T A 424 Xs Issued June 12, 1911. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, FOREST SERVICE— BULLETIN 84. HENRY S. GRAVES, Forester. PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT OF POLES. COMPILED BY WILLIAM H. KEMPFER, FOREST ASSISTANT. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1911. • r l^l Glass 'A 4^ Book /; Issued June 12, 10 11. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, FOREST SERVICE— BULLETIN 84 HENRY S. GRAVES, Forester. PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT OF POLES. COMPILED BY WILLIAM H. KEMPFER, FOREST ASSISTANT, WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1911. ^ LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Washington, D. C, October 15, 1910. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a manuscript entitled "Preservative Treatment of Poles," compiled by William H. Kempfer, Forest Assistant, and to recommend its publication as Bulletin 84 of the Forest Service. This bulletin is compiled in part from previous publications of the Forest Service, namely, Circulars 103, "Seasoning of Telephone and Telegraph Poles," by Henry Grinnell; No. 104, "Brush and Tank Pole Treatments," by Carl G. Crawford; No. 136, "Seasoning and Preservative Treatment of Arborvitse Poles," by C. Stowell Smith; and No. 147, "Progress in Chestnut Pole Preser- vation," by Howard F. Weiss. It presents, in addition, results of more recent experiments, especially those of O. T. Swan, Forest Assistant, who is also the author of the design for open-tank pole- treating plants. The inspection report contained in the Appendix was made by the compiler. Respectfully, Henry S. Graves, Forester. Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. U)N CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 7 General principles of wood preservation 7 Forest Service investigations 8 Resume of projects : 9 Results of seasoning tests. . . : 10 Loss of weight 10 Rate of seasoning 11 Factors affecting seasoning 11 Checking 12 Shrinkage 13 Brush method of treating poles 13 Open-tank process of treating poles 14 Manner of application 15 Duration of treatment 15 Temperature of hot bath 16 Influence of rate of growth ; , . . 16 Influence of moisture '. . 16 Influence of season of cutting 17 Influence of soaking in water 17 Advantages and limitations of the open-tank process 17 Results of treatments, by species _ 18 Chestnut ." 18 Brush treatments 18 Tank treatments 19 Southern white cedar 20 Northern white cedar 20 Brush treatments 21 Tank treatments 21 Western red cedar 22 Brush treatments 22 Tank treatment with creosote 23 Tank treatment with zinc chlorid 25 Other treatments 26 Western yellow pine 26 Brush treatments 26 Tank treatments with creosote 27 Tank treatments with zinc chlorid 28 Tank treatment with creosote and zinc chlorid 28 Tank treatments with crude petroleum 28 Lodgepole pine 29 Loblolly pine 29 Cypress 30 3 CONTENTS. Page. Design and operation of pole-treating plants 30 Experimental plants 30 Commercial plant for butt treatments 31 Cost of operation 32 Design of plant for treatment of the entire pole 33 Cost of pole treatments 34 Tank treatment with creosote 34 Tank treatment with zinc chlorid " 34 Tank treatment with crude petroleum 35 Brush treatment 35 Increased life afforded by preservative treatment 35 Financial saving 36 Relation of preservative treatments to pole specifications 38 Growth and form of poles 38 Summary 39 Appendix. Report of inspection of experimental poles 41 Discussion of results .' 44 Southern white cedar poles 44 Chestnut poles 45 Irregularities in results 45 Height of decay above ground line 45 Deterioration shown by change of grades 46 Analysis of preservatives used in the treatment of poles set in the Augusta- Savannah and Helena-Meldrin lines 46 Preservative sold as Avenarius Carbolineum 47 Preservative sold as S. P. F. Carbolineum 47 Preservative sold as Spirittine 47 Coal tar creosote 48 Preservative sold as Imperial Wood Preservative 48 Preservative sold as Creolin 48 Detailed tables and curves showing rate of seasoning of poles 49 Table 27. — Rate of seasoning of southern white cedar poles at Wilmington, N. C 49 Table 28. — Rateof seasoning of chestnut poles at Pisgah, N. C 50 Table 29. — Rate of seasoning of chestnut poles at Dover, N.J 50 Table 30. — Rate of seasoning of chestnut poles at Thorndale, Pa 51 Table 31. — Rate of seasoning of chestnut poles at Parkton, Md 51 Table 32. — Rate of seasoning of northern white cedar poles at Escanaba, Mich 52 Table 33. — Rate of seasoning of western red cedar poles at Los Angeles, Cal 53 Table 34. — Rate of seasoning of western yellow pine poles at Northfork, Madera County, Cal 54 ILLUSTRATIONS. Plate I. Fig. 1. — Treating southern white cedar by -brush method. Fig. 2. — Treating chestnut poles by open-tank method 16 II. Fig. 1. — Untreated pole of southern white cedar. Fig. 2. — Creosoted loblolly pine pole after eighteen years' service 24 III. Fig. 1 — Cross section of the butt of a treated western red cedar pole. Fig. 2. — Cross section of the butt of a treated yellow pine pole 24 IV. Cross section of a small loblolly pine pole treated with creosote 28 TEXT FIGURES. Fig. 1. Progress of decay in an untreated pole 12 2. An S iron driven in the butt of a pole _ 13 3. Open tank and gin pole used in experimental pole treatments 31 4. Plan of a commercial plant for the butt treatment of poles 32 5. Plan of a commercial plant where the entire pole is to be treated 32 6. Diagram showing condition of experimental poles 42 7. Rate of seasoning of southern white cedar poles, Wilmington, N. C. . . 