V A ^ V ON THE TEXT OF HAMLET INAUGURAL DISSERTATION FOR THK DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF FHILO'SQFHY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN By aura maud MILLER ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN June, 1905 PR 3071 .ns Copy 1 VARIA ON THE TEXT OF HAMLET INAUGURAL DISSERTATION FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OP PHILOSOPHY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN By aura maud MILLER ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN June, 1905 S hakospcariana TO MY FATHER Gift :ia y riiVftT^ty, 24 Ap'06 ANN AHOOn PLANT THE RICHMOND & BACKUS CO. /^ PREFACE I have taken the Cambridge Shakespeare (ed. 1892) as the starting point for my collations, since it contains the most accurate and complete record of the variant readings yet published. My work is entirely sup- plementary to that of the Cambridge editors. I have given fuller readings from the first quarto. Sometimes I have noted a reading on account of its own interest; but, in general, these readings record the agreement of the second, third, and fourth quartos with the first quarto, or of the folios with the first quarto. This quarto has furnished \'an Dam and Stoffel with some conjectural read- ings which appear in the following pages. Readings in the quartos of 1676 and 1703 are recorded when the}' differ from those of the second, third, and fourth quartos or from each other. I have not had access to the fifth and sixth quartos. The quarto of 1703 is very carelessly printed, and I have often passed over evident misprints therein. I have endeavored to note all apostrophes used to mark the pos- sessive case, and in variations of ' d and ed in verbs. I have also noted the apostrophe in such words as hcav 11, evn, etc. ' I have tried to note the following forms : 0, tlt\ hcthcr, heaven, (2f, doth and does, farther and further, hast and haste, hath and has, paHse'3.nd fiawse, then and than, to and too, shew and show. I have noted parentheses and compounds in the quartos and folios which I have collated, and unusual compounds in other editions. These compounds are marked with a long hyphen. Whenever punctuation is noted, I try to give all the variations of whatever nature for the particular instance cited. I have aimed to note all exclamation points. I have noted the place of each scene and the stage directions more fully than the Cambridge editors intended to do, but I have not recorded every variation in spelling or punctuation in these. The first fifty lines of the text are offered as a specimen of minute collation. My sincere thanks are due to Professor Demmon for valuable sug- gestions during the preparation of this thesis. THE AUTHOR. EDITIONS COLLATED My collations have been confined to materials found in the McMil- lan Shakespeare Library of the University of Michigan. The following list embraces all works that have furnished me one or more readings. H. Q. Q-- 175;. 1767. 1773' ito.?. Quarto (Facsimile by William Griggs, 1879). \b04. Quarto (Facsimile by VVilliam Griggs, 1880). 1605. Quarto (Facsimile by Edmund .•\shbee, 1868). 161 1, Quarto (Facsimile by Edmund .^shbec, 1870). 1623. First Folio (Facsimile by Staunton. 1866). 1632. Second Folio. 1664. Third Folio. 1676. 1703. Players' Editions. 1685. Fourth Folio. 170<), 1714. Rovve. 1710. Gildon, Bssay & Kciiiarks 1723, 1728. Pope 1733- 1740, 175 J. I Theobald. 1744, 1770. Hanmer. 1747. Warburton. 1765, 1768. Johnson. 1766. Steevens, Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare (reprints). 1768. Capell. i76g, 1771, 1795. Blair. 1773. 1778. Johnson and Steevens 1784. Stockdale Edition. 1785, 1793, 1803, 1813. Johnson, Steevens, and Reed. 1785. Mason, Comments on the last Edition of Shakspearc's Plays. 1790. Malone. Mai Ayscough. Ays 1794. Rann. Ra 1805. Chalmers. Chal 1805. Seymour. Remarks on the Plays of Shaksfeare. Sey, 1806. Wood. 1807,* 1818, 1827. Bowdler. Bow, 181 5. Becket, Shaksllace, Qi. place: Q-^QjQ,. place: Ff PQQ. /./arc-. J. giue you QiQ^QsQjFi. give you FiFs Fi. oni. Q1703. Give you j. good night QiQ=Q3QiF:F3. goodnight Fi. good Night F.. good-night P. 18 //o//a, Barnardo. Q.Q^QsPQQF,. Holla. Barnardo, Q,. Holla Barnar- do. F1F2F3. Holla. Bernardo. R. Holla! Bernardo,— T. Holla! Ber- nardo! Han. Holla! Bernardo. J. Hola! Bernardo! C. Holla Bernar- do! Heu. Holla! Bernardo? Mn. Holla! Barnardo! Va. iaj, Q.PQQ. ^>v Q.. ^-flj.. JSR 1803. 5'av.' Elze. 5'aji. — Dy ed. 2. 19 zchat Q^QaQ.Ff. oni. Q,. xvhat, T. ll'hat. C. ;F/ia/.' Col. What Str. Horatio Q.Q^QsQ.Ff. //oca/f' Van conj. /'('Q.F.." '///F,F,PQQF,. fantasie. Q.Q^Q.Q^F.tF— F,). /'/io»- /oi/V. F.FjPQQF,. Phantasie. R. phanlasie; T. phantasy. J. /i/k;;;- ?ajy; T1757. fantasy: C. fantasy. Bow 1 827. 24 &i'//o/t'. Q.Q.Q,. pole: Q,. Pole Ff. Fo/c, Q1676R. Fold. Q1703. /-o/c Sta. 37 heauen Q,Q.Q:,Q,F,(//— F,). /ifaf- <■!( F,Qi703. heaven. Fa. Heaven Q 1676. Heaven. F,. Heav'n R. heav'n P. 38 /)i(ni<'.t. Q,Q..Q»Q,F,F.. /)»!».5, FaQ 1676F.. /iH)H.v Q1703. I'urns: JS i"73. Mareellns anil myself CE- mil. Qi. THE TEXT OF HAMLET Act I. Scene I. MancUus Q.QsQ.Ff. Marcellus, C. my sclfc Q^QsQi. my selfe. FiF;. mv self. F3PQQF,. mvsctf, T1757. 39 bell QiQ=Q»Qi703. Bell Q.FfQi676. OHc Qi. one, — T. uiie. — JS1773. one . . . Kei. Bell strikes one. Col 1877. 40 Enter Ghost. Qi. Enter Ghost, armed. C0I1853. Peace, Q^Q^Q.Ff. Peace: Val. Peace! Col. Breake Qi. breake QiQiQiPt^i. break F.,F.Qi703. Break Q1676. off Q.Q.. of. Q.Q.,. of: F,. off: F, FsF,. 0^, PQQ. off; R. off. BI1769. off— Whe. off.' Ph. j(?(? Q,. looke Q..Q3Q*. Looj^c F,F.. Look FaF,. /ooA- PQQ. Lood-, T. look. C. againc. QiQ^QsFiF^. againe, Q.. again. FsPQQFj. again! C. ogdiH Fra. 41 %!(/•»' QiQjQsQiFsFaF.. figure, Fi Q1703. Figure, Q1676. figure: J. A''"g Q.Q^QsQ-Ff. i-/Hg C. //!a/'.t Q.F.FsPQQF,. f/m/.s Q^Q.^Q.F:. dead, Q,Qi703. rfroi/. Q.Q,FfQ 1676. dead Q,. dead! Del. 42 schollcr. Q,Q..Q,,. Scholler Q,. Schol- ler; F.F.F,. Sf/^o/<7'•, PQQF,. .sr/io/- or, P. scholar: J. ^/;ca/tf Q,Q=Qi,Q.F,F:. .r/x-ayt F,PQQ F^. it QiQ-Q3Q^.'— Mor. it Q.Q2Q3Q- /' Ff. feare Q.Q.Q.Q.F. ^-ar F,F3PQQF.. /^?a'', C. and Q>Q=Q3F3F3PQQF,. & Q.F,. xvonder. Q,Q.Q3Q.F,. wonder F,F. Fj. wonder! Mu. i' Q.Q.Q3Q.F,F.F3. ,7, F.. 46 //io« Q.QsQ.Ff. //loH, T. vsurj's Qi. vsurpst Q;:Q3Q4. 7isurp'st Fi. usnrt^est Q1703. //(/j /;'»if 0/ )i/g/iY CE. (/tc state Qi. night, Q:Q3Q,F,F.F3. Night, F,. night? Kel. ji/g/i/. Page. 47 faire Q.Q3Q.F,.. /•'aiVc F,. fair F3P QQF^. waWi/tt' Q..QsQ,F,F3F,Qi703. IV ar- likc F1Q1676. war-like Cr. /■oniic. Q2Q3Q4. /orHic F,F.. Fa. /orm, PQQ /orm P.. 48 in Which Q,. In which Q^Q.Q.Ff. In which. R. Maiestie QiQzQa. Maiesty Q,F,. Majesty F^FsPQQF.. majesty P. ;;H;/frf Q^&Q.Ff. 6j(0''(/ C. Denmarke QiQ^QsQiFiFs. Denmark F3PQQF.. 49 sometimes QiQaQsQiFf. sometime P. Waike? Q.. march? Q1676. Miarr/i Q1703. march? — Whe. Bjf Q.Ff. fev Q=QsQ.. //cflM^i! QiQ^QaQiF, ( //— F,) . heav- en FjFj. Heaven F,. Heav'n, R. Hcav'n P. heav'n, T1767. heav'n Haui770. heaven, JS1773. Heaven, Pe. //iff Q.Q.QsFfPQQ. //!(r Q,. .f/)t'aA't'. QiQ.QsQ.F.F.. .f/x'nA. F3PQ QF,. j/x-a/^.' Whe. 50 5e'... Q,FfQi676. See Q=Q3Q,Qi703. ,?ff.' R. staukes Q.Q3Qi. stalkcs FiF:. .s/a/A'.? F3PQQF,. aii'aji. Q.QLQ3Q.Ff. awav.' Dy. *si ^■'av, Q^QsQ.. 5/av; Ff. Sta\: R. i7a.v.' Col. sfeake, speake, . . . speake. Q1Q2Q3 PQQ (speak PQQ). speake, speake . . . speake. Q,. speake: speake: . . . speake. Pf (speak FsF,). speak: speak: ... speak. R ed. 2. speak: . . . speak. P. speak: . . . speak. T1767. speak. . . . speak. JS1773. speak: speak . . . speak. Ra. speak: speak . . . speak. JSR1803. speak: speak, ... speak. Chii823. speak: speak, .... speak. Val. speak, speak! ... speak! Col. speak, speak! .. .speak. Su. speak: speak ... speak! Del. speak! speak! ...speak! Sta. speak: speak,... speak! Deli864. speak, speak;... speak! Kei. speak: speak! .. .speak! Kel. speak, speak: ... speak! Dow. thee Q2Q3Q.. thee, Ff. ■^i exit Ghost. Q,. Exit Ghost. F,,F,. 52 Tis Q^QjQ^Fj. 'Tis F.F^PQQF.. Horatio. Q.Q^QjQ.. Horatio? FfPQ Q. Horatio! Col. 53 and Q.Q^Q.^Q.FsF^. & F.F.. pale, Q.Q^Q.Q.. ya/f .■ FfPQQ. pale. P. ya/c; Pe. ya/c— Mu. 54 then Q2Q3Q4F,F3. //ia» F^PQQF^. 55 you on't? QiFf. you-ont? QjQs. vo« "0/ i7.? Q.PQQ. 60 //if Q.Q^QjQ,. //r FfPQQ. *Hereafter readings from PQQ will, generally, not be noted when they differ from those of QiQsQ* only in a change of i( to ;' or dropping of a final e. Act I. Scene I. THR Tr;X1~ OF IIAMI.KT II 62 63 64 65 66 70 "4 76 77 78 80 81 8_' 83 84 85 85. 85 86 87 88 8g 91 y4 fro'u'iid QiQiQs. frotimdc Q<. froziii'd FiF;Qi676F,. fiound F:.. froiiii'd Q1703. frowned Mag. UH a/igrv QiQsQaQiFf. angry Who. stccli'd Leo conj. Po//-a.i-Qi676. Po/fa.vv F.. Po//u.r Q 1 70,3. Pole-axe R. poleaxe Fra. polc-axc Leo conj. r/j i/rmigc. Q>Q.Q.Q4F=F4. T/.! strange. FiF.,PQQ. 'Tw strange — R. 'Ti'j strange! Mu. dread Neil. jVa/A-<- Q,F,F,. ,«/ai(/,-c- Q.Qi.Q.. j/«//- F:.PQQF.. Good, noli' Qi. Coorf »yii' QjQaQtFf. Pray Q1703. G'oorf iiotf; Hud. (/ooJ iiOTv, JSI773- aiirf Q,Q.Q3Q.F.F=F^. <.'r F,. TiWTi', QiQiQsQ*. ii'UDV.- Fi. Warrc: F,. /Cur.FaF,. fFar;'Qi676. war.? Q1703P. icar; C. lear! Mai. ii'or; Har. ship-writes QiQ-.'Q.i. sliip-n'riglits Q.F.PQQl^"— F,Qi676). 67i//.- wrights F.FaF,. shipwrights P. Oo'jT F,F,.. hast Q.QaQ.F,. /mi/i- F.FaPQQF^. Makes Q1703. i)(U'.s oioA'c FriiSgi. ioynt labourer QiQ^Q.iQi. ioynt- Labourer Fi. joynt-labourer FiFi. joynt-laborour Fa. /ojhY /afcor Q 1676. /o.VH< labour Q1703. joint- labourer ti. joint labourer V. joint- laborer Val. /a/t' Q,. last Q.QaQ.Ff. CKc'ii &i<; QsQsQiF,. t-'(')i but Fri. a/>/.<'ar',i Q^QsFfPQQ. appead Q,. appeared Mag. (ai you knovj)'Pi. Thereto ... pride Parentliesis in Ff. prickt Q2Q3Q.. /■r/rZ/rf Ff. prieked Mag. emulous Q,. Dar'd Q^QjQ.Ff. Z^art'd Val. (for so... him) Q=Q:.Q>) Q.QiQiFf. //lOii' Qi. seazed Qi. seaz'd QsQ3Q4. .?!'('.:'(/ FfPQQ. if/iW JS1773. seised Val. seised Mag. "/ Q.. returned PQQMag. rt'/Mrii P. Return T. Rcturnd T1757. .htieles design PQQ. ar/u/r ) Q,Ff. 106 soitrce Q=Q>Q.F4. i<)»;i\- FiF^Fr,!-? — Fi). sound Ph. 107 post hast Q.Qs. post-hast Q,F,Q 1703. post-haste F.F3F4Qi676. Post-haste R. />«.?; /iOj-Zc T1767. posthaste Cal. Roniage Ff. rummage Del. '■" Q^^Q^Q^Ff. ///ro' Cal. 108-125 om. Qi. 112 Mind's R. mind's P. 1 15 tennantlessc Qt. 116 .-J»C(rA'; Cr. hoarded Q,. vphoorded QsQaQ.. vp-hoorded Fi. uphoordcd FiF.,Q 1703. up-hoorded Q1676. uphor- ded F). uphoardcd T1676. (For which ... death) Ff. Cock Crows. R(after fa)7/^). 'V, Q=Q3Q4. jV. Ff. i7; C. i/.— JS 1778. !>.— Mag. i7;— Pe. /(; Cor. iV.'— Mu. speake, speake, Qi. speake, QjQaQ*. speake. FjFi-. speak. FsFj. speak: PQQC. speak— R. speak.— C. speak! — Pe. speak! Globe. Marcellus. QiQ^QsQ.Ff. Marcellus— R. Marcellus.— T. Marcellus,— JSR178S. Marcellus. Harv. Marcel- lus! V.-. r/^ Q.Q.QsQ^F,. 'r,> F.FaPQQF,. /ic't'n-. . . . /w«r. QiQaQsQiFi. /icir. . . . /!t'/-t'. FjFsPQQF^. /i<-/r— . . . ^^rc — R. /it'Ct'.' — ...here! — JS 1773. here! ... here! JS1778. here;' . . . here? Dei. gone. Q.Q.QaFf. gone! JSI773. exit Ghost. Qi. the shew Q.FfPQQ. Q,,Q,. shexi.' T1767. faded Q,. started Q^QaQ^Ff. dreadful So quoted by Maxcy. Doth QiQ^QjQ.Ff. £»o,'.s FriiSgi. shrill crozcing Qi. shrill sounding Q'QsQi- shrill-sounding Ff. rfa.v, Q=QsQ.. Pay.