b. Feb. 18, 1758, md. Silas Downing, Feb. 10, 1777 and d. July 26, 1843 aged 85. He d. April 16, 1822 aged 74. Children were : 1. Isaac^ b. July 25, 1779 and d. Jan. 30, 1847. 2. Stephen^ b. June i, 1783 and d. March 3, 1844. 3. Phebe*' b. Sept. 17, 1789 and d. Nov. 29, 1824. 4. Sarah^ b. March 23, 1793. II. Mary^ b. Feb. 11, 1760, md. Charles Frost* son of William and Jemima Frost on Feb. 10, 1780 at Oyster Bay, who was b. Feb. 18, 1750 d. March 9, 1820. She d. April 28, 1837. Charles Frost lived at Matinecock and later at Wheatly where he owned land on west side of highway from Cedar Swamp to Wheatly, — also salt meadows at Hempstead South. This was his second marriage, his first wife being Esther d. of William and Dinah Cock, whom he md. in 1773 and by whom he had one child Jemima b. Feb. 24, 1774 d. July 28, 1835 and who was md. thrice, to Isaac Titus, Stephen Cock and Edward M. McDermott. Charles and Mary (Rushmore) Frost had the following children: 1. Isaac® b. March 9, 1783 md. Hannah d. of Amos and Amy Whitson of Huntington, Dec. 23, 1807 at Bethpage, who was b. April 24, 1784 and d. Dec. 14, 1858. He d. May 18, 1810. Children : a. Amy^ d. July 26, 1863. b. Isaac^ d. Aug. i, 1837. 2. Esther® b. Nov, 27, 1784 and d. Nov. 27, 1801. 3. Phebe® b. May 7, 1786 md. Nov. 21, 1810 Samuel R., s. of Samuel and Abigail Titus, who was b. April 14, 1787 and d. July II, 1852. She d. Sept. 14, 1854. Children: a. Charles Frost^ b. July 2, 181 5 md. 1843, Mary F. Burling. b. Jacob^ b. March 24, 18 13, md. 1844, Elizabeth Townsend. ♦ Son of William^ WilliamZ William 1. Lived at Matinecock and Wheatly. This was second marriage, first wife being Esther Cock by whom he had Jemima md. Isaac Titus, second Stephen Cock, third Edward M. McDermott. 74 Genealogies of Long Island Families c. Robert^ b. April 13, 1819 md. 1850, Hannah Bird widow of Tucker. 4. Edmund® b. March 4, 1788 md. Abigail Carman d. of Samuel and Sarah Carman and d. March 28, 1842. 5. Stephen*' b. Feb. 7, 1791 md. Feb. 11, 1815, Phebe d. of James and Hannah Craft, b. April 30, 1793, d. Aug. 30, 1824. He d. Jan. 22, 1829. Children : a. Isaac C./ b. Jan. 10, 1819, md. Jan. 4, 1844 Phebe Jane d. of Stephen and Leah Miller of Brooklyn. D. Oct. 7, 1858. They had Stephen^ b. Jan. 5, 1847 ^- Feb. 26, 1849 buried at Friends Cemetery, Prospect Park, Brooklyn; David M.^ b. July II, 1849; William H.,^ b. Dec. 4, 1852. Isaac C.^ with his family moved from Westbury in 1833, evidently to Brooklyn, N. Y. 6. Sarah® b. March 11, 1793 md. June 21, 1815 Stephen s. of James and Amy Mott, who was b. March 19, 1793 d. Sept. 23, 1873. She d. Jan. 20, 1864. Children: a. Mary Frost^ b. Aug. 13, 1817 md. Daniel D. Wright. b. Lydia P.^ b. July 29, 182 1 md. William M. Valentine. c. Valentine^ b. March i, 1824. 7. Charles® b. Nov. 9, 1795 md. May 22, 1821 Martha d. of Timothy and Margaret Titus, who was b. June 22, 1800 and d. Nov. 23, 1889. He lived at Wheatly and Post Washington and d. May 18, 1882. Children: a. Esther^ b. Nov. 29, 1822 d. March 23, 1885. b. Jacob T.'' b. Dec. 27, 1823 md. Lucy J. Keene. c. Edward T.,^ b. March 29, 1827 md. Pamela Brown. d. Stephen'' b. June 19, 1829 md. Sarah J. Pine. e. Timothy^ b. Oct. 9, 1831 d. Oct. 7, 1861 unmd. f. Anna Maria'' b. Nov. 24, 1833 d. young. g. William^ b. Sept. 24, 1846 md. first Caroline Jarvis, sec- ond, Phebe Hyde. h. Margaret T.,^ md. Stephen T. Vilsor. i. Catharine M.,^ b. Aug. 5, 1842 md. Dec. 31, 1863 Levi Munson b. Feb. 16, 1839, a farmer of Port Washington. Chil- dren were Caroline^ b. Nov. 22, 1864 a schoolteacher at N. Y. City; Walter^ b. April 6, 1866 living at N. Y. City; Frances H.,» b. Feb. 19, 1868 d. Sept. 17, 1868; Amelia* b. Oct. 8, 1870 lives at Westbury L. I; Kate* b. Dec. 3, 1872 lives at Westbury L. I; Mary T.,* b. April 3, 1875 lives at Westbury ; Martha F.,* b. Feb, 25, 1879 ^ives at Westbury; Francis Q.,® b. March 9, 1882 lives at Port Washington. j. Sarah M.,^ b. Dec. 29, 1845 ^^- Stephen T. Vilsor. 8. William® b. Jan. 13, 1798 d. unmd. Aug. 18, 1869. 9. Mary® b. Nov. 27, 1801 md. Joseph Hubbs. Genealogies of Long Island Families 75 III. Stephen^ b. May i, 1763 md. Phebe d. of Thomas Townsend on Feb. 7, 1787, who was b. Nov. 23, 1767. They lived at Westbury and had the following children : 1. Isaac" b. May 19, 1788, md. Lydia d. of Edmund Post who d. July II, 1841. Children were: a. Stephen^ md. Matilda d. of John Powell and had Edward' and John Howard^ who md. Julia d. of David and Julia Barker. b. Edmond.^ 2. Sarah*' b. Sept. 10, 1790 md. John D. Hicks on Jan. 29, 1812 and d. March 15, 1893. He was b. March 20, 1791 and d. Oct. 10, 1829. Children were : a. Lydia^ b. Feb. 13, 1813. b. Isaac^ b. March 7, 181 5. c. Phebe^ b. July 16, 1817 and d. Jan. 24, 1821. d. Samuel^ b. June 28, 1820. e. Stephen R./ b. Feb. 18, 1823. f. Valentine^ b. Feb. 5, 1826. -^ g. John D.^ b. Nov. 18, 1828. 3. Townsend" b. Aug. 25, 1792, md. Jan. 29, 1824 Amy d. of Samuel and Rachel Willis, who was b. Nov. 12, 1797. Children were: a. Esther L.,^ b. May 13, 1825, md. Robert W. Titus on Sept. 5, 1844 and had Emily^ b. Feb. 12, 1846. b. Maria^ b. April 22, 1827. c. RacheF b. March 11, 1830. d. Isaac W.,'^ b. Jan. 20, 1832. e. Phebe^ b. April 13, 1834. f. SamueP b. Nov. 12, 1836. g. Henry^ b. Oct. 25, 1838. h. William Townsend'' b. May 29, 1841. 4. Mary" b. July 13, 1794 md. Edmund Post Jr. who d. leaving : a. Henry^ md. Elisabeth d. of John Wood. b. Robert.'^ c. Lydia.'' d. Stephen.'' e. Edmund.'' 5. Jane" b. July 8, 1796 md. Valentine son of William Willis, Nov. 6, 1817 and had: a. Letitia^ md. Charles W. Allis. b. Phebe.' c. Mary.'' d. Sarah.'' 76 Genealogies of Long Island Families 6. Thomas' b. March i, 1799 md. Jane d. of Oliver Valen- tine and had: a. Elizabeth,^ b. Stephen T/ 7. Phebe^ b. June 10, 1803 md. Isaac R. Gifford and had: a. William,'' b. Hannah.^ c. Robert.^ d. Sarah Jane.'^ IV. Jane' b. Dec. 4, 1768 md. Jan. 7, 1790 Lewis Valentine. Children were: 1. Jacob® b. Dec. 13, 1790. 2. Isaac' b. Nov. 11, 1792. 3. Silas b. July 10, 1794. 4. Stephen b. Aug. 18, 1796. V. Edmund' b. Nov. 27, 1771 and d. June 17, 1782. SATTERLY Among the original proprietors of Brookhaven in 1656 was William Satterly^ who with John Moger and Samuel Dayton, was drowned in Long Island Sound sometime between 1677 and 1680, in returning from Milford Conn., where they had been for the purpose of having their own and their neighbor's grain ground into flour as was the practise of that day before the erection of a mill in Brookhaven. Their hats were found washed ashore on the beach but their bodies were never recovered. William Sat- terly^ was a man of considerable wealth and possessed silver household utensils which were exceedingly rare in those days. He is supposed to be one of three brothers who came from Cheshire, England, the other two settling in Connecticut and the southern part of the United States respectively. This is the opinion held by the older generations of the family on Long Island and some in Connecticut and is so stated in an account of the fam- ily written by Isaac S. Satterly^ son of Col. Isaac,^ about 1830. On the other hand Augustus F. Satterlee of the Connecticut branch in a Ms. genealogy of his branch compiled in 1849 fo"" Benjamin F. Thompson, states that their ancestor Benedict, who emigrated to Connecticut about 1680 from the vicinity of Exeter, Devonshire England, was a son of William Satterly who may have been the William that settled on Long Island, as he sug- gests. Although this supposition has not been proved, I think it is correct as there seems to be considerable difference in the ages of William and Benedict, but they could very well be father and son. If so, Benedict came to this country at a later period than William. Whatever the exact relation between the progenitors of the two branches may be, it is very probable that they belonged to the same family, as this opinion has been held by the older generations of both branches who no doubt had evidences of this fact which we do not possess. The Long Island family have preserved the old spelling Sat- terly, while those in New England spell it Satterlee. William^ son of William^ resided at Setauket and was also a prominent man in the town. It is related of him that he owned property on the south side of the island and while there, fell by accident into the Great South Bay. He was rescued by an Indian woman to whom he gave a Dutch blanket every year during the balance of his life, in gratitude for saving his life. The compiler has in his possession an inventory of William Satterly's estate taken Jan, 10, 1729, seven years after his death. n 78 Genealogies of Long Island Families The document is witnessed by Richard Woodhull and Samuel Thompson and shows that he possessed a considerable estate. Eliaabeth Satterly is named as executrix and there is some doubt as to her relation to the deceased. She may have been a third wife or one of the four daughters. He was b. Dec. 22, 1660 md. Mary d. of the said John Moger and d. April 22, 1722 aged 62. He was buried in the Presbyterian Churchyard at Setauket and his tombstone is still standing. By his wife he had William,* Nathaniel,^ Arthur,^ Joseph,^ John,^ and four daughters. Of these, William^ b. July 11, 1703 md. ist Frances Sell and had Prances'^ who md. John Woodhull. She (Frances^) was b. Aug. 12, 1728 and d. aged 89, Oct. 13, 1817 leaving Josiah,^ John,^ William,^ Daniel,^ James, ^ Mary'^ and Charity.^ For his 2nd wife William" md. Ruth d. of John Biggs and had William,* John,* Isaac,* Richard,* Henry,* Daniel,* Mary,* Ann* and Ruth* His will is dated June 15, 1757 and his death occurred July 4, 1757, aged 53. JoHN^ son of William^ settled at Huntington where he d. aged 37, Jan. 28, 1749 having made his will Jan. 17, 1749. By his wife Mary he had Eliphalet,* Nathaniel,* Ke::ia,* Deborah,* Eliza- beth* and Sarah.* Of whom Nathaniel* d. May 23, 1759 aged 15, Deborah* d. June 25, 1753 aged 14 and Sarah* md. Benjamin Hallock and had Benjamin,^ Sarah^ wife of Benajah Edwards, William,^ Stephen,^ Mary^ who md. a Gilbert and Elizabeth^ md. to Joseph Denton of Setauket who d. March 30, 1776 leav- ing Elizabeth,^ Sarah*' and John.'' Isaac* son of William^ (William^) b. 1737, ^- aged 24 June 15, 1761 leaving no issue. His sister Ann* had a son called Rob- ert Stivers.^ She afterwards md. Benjamin Buchanan by whom she had no issue. Their sister Ruth* d. unmarried March 30, 1817 aged 73. Two of the brothers Richard* and Henry* died in the War of the Revolution leaving no issue;* Daniel* (William,-'' William-) d. unmarried Nov. 15, 181 5 in the y^i y^^r of his age. William* (William,^ William-) b. Nov. 6, 1733 d. June 27, 1761 aged 28 leaving William^ and Nancy^ both removed to Orange Co. N. Y. John* (William,^ William^) b. April 10, 1735 * Richard Satterly signed the Association in 1775 which pledged its members to support the Continental Congress and the Provincial Congress. He and his brother Henry served in Capt. Daniel Roe's Company which was attached to the Second Regiment of New York Troops commanded by Col. James Clinton. Both afterwards joined the 4th Regiment of the Line commanded by Col. Henry B. Livingston ; in fact a great many of Capt. Roe's Company joined this regiment together with their leader. Henry Satterly died at Poughkeepsie, March 30, 1777, the time and place of Richard's death is unknown. Genealogies of Long Island Families 79 md. Sophia Hackett of Lyme Conn, in 1760 and d. aged 42 March 14, 1777. His widow survived him and d. aged 58 on April 18, 1799 leaving Mary^ who md. Zachariah Lewis, Francis,^ Isaac,^ Hannah,^ William^ and John^ who d. at Milford Conn. 1795 leav- ing a son John" b. Dec. 15, 1789 and a daughter Sophia" md. to Robert Burwell and had Robert Merrit/ Abigail,'' Serena^ and John Satterly." The said John" son of John^ of Milford md. Bela Blakeslee, March 17, 181 3 and d. at Albion, Oswego Co. N. Y. Dec. 14, 1827 having issue as follows: i. Merrit hJ b. June 18, 1824. 2. Bela Blakeslee^* b. Jan. 19, 1818 and had William^ b. Jan. 21, 1845, d. March 1863 ; John^ b. 1847 and d. in the same year, and one other son and a daughter. 3. Sally Amanda^ b. Feb. 26, 182 1 and 4. Alfred Blakeslee^ b. Oct. 26, 1823. Of these Mer- rit L.^ married Emily Toogood Dec. 30, 1844 and had Bela B.* *Bela B. Satterlee^ lived the greater part of his life in Ply- mouth Conn. He corresponded with the Long Island Satterlys and occasionally visited them at Setauket. He did much to pre- serve the records of the family. His sister Sally Amanda'^ mar- ried and removed to Ohio where her mother was living with her in 1869, aged 78 years. Merrit L.^ removed to Chicago in March 1836 and resided at 289 Wabash Ave. in that city in 1869. Alfred B^ went as a Baptist missionary to Burmah and died there; his daughter was living with Merrit U at Chicago in 1869. IsAAC^t son of John* and grandson of William^ (William^) b. March 10, 1765, d. Aug. 2, 1859, md. Mary d. of John Roe Oct. 3, 1789 who was b. Nov. 18, 1765 and had John i?oe"$ b. March 21, 1790 and d. April i, 1865 and Frances^ b. June 4, 1793 d. Aug. 10, 1870. His wife d. Nov. 20, 1795 and he md. again Dec. 11, 1803 Sarah (d. Feb. 22, 1854) daughter of Timothy Smith by whom he had Mary'^ b. July 3, 1804 md. George Cahoone Oct. 9, 1839, and d. April 20, 1853. Isaac Smith'^ b. Dec. 30, 1805 d. Feb. 14, 1872. Henry Hackett^ b. Jan. 24, 1808 and d. in Mexico July 9, 1847, Sophie Elisabeth^ b. April 27, 1809, Elimheth Ann^ b. April 3, 1811 d. Feb. 12, 1885, Ruth Augusta^ b. March 26, 1813 d. July 30, 1892. Sarah Ann^ h. April 12, 1816, d. Aug. 22, 1890 and William S.^ b. June 10, 1818, d. April 5, 1865. The said Sophia £.® md. her cousin Samuel Ludlow Thompson of Setauket Feb. 12, 1842 and had Mary W.'^ b. Jan. 18, 1843 who md. ist William Berrian and 2nd Thomas S. Griffing. Sophia E." d. Jan. 27, 1865. f Col. Isaac Satterly^ resided during his entire life at Setauket in a house still standing and at present occupied by Mrs. M. B. Jergenson who is a grand-daughter of Sophia Elizabeth Satterly," Col. Satterly's daughter who md. her cousin Samuel L. Thomp- son. Col. Satterly was a man of much prominence in the town 80 Genealogies of Long Island Families and during the War of 1812 was Captain of a company of Militia which was stationed at Sag Harbor. In 1824 he came into pos- session of the grist mill located on the stream running into Con- science Bay, in the western part of the village. This mill was built by John Wade under a grant from the town dated March 31, 1680. About one hundred years later Richard Woodhull was the owner. When the mill finally became the property of Col. Satterly, he released the town from its obligation to keep the dam in repair, which clause had been incorporated in the grant to Wade in 1680. Until recent times, the mill was in possession of Col. Satterly and his descendants. It is still in operation. Jjohn Roe Satterly® or General John R. Satterly as he was familiarly known, son of Col. Isaac Satterly,^ also lived through- out his life at Setauket where his residence is still standing, just east of the Post Office. It is a good example of colonial archi- tecture and should attract the attention of those interested. Gen. Satterly as a young man, was a member of the branch of the Tammany Society instituted at Setauket in 1810 by his close friend Benjamin F. Thompson. He was also Postmaster of Setauket and General of Long Island Militia. Gen. Satterly did not marry. He was Commissioner of Schools for Brookhaven Town, 1819-1823; also Inspector of Schools during 1819-1820. Hannah/ sister of Isaac^ and daughter of John* (William,' William^) b. June 14, 1772 md. ist Daniel Smith and had Jonas' who md. Nancy d. of Jedediah Williamson and has no issue. She md. 2nd John Roseman and had a daughter Elizabeth*^ who md. Benjamin Nicolls. Frances,^ sister of Hannah^ (John,* William,^ William^) b. Feb. 22, 1769 and d. unmarried June 29, 1838. William,^ brother of the above (John,* William,^ William^) b. 1776 md. Sarah d. of Jonathan Davis 1800 and d. without issue Nov. 2, 1812 aged 36. Nathaniel^ son of William^ md. Sarah Wood and again Mary Sell, widow of William Tooker by whom he had Elnathan,* Sophia,* Nathaniel,* Amy,* John,* Samuel,* William* and Selah ;* all of whom except Elnathan,* removed to Blooming Grove, Orange Co., N. Y. in 1760 where they erected a grist mill, still known in 1849 ^s Satterly's Mill and owned by a descendant. The last named Nathaniel* was a member of the Assembly in 1786 and md. 1st Elizabeth Seely by whom he had Mary^ who md. Nathan- iel Roe and 2nd Elizabeth Sweasy by whom he had three sons and four daughters. Sophia* md. Bazaleel Seely and John* md. Theo- dosia Chard, Oct. 31, 1773 by whom he had Abigail,^ James/ Genealogies of Long Island Families 81 Juhn,^ William,^ Mary,^ Jacoh,^ Joseph^ and Cynthia^ of whom as follows: i. William^ md. and removed to the west. 2. Mary^ md. Zephaniah Howell. 3. James^ b. Sept. 21, 1775 md. Phebe Makie and had Amanda,*' Mahola,® Samuel,*' Mary," James,' William,*' Charles*' and Frances.*' The said Mahola® md. Hiram Bull, Mary*' md. Daniel Wood, James*' md. Julia Deak, William' md. Susan Clark and Frances*' md. Henry Thome. Selah,* son of NathanieP and grandson of William,^ md. a Stephens, had two daughters and removed to the West. Samuel* son of Nathaniel'' and grandson of William,^ md. Sarah Seely and had Samuel,^ Elnathan,^ Jonas,^ Eliphalet,' Polly,^ Ann^ and Julia.^ William,* son of Nathaniel and grandson of William,' md. Elizabeth Danes and had a son and two daughters. Elnathan* eldest son of NathanieP (William^) b. Dec. 21, 1734 md. Mary d. of the Rev. Abner Reeve and sister of Chief Justice Tapping Reeve of Conn., Oct. 26, 1760 and d. Dec. 15, 1800. She was b. Oct. 7, 1733 and d. aged 85, Oct. 28, 1818. They had issue as follows : 1. Prudence^ b. May 18, 1761, and d. unmarried July 25, 1797 aged 36 years. 2. Mary^ b. Oct. 25, 1763 md. Eleazer Hawkins and d. July 28, 1800 leaving Elnathan*' and Maria*' who d. unmarried in 1814. 3. Zeruiah^ b. Jan. 25, 1766, md. Jedediah Williamson and d. April 9, 1847. He d. Jan. 9, 1837 aged 79. They had Charity' md. Wickham Ruland, Deborah" md. Edmund Wheeler Feb. 15, 1814 and d. April 19, 1827 aged 31, Nancy" md. Jonas Smith, Mary" md. Henry Smith March 23, 1824 and William" md. Maria d. of Simeon Smith. 4. Nathaniel^ b. Feb. 25, 1768 and d. Oct. 10, 1775. 5. William^ b. July 9, 1770 md. Anne Curtis of Stratford Conn., and d. July 14, 1797 leaving Anne" who d. young and Will- iam" who d. Feb. 23, 1798 aged 11 months. 6. Deborah^ b. Oct. 25, 1772 md. Nathaniel Ackerly and d. Feb. 15, 1847 having issue: Mary," Dorothy," Ruth," Katharine," Nathaniel," Sophia," Deborah" and Elijah." Of whom: Mary' md. a Madan. Dorothy" b. Feb. 26, 1800 md. William Wallace Dec. 30, 1819 and had Nancy Jane^ who md. William Havens Brewster Dec. 6, 1843, Katharine^ md. Alexander Smith, Nathan- iel,^ Sophia^ and Elijah.'' 7. Samuel^ b. Aug. 27, 1775 d. Feb. 4, 1869, md. Phebe (b. Jan. 16, 1776 and d. Oct. 13, 1854) d. of John Whitman Jan. 19th, 1801 and had Ann" b. Dec. 9, 1801 md. Floyd Smith May 8, 1838 82 Genealogies of Long Island Families and d. Feb. 3, 1879. William Reeve^ (b. April 23, 1804 d. May 28, 1884) md. Hannah d. of Josiah WoodhuU who d. Sept. 7, 1841 and he md. again Maryett d. of Benjamin Glover in 1842; John Whitman*^ b. March 19, 181 1 ; d. March 26, 1888. Sarah« b. Oct. 7, 181 5 md. Nathan Sanford Feb. 5, 1839 and d. Jan. 14, 1843 aged 27; George'^ b. April 13, 1818, d. June 30, 1841 ; and SamueP b. Aug. 5, 1808 and d. June 9, 1870. Arthur^ son of William^ had Stephen* who md. a Benson and died leaving issue; Elkabeth* who md. Isaac Robbins and had Daniel,^ Charity/ Betsy ,^ Phebe,^ Mary^ and Irena;^ and Susanna* who md. Ezekiel Colyer. Of the children of Isaac and Elizabeth* Robbins: DanieP md. Fanny d. of Benjamin Tyler, Charity^ md. ist Benjamin Jones and 2nd Abel Bennett, Betsy^ md. Richard Smith, Mary^ md. John Hallett and Irena^ md. Ebenezer Jones. Joseph^ son of William,^ b. June 19, 1687 rnd- Mary Bennett in 1715 and d. June 9, 1744 leaving Bennett,* Tabitha* Jacob* Hannah* and Mary* Of these i. Bennett* d. a young man in 1730. 2. Tabitha* b. Sept. 16, 1712 md. Alexander Hawkins and d. aged 86, Sept. 14, 1798 leaving issue Alexander,^ Simeon,** Jacob,^ Abigail,^ and Joseph.^ 3. Jacob* b. May 3, 1716 md. Sarah Martin July 6, 1750 who d. without issue April 13, 1755 and he md. again March 12, 1757, Mary d. of Josiah Fordham by whom he had issue and died aged 50, May 22, 1766. 4. Hannah* b. Oct. 7, 1720 md. Zachariah Hawkins and d. leaving Robert' and Hannah.^ 5. Mary* h. April 9, 1722 md. Benjamin Newton and left John.^ CHILDREN OF JACOB* (Joseph,^ William^) AND MARY FORDHAM. 1. SamueP b. Feb. 20, 1758 md. Hannah d. of Josiah Wood- hull 1781 and d. July 7, 1803. His widow b. April 17, 1761, d. Feb. 16, 1822 leaving Jacob," Hannah," Nancy" and Mary." 2. Phebe^ b. Aug. 25, 1757 md. Dr. Samuel Thompson Jan. 7 1781 and d. July 7, 1793 aged 33 leaving Benjamin Franklin^* b. May 15, 1784 and Hannah" b. June 21, 1782 and d. June 7, 1792. 3. Mary^ b. June i, 1761 md. William Robinson Oct. 19, 1787 who d. June 13, 1820 and she d. June 5, 1823 leaving Mary,' Nancy" and William." 4. Nancy^ b. Dec. 25, 1765 md. Timothy Skidmore Aug. 11, * Benj. F. Thompson, historian of Long Island and source of these genealogies. Genealogies of Long Island Families 83 1783 and who d. aged 56, March 20, 1817. Issue Nancy,® Na- thaniel,** Phebe,'' JuHa,® Timothy'' and Sally.® CHILDREN OF SAMUEL^ (Jacob,^ Joseph,^ William^) AND HANNAH WOODHULL. I. Jacob® b. Aug. 7, 1782 md. Hannah d. of Andrew Davis Jan. 16, 1807. She was b. Dec. 23, 1788. Issue: Phehe Ami^ b. May 28, 1808 and md. Samuel Eager, March 25, 1835. Mary'' b. March 18, 1810 and md. Oliver Blinzard, Sept. 27, 1834. Nancy Woodhuir b. Sept. 15, 1812 and nid. John M. Robinson May 4, 1836. Harricf b. Feb. 9, 1814 and md. Jonathan Stanton Oct. ig, 1839. Hannah Eliza'^ b. Jan. 14, 1819 and md. William Myers, June 6, 1842. Josiah WoodhulP b. April 29, 1816 and d. Nov. 29, 1820. Sarah^ h. March 17, 1821 and d. July 3, 1840. Samuel Davis'' h. April 15, 1823. Jacob Thompson'' b. July 6, 1825. Elizabeth'' b. March 22, 1828. Esther Jane'' b. Dec. 29, 183 1. Emily K^ b. April 4, 1835 and d. Aug. 24, 1843 aged 8 years. II. Hannah® b. Oct. 2"/, 1783 md. James Ketcham Nov. 3, t8o4 who d. Oct. 7, 1832 leaving issue : Eliza'' b. Aug. 5, 1805 and md. Robert Thorne Jan. 16, 1845. ^Jacob TJ b. May 11, 1809 md. Mary d. of Jesse Halstead Nov. 24, 183 1 and had issue, Henry* b. Jan. 15, 1833 and James^ b. June 11, 1835. Samuel Satterly'' b. Jan. 28, 1813. HI. Nancy® b. Feb. 27, 1788 md. Samuel Merritt Feb. 21, 1814, removed to Michigan and d. March 19, 1847 3.ged 59 leav- ing Jane' and John.' IV. Mary® b. Feb. 20, 1790 md. Cicero Barker Aug. 9, 1817, settled at Onondaga Hollow N. Y. and had John,'' Esther'' who md Ambrose Patterson, Benjamin Franklin'' and William Henry.'' CHILDREN OF WILLIAM ROBINSON AND MARY SATTERLY^ [d. of Jacob,* (Joseph,^ William^) and Mary Ford- ham] HIS WIFE. 1. Mary® b. Aug. 27, 1788 and d. Jan. 7, 1808 aged 19. 2. Nancy® b. June 17, 1794 and md. Robert Trimble March 17, 1824 who d. March i, 1843 leaving Mary' b. Feb. 11, 1826 who md. George McDowell Oct. 4, 1843 and had -Robert Thomas^ b. March 4, 1845. Cameron'' b. Nov. 2, 1827 and McLeod'' b. April 5, 1830. 3. William® b. Oct. 9, 1798 md. Catharine Barker Nov. 14, 1826 and d. without issue April 21, 1834 aged 35. 84 Genealogies of Long Island Families CHILDREN OF TIMOTHY SCIDMORE AND NANC7 SATTERLY^ his wife who was d. of Jacob* (Joseph,^ WilHam^) and Mary Fordham. I. Nancy^ b. Aug. II, 1783 and md. Birdseye Watkins who d. Aug. 24, 1824 leaving: Benjamin Franklin'' h. Feb. 2, 1804 md. Sarah E. Depuy, May 4, 1827 and had Nancy^ b. March 2, 1828, Moses^ b. Sept. 29, 1829, Birdseye^ b. July 12, 1831, Jane Ann* b. April 26, 1833, Ephraim^ b. Feb. 27, 1835, Mary Catharine® b. Nov. 20, 1837, John A.^ b. Aug. 29, 1839 and d. Sept. 29, 1843, Julia B.® b. June 9, 1841 and Sarah E.