C 263 fl4 909 apy 1 Circular No. 6 : : Office of the Quartermaster-General, 1 909 List of Class A Supplies With Designated Depot or Point of Supply AND Price List With Appropriation and Item Under Which Usually Procured and Method of Supply Issued by the Quartermaster-General to carry out the provisions of G. O. 18 and 176, War Department, 1908 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1909 Circular No. 6 : : Office of the Quartermaster-General, 1 909 List of Class A Supplies With Designated Depot or Point of Supply AND Price List With Appropriation and Item Under Which Usually Procured and Method of Supply Issued by the Quartermaster-General to carry out the provisions of G. O. 18 and 176, War Department, 1908 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1909 ' Circular ) No. 6. I War Department, Office of the Quartermaster-General, Washington, March 13, 1909. 1. The supplies listed herein, furnished by the Quar- t0 F f 5 s ' fnch^fvt 2 termaster's Department, are designated as " Class A" (p'lgfe " q " m ' supplies as determined to date, issuable under paragraph 1013, Army Regulations, 1908, and General Orders, Nos. 18 and 176, War Department, 1908, and final action on requisitions therefor will be taken as provided in Cir- cular 7, O. Q. M. G., 1909. 2. Supplies listed herein under an item of any appro- ^cfr. 2 ?' 4 ^ 8 ^? priation will be considered and requisitioned for as M - G,19 ° 9 - Class A supplies under any other item or items of the same appropriation, under which the purpose for which the supplies are required will properly place them. 3. The designated depots or points of supply of the 10 f 4 - I^. 10 ^ 3 c "£ Quartermaster's Department for the posts and stations ^ °- Q- M - G- ' of the territorial departments and the independent sta- tions of the United States are, except as otherwise specified, as follows : Pars. 49, 193, Department of — Depot or designated point of supply. i 98 ' a "(] 2 jj' C q California San Francisco, Cal., general depot. The Colorado: Posts in Utah and Colorado Posts in Arizona and New Mexico The Columbia: Posts on the Columbia River, Fort Walla Walla and Boise barracks. Remaining posts Dakota : . . The East The Gulf The Lakes The Missouri j Omaha, Nebr., depot. Texas St. Louis, Mo., general depot. Omaha, Nebr., depot. St. Louis, Mo., general depot. Portland, Oreg., depot. Seattle, Wash. St. Paul, Minn., depot. New York. N. Y., general depot. Jeffersonville, Ind., general depot. Do. Independent stations. Jefferson Barracks, Mo Medical Supply Depot, St. Louis. New Orleans, La St. Louis, Mo., general depot. Do. Do. 4. Depots, independent stations, and other military a. t. 1013 and . . 1014 par. 54 Cir. commands not under the jurisdiction of territorial de-7, o.'q.'m! g.', . 1909. partment commanders wall be supplied from depots as indicated for the territorial departments in which they (3) may be situated, except as otherwise specified. Detached military commands or expeditionary forces will be sup- plied from depots or other points of supply of the Quarter- master's Department to be specially designated. a. t. 1013 and 5. Supplies listed herein which are marked by an asterisk (*) will invariably be ordered from designated depots or supply points of the Quartermaster's Depart- ment, except when transferred from posts where there is a surplus. pars. 193, 198, g. Supplies not marked by an asterisk may, in the and 203, Cir. 7, O. lt ^ J . t q.m. g., 1909. discretion of the department authorities, be supplied by whichever of the following ways is determined to be the most advantageous, viz: (a) Purchase by the chief quartermaster and shipped to the post. (b) Authorized purchased by the post quartermaster in vicinity of the post. (c) Supply from a designated depot. (d) Partial supply from a designated depot, purchase by chief quartermaster, and by post quartermaster in vicinity of post. (e) Transfer from posts within the department where there is an excess of supplies. 7. When supplies are purchased as authorized in para- graph 6, the following instructions are to be observed: (a) In purchases of articles marked with the letter lt t" where offers are made of other than commercially well- known, standard and guaranteed brands, or makes, before making award, the purchasing officer should satisfy him- self that they are of the required quality and suited to the purposes for which to be used. If the quantity to be purchased is sufficient and the officer is in doubt as to the quality of the articles offered, he should cause proper test to be made to satisfy himself as to the quality. o P Q r M 9 G C i909' $) Sam P les °f a11 articles marked with the letter "c," will be submitted to a competent and experienced chemist for chemical analysis and test. (c) All articles marked with the letter u s," must con- form with the specifications and standard samples adopted by the Quartermaster General's office, and before making purchases of any such, quartermasters must provide themselves with adopted specifications and standard samples. 8. In making purchases of supplies themselves, or authorizing local purchases at posts or stations, chief, and other, quartermasters will consider cost of transporta- tion of articles from designated depot or point of supply, and take such action as is most advantageous to the Government. 9. Articles of veterinary supplies will, except when transferred from posts where there is a surplus, be sup- plied from depots or supply points of the Quartermaster's Department as follows: A. R. 1013 and 1014. Department of— California The Colorado.. The Columbia Dakota The East The Gulf The Lakes The Missouri.. Texas Depot or designated point of supply. San Francisco, Cal., general depot. St. Louis, Mo., general depot. San Francisco, Cal., general depot. St. Louis, Mo., general depot. New York, N. Y., general depot. St. Louis, Mo., general depot. Do. Do. Do. Par. 49, Cir. 7, O.Q.M. G., 1909. 10. Articles, such as army ranges, wagons, harness, A. R. 1013 and etc., and parts thereof, will, except as otherwise specified, or when transferred from posts where there is a surplus, be supplied from depots or supply points of the Quarter- master's Department, as follows: Department of — Depot or designated point of supply. San Francisco, Cal., general depot. Jeffersom ille. Ind., general depot. San Francisco, Cal., general depot. Jeffersonville, Ind., general depot. The East Do. The Gulf Do. Do. Do. Do. Par. 49, Cir. 7, O.Q. M. G., 1909. 11. Miscellaneous articles of camp and garrison equi- ^ see citations to page will, except when transferred from posts where there is a surplus, be supplied from depots of the Quartermas- ter's Department, as follows: Department of— Depot of supply. California The Colorado . The Columbia Dakota The. East The Gulf The Lakes. . . . The Missouri . . Texas San Francisco, general depot. St. Louis, Mo., general depot. San Francisco, Cal., general depot. St. Louis, Mo., general depot. Philadelphia, Pa., general depot. Do. St. Louis, Mo., general depot. Do. Do. (5 ^see citations to j2. Tents, tent flies, poles, chains, rings, straps, tri- pods, etc., will, except when transferred from posts where there is a surplus, be supplied from depots of the Quarter- master's Department, as follows: u lament of— Depot of supply. California The Colorado. San Francisco, Cal.. general depot. Philadelphia, Pa., general depot. San Francisco, Cal., general depot. Philadelphia, Pa., general depot. The East Do. The Gulf Do. Do. Do. Do. 13. Articles in stock at designated depots and points of supply may be substituted for similar articles called for on requisitions but not in stock, care being taken not to exceed the total estimated cost of the requisition, under any appropriation, and that the article substituted for the one requested is suitable for the purpose for which required. This applies particularly to stationery and office supplies, where specific makes and styles of pens, pencils, etc., are called for. designated weights and makes of paper, brands of writing fluid, etc. ioh R ' 1013 and ^' ^ ne following-named depots and independent sta- tions are authorized to purchase locally ("lass A supplies, within the apportionments made them when it is to the advantage of the Government and the cost does not exceed the prices at which listed herein, viz: Boston. Mass. I Quartermaster, Kansas City. Mo. New Orleans, La. icks, Ohio. Newporl Ni ws, Va. ! >• pot quartermaster Honolulu, Hawaii. Remount Depot, Fort Reno, Okla. i pot, Pittsburg, Pa. Washington, D. C. I 'oin t N . Y . ' 15. The prices established by and under the provisions of Circular 6, O. Q. M. G., March 30, 1908, will continue to be used for transactions for the fiscal year 1909. 16. For transactions for the fiscal year 1910, the prices published herein will take effect and be in force at once, superseding those established by and under the pro- visions of Circular 6, O. Q. M. G., March 30, 1908. List of Class A Supplies with Designated Price List. Depot or Point of Supply and MISCELLANEOUS. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Acid: Carbolic, crude. Muriatic . Gallon . ..do.... ...do Pound. . Each ...do Alcohol: Wood do. Alphabet, steel. Alum Ammonia Anhydrous Andirons Anvils *Aparejos: *Completes ♦Pullmans * Aprons: B.S Rain, ambulance » * Armv ranges: s *No. is * No. 3, with water backs *No. 3. without water back*. . *No. 5, with water backs * No. 6, with water backs Asbestos Asbestos wicMng. (See Wicking.) Asphaltum < Atomizers, bedbug exterminators. Augers: Assorted tV and f" l"tol|" 14" and If" 1}" and if" 2" 2>"to2|" Hollow, adjustable (J" to 1J").. Hollow, and bits: |" and |" 1" and 1J-" li"and If" Post-hole, 6" Set Pound . .do. ..do.... Set Pound. Each. . . ..do.... .do. .do. ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... f Foot... I Pound . Gallon. Each... Each . ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... Unit price. $1.00 .90 .04 .05 5.00 . 135 (a) .50 3.00 .08 41.05 93. 35 1.33 3.00 54.20 42. 24 39. SO 70. 00 38. 35 .08 .30 .25 (a) .15 .26 .31 .32 .40 .45 .50 .60 2.44 Appropriation. I. E fR. S I.E B.& Q A.T lw.& s (R.S IA.T R.S R.S IB. A: Q [r.w.w.&d.. fR.S.... [W.& S. I.E.... A.T... lw.& s. R.S.... 1 1. E . . . . IW.& S. R.S.... A.T... \v. & s. R.S.... I.E.... }a.t. I.E. a. r. fR.S.... IA.T... W . .v S (R.S {A.T I.E. & S 1.00 3.75 .69 i R.S. B. & Q A.T W.& S R.W.W.& D. Item numbers. 33. 7ajb,7c,14,17 33 10 411) 1.2,3,4,5,6,7.. 17 41b 9,11,17 10 la, 2a, 3a. 9,11 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. 7a. 7b, 7c, II... 12.... 11 41b 1.2,3,4.5,6.7. 1 33 1,2,3, 4," 5, 6, 7i 9 41b 1,2,3,4.5.6,7. 14 3 29 23a. 29.. 25a. iC 41b 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. I. 7a. 7b 24b 1.2,3, 33 10 26b 5.6.7. La, 2a, 3a Meth- od of supply, Desig- nated depot or point of supply. par. ^par. jpar. par. par. jpar. jpar. 6 par. 3 6 par. 3 6 par. 3 6 par. 3 6 par. 3 6 par. 3 5 par. 3 >par. 6 par. jpar. par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. par. 5 [■par. 6 par. 5 ■par. G !-par. 6 par. 6 ■par. 6 par. 6 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 Jeff. par. 10 par. 10 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. i Catalogue. s Specifications and standard s: ■ 1 Pest. 8 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Appropriation. Item numbers. Meth- od of supply, point of supply. Desig- nated depot or Awls: Assorted Backing or patent Belt, and handles Brad- Common, and handles. Patent. Each . . ..do.... Dozen, do... Collar or thong -do Draw, Osborne's No. 5 Lacing, and handles Saddlers' stitching, Nos. 53 to 57, inclusive. Round stitching, No. 9 Scribe Seat Axes: Assorted Broad, handles Broad, no handles Hand, No. 3 (3J"~4J") Hand, No. 4 (5J"cut) Hand, No. 6 Hand, single bit, Yankee patent Ax helves Axles: Assorted Dump cart, 2" tire * Hand cart, and boxing (old style).* Single collars Double collar* Ambulance: 1892s 1900s Milburns Studebakers Armys Army (Jones)s Buckboard, 1902s Chattanoogas Escorts Express delivery s Fish Milburns Dougherty, Improved? M i Iburns St. Louiss Studebaker, 3-Bs Studebaker, 4-As Studebaker, 14-A, lj" tire s Studebaker, 14-A, 3£" tires Troy Wagonettes Babbitt metal c. Each.. Dozen. ..do... ...do. ...do. ...do. Each.. ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... Each.. ..do... .do. .do. .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... Bags, plumbers', carpet Ball stems Balls and chains Balls: Fuller Opalescent Bands: Axles Backs- Ambulance harness s Ambulance harness, pad- ded, s Six-mule harness s Belly s— Ambulance harness » Express harness s Shaft, cart harness * Wagon harness * Pound. . Each. ..do.. ..do.. Dozen. Each. . ..do... ..do... .do. ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... (a) $0.15 .17 .19 1.48 .22 .25 .13 .13 .25 .25 .25 (a) 1.06 .95 .95 1.00 1.26 .51 .165 (a) 3.00 1.00 .97 1.00 2.60 2.49 2.70 2.70 2.19 2.65 1.15 3.2S 4.65 1.80 3.00 3.43 3.20 2.46 2.64 2.48 3.48 3.80 3.75 3.00 2.94 .18 2.00 .10 5.00 (a) 6.00 1.00 1.49 1.36 . 50 .45 2.00 .72 ,A. T ! 24a W.&S 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. •par. 6 par. R.S I.E B. &Q R.W.W. & D. R.S I.JE B.& Q R.W. W.&D. 9,17.... 33 10 la 9 and 17 33 10 la par. 6 par. 6 par. 3 par. 3 A.T 25a and 28. par. 6 par. 10 R.S.... A.T... W. & S w. & s. w. & s. I.E.... W. & S. R.S.... A.T... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7.. 2,6,7 2,6,7 33 2,4,6 9 25a >par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 jpar. par. 6 23d. par. 3 par. par. par. par. par. 10 " See catalogue. s Specifications and standard samples. 9 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Gross ...do ...do ...do ..do..... ...do ..do ..dD ..do ...do ...do Each ..do Pound . . Set ..do Each ..do ..do ..do ..do do...., do..... Bands, rubber: Assorted No. 10 Nos. 14 to 19 Nos. 28 to 30 Nos. 31 to 33 Nos. 50 and 51 Nos. to 0000, }" Nos. to 0000, |" Nos. to 0000, \" Nos. to 0000, |" Packages, 5" by f ", No. 105 Packages, 7" by f ", No. 107 Barrels: Drip Water Bars: Grate — Double and single Tabasco heater Miller Bottom, cross, army wagon Center, army wagon * Front, cross, army wagon*. Guide ratchet — Army wagon s Escort wagon * Hound — Army wagon * Escort wagon « Lead — Ambulance * Escort wagon * Doughertys Roller, army wagon » Roller and braces, escort wagon »| . Seat, escort wagon * Slider- Army wagon s Escort wagon * Studebaker wagons. . . Spring, express deliver} - wagon * Basins, assorted do. Baskets: Assorted Coal, G. I. bottoms Each Desk do. Waste, willow do. Baths, blotter do. Baths, shower, repair parts of Batteries: Dry Each Wet L.do. Beams, brake: Assorted Army wagons Chattanooga wagon s Escort wagon* Fish wagon Milburn wagon s Studebaker wagon, 3-B « 14-As Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. .do.. .do.. ..do ..do ..do ..do Each ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do Troy wagon do. Bedding for animals Bedding for enlisted men (a) SO. 09 .18 .35 .45 .26 .72 1.25 1.40 2.50 4.00 5.50 1.50 1.50 .03 3.75 (i. 25 .50 .40 .50 .20 1.00 .75 1.25 1.22 1.49 1.47 2.25 2.30 .75 .75 .39 .7.5 .74 .20 to . 1.70 (o) 1.25 .15 .36 2.50 (a) .20 .35 (a) 1.75 1.75 .76 .90 .93 1.75 .97 1.75 Appropriation. R.S.... E.O.S. w. & s. w. & s. R.S.... A. T... W.& S. A. T. }w. &S. R.S. I.E. I.E.... W. & S. I. E . A.T. R.S. R.S. Item numbers. 1,2,6,7 1 7a, 9, 11, 14, 17.. 41b 1,2,3,4 2,6,7 1.... 12... 12... 2,6,7 33... Meth- od of supply. Desig- nated depot or point of supply. ipar. 6 j-par. par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 [■par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 Con. Con. par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 10 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 10 a See catalogue. t Specifications and standard samples. 10 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list —Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... Beds: Axle- Army wagon* Each Chaftanooga wagons do Dougherty spring wagon? do Escort wagon * do Express delivery wagon* do Fish wagon do Milburn wagons do Studebaker wagon * do Cart s . . .do Wagon — Army* » Ambulance, Milburn* Escorts Fish Milburn* S i udebaker, 3-B * 4-B* 14-A* Bellows: Assorted 30" 34" 40" 44" Hand Bells: Assorted Call Dog harness Electric do. Belt: Compound Gallon . Dressing Pint . . . Fasteners Each... Laces do Belting: orted Leather — 2" ! Foot... Each. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. Each.. do... .do. .do. .do. Rubber- s'', 4-ply do... 6", 4-ply do... 7", 4-ply |...do... Belts, linemen's and tool, complete . Each.. Benches, saddlers Benders, tire. Bends: Assorted . Pipe Return... Benzine Bevels: Assorted. Sliding... .do. .do. Unit price. Bibb washers Bibbs: A ssorted Compression Fuller Hose Iron pipe Plane Binders, staple Binding posts, electric bells. Gallon . . Each.. ..do... .do. Appropriation. Item numbers. Box Each.... 1.00 .95 .75 .65 .75 .73 .73 35. 00 68.70 27.37 18.00 19. 37 17. .54 68.70 («) 5.95 7.2(1 8.10 10.97 18.00 1.00 (a) .50 .50 1.20 .15 .015 (a) .20 .60 .93 .21 .25 .31 2. 25 5.00 8.50 (a) (a) .95 (a) .50 .01 (a) (a) (a) (<0 (a) (a) .23 .10 Desig- Meth- | nated od of depot or supply, point of supply. 25a & 28 par. 6 A.T. A.T. 28.. 25a. [■par. 5 par. 10 par. 10 R. S. I.E. 2l: 7b .'. 7c .v;;;;;|}par- » p«- 3 (i.e.... I A. T.... U.S.... I.E.... w. & s. R.S I. E W. & S. 23d [par. 8a, 14. 17 I 29 par. 6 1,2,3,4,5 I R.S. A. T. I.E. 8a. 14, 17.. 29 1,2,3,4,5. 24a. 29.. R.S \v. & s. R.S 1,2.6,7. 9 A 27.. I.E B. & Q. A.T fR.S |\\\ & S. 29 10 26b 7 1,2,6,7. R.S.... W. & S. R.S. I.E. 7 1,2,6," par. 6 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. par. par. 6 6 6 par. par. par. 3 3 3 jpar. 6 par. 3 par. 6 par. 3 [par. 6 par. 3 [par. 6 par. par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 a See catalogue. • Specifications and standard samples. n List of Class A supplies ivith designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Bits: Dozen. ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... Assorted Brace, a iV'to re" 4" to "'.. J" to-". l"toU".. I, 3 ,," 1J" and 1? 14" to 1:1". E xtension lip, 324" quarter. . Brace, center— Brace, expansion Brace, gimlet Brace, pod Brace, reamer, square Brae 1 , screw-driver . . Bridle- Ambulance harness s do. . Ambulance harness, . . -do.. Xc plate. Jointed « lull check Cart harness, snaffles Curb, blued Nickled Light express harness » — mule wagon harness. » Plane- Double, 2" to 24" Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Each.. ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. Each Single, 2" to 24" do Blackboards Blades: Assorted \wl Bow saw Bucksaw Meat saw Hacksaw, 8" to 12" Knife gauge Plane Saw Saw, compass Blankets: Horse — Ordinary? Web stayed-' *Pack saddle* * Saddles Blinds, bridle: Ambulance harness » Carriage harness 6-rnule harness s Pack mule s Blocks: Assorted Brake s— Ambulance — ■ 1892*..' Milburns Studebakers Army wagon » Chattanooga wagon s — Columbia wagon s Express delivery wagon Escort wagon s Fish wagon Milburn wagon s Studebaker wagon — 3-B « 4-A » 14-As Troy wagons Wagonette s Head, Dougherty spring wagons a See catalogue. .do. Gross . Each.. ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do.... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. Each. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ...do- ...do.. ..do.. Appropriation. (a) SI. 55 1.66 1.95 2.67 4. 32 3.13 4.21 2.25 .07 .57 .05 .07 .16 .15 .04 .08 .06 1.07 .55 .09 .05 .2(1 .13 2.50 (a) .20 .75 .15 .04 .15 .35 .20 2.75 2.37 2.48 1.50 .33 .16 .33 2.75 (a) R.S I. E B.&Q A.T W.& S R.W.W.& D Item numbers. Meth- od of Desig- nated depot or supply, point of supply. 7a, 7b, 7c 29 10 2,0,7.... la, 2a, 3a par. 6 par. 3 A.T. U.S.... A.T.... W.&S. (B.& Q. R.S.... E.O.S. 23d. 26b... 2,6,7. Kb... 21.... 2 R.S.... I. E . . . . B.&Q. A.T... W.& S. 6,7,9.... 29 10 24a, 41b. 2,6,7.... par. 6 par. 6 ■par. fi JA. T 21b & 22b. .. U. T 23a & 23c A.T. 23d. par. 6 par. 10 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 10 par. 10 >A.T. 25a par. 6 par. 10- s Specifications and standard samples. 12 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Blocks — Continued. Meat Memorandum, or scratch . Swage, 165 lbs Tackle. Blowers: Assorted Hand — Western Chief, "A". Champion Insect powder Stove Blowpipes Blueing Boards: Assorted Bottom — Army wagon * Dump carts Escort wagon s Handcart* Bristol Clip Drain. Drawing Front end, escort wagon, 1899 *. . 1901*.. Sand « Seat* Side, extension, escort wagon *. . Stove Boat hooks and pole Bobs, plumb. Bodies: Chandelier, parts of. *Dump cart' *Hand carts Unit of quan- tity. Each. ...do.. ...do.. .do. Each... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... Poimds Each... ..do.... ..do.... ..do Sheet... Each... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Each. ..do.. Boiler compound c Boilers: Assorted Coffee— Flat-bottom — No. 1, 6-qt No. 2, S-qt No. 3, 12-qt Pit-bottom— No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Field oven Rice, 2J-qts., granite Round — Ordinary — 8-gaIlon 10-gallon 15-gallon 2i i-gallon Faucet and strainer- li-galion 8-gallon 10-gallon 15-gallon 20-gallon /Gallons . t Pounds . Each. ...do.. ...do.. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. .do .do .do .do.. .do .do .do .do .do a See catalogue. s Specifications and standard samples. VA List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. 1 Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Appropriation. Item numbers. Meth- od of supply. Desig- nated depot or point of supply. Boilers— C ontinned. Coffee — Continued. Square — Ordinary — Each.... ...do $1.40 1.40 2.00 2.15 2.65 2.85 1.71 1.87 («) ( a ) 1.75 1.98 1.35 1.98 1.11 1.9S 1.65 1.87 1.52 1.98 1.29 1.98 1.35 2.10 1.45 (a) (a) .26 .43 .58 .80 1.00 1.26 1.50 1.75 2.20 R. S 6 par. 6 par. 6 jpar. 6 par. 6 par. 6 ...do 20-gallon . . do par. 3 Faucet and strainer — 15-gallon 20-gallon ...do ...do Wash— No.l* ...do par. 3 No. 2« ...do fR.S 6,9,&17 1 |W. &S... par. 13 Bolsters, wagon: A.T 25a Each.... ...do Chattanooga — Hind* ...do Escort — ...do Hinds ...do Fish- ...do Hind ...do ...do par. 10 Fronts R. S 7a, 7b, 9, 14, 17. 10 Hinds ...do Studebaker, 3-B— Fronts ...do Hinds ...do Studebaker, 14-A— Fronts ...do Hinds ...do Troy- Fronts ...do ...do Bolts: Brass Carriage — A" x J" to 4" [PerC... Ldo.... Ldo.... Ldo.... Ldo.... Ldo Ldo Ldo Ldo J"x l"to34/' X" x 14" to 6" }"x If" to 8" |"x 1" to 4" |"x64" to 7" ,\ ' x 5" to 7" f"x34/' to 7" -i\." x 64" to 12" 1" x 44" to 94/' B. & Q .. iV" x 14" to 2" A. T 23d, 26a, 28, 41b. 2, 4. 6 W.&S T V'x2J"to5" 1" x 14" to 34" R.W. W. &D.. / la, 2a, 3a |"x 10" to 11" T V'x5"to9" 4" x 3" to 10" |" x 11" to 13" y,."x 74" to 10" 14" x 5" to 10" f"x34/' |"x 14" to 16" , 7 ,,"x 11" to 13" J" x 54" toll" f"x 14" to 6" |"x5"to6" \" x 44" to 14" |"x4"to8" See catalogue. s Specifications and standard samples. 14 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list— Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Bolts— Continued. Carriage— Continued. I" x 15" to 7 1 ."... f"x8"to8£".... |"x 9" to 14".... I" x 12" to 16"... f"x9"to 13".... f"x20" |" x 14" |"xl4" I"x 16" |"x 12" |"x 16" to 20"... Door — Barrel Chain, brass Chain, iron Flush, 21" to 5".. Flush, 6" to 8"... Spring, brass Spring, iron Expansion Flange Floor Halter King Lag Machine — x j" \ 6" i'/' xzy V x6" |"x V," 3" f"x9" |"X 10" I"x3" I"xl4" I"x 16" |"x 16" Stamp Stove, F. H — |" to 3" A"x |" to 3" i"x |" to 3" "' to3\" ■■ |" to 4'." X" xj" to 44/'.... T V'x2J"to3J"... |" x f"to4" Stove, R. II — I" <»*" T V'x I" to 2" 1" x I" to 1" s l"toU".... |" to 3V" 5 yxrto3" iV'x 4/'tol" J"x l 1 ." to3 ■/;." x |"to24/'.... fx4" b " ^ 2" to 4" l ?/ x : ;"i<> if" |" x 2" to 4" Tire— 1" to 34/'.... J" x 1" to 3" ,V x2J" to 2§"... i" x 2'," to 5J".... ft" x U"to3i"... x3" to 5" x2" to 3" " x 4£" to 5' x 3 J" to 44' Unit of quan- tity. PerC. .. ...do ...do }..do ...do .do .do .do Unit price. Each... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... Each... Gross. . Each... ..do.... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... . .do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... PerC... .do. .do. .do. ..do. .do. .do do. ..do.. .do .do. Appropriation. Item numbers S2.45 2.90 3.25 3.60 4.13 4.50 5.03 6.90 .23 .80 .45 .10 .24 .80 .40 («) ■ 04| (°) .55 .50 .70 1.38 1.80 3.43 3.86 4.50 7.18 8.60 9.48 13.13 (a) .18 .36 .2S .35 .46 Meth- od of supply Desig- nated depot or point of supply. R.S.... B.&Q. A.T.... W.&8 R.W.W.&D.. 7a, 7b, 9, 14, 17. 10 23d, 26a, 28, 41b. 2,4,6 la, 2a, 3a par. 6 par. 3 a See catalogue. 15 List oj Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and /trice list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. price. Appropriation. Item numbers. Meth- od of supply Desig- nated depot or point of supply. Bolts— Continued. Tire— Continued. |"x7i"to8" PerC... so. 7!) I" \: ; ,y do I 1.02 I" x3§" i...do 1.19 I" x 4" to 4'." L . .do I 1. 