tiinuedwi m SF 487 « V v^. - a o » \ r % X n V c0NO % *^- % *° % % <^* ^ °+ % - V ft *> v - * • - r- ^ * «? v .0^ ^ % <*- Pxsrl ^?t DOItXING COCK. 0351 ™ AMERICAN FOWL-BREEDER: CONTAINING FULL INFORMATION ON BREEDING, REARING, DISEASES, AND MANAGEMENT OF DOMESTIC POULTRY; ALSO, INSTRUCTIONS CONCERNING THE CHOICE OF PURE STOCK, CROSSING, CAPONIZING, & c ., tea. WITH ENGRAVINGS. BY AW ASSOCIATION OF PRACTICAL BREEDERS. BOSTON: JOHN P. JEWETT AND COMPANY. 1850. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1849, Bt JOEL NOURSE, la the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. STEREOTYPED AT THE BOITOR ITIEXOTTFI F O If D B T CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction, vii Chapter I. — On the Origin of Domestic Fowls, H II. — Varieties of Domestic Fowl, 15 III. — The Domestic Turkey, 36 IV. — The Domestic Goose, 48 V. — The Domestic Duck, 55 VI. — The Diseases of Fowls, with their Symptoms and Treatment, .....58 VII. — Housing Poultry, 64 VIII. — Feeding Fowls, 66 IX. — Selection of Stock for Breeding, ". 69 X. — Selection of Eggs for Sitting — their Management during Incubation — and Treatment of the Chick after Hatching, 75 XI. — Artificial Incubation, 79 XII. — Instructions for Caponizing, .84 Appendix, 89 LIST OF ENGRAVINGS. * FAQS Cochin China Fowls, 18 Spangled Hamburg Fowls...... 20 Dokking Cock 24 Black. Spanish Fowls, • 28 Bankiya Cock, .....34 Domestic Turkey and Young, 37 Rouen and Aylesbury Ducks, 56 Instruments for Caponizing...... 84 INTRODUCTION. The breeding and rearing of poultry for the market, it will be seen from the subjoined statistics, is one of the most impor- tant and interesting branches to which the farmer or amateur could direct his attention. The farmer has his interest directly contingent upon what efforts he may make towards improve- ment ; and the amateur may be well said to be in the same po- sition, although his advantage does not seem to flow so markedly towards him. A celebrated writer says, in substance, " that an industrious man is never without half of an acre of garden ground to till" — meaning, probably, that he who can find employment for his leisure hours in the study of Nature and her economics, exhibits that refinement of mind which is the more creditable to humanity. This credit is begotten by the usefulness of the pursuits engaged in, and is not to be defeated because foolish persons may think proper to designate a lauda- ble pursuit by the title of " hobby " or " mania." Amateur fowl breeders have not been the least useful in promoting improvements in domestic poultry. They have been the conservators of all which demonstrated purity, and repudi- ators of every thing which tended to vitiate the character of the distinctive breeds. Their leisure, and the scientific tests which they apply to whatever is presented before them, enable them — much more than the farmer — to take careful, jealous cognizance of what is right or wrong in fact or theory ; thence their special useful- ness. To extend their number, and, consequently, their scien- tific influence, is one of the principal objects of the annexed compilation ; the other, and equally important one, is to put within the reach of the farmer, or those who adopt agricultural pursuits for their recreative pleasures, such information as shall the more assuredly make profit to succeed their labor and amusement. In compiling this work, the Editor has had advantage of the writings of the most recent authorities on the breeding, Vlll INTRODUCTION. rearing, and management of domestic poultry. He has taken, perhaps, unscrupulous liberties with some, and may not have done full justice to others; but in whatever respect — one or both — he may be blamable, his motive has not been a base one, either in a pecuniary or other sense. The sole general object of his labor has been to extend information on the subject this volume treats on — reliable instruction, founded on no reprehensible basis of selfish profit, or groundwork of obsti- nacy begotten by any influence whatever. Thus much by way of preliminary ; and now as to the statistical part, showing the importance of fowl breeding and rearing as they form a portion of the domestic and popular economy. We find in the very clever Report of the Committee of Supervision for the Exhibition of Poultry at Boston on 16th November, 1849, the following, which will exemplify the extent and importance of the trade in poultry. It is the more valua- ble, as it contains several important statistical facts bearing on this locality as well as the Union at large. " The article of poultry is readily converted into money, and is probably quite as readily prepared for market as any other article of stock produced on the farm. The expense of feeding the best stock is no more than would be the expense of feeding and rearing the poorest dunghill fowl, while the return shows a heavy balance in favor of the large-bodied and fine-meated fowl, with little offal. " The amount of sales of poultry at the Quincy Market, Boston, for the year 1848, was six hundred and seventy-four thousand four hundred and twenty-three dollars. The average sales of one dealer alone amounted to twelve hundred dollars per week for the whole year. The amount of sales for the whole city of Boston, for the same year, (so far as obtained,) was over one million of dollars. " The amount of sales of eggs, in and around the Q,uincy Market, for 1848, was one million one hundred and twenty-nine thousand seven hundred and thirty-five dozen, which, at eighteen cents per dozen, (the lowest price paid eleven and a half cents and the highest thirty cents per dozen, as proved by the average purchases of one of the largest dealer's books,) makes the amount paid for eggs to be two hundred and three thousand three hundred and fifty-two dollars and thirty cents. And from information already obtained from other egg merchants, in the same city, the whole amount of sales will not fall much, if any, short of a million of dollars for 1848. "The average consumption of eggs at three of the hotels was more than two hundred dozen each day, for the year 1848. " The value of eggs brought from the Penobscot and Kenne- INTRODUCTION. IX bee Rivers, during the running season of the steamboats plying between Boston and those two rivers, was more than three hundred and fifty thousand dollars for that season. " In one day, from Cincinnati, Ohio, it is stated in one of the public journals, there were shipped five hundred barrels, con- taining forty-seven thousand dozen of eggs. One dealer in the egg trade at Philadelphia sends to the New York market daily nearly one hundred barrels of eggs. It is estimated from satisfactory returns that the city of New York alone expends nearly a million and a half of dollars in the purchase of eggs. "By reference to the agricultural statistics of the United States published in 1840, it will be seen that the value of poultry in the state of New York was two million three hun- dred and seventy-three thousand and twenty-nine dollars, which was more than the value of its sheep, the entire value of its neat cattle, and nearly five times the value of its horses and mules." The same authority exhibits the total valuation of poultry in various states and territories of the Union. States. Value in Dollars. Main e • • 123,171 .New Hampshire 97,862 Vermont 176',437 Massachusetts 540 295 Rbnrlp Tslartrl g] 492 Connecticut [ 176659 New York \ ' 2,373^029 New Jersey 412 487 Pennsylvania * l,033'l72 Delaware 47 455 Maryland '.'.'. 219,'l59 Z U 'fu [ n 'v 752 > 467 North Carolina 544 125 South Carolina 590 594 Georgia .' 473115s Ohio 734,931 Kentucky 536,439 lennessee 581 531 Louisiana . , 273,'314 Mississippi 369,481 Alabama 829,220 Missouri 230,283 Indiana 393,228 Illinois 330,968 Michigan 82,730 Arkansas 93,549 Florida 61,007 Wisconsin 16 167 Iowa \ 17J01 District Columbia 3,092 Total #12,176,170 X INTBODTJCTION. "It is probable that, since 1840, the value of poultry has doubled. " In Bixio's Journal of Practical Agriculture and Gardening for April, 1848, it is estimated that the whole valuation of eggs consumed and exported in France will amount to fifty-seven millions of dollars. The value of eggs shipped from Dublin to Liverpool and London was more than five millions of dollars for the year 1848. France, in 1835, had seventy-three millions of dollars invested in poultry. England, in 1840, had fifty millions of dollars invested in poultry. Since that time, the numbers have, of course, increased." It is obvious, then, that the improvement of poultry as a stock is a matter of no mean character or influence on public prosperity; and it is with pleasure that we contemplate the recognition of its importance by the public on occasion of the late exhibition of fowls in the Public Garden. In order to direct the attention of amateurs to where a gen- uine article ia to be had, we have appended a list of names of gentlemen who possess the different varieties of poultry shown on the above occasion. It is necessary, however, to remark, that we do not guaranty their disposal of the fowls placed against their names. Should a second edition of this book be demanded, we will add such extended particulars regarding cross breeds as will include all the favorite kinds, and wc "will alao furnioh drawings of each description. Boston, January r , 1850. THE AMERICAN FOWL-BREEDER. CHAPTER I. ON THE ORIGIN OF DOMESTIC FOWLS. The following- remarks upon the wild stocks, from which the varieties of our domestic poultry are derived, and also upon those kinds that might, with advantage, be introduced into our poultry-yards, are from the pen of a gentleman of Boston well known as a natural historian, and whose ornithological researches have been accompanied by the highest order of natural and scientific acquirements. This paper was contrib- uted at the request of the Committee of Supervision for the late Exhibition of Poultry at Boston, on the 15th and 16th November, 1849, and was embodied in its Report, from which we extract it. " The order, from which the most valuable poultry is derived, is that known to naturalists as Gallinae, or gallinaceous birds. The genus of these, first in order, is that known as Penelope, or Guan, of which there is not much to be said as regards their fitness for the poultry-yard ; as I know of but one instance in which one has been brought to this country. I brought a female specimen of crested Guan with me, on my return from Yucatan, which did not live a year after its arrival. This bird is of the size of a small turkey, weighing, when full grown, seven or eight pounds; the meat is very good. They live principally on the leaves of trees, and such like food, greedily eating grass, clover, &c, in short, almost any green herbage, and also fruits of various kinds. They are not difficult to domesticate in their native countries, but, I think, could hardly be made to survive our cold winters. " The next genus would be that of Crax, or Curassow, 12 ON THE ORIGIN OF DOMESTIC FOWLS. known here as the Mexican pheasant There are a number of species of this genus, of which several are frequently domesti- cated in their native country. I brought with me three different species to this country ; viz., one Crax rubra, one Crax alector, and one Crax globicera. The Crax alector was killed by a dog, a few days after we arrived ; the other two lived until winter, when, in order to save myself the trouble of keeping, I lent them to a travelling menagerie, and they soon died, owing probably to neglect. These birds are larger and more hardy than those of the previously mentioned genus. Their meat is very good, and they feed on much the same food as the Guans. They might, perhaps, with care, be kept in this coun- try, but of this I do not feel very sanguine. " The next genus, which affords any thing likely to be of value in the poultry-yard, is that of Pavo, or peacock. There are three known species belonging to this genus, of which the P. cristatus is the one generally known. This bird used to be highly valued for the table, and I see no reason why it should not be again. " The next genus, likely to afford valuable poultry, is one closely allied to the preceding, viz., that of Polyplectron. All the species of this genus, though much smaller than the peacock, quite rival them in brilliancy of plumage. Some species, particularly P. bicalcaratum and P. thibetanum, are frequently domesticated in their native country, (India,) and I think that they might be easily introduced here, as they are found mostly in mountainous countries, where the climate is quite cold at some seasons of the year. They have two, and sometimes three, spurs on each leg, whence their name. Next comes the genus Phasianus, or pheasants. These birds are more valuable in a wild state in parks and preserves, on account of their beauty, and the sport afforded in shooting them, than as mere poultry. Our winters, however, are too cold for them. " Next to this comes the most valuable genus to the poul- terer of any yet mentioned, that of Gallus, or cock. Our present domestic varieties are derived principally from the G. bankiva ; but some of the larger varieties probably come from G. giganteus, and G. seneus, and perhaps from some of the other large species. The native country of this genus is India, and its islands. In the same country is also found another genus, some species of which are frequently domesticated by the natives. It is that of Gallophasis, cock-pheasants, which could undoubtedly be introduced here. The most common species are G. ignitus, or Jire-backed pheasant, and G. erythrop- thalmus, or red-eyed pheasant. ON THE ORIGIN OF DOMESTIC FOWLS. 13 " Besides this, in the same country, is found the genus Ceri- omis, or Tragopans, which also would bear our climate perfectly well. " The next genus in value, as well as order, is that of Meleagris, or turkeys. There are but two species, however, belonging to this genus, one of which is found in the north, and the other in Central America. M. gallopavo is the common North American species, which has been spread all over the world. The other species, M. ocillata, was almost unknown, until within a few years. It is much more beautiful than the common turkey, and also much more delicate and difficult to rear, so that I doubt whether they can be successfully domes- ticated in this country, though they are not uncommon in a domestic state in Yucatan. I started from the port of Sisal with three living specimens, which were unfortunately lost overboard in the Gulf of Mexico. " I understand that the Earl of Derby had some at Knowls- ley Park, but I doubt whether they are still living. " Next in order is the genus Numida, or Guinea fowl, of which there are five known species, all natives of Africa ; only one species is domesticated, viz., Numidia meleagris, or common Guinea fowl. u Besides the birds already mentioned, we might add the splen- did Lopophorus, or Monaul, from the Himalaya Mountains, the Tetraogallus caucasicas, and the Pacrasia macrolopha, all from the same region; also, our Tetrao cupido grouse, or prairie hen ; the Tetrao urogalius, or cock of the woods, and the Tetrao tetrix, or black cock of Europe. " From the order Columbse are derived some species of con- siderable importance to the poulterer. All the principal varie- ties of pigeons come from the genus Col,umba, species livia, or rock-pigeon of Europe, which, in the wild state, breed in the sides of rocky islands, as the Faroe Islands, and the rock of Gibraltar. This habit of building in caves fits them particu- larly for our dove-cots. Many other wild species of this order might doubtless be domesticated. " The 'next order, from which is derived an important part of our poultry, is that of Anseres. The first genus is that of Cyg- nus, or swan. It comprises nine species, of which four are European, two are North American, two are South American, and one New Holland. All of these might be domesticated with us. The species now domesticated is C. olor. " The second genus is that of Anser, or goose. There are eight known species belonging to this genus, of which two, the snow and the white-fronted goose, are common to Europe and America, and five are common to Europe and Asia. The Anser 2 14 ON THE ORIGIN OF DOMESTIC FOWLS. ferns, or common wild goose of Europe, is the stock from which descend nearly all our domestic varieties. All the spe- cies of this genus might be introduced into our poultry-yards. " The third genus of this order, is that of Bernicla, or Bar nacle goose. The most important species of this genus, is Bernicla canadensis, or our common wild or Canada goose. Nearly all the species of this genus might be domesticated. Our common Brant, B. brenta, is frequently found in a domestic 6tate along the sea-coast of Massachusetts. " The fourth genus, likely to afford poultry, is that of Aix. There are but two species belonging to this genus, viz., A. sponsa, our summer or wood duck, and A. galericulata, the Mandarin duck of China, both of which are occasionally domes- ticated, and are chiefly valuable as ornaments to pleasure grounds, on account of their brilliant plumage. "The fifth genus, that of Mareca, or widgeons, has been almost totally neglected by our poulterers and bird-fanciers, although having very beautiful plumage and excellent flesh ; almost all the species would bear domestication perfectly well. " The sixth genus, that of Dafila, or pintailed ducks, affords two or three large and very beautiful ducks. Dafila acuta, our common gray duck, is occasionally domesticated. " The seventh, and most important genus of this order, is that of Anas, or ducks proper. The common tame duck is derived from A. boschas, or Mallard, a species common to Europe and North America, which is occasionally crossed with A. obscura, our common black or dusky duck, and with A. moschata, the Muscovy duck. This last belongs more properly to a different genus, that of Cairina, and is of considerable value in the poultry-yard. " The eighth genus, that of Querquedula, and the ninth, that of Pterocyanea, to which belong our green and blue-winged teal, might be of some value to the amateur poulterer. To these might perhaps be added the Cereopsis, or Bustard goose of New Holland ; the Gadwall and Shoveller ducks, and some species belonging to the Fuligulinae, or sea ducks ; in fact, I have heard that the Eider duck makes very excellent poultry, when domesticated." VARIETIES OF DOMESTIC FOWL. 15 CHAPTER II. VARIETIES OE DOMESTIC EOWL. In enumerating the varieties of domestic fowls, we intend to specify only those of pure breed and distinctive character, as these have met with universal recognition. We are well aware that many breeders claim both distinctions for certain varieties we may not name ; but, as their demands, and extended non- concession, are at issue, and as we are not thoroughly satis- fied with the evidence which sustains the former, we deem it best to decline any sanction, disapproval, or reconciliation, until time, assisted by much careful management, simplifies the matter. MALAY FOWL. The Malay fowl came, originally, from the southern conti- nent of India, as its name implies. It is sometimes called the Chittagong. It is the largest of the gallinaceous tribe — stands high upon its legs — is long-necked, serpent-headed, and of a dark brown color, with yellow streaks, and sometimes, but rarely, white. Richardson says the form of this fowl is striking in the extreme, and he is no small embellishment to the poultry- yard. Other authorities express a very contrary taste, however. A writer in the American Agriculturist says, " The Malay is an awkward, bony, leggy, cowardly race, wandering about for the first six months of its life Avith scarcely a feather to cover its nakedness, and almost forever coining to maturity." He adds that it is a wretched layer, a worse sitter, and usually breaks half its eggs in the operation. Although it gains a weight of seven or ten pounds, its flesh lacks the delicacy and richness of well-bred chicken. They are not suited to a northerly climate ; but, crossed with the common dunghill fowl, they give increased size to the egg and body, and may, in mild climates, be of some value for that object. It is evident that the originally imported breed is commented on by the last authority quoted ; for Dr. Kittredge says — keep- ing a more recent importation in view — that " the Malay is a large, noble fowl, weighing from 8 to 12 