49 8. Rate of seasoning of chestnut poles, Parkton, Md 52 9. Rate of seasoning of northern white cedar poles, Escanaba, Mich 52 10. Rate of seasoning of western red cedar poles, Los Angeles, Cal 53 11. Rate of seasoning of western yellow pine poles, Madera County, Cal. . . 55 5 PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT OF POLES. INTRODUCTION. Users of poles in all parts of the country are alive to the necessity of obtaining increased length of service from their poles. This interest has been stimulated by the tendency toward advancing prices of forest products and apprehension with regard to the future supply. Realizing the need for more information along this line, the Forest Service a number of years ago began investigations of meth- ods for prolonging the life of poles, and during the past four years a number of circulars a giving the progress of experiments have been published. This bulletin aims to sum up the results that have already been published, and to present additional data and information, gained by the more recent investigations. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF WOOD PRESERVATIONS Except in very warm and moist climates, a pole which is placed on skids and allowed to become air dry does not decay, because it does not contain sufficient moisture to support the growth of fungi and wood- boring insects, which are the causes of decay. However, if the pole is set, that portion of it in contact with the soil will absorb moisture until conditions favorable to decay are restored. To prevent decay in timber exposed to the soil or moist air, the wood substance, which a The Bureau of Entomology also has published results of investigations of damage to forest products by insects, in which it is shown that injury to pole timber and the commercial and utilized product by wood-boring insects contributes to direct deteri- oration and subsequent decay, and that much of this loss can be prevented by proper methods of management and treatment with preservatives. Attention is called to the following publications: Insect Injuries to Forest Products, by A. D. Hopkins, Bureau of Entomology, Yearbook, Department of Agriculture, 1904, pp. 381 to 398. Bulletin 58, Part V, Some Insects Injurious to Forests, Insect Depredations in North American Forests and Practical Methods of Prevention and Control , by A . D. Hopkins, in charge of Forest Insect Investigations, December, 1909, pp. 64 to 67, 79 to 81, and 84. Bulletin 94, Part I, Damage to Chestnut Telephone and Telegraph Poles by Wood-boring Insects, by Thos. E. Snyder, Agent and Expert, Bureau of Entomology. The references to insects in this bulletin are based to a large extent on information supplied by the Bureau of Entomology. b For a more complete discussion of this subject, see Forest Service Bulletin 78, "Wood Preservation in the United States." 7 8 PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT OF POLES. is the food of the decay-producing organisms, must be rendered inca- pable of supporting fungous growth. In commercial timber- treating practice this is accomplished by the injection of antiseptics. It is not usually practicable even with the best methods of treat- ment, except in the case of very porous woods, to impregnate the wood throughout. The value of the treatment consists largely in creat- ing an outer protective envelope around the untreated interior wood. The thickness necessary for this envelope to give efficient protection depends on the use to which the timber is to be put. In general, the antiseptic should penetrate deep enough to prevent exposure of the untreated wood by abrasion, checking, or other action. Since the liability of the protective zone to destruction from mechanical causes or by gradual volatilization of the oil is dependent on its thickness, or, in other words, on the quantity of preservative ab- sorbed and the depth of penetration, it is reasonable to assume that within certain limits the added life of the timber due to treatment with a given preservative will be in approximate ratio to the amount of penetration and absorption of the preservative. FOUEST SERVICE INVESTIGATIONS. Knowledge of the results of creosote treatment is based largely on treatments made by the pressure method, using from 8 to 12 pounds or more of creosote to the cubic foot of timber. In spite of the excellent results that have been obtained by such treatment, it has been but little used by pole consumers, except in certain parts of the South, where exceptionally rapid dec a}'' makes preservative treat- ment imperative. The chief hindrances to a more general adoption of creosote treatment for poles have been the high cost of the treat- ment and the expense of transporting the timber to a distant point for treating. The investigations of the Forest Service. have, there- fore, been concerned mostly with cheaper and simpler methods, and with treatments winch could be applied locally without the erection of elaborate and expensive plants. Much attention has been given to the seasoning of poles, since proper seasoning not only prepares poles to receive the preservative treatment, but, under certain con- ditions, may be in itself a means of increasing their durability. The treating investigations proper have followed three general lines: (1 ) Testing the efficiency of various wood preservatives and of applications of varying amounts, (2) The developing of a method for impregnating the portion of a pole most subject to decay — the butt. (3) Designing of inexpensive apparatus suited to the treatment of poles in small quantities, or in such quantities as local needs may require. KESTJME OF PEOJECTS. 