® b. Aug. 12, 1843. Ephraim,'' John,'' Sarah Ann'' md. William Elton Sept, 22, 1844, and Mary'' md. Peter Swarts, Oct. 12, 1843. XL Nathaniel*^ b. April 15, 1788 md. Martha Cole, removed to the state of Ohio and had Ann,'' Samuel Cole,'' Julia,'' Timothy,'' Sarah,'' Peter,'' Mary,'' Benjamin Franklin' and Emeline.'' III. Phebe^ b. May 10, 1790 md. Josiah Lupton, Nov. 23, 1809 and d. May 23, 1832 leaving Harrief b. Oct. 17, 1811, Ann'' b. July 19, 1813, James'' b. Nov. 23, 1814, IW b. April 11, 1816, Algenetta'' b. Nov. 11, 181 7, Mary'' b. Sept. 9, 1820, Eliza Mc- Bride'' b. Sept. 2, 1822, and Edmund Fanning'' b. Oct. 14, 1823. The said James'' md. Fanny F. Moger, Dec. 24, 1845 ; and Mary'' md. Thomas F. Sayre, March 22, 1842. IV. Julia^ b. March 24, 1792 md. Andrew Thompson of Orange Co. N. Y. in 1814 and had John W.,'' b. June 24, 1816, James A.'' b. Feb. 5, 1819, Alberf b, April 27, 1821 and Samuel S.'' b. in 1823. The said John WJ md. CaroHne, d. of William Campbell, Dec. 18, 1845 ^"d James AJ md. Margaret Jane d. of Robert Owen, Sept. 17, 1847. V. Timothy^ b. July 4, 1795 md. Elizabeth d. of Jacob De Witt and d. Feb. 16, 1841 leaving Harriet,'' Mary Ann,'' Emily'' who d. Dec. 24, 1846 and Julia.'' VI. Sally^ b. Sept. 11, 1800 md. Peter Rogers, Jan. 27, 1820 and had i. Nancy'' b. June 9, 1823, and md. Benj. Heater, March 27, 1847. 2. Mary'' b. June 19, 1825. 3. Cornelius'' b. March 5, 1827. 4. Phehe Jane'' b. Nov. 7, 1828. 5. Mahala'' b. June 7, 1830. 6. John IVJ b. May 4, 1832. 7. Julia Ann'' h. April 8, 1834. 8. Watkins'' b. June 14, 1836. 9. Timothy S.'' b. March 12, 1838 and d. in 1841. 10. Floyd'' b. June 14, 1841. 11. Samuel Fordham'' b. Sept. 10, 1843. MICAH HAWKINS' Author of first American Opera From an oil portrait by Louis Child and W. 5. Mount HAWKINS This family has always been a very prolific one in Suffolk County, particularly in Brookhaven Town where the common ancestor Zachariah Hawkins settled. Members of the family can now be found in almost every town in Suffolk County. The early generations generally spelled the name "Hawkings" but all finally adopted the correct spelling. Zachariah Hawkins^ an Englishman, was one of the orig- inal proprietors of Brookhaven Town, settling at Setauket in 1655. He was a large property owner and a prominent man in the settlement. His will is dated November 17th 1698 and he died shortly after either in November or December of the same year as the certificate of probation of his will proved April 27th 1699, mentions that he died in 1698. In this instrument he men- tions his wife Mary (family name unknown) and his children Zachariah,^ Joseph,^ Eleazer,^ Martha^ and Hannah. ^ Of these Eleazer^ called Captain Hawkins born Oct. 10, 1691, settled near Stony Brook in 1757 and died aged 81, Sept. 22, 1772. Sarah his wife died aged 'jj, April 23, 1768. Children were Alexander,^ David,^ Isaac,^ Eleazer,^ Samuel,^ Benjamin,' George,^ Israel,^ Martha,^ Mary^ and Simeon^ who died single. Of whom : I. Alexander^ b. June 17, 1713 lived at South Setauket and md. Tabitha d. of Joseph Satterly, April 19, 1740 and d. aged 74, May 1787. She was b. Sept. 16, 1712 d. Sept. 14, 1798 aged 86. Issue : Alexander,* Simeon,* Jacob,* Abigail* md. John Ketcham, and Joseph.* II. David^ b. Aug. 15, 1714, md. Mary d. of Timothy Mills and had issue: David,* Timothy,* Moses,* (all of whom removed to Orange Co. N. Y.,) and Isaac,* Elizabeth* and Mary* (re- mained on L. I.). Of the latter Isaac* b. Sept. 1757, md. Eliza- beth Hulse, March 23, 1777, d. Feb. 8, 1836 and had Anna^ md. first, Isaac Mills Phillips 1812, and second John Dewick, Aug. 29, 1828. Elizabeth* b. April 24, 1746 md. her cousin Simeon Hawkins* (Alexander,^ Eleazer^) and d. March 20, 1811, aged 64. Mary* b. Feb. 13, 1754, md. Elijah Bayles and d. March 5, 1813 leaving Ebenezer,^ David, ^ Thomas,^ Mary,^ Juliana,^ Ruth,^ Sarah^ and Phebe.^ Of whom ist Ehenczer^ b. Jan. 25, 1773 md. Mary d. of Daniel Homans Feb. 18, 1800 who died Oct. 18, 1841 aged 62 leaving Brewster,^ Ebenezer,® Herman D.,' Maria* and Elsie.® 2nd Juliana^ b. Nov. 22, 1774, md. her cousin 85 86 Genealogies of Long Island Families Zophar Hawkins^ (Samuel,^ Eleazer^) and d. Oct. 8, 1842 leav- ing issue, yd, David^ b. Oct. 8, 1778, md. Elizabeth d. of John Darling and d. Nov. 17, 1830 leaving Ruth,^ Alfred,^ Adam D,^ Eliza® and Mary.^ ^th Mary^ b. Dec. 5, 1781, md. her cousin James Hawkins^ (Alexander,* Alexander,^ Eleazer'-) as hereafter mentioned, ^th Ruth^ b. May 20, 1784, md. Charles Hallock and d. in 1844 leaving issue. 6th Phehe,^ b. Sept. 7, 1792, md. Robert Akerly and had Robert,^ Julia® and Jacob.® yth Thomas,^ b. Aug. 3, 1787, md. Elizabeth d. of William Hawkins* Jan. 29, 1812 and d. Dec. 14, 1836 aged 49. She d. June 29, 1838 aged 46, issue: William,® Micana,® Benjamin,® David,® John,® Hila,® Elizabeth,^ Matilda® and Mary.® ^th Sarah^ b. Oct. 4, 1790, md. George Hawkins^ (William,* George,^ Eleazer") April 20, 181 1. III. IsAAC^ md. Sarah, d. of Jacob Longbotham and had Aaron,* d. Feb. 7, 1848 aged 78, and Rachel,* who was b. May 14, 1767, md. Jonathan Mills and d. Jan. 9, 1807 aged 39, leaving Henry,^ Charles,^ Henry 2nd,^ Eleazer,^ Isaac,^ Sarah M,^ Dor- othy,^ Mary Caroline,^ Richard^ and Jonathan;^ for particulars of whom see Mills Family. IV. Eleazer^ b. April 16, 17 16, md. on July 6, 1739 Ruth, d. of Timothy Mills who was born Dec. 3, 1721 and d. April 23, 1791. Issue: Jonas,* Juliana,* Ruth,* Deliverance,* Eleazer,* Jonas 2nd,* Juliana 2nd,* and Ann,* of whom hereafter. V. Samuel^ b. June 7, 1721, md. Mary d. of John Ketcham 1746, and d. March 15, 1810 aged 89 and she d. Feb. 29, 1800 aged 78. Issue: Miriam'^ b. Nov. 30, 1747 and md. Alexander Hawkins* (Alexander,^ Eleazer^). /o/m* b. May 14, 1750. Sam- uel,^ h. March 14, 1752. Sarah^ b. Nov. 29, 1754. Zophar,'^ b. Nov. 22, 1757. Azariah,* h. Dec. 2, 1760. Hoses'^ h. Oct. 8, 1762 and removed with his brother Samuel* to Orange Co. Of these John'^ md. Mary Ketcham 1775 and had Zophar,^ John^ and Ebenezer.^ Zophar^-f b. Jan. 24, 1757, md. Juliana d. of Elijah Bayles April 15, 1800 — she was b. Nov. 22, 1774 and d. Oct. 8, 1842 aged 67. He d. Oct. 26, 1847 aged 90 years. Issue Moses^ * This William is not positively identified; William* (George,^ Eleazer^) had children but the name Elizabeth does not occur among them. t Zophar Hawkins signed the Association in 1775 pledging support to the Continental Congress and the Provincial Congress of the Province of New York. He joined Col. Josiah Smith's Regiment of Suffolk County- Minute Men and served in the 7th or Brookhaven Company under Capt. Selah Strong. After the battle of Long Island in August, 1776, this regi- ment was disbanded and many of its members joined Col. Henry B. Liv- ingston's Fourth Regiment of the New York Line. Among these was Zophar Hawkins. He was later taken prisoner by the British but subse- quently escaped or was released. Genealogies of Long Island Families 87 b. Oct. i6, 1804, Mary^ b. Jan. 9, 1806, Ruth' b. May 19, 1808 (d. Sept. 26, 1832 aged 24), Sarah^ twin with Ruth, Elizabeth'^ b. April 6, 1811 and SamueF b. July 17, 1816. Azariah* md. Mary Alwood and d. June 1845 ^g^d 84 leaving issue : Samuel A.,^ who md. Eliza d. of Samuel Hammond who d. Aug. 14, 1847 aged 45, and two daughters.^ Eliza*' d. of Samuel A.'^ md. Ezra K. Will- iamson Nov. 1846. Sarah* had a daughter Mary^ by Israel Mills April 6, 1778 who md. ist Joseph Wells, 2nd George Hallock Aug. 6, 1826 and 3rd Jonathan Dickerson and by him had a son Samuel.*' VI. Benjamin^ b. April 9, 1723 md. Desire d. of William Havens and d. Jan. 2, 1776. She b. 1727 and d. May 8, 1791. They had William Havens'^ b. Jan. 19, 1752 and d. May 10, 1776, Juliana,* Benjamin* Sarah* Desire* Eleaser* Sophia,* Martha* and Elisabeth.* Of whom : Sophia* md. William Smith and had Benjamin' who md. Maria Field, Feb. 12, 1815. Juliana* h. Sept. 29, 1753 md. Amos Smith and d. April 27, 1791 and had Ebenezer' md. Rebecca* d. of Israel Hawkins,^ (Eleazer^) Sarah' md. John Brewster Aug. 30, 1820, Walter' md. Elizabeth d. of Thomas Ellison, Henry' and John.' Benjamin* h. Aug. 14, 1755 md. Ruth d. of Benajah Smith and d. March 3, 1819 aged 64. She b. March 5, 1762 and d. aged 76, July II, 1838. Issue: Desire^ b. July 12, 1786, md. Henry Wells, Jan. 8, 1806 and d. Nov. 7, 1826, leaving Benjamin Wells,^ who d. May 31, 1834 aged 19 and Joseph® who md. a d. of Isaac Jayne. William Havens^ b. Dec. 12, 1788 md. Jemima d. of Isaac Newton, Dec. i, 181 1 and had issue. Benjamin^ b. June 14, 1791 md. Phebe Hubbard, June 19, 1814 and had Martha," who md. Emmett Ketcham Dec. 30, 1847, William Bartlett,** Benjamin Havens,^ Richard® and Alonzo.*' Juliana^ b. Feb. 13, 1792 and d. unmarried April 4, 1822 aged 30. Elizabeth^ b. May 28, 1799 md. Benjamin Brewster, Jan. 6, 1819 and d. May 12, 1825 aged 25 leaving William Havens® b. Jan. 26, 1820 and Isaac® b. April 30, 1824 and d. Feb. 17, 1848 aged 24. Dorothy^ b. June 28, 1797 md. Richard Woodhull Oct. 8, 1823 and d. May 25, 1828 aged 31 leaving Mary Elizabeth.' Samuel S.,^ b. June 3, 1795 md. Charlotte d. of Daniel Tooker, March 21, 1818, and d. March 25, 1830 aged 34, leaving Ann^ who md. James Baylis. Martha^ b. March 27, 1801 unmarried in 1849. Eleaser^ b. Feb. 12, 1803 md. Hannah Maria d. of Will- iam Hawkins.* * This William Hawkins cannot positively be identified ; he may have been William^ (William,* George,^ Eleazer^). 88 Genealogies of Long Island Families Sarah* b. Sept. 21, 1759 md. Eliphalet Smith and d. leaving Benjamin Havens,^ Selah,^ Thomas," Samuel Scudder,^ George,' Juliana^ md. John Smith and Martha^ md. Caleb Smith. Eleascr* b. June 18, 1765 md. Mary d. of Elnathan Satterly and d. March 3, 1796 aged 30. She was b. 1764 and d. July 28, 1800 aged 36. Issue : Elnathan^ md. Eliza d. of Benjamin Ferris and had Maria^ and Eliza Adelaide.® Maria® d. unmarried in .1814. Martha* b. Feb. 6, 1769 md. Joseph Brewster and d. Feb. 19, 1800 aged 31 leaving Benjamin^ b. June 9, 1793, William Havens,'' Joseph^ b. Dec. 23, 1794, and Sarah^ b. Nov. 28, 1796 md. Isaac Jayne and d. Feb. 15, 1847 aged 50 leaving Robert Morris,* Elbert,*' Amanda^ md. Joseph Wells and Mary® md. a Brush. Elisabeth* b. Sept. 25, 1774 md. Henry Tyler and d. Aug. 7, 1807 aged 38 leaving Rebecca,^ Sarah,^ Hannah^ and Henry.^ Of whom Rebecca^ md. Thomas H. Punderson and had no issue. Sarah^ md. Brewster Hawkins® (Thomas,^ Caleb,*, Zachariah,* Zachariah^) and d. April 2, 1842 aged 42 leaving Thomas," George,® Edward,® William,® Henry,® Aaron,® Hannah® and Eliza- beth.® Hannah^ md. William Rudyard, July 30, 1842 and d. with- out issue Oct. 1845. Henry^ md. Antoinette d. of Joseph Bennett. Vn. George^ b. 1728 md. Ruth d. of Nathaniel Longbotham and d. July 7, 1784. She d. Aug. 7, 1808 aged 76. Issue: Joseph S.* William* and Mary.* Of whom Joseph S.* b. Feb. 7, 1763 md. Phebe d. of John Williamson and d. July 22, 1827, she being b. Dec. 22, 1763 and d. Jan. 2, 1834. Issue: NathanieP b. March 4, 1791 md. first a d. of William Brown and second a d. of Joseph Glover; Joseph S.,^ b. Feb. 16, 1796 md. Lucy d. of Elisha Davis and had two sons and three daughters, one of whom md. Edward Oaks and another md. David Hudson. William* md. a d. of Ben- jamin Newton and had William,^ Elkanah,^ md. Sarah d. of Jede- diah Mills, Bryant^ md. Sarah Waters, Benjamin^ md. Betsy d. of Zophar Hawkins,* (Samuel,^ Eleazer^), George^ md. Sally d. of Elijah Bayles and Anna^ md. Merritt Hawkins^ (Simeon,^ Alexander^) and Nicholas Smith. Mary* md. a Haviland. Bry-ant^ and Sarah Waters Hawkins had Daniel B.,® Deborah A.® (married Elias Terrill of Stony Brook) W. Henry,® Elkonia,® and two daughters who died in infancy. The family lived at Setauket. Daniel B. Hawkins® was born at Setauket, Jan. 30, 1835 and like many of his family followed the sea in early life. On Nov. 26, 1859 he married Caroline A. Skidmore and had Ellis B.,^ Norah A.,^ and Eva J.,^ His wife Caroline died in May 1891. Genealogies of Long Island Families 89 VIII. Israel^ b. 173 1 md. Ruth d. of John Baylis (this John Baylis b. 1710; d. April 12, 1783 and Martha his wife b. 1709; d. April 6, 1783) and for his second wife Susannah d. of Peter Scid- more and thirdly Phebe d. of Nehemiah Brush. He d. June 11, 1797 aged 66. His third wife was b. March 28, 1742 and d. Dec. 16, 1821 aged 79. By his second wife he had Ruth* and Susan- nah.* The latter d. young and the former md. William Hallock, by whom she had Charlotte^ md. George Hallock, Zephaniah,' Israel,^ Sarah, ^ Rebecca,^ Warren^ and Mary.^ By his third wife he had Israel* Nehemiah,* Rebecca* and Freelove.* Of whom: Israel* b. Feb. 22, 1776 md. Charity d. of Silas Howell, Dec. 13, 1804 and d. May 11, 1833. Issue: Angelina^ md. Beriah Petty who d. leaving a son Allen,° Delia^ d. prior to 1849, Israel,^ Silas Howell,^ John Shepherd^ d. prior to 1849, Edna^ d. prior to 1849, and Clarissa ^ md. Henry Wells. Nehemiah* b. 1779 md. AbigaiP d. of Alexander Hawkins* (Alexander,^ Eleazer^) June 8, 1803, issue: Hiram,^ Rebecca^ md. Isaac Hawkins,* Amy^ md. William Baylis, Chaney^ d. prior to 1849, Eleazer^ d. prior to 1849, Selah^ and Alonzo.^ Rebecca* b. June 1777 md. Ebenezer Smith, March 19, 1803 and had Electra^ who md. Philip Hallock. IX. Martha^ b. Jan. 28, 1735 md. Joseph Smith, Oct. 26, 1763 by whom she had a d. Mary.* She next md. Phillips Roe April 30, 1777 and d. Feb. 9, 1817 aged 82. Her said d. Mary* md. Thomas S. Roe, Oct. 29, 1783, son of her second husband by his first wife Submit d. of Thomas Strong and d. Dec. 11, 1840 aged 76; issue one son Joseph Smith Roe.^ X. Mary^ md. Jacob Mills and had Israel* and Jacob.* ALExANDER*f of Alexander^ (Eleazer^) and Tabitha Satterly was b. May 19, 1741, md. Miriam d. of his uncle Samuel Haw- kins^ and d. April 27, 1810 aged 70. His wife d. March 12, 1838 aged 94. Issue: i. Selah^ md. Rachel d. of Jesse Rose. 2. James^ md Feb. 23, 1803, Mary d. of Elijah Baylis, who d. Dec. 7, 1833 aged 53 ; issue, Ebenezer^ md. Polly d. of Israel Bennett. 3. Alexander^ md. Sarah Mitchill. 4. Asep md. Elizabeth Ryder. 5. Abigail^ b. Nov. 3, 1782 md. Nehemiah Hawkins* (Israel,^ Eleazer^) (see above). Simeon* of Alexander^ (Eleazer^) and Tabitha Satterly, was b. March 8, 1744, lived at South Setauket and md. Elizabeth* d. * This Isaac cannot be identified. t Served in Col. Josiah Smith's Regiment of Suflfolk County Minute Men ; Captain Selah Strong's 7th or Brookhaven Company. 90 Genealogies of Long Island Families of David Hawkins^ (Eleazer^) in 1770 and d. aged 80, July 3, 1824. Issue: Sarah^ b. April 5, 1771. Tabitha^ and Mary^ twins, bom April 10, 1774. Merritt^ b. Nov. 6, 1777. Joel'' b. April 7, 1781 and d. Feb. 22, 1830 unmarried and Nathan^ twin brother born on same day, d. unmarried March 30, 182 1. The said Tabitha^ md. Daniel Smith, April 18, 1799 and d. March 13, 1800. Her sister Sarah^ also md. the said Daniel Smith in 1802 and d. without issue Dec. 23, 1830. Mary^ md. Zophar Hawkins^ (John,* Samuel,^ Eleazer^) June 11, 1801. Merritt^ md. Anna^ d. of Will- iam Hawkins* (son of George^) Jan. 2, 1805; she d. Feb. 22, 1822 aged 39, issue: David Mahlon*^ d. in 1855, Bryant Coleman," Simeon Decatur® resided at Patchogue, Mary Emelina® d. in 1894, Lorana® d. in 1889 about 79 years old, Elizabeth® and Sarah Ann® (d. 1880) who md. Ebenezer Hawkins® (son of the last named Zophar') Jan. 17, 1839. Lorana® md. Robert Walmesley, Aug. II, 1842. Bryant Coleman Hawkins® was born at South Setauket, Feb. 28, 1819, married Rebecca Brewster and had no issue. He was engaged most of his life at the piano-making trade and when this industry was established at Setauket by Robert Nunns about 1858 he became associated with him. When the business failed in 1868, Mr. Hawkins went with another concern in the same line. He passed his last days at his home at East Setauket. Jacob* of Alexander^ (Eleazer^) and Tabitha Satterly, md. Charity d. of David Longbotham in 1781. She d. July 17, 1819 aged 66 and he md. again Huldah Corwin (widow) Aug. 18, 1822. He d. June 30, 1839 3.ged 86. Issue by his first wife only: Jacob'' b. July 12, 1783 who md. first, Hannah Rose in 1803 and second Mary'd. of James Smith, Oct. 4, 1807 and d. May 29, 1840. By the first who d. Dec. i, 1805 he (Jacob^) had Jesse^ and by the second, Elkanah,^ Hannah^ and Charity,^ Gideon,^ Charles Heath- cote,^ James Sylvester,^ Franklin Augustus^ and Mary Eliza- beth.^ Of whom : Elkanah^ b. July 12, 1808 md. Amelia d. of Jedediah Hart, May I, 1832. Hannah^ b. July 11, 1810 md. John Hallock, Feb. 24, 1833. Charity^ b. Nov. 17, 1812 md. Benjamin C. Payne, May 5, 1840. Gideon^ b. Dec. 21, 181 5 md. Margaret d. of John Levally, April 4, 1843. Charles Heathcote^ b. Nov. 13, 1818 md. Mary d. of Jonah Still, Jan. 10, 1842. James Sylvester^ b. May 15, 1821 md. Hannah d. of Smith Still Jan. 29, 1848. Genealogies of Long Island Families 91 Franklin Augustus'^ b. Aug. 21, 1823. Mary Elisabeth^ b. June 5, 1827. Joseph* of Alexander^ (Eleazer^) and Tabitha Satterly, md. AbigaiP d. Zachariah Hawkins- (son of Zachariah^) and had Nancy,^ Joseph,^ Phehe,^ Zachariah,^ Charity,^ and Abigail.^ Of whom : Nancy^ md. David Peterson, Joseph^ md. Jerusha d. of Josiah Raynor and had Joseph" and William,*' Phebe^ md. Jesse Ruland, Zachariah^ md. Hetty d. of John Tuthill. CHILDREN OF ELEAZER^' (ELEAZER^) AND RUTH MILLS HIS WIFE. I. Jonas* b. Sept. 30, 1740 and d. March 26, 1741. II. Juliana* b. May 8, 1742 and d. in the tenth year of her age, 1752. III. Deliverance* b. Oct. 28, 1744, md. James Mapes and d. June 10, 1829 aged 84. Her husband d. April 23, 1791. Issue, Jatnes,^ Joanna^ and Jonas,^ the latter known as General Mapes, md. Elizabeth Tyler, Oct. 8, 1796 and d. July 10, 1827 aged 59 leaving James J.** and Charles. "^ Joanna^ b. Nov. 15, 1782, md. Jonas M. Smith, March 30, 1801 and d. April 27, 1812. IV. Eleazer* b. April 25, 1750, d. April 24, 1791. His wife d. Feb. 16, 1800. Issue: i. Janies^ md. Ruth d. of Gershom Smith and had Piatt," Richard," Jonas," Micah," John S.," and Ellen" md. Daniel L'Hommedieu. 2. Elcacer^ md. Julia d. of James L'Hom- medieu, 3. John^ md. Katurah d. of Jonas Newton. 4. Ann^ md. Isaac Smith. 5. Nancy^ md. Jonas Newton. V. Jonas* b. Aug. 28, 1752, md. Feb. 11, 1774 Ruth d. of Jonathan Mills and d. April 24, 1817. His widow d. Jan. 22, 1840 aged 92. Issue: i. William Wickham^ b. July 6, 1775 md. Amelia d. of George Davis and d. without issue May 18, 1806. 2. Micah^ b. Jan. I, 1777 md. Letty Lindley 1800 and d. without issue July 29, 1825. Micah Hawkins was a musical genius and could per- form creditably upon the piano, flute or violin. He composed many songs and musical pieces which were published and proved to be popular. Several copies of the original editions of these publications are still in possession of members of the family. He is best known however, as the author and composer of the first original American Opera, entitled "The Saw Mill," which had a satisfactory run at Henry Wallack's Chatham Theatre in New York City, during 1824. Besides his musical activities Micah 92 Genealogies of Long Island Families Hawkins kept a grocery store in Catharine St. New York, in which was installed a piano and he was wont to regale his cus- tomers with a little music when they visited his shop. He was a pleasant conversationalist, possessed a ready vein of wit and withal a good singer. It especially pleased him to sing his own songs which he did with great gusto. His portrait painted by Louis Child and retouched by his nephew William S. Mount, hangs in the Hawkins-Mount house at Stony Brook L. I. where he was born. It is said of him that he always wore a white cravat, which fact is attested by the portrait. Micah Hawkins was a close friend of Benjamin F. Thompson, the historian, who did much to encourage him in his musical efforts. For a further account of this interesting individual see Oscar Wegelin's "Micah Hawkins and The Saw Mill." Of the printed edition of the "Saw Mill" only two copies are known to be in existence today, one belonging to Brown University and the other in the hands of a private collector. The book is therefore much sought after by collectors of Americana, par- ticularly those interested in early drama. 3. Deborah^ b. Sept. 23, 1778 md. John Shepard, May 18, 181 1 and d. Feb. 1844 leaving Ruth R.,^ Letty E.,^ John L.,** Mary® and Joseph.® ^. Jonathan" h.]\\\y 'X,, 1780 md. Dorothy d. of Jacob Mills and had Amelia,® Letty,® Jacob,® Mills,® Jonas,® Ruth,® Lewis® and Micah.® 5. Julia Ann^ b. March 8, 1782 md. Thomas S. Mount, Dec. 23, 1801 and d. Nov. 25, 1841 aged 59. He was b. March 9, 1778 and d. Oct. 21, 1814. They were md. at Stony Brook by Rev. Zachariah Greene. 6. Jonasr' b. Dec. 29. 1783 md. Juliana d. of Henry Smith, Sept. 22, 1804. She was b. 1786 and d. Dec. 17, 1842 aged 56. Issue: Wickham® d. young, Edna® md. Thomas Hadaway and Ruth® md. Daniel H. Wickham. 7. Ruth^ b. Jan. 6, 1786. 8. Dorothy^ b. May 3, 1788, md. John S. Mount, Oct. 26, 1805 and d. July 16, 1843 aged 55 ; issue Elizabeth® b. Aug. 1806, md. Har- vey W. Vail, March 8, 1829 and d. Dec. 14, 1830 aged 23. 9. Renelche^ b. April 26, 1791. VI. Juliana* b. July 15, 1758 and md. Micah Mills and had issue. VII. Ann* b. Aug. 26, 1762 and d. unmd. Oct. 14, 1777. THE SAID THOMAS S. AND JULIA MOUNT^ HAD ISSUE: I. Henry Smith^ b. Oct. 9, 1802 md. Mary Ford Dec. 21, 1826 and d. Jan. 20, 1841 leaving Julia,^ Elizabeth R.,^ Henry John,^ Thomas Shepard,^ Evalina^ and Malcolm.'' 2. Shepard Alonzo*^ b. July 17, 1804 d. Sept. 18, 1868 md. Elizabeth Hempstead® (b. Genealogies of Long Island Families 93 March 19, 1816 and d. Aug. 18, 1858) d. of Zebulan Elliott, Oct. 5, 1837 at Sag Harbor, the ceremony being performed by Rev. N. Kellogg; and had William Shepard/ Ruth Hawkins,^ and Joshua Elliott.^ 3. Robert Nelson*^ b. Feb. 19, 1806 d. March 7, 1883, md. Mary Thompson d. of John Brewster, Jan. 6, 1833 and had Sarah Brewster,^ b. Sept. 15, 1834, John Brewster^ b. Jan. 12, 1848. 4. William Sidney*^* h. Nov. 26, 1807 d. Nov. 19, 1868. 5. Ruth Hawkins^ b. Dec. 25, 1808 md. Charles S. Seabury, Dec. 25, 1826 and had Charles Edward, '^ Thomas Shepard,^ Julia Ann/ Maria'^ and William'^ who d. young. 6. A son'^ b. and d. Nov. 20, 1810. 7. Jonas Hawkins^ b. June 22, 1812. 8. Julia Ann Shepard^ b. May 16, 1814. Zachariah^ (son of Zachariah^) md. Hannah d. of Joseph Satterly and had Z'achariah,^ Robert,'^ Hannah,^ Zophar/ Will- iam^ and Nathaniel.^ He md. again Phebe Baylis and had Ger- shom,^ Zophar,^ Zachariah,^ Abigail^ md. Joseph Hawkins* (Alexander.'' Eleazer'-') Nathaniel^ Tabitha^ William^ and Joseph.^ Of these Hannah^ md. Phillips Tooker and d. March 13, 1814 leaving issue: i. Joseph* who md. Katharine Davis and had issue, 2. Isaac* who md. Polly Howell and 3. Katharine* who md. Ebenezer Norent. The last named Zachariah^ b. April 1744 md. Sarah d. of Joseph Brewster; she d. June 4, 1798 having issue Joseph,* Ruth* md. James Dayton, Zachariah* and Brezuster.* Of whom Zacha- riah* h. Sept. 19, 1776 md. Charity d. of one Yarrington, Nov. 15, 1800, who d. May 12, 1842, leaving issue Eliza Ann,^ Horatio Nelson,^ Zachariah Franklin,* Charles Grenville,* Charity An- toinette,* William Warren,* Selah Strong* and Mary Jayne.* Zachariah,^! son of Zachariah,^ had sons Caleb* and Zacha- riah* and daughter Mary* who d. single. * William S. Mount ranks high among American artists and his work today is much sought after. Probably no one will ever be his equal in depicting the happy side of American country life. His "Power of Music" and "Farmer's Nooning" are famous and in their engraved form have gone into many a home throughout our land. The scenes of most of his pic- tures are laid on Long Island, many of them near his home at Stony Brook. He lived during a considerable portion of his life in the Hawkins homestead at Stony Brook. He was in truth, Long Island's artist — but his fame knew no bounds. Space forbids a longer account of his genius but the inquiring reader is referred to "Historical Miscellanies Relating to Long Island" bv the compiler of this genealogy, where a more extended account of his life and work may be found. His brothers Henry S. and Shepard A. Mount were also artists of considerable ability. Shepard A. Mount's portraits especially, take high rank. t Undoubtedly son of Zachariah^ by his first wife Hannah Satterly, although not so stated by Thompson. 