40 Toggle Tongue- Ambulance i Each A. W do E. W ...do Fish wagon . . .do Milburn wagon do Studebaker v. i »on do Bon ami j Cake .... Books: Atlas Each — Blank— assorted Cap, faint lines, 2 to 4 quires, j Each Cap, journal ruled, 2 to 4 quires do Cap, ledger ruled, 2 to 4 quires do Cap, faint lines, 5, 0, and 8 quires do Cap, journal ruled, 4 and 5 ( [iiires do Cap, ledger ruled, 3 quires. .;. . .do Crown., faint lines, i\ to 2 quires Crown, journal ruled, 2 and 3 quires Cap, journal ruled. quires Cap, ledger ruled, 4 and 5 quires Crown, faint lines, 3 quires. Crown, journal ruled, 4 quires do Crown, ledger ruled, 2 quires ; .. .do Cap, ledger-ruled, 6 and 8 I quires I., .do Crown, faint lines, 4 quires.. _ ..do Crown, journal ruled, 5 .do. .do. .do. .do., .do.. do. ...do ...do ...do.... ...do.. ...do.. quires Crown . ledger ruled, 3 and 4 quires Crown, faint lines, 5 quires. . Crown .ledger ruled, 5 quires Crown, journal ruled, 6 quires Crown, faint lines, 8 quires. . Crown, journal ruled, 8 quires do Crown, ledger ruled, ti quires I. . .do Crown, ledger ruled. Squires . . .do Duplicating— assorted— Nos. 102 and 105 No. 110 Letter copy — assorted — 10" x 12", 500 pages 1,000 pages 10" x 14", 500 pages , 1,000 pages 10" xl5". 500 pages 1,000 pages 12" x 14", 700 pages 500 pages . . , 500 pages . . , 700 pages . . , 500 pages . . x 17" x 17" x 18" Level and transit. ....do .|...do .|...do J. ..do .|...do ....do . ...do ....do . ...do.... . ...do.... ....do.... («) .25 .15 .04 .18 .09 .05 .10 R.S... B. & Q . A. T... W. & S R. W.W.& D. rii.s.... |W.& s. 7a, 7b, 9, 14,17 10 23d, 26a, 28, 41b. 2,4.6 la, 2a, 3a 9 2,4,6 -par. 6 par. par. 6 1 . 25 (a) .45 .70 .75 ! ,55 I .95 .92 1. 15 1.30 1.10 1.30 1.30 1.60 1.80 2.10 2.10 2. 00 2.40 .30 .52 1.12 1.25 1.30 2.50 1.40 3.12 2.50 2.35 3.00 3.50 3.75 (a) R.S E.O.S... I.E A.T 19,21,27 3 33 41b.... par. 6 par. 3 « See catalogue. 16 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Books — Continued . Memorandum — assorted Nos. 23 to 26 Nos. 27, 30, 31, 32, and 246. . 4J" x 74", 48 leaves 4" x 7", 96 leaves 7'." x 4" Nos. 29, 33, and 254J School — Assorted Algebras Arithmetics Dictionaries Geographies Geometries Grammars Histories .• Readers Spellers Trigonometries do Stenographic do Time, monthly- Small 2 quires Large Time, weekly, 300 pages Triplicate Boots: Ankle Rubber Each... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ...do.. ...do.. ...do... ...do.. ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... do... Borax. ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... Pair. ..do. Pound . Each... ..do.... Each. Set.... ..do... Bottoms, escort wagon s Bouncers, saddlers' Bowls: Assorted Copying Lavatory Sink Urinal Wash Water-closet * Bows: *Assorted * Ambulance, 1892 * *1900* * Milburn wagon * . ... do. . *Studebaker ...do... wagon.* * Army wagon s Each. . * Chattanooga wagon > . . .do... * Escort wagon « do . . * Fish wagon do. . . * Milburn wagon* ...do... * Studebaker wagon * do. . . Boxes: Assorted Feed— Calvanized iron* ) Each.. Wood, army wagon s do. . Chattanooga wagon * ... i ... do . . Escort wagons |...do.. File do... Letter do. . . Miter .do. . . Shoeing do. Boxings, wheel: Assorted Ambulance * Dougherty * Dump cart * Handcart » Wagon, escort * .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Unit price. Appropriation. 00 80.05 .11 .12 .13 .12 .20 (») 1.00 .50 3.50 .75 1.00 .53 .50 .50 .20 (a) .05 .15 1.00 1.50 .80 .30 1.00 4.00 3.93 .12 (a) .15 (») (°) (a (a) (a) (a) 2.95 4.08 2.95 2.95 .12 .12 .12 .12 .14 .12 (°) .65 2.45 2.83 2.03 (a) (a) 1.74 4.50 (a) .30 .30 .50 .25 .50 R. S.... !lE. O.S. : i.e A.T.... Desig- Meth- I nated Item numbers, od of depot or supply. Ipoint of supply. A. T... W. &S fR. S... \I. E.... A.T... A. T... I. E.... iw. &S 19,21,27. 3 33 41b A. T.. jl.E... /B.&Q \A. T.. I.E... A.T.. 21b & 22b 6 & 7 7b 29 25a 24a........ 12 2,6,7 25a. 21b, 22b, 25a.. 12 10 26b... 29 25a, 28 par. 6 par. 3 •par. 6 •par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. 5 par. 6 par. 6 }par. par. 6 par. 6 par. 3 par. 3 par. 10 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 10 par. 10 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 10 o See catalogue. * Specifications and standard samples. 17 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list— Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Braces: Assorted Ambulance seat*. Carpenter — 7" sweep 8" sweep 9" sweep. .do. .do. .do. sweep '...do. Unit of quan- tity. Each... ..do.... do do do ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do..... ..do..... ..do 12" sweep. . 14" sweep Collar Hound- Army wagon — Over front * Under front* Under hind* Escort wagon — Over front* Under front* Under hind* Roller bar, escort, right and left * Side, Studebaker wagon » Wagon, body * Wheelwright Brackets: Assorted i ... do Escort wagon, under hind hound* , do Iron ...do Saddle and harness |...do Shelf, japanned Pair Wall, for insulator i...do Brads: Assorted put I Package Wire ...do Brakes: Assorted j Ambulance * j Each. .' ! ! Army wagon * ' . . .do Chattanooga wagon * do Escort wagon — 1899* ...do. 1901* do. Studebaker wagon* ..do. Branches, " Y" I . . .do . Brass ! Pound . . Breechings, harness:* Ambulance or wagon * j Each. Old style* i...do Bands, only* !. . .do...! 6-mule wagon* do Bricks: Assorted . Bath '/'[[ ' Each! ! ! Fire do ... . Bridles: * Assorted * * Ambulance harness — * Lead * Each . . * Wheel * .do . . . * Cart harness * ' do ♦Riding* do.!!.' * Wagon. 6-mule harness, wheel * . . .do * Wagon, open * do Bristles Ounce ! Broilers, assorted ! Each Bronze: Assorted Aluminum !!!!!!!! Gallon ! Gold Pound . Liquid Gallon . <* See catalogue. 77616—09—2 Unit price. $0.30 .60 1.00 1.00 1.26 1.00 .17 .25 .18 .18 .18 .75 1.35 .11 .24 1.26 (a) .75 («) .74 .25 (°) (a) .50 .15 («) 7.00 7.70 7.00 8.00 7.63 6.50 (a) .30 2.75 1.90 1. 75 4.38 (a) .10 .04 («) 2.55 2.40 2.00 2.90 2.40 2.40 5.00 .47 (a) 2.75 2.00 2.30 Appropriation. Desig- Meth- j nated Item numbers, od of depot or supply, point of supply. A.T. 25a. R.S 9.. I.E 29 B.&Q 10 A.T 26b W.&S 2,4,6.... R. W. W. & D... la, 2a, 3a. A.T 24a par. 6 par. 6 A.T. W. &S. R.S.... A. T... W. & S A. T. R.S... B.&Q. A.T... W. & S. A. T. A. T. R. S. par. 10 par. 3 A.T... R. S... I.E.... B. & Q A.T... R. S... I. E.... B.&Q A. T... \V. & S 25a par. 26b par. 6 1,9,9a } 12 , 10. p ar - 6 24b I 9 33 10 [}par. 6 24b 2,4,6 liar. 6 2,4,6 | par. 6 7a, 7c I 41b [par. 6 2,4,6 | R.S 7a,9. A.T 41b. W. & S I 2,4,6. 23b, 23d. 7a, 9, 14,17. 10 41b 2,4,6 23a.23b,23c,23d 24a. 6... par. 6 war. 6 par. 10 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 10 par. 3 par. 3 par. 10 par. 3 par. 5 par. 10 par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. 3 par. 3 Specifications and standard samples. 18 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Eaeh.... ..do ..do ..do Brooms: Assorted Coir, deck Corn Stable, rattan, and handle'! . . Whisk Brushes: Assorted Copying Counter Dandruff Dust Dynamo File Floor Flue Fuller I . . -do Glue ...do Hearth do Each. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. Horse « Kalsomine . Mane Marking Paint— 2-0 3-0 4-0 5-0 6-0 7-0 Flat— 2". 2J" .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. l'aste ! Dozen. . Scrubbing * ! Each. . . Stencil i ... do Stove ...do Tube do Typewriter . . .do Varnish — 1" to 2" ...do.... 2V' to3J" do.... Whisk do ... Whitewash, 7" to 9"* j...do ... Window . ..do ... Wire ...do ... Buckets: Assorted * ...do Ash * ] ...do Galvanized iron* do Water « . . . do . . . Buckles: Assorted do... Dog harness Gross. . Harness Each . . Stirrup do. . . Buckram ; Yard . . Buckskins ! Each.. Bulbs for gasoline furnace .do. . . Bumpers, rubber Dozen. Burlap Yard. . Burners: Gas ' Each. . Lamp, armys do... Paint do. . . Burrs. (See Rivets and burrs. I Bushings: Assorted Galvanized iron Iron a See catalogue. Unit price. (a) 30.26 .25 .68 .15 («) .22 .25 .50 .30 (a) .50 .50 2.00 .50 .20 .25 .73 1.15 .75 .04 .47 . 56 . 72 !92 1.17 1.44 .14 .23 .32 1.25 .15 .10 .18 .50 .07 .23 .45 .10 2.25 .30 .35 (a) . 2.00 . 55 . 55 Appropriation. R.S I.E A.T W. & S R.W.W. &D. Desig- Meth- ! nated Item numbers, od of depot or I supply, point of supply. 7a, 7b, 9, 11,14. 12&33 21b & 22b, 41b 1,2,4,6 la par. 6 par. 3 R.S i 1,7a, 7b, 9, 11, 14,17,27. I.E 12&83 B. &Q 10 A.T | 4, 21b, 22b. 24a, 26b, 41b. W.&S | 1,2,4,6 R.W.W.& D... la, 2a, 3a par. 6 ; par. 3 (a) 1.00 .06 .30 . 25 2.40 .50 .14 <«) 1.75 3.00 R.S 1,6,9,14,17... I.E 33 A.T 21b, 22b, 25a, 41b. W.&S 1.2,4,6 R.W.W.& D... la, 2a, 3a A.T 23b, 23d. A.T... A.T... fR.S.... IW.& S. W. & S. A.T... 24b. 24b. par. 6 par. 3 1,2,4,6. 2,4,6... 4 9a.. 10.. 41b. par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 [par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 •par. 6 I R.S. $ I) W.&S |2&6. par. 3 par. par. par. par. par. par. 3 |par. 6 J par. 3 « Specifications and standard samples. 19 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Buttons: Assorted Cushion Door, japanned, on plate. . . Push Buttresses, farriers' Butts. Buzzers Cable, electric light Cable, to connect carbon holders . Calcium chloride Calendars, desk Calipers: Assorted Inside — 5" to 7" 8" to 9" 10" Outside — 5" to 6" 7" to 8" 9" to 10" Calks, toe Candles . Canopies, wall or ceiling. . Cans: Assorted Ash— G. I., 18"x26"*. G. I., 20" x 26"*. Filter Ice Oil. Unit of quan- tity. Gross. ...do.. Each.. ...do.. Pair Each... Feet... Pound . Each... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... Pound. ..do.... Yard... Squirt Storage Typewriter Waste Canvas (duck): Assorted widths No. 1, 22" wide No. 4, 17" wide No. 4, 22" wide No. 6, 26" wide No. 8, 24" wide No. 8, 28" wide No. 6, 42" wide No. 6, 60" wide No. 8, 44" wide No. 8, 60" wide J J No. 8, 72" wide i...do Caps: Assorted Brass— I" tof" i" and \" 1" \\" 14"..... Each... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... Each. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. Galvanized iron j Iron Carbons, clectra : Each. Card attachments, typewriter do.. Cards: Index Steam indicator Each. Carts: Dump * do . Hand * | . . .do. . Cases, fuse i . . . do . . Unit price. (») $0.50 2.75 .50 .25 .15 .20 (•) .03 (a) (•) .12 .21 .31 .10 .22 .33 .05 (») (°) 1.99 2.69 20.00 5.50 .50 .09 14.00 .15 2. 00 (•) .25 Appropriation. R. S... I.E.... B. &Q A.T... I.E.... I.E.... B. & Q, A.T... I. E . . . . /R.S.... \A. T... R.S.... R.S.... R.S.... Item numbers. 9 12 & 33 10 26a 29 12 10 2(3a 33 9 41b 9 14 27 I. E 29.... (W.& S 2&6. I. E . . . . R.S.... W. & S. A.T... R.S.... R. S... I.E.... A.T... W. & S 2,4,6. 41b... 9 R. S... A. T... w. & s W .15 .24 .37 .55 .75 1.02 (o) f» .25 2.45 (•) .03 43.75 16.98 .14 R. S... W. &S. R. S. R.S. R. S. R. S. ] A. T... I R.S... 1,7b, 8a, 9, 14 12 26b, 41b 2,4,6 7a, 14... 24b, 26a 2,4,6... 7a, 14. 2,4,6. Desjg- Meth- I nate*. od of 'depot qr supply, jpoint of supply. par. 6 par. par. par. par. par. par. par. par. par. pax. par. par. par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 ■par. 6 [par. 6 par par. par. par. par. 3 par. 3 6 par. 3 6 par. 3 6 par. 3 6 par. 3 6 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. par. par. 6 par. 3 6 par. 3 5 par. 6 par. a See catalogue. * Specifications and standard samples. 20 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Casters, assorted Castings: Outer * Spare parts for army ranges, * cooking and heating stoves. *119. *120. Unit of Unit quan- . tity. pnce - Set SO. 07 Each r..do. I *Army range No. 1 (518), 1890s * 101. Back top, 21 lbs.* *102. Right end rail, 2 lbs. 6 ozs.*. * 103. Left end rail, 2 lbs.* * 104. Front top rail, 15 lbs.* . . . *105. Range shelf, 17 lbs.* *106. Smoke box, 15£ lbs.* * 107. Collar top for smoke box, 2Tbs.« *108. Damper blade for smoke box, H lbs.* * 109. Damper" rod, wrought iron, \ lb.» *110. Direct damper blade, 1 lb.* * 111. Damper frame, 3 lbs.*.. . * 112. Oven protecting plate, 3 lbs.* *113. Water back, 50 lbs.* *113i- Ext. plate back of water back, U lbs.* * 114. Cover for upper warming oven, sheet steel, 14i lbs.* * 115. Reservoir protector, 3 lbs.* * 116. End flue partition, sheet steel, 9 lbs.* * 117. Feed-door frames, 5 lbs.* * 118. Left feed-door guide, mal- leable, 5 ozs.« Right feed-door guide, malleable, 5 ozs.s I Feed door, 3 lbs. 10 ozs., includes monogram.* Feed door, 3 lbs. 10 ozs., no monogram.* * 120J. United States feed-door monogram, 14 ozs., N. P.* *121. Draft-door latch, mal- leable, \ lb.* *121J. Draft-door catch, mal- leable, i lb.* * 122. Draft door, 4 J lbs.* *122£. Draft-door register, lib.* *123. Knob of draft-door regis- ter, 1 oz.* * 124. Bottom grate, 11 lbs.*. . . . * 124*. Front grate, 4f lbs.s * 125. Right or left side lining, 7 1 , lbs.* *126. U-shaped lining, 38 lbs.*. *126J. Grate shaker, malleable, lib.* * 127. Grate rest, 8 lbs.* * 128. Ash pan (malleable front) 11 lbs.* *129. Ash-pan knob, 5 ozs., in- terchangeable, No. 3. * *130. Upright brackets for holding doors, 2 lbs., N. P., interchangeable, No. 2.» * 131. Oven door (frame malle- able), 11 lbs.* Each. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. (•> CO (•) .54 .09 .09 .49 1.89 1.05 .07 .07 .13 .04 .18 .11 2.90 .59 do .11 do .53 do do .19 .02 do .02 do I do r d0 j .08 do .14 do .12 do do do .22 .05 .07 do .do do .33 .12 .15 do .do .88 .20 .do .do .28 .87 .do .10 .do . 22 Appropriation. |R. S \I. E. R. S JR. S Desig- Meth- nated Item numbers, od of depot or supply, point of supply. j2 par. 6 par. 3 9 par. 6 par. 3 7b par. 5 par. 10 ..do... 1.30 <* See catalogue. * Specifications and standard samples. d For parts for cooking and heating stoves, see catalogue. 21 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply mid price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. *A rmy range No. 1 (518), 1890s— Con. Castings- *132. *132J *133. *133i *134. -Continued. Oven door latch, malle- able, 10 ozs., N. P.s Oven door catch, malle- able, 3 ozs., N. P.* Guide for latch of oven door, malleable, 2 ozs., N. P. i Movable pivots for oven- door latch, 3ozs.,N. P.* Hollow bars for oven- door latch wrought, 6 ozs., N. P.s * 134*. Sockets for hollow bars on oven door, malle- able, 4 ozs., N. P.s * 1&5. Flue door, 8 ozs., N. P.*. . *135J. Flue-door frame, 1 lb., N. P.* * 136. Door for lower warming oven, frame malleable, 7 lbs.s * 137. Catch for lower warming ovendoor,4ozs.,N. P.s * 13S. Button to close faucet opening, 3 ozs.s *139. Door for end warming oven (frame malleable), 7} lbs.s *140. Catch for end warming oven door, 4 ozs., N. P.« * 141. Hinges for end warming oven door, 4 ozs.* * 142. Long centers, 7 lbs., in- terchangeable, Nos. 3 and 6.s * 143. Short centers, 4 lbs., in- terchangeable, Nos. 3 and 6.s * 144. Range covers, 4J lbs.s *145. Front inside linings, 2J lbs.s * 146. Reservoir, copper, 24 lbs.s * 147. Reservoir faucet, 1 lb. 10 ozs.s * 148. Front cover for reservoir, 8 lbs., galvanized. « * 149. Back cover for reservoir, 8 lbs., galvanized.* * 150. Feed door, for wood, 2 lbs. 10 ozs., includes N. P. monogram, s * 151. Feed door frame for wood, 3 lbs.s *152. Front grate, for wood, 2 lbs. 10 ozs.s * 153. Front prot. plate over oven, 1£ lbs.s * 154. Right-hand casing plate, lOJ lbs.s * 155. Dovetail plates for long centers, 2 lbs.s *156. "Warming oven door mon- ogram, 1J lbs.s * Army range No. 2 (524), 1890s *255. Back tops, 28 lbs.s * 256. Right end rails, 8* lbs.s . . * 257. Left end rail, 7 A lbs.s *25S. Front top rail, 19 lbs.s *259. Reservoir protector, 4Hbs.» Unit of quan- tity. Each . ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do.. Ldo... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ...do ...do .12 .12 ...do ...do 11.80 .80 ...do .55 ...do .55 ...do .48 ...do .48 ...do .13 ...do .10 ...do .4!) ...do .08 ...do .19 Unit price. $0.19 .12 .10 .11 .20 .18 1.40 .13 .10 1.47 .04 .14 .28 Appropriation. 1.00 .15 .15 .80 .11 Deslg- Meth- \ nated Item numbers, od of depot or supply, point of i supply. • Specifications and standard samples. 22 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list— Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. *A rmy range No. ?(5££) , 1890s— Con. Castings — Continued. *260. End flue partition (when reservoir is not used), 5 lbs.* *261. Oven protecting plate, *262. Rest for top panels, 5} lbs.* *263. U-shapedlming,581bs.*.. *264. Right or left side lining, * 16 lbs.* *265. Front grate, 64 lbs.* *266. Bottom grate, 20 lbs.* *2664. Grate shaker, 14 lbs.*.... *267. Grate rest, 15 lbs.* *268. Water back, 59 lbs.* *269. Top panels (with flanges), 164 lbs.* *270. Key panel (without flange), 15 J lbs.* *271. Range covers, 6 lbs.* *272. Feed-doorframe, 10 lbs.*. *273. Left feed-door guide, Jib.* *274. Right feed-door guide, Alb.* *275. Feed door, 8 lbs.* *276. Front inside linings, 44 lbs.* *277. Draft door, S4 lbs.* *2774. Draft-door register, lib. s *27Sf Draft-door latch, T 3 S lb.*.. *2784. Draft-door catch * *279." Oven door* *280. Oven-door latch* *281. Movable pivots (for oven- door latch).* *281J. Hollow bars (for oven- door latch).* *282. Socket (for hollow bars on oven door).* *282£. Oven-door catch* *283. Right-hand oven-door support.* *283J. Guide for latch of oven door.* *284. Left-hand oven - door support.* * 285. Flue door * *2854. Flue-door catch * *286. Door for lower warming oven.* * 286 J. Catch for lower warming- oven door.* *287. Door for end- warming oven.* *2874. Catch for end- warming oven door.* *288. Upright bracket for oven door.* *289. Right-hand bracket for draft door.s *290. Ash pan, •complete* *291. Ash-panhandle* * 2914. Damper rod * *292. Damper frame* *292|. Damper blade* *293. Smoke boxs **2934. Collar top for smoke box, 18 lbs.* *294. Damper blade for smoke box, is lbs.* *2944. Knob for draft-door reg- ister.* Each .. ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... !■ .do. ...do. ...do. ...do. -. .do. ..do. Unit price. SO. 50 .13 .18 1.70 .35 .18 .15 .15 .40 1.76 .60 .52 .12 .22 .07 .07 .25 .15 .35 .04 .10 .10 2.25 .15 .08 .08 .10 .10 .10 . 25 .10 .10 2. 00 .04 2. 00 .04 .07 .07 Appropriation. Item numbers. do l.oo .10 .10 .05 1.10 1. ID .05 Meth- od of supply. Desig- nated depot or point of supply. t Specifications ami standard samples. 23 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list * tont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Contim Desig- Unit of Unit price. Meth- nated Articles. quan- Appropriariou. Item numbers. od of depot or tify. supply. point of supply. *Army range No. 2(5^4), 1908s— Con. Castings — Continued. *295. Hinge for end-warming Each 80.09 oven door.* *295§. Button to close faucet ...do .05 opening.* *296. Cover for upper-warming ...do .60 oven.* * 297. Reservoir, complete * ...do In. ;:, *297$. Reservoir faucet* ...do .50 * 298. Front cover for reservoir, ...do .50 8 lbs.* *299. Back cover for reservoir, ...do . 50 101 lbs. * Pipe" for connections s Set .60 *Army range No. S.s *300. Back top, 24 lbs.* Each.. . .84 *301. Left end rail, 2| lbs.* ...do.... .09 *301i- Right end rail, 2| lbs.*. . ...do.... .09 *302. Front end rail, 12 lbs.*. .. ...do.... .38 *303. Left-band casing plate, ...do.... .64 23 lbs.* *304. Right-hand casing plate, ...do.... .27 HH lbs.s *305. Oven-protecting plate, 3 ...do .12 lbs.* *305|. Front protecting plate ...do.... .12 over oven, 3 lbs.s *30C. Direct damper frame, 2£ ...do .10 lbs.* *307. Direct damper blade,l Ib.« ...do.... .08 *308. Direct damperrod, 7 oz.* . ...do.... .05 *309. Grate rest, 6£ lbs.* ...do.... .19 *310. Grate slide, 1 J lbs.* ...do.... .05 *311. Grate frame, 5 lbs.* ...do .24 * 312. Left half of duplex grate, ...do.... .24 6£ lbs.* *313. Right half of duplex ...do.... .20 grate, 6 lbs.s *314. Left grate wheel, 6 oz., ...do.... .09 malleable.* *315. Right grate wheel, 6 oz., ...do.... .09 malleable. s ...do.... .14 *316. Front grate, 4 lbs. 5 oz.*... ...do.... .20 *317. Grate shaker and lifter, malleable, 12 oz.« *318. L water back, 45 lbs.* ...do.... 2.12 *318J. U lining, 38 lbs.* ...do .98 *319. Extra plate back of water ...do .10 back, 2 lbs.* *320. Left tile lining bricks, 13 ...do .25 lbs.* *320\. R. and L. side lining, 7i ...do .15 lbs.* *321. Inside fire-door lining, 3 ...do.... .13 lbs.* *322. Fire frame, 5 lbs.* ...do.... .17 *323. Fire door, 3 lbs. (includ- ...do.... .12 ing name plate). s *323i. U.S. name plates ...do .11 *324." Fire-door guides, malle- ...do.... .09 able, 5 oz. each.* *325. Draft door, 3J lbs.* ...do.... .17 *326. Draft-door slide, H lbs.*.. ...do .05 *327. Draft-door knob, 2 oz., ...do.... .03 N. P.* *328. Draft-door latch, 7 oz., ...do.... .05 N. P., malleable.* *329. Draft-door catch, malle- ...do.... .05 able, 3 oz., N. P.* Specifications and standard samples. 24 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Desig- Unit of Unit price. Meth- nated Articles. quan- Appropriation. Item numbers. od of depot or tity. supply, point of supply. *Army range No. S*— Continued. Castings — Continued. *330. Ash pan (malleable front), | 124. lbs.* *331. Ash-pan knob, 5 oz., N. VEach . . . $0. 95 P., interchangeable, No. *332. Oven door (malleable ...do.... .73 frame), 11 lbs.* *333. Oven-door latch, malle- ...do.... .29 able, 1 lb., N. P.* *334. Oven-door catch, malle- ...do.... .12 able, 3 oz., N. P.* * 335. Hollow bars for oven-door ...do.... .15 latch, wrought iron, 6 oz. each, N. P.* *336. Socket for hollow bars, 4 ...do.... i oz. N. P.* * 337. Pi vots for oven-door latch, ...do.... .13 malleable, 2 oz., N. P.* *338. Guide for oven-door latch, ...do.... .10 malleable, 4 oz., N. P.* *339. Oven rack, 04 lbs." ...do.... .67 *340. Flue-door frame, 1 lb., ...do .20 N. P.* *341. Flue door, 8 oz., N. P.*.. ...do.... .12 *342. Lower warming oven ...do.... 1.00 door (frame malleable), 64. lbs.* *343. Turnbuckle for lower ...do.... - warming oven door, 4 oz., N. P.* * 344. Upright brackets for hold- ...do .19 ing doors, 2 lbs., N. P., interchangeable, Nos. 1 and 6.* *345. Long centers, 54 lbs.* ...do .34 *34G. Dovetail plates" for long ...do .09 centers, 2 lbs. for a set.* * 347. Short centers, 4 lbs.* ...do .12 * 348. Covers, 44 lbs.* ! ...do .12 * 349. Smoke box, 15£ lbs.* ...do .83 * 350. Smoke box damper blade, ...do .04 l^lbs.s * 351. Check draft box * ...do .25 *352. Draft slide* do .05 * 353. Collar top for smoke box, ...do .25 2 lbs.* *354. Range oven shelf, 204 lbs. * * 355. Front cast frame for oven shelf, 13 lbs.s *356. Left door for oven shelf (frame malleable), 3 lbs.* * 357. Right door for oven shelf (frame malleable), 3 lbs.s * 358. T knobs for doors on oven shelf, ljoz., N. P.* * 359. Hinges for doors on oven shelf, malleable, 34 oz.* *300. Towel rod, malleable, 94 Each.... 25 oz., N. P.* *361. Frame for wood, 3 lbs.*... t *3G2. Door for wood, 2 lbs. 10 50 oz. (includes name plate).* *363. Front grate for wood, 2 ...do . 16 lbs. 10 oz.* *364. Monogram on shelf doors, ...do 1 lb. 3 oz., N. P.* * 365. Monogram on lower ...do warming oven dcor, 14 lbs., N. P.* * 366. Monogram bake oven, 2 ...do .10 lbs., N. P.* ♦Brackets for mantel, mallea- ..do .10 ble, 15 oz., polished.* • * Scrapers s ...do .10 « Specifications and standard samples. 25 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. *Army range No. 4 (a) (a) .04 .95 ('<) .50 . 50 1.50 .45 . 50 .75 .30 .55 7. 25 1.50 . 10 (a) 1.7H 1.70 3. 50 3. 50 2.00 (a) 2.00 1.50 (a) 3. 50 .90 .10 (a) 1.45 1. 25 (a) 15.00 (a) 1.50 1.50 1.50 Appropriation. Item numbers. Meth- od of supply. R-S 9,14,17,27 1 w.&s 2.4,0 r p R.S.... A.T... W. &S. R.S. A.T. A.T. R.S. 9,11,14,17. 41b 2,4,6 >par. 6 9... 25a. j-par. j par. i par. (a) 1R.S S.00 \\.T 21b,22b,26b...|Vpar. 6 1.05 | W.&S 4,6. 25a. 9... A." T." .".".' ........ 23d. 25a. 26a.. . . par. 6 par. W.&S , 2,4,6.... W.&S 2,4,6.... 12 par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 R.S l,7a,7b,' 17, 27. E.O.S 4 I.E 12 A.T 26a,41b.. W.AS 2,4,6.... R.S. R.S. A.T... 7a. 8a, 9, 11, 14, 17. 41b R.S. W 1A.T. lw.& s 14, 17. . 41b .1 1,2,6... 9, 11, par. 6 par. 6 ■par. 6 par. 6 Desig- nated depot or point of supply. par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 10 par. par. par. par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 a See catalogue. h 15 to 50 cents, according to width. 33 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Appropriation. Each.... ..do ..do i ..do.... ..do.... Collars: Assorted Dog * Horse, buckboard; harness *— No. 18" No. 19" No. 20" No. 21" No. 22" ♦Horse and mule, ambulance harness * — No. 16" to No. 18" No. 19" to No. 24" * Horse and mule, cart har- ness » — No. 18" to No. 21" No. 22" to No. 24" * Horse and mule, express har- ness, all sizes.* *6 mule harness, all sizes « Stovepipe — 4i"to7" 8" to 10" ...do * Wagonette » — No. 19" to No. 21" do.. No. 22" and No. 23" do.. Columns, water do... do... ...do... ...do.. ...do... ...do... ...do... Combs, curry Compasses: Assorted Dividers, 9" No. 569, Eagle draughting Patent, leather Pocket Compound: Assorted .do.... Boiler c. Commutator Cylinder c Hectograph Welding Compressors, repair parts . Connections: Basin and bath Slip joint Cookers, porridge Coolers, water: Assorted s 4-gallon* 6-gallon j 10-gallon» Copper, sheet Pound . . .do. .do. .do. .do. /Gallon . I Pound. Stick... Pound . ...do... ...do... Each. ..do.. Each. ..do.. ..do.. Coppers, soldering I Each Cords: Assorted i : Curtain Each Lamp , Foot Sash ! Percu.ft. Cords, seaming found . . Corkscrews I Each *Coronas * ...do Cotters ...do Countersinks do (a) (a) $2. SO 2 85 3.39 3.48 3.54 2.90 3.00 2. 57 3.00 2.81 2.80 .02 .07 3.53 2.80 (a) .12 (a) 1.46 . 14 .55 par. 5 par. 10 ■K . S 7b, 7c par. 6 par. |} A .x... fB.S.... \w.& s A.T... 23d 7a 2,4,6 21b & 22b . I A.T I. E B.&Q B. W. W. & D. Iw.&s 26b. 33.. 10.. 9... I... par. 5 par. HI >par. 6 par. 3 par. 6 par. 3 par. 6 par. 3 par. 3 <» See catalogue. 