lbs. They are good layers, eggs very large, and hatch well. They are hardy ; I have 16 VARIETIES OF DOMESTIC FOWL. never lost a chicken ; come to early maturity, and their meat is excellent. I should think them superior to any other breed for market." As a further proof that the more recent importation is not involved in the sweeping condemnation of the writer in the American Agriculturist, Richardson, who is a good authority, says, " These Malay fowl, that were originally imported into these countries, were by no means such birds as I could recom- mend to the notice of the breeder, their size possessing too much offal, as neck, legs, and thighs ; and the flesh, moreover, being dark colored and oily. Another variety has been since introduced, which is well worthy of our attention. As a cross, this Malay has, indeed, proved a most valuable addition to our poultry-yard, the cross-breed possessing all the hardiness of our native domestic fowl, with the gigantic size of the foreign stock." They have been made to weigh from 9 to 10 lbs. ; and a cock of the variety, Dr. Bennett states, " is said to have stood on the ground and picked corn out of a flour barrel, as it stood on end. A. flock of these birds make quite an imposing appearance in the poultry-yard, and are quite too much for the hawks." The eggs of the Malay, or Chittagong, fowl are fewer in num- ber than those laid by other varieties ; but this deficiency is made up in the extra size of the eggs. Dr. Bennett, of Plym- outh, says that they lay as many pounds of eggs as most of the best breeds. Dickson says the hens are good layers, but their flesh is fibrous, and of a dark color ; and Moubray, treating of the same breed, designates them as large birds, coarse meat, and not worth breeding from ; but that they are good layers, and being well fed, produce the largest of eggs, and of the most substantial nutriment. Richardson recommends crossing the Malay with the Dork- ing as the best mode of securing size, small offal, and large produce in eggs. When superior carefulness guides the crossing of these fowls with other breeds, they can be safely recommended, but we cannot advise their adoption under any other condition. THE JAVA FOWL. This fowl resembles the Malay in shape, but presents on some portions of its plumage the coloring of the Dorking. It is supposed to be a cross between the Malay and the Dorking or Spanish breeds. In general, its character and qualities resemble those of the Malay, but it is not held so valuable to cross with other breeds. It is very pugnacious ; and it is gen- erally supposed that from this variety the English game cock VARIETIES OF DOMESTIC FOWL. 17 originated. Its head is smooth and serpent-like, having nei- ther comb nor wattles — thus differing from the Malay, which has both, though very minutely developed. The color of the Java fowl is an auburn, not unlike the plumage of the vulture ; it stands high on its legs, with a long and pointed tail. THE COCHIN CHINA FOWL. This species of fowl has been very recently introduced into England, a pair having been sent as a present to Queen Victo- ria, who is passionately fond of poultry keeping and manage- ment. Three years ago, an old pair of the Cochin China fowl were sent over to the Cattle Show of the Royal Dublin Society, and were subsequently presented to Lord Heytsbury, then the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. They are comparatively well known to fowl fanciers and breeders in Great Britain ; but very few, if any, of these fowls named Cochin China in the New England States, are of the pure breed. This fowl surpasses, both in size and power, all known de- scriptions of poultry. Their general color is rich, glossy brown, deep bay. On the breast is a marking of a blackish color, re- sembling a horse-shoe. The comb is of a medium size, serrat- ed, but not deeply so, and the wattles are double. Besides their gigantic size, these fowls possess other distinctive characteris- tics ; among the most striking is, that the wing is jointed, so that the posterior half can be doubled up and brought forward be- tween the anterior half and the body. The birds can do this at pleasure, and the appearance of the manoeuvre has procured them the title of the " ostrich fowl." The arrangement of the neck-feathers is peculiar ; they are turned up at the points, form- ing a kind of ruff. The flesh is white and delicate. The eggs are large, of a chocolate color, and possess a very delicate flavor. They are prolific — frequently laying two, and occasionally three, eggs on the same day, and within a few moments of each other. This has been disputed, but not successfully. One of the hens sent to Dublin by the Queen of England laid 94 eggs in 103 days. The Cochin China fow are nearly allied to the Bustards, to which they may be proximately related. They are very healthy, quiet, and domesticated, and are suited in every respect to a moderate climate. 2* COCHIN CHINA FOWL. VARIETIES OF DOMESTIC FOWL. 19 THE SPANGLED HAMBURG. The Spangled Hamburg- fowl are divided into two varieties, the distinctive marks being slight, and nearly wholly dependent upon color ; these are termed the golden and silver spangled. This fowl is one of great beauty. It is well and neatly made, has a good body, and very little offal. On the crest, immediately above the beak, are two small fleshy horns, resem- bling, to some extent, an abortive comb. Above this crest, and occupying the position of a comb, is a large brown or yellowish tuft, the feathers composing it darkening towards the extremi- ties. Under the insertion of the lower mandible (or that portion of the neck corresponding to the chin in man) is a full, dark- colored tuft, somewhat resembling a beard. These fowl gained the first prize at a national exhibition in Ireland, in 1847. The wattles are very small. In the golden variety, the hackles on the neck are of a brilliant orange, or golden yellow ; and the general ground-color of the body is of the same hue, but some- what darker. The thighs are of a dark brown, or blackish shade, and the legs and feet are of a bluish gray. In the Silver Spangled variety, the only perceptible difference is, that the ground-colour is a silvery white. The extremity, and a portion of the extreme margin of each feather, are black, presenting, when in a state of rest, the appearance of regular semicircular marks or spangles — and hence the name of " Span- gled Hamburg," the varieties being termed gold or silver, according to the prevailing color being bright yellow or silvery white. In mere excellence of flesh and as layers, they are inferior to the Dorking or Spanish varieties. THE SUSSEX FOWL. This is an improved Dorking, similar in shape and general character. It is commonly of a brownish color, and possesses the advantage of lacking the Jifth toe. This advantage is held as such, owing- to the liability of Dorking fowls becoming dis- eased in the feet — especially the cocks — in breaking the sup- plementary toe in fighting, or through accident. THE BARBARY FOAVL. This variety is very tall, remarkably heavy, with light offal, and a firm, muscular quality of flesh. The comb presents a most singular appearance ; namely, that of two large and fleshy combs growing up together, and enclosing a smaller, and com- paratively abortive, comb between their folds. The prevailing SPANGLED HAMBURG FOWLS. VARIETIES OF DOMESTIC FOWL. 21 color is black, with some green and brown markings upor. the wings. It is booted and feathered upon the legs like the Bantam, and thus clothed to the very toes. The cheek, or ear- piece is white, like the Spanish fowl. It is a bird of vast proportions, and displays great boldness of carriage and confi- dence of demeanor. All join in opinion that he is a very plain fowl. Richardson calls him the most unmitigated specimen of ugliness. DUTCH EVERY-DAY LAYERS. The cock of this beautiful and interesting variety possesses what is called a rose comb — that is to say, a comb formed of a great number of folds of single comb, united into one broad, serrated, and fleshy mass. The color of the cock is, as usually occurs, more brilliant than that of the hen. His body is of a fine reddish-brown hue, with neck-hackles of a bright and rather deep golden yellow. These birds present, likewise, two distinctly-marked varieties, the difference, however, depending chiefly on color. When the color of the body is a golden yel- low, streaked or spangled with blackish, or deep brown mark- ings — an appearance caused by the dark color of the ends of the feathers — the bird is styled the Golden Spangled; and when the ground-color is white, (the other circumstances of shading remaining the same,) the bird is styled the Silver Span- gled. These fowl have received the name of " Every-day," or " Everlasting layers," from the circumstance of their unwilling- ness to hatch, in consequence of which they lay an egg daily nearly all the year through ; and, if properly cared for, and warmly housed, even amidst the frost and snow of the most inclement winter. Some say that the eggs of these fowl are not in gen- eral so large as those of ordinary poultry, nor equally substan- tial and nutritious. This might, indeed, considered theoreti- cally, seem a very obvious consequence of so unsound a demand upon the bird's natural resource ; but it is believed there is really no such remarkable difference. THE POLISH TOP-KNOTS. Of the Polish fowl there are three sub-varieties, one of which, however, would appear to be nearly, if not altogether, extinct, even in its native country. This fowl is, perhaps, the most un- changed from the primitive stock of any we are now acquainted with, being beyond doubt the immediate and almost unmixed descendant of the " Gallus giganteus," or great wild cock of St. Jago. The two varieties of Polish fowl are — 22 VARIETIES OF DOMESTIC FOWL. I. The Spangled Polish, a bird of extraordinary beauty, extremely scarce, and very difficult to be procured. This fowl presents a symmetrical and regular combination of the follow- ing colours, viz. : — A bright orange, a clear white, a brilliant green, and a jetty black, softened down with a rich and pure brown, every feather being tipped with white, so as to produce the effect whence has been derived the term of spangled. The color of the hen is a prevailing golden yellow, with white spangles, like the cock. In the cock the thighs are black, and are, likewise, though in a less degree, marked and spangled with black and golden yellow. The hinder end of the body is furnished with green and orange-brown hackles, and the tail is carried well up. The rles'h of these birds is of good quality, and they are very prolific. They also fatten quickly, and have, by some, been compared to the Dorking for similarity of flesh and other excellencies of quality. We, however, must une- quivocally award the preference to the latter bird, independent of the enhanced price occasioned by the far greater scarcity of the former. II. The second variety of the Polish fowl is the well known black fowl, with a white tuft on the crown.* Mowbray describes this fowl with accuracy, but errs in supposing its original coun- try to have been Holland, these birds having been brought from St. Jago by the Spaniards, to whom they owe their first introduction into Europe. Their color is a shining black, and both cock and hen have the white top-knot The head is flat, surmounted by a fleshy protuberance, out of which spring the crown feathers constituting the tuft. These are remarkably good layers, and will, if kept warm, lay nearly throughout the year ; and it is this cause, probably, that has induced Mowbray and other writers to confound them with the Dutch breed, which, from a similar circumstance, have been styled " Every- day layers. 11 THE BOLTON GRAYS. This variety of fowl closely resembles the Dorking breed in general form. They are greatly prized for their good qualities, and bid fair to supersede many varieties which are now held in higher estimation. They are chiefly esteemed as very constant layers. They are, however, poor sitters. The color of the genuine kind is invariably pure white in the whole lappel of the neck; the body white, and thickly * In the pure breed, the cock has two small horns, substituting a comb, and the crests, or tufts, of the male, as well as the females, must be entirely white. Mixed colors in the crest invariably denote a cross VARIETIES OF DOMESTIC FOWL. 23 spotted with bright black, sometimes running into a grizzle, with one or more black bars at the extremity of the tail. Dr. Kittridge, of Portsmouth, N. H., says that he had, from two hens of this breed, 41 eggs in twenty-two days, and 95 eggs in fifty-four days. He adds that they are a hardy fowl, and he values them more than any he has. The Bolton Grays are sometimes called Creole Fowls, and Leghorn Fowls. The Bolton Grays are small sized, plumply formed, and short legged fowl. They possess one great advantage over a majority of sorts, particularly the Poland breed, namely, their extreme hardiness when young. From the shell they are remarkably strong. In respect to laying qualities, they excel almost every other breed. THE DORKING FOWL. The Dorking would appear to owe its name to its having been chiefly bred in a town of Surrey of the same appellation. That the peculiarity of jive toes, or, in other words, of two hind toes, instead of one, is to be regarded as a distinctive character of the breed, is by some writers questioned, and by others wholly denied. Whenever this characteristic is absent, a cross has been at work. The color of the Dorking is generally pure white, spotted or spangled with black ; these colors will sometimes merge into a gray or grizzle. These birds have been long prized, and it is now many years since their superiority over our ordinary domestic varieties was originally discovered and appreciated ; they were first noticed, and the variety adopted, by the Cumber- land breeders, whence they were soon brought into Lancashire and Westmoreland, and gradually spread over all England. In size, Mowbray says, they rank in the third degree in the list of the largest of domesticated fowls. They are well shaped, having a long, capacious body, and shortish legs, and should have five claws on each foot. The absence of a fifth claw is, however, not considered a proof of spurious breeding. They make an excellent stock for the farm or market. They fat well, lay well, and rear well ; are handsome alive, and show delicately white when prepared for cooking. General opinion has accorded to this breed the highest character for laying, and also for arriving at early maturity. When full grown, they weigh from five to eight pounds, and possess finer proportions than any other breed. Capons sometimes reach ten to twelve pounds weight. They are hardy. Their eggs are of a large size, clear, white, and of excellent quality. The cocks are magnificent; variegated in color, with a surpassing brilliancy of plumage, rarely equalled by other DORKING COCK VARIETIES OF DOMESTIC FOWL. 25 kinds. The hens are pheasant-shaped, with a clear and beau- tiful head and throat, and a deep, heavy crop. The young are easily reared. Respecting the distinctive characteristic of the Dorking breed, Dickson says, " There can be no doubt that the pro- duction of two hind toes, instead of one, is entirely accidental, like that of two thumbs on one hand, sometimes observed to run in particular families ; but this is certainly not peculiar to the fowls bred about Dorking in Surrey, for five-toed fowls are mentioned by Aristotle in Greece, by Columella and Pliny in Rome, and by Aldrovand in Italy." Dr. Bechstein mentions a variety with six toes, and another with spurs.* The writer of the article " Poultry " in Rees^s Encyclopedia, seemingly on the best information, says it is quite a mistake to suppose that the Dorking breed have uniformly five toes. Taking Richardson's statement — that wherever the additional toe is absent, there has been a cross at work — into consideration, and also those of Dickson and others, we append the following remarks by Dr. Eben Wight, of Boston, on the subject of their differences of opinion. Dr. Wight was the first to introduce the Dorking breed into this country, and has, perhaps, made more inquiry into the history and physiology of these fowl than any other breeder. At our special request, he has favored us with the following results of his research and experience : — " As you have expressed a wish to have me report my expe- rience in regard to the Dorking breed of fowls, I readily comply with your request. " After an experience of ten or twelve years, (having been, in that time, the owner of many birds of different breeds,) I do not hesitate to give the Dorkings the preference. " They have large and plump bodies, with a broad, full chest, like the partridge, and, in this peculiarity, hold the rank among poultry which the Durhams do among cattle. When produced at the table, there is no other breed I have yet seen equal to * We find, in the revised edition of Dickson's work, (1847,) that he leaves out the above allusion to this distinctive feature of the Dorking breed. We append what he substitutes : — "These fowls, (Dorking,) which form the principal supply for the London market, are distinguished by having five toes, instead of four, on each foot. Their flesh is extremely white, succulent, and delicate, and they have the advantage of feeding rapidly, and growing to a very large size, when properly managed. Capons and poulardes, though by no means so common in England as in France, are some- times made of these fowls ; which, when castrated, grow to an enor- mous size, a well-fed capon having been known to weigh fifteen pounds. The feathers of the Dorking fowls are almost always white, and their legs are short and remarkably smooth." 