9 In these investigations much assistance has been received from a number of electrical companies, which have placed poles at the dis- posal of the Forest Service for the tests and contributed funds toward paying the cost of the investigations. The experimental poles, in most instances, have been placed in service by the companies inter- ested, and in such a manner that durability records may be obtained from them. These records will prove a source of further information on the efficiency of the treatments. RESUME OF PROJECTS. In 1902 field investigations were begun in cooperation with the American Telephone and Telegraph Company. The project as finally developed included chestnut, southern white cedar, and northern white cedar a poles, experiments with the first being conducted in North Carolina, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland, with the second in North Carolina, and with the third in Michigan. Another project undertaken in cooperation with a number of pole-using com- panies in California, 6 included a study of the treatment of western yellow pine and western red cedar poles. Further sources of the information were afforded by treatments of lodgepole pine poles at a plant erected by the Forest Service on the Sopris National Forest at Norrie, Colo., and of loblolly pine poles at a plant designed by the Forest Service and erected by the North Louisiana Telephone Com- pany at Winnfield, La. In addition to the tests in seasoning and treating, a number of experimental pole lines have been set, in which poles treated with various preservatives have been placed alongside of untreated ones in order that their durability might be compared. a This tree ( Thuja occidentalis) has in earlier publications of the Forest Service been referred to under the common name of arborvitse. It is, however, usually known by lumbermen and woodsmen generally as "white cedar." The name "white cedar" has in Forest Service publications been used to designate Chamsecyparis thyoides, which is also most widely known as "white cedar." This latter tree, though sometimes found as far north as southern Maine, is of commercial importance chiefly south of Delaware and New Jersey. Thuja occidentalis, common in the northern woods of New England, New York, and the Lake States, occurs as far south as North Carolina and Tennessee, but only in the mountains where the elevation is sufficiently great to permit northern species to thrive. To distinguish these two species without doing violence to ordinary usage, Thuja occidentalis, or "arborvitse," will in the present bulletin receive the name of northern white cedar, and Chamsecyparis thyoides the name of southern white cedar. The western species, Thuja plicata, formerly designated in Forest Service publications as "giant arborvitse," and most commonly known in the West as red cedar, will be called in the present bulletin western red cedar. b The following companies contributed to the support of that project: Edison Elec- tric Company, Home Telephone Company, Los Angeles Gas and Electric Company, Los Angeles-Pacific Kailway Company, Pacific Electric Company, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Pacific Light and Power Company, and San Joaquin Light and Power Company. 72742°— Bull. 84—11—2 10 PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT OF POLES. RESULTS OF SEASONING TESTS. LOSS OF WEIGHT. Table 1 shows in round numbers the weight lost by poles during seasoning until approximately air-dry. After the weights shown in this table have been reached, loss of moisture does not cease, but may continue at a decreasing rate for many months. Table 1. — Weight lost during seasoning of poles until approximately air-dry. Species. Dura- tion of season- ing. Green weight per cubic foot. "Seasoned weight per cubic foot. Green weight lost. Total weight lost per pole. Nominal size of poles. Average volume of poles. Diame- ter. Length. Months. 4- 8 3- 8 6-12 3- 5 Pounds. 56 a 37 33 6 33 65 Pounds. 47 26 25 25 33 Per cent. 16 30 24 24 49 Pounds. 180 228 141 219 835 Inches. 7 7 7 8 8 Feet. 30 30 30 40 40 Cubicfeet. 20.00 Southern white cedar Northern white cedar 20.76 17.62 27.34 Western yellow pine 3- 9 26.10 a Weight on arriving at Wilmington, N. C, after rafting down the river. & Approximate weight on arriving at southern California ports after transportation by boat from Puget Sound. Some of the shipments weighed more. The limits of seasoning given in Table 1 are such as would be feasible in commercial practice, and indicate the weight poles must reach in order that the main bulk of the water which may be gotten rid of by air seasoning shall be evaporated. This means a loss ordi- narily of from 16 to 30 per cent of the original weight, amounting to from 141 to 228 pounds per pole in these tests, and for western yellow pine the enormous loss of 49 per cent, or 835 pounds per pole, occurred. Table 2 illustrates the saving in transportation charges possible through pole seasoning. Table 2. — Saving in freight charges effected by seasoning of poles. a Species. Seasoned poles re- quired for minimum carload of 40,000 pounds. Total de- crease in weight due to seasoning. Saving in freight on carload lots. 25-cent rate. 15-cent rate. Chestnut Southern white cedar Northern white cedar Western red cedar Western yellow pine . Number. Pounds. 7,700 16, 900 12, 800 12,900 38,400 Dollars. 19.25 42.25 32.00 32.25 96.00 Dollars. 11.55 25.35 19.20 19.35 57.60 o Based on sizes and weights of poles given in Table 1. RESULTS OF SEASONING TESTS. 