77616—09- » Specifications and standard samples. <■ Chemical test. 34 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Appropriation. Item numbers. Covering, pipe ( ' ) Covers: Assorted (<») Cargo Each.... $17.33 ♦Horse- Blanket, lined .do Canvas do Oven pot do *Packsaddle s do ♦Rigging do *W agon, Army and escort «. Crayons: Assorted Lumberman's, black Marking ...do Gross Dozen... Each.... 2.85 2.S5 .05 4.00 2.88 3.51 Each.... .do 3" ...do 4" ...do Malleable Iron, galvanized— 1" to U" ...do 2" ...do 3" ...do 4" .do. .. Cross arms ...do Crowbars Crowns, bridle ...do Cruppers: Assorted » 1 Each.... ...do Cups: Assorted Color Each.... Drawing ...do Drip, lamp, Q. M. D.s ...do KSForee do Grease do Leather do Oil I... do Washer I... do ! Curtain sets ...do Cushions, seat do Cuspidors * do .60 .35 .02 Creasers: Assorted Double, iron, screw Farriers' Saddlers' do Single-edge do Two-edge do Three-edge I... do Crimpers .do Crosses: Assorted (a) Brass: \" to J" I Each... 1" do.... l\" ...do.... W ...do.... 2" do.... C. I., galvanized— 1J" and 2" ...do (o) .38 .07 .25 .35 .50 .70 12.00 .42 .53 .67 .82 1.34 R.S A.T Vv\ &S R.S w. &s R.W.W. &D.. A.T R.S E.O.S I. E A.T B.&Q I.E A.T R.S Desig- Meth- nated od of ,depotor supply, point of supply. 6 par. 3 5 par. 10 25a 1-par. 6 par. 3 2,4,6 6,9 I 2,4,6 Ipar. la, 2a, 3a J 21b, 22b, 25a...; par. 21,27.. I 4 : 33 par. 6 par. 3 4 ; 10 ) 24a::::::::::::> ar - 7b, 7c ; par. 6 par. 3 6 par. 3 .40 1.20 2.52 .25 .50 .78 1.06 .50 (a) .50 .50 C) 5.50 .24 («) .10 .35 .30 .30 1.50 .10 .15 .00 9.80 1.65 >W.&S 2, 4,C par. 6 par. 3 S &S S ,&s W.W.& D. T A.T. R.S. I.E. A.T. 9 2,4,6 9 , 2,4,6 la, 2a, 3a. 23d par. par. hpar. par. 6 par. 3 6 par. 3 6 par. 3 6 | par. 10 23b, 23d ) par. 6 par. 10 W.&S I 2,4,6 9,17 1 33 1 26b, 41b f par - A.T... A.T... [I.E... E.O.S I A.T... 25a. 25a. 12.. 2... 41b. par. par. 6 par. 3 6 i par. 3 6 par 10 par. 6 par. 3 a See catalogue. s Specifications and standard samples. 35 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list— Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. ' Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Appropriation, i Item numbers. Meth- od of supply. Desig- nated depot or point of supply. Cutters: Assorted Bolt — v, r. No. 4 ' Each... No. 5 ...do.... Clinch ;...do.... Glass gauge do Glass. Paper, tin Pipe Rosette Washer, adjustable. Wire Dampers, stovepipe: Assorted 4" to 7" Dashboards Daters Dees Deflectors Denim Dials, clock Diamonds, glaziers'. Diaphragms: Assorted Board High pressure.. Rubber , Dictionaries .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Each.... ..do Each.... Dozen.. Yard... Each.... Die holders. Each... .do. Dies, assorted Diggers, post-hole ! Each Dippers: Assorted Galvanized iron- pint quart 2-quart Dishes, soap f* Discs for valves Each ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. .do. .do. Discs, rubber Dividers: Assorted 5" to 8" ' Each. . 9" ...do.. 10" and 11" - - -do.. 14" do.. 15" ...do.. Saddlers - - -do. Wing [ . . .do. . Dog food 5 Dogs, cam Each. Drainers, assorted Drains, floor Each. Dressers: Boxwood do. . Emerv - - -do.. (a) $4. 80 3.53 .20 1.00 1.50 .10 (a) .50 1.50 .75 («) .05 .10 (•) .05 .60 («) .20 w 4.50 (°) (a) («) (a) 3.50 .50 (a) .70 («) .15 .30 .40 .15 .10 .08 (a) .75 .90 1.30 1.60 1.80 .35 R.S 18a,9. I. E [B. &Q A.T W. &S R.W.W. &D. 29. 10 24a, 26b, 41b. 2,4,6 la, 2a, 3a R.S. 7b. A.T R.S A.T R.S A.T.... I.E.... (B. &Q. \W. & S. [R.S.... |W. & S. fR.S II. E R.S w. & s. T. E.... (R.S hv. &s. ll.E.... R.S.... 25a... 27.... 25a... 9 26a... 12,33. 10.... 2,4,6. par. 6 par. 3 par. 6 par. 3 par. 6 \ par par. 6 ' par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. Ne:::::::::f"- • S::::::::::::'V- • 7a,7c j) 2,4,6 Ipar. 6 29 I 7a,7e 1 2,4,6 bar. 6 29 I 19 par. 6 par. par. par. par. par. par. 3 R.S. 17 par. 6 I. E 12 ! par. 6 R.S ! 7a,7b,9,17.... j \.T 41b >par. 6 W. &S 2,4,6 I W. & S 2,4,6 par. 6 2.50 (a) 4.00 .60 1.75 I. E B. &Q. A.T.... W. & S. 29,33... 10 24a, 20b. 2,4,6... R.S I 24.... R.S 14.... fW. & S 2,4,6. iR.W.W. & D.J 7 W. & S 2,4,6. R.S... . I. E . . . . W. & S. 29.... 2, 4, 6. par. 6 con. par. 6 {•par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. par. par. par. par. par. par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 a See catalogue. 36 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Appropriation. Item numbers. Meth- od of supply Desig- nated depot or point of supply. Dressing: Assorted («) $0.20 .37 1.05 .31 .85 («) 2.06 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.68 1.80 2.02 .10 .20 .35 .44 .56 .67 .20 .32 .82 ! .98 .31 .22 .22 .33 .53 .29 .35 .50 .65 18.00 .62 3.50 .08 ■ («) . 1.00 .90 ,.| (■) 1.80 .60 (a) U. T |R.S 24b, 26a 9 par. 6 Harness [Pint.... •{Quart... (Gallon... Pint Gallon.. Set Each ...do par. 3 Top, carriage I.E 12,33... Drier, Japan t iB. & Q, 10 [par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 [par. 6 par. 6 •par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. 3 A.T 26a, 41b 2,4,6 lw. & S Drills: R. S 7a,7b,7c,9 29 Automatic, with drills, Yankee. Breast, No. 10 ...do.... Ratchet — 12" ...do 14" ...do 15" ...do.... Shoe, calk Twist, bit stock, metal or wood— From |" to §" ...do ...do ig" ; j ■ " y ...do ...do.... 3.1/ ...do..., I" ...do... 1" Twist, round, straight shank, ...do ...do ...do I. E A. T 26b, 41b 2,4,6 |" to ,,V, and \" to T v" W. & S par. 3 i ;!" ^0 £" R.W.W.&D... B. & Q la, 2a, 3a 10... 1" ...do A. T 26a.. Round, straight shank, \" diameter, countersink, 5 Y' tO 1". Round, straight shank, §" diameter, for metal — J" to^i" ...do ...do ...do |" to?" ...do.... -Hi" tol|" ...do Countersink, 3 V' to 1" . Round, taper shank, for metal — |" to \" ...do ...do.... ...do... J" ...do Upright ...do... Duck, rubber Yard.... Each.... Pound.. par. 3 par. 3 Duplicators R. S 27... [R. S '. 9 I. E 12,33... Dust, emery B. & Q 10 par. 3 W. & S 2,4,6... A. T 24b,26a,41b... 17 Dusters: R. S Assorted s I. E 12,33... Feathers Each ...do... A. T... 26b, 41b 2,4,6 par. 3 Painters' * W. & S... ...do R.S 17 Dustpans I.E A.T 12,33 par. 3 41b Dynamos, repair parts of R.S 9 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 Eccentrics for Fuller cocks Dozen... Each.... w.&s... 2,4,6... Edgers (edge tools) A.T 24a Ejectors W.&S 1 a See catalogue. ' Test. Specifications and standard samples. 37 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Elbows: Assorted Brass— J" to*" J"toIi" 14" 2" C. I. pipe, galvanized — 2" 24" 3" 4" Galvanized malleable - pipe— 2" 3" 4" Stove pipe — 5" and 54." 4", 44", 6", 7" to 10".. Street Tin Electrolite Electro-silicon Ells Each Each... ...do.... Carboy. Box.... Emery, powdered Pound . Enamel, stove Engine, repair parts of. Box. Engine supplies . * Envelopes: Assorted Jute, penalty — 4J"x9i" 5"xll4" 6i"x9|" 84/'xll4" Manila, plain— 6J"xlO§" 84/'xll|" Rope, plain— 8J"xlOJ" 9"xll" Penalty — 9"xll" 10"xl5" 14£"xl6" White, plain— 34/'x6" 3i"x8?" 4f"x94" 4J"x9J" Penalty — 34/' x 6" 3f"x64/' 44/' x 10|" 4J"xll" Linen, plain — 4J"x5t" Cloth lined, plain, 34/' x 6' Erasers: Assorted Blackboard Rubber Steel Each. ...do.. ...do.. Unit price. $0.37 .65 1.00 1.60 .50 .80 1.50 3.00 .85 1.60 3.00 .26 .38 fa) (a) IS. 00 .10 («) (a) («) (<) 1.58 3.29 3.78 6.20 1.48 4.18 8.22 14.35 24.00 .84 1.51 1.70 1.70 1.14 2.17 2.10 2.57 9.12 («) .04 .05 .24 Appropriation. Item numbers R.S.... fw.&s. 7a, 9.. 2,4,6. •R.S W.&S R.S R.S R.S R.S W.&S R.S I.K A.T W.&S R.S R.S W.&S R.W.W.&D. R.S A.T W.&S R.W.W.&D. 7b, 7c. 2,4,6. 7a. . . . 6,11. 2,4,6 11,17 33 24b, 26a, 41b! 2,4,6 7b la, 2a, 3a... 9,11,14,17. 41b 1,3,4 la, 2a, 3a... j Desig- Meth- I nated od of jdepot or supply, point of supply par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 6 par. 3 R.S.... E.O.S. tpar. 5 R.S. E. O. I.E. S... 21,27. 34. . . . 33. . . . par. 6 (N e vr {York [ depot. par. 3 a See catalogue. « All envelopes must be supplied from New York depot and price is fixed by the Post-Office Depart- ment. 38 List of Class A supplies ivith designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Excelsior Expanders, tube. Unit of quan- tity. Pound . . Unit price. Exterminators: Bedbug I Gallon . . 1 T j. !f Pound.. I 1 Gallon.. Each.... Charges for * Extractors, piston and valve Eyelets: ...do ...do Box Knob ...do ...do Fasteners: Blind Each ...do Paper- Flat head Box ...do ...do Wire ...do Window Each.... Felloes: Ambulance — 1892, front and hind » 1900, front and hind « Milburn, front and hind* . . Studebaker.frontand hinds. Army wagon, front and hind * . Buggy— 1" Each ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do 1}" x 36" to li" x 38" Chattanooga, front and hind*.. -.-do ...do ...do Escort wagon— 2" tire, front and hind* 3 J" tire, front and hind «... Fish wagon, front and hind Handcart » ...do ...do ...dj ...do Milburn wagon, front and hind*. Spring wagon , assorted « Studebaker wagon » Felt ...do ...do ...do Sq.ft.... Fenders: Fire, iron ...do.... Ferrules: Singletrees, assorted* Each Tool handle ...do Fids: Assorted 16" 18" ...do 30" ...do.... Files: Assorted Box Document Flat— 4|" to 6" Dozen... 8" l...do....| 10" ...do.... 12" ...do.... 14" ...do.... 16" l...do....l Fj» See catalogue. Appropriation. Item numbers. Deslg- Meth- nated od of [depot or supply, point of supply. $0,015 A. T... (R.S.... (a) A.T... T .&S. 1.00 .50 1.50 9.00 .13 .50 («) .21 .04 (a) .60 .10 .25 .11 .12 .08 .03 1.80 1.25 (») .25 .40 .40 .14 .25 1.50 1.75 2.50 4.50 .25 .46 .25 1.00 2.25 .50 .30 .10 (a) (a) 2.50 1.75 (a) .15 .15 (a) .23 .26 1.25 (a) (a) .50 .83 1.22 1.61 2.00 2.76 3.06 I.E.... A.T... W.&S. w. & s. R.S. A.T. 4,41b 7a, 14 41b { 1,2,4,6 lj par. 6 [par. 6 33.. 41b. 3... 4... i}par. [jpar. 27 24b, 26a. R.S 27 F..O.S 3 B.&Q 10 A.T 23d,25a,41b... fR.S 7c... IW.&S 2,4,6. par. 6 \A.T i 25a,28. par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 10 par. 6 par 3 par. 6 par. 10 fR.S. \A.T. R.S. A.T. 17.. 24b. par. 3... 41b. II R.S.... T.... ,&S. 9 25a... 2,4,6. fpar. 6 fpar. 6 par. 3 par. 3 41b I par. 6 R.S 7a, 7b, 7c, 8a, 9. I.E i 12,29 B.& Q J 10 A.T I 24a, 26b, 41b... W.&S 1,2,4,6 R.W.W.&D...J la,2a,3a >par. 6 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 * Specifications and standard samples. 39 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Files— Continued . Letter Order — Special, No. 605 s j Each. . . General, No. 000 » i...do Note, Shannon's ...do Round — 5", 6", and 8" (};:" diam- Dozen., eter). 10" (J" diameter) do 7" (}" diameter) I. ..do 12" (J" diameter) j...do 14" (I" diameter) ...do 10" (4" diameter) ...do Saw- s'', 3 J", 4J" and 5" I . . .do... . 4", 5i", 0" and 7" .do. . . . .do.... 9", 10", and 12" Smooth — 3", 4", and 5" 6" 10". Steel, Shannon's, 4|" x 12". Filler, wood « .do. ...do.. . ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... Each... Gallon.. 1.00 Unit price. (a) {0.25 .19 .23 .98 .92 1.50 2.28 3.00 .55 .84 1.25 1.08 1.20 1.56 2.04 .30 Fillers, oilcan. Each.... Filter material Pound . Filters: Assorted I 5-gallon \ Pound . 10-gallon do . . . 1.20 (a) 0.60 8.40 Finish, hard-oil ; Gallon . . 1. 00 Fittings: Assorted Ammonia, assorted Pipe, assorted Steam, assorted Water, G. I., assorted Fixtures: Assorted Grindstone Wire, type 3 * Flags: Ensign » Jack and pennant « . Flanges Flatters Floats, copper Flues Set 100 feet. Each... ..do.... Each... Pound . Each... ..do.... ..do ... Flue cleaners: Steam Wire brush Flue stoppers Folders: Assorted I Paper, ivory j Each. Tinners' L..do.. Forage * j Forges, portable I Each. (a) w (a) (a) («) .47 .75 2.50 4.00 (a) 1.75 .07 (a) 5.00 1.50 .05 (o) .25 8.00 Forks, stable do. 21.60 .53 Appropriation. Item numbers. Desig- Meth- j nated od of depot or supply, point of \ supply. R.S ! 7a, 7b, 7c, Sa, 9. I. K 12,29 B. & Q 10 A.T 24a, 26b, 41b... W.& S ! 1,2,4,6 R.W.W.4 D... la,2a,3a I. E 12.. B. & Q 10.. R.S 9... A.T 41b. W.&S 1... R.S 17.. W. & S. I.E.... B.&Q. A.T... 12 10 20a, 41b. R.S 7a,9,14,17. A.T *mb W. &S 2,4,6 R.S 9 I. E 29 W. & S ' 1 R. W. W. & D.. la,2a,3a. A.T. 41b. /R.S 7a, 9, 14, 17. \W. &S 1,2,4,0. I.E 29. W.& S 2,4,6. JR.S 14.... IW. &S 1 1R. S.... I'W. A S. R.S..., 9,14. 1.... 7b.. R.S 7b,7c,27. R. S 24 II. E 29 IW. A S ! 2,4,6.... II. E ! 29 -U.T , 21b,22b. lR. W. W.&D.. 9 6 par. a }par. [par. par. par. [par. 6 par. 3 6 par. 3 ! 6 par. 3 par. 3 6 par. 3 par. par. 3 par. 6 par. 3 par. >par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 [par. 6 , JPhila. s \S.F. par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 [•par par par. cont [par. [par. 6 par. 3 6 i par. 3 6 par. 3 6 ; par. 3 6 par. 3 a See catalogue. ^ Specifications and standard samples. ' Test. 40 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Appropriation. ; Item numbers. Desig- Meth- i nated od of depot or supply, point of supply. Fonts: Assorted Lamp, bracket — Q. M. IX, 1900 j i Each... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do (") Q.M.D.,old pattern' Pendant, Q.M.D., 1900 >. Street, Deitz, No. 3 Lantern par. 10 Frames, and jaws for wrenches Frames: Assorted Blackboard Hack saw Wrenches, Stillson Fringe, carriage Yard. Fronts, bridle Dozen ...do. Each ..do. ..do. Fuel. Fullers, assorted Pound Funnels: Assorted I Medium size, enamel ware Each. . Small, enamel ware ,do... Tin. Furnaces: Combination Plumbers', gasoline blast. Tinners', soldering Furnaces, repair parts for. .do.. .do., .do., .do.. Furniture, office, repair parts for. . . Fuses: Assorted Cartridge j (°) Edison base | Each Electric do Link Galleries, chimney, army lamp » Gas burners Gaskets: Assorted For basin For oilers Handhole Manhole Rubber Siphon Each Pound.. Dozen... ..do Each ..do Each... <•) 1.80 1.00 .58 1.15 (o) .25 Gasoline ; Gallon . R.S 7a, 9, 11, 14, 17, A.T 41b W. & S | 1,2,4,6 R.S. Gates: Assorted * I , (o) B.&Q. A.T... W.&S. 7a, 7b, 7c, 9, 11, 14, 17. 10.. 41b 2,4,6 ■par. (i par. 3 Spar. 6 par. 3 Army wagon « : Each. Chattanooga wagon*. Dump cart* Escort wagon — 1899 ' 1901 » Express delivery wagon » Fish wagon, two pieces each *. Milburn wagon » Studebaker wagon, 14-A » Troy wagon ...do do ..do --do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do 1.59 1.50 .75 2.18 1.94 3.48 1.05 1.05 1.20 1.05 25a, 28. par. 6 par. 10 a See catalogue. « Specifications and standard samples. 41 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. • Articles. Gauge-glasses Gauge-glass preservers . Gauge-glass washers. . . Gauges: Assorted Ammonia Axle Drawing Marking Mortise Screw-thread steam . Steam test Thumb Water Water glass Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Appropriation. I Item numbers. I Meth- I od of supply Gauges, repair parts for. ♦Gears, running ^. Gimlets Girths, saddle: Riding Riding or wagon Wagon Glass, window: Assorted 12" x 16", 12" x 18", 12" x 22" 13" x 10". 12"x20" 12" x 24", 14" x 22", 14" x 24" 10" x 22". 10" x 24". Glasses: Ambulance- Red White Lubricator Oil cup Sight feed Globes: Assorted Gas Glass Inner, for arc lamps Lamp Lantern Outer, for arc lamps Gloves, rubber Each....: SO. 25 ..do CO ..do 15 Desig- I nated depot or point of i supply. R.S W.&S A. T R.S A.T W.&S R.S W.&S A.T 9,14,17. 1 41b.... 9,14,17. 41b 1 9,14,17. 1 41b (a) 11.00 5.00 1.00 .60 .28 Each. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do 10.00 Outfit.. .J 35.00 Each.... I 1.03 C) («) I. E . . . . B.&Q. A.T... W.&S. Each ..do ..do..... ..do Box. .do. do. Each. ..do.. Each j Dozen... 1 («) («) .60 1.28 .10 (•) 2.05 3.54 2.23 .15 .10 (■) (•) w (•) (.") (•) (■») .24 1.15 (a) R.S. fR.S. I.E.... B.&Q. A. T . . . W.&S. A.T... R.S... B.&Q. W.&S. A.T. I.E.... B.&Q. A.T... 7a, 8a, 9, 11, 14, 17. 29 10 24a, 26b 2.4,6 7a, 8a, 9, 11, 14, 17. 29 10 24a, 26b 2,4,6 25a, 28 9 10 2,4,6 par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. ' par. 3 par. 5 par. 6 par. 10 par. 3 23b, 23d par. 6 ! par. 10 12.. 10.. 41b. pur. 6 ! par. 3 R.S.... A.T... w. & s. 9.14,17 I 25a, 41b bar. 6 1 ; I par. 3 R.S.... A. T... W.&S. 9,9q.... 25a, 41b. 1 Pair. <*«" '{8K: Glycerine f Ounce. . Gold dust I Pound . Goose necks Each . . . 2.40 .12 .02 R.S W.&S... [R.S E.O.S... I.E B.&Q... A.T W.&S... /R.S \W. &S... (R . S \W.&S... 50 i A.T 10 9 2,4,6 8a, 9, 14, 23 4 12,33 10 4, 24b, 26a. 2,4,6 9 2,4,6 9 2,4,6 25a par. J par. 3 •pur. 6 par. 3 pur. 6 i par. 3 o See catalogue. Specifications and standard samples. [•pur. 6 bar. 6 par. G Chemical tesl par. 3 par. 3 par. 10 42 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS-Continued. Articles. Desig- Meth- : nated Item numbers. | od of depot or supply, point of supply. Gouges: assorted Firmer and handles J" to J" j Each. 4" and I" |...do... I", i", lr, it", w, n", and 2". Small Governors, pump, repair parts for Graphite Pound Graphite, flake do Grate bars. (See Bars, grate.) Grate bar washer support Grates: Assorted Center .. Fireplace For boiler furnace. . . i Pound For ironing stoves | Each . . Grease: Assorted c Axle c Keystone c Lubricating «. Solvent c Grease cups. (See Cups, grease.) Grinders, emery Each Grindstones, complete '...do 2. 50 Grips, wire do Grommets, gauge glass do Groovers, tinners, hand j ... do Guards, lamp, wire ..do Gummers, saw | ... do Hair: Curled ; Pound . . Felt I Sq. foot. Halters: Assorted''' I Each... Head * do Head, 6 rings* ...do Head, and straps > ] ... do Hames: Assorted * I Pair Ambulance or wagon* . ..do Buckboard, 2-horse » j . . . do. . . Cart harness s ...do Concord ] ... do Light express harness * do Station wagon * Wagon harness, 6-mule* Wagon, 23" and 24" collar ». Wagonette » par. 10 par. 10 " See catalogue. cOhemiev test * Specifications and standard samples. 43 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS-Continued. Articles. Each... ..do.... ..do.... .do. .do. .do .do .do ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. Pair. Hammers: Assorted Ball pein Brick Bush Claw, bell-faced — No. Hi No. 12 Cross pein— 1J to2|lbs 2J and 3 pounds 4 pounds Fitting — No. 2 No. 3 Flatter, 2J" and 2J" Hand, turning Machinists' Pointing Riveting Rounding Saddlers' Shoeing Sledge Handcuffs Handles: Assorted Adz Auger, common Awl- Brad Peg Saddlers', common Scribe Ax- Broad Hand Boiler File Hammer — Claw do Hand, B. S., 20 in !...do Riveting ! . . .do Shoeing .do Sledge, 36 in .do Hatche t [ ... do Hoe - . . .do Knife, farriers' j . . .do Mop, Ideal I ... do Each Dozen... ..do ..do Unit of quan- tity. Dozen. ..do... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... .do. .do. Dozen.. Each.. ..do... Post-hole digger Shovel Spade Stable broom Hangers: Assorted Brake- Army wagon * Escort — Fish and Milburn wag- ons.' Lock chain* ...do. . . Door- Chattanooga wagon* i...do.. . Studebaker, 4-A* ...do.. . Grate Pair. . . Pine I Trough I Each... Hardies I... do. . . a See catalogue. Unit price. (a) $0.40 .35 1.61 .45 .35 .35 .45 .77 1.00 .79 1.25 .38 .35 .40 .22 .84 .31 .35 .06 3.17 (a) 1.40 .48 .15 .36 .38 .30 .91 .48 (a) .19 1.50 .96 .60 .62 2.15 .28 .43 1.20 1.20 .35 1.05 1.44 .36 (») .60 .15 .60 .60 3.80 («) .15 .20 Appropriation. Item numbers. R.S.... I.E.... IB. & Q. 'A.T.... W. & S R. W.W. &D.. I. E. R.S I.E B.&Q A.T W. &S R.W.W. & D. R.S... IB.&Q. > A. T... W. &S. I.E. Meth- od of supply. Desig- nated depot or point of supply. 7a, 7b, 7c, 9, 17.1 29 10 1 L ar 24a,26b,41b... f par - 2,4,6 la, 2a, 3a I J 6 ; par. 3 33. pur. 6 par. 3 1,7a, 7c, 9, 17... 23,29,33 10 24a, 26b, 41b... 1,2,4,6 la, 2a, 3a par. 6 par. 3 1,9,14,17 10 [■par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 25a 1,2,4,6 29 par. 2 par. 10 par. 3 par. a Specifications and standard samples. 44 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Oont'd. MISCELLANEOU S— Continued. Articles. * Harness: * * Assorted * Ambulance or wagon — * Lead » *Wheel« * Lead and wheel, russet*. *Lead, O. P.* * Buckboard — *20" collar* * 19" and 20" collars* * Dump cart * * Dog * Express wagon, light, delivery * * Mule, lead and swing* * Mule, six, complete — *Black* * Russet* * Station wagon * * Wagonette— * Lead * * Wheel * Harness oil Unit of quan- tity. S. S... s.s... s.s... s.s... s.s. D. S Set.. Set.. S.S | 26.84 S.S 16.00 Unit price. (a) S15. 54 20.43 20.00 15.00 31.08 54.20 19.94 3.00 Set Set D.S... D.S... D. S... Quart. . 87.00 54.00 68.00 87.25 66. 36 .25 Hasps and staples I Dozen. . . j 1. 20 Hasps: Assorted Hinge — 3", 4", and 4J' 6", 8", and 10' Hatchets: Assorted Bench, No. 2 Bench, No. 3 Claw, No. 2 Claw, No.3 Lathing With handles . Each.. ...do.. Heaters, feed water, repair parts for. Heating apparatus, repair parts for. Hinges: Assorted Back flap, 1}" and \\" Brass, assorted Cast, fast pin, U" x 14" to 2" x 2\". Cast, fast pin, 2" x 4", 2J" x 4", and 3" x 5". Chest, 1J" and 2" Shutter, assorted sizes Strap, light — 4" and 5" 6" and 8" Strap, heavy — 4", 5", and 8" 10" and 12" ■par. 6 | par. 3 J A.T (R.W.W.&D. II. E /R.S 1W.&S 21b, 22b, 23b. la, 2a, 3a 33 9,11,14 1 par. bar. par. 6 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 a See catalogue. « Specifications and standard samples. 45 List of Class A supplies vjiih designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Holders: Assorted Drill Globe, lamp, old pattern * Pipe Shade, lamp, Parker * Shade, lamp, Q. M. D., 1900 *.. . Twine Type Wick, lamp, Q. M. D., 1900 *. . . . Hoods: Assorted Forge Metal, arc lamp Unit of quan- tity. ♦Range * Hooks and eyes: Assorted Brass — 1" and 1J" 2" Bright, 1" and \\" Copper, 2" and 2i" Hooks: Assorted Brake support, escort wagon *. Brass Bush Check Clothes Coat and hat- Copper Japanned Dump cart * Grass Hame, with staple * Harness, 10" , Iron Litter Pipe. "S," assorted sizes Screw, assorted Solder pot Horses, stitching Hose: Assorted 1" diameter 1§" diameter 2£" diameter Fire Garden Q.M. G. O. special* Rubber, J" diameter Steam Hounds, wagon » Housings, felt and harness Hubs: Assorted Army wagon, front and hind «. Buggy Dougherty wagon * Escort, and boxings* Handcart * Milburn wagon, front and hind ■ Spring wagon, front and hind. Studebaker wagon * Hydrants: Assorted Fire Yard Hydrants, repair parts for Injectors, repair parts , Each ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do Each.. ..do... .do. Each. Foot ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do Each ..do Each... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... Each . . ..do.... Gross ..do ..do ..do Each.... ..do Dozen... Gross.... ...do Pair Each.... ..do Gross Each.... Dozen... Gross ..do i Each.... ..do Unit price. (a) | $3.00 .25 0.50 .60 .65 .15 .10 .25 (a) 5.00 1.25 to 3.60 5.00 (a) .6o' .70 .35 .65 (a) .08 w .47 .08 1.50 1.00 .63 1.00 .20 .50 16.80 (a) .20 .48 1.30 .16 .10 2.25 (a) .30 .35 1.00 .70 .50 .90 .15 .40 1.25 2.00 (a) .74 .40 1.25 1.50 .75 .60 .44 .90 (■) 23.80 2.50 (a) (•) Appropriation, i Item numbers. R.S I 9,27 I.E 29.. A.T 26b. W.&S 1... R.S. •I.E. 7b, 9. 29... Desig- Meth- nated od of |depot or supply, point of I supply. par. par. par, par. 3 par. 3 par. 10 R.S.... •I.E.... B. & Q. par. 6 par. ' 3 R.S 7a, 7b, 7c, 14, 17 I.E B.&Q )A.T... W.&S R.W.W.&D. A.T R.S I.E A.T W.&S R.W.W.&D... A.T A.T 12,33. 10 23b, 23d, 26a, 28,41b. 2,4,6 9 ■par. 6 par. 3 24a. 8a, 9, 11, 14, 17 33 25Mib.7.\"! 1,2,3,4,6 la, 2a, 3a, 9... 25a 23d par. 6 I par. 3 par. 6 par. 3 par. par. W.&S. W.&S. R.S.... W.&S. 25a, 28 j par. 2,3,4,6,7 1 par. 6 2,3,4,6,7. 9,11 1 par. |}par. par. 10 par. 3 par. 10 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 o See catalogue * Specifications and standard samples. 46 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Ink: Assorted Black— 2 to 4 oz. bottle . J-pint bottle. . . 1-pint bottle . . . Drawing Edge Hectograph, 2-oz. . Bottle.. ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...J. ..do.... Marking ...do. Mimeograph ' Tube. . . Recording Bottle. . Red— 2-oz. bottle - - do . . . 3-oz. bottle; !. . .do. . . 4-oz. bottle - - -do. . . J-pint bottle I. . .do. . . 1-pint bottle . . .do . . . Stamp pad- Black and purple, 2-oz ...do... Blue and red, 2-oz ...do... Inkstands or wells: Assorted Automatic Each.. . Flat ...do... Hard rubber (field desk) do... Ebony and gold finish do. . . Round (red ink) do... Square- Single do . . . Double • - -do. . . Insecticide : Gallon . Insect powder ' Pound. Inspirators Inspirators, repair parts for ; Insulated saddle staples Gross . Insulators: Assorted [ Cable Each., Glass or porcelain Iron: Assorted Black Pound . Galvanized do. . . Russian do... Sheet do . . . Stands Each. . . Strap Cwt.. . . Tire- Army wagon * .do — Escort wagon* ...do — Express delivery wagon*... ...do — Spring wagons ...do.... Ironers, parts of I Irons: Assorted Branding- Alphabet I Each... U. S I... do.... Clamp Cliuch I Each... Corner ] Hoof branding ; Each. . . Pricking — 1-tooth I . . .do. . . . 2-tooth ' . . . do. . . . 3-tooth do. . . . 4-tooth I . . .do. . . . Rub— I Army wagons I PerC Escort wagon « : Each. . . a See catalogue. Unit price. (a) $0.05 .10 .20 .20 .20 .09 .20 1.50 .25 .06 .09 .12 .14 .22 .22. .11 (a) .65 .20 .10 .41 .25 .25 1.06 .75 .15 (a) (a) 1.00 («) i .12 (<*) ! («) i .035 .04 I .13 .03 .05 1.55 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 (a) («) .50 .75 .08 («) .95 .15 .30 .45 .60 3 40 .07 Appropriation. < Item numbers. Meth- od of supply. R.S.... .E.O.S. I.E.... A.T... R.S.... E.O.S. I.E.... I.E.... R.S... w. &s R.S... 1W.& S, I.E.... R.S... I.E.... R.S.... I.E.... B. &Q. A.T... W. &S. R.S. R.S I.E )A.T W.&S R.W.W.* D. 9,21,27,31. 3 33 4 21,27. 3 33... 33... 7a, 9. 1... 7a, 9. 1.... 33... 