3 26 VARIETIES OF DOMESTIC FOWL. them. They are also good layers, producing a good-sized, clear white egg, and, as sitters and mothers, cannot be surpassed by any breed of fowls. To obtain the pure breed is difficult. Any one who has ever imported them will attest to this fact No sure criterion is found in the appearance of five toes, as has been stated. But where it is not found, I should apprehend a 'cross.' To describe a true Dorking is difficult, although a breeder could at once recognize one. Many writers state that they are long in the body. But this is only true when they are young. As they come to maturity, the other parts are filled up, and they appear more like the form of the linnet than any other bird. The prominent points are these : A fine head, with brilliant, reddish-tinged eyes ; single or double combs, in both sexes ; a graceful neck, rather short than long ; wide, deep, projecting breast ; the body is not only long, but is round, rather than flat or square ; and the legs, considering their large size, short, and invariably of a silvery white. They move with an approach to the majestic. Their colors are (those I have imported at various times) both white and speckled ; but I pre- ferred to retain the white, and have bred from them. My stock is now entirely white. " I may add, that, when crossed with larger breeds, they inva- riably improve the form ; and while the quality of the meat is also improved, the amount of ofFal is much reduced. " They are a very hardy bird, and their young are easily reared — a fact of great importance in this climate. " Eben Wight." the shakebag. There is some doubt about the origin of this fowl. It would, however, appear, if we can judge from the description of Dick- son and other writers on poultry, to have been neither more nor less than an offshoot of the great Paduan, Polish, or St. Jago fowl ; and Richardson refuses to confound it, in any respect, with the Malay. This same Paduan or Polish fowl was de- scribed, about two centuries and a half ago, by the celebrated naturalist Ulysses Aldrovand, as being "very handsome, being adorned with five different colors, viz., black, white, green, red, and yellow; the body black, tinged with green, and tail of the same color; with the base of the feathers white; some of the quill feathers of the wings also white above; the head being adorned with a black-colored crest or tuft; the eyes surrounded with red; comb small; beak and feet yellow." This fowl would indeed seem to have been almost identical with the great wild bird of St. Jago and Sumatra. In all probability, this fowl VARIETIES OF DOMESTIC FOWL. 27 has been completely divested of all distinctive characteris- tics through crossing- with other breeds. The variety now- known as the Shakebag is a cross between the Dorking and Spanish, according to Mowbray. THE SPANISH FOWL. This fowl is clad in black plumage, but possesses quite the reverse of black flesh. These birds are the result of the high- est possible artificial culture. The Spanish fowl is, perhaps, a little inferior in size to the old "Shakebag;" but in every other quality, wherein excellence and value are to be looked for, it is more than that bird's equal. The color of the Spanish fowl is black, and the feathers of the legs, thighs, and belly are particularly decided in their hue, and of a velvety aspect. It is a stately bird, and of a grave and majestic deportment, and is, in either utility or beauty, to be surpassed by none of its congeners. One of the most striking characteristics of this fowl is a white cheek, and the comb and wattles are singularly large, simple, and of a very high color ; the feet and legs are of a leaden color, except the soles of the feet, which are of a dirty fleshy hue. This is a fowl well deserving the attention of the breeder. They have been nat- uralized, and are consequently well " climatized" and present no peculiarities of constitution that would suggest difficulties in either hatching or rearing. As table birds, they hold a place in the very first rank, their flesh being particularly white, ten- der, and juicy, and the skin possessing that beautifully clear white hue, so essentially a requisite for birds designed for the consumption of the gourmand. The hens are likewise layers of the first order ; and of all naturalized or indigenous varieties of fowl, with the exception of the Columbian, these lay the largest and the best-flavored eggs. They are, besides, prolific, extremely easily fed, and most commendable to the breeder; but spurious specimens of this fowl are often in the market, which will occasion, perhaps, an equal outlay at their original purchase, will decidedly cost as much to feed, be, perhaps, harder to rear, but will most unquestionably not bring in an equal return in the way of profit. By applying, in the first instance, to a breeder of known respectability, you will avoid much disappointment ; and though you may conceive the price demanded of you to be high, it may not, perhaps, at the same time, be higher than what you might have foolishly paid for a bad article ; and even should you have to lay out a few shillings extra, do so willingly, and, recollecting the old proverb, avoid being " penny wise and pound foolish." BLACK SPANISH F0TVL9. VARIETIES OF DOMESTIC FOWL. 29 The eggs of the Spanish fowl are nearly as large as those of the Malay. They are capital layers. Some very fine speci- mens were exhibited at the late Exhibition in the Public Gar- den. THE COLUMBIAN FOWL. This is a noble fowl, presenting the appearance of a cross between the Spanish and Malay, but supposed to be a distinct breed. They are natives of Columbia, on the Spanish Main in South America, and are believed by some to be the origin of the Spanish breed. They lay eggs nearly four and a half ounces in weight, but are not great layers. THE GAME FOWL. The game fowl is one of the most gracefully formed and most beautifully colored of our domestic breeds of poultry; and in its form, aspect, and that extraordinary courage which characterizes its natural disposition, exhibits all that either the naturalist or the sportsman would at once recognize as the beau ideal of high blood, imbodying, in short, all the most indubitable characteristics of gallinaceous aristocracy. We do not possess any very satisfactory record of the origi- nal country of the game fowl, but are disposed to cede that honor to India, the natives of which country have always been remarkable for their love of cock-fighting ; and we also know that there still exists in India an original variety of game cock very similar to our own, but inferior in point of size. The game fowl is somewhat inferior in size to other breeds, and in his shape he approximates more closely to the elegance and lightness of form usually characteristic of a pure and un- contaminated race. Amongst poultry he is what the Arabian is amongst horses, the high-bred short-horn amongst cattle, and the fleet greyhound amongst the canine race. The flesh of the game fowl is beautifully white, as well as tender and delicate. The hens are excellent layers, and although the eggs are somewhat under the average size, they are not' to be surpassed in excellence of flavor. Such being the character of this variety of fowl, it would doubtless be much more extensively cultivated than it is, were it not for the difficulty attending the rearing of the young, their pug- nacity being such that a brood is scarcely feathered before at least one half is killed or blinded by fighting. Buffbn and other continental writers have given this fowl the not unappropriate title of the "English Fowl;" and truly it is in England that the very best specimens of the breed are to be 3* 30 VARIETIES OF DOMESTIC FOWL. met with. . The justly celebrated breed in possession of the Earls of Derby has been preserved in that family for many generations, and has never yet been known to prove craven. THE BANTAM. The original of the Bantam is the Bankiva fowl, a native of Java. These are very beautiful, of a perfectly white color, and exceedingly small size, and they exhibit some peculiar traits of habit and disposition that we cannot overlook. Amongst other strange propensities, the cocks are so fond of sucking the eggs laid by the hen, that they will often drive her from the nest in order to obtain them ; nay, they have even been known to attack her, tear open the ovarium, and devour its shelless contents. An- other strange propensity was exhibited in a passion for sucking each other's blood. This passion chiefly showed itself when the birds were moulting, when they had been known to peck each other naked, by pulling out the new feathers as they appeared, and squeezing with their beaks the blood from the bulbs at the base. The former propensity has been cured through the sub- stitution of a marble imitation egg, or a natural one hard boiled, against which the attacks of the fowl being made, and foiled of the desired consequence, he has been cured. Washing with hot water, and the use .of unguents, has been found to allay the irritation which gives rise to the latter dispo- sition, and therefore to cure the propensity. As might be inferred, when such a propensity to devour the eggs exists in the male bird, the female is a secret layer. In this respect, these fowl show their identity with the original bird of Java, the Bankiva cock. These birds are both good layers and good sitters. One sat for nine weeks on three suc- cessive sets of eggs. The fowl commonly known as the Bantam, is a small, ele- gantly-formed, and handsomely-tinted variety, evidently not remotely allied to the game breed. This bird is furnished with feathers to the toes. There is another variety ordinarily known as SIR JOHN SEBRIGHT'S FOWL, Which has its legs perfectly naked to the toes, and approaches in form more nearly to the game breed. The high-bred cock of this breed should have a rose comb, full hackles, a well- feathered and well-carried tail, a stately, courageous demeanor, and should not be quite a pound weight. The favorite color is a golden yellow, the feathers edged with black, the wings i VARIETIES OF DOMESTIC FOWL. 31 barred with purple, tail feathers and breast black. The Bantam possesses high courage, and will fight with great resolution, THE CREEPER Is a very small variety of " Bantam," with very short legs. THE TURKISH FOWL Is another variety of " Bantam," having a whitish body, with black belly and wings, the body streaked with gold and silver, and the legs bluish. The hen is, as usual, of a less showy plumage, her color being white, speckled here and there with black, the neck yellowish, and tail of one color. THE JUMPER. In addition to these diminutive races, there is another, men- tioned by Buffon, as being so short-legged that they are compelled to progress by jumps. These are, however, some- what larger than the common Bantam, and approach more nearly in size to the Dunghill. They are prolific, as well as excellent sitters, the hen having been known to hatch two clutches of eggs in succession, without even an intermediate day of rest. These dwarf fowl were described by Aldrovand more than two hundred years ago, and also, much farther back, by the celebrated Roman naturalist, Pliny, under the designa- tion of the Adrian breed. THE RUMKIN OR TAIL-LESS FOWL. This bird is distinguished by the total absence of the caudal extremity. Some suppose it to be a distinct species, descended from the wild breed of Ceylon. Among the wild birds the comb is not indented ; it is so with the tame ; and is, in the latter case, frequently double. Buffon supposed this fowl to be a native of America, but Dickson declares him to have been in error, having been misled by the circumstance of these birds being domesticated very commonly in Virginia. Others have supposed this fowl to be a native of Persia, and Latham even names it the " Persian Cock." It is, however, of very little practical importance whence the Rumkin originally came, the bird possessing neither good flesh nor affording good eggs. THE SILKY FOWL. * This fowl, remarkable for the silky texture of its plumage, is 32 VARIETIES OP DOMESTIC FOWL. a native of China, but is likewise to be found in Japan ; it is nearly always of a white or cream color. Some modern writers have sought to establish for the silky fowl a claim to be considered a distinct species ; but their opinion is evidently erroneous. These fowl are good layers, but the eggs are small. For any practical purpose they are quite useless, and are, also, carefully to be excluded from the poultry-yard, on account of the rapidity with which a cross from them destroys the value of our common poultry, darkening the color of the skin, and causing our birds to deteriorate both in appearance and utility. THE SIBERIAN FOWL, Called by some the Russian, and said to be a native of that country, is distinguished by tufts of dark-colored feathers springing from each jaw, others, longer and fuller, springing from the lower mandible, in the form of a beard. The color varies ; some are white, some blue or black, and others are colored like the game fowl. The flesh of this variety is white and good. They are, likewise, good layers, are hardy, and easily fed. Dickson says that they are great favorites in Scot- land. This fowl is sometimes colored like the Spangled Hamburg, some gold and some silver spangled. When thus colored, they are esteemed very valuable. THE FRIZZLED FOWL Is so called from the crisped and frizzled appearance of its feathers, and not, as some have erroneously asserted, from a corruption of Friesland, at one time improperly conceived to be its native country. It is a native of Java, Japan, and other parts of Eastern Asia: it is smaller than our common fowl, is very susceptible of cold, and is, on that account, very difficult to rear. These fowl are particularly sensible of wet, the chickens especially; they are very shy and wild, and, like the Rumkin, are objects for the attention of the showman, rather than of the poultry breeder. Their flesh is very firm and deli- cate. The specimens shown at the late Fowl Breeders' Convention were much admired. DUTCH FOWL, Of a white or gray color, streaked and spangled with black, excellent fowl, whether as layers or for the table ; originally im port eil from Holland. This is called by Dickson the " Pen- cilled Dutch fowl," from its marking. It is not the same as the birds already described, under the name of " Every-day layers." VARIETIES OF DOMESTIC FOWL. 33 THE NEGRO FOWL. A native of Africa, but is, by no means, to be confounded with the "Barbary fowl" already described. The Negro fowl is distinguished by having black comb, wattles, skin, bones, and feathers. The flesh is, however, white and tender. This bird is another good specimen for the curious, but any thing but a desirable inmate of the poultry-yard, as, besides being ugly and unprofitable, he has the same objectionable quality of speedily causing deterioration among your poultry, that has been already stated to be the property of the Silky fowl. THE BARN-DOOR FOWL. Although the designation of " Barn-door fowl " may be ap- plicable also to the Dunghill, we regard the former appellation as possessing a far more extended signification. The Barn-door fowl embrace, of course, several sub -varieties. Few of our high-priced breeds, except in some places the Dorking and the Polish, have, as yet, become so common as to be included in the list; but crosses of the common Dunghill bird with the Malay, Dorking, Polish, or Spanish, are very fre- quently to be met with. Doctor Bechstein enumerates eight distinct varieties of barn- door fowl, viz. : — 1. The fowl with the small comb. 2. The crowned fowl. 3. The silver-colored fowl. 4. The slate-blue fowl. 5. The chamois-colored fowl. 6. The ermine-like fowl. 7. The widow ; with tear-like spots on a dark ground. 8. The fire and stone-colored fowls. The distinctions will be perceived to consist almost solely in color ; and the doctor has omitted another and very ordinary in- mate of the farm-yard, viz., the booted fowl, represented by the Bantam. It will, then, be seen, that the Barn-door fowl, what- ever marks of being an original variety it may have formerly exhibited, is now likely soon to lose all such marks from the effect of crossing. THE DUNGHILL FOWL. The Dunghill fowl occupies in the poultry-yard precisely the position of the cur dog in the kennel, being, in fact, the prod- uce of a miscellaneous intermixture of most of the ordinary domestic varieties, and constantly differing in its appearance with the accidents which may have influenced its parentage. BANK.IVA COCK.. VARIETIES OF DOMESTIC FOWL. 35 THE BANKIVA FOWL. The Bankiva fowl is a native of Java, and is characterized by a red, indented comb, red wattles, and ashy-gray legs and feet. The comb of the cock is scolloped, and the tail elevated a little above the rump, the feathers being disposed in the form of tiles or shingles ; the neck feathers are gold-color, long, de- pendent, and rounded at the tips ; the head and neck are of a fawn-color ; the wing coverts a dusky brown and black ; tail and belly black. The color of the hen is a dusky ash-gray and yellow ; her comb and wattles much smaller than those of the cock, and, with the exception of the long hackles, she has no feathers on her neck. These fowl are exceedingly wild, and inhabit the skirts of woods, forests, and other savage and unfrequented places. These Bankiva fowl are very like our Bantams, and, like those pretty little birds, are also occasionally to be seen feathered to the feet and toes. Our readers are referred to the opposite page for a very ac- curate drawing of the Bankiva fowl. [There are several varieties of ornamental fowl which might be enu- merated here ; but the limits of this work will not permit a specifica- tion of their characteristics. Should demand tolerate the expense, an addition will be made to this compilation, such as will include all the more prominent local varieties.] 36 THE DOMESTIC TURKEY. CHAPTER III. THE DOMESTIC TURKEY. Domestication (we copy from Richardson) has, in the case of the turkey, as in that of most reclaimed animals, produced a diversity of color, which, by cultivation, whether owing to fancy or some inherent excellence residing in the various tints, has now furnished us with several so-called varieties or breeds ; still, however, with one exception, (the Norfolk,) only differing in the prevailing hue of their plumage: thus we have the black, the white, the copper color, the brown, the bronze, the dusky-gray, &c. ; they are, however, of course, all the descendants of their great American original, of which but one really exists, although F. Cuvier has described a second species found at Honduras. There is a question whether this actually be a second and dis- tinct species, however, or merely a variety of the wild bird, owing its diversity of aspect to circumstances dependent on locality, and consequent change of habit, combined with differ- ence of climate and other important causes, which we know, in the case of other animals, produce such remarkable effects. As to the relative value of the ordinary varieties, it would be almost difficult to offer an opinion ; but those who suppose the white turkey to be " the most robust and most easily fattened," are decidedly mistaken, both in theory, as far as analogy may guide us, and in practice, where the certain test of experience has shown to the contrary. The bronze and copper-colored varieties are generally undersized, and are amongst the most difficult of all to rear; but their flesh is certainly very delicate, and, perhaps, more so than that of other kinds — a circumstance, however, that may partly result from their far greater delicacy of constitution, and the consequent extra trouble devoted to their management The brown and ashy-gray are not particularly remarkable, but the black are decidedly superior, in every respect, not only as regards greater hardiness, and a consequent greater facility of rearing, but as acquiring flesh more readily, and that being of the very best and primest quality. Those of this color appear to be less far removed than the others from the original wild stock. Fortunately, too, the black seems to be the favorite color feSfeiSL DOMESTIC TURKEY AND HER YOUNG. 38 THE DOMESTIC TURKEY. of nature, and black turkeys are produced far more abundantly than those of any other hue. With respect to the best mode of keeping turkeys. Let them have a large, roomy, open shed, sufficiently protected, of course, from the weather, and, above all, from moisture. Let the perches be high — and here, again, you will do well not to omit the use of the hen ladder; for although these birds can usually fly well, still, when fat, they become too heavy for their wings, and are apt to injure themselves in their descent from a lofty perch, especially when in confinement; when at full liberty, they can take better care of themselves. During warm weather they may be permitted to select their own roosting-places on the trees about a farm, but should be well watched, lest they stray away ; and this indulgence should on no account be granted them if frost be anticipated, as their toes are tender, and apt to become frost-bitten. Indeed, summer is the only time of the year when this out-roosting may, with safety, be permitted. The turkey is a most profitable bird, for it can almost wholly provide for itself about the roads and field-fences ; snails, slugs, and worms are among the number of its dainties, and the nearest stream serves to slake its thirst. To the farmer, however, it is often a perfect nuisance, from its love of grain, and should, therefore, be kept in the yard until all corn is too strong in the root to present any temptations. Notwithstanding the separation which, with the exception of certain seasons, subsists in a wild state between the cock and hen turkey, they have been brought to feed and live amicably together in a state of domesticity. The former, however, retains sufficient of his hereditary propensities to give an occasional sly blow to a chick, or forward poult, but that very seldom of a seriously malicious character. Mascall, in describing a turkey cock, (such as the breeder should select,) says, that he should be " a bird large, stout, proud, and majestical ; for, when he walketh dejected, he is never good." M. Parmentier says, that both cock and hen should have short legs, full shapes, and general vivacity and energy in all their movements ; likewise, that they should be both well shaped and in healthy condition. Mascall says, that the cock should not be " passing a yere or two yeres old : three yeres is the most, and too much," &c. A turkey cock, at the age of three years, is only in his prime, and continues, in every respect, suitable for his purpose until five. The hen is at her prime younger, and, probably, at the second year is as good as ever she will be afterwards. It has been stated by some, and yet as positively denied by THE DOMESTIC TURKEY. 