- Ff. Day; PQQ Kei. day; P. day.' Bos. The Q.C. r/t' Q^QsQ.Ff. .fay Q,. Saviour's Q1703R. singeth QiQ=QiiQiFf. singes FriiSgi. Q.PQQ. the sho2ce Q; the show C. 161 (they say) Ff. faK «'a/* FaF). dares stir PQQSin. 162 planet srikes Qi. 163 lakes Qi. hath Q,Q=QaQ.Ff. /rai Fri18.1i. 164 hallowed Q.QaQaQ,. hallow'd Ff. 166 .frt- Qi. /ooi't' Q.QaQ,. looke. F,F=. /t)<)/.-. F:,PQQF,. /00/t; C. look! Mu. 165 aduise Qi. Scena Secunda. FiFiFj. Scoena Secun- da. Fj. Scene 11. R. Scene changes to the Palace. T. Changes to the Palace. War. The same. A Room of State in the same. C. A room of state. JS1773. A Room of State in the same. Bo\vi8i8. The Same. A Room of State. Col. A Room... CI. The same. A room . . . Dy ed. 2. The Same. .\n. Apartment of State. Col 1877. Elsi- nore. A Room . . . Neil, om. Qi. Sennet. Col 1853. Enter King, Queene, Hamlet, Leartes, Corambis, and the two Ambassadors, with .Attendants. Q:. Enter . . . Queen, Ophelia, Hamlet, . . . R. Enter Claudius King of Denmark, Gertrude the Queen, . . .lords and attendants. P. Enter King, Queen, and Hamlet ; with Polonius, Laertes, Lords, &c. Voltimand and Cor- nelius. C. King om. JS1773. Collier (1853) adds The King takes his Seat. I Though QaQsQ.Ff. Tho' BI1771. I, 19 Brother's Q1703R. brother's P. 3 bcare Q.Q:.Q.F,F=. bathe Col 1853. 5,22 hath Q.QaQ.Ff. has FriiSpi. 7 our seines QsQaQiFi. our selves F; F,PQQF^. ourselves T1767. 9 Th' Q^QaQ.Ff. r J. The C. 11 a dropping Q1676. dropping Q1703. 12 mirth in Q=Q3Q.FfQi676. Mirth in Q1703. mirth and Mag. 14 bard Q.Q:,Q,. barr'd FfPQQ. bar'd C. barred Mag. 16 thankcs) QJQaQ.. Thankes. F.F,. Tlianks.FiF,. tlianks.)?. thanks!) Han. thanks! Hani770. thanks. J. thankes. Str. 17 know, — young Tsch.. know: Young Hudi879. know: young Dow. 20 disioy)it QjQjQiFiFa. disjoynt F.iF.. dis-joynt PQQ. disjoint R. disjointed T1767. 21 Coleagued QaQ.i. Coles^ued Q,. Cidteagued PQQ. this Col 1853. Act I. Scene II. THK 'n;.\T op llAMI.liT 13 2j not fuild Q.Q3Q1. nut fayl'd Fi. 110/ faWd F,.F,Qi6-6F,. not failed Q i7ojMag. fail'd not P ed. 2. X) our si-lfc Q^QsQ.F.Fr. our self V, PQQF,. ourself Ti75"- -'9 hcd-rid Q.PQQ. bedrid Ff(fi— FO. 30 iY<'/'/irii'\j Qi70?R. ncplic^^^'s P. 31,36 /'»)7/i<-)- QzQ.Q.Ff. /orZ/irr Val. ^3 subjects Q1676. Subjects Q1703R. tcr heere disfatcli Q,Q..Q:,Q,F,(ffV<,' Qi). Tcc here disfutcli F=F.iF(. tcr Hcjc disf'atch Q1676. Hojc Ti't- rf/.s- patch Q1703. 7ir /lar'c dispatched Sey coiij. 37 //irii Q.Q.Q- rojV. PQQ. think on't- R. think— P. //i/jiA- oh'/; C. think: — Hani770. think on't: — JS1778. think on't. — Bow 1807. think on't! Mag. think on't.— Dy. woman Q.QsQ.Qi703(;('— Q1703). iK'onia)!. Fi. 'ii.'onian: E:.F,iFi. Wo- man. Q1676. Woman: R. ivoman! P. Woman! T. 'woman: — C. -woman! — JS1778. 147 Month: or PQQ(m— Q1703). Month!— or R, P(hi— ). month! or T1740. month: or C. month: or Wlic. month — . P. lordship! T. Lordship! Han. /orrfj/ij'/i;'' JSR1803. hrdshippc. Str. / OHi Q.Q.QaQ.Ff. /di Dy ed. 2. 161 (Horatio) Q,. Horatio— Mag. Ho- ratio! Kei. )H»c/i Q,. rfo Q.QjQ.P.FsF,. rfoH /i(' Kei conj. 165 Mareellus! T1740. 166 Lord. QiQ=Q.,Q(? Q1703. Cap-a-pe T, BIl769(c— ). Cap-a- pe J, JSi773(c — ). cap-a-pee Han 1770. cap-a-pe Bh77i. Cap-a-pee T1773. cap-a-pe JSR1785. cap-a- pie B0VV1807. cap-a-pie Cam. fff/'- o-Zi/V Hah865. 202 before them thrise, Q,. stately by them: thrice PQQ. stately by them,. Thrice Kei. stately by them — thrice Mu. stately. By them thrice Va. ifaZ/tcf Q,. " walkt Q.Q3Q.. K•a/*^ Fi F=. walk'd. F3F,. -walked, Mag. walked Cor. n-alk'd Fur. walk'd — Va. 203 oppress! Q-Q?.QiPi. 1752. oppressed Mag. 204 tronchions QiQuQjQ4. FfPQQ(;— Q1703): R. truncheon's P. distilled Mag. bechill'd C0I1853. 205 gW/v Q.Q:Q3Q.Qi703. /cWv F,F.. /c/- /ji FjF,. yV/;.v Q1676P. g(?/rV Bee conj . 209 Whereas Q1676. Where as 211 Apparition Qi. 213 ii'«'r/'c'/ QiMag. tt'a/c7t Q:Q3. Q^FfPQQ. 7C(7/f/rrf C. 216 )7.f PQQ. it's C. 217 /!<• Q,. it Q..Q,Q.Ff. 21S morning-cock T1740. 219 hast Q.Q3Q,F,Qi703. Q1676F.. 220 vanished Qi'Mag. vanisht Q^QaQjFf. vanish' d T1757. strange. QiQ^QsQ.Ff. strange! Mag. 221 honord Qi. lionor'd QsQaQi. Ao'!- ot/;-(/ Fi. honour'd PQQ. honoured Mag. 225 Marcellus and Bernardo. 226 .\rmed . . . .irmed QiPe. .•Vr»i'rf Q.Q:,Q.Ff. >•<■ Q,. j'm( Q.Q:,Qi»i'. QiQ QaQi. come: Ff. iohh'.' PQQP. <■<))»<■.' T. 256 sonic. QiQi-OaO). SOIllc; FiFj. .?l>»/,' F,. .Vok/.F.. Soul,PQQ. soul: P. jou/. J. soul! Val. jmi/. — Mor. foulc Q, 257 V/i 7V!,- Q,Q:,Q,Ff. Tir Iludi87g. enough Q.Q.FfPQQ. inough Q.Q, ?7 beautie Q,. butic Q;Q:,. beautv Q, F.F.PQQF,. bcalv F... 40 disclos'd Q.Q.Q.Ff. disclosed Val. 45 '/'<■ Q.Q»Q.Qi703. '/'■ FfQi676. 46 But in\< deerc Q.. but good niv Q^Q.i Q,Ff. " But good PQQ(/'— 01703'). 48 Tcn-Zi Q,. .S'howe OQ,. .S'/unc Q,. .SVi.'jc FfPQQ. /i,-(7»<-)i Q.QiQ^F.t//— F, ). heafcn F=F:,Qi703. Hea-c'cn Q1676F,. Heav'n R. /k'of'ii P. /'(tZ/i Q,. stel< Q3. .s/i-<-/'<- Q,F,F:. .W,T/> PQQ 49 While ...like to a Q,. U'hi'es like " PQQ. fuft Q.Q.QiFf. i^uff'd lUni77o. [ath Qi703Kci(/' — ). tI nrA'.f Qi. Xo. Q,. QQ.Q,. Oh. Ff. O. C. O.' Col. Oh! C0I1858. 55 Leartes:' Q,. Laertes? Q^QjQ.Ff. Laertes! R Laertes: Mag. aboard, aboard Q1Q1676. foon/ a /'(')■(/ Q;. a hard, a bord QaQ.. Aboard, aboard FiFj. aboard, aboard Q1703K. i/i(7/»r. QjQjQiFf. shame: T. shame: \'al. shame! Col. 57 .f'"'rf Q.FfPQQ. i/nvV C. /■oscr Q1676 JS1773. '/'' opposcr Q1703. 68 cuciy Q^QjQjF'i. nvry F2F3F,. ev'ry P. 69 man's Q1703P. Man's R. 70 apparrell Q,. /lafeiVr Q.QaQi. /wt/i FfQi70^. /7n&(7 Q1676R. PKv QiQ.FfPQQ. hv Q=Q.,. 71 )-,\«/ QiQ.Q^Q^Ff. express' d C. expressed Mag. 74 .-/rt- moi/ select, and . . . chief in tluil. Stoc. Are most ... generous: Chief in that. Bee conj.. making lines 73, 74. follow judgment. Are of a most . . . .sienerous chief in that. Col. Are of a most . . . generous choice in that. C0I185.V Are of select and generous shape in tlial. or Are of a most select and generous shape. Leo conj. 76 toseth Q1676. loses Q1703. 81 my blessing CE. Cod bless you! Kinnear conj. 82 humbly Q,Q=Q.-.Q.Ff. hunihle Whe. 85 memory Q-.:Q3Q«/« QiQsQi. poles So qimted by Mull. 29 ore-leauens QjQaQi. o'r-leavcns P QQ(o';v— Q1703). o'er-leaveiisP. o'crleavcHs Bli76g. 31 nature's . . . fortune's P. 36. 37 T/if dram of Base . . . u'orth out T, Bh769(&— ). the dram of ill . . . oft subdue Car. the dram of vile . . . of a doubt Hun. the dram of ill . . . of a doubt Heu. the dram of e'il ... ever dout Mei. tlie dram of evil... oft a doubt Perring conj. the dram of ail . . . often dout Bl 1886. the dram of eale . . . over doubt Reynolds conj. (Shakcspeariana 1891). ''The dram of ale ... over- froth Wilson conj, 'The dram of base (or dross or lead) . . . of a pound Wilson conj. ^The dram of beale . . . of a doubt Wilson conj. the dram of evil . . . often doubt Pen. ^barm of esil or eal . . . of a doubt Adee conj. 37 Doth Q.Q^Qt. Docs FriiSgi. of a CE. offer Ly conj. 38 ^To their Wilson conj. Dane: FfPQQ. Dane! Mag. : New. , oQ,. Oh. oh. oh! P. 0. C. , Ca! ed. 2. 0! Str. Oh! Kei. 'In Shakcspeariana i8go. scandlc. Q.Qa. scandall. Q,. scan- dal. PQQT. scandal — Hun. scan- dal: Hudi87g. scandal ... Ke']. I'.ntcr the (ihost Q,. Enter Ghost, armed as before. C0I1853. Enter Ghost. Dv (after comes). Lord. Q,F,F,PQQF,. Lord Q.OnQ. F... lord. P. lord! Mag. it comes. QiQjQ:iQiFf. n'herc it comes. PQQ. it comes! P. 3y vs. Q,. vs: Q.Q;,F,. vs! Q.. us: F..F:,F,. us! PQQR. us!— P. us.— •Mag. Pause. C11I1853. 40 damn'd Q^Q.iQiFf. damned Mag. 41 hcanen Q,. hcauen Q^QsQiF, (// — F, ). heaven F-F.iF.Qi70v Heaven Q1676R. heav'n P. intents Qi. 4? coinmest Q,. corn's! 0;Q,Q,p{. cont- est Val. 45 Pane. Q,Q.Q,,Q.. Dane. B0W1807. L'anc: — (ir. Dane O Q.PQQ. 6 Q.Q3. Ff. Oh! oh! R. 0, Hani770. O, O. Col. O/i, Coli8s8. oh. .\d. ince. Q,Q=Q.,Q,. me. FfQi676. me. Q1703PC. me: T. me! C. me: Mai. 46 ignorance. QiQ;Q:iQ4Qi676. igno- rance: F,F.Fi(/ — F,). ignorance: F4. ignorance Q170J. ignorance! C. 47 canonizd Qi. canoniz'd QjQa. Can- iiniz'd QiFf. canonized Han, can- onis'd Neil. hearsed Q,Q.Q,Q.FHH— F,). hears'd Han, 48 ceremonies: Qi. cerements ' Q^QaQi. ferments: Fi. Cearments, FjF-jFj. cerements: PQQHaz. Cearments? R. cearments? P. cearments; C. cerements! Mai. cerements : Val. ('i'u;'»i('»/.s.' K. ("rcr/iu'ii/j-.^ Col. ccfi'- mcnts, Str. 49 in-urn'd P. inurned Mag. in-urned Cor. 50 //a;/( Q,Q=Q3Q.Ff. //a.f PQQFri 1891. ;;Mr.s/ Q,. o/* Q^Q^Q^. o/)'rf Ff. o/r'rf P. o/>ca! Val. open'd FriiSgi. 51 againe: Q,. againe. Q2. againc? Qj QiFiF.-. again' F3Q1676F4. again: Q1703. again! JSR1793. agaid. Val. again? — Col 1877. again; — Kei. again: — Mu, 53 Rcuissets Qi. Rcuisits Fi. Rccisit'st PQQ. Revisits Cal. //ii(.f. 77ii' . . . ifiooH Bee conj. TIIK TICXT Ol' HAMLET Act I. Scene V. 56 57 68 69 71 73 74 So Si -^4 this/ FiFQQ. Qi. Beckons. . Cn]. / z.-ilt FriiSpi. my life PQQ. R. soulcs. Q-Q:'/« Q,. ft('/(c/i PQQ. sea. Q.Q5Q4. 6Va. FfPQQ. sea/ C. ic'o.' B0W1818. horrible QiQjFf. hurrable om. PQQ. souermgiitie QiQjQ^. soucraiguty Q.Fi(.S' — F, ). Soveraiguty F^FsFi. Soi'ereignty Q1676R. soveraiguty Q1703. sov'reignty P. iiuidnes, Q^Q.i. madnesse. Q.. (»»(/- )i<7Me Fi. madnesse:' F-F.i. i/iui/- »(•«.' PQQF.. ntaducss! Kei. 78 ohi. Qi. euery Q.Q.Q.. .irc.v PQQC. P. fadoius Q;Q.iQi. fathoms War. hands. Q^Q3Qcak. PQQT1737. Sfeak. JSi773. Sfeak: Whe. sfeak: Val. Sfeak; Haz. streak!— Hali86s. farther Q.Val. 3 sulfherous Fa. sulfhrous Q1C76. sulfhurous Fj. sulfh'rous Q1703. 4 --"1" Q.Q=Q:.FfQi676. Alasse Q,. Alas; Q1703. Alas. T. Alas! Cr. Ghost. Q,Q.Q:.PQQFf. Ghost. Q,. 67i()jr/.' P. ghost! C. Ghost/ Bl 1771- 7 ichen . . . knozee Elze conj. 1882. 9 Father's Q1703R. father's T. 10 Doomd Q=Q.-,Q,. Doom'd FfPQQ. Doomed Mag. 1 1 Coufinde Qi. eonfind Q1Q3Q1. eon- fin'd FfPQQ. confined Val. in flaming Q,. to lasting Col 1853. /<> fret in So quoted bv Preston. 13 burnt Q.Q.Q:.Q.FfQi703. burnt Q 1676. burn'd Whe. burned Pe. furged Q.Val. furg'd Q=Q:,Q.Ff. 14 frison-house Hyphen in Q,FfQi676. 19 And eaeli . . . end om. JSR1803. 20 Porpentine Qi. Porcupine PQQ. 22 /(>/. fa/. O QiPQQ. /(>/ Hamlet! oh R. //.s^ /u<, o/j P. List, list, oh J. Li'j/. list. C, Hani77o(/— ). /,/.?/. list. O JS1778. List, Hamlet, O Cal ed. 2. /,/rf. Hamlet, Wh. Q.Q». O Q.PQQ. oh Ff. C. oh! Whe. O. Val. o/i, Ad. list: Q.Q:,. //i^ Q^FfPQQ. list! R. //i/.'— JS1773. /'i/— Whe. list Thur. Act I. Scene V. ■niiv Ti;\'i' III' iiAMi.icT 21 J3 //'... ever CE. lliimlct. if cucr thou didst Q,. -'4 O Q,Q.Q,Q<. Oh Ff. O. Cor. (/■<(/. Q,Q.Q:,Q<. fIrauciilF,. heaven! F:F;,F.Qi-03. heaven! gi67()R. heav'ii! P. G'ot/.' Col. 25 Ghnst. — Re7'enge II1UI1S79. 26 Murder. Q.Qi/Oj. Murder! Q1676. Murder.^ Ti/S;. Murther! Rol. jg // Ff. O, Mag. seduce Q,. seduce; Q;Q:tQt. seduce? F.F.Fj. seduce! PQQR. seduce)! F,. seduce!) P. seduce!— CE\S66. seduce) Str. O Hamlet. Q.QjQ,. O/i Hamlet, Ff. O, Hamlet. JS177S. O Hamlet! Hud. 0/1.. Hamlet. C0I1858. O Hamlet: Hoop. " PQQ. falling-off C. there Q.Q,,Q<. '/u-r,-, Ff. there! R. there— Mil. there!