•'••*:,»■*>,"■-**' \ir\jiyMter\ THE CYROP.EDIA OF XENOPHON; ~^ CHIEFLY FROM THE TEXT OF L. DINDOKF : WITH NOTES, CRITICAL AND EXPLANATORY, FROM D1NDORF, FISCHER, HUTCHINSON, POPPO, SCHNEIDER, -STURZ, AND OTHER EMINENT SCHOLARS, ACCOMPANIED BY THE EDITOR'S COMMENTS. TO WHICH ARE ADDED EXAMINATION QUESTIONS, AND COPIOUS INDICES. BY E. H. BARKER, Esq. LATE OF TRIN. COL. CAMB. FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. SOLD BY LONGMAN & Co. ; BALDWIN & Co. ; WHITTAKER * Co. \ AND ALL OTHER BOOKSELLERS. 1831. T LONDON: PRINTED SY A. J. VALPY, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. PREFACE. The editions, which have been used by the Editor, in the little work now offered to the public notice, are 1. Xenophontis Cyropadia, e Recensione Hutchin- son i cum Selectis Ejusdem Notis. Accessit Index Grcs- citatis. Editio auctior atque emendatior. Lipsiae, 1784, 8vo. 2. J. G. Schneider's edition, Leipsic, 1815. 3. Ern. Poppo's, Leipsic, 1821. 4. L. Dindorf's, London, 1830. 12mo. 5. Very great use has been made of J. F. Fischer's Commentarius in Xenophontis Cyropcediam, edited by C. T. Kuinoel, Leipsic, 1803. Svo. ; and 6. Of the Lexicon Xenophonteum. 7. The Arguments of the different books are taken from the Hon. Mr. Cooper's Translation, printed in No. iv. of Valpy's Family Classical Library, v jjj PREFACE. The text will be found to be the same as that which is given by L. Dindorf, except in a very few instances, where the Editor preferred the readings adopted or recommended by the acute, accurate, and learned Ern. Poppo. He has not on all occasions servilely followed these Critics, but on many has interposed his own judgment, and applied his own information on the points in ques- tion, which are rather philological than critical, with that straight-forward simplicity, and independent mind, which he desires and endeavors to maintain in h,s publications,-^ slave of no opinion, and the echo of no party :— . , , « He that would make a real progress in knowlege, mus t dedicate his age, as well as youth,-the latter growth, as well as the first fruits,_at the altar of Truth. — Bp. Berkeley's Siris. E. H. B. Thetford, January, 1831. NOTICES OF THE CYROP.EDIA. I. " C^sar. We liave no writer, who could keep up long to- gether his (Thucydides's) severity and strength. I would follow him ; but I shall be contented with my genius, if (Thucydides in sight,) I come many paces behind, and attain by study and atten- tion the graceful and secure mediocrity of Xenophon. " Lucullus. You will avoid, I think, Cesar, one of his pecu- liarities; — his tendency to superstition. " Cesar. I dare promise this; and even to write nothing so flat and idle as his introduction to the Cyropcedia. The first sentence* that follows it, I perceive, repeats the same word, with its sub- stantive, four times. This is a trifle; but great writers, and great •ainters do miracles or mischief by a single touch. Our authors re so addicted of late to imitate the Grecian, that a bad introduc- ,ion is more classical than a good one. Not to mention any friend of yours, Crispus Sallustius, who is mine, showed me one re- cently of this description ; together with some detached pieces of a history, which nothing in our prose or poetry hath surpassed in animation." W. S. Landor's Imaginary Conversations of Literary Men and Statesmen, Second Series, Vol. I. p. 35. II. u Much more worthy of praise was that Cyrus described by Xenophon, not with historical truth, but as a pattern for just empire; whose extraordinary gravity was mixed with singular clemency by that philosopher, whose book, not without good rea- X NOTICES OF son, our Africanus was wont always to carry with him, as com- prehending all the duties of a wary and moderate government." Cicero's Prince : The Reasons and Counsels for Settlement and good Government of a Kingdom, collected out of Cicero's Works. By T. R. Esq. Lond. 1668. 12mo. p. 26. III. " Cyrus is worthy your imitation, who bestowed honors and rewards on such as designed things great and honorable, by which he raised an ardor of glory in the minds of all, every man being studious and industrious to excel in such things as the prince approved. To excel in this kind of liberality is kingly, though not to be admired in Cyrus, for that he was very wealthy, but that in these offices the prince should contend with the subject with so much honor and civility, was no small wonder to Xeno- phon. But this he practised from his grandfather's discipline and advice, that neither his treasure should be exhausted by extrava- gant gifts, nor incitements to virtue and obedience be wanting, be- cause it is not an easy thing to be always giving ; neither would he that the honors, which the king conferred, (as bracelets, collars, and bridles of gold, which among the Persians none could wear, but such as received them from the king,) should be made com- mon." Cicero's Prince, p. 38. IV. u Those labors, which are signalized by honor and renown, seem always easy. And this is a light, which all men follow, who seek glory ; and therefore Scipio Africanus always carried Socra- tic Xenophon about him, particularly commending this his maxim, That no labor was so burdensome to a general, as to a sol- dier, for that honor made it less tedious to a general. " The books of Xenophon are very useful for many things, and therefore I advise you to read them studiously, not omitting that of husbandry, which he terms (Economic ; and that you may under- stand how much he believes the study of agriculture becomes a prince, Socrates in that book is introduced discoursing with Cri- tobulus, that Cyrus (the Less,) King of Persia, of an excellent wit, CYROP.EDIA. XI and glorious in his empire, when Lysander the Lacedaemonian, a person of great virtue, came to him at Sardis, and brought him presents from his allies, being many ways c : vil to Lysander, he showed him a piece of ground exquisitely planted ; and when Lysander admiring the straightness of the trees, their order and exact distance, the earth good and well levelled, with the sweet odor of the flowers, told him he could not but admire his care and diligence, who had measured and designed them, — Cyrus replied that all that design and order was his own work ; for most of those trees had been set and planted by his own hand ; whereupon Ly- sander, gazing on his glorious habit, enriched with gold and gems, after the Persian manner,) answered, ' The world, O Cyrus, doth ustly call thee happy, since this good fortune is added to thy irtue.'" Cicero's Prince, p. 64. V. a Keep up the greatness of your mind with gentleness and civility; and if your passion be moved by such as intrude into your presence unseasonably, or petition impudently, suffer not yourself to be transported into an odious and useless morosity, and at length to be persuaded into better humor, through the artifice of recovering your good temper by such, as never read of Xenophon's Cyrus, or Agesilaus, from which kings no man ever heard an harsh word; contrary to the practice of other barbarous princes, who give their commands thus, * Observe and obey my orders/ and if you ask a question, return these threats, l If I see you here again, you die for it/ which things, as they are abhorred in the very reading, so much more in the practice. n Cicero's Prince, p. 66. ARGUMENTS TO THE FIRST BOOK. Chap. I. — Observations on the several forms of government, and their quick dissolution; ir. On the government of men and other animals ; in. General survey of the vast power and dominion of Cyrus; it. His skill in govern- ment. Chap. II. — Descent of Cyras ; n. Description of his person and mind ; in. His education under the Persians ; it. Their laws and institutions described; v. Number of their tribes; vi. Choice of their rulers, and employments of each order ; vn. Exercise, arms, military virtues, and public services of youth. Chap. III. — Great proficiency of Cyrus under the Persian discipline ; u. His appearance before Astyages at twelve years of age ; in. His discourses and manners with his grandfather; it. Relation of his appointment over others, and of his wrong decision of a cause, and punishment; v. Discourses with his mother on justice. Chap. IV. — Cyrus remains with Astyages ; n. His sprightliness, simplicity, good-nature, generosity, love of esteem and praise ; in. Manners and dis- courses of his youth, while in Media ; it. His exercises ; v. Enthusiasm in hunting; vi. Description of himself; vn. His concern for his grandfather's displeasure ; vni. Freedom from envy, and generous praise of his companions; ix. Assumes arms for the first time ; x. His conduct against the king of Assyria ; xi. His sagacity and boldness highly esteemed by his grandfather, as well as others; xu. His father recalls him to Persia ; xin. Receives valuable presents from Astyages ; xiv. Their mutual grief at parting. Chap. V. — Return of Cyrus to Persia ; n. His strict temperance and behavior ; in. Passes a year among his youthful companions ; iv. Enters and completes himself in the order of youth ; v. Excels all his companions ; vi. Is solicited by Cyaxares to act as commander against the Assyrians ; vn. Number of his army ; vni. His prayers and sacrifices. Chap. VI. — Cyrus attended by his father to the borders of Media ; n. His father's instructions to him in religion, policy, and the art of war. Xen. Cyrop. EENO$12NTOS KTPOT nAIAEIA. ' A CAP. I. I. "Ytvvoia 7ro0' rjfily eyevero ocrat hrujLOKpariat KareXvOrjcrav vizb tu>v dXXws 7rios ^ov\ojxivu)V 7ro\iT€V€adai fxaWov fj kv brifuoKpaTiq., 1. The work is entitled Kvpov Tlai- Zeia in the best books ; by certain an- cient writers it is called XlaiBeia Ktf- pov, Kvpoiraibeia, 'H IlatSeta, (Plut. 2, 336. Tub.) simply, and Ilaideia : by Cic. in Bruto c. 29. * Cyri Vita et Disciplina.' By it we are to under- stand the laws, institutions, and go- vernment employed by Cyrus at home and abroad, in peace and in war. Dionys. H. Ep. ad Cn. Pomp. (6, 777. Reiske,) characterises the work as the €Ik6vcl fia(ri\ews ayaOov na\ eu- ZaifJLovos. Cic. ad Q. Fr. 1, 1, 8. how- ever, warns us not to consider this treatise as constructed with historic faith, but as a mere pattern of just government. Cyrus is exhibited to us as a wise and magnanimous and just and generous and patriotic king, as a great and experienced and prudent and invincible general ; — a bright exemplar to those, who are called to wield the military energies of nations, to defend their father-land from hostile aggression, to conquer on a foreign soil the enemies of their country, to enlarge the boundaries of their em- pire, and to diffuse over subject mil- lions the blessings of civil order and peaceful industry, of extended manu- factures, trade, and commerce. Plato de LL. 3. p. 142. ed. Bip. denies that Cyrus vpQris iraifelas ii6pw7rovs toIs apyovm. rropevovrai re yap at dyeXai r) av auras evQvvwoiv oi vo/ie7s, vefjovrai re ywpia 2 evXots rj toIs apyovai re avrwv Kai wtyeXovfxevois an avrwv* av6p(t)7roi be eV ovbevas juaXXov avviOTavrai rj enl tovtovs ovs av a % iodwvrai apyeiv avrwv emyeipovvTas. III. ore jiev bt) ravret evedv/jtovfieOa, ovrws eyiyvwaKojiev nept avrwv, av8p(s)7Tovs eKTrjfraro ireiOofievovs avT

6(ia) wore Kara7rXj/£at nav- ras teal jxr}beva eiri\etpe1v ai/rw, ebvvacrdrj be eTTidvfJiav e/i/SaXeTv TO oitcl davjiaieadai tovtov tov avbpa ecrKexpajjieda tis ttot€ &v yeveav teal no'iav riva vt7ii/ k*yu)v teal iroiq. tivl iraibeiq, Tratbevdels togovtov hiriveyicev els to &PX €iy rtyfyNuTwr. oaa ovv kqi exvdo/ueda kcl) werOqefku boKOvpev rrepl avrov, ravra neipacro/JLeQa biriyrjffaadai. CAP. II. I. Ilarpos jiev btj Xeyerat 6 Kvpos yeveoQai Ka/ufivvew TlepcaJv (SaffiXeW u 6 be Kajji(Zv(Tt)S ovtos tov Ylepfreibwv yevovs Jjv ol be Tlepaelbat and Tlepcews KXijSovraL' /jtjtoos be onoXoyelTai Map* bavrjs yeveaQai* i] be biavbavrj avrrj 'AeTvayovs t)v dvyarrjp tov M))bwp fiaviXews. v fiapfidpow] I. e. The ianepav. What he says about Xen., Persians. " Bap&dpot sunt omnino is in Poppo's opinion entitled to no externi ; civitates externa?, ratione credit ; but see Lobeck ad Phryn. ejus civitatis, ad quam pertinet is, qui 89. loquitur, de qua sermo institutus est." 11. Tlepacap fia(ri\4ws] " Herod. 1, Fischer. The Greeks, as well as the 107. describes this Cambyses to have Romans, sung to ft the lyre at convi- been descended from a good family, vial festivities, the praises of gods (oi/cfys ayaOrjs,) other writers call him and heroes ; and so the Persians ce- a plebeian. He was of the family, lebrated the virtues and merits of 6 CYROP^DIA. raros Kal i\ofiaQeoTaTOS Kal (piXoTifioTaros, ware naiTa fiev wovov avaTXrjvat, Travra bk Kivbvvov virofielrai tov eiraiveladat eveKa. 11. (pvaiv fiev br) Trjs ^v\r\s Kal Tijs fjtop(prjs TOiavrqv eyjiov biafiir)- /JLoreverar eiraibevdrj ye fir)v ev Tlepvwv vdfiois. ovtol be boKovaiv ol vofxot apyeoQat tov koivov ayaOov enifxeXovfAevoi ovk evdev odev- n€p ev Tais nXelarais iroXeviv ap^ovTai. al fiev yap irXelaTai iroXeis a(j>e~icrai iraibeveiv owws tis edeXet tovs eavTOv 7rcubas, Kal avrovs tovs irpeofivTepovs omos eOeXovcri biayeiv, eVetra TcpoaTcxT- tovgiv ovtoIs fjtrj KXeitTeiv, fir) apnaieiv, fir) fiia els ohiav wapievai, fir) iraieiv ov fir) bUaiov, fir) fjioi^eveiv, fir) aireidelv apyovTi, Kal T&XXa to. TOiavTct ibvavTCOS* rjv be tis tovtwv tl wapafiaivr], irjfilav avTols eneQeoav. III. ol be TlepatKol idfioi 13 irpoXaflovTes eTrifxe- Xovrai 07Tb)s ty\v apyr)v fxr) TOtovTOi eaovrai ol TroXircu oloi novqpov twos rj aloypov epyov etyteadai. enifjieXovTai be wbe, cotlv avTols eXevOepa dyopa 14 KaXov/uevrj, evOa tc'i re fiaaiXeia Kal tu a\Xa ajO^eta 15 7T€7ro/»jraf. evrevdev ra fiev &via Kal ol ayopaloi Kal at tovtwv (j>wva\ Kal aneipoKaXiat aneXiiXavTat els aXXov tottov, ws fiij fuyrvrjTai >/ tovtwv TVpj3rj rrj twv neTTaibevfieiwv evKoafiiq. IV. bir\- prjrat be avrrj r) ayopa r) irepl to. apy/la els TerTapa fiepr)* tovtwv & etJTLV ev fiev naiolv, ev be etyijfiois, aXXo TeXeiois arbpaaiv, aXXo their gods and kings in their national to have drawn his ideas from Xen. song?, Brisson. Princ. Pers. 2,167. 15. apx^a] I. e. The royal or pub- p. 512. lie buildings, the official residences, 13. ol Se UepuiKol v6fioi] What is or hotels, or palaces of magistrates, here related about the education of " Sunt domua apxAvrcav, s. 5. h. e. in the Persians, is to be referred to the quibus sunt et versantur magistri et Pasargidae alone: see Heeren's Ideen arbitri, reetorcs et judices vitaemorum- iiber die Politik, den Verkehr und que, puerorum, adolescentium, viro- den Handel der vornehmsten Volker rum, seniorum :" see Brisson. 2, 77. der alten Welt, 1, 1, 495. So Xen. 7, " Per ra apx e * a arbitror intelligi non 5, 85. et sdifi- free forum, iXsvdepav ayopav, %v 8e? cia in quibus conveniunt magistratus, ftadapav ehcu rcou VTai 7repl to. dp\ela ovv rots yv/bivrjTtKols 07rXois 7tXi)v twv yeya/jrjKOTioV ovtol be ovre eTnSrjrovvrai, eav jjli) rrpopprjOfj 7rnpeT- vai, ovre woXXclkis cnrelvai KaXov, V. apyovres b* k(f exairTO tovtlov tlov fdepwv elari bcobeKa* bujbeKa yap Kal Tlepvwv vXal birj- prjvrat. Kal ewl p.ev toIs irately eK tlov yepaiTeptov TJprj/ueroL elalv 0% av SoKwat Toi/s walbas jjeXricTOvs cnrobeiKvvvai, eirl be rots e

s av fieXTioroL elev ol noXirat. VI. ol fxev bi) nalbes els tU btbacrKaXeHa tpotTLovres biayovai fjiavOa- vovres biKaioavvrjp' Kal Xeyovffiv otl enl tovto Ep^ovrai wairep Trap 1 7]/j.7v ol ra ypd/jfxaTa nadrjaofjievoi, ol be ap^ovres ai/TLov btaTeXovat to izXelfiTov Trjs f]fuepas biKctCovTes avroTs. yiyverai yap 5?) Kal natal 7rpos dXXijXovs Locnrep avbpaoiv eyicXq fiara Kal KXorrrjs Kal 6\p7rayijs Ka\ (lias Kal awaTTjs Kal KaKoXoylas Kal clXXlov otiov bi) cIkos, ovs §' av yvdiai tovtu)v ti abiKovvTas, TtfiLopovvTat. VII. ko- Xaiovai 1 ® be Kal ovs av dbtKLOS eyKaXovvTas evplvKioai. biKa^ovvt Sc Kal eyKXrjfxaTOs ov eveKa avdpwwoi fjnaovdi fiev aXX{]Xovs fxd- XiOTa btKa£ovTai beiJKKTTa, ayapLGTias, Kal ov av yvwai bwd^evov fjev yapiv atrobibovai, fJLr) dizobibovTa be, KoXa£ovcri [kcu] tovtov iayyp&s, o'iovTai yap tovs ayapicTovs Kal Trepl Qeovs av fiaXiOTa dfjLeXCJs eyeiv Ka\ 7t€pl yoveas Kal waTpiba Kal (jiiXovs. erreadaL be boKel jxdXnTTa Trj ayapiOTiq: Kal fj dvaKJ^yvria* Kal yap avrij jjte- yiGTX) boKel elvat exl txclvtu ra alayjid ip/efxujv, VIII. bibdrrKOvvi be tovs 7ra7§as Kal (Tbxppocvvrjv fieya be avfxfiaXXeTaL els to fxavQa- 16. Ko\d£ov(ri] [Plato Protag * 40* et cohibitionem peccantis referatur, Tinwpovvrai Kal Ko\d£ovori, where see W^ttenb. Ecl.Kist. 372. 452." Poppo. Heindorf. " Ulud proprie ad exigen- See Gell. N. A. 6, 14. Schneider am vindictam legibus debitam, hoc, maintains that Xen. here uses them ut Lat. castigare, ad eraendationem as synonyms. 8 CYROP^DIA. veiv 0(O(ppoveiv avrovs on Kal tovs trpeofivrepovs bptimv am rtaaav rjjuepav (T0J(pp6i'(t)s btayovras, bibaaKovai be avrovs Kal neiQeoQat. toIs apyovoC fieya be Kal els tovto av/jflaXXerat on opuKTi tovs irpevfivTepovs 7rei0o/.ievovs to7s apyovoiv la\vpCJs. bibaaKovai be Kal eyKparels eivat ycurrpos Kal 7totov' fieya be Kal els tovto avpfiaX- Xerai on bpwai tovs irpeafivTepovs ov npoodev anwvTas yaoTpbs h>eKa irp\v av atywoiv ol apyovres, Kal on ov wapa fJLrjTpl gitovvtoli ol iralbes, aXXa 7rapa tw bibaaKaXtj), otclv ol apyovTes arjurjvuxri. vXaKfjs eveKa Tijs 7ro- Xetas Kal (TO)(j>poffvvi]S' boKel yap avTtj rj ffXiKta jiaXiGTa e-ifieXeias belvdac irape^ovai be Kal tyjv fjfjiepav eavrovs toIs apyovai xprjcrOai, r\VTi betovraivirep tov koivov, Kalorav fiev berj, iravres \xevovai irepl to. ap^eTa' b'rav be e^ly (iacnXevs em Brjpav, Tas ij/Jtiaelas elvai, to) b\ av bey, €K x €l P° s XPV* 7 ® - 1 - X. bia tovto be brjfjiovia tov drjpcjv ein/ieXov- Tat Kal fiaaiXevs uxnrep Kal ev iroXep.(o fjy€fj,u)v avrols earl Kal au- tos re drjpci, Kal ran' aXXojv eirifxeXelrai 07ri*)s av QrjpuxTiv, on a\rj- QerjTarr) avrols boKel avrrj if fxeXerrj rwv irpbs tov 7roXejjiov eivat, Kal yap TrpuA avloraodai ediiei Kal i^vyi) Kal daXTrrj aveyecrdai, yv/ivaclei be Kal bboiiropiais Kal bpvfjiois, avayKrj be Kal To^evoai drjpiov Kal aKOVTiaai oirov av tz apart iirrr}* Kal ti\v \pv^v be 7ro\\d- 17. KcaQwvd] This was properly an k&, J. Poll. 1. c. ; where, however, earthen cup, rather deep, with one see the commentators. Whether the handle, and protuberant sides, (or Persian cup in shape and capacity Hfjifiowes,) peculiar to the Spartan exactly corresponded to the Spartan military; and Xen. traces a great si- cup, it is impossible to say. The milarity of manners, customs, &c. ancient comic writers apply Kdodccv to between the Spartans and the Per- wine-cups of various shape and capa- sians: see Athen. 11, 10. Plut. Ly- city. curg. 1, 45. ed, Par.=l, 106. Tub., J. 18. rroTapLov] I. e. The Araxes, on Poll. 6, 9b*. Suid. and Hesych. Per- which Persepolis was situated, Cellar, sian cups were properly called )3^cria- Geogr. 2, 680. LIBER I. CAP. II. 9 kis avayKrj r3//yecr3ai, orav ti tljv aXKifiutv Orjpiijjv avQtrrTrJTai' iraieiv jiev yap hifrrov bel to ofioare ytyvo/jtevov, tyvXa^aaQai be to enKpepo/uevov' wore ov pabiov evpelv ip rrj drjpa ti aireoTi twv ev 7ro\ifi(^ Trap6vTii)i>, XI. e£ep%ovTat he enl ttjv dijpav apiGTOv €\ovt€s TtXelov fuev, ws to cIkos, tljv 7raihu)V, raXXa he ojjiolov. Kal OrjpwvTes fxev ovk av apiffTijcraiey, rjv he ti hetjar) lj drjplov ev&ca ewtKarajjielvai yj aXXios (ZovXrjd&vi btaTpl\pai wept ti)v Orjpav, to api(TTOv tovto heurvriaavTes T))v vGTepalav av drjpw(Ti /ie^pt hel7TV0V, Kal filav a/j(p(t) tovtu toj r)fxepa Xoyidovrat, oti jjiias rjfiepas gItov hairav&Gi, tovto he ttolovgi tov ediieadai evexa, tva eav ti ical ev woXefjia) heijGrj, hvvdJVTai tovto notelv, Kal 6\pov he tovto eypvGiv ol TijkiKovTOi 8,ti av OrjpaGioGiv, el he fi)), to KaphajjLor. el he tls av- tovs otercu r) evdieiv arjbuts, OTav Kapba\xov \xovov eywGiv eizl rw crirp irlvwGtv, ava fivrjGOijTOJ kGjs rjhv fiev fia£a Kal upTOS 1 ^ 7T€lvujvti ayelv 9 ttws he rjhv vhwp hixpwvTL tnelv. XII. at b' av /mevovGui (pvXal btarpifiovGi yueXera5paica re 7repl rols oripvois koi yeppov ev ryj apiorepct, olovwep ypafyovrai ol Tlepaai eyovres, ev be rrj be£tol ixayaipav r) Koniba. 20 Kal al ap^al be navai etc rovrwv KaOivravTat irXrjv ol rwv iraibwv bibacrKaXoi. eTreibav be ret irevre ku\ eiKoaiv e*rr] biareXeawaiv, etrjarav fxev av ovroi TtXelov ri yeyovores rj irev- TtjKOvra krrj awb yeveds' e^ep^ovrai be rrjviKavra els rovs yepaire- povs bvras re Kal KaXovfxevovs, XIV. ol S' av yepairepoi ovroi oroa- revovrat /uev ovk£ti e£ai rrjs eavrwv, dUoi be /xevovres biKaiovai ra re Koiva wavra Kal ra iSia. Kal davarov be ovroi Kpivovai t Kal ras ap^as ovroi iracras alpovvrac Kal rjv tis ri ev etyijfiois rj ev reXeiois avbpaaiv eXXLirri ri rwv vofxifJLVJV, vXap\oi eKaeroi Kal rwv aXXwv 6 /3ovX6jmevos f ol be yepairepoi. aKovaavres eKKpivov- aiV 6 be eKKpiOels arifios biareXel rbv Xoiixbv (Siov. XV. "Ira be aatyeorepov brjXwdrj 7rdVa r)Ylepawv iroXireia, fiiKpbv enavet/jiL' vvv yap ev (ipa^vraro) av brjXwdeirj bta ra Trpoetprjfjeva. Xeyovrai fxev yap Ylepaai a//0* ras bwbetza fivpiabas elvaC rovrwv 5' ovbels cnreXiiXarat vofiw rijmwv Kal apywv, aXX e^etrri ndcrt Tlep- eais Trefjnreiv rovs eavrwv iralbas els ra Koiva rfjs biKaioavvris biba(TKaXela, d\\' o* fiev bvvajjtevoi rpe(j>eiv rovs iralbas apyovvras irefjnrovfftv, ol be /At) bwdfievot ov ire/JLirovaiv. ol b 9 av 7raibevdioai wapa rols bti/noffiois bibaffKaXois, e£eariv avrols ev rots eri(3ois %eavipovrj nXeloy ravrn ttj iraibeio: eiratbevdrj, Kai ttclvtuv tqjv fjXiKuv biaiX6aTopyos (pvaei ?}o-7ra5erd tc avTov aWep av e'L Tis 7ra\at avvTedpafx/jLevos Kai irdXai (piXwv dandSoiro, Kai opuiv b)) avTov KeKorrfiYifievov /cat otydaXfiutv V7roypa(prj 23 Kai xp l bLaT0S i*rfibfi€i\ (( Pertinet, essent.' See Brisson. 196. 213. ut ad reliquarum oculorum partium, 23. inroypcupTJ ] M I. e. Habens ita ad totius oris fucum ; nam vett. oculos fucatos. Scl. vett. atque adeo utebantur vel cerussa, ^ifx/ivd'tcp, bley- Medi palpebrarum inferiorem partem weiss, ad conciliandum cuti cando- 12 CYROPjEDIA. iravra M^Sikci eari, Kal ol Tropfyvpol yjLrCjves Kal ol Kavbves* 5 Kal ol (TTpenToi irepl Trj beprj Kal to. x^eXia wept rais \epfrlv y ev Ylepaais be rols o'tKOi Kal vvv en 7ro\v Kal eadtjres QavXorepaL Kal itaiTai ci/re- Xtarepac) opiov br) tov kqo\xov tov Tramrov, efjtfiXeirwv airy eXeyev, 7 fl fiyJTfp, ws KaXos /jloi 6 ira7riros* epwTLbvrjs be rrjs firjrpos avrbv TTorepos boKel kuXXIlov airy elvat, 6 7raTrjp rj ovtos, aweKpivaTO apa 6 Kvpos, '£1 fJirjrep, Wepawv jiev woXif kclXXicttos 6 epos narrfp, M^- bu)v fievTOi oolov ewpaKa eyio Ka\ ev rats bbols Kal enl rais dvpais ttoXv ovtos 6 epos Tzcnnros kclXXkttos, III. avTao7ra$6fievos be 6 ircnnros avrbv Kal OToXrjv KaXrjv evebvae, Kal OTpeirTois Kal xpeXlois erifia Kal eKocrjjei, Kal el ttov efeXavvoL, ep or tunic is here plainly distinguished by Xen. from the kclp- dvs, as also in 8, 3, 10. 13. " Apud Lucian. Dial. BJort. 14. comparatur cum chlamyde Macedonica. Philip- pus enim ad Alexandrum, 2u 5e Kal, inquit, r^p MafceSoviK^p x^ap-vSz *&- rafiaXwp, Kapfivp, &s 4$vs, Sclral. UepaiKT] x^ ^* icrip y\ nap- 5us, Kara rb arippop, aAA.' ov Kara rbp dbp.op avoiyofxeprj." Poppo's Index Grceciiatis. But in the ^ivpay. Ae|. XPW* ^ t&v tov AovKiavov, (in Bach- mann's Anecd. Gr. 2, 334.) we have : c Oti kolp^vs ipwriop 4o~ti Tl€po~iKbp, 8>s Tipes \4yovcrtP, ol 5e 'ApKaSiicdp. 26. Trapo-tyidas] Phrynich. Eel. p. 28. Tlapotyis' rb 6\pop, oi>xl 5e rb C17- ysiop, Sos Tipes. Phrynich. 2o<£>. Upo- Trap, p. 60. TIapoxpides' tcl oxpa ra iroi- k'iXws KeKapvKsvfxepa, Kal ovx, cbs ol PVP, €7T4 TWP XtKav'iwp. Thorn. M. 694. Tlapoipfoa t^p ttoiclp /xa^ap, Kal rb 6\pOP, 'ATTi/CWS* €7Tt 5e KVAlKOS, $) Tpv fiAiov, fj^j \4yc, ws tlp€S, Juvenal 3, LIBER L CAP. III. 13 jccit (jpw/iara. tov be Kvpov eaaav Xeyeu','^ Trdnire, oaa 7rpdy/iara e^eis ev T(j) beinvw, ei dydyKrj am enl Tavra ra XeKavia ravra 8ia- re/vct^ rds yelpas Kai arroyeveaQai tovtwv twv "navrobairwv /3pw/id- rwv. Tt Se, (pavai rbv 'Aarvayrjv, ou yap woXu aoi boKel KaXXiov robe to be~iirvov elvairov evUepaais ; roy be Kvpov npbs Tavrau7ro- KpivaaOai Xeyercu, Ob)(l, w irdinre' dXXa iroXv drrXovaTepa Kai evdu- rkpa irap ijfjuy ?/ obos eanv enl to ejjnrXr]adrjvai rj 7rap' bfuv. rjftas fxev yap apros Kai Kpea els tovto aye«, vfiels be els fxev to avrb fjfuv anev- bere, ttoXXovs be riyas eXiyixovs dvw Kai kgltw irXavwfievoi fioXis ai- KvelaOe ottol fjfiels naXai fJKOfiev. V. 'AW, w ita~i, (pavai tov 'Aarvd- yrjv, ovk aydofievoi ravra TrepiirXavwfieOa' yevofievos b\ I^tj, Kai av yvwarj on rjbea early* 'AXXd Ka) ae, (pavai tov Kvpov, bpw, w 7ra7r- 7re, fxvaarrofievov ravra to. j3pwfiara, Kai tov 'Aarvdyriv €7repeadai, Kai tivi brf av reKfxaipofxevos, w 7rai, Xeyeis ; "On ae, (pavai, bpw y orav fxev tov dprov dx^rj, els ovbev rrjv X € ^P a diro^wfievov, orav be tovtwv Ttvos Oiyrjs, eitdvs airoKadaiprj tjjv x € 'l° a € * s 7 " X* l pbf*o.K- rpa, ws navv a^dofxevos on irXea aoi air avrwv eyevero* VI. irpbs ravra bfj tov 'Aarvayrjv ciTretv, Ei toIwv ovtw yiyvwaKeis, w iral, dXXd Kpea ye evw\ov, ?va veavias o'iKabe dneXdrjs. dfxa be TavTa Xiyovra 7roXXd avnp napatyepeiv Ka\ Ofjpeia Kai twv rjjxepwv. Kai Toy Kvpov, ewel ewpa iroXXa ra Kpea, eiTrelv, 'H Kai bibws, avai, w irairire, rravra ravrd fxoi tcl Kpea 8,n (iovXofxai avrols xpfjadai ; ISr} Ata, , 2o« iiev tovto oti irpodvLiios fie iTnteveiv bibd- aKeis, aoi be on fioi iraXTQV ebtJKas* vvv yap tovto €%(o, aoi be oti tov Trtnnrov fcaXws depaireveis, ao\ be on fxov ti)v firjTepa Ti/ut^s" Tavra eTroiei ecus bieblbov iravTa a eXa/3e Kpea. VIII. ILcikq: be, (pavai tov 9 Aarvayrjy, 7W olyo-^ptD, ov cyw fiaXiOTa nfiw, ovbev bibws ; 6 be HaKas apa KaXos re wv eTvyyave Kai Tifii]v eyjav irpoa- ayeiv tovs beofxevovs 'Aarvayovs Kai anoKioXveiv ovs firi Kaipbs avTy boKoir) elvai npoadyeiv, Kai tov Kvpov eirepeodai TrpoireTGis ws av 7ra7s fir)be7T(i> vnoTTTriaowv, Aid tI br}, <3 irainre, tovtov ovtw TifJtys ; Kai tov 'Aarvayrjv GKU)\pavTa elwelv, Oh% bpqs, tyavai, Cos KaXws olvoyoel ko\ evayjqiiovws ; ol be twv (iaaiXewv tovtwv olvo- 142.: ' quam multa magnaque paro- Casaub. : ' Paropsidem leguoiinis pro pside ccEnat.* Sueton. 1, 7. p. 603. sedulitate/ &«. Xen. Cyrop, B 14 CYROPyEDIA. \6ol Ko/ixpws re olvoyoovot. tcai KaBapeiios 27 ky^eovoi Kal biboaffi tols rpial baKTvXois 28 6%ovpt€s ty)p QiaXrjP Kal Tzpootyepovaiv ws av kvcoiev to €K7ru)jbia evXrjirTOTaTa T(j> fxeXXoPTi fripeip. IX. Ke- Xevtrop br) y &vat, u> Ttawire, top TLciKap Kal efAol bovpai to e\c7rw/ta, iva Kayfo KaXios aot irieiv ey^eas apaKTfjffwfial oe, i\v bvpwfiat, Kal top KeXevorai bovpai. Xafiopra brj top Kvpop ovtu) fdkv brj ev kXvgcli TO €K7TWJJ.a LJV7T€p TOP ^LCUCClP €U)pa, OVTU) be 0TY)(TaVTa TO irp6(JU)lT0V cnovbaiws kcu evff^rj/jiopws itpoaepeyKelp Kal epbovpai ttjp tyia- Xrjp 2 ^ rw 7ra7r7rw tUore Trj fxrjTpl Kal rw 'Affrvdyet woXvp yeXw- tci irapaa^eip. Kal clvtop be top Kvpop eKyeXaaapra apaTrrjbTjoai irpos top Trairirop Kal (juXovpra afia elne1p 9 '12 2d*a, airoXojXas' eKfiaXar ore eK ttjs Tijufjs' tcl tc yap ctXXa, (j>apai 9 gov koXXiop oipo- \or)croj Kal qvk eKiriofxai avTOS top oipov* ol b' apa tujp (iaoiXetop oIpo%6oi 9 eireibap bibwat ttjp (ptaXrjp, apvaaPTes a7r' avrrjs ry KvaOtp 30 els ttjp apiffTepap X e 'l° a eyyeafiepoi KOTappocpovcri, tov brj el apfiaKa ey^ioiep fit) XvaireXelp avTols. X. €K tovtov brj 6 'AffTvayrjs eTrujK&irTWP, Kat ri br) 9 e Kvpe, raXXa p/tov/tevos top HaKap ovk aireppoQrjaras tov oivov ; "Or*, erj, pt) At'a ebeboiKCiP jjl)] ep tu> Kparfjpi apfjLaKa fxe/ny/uiepa e'irj. Kal yap ore elorlaffas cb tovs QiXovs ep to7s yepeOXiois, caputs KaTepaQop (pap/jtaKa vfilp avrop eyyeapra, Kat nibs br) av tovto, etyrj, J 7rat, KaTeyvws ; "On tr) At" v/j,as ewptur Kal rats ypwfiats carrots (roj/jtacrt G(f>aXXo- fxepovs. rrrpwTOP fiep yap a ovk eare rjfias tovs valbas 7roie1p 9 Tavra qvtoI e7roie~tT€. TrdVres pip yap apa eKCKpayeiTe, efiapdapere be ovbe 27. KaBapelws'] J. Poll. 6, 4. 'O yhp vocabula synonyma esse recte putat; KaOdpeios 18iqotik6p' kolItoi rb KaOa- nam quod hie est h'Zovvou rb eKTrotfua, peieos irapa asvocpwvTi ctprjrai, id seq. sect, dicitur ivdovpai tV ^*^- 28. to?s rpicrl daKTvKois] Philostr. \r)v" Poppo. Ep. 23. UdvTa fte alpei r& 6p6 tt? 'ApeaKy irpocrrjvh, K€pa- apvcT^p vel avrKTjT^s appellatur, J. adfxevos evpvdp.6p t4 ri, teal &Kpois to?s Poll. 1, 675. 2, 1239.1301. Athen. tiaKTvAois £ttox*>p fty Fischer, der, qui cum Fisch, et Sturzio hac LIBER I. CAP. III. 15 ey aXXt)Xu)y t rj&€T€ be kui /mXa yeXolvs, ovk axpowfjievot be rev yboyros wfivvere apiara gcSetv, Xeycjy be exaaros vjjlGjv ti)v eavTov puffiTjy, €7T€( upaarairjTe op^aofxeyoi, /j)) ontos opyeiodai kv pvd/Ju), d\V ovb' opdovadai ebvyaade. eireXiXr\ade be iravTcnraai av re fin (iaaiXevs i)ada t ot re aXXoi otl av apyyv. totc yap bt) eyutye apiaTU) evTvyely airovbaSet yap npos Ttvas' eld' owoTay jJkol eVt to belwyoy, Xeyoip av otl Xov-ac e7reibav be irayv anovbaioL (paye"ly 9 eiiroifi ay otl irapa ra'is yvyaityv eaTiy* eujs 7raparetVai/ii 32 tovtov Loairep ovtos ejjie TzapaTeiveL airo aov KcoXvcjy. XII. Toaavras fiey aWols evdufitas irape?)(€v eVt rw beinvtp ' tcls be rjfxepas, el Tiyos aiadoiTO beo/ieyoy ?] tov nennroy ij Toy tT]S firjTpos abeX6a(Tai tovto Trotqaavra* o,Tt yap bvvatro 6 Kvpos V7rep- eyaipev abro~i£ ^aptSofievos* XIII. 'End be rj Mavbavrj irapeaKevaSteTO ths awtovva naXtv 7rpos tov iivbpa, kbe'tTO avTtjs 6 'AvTvayrjs KaraXtnelv tov Kvpov. jj be aireKpivaTO on (iovXotro jiev ftTravTa Tip irarpl ^apiieirdai, iiKopra fievrot tov iraiha ^aXeirbv elvat vofAiSetv KaTaXnrelv. XIV. evda hri 6 'Aarvayqs Xeyet wpbs tov Kvpov, '£1 iral, yv fjLevrjs Trap* kjxol, irpwTOv /Jtev ttjs irap kpe elaobov cot ov Id*as apfci, aXX* otcotclv fiovXr) elcrtevat ws kjuie, eVi ool earaC Kal \aptv aot etaofxai ootp av irXeovaKts elaiys tis kfie. eVeira be Imrois toIs k/iols \pyjfrr) Kal dXXots brcooots av (SovXtj, Kal orav airir\s t entity &7T€i ovs av avTos kOeXrjs, eiretra be kv t£ be'tTvip knl to fie-pius goi boKOvv eyetv biroiav av (iovXrj bbbv iropevarj. eVeira to. re vvv ovra kv ry napabeiaa 33 drjpla bihwfii v Kal ctKOvriciwv KarafJaXels &anep ol fieydXot avbpes. Kal nalbas be aot ky&> vvfi- KaiKTOpas 7rape£(t% Kal a\Xa onoaa av (iovXy Xeyutv irpos kjic ovk a.Tv\r}Geis. XV. kirel ravra etnev 6 'Affrvdyijs, fj fiijTqp birjpitTa tov Kvpov iroTepov fioiXotTO fxevetv fj dwievat. 6 be ovk kfxeXXrjcrev, aXXk Taj(v elirev otl fxevetv fiovXotro. k7repu>Tr)dels be iraXtv bird rrjs firjTpos bid tI elnelv Xeyerai, "On o'ikoi fxev twv rjXtKtov Kal elfit Kal boKu> KparicFTOs elvat, ti pfjTep, Kal aKOVTt$wv Kal TO^eviov, kv* ravda be olb 1 on lirneviav rjrTi»>v el/il twv tjXIkujv • Kal rovro ev *iadi f 5) (Jirjrep, elecre 9 top be eiceivov avrds evebv. eya> ovv tovtois bttcaiwv eyvuv (jeXriov eivai dfKporepois tov dpfioiovra emrepov y^irtiva eyeiv, ev tovto) av fie enaiaev 6 bibdoKaXos, Xc£as oti onoTe fiev tov dpfiorrovTOS e'irjv KpiTrjs, ovtio beoi 7roie7v 9 brrore be Kplvai beoi worepov 6 yj.Twv e'l-q, tovt e^rj OKeitTeov eivai ris KTijcris bitcaia earl, itorepa tov fiio: dtyeXdfievov e%eiv T] tov iroirjad- fievov t/ irpidfievov KeKTrjvQaC eireira be e(prj to fiev vofiifiov biKawv elvaty to be dvofjov filaiov* ovv 7&J vofio) ovv eneXevev del tov biKaarijv rrfv \lr\' r\v be tl dpa 7rp0ffbett)fiat 9 6 Trdmros fie, €(prj, ovros embibd^ei, XVIII. 'AXX' ov rai/ra, e irdmrw Kal ev Uipaais bitcaia 6fio\oye~irai, ovtos fiev yap tujv ev Mijbois ndpTU)v eavrov becnroTrjv 7re7roir]K€v 9 ev Tlepcrais be to "igov eyeiv bUaiov vofiiierai. Kal 6 aos irpwros iraTrfp ra rerayfieva fiev noiei Trj iroXei, ra Terayfieva be \afifidvei, fxeTpov be avTtp ov% f] ipv-)(f] d\/V 6 vofios ecrTiv. onws ovv fxrj dnoXrj fxanTLyovfxevos, eiretbdv ditcoi rjs, av Trapd tovtov fiaQwv jjktis dvr\ tov fiacriXiKov to TvpavviKov, ev w earl to irXelov oieodai ^prjvai irdvTwv €%eiv» 'AW 6 ye cos 7raTrjp, el-rev 6 Ki}pos, betvorepos e firjrep f btbdvKeiv fxelov ?) irXelov Zyeiv. rj ov% 6piXavdpu)7riav Kai (^iXonfiiav 7rept 7ravros kiroielTO btairpaTTeaQm. II. ko\ b 'Aorvdyjjs o,ti beotTO alfTOv 6 Kvpos ovbev ebvvaro avTeyeiv juj) ov yapiieoQat. Kat yap aaOevif' aavros avrov ovbeirore aireXfrre tov iramrov ovbe KXaiwv irore eVavero, brjXos re r)v iraatv on virepetpofie'iro fir) ol 6 Tramros ano- Bary* Kat yap etc vvktos e'i rivos beotro 'Aorvdyrjs, irpwTOS rjadavero Kvpos Kat TcavTuv aoKvorara avenrjba v7rrfp€Tr)frwv o,n d'totro x a P l ~ eladai, &/ 7roXvXoyta ovveXeyeTO avTtp' aXX' wairep yap ev vw/jatnv, oaot veot bvres fxeyedos eXaflov, ouws e/ji(i)irj iiavyaiTepq, albovs be eve7rifjurXaTO ware Kat epvdpai- veaOaiy biroTe avvTvyyavot rots 7rpeo-/3vrepots, ical to (TKvXahwbes to izaaiv bfxoiws TrpooTriiTTeiv ovKeQ' b/noluts irpoireres eiyev, ovra) bt) f](TV)(atT€pos fxev i\v, ev be toas avvovaiats mayLitav kiriyapis. Kai yap oaa biayojvlSovTat 7roXXaKts fjXtKes npbs aXXr'jXovs, ov-% a KpeiTTtov fjbet tov, Tavra TrpovKaXelTO tovs crvvovTas, dXX* aVep ev fjbei eavrbv jjttovu bvTa, Tavra e^rjpye (pacrKuv koXXlov avrujv noLijCTeiv, Kat KarTipyev rjbrj biava7rr)bu>v 34t ctti tovs 'Ittkovs Tj Staro- fcevao/Jievos Tj biaKOVTiov/jievos cltto twv Imruyv ovirto "navv enoyos wv 9 fjTTUJfxevos be avrbs etp* eavrw /maXtorm eyeXa, V. ws & ovk airebi- bpaaKev €K tov ffTrdadat els to jutj iroielv b fjrTuro, dXX' tKaXivbe'iTo ev t£ 7reipd(rdai avOts j3eXTiov notelv, ray^v /j.ev els to \oov atyiKero 34. diavainjdwyl I. e. « Certatim in equuIninsiliens. ,, Wyttenb. 378. LIB. I. CAP. IV. 19 rjj lirniKfj rots v\i£i, ra\v bk 7raprjei 35 bia to epyv tov epyov, ra\y be ra ev r^ irapabeicTM Brjpla avrjXwKei biojKwv Kai /3aXXwv kcli KaraKahwv, ware 6 'Aarvayrjs ovKer elyev airy avXXeyeiv drjpia* Kai Kvpos alaOofieros on (iovXofjievos ov bvvarai 01 £wvtci woXXa Trape^eiv, eXeye irpos avrbv, 'fl 7ra7T7re, ri ae bel Orjpla Cnrovvra wpay/jara e\eiv ; dXX' eav kjie eKirefXTTr]s errl Ofjpav avv rw 0e/a>, vo/j.iw ova civ'ibu) drjpia, efiol ravra rpetyeodai, VI. eiriQvfiiov be otyobpa e^ievat exl rrjv Ofjpav ovKeQ' o/uoiws Xnrapelv ebvvaro warrep xa'is wj', aXX' oKV-qporepov irpoayei. Kai a irpoadev rw ?LaK

ero on ov rrapiei avrbv rrpbs rov irainTOV, avrbs ijbrj Iukus eavnp eyiyvero* ov yap irpoarjei, el firj 'Lboi el Kaipbs eir\, Kai rov 2a*;a ebelro Travruys arj/uaiveiv avra) b-rrore ev Kaipai eir) elaievai Kai bnore ovk ev Katptp* were b 2a.Kas vTrepetyiXei ijbrj avrbv, wairep Kai 01 aXXoi xavres. VII. 'Eirel b J ovv eyvio b 'Aarvaytjs ai drjpiois 7re\a$eiv Kai nola yjpri Oappovvra btwk'etv. 01 §' eXeyov on Kai cipKroi 7roXXovs rjbrj rrXriaia- aavras btetydeipav Kai Kcurpoi Kai Xeorres Kai wapbaXeis, a< beeXa br) virepeyaipev* oi be tyvXaKes irpoa~ eXaaavres eXoibopovv abrbv Kai eXeyov els olov Kivbvvov eXdoi Kai j-tyaaav Karepelv avrov. 6 ovv Kupos elarrjKei KaTajjefirjKios teal aKoviov TavTa ffviaro, aalv, 'AW i\v a?iaQr)Tai oti IblwKes, ov aol /jlovov Xoibopr'iaerai, dXXa Kai e/jiol on ae eiuv, Kai ijv (3ovXr)Tai, s (iovXei* av yap vvv ye ij/jiov eotKas (iaaiXevs elvai, X. ovtw Sj) 6 Kvpos elaKOfiiaas ret drjpia ebibov re r« Trcnnnp Kai eXeyev on avTos TavTa drjpaaeiev eKeivtg. Kai tcl aKOVTia enebeiKive /lev ov, KaTedrjKe be y/aaTivfieva ottov (Zero top iramrov oxpeaOau 6 be *A(TTvayrjs apa eirrev, 'AW, w 7ra7, beyojiai jjiev eyioye rjbeuis oaa av bibws, ov jmevroi beofiai ye tovtlov ovbevos, aWe ae Kivbvveieiv. Kai 6 Kvpos e eneiTa Kai \e7rrd ^ai 87. koKov ri XP^M a Ka ^ i^ya] He- nugas agebamus. $\vupe?v pr. dicitur rod. 1, 36. 'Ev t$ Mvaicp Ov\v/jLir(p de aquis ferventibus, quae bullas avis XP?A«* y^Tcu /Oteya, Charito 1,1. agunt, (Etym. M. et Phav.) H?d XPVfJ-a TrapOevov, i. e. virgo, Valck. ad bullas cum sint inanes, nee quicquam Eurip. Phcen. 206. Aristoph. PI. 895. prosint, cum aquas ferventes multas Cyrop. 2, 1, 5. Muret. Var. Lect. 6, ejusmodi bullas agunt, cpKvapuv trans- 9. Rittersb. ad Oppian. p. 176. latum non mode est ad eos, qui ver- Spanh. ad Aristoph. Nub. 2. and ad bosi sunt, qui multa, sed vana et falsa, Callim. p. 201. The words monster inania et inutilia loquuDtur, (Ind. and beast are in English somewhat iEschin. h. v.,) sed etiam ad bos, qui analogously used. multum operas ponunt in rebus inuti- 38. £, to be KoXofiov* to. b* ev rols open i kcl\ Xeifiwat drjpia us fiev KaXa, ws be fxeyaXa, ws be XiTrapa e^atVero. Kal at fiev eXatyoi tioirep Trrrjval tjXXopto els top ovpavov, ol be Kanpoi. wanep tovs avbpas aal tovs avbpeiovs ofiove eepovro' virb be ttjs 7rXaTVTrjros ovbe afiaprelv olov r i\v avT&V tcaXXiv be, €(prj f e/joiye boice?. Kal TeOvrjKOTa elvat ravra ij £a>vra eKelva to. TreptwKobofirffjieva. a\\' apa av, tyr), atyeiev Kal vfjias oi irarepes ewt dijpav ; Kal pablws y av, etyaaav, el 'AaTvayrjs Ke- Xevoi. Kal 6 Kvpoy eure, XII. Tis ovv av rifjlv 'Aori/ayet fJ>yri- edeitj ; Tis yap ay, ecpaaav, aov ye iKavwTepos nelaai; 'AXXa fia Toy Ma, etyrj, eyw fxev ovk olb' oaris avOpcoiros yeyevrj/jat' ovbe yap eios t elfjtl Xeyeiv eyioye obb* avajiXeireiv npos tov Trairirov eK tov 'Lvov ert bvvafjiat* ijv be togovtov eitibibih, beboiKa, €07, fiy) 7ra>ra» Tract /3Xd£ tis Kal rfXidios yevu>fiac 7rmbapiov be wv beivoraros Xa- Xelv eboKovv elvai. Kal ol walbes eiTrov, Tlovrjpbv Xeyeis to irpayfia, el fir\be virep fifiwr av tl bey bwijaei 7rpa.TT€iv, aXX' aXXov twos to enl ore avayKTf earac beladai rffxcis, XIII, aKovoas be ravra 6 Kv- pos zbrixdrj, Ka) ffiyfj aKeXdiov biaKeXevaajjievos eat/rw roXfiyv eic- fjXdey 9 ewifiovXevcTas onus av aXvnoTaTa e'i7roi Trpos tov irainrov koX btairpa^etev avT