39 others, that one fecundation will render all the eggs of that laying- fertile ; still, however, it is making " assurance doubly sure " by allowing one cock to every dozen or fourteen hens. Even this, however, will render it unnecessary for every poor man who may desire to breed turkeys to have a male, as one will thus prove amply sufficient for the hens of a whole town- ship. This fact should encourage farmers to keep a good turkey cock of a valuable breed, and so afford their neigh- bors an opportunity of improving upon the commoner varieties they may possess. The approach of the laying season is easily known by the increased liveliness and proud strut of the hen ; and she, like- wise, further expresses her feelings by a peculiar self-satisfied cry, that soon becomes familiar to the observer. This usually takes place in the month of March, (nearly a month earlier than the wild bird.) When the breeder perceives those symptoms, he should provide a nest, and put an egg, or a bit of chalk formed like one, into it, to induce the hen to commence laying there. Partaking of the retiring propensities of the wild hen, (although she has not equal reason to dread the destructive passions of the cock,) the turkey is a secret layer, and does her best to elude the vigilance of her keeper, and steal away to some secluded spot. The peculiar note spoken of, betrays, however, the fact ; and whoever has the care of the fowl, should trace her to her retirement, and bring her back to the nest prepared for her. The time when the hen turkey lays is usually morning. Some lay daily ; others only every second day. The number of eggs laid is commonly from fifteen to twenty ; but this varies with the age of the bird, a hen of mature age laying more and larger eggs than one of a year old. When the turkeys are to be let out in the morning, you may examine the hens, and keep in such as are about to lay. This precaution will, of course, prevent the loss of a single egg. While the hen is laying, the cock should be kept from her, as he would ill treat her, and break the eggs. The eggs should be taken away as soon as laid, lest they might be broken, through the awkwardness of the hen, or sucked by vermin. They will keep till the hens are done laying, if put in a basket and hung up in a dry place. It is unnecessary to keep the eggs belonging to each hen in a separate place. The turkey is not troubled with any very exclu- sive feelings, or, rather, her disposition overflows with an excess of maternal love ; for she will rear a clutch belonging to another quite as carefully as if they were her own, and will, also, if required, hatch the eggs of ducks, geese, or common fowl. In the second laying, the eggs are fewer in number, seldom exceed- 40 THE DOMESTIC TURKEY. ing from ten to thirteen ; and, on this occasion, extra care is requisite. A writer in the Sporting Magazine for August, 1824, thus expresses himself: " The sooner that one hen is turned away from her brood, and the brood mixed up with that of another, hatched about the same time, the better chance there is of rear- ing it, as the hen which is so turned away will lay again in a fortnight or three weeks, and thus hatch a second time before the month of July is out. Even under these circumstances, the chance of rearing the young ones is very uncertain, as they are hardly strong enough to meet the cold nights in the autumn, when they often become what is called club-footed, and die. I rather recommend letting the hen lay as many eggs as she will, and turning her off when she becomes broody. Hens thus treated will lay again in the month of August, so that, under all circumstances, they may be called profitable birds." Mascall is similarly averse to late hatching. He writes, " Those hennse that lay their eggs later, laye and sitte, bring up their chickens about mid August, or after, which chickens are so tender in winter following, they will hardly prosper, for they may abide no colde." The turkey hen is a most persevering sitter ; and when her eggs are taken away, she would sit upon stones, if she could not procure the eggs of another bird, and would perish before quit- ting the nest. Eggs should, therefore, be left with her, not only to tranquillize her, but because sitting upon eggs fatigues her less than sitting upon an empty nest ; but these eggs must be marked, in order to distinguish them from those the poor bird continues to lay ; for any eggs that seem to her to be slow of hatching, will be abandoned, as she will quit the nest as soon as she perceives the chick ; consequently, as soon as the eggs you have placed under her are hatched, she will leave the nest, and the eggs of her own laying will be sacrificed. Remove, there- fore, the former ; and it is for this reason that they should be marked. Keep the nest clean while the turkey hen is sitting, as dirt will injure the eggs. No one should go near a hen when sitting, except her keeper; and no one should turn the eggs, or meddle with them further than already indicated. The bird will turn her eggs with more judgment than you can. M. Parmentier relates that he successfully employed the turkey cock as a sitter, and found that he acquitted himself to admiration up to the period of hatching: "When the young chicks appear, their cries and motions scare him, and he either kills or abandons them." On the thirty-first day of sitting, the chicks leave the eggs; THE DOMESTIC TURKEY 41 but as some quit their prison before others, they must be placed in a basket filled with feathers, and, if the weather be cold, placed in some warm spot. When all are out, they may be given to the hen. Sometimes the chick will require assistance in leaving the egg; and, if so, the same caution must be observed that we have insisted upon in the case of the common fowl. Be very sparing of your aid, or you may do far more harm than good. Many writers recommend a vast deal of quackery in the treatment of the young chicks. Some go tJie length of ordering them icine, pepper, bathing in cold water! &c. It is far better to let them alone. For a few hours after hatching, the chicks require no food at all ; and then, instead of cramming them — a process in which you are extremely likely to break the tender beak of the little chick — chop up a few hard eggs with boiled nettles, parsley, and a little bread or curd ; make this into a paste, and present it to the birds in the palm of your hand, or place it before them on a stone, taking care that the hen does not rob them. In supplying them with water, be careful to put it in such very shallow vessels that they cannot wet themselves ; for the least moisture appears fatal to them. As the turkey chick does not seek its food immediately on leaving the egg, as the hen seems incapable of instructing her little offspring how to do so, it is a practice with some to put a few common hen's eggs among the turkey's, (which must be done about nine or ten days after sitting,) that these, coming out with the little turkeys, may, by force of example, teach them to provide for themselves. Unless in very warm weather, the hen and chicks should be housed for a month. If they appear drooping, put powdered caraway seed and a little Cayenne pepper into the food. If you mix the food with milk, let it be previously boiled. Unboiled milk will purge the chicks; but, for us, we prefer pure water. At the age of about two months occurs the most critical period in the life of a turkey, called "shooting the red;" or the time when the head and neck acquire the reddish color of the adult. This crisis once past, the birds may be regarded as past danger, and exchange the name of chicks for that of turkey poults. The only treatment necessary when the bird is shooting the red is nutritive food, and the addition of a small pinch of Cayenne pepper. Bruised hemp-seed is also found serviceable. No birds are more calculated to be profitable to the breeder, especially to the farming one, than turkeys. They will almost wholly provide themselves with food ; and it is only the young chicks that require nourishment at our hands : and how inexpen- 4# 42 THE DOMESTIC TURKEY. sive, also, ia this nourishment ! The nettles that grow in our ditches form its staple ; and a few halfpenny worth of pepper will serve for many clutches. With care you may rear two clutches or broods in a year, and have from eight to fifteen sur- vivors in each. Take the average at ten, and, supposing you have three hens, you may bring up thirty chicks. The well-known William Cobbett, who, with all his failings, was a shrewd and accurate observer, thus writes : " To raise turkeys, in this chilly climate, is a matter of much greater diffi- culty than in the climates that give great warmth ; and so true is this, that in America, where there is always a * wet spell ' in April and May, the farmers' wives take care never to have a brood come until that spell is passed. In England, where the wet spells come hap-hazard, the first thing is to take care that young turkeys never go out, on any account, (except in dry weather,) until the dew be quite off the ground ; and this should be adhered to till they get to be the size of an old partridge, and have their backs well covered with feathers ; and in wet weather they should be kept under cover all day long. As to the feeding of them when young, many nice things are recom- mended — hard eggs, chopped fine, with crumbs of bread, and a great many other things ; but that which I have seen used, and always with success, and for all sorts of young poultry, is milk turned into curds. This is the food for young poultry of all sorts. Some should be made fresh every day; and if this be done, and the turkeys be kept warm, not one out of a score will die. When they get to be strong, they may have meal and grain ; but still, they always love the curds. When they get their head feathers, they are hardy enough ; and what they then want is room to prowl about. It is best to breed them under a common hen, because she does not ramble like a hen turkey ; and it is a very curious thing that the turkeys bred up by a hen of the common fowl, do not themselves ramble much when they get old ; and for this reason, when they buy turkeys for stock, they always buy such as have been bred under the hens of the com- mon fowl — than which a more complete proof of the great powers of habit is, perhaps, not to be found. " The hen should be fed exceedingly well, too, while she is sitting, and after she has hatched ; for though she does not give milk, she gives heat ; and let it be observed, that as no man ever yet saw healthy pigs with a poor sow, so no man ever saw healthy chickens with a poor hen. This is a matter much too little thought of in the rearing of poultry ; but it is a matter of the greatest consequence. Never let a poor hen sit; feed the hen while she is sitting, and feed her most abundantly when she has young ones, for then her labor is very great. She is making THE DOMESTIC TURKEY. 43 exertions of some sort or other during the whole twenty-four hours ; she has no rest ; is constantly doing something, in order to provide food or safety for her young ones. As to fatting tur- keys, the best way is never to let them be poor. Cramming is a nasty thing, and quite unnecessary. Barley-meal mixed with skim-milk, given to them fresh and fresh, will make them fat in a short time, either in a coop, in a house, or running about. Boiled carrots and Swedish turnips will help, and it is a change of sweet food. In France they sometimes pick turkeys alive, to make them tender ; of which I shall only say, that the man that can do this, or order it to be done, ought to be skinned alive himself." As observed already, once the turkey chicks shoot the red, (which takes place at or about eight weeks old,) they may be considered out of danger; hence many persons conceive it more profitable to buy lean, young poults, after they have got the red, and then fatten them for market, to breeding them. If the mortality among the chicks was greater, and was not so easily to be avoided by a very little care, this might be the pref- erable mode of going about the matter ; but as it is, there can be no doubt of the greater advantage to be derived from rearing our own chicks. In feeding the poults, after the second month, it will suffice to give them such boiled common plants and herbs as are of a nutritive character — nettles, wild succory, milfoil, turnip tops, cabbage sprouts, or the outside leaves of greens well boiled down — with these, potato skins and an odd potato or two itself may be given. The meal of buckwheat, barley, beans, oats, according to whichever is most plenty with you, will, when incorporated as we have described with potatoes, fatten the poults with great rapidity. You may also use the meal of Indian corn with advantage, but recollect that it requires treble the boiling of oatmeal, and is more salutary when mixed with an equal bulk of the latter. If you desire to meet the market hastily, and with profit, you will be compelled to resort to more expensive feeding than otherwise, but you will be repaid by the result. When the poults are about five months old, or earlier, if it be late in the season and cold weather seem at hand, give them boiled potatoes mashed with meal, and then chopped small, as before described. Let this be given fresh and fresh, and the vessel in which they are fed well washed daily, as otherwise it will speedily contract a sour smell and become repulsive to the birds, for turkeys are both cleanly and nice in their appetite. After having persevered in this feeding morning and evening for about a month, during which time the exercise of the poults should be greatly curtailed, and they should likewise be kept 44 THE DOMESTIC TURKEY. much of their time (especially after meals) in the dark, they will be found fit for use, and, if of a good kind, at least upwards of eighteen pounds weight. As damp or cold is fatal to turkey poults, so is intense sun- shine ; and hence they should not be led to pasture under a scorching sun, unless, indeed, care be taken that the walk is shaded. Should rain come, let them be at once housed. Poults should also not be suffered to stray too far, for, independently of the risk they incur, in case of a sudden shower, it must be remembered that they are as yet incapable of encountering any great fatigue, and that their condition will be any thing but ben- efited thereby. Every district seems to have its own peculiar mode of fattening turkeys. Mr. Dickson recommends a mode of diet that we have never seen tried, and wonder much if it be as efficacious as he seems to imagine — " No food makes their flesh whiter and more delicate than kitchen stuff, or the dregs of melted tallow, more or less of which must be boiled, according to the number that is to be fed ; and being diluted in a boiling kettle, plants (and especially nettles, chopped up) and pot-herbs are mixed with it. The whole being well boiled, barley-meal or maize is added, (the latter can now be had very cheap,) to form a kind of paste, which may be given twice a day, at least, — in the morning and at one o'clock, — when it is wished to render them fat But as the dregs of melted tallow are not every where to be procured, the dregs or refuse of the oil of nuts, linseed, or sweet almonds, may be substituted, the greatest care being taken not to fatten them wholly with such oily substances, for their flesh would partake of the flavor, and be injured." From what we know of the value of oil-cake in the fattening of cattle, we have no doubt of its efficacy with turkeys. It will always be recollected, in reckoning the advantages with the expense attendant on the rearing of these birds, that, until you want to fatten them for sale or your own consumption, you need be at no pains relative to their food, as they are quite able to pro- vide for themselves, being in this respect superior to any other of our domestic fowl. In thus readily providing for themselves, they are also greatly assisted by the easy character of their appetite — grass, herbs, corn, berries, fruit, insects, and reptiles, in short, hardly any thing coming amiss to them. Audubon says, that, in their native forests, " they cannot be said to confine themselves to any particular kind of food, although they se3m to prefer the pecan nut and winter grape to any other ; and where these foods abound, are found in the greatest numbers. They eat grass and herbs of various kinds — corn, berries, and fruits of all descriptions. I have even found beetles, tadpoles, and small lizards in their crops." — Ornith. Biog. I ii. THE DOMESTIC TURKEY. 45 A favorite repast of this bird in its native forests is said also to be in the seed of a kind of nettle, and at another season a small, red acorn, on which latter food they soon become so fat that they cannot fly, and are easily run down by dogs. A writer in the Sporting Magazine, already quoted, while endeavoring to prove that the domestic turkey does not inherit the clever foraging powers of its wild original, effectually clears its character of the imputation of devouring the farmer's crops. " They are dull and stupid at getting the corn out of the ear, unless very ripe, and will walk through a field of peas or beans without opening a single shell, even if they are ripe." It may not be generally known, that there are many sorts of food which, though nutritious and highly salutary as concerns other fowl, are little short of downright poison to turkeys. Amongst others, we may enumerate vetches or tares, marrowfat peas, and most sorts of pulse, which are little less deleterious to them than such well-known poisons as hemlock, foxglove, or henbane. " The following curious method of rearing turkeys is trans- lated from a Swedish book, entitled 'Rural Economy:' — * When they begin to droop, examine carefully the feathers on their posterior extremity, and you will find two or three whose quill part is filled with blood ; upon drawing these the chick recovers, and after that requires no other care than what is com monly bestowed on other poultry that range the court-yard. The truth of these assertions is too well known to be denied ; and, as a convincing proof, [of the success of this mode of treatment,] it will be sufficient to mention that three parishes in Sweden have for many years used this method, and gained several hun- dred pounds by rearing and selling turkeys reared in this man ner. " < The Norfolk turkeys are of this breed, and do not arrive at their full perfection till their seventh year, but are sent to market at two and at four years old, when they fetch from two to three and four guineas a pair, for the table. They are fed for the last two years chiefly on sunflower seed, which makes them attain an enormous size.' " The weight of turkeys has been much exaggerated by care- less, ignorant, or, perhaps, credulous writers ; and 60 lbs. is, by some, mentioned as a common weight. On the contrary, 20 lbs. is a fair weight for any fat yearling bird, (and a very great weight for a bird of six months old ;) 30 lbs. is a fine turkey of any age; and few, save the Norfolk, ever exceed 40 lbs. The greatest weight that these have been known to attain, recorded by such authority as we can rely upon, is 56 lbs. 4g THE DOMESTIC TURKEY. THE GUINEA HEN, OR PINTADO. The original country of the Guinea fowl is, as its name implies, Africa ; but it is likewise common in America, where it is supposed to be indigenous, as well as the turkey. The Guinea fowl is slightly larger than our ordinary barn-door fowl, but is inferior in size to the larger foreign breeds, as the Malay and Spanish ; in both aspect and character it appears to occupy a position intermediate between the pheasant and the turkey. Although long familiarized, the Guinea fowl has never been fully domesticated, still retaining much of the restlessness and shyness of its primitive feral habits. It is very courageous, and will not only frequently attack the turkey, but even prove victo- rious in the encounter. The cock and hen are so nearly alike, that it is not easy to distinguish them ; there is sometimes a difference of hue in cer- tain parts ; but this difference only occurs occasionally, and, indeed, it is on gait, voice, and demeanor that we must chiefly depend. As a source of profit, we cannot recommend these fowl : the eggs are very small, three of them being scarcely equal to an ordinary hen's egg, and the flesh not being likely to please every palate, though, indeed, it is in tolerable request in the London markets, when the game season closes, its flavor resembling pheasant ; still, however, as the Guinea fowl require but little trouble or attention, and their eggs, though of small size, are well flavored and numerous, they are generally kept wherever there is accommodation for them. The chief objection to them is their cry, or scream ; and even this, again, has its advantages, invariably predicting a change of weather: they can hardly, however, be kept with other poultry, on account of their pug- nacity. The Guinea fowl dislikes confinement, and will not thrive unless it has free liberty ; where such, therefore, cannot be afforded, it is useless to attempt keeping it. These fowl are prolific ; the hen commences to lay in May, and lays throughout the entire summer ; for the table, they are in season from February to June. The period of incubation is twenty-eight days ; but it is more advisable to keep the Guinea hen entirely for laying, and if you desire to hatch any of the eggs, to do so under the hen of the common gallinaceous fowL You must keep the male bird away, or he will, like the pheasant, destroy the eggs. The chicks require no extraordinary care or management ; THE DOMESTIC TURKEY. 