— Mac. //ire.'; Cr. 48 0^ //la/ Q.QsQ.Ff. //m; 0^ Haz. 49 hand-in~hand Mag. <-.u-ii Q=Q:,Q.F,. even F..F.,PQQF,. cvn P. 51 naturall Q..Q,Q.F,F.(A^— F,). iii?/- «;•<;/ F.,PQQF.. nafral P. 52 mine; QjQ^Q^Qi/O.^. mine. Ff. Hiair 'Qt676. mine! R. mine! — Bow 1 8 18. 41 42 43 44 45 47 53 54 55 57 5« 62 63 64 65 66 68 71 72 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 (»(iHc-(/ QiFi. )»()i)i(i-(/ Q..O:,Q,. moved F=F.,F.. »(,r;',/ PQQl'. /!.'<;»r» Q,Q.Q,,g,F, ( //— F, ) . heaven F.F,F,Qi703. Heaven Q1676R. heav'n P. Lust Q,F,F,F-,. hut 01(176. vice Q1703. though Q=Q:,Q,FtQi676. tho' Q\70-i,. angle Q,Qi676. .Ingle Q.Q.Q.. .'/m- .!,'<7 F.Q1703. uiitfi-/ P. linckt Q.Q.Q.Q.. /i"/>-V Ff. //7iA-7 Q1676. linkt Qi70i. ///(/,■,•(/ Mag. fate Q,. . /»(/ Q.Q;,Q,. I'r F,. and F.F.,F.. /-'•O- QJ'QQ. soft. Q,Q.Q:,Q,Ff. soft! T. i-,1// Q,. scent PQQ. morning-air P>li769. mornings Q,. Mornings F,P:. Morn- ing Q1676. morning Q1703. Morn ing's R. morning's Va. 6^ »IV Qi. viall'Q,. rial PQQ. /./iia/ T1767. cares Q.QlQ»Q.F,F,. cars F.,FiQi703. liars Q1676R. car Ly. leafirous QiQ;0iQ4. leafcrous FiF;. leaporous F». leftrous PQQFj. it7//i Q,Q.Q„Q.Ff. wi' th' Hndi88i quickesilncr Qi. quicksilucr Q-.:Q.iQ). Quick— silucr F,. Quick-silver F::Fn F4Q1703. Quicksilver Q1676. quick- silver P. quicksilver JSR179V posteth Q,. courses Q-^QjQ^Ff. naturall Q.Q.Q.Q.FiF.. »(;/»;■«/ F,,P QQF<. »a/7/(i. Col 1853. fie, Q=Qh. O fid Q4PQQ. 0/^ «c; Ff. Oh fie! R. o/i P. oh. T. O/i, J. O, Hain770. oh fie! BI1769. O fie!— JS1778. O ^3'i'.'— JSR1803. O fy!— Harv. O. ^c.'— Val. O, fie! Mag. O/i fie!— C0I1858. O, fc.' Globe, Oh, fie! Fur. O/i, jfr.'— Ad. hart. Q,Q,,. /iri;)t, Q^PQQ. heart; Ff. Heart— R. /u-ar/— P. /i.-ai/.' War. heart: Stoc. /ifar/ O'S. heart; — Va. 95 '^'P: Q.Q3Q.. f/..- F,. up: F.F,F,. «/>.• PQQR- «/>. T1740. up!— C. "/>■' JSI773- «/>.— Coli853. «/>"— Haz. M/). Globe. thee! PQQ. //ice— R. 96 Yes Qi. / Q.Q3Q4Q1676. /. FfQ 1703. Ay. R. 97 globe. Q=Q.,Q.. G/o6p; FfPQQ. Globe; R. g/ofcr; P. g/ob<-;' War. globe. J. globe. — Val. globe! — Mag. theer Q,. thee! PQQ. //ire.'— R. thee— P. 98 /ai/cj Q,. table QUQ'P^'P'- Table F,F.... 99 conceites Qi. 101 Ho/i-rf Q,. eoppied Q.QjQ.F.F^F,. copied PQQF,. f()/!_v'rf C. 102 commandement Q;Q:iQ). Command- ment Ff. commandment PQQ. 10? Within Q.Q3Q4FfQi70?. ;i';7/i /» Q1676. 104 ('»»;iM-/ Q^QsQ.FfCf/ii— F.F,). Un- mi.r'd T. Unmixed Mag. )■('.?, jcs Qi. heauen, QiQjQa. heauen. Q,. Heau- cn: Fi. heaven: F..F3F). Heaven. Qi676Hud. /;raTV». Q1703C. Hcaini: R. heav'n: P. heav'n. Hani770. heav'n! Whe. heaven! Mag. Heav- en! Pe. heaven! — Sta. heaven. — CI. Heaven! — Hudi879. Heaven. — Kei. 105 O . . . zeoman CE. a damnd perni- tious villaine Qi. pernicious and perfidious v.'oman Col 185 3. los O Q.Q:,Q,. 0/1 Ff. OfMag. Oh. Col 1858. woman. Q-Q1Q4. woman! FfQi703. IVoinan! Q1676R. woman! — Hun. 106 O . . . 'villain CE. Murderous, bawdy, smiling, damned 'villaine Qi. O Q.Q:.Q.. Oh Ff. O. Mag. villaine. 'villaine. . . . villaine. Q.Qs Q,. I'illainc, Fillaine, . . . Villaine! Fi Fj. Villain, I'illain. ... Villain! F.,. villain , -villain, . . . '.■illain ! PQQP. Villain. Villain .. .Villain! ¥,. znl- lain, 'villain. .. .villain; BI1771. 'vil- lain, 'villain! .. .villain! — Mag. vil- lain, villain, .. .villain! — Hun. 'i'il- lainc. z'illaine. .. .villaine! Str. damned Q=Q.iQ,Ff. om. PQQ. 107 set Q1676. sit Q17OV 108 -villaine, Q.Q.. villaine. Q,. Vil- laine; FiF:. I'illain; F3F4. villain; PQQP. villain: Stoc. villain. Bow 1807. -c/illain! Mag. -villain, Fri. -villain — Mu. Act I. Scene V. THE TEXT OE HAMLET 23 ll.V II.? 114 115 ■ 15 116 118 119 120 iji/id- aduc: Qi. adc'a\ arfi'ic, QiQaQi. .Iduf, Adtic. F,F;. adii'u. adieu, F-., P,. /ufvii'c/, PQQ. Adieu, adieu, P. Adieu, adieu: C. Adieu, adieu! JS1773. //ic/i'i- iii'orii 1/ — JS1773. / liai'e .s'li'uni i7. JS1778. 116 Note IX p. 600. Staunton has (Without) instead of [Wilhinl. lord, my lord. QiP. Lord, mv Lord. Q.QjQ.Ff. lord, my lord,— T. Lord, my Lord! Han. Lord, my Lord, — T1757. lord, my lord! Han 1770. lord! my lord! Col. lord! my lord! — Su. lord, iiiv lord — Car. Hamlet. Q.Q.Q»Q.Ff. " Hamlet,— T. Hamlet! Haw. Hamlet!— Sn. Ham- let— Car. Heau'ii Fi. R. him. QiQ^QaQ^Ff. him! T. him Bow 181 8. it. Q-Q:.Q.Ff. it! C. 116 ///. to,... Ill, lo, Q,. Hillo, Q.Q»Q.Ff. Illo, . . Sin Heavens PQQ. Hea-.ni Illo, . Illo, 123 i-',V l.?o I77J. Hillo,... Hillo, Hillo,... Hillo! Fri. /.»•// Q,. H'C//— R. «■<"//. — Han 1770. icr./. well — JS1773. 178 giving- out C. i7g-i8i T/i/.f . . . doc. Qi. //(/.s . . . (/(); F:,F<. this you you. Q1703. , you, . you: S'wear. sivcare Sivear. So... VOH. SO . . So.. must this . . . do. So . .S'ji'i'(7r. R. This do ye siccar. So . . . you! Swear_. P ed. 2, Hanithis). I'liis do S'.i'ear. So... you! Mai. this do you swear. So... you! S'cear. JS1773. tliis do you stvear, So . . . you ! Mag. 7"/!;.j do you stcear, .So ... you! swear! Cal ed. 2. This . .'. do, swear. So . . . you! Val. This ...do. So . . . you. .Suear. K, Col ( this), tliis . . . do.So . . . you, Swear! Sta. this . . . do. So . . . you, — Swear. Neil. |S_> They raise their hands to heaven and kiss Hamlet's sword hilt. Wh 1883. 183 spirit: Q,Q.Q,Q,F{(S— Pi). Spirit. PQQT. Spirit: R. spirit. P. spirit. — C. spirit!— JSI773- spirit! JSR 180?. 186 fcvpresse Q.QsQ^F.F.Fs. fe.vpress PQQF.. to e.vpress C. iSg-igo joint. — O . . . born — to Sey conj. i8g io\nt. QiQ.Qa. iovnt. Q,. joynt: FfCi— F,). joint, PQQ. Joint; R. joint: P. joint: — C. joint! — Mag. joint: — Dy. joint: Globe. i8g O Q.Q.PQQ. Q,Q,,. Oh Ff. oh P. 0/;, T. ,) Hani770. O, Val. spite, Q,Hani770. spight Q.Q.PQQ. spight! Q,. spight. Ff. Spiglit. R. spite! Ra. igo right. Q,. right. Q.QsQ.Ff. right! PQQHan. right!— C. right.— Col 1853. Act II. Scene i. Q1703. Act the Second. Scene i. B0W1818. .'\ctus Secinidns. Scena Prima. Str. Act Second. Scene i. Gollancz. Scene An Apartment . . . R. An .\part- menl ... P. The same. .A Room ... C. .\ Room . . . Mai. Elsinore. A room . . . L)y ed. 2. .\ Room in the House of Polonius. Col 1877. Enter Corambis, and Momano. Qi. En- ter Polonius with his Man. PQQElze 1882 (Polonius,). 3 I'l'O' Qi. marz'lous Sin ed. 2. 4 To inquire Q,. to make enquiry Q 1703. g at what e.rpence, Q.Q.iQ). at what e.vpenee: F,F;F,PQQ. what cx- penee: V^. what Expcncc, R. at what Expcnce; R ed. 2, T(e — ). at what expence? P. and zi'hat cx- peiiee: Cal. at what expense: Harv. 14 -Is Q,. 22 and usual Q^QaQiFf unusual T 1773- 24 Lord. Q.Q.Q.Ff. lord— P. lord. C. - lord:' Ph. 25,26 Delius ends the line at drahbing. 26 goe Q.QiQiF.F.. go FaPQQF^. even go Va. ^i out-breake QvQaQ.FiFa. out-break F:iQi676F4. out. break Q1703. out- break Bli76g. 37 Pol. Q=Q»Q.Qi703. Polon. Ff. om. Q1676 and speech continued to Rev. 40 sovld Q..Q:,Qh. soifd FfPQQ. soiled Mag. 43 Ila'<'ing . . . seen CE. Hearing ever: seem Jac conj. predominate Chii823. 51 something, Q^QaQi. somthing: Fi. nothing: F.:FnFi. nothing: R. noth- ing:' R ed. 2. something^ P. some- Act II. Scene II. Till; Tl'iXT 111" IIAMI.i:'!' 25 tiling — T. Soiiit'lhiiig: C. siiiiic- thiiig: H:ini770. something: — Mai. soiiii'thiiig. — Pe. soinctliiiig: Fur. 52, 53 At . . . As . . . gt'ntlcmaii. Col. 56 tolhcr Q,. the other Mag. 57 Or then, Q,. Or then or then. K,. Or then, or then: C. Or then; llan 1770. Or then, or then: Di-l. 58 a-ganiing Don. /i/PQQ. u Ma.x. o'retooke FiF... o'relook FjF.. o'er- took R. o'rertook- FriiSgi. nni'sc Q3Q.>Q^Q'703. Rouse Ff. rozc:e Q1676, ')i)ii.fi' C. 64 And. thus we do of ',e!sdoni So quoted by Hall. 67 my Q-.:Q3Q.Ff. oni. Wlie. 69, 70 _vi'.' . . . Rey. G'ood CE. you: Rey. Pare you well, good Tscli. 69 buy yee Qi. buy ye PQQ. b' -u>70. fare ye Qi70.?. 70 Good my lord. — C. Good, mv lord! — Car. Good my lord! CEiSeo. 71 ev'n BI1769. 72 fly Q.QQ.Q.Fl. Hav Whe. >/v Whi883. 73 J'arezMl. Q,. farewell. Q.Q.1Q1703. Far-well. Q,. Farewell: Ff. fa;f- ;ri'/. Q1676R. Fare'a PQQ. 51 //.■ Q.Q»Q.Ff. the PQQC. 55 Sou's Q1703R. son's P. 57 father's Q1703R. father's P. o're-hasty tiF3F4. ore-hasty F2. /loj/ji PQQ. o'cr-hastv R. o'erhasty Ti773- sS Enter the .A.mbassadors. Qi. friends, Q.Q:,Q.. Friends: Ff. friends: PQQ. Friends! R. friends! P. friends. Col. 59 I'oltemar Q,. 62 Nephezv's Q1703R. nephew's P. u/'/Toirf Q^QaQ^. appear'd FfPQQ. appeared Mag. 64 /ooA'/ Q.Q:,Q4. /I'oA-V/ Ff. /ooA-crf Mag. 65 greeu'd QiQsQt. greened Fi. grieved F.F,,Fi. gWra'd PQQP. 68 (It fcciV/' Parenthesis in Ff. 71 the Q.Qi7o?C. //r Q:QsQ.FfQi676. 75 Icuied Q.Q.Q.F,, /fi'/rrf F^FaPQQF,. levv'd C. (a.f before)Q,Q,Q,. 76 /Mr/Zu-)- QiQ=Q,QjFf. /n/Z/icr Val. shczinie QiF,F:. shc'iim FaFi. shown PQQC. gives a paper. Mai. Giving a Paper. Col. Delivering a paper. C0I1858. 80 therein Q,. herein PQQ. Si considered Q.Q3Q1. consider'd Ff. 83 «r// /ix-/^.' QsQsQ.. 'well-tooke F,. itr// /ooA- PQQ. 85 /lOHK'. Q.QjFfPQQ. home, Q,. home! T. exeunt .A.nibassadors. Qi. i-erv well Qi. 86 Maddam Q.Q^Q.. i\/a(/(j)» F.FjPQ QF4. Madrm F.. 89 Ti'<7.j/ Q=Q:.Q4Qi703- 1^'ciste FfQi676. 95 goe. Q=Q»Q.F=. go. F.F.PQQF,. go.— T. go— T1757. 97 /u' u Q,. he's PQQ. 104,105 remains,. .. thus perpend. JS 1778. remains, and . . . thus Perpend Mor. remains, and have the re- mainder thus. Perpend. Cr. 108. 152 Hath Q.Q^Q.Ff. Has Frii89i. giuen QlQ.iQiF,. given FiF.F). giv'n P. 109 Soul's R. soul's P. beautifull Q,. heatify'd C. 1 1 1 Reads. Cor. 117 doth Q.Q:,Q.Ff. does FriiSgi. 119 O Q-Q.-.Q.Ff. Oh P. Oh. T. O, Hud. Ophelia, Q^QjQ.Ff. Ophelia! Col. or/ QaQ:.Q.. .•4;/ Ff. /i.-ort Don. 120 Q.Q,,. O/t Q<. o/i Ff. O PQQ JSI778- O.' Col 1853. best Q^Q.Q*. B.'.?/ F,F,. best. FaF.. iii'j-/.' Col. '■', Q-Q3. it! Q.. iV. Ff. it: PQQ. Act II. Scene II. TIIR TlC.XT OF HA.MI.irr 27 12a 13J 147 150 LSI 121 mlc'u: Q.Q3Q,. .-IdU-u. FfPQQOi— Q1676), Adieu! Cor. 124 slu'wii PQQP. slwuii C. showed Cal ed. 2. shci'w'd Dy. 126 6v //)«.• Q-QaQ^P.. ;;i> r/;n<.' F.F.F,. /'.v him Mag. n-cfiii'd Q~Q,Q,Pu receiv'd F,F.,Q 1676. rcccivd Q1703. Rcccivd C. Received Val. pereeiu'd Ql-QsQ.. fereeitied F,. perceived F.F.,F,. perccivd PQQP. (/ m».tr .. ^/lo/) O.QaQ.. 135 /'/'O''' Q.QaF.F.'- y/a'ii QiPQQ /"/(TV'!/ FiF.. plavcd Mag. TuW.- /)()o/,-i- Q.QjQ.. Table-hookc F.F... Table-book F^PQQF.. (a?>/<-- /;<>(-/.• P. 136 giwtvj QiQsQiFi. g/t't'H F-FjF). gicwi T. a winking PQQ. a-'a-orking BI1771. 137 }ookt Q.QsQ.. look'd Ff. /ooAtJ Mag. i.W / bespoke Qi. / rf/rf bespeake QjQj Q,Ffc;)<-j/.<-e. very C. be; -L'cry Mag. 6(7 — very Pli. 152 / «'o«W Q,. I'd R. /'W CE1866. 153 proou'd Q2Q3. proud QiFi. prov'd F^FaPQQF,. /)ro:vrf Val. 155 Pointing to his head and body. Han. 158 this same Q,. it further Q.QaFfQ 1676. it farther Q'- »' farther Q i70?Val. 164 ^u/fif Q.QaQ.FiF^. fain F,F,. /o/'« PQQT. /o//'» Han. fallen JSi77^ 168 Wauy, Q:Q:.Q,F,. A'.my F.F.F.,. Away! Col. aii'ov, QjQiFfPQQ. ajyoy. Q<. aii'ay; ^ C. uifoy.- Han 1 770. a?c'ay.' Hun. l6g 'Enter Handct, witli a Book in his Hand. "Exennl King, Queen, and Train. C. 'Enter Hamlet, reading. "E.xeuent King. Queen, and Atten- dants. Mai. 