11 RATE OF SEASONING. The rate at which wood seasons is dependent on many factors, most important of which are climatic and seasonal conditions. Two poles of the same species and in the same locality, but cut at different times of the year, will require different periods of time to lose equal amounts of moisture. Table 3 shows in detail the time required for poles cut at different seasons of the year to reach the degree of dryness given in Table 1 . Table 3. — Time required for poles cut at different periods of the year to season to approxi- mately air-dry weight. Location of test. Time required for seasoning. Species. Spring- cut. Summer- cut. Autumn- cut. Winter- cut. Months. 5 3 ■ 12 f a& 4 \ c (3) S Months. 4 • 3 9 a5 c(6) 3 Months. 8 8 7 i3 c(7) 9 Months. 7 5 6 Wilmington, Cal a3 c(4) 6 a Period of seasoning computed from time poles arrived at Wilmington three to seven months after cutting. b Weight of spring-cut poles at termination of test, 28 pounds per cubic foot, c Period in storage and in transit, during which time little seasoning took place. Poles cut during the spring and summer dry rapidly and, except in the case of white cedar in the latitude of northern Michigan, reach an approximately air-dry condition before the following winter. White cedar poles cut during the spring and summer did not become air-dry until the following year, and required more time than poles cut during the autumn and winter to reach an equal degree of dry- ness, the autumn-cut and winter-cut poles becoming dry by the fol- lowing summer. However, during the early part of this experiment the poles lay on skids in the woods, where seasoning was retarded by lack of air circulation and sunshine, and by the swampy character of the soil. In February all poles, consisting of monthly cuts from April to December, inclusive, were removed to the Escanaba yard, where conditions were much more favorable to rapid seasoning. The irregularity in the results of the western red cedar tests was caused by the long period the poles were in storage (in water) and in transit, piled solidly on the decks of vessels, little seasoning taking place during this period. FACTORS AFFECTING SEASONING. The effect of the climatic conditions of different seasons of the year and of various regions in which the tests were made has already been brought out in Table 3, and is more fully shown in the detailed season- 12 PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT OF POLES. ing tables and curves in the Appendix. Besides climatic and seasonal conditions, many other factors affect the rate of drying out of poles, among which are the following: (1) Method of piling. — In the tests the poles were spread out in single layers on skids, in which form seasoning is most rapid. Season- ing will be much retarded if the poles are stacked in solid piles, and if that form of pile is used in a warm, moist climate, decay or injury by wood-boring insects is likely to follow should the poles be held for any considerable period. (2) Exposure. — Seasoning is hastened by having the poles exposed to a free circulation of air. An open place free from underbrush or other rank growth should be chosen for the skidways. Shade does not seem to retard the loss of moisture, provided the circu- lation of air is not impeded. (3) Soaking. — Poles that were soaked from two to four weeks in water dried out very rapidly and in a compara- tively short time reached the same degree of dryness as other poles cut at the same time and not soaked. Thereafter the seasoning of both proceeded at practi- cally the same rate. CHECKING. Fig. 1.— The shaded areas show progress of decay in an While rapid Seasoning untreated pole. Seasoning checks, by increasing the k : f noss ibla to realize amount of surface exposed, may hasten decay. maKes ll pObSlDie LO ie: t 7 /O 20 SO 40 SO 60 70 /O 20 30 40 SO SO TO SO SO /C PERCENT OE POLES LEGE ■■ 'SOCIAIO 1 1 S^Si LESS TrtA/V /O'A OP SAPWOOO |:*:-:-:*J OECAYED (cEOAR POLES ) Egg%3 PARTIAL DECAY 1 OE SAPWOOO TOTAL DECAY OP SAPWOO0 HfOPE E//AAI 10 % OP" SAPWOOO DECAYED (CEDA/? POLES) (c//EsrA/t/r poles) Fig. 6. — Diagram showing condition of experimental poles. APPENDIX. 43 It should not be inferred, however, that because a pole is classed in the latter group decay is necessarily of a serious character, as in most cases the amount of heartwood decayed is small. The class indicates only that decay has extended beyond the sapwood portion into the heartwood without regard to the amount of decay. A very few of the poles were decayed to such an extent that replacement was required. The number of such is also noted. Table 23. — Summary of condition of southern white cedar poles in experimental line established in cooperation with the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company near Savannah, Ga. Treatment. Total num- ber. Sound poles. 10 per cent or less of sapwood decayed. More than 10 per cent; less than total decay of sap- wood. Total decay of sap- wood. Decay in heart- wood. Replace- ment, needed. Untreated seasoned poles . . Untreated green poles Preservative sold as Ave- narius Carbolineum (2 104 96" 24 21 3 33 15 24 24 24 12 24 No. p.ct: No. 1 7 7 5 P.ct. 1 7 29 24 No. 51 45 1 2 2 P.ct 49 47 4 9 67 No. 52 43 P.ct. 50 45 No. 6 2 1 P.ct. 6 2 4 No. 1 P.ct. 1 1 16 14 1 23 10 16 14 ' 5 1 67 67 33 70 67 67 5S 21 Preservative sold as S. P. F. Carbolineum (2 coats). Preservative sold as S. P. F. Carbolineum (1 coat) . . 10 5 8 9 13 30 33 33 38 54 Preservative sold as Spirit- Preservative sold as Impe- rial Wood Preservative 1 6 10 12 4 25 83 50 Preservative sold as Creo- Coal tar (green poles) Coal tar (seasoned poles).. . 