rj 6 Kvpos, vol TtapavKevacteoQai e'ir) ora) /jLacrriywcrets p.e' ws (iovXevofiai ye nuts ae airobpio Xafitov tovs fjXiKiwTas eVi Brjpav. Kal 6 'Aarvayqs, KaXws, etyrj, enoiriaas irpoenr&V evboOev yap airayopevQ croi fjtrj Kivelvdai* yapiev yap, e7rbs wv (Tiu)7rrj birjyey. 6 jjl£VTOL 'Affri/dyqs enel eyyio clvtov Xvirovfieyov ia^vpws, fiovXo/jLeyos avruj ^apHeadai e£dyet e7rl Orjpav, Kal neiovs iroXXovs Kal i7nreas avvaXiaas Kal tovs walbas Kal avyeXaaas els tcl linTadLjJLa %iopia 41 to. Orjpia e7rolrj(re /meyaXrjy Oripay. Kal (laviXiKws be irapwy avrbs anrjyopeve firjbeva fiaXXeiy, 7rp\v Kvpos ifjmXrjffdeirj OrjpCJy, 6 be Kvpos ovk eta KtvXvew, a\V el jjovXei, etyrj, <3 7ra7T7re, rjbeios /ue drjpqy, atyes rovs kclt ejjie navras biioKeiv Kal biayioyi- Secrdat 07rws eKaaros KparioTa bvvaiTO. XV. kvravda bt) 6 'Aorv- ayrjs ay Kat toIs Mrjbcoy iroXXa drjpia eJyai ad/jpevra bia Toy 7rdXe- poy, eyravda eiredvfi-rjarey €£e\0e~iv 9 oirws ovy aaa\u)S 6r)p els to. epyaatfia re Kal ei//)Xara. atyiKo/ieyos be ottov i)y avrols to. eppovpta Kal r) cpvXaKr), eyravOa ehenrvoTroieiTQ los TTpun rrj varepala Or}papovpia, tovs pey (ieXTiOTOVS Kal 7rXeiaT0vs eywy /ue0' eavTOv eyTavOa KaTe/ieiyey, ws fir) fiorjdoley 01 cppovpol Tioy Mrjbioy inl tovs cara0eovra$, rot's &' CTUTrjbeiovs atpi]K€ Kara vXas aXXovs aXXoce KaraOe'iy, Kal e*e- Xeve 7repi/3aXo/ji€yovs 44 otio tls eiriTvy^ayoL eXavyeiy npos eavroy, ol fjey bfj rai/ra enpaTTOV. therefore called by Xen. 6 \Ao-r elx^' Polyb. 2, 15. p. 103. JlKei- ffroov yap vCkwv Upeiwv Konrofievcav iv *lTa\ia Bid tc ras (is tovs ihlovs fttovs, Kal ras eis ra (TTparSireBa irapadecreis. Galen, w. Kpao*. 2, 2. Kai ei veov U- peiov elr eaBieiv ede\ois, elre k.t, \. — "EfjLTraXiv Se rols veois Upetois ra 7«- yrjpaKdra k. t. \. •* Ita commode satis vox ea hie accipi potest ; ubi de illo loquitur Xen., qui ad pra^dam agen- dam omni studio incubuit, ut quam lautissimo regioque plane apparatu nuptias celeb^aret. ,, Hutch. Etym. M. : 'lepeiov' rb Trp6fSarov, Phav. 'Ie- peveiv ov fi6vov rb dveiv, aWa Kal airXaJs o~roy Tore onXa cybvs, ovkotc olofxe- vos* ovTtJS €7reQvjj.ei avrols eip-irXlaaaQaC fxaXa be KaXa ?jy Kal apfjioioyra avr(p a 6 iramros nepl to aut/Jia ene7roir}TO. ovtu) brj e£- 07r\iodfji€yos wpoaijXaae ry "mry. Kal 6 'AaTvdyrjs edavfiaae /lev riyos KeXevaayros rjKoi, Sfxios cV clney avry [ievetv nap eavToy* XIX. 6 be Kvpos ws elbe iroXXovs lirireas ayriovs, ripero, 'H ovtoi, etyrj, (3 7ra7T7r€, TroXifJLtoi elaty, oi etyeoTriKaoi rols tirirois ripejia ; YloXifiioi fieyroi, ecprj, T H Kal eKelvoi, eeyTes to. ^p//)uara efevyoy. XXI. ol b* au(pl Toy Kvpov vTreri/iyoyTO Kal ovs pey KaTeXajifiayoy evdvs enaioy, npioTOS be 6 Kvpos, oaot be 7rapaXXd^avTes avrwy e^Oaaay, 45 KaroTny tovtovs ebiwKoy, Kal ovk ayieaav, dXXa Kal 45. 7rapa\\d£avT€$ avroov KcpBap'av'] tervecti erant prius, quam Medi ad C( Quioccuparant praetervehi, qui prae- ipsos venissent, qui elapsi ipsis LIBER I. CAP. IV. 25 ffpovv Tivas avrQv. wcr7rep be kviov yevvalos airetpos airpovorjTUiS eperai npos Kcnrpov, ovrut Kai 6 Kvpos ev to naieiv tov aXiGKOfievov, aXXo §' ovbev Trpovowv. ol be iroXefJuoi dts eajpbiv Trovovvras tovs otyerepovs, TrpovKivr}ffav to arltyos, ws nav- arofjievovs tov btiyyfxov, eirel otyas 'ibotev irpoopfifiiravTas. XXII. 6 be Kvpos ovbev fxdXKov avtets, aXV vtto ttjs ^apfjovfji^ avaKaXiov tov Qelov ebiotKe, teat layypav ty\v (pvyrjv toIs 7roXe/iiois ioyypCjs uaTeyuv enoiei, Kai 6 Kva^aprjs jxevroi etyeineTO, icws /cat alcxyvo- fievos tov irarepa, Kai ol aXXoi be etirovTO, 7rpodvfJL6repoi byres ev TtZ tolovt(d els to btu)Keiv Kai ol fxi) ttclvv npbs tovs evavTiovs dXKifMOt byres. 6 Se 'AfTTvayrjs Kal ky v clvtov Tore virepe^eneTrXriKTO en ai/rJ. K.a/j/3v(n)s be 6 tov Kvpov vrarrip ijbero fxev 7rvv&ai'6/j.€vos ravra, eVet S' i]KOV(T€y dvbpos 1JS17 epya bia^eiptSofAeyov tov Kvpov, cWe- kclXcl Si), 07rios tcl ev Tlepaats eTTL^iopia enireXoir]. Kal 6 KUpos Se eyravOa Xiyerat elnelv otl dmevaL fiouXoiro, ixr} onaTrjp tl cx^Qolto Kal r/ woXts fjLe/jL(f>0LT0, Kal Tip 'Affri/ayei Se eSofcet dvayKalov elvai aTTOTTe/jiTretv avrov, evda Si) 'lttttovs re avr& bovs ovs avros enedv/jiei Xafielv Kal aWa avaKevdvas iroXXd eTrefxtre Kal bia to (piXelv avrov Kal a/j.a iX7r(bas eywv jueyaXas ev uvrio avbpa eaeadai Uavov Kai eXelv Kal eydpovs aviqiv, airiovra Se tov ILvpov irpovire/JL- 7rov 48 anavres Kal TreuSes Kal ijXiKes Kal avbpes Ka\ yepovres ecf ittttlov Kal ' AffTvdyrjs avros, Kal ovbeva etyaouv ovtlv ov baKpvovT aTroarpetyevdai. XXVI. Kai JLvpov be avrov XeyeraL avv noXXols caKpvois airoyjupriGai. noXXd Se biopa biabovvai (paaiy avrov toIs 7}XiKt(i)Tats tov 'Aorvayijs ai/r^i ebebcoKei, reXos be Kal f}v elye aro- X)jv Trfv MrjbiK^v eKbvvra bovvai tlvi, brfKutv otl tovtov /jLaXitrra r}iXovvras avrbv, vnoXei- tydrjvac eiret be oi HWoi aTrtjXdov, TrpoaeXQelv rw Kvpw kui elnelv, 'Rfie fiovov oh yLyviovKets, w Kvpe, rwv uvyyevwv ; rw be elirelv rbv Kvpov, *H Kal crv (rvyyevrjs ei ; MaXtora, tftavai. TavV tipa, elirelv rbv "Kvpov-, Kal €veavai rbv Kvpov, evyyevrj ye bvra' dfj.a beirpoaeXdovra s 6pq.s, ijbr]. ovru teat rbv Kvpov naXtv (piXyjaavra an one fxire iv Kal azrtevat. Kal obov re efjvio iroXXijv birjvvadat avrols Kal rbv Mfjbov rjiceiv 7raXiv ibpovvrt rig t7T7r«* Kal rbv Kvpov liovra *A\V r), cparat, eireXaOov rt wv ejiovXov elnelv ; Ma Ala, avrov fxovois. modis prsscipuis gaudebant, ita etiam 50. aarKapdafivKrl] J. Poll. 2, 67. jure osculandi regis, jure gerendi dia- notices this word as Xenophonteanl demata, 8, 3, 13. Brisson. 1,207. Bekk. Anecd. 1, 452. 'Ao-KapSa/jLVKrl Xen. igitur Medos illos, quibuscura opav p.)) Karajj.vovra. 'Apicrrodvr)s* contraxerat in Media amicitiam et fa- PAtyov els e/JLe'Ao-KapSafjLVKrl. " Ocu- miliaritatem intimam, mores Persarum lis inconniventibus, i. oculis apertis et secutus, vocat s ifivnadelv ev Mfjbots /bi€jj.a6r)KU)s fJKof enel be Kal eadiovra avrov ewptov wPTrep Kal avrol ffbecos Kal 7rivovra, Kal ei nor' iv ioprrj evwj^ta yet olto, iTTibtbovra fxaXXov avrov tov eavrov jjJpovs rjadavovTO r/ 7rpoabe6fxevov 9 Ka\ rrpbs tovtois be raXXa Kpartcrevovra avrov €U)pi*)V eavr&v, evravOa if) ttoXlv v7re7rrrj(T(TOv avraJ ol rjXiKes, iwel be bteXQwv rt)v iraiieiav ravrr}v rfbrj elcrfjXdev els rovs i(j)r)fiovs T iv tovtois ay eboxei Kpartareveiv Kal fAeXer&v § \pfjv Kal Kapre- pwv Kal albovueros tovs 7rpeaj3vrepovs Kal 7r€i06fievos rols ap- yjovai. II. Tlpo'iovTOs be tov ypovov 6 fxkv 'Aorvayr/s iv toIs Mrfbois a7rodvf}GKei> 6 be lLva^aprjs 6 tov 'Aarvayovs 7ra7s ? Tfjs be Kupov urjTpbs abeXv wepi^ pabiws aplpiV layyporarov yap twv iyyvs $vXwv rovro iboKei elvai. III. ovtvj bf] biairefxireL npos re tovs vcjf eavrov rravras Kal npos Uipolffov tov Avbtiv (jaaiXea Kal npbs tov KamraboKutv Kal npos fypvyas au(j>orepovs Kal 7rpos UacpXayovas Kal 'Ivbovs Kal npos Kd- pas Kal KiXiKas, to. fxev biafiaXXwv tovs Mi'/bovs Kal Yleparas, Xeywv Cjs [JteyaXa re ettf ravra eOvrj Kal la^vpa Kal ovveorriKora els to avTO Kal eniyanias aXXi]Xois 7re7roiTjjj,evot eiev 9 Kal Kivivvevvoiev, 51. rccv 'AcrtruptW] "Xen. through- Coelen Syriam, Phoenicem, Judaeam, out this work, (see 2, 1,5. &c.) speaks v. Cellar. 2 ? 337. Ex quo intelligitur of the Assyrians, as if they then ruled cur Xen. scripserit irdvTus 'Xvpovs, qui over interior Asia, whereas the other populi omnes cum fuerint partes unius writers inform us that these Assyrians civitatis, idcirco addit 6a(ras affdevhxtoi, eftl ev eKaarov tCjv eQvuiv lovres KaTa<7Tp€\pacrdai t ol fiev bt) Kai toIs \6yois tovtols iteidofievoi ov/jl- payjav avrS cttoiovvto, ol be Kai bwpois teal ^prjjuLaffiv ctv aire 16 ] 6 fie* voc noXXh yap Kai TOiavra ijv avry. IV. Kva^aprjs be 6 tov 'AffTuayovs irals eVei rjvOaveTO tIjv r e7rtj3ovXy)v Kai T))v irapa- CKevijv T&V (TuvKTTCtfjLeKjJv ev Tiepawv beKa fJiev 7re\ra- crras irpoaeXecrdai, beKa be ocpeiboto'iTas, beKa be TO^oras' Kai ovtws kyevovTO /jLvpiot /uev TolpTat, /xvpiot be TreXraora), /uvpioi be ffypev- bovTiTai* yupls be tovtojv ol yJXioi b-ripyov* TOcrauTTj /uev br) crpa- r-ia Tv. KaXXieprjaa/xevos be TOTe 7rpo(T7ipe~iTO tovs biaKoalovs* enel be irpoveiXovTo Kai ovtol bfj tovs Terrapas eKaaTOt, avveXe^ev avrovs Kai elrre Tore 7rpui>Tov ev avrols Ta.be' VII. "Avbpes ftXoi, eyw 7rpo yevojJievoL rwv ivovT]pwv 9 d\\' ol re rwv irapavriKa rjbo- vwv aTreyJ)fxe\>oi ov\ ?va jbtrjbe7rore evtypavOwai, tovto Trparrovfftv, a\V ws bia ravrijv rt)v eyKpdreiav 7roXXa7r\d<7ia els rbv eneira ypovov ebtypavovjuievoL ovrw irapacrKevaSovraiy o? re Xeyeiv irpodv- jjiovnevoi beivol yeieaOai ov\ ?va ev Xeyovres ^benore Travawvrai, Tovto neXerwctv, a\\' eXwiSovres tw Xeyeiv ev -rreidovres avdpwnovs ttoXXci Ka\ jmeyaXa dyaOa biairpalaoQaC ot re av ra noXe/jiiKoi uaKovvres ov^ ws fiayuiievoL {xrjbenore 7ravawvrai 9 tovt eK7rovov(7iv, dXXd vofxiiovres Kal ovtoi ra 7roXejULiKa dyadol yevofJievoi noXvv fiev o\j3ov, 55 7roXX))p be evbaifwviav, fjieyaXas be ri/jias ecu eavrols Kal trj -iroXei Treptaxjjeiv. X. el be rives ravra eKirovrjaavres wpiv riva Kapirbv air avrwv KOfJiLoaadai Ttepielbov avTovs yrjpa abvvarovs yerofievovs, Sfxoiov e/nmye boKovci 7T€7rovQevai olov el rts yewpybs ay adds 7rpoQvfir)dels yeveadai Kal ev arreipwv Kal ev tyvrevutv, bit ore KapTToveGai ravra beoi> eyr) rbv Kapnbv acrvyKOfjaGTOv els rrjv yfjv fraXiv Karappelv Kal e'l ris ye aaKrjTtfs noXXa Trovrjaas Kal d^to- vikos yevofxevos avaywviaros biareXeveiev, oi/5' av ovros jnoi boKel biKalws avairws elvat a ovbe ye oi ravra fxev licavol, awaibevroi be ws xP f ) KaL ovfXfxd^OLS Ka\ rroXefiiois ^prjadai, aXXa Kal ovtol br)Xov ws twv fxeyiarwv rratbevfAarwv cnreipws eypvoLV. XII. v/Ltels be vvkt\ jiev bi)7rov oaarrep oi dXXoi fjfJiepa buvataQ' av \piiadaty rrovovs be 5 ^ tov £rjv ijbews rjye/jiovas vojui£ere, Xi/jw be oaanep b\pu> bta^pfjcrQe, vbpoiroaiav be pqov rwv Xeovrwv cpepere, koXXhttov be rravrwv Kal rroXefjLLKwrarov Krfjua els ras xpv^as cvy- Keico/LLKjde* enaivovfxevoi yap /uaXXov q rois aXXois anaoL yjxlpere, rovs 8' eiralvwv epaaras avayKT) ktcloQcu tcl atria Kal bia rouro rravra fxey ttovov rravra be Kivbvvov rjbews vnobveaQai. XIII. el be ravra eyio Xeyis) nepl vfxwv aXXy yiyvwffKwv, e/iavrov e£ct7raru>* o,7t yap fii) tolovtov airofiiiGerai Trap v/jlwv, els epe to eXXelirov ffeei, d\Xd rrttrrevw roi rrj neipa Kal rrj vjuwv els eae evvoia Kal rrj Twv TtoXejAlwv avoia fir) \\jevaeiv fie ravras ras ayadas eXrribas, d\Xd Ooppovvres bpfxwfjteda, enabi) Kal eKrrobwv ffftlv yeyevrjraL to bu£ai twv aXXorpiwv cibUws etyieddai. vvv yap epyovrai fiev oi noXefiioi ap\ovres abtKwv ^eipwv, KaXov* altiaTiKr). Tpircp 'OAuy- fxova rod £rjv rjdeoes Trote'iade," 6i7rci?y, diafccp' 0#t€ QiXirnros iOdfipei. tovtovs, kclL T&AAa 6/j.oicas iircKTeivas, fieyd\r}V offl ovtol $iAnnrov. 'O 5e ^laoKpar^s riva ivvoiav r<$ iiralvcp irpoairepiapio'a- iu tg? irsp\ rrjs Elprivr}S irpbs doriK'fjv ro. Liv. 1, 5. : " Labor voluptasque, "CLo-re /j.r}$e ro?s olKeiOTarois Qafipiiv dissimillima natura, societate quadam •jrArjcria^di'Tas. See Matth. Gr. Gr. inter se naturali sunt juncta." 555. Heindorf. ad Plat. Phaedr. 228. 57. eKeti/o oiofxai vfxas ovx ¥jKicrra But the accusative must be considered 6aph7v~\ So 1, 6, 19. ©a/5pet (x&roi, as depending on a prep, understood. 32 CYROPiEDIA. CAP. VI. I. Kvpos be eXOwv ciliccibe Kal rrpoGev^afxevos f E<7r/a 58 Ttarpwa koX Au irarpww^ icai to~is aXXocs deols wpfiaro enl Tt)v Grpareiav, tTUf.i7rpov7ref.iwe be avrov Kal 6 7ra7//p. e7reibrj be e£w rrjs olKias eyevoiro, Xeyovrai arrrpawal tca\ (ipovral avrw aiaioi yereadai. tovtwv be (paverrwv ovbev aXXo en olwvi£6fj.evoi eiropevovTO, ws ovbeva av XrjGovra to. tov fieyicrrov Seov crrffxela, II. npo'iovTL be tw Kvpw 6 irciTrjp fjp^eTO Xoyov roiovbe. '£1 7ra7, oti fxev ot Oeoi ae \Xew re Kal eiffjteyels nefjnrovcri Kal ev iepols bijXov Kal ev ovpaviois or)fxeiois* yiyvwGKeis be icai avTos. eyio yap ae ravra e7riTT)bes ebtba^afirjv, virus fuij bi aXXwv epprjiewv rag twv dewy avfifiouXias Gvveirjs, a\Xa ai)TOS Kal bpwv tci oparii Kal cikovwv to. aKOMTCL yiyvwGKOts Kal f.irj cttI fxavTeatv e'Lrfs, el (iovXoivTO ae e^mraT^v erepa Xeyovres irapa ra napa twv Oewv Grjfuaivdfieya, futjb' av, el ttot€ apa avev fxavTews yevoto, cnvopols deiois vrffieiois Q t Tt XP¥° V e » aXXa yiyvwGKwv bta rrjs fiavTiKfjs ra 7rapa twv dewy (TvjufiovXevofxeva, tovtois ireiQoio. III. Kai fxev brj, w nciTep, er) b Kvpos, ws av tXew ol Oeol orres ffjulv GVjjfiovXeveiv OeXwGiv ogov bvvafxai Kara tov gov Xoyov biareXw ewifjieXovfievos. fxefivrjfjiai yap, ecbrj, aKOvaas nore gov on cIkotws av Kal 7rapa Oewv wpaKTiKwrepos eirj wGwep Kal irapa aydpwTrwv ogtis fxrj onore ev anopois e*i7], Tore KoXaKevot, aXX' ore apiGra 7rpdrroi, rore fudXiGra twv Oewv fie- fivwTO* Kal twv (j)iX(ov 5* e(f>rjGda ^prjvai wGavTWS ovrws e7rifxeXe~iGdai. IV. Ovkovv vvv t e(/>rj, w 7ra7, bia ye eKclvas tcis enifxeXeias rjbtov fj.ev epXV ^P** 8 T0 ^ s ^ €0VS berjGOfievos, eXTriiets be fjaXXov Tev^eGdat tov av berj, on Gvreibevai Gavry boKels ov ttwttot afxeXijGas avrwv ; 58. 'Ecrria ircLTpcaa] It is manifest, ignem, quia, ut 7, 5, 57. praeponitur as Schneider remarks, that Xen. here Jovi, sub cujus nomine cultuin est assimilates the Persian to the Grecian apud Persas ccelum ; nam ignem om- theology. But with propriety he has nium deorum primum precabantur, introduced Vesta the goddess of fire, primo sactificabant : v. Brisson. 2, because fire was worshipped by the 15. " Fischer. Persians; the same goddess also re- 59. Ait Trarpcfcp] " Aia irarpfov, qui presented the earth, which was also alibi etiam Zeis fiacr i\eb s divit ur, Kleu- worshipped by the Persians: see ker Zend-Avesta V. 2. p. 3. Append. Herod. 1, 131. Strabo 15. p. 732. p. 31. putat denotare deum Ormuzd." Casaub, " H. 1. arbitror intelligi Poppo. LIBER I. CAP. VI. 33 flaw fiev ovv, ecprj, J narep, tus irpbs QiXovs bvras jiot tovs Oeovs ovrio biaKeifxai. V. Te yap, etyrj, to Trot, aeuvqcrat e/cetya a wore tboket r)fi1v ios aVep bebcoKaGtv ol Oeol fxadovras avdpto7rovs fieXnov irpa.TT€LV ?} av€7riffTf)fjiovas avrutu ovtcls Kal epyaSofjtevovs /maXXoy avvreiv ij apyovvras /cat e7ri/jieXo/LLevovs aa^aXeorepoy [a)/] btayeiv 7] a Kal ahelcrdai rayada Trapa twv Oetiv; VI. Nat ^ua A/a, etpri b Kvpos, ^e/urrjuat fievTOi TOiavra aKOvGas gov /cat yap avay ktj i)v fxe neiOeadai T GioieLV ev^ecrdai vavs KvflepvwVTas, ovbe fir) arret- povras ye gItov evyeodai kclXov avTols tpveGdai, ovbe /urj 0i>Xarro- fxevovs ye ev groXe/uo) OLOTTjplav alreiadat' Trapa yap tovs twv Qetov deafjiovs navra tcl toiolvto. elvac tovs be ade/uiora evyofxi- yovs bfio'uos etyr)ada eiKos elvai 7rapa dewy arv^ely ivGirep Kal 7rapa avdptJTrijjy airpaKTeiv tovs irapavofxa beofxevovs* VII. 'E/cet J'wv §e, 7rarep, jJLe/jLirjjjiai /cat tovto gov XeyovTOs* GweboKei ovv /cat e t uol virep^eyeQes elvai epyoy to KaXQs ap^eiy* Kal vvv y, ecprj, rai/rd /jlol boKeT. Tavra, otuv 7rpos avTO to apyeiv gkottGjv Xoyi^wfjiai' orav ftevTOt ye irpbs aXXovs avQpwTtovs Ibiop KaTavoijGb) oloi ovres btayiyvovTat ap^ovres /cat olot byres avTayw vterrat 61 fijxiv eGOvrai, navv /not So/cet ato-^po^ elvai to tolovtovs 60. irapEXovTas"\ Poppo remarks runt, (ut Matth. Gr. Gr. p. 774.) that the construction of this period is vel sanissimum corrigendo interpola- somewhat changed at its close ; for the runt." words should have run thus : Tavra ra 61. glut ay covktt at] ^pTayccviGT^s ayada, irapexovras eavrovs olovs 5e7, is 1. properly an adversary in any an-e?o-0cu 5e? Trapa rwv dewv. " Quod game or contest, more particularly in ignorantes haud pauci vel venustis- wrestling, avTiiraXos, Hesych. ; 2. an simum locum explicando perverte- enemy, with whom we have to fight ; 34 CYROP^DIA. avrovs oyras vTroirT?j£ai Kal fjtrj OeXeiv leyai avrols dyraywyioiz/ie- rovs* ovs, erj 9 eyw alodavofiai aplafieyos curb tCjv rjfJLerepijjy tpiXcjy rovrwv fjyovfievovs bely rbv ap^orra tujv ap^ofieyioy btatye- pety rw Kal noXvreXeGrepoy benryely Kal TrXeov eyeiv eiboy ypvGtoy kui irXelova ygbvoy Kadevbety Kal 7ravra awoywrepov rwy apyo/ji- rtjy biayeiy. eyio be olfjtai, e(j>rj t top apyovra ov rw pabiovpyely %prjyai btaiXonoye~iy 7rpoQufjiovfjievop. IX. 'AX\d ror, erj, oj nal, eyia eGTiv a 62 ov irpbs avdpwTrovs ayuvioTeov> d\\d irpbs avra tcl Trpayfj.aTa 9 k>y ov poibiov evTTopws 7T€piy€reardai, avrtKa brjirov oloda on el prj e£ei rd eirirfjbeia 7/ arparia, KaraXvverai gov evQvs fj apxfj. Ovkovv ravra jxev, ecprj, w Trdrep, Kua|dp^s ^>tjgI Trape£eiv rols eirevdey Iovgl iraoiy oitoool av ojgi. Tovtois brj ov, gj 7ra7, iriOTeviov epx 1 ? T0 ^ s irapa Kva^dpew \prjfiaoty ; "Eya/ye, e^»/ 6 Kvpos. TV be, ecptj, oiGda birooa avr