7a, 7b, 7c, 14, 17 33 10 4, 25a, 28 1,2,4,6 Desig- nated depot or point of supply. par. 6 par. 3 Vpar. 6 ' par. 3 par. 6 par. 6 ^ar. 6 >par. 6 par. 6 }par. par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 fpar. 6 par. 3 par. 6 par. 3 7a, 8b, 7c, 9, 17.1 29 33 21b,22b,24aJ25a ipar. 6 I par. 3 1,2,4,6 la,2a,3a |J >par. 6 par. 10 < Specifications and standard samples. 47 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Desig- ' Meth- nated Appropriation. Item numbers, j od of depot or i supply, point of supply. Jacks, wagon Jars, slop Jaws: Assorted For Stillson wrench . For vises Stitching horse Joints, assorted . Jointers, pipe. Jute Kettles, tea: Assorted Agate Flat-bottom Iron Keys: Assorted Blank, assorted Dozen. Tail gate and chains, escort ' Each., wagon. Knives: Assorted Clipper Drawing — 6" 7" par. 3 Each.. ..do... ..do... 10" do... 11" ...do... 12" '...do... Farrier's ] . . . do . . . Gauge, saddler's I . . -do . . . Putty I... do... Shoe do . . . Splitting -do. . . Toe I... do... Knobs: Assorted Carriage Door Porcelain — (<0 (a) .30 .40 .96 .66 .80 .86 .16 2.30 .35 .08 1.13 .22 I.E 29 I B. &Q 10 A.T I 21b, 22b, 24a, >par. 26b, 41b. W. & S 1,2,5,6,7 'I Dozen.. Gross . . . Dozen.. Gross... ..do.... ..do.... ...do.... Each... 1" li" U" Tea kettle Lacing, belt: Assorted i" lOOfeet. I" ...do.... 1" ...do.... t" ...do.... Lacquer t Gallon . Ladders: Step I Each. . . Fire ...do Ladles: Assorted 3-inch Each... 5-inch I. ..do Solder do («) 1 .50 .90 1.35 ' 1.84 2.10 2.50 ' .02 R. S I.E.... B. & Q. A.T... 7c, 9. 12... 10... par. 6 Lampblack ' Poun< 1 . . a See catalogue. (a) .60 .70 .89 .90 1.50 2.00 («) («) .26 .43 .50 .08 R. S. R.S. 8a, 1 9,11 par. 3 par. 3 R.S 9 I.E 33 W.&S 1 R.S H W.&S 1. A.T."..."!!!!!!! 4,24b, 26a, 41b. [-par. W.&S 1 t Test. ; :l 48 List of ('loss A supplied with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Each... Each.. Lamps: Assorted Ambulance * Arc, parts for Brackets Carriage [. ..do. Gas, portable, parts of (°) Incandescent Each 20 Pendant « I ... do 8. 03 Street (Dietz) . . .do 66 Wagonette do 2. 79 Lanterns .do. Lashes, whip do. Latches, assorted Latrines » Lavatories Lead: Assorted Caulking Red' Sheet White* Leads, pencil (refills) Leaf, gold Leather: Assorted Bridles Buckskin Cushion s Enameled « Harness, blacks Harness, russets Lace i Rawhides Skirting, fairs , Soles Leg irons 75 .us Each. Pound . ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... Box.... Book... Pound.. ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ..do ...do ...do ...do Pair Letters, steel - Levels: Assorted . Plumb... Spirit 30.00 (a) (a) .07 .08 .08 .07 .10 .40 («) .^0 .75 1.00 .65 .37 .50 . 53 . 53 .40 .32 3.50 00 to 0.00 Each. ..do.. (a) 1 . 25 .55 Lever for pumps | (<*) Levers, brakes Each 60 Lifters, stove ...do j .01 Lime Barrels. Linchpins: Assorted Army wagon s Dump carts Lines: Assorted « Cart harness s Check, 2-horse, wheel s Check, 4-horse. lead * Check, 6-horse. swing * Express harness > Jerk (1 lead line and 1 crotch rein).s Tape, linen, 25 ft Tape, metallic, 100 ft. Each U ..do 13 Pair ■ -do : ...do I ...do ..do ..do Each.... ...do I Appropriation. R.S. A. T. R.S. A. T. W. & S. A. T... I.E.... B. & Q. W. & S. W. & S. Item numbers. Desig- Meth- nated od of 'depot or supply, point of I supply. 25?4ibv:;::::|}p ar - 21b, 22b, 25a, 41b 1 24b 33 10 1,6,7 6,7 R.S 9,17 A.T , 26a,28,41b. "B.&Q ! 10 W.&S 1,6,7 R.S i 27 A.T 26a I. K 30 A.T ! 24b,26a. W.& S 1,0.7... I.E. 33. A.T. [R.S B.&Q A.T VV.&S [R.W.W.& D.. W.& S A.T R.S [R.S I.E B.&Q W.<& S 1,6,7.... iR.W.W.&D... la,2a,3a. 10 20b 1,6,7.... la, 2a, 3a. 1 25a 7!-. 17 33 10 1.34 2 24 3. 17 4.08 1.69 2.57 .50 2.28 A.T 26a, 28. R.S 9 I. E 33 A.T ' 23d,25a.. W.&S 1,5,7.... R.W.W.& D... la, 2a. 3a. 6 ' par. 3 par. 3 par par >par. 6 j par. 3 par. par. 6 par. 3 6 I par. 3 par. G | par. 3 par. par. 3 6 I par. 3 >par. par. par. par. }par. 6 par. 3 par. 3 par. 10 par. 3 par. 3 par. 6 par. 10 [•par. par. bar. par. 3 par. 10 par. 3 a See catalogue. » Specifications and standard samples 49 Inst of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list < 'ont.'d. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Appropriation. I Desig- , Meth- ' nated Item numbers. ! od of depot or ! supply, 'point of supply. PerC. Links: Assorted Hound bar, Milburn wagon i Open — ,:/'. iron do. \", iron do. A ". iron do. 2", iron do. I", iron do. I", iron .do. <". iron ,...do. I", iron |...do. Linoleum Sq. yard Litharge t Pound . . Lock poles Each Locks: Assorted Cutter pole Kach Desk Dozen... Door Each Drawer i...do Pad ...do Wardrobe ,...do Loops and rings, halter Gross . . . Loops: Assorted Halter Gross. . . Hame do Lubricating compound c j Pound . Lubricators. («> SI. 00 .35 .47 .56 .80 1.70 3.33 9.00 14.00 1.10 .06 .50 («) .50 4.50 .40 .50 .50 .35 2.05 (a) 1.84 2.50 . 06 (a) Lumber b. Lye Pound . Machines: Assorted Creasing Eyelet Grooving, tinner's Numbering Paper fastening Riveting Sewing Splitting, 8" Machines, clipping, repair parts for. Magnesia Magnets, arc lamp Mallets . Mangles, parts of. * Mantas « Mantels, gas Maps, wall Marking outfits. . Marline Martingales s Each... ..do.... ...do.... ..do.... ..do.... Each.... Pound . . Each... Each. . . ..do.... Pound . Each... « See catalogue. i> Prices vary according to locality. c Chemical test. («) (o) 2.00 14.0(1 3.50 .90 32.50 (o) 3.73 (•) .09 W .40 (a) 1.15 .35 (a) («) .10 . 50 A. T.. 24b, 26a. par. 6. , par. 12. /I.E \A.T 26a... (R.S 9 1W.&S I 1,5,7. R.S I 9 R.S.... I. E . . . . B.&Q. A. T . . . W.&S. A.T. 12 10 25a, 41b. 1 par. 6. par. 6. par. ti. ■par. 6 23d par.fi. par. 3 par. par. A.T... IR.S A.T IW.& S fR.S iw.A- s R. S I.E B.&Q A. T W. &S R. W. W. & D. (R.S I.E A.T W. &S 23d. par. 6. 41b 1 7a,9,ll,14 \\ r c >par. 6. I,"9,"ii,"l4,"i7,'23 12,33 10 4, 26a, 28 1,5,7 la,2a,3a 9,11 12,33 41b 1,5.7 par. par. R.S. A. T. 1,7b, 7c, 27 !._„,. 1 24a.. l|P ar " |,: "- A. T.... R. S.... R. S.... IB. &Q. •,'A. T... lw. &s. R. S.... A. T... R. S.... R. S.... fR.S.... I A. T... A. T... A. T.... « Speciflcal ions ' Test. 21b,22b 7a par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 [•par. 6 par. 6 par. 5 par. 6 par. 6 [par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 9 10 24a, 26b 1,5,7 17 23b 9 21 17 4 41b 23d par. par. par. par. Jeff, par. par. par. par. par. uid standard samples. par. 3 par. 6. par. 3 par. is par. 3 par. ii par. 3 par. 3 3 77616—09 4 50 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list- Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. I 'nil of quan- tity. Unit price. Appropriation. Desig- Meth- nated Item numbers. I odof depot or I supplyJpoint of supply. Mai el ips. safety, boxes Dozen... $0.10 Mats: Assorted 0) Asbestos ( a ) 41b. Cuspidor « Each. Door, cocoa— 16" x27" do 18" x30" do 20" x24" do at" x33" :--.do 24" x30" ...do Door, wire— 14" x20" ...do Matting, cocoa Yard — Mattocks Each. . . . Mauls, spike do.. Measures, liquid: Assorted Pint Each. Quart J... do.. ( iallon do. . Medicines, dog and horse. (See Veterinary supplies. Menders, hose Each . . . Mica I'ound. Micrometers Each. .. Mills, paint do — .49 .80 1.00 1.20 1. 45 1.45 .60 .50 (») .04 .06 .18 . 05 3. 75 3.00 3.50 U.S. I. E. A. T. 7b.... 12,33. 41b... par. 6 ,par. Each. ..do- Mops: Assorted Cotton, and handles Cotton, for patent stiotak.. Moss, saddlers' •■ I'ound . . Mowers: i Lawn, hand Each Parts for Mucilage: Assorted » j 2-oz. to 4-oz. bottle Bottle... 8-oz. bottle do Pint do Quar t do Muzzles, dog Nails: Assorted Pound . . Gilt < Iross. . . i Horseshoe Cwt Lining Paper. . . Saddlers' Gross. . . Tufting do Upholstering do Needles: Assorted Glovers' Paper. . . Machine do Sack do Saddlers' do Sail Dozen . . . Nets, lly Each.... See catalogue I.E 12,33 1 par. IT. E 12,33 !„„ [R.W.W.&D... 9 f par - HE 3.3 II (R.W.W.& D... la,2a,3a J pan R.S. par. 6 R.S 17.. A.T 25a. W.& S 1,5,6. R.S R.S R.S B.&Q A.T par. 7a. 7b, 9 par. 9 par, 1 I 10 par, 26b Mimeographs: Assorted No. 5, complete Each — 19.80 Improved, No. 75 do 29.40 Mineral oil « U.S. 27 par. 6 I R.S ..., 9,9a,ll,14. (I.E 33 A.T 41b hv.&s i .2 .65 .25 1.25 1.12 .45 .12 .48 .30 .50 .75 1.00 .75 .57 .50 .25 .85 .22 .55 .45 .25 (■) 2.17 3.35 3.46 IE *") \ A.T":: 21b;22b;24a.26b}P ar - 6 P"- 3 6 par. 3 6 | par. 3 \> JR. S | 9 \W. & S 1,4,5,0,7 l/ par f'R. S 8a, 9, 11, 14, 17.. 1 I. E 33 ! A. T 25a, 41b par. W. &S 1 1 Ik. w. w. & d.. 9 |J R. S 1 i lar. 6 par. 3 R. S A. T W. & S R.W.W.&D... A. T II. E.... I W. & s . It. s... I.E.... A. T... \v. & s. fR.S I.E A.T w. &s IR.W.W.& D... 9. 9a. 14 hltr:::::::. la, 2a, 3a 25a, 26a, 28 par. | par. par. 6 i par. 3 6 par. 10 6 par. 3 6 par. 3 1,7a, 8a, 9, 11, ,1 14,17,27. 12,29,33 bar. 24b, 26a, 41b... | 1 i 6 par. 3 7a. 14, 17 29i33 24a, 26b, 41b. 1 >par. 6 par. 3 Overflows (a) W. & S ! 2,6,7. par, par, 5 par. 10 6 | par. 3 <* See catalogue. « Specifications and standard samples. 52 List of Class A supplies ivith designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Packing: Assorted Ammonia Asbestos Cotton Flax Hook Jenkins Piston Piston rod, assorted Unit of TT , t I j Meth- quan- J_f Appropriation. : Item numbers, i od of tity. pnce - supply. Pound . ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... Each... Pound. ...do.... f..do.... (Spool . . Rubber . . Pound . Sheet j...do.... Valve rod do — Wick do.... Padlocks. Pads: Assorted * Backhand, felt, 8" x 20" < * Cart harness, saddle * Desk Duplicating Horseshoe Ink * Riding saddle * Each J Scratch ..do | Each.. ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... .do. .do. Gallon. ..do.... ..do.... Pound . . ..do Gallon. . Pound . . Gallon . . Pound. . ..do ..do ..do Each — Stamp * Sweat* Paint: Assorted ' Aluminum t Asphaltum ' Boiler' Drop black- In oil « In Japan ' For bottom ' In colors ' Mast and stack color t Red lead ' White enamel ' White lead' White zinc ' Palms, assorted Pans: Assorted Bake Small, A. R, Nos. 1,3, 4, 5, and li.s Small, A. R.,No. 578 ». Large, A. R.,No. 6«... Large, A. R., Nos. 4 and 5.« Large, A. R.,No. 578 «. Dust Sauce do... Stew— 2 and 4 quart ...do... 6-quart |...do... Paper: Assorted 11(10 (sheets. Carbon .do... Drawing. 10 yds. to roll, 36" Roll... wide. Emery — Nos. 00, 0, i Ream. Nos. l and 1J ...do... No. 2 do... Foolscap do . . . Legal cap I... do... Each. .do. .do. Blotting. (•) 50.65 .50 .20 .35 .50 .49 .85 1.25 1.00 .53 .57 1.25 .15 («) .36 1.25 .55 .25 .50 (a) 1.00 .05 .20 .25 («0 2.32 .75 .75 .08 .13 2.00 .18 1.50 .08 1.60 .07 .08 .20 (a) .35 .50 .10 .30 .29 .64 (a) 2.25 1.00 2.00 1.80 2.60 2.60 3.02 3.00 R.S. A.T W.&S R. W. W. & D. R.S B.& Q A.T W. &S R.W.W.&D. nated depot or point of supply. 7a, 8a. 9, 11, 14, 17. 41b 1 9 k>ar. 6 1... 10.. 25a. 1... par. 3 R.S.. I.E.. A. T. 20,27... 29 23b," 23d. k>ar. 6 ! par. 3 fpar. 6 j par. 3 par. 6 par. 10 R.S. ... I.E B. & Q. A.T.... W.&S. 9,11,14,17. 33 10 26a, 41b... 1 fpar. 6 par. 3 A.T 24a, 41b par. 6 , par. 3 R.S.. I.E.. R. S... I.E E. O. S. A. T... 1,7a, 9, 27. 33 3&4 4 par. 6 par. 10 par. ! par. 3 par. 6 par. 3 a See catalogue. i Specifications and standard samples. .'Test. 53 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Quire. ..do... Paper— Continued. Letter — Flat, plain D. S., plain Note— "Marcus Ward," ruled Ream. . ...do.... ...do.... Sheet . . ...do.... Ream.. Quire . . ...do.... ...do.... Half sheets, ruled Whole sheets, ruled Oil Oil tissue • — Onion skin Sand Stencil Tabulating Typewriting — Nos. U. 2, 2J, and 3). Ream. No. 5i J. ..do... 7-pound i. . .do... 12-pound ...do... Wrapping do... Paraffin Pound Parers, hoof: Assorted 12" Each.. 14" do... Unit price. $0.10 .20 2. SO 1.24 1.23 .03 .03 1.25 .13 3. 50 .25 .54 .97 1.46 2. CO 3. 25 .10 («) .91 .97 Parts: For— Air compressor Circular saw Clipping machine Gasoline furnace Grate Hydrant Scales Screw plate Steam pumps Furnace Jenkins' Lawn mower Mimeograph Mowing machine Plow Sprinkling wagon Paste: Assorted Cold water i Pound. Library ■ Bottle.. Saddlers' I Can Soldering | Pound. Patches, curtain Gross . . *Paulins:* ♦Assorted* *Large, 18x30 ft.* ♦Wagons *...*. Pearline Pencils: Assorted j Carpenters' Dozen. . Colored ' Gross . . Drawing ...do Indelible Dozen. . Lead i Gross. . Slate do Pendants, lamp, parts of* Penholders: Assorted Anticramp Gross . . Cork, E . Faber do. . . . Eagle, Nos. 2 and 3 ...do.... Falcon, No. 67 do No. 3, rubber ...do... No. 2414 | . . . do. . . . Whaleback .do Each... ...do.... Pound . (■) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) m (a) (») («) ("> (a) (a) (a) (a) (•) (a) .20 .10 .25 .60 3.00 (<0 32. 25 12.95 .08 (a) .24 5.50 7.40 .31 3.25 1.50 (a) («> 3.94 4.00 4.00 3.60 4.40 2.10 1.50 Appropriation. R.S... (.I.E.... E. O.S. A. T... Desig- Meth- nated Item numbers, od of depot or supply, point of supply. fR.S.... IW. & S. L.... 1, 7a, 9,27... f&T.::::::::: 6;-:::::::::::> ar - 6 29 par. 6 R.S 7a,Sa,9,2' I.E I 29 A.T ! 21b, 22b, 25a 41b. W. & S R.W. W. & D R.S j 9,11,14,27 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 E A O.S T W .&S A T R S A T R S R.S.... E. O. S. A.T.... I.E B. &Q. R.S.... R. S.... fE. O.S. par. 3 o See catalogue. * Specifications and standard samples. 54 List of Class A supplies with, designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Desig- Meth- nated Appropriation. Item numbers, od of depot or supply, point of supply. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Gross ... $0. 45 Pens: Assorted Steel- Stub— Narrow. Medium Broad... Sharp — Coarse . . Medium Fine Lettering Ruling Each.. . . Stylo Pickets, fence Each. . . . Picks: Assorted Masons' Each — Railroad, No. 6, 6 pounds do Pike poles do Pincers: Assorted Farriers' Each. . Saddlers' do Wheelwrights' do -„. (Cone.. ^ ms \Pound Pins: Assorted Couplings and rings — Escort wagons * Each. . . Army wagons « do. Escutcheon Pound . . For grate bars Each Linch — Army wagons do Dump carts ...do Picket do Pipe: Assorted ( a ) Ammonia. Black iron Block tin Brass Down spout Furnace Gas G.I Hot air. Iron, assorted Lead , Pound . Sewer- Foot... 8" do 10' Steam Tin Trace chain AVaste Water, galvanized iron Pipes: Assorted Blower Hose. . . Lavatory, supply do ; 2.00 Piston rods. (See parts for pumps). Pitchers, water Each .61 a See catalogue. s Specifications and standard samples. 55 List of Class .1 supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Desie- Meth- nated Ai^ 11 Appropriation. Item numbers, od of depotor supply, point of supply.; Unit Planes: Assorted Bead Each. Block, iron do . . Hollow and round — i" to I" do.. 1" to If" do.. lJ"to II" do.. Jack do.. Match do. . Molding do. . Panel do . . Smooth, iron do . . Plaster Paris Pound . Plates: Assorted Body rod, escort wagon » Each. . . .do. ...do... ...do... ...do... Bolster and sand board, Stude- baker, 14-A». Bolster, escort wagon, 1901 ».. Doubletree, Army wagon » Felloe, ambulance ».. 7 Floor do . . . Pliers: Assorted Combination, 8" (wire cutters). Each.. Combination, 10" (wirecutters). ...do... Saddlers' do . . . Plugs: Assorted Adjustable Each... Assorted do — Basin. Brass — .do. l".. li". if". 2i". I", and \" do. do. do. do. do. do. F use do Fusible ...do Pipe Plungers, pump (see Pumps, repair ' parts for). Pointers Each . . . Points, glaziers' Pound . Pokers, assorted Each Poles: * Assorted Coupling — Army wagons Chattanooga wagon » Escort wagon * Fish wagon « Mil burn wagon * Studebaker wagon, 3-B *. Studebaker wagon, 14- A < Ridge Polish: Assorted Liquid, putz Metal Stove Pint... Pound . Paper. . Each... Potash Pound. Posts, fence. Each... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... par. ti par. 3 par. (i par. 3 25a... . par. ti par. 10 [a?'2a, 7 3a:::::;!}p ar - 6 l par - 3 par. 6 par. 3 IR.S. [I.E. [A.T. |W. &S. IfR.S. \R. W.W. &D.. A.T 4 par. 6 par. 3 10 ! par. 6 I par. 3 7a,7b,7c J par 6 par ,, 3 par. 6 par. 10 7a, 7b, 7c, 9, 11 fes; fib." ::lfe 1,5,6,7. par. 6 par. 3 a See catalogue. s Specifications and standard samples. 56 lAst of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Pots: Assorted Coffee — li-quart Each... 2-quart, agate ...do 3-quart, agate do Ulue do Marking do Solder— 6" do 10" do Watering, 2-gallon do Powder: Assorted Emery Pound. . Washing ..do Preservers, life, cork Each Presses: Assorted Letter Staple Each Pritcheis do Pullers: Assorted . . Nail Each ... . Tire do Pulleys: Assorted Axle Each Sash do Screw do Unit price. (o) $0.23 .47 .85 .60 .30 Appropriation. Desig- Meth- , nated Item numbers, od of depot or supply.i point of ! supply. R.S ti,l4. I. E 33 W.&S 1,5,6,7. B.&Q I 10 (R.S IA.T W.&S [R.W.W.&D.. A.T Each.. Pulls: Assorted I >oor— Bronze, 7" Japanned, 6" ...do. Tuscan, bronze. 5" do... Drawer — Bronze Dozen. Japanned do... Sash do. \Ya1er-closet Each... Pumice Pound . Pumps, feed, jet, testing, and re- | pair parts for. I Punches: Assorted B. s., hand— round— i" toy : Each.. f'tof ...do... I" Xo\\" do... Eyelet do. . . Farrier's, fore, handled do... Farrier's, nail do. . . Revolving do... Spring, revolving do. . . Tinner's, hollow, \" and ,';," do... Pushes, floor do... (») Putty: Assorted > Pound . . Stove t do Racks: Assorted Pen Each.... Stamp I .do Revolving ;. ..do I.E.... B.&Q. W.&S. A.T... IA.T.... [w.&s. (R.&S.. iw. &S. R.S... . w. & s. I. E B.&Q.. A.T I.E.... (I.E.... B.&Q. R.S.... A.T.... IW. & S. 9,11.17 24b, 26a, 41b. 1 par. 6 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 29.33. 26b... ! >par. 6 ! par. 3 1 : 1,8a, 17. 33 10 1,5,6,7. 41b ■par. 6 par. 3 12 41b 6 par. 3 26a, 41b. 1 7a, 9.... 1 'par. 6 par. 3 6,27 1... 29.. 10 24a. par. 6 par. 6 33 12 10 7b 26a, 41b. 1,5,6,7. par. Vpar. [par. 6 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 a See catalogue. 57 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price, list Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles Desig- Meth- ' nated od of Idepot or supply. |point of supply. Radiators, repair parts for Rakes: Assorted Steel Steel wire, lawn Wooden Rasps: Assorted Shoeing Wood Ratchets: Assorted Brake Each.... Reamers Receptacles, incandescent Reducers, stovepipe Reels: Assorted Chalk line Hose. Wire Reflectors, lamp Assorted Q. M. D., old pattern Q. M. D., 1900*.. Princeton Rochester. . . Regulators, pressure, repair parts for. Reins: Assorted * Bridle, 1" Check i Crotch « Hitch, light express harness Remover, paint and varnish ! Gallon . Renewals, for batteries, wet Each... Resin Pound . Rests, seat Each... Ribbons, typewriter Rings and staples, army-wagon bed.s Rings: Assorted Curtain Harness — i" to i" I" and 1J li". H". If", and 2" 2\", -l\". 2f", and 3§".... Life, cork ( )pen— iV and \" to Packing Rubber Siphon Rivets, iron, flat and round head assorted sizes. Rivets and burrs, copper: Assorted No. 6, h" to 1" No. 7, |" to IV. No. 8, i" to 2 No. 9, |" to 1J" No. 10, f" to li' No. 12, I" 1o 1§' a See catalogue. * Specifications and standard samples. 58 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or poinl of supply and price list Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Pound. ..do... Each... ..do... Pound . Each. ..do.. .do., .do., .do.. Each . . ..do... Pound. Foot... Pound. ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... Foot... Rivets: Assorted Hame and burrs, assorted sizes. Stovepipe, assorted sizes Tubular Rivet sets, saddlers', assorted sizes. . Roach powder Rods: Assorted Body » — Escort wagon. 1901 ■» Milburn wagon « Brake, assorted » Brass Draw s Sewer Tailgate, assorted s Rollers: Assorted Brake * x- Mimeograph Romaine Rope: Assorted Feed for sawmill For picket line Halyard Heaving line Hemp and manila.assortedsizes. Mooring Tackle Wire Rosettes: Assorted Ceiling * Harness « Rounders, rein Rubber Rubber, for press copying, assorted sizes. Rugs Rules: Assorted Carpenters', 2-foot Saddlers' — 2-foot 3-foot Tinners" Rulers: Assorted Ebony, octagon, assorted sizes. . Ebony, round, assorted sizes. . . Hard-wood, brass edges, assort- ed sizes. Rubber, flat, assorted sizes Runners, sleigh and wagon « Saddles: Assorted s Cart harness, with belly band «. . Each... Riding. 15", wagon « do Riding, imitation English* do Riding, 17"* do Riding, wagon* do Wagon, or riding * do . . . Safes, field, iron, paymasters' ■? do Sal ammoniac Pound . Sal soda do Each.. Gross . . Each.. Dozen. Each .do. .do. .do. Each... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... Unit price. (a) SO. 05 .06 .02 .33 .15 (a) .08 .30 (a) .30 5.00 .07 (•) . 75 1.25 (a) (o) .13 .04 .12 .15 .15 .12 .13 . 08 (a) .27 2.85 2.40 (a) 1.49 Appropriation. Item numbers. Desig- Meth- nated od of depot or supply, point of supply. Et.S 7b, 17 A.T 24b, 26a '•par. 6 par. W.& S 1,5,0,7 A.T. I.E. 24a par. 6 par. 33 par. 6 par. R. S... A. T . . . W. & S . Ir.s. A.T. 9a, 17 par. 6 par. 3 25a par. 6 | par. 10 1,5,6,7 par. ti par. 3 27.. 25a. R.S I. E A.T W. & S R. \V. W. & D. I R.S. A. T . A. T... W. &S. R.S (a) I.E. Salt, common do Salt feeders, roto Each. . . '/ See catalogue. (a) .26 .40 1.25 1.46 (■) .38 .30 .15 .20 (a) (a) 6.49 25.00 18.37 8. 37 6.23 14.30 25.00 .OS .01 .20 | R.S I.E Ib.&q | A.T W. &S IR.W.W. & D [R.S.... fE. O. S. 18a,9 28 4, 23b. 25a, 41 b 1,5,6,7 9 par. par. 3 par. 6 par. 10 par. fi par. 3 -par. G par. 3 9 par. 6 23d I par. 5 24a par. 6 1,5,6,7 par. 6 27 par. 6 12 par. 6 7a, 7b, 29.... 10. . . . 24a... 1 9 par. 3 par. 10 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 6 j par. 3 Z' {par. 6 par. 3 25a par. A.T 23a,23c,23d. par. o 1, H-E 12 |A.T 12 | pai - (R.S 9,14 1 6 ll.E 33 I pan b (R.S 9 I , |W. &S : 1,5,6,7 I par - D R.S 14,24 par. 6 A.T 21b,22b par 6 par. 10 par. 10 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 * Specifications and standard samples. 59 Listof Class A supplies -with designated depot or point of supply and price list — < !on1 <1 . MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles Sapolio Cake. . Savagan do Saws: Assorted Buck Circular, X cut: 16" diameter 17" diameter IS" diameter 20" diameter Rip— 15" diameter I - . -do. 18" < liameter | . . .do. 19J" diameter 19J" diameter 20" diameter 21J" and 22" diameter 28" diameter 29" diameter 32" diameter Compass, 12" blade Crosscut— 5-foot 6-foot 7-foot Hack, with four extra blades. - Hand, crosscutand rip, assorted sizes. Keyhole Panel Plumbers' 2-men Saw sets . f..do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. .do. Scales, letter, 4-pound, national. Scales, platform . Scissors Scoops: Assorted Coal Grain Scrapers: Assorted Ash Box Flue Tube Wood Screens, fire Screws: Assorted Bench, iron, 1 J" Wood Hand clamp, assorted sizes. Lag, -,■',/' x8" Saw, hand and rip Saw, panel Screws, cap, hexagon ..do... Pair . . . 3.00 3.75 4.25 4.50 3.00 3.75 4.50 5.50 8.50 9.50 11.00 .28 1.61 2.50 2.94 .04 1.08 .11 1.25 1.00 2.50 1.69 (a) .65 R.S I.E B. &Q A.T W.&S 1 R.W.W.&D... 9 R. S I.E B.&Q A.T W. & S R.W.W.& D. I.E JR. S { A. T R. S Each. ..do.. (a) .9 .79 .90 R. S. Desig- Meth- nated Item numbers, od of depot or supply, point of supply. ?:::: ::::: }p ar - 6 par. 3 par. 3 8a, 9, 17. 29 10 26b..... par. 6 par. 8a, 9, 17 29 10 26b .. . 1 par. 6 par. 3 par. }par. par. par. par. par. 1, 8a par. 6 | par. 3 Each... ...do.... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... Each.. ..do... ..do... C Dozen. ...do... .75 .25 (a) 1.50 .75 (a) (a) .30 .16 .22 .50 .25 .18 R. S 7a, 7b, 9. I. E 33 B. &Q ' 10 A.T 4 W. &S 1 R.W.W.&D... 9 R.S 7a, 7b.. . par. 6 ! par. 3 (a) See catalogue R.S B.&Q, A.T W.& S R.W.W.^ D. par. 6 4,26a, 41b par. 6 1 par. par. 3 R.S 9... A.T 26a. W.&S 1... par. 6 par. 3 60 Lis to/ Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. }■■ •Gross ..do ..do.... ..do.... do. .do. .do Appropriation. Meth- Item numbers, od of supply. .do Screws: Assorted ( a ) Brass — »", assorted sizes i", No. 5 kiross....| $0.17 I", No. 4 \" , Nos. 6 and 7 §", Nos. 6, 7, and 8 f", Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 |", Nos. 8 and 9 \", No. 10 1", Nos. 9 and 10 Blued, round-head— |", assorted |", assorted I", assorted \\" , assorted 14", assorted If", No. 10 If", No. 13 2", Xos. 10 and 13 J' 2|", No. 10 do. 2|", No. 13 I l it head— |", Nos. 3 and 4 to 10. 4", Nos. 2 to 10 |", Nos. 3 to 10 I" , Nos. 5 to 9 I". Xos. 4to8 1". Xos. 4 to9 li", Xos. 5 to 8 1.'.". Xos. 6 and 7 \", Nos. 10 to 14 I", Nos. 9 to 12 1", Nos. 10 to 14 Li", Xos. 9 to 15 H". Xos. 8 to 11 II", Xos. 8 to 9, and 11 •_'". Xos. 5,6,8,9, 10. and 11. 24", Nos. 8 to 10 1',", Xos. 12 to 14 If", Nos. 10 and 12 to 14... 2", Nos. 12, 13, and 14 24/', Nos. 12 and 13, 15 to 20. if", Xos. 15 and 16 2", Nos. 15 and IB 2J", Xos. 10 and 18 24", Nos. 11, 14. 15. and 16.. 2f", Nos. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. 3", Nos. 12 and 14 14", Nos. 15 and 16 2 7 '. Xo. IS 24", No. 18 2f", Xos. 16 and 17 3", Xos. 13 to 18 24", Xo. 17 ■1\", No. 18 3", No. 18 34/', No. 20 3", No. 26 1 34", No. 22 Eor fastening to drum (°) Machine ( (°) Padding C°) Regulator (°) Service switch (") Set screws ( a ) Wood : Gross ... .75 Screw-drivers: Assorted i (°) 0" ... Each 21 a"'.'.\'.'.'.'. .'.'.'.'.'. .'.'. do .25 10" do 35 12"'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. do 50 Desig- nated depot or point of supply. .do... do. .40 13 (17 13 is ..do. r ..do. .do.. .do. .38 50 .61 R.S I.E A.T W.&S R.W.W.& D. B. &Q 19 12,33.. 4,26a.. 1, 5, 6, 7 9 10 par. 6 par. R.S I.E B.&Q.. A.T.... W.&S.. R.W.W, & D 9,17 29 10 24a, 26b, 41b . 1 9 par. 6 par. 3 a See catalogue. 