47 they are able to provide for themselves as early after leaving the shell as the young of any other description of poultry, and their food and treatment may be the same indicated in the directions we have already given for the latter. When designed for the table, let these fowl be killed at an early age ; the flesh is then superior to any other fowl at the same age ; but when at all old, it is peculiarly tough and repulsive. 48 THE DOMESTIC GOOSE. CHAPTER IV. THE DOMESTIC GOOSE THE TOULOUSE GOOSE. The latest variety introduced, and perhaps the best for size and capacity, and carrying flesh, has been imported from the Mediterranean, and is known by the name of the Toulouse Goose. This bird is chiefly remarkable for its vast size — a property in which it casts every other known breed far into the shade; it is, indeed, the mammoth of geese, and is to be regarded as a most valuable addition to our stock. The pre- vailing color of the Toulouse goose is a slaty blue, marked with brown bars, and occasionally relieved with black ; the head, neck, as far as the beginning of the breast, and the back of the neck, as far as the shoulders, of a dark brown ; the breast is slaty blue ; the belly is white, as also the under surface of the tail ; the bill is orange red, and the feet are flesh color. This variety is very partially known; but where they have been introduced, they bear away the palm from all competitors. They are recommended highly to cross with the common goose. THE BREMEN GOOSE. This is a large and splendid fowl, of a pure white color, hav- ing orange legs ^d bill. It was introduced first into this country by James feesson, Esq., of Warren, Rhode Island, from Bremen, in the north of Germany. Mr. Warren states that their properties are peculiar. They lay in February ; sit and hatch with more certainty than barn-yard geese ; and will, in many instances, when young, double the weight of the barn- yard kinds. They also yield double the quantity of feathers the other kinds do. Col. Jaques, of Somerville, Mass., imported three specimens in 1822, and has bred them in and in from that period up to the present day, and can raise them to 20 lbs. weight. At six months old, it is not uncommon to find them vary from 17£ lbs. to the above weight. The colonel has been remarkably careful in his management of this breed, and has supplied, from his pure stock, almost every State in the Union, THE DOMESTIC GOOSE. 49 as well as Canada. Their superior properties are great size, being easily fed, remarkable hardiness when young, and the production of flesh of a superior quality. In conversation with Col. Jaques, a few days ago, Ave learned the following history of his mode of treating the Bremen geese, so as to make them produce their goslings to a very day : When he hears the warning note of preparation which precedes the act of propagation, he shuts up his geese in a dark coop, and keeps them confined until their peculiar warning note ceases, which indicates that the inclination to mate is gone. They are thus kept in close quarters until the season has arrived at which they may couple and hatch without injury to the broods from the weather, or the absence of green food, so essential to the proper rearing of the goslings. So long as they are kept thus darkling cooped, they never mate, under any circumstances. So soon as the owner considers the proper breeding season has arrived, he sets his prisoners at liberty ; and a few days' washing and pluming (generally four or five) brings back the inclination to breed, in which they are not now hindered. When the geese begin to lay, a person is set to watch them, who removes the eggs cautiously — leaving always one — and, without disturbing their internal arrangement by shaking them, deposits them in a dry situation, where the temperature is mod- erately warm, (say at 60°, and the heat steady.) Here they are kept until as many have accumulated as the owner is disposed to put under his sitting geese — and which may vary from nine to twelve to each. Separate boxes are prepared for each of the sitters — some- thing in form of a small dog-kennel, about 2£ feet square, is large enough — and each provided with a straw nest. Doors, to slide down in front, are attached to each box or nest, so that, when one of the sitters leaves her nest, to take food or water, the other doors may be let down, so that t ere is no danger of one mistaking another's nest for her own. in thjs arrangement, a sameness of temperature is always secured for the goslings in process of incubation. So soon as the bird returns, the doors are all opened again. Out of 111 eggs, put under 10 geese, under this mode of management, Col. Jaques had 88 goslings hatched in one day ! THE COMMON GOOSE. Of our ordinary and well-known domestic geese, there exist but two sorts, whose only distinction seems to rest on their rela- tive size, they being divided into the large and small ; and by some, according to their color, into the white and the gray* 5 50 THE DOMESTIC GOOSE. These divisions are, to a certain extent, arbitrary ; as out of the one clutch you will generally find the several varieties, both as to size and color, that you seek. The best sorts of geese are those which vary least in color. These approach most nearly to the primitive stock, and are those from which every knowing fancier will prefer breeding. Gray is the best color, as coming nearest to the original Gray-lag ; white is not quite so good ; but avoid mixed colors — they will not prove so pro- lific, and the young will be more difficult to feed up to the required standard. With respect to the favorite color of which the careful breeder should choose his geese, much has been said. Avoid party-colored birds ; let them be either gray or white — but do not select birds of two colors ; and the old and practical Mark- ham agrees with this — " The largest is the best, and the color should be white or gray, all of an paire, for pyed geese are not so profitable, and black are worse." As to breeding geese. These birds, as has been ascertained by M. St. Genis, will pair like pigeons ; and even if the num- ber of ganders exceeds that of the geese, no noise or riot takes place, and mutual choice is evidently the ruling principle. Amongst other experiments, M. St. Genis left, besides the patriarch of the flock, two of the young ganders, unprovided with mates ; but still those couples that had paired kept con- stantly together, and the three single ganders never attempted to approach any of the females during the temporary absence of their lords. M. St. Genis also remarked, in the course of his observations, that the gander is more frequently white than the goose. Some writers recommend a gander to be mated with from four to six geese. This must entirely depend on the object the breeder may have in view. If he desire eggs, and eggs alone, one gander is plenty for six or even eight geese. He may, indeed, abandon the unnecessary trouble of keeping a gander at all, but just only occasionally send his geese to his next-door neighbor's. It, however, so happens, that keeping geese for the produce of their eggs alone, is any thing but profitable ; and hence these must be rendered duly fertile ; and to effect this, one gander to an almost indefinite number of geese will not answer. For the purpose of hatching, a gander should be mated with, at most, three geese. Let him be, if of the ordinary kinds, amongst which color varies, of a pure white or ash gray color ; but not at all of two colors. Let his size be large, his gait active, his eye lively and clear, his voice ever ready and hoarse, and his demeanor full of boldness and impudence. Select the goose for her weight of body, steadiness of deport- THE DOMESTIC GOOSE. 51 ment, and breadth of foot — a quality that, however it may appear unfeminine, happens, in the instance of geese, to indi- cate the presence of such other excellences as we require. The goose deposits from ten to twenty eggs at one laying ; but, if you do not desire her to sit, you may, by removing the eggs as fast as they are laid, and, at the same time, feeding her highly, induce her to lay on to the number of even forty-five or fifty. This is, however, unusual, and it is unprofitable. When tolerably well cared, geese may be made to lay, and even hatch, three times in the year. This care consists merely in high feeding and good housing, early in the spring, so as to have the first brood early in March ; but rather have two good clutches reared than three bad ones. The goose will, when left to the unassisted promptings of nature, begin to lay about the latter end of February, or the beginning of March. The commencement of the laying may be readily foreseen by marking such geese as run about carry- ing straws in their mouth. This is for the purpose of forming their nest, and these individuals are about to lay. They should, then, of course, be watched, lest they drop their eggs abroad ; on which account Mascall recommends trying the geese manu- ally over night, and confining such as you find ready to lay. Once a goose is shut up, and compelled to lay her first egg of that laying in any particular nest, you need be at no further trouble about her ; for she will continue to lay in that spot, and will not stray, on any account, elsewhere. We can always detect the inclination of the goose to sit or hatch. This is known by the bird keeping in the nest after the laying of each egg longer than usual. The hatching nest should be formed of straw, with a little hay as a lining ; and so formed that the goose will not fling the eggs over the side when in the act of turning them. You need not banish the gander ; on the contrary, let him remain as near the nest as he chooses : he will do no mischief, and will also act as a most vigilant guardian. About twelve eggs will be found as many as a good- sized goose can properly cover. Do not meddle with the eggs during incubation ; and do not meddle with the goose ; but, as she is somewhat heavier than the hen of the domestic cock, you may leave her food and drink rather nearer her than is necessary with common poultry, as, if she chanced to absent herself from her eggs sufficiently long to permit them to cool, she might become disheartened, and desert her task altogether. It is, however, unnecessary to put either vinegar or pepper in her food or water, or, in short, to meddle with her at all. The goose will sit on her eggs for nearly two months ; but the necessary period of incubation being but one, the early- 52 THE DOMESTIC GOOSE. hatched goslings must be removed lest the more tardy might be deserted.* About the twenty-ninth day the goslings begin to chip the shell; and if their own powers prove inadequate to their liberation, aid may be rendered them, and that, also, with much less risk than in the case of other young birds, the shell and its membranes being very hard and strong, and the young themselves also hardy, and capable early of enduring hardship. The best plan is to have the eggs set of as nearly as possible equal freshness, that they may be hatched at one time. On first being hatched, turn the goslings out into a sunny walk, if the weather will permit of such procedure ; but do not try to make them feed for at least twelve hours after leaving the shell. Their food may then be bread, soaked in milk, porridge, curds, boiled greens, or even bran, mixed with boiled potatoes, taking care not to give the food in too hot a state, while you equally avoid giving it cold. Avoid rain or cold breezes ; and see, therefore, that the walk into which you turn the young gos- lings be sheltered from both wind and weather. The goslings should also be kept from water for at least a couple of days after hatching. If suffered too early to have free access to water, they are very liable to cramp — a disease which gener- ally produces permanent lameness and deformity, and but too frequently proves fatal. Geese should have an enclosed court or yard, with houses in which they may be shut when occasion requires. It is better, however, to confine them as little as possible ; and, by suffering them to stroll abroad, and forage for themselves, the expense of rearing them will fall comparatively lightly on you, so that you will not be conscious of any outlay. Geese require water, and cannot be advantageously kept when they cannot have access to it ; still, however, we have known them thrive where they had no access to any pond or river, but had only a small artificial pool constructed by their owners, in which to bathe themselves. When geese are at all within reach of water, they will, when suffered to roam at liberty, usually go in search of, and discover it, and will, afterwards, daily resort thither. Though the birds are thus fond of water, all damp about their sleeping places must be scrupulously guarded against. Grass is as necessary to the well-being of geese as water ; and the rankest, coarsest grasses — such as are rejected by cattle — constitute the goose's delicacy. Such grasses as they prefer will be found * A little attention during the period of laying 'will obviate this trouble. The system of Col. Jaques, previously mentioned, if adopt- ed, will assuredly save much subsequent trouble and risk, which would otherwise attend protracted incubation. THE DOMESTIC GOOSE. 53 on damp, swampy lands, of which, perhaps, no more profitable use could be made. The stubble-field is, in its season, an excellent walk for geese ; for they there not only find the young grass and other herbage springing up amongst the stubbles, but, likewise, pick up much corn that would otherwise be lost. When the stubble field is not to be had, there is usually something in the kitchen garden that would be wasted if the geese were not turned in ; and, observe, that this is the only season when these birds can be suffered to enter a garden ; for they are very destructive both to farm and garden crops, and even to young trees. Geese do not answer to be wholly fed on such green food as they can provide for themselves ; but if they get a few boiled potatoes occasionally, bruised up with a little bran, and not given too warm, they will be raised for the market at scarcely any cost, and will, consequently, be found very profitable to the farmer. Market gardeners should never be without geese, which would consume all their refuse, and bring money into their masters' pockets, in return for their consumption of what would otherwise be wasted. Various measures have been adopted for fattening geese. Goslings, produced in June or July, will fatten without other food than what they will have afforded them on the stubble fields, as soon as they are ready to consume it ; but if you are in haste, give potatoes, turnips, or other roots, bruised, with meal, at least once daily. The goose is very voracious, and only requires to get plenty to eat in order to accumulate fat Geese, fed chiefly on grass and corn, as I have described, do not, perhaps, attain the same bulk with such as are crammed ; but their fat is less rank, and they are altogether much more desirable for the table. Early geese require home-feeding, as they have no stubble fields. The London feeders, therefore, when they receive goslings from the country about March or April, feed them, first, on meal from the best barley or oats made into a liquid paste, and, subsequently, with corn, to give greater firmness and consistence to their fat. M. Parmentier describes the French process of fattening. This consists in plucking the feathers from the belly, giving them abundance to eat and drink, cooping them up closely, and keeping them clean and quiet. The month of November is the best time to fatten geese. If the process be delayed longer, the pairing season approaches, which will prevent the birds being brought into condition. In Poland, geese are, with this view, put into an earthen pot without a bottom, and of such a size as not to allow the bird to move : they are then fed on a paste made of ground barley, 5* 54 THE DOMESTIC GOOSE. maize, buckwheat, boiled potatoes, and milk ; the pot is so placed that no excrement remains in it ; and the birds get very fat in about a fortnight. Even these modes appear to us cruel and unnecessary ; and geese may be made fat enough for any purpose (and, indeed, too much so for the taste of most persons, by keeping them in coops in a dark place, and laying before them as much nutritious food as they can eat. This is certainly done by our European neighbors ; but then, as soon as the birds' appetite begins to flag, (which is usually in about three weeks,) they are forcibly crammed by means of a tin funnel, until, in about a month, the poor birds become enormously and unhealthily fat They must then be killed, or they would die of repletion. By this process, a disease of the liver is induced, in consequence of which that organ attains an unnatural size, and is regarded as a bonne bouche by the gourmand. Ordinary geese may readily be fattened, without cramming, to fourteen or fifteen pounds; cramming will bring up their weight to eighteen or twenty ; but the excess consists of rank fat, and the flesh is deteriorated in quality, becoming actually unwhole- some. In some countries, the barbarous custom of plucking living geese for the sake of their feathers is resorted to. Geese so treated usually become unhealthy ; many of them die ; and even of such as survive, the flesh is rendered tough and unwholesome. \f it be ever true, as is asserted, that the quills cast in the natural process of moulting are of inferior quality, why not clip shem away close to the skin before that operation of nature legins ? • Then the geese will only require warmth and housing f the weather be not mild, and you will have the feathers and Jie geese both unimpaired in quality, and your consciences unburdened by any reminiscenc 3 of inhumanity on your part. THE DOMESTIC DUCK. 55 CHAPTER V. THE DOMESTIC DUCK. The duck should always find a place in the poultry-yard provided only that it can have access to water: without water it is useless to endeavor to keep these fowls ; but even a very small supply will suffice. Some parties have kept them with success, and fattened the ordinary duck to the weight of eight pounds, with no further supply of water than what was afforded by a large tub sunk in the ground. It must be remembered, that, the flesh of these birds will be found to partake, to a great extent, of the flavor of the food on which they have been fattened; and as they are naturally very foul feeders, care should be taken, for at least a week or so before killing, to confine them to select food. Boiled potatoes are very good feeding, and are still better if a little grain be mixed through them ; Indian meal will be found both economical and nutritive, but should be used sparingly at first. Some recommend butchers' offal ; but we may only warn our readers, that although ducks may be fattened on such food to an unusual weight, and thus will be profitable for the market, such feeding will render their flesh rank and gross, and not at all fit for table. In a garden, ducks will do good service, vora- ciously consuming slugs, frogs, and insects ; nothing coming amiss to them; not being scratckers, they do not, like other poultry, commit such a degree