OKw 9 etyri b Kvpos. *Hr ovv, €(prj t eiriXiirrj avrby ?/ ba-rravri rj Kal €Kwy xjjevGrjraiy J iral, irws apa gol e£ei to. rrjs orpaTtas ; AtfXoy on ov KaXws. arap, e(/)ij $ w narep, ov el eyopqs Tiva iropov Kal air ejuov ay 7rpooyey6fieyoy 7 £a/s en ev s. XI. 'AW, €(prj, u> irarep, aXXws re fjtoi KaXtis boKels ravra. Xeyeiv ixavra, Kal on atv jxev vvv Xeyovrat Xy'i^eadat ot arpaTiwrat, ovbels avT&v 1/jioi tovtiov yaptv eiaeraC "taaat yap eiXovs ev ixoiovvTa avTUityeXeladat, ean be eydpovs eyovTa Treipaadat r/ca- adat^ 5 ewetra d/jteXelv tov 7ropt$ea0at, o'tet ti, e(prj, t)ttov tovto elvat alaypbv rj et Tts eyji)v fiev aypovs, eywv be epyaras ols av epyctSoiro, eVeira etXta prjT ev TroXe/jtiq, ovtws eye Tr)v yvu)fxr}v. XII. Ti yap, ev aXXtov thv eboKet wod' fj/mlv ctvay~ Kalov elvat fir) TrapafxeXelv t) fxe/nvrjaat; Ov yap, eaaK0VTi orparrjye7v fie TreiraibevKevaL, av be afxa btbovs fioL eV»7pa>ras wbe irws, 'Apd ye, elnes, w 7ra7, ev rots (TTparrjytKols Kal OLKovofiias tl aoi e7refxpfi(rdr) 6 avifp w tov [iiaQov (pepeis ; ovbev fxevTOL i\ttov ol arpariwrai twv eirLTribeiwv heovrai i) ol ev o'ikw olicerai. enel & eyu) aoi Xeywv TaXrjdf/ elwov otl ovb' otlovv irepl tovtov enefxv^adrf, enijpov jjie ttoXlv ei tl /jiol vyteias irepi rj pwfiqs eXe^ev, ws berjaov kal tovtwv \_wa7rep teat] vnep tyjs arparias top oTpaTYiybv €7ri/u€- Aelcflcu. ws he Kal Tavra aneiprjaa, eniipov fie av tcuXlv ei Tivas reyyas ebiba'^e fie ws clp eKaoTa tup noXefiiKwp epywp KpaTiaroi av ol avfifiaypL yiyvoLVTO. cnrodirjoavTos be fxov Kal tovto apeKpivas av cv Kal robe el tl jjl eizaibevaev ws av bvpaifirfp orpanct npoOvfJiiav kfxjoaXelv, Xeywv otl to nav biatyepeL ev ttuvti epyw irpoQvfxia d6r/- [xias* knel be Kal tovto avevevov, i^Xey^es av av el Ttva Xoyov €7roL})(7aTO^ bibdaKwv 7repl tov irelQeoQaL tt\v OTpariav, ws av tls /udXiora firj^avipTO, XIV. kirel be feat tovto TtaPTcnraGLP dpprjTOv iipalpero, TeXos b>] fxe enripov o,tl Ttore bibdaKWP GTpaTT)yiav (fair} fxe btbaoKeiv, Kayw brj kvTavda dnoKpipofxaL otl tcl TaKTLKa. Kal cv yeXaaas bLrjXOes jjlol napaTiQels eKauTOP, tl eirj o(j>eXos eirj arpa- Tiq. TaKTLKwp avev twv €7iLTrjbeiwv 9 tl S' avev tov vyiaiveiv, ti b 1 &vev tov enlffTaadaL tcls evprjfxevas els 7roXefxov reacts, tl b* avev tov TreiOeadai ; ws be fxot KaTaares kiiOLYfaas otl fiLKpov tl fiepos eirj GTpaTrjyias tcl TaKTLKa, knepofiepov jjlov ei tl tovtwv av fie biba- £cu havos e'irjs, airLovTa fie eKeXevffas toIs VTpaTTjyiKols vofiicofxevois avbpdcrL biaXeyeadaL Kal TrvOeadai irfj e/caora tovtwv ylyverai, XV. €K tovtov brj eyw ffvvfjp tovtols ovs fiaXLOTa r} 9 w narep, bbbv twv tovto vpaTTeiv Ikuvos eaofiai ; *Hv jiev biiirov yjpbrov tlvcl /.leXXrjs ev r« avrw fjtevetp, vyieivov irpwTOV he~t OTpaTOirebov fit) ctfJieXrjaai' tovtov be ovk av ajbiapTOts, edvirep /jteXrj aoi. Kal yap Xeyovres ovbev iravovTai ol avdpw7roi irepi re twv voorjpwv yutpiwv /cat Trept twv vyieivwv' papTvpes be oatyels eKarepois avrwv irapiGTavTai to. re aw/jLara ical tcl ^pw/iara. eVetra be ov to. ywpia /jovov ctp/cet <7/ce- \pa&dat, otXXa fivtjadrtTi ov wws ireipq. aavrov eirifjieXeloQai oirws vyiatvrjs. XVII. /cat 6 Kftpos elwe, Ylpwrov jxev vri A/a weipw/biai p.r)beiroTe vTzepe^TriirXaffQac bv(T(j)opov yap. eVetra be eKirovw tcl etVtoVra* ovTid yap jjlol boKel r\ re vyieia /uaXXov 7rapa/jev€LV Kal lff\vs irpoayeveadai. Ovtoj Toivvv, e^iy, w 7ra7, Kal twv aXXwv bei e7rifieXe7ffdai. ' H Kal oypXrj, e(prj t earat, w naTep, awpcaaKelv toIs orpaTiwrais ; Ov fia At", etyrj 6 7rarj)p, ov [xbvov ye, dXXa /cat avayKTj, bei yap brjTrov orpartdv, et /ueXXet wpa^eiv to. beovTa, /i7/5e7rore naveodai tj toIs noXefjilois *ca/cd iropavvovaav ij eavri] dya0a # ws yaXeirbv ftev Kal eva avdpwirov apyov rpetyeaOai, noXv 6' eri 9 w 7rat, )(aXe7rwrepoi> oIkov 6Xov, wuvtwv be yaXeirwraTOV OTpaTiav apyov Tpetyeiv. 7rXe7oru re -yap tcl eaOlovTa ev oTjOanct Kal d7r' eXa^LGTwv opjjiwfieva /cat ots av Xa(3r] bax^iXeaTara XP^" 67. awecTTal] u Guelf. Brera. Lugd. hoc vocab. ab antiquis et probis po- rjirrjTal, which Zeunius and Schneider etis usurpatum fuerit ; et doctissimi have received. But the vulgar read- Gramm., excepto Etym. M. v. 'A/ce- ing is confirmed by Bekk. Anecd. 1, crrpa, nomen 7]tt7\t7]s rejiciunt, ut 364. 'A/ceo-rai ol tcl tfidria ukov/jlgvol. verbum novum et vulgare, ita ut J. g.evo to Trdrep, bowels Xeyeiv, icai ejjiol ovtids ijbiov. XX. to ye \xr\v Tteidopevovs irapeyeadai tovs GTpaTitoTas ovk direlptos jjlol botcu) avrov 68. to 76 fAG\$TacrQai] i( On this tuen(es seepe cum his comparat auc- absolute infinitive, consult Matth. Gr. tor : vide 3, 5, 70. (et Memor. 3, 4, Gr. p. 782. Even in Demosth. de Cor. 5.)" VVeiske. " Xopol sunt pueri et c. 18. read from the Mss. To ixkv ovv puellae, viri et feminse, quae manus ypd\f/ai — t)]v Kpiaiv efoai vofiifa, conserentes canunt et saltantin thea- where the vulgar reading is rod jjl4v." tris inter actus fabularum ; qui erant Poppo. in tragoediis et comoBdiis Terpdyowoi, 69. w(T7T€p x°P°^ s l *' ^ n n ' s i n P r i- etiam kvkXioi, Axiocli. 20. et Ern. ad mis uiodeste se gerebant Athenienses, Memor. 3, 4, 3. Hi spectantur; nam et ad nutum unius intend officia sua etiam x°P ^ exercebantur antca, ut exsequebantur. Vide Memor. 3, 5, 6. partes suas recte agerent : cf. 3, 3, Hinc milites officium suum diligenter 70." Fischer. LIBER I. CAP. VI. 39 €%€iv t to narep' ov yap fie evdvs tovto €K naiblov enalbeves aavTto iretdeaQai avayKaiiov' eVetra to7s bibavKaXois 7rapkbu>Kas 9 Kal eKelvoi av to avTO tovto enpaTTOV' kirel 8' ev to'ls ktyrifiots i)fJLev 9 6 &P^lov tov clvtov tovtov la^yptos ene/neXelTO' Kal ol vo/j,oi be fxoi boKovaiv ol ttoXXo) Tavra bvo paXiGTa bibaaKeiv, apyeiv re Ka\ apyevQai, Kal toIvvv KaTavoiov irepl tovtlov ev natriv bpav fxoi boKw to TrpoTpeirov weidevdai /jaXia-a bv to Toy fxev TreiQojjLevov eVai- ve'iv re Kal Ti/Jtjv, tov be awetdovvTa aTifia^eiv re Kal KoXaSeiv, XXI. Kai eVi fxev ye to avayKt] eireodai ai>T>i, w wdl, r] bbos e(7Tiv> kn\ be to KpelTTOV tovtov ttoXv to e<6vTas TreiQecrdai uXXrj evA avvofiwTepa. ov yap av ifyfjfftovrat irepl tov crvfityepovTOS eav~ to'ls (ppovi/jiwTepov eavTujv elvai, tovtld ol avOpiOTrot V7repxjbeii)s 7re/- Sovrai. yvoirjs 8' av oti tovO" ovtujs eyei kv dXXois re noXXols Ka\ b}) Kal kv to'ls ko./j.vov(tiv 9 ws irpodvfiios tovs kiziTatyvTas 6,tl ^m) rroie'iv KaXovai* Kat kv QaXarrr) be cos 7rpoQvjiios to'ls KvfiepvrjTais ol avfXTrXeovTes 7rei0ovTaC Kal ovs y av vofximoGi Tives /3e\nov eau- tcov bbovs elbevai, cos layyp&s tovtlov ovb' a7roXei7reaBai kQeXovtriV brav be oiuvrai neidouevoi KaKov tl Xi^eaQat, oi/re crifxlais navv ti QeXovtriv eiKeiv ovte btbpots eiraipeadat. ovbe yap btopa knl to> eavTOv kukcJ) ckcov ovbels Xa/xfiavei, XXII. Aeyeis trv 9 ecprj 9 to 7rarep, els to TreiQofJLevovs eyetv ovbev elvai avvGintoTepov tov tppo- vifiioTepov boKelv elvai tlov ap'yofievtov, Aeya* yap ovv 9 e(pr\. Kai ttws brj Tts av 9 to 7rarep, TOiavTrjv bofav raptor a Trepi av'ou irapa^^eaQai av buvatro ; Ovk cgtiv, e(prj 9 to real, avvTO/jnoTepa obos 7T€pl tov av fiovXt] boKelv aXwai f Kal Trpovoelv weipwixevov ws fir) a(j>aX- Xwvrai, €7rl tuvto. 7tws be? /jaXXov avjj.7rapOfAapTel.vJ XXV. Kal enl twv npa£ewv be, i)v ixev ev Oepei wui, tov apyovra be! tov rjXlov TrXeoveKTovvTa (j>avepbv elvai, Tjv be ev yeiixwvi, tov y^vyovs, ijv be bia fxoydwv, twv ttovwv' iravTa yap ravra els to Ta tov apyovTa twv apypfxevwv elvai. Ae'yw yap ovv, e^ri. Oappei fievToi tovto, w iraV ev yap 'iaOi oti twv biiolwv aw/JctTwv 01 avTol nuvoi ov% bfioiws anTOVTai apyovTOs 7e avbpbs Kal Ibiwrov, a\V entKOvcpHei tl >/ Tifxr) tovs ttovovs tw apyovTi Kal avrb to elbevat oti ov XavBavei o,tl av 7rotrj. XXVI. f Ojro7e be, w TTaTep, aol i]br f eyoiev fxev ra €7riTribeia ol VTpaTtwTai, vyiaivoiev be, izovelv be bvvaivTO, ras be noXefitKas Terras r/OKr)K0Tes elev, (j)iXotiiaws b' eyoiev Txpbs to ayadol ai- reaOai, to be 7reidea6ai avTols ijbiov e'irj tov cnreiOelv, ovk av tyjvi- KavTa awtypoveHv dv tis aoi boKolri biaywviCeodai fiovXoixevos ixpbs tovs 7ToXeiAiovs ws rd^tora ; Nat ijci A/', e(j)rj, el jJteXXoi ye 7rXelov e£eiV el be iayj, eywye oaw oioljutrjv Kal avTOs fieXTiwv elvat Kal tovs eiroiievovs fieXTiovas ey^eiv, Toaw av [jaXXov rj, nalbas ovTas ypas /cat ecpiifiovs rkvavria tovtujv ebibcMTKere ; Nat /jia At", e^T/, teal vvv ye 7rpos tovs r] 9 e/uavdciveTe To£evetv ; tivos b' eVe/ca aKovTiSeiv ; tivos b* ere/ca boXovv vs ayplovs teal 7rXey/ua TTciTep, etTTfp xpyjeifjia eGTiv a/ufyorep' eVtOTaffftat, e^ re Troielv avdpu)7rovs Ka\ Katcivs, Kai bibaffcetv a/j(j>OTepa Tavra ebei eV' avdpiXvels Kal irpbs to ev e^aTrarav /cat npos to ev itXeoveKrelv , iffajs be Kal npbs to (f)iXoKepbe'lv ovk acpvels ovres, ovk tnreiyovTO ovb' anb tw • plais avrovs yiyvofievovs ev epvfivtp avrbs wv vnobety. XXXVI. Kal ntis av, €(j>rj, ris roiavra, 10 rrarep, ajuLapravoiras bvvair av tovs 7roXe^iovs Xa^xjiareiv ; "On, e(prj, ib iral, ttoXXci fJL€V TOVTlOV aic'iyKi] €gtI Kal vfias Kal TOVS TToXejJiovs TtapaGyelv. GiT07roie~iGdai'" i * re yap avayKtj a/jxporepovs, 72. itairarav'] " Sed apud Gr?ecos But tliere is a difference between rpe- pueri jam septennes luctari discebant, (peaOai and £6i£ea6ai, and the words luctando exercebantura magistris, qui avv toiovtcp edei idiaOei/Tes are briefly ira&orpifixi dicebantur : v. Axioch. 7. put for ? avv roLovrep %Qei, idiaGevres Luctaj autem, TrdKrjs, ratio ha3c erat, avTcp. This belongs to those forms of ut alter complecteretur alterum, nite- speech, which I have discussed in my returque iu terram prosternere ; hinc Obs. Crit. in Thuc. 154. Among the e{a7raTa*' su p plantan do, h. e.pedesup- passages there cited, the following is posito in terram dejiciendo, quod pro- most to our present purpose : Soph, prie v7roGKe\i^€iv dicitur." Fischer. Antig. 23. avv SUy XprjaOels ducala Kal 73. gvv toiovto) tdei i6i(rdevT€s"\ vh^y." Poppo. (t Heindorf thinks the true reading to 74. cnroTroisicrQai] Suid. Kal Giro- he iv. Rightly : Plato de LL. 1. p. iroieicrdai, irapa "Eevocpuvri rb rpos exi to koXv 7ra.yres la^vpas (pvXaKas 7TOiovrTat y elbores otl beoyrai. ol §' e£a- TTa-wyres tovs TroXeplovs bvyayrai Kal Oapprjaat voiriaavres atyv- Xciktovs Xafiflarety Kal biw^ai irapahovTes eavTOvs cltciktovs 7toirj- crat Knl els bva^wplar v izpbs tovs noXefiiovs /urjxavrjfjiaTbJv, toairep Kal ol fxavaiKol oi>x ols ay jjcadiom tovtols povov yjp&VTaL, aXXa Kal aXXa rea peXrj weipojyrai Troiely. Kal atpobpa pey Kal ey toIs fiovaiKo7s tcl rea Kal ardrjpa evboKi/ue~i f 7:0X1/ be Kal ey toIs TroXefiiKols paXXoy to. Kaiya jj.iiyjayiip.aTa evboKijuel' Tavra yap juaXXoy Kal e^aTrarq-v bvrarai tovs VTrerayrtovs. XXXIX. ei be av ye, efr), u> ttcu, prjber aXXo 7} iierereyKois eir ardpojirovs ras prj-^aras as Kal irarv eVt toIs fjiKpo~i$ dqpioLS efurj-^aiu), oiiK o'lei ar, e'^77, ixpoaLO irarv eXaaat tjjs npos tovs noXejiiovs 7rXeoye£ias ; av yap eirl per ras bpndas ey Tip layvpoTaTu) yetfjuort ayiaTafieros enopevov rvKTOS, Kal 7rply Kivei* adai tcls bpyidas eTreTrolrji'TO aoi at wayai avrals Kal to Kemviffiivov ^wpior' 5 e^eiKavTO tco aKwrjra' bpndes be e7T£7raibeuyT6 aoi ware aol fier ra av/uupepoi'Ta viriiper ely , ras be bjLtotyvXovs bprtdas e£a- TraTq.y'~^ avTOS be eyi]bpeves, ware bpq.y per avTas, jju) bpaaOat ject?e sunt pote3tates ; prima conficere quam in prandendo coenandoque." seu parare sibi cibum, quod fit molen- Zeimius. do, coquendo, ut infra, (6, 2, 31.) 75, to k^klvt\jjl4vov x 00 ?' 10 ^ U ^ st Altera vero est cibum sumere, h. e. area, ab aucupe concinnata, der Vo- sive prayid ere sive c cenar e. Hinc ctl- gelheerd: vocatur ita, quia laquei ibi tottoiw infra 4, 4, 7. est cibum prce- positi implicant coi!a, pedes avium, et here. Posteriorem signif. bic esse, ab aucupe trabuntur. Sensus est : cum Suida statuo primum ob loca 7, c Area non erat similis area?.' Locus, 5, 59. de Mag. Eq. 7, 12. turn quod in quo erat area, ita concinnatus erat, milites non tam in cibo conficiendo, ut non videretur esse ibi area." Fis- molendo, et coquendo, quod fere fie- cber. bat a servis et lixis, erant inermes, 70. oppidas i^airarav'] "Tbe de- 44 CYROP.EDIA. be vtt' avTwv* ijvKrjKets be es a? rfj ocrfjfj avTOV avevpiaKov' oti be TCf^y etyevyev, enel evpeQeiri, aXXas Kuvas eJ-^es eTTiTeTrjbevfjievas 7rpOS TO KUTCL TTobctS alpelv. €L be Kal TCLVTCtS a7TO(j)VyOL f TOVS TTUpOVS ciVTwv hjJLavdavwv Kal npbs ola \wpia tyevyovTes atpovi'-ni ol Xayw\ cr tovtois biKTva bvcropara ereTreTavvves ap, Kal tw otyobpws laoTrebw Kal €K tov eficpavovs Kal wTrXiajjievovs a/LicpOTepovs fiayr\v avvaTTTeiv, ev rw toiovto) be, w 7ra7, al etc ttoXXov 7rapeaKevaa/uirat 7rXeore£iai ixeya bvvavTai, TaWas be eyw Xtya) elvai ijv twv OTpaTiWTwv ev fxev to. (TLof.iaTa iiaK-qixeva r), ev be al \pvj^ai Tedriyjjtevat, ev be al vroXefJiiKal Tey^vai fxefjieXeTrj/jLevai watv. XLII. ev be ^pi) Kal tovto elbevat otl bwoaovs av a£iols aot Treideadat, Kal eKeivoi. navTes a^iwaovai ae rrpb eavTwv fiovXeieadai, fxrjbenoTe ovv a(j)povTlaTws eye, a\Xa Tijs pev vvktos TrpoaKoirei tl ra ri av eyco Xeyoifxi gol ; baa re yap eyioye ijbeiv, iroXXaKis aKtjKoas, aXXtos re 78 ogtls eboKei tl tovtlov eviaraadaL, ovbevos avTtov rjfxeXrjKas ovb* abarjs yeyevrjGaL. be~i ovv 7rpos ra GVfijjaiPOVTa^ olfxaiy tovtols y(p>']oQai onolov av vvfjupepeiv col tovtlov boKrj, XLIV. Mafle be /jiov Kal Tabe, id nal, e(pr], tcl fieyiOTa* irapa yap lepa Kal olwrous fiTfT 1 ev eavTto ixrjbeirore jjlijt ev CTpaTiq. klv- bvvevGrjs, Karavoiov los avOpwrroL jiev aipovvraL npa^eLS elKaiovT€s 9 elboTes be ovbev curb iroias emeu clvtlov rdyaQa. XLV. yvoirjs 6' av e£ clvtlov tlov yiyvo/j.eviov' t:6XXo\ fjev yap 7r6Xeis eweiaav Kat raiiTa ol boKovvres aotytoTaTOi elVai i:6XefjLOv apaaQaL 7rp6s tovtovs v'f wv ol ireLvdevTes eTTLdeadai atnoXovTO' iroXXol be ttoXXovs r)v£r)- aav Kal IbitoTas teal iroXeis v^ lov av£rjdevTiov tcl fieyiGTa ica/ca enadov* woXXol be ols e^fjv (piXoLS ^pfjaQaL Kal ev noLelv teal ev Tracrxeii', tovtols bovXois jjlclXXov fiovXrjQevres ri cplXois xprjeQai, vn avTLov tovtlov bUiyv eboaav ttoXXoIs & ovk tfpKeaev avrols to fiipos eyovGL ifjv i]beu)S 9 enLdujJu'iGavTes be KvpioL elvaL ttclvtiov, bta rai/ra Kat toy elj^ov aireTvyov'^^ iroXXo\ be tov 7ToXv£Vktov 7tXovtov Kara- Krrjaajjiei'ot, bta tovtov clttloXovto, XLVI. ovtlos i] av6pi07rivr) aocpia ohbev fxaXXov oibe to aptcTov alpeladaL i) el KXypovfievos o,n Xa^OL TOUTO TLS TTpCLTTOL. deol bk, LO TToly CLE I OVTCS 7Ta.PTa 'IffatTL TCI T€ yeyevrijieva Kal tcl bvTa Ka\ 6 } tl e£ etcdarov avTtov air oj3t] vera i t Kal TLOV L7Vflf3ovXeVOIJ.€PlOV CU>dpi07TL0V OLS CLV HXea) LQLTL 7rpoaT)iiaivov' glv a T€ xpij iroLelv Kal a ov xpih el be /j.t) nacnv eQeXovLTi] ov[i(iov- Xev€Lv t ovbev OavfiaffTOv* ov yap avayKi] avTots earlv lov av fiij QiX(t)GLV e7rifLeXe~Lcrdai, 78. 6a\ws re] I. e. u Pr^terea- here signifies ' not to obtain, to fail in que," Zeunius. See Herm. ad Viger. obtaining,' and he supposes the sen- 781. tence to have been thus written by 79. airirvxov] T. e. M Amiserunt." Xen. : Aia ravra Kal Ziv six ov efeire- But Schneider contends that the word gov, /ecu civ z-KsQvfAovv LXTrtrvxov. ARGUMENTS TO THE SECOND BOOK. Chap. T. — Arrival of Cyrus with his army in Media; n. His conversations with Cyaxares ; in. Exercises his soldiers with new weapons, and proposes proportionate rewards to them. Chap. II. — His plans for improving the arnjy adopted ; n. Gives instructions to all, and rejects such as are vicious and slothful ; in. His agreeable man- ner and conversation at an entertainment. Chap. III. IV. — Good effects of the conduct of Cyrus ; n. His obedience to Cyaxares ; in. Tempts him to make war, and is supplied with a force ; iv. Prepares for the expedition; v. His sacrifices, adoration, and happy omens; vi. Arrives on the Armenian borders; vir. Disguises his designs; viii. His message to the Prince of Armenia, and orders to his soldiers. HENO^flNTOS KTPOT nAIAEIA. B'. CAP. I. I. TOIAYTA [iev brj acpizovTO btaXey6[ievoi [leyui rHv opiwv Ttjs Ylepcibos' €7T€L be avrols derbs be£ibs (pavets 7rpor]ye~tTO, 7rpoaev~ ^d/ievoi Oeols Kal ijpoxri rols Ylepatba yr\v KaTeyovviv iXeojs kul ev- fievels Trefineiv o(pas, ovrui biejSaivov rd opta. erretb}) be biefirjvaVy 1 Trpoar}vyov-o avOis Oeols to~is Mrjbiav yijv Kare^ovaiv 'iXetos Kal evfievels beyeaOai avrovs. rnvrabe TOi^rravTeSy dmzaad[ievoi aW?/- Xovs wcnrep ehos, 6 [lev narrjp ndXtv els Ylepaas cnr^ei, Kvpos be els Mi'jbovs rrpbs Kva^dprjv enopeveTO. II. kite), be cKpUero u Kvpos els ^h'lbovs irpbs rbv Kva^dprjv, TrpGJTOV fiev waxep einos riandtravTO aXXijXovs, eTretTa be lypero ?bv Kvpov 6 Kva^dprjs ttooov ayoiro fTTpdrevfia. 6 §' e(pr] 9 TpLOjivpiovs [iev, o't Kal irpooQev e^olrtjv 7rpos vfids [nado(p(jpoC dXXoi be Kal rujv ovbeirwiTOTe e^eXOovriov wpovep- \ovrai Ttov buorifuov. III. Uoaoi rives \ erj 9 7roX- 1. §U$T)(Tav] a A well-known use See Matth. Gr. Gr. p. 694. n." Pop- of the aorist for the plusquamperfect, po. which the French call le dtfini passe. 2. rrjy rjjjieTepav, onus elboTes afj^oTepas irpos ravra fiovXevaopeOa onus av apioTa aytovt£ol/jieda. "Afcoi/e bt), %(pr] 6 Kvn^dprjs. V. Kpolaos /iev 6 Avbos dyeiv Xeyerai /uvplovs /Jiev t7nreas, ireXrcMTTas be teal rolpras itXeiovt r\ TCTpaKivjjivpiovs, 'Aprafca/iav be tov ttjs fieydXrjs Qpvytas dpyovra Xeyovaiv linreas fjiev eh dfcra- kkt^lXiovs dyeiv, Xoyyotyopovs* be ovv ireXraaTals ov fieiovs Terpa- KHTfAVplojv, 'Apifiaiov be tov twv KamraboKwv (iaoiXea linreas pev kljoLKiayiXiovs , To^oTas be Kai 7re\ra0ras ov jxeiovs Tpia/jvpiiov, tov 'Apa/3iov be" Apaybov linreas re els fivplovs /cat dpfjiara 5 els ckutov Kat oevbovr]Twv irafJLiroXv ti XPYJyiafi tovs /ieVroi"EXXn) as tovs ev rfi \As €v6v Kai \e?ov fiacravi- £oiA€V. 3. ri ovv] " This interrogation ex- presses a certain alacrity of mind, and a desire for information, as in Latin, ' Quin tu mihi — recenses ?' So Plato Protag. 85. Ti ovv ov dn}y7jo~r)s TrXijdos elvat ; Ela\v , e(pt], Mrjbiov /jiev ivnels /j.ev 7rXeiovs tujv jivpiiov' TreXracrral be Kal ro^orat yevoivr av ws enl rijs iifierepasf Kav e^aKicrfivptoi. 'Ap/ueviuiv b\ e0rj, rwv bfxopwv ^iplv napeaovTai limels fiev TeTpaKiayjiXtoi, necioi be biofjivpiot. Aeyeis av, etyr) 6 Kvpos, imreas fiey ijfjuy eiyai fxelov i) to rplrov fiepos tov twv noXefjicov ImriKov, neSovs be dfxfpl tovs ii/utaeis. VII. TV ovv ; e(prj 6 Kva^dp-qs, oXlyovs vofJiHeis Tleportiv eiyai ous av (prjs ayeiv ; 'AW el /nev avbpQv npoabel i]fjuv, e(j>r} 6 Kvpos, etre Kal firj, avdis cv/jifiovXevffo/jieda* ttjv be jxayjiv fioi, e(prj, Xe£ov eKaoTwv ijTis earl. ^^ebov, e077 ° Kva£aprjs, ndvTtoy fj avrr)* TO^orai yap elai Kal aKOVTiaraX oi t eKelvutv Kal oi rifxiTepoi* Ovk- ovv aKpofioXtSecrdai 8 arayKrj ccttI toiovtwv ye twv onXwv ovtwv. VIII. 'Avay Kt) yap ovv, e(/>rj. Ovkovv ev tovtw fiey twv nXeiovwv tj viktj' ttoXv yap av Oarrov oi SXiyoi vno twv noXXwv nrpwoTco- fievoi avaXwdelrjfTav T] oi noXXol vno twv oXiywv. El ovv ovrws e\ei, w Kvpe, tl av aXXo -is KpelrTOv evpoi rj 7refjL7retv els Ylepaas, Kal 6.fj.a pev bibao'Keiv avrovs on ei ti TrelvovTai Mfjbot, els Uepaas to beivov Tjlei, a/j.a be alrelv nXelov arpaTev/jia ; 'AXXa tovto fxev, er) 6 Kvpos, e-h 'iadi, ovb' el 7tcivt€S eXdotev Tlepaai, TrXrjdet ye ov% vTrep^aXoifieGi' av tovs iroXefilovs, IX. Ti firjv aXXo ov evopqs afxeivov tovtov ; 'Eyw fjev av, e(j>rj 6 Kvpos, el eypifxt, ws ra^dora onXa e7roLOv/jiT}y 7rao*i Repeats To7s7rpoffiovcriv olairep e^ovres epyov- 7cu oi nap fj/nQv ol tCjv dfiOTifjuv KaXovfievoi. ravra 8' eerl 6u)pa£ fiey nepl tcl arepva, yeppov be els tyjv apHrrepav, Koms be jj aayapis els ttjv be^iav* kclv ravra TrapaaKevaorjs, fjfxlv pev noirjaeis to dfioae to"is evavTtois levai acrfaXeaTaTov, to?s woXefiiots be to (pevyeiv ij to 7. &s eVl rrjs 7]fxer4pas~\ Schneider See Hermann ad Viger. 839. does not discern a suitable meaning, 8. aKpo^oKi^oQai] I.e. "To skir- whether we interpret with Philelphus, mish from a distance, using arrows, * Ut in nostro scilicet regno/ or thus, javelins/' (or spears;) " whence bow- ' Pro ratione et magnitudine regionis men and javelin-men are called b.Kpo- nostrae.' u Jn regione nostra scilicet, PoXuttclL, and their skirmishes d/cpojSo- (wjvim definiendi habet,) vel, s. sal- Xiueis" Fischer, tern (khv) sexaginta millia/' Fischer. Xen. Cyrop. E 50 CYROPiEDIA. fjiiveiy aiptTwrepov. rdrrojiey be, e(pr), fjLias fjtev avrovs enl rovs fxivovTas* oi ye fi&vr' av avrivv tpevyioGi, rovrovs vfjuy koi rols lir- ttois vefAOfiev, ws fir/ G\oXa$u)Gt iir\re fjieveiv fAi)r avaGTpetyeaQai, X. Kvoos fiev ovrios e'Xe£e* rCp be Kva^upy ebn^e re ev Xeyeiy, Kai rov jiev irXeiovs per an e pit e ad a i ovKeri €/a€livy)to, napeaKevaiero be owXa to. Ttpoeipvfjiiva. Kai a^eboy re erot/ia t)v Kai ru>y Ylepaujy oi 6/jtoTifjiot 7raprjaav eyovres rb dnb Tlepawv crpdrev/m. evravda brj elirelv Xeyerai 6 Kvpos avvayayiov avrovs, XI. "Avbpes (j)i\oi, eyio v/uias bpiov avrovs fjev KaQioirXiafxeyovs oh* rut Kai rals ipvycus rcapaaKevaaiievovs vre ev rij avrrj rjfuv Kal erpu- (prjre, Kal ret aw/jara re ovbev ijh&v \elpova e^ere, \j^v^as re v^xlv npoaffKei ovbev yeipovas fijju>v e^etv. roiovrot b' ovres ev fxev rrj varplbt ov fjere'tyere Tutv "lgwv yjfuv, ovK v elvai, Kara- fieveru) ev rols v7rr]peTiKo7s SttXols. XIX. 6 fjev ovruts et7rev. ciKOvaavres be 01 Tlepcrat evo/jurav, el 7rapaKaXov/mevoL ware tci Qfioia irovovvres tcov avrtov Tvyyaveiv /u?j eQeXi)(jov(n Tavra TTOie1v y biKaicos av bid navros tov altivos c\jjr}yavovvTes (hoTeveiv* Kal ovtw brj cnroypacpovTai 7rdvTes, aveXafiov re ra 6nXa irdvTes, XX. 'Ev J be 01 7roXe/jtoL eXeyovTO fjev Trpocrievai, napfjaav be ovbeirii), ev TOVTip e7retpa.ro 6 Kvpos aaKelv fjev ret crw/jara twv ped' 10. ouSev l tov 7roXe/jiov, eKeivo boKwv KarafAefiadr)- Kevai on ovroi Kpdnvroi eKaara ylyvovrai dl av cKpe/mevoi rov 7ro\- \o"is 7rpoaeyeiv tov vovv eirl ev epyov Tpd7rwvrai. Kal avrwv be twv TToXefJLlKWV 7T€pteXibP KCll TO Toty /AeXeT^V Kal CLKOVriw KaTeXl7T€ tovto fxovov avrols to gvv jxayaipo: Kal y^ppw Kal OwpaKi fiayeodaC ware evdvs avrwv irapeaKevaae tcis y\ w\xas ws bjjioae Ireov elf) toIs 7roX€fxiOLS 9 rj b/moXoyrjreov fxrjbevbs elvai dtyovs av^fidyovs' tovto be y^aXewov bp.oXoyrj(rai drives av elbwviv on ovbe bi ev aXXo n rpe- (povrai rj ottws payovvTai virep twv Tpe(povTwv, XXII. en be rrpos tovtois evvoi](ras on nepl brcoawv av yevwvrai avdpwnois (j)iXovei- Kiai, ttoXv fidXXov edeXovcri ravra aaKe'iv, aywvds re avrols wpoel- irev cnravrwv bnoaa eyiyvwcrKev curKelvdai ciyadbv elvai vnb urpa- tlwtwv Kal 7rpoe"nre Ta.be' Ibiwrrj fxev eavrov i:ape\eiv evireiQfj rois apypvai ica) edeXoirovov Kal (f)iXoKivbvvov per* evrafyas Kal eirtaTrj- fiova twv arpanwriKwv Kal QiXoKaXov 7repl onXa Kal tyiXoTifiov enl ttclgl toIs toiovtois, 7rep.Trabapyw 6' avrbv orra olovirep tov ayadbv Ibiwrrjv Kal rrjv 7re/i7rd8a els to bvvarbv roiavrrjv irapeyetv, beKa" bapx<*) be rrjv beKciba w(ravrws 9 Xo%ay£ be tov XoyoVy Kal ra^idpyw av€7riKXr)Tov avrbv bvra ewi/jieXeiaQai Kal twv vtf avrw ap^ov- twv onws eKelvoi av wv av apywvi Trape^ovai to. beovra 7roiovv- ras, XXIII. dOXa be 7fpoi(j>r]ve rois fiev rafyapyois ot KpariffTas holfiiev tcls rd^ets irapaaKevaoaij ^iXidpyovs eaeaOai * twv be Ao^a- yai^ ot KparlvTOvs bofaiev tovs Xo-^ovs anobeiKivvai, els rds twv ra£;iap)((i)v ^wpas eTravafiiiaeGQai* twv §' av beKabdpyp*>v tovs Kpa- riffTOVs els ras twv Xo^aywv ^wpas kara(Tr//crecr0at, twv 8' av TrefXTrabap^wv waavrws els tcis twv beKabdpywv, twv ye /nrjv Ibiw- twv tovs KpaTiGTevovras els ras twv 7rejX7rabdpywv* virripye be Ttaai tovtois rots apyovai TtpwTOv fxev depa7reveadai vtzo twv dpy^ofievwv, eireiTa be Kal aXXai Tifial at Trpenovaai eKaoTOis nvjnrapeiTTOVTO, eiraveTeivovTO be Kal fxeiioves eXnibes toIs allots eirahov, el ti ev tw 11. oi>5e 5i' ev ^\Ao] "Another Ou5e 7rap' evbs &\\ov, 3,5,10. Ov5e writer would perhaps have said, 8* irap* tvbs ouSe tovto /xadcbv, 4, 1, 14. ovdev &\\Oj but Xen. 3, 5, 9. writes, M?75e irpospiav apeT-f}v." Poppo. LIBER II. CAP. I. 53 emovri \oovio ayadbv fiel$ov eavTols tcls ra^eis K^KOdfirifxevas wvnep biroTe els eva rropevoiTO r\ Talis, ol be Xo^ayol tovs Xoyvvs tbaavTios, ol be beKabup^oi Tas betcabas Kal ol tx efjnrdb a p\oi Tas 7refj.7ra.bas. XXVII. to be biatcpifiovv tcls Ta^ets acpobpa iboKei avruy ayaObv elvai Kal els to fir) TapaTTeadai, Kal el rapayQelev , Qclttov KaTacrr^vai, lofnrep ye Kal XlQwv Kal ^vXojv a av bey Gvvap/uoadrivai, eori Kav bnioffovv KaTafie(5Xr)ixeva rv-^rj Gvpap/uocrat avra evTreTtos, av e^V yvwplcr- fjara 13 toare evbrjXov elvai e£ 07ro/as eKacrTOV yjopas avTiov eariv. XXVIII. eboKovv be Fischer. dine, the same as irapanucrOai and 15. ret, fxev Trapa.Ti6eiJ.sva] I. e. Fer- TrpoUaQai., as in this passage, and more cula, the, dishes set before the guests, particularly to women, who reject the or served up : see Drakenb. ad Liv. solicitations of men, as Harpocr. 40, 59. CAvaivecrBai* kolvws fxev rb apveitrBai, lQ.avaivoivro] "Thisis an Homeric iSloos Se iirl twv Kara, robs ydfMovs Kal word, signifying * not to assent to/ ■ not ra acppodicia \eyerat, Arjjj.oaivovTai elvcu ol eralpot on ov nenatbevvrai tov clvtov Tponov tj/juv, r\ ovbev apa btoicretv rjfxCov ovre ev rais avvovaiais ovre orav aywviieaBai npbs tuvs noXepiovs her] ; II. Kal 6 'YvraanrjS vnoXajiiov elnev, 'A\V bnolot fiev rives eaovrai els rovs noXejjtlovs ovnio ey&ye eniarafiai' ev fievTOi rrj avvovaiq. bucrKoXoi ral fjia rovs Oeovs evioi avriov 0a/- vovrai. npurjv fjev ye, irj 9 Kua£ap?7s enefjL\bev els rr\v ra£iv exa- arrjv lepela, Kal eyevero Kpea e^aarcp i]fi{bv rpia r) unl nXeiw rlt neptQepbjueva. Kal i]p£aro fiev hi] an efiov 6 /jtayeipos ti)v npu)T7}v nepiobov 17 nepi^epuv* ore be to bevrepov elaijei n-epioiauv , eK&- Xevaa eyiv and tov reXevralov apyeedai Kal avanaXtv nepidepetv. III. avaKpaywv ovv tis twv Kara /uevov tov kvkXov Karatceifieviov (TTpariwr&v, Ma A/', es oe to. nepKpepbjjLeva r]Ke npbs i/fids, are olfiai vaTaTovs Xa/ufiavovras, tci oy^fcporara XeXeifXfxeva 7]v. evTavda bt) eKelvos navv aiiadels brj\os y)v kol eine npbs eavrbv, T?/s rv-^qs, to e/ue vvv KXr}devTa bevpo rvyelv, IV. Kal eyi) elnov, *AXXa firj v : see s. 8. where Altorf. and Junt. wrongly exhibit s?iv(TTo" Poppo. "U- trumque puto a manu Xen. profiectum esse. In prima edit, scripserat 5W0c- tov/jlgvos, h. e. male affectus, ut ne- sciret quid ageret. Quod verbum cum videret non satis convenire rei, quae verbo avarpeireiv indicatur, in edit. 2. scripsit bva(popov/j.evos : nam ut ap. Galen. §vcr iravv [tcoXXovs] (piXovs avaKTi] oaaQaC wtdarol b' ovtws elai rives waTe irplv elbevai to Txpo//i€(, ecprj, /urjbe Xeye aXaCovas elvat tovtovs, 6 fiev yap dXaiwv 22 efioiye boKel ovojia Keladai enl ro7s 21. eTTrov] It is here used in the 22. kKa£u>v~\ "This excellent de- sense of 4 ordering.' "Quod male fi nition of a\a£cbv, which Stob. p. 189. olim sollicitarunt nonnulii. Vide has transcribed, is illustrated . by Duker. adThuc. 7, 29. 8, 86. Lobeck. examples in Mem. 1, 7. and by ad Phryn. 753." Poppo. Theophr. Char. 23. (20. Schn.) where 58 CYROPiEDIA. TrpoffTrotov/ierois Kal nXovaiajTepois eivai 7/ elal Kal avbpeioTtpois Kal iroirjveiv a jj.t) licavoi elaiv vwiG^yovuevoiSy Kal ravra tyavepols yiyvofxevois on tov Xafielv tl eveKa Kal Kepbavai ttoiovolv, o\ be Hr)yavwf.ievoL yeXiora to7s avvovai jjiiire eirl Ty eavrwv Kepbei firjT €7rl £r)}Jiia ruiv aKOuovrwv /jLrjre enl fiXti/jr} /jirjbe/jiiq., 7ru>$ ov\ ovtol aareloi ai> Kal evyaptres biKaiorepov orOfxa^oivTO /.i&XXov rj a\a- Saves ; XIIF. 6 fiev brj Kvpos ovtojs aneXoyriaaTO irep\ twv tov yeXwra Trapaay^ovTuv' avros be 6 ratyapj^os 6 rrjv tov Xoyov \api- riav btrjyr) era juevos etyri,' hi ttov av, er) 9 u) 'AyXcuraSa, et ye k\cU- eiv t7T€tp(o/J€da ere iroielv, acpobp' av i^jjuv e/j.e/.i(pov, uxTirep evioi Kal ev (pbals Kal kv Xoyots oiKTpa arra XoyoiroiovvTes eh baKpva 7T€i- pwvrai ayeiv, biroTe ye vvv Kal avTos elbojs on evtypaiveiv fiev ri oe (oovXojieQa, (jXaxpat S' ovbev, opus ovrias ev ttoXXt} aTifiig. rj/Jids e^eis. XIV. Nat jjlcl AC, e^)i/ 6 'AyXa'irabas, Kal btKalws ye, eirel Kal avrov tov KXaieiv KadlSovros 23 tovs tyiXovs 7roXXa^y e/jioiye see Casaubon. Aristotle ad Nicom. 4, 7. thus defines the word : Aokc? drj 6 filv aXa^clov irpoo'TroirjTiKbs tqov iv- Zofav e?vcu, Kal fJi^j v-irapxovTwv, Kal p.si$6v(tiv ^ irirdpxei. And he after- wards observes that ahafyvevecrdcu is referable to the desire of glory or of gain, and he opposes rhv slpoova rep a\a£6vi." Zeune. " Weiske, how- ever, judges differently, and in defence of Aglai'tadas he argues against Cyrus or Xen. On the structure, 6 aAa£wv 6vo/j.a, for to tov aXa^ovos 6vo/j.a, see Matth. Gr. Gr. p. 599." Poppo. 44 "Ovofxa dictum est ut Plat. Crat. 14. to 5vop.a 6 'Ayafxe/JLVow, c. 20. to ovojicl 6 AtdTjs. Nam nominibus et propriis et appellativis, materialiter sumtis, nunc additur articulus, qui sequatur genus nominis, ut 6 'OpeoT^s, 6 'ATpeus, Plat. Crat. 14. t\ 0p6vr}cns, s. 26. ; nunc omittitur artic, ut 2a>/cpa- tt]s, Mem. 4, 4, 7. fiaaiAebs, Plat. Crat. 13. ; nunc adjungitur voc. ovo- /na, ut h. l.,vel to ovojia, ut Plat. Crat. 20. to ovofxa 6 A'firjs, et tum alte- rum nomen sa?pe ponitur in ca$u secundo, ut Plat. Crat. 19. to ttjs Tt)Qvos ovoiia" Fischer. 23. tov K\aUiv KaQi^ovTos] Poppo is unwilling to disturb this reading, though twice below, and often else- where, KaBifav is joined with a parti- ciple. For, as this verb in such ex- pressions is nearly the same as iroisiv, it seems capable of the same construc- tion : so Trepiopqv is sometimes joined with a participle, sometimes, in as much as it differs little from iav, with an infin. The reasoning of Fischer had better be given in his own words: — " KXaUiv Kadi^eiv, fletum mover e. Nam pro verbis generis eleganter ponuntur verba formarum, h. e. ea, quag indicant modum, eventum, effec- tum, et consequentiam rei, ut Anacr. 4, 9. K€KT6p.eda kSuls, l erimus pulvis,' Od. 20, 3. 7ra?s opvis eirTT} TlavMovos, ( facta est saxum avis/ Jam vero ii, qui tristes sunt, qui flent, fere sedere solent : uude facile intellrgitur, Kadi- £eiv, l collocare, sedere jubere/ quae est propria verbi nolio, positum esse pro Troieiv. Vide Leopard. Emendd. 7, 22. Flayder ad Anacr. 9, 36. Bach. ad Sympos. 3, 11. ubi est, ut paulo post, KXaiovTas KaOifciv : nam etiam verbo iroieTv additur et infin. et parti- cip., et verbum KaOifeiv etiam pro- pterea infin. sibi recte junctum habet, quia vices supini Latinorum susti- net." LIBER II. CAP. II. 59 boKel eXaTTOios a£ta bia-rrpaTTeadai o yeXwra uvtoIs /uri^aiLJueyos. Sto, k(prj, Kal av vvvy av opOws Xoy/^77, eue aXrjdrj Xeyoi ra evpijfreis, xXavfjaai fiev ye Kal irarepes viols G&(ppo 'YaTatnrrj, yeXa/ra iroielv e£ euov ; Kal 6 Tal'iapyos etrre, Nat yua A/', avorjTOS apa eoTiv* e7?e\ eK ye gov nvp, olpat, pqov av tls eKrpi'^etev rj ye- Xa>Ta e£ayayoiTO. XVI. eVi tovtw fxev bi) ot re aXXoi eyeXatrav, tov rpowov elboTes av-cv, Kal aWos 6 'AyXa'tTabas enefieibiaae. Kal 6 HLvpos Ibujv avTOv tyaibpujQei'Ta, 'AbtKels, etyrj, to TaljLapye, on avbpa f]fj."iv tov G-ovbaw-a-ov btatydelpets yeXq.v avaireidbJVy Kal ravT, €^77, ovtlo iroXefjiiuv bvTa rw yeXwTt. raDra fxev Sy ev- Taiida eXrj^ev. eK be tovtov Xpixrarras wbe eXet,ev. XVII. 'AW eywy', etyrj, at Kvpe Kal navTes 01 7rapovTes 9 evvoGj on eleXrjXvQacrt jjiev avv i}plv ol /jlev Kal (ieXTioves, 01 be Kal /uelovos a£ior i\v be tl yiyv-qTai ayaOor, a£iu)(70vv 6eu>v t Kas] " Par. A. B. exhibit 25. £kwv ehai] " De infin. thai ad avaiacrav yjpi]vai oaTioirep avijp o'loito elvai. XXII. 'JLiriyeXaoas be tiov Tafydpywv rts eJ^ev, 'A\V tyw, kr) t avopa oiba Kal tuv bijfiov os avvepel toOTe /ui) elicfj ovtios tero- /loipiav elvai. aXXos cV dvT)ipero tovtov riva Xeyoi. 6 6' aireKpi- VQTO, ' Er)' aXXa tovto ye xjsevbo/Aevos eaXwKa. Kat yap wovtov kcli tiov dXXiov Ttov toiovtwv tcavv irpQiws ae\ €$ tov /jovXo/uevov 7rXeov eyeiv, XXIII. 'AW eyio /uev, etyt) 6 Kvpos, to dvbpes, yiyvtoVKto tovs toi- ovtovs dvOpionovs oiov kclI ovros vvv Xeyet, eiirep bel evepyov koi ireidofxevov eyeiv to (TTpUTev/jLa e^atpcTeovs elvai ck tyjs orpaTias. boKel yap jjloi to fiev voXv twv arpaTiioTiov elvui oiov eweodai ?) av tis iiyi"]Tai* ciyetv b\ o\fxai 9 €7n\eipov(Tiv ol fiev KaXol tcayadot enl to. KaXa KayaOa, ol benovrjpol ewl to. Trovripd. XXIV. Kal noXXa- kis Tolvvv 7rXeiovas ofioyvto/jovas Xapfiavovoiv ol tyavXoi ?) ol cnrovbaloi. ij yap irovrjpia bia tiov vrapavTtKa fjboitov nopevofilvrj TavTas eyei vvfjnreiOovo'as iroXXovs aWij 6/j.oyvtojJiov€7v' fj cV apeTrj Trpbs bpdiov ayovaa ov navv beivrj eaTiv ev rw irapavriKa ehy ovv- ewioTraadai, dXXios t€ Kal i)v aXXot uxrtv errl to 7rpaves Kal to jmaXa- kov avTinapaicaXovvTes, XXV. Kai tolvvv t)v /uev Tires j3\aK€ia Kal ctitovia jjlovov Kanol a5 ai Koivtovol, irpbs be to TtXeoveKTelv ov 1\ttov o aybpes, ecprj, (plXoi, on ovbe rovro fjioyov w^eXi^aovaiv ol kcikoi atyaipedeyres on kcikoi aneooi'Tai, aXXa Kal tCjv KaTajj.€v6yTb)y ocroi \xev n aveitiinrXavTO tfbt] KaKias, awoKada- povyrai 7raXi*> ravrrjs, ol be ayadol tovs KaKoi)$ Iboyres anfiacdey- 30. hinaiov] Zeune interprets 8£- kcliov apfxa, " currum, qui usum habet idoneuru, qui instruclus est iis, quae ad nomen suura tuendum valent. qui ad usumdebitum aptus est." Hinden- burg ad Memor. 4, 4, 5. where 'lirnos Kal fiovs dinaioi are mentioned, nearly coincides in this interpretation, while Fischer explains the words thus : " Currum aptum et idoneum ad ea fa- cienda, quorum causa factus compara- tusque est, adeoque utilem." But Ruhnk. ad Memor. 1. c. wishes us to understand " currum aequabilitatem in eundo servantem," and clS'ikovs 'Itt- vovs ''ineequales vel robore vel velo- citate," and Fischer contends against this interpretation. Ruhnk. first pro- duced this gloss from the Lex. Bibl. Sangerm. (Bekk. Anecd. 1, 344.) 'ASlko/jlvlxovs 'Ittttovs "Zevocpoov robs fivaireiBeis Aeyet, Kal fiiKaiou ap\xa rb €i>7r€i06s. But for adLKOfxaxovs he proposes to substitute adiKoyvddovs, (comp. de Re Eq. 3, 5.) which Fis- cher justly rejects, supposing the grammarian to have found in the copy of Xen. used by him aBtKOfjidxcav for adiKwv. It is at least plain that the grammarian refers to the passage un- der consideration. This is the note of Poppo on the passage, and I will merely add that 8'iKaios often denotes what is full in respect to measure, — what is complete in respect to quan- tity, — what is symmetrically true in all its parts, or scientifically correct in all its proportions, — what is per- fect in its kind, answers all the ends of its creation, fulfils every purpose. It is applied to persons as well as things, and when it is applied to per- sons, in a sense distinct from moral justice, as 8//ccuos avyypacpebs in Lu- cian, or diKaios iroXir^s in Demosth., it characterises excellence or perfec- tion ; ' a good writer/ ■ a patriotic citizen.' The Latin writers use Justus in the same manner, applying it to volumin, prcelium, exercitus. u Quic- quid sc. functionem suam recipit, quicquid suo muneri respondet, et omnibus numeris est absolutum, id apud eos scriptores justum dicitur." Dr. Taylor. See a note in my edi- tion of Select Orations of Demosthe- nes, p. 55. Ct Interdum etiam op.oiov aequale et simile, ut lib. de Art. 589, 34. diKaiov 0-oop.a, corpus justum aut membrum dicitur, quod utraque parte, turn dextra turn sinistra, proisus ae- quale est. Sic enim Gal. illic, At- Kaiov CLKpifitos lo'ov tKarepccdev iK 5e- £ioov ye Kal apivTtpwv exponit. Rursus lib. deFract. 567, 35. Kardrao-iv hiKairfy Kal o/j.a\^y extensionem justam et ae- quabilem vocat. Ubi SiKairjy lo-rjv ex- plicat Gal. additque dUatoy in com- paratione de duobus dici, laov vero et bfxaKlv, quod est a?quale et a^quabile, de una re quae aequabilitatem servat. Iterum ibid. 573, 8. SiKaiyv cpvo~iv pov~ vov *x ov T ^ &pQpov dicitur de genu articulo, qui unus justam habet natu- ram, h. e. aequabilitatem, ut explicat Gal." Foes. CEcon. Hippocr. " J. Poll. 1, 197. "I7T7TOS foiKos t)]V aiayo- va, h. e. equns, cui pars maxillae mol- lis sit, pars dura, et s. 196. SUaws tV o-iay6va, qui maxillam aequabiliter mollem habeat." Fischer. 31. dSiKcov] ""AdiKoi 'Uttol sunt contumaces, immorigeri, qui non fa- ciunt ea, quae facere dehent ; qui se non flecti in omnes partes sinunt, qui se aginon patiuntur in hostes, qui re- pugnant aurigae, ita ut eum cum ipso curru evertant." Fischer. LIBER II. CAP. III. 63 ras noXv evdvfiOTepov rfjs aperfjs avde^ovTat, XXVIII. 6 fjev ov- T(o$ cine' toIs be (j)tXois ttucti avvebo^e ravra, Kal ovtws kirolovv. 'Rk be toutov 7rd\tv avTols GKiOfj^aTOs fipyeTO 6 Kvpos. Karavorj- eras yap riva twv XoyayGjv vvvbenrvov kcll irapaKXirriv TzeTcotritxevov avbpa vnepbavvv re teal vTrepaHjyjpoVy avaKaXeaas tov Xoyayov oVo- \iaarl etirev J5e. 7 fl 2a/i/3av\a, etyr), aXX' i) Kal uv Kara tov f E\- Xyjvikov Tpoirov, on KaXov eon, irepiayeis tovto to fj.eipa.Kiov to TrapaKaTaKeifJLevov aoi \ N/) tov At", e(j>rj 6 Za/i/3au\as, rjbo/jai yovv Kal eyu) ctvvujv re tovtu) Kal Qeu>fievos tovtov* XXIX. aKovaavres TavTa ol crvaKTjvoi irpooefiXeyfyaV ws he elbov to 7rp6crii)7rov tov av~ bpos virepjiaXXov airi t bel vuas yt yw t bmx iP w$ drav fiev dvOpw- 7tol Kotvtovol 7roXeuov yevofievoi ev eavrols eicavTOi eywotv, el ui) avros rts 7Tpodv/Jifi(Terat 9 ws ovbev eaouevov twv beovrwv, ra)(y TroXXa re Kal KaXd biawpaTTOVTai' ovbev yap avrols dpyelrai twv TrpdrTecrdai beouevwv' orav b' e/caoros biavorjdrj ws dXXos carat 6 TtpdTTWv Kal fjia^o/jieroSy kciv avros uaXaKi£r)Tai, tovtois, etyr), ev tore on iraaiv dua irdvra rJKei ra )£aXe7rd (pepo/xeva. IV. Kal 6 debs ovrat vws ewoirjae' toIs ui) OeXovaiv eavrols 7rpoffrdrT€iv ck- trovelv TayaBd dXXovs avrols emraKTrtpas bibwat, vvv ovv ns, efyrj, Xeyerit) evddbe avaerds 7repl avrov tovtov irorepws av ti)v aperrjv LidXXov dierai aaKelardai Trap 9 rjulv, el /aeXXoi 6 irXel ety-q, ovre itooiv e\ya rayys ovre ^epdlv layypbs, yiyv&GKU) re on e| wv av eyut rw efiu} ervj/uan 7roirjy iraiTas fj/Jias to awfjta cmjkovv- ray, 6/j.otas be ovvovoias Trdvras a£tovfjevovs, ravrd be ndcriv i]jjuv irpoKeiTai. to yap rots apypvai treideaQai irdciv ev koivo} Ke?Tai, Ka\ os av avrj tovto anpotyao Lgtios ttoiiov, tovtov bpio 7rapci Kvpow Tifxfis TvyyavovTa* to re tcl irpbs tovs 7roXe/xiovs IiXkijiov elvai ov toj juLep irpoafjKov Tip 5' ov, aXXa waai Kai tovto irpOKeKpirai koX- Xicttov elvai. IX. vvv be, ecprj, rjfxiv Kai bebeiKTai fid^*?, fjv eyto bpto iravTas avSptoirovs tyvaei eir lot a fjievovs, Cxnrep ye Kai raXXa itoa eizitj-avTai Tiva fj.d)(rjv eKaara ovbe Trap* evos aXXov jxadovra i) napa Trjs (pvaecos, olov 6 (iovs KepaTi naieiv, 6 f i7nros oirXrj, 6 kviov OTOfxari, 6 Ka.7rpos obuvTi, Kai 7raLOfjL€vos, el npofiaXoifJiriv. fj.aya.ipav ye /urfv evdvs waibiov wv ijpnaiov oirov 'iboifxt, ovbe nap' evos ovbe tovto jjiadfov oklos beot \afxjoaveiv aXXov rj zrapd Trjs Qvveios, ius eyto (j>rjjj.i, eiroiovv yovv Kai tovto KtoXvofievos, ov btba^KOfievos* toairep Kai aXXa Zotlv a etpyofJLevos /cat V7r6 rraTpos Kai virb fxrjTpbs bird ttjs (pvaews wpaTTetv r)vayKa£6fir)v. Kai vat /id A/a erraiov ye ttj fxayaipo: i:av 6,rt bvvaifijjv XavQdvetv, ov yap \xovov tyvoei i]y, Cjairep to (3abi$eiv Kai 34. ayevm] " Thus for by eve? Aid. 1. p. 121. ed. Z." Poppo. li T^v and Junt., but Zeune pronounces the ipvxv" 0VK oryevv^s est magni vir ani- reading to be vicious. Stnrz, how- mi, et ingeniiliberalis, fortis, honoris ever, in the Lex. Xen. so defends it, laudisque studiosus, paratus ad labo- • ut ayevv)]s ad animum referri mo- res et pericula subeunda. Phil, ele- neat, cum ayev^s ad natales et genus ganter, ' Et animo generosum virura pertineat. See Buttm. ad Plat. Alcib. prae se ferebaC ; ' Fischer. 66 CYROPifcDlA. Tpeyeiv, a\Xa teal r)bv 7roos r^> iretyvKevai tovto IboKei fiot eivat. XI. ewel b* ovv avrrj, etyr), r/ fiayrj KaTaXelneTai, ev rj 7rpodvfjLias /iaXXoi' ?/ re^vrjs epyov eon, itws r)(fiv ov\ >;Sew$ irpos Tovabe tovs 6/j.OTtfjiovs ayu)ii(TT€Ov ; ottov ye tcl /nev dOXa ti}s aperrjs \aa irpoKet- rat, 7rnpa(3aXX6jjLevoi 35 be ovk \oa els tov Kivbwov 'if.i€v, aXX* ovtoi jxev evrifjiov (3iov, oaizep fiovos rjbiffTOS fiiwv, fj/jteli be eiiiirovov per, arifJLQv be, oarrep, olfiat, %a Xe7r wtcltos. XII. fjiaXioTa be, w av- bpes, tovto fxe evQvfuos els tov ayatva tov irpbs Tovabe TrapopjjLq. on Kvpos 6 Kplvwv carat, os oh rj, d> avbpes br)fxoTat, wapaivoj els epiv op/uao-dai Tavrrjs ttjs fia^qs irpbs tovs 7re7ratbevfxevovs Tovcrbe* vvv yap avbpes elXr)jijievoi elvtv ev brjfxoTiKrj ayivvta. 3 ^ XVI. tyepavXas fxev bt) ovtws el7rev* ctviaravTO be Kal aXXoi noXXol eKaTepo) avvayopevovTes. ebo^e & vvv KaTa rr)v a^iav Tifiaadai eKacrTOv, Kvpov be tov KpivovTa elvat, Tavra \xev br\ ovtio wpovKe)^iopy)K€t. XVII. 'EfcaXcce fe' e7Ti belnvov Kal o\rjv 7rore t>)v Ta^iv gvv tgJ Tafyapxb), lbu)v avTOv tovs pev f)/ui(rets twv avbpujv tTjs Ta^ews avTi- 35. wapafiaWSfisvoi] " ITapa^SaA- els kxv^vvov. Hence we have followed Kop.ai is not only ' me periculis ob- Schneider in substituting X^v for the jicio, periclitor,' but also 'ea, quae ad common reading Xo-fAzv." Poppo. me quacunque ratione pertinent, in 36. ayoovia] (t Bekk. Anecd. Gr. 1, discrimen adduce' In this sense we 333. : 'kyowia* Bevcxpwv avrlrou v.yoo- flnd either Trapa^dWecrOai n, (as irai- vi. Suidas and Phot, give the same o*as, Thuc. 2, 44. 7rAeia?, 3, 65.) or interpretation, and Zonaras would not 7rapa&&\K€ evbs, Kal bnoTe Kaipbs boKolrj aifTw elvaij TrapayyeXXovTa tov vvTepov Xoyov 7rapayetv 9 3 9 Kal tov rpirov 37. fidWeiv'] 6f Biiefly put for /8a\- rulas gestabant, inflictis interpretatus \€lv reus ft&Kois avaipovfxzvovs avrds. exquisitius judicavit Zeune/' Poppo. See 1, 6, 33. 7, 1, 40. 8, 2, 25. 8, 3, 39. -rrapdyeiv] "Hie non est 'prae- 27." Poppo. terire, 5 vel ( praeteritis aliis prscedere,* 38. rS>v vapd-f)K&v'] Schneider has sed ' promovere,' (potius, 'procede- restored this reading from Guelf. Par. re/) ■ ab altitudine in longitudinem/ marg. Villois. Philel. Alt. The com- quod fit ad porrigendam frontem." mon reading is, ra>u vap9r]KO(p6poou, Hutchinson. " quod de vulneribus ab illis, qui fe- 68 CYROP^DIA. teal top reraprov, els /uerw7rov' enel be kv juerwrw ol Xo\ayo\ eyc- vopto, naprjyyvrjaep els buo ayetv top X6\op* £k tovtov brj naprjyop ol beKabap^oi els fACTionop* Snore be* av eboKet ai/rw Ktitpvs elvai, naprjyyeiXev els rerrapas ayetv top Xoyop' ovtiu btf ol irefiira- bapyoi av napijyop els TCTTapas* end be enl dvpais ttjs aKrjpfjs eye." vopto, napayyeiXas av els eva Ioptwp elarjye top npiorop Xoyop, Kal top bevTepop tovtov KaT ovpap eKeXevaep eneardat, Kal top rp/- top Kal top TerapTOP wcravTws 7rapayyel\as j/yetro etoW ovtu be elcrayaywv KarexXipep em to belnpop &anep elcrenopevoPTO* tovtop ovp 6 Kvpos ayaadels rrjs re npaorrjTos [ko1 tyjs~\ bibaoKaXLas Kal Tfjs enifJieXelas eKaXetre Kal TavTJ\p ttjp ra£ti> enl to belnvop *° avp rw ra£tap^&>. XXII. Ylapwp be tls enl rw beinno KeKXrifiePOS aXXos Ta^iap^os, Trjp b' efJirjp, ecp-q, rj, 6 tov reXevra/ci/ X6)(OV top \6ypp, vaTciTOVS e^wr tovs np&Tovs els fxa^rjp reray^teVovs* eneira be 6 bevTepos tovs tov erepov Xo^ov enl tovtois, Kal 6 Tpiros Kal 6 T&TapTOs waavTws, onuts, ecpr}, Kal orap berj anayeip ano noXefiiwp, enlarioPTat u>s Set amepat, eneibap be, etyr], KaTaarwfiep enl top bpo/jLOP 41 epSa TrepmaTOVfiep, orap fiep npos eta "mjfxep, eyw /ie> ^yovfxai, Kal 6 np&TOS Xoyos npwTos, Kal 6 bevrepos o)S Set, Kal 6 rpiros Kal 6 TeTapros, Kal at twp Xo^ojp beKabes Kal nefinabes, ews ap napayyeXXto eyfr otup b\ e neidoprai vGTepto optl, tVa edictwpTai /cat eneadai. Kal riyelcdai 6/joiios neiBo- jxepoi. XXIII. Kal 6 Kvpos ecprj, 'H Kal aet tovto noieTre ; *Qno- aaKts ye, ecprj, Kal beinponoiovfieOa vr\ A/a. KaXai toipvp, eri, vfias, afia fiep on ras rd^ets yueXerare koi npotriopres Kalamopres, &fj.a be otl Kai fj/jtepas Kal pvktos, dfxa be otl to. re aw/iara 7rept7ra- TovPTes acrKetre Kal tcls y^v^hs wcpeXelre bibavKOPTes. enel ovp 40. rb deinvov] <4 The article rb I plain,' in which the Persians exercised would eject, as it is very often omit- themselves in walking ; ' a field for ted above, (see s. 19. and 2, 1, SO.) exercise.' '' Locus ambulations ante and rightly. Nam quod est antea, castra," Lex. Xen. ; " Locus, campus KareKMvev inl to delirvov, id significat in quo Persae meditationem institue- ' ad cosnam miliiibus in tentorio para- runt, seque exercuerunt incedendo, tarn et appositam.' " Schneider. der Exercierplatz." Fischer. 41. dpSfxop] It is here ' a place or LIBER II. CAP. IV. 69 navra bnrXd vote'tre, bnrXijv vfuv btKatov Kal rijv evw^lav irape- X €iV * XXIV. Ma Ai\ efrf 6 raliapx *, fiy'iroi ye ev fjuq. ye il/j.epa t el /jtrf kcl\ bnrXa$ i\fjuv ras yaarepas napelets, Kal Tore fikv bt) ovrk) to reXos ti}s okyjiijs enoifjfjarTO, rrj fr vaTepaiq o Ki/pos eKaXeaev eKelvrjv ti)v Ta£iv t wmrep ^17, Kal rrj C1XX77. alodufjievoi be Tavra kcu oi aXXoi to Xourov navres a\fT0vs eynfiOvvTO, CAP. IV. I. 'Ej-erafftv be ircre iravrwv tov Kvpov 7rowvfievov ev toIs onXots Kal (TvvTa^Lv i]XQe napa Kva£apov dyyeXos Xeywv otl 'Ivbwv irapei-q irpecrfteia* KeXevei ovv ae eXQelv ws ra^tora. ttjv Ta\iv els bwbeKa to.tt€iv (oados, tovs be bwbeKc'tpxovs ev fieTwirw KadiGTavai 7repl to fiaaiXeiov, Ka\ Tt^ bevrepw Tavra eKeXevcre wapayyelXai, Kal bia navTOs ovtws. V. ol fiev bi] TavT enoiovv" 6 & ela^ei irpbs tov Kva^apriv ev Trj TlepcriKTJ (TToXrj ovbev tl vftpirr/xevii. Ibwv be 6 Kva£,apT]s avrov tw [ikv rax^t fjvQ*], Ty be cpavXoTrjTi ti"]s OToXfjs ^0ea0^ Kal elne, Ti 70 CYROPiEDIA. tovto, u> Kvpe ; olov 7re7rolrjKas ovrto ave\s rols 'IvSoTs ; eylj b\ €(prj, efiovXofjirjv ae cos XajunrpoTarov fjs vlov oti fieyaXo7rpe7reoTarov 0cuVe- oOai, VI. Kal 6 Ki/oos wpos Tavra el-re, Kat woreptos av, to Ki/a- £apr), fjiaXXov ae eKoajJovv, elrrep noptpvpiba evbvs Kal \peXta Xaj3tov Kal arpenrov weptdefxevcs oypXrj KeXevovn vttyikovov ooi> r) vvv ore avv TOiavTTj Kal ToaavTj) bvv&fiei oirtos 6?etos aoi vnaKovto bia to ok Ti/jq.v Ibpion Kal airovbfj Kal avrbs KeKoajjirj^^vos Kal roirs aXXovs etnbeiKvvs vol ovtid ireiQufievovs ; Kvpos fxev ovv ravra elirev 6 bk Kva^aoqs vojiiaas avrbv 6p0u>s Xeyeiv eKaXeae rovs'Ivbovs. VII. ol S' 'lvbol elaeXdovres eXe£av on 7re/Ji\p€te <7bu>v (iaatXevs to biKaiov OK€\pajjL€vos (pair) /uera tov rjbiKrjpevov eaeadai, VIII. 7rpos ravra 6 Kvajap^s ei7rev 9 'E/iou fjiev toivvv aKovere on ovk abiKOVfiev tov 'Aaavptov ovbev' eKetvov b\ ei belade, eXdovres vvv irvQeade o,n Xeyei. waptov be 6 Kvpos fipero tov Kva£apr)v, 'H Kal eyib, ecprj, e'lTTto o,ri yiyvtoOKW, Kal 6 Kv- a£aprjs eKeXevaev. 'Yfxels toivvv, etprj, aTrayyeiXare trj 9 els tovs arpantoras' Kal tovto latos, efrj, OavfiaSeis av mos eyto avrjXtoKa aov avrovs Tpe\ ayaa-dco] Suidas and a Brod. et Par. exhibent rivh, et 6, 4, Grammarian in Bekk. Anecd. Gr. 1, 9. ubi in Alt. et Jnnt. pro tois \6yois S24. : 'AyaaOco Tivi' clvtI tov 6avfj.daoo legitur avrfyv, ductum ex 6, 3, 36. rivd. aevocp&p' "OTav tlvl ayaadco denique 8, 2, 3. ubi vulgoous scribitur, rwv arpaTicoTCtiv. See Matth. Gr. Gr. optimos libros secuti sumus. ,, Poppo. p. 546. ts Hinc et in nostro loco, ubi LIBER H. CAP. IV. 71 76 Xeyovra Kal ev iroiovvra trapopp^v pd\Xov */ \virovvra teal dvayKaiovra' ovs be brj tCjv els tov noXepov epyuv 7ron)oaa6ai rts ftovXotro ovvepyovs irpodvpovs, tovtovs Travrdnaatv epotye boKel ctyadols drjpareov eivat Kal Xoyois Kal fpyois, s 6 Wppevtos Karatyporoirj aov vvv, on ctKovet tovs woXepiovs wpoatovras ijplv, Kal ovre to arpdrevpa wepwot ovre tov baapbv ov ebet awayot. Ilotet yap ravra, etyrj, to Kvoe, eKelvos' ware eyojye dwopQ irorepov pot Kpelrrov arpareveadat Kal iretpdo&at dvdyKqv avToi it po ad eivat T] XvatreXel eaoat ev rw wapovrt, prj Ka) tovtov woXeptov wpbs rols clXXols 7rpoodibpeda. XIII. Kal 6 Ki/pos ewl]~ pero, At &* oUrjoets ai/rw worepov ev eyypols yuptois elalv ?/ /cat ttov ev evetybbots ; Kal 6 Kva£apqs eltrev, At pev oIkijofas ov 7rdvv ev e-^ypols* eyiu yap tovtov ovk rjpeXovv' bpr} pevrot earlv eida bvvatr* av ctTreXBwv ev rtp 7rapa^prj/ja ev dnipaXel eivat tov prj avros ye VTro-^elptos yeveadat prjbe oaa evravda bvvatro vireKKoptaaoQat, el fly) tis iroXtopKoir) 7TpoaKa6i]fjevos t wonep 6 epos 7raT))p tovto end- •qaev, XIV. e/c tovtov brj 6 Kvpos Xeyet Tabe* 'AW el SeXois, eopov elvai to XeXrjOevai rjuas tclvtcl fiovXevovTas ; MdMoy yap av ovv 9 e Xeyeii'. eyr} 6 Kvpos, Kai 7rpo bri b fjiev Kva%apr)s evQvs 7rp6s to. (ppovpia rjdpoicev linreas re Kai 7re£ovs 9 Kai aua^as be aiTov npoenefjure tt)v knl to. fpovpta obov. 6 be Kvpos edveTO 44 €7ri rr] iropeiq, Kai afia 7re/ii7r(jjv tov Kva^aprjv rjrei twv vecorepiov Iwirewv. o be 7raVv ttoXXwv (iovkofxevwv eneadai oh ttoXXovs ebutxev avrw. irpoeXrjXvdoTOS 6' i'jbrj tov Kvalapov avv bvvajiei Kai 7rdfj Kai linriKr] rr\v 7rpos Ta povpia ylyverai tg> Ki>p&> ra lepa errl tov 'Apfxeviov levai Ka\d' Kai ovtws e£ayei br) ws els dfjpav 7rapeaKevaafxevos. XIX. iropevouerw be avrw evQvs ev rw itpwrw \wpia) viraviaTaTai Xayios' deTOS b'' C7rt- TTTCLfxevos alaios, Karibwv tov Xaya) tyevyovTa, emtpepofjievos enaiae 44. 46veTo~] Herodiani Fragra. ap. kcu (TKe)l/aa6ai f Qvaaadai \4yerai. But Hermann. Gr. Gr. 318. : ^(pdWovrai in the Fragm. Lex. Gr. ap. Hermann. ol Aeyovres £tt\ twv /xavreoop edvae rb 1. c. 346. we have: Twv pr^fiaTuv — ra (Cod. Kai) icTK^aro, idvaaro irpo(rr\Kov, 5e irpos kqos, %x ov(Tl $* iv€py7]TiK^)v t^jv ay/ma- 'H fiev di)pa KaXi) ecrrat, u> avbpes, i\v 6 debs 6e\//077« XX. ws be npbs Tois bpiois eyeveTO t evdvs &airep eiwdei eOljpa* Kal to fxev 7rXij- Oos tlov neZtov Kal tlov iirweuv Loyfievov 45 avrco, cos eiriovTes tcl Orjpia e^avioTalev ol be aptfTTOt kcu weiol Kal Iwrrels bievTaoav Kal to. aviffTajxeva VTrebe\ovTO Kal eblioKov' Kal rjpovv woXXovs Kal avs Kal eXdtpovs Kal bopKabas Kal bvovs ay piovs' wuXXo\ yap ev tovtols toIs T07rois bvoi Kal vvv en yiyvovTai, XXI. ewel & eXij^e Trjs Oiipas, 7rpo(7fiilas wpbs tcl opia tujv 'Apfjieviiov ebeiwvowou'ivaTO* /cat rrj varepala avdts eQi)pa wpooeXOtov wpbs Ta bprj cov topeyero, iwel & av eXrilev, ebeiTrvowotetTO. to be wapa Kva^apov orparet/^ua cos rjadero wpoatbv, vwo-rre/jt^as wpbs avrovs elwev aweyovTas avTOv beLwvowoieloQaL cos bvo wapavayyas,^ Kal tovto wpoibcov ws (TV/jfia- Xelrat wpbs to XavQaveiV ewel be benrvv t aaiev 9 elite tlo ixpyovTi avTwv wapelvaL wpbs avrov* /uera be to bclwvov tovs Tafyapyovs eKaXec ewel be wapijaav, eXe^ev wbe' XXII. "Avbpes (piXoi, b 'Ap/jievios wpooOev jxkv Kal (rv/JLfia^os i]v Kal vtttikoos Kva£apr)' vvv 6' ws rjadrjTai tovs woXefxiovs ewiovTas, KaTatypovel Kal ovtc to orparei/jua wefuweL r\\xlv ovre tov baofibv awobibwjt' vvv ovv tovtov bet 6r)paaat 9 av bvvwfjieQa. a5§ 5 ovv fioi, e(pr], boKel woietv, ov fjtev, w UpvaavTa, eweibav awoKoifj.rjOfjs bcrov fierpiov, Xafiwv tovs ^fxiaets Yiepawv tlov ovv i]/j~tv 'IQt T))v 6peivi)v Kal KaTaXqfie tcl bpr\ els a tyaaiv avTOV orav ti (j)ofir)67J KaTafev- 45. &yti€vov] ' f Dicitar proprie de f) reTTapaKovra. Etym. Isl. : Tlapa- messoribus, qui longa serie, ordine adyyai' rpiaKovra crdtiia irapa Tl4p- procedentes,in arvis segetibusque me- (reus, nap* AlyvTrriois 8' e^v,Kovra. A- tunt. Hoc disertissimis verbis, hunc gath. 2. p. 59. ed. Vulc. : "Ecrri yap 5 ipsum locum respiciens, testatur Suid. ir apacr ay yiqs, wj p.\v 'HpoSorcp So/ceT Kal "Cly^vov zevoty&v ii> B', avrl rod Beuotpccvn, rpiaKovra orc^ia, &s 5e vvv ivopevovro, irapa rbv oy/ubv^TOV arj/JLai' "lfiypes Kal Ilepcrai p, ovs be jjtrj bvpaivro Xa/iflapeip, anGao- povpres ap efxnobcop yiyvotVTO tov p) dpyp avTOvs to oXop arpa- revfia gov, dXX' wj 7rep\ kXcottcop flovXeveaOai. XXIV. kcu av fiep, tyrj, ovtco iroiec eyfo be dfia rrj y/Jiepa tovs fjniaeis fxep tcop 7re£cdp *X tt)P > ^cipras bk tovs imreas, 7ropevaojiai bia tov nebiov evdvs irpos ra paaiXeia. koi tjp jllcp di'GtoriJrcu, bijXov on iiayevQai befjaec yv a v7ro^(»}py tov nebtov, bfjXop otl fieradeiv^ betjaei' rjp S' els to. opt) 0eyyr/, epravda brj t e'0??, cop epyop jjirjbepa acpiepai twp rrpos ae €t(piKPOVfxepujp. XXV. vofAtie ft coanep ep drjpa rjfias pep tovs €7ri- QrjTOvpTas eaeaBat, ae be top enl Tats apKvai. fxepprjao ovp eKeh'O on cpdapetp be~i necppayfjiepovs tovs nopovs 7rpiv KipelaOai t))p 6i)pap* Kai XeXrjdevai be bel tovs enl to~is arojuaaip, el fxeXXovai //?) d?ro- rpexpeip tcl 7rpoa^ep6fiepa, XXVI. firj fjiePTOi, ecprj, ib Xpvaapra, ovtcos av iroiet wanep evioTe bia ttjp (piXodrjpiap* noXX&Kts yap oXrjv T))p vvicra avKvos npayjuiaTevr]' dXXa vvp eaaai ^p?) tovs apbpas to [xerpiov aTTOKotjurjdfjpai, iroielv ae onus ws ra^tora eywv oitreis 48 Kal tov baofibv kcu to orparev/ia. rjv b* epwTq. owov eljxl, Xiye TaXrjOi] on €irl rols bpiots. rjv 6* eptorol el Kal avrbs epyofxai, Xeye Kavravda TaXrjdi] oti ovk olaOa. eav 8' birovoi eafxev 7rvvdavrjTai, cvfjL7r^/jnreiv Tiva KtXeve Kal fiaOelv, XXXII. tov /jlcv br) ayyeXov eTriGTeiXas ravra ewe/iipe, vo/jll£iov see Schaef. ad Soph. (Ed. It. 741. but compare Erfurdt. ARGUMENTS TO THE THIRD BOOK. Chap. I. — Cyrus conquers the Armenians; u. Trial of the king in the presence of bis army ; in. Confession of the king ; iv. The lamenta- tions of his wife and children; v. Tigranes becomes his advocate; vi. Cyrus, pleased with his proposal, restores the king to his family, and takes him into his favor; vu. The Armenians highly extol his com- passion, and noble virtues. Chap. II. — The Armenians join their forces to those of Cyrus; n. The Chaldeans attacked and defeated ; in. Cyrus retains possession of their heights, and builds a fortress ; iv. Peace established between the Arme- nians and Chaldeans ; v. Its good effects. Chap. III. — Cyrus highly honored by the Armenians and Chaldeans; ii. Refuses treasure from the Armenian princess ; in. Sends both army and treasure to Cyaxares ; iv. Returns to Media ; v. His liberal conduct to his army ; vi. Inspires his men with ardor ; vn. Marches against the Assyrians ; vm. Arrives with Cyaxares in the enemies , country ; ix. Defeat of the Assyrians and deatL oi iheir king. SENO$fiNTOS KTPOT IIAIAEIA. I\ CAP. I. I. 'O MEN 8?) Kvpos ev tovtols i]V 6 be 'Apfievios ws tftcovve tov ayyeXov tcl irapa tov Kvpov, e^e7rXayrj, evvorfffas on abiKolrj Kal top iacr/jioy Xnrfop Kal to orpdrei/jua ov Tre/jnrwv, Kal to fx&- ytGTOv, ecpojieiTOy on 6 Kal tcis yvvcuKas, tj]v re eavTOv Kal ttjp tov v\ov 9 Kal ras dvyarepas' Kal Koajjiov Se* Kal KaTaoKevrjv 1 ttjv nXelarov atyav a up air ewe fiwe irpoirofXTrovs 2 bovs avTois. abros be dfia fiev KaTa] I. e. " Manum fertur ad domum. Legitur sic apud conserere, cominus congTedi," as 7, Thuc. 6, 46. qui est elegans locus." 4, 10. with a dat. of the person, which Fischer. is here understood, as Fischer remarks. 2. irpoirofXTrovs] I. e. Conductors, a J. Poll. 2, 149. has noticed the form ; convoy. " UpoirofMirol sunt comites, and when it is opposed to viroxccp€?p qui aliquem prosequuntur et deducunt the latter signifies ' to yield ' or ' re- aliquo, vel honoris causa, vel ut eum treat/ Thuc. 4, 33. is xelpas £\0e?v, tueantur et defendant, praesidia, con- Schol. avfjLirAaKrjvai, and 4, 98. v7rox«- xoy, ut h. 1. Dicuntur etiam iro[Xiro\ 9 prjaraPTWP avToh. Eurip. Hec. 222. Thorn. M. v. ITo/u- 78 CYROP^DIA. elbov avrov ttoiiigclvtcl ol 'Ap/zeVioi, biebibpaoKov 7/Sr/ efcaoros enl to. eavrov (3ovX6fAevoi tcl ovtcl eKvobwv 7roteladai, 6 be Kvpos ws ewpa biadeovrwv Kal eXavvovTwv To itebiov ueorov, v7ro7refiTrwv ZXeyev on ovbevl 7ro\e/uos e'Lrj twv fxevovTwr* el be riva evyovTa \ri\jsoiro, 7rporjy6pev€P on ws iroXeuiw xprjaoiro. ovtw bfj ol utv 7ro\Xoi KarefievoVy i)oav be ol vireywpovv ovv t£ (3aaiXe~i. IV. eVei be ol ovv reus yvrat^t npo'iovTes eveireoov els tovs ev tw opei, ev&vs Kpavyrjv re eiroiovv 41 Kal (j>eiyovTes fjXiaKovTO iroXXoi ye avrwv. TeXos be Kal 6 7ra7s Kal al yvvalKes Kal al Ovyarepes eaXwaav, Kal Ta xprjuara oaa ovv avTols ayojieva ervyev, 6 be (iaaiXevs avTwv ws rjffdeTO to. yiyvoueva, cnropwv Ttol Tpa7roiTO em X6ov tlvcl fca- Tatpevyei. V. 6 S' av Kvpos ravra Ibwv 7repuorarcu tov X6(j>ov tw napovTL crpaTevfiaTi, Kal irpos XpvcravTav 7reu\pas eKeXeve (j>vXaKrjv tov opovs KaTaXnrovTa iJKeiv. to fxev brj (TTpaTevfxa fjOpoicteTO t£ Kvp&>* 6 be neuipas 7rpos tov 'Apfieviov KrjpvKa r\peTO wbe* Et7re juoiy er], w 'Ap/iciae, 7rorepa fiovXet avTov fievwv rJ Xiuij) Kal rw bixpei ixa^eodai 77 els to lao-rrebov KaTafias rjffiv biaua^eaOai ; aire- Kplvaro 6 ^Apfxevios on ovbeTepots (3ovXolto ua%€(jOai, VI. 7raXtv 6 Kvpos 7rijj.\pas rjpwTa T/ ovv KctQrjcrai avrodi Kal ov icaTafiaiveis ; 'Airopwv, e(prj, o,Tt xprj Tcoielv. 'AW ovbev, e(j)r) b Kvpos, airopeiv ae her e^eori yap aot ewl bUyy Kara/3cuVeij>. Tis b\ e VPX €T0 T °v ^ () y° v t 'Q 'Ap/zeVie, ifrj, irp&Tov \xev ool GvpfiovXevu) ev rrj bUrj raXrjdtj Xeyeiv, 'iva aoi ev ye any to evjXL- arjTOTCLTOv' to yap xpevbojjievov (paiveaQat ev 'iadt on Kal tov avy- yywfitfs tivos Tvy%aveiv efJLiTobwv yuaXtora ai>0pu>7rois yiyveraC eneiTa be, efrj, avvloaot \xkv aot Kal ol iralbes Kal al yvvalKes avrat navra ooa enpa^as, Kal 'Apfievitov ol napovTes* tjv be alaOa- vuvrai oe aXXa 7) ra yevopeva XeyovTa, vofxtovai nt Kal avTOV KaTabiKaSetv aavTOv favru tcl eoyara nadelv, rjv eyio tclXtjOtj itv- Bwfxai. 'AW epwrn, ecf>r) 9 t5 Kvpe, 6,ti fiovXet, ws raXijdij epovvTOs' tovtov eveKa Kal yeveadu) 6,ti flovXerai. X. Aeye bt'j fioi, efyrf, eVoXe/i 77 cas 7tot€ 'Aorvayei tq) ttjs efifjs [i7]Tp6s narpl Kal to~is a\- Xois Mrjbois ; "Eywy*, er) 6 Kvpos, KaXbv fia-^eaOai, onus fir) irore tis bovXos /leXXoi ye\r)aeaQaC rjv be br) TroXe/iw KpaTrjQels rj Kal dXXov Tiva Tporrov bovXwQeU €7rt\ei' pibv tis ws, e *$ s ^ 0VTe ~ LV V nevrjra 7rotets ; 'Atyaipov/Jiai, £(pri t a av e^tov Tvyyavrj. ,N Hy be /cat 7rpbs ttoXe/jliovs yiyvwaKrjs avrov d^torajuc- vov, tI 7rotets ; Kara/catVw, etyr]' tL yap Set eXeyydevTa on \pevbo- fiat airodavelv fxaXXov rj raXr]drj Xeyovra; XIII. evda br) 6 pev irals avrov, ws rjKovae ravra, itepieairaaaTO ti)v Tiapav® /cat tovs TrenXovs KaTepprj^aro, at be yvvouKes avaj3or)aaaai ebpv7TTOVT0 9 ws olyofierov tov narpos Kal citcoXwXotwv ttcivtwv a(j>wv tfbrj. /cat 6 Kv- pos atw7rrjaai KeXevaas einev, Kiev* rd fxev br) era btKaia ravra, w 'Ap/uerte* fifiiv be tl avfJifiovXeveis e/c tovtwv iroielv ; 6 fxev brj 'Apfxevios airopwv eaiwira 7roVepa avjjfiovXevoi rw Kvpa> /cara/cat- veiv eavrov rj ravaVTia bibaakoi wv avros ecprj woielv. XIV. 6 be irals avrov Ttypavrjs enr)peT0 tov Kvpor, Et7re fjioi, eQrj, w Kvpe, e7rei 6 iraTrip anopovvTi eowev, r) av/ufiovXevaw 7rept avrov d o'iofiai crot /3e\rtora eivai; /cat 6 Kvpos, rjffdrjfxevos, ore avvedrjpa avTtjj 6 Tiypavrjs, ao(pt(7Tf)v Tira ai/rw uvvovTa /cat davfiaiofievov V7r6 tov Ttypdvov, 7rd^v €7re6vfi€t avrov d/cov<7at o,n ttotc epoir}' Kal irpoQv- jjuos eKeXevcre Xeyetv o,tl yiyvuxTKOi. XV. 'Eyw TOtrvv, etyrj 6 Tiypavrjs, el jiev ayaoat tov naTpos r) ova fiefiovXevTat rj oaa 7re7rpa^e, 7rdvv croc avfxfiovXevu) tovtov /it- 6. ridpav] " Fuit gestamen capitis, vium depressions et inclinatse, incur- genus pilei Persarum, aliarumque ori- vae, et in frontem prominentes, v. ad entiscivkatum, nomen habens a figura Anacr. 55, 3. Salmas. in Solin. 392. acuminata : v. Reland. Diss. 8. T. 2. Gataker. Adv. Post. 24. p.691. Brauri. p. 252. Erat enim pileus laneus turri- de Vest. Sacr. Hebr. 2, 4. p. 390. tus, TriKrjixa irvpycorhv, (Strab. 15. p. Itaque irepKriracrBcu vty ridpav dicitur 734. Cas.) formam coni referens, He- is, qui tiararu sibi ex capite avellit, rod. 3, 12. -ttIXovs ridpas, ubi v. Wes- capiti detrahit, et detractam in terram sel. 199. Aliis vocabulis dicitur Kvp- dejicit : quod adeo erat luctus et do- &0Ly] 6 TiypavrjSy fieyaXa y av iqpioio, el tovs aeav- rov Karatcaivois bnore vol 7rXeiarov afyoi elev KexTrjadai. Tlws ft av, etyr) 6 Kvpos, tote irXeiarov a^ioi yiyvoivro avdpajirot bnore abiKOvvres aXiaKoivro ; Ei rore, oijaai, awypoves yiyvoivro* boKel yap fioi, a* Kvpe, ovtms eyeiv, avev fxev aw(j>poavvr)s ovft aXXrjs aperfjs ovbev btyeXos eivai* ri yap av, etyr), j(pf)aair av ris lff X v PV *1 avbpeiu) fir) auxppovi, ri ft lifttiKf, ri be TrXovaia), ri be bwdarrj ev iroXei ; avv be awcppoavvr) koi 7ras ^prjaifjios Kal Qepai:(i)v was ayaQos. XVII. Touro ovv, e(prj, Xeyeis ws teal 6 cos 7rarrjp ev rfjbe Trj fita ii/Jiepq, e£ afpovos avpova eaeaOai, irapayjifjfjia e£ aeppo- vos Guxppwv av ris yevoiro. XVIII. TV ft, etyrj, u> Kvpe, oviru jjadov Kal eva avbpa bi apoavvr]v fxev emyeipovvra Kpeirrovi eavrov fj-dy^eadai, e7reibav be fjrrrjdrj evOvs 7re7ravfxevov rijs npbs tovtov cKppoavvrjs ; ttoXiv ft, e0r?, ov7rw eujpaxas avrirarrofxev^v npbs 7r6Xiv erepav rjris €7reibav fjrrrjdrj, 7rapa^pfj^a ravrrj civrl tov fxa^eadai 7reideadai eQeXei ; XIX. Tlotav b\ ecprj 6 Kvpos, ical av tov irarpos rjrrav 7 Xeywv ovtojs la^ypicrj aeaoxpppviadai avrov ; *Hv vrf A/a, €077, (rvvoibev eavrS eXevdepias pev ewtdv/jirjaas, bov- Xos ft 0aaas eXOuv avv 7roXXr) 6 Kvpos, Kal rj roiavTYi ijrra auxppovlSetv iKavr) elvat avdpwnovs to yvwvai AXXovs eavriov (ieXriovas ovras ; TloXv ye fiaXXov, er} 6 Ttypavr/s, rj orav fiayrj tls riTTrtSrj. 6 fiev yap ia\vi Kparrjdels eanv ore vfiQi} er] 9 eoiKas ovk o'ieadat tovs vfipiaras ytyvw- GKeiv tovs eavTwv atocppovearepovs, ovbe tovs /cXeTrras tovs fit) KXeirrovTas, ovbe tovs xpevbofievovs tovs aXrjQrj XeyovTas, ovbe tovs abtKovvras tovs to. biKaia iroiovvras' ovk olaBa, etyt), oti Kal vvv 6 oos TcaTrip expevaaTO Kal ovk efyfjmebov tcls npbs rjfids avvdrJKas, elbios on rjfxels obb' otwvv wv *AaTvayrjs avvedeTO irapaflaivoftev ; XXII. 'AW ovb* eyu> ravra Xeyw ws to yvwvai fibvov tovs /3eX- riovas au)(j)povi£eiv avev tov biKr)v bibovat virb twv (ieXTiovwv, Seirep 6 epos naTrjp vvv bibtoaiv* 'AW, er] 6 Kvpos, 6 ye obs irarijp ireirovde fiev ovb 9 otiovv ttu KaKov* 0oj3c7ra/ ye fiivroi ev otb' on fir) iravTa to. eayaTa iraQy, XXIII. Otec ovv tl, e6(3ov ; ovk olad' otl ol fiev t$ \(T")(ypOTaTW KoXaajJiaTi 8 vofxtSo/jtev^ mbrip^ irato/mevoi ojjlu>s edeXovai mi iraXiv iia^eadai toIs avTols ; ovs b' av ofyobpa o(3r)dto(riv avdp(07roi 9 tovtois ovbe wapafjivdofxevois en avri- (iXeweiv bvvavrat ; Aeye«s av, ecprj, ws 6 vyabes, rjbr) b 9 fiTTijfievoi, rjbrj be bovXevovres, eartv ore bvvavTai Kal fidXXov twv evbatfiovtov 8. Ko\d6fios' evtoi yap (pofiov/jievoi jju) Xrjtydevres aTroOavwai V7T0 TOV (f>6fjOV TTpOaiToQl>il av fieya (ppovrjvai Kal 7raXiv av irpayfiara irapaayelv. XXVII. 'AXXa val tia A/', e^q, w Kvpe, e%ei futey Trpotyaoeis tcl fifierepa afAapn'ifiaTa wore cnricrT€~iv yfuv* ei-eori be aoi Kal (ppovpia evTei-^t$€iv Kal to. i^ypa Kare^eiv Kal dXXo o t rt ay (SovXy 7tmtt6v Xa/ufiaveiv. Kal fJtevTOi, e(prj, rjfxas pev e^eis ovbev tl tqvtois fieya Xvrrovfxevovs' fxefxiTjaofxeBa yap on i]fxels avTojv aiTioi eofxev* el be tivl twv avafj,apTi]T(i)v irapabovs n)v ap\r)v amoT&v avrols (pavel, opa firi dfia re ev Troirjnrjs Kal a/ja ov oi. Eodem rnodo oppccdecc pro- that irrrilT), r')V Tiva eys Srjv twv ae uijbev r)biKrj- kotu)v, Ttva (rot tovtov y/ipiv 0l€l avT ^ v eiaeaBai \ ti b\ ryv avrov TCKPa ku\ yviaiKa /Jit) atyaiprj, tis ae tovtov eveKa (piXrjaei /jaXXov 3) 6 vojjll$wv 7rpoffi]K€iv clvtw dtyaipeBrjvai ; Tt]v S' 'Apfieviuv paffi- Xeiav el fjtrj e£et, olaBd Ttva, €(prj, vvv Xv7rovjjLevov paXXov r) riuas; ovkovv Kal tovto, e oaaitep vnecryeTO rJ Kua^apy irpdleiv* efJte/JivrjTO yap elrrtov oti Ka) (j)lXov o'ioito fiaXXov rj irpoaBev 7rori]aeiv» Kal eK tov- tov bi) tov 'Ap/meviov epwTqt, *Hv be by TavTa ireiQufxai vftlv, Xeye fjioi ait, erj, avv rols Orjaavpols ols 6 iraTr)p KaTeXtTrev eoTiv els dpyvpiov XoyiodevTa TaXavTa 7rXe/w twv TpKryiXiujv. XXXIV. Kal 6 Kvpos ovk e/jieXXrjaev, ctXX' el7re, Tfjs per tolvw aTparias, €7rei aoi, e(j)rjy 01 Sfiopoi XaXScuot TroXefxovai, tovs ^^'urets fioi cv^Trefxire' twv be ypri/xaTiov, avA fxev twv 7revTrjKovra TaXavTwv wv ecpepes LIBER III. CAP. I. 85 iaajjov burXatria Kva£apr) an6bos, on eXines rr)v opaV efiol &\ tyrj, aXXa eKarov bavetoov eyw be ooi viTLa\vovuai, f/v 6 Oeot ev btby, avd* iv av efiot bavelor)s i) a\\a nXeiovos a£ta evepyeTTjaetv V ra xprjfiaTa cnrapidfAi'iaeiv, ijv bvvw/Jtaf yv be urj bvvwuat, abv- varos fi€v av fciivoijjiijv, oluai, abiKOS b' gvk av buaiws Kpivoiurjv. XXXV. kqI 6 'Apfxevios, Tlpos rGiV Oetiv, e(pn, J Kvpe, fit) ovrut Xeye, el be fjirl, ov Oappovvra. fie cfcis* &\\a vofiiSe, e(j)rj, a av icaraXinris firjbev yjrrov era elvat wv av eywv airirjs. Kiev, ecprj o Kvpof ware be ttjv yvvcuKa anoXafieiv, iroaa av fioi yjprffiara Soirjs ; 'Ox-ocra av bvvalfiTjv, e Kvpe, nav Tijs ^pv^ijs 7rpiaifirjv wore fifjnoTe XaTpevaai Tavrrjv. XXXVII. Iv fiev TOivvv, e Kvpe, ovr<*) koXos KayaQos eiceXvos i\v ws Kal ore anoQvriGKeiv epeXXe KpooKaXeffas fxe elwe, Mtjti ev tov aybpos. 6 bi 'Apfievios eXefcy ovtios' *il Kvpe, ovb* ol rats eavrwv yvvaiQ Xa/x- fiavovres ovyoyras aXXorpiovs aybpas ov tovto aiTiwpeyoL avrovs KaraKreivovoiv us apoveoTepas ttoiovvtcls rat yvyalicas, aXXa vo/xl- £oi'T€s cKpaipeladai avrovs ri]v irpos eavrovs i\(av, bta tovto u>s froXcfiiois avrols Xp&VTai. Kal eyu eKeiyy, e e(f>Q6yovy, on fiot eboKei tov Ifxbv vloy tovtov Troielv avroy /jiaXXoy daufiaieiy rj e/ie. XL. Kal 6 Kvpos ei7T€V, 'A\\a vai fia tovs Qeovs, e(j>rf 9 J 'Apfieyie, aiQpumva fioi boKels cifjiapTely Kal ov, J Tiypavr), avyyiyrwoice rJ 7rarp«. Tore fiey by) TOiavra btaXe^SeyTes Kal (piXotypoyrjOevTes tooirep eUbs €K ovyaXXayfjs, ayafiayres ewl ras apfxa^ia^as ovv rats yvvaiQv cnrffXavyoy evtypaivo/uevoL. XLI. 'E7rei b* fjXdov o'LKabe, eXeyov tov Kvpov 6 \iev tis rrjy co(f)iav 9 6 be rrjy Kaprepiav, 6 be Tt)y irpoiOTrjTa, 6 be tis Kal to kclX* \os Kal to fxeyeQos. evda bi] 6 Tiypai'rjs ewypeTO rrjy yvvalKa, 'H Kal ool 9 er), (J 'Apfievia, KaXos eboicei 6 Kvpos eiyat; 'AXXa /ua At", eprj, ovk eKtivov edeu)fjir)y. \A\Xa rtVa /Jirjy ; efrj 6 TtypaViys. Toy elrcovTa vrj At'a ujs rijs avTOv ^v\fjs ay irpiaiTO afore fxf) fie bovXeveiy, tot€ fiey it) doirep ehos eK towvtuv aveiravovTO ovv etXXr/Xots. XLI I. Trj b' vorepaio: 6 'Appevios Kvpip /uev Kal ttj OTpaTiq. awaoy Z&vta 12 €7re/Z7re, wpoelrre be toIs eavrov, ovs berjooi orpareiJ- eodai, eh Tpirrjv i]p.epav nape'ivaC tcl be \prjfjtaTa u>y eXirey 6 Kvpos bnrXacia air rjpidfjtrjarey. 6 be Kvpos ooa elite Xaj3wy raXXa d7T€7re/Li- \pev ijp€To be irorepos earai 6 to arpciTevfia aywy 9 6 irdls rj avros* elnerrjy be ajxa b fiey irarrjp ovtu>s 9 'Onorepoy a.y ov KeXevrjs 9 6 be TraTs ovtojs, 'Eyw /jtey ovk airoXetyofxai oov 9 w Kvpe, ovb' a.y cricevo- tyopoy fie bey oot ovyaKoXovdely. XLI 1 1. Kal 6 Kvpos entyeXaoas 12. £eVv St- ambassadors from Cy ax ares to the Ar- Z6^vov. tnenian king. " U4?ia sunt munera et LIBER III. CAP. II. 37 cnre, Kai em irvoy av, etyij, IQeXois t^v yvvalKa opels ; 'AW ovbev, € yap % &ore bpyv eliarat avrrj 6,ti av kyio irpdrrut, "Qpa av, €rj, avcrKeva- £€<70a« 1S vfjuv e'irj. No/xt£e be, fytj, ovveaKevan^ievovs irapeoeo- Oai o,n av 6 irar^p 8gL. Tore fxev by IpviadevTes 14 01 orpanaircu eKoifiijOtjaav. CAP. II. I. TiJ 8' vcrrepata avaXafiwv 6 Kvpos tov Tiypavrjv ical twv M?/8a>v imrewv tovs Kpariarovs Kai twv eavrov (piXwy bnoaovs *rcu- pbs €boK€i elvai, nepieXavviov Ttjv \u>pav Karededro, vkoitmv nov T€i\i(T€L€ ri, voiovatv, ewrjv airi, ewl tcl aKpa, &s av eKafrros bvvrjTat* II. ravra fjiev brj 6 Kvpos fjKrjKoei* aKoir&v 8c tcarevoei iroXXqv ttjs Xwpas rots 'Apfieviois eprjfiov Kai apybv ovaav bia tov iro\e/jiov* Kai Tore fikv anfjXdov em to OTpaTcnrebov Kai beiirvyeavTes eKOi/itj- Qrjaav. III. Trj 8* vaTepaia avTos re 6 Tiypavris irapfjv rj $ earl rov vvv KapTeprjtrai onevbovras* 'ire ovv €7rl ra oirXa, Kal v/aels [lev, w M.rjbot, ev apiarepq. r)fxwv rropev- eode, vfjtels be, w 'Apfierioi, ol fxev fifiiaets ev be£,idadAay£, longior, latera breviora/ 7 Fischer. ., LIBER III. CAP. II. 89 eiirwv on elbehj tovto evdvs 7rapTjyyvrjff€ rols Hepvais wapacnceva^ SeaOat ws avrUa berjaoy btwKety, enetbay vTraydywfft 1 ^ tovs iroXe- fiiovs vncxpevyopres ol 'ApfieviOL war eyyvs yj^uy yeyeaOai. IX. ov~ Tu> bt] ijyovvro fj.ev ol 'Appeyioi' T&y be XaXSa/wv ol irapovT€s 9 uts ewXriaiaioy ol 'Ap/jieytoi, ra^v aXaXa^oyres edeoy, tioirep eluBeoay, els avrovs' ol be 'Apfxeywi, tianep elwQeaay, ovk ebe\ovro, X. (is be bi&KOvres ol XaXbaloi elboy evavriovs fia\aipo\ rov Kvpoy, KaOewpuy re tQv XaXbaiuy Tas oh'jjaeis Kal rjadavoyro tyevyovTas avTovs eK twp eyyvs oIkyj- cewy. XI. 6 be Kvpos, d>s irayres ol oTpanwrat ofiov eyeyoyro, apiOT07roi€~iadai Trapi)yyetXey. ene\ be ripioTrjKeaay, KaTafxadcoy eyda al aKonai y)aray rity XaXbaiuty epvfiyov re ov Kal eyvbpoy, 13 evOvs erei-^iie iXoi elvai. Kal r)v fiev rroXefiov cw- pfjcrde, fit)K€Ti rjKere bevpo dvev oitXlov, el atofporelre* fjv be eipfjvrts boKrjre beladai, dvev oitXlov rJKere* tos be KaXws e^et tcl vfiirepa, rjv (piXoi yevrj&Oe, efioi fxeXriaai, XIV. aKOvaavres be oi XaXSa 7oi ravra, 7ro\\tt fxev e7raLveaavTes 9 TroXXa be be^iioffafjievoi tov Kvpov tZyovTO oUabe, f O be 'Apjdevios tos fJKOVtre rr)v re kXtjiat iroiijoat. Kal 6 Kvpos €TT)]p€TO avTOvs, * AXXo tl, etyrj, w XaXSalot, rj tovtov eveKa eipijvrjs vvv ewLOvfielTe otl vofiiiere aatyaXeoTepov av bvvaadai Srjv elprjvqs yero/ievrjs rj 7roXe/jiovvT€s, enel f}/bL€i"s TaKpa Tab 9 fyo- ixev ; etyavav ol XaX5a7ot. XVIII. Kal os Tt b\ ecprj, el Kal aXXa vfjuv ayaQa npooyevoLTO bia ty)v e\pr\vr\v \ "Etl av t ecpaaav, julclXXov ev(j>pairol^eda, "AXXo tl ovv, ecprj, rj bia to yfjs imavi$€Lv ayaBfjs vvv KevY\Te$ vofxlieT elrai ; tTW€(f>aaay Kal tovto. TV ovv; er], ra aKpa avufiaya el-q \ Ovtcos av, ecpaaav, fjfjuv KaXws eypi. 'AXAa /ua A/', ecprj 6 'Apfxevios, ovk av fjffiv av KaXujs %X 0l > €l 0VT01 irapaXri\povTai 7rdXii> ra aKpa aXXios re Kal reret^KT- jieva, XXII. Kal 6 Kvpos enrev, OvtuhtI roivvv, ecprj, eyoj 7^o^;o■a> , ovberepots vfitov ra aKpa napabtoffto, dXXd fj/jLels (jtvXu^o fj.ev avrd* Kav abtKtoffiv vfitov bworepoi, vvv rols abiKOV/ievois fj/jiels eaopeda, XXIII. '£ls b* r\KOvaav a/JiQorepoi ravra, e7ry veaav Kal eXeyov Sri ovrivs av povtoi if elprjvrj fieflaia yevoiro. Kai em rovrois ebo- aav Kal eXaj3ov 7ravres ra marra, 20 Kal eXevQepovs fxev a/jiforepnvs an aXXfjXtov elvai ffvveriOevro, eiriyafxias 21 & elvai Kal eirepya- ulas Kai e7rivofxias, Kal eTTifiayJav 22 be kolv))v, ei' ris ubtKoir] 07rore~ 20. iftoaav Ka\ zKa&ov rb. incrrb.'] 22. iirtfiaxiav ] " The common This is, as Fischer remarks, thus ex- reading is a-v/jL/jiaxtav , but Guelf. ex- pressed in Latin, Accipere et darefi- hibits eVi arvfj.jj.axiap : which has mani- dem. Virg. ^En. 8, 150. : ' Accipe festly arisen from the various reading, daque fidem.' Ennii Fragra. p. 32. thus indicated, iTria-vfiixaxiav. Hence Hes. : ■ Accipe daque fidem, foedus- we have restored the word imfiaxiav, que feri bene firmum.' which, though rare, is exactly suited 21. iwiyafiias] By the Athenian to the passage under consideration ; law no citizen was allowed to contract for we learn from Thuc. 1, 44. 'Ev di exOpovs Kal puvpiov Kal tu eiriTijheta aweta-- rjyov. XXV. eirel he eanepa irpoarjei, aviheiizvovs eXaj3ev a/i^ore- povs irpos eavTov ws (j>l\ovs i'lhrj. (TvaKrjvovvTtav he et7re tis twv XaXhaicjv on rols fiiv aWois atywv iraoi ravr cvktcl eirj' eitrt he Tiyes twv XaXScu'uw ot Xrj'iidfievoi Cuxji Kal ovt kmajravTai epyci- Sleadat ovt av hvvaivro 9 eldiafxevoL anb 7roXefiov fiiOTevetV act yap eXtj'ZiopTO ?i e/juadotpopovv, 7roXXaKis fxev irapa t£ twv 'Ivhwv 2 * /3a- pelp vofjLi$cjy. tuh> be v/bteTeptop rjbv /jloi tyeibeaQaC iXovs yap vfids ijbrj vofxiitM)' irapa be tov '\pbov rjbea)S av Xd/3oi/ii, el biboirj, XXIX. b oi/p ayyeXos y KeXevu) vfids rjyepopas bovvai Kal avp.- vp&KTOpas yeveaQaiy eXQibp eKelve Xe£e« JSe' v E7re/iv//e fie Kvpos 9 (J *lvbe 9 irpos ae' r) 9 i\v ovp avTu nefjL\prjs biroaa aot npo^wpel, Qrjfflp, ijp debs ayadbp reXos btby avT