61 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Screw eyes: Assorted Nos. to 14 Nos. 104 to 114. Each.. ..do... ..do... ..do... Box... Each... Screw plates Scuttles, coal: Assorted 18", with hoods 18", without hoods Scythes Scythes and snaths Seals, adhesive Seats: Assorted * Ambulance » Chair Closet * Drivers'* — * Chattanooga wagon * . * Escort wagon, 1901 *. * Fish wagon, with springs. * Milburn wagon * * Studebaker wagon * * Inside, escort wagon, com- plete (consisting of 2 rails, 4 springs, 4 hangers, and 3 boards) ». Sets, fire |...do Sets: Assorted Nail Rivet, saddlers', assorted sizes.. Saw Unit of quan- tity. Gross . ..do.. Each.. ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... Setters, tire Shades: Assorted Army lamp, pendant * Glass lamp, green Lamp, electric Student lamp, white Window (army transportation, item 41b, only). Shadeholders Dozen. Each.. ...do... Shafts: Assorted Dump cart, complete* Wagon, express delivery Sleigh* ". Shafting, repair parts Shakers, lever Shears: Assorted No. 9, 3" cut No. 6, 2J"cut No. 6J, 4V'cut Circular, 3J" cut Grass Hedge, 9" Office— 7" 9" 10" 12" R oaching Saddlers' Tinners'— I >ouble-cutting, No. 1 Double-cutting, No. 2 Double-cutting, No. 3 Trimmers', bent, 10" Each. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. .do. Pair.. ..do.. Each.. Each. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Unit price. (a) $0. 97 1.36 (a) (a) .44 .39 .54 1.75 .05 (a) 1.00 (a) (a) 1.50 2.95 2.25 2.25 2.25 3.50 (a) 1.00 .33 .50 (a) («) .18 .30 .34 .25 .80 .05 (•) 8.40 4.85 (a) (a) .35 (a) .90 1.50 1.20 1.55 .35 .90 .29 .50 .55 .75 .59 1.80 1.98 1.75 1.01 Appropriation, j Item numbers. Desig- Meth- | nated od of depot or supply. I.E B.&Q, A.T 1R.S I I.E IW.&S R.S w.&s R. W. W. & D R. W. W. & D R.S I. E . . . . A.T... W.& S. R.S. R.S. A.T. JfR.S. \A.T. A.T. R.S. R. S. 12.. 10.. 26a. par. 6 •par. (i ►par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 point of supply. par. 3. par. 3 par. 3 12 par. 6 25a par. 5 5,6,7 par. 6 7a ! par. 6 1 1 29 J 10 i>par. 6 4,24a,26b 1 | 26b par. 6 9,9a jL . A 41b I/P ar - 6 9,9a L„ (. 4ib r par - 6 25a,28 par. 6 17 par. 6 7a par. 6 par. par. par. par. 3 par. 10 par. 3 pa -. par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 10 par. 3 par. 3 R.S 7a,27 )A.T 21b,22b,24a. R.W.W.&D... 9 •par 6 par. 3 a See catalogue. * Specifications and standard samples. 62 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Sheets, copying bath Sheets: Assorted Rubber Silk, neostyle. (See silk.) Shellac, assorted . Unit of quan- tity. Dozen... Unit price. Appropriation. Item numbers. $1.30 R.S. IJR.S. (o) 27... 9,27. Gallon. Shields, buckle Shoes: Brake, escort wagon ». Horse Mule Pipe, down-spout Shore hooks Shovels: Assorted Coal scoop Eire Long-handled Short-handled Shrinkers, tire, assorted . . . Each.... Per cwt . ..do Each.... Each ...do ...do ...do Each 1.90 (a) .40 3.70 3.70 .30 (<*) (a) 1.25 .40 .60 .50 30 00 I. E 12 B.&Q 10 A.T 26a, 41b. W.&S 1 A.T 24b I.E.... B&Q. A.T... Sickles .do * Sides, wagon, assorted * Silk: Assorted Mimeograph — 8"xl2" 10"xl4" 12"xl8" Sewing Sinks, assorted, and repair parts . Skeins, axle * Skillets: Assorted Agate, 10" Neverbreak Skins: Assorted Buck ( 'hamois Sheep — With wool Without wool Slabs, basin Slates: Assorted Blackboard, assorted School, 9" x 13" Slate, roofing Slats, ambulance, top * Sleds, dog* Slice bars .do. Sheet . . ..do.... ..do.... Ounce. Each. Each. ...do.. Each.. Each. ...do.. 100... Each. ...do.. Slickers, glass do Slides, breast: Assorted * Strap — 1}"* Gross... li"« do.... Snaps: Assorted Bolt Each . . . Harness, breast strap, roller — lj" Gross . . . H" do.... If" do.... 2" do.... Snap hooks for arc lamps Each... Snips, tinners' do 6.87 (a) .27 .40 .55 1.20 C) .75 (a) .35 .30 (o) 2.40 .70 1.09 1.10 (a) ( a ) 2.70 .11 5.00 (°) 75.00 1.50 .35 («) 2.88 2.70 (a) .08 10.92 11.76 12.73 11.92 R.S A. T "W.&S R.W.W. &D. A.T |I.E 1R.W.W.& L. I A.T R.S. A.T. W.&S. A.T.... R.S. R.S.... A.T.... E. O. S. W.& s. R.S E.O.S... B.&Q... A.T A.T R.S W.&S... A.T 1.75 R.S.... R.S.... I.E.... W.&S. W.&S 1,5,6, 30.. 10.. 25a. 1,7a, 7b, 9. 21b, 22b.. 1 la, 2a, 3a, < 26b 33 25a. 27.. 24b. 1,5,6,7 25a, 28. 27 24b, 26a. 3 1,5,6,7. 21 4 10 25a 25 7a, 14, 17. 1 24a 23d. 23d, 26a. 7a, 7b, 7c, 9. 29 1 Desig- Meth- nated od of depot or supply, point of supply. jpar. par. par. 6 J par. 3 6 par. 3 6 par. 3 6 par. 3 6 par. 3 6 1 par. 10 6 I par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 10 par. 3 par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 >par. G par. par. par. jpar. par. par. 6 par. 6 par. ipar. par. 3 par. 10 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 par. 10 par. 10 6 par. 3 6 par. 3 par. 10 par. 3 par. 3 par. 3 a See catalogue. * Specifications and standard samples. 63 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point ofsupplyand price list Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Soap: Assorted Common Pound . Harness do Ivory do Salt water do Scouring Cake. . . Tar ...do Toilet do Soap ladles Each . . . Sockets: Assorted Base key, J" j Each... Bushing do Lamp do Lamp key do Whip do Soda: Assorted I Ash ! Pound . Caustic '...do Washing do Sodium, chloride .do Soil cups Quart.. Gallon . Pound . Unit price. 00 $0.04 .09 .10 .05 .07 .04 .07 ..'0 00 .18 . 55 Soil, plumber's. Solarine Solder Solder, wire. Solid joints.. Spades .do. Each. Spelter Pound Spiral groove caps for globes Splices, trace Spoke pointers SpokBshavcs: Iron-handled Wood-handled Spokes, wheel, assorted Sponges: Assorted Coarse For cups Miscellaneous Spoons, long-handled, for digging Spots, brass. Spouts, oil-can. Sprayers Stakes, beak-horn . Stamp, dating Stamps: Postage Rubber Saddlers'— J" and |". i" and §". 1" H" If" si 'r], alphabet. Stands: Calendar Dictionary Mucilage. Wash Pound . ...do... ...do... Each... Gross .. Each... Dozen. Each.. Appropriation. Item numbers, Line . Each. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. Set... Each. ...do.. ..do.. ..do.. R.S 9,11 I.E 29,33.... A.T 24b, 41b. W. & S 1 R.S 9 A.T 26a, 41b. W. & S 1 IU.S 11,14,17 |A.T 41b .18 00 .20 (<0 .20 .65 1.08 1B.&Q 10 .63 /A.T 26b.... .10 ' A.T 25a,28. (<0 5.75 3.30 2.10 1.50 .75 24b. .10 .25 9.33 .25 R.S 27 A.T ! 24b,25a,41b. R.S A.T (R.S A.T I 41b... Iw.&s I 1 II.E 33.... IR.W.W. AD... 9 R.S ; 7b, 7c. R.S ' 27.... .15 .35 .57 .72 1.30 1.62 2.00 2.32 1.18 R.S. I. E . A.T. 1,27. 1,33. 24a.. .. .15 1 .. 3.50 Ik.S.. .. .35 [I.E.. .. 3.00 I a See catalogue. Desig- Meth- nated od of depot or supply, point of supply. ■par. 6 par. 3 par. 6 par. 3 ■par. 6 par. 3 par. 6 par. 3 W.&S 1,5,6,7 W.&S 1,5,6,7 W.&S 1,5,6,7 fR.S 9 \W.&S 1 R.S 7a, 7b, 7c, 9, 14, 17. , W.&S 1,5,6,7 ! W.&S 1,5,6,7 (R.S 1,9 JA.T 21b,22b IW.&S 1 'IR.W.W.&D... 9 11. E 29 ;|W.&S 1,5,6,7 R.S 9 A.T 23d A.T 26b par. par. par. par. par. par. jpar. 6 par. 3 par. 6 | par. 3 par. 6 par. 3 par. 6 par. 3 I par. par. par. par. par. 6 par. par. 6 ! par. par. 6 par. 3 par. 6 ! par. 10 par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 /par. 6 [•par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 -par. 6 ►par. 6 par. 3 par.'S 3 par. j 3 par. 1 3 par. 3 par. par. par. 3 64 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Staples and burrs Staples: Assorted Fence Hame. with burr, f" Ridge pole, large and small.. Wagon bow, large and small Starch [ Pound Starch buckets, copper ! Each. . Starch dippers, copper ...do... Stationery (see articles listed) , Pound . Gross . . ..do.... ..do.... Stays: Assorted I Chain Each . . . Winker ...do.... Steamers: Assorted For 8-gallon square boiler Each. . . For 20-gallon square boiler do.... Steel . Steel, sheet Cwt . . . . Steel, lire- Escort wagon » -do . . . Spring wsigou « - - -do Stems: Assorted (see valves, repair parts forV Ball Each . . Valve Steps: Ambulance * - Each . . . Wagons I Pair.... Sterilizers, repair parts for Sticks: Assorted Bossing Each. ...do.. ...do- Pair.. Set. ..do... . ..do.... ..do.... Jockey Loop Spreader Stirrups * Stocks and dies: Assorted Electric screw plate, \" to f Little Giant — Nos. 7 and 30, 1|" to 1J" No. 9, i" to \\" Nos. 19, 21.23, and 37... No. 42 do No. 51 ...do- No. 53 ...do- Pipe — Armstrong- No. 2 stock. |" to 1" do- No. 7 do- Stones: Assorted Emerv Each- Grind Oil Each. . Rotten Pound Scythe Each- Stools: Draftsmen's do... Mess « do... Stoppers: Assorted Basin, rubber Each. . Basin, i libber, with chain .do. . . a See catalogue. Unit price. (a) (o) SO. 05 1.29 2.88 1.38 .05 2. 50 1.00 Appropriation. («) .40 (a) .70 1.15 {") 3.30 .S E . &Q T . &S .W.W.&D. S S s s o.s T A.T.... w . & s . R.S. R.S.... I.E.... W.&S. R.S.... I.E.... W. &S. 1..S5 | . ,,, 2. ill I A - ' "■ 2. in (») .10 (a) .40 .50 (a) w (a) .75 .40 .11 .08 (a) 13.84 32.00 4.30 3.50 5.15 3.60 1.36 5.50 3.30 (a) .25 (a) .45 .03 .05 5.00 .44 (a) . 12 .25 A. T... W.&S. w.&s. "A. T . . . Desig- Meth- I nated Item numbers, od of jdepotor supply, point of supply. 24b par. 6 i par. 1... 33.. 10.. 26a. 1... 7a, 7b . 29 1 7a, 7b. 29 1 26a, 28. 25a. 1,2. 1 23d, 24a, 26a. 23b, 23d R.S ! 7a, 17. I. E 29.... A.T ! 26b... B.&Q ; 10.... W.&S I 1 R. W.W.&D... 9 R.S I. E B.&Q A.T W. &S R. W.W.&D. I.E. R.S. ypar. 6 par. 3 17 ! par. 6 \ par. 3 17 ' par. 6 , par. 3 17 par. 6 par. 3 27 3 [-par. 6 par. 3 41b 23d par. 6 par. 10 1,5,6,7 par. 6 par. 3 29 10 24a, 26b. 41b.. 1 la, 2a, 3a W. & S 1,5,6,; par. 6 par. 3 par. par. 3 |-par. 6 par. 3 par. 6 par. 3 par. par. 10 par. 6 par. 3 par. 6 par. 3 par. 6 par. 10 par. 6 par. 10 par. 6 k>ar. 6 par. 6 par. 5 par. 6 par. par. 3 par. 3 Jeff. par. 3 s Specifications and standard samples. 65 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Stops: Assorted Compression M aste "\\ ay, flat Stovepipe: Assorted 4J" and 5" 5i" and 6" CiV' to 10" ♦Stoves: *Cooking *Heating *Laundrv — *No. 30 *No. 118 *No. 12s *No.l4« *Laundry, repair parts for. *Oil ' Unit of quan- tity. Each. ..do.. Joint. ..do.. ...do.. Each. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. Each.... Strainers, assorted Straps: Assorted Backing — 'iilance* Express wagon, 1904 s Heavy* Breeching s Breast, ambulance, 1 \" » Carrying and turn-back, am bulance.s Caulking Choke, 0-mule harness « do Ambulances do Each... ..do.... Each... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... Couplim Halter, with billets and buc- kles.* Haine* Hip, ambulance harness * 0-mule harness « Lazy * Neck, without chains * Neckyoke* Buckboard * Pole, hV long If" wide Wagonette s Straw Stretchers, wire. Strings, hame*.. .do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... Unit price. («) $1.50 1.50 (a) (a) .09 .15 .18 («) (a) 8.75 L2 00 17.49 (a) 3.60 (•) (a) 1.84 .30 .40 1.25 .75 1.50 (a) 1.00 . 75 .24 .40 .20 1.50 2.00 .15 1.60 1 . 58 1.00 1.19 2.25 Desig- 1 Meth- ; nated Appropriation. Item numbers. ; od of depot or supply, point of supply. ■W. & S 1,5,6,7 par. 6 par. 3 U.S. par. 6 par. 3 R.S. 2,5,17 par. 5 par. 10 {w s &s::::::::: i;^::::::::^- 6 p ar - 3 A.T 23b, 23d par. 6 par. 10 1,5,6,7 par. 6 par. 3 Cont. Each... ...do.... Sulphur, crude Pound . Swages Each... Swage block and mandrel Swedges Switches, assorted : Switches, repair parts for Swivels, trace * Each . . . Syphons Tables: Kitchen * Each . . . Mess* ...do Office ...do.... Tackle, linemen's Set Tacks: Assorted Brass Per M. . Carpet Paper. . Copper do — Thunib ' Gross . . a See catalogue. 77616—09 5 5.00 .00 .05 .50 («) (a) (a) (a) . 11 (a) 10.00 9.20 10.00 8.00 («) .60 .01 .30 .65 [R.S 1 \R. W. W.& D... 9 A. T ! 23d fl.E 33 IW. &S 1.5,0,7.. I. E 29 LE 29 R.S 7a,7b,7c. R.S ! 9 R.S 9 A.T 23d W.& S i 1,5,6,7.. par. b par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. par. 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. par. 6 par. par. par. par. par. par. par. par. par. par. R.S. I.E.. R.S. (par. par. 3 ] par. 5 ; Jeff. I par. 6 j par. 3 par. 6 ! par. 3 R.S 7a, 7b, 7c, 9. 27 . 1 E. O. S 4 I. E ! 12,23,33 bar. 6 A. T 4, 24b, 26a, 41b. W.&S i 1,5,6,7 J par. 'Specifications and standard samples. 66 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Tags: Assorted. . Alphabet . Marking. . Shipping- Linen. Unit of quan- tity. Set Per M.. .do. Manila do. Tallow. Tampers Tanks: Closet ♦Water, for ambulance *. Tanks, repair parts for Tap borers Tape: Assorted Black Insulation Office Tapelines: Assorted Linen, 25 ft Metallic, 100 ft Taps, assorted. Tar, coal Tees, assorted Tees and ells Test plugs Thermometers Thimbles: Saddler's Stovepipe Thread, saddler's Tickets, bridge, ferry, and toll. Pound . Each... Each... Pound . Roll.... Spool . . Each. ..do.. Barrel Each.... ..do .... ..do Pound . . Unil price. (o) *0. 40 2. 05 3.13 1.37 .07 3. mi (a) («) (o) I. Ill) (a) . 75 .75 .us (a) .50 2. 2N (a) 3.00 la) I'M (V 2. 00 Appropriation. Item numbers. R. S . A. T. R . S 9 A. T 24b W. & S 1 W.&S 1,2 A. T AY. &S... W. AS K. S 9,27 | E. O. S 1. E 3 i 33 ' par. 6 par. 3 A. T 411. 1 R.S 1 B.&Q E. O. S W.&S 10 4 1 [par. B par. 3 I. E 33 R.W.W.& D... 9 R.S I. E W.& s Sa,9 29, 1 par. 6 par. 3 B.&Q 10 See Fittings.. . See Fittings.. . 1,2,4,6 7a, 14 par 6 par. 6 par. 6 par. par. par. 3 W.& S R.S.. 3 I. E 33 3 R.S A.T 7b 24a .par. 6 par. 3 A.T 24b par. 6 par. 3 Each.. ..do... Pound . Box.... ..do.... ..do.... Tfcklers: i (ffice Saddler's Tin: Assorted Block Sheet— IXX. 14"x20" DXX,12i"xl7" I XXX. 20" x 28" Tips, rod Each... Tires, rubber, ambulance, wheel a . . Set Toggles, trace: Assorted 1J" Gross. . 2" and 2\" Each. . . Toilet paper! . Roll Tongs: Assorted Blacksmiths' Each... Ice do Pipe, chain do — Tongues: Assorted s Ambulance — 1902* Each... 1900 s do.... Milburns do — Studebakers do — Army wagon* do Buckboard, double bend, 1902 *. ... do Buggy do.... .90 A.T Id, 5a, 6a. 17.1^. 2.50 .40 O) .48 8.34 8.75 20.00 .05 25. 00 (<0 '.1.24 .20 .lis (a) .25 1.00 4.50 (a) 2.50 3. 24 2.54 2.54 3. 33 7.48 2.00 I. E . A.T. 12.. 24a. R.S 7a , 7c . ^B. &Q 10.... W.&S 1,5,6, R.S 9a. . A.T 25a... ■par. 6 par. 3 pai 6 par. 3 A.T.... 23d. 41b. par. 6 par. par. 6 par. 3 10 par. > par. 10 par. i par. 3 R.S 9,14,17 I. E 29 W. AS 1 25a par. 6 par. 3 par. 6 par. if a- See catalogue. « Specifications and standard samples. 67 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Tongues— Continued. Chattanooga wagon s Each . . . Escort wagon s do Express delivery wagon, with ...do singletrees and neck yoke.* Fish wagon do Milburn wagon * do Spring wagon — * Improved s do Milburn s do St. Louis * do Sprinkling wagon * do Studebaker wagon « do Troy wagon do Wagonette* do Tools: Assorted Beading Each... Calking do Claw do Edge, assorted sizes do Field- Farriers' Kit Masons' ... do Saddlers' do Tinners' do Firing Set Heading, round Each Meter, adjusting Packing. ." Set Sash Each ... . Scraping Set *Tops, ambulance, 9 curtains each*. Each Torches: Gasoline do Repair parts for Towels Each Traces: Assorted Ambulance harness * Each Buckboard harness* do Buggy harness do Light express harness « do Traps: Assorted Lead Iron Steam, repair parts Travelers, B. S Each Tree pruners do Trees: Dog sled Double * Each Single* do Trimmings: Bath room Engine and boiler Troughs: Eave, gal vanized iron Foot Urinal Trowels Each Trucks, warehouse: Assorted Rubber tires, No. 2 Each Rubber tires, No. 3 do Rubber tires, No. 4 do Without rubber tires, No. 2 do Without rubber tires, No. 3 and 4 ... do Tube cutters a See catalogue. Unit price. $2. 41 3.16 5.79 3.50 J. 74 3.48 2.88 2.50 3.69 2.75 10.00 (a) .60 .30 .29 .60 15. 76 4.00 5.80 8.00 6. 50 .50 (") 2.00 .10 3.00 25. 00 3.00 <») .20 («) 2.43 1.92 1.60 1.87 (a) {"■) M <«> .96 1.50 (a) 1.00 .50 (a) («) .50 (a) Appropriation. ■A. 1 . R.S. IE ^B.&Q A.T W.&S R. W. W. & D . 7b, 7c, 9, 11, 14,17. 29 10 24a 1 Meth- od of supply par. 6 la,2a,3a... 25a. par. 6 1R.S.... )W. &S. A.T.... 9,11,14,17. 1 41b U.T. 23d. (") 4.46 7.54 8.20 3.42 3.40 (a) R. S.... W. &S. par. ^par. par. par. 6 9,11,14,17 1 1,5,6,7 | par - I E r. wlw.'&b". rA. T... par par . 6 25a. par. 6 W. &S. HR. S.... iW. &s. 5,6,7. 7,9... 1 B.&Q W. & S B. &Q W. & S R. W. W. &D. R.S. I. E.. A. T. 10 5,6,7.... 10 1 la, 2a, 3a. ,| par. }par. {•par. jpar. R.S.... W.&S. par. Desig- nated depot or point of supply. par. 10 par. 3 par. 10 par. 3 par. 3 par. 10 par. par. 3 par. f3 par. 10' par. 3 par. 3. par. 3 par. 3 6 par. 3 6 par. 3. « Specifications and standard samples, (58 List of Class A supplies ivith designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- Tubes: Assorted Burner Each... Tubing, rubber Foot... Tubs: Assorted Bath, and repair parts for Laundry, repair parts for Tugs: Hame, ambulance harness * Shafts Trace * Turn-buckles Turpentine t Gallon . . Each .do., .do.. .do.. Tuyere irons Each... Twine: Assorted Baling Pound . Cotton do . Cushion do. Unit price. (a) JO. 20 .10 1.00 (a) 1.40 Appropriation. \R.S.... fW.& S. R.S.... \V. & S. Sacking Sail, cotton. .do. .do. Each... Type. Unions, assorted Urinals, and repair parts for Valves: Assorted Air Each.. Ammonia- Automatic Blow-off.. Bodies Brass Diaphragm Each Float For closet tank Frost proof Gate Globe Jenkins Plate studs Plunger Pump Radiator Each.. . Safety Seat : Steam gate ! Steam globe I Trimming "Water gauge ] Whistle Valves, repair parts for. Varnish: Assorted ' Asphaltum i Gallon . Coach t — Valentine do Wearing body do Copal' do Damar' do Japan drier' do Furniture t do Mimeograph, 2 oz , Bottle.. Spar, light' j Gallon.. Vaseline. I Pound . . Item numbers . («) 3.00 .08 7a, 9, to. 1 9 1 R.S.... W.& S. 17.... 5,0,7. A. T. . 23d. R.S.... R.S.... I.E.... B. & Q. A.T... W. & S. L E. ... 7a 1,9,11,14. 12,33 10 4,2Ga,41b. 1.5,0,7... 29 R.S I. E A.T R. W. W. & D. W. & S R.S w.'&'s. '.'.'.'.'.'.'. R.S A.T w. & s R.W.W. & D. [R.S A.T W. & S R. W.W. &D.. R.S I. E B. & Q. A.T.... W. & S. fR.S |W. & S. 1,17,27... 33 4, 26a,' 41 b. 2,5,0,7. 27 Meth- od of supply. Desig- nated depotor point of supply. 6 par. 3 (See Fittings.) 5,0,7 par. 6 par. 3 7a, 8a, 9, 14, 17 i ffe::::::: k la, 2a, 3a I par. 3 7a, 8a, 9, 14, 17 iA6,7.:::::::irp la, 2a, 3a 6 par. 3 7a, 9, 11, 27 12 10 20a, 41b... l [■par. 6 par. 3 >par. par. 3 o See cataloguej i Specifications and standard samples. ( Test. 69 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. Desig- Meth- nated odof depot or supply.|point of I supply. Wheelbarrows Wheels Vases, coal Ventilators Ventilator bases Vinegar Vises: Assorted B. S., 5|" jaws Each B. S., 6J" jaws do. Pipe, Parker's do Saddlers' i ... do Saw do Woodworkers' do Wadding, cotton Pound ♦Wagons: * Arrays — *6-mule« Each.... 175.00 *6-mule(F. B. Jones)* do 225.00 ♦Dougherty « do *Escort. without inside seats « do. Wagons: Repair parts for *...■ I not elsewhere listed I Washers: Assorted Fiber ' ! (<*) Fuller ball ] Dozen 50 Gaugeglass Each 01 Grate bar ! (a) Hose ! Each 05 Iron ; Pound.. .05 Leather Each .01 Mower I ("■) Rubber | (a) Top screw (a) Waste, cotton i Pound. Wax: Assorted . Bees Saddlers'. Sealing... Webbing Wedges Weeders Weights: Assorted . Hitching Paper Assorted * Ambulance * * Army wagon * *Buckboard* ♦Carriage *Dump cart *- *3J" tire * *4" tire » *6" tire « Emery ♦Escort wagon «— *2" tire, front * *2" tire, hinds *3J" tire, front and hind s *4" tire, front and hind «. a See catalogue. » Specifications and standard samples. 70 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Articles. "Wheels — Continued. Fifth* Finishing Hand cart * Pipe cutter Pricking Overstitch Radiator valve... Spring wagon*... Wagonettes Whetstones. Whips: Assorted . Carriage.. Wagon*.. Whip stocks . WhiUng Wicks: Assorted . Lamp Lantern.. Oil-stove. Wicking Asbestos Wire: Assorted Annunciator Assorted, type V and VII. Barbed Copper Fence, not barbed Fuse Lead Rubber-covered Solid duplex, type II. Stovepipe Wool, mineral Unit of quan- tity. Each. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. Each. ...in.. Each. ..do.. Each... Pound . Gross. . ..do.... Each... Pound. ...I Pound. ...do.... f 100 feet. \ Pound. ...do.... Pound. .do.... ..do.... Each... ..do.... ■Wrenches: Assorted, and repair parts for Adjustable Each. . . Aligator ..do Cap do Engineers' ...do Lawn mower Monkej- Pipe "S" Special Stillson Strap Trimo Wagon Wringers, repair parts for Wringers, press copy Yokes, neck* " Zinc: Assorted For batteries Sheet Stove board Each... ..do.... ..do.... ...do.... ..do.... Fach... Cwt. .. Unit price. (•) 80.75 3.54 .20 ! .14 . ii> 6.661 7. OOj 1. 10 . 53 55 ,ii .20 .20 .30 .70 .10 26 03 .04 (a) 1. 50 1.50 .40 2. 00 1. 00 1.28 i 2. 50 3. 00 .11 i) 1.00 03 Appropriation. Meth- Item numbers, j od of supply, A.T. [w.&s.. Ir.w.w A.T |A.T I W . & S . . R.S. A.T. [R.S.. A.T.. W. & R.S 1. 1: A.T ... \V. & S R. W. W..V D. fR.S... : w . & R.S. I. E B. & O A.T w. & s R. W. W.& I). 26b 1 la, 2a, 3a. 25a. 41b. 1... 7b, 9, 9a. 41b 11.. 41b. 1... ;. 7a, 7b, 7c, 33 41b 1,5,6,7 9 7a. 7c. 9. 1 7a, 7b, 7c, 9, 1 1, 17 29 10 24a, 26b, 41b.. 1 la, 2a. 3a. 9. 17.. 12.. 12.. 23d. 7a, 71 ..9. 17 33 1 I R.S 9,11,14,17 B.iQ 10. par. ,6 par. par. par. par. jpar. par. 6 par. par. par, ■par. Desig- nated depot or point of supply. par. 10 par. 3 par. 10 par. 3 par. 10 par. 3 par. 3 6 par. 3 6 par. 3 6 par. 3 ii par. 3 par. 6 par. 3 par. 6 par. 3 par. 6 par. 3 par. par. par. 6 par. 3 6 liar. 3 6 par. 10 [par. ii par. 3 a See catalogue. 'Specifications and standard samples. 71 List of ('hiss A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list— Cont'd. TABLEWARE AND KITCHEN UTENSILS. Articles. Desig- , Meth- I nated Unit of price I Appropriation. Item numbers, od of depot or quantity. supply, point of supply. TABLEWARE. * Boats, gravy 1 '- :l '' 11 • * Bowls | . . .do . . * Bowls, sugar ...do .. * Boxes, pepper ...do .. * Cruets, vinegar do . . *Cups ---do ■■ * Dishes, pickle ...do .. * Dishes, vegetable - - -do . . * Pitchers, sirup do .. * Pitchers, water do . * Plates, dinner ....do . * Plates, meat . . .do . * Plates, soup do .. * Pots, mustard do . * Saltcellars do . * Saucers do. * Tumblers do . KITCHEN UTENSILS. * Bowls, chopping Each * Choppers, meat do . * Cleavers do . * Cutters, meat (sausage machines) . ...do . do . do. do . do do. 1 D ippers * Forks, meal * Forks, table. . * Graters * Knives, bread * Knives, butcher - ... do * Knives, table do * Ladles, soup do * Mills, coffee do * Openers, can do * Pans, dish do * Pans, frying do Saws, meat do * Scales and weights. . .'. do Sets, carving - do : Sieves, flour do * Skimmers do * Spoons, basting do * Spoons, mustard do * Spoons, table do * S poons , tea do VETERINARY SUPPLIES AND DRESSINGS. * Absorbent cotton Pound . . JO. 27 *Acetanilid do .36 *Acid: Arsenious Ounce. . . Boracic do .02 Carbolic, pure do 02 Salicylic do 04 Tannic do 08 * Aconite, fluid extract of do 08 * Alcohol, grain (95 per cent) Gallon . . 3. 43 * Aloes, Barbados Ounce... .025 *Alum Pound.. .135 .* Ammonia: Aqua, solution of Quart. .29 Aromatic, spirits of Pound.. .495 Chloride of , granulated do .225 * Antiseptic gauze, carbolated ! Package . 45 * Atropine, sulphate of, in J-grain Tube.... .15 tablets, 20 tablets to each tube. *Ballforceps . Each.... .79 3.485 . 635 i . E Red flannel Dozen.. White cotton do.... 72 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. VETERINARY SUPPLIES AND DRESSINGS— Continued. Articles. ' Unity of quanl ity. ♦ Belladonna, fluid extract of Ounce. . . ♦Bottles: 1-ounce Dozen. . . 4-ounce do 8-ounce do ♦ Boxes: Tin, 2-ounce do Tin, 4-ounce do ♦ Camphor, gum Pound . . ♦Cannabis, indica do *Cantharides, powdered Ounce... ♦ Capsicum do — ♦Capsules, 1 ounce capacity Dozen... ♦Cases: Dental Each. . . . Hypodermic antitoxin do Hypodermic — Containing bottles, capac- ...do ity of barrel of syringe * ounce. Post mortem ...do Surgical ...do ♦Catheter, male, with stylet ...do ♦ Charcoal, willow, powdered Pound . . ♦ Chloroform do ♦Clippers, hand Each.... ♦ Cocaine, muriate of, T '._. -grain tab- Tube — lets etc. ♦ Collodion, flexible Ounce . . . ♦ Copper, sulphate of Pound . . ♦ Corks, for bottles: 1-ounce Dozen... 4-ounce - .do 8-ounce ..do ♦ Cosmoline Pound . . ♦ Creolin do ♦ Dieitaline, |-grain tablets, 10 tab- Tube.... lets in each tube. ♦Digitalis, fluid extract of Ounce... ♦ Ergotine Tube ♦ Eserine, sulphate of ...do ♦ Ether: Nitrous ' Pound . . Sulphuric ...do ♦ Farrier's ease, leather, folding Each — ♦ Fenugreek seed Pc l . ♦ Flaxseed meal do ♦ Forceps: Bone Each Dressing -do ♦ Funnels: Medium size, enamel ware . . .do Small, enamel ware ...do ♦ Gentian Pound . . ♦ Ginger, powdered .- -do ♦ Glvcerine Ounce . . ♦ Graduates, glass: 2 ounce Each 4 ounce -do ♦ Hones, oil .do ♦ Iodine, crystals Ounce . . ♦ Iodoform do ♦Iron: Sulphate of, desiccated do Tincture of, chloride of do ♦Lables: 1-onnce bottle Gross. . . 4-ounce bottle do 8-ounce bottle do ♦ Lanolin Ounce. . ♦ Lead . acetate of Pound . ♦ Lime, chloride of ♦ Lunar caustic ♦ Medicine droppers ♦Mercury. Bichloride of Ounce Bin iodide of do... Mild, chloride of .do... do. Ounce . Dozen. . Price. SO. 00 . 12 .24 .24 .12 .18 1.30 1.07 .12 .04 .18 58. 25 1.5D 11.95 10.09 1.25 . 19 .49 1. 13 .38 . 119 .19 Desig- j Meth- | nated Appropriation. Item numbers, do of depotor supply. int of supply. \l .E. 27.. ia.' . 