94 Genealogies of Long Island Families Caleb* md. Deborah d. of Nathaniel Biggs and had Zachariah^ b. March 31, 1756, Isaac^ b. Aug. 15, 1757, Jane^ b. Dec. 22, 1758, Thomas^ b. Feb. 7, 1760, Sarah'' h. July 15, 1763, DanieP b. April 18, 1765. Mary^ b. May 20, 1767 and Benjamin^ b. Jan. 8, 1769 and d. unmd. Nov. i, 1837. Of these: — I. Isaac^ md. Rebecca d. of John Bennett and d. April 28, 1825 and his widow d. Dec. 7, 1829. They had Henry^ md. Julia d. of David Hulse, Oct. 24, 1805 and had Hiram/ Charles/ Will- iam/ Rebecca/ Temperance/ Ann'^ and Maria^ ; Richard,^ Charles,^ Bennett^ and Nancy^ wife of Joseph Blydenburgh. II. Jane^ md. Daniel Coleman and had Polly^ who md. James Mapes. III. Thomas^ md. Orpha d. of Benj. Brewster and d. Feb. 17, 1798. Issue: Anne^ b. Nov. 30, 1786 and md. Obadiah D. Wells, Sept. 25, 1803 and had Eliza Ann^ b. Feb. 11, 1804 who md. Conkling Newton, Alfred^ b. July 16, 1817 and md. Jane d. of George Darling, Obadiah^ b. July 21, 1809 and md. Esther d. of Rowland Seaman, Brewster^ b. Sept. 15, 181 1, md. Ann d. of Jedediah Hart, Charity^ b. March 19, 1814 and md. John S. Mount, Henry^ b. Jan. 22. 1817 md. Clarissa^ d. of Israel Haw- kins* (Israel,^ Eleazer^), Charles' b. Oct. 6, 1819, Mary Ann' b. Feb. 19, 1821 who md. Henry Smith, and John D./ b. July 28, 1825. Fanny^ md. John De Witt, Oct. 19, 1805 and had Cath- arine,' Maria,' Charity' and Thomas.' Brewster^ md. Sarah Ann d. of Henry Tyler, Feb. 11, 1818, she d. aged 42, April 2, 1842. He md. again Abigail d. John Wilsie Dec. 17, 1842 ; For children see below. Charity^ d. young and unmd. Thomas^ d. unmd. March 16, 1836. Aaron^ d. young. Brainard^ md. Sarah Brews- ter and d. March 3, 1848 aged 52 leaving one child Mary Eliza- beth' b. Sept. 7, 1833. IV. Sarah^ md. James Hawkins* and d. April 11, 1838 aged 74. Issue: JuUa^ md. Thomas Hulse, Jan. 5, 1809, Edward,^ Deborah^ md. Jesse Garret and Fanny^ md. as second wife to Joseph Blydenburgh. V. Daniel^ md. Nancy d. of Nathaniel Roe, Nov. 16, 1795 who d. Jan. 13, 1826 and he md. again Bethia Aldrich, June 20, 1827. By his first wife he had Sophroma^ b. March 17, 1798 who md. William M. Brown, Hannah'^ b. Oct. 11, 1799 who md. Lewis Davis and Charity^ b. Oct. 31, 1808 who md. Charles A. Griffing. VI. Benjamin^ d. unmd. Nov. i, 1837. * This James cannot be identified. Genealogies of Long Island Families 95 CHILDREN OF BREWSTER HAWKINS^ (Thomas, Caleb,* Zachariah,^ Zachariah^) AND SARAH ANN TYLER HIS WIFE. 1. Thomas B/ b. Nov. 15, 1819. 2. William T.'^ b. Aug. 19, 1821 and d. Oct. 2, 1822. 3. George P.^ b. May 13, 1823 and md. Mary Jane d. of B. Glover, Dec. 4, 1848. 4. Edward D/ b. April 9, 1825 and d. Sept. 22, 1846. 5. Sarah B.^ b. Sept. 13, 1828 and d. May 10, 1832. 6. Martha T.^ b. June 9, 1830 and d. May 10, 1832. 7. William H.^ b. Oct. 4, 1832. 8. Hannah ].' b. Feb. 7, 1833. 9. Aaron^ b. Nov. 29, 1835. 10. Sarah B. 2nd^ b. Sept. 6, 1837 and d. young. 11. Elizabeth T.^ b. Aug. 10, 1839. 12. John M.^ b. Dec. 13, 1840 and d. young. By his second wife Abigail Wilsie: 1. Sarah B. 3rd^ b. July 6, 1845. 2. Charles Edmund^ b. Aug. 6, 1847. Zachariah* brother of Caleb* and son of Zachariah^ md. Phebe Brindley and had Edward,^ John,^ Jarvis,^ Fanny,^ Zacha- riah^ and Hannah.^ Of whom: Edward^ md. Olivia Shaler and had George^ ; Jidia^ md. Dan- iel Tooker, Oct. 27, 1810 and d. June 16, 1836 leaving Edward H.^ and Miami f Daniel Shaler'^ md. Sophia d. of Simeon Smith and had Ebenezer,'' Simeon,'' George, '^ Edward,' Olivia,'' Hannah,' Jedediah^ and Sophia Amelia^ and md. again Harriet d. of Shad- rach Terry by whom he had Elbert S.,' Hattie,' William,'' Ella,' Orin,' and Irving;' and Caroline.^ Edward Hawkins^ lived at Setauket and was a respected resi- dent of that place. Daniel Shaler Hawkins® commonly called "Capt. Shaler" was born at Setauket, Nov. 24th 1798 and in early life followed the sea. He was captain of a packet running from Stony Brook to New York which was one of the chief means of communi- cation between these two points before the advent of the rail- road. Later on he retired to his farm at Stony Brook where he died in i^ George' the eldest son of Daniel Shaler,® in early life was a seafaring man. He later became engaged in the hotel business and subsequently became a miller. He died in Patchogue in 1893 at the age of three-score and ten. 96 Genealogies of Long Island Families Capt. Ebenezer Hawkins'^ was born at Stony Brook, Janu- ary 9, 1825 and was engaged in the coasting trade during early life. Later on with his brothers Simeon S.'' Edward^ and Jede- diah^ he engaged in the fish oil and fertilizer business with plants at Shelter Island, Connecticut and Barren Island. This firm grew to be the largest in the business. In 1888 Capt. Hawkins retired and took up his residence at South Jamesport. He married Mary L. Albertson, Jan. 21, 1847 and had Simeon S.^ a farmer; Mary F.^ and Ada® who died young; Susan J.,® wife of Nathaniel Tuttle of Sufifolk County ; Robert® a farmer of Riverhead ; Arthur W.' who removed to Brooklyn; Oliver A.® a merchant at Jamesport; and Henry® who died in infancy. Capt. Hawkin's'' wife died Aug. 7, 1892. Oliver A. Hawkins® was born at South Jamesport, July 20, 1868 and engaged in the mercantile business at Jamesport, form- ing a partnership with his brother Arthur W.® who later sold out to Oliver A. On Oct. 16, 1894 he married Daisy Broadfield of San Francisco and had Jerome Broadfield^ born Aug. 18, 1895. Simeon S. Hawkins^ was born at Stony Brook, March 30, 1827 and followed the sea in early life. When only twenty years of age he was captain of the schooner "Charles D. Hallock." In 1868 he removed to Jamesport and later on became associated with his brothers in the fish oil and fertilizer business. In 1866 he was County Superintendent of the Poor and in 1870 was elected Supervisor of Riverhead Town, defeating his brother Edward^ who ran on the Democratic ticket. He was a member of the State Assembly in 1884-85 and State Senator during 1888- 89. On Oct. 6, 1852 Capt. Hawkins married Buelah Elma Youngs of Jamesport daughter of Albert Youngs and had Ebenezer;® Florence S® wife of John E. Overton of Port Jefiferson ; Albert Etheridge® a farmer at Riverhead ; and Myron Daniel® employed in the Riverhead Savings Bank. Capt. Hawkins home was at Jamesport. Edward Hawkins^ was born January 21, 1829 at Stony Brook and was a seafaring man until the close of the Civil War when he retired to his farm near Jamesport. Edward was a Democrat and his brother Simeon S., a Republican. Twice they opposed each other for the same office, first in 1870 when Simeon was elected Supervisor of Riverhead and second in 1889 when Edward was successful in being elected State Senator. In 1855 he married Susan C, daughter of Israel Smith of Lake Grove and they had Edward® a farrner; Inez® wife of Joseph M. Bel- ford; Una® wife of Edward H. Albertson of Riverhead; Rosa® and Anna.® Edward Hawkins® was born Jan. 16, 1861 and on Jan. 20, 1885 married Priscilla, daughter of Capt. John Smith of Genealogies of Long Island Families 97 New York. They had Priscilla^ born Dec. 15, 1886 and Edward S.^ who died when three years old. Jedediah W.'^ like his brothers first followed the sea and then became associated with them in the fishery business. He resided at Jamesport. He married Emily T. Warner and had Jennie L.* wife of John T. Terrill of Riverhead and Walter E.,^ who was born at Jamesport, May 15, 1863. Walter E. Hawkins^ followed the sea in early life and afterwards took up farming. On April 15, 1885 he married Irene M. Barnes. Of the daughters of Daniel Shaler/ Olivia'' married Charles Corwin of Riverhead ; Sophia Amelia'' married Sidney Smith of Jamaica and Hannah^ died young. Of the children of Daniel Shaler^ by his second wife Harriet Terry; Elbert S.'' and Irving^ were seafaring men and lived at Stony Brook. John' (Zachariah,* Zachariah,^ Zachariah^) md. Hannah d. of Isaac Davis. She was b. May 5, 1771 and was md. in 1792. Issue: Fanny^ b. Dec. 30, 1793, Richard^ b. June i, 1795, Samuel^ b. April 6, 1797, Sally^ b. Aug. 10, 1803 and William^ b. April 18, 1810. Zachariah,' son of Caleb* and grandson of Zachariah,^ md. Elizabeth d. of Cyrus Punderson. She was b. June 29, 1766 and d. June 15, 1789 leaving issue a d. Catharine" who md. Nathaniel Ketcham, Feb. 11, 1806 and d. in 1816 leaving Eliza/ Charlotte'^ and Mary.^ Edward H. Tooker^ (son of Daniel Tooker and his wife Julia Hawkins," daughter of Edward,^ grand-daughter of Zacha- riah,* and great-grand-daughter of Zachariah^) md. Alma d. of William Tooker. His sister Miami^ md. Daniel Tucker of New York who d. without issue and she md. again Samuel Tooker, brother of said Alma. ARTHUR SMITH There are six distinct Smith famiHes on Long Island viz: Weight Smiths, Rock Smiths, Blue Smiths, Tangier Smiths, Bull Smiths and Arthur Smiths. They received their distinguishing prefixes through some circumstance or peculiarity connected with the early generations of the respective families. Thus the Weight Smiths possessed the only set of scales and weights in their locality ; the Rock Smith's progenitor was known as Rock John to differentiate him from other John Smiths residing at Stamford Conn, from whence he removed to Long Island ; the ancestor of the Blue Smiths always wore a blue coat which he was exceed- ing proud of and never lost a chance of exhibiting; the Tangier Smiths are descended from Col. William Smith, mayor of the city of Tangier, Africa, then a British colony, where he resided before coming to America ; the Bull Smiths take their name from the habit which their ancestor' Major Richard Smith had of rid- ing a bull instead of a horse and lastly the Arthur Smiths are descendants of Arthur Smith one of the original proprietors of Brookhaven Town in Suffolk County. The Weight, Rock and Blue Smiths are found mostly in Queens and Nassau Counties, while the Tangier, Bull and Arthur varieties are native to Suf- folk County. Having thus mentioned the several divisions, we can now look to the following genealogy ^| the Arthur Smith family about which less has been written than any other Smith clan, therefor all the more interesting to the student. Always bear in mind that the ancestors of these families were not related in any way, shape or form. Frequent intermarriages have taken place between the families however. The Arthur Smith family is fully as ancient as the others. The progenitor was Arthur Smith/ one of the original pro- prietors of Brookhaven Town in Suffolk County which was set- tled in 1655. Very little is known of him except that he had three sons Daniel,^ SamueP and Arthur.^ He resided at Setauket, the earliest settlement in the Town. Daniel^ md. Mary d. of Samuel Thompson of Setauket, in 1720 who d. May 5, 1770 and had : 1. Ruth^ b. Nov. 3, 1722 and d. single Sept. 10, 1750. 2. Elijah^ b. Dec. 8, 1724 and d. single April 5, 1791. 3. DanieP b. Aug. 11, 1727 and d. single July 30, 1741. 4. Timothy^ b. Sept. 3, 1730 and md. Seviah d. of Aaron Smith (Bull) and had Daniel* b. 1756, d. 1813; Jedediah* b. 1760 99 100 Genealogies of Long Island Families d. 1830; Elijah* b. 1763, d. 1826; Ruth* b. Dec. 30, 1758 d. Jan. 26, 1832; Isaac* b. 1767 d. 181 1 did not marry; Amos^ b. March 10, 1770; Richard* b. June 25, 1777; Sarah* b. Sept. 4, 1779 d. Oct. 27, 1790; Timothy* b. 1765 d. 1770; Mary* b. 1772; and Jonathan* b. 1774. 5. Mary^ b. Feb. 5, 1733 md. Isaac Biggs son of John and Mary Biggs on June 19, 1759 who d. Feb. 22, 1793 aged 64. She d. Feb. 24, 1800 and is buried beside her husband in the Biggs burying ground at Setauket. They had Mary,* Isaac,* and Ruth.* 6. Isaac^ b. Dec. 11, 1736 and d. single July 20, 1766. 7. Amos^ b. Nov. 9, 1747 md. Juliana d. of Benjamin Haw- kins and had Ebenezer,* Sarah,* Walter,* Henry* and John* d. Oct. 2, 1804. He d. March 4, 1799. CHILDREN OF TIMOTHY SMITH^ (Daniel,^ Arthur^ AND SEVIAH HIS WIFE. 1. Daniel* md. Sarah d. of Nathaniel Norton and had issue, names unknown. 2. Ruth* md. Dr. Samuel Thompson (b. Oct. 2, 1738 d. Sept. 17, 1811) of Setauket on March 10, 1795 as second wife and d. Jan. 26, 1834, aged 76. She is buried in the Thompson burying ground at Setauket beside her husband. All her children are buried there also. Children were Mary WoodhulP b. June 11, 1796 and d. single Dec. 28, 1834; Samuel Ludlow^ b. March 5, 1799 md. Sophia Satterly Feb. 12, 1842 and d. Feb. 6, 1865 — his wife was b. April 27, 1809 and d. Jan. 26, 1865 ; Isaac Smith^ b. 1801 d. in infancy. For an account of Dr. Thompson and his children see Benj. F. Thompson's History of L. I. — Enlarged Edition. Benj. F. Thompson was a son of Dr. Thompson by his first wife Phebe Satterly. 3. Amos* md. Ruth d. of John Bennet, March 2^, 1810 and had Isaac^ and Juliana^ who md. Dr. Thomas Edwards. 4. Richard* md. Sarah d. of Isaac Davis, June 12, 1809 and d. Aug. 26, 1843. Had a son Isaac^ who d. Sept. 19, 1839 aged 22. 5. Sarah* md. Col. Isaac Satterly of Setauket as second wife on Dec. 11, 1803 and d. Feb. 22, 1854. Col. Satterly was b. March 10, 1765 and d. Aug. 2, 1859. He was a prominent man in the Town during a long life — for a further account of him see Sat- terly Genealogy. Children were Mary^ b. July 3, 1804 md. George Cahoone Oct. 9, 1839 and d. April 20, 1853 ; Isaac Smith^ b. Dec. 30, 1805 and d. Feb. 14, 1872; Henry Hackett^ b. Jan. 24, 1808 and d. in Mexico July 9, 1847; Sophia Elisabeth^ b. April 27, 1809; Elizabeth Ann^ b. April 3, 181 1 and d. Feb. 12, 1885; Ruth Augusta^ b. March 26, 1813 and d. July 30, 1892; Sarah Ann^ b. April 12, 1816 and d. Aug. 22, 1890; and William S.** b. June 10, Genealogies of Long Island Families 101 1818 and d. April 5, 1865. The said Sophia E.^ md. her cousin Samuel L. Thompson (b. March 5, 1799) of Setauket on Feb. 12, 1842 and d. Jan. 26, 1865 at Setauket leaving Mary W.^ b. Jan. 18, 1843 who md. first William Berrian and second Thomas S. Griffing and d. at Setauket in 1885. Samuel L. Thompson d. Feb. 6, 1865 at Setauket. CHILDREN OF ISAAC BIGGS AND MARY SMITH^ HIS WIFE. 1. Mary* b. Sept. 19, 1766, d. Dec. 29, 1830, md. Morris Jayne who was b. Oct. 16, 1763, d. March 20, 1842. Children were: a. Archibald^ b. March 6, 1788, d. Feb. 16, 1848, md. Mary Michell who was b. May 6, 1790 and d. Feb. 14, 1848 leaving no issue. b. Isaac^ b. 1792, d. Feb. 15, 1847, i^id. on April 24, 1814 Sarah Brewster b. Nov. 28, 1796 who was d. of Joseph and Martha Hawkins Brewster and had Robert Morris,® Elbert Brewster,® Mary Dallas,® and Amanda.® 2. Ruth* md. Warden Tobey and had no issue, other gene- alogies speak of d. of W. Tobey, perhaps by another wife. 3. Isaac* CHILDREN OF AMOS SMITH^ (Daniel,^ Arthur^ AND JULIANA HAWKINS HIS WIFE. 1. Ebenezer* md. Rebecca d. of Israel Hawkins, March 19, 1803 and had Electa^ who md. Philip Hallock. 2. Sarah* md. John Brewster, Aug. 30, 1802 and had Juliana'* b. Aug. 12, 1803, md. Henry Hudson; and Mary Thompson^ b. Nov. 15th 1812, md. Robert N. Mount of Stony Brook. 3. Walter* md. Elisabeth d. of Thomas Ellison, Dec. 21, 1806 and had John^ and Henry.'' 4. Henry.* 5. John* d. Oct. 2, 1804. Samuel Smith- second son of Arthur^ married and had the following children. His wife's name is unknown. 1. Selah^ md. Hannah^ d. of his uncle Arthur Smith^ and d. without issue. 2. Isaiah^ removed to Orange Co. N. Y., md. Mary Mapes and d. leaving Jesse* and John.* 3. John^ md. and had Floyd* b. April 23, 1800, md. Charity d. of Vinson Smith on Dec. 31, 1822, who d. Oct. 27, 1827 and 102 Genealogies of Long Island Families he md. again Ann d. of Samuel Satterly on May 8, 1838, leaving issue by both wives. Floyd's* sister Maria* md. Daniel Edwards and had William^ who md. Ann Maria d. of John Van Brunt. This paragraph relating to John^ and his children was very in- distinct in Thompson's Ms. and the information must not be relied upon, although it may possibly be transcribed correctly. 4. Samuel Hains^ md. Mary d. of Phineas Helme and had: a. Juliana* md. William Reeder in 1783 who d. in 1804 aged 40 and she d. March 10, 1844 aged 76. Children were Fanny,^ Jesse,^ Harriet,^ John,^ Lydia^ and Maria. ^ b. Fanny* md. William Wiggins and had Alexander.^ c. Jesse* d. young. d. Mary* md. John Smith and had Marcia,^ John^ and Sarah.5 CHILREN OF WILLIAM REEDER AND JULIANA SMITH* (Samuel Hains,^ Samuel,^ Arthur^) HIS WIFE. 1. Fanny^ b. 1784, md. William Weed. 2. Jesse^ d. young. 3. Harriet^ b. 1793, md. Daniel H. Reins. 4. John^ b. 1795, md. Eliza Tompkins and d. in 1825. 5. Lydia^ b. 1795, md. Samuel Woodhull in Sept. 1810. 6. Maria^ b. 1797, md. John Mansfield in March 181 1 who d. in Jan. 1849. 7. Julia^ b. April 2, 1799, md. first Adam Christie on Sept. 20, 1817 who d. April 5, 1819 and secondly Adam Geib on Jan. 4, 1827. Arthur Smith^ youngest son of Arthur^ md. Deborah d. of Samuel Tnompson of Setauket, and d. in 1744. His widow mar- ried for her second husband William Miller of Old Man's now Mt. Sinai. Children were all by her first husband as follows : 1. Jemima^ md. Timothy Tooker and had Jemima* who md. Ebenezer Hulse and had John,^ Selah,^ Hannah,^ Aner,^ Samuel' and Ruth.^ 2. Sarah^ md. David Tyler and had Margaret* who md. Elias Liscomb and d. March 1847 ^g^<^ 84 leaving Elias,^ John,^ Sally^ and Margaret.^ 3. Susannah^ md. Thomas Hallock. 4. SamueP md. Hetty d. of Abraham Cooper, who d. Feb. 4, 1813 aged 84. Children were: a. Hannah* md. Gilbert Hart and d. March 17, 1813 aged 52 leaving William S.,^ Charles,^ Abraham Cooper,^ SamueF and Deborah^ who md. Daniel Dayton. Genealogies of Long Island Families 103 b. Deborah* md. Barnabas Reeve and had Thomas^ d. young, SamueP d. young, and Henry^ who md. Charity d. of John Bailey and had Samuel B.*^ and Henry.** c. Mehetible* md. Isaac Mills Phillips who d. Aug. 24, 1819 leaving George S.^ d. Isaac* d. single. e. John* md. Hannah Wheeler. 5. Benajah^ md. Dorothy d. of Vinson Jones, who d. Aug. 28, 1804 leaving: a. Ruth* b. 1762, md. Benjamin Hawkins in 1785 and d. July II, 1838 aged 76. Issue: Desire,^ Benjamin,^ Juliana,^ Eliza- beth,^ Dorothy,^ Samuel,^ Martha^ and Eleazer.^ b. Vinson* md. Bathsheba Gerard and had William.' c. James* d. single. d. Richard* d. single. e. Anna* d. single. f. William* d. single. g. Cyrus* d. single. h. Julia* md. Joseph Brewster of Setauket Nov. 14, 1804 and had Clarissa^ md. Oliver Sleight and Richard Brewster^ a seafaring man who fell overboard and was drowned at New York after his return from a voyage to China. Joseph Brewster d. Feb. 22, 1808 and his widow md. John Rosemon of Setauket by whom she had William E.,^ Eden,^ Harriet,^ Caroline^ and Dorothea.' John Rosemon was a sea captain and followed the water for many years. His home is still standing at Setauket about a mile or two south of the railroad station in which locality is also found the home of Joseph Brewster. 6. Arthur^ was murdered by the British in 1778. 7. Hannah^ md. Selah^ Smith (Samuel,^ Arthur^) and d. without issue. MILLS This genealogy relates to the Suffolk County branch of the family, descendants of Timothy Mills who settled at Smith- town in 1693. The other branch remained at Jamaica. Members of both branches were fairly numerous during the i8th and first half of the 19th centuries, but are now greatly reduced. Among the early settlers of Jamaica L. I. was George Mills^ born in 1585 and died aged 89, Oct. 17, 1674 at Jamaica. He was probably a descendant of John Mills who was made freeman of Boston in 1632. Children were SamueP and Nathaniel^ who d. Nov. 4, 1728. Samuel Mills^ was born in 1631, md. in 1658 and was reputed to have had 16 children. He died at Jamaica March 9, 1726, aged 95. Among his children was Timothy.^ Timothy Mills^ (SamueP) born at Jamaica in 1667, was the progenitor of the Suffolk Co. Mills and moved to that part of Smithtown since called Mills Pond in 1693. He died March 30th 175 1 aged 84. His will bears date of March 16, 1741. He married first Elizabeth, family name unknown and secondly Sarah Longbotham. The settlement of Mills Pond is a collection of dignified old houses surrounding a small pond situated on the North Country road about four miles east of the village of Smithtown Branch. It lies within the town of Smithtown and has always been the residence of one or more members of the family since the days of Timothy Mills the common ancestor. Mr. Dubois Smith, a grand- son of William Wickham Mills, is the present owner of the Pond and the Mills homestead. CHILDREN OF TIMOTHY MILLS^ By his first wife Elizabeth he had Isaac* and Miriam.* By his second wife Sarah Longbotham he had : I. Deliverance* who md. Josiah Miller in 1725 and died in 1727. 3. Jonas.* 4. Jonathan.* 5. Sarah* who md. Josiah Miller as second wife. 6. Samuel.* 7. Martha* b. Oct. 5, 1716, md. Benajah Strong, Nov. 14, 1739 and had Benajah,^ Selah,^ Sarah,^ Charity,® Abigail® and Joanna.® She d. Oct. 22, 1780. 105 106 Genealogies of Long Island Families 8. Ruth* md. Eleazer Hawkins July 6, 1739 and had Jonas,° Juliana,^ Deliverance,^ Eleazer,^ Jonas Second,^ Juliana second' and Ann.^ 9. Mary* md. Daniel Hawkins and had David^ Timothy,' Moses,^, Isaac,^ Elizabeth^ and Mary.^ 10. Elizabeth* b. 1706 and md. George Phillips, April 11, 1726 and had Samuel,^ Sarah,^ George,^ Jonas,^ Elizabeth,' Mary^ and Moses.^ She died in April 1775 aged 69 and her hus- band on Nov. 21, 1 771. 11. Timothy* md. a daughter of Thomas Rudyard from New Jersey, and settled in Orange Co., N. Y. Isaac Mills* (Timothy,^ SamueP) b. March 13, 1697 at Mills Pond and d. aged 70, July 8, 1767. He md. in 1719, Hannah d. of Andrew and Rebecca Miller, who was born Aug. 6, 1698 and d. Sept. 16, 1777, aged 79, leaving issue as follows: 1. Hannah^ b. Oct. 17, 1720, md. Samuel Davis and had Isaac,^ Samuel,'' William® and Andrew,** the last three of whom settled in Orange Co., N. Y. 2. IsAAC^ bfFeb. 19, 1727, md. Sarah d. of George and Eliza^, beth Phillips Feb. 14, 1754, and d. April 23, 1783 aged 56. She. was b. Feb. 26, 1732 and d. April 29, 1790 aged 58, leaving issue Ebenezer,® Sarah,® William,® Ebenezer second,® Rebecca,® Eliza- beth,® George,® Moses® and Isaac.® 3. JoANNA^^ b. March 6, 1731, md. Capt. Nathan Woodhull in 1750 and died Oct. 5, 1783 aged 51, leaving Nathan,®* Nathan- iel,® David,® Sarah,® Phebe,^ Joanna® and Benjamin.® Capt. Woodhull and family lived at Setauket where his children were born. 4. Sarah' k Feb. 5, 1734, md. Samuel Phillips in 1754 and d. Nov. 20, 1795 aged 62 leaving Isaac Mills,® Samuel,® Sarah® and Hannah.® 5. William', born March 2, 1739, grad. at College of N. J. in 1756, settled as pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Jamaica in 1762 and d. at New York March 18, 1774 aged 35 and is buried in Presb. Church-yard at Jamaica. He md. Mary (d. at Eliza- bethtown N. J.) daughter of the Hon. John Reading of N. J. and had issue : a. Mary® b. Feb. 1763 md. Dr. Robert Halsted of Elizabeth- town N. J. as second wife and had 5 children. She d. at Eliza- bethtown prior to 1848. * Rev. Nathan Woodhull, pastor Presb. Church at Huntington 1785- 1789, pastor Presb. Church at Newtown 1790-1810. Born April 28, 1756 died March 13, 1810. Genealogies of Long Island Families 107 b. John Reading® b. Jan. 1765 md. Polly Halsted sister of Dr. Robt. Halsted, and had 5 children. He lived at Cincinnati Ohio and d. prior to 1848 in that state. c. Hannah" b. June 1766 died single at Elizabethtown N. J. May 29, 1798 in the 32nd year of her age, but is buried at Mills Pond. d. Isaac*' b. June 1768, md. a Miss Dunn and had 4 children. Lived at Cincinnati Ohio and d. prior to 1848 in that state. e. William" b. July 1770 md. Mary Heckle and had 7 chil- dren. Lived at Cincinnati Ohio and d. prior to 1848 in that state. f. Thaddeus" b. Nov. 1772 md. Mary T. Halsted a daughter of Dr. Robt. Halsted by his first wife. They had 5 children. He d. at Elizabethtown N. J. prior to 1848. All of the above men except Thaddeus were professors of religion. It is a coincidence that the Rev. William Mills'^ was pastor of a church at Jamaica, the place where his ancestor George Mills^ resided. CHILDREN OF ISAAC MILLS^ (Isaac,* Timothy^) AND SARAH PHILLIPS HIS WIFE. 1. Ebenezer" b. Jan. 24, 1755 and d. unmarried. 