o/jic,wv koi tov Kvpov fjiaXXov rjbeadai rrj vno navrwv Ttfirj. TeXos & ovv virrjPTrjae Kal y yvtrj tov 'Appeplov, ras Ovyaripas eyovaa Kal tov rewrepov vlbv, Kal avv aXXots bwpois xai to ypvaiov eKopiiev 5 nporepov ovk i\deXe Xafielv o Kvpos. HI. Kal 6 Kvpos Ibojv elwev, 'YjjlcIs ejjte ov Troniaere pnaQov irepi- iovra evepyerelv, ciXXa ov, w yvvai, eypvaa ravra tci ^prjfAara h epets awiQt, kal t£ jjiev \Ap/i€v/G> prjKeTi bys aura Karopvjai, &P* vefixjsov be tov vlov ws KuXXtcrra air* abrtiv KaracrKevaaacra e?ri rtjp orpanav and be tGjv Xoiirotv ktCj Kal aavrrj Kal rtp avbpl Kal rarj 9 apKetrio ra /roi/uacryueVos bin tov Tponov, ticrre Xajjtpaveiv onore beoiro. Kal Tore fxev eoTpaToirebevaaTO ev toIs fuedoplois, Trj S' vorepalq. to fxep crrpaTevfxa Kal ra xprifxara ene/jixpe irpos Kva^dprjv, 6 be irXrjviov i]v t ctfoTrep etyrjaev* avros be ovv r Tiypavrj Kal Tlepatov toIs apioTOts edfjpa oirovnep eirLTvy yap oiev drjptois Kal evwaTi(rjU6VosxP^J LtaTa » Decausenena( i ' non modo pecunia, quam acceperat, made or amassed money, the perf. auctus.* " Fischer. LIBER III. CAP. III. 95 ipes (piXoi, hoK€~i hfjuv evtypoovvri Tit vvv irapelvai, Kal on eviropia ris TTpoayeyevriTat Kal on e-^ofiev a' dv nfiyv e^ofjtev ovs av /3oi/- Xufieda, Kal nfiaadat ljs av etcaaros ii£tos p* VIII. ndvTUJS bk avafiifxvrjaicwfieda ra nolo, arra 27 epya tovtcjv tu>v ayaOwv eanv aina' uKOTtovfievot yap evprjcrere to re aypv7rvfjaai owov ebei Kal to vov7j/ weiBu) Kal ^ Kaprepia Kal ol ev rw Kcitpui irovoi Kal Kivbvvoi napeyovTai. IX. Karavoutv be 6 Kvpos ws ev fxev ai/rw elypv ra awfiaTa ol arpartioTai npos to bvvaadat errpanuTiKovs ttovovs epeiv, eif be ras \f/v^as irpos to KaTapove~iv tCjv iroXefjiwv, entOTt'ifAOves be i\s T&XHTTa, elbios on ol kolvoI Kivbvvoi (juXo^povws troiovaiv e^eiv tovs avfifia^ovs npos dXXrjXovs Kal ovKin ev Tovrtg ovtc toIs ev onXois KOtTfiovfievois crcw^s, eyu) Xe£w Kal vnep gov Kal vnep r)fiu>v, r)fiiv yap boKel 7raaiy f eveiirep irapeaKevaaixe0a 9 fur) eneibav €/j.fiaXti)(Tiv oi woXe/jiioi eh rr\v arjy ywpav Tore fJiax^crOai, fxrjb* ev rrj s Tayiora els Trjy noXejiiay. XV. vvy fiev yap ev Ty cry \(upa ovres woXXa tujv crwv aivojieOa aKovres' f\v b' els Trjy 7roXejiiav ta;//e»', ra eKeivwv KaKws 7roir)crofiev fjbofievot, XVI. eTreira vvy fiev ov fjfjias rpetpeis iroXXa ba7ravwv 9 rjv & e*arpa- T€V(i}jj.eda 9 0pe\j;6fie0a ck rrjs waXe/mlas. XVII. en be el fxev fiel£<*)V tis Kivbwos efxeXXev r)filv elvat eKel rj evOabe, 'laws to aff^aXeora- rov r)v av alpereov, vvv be \aoi fiev eKelvot eaovrai, rjv re evOabe v no fiev u> fiev rjv re els ttjv eKelvwv lovres viravT&pev avTols 9 'iaoi be {jfiels bvres fj.a-^ovfxeda 9 y\v re evda.be ewiovras avrovs beywfieda r\v re en eKeivovs lovres rr)v fia^rjv crvvaTrTOJ/Jiev, XVIII. noXv fiev roi ye fffiels fiev fieXrioat Kal eppiofxevetJTepais rals \jsv%als rwv GTpanwTtoV xprjadfieOa, rjv 4w/iev enl rovs e^dpovs ical fxr) aKovres bpq.v boKCjfxev tovs TroXefxiovs* 7roXv bk KaKelvot fiaXXov fj/ias tyofir)- crovrai, orav aKovauMTiv on ov^ fas Qofiovfievoi 7rTr)/ fjfierepa ^ojpa KaK&Tai, dXXa tydavovres rjbrj byov/xev rrjv eKelvwv not myself think that it designates ought always to be understood nearly any military office, but denotes all in this sense." Hutch. u Sunt ergo those, according to the interpretation primum in re militari summi duces, of Mm.. Portus, i quorum praesentiam qui ab acie abesse possunt ; deinde res postularet, quique adeo parati translatum id nomen ad reliquos Cyri essent ad aliquid opportune peragen- amicos, qui et pacis tempore illi prasto dum.' It often occurs below, and it essent, ut 8, 5, 3." Weiske. LIBER III. CAP. III. 97 V^v* XIX. Kmroiy ttytj, e'i ri eKelyovs fiey o(jepwTepovs 7rot)'^o- juev, %fias be avTOVS OappaXewrepovs, noXv tovto ?//iti> eyw nXeo- vekrrjfia yo/ji$w, Kal tvv Kivbvvoy ovrws )jfuv pey eXaTTW Xoyiiofiai, rois be iroXefiiois fietgw noXv ay fx&XXoy. Kal b 7rar?)p ael Xeyet Kal 7roXefiiay ybr} Kal e/jiol bone! fieXriov eirac Trpos navTa. 'Ewel Toiyvy, e) olwvols ypri(jap,eyos alaiois ev- ifiaXev els ttjv iroXefiiav, €7re\ be Taytara biefiri tcl opia, e/cei av Kal Tfjv IXaaKeTO \oa1s Kal deovs Ovoiats, Kal ijpwas 'Aaavpias oIk%- Topas evfxevi£eTO, raura be iroiijcras avdis Au iraTpww edve, Kal et tls a\\os dewy avetyalveTO, ovbevos jjjjie\et, XXIII. 'JLirel be koXws ravra el^ev, evdvs tovs fxev neciovs irpoayayoyres ov 7roX\?)v bbby eaTparoTrebevaayTO, tois b y ittttois KaTabpOfi^y Trotrjffafjieyoi TrepiefiaXoyro 7roXX?)v Kal 7rayTOiay Xeiay. Kal to Xourby be /xeraoT/3aro7reSevo/xevot 32 Kal k\oyTes d r ore by b Kvpos \eyei, 'ft Kva^apt], wpa brj a7rayTq.v Ka\ (xi}Te toIs 7roXefjLlos boKeiy fxijre tois fjfierepots irepifiaXXovTat evneTws but ty>,v itoXvyetpiav* "ujaot yap on linrikbv (TTparevfjia ev vvktI Tapa^wbes €s re Kai fiapfiapov. XXVII. irewobtv/jievovs 341 re yap ey^ovat tovs i7r7rovs eirt Tals (jtctTvatSy Kat ei Tts en avrovs 'ioi, epyov pev vvktos Xucai 17T7TOVS, epyov be y^aXtviocrai, epyov b' eirura^ai, epyov be OupaKiaaarQat, 35 avaj3avTas 5' ecf iinc^v eXaaat bia aTpaTonebov 33. ol ffdpfiapoi] The Persians did same conclusion, Ae? €7Npa/ufTGt: see Heliodorus ap. Brisson. wished us to refer it to the horses, he 1. c, Eunapius ap. Suid. v. 0wpa|, would have said iiriBoopaKiaai or 6oopa- Proluss. Verss. Gr. 74. Hence e7n0a>- Ki(rat: and in the second place, the paKi^eadcu is ' cataphractas addere s. words in the Anab. 1 « c. lead us to the induere equo suo.' " Fischer. LIBER III. CAP. III. 99 •xavTairaoiv abvvaTOv. tovtlov brj evetca iravTtov Kal 01 uXXoi ral €K€tvoi tu Ipv/jaTa TrepifiaWovraiy Kal aiia avrols boKeH to ev e^i/pj elrat etyvfriav napeyeiv orav (iovXtavTai fiu^eaBais XXVIII. roiavra fiev b>) iroiovvTes eyyvs aXXi^Xiov eyiyvovTO. l-rrfl be TTpofftovres aireiyov ocrov Trapavayy-qVy oi iiev 'Aapvpioi ovtlos effrparonebevovro tovrjs bpcoiieva 0o/3epwrepa rols evavTiois elvat. Kal eKelvrjv ixev rrjv vi/KTa coairep ewpeire irpotyvXaKas irot-qaaaevoi eKarepoi eKoi/urj- Orjtrav, XXIX. T?7 &' v(TT€paia 6 uev ^Atrvvpios Kal b Kpolaos Ka\ ©2 aXXoi i]ye fxoves avenavov tcl orpareujuara ev tcd kyypco* Kvpos be Kal Kvalaprjs avvTa^ciiievoc 7repte/j.€vov, cos, el irpoGiotev oi 7roXejjaoi, fiaypvpevoi* w$ be bfjXov eyevero oti ovk efyoiev oi TToXeLtioi €K tov kpv/iaros, ovbe Lia^Tjv iroirjaoivTo kv TavTrj Trj fjiiepa, b per Kva£aprjs KaXeeas tov Kvpov Kal tcov aXXwv tovs eiriKaipiovs eXe£e T0iu.be* XXX. Aojcet jioi, ecprj, to avbpes, cotnrep Tvyyavoiiev ovvreT ay Lievoi ovrcos levai Trpos to epviia tcov avbpcov Kal bqXovv on OeXoixev fxcfXeadat. ovtco yap, e(j>ri, lav ufj avTewe^lcoaiv eKelvoi, oi p.ev fjfxeTepoi uaXXov 6app{](ravT€S av awiaaiv, oi iroX4jxioi be Trjv roXfxav Ibovres fj/jitov fxaXXov /j,cOa jj/juv avrols SfJLOtovs iroielvy tovtovs be rjfxas be}, virofxt^rriGKCtr k(f> ols re CTpctyopcOa viro Kvajdpov, a re fjaKOv/Jter, c(f a re avrovs 7raoa- KCKXrfKafjter, ur re arrfAcrot array urtaral etyaaar ijfilr eacaQat. XXXVII. Kat rovro S' avrovs yTTOfju/LtrrjCKere ort ijbe f] fynepa bct^ct ur CKaffros eartr a£cos. uv yap av 6\ptfia6cls drdpunot yerurrat, ovber &av/Lta(TTOV ei rives avrur Kat rov virofxtfJir^aKorros beotvro f dAX' ayairr}70V el Kat e£ v7ro(ioXr}s bvratvro arbpcs ayadbc elvat. XXXV III. Kal ravra fxerrot wparrdrrcs dfjta Kal iifiwv avr&v TreT- par Xrjypevfie. 6 jxer yap bvrdjxeros er ru rotujbe Kat aXXovs /3e\- riovs irotclr, chorus ctr iibrj Kal cavrf ovreibelr) reXeus ayadbs arrjp wr, 6 be fr}v rovruv V7r6fjtrr}atr avros fjtoros e^ur Kal rovr* ayairwv, chorus ar rffitreXrj avrbv vofitiot. XXXIX. rovrov & 'evcKa ovk eyu } etprj, avrols Xeyu, a\V vfids iteXevu Xeyctr, Ira Kal 36. evrecparanivos'] " Gl. vet. Re- rets among the Greeks and other dimitus, i. e. tempora vinctus corona, nations, were held in great honor for For the Persians never sacrificed with- their proplvetic skill. Herod. 1, 132. out a chaplet, and the victims them- favors this explanation : "Avcv yhp 8^ selves had their chaplets, Brisson. 2, fidyov ov (rv iv H4p 1, 23/' Poppa. LIBER III. CAP. III. 101 ape<7K€iv hfily TrecputvTar v/jie~ts yap Kai nXyataieTe aurots e/caaros Tip eavrov /uepet. ev be tnicrTaade, ev ofiOTifjiojv yeyovare Kai eTriXeXeyfiei'oi eore, ot boKelre tcl uei> a\\a ro7s KpaTtcrots o/jlolol elrai, rrj S' yjXtKto: Kai QpovtfxwTepoi. Kat rotvvv yhpav eyeTe ovbev i\ttov ijfAwv evTi/JLOv TWV TrpoGTaT&v* voxels yap ontadev bvTes tovs t ayadovs av etyopwvTes Kai eirtKeXevovTes avrols eri Kpetrrovs irotolre, Kai e't tis /maXaKiSotTO, Kai tovtov opwVTes ovk av e-mTpenotTe aurJ. XLII. Gv/JL^epet §' vfilv, e'tirep r^> Kai a\\o) to vtKqv ku\ bta ti}v ifXiKtav Kai bta to flapos tTjs otoX?7$. 38 *V 8' &pa v/uas Kai ot e/jnrpoo- 6ev avaKaXovvres ezrecflat irapeyyvioatv, v-iraKoveTe avrols, Kai onus fArjb' ev Toury avTuJv riTTrjdr'icreade, avTtirapaKeXevojAevot avrols Oarrov ijyeladat enl tovs noXefiiovs. Kai awtovres, ew pivot els ras rajeis. XL1II. ot fxev bt) ajj.(j)l Kvpov ev tovtois -\\aav* ot §' 'Aaavptoi kuI brj rjpKTrrjKCTes elrjeadv re Qpauews Kai irapeTaTTOvTo eppojjuevws. naperarTe be avrovs avros 6 fiacrtXevs e(jf ap/jtaros irapeXavvwv Kai TOiabe 7rap€heXev€TO' XL1V. *'Avbpes 'Aval/plot, vvv hel atbpas ayadovs elvat. vvv yap Kepi \pv\wv tujv vfJteTepwv 6 ay ojv /cat 7rep\ yfjs ev rj e(j)VTe Kai Trepl o'tKtov ev ols eTpacprjTe, Kai 7repl yvvatKwv be Kai TeKvwv /cat nepl iravTtdv tt>v Ttenaade 3 9 ayadwv. vtKi]cravTes /uev yap anavrwy 38. rrjs o"to\7js] i6 ^To\}] here sig- lian V. H. 3, 14. 'ZsvoQ&vti e^eAe raw nifies, not * a garment/ or ' a particu- &\\ev- yovres cmoOvtiokovoi fxaXXov rwv jjievovTwv. jjtwpbs be Kai ei ris xprj- \xarwv e7nQvfxwv firrar rrpooierat' ris yap ovk olbev on ol fiev ViKwvres ra re eavrwv owSovoi Kai ra rwv ijrrwfxevwv vpooXanfia- vovoiv, ol b 1 ijrrwfxevoL afia eavrovs re Kai ra eavrwv iravra ci7ro- fiaXXovoiv ; XLVI. 6 fxev bi] 'Aoovpios ev rovrois l\v. 'O be Kva^ciprfs ite /unrwv 7rpos rbv Kvpov eXeyev on rjbrj Katpos e'irj ayeiv enl roits iroXe jjiovs* el yap vvv, eQrj, oXlyot en eiolv ol e^w rov epvjuiaros, ev w av 7rpooiwfxev ttoXXoI eoovrai' fii] ovv ava- fjLeivwjdev etas av nXelovs rjfiwv yivwvrai,aXX \w\xev etas en olofxeOa evnerws av avrwv Kparrjoai. XLVII. 6 5' av Kvpos aireKptvaro, 'ft Kua^ap?;, el fjrj vnep fjjuiov avrwv eoovrai ol rjrrr^devres, ev 'iodt on rjjiias fxev epovoi tyofiovfievovs ro irXfjdos rols oXiyois eiri^ipfj" oat, avrol be ov vofxiovoiv fjrrijodai, aW ciXXr)s ooi fxayr^s berjoet, ev y afieivov av 'lows (iovXevoaivro rj vvv j3e(5ovXevvrai, 7rapa- bovres eavrovs ijffiv rafxieveodat 40 dare oirooois av (lovXw/ieQa avrwv jxa-^eoQai. XLVI II. Ol juev brj ayyeXoi ravra ctKOvoavres wypvro. 'Ej> rovrw be %Ke Upvoavras re 6 Y\epor\s Kai aXXoi rives rwv ojjlO" rijiwv avrojioXovs ayovres. Kai 6 Kvpos &oirep cikos rjpwra roits avro/jioXovs ra €K rwv rroXe[xiwv. ol 6' eXeyov on etyoiev re i]brj ovv marg. Steph., with Leunclavius, lias from the resources of one's own mind: ' received TreiraoQe, and though a poetic see Xen. Symp. 4,41. But, as those, word, it occurs frequently in the who have laid any thing up in store for Anab. (3, 3, 11. 6, 1, 7. 7, 6, 30.) " themselves, can use and dispense it at Schneider. Thus we have in Homer their pleasure, the word is elegantly voXvitoljxwv , II. A. 433. in the sense of applied to those soldiers, who do not v\ov(Tios, froWa K€kt7]ijl€vos, iToXvxp'f}- all at once exhaust their strength, but pool/, Hesych. And in Hesychius : so husband it as to be able to fight Yl^TzaaQai* KeKTr\ Kvpe, i\v tcls \pv^as avTujy wapaKeXevadjjie- vos dfxelvovaswoiriarjs. ? H cat bvvatT dv, e) ewaivojv eveKa wdvTa y.ev wovov, wdvra be Kcvbvvov vnobveadai, Xafielv b* ev rats yi>a>- ftais pejjalbjs tovto ws alperwrepov ecTi fxayofxevovs dwoOvrjcrKeiv fidXXov rj (pevyovras aw^ecrQai ; LIL dp ovk, ecprj, el fJieXXovm Toiavrai bidvoiai eyypatyfjoeffdai dvdpwwois Kal efjifiovot eaeaOat, wpiorov fxev vofjiovs vwdp^at Set toiovtovs bi wv rols jiev ayadols evTijxos Kal eXevdeptos 6 j3ios wapaaKevavQriaeTai, rols be kokoIs raweivos re Kal aXyeivos Kal a/3tWos 6 alibv ewavaKeifferai ; LIII. eiretTa be btbacKaXovs, oJ/uai, bet Kal dpyovras ewl tovtois yeveodat olrives beiZpval re 6p0u>s Kal bibalpvai Kal edtovai ravra bpyv, evT dv eyyevqTat avTols tovs fxev ayadovs Kal evKXee~is ebbat- jioveGTaTovs tu ovti vojjiiieiv, tovs be KaKovs Kal bvGKXeels aOXib)~ tcltovs awavTisiv fiyeladai. ovrio yap be~L biaTedrjvai tovs peXXovTas tov ctwo twv woXe/jiiov (pojiov ttjv [xaBr)niv KpeiTTova wapefeadai. L1V. el be toi Ioptwv els p.dyriv ovv owXots, ev w woXXol /cat twv waXatwv jjLadrj/jaTiJV etycrTavTai, ev tovtm bvvrjffeTal tls awoppa\j;, the same as patycpde'iv, is applied not so much poems as centos ; thence properly to those, who collected the it was applied to those, who collect dispersed and unarranged pieces of various parts of one or more orations, Homeric poetry, connected them to- and out of them form or patch up a gether, and sung them, when they speech. Hesych. 'Pa^^cr rj ctvvtcl- were thus connected, or who collected |ts reap \6yoop, fj \6yccp av^pa(prj. * H. the verses of other poets also, useful for 1. Xen. videtur jussisse Cyrum hoc 104 CYROP^DIA. elri Kal fxadelv Kal btba£ai tyjv /neylaTrjv twv ev avOpwnois aperfjP* LV. Iiret eytoy, etyrj, ovb' av tovtols eniarevov e/jfi6vois eaeadai ovs vvv eypvTes nap Vfilv avTols fjGKovfiev, el jjlyi Kal vfids caput/ irapovras, 01 teal irapabeiyfiaTa avrols eaeode o'lovs \prj eJvai, ical v7ro/3aXe7i> bvvrfaeade, r\v ri imXavdavwrrat. tovs 6' anaibevTOVs vavTawacrLV apeTijs dav/iaioijd av, etyrj, (o Xpvffavra, ei Ti nXiov av wcpeXyaeie \6yos KaXws prjdels els avbpayadtav f) tovs anaibtv- tovs fiovtJtKijs %(Tfia fj.u\a KaXws QivOev els jjLovoiKrjv. LVI, Ol uev TOtavra bieXeyovTO. 6 be Kva^aprjs 7r«Xn' 7refi7ru)V eXeyev on e^afiapravoi btarplfiiov Kal ovk ayuv ws ra^tora en\ tovs iroXefJLiovs. Kal 6 Kvpos aneKptvaro brj Tore toIs ayyeXois' *AXX' ev jjiev 'Lgtio, ecprj, on ovwu) elalv efo ooovs beV Kal Tavra awayyeXXeTe ai/rJ ev airaviv* o/ucos be, eVet eKelva) boKel, a£u) rjbrj, LVII. TavT elnwv Kal 7rpoaev^afxevos toIs Oeols e^fjye to GTpaTev/na. u>s b* tfplaTO ayeiv 6o.ttov 9 6 fxev ijye7ro, ol b* eiitovTO evTaKTtos fxev bia to eiriaTaadai Kal fjLejjieXeTrjKevai ev rai-ei 7ropevea0ai, eppu)fje- vws be bta to (piXoveiKws eyeiv irpbs aXXrjXovs Kal bta to tcl erto/iara €Kir€7rovrjv0ai Kal bia to izavTas apypvras tovs irptorovTaTas elvai, yjbeojs be bia to (ppovlfnos e%eiv' i]i:i(jTavTO yap Kal €K 7roXXov ovtws e/j,efia6r]Ke(7av aotyaXeoraTOv elvai Kal pq.GTOV to bfioae levai toIs iroXe/jiiois, aXXws re Kai ro^oTats Kal clkovticftoas ko\ iTmevatV LVIII. eu)s S' ert €%(*) (ieX&v rjcrav, 7raprjyyva 6 Kvpos avvdrjfia 412 Zevs tynixayos Kal fjyefiujv. enel be iraXiv fixe to avvdrj/ia avTairo- hib6fj.erov, effipxev av 6 Kvpos iraiava tov vofiiSofievov* ol bk Oeo- aefiws iravTes avve7rrj)(rjcav fxeyaXy ttj (pwrrj* ev TaXfjs Ttjs Tacppov Toleveiv jxev rj ctKovTiieiv els tovs KaTaKalvovras owe ecppo- vow ovtc ebvvavTO bid re ra betva bpa/iaTa Kal bia top Lpofioy. Ta\a be Kal KaTafiaQoPTes tlop YlepffLOP TiPas biaKCKOLpoTas 7rpos Tas elcrobovs tov epvfiaros erpdiroPTO Kal curb tlop KecpaXiop tlop evbov* LXVII. Ibovtrat be at yvvalKes tlop 'AcravpiLOP Kal tlop LTV/AfxayLoy rjbri Lpvyrjv Kal ep tlo orpaTOTribcp dpenpayop Kal eOeop l^7re7rX^y^e- vat, at fjiep Kal TeKPa e-^ovtrai, ai be Kal peibrepai, KaTapprjypv/uevai re tovs niirXovs Kal Spi/7rro/>ieva«, Kal UerevovGL iravTas otw ePTvy- 106 CYROP2EDIA. ~ yavoiev fjirf a\as Kal avrol efxayovTO Kal tois aWois irapeKeXevovro. LXIX. ws 5' eyvio 6 Kvpos tcl yiyvofxeva, beicras pri Kal el /3ca- aaiVTO e'tffw, 6\iyoi bvres inro iroXXwv otyaXelev r«, waptiyyvrjaei' €7rl 7r6ba a^ayeiv 43 e%u) (3eXwv Kal ireLQeoQai. LXX. evOa brj ,eyv(o tis av roits o/jLorijuovs 7re7ra tbevjievovs v kykvovTO, eaTTjaav Kara -%wpav, noXv fjiaXXov yopov aKpifiws elbores O7rov ebei eKacrrov avrQr yeveadai. 43. iirl ir6da avayeiv] " This is not is called irptfivav Kpo\'>€(rOai." Poppo. simply pedetentim recedere, but facie Fischer interprets it simply "recedere hostibus obversa pedem referre, (to re- pedetentim, lest they should seem to treat with the face turned to the ene- retreat in alarm, the same as£a57j*>: my,) as sufficiently appears from 7, 5, 6. it is opposed to dp6p.os, s. 62." where see Zeune. In naval tactics this ARGUMENTS TO THE FOURTH BOOK, Chap. I. — Cyrus addresses his army ; u. Rewards Chrysantas; m. Congratu- lates Cyaxares ; iv. Pursues the enemy with as many Medes as volunteer in the service. Chap. II. — The Hyrcanians revolt, and send messengers to Cyrus ; n. His policy, and encouragement to his army; in. Engages with the enemy, and obtains a victory ; iv. Entertains his army, and enjoins Persian abstinence as to treasures and provisions. Chap. III. — Cyrus acknowledges the superior skill of the Medes and Hyr- canians in horsemanship ; n. Proposes its establishment among the Per- sians by the law of reputation. Chap. IV. V. — Conduct of Cyrus towards such of the enemy as were taken prisoners - } u. His vigilance during the time of feasting; in. Receives an angry message from Cyaxares ; iv. His polite behavior to the messenger; v. Sends an expostulatory letter to Cyaxares ; vi. Solicits from the Persians an increase of his army ; vn. Orders the arms of the enemy to be burnt, and distributes their effects among the allies. Chap. VI. — Arrival of Gobryas ; n. His address to Cyrus, and the reply ; in, Gobryas received as an ally. SENO$flNTOS KTPOT nAIAEIA. A\ CAPUT I. I. MEINA2 be 6 Kvpos jierpiov \povov avrov avv r$ orparev- fzari Kal brjXwaas on eroifjiol eloi fxayeoQat, el ris e^p^oiTO, ws ovbels avrefyjei, airriyayev oaov eboKei KaXws eyeiv Kal eorpaTOTte- bevcraro. v\aicas be KaraarT]Gajxevos Kal gkokovs 7rpo7re/i^as, crras els to fietroy vvveKaXeoe tovs eavrov orpanwras Kal e\e£e roia.be* II. "Avbpes Tlepaai, Trp&rov fiev tovs Oeovs eyui re eiraivto oaov bvva/Jiai, Kal vfxe~is be iravres, olfiat' viktjs re yap rerv^riKafxev Ka\ awrrjpias. tovtojv fiev ovv \prj ynpiorripia wp av ael e^wjmev rols Oeols ajroreXelp, eyio be £vjjnravTas [lev v/jias i]brj eiraivCj' to yap yeyevrjfxevov epyov iraaiv vfxlp KaXop aTroreTeXearaC top b 9 eKaoros a£ios, eneibav Trap' wv irpoariKei 7rv0w/xai, Tore ty\v al}.av emar^ Kal \6y