5 par. \ 9 73 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list— Cont'd. VETERINARY SUPPLIES AND DRESSINGS— Continued. ! Desig- Meth- j nated od of Idepotor supply, point of supply. Articles. Unit of quantity Price. Appropriation. Item nunbers. * Minim measures * Morphine * Mortar and pestle: Glass, 4 ounce Wedgewood— 3f" 6A" * Nux vomica * Oakum * Oil: Linseed Olive Of tar Of turpentine * Ophthalmoscope * Opium: Powdered Tincture of * Pilocarpine, muriate of * Plaster, adhesive * Potassium : Bromide Iodide Nitrate Permanganate * Powder shaker for medicine * Probang, celluloid, jointed * Quinine, sulphate of * Rectal douche * Reflector with head band * Rubber tubing, red * Saddlebag, farrier's * Salol * Scales and weights (Troemer's new dispensing). * Seton needles, 8" * Silk for ligatures: Heavy, braided Ordinary size * Slings, suspending, complete *Soap, white castile * Sodium, bicarbonate ♦Spatulas: 3-inch 6-inch 8-inch * Speculum: Bilateral Eye Nasal * Sponges, surgeon's extra heavy. . . * Strychnine Sulphate of * Sulphur, veterinary ♦Syringes, hard rubber: 2-ounce 4-ounce * Tar, pine * Tbermo-cautery * Thermometers, clinical * Tiles, pill, 10" * Tracheotomy tube * Urine test ease, complete * Witch-hazel, distilled *Zinc: Chloride of Oxide of Sulphate of Each Tube.... Each. ..do ..do Pound. ..do.... Gallon.. ...do Pound. . Gallon.. Each Ounce. . Pound.. Tube.... Roll Pound . ..do.... ...do.... ...do.... Each... ...do... Ounce . Each... ...do.... Foot... Each... Ounce. Each... .do. Ounce. ...do.... Each... Pound. ...do.... Each. ...do.. ...do. .do. .do. .do. Pound . Dram.. Tulies.. Pound . Each... ...do.... Pouud. Each... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... Quart. . Ounce. ...do.... Pound . .16 . 26 .IS .30 . 65 .23 .13 .SO 1.40 .11 .82 5.50 .36 .90 .24 .46 | .27 2.03 .16 .21 . 68 1.50 .22 .58 2.35 .07 4.00 .12 6.00 .50 1.59 .87 27.25 .11 .15 .13 . 22 .27 6. 85 1.35 1.25 8.64 .12 .06 .12 .40 .80 .13 10.65 .22 .90 1.93 14. 65 .22 .02 .02 .15 par. 5 par. 3 74 ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE. Par. 172, circ. 7, Articles not included in this list, but similar thereto, °p^r.^7i G circ°7; may, if necessary, be supplied, with approval of the Gen- o. q. m. g., 1909. era J Superintendent of the Army Transport Service, or quartermaster at a port under whose direction transports are operated, provided they can be supplied within the apportionment made by the Quartermaster-General, against which they are to be charged. Paragraph 2 of this circular and paragraph 48, circu- lar No. 7, O. Q. M. G., 1909, do not apply to this list, which includes class A supplies under A. T. 40 and sub- items only. List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and prict list. Pars. 93 and 9; circ.7,O.Q,M.G 1909. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Appro- priation. Desig- tfeth- nated Item numbers. od of depot or supply, point of supply. Acid: (a) SI. 25 .07 1.10 (a) 2.74 .(57 (a) .34| 1.14 .IIS (a) .20 .20 .03 5. 75 (0) 10. .M) 10.50 ,«) 10.00 25.00 | 23. 00 > to 150.00 (a) («) .45 .50 (a) 2.10 1.78 2.00 .20 .05 («) 1.75 .08 .0« | 1.44 1 .70 .95 .18 2.40 A.T Gallon . . Pound . . Gallon. . Adzes: Alcohol: Gallon.. ...do Wood Ammonia: Pound.. Gallon., l'ound . . Anvils Aprons: Each.... ...do Pound . . Set K'ase |Sei Awnings: Blue Each — ...do 40 and subitems. . . par. (i J 1 ^™ 6 Deck ...do Side Axes: Each ...do Bags: Ash Each ...do Oil.... ...do ...do Pound . . Bars: Each.... Pound . . ...do Grate- ...do . .do Bases, brass, steam tight, globe (electrical). Basins: ...do Each... ...do Naval pattern, complete a See catalogue. 75 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price lint — Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Desig- Unit of TT ,, it « _. Meth- nated Articles. quan- tity. price. DriatioB item numbers, i od of prumou - 'supply. depot or point of supply. Baskets: Assorted (a) Dog, G.I Each $3.50 ...do . 371 Bed sheets, assorted (a) Bed sheets, cotton: 54" x90" Each.... ...do .37 .40 .55 63"x90"... 90" x90"... ...do Bells: (a) .30 .20 Each.... ...do Belting: (") Single— 1 1 " Foot. . . . ...do .04 .13 ,162 2" 2h" ...do 3" ...do . 1, 3J" ...do .48 Beeswax Pound. . .30 Bevels, assorted Each (a) Bibbs: (a) Phosphor bronze, compression, Each 1.10 Doherty, self-closing, bronze. ...do. .. 1.20 N. P. h". Bits: Assorted (") Each .3:; Countersink ...do .28 Expansion ...do . 2.". Sets 5.50 Gallon . . . 85 Blades: ! 1 acksaw — (a) jA.T 40 and' subitems. . . par. 6 [Home 1 port. 9" Each .11.; 10" ...do .04 12" ...do . 045 14" ...do . 05 Blankets: Assorted I'M Gray Pair 4. 62 ...do :; nn 5. 00 White, large ...do Blocks: Assorted (a) Butcher, 35" x 35" Each.... 21.50 Chain, differential — ...do 9.00 10.63 13.40 ...do ...do Double, clip hook — 0" ...do 2.44 2. 83 ...do 9" ...do 3.83 i Double, shackle— 10" ...do 9.91 In" ...do 11.11 18" . ..do 13.35 Double, loose hook — 3" ...do L. 81 6". .. ...do ...do J. 07 2.07 8" ...do 4.81 i0" ...do 7.21 12" ...do 9.00 15" ...do 11.93 ...do 7. 2.5 Single, clip hook— ...do .911 7" ...do 1.40 9" i...do 2. 1'.! a See catalogue. 76 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Desig- Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Appro- priation. Item numbers. Meth- od of supply. nated ' depot or point of supply. Blocks— Continued. Single, shackle — 14" Each ... $6.42 16" ...do 8.14 IS" ...do 11.04 Single, swivel, 14" ...do 8.30 Single, loose hook with becket — 3" ...do 1.08 4" ...do 1.21 10" ...do 2.94 12" ...do 4.29 15" ...do 6.54 Snatch — 10" ...do 4.80 22" ...do 17.42 Triple, 15" shackle, 8" ...do 8.00 ...do 10.21 Blowers, powder, insect Boats: Gravy.E. W ...do .08 ...do .56 China, mess ...do .30 Gravy and tray ...do 10. 25 Bolts, assorted (<0 Machine — J"xlV [Pound. . .05 [Each.... .001 2" ...do .001 2£" [..do .... \Pound. . .001 3" Each.... .001 J"x 1" Pound. . . 05 i"xl" Each .002 Brass, barrel— 4" ...do .25 6" ...do .50 Carriage, assorted ...do |"xl" |"x 1J" /..do [Pound. . ...do .001 1 .05 .05 Ia.t 40 and subitems... par. 6 IJHonie ^ 1 port. Machine — |"xlj" ...do .05 [Each.... .001 IPound. . .05 21" Each . 001 3" /..do \Pound. . .015 .05 Each.... .02 6" ...do . 03 6J" ...do .113 7A " ...do .03 *"X1" [..do .02 1 Pound . . .05 Screw eves, brass, §" x 3" Each .15 Stove, flat-head— \" \ li" ...do .01 l"xl§"". ...do .015 Stove, round-head — tV'x 1" ...do.... .01 }"xf ...do .02 fxl" Pound . . .14 }" x 2" ...do .14 i"xl" Each .02 Books, assorted («) Memo., 8" x 12" Each .30 Cargo, Form 225 ...do .05 Index, tall v, Form 274 ...do .06 International Code ...do 2. 75 Nautical tide-table ...do (") Nautical Telegraph ...do 1.75 Cargo, index — Large ...do .33 Small ...do .10 Chart Bristle ...do .IS Comparison ...do 1.60 a See catalo gue. b Pub ic document. 77 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Desig- Articles. Unit of quan- Unit Appro- priation. Item numbers. Meth- od of nated depot or tity. supply. point of supply. Books, assorted — Continued. Log- Deck Each ... ¥2.35 Engineer's ...do 1.88 ...do 1.46 Manifest ...clo 1.66 Night order ...do .49 Noon report- ...do .50 .50 .53 .50 ...do ...do ...do ...do .50 Time, monthly — Large, 4f" x IV ...do .19 ...do .67 Time, weekly— j ...do .32 Medium ...do .19 Small ...do .10 100 pages ...do 3.00 Borax, powdered Pound.. .06 Each 2.00 Bottles: (a) For castors, glassware Each.... 1.07 For castors, silver-plated ware.. ...do 1.60 Finger, glassware ...do .19 Pepper, S. P. individual ...do .80 Salad, glassware ...do 3.02 Salt, S. P. individual ...do .80 Water, glassware ...do .44 Fluid, embalming, 4 to G oz ...do .60 Bottoms, bunk ...do 1.52 Bowls: Assorted ...do .... (a) Cabin china ware — Ice Sugar ...do ...do .44 .27 .54 A.T 40and]subitems... par. 6 /Home \ port. China mess ware — ...do .20 Sugar ...do .32 Chopping, wood ...do .40 Closet— Flushometer ...do 13. 00 Latona top ...do 11.00 ...do.... 10.10 Enamel ware — M Sugar ...do .36 Mixing (wood, 30") ...do 6.50 Salad (earthenware, 16") ...do 1.10 "*■ Wash ...do 1.44 Boxes: Assorted (a) Cartridge (a) Cleaning ...do 1.00 File ...do .45 ...do .52 Miter, Goodell, No. 3 ...do 1.10 ...do .08 Salt ...do .12 Braces: Bench, G. I ...do .60 Ratchet ...do .25 Ratchet, 10" N. P ...do 1.14 Brackets, brass ...do .17 Brads: Assorted (a) Wire— i"No. 17 Pound . . .085 l"No. 14 ...do .04 l"No. 17 ...do .03 11" No. 14 ...do... . .04 a See catalogue. 78 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. rjnlt price. Appro- priation. Item numbers. Meth- od of supply. Desig- nated depot or point of supply. Brads — Continued. Wire— Continued. 1J" No. 17 Pound.. . . .do $0. 04 .05 .04 if" No 14 l"" No. 17 ...do ...do .05 l|" No. 17 ...do .06 ...do .06 .06 ■" \ is" ...do 2" \ L4" ...do..... .04 Brass: Sheet— X" Pound . . ...do .29 .29 .29 .23 .23 .23 8 1 // '." ...do No 18 ...do No 23 ...do \" thick ...do Stencil — No. 32, 12" wide ...do .30 No. 28, 12" wide ...do .30 No. 30, 12" wide ...do .30 Breakers, water, wood, 15 gal Each.... 2. 20 Bricks: (») Bath Each .02| ...do .028 .65 Broilers, 10" x 14", hotel ...do Bronze: .„ Port, bridge, assorted Pou nil . . .25 Tobin— 7H ...do.... . 30 H" ...do .30 11" ...do .30 .30 V," . ..do Brooms: Coir Each (a) . 28 A.T 40 and subitems . . . nar 6 |J Home par -° \port. ...do . 305 Whisk ...do .23 Brushes: . . .(10 .26 ...do .SO Fitches— .08 ...do .08 ...do .08 Flat- No. 25 Each l.oo No. 30 ...do 1.18 No. 35 ...do 1.50 Hair- ...do . 72 ...do .155 Lettering, C. 11.. large ...do .03 Motor, 5 H. P ...do .22 Marking, No. 3 bristle ...do .015 Paint, 5-0 ...do 1.29 Sash tool — No. 3 ...do .06 No. 5 ...do .12 No. 7 ...do .17 Scrubbing ...do .095 ...do .32 Tube ...do .44 Sink ...do .01 Silver ...do .35 Tar ...do .37 ! Varnish, flat ...do .16 H" ...do .16 2" ...do .16 ; 2'," ...do .40 ...do .... . 25 c See catalogue. 79 List of Class I supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd, ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. I' nil price. Appro- priation. Item numbers. Meth- od of supply. Desig- nated depot or point of supply. Buckets: (a) $0.32 .60 (a) .17 («) .23 .05 .02 .05 3.00 2.47 3. 75 (a) 3.00 .0035 («) .085 .35 .16 .05 .45 4.65 (a) (a) .036 .03 .02 . 075 .2126 ■on .50 1.75 1.60 . (a) 2.50 1.54 3.24 .50 .95 3.40 .16 .30 (a) .25 .24 .23 .2215 .21 .20 .18 .16 .32 .88:} .32 .348 .462 .20 A.T 40 and subi terns. .. par. 6 Each.... ...do Rubber Hunting: U. S. Standard- Yard Burners: B-dual Each.... ...do . .do.. ...do.... ...do No. 31 ...do.... Or torch, No. 2 ...do .do ...do ...do.... Butts: ( axt brass — 2x U" :v. \ :»" Buttons and plates, 2" dia Buttons: Pair ...do Each.... . .do < ; ross . . . Each.... do Cabinets: Cable: Electric light, reinforced cord, duplex, flexible — No. 14 Foot.... ...do No. 16 I'Home \ port. No. 18 ...do G. E., U. S. Navy No. 14 Galv. Steel, 1J" x 6 x 12 ...do ...do Pound . . Each.... ...do Box Calls, boatswain Caddies, stove, 10 x 7 x 9 Cans: Each ...do Milk, 10-gallon ...do Oil, galv., 1-gal., No. 24 Soup— 14qts ...do . .do ...do Squirt, brass, chase, No. 3, with spout. Toilet ...do ...do Canvas: Cotton — 22" wide- No. 1 Yard.... ...do No. 3 No. 4 ...do No. 5 ...do..... No. 6 ...do No. S . .do 22" wide- No. 10 No.O S4" wide, No. 4 40" wide, No. 6 ...do ...do ...do . .do 42" wide, No. 6 60" wide, No. 8 36" wide, 12-oz ...do ...do ...do a See catalogue. 80 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list— Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE-Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Each... Pound . ..do... ..do... Each... ..do.... Set Each.... ..do.... Yard . . . Each ..do ..do ..do Pound.. Caps and chains, brass, 2|" Each.. Caps: Assorted Cooks (all sizes) Carborundum: Assorted Fine, No. F Medium, No. 220 Coarse, No. 180 Cards: Assorted File Indicator Index Corkscrews Carriers, water, oak, XXX tin, 14 qts., with spout. Carpet, runner, W. S Castors: Assorted Pickle, S. P Table, S. P Catchets, basins, N. P. ring Catalogue, chart Calking, cotton, first quality Cement: Assorted Portland JerTerys seam Chain: Assorted Basin, N. P (Pound. ■a . , I Yard Basin, brass do Basin, N. P., and snap, 16" Each Brass jock, No. 8 Yard"! Washing Each. Chalk: Assorted Boxes Lump Chairs: Assorted Bent wood, embosesd seats.. Cane seat, "Vienna" Carpet, seat folding, arm Dining Revolving — No. 1614 Office Office, No. 6340 Office, upholstered Steamer, folding.. Barrel . . Pound.. Box.... Pound. Each.. ..do... ...do... do... ...do ..do ..do ..do.... do Chambers, cabin china ware i...do. Charcoal, animal, coarse J Pound .' Charges, fire-extinguisher comp Each. Each. Charges, life buoys'. Chimneys: Assorted . . Lamp — A-dual . B-dual ! ! . . .do E-dual " ! !do Rochester "do Chippers, ice, 10£" No. 1897 !!!do""! Chips, butter, cabin china ware ! do Choppers, food, No. 3 ' do Chisels: Assorted do Cold, handle ] . . ! do ~ B .- s - I" .".'do!!!!! Chucks: Assorted Miller Falls, B. P !!."!" Each"" 6" scroll and jaws i do "" Lathe, 4" jaws, 12" !!!do!!!!! $0.55 (a) .15 (a) .12 .14 .14 (<*) (a) .003 (a) .12 1.50 1.52J («•) 13. 33 '• 11. 86 1.00 .50 .14 (a) 3.24 .18 (a) .18 1. 00 .05 .033 .165 .05 (a) .14 .0125 (a) 2.12 2.05 1.35 2.00 8.00 7.50 7.75 11.00 6.00 .54 .05 .25 5.00 (a) .07 .07 .06 .07 .15 .07 1.43 (a) .03 .35 (a) 1.00 19.03 30.00 Appro- priation. Item numbers. Meth- od of supply A. T. 40 and subitems. par. 6 fHome I port. <* See catalogue. 81 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Appro- priation. i Meth- Itcin numbers. od of supply. Desig- nated depot or point of supply. Each . . . Each.... ...do ...do ...do Each.... ...do ...do .do P. 50 («) .11 .10 . 11 .10 . 35 .07 .117 .07 . 06 1.50 . 59 e<) .55 .55 .57 ..'.7 .55 .55 . 45 4. 60 .035 1.25 .50 .254. 1.50 1.65 2.96 4.43 5.90 5.50 Contract («) .05 (o) 3.44 5.39 (a) .26 .55 .68 .92 1.28 2. 66 4. 00 .10 .11) .10 . 85 25.00 (a) 1.13 1.13 (") . 65 .30 .30 .19 )A. T 40 and subitems... Clamps: Assorted Hose, J" Car Clips: Assorted Cable, iron — 1" 1J" IJ" If" Boxes.. . Barrel... Each.... Clav, fire Cloth: Cheese Yard Quire... do Emery — No. 00 par. 6 No. No. 4. No. 1 do No. 14 do No. 2 ...do Yard.... ...do... Melton, red Sponge Green, felt, 28" wide Table ...do do .... . .do.... Tracing, 27" wide . do. Cloths, table: 6 ft. 4" Each.... 8 ft 10 ft .do. [Home \ port. 12 ft ...do.... 16 ft do ... do Coal Ton .... Cocks: Assorted Each do .... do ... . ...do . . Basin Blow-off— 14", Lunk. v Pet .' ...do . Stop and waste— ...do |" .do h" .do.. ■■" .do 1" .do.... i ;•' do.... 1!" do \" G. 1 .do |"G. I G. I ...do ...do Urinal, \" N. P ...do . .(!o Comforts: China cabin- Each.... . .do Tall... . Compound: Gallon . . Pound.. ...do Connections, urinal, rubber, l 1 ," a See catalogue. 7761(5—09- 82 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd- ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Articles. Coolers: Assorted Water- S-gals 6-gals 10-gals Cord: Assorted Indicator Lamp, rubber covered- No. 14 No. 16. No. 18. Unit of quan- tity. Each... ..do.... ..do.... Foot. ...do. ...do. Each Cork, ground I Poun Cosmoline do. Counterpanes: Assorted Colored White- Large - - . do . . . Small ...do... Countersinks do... Covers: Assorted ! Navy type Each.. Brass, No. 25018 do... Feather do. .. Hair .do.. . Mattresses ' . - -do Pillow ...do Couplings: Assorted i Hose, brass, J" Each — Hose, 1" do Hose, H" ...do Hose, female, 4 \" |...do Hose, male, 4£" ...do Covering, asbestos pipe, J" pipe Foot . . . Crackers, nut, silver-plated ware. . . ' Each — Crayon, lumber, 6" x £" i...do Cretonne Yard.. . . Cresoleum: | In barrels Gallon . . In cases do Cullenders: ! Large Each. . . . Small ...do Cups: Assorted do Cabin china ware — After dinner do . Coffee do. Custard do. Egg do. China mess ware — Coffee do. Enamel ware — Coffee do. Straight ...do. Grease do. Oil do. Cushions: Assorted Chair Each. Rubber, 12" do. White, 2'6"x2' do. White, 6' x 4' do. Cuspidors: Assorted Brass Each. Cast iron do. Rubber do . Unit price. (a) $2.30 2.45 3.90 (a) .30 .02 .014 .011 .06 .32 (a) .83 1.20 1.29 .47 (a) .67 .60 .17 .16 .63 .17 (a) 1.05 1.05 1.05 2.625 2.625 .07 .42 .05 .30 .60 .70 .61 (a.) .09 .11 .16 .12 .09 Appro- priation. A.T... Item numbers. Meth- ! odof supply. Desig- nated depot or point of supply. 40 and sub items... 1 par. 6 .148 .43 (o) (a) 3.10 4.50 .625 .875 (a) 2.57 .55 1.50 (Home \ port. a See catalogue. 83 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Articles. Cutters: Assorted Bevel, 2" Bevel, 2J" Cake, miscellaneous Emery wheel Diamond Glass, turret head Glass gauge, N. P Pipe, brass, coup. No. 1 . Pipe, brass, coup. No. 2 Pipe, standard — No.3 No. 4 No. 5 Davits Desks, office Dividers Dies: Assorted Adjustable- Pipe, Armstroug- J" right V' right I" right 1" right 1 J" right 1 J" right Dies and screw plate: 1-16 Unit of quan- tity. Each. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do . ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. Pair. . Each.. ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. No. \,h" No. 1, |" No. I,*" Dies, lightning: \" , 2,'," diamond tV> 2 ;)," diamond T y , 2 ,';/' diamond Dippers: Assorted 1-quart Large, E. W Small, E. W 4 X tin, 1-quart 4 X tin, J-gallon Dishers, ice cream, heavy. . Dishes, assorted Dishes (glass ware): Celerv Pickle Preserve Oval 9" glass Dishes (cabin china ware): Flat— 6" 7" 10".... 15" Pickle Vegetable- s'' 7" Each.. ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... Each. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ..lo. .do. Unit price. Appro- priation. ..do ..do (a) S3. 50 4.00 .30 .10 3.70 .85 .87 .75 .115 .60 .60 .60 (a) 24.00 .45 (o) .25 .25 .25 .25 . 25 .60 .53 .56 .56 1.42 1.43 1.30 1. 60 3.00 1.40 1.70 2.20 1.17 1.18 1.40 (a) .12 .12 .06 .65 .85 .18 (a) 2.75 1.13 2.09 .25 .20 .175 .36 .50 .70 .31 .18 .20 i .25 .50 See catalogue. Item numbers. /A. T. 40 and subitems... I Desig- Meth- I nated od of depot or supply, point of supply. par. 6 IHome \ port. 84 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Unit of quan- tity. Each . . ..do.... Dishes (china mess ware): Pickle Vegetable Dishes (enamel ware): Vegetable do Vegetable, covered do Dishes (silver-plated ware): Baking do ... . B utter do ... . Chafing ...do.... Entree, 8" do.... Flat do.... Dishes, soap (naval pattern) do — Dividers, 6" navigators do — Dogs, lathe, bent tail, U" No. 10 do — Drags, deep-sea ; Dredgers (enamel ware): Flour ! Each... Salt do.... Sugar do... Dredges, sugar (silver-plated ware). ..do — Drills: Assorted B. S Each. . . Breast, No. 2 Brace,13to set Set Round, straight shank— ,£,-" Each . . . „y do Twist, square taper sbank- 1,V "Morris," straight shank- r .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Drums, ammonia do Dryer: Japan Gallon . Patent Pound . Dusters, feather Each. . . Ejectors, Penberthy, 1" ..do Emery, powdered , Pound . Envelopes: Assorted I Note— See "List of Class A Sup- plies," etc., "Miscellaneous." Unit price. 9.31 .38 .13 .20 ^2 7.00 7.50 29.70 11.39 (i. ill) .45 .70 .35 (a) .06 .07 .OS (a) 10.00 2.50 30.00 .03 .034 .037 .04 .047 .053 .055 .00 .073 .075 .085 .085 1.534 .625 .70 .73 .755 .779 .025 .035 .05 .029 .044 .24 .26 .229 .211 .35 .07 .55 .73 20.00 .S5 .07 .48 .20 .05 Appro- priation. Item numbers. I Meth- ' od of supply. Desig- nated depot or point of supply. (a) A . T i 40 and subitems par. 6 (Home \ port. « See catalogue. 85 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Appro- priation. Item numbers. Meth- od of supply. Desig- nated depot or point of supply. Erasers: (°) $0.05 .07 .02 .45 1.00 9.00 .95 1.33 O) 9.93 9.95 .07$ (a) .37 .10 .15 .10 3.25 .75 1.75 .50 .70 (a) .08 .105 .15 .20 .259 .09 .12 . 105 .20 .099 .13 .18 .25 .10 .137 .IS .235 .33 .45 .15 .20 .25 .16 .21 .275 .079 .079 .065 .IIS.', .11 .10 .22 .0S3 .11 .153 .21 .28 .30 A. T 40 and subitems... par. Rubber, No. 3333 Each ...do Pound .. Each Gallon . . Each Box Each Rubber, No. 1087 Fans: Complete, 12", 1900 model Do 16", 1900 model Each.... ...do ...do Fasteners: Each Boxes... ...do Paper, McGill's No. 2 Paper, R. H. Staples' No. 4 F ich ...do ...do Feeders, oil, tin. 1-quart, XXXX Fids, vitae, 20" Figures, steel: Set ..do Files: Flat, bastard- s'' Each ...do 10" 12" ...do..... 14" ...do 16" .. do.... Flat, second cut- s'' . . .,lo . 10" ...do 12" ...do IHonie 14" ...do j port. Flat, smooth — 8" do 10" . .do 12" .. do.... 14" .do Half-round, bastard — 6" .do 10" do 12" . do 14"... do .... 16" . do 18" . .do Half-round, second cut — 10" ...do 12" ...do 14" ...do Half-round, smooth — 8" ...do 12" . .do 10" Key, 3" Key, 4" Round, bastard — 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" Square, bastard— 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" ...do ...do ...do ...do ■■■do -•■do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do n See catalogue. 86 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Desig- Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Appro- priation. Item numbers. Meth- od of supply. nated lepot or point of supply. Files — Continued . Slim taper, saw — 3" Each ! ...do $0. 04 \ .04 .04 .04 .07 .15 i 4" 5" ..do 6" ...do 7" ...do 8" ...do ...do Fittings: (o) Bunk- ...do .35 ...do .37 Pipe, bushings, brass— i"x\" . ...do .027 .03 i"x|" ...do ...do .035 §"x|" ...do .05 |"xl" ...do .092 l"xU" ...do .12 H" xH" ...do .16 I'."x2" ...do .24 2"x2h" ...do .40 3" x 2t" ...do .67 Pipe, black iron— 1J"xH" ...do .03 H"x2" ...do .03 2"x2i" ...do .04 4"x4" ...do .10 Pipe, bushings, G. I.— i"xi" ...do .03 i"x|" ...do . 024 8"xi" ...do .024 \" xf ...do .03 J"xl" ...do .045 }"xl" l"xlj" ...do ...do .035 .04 A.T 40 and subitems... par. 6 (Home I port. 1" x 1J" ...do .07 .084 .125 .18 .054 .05 \\" x 2" ...do 2" x 2.V" ...do 2|"x3"... ...do \\" x 1J" ...do 3" x H" ...do 3"x2|" ...do .11 Pipe, caps, brass-headed — i" ...do .04 I" ...do .05 |".. ...do .06 . 084 a" ...do 1" ...do . IDS 14" ...do .145 V." ---do .111 2" ...do .265 2i" ...do .80 3" ...do .90 Pipe, caps, G. I. — i" ...do .015 3// ...do .015 1 " ...do .02 |" ...do .037 1" ...do .046 U" ...do .059 11" ...do .070 2" ...do .098 2%" ...do .39 3" ...do .57 Pipe, couplings, brass — 2J" x U" reducing ...do .09 Pipe, elbows, brass— J" ...do .04 i" ...do .055 i" ...do .067 a// ...do .0S4 1" '...do o .12 See cataloi ;ue. 87 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply r~and price list — Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Fittings — Continued. Pipe, elbows, brass— Cont'd. 11" U" 2" 2'." 3" Pipe, brass, 45-deg. — 4" 2" Pipe, elbows, cast iron- 1" 14" 2\" . 3".. 5".. 1".. 11". 14". 24". 3" 1" 11" 14" 2" 2V' Z" ////////." ""'.'.'.'.'. Pipe, elbows, street, brass- 4"- 1" 11" 14" 2" Pipe, flanges, brass- 4" 1" 11" 34" Pipe, flange, C. I.- 3" 5" 6" 16"... Pipe, G. I. IV... Pipe, lock nuts, brass— Unit of quan- tity. Each... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... .do. .do. .do. .do. 11" Pipe, elbows, G. I., beaded — Pipe, elbows, G. I., beaded 45 .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Unit price. tO. 205 .264 . 36 .94 1.15 .02 .02 .034 .22 do .07 do .07 do .OS do .09 do .10 do .13 do .15 do .18 do .22 do .03 do .03 do .03 do .04 do .04 do .06 do.... .06 do.... .06 do.... .10 do.... .14 do.... .32 do.... .05 do.... .05 do.... .06 do.... .10 do.... .027 do.... .033 Appro- priation. . 02 1 .028 .034 .042 .0(57 .098 .14 .222 .48 .75 .03 .023 .034 .043 .084 .12 .14 .22 .47 .73 . 025 . 028 .034 .or. . 07 1 .098 . L46 . 225 Item numbers. Desig- Meth- nated od of 'depot or supply, point of | supply. A.T. 40andsubitems... par. 6 j{^°™® List of Class A su PP Ues M designate* depot or point of supply and price ^-Cont'd ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE-Continued. Fittings— Coutinued. Pipe, jock nuts, brass— Con. I„ f Each... y, . ..dO Item numbers. H" 2". 24/' 3' Pipe, lock nuts, G. j.— do. do. ...I do.... do.... do....: do.... .do., -do., -do., .do., .do., .do., -do., -do... • do... -do... I'- ll' 14/ 2". 24" y !r-:::::::::::- ;::::::; f 2".... n" :::::;:; 3" Pipe^ nipples, 'brass/close— l, ...do. i// ...do do... i-..do. .. do... do... do... do... do... Pipe, nippies; brass/ shoulder— ' ' ' d °" ' ' h/ do . . . !» ...do.... hi do y, do. ... 1 1 // do ... . ] ,'// '-. -do 2" •- •- -do. .. 2y>::: do ---- y, do. ... 'ipe, ^pples] brass," 3"' iong— " ' .' " ' ' d ° ' ' " "I I. ..do.. do. . do.. do.. do... do... I. ..do... i". 1". H" 14". Pipe, nipples, brass— i" i" long i:',jonl ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;&■■ L"* 0Q g ...do I -4" long ),"•■ JK;»I ::::::::: : ::: o- \lrj on « ...do 14 -4" long J, " 2"-4"long '■-''■■ Pipe, nipples, black iron, slioiill" '" der— 1V ' do... ...do... ...do... do... L..do... Pipe, nipples", G.'i.', close— " ' ' ' H' 2". 24" 5". 6". ..do. ..do. ..do. .do.. $0. 045 . 054 .081 .12 .19 .26 .00 1.10 .02 . 02 .02 .02 .03 .05 .06 .12 .25 .30 . 053 .(Hi .08 .085 .105 .109 .199 .27 1.20 1.80 . 055 | .00 .08 .085 .105 .17 .20 .27 1.20 | 1.80 .07 .095 . 108 .14 .18 . .' 13 .27 .37 .101 j . 115 . 138 .18 I .23 .299 .35 ;436 , Desig- Meth- ; nated od of depot or supply.jpoint of supply. ,.\ . T . . . 40 and subitems. . par. o'f FIome I port. .01 .01 .02 .03 .0.3 .04 .06 .013 .013 .013 .016 89 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. trti. les. Fittings— Continued. Pipe, nipples, G. I.— Continued. 1" l\" w 2" 24" |"-4" long |"-4" long Y'-i" long I'M" long l}"-4" long 14"-4"long 2"-4" long Pipe, nipples, G. I.,shoulder- 1".. 1J". 14". 2" 24 '"'! 4"-3" long |"-3" long \" 3" long §"-3" long l"-3"long.... lf"-3' if" 3" long... 2"-3" long Pipe, plugs, brass- Pipe, plugs, brass- .do. .do. .do. .do. .lo. .do. do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ...do. 24" do. 3" do. Pipe, reducers, brass— |" to ','' do. 4" to I" ...do. \" to \" do. l"to \" do. 1J" to l" do. 14" to 14" do. 2" to 14" do 24" to 2" do.. 3" to 24" do.. 1". IV" 14" 2". 3 '. Pipe, plugs, black iron- vr ...: 3" Pipe, plugs, G. I.— 1" .. 14". li". Unit of quan- tity. Each . . . ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do Unit price. ).02 .034 .04 . 0.54 .08 .09 . 024 . 028 .038 .05S .07 .094 .013 .013 .01.3 .016 .02 .034 .04 .054 .14 .14 .022 .022 .022 .028 .038 . 