2. Sarah" b. March 16, 1756 md. Samuel Mills* (Timothy,^ SamueP) and d. April 17, 1832. 3. William" b. Aug. 27, 1757 md. Martha d. of Thomas Helme on Dec. 27, 1785 and d. June 12, 1837 aged 79 and is buried at Mills Pond. She was b. Feb. 19, 1761 and d. Nov. 23, 1854. Buried at Mills Pond. Children were Caleb,^ Clarissa,'^ James Harvey,^ Thomas Helme,^ William,'^ Hannah,^ Martha Olive^ and Charlotte.^ William Mills" served in Capt. Nathaniel Piatt's Smithtown company attached to Col. Josiah Smith's First Regiment of Minute-Men in Suffolk County which took part in the Battle of Long Island. He signed the Association in May 1775- 4. Ebenezer second," b. Aug. 3, 1759 md. Abigail Vail and settled in Orange Co. N. Y. Children were Isaac,^ Sarah,^ Isaiah,'' Henry,'' Samuel,' Phebe'' and William.^ 5. Rebecca^ b. June 22,1761 and died in her youth unmar- ried. 6. Elizabeth" b. April 22, 1763 md. Jedediah Mills^ (Jonas,* Timothy^) and d. July 12, 1824 aged 61. Children were Thomas,^ Sarah,' Benjamin,^ Lewis,' Ebenezer,' Elizabeth,' Mary Piatt,' Alfred^ and Edmund.'' 7. George" b. Aug. 23, 1765 md. Tabitha d. of Jonas Davis, June 17, 1792 and d. March 18, 1846 aged 81. She was b. Feb. 108 Genealogies of Long Island Families i6, 1774. Children were Jonas Davis/ Jesse^ and George Phil- lips.^ 8. MosES^ b. March 10, 1767 md. Nancy d. of Thomas Rud- yard on Jan. 27, 1795 and d. May 13, 1835. She was b. June 10, 1770. Children were Henry/ Hiram'' d. young, Frances/ and Margaret.'^ 9. Isaac* b. March 14, 1769 at Smithtown and md. Anna d. of William Longbotham and d. Dec. 31, 1839. Isaac Mills lived at Yaphank and committed suicide there by cutting his throat from ear to ear. He was attended by Dr. Samuel F. Norton of Coram. His children were : a. Appolas^ md. Urania d. of Squire William Phillips of Yaphank and lived there. His children were John/ Eliza* and Mary Ann.* b. Horace'' md. Janet Duryea and had Ann Janet.* c. Joanna^ md. Joseph Tuthill and had Isabella* who md. Wm. Roe, and Ann Eliza.* d. Phillip^ md. Deborah d. of Mordecai Homan of Yap- hank, who d. Dec. 28, 1847 aged 38. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM MILLS« (Isaac/ Isaac,* Tim- othy^) AND MARTHA HELME, HIS WIFE. 1. Caleb^ d. June 24, 1801 aged 6 months 10 days. Buried at Mills Pond. 2. Clarissa'' b. Jan. 6, 1787, md. Russell Greene Oct. 24, 1813 and d. Jan. 7, 1821 leaving Clarissa* and Hannah,* the for- mer of whom md. Rev. John Q. Prescott, March 26, 1845. 3. James Harvey^ b. Nov. 17, 1788 md. Mary d. of Rev. Aaron Woolworth, May 13, 1818 and died as pastor of the Pres- byterian Church at Onondaga Hollow N. Y., aged 35, on May 20, 1824, leaving Louisa,* Mary* and James.* 4. Thomas Helme'' b. at Mills Pond Aug. 8, 1790, md. Martha d. of Caleb and Elizabeth Smith on April 20, 1814 and d. Nov. 20, 1847 ^t New York City aged 57. She was b. Dec. 2, 1792 and d. June 5, 1864. Buried at Mills Pond as is her hus- band. Children were Ethelbert Smith,** James Monroe,* Martha Elizabeth* md. Josiah O. Low of Brooklyn Feb. 3, 1845, Anna Woodhull,* Charlotte Augusta* and Sarah Smith* who d. Feb. 3, 1835- 5. -William^ b. Nov. 11, 1792, md. Deborah d. of John Smith Jan. 19, 1819, settled in Erie Co. N. Y. and had Erastus Root,* Margaret,* Elizabeth,* William Thomas* and Hannah.* ♦ Lived in New York City. Genealogies of Long Island Families 109 6. Hannah^ b. Dec. 30, 1795 and d. unmd. Aug. 21, 1823 aged 27. Is buried at Mills Pond. 7. Martha Olive" b. Nov. 14, 1797 md. Daniel Miller, Oct. 10, 1826 and had Charlotte^ and Martha.^ 8. Charlotte^ b. July 24, 1802 and md. Richard Blyden- burgh as second wife on March 12, 1832 and had no issue as late as 1848. CHILDREN OF GEORGE MILLS« (Isaac,^ Isaac,* Tim- othy^') AND TABITHA DAVIS HIS WIFE. 1. Anna^ d. March 29, 1794 aged 9 months 6 days. Buried at Mills Pond. 2. Jonas Davis^ b. May 2, 1795 md. Mary d. of Thomas Hallock on Feb. 25, 1818. She was b. Dec. 8, 1798 and d. March 1827 leaving Edward H.,« b. March 25, 1819; Emily Tabitha,® b. June 19, 1821, md. John S. Huntting in Nov. 1843; a"d Thomas James^ b. Feb. 13, 1827. He md. again Mary Piatt d. of Jede- diah Mills^ (Jonas,* Timothy,^ Samuel^) on April 25, 1831 and had Sarah Maria® b. Sept. 21, 1832 and d. April 25, 1834; and Robert Sydney® b. Nov. 11, 1835. 3. Jesse^ b. Sept. 15, 1797 md. Martha d. of Abraham Smith, Jan. 28, 1824, who d. Dec. 2, 1845 aged 42, leaving Egbert Smith,^ George E.,® and Anna Bryant,® who md. Edwin Smith. 4. George Phillips^ b. May 31, 1801, md. Sarah d. of Thomas Hallock Jan. i, 1833 and had Mary A.,® Charles E.,® and George Thomas.® Mr. George Phillips Mills was born at Smith- town, attended the district school and later Clinton Academy, Easthampton. He resided at Smithtown until 1844 when he re- moved to Bellport and engaged in farming. He was Supervisor of Brookhaven town from 1847 to 1851 and represented the western district of Suffolk County in the State Assembly in 1858. He died at Bellport, March 6, 1868 and is buried in the Presby- terian church-yard, Smithtown. CHILDREN OF MOSES MILLS« (Isaac,^ Isaac,* Tim- othy3) AND NANCY RUDYARD, HIS WIFE. 1. Henry^ b. Nov. 9, 1790, md. Hannah De Milt, Feb. 20, 1817 and had a son Moses.® He d. Dec. 25, 1824. 2. HiRAM^ b. Oct. 18, 1797 and d. Sept. 10, 1801. 3. Frances^ b. Oct. 4, 1799 md. Daniel Hudson, Jan. 20, 1828 and had Anna A.,® Margaret M.,® Prudence S.,® and Mary E.® 4. Margaret^ b. Dec. 16, 1805 md. Isaac W. Arthur, Sept. 20, 1831 and had Mary S.,® Henry M.® and Frances Ella.® no Genealogies of Long Island Families Jacob Mills* (Timothy,^ SamueP) d. Oct. 20, 1779 and is buried at Mills Pond beside his wife Mary. He md. Mary d. of Eleazer Hawkins, who d. Jan. 23, 1794 aged 69 leaving Mary^ d. Jan. I, 1764 aged 6, IsraeP and Jacob.^ Of whom Israel^ b. 1754, md. first Martha Smith, (d. May 3, 1791 and is buried at Mills Pond) and had David Smith*^ who md. a daughter of Nathaniel La Rue and had : 1. Nathaniel.'^ 2. JoHN^ md. 1841 Sarah Ann d. of John Perline of N. J. 3. William^ md. 183 1 Eleanor d. of John Perline of N. J. For his second wife Israel^ md. a d. of one Kellum, by whom he had no issue and died Oct. 19, 1818 aged 64. He was a mem- ber of Capt. Nathaniel Piatt's Smithtown company which was attached to Col. Josiah Smith's First Regiment of Minute Men in Suffolk County which took part in the Battle of Long Island. He signed the Association in May 1775. Jonas Mills* (Timothy,^' SamueP) md. Abigail Mills of N. J. in 1752 and had Jonas,^ Jedediah^ and Martha.^ Of these: I. Jonas^ b. March 19, 1753, d. May 6, 181 1 aged 58, and is buried at Mills Pond. He md. first Rachel d. of Epenetus Smith who d. Jan. 9, 1807 ; second Elizabeth d. of Daniel Smith who was b. Dec. I, 1764 and d. May 28, 1812 aged 47. Buried at Mills Pond. Jonas Mills^ was a Sergeant in Capt. Nathaniel Piatt's Smithtown Company of Col. Josiah Smith's First Regiment of Suffolk County Minute Men which took part in the Battle of Long Island and afterwards served on Manhattan Island and Westchester County. He signed the Association in 1775. Chil-. dren by his first wife : a. Epenetus Smith" b. Jan. 22, 1778, md. Sarah d. of Warden Toby. Children by his second wife :* b. Gideon Smith'' b. Aug. 26, 1788, md. Polly d. of John Ackerly, Feb. 14, 1810 and d. Sept. 19, 1834 aged 46t leaving Selah S.'^ d. April 23, 1848 and Alonzo.'^ She d. Dec. 20, 1849 aged 57. c. Deborah'' b. Feb. 13, 1792 and md. John Shepherd in Nov. 1813. d. Abigail® b. Aug. 7, 1799 md. John Barker. * It will be noted that the second wife's children all were born before the death of the first wife in 1807. Either this date is wrong or the first wife was divorced, a rare occurrence in those days. t He and his wife are both buried at Mills Pond. Genealogies of Long Island Families 111 2. Jedediah^ b. Nov. 4, 1755, md. Elizabeth (d. July 15, 1824, aged 62) daughter of Isaac Mills' (Isaac,* Timothy^) Feb. 17, 1784 and d. Dec. 21, 1828. Jedediah Mills served first as private and later as corporal in Capt. Nathaniel Piatt's Smithtown com- pany of Col. Josiah Smith's First Regiment of Suffolk County Minute Men. When the Long Island Militia v^ere disbanded after the disastrous Battle of Long Island fought during the last week of August 1776, Jedediah escaped to Connecticut with many other refugees and served under Capt. Welles and Col. Wolcott. He was a signer of the Smithtown division of the Association in May 1775, which pledged its subscribers to support the Continental Congress and the Provincial Congress of New York. Children were: a. Thomas.® b. Sarah" b. July 20, 1789 md. Elkanah Hawkins, Jan. 13, 1813. He d. Oct. 15, 1833 leaving Amanda^ b. May 12, 1814, md. Lewis Sellick, March 31, 1833. c. Benjamin® b. July 11, 1791, lived at Smithtown and md. first Sarah M., d. of Jonathan Mills^ (Jonathan,* Timothy,^ Sam- uel-) March 24, 1817. She was b. Nov. 12, 1794 and d. Feb. 15, 1825 leaving Mary £./ b. Feb. 22, 1818, md. Benjamin B. Baylis, June 6, 1837 and had Sarah Maria^ b. April 9, 1841 and Mary Brown^ b. May 24, 1847 ! Egherf b. Jan. 28, 1820, md. Mary d. of Isaac Allison, Nov. i, 1841 ; and Edmund SJ b. Nov. 20, 1822. Benjamin Mills® was an influential man in the town and held sev- eral official positions. He md. second Dorothy, sister of his first wife on Dec. 27, 1828. She was b. Dec. 2^, 1796 and d. without issue Jan. 16, 1830. He md. third Charity d. of Adam Smith on Dec. 28, 1831. She was b. Feb. 25, 1799 and had issue, Daniel Smith' b. Sept. 20, 1832, Isaac'' b. May 11, 1834, William Henry'' b. April 3, 1836, Benjamin FJ h. Aug. 8, 1838 and Sydney BJ b. Oct. 8, 1843. At the age of nineteen William Henry Mills'' engaged in the mercantile business in Staten Island and continued thusly for four years when he returned to Smithtown. On Feb. 16, 1863 he married Rebecca S. Dunham, daughter of Henry H. Dunham of New York, who was born in 1838. They had Lillian E.,^ Henry D.,* and Charles J.^ d. Lewis® b. Sept. 23, 1793 md. first Hannah d. of Frederick Hallock of Quogue in 1822 and had Algernon Sydney,'^ Eliza- beth b. 1823 and d. July 24, 1842, Alfred H.,^ Frederick H.'' and Alonzo.'' For his second wife he md. Ann Eliza d. of Richard Davis, Dec. 6, 1848. Algernon Sydney Mills' lived at East Setauket and was a 112 Genealogies of Long Island Families farmer. He married Mary Brewster of the same place and died in 1888. His wife died in 1886. Isaac B. Mills^ is a son of Algernon Sydney'' and was born on his father's farm at East Setauket, in October, 1863. Like his father, he is a farmer and specializes in dairy work. He married Gertrude Terrell, daughter of Charles Terrell of Port Jefiferson in 1889 and has two daughters, Madeline^ and Rebecca.^ Mr. Mills has served as Road Commissioner and Excise Commissioner. He resides at East Setauket. e. Ebenezer^ b. March 22, 1796 md. Maria Coleman in 1822 and had William Phillips.^ Mary Elizabeth,'^ Ann^ and Adeline.^ f. Elizabeth*' b. Sept. 2, 1798 and d. unmd. March 13, 1847. g. Mary Piatt'' b. Jan. 30, 1801, md. Jonas D. Mills^ (George,^ Isaac,^ Timothy*) and had Sarah Maria'' b. Sept. 22, 1832, and d. April 25, 1834; and Robert Sydney'' b. Nov. 11, 1835. h. Alfred** b. June 25, 1803 and d. March 15, 1826. i. Edmund** b. Oct. 29, 1805, md. Almira Finn 1832 and had Robert Emmet,'' Sarah Hawkins,^ Ann Eliza,^ Sophronia,'' Alfred Thomas'' and Edward Wickham.'' 3. Martha^ b. May 11, 1760, md. David Smith, May 22, 1778. Issue: a. Jonas Mills** b. March 14, 1779, md. Joanna Mapes, March 30, 1801 and d. May 3, 181 1. b. Ebenezer** b. December 8, 1782 md. Mary d. of Samuel Smith, Feb. 26, 1804 by whom he had no issue. c. Thomas^ b. Oct. 19, 1785, md. Esther d. of Isaac Arthur, Feb. 14, 1805. d. Obadiah*" b. Feb. 10, 1788, md. Rebecca d. of Lucius Smith, Nov. 12, 1809. e. David Willets** b. April 9, 1790 md. Jane d. of one Smith, April 12, 18 1 2. Jonathan* (Timothy,^ SamueP) b. Oct. 28th 1710, md. Ruth Rudyard who d. Dec. 16, 1748 aged 32. He md. again Dorothy Miller in 1758, and d. Oct. 28th, 1798 aged 88; she d. Sept. 2, 1789, aged 71. Children: 1. Deborah^ md. George Phillips of N. J. and had Micah^ who d. unmd. Aug. 22, 1795 aged 23 (buried at Mills Pond) and Deborah** who d. unmd. April 16, 1803 in the 26th year of her age and is buried at Mills Pond. 2. Zophar^ b. Oct. 9, 1740, md. Deliverance d. of Timothy Miller, March 9 1767 and settled at Wading River. Deliver- ance was b. Oct. 19, 1747. Children were: Ruth® b. March 27, 1768 and md. Benjamin Woodhull; Nathaniel® b. Sept. 4, 1769, d. May 26, 1832; Zophar® b. Dec. 7, 1771; Gabriel® b. Nov. 19, Genealogies of Long Island Families 113 1773; Experience^ b. Aug. 18, 1777; Keturah^ b. Dec. 27, 1778; Fanny^ b. May 5, 1782, md. Stephen Homan; Esseverance^ b. Jan. 22, 1787, md. George Davis and d. Jan. 1876. 3. Micah'^ md. Julia d. of Eleazer Hawkins and removed to Orange County N. Y. where he died. Had issue: Micah,® Anna*^ md. Samuel Fish. Catharine" md. William Culver, Bartlett Tuthill,^ Maria^ md. Samuel Johnson. 4. Jacob'^ (twin of Timothy^) b. Dec. 25, 1746, md. Catharine d. of Samuel Denton and settled in Orange County N. Y. Issue: Jonathan,® Samuel," Sarah,** Dorothy,** Juliana,** Ruth,** Catha- rine,** Jacob,** Hezekiah,** William Wickham,** Maria,** Charles.** 5. Timothy^ (twin of Jacob^) b. Dec. 25, 1746 md. a Miller and removed to Saratoga County N. Y. where he d. in 1841, aged 95- 6. RuTH^ b. 1748 md. Major Jonas Hawkins of Stony Brook on Feb. 11, 1774, and died Jan. 22nd 1840 aged 92 at Stony Brook and is buried at Mills Pond, also her husband. Issue : Ruth,® Renelche,® Wm. Wickham® d. May 18, 1806 aged 30. Micah,® Deborah,** Julia,** Jonathan,** Jonds** and Dorothy.** Micah Haw- kins was the author of the first American opera to be produced in this country. For particulars see Hawkins Genealogy. Julia Hawkins** md. Thomas S. Mount and was the mother of William S. Mount the noted artist, for particulars see Hawkins genealogy. 7. William Wickham^ eldest son of Jonathan* by his sec- ond wife was b. in 1760, md. Mary Heathcote, d. of Dr. George Muirson of Setauket, who d. Sept. 28, 1800 and he md. again De- borah Scott and d. on Feb. 2, 1825 aged 65 at Mills Pond, Smith- town. He left Eliza A.,^ who md. her father's nephew William Wickham Mills® who was a prominent and wealthy man in the town. 8. Jonathan^ b. Nov. i, 1761 md. Rachel d. of Isaac Haw- kins and d. Aug. 5, 1806 aged 45. She was b. May 14, 1767 and d. Jan. 9, 1807 aged 39, and is buried at Mills Pond. Issue: a. Henry® d. Nov. 17, 1793 aged 7 years and is buried at Mills Pond. b. Charles.® c. Henry second.® d. Eleazer,® md. Charity d. of Samuel Bayley, Sept. 21, 1829 and d. July 17, 1844, aged 53- e. Isaac,® d. Feb. 24, 1825 aged 32. Buried at Mills Pond. f. Sarah M.® md. Benjamin Mills® (Jedediah,^ Jonas,* Tim- othy^) as first wife. g. Dorothy® md. Benjamin Mills® (Jedediah,^ Jonas,* Tim- othy^) as second wife. 114 Genealogies of Long Island Families h. Mary Caroline*' md. George S. Phillips, Dec. lo, 1822 and d. without issue Aug. 14, 1832 aged 33. i. Richard.® j. Jonathan® md. Maria Winans 1831 and had Samuel ]J b. Oct. 14, 1832. CHILDREN OF JACOB MILLS^ (Jonathan,* Timothy,^ Sam- uel^) AND CATHARINE DENTON HIS WIFE. 1. Jonathan® md. Jane McCord and had Emily,'' Letty,^ Catharine,'' Andrew,'^ Mary,^ Jane,'' Elsie,'' and ' Jacob.' 2. Samuel® md. Esther Still and had Catharine,'' Nancy,' William,^ Caroline,^ Mary,^ Jane,'' John,'' Sarah,' Samuel Wick- ham,' Jacob,' James,' Albert,' Edwin' and Ruth.' 3. Sarah® md. Thomas Bull and had Cornelia,' Harriet,' Catharine,' John J.,' Edmund,' Robert,' Jordan,' Jacob,' Dan- iel,' George,' Sarah,' Mary,' Jane,' Alexander,' Hannah' and Elizabeth.' This family of sixteen children is believed to be the largest on record in Suffolk County, that is, by one father and mother. Also note that Sarah's brother Samuel had fourteen children. Col. Roosevelt please take notice. 4. Dorothy® md. Jonathan Hawkins and had Amelia,' Letty,' Jacob,' Mills,' Jonas,' Ruth,' Lewis' and Micah.' 5. Juliana® md. John Gale and had Jane,' William,' Hiram,' Alfred,' Andrew Jackson,' Juliana' and Harriet.' 6. Ruth® md. Philip Miller and had Margaret,' Charles,' Adeline' and William Wickham.' 7. Catharine.® 8. Jacob® md. Eliza Hurtin and had Elizabeth,' William' and Andrew Jackson.' 9. Hezekiah® m. first, Sarah Bull who died and secondly Elizabeth Miller. Issue : Harrison,' Nathan Johnson,' Mary Ann,' Catharine' and Sarah.' ID. William Wickham® b. Sept. 3, 1797, md. Eliza Ann b. Jan. 24, 1802, d. July 9, 1865, daughter of his uncle William Wickham Mills^ and had Washington' b. Oct. 16, 1822, d. Nov. 10, 1885, Amanda Moscrop' md. Edmund T. Smith July 27, 1846, and had Dubois f Theodore ;' William Wickham ;' Oscar Bul- lus,' Horatio W.,' b. Oct. 21, 1837, d. June 28, 1880. Winefred,' and Josephine S.' Mr. Mills was for several years, Supervisor of the town of Smithtown and was an influential and wealthy man in the town. He erected the large house at Mills Pond now occu- pied by his grandson Mr. Dubois Smith. He died Jan. 6, 1865 aged 68. 11. Maria® md. Samuel White. 12. Charles® md. Letty Bull. Genealogies of Long Island Families 115 CHILDREN OF SAMUEL MILLS* (Timothy,^ SamueP) AND RUTH RHODES HIS WIFE. 1. Timothy^ married and had: a. Timothy^ (d. Aug. 5, 1863 aged 82 — buried at Mills Pond) who md. Amy Biggs (d. Aug. i, 1854 aged 70 — buried at Mills Pond) and had Richard.^ b. John^ who md. Mary d. of John Oaks on Dec. 20, 1804. She d. Oct. 15, 1844. c. Caleb.® 2. Samuel^ md. Sarah d. of Isaac Mills^ (Isaac,* Timothy^) and had : a. Samuel.® b. Rebecca.® c. Abial Conklin.® d. Elkanah.® e. Piatt.® CHILDREN OF ZOPHAR MILLS^ (Jonathan,* Timothy,^ SamueP) AND DELIVERANCE MILLER HIS WIFE. 1. ZoPHAR® md. Mary d. of Daniel Dayton and had Charles/ John'^ and Clarissa.'' 2. Ruth® b. March 27, 1768 and md. Benjamin Woodhull of Wading River and lived there. 3. Nathaniel® b. Sept. 4, 1769, settled on Staten Island and became possessed of a large estate. He md. Huldah Reeve and d. May 26, 1832. Children : a. Sophia.'' b. Mahlon.^ c. Frances.'' d. George W.'' e. Huldah M.^ f. Zophar^ was b. at No. 10 Gold St. New York, Sept. 23rd, 1809. He was engaged in the ship chandlery and naval stores business at 144 Front St. New York for many years, first as partner with Robert M. Blackwell and John Abrams until 1863 when the firm was dissolved, and thereafter conducting the busi- ness alone until 1884 when he retired. He was connected with the Volunteer Fire Department for a long time, first as chief engineer and finally as president. The fireboat "Zophar Mills" was named in his honor. Mr. Mills died, Feb. 28, 1887. He mar- ried Eliza Phillips in 1836 and had Charlotte/ Angeline,^ Jose- phine,^ Zophar^ and Adelaide.^ Zophar Mills* succeeded his father in business when the latter 116 Genealogies of Long Island Families retired in 1884 and as late as 1898 was still engaged in the same line at the same address. 4. ZoPHAR*^ b. Dec. 7, 1771. 5. Gabriel" b. Nov. 19, 1773, lived at Wading River. His home, still standing though altered, faced the historic pepperedge tree which served as a boundary marker between the towns of Brookhaven and Riverhead from the earliest times. The tree has long since disappeared. Gabriel*^ married and had Micah,^ Lester,^ Jacob,'' Franklin'^ and Corina'^ who md. Vincent Davis. 6. Experience*' b. Aug. 18, 1777. 7. Keturah,^ b. Dec. 27, 1778. the Volunteer Fire Department for a long time, first as Chief 8. Fanny,^ b. May 5, 1782 and md. Stephen Homan and had George Washington Homan,^ b. April 24, 1807. 9. Esseverance" b. Jan. 22, 1787, md. George Davis and d. Jan. 1876. They lived at Wading River. HOWARD The first of this name upon Long Island, about the year 1670 was William^ who settled at a place called the Half Way House, a little east of what is now Howard's Hill on the Jamaica turn- pike, where William one of his descendants resided in 1848. His son Edward^ b. Jan. 7, 1700 settled in Newtown and d. Oct. 18, 1792. He md. Susanna Fish, who was b. 1704, md. 1723 and d. Dec. 7, 1763. Issue. Abigail h. Dec. 27, 1724 and d. April 9, 1750. Judith^ b. March 22, 1727 and d. Nov. 29, 1759. Wil- liam^ b. Aug. 14, 1730 md. Mary Cornwell 1750 who d. Aug. 24, 1754 and he md. again Mary d. of Robert Coe, Feb. 11, 1764. He d. May 28, 1792 and his wife Sept. 20, 182 1 having issue as follows. I. Abigail* b. July 3, 1765 and md. Rev. Z. Greene as de- tailed in Greene genealogy, page 122. II. Edward* b. Oct. 2, 1766 and d. unmarried May 9, 1816 aged 50. HI. Susanna* b. July 30, 1768 and d. May 15, 1858. IV. Benjamin* b. March 15, 1772 md. Clarissa d. of Rev. Amzi Lewis of Stratford Conn. April 2, 1796 who d. Jan. 31, 1801, leaving William^ b. April 2, 1798 who md. Elizabeth Shepherd and Clarissa^ b. Jan. 26, 1801 who md. Sackett Leverich April 11, 1820 who d. and she md. again John Ledyard. Benjamin* md. again Mary d. of William Haviland. May 3, 1802 and d. Sept. 14, 1833. She d. Jan. 10, 1849. Issue: 1. Deborah Ann^ b. Sept. 15, 1803 and d. Jan. 11, 1876. 2. John H.^ b. Jan. 17, 1805 and md. Mary Leycraft June 15, 1837- 3. Edward S.^ b. May 23, 1807 md. Ann Chase, June 15, 1837. 4. Samuel H.^ b. Feb. 28, 1810 and d. Jan. 24, 1872. 5. Benjamin Coe,^ b. April 29, 1812, md. Mary Tyler, Sept. 28, 1843 and d. Sept. 23, 1876. 6. George^ b. July 2, 1814 md. Nancy R. Huntington, Nov. 4, 1847 ^^^ had two sons. 7. Jonathan^ b. July 17, 1816. 8. Cornelia Betts^ b. April 3, 1819 md. Loring Watson, June 9, 1839 ^"d has Cornelia H." b. Jan. 8, 1842 and Benjamin H.® b. May 20, 1845. 9. Mary^ b. Sept. 13, 1821. 10. Boardman^ b. Jan. 26, 1823 and d. Feb. i, 1846. 117 118 Genealogies of Long Island Families V. Jonathan* b. March lo, 1773 md. Rhoda d. of Aaron Furman, Dec. 10, 1818 and d. Jan. 16, 1856. Issue: 1. Aaron Furman^ b. Nov. 12, 1819, md. Jane Rapelye, April 12, 1843, and had Margaret Jane'' b. May 4, 1844. 2. Edward L.^ b. Feb. 13, 1821 and md. Eliza d. of Augustus Bretonniere Feb. i, 1846. 3. William Henry^ b. Sept. 23, 1822. 4. Abraham Furman^ b. Aug. 11, 1824. 5. Coe Furman^ b. Sept. 3, 1826. 6. Jonathan Coe^ b. Aug. 27, 1829 and d. April 17, 1841. 7. John Goldsmith^ b. July 29, 1832 and d. April 29, 1841. 8. Benjamin R.^ b. May 30, 1836 and d. May 18, 1841. VI. William* b. Oct. 23, 1777 md. Mary d. of Isaac Thomp- son, May 5, 1812 who d. Dec. 23, 1813 leaving Sarah Bradner^ b. May 2, 181 3 who md. Dr. Moses H. Staples, Nov. 28, 1833 and had William Howard*' and Mary Thompson.® William* d. Nov. 13, 1866. VII. Mary* b. March 2, 1780 and d. Aug. 17, 1856. Dr. John Howard, formerly of Smithtown, was of the same family although not descended from William^ the progenitor of the Long Island Howards. He was a son of John and was b. at Bridgewaters Mass., Aug. 1753 and d. April 9, 1816. He md. Frances d. of David Howell, April 4, 1792 who d. April 8, 1804, and he md. again her sister Eunice. By the first he had Frances b. Aug. 2, 1794 md. Henry W. Hunt, June 27, 1816 and had Harriet Howell, Charles Volney, Edgar Zimmermann, Frances Howell, Sally Elizabeth, Edgarline (d. Dec. 7, 1847, aged 21), Koskiusko Constantine, Alexander Alexis, Agnes Cecilia, Mary Chamberline and John Howard. By his second wife Dr. Howard had Charles NicoU b. July 7, 1805 and Eunice Margaret b. Dec. 25, 1809 who d. April 19, 1816. LUSH Edmund Lush^ son of Edmund, was b. in England, Dec. 15, 1703. His son Israel^ b. at New-Leaze Farm, Parish of East Knoyle, March 9, 1733, md. Ann, who was b. at Kingston-Magna, Dorsetshire, June 5, 1739. They had issue as follows: I. Jacob^ b. Dec. i, 1764 and md. Elizabeth Cox. II. Anna^ b. April 17, 1766 and md. James Beaton. III. Martha^ b. Dec. 26, 1767 and md. Thomas Hanford. IV. Israel^ b. May 16, 1771 and had a son George.