of mischief in return as to counterbalance their usefulness. The duck is very prolific. We recollect reading an account, in an English newspaper, of a duck belonging to a Mr. Morrell, of Belper Dally, which laid an egg daily for eighty-five succes- sive days. This was in 1823-4. The egg of the duck is by some people very much relished, having a rich piquancy of flavor, which gives it a decided superiority over the egg of the common fowl ; and these qualities render it much in request with the pastry cook and confectioner — three duck eggs being equal in culinary value to six hen eggs. The duck does not lay during the day, but generally in the night ; exceptions, regulated by circumstances, will, of course, occasionally occur While laving, the duck requires more attention than the hen. ROUEN DUCK. AYLESBURY DUCK. THE DOMESTIC DUCK. 57 until they are accustomed to resort to a regular nest for depos- iting their eggs — once, however, that this is effected, she will no longer require your attendance. The duck is a bad hatcher ; she is too fond of the water, and is, consequently, too apt to suffer her eggs to get cold ; she will also, no matter what sort of weather it be, bring the duck- lings to the water the moment they break the shell — a practice always injurious and frequently fatal; hence the very common practice of setting ducks under hens. The eggs of the duck are thirty-one days in hatching ; during incubation, they require no turning, or other attention ; and when hatched, only require to be kept from water for a day or two ; their first food may be boiled eggs, nettles, and a little barley; in a few days they demand no care, being perfectly able to shift for themselves ; but ducks at any age are the most helpless of the inhabitants of the poultry-yard, having no weapons with which to defend themselves from vermin, or birds of prey, and their awkward waddling gait precluding their seeking safety in flight ; a good stout courageous cock, and a sharp little terrier dog, are the best protectors of your poultry-yard. THE AYLESBURY DUCK, A large, handsome, white duck, is a very great favorite, and until the introduction of the variety called Rhone, or Roan, but more properly Rouen, (as it takes its name from that town on the Seine,) was esteemed the most valuable of all ; the latter bird, however, now fairly divides the honor with it, and is by some regarded as superior. The flesh of the Aylesbury duck is of a most delicate flavor, being by many compared to that of the chicken. The Rouen duck is the only other we would recommend besides the Aylesbury. It is very prolific, and lays large eggs 58 DISEASES OF FOWL. CHAPTER VI. THE DISEASES OF FOWL WITH THEIR SYMPTOMS AND TREATMENT. When you see a fowl beginning to droop, or to exhibit a deficiency of appetite, it is better at once to devote it to table use. If, however, the fowl be of great value — perhaps a Spanish cock, worth $5, or upwards — we must make an attempt to save him. The most common diseases to which fowl are liable, are as follow : — Moulting. Pip. Roup. Asthma. Producing — Fractures. Diarrhoea. Indigestion. Apoplexy. Fever. Consumption. Gout. Corns. Bloody Flux. Costiveness. ACCIDENTS. Bruises. Ulcers. Loss of Feathers, &c. MOULTING, While, as being a natural process of annual occurrence, it can scarcely be called a disease, yet must be treated of as if it really were one, from consideration of the effects which it produces. It is most dangerous to young chickens. With adult birds, warmth and shelter are usually all that is required, united with diet of a somewhat extra stimulating and nutritious character. Dr. Bechstein remarks, that, in a state of nature, moulting occurs to wild birds precisely when their food is most plenty ; hence, nature herself points out that the fowl should, during that period, be furnished with an extra supply of food. After the third year, the period of moulting becomes later and later, until it will sometimes happen in January or February. Of course, when this occurs, every care as to ivannth should be bestowed. The use of Cayenne pepper alone will generally suffice. Do not listen to the recommendation of ignorant or presuming quacks ; if this simple treatment do not help them through, they will die in spite of all you may do. DISEASES OF FOWL. 59 The feathers will at times drop off fowl, when not moulting 1 , to a very considerable extent, rendering them often nearly naked. This is a disorder similar to the mange in many other animals ; and the same sort of treatment — viz., alteratives,* a change of diet, cleanliness, and fresh air — will generally be found sufficient to effect the cure. Be careful not to confound this affection with moulting. The distinction is, that in the latter case the feathers are replaced by new ones as fast as they are cast; in the- former this is not so, and the animal becomes bald.} pip. A disease to which young fowl are peculiarly liable, and that, too, chiefly in hot weather. The symptoms are — a thickening of the membrane of the tongue, especially towards its tip. This speedily becomes an obstruction of sufficient magnitude to impede the breathing ; this produces gasping for breath ; and at this stage the beak will often be held open. The plumage becomes ruffled and neglected, especially about the head and neck. The appetite gradually goes ; and the poor bird shows its distress by pining, moping, and seeking solitude and darkness. The cause of this disease is want of clean water and feeding upon hot food. Dr. Bechstein considers it to be analogous to the influenza of human beings. In fact, theories respecting its nature are too numerous to mention; and are of very little practical importance. Cure. — Most writers recommend the immediate removal of the thickened membrane. Rather anoint the part with fresh butter or cream. Prick the scab with a needle, if you like ; and give internally a pill, about the size of a marble, composed of— Scraped \ ^.radish, \ e 1 ual P arts ' As much Cayenne pepper as will outweigh a grain of wheat. Mix with fresh butter, and give it every morning, keeping the fowl warm. Keep the bird supplied with plenty of fresh water ; preserve it from molestation, by keeping it by itself, and you will generally find it get well, if you have taken the dis- * Such as sulphur and nitre, in the proportions of one quarter each, mixed with fresh butter. •f Sulphur has by many been absurdly set down as poisonous to fowl : such an assertion is not only contrary to reason, but to practice ; it is one of the safest and most valuable medicines we can employ in the treatment of their diseases. 60 DISEASES OF FOWL. ease in time. Do not let any one, equally ignorant and cruel, persuade you to cram the mouth with snuff, after having torn off the thickened membrane with your nail.* This is equally repugnant to humanity and common reason. ROUP. The disease to which this term is improperly applied is an inflammation of the tail gland. The true roup is a disease extremely analogous to influenza in man, or even more so to the well-known distemper among dogs ; and, in some forms, perhaps to the glanders of the horse. The symptoms are — difficulty of breathing ; constant gap- ing ; dimness of sight ; lividity of the eyelids ; and the total loss of sight ; a discharge from the nostrils, that gradually becomes purulent and fetid; appetite has fled; but thirst remains to the most aggravated extent. Sometimes this disease appears to occur independently of any obvious cause ; but dirt, too hot feeding, and want of exercise are amongst the most usual. As to treatment — many writers have given various direc- tions as to the treatment of roup. The following is a case related by an intelligent farmer: — " A cock, of about four or five months old, apparently turned out by somebody to die, came astray, and was in the last stage of roup. The discharge from his mouth and nostrils was very considerable, and extremely pungent and fetid ; while his eyes appeared to be affected with an inflammation similar to Egyp- tian ophthalmia. The cock was placed at the fireside, his mouth and nostrils washed with soap and warm water, his eyes washed with warm milk and water, and the head gently rubbed with a dry cloth. Internally he was given long pellets formed of — Bariey-meal, ? equal parts . GrSginger, \ e( l ual P arts > and half the above ' He was also given to drink, lukewarm water, sweetened with molasses. " In three days this bird began to see, and in a week his sight was almost perfectly restored. A little mustard was still given him in his water, and then some flour of sulphur. He * Miss Manning recommends forcing tobacco smoke down the bird's throat, and when, as sometimes is the case, the disease depends on the presence of a worm, then it is most successful. DISEASES OF FOWL. 61 had also a pinch of calomel in some dough. He was gradually brought out so as to inure him to the cold, and in a month was as well as ever. " Having moulted late, the same bird caught cold at the first frost, and suffered a relapse — from which, however, he was recovered by warmth alone." Proper treatment would be merely a modification of the above — warmth and cleanliness, as matters of ctfurse ; but, for pellets, prefer — Powdered gentian, 1 part. Powdered ginger, 1 " Epsom salts, 1& " Flour of sulphur, - £ " Make up with butter, and give every morning. If the discharge should become fetid, the mouth, nostrils, and eyes may be bathed with a weak solution, composed of equal parts of chloride of lime and acetate of lead.* The other affection — that improperly passed under this name — viz., swelling of the tail gland — may be treated as a boil. If it become inconveniently hard and ripe, let the pus or matter out with a penknife, and it will soon get well. ASTHMA Is characterized by gaping, panting, and difficulty of breathing. We need not go far to seek for a cause. Our poultry are originally natives of tropical climates ; and, however well they may appear climatized, they, nevertheless, require a more equable temperature than our climate, unaided by artificial means, can afford. Hence coughs, colds, catarrh, asthma, pulmonary consumption. Cure. _ Warmth, with small repeated doses of hippo pow- der and sulphur mixed with butter.f DIARRHCEA Is occasioned by damp, and sometimes by improper food. Remove the bird into dry quarters; change the food; if it become very severe, give chalk ; add a little starch, mixed with Cayenne, to porridge, and give it moderately warm. * Fomentation, with an infusion of camomile flowers, is also highly beneficial. + The addition of Cayenne pepper will be an improvement. 6 62 DISEASES OF FOWL. INDIGESTION. Caused by over-feeding and want of exercise. Cure. — Lessen the quantity of food ; turn the fowl into an open walk, and give some powdered gentian and Cayenne in the food. APOPLEXY. Symptoms. — Staggering, shaking of the head, and a sort of tipsy aspect. Some persons have, from ignorance of the true cause of this affection, treated it as proceeding from intestinal irritation, and prescribed castor-oil with sirup of ginger, &c. Scanty food, and that of light quality, and the application of leeches to the back of the neck, constitute, in our opinion, the only effectual remedy. Perhaps, however, it is better to have the poor bird at once handed over to the cook. FEVER. Fowl are frequently subject to febrile affections. The mode of treatment is simple. — Light food, and little of it ; change of air ; and, if necessary, aperient medicines — such as castor-oil, with a little burnt butter. CONSUMPTION Is regarded as incurable ; but, if any thing will do good, it is change of air and warmth. GOUT. Its effects are obvious. Pellets of Colchycum may be used ; but if you had, as you should have done, killed your fowl before they became so old, it would have been more rational. They are now past use. Sulphur may also be found useful. CORNS. These may generally be extracted with the point of a pen- knife. If ulcerated, as will often occur when neglected, touch with lunar-caustic, and you may thus succeed in establishing healthy granulations. BLOODY FLUX Generally proceeds from an aggravated diarrhoea. Rice, boiled in milk, or starch, usually effects a cure. DISEASES OF FOWL. 63 COSTIVENESS. This affection will, in general, yield to castor-oil and burned butter. The diet should be sparing. Thin porridge (or mush) will be found useful. In the case of fractures, our advice is to put the fowl to death without loss of time. The same may be said of bruises. By this you not merely avoid some loss, but save the poor bird much protracted suffering. The accidental stripping of the feathers must not be con- founded with the mangy affection already treated of. The dif- ference will be seen by examining the state of the skin where it is exposed. Ulcers may be kept clean, dressed with a little lard, or washed with a weak solution of sugar of lead, as their aspect may seem to indicate. If they appear sluggish, they may be touched with Milestone. 64 HOUSING POULTRY. CHAPTER VII. HOUSING POULTRY. In selecting- a site for a poultry-house, attention should be paid to the quality of the soil on which it is about to be erected, as also its aspect. The soil should be of a warm and dry character, and gently sloping from the front, that the wet may easily run off. The aspect should be such as will secure the greatest pos- sible average quantity of daily sunshine ; and it should be as sheltered as possible from sharp or biting winds, or from the driving rain. Every poultry-house should be provided with a sufficient quantity of small sand ; or, if such cannot be pro- cured, clean ashes are a good substitute ; pieces of chalk are also a useful — nay, necessary adjunct; crude lime acts, how- ever, as a poison. Some horse-dung or chaff, with a little corn through it, is also a source of much amusement to the birds ; and recollect, that amusement, even in the poultry-yard, is mate- rially conducive to health. The ashes and litter should be fre- quently changed, and had better also be kept in little trenches, in order that they may not be scattered about, and may not thus contribute to give a dirty or untidy appearance to the yard. When, however, your fowl have a run in a garden or field, of average extent, this artificial care will be replaced by nature. If the court be not supplied with a little grass-plot, a few squares of fresh grass sods should be placed in it, and changed every two or three days. If the court be too open, some bushes or shrubs will be found useful in affording shelter from the too perpendicular beams of the noonday sun, and probably in occasionally screening the chicken from the rapacious glance of the kite or raven. If access to the sleeping-room be, as it ought, denied during the day, the fowls should have some shed or other covering, beneath which they can run in case of rain ; — this is what is termed " a storm-house ; " — and, lastly, there should be a constant supply of pure, fresh water. Keep your yard as clean as possible. Fowls frequently suffer much annoyance from the presence of vermin, and a hen will often quit her nest, when sitting, in order to get rid of them. This is one of the uses of the sand or dust bath : but a better HOUSING POULTRY. 65 remedy, and one of far speedier and more certain efficacy, has been discovered at Windsor by her Majesty's feeder. The laying- nests at Windsor are composed of dry heather (Erica tetralix) and small branches of hawthorn, covered over with white lichen. These materials, rubbed together by the pres- sure and motion of the hen, emit a light powder, which, making its way between the feathers to the skin, is found to have the effect of dislodging every sort of troublesome parasite.* The fowl-house should also be frequently and thoroughly cleaned out, and it is better that the nests be not fixtures, but formed in little, flat, wicker baskets, like sieves, which can be frequently taken down, the soiled straw thrown out, and them- selves thoroughly washed : hay is objectionable, as tending to the production of a parasite of the louse tribe, the annoyance of which will often drive the hen from her nest. Fumigation, at no very remote intervals, is also highly to be commended. Nothing is of more importance to the well-being of your poultry, than a good, airy walk. Cleanliness, a free circulation of air, and sufficient room, with proper kinds and quantity of food, are the conditions on which success in raising poultry principally depends. Among the most necessary appendages to every poultry- house, is the hen ladder. This is a sort of ascending scale of perches, one a little higher than the other ; yet not exactly above its predecessor, but somewhat in advance. By neglecting the use of this very simple contrivance, many valuable fowl may be lost or severely injured, by attempting to fly doivn from their roost — an attempt, from succeeding in which the birds are incapacitated, in consequence of the bulk of their body pre- ponderating over the power of their wings. This would not, of course, take place among wild birds ; but we are not to forget that our improvements in the breed of all animals tend to remove the varieties on which we expend our care, gradually farther and farther from their primitive condition, and conduce to deprive them of much of their native activity, and, as our improvements proceed, to render them ultimately almost help- less ; hence the necessity for such artificial aids as the hen lad- der ; and, perhaps, even in the stable, this accessory is more absolutely required than in less humble poultry-houses, on account of the great height of the roosting-place. * Lichens may easily be collected from rocks and trees, and the nests furnished with them. Rotten-wood, thoroughly dried, produces a powder equally destructive of vermin. 6* 66 FEEDING FOWLS. CHAPTER VIII. FEEDING FOWLS. It is a good rule never to feed your hens too highly before they begin to lay, or while laying, or immediately after ceasing to lay, unless you wish to fatten the'm for table use ; for as soon as a fowl begins to fatten, she stops laying. You must, there- fore, separate the two classes of fowl, layers and fatteners, at all events at feeding time. Make some separate provision for your cocks ; if they are only fed in company with the hens, they are apt to think too much of their mistresses, and to neglect their own appetites ; and recollect that to have strong chickens, you must have a strong male, which an ill-fed bird cannot be expected to prove. You should also make separate provision for such fowl as are bullied or oppressed by the rest. Fowls are much given to jealousy ; the cocKs favor is sometimes the cause of this, but by no means invariably so, and, indeed, the cause is not at all times to be ascertained ; however obscure the cause, it is incumbent on the poultry fancier to prevent the effect, by adopting the separative system at the times indicated. In such an occurrence, which is easily recognizable by the cock's comparative neglect of the others, it is better to remove the favorite at once ; if you do not do so, quarrels will ensue ; this hen will nearly always be made a victim, and in many cases the quarrels on her account will give rise to other and more general affrays. Oats. — When oats are to be had, a few handfuls are well spent on your foAvl. JVkeat. — When damaged wheat can be bought at a low price, it may be used for the feeding of poultry with much profit and advantage ; when no such thing can be procured, however, and when it is proposed to feed them upon the sound, marketable article, turn a deaf ear to the thoughtless adviser. The same may be said of barley, which is also objectionable as acting in a purgative manner; it is useful as an occasional feed, when fowl are over-fed. Rye is generally a cheaper description of grain than any other, and damaged rye may be used, to a certain extent, with poultry with impunity, even when affected with the ergot. FEEDING FOWLS. 