058 .07 .094 . 025 .1127 . 032 .04 .048 .07 .10 .12 .22 .48 .55 .04 .1(1 .01 .015 .015 .0115 .02 .023 .029 .04 .0.58 .13 .18 .06 .09 .13 . 17.5 .243 .29 .485 .40 .44 Appro- priation. Item numbers. A. T... 40 and subitems. . . j Desig- Meth- nated od of depot or supply, point of supply. par. 6 I Home \ port. 90 plies with designated depot or point of supply and price ^-Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE-Continued. Articles.* Desig- nated depot or point of supply. I" x J". ¥ r Fittings— Continued. Pipe, reducers, G. I. L"*!" ---I Each .do ..do .do .do .do do .do -do... .do to |" fxl"... 1"XU".. li"xlj"... Ii"x2".. 2"x2i"... 2§"x3" ;."; Pipe,jsockets or sleeves, brass y v.. 11". H". 2".. 2J". 3' Pipe, sockets or sleeves" "black iron— li" n" ;.::::::; 2" 2h"... 3" 3.i".... 5" 6" 9". 10" 12" Pipe,^ sockets or sleeves", G. I."— ¥'■ i".. 11". U". 2".. 3".. 3.}"- i.".. Pipe, tees, brass— v. i" iy... I*".. 2"... 2i"... .:::::::;:;;■ 3" 3j" ;;; Pipe, tees, black iron— U".... 2". . . 2j". ...::::::;:::;' 3" 3i" Pipe, tees, G. I.— 91 List of Class A supplies vnth designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Appro- priation. Item numbers. Meth- od of supply. Desig- nated depot or point of supply. Fittings — Continued. Pipe, tees, G. I. — Continued. 1" Each ... ...do $.079 .133 .175 .20 .09 1.04 1.12 .11 .15 .22 .29 .38 .52 .79 1.08 2.40 3.10 4.50 1.45 .08 .09 .099 .12 .15 .21 27 ^345 .80 1.05 1.15 .40 .50 (a) 4.00 1.50 2.20 2.20 2.00 2.00 3.50 5.50 11. 93 1.50 2.25 3.25 7.50 15. GO 10.00 1.20 10.00 1.15 1.50 2.39 4.00 2.00 3.50 .65 2.00 20.00 15.90 A.T 40 and subitems. . . par. 6 lj" W ... ...do 2" ...do 2h" ...do 3"... ...do 2\" .. ...do Pipe," unions, brass — i" ...do %".... ...do $".... ...do 3" ...do i".... ...do li".... . . .do H".... ...do 2" ...do 2J" ...do 3" ...do 3§" Pipe,~unions, black iron, 3" Pipe, unions, G. I.— X" ...do ...do in ...do .... I" ...do in ...do 1" ...do 11" ...do \\" 2" ...do 2h" ...do 3" ...do 3J" ...do Pipe,"Y's, C. I.— 3i" ...do 3" ...do fHome t port . Flags: Assorted do ...do ...do Ensign — 2ft.x3ft ...do 2£ft.x 4ft ...do 3ft.x5ft ...do 4ft.x 6ft ...do Oft. x9Jft ...do 8ft. x 12ft ...do 12 ft. x IS ft ...do.... House or Q. M. D., distin- guishing— 2ft. x3ft 3 ft. x 5 ft ...do 4 ft. x 6 ft ...do.... 8ft. x 12ft ...do.... 12 ft. x 18 ft ...do Mail— Reg. 8 ft. xl2ft ...do ...do ...do,... Union Jack — 2ft.x3ft 3ft.x4ft ...do ...do.... 4ft.x6ft ...do.... 6ft. X9ft ...do International Code — 5ft.x5ft ...do 7ft. x 7ft ...do Flatters, B. S. square, 3" Fluid, embalming Gallon . . Each.... ...do Flushometers: Bloom back Mott's, complete a See catalogue. 92 List of Class .! supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list— Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Unit of quan- tity. Each.. Frames: Assorted . . Bunk, G. I Davit Hacksaw do Holystone, iron do Stillson wrench, 36" do Forks: Assorted Miscellaneous- Carving German silver. Meat ..do Silver-plated ware — Dessert. do Pickle do Table ...do. Flanges, assorted . . Flanges, ammonia: Each.. U" i. ..do 2" do Flushers, bloom top do Founts, lantern ..do Freezers, ice-cream, 5-gal., with fly- ... do wheel. Friend, plumber's do Funnels, enamel ware: 1-pt do 1-qt do 2-qt ...do Fuses: Assorted Link, copper, 300 amperes Each Cartridge— 3 amperes ...do 5 amperes do 50 amperes do Gaskets, assorted Gaskets, rubber I Gasoline Gallon . . Gauges: Assorted Oil, turbine, brass Each Scratch do Panel do ...do ..do ..do ..do ..do -•do ...do ..do ..do Pound.. Each Steam . 4i-" face 5'"' siphon 6" face 6i"0tol00 6j"0tol60 8i"face No. 105 sm ; Wire, B. & S., Glass, ground, fine Glass or lens, S. L G lasses: Assorted Celery Vinegar Gauge— i" x Hi" to 24"... |"x 10" to 24"... \" x 10" to 20".... i"x20i" to 30".., J"* 12" I" x 14' Each. ..do.. \" x Hi". .•In. .do. ..In. .do. .do. .do. V y. 2.1" do. x 24' x 10". ■ x 14". ' x 16". ' x 20". ' x 12". .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Unit price. (a) (a) S. 5. 00 .45 1.50 .55 (a.) .30 .09 .07 .11 .20 .07 (a) .70 1.50 2.00 19.00 .25 1 _'. 85 .33 .18 .19 .26 (a) .30 .06 .06 .09 (a) ( a ) .215 (a) 2. 70 .ml .90 .30 3.00 1.19 6.30 5. 89 5. 89 8. 54 2. 54 2.02 .14 2.00 (a) .12 .06 Appro- priation. Item numbers. Desig- Meth- nated od of depot or supply, point of supply. >A. T. ... 40 and subi terns... par. 6 iHomo { port. a See catalogue. 93 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of sup phi and prv i at'd. VRMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Each ..do..... ..do..... ..do..... ..do ..do..... ..do..... ..do..... ..do..... Glasses— Continued. Gauge— Continued \" x 1-p." f"xl6" f"x 18" f"x20" |"x24" Ii"xl0" Magnifying Do Sherbet- No. 30 com p. . . No.30O.C ...do... Evaporator, 3" dia do Globes: ...do Assorted Inner, for are lamp ! Outer, for arc lamp do Steam-light, 8" do Glycerine, commercial Gallon . . Gouges, scratch Set Graphite, Dixon's dry flake Pound. . Graters, assorted Graters, complete, No. 1: Medium Set Large E ach .... Small ... do Gridirons or toasters boiler Grindstones, assorted Grindstones: Complete 18" x 3" No. 3, assorted Grease, Albany Grommets: Assorted Brass, spar No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 Unit price. .do. Pound . Gross, .do., .do., .do., .do.. No. 5 ...do No. 2 die and cutter do No. 3 die and cutter ...do Ring Gato — I" do 1" do l\" do Glue, liquid. LePage's, in qt. cans . Quart. . . Guards, portable lamp, No. 42681 .. Each Guards: Rat, for ships . . .do Steam-tight, electric I. do Hair, curled Pound .. Hammers: Assorted B.S i Each... Ball pien, lA-lb do Claw, No. 2". .do . . . . Copper do Scaling, with handle ...do ... Handles: Assorted Axe Brooms (coir, holystone, and squilgee). Boat, hook, W Mop, No. 30.." Claw hammer, 13" Mop, No. 10 File, No. 4 Hammer, machinist— 12" 14" 10" Hatchet, 15' Sledge do SO. or, .096 .096 .096 .10 .10 .75 5.75 .22 .071 3. 00 (a) .20 . 22 '. 30 .18 7. 43 .10 («) 7.50 .11 .12 .17 (a) 3.50 2.80 .10 (a) Appro- priation. .85 .9.5 1.24 l.i,-, 2.40 1.93 2.10 .3 .65 2.25 5.59J 1.40 U.T. Item numbers. ' Desig- Meth- nated od of depot or supply, point of supply. 40 and subitems par. 6 (Home !l port. catalogue. 94 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list— Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE-Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Hasps: Assorted Hinge- Brass, 4" | Each... Iron— 3"x6" ...do.... 5"x8" ..do Ship's cast iron— 4" heavy ■ . . . do. . . . 6" do.... 8" do.... 10" ...do.... Hatchets: Assorted Claw, No. 2 | Each".!." Heaters, Economic No. 2 ! . . do Hinges: Assorted Butt, cast brass— 2"x»" Each.... 3"x2A" do.. . 3i"x3" do...." 3*"x3A" do 4"x3" do.... 4"x4" do Port, cast brass— 4" do „ 8" do Cast brass, 5" x 3" ...do Strap, G. I., heavy, with brass pin- ts" do... 8" do.... 10" do.... Strap, brass, heavy— 4" closed do 6" :.:::;; .."do!": 8" do.... „ T 10" do.... Wrought iron— lf'xlf" Pair.... „ 2"x2" do.... Brass— 2"x3" Each... „. Q "x3" do.... Pipe, 1|" x2]" Holders: Assorted Lamp shade— - H " Each... 2k" do... Soap dish. N. P do Twine, No. 131 "do "" Soap dish, N. P do Candlestick "do""' Tumbler, N. P... do"'" Water bottle, N. P ." "."do""' Toilet paper do Holystones, 10" x 6" x 4". . . do"" Hooks: Assorted Bench . . Boat Box Coat and hat, brass do Cabin, door, brass— 4" heavy do .do Each., .do... do... 6'' 12" Cup, brass— r i" H" U" .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Unit price. Appro- priation. (a) $0.19 .14 .25 .14 .21 .32 .35 (a) .35 23.75 (a) .19 . 31 .35 .39 .70 .21 .32 .12 .18 .28 .14 .20 .35 .49 .07 .09 .10 .12 .07 (a) .045 .04 1.00 .30 1.50 .06 1.40 2.00 .47 .35 (a) .53 .64 .72 1.00 .005 .006 .009 .01 Item numbers. Meth- od of supply A. T. 40andsubitems... 1 par. 6 fHome \ port. a See catalogue. 95 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and pi-ice list- < ont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Desig- Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Appro- priation. Item numbers. Meth- od of supply. nated depot or point of supply. Hooks— Continued . Fish- No. 4-4/0 Gross $0.05 1 No. 6-6/0 ...do .05 No. 8-8/0 ...do .10 No. 10-10/0 ...do .10 Curtain, on rings, l. 1 ." Each .15 Drapery, brass ...do .1.58 Grappling And thimble, V" dia ...do 1.71 ...do .135 On rings do ... .12 Sail with brass swivel ...do .10 Smokestack . ..do .42 Screws, brass Gross. . . .79 Hose: Assorted (a) Rubber — 1", 4-ply Foot .18 W, 6-ply ...do .29 |", with couplings ...do . 095 H", 4-piy, with couplings ...do .24 in 50-foot lengths. Fire— 2", 6-ply.... do.... .59 .59 2. 1 ,", with expansion ring ...do coupling. R. B.,5" ...do .59 Steam— \" do .. .26 .26 .40 %n do.... 1J" ...do H",5-ply ...do .60 2", 5-ply ...do .60 2V",5-plv . do... .lil! Suction— 2.'," ...do.... .42 .42 .42 .35 par. 6 4" do.... 5" do Hydrometers Injectors: ;a. t 40 and subitems.. . [Home \ port. Assorted (a) Penberthy, auto-positive— Each.... .30 w ...do .30 Instruments, calculex Ink: Assorted ...do 5. 00 (a) Carter's— Black Pts . 25 Do Qts .44 Red Pts .60 Indelible ...do 2.00 Mimeograph — B. R Tubes... 2.00 Purple R 2.25 .14 Numbering machine Botts. .. Inkstands: Assorted (a) .40 .09 Double Each do Single Interiors: Assorted (a) Single pole, electric- No. 25000 Each.... .40 No. 25001 ...do .45 No. 25018 ...do .70 Iron: Assorted .45 Caulking, assorted Each Flat— i"xl" Pound . . . 024 |"x2" do .024 .024 .03 : .'." x 2" do l"x|" ...do .03 a See catalogue. 96 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Articles T rail do. Soldering, U, complete .|.. .do. Jackets: Assorted . Cook, white Waiters', white Jaws: Assorted Upper "Trimo," 18". Vise Joints, ball, brass do. Kettles: Assorted . Berlin, with rovers Each.. 2.1 qts 3|qts ...do. 6 qts ...do. 8 qts do. Steam, oblong do . Keys: Assorted Blank, brass — 3J" long Each. Assortei 1 Lot . Dozen... Knives: Assorted . . Butcher- Each.... 10" . do. 12" do. Carving do. Chopping do. Drawing, 5" do. Ebony handle, 4" do. No. 3, universal Set . Mast and packing do. Mast and packing, 6" do. For No. 41 Enterprise meat ...do. chopper. For No. 52 do. Putty, 14" do. Appro- priation. \. T. Item numbers. 40 and subitems. Desic;- Meth- natcd od of depot or supply, point of supply. par. 6 fHome \ port. italogue. 97 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Articles. | Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. $0.28 .09 .13 . 10 .09 .19 (o) .94 .20 .01 .01 (a) 1.35 .47 . 25 .11 .20 .23 (a) 4.50 .19 .19 .17 .17 .186 .25 .185 .185 .75 | (a) .75 2.20 1 ' (•) 1.98 1 (a) .10 .10 .28 (») .28 .195 1.50 .10 (•) 9.00 1.10 2.05 2.00 2.85 1.50 .035 .035 .04 .36 .70 .30 , .30 Appro- priation. A.T Item numbers. 40~and subitems. . . Meth- od of supply Desig- nated depot or point of supply. Knives— Continued . Silver-plated ware- Butter Dessert Fruit Table (Miscellaneous) Steel Set ...do ...do do par. 6 Knobs: Assorted Door, ship's Each ...do.... Base oak, 4" Lacing, belt, rawhide— Feet ...do V Ladles: Assorted Soup, S. P Gravy, S. P Soup- Each ...do .do.... ...do.... Tin, small ...do Iron, 5" dia., large ...do Lamps: Assorted Bulkhead, brass Each ...do ...do ...do ...do Bunker, G. I., with double-tube burners. Hand, double-tube, G.I Incandescent (electrical) — 110 volts, Edison base— 8C. P., clear 16 C. P., clear 16 C. P., frosted ...do..:.. 32 C. P., spherical 2C. P., clear 4 C. P.. clear ...do ...do ...do /Home \ port. 5C. P., Midget, 110 V Lanterns: Assorted Dietz Blizzard, No. 2, tubular. . Brass, Bull's-eye, 3" lens Latches: Assorted Each ...do Night, cylinder, rim brass, No. 1 . Lead: Assorted Each Sheet— J" Pound. . .. do.... ,', " Lead'for tabor indicator Boxes. . . Leather: Assorted Pump Side Sq.ft.... Sets Each.... Rigging Letters, steel, {;" Levels, spirit Lights: Assorted Anchor, 8", brass . . . Each ...do Dead- ly" x 8", clear |_" x 10J" ...do True, 10x92" Ever ready, No. 3, complete. . . ...do Lights: Glass, Curley Each . .do 6"xl2", 16 oz 71"xl2", 16 oz ...do . 17"x20", 26 oz , .. .do 24"x28", 26 oz do 11" x 20J", corrugated ...do . ! 1 " x 22", corrugated ...do.... 77616—09- o See catalogue. 98 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list— Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. A rticles. Lights— Con t i nued . 16" x 24" x i", clear Each . 13£"xl4£", corrugated do . 16^"x20", corrugated do .. 16|"dia., 26 oz Lime:" Assorted Monterey Chloride of, in cases Chloride of, in cases Drum. . Linings: Furnace door, G. I Yard... For mustard pot, glass Line: Assorted I - - • - Bunk, lacing, ,%" I Pound . Lead — Deep sea Hand Log- No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 Sennett laid — No. 36 No. 72 No. 96 Links: Assorted Glass tube, fuse— 3 ampere 5 ampere 10 ampere Links, steel connecting log Linoleum, plain Litharge Locks: Assorted Brass— I „ , Ship's, left ; Each... Ship's, right do . . . Desk, comp ... do Draw and knob rim do . . . .do ... .do... .do... Item numbers. Each i ..do....! ..do.. ..I Yards. . . : Pound.. Pound . . Each.... Each. ..do.. ..do.. ...do.. ...do.. ..do.. Mortise Rim brass Wardrobe, No. 302 Loops, curtain, with tassels Lumber Lye, concentrated Lubricators Machines: Assorted Numbering, "Bates". . Boring Knife cleaning Magnets, compensating, §" Mallets Caulking Mats: Assorted Door cocoa— 18"x30" ! Each 22" x 36" - - -do. Mats, wool-bordered, 18" x 30" -do. Matting, pure gum Sq.feet.. Masts, boat ' Mashers: Assorted Potato— „ , Large | Each. Small ...do- Mattresses: Assorted W. W I Each. Cotton I... do.. Feather - • -do.. .04 .47 (a) .18J .21 .21 .28 .28 .28 .27 .27 .27 (a) .05 .05 .05 .40 1.40 .07 (a) 6.50 6.50 .65 .48 .82 2.30 .32 .05 C) .05 .,50 (a) 9.50 10.00 32.00 .50 .30 .40 (a) .90 1.25 1.48 1.00 (a) (a) .39 .30 (a) 2.50 4.40 2.10 Desig- nated depot or point of supply. A.T. 40 and subitems. . . , par. 6 /Home \ port. a See catalogue. b Price varies according to locality 99 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list—Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Articles. Mauls, top i Each Measures: Assorted Liquid— 1-pt do 1-qt — do 2-qt ...do 4-qt do Metal: Assorted Armature Pound . . Bearing do Friction do Piston do Miintz ] ...do Megaphones, 30" j Each Mirrors: Assorted Beveled, plate, 16" x 22". in I Each.... U. S. N. pattern. 15|"sq., 1J" frame do Mops, cotton, No. 12 California do Mouldings and cap Feet Moulds: Assorted Tin ware— Jelly- 3-pt Each 4-pt ...do 5-pt do Melon— 1-qt ...do 8" x 6" oval do Pudding do Mugs: Assorted Coffee, China cabin Each Toothbrush, U. S. N. pattern do Nail Sets Nail puller I Each Nails: Assorted Finishing — Assorted Pound . . Unit of quan- tity. 6d. lOd 12d Wire, common- 3d 4d 6d 8d lOd 12d 20d 30d 40d 60d. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Napkins I Each Naphthaline, with balls Pound . . Needles: Assorted Seaming — No. 14J" Each.... No. 15" ...do No. 15J" ...do No. 16" do Needles: Baggage, 6" , Each Ropmg do Sewing machine , . .do Assorted .do Do Dozen... Sewing, 15" Each SO. 60 (o) . IN .15 .20 .26 00 .22 .22 .22 .25 .22 2. 10 (a) 5.00 3.00 .14 .015 (a) .12 .29 .33 .30 .50 .30 00 .14 .29 1.10 (o) .06 .03 .02 .02 . 01' .02 .02 .02 .02 .0288 .0233 . 0283 .0279 .0283 .28 .04 00 .01 .01 .01 .01 .025 .03 .30 .01 .07 .01 A.T. Item numbers. Meth- od of supply. 40 and subitems. par. 6 Desig- nated depot or point of supply. | Home \ port. a See catalogue. 100 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Appro- priation. Item numbers. Meth- od of supply. Desig- nated depot or pointof supply. Nozzles: (a) $0.65 2.25 («) .55 .55 .55 .55 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .11 .11 .02 | 3.50 (o) .42 .34 .45 .40 .39 .74 .54 .52 .45 .07 .24 .255 Cont. .37 .17 ' .07 («) .58 .63 .63 .50 .85 .85 .84 .85 .85 .85 .55 .55 .54 .59 .64 .47 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 par. 6 Each ...do 2£" Nuts: < Brass— |" Pound.. ...do Composition — ...do 3" ...do Hexagon, C. P. tapped— do ■1" K ...do \" ...do i" hi ...do 1"::::::::::::::::::::::::: ...do i" ...do ij"... . ...do li" ...do Piston, i" Each Pound.. A.T 40andsubitems... Oil: Gallon.. ...do ...do ...do Fish ...do Lard, pure winter standard .... Linseed, pure boiler, in barrels. ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do JHome \ port. Mineral, seal, in barrels Gallon. . ...do Of tar ...do Yards... Each Packing: Dods crass Exp.— Pound.. ...do 4" X" ...do I" ...do 1" ...do 1£" ...do King sheet — ^ s " ...do J" ...do ...do ...do ...do Rod- ...do Flax, square— ...do In ...do i" ...do I" ...do I"::::::::::::::::::::: ...do ...do if" ...do a See catalogue. 101 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Appro- priation. Item numbers. Meth- od of supply. Desig- nated depot or point of supply. Packing— Continued. Rod — Continued. High pressure, round — {" Pound.. ...do $0.47 .47 .47 .47 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .20 .20 .20 .55 .37 .37 .70 .25 .90 .90 .91 .91 .63 .63 W .52 .62 .76 1.43 1.55 1.10 1.50 .70 (a) .04 .06 .06 .08 .04 .015 .02 .20 (a) .85 (a) .15 2.30 1.75 2.75 1.12 .98 .98 1.15 .98 [a.t 40andsubitems... par. 6 f" l''.\................... ...do ...do H. P . square — f" ...do J" ...do |" ...do ...do.... j" , ...do 1" ...do 1" ...do Tuck's, square— \" ...do f" ...do 3" ...do ...do Without wire insertion— £" ...do ...do ...do Sheet— ...do Vanda sheet— -fo" ...do |" ...do With wire insertion, §" Without wire insertion — ...do ...do j" ...do Sheet, is" ...do Padlocks: Brass— 1", No. 813 Each.... ...do li" fHome 2" ...do \ port. 2\" ., ...do Paddles: Ash, 6 ft. long f" Life raft ...do ...do ...do ...do Pads or blocks, memorandum — , 3£"x8" [JH Note Each ...do ...do ...do Scratch- No. 2f>20 No. 4024 P" No. 4026 ...do ...do ...do Pads, stamp, purple, No. 2 Laugh- ton. Pails: Paints: Each . . . ...do Book.... Gallon.. ...do ...do Gallon . . ...do Anticorrosive, for ships' bot- toms, in drums, No. 1. Antifouling, for ships' bottoms, in drums, No. 2. Asbestos, smokestack — Black Blue Buff ...do Red .. ...do White . , ...do a See catalogue. 102 List of Class A supplies iviih designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Articles. Pound . . ...do ...do.. ..do ..do Pint.... Book ... Quart .. ..do Pound.. ..do ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... >•■ do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Paints— Continued . Black, Smalls' Chrome, green, medium, in 2- lb. cans. Chrome, yellow, medium, in 2-lb. cans. Copper, brown Enamel, Indian red Gold, size, "Eureka" Gold leaf Gold japalac Gold mahogany stain, in oil Lampblack- Dry In oil, pure Eddy's in 5-lb. cans. Lead — Red, pure, dry White, dry White, bath tub enamel Oxide of iron, in paste form Prussian blue, in oil Sienna, burnt, pure Italian, in 5-lb. cans, dry. Umber, burnt, pure, Turkey, in 5-lb. cans — Dry In oil Venetian, red, in 5-lb. cans — Dry In oil Vermilion — Dry (English) do. In oil do. Yellow Ocher, French, in oil do.. Zinc, pure white, green seal, ...do... French, in oil. Ultramarine, blue, in oil White enamel — Inside Outside Paint varnish and paint remover. Paint remover Palms: Assorted Roping Each... Sewing do. Pans: Assorted Agate ware, 21 qts Each... Bakers — 21" x21"x3|" J... do.... 26"xl8"x4§" ...do.... 22" x 19" x 5" . . .do.... Bread — 20" x20" x3" ...do.... 25" x 15" x 3" .do. . . . 25" x 21" x 3" .do.... 26" x 18" x 2" I . . . do. . . . Butter ...do Cake- No. 43, deep | do. 10" x3" do Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. ...do.... Gallon . . ...do.. Quart... Gallon Dust. Enamel- ware dish. Frying 6" 12" 15" 18" 20" G. I. 18" x 18" Each. ...do.. x6". .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. $0.07 .105 .13 1.52 .95 1.00 .45 .30 .50 .10 .09 .06 .0642 3.20 • 03| .25 .10 .04 .045 .10 .03 .07 .02 .08 .15 .04 .0635 .17 1.50 1.50 .56 1.75 («) .34 .20 («) .57 .40 .40 .40 1.25 .40 .40 .40 .20 .125 .135 .18 .75 .045 .07 .07 .09 .09 .10 .40 Appro- priation. Item numbers. Meth- od of supply. Desig- nated depot or point of supply. A.T. 40 and subitems. . . par. 6 /Home iport. a See catalogue. 103 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Pans— Continued. Mess — Large E.W Muffin Each.... ...do ...do .do. ..do.. ..do.. ..do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Patty No. 1 Pudding, oblong — 10|"x3£" 20"xl3i" No. 204, oval Roasting — 2J" 2f" Sauce — 2-qt 2£-qt 3J-qt 6-qt 8-qt Shirred egg Small, round Sauce, copper, 11| x 8" — Parts: Flushometer, namely — Elbows,N.P Lot Handles, complete — 12" 14" Links, brass Nuts, controller Piston, main valve — Large \ Small ' Regulating Tips, hand ] Valves, cylinder — Large '' Small Valves, relief- Large....- J Small ! Washers, main valve Fan- Armatures— No. 659-M I Each.... No. 6860 1 Bearings, No. 6860 \ Blades — 12" Swivel, 1900 model j Brushes — 12", 1900 model 6" long, J" thick Coils, field- No. 659-M No. 6860 Cups, oil, 12", 1900 model Cushions, rubber, 12" ! Holders, brush— 12", 1897 model 12", 1900 model Guards— 12", 1900 model 12", 659-M, 1897 model .1 16", No. 6860, 1897model' R heostats — 12",659-M ! 12",No.6860 | Washers, fiber, 12" :Hundred Wicking, lamp I Pounds. Unit price. Appro- priation. $0.41 .46 .14 .75 • 00| .31 1.00 .30 1.50 1.75 .27 .27 .33 .42 .50 .13 .09 4.50 8.40 2.50 1.00 .40 .04 1.24 2.75 1.00 .40 2.75 1.24 1.50 .40 .10 3.53 3.53 .28 2.10 .155 .16 1.38 1.38 .48 .96 .06 .35 2.40 2.40 1.30 1.28 1.40 .25 .18 Item numbers. Desig- Meth- | nated od of depot or supply, point of supply. A.T 40 and subitems. par. 6 '< J Home I port. o See catalogue. 104 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list— Cont'd ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Paper: Assorted Blotting — 18 x 24" 19x24" Carbon, copy — Cap Letter Letter, blue. Letter, purple . 13J x 16|" Drawing, duplex. Sheet. ..do... Box ...do Sheets ! (box). Sheets... Sheets (lot). Yard (lot). Note Quire. . . Onionskin- Cap ! Sheets (set). Letter Sheets (lot). Stencil, mimeograph Quire Tracing, 27" wide | Yards. T. W. 84x13" ! Quire T. W.8J"xl3" I Box... . Pens: Assorted ' Steel- Ball point, No. 506 j Gross Estabrook, No. 048 ...do.. Falcon, No. 048 ..do Pencils: Assorted ! Eag.e No. 2 !.!!!!! ! Each.!!! Kohinoor, H. B I... do Mephisto, 73b I ... do! * ! Slate, 100 in a box ' Box *" ' Paste: Assorted Polishing ! | Pound ! ! : Burns, soldering ...do... . Diamond, 5-oz I Jar . Penracks I Each Picks: Ice (miscellaneous) J Nut (silver-plated) I Pillowcases, cotton i Each. Penholders, cork-tip j Dozen Pillows: Cotton ! Each Feather I do Pins: Assorted Belaying, 1" diameter, 14" long I Each " Office— No. 5 Cone. . . . No. 6 ...do... . Rolling, 3J", hotel Each.. . . Escutcheon (brass) — f" I Pound.. 1 I" ...do I" I. ..do 1" do 11" j-.-do 1J" L.do Escutcheon (steel) — I" ...do J ;...do I" ...do 1 ...do...... U" ...do W ...do Unit price. $0.03 .035 1.50 1.50 1.60 .01 1.50 1.00 .08 .60 .51 2.00 .115 .08 1.75 (a) .80 .50 .49 (o) .025 I .07 .035 i .30 (a) .105 .65 .14 .18 .07 .08 .14 .90 .18 1.25 (a) .32 .04 .0475 .70 .05 .03 .40 .36 .33 .30 .08 .07 .06 .05 .045 .04 Appro- priation. Item numbers. Desig- Meth- nated od of !depot or supply, point of 1 supply. A. T. 40 and subitems...' par. 6 /Home \ port. a See catalogue. 105 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list— Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Articles. Pins— Continued. Split (brass)— A" Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Pound . /Dozen... I Pound.. | Dozen... \ Pound.. (Dozen... \Pound.. do do Split, G. I. (steel)— 1". .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Pipe: Ammonia,' f " extra heavy I Foot Brass, standard, for pressure— ! l" Pounds. I» " '.do ,// 1" H" U" 2" G. O.— G. 1. I"— . W— 2" .... 24"... 3".... 3i"-- Black iron— .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. in 1".. 11". li". 2".. 24". 3'"'.. 3J". 4".. 5".. 6".. Conduit- 4"... .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. .do. .do. .do. ...do ...do Pound. . Appro- priation. $0.60 1.00 .60 .10 .60 .12 .60 .60 .60 .11 .11 .11 .11 .11 .11 (a) .11 .29 .23 .22 .219 .219 .219 .219 .219 .219 .033 .03 .043 .05 .072 .099 .10 .16 .22 .29 .30 .03 .03 .05 .05 .05 .06 .07 .07 .07 .07 .10 .10 .11 .14 .30 .40 .40 .10 .12 .075 Item numbers. 1 Desig- Meth- nated od of Idepotor supply. jpoint of supply. (o) 1.56 .90 .59 .35 \A.T 40 and subiteais. par. „ (Home \ port. Lead, J x 3" Pitchers: Assorted China, cabin- Ice Each.. Large ...do... Medium ...do... Small I. ..do... a See catalogue 106 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. .do. .do. .do. .do. Pitchers — Continued . China, mess — Sirup Each. . . Water do — Enamel ware — 1-qt 2-qt 4-qt H-qt No. HOI do. Silver-plated ware — Ice do . Milk do. Sirup do. Planes, jack do. Plaster of Paris Plates: Assorted Cabin china ware — Pound. Breakfast Dessert Dinner Soup China, mess — Dinner Meat..- Soup Enamel ware — Dinner Meat Soup Tinware (pie) Machine — No. 41. |" hole No. 41, Enterprise, meat chopper, \" hole No. 52, Enterprise, meat chopper Manhole, with dog Pliers: Diagonal cutting, 6" Side cutting — 7" Each.... ..do ..do ..do Plugs: Assorted Chapman, marine type Edison, attachment, N.W.T. Fuse— 6 amperes 10 amperes 15 amperes 20 amperes Fusible — 3 amperes 6 amperes 10 amperes 12 amperes 15 amperes Boiler — 1' Marme. navy, No. 22680. Portables: Adjustable Hand, 16 C. P Polish: Assorted Engineer's Furniture Silver "Silicon" Pots: Assorted Cabin, china, mustard. . .