* V. JoHN^ b. June 7, 1773 md. Susan, d. of Joshua Place of Huntington L. I. and d. 1830 leaving George* b. Nov. 24, 1816 md. Lydia, d. of William Combs, March 21, 1839; Maria* h. Oct. 13, 1808 md. George Pendleton, Feb. 27, 1841 ; and Mary Wind- ham* b. June 15, 1824. VI. Thomas^ b. Aug. 29, 1775 and d. 1827. VII. William^ b. Nov. 3, 1779 and was a minister. VIII. George^ b. April 8, 1781 and md. Sarah Boles. IX. James^ b. at Warrington, Somersetshire, England, March 7, 1783, came to New York in 1805, resided at Newburgh and Flushing but permanently settled at Hempstead in 1836. He md. Mary d. of John and Arabella Carman, April 25, 1807. She was b. March i, 1789 and d. Feb. 19, 1852. He d. June 13, 1856. CHILDREN OF JAMES^ AND MARY CARMAN. 1. Maria* b. Feb. i, 1808 md. Elijah Spencer May 10, 1825 who d. in 1833 and md. again Benjamin F. HoUister Dec. 31, 1836 and had Julia Minerva^ b. May i, 1837. 2. Sarah* b. Sept. 21, 1810 md. Josiah Burton, Sept. 13, 1826 and after his death in 1840 md. Theodore B. Jenkins, April 21, 1842 and died without issue in 1847 aged 37. 3. Carman* b. Sept. 23, 1813 md. Mary Elizabeth d. of Stephen C. Bedell, April 18, 1837 who d. Jan. 18, 1841 leaving is- sue, Letty^ and James.^ He md. again Catharine, d. of Richard Weekes, May 24, 1842 and had issue. Carman? and Mary.^ He d. April II, 1872. 4. Ann* b. Dec. 3, 1817 md. Zophar Anthony, Oct. 2, 1836 and had Francis Henry^ and Mary Emma.^ 119 120 Genealogies of Long Island Families 5. Julia* b. Feb. 12, 1820 and d. in infancy. 6. William* b. Oct. 16, 182 1 and d. in infancy. 7. Mary Elizabeth* b. May i, 1824 md. Edward Z. Thomp- son* July 10, 1842 and had Edward Lush,^ Harriet Leonice,^ Julia Henrietta,^ Mary Greene^ and Marie Louise.^ 8. William* (second) b. Sept. 8, 1826 md. Mary Baldwin, Dec. 25, 1872. * Edward Zachariah Thompson was the son of Benjamin F. Thomp- son, the source of these genealogies. He lived all his life at Hempstead and died there Feb. 12, 1882 in the 60th year of his age. Edward Lush Thompson his only son died April 27, 1890. From his daughter, Miss Julia H. Thompson of Hempstead, the editor obtained the MSS. of these genealogies. GREENE William Greene^ was son of William, an early settler at Woburn and Charlestown. He lived at Woburn where his son Jacob''^ was b. Oct. 14, 1691, md. Elizabeth Cranch Jan. 16, 1722 and d. aged 99, Dec. 16, 1790, leaving four sons and three daughters. The eldest son Samuel^ was born at Sunbury Mass. March i, 1723 and md. Jane d. of Robert and Jane White, who was b. April 6, 1731. They first settled in Stafford Conn., but removed afterwards to Hanover, N. H. where he died aged 84, Aug. 21, 1807 and she d. aged 82, May 30, 1813. Their children were Jonathan* Ann,* Samuel* Joseph* Lucina* Zachariah* Deborah* Mary* Susannah* Jane* Sabrina and John Spencer.* Of whom as follows:* I. Jonathan* b. March 26, 1750 md. Eunice Story and had Sophia,^ William,^ Zachariah'' and Oliver.^ He d. in his 82 year at Waterford Vt. n. Ann* b. March 18, 1751, md. Ebenezer Lane and d. in 184 1 aged 90 leaving issue. ni. Samuel* b. Jan. 24, 1753, md. Olive Ranger and settled in Waterford, Vt. IV. Joseph* b. May 17, 1755 md. Jerusha Utley 1780. She was b. March 26, 1756. He settled in Hanover N. H. and was drowned in Long Island Sound, Dec. 3, 1803. Issue: Luther^ b. Jan. 15, 1781 and d. Aug. 12, 1816. Lodocia^ b. Oct. i, 1782, and d. Jan. 18, 1824. Rufus^ b. July 29, 1785 and d. June 16, 1811. Lucinda^ b. April 30, 1789. Jerusha'^ b. Aug. 17, 1791 and d. Dec. 6, 1813. Joseph'^ and Betsy'^ twins b. May 18, 1795. Otis^ b. June 18, 1797. Ebenezer^ b. May 27, 1799 and d. Aug. 27, 1800. The widow of Joseph* md. again Isaac Morey Sept. 16, 1807, and Betsy^ his daughter md. Joseph Corey. V. Lucina* b. Nov. 21, 1757 md. Solomon Parker and set- tled in Coventry Conn, and afterwards removed to Kingston Pa. VI. Zachariah* b. at Stafford Conn. Jan. 11, 1760 entered the American army as a volunteer in 1776; was among those who erected the fortifications on Dorchester Neck which drove the British out of Boston; was in Oct. 1776 with those that opposed A thirteenth child Ebenezer* is omitted by Thompson, see Rev, Mr. Greene's own account. 121 122 Genealogies of Long Island Families the landing of the British at Throggs Point ; in Nov. 1777 marched with the army into Pennsylvania, was wounded by a rifle ball through his shoulder at the battle of Whitemarsh and thus com- pelled to leave the service. After his recovery he prepared for and entered Dartmouth College where he spent two years, leaving in 1783. Being placed of course on the invalid pension roll of the army, he received thereafter during his life an annuity of from $50 to $100. Having chosen the ministerial order and pursued theological studies with the Rev. Amzi Lewis of Stamford Conn., he was licensed to preach in 1785. Ofiiciating as a missionary for some time, he came to Huntington L. L in 1786, where on the 28th day of June in that year he md. Sarah d. of Simon and Ann Fleet. She was born May 11, 1767 and d. Dec. 2, 1791 aged 24, leaving Lewis Fleet,-"^ Sarah Fleet,^ and Samuel White^ hereafter mentioned. He md. again Sept. 14, 1793, Abigail d. of William and Mary Howard of Newtown L. L who was b. July 3, 1765 d. April 16, 1849 ^^^ had issue : Mary Howard,^ Herman Daggett,^ Abigail White,^ William Howard,'^ and Susan Howard^ as after mentioned. Mr. Greene was ordained and installed pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Cutchogue L. L, June 28, 1787, from whence he was dismissed at his own request Sept. 1797, having received an unanimous call from the Presbyterian Church at Setauket, where he was installed Sept. 27, 1797 and continued steadily to labor with the entire satisfaction of his parishioners, till increasing years required relief, when on Nov. 15, 1843 the Rev. John Gile was installed as his colleague. He continued how- ever to preach and perform other ministerial duties occasionally for several years after. His death took place at the age of 98 years, 5 months and 10 days on June 21, 1858. For a further ac- count of Rev. Mr. Greene's life see Enlarged Edition of Thomp- son's History of Long Island edited by Charles J. Werner, also Eulogy on Life of Z. Greene by John Ordronaux. The children of the Rev. Mr. Greene* by his first wife Sarah Fleet were born as follows: 1. Lewis Fleet^ b. June 2, 1787 d. Feb. 20, 1853 md. Charity (d. Feb. 26, 1868) d. of William and Elizabeth Woodhull Feb. 9, 1809 and had issue who lived to grow up viz: Sophia® b. March 25, 181 1, md. Henry Wilson, June 4, 183 1 and had Zachariah^ and Henry Clay.^ Lewis® b. June 2, 1813, md. Sarah Pratt of N. J. who d. in 1843 leaving issue, Charlotte.'' William® b. July 17, 181 5, md. Ann Johnson of N. J. and d. 1861. Charles® b. Aug. 9, 1817 and d. Oct. 5, 1836 aged 19. Susan Jane® b. Jan. 8, 1829 and md. William C. Jones Oct. 19, 1848 and d. July 10, 1858, leaving one child. Henry® b. Aug. 9, 1831 and d. June 1883. 2. Samuel White^ b. Nov. 27, 1789 and d. Oct. 10, 1790. Genealogies of Long Island Families 123 3. Sarah Fleet^ b. Sept. 7, 1788, md. Charles Jayne Feb. 21, 1809 who d. without issue Sept. 19, 1833 ^"^ she md. again Sam- uel Vail of Reading Ohio, 1834 who d. March 28, 1867 and she d. July 22, 1875. 4. Samuel White*^ b. April 22, 1790 md. Sally R. Devoe, Nov. 17, 1812. She d. without issue Feb. 19, 1817. By his second wife Abigail Howard, Mr. Greene* had issue as follows: 5. Mary Howard,^ b. at Cutchogue, Oct. 5, 1794, md. Ben- jamin F. Thompson* June 12, 1810 and had Henry Rutgers,® b. March 17, 1813 and d. Oct. 15, 1842. Mary Greene^ b. March 20, 1815 and d. June 15, 1884. Harriet Satterly'' b. Nov. 9, 1818 and md. Jacob T. Vanderhoof, June 12, 1839 and d. Nov. i, 1864. 6. Herman Daggett^ b. May 31, 1796, md. Harriet M. Carpenter of Savannah Ga., March 22, 1820 where he d. aged 31, Oct. 23, 1827 leaving Sarah Jane,** Susan Eliza," Margaret H.^ and Herman Daggett,*^ born as follows: Sarah Jane*^ b. Jan. 26, 1821, md. Charles S. McNish, Jan. 13, 1839 who d. Aug. 31, 1844 leaving Thomas W.'^ b. May 14, 1840 and Herman Greene,'^ b. May 10, 1843. She md. again Alwyn N. Miller. Susan Eliza® b. Oct. 24, 1822 md. William H. Gladding Jan. 3, 1840 and had Har- riet Greene,^ b. Nov. 17, 1840 and William Henry^ b. May 9, 1843. Margaret Hart® b. July 11, 1824 md. William Wade May 13, 1845 who d. Jan. 30, 1861 and had Harriet Greene^ b. June 17, 1846, d. Sept. 13, 1847, Florence Miller^ b. March 20, 1848, Susie Somers^ b. May 27, 1852 and William Hampton'^ b. Aug. 17, 1859. Herman Daggett® b. (after his father's death) Jan. 3, 1828 and d. aged 17, Sept. 17, 1845. 7. Abigail White° b. Dec. 20, 1798 and d. at the Blooming- dale Asylum, Oct. 16 1855. 8. William Howard^ b. Nov. 23, 1800 followed his brother Herman D.^ to the South and d. unmarried at Charleston S. C, Aug. 14, 1828 aged 27. 9. Susan Howard^ b. Nov. 15, 1803 md. John G. Fleet, Feb- 22, 1825 and d. at Jamaica L. I. Feb. 18, 1826 leaving a son Au- gustine® b. Jan. 14, 1826 and d. Aug. 5, 1826. Vn. Deborah* b. June 14, 1762, md. Joseph Manley, Nov. 2, 1786 and settled in Randolph Vt. and had John,^ William^ and Mary.^ He died and she md. again Oct. 7, 181 5, Benjamin Den- ton of Hempstead who left her a widow Oct. 7, 1827. Her son * Benjamin F. Thompson was the author of "The History of Long Island" an accepted authority on the subject. For an account of his life and accomplishments see the Enlarged Edition of this work edited by Charles J. Werner. 124 Genealogies of Long Island Families William^ d. unmarried and her daughter Mary^ md. a De Wolf and left issue. VIII. Mary* b. Sept. 15, 1763 and d. unmarried. IX. Susannah* b. Feb. 5, 1766 and md. Jonah Greene of Randolph Vt., by whom she had Russell'^ b. 1790, John,^ Susan,^ Frances^ and Jane.^ Her husband left her a widow and she md. again George Lee of Brookhaven, Feb. 4, 1818 and d. aged 75 Oct. 19, 1841. Her son Russell^ md. ist Clarissa d. of William Mills, Oct. 24, 1813 by whom he had Clarissa® who md. Rev. John Q. Prescott, March 26, 1845, and Hannah"; 2nd Miranda Dimond by whom he had Miranda,*^ William" and Samuel'' and 3rd Sabrina d. of Jonas Davis, April 13, 1833. X. Jane* b. March 10, 1768 md. Daniel Osborn of South- hold, Jan. 18, 1791 and d. in Indiana, Jan. 9, 1840 leaving issue. XL Sabrina* b. March 10, 1770, md. Nathaniel Hurlburt 1786 and had James^ b. Sept. 23, 1787 and d. Nov. 25, 1789; Esther'^ b. July 11, 1789 and d. Nov. 16, 1789; Nathaniel^ b. Nov. 5, 1790 and d. Dec. 28, 1832; Silas^ b. July 12, 1792; Alba^ b. June 24, 1794; Chester^ b. July 5, 1796; SamueP b. April 24, 1798; Asa^ b. May 25, 1800; Edmund^ b. Jan. 2'j, 1802; Sabrina^ b. March i, 1805, md. William V. Gale May 10, 183 1 and d. June 28, 1841 ; Louisa^ b. April 14, 1807 md. Jasper Lewis and d. May 1844; Betsy^ b. Jan. 11, 1809 and md. Haskell Farr; Jane^ b. June 23, 1812. XII. John Spencer* b. July 29, 1773 md. Lorana Andrews Jan. 23, 1812 who d. Dec. 8, 1835 aged 51 having been b. Nov. 3, 1784. He d. Dec. 6, 1859 aged 86, at Hanover N. H. Issue: George H.,^ b. Oct. 12, 1812 and lives in New Hampshire. Eben- ezer^ b. June 14, 1814 and d. an infant. Lucy Ann^ b. Sept. 30, 1816 md. Elijah Smalley of Boston and had a child b. in 1848. Samuel W.,^ b. June 6, 1823 and d. Jan. 6, 1824. RtV. ZACHARIAH GRLLNL^ Revolutionary soldier From an oil portrait by W. 5. Mount, RECORD OF MY LIFE AND OF THE GREENE FAMILY compiled by Rev. Zachariah Greene At Hempstead, L. I. April, 1 85 1 The following is an account of my paternal ancestors — col- lected from the records of the town of Woburn, Middlesex Co., Mass., and other reliable sources. Extracts were sent me by Nathan Weyman Esq., town clerk of Woburn. William Greene was one of the first settlers of Woburn in 1642 ; and one of the original subscribers to the "Town Orders" agreed upon at Charlestown in 1640. William and John brothers, were born in London. In the time of persecution they left their native city and went to Hamburgh. John married Perseverence Johnston. When he came to this country he brought with him his wife and three children and settled in Charlestown, Mass. William married Hannah Richardson at what time is not now known. His son William married Hannah Kendall whose fam- ily came from Devonshire, England. John, Obadiah and James were members of the first church in Woburn. Dea. Thomas Kendall died at South Reading, Mass., in 1682. William Greene, last mentioned had 10 children, viz : William born Sept. 9, 1675; Frances Dec. 3, 1678; Ebenezer July, 1680; Mehitable June 30, 1682; Hannah, Oct. 7, 1684; Mary, Nov. 13, 1686; Samuel, July 8, 1689; Jacob, Oct. 169 1 ; Joseph, April 14, 1694; and Abigail, 1699. Jacob Greene was my grandfather. He married Elizabeth Cranch who was of the family of Cranches in Devonshire, Eng- land. He died in my father's house, at Hanover, Grafton Co., N. H., Dec. 16, 1790, aged 99. His children, 7 in number, were: Elizabeth, Jacob, Samuel, Mary, Abigail, David, and Benjamin. Samuel Greene was my father. He was born in Sunbury, Worcester Co., Mass., March i, 1723 ; and died at Hanover, N. H., Aug. 21, 1807 aged 84. My mother's name was Jane White. She was the daughter of Robert and Jane White who emigrated from the city of Dublin, and were among the first settlers of the town of Stafford, Hartford Co., Conn. She was born April 6, 1731 ; and died May 30, 1813, at Hanover N. H. aged 82, They had 125 126 Genealogies of Long Island Families thirteen children — 6 sons and 7 daughters — all of whom married and had families except Mary and Ebenezer. Zachariah Greene, myself, was the fourth son, born Jan. 11, 1760 in Stafford, Hartford Co., (now Tolland Co.) Conn. I served three years in the Revolutionary War from Jan. 1776, to Jan. 1779; during which time I was engaged in three severe bat- tles viz: Throgg's Point, White Plains, and White Marsh north- west of Philadelphia. It was in the battle of White Marsh that I was wounded Dec. 7, 1777. A notice of me may be found in "Thompson's History of Long Island." My first wife Sarah Fleet daughter of Simon and Ann Fleet, was born at Huntington, Suffolk Co., L. I., May 11, 1767. Her father was born Sept. 17, 1723; and died Aug. 30, 1790. Her mother whose maiden name was Bryant was born April 8, 1724; the time of her death not known. Both were natives of Hunt- ington L. I. We were married June 28, 1786 by the Rev. Nathan Wood- hull of Huntington L. I. I was ordained and installed pastor of the Fourth Church in Southold, Suffolk Co. L. I. June 28, 1787. My children by my first wife (4) were: Lewis Fleet born June 2, 1787, died Feb. 20, 1853. Sally Fleet born Sept. 7, 1788. Samuel White born Nov. 27, 1789 died Oct. 10, 1790. Samuel White born April 22, 1790. My second wife was Abigail Howard, daughter of William and Mary Howard. Her mother was the sister of the late Judge Benjamin Coe. She was born July 3, 1765 at Newtown, Queens Co., L. I. We were married by the Rev. Nathan Woodhull who had removed from Huntington to Newtown, Sept. 14, 1793. My children by my second wife were: Mary Howard born Oct. 5, 1794. Herman Dagget born May 31, 1796. Abigail White, born Dec. 20, 1798 died Oct. 16, 1855. William Howard born Nov. 23, 1800. Susan Howard born Nov. 15, 1803 died Feb. 18, 1826. My first wife died Dec. 2, 1791. My second wife died April 16, 1849. Lewis Fleet Greene married Charity, daughter of William and Elizabeth Woodhull of Brookhaven, Suffolk Co. L. I. Feb. 9, 1809. Sally Fleet Greene married Capt. Charles Jayne son of Will- iam Jayne Esq., and wife Mary both of Brookhaven, Suffolk Co. L. I. on the 21st of Feb. 1809. Genealogies of Long Island Families 127 Mary Howard Greene married June lo, 1810, Dr. Benjamin Franklin Thompson son of Dr. Samuel and Phoebe Thompson, Brookhaven. Herman Dagget Greene married March 22, 1820, Harriet Maria Carpenter of the city of Savannah, Georgia. She was an orphan lady whose father was drowned on his passage to Dublin. Herman died in Savannah Oct. 23, 1827, leaving a widow and three daughters, Sarah Jayne, Susan Eliza and Margaret Hart. Two months and sixteen days after his father's decease, Jan. 3, 1828, a son was born and named Herman Dagget. This son died suddenly in his i8th year — a youth of much promise. Susan Howard Greene married, Feb. 22, 1825, John Gilbert Fleet, son of Rennselaer and Sarah Fleet of Southold, L. I. She died at Jamaica L. I. Feb. 18, 1826, leaving a son born Jan. 14, 1826 named Augustin who died at my house, Aug. 5, 1826. Samuel White Greene chose a seafaring life ; and served an apprenticeship with Capt. Richard Pendergrast of New York. When 20 years old, he was Master of a Brig; and was twice cap- tured by the French in the last war with England. The last re- liable account of him was given us by Howel Hart son of Rev. Joshua Hart, who sailed with him several voyages to the great Oronoko river on the Spanish Main ; and there finally left him in the month of June 1831. Never heard of since, William Howard Greene left home Oct. 1821, on a visit to Savannah, returning next June. He ultimately decided to settle in that city, and accordingly sailed thither Oct. 1822. Subse- quently, he was clerk of a steamboat which went to Charleston S. C. for repairs. While there he was taken sick and on the sec- ond or third day he was removed to the house of Capt. Lubbock where he was attended by Dr. North till he died Aug. 14, 1828. He was interred in the churchyard of the Second Presbyterian Church called "Flynn's Church;" and a monument placed at his grave. I was dismissed from my charge over the Fourth Church in Southold, (called Cutchogue) Sept. 9, 1797; and installed pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Brookhaven (called Setau- ket) on the 27th day of the same month. I still settled at a great distance from my father's family, and had little knowledge of the race after I entered the Revolutionary Army ; and I neglected looking after them till old age overtook me : then I began the pleasing though difficult task. To accom- plish this I wrote to the Town Clerk of Woburn ; also to Mr. Nathaniel R. Greene of Newport R. L, son of Maj. Genl. Nathan- iel Greene. And at length being furnished with extracts from 128 Genealogies of Long Island Families the records of the towns of Woburn and Warwick — and infor- mation also from other authentic sources — I have written this ac- count of our family. Thompson's History does not furnish the maiden names of the wives of the two William Greenes : the first was Hannah Richardson — the second was Hannah Kendall. They and the Cranch family came from Devonshire, England. My father moved from Stafford, Conn, to Brookfield, Wor- cester Co., Mass., 1773. From thence to Hanover, Grafton Co., N. H., 1782. The husband of my daughter Sally Fleet, Capt. Charles Jayne, died on his passage from old Mexico to New Orleans, May 1832.* His widow married Samuel Vail Esq., of Sharonville in Reading, Hamilton Co. Ohio, May 15th 1834. I was with the men who erected the Fort on Dorchester Neck; and the cannon mounted there drove the British army from the town of Boston. I also made one of the party which entered Boston next day, after the departure of the British vandals who had well earned this title by their brutish conduct. My grandfather settled in Sunbury, Worcester Co., Mass., where my father was born ; and I think Jacob, Elizabeth and Mary also. Thence he moved to Colchester Conn, where his other children David, Abigail, and Benjamin, I believe were born. His first wife died in Stafford time unknown. My father served in what is called the "the old French war" against Canada. He was a volunteer when the British took Now York — and a volunteer also when Burgoyne with his army were captured. His two sons also served, one 3 years, and the other 4 years ; so that his posterity have a good title to the free institu- tions of the United States. I will add the names of my brothers and sisters — 12 of whom were born in Stafford Conn ; Ebenezer W. in Brookfield Mass. Jonathan, b. March 26, 1750; d. April 15, 1831. Anne, b. March 18, 1751 ; d. Feb. 28, 1841. Samuel, b. Jan. 24, 1753; d. March 30, 1808. Joseph, b. May 17, 1755; d. Dec. 3, 1803, drowned. Lusina, b. Nov. 21, 1757; d. Feb. 30, 1845. Zachariah, b. Jan. 11, 1760; d. June 21, 1858.! Deborah, b. June 14, 1762; d. Feb. 26, 1855. Mary, b. Sept. 15, 1763; d. Aug. 21, 1795. Susannah, b. Feb. 5, 1766; d. Oct. 19, 1841. * Thompson, in the preceding article on Greene family says Sept. 19 1833. t Added by a later hand. Genealogies of Long Island Families 129 Jane, b. March lo, 1768; d. Jan. 9, 1840. Sabrina, b. March 10, 1770; d. John Spencer, b. July 29, 1773; d. . Ebenezer White, b. Sept. 15, 1776; d. Sept. 1801, drowned. Ebenezer was lost in a gale of wind at sea, off the Cape of Good Hope bound to Canton. Joseph was drowned in Long Island Sound. He sailed from New Haven Conn, in a two mast boat with the owner and master, Mr. James Skinner, to pay me a visit at Setauket. The wind was blowing a gale and the boat foundered near Setauket Harbor, when both were lost ! This same brother was with me, when the British landed at Throgg's Point; and with me also in the battles of White Plains and White Marsh.