2 11 17 46 1 4 Table 24. — Summary of condition of chestnut poles in experimental line established in cooperation with the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company near Savan- nah, Ga. Treatment. Total num- ber. Sound poles. Partial de- cay of sap- wood. Total de- cay of sap- wood. Decay in heartwood. Replace- ment, needed. Untreated seasoned poles Untreated green poles Preservative sold as Avenarius Carbolineum (2 coats) Preservative sold as Avenarius Carbolineum (1 coat) Preservative sold as S. P. F. Car- bolineum (2 coats) Preservative sold as S. P. F. Car- bolineum (1 coat) Creosote (1 coat) Creosote (2 coats) Creosote (3 coats) Preservative sold as Spirittine (3 coats) Preservative sold as Imperial Wood Preservative (2 coats). . . Preservative sold as Creolin (2 coats) Coal tar (green poles) Coal tar (seasoned poles) Pine tar 114 95 18 4 18 2 3 39 6 24 24 24 8 21 7 No. P.ct. 50 78 100 33 62 67 63 63 71 ..... No. 12 7 1 1 3 P.ct. 11 7 6 25 17 No. 102 P.ct. 89 93 25 6 No. 70 35 P.ct. 61 37 No. 1 P.ct. 1 2 44 PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT OE POLES. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS. SOUTHERN WHITE CEDAR POLES. With the exception of the tar and creolin treatments and a few treatments with only one coat of carbolineum or creosote, from 58 to 70 per cent of the treated cedar poles are in a perfect state of preservation. On the other hand, the sapwood of the untreated poles is in nearly every case completely or almost completely decayed, and in a few cases the decay extends to the heartwood. While all the poles having more than 10 per cent decay, yet less than total decay of the sapwood, are put into one group, the proportion of the untreated poles in this group that falls near the upper limits in amount of decay found is much greater than that of the treated poles. When decay occurred in the treated poles (referring only to those treatments which show a high percentage of sound poles) it was found most often in sapwood which was not penetrated by the pre- servative, the outer wood to a depth of perhaps a quarter of an inch, or as deep as the preservative had penetrated, being in a sound condition. Moreover, such decay was usually small in amount and occurred in strips frequently only a few inches wide, extending lengthwise of the pole. White ants, or termites, were very com- monly found in the poles; like decay, their destruction was confined largely to the untreated poles and to wood which the preservative had not reached beneath the protecting bands of the treated poles. These insects excavate galleries in the wood, and it is believed that to a considerable extent they hasten decay.® However, as the borings of the termites were in nearly all cases accompanied by decay, it was usually impossible to determine which agency was primarily responsible for the destruction, and in the tables no distinction is made between these two causes of deterioration. N The amount of deterioration was determined by measuring the cir- cumference just above the decayed portion and the circumference of the sound wood at the point of greatest decay, first scraping away the disintegrated wood. The difference between these two measure- ments gives the approximate amount of deterioration, which for 100 poles, having all the sapwood decayed, was on an average 4.03 inches. This corresponds to an average depth of decay of approximately five- eighths of an inch for these poles. Other poles similarly decayed, but on which good measurements could not be obtained, are not counted in this average. ° It is stated by the Bureau of Entomology that white ants, while usually confining their work to the outer layers of wood where there is incipient decay, will often com- pletely honeycomb the sound wood of poles. APPENDIX. 45 CHESTNUT POLES. The same general conditions apply to the chestnut poles, but decay is less in amount, although the number of poles having decay of heartwood is very much greater. The sapwood of chestnut is narrow and its decay does not appreciably affect the strength of the pole. Decay does not, however, halt when it reaches the heartwood, but continues steadily, although probably at a decreased rate. The average depth of decay on 222 chestnut poles having at least all of the sapwood decayed was found to be 0.25 of an inch. IRREGULARITIES IN RESULTS. Several irregularities appear in the results of the tests as shown by the tables ; these, however, may be regarded as largely accidental and do not destroy the value of the whole. For example, two chestnut poles were treated with only one coat of the preservative sold as car- bolineum. Both are sound, and therefore the percentage of sound poles under this head is 100. Eighteen poles were given two coats of the same preservative ; of these 14, or 78 per cent, are sound. It is not a necessary conclusion that one coat of this preservative is more efficient than two coats, although it might be concluded that one coat affords an effective treatment. Even the latter conclusion is not entirely warranted after a comparison with the results obtained from one and two coats of other preservatives and from one coat of the same preservative on cedar poles. A somewhat similar case is shown in the creosote treatments on cedar poles. Thirty-three were treated with two coats of creosote and 15 with three coats. Seventy per cent of those treated with two coats are sound and only 67 per cent of those receiving three coats. The conclusion is not that two coats are more efficient than