Book * JLs& Copyright^ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. J.JZ&-, s7^£sS Addresses on Christian Endeavor Topics ♦ ♦ ♦ by ♦ ♦ ♦ ) J^Vr BURNETT, Pastor First Christian Church, Muncie, Indiana* Author of "The Origin and Principles of the Christ- ians r "The American Christian Convent ion/' "FOR CHRIST AND THE CHURCH » The World for Christ, and Christ for the World. 3s. (LIBRARY Of CONGRESS I Two Copies Received NOV 2 1904 Copyrisnt £ntry EgsTgt X&, No: 7 COPY B. COPYRIGHTED 1904. Christian Publishing Association, Dayton, Ohio. rt 3! Contents. Preface 5 The Inlook, the Uplook and the Outlook 7 The Young People's Society of Christian En- deavor a National Safeguard 31 The Winning Society 51 The Eight Endeavorer 71 The Good Looking Endeavorer. 91 The Consecrated Endeavorer Ill PREFACE. The addresses contained in this little volume, were originally prepared without any thought of their publication, and were given at several annual Conferences and Christian Endeavor Conventions, and in a series to my congregation in the First Christian Church, Muncie, Indiana, where they were kindly received and commended, and it is partly at the suggestion of some who heard them, and partly with the hope that they may stimulate the young life of the church to a deeper consecration, and a wider usefulness in the cause of the Master, that they have been prepared for publication, and given to the public in this form. They are also given with the sincere hope, that one more capable to instruct and stimulate the active young membership of our churches, may soon follow with wiser and better counsels. It will doubtless seem to many that having said what I have, that I should have gone farther and said something upon the many other points of this great work, which would have been done, but for the reason that I felt that I had neither time, nor talent, for such a task. There has been no effort to appear scholarly, or profound, in these addresses, but to say plain truths, in a plain way, and to point out what seemed to me, to be the true sphere of Christian Endeavor, to cry out against sin, and to lift my voice in warning where I saw dangers. If to any degree this has been 6 done, I shall feel amply repaid, and shall have ac- complished the purpose for which I wrote. Of the defects of these addresses, no one can be more conscious than he who wrote them, but with a fervent prayer than God may bless them to His own glory, and the good of the many hundreds of young people to whose prayers and faithful service all of us owe much for the success of our efforts, this little volume is now sent upon its mission. jjzs. <*--? s7~£