evyovai, ttws av tis tovtovs o'iolt av fxelvat Ibovras rjfjids ev tw looirebu; olnves be fifxwv aitetpot ovres ov% vne/jeivav, ttws vvv y' ai^ vTTOfjeivaiev, enel ijTTrjvral re Kal iroXXa kokcl vfi iffxwv 7r€7r6v0aaiv ; wv be ol fleXnaroi aTroXwXaai, 7rws ol (pavXorepoi eKeivwv fiayeadai av fj/uuv eOeXoiev ; XI. Kal tis elne 9 T7 ovv ov biwKojmev us Ta^tffTa, KarabrjXwv ye ovrw twv ayaOwv ovrwv ; Kal os einev, "Ore iinrwv Trpoabeo/jeOa* ol fjev yap Kpa- TtffTOt twv TroXe/jtwv, ovs fxuXioTa Kaipbs i\v r) Xafielv rj KaraKavelv, ovtqi avrwv ea(rav, ovk eXdwv KvaZaprj Xeyets Tavra ; Kal os eine, ^vveweade Toivvv pot 7ravT€s, ws elbjj on nadiv fifj.lv Tavra boKel, ck tovtov el-rcovTO re 7rdvres Kal eXeyov ola eTriTrjbeia eboKOvv elvat virep wv ebeovro, XIII. Kcu 6 l^va^aptfs afja fjev oti eKelvot y)pyov tov X6yov> wenrep viretyOoveC 6 afxa be 'laws KaXws e^eiv eboKet avrw fjr) ttoXiv Kivbvvevetv* Kal yap avros re irepl evdv/jiiav eTvyyavev wv Kal twv 5. ayaOQuI I.e. " Cibi lautiores: gluttonous, and therefore effeminate at least the Attic and the Ionic writers and cowardly. " Fischer, simply so use aya0&, Aristoph. Plut. 6. virscpQdvei] "The liber Bud. with 1122. Herod. 1, 71. 6, 139. 9, 82. Alt. to6 n itydovei, whence the read- Lysias5, 190. Anacr. Fr. 39, 2. Even ing tinroTris on the marg. Guelf. The the Latin writers thus use bona, and Attic elegance is approved by Hein- bonce res, Nep. Ages. 8, 5. See Kust. dorf from Plato Gorg. s. 105. 'Yir6 ad Aristoph. Ach. 873. and Perizon. ri &Toira, aliquatenus, quodammodo : ad iElian. Fr. v. 'Eppvfifiopa, Burm. Phsedr. s. 43. EvijOyj Ka\ vir6 ri aacfiri : ad Phaedr. 4, 23, 8. For Xen. seems Aristoph. Vesp. 1290. \nc6 ri fxiKpov to have added these words to intimate €7^t0^fC((ra. ,, Schneider, that the Assyrians were dainty and LIBER IV. CAP. L 111 ciXXujv Mijbujv ewpa noXXovs to avro iroiovvras' elne §' ovv (Sbe' XIV. 'ft Kvpe, d\V ort fj.kv tCjv aXXojy fj.aXXov dvdpu)7ru)y fieXe- Tare vfjiels ol YlepGat fxrjbk 7rpos fxiav )jbov)]v a7rXijGru)S biaKelvQai Kal vpwv kcii ctKovwy alba' t/j.ot be boKeT rfjs fieytorrjs 7)boyijs 7roXv fidWoy avfj(f)€pety eyKparij elvat. fielSit) bk t)bov))v t'i Ttapeyei avdpu)7rois evrv^las fj vvv }j/J.7y Trapayeyevr)Tat ; XV, fjv fikv toI- vvv, eirel evTvypvjiev, GuHppovus btacj)vXdTTU)/jLev avrijy, 'igios bvvai- fle& ay aKii'bvvws ebbaifiovovvTes yrjp(jf.v' el b' cnrXijarios yj)ujp.evoi Tavrrj aXXqv Kal dXXrjv 7r e ip a Go/ue da buvKetv, bpdre fxr) 7rddiofiev direp ttoXXovs fikv XeyovGiv ev daXarrrj ireiroyQiyai, bta to ebrvyelv ovk edeXoyTas Travaaadai irXiovras, airoXeoQaC 7 ttoXXovs be vUris T\f\6yras erepas e(pie/j.evovs Kal T))y irpoaQey airojiaXelv. XVI. Kal yap el fiey ol iroXejiLot jJttovs 6vt€s fjfxwv etyevyov, 'lavs ay Kai biu)K€ty tovs ijrrovs aer0aAa)s el%e* vvv be KaTavorjGov ttogt^ avrCJv fuepet iravres payeGaixevot veviK/jKa/iev' ol b' dXXot dfia-^ol el&tv* dvs el fikv fJiri dvayKctGOfiev jiayeodai, ayvoovyTes Kal i)fxas Kal eav- tovs bt ajiadlav Kal fjtaXaKtav airiaaiV el be yvuGovrat ort cittiov- res ovbkv 7jttov KLvbvvevovcnv rj /j.evovTes 9 07TW5 jjli) avayKaffiofjiev abrovs, Kay ju?) fiovXwvTat, dyadovs yevetrdai, XVII. 'LoOi be otl ov gv fiaXXov ras eKelvivv yvvalKas Kal 7raihas Xaj3elv e7rt6vfjLe7s 7/ exe~ivot GutGat. evvoet 6' on Kal at gvcs e7retbay 6(pdwGt, (pevyovGt, kclv woXXal &ai gvv rdls reKyots" eiretbav be Tts avTiov Orjpcf. tl tCjv reKvojv, ovKeTt (pevyei obb' 7}v /uia Tv\rj ovaa, aXX' Herat ew\ top Xajifiaveiv ireipiofxevov, XVIII. Kal vvv fxev KaraKXeiaavres eav- roifs els epvfia napeG^ov r//itv TafxteveGdat wore ottogois ej3ovX6fie0a avrujy fiayeGdat' el b* ev ebpvyjjjpiq. npoGtfjev avrols Kal fiadfj- GovTat X W P IS yeyofxevoi ol fikv Kara 7rp6GW7rov fjfjuv (jjotrep Ka\ vvv evayTiovGdut, ol b' €K 7rXaylov, ol be Kal bniGQev, Spa fi)) 7toXXCjv eKCLGro) 7]fxu)V yeipibv beljGet Kal 6(pda\fxCjv, npoGert 8' ovb' qlv edeXoijjLi, e(j)rj t eyco vvv, opwy ^Ifjbovs evdufiovjaeyovs, e^avaGTTjGas ayayKaieiv Kivbvvevaovras lev at. XIX. Kcu 6 Kvpos v-oXafiwy elnev, 'A\\a gv ye furtbeva avay- KaGTjs, dXAa tovs eQeXoirds \xoi eireGdai bos* Kal 'lgios av goI Kal tG)V gujv (piXwv toutwv ij^oifiey e/cdara) dyovres e(f ols diravTes 7. airoXiaQai] <( This construction, ticiple is added in 7, 2, 17. But be- as Schneider remarks, is illustrated by fore Zeune's edition, the reading was Heindorf ad Phredon. p. 79. : the in- ews h.v aTrSAcovrai : Zeune introduced &L, is added by epexegesis, as a par- the infin. from Guelf. and Par." Poppo. 112 CYROPiEDIA. evOvfiJjoeode. to jiky yap irXrjOos >/yue7s ye tCjp 7roXefjt(t)p ov btu>!;6- fxeda* wujs yap a.p teal KaTaXaj3ot/J€P ; r\v be n fj aneo^iofxevop tov cTparev/bLaros Xafiwjjiev r) ri vwoXenrofjiepop, TJtyjjev itpos oe ayopTes. XX. eppoei b\ etyr), on ko\ fyuels, eVei ov ebeov, i]X6o/j€P ooi X a P'" S6/jievoL fiaKpav bbop* Ka\ ov ovv $\\xiv bUaios el avTi^apiieodai, *iva Kal e\opres n o'lKabe a^iKio/ueda Kal fir) els top gov Orfoavpbp 7ravre$ oi'be optifiep, XXI. evTavBa brj eXefcp 6 Kva^apris, 'AXX' eiye \xk.pToi edeXwp tis eiroiTO, Kal \apip eyorye ooi e\beir\p av\ ^.vjj.TrefjL'fyop toipvp jxoi Ttpa, ecprj, tu>p a£t07rioTU)p tovtiop, os epel a clp ov €7riorelXr)s. Aaflivp br) Wi, e(f>r) t ovripa edeXeis tovtwpi. XXII. epda brj ervy^ape irapiop 6 tyrjoas work ovyyevr)s avTOv eipat Kal iKPOvPTai and 'YpKapiwp dyyeXot. ol bk 'YpKapioi 8 o/jiopot jxep twp 'Aoovpiwp elotpy eOpos S* ov 7roXv, bid Kal vmiKoot fjoap tQp 'Aoovpiuyp* etynr- 7roi be Kal Tore eboKOVP Kal pvp en boKovoiP elpac bib Kal eypGtPTO avTols ol 9 Aoovptot fionep Kal ol AaKebaifxopiot toIs ^.KiptTais^ 8. ol 8e 'TpKdvioi] " According to thus separated from Assyria ; but the the ancient Geographers, (Cellar. 2, Hyrcanii here mentioned dwelt to- 705.) the country occupied by the wards the South, distant from Babylon Hyrcanii was situated towards the a journey of four or five days, in that Caspian Sea, which was also called the country which is now called Irac: Hyrcanian Sea, between Media, Par- see Hutch. Diss. 1. p. 39." Fischer, thia, and Margiane, and Media was 9. to?s ^Kipirais] " They were the LIB. IV. CAP. II. 113 ovbev (peibo/Jievoi avrtov ovr iv novots ovt ev Kivbvvois* Kal brj Kal Tore OTTiadocpvXaKeHv exeXevov avrovs ws ^lXIovs nnreas bvras, ottlos 6i tl 07ri(rdev beivov eirj, eKelvot 7rpo avrtov tovt k^oiev. II. ol be 'YpKavioi, are fieXXovres vararoi nopeveoQai, Kal tus a/in£as ras eavTtov Kal tovs oheras 10 vararovs el^py* crrpaTevovTat n yap bij ol Kara ti)v 'Aaiav eyovres ol noXXol fxed' covrrep Kal oikovgC Kal Tore bt) loTpaTevovro ovtlos ol 'YpKavioi. III. evvorjQevTes be old re Traayovaiv vtto tlov i A.aavpitov Kal on vvv redvair} fjiev o ap-^tov avTujy, iirTri/uieyoi & dev, P&v : see Diod. S. 15, 32. Thuc. 5, 67. 69. The regio Sciritis afterwards formed a part of the Spar- tan territory, and hence Thuc. 5, 33. 'Ett) TJ7 ^Kipirtdi rrjs h.aKooviKr\s. 10. Kal tovs olKeTas] " This word is generally used in the sense oi famu- lus or servus domesticus ; but that it is poetically used for * domestics ' in general, or * the whole family, ! is stated by J. Poll. 3, c. 8. O* {jl4utol votrjTal Kal tovs dWovs olKeiovs olK€Tas &v6pLa$ov. And in this sense the word is used here and elsewhere in our Author ; for he immediately subjoins that the Asiatic nations take their do- mestics with them, when they are on military service, fAtd* wv oIkovji, i.e. familiam ; for the slaves alone do not constitute the family. But this signi- fication of the word oIk6tt}s is not usually referred to poetic style by other grammarians. Hesy ch. and Phav. OiKETai' ol KaTa tqv oIkov TrdvTts* Thorn. M. Olicerar ov jjlSuov ol 8ov\oi } &AAa Kal irduTCS ol iv T(p o?Kcp, yvvTj Kal TeKva. Suid. Ot/cerar ov p.6vov ol OepdirovTes, aKKa Kal TrdvTes ol Kara, t^v oiKiav." Hutch. 11. GTpaTevovTaC] " Like the an- cient Germans, (Tacit. G. 7. and 8.) the Asiatic people took their wives, concubines, and children with them into the field of battle, either for the sake of domestic pleasures, (see 2, 3, 2.) or to insure their fidelity, (see 5, 4, 39.) or, as they themselves boasted, that they might combat the more bravely for the dearest objects of affec- tion, (5, 3, 2.) See Brisson. 313. and Hutch., who has copied his authorities. Max. Tyr. 30, 7. 'AAAa Uepcrais fxlv at iraWaKides eirovTai, 'iva fxax^VTai KaXcos virep twv (piXTaTow, Herod. 7, 83. Xoepls 5e xP vff '& v T€ 'mXKov Kal &6evT€t Xiyovai Kvpy on /Lucolev re tovs 'Aaavpiovs biKaiws, vvv re el /3ou- Xotro levai eV avrovs, Kal oels (rv/2fjia)^oi vTap£otev Kal ^yrjaoivro" &jj,a be irpbs rovrois birjyovvro tcl tiov 7roXe/Jilojv ws e^oi, eiraipeiv (iovXofievoi /maXicrra arpareveoBai avrov, V. Kal b Kvpos enfjpero avrovs, Kal boKelre av, ecp-q, en fijxas KaraXafielv avrovs irplv ev rols epvfxaaiv eivai ; {jfjieis fxev yap, e(f>rj, fxaXa av/xepopav tovto fjyovfieda on eXadov rjfids cnrobpdvTes. ravra be e\eye fiovXopevos avrovs (hi fieyuTTOV typovelv enl ofyioiv, VI. ol bk dneKpivavro on Kal avpiov ecodev el ev8cjvoi 7ropevoivro, KaraXyj^oivro' vno yap tov 6\Xov Kal nov afial&v cr-^oXy nopeveadai avrovs' Kal afxa, etyavav, rijv nporipav vvKra dy 'pvirvfiaavres vvv fiiKpov irpoeXOovres earpa- roirebevvTai. VII. Kal 6 Kvpos €rj, "E^ere ovv (ov Xeyere iriarov ti fifjas bibaariceiv ws dXrjdevere ; f O/-t//ooi/s y\ eaoav 9 OeXofjtev av- TtKaf eXauavres rfjs vvktos dyayelv 9 fiovov Kal av iifJilv mcrra Qewv ireiroiriaovs ovros, Kal tovs 'YpKavtovs Trepifxevetv eKeXevaev, llva a/^a Vote v. ol pev brj TlipGai tivirep elabs navTes evdvs €%■<*) -fjcrav Kal Tiypavrjs e\u)v to eavTOv crrparev/jia' X. twv be M.Yibwv e^yeffav ol }xkv bta to naibl ovti Kupw iralbes ovtcs lXoi yeveadai, ol be Sea to ev drjpais avy- yevojjievoi ayaadf/vai avrov tov Tponov, ol be bta to Kal \apiv eiSe- vai on fjLeyav avrols (pofiov cnr€Xr)XaKevai eboKei, ol be Kal eXnibas 12. dc^iav 5bs] Diod. S. 16, 43. may easily understand what is meant Tt}V de£iav e5a)/f6 r$ 06TTaAi«j/r ecrri by ircfiireLV or airoa-TeWetv r)]V Se|my, 5e 7] tt'kttis avrrj &e$a.ioT6.TT) iraph rots as in Ages. 3, 4. (' dextram absenti Tlepffcus. ferendam dare, seu ei fidem dari suo 13. iVa 5 eaeodai avrbv, ol be, ore erpetyeTo ev Mfibois, et tl uyaOor T(D avviirpalev, avTiyapi^eaOai ijfiovXovTO* iroWols be noXXa bia 7 e.Tvyj)V ffKrjrovvres' ovroi be KctTefievov Kal ol tovtiop vwrjKooi, ol be aXXoi navres s Kal 7rpodv/biws efapfxujvro, are ovk avuyKrj dXX' e#e- \ovaioi Kal yjfrpiTOs eveKa e£toVres. XII. enel & e£a> i]aav, wptoroy fj,ev irpos tovs Mrjbovs eXOiov eiryveae re uvtovs Kal e7rrjv£aro \ia- Xicrra fxkv Qeovs clvtoIs tXews fiyelvdat Kal otyiaiv, en-eiTa be Kal avrbs bvvavdijpai yapiv avTols TavTtjs ttjs 7rpodvfJLias anobovvai. TeXos S* elnev on fjyrjaoiPTO jiev avTols ol TreSol, eKeivovs be ewecdai trvv toIs tinrois eKeXevtre* Kal onov av Tj avairavdiVTai T] enia-^uxri rrjs Tropeias, evere/Xaro avrols rrpbs eavrbv Ttape\avveiv tlvcls, Iva elbwffi to del Kaipiov, XIII. e/c tovtov i]ye~LpiKrjy 15 eyyiyveadai wpus to delov, Oappos be wpos tovs 7ro\e- fjiovs. ws be evSwvol re gclf rayy eirnpetiovTo, eiKOTWs 7roXXr'iv re bbbv bn]WGuv Kal d/ma Kve(pa 7cXr]Giov yiyvovrai tov twv 'YpKavlwv crTpaTevfjiaTOs. XVI. ws 5' eyvwGav ol ayyeXoi, Kal to! Y^vpw XeyovGiv oti ovtol elortv ol GtyeTepoi* T(p re yap vGtcitovs elvat yiyvwGKetv etyaGav Kal rw TrXijdet twv Trypan" XVII. e*r tovtov ir€fji7rei tov erepov avrwv irpbs avTOvs, wpoGTa^as Xeyeiv, el cplXoi cigIv, ws ra^ttrra vnavTqv tcis berths avaTelvavras. GV/j7T€jbL7rei be Tiva Kal twv gvv avTw Kal Xeyeiv eKeXevcre toIs *YpKariots oti ws av bpwGtv avrous wpootyepofjievovs, ovtw Kal avTol 7rotr)GovGiv. ovtw h) 6 fjiev juevet twv ayyeXwv irapa rw Kvpa>, 6 be irpocreXavveL 7rpds tovs 'Yptcaviovs. XVIII. ev w & eoKO-irei tovs 'Ypxaviovs 6 Kvpos o t TL 7roiriaovaiv, eneGTtjGe to GTpaTevfja' Kal irapeXavvovoi irpos avTOV ol twv M.fjbwv irpoeaTTjKOTes Kal 6 Tiypavrjs kcu e7repwTWGi H iel iroielv, 6 be. Xeyei avTols oti tovt cgti to 7rXrjGiov *YpKavlwv arpaTev/jia, Kal ot^erai 6 erepos twv ayyeXwv 7rpos avTovs Kal twv fjuerepwy tis gvv avrw , epovvres, el (plXot elolv, viravTiaSeiv ^ tcis 5e|tas avareivavTas 7ravTas. rjv /Jiev ovv ovtw ttoiugl, befyovGOi re avTOVS KaQ 1 ov av r\ eKaGToi Kal d/ja QappvveTe' rjv be onXa a'lpwv- rat t] (pevyeiv emyeLpwGt, tovtwv 9 € irphs rb deiov d4os." mento ponderis aquee inter se di- Fischer. stant/ " 16. viravTidfav'] " This is an Ho- 15. (ppiKTjv'] " A horror of the divine rneric word, II. H. 17. Hesychius and power pervades the mind. Qpiicr) irpbs Suidas explain it by viravrdv. See rb 6e7ov t as in Theophr. Char. 16, 1. Palaeph. Fab. 38, 6." Fischer.* AeiAta irpbs rb ZaifJiovioy, and Atlienag. LIBER IV. CAP. II. 117 Tleptrai Kal Mfjbot, teal v/jels, w 'YpKcivioi, i']brj yap Kal irpos viids ws npos (Tv/A/uaxovs Kal kolvwvovs btaXeyofxat, ev ^ptj eibevai rvv ore ev TOtovru> €(Tjj€p evda brj /uaXaKtaaLxevoi Lieu ttclvtwv at' twv \aXe- ttwtcltwv TV-^oiLiev* 'Loaeri yap ol TroXeiiioi epoveiv bwafxevovs. i]TTt}fxh'OL yap bxpovTal re rjjjids Kal obre olo- lievoi ifeeiv ovre avvTeTayiievoi ovre fxayeoQai TTapeaKevaajxevoi KaTeiXrjfA/ieyot eaovrai. XXII. el ovv rjbecos (iovXotieOa Kal beiTrvrj- aat Kal WKrepevaai Kal (iioreveiv to utto TOvbe, fir) bwLiev tovtois a\oXr)v p.riTe flovXevvaadai pyre TcapaGKevaaaadat ayadbv eavTols [irjbev, /Jtrjbe yvwvai TtaikTtav ore dvOpunol e<7fxev 9 ciXXa yeppa Kal aayapeis diravTa Kal TrXrjyas rJKeiv vofXiSovTwv. XX11L Kal voxels fi&p, tyri, w "YpKavioi, vlicLs aijTOvs wponeTaffavTes i]fxwv iropevecde efi7rpop (pevyovriov Kal KaraXafiflavovruv avrovs, 7rvd6fiepoi to yiypo/uevop, etyevyov brj Kal avrol ara Kpdros, XXXI. rbv be rujv Ka7nraboKwv (laai- Xia Kal rbv tqjp 'Apafiiwv ere eyyvs bvras Kal vnooravras aOupa- Kiarovs KaraKalvovaiv ol 'YpKavioi. rb be TtXelorov yip rwv anoda- vovrutv Waaupiwp Kal 'ApafiiwV ev yap rfj avriop bpres \&pa avvprovwrara irpbs rr\v napelav elypv, XXXII. ol fxev brj ftlrjbot Kal 'YpKavioi ola bi) cIkos Kparovvras roiavra e-noiovv biojKOPres. 6 be Kvpos rovs Trap eavrw Imreas KaraXeupdepras nepteXavpeiP £k4- Xeve rb (JTparoTrebop, Kal ei vivas ovp cnrXois 'iboiev efyovras, Kara- Kalpetp' rois be virofxepovariv eK7]pv£€P, cttogqi twp noXefilajp arpa- tlljtljp i](7av lizTrels rj 7reXra(TTal fj roj^oTai, cnrotyepeip ra owXa gvp~ bebe/uepa, rovs be t7nrovs ewl ra~is GKqpals KaraXeiTreip' oaris be ravra firj Trotfjaoi, avriKa rfjs KetyaXrjs GrepfivetjOaC ras be Konlbas Trpoyeipovs e\opres ep ra^et Ttepiear-qaap. XXXIII. ol fxep bt) ra oirXa eyopres eppinrovv, cnroipepoPTes els ep yjwpiov owoi eKeXeve' Kal ravra pep ols enera^ep eKatop. 18. aurbs 5e t5 pecrov ix av ~\ This was the Persian custom ; see 8, 5, 8* Anab. 1, 8, 22. Brisson. 341. LIBER IV. CAP. II. 119 XXXIV. '0 be Kvpos evevorjoev on rjXdov fiev ovre alra ofrre TTOTCl €\OVTeS, UV€V be TOVTLOV OVTE 0TpaT€V€odai bvVCLTOV 0VT ClXXo noielv ovbev. gkottwv be onus av KaXXtara Kal TayjLGTa ravra ye- votro, evdv/uelrai otl avayici) irdai rols oTparevo/jtevois elvai tivlx uTTa efxadev, e'nrev cube avTols, "Ayere vvv, ecf>rf 9 to avbpes 9 e'L Tives vfjtwv to. fxev kokcl Liiffelre, ctyaQov be tlvos Trap* r)itCjv /3ovXoig6' > avTvyyaveiv, eirifjLeXijdrjTe irpodbfiws birtos btirXaota ev Trj (TKrjvfj eKaffrrj cTiTa Ka\ itotcl irapevKevao jxeva r) Tj a rots beo- TTorats Kal tois ot/cerais KaO' ifLiepav eiroielTe' Kal raXXa be ttclvtu OTroaa KaXriv batra 20 irape^et eroifia irotelTe 9 cos avTtKa ftaXa trap- evovTai bwoTepoL av KpaTuxri, Kal a^twcovatv eKirXeto eyje.iv iravTa tcl eirtTi]beia. ev ovv tare otl av/jtyepoi av vf/lv afAefnTTUis beyeaQai tovs avbpas* XXXVIII. 01 fxev b)) Tavra aKovGctVTes iroXXrj trirovbrj to. napriyyeXfxeva eirparTOv* 6 b* av cvyKaXevas tovs ra- Itapypvs eXe£e TOLabe. "Avbpes (ptXoi, ytyvcoGKio Liev otl vvv efcffTLV jjfMV TrpoTepoiSy clttovtlov twv av/jL/jLaycov, apiffTOV Tvyelv Kal toIs /jLaXiffTa e(nrovba(7fxei'OLS Kal ltitois Kal koto'is \pfjffdaL' d\V oi fj.01 boKe7 tovt av to apt(TT0v wXeov wtyeXijaaL fifias Tj to twv <7i//i/ia- \U)V eTZLfJteXels rffxi, ij to wapaj^pfj/JLa Trj yaorpt ^aplcraaOai, XL. evvoyjfraTe b\ e dvbpes, vvv /uot boice~i tolvvtov oItov fj/Jias irpoatyepeadai belv Kal toiovtov 7T0T0V OTTOIOV (XV Tt tTVjJl^OpUJTaTOV elf} TTpUS TO fJtr]T€ VTTVOV fJtfjTe jhcppoavvns e^TtiTrXaadai, XLII. en be Ka\ ^p^juara 7roXXa early ev Tip OTpaTOTteby, dv ovk ayvoio on bvvarov fifj.1v koivwv ovtwv to7s GvyKaTeiXrjfoGi voatyiGaadai bizoaa av j3ovXii)/jieda* aXX 1 ov /jlol boKel to Xafielv KepbaXe&repov eivai tov biKalovs (paivo/jevovs avToi>s tovtio Treipaadat en /uaXXov woielv lj vvv a(T7ra$eadai fifias. XLIII. boiceT b' efioiy, e(j)rj> Kal to ve~i/jat to. ^prj/jtaTa, e7rei8ai/ £Xdw(jt, My]bois Kal 'YpKaviois Kal Tiypavy €7rirpe^cu, Kal i\v tl fielov iijulv baauvrai, Kepbos fjyelcrdai* bta yap tcl Kepbrj rjbtov fjfjuv irapafjievovat. XLIV. to fj.ev yap vvv 7rXeov€Krrjcrai 6Xiyo\p6viov av rjfjuv tov irXovrov Trapaa^oC to be ravra wpoefjievovs eKelva Krrjcracr&ai odev 6 kXovtos (pverai, tovto, ws eyio boKut, aevawTepov 21. aw/uafei] This verb is applied phrase, in puncto temporis, and to the to what is done at the nick of time ; English phrase, in the nick of time. the right moment, when it can be done Dr. Webster, in his American Diction- with ease and without hazard. " Ele- ary of the English Language, gives the ganter ponitur etiam de rebus facien- following account of the word nick : — dis, quae pervenerunt ad ipsum tem- " Nick, n. [Sw. nick; Dan. nik ; poris articulum, h. e. ad illud tempus, Dutch, knik, ' a nod ;' Germ, nicken, quo fieri facillime et sine ullo negotio ' to nod ;' genick, * the nape ;' genicke, possit." Fischer. That aKfxdfa re- 'a continual nodding.' The word fers rather to the point of time than to seems to signify " a point/ fromshoot- the full bloom or ripeness of time, is ing forward.] The exact point of manifest from the fact, that a/c^u); in time required by necessity or conve- its earliest usage is applied to the point nience, the critical time,L'EsTRANGE." of any thing, as of a weapon ; thus Now these affinities are remarkable, clk/a)] criS-fipov, j-vpov, iyx^ccv, Tpiaivns, and we may well connect the origin of II. K. 173. Soph. Antig. 988. Herod, clk/j.^ with them ; for all seem to have 6, 11., and thence we have tear* aKpfyv had one common root. Xpbvov, which corresponds to the Latin LIBER IV. CAP. III. 121 >/^i7v &vvcllt av tov hXjiov kcl\ Tract to"is iifieTepots Ttaoeyetv* XLV. ol/uai b\ erj t kuio'ikoi ij/jids tovtov eveKev acTKelv teal yaarpbi xpeiTTovs elvai Kal Kepbiov aKatpwv, 'lv\ A ttote beot 9 bwatfieda avrols (TVfji(p6pws xpfjodai' ttov 8' av ev fxeiSocn tlov yvv 7rap- ovtiov €7rib€i^aifjied* ay ti)v iratbeiav eyw pey ov\ bpco. XLVI. 6 fiey ovtlos elite, avvelire # aWw 'YoTCMnrrjs, avi)p Yleparrjs twv ofiortfjKjjy, wbe' ketvbv yap ray eirj, to Kvpe, el ev Oi'ipa [iky noXXaKts aaiTOL KapTepov/jtey, ottws deploy tl vnoyeiptov 7rotr)(rwfJ.eda Kat /LtdXa /ntKpov 'tcrios a^toy' bXfiov be 6\oy 7reipw/uevoi Oripyv el e^x- 7robwy ti Troirjffaifxeda yeveoQat i]fitv a twv fxev kuklov avdpwTrwv tippet, toIs 6' ayaOols TteideTai, ovk av TrpewovTa yjfjuy boKovfiev noie'iv. XLVII. 6 fiey ovv 'XcrTaairris ovtws elitev' ol §' aXXot -navTes Taiira avvrjvovv. 6 be Kvpos elirev, "Aye by, efrj, erreibij ofiovoovfjiev-- Tavra, nifJixpaTe anb Xoyov ekavTOs irevTe avbpas twv aiOTtiTwv ovtol ce TrepuovTes, ovs fjiev ay opwai iropovvovTas ~° TaKiTi'ibeta, enauovt'Twv, ovs 6' av a/ueXovvTas, KoXa£6vrwv d^et- beoTepov Tj ws beatroTai. ovtol fiey brj raura enoiovv. CAP. III. I. TW be ls\.i)bwv Tives i]brj 9 ol fxev afict^as 7rpowp/jr]fievas Kara- XafiovTes teal anoffTpexpavTes 7rpocr)]Xavvov fxetJTas toy Setrat arpana, ol be Kal apfiafia£as yvmiicaiv twv (ieXTiarwy tlov fiev yvqaiwv, twv be Kal 7ra\Xaicibu)v bta to KaXXos (TVfnrepiayofievwy, Kal TavTas elXr)v rjfjiels Kvptoi yiyvo'ifxeda, ixr) avrapiceis bvres Krr)aaadai avru, €i fir) eorat olKeiov Ittttikov Ylepaats, tovto iyu) ovkcti 6pu>. V. evvoelre yap br), e(f>7j' eypp-ev fjixels ol Ylepaai 6VXa ols boKOvixev 7pe7r€(rdai rovs iroXeiiiovs dfioae lovres* Kai br) rpeirojxevoi iroiovs rj imreas rj ro^oras rj 7reXraords rj a.Kovno'Tas avev iTnrtov bvres bv- vaifxed' ay (pevyovTas rj Xafielv r) Karatcavelv ; rives b* av (pofiolvro rjixas TTpocriovres KaKovv >) ro£6rat rj atcovrtoral i) lirireis, ev elbores on ovbels avrols klvIvvos v(f fjjuwv kukov rt waQelv iiaXXov ?j vnb rwv ireQvKorwv bevbpwv ; VI. ei b' ovrw ravra eyei> evbrfXov on oi vvv irapbvres r)/juv Imrels vofiiSovai navra ra v7ro%eipia ytyvb- fieva eavrwv eivat oh-% rjrrov fj fjiierepa, 'io-cjs be vrj A/a Kai /jidXXov. VII. vvv Liev ovv ovro) ravr e^ee Kar ctvayicrjv' el b' yiAels Ittttikov Krrjaaifieda fir) yeipov tovtojv, ov 7rd(7iv fjjjuv Kara(paves on rovs r av TToXefiiovs bwalfieda Kai avev rovriov 7roie1v oaairep vvv cvy rovrois, rovrovs re e-xptiiev av rore ixerpuorepov wpos r)ixas (ppovovv- ras ; birore yap r) napelvai rj cnrehai fiovXoivro, r)rrov av rjfjuv jxeXoi, el avrol avev rovrwv apKOU]iiev riixiv avrols. VIII. elev. ravra ixev br), oiixai, ovbels av avriyvLJLjiovrjcreie Lir) ovyl to ttqlv bta- (pepetv yeveadat Tlepo&v olKeiov ImrtKov. a\X eKelvo 'Lews evvoelre rrCjs av tovto yevoiro. dp' ovv crKexjswfieOa, el fiovXoifxeda KaQtora- vat ImnKbvy ri fjiuv vnapyei Kat rlvos evbel ; IX. ovkovv "lttttol ixev ovrot noXXoi ev tg> crrparoTreba) KareiXr)LiLievoi Kai ^aXt^oi ols ireiOovrai Kai rdXXa oaa bet 'cimois eyovai xprjadai. d\Xa iir)v Kai ols ye bet avbpa l7nrea xpfjadat eyoiLev, OwpaKas fiev epvfxara tojv ffutfxdriDV, TraXrd 25 be ols Kai fxedievres Kai eypvres ^jow^ue©' av. 24. KaT€X<*>pi$s] " In suo quaeque we can throw to a distance, or useia loco collocari, reponi." Fischer. close fight. 25. iraAraJ I. e. Javelins, which LIBER IV. CAP. III. 123 X. rl b)) to \oitt6v ; hrjXov on avhptiv he!, ovkovv tovto /uiaXicTa e^ofjicy' ovbev yap ovnos y/jirepov eoTiv ws rj/jtels rjfjuv avrols. dXX' epe~i ns Actios on ovk ewiffTa/jLeda. fxa AC' ovhe yap tovtiov t&v km- Grafxivwp vvv nptv fxaQelv ovhels i)wiaTaTO. XI. dXX' eirroi ay ns on 7ra"ihes ovres ejuavdavov. teal irorepa nalhes elvi ' 'i7nrov KKvhvveveiv i]f.ias irporepov wplv aicpifiovv to epyov tovto, KaVetra fJtrjTe 7re£ol en utfiev fj{]Te irto Imrels licavol, aXX' ovhe tovto afjir)- t %avoV owov yap av fiouX&iAeQa, e^eorai rj/ulv wecio'is evdvs fid- XeffSat' ovhev yap tujv ireiiK&v cnrofJiaOriGoiJieOa lirnevetv fxavda- vovtcs. XV. Ki/joos jjLev ovtojs elire' Xpi/cavras he avvayopeviav avTio tjhe eXe^ev* 'AXX' eyu) fiev, e(prj, ovtojs e7ri0v/j.u> tnireveiv /utadelv ws vojJtSu), fjv iTrirevs yevwjxai, avdpwxos 7TTr)v6s 27 yeveodat. XVI. vvv fiky yap eywye ay airS) r\v y e£ 'Lvov tw Oelv opfJirjOels avdpu)7rtav fxovov rrj K€evyov alpelv 9 to be vTrofxevov dvarpe7reiv 9 ovkovv ravra irdi'Ta Kal eyuj 'nrnevs yevofxevos ovytco- fxiSo/jiai 7rpbs epavTOV. XVIII. irpovoelv fiev ye e£a> itavra r?J avQpit)i:ivrj yvwfarj, rats be yepvlv onXofyoprjau), biw^o/uai be r£ r lmt^ t tov # kvavTiov civaTpex^w ttj tov 'iinrov pvfjtrj. ctXX 1 oh avinretyvKws bebrjfrofxai &(7Trep ol ImroKevTavpoi* ovkovv tovto ye Kpelrrov Tj GVfnretyvKevai. XIX. tqvs }iev yap IwnoKevTavpovs oijjlul e'ywye iroWois fxev dnopelv twv avdpu)7rois evprjjxevojv dyaOutv onus bel Xpr\(rdai 9 iroXKols be twv 'tTrnots irecftVKOTuiv ifbeiov irws avTwv \pi] cnroXavetv. XX. eyu) be i)v lirneveiv /Jta6u> 9 orav fxev enl tov In- wov yevtofiat, tci tov ImroKevTavpov bijirovdev biaTrpdHpiiaC orav be KaTaftw, beL7rvf]ffU) Kal afxcpieaofxai Kal Kadevbr\au) wanep ol dXXot avdpuTroc wore rl itXXo r) biaiperbs linroKevTavpos Kal ndXiv ovvQe- tos yiypofxai ; XXI. en b' 9 etyrj, Kal rolabe irXeoreKTVjGio tov nr7ro- Kevravpov' 6 fxev yap bvolv dtyQaXjjLo'iv irpoewpaTO Kal bvolv wroiv iJKovev iyu) be TeTTapai fiev ocpdaXfiols TeKfAapovfjiai, TeTTapai be (bcrl TrpoaiadrjcrofxaC 7ro\\a yap tpavt Kal Imrov ctvOpwnov toTs oipQaXfiols TTpoopwvTa brfXovv 9 iroXXa be toIs wol irpoaKOvovTa vrjjJialveiv. efxe /uev ovv 9 e(j)i] 9 ypd^e t&v lirneveiv virepeindviAovv- T(ov. XXII. N/) tov A/', er] 9 enel atyobpa tjfjuv boKel Tavra 9 el Ka\ vofxov f]jj~tv avrols 7roirj(raifjieda alcrypov elvai oh civ 'linrovs eyib 7roplcr(o 9 v\v Tts cj>avrj neSy rjjjiwv 7ropevo/j,evos 9 r\v re 29. ^| oxj/scos fi-ffKovs] I. e. As far as 31. iraXafxaaBai] It is here admini- Ihe eye can reach \ " e spatio, inter- strare 9 gerere, facere ; but it is gene- vallo tanto, quantum acies oculorum rally used in the sense of 'crafty con - valet," Fischer. trivance/ or ' malignant machination/ 30. KadcupeTv] I. e. " Consequi, Aristoph. Ach. 659. Cic. Att. 8, 8. tlie same as KaTaAapfidveiv, (according 32. e^7?(rc5v] "This form is exhibited to Lexicographers,) and superare ; for here, and in 6,3, 10. by Guelf. and it is opposed to r$ e{ foov dpfiydevTi. Par. for tyaaav. See Buttm. Gr. Gr. See Abresch ad^Esch. 2, 42." Schnei- s. 9T." Poppo. der. Also Alberti ad Hesych. 166. LIBER IV. CAP. IV. 125 ttoXXtjp r\v re oXlyrjp obop biy bteXOelp, Iva Kal navranaaiy lirwo- Keiravpovs ijfids o'iutPTai ol apOpvjnoi eipai ; XXIII. 6 fiep ovtcos ewypero' ol be naPTes avpeirrjpeaap' war en Kal vvv e£ ckcipov \pwvrai Wepaai ovrio, Kal ovbels av tlop KaXiov KayadtoP ckwv otpdeirj Ylepawp ovbaiArj weios lu>v. ol fiep bij ev tovtois toIs Xoyois Ijeap, CAP. IV. T. r HviKa §' })p elu) iiectov 7jLtepas 9 $3 wpoorrjXavvov fiep ol Mi/Sot Imrels Kal ol "YpKavtot, imrovs re dyovres al-^/biaXioTOVs Kal av- bpas* offoi yap ra eVXa Trapebibovav, ov KareKavoV II. eirel be npoffrjXaorav, irptoTOP Ltep avrutp kirvvdavero 6 K.vpos el criodelev Trdvres avraJ* errel be tovt ecpaeav, €K tovtov rjputra ri eirpa^av* ol be birjyovpro a t enoiriaav Kal ws apbpeitos eKaara efieyaXrjyopovv. III. 6 be btrjKove iravra ybetos oca efiovXovro Xeyetp' eireira be Kal eirrfveoev avroits ovruts' 'AXXa Kal brjXoi tol 9 eaipeade Kal KaXXlovs Kal yopyorepoi ?*/ irpoaQev Ibelp. IV. eK be tovtov envpOapeTO ijbr) av- twp Kal 07r6(Trjp obop btiiXavav Kal el oIkoIto ?; ^a»pa. ol S* eXeyoy otl Kal TroXXijv bteXaaeiap Kal iratra oIkoIto fj y/opa Kal Liefm) e'iri Kal olujp Kal alycop Kal (Solop Kal IIwwlov Kal g'itov Kal ttclptlov ayaQCJp. V. &vq~ip ap 9 ecftrj, eTTifjLeXrjTeov i]fj.7p eirj, ontos re KpeiTTOvs effofxeda tlop avTa e^ovTWP KaloTrws ovtol fxepovcrtp' oIkov- f-ievrj fiep yap \copa iroXXov afyov KTrjfia' epyjfir) §' apdpioirojp ovaa eprffurj Kal tlop ayaQCbp yiyperai. VI. tovs fiep ovp a/uvpofievovs, er] t vvv re on eirelQeoQe, ras \pv)(as Trepieiroriirraode, too re Xonrov, rjv ovrio 7roifjre, ovb* otiovv KaKOV earai v/juv aXX' i) oxr^ 6 avrbs dp£ei vfxiov oairep ical 7rp6repoV otKrjarere be ras avras olKias Kai yijpav rr)v avrr)v epyacrearSe Ka\ yvvaiQ rats avrals avvoiKiiaere koX iraibiav rwv vfxerepojv dp^ere woTrep vvv' XL tj/juv fxevroi ov ixa^elade ovbe aXXtp ovbevi' rjviKa 5' dv tis v/ias abiKrj, fjfiels virep v/xwv fxa)(ovfjLeda. ottojs be fxr\b' eirayy iXXrj fxrjbels vfjuv GTpareveiv, ra 07rXa npos fjfxas KojJLiaare' Kai rots fxev KOjxiSovcriv earai elpiivr) Kai a Xeyofxev aboXios' onocrot S' av to. 7roXejJiiKa fir) a-rrocpepioaiv oVXa, 34 eizl tovtovs fjfi.e1s Kai br) GTpaTevGOfieda. XII. av be tis vfA&v Kai lu)V ws rjfias evvo'iK&s Kai TrpaTTiov n Kai bihaaKwv LXov, ov^ (bs bovXov 7repie\po- fiev. 36 ravra ovv, ecprj, avroi re tare Kai toIs dXXois biayyeXXere* XIII. rjv & dpa, er) t biayere av- tovs enl ras (TKtjvas, Toits jjicv dp^ovras enl tcis fxeyiaras, yiyvuj- 34. ra iro\€fJLiKh ftirXa] " For orrAa 35. ircpietyojj.a''} Hesych. UcpieTrer are in general the instruments used nepUpxercu, irepicpyd^Tai, (pvAdrTti, for any purpose." Fischer. depairefei. LIBER IV. CAP. V. 127 (TK€T€ &€, TOVS 5' CtXXoVS U)S CLV boKY} KoXXlGTa €^€IV' Kal avTol bt benrvelTe owovTtep ijbtarov vfuv* atoat jiev yap vptlv Kal ctKepatoi at VKT)\>al* irapeoKevaoTai be Kal evdabe wcnrep Kal tovtois. III. tovto 6' tare ufjcporepoi on ra fxev efyo v/juv ripcls WKTotyvkaKiifJOfjitv, ra b' ev rats (TKrjra'Ls avrol op^re Kal ra oVXa ev Ttdeode* 36 ol yap ev rats (TKrivals oinru) tyiXot y)ju7v. IV. ol fxev br) Mrjboi Ka\ ol a/u(f>i Ttypavrjv eXovvTO, 37 Ka\ 9 yv yap wapeffKevacr/Jteva, IfiuTta fxeraXa- fioi'Tes ebeinvow Kal ol 'iir-noi avrols eiypv to. €7rtTi]beta* Kat toIs Uipaais be ene/jnrov t&v dprtov tovs l/jniffets' o\pov be ovk eire\i7:ov ovbe olvov, olofxevot e\eiv rovs ajufl Kvpov, on e ctfjia fxev ipvXaKTiv ecrevdat, av tis efadev irpofftrj, a/za be, av tis ejjta \prji.iaTa tyepwv aTrobtbpaaKrj, aXwaeaQai ai/roV Kal eyevero ovtW iroXXot /utev yap airebibpaoKov, iroXXol be eaXw- aav, VI. 6 be Kvpos to. /uev ^prj/uaTa rovs XafiovTas eta e\eiv, tovs be avOptjjtrovs aTroatytifytt eKeXevaev* wore tov Xonrov ovbe /3oi>- Xofxevos av evpes pexbttos tov vvKTwp 7ropev6/Jteiov. ol jmev br) Tieparai ovtu) btfiyov' VII. ol be Mrjboi Kat enivov /cat evwyovvTO Kal tjvXovvto Kal 7raarjs evdvfilas event jnrXavTO* noXXa yap Kal ra 70tai5ra rjXto, wore jjlv) anopelv epyov tovs eyprjyopoTas . VIII. f O be J£va£apris 6 twv Mrjbwv fiaaiXevs ti)v fxev vvktu rj elrjXOev 6 Ki/pos avros re efxedvaKeTO /JteQ' (jjv7rep eoKrjvov ws en evTV\ia, Kal tovs aXXovs be Mrjbovs Sero 7rape~tvai ev rw orparo- 7reb(t> nXr)v oXiywv, cikovwv dopvfiov ttoXvv' ol yap oheTai twv M?/- 36. ret oir\a e5 ride(TTT€p Xeyercu ojjjiqs elvat Kal ayvwfxwv, twv irapovTwv KeXevei tivcl Xafiorra tovs iavrov Inireas TropevecrQat ws Ta.yj.aTa enl to a/jicpl Kvpov arpaTevfia Kal Xeyeiv rabe' X. "Sltfxrjv fxev eywye ovb 9 av . Kal vvv 9 ay fxev 6 Kvpos jjovXrjrai, el be /ur), vjuels ye rrjv Taylarr\v Trapeore. XI. ravra bij €7refTTeXXev, b be TaTTO/jevos iropeve&Oai e(pr) y Kat 7rws, w beoirOTa, eya> evpr'icrw e*e/- vovs ; "Ony be Kvpos, etyr}, Kal ol ovv avrw e(f ovs €7ropevovTO. "On vr\ At", etyrj, cikovw a^eonj/coras twv TroXejxtwv 'YpKaviovs Tivas Kal eXdovras bevpo diyeoQai fjyovfjievovs av~w. XII. ctKOvtras be TavTa 6 Kva£aprjs ttoXv jjlclXXov en rw KvpfD wpylSero tw jiriV elitelv avrw ravra* Kal 7roXXi} atovbrj fxdXXov eKejnrev eVt tovs Mijbovs, ws "fyiXwowv avTov, Kal iayypoTepov ert rj npoodev toIs Mr/Sois cnreiXwv aneKaXei* Kal rw Trejunrojaevw be r]7relXei 9 el /u?) layypws ravTa anayyeXXoi. 40. ovk "hv v}ms] " Nequeputabam, ^e rhv KaKoo*aifj.oi> i exovra* kolku vos saltern, O Medi, conaturos fuisse yap voeTrai Qoodev to, Ov otkcu6v ; ita desertum me relinquere. 9 Ea*/ — ^ eV rrj fieari, &s rb Trap" e O/d}py j3ov\€tcu est avavrairSdorov : deest (II. A. 135.) 'AAA.' cl fJLev dcacovo-i ye- enim apodosis. Intell. zv *X €L > ve l P a * peydOviAvt 'Axctioi* AeiVet yap rb, etiam 7rapetrTC0. Vide Caraerar. ad Uavaofxai, $} e Ho~vxd(rca. Kal 0ou/cu5i- h. Let Raphel. ad Luc. 13, 9. ante dy Karapxas rod rpirov ttjs 2wyy pa<}>rjs e<^)' ovs iirop, intell. evpijcrovo'iv e/cef- (3, 3,) Kat et [ilv avti&fj f] 7re?pa' €t Se vovs." Aristoph. Plut. 468. khv fxhv /a^, MirvAyvaiois elireTv vavs re Trapa- airo & 5 rb^Ovoos /ify noir)(rr)s Troieirovo 7 ri av vfuv 5o/cp. See Cyrop. T(J5e, voovfx4vov QooOev rod o-Koirer % iv 7, 5, 54. Interprr. ad' Thuc. 3, 3. tw TeAet, ws exet rb iv Ne^eAats (v. Greg. Cor. p. 47. L. Bos p. 803. Viger 267.) Tb 5e fify Kvvrjv o?ko9<-v i\$e7v p. 509. 833. Buttm.Gr.Gr.s. 138,4, 4. LIBER IV. CAP. V. 129 XIII. 'O fiev b)) wc/jl iro/jiei'os kitopeveTo e-^uiv tovs cavrov lirneas ws ckcltov, avujj/jiei>os oti ovk eiropevdt] Kal civtos fxera tov Kupov. iv be rrj 6b

Tes Tptf3(p tivl e-rrXavwVTO, Kal ov irpovQev a tVTvyovres airo- \wpovai rtcri twv 'Aaorvplwv i)vayKaaav avrovs riyeladai, teal ovtws a,rj, 6 irpeajiv- Taros, Kal eXOiov Tavra Xeye, Kal on ovs ay irifxinaffL OTpaTi&Tas, eiretbav eXdoxji Trap* e/xe, efxol fieXfiaei Trepl Tpofprjs avT&v. a o' e^ofiev rj/uelSf opqs fxev avra, KpviTTe be tovtojp fxrjbeV 6,ti be tov- tiov eyw 7T€jnru)v els Tlepaas KaXios Kal vofui/j.u)s TTOioirjv av tcl fJLev irpbs tovs deovs 41 tov warepa epwra, to. be Trpbs to koivov tcis ap^as, 7rejji\pavTiov be Kal 07rr^pas 42 wv icpa.TTop.ev Kal (fcpaaTijpas 43 ibv €pu)TuffJL€V. Kal ov fxev , etyrj, avaKevaiov Kal tov Xo^ov Trpo* 7rojjnrbv dye. 41. to (.lcv irpbs tovs 6eovs~\ " So for the author of the book de Rep. among the Lacedaemonians the right of Lac. 13, 5. writes : Uapeiari Se koL t&v making sacrifices belonged to the king, £a£dpi/s, ttoXXovs jiev 7roXefilovs Tore lbu)v 9 rj/jids be ovk elbibs 6 t Tt Trparrofievy oKvel 7repl re ijfxivv Kai Kept eavrov* e7reibav be aiadrjTai ttoXXovs fxev tujv rxoXefitiov anoXioXoTas, navTas be cnreXrjXafievovs, TrpGJTOV /Jtev navoeTat tyofiovfxevos, eweiTa yvwoerat on ov vvv eprj/uos yiyverat, ijviKa ol (piXoi avrov tovs eiceivov e^Opovs airoXXvovoiv. 4i4t XXI. a\\a ily\v fxefx\peu)s ye ttCjs eofxev afyoi, ev re iroiovvTes eKelvov Kai ohbe Tavra avrofiaTioavres ; dW eyu) \iev eKtlvov eireioa edoal lag Xaflovra vfias e^eXdelv vjjtels be ov^ ws emQvfxovvres rrjs e£6bov fjpojrrjoure el etyoire Kai vvv bevpo ijKere, a\V V7r' eKeivov KeXevodevres efyevai, brig vliwv /ur) aydoLievcp e'lrj* /cat ?/ opyrj ovv avrrj, oa ayyeXe, avawavoai, eVet Kai 7re7r6vr}Kas 9 ijfxeis re, & Ylepoai, eVet ixpoobe^ofxeda iroXeiilovs ijroi /na^ovfjievovs ye fj Tretaofxevovs 7rape(readai 9 Ta^Qibp.ev ws KaXkiOTa* ovtoj yap bptatii' vovs cIkos 7rXeov irpoavvreiv riv yjpr\iofxev, ov b\ ecprj, 6 twv 'Tp- Kaviojv apywVy viroLieivov irpoorafas toIs fjyefioot tu>v oujv crparttu- tCjv eZo7rXi$etv avrovs. XXIII. eVei be ravTa 7roii]oas 6 'Yped- 44. anoWvovo'Lv'] "The canon of taste;) whence the term is elegantly Moeris is not universally true : 'AiroX- transferred to anger, which is softened Xvacriv, 'Attlkws* airoWvovcriv, 'EWrj- and diminished. Hesych. TlciraivcTaf vlkws. For in the treatise de Rep. fMeXavovrcu, birTaTai, na\d07}(T€Tcu] " nenaiv€(rdai is abrrjixap KaTaTrexpr). But in this latter applied to corn, when it ripens, (fla- phrase the metaphor is taken from vescity) and to apples and fruits, (ma- meat, which by cooking is softened turescunt.) But apples, when they and diminished. See Hesych. v. Ka- are ripe, lose their firmness, and he- TaW^ou," Fischer. come milder (to the touch and the LIBER IV. CAP. V. 131 fios irpoaijXOe, Xeyet o Kvpos, 'Eya/ b\ e^rj, io 'YpKuvie, ijbo/uat aladavofievos on ov fiovov (piXlav eTn.beiKvvfievos irdpet y uWu Kal £vveaiv airrj jjol e\eiv. Kal vvv on av/ucpepei y/ulv Tavra bijXov €fjioi re yap iroXe^iioi 'Aoavpioi aoi re vvv kyftioves elaiv ij efjioi' XXIV 7 . ovrws ovv fjfuv ctfuporepois jjovXevreov 6ttu)s tu>v \xev vvv irapovTUv jjirfbels an oarciT)) ae t y/juv crv/jfia^iov, dXXovs be, av bvvw- Heda, TrpoaXrjxpujjLeda, tov be M?;5ov iJKOves dnoKaXoviTOs tovs nrneas' el & ovtol dnlaaiv, i]jj,els jjiovGt oi neSol fievovfiev, XXV. ovridS ovv bel Tzoieiv Kal e/ie Kal ae onus 6 cnroKaXun' ovros Kal avros fiereiv nap' f/uiiv fiovXiiaerai. av jxev ovv evpojv aK-qvrjv cos avruj ottov KaXXiara bid£ei Ttdvra ret beovra e\wv* eyu) 5' av ireipdao/uai avru) epyov rt npoarcV^ai orrep avros ijbtov 7rpa£ei i) aneiat' Kal biaXeyov be airw bnoaa eXnls yeveadai ayaOa naai ro\s (plXots, av ravr ev yevr\rac 7rou)aas f-ievroi avra tjkc ndXiv nap 1 e/iie. XXV 7 !. e O fxev bi) "YpKavios tov blrjbov $X er0 ayoov eirl aKrjvijv 6 v els Tlepaas ld)v irapijv avveaKevaafiiros' 6 be Kvpos avr<3 eVeareWe npos juev TIepvas Xeyeiv a Kal irpoadev ev rw X6ya> bebrj^ Xvrai, Kvai-doT; be cnrobovvai to. ypd/jjuara avayvwvai be aoi Kal to. emareXXofieva, ecpr], j3ovXo/jLai, 'Iva elbws avra ojJoXoyrjs, av ri ere wpos ravra epwrct. kvijv be ev rrj emaToXrj rdbe' XXVII. Kvpos K.va£apy yaipeiv. i]ue7s ae ovre eprj/iov icareXc- nofiev' ovbeis yap, orav eydpCjv Kparij, totc tylXwv ep^jjos ytyverai' ovbe fiijv drroy^wpovpres ye ere olop.eda ev Kivbvra) KuBioravac dXXa otjip wXeov aneyofjiev, roaovTio nXeova aoi ri)v aacpaXeiav 7roielv vofjii£ofiev* XXVIII. ov yap oi eyyvTara rwv (j)lXv nepl efie eTreird /jlol ixef.ieiXit)VTai 9 /iijb' ovrira (3ovXei 7rpos ore rayy eXdelv, cnreiXovvTa fxeTaireyiTreadaty firjhe 7- boi Kal 'YpKavioL elirov wbe* Kat nws ar, etyacrav, i)fie~is dvev gov Kal rwv oGjv biavifioifiev Tavra ; XLIV. 6 b* av Kvpos 7rpos tovtov tov Xoyov ibbe irpoariveydrf^ 'H yap ovruis, e(f>rj t d) avbpes, ytyvd)(TK€T€ us o,tl av ber] 7rpayQfjvai ewl nacre navras yjfias beijaet 7rape7pai t Kal ovre eyu) apKeow 7rparru)V irpb vfi&v 6 t ri av berj 9 ovre v/ieJs TTpb f]/jLiov ; Kal 7rws av aXXu)S 7rXeiu) fiev irpa.yp.aTa eyoifiev, field) be biairparTolfieda i) ovrios \ d\\' Spare, J eeXr}(jovoi iiev ovbev rjfJias, irpayjxaTa be 7rape^ovaip kirifieXeadai* rjv 8* Imreas en avrovs Kara art] ow tie v, aixa irpay/narwv re a7ra\\a £6fieda Kal ld\vv fjfjuv avrols TtpoaQriooLAiQa. XLVII. el jjkv ovv dXXovs ^ere oltrr iatv av boirjre avrovs, fied' tov av Kal KivivvevoLTe rjbtov, el tl beoi, r/ iieff fjfJiiov, eiceivois 5i- bore' el fievroi rjfids av flovXoicrde napaoTaTas fxaXttrra ej^eiv, rjf/iv avrovs bore, XLVIII. Kal yap vvv ore avev rjjjwv irpoaeXaaavres eKivbvvevere, noXvv fiev (Jrofiov rjjj.lv trapei^eTe fir) tl 7rd6rjre, fidXa be ala^vveaBai rjfias €7roir)(raTe ore ov 7raprjfiev oirovTrepvfieis* i]V be Xafiiotiev tovs iWovs, e\p6/ieda viiiv. XLIX. kclv fiev boKw/iev lotyeXelv irXeov en avrcvv ovv ay toviiofievoi, ovt(o npodvjiias ovbev eXXeixpojueV rjv beneiol yevofxevoi boKwjxev Kaipnorepws av napelvai , to KaTaj3fjvai ev fieoa) Kal evdvs ireiol vf/lv irapeoofieda' roifs f 'inirovs firjy^avriod/ueOa oh av 7rapabiboirjLAev. L. 6 fiev ovtojs eXe^ev' ol be aireicpivavTO, 'AW rifiels fiev, w Kvpe, ovre civbpas eyofiev ovs ava /3 1 (3 ao at fiev a& en) tovtovs tovs imrovs, ovt el eiyofiev,oov ravra (iavXofievov, aXXo av avTt tovtcjv rjpovfieda. Kal vvv, eT0v fiev ovv toIs Oeols, ecprj, efaipelre b,Ti av ol fidyoi e^riywvTaC^ enetra be kqI Kva^dpy eKXe^aode oiroV av o'teoOe ai/rw fidXioTa yapiieoQai. LII. Kal ol yeXaoav- tcs elirov on yvvdiKas eljaipereov av e'irj. TwalKas re toivw e£ai- pelre, e(prj, Kal o,tl aXXo av boKrj irfiiv. eiretbhv b 9 eKeivip e^eXrjre, id "YpKavLOi, tovs ifiol edeXovoiovs tovtovs eTnaTrojievovs [M?jSov$] a^e/j.7rTGvs TravTas Troielre els bvvajj.iv. LIU. v/j.eis b* av, w Mrjbot, tovs TrpujTovs ^vfj/ud^ovs yevojjevovs Tt/uaTe tovtovs, onios ev /3e/3ou- Xevadai fjyrjvwvTai ripTiv (piXoi yevofxevot* veljjaTe be ndvTvjv to fxepos Kal T(o irapa Kva^dpov tjkovtl avrw re Kal toIs fxer avrov* 50. ii-riyoovTai] This is the proper Soph. El. 426. ij-rjyycris, $ia- divincrs, who interpret prodigies, and tis, %v ij-TjyrjTty £k&\ovv, J. Poll. 8, point oat the mode of performing re- 124. 'Ej-yyrjTal skoKovvto ol to 7repl ligious ceremonies, and teach men rwv Bioo-yfieicav Kal ra tujv &\\wv hpccu their duties to the gods, and reveal the didder kovtcs, Hesych. 'Ej-rjyrjr'fis' 6 irepl will of the gods: see Duker ad Thuc. tcpeicov Kal diocrTHJLziow i^yoi^vos, 7,50. "Est magorum, qui deorum Harpocr. et Wetsten. ad Jo. 1, 18. voluntatera interpretantur, et quse deo Cyrop. 4, 5, 16. 7, 3, 1. 7, 5, 20. 8, et eui deo sint danda, docent. Schol. 3, 6. 8, 3, 11." Sturz Lex.Xen, LIBER IV. CAP. V. 135 Kal ffvvhiafieveip be wapaKaXelre, los t/uol rovrov avyboKOvvTOs, Iva Kal Kvn^apt] jjtaWoy elbws 7repl eKaarov anayyetXr] tcl ovtcl. LIV. Ylepcrais b\ e(f>rj 9 rots fxer kfxov y oara av 7repirra yevr)Tcu vfxwv KaXcos KareoKevaarfxerbJV, ravra apicicrec Kal yap, e(prj, paXa mos fffiels ovk ey X^^fi TeOpafAfxeda a\Aa ^(opiTiKCJs' 51 dare 'Laws ay ///iwv KciTayeXaoaiTe, ei n aefxybv fj/uly 7repi6eli]Te 9 w(nrep t etyrj, 61b' on iroXvy v/uuy yeXtora Trapetyfjiey Kal em tlov 'iirmoy KaOfjfJieyoi, olfiat b\ etyrj, Kal em ttjs yrjs KaTairinToyres, LV. 'Ek toutov ol fxey rjetray em rijy btaipeffiy, jj.dXa em rw Ittttlk^ yeXatyres* 6 be tovs Ta^tap^ovs KaXeaas eKeXevcre tovs 'Imrovs Xafjifiaveiv Kal tcl twv Xirmov GKevrj, Kal tovs linroKofxovs apiQfJtiivavTas Xa(ie1v KXrjpLoaajieyovs els Tafyy 'ivovs eKacrrois* LVI. avdis be b Kvpos ayeure~iy eKeXevaev, el tis eirf ev rw 'Acci/- plioy rj IZvpcjy jj *Apa(3ib)y 52 orparev/ian ayijp bovXos i) Mrjbwv rj fJepffQy rj BaKTpiwy rj Kapwv rj KiXixuy rj 'EXXyjyioy rj aXXodiv Trodey fiefiLaa/jieyos, eKtyaiveadai. LVII. ol be aKovcravres tov KrjpvKos aafxevoi TroXXol 7rpoe(f>avr](Tav' 6 be eKXeZ/ifxevos avr&y tovs to, eibrj (ieXrlffTOVs eXeyev on eXevdepovs avroits oVras bei)(rei owXa v7ro(f>epeiy a av avTois bibwtrc tcl be emTtjbeta omos e^wcrtv e T ^ s Syrians,) " so that it is probable that XcSpas, according to Suidas ; aypd>rr)s, their soldiers assisted him. However, ZypoiKos, according to Hesych. Hence we should perhaps read here Avti&y the adj. x ca P irlK ^ 5 ^ wn i cn Suidas ex- for libp&v" Fischer. plains by x^p tT7 ] y > ^i^T7?s. Therefore 53. \pi\cis fjiuxaipas] M I. e. Koiritias, the reading of Castalio, x^P 1 ^^* must for, as Leunclavius remarks, speaking be rejected." Zeune. of these very horsemen, Xen. Cyrop. 52. ^vpwv $ *Apai3iW] " In 2, 1,2. 5, (2, 1.) assigns to them ytfpa and the king of Arabia is mentioned by /co7ri5ay." Hutch. Cyaxares among the allies of the As- 136 CYROPjEDIA. CAP. VI. I. 01 jxev hri ajjicpl ravra eJy^ov, Tti)(ipvas 5' ev rovry naprjv 'Atrovpios Trpecrfivrris avrjp ecfi lirnov ovv i7rmKrj depaweia* el^ov he iravres tcl ecp J 'litttlov #7rXa. Kal ol fxev enl to> tcl owXa 7rapaXa/i/3d- veiv T€Tayfxivot eKeXevov irapahthavai tcl £i/ord, ottcos Karaicaioiev Lotnrep raXXa. 6 he Yiofipvas eXirev otl Kvpov irpcoTOv (iovXoiTO Ihelv Kal ol virrfpeTai tovs fiev aXXovs Imreas avrov KaTeXtnov, Toy he Twfipvav ayovffi wpbs tov T&vpov, 6 h 9 los elhe top Kvpov, €?Xe£er (She* II. 'ft hetmoTa eyto elfit to fxev yevos 'Aoavpios* eyu he teat rectos Itr^vpbv Kal ^copas eirapyju) 7roXXfjs' ml 'iirxov e-^co els j^iXtav rpiaKoalaVy fjv T(j> tlov 'Aaavpiiov flaaiXel Trapei^ofirjv Kal tpiXos r)v eKeivcg los fxaXiaTa* enec he eKeivos \xev TedvrjKev v<\> vjxlov avrjp ay ados lov 9 6 be 7ra7s eKeivov tyjv ap\r)v e^ec e^BitTTOS lov ejxol, rJKU) 7rpbs ce Kal iKeTrjs TrpoairiwTco Kal hibcofjil aoi efxavrbv hovXov Kal avfiyLayoVy ae he Tifxtopov afrovfiat ifiol yeveaBaC Kal 7ra78a ovtlos los hvvaTOP ere 7T0L0v/j.ai' anais S' elfil appevutv naihLov* III. os yap l\v fxoL fxovos Kal KaXbs Kal ayados, lo heanoTa, Kal ejjie tptXcov Kal TifiLov Loawep av evhaifxova 7raTepa 7rais tijalov TiBeirj, tovtov 6 vvv (SatnXevs oitros KaX&aavros tov tot€ fiaaiXecos, narpos he tov vvv, los hibaovTOs tyiv dvyarepa Tf efxco naihl, eyco [lev inrenefji- xpafirji/ peya eppovcov otl hrjBev Ttjs flatriXecos Bvyarpbs 6\poifir)v tov efxbv vlbv yajjteTrjv 9 6 he vvv fiaaiXevs els Brjpav avrov napaKaXecras Kal avets avrio Brjpcjv d^d KpaTos 9 los 7toXv KpeiTTLov avTev Imrevs rjyovfxevos elvai, 6 fiev los iX(o crvvedrjpa, cpaveirrrjs 8' apKrov hido- Kovres afjicpoTepoi, 6 fxev vvv ap^cov ovtos aKovriffas rjfxapTev, los fitj7T0Te LoeXev, o 8' epos irals (JaXiov, ovhev heov, KaTaflaXXei rrjv apKTOV. IV. Kal TOTe fxev hrj avtaOels ap* ovtos KaTea^ev virb ltkotov tov cpdovov los he 7rdXi^ Xeovros irapaTv^ovTOs 6 /lev av rjfxapTev, ovhev OavfiaeTTOV, olfiai, naBcov, 6 S' av ejubs nals avdis tv^lov Kar- eipyatraTO re tov Xeovra Kal elnev, r Apa (3ej3Xr}Ka his e0e£>Js Kal fcara/3e/3X?;fca Orjpa eKarepaKis, ev tovtm he ovKeri KaTitr^ei 6 avoaios tov cpdovov, dXX' alxfirjv irapa tivos tcov evrofxevcov apTrcxoas, 7rataas els tcl ctTipva tov \xovov /jlol Kal cpiXov nalha cKpeiXero ti]v \pvxfiv. V, Kay co fxev 6 T&Xas veKpbv cxptl vvficpiov iKOjJULTafjirjv Kal eda^a LIBER IV. CAP. VI. 137 rqXiKovros utv dpri yeveiaaKOvra tov apiarov 7rcuSa tov ayawrjToV 6 be KaraKavtjjp tianep eyQpbv airoXkaas ovre fJLeTaneXofievos 7rw7rore Qavepbs eyevero ovre clvtI tov kclkov epyov rt/ii?s tivos rjtytaae Toy Kara yijs. 6 ye f*r)v iraTrjp avrov ml avvuKTiae fxe Kai brjXos fjv avva\Q6fxevos fioi rrj £vfiovea f] ap^r) wepirfKei, ovk ay irore eyio tovtio bvval- /jiTjy evvovs yeveadai, ovbe ovros e/jte ev olb' oti iXov av irore fjyfi- oatTO. olbe yap dts eyio irpbs avrov eyio Kai aibp&s /3io- revtov vvv biaKeifiai, eprffios wv Kai bia izevdovs to yfjpas biayiov. VII. el ovv av fxe beytf Kai eXiriba tivcl Xa(Joi/jiL Tip lX