'Enter Hamlet behind, reading. "Exeunt King, Queen and Attendants. Col 1877. 'Enter Ham- let, reading in a book. "Exeunt . . . Va. 170 oh Q.Q^Q^. Oh FfQi676. O Q1703. Oh, T. O, C. Oh! Whe. O! Col. leaue, Q.Q.iQt. leauc. Fi. leave. F- F»PQQF.. leave.— T. leave: Han. leave; Fur. leai'c: — Va. leave! Ly. 173 174 178 180 181 183 184 185 ■87 187, I as 191 192 193 104 '.\fter try it. "After leave. Welt. God a mercy. Q.Q»Q,. Well, god-a-mercy. FjF.iF<. Excellent well. Q1703. ^ Well, god-'a-mercy. C. Well, God-a'-mercv. JS1773, i778(i,'— ). IVcll. God-'a-mercy. Sta. [Coming forward. 'Col 1877. y'arc Qi. You are C. you're K1843. fishmonger. Q,T. Fishmonger. Q.Q, Qoo)ns.day F4. dooms-day P. dooinsdav Hani770. dooin's- da\' Stoc. LoVi/;' Ff. lord! P. O Corf, Ff. Oh God. P. O gorf, Hani770. Oh Cod! JSi773- t) God! JS1778. O. Gdrf.' Sta. O heaven! B0W1818. nutshell F,F.. Nut-shell F:,F,. »»/- .f/iW/ P. Shadow's R. out-stretcht outstretch'd sliadow's P. Ff. uut-stretch'd P. Bli76g. outstretched B0W1818. out-strelehed CI. beggars' T1740. Res. and Guil. Neil. make you CE. /;i(//.'c yi'» ''1' Kei conj. Elsenour Qi. F.lsinoor R. I'.lsinour C. (/i-<;r,' ,; luilfpeiiy Q.QiQtP,? A half e- Act II. Scene II. ■nil': TicNT (II' iiAMi.icr 29 l^i-iiy K,F.). di-ar a /ii;//>i-"i/.v F:,. (/<•<;/• a half ficiiy Q1676. dear a half-l'oiiiy FjQi-o^. dear, a luilf- /ii'iiiiy Ra. dear, a half-t'cnny Mai. 277 to 'ill Q.QaQ*. lo tin- Ff. to th' PQQ- 278 0^ Q,. -'So „«rcsc>-'cd Hyphen in Ff. 285 tc'/in/ ..ft.v" »i("i' Tsch. can Q1676. (j)i(/ Q170,?. 2S7 »...' Cr. 289 r'/ you. PQQ. "/ yen.' — C. o,' ycK.') Mag. of you. — Col. of you: — Hun. of vou. Cr. 290 of Q.Q.,. <'ff"Q,FfPQQ. 21W <•> Q.Q.. and Q-FfPQQ. 20.S forf,onc Q1676. foregone Q170.5. 206 heauilv Q.Q.Oi. heavenlv FlF.iF,. /ifdi'iV.v PQQR. /i.-«T'/y Van conj. 297 secnies to nice Q-Q:iQiF,F;(;»i' F, Fi). seems to me F.tPQQFj. seems lo me lo be Sm. seems lo be Wh 1883. 299 orchanging Q=Q.i. ore-hanged Q 1676. ore-hansing fHo're — F.iFj). o're-haiig'd Q17OJ. o'er-hanging R. o'er hanging JSR178S. o'erhang- ing JSRi70,V 300 fire. Q=Q:,Q,. fire: F,F,F.. fire: P,. Fire. R. fire. — Win-, fire: — Val. Hre— Mat;, fires. ColiSsj. ioi then F,F,F:,. oni. Q.Q.Q,. than F,. teslHent Q.Q:.Q.Ff. pestilential Wood. 302 'ivorlc Q.Q:,Q.Ff. U'orlh So cinotcd by Cildon. (J man. Q.Q.Qi. a man! Ff. man! Qi()76. num.' Q1703. a Man! R. reason, Q.QnQj. Reason:' Ff. ((■o- son! PQQ P. Reason! R. faeullies. Q.Q.Q,. faeultv? Ff. Aic- »///,-.5.' PQQP. I-aeultv! R. /Vzc- »//y.' Bos. '?oi admirable Q.Q.Q.. admirable.' Ff. admirable! PQQR. W/ig<-// Q-.-Q:,Q.. .i»t',-/f F,F»F,. Augelt? F=. oHgi-/.' Q1676P. ^11- gf/.' Q1703R. 305 /lotc . . . god cm. PQQ. God: Q^QaQ.. G'orf.' F,. god? F.Fn F.. Cod.' R. god.' C. 'u'orld: QQ^Q,. world. Ff. IVorld. PQQR. ii'or/d.' JSi77,V 306 Aunimales: Q-. .Annimales: Q.i. Annimales. Q.. Animals: FfQi676. Animals.' Q1703. anima's! P. ^07 diM/.- Q.Q:,. dust.' Q.PQQ. />».?'.' Ff. dust! Whi883. [Ros. smiles.] C0I1853. 508 'teoman Qi. //loHg/i Q=Q»QiFf. Iho' R. 311 voH Qi. 312 'me. Q.Q,,Q,. "i< / FfPQQ. me! Cor. 315 boarded Qi. fiir/ //iri;i PQQ. /uV/kt Qi67f). hcilher Q1703. vcntrous Qi. aduenterous Q.QaQi. aduenturous Fi. adventurous F5F3 PQQF.. advenfrous C. 320 Humorous-man Kci. 321,322 T/ir cloicne shall make them Idugh/That arc ticf:led in the lungs, Qi. //ic Chnvn shall make those laugh, tichled. — 'icltose lungs are 1" the sere. Bcc conj. 321 tickled. Q,. /iVA-/'d R. i22 0' th' War. o' the C. «' f/ii' Jac conj. o'er the Ad. 32? blank-i'crse Hndi879. for't. Q,Q=Q..Q.. /'orV.' F,F=F.,. for't. F,. /orV. — JS1773. for it.— Row 1807. for't. — Wlie. for't — Fri. 32s Citty. Q.QaQ.. i'ly. FfPQQ. e,ty. P. fiVr.^ JSR178S. 328 inhibition Q.Q,Q,FfQi676( /— Ff). inhabitaiits Q1703. 331 folhwed. Q.Q:.. folhneed:' Q.PQQ. foUou'd:' Ff. 3?5 .l;V_v Fi. cv'V Bos. uc'/'v Hy. aerie Fur. " " 3'o.i'('.r P. liyases T. r.i'owi'j' C. e\'as'^ Han. 337 c/o/'V F,. daft F.FaFi. r/oA'd C. f/a/'/''d JSi 773- claffcd JSR1803. 33S (.so they call them) Ff. ^W goose-iiuills Hvplien in F.F.. Ui 'll'hat Ff. /f7i,7/, R ed. 2. f/7io/ Col. 342 escoled Ff. escorted T1767. //if Ff. oni. JSi773- U4 la.? . . . belJer) Ff. 348 /o_do BI1886. U9 larrc Ff. /onv Frii89i. 354 Oh Ff. O/i, T. O, C. Oh! Whe. O.' Col. 357 & FiF::F3. and Fi. 3.S9 "'.V Qi- .?59. .377 and Q.Q.-FfPQQ. & Q,. ?6o mo/ts and moes Qi. 361 lined Q.Q:,Q,F,. //Ti-d F.FaPQQF.. /(•'c'V C. tico Q,. founds Q,. duekels Q.QaQ.. /^»- ra/« Ff. ducates P. ducats Han. 362 a /-crre Q.QaQ.F.F.. n /xVcr F:,PQ QF4. a-l'iecc P. apiece War. '67>/ood om. PQQ. ,!f)4 [Flourish of Trumpets within. C [Trumpets within. C0I1853. 30 THE TEXT OF HAMLET Act II. Scene II. 367 lit' Q.QjQ.. The Pi. the R. 416 apl^itrtciitmccs Duy. 369 ostenl Neil. 417 369.370 (u-hich I . . . (ii(t-;i.vid)Fi. 369 shouv Q:Q.,Q<. shce FfPQQ, show Han 1 770. 371 fhoi Q=Q,Q,F,F.F,. than PQQF,. uiiclc-fathcr Hyplien in QiQsQi. 372 auiit-iiiotlicr Hyphen in QiQiQt. dcccaucd Q^QjQi. dccciu'd F,. dc- 418 i-.-/r'V F=F,-,F,. deceived PQQJSR 1793- 374 North North west QjQjQi. North, 419 North-West FiFsFj. A'o)-//i, iVoriA. /J'«/ F=. North-North^ii'cst PQQ. north, north-west P. north— nortli— Zi-est C. north-north west Alal. 375 Handsaw Ff. o /(««(/ .?rt7f Q1676. a hand-saw Q1703. « liandsaw P. a hcrnsaw Mei. 376 Gentlemen. Q-QaQ.FiFi^Fj. Gentle- 420 »ii'H. F:,. gentlemen. P. gentlemen ! Han. 377 Ham. (Aside to tlieni.l WIii88^. //arAr Q.QjQ.F.F... //«//.• F.PQQ 4-'i F,. 3/(7;A- Del 1864. Guyldensterne. Q=Q.iQi. Guilden- slerne. Fi. Guildcnstar. F;F,. G»;7- 422 dcnstern. Q1676R. Guildenstare. F.i. Giiildemstern. Q1703. Guildcnstern ; J. Giiildenstcrn: — C. Guildcn- 423 stern, — Har. Guildcnstern/ — Su. Gnildenstern — Car. Guildcnstern! W 111883. ?79 steaddling clouts Hvphcn in Q1676. .?83 Alond. \VI11883. 4^4 a Qi. o» JS1773. last Q,. 427. Rossios Qi. Rossius Q1676. Rosins 430 Q 1 70,3. 387 «■<;.? Q,. ^88 /ii-//ic)- Q.Q,Q.. /nV/u-;- FfPQQ. 389 bu=. Q.Q.Q^PQQ. /M(.T, Q.. 6»r--r. 431- Ff. bus:e.— T. ft».cr.;f— J. /'«;.' 431 C. /7«r.'— JS1773. 392 Pol.— the Hndi879. 395 indiviblc Fl-FsFi. individable PQQ Mai. undivideablc T. 432 398 O Q.Q.Q.Q.Ff. ()/( P. 0/1, T. O. Hnd. /.srac/.' Q,. Israeli, Q.Q.Q.. /.siai-/, FfPQQ. Israel.— C. Israel— Car. 399 //lOM.?' Q1Q.Q3Q.Ff. //kih.' R. r/ioH.' 43i T, 400 What treasure C0I1S53. lord/ Q,P. Lord/ Qi^QsQ.Ff. /.on/.' 4?7 BI1771. 405 /• th Q.Q.,Q.. i' th' F,PQQ. ith' 438 F.F;,F.. /' the C. in the Bow!8o7. 414 Rubrick Q1703. j^ious chansons Ra. 439 showe Q.Q.,. show Q,. she-w FfP QQ. Enter players. Qi. oni'. Qi. )'ou'rc K1843. oh Q.Q:,Q,Qi703. Q1676F.. Oh! R. 1S58. my Qi. friend Qi. friend. F,F..F3(/^— F,). }VVc Hud. O F,F:. O, C. O/i F3 O/i, Col Q=Q3Q. friend ' . friend/ F.QI703. R. friends! Q1676. Friend! tl>y Q.. com' St QtQjQsQi. Com' St FiF3F4. Cnmst F2. comcst Val. zchat Q.Q»Q.FaF,Qi703. What. F, F=. What Q1676P. fr/ta/.' T. mistns. Q,Q.Q,QAM— Q,). Mi:?- /;•/>.;' Ff. Mistriss! Q1676. Misters! Q1703. Mistress/ R. mistress? P. mistress! C. Denmark Q.Q^FaPQQF,. Dcnmarkc F,F,. Dcmark Q,. );;.v Lflrfv PQQ. By-r-lady C. Bji' /(jrf.v Bow 1807. i?_v 'r-lady Har. Bv-/' /orfv Val. Bv-'rladv Su. SvV /<7 Qi. Pray God Q^Qa Q,F"f. / wish PQQ. Tt-av Gorf Sin. bee Q.Q.Q.. ^i- FfPQQ. is Bow 1807. (•)(«•/,'■/ Q,. crackt Q=QlQi. crack'd F,F.,F,. cca/l-'rf F:. cracked JSR 1803. I'lirH /()o7 Qi. c'hc /oV PQQ. e'en to it B0W1807. CI'')! to't Val. 462 Players. or Play. Qi. f'leasd Q.Q:,Q,. flcas'd Ff. PQQJSI773. cauiarv Qi. Cariarv Q1703. Cal. 433 (as I . . . of minc)Pi. reccaucd QiQ;i. reeeiucd Q,. F,. received F.F.,PQQF,. P. &■ Q=Q:.Q.. oxd FfPQQ. iiidgements QiQjQj. .nidgmcnts Qi. judgement FjF:.. judgments PQQ. judgment F<. (•/■/erf (» Q.QsQiFi. crycd in F^FjFj. cry'd to So quoted by Giklon. leere no Sallcts PQQ. 'were no sal- lads B0W1818. '<.eere no salads Bow 1827. called Q,Bli769. cald Q.Q.iQ,. cal'd F,F.. call'd F3PQQF,. as wholesome as sweete Qi. &■ Q.Q^Q.. and PQQC. then QsQjQ.. than PQQ. loued. Q.QaQ,. /om'(/, Fi. /0'c''(/. F: FsF,. /oz;<•.• Ff. you: PQQ. .vr. J. jiom; — C. ye. — Hani770. you. — Val. _v"«.' — Pe. you: K. ye!—- Dy. yo',i!— Sta. ye.' Globe. ye! Dy ed. 2. ye,' — Va. Exeunt all hut Hamlet. Q,. Exeunt. Manet Hamlet. Ff. Exit. PQQ. .=54.? O Q..Q.,Q.F,. Oh F.F.F,. Oh, T. O, C. 0/1.' Whe. ().' Cr. /. Q.Q.. /.' QJ'QQ. /.' Ff. /.■ Cr. 546 ^<' Q.Q..Q.FfQi67f.. ,,m. Qi703Chal 547 wan'd War. Ziann'd Mai. ziwined Mag. 551 Hecuba. Qt. Hecuba:' PQQ. Hecuba: Han. Hecuba! C. 556 gencrall Q,Q.Q,F,F.F.. g,-»rra/ PQ QF,. gen'ral P. 558 ignorant Q.Q.iQ)Ff. Ignorant R ign'rant P. 561 mifrfrfy mellcid QjQ.,Q,{ mettled Q,). muddv-metlcd h,F;F,,. muddy mctled PQQk( melted Q1703). 'muddy. nictlcd P,. niuddv-mcttlcd T. iiuirf- dy-mettl'd C. Act III. Scene I. Tiiic I'lvX'i' (II' iiAMi.i-rr 33 562 565 566 568 569 569 57^ 574 575 S7(^ 578 57g 5«-2 5f^4 580 581 pcakc Q.QaQ.F.F.F;,. fcak- PQQF.. .s.Sj s/, >»■/.' K. !,• Don. r/H> Q,Ti7S7. /h- f/ir rf/ir// F.FaF4(/.)<-T-// F^F^). /),- (J /At// PQQC ((/—). /(ij//! Q.Q3QQ.. .!/!«.• FfPQQ. lonelinesse FiF^Fs. loneliness PQQ F,. To the King. .\ln. proou'd QjQaQi. froti'd \'\. t>roi'd F.F,,PQQF,. froxrd Harv. Devotion's R. devotion's P. visage Q.QjQ.Ff. vi:ard Bai coni. figure Bai conj. ■ O QQ.Q.. O/i Ff. 0/1. T. C;. C. 0/1.' Whe. O! Col. "•'"•• Q=Q»Q<- "'«''■■ FfPQQ. /M(c.- R. fn.(f. P. true! C. true!— Mag conscience. O^Qa. fOHiC/V/iir.' QiF' (C— Ff). conscience! PQQP(t — Q>-03). Harlot''; R. harlot's P. beaufied Q..Q,,Q,Ff. beantified PQQ T1773. beanty'd C. beauli'd \Yh. plastring Q:Q>Q.Ql70,!. /^laist'ring F,. plaislring, FjF.,Q'676. I>lastiring Fi. I^last'ring C. I^lastering Bow 181S. r/K-;/ q=Q3Q'f,f..f.. r//(7» pqof,. f^ Q.Q.^Q.. 0/1 Ff. O. Mag. burthen. Q2Q3. burthen : Q,. bur- then! Ff. burden! PQQTi7;7. with-drmv Q.Q.Q,. withdraw Ffl' QQ Exeunt . . . Manet Ophelia behind. reading. Coli8!;3. ''<-. Q::Q»Q.Ff. ft.-.' P. /h-.- Han. fcc Mag. fcr. — Dy. be — Car. slings Q1703BI1771. the assay of Bee conj. them: P"QQ. them. R. them/— P. them. — Han. them! — Ra. them.' Mag. //!i'»i.' .\<.\. 60,61 (//(- — /o sleep- to sleep : No C. No JS1778. (//<',- Mai. die:— to — No Han. die: die: — to sleep:- — — to sleep. — No sleep — No Bow zcished. To Cal. R. (//<■— (//(• — to die — to 1807. die. — to sleep, No Cal. die — to sleep. — No Whe. die — to sleep: — No ivlag. die, to sleep, — No Sta. die:— to sleep.— No Wh. die. — to sleep: — No CI. die: to sleep: No Globe, die. to sleep. No Mu. die. to sleep: No BI1886. 61 more: PQQ. more' — J. more: — Ra. 62 hart-ake Q.Q.Q,. heart-ake F,F,F:, PQQiW— F,). heart-ache F.R (H-). 64 wisht. to PQQ. wisli'd! To Mu. 64.65 (/;■(- to Sleep — To Sleep, to sleep— To sleep:' P. sleep — To sleep — Han. sleep — To steep! — Ham 770. die: — /() sleep: — To sleep! JS1773. die. — to sleep: — To sleep! Harv. die — /() sleep: — To sleep! Whe. die: — to sleep: — To sleep! Bow 1827. die — to sleep: To sleep! Mag. die: — /() sleep: To .■sleep! Su. die. — to sleep: — To steep! Del. die: to steep: — I'o sleep. Sta. die. — to sleep.— To sleep! Rol. die.