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Pair. . .do. .do. Each . . . ...do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Gallon . ..do.... ..do... Each. Unit price. $0.11 .15 .30 .38 .01 .86 .179 14.80 7.00 8.80 1.25 .03 w .15 .13 .13 .14 .11 .17 .04 .17 .17 .20 .03 Appro- priation. Item numbers. Meth- od of supply. .80 3.90 3.50 1.40 1.50 (a) .28 .20 .04 .04 .04 .04 .20 .22 .24 .28 .30 .79 1.10 .45 2.70 1.30 (a) 1.25 .80 .165 (a) .18 Desig- nated depot or point of supply. A.T. 40 and subitems.. par. 6 flome port. a See catalogue. 107 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list-Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE-Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Pots— Continued. Enamel ware- Mustard Each... Coflee— , 1-quart ...ao.... 2-quart ...do.... Silver-plated ware— Coflee, individual ao.... do do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... Mustard, individual Tea. individual. Copper, 6-gals Earthenware, 1-Qt.. Gasoline, No. 5, fire Hotel steel, No. 36 . Powder: I „ Knife-cleaning I V> j Insec t Pound Prickers, sailmakers, 10" Each. . Preservers, life: , rwi- i... do.., Cork Tulle .do. Each.. ...do... Returns: , ■j^i// Each. 3 ? .. Reels and awls Rheostats... Rings: Assorted . . . Basin, navy pattern ! &wn Brass, with buttons, }" r"j° Ewers, navy pattern do Expanders, hose coupling— u» I. ..do 2" "."..... — d0 2\" d0 G. I., |" inside diameter G. I., l|" inside ...do.. Gross . Each. Primers, gun, Lyle's ""n° Pulls, drawer "a" Pulleys '-Pound" Pumice round . Punches: Grommet— • , No. 3 Each.. No. 4 ...do.... Shackle for anchor - - ao - - - • Putty, inWb.eans ; lound. Comb and brush, navy pattern . , Each . . . Towel, navy pattern do ... . Racks, stamp - - - d0 - v Rags, cleaning }™ Rails, step, iron k- a ?- Ratchets, sleeve - - - ^acn. . Reducers, hose, cast brass, 2§" to 1 ---4°--- Refrigerators "ir i-" ' Rattan | *°ot.. Reams, straight fluted: II" U" Receptacles: . Chapman ao Wall, N. W. T do Receivers, navy pattern j ... do Ribbons, T. W.: Remington— Black record - ■ - a ° Purple rpcord .do Smith-Premier— , Purple copying ] . . .do -j Tri-chrome No. 1 ...do j Unit price. .51 .59 ti.23 3.00 7.00 12.00 .125 4.50 3.50 .90 .50 .50 1.75 .85 .32 (») (") .04 Appro- priation. Item numbers. Desig- Meth- nated , od of Idepot or I supply, point of supply. .45 .50 3.00 .01' 1.50 1.25 2.35 .045 I .47 .30 .70 (o) .03 2.89 3.40 .70 .175 2.06 .42 .42 .75 1.00 1.00 .35 .20 .20 1.30 1.20 (a) 5.75 .12 4.50 1.25 1.50 2.00 .005 .70 .02 )A. T I 40?and'subitems ..j par. 6 (Home \ port. o See catalogue. List of Class A supplie, 108 » with designated depot or point of supply and price list-Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE-Contlnued. Rings— Continued. G. I., 2" diameter, malleable Muffin, 3" Pound ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do., do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do. ...do. Each.... ...do. ...do Napkin (silver-plated ware) do.. Napkin, wood —r- Pole •"•^"" Receiver, N. P (...do- Rivets: Assorted and burrs Copper Iron— _ T 3 5 » X |"R.H i" x 4" \"*W" a/' x 4" A"*}" 4"xi" i" x I" Tinned ,*;;/";i« Tinned, soft steel \" x 14 Roach salt Roasters, steam . - - - - Rockets, distress and sticks. . and sticks Rope, assorted Rope: Cotton— 2" circumference "" 3" circumference Hemp, 2" circumference. Hambrolime ■ Houseline ■ Manila — 6-thread 9-thread 12-thread 15-thread 3-strand— u" -" j " Tt» ...do... I .do... .do... .do... .do... .do., .do.. .do.. .do.. ..do.. .. do- Pound . ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do... .do. .do. .do. .do. Lf 2".. 2i". 24". 2\". 3".. 34". 4".. 5".. 7" 4-strand— , 9 1/' ....... - u o p •• 44' C. C. steel— v t fx6xl9" i Foot -" 4x6x19" G. I. steel, 4" diameter.. . Galv. steel, |" |--- 1 .do .do ..do ..do Wire — C. C. steel, f x 6 x 19" G. I. steel, f" diameter i . •■^•- • Marline, hemp... Ratline- Hemp— 9-thread. 12-thread 15-thread... ...do.. ...do.. liiieau I — j 18-thread I " " h° " ;>l-thread - - - ao " .04 .04 .10 .10 .10 .10 .03 .05 .31 1.12 .34 .18 (a) .20 .25 .185 .20 .195 .1175 .1175 .125 .1075 .14 .1075 .1075 .1075 .1075 .1075 .1075 .1075 .1075 .1075 .1075 .1075 .1075 .1075 .1075 .0401 .06 .0547 .0622 .081 .0811 .19 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 AT ' 40 and subitems. par. i Home \ port. a See catalogue. 109 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list-Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE-Continued. Item numbers. Desig- Meth- nated od of depot or supply, point of supply. ...do I ...do Rope— Continued. Spun yarn— HeI 2?yTni Pound . . 3-yarn Manila — 2-varn 3-yarn Seizing stuff— , 6-varn •••°° 9-yam -•-«» 12-y am - - • •■ ; ao - - - • • Seizing, mamla wire, f *oot Rotators log: Each.... 1 rsliss , Rotten stone Lump Rowlocks, G. I., \ Rubber, assorted. Rubber, sheets: do. Pair. Pound.. ..do ..do Yard... Pound. Pound. Each.. ...do... Quire... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ...do... Pure gum Soft gum Rugs: Assorted - - Rules, double arch, 2' 8 Rungs, ladder, round Runner: Carpet, W. V Corrugated rubber Sails, boat Salinometers Sal ammoniac Salt cellars: Glassware Small Sand paper: Assorted No. 00 No.O No. A No. 1 No. li No. 2 No.2i No. 3 Salvers, assorted - • Salvers (silver-plated ware): 10" 12" 14" Saucers, assorted Saucers. E.W. coffee Saucers (cabin china ware): After dinner Coffee Fruit Ice cream ^pjj ............-•-*-- Saucers (China mess ware): Coffee Saws: Assorted - Keyhole, compass, and prun ing back, 8". Circular, cross-cut .- - v - • Hand, rip, 26", 4-point to inch. . Meat— 18" ---d° no" ...do Miter", box,' 28" x 5", P Each. ..do.. ..do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Each. Each do I do .1075 . 107:". .15 .15 .15 .14 5.90 5.50 4.75 .06 .25 CO .45 .75 .75 CO .30 .40 1.525 .145 CO .30 .09 .29 .15 CO .18 .18 .18 .148 .18 .148 .18 .148 CO .10 .10 .15 CO .09 .10 .14 .13 .13 .13 .10 CO .10 .65 .55 .85 .94 1.10 A. T. 40 and subitems.. par. fHome \ port. a See catalogue. 110 List of Close ^1 supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Appro- priation. Item numbers. Meth- od of supply. Desig- nated iepot or point of supply. Scales: (a) $7.00 15.50 6.75 .28 (<0 .47 .37 .50 .23 (o) .97 .49 .30 .55 .75 .35 .40 .35 1.13 1.02 1.25 1.35 1.47 1.58 (a) .20 .10 .16 .20 .49 .65 1.10 .96 .90 (a) .01 .02 .03 ( a ) .25 .22 .22 .24 .30 .30 .32 .32 .32 .32 .32 .32 .30 .50 .50 .50 .048 .08 .35 .68 .45 2.42 .002 .002 1.39 .002 1 par. 6 Each . . . ...do White enamel, 60-pound ...do i Pair Scoops: Each i ...do Flour, solid steel, seamless Tin Scrapers: Box, adjustable ...do do ... . ...do File- Small ...do ...do ...do Ship's— 2J" blade, wooden handle.. 3" blade, wooden handle. Ship's, painter's Tube, elliptical spring— 2*" ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do >A. T / 40 and subitems.. 03'/ ...do 3" ...do 3}" ...do 3J" ...do Screw-drivers: Each ...do 8" 10" 19" ...do ...do ...do \i" ...do /Home t port. ...do ...do ...do Screw eyes: No. 1104 No. 1205 No. 1209 Screws: ■ Brass, F. H. machine— \", No. 4 Gross . . . ...do ...do Pounds . Gross . . . ...do No. 8 No. 10 ...do |", No. 4 ...do No. 12 ...do \", No. 10 ...do No. 1C ...do No. 20 ...do No. 24 ...do §", No. 4 ...do No. 6 ...do No. 12 No. 20 ...do ...do |", No. 10 ...do No. 14... ...do Machine, F. H. — |" X If" Each.... ...do For bloom flusher handle, R. Jx 1" Gross . . . ...do \ X 1" j 3 B - X 1" ...do 1 X 1" ...do j x H" Each.... ...do |x2" Gross . . . Each.... HiXli" a See catalogue. Ill List of Chits A supplies witfi designated depot or point of supply and price list Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Appro- priation. Item numbers. Desig- Meth- nated od of depot or supply, point of supply. Screws — Continued . Brass, wood, F. II.— Gross ... ..do $0.20 ■■ .24 .25 .38 .18 .22 .22 .21 . 23 . 26 .35 .35 .32 .47 .42 .62 .62 . 62 .56 .74 .98 .55 .85 .60 1.26 .71 .96 | 1.17 1.43 .90 1.33 1.35 1.71 2.00 1.47 1.79 2.70 2.70 2. 31 3.51 2. 12 1. 85 .50 . 25 .30 .26 .55 .43 .33 .37 .37 .42 .02 .84 .70 .90 .70 .80 1. 35 .91 1.10 1. 50 1.03 1.27 1.61 2.71 .5c .71 1.18 2.12 i See catalc ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do No 10 ..do ..do ..do ..do No 14 ..do ..do No 12 ...do ! No 12 ...do .'.'.do..... No 10 Brass, wood, F. II ...do ...do ...do No 14 >A. ' ...do No 14 ...do No 16 ...do ...do Brass, wood, R. H.— § \ No. 8 ...do ...do ...do 1 x No. 9 ...do 11 x No. 8 ...do |" No. 6 ...do No. 9 ...do 1" No 6 ...do No. 9 . ...do No. 12 . ...do 11" No. 9 . ...do.... No. 12 . ...do.... No. 14 No. 14 If", No. 12 No. 14 No. 16 2", No. 12 No. 14 No. 10 H", No. 10 If", No. 10 2", No. 10 2\", No. 10 . ...do.... . ...do.... .'...do.... . ...do.... . ...do.... . ...do.... . ...do.... . ...do.... . ...do.... .^..do.... . ...do.... ...do.... i »gue 40 and SLibitems. . . par. /Home \ port. 112 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd, ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. A rticles. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Appro- priation. Item numbers. Meth- od of supply. Desig- nated depot or point of supply. Screws— Continued . Each Gross... ...do SO. 01 1.70 1.49 2.44 2.90 .03 .83 .03 ■ 08J .03 .15 2.50 .30 1.75 (a) .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .25 .25 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .03 .95 («) .50 .30 .29 .40 .50 .75 .55 .60 .30 .60 (o) 2.68 2.78 («) 5.00 .94 («) 1.49 1.00 1.40 .60 .54 .75 .75 .57 .52 .70 .25 2.25 par. 1 N. P., 1", No. 7 N. P., 1", No. 7 N. P., li", No. 16 N. P., If", No. 16 Lag, 2" ...do ...do Each C 14" 2" 2i" Each ...do 3" Set... Pound . . Each.... ...do ...do Shackles: Anchor — If back Each ...do li" if... . ...do 2" ...do 2i" ...do 3" ...do Screw, galvanized Pound . . Each ...do A.T 40 and subitems... Screw Screw, G. I.— i" i" ...do ...do I" ...do I" ...do 1" ...do Wrought iron, 1$". . . ...do Shades: Assorted Glass, fancy Each ...do ("Home \ port. Glass, 2h" ...do ...do Shaves: Spoke ...do Patent lug ...do Shears: Assorted Grape Pair ...do Office Full, N. P., 6" edge Each ...do Full, N. P. 10" edge Shellac: Orange Gallon.. ...do White Shells: Assorted Empty, 6-pounder Each ...do Sieves: Flour, iron, 20" diamond Flour, iron, 12" diamond Flour, Iron, 15" diamond Signals: Each ...do ...do ...do ...do Red Boxes... Each Set Each ...do .... Skimmers: b v (E. W.) Hotel ...do Showers, heads, tubular, 10" diam- to. eter. ...do..,. a See catalogue. 113 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Pairs Pounds . Sifters, flour, tin Shovels: Scoop Scoop, No. 4 D. H Silk, mimeograph Slates, 14" x 18", double j Each.. Slicers, egg, No. 1 ...do... Sleeves or sockets, |" do... Slicks do... Slings: Chain, 12" long Net, 10 feet square Snips, tinners' Soda: Caustic, in drums Sal, in barrels ...do Sal, in sacks .do Soap: Assorted Castile Pound . . Laundry .do Salt-water |...do Scouring I Cake Soft I Pounds . Sockets: Assorted Davit j Each Brass rod, No. 428 ...do Brass rod, No. 470 ;...do Morse drill . . .do Steel, No. 1 ...do Steel, No. 3 '...do Sockets (electric): Edison, key — For |" pipe do For |" pipe ...do Edison, keyless— For I" pipe ; . . .do For l"pipe |...do Edison, key wall — G. E. No. 50783 j...do G. E. No. 50784 ...do Waterproof, No. OOobb i...do Keywall, No. 50747 '...do Keylesswall, No. 50745 ...do Solder: Half-and-half ! Pound. . Wiping ...do Spanners : Assorted t Hose, U" j Each Hose, 2A" i ... do Spikes: Assorted I 14" for wire rope Each . . . Marline, 10" .do Marline, 14" L..do Spittoons: Assorted Rubber Each Cap do Sponges Pounds . Spoons: Assorted Mustard j Each Spoons (enamel ware): Large do Small do Miscellaneous — Basting do Tea, German silver do Unit price. SO. 20 .60 1.00 . 65 1.15 .10 .04 2.19 3. 50 18.00 .55 .02 .01f .0125 (o) .08 .0335 .0350 .0332 .0185 ("> . 12 .07 .08 1. 199 1.04 1.04 .19 .23 . 18 .21 .34 .31 .15 .25 .17 .23 .19 (a) .40 .50 (a) 1.00 .17 .30 (a) 1.08 .04 3.21 («) .01 .23 .06 . 06 .04 Appro- priation. Item numbers. 40 and xubitcms. Meth- od of supply. par. 6 Desig- nated depot or point of supply. f Horn* \ port. talogue 77616 -09- 114 hist of Class . I supplies with designated depot or point of sup-ply and price list — Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Arti. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Appro- priation. Item numbers. Meth- od of supply. Desig- nated depot or point of supply. Spoons (silver-plated ware): Basting Dessert Egg .Mustard Sail Sugar Table Tea Spouts, for cans.-squirt Springs, drum, for indicator Squares, steel, 24" Sprayers: Faultless extinguishing, 1 -quart Each ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do .. .do ...do ...do ...do .-.do .do.... 80. 23 .28 .12 .10 .23 .23 .21 .15 .05 .35 .50 .45 .35 .39 .50 («) .10 .05 .90 1.76 (a) .50 (a) .39 .39 .039 . 039 039 A.T 40 and subitems. . . par. 6 ...do.... Squilgees, 14", square handle ...do Lines . . . Each.... ...do Staples: Fasteners, No. 2 Stencils, brass. to 10 ...do Steps, transport Each — Steel: Angle — U x V," x /; " Pounds . Cold rolled— ...do , r , "diameter ...do h" diameter Octagon — T ; "diameter ...do ...do (Home meter |" diameter ...do do... .072 .072 .072 .072 .072 .085 .085 .072 .078 .085 .073 . 024 S. .05 .50 .351 8.61 5.88 .50 .60 (a) .04 .0! . 0258 .06 (a) .13 • 08J .14 .05 .03| .08 \ port. |" diameter 1 " diameter ...do do. . |" diameter do.... 1" . .do... \\" .do \\" H" Tool, flat, j" x 1" ...do ...do ...do Soft, marlines, rd., 2" Tall, s •ll'-nardcning— ...do .do 1" do... Each Set Each .do..., li" to 2" Stones, oil: 7" x 2£" X 1" Mounted ...do Stoppers: Assorted Rubber, sink — Each .do.. 1" H" do \y." do ■Strainers": Assorted Bowl, wood handle Each ...do.. Colfee Soup, tinware .do... Or spouts, tea, No. 20 deep Tea— 2J" diameter 2i" ...do ...do ...do a See catalogue. 115 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list— Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. wide. Each. ..do.. Stools: Assorted Camp 18" high, 13J Strainers: Wood, No. 5, handle ... China, cap — 6" ..do.. ..do- ..do.. ..do.. Bales . Jelly, tinware Olive, silver plated Paint— 10" top, 6" bottom do.. 12" top, 8" bottom | . . .do . . Strainers, suction pipe, iron, 5|". .. ...do. Switches: Assorted 35-ampere (electrical) Each . Snap- S-ampere ■ 1 0-ampere 15-ampere Swivels, iron Straw - Switches, double pole: 38-ampere 10-ampere 20-ampere 30-ampere Tables: Assorted Card, folding, arm Dining Tacks: Assorted Carpet — 4-oz 6-oz 10-oz Copper- Each... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... Each ..do.. Pound . . ...do ...do..... Assorted . G.I.— 1" .do. .do. .do. ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do.... M Pound. Pound. Tags, baggage checks, red Tallow Tape: Assorted Black, insulating, f", |-lb. roll. Measuring— I _ , 50ft Each... 100 ft -;,-,— Office | Spool... Okonite, waterproof, f", J-lb. roll. Waterproof, rubber, |", H D - roll. White, cotton— '," wide Taps: Assorted . . . Pipe, gas- Box. ..do. Each. ..do.. ...do.. ...do.. I' nit price. 81.00 .88 . 08 .84 1.00 1.45 1.75 .75 2.00 1.40 1.25 2.00 (a) .57 .13 .17 .58 .40 1.50 .44 .14 .18 .30 (a) 2.45 .50 (a) .10 .11 .10 .245 .245 .37 .10 .10 .11 .11 .11 7.50 .07 (a) Appro- priation. 1.75 2.72 .14 .85 .35 .34 .50 00 Item numbers. Meth- od of Desig- nated depot or Supply, point of supply. 40andsubltems.. par. 6 (Ho I P me port. .20 .16 J .16 a See catalogue. 116 List of Class A suppliesjvith designated depot or point of supply jand price list — Cont'd , ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Desig- Articles. Unit of | quan- : tity. Unit price. Appro- priation. Meth- Item numbers. od of supply. nated depot or point of supply. Taps — Continued. Machine — R. H. brass— i" Set $0.47 |" ...do .57 13th, y, .y ' Each.... .50 &",!" ...do .247 ...do .40 ...do 1.25 i ...do .34 ! Gallon . . .37 Tarpaulins: • . , CO 17' x 13' x 10" Each.... 15.15 ! 18'xl3'x6" ...do 15.50 24' x 15' x 6" ...do 23. 50 25' x 15' x 6" ...do 24.50 10.00 ...do Thermometers: (a) Each.... .95 | Thimbles: ...do .... (a) Galvanized, round — 2J-" Dozen... ...do .35 .50 .60 2.i". . 03." ...do Iron — 2" Each.... ...do . 06 .06 21" 3" ...do .00 .06 ! .02 5"... ...do ...do Sail— 1" Each ...do .08 .08 .08 .02 11" 2" ...do Wire, galvanized, [\," ...do.... Wire rope — ...do .05 .033 .04 .06 1 .06 [a.t 40 and subitems... par. 6 fHome \ port. |" ...do ...do |" ...do 1" ...do.. . Tin: («) Sheet— XX, 14" x 20" Pound . . ...do .07 .07 • XXX, 14" x 20" Thread: Assorted (a) Flax, No. 25, Barbour's (8 spools Pound . . 1.55 to pound)— Flax , No. 35, Barbour's (8 spools ...do.... 1.55 to pound) — Spool. . . ...do .10 .10 Sewing — Black- ■ No. 30 ...do .07 .07 No. 40 ...do.... No. 50 ...do .07 No. 60 ! ...do.... .07 White- No. 30 ...do.... .07 No. 30 ...do .07 No. 50 ...do.... .07 No. 60 ...do.... .07 Threads, cast irou Each .07 Thumbtacks: Assorted («) 1" Gross. . . 1.25 No. 436 Per 100.. 2.75 No. 2442 ' Gross. .. .50 No. 2641 ! Box .... .60 n Sec c atalogue. 117 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont' 'd. •ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. 1 Desig- A rticles. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Appro- priation. Item numbers. Meth- od of supply nated depot or point of supply. Tierces, slack, 24" head Each $1.35 . Tips, hand |...do.... .35 Tongs: I Assorted ( a ) Chain Each 3.50 Ice machine, 17" forge ...do .75 Pickle, silver plated ...do.... .55 Sugar, silver plated ...do.... .26 Towels: Assorted (a) .23 Cooks Each Bath ...do.... .23 Crew ...do .27 ...do.... .22 Glass ...do.... .17 Roller ...do.... .27 Dish. .do. . .23 Tools: Carpenters' Set 25.00 Trays: Assorted (a) Japanned — . 16" Each .27 24" ...do .62 Silver plated ...do 3.40 Trucks: Assorted (a) 7.90 W. H., rubber tires, No. 2... Each Tubes for Sir Thompson's sounding ...do . 22 machines. Tubes: Assorted (a) Boiler — Plain Each.... do 4. 50 4.47 (») 1.00 A.T 40 and subitems... par. 6. Stav Tubs: Assorted /Home \ port. Bathtub, E. W Each.... Coal-hoisting ...do 12.00 Coal do 2.50 Tumblers: Assorted c<) ; .10 Decorated (glassware) Each.... E. W ...do .04 Mess .04 Plain, for holder ...do .09 Tureens: Assorted (a) .14 ! E. W Each.... Silver-plated ware ...do 2.00 | Soup, china mess, 14-quart. ...do .15 | Turnbuckles: Assorted (a) .49 ! 1" Each 5// do 1.05 i Turners: Assorted (a) .045 Cake, tin, large Each Turnes, cupboard ...do .26 Turpentine. . . Gallon.. .(13 Twine: Assorted «') Sail- S-ply (cotton) Pound. . .25 C-ply (cotton) ...do.... .25 . 25 7-ply (cotton) ...do S-ply (cotton) .do . 25 . 25 Sewing hemp, 3-ply ...do Urns, coffee, N. P. Each.... 29.5(1 Urinals: Assorted (a) 5.45 1' Flat, backed. 15" x 18" Each.... " See catalogue. 118 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list- Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE-Continued. Desig- Meth- nated Item numbers. od of depot or I supply- point of supply. 40 and subitems... par. 6 | Home | port. .do. .do. i. ..do. Hard rubber, pump— Large do. Medium Pounds. Vulcanized ,l(> Small Manifold, 3" do Plus:, check, iron- s'' ...do.... 3i" ...do.... 4" ...do ......do .do... 6". .4.". .48 .02 10.00 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 a See catalogue. 119 List of Class- A supplies with designated di su'pply and pria ont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE -Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Valves— Continued. Relief, brass, 1'," Safety ...do. Seal spring Unit pi ici . 04. 13 3.00 5.00 Appro- priation. !t» m numbers. Seat spring and guards -.do 7.00 i, L/unkenhi imer 2" do. 2i" do. Throttle and wrench do.... Vertical check, brass — do.... i" 1" do.... Varnish: Assorted Asphaltum, black Gallon. I rli do Copal do — Damar !. ..do — E sulati ig, P. & B J... do.... Spar do.... Vaseline Pound. Varnish remover Gallon . Vises: i irted Bench Each. . . Anvil : 20 do.... No. 40 .do.... Pipe, No. do.... Washers: Assorted Cork, l- r r B " dia Each — class, assorted Pound.. Bibb— \" Each.... |" do J"....* do ?" do.... 1" do Rubber, sq. Rainbow, f" do Gauge elass — .'," Each.... I" do |". do |" i Hose, rubber, heavy- - i" E do Wrought-iron — : ."' do i" i". H" i r : " .do. .do. .do. .do Wax, sealing do. Waste, cotton I. ..do. Webbing: Vs3 irte I White, l\" Yard... ^.s ;orte 1 Iron Each.. . Hat' 2x2x 8 2^x:tx!0 0. *3 .29 .37 : . 65 l. Lo 1.85 1.00 2.15 . 1 .6875 i.iO 4.00 5.00 ..SO .01 .u. .01 .()! .02 . I fl . 02 .02 .Ml 005 .02 0225 . 06 .01. III.. .01. .01. .06 .059 nr. .35 Desig- nati d ] oint of supply. I A. T 40 andjsubitems. . par i i Home i port. . 12 alosue. 120 List of Class J supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE -Continued. Articles. Unit of quan- tity. Unit price. Appro- priation. 1 Item numbers, j Meth- ! od of supply. Desig- nated depot or point of supply. Weights: («) $0. 08 j 20.00 0) '.\n .05 1.00 (o) .10 .21 .30 .02 (o) .i$ (a) .04 .04 .02 .OH (a) . 00275 . 249 .28 Par. 6 . Each.... Wheels: Each Sets • AT 40 and subitems. . . Pipe cutter- No. 1 No. 3 Whips: Egg- 13" 15" 18" Found. . Wicking: Pound. . Wicks: Lamp— B-dual Each ..do E-dual . . .do . . . . . .do . . . Wind sails. Wire: Pound . . ...do.... ...do... . ...do Brass, hard, No. 8 Copper- Annealed . No. 18 - Soft, English standard No. 14 (Home I port. ...do .21 .21 .19 No. 16 ...do No. 18 ...do Keel / Fuse— ...do . . . J 2 .50 .50 .50 . 375 . 375 . 375 . 375 . 375 175 .23 .449 .do . . . . .do . . . ...do 20-amp ...do.. . ...do .. . ...do . . . ...do . . . ...do . . . . . .do . . Lead - No. 16 is. & S., No. 20 gauge. . Sizing— No. 19 No. 20 ...do ...do .30 .30 .30 .30 . 23 .22 .00824 . 00657 . 00863 1 1.90 (a) No. 21 ..do No. 22 Spring, brass — No. 12 No. 14 Wire, ship's, G. E., white rubber core: It" do.. . . do.... Foot.... ..do 16" 18" ...do Pound . . Wrenches: Assorted a See catalog! e 121 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point of supply and price list — Cont'd. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE— Continued. Wrenches— Continued. Forged, open end for— I" hexagonal nut. . i" 1J".. 1J".. -13" < * " Monkey- 10". 12". 15". 18". 21". Stillson- 6".. Klnc: 10" 14" 18" 24" 36" Basin bozzelo . . D. E., |"xl".. D. E., l"xlj". Assorted Plate-rolled, 1" x 6" x 12' Unit of quan- tity. Each.. ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do.. .do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Each... ...do.... ...do.... Pound . Unit price. 80. 25 .22 40 .48 .56 .97 1.20 1.46 1.50 .35 .40 .48 .56 97 1.21 1.46 .54 .54 .61 .81 1.08 1.62 3.24 1.13 .75 1.10 (o) .09 Appro- priation. Item numbers. supply. 40 aud subitems.. Desig- Meth- nated od of depot or point of supply. par. 6 I Home ) port. a See catalogue. CAMP AND GARRISON EQUIPAGE. Articles. ♦ Ax« ♦ Ax helve* ♦ Ax slings ♦ Barrack bag « ♦ Bed sack * ♦ Bed sheet * ♦ Bedstead, iron, with woven wire bottom, double deck (new style). « ♦ Bedstead, iron, with woven wire bottom, single (new style). * ♦Bedstead, iron, with woven wire bottom (old style). « ♦ Broom, corn * ♦Brush, scrubbing* ♦ Bugle, field artillery * ♦Bunk bottom, woven wire* ♦ Bunk, iron, without slats or bunk bottoms, s ♦ Card holders for bunks * ♦ Chair, barrack * ♦ Color sling (olive drab) * ♦Color belt and sling, old style, leather. * ♦ Color, camp, with staff * ♦Color, staff* ♦ Company marking stamp * ♦ cot* : ; ♦ Cot cover * ♦ Flag, garrison * ♦Flag, hospital, field* ♦ Flag, hospital, general * ♦ Flag, post s ♦ Flag, storm and recruiting « Unit of quantity. > C. <& K y par. 5 par. 11 122 List of Class A supplies with designated depot or point oj supply and price list- Cont'd. CAMP AND GARRISON EQUIPAGE— Continued. Articles. * Flag halliards, garrison and post * * Flag halliards, recruiting* * Guidon, ambulance, including staff.* * Hammock * Hand litter * * Hatchet s * Hatchet helve * * Hatchet sling* ♦Mattress * * Mattress cover * * Mosquito bar, doubles ♦Mosquito bar, single * * Mosquito head net* * Music pouch, large, olive drab «.. . * Music pouch, small, olive drab e . . * Music stand * * Pickax s * Pickax helve * *Pillow« * Pillowcase s * Pillow sack « ♦Shovel, long handled s * Shovel, short handled « * Spade s * Stencil plates * * Telescope case s * Tent, common, with wall * ♦Tent, common, with wall, com- plete. * * Tent, conical wall, regulation « ♦Tent, conical wall, regulation, complete. s * Tent, conical wall, improved, complete, with stove and other appurtenances.* ♦Tent, hospital: Regulation, without asbestos collar.* Regulation, without asbestos collar, complete.* Regulation, with asbestos col- lar, s Regulation, with asbestos col- lar, complete.* Regulation, with galvanized- iron shield.* Regulation, with galvanized- iron shield, complete.* Tropical * Tropical, complete * ♦Tent, shelter, and clothing roll. combined: Each half without pole and pins.s Each half with 1 pole and S pins.* Complete « * Tent, storage * Completes ♦Tent, wall: Regulation, without' asbestos collar.* Regulation, without asbestos collar, complete.* Regulation, with asbestos col- lar.* Regulation, with asbestos col- lar, complete.* Regulation, with galvanized iron shield.* Regulation, with galvanized iron shield complete.* Tropicals Tropical, complete * Unit of quantity. Set. Unit price. cl rt og sis T3 a- C. C.& E. !c. & E. C. & E . C. & E.. par. 5 par. 5 par. 12. par. U. par. 5 par. 5 par. 5 par. 11 . par. 13 par. li par. 5 par. l"i J. B. Aleshire, Quartermaster-General, U. S. Army. O