three, but in the absence of other data we may infer that a third coat does not add to the efficiency of the treatment. HEIGHT OF DECAY ABOVE GROUND LINE. The height above ground line to which decay extended was noted on 301 cedar poles. On most the decay did not extend upward more than one-half foot, and in relatively few cases did it extend more than 2 feet above ground, the height depending to a large extent on the character of the vegetation in the immediate vicinity of the pole. Table 25. — Height of decay above ground line — Cedar poles. Height of decay above ground. Number of poles. Per cent. 205 96 46 18 5 68 32 15 6 2 46 PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT OF POLES. The sapwood of chestnut poles has a tendency to flake off, and the surface of the poles is frequently scaly. Aside from this scaling off of the sapwood, decay did not extend any appreciable distance above the ground. It appears from Table 25 that if cedar poles be treated to a height of 2 to 3 feet above the ground, ample protection from decay will be afforded. Treatment need not extend any higher on chestnut poles, and possibly may be somewhat lower with safety. DETERIORATION SHOWN BY CHANGE OF GRADES. A grading of the untreated cedar poles was made, based on the butt circumference given in the specifications of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and upon the measurements, already described, of the poles after use. The number of poles in each class graded by circumference above the decayed portion and the grading of the same poles based on the circumference of sound wood at the point of greatest decay is shown in Table 26: Table 26. — Grading of -poles based on original butt circumference and circumference of sound ivood at time of inspection. Classes. Number of poles, graded by original circum- ference. Number of poles, graded by circum- ference of sound wood at time of inspection, by classes. A. B. c. D. E. Below E. A B C D Total.... 56 70 35 18 16 31 27 . 9 32 9 9 10 5 1 6 4 1 10 9 179 16 58 50 24 11 20 Of the 179 poles included in the above classification, only 57 have not been lowered in grade because of deterioration in circumference due to decay. The remaining 122, or 68 per cent, have deteriorated enough to require that they be classed at least one grade lower, and, of these, 45 must be classed at least two grades lower, while of a few the deterioration is even greater. ANALYSIS OF PRESERVATIVES USED IN THE TREATMENT OF POLES SET IN THE AUGUSTA-SAVANNAH AND HELENA-MELDRIN LINES. a Samples of the preservatives used for the treatment of experi- mental poles in the Augusta-Savannah and Helena-Meldrin lines were analyzed by the engineering department of the American Tele- phone and Telegraph Company. These analyses were made in a Reprinted from Forest Service Circular 104, with names of preservatives added. APPENDIX. 47 accordance with the company's methods for the analysis of creosote and carbolineum standard at the time these treatments were made (1905). The results of the analyses follow: Preservative sold as Avenarius Carbolineum. a Color Specific gravity at 17° C. . . Mineral matter Flashing point Burning point Distillates: Below 235° C Loss From 235° C. to 315° C Residue above 315° C. Solids, 1.7° C to 4.4° C Tar acids Red-brown... 1.121 0.160 137° C 164° C 0.41 per cent. . 0.19 per cent.. 19.16 per cent. 70.24 per cent. No separation 1.12 per cent.. Red-brown. 1.122. 0.050. 137° C. 168° C. 0.61 per cent. 0.22 per cent. 26.97 per cent. 72.20 per cent. No separation. 1.16 per cent. a Manufacturers' analysis: Color, red-brown; specific gravity at 21° C, 1.126; viscosity at 21° 0, 115.860; mineral matter (ash), 0.047 per cent; flashing point, 127° C; burning point, 179° O; distillates — from 220° C. to 260° C, 4.5 per cent; rom 260° C. to 274° C, 1 per cent; from 274° C. to 302° C, 20 per cent; naphtha- lene, very slight trace; mineral acids (HCl,H.2SO.i), very slight trace; phenols, very slight trace. Preservative sold as S. P. F. Carbolineum. Series I. Series II. Color Specific gravity at 17° C. . . Flashing point Burning point Distillates: Below 235° C Loss From 235° C. to 315° C Residue over 315° C... Solids, 1.7° C. to 4.4° C... Tar acids Mineral matter Red-brown... 1.134 135° C 163° C 0.35 percent.. 0.13 per cent.. 28.84 per cent. 70.68 per cent. No separation 1.30 percent.. 0.31 percent.. Red-brown. 1.134. 135° C. 162° C. 0.31 per cent. 0.19 per cent. 30.10 per cent. 69.40 per cent. No separation. 1.30 per cent. 0.47 per cent. Preservative sold as Spirittine. a Series I. Series II. Color Specific gravity at 17° C... Flashing point Burning point Distillates: Below 235° C Loss From 235° C. to 315° C Residue above 315° C. Solids, 1.7° C. to 4.4° C... Tar acids Mineral matter Green-black. . 1.032 90°C 99° C 15.14 per cent. 0.65 per cent.. 26.23 per cent. 57.98 per cent. No separation 15.40 per cent 0.14 per cent.. Green-black. 1.031. 90° C. 101° C. 14.97 per cent. 0.53 per cent. 25.60 per cent. 58.90 per cent. No separation. 16.30 per cent. 0.02 per cent. a Manufacturers' analysis: Color, green-black; specific gravity, 1.03; flashing point, 78° C; burning point, 93° C; distillates— below 315° C, 37.40 per cent; above 315° C, 52.69 per cent; coke and gas corre- sponding to, 9.91 per cent. 48 PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT OE POLES. Coal-tar creosote. Series I. Series II. Color Specific gravity at 38° C... Distillates: Below 170° C From 170° C. to 205° C From 205° C. to 210° C From 210° C. to 235° C From 235° C. to 240° C From 240° C. to 270° C From 270° C. to 300° C 'Residue above 300° C. Loss Total Naphthalene Liquid at Tar acids Greenish-brown 1.035 0.17 per cent. 1.25 percent. 