— to steep. — To sleep: Kei. die. — to sleep: To sleep: Ad. die? to sleep:' To sleep Whi883. die, to sleep: To sleep! Mu. die. to sleep: To sleep. BI1886. die: to sleep: To sleep.— Mac. die: to stc'-p: — To sleep/ dr. die. to sleep: To sleep! Ver. 6, dreame. QjQaQi. Dreame: F.FjF:. (<5 viitlisiouiiid QiFi. i'lidisiiiucr'J Q. QaQi. uii(hsc(ni'ic(l F=F:,Fi. uiuiis- covcr'd PQQR. 110 passenger Qi. So Irauiler. Q.Qs. .Vo traualler Qi. So Tioueller Fi. .Vo Tniveller F,F,Qi670F,. .Vo tnn'cller Q1703P. Frjc travellers So quoted in Beckel. V/iaii Q.PQQF.. r/t<-;i Q:Q,Q.F,F, F.,. of. Q.Q.Q^Ff. ,;/,' Han. of: JSR '7S5. ('/.' Haz. dodcs Q.Q..Q,. J. iialh'e hue CE. rfd.-j FfPQQ. (/('//i healthful facy PQQ. /.« . . . thought CE. Sheics siek and fale with Thought: PQQ(/— Q 1703). sieklv'd C. 88 ii- Heauentv Q.QaQ,. f^ heavenlv Ff iheauenlv F,). Heavenlv PQQC. heavniy R. Hea7-'nly P. O/i. heavenlv Del. O, heavenly Wh. fozvcrs' Q=Q.iQ<. Po-arrs. F,F.,F.. Po'a'crs F.. Powers! R. po'a'crs! P. powers. T. /((»;. Q=Q,,Q,Pf. /i;i/i.' T. 142 /do Q,. 143 /l(7//! Q,. 144 (7ii(/ rcK ainhl: Q,. hik/ amble Q,P QQ." (7)id vcM nickname Qi. .vok ikc/,- iioHit' Q.QaQ,. niirf nickname FiFi. VOH nick-name PQQP. i7"rf Sick- name R. 145 Heavens Q1703. G'ln/'i R. g<)rf'.s Han 1770. 140 /K7//I QiQ.QaQ^Ff. /K7.S FriiSgi. 147 HO moct' Marriages FfPQQ. ;io »ior ir.arriaa.e Don. married Q,Q.Q3Q,FfQi676. .l/oi- i/frf Qi"03. marry' d C. 149 e.xit. Qi. I W c; Q..Q,:Q,Ff. O/i P (■;/!.' Whe. f).' Cr. orethrowne! Q.Qj. ore—lhroi^ne.' FiF;. FaF,. o'rctlH'ozi.'n! thrown! R. o'erthrown! P. f r- Ihrotcn — .\lu. o'er-lhrown: Cr. 151 courtier's T. SchoUcr. Souldicr. Q,. souldicrs schollcrs. eye Q=QsQ,. Soldiers Schollcrs: Eve Fi. Soldiers. Schol- Oh. T. O. C. othroicne! Q,. o'rc-thrown' PQQ. oV-;- 36 THE TEXT OE HAMLET Act III. Scene II. 152. 154 15b 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 1C5 173 174 178 lers;' Eye F,P,iSchol!ars/ F,). Souldicrs. Scholars, Eye PQQ. Soul- dicrs. Scholars! Eye V,'R(Soldiers.). soldiers, scholars, eye P. soldier's, scholar's, eye T. scholar's, soldier's, eye Han. scholar's, soldier's, eye Bl 1795. soldier's, scholar's eye Sin. s'.vord, Q.QsQ.F.F^F,. Sii'ord. PQQ Fj. sword! P. s-ceord: C. stvord: JSR179.?. 154 Th- Q.QaQ.Ff. The C. obscru'd Q^QsQiF,. observ'd F^FaFi. observed Val. obscruers, Q.Q.Q.F,(0— F,). Ob- servers, F=F3F4. observers, PQQP. observers! J. observers, — Dy. ob- servers — Car. doicne, Q^QsQi. doicne. FiF:. down. F;,F<. down, PQQ. rfoK'K.' P. siiekt QQ3Q1. .JH<7,-'f/ Ff. sucked Mag. iiiusic-ro'a's Pur. soueraigne Q^QsQ^F, (5 — F,). Sor- eraigne V~. Soveraign FsF.. .S'07.'- ereign PQQR. sovereign P. jox'- ■/Tig» T1757. ;(7»g/.-(/ Q.QjQ.F.F;. /o)ii'/,-!(/ BI1769. Ophelia/ Q.Q=Q.FfQi676. Ophelia, Qi70?Bowi827. Ophelia P ed. 2. Ophelia/— T. Ophelia! Col. 0/>/)i'- /m,— Hun. Ophelia: Mu. 179 182 » F3. oiy Lorrf Q :-f Q^QjQ.F,. ».s F=F,. Lord Q=Q:,Q4FfQi676. 1703. /ocrf p. queen mother Hyphen in QQaQjP QQ all alone Q:Q3Q.FfQi676. alone Q 1703. 183 sho'w Q.QsQ,. shew FfPQQ. 184 plac'd (so please you) QjQsQ.. plac'd, so please you FaF.. placed, so please you Cal. 185 ('«H/'('/-r»ti' QuQ.iQ4F=F3Qi676F,. Con- ference F,Qi703. conf'rcnce P. 188 (10/ Q.QaQ.Ff. om. FriiSgi. vnwatch'd F,. unwatcht PQQ. nn- 'walchcd Mag. [Sccna Seciindal Str. The same. A Hail in the same, fitted as for a Play. C. A hall. JSi773- A Hall in the same. Mai. A Hall in the Castle. Car. The same. A hall in the same. Dy ed. 2. The .Same. \ Hall in the Castle. Hudi8«i. and some of the Players. C. and certain Players. Mai. and several Players. Dy ed. 2. and certain Players, unready. Col 1853. 1 pronounc'd Q. FfPQQ. pronounced JS1773. 2 trippingly a Qi. smootlily from Q 1703 i rather Q,. live F,Qi703. lieve Q 1676. town-crier Hyphen in FfPQQ. 4.5 thus Zinth your Qi. much with your FaFi. much — your K. 5. 6 Torrent, Tempest FiF:. torrent, tempest FjFj. torrent tempest Q 1676. torrent-tempest Q1703. 6 (.as J ■ . . say ) Ff . 6.7 the U'hirle-windc of passion V,. the whirl-wind of passion FaFj. 'whirlwind of your passion PQQ (-whirl-wind Qi703)- 8 Q Qa. O Q.FfPQQ. Oh, P. O, C. O! Col. Oh! C0I18S8. hearr Q.Q.QaQ,. hear PQQ. I) rebustious Q,. robustious Qi703- robusteous War. in totters Qi. 10 split Q,. ground-lings Q=Q.-.FaPQQ ( 6— Fa). ground lings Qt. Groundlings F.F- Fj. groundlings P. 11 for...part Parenthesis in Ff. Act III. Scene II. riiic I'lcxT oi'' iiAMi.irr 37 12 dumbc shczves Q^Qi. dunthc slicwcs QjFiFlFjC (/»;«;> F.,). dumb shc7vs PQQF,. dumh Shews R. dumb slun^'s C. dumb—shc7cs T1773. dumh slio'u' VVlie. dumbshoz^'s Dy. 12.43,57 and Q^QsQ.FiFaF,. & F,. noises Qi. no\se QiQsQj. uoisc Ff PQQ- 13 ii'/i(>/ Q.Q=Q»Q.Ff. u'/ii>V C. iMfp'd BI1769. zchippcd JSR1803, y';v doing Qi. orc—dooing Q-QaQ*. o're-doing F,F,F,PQQ( on-— F,). o're. doing F<. o'it doing R. o'er— i/omg P. o'erdoins BI1769. iiH/, Heiodes Qi. om/ Hciods QsQj Q.. out-Hi'iod's Fi. out-Hcrods F.FaPQQF,. oul-hcrods V. oul- licrods Val. 15 players y,. Plavfr. Q.Qr.Ff. Play. ■ Q-PQQ 19 o're-stol' FsF.. c'rc-slcp PQQ. o'er—stop R. o'crtop So quoted by Gildon. o'cr-stcp P. o'crstcp Bl 1769. 20 oucr-done Fi. over-done F^FsFj. o're-done PQQ. overdone P. i>'('/'- /('a.f,' Q.Q.Q^Ff. /'/.■assion's P. 71 Heart's R. heart's P. 75 father's Q1703P. Father's R. 76 (;/■('<" Q,Bowi8i8. o» /'oo/ PQQ. 77 H«r« Q.Q.Q.F,. Htvh F=F.,PQQF.. Cc'» P. 78 iH/;i(' Qi. 82 1 -,11 can's F:,PQQF,. stithe Cal. 90 Enter King, Queene, Corambis and other Lords. Q,. Enter ... a giian . . . Dani.sli march. Sound a flourish. P. Danish Marcli. A Flourish. En- ter. . . and Others, atteiulant ; Guard, carrying Torches, preceding. C. Danish March. A flourish. Enter . . . Guildenstern, and others. JS1773. Sennet. Danish March. Enter . .' . Guildenstern, and others. Col 1853. Enter Trumpets and Kettle Drummes, King, Queene. Polonius, Ophelia, and Lords. ElzeiSSj. gi Camelions Qi. Chamelion's Q1676 F.. Chameleons Q1703. Caw.clion's R. cainelion's P. ca)}tcleo)i's Bl 1769. clwiHclcon's Sin. 92 cafion cramm'd Qi. Promiscram'd QiQi. Promis-crain'd Q,. promise- cramm'd Ft Promisc-cram'd PQ QCip — ). promise-craninied IS R1S03. <)6 playd Q,Q:Q»Qj. plaid Ff. plav'd PQQTI7S7. phncd JSR1803. in the Q.PQQ. ;■ Ih Q..Q.-Q.. '' //'' F,. ith' F.F,F-. /■ //;,■ C. 97 / '/'■'/ Q.. 99 What Q, . 100, loi killed QJSR1S03. K-ild Q.Q,,Q.. kiird FfPQQ. 100 in the Q,. /' th Q.Q3Q.Q1703. ;' Ih' F,Qi676. itli F=F,F,. )' the C. loi Capitoll Q,. 103 these Q,. the Q..Q,Q.Ff. 105 hether Q.Q,Q,. hither FfPQQ. 107 O ho. Q.Q.-,PQQ. Oh ho. Ff. Oh. ho, T1767. O ho! C. Oh ho! JS 1773- O. ho! Val. Oh. ho! Fur. ]12 country matters Hyphen in Q1676 Kei. contrary Pe. IIS Lordf Q^QjQ.Ff. lords' P. Lord! J. 119 / Q=Q3Q.F,F=Qi676. /. FaF.Qi703. Ay. R. Ah. T1767. 120 O God Q;Qi. om. Q1703. O God! Q,. Oh God. Ff. Oh God! T. O God. C. O gO(/, Hani770. O! JS 1778. O. Car. O, Corf. Sta. O/i.' Kei. jig-maker. Q,. ligge-maker, Q,Q, Q*(/— Q^). liggc-maker: Ff(/— F,F,). Jig-maker. PQQ. 7(g- maher; R. jig-maker; P. /I'g- maker. — War. jig-master: J. /I'g- maker. C. jig-master? J ed. 2. //g- maker! Mor. 122 (//>,/ Q,Q=Q,,Q,. i/v.-osie P. /'eosy T1757. l'oes\ T1767. posy C. 149 l('(J)»(;»'.s R. woman's P. 150 Enter the Duke and Dutchesse. Q,. Enter a Duke and a Dutchess. C. Enter a King and a Queen. JS1778. Enter the Player King and the Player Queen. Col 1853. Enter Gon- zago and Baptista. Sta. Enter players, a King and his Queen. Bl 188(5. Enter two Players, a King & his Queen. Va. 150. etc. Duke Q,. Duke. T. Gonz. Sta. Poisoner King. FriiSpi. P. King. Full CE. P. Queen. Fidl thirty years are past, their date is |-| goiie./Siiiee happy time join'd both our hands as one. P. King. Full Van conj . 150, 164 hath Q.Q:,Q,Ff. has FriiSyi. 151 Xeptuues Q.Q.Q.Ff. NeptuneS PQ ,7, QR. Neptune' JSR1785. orb'd Q.Q»Q.. Orbed -Ff. orbed P. 152 borrowed Q1703. 15s comutuall in most Q^QQi. eomu- 174 ^((7//. in most ¥,¥■. eo-mutuall. in most F.i. eo-mutual, in most F.. infoulding them in Q1703. commu- 175 tttal. in most R. eo-mutual in most C. eommutual in most Hani770. 176 156. etc. Dutchesse d. Dutch. T. Poi- soner Queen. FriiSgi. may Q.Q.Q.Ff. made JSR178.S. doone. Q.Q.1Q1. done. Ff. done: PQQ. done! C. me. Q.Q.,FfPQQ. »u- Q.. me! Col. 162 must : For women fear too much even as they love. Father none at all or one man all abot'e; And Tsch. must; For women fear too much: e'n as they love, liy fear their /ott. by love their fear they priK'e: .hid Van conj. euen Q.Q,Q.. even PQQJS1773. ev'n T. HIV lord Parenthesis in Ff. And Q/,):.Qoyc — ad'.' C. 42 THR TIvXT OF HAMI.ET Act III. Scene III. 364 366 367 368 S7i 373. 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 ?82 383 385 386 387 389 & Q.Q3Q4. and FfPQQ. in the shape Qi. o/Q,. By the mass, and om. PQQ- Tis like Q,. 'Tis like PQQ. ill deed. Q,. indeed. Q.Q»FfPQQ. indeede. Q,. indeed,' Hal. '■/,■ Q,. 374-375 by~and-by Mag. Aloud. Cr(after bent), and Q.Q.FfPQQ. &■ Q.Q,. e.Nit Coram. Qi. By-and-by iVIag. exit Horatio. Q,. Exit Ros. Giiil. Hor. &c. JS1778. Exeunt all but Hamlet. Hud. Exeunt Res., Guil., Hor.. and Players. Dy. '.iilcliing-tinie Car. Churehvards Q.Q»Q.F,F.. Chiiieh- yards F:,PQQF,. ehureh-yards P. eliureliyards Hani770. 'u'orld:' Q.Q:.Q4Qi676. i.'orld. Ff. ll'iirld: Q170S. World. R. world! Mu. business as tlie dav it self Q1703. ""■ Q-Q.iQ-. on. Ft. on! Mu. O Q.Q,.Q4. O/; Ff. O. C. O/i, Col 1858. hart Q.Q,Q.. W.'or/. F,. /icurJ, F. F.,F.. heart PQQ. /ii'aiT' Col. heart: Cor. /(/jc- Q1676. loose Ql703. nature. Q^Qj. nature! QtQ^dyCi. Na- ture: F,F;Fi. nature: Fj. Nature! Q1703. »u/»)i'.' Kei. bosome. Qi. bosome. Q=Qri. fro- some! Q,. bosome: F.FiFa. bosom! Q1676. bosom: P,. Bosom! Q1703. Bosom : R. bosom : P. daggers Q1Q1703. Daggers FfQi676. «()»i', QiQsQi. none: Ff. iioiic. R. HOHc.' C. none! Mu. hypocrites. Qi.Q:.Q.. Hypocrites. Ff Q1703. hypocrites: Qi676R(//— ). hypocrites! P. . hypocrites: C. hypo- crites. Val. hyt'ocrites. — Dy. hypo- crites: — Va. 7"o give ... consent ! CE. 7"i; i/nr /i(?r urong my soule shall ne're con- sent. Qi. consent. QiQ.Q^Ff. consent! T. exit. Q,. [Scena Tertia.) Str. The same. .\ Room in the same. C. A room in the palace. JS1773. .\ Room in the .same. Mai. .\ room in the castle. Globe. Enter, the King . . . Hud. 3 fortlt-7vith Q=Q.iQ.. QQ. forthwith FfP 6 Ha:erd Q.QaQ.. Hazard Ff. Ha: card Q1676. Hazcards Qi70?. 6, 16 doth Q^QaQiFf. does FriiSgi. 9 man\ Q1703. verx many Coh853. 18 Fixt Q=Q.,Q,Ff. Fi.vd BI176Q. Fi.rcd Pe. 20 morteist Q1676. morteis'd Q1703. mortis'd C. mortised Val. adioynd Q-.Q3Q,. adioyn'd F,. ad- jond F2. adjoin'd FsF,. adjoyn'd PQQ. adjoined Cal. 22 boystrous QiQsQ.Ff. boistraus PQ Q. boist'rous T1740. boisterous JS 1773. 2 J always with Sey conj. 26 free-footed Q^QsQiFf. //-<-.• /(lo/cr/ PQQ- Ros. and Guil. Col. /kw/ I'i QiQaQi. /la.s^r' fi Fi. hioAv /ifl-t/f PQQ. 27 /Hj' lord CE. 5ir PQQ. .Mother's R. mother's P. 31 //i''» Q=Q,Q,F,F.F,. //io» PQQF,. 32 ore-heare QnQsQ^. o're-heare F.F,. o'rc-hear FiPQQF.. o'er-hear R. oc'r-hcar War. o'erhcar Bli76g. 33 The .. .vantage CE. T/ic/r speech PQQ. hare-you-well Car. 35 rfl'lTC ;«.V QsQ;iQiF,F,.. (/i-oi- »iy FaP QQFj. )»v (/cor Ays. 35. .?