67 When fowls are precluded by Nature's operations from pick- ing up any kind of animal food, such as worms, snails, &c, some should be provided them. A sheep's or ox's liver is a good substitute for what fowls usually pick up in the shape of animal nutriment. Green vegetable diet, such as cabbages, turnips, &c, should also be similarly provided. Fowl of all kinds require sand or gravel as an aid to digestion, being, in fact, necessary to promote a medium of trituration in the gizzard, as well as to supply calcareous matter for their egg- shells. You should, therefore, always have such placed within the birds' reach. This, we must admit, applies more immediately to such fowl as are kept in a confined yard ; when the walk is at all extensive, the birds can usually pick up enough for them- selves. Fresh water gravel is the best ; if you live near the sea, and wish to use sand so easily obtainable from the beach, you should first wash it, and in two or three waters. Where no sand of any kind can be obtained, as in towns, you can buy chalk i you will, of course, pound before placing it in the yard. Cayenne pepper, indeed, all descriptions of pepper, espe- cially the Cayenne in pods, will be found a favorite with fowl, and will be greedily devoured by them ; it acts as a powerful stimulant, and remarkably promotes laying, and, when mixed, in, of course, a ground state, with boiled oats, will be found productive of the best effects. In this, however, as in every thing else, let moderation be your ruling principle. Pepper will be found particularly useful in feeding young turkeys, as, indeed, are all stimulating vegetables, amongst which are nettles, horse-radish, and water-cress. Geese and ducks will eat greedily — and so, indeed, will your other fowl — cabbage or other greens boiled and hand-bruised with bran or pollard ; a little pepper added to this forms a valuable dietetic. EXPENSES OF KEEPING FOWLS. These vary considerably, on account of extra advantages which cannot be taken into consideration; and they also depend somewhat on the variety of fowls kept, some descrip- tions feeding more greedily than others. We append a state- ment of expenses, which may be taken as a fair medium one by those who desire to ascertain the rate at which fowls may be kept, under circumstances independent of any extra advan- tage whatever. Mr. Howard B. Coffin, at Newton Corner, Mass., keeps above two hundred fowls, mostly of the breed known as the Chinese, none of them less than four months old. He has been very 68 FEEDING FOWLS. particular to ascertain the exact cost of keeping ; and, having to furnish all their food, his opportunity for calculation of expense has enabled him to note exactly the amount. This observation has extended over sufficient time to satisfy him that seventy-Jive cents per fowl, per annum, is a fair estimate. Corn has been kept constantly within the reach of all, and it has been occasionally boiled. Meal has been given every morning, part of the time noted, mixed with potatoes, squash, &c. Fresh meat, tallow scraps, and other animal food, has been furnished at least twice a week. To families who keep from a dozen to twenty fowls, and have considerable kitchen waste, or to farmers who are raising much stuff to feed with, the expense, of course, would be less. Mr. J. A. C. Butters, bookseller, 19 State Street, Boston, has also taken particular pains in calculating the expenses of his stock. His observations extend over some eighteen months. He uses corn, whole and crushed, wheat, barley, and oats mixed. He never boils any, and has never fed any on potatoes. He provides a regular supply of fresh animal food, and the annual expense per fowl is eighty cents. This, however, includes supe- rior feeding. Mr. Butters complains of the feeding propensities of his China fowl. Two of them, he says, eat as much as five of the game fowls, which keep better in flesh on a smaller amount of food. Colonel Jaques, and some other gentlemen to whom we have spoken on this point, are of opinion that a dollar per annum is about the rate of expense per fowl, and, if not fed methodically, this would indeed be the average; still the above statistics are correct, and show a very important saving where a large num- ber of fowls are kept. SELECTION OF STOCK FOR BREEDING. 69 ■ CHAPTER IX. SELECTION OF STOCK FOR BREEDING. In choosing a cock, take especial care that he is in perfect health — feathers close and rather short — chest compact and firm — full in the girth — lofty and elastic gait — large and firm thigh — beak short, and thick at its insertion. Next to health and strength, age is to be duly considered. Neither select a cock that is too old, nor one that is too young ; let the age be from a year and a half to three years and a half. Some cocks retain their vigor till they are even past six years old, and some make a display of unquestionable virility at the premature age of five or six months. It is far better, howeyer, for the fancier "to be sure than sorry." Secure a young and vigorous bird at the summit of his prime ; steer equally clear of premature and often deceptive developments, and of incipi- ent age and decrepitude ; avoid all extremes. In the choice of a hen for setting, look for a large bird, with large, wide-spreading wings. Though large, however, she must not be heavy nor leggy. No one of any judgment would set a Malay, as, in such case, not only would many eggs remain un- covered, but many also would be trampled upon and broken. Elderly hens will be found more willing to sit than young arid giddy pullets ; indeed, the latter should never be allowed to sit until at least the second year of their laying. The Spanish fowl are not generally good sitters; but they are excellent layers. The Dorking reverse the order, being better sitters than layers ; and these qualities will also be found to extend pretty generally to hens partaking of the prevailing colors of these two varieties, the black being usually the best layers, and but careless or indifferent sitters, while gray or variegated hens (especially such as have light-colored legs) are the best you can procure. You will be informed of a hen's anxiety to sit by a peculiar change in her voice to a distinctive cluck, which continues, even after hatching, until the chickens no longer require her maternal care. The heat of the hen's body is also materially increased ; hence, when it is desired to check a hen's anxiety to sit, the 70 SELECTION OF STOCK FOR BREEDING. common practice for allaying this heat is immersion in cold water. If you entertain doubts of the steadiness of the hen you desire to sit, try her constancy by placing her for a few days on some pieces of chalk shaped so as to resemble eggs, or put her on three or four eggs of little or no value. If you desire to have chickens produced at some particular time, when you have no hen ready to sit, you may induce the desire of incubation by stimulating food — such as toast, or dry bread steeped in good ale, well-boiled oatmeal porridge, with a little Cayenne pepper mixed through it, or hard-boiled eggs, and fresh, raw meat cut small. Artificial warmth is also never to be lost sight of. The following is from the pen of Mr. S. B. Morse, Jun., of East Boston, (a breeder of fowls himself,) whose extensive practical knowledge enhances the value of his statements : — " In breeding domestic fowls, with the view to keeping the different varieties pure and distinct in blood, it is of the utmost importance that amateurs should, regardless of cost, procure the desired varieties free from all impurities of blood, and not be induced, by any consideration, to purchase fowls of dubious blood, however beautiful the specimens may be, as it is impos- sible for those who breed from such fowls to be otherwise than disappointed in the progeny. " Amateurs often complain that their breeds have run out, when, in truth, the diversified forms and plumage of their fowls are caused, not by their deterioration, but by the action of the blood of the different varieties from which their stock was drawn. " Having procured the desired varieties, and proper buildings arM enclosures having been so prepared that intermixture cannot take place, the breeder will be able, with certainty, to produce fowls alike in form and plumage ; and, with proper and judicious feeding, increase the size and beauty of the different kinds. To do this, the number of hens with each cock should not exceed four : even less than four is better than to exceed that number ; as, in the progeny, the females will exceed or fall short of the males as the number of hens is increased or diminished ; and the strength of the chicks will be according to the number of hens put with the cock. "The greater the number of hens, the weaker the chick, and the greater the predominance of the males. " Care should also be used not to have the breeding fowls too fat or too lean ; but they should be, in good ' heart,' regularly fed with sweet and nutritious food, and constantly supplied with clean water and lime. All filth should be daily removed from the roosting places. SELECTION OF STOCK FOR BREEDING. 71 "The food of fowls should be sweet and free from any musti- ness or acidity ; and it is much better to feed breeding fowls upon raw grains than upon boiled or soaked, as the latter are liable to ferment, and become sour, and will produce disease. Animal food should be daily furnished to breeding fowls. It should be fresh, not salted, and given in regular quantities ; and where f fowls are confined in small enclosures, green vegetable food should be daily given. Indian corn, wheat, barley, oats, buck- wheat, and rye, should be given, so mixed that the fowls can choose that kind which suits their taste, as the same fowl will, at different times, prefer different food. " The age of fowls has a great influence upon the fecundity of the eggs and upon the strength of the chick. A pullet or hen in the first year will lay, perhaps, more eggs, but her chicKS are not so strong as those produced by her in the two next suc- ceeding years. A cock in the first year is more insatiable in his lust than in the two succeeding years ; and, conse- quently, the eggs impregnated by the cock the first year are not so strong as those impregnated by him the two next years. The cock, by having a large number of hens in his first year, often becomes prematurely impotent, and often is the cause of the complaint, that ' the breed has run out,' ' raised no chickens this year,' &c, &c. No fowl should be kept to pro- duce eggs from which to breed, that is more than three years old; but, as old hens are much steadier as sitters, and more careful as nurses, than pullets, there should be a sufficient num- ber kept for those purposes. " It is hardly necessary to recommend the selection of the largest and best of the pullets, and the best cock, for breeders. The hens should be chosen with great care and judgmenL having due regard to size, form, and plumage of the variety, and should be taken from those hatched earliest in the season. They should possess, fully, the characteristics of the breed to which they belong. The cock should be of a medium size, strongly and compactly built; possessing the most brilliant plumage of his race; quick in his motions and eyesight; couragepus in his disposition; and, like the pullets, possess, fully, all the points of the breed. These selections should be annually made, for the purpose of keeping up the youth and strength of the race, and to supply the places of such fowls as have become too old, or, from other causes, unprofitable to breed from. " By pursuing the course recommended in selecting the breeders of both sexes, the amateur may, without fear of ' running out,' or in any way deteriorating his race of fowls, breed in and in during the length of his own life, and not be 72 SELECTION OF STOCK FOR BREEDING. under the necessity of changing the blood, or of procuring from other yards cocks of the.same blood ; and he will find that the distinctive characteristics will be more fully developed, and the size and weight of his fowls increased. Instances have occurred, within the knowledge of the writer, in a yard of White Dorkings, which were imported in 3838-9, where the owner has pursued the course above recommended in selecting his breeders, and whose fowls have increased in brilliancy of plumage, and will average from one to two pounds heavier than those imported, or those immediately bred from them ! " The writer is not of the opinion, nor does he believe it to have been, or that it can be demonstrated, that any race of domestic fowls have been, or can be, run out by breeding in and in, where due care and judgment have been used in select- ing the breeders and supplying them with proper food. The decay of any distinct variety of fowls is caused by attempting to breed from the old or diseased fowls, from which eggs can neither be obtained nor chicks be raised. " Breeding from fowls of impure blood, also, is the cause of failure, or, as it is termed, 'running out' of domestic fowls. The race of fowls mentioned as having increased in size and beauty, will also furnish an example of evils of impure blood. " A gentleman procured some of the first chicks raised from the imported Dorking fowls. He kept his old stock for breeders for several years, selling and otherwise disposing of most of their progeny, and relying on an old cock to keep up his breed. They ' run out.' He procured a Dorking cock from another source ; the race revived, and the evil of breeding in and in was, in this case, fully apparent. Determined not to fall again into the same error, he made an invariable rule to change the fcocks every year, in consequence of which he introduced into his yard a cross-bred Dorking fowl. " He found a variety of plumage and form in his yard, for which no apparent cause could be found, until he became acquainted with the birth and parentage of the gallinaceous gentlemen he had introduced to his premises ; and he has recently disposed of his stock at auction, as pure Dorking fowls! Thus the theory of the evil of breeding in and in will be further promulgated, and many persons will believe firmly that no variety of fowls can be kept pure without ' running out,' as they will be able to refer to their own experience in the 'pure ' Dorkings they purchased at auction this past autumn." In following up this subject, we are under an obligation to the Committee of Supervision, at the late Show, for the annexed judicious remarks : " Generally, the system of breeding poul- try is conducted in the most loose and unscientific manner, and SELECTION OF STOCK FOR BREEDING. 73 no real dependence can be placed on other than the purest stock. By selecting- it, the articles, early maturity, large size, and liberal produce, are surely to be depended upon ; whereas, by indiscriminately adopting impure stock, there is no security that these will result. " Under the loose system of breeding referred to, it is equally impossible to keep up, as it is to establish, a distinctive breed of poultry. To conserve the purity of any variety, so that ' like will produce like,' in appearance and properties, is of the highest importance — is, in fact, (next to the securing of these in a dis- tinctive shape,) the grand aim of the scientific breeder. There are no errors, or indications of the work of chance, in the law and order of the Great Ruler of the universe, as these apply to either the animal or vegetable kingdoms. The farmer may as well collect a miscellaneous list of seeds, and strew them athwart his soil, in the expectation that an excellent crop of corn should be produced from them, as the poultry-breeder depend on the heterogeneous admixture of mongrel breeds of fowls, to produce improved specimens. A chance appearance may be made among them, to be sure, that might look promis- ing, in the same way that one ear of corn might appear among the farmer's produce ; but, unlike the ear of corn, the ' bird of promise' can never be depended on, to produce its like: the absence of mathematical exactitude in the animal composition, forms an organic error in it, which nothing can obviate, so far as itself is concerned. It may produce all, or any of the kinds, or crosses, concentrated in itself, but none of them in their pure distinctiveness ; the leaven of deterioration will always be found a ruling element in their composition. " We have alluded above to a difficulty involving the greatest care in preserving the different varieties of fowls "distinct ; and this difficulty attaches to the improved crosses as well. To blend the characteristics of two separate breeds, so that there will be no undue preponderance of the blood of either in the produce, is a work of great labor and the most jealous care. The process must be carried on with the same degree of exact- ness, and be accompanied with as much careful calculation, as an astronomer would use, to satisfy himself regarding the future appearance of a comet. Many generations of fowls must be operated upon, before any thing like perfection can be attained. This being the case, it is perfectly evident, that it becomes imperatively the duty of fowl-breeders, to apply their care and observation to the preservation of pure stock, as upon that, and that alone, the profit of their labor depends." It will therefore be seen, by what has been said above, that it is of the first importance to secure the pure blooded fowls to 7 74 SELECTION OF STOCK FOR BREEDING. insure gratifying results from breeding. An agency, we observe, has been instituted in Boston ; and the gentleman who undertakes the purchase and transmission of pure breeds to those who employ him, we are glad to see, is one whose practi- cal knowledge is extensive, and of superior order. SELECTION OF EGGS FOR SITTING, ETC. 75 CHAPTER X. SELECTION OF EGGS FOR SITTING — THEIR MAN- AGEMENT DURING INCUBATION — AND TREAT- MENT OF THE CHICKl AFTER HATCHING. In selecting eggs for sitting", bear in mind what has been said as to the number of hens that the cock should associate with ; and choose such eggs as you have reason to know, or believe, to have been rendered productive. Those of medium size — i. e., the average size that the hen lays — are most apt to prove productive. Sketchley tells us that he has always found the round egg to contain the female chick, and that of oblong shape, the male. This, however, though it may have been newly discovered by Sketchley, was known to Columella and Stephanus. If you examine the egg between your eye and a candle, you will be able to discern the position of the vacancy caused by the little air-bag at the blunt end of the shell. If this be in the centre, the egg will produce a cock ; if at one side, a hen. You may form a very fair judgment of your eggs from their specific gravity. Put them into a bowl of tepid water, and reject such as do not sink to the bottom. Choose, also, such as present a marked disparity of size between the two ends. Such as are equal in size at both ends, usually contain two yolks ; and these, be it observed, instead of produ- cing twin chickens, as might naturally be expected, commonly produce monstrosities ; reject them. The number of eggs to be placed under a hen is from nine to eleven. The number is, however, of course, dependent on the size of both eggs and hen ; an odd number is to be preferred, as being better adapted to the covering in the nest. Be sure that they are all fresh ; and carefully note down the day on which you place them beneath the hen. Never turn the eggs ; the hen can do that better than you. About the twelfth day of incubation, you may be enabled to reject such eggs as are unfruitful. For this pur pose, hold the egg between your hands in the sunshine ; if the shadow which it forms waver, keep the egg, as the wavering of the shadow is occasioned by the motion of the chick within : if it remain stationary, throw it away. If your eggs have been 76 SELECTION OF EGGS FOR SITTING, ETC. very fresh laid, the chick will be developed earlier than other- wise ; if they have been fresh, you will, about the sixteenth day, if you apply your ear to the egg, hear a gentle piping noise within ; if the eggs have been stale, this will not be per- ceptible until about the eighteenth day ; and, at this time, the yolk, which had previously lain outside and around the chicken, will now be gradually entering into the body of the bird. This serves as nourishment to the little prisoner, until his subsequent efforts shall have set him free. From this period let your atten- tion be assiduous, but, at the same time, cautious ; for the hen has heard this cry before you have, and all her maternal anxie- ties and tenderness are, from that moment, greatly aug- mented, and any unnecessary interference will only tend to irritate her. The position which the chick holds within the egg, is appa- rently any thing but advantageous for the work of breaking forth ; and, hence, if