* In the battle of White Marsh, we were both wounded within a few minutes of each other; and both in the left shoulder. His wound did not injure the bone; but mine fractured the scapula and clavicle, weakening and injuring the use of the arm. This occurred Dec. 7, 1777. Our wounds were dressed by candle light in one of General Washington's rooms, which he had opened to accommodate the wounded. We then took our lodgings for the night, in a horse shed, with some buckwheat straw for our bed, and without even a blanket to cover us. It was a long and pain- ful night ! My garments were saturated with blood ; and the severe fatigue of the battle, the loss of blood, with the chill of the cold night air, subjected me to distressing cramps in my breast and limbs. Early in the morning, Gen. Greene stopped before the shed and kindly said, that in three hours, he would send his boy to inform us where he had obtained a room for us. He did so, having obtained one in the house of Mr. Denahousyn in White Marsh. Here we were treated with kindness by the family ; and some of the daughters dressed our wounds for three weeks. But the bones were so shattered and the flesh so badly mangled, that there could be no relief for me, till after a good surgical opera- tion. At the end of three weeks, we were removed to Reading, for the benefit of the Hospital ; though the Yellow fever was among its inmates. There we hired a room; and there chanced to be a Surgeon of a British Regiment, then on parole in the village, by the name of Robinson, whom we engaged to perform the opera- tion of removing the dead flesh and sawing and taking away the fractured bones. It was very painful, but necessary to a cure. When I first called this British Surgeon, he asked me, "Will you trust an enemy ?" I replied, *T will trust a gentleman." When I came to settle with him, he said, "While a prisoner; as I am, * The British Army were robbing the inhabitants of White Marsh of their horses, cows, bedding, grain and whatever they could lay hands on. 130 Genealogies of Long Island Families I am not allowed to take any pay." But this I managed to his satisfaction — so that John Bull was never the wiser or richer for the compensation I cheerfully made him, for his very valuable services. In this same battle, my brother had eleven ball holes in his outside garment. He was in the battle at Monmouth — and with Wayne, at the taking by storm of Stony Point. I was admitted to the Dartmouth College Church, under the pastoral charge of the Rev. Sylvanus Ripley, D. D., with 49 others, in the winter of 1782. Fourteen of this number became clergymen; of whom none are now living except myself, now in the 92nd year of my age. INDEX INDEX Abrams, John, 115 Ackerly, Deborah, IS, 81 Deborah Satterly, 81 Dorothy, 81 Ebenezer, 15 Elijah, 81 John, 110 Katharine, 81 Mary, 81 Nathaniel, 81 Polly, 110 Ruth, 81 Sophia, 81 Akerly, Catharine, 32 Phebe Bayles, 86 Robert, £6 Samuel, Dr., 32 Albertson, Charity, 47 Edward H., 96 Joseph, 47 Josiah, 47 Mary L., 96 Mary Parker, 42 Sally, 47 Sarah Wickham, 47 Una Hawkins, 96 William, 42, 47 Albro, Adeline, 52 Aldrich, Bethia, 94 Helen Wickham, 44 James, 44 Allemand, Matilda, 56 Allen, Eliza, 59 George, 59 John, 59 Maria, 59 Marinda, 59 Sarah, 26, 36 Sarah Ann, 59 Sarah Raynor, 59 Allis, Charles W., 75 Letitia Willis, 75 Allison, Isaac, 111 Mary, 111 Alwood, Mary, 87 Anderson, Mary Ann Carman, 52 Robt. G., 52 Andrews, Lorana, 124 Anthony, Ann Lush, 119 Anthony, Francis Henry, 119 Mary Emma, 119 Zophar, 119 Armstrong, Sarah, 17 Arthur, Esther, 112 Frances Ella, 109 Isaac, 112 Isaac W., 109 Henry M., 109 Margaret Mills, 109 Mary S, 109 Sarah, 66 Asbury, Francis Bishop, 61 Bache, Augustus, 52 Lydia Ann Carman, 52 Bailey, Capt, 47 Charity, 103 John, 103 Baker, Kirk, 65 Phebe Raynor Hafif, 65 Baldwin, Ann, 52 Elizabeth, 59 ^ Jonathan, 63, 66 U'^ Letty, 63, 65 Mary, 55 Micah, 52 Ruth. 66 Sarah Ann, 50, 56 Sarah Arthur, 66 Thomas, 50, 55, 56 Barker, Abigail Mills, 110 Benjamin Franklin, 83 Catharine, 83 Cicero, 83 David, 75 Esther, 83 John, 83, 110 Julia, 75 Mary Satterly, 83 William Henry, 83 Barlow, Maria Jane, Zl Barnes, Irene M., 97 Bayles, Brewster, 85 David, 85, 86 Ebenezer, 85 Elizabeth Darling, 86 Elizabeth Hawkins, 86 Elijah, 85, 88, 89 133 134 Index Bayles, Elsie, 85, 86 Herman D., 85 Juliana, 85, 86 Maria, 85 Mary, 85, 86 Mary Hawkins, 85 Mary Homans, 85 Phebe, 85, 86 Ruth, 85, 86 Sally, 88 Sarah, 85 Thomas, 85, 86 Bayley, Charity, 113 Samuel, 113 Baylis, Amy Hawkins, 89 Ann Tooker, 87 Benjamin B., Ill James, 87 Martha, 89 Mary, 89 Mary Brown, 111 Mary E. Mills, 111 Phebe, 93 Ruth, 89 Sarah Maria, 111 William, 89 Baylye, John, 12 Beaton, Anna Lush, 119 James, 119 Bedell, Abraham, 51 Benjamin Lester, 51 Cadwallader Aquila, 51 Catharine, 51 Catharine Carman, 51 Daniel, 63 Elbert, 67 Elizabeth, 51 Elizabeth Young, 51 Fanny Raynor, 67 Frances, 51 Green Miller, 51 Hannah, 59 Hannah Ann Everit, 51 Hannah De Mott, 51 Hannah Dorlon, 51 Hannah Hall, 51 Hannah Tredwell, 51 Henry Tredwell, 51 Hiram K., 51 Jacob, 59 Jacob Morton, 51 Jane Ann, 67 Lydia A. Whaley, 51 Lydia De Mott, 51 John, 54, 67 Martha Margaret Raynor, 66 Bedell Mary, 51 Mary Ann, 63 Mary (Carman) Hall, S3 Mary Elizabeth, 119 Matilda, 51 Moses, 66 Ruth, 69 Ruth Pratt, 54 Sarah L., 51 Stephen C, 51, 119 Sylvanus, 67 Sylvester, 53 Belcher, Jonathan, Gov., 22 Belford, Inez Hawkins, 96 Joseph M., 96 Bell, Abigail Carman, 53, 56, 65 Benjamin Lester, 65 Caroline, 65 Elizabeth, 65 Jacob, 58, 66 James, 53, 56 James I., 65 John Fletcher, 65 Letty, 65 Mary Ann, 65 Mordecai R., 65 Peter C, 65 Phebe Raynor, 58, 66 Rebecca Raynor, 65 William Riley, 65 Bennet, John, 100 Ruth, 100 Bennett, Abel, 82 Antoinette, 88 Charity (Robbins) Jones, 82 Frances, 52 Israel, 89 John, 94 Joseph, 88 Martha Rushmore, 70 Mary, 82 Polly, 89 Rebecca, 94 Sydney, 70 William, 70 Wm., 52 Benson, , 82 Bereren, Charles J., 50 Elisabeth, 50 Geo. H., 50 Susan Carman, 50 Berrian, Marv W. Thompson, 79, 101 William, 101 Biggs, Amy, 115 Deborah. 94 Isaac, 100, 101 Index 135 Biggs, John, 78, 100 Mary, 100, 101 Mary Smith, 100, 101 Nathaniel, 94 Ruth, 78, 101 Sally, 56 Bijotat, Jane, 57 S., Rev., 57 Billard, Hannah (Case) Dickerson, 20 Samuel, Dr., 20 Birch, George. 27 Phebe Fairlie, 27 Bird, Hannah, 74 Birdsall, , 52 Magdalena, 52 Bisbee, Rev. Mr., 61 Blakeslee, Bela, 79 Blinzard, Mary Satterly, 83 Oliver, 83 Blydenburgh, Charlotte Mills, 109 Fanny Hawkins, 94 Joseph, 94 Nancy Hawkins, 94 Richard, 109 Blackwell, Robert M., 115 Boles, Sarah, 119 Bonnell, Martha, 20 Bontecou, Daniel, Dr., 60, 61 Rebecca, 60, 61 Bowne, Joseph, 26 Sarah, 26 Sarah Mitchill, 26 Bremner, Addie E., 38 Andrew A., Col., 38 Maria Case, 38 Bretonniere, Augustus, 118 Eliza, 118 Brewster, Anna, 15 Benj., 94 Benjamin, 87, 88 Caleb, Capt., 34, 43 Clarissa. 103 Elijah, 81 Elizabeth Hawkins, 87 Isaac, 87 John, 87, 93, 101 Joseph, 15, 88, 93, 101, 103 Juliana, 101 Juliana Dickerson, 15 Julia Smith, 103 Martha, 15 Martha Hawkins, 88, 101 Mary, 112 Mary Thompson, 93, 101 Nancy Jane Wallace, 81 Orpha, 94 Brewster, Rebecca, 90 Richard, 103 Sarah, 93, 94, 88, 101 Sarah Smith, 87, 101 Sophia, 81 William Havens, 81, 87, 88 William Mills, 15 Brimblecom, Rev. Mr., 62 Brindley, Phebe, 95 Broadfield, Daisy, 96 Broome, , 37 Cornelia Caroline Mitchill, 37 Brown, , 16 Pamela, 74 Sophronia Hawkins, 94 William, 88 William M., 94 Brush, , 88 Mary Jayne, 88 Nehemiah, 89 Phebe, 89 Bryant, , 69 Abigail Rushmore, 69 Ann, 126 Buchanan, Ann (Satterly) Stivers, 78 Benjamin, 78 James, 18, Budd, Joshua, 41 Bull, Alexander, 114 Catharine, 114 Cornelia, 114 Daniel, 114 Edmund, 114 Elizabeth, 114 George, 114 Hannah, 114 Harriet, 114 Hiram, 81 Jacob, 114 Jane, 114 John J., 114 Jordan, 114 Letty, 114 Mahola Satterly, 81 Mary, 114 Robert, 114 Sarah, 114 Sarah Mills, 114 Thomas, 114 Burgoyne, , 128 Burling, Mary F., 73 Burr, Aaron, 46 Aaron, Col., 21 Aaron, Rev.. 21, 22 Burroughs, Abraham, 65 Caroline Bell, 65 136 Index Burton, Josiah, 119 Sarah Carman, 119 Burts, Mary, 42 Burwell, Abigail, 79 Robert, 79 Robert Merrit, 79 Serena, 79 Sophia Satterly, 79 Butler, , 71 Margaret, 71 Cahoone, George, 79, 100 Mary Satterly, 79, 100 Campbell, Archibald, 27 Caroline, 84 Elizabeth Mitchill, 27 William, 84 Canfield, Augustus, 19 David I.^ 19 Frederick, 19 Mahlon Dickerson, 19 Mary Dickerson, 19 Silas Dickerson, 19 Carle, Freelove Mitchill, 26 John, 26 Carman, Abigail, 49, 50, 52, 53, 56, 65, 74 Abigail Raynor, 50, 56 Abigail Seaman, 53 Abraham, 54 Adam, 58, 64 Adeline Albro, 52 Ann, 50, 51,52, 53, 56 Ann Baldwin, 52 Ann Carman, 50, 52 Ann Denton, 52 Ann Dorlon, 50 Ann Ellison, 52 Ann Eliza, 50 Anna, 53 Arabella, 119 Arabella Pettit, 53 Benjamin, 49, 51, 53, 54, 69 Bergen R., 63 Caleb, 49, 54 Caroline, 52, 53, 56 Catharine, 51, 52, 54 Charles, 63 Charlotte Fish, 52 Coles, 52 Cynthia, 52 Cynthia Van Cleef, 52 David, 50, 56 Dinah, 49 Ebenezer, 53 Elbert, 52 Carman, Elijah, 53, 54 Elisabeth, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56 Elisabeth Smith, 50 Elisabeth (Smith) Dorlon, 51 Elizabeth Dorlon, 53 Elizabeth Hewlett, 52 Elizabeth Powell, 53 Elizabeth Raynor, 50, 58, 63 Eliza, 52, 54 Emeline, 52, 54 Epenetus, 52 Esther, 53 Family, 54 Florence, 49 Florence Fordham, 49 Frances Bennett, 52 George, 54 Gelston, 51, 56 Hannah, 49, 50, 54, 66 Isaac, 52 Jane, 50, 53, 54, 56 John, 49. 52. 53, 54, 57, 69, 72, 119 Joseph, 50, 51, 53, 54, 56, 59 Joshua, 44, 49 Levina, 54 Levine Coombes, 12 Lott, 53 Louisa, S3 Louisa Carman, 53 Lucy, 53 Lydia, 52 Lydia Ann, 52 Margaret Hall, 53 Maria, 54 Marian Wickes, 54 Martin V., 52 Mary, 49, 50, 51. 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 69, 119 Mary Ann, 52 Mary Ann Mott, 53 Mary De Mott, 51 May, 58 Nancy Raynor, 58 Nancy Smith, 51 Nelson, 53 Phebe, 50, 56 Phebe Gildersleeve, 54 Phebe Raynor, 53, 56 Rachel, 53 Rachel Raynor, 58 Rebecca, 54, 58 Rebecca Rhodes, 51 Richard, 50, 51, 52 Robert, 53 Robert M., 53 Ruth, 50, 59 Index 137 Carman, Ruth Mott, 54 Sally Ann, 53 Samuel, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 63, 65, 74 Samuel Raynor, 56 Samuel S., 53 Sarah, 50, 52, 54, 64, 74 Sarah Ann Baldwin, 56 Sarah Fowler, 54 Sarah Horsefield, 51 Sarah Pettit, 51 Sarah Raynor, 51, 50, 56 Silas, 54 Stephen, 51, 53, 54 Susan, SO, 51, 56 Susan Paynter, 63 Susan Tredwell, 50 Susan Wood, 50 Thomas, 49, 50, 52, 54 Valentine, 52, 53 William, 52, 53, 54, 56 Carpenter, Harriet M., 123 Harriet Maria, 127 Carrier, Green, 67 Rebecca, 67 Case, Albert, 43 Charity Albertson, 47 Charity Wickham, 48 David, 17 Francis, 48 Hannah, 20 Henry, 20, 47, 48 Hutchinson H., 47 John, 14 J. Wickham, 48 Joseph Wickham, 47, 48 Julia M., 48 Louise, 43 Lydia Goldsmith, 47 Mary Dickerson, 14, 17 Moses L., 47 Oscar L., 48 Cass, Lewis, 19 Chapman, Letty Celina Raynor, 65 Jane, 65 Jedediah, 65 Chard, Theodosia, 80 Chase, Ann, 117 Cheseman, Joseph, 29 Maria Mitchill, 29 Mary E., 29 Oscar, 29 Child, Louis, 92 Christie, Adam, 102 Julia Reeder, 102 Church, Benjamin, 21 Hannah Dickerson, 21 Clark, Susan, 81 Clements, Eustatia, 27 Cleves, Mary, 15 Clinton, De Witt, 31 James, Col., 7S Clowes, Abigail Carman, 52 Elisabeth Carman, 51 Elizabeth, 70 Isaac, 52 John, 29 Phebe Mitchill, 29 Sally, 70 Samuel, 70 Cock, Catharine Akerly, 32 Daniel, 72 Dinah, 73 Esther, 73 Jemima (Frost) Titus, 73 Levine (Coombes) Carman, 72 Sarah, 72 Sarah Rushmore, 72 Stephen. 73 Susannah Youngs, 72 William, 32, 73 Coe, Abigail Carman, 49 Benjamin, 17, 49 Benjamin, Judge, 126 Bethiah Dickerson, 16 Jared, 16 Joseph, 17 Mary, 17, 117, 126 Ruth, 17 Thomas, 17 Cole, Martha, 84 Coleman, Daniel, 94 Jane Hawkins, 94 Maria, 112 Polly, 94 Coles, , 50 Abigail Carman, 50 Elizabeth, 50 Frances, 50 Jacob. 51, 72 Jarvis, 50 Jemima, 72 Mary, 50 Matilda Bedell, 51 Samuel, 50 Sarah, 50 Sarah Cock, 72 Thomas, 50 Colwell, Adeline Dickerson, 14 Hugh, 14 138 Index Colyer, Chas., 53 Ezekiel, 82 Susanna Robbins, 82 Coombes, Daniel, 72 Levine, 72 Combs, Lydia, 119 William, 119 Conkling, Elizabeth Wickham, 41 Helen, 47 John, 41 Joseph, 47 Lewis, 56 Nancy, 56 Sarah, 47 Sarah Wickham, 47 Connaroe, John, 19 Cooper, Abraham, 102 Benjamin, 11 Hetty, 102 John, 22 Mary Dickinson, 22 Priscilla, 27 Thomas Apthorpe, 27 Corey, Betsy Morey, 121 Dorothy, 13 Elizabeth, 13 Joseph, 121 Cornelius, Ann Carman, 53 Moses, 53 Cornell, Daniel, 36 Hannah Mitchill, 36 Hannah Van Wyck, 25 Sarah, 27 Cornwell, Alfred C, 52 Aspinwall, 36 Caroline Carman, 52 Hewlett, n Jane, 36 Jane Mitchill, 36 Joseph, 36 Joseph S., 52 Margaret, 37 Mary, 36, 117 Priscilla, 36 Priscilla Mitchill, 36 Robert, 36 Corwin, Charles, 97 Huldah, 90 Olivia Hawkins, 97 Covert, Hannah E., Zl Jacob, 2)1 Cox, Elizabeth, 119 Coxe, P. B., 45 Craft, Hannah, 74 James, 74 Phebe, 74 Cranch, Elizabeth, 121, 125 Family, 128 Cropsey, Eliza Carman, 52 Wm. B., 52 Grossman, Alfred, 72 Mary Rushmore, 72 Culver, Catharine Mills, 113 William, 113 Curtis, Anne, 81 Cutting, Leonard, Rev., Z2 Mr., 32, ZZ Dalglish, Mary, 16 Danes, Elizabeth, 81 Darling, Adam D., 86 Alfred, 86 Eliza, 86 Elizabeth, 86 George, 94 Jane, 94 John, 86 Mary, 86 Ruth, 86 Davids, Abigail, 47 Eliza, 47 Henry, 47 James W., 47 Mary, 47 Nancy Wickham, 47 Richard, 47 Samuel, 47 Davis, Amelia, 91 Andrew, 83, 106 Ann Eliza, 111 Corina Mills, 116 Elisha, 88 Esseverance Mills, 113, 116 George, 91, 113, 116 Hannah, 83, 97 Hannah Hawkins, 94 Hannah Mills, 106 Isaac, 97, 100, 106 James Harvey, 15 John, Major, 41 Jonathan, 80 Jonas, 107, 124 Katharine, 93 Lewis, 94 Lucy, 88 Richard, 111 Sabrina, 124 Samuel, 15, 106 Sarah, 80, 100 Sarah Dickerson, 15 Tabitha, 107, 109 Vincent, 116 Index 139 Davis, William, 106 Davison, Lewis, 52 Mary De Mott, 52 Phebe De Mott, 52 Tredwell, 52 Dayton, Daniel, 102, 115 Deborah Hart, 102 Elias, Col., 17 James, 93 Mary, 115 Ruth Hawkins, 93 Samuel, n Deak, Julia, 81 De Grove, Sarah, Zl Delafield, , 35 De Milt, Hannah, 109 Obadiah, 29 Phebe, 29 De Mott, Charles, 52 Elizabeth Ann, 52 Hannah, 51 James, 51 John, 51, 58 Lydia, 51 Martha Raynor, 58 Mary, 51, 52 Phebe, 52 Samuel, 51 Sarah Snedeker, 52 William, 52 Denahousyn, Mr., 129 Denton, Adeline, 52 Ann, 52 Benjamin, 123 Catherine, 113, 114 Deborah (Greene) Manley, 123 Elizabeth, 78 Elizabeth Hallock, 78 John, 78 Joseph, 78 Oliver, 52 Phebe, 25 Samuel, 113 Sarah, 78 Depuy, Sarah E., 84 Dering, Thomas, 41 Devoe, Sally R., 123 Dewick, Anna (Hawkins) Phillips, 85 John, 85 DeWitt, Catherine, 94 Charity, 94 Elizabeth, 84 Fanny Hawkins, 94 Jacob, 84 John, 94 Maria, 94 DeWitt, Thomas, 94 DeWolf, , 124 Mary Manley, 124 Dickerson, Brown, 16 Aaron, Dr. 19 Abigail, 13, 21 Abigail, 21 Abigail Douglas, 16 Abigail Reeve, 13, 16 Abraham, 13, 16 Adeline, 14 Agnes Messier, 16 Albert, 14 Anna Brewster, 15 Azariah, 22 Benjamin, 15 Bethiah. 13, 16 Capt., 17 Caroline, 15 Catharine, 15 Charles, 15 Charles Wesley, 23 Clarissa, 15 Cotton, 22 Cotton Gavlord, 22 Daniel, 16," 22 David, 13, 15 Deborah, 14, 15 Deborah Ackerly, 15 Deborah Horton, 13 Dorcas, 22 Dorothy Corey, 13 Ebenezer, 21 Edward N., 20,^ Eleanor, 16 Elisabeth, 12 Elisha, 22 Eliza, 14 Eliza Weller, 14 Elizabeth, 12, 15, 16, 17, 23 Elizabeth Corey, 13 Elizabeth Sawyer, 23 Elizabeth Sweazy, IS Elizabeth Terry, 15 Emma, 22) Emma Amelia, 15 Emma Pierson, 20 Erastus, 16 Esther, 20 Family, 23 Frances, 15 Francis Asbury, 23 Gen., 23 George H., 14 George Whitfield, 23 Grace Lindsley, 20 Halsey, 23 140 Index Dickerson, Hannah, 21 Hannah Case. 20 Hannah Elizabeth, 15 Harriet, 14 Harriet Dickerson, 14 Harriet Woodhull, 15 Hezekiah, 21 Israel, 21 James, 23 Jane, 15 Jesse, 20 Joel Sweazy, 15 John, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23 John Henry, 20 John Nelson, 23 John Randall, 16 Jonathan, 13, 14, 17, 19, 87 Jonathan Elmer, 19 Joseph, 16, 20, 22 Joshua, 14, 15, 16 Joshua L., 15 Josiah, 22, 23 Julia, 14, 19 Julia Wells, 14, 23 Juliana, 15 Juliana Smith, 15 Kezia Sturges, 20 Lucy Stone, 22 Mahlon, 17, 18, 19 Mahlon, Hon., 11 Mahlon Walter, 15 Marcy Youngs, 16 Margaret Floyd, 15 Margaret Potts, 16 Maria, 15, 22, 23 Martha, 14, 23 Martha Bonnell, 20 Martha Longbotham, 14, 15 Martha Mapes, 15 Mary, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22 Mary Ann, 15 Mary Cleves, 15 Mary Coe, 17 Mary Dalglish, 16 Mary Eliza Randall, 16 Mary Estile, 16 Mary (Mills) Wells Hallock, 87 Mary Paine, 12 Marv Sophia, 23 Mehitable, 14, 16 Mehitable Dickerson, 14, 16 Minor, 15 Nancy, 20 Naomi, 13 Naomi Mapes, 13 Dickerson, Nathan, 23 Nathaniel, 11 13, 16, 20, 21, 23 Nehemiah, 21 Noadiah, 14 Obediah, 21 Parnissa Leek, 23 Peter, 12, 13, 17, 20 Phebe, 20 Phebe , 20 Philemon, 11, 13, 19, 20, 21, 23 Philemon (Pheleman), 12 Philemon, Gen., 23 Philemon, Gov., 20 Polly Overton, 23 Rebecca, 16, 21 Ruhamah, 13 Ruth, 20 Ruth Coe, 17 Samuel, 14, 21, 2?>, 87 Sarah, 14, 15, 21, 23 Sarah , 20 Sarah Elizabeth, 15 Sarah Overton, 14 Sarah Wager, 16 Selah, 14 Selina, 14 Sidney M. Stotesbury, 19 Silas, 19 Susan, 14 Susannah Robertson, 14 Sybil, 22 _ Sybil (Dickerson), 22 Tabitha , 16 Thomas, 11, 12, 13, 16, 23 Vincent, 15 Walter, 14, 15 William, 13, 15, 20, 21, 22 William Benjamin, 15 William Fletcher, 23 William L., 22 Dickinson, Abigail, 22 Joanna, 21 Jonathan, Rev. 21, Mary, 22 Martha, 21 Dikeman, Henrietta, 70 John, 70 Dimond, Miranda, 124 Dingee, Arthur, 72 Esther, 72 Dorlon, Ann, 50 Carman, 54 Elias, 51 Elisabeth Carman, 52 Elisabeth Smith, 51 Elizabeth, 53 Gilbert, 52 Index 141 Dorlon, Hannah, 51 Joseph, 51, 53 Sarah Carman, 54 Thomas, 50 Doty, Abigail, 28 Ann Catharine, 63 Daniel, 63 Elizabeth Raynor, 56 George, 56 William, 28 Doughty, Elizabeth (Smith), Zl Douglas, Abigail, 16 Downing, George, 53 Isaac, Ti Phebe, 1?> Phebe Rushmore, 12> Rachel (Carman) Lax, 53 Samuel, 53 Sarah, 53, IZ Silas, 12) Stephen, Th Downs, Mehitable, 44, 45 Doxy, Archelaus, 58 Elizabeth, 58 Drake, Esther (Dickerson) King, 20 Jacob, Col., 20 Samuel, Col., 13 Draper, Jacob, 45 Mary, 45 Duer, John, 31 Dunbar, Catharine Bedell, 51 Garret, 51 Sarah Amelia, 51 Dunham, Henry H., Ill Rebecca S., Ill Dunn, , 107 Duryea, Janet, 108 Eager, Phebe Ann Satterly, 83 Samuel, 83 Edward, Amy Raynor, 59 Benajah, 78 Daniel, 102 John, 59 Juliana Smith, 100 Maria Smith, 102 Sarah Hallock. 78 Thomas, Dr., 100 William, 102 Ellicott, Andrew, 35 Elliott, Elizabeth Hempstead, 92 Zebulan, 93 Ellison, Ann Raynor, 52 Daniel, 57 David, 52 Elijah, 57 Elisabeth, 101 Elizabeth, 87 Ellison, Nancy, 57 Joseph, 57, 59 Margaret Raynor, 59 Phebe Raynor, 57 Sarah, 57 Thomas, 57, 87, 101 Elton, Sarah Ann Watkins, 84 William, 84 Emniett, Robert, 31 Estele Mary, 16 Everit Hannah Ann, 51 Wm., 51 Fairlie, James, 27 James, Major, 27 Maria Yates, 27 Phebe Mitchill, 27 Fanning, Amos, 71 Hannah, 46 Sarah Francis, 71 William, 46 Farr, Betsy Hurlburt, 124 Haskell, 124 Ferris, Benjamin, 88 Eliza, 88 Field, Maria, 87 Finn, Almira, 112 Fish, Anna Mills, 113 Charlotte, 52 Samuel, 113 Susanna, 117 Wm., 52 Fleet, Ann, 122, 126 Ann Bryant, 126 Augustin, 127 Augustine, 123 John G., 123 Fohn Gilbert, 127 Sarah, 122, 126 Simon, 122, 126 Susan Howard Greene, 123, 127 Floyd, Charles, 29 Clinton, 29 David, 54 Edwin, 29 Gilbert, 15 Ira, 29 Laura L., 29 Lydia Smith, 54 Margaret, 15 Richard, 43 Robert, 29 Sarah, 29 Sarah Mitchill, 29 Folsom, Chas. J., 53 Sarah Downing, 53 Foot, Rebecca, 22 Ford, Mary, 92 142 Index Fordham, Florence, 49 Josiah, 82 Mary, 82, 83 Robert, Rev., 49 Foster, John, 41 Fowler, Felix, 54 Sarah, 54 Francis, Mary, 71 Robert, 71 Franklin, Abraham, 36 Catharine, 36 Fremont, John C, 38 French, Jane, 71 John, 71 Sarah, 71 Sarah Rushmore, 71 Frost, Abigail Carman, 56, 74 Abigail Raynor, SO Amy, 7Z Anna, Maria 74 Caroline Jarvis, 74 Catharine M., 74 Charles, 56, 72,, 74 Daniel, 29 David M., 74 Edmund, 50, 56. 74 Edward T., 74 Esther, 7i, 74 Esther Cock, 7Z Hannah Whitson, 72> Isaac, 7Z Isaac C, 74 Jacob T., 74 Jemima, 7Z Julia J. Keene, 74 Margaret T., 74 Martha Titus, 74 Mary, 29, 74 Mary Rushmore, 72> Pamela Brown. 74 Phebe, 72, Phebe Craft, 74 Phebe Hyde, 74 Phebe Jane Miller, 74 Sarah, 74 Sarah J. Pine, 74 Sarah M., 74 Stephen, 74 Timothy, 74 William, 73, 74 William H., 74 Wright, 29 Furman, Aaron, 118 Rhoda, 118 Gale, , 46 Alfred, 114 Andrew Jackson, 114 Gale, Harriet, 114 Hiram, 114 Jane, 114 John, 114 Juliana, 114 Juliana Mills, 114 Sabrina Hurlburt, 124 William, 114 William V., 124 Gardiner, Elizabeth, 42 Elizabeth Wickham, 42 Cloe, 42 Crispus, 42 David, 41, 42 Gains, 42 John, 42 Joseph, 42 Juliana, 42 Lion, 41, 42 Martha, 42 Mary, 42 Mary Burts, 42 Garret, Deborah Hawkins, 94 Jesse, 94 Gaylord, Mary Dickerson, 21 Samuel, 21 Geib, Adam, 102 Julia Reeder Christie, 102 Gelston, David, 35 George, Ambrose, 65 Charles Edward, 65 Cornelia Elizabeth, 66 Cornelia Raynor, 65 Emily, 66 Mary Eliza, 65 Mordecai R., 65 Susan Hinchman, 66 Thomas Jefferson, 66 Gerard, Bathsheba, 103 Griffith. Mr., 35 Gifford, Hannah, 76 Isaac R., 76 Phebe Rushmore, 76 Robert, 76 Sarah Jane, 76 William, 76 Gilbert, , 78 Mary Hallock, 78 Gildersleeve, Andrew, 44 Ann, 71 Anna Wickham, 44 Benjamin, 56 David, 71 John. 54, 55 Nancy Raynor, 56 Phebe, 54 Rebecca Raynor, 55 Index 143 Gile, John, Rev., 122 Giles, , 35 Gladding, Harriet Greene, 123 Susan Eliza Greene, 123 William H., 123 William Henry, 123 Glover, Abigail Paine, 43 Glover B., 95 Benjamin, 82 Davis, 43 Joseph, 88 Maryett, 82 Mary Jane, 95 Golden, Ann Carman, 50 Henry, 51 Increase, 50 Mary Bedell, 51 Golder, Jacob, 59 Jacobus, 59 John, 56 Letty, 59 Maria, 56 Sarah, 59 Goldsmith, Amelia, 47 Benjamin, 47 Benjamin, Rev., 47 Joseph, 47 Lydia, 47 Phebe, 44 Sarah (Wickham) Albertson, 47 Gould, Martha, 71 Rebecca, 70 Thomas, 70, 71 Greene, Abigail, 125, 128 Abigail Howard, 117, 122, 123, 126. Abigail White, 122, 123, 126 Ann, 121 Anne, 128 Ann Johnson, 122. Betsy, 121, 125, 128 Charity Wopdhull, 122, 126 Charles, 122 Charlotte, 122 Clarissa, 108 Clarissa Mills, 108, 124 David, 125, 128 Deborah, 121, 123, 128 Ebenezer, 121, 124, 125, 126 Ebeneber White, 129 Elizabeth, 125, 128 Elizabeth Cranch, 121, 125 Eunice Story, 121 Family, 128 Frances, 124, 125 Gen., 129 George H., 124 Hannah, 108, 124, 125 Greene, Hannah Kendall, 125, 128 Hannah Richardson, 125, 128 Harriet Maria Carpenter, 127 Harriet M. Carpenter, 123 Henry, 122 Herman Dagget, 126, 127 Herman Daggett, 122, 123 Jacob, 121, 125, 128 James, 125 Jane, 121, 124, 129 Jane White, 121, 125 Jerusha, 121 Jerusha Utley, 121 John, 124, 125 John Spencer, 121, 124, 129 Jonah, 124 Jonathan, 121, 128 Joseph, 121, 125, 128, 129 Lewis, 122 Lewis Fleet, 122, 126 Lodocia, 121 Lorana Andrews, 124 Lucina, 121 Lucinda, 121 Lucy Ann, 124 Lusina, 128 Luther, 121 Margaret H., 123 Margaret Hart, 123 Margaret Hunt, 127 Mary, 121, 125, 126, 128 Mary Howard, 122, 123, 126, 127 Mehitable, 125 Miranda, 124 Miranda Dimond, 124 Mr., 123 Nathaniel, Maj.-Gen., 127 Nathaniel R., 127 Obadiah, 125 Otis, 121 Olive Ranger, 121 Oliver, 121 Perseverence Johnston, 125 Rev., Mr., 121, 122 Rufus, 121 Russell, 108, 124 Sabrina, 121, 124, 129 Sabrina Davis, 124 Sally Fleet, 126, 128 Sally R. Devoe, 123 Samuel, 121, 124. 128 Samuel White, 122, 123, 126, . Sarah Fleet, 122, 123, 126 Sarah Jane, 123 Sarah Jayne, 127 Sarah Pratt, 122 Sophia, 121, 122 144 Index Greene, Susan, 124 Susan Eliza, 123, 127 Susan Howard, 122, 123, 126, 127 Susan Jane, 122 Susannah, 121, 124, 128 William, 121, 122, 124, 125, 128 William Howard, 122, 123, 126, 127 Z., 122 Z., Rev., 117 Zachariah, 121, 126, 128 Zachariah, Rev., 92, 125 Griffing, Charity Hawkins, 94 Charles A., 94 Mary W. (Thompson) Berrian, 79, 101 Thomas S., 79, 101 Grinnell, John, Capt., 41 Hackett, Sophia, 79 Hadaway, Edna Hawkins, 92 Thomas, 92 Hafif, Lawrence, 65 Phebe Raynor, 65 Haines, Mr., 35 Hall, Hannah, 51 James, 51 Joseph, 53, 70 Margaret, 53 Mary Carman, 53 Sarah Elizabeth Rushmore, 70 Hallett, John, 82 Mary Robbins, 82 Hallock, Amelia Goldsmith, 47 Benjamin, 78 Charles, 86 Charlotte, 89 Electra Smith, 89, 101 Elizabeth, 78 Frederick, 111 George, 87, 89 Hannah, 111 Hannah Hawkins, 90 Isreal, 89 Jacob, 86 James, 47 John, 90 Julia, 86 Mary, 78, 89, 109 Mary (Mills) Wells, 87 Philip, 89, 101 Polly Paine, 43 Rebecca, 89 Rev., Mr., 61 Ruth Bayles, 86 Ruth Hawkins, 89 Sarah, 78, 89, 109 Hallock Stephen, 78 Susannah Smith, 102 Sutton G., 43 Thomas, 43, 109 Warren, 89 William, 89 Zephaniah, 89 Halstead, Jesse, 83 Jonas, 26 Mary, 83 Phebe Mitchill, 26 Halsted, Mary Mills, 106 Mary T., 107 Polly, 107 Robert, Dr., 106, 107 Hammond, Eliza, S7 Hanford, Martha Lush, 119 Thomas, 119 Hart, Abraham Cooper, 102 Amelia, 90 Ann, 94 Catharine Dickerson, 15 Charles, 102 Deborah, 102 Gilbert, 102 Hannah Smith, 102 Howel, 127 Jedediah, 90, 94 Joshua, Rev., 127 Mary Ann Raynor, 65 Moses, 65 Samuel, 102 Sydney, 15 William S., 102 Hathaway, Abraham, 20 Havens, Desire, 87 William, 87 Haviland, , 88 Mary, 117 Mary Hawkins, 88 William, 117 Hawkins, Aaron, 86, 88. 94, 95 Abigail, 82, 85, 89, 91, 93 Abigail Wilsie, 94, 95 Ada, 96 Albert Etheridge, 96 Alexander, 82, 85, 86, 89 ' Alonzo, 87, 89 Amanda, 111 Amelia, 92, 114 Amelia Davis, 91 Amelia Hart, 90 Amy, 89 Angelina, 89 Ann, 86. 91, 92. 94, 106 Anna. 85, 88, 90, 96 Anne, 94 Index 145 Hawkins, Antoinette Bennett, 88 Arthur W., 96 Azariah, 86, 87 Azel, 89 Benjamin, 85, 86, 87, 88, 94, 100, 103 Benjamin Havens, 87 Bennett, 94 Bethia Aldrich, 94 Betsy, 88 Brainard, 94 Brewster, 88. 93, 94, 95 Bryant, 88 Bryant Coleman, 90 Buelah Elma Youngs, 96 Caleb, 93, 94, 95 Capt. 85 Caroline, 95 Caroline A. Skidmore, 88 Catharine, 97 Chaney, 89 Charity. 90, 91, 94 Charity Antoinette, 93 Charity Howell, 89 Charity Longbotham, 90 Charity Yarrington, 93 Charles, 94 Charles, Edmund, 95 Charles Grenville, 93 Charles Heathcote, 90 Charlotte Tooker, 87 Clarissa, 94 D., 95 Daisy Broadfield, 96 Daniel, 106 Daniel B., 88, 94 Daniel Shaler, 95 David, 85, 86, 90, 106 David Mahlon, 90 Deborah, 92, 94, 113 Deborah A., 88 Deborah Biggs, 94 Deliverance, 86, 91, 106 Desire, 87, 103 Desire Havens, 87 Dorothy, 87, 92, 103. 113 Dorothy Mills, 92, 114 Ebenezer, 86, 89, 90, 95, 96, 100 Ebenezer, Capt., 96 Edna, 92 Edward, 88, 94, 95, 96 Edward S., 96 Elbert S., 95, 97 Eleazer, 81. 85. 86, 87, 88, 89. 9:. 103. 106, 110. 113 Eliza, 87 Eliza Adelaide, 88 Hawkins, Eliza Ann, 93 Eliza Ferris, 88 Eliza Hammond, 87 Elizabeth, 85, 86, 87, 103. 106 i, 89, 90, Elizabeth Hulse, 85 Elizabeth Punderson, 97 Elizabeth T, 95 Elkanah, 88, 90, 111 Elkonia, 88 Ella, 95 Ellis B., 88 Elnathan, 81, 88 Emily T. Warner, 97 Eva J., 88 Fanny, 94, 95, 97 Florence S., 96 Franklin Augustus, 90, 91 Freelove, 89 George, 85, 86, 88, 95 George P., 95 Gershom, 93 Gideon, 90 Hannah, 82, 85, 88, 90, 94, 95, 97 Hannah Davis, 97 Hannah J., 95 Hannah Maria, 87 Hannah Rose, 90 Hannah Satterly, 82, 93 Hannah Still, 90 Harriet Terry, 95, 97 Hattie, 95 Henry, 88, 94, 96. 100 Hetty Tuthill, 91 Hila, 86 Hiram, 89, 94 Horatio Nelson, 93 Huldah Corwin, 90 Inez, 96 Irene M. Barnes, 97 Irving, 95. 97 Isaac, 85. 86. 89, 94, 106, 113 Israel, 85, 87, 89. 94, 101 Jacob, 82. 85. 90. 92. 114 James. 86. 89, 90, 91, 94 Jane, 94 Jarvis. 95 Jedediah. 95, 96 Jedediah W.. 97 Jemima Newton, 87 Jennie L., 97 Jerome Broadfield, 96 Jerusha Raynor. 91 Jesse 90 John,' 86, 91. 