() ''"'rf. O Hiy CE. lord./O. that this wet that falls upon my face,/ IVould wash the crime clear from my conscience ! /When I look up to hcav', I see my trespass. /The earth doth still cry out upon my fact,/ "Pay mc the murder of a bro'r and king./" And the adult'rous fault you have committed !"/0. these are sins that are unpardonable!/ Why, say thy sins zvere blacker than is jet, /Vet may contrition make them 7chitc as snow./Ay, but still to persevere in a sin,/lt is an act gainst th' universal power. /Most 'wretched man, stoop, bend thee to thy pray'r,/Ask grace of hcav' to keep thee from despair. [He kneels. ]/0, mv Van conj. 36 O Q=Qr,Q4. Oh Ff" Oh! T. O. C. O! Col. Oh, Fur. heauen, QjQ.iQ^F,. heaven, F..F.,F.. Heaven, PQQ. Heav'n, R. heaini, P. heaven: C. heav'n: Hani770. heaven: Val. heaven! Mae. heaven Hal. Heaven: Hudi879. .V hath Q^QsQ.Ff. has FriiSgi. primall Q.Q.Q^P.F.F, om. PQQ. primal F<. vppont, Q5Q3Q.. vpon't. Fi. upon't. F.F:,. upon't: PQQR. upon't. Fh. Act III. Scene III. TIIIC TICXT (II" llAMUrr 43 38 39 45 48 49 50 51 5- 53 56 58 59 62 64 66 67. 67 68 69 uf'oii'l: Wlu'. ut'oii't: — Va!. ufoii'l.' Mag. upon't. — Dy, upmi'l — Mii. 44 brother's Qi70,^P. Brother's R. murthcr. QjQaQi. inurlltcr. Ff. murder! Qi676\ al. Murllicr: Q 170.V Murlhcr. R. murtlicr.- — Ilaii. murder. T1757. murthcr! — C. mur- thcr — Bli76g. murder. — Hani770. murder! — JS1773. murthcr! New. Pray — 110. I eaiiiiol N[ag. as str<>iig as So (|uoted by Ma.son. pause Q.Q»Q.F,F... pawse PaF,. blood. Q.Q,Q.Ff. blood.' PQQP. Blood. R. /'/.)orf.- JS1773. blood.— Dy. ;)/oo.)i.fi-.t/ Q=Q3Q,FfQi676. Powfi/ Q '703. posscss'd 811769. possessed Mag. u»(/ )V/ai» CE. yc^ /v/ui)i So quoted by Mason. '/'• Q.Q3Q.Ff Offence's P. /'Mr.fc Col 1853. compcid QjQjQ-. compelled Mag. £»t'» Q.Q.,Q4F,. £r'H P. /y//ira(/ Q=Q,. 1676. fore-head > 703. give-in Hudi879. repent.' Q-^QaQ^Ff. re/"!');/.' Hun. 68 O Q=QaQ.. 0/1 Ff. O, Mag. •>•'"'''. Q=Q»Q«- -s'a'f.' F.PQQ. i/a/£'i' F.FsF^. 5'/a/c-.' R. Q^Qs- O Q.PQQ. O/t F,F=. oh F.iFi. o Hani770. O. Mag. death, Q=Q,,Q^. c/i-a//!.' FfPQQ. Death! R. .tow/t', Q2Qr,Q4F,Fj. .sou/, F.I. soul! Qi676Whe. Soul. P,. Soul! Q1703. soul: C. ingaged; Q2Q3. ingaged! Q,. in- gag'd: Ff. engaged! Q1676T. t-ii- gaged.' Q1703. ingag'd! R. engag'd! P. engag'd. W'hc. Q.. ./»gW^. angels! T. assay! P. A'licrj Q). //ii' C. compcll'd FfPQQ. i\r/i F..F3PQQF,. forehead Q.F,F=Q F;,F<. fordlicad Q .In gels Q=Qa. .Ingles FfPQQ. uHgf/j, P. angels; Mag. a.$.S(f\'. QiQiQi. o.fiay.' Ff. (•.siov.' Mag. a.siuv,' Hun. 70 knees. Q.Q,F,F..F,"Qi676. /•(■rj, Fi. Knees, Q1703. L-nces! C. 71 (irti' borne babe QiQiQjQj. M<7it'- borne Babe F,Fl-. ncu'-born Babe F;,Fj. nc'u'.born Babe Q1676. iirii' born-babe Qi70^ m'li'-Z'on; /labc P. ''"'"•• Q.Q.^Q3Q.Qi703. Babe. FfQ 1676. /lub,-.' P. babe: C. babe!— H;u-v. /)u/)(-; Val. />(7/ii'. Col. /<(j/)r. — Su. 72 Tir//. Q.QjQ^Ff. well! C. The King retires and kneels. T. E.\it. B0W1807. Kneels. C0I1853. 73 Enter Hamlet behind, his Sword drawn. Col 1853. No7^' ... praying CE. Where is this Murthercr. he kneels and prays PQ Q( Murderer Q1703). 74 heaucn. Q.Q.Q.F, (7/— F, ). heaven. F.F^F^. Heaven. PQQ. Heav'n, R. heav'n, P. heai'en. — T.. hacv'n. J. heaven: C. heav'n: Han 1770. heaven. JS1773. heaven; Dy. Heav- en; Wh. Heaven! — Hudi879. Heaven! Hudi88i. heaven! Mu. 75 reuenged: Qi. reveng'd.' PQQ. /r- 'i'cng'd! Chal. revenged:' Cal. /Y- veng'd: — Dy. rcveng'df — Car. revenged. Globe. reveng'd. Rol. revenged. — ."\d. icoi/rf QjQjQi. scann'd. Ff. scann'd ; Q1676T. scann'd? Q1703. scann'd. — R. scann'd. ]. scan'd: C. scanned: Mag. scanned. Pe. scann'd Hal. scann'd: — Ql. scann'd: Deli864. scann'd; — Gr. .-( rvV/a/i/i- A'tV/.s Q.Q.Q-. .4 /-'///(j/iic /,•///<■ J- F,F=. .-i Villain kills F,P,. He kill'd Q1676. Wr /./// Q1703. .4 ;•///()/« A-/7/i P. rfy . . . villain CE. .fr») _vo«Bli769. And, 'zcould it . . . so! — you JS1773. And — 'would it... so! — you JS1778. And, — 'would it... so! — you Mai, Val(u' — ). But. 'zi'ould you . . . so! — )'<)!( B0W1807. .And — would it... so! — you Mag. But would you... so! You K. And — ''would it . . . so — you Cor, Mor(T(' — ). But. — would you... so! — you Del, Deli864('':f — ). But — 'would you... so! — you Deli876. And would you... so: — you Mu. 17 send C0I1853. 18 sit Q.PQQ. sit you The rest. 21 me: Q,. me, Q.Q,. me? Q.FfQi676. me Q1703. me! BI1771. me. Col. me? — Sta. 22 Heipe hoe. Q,. Help ho. PQQ. Help. ho. P. Help, ho! Han. Help, help, ho! C. 23 Helpe for the Quecne. Q,. What hoe helpe. Qi. ll'hat hoa. helpe. helpe, helpe. P^F.FAhelp F3). IVhat. ho help. Q1676. What ho. help, help, help. F,. What ho. help. Q1703P. Il'hat ho. help! Han. What, ho! help! C. What, ho! help! help. help. Cal ed. 2. What, ho! help! help! help! K. IVhat, ho! help. help, help! Dy. 24 nou; Q:Q3QiFfQi676. now Q1703. now! C. noco: K1843. now? Elze. Rat. Q.Q3Q.Q1703. Rat? Ff. Rat Q1676. rat? P. rat?— Ad. Act III. Scene IV. ■nilC TICXT Ul' IIAMMCr 45 Dead J. Dead. C. dead! Q1676 (). C. PQQ ed: cd! dead Q^QsQ.Ff. Dead! Sta. dead. Q.Q,Q.FfQi703. Cor. Hamlet strikes at Poloiiius tlirouglt ■■■JS1773. Hamlet makes ... .Mai. .Makes a . . . Uy. Making a . . . Col 1877. Stabs Piiloiiius ihnniBli . . . Bli8»). 25 Q=Q,Q.. Oh Ff. Oh. T. O, C Oh! VVlic. O! Col. slaiite. Q.Q..Q.F,F... slain. F3PQQF.. slain! Ph. Ham. kills Polonius. P. 26 me. Q.Q;,Q<. Oh me. Ff. O me! Col. C/h me! Col 1858. Coming forward. Col 1851 _'7 O Q.Q:.Q.. Oh Ff. O/i. R. 0/1.' Kei. O! Cr. //iij. Q.QsQ.. this:' Ff. //iM-.' R. jS deede. Q.QaQ.. (/.'crf. FfPQQ. T. deed:— C. deed:— Bos. Mag. deed!— Dy. rf.vrf;' C0I1877. JO A'Hig. Q.Q:,Q4Qi703. King;' Pi. Kin^! Q1676. yt/Hg.'' C. */»g.' Mai. t^ifts the arras and draws forth Po- lonius. Mag. Lifts up . . . r.lohc. Lifting the arras. C0I1877. ,?i When he sees it is Polonius. JSi77,v Seeing the lx)dy of Polonius. Col 1853. To the dead body of Polo- nius. C0I1877. farewell. Q.Q.Q^Q.F.F.F:,. farewel. PQQF.. farewell C. farewel. Har 1770. farewell! JS1773. V hetler Q,. ?3 fiiid'sl Q..Q.,F,F;,F,. finds! Q.F,. est PQQ. Drops the arras. Wh. .U f'-aee Q.Q.,Q.F=Qi703. Q1676F,. I^eaee: J. rt'arr; JS1778. Peaee! Sta. 37 '"O-V t'QQ- I'raced .\d. 39 /tauc Q.Q;,Q.F,. hcn'e F=F.,F,. /m//i Hoop. ('o'-'-s' Q.QjQ.F.FjF,. rfa;-.?/ F... t>ol^lext Q=Q3Q.Qi703. at't^ot'U'x'd Q1676T. al^pol'le.red Cal. ■J'-'"'- Q.Q3. /^ivic Q,. j(';i.si- PQQT. //ira/V Q=QsQ,. //traWrf PQQT. Ihra'led Mae. /v.srn('c CE. (Jio/Jf Or be deluded thus Sey conj. 46 THE TEXT >F HAMLET Act III. Scene IV. 8j (■) shanic Q,Q,,. Oh slwinc! Q.PQQ. O Shame! Ff. O shame! P. O. shame! Sta. O shame. Mor. /"■«. Qi-QjQ- Hell. FfPQQ. /ifo/. Han. /if// Fie. hell! Gr. 83 Matron's R. matron's P. 84 /f)T. Q..Q,Q,. «rf. Ff. Arc- Han. fire BI1769. fire: — JS1773. Are; JSR1785. Are! Mu. 87. 140, ifti dolh Q:Q:,Q.Ff. does Fri 1891. 88 J*-///. Q.QaQ,. /(■///. Ff. 'a'ill! Mil. O Hamlet Q.Q:.Q,Qi70V O //am- /(•/. FfQi676. O Hamlet! Co!. O/i Hamlet! Coli8s8. O. Hamlet! Hud. O. Hamlet. Sta. more. QjQaQi. »i(»/r. Ff. more: C. more! Col. /ikdc; Fur. »io)v Kei. 8g /»nii/ Q.Q.F,.Fr,F,. /iinii/ Q.F,PQ Q. turncst Kel. 92 inseamed Mac. 91 i'/«irrf Q.Q:.Q.. .SVcii'V F.F.PQQ F,. iVc-n-rf F.. eorru/>tion, Q'QaQi. Corruf Hani770. O. no B0VV1807. more. Q^Q.iQ.Ff. more.— JSi773 more! Col. lOJ patehcs. PQQ. patches: — C. patches. — JS1773. patches: Cal. patches! — Cor. patches, — Dy. patches . . .Kei. 103 Enter Gliost. unarmed. Col 1853. Seeing it. Col 1877. me QJQ3Q4. me: Ff. me: F-F3F4. me! R. me. C. your icings CE. eclestiall icings Q,. 104 heaucniy Q.Q:.OjFi. heavenly FjFs Q1676. Hcavenlv F4Q1703. heav'nly P. gards: QjQsQi. Guards. Ff. guards: PQQ. Guards! R. guards! P. guards! — War. ^g'"'- Q-Q..Q4Ff. ^-i- PQQ. 105 .;/a.j Q.Q:.F,F,Qi676. .r!/M.f<- Q4. .Ilass FjF,. .-J/oi.' Qi703Harv. .-i/oj, T. mad. Q^Q.QjFf. mad— T. mad! Dv. 107 /(;/>j/ Q.QaO^. laps'l F,F.. /uZ-iW F. F,. lapsed Val. /"»»/,■ Cnli853. ^m/llH Q.QaQiFftF— Ff). />,•)•.?()» PQQ 108 Th' Q.Q»Q.Ff. 77;.- C. (//rorf Q=Q..Q.FfQi703. dead Q1676. 109 QQj. O Q.PQQ. O/i Ff. O. C. 0/1, Coli8s8. O.' Cr. sav. Q.Q.Ff. .v«v.' QiPQQ. sa\.— P. Ill almost-hhinlcd 1 hid. iij /(ii;/;-<-, Q.Q.Q^F,. loolce P.. look F, F,. /,)()/(■. Q1676C. /oo/o; Q1703BI 1769. /<><>^/ R. ■ M O Q..Q,,Q,Ff. O. C. 0/ Col. O/i.' ■ Coli8sS. sonic. Q.Q... .«i»/,-.' Q,. Soule. F,F= F,,. iHH/.' Qi676Ph. Soul. Fi. .?i;i(// Q1703. soul: P. jch/; C. ,?('i(/, — Dv. soul — Car. 11(1 .flas Q:Q:,. .Ilasse Q,. .Alas. F.F. F,. .)/'rately P. " 17" good night QiQ.Qt. good night. Ff 142 vttred QjQsQ.. vttered F,. uttered PQQ g"od Night. R. goorf ;i/g/i/.' F.FaPQQF,. iiY/cv'rf P. T. good.night.— C. goorf night!— 143 re-L^ord Q.Q.3Q1. re-word PQQ. Hani770. good-night!— B0W1807. 144 Cannot do. .Mother, Q1703. gc'rf night:— Whc. good-night! for Q.QiQ.Ff. /■(•o»i T. Mag. goo(/ night.— Col. goorf 148 ;(7i/7'i/ F,. night.— Fra. good-night.— Neil. 149 /i<-fli«-H Q.Q3Q.F.(W— F,). /ie-utv» Good night: Pen. F-F,. //i'airii PQQF.. Heav'n R. 178. I79 Aside. Hudi879. /icar'ii P. 180 (/Of- Q.Q,F.F3. rfoo/ Q.. rfo." F,P 150 'a hat is to CE. what else will Sey QQF.. do! C. conj. 182 to Bed again PQQ(fc — Q1703). 156 O Q.Q..Q.. O/i F.F=Fa. Oh, F.. 0, <;goi)i to-bed BI1769. C. 184 /i7 him CE. /.'/ /i/iii 110/ Q1703. 48 i«5 189 191 193 196 "97 200 THK TFCXT UF HAMLET Act IV. Scene I. 205 ->o- _>og thiiiiii'd QjQsQiFf. damned Mag. o Q.Q.Q.Ff. oni. PQQ. so. Q.QsQ^F,. so:' F=F,PQQF.. so! Hudi879. house's P. 07i')U- Q.QaQiFiF;. (Itl'/I FaF). om. JSI773- assur'd Q^QjQiFf. assured Val. .^/ar/l' Q:Q3Qi703. -il/ac-^i' Q.. /i/act, Q1676R. .-(/(7C/S'.' Whe. .sca/rf QQsQ,. s-al'd PQQ. .sro/rd Mag. Sehoolefello'ars Q.Q.Q,. School- fellou'S PQQP(s—). sehoc'Ifrlhu'S H an 1 770. faiigd Q.Q.Q.. faitged Mag. i/(iKv;v Bee conj. uor/t,-; Q.QjQ^. zc'ort. PQQHan. 'U'ork— P. it'ort. — T. work. J. Ti'cr/t.' C. ii'orA'.- JS1773. zi'ork! Sta. />(•/«;•(/ T1757. '■> Q.Q:. O Q.PQQ. O. T. ()/..' VVlie. O.' Col. oh. Fur. Hic-iV. PQQ. meet! P. meet.— C. »ir<-r' BI1769. meet!— Han 1770. I'aekiiig. Q^QjQj. f "eking: Ff. /><)(•/>•- i»jj.- R. paeking: — T. I>acki»g. J. I'aekiiig! Mor. neighbour-room Bli76g, griiu/ ii/g/ir- Come Qi. goodnit:ltl Indeedc FiF;. godrf ii/g/i? indeed. Q 1676. goorf ;i/g/if indeed Q170.V good Night. Indeed R. gourf night.— Indeed. T. goo(/ ;iig/i/.' Indeed Han. good-night. — Indeed. T1757. g(j Alas. Q.Q,,0,F,F..F,. Alass. P,. Alas! T. aiiS7cer'd QjQaQi. answered FfPQ Q 17 I'lvl QQ3Q.- !a>tli' F,. laid F=F,P QQF,. lay'd C. iS keft ... haunt CE. restrain'd PQQ. restraind Q;Q..Q.. restrain'd FfPQ Q. restrained Mag. 19 )'ouiii^-Man Q1703. J! T.iien^Q,Q,Q,Pu Even F.F.,F,. Ez''n P. _'4, 34, ?5 hath Q.QaQtFi. has Frii89i. 24 kilii Q.QaQ.F.F.: kill'd F.,PQQF.. killed Mag. 27 Showes QiQaQi. Shezi'es FiFjFa. .S'hews PQQP,. .?/i.)icj C. he PQQ. 