1.14 per cent. 43. 96 per cent . 6. 66 per cent. 19. 48 per cent. 10. 07 per cent. 17. 00 per cent. 0.27 per cent. 100. 00 per cent. 45.10 per cent.. 38° C 9 c. c Greenish-brown. 1.035. 0. 09 per cent. 0. 70 per cent. 0. 74 per cent. 45. 92 per cent. 6. 12 per cent. 20. 03 per cent. 9. 61 per cent. 16. 30 per cent. 0. 49 per cent. 100. 00 per cent. 46.00 per cent. 38° C. 8.3 c. c. Preservative sold as Imperial Wood Preservative. Color Specific gravity at 17° C. . . Flashing point Burning point Distillates: Below 235° C Loss From 235° C. to 315° C Residue at 315° C Solids 1.7° C. to 4.4° C Tar acids Mineral matter Series I. Series IT. Greenish-black Greenish-black. 1.035 1.035. 115° C 111° C. 129° C 123° C. 2.51 per cent 3.65 per cent. 0.29 per cent 0.51 per cent. 26.00 per cent 24.74 per cent. 71.20 per cent 71.10 per cent. No separation No separation. 13.70 per cent 11.80 per cent. 0.04 per cent Preservative sold as Creolin. Series I. Series II. Color Specific gravity at 38° C Distillates: * . Below 170° C From 170° C. to 205° C. From 205° C. to 210° C. From 210° C. to 235° C. From 235° C. to 240° C. From 240° C. to 270° C. From 270° C. to 300° C. Above 300° C Loss Total... Naphthalene. Water Tar acids Note Light brown . 1.007 26. 66 per cent... 17. 39 per cent... 9. 27 per cent . . . 25. 92 per cent... > 15. 98 per cent... 4. 24 per cent . . . 0. 54 per cent . . . 100. 00 per cent 35.19percent 20.00 per cent 19c. c Sticks and other foreign matter present. Light brown. 1.005. 96. 90 per cent. 0. 10 per cent. 0. 15 per cent. 0. 85 per cent. 2. 00 per cent. 100. 00 per cent. None. 90 per cent. 1 c. c. Sticks, sand, and other foreign matter present. APPENDIX. 49 DETAILED TABLES AND CURVES SHOWING RATE OF SEASONING OF POLES.- Table 27. — Rate of seasoning of southern white cedar poles at Wilmington, N. C. a Duration of sea- soning. Spring cut. Summer cut. Autumn cut. Winter cut. Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content, b Weight per cubic loot. Moisture content, s Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content, b Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content. 6 Months. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Pounds. 34.8 27.7 26.3 25.9 25.7 25.6 25.5 25.4 25.4 25.3 25.0 Per cent of dry- weight. 68 34 27 25 24 24 23 23 23 22 21 Pounds. 36.6 28.5 .26.8 26.5 26.5 26.7 26.8 27.0 26.9 26.7 26.7 2G.6 26.5 26.4 26.2 26.2 26.1 26.0 Per cent of dry weight. 77 38 29 28 28 29 29 30 30 29 29 29 28 28 27 27 26 26 Pounds. 38.7 29.5 27.9 27.7 27.5 27.2 26.7 26.5 26.2 26.0 25.9 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.8 Per cent of dry weight. 87 43 35 34 33 31 29 28 27 26 25 24 24 24 24 24 25 Pounds. 38.9 29.9 28.3 26.7 26.5 26.0 25.7 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 Per cent of dry weight. 88 44 37 29 28 26 24 24 24 24 23 23 23 23 i a Based on six hundred 25-foot and 30-foot poles. The average volume of 30-foot poles was 20.76 cubic feet, and of 25-foot poles, 14.53 feet. b Dry weight, according to Sharpless (Vol. IX, Tenth Census), is 20.7 pounds per cubic foot. 1 k in r 1 V* ^-, \^ , \ 13 /■*• /S /B 17 Fig. 7. — Rate of seasoning of southern white cedar poles, Wilmington, N. C. 50 PRESEKVATIVE TREATMENT OP POLES. Table 2S. — Rate of seasoning of chestnut poles at Pisgah, N. C. a Duration of sea- soning. Spring cut. Summer cut. Autumn cut. Winter cut. Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content. Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content. Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content. Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content. Months. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Pounds. 55.2 52.3 50.2 49.1 48.4 48.1 47.7 46.8 Per cent of dry weight. 97 86 79 75 72 71 70 67 Pounds. 53.5 50.6 48.3 47.0 46.3 46.0 45.8 45.7 45.7 45.3 44.8 43.8 43.5 43.3 43.3 43.2 Per cent of dry weight. 91 80 72 67 65 64 63 63 63 61 60 56 55 54 54. 54 Pounds. 54.7 51.7 50.3 49.9 49.6 49.0 48.8 48.3 47.3 46.4 45.8 45.5 44.8 Per cent of dry weight. 95 84 79 78 77 75 74 72 69 65 63 62 60 Pounds. 56.5 54.3 52.7 51.5 50.7 49.8 49.2 48.3 47.7 47.5 47.2 Per cent of dry weight. 101 93 88 83 81 77 75 72 70 69 68 a Based on six hundred 25-foot and 30-foot poles. The average volume of 30-foot poles was 21.12 cubic feet, and of 25-foot poles 14.70 cubic feet. Table 29. — Rate of seasoning of chestnut poles at Dover, N. J. a Duration of sea- soning. Spring cut. Summer cut. Autumn cut. Winter cut. Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content. Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content. Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content. Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content. Months. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Pounds. 50.8 49.0 47.5 46.5 46.0 45.5 45.1 44.5 Per cent of dry weight. 81 75 69 66 64 62 61 59 Pounds. 51.5 48.8 47.4 46.8 46.6 46.4 46.2 46.1 45.7 45.0 44.0 43.4 43.0 42.7 42.4 Per cent of dry weight. 83 74 69 67 66 65 65 64 63 . 60 57 55 53 52 51 Pounds. 50.8 48.4 47.2 47.0 46.8 46.6 46.2 45.5 44.7 43.9 43.2 42.8 42.5 42.2 Per cent of dry weight. 81 72 68 67 67 66 65 62 59 56 54 52 51 50 Pounds. 51.8 50.8 49.8 48.7 47.5 46.3 45.3 44.5 44.1 43.8 43.2 Per cent of dry weight. 85 81 77 73 69 65 61 59 57 56 54 a Based on four hundred 30-foot poles. Volume, 22 cubic feet. APPENDIX. 