rj, eyio aXrjQevofievois bibwfjtl re aoi ty)v e/irjv Kai Xajjfiavu) tijv arjv be^idv* deol 8' 7/fJUV fiapTvpes eariov. enel be ravra enpa^Ori, d7rce^ai re KeXeuei tov Tojfipvav e\ovra Ta oirXa Kai enrjpeTO 7r6arj tis bbbs di$ avrov e'trj, ws rfotiv. b 8' eXeyev, *Hv avpiov *irjs irpm, Trj erepa. av avXiioio nap' rifjiiv, 54. avriPrjacu'] "The word signifies 55. yooo^vri] J. Poll. 3, 100. KXaf- pubescere, adolescere, (for ^77 is pu~ eiv, airodaicpveiif zej/cxpw 5e yowfxiuri bes,) not repubescere ; see Ernesti ad irov Aeye* noirtrtK^Tepov. Callim. H. in Jov. 56." Fischer. 138 CYROPjEDIA. XI. Oirto bfj ovros fxey X €T0 V7 € / JL ^ va KaraXnrwv. ol be Mrjboi 7rapfj<7av, b\ fxkv ol fiayoi etyaoav rols Oeols efcXelv, awobovTes toTs payois, Kvpa) 8' efyprjicoTes rr/v KmkXfwrrf* aicrjvrjv Kal t.]v ^Lovoiha yvvalica, fj KaXXiffrrf brf Xeyerat ev rfj 'Avia yvvr) yeveaOai, Kal fiovaovpyovs^ be bvo tcls Kparlaras' bevrepov be Kva^aprj ra 8ev- Tepct, roiavra 8' a\\a &v ebeovTO eavTols eKwXrjpcoffavTes , u)$ tiij- bepos beofxepoi orpaTeioiVTO, navra yap i\v 7roXXd. XII. irpoaeXa^ (Zop be Kal ol ^XpKavtoi top ebeopro* laSfxoipop be €7roir)(rav Kal top irapa Kva£apov ayyeXop* Tas be wepiTTas OKr\vas oaat i\aap Kvpw irapebevav, &s rots Tleptrais yevoivro. to be pofAirr/na eavap 9 eVei- bar &7rav trvvaxOy* biabtoaetp* Kal biebioKav. 56. juLovffovpyobs] Suid. Movtrovp- Athen. 13, 9. relates that, when Par- yoi* if/d\Tpicu, at Se fiovcovpyol j8dp- menio took Damascus, he found among fiapot 9j(rav yvvcuKts* ftpofia (wtous the captives, TiaWaicidas fjwvcrovpyobs imx&ptov tdpfra, (or j&Spfa,) zeal rod $aai\{ bvras* Ka\ oaa be efxol bibore 9 //Sews, etyrj, eyu> be^ofxaC ^p^cerat b' avrols vfiwv 6 ae\ fxctXiara beofxevos. aXXa wpos tov twv TSaKTpiavwv 1 (iaaiXea irpeafievwv «j5)(ero* eirefixpe be clvtov if 9 Aaav- 1. twv BaKrpiavav~\ " By the Bac- thia and the Caspian Sea ; but the triani in this place, we cannot well sense of the narrative directs us to a understand the natives of the country district not far remote from Susiana called Bactriana, situated beyond Par- and Assyria." Hutch. LIBER V. CAP. I. Ul ptos irepl ^vfifia\ias' ^evos yap wv ervyyave ry twv Ba/crptavw»> fiaatXel* Tavrrjv ovv eKeXevaev 6 Kvpos biacpvXdrreiv rbv 'Apacnrrjv, ews av avrbs Xaflr). 2 IV. KeXevofievos be 6 'ApdoTT/js en^pero, 'Eo>pa*:as b\ €(j>rj, u> Kvpe, rrjv yvvaiKa, ijv fxe KeXevets ^vXarreiv ; Ma At", ealvero biatyepovaa rwv aXXtov, Kalnep Kadrjfievr) KeKaXvjxp.evq re Kal els yrjv bpwaa. V. a/s bk avaarfjvaL avrrjv eKeXevaajiev, avvavearrjaav /Jtev avrrj anaaai at a/jicff avrr)v, birjveyKe be evravQa irp&rov fiev rw fieyedet, eVetra be Kal rrj apery 3 /cat rr) evayjwioavvr], Kairrep ev raneivu ayi]fiart earrjKvla. bfjXa 5' r)v avrrj Kal ra Sd/cpva Karaardiovra, tk fxev Kara rwv 7re7rXa>v, ra be /cat ewl rovs itobas, VI. a>s b' rjfiwv 6 yepairepos et7re Qappei, w yvvac koXov fxev yap Kayadbv aKovo/uev Kal rbv gov avbpa eivaC vvv fxevroi e^aipovfxev dvbpi ae ev 'Ladi on ovre rd elbos eKeivov yeipovi ovre ry)v yvw/urjv ovre rrjv bvvafxiv ijrrut eyovrt, aXX 9 et ris Kal ciXXos avrjp, /cat Kvpos afyos eari OavfJLaieadai, ov av eay to cnrb rovbe* ws ovy tovto i]Kovaev rj yvvr) } 7repLKareppr)^aro re rbv avwdev TrenXoy Kal avbjbvpaTO* avyaveflorjaay be avrrj Kal at bfiwai, VII. eV tovto) b y e(j>dvri fxev avrr)s to tcXeiGTOv /jiepos tov irpoffwirov, erj, io Kvpe, ws c/jloc re ebo^e Kal rots aXXots a7rao*t toIs Ibovai fxi)7cw (pvyai firjbe yeveadai yvvr) curb &VT)Tuiy TOiavTt) ev Trj 'Aff/g. dXXa 7rdvrws, etyr), Kal av Oeaaai avTrjv. VIII. /cat 6 Kvpos ecprj, Nat fxa Ata, 7roXv ye r\TTOV, el 2. &us h.v avrbs \dfir)'] t( Avrbs, Cy- which attract universal admiration, rus an Abradates? Quae 6, 1. dicun- But in this passage it refers to the tur, docent ilia quidem Cyrum plane body, and the lovely elegancies of intactam voluisse servari marito; sed shape ; and perhaps it ought to be so hie tamen ita loquitur, ut coll. s. 1. et understood in Od. O. 250. (^toi ifxrjv 3. Cyrus ipse intelligi debeat, hoc, aperty eltios re Se/ias T6*n\€cai> add- opinor, consilio ut custos eo diligen- varoi.)" Hutch. Zeune translates it, tius et sanctius illam servaret, qui ere- ' corporis forma bona et venusta ;' deret, earn ipsius Cyri vel conjugera Wehke, ' venustas quae non in singu- fore vel pellicem. ,, Weiske. lis partibus inest, verum in tota for- 3. apery] " According to the ety- ma;' Fischer, ' vigor et agilitas cor- mology, aperrj may signify some choice poris ;' Dindorf, ' format decor ;' the qualities of the body or the mind, Hon. M, A. Cooper, ' grace.' 142 CYROP^DIA. TOiavrt] ettrip olav ov Xeyets. Tl bal ; e(j>r) 6 veavioKOS. "On, €rj 9 ei pvvl aov aKovcras on KaXf) eoTip eXOelp 7r€i(r0ti(TOfiat Oeaoo- ftepos, ovbe ndpv \xoi oyoXr\s ovarjs, beboiKa fir) iroXv Qclttov eiceivri fie avdis avaTreiarj Kal ndXip eXdelp Ocaaofiepop* ck be tovtov 'iows ay a/jteXrjvas top fie bel wpaTreiP KaQoifiT)P eKetPrjp dewfxeros. IX. Kat 6 veavitjKos dpayeXdvas el-rep, O'iet yap, e^rj, u> Kvpe, ikclvov eipai kclXXos dpQpwwov avayica$€ip top /ju) (ZovX6fi€POP 7rpdr- retp irapa to (leXriffTOP ; el fiipTOi 9 erj 9 tovto ovtws enetyvKei, nap- tcis ap r)pdyKa$ep ofioiws. X. bpq.s 9 etyrj, to 7rvp, 6>s ndpras bfioiios Katei ; iretyvKe yap toiovto' twp be KaXwp tu>p fxep epwai twp b' ov, Kal aXXos ye aXXov. eOeXovoiop yap, etyrj, eori, Kal epy eicaoTos u>p ap fiovXrjrat. ai/r/m, eds dbeXi]s 9 aXXos be Tav- rrjs' ovbe 7raT))p Ovyarpos, aXXos be TavTiqs. Kal yap cpofios Kal vo- jjlos* war 6s epwTa KwXvetp. XI. el be y\ e^ij, pojjlos TeOeir) fir) eadloPTas fxrj 7retPrjp Kal fir) ttipoptus fir) bi\}/fjp fjtrjbe piyovp rod \etfxCipos fjLrjbe QaXneoBai tov Qepovs, ovbels ap vdfios bvprjdelrj bia7rpa^a(rdaL ravra Treideadai dpQpirirovs 9 7r€rj, fio\drjpoi' btoirep, ol/xai, Kal ev^opTai /uep del ws adXtoL optcs diroQape~iv > fjivpiwp §' ova&v /Arj\apCjp d7raXXay^s tov 4. (p6fios Kal pSfios"] " This is iv Stcfc customs of the Greeks, who regarded Hvolv, for v aXXorpiuv, d\\' eneiho\v re apncujuHTiv ?l K\e\p(t)(Tty t 6pq.s otl av 7rpwros, ws ovk avayKalov to KXe7TT€iv 9 aiTiq. tov KXeirrovra Kal apnaclovTa, Kal ov crvyyiyvwaKeis, dXXd KoXaieis. XIV. ovtio fxevroi, eTj, Kal ol KaXol ovk avayKaiovortv tpqv eavT&v ovbe ecpieadai ctvdpwirovs wv /jlij Set, dXXd rd fxoyQripa avOpwma iravwv, oifxai, twv e7ridvfxiujv aKparfi earl, KaireiTa epiora aiTi&vrai 9 ol be ye KaXol KayaOol emOvfiOvvres Kal ^pvalov Kal r i7riru}V ayadwv Kal yvvaiK&v KaXair, o/mios anavruiv tovtcjv pabtws bvvavTai aTre^eaQai cucrre fxi) airreadat avrwv irapa to biKUiov. XV. eyu) yovr, e/ yvvr). XVIII. Tore per brj ravra elnovres 8ieXv- Orjaav, 'O be veavlvKOS a^a fxev op&v virepKaXXfj tijv yvvaiKa, afia be aladavofxevos t))v Ka\oKayadiav avTfjs, ayua be OepaTrevuv avrrjv Kal olofievos yaplzteodai avrrj, a/jia be alffQavofievos ovk ayapHJTOV oit- aav, aXX' avTeirifjieXovixevriv bih rwv avTfjs oIkctwv ws Kal elaiovri etr] avr

/oos edeXovras fxeveiv fxed' eavrov tovs re Mi)bovs Kal tovs avfifia^ovs, avveKakeoe wavras tovs €7rtKaipiovs* eirel be avvrjXdov, eXe£e TOiabe' XX. "Avbpes M.ijboi Kal 7ravT€S oi wapovres, eyuj v/uas oiba aacpGJs otl ovre xprjfxarwv bedfievot uvv efiol e^rfKdeTe ovre Kva£ap?7 vo/jtliovTes tovto V7rrjpere7v, aX\' ejxol (iovXojjievoi tovto ^aplieadai Kal ejjce TifxwvTes WKTOizopelv Kal klv- bvveveiv cvv e/uol ijOeXrjtraTe. XXI. Kal yapiv tovtwv eyw vfj.lv e^M fief, el fir} abiKut* cnrobibovaL be ov7ra) allay bvvafitv eyeiv jjloi boKw. Kal tovto fxev ovk ala^yvo/xai Xeywv* 6 to b' 'Eav LievrjTe nap* ejjol, airobuxjio, ev 'iere, a\oyyvoiLir\v av elnelv' vojjii£oifii yap kfiavTOv eoiKevai Xeyovri Tavra eveKa rov vfids /jlcLXXov edeXeiv nap' e/jiol KaTaiievetv, clvtI be tovtov Ta.be XeyaT eyu) yap vjjuv, Kav i]brj aidxyre Kva^ap^ ireidoiievoi, o^ws, av ayadov ti Trpafy), Treipacrofuiai ovrs aXuxrofxai, Kal t£ vvv bibovTL Vwfipva. Kal Teiyr\ r)jjuv Kal \u)pav Kal bvva- jjliv Tretpacrofjiai iroielv firjiroTe neTafieXrjoai ty)s ttjOos e/ue obov, XXIII. 'Kal to [xeyiOTOV S/), tu>v Qewv ovru) bibovTwv irepityavios ayaOa Kal (pofioi/uirjv av avrovs Kal alcr^vvoifxrjv cnroXnrwv Tavra elKrj aweXOelv. eyoj fxev ovv ovtws, etyr}, iroirjffu)' vfxels be okws 6. ovk al/. fiev ovrtos enre. XXIV. YlpwTOS S 1 6 ipi/oas wovk Gvyyevifs tuv Kvpov elvat irpos ravra eXe£ev, 'AU' eyw fjevj e(pr], w fiaGtXev* ftaGiXevs yap epotye boKels gv cpvaei necpvKtvai ovbev ijttgv f/ 6 ev t<5 vo/J€VOS tlov fxeXiTTiov {jyefjubv ecenw re yap act /cat at /ueXtrrat eKOvaat fiev 7reidovTat t ottov & av pet y, ovbe fjila evrevdev aitepyerat, eav be 7cov eftr], ovbe fiin avrov a7ro\e/7rerat* ovtlo betvos tis epws ai/rals rov apyeoQat vn eiceivov eyyiyt eraf XXV. /cat npos ere be pot boKoiHTt w a pa7r\rj(ji ws ttws ol av6pu)7rot ovrot btaKelcrSat* Kal yap els Yiepaas ore nap ifixwv cnrijeis, tls hh'jbwv i] veos ri yepwv gov aire- Xeltydrj to p,)) cot ctKoXovdelv eate 'Aorvdyqs fjjias a7reGTpe\pev ; eKetbrj 6' e/c Ylepcrtav fioTjdds r)fjtv wpfjiiQrjs, ayebov av eioptofjev ravs tytXovs gov iravras edeXovGtovs avveTtofiivovs* ore S' av Tijs beiipo crpareias e7re0vfir]Gas t iravres Got Mrjbot eKovres r/KoXovdqGar. XXVI. vvv b' av ovTws eyopev ws gvv ixev Got Sfxios Kal ev rrj ttq- Xefiici ovres dappovfiev, avev be gov /cat oiKabe amevat ] "This passage finitam pergit :' *E7cb 5e, 5 Kvpe, kcu has exercised the ingenuity of the av £yk Kpara, kcl\ jjt.evovfj.ev irapd o~oi, learned ; but so far am I from regard- k. t. A." Hutch. ing it as mutilated, that I consider it 8. opcovres] " The Commentators to be beautifully adapted to the feel- have not understood the meaning and ings of the speaker. His bosom had the elegance of this passage, as we long glowed with admiration of, and may suppose from their silence, or affection for Cyrus ; and he therefore their versions of it. 'Op&vres refers delights to expatiate in his praise, to the conduct of Artabazus, who took while he in the mean time forgets to delight in contemplating the counte- make a full replytothe speech of Cyrus, nance of Cyrus: 1, 4,27. &c. The It is, however, easy from these words of words ave^oixeda and KapTefyqa-ofiev by Cyrus, 'Tjjiels 5e nircos ywoiUKere, ovrco an irony imply the contrary, so that, kcu 7roi€tT6, Kal e/jLol eiircvre f 6,TL av vjxiv retaining the irony, the meaning is : doKrj, to furnish a suitable reply : 'AAA' ' Adspectum tuum, injucundum scili- eyti) fxev, ecpyj, ottcos yivwcrKa), ovtu) Kal cet, tolerahimus, et beneficiorum tuo- •jroiTiGoo, fa fiaffiXev, Kal to i/xol ^okovu rum molestias constanter perferemus.' " ep&. * Scilicet, ut post parenthesin Weiske. Xen. Cyrop. N 146 CYROP^DIA. vjxas fieya evbalfiovas yeveaOaC avdptomvrj he yvwfjrj tis av 1/ tpevyovTwv rwf voXe^'uov a.7rOTpe7roiTO y 07r\a 7rapabib()J'TO)V ovk av Xa/jfiaiot 7/ eavTOvs bihovTLov Kal to. eavTiov ovk civ he\OLTO, aXXcos T€ Ka) tov liyefxovos 'fffilv ovtos toiovtov os euui hoKel, los o/jvvfii hfilv iravras tovs Oeovs, ev ttollov i]/uias jjidWoi' ijceoQat y) eavrov 7tXovti8cov. em tovtco ttclptcs 01 Mi]bot roiab' eXeyoV XXIX. 1i) 9 to Kvpe, Kal etyiyayes rjfjias Kal oixabe orav airi- evai Kcttpos hoKtj, trvv go\ ?;/ms aitayaye. 6 be Kitpos aicovoas Tavra €ir€v£aTO, 'AW lo Zev fieyarre, aiTOVfial ae, bos tovs eue TLfx&VTas viKYJaal fxe ev woiovvTa. XXX. eK tovtov eKeXevcre tovs fiev aXXovs cpvXaKas KaTaoTrjcravTas apcf avroifs i'jbrj eyeiv, tovs he TLepaas hiaXaj3e7v tcls ctktjvcls to"ls uev i7nrev(7i tcls tovtois npenov' eras, rots he neiols tcls tovtois apKOvtras, kcu ovtlo KaraaT^naGdaL oTTios noiovi'Tes 01 ev Tals ffKrjvals TrdpTa tcl heovTa tpepiooiv eh tcis Ta^eis rols Uepaats kcu tovs iwirovs Tedepanev/nevovs napeyuGi, Ylepacus he firjbev aXXo rj epyov if tcl 7rp6s tov noXe^ov £kito**eTv* tuvttjv [A€v ovv OVTLO hifjyov T))v yjfiepav. CAP. II. I. IIpou 5' arciGTavTes kiropevovro irpbs YiojipvaVy Kftoos /uev eq? f i7r7rov Kal 01 Ylepatov limeys yeyevrj [xevoi els hLG^tXiovs' 6 be tcl tovtlov yeppa kcl\ tcls KOiribas 9 eyovres em tovtols e'lnovTo, 'lgol ovTes tov dpid/Jiov' kcl\ ?/ aXXrj he GTpaTLCt Teray/jievr) eTropevero, (Lkclgtov he eKeXevae toIs kcllvoHs eavriov OepcnrovaLv elwelv otl bans av avrcov r) tlov 67rLa0otpuXaKLOv (f>aivr)Tai oirLcrdev r) tov /jlctlottov 7rpoadev 'irj rj Kara 7r\\ heiXrjv yiyvov'ai 7rpos tco Tiafipvov xwpitt), Kal opioanv vwepia-^ypov re to epvjxa Ka\ em twv TeLy&v 7rdira TrapeaKevacrfieva los av KpaTicrra aironciyoLTO* kql fiovs he 7roXXovs Kal 7ra/i7ro\Xa irpojiaTa virb tcl epv/uva TTpoariyjieva eujpu)v t III. 7refA\pas be 6 Fiofipvas 7rpos tov Kvpov exeXevae Trept- eXacravTa Ihelv rj § irpoaobos evnereoTaTT), eurLo he TrefJL^ai wpos eavrov tlov klotlov tlvcls, oltlves avTip tcl evhov ihovres anayyeXov- 9. yeppa koi tl\s Kowidas] See the note on 4, 5, 58. LIBER V. CAP. II. 147 triv, IV. ovtlo b)) b Kvpos avros Liev ri(ji boKelv, fji) av e7riXei7reiu tovs evbov biras. V. b jiev bt) Kvpos ev typovribi 7]u ojt nor eiri ravra, 6 be Yiofipvas avros re elijei 7rpbs avrbv teal tovs evbodev iravTas e^ijye tpepovras olvov, aA^tra, dXevpa, 10 ciXXovs be eXau- vovTas (jovs t aiyas, ols, gvs, ical ei tl (ipuj-bv, navTa t/cava Ttpoa- i\yov cos benryijcrai itaaav ti]v gvv Kvpu> aTpariav, VI. ol /jev b) e-irl TovTip TayQevTes biypovv re rnura /cat ebenrvo-noiovv. 6 be Tto- ppvas, enel iravTes avrco ol dvbpes e£a> i)trav 9 elaieyat tov Kvpov eKeXevaev vinos vojuttioi aocpaXevTaTov. 7rpoeiGnejn\pas ovv 6 Kvpos TrpocTKOTTOvs /cat binafitv Kal avros ovtlus eltrrjet. e7rel cV elrrrjXbev, avaTT€KTa/j.evas tcls irvXas e\tov 7rapenaXei iraiTas tovs (plXovs ical apyovras twv fied" kavTOv. VII. eireibi) be evbov i)aav t eKtyepwv b Ytofipvas (ptaXas ^pvaas /cat irpoyovs n /cat tcaXmbas ical /cooyiov TtavTolov /cat bapeiKovs 12 afieTpovs Tivas Ka\ iravTa KaXa, na\ tcXos Tr\v SuyaTepa, betvov tl kqXXos Kal fteyedos, nevdiKuts be e^ovtrav tov 6\beX(pov tcOvyjicotos, e^aytov wbe elitev' 'Eya/ ooi 9 to Kvpe, ra fj.eu xpiifiara raura buypovfiaiy Tt)v be dvyaTepa tuvtjjv eTriTpevto biadeaQai 6ttu)s av au fiovXrj* iKerevofxev be, eyib fj.ev /cat irpoadev tov vlov, avrrj be vvv tov abe\(j)ov Tifjuapdf yeveadai ae. 10. &\evpa] The difference between Poll. 10, 46. Eust. ad Od. p. 1401. &\iTa and &.\€vpa is this, that &\s KaOevfirjo-eTe, where he ther in Xen., nor in any other Attic shows, by instances from Arisloph., writer, have I found d>s used with this that ottcos is similarly used, and as verb." Schneider. "I am surprised Schaefer Meletem. Crit. 1 13. has suffi- that Schneider should have written ciently proved this use of the particle these words, as he himself soon after- ws after verbs indicative of fear," •wards notices (j, 2, 30. M77 5eiV7?7€ ws Poppo. LIBER V. CAP. II. 149 KaOrj/uevovs. XIII. ecu 6 Vojfjpvas elrre yeXacas, Vlpos tiov Oewv, e(prj t u> Kvpe, be7^ov bi) fxoi ttov ovroi eioiv, tru ae tovtvov Tit a airrj- GU)fjLQt ralba /joi yeteadai. Kai 6 Kvpos elirev, Qvbev e/jLOv ere 6e//- vei irvrdaveaQaiy aXV av crvv //ft7*> €7ttj, avrbs av e^eis ku\ <"iXXu> heiKVvvai avTwv CKaCTOV, XIV. Toaavr elnujv be£iav re Xafitijv tov Vtofipva Kai ava- oras etyjei, Kai tovs /ueO' avrov e^ijyev airavTas' Kai noXXa beo- fjevov tov Ywfipva evbov beiirveiv ovk 7j0eXr](Tev t a\\* ev rw orpa- TOirebu) ebei7n ei Kai tov Ywfjpvav avvbenrvov napeXafiev, XV. enl OTifiabos be KaraKXtdeis 14 ijpeTO avrov utbe. E/Ve pot, etyrj, lj Yutfipva, norepov olei vol elvat 7rXelw ?) eKaartp ljfJiujv arowftara ; Kai as elirev, 'Y jmv vrj At ev olb* on, ecprj, Kai (TTpbJfJiaTa 7rXeiiu ecrTi Kai KXh'at, Kai oltia ye 7roXv jj.ei£u)v r/ vfierepa rfjs efafjs, o'i ye oiKiq. fiev j^pijerde yrj re Kai ovpavd) f KXlvai 5' hfjilv eirrlv owocrai evvat yevoiVT av eirl yyjs, orpwfiara be vofiiieTe ov% oga irpofiaTa (f>vei epia, d\\' oca (f>pvy ava bprj re Kai nebia avitjvi. XVI. to fj.ev bi) 7rpQrov avvbenrvutv avTols 6 Ycjfipvas kcu oq&v ttiv tyavXoTrjTa rwv wapaTtdefieviov j3pis)fj.aT(jJV iroXv o*(f)as evo- fiiiev eXevdepicjTepovs elvat avrwv. XVII. eVet be Karev6r}f7€ rt)v fieTpiorrjra rwv avaaiTuV kit ovbevl yap fipwjiaTt ovbe wofxari Ylepaqs avrjp tCjv 7re7raibevjjLevijjv ovt av o/xfiaatv e/C7re7r\^yjue- ros Kara(f>avt)s yevotTO ovre apizayrj ovtc t(3 vw fxi) ovyl izpoa- KOTrelv airep av Kai /ai) errl (tito) &v, dXV wenrep ol IttttikoI bta to fjiij TapaTTeodai eiri twv 'i7nru)v bvvavrai afia iTTirevovres Kai opejv Kai aKoveiv Kai Xeyeiv to beov, ovrio Kai eKelvoi €7rl rw povi/jiot Kai /jierpioi rj 9 d> Fioflpva, ottws npwi rrapearj e^top tovs 'nnreas e£w7rXiajj,evovSt ha rrfp bvrafjtlv aov 'ibu)- fiev, Kal cljua bia rrjs aijs yjopas a^eis f]fxds, oirws ai> elbw/ier a re be~i p eweaKO- irelTO ei tl bvvarbv eir) tovs iroXefxiovs aadepearepovs noielv rj avrovs la^yporepovs, XXIII. KaXecras ovv top "YpKavtov Kal top fw fipvap, rovrovs yap evofxiSep elbepai fiaXtara top avros uiero beladat juiadelp, 'Eya> roi % el(Ti Kal jmeXop ubrols la^ypws otti] to fjeXXop aTropfivoiro. XXV. 'FjVTavda §/) rjplaTO cobe. Ae£are bi) /uoi 9 ei\] I. e. Means of es- pav ^pa^vrrjra Ka\ padvfxiav.) " Har- cape, a place into which you can -turn pocr." (and Bekk. Anecd. 1, 436. aside from the threatened danger, a 3 Anoo'rpocp'f}' avr\ tov Karcup uyf).) il and place of refuge. '* Perfugium, refu- hy Herod. 8, 109. where see Valck. ; gium, as in Anab. 2, 4, 11. the same see alsoToup. adSuid. 1, 51. ed. Lips. as KctTatyvy)], and it is so used by For Cyrus with the Persians could re- Demosth." (Phil. 1. p. 7. Barker, tire into Media, and betake himself to KaTe7TT?7X € (jl4vtol TrdvTa ravra vvv, Cyaxares." Fischer. ovk ix ovji timoo'rpotyfiv Bia ttjv v/asts- LIBER V. CAP. II. 151 pi$ei fjviovi 7T()\e/.tiXu)S ?Y€CV 6 Wfravptos irpb^ eitvTov, ?/ cnitrrcirrde ku\ iiWov ttrh avru) 7rnXeptnr J Nat jLta A/', e^rj o ipic&Ptti* t 7ro\c- /.iiwraroi f.iev elcriv clvtoJ Kabovcrmt^ eOvos -rroXv re Kal uXki/hov' £chfaf ye /mt)v opopoi fif/iv, in KftKCL noWii 7re7T(jvdamv vno tov Wct- avpiov' eireipaTO yap KciKelvovs wanep tfal ijucls KaranTpe^arrOat. XXVI. t)&Cov)>, €(/>rj, diead' av rvv avrovs a/jcporepovs ijhews av tirtjlfjpm fued' iih&v rw 'Afrvupiu) ', etptrtfav Kal ctyobp' civ, e"i wrj ye bvinuTo ny/jf-ii^ai, TV b\ e077, ev peaip IcTTi rov crvf-i/mf^ai ; V\<7- (Ti)pio<, etynoav, to avro edvos it ovirep vvil 7ropfvy, XXVII. eVei £e ravra iJKovaev 6 Kvpos, TV yap, €(pr), to Tcuftpva, ov nv tov veaviffKOv tovtov os vvv els rijv fiaartXetav KaQeaTrjKev V7reprffa^ vlav 18 noXXijv Tiva tov Tpowov KaTtjyopets ; Totavra yap, oljjtat, eiprj o Vtoppvas, eiradav vn avTOV, Ylorepa bfJTa, ecprj 6 Kvpos, els fJ€ JJLOVOV TOtOVTOS £y€V€TO l) Kill eh ClXXoVS TtVGLS \ XXVIII. N>) tli\ €(pr} 6 Ttofipvas, Kal els aXXovs ye' ctXXa tovs fuev aadevovvTas ola vflpiEet ti bel Xeyetv ; evos be avbpos noXv bvvctTioTepov rj eyw vibv, Ka\ eKeivov eralpov ovtci totrnep tov epbv 9 trv/LnrivovTa Trap' 1 eavToJ avXXafiibv i^eTe/mev, / vaWaK)) civtov €7rr]V€(7ev clvtov ws koXos e'er) Kal e/naKapiee Trjv fxeXXovcav ui/rw yvvalKa eaecrQai, ws & ahros vvv Xeyei, on eireipavev avrou tyjv TraXXaKiba. Kal vvv gvtos evvov^os fxev tern, tt\v 6' apyj\v eyei y eitel 6 TraTrjp avTOv eTeXevTY]rj*' el be Oappuuai, Kal bijXoi rjfilv, rjiui, ecrovTat, XXXII. fit) ovv bputVTes juev i)jjlus 9 d\V olo- /uevoi atyavels el vat bta to oj3e7adaL etceipovs, &a' i]jjlu)V 9 7toXXovs S' ert rpav/iara €7nbebe/jevovs a biro twv iijj.eT^pojv eXa/3ov 9 7ravTns §' eri fJL€jLiV7)fAe- rovs rrjs fuev Tovbe tov GTpaTevjjtaTOs T6Xfirjs 9 rrjs be avr&v (fvyfjs re ical lv/j(f)opas, XXXIII. ev §' 'IcrQi, id Tiofipva, Jm Kal tovt elbrjs, ■ol ttoXXoi avOpwiroi, bray juev dappiocnv, avvn-OGTarov to typbvi)\±a 7rape\oi'Tai 9 OTav be beiawaiv, oaio av nXetovs iom 9 togovto) fxeiCio Ka\ eKneirXrjyfJLevov fjaXXov tov tyoflovW KeKTrjvrai. XXXIV. e/c iroXX&v fjev yap Kal KaKujv Xoyiov rjv^rjjuevos avTols 7rapeariv 9 etc iroXXtov be. Kal 7rovr]pwv yjsr\tiaTit)V 9 etc noXXtiv be Kal bvaQvfxutv re Kal e^e(TTi)KOTU)V Trpoaioitiov i)QpotGTaC &a& virb tov /ueyedovs ov pq.- biov avTov eGTiv ovre Xoyots Karao-/3e<7cu ovtc trpoaayovTa noXefxiois fxevos efjtfiaXelv ovre anaynyovTa avaOpexpai to (ppovrj/ua, aX\' oato av fidXXov avrols dappelv TrapaKeXevrj, togovtg) ev betvoTepots rjyoiivTfti eivai, XXXV. eKelvo /uevrot vri A/a, e(j>t] 9 GKeip&fieda aKpiptCbs oirws eyei, el f.iev yap to awo Tovbe at vlKai eoovTai ev toIs noXe/JtiKols epyois biroTepoi av nXeiova byXov airapiQ^i](T(jjatv 9 opdws Kal gv (pofirj nepl rjfjiwv Kal f]jj.e7s rw ovtl ev beivols ev/uev el fxevroi uiGirep irpoaBev hta tovs ev fxa^o/uevovs ert Kal vvv al fid^ai Kpi- '\9.iK7T€ir\r}yiJL€VovThv6fios. vv^oX-fjirrovs vocant, Latini lymphu- Seneca Epist. 13. ' Nullj tarn perni- tos appellant.' > LIBER V. CAP. III. 153 vovrai, Oappwv ovbev av GcpaXelrjs' 7ro\if yap ovv toIs Oeols irXelo- vas cvp>)(T€ts Trap 1 iifiiv tovs OeXovras nayeaOai 1} nap 1 eKetvois. XXXVI. us be en jauXXov dappfjs, Kal robe Karavorirrov' 01 /itv yap 7roX€jjtoi noXv fiev eXaTTOves elai vvv Jj rcplv yTTiiOrjvai v(j> fm&v, noXv b' eXaTToves 1) ore cnrebpaaav ijfjas' ?//ie7s be Kal fj.ei- ioves vvv >*/ irpivy eirel veviK^Kajiev, Kal Icyyporepoi, enel evrvyj]Ka- fjev' %al irXeloies be, eirti v/Jiels ///m' irpoaeyeveaOe' ui] yap en arifiace fxiibe tovs govs, enel ovv iifxiv eial' ovv yap rots vikukti, Gaif? 'iadi, lj riM)(3pva, Oappovrres Kal 01 cucoXovdot ewovrat, XXXVII. /J)) Xavdaveru) be ae fAr)be tovto, e T0 * JS ^ biXXovs Imrels 6\(prJK€ KaraOelv, Kal e/ce- Xevae tovs nev oirXa eyovras xaraKaiveiv, tovs 6' ciXXovs Ka\ trpo- ftara 00a av Xafiucri npos avrbv ciyeiv, eKeXevcre be Kal rovs TJepaas avyKaraOelv* Kal i)kov ttoXXoI fjiev avrCJv KaTaKeKvXifffJteroi atrb t&v (7T7TWI', ttoXXoI be Kal Xeiav 7rXeiaTr]v ayovres. II. ws be 7raprjv 7) Xeia, avyKaXeeas tovs re tujv Mrjbajv apyovras Kal tiov 'YpKaviwv Kal tovs ofJLO-ifjLOvs eXe^ev wbe. "A.vbpes (piXoi, e^evicev ^fias airav- Tas ttoXXoIs ayadols Vw/opvas, el ovv 9 ecpri, rols Oeols e^eXovres ret vo}Xi£6fieva teal rrj crrpartq. tci licava tjiv aXXrjv tovtu) bolrifiev Xetav, dpa av, er), bonel u r&fipvas TTTuyovs rivas vo/jiiieiv //jitas, on ov bapeik&v /.icotoi to Suidas, the former is applied to one illustrious action, the latter to several. But perhaps the subtilty of distinction belongs not to the passage before us ; so that iiraivelu may be merely * to ap- prove the opinion of Cyrus/ 'not to reject it;' and £yKfjLiov, rb, is an adj. used sub- stantively by an ellipse of eiros. But it will be proper to quote the words of Aristotle, as the subject is of impor- tance : — Rhet. I, 9. p. 49. "Eoti 5* enaipos, \6yos £m elbevai* woXXa yap b)) eywye KciKetvos ewappr^aiaoafxeQa wpos aXXyXovs. IX. 'Onore toivvv no\ boKel KaXios eyeiv, wpos uvtov WpOGldC KCll WpiOTOV fJeV OVTCO WOl€l OWb)S CLP CllfTOt 6,Tl CLV Xeyrj elbrJTe' eweibav be avyyevrj ai/rw, eav yvu>s avTov (piXov fj/uLtov /3ou- Xdjuevov eivai, tovto bel }XY)yavaodai owtos Xady iXovs tls wonjaeiev aXXtos wios wXeito ayada kv woXejjy ij TroXefjLios boKwv eivai ovt av e^dpovs wXeito tls fiXaipetev aXXios wios >/ (plXos boKtov eivai, X. Kal ftr/v, e(prj 6 Twjjpvas, olb* on xav irpiaiTO TabaTas to fjieya tl 7roifjcrai KaKov tov vvv (iaaiXea 'Affffv- pituV aXX' 6,ti av bvvatTO, tovto bet Kal fjfjias oKoweiv. XI. Aeye br] fAOi, epovpiov to wpb ttjs yu)pas t 6 (pare 'Yp- Kaviois T€ Kal ^LaKats ewiTeTetyjiodai Trjbe Ty X^P a ^po/SoXoy eivai tov woXe/uov, dp 1 av, e^rj, oiei vtto tov tppovpap^ov wapedrjvai tov evvovyov eXQovra aw bvvafiei ; 2a^o)s ye, etprj 6 Tiofipvas, eiwep civvwowtos wv loawep vvv eanv aiKOiTO wpos avTov, XII. Ovkovv, £rj 6 K.vpos, el ye awa£ elaeXdoi, buvatT av rjfjuv vwoxeiptov woifjaai to ^wjo/oi^ ; XIV. RIkos yovv, e(prj 6 Fa>- fipvas, tci fiev evbov eKeivov GVfiwapaGKevaSovTos , rh b* e^toOev nov ivyypoTepa wpoaayovTOS* "I61 ovv, e fj/uiov elXrjty&s. XV. 'Eft* tovtov vyeTO fjiev 6 Tiofipvas' avfjievos be Ibtov aifTOV 6 evvGvyps crvviofjoXoyei Te wdi'Ta Kal cvvedeTO a ebei, ewel be aniiy- yeiXe^ 6 TiojSpvas on waiTa boKoir) laxvptos tu> evvov^^ eyeiv to. LIBER V. CAP. III. 157 €7rc0Ta\erra, ck tovtov rrj varepaia irpoaejiaXe fiev 6 Kupos, ane- fia^ero be 6 Tabaras. XVI. 7)V he Kat o eXa/3e ^bjpiov 6 Kvpos oirolov erj 6 Tabaras, tljv be ayyeXwv ods e7r€fi\pev 6 Kvpos Ttpoet- vrojy ol iropevooiVTO, tovs fiev e'iaaev 6 Tabards biaevyetv t ottojs ayotev tci aTparevfxaTa Kal ras KXlptaKas KOfxiS,otev* ovs b* eXafie, (5aaavi$u>v -evavriov 7ro\\aiv, ws xixovaev elXtov tovto to y^ojplov to~is evdabe avfifia^ots /cara- Xeinojv' gov b\ ecprj, w FaSara, 6 'Aaavpios 7raibas fiev, ws eoiKe, to noieladai atyeiXeTO, ov fievrot to ye (pLXovs bvvaadat Krdadat aire- aTep-qaev* aXX' ev 'iadt on r)fxas rw epyw tovto) tyiXovs 7re7rolrjaaL oi aot, eav bvvbjjueda, 7xetpaa6fieQa fir) \eipoves floridol 7rapaaTfjvat rj ei 7r albas r) €Kyovovs 22 €K€KTt]ao. XX. 6 fiev ravT eXeyev. ev be tovto) 6 'Yptcavios apTt yadrjfi€vos to yeyevrjfievov irpoadei rw Kvp