the youngling be weakly, artificial aid is often necessary. This position would, indeed, almost induce one to regard the liberation of the chick, by its own unassisted efforts, as an impossibility. The neck slopes towards the belly, to about the centre of which comes the head ; the head lies beneath the right wing, just as that of a sleeping bird ; the feet are gathered up somewhat like those of a fowl trussed for the spit, and the claws bend backwards, till they almost touch the head ; and it is in this confined position that the shelly wall of the prison has to be broken through. It must, therefore, be any thing but easy work for the little chick. The process of effect- ing the breaking of the shell is a succession of taps from the beak, by which first a crack or star, with many cracks diverging from it, takes place; a hole is soon effected, the sides gradually chip away, and the chicken emerges to its new sphere of being. Sometimes the little bird, on proceeding to leave the broken shell, unexpectedly finds itself retained in its place by some accidental or irregular circumstance. The shell may, for instance, have been well cracked, and yet its lining membrane may be so tough as to defy all the efforts of the inmate to rup- ture it, and thus still present a barrier, and often, without assist- ance, an insurmountable one. Some chickens ivaste their time striving to tear this membrane before they have made a suffi- cient crack in the shell. These had better not receive assist- ance ; they will speedily find out their error, and go to work in a proper manner. In every case, look through the egg before helping the chick. That chicken which comes out before the whole of the yolk has been absorbed, will assuredly prove to be an unhealthy, weakly little wretch, and will speedily die. A chicken must, previous SELECTION OF EGGS FOR SITTING, ETC. 77 to leaving the shell, have imbibed such a portion of nutriment as will, at least, serve it for four-and-twenty hours afterwards. It is for this that the yolk is designed. Any unusual excess of light, or any injudicious interference with the eggs towards the close of incubation, will nearly always result in causing the chicken to strive to get out too soon, and thus often occasion the loss of numbers. Neither are all shells, nor all membranes, of an equal thick- ness, and some are even preternaturally obstinate ; hence another difficulty the chick has to experience. Some will dip the eggs into warm water the day before they think they will be pecked at. This produces no perceptible difference in the consistence of the shell ; and the practice is objectionable not only on the score of its total inutility, but as being likely to injure the present or future health of the chick ; and the warmth is likewise specially calculated to pro- duce another difficulty connected with its egress — viz., that of being glued to the shell, the white of egg — the albumen which surrounds the chicken in the shell — being convertible by heat into a kind of glue. The following is, perhaps, the only case in which interference can prove useful : When you find the fracture on the outside of the shell remaining the same for five or six hours, and when, on examining the edges of this fracture, you find them dry and unmoistened by any fluid, you may conclude that assistance is called for, and may proceed to render it, but, of course, with all possible caution. The best mode to be adopted on such occa- sions is to imitate, as nearly as possible, the natural efforts of the chicken itself, which may be done by sharp, short strokes with the back of a knife or key ; or, what is better than either, the point of a pair of scissors. Be, however, both gentle and deliberate, and take care lest you penetrate the cavity of the. egg. Having succeeded in making a sufficient opening in the shell, you may, by a careful and tender use of your fingers, extricate the chick. Sometimes a few scales of albumen, or of the lining membrane of the egg, may remain on the bird's plu- mage for some days. Do not be uneasy about them. Leave them alone, and as they dry they will fall off of themselves. In affording your assistance to the embarrassed chick, be extremely tender with your fingers. You may otherwise often kill, when your intention is only to cure. The unassisted powers of nature are such, that we would be disposed to permit at least eight hours to elapse before resorting to mechanical means of interference. A chick, so weak as to perish before that time, is not Avorth striving to extricate ; and, on the score 7 # 78 SELECTION OF EGGS FOE SITTING, ETC. of humanity, its death within the shell will be less painful than after quitting it. For about twenty-four hours after birth, the chick not only can do well enough without any extraneous nourishment, but will positively be far more likely subsequently to thrive if let alone, than if crammed or incited to eat prematurely. It is, however, no harm to turn your new clutch in among older chicks, that already feed themselves. They will then ordina- rily follow the example of the rest, and pick away at whatever is going. This is a matter of perfect indifference. Nature is too good a preceptor to allow the little brood to fill themselves to repletion. Some will recommend, as food for young chickens, yolks of eggs boiled hard, and broken down with crumbs of bread. This treatment is, however, needlessly expensive ; and plain crumbs, or cold oatmeal mush, that has been very well boiled, and not burned, do just as well. Small grained oatmeal, given raw, or slightly scalded, and suffered to cool down to a very low degree of tepidity, will also be found useful and good. Do not forget that, in all probability, thirst will be present before hunger ; and there ought, therefore, always to be a flat, shallow pan or plate of clean spring water left within reach, and the hen herself, glad of a little refreshment after so long a task, will usually lead the way to it After a day or two, your chickens will eat any thing; but if they are of a delicate and valuable sort, chopped bits of fresh meat are an excellent nourishment. If the chickens be hatched during cold weather, they will require artificial warmth, or, at the very least, comfortable hous- ing. The kitchen of a farm-house will afford this in perfection ; but there is no occasion to follow the extra caution of Mr. Dickson, who is particular in re commending " cortfinement for Jive or six days in baskets lined ivith tow." Recollect that set- ting your hen in, or at the approach of, winter is stark folly ; freedom from annoyance, comfortable housing, and a sheltered walk, are all that they require ; an hour's sunshine is worth more than a year's wrapping up in tow. If your chicks be very weakly, you may cram them with crumbs of good white bread, steeped in milk ; but at the same time, recollect that their little crops are not capable of holding more than the bulk of a pea — ■ so rather under than over feed. If your hen has been much exhausted by hatching, you will do well to cram her with crumbs of bread steeped in port wine, or, in the absence of wine, diluted spirits or ginger-cordial may be used with effect ARTIFICIAL INCUBATION. 79 CHAPTER XI. ARTIFICIAL INCUBATION, ETC. We have been highly gratified in receiving the valuable article annexed, from Dr. E. G. Kelley, of Newburyport, who furnished it most cheerfully on our request. He states that his remarks were originally intended merely for a periodical ; but the reader will readily admit, after perusal, that their worth is intrinsic, and deserving of the most extended publication. ON ARTIFICIAL INCUBATION, AND ITS COMPARATIVE ADVAN- TAGES AND SEQUENCES OVER THE COMMON MODE. "From one year's trial, I am satisfied of the practicability and utility of hatching and rearing poultry artificially, and trust that breeders and fanciers will find it for their interest and gratifica- tion to turn their attention to the subject. As yet, it has only been a matter of exhibition in this country, so far as I am aware. But it is well known that the Egyptians have long had their hatching ovens in successful operation, and in France vari- ous methods of artificial incubation have been practised with good success. " The idea occurred to me about a year since, on observing eggs warm in a closet, through which a hot air pipe leads to my chambers. A case was forthwith made, five feet long, three high, and one foot wide ; with glass doors and three shelves, capable of containing four hundred eggs. Into this heated air was introduced from my house furnace, and kept at a tempera- ture of 90°, according to the ' Poulterer's Companion,' which afforded the only knowledge I then had of the process. " The eggs were put in on the 14th of February. In due time — no chicks appearing — they were examined. From their appearance, it was evident that the temperature had been too low. I at once placed a thermometer under a hen inclined to sit, when the mercury rose to 102°. This was repeated, with about the same result " Another lot of eggs was introduced on the 7th of March, and the temperature kept within a few degrees of the latter point 80 ARTIFICIAL INCUBATION. during the first two weeks. I examined an egg almost daily, to be assured of success, as well as to observe the successive development of the embryo chick, which was not the smallest gratification of the experiment. Every egg broken was vivified. On the 18th day of incubation, hatching commenced, though feebly. By chance, I discovered several full-grown chicks dead in the shells. The heat was immediately raised to 102°, for I had again foolishly followed the same authority, which directs to reduce the temperature the last week. Hatching soon progressed briskly. " By the 21st day, of the one hundred which burst the shell, I had secured eighty-eight strong, healthy chickens. The loss of the twelve was, perhaps, not a greater proportion than gen- erally occurs by the common mode ; and even this might have been obviated by more experience. About twenty per cent, were addled ; the remainder contained dead chickens. This mortality I attributed to the reduction of the temperature, together with too dry a state of the air, though water was con- stantly evaporated, both in the furnace and in the hatching oven. Some were found to have perforated the amnion, but were unable to reach the shell with their bills, and died exhausted. The unusual space between these two coverings might have been produced by too much evaporation from the egg ; or was it the consequence of not turning them ? " Believing the idea false, that fowls regularly turn their eggs, these were not even moved. Hereafter, I intend a portion shall be turned daily. I have also placed a hygrometer under fowls, at different stages of incubation, as a future guide in regulating the moisture. The relative proportion of defective eggs was about the same among those subsequently used in natural incu- bation. " Most of the eggs were placed upon old carpeting, in contact with each other. Some, by way of experiment, were half imbedded in sand, and a few were entirely covered for eighteen days, only one of which hatched. Others were enveloped in wool and cotton, with indifferent success. " For a self-regulating damper, three methods were succes- sively tried, each of which proved imperfect, through unskilful workmen and limited time ; consequently, graduating the heat was attended with no little inconvenience. My plo.n for the present is to let the warm air directly into a division of the small room containing the egg-case, the walls of the latter protecting the eggs from the changes consequent upon even a well-regulated damper. I have also doubled the number of shelves, intending to make another trial in March, which I find the proper time for successful rearing of the young, with the least care. ARTIFICIAL INCUBATION. 81 " It has been remarked, that more difficulty attends the raising of the brood than in hatching. Having been thus far minute, I will briefly state my subsequent management. " In a few hours after emerging from their imprisonment, they were passed to a large shelf in another part of the closet, where the temperature was somewhat lower, and there kept till three days old, requiring merely some old carpeting to be laid over them during the intervals of feeding, when all would be quiet. They were then removed to a well-lighted apartment in the cellar, through which the furnace smoke-pipe runs horizon- tally to the chimney. Under this pipe a floor was arranged, so that the little chicks could conveniently warm their backs. This floor was covered with old newspapers, and the upper layer removed as often as necessary. u A pipe also opened into this room from the furnace, so that the requisite or spare heat could be let in. The bottom of the room was soil, in which I had luckily sown some grain ; and among this the little birds revelled, scratching up and devouring root and blade of successive crops. " Their rapid growth and healthy appearance were remarkable, owing in some degree, doubtless, to a portion of their food. I chanced to think of the eggs used at my first trial as suitable for this purpose. These were so little changed, that when boiled hard and chopped fine, including the shells, they were eaten greedily. " As a covering at night, I tacked a few three-inch legs to a lamb's wool mat, (quite like the ' artificial mother ' recom- mended by writers,) but soon lost four by their getting entangled in the matted wool, the mat having been previously used. I should not again attempt to make use of any covering ; they do not seem to require it if the temperature is kept above 80° for a while. " No more were lost till they were as large as robins, and not allowed to go into the cellar, when they crowded together and suffocated three of their number. Only two more died during the summer. While confined to the cellar, some half dozen were affected with the flexing of the toes, and inability to walk, but they all recovered after being exposed to the open air. " I submit a few observations on the comparative success, profits, trouble, &c, of artificial incubation, and rearing of the young, with the common mode. My former attempts, however, should not serve as a criterion by which to judge of what has been or can be done. The ill success was owing chiefly to a false guide as to temperature ; and I would here take occasion to admonish those who may write or compi]e hereafter, to pub- lish nothing but what they know to be facts, or can vouch for as truth. 82 ARTIFICIAL INCUBATION. "Where proper attention has been paid to the subject, in the construction of suitable ovens, due regulation of the heat, the use of good eggs, and other less important points, success has been even better than generally attends efforts at early incuba- tion under fowls. Eggs collected during cold weather are liable to get chilled, and to be less prolific. But a less number of early chickens is as valuable as more of later ones, and decidedly more hardy to raise. " Chickens hatched in May are often injured or destroyed by cold storms. Out of about 200 such, I lost 26 during one long north-easter; while the early and motherless were so well feathered and vigorous, that but one puny one died at the same time, though equally exposed with the others. When pro- duced by artificial means, fowls may be kept free from vermin, a very important consideration. Old fowls are usually more or less infested with lice, and these are sure to prey upon the young when hatched by, or suffered to go with, the mother, and are frequently the cause of the stinted and drooping appear- ance of the brood, and sometimes of their death. Of 47 chickens of choice kinds hatched in July, and put with a hen which had sat six weeks, thereby becoming unusually infested, not one was alive in two weeks, and from no other apparent cause. Their heads were literally covered with these pests, but not discovered in season to remedy the evil. Indeed, I have never found it possible to entirely free my fowls of them by any means whatever. The only way is to start without them, and keep clear of other fowls. " So much is said at the present time of the profits of fowls, — and most people keep them for their income, — that I deem this subject especially worthy of the attention of those who enter into the business largely, and for profit. With this object in view, we must have chickens early in the season, and therefore by artificial means. One of the pullets which came out the last of March, laid the 6th of September, and others soon after, so that while the old fowls were moulting, and eggs becoming scarce and valuable, the early young ones were of decided profit. If they begin to lay in the fall, they may be kept laying most of the winter ; but, if too young for this, they will not generally lay till towards spring, when eggs are plenty, making quite an item of difference as to profit " Again, early fowls are fit for the market when they will command the highest price ; or they may be consumed in the family at the season when other flesh meats are not desirable. This is indeed a greater luxury than fresh-laid eggs, and at an extra outlay of only fourpence a pair for dressing ! " It is also worthy of remark, that during the process, not only ARTIFICIAL INCUBATION. 83 of hatching", but of rearing-, the hens may all be kept laying. Suppose I set 800 eggs — if under hens, they will require b'O hens — at least two months. In that time and season, good layers should produce 50 eggs each ; and, rating these at only a cent apiece, the amount would be thirty dollars : infinitely more than the expense of fuel for artificial heat. As to the relative num- ber of chickens, they cannot be ' reckoned,' &c. " During the past season, I raised over 150, in the usual way, and had ample opportunity to note the comparative trouble by each mode. Should I not succeed satisfactorily with my present arrangement, or with a more perfect apparatus, I shall be sure .to drop the hatching department altogether. "The vexation and care of brooding hens are almost innume- rable. They disturb the quiet of the flock, often sit irregularly, or upon the wrong nest, break more or less eggs, require each the same repeated attentions, are often irritable and belligerent, destroying some of their young while hatching, and afterwards rendering them wild and unmanageable. Whether cooped or suffered to go at large, they trample upon, or worry, the most feeble of the brood, kill those of another when possible, and lose many more by dampness, disease, storms, vermin, rats, cats, or other animals, in spite of the watchful care bestowed upon them. " All of these difficulties are merged in the one general and periodical supervision of the motherless company, though who- ever attends to these will not be wanting in maternal interest. In fine, there being no valid argument in favor of the services of the hen after producing the egg, (except the ' cruelty ' of the deprivation,) the case would seem to resolve itself into this — whether the old hens shall be gratified, or ourselves ! This question I leave open for abler pens. " A hundred, without an old one to teach them bad habits, are managed with less care, in many respects, than a common brood. Nothing occurs to disturb our equanimity ; but, on the contrary, much to felicitate and amuse. From their first liberation from the shell, no instinctive call for the mother is heard, unless they find themselves alone, and when put with their fellows become content They manifest not the least desire to be covered, if sufficiently warm ; run at the word of recognition, and, after a cold meal, regularly arrange them- selves on each side of the warm pipe, or ramble at their sports , many, however, straying far from their head-quarters. As weather permits, they will run out, and occupy the flower garden for a long time with impunity, if not for its benefit," 84 INSTRUCTIONS FOR CAPONIZIN^ CHAPTER XII. INSTRUCTIONS FOR CAPONIZING. Confessedly the best essay on the subject of Caponizing, we have seen, is by Mr. Bela Badger, of Philadelphia, which appeared in the Albany Cultivator for 1842. Instruments for Caponizing. Fig. 1. ^ " ° A. %«* * ^ ^ - u ' * * O A^ o ° " c + <^ O^ " C u ♦ O N ft + "- < 3=^ HECKMAN BINDERY INC. & SEP 84 N. MANCHESTER, ^SH^ INDIANA 46962 ** ** * V^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ■•"■■•»«« urn ii urn ii ii | ii i i|i i 002 840 0214