51 Table 30. — Rate of seasoning of chestnut poles at Thorndale, Pa. a Duration of sea- soning. Spring cut (vol- ume, 20 cubic feet). Summer cut (vol- ume, 21 cubic feet). Autumn cut (vol- ume, 20 cubic feet). Winter cut (vol- ume, 20 cubic feet) Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content. Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content. Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content. Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content. Months. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 19 20 21 23£ Pounds. 53.0 50.1 47.9 46.4 45.4 44.8 44.4 43.9 43.6 43.6 43.6 42.4 43.0 42.5 42.3 42.1 41.8 41.5 41.3 41.0 40.7 Per cent of dry weight. 89 78 71 65 62 60 58 56 55 55 55 51 53 51 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 Pounds. 54.0 50.1 48.2 47.4 47.1 46.8 46.7 46.4 46.1 45.7 45.2 44.7 44.2 43.7 43.3 42.9 42.5 42.3 42.1 41.7 41.3 Per cent. 92 78 72 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 61 59 57 56 54 53 51 51 50 49 47 Pounds. 52.7 50.5 49.3 48.8 48.6 47.9 46.9 45.7 44.8 44.1 43.8 43.2 42.5 41.8 41.6 41.7 41.9 41.8 42.2 Per cent. 88 80 76 74 73 71 67 63 60 57 56 54 51 49 48 49 49 49 50 Pounds. 52.9 51.7 50.4 49.1 47.6 46.3 45.1 44.3 43.6 42.9 42.4 42.0 41.8 41.6 41.5 41.5 41.5 Per cent. 88 84 80 75 70 65 61 58 55 53 51 50 49 48 48 48 48 Table 31. a Based on six hundred 30-foot poles. -Rate of seasoning of chestnut poles at Parkton, Md. a Duration of sea- soning. Fall cut. Winter cut. Spring cut. Summer cut. Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content. Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content. Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content. AVeight per cubic foot. Moisture content. Months. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pounds. 56.4 52.3 51.2 50.7 50.4 49.9 49.3 48.4 47.4 46.5 45.8 45.3 44.9 Per cent of dry weight. 85.4 72.0 68.4 66.9 65.8 64.3 62.2 59.2 56.0 53.0 50.8 Pounds. 56.4 53.9 52.5 51.3 50.1 48.8 47.7 46.7 46.0 45.4 Per cent. 85.6 77.4 72.6 68.7 64.8 60.6 56.8 53.7 51.2 49.3 Pounds. 55.6 51.8 49.9 48.6 47.6 46.7 46.1 Per cent. 83.0 70.5 64.3 60.0 56.5 53.7 51.7 Pounds. 56.1 51.0 48.8 47.9 47.4 Per cent. 84.4 67.9 60.6 57.5 55.9 49.1 47.8 a Based on five hundred and fifty 30-foot poles. Oven dry weight, determined on disks cut from the poles, 30.4 pounds per cubic foot. Average volume, 20 cubic feet. 52 PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT OE POLES. 58 vl !« kl k :*; 48 S 46 44 h, \^x V 1 - ^ k J; ^ B4-.2. 5; 77.6 k I sa % K 57. V * c N^5 leu r A ~—< ^ L ■ — .APR. MAY JUNE JUL Y AUS. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAP. APR. MAY JUNE JULY TIME SEASONING -MONTHS Fig. 9. — Rate of seasoning of northern white cedar poles, Escanaba, Mich. APPENDIX. 53 Table 33. — Rate of seasoning of western red cedar poles at Los Angeles, Cal.a Duration of season- ing. Summer cut. Fall cut. Winter cut. Spring cut. Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content. Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content. . Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content. Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content. Months. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Pounds. 6 42.4 Per cent of dry weight. 133.0 Pounds. 6 42.4 Per cent of dry weight. 133.0 Pounds. 6 42.4 Per cent of dry weight. 133.0 Pounds. 6 42.4 Per cent of dry weight. 133.0 C38.12 33.0 31.0 29.3 28.0 109.5 81.3 70.3 61.0 53.8 C36.12 28.25 26.30 25.30 98.5 55.2 44.5 39.0 c32.5 31.1 30.0 2S.5 26.5 25.0 23.5 23.46 78.6 70.9 64.8 56.6 45.6 37.4 29.1 28.9 C33.0 29.0 26.5 25.5 81.3 59.3 45.6 40.1 o Based on four hundred 40-foot poles. The average volume of 300 poles was 27.34 cubic feet. Oven dry weight determined by sections cut from 12 poles, 18.2 pounds per cubic foot. b Green weight based on weights of 25 summer cut poles taken immediately after cutting, c Weight on arrival at Los Angeles, Cal., from three to seven months after cutting. ^■34 i 28 ■s N %K * N S N s°<-- \ \ Vs. i - O I Z 3 4- 5 6 7 O 9 /O // A? /3 At /S /S 17 juir At/6, sept, ocr. Nov. oec. jan. fee. map. app. may junejuly aug. sept. oct. now. T/ME SEASONING -MONTHS Fig. 10. — Rate of seasoning western red cedar poles, Los Angeles, Cal. 54 PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT OF POLES. Table 34. — Rate of seasoning of western yellow pine -poles at North Fork, Madera County, Cal.a Duration of season- ing. Autumn cut. Winter cut. Spring cut. Summer cut. Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content. Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content. Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content. Weight per cubic foot. Moisture content. Months. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pounds. 64.1 54.0 51.3 52.6 54.1 50.4 46.0 41.7 37.6 33.7 30.3 Per cent of dry weight. 144.7 106.1 95.8 100.8 106.5 92.4 75.6 59.2 43.5 28.6 15.6 Pounds. 66.6 62.6 56.2 47.7 40.4 36.0 32.8 Per cent of dry weight. 154.2 138.9 114.5 82.1 54.2 37.4 25.2 Pounds. 65.2 51.5 44.4 38.8 36.2 32.6 Per cent of dry weight. 148.9 96.6 68.5 51.9 38.2 24.4 Pounds. 64.8 40.3 33.8 31.8 Per cent of dry weight. 147.3 53.8 29.0 21.4 a Based on four hundred 40-foot poles. Oven dry weight, 26.2 pounds per cubic foot. Average volume 8.1 cubic feet. APPENDIX. 55 66 V \ 62 60 SB 56 E4 rise I so *< 48 tj §3 5) 46 1 0, 1 f> 1 r i i \ 40 38 36 3Z 30 /S/.9 Z44-.3 /36.B /aao' /E/.4- //3.y /OS./ 98. S 9D.8 83.£ 75.6 B7.9 60.3 sa.7 ■45.0 37.4- 29.8 a a./ /•4.S O / B 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9 /O // /2 /3 OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUB. SEPT. OCT. T/ME SEASON/NS-MONTHS Fig. 11.— Rate of seasoning of western yellow pine poles, Madera County, Cal. o