'A Don. 25 O. C. om. PQQ. Oh. Col 1858. Certrard, Q=Q3. Gertrad. Q,. Ger- trude. Ff. Gertrard PQQ. Ger- trude! Col. aicay. Q^QsQj. away: Ff. azeay. J. away! C. 29 suiiiie Q;Qa, Suiuie Q). Suii FfQ 1676. Son Q1703. sun P. ?I must Q.. 3-^ Ho Q.QaQ.Ff. Ho. PQQC. Ho! R. Guyldensterne. Q^QaQi. Guilden- Act IV. Scene II-III TMK TKXT (11' IIA.MI.KT 49 sicrn: P,. Ciiildrnslar: K.K.,. (.iuil- di'iislcni, PQQ. Giiildcnstarc: F<. Guildcnstcrn! R. Cuildiiislcrn! — A.l. H with voH Ul/OU'li. lurlh'cr Q.QaQ.Ft. farlhcr Val. 35 Mother's Q1703R. mother's V. drag'd Q.F1Q1676. dragg'd Q1703. dragged B0W1818. 37 host Q..Q3Q.F,. haste F=F,F,. Ivxeunt Lortles. Qi. 40 done: by this, siisfiieion — Tsch. 41 World's Q170?. -i'orld's T. 44 '■> Q-Q». O Q.PQQ. O/, Ff. r). T. Oh. Col 1858. 0/ Cr., a-icav. Q.QjQiFf. awav; T. htiov.' JS177J. 45 dismay. Q;Q.iQ4Ff. dismay! Cal. 19 gleaiid Q-Q.iQi. glcan'd Ff. gleaned PQQJSK1803. ->.S /on/.' Col. jg O/' HO //i/;i^' O'S. — of nothing Mud. 30 E.xit Ro.ssencraft aiul Gilderstono. Q,. Exeunt. Q=Q:,Q,Ff. Exeunt, running. Col 1877. [Scena Sfcuuda.] Str. The same. Another Room in the same. C. .Vnother room. JS1773. Another Room in the same. Mai. Another Room in the house. Har. The same. Mag. Another Room in the Castle. CI. An- other Room in the House. BI1886. 1 stowd Q.Q.1Q,. sto-.^rd Ff. stmc'd PQQC. 2 Ros. &c. I within. ]... f/(j»i/r/.' C. Ros. and C.uil. [within.] ... Hamlet ! Hani770. Ros. Guil. [Without.]... Hamlet! Sta. Hamlet Hamlet. Ff. Hamlet! ...Hamlet! R. 3 hut soft. Q.Q.,. hut softly. Q.Cal ed. 2 (fi— ). But. soft: C. But. soft— JS1773. But soft.— JS1778. But soft — Bow [807. But soft! — Bow 1818. But soft; Val. But soft. CE 1866. iioyse. Q"^3Q.. noise.' F,F..PQQF<. s, my joys zi'ill ne'r begin P QQ()ii''rc Q1703). my haps, my joys ;t'i7/ iic'iv begin P. my ha[(• 7v;" ye JS1778. b'uy you Dou. 51 Exeunt Ros. and the rest. C. Ex- eunt Ros. and Guil. JSR1803. Ex- cunt all except Hamlet. Dy. \^ dull-revenge War. reuenge. Q.Q,.Q,. revenge.' PQQP. Revenge/ R. re'venge! Han. .?8 god-like Q=Q:,. God-like Q,Qi703. God like Q1676. godlike C. 39 vnvsd Q.Qa. z'nusd Qt. unus'd PQ QR. unused Val. whether Q.Q3Q.. Tc/ic'fc Mag. 41 //r Q.Q.Q.. //ic' C. Act IV. Scene V THE TEXT OF HAMLET 5' 42 quaiti-rd Q-»/?" C. 8 vnshaped Q.Q.,Q.F,. uiishaped F.F, PQQF,. iiiishat^'d J. (/""' Q.Q.Q.Ff. ijN talions! J.S177H. battalions; Pli. battalias! D.v. battalias. lludlS/fj. battalia! BI1886. 77 aiirf Q.QsQ^Ff. ;.»/ Cr. 78 muddied Q.Q..Q— Q170.?) gyant like Q^Qa. Ciaiit-llk-e Q.F;,P QQ. G\'aiU-like F,F,F,. gioiif- like P. sueh Qi-QsQ^Ff. sueh a So quoted hy Maxcy. doth Q.Q3Q.Ff. docs FriiSgi. meenst Q.QsQ,PiQ^70iU— F,). in- eeiis'd Q1676T1740. incensed Cal. Sfeak man oni. Del. -a'liere's Qi. juggled Q,P. iugled Q.Q:,Q.. /»g- gcl'd FiF=. Juggl'd Fa. juggl'd Q i676F,. jugled Q1703. hell Q.QaQ.FfPQQtH— Q1676F,). hell. P. hell! Gr. allegiance. Q=QiQl70.?. alegiance, Q,. Allegeance : F,F.. Allegiance: F3F,. Allegeance. Q1676. .i/Zr- gianee: R. allegiance! P. (i//c'- gianct"' B0W1807. />/// Q-.Q:,Q.. Pit. Ff. /.//, Pi/,- R. /xV.- p. />/;.' T. 130 damnation. Q^Q-iQi. Damnation : Ff. damnation : Q1676C. Damnation. Q 1703. Damnation : R. damnation; P. damnation! Mag. damnation Pe. damnation: — Dy. damnation. — .■\d. I ^2 reueng'd Q2Q1F1. reuengd Q.. /i'- ivHg'rf F=F,PQQF.. • r.'iriig.'i/ Bl 1771. rerenged Val. 133 throughly V-. thoroughly HowiSiS. th'roughly \'a. I 13 116 118 I -'3 1-7 128 divell Devil: PQQ i.i4 .f/ay yOM QaQjQiFf. stay out P.o« 1807. world Q,T. Worlds: PQQ. -a'^r/d.- T1740. ivorld's. Han. _ leprld's: C. zi'orld's; Val. ivorld: Cal cd. 2 iforW.' Gr. 136-140 King, food Z,at';/« . . . Lacr. jVoHi? CE. King. (F)'// yoM in re- venge of your/Dear Fathers death destroy both Friend and Foe' I.aer. None PQQ (yo;i Dear father's... friend and foe Q1703). 138 father's F3Q1703. Father's P,. H2 his good friend Pen. 143 life-rendring Q.QaF.F.iPQQF.tL— Q1676). life-rendering Q,. Life- rend'ring F1T1757 ( / — ) . 146 Father's FaF,. father's Q1703P. 149 Crowd within. J. Danes. |With- out.] Sta. Let her come in. Bli886(coutinued to the king). in. QaQjQ^Ff. in! Va. 150 non; Q=Q3. now Q,. noii.'? FfPQQ. noiK.-! C. 151 Enter Ofelia as before. Qi. Enter Ophelia, fantastically drest up with Flowers, &c. C. Re-enter Ophelia, still distracted. Col 1853. 151. 154. 156 O Q=Q,Q,F4. Oh F.F.F.,. braines. QJQ1Q4F2. Braincs, F,. brains, EiPQQF,. Brains, R. brains! T. brains:' FriiSgi. seven— times Dy. 152 eve, QiQ«. eve. Q.F.FzFa. eye: P QQ. Eye. F,. eye! T. eye!— C. 153 heauen QiQiQtFAH — Fi). heaver F~Fj. Heaven PQQF,. Heav'n R. heazi'n P. pavd Q2Q:,Q.. payed F,. pcrid F.F., PQQF,. pay'd C. 154 beame. Q^QsQjFiF;. beam. F.,Qi703. Beam. Qi676F,. beam! Ph. .l/av.Q..Q»Q,Ff. .l/<;r.' PQQR. .1/<;v.- J. " 155 Ophelia, Q,Q,Q,. Ophelia: Fi. Ophe^ Ha! PQQR. Ophelia!— C. is6 heauens. Q.Q.,Q.F,(«— F,). /uw- .-».«, F.Fr,F.(//— F,). Heavens! P QQPe. Heav'ns, R. heav'ns, P. heavens! C. Maid's F.,F4. maid's P. IS7 »io»'i F3PQQ. Man's F,. /'7V. Q=Q»- /'7<-' Q.PQQ- /'/•■■^ Ff. 161 sings. C. Singing. C0I1877. bare-fac'd Q,F.,PQQF.. /xm' /oc'i/ F1F2. barefac'd JSRi7g3 bar.e- faced Val. the Q.QaQ^Ff. //(,•(/ Duy. 163 reigns T1767. 54 1 64 167 THK TK.XT 111- lIAMI.irr Act IV. Scene VI. 168 i6g 170 172. 173 175 176, 176 179 181 182 183 185 186 186, 188 191 192 193 Douc. Q.QsQ.F,. Dove. F^F^F.. do'.r. P. doz'c! T. a doKitc Qi. a do'a'iic a do'umc Q^Qi Q4. doiuic a-dozciic F^F~. dnicii a- doziii FsFj. a down, a do'dm PQQ. Doii'ii. a-doivn C. Doivn a— dozen JS1778. a-doum.a—douiiRi. dozi'U- a— dozen B0W1807. Dozen— a-dozen B0W1818. Dozen a dozen O'S. A^ dozen a-doz'.ni Hun. a-dozen a- dozen Glol)!". As Max. a dozenc a QiQ^QaQt- a-dozenc^a F,F... a-dozen.a F:,. a dozen a PQQ. a dozen— a F<. a— dozen— a P. O Q=Q.Q.F,. Oh. F,F..F,. O. C. 0/1.' Wilt. '■'. Q'Q:.Q.. '^' F,F.. 0111. F,F.. //.' T. //.'— VVli. Master's F;,F,Qi703. niaslei's P. 173 / fray Q,. fansfy Q,. Fancies PQQ. f>ansies T1757". o»(/ Q.Q»Q,F.F:,F,. &■ F,. 177 (S- Q=Q:.Q.- "nd FfPQQ. «//.'(/. Q=Q»Q4Ff. fitted! Cor. //rrfc 0/ G'coct' Q1676. Herbs o, Grace Q1703. herb of grace P herb-grace K. herb-of-grace Kei herb-o'-grace Kel. herbgrace Fri 1891. Sundayes Qi. Sondaics Qi:Q,iQi. Sundaies F,. i'loirftrvcj F-jFa. 5i(»- (/ovi PQQFi. Sunday's Bow 1807. 0/i F.F.F.,. O F.. "oA K. 0/1, K 1843. O! Sin ed. 2. O, Dy. Oh! Kei. a// zalhered Q,. zeilherd all Q.Q, Q,. zeither'd all Ff. zeithcred all P QQR- 'u/i.';i Q.Q.,Q.F,Fr,F.. 7v/if F.. »/ iin- Q^QiQ,P(Qib7b. pill you Q 170.?- 52 4 lialh Q.QaQ^Ff. has FriiSgi. 5 i'uisiicd Q=Q»Q. /"»'(/ Q^ Q=QsQ.. /a/*V C. talked Mag. Hamlet's PQQR. '.' Q=Q- '00 Q.PQQ. .fiVW Q=Q»PQQ. settled Q.. sef- tl'd C. serud Q^QsQ.F.Fo. i^rf'rf F,F.. served Val. horsehacke Q.Q,F,F=(//— F,F=). horse-backc Q,. horse-back F3Q 1676. /locsr ;>m-t F,. hors-back Q 1703. Horse-back R. horseback Bli76g. -witch-craft QjQsQ.. zeitchcrafi Ff PQQC'F— Q1676). m/o Q1676. MM^o Q1703. incorp'st Q;QsQ.. encorps't Ff. /»- corps'd PQOP. encorps'd R. iii- corpsed Val. encorpsed Mac. — ). dead mens Q.Q,iQ4. Drui/ Mens Fi F-. Oi'arf jl/t'iiV Fs. dead men's F,. ifcurf Men's R. i/t'orf i/ic/ii' BI1769. dead-men's Har. dead man's Tsch. 173 pendant om. PQQ. coronet-zvecds Kei. 174 Clambring Q^QsQiFi. Clambering T1767. Clanib'ring Han. sliuer QjQ.^F,. i/M^r Q4. sliz'cr P2 F3PQQF4. 177 Mermaide-like Q1Q4. Mermaid-like F,F.F.,PQQ. Meremaid-like R. mer- maid-like P. Act V. Scene I. ■line TICN'I' OF AMI.lvT 57 .lias Q,Ff. .lias! PQ i8o indu'd C. endued Blijfxj. inurrd or induri'd Mason eonj. rcduc'd Col 1853. i8j their Q,. 183 Diaggd Q,. Puld Q.Q.Q.. Pi i((^i«i F.. Sheep-skins R. sheep skins J. 1 1 1 calues-skinnes Qi. Calve—skinnes F.F,. calve-skins Q1676P. Calve- skins F4. calves-skins Q1703C. calfskins T1773. calves' skins Bow 1827. cal'i'cs'-skins K. 1 12 ■/'//«/ Q,. Act V. Scene I. TIIFv TKXT OK 11 AMI.KT 59 114 sirrah CE. Nozi' my friend Qi. 116 sings. C. Sings. JSR1793. Singing. CI, or Q.Q.Q,. O Fi. O, P. O! Lan. Oh. Col 1858. Oh! Kci. O— Hue! 1879. 117 /•())■ siiili a ghosi iiwsl mccl. Q,. 120 yours QiQsQ.Ff. yotir's BI1769. 121 say il is Q=Q.,Q4. say 'tis F,F,F.. say lis Fj. say, 'lis T. say. il is C. say't is Wli. i.io buried QrQ:Q,QtFi. burv'd C. KU is. QQ,,Q.. is:' Ff. is! Han. is: Culi8s3. i.U «v the Lord om. PQQB0W1S07. /.t'/J Q.Q,Q.F,F.. Lord. F,F.. /,.;,/. P. lord! Col 1853. 13s / ha-'e . . . of it CE. haue I noted it Qi. / haue taken a note of it .Ad. 136 pieked Q1703. 137 heele Qi. kibe Q,Ql703. k\be Q^QsQ.. Kibe FfQi676. 138 grafe-maker Hyphen in Q::Q3Q4Ff. 139 dayes Q.Q^Q^Ff.' days PQQR. rfay\s Va. '" "' Q=Q"Q.- '■ '/'' FfPQQ- '■■ ""• C. v<'n' Q:Qi. veare Q.FiF-. \ear F= PQQF<. vra'.f Col 1855. /0iHg'.s C. 177 7Vi/:f.' Q.Q,Q.Ff. This! Cam. 178 Len Q=Q,Q.. fi'fuf F,F:. HVii F, Q1676F.. Hz'cn Q1703. Hi'" Val. 17Q alas Q,. .-J/a.s Q=Q3Q4FfQi676. Alas, Q1703T. .Alas! B0W1818. Yoricke Q,, Voricke. Q^QsQ.F.. KonVA-. F,F3Qi676F.. Vorick! Q 1703R. Vorick!— C. takes the Scull. C. Taking the skull. Col 1877. 182 times, QiQaQ,. times: Ff. n»i<-.S;' PQQ. times: C. /i»it'.s/ Harv. abhorred Q.Q3Q.FfQi676. abhorr'd Q1703JS1778. '>■■ Q=Q>Q.- '^. Ff. ji.? PQQ. is no'a; R. /.s.' P. 184 Kissed Qi. *ij/ Q^QjQ.Ff. kiss'd R. /t(j.s.'rf JSR1803. 185 iests Q,. gamboles QsQaQ.. Gaiii- fta/j Ff. /t'.5/i Q1703. gambols P. 187 i/hjVc chopfalne. Q.QzQ,. Quite chopfalne.' F.F;. QinVc chop-fall'n? Fs. (?M(7c chop-fain? Q1676. QuiVe f/10/' /^a//')!.? F,. (jMi/c chopfain? Q 1703. (/mjVc chop-fallen.' P. quite chap-fallen? T. i/Mi/t' chap-fain? C. (/HJ/f chap-fall'n? T1773. Quite- chap-fallen? JSR1785. (/Mi^t- r/iay- f alien! Bow 1807. quite chap fain.' Cor. (/h//i- chap fallen? Verp. 188 Larfv'^s R. ladv's P. 192 /oo/^Vrf Q,JSRi8o3. lookt Q^QaQ.Ff. look'd R. ,7), PQQ. 193 '■ '/' Q.QjQ.. r th' FfPQQ. //■ //r R. r f/i>' c. 194. 196 Een Q.QsQ.. £'<'/i^ F,F,. E'en F;,PQQF.. I'.f'n Val. £jr» Mag. 195 pah. Q^QaQ.. Pm/i. Ff. Puh? R. /'«/«.' P. puh! Han. /xj/i/ C. /-Mg/i.^ T1773. Pah! Mag. 6o THE TEXT ol* HAM LET Act V. Scene I. throws it down. C. throws down the scull. Mai. Putting down the skull. C0I1877. Lets fall the skull. BI1886. 197 Horatio? Q.Q3Q.. Horatio. Ff. Ho- ratio! PQQP. 198 imagiiiatiou Q.QsQ.FfC/— F,). the imagination JS1773. igg biing-holc F3FiQi703. 200 Ti.'ere Q.Q.,Q.F.. T^ir;.' F.FaPQQ F.. It were Stoc. 202 and Q.QaQ4F.FaF,. & F,. as thus of Alexander Qi. 20^ (//,■(/ Q.Q.F.PQQF,. dved Q..QaF= F,. dyd C. buried Q.Q.QsQ.Ff. buryd C. 204 returned C0I1853. returnes FrilSpl. 205 ii hereto . . . converted Parenthesis in Ff. 207 beere barrel Qi. Beare-barrcU Q; Q:,Q.. Beere-barrell F,F=. Beer- barrel FjPQQF.. beer-barrel P. Imperious QiPQQ. turnd Qi. turn'd Q=QiQ.Ff, turned Mag. 209 O Q.Q,Q,. Oh. Ff. O. C. Oh Bl 1769. Oh.' Whe. O! Col. 210 ffa-u: Q.QaQ.Ff. flaw! PQQP. floii'.'— Dy. 211 soft. Q..Q3Q.Ff. .so//.' R. soft; Hani770. ftu/ .so/'; QiQaQi. but soft. Ff. /»»/ .$0//.' R. .jo//.' New. /'M/ .so//,- Thur. a'ii'hile. QaQsQ). aside; FiF.Fa. a while. PQQ. fliiQ4. Oh Ff. Joimc, Q.QaQ.F,F,(i— F,F.). Son, F.,F.. jo». PQQC. Son! R. ^oii.' P. theame,' Q.QaQ.. Theame ? F.F-. Theme:' F:,F,. //u-oih.' PQQ. theme' P. theme! Har. 263 /ou'rfc Q,. /oHcrf Q.Qa. /ou'd Q.F,. /of'rf F.F3PQQF.. /otvrf Val. 264 TivV/i o// . , . love Parenthesis in Ff. 266 O Q.Q.,Q,. Oh Ff. O. T. Oh! Whe. O.' Col. Oh. Fur. 267 /'"or . . . God om. PQQ. him. Q=Q,,FfPQQ. /i(m.' Q,. /i,m.' Hun. 2(18 Come. T. oiu. Q,PQQJSi778. — 'Zounds. C. 