i> rrjv be^iav avrov elirev, 'fi fieya ayadov av toIs (j>iXois Kvpe, ws 7roXXr'iv jne toIs deols noiels yapiv otyeiXeiv on aoi fie avvffyayov. XXI. *'\di vvv 9 €(prjv 6 Kvpos, koi Xa/Swv to ^ojplov ovyrep £V€kcl fie ao7ra£r) biaridei aWb ovrios ojs av to> vfj,erepa> ^vXoj nXeiaTOV ci£iov y Kal toIs dXXois avfifiaypis fjiaXiara b\ e^ri, Taba- tq: tovt(D, os Yffxiv a\)TO Xaficov TTapabibojai. XXII. Tf ovv, €$7] 6 f YpKavios 9 e7reibav Kabovaioi eXdutai Kal ?LaKai Kal ol efxol 7roX7rcu, KaXeaojfxev Kal tovtov, Iva koivtj avjjfiov- Xevawfixeda navres oaots 7rpoarjKet irws av av/jKf)Opu)TaTa ^pojfxeda 21. tcccs] I. e. "Interim, usque cannot be right, if the distinction be- dum, usque, donee Cyrus cum exercitu tween sicyovos and iyyovos is true, accessisset, as Anab. 5,4, 8. It is an which is made by Thom. M. 849. and Attic term, (see Moeris,) of which Etym. M. (seeDorv. ad Char. 327. ed. Plato is very fond, (Ruhnk. ad Timaei Lips.) who contend that the former is Lex.)" Fischer. said deliberis, the latter de nepotibus." 22. iirySuovsl " 1 ^ e ™**g* Vill. Poppo. has £yy6vovs. The common reading Xen. Cyrop, O 158 CYROP^DIA. t$ ; XXIII. ravTa fikv ovrto avvrjvearev 6 Kvpos* eirei be avvrjXBov ols ejjteXe wept tov TreXrao-rcu els bvafivpiovs Kal linre!s els re- rpaKiff^iXlovs, ILaKcjv be TofcoTat els /uvpiovs kcu *7T7roro£orai 23 els bifj^lXiovs* Kal 'Ypicavioi be neclovs re ottogovs ebvvavro 7rpo(je^e- 7T€fA\pav Kal lintels e^enXrjpuxray els bia^tXiovs' to yap TtpooBev KaraXeXeifjfjievot i\aav nXeiovs oikoi avrols limels, on Kal ol Kabovcrtoi Kal ol 2ami rols 'Aaovpiois 7roXefiioi i\oav. XXV. oaov be yjpovov eKadeiero 6 Kvpos a/dpta 7roXXol fiev aitr\yov iirnovs, 7roXXol be airetyepov onXa, (j)oj3ovfievoi rjbrj Travras tovs Trpooyh- povs. XXVI. 'Efc be tovtov 7rpoaep\erat rw Kvpu) 6 Tabaras Kal Xiyei on rjKOvaiv avrS clyyeXoi ojs 6 'Aaavpios eirel 7tv6oito to. wept tov (ppovplov, j^aXewats re eveyKOt Kal avaKevaioiro ws e/jfiaXutv els T))v amov yuipav, eav ovv d(j)rjs fie, ca Kvpe, ra rei^rj ay iretpa- Oetrjv btaawaaiy twv b 1 aXXu>v fielwv Xoyos. XXVII. Kal 6 Kvpos elnev, 'Ear ovv 9 irjs vvv, 7roVe eay o'lkoi ; Kal 6 Yabaras elnev, Eis Tplrrjy 241 benrvrjcrb) ev rfj fjfierepo:. 'H Kal tov % Aaovpiov, e(prf, diet eKel {]brj KaraXy^eadai. ; Ev fiev ovv, ecprj, olba* airevaei yap ews en TTpocru) boK€ls cnrelvai. XXVIII. 'Eyw b% etyt] 6 Kvpos, 7ro- otoTios av t<£) GTpaTevfxaTi eKelae cKptKoijjLrjv ; npos tovto bfj 6 Tabaras XeyeC HoXi) tfbrj, tb beairoTa, e^eis to (TTpaTevfia Kal ovk av bvvaio jxelov r) ev e£ r) e7rra yfiepais eXOelv wpbs tt\v ejxrjv diKrjcriv, 2v fiev toivvv, e nfiiopeladat avrov (iovXofxevos, on boKel air avrov jxeya fieflXcupdat' aaa be tews kcik€~ivo evvoelrat ws el 01 fjiev- 5 npos iffjias a(j>tardfjLevot /urjbev vn eKeivov KaKov rretaovrat, ot be avv eKeivio bvres vfi f)jjiwv airoXovvrai, on ra\a ovbeva ehos aw avrJ (oovXijaeadat elvat, XXXI. vvv ovv, to dvbpes, na\6v n av fiot boKovjxev iroifjaat, el irpoQvjuos Yabarq. (5or)dr}aatixev avbpl evepyerrj' Kal aaa bUaia iroio7fxev av %aptv airobtbovres* a\\a firfv Kal £vfis eya> bok'io, irpa^aifxev rjfuv avroTs. XXXII. et yap Tract tyaivolfieda roifs fxev KaKws irotovvras vtKqv iteipwfxevot kqk&s 7rowvvres, rovs b' evepyerovvras ayadols v7rep(3aXX6fjtevoi, €ikos €K tujv roiovrwv 7Tfe)s b' qv avrt(iXe\pat ns fjfitov bvvairo Tabaroi, el ?/rrwue0a avrov €V 7TOIOVVTOS TOGOVTOL OVT€S €VOS CtvbpOS Kal T0VT0V 0VTIO biaK€l/Jl£- vov ; 26 6 fiev ovtws elrrev* XXXIV. ol be iravres ta^vpws aw- enyvovv ravra iroielv. "Ayere roivvv, fcpT], enel Kal vjxlv awboKel ravra, eirl fjtev rols VTToSvyiois Kal oyfipaat KaraX'tiriojiev eKaarot rovs fier avrwv cVi- rrjbetOTarovs nopeveadat, XXXV. Tw/Spvas b* fifiiv apyertt) av- twv Kal iiyeiadio avrols* /cat yap 6bu>v efineipos Kal rdXXa iKavos* 7]/iels b\ e(j>rj, Kal Ittttols rols bwanoraTOts Kal avbpaai Tropevtifxeda 25. w$ el oi i*kv~\ " After the in- 26. roll tovtov ovtco Sm/cezjueVou] terposition of some clauses of a sen- I. e. " * Praesertim cum sit hoc in re- tence, the particle, which has not yet rum statu/ For the question here is been attached to its verb, is often not about the merits of Gadatas, which either itself repeated, (as /z-^, Anab. 3, are set forth by the words cvttoiovvtos, 2, 25. and el, 3, 2, 35.) or exchanged, but about his condition, because he with another of the same signification, alone, destitute of aid, was compelled Thus we have here &s 5rt, which is to defend his country against the forces also found de Vectig. 5,1. Hist. Gr. of the Assyrian." Zeune. li Weiske 6, 4, 37. 5, 13. etc. as Zeune remarks, angorem Gadatee ob Assyriorum in- Hence also Demosth. 01. 1. p. 16. cursionem memorat. Mini Cyrus, pro- Reiske, Et jU7j5e — ob ToA/^ 5' av KOvtyoTepov avffKeva- awpeda Kal evTcXearepov, togovt7ro) 7raPTas* r/ be Ta£is eKaarrj e eiprj, KeXevio rovs QiopaKOtpopovs rfyeladai on tovto (iapv- rarov earl tov crtpaTevfJiaTOs. tov be fiapvrarov fiyovpepov, avayKrj pablojs €7T€(Tdai iravra ra Qclttov lovta* orav be to tci^igtop fjyrJTai kv pvktI, ovbev eon r3av/iaoro> kul biaairaoQai ra arpareifjiaTa* to yap TtpOTax&ep anobibpacTKei* XXXVIII, enl be tovtois, ecjirf, 'Aprafiaios tovs Tlepa&p neXraaTas Kal Tolpras ayeruf enl be tov- tois 'Apbafjivas 6 M.fjbos to Mfjbujp rieiiKov enl be tovtois *E/i/3as to 'Apfjiepiojp ne$iKOP' eirl be tovtois 'Aprovftas 'YpKapiovs* enl be tovtois Qajxfipabas to 2aica)j/ neSiKOP' em be tovtois Aa/idras KaSovcr/ovs, XXXIX, ayoPTU)P be Kal ovtoi napres ep neTwira fxep tovs Tafyapyovs eypPTes, hefyovs be tovs 7fe\ra<7rds, apiorepovs be rovs ro^oTOis tov iavfwp nXaialou' 27 ovtp onus 6aXjJiwv eKacrra Kal aloQavea- 6ai Kal irpaTTeoQaC Kal to Tapa)(Oi]vai be ev Trj vvkti noXv fxei^ov €vXaKrj aypvrrvia 7roXX>) ovaa Xvfj.aivT)Tai ev Trj wopelq.' i]viKa 5' av &pa fj 7ropeveaQat, arj- lAavel°9 Tip KepaTi. 30 XLV. vfiels b' e^ovTes a bel cfgaoroc 7rdpeore els Tt]v enl JSaftvXwvos bbov' 6 b* bpfiiofjievos ael tw Kar ovpav napeyyvaTw errecrdai, XLV I. 'E*c tovtov brj uypVTO eir\ tcls (TKrjvas Kal d/ja awiovTes bteXeyovro npbs aXXi)Xovs ws ^xvqfxoviKws 6 Kvpos OTrouois avveTaTTe iraaiv SvofiaSwv erereWero. XLVII. 6 be Kvpos eTrijjieXeLa tovto ewoiec Travv yap avrw ebcKei davfiaarbv elvai el 01 fxev (3avav€iv iutell. e superioribus XPV '• * s ig~ &c. ; 2. artificers and mechanics of num. profectionis dandum est,' vel any kind. Plato Symp. 23. 'O 5e #A- 'significandum est/ ut vertit Phil., Ao ri (To avrov riyefiovcov 66 tcl ovojiara, ots avayKYf eoriv avrco dpyavois ypr\adai Kal orav KaraXafieiv tl fiovXrjraL Kal orav tpvXa- £ac Kal orav Oappvvai Kal orav tpo(5r\crac Kal rifjfjffat be oirore Tivic fiovXoiTO, 7rp€7TOV aVTCO itoK€t elvctl OVOjJLCHTTl 7T pO (T ay Op€V€ IV.™ XL VIII. eboKovv ft avrco oi yiyvwctKeodai boKovvTes biro tov dp- Xpvros Kal tov KaXov tl ttolovvtcs opaodai iiaXXov opeyeadai Kal tov alay^pov ti iroielv fiaXXov irpodvLieladaL aire^eadaL. XLIX. rfKi* Oiov be Kal tovt eboKei elvai avrcp to oirore fiovXoiro ti 7rpa^0^va£, ovrto irpoaTaTTeiv cocnrep ev oikco eviot becnroraL irpooTarrovaLV, "Irai Tts e)] €V TCO TTpOtfdeV TOV GTpaT€VfiaTOS €^y€L Xaficov tovs ajjLcf avrov vTrrjperas' fipayec be yoovco varepov Xpu- advras Traprjv dycov tovs diopaKO6povs* LIU. tovtco /jcv ovv 6 Kupos bovs tovs yyeixovas rrjs bbov nopeveoQaL eKeXevev fjfjv^ws ecos ayyeXos cXOol* ov yap tflo ev obco iravTes i\aav* avTOS be eaTr\KLos ev Trj obco tov p.ev irpoaiovTa TrpovwefXTreTO ev ra^et, en\ be tov uore- piSovTa eire/jnre KaXcov, LIV. enel be ttclvtcs ev obco iyaav^ irpbs jxev XpvvavTav i7nreas e7refi\pev epovvras on ev obco r/Siy Travres* dye ovv rib-q Bqlttov* LV. avTOS be irapeXavrcov tov 'iTtirov els to TtpooQev i}Gvyps ^ KaTededro tlxs ra£eis* Kal ovs [iev 'iboL evTaKTtos 33. rcov txp* avrov 7)y*ix6vopu)juerov5 vno Xpi/adira Kal etpopwrras avrop, ws vjtci- KovffTOvPTes 36 Kal ti irws aXXws bvpatPTO aladapeodai crrjfxaipoier rw XpvcraPTo: o\ti Kaipds boKoir) tipaC apyup be Kal enl tovtois i)p os /tat tovtovs eKoa/Jiet Kal to pep a^top Xoyov earjfxaire, to be firj ovk rjp&'xXei Xeyiov. LVI I. t))p fxep bij rvKra ovrws eiropevopTO* eirel be fipepa eyipero, tovs fxep tujp Kabovauop Imreas, on avTuJv Kal 01 ire$ol eayaTOt enopevopTO, 7rapa tovtois KaTeXmep, u>s jj,r)b' ovrot \ptXol i7nreii)P 'iotev' tovs 5' dXXovs els to npoodep TrapeXav- veiv CKeXevvep, on Kal oi 7roXetuLOi ep 7w TtpooOev f}oap> owojs e't re Ti irov epaPTio'tTO ai/rw, anapT^r] e-^iop ty\p layyp ep ra£et Kal IxaypiTO, et re ti nov (pevyop otydeir}, ws e£ eroijJiOTaTOv btwkoi. LVIII. rftrap be avnjj ael TeTaypeiot ovs re bi&Keiv heot Kal ovs irap* avT(3 jnepetp* izaaap be ty\v tcl^ip XvOrjpat ovbenoTe eta. LIX. Kvpos pep brj ovtws -fjye to arpaTevjJia' ov jneiTOt avros ye fAi(£ \wpo: exprJTO, dXX' aXXore aXXa-^fj TtepieXavp&p etpewpa re Kal enefj.eXel.TO et tov beotPTO, ol fxep brj afxcpl Kvpov ovrws ewopevopTO, adverbially, see Matth. Gr. Gr. p. 621. listening secretly,' ' to collect (or note Buttm. s. 109, 3, n. 2." Poppo. down) privately the conversation of 36. wTaKov(TTovPTes~] " Guelf. Par. others.' It is applied to spies or in- rnarg. Vill. viraKovarovvras or vttcikov- formers, who are called ' the ears of a crrovvTes, ' which verb neither occurs king.' J. Poll. 2, 84. BamXecos S>ra y — elsewhere, nor seems to be the right airb Se tovtwp to wt aKovvTsiv ttsitoIti^ word here, though pr)Kovo~T€(o and cikou- tcli. Hesych. 'ClTaKovare?' irepiepycas (maw are found in ancient writers/" clkovgi. Suid. 'fLTa/covo-relr, yeuiKr}* Schneider. " 'Yircucovo-TovPTes has re- Ta Kpvfyia fiavOdveiv ideAeiv did tipcop : suited either from the negligence of Thom. M. has the same words, but the transcribers, or from a marginal without id&eir. Cyrop. 8, 2, 7. Cy- gloss. Hesych. 'A/covo-r^a-as* dtddi-as. rus iroWovs iiroirjo'eu avQp&irovs Kal But wtolkovgt€lv corresponds to the uTaKovareTv Kal KaToirrei/eij/, ri av 07- Latin auscultare, Gl. vet. It is ap- y*l\aPT€s ox^eA^o-etaz/ j3ao-iAsa. It is plied to those, who either commission also applied to foot-soldiers sent in ad- others to use their endeavours to ob- vance, 5, 3, 21. 'Hs wTaKova-Tovprss tain some information, or use their o"r\jxa'ivoi^v t<£ Xpvffdvra ft ti Kaipbs So- own endeavours to obtain it." Fischer. Koir) tlpcu," Sturz's Lex, Xen. " 'ClraKovo-Tetp, 'to catch rumors by 164 CYROPiEDIA. CAP. IV. I. 'E/c be tov TaSara Ittttikov twv bvvarwv tis avbputv end ewpa avrov atyearrjKOTa and tov 'Aaavptov, evojxiaev on et n ovros wadot, avros av Xafielv rrapa tov 'Aaavpiov 7rdvra to. TaSara' ovtw brj 7refjL7ret rtva rwv eavrov rnarwv irpbs roy 'Aaavpiov /cat iceXevei tov lovra, el Kara\dj3oi tfbr) ev rrj TaSara x&po: to 9 Aaav" piov aTpa.Tevfj.ay Xeyeiv tu 'Aaavp(a) otl el fiovXoiro evebpevaai f Xafielv av Tabdrav /cat tovs avv avT(j>. II. brfKovv he evereXXero oarjv re cly^ev 6 Yabdras bvvafitv /cat on Kvoos ov avvelweTO avrto' Ka\ ti)v bbov ebyjXtjaev r) npoaievai /ueWot. TrpoceTreoretXe be toIs avrov olKerais, ws marevoiro fiaXXov, /cat to rel^os o ervyxavev avros e^wv ev Trj TaSara y&pa napahovvai rw 'Aaavpio) ical tvl evovra* rj^eiv be Kat avros e(paaKev, el fxev bviaiTO, dnoKrelvas Ta- bdrav, el be /-u), 6)S avv to) 'Aaavpitp to Xotwbv eadfjevos. III. eirel be 6 enl ravra ray^Oeh eXavvoJV ws bvvarbv r)v rd^tora afpiKvelrat rrpbs tov 'Aaavpiov /cat ebrjXwaev ecp 9 a iJkoi, ctKOvaas eKelvos to re ywpiov evdvs vapeXafie /cat 7roXXr)v Ilttttov eyuv Kat ap/jtara evr)- bpevev ev Kwfxats adpoais, IV. 6 be FaSaras cos eyyvs r)v rovrtov twv Kuffitov, irefxirei rivets TTpobtepevvrjaofievovs. 6 be 'Aaavpios ibs eyvto irpoatovras tovs biepevvrjTas, tpevyetv KeXevei apptara k^ara- aravra bvo r) Tpla zeal 'Imrovs oXlyovs, ws bt) o(iriQevras /cat oXtyovs ovras. oi be irpobtepevvr)ra\ cos elbov ravra, avrol re eblcoKov /cat tQ Tabdrq. Kareaetov' /cat os efan any dels biuJKei dva Kpctros, oi be 'Aaavpiot, ws eboKei aXioatfios el vat 6 TaSaras, dvlaravrai e/c rfjs evebpas. V. Kat oi juev a.jx(fi Vabarav Ibovres tiatrep elicds etyevyov, oi S' av &o7rep elicds ebiojicov. teal ev tovtm 6 eirifiovXevtoV to) TabaTa 7ra/et avrov, /cat Kaipias fxev 7rXrjyfjs 37 a/japTavei, Tvirret be avrov els tov (Sfj.ov /cat TtTpioaKei. 7rotf)aas be tovto e£t- ararai ews avv rols bubtcovaiv eyevero* ene\ b' eyv&adr] os i\v> ojjlov br) avv rots 'Aaauplois wpodv/jLios eKrelvwv tov irnrov avv tw jiaaiXel ebiwfcev. VI. evravOa br) iiKiaKovro fxev bfj\ov otl oi (Jpabvrdrovs 37. Katpias fxev irXTjyrjs] I.e. Amor- Kalpiov rpavfia, (Lucian 2, 459.) /cen- tal blow, ictus letalis. Letale vulnus, pia irX^yk), cXkos, u>t€i\}j, ovArj. Leo- Sueton. Cass. 82. ; KpoTav Ta^lanav* i]brj be jiaXa iravTes 7rie£d- /jeioi bia to Kararerpvadat 38 vno rrjs nopeias ol tov Tabara Imrels KadopuKTi tov Kvpov TrpooiovTa ovv rw oTparev/jtaTL' boKelv be ypi] aajxevuis Kal }fbei»)s 3Q ujfnrep els XifJieva eK yet^xwvos npocrQepeodai avrovs. VII. 6 be Kvpos to fjiev nputrov eQavfiaoev, &s b' eyi'w to vpayfta, core fxev navTes [ev^\avTLOi 40 riXavvov, evavrios Kal avTos ev ra^ei ?)ye t))v orpaTiav' ws be yvovres ol noXe/juoi to ov eVpci- nrjoav els vyi)v, evravda b>) 6 Kvpos biwKeiv eiceXevoe tovs npos tovto T€TayfA€iovs, clvtos be ovv toIs aXXois e'iireTO ws yero ovfupe- peiv, VIII. evravda bij Kal ap/btara yjX(oK€TO, eVta juev Kal e\*7ri7r- tovtojv twv rfvt6\djv 9 tHjv fiev ev Trj avaorpotyrj , tujv be Kal aXXws, eVia be Kal nepirefivofieva vno tCjv lnneo)v fjXloKero, Kal anoKrei- vovoi be a\Xovs re noXXovs Kal tov naioavra tov VabciTav, IX. twv fievTot irecuv 'Aoovpiuv ot ervypp to Tabara ywpiov noXtopKovvres ol fJL&v els to Tel^os Kare^evyov to and TaSdra anoorav, ol be ipdaoavres els noXiv Tiva tov 'Aoovpiov /jteyaXr)v i evOa Kal avTos ovv toIs 'innois Kal toIs apfxaoi Kare 6 TaSaras embebejievos flbrj to Tpavfxa anavTq. Ibibv be avrbv 6 Kvpos ijoOrj re Kal elnev, 'Ey& be npos ae rja eniOKexpo/aevos nuts e^eis. XI. 'Eyw be y\ ecprj 6 Fabaras, val /JiU tovs Beovs ae enavadeaoofxevos ya birolos tls (j>aivrj ibelv 6 TOiavrrjv ypv^rjv e^iov^ ogtis ovt olba lywye o,ti vvv e^xov beofievos ovre firjv VTroa^ofxevos ye fiot Tavra irpa^eiv ovre ev ire7rovdfos V7r* ejxov e'/s ye to 'ibwv ovb' otwvv, a\\' on tovs (plXovs ebo£a ooi n dvf\(rai 9 ovtoj fjtm irpodvjXb)S efiorjdrivas ws vvv to fxev en efiol o % i^o m 38. KOLTwrcrpvaBai] Plato de LL. Phaedon. 38, 20. Gl. vet. : 'Acrfiwcos* has so used the simple verb, TeTpv(i4- Jucunde. 'HSews' Libenter, Jucunde.' vos f)\l, and others also employ it : See Hesych." Fischer. On the De- see Steph. Thes. b. v. mosthenic practice of uniting two syno- 39. aa/jicvctis Kal ^8e&>s] '* The Cod. nyms to add energy to the meaning, Alt. omits 7)84oos, but the other Mss. see a long note in my edition of De« retain it; and two words of the same mosth. p. 3. signification are usually united, that the 40. avrioi] ll It is an Homeric word, importance of the thing signified may which the poet often uses with verbs be the more apparent, ' maxima cum as an adverb, II. A. 535. A. 216. and voluptate, summo cum studio.' 'Ao*- in this usage Xen. imitates him here ? pivots 19 equivalent to ^SeW : see ad and in otlier parts of the Cyrop, 166 CYROP^DIA. /jiai, to §' enl vol (T€(Tii)(T/xai. XII. ov fiu tovs deovs, u> Kvpe, €1 l\v olos ecpvv e£ apyfjs Kal e7raibo7rotrjaa/jir}v f ovk olb* av el eKTrivafirjv 7TOiba TOiOVTOV 7T€pl EfJLf/ €7T€l CiXXoVS T€ olba nalbciS Ktt\ TOVTOV TOV vvv ^Aaavpiujr fiaaiXea noXv nXelu) tfbrj Toy eavrov narepa avia- aavra r\ ae vvv bvvarai avitjiv. Kal 6 Kvpos npos Tavra elnev wbe. XIII. *il Vabdra, i) iroXv fielSov 7rape\s Qavfia e/Jie vvv Oav/jaSets. Kal ti brj tovt early ; e, e(j)rj 9 Tlepawv ecTTTOvbaaav 7repl ce, togovtoi b& Mfjbo)v, togovtoi be 'YpKa* viwVy irai'Tes be ol 7rap6i'Tes ^Apfxeviuyv Kal TLukQv Kal Kabovaiiov. XIV. Kal 6 Tabaras enev^aTO, 'AW, tb Zev, e0ty, Kal tovtois 7roXXa ayada bdlev ol Oeol Kal nXelaTa to! atria) tov Kal tovtovs toiovtovs elvat. oirws fxevroi ovs eiraivels tovtovs, d> Kvpe, Kal ZevicHojiev KaXws, beyov rdSe ^evia ola eyw bvva/jtai, ajxa be itpoa- fjye 7rd/x7roX\a, & pos be ws yadero to yeyovos, awrjvTa re to~is Kabovaiois Kal ovtivu v 41. ire'lrQirjiiivwv'] M That is, by the refuge is at the same time involved courage of the troops; but (TvyLfiavToaVy the notion of abiding; See Lob. ad by the kindness of the gods." Zeune. Phryn. 43. Hence Karanecpexryevai is '* Verba ra KaA&s 7re7roi77/ieVa, (Lond. so often joined with £v. See de Thuc. ireirovriiJLeva,) eo pertinent, quod exer- Hist. Jud. 178." Poppo. citus profectus erat in regionem Ga- 43. iado^ovro] This is to be taken datae contra Assyiios ; sed verba rh. in a pregnant sense, involving the naXojs GVfxfSavTa spectant eo, quod notions of escape and safety ; ■ they Assyrii coacti fuerant, sublata castelli made good their retreat.' " They ar- Gadatae obsidione, fugere." Fischer. lived safe, Isocr. Evag. 6. Hwdels ety 42. ov KareQvye'] "Seek not to 3,6\ovs, Acts 27, 44. Gataker's Advers. change ov in ot: for in the notion of Post. 32. p. 761." Fischer, LIBER III. CAP. IV. 167 \bot reTptopevov ayaXap[javtoy tovtov pev ws Tabarav errepTrev, owvs OepcnrevotTo, tovs b* dXXovs ovyKaTeoKt'ivov Kal omos to. £ttit7]' beta e£ovoi ovv€7repeXe~iT0, TTapaXapftdvwv Tiepotuv twv opOTipcov ovveTripeXrjTds' ev yap toIs TOtouTOis ol ayadol knurove'tv edeXovot, X\ III. Kal dnujpevos pevTOi loyypiLs bfj\os i)v, ws Kai twv dXXwv beinvovvTwv i)viKa wpa ?/r, Kvpos en ovv toIs V7rrjperais Kal roTs iarpols ovbeva eKwv uTrjpeXrjTOv ~apeXenrev y d\V ij avTOUTrjs e0e- wpa, 7/ el pi) avros e?avvTOi, izepixwy (pavepos i)v tovs Oepanev- COVTCLS. XIX. Kcu Tore pev ovtws eKOipi]Qr\oa\\ apa be rjj i)pepa ^pv^as ovvtevai twv pev dXXwv tovs dpyov-as, tovs be Kabovolovs vlkoiv- tus, e\e£e roidbe' " Avbpestyppayoi, av0pw7rtvov to yeyevrjpevov dados' to yap dpap- rayeiy dvQpwTrov bvTas ovbev, olpai, davpaoTov. a£ioi ye pevTOi eopev rev yeyevqpevov 7rpa.yp.aT0s tovtov duoXavoai tl dyadov, to paOelv pi'j-OTe btao7:a.v arrb tov 6\ov bvvapiv aoQeveoTepav ttjs twv TroXepiwv bvvdpews, XX. icai ov tovto, efyrj, Xeyoj ws ov be~i Trore Kal eXaTToyi en. popiw levat, ottov ay 5ei|, ?/ ivy 6 Y^abovoios wyeTO* dXX' edv tls Kotvovpevos oppaTat tw iK'arw fiorjQijoat, eoTi pev aira- TriQfjyai, eVn be rw vTropevovTi ec,a7raTi]oavTL tovs 7roXepiovs dXXooe Tpe'yai a~o twv e£eXr)Xv06TWV, eoTi be dXXa rrapey^oiTa rrpdypaTa rols TroXepiois toIs (plXois do(pdXetav Ttapeyeiv* Kal ovrw pev ovb* 6 -%wp\s wv a7:e(JTai, dXX' e^apTijoeTai Trjs loyyos' be aTreXrjXvdws pi) dvaKotvwodpevos, ottov ay 7), ovbey tl bidcpopov Trdoyei q ti povos edTpaTeveTO. XXI. &XX' civtI pev tovtov, ecpjj ) edv Oeos OeXrj, ap.vyovjj.eQa tovs TroXepiovs ovk els paKpdv, dXX' e~eibdv rd^icra dpiOTi]OT)Te t d^w vpas eyda to Tzpdypa eyeveTO' Kal apa pev Od'^opey tovs TeXevTrjaavTas, apa be bel^opey toIs noXepiots eyda KpaTriaai. ropiiovaiv evTavQa dXXovs avTtov KpetTTovs, edy Oeos OeXrj* Kal ottlos ye prjbe to \wpiov ijbews bpwviy ei da KaTeKavov ypwy tovs avppdy^ovs' edy be pi) dyTeTreliwcri, Kavaopev avTwv Tas Ktbpas Kal bytooopev Ti)y -^topay, tra pi) a i)pas errolrjcray opwyTes eixppaivtoyTai, dXXa rd eavTwv KaKa dewpevoi aviwyTai. XXII. 01 pev ovv &XX01, e(f>r], dpiOTaTe loyres' vpels he 3 / rwv rtpbs eiie linear yikotwv' eyfo he TroXXrjv civ goi %wpav ewrjv evepybv elVae. els be rrjv tov Kaprrov KOLttbyjv, eav juev 7ro\e/*os r), 6 eniKparwv, olfxai, Kapirwoerai, eav he, elpr)vr], br)Xov, e(j>rj, on av, eav fjievroi ris rj rwv e/xwv onXa avraiprjrai col rj rwv awv e/nol, tovtovs, e ireidovres tov /3a- aiXea avy^wpfjaat ravra Kal on cr/JUKporarov tov TzoXepov Xiweiv* XXVII. Kal 6 'Aaavpios jjevrot eire Kal vnb rwv ofjiotyvXojv neioOels elre Kal avrbs /3ovXrjdels avvyveve ravra' Kal eyevovro orvvdfjKai rols fiev epyaSo/jtevois elpijvrrv elvai, rots be 6nXo(f>6pots ttoXcliov. XXVIII. ravra jaev brj bie7T€7rpaKro rrepl rwv epyarwv 6 Kvpos' ras Lievrot vojuas rwv kttjvwv rovs fxev eavrov tyiXovs eKeXevcre Kara- OeoOai, el (iovXoivro, ev rrj eavrwv emKparela* rrjv fxevroi rwv iroXe/jLtijjv Xeiav t)yov biroQev bvvaivro, oirws e'cq >; (rrpareia rjbiwv rols avfjifjidy^ois. ol jjtev yap Kivbvvoi ol avrol Kal avev tov Xa/i/3a- veiv ra emr^beia, y §' e.K rwv 7roXe/ulwv rpotyi] Kovorepav rrfv orpareiav tbozei 7rape"^eiv, XXIX. 'Ett€£ be irapeaKevaSiero rjbrj 6 Kvpos ws d7rtw^, 7rapfjv 6 44. irdpra kiroiovv] I. e. ' To do summo studio aliquid agunt." Fischer. every thing/ 6 to use every endeavor/ Cic. Att. 7, 3. ' Facere omnia, ne 5 to try every means.' Hoogev. ad armis decernatur.' GesnerThes. L. L. : Viger. 5, 10, 13. p. 287. " Udvra " l Omnia facere ut,' Scrib. 97. cf. Cic. iroi&v, ut Lat. omnia facere, et in lin- Fam. 16, 17." gua patria, alles thun, dicuntur qui LIBER V. CAP. IV. 169 Fabaras aXXa re bwpa 7roXXa Kal iravrola tyepuv Kal aytav ljs av e£ o'ikov fxeyaXov, Kal i7T7rovs be i)ye noXXovs a avrols, eav birj TV vo/jiiie b\ e(j>rj, Ka\ raXXa navra rafia oh eh at. ovre yap eonv ovr eorat wore oro) eyw an e/jov r)ixara ov cnrayaywv tyvXarre, eiXoi r)ixev rw 'Aoovpio); KaXXlorrj brj eboKei elvai i] tov eiiov iraTpbs ktyjois* tijs yap /neyloTT}s 7t6X€(m)S YSaflvXutvos eyyvs ovoa^ 00a fiev w^eXeloQai Iotiv and /uteyaXrjs 7r6Xeu)s 9 Tavra cnreXavofiey, 00a be evo^Xelodai, o'lKabe bevp aTTiovres rovriov €K7robwv ^fjtev* vvv b' eirel e^Qpoi eojuev, bfjXov on €7T€ibav ov cnreXdris, Kal avrol emfiovXevodfieOa Kal 6 oIkos oXos, Kal, ol/utai, Xv7rrjpws fiuuooixeQa oXios tovs e^Qpovs Kal nXrjoiov €%ov- res Kal Kpelrrovs rjfiiov avriov bpCjvres. XXXV. ray^ ovv enroi ris av, ti bfjra ov% ovtojs evevoov Tpiv anoorrjrai ; on, a> Kvpe, >V \pv)(fj jiov bia to vfipiodai Kal opyiSeodai ov to aofyaXeorarov okq- irovoa bifjyev, aXX' ael rovro Kvovoa, dpd irore eorat a7rorioaodai tov Kal Oeols e^Qpbv Kal avdpwitois, os biareXel jutoiov, ovk eav ris 45. eyyus ovoa] u It is the nomi- which can be derived from a great native absolute, so to be explained, city,' but afterwards altered the struc- that the writer first wished to subjoin, ture of the sentence. See 4, 5, 37. 6, 1 It furnished all those advantages, 3, 2." Poppo. Xen, Cyrop. P 170 CYROPjEDIA. 7i avrbv dbtKrj, aW edv Ttva viroirTevarj fieXriova eavrov etvat. XXXVI. TOtyapovv, olfxat, avrbs irovqpbs wv iraat irovrjpoTepots eavrov tyfi fiaypts \pr)aeTat. ectv b£ Tts apa Kai (3e\Tiu>v avrov (l>avrj f dappet, etyri, a) Kvpe, ovbev ae bertaet T

s dv eXrj tov eavrov (ieXriova. tov ixkvrot kfie aviqv Kat ovv Trovqptils pabiws, ol/jtat, cpeirrwv ear at. XXXVII. 'Akovoovti ravra rw Kvpw ebo^ev a£ta emfxeXeias Xeyetv, Kat ei/Ovs elne' Ti ovv, eo(3rjrat, aXXa fir) av rovrov ; o,rt be fjbv aot bpqv ruiv atov y\ ora> ovviov yaipzts, eyjwv ovv eavry iropevov, Kat av r av ejxol, &s ye eyu> botcui, navv xprioifxos e'trjs eyto T€ aoi oaa av bvvtofxat ireipdooiAat.^ XXXVIII. aKovaas ravra 6 Tabdras dverrvevoe re Kai e'nrev, ' Ap* ovv, etyri, bvva(fjir)v av ovoKevaodixevos (j>6daat irpiv ae e£tevai ; (iovXoLiat ydp rot, efrj, Kai ti)v [AYirepa ayetv tier ifxavrov. Ncu pa At", €0doeis fxevrot* eyto yap eTrtayfioto ews av tprjs KaXtos e\etv. XXXIX. ovrto b>) b Tabdras diteXQwv (pvXa£t ixev ret reiyri ovv Kvpo) tb^ypujaaro, ovveoKevdoaTO be irdvra o7r6aots av oIkos ixeyas jcaX&s otKolro. ijyero be Kat rtov eavrov twv re itiotuv ols rjbero Kai tov rjitiarei TtoXXovs, avayKaaas tovs fiev Kai yvvalms ayetv, rovs be Kai dbeXas, pao- Ttjpa Kai vbdrojv Kat %iXov Kat ahov, ws eir) ev toIs afdovtardrois oTpaTOirebeveadat. XLI. 'E7ret be Tropevofxeros KaBewpa tt)v tujv J^afivXtovtwv woXtv Ka\ ebofcv avrw i) bbbs fjv rjei irap amo to Tel^os va£aprj Ttjv bvvauiv. VI. b be Ki/a^apqs eVei eJbe ovv fjiev rw Kvpu) 7roXXovs T€ Kal kciXovs Kayadovs eiro/Jtevovs, cvv eavTtji be 6\iyt)v tf. Kal oXiyov atyav depanelav, cltiuov tl clvtu) ebo^ev elvat Kal a\os avrbv eXaj3ev, eirel be KaTafias airo tov tirnov 6 Kvpos 7rpoGi~]Xdev tXrj(TU)v avrbv Kara vbfiov, 6 Kva£apr)s Karefirf fiev airo tov "-Kirov, ctirearTpafrj be* Kal ecpiXrfffe fiev ov t baKpvwv be (pa- repbs 7jv. VII. Ik tovtov brj 6 Kvpos tovs fjev aXXovs Travras airoaruvTas eKeXevaev avairaveaQat' avrbs be Xafiouevos rrjs be£ias rov Kv(i£apov Kal awayayiov avrbv tyjs bbov e£u> bird (/>olvtKas Tivas, twv re MrjbiK&v 7riX(jJV 49 vwoflaXclv exeXevoev aurw Kal Kadicras avrbv Kal irapaKaQiaafAevos eiirev <5be* VIII. Et7re fjioi, eiprj, 7rpos twv OeQv, a) dele, tI uoi opylirj Kal ri yaXe-nbv bpwv ovrio \aXeirCjs epets\ evravda bij 6 Kva^dprjs aire- KpivaTO, "Ort, d> Kvpe, boK&v ye bt) eiKve7.Tat Kal tGjv wciXai irpoyovuv Kal iraTpbs fiavtXeios TtetyvKevai Kal avrbs (iaatXevs vo/j.t$6jj.evos elvat, euavrbv uev bpw ovtm Tairec- vuts Kal avatyios eXavvovra, ce be rrj efirj depaweta Kal ry aXXy ivvduet fieyav re Kal fieyaXo7rpeirfj iraporra. IX. Kal ravra \a- Xenbv fiev olfxat Kal vnb iroXefximv iradelv, ttoXv b\ (5 Zev, x a ^ € ° irwrepov v Tairewbs Kal tSeli' tovs e/xovs efjiov afj.eXr'iaavTas Kal eVeyyeXwiTas ep.oL ov yap ayvoG) tovto, etyrj, otl ov av /aov fxovov fietiutv el, aAXa Kal ol ejiol bovXot layypoTepOL efxov viravTiaiovai /jloi teal KaretTKevaa pivot elalv ware bvvaadat 7roti]0 , at fiaXXov epe Kax&s rj 7ra6e7v vtt* e/jiov. X. Kal afxa raura Xeywv iroXv ert /udXXov ev/oarelro biro rwv 5a- 49, Tri\(av] "TI?\os is properly a stragulum, coactile, as in this place." vocabulum generis, signifying coactile, Fischer. " Stragula, tapes, J. Poll. 7 , that is opus quodvis ex lana coacta^et- 171. and Phav. TiTXos* ov p.6vov 5e 6 iampiliscoactis, confer turn. Hence Gl. iirl twv Ks Kvaldprj, aire Xeyeis dXrjdr) ovre opdCjs ytyru)(7K€ts, el diet tyj efirj irapovaiq. ^lrjbovs KaTeaKevaoOui wore Uavovs elvai ae kcikws Tzoielv. XI. to fievTOt ae dvfiovaOai ov davfiddui* el fierroi ye biKalws rj abiKWS avrols ^aXeTra/veis, 7rap- rjcru) tovto* olba yap on jjapews av (fiepois clkovujv efiov aizoXoyov- fievov virep avTuv' to fievrot dvbpa apyovTa vraaiv dfia \aXeirai- veiv toIs apyj)fievois, tovto efiol boKet fieya dfidpTrjfia elvat. didy ktj yap bid. to ttoXXovs fiev (poftelv 7roXXovs e%dpovs 7roie7a0ai, bid be to iramv dfia )£aXe7rcuveiv traoiv avrols bfiovoiav efifidXXetv, XI I. wv eiek'a, ev \adi, eyis) ovk aireirefXTrov dvev kfiavTOv tovtovs, tyojiovfJieios fii] tl yevoiro bid T))v orfv opyrjv 6,tl 7rdvras yfids Xv- wntwt. Tavra fiev ovv aw toIs deols efiov 7rap6i'T0S d<70aXd)s e£ei trot* to fiivTOi rre vofilSeiv vir efiov dbiKeladai, tovto eyu) irarv yaXtizibs (pepw, el aaKwv oaov bvrafiai tovs (plXovs rj 9 fii) ovtojs elkrj rjfids avrovs ahiwfieda, dXX\ el bvva-or, ca^eorara KaTibojfiev nolov eon to 7rap* efiov abUrifia. Kal t))v ev (piXots biKaiOTaTrjv viroQeaiv eyu) VTrondevat* eav yap ti ae tyavw KaKOv TrewoirjKios, bfioXoyu) abiKelv* eav fievTOi fir)bev Qaii-uiftai Ka- kqv 7re7TOtrjkws firjbe fiovXr}6els, ov Kal av av OfioXoyrjaeis /urjbev vk efiov dbiKeladai ; \AXX' avayicr], efrj, XIV. 'Eav be br) hai ayaOa cot TreTTpa-^ios bfjXos (o k'at 7rpo6vfiovfievos 7rpd^at uis eyw 7rXe7ora yjbvvafirjv, ovk av kai enalvov aot a£ios eir)v fj&XXov rj fiefixpews ; Alk'aiov yovi'y ecpr], XV. "Aye toUvv, er) 6 Kvpos, o icon w fie v to. efjtOA 7re7rpayfieva iravTa Kad' ev euaGTOV ovtw yap bt) fiaXtCTTa bfj- Xov karat 6,tl re aWwi' ayadov eoTi koX o,ti KaKov. XVI..-djo£w- peQa b\ e(j>r), Ik Trjvbe Trjs apyji$ t el Kal ool apKovvrtos bokel eyetv, ov yap biinov ewe\ rj&dov iroXXovs itoXefiiovs rjdpoivfieiovs, kul tov- tovs eirl ce Kal Trjv (n)i> y&pav opfj.uifierovsj evdvs e7refi7res wpos re to Yleprrajv Koivqv (jvfjfiayovs alrovfievos kal 7rpbs ifie ibta beojuevos ireipdaQai avrbv efie eXOetv rjyovfievov, ei Tives YlepaGjv 'ioiev. ovk- ovv eyw e7rei(j9i]v re TavTa bird aov Kal wapeyevo/jrjv civbpas aywv col ws r)v bvvaTOv wXeioTOVs re Kal apiorovs ; XVII. 'HX^es yap ovv 9 e(j)ij. 'Ev TOVTftf Toivvv, e^??, 7rpwrov fioi etVe woTepov abtKiav Ttvd fxov npbs ae Kareyvios T] fidXXov evepyeaiav ; ArjXov, ecpq 6 LIBER V. CAP. V. 175 Kvnlaprjs, on etc ye tovtiov evepyeoiav. XVIII. TV yap, e^r/, ewel ot noXe/aiot fiXdov Ka\ btaywvicleoOai ebet 7rpus aWovs, ev tovto) KaTevorjoas irov fjte y ttovov airooTavTa i] tivos Ktvbvvov rJKa tovtov tov Ktibvvov, /7T7reas be rwv otov ovjiirefx^at jiot ebeofirjv oov' el yap Kat tovto ahtbv r/bUovv, ctXXtJS T€ Kat irpoTrapea^r]Kti)s kfiavTov oot ov a fjLaypv , tovt* av irapa aov, etyr], e7rttetKi'vcrd(jj, XXI. enet b' av Kat irpos tovto eoiya 6 Kuaijdp^s, 'AW el jj.r)be tovt, etftrj, (iovXet aitoKpivaodat, ov be rovvTevOev Xeye e't Tt av rjbtKovv oti gov cnroKptvafievov ejj.o\ ths ovk av fiovXoto evdvjiovfievovs opwv Mybovs tovtov iravoas avTOvs avayKaciety KtvbvvevoorTas levat, ei Tt av oot boKto tovto ^aXe7roy 7totfiaat OTt afxeXijoas tov 6pyi£eodat oot em tovtois iraXtv tjtovv oe ov rjbetv ovtc oot juelov ov bovval /jloi ovbev ovtc pyov M//6ots eiTtTa^drjiat [ovbev~\* tov yap fiovXofievov brjnov eneoOai r\Tr\od oe tuvvai pot. XXII. ovkovv tovtov Tvywv 7rapa oov ovbev yvvov et fAtf tovtovs ireioatfxt, eXOfov ovv enetOov avrovs Kal ovs erretoa tov- tovs €\(t)v e7ropev6fAT]v oov eirtTpe^avTOs, el be tovto ahtas a£tov vofxiietSy ovh* o y Tt av bibus, v enl oe eXdovTwv ; dXXa fjt)v Tu>v ye £u>vTiov eydpwv itoXXol jj,ev ottXuv eorepyvrat, ttoXXoi be 'tTnruv* yjpj)naTa ye [irjv to. twv tyepovTwy Kat ayovTwv tcl oh irpoo- Oev vvv bpq.s tovs govs (ptXovs Kat eyovTas kcu ayovras to. fiev oo\ 9 ret be av toIs vito ttjv oi)v ap^v, XXIV. to be iravTwv fieytOTOv hat KaXXtoTOV, rrjy fxev oijv ^topav av^avofjievyv opejs, Ttjv be t&v &0.' ir\eoveliav] Fischer interprets commodis obsit/ But Sturz in the it 'fraudatio, cum quis alicui auctor Lex. Xen. translates it ' studium inc- est ejus rei, quae ejus rationibus et liorem conditionem consequendi.* 176 CYROP^EDIA. iroXefjLiajr fieiovfAevrjv, Kal to. fiev twv iroXe/j.l(t)V povpia e^ofieva^ ra be aa ra irporepov els rriv Hvpwv eniKpcireiav ovyKaTaaTraadevra 51 vvv ravavrla goi TTpoGKe^top^Kora* tovtlov be el ti kcikov goi r/ ei ti firj dyaOov goi fxadelv fjev eywye fiovXeadai ovk olbu bwios av cV- 7roi/jii, tiKovaai fjtevrot ye ovbev KtoXvei. XXV. dXXa Xeye o,ri yiyvwtTKeis nepl aurwi'. 6 fiev brj Kvpos ovtws elwtov tiravGaro" b be Kva^ctpTfs eXe£e npbs ravra rabe' 'AW, u> Kvpe, tos fj.ev ravra a av 7re7roir}Kas kalverai, togovtm fxaXXov ifxe (iapvvet. XXVL rr)v re yap yjopav, epovpas Kal GTparelas eveica KeKrrjGai, rovrovs ovrio biadeirj Cjgt eKelvov jjiaXXov r) gov /3ovXeGdcu elvai, dpa av dvrl ravrrjs rrjs evepyeaias yapiv avr£ elbeirjs ; XXX. ri be, 8 fxaXiGra dvOpwiroi aGiraSov- ral re Kal depa^evovGiv olnewrara, ei ris n)v yvralKa rrjv Gt)v ovTto deparrevGeiev tovre (piXelv avrriv /aaXXov irotrjaeiev eavrbvij Ge, dpa av ae rrj evepyeoiq. ravrtj ebippdvai ; noXXov y' ov, olfiai, Kal beoi* aX\' ev olb' on navrtov av fxaXiGra abiKolrj Ge rovro iroi- 51. avyKaTounraGdevra ] " Brod. dere." Poppo. marg. Vill. and Alt. crvyKvpovura, 52. oh TrevecTepos] iC Cj'axarcs which Fischer injudiciously approves, means, if I am not mistaken, dimi- as vvyicvpeiv is not, as he himself in- nished glory and weakened authority, terprets it, ir.cidere, but the same as Schneider, from the conjecture of GvvTvryxa.vtiv t tiiat is, convenire, acci- Heindorf, reads ws 7rey." Poppo. LIBER V. CAP. V. 177 y'loas. XXXI. h>a be etTra; Kal to /jciXioto. ru> e/jy nddei tficpepes, *i tis ovs ov ijyayes Wepaas ovtoj 6epa7revoeiey ware avTip ijbiov eTreoBai 7} ool, dp 9 av (piXop uvtuv vo/ji^ois ; olfxai /J.ey ov, a\Xcc iroXe/juurepov a*' 7/ el noXXovs avriov KciTctKai>oi. XXXII. rl b\ ri ris Ttbv owv (f>iXwy (f)iXo(pp6vojs gov elirovTOS Xctfifidveiy bwooa edeXoi elr avrbs tovto aKovoas oiyoiTO Xctjjibv airavra bwooa bv- rairo, teal avrbs fiev ye toIs ools irXovTOir}, ov be yurjSe /jerplois e^ois \pfjodai, dp* dv buvato tov toiovtov iifxefAitTOV tyiXov vo/ui- £eiv ; XXXIII. vvv /uei'rot eyw, w Kvpe, el /i>) ravra a\\a ro<- avra v7ro gov boKio 7re7rovQerai. ov yap aXrjdrj Xeyeis' eiirovTOs e/mov° 3 tous edeXovras dyeiv Xafiwv $X 0V ^dodv H- 0v T *l v ^ vva V LLV > IfjLe be eprj/uov KareXines* Kal vvv a eXafies rrj e/urj bvydfxei riyeis br) fxai ku\ Ti)y e/jrjv yjwpav av^eis ovv rfj e/Jirj pwfit), eyw be boKuj ovbev oviaiTtos wi' riov dyadwv Trapeyeiv kfxavrbv wowep yvri] ev 7roie7r, Kal toIs re dXXms avOpivnois Kal Tolobe toIs e/uoTs v7rr)Koois (tv fjiev aij]p elrai, fjL€fi ovtio 7toli)gw, Tl ovy ; expr) Kvpos, 1) Kal (fnXrjou) oe ; Et ov ftovXei, eipjj, Kal ovk a7rooTpe\pet fie wairep dpTi\ Ovk aTToarpe^o/iat, etKOVTO 67TI TO arpaTOTCeboV Kat Karearrjaav tov Kvalaprjv els tijv KaTeGKevaafievrjv aKrjvrjv, ots per eKereraKTO irapeaKevaiov ra eiriTi)beia tw Kva^apy* XXXIX. ot be Mfjbot oaov yjpovov a\oXrjv irpb beinvov iiyev b Kva£aprjs rjeaav 7rpbs avror, ot jiev Ka\ avrot Kafl' eavrovs, ot be nXe'iarot vwb Kvpou eyneXevarot, bwpa ayovres, 6 /Jtev rts olvo^oov KaXbv $ b 8' d^owotbv ayaQbv, b 8' apTonoibv, b be fjtovaovpybv t ol 8' €KTru>/Jtara, ol 8' eadfjra KaXijV 7ras be rts ws ent to 7roXif ev ye Tt wv etXr^et e8w- pelTo avra)* X L. Jiore tov Kva£apr}v fjterayty vuxrtcetv ws ovre b Kvpos ct Trpoo- el^ov tov vovv rj rat TrpoaOev, XLI. 'E^el be beiTrvov &pa tfv, KaXeaas b Kva^ctprjs rjtyov tov Kvpov bta yjpovov ibovra avTov avvbetnvelv, b be Kvpos e(j>r), M>) Sj) ait KeXeve, to Kva^aprj* rj ov^ bpq.s ort ovrot ol Trnpovres vq> fjfjLwv iravres €7rr}pjj.evot irapetatv ; ovkovv KaXws ctv Trparroi/zi el TOVTiav ajLteXwv Trjv efjtrjv fjbovrjv Qepairevetv boKoirjV. ct/jieXeladat be hoKovvTes arpaTtwrat, ol fxev ayadol 7ro\v advjjLOTepot yiyvovTat 9 ol be 7rovrjpot iroXv hflptaTorepot, XLII. ctXXa ov fjtev, ecprj, aXXios T€ feat bbbv fxaicpav rJKtov beiirvet rjbrj* Kat et Tives ae Ttfi&fTtv, di'ra- CKctSov Kat ev&yet aifTovs 9 lira ae Kat Oappt'ivtoatV eyw 8' antwv e airep Xeyw Tpe^ofiat, XL1II. avptov b', etyr), irpun bevpo enl Tas acts Ovpas irapeaovrat iravTes ol errtKaipioi, oirtos fiouXeuaw/jteda avv aot Tt xprj itotelv to ck rovbe. av 8' f/fjuv efifiaXe 54> 7rapu)v 7rept tovtov iroTepov en boKel CTpaT€v€aOat rj Katpos f/S#y btaXietv Tr)v arpartav, XLIV. ck tovtov b fiev Kva^apijs ajj.t belirvov etyev, b be Kvpos ovXXe£as twv tptXwv tovs iKavtardrovs Kat pove7v Kat avjULwpaTTetv, et Tt beot, eXefc TOta.be* "Avbpes iXot, a fxev brj 7rpcDra ev^cifieda, irapeaTt avv deols. 54. IjujSaXe] The Interpreters un- yovs, raateriam colloquendi in convivio derstand \6yov or fiov\T)v. tl 'E^aA- proponere, 2, 2, 1 . ; fiovA i]v nepi twos Aetv \6yov irepi twos, refeiTe de re, els tov GTpaTOv, referre ad exercitum sententiam ad deliberandum propo- ut consultet, 2, 2, 18." Index in Pop- nere, 2, 2, 19. 2, 3, 5. 6, 1, 13.; po's edition, omissum \6yov, 5, 5, 43. ; e/uj3. \6- LIBER V. CAP. V. 179 on-}] yap av TropeuwfieQa, Kparov/jev rfjs yupas* Kal p.ev bt) tovs 7ro\e/jiovs vpLbfiev fieiov/ievovs, ij/Jias be avrovs 7rXeiovus re Kal lary^vporepovs yiyrojuivovs. XLV. el he fifxlv en edeXtjcreiav ol ivy irpoay eyeyrjf.i€ioi av^fxaypt napafielyat, noXXu) ay /idXXov avvaai bvral/jeda Kal ei rt /3ia<7a(Tdai Kaipbs Kal ei ti irelaai beot. v7rws ovv to fieveiv Cos irXelcTTOts aviboKrj tujv crvfifid^u)}', ovbey /uaWov tovto epyoy ejibv y Kal v/jerepoy jurj^aydrrdai. XLVI. a\\' 6j 6 wXeioTovs ofjoyvwfiovas rjfilv Trorijaas ovros biKatws ay XeKTiKwraros re Kal npaKTiKwraros k'ptyoiro ay elvai, XLVII. yu?) fj.ey~oi ws Xoyov ilfjly embei^o/ieyot oloy av et7rj;re 7rpbs eKaarov avr&v tovto fieXe- tclt€ 9 a\\' ws tovs Tre^etayLevovs v