94, 95, 97, 100 John ^^T., 95 John S., 91 146 Index Hawkins, Jonas, 45, 86, 91, 92, 106, 113, 114 Jonas, Major, 45, 113 Jonathan, 92, 113, 114 Joseph, 82, 85, 91, 93 Joseph S., 88 Julia, 94, 95, 97, 113 Julia Ann, 92 Julia Hulse, 94 Julia L'Hommedieu, 91 Juliana, 86, 87, 91, 92, 100, 101, 103, 106 Juliana Bayles, 85, 86 Juliana Smith, 92 Katurah Newton, 91 Letty, 92, 114 Letty Lindlev, 91 Lewis, 92, 114 Lorana, 90 Lucy Davis, 88 Margaret Leavally, 90 Maria, 81, 88, 94 Martha, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 103 Martha T., 95 Mary, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 93, 94, 106, 110 Mary Alwood, 87 Mary Bayles, 86, 89 Mary Elizabeth, 90, 91, 94 Mary Emelina, 90 Mary F., 96 Mary Jane Glover, 95 Mary Jayne, 93 Mary Kctcham, 86 Mary L. Albertson, 96 Mary Mills, 85, 106 Mary Satterly, 81, 88 Mary Smith. 90 Mary Still, 90 Matilda, 86 Merritt, 88 Micah, 113, 114 Micana, 86, 91, 92 Mills, 92, 114 Moses, 85, 86, 87, 106 Myron Daniel, 96 Nancy, 91, 94 Nancy Roe, 94 Nathan, 90 Nathaniel, 88, 93 Nehemiah, 89 Norah A., 88 Olivia, 95, 97 Olivia Shaler, 95 Oliver A., 96 Orin, 95 Orpha Brewster, 94 Phebe, 91 Hawkins, Phebe Baylis, 93 Phebe Brindley, 95 Phebe Brush, 89 Phebe Hubbard, 87 Fhebe Williamson, 88 Piatt, 91 Polly Bennett, 89 Priscilla, 97 Priscilla Smith, 96 Rachel, 86, 113 Rachel Rose, 89 Rebecca, 87, 89, 94, 101 Rebecca Bennett, 94 Rebecca Brewster, 90 Renelche, 92, 113 Richard, 87, 91, 94, 97 Robert, 82, 93, 96 Rosa, 96 Ruth, 45, 86, 87, 89, 92, 93, 113, 114 Ruth Baylis, 89 Ruth Mills, 86, 91, 106, 113 Ruth Smith, 87. 91, 103 Sally, 97 Sally Bayles, 88 Samuel, 85, 86, 87, 89, 97, 103 Samuel A., 87 Sarah, 85, 86. 87, 88, 90, 94, 100 Sarah Ann, 90 Sarah Ann Tyler, 94, 95 Sarah B., 95 Sarah Bayles, 86 Sarah Brewster, 93, 94 Sarah Longbotham, 86 Sarah Mills, 88, 111 Sarah Mitchill, 89 Sarah Waters, 88 Selah, 89, 90 Selah Strong, 93 Simeon, 82, 85, 89, 95 Simeon Decatur, 90 Simeon S., 96 Sophia, 87 Sophia Amelia, 95, 97 Sophia Smith, 95 Sophronia, 94 Susan C. Smith, 96 Susan J., 96 Susannah, 89 Susannah Scidmore, 89 Tabitha, 90, 93 Tabitha Satterly, 82, 85, 89, 90, 91 Temperance, 94 Thomas, 88, 94 Thomas B., 95 Timothy, 106 Una, 96 Walter, 100 Index 147 Hawkins, Walter E., 97 Wickham, 92 William, 86, 87, 88, 90, 93, 94, 95, 97 William Bartlett, 87 William H., 95 William Havens, 87 William T., 95 William Warren, 93 William Wickham, 91 W. Henry, 88 Wm. Wickham, 113 Zachariah, 82, 85, 91, 93, 94, 97 Zachariah Franklin, 93 Zophar, 86, 88, 90, 93 Hajmes, Maria, 43 Heater, Benj., 84 Nancy Rogers, 84 Heckle, Mary, 107 Helme, Martha, 107, 108 Mary, 102 Phineas, 102 Thomas, 107 Hendrickson, Anakee, 71 Bernardus, 52 Elizabeth Ann Snedeker, 52 Hentz, Henry, 53 John H., 33 Rachel, 52, 53 Herbert, Charles Augustus, 70 Emeline Rushmore, 70 George Rushmore, 70 Isaac H., 70 Isaac Hand, 70 Maria Louisa, 70 Truman Post, 70 William Fisk, 70 Hewlett, Benj., 35 Benjamin, 26, 39 Divine, 32, 38 Elizabeth, 52 George, 36 Jane, 26, 36 John C. 32, 38 Maria Mitchill, 39 Rebecca, 26, 37 Sarah, 32, 38 Susan, 36 Hicks, Abigail, 50 Charles, 50 Isaac, 75 James, 50 John D., 75 Jacob, 50 Lydia, 75 Martha, 69 Phebe, 75 Hicks, Phebe (Carman) Powell, 50 Samuel, 75 Sarah Rushmore, 75 Stephen R., 75 Valentine, 75 Hinchman, Susan Raynor, 66 Hinman, Mary Elizabeth, 39 Sarah Esther, 39 Singleton Mitchill, 39 William K., 39 Hollister, Benjamin F., 119 Julia Minerva, 119 Maria (Lush) Spencer, 119 Holloway, John, 41 Holthuysen, — — , 37 J. C, 37 Susan Stokesbury, 37 Homan, Deborah, 108 Fanny Mills, 113, 116 George Washington, 116 Mordecai, 108 Stephen, 113, 116 Homans, Daniel, 85 Mary, 85 Horsefield, Sarah, 51 Thomas, 51 Horton, Deborah, 13 Elizabeth Dickerson, 15 House, George W., 63 Margaret Raynor, 63 Howard, Aaron Furman, 118 Abigail, 117, 122, 123, 126 Abraham Furman, 118 Ann Chase, 117 Benjamin, 117 Benjamin Coe, 117 Benjamin R., 118 Boardman, 117 Charles Nicoll, 118 Clarissa, 117 Clarissa Lewis, 117 Coe Furman, 118 Cornelia Betts, 117 Deborah Ann, 117 Edward, 117 Edward L., 118 Edward S., 117 Eliza Bretonniere, 118 Elizabeth Shepherd, 117 Eunice Howell, 118 Eunice Margaret, 118 Frances, 118 Frances Howell, 118 George, 117 ' Jane Rapelye, 118 John, 118 148 Index Howard, John, Dr., 118 John Goldsmith, 118 John H., 117 Jonathan, 117, 118 Jonathan Coe, 118 Judith, 117 Margaret Jane, 118 Mary, 117, 118, 122, 126 Mary Coe, 117, 126 Mary Cornwell, 117 Mary Haviland, 117 Mary Leycraft, 117 Mary Thompson, 118 Mary Tyler, 117 Nancy R. Huntington, 117 Rhoda Furman, 118 Samuel H., 117 Sarah Bradner, 118 Susanna, 117 Susanna Fish, 117 William, 117, 118, 122, 126 William Henry, 118 Howell, Charity, 89 David, 118 Eunice, 118 Frances, 118 Mary Satterly. 81 Polly, 93 Silas, 89 Zephaniah, 81 Hoxie, Delia, 38 Joseph, 38 Hubbard, Phebe, 87 Hubbs, Jacob, 56 Joseph, 74 Mary Frost, 74 Mary Raynor, 56 Susan, 25 Hudson, Anna A., 109 Daniel, 109 David, 88 Frances Mills, 109 Helen, 44 Helen Wickham, 44 Henry, 101 Juliana Brewster, 101 Leverett, 44 Margaret M., 109 Mary E., 109 Prudence S., 109 Hulse, Aner, 102 David, 94 Ebenezer, 102 Elizabeth, 85 Hannah, 102 Jemima Tooker, 102 Hulse, John, 102 Julia, 94 Julia Hawkins, 94 Ruth, 102 Samuel, 102 Selah, 102 Stephen Alfred, 15 Thomas, 94 Hull, Abigail Wickham, 42 Daniel, Dr., 42 Helen, 42 Hunt, Agnes Cecilia, 118 Alexander Alexis, 118 Charles Volney, 118 Edgar Zimmerman, 118 Frances Howard, 118 Frances Koskiusko Constantine, 118 Harriet Howell, 118 Henry W., 118 John Howard, 118 Mary Chamberline, 118 Huntington, Henry, 31 Nancy R, 117 Huntting, Emily Tabitha Mills, 109 John S., 109 Hurlburt, Asa, 124 Betsy. 124 Chester, 124 Edmund, 124 Esther, 124 James, 124 Jane, 124 Louisa, 124 Nathaniel, 124 Sabrina, 124 Sabrina Greene, 124 Samuel, 124 Silas, 124 Hurtin, Eliza, 114 Hutchings. Ann Rushmore, 70 George, 70 Gilbert, 70 Hamilton, 70 Israel, 70 Rushmore, 70 William, 70 Hutchinson, Thomas, 12 Hyde, Phebe, 74 Ireland, Job, 71 Susan, 71 Jackson, Andrew, Pres., 18 Daniel, 2>7 Eliza Raynor, 57 Henry, 57 I NDEX 149 Jackson, Phebe, 27 Jarvis, Caroline, 74 Jayne, Amanda, 88, 101 Archibald, 101 Charles, 123 Charles, Capt, 126, 128 Elbert, 88 Elbert Brewster, 101 Isaac, 87, 88, 101 Jane Dickerson, 15 Joseph, 15 Mary, 88, 126 Mary Biggs, 101 Mary Dallas, 101 Mary Michell, 101 Morris, 101 Robert Morris, 88, 101 Sally Fleet Greene, 126, 128 Sarah Brewster, 88, 101, 123 William, 126 Jenkins, Sarah (Lush) Burton, 119 Theodore B, 119 Jennings, Caleb, 20 Juliana Gardiner, 42 Nancy Dickerson, 20 Samuel, 42 Jergenson, Mrs. M. B., 79 Jones, , 70 Benjamin, 82 Chai-ity Robbins, 82 Dorothy, 103 Ebenezer, 82 Elizabeth, 26 Freelove, 26 Huldah K, 70 Irena Robbins, 82 Sarah, 15 Susan Jane Greene, 122 Thomas Major, 26 Vincent, 15 Vinson, 103 William C, 122 Johnson, Ann, 122 John Sir, 17 Maria Mills, 113 Richard M. 31 Samuel, 113 Johnston, Perseverance, 125 Keene, Lucy J., 74 Kellogg, N., Rev., 93 Kellum, , 110 Harriet Raynor, 67 John, 67 Kendall, Hannah, 125, 128 Thomas Dea, 125 Ketcham, Abigail Hawkins, 85 Catharine Hawkins, 97 — Charlotte, 97 — Eliza, 83, 97 _ Emmett, 87-- Hannah Satterly, 83 ••' Henry, 83 — Jacob T., 83 — James, 83 -. John, 85, 86 ^^ Martha Hawkins, 87 ' Mary, 86, 97 Mary Halstead, 83 -—^ Nathaniel, 97 - Samuel Satterly, 83 King, Esther Dickerson, 20 George, 20 Kneeland, Ann E., 29 Lane, Ann Greene, 121 Ebenezer, 121 Selah, 58 Langdon, Ananias, 54 Jane Carman, 54 La Rue, Nathaniel, 110 Latham, Amy (Underbill), 27 Joseph, 27, 30 Mary, 28 Samuel, Dr., 27, 29, 2>Z Sarah, 27 Thomas, 30 William, 27, 28 Lawrence, Andrew, 69 Elizabeth, 26, 69 Elizabeth Rushmore, 69 Frances Bedell, 51 Gilbert, 51, 69 James, 69 John, 69 Martha, 69 Lax, Isabella, 53 Rachel Carman, 53 Leavenworth, Jesse, Capt., 44 Leek, Parnissa, 23 Ledyard, Abigail, 43 Clarissa Howard Leverich, 117 John, 43, 117 John, Capt., 43 Lee, George, 124 Susannah Greene, 124 Le Fevre, Rev. Mr., 61 Lefferts and Carpenter, 30 Leigh, Benjamin Watkins, Hon., 46 Lester, Elizabeth, 57 John, 57 150 Index Levally, John, 90 Margaret, 90 Leverich, Clarissa Howard, 117 Sackett, 117 Lewis, Amzi, Rev., 117, 122 Clarissa, 117 James, 64 Jasper, 124 Louisa Hurlburt, 124 Mary Satterly, 79 Sarah, 64 Leycraft, Mary, 117 L'Hommedieu, Daniel, 91 Ellen Hawkins, 91 James, 91 Julia, 91 Lindsley, Grace, 20 Lindley, Letty, 91 Liscomb, Elias, 102 John, 102 Margaret, 102 Margaret Tyler, 102 Livingston, Henry B., Col., 14, 78, 86 Lloyd, Jane Mitchill, 29 John C, 29 -Locey Mary (Carman) Rushmore, 51, 69 William, 69 Wm., 51 Lockerson, Mary, 25 Longbotham, Anna, 108 Charity, 90 David, 90 Jacob, 86 Joshua, 14, 15 Martha, 14, 15 Nathaniel, 88 Ruth, 88 Sarah, 86, 105 William, 108 Low, Josiah O., 108 Martha Elizabeth Mills, 108 Lubbock, Capt., 127 Ludlow, Elizabeth Mitchill, 26 v Peter, 26 Robert, 26 Lush, Ann, 53, 119 Anna, 119 Carman, 53, 119 Catharine Weekes, 119 Edmund, 119 Elizabeth Cox, 119 George, 119 Israel, 119 Jacob, 119 James, 53, 119 Lush, John, 119 Julia, 53, 120 Letty, 119 Lydia Combs, 119 Maria, 53, 119 Martha, 119 Mary, 119 Mary Carman, 53, 119 Mary Elizabeth, 53, 120 Mary Elizabeth Bedell, 119 Mary Windham, 119 Sarah, 53, 119 Sarah Boles, 119 Susan Place, 119 Thomas, 119 William, 53, 54, 120 Lupton, Algenetta, 84 Ann, 84 Edmund Fanning, 84 Eliza McBride, 84 Fanny F. Moger, 84 Harriet, 84 Ila, 84 James, 84 Josiah, 84 Mary, 84 Phebe Scidmore, 84 Lyon, Julia, 36 Macon, Mr., 46 Madan, , 81 Mary Ackerly, 81 Makie, Phebe, 81 Manley, Deborah Greene, 123 John, 123 Joseph, 123 Mary, 123, 124 William, 123, 124 Mansfield, John, 102 Maria Reeder, 102 Mapes, Charles, 91 Deliverance Hawkins, 91 Elizabeth Tyler, 91 General, 91 James, 91, 94 James J., 91 Jonas, 91 Joanna, 91, 112 Martha, 15 Mary, 101 Naomi, 13 Polly Coleman, 94 Thomas, 13 Marcy, Wm., L., 31 Marsh, Capon and Lyon, 62 I Martin, Sarah, 82 Index 151 Mason, Messrs., 35 Mather, , 41 F. G., 25 Matthews, Elizabeth Ra3mor, 65 Hamilton, 65 McClugg, Dr., 46 McCord, Jane, 114 McDermott, Edward M., IZ Jemima (Frost) Titus Cock, IZ McDougall, Gen., 25 McDowell, George, 83 Mary Trimble, 83 Robert Thomas, 83 McKean, Gov., 18 McNish, Charles S., 123 Herman Greene, 123 Sarah Jane Greene, 123 Thomas W., 123 Merritt, Jane, 83 ^ Nancy Ketcham, 83 John, 83 Samuel, 83 Merwin, Elizabeth C, 45 Messenger, Charlotte Elizabeth, 56 Hannah Raynor, 56 John, 56 Lavinia, 56 Mary, 56 Samuel J., 56 Messier, Agnes, 16 Michell family, 25 Mary, 101 Mighile, Samuel, 21 Sarah Dickerson, 21 Miller, , 113 Adeline, 114 Alwyn N., 123 Andrew, 106 Charles, 114 Charlotte, 109 Daniel, 109 Deborah Thompson Smith, 102 Deliverance, 112, 115 Deliverance Mills, 105 Dorothy, 112 Eliance, 51 Elizabeth, 114 Elizabeth Bedell, 51 Emeline Carman, 52 Gilbert B., 52 Hannah. 106 Josiah, 105 Leah, 74 Margaret, 114 Martha, 109 Martha Olive Mills, 109 Miller, Phebe Jane, 74 Philip, 114 Rebecca, 106 Ruth Mills, 114 Sarah Jane (Greene) McNish, 123 Sarah Mills, 105 Stephen, 74 Timothy, 112 William, 102 William Wickham, 114 Mills, , Dunn, 107 Kellum, 110 Miller, 113 Abial Conklin, 115 Abigail, 110 Abigail Vail, 107 Adelaide, 115 Adeline, 112 Albert, 114 Alfred, 107, 112 Alfred H., Ill Alfred Thomas, 112 Algernon Sydney, 111, 112 Almira Finn, 112 Alonzo, 110, 111 Amanda Moscrop, 114 Amy Biggs, 115 Andrew, 114 Andrew Jackson, 114 Angeline, 115 Ann, 112 Ann Eliza, 111, 112 Ann Janet, 108 Anna, 109, 113 Anna Bryant, 109 Anna Longbotham, 108 Anna Woodhull, 108 Appolas, 108 Bartlett Tuthill, 113 Benjamin, 107, 111, 113 Benjamin F., Ill Caleb, 107. 108, 115 Caroline, 114 Catharine, 113, 114 Catharine Denton, 113, 114 Charity Bayley, 113 Charity Smith, 111 Charles, 86, 113, 114, 115 Charles E., 109 Charles J., Ill Charlotte, 107, 109, 115 Charlotte Augusta, 108 Clarissa, 107, 108, 115, 124 Corina, 116 Daniel Smith, 111 David Smith, 110 Deborah, 110, 112 152 Index Mills, Deborah Homan, 108 Deborah Scott, 113 Deborah Smith, 108 Deliverance, 105 Deliverance Miller, 112, 115 Dorothy, 86, 92, 111, 113, 114 Dorothy Miller, 112 Ebenezer, 106, 107, 112 Edmund, 107, 112 Edmund S., Ill Edward H., 109 Edward Wickham, 112 Edwin, 114 Egbert, 111 Egbert Smith, 109 Eleanor Perline, 110 Eleazer, 86, 113 Elkanah, 115 Emily, 114 Emily Tabitha, 109 Eliza, 108 Eliza A., 113 Eliza Ann, 114 Eliza Hurtin, 114 Eliza Phillips, 115 Elizabeth, 105, 106, 107, 108, 111, 112, 114 Elizabeth Miller, 114 Elizabeth Smith, 110 Elsie, 114 Epenetus Smith, 110 Erastus Root, 108 Esseverance, 113, 116 Esther Still, 114 Ethelbert, 108 Experience, 113, 116 Familj'-, 86 Fanny, 113, 116 Frances, 108, 109, 115 Franklin, 116 Frederick H., Ill Gabriel, 112, 116 George, 105, 106, 107, 109 George E., 109 George Phillips, 108, 109 George Thomas, 109 George W., 115 Gertrude Terrell, 112 Gideon Smith, 110 Hannah. 106, 107, 108, 109 Hannah De Milt, 109 Hannah Hallock. Ill Hannah Miller, 106 Harrison, 114 Henry, 86, 107, 108, 109. 113 Henry D., Ill Hezekiah. 113, 114 Hiram, 108. 109 Mills, Horace, 108 Huldah M., 115 Huldah Reeve, 115 Isaac, 86, 105, 106, 107, 108, 111, 113 Isaac B., 112 Isaiah, 107 Israel, 87, 89, 110 Jacob, 89, 92, 110, 113, 114, 116 James, 108, 114 James Harvey, 107, 108 James Monroe, 108 Jane, 114 Jane McCord, 114 Janet Duryea, 108 Jedediah, 88, 107, 109, 110, 111 Jesse, 108, 109 Joanna, 106, 108 John, 105, 108, 110, 114, 115 John Reading, 107 Jonas, 105, 110 Jonas D., 112 Jonas Davis, 108, 109 Jonathan, 86, 91. 105, 111, 112, 113, 114 Josephine, 115 Julia Hawkins, 113 Juliana, 113, 114 Juliana Hawkins, 92 Keturah, 113, 116 Lester, 116 Letty, 114 Letty Bull, 114 Lewis, 107, 111 Lillian E., Ill Louisa, 108 Madeline, 112 Mahlon, 115 Margaret. 108, 109 Maria, 113, 114 Maria Coleman, 112 Maria Winans, 114 Martha, 105, 110, 112 Martha Elizabeth, 108 Martha Helme, 107, 108 Martha Olive, 107, 109 Martha Smith, 108, 109, 110 Mary, 85, 87, 106, 108, 110, 114 Mary A., 109 Mary Allison, 111 Mary Ann, 108, 114 Mary Brewster, 112 Mary Caroline, 86, 114 Mary Dayton, 115 Mary E., Ill Mary Elizabeth, 112 Mary Hallock, 109 Mary Hawkins, 89, 110 Index 153 Mills, Mary Heckle, 107 Mary Heathcote Muirson, 113 Mark Oaks, 115 Mary Piatt, 107, 109, 112 Mary Reading, 106 Mary T. Halsted, 107 Mary Woolworth, 108 Micah, 92, 113, 116 Miriam, 105 Moses, 106, 108, 109 Nancy, 114 Nancy Rudyard, 108, 109 Nathan Johnson, 114 Nathaniel, 105, 110, 112, 115 Phebe, 107 Phillip, 108 Piatt, 115 Polly Ackerly, 110 Polly Halsted, 107 Rachel Hawkins, 86, 113 Rachel Smith, 110 Rebecca, 106, 107, 112, 115 Rebecca S. Dunham, 111 Richard, 86, 114, 115 Robert Emmet, 112 Robert Sydney, 109, 112 Ruth, 86, 91, 106, 112, 113, 114, 115 Ruth Rhodes, 115 Ruth Rudyard, 112 Samuel, 105, 106, 107, 113, 114, 115 Samuel J., 114 Samuel Wickham, 114 Sarah, 88, 105, 106, 107, 111, 113, 114, 115 Sarah Ann Perline, 110 Sarah Bull, 114 Sarah Hallock, 109 Sarah Hawkins, 87, 112 Sarah M., 86, 111, 113 Sarah Maria, 109, 112 Sarah Phillips. 106, 107 Sarah Smith, 108 Sarah Toby, 110 Selah S., 110 Sophia, 115 Sophronia, 112 Sydney B., Ill Tabitha Davis, 107, 109 Thaddeus, 107 Thomas, 107, 111 Thomas Helme, 107, 108 Thomas James, 109 Timothy, 85. 86, 105, 106, 113, 115 Urania Phillips, 108 Washington, 114 William, 106, 107, 108, 110, 114, 124 Mills, William Henry, 111 William Phillips, 112 William, Rev., 107 William Thomas, 108 William Wickham, 105, 113, 114 Zophar, 112, 115, 116 Mitchell, Margaret Olivia, 39 Sarah Allen, 26 Stephen, 28 Mitchill, Abigail Doty, 28 Addie E. Bremner, 38 Adeline Furman, 29 Allen, 26, 36 Ann E. Kneeland, 29 Ann Maria, 29 Augustus, 28 Barlow, 27 Benjamin, 2)7 Catharine, 27, 29 Catharine A. M., 2i7 Catharine (Akerly) Cock, 2)2 Catharine Franklin, 36 Catharine Onderdonk, 38 Charles, 28, 39 Charles, Dr., 28, 39 Charles Livingston, 38 Charles W., 27 Charlotte Morton, 39 ' Cordelia, 27 Cornelia Caroline, 27 Cornelius Smith, 29 Cornelius Van Wyck, 38 Cornell, 27 Daniel, 29 Deborah, 26 Deborah Prince, 26 Delia Hoxie, 38 De Witt Clinton, 29 Dr., 29, 34 Edmund, 29 Edward, 38 Elisabeth, 39 Eliza Jane, 29 Elizabeth, 26, 27, 36 Elizabeth Jones, 26 Elizabeth P., 27 Elizabeth Smith, 36 Elizabeth (Smith) Doughty, 27 Elizabeth Thorne, 28, 39 Elizabeth Townsend, 36 Emma, 27 Erastus, 39 Eustatia Clements, 27 Fairlie, 27 Freelove, 26 Freelove Smith, 26 154 Index Mitchill, George, 29, 30, 31, 36 Georgiana, 29 Hannah, 26, 27, 36 Hannah E. Covert, 27 Hannah (Van Wyck) Cornell, 25 Helen L., 38 Henry, 26, 36 Hester Smith, 25 Humphrey, Sir, 25 Isaac, 26 Jacamiah, 26 Jackson, Z7 Jacob Sutherland, 27 James, 29 Jane, 27, 29, 36, 2,7 Jane H., 37 Jane Hewlett, 26 Jane Thome, 39 John, 26, 27 John Allen, 36 John Schenck, 39 John Sutphen, 29 John T., 38 John Thome, 39 Joseph, 29, 30, 31, 38 Joseph L., 39 Joseph Latham, 29 Judge, 35 Julia Lyon, 36 Latham, 28, 27 Latham Jones, 28 Margaret, 26 Margaret Comwell, 27 Margaret Eliza, 29 Margaret Jane, 39 Margaret Olivia, 38 Margaret Olivia Mitchill, 38, 39 Margaret Norris Patterson, 27, 27 Maria, 29, 39 Maria Jane Barlow, 27 Maria Louisa, 29 Maria R. Tyson, 27 Maria Schenck, 31, 38 Marian, 28 Martha, 26, 36 Mary, 27, 28, 29 Mary D. Sutphen, 29 Mary Elizabeth, 38, 39 Mary E. Rose, 29 Mary Frost, 29 Mary Jane, 29 Mary Latham, 28 Mary Lockerson, 23 Mary Louisa, 39 Mary P., 36 Matthew P., 37 Mitchill, Nancy, 29 Phebe, 26, 27, 29, 36, 27 Phebe De Milt, 29 Phebe E, 27 Phebe Eliza, 27 Phebe Elizabeth, 27 Phebe Fairlie, 27 Phebe Jackson, 27 Phebe Seaman, 36 Phebe Smith, 36 Phebe (Thome) Denton, 25 Priscilla, 36 Rebecca Hewlett, 26, 27, 38 Robert, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31. 36, 27, 38 Robert Milton, 36 Samuel, 36, 27, 38 Samuel L., 32, 34, 35 Samuel Latham, 28, 29, 22 Samuel L., Dr., 25, 32 Samuel T., 27 Sarah, 26, 27, 29, 27, 89 Sarah Allen, 36 Sarah Bowne, 26 Sarah Cornell, 27 Sarah De Grove, 27 Sarah E. Sands, 36 Sarah Hewlett, 32, 38 Sarah Latham, 27, 28 Sarah T., 28 Sarah Thorpe, 27 Singleton, 28, 29, 38 Singleton, Judge, 29, 35, 38 Singleton L., 39 Singleton Latham, 38 Stephen, 27, 27, 39 Susan, 26, 36, 27 Susan Ann, 27 Susan Hubbs, 25 Susan Stokesbury, 27 Theodore Codwise, 29 Thomas, 27, 27 Uriah, 25, 26, 27, 34 Warren, 35, 38 Whitehead, 27 William, 26, 27, 28, 26 William L, 38 William Latham, 39 Moger, Fanny F., 84 John, 77, 78 Mary, 78 Mollineux, Phebe, 56 Monfort, Garret, 53 Mary Sammis, 53 Moore, , 46 Elizabeth Wickham, 45 Index 155 Moore, Joseph, 45 Micah, Dr., 43 Phebe, 43 Thomas, 45 WilHam, 45 Morey, Betsy, 121 Jerusha (Utley) Greene, 121 Isaac, 121 Morrell, John, 36 Susan Mitchill, 36 Morton, Charlotte, 39— Moser, Eliza V., 70 Samuel H., 70 Mott, Abigail Rushmore, 69 Adam, 69 Amy, 74 Amy Raynor, 57 Benjamin, 57 Caleb, 54 Elijah, 53, 57 Elizabeth, 57 Elizabeth Raynor, 56 Georgiana, 29 Hannah Carman, 54 James, 74 John, 54, 57 Joseph, 57 Lucretia, 29 Lydia P., 74 Mary, 69, 12 Mary Ann, 53 Mary Frost, 74 Phebe, 57 Phebe (Mitchill) Clowes, 29 Rachel, 29 Rebecca, 57 Rosetta, 57 Ruth, 54 Samuel, 56, 57 Sarah Frost, 74 Stephen, 74 Valentine, 74 Willet, 57 William, 29, 57, 69 Mount, Charity Wells, 94 Dorothy Hawkins, 92 Elizabeth, 92 Elizabeth Hempstead, 92 Elizabeth R., 92 Evalina, 92 Henry John, 92 Henry S.. 93 Henry Smith, 92 John S.. 92, 94 Jonas Hawkins, 93 Joshua, 93 Mount, Julia, 92 Julia Ann Hawkins, 92 Julia Ann Shepard, 93 Juha Hawkins, 113 Malcolm, 92 Mary Ford, 92 Mary Thompson Brewster, 93. 101 Robert N., 101 Robert Nelson, 93 Ruth Hawkins, 93 Shepard A., 93 Shepard Alonzo, 92 Thomas S., 92, 113 Thomas Shepard, 92 William S., 92, 93, 113 William Shepard, 93 William Sidney, 93 Munson, Amelia, 74 Caroline, 74 Catharine M. Frost, 74 Frances H., 74 Francis Q., 74 Kate, 74 Levi, 74 Martha F., 74 Mary T., 74 Walter, 74 Muirson, George, Dr., 43, 113 Mary Heathcote, 113 Myers. Hannah Eliza Satterly, 83 William, 83 Newton, Benjamin, 82, 88 Conkling, 94 Eliza Ann Wells, 94 Isaac, 87 Jemima, 87 John, 82 Jonas, 91 Katurah, 91 Mary Satterly, 82 Nancy Hawkins, 91 Nichols, Abigail, 52 Carman, 52 Elisabeth, 52 Mary Sophia, 52 Samuel, 52 Sarah Carman, 52 William, 52 Nicolls, Benjamin, 80 Elizabeth Roseman, 80 Niven, Annie, 29 George, 29 Kathien B., 29 Mary Frost, 29 Nancy Mitchill, 29 156 Index Norent, Ebenezer, 93 Katharine Tooker, 93 Norris, John, 14 Julia Dickerson, 14 North, Dr., 127 Norton, Nathaniel, 100 Samuel F., Dr., 108 Sarah, 100 Nostrand, Jacob, 54 Jemima Pratt, 54 Nunns, Robert, 90 Oaks, Edward, 88 John, 115 Mary, 115 O'Hara, John, 17 Sarah Armstrong, 17 Onderdonk, Catharine, 38 Minnie, 38 Ordronaux, John, 122 Osborn, Daniel, 124 Jane Greene, 124 John P., Judge, 41 Sarah Wickham, 41 Osborne, — — , 42 Abigail Wickham, 42 Daniel, 42 Helen Hull, 42 Osman, , 42 Elizabeth Gardiner, 42 Overton, Florence S. Hawkins, 96 John E., 96 Polly. 23 Sarah, 14 Owen, Margaret Jane, 84 Robert, 84 Paige, Rev. Mr., 62 Paine, Abigail, 43 Abigail (Wickham) Hull, 42 Benjamin, 42, 43 Betsy, 43 Christiana, 43 Daniel, 42 Deliverance Wells, 43 Esther, 43 Louise Case, 43 Maria, 43 Maria Haynes, 43 Mary, 11, 12, 42 Persis Moore, 43 Polly, 43 Prudence, 43 Olive, 43 Rhoda, 43 Samuel, 42 Thomas, 11, 43 Paine, Thomas, Rev., 42 Parker, Abigail, 42 John, 42 Lucina Greene, 121 Mary, 42 Solomon, 121 Partridge, Capt., 35 Patterson, Ambrose, 83 Esther Barker, 83 John, 27 Margaret Norris, 27, Zl Sarah Mitchill, 27 Payne, Benjamin C, 90 Charity Hallock, 90 Paynter, Susan, 63 Pearsall, Henry, 54 Maria Carman, 54 Pendergast, Richard, Capt., 127 Pendleton, George, 119 Maria Lush, 119 Perline, Eleanor, 110 John, 109 Sarah Ann, 110 Peterson, David, 91 Nancy Hawkins, 91 Pettit, Arabella, 53 Elizabeth Carman, 54 Gilbert, 54 Joseph, 51 Samuel, 53 Sarah, 51 Petty, Allen, 89 Angelina Hawkins, 89 Beriah, 89 Clarissa, 89 Delia, 89 Edna, 89 Israel, 89 John Shepherd, 89 Silas Howell, 89 Phillips, Anna Hawkins^ 85 Deborah, 112 Deborah Mills, 112 Eliza, 115 Elizabeth, 106 Elizabeth Mills, 106 George, 106, 112 George S., 103, 114 Isaac Mills, 85, 103, 106 Jonas, 106 Mary, 106 Mary Caroline, 114 Mehetible Smith, 103 Micah, 112 Moses, 105 Samuel, 106 Index 157 Phillips, Sarah, 106, 107 Urania, 108' \yilUam, 108 Philpit, Lydia Ann (Carman) Bache, . 