'Zounds. Mai. Zounds, Sin. 'Szcounds! Col. 'Swounds. Dy. 'Swounds Sir. ^/i«L' Q,PQQJSi77« TiiV; Qi. . PQQ. ttv^/.— Mag. icw/>.' O'S. tfiV? ^aj< Qi. ^aj/.=' ji'ooV CE. storm.' 'a>out't Col 1853. drink.' tifd'/ I'a/;' woo'l fast:' ii.'oo't fight. '/li'oo't tear thyself:' — Afr. Esil. Crocodile! Bee conj. Esil PQQJSI773- Eisel T. eisel War. Hjf/ Bow 1807. (7 poison Leo conj . He doot Q,. /■// do it Mag. (/('■/.• /•// do't Col 1853. Com'st thou Qi. Say, dost eonte Mag. /live Q1Q1676. hither Qi70,v /iH^ B0U1807. out-face Q.QjQjFaF,. outface huried Q.Q;,Q' — Qtyoi). Villains. E'er . . . Plav- I R. villains. Ere . . . flay. I P, Sir (z'illaiiies). villain\, (Ere ... Bane ...Play:) I T. Villains. {Ere... mark . . . bane . . . Play: ) I War. vil- lains. Ere... Play: I J. villainy, {Ere .. .bane ...play:) I T1767. :-illains. { Ere . . . mark' . . . banc . . . filay). I BI1769. villainies. Ere... play: I JS1773. villainies. Ere... play: I JSR1785. villains. Ere... play ; — / Ra. villanies. Or . . . play: — / Mai. lillanics. Or ... play : I Cal. villains. Ere ... play : I Cal ed. 2. 'I'illainies. Or . . . play: — / Har. vil- lanies. Or ... play : I Mag. villanies. Or . . . play. — / Pe. villains, f.re . . . play: I K. I'illanies, Ere . . . play: — / Cor. villains. — Or . . . play. — / Fra. z-illains. Ere . . . play, — / Su. villa- nies,— Ere . . . play. — / Dy, C0I1877 ( 'villainies ) . villains. Ere . . . play : I Ph. villanies. Ere . . . play — / Car. villanies, — Ere . . . play — / Globe, -villains, — Or . . . play. — / Tsch. villanies — Ere . . . plav — / Rol. villainies. Or... play. ' I Bl 1886. 7'illanies. — Ere . . . plav, I Don. 32 Deuisd Q.QjQ,. Deuis'd F,. De- vis'd FFjPQQF,. Devised Val. .U labourd Q.Q.Q.. labour d PQQR. labor'd \a\. labored Pe. 36 Yciunans FiF.PQQ(v— F^). 37 Th- Q.g,Q.Qi676. The Ff. r/, Q 1703. 42 (J comale Tsch. 43 such like. as. Sir. 170.?). such like as's C. such— like like pses Mai Globe, siteh-like such like assis Sir. such-like Fur. such-like ases Hi!di879. sucli- like "Ases" Ad. such— like 'as's' Fri. such— like as-es Wh 188,5. such- like "As'es Page, such— like 'Ases' Max. such like "Ases" Don. 44 and knmcing om. PQQ. 43 further Q.Q.Q.Ff. farther Val. 47 shriving-time Tr740. sea'd Q.Q,Q(. seai'd FfPQQ. scaled Mag. 48 eucn QjQ:iQ4F,. even F^FaF.. ev'n P. heaucn Q..Q:,Q,F,( W— F,). heaven F-F,,F.Ui70,v Heaven Qi676Val.. Ileav'n R. liea'v'n T177.?. PQQ(«.- Sir Q .is's R. such like as's Stoc. such such-like 'As'es "as's" Dy ed. 2. such-like Ases thinks thee Wh has FriiSgi. kill'd 49 I'atlicr's F3F,. father's Q 170,5 P. .m-5^ Fold... in form of th' o'r: sub- scribed) it ;/Ga(ve)'t th' impress: plac'd it safe; the changeling/ Ne'r known. Noiv, III' ne.rt . . . and/What ... cement ... alreadv. Van conj. 52 Subscrib'd Q.FfPQQ. Subscribed Val. th' Q,-Q,Q.Ff. the C. plac'd Q.QsQ^F.FjF.. plac't F,. placed Val. .14 Sea fight Q=Q3Ql676. Sea-fight Q.F;F:,F.Qi703. Sea Fight F,. sea- fight P. 56 too't Q.Q»Q.F,F... to't FjF.Qi70,5. to it Q1676. 61 fell-incensed Hud 65 //i/)i^ vou PQQ. 1883. 64,86 /i(i//i Q.Q»Q.Ff. kild Q.Q»Q.. kil'd F,Qi703 F,.F3Qi676F,. killed Mag. whor'd Q.QaQ.Ff. whored Val. 6.S Pop't Q.-Q.Q.. Popt Ff. Slept Q 1703. Popp'd Mai. Popped Mag. th' Q.Q,FfPQQ. the Q.. 66 His angle for inv proper life llirozi'n out Col 1853.^ 67 cous'nage: C. his ('Till Col 1853. 68 dainn'd Ff. damned Mag. 70 further Ff. farther Val. 74 man's FaF,. .Man's R. Then F,. Than F^FaF,. 80 Towring Ff. louring R. tow'ring T1740. towering C. Peace, Ff. Peace: C. Peace: Val. Peace! Col. 81 Enter a Bragart Gentleman. Qi. 81, etc. Gent, or Gen. Q,. 82.84 .-Xside to Hor. CI. 82 rhtsi know this CE. Horatio, but marke yon Qi. water-flv Hyphen in QiQ.F,. 85 ,\side to Ham. CI. 87 (' Q=Q.Q.FfQi676. the Q1703. 88 King's F,,PQQF4. king's C. Chowgh F,. Chough F-FaFi. 90 Sweete Q.Qa. Sweet Q.F.FaF,. Si^et v.. 95-97 Hani. No . . . Ham. Put yet CE. Ham. It is indifferent cold, my lord. indeed. Ham. Hut yet Mu. 101 bad Q1676. bids Q1703. 102 he PQQ. 'a Dou. layd Q,. laid PQQ. lay'd C. 105 In good faith om. PQQ. 107 geiitlcnia Qi. laS shewing JS1773. 110 continent CE. substance PQQ. parts Mu. 64 THE TEXT OF HAMLET Act V. Scene II. I 12 I 'J 116, 117 121 122 124, 1^5 128 i-'y U4 1.^7 141 143 144 145 146 14N 155 156 '57 160 161, 161 163 t'crdition CE. loss PQQ. though Q=Q.>Q.. Iho' T. th^ Q.QjQ,. the T. 1 18 cS- Q.Q,. and Q4PQQ. flj /o Q^Q.PQQ. ".5 to Q,. ^i'l' Q=Q3Qi703. urc Q). om. Q1676. mo/T Q.Q.Q. om. PQQ. 125 Is t possible not to . . . another tongue. Q1676. Is't not ['ossible to . . . tongue.. Q1703. Is't not /'ossible to understand in a mother tongue.' Tscli. tongue! Sin. you tvill do't. Sir. really. Q1676. you 'a'ill do't Sir really. Q1703. Vou ti'/7/ to't. sir. really. Mu. Laertes/ Q1676. Laertes. Qi7o,?. Laertes! O'S. all Q1703. me: well Sir. PQQ. me.— Well. Sir. T,JSi778(.f— ). me:— Well. sir. C. me— Well. Sir. Bliybg. me:— Well. sir. Mai. Whe(S— ). mc: — well. sir. Dy, CK^ — ). me. — /('('//. sir!' Hun. me. Well. sir. Mu. )ne: well. sir. Ver. least Q.Q.Q.. lest PQQT1740. laide Q.Q.,. lavd Q,. laid PQQ. lay'd C. them in his meet. Bcc cnnj. vnfellowed. Q.Q»Q.. unfellowed. V QQJSR1803. unfellow'd. T. nn- fellow'd! Fjcc coiij. Rainier and dagger. CE. Single Ra- l^ier. PQQ. Ham. .That's two . . . itr//. om. PQQ. King, sweete Prince. Qi. hath layd a wager Q,. hath wager'd PQQ. hjs wager'd C. has wage'd BI1771. halh xi:agered JSRiSo.v hath waged K. has icagercd Fri 1891. he has imf'awn'd PQQ. //<• has im- fai.ned JSRiSo^ hangers Q,. Hanger PQQ. /« goorf /<7i7/i Q,. /» fa/7/^ Q.QaQ.F.. infaith F.F.Fs. om. PQQ. to Hamlet. C. Aside to Hani CI. ediHed Q.QaQ.. rrf/YyV C. margent Q^OaQi. Margin Q1676. margine Q1703. Margent T. miif- ^'/;i Col. eosin german Q,. German 0167(1. german Qi70,v //ic eanon Qi. hanger Hiidi87g. fi(jW>;v Q=Q,. Barbary Q^FfPQQ. i)nfa-,cned JSR1803. imponed Cal. 163 hath Q.QsQ.Ff. /mi FriiSgi. layd Q.Q,. /a/V Q-FfPQQ. lay'd C. /iij''(/ t'(i C. 170, 170 177 178 182 184 185 1 86 187 F.F=. fan'd ..Ra. pro- . Sin. KJ4 i(j6 199 -'03 204 208 210, 21 r 212 ■^13 214- ■217 171 // is . . . me — if it please his ma- jesty, let . . . brought: Sey coiij. breathing-time Bli76g. exit. Qi. Yours does PQQ. Your's. your's; he does Han. Yours, yours. He does J. Yours, yours. — [Exit Os- rick.] He does C. Yours, yours. — He does JS1778. Yours, yours. — he does Val. Yours, yours. [Exit Osric] — He xloes Dy. Your's, your's. — He does C0I1858. Yours, yours. [Exit Osric] He does Sta. Yours, yours. — [Exit Osr. cover- ing.) He does Col 1877. before he PQQ. suelct QQ.,Q,. suek't Pi. suek-'d R. sueked JSR1803. drossy Q.QaQ*. drossie FfPQQ. drozcsy So quoted in Kinnear. and out of an Q1676. and out of the Q1703. habit Q-QaQiFaF,. habile habits Ti7S2. and Q.Q3Q>3F,. & F,F.. profane and icinowed Q1703. and liinnow'd C. so.und . fond and winnoivd Mai. fonde . . . Bcc conj. fanned . fijiirf . . . Haz. most profound and most renoi^ncd Bai (foot-note). fo}id and renowned BI1886. King's Q1703R. king's C. and queen and all CE. the Queen and all Bow 1807. and queen are all Pen. entertainment QjQaQi. me}its JSR1785. bene Q-Q^:. heene FiF-. how ill all is Col 1853. boding Q1703. gaingivmg pain—gi'ring Pli. M4 hether Q.QaQ.. hither FfPQQ. theres a predestinate Qi. /loji' Qi. be not to Q=Q3F=F3. bee not to Q.F,. be not P,. 216 the readiness ... man. of aught he leaves. — knows: — what is't to leave betimes. Let be. Sin. Pe {be- times:'). Enter King, Queene, Leartes. Lordes. Qi. Drums. Enter King, Queen. Laertes, Osric, Lords, and Officers with foils, daggers and gauntlets ; ... on it, cushions, &c. Va. Osrick. and Others ; Attendants with Foils, &c. C. Osrick, with other at- tendants with foils. &c. JS1773. Os- rick, and attendants with foils, &c. JS1778. Osrick, and Attendants entertain- been PQQ. Verp. Act V. Scene II. THE TEXT OF HAMLET with gauntlets, foils, etc. CUI1877. The King puts the hand of Laertes into that of Hamlet. JS1778. He pnts tlie hand of Laertes into that of Hamlet. Hud. The king puts... I)y. Giving Hamlet the hand of Laertes. Col 1858. Taking Laertes by the hand. Sta I before conic). J18 Ham. |To Laertes.] Sta. 219 .viirl-f, Q1703. /oft'rf. P)0wi807, locked: Mag. locked. Pe. /ocA'V.' Col 1858. lock'd.— Kei. lock'd!— Hudi879. /of/>-'rf.- Gr. 304 Treachery. Q..Q,Q.F,.Fr>F.. Trea- eherie. Fi. Treacherx! R. ""' Q-Q.Q.Ff. oil/— R. out! Fur. 306 Medicine F,Qi676F.. medicine Q 1703P. med'cine T1757. 307 houre of Qi. • 308 treacherous Q^Q^QiFf. treach'rous T1740. )«_v /laiirf Qi. 309 cnuenom'd QiQ,.Q.. cnrenom'd Ff PQQ- invenom'd BI1769. enven- omed Mag. VO Wa//i Q.Q.Q.Ff. //ai Frii89i. /iiniV Q.Q:.Q.FfQi676. turnd 1703. turned B0W1827. loe Q.Q»Q,. /.Of, FiF=F3. Lo. F.. /o Q1703. /o. C. /o.' Col. /oc, Str. /o. Frii89i. 311 againe. Q^Qj. againe: QiFiFs. again: FsPQQF,. again: R. again. J. again! Sta. /'O' Q:^Q»Q.F.F.. r/iv F>F=. r/if Fra. mother's Q.Q»Q.. Mothers F,F=. Mother's F:,Qi676F,. mothers Q 1703. mother BI1771. poysned Q,. poyson'd Q1676. /'Oi- 50»'rf 01703. poisoned Mag. 312 Wami\ Q=0:.O.Ff. ft/fliHc' Mag. 313 /-O/Ij/Q.OaQ.ff. /'OIH/ PQQ. />0Hl/.' — Dy. />o;)i/ — Sta. point. — CI. inuenom'd Q=Q:i. cnuenom'd Q<. envenom'd FfPQQ. invenom'd Bl 1769. envenomed Mag. 'f. Q.Q»Q'- '<'«. FfQi703. /oo.' Qi676Cal. /oo.^ P. /oo.'— C. /oo.' — Hani770. ?I4 rtr;i Q.Q:,Q4. Then Ff. T/u'ii. Han. r/i.-».' O'S. t.or/ci-. Q-..Q3Q.■ Q.Q.Q.. 'V. FfPQQ- '■'■• Han. it. BI1795. !>.' Ph. Snatches the cup. Collier MS. Ta- kiiiK the Cup. C0I1853. iii aiitil,-e Q,. .Aiitil:e F,F.. a»/ir/t P QQ. antic BI1769. then Q.Q,Q.F,F,Fr,. tluin PQQF.. 3U Offering to drink. Col 1877. 33.S Strives and gets it from him. Col- lier MS. Struggling: Hamlet gets the Cup. C0I1853. They struggle. and Hamlet prevails, and throws the cup awav. Col 1877. the Q.Qr,Q,Ff. th' T1767. ■■»/'. Q.Q:.Qin7,- PQQT. Spirit. R. j/i/nV. C. .f/i/n/; Val. spirit! Mu. "1' Q.Q»Ff. //!.• Q.PQQ. th- Q.Q:.Q,PQQ. //>.• Ff. occurrants Q^Qj. occurants Q». Of- currciits F,F..PQQF,. orcMJrH/i Fj. 7"/i.- rest is silence. CE. Fareivel Horatio, heauen receiue my soule. Q.- silence. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Va. Ham. dies. Qi. sinks, and dies. C. a Q-Q.Q.FfQ'676. the Q1703. /ifliV. Q..Q;,Q.. heart. Q.PQQ. /ii-arr Ff. //rar/.- R. heart: P. /irarf. T. heart: — C. heart! BI1769. heart — JSR1785. /i£-o;V.-— JSR1803. heart. — Bow 1807. heart! — Mag. rest. Q.Q:,Q.. rest. Ff. rest! P. Rest! T. rest!— C. March without. Sta. March heard within. C0I1877, Enter Voltemar and the .\n1ba3sa- dors from England, enter Forten- brasse with his traine. Q,. Enter Fortinbras, the Embassadors, and Others. C. Enter Fortinbras, the English .Embassadors, Soldiers, etc. Col 1877. Enter . . . with drums . . . Mu. you FjFj. aught Q,. cryes on FsF.. cries on Q1676. crys on Q1703. cries, on JS1773. hauock. Q.Q.iQ.. hauockc. F,. Ho- vocke. Fj. Havoc I::. F^F.. ha'^'ock: PQQ. havock. P. havock! Han. havock: — C. havock! — Hani770. havoc! — Whe. havoc. — K. /i