52 , William, 52 Piatt, Caroline, 19 Juliet, 19 Mr., 19 Pierson, Emma, 20 Pike, Cloe Gardiner, 42 Jonathan, 42 Pine, David, 59 Jane Carman, 50 Mary Raynor, 59 Reuben, 50, 69 Ruth, 69, 71 Sarah J., 74 Place, Joshua, 119 Susan, 119 Piatt, Mary, 109 Nathaniel, Capt, 107, 110, 111 Plummer, Sarah D., 57 William, 57 Porter, Jonathan E., 45 Julia Ann, 45 Post, Edmund, 75 Edmund, Jr., 75 Elizabeth Wood, 75 Henry, 75 Lydia, 75 Mary Rushmore, 75 Robert, 75 Stephen, 75 Potts, Margaret, 16 Powell, Elizabeth, 53 •> Eliza Pratt, 54 James, 54 John, 75 Matilda, 75 Ruth Carman, 50 Solomon, 50 Stephen, 50, 53 Thomas, 50 Pratt, Eliza, 54 Jemima, 54 John, 54 Mary, 54 Phebe, 54 Ruth, 54 Sarah, 122 Sarah Carman, 54 Price, P., 63 Prince, Deborah, 26 Samuel, 26 Prior, Elisabeth Rushmore, 72 Mary, 12 Samuel, 72 Provost, Bishop, 61 Prescott, Clarissa Greene, 108 Clarissa Mills, 124 John Q., Rev., 108, 124 Punderson, Cyrus, 97 Elizabeth, 97 Rebecca Tyler, 88 Thomas H., 88 Purdy, Danl., 52 Elisabeth Nichols, 52 Randall, John, 16 Mary Eliza, 16 Randolph, John, 46, 47 Ranger, Olive, 121 Rapelye, Jane, 118 Rayner, Benjamin, 60 Benjamin Lester, 60, 62 Caroline Starr, 60, 62 Cornelia Shelton, 60, 62 Daniel Bontecou, 60, 62 Daniel Olcott, 60, 62 Jane Elizabeth Barry, 60, 62 Mary, 60 Mary Martha, 60, 62 Menzies, 60, 62 Menzies, Rev., 60 Miriam Powell, 60, 62 Rebecca Bontecou, 60, 62 William Charles, 60, 62 Raynor, , 59 Abigail, 50, 56, 59 Abigail Smith, 67 Alanson, 63 Almira Sprague, 66 Amanda, 56, 63 Andrew B., 67 Andrus, 67 Ann Amelia, 64 Ann Catharine Doty, 63 Amos, 58, 64, 65 Amy, 55, 56, 57, 59 Amy Smith, 64 Ann, 52, 59, 64 Ann Maria, 57 Ann Smith, 59 Anna N., 57 Annie S., 45 Assenah, 59 Benjamin, 57, 58, 59, 63, 64, 67 Benjamin Riley, 65 Bergen R., 50 Charles, 56, 64 158 Index Raynor, Clarissa, 57, 59 Clarissa Raynor, 57 Coles, 56 Cornelia, 65 Daniel, 50, 55, 58, 59, 63, 67 David, 56 Edward, 55, 63, 66 Elbert, 58, 64, 65 Elijah, 52, 55, 56, 57, 59 Elisha, 57, 59 Eliza, 56, 57, 66 Eliza P., 57 Eliza Raynor, 57 Elizabeth, 50, 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, 64, 65 Elizabeth Baldwin, 59 Elizabeth Doxy, 58 Elizabeth Lester, 57 Elizabeth Soper, 56 Ellen, 63 Emeline, 64, 67 Ezekiel, 55, 56, 59 Frances, 67 Frances Rheinhart, 59 Francis, 63 Fanny, 64, 67 Gelston, 59 George, 57, 59 George B., 57 Gilbert, 55, 64, 65 Hannah, 50, 56, 57, 59, 63 Hannah Bedell, 59 Hannah Carman, 66 Hannah Eliza Summers, 57 Harriet, 57, 67 Henry, 55 Hewlett, 67 Hiram, 57 Hiram H, 57 Hiram M., 57 Isaac, 67 Jacob, 56, 57, 58, 59, 66 James, 51, 55, 56, 58; 66 James W., 57 Jane, 63 Jane Bijotat, 57 Jane Chapman, 65 Jane D., 57 Jeremiah, 67 Jerusha, 91 Joel, 67 John, 50, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, 64, 67 John H., 67 Joseph, 55, 57, 58, 59, 64, 66, 91 Josephine, 56 Raynor, Josiah, 55, 91 Julia, 57 Lester, 59 Letty Baldwin, 63, 65 Letty Celina, 65 Letty Colder, 59 Levina Smith, 57 Louisa, 64 Lydia, 59 Margaret, 59, 63 Maria, 64 Maria Colder, 56 Marian Smith, 59 Martha, 55, 58 Martha Margaret, 66 Mary, 50, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 64 Mary Ann, 65 Mary Ann Southard, 64 Mary Ann Bedell, 63 Mary Baldwin, 55 Mary Carman, 57 Mary Elizabeth, 64 Mary Jane, 64 Mary S., 57 Mary Seaman, 57 Matilda, 63 Matilda AUemand, 56 Menzies, 59 Micajah, 66 Mordecai, 63, 65 Mordecai Lester, 66 Morrell, 67 Mott, 57, 63 Nancy, 56, 58, 64, 65 Nancy Conkling, 56 Nancy Smith, 58, 63, 64 Nathan H., 64 Nathan Holdridge, 59 Oliver, 56, 64 Phebe, 50, 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 Phebe Mollineux, 56 Phebe Smith, 56 Phebe Whaley, 56 Piatt A, 67 Rachel, 52, 56, 58 Rachel Smith, 56 Rebecca, 55, 57, 58, 63, 65, 66 Rebecca , 55 Rebecca Carrier, 67 Rebecca Mott, 57 Richard, 58, 64 Rushmore, 56 Ruth, 57 Ruth Baldwin, 66 Ruth Carman, 59 Index 159 Raynor, Ruth Valentine, 56 Sally, 59, 64 Sally Biggs, 56 Samuel, 55, 57, 59 Samuel J., 57 Samuel R., 50 Sarah, 50, 51, 55, 56, 57, 59, 65 Sarah Ann, 56, 59, 67 Sarah Ann Baldwin, 50 Sarah Arthur Baldwin, 66 Sarah Carman, 64 Sarah D. Plummer, 57 Sarah Colder, 59 Sarah Lewis, 64 Sarah Simonson, 67 Smith, 67 Stephen, 58, 64 Susan, 58, 64, 66 Susan Raynor, 58 Susan Verity, 59 Sydney, 64 Sylvanus, 56 Thomas, 57, 59, 66 Thurston, 55 Valentine, 56 Whitehead, 56, 57, 66 Willett, 55, 59 William, 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, 64, 65, 67, 91 William Edgar, 56 William H., 57 William Henry, 66 William P., 57 William S., 57 Zebulon, 66 Reading, John, Hon., 106 Mary, 106 Reeder, Eliza Tompkins, 102 Fanny, 102 Harriet, 102 Jesse, 102 John, 102 Juliana Smith, 102 Lydia, 102 Maria, 102 William, 102 Reeve, Abigail, 13, 16 Abner, Rev., 81 Anna, 44, 47 Anna Wickham, 44 Barnabas, 103 Benjamin, 16 Charity Bailey, 103 Deborah Smith, 103 Elizabeth, 48 Elizabeth Wickham, 48 Reeve, Henry, 103 Huldah, 115 Irad, 44 James, 44, 47, 48 James, Ensign, 44, 45 James Wickham, 44 John, 13 Joseph, 16 Mary, 81 Mehitable Downs, 45 Parnel Wickham, 44, 47 Phebe Goldsmith, 44 Phebe Moore, 45 Samuel B., 103 Sarah Wickham, 45 Tapping, Chief Justice, 81 Thomas, 13, 45, 103 Reins, Daniel H., 102 Harriet Reeder, 102 Rheinhart, Frances, 59 Rhodes, Rebecca, 51 Ruth, 115 Richardson, Hannah, 125, 128 Ripley, Sylvanus, Rev., 130 Robbins, Betsy, 82 - Charity, 82 Daniel, 82 Elizabeth Satterly, 82 Fanny Tyler, 82 Irena, 82 Isaac, 82 Mary, 82 Phebe, 82 Susanna, 82 Robertson, Susannah, 14 Robinson, , 129 Catharine Barker, 83 John M., 83 Mary, 82, 83 Mary Satterly, 82, 83 Nancy, 82, 83 Nancy Woodhull Satterly, 83 William, 82, 83 Roe, Daniel, Capt., 78 Isabella Tuthill, 108 John, 79 Joseph Smith, 89 Martha (Hawkins) Smith, 89 Mary, 79 Mary Satterly, 80 Mary Smith, 89 Nancy, 94 Nathaniel, 80, 94 Phillips, 89 Submit Strong, 89 Thomas S., 89 160 Index Roe, Wm., 108 Rogers, Cornelius, 84 Floyd, ii4 John W, 84 Julia Ann, 84 Mahala, 84 Mary, 84 Nancy, 84 Peter, 84 Phebe Jane, 84 Sally Scidmore, 84 Samuel Fordham, 84 Timothy S., 84 Watkins, 84 Roosevelt, Col., 114 Rose, Hannah, 90 Jesse, 89 Mary E., 29 Rachel, 89 William L., 29 Roseman, Elizabeth, 80 Hannah (Satterly) Smith, 80 John, 80 Rosemon, Caroline, 103 Dorothea, 103 Eden, 103 Harriet, 103 John, 103 Julia (Smith) Brewster, 103 William E., 103 Ross, Hulda E. Jones, 70 William, Rev., 70 Rudyard, Hannah Havirkins, 88 Maria Dickerson, 15 Nancy, 108 Ruth, 112 Thomas, 106, 108 William. 15, 88 Ruggles, Aaron, 37 Catharine A. M. Mitchill, 37 Ruland, Charity Williamson, 81 Jesse, 91 Phebe Hawkins, 91 Wickham, 81 Rushmore, Abigail, 69 Adeline Jane, 71 Amy Willis, 75 Anakee Hendrickson, 71 Ann, 69, 70, 71 Ann Gildersleeve, 71 Ann Snedeker, 51 Benjamin, 70, 72 Benjamin C, 70, 71 Benjamin Franklin, 70 Carman, 51, 69. 71 Caroline, 70, 71 Rushmore, Catharine Tredwell, 70 Charles, 70, 71, 72 Coles, 72 Cornelia, 70, 71 Cornelia Ann, 70 Deborah, 72 Deborah Whitson, 72 Edmond, 75 Edmund, 76 Edward, 75 Edward C, 71 Edwin, 70 Elbert, 69, 71 Elisabeth, 72 Eliza, 71 Eliza Jane, 70, 71 Eliza V. Moser, 70 Elizabeth, 69, 71, 76 Elizabeth Clowes, 70 Elizabeth Willets, 72 Emeline, 70 Emily, 71 Esther L., 75 Esther Dingee, 72 George, 70 Hannah, 69, 70, 71 Harriet Antoinette, 70 Henrietta R., 70, 71 Henry, 75 Henry Edgar, 70 Huldah E. (Jones) Ross, 70 Isaac, 72, 73, 75 Isaac W., 75 Jacob, 69, 72 James, 72 Jane, 75, 76 Jane Seaman, 69, 71 Jane Valentine, 76 Jemima, 73 Jemima Coles, 72 Jeremiah, 72 John, 69, 70, 71, 72 John, Ensign, 69 John Dikeman, 70 John Howard. 75 Julia Barker, 75 Lewis, 69, 71 Lorenzo Dow, 69, 71 Lydia Post, 75 Margaret Butler, 71 Maria, 75 Martha, 69. 70, 72 Martha Gould, 71 Martha Hicks, 69 Mary, 70. 71, 72. 73, 75 Mary Carman, 51, 69 Index 161 Rushmore, Mary Elizabeth, 71 Mary Francis, 71 Mary Mott, 72 Mary Rebecca, 70, 71 Mary Seaman, 71 Matilda Powell, 75 Merwin, 71 Milly, 70, 71 Phebe, 12, 11, 75, 76 Phebe Titus, 12 Phebe Townsend, 75 Rachel, 70, 71, 75 Rebecca Gould, 70 Ruth, 70 Ruth Bedell, 69 Ruth Pine, 69, 71 Samuel, 69, 71, 12, 75 Sarah, 69, 71, 12, 75 Sarah Elizabeth, 70 Sarah Francis Fanning, 71 Sarah Sammis, 70 Sarah Titus, IZ Silas, 72 Stephen, 69, 71. 72, 75 Stephen, T., 76 Susan Ireland, 71 Thomas, 69, 71, 72, 76 Thomas L., 70 Townsend, 75 William, 51. 69, 70, 71 William C, 70 William Fisk, 71 William H., 70 William T., 71 William Townsend, 75 Ryder, Elizabeth, 89 Jacob, 26 Margaret Mitchill, 26 Sammis, David, 52, 70 Francis, 53 Lydia Carman, 52 Magdalena Birdsall, 52 Mary, 53 Rachel Hentz, 52, 53 Samuel C, 52 Sarah, 70 Sylvanus, 52 Sands, Ann Louisa, 70 Cornelia Ann Rushmore, 70 J., 70 Rebecca Jane, 70 Sarah E., 36 Sanford, Nathan, 82 Sarah Satterly, 82 Satterlee, Augustus F., 11 Plannah Woodhull, 83 Satterly, Abigail, 80 Alfred Blakeslee, 79 Amanda, 81 Amy, 80 Ann, 78, 81, 102 Anne, 81 Anne Curtis, 81 Arthur, 78, 82 Bela B., 79 Bela Blakeslee, 79 Benedict, 11 Bennett, 82 Charles, 81 Col, 80 Cynthia, 81 Daniel, 78 Deborah, 78, 81 Elizabeth, 78, 82, 83 Elizabeth Ann, 79, 100 Elizabeth Danes, 81 Elizabeth Seeley, ?0 Elizabeth Sweasy, 80 Eliphalet, 78, 81 Elnathan, 80. 81, 88 Emily K., 83 Emily Toogood, 79 Esther Jane, 83 Frances, 78. 79, 80, 81 Frances Sell, 78 Francis, 79 George, 82 Hannah, 79, 80, 82, %Z, 93 Hannah Davis, 83 Hannah Eliza, 83 Hannah Woodhull, 82, 83 Harriet. 83 Henry, 78 Henry Hackett, 79, 100 Isaac, 78, 79, 80 Isaac, Capt.. 47 Isaac, Col., 11, 79, 80, 100 Isaac S., 11 Isaac Smith, 79, 100 Jacob, 81. 82, 83 Jacob Thompson, 83 James, 80. 81 John, 78, 79, 80, 81 John R., Gen., 80 John Roe. 79, 80 John Whitman, 82 Jonas, 81 Joseph, 78, 81, 82, 85, 93 Josiah Woodhull, 83 Julia, 81 162 I NDEX Satterly, Julia Deak, 81 Kezia, 78 Mahola, 81 Mary, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 88, 100 Mary Bennett, 82 Mary Fordham, 82 Mary Moger, 78 Mary Reeve, 81 Mary Roe, 79 Mary Sell, 80 Mary (Sell) Tooker, 80 Maryett Glover, 82 Merrit L., 79 Nancy, 78, 82, 83, 84 Nancy Woodhull, 83 Nathaniel, 78, 80, 81 Phebe, 82, 100 Phebe Ann, 83 Phebe Makie, 81 Phebe Whitman, 81 Polly, 81 Prudence, 81 Richard, 78 Ruth, 78 Ruth Augusta, 79, 100 Ruth Biggs, 78 Sally Amanda, 79 Samuel, 80, 81, 82, 83, 102 Samuel Davis, 83 Sarah, 41, 78, 82, 83 Sarah Ann, 79, 100 Sarah Davis, 80 Sarah Martin, 82 Sarah Seely, 81 Sarah Smith, 79, 100 Sarah Wood, 80 Selah, 80. 81 Sophia, 100 Sophia E., 101 Sophia Elisabeth, 100 Sophia Hackett, 79 Sophia Elizabeth, 79 Stephen, 82 Susan Clark, 81 Tabitha, 82, 85, 89, 90, 91 Theodosia Chard, 80 William, V, 78, 79, 80, 81 William Reeve, 82 William S., 79, 100 Zeruiah, 81 Sawyer, Elizabeth, 23 Sayre, Mary Lupton, 84 Thomas P., 84 Schenck, Eliza Jane Mitchill, 29 John, 36, 38 John, Hon., 31 Schenck, John R., Zl Maria, 31, 32, 38 Peter 2)1 Phebe Mitchill, 11 Rebecca, Zl Roelof R., 29, 11 William, Zl Scidmore, Ann, 84 Benjamin Franklin, 84 Elizabeth De Witt, 84 Emeline, 84 Harriet, 84 Julia, 84 Martha Cole, 84 Mary, 84 Mary Ann, 84 Nancy, 84 Nancy Satterly, 84 Nathaniel, 84 Peter, 84, 89 Phebe, 84 Sally, 84 Samuel Cole, 84 Sarah, 84 Susannah, 89 Timothy, 84 Scott, Deborah, 113 Seabury, Charles Edward, 93 Charles S., 93 Elizabeth E., 71 Elizabeth Rushmore, 71 Harriet H., 71 Jane A., 71 John S, 71 Julia Ann, 93 Maria, 93 Ruth Hawkins, 93 Thomas Shepard, 93 William, 93 Seaman, Abigail, 53 Benjamin, 54, 71 Caroline, 54 Charles, 54 Elizabeth, 52 Eliza Carman, 54 Ephraim, 54 Esther, 94 Hewlett, 54 Jane, 69, 71 John, SO John, Capt, 49 John W. ,36 Maria, 54 Mary, 54, 57, 71 Mary Carman, SO Nathaniel, 52 Index 163 Seaman, Phebe, 36 Rowland, 94 Saml, 53 Samuel, 51, 57, 69 Sarah, 51, 54 Seely, Bazaleel, 80 Elizabeth, 80 Sarah, 81 Sophia Satterly, 80 Sell, Frances, 78 Mary, 80 Sellick, Amanda Hawkins, 111 Lewis, 111 Sergeant Abigail Dickson, 22 John, 22 Jonathan, 22 Jonathan, D., 22 Shaler, Olivia, 95 Sheffield, Robert, 30 Shepard, Deborah Hawkins, 92 John, 92 John L., 92 Joseph, 92 Letty E., 92 Mary, 92 Ruth R, 92 Shepherd, Deborah Mills, 110 Elizabeth, 117 John, 110 Shorter, John, 14 Martha Dickerson, 14 Sickels, , 35 Simonson, Ann Augusta, 64 Hannah, 64 John, 64 Nancy, 64 Phebe Raynor, 64 Sarah, 67 Warren, 64 Wellington, 64 William, 64, dl Skidmore, Caroline A., 88 Julia, 83 Nancy, 83 Nancy Satterly, 82 Nathaniel, 83 Phebe, 83 Sally, 83 Timothy, 82, 83 Skinner, James, 129 Sleight, Clarissa Brewster, 103 Oliver, 103 Smalley, Elijah, 124 Lucy Ann Greene, 124 Samuel W., 124 Smith, Aaron, 99 Abigail, 67 Abraham, 109 Adam, 58, 64, 111 Alexander, 81 Amanda Moscrop Mills, 114 Amos, 87, 100, 101 Amy, 64 Amy Raynor, 56 Ann, 59 Ann Hawkins, 91 Ann Maria Van Brunt, 102 Ann Satterly, 81, 102 Anna, 103 Anna Bryant Mills, 109 Anna Hawkins, 88 Apollos, 22 Arthur, 99, 101, 103 Augusta, 53 Bathsheba Gerard, 103 Benajah, 87, 103 Benjamin, dZ, 87 Benjamin, Havens, 88 Benjamin T., 56 Benj. T., 53 Betsey Robbins, 82 Caleb, 88, 108 Caleb, Rev, 21, 22 Capt, 58 Carman, 57 Caroline, 53 Caroline Carman, 53, 56 Catharine, 58 Charity, 101, 111 Col, 41 Cyrus, 103 Daniel, 51, 58, 80, 90, 99, 111 Daniel E, 36 David, 64. 112 David Willets, 112 Deborah, 103, 108 Deborah Thompson, 102 Docea, 54 Docea Smith, 54 Dorcas Dickerson, 22 Dorothy Jones, 103 Dubois, 105, 114 Ebenezer, 87, 89, 101, 112 Edmund T, 114 Edwin, 109 Edwina, 53 Egbert Tangier, 54 Electa, 101 Electra, 89 Elijah, 99, 100 Eliphalet, 88 164 Index Smith, Elisabeth, 50^ 51 Elisabeth Ellison, 101 Eliza, 57 Eliza Raynor, 66 Elizabeth, 22, 36, 108, 110 Elizabeth Ellison, 87 Elizabeth Raynor, 58 Elizabeth (Raynor) Carman, 58 Emily, 57 Epenetus, 110 Esther Arthur, 112 Esther Carman, 53 Fanny, 102 Floyd, 81, 101 Freelove, 26 Freelove Jones, 26 George, 88 George W., 53 Gershom, 58, 91 Hannah, 101, 102, 103 Hannah Carman, 54 Hannah Raynor, 63 Hannah Wheeler, 103 Hannah Satterly, 80 Harriet Raynor, 57 Helen L. Mitchill, 38 Henrietta, 53 Henry, 81, 87, 92, 94, 101 Hester, 25 Hetty Cooper, 102 Hezekiah, 22 Horatio W., 114 Isaac, 56. 91, 96, lOO, 103 Isaiah, 101 Jacob, 26, 63 James, 67, 90, 103 Jane, 22, 112 Jane Raynor, 63 Jedediah, 99 Jemima, 102 Jesse, 101, 102 Joanna Mapes, 91, 112 John, 22, 51, 87, 88, 101, 102, 103, 108 John, Capt., 96 Jonas, 80, 81 Jonas M., 91 Jonas Mills, 112 Jonathan, 21, 100 Joseph, 50, 57, 89 Josephine S., 114 Josiah, Col., 86, 89, 107, 110, 111 Jotham, 53 Julia, 103 Juliana Hawkins, 87, 100, 101 Katharine Brewster, 81 Smith, Levina, 57 Lucius, 112 Lydia, 54 Lydia Smith, 54 Marcia, 102 Maria, 81, 102 Maria Dickerson, 22 Maria Field, 87 Marian, 59 Martha, 88, 108, 109, 110 Martha Hawkins, 89 Martha Mills, 112 Mary, 57, 89, 90, 100, 101, 102, 112 Mary Ann Wells, 94 Mary Dickerson, 22 Mary Helme, 102 Mary Mapes, 101 Mary Pratt, 54 Mary Thompson, 99 Mary Williamson, 81 Mehetible, 103 Nancy, 22, 51, 58, 63, 64 Nancy Williamson, 80, 81 Nelson, 57 Nicholas, 88 Obadiah, 112 Oliver, 57, 58 Oscar Bullus, 114 Phebe, 36, 56 Phebe Raynor, 59 Priscilla, 96 Rachel, 56, 110 Raynor Rock, 58 Rebecca, 112 Rebecca Dickerson, 21 Rebecca Foot, 22 Rebecca Hawkins, 87, 89, 101 Richard, 82, 100, 103. Richard, Major, 99- Ruth, 87, 91, 99, 100, 103 Ruth Raynor, 57 Sally, 58 Samuel, 59, 99, 101, 102, 112 Samuel Hains, 102 Samuel Scudder, 88 Sarah, 79, 87. 100, 101, 102 Sarah Ann, 53 Sarah Davis, 100 Sarah Hawkins. 88, 90 Sarah Norton, 100 Selah, 88, 101, 103 Seth, 54 Seviah, 99, 100 Sidney, 97 Simeon, 81, 95 Sophia, 95 Index 165 Smith, Sophia Amelia, 97 Sophia Hawkins, 87 Susan C, 96 Susan Mitchill, 36 Susannah, 102 Sydney, 57 Sylvanus, 38 Sylvester, 54 Tabitha Hawkins, 90 Tangier Family, 21 Theodore, 114 Thomas, 59, 88, 112 Timothy, 59. 79, 99, 100 Uriah, 58, 66 Vinson, 101, 103 Walter, 15, 87, 101 William, 54, 56, 57, 87, 103 William, Col., 21, 99 William Henry, Major, 21 William Wickham, 114 Winefred, 114 Wm., 54 Snedeker, Abraham, 51 Abraham S., 51 Ann, 51 Ann Carman, 51 Ann Elizabeth, 51 Ann Rushmore, 71 Elizabeth Seaman, 52 Samuel, 51, 71 Sarah, 52 Sarah Seaman, 51 Stephen C, 52 Susan, 51 Soper, Ann, 64 Elizabeth, 56 Elizabeth Raynor, 64 Elliot, 64 Hannah Raynor, 57 Henry, 57 James, 56 Joseph, 64 Mary, 64 Susan, 64 William, 64 Southard, James, 51 Mary Ann, 64 Samuel L., Hon., 64 Sarah L. Bedell, 51 Thomas, 64 Spencer, Ambrose, 31 Elijah, 119 Maria Lush, 119 Sprague, Elijah, 66 Almira, 66 Stader, Abigail Wickham, 41 Jonathan, 41 Stanton, Harriet Satterly, 83 Jonathan, 83 Staples, Mary Thompson, 118 Moses H., Dr., 118 Sarah Bradner Howard, 118 William Howard, 118 Stebbins, Esther Wickham, 45 George, Rev., 45 Stephens, , 81 Steuben, Baron, 27 Still, Esther, 114 Hannah, 90 Jonah, 90 Mary, 90 Smith, 90 Stringham, Rebecca Carman, 54 Saml, 54 Stivers, Anna Satterly, 78 Robert, 78 Stone, Lucy, 22 Stotesburv, John, Col., 19 Sidney M., 19 Story, Eunice, 121 Strang, Eliza Jane Mitchill (Schenck), 29 Theodorius, 29 Strong, Abigail, 105 Benajah, 105 Charity, 105 Joanna, 105 Martha Mills, 105 Sarah, 105 Selah, 105 Selah, Capt, 86, 89 Submit, 89 Thomas, 89 Sturges, Kezia, 20 Summers, Hannah Eliza, 57 William, 57 Sutphen, Mary D., 29 Swarts, Mary Watkins, 84 Peter, 84 Sweasy, Elizabeth, 80 Sweazy, Elizabeth, 15 Nathaniel, 15 Tallmadge, Benjamin, Col., 43 James, Gen., 19 Taylor, Mary C, 45 Rev., Mr., 62 T., B. F., 33 Terrell, Charles, 112 Gertrude, 112 166 Index Deborah Hawkins, 88 Elias, 88 Jennie L. Hawkins, 97 John T., 97 Terry, Abigail, 13 Bethiah, 13 Daniel, 13 Elizabeth, 15 Family, 11 Harriet, 95, 97 Hiram, 11 Jeremiah, 43 Naomi Dickerson, 13 Noah, Capt., 47 Olive Paine, 43 Richard, 12, 13 Samuel, 13 Shadrach, 95 Thomas, 43 Thompson, , 26, 60, 93, 121, 122, 128 Albert, 84 Andrew, 84 Benjamin R, 18, 11, 80, 92, 120, 123 Benjamin Franklin, 82 Benjamin Franklin, Dr., 127 Benj. F., 29, 32, 100 Caroline Campbell, 84 Deborah, 102 Deborah Mitchill, 26 Edward Lush, 120 Edward Z., 54, 120 Edward Zachariah, 120 Francis, 30 Hannah, 82 Harriet Leonice, 120 Harriet Satterly, 123 Henry Rutgers, 123 Isaac, 118 Isaac Smith, 100 James A., 84 John W., 84 Julia H., 120 Julia Henrietta, 120 Julia Scidmore, 84 Margaret Jane Owen, 84 Marie Louise, 120 Mary, 99, 118 Mary Elizabeth Lush, 53, 120 Mary Greene, 120, 123 Mary Howard Greene, 123, 127 Mary W., 79, 101 Mary Woodhull, 100 Phebe Denton, 25 Phebe Satterly, 82, 100 Phoebe, 127 Thompson, Ruth Bennet, 100 Ruth Smith, 100 Samuel, 78, 99, 102 Samuel, Dr., 82, 100, 127 Samuel L., 101 Samuel Ludlow, 79, 100 Samuel S., 84 Sarah Carman, 50 Sophia E. Satterly, 79, 101 Sophia Satterly, 100 Wm., 50 Thorne, Elizabeth, 28, 39 Eliza Ketcham, 83 Frances Satterly, 81 Henry, 81 John, 28, 36 Martha Mitchill, 36 Phebe Mitchill, 36 Robert, 83 William, 26 Thorp, Abigail Nichols, 52 Wm., 52 Titus, Abigail, 72 Charles Frost, IZ Edmund, 12> Elizabeth Townsend, Ti Emily, 75 Esther L. Rushmore, 75 Hannah Bird, 74 Hannah Bird Tucker, 74 Isaac, 73 Jacob, 72. 1Z Jemima Frost, Th Margaret, 74 Martha, 74 Mary F. Burling, IZ Phebe, 72 Phebe Frost, 73 Robert, 74 Robert W., 75 Samuel, 73 Samuel R., 73 Sarah, Th Timothy, 74 Tobey, Ruth Biggs, 101 W., 101 Warden, 101 Toby, Sarah, 110 Warden, 110 Tompkins, Eliza, 102 Gov., 35 Toogood, Emily. 79 Tooker. Alma, 97 Ann, 87 Charlotte. 87 Daniel, 87, 95, 97 Index 167 Tooker, Edward H., 95, 97 Hannah Hawkins, 93 Isaac, 93 Jemima, 102 Jemima Smith, 102 ' Joseph, 93 Julia Hawkins, 95, 97 Katharine, 93 Katharine Davis, 93 Mary Ann Dickerson, IS Mary Sell, 80 Miami, 95, 97 Phillips, 93 Polly Howell, 93 Samuel, 97 Timothy, 102 William, 80, 97 William Clark, 15 Torrey, Abraham, 14 Sarah Dickerson, 14 Town, John, 30 Townsend, Elizabeth, 36, 73 George, 31 Isaac W., Z7 John, 50 Phebe, 75 Phebe Carman, 50 Rebecca Schenck, Z7 Richard, 50 Ruth, 50 Thomas, 50, 75 Tracy, John, 31 Tredwell, Benj., 30 Benjamin, 50 Catharine, 70 Hannah, 51 Susan, 50 Thomas, 51, 70 1 rimble, Cameron, 83 Mary, 83 McLeod, 83 Nancy Robinson, 83 Robert, 83 Tucker, Daniel, 97 Hannah Bird, 74 Miami Tooker, 97 Tuthill, Ann Eliza, 108 Emily, 45 Hetty, 91 Ira, 45 Isabella, 108 Joanna Mills, 108 John, 91 Joseph. 108 Nathaniel, 45 Patty Wickham, 45 Tuttle, Susan J. Hawkins, 96 Nathaniel, 96 Tyler, Benjamin, 82 David, 102 Dr., 62 Elizabeth, 91 Elizabeth Hawkins, 88 Elizabeth Mitchill, 36 Fanny, 82 Hannah, 88 Henry, 88, 94 John, Pres., 27 Lemuel, 36 Margaret, 102 Mary, 117 Rebecca, 88 Robert, 27 Sarah, 88 Sarah Ann, 94, 95 Tyson, Maria R., 2i7 Underbill, Lindley, 36 Mary P. Mitchill, 36 Mary Prior, 72 Willet, 72 Utley, Jerusha, 121 Vail, Abigail, 107 Elizabeth Mount, 92 Harvey W., 92 Samuel, 123 Sarah Fleet (Greene) Jayne, 123, 128 Samuel, 128 Valentine, Ann Eliza Carman, 50 Brewster, 50 Isaac, 76 Jacob, 53, 56, 76 Jane, 76 Jane Rushmore, 76 Lewis, 76 Lydia P. Mott, 74 Oliver, 76 Ruth, 56 Sarah Carman, 53 Silas, 76 Stephen, 76 William M., 74 Wm. Edgar, 50 Van Brunt, Ann Maria, 102 Caroline, 15 John, 15, 102 Van Buren, Martin, 31 Van Cleef, Cynthia. 52 Vanderhoof, Jacob T., 123 Harriet Satterly, 123 168 Index Van Wyck, Barent, SO Cornelius Barentse, 25 Hannah, 25 Hannah Carman, 50 Johannes, 25 Samuel, 50 Thomas, 50 Verity, , 50 Susan, 59 Vilsor, Margaret T. Frost, 74 Sarah M. Frost, 74 Stephen T., 74 Wade, Florence Miller, 123 Harriet Greene, 123 John, 80 Margaret Hart Greene, 123 Susie Somers, 123 William, 123 William Hampton, 123 Wager, Abigail (Reeve) Dickerson, 16 Andrew, 17 Charles, 16 Elizabeth Dickerson, 17 Sarah, 16 Wallace, Dorothy Ackerly, 81 Nancy Jane, 81 William, 81' Wallack, Henry, 91 Walmesley, Lorana Hawkins, 90 Robert, 90 Warden, , 36 Warner, Emily T., 97 Washington, Gen., 129 Waters, Sarah, 88 Watkins, Benjamin Franklin, 84 Birdseye, 84 Ephraim, 84 Jane Ann, 84 John, 84 John A., 84 Julia B., 84 Mary, 84 Mary Catharine, 84 Moses, 84 Nancy, 84 Nancy Scidmore, 84 Sarah Ann, 84 Sarah E., 84 Sarah E. Depuy. 84 Watson, Benjamin H., 117 Cornelia Betts Howard, 117 Cornelia H., 117 Loring, 117 Watts, , 66 Weed, Fanny Reeder, 102 William, 102 Weekes, Abraham, 52 Ann, 72 Catharine, 119 Elizabeth, 72 Freelove, 12 George, 53, 56 Hannah, 72 Isabella Lax, 53 James, 72 Joseph, 53 Martha, 12 Mary, 72 Mary Ann Carman, 52 Mary Carman, 53 Phebe, 72 Rachel, 72 Rachel Raynor, 56 Richard, 72, 119 Samuel, 72 Sarah, 72 Sarah Rushmore, 72 Silas, 72 Wegelin, Oscar, 92 Weller, Eliza 14 Welles, Capt., Ill Wells, , 45 Abigail Dickerson, 16 Alfred, 94 Amanda Jayne, 88 Ann Hart, 94 Anne Hawkins, 94 Benjamin, 87 Brewster, 94 Charity, 94 Charles, 94 Clarissa Hawkins, 94 Clarissa Petty, 89 Daniel, 46 Deliverance, 43 Desire Hawkins, 87 Eliza Ann, 94 Elizabeth, 17 Esther Seaman, 94 Hannah, 17 Henry, 16. 87, 89, 94 Jane Darling, 94 John D., 94 Joseph. 17. 87, 88 Julia, 14, 23 Mary Ann, 94 ■ Mary Mills, 87 Naomi, 17 Nathaniel, 45 Obadiah, 17, 94 Index 169 Wells, Obadiah D., 94 Thomas Dickerson, 17 Werner, Charles J., 122, 123 Weyman, Nathan, 125 Whaley, Benj., 51 Joseph, 56 Lydia A., 51 Phebe, 56 Wheeler, Deborah Williamson, 81 Edmund, 81 Hannah, 103 White, Jane, 121, 125 Maria Mills, 114 Robert, 121, 125 Samuel, 114 Whitman, John, 81 Phebe, 81 Whitson, Amos, 73 Amy, IZ Deborah, 12 Hannah, li John, 72 Wickes, Marian, 54 Moses, 54 Wickham, Abigail, 41, 42. 45, 46, 47 Abigail Parker, 42 Adelia, 45 Alfred, 44 Alfred Hull, 44 Anna, 44 Anna Maria, 45 Anna Reeve, 47 Anna Worth, 44 Annie S. Raynor, 45 Benjamin, 41, 45 Bros. & Hutchinson, 45 Benjamin Coleman, 44 Cedric H., 45 Charles Worth, 45 Charity, 48 Daniel Hull, 45, 48 Elizabeth, 41, 45, 46, 47, 48 Elizabeth C. Merwin, 45 Emily Tuthill, 45 Esther, 45 Frances Woodhull, 44 Hannah Fanning, 46 Helen, 44 Helen M., 45 Henry, 44, 47 Henry Worth, 44 Hull, 44 Jane Wright, 47 James, 47 James Parnel, 47 " Jerusha, 45, 48 Wickham, John, 41, 46, 47 Jonathan, 41 Joseph P., 45 Joseph Parker, 43, 44, 45 Joseph D., Rev., 45 Joseph, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 Julia Ann Porter, 45 M. Clare, 45 Major, 43 Mary, 44 Mary C. Taylor, 45 Mary Draper, 45 Miss, 44 Nancy, 47 Parker, 43, 44 Parnel, 44 Patty, 45 Phebe, 44 Phebe A., 45 Phebe Ann Woodhull, 44 Phebe Moore, 43 Phebe Moore Reeve, 45 Ruth Hawkins, 45, 92 Samuel, 41 Sarah, 41, 45, 47 Sarah E., 45 Sarah Satterly, 41 Seth Worth, 45 Spencer, 45 Thomas, 44, 45, 46 Thomas, Capt., 41 Wessel Sell, 44 William, 41, 44, 46, 47 William H., 45 Williams Carter, 47 W. Raynor, 45 Wiggins, Alexander, 102 Fanny Smith, 102 ^ Mary Carman, 52 Richard, 52 William, 102 Willets, Elizabeth, 72 Jacob, 12 Martha, 12 Williamson, Charity, 81 Deborah, 81 Eliza Hawkins, 87 Ezra K.. 87 Gilbert, 15 Jedediah, 80, 81 John, 88 Maria Smith, 81 Mary, 81 Nancy, 80, 81 Phebe, 88 Sarah (Dickerson), Davis, 15 170 Index Williamson, William, 81 Zeruiah Satterly, 81 Willis, Amy, 75 Jane Rushmore, 75 Letitia, 75 Mary, 75 Phebe, 75 Rachel, 75 Samuel, 75 Sarah, 75 Valentine, 75 William, 75 Wilsie, Abigail, 94, 95 Benjamin, 15 John, 94 Martha Dickerson, 15 Mary, 15 Wilson, Esther (Carman), Smith, 53 Henry, 122 Henry Clay, 122 Sophia Greene, 122 William, 53 Zachariah, 122 Winans, Maria, 114 Windes, Barnabas, Sr., 12 Wines, , 43 Esther Paine, 43 Wiswell, Emily (Tuthill) Wickham, 45 George F., Rev., 45 Wolcott, Col., Ill Wood, Daniel, 81 Elisabeth, 75 Elizabeth Carman, 54 John, 50, 54, 75 Levina Carman, 54 Louisa, 53 Mary, Satterly, 81 Samuel, 54 Sarah, 80 Silas, 18 Stephen, 53 Susan, 50 Woodhull, Benjamin, 106, 112, 115 Charity, 78, 122, 126 Daniel, 78 David, 106 Dorothy Hawkins, 87 Elizabeth, 122, 126 Woodhull, Frances Satterly, 78 Hannah, 82, 83 Harriet, 15 James, 78 Joanna, 106 Joanna Mills, 106 John, 44, 78 Josiah, 78, 82 Lydia Reeder, 102 Mary, 78 Mary Elizabeth, 87 Nathan, 106 Nathan, Capt., 106 Nathan, Rev., 126 Nathaniel, 106 Phebe, 106 Phebe Ann, 44 Richard, 78, 80, 87 Ruth Mills, 112, 115 Samuel, 15, 102 Sarah, 106 William, 78, 122, 126 Wooley, Samuel, 30 Woolworth, Mary, 108 Rev., Aaron, 108 Worden, Nancy Raynor, 65 Workman, Lorin, 52 Mary Sophia Nichols, 52 Worth, Anna, 44 Julia M. Case, 48 Theron Bunker, 48 Theron O., 48 Wright, Catharine Carman, 54 Daniel D., 74 Jane, 47 Mary Frost Mott, 74 Robert, 54 Yarrington, Charity, 93 Yates, Maria, 27 Robert Chief Justice, 21 Young, Elizabeth, 51 Youngs, Albert, 96 Buelah Elma, 96 John, 12 Marcy, 16 Susannah, 72 Richard, 72 «> iV \ xV -A v-^- -3 * '•^ ■<^^' .<*^ .^■^ •V •0 c; ,^^ ,^ ,.^ ■'^ O- .0 o -^ V .^^ .v\^ .^^ ^^.. •^ N*'-\. ^. * ', s >' . -x^' f ">^ '^.. v-i •^^ .<■- the Bookkeeper process. It: Magnesium Oxide "^^ Deacidified using the Bookkeeper procesi Neutralizing Agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: ^nfJO -y, MAY '99o PRESERVATION TECHNOLOGIES, LP. 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township. PA 16066 (724)779-2111 ■%<.'^ './' .^^ cv^ ,^^ ^V '-=^ > * ^ N ^ -C -.f .K^''% aV -^^^ ,-J^= ..-i' 'is^ ,0 O^ ^4- _v\ \' ." ■■^> .<^ .0^^' ■\.^- ^.. ..V^^ .^^' '^Z^. t'., * •) s " ' -^y- V '^.^ / •-- %^^*. :