l\oi tw Kvpa> irpoa- ijyov ol jiev Kabovoiovs beofievovs avrov fxeveiv, ol be 'Ypieaviovs, 6 be tis lLaicas, 6 be tls kcli Ytofipvav 'Yaraawris be Tabarav top evvov^ov irpoarjye, beo/jievov tov Kvpov fieveiv* II. evda b>] 6 Kvpos yiyvioaictov on Tabaras 7ra\ai anoXtoXei Ttp 6opas irapayiv6fJi.evos : or ■ to go 1 coming ' is united with the notion of away, 9 but always in a bad sense, so ' staying.* " Poppo. as to mean ■ to go away to one's own 2. e/5pei rapa iravTeXws] " Actum destruction, injury, or calamity,* (abire Xen. Cyrop. Q 182 CYROPiEDIA. etyrj, Kal tovto) eyio avros bieXeyofjUjv, epwriov el elicit] rl ev vu eyeis vnep rijs biaXiaews tov orrparevfjiaTOs Troielv. IV. Kal 6 J\vpos elnev, 'Abiicws apa eyio> ws eoiKev, 'Yora(77roi; Tovbe Karai- Tiufjuiai, 'AbtKus jxevTOL vri A/a, fyr) 6 'Y<7ra<77rr/$, w Kvpe* eya; yap eXeyov rw Tabara rybe toctovtov fxovov ws ov\ o\6v re aoi eit) oTpareveadai, Xeywv on 6 7rarrjp ae /zera7re^i7rerai. V. kcli 6 Kv- pos, TV Xeyeis ; e^ri' Kal av tovto eroXfjrjGas e£eveyKe~iv, 3 elre eya> efiovXo/urjv e'/re /at] ; Nat /ua A/', ecpt]' 6pQ yap ae vTrepewidv- povvTa ev Tlepaais 7replj3Xe7rrov 4 7repieX6e7v Kal tcj narpl eiribel- £aaQai rj eVaora bt€7rpa^u) t 6 be Kvpos e<^>n, 2i> §' ovk ewLOvfiels mKabe cnreXdelii' ; Ov /m A/', €(p7j 6 'YaTCHnrris, ovb' airei/ji ye y aXXh fievojv crrpaTYjyriau), ews av TroiYjrju) Yabarav tovtovI tov 1 Aaavpiov bea7roT7)v. VI. OJ fiev brj rotavra eirai£ov anrovbrj npos aXXr/X(,vs. ev be tovtu) 6 KvaO,apr)s crepvios KeKotJfxrjfxevos e^fjXde Ka\ enl dpovov Mjj- bttcov eKadeiero, ws be warres (JvvfjXQov ovs ebei Ka\ aKonrt eyevero, 6 Kva£apr]s eXe^ev a5§e" "Aibpes ^v^jxaypi, 'iatos, enetbi] naptov Tvyyavu) Ka\ Trpecrfivrepos elfii Kvpov, cIkos ap-^eiv fie Xoyov, vvv ovv boKel fJLOi elvai Kaipbs wepl tovtov irpurov biaXeyeoQat iroTtpov crpareveo^ai en Kaipos boKel elvai y) biaXvetv rjbrj ttjv arpariap' XeyeTio ovv tis, e^w, irepl avrov tovtov tj yiyvwoKei, VII. eic tov- tov TTpwTOS fiev elirev 6 "YpKavtos,* Avbpes ^vfjifxay^oiy ovk olba fiev eyioye ei ti bel Xoyov onov avra ra epya beiKvvzt to Kpartarov* Traces yap eTTtarajULeda otl hjxov fiev oi'Tes 7rXelii) KaKa tovs 7ro\e- piovs noiovfiev tj Travyoixev ore be y^wpls y)^xev aXXrjXwv, eKelvot in malampestem,m malum cruciaturn, 3. e£€*>€y/ce«V~[ That 1s " enuntiare, in malam rem, in malum crucem,) Od. divulgare, efferre, efferre foras, as in K. 72. 75. Hesych. *Epf)f (pdeipov, Terence Adelph. 4, 4,15. ' Nunc quid a-rraWacro-ov. Scbol. Min. 'Eppe* ^i€Tot faciam ? dicamne fratris esse banc? pdopas &ttl8l. In this sense the words quod minime est opus Usquara efferri : is KopaKas are not unfrequently added, age, mitto : fieri potis est, uti ne qua and hence Aristoph. Plut. 60-1. with exeat.' And Phorm. 5, 7, 65. 'Vi- Theophr. Char. 25, 3. says, 'Airay' is des tuum peccatum esse elatum foras/ Kopcucas. Thus it signifies in a general where see Western. Nepos Dion. 8, sense, 'to perish/ 'to go to ruin,' 4. 'Res multis consciis elata.'' 5 (perire, pessum ire,) as in this place. Fischer. Hesycli. "E/3p€i # air6\a)\€v f € ijbtffTOV, iipuv ye /jy)v Kva^upy] , togovtov bicKjiepofjLaL Tins TTponOev Xeyovmv* ovtol fxev yap tyaaiv on he"l \xevovTas orpareveodai, eyw be Xeyto on ore fiev oflovjj.ei>6s re xal (ppovp&v ' teal ravr ewparTOv rot ohela ba7ravwv. vvv # eyw \xev ra eicetvwv oj3ovfjiai be eKeivovs, evw^ovfxai be ra eiceivwv tfgc izivit) ra T&v 7roXefJiiojv. xe7o-0cu and Trlueiv, so he terms an army composed of so many allies and nations a irav-ftyvpis." Zeune. " This word is properly applied to ' a customary assemblage of persons at a public festival and for the celebration of public games/ (' de conventibus, qui fiebant diebus festis atque ad ludos solemnes/)" Poppo. " Artabazus commorationem, vitam castrensem vo- cat €opT^u,feriaSj cum propter otium et Iffititiam, turn propter epularum co- piam ; nam feriis homines sunt otiosi, laeti, epulantur. Et quia ad celebran- das ferias publicas et solemnes, quales erant ludi Olympici, Pythii, Isthmii, Nemeaei, Graeci confluebant ex omni- bus civitatibus ; propterea Artabazus exercitum, cui intererat, quia consta- bat ex parte maxima copiarum multa- rura civitatum, Persarum, Medorum, Armeniorum &c. vocat iraviiyvpiv." Fischer. 8. r^v Kvpov 8e£tdu~\ "I.e. The good faith, of which the right hand, extended to me, was the pledge." Hutch. 184 CYROPiEDIA. a- TravaeTat. ov TtPtov irotva% vv re v/jtds eneyetpriGev ctbiKelp jccu ojp €/j€ €7roir)(T€v 9 eyto be ev r fiipei eKeivtp iraXty buxrt*) btKt)v on vjjup biaXvwfjtev to orpdrev/ua, tcl pep r^fxerepa d*0e- vearepa yiyvotr av, to. be Tutv 7roXe/jiip 7rdXu> ai^typercu. oaot re yap avrwp SwXa acpyprjvrai, ra^O aXXa notriaoPTat, oaot re tirirovs airecrT€pT)VTai s ra^y iraXiv aXXovs Imrovs KTr)o(iovfjtevos to fieXXoy. 6pQ yap rjfxlp avTiitaXovs irpoatovTas ols yjfie1s 9 el wbe GTparevfTOfjieda, ov bvpr) br)fji(0 tQp ffrpanw- Th)v % (ov aiev r)jj.els ovk clp bvvaifxeOa arpareveadaC rd tV eVi- Trjbeia oirov fjih> r//ue7s eXrjXvda/jep hip? rjfiwp ainiXwraC owot be fit) acplyjueda, bta to rjfxds (pofielodai apaKeKO/AHT/jevot elalv els epvjjtara, &are avrot pep eyetv, fifxds bk ravra fur) bvpaadai Xafx&avetp. tis ovp ovruts ayadbs r) tis ovnos layypbs os Xt/u J Kal p'tyet bvvatr av jjiaypfxevos aTpareveoQat ; XV. el fxev ovp ovrta OTparevaofxeday ey7j&d(r- verbs in aw were properly active, as tcetv is applied to the boys of the As-. €<£>77j3ctco, adohscere jubeo, and when Syrians born long since and verging to the customary usage had given a mid- puberty, and iTriyiypeffdut to infants die force to them, the Attics so far which will soon be born, and will at retained tke recollection of the active some time become recruits for the signification as appropriate, that they army." Poppo. used the future middle for the future LIBER VI. CAP. I. 185 eVir^Seta 7r\e/o; elovaiv birorepoi av nXeib) bvvtjvrai Xa{36v7es UTTOTiQeaOai, TroXiopKi'iaovrai be bworepoi av fjrrous wai. XVI. vvv 6' ovbev biav ev rS 7re\dyet 7rXe6}'T(t)V Kat yap e^eli ol trXeovoi fxev aei, to be TrenXevfTfievov ovbev oiKeiorepov rov cnrXev- (Ttov KaTaXeiTrovatv. eav be (j>povpta ijfjilv yevrjrai, ravra b)) rols fX&v 7roX€jj.(ois aXXorpuoaei ty]V y^iopav, fjfxiv b' i>7r' evbiav jiaXXov ttcivt earat. XVII. b b' 'Lmos av rives v^xwv (pofirjOetev, el beijcret TToppw rijs eavriuv f urjbev tovto oKvycrrjre, rjjiels fxev yap eire'nrep koi tos cfiKodev ci~ obrjfAOv fie v, cppovpijaetv vfjuv arabe^ofjieda ra eyyvrara yuypia tlov TroXefJLtwv, v/jels be ra irpovopa vjjuv av- 70~ts rfjs 'A&Gvpias, etcelva Kravde koi epyaieaQe. XVIII. lav yap i]fie"ts ra nXrjtrlov avrtov (ppovpovvres bvvtojxeda acoievdai, ev iroXXrj bfiels elprjiy eaeaQe ol ra rrpba^ avrwv eypvres* ov yap, ol/jai, bv* vi'jGOvrai tlov eyyvs eavrLov Katcwv ovtlov afjteXovires rols rrpoGLo VfJ.1v €7TtfiovXeV€LV. XIX. 'fis be ravr eppj)dji, 6i re aXXoi iravres ariffrafjieroi ovfi- TrpoOvfiilffeffdai ravr eero vyieiPoraTOV eivai icai evnpoaoiwraTOP uaa bet 7rpo(TKO/ilceadai, ova re epvfxvoTrjTOs 7rpoaebe1ro 9 eiroirjaaro, ws ev aa\ei ol del fievovres etev, el irore Kal Trpoau) rrj layyl aTToaTpaTO-nehevoiTO. XXIV. irpbs be tovtois epwT&v ovs yero fiaXivra elbevai t))v \u)pav biroQev av ws nXeiara (hQeXolTO to (TrpaTevjua, e£rjyep ael els irpoiofias, 12 a/bia jjiev onus on nXe'tcrra \aji(ia%'OL ttj (TTpari(jf. to. e7riTT}beta 9 cfyua S* 07ra;$ fjiaXXov vyinivoiev Kal loyyoiev biaitovovpevoi rals iropeictis, a/ua b* onus ev rals dya>- ycils tcls Tci^eis v7rojjnfxvrj(7KoivTO* XXV. 6 fxev brj Kvpos ev tovtois i\v. 9 Ek be F)afiu\toios ol avTOfioXoi Kal ol aXiaKo/ievoi Tavr £Xeyov on 6 'Aaovpios dlyoiTO em Avblas, noXXa raXavra \pvoiov Kai apyvplov ayu)y Kal aXXa KTrj/JiaTa Kal k6o\xov TravTobairov, XXVI. 6 fj&v ovv oyXos twv (JTpaTiwTwv eXeyev (hs V7reKTiQoiTO r/brj ra %P*I~ fiaTa (pofiov/Jievos, 6 be Kvpos yiyvuxTKiov on o'i^oito avaTfjautv ei ti hvvaiTO avTiiraXov eavrw, aiTnrapeJKevaiero eppwjjievtoSf s /jLa^rjs €tl befjvoV Kal e^€7rl/j.7rXri /jiev to twv Tlfpautv iwiriKdv, tovs fxev eK twv alyyaaXwTtoV, tovs be Tivas Kal iraph tmv (piXujv Xafi- (Jarwv 'limovs' TavTa yap napa iravTwv ebeyero Kal awewOelTO ovbev 9 ovtc e% ris onXov bibolrj 13 KaXov ovt el tis 'lttttov XXVII. icar- e bitoQev bvvatro. Kal Trjv fiev TptoiKrjv buppeiav 7rpoadev ov- aav Kal tj/v l\vprjvaiu)i 14 > en Kal vvv ovaav apjJLaTrjXaaiav KareXvae* 12. els vpovofias] " The Alt. and even there the optative seems prefer- Flor. edd. have, ael irpocrvofxds. Bu- able, because the relative pronoun re- daeus also, in his Coram. L. Gr. 732., fers,notto some particular persons, but by a slight change, not by any emen- to any one in ourthoughts. For this use dation, reads, ^E^rjyev ael irpbs vo/jlols* of the optative let the student consult I myself, however, have readily fol- Buttm. Gr. Gr. s. 126, 14. n. 6. Matth. lowed the reading of the Bodl. Ms." Gr. Gr. p. 751. In the Prolegom. c.2. (Guelf. Brod.) "and the edd. Steph. I have noticed the permutation made Leuncl. and Eton., particularly as the by the copyists between this optative word irpovo^ occurs elsewhere in our and the imperfect of the indie." Pop- Author: Anab. 5, (1, 4.) p. 203. po. Steph. "AWo /JLoi doK€? ke ? referring to SchefTer, considers the difference between the Trojan and the Cyrenaic method to have been this, that the chariots of the former were byugous, and that the fighters descended from them to engage an enemy, whereas the chariots of the latter v/ejequadrijugous, (see s. 28.) from which the fighter en- gaged the enemy." And Schneider has the following note: — ** Currus Trojani bijuges fuerunt, et pugnatores inde, cum res ferebat, desilire consue- verant ; unus Hector quadrigisusus est, 11. 0. 158. Cyren*i currus quadrijugi fuerunt, quibus pugnatores perpetuo insistebant. Philostr. Icon. 1, 17. de Pelopis curru : Tb $' 'Liriruv (rbyKtirai TGTTdpwv roxnl yap is fiev ra ?roA.€/u- xa ovttcd idap re /ecu apyvpca ev ^o'KTjrai : the chariot of Diomede, 23, 503. "Apfiara 51 XP V(T § TceTrvKao-fA.ej'a Kacro'Lrepcf} re. Thus too the chariots of Orsines the Persian, in Curtius 10, l.were adorned with gold and silver. They were also furnished with curtains, as the chariots of Lycaon, II. 5, 194. afjL TreirvKao-fjLeva." Feithe. " Hasc ante primam aciem s. milites levis armaturae stabant. Qui ns vehebantur, irapaifidrai dicti, 7, 1, 29. solebant plerumque inde desilire, et cum hostibus levia praslia commit- tere, unde 6, 1, 28. ev aKpo$o\icrrS>v fiepei. esse dicuntur. Quod quoniam fiebat ante reliquum exercitum, de his certaminibus verba irpojj.ax^v, T?po~ fidxeadai, 7rpop.axifcw usurpabantur. Cum vero hostes propius accedebant, illi propugnatores currus, qui aversi, anea'rpafjLfjLevoi ftcirep els (pvyfyv, 6, 2, 17. pone illos stabant, a tergo ascen- debant et fugiebant : cf. 7, 1, 29." Poppo. " Ex his omnibus locis, (Anab. 1, 8, 10. Cyrop. 3, 3, 6. 6, 2, 17. Epilog. Cyrop. s. 24. 7, 1, 29.) fit manifestum, Babylonios eorumque so- cios curru quadrijugo vectos, et ante aciem progressos, niox relicto curru pe- dites pugnasse. Currus autemin vicinia stabant, inter propugnatores et primam aciem relicti, quos a tergo ascende- rent propugnatores, si pra?lio excedere 'vellent. A tergo currus bellicos a- scendunt etiam Homerici heroes : hinc currus relicti dicuntur aversi quasi ad fugam spectare, 6, 2, 17. 'EcrT^erai asrearpaixfiepa &o"7T€p eis (pvyrjv. Home- rici heroes de curru item desiliunt, et pedites.pugnant ante aciem, hinc irp6- ftaxot appellati : interdum tamen cur- rui insistences pugnant. Compara Ex- cursum Hevnianum de Acie Homerica ad II. 4, p. 654. Apud Graecos usus curruum bellicorum memoratur ab Eurip. Suppl. 675., ubi Thebanorum 7}vioxoi et Trapaifidrat. pugnam inci- piunt. Diod. S. 12, 79. in exercitu Boeotorum ad pugnam apud Delium ducto memorat eosdem : Upoefidxovro Se irdvTQov ol irap' eKeivois yvioxoi ual napaifidrat KaAovfievoi, tivtipes iiriXeK- roi rpLUKoo'ioi. Quos Thuc. 4, 93. in enumeratione copiarum omisit. Idem Diod. 20, 41. Ophelten ait duxisse dp/nara enarbv, yvidxovs fie kclI napai- fidras irXeiovs r£>v TpiaKOcriwv. Sed Opheltes Cyrenaeus fuit. Cyrenaei igitur plures aut equos currui adjun- xisse, et aurigas imposuisse videntur ; aut quadrijugis curribus plures et pro- pugnatores et aurigas imposuerunt : de quo nunc quaerere amplius non va- cat. Thebanorum irapaifidras usum- que curruum bellicorum qui praeterea commemoraverit, neminem equidem novi." Schneider. Hence we may learn that there is much confusion of ideas on this subject. 1. If the cha- racteristic of the Trojan chariot was that it was bijugoiis, then observe that Schneider admits the chariot of Hec- tor, but of Hector only, to have been quadrijugous t ?m.d Feithe shows that the use of the quadriga was not unknown in the Homeric times, Od. 13, 81. ov(Tiv, ol pe\rioroi' aXXoi be els rpiaKocriovs ovroi eitriv ol ovb* briovv tovs noXe/jiiovs fiXairrouai. XXIX. ravrrjy per ovv rrjy bt(f>peiav tcareXvaev* avri be tovtov 7roXe/j.i(Trrjpia KaTeaKevaararo apfiara Tpo\o~is re loxypols, ws fi?) pybtws (TWTpifirjTai, a£ooi re jxaKpois* tittov yap avarpeweTai ndvra ret 7r\ar€cT tqv be bieppov to'is fjvto^ois e7roirjaev wanep 7rup- yov lo\vpwv tyXwv* vxfsos be tovtwv ecrrl fjLe\pi twv 6\yKwvwv 9 ws bvvwvrai rfvio^elcrdai ol imroi virep twv bitypwv tovs ft i}Vi6ypvs eOwpaKure iravra 7rXr)v twv otyQaX/Jiwv, XXX. irpooedqice be Kal bpeirava atbrjpa. ws bi7Tri\r\ irpbs tovs atyvas evdcv Kal evdev twv der that Homer sometimes represents his Tapaifidrris as fighting from the chariot. 5. The Commentators di- stinguish between the Trojan and the Cyrenaic chariot, founding their di- stinction on the words of Xen. ; but do those words, when they are rightly viewed, authorise any such distinction ? For the fair construction seems to be this : Kal t)jv fxev Tpoo'iK^v duppslav vpScrOev ovcrav, Kal t)]v Kvprjvaicov ert Kal vvv oZcrav apixar-qXaaiav KaTe\vcr€. That is, ' Cyrus abolished the Trojan method of employing chariots, which was used in former' (i. e. Homeric) ' times, and which is still used in Gy- renes.' And if any doubts remain about the meaning of these words, the next sentence explains them : Tbv yap vpSadcv XP& V0V K( & 0L * v T V M^Sta, Kal Supia, Kal 'Apa/J/a, Kal irdvrcs ol iv ry l Avro > &°* m w€p vvv ol Kvprjvaloi. That is, 6 In former times the Medes, Syrians, A- rabians, and all the Asiatics,' (in- cluding the Trojans,) ' used the very same sort of chariot, which is still used by the Cyrenaeaus •• in other words, ' the Cyrensean chariot of the present day corresponds to the Trojan, Median, Asiatic, Syrian, and Arabian chariot.' Hence there was no distinc- tion between the two into the bijugous and the quadrijugous chariot, into one from which the irapaifidTfjs descended to the ground to fight, and one from which he fought. Moreover in 6, 2, 8. the Trojan and the Libyan, (i. e. Cyrenaic,) method of using chariots are mentioned as one and the same : Kal ra MrjBiKa Se ap^ara ineirciKU Kvpos Kva^dprjv els rbv avrbv rpSirov tovtov fji€Ta(TKevdo-ai 4k TrisTpwiKrjs Kal Ai&uKTJs Buppeias. The Median chariot was managed by the Trojan and Li- byan (or Cyrenaic) method of chario- teership, because the Median chariot was precisely the same as the Trojan and Libyan (or Cyrenaic) chariot ; and this method consisted in having armed men to fight either standing in the chariot, or descending to the ground. Schneider has proved that the Babylonians and their allies de- scended from their chariots and fought on the ground, as the Trojans did, and as was done in the Homeric times. But Cyrus, in the place of the chariot with the Tjvioxos and the armed trapai- £aT77S, introduced the Ta tipeTravrjcpSpa apixaTa, to. TroKefiKTTTjpia appaTa, cur- rus falcati, each with an yvioxos, but without a 7rapai)3aT7/s. " Arrian Tact, p. 53. informs us that war-chariots had ceased to be in use long before his time. And in truth they could be used only on the plains ; and that eveu there they were often used to no purpose, we learn from history." Zeuue. 190 CYROP^DIA. Tpo\u>p Kal aXXa Kano vko t<5 a£oi>i els Tt)p yrjv ftXe-iroPTa, d)s e/jfiaXovPTOjp els tovs evcivtLovs toIs apfiaaip. ws be Tore Ki/pos Tavra KareaKevacrei', ovrios en Kal vvv rois ap/uaai yjp&vTai 01 kv Trj fiaatXeijJS X** } P a * r ) (Jav he avry Kal Ka/jtrjXoi 7toXXal napa re twp (plXwp rjvveiXeyfievai Kal aixptaXioroL iraoai (TVprjdpoKTiJievai, XXXI. Kal ravra /jep ovnu ovre-rrepaiveTO. BovXo/ie^os he KaraaKOitop riva 7refji\pai enl Avblas Kal fxaQelp b\n irpaTTOi 6 'AoGvpios, ebo^ep avTa) eKtriibeios elpai 'Apcunras kXdelv eirl tovto 6 (pvXarrwp ty\v yvvdlKa ty)p KaXr'ji'. avpefiefifjKei be rw 'ApavTrq. TOiabe. Xrjtydels epwn rfjs yvvatKOS rjpayKaadr) irpocr- €PeyKe"tv Xoyovs ahrrj nepl (rvptideias, XXXII. r) be a.7re(pr}(Te fiep .teal r)p iTKTTrf T(jj avbpl KaLirep clttoptc ecplXei yap avrop IcryypCos* ov fxeiTOL KaTrjyoprjve tov 'Apcunrov npos top Kvpop, OKPOvaa av^xjiaXelp cpiXovs arbpas. XXXIII. enel be 6 'Apdairas boKwv v7rr]peTrjrTeip r J Tvyelp a rj/oovXero r)7reiXr)(je Trj yvyaiKl on el py) fiovXoiTO eKovffa, aKovaa 7roif)(Toi Tavra, €K tovtgv r) yvpr), (us ebetae Trip fiiap, ovKen Kpv7rrei, ctXXa irefxireL top ehrovypp 15 irpbs top Kvpop Kal KeXevet Xe£at naPTa. XXXIV. 6 be ws rjtcovffep, ava~ yeXcKras eirl raJ KpeiTTOPt tov epwros (pa&KOPTi elvat, ne/unret 'Ap- Taj3a~op avp tS evPov\a) Kal KeXevet avnji elwelp fiia^eadat [xkv py) TOiavTr]P yvpatKa, 7rei6eiP be el bvpaiTO, ovk e jultj Tt Kal 7ra.6oL vno Kupou. XXXVI. 'O ovp Kvpos Karafxadajp raura eKaXeeep avrop Kal fioros fJtopw kXe^ep' 'Opti ce, etyrf, a> 'Apacnra, (pofiovjjiepop re e/ue Kal ep alGyvPY] beipws eyppra. iravaai ovp tovtwp' eydi yap Oeovs l6 re clkovu) eptoTOs rjTTrjadai, apOpwirovs re olba Kal jj.aXa boKOvpras {ppopifxovs elvai ola ireirovQaGip vitu epwros' teal avros b' ifxavrov Kareypwp fju) ap xaprepfjaai ojare avvwp KaXcIs ajaeXelp avT&p. Kal 15. rbp ^bvovxov] I. e. " c Eurn, the services of one only. See 2, 4, quern habebat s. suum eunucl^um. , 23." Poppo. The article here seems to imply either 16. Qtovs~\ Theocr. 8, 59. & -irdrep, that Panthea had only one eunuch, or d> Zed, Ov /x6pos TjpdaB'nv' nai rv yvvai- $ha£ she was accustomed to employ KoT€s ov/jtfDovXevovotv eKTrobtov eyetv e/uavTov, jjitj ti Kal iradb) v7to oov, Cos fjbtKrjKOTOS e^ov yueydXa. XXXVIII. Kal 6 Kvpos elnev, E,v toivvv 'icOt, 10 ' Apaoira, on ravrrf Ttj boEji 016s t el euoi re loyyptbs yapladodai koItovs ovfjtua\ovs ueydXa (btyeXr}- oat. Et yap yevotTO, e(prj 6 'Apa<77ras, o,ti eyw 001 ev Kaipu av yevoiurjv av j(j)rjotuos. XXXIX. E2 toivvv, e(prj, irpoo7roir)oa- uevos eue (pevyetv edeXois els tov$ iroXeaiovs eXdelv, o'louai av oe 7rioTevdrjvat vwo twv iroXeuiwv. "Eywye vat jua A/', ei) 6 'Apaonas, Kal vno twv i\u)v oiba otl cos oe irecpevyios \6yov av 7rapeyoifjLt. XL. "EXOots av toivvv, er], tfbr) vvvi Kal yap tovto 'lows ev twv 7tlotwv eorai to boKelv ue V7rd oov /*eXXr/- aavTa ti itaQelv e^7re0evyeVat. XLI. ' H Kat bvifiarj airoXt7re1v, e(j>7}, T)]V KaXrjv YldvOetav ; Avo yap, e(prj, w Kvpe, (ratyujs e^to xpv^ds, vvv tovto 7re(piXo(j6/ ayadri Kparfj, tci KaXa Trpdrrerat, orav be rj Trovrjpa, ra alfj^pa eTnyetpeiTaL. vvv be be xprj noielv, Ua KaKehots KLUTCTepos ?js' e^ayyeXXe re 17. Tovrcp rep a/j.dx

V, S. 192 CYROPiEDIA. ovrols ra Trap 1 ?/jUwr, ovrw re efdyyfWe uts av avrois ra napa aov Xeybfieva efJLrrobwv /jiaXiar av e'iq wv (iovXovrat wparreiv. e'lr) b' av efnrobwv, el i]fjias wv vwpas* ravra yap aKovovres l\rrov av rravrl adevei adpoi- Soivro, eKaaros ns (pofiov/jievos Kal wept rutv oiicoi. XLIII. Kal ueve, €(pri, nap" eKeivois on 7rXe1arov \povov* & yap av rroiwoiv orav eyyvrara fjuwv wot, ravra fxaXtrrra Kaipbs fjfilv elbevai eorai* avfifiovXeve be avrois Kal eKrarrecrdai ottyj av boicrj Kpanorov elvaC orav yap av arreXOrjs elbivai boKwv rrjv ra£iv avrwv, avayKalov ovrw rerayBai avrois' jaerararreodai yap oKvrjcrovaC Ka\ ijv rrrf dXXrj /uierararrwvrai, e£ vrroyvov rapaipvrai. XLIV. 'Apaarras fikv bri ovrws efcXOwv Ka\ crvXXafiwv rovs marorarovs depanovras Kal elirwv irpos rivas a ulero %vfjLlXoV Kal bvvajiiiv be oTb' on 0Tr6)v avrw* b be vvv /3aai- Xevwv Kal eireyeipr\ae irore epe Kal rov dvbpa biaonctoai air aXXi]- XwV vfipiarriv ovv rofxiSwv avrbv ev olba on dafxevos av npbs dvbpa oJos av el a7raXXayt]aerai* XLV I, atiovaas ravra b Kvpos eKeXeve irefiiretv 7rpbs rbv dvbpa* fj be enefiipev, ws b' eyvto b 'Afipabaras ra rrapd rfjs yvvaiKos crvfjifioXa 18 Kal raXXa be rjadero ws eXyev, dafievos iropever at rrpbs rbv Kvpov 'iirrrovs eywv a/u^l rovs 18. avfA&oXqi] " They are called in seal Panthea seems to have given to Latin symbolic and mean ■ the signs or Abradates on his departure, (5, 1,1.) marks, by which any thing may be that the husband might place credit in known to a certainty and identified any person, who brought to him her without hesitation, * tanquam tesseras likeness or miniature (by way of cre- omnis generis/ See Casaub. ad Athen. dential.) See Plaut. Pseud. 1, 1,53. 3, 32. In this place we are to under- (' Ea causa miles hie reliquit symbo- stand ' a seal-ring or signet/ (awtt- lum, Expressam in cera ex anulo, lus signatorius.) This was certainly suam imaginem, Ut qui hue afferret called simply by the Greeks (rvfifio- ejus similera symbolum, Cum eo simul Xov, and the Romans symbolum. (Plin. me mitteret.') This image, because H. N. 33, 1. ' Anuhim Greeci a digi- it had been sent by Panthea to A ora- lis appellavere ; apud nos prisci ungu- dates, is on that account called rairapct lum vocabant; postea et Graici et rris yvvauebs (Tv^/SoXa." Fischer. Set* nostri symbolum.') Or else, ■ the Plaut. 1. c. 2, 2, 52. 2, 4, 26. Bacch, likeness of Panthea taken in wax from 2, 3, 29, 8. seal/ an impression or copy of which LIBfiR VL CAP. I. 193 \i\lovs. 10s §' i'jv irpbs rols twv Wepvwv gkoitois, irefiirei irpbs tov Kvpov €tirit)v os %v. a be Kvpos evdvs ayeiv KeXevei aWov irpbs tt\v yvvcuKa. XLVII. ws be elberrjv dXX))Xovs ?/ yvvi) kcu 6 'A/3pa6d- ras, TjfTiraSovro dXXi)Xovs <1)S etKos eK bvaeX7ri(JTtov. etc tovtov bij Xeyet >) Tlapdeta tov Kvpov tt)v 6aiorr)Ta kcu tt)v awtypoavvriv Kal tj)v irpbs avT))y kcitoUtktiv. 6 be 'Afipabaras aKOvaas elire, Te av ovv eyu> ivouljv, 10 Yldvdeia, \dpiv Kvpo) vnep re gov kou efxavrov airo- boirjv ; TV be aXXo, ei> av ev ireiroirjKcts rj/jias, u> Kvpe 9 ovk eyjuj ti /uelSov e'tirio ij oti lXois. L. ! Ek tovtov bpwv 6 'A/3paSdras airovbaCovTa tov Kvpov irepl To. bpeiravrjfvpa ap/xara Kal irepl tovs TediapaKiapevovs Hirirovs re Kai iiririas, eireiparo avvreXelv avr

v eavrfjs xpTjfxaruv ^pvaovv re avru Owpaica enoLricrare tcai yj^vaovv Kpdvos, waavrws be Ka\ 7repi/3pa^toyia' tovs be 'ittttovs tov (ipfuiTos ^aXfcoIs Tract TrpofiXrjfiaai fcareoTcevacaro. LII. 'AfipahciTas fiev ravra eVparre. Ki/pos be Ibwv to Terpap- pvjxov avrov apfxa KaTevorjoev art olov re e'irj teal oKTappvfiov Trorij- aaodaty (bare oktw ievyeat jSowv ayeiv twv jiriyavwy to /carwraroH oiKtifia* 1)v be tovto Tpiopyviov ^uaXtora curb Trjs yrjs avv rots Tpo~ X°^ s ' LIII. TOiovroi be irvpyoi avv ra£ei aKoXovBovvres eboKOW ai/rJ jxeyaXri fxev emKOVpla yeveadat rrj eavTOv QaXayyi, fieydXrj be pXdjSrj Trj twv TroXejjiiiov ra'i;ei. eTroirjae be ewl tu>v oiKY)fxu.Twv koa irepibpofxovs Kal eirdX^eis* aye/3//3ace be eit\ tov irvpyov k'Kaarov avbpas e'lKoaiv. LIV. eVet be Travra cuveiarijKei avr

KeXevrjs* II. iiKovaas be 6 Kv/oos el7re, KeXevw toivvv vjjias tovs fjiev dXXovs [ievovTas evda KaTeaKrjvojKaTe , avaKevaaafxevot rrj varepaiq. erropev- ovro, viroayofxevoi r) firjv fiadovres oaa av bvvwvraL rrXelara ck rCJv iroXefitivv ij£eiv ws bvvarbv ra\tara, IV. f O be Kvpos ra re a\\a 20 els rbv noXefiov irapeaKevaSero futeyaXo7rpe7ru)S, ws bi] avrjp ovbey afiiKpbv emvotiv irparreiv, eirefjie- XeiTO be oh \i6vov Jv ebo%e rols avfifxa-^ots, aXXa K^vve Kal yapiSofievos avrols o,rt bvvairo, VI. el be wore Bvaiav 7roio7ro Kal eoprijv dyot, Kal ev ravrrj oaa woXefxov eves iblbov, Kal y)v ttoXXi) evdvfila ev rw arparevfxart, VII. TJ be Kvp ayebov ri ijbrj anorereXeafJieva l\v oaa efiov- Xero e-^tov arpareveaBat 7rXi]v rS>v jjaiyavu/v* Kal yap ol Tlepaai {Tnreis eKirXeio tfbrj iiaav els tovs fivpiovs, Kal to. apfiara ra bpenavrj- tyopa, a re avrbs KareaKevaSev, eKitXea tfbrj y)p els ra hcarby, a re 9 A(5pabaras 6 loi/atos eneyeipr]ae, KaraaKevaieiv ojioia rols Kvpov, Kal ravra eWXea .y)v els ciXXa. e/caroV. VIII. Kal ra MrjbtKa i)e dpfiara e7re7reiVet Kvpos Kva^apriv els rbv avrbv rpoirov rovrov fxeraaKevaaat ex rrjs TpmKfjs Kal AiJ3vkyjs bicftpeias* Ka\ eWXea -Kal ravra t)v els dXXa eKarov. Kal eirlras Ka/biijXovs be rerayfievoi Tjaav avbpes bvo efi eKaarrjv ro%6rat* Kal b jxev 7rXe7aTOS arparbs ovrios 20. ra re &kka — eiri/jLeKelro 5e] Par. The form rifxav rivb, often has 11 On the use of re and Se see Herra. after it an accus. of the neuter pTO- ad Yiger. p. 836. Schaef. ad Dionys. noun : see Sturz, Matth. Gr. Gr. p, .H. deComp. Verb. p. 192." Poppo. 563. Buttm. s. 118, 6. The common 2L rifjLcau robs Kpariarovs enacTTa] reading is e/caoraxj?." Poppo. u So Guelf. in the original hand, and , 196 CYROP^DIA. e OC e T} ) y yv&)\iv)v ws rjbq 7ravTeXws KeKparrjKws Kai ovhev oPra til tujv TroXejLtitov. IX. 'Etc! be ovru) biaKet/jevojv JjXdov ol 'I^Soi Ik tujv iroXefxlav ovs €TT€7r6fx(^ei Kvpos enl KaTaoK07rrj, Kai eXeyov on Kpoloos p.ev Vyefiiov Kai OTparrjybs wavtwv yprjfxivos e'Lrj twv iroXefJiiwv, SeSoy/ie- vov b' eir\ ixaoi to7s ^vjUfxaj^ois (iaoiXevoi 7raoy rrj bvvapei eKaorov 7rapeliai f ^prifxaTa be elo(pepeiv 7ra/U7ro\\a, ravra be reXelv Kai fxiodovfievovs ovs bivaivro Kai hajpov^xevovs ols beoi, X. i]brj bk Kai fJtejjiKjQtofieyovs elvai noXXovs fxev OpaKwv jAayaipo^opovs^- Aiyvwrtovs 23 be irpoonXelv ko.1 aptdfxov eXeyov els bwbeKa yuvptd- cas ovv aoirioi Trobrjpeot Kai bopaot jjieyaXois, olcnrep Kai vvv e%ovot f Kai KOirioC irpooTrXelv be Kai Kvirp'aov orparevjAa* trapelvai V fibr} KlXtKas navras Kai Qpvyas afxtyorepovs Kai AvKaovas Kai Ila^Xa- yoias Kai KainraboKas Kai 'Apafiiovs Kai QoiviKas Kai ovv raJ Ba-» (SvXwvos ap^ovri tovs 'Aoovpiovs, Kai "lavas be Kai AloXeas Kai o\ebov iravras T0vs H JLXXi]vas tovs ev rrj 9 Aoia eiroiKOvvras ovv Kpoloo) rjvayKaoQai eneoQai 24 * XL 7re7rojJKf>€vai be Kpoloov Kai els AaKebaifjiova 25 irepl ^vfi/Jba^ias* ovXXeyeodat be to orpaTevfia a/jKJ)l tov YlaKTioXov noTafjidv, irpoievai be fieXXeiv avrovs els Qv/i~ fipapa, evda Kai vvv 6 ovXXoyos 26 twv V7r6 (iaotXea fZapfidpiov r&v KCtTio ^.vpias, Kai ayopav iraoi irapr\yyeXQat evravda KOfjiiieiv* o\e- bbv be tovtois ravra eXeyov Kai ol al%/jidXu)TOC ene/ieXe'iTO yap Kai tovtov 6 Kvpos onus clXiokolvto Trap ljv ejxeXXe irevoeoQai rt m ewefiTre be Kai bovXois eoiKoras KaTaoKonovs u>s avrofjioXovs' XII. ws ovv ravra i]Kovoev 6 orparos tov Kvpov, ev (j>povTibt eyeVero, woirep elKos P Kai fjov^alrepoi re Tj ws el&deoav bietyoirw, tyaibpoi re 22. fxaxoapo(p6povs'] "TheThracians, been conquered by Croesus, Herod. 1, as well as the Sarmatians and the Ge- 26. tad, (Ovid Trist. 5,7, 19.) fought with 25. eis AaKedaifiova] The Interprr. knives, which were attached to their compare Herod. 1, 69. 77. 82. sides; these knives were called fxd- 26. 6 ovWoyos] "There were in Xaipaiy and the Thracians themselves the Persian empire places appointed p.axaipo(p6poi, (Thuc. 2, 96. 98. 7, for the assemblage of the soldiers be- 27. )*' Fischer. " 'AkovtIois alii pug- longing to certain provinces, where nabant, uti Noster Mem. 3, 9, 1. they were to be reviewed, and from narrat. ,, Schneider and Weiske. which, when they were all assembled, 23. AiyuTTTtous] " Herod. 1, 77. re- they were to march to the field of bat- lates that Croesus entered into an al- tie. See Heeren's Ideae de Polit. et liance with Amasis, the king of Egypt, Commercio Vett. Popul. T. 1. P. 1. against Cyrus." Zeune. p. 543. and the Interprr. ad Anab. 1, 24. TimykdaOai eW0cu] They had 1, 2," Poppo, LIBER VI. CAP. II. 197 vv navv €aivovro, €Kvk\ovvt6^ re Kal fjieffra y)v -Kavra aXXr)Xovs eptorwvrwv Kal btaXeyofuevcov nepl tovtojv, XIII. 'its be rjvdero 6 Kvpos 6pwv TTpooloTaoQai aKovtrofxevos tCjv Xoywv, fir) KwXveiv* enel be arvvrjXdov, eXe^e rotdbe' XIV. "Avbpes ^vfxfxaypif eyut tol vfids ovveK&Xeaa lbu)V Tivas v/iutv, e7T€t at ayyeXiair)Xdov etc t&v 7roXefi(oiV, iravv eoiKoras 7T€(po- ftrifievots avQptoTiOis. boKel yap pot Qavfxaorbv elvat ei rts vfi&v otl fiev ol TToXe/iLOL ovXXeyoi'Tcn beboiKev, otl be ij/ieis 7ro\v fiev nXelovs avveiXeyfieda vvv r\ ore eviKw/uiev eiceivovs, voXi) be ditetvov ovv Oeols TrapevKevacrfieQa vvv 11 wpoadev, ravra be bpwvres ov dappelre. XV. w 7rpos 0eu)r, e(j>t} 9 tl brjra av eTroo/care ox vvv bebotKores, el ijyyeXXov TLves ra nap' iijj.1v vvv bvra ravra avT'nraXa iilaIv wpoar- tuvra, Kal irpCbrov fiev f/Kovere, etyrj, 6V1 ol irporepov VLtcrjaavTes r)fids ouroi waXiv epyovrai eyovres ev rals xLv^als fiv rore vU'tjv eKTr)- aavro' erretra ce 01 Tore eiaiowavres Zi5 tiov to^otwv /cat aKOVTiGTuv tcls a.Kpoj3oXl(T€is vvv ovtoi epyovrai Ka\ aXXoi 6/aolol tovtois noXXa- nXaaioC XVI. eVetra be tiatrep ovtol birXLaafxevoi. rovs 7re$ovs rore evtKwv, vvv ovtcj Kal ol luTrels aWCJv it ape GKev as fiev 01 trpbs tovs i7T7reas irpoaep^ovrai, Kal to. fiev ro^a Kal aKGvna anobeboKi- 27. 4kvk\ovvtq~\ They collected a camp, when tliey have seen or hearci themselves into circles or groups to any thing strange, disagreeable, or talk the matter over. "So Anab. 6, melancholy. So Cats. B. C. 1, 64, 2. (2, 20.) 'EkvkXovvto ireplralepd. For, c Totis vero castris milites circular^ et as in Latin circulus and corona denote dolere hostem ex manibus dimitti.' " * a multitude of men collected into a Fischer. circle or ring/ so Xen. uses kvk\os, 28. iKKoxj/avTes'] " The verb iKKo-rr- Cyrop. 7, (1, 16.) T\.epio*T7](jaiAzvos tqov tsw properly signifies excidere, ever- ^vaTO(p6p(cv Hepo-ccv kvkXov p.kyav. See tere, thence tollere, as in 2 Cor. 11, also Anab. 5, (7, 2. ^vWoyoL kylyvov- 12. So in Latin, prcecidere spetn*, to, Kal kvkXol (rvviaravroj) where causam, so that iKKoirreiv rcov ro^ordv kvkAos. as KVK\ovfiai in this place, is aKpo.QoAiaeLs is, tollere velitationem applied to soldiers, who are dissatis- velitum, to strike such terror into fied with something." Hutch. See them that they neither dare, nor can also Hist. 4, 4, 3. "The word kv* throw arrows and javelins, but quit K\ovcrdai answers to the Latin word cir- their intrenchments and fly." Fischer. culari, that is, 'to form circles/ 'to col- Schneider, ' Frangere / Sturz, ' Re* lectinto a ring.' Men are accustomed pellere*' Schneider considers the to do this, and particularly soldiers in whole passage to be an iaterpolatioiu 198 CYROP&DIA. /jcikcmti, iraXrov be ev i(r\vpov etcaaros Xafiiov irpoveXavveiv biave." vorjTai ojs €K %eipos rt)y /jtd-^rjv notTjaofievos* XVII. en be ap/jiara epyerai, a oh% ovrios eart^erai &trirep irpooQev a7reaTpafjfji€ya tivnep els vyt)v, ttW ot re 'i7nroi elal KaTaTeQojpaKtafxevoi ol ev to7s b\pjxaaiv, ol re fjylo^oi ev irvpyois eardoi ZvXivois to. vwepe^ovTa diravra ovveffTeyacr/jteioi Oojpa£i ica\ Kpdvecri bpe- iravd tc cribrjpa wepl to~is a£oat Trpoarjpfioarai, ws eXwvres Ka\ ovtol evdvs els tUs T&leis t&v evavTiioV XVIII. npos & ert KajjirjXoi elorlv avrdls e//^e- Tepa (pavXa, tovtovs eyoj (f>rj/un ^pfjvat, d> avbpes, aelvai els tovs eravTiovs' iroXv yap eKel ovTes irXeioj av fjpds r) irapovTes oj(peXoJev. XXI. 'E^ei be ravra ciney 6 KtJpos, dveaTrj Xpv Kal €7nivecrav. XXIII. Kae [lev brj, etyrj o Kvpos, to avbpes, boKel jioi Kal levat en avrovs wsra^tora, Iva npioTOv fxev avrovs tydaavixev atyiKOfJievoi, ijv bvvwfJLeOct, 07rov to. e7riTTfbeia avruls arvXXeyerar eweira be ova) av Oarrov 'iwfiev, TOoovTk) fieico /jtev to. 7rapovra evp))aofiev avrols, 7rXeiu) be ra cnrovTa. XXIV. eyio fiev bt) ovrio Xeyw' el be tis aXXrj wy yiyvwoKei r/ a(T r)fiwv, to. be virb twv iroXefiitov ocra r)bvvavTO* XXVI. erv- (TKevaieodai ovv \prj airov fiev iKavuv* dvev yap tovtov ovre fid- yeadai ovre &rjv bvvaifie& av' olvoP be touovtov eKaoTOv eyeiv yor\ ocros Ikuvos etrrai ediaai fj/nds ai/Tovs vbp07T0Te7v' 31 7roXXrj yap eorai tyjs qcov aoivos,^ eis i)v ovo av Trarv 7ro\vv oivov vvaKeva- Conv. 8, 4. Bodaeus a Stapel ad Gell. 10, 23. et significat eum quern Theophr. H. PI. variis in locis in In- Graeci &oivov, Apul. Met. 2. Graecum dice laudatis p. 99. Plin. H. N. 13, quasi interpretatus invinium vocat. 4." Fischer. Abstemius igitur est, qui vinum non 31. vdpoiroTs'iu] u Moeris : 'T5po- bibit, vel ex discipline quadam lege, varretv, Bia rod a LieyaAov, 'Atti/cws* vel quod natura, aut ex morbi vitio a Sick rod fxiKpov, 'EWtjvikqos. See vino abhorret, Ovid. Met. 15, 323. Ammonius v. Uofia, and Etym. M. v. ■ Vina fugit, gaudetque meris abste- 4»iAo7rc*T7]y. But neither in this verb, raius undis.' " Forcellinus.) 2. To nor in the subst. vtiponoTris and u5po- him who has not wine (in possession or 7rocrta, do the Mss. of Xen. conform to the means of obtaining it.) 3. To the rules of grammarians." Poppo. places, where there is no supply of 32. ctoivoy] As Fischer remarks, wine.' Phav. y Aoivor M rCov fify ysvo- this is applied 1. to { him, who does fxevwv otuoov, Kal i-rrl twv ^ exovTtav not drink wine,' abstemius in Gl. vet. olvov. It is here used in both the (" Vox haec ab abstinentia temeti de- latter senses. rivata est, ut docent Quintil. 1, 7. 200 CYROP^EDIA. ew/jieBa, biapKeGet. XXVII. us olv fit) efynrlvris aoivoi yevopevot voarrifiacri TTepnrLiTTOJfiev, tobe ypri voieiv eir! fiev rw airy vvv ei/Ovs apyw/uLeda irlveiv ilbwp' tovto yap fibrj iroiovvres ov ttoXv fierafia- Xo.vfxev. XXVIII. kcli yap ogtis dA^irotnrei, v&ari fie/iiyfievriv ael tyiv fidiav eaQiei, Kal ogtis apTOGiTet, v&ari bebevfievov tov &pTOV 9 Kal tci €(j)6a be iravra fied' vbaros to. 7r\et0ra ecricevaoTai. fjLera he tov gItov eav oivov €Tri7rlv(i)/jev 9 ovbev fielov e%ovGa f] ^VX 7 ) avairavcrerai. XXIX. eVetra be Kal tov fiera belirvov atpai- pelv XP 7 )? €i*)s av XaOio/jiev 33 vbpowoTai yevofxevoi. jj yap Kara jiiKpov fxeraXXa^is iracrav Trotel vgiv vnocpepetv tcls fiera/SbXas* hibaGKei be Kal 6 Beds, enraywv rjfids Kara fxiKpbv cktc tov ^eifiwvos els to aveyeodai la^vpa 6a\7rrj Kal ck tov OctXirovs els tov layypbv yeifiwva* ov \pi] fiifiovfievovs els b Set eXQelv 7rpoetdiG/ievovs fjfids atpiKveloQai, XXX. Kal to twv GrpiofxaTtov be (ictpos els to. entTrj" Seta KaTabaTravciTe' ra fiev yap eiriTrjbeta 7repiTTevovTa ovk ayjp-qGTa carat* OTpwi-iaTbiv be evberjdevTes fir/ Se/o^re t5Atj, but not also X €I P9- larger mill-stones," (< Molae asinariae u(\rj: Horn, too uses p.v\7}, Od. Y, unae/ Cato 10, 3.) " Aibertiad Hes. LIBER VI. CAP. II. 201 vp>) avroQev napaaKevctcraadai als (TiT07TOirjcr6fJi€.6a' tovto yap kov- tyoTcirov tCjv air OTTO Hkwv opyavwv. XXXII. ovveoKevaodai be \py) Kal wp aadwovvres beovrat avQpwnoC tovtuv yup 6 /uev oyKOs 35 fiiKpoToros, rjv be rvyr} TOiavrr) yevrjTat, /jtuXtaTa beriaei. eyew be \pi) Kal i/jiavTa$* ra yap 7rXe~iaTa Kal avQp ZvaasOat, ayadbv Kal £vi)Xr]s /i>) eiriXa&ecrdat. XXXIII. ayaQbv be Kal pivr\v (pepeaQai* o yap Xoyyrjv vlkovCjv eKelvos Kal ty\v \LvyJiv ti 7raoa- Kovq.' eizeoTi yap tis aiayyvri X6yyr\v aKOvwvTa KaKov eivai. eyetv be ^p7/ Kal £v\a nepiirXea Kal apfiavt Kal ajxa^ais' ev yap noXXals 7rpa£e(Ji rroXXa avayKT) Kal tci cnrayopevovTa eivai, XXXIV. eyeiv be bel Kal tu avayKaioTara opyava eitl ravra 7ravTa* ov yap wav- Tayov yeipoTeyvai napayiyvovTai' to b* e6pwv apyovTes e£era5ere, Kal tov prj eypvTa KaTauKevaieoQai avayKaieTe. XXXVI. vjj,e7s 8' av ol tlov bboiroiLov apypvTes eyeTe jiev aitoyeypajiLievovs Trap efiov tovs a7robeboKL/uarruevovs Kal TOVS €K TLOV CLKOVTLffTLOV Kal TOVS CK TLOV TO^OTLOV Kal TOVS €K TLOV a be Kal tovs ev rrj arpaTLijjTiKrj fjXiKio: $vv toIs opydvois yciXKeas re Kal TeKTOvas Kal ffKVTOTOfiovs, bwojs av ti bet} Kal toiot&tlov Teyvwv ev Trj LrrpaTiL} 9 jjirjbev eXXi7rr)Tai. ovtoi be birXotyopov fxev Ta^ews a-rroXeXvcrovTat, a c eirtffTavTai, rw (iovXofxevto fxiodov virqpeTOvvTes ev tlo TeTay/nevo) €<7orrat. XXXVIII. rjv be tls Kal e/uiropos fiovXrjrai eireadai TrtoXelv n fiovXofjievQS, tlov fiev Trpoeiprjjjieviov rj/jiepLov tcl eiriTYjbetd e^eiv* rjv be ti wloXlov aXiaKrjTat, ttclvtlov areprjaeraC eneibav 8' avrat irapeXdtocriv ai fjjjiepai, 7rtoXficrei ottlos av fiovXrjTai* Saris 8* av twv ^junopcov 7rXeiffTt]v ayopav 7rape)(U)v cpaivrjTai, ovros Kal irapa twv ^v/j/JLa^wv Kal 7rap 9 ejjiov bwpiov Kal Tifxfjs Tevfcerai* XXXIX. el be tis xprjfiaTMv ^poabelaQai rofxliei els efjLTroXrjv, yvioaTijpas *° spade/ and (r/xiv{>7j, c a rake. 1 See ws a^vo^oou, robs yuuxrras. u There Mcer. Timaei Gloss. Plat. Thorn. M. is a surprising difference among the Hesych. Suid. J. Poll. 10, 166." Fis- Interprr. how this word is to be trans- oher. lated. Leuncl. and Hutch, understand 38. rbu vcoTo. Trapelvai be ypi] diravTas tcl irpoeip-qfjieva eyovras els t))v t er ay jjieprjv ywpav wpos tovs ijyejiovas eavTLJv. XLI. v/uels be ol tjye/ioves rr/v eavrov enaaros tol^lv evrpeiriffafieiGS 7rpos t/je navTes (7iyi/3aA\ere, \'va tcls eavrtop eKaaroi \wpas KaTajjLcidrjTe, CAP. III. I. 'AKOvcravres be ravra ol fjiev ovveaKevuSovro, 6 be Kvpos eduero. eirei be kclXcl tcl lepa i)v 9 cbpfxaro ovv tu> (TTpareifxari* Kal Ttj fiev 7rpi0TTj fifxepa e^edrpaTOwebevcraTO cos bvvarbv eyyvrara, OTT(vs e'i rls tl e7rLXeXTjGjbievos eirj, fJLere\8ui ) Ka\ ei rls ti evbeo/jievos yvoirj, tovto eTwrapaaKevacraiTO. II. Kt/ajctpqs fxev ovv twv M?/- bcov e^cov to Tp'tTov /jepos Kare/jLever, cos fiTjbe tcl o'ikol eptffxa e'iri, 6 be Kvpos eiropeve-o cos i)bvvaT0 Ta\tffTa, tovs Imreas fiev irpcoTOvs eyujv, Kal 7rpo tovtcov btepevvrjTas Kal gkgttovs ael ava(5i/3a£u)V ewl tcl 7rpoadev evaKoiTLOTaTa' fiera be tovtovs ?)ye ra GKevocpdpa, onov jxev irebivov e'irj, noXXovs opfiadovs 41 iroiovfLevos tlov ajma^cov Kal together. Sallier ad Moer. 116. ex- plains it by « sponsores promissorum alicujus ;' Steph. Thes. 1, 1832. 'qui eura in posterum agnoscunt.' Lipsius, P. Faber, and Hotomannus pronounce them to have been the same as the Roman cognitores or notores. See in particular Des. Herald. Animadv. in Salinas. Obs.adJ. A. etR.4, 10. and Piers. ad Moer. 1. J." Sturz. " Yvghjtti- pes, cognitores, notores, are those who bear testimony that we are the per- sons, whom we describe ourselves to be, and declare that we are known to them : eyyvnrai, sponsores, Jideijus- sores, who engage and promise, by giving their right-hand, that they will satisfy the claims of the creditor, if the debtor should not satisfy him, and in general, who guarantee the perform- ance of something by another per- son. For Cyrus did not doubt the honesty of the debtors, but he might doubt whether they would follow the army, on which condition they were to accept the money. He therefore wished to know who they were, and to be informed about this, that they would follow the army ; hence he desired to have yvwa-rrjpas and iyyv- ijTds." Fischer. 41. opfjLaOovs] " 'Oppadbs is properly series, scrta, restis, as of onions, gar- lic, pearls ; whence this word is ele- gantly applied to signify ' a number and multitude of all other things, even of persons,' see the Index to Theophr. Char, and ad Anacr. 32, 11. Hesych. 204 CYROP^DIA. tlov (TK€vo(/>6p(t)p* oiriodev be r/ cpaXayt, efeirop&vri, ei ri tlov fficevo- s > vtIxos. Phav. (I know that be is said 7)ye7s] " You place, from which a view may be would expect the sing. kavTov. Pis- taken, Hes. vv. ZZttoiriai, ^kotti^, and cher, however, thinks that the plural 'E| avfrirrov." Fischer, may be defended from this considera- 44. o,ri &v ael Kaivbv bpSxriv'] 'Ael is tion, that 6 tov ra^idpxov CKevotydpos here used, as in a previous passage, in is to be understood distributively ' de the sense of ' limited perpetuity,' indi- quoque cujusque centurionis impedi- eating something to be done always, mentorum duce ;' for that rbv cuevo- but only so long as things remained in 6pov is here top 6,pxovra twv (tksvo* the state referred to. $6pwv, he contends, is clear from this, LIBER VI. CAP. III. 205 7rec?u)v k'cu dpfxuTLOV tovs ?/ye/ioVas, Kai tlov nr)yavLov be Kai tlov <7K€V0(j)(')p(i)V tovs dpyovTas rat tlov apfxafxa^wv' Kai ovroi fiev avvr^e- om.v. IX. ol be KaTabpa/uovTes els to nebiov ovXXafiovres avQpi'o- ttoi/s 45 ijyayov ol be ovXXrityQevTes dvepLOTLofxevoi virb tov Kvpou eXeyov on d-rrb tov (TTpaTonebov elev, TrpoeXrjXvdoTes be ewl x^y, 0L 8' eirl £i/\a, irapeXdovTes tcls 7rpocpvXaKds' bid yap to 7rXfjdos tov (TTpaTOv ondvia travTa elvai. X. rac 6 Kvpos tclvtci ukovgcis TIo- aov be, e^r?, dwecrTiv evQevbe to arTparevfja ; ot b* eXeyov otl los bvo TTctpacrayyas. enl tovtols ijpeTO 6 K.vpos *H/jlvv b\ etprj, Xoyos Tts i]i> irap' avrols ; Nat jjl b\ ecprj 6 Ki/joos, tl iroiovaiv ; 'EkTctrrovrat, etyaaav* kol e^Ses be ko\ TptTrjv ijjjepav to avro tovto eirpaTTOv. f O be tclttiov, eiprj 6 Kvpos, tis eaTtv ; ot be ecpacrav, Avtos Te Kpolaos Kai ltvv avT(p"EjXXr]v tis dvfjp, Kat aXXos be tis Mrjbos' ovros \xevTOi eXeyeTO tpvyds elvai 7rap' v/jilov' Kai 6 Kvpos eiTrev, 'AW, lo Zev fieyiGTe, XafieHv fjoi yevoiTO avrbv ws eyw fiovXo/uat. XII. 'Eu tovtov tovs fxev al^fxaXioTOvs dnayeiv eKeXevtrev, els be tovs TrapovTas ws Xe^Lov tl avffyero. ev tovtg) be 7rapijV dXXos av ano tov (TKoirapypv, Xeyiov otl iirneiov ra|ts f.teyaXrj ev rw irebico 7rpocpalvoiTO' teal yfj.e7s yuer, etyrj, ehd^ojuev eXavveLV avTOvs fiovXo- fievovs Ibelv Tobe to oTpaTev/Jia* Kai yap irpb tt\s Ta%eios TavTi]s aX- Xol cos TpiaKOVTa L7T7re7s (jv^ibv TTpoeXavvovtri, Kai jievTOi y etprj, /car' avTOvs flfJicis, "ifftos ftovXofjLevoi \a/3et^, r\v bvnovTai, tt\v ab})Xovs to'is woXefiiois aTpefiiav eyeiv. "Orav be, etprj, r/ beKas rj ij/uerepa \et7r7? ttjv c/co7r?)v, e^ava GTavTes eTrlQetrde^ rots dva(3alvov(Tiv enl ty]v ltko7ti]v. cos be v/jias /u?/ Xvirutaiv ol ano Tfjs fieydXrjs Ta^eios, dvTe^eXde av, ecprj 9 0) 'ToracTra, ttjv \iXio(TTvy tlov inizeijjv Xafitov Kai eTrttpdvrjQi 47 dvTios ry tlov 7roXefiiwv Ta^eL» 45. Q.vQpuTrovs] " That you may " Consurgite ex insidiis, (Cavs. B. C. not regret the absence of tlvcls, consult $ , 37.) et impetuni facite in." Fis- the Interprr. ad Thuc. 7, 43." Poppo. cher. 46. ij-avaaTavTes iirideade] I. e. . 47. iirKpdvTjdt] I.e. "Ostendete; Xen. Cyrop, S 206 CYROP.EDIA. btw£ets be ovbaprj els agaves, dXX oitws ai atonal crot bia/jievwatv €7n/je\r)0els irdpidt. i)v b' dpa dvarelvavris rives rds be^ids ttqoo- eXavvwcriv v/ulv, be^eade tyiXiws robs dvbpas. XIV. 'O [iev br) 'YordoTrris cnrtiov w7rXi£ero* ol b' V7rr)perai ijXaviov evOvs ws eKeXevaev. dwavr^. S' avrols Kal brj evrbs rwv okottwv 'Apaenas ovv rols Oepdwovaiv, b irejJL(pde\s 7rd\ai kcitcktko- iros, b uXa£, rfjs Yovalbos yvvaiKos. XV. b /aev ovv Kvpos ws eibev, ai'a7rrjbrj(Tas ck rfjs ebpas VTrfjvra* 8 re avr£ Kal ebe^iovro' ol be* aXXoi, Cj&irep ehbs, /Jtrjbev elbores eKTreTrX-qyixevoi fjcrav r£ Trpay/utari, ews 6 Kvpos elirev ," Avbpes (piXoi, facet i}jxiv dvifp apioros. vvv yap i]brj irdvras dvQpwTrovs 8e7 eibevat rit rovrov epya. ovros ovre aloyjpov yrrriQels ovbevbs wyero ovr e/jte o(ir)de\s, aXX* V7r efxov 7r€fxws ra bvra e£ayyetXetev, XVI. a fxev ovv eyw cot vrreayo^v, d> 'ApdffTra, fjt€/jLvr}jjLai re Kal dnobwow avv rovrots ttclgi* bUaiov be Kal vpas a.7ravras, w avbpes, rovrov riftqv ws dyadbv dvbpa' enl yap rw fifjicrepo) dyadw teal exivbuvevse Kal alriav virecr^ev rj eflapivero* XVII. etc rovrov bij irdvres ijtnrdiovro rbv'Apaatrav Kal ebefyovvro. elirovros be Kvpov on rovrwv fxev roivvv aXis e'irj, *A be Kaipbs fifjuv eibevat, ravr, etyri, biriyov, w ^Apdoira, Kal jjrjbev eXarrov rov aXij- Oovs jmrfbe fxelov ra rwv 7roXefjiiwv. icpelrrov yap /jieiSw olrjdevras fxeiova Ibelv fj fjteiw aKOvcravras la^vporepa evpivKetv. XVIII. Kai fxrjv, ecprj 6 'Apac-H-as, ws aafearard y av elbelrjv onoaov rb arpd- revfjid eariv enoioW avve^erarrov yap rrapwv avrovs, 2v fiev apa, S(j>rj b Kvpos, ov rb 7rXrj&os \jlovov oloda, dXXa Kal rrjv rd^iv avrwv; *Kyw /uev va\ [ia A/', epas, is said viravrav." edly and on a sudden." Fischer. Fischer. This canon is better than 48. vTr4)VTa~] " This place confirms that which Ammonius delivers : 'Yirav- the opinion of those, who teach that ttjitcu fikv iir\ bhov AeyeTai, airavrrja-ai h&avrciv is • to be met by chance/ but Se rb irepirvx^tv Si/cj7- vwauT^u i * to meet by design.' For, 49. eV K€v ra^etov. Kal 6 Kpolcjos fxevroi fxaXa ukujv ovveyu)pr\- aev avrols ovra) Tctrreffdar eftovXeTo yap on rrXelfTTOv vireptyaXay- yrjcrat 50 tov crov crTparev/jiaTOS. Upos rl brj, €(f>r} 6 Kvpos, tovto eiriQvfiwy ; Tls vat fjtd Ai\ e0?7, 7w TrepiTTu) KvKXvjvofievos. kui 6 Kvpos el7rev, 'AW ovtol av elbelev el ol KVKXovjjLevot KVKXwdelev. XXI. dW a jiev 7rapa (tov Katpos fxadelv, aKrjKoafjiev' vpas be XPV> W avbpes, ovrw notelv' vvv fxev e-ireibav evdevbe ci7reXdr]T€, eiri- crK€\pa(j6e Kal to. twv 'irnruv Kal tcl v/jluv avrajv 6V\a' 7roXXaKts yap jxiKpov kvbeia Kal dvi)p Kal i7nros Kal apfia dj(pe1ov ylyveraC avptov be 7rpw\, eus av eyoj dvto/Jiai, 7rpu>TOV per y^pi) apiarfjcrai 51 Kal av- bpas Kal tmrovs, owios o f n av npaTTetv del Katpos rj ft)) tovtov fj^Tv evberf eVetra be av s e e(pr), w Kftpe, 'neurits e£eiv els togovtovs Teray/jievoi npbs ovrto (3a6eTav aXayyes rj ws e^tKveladai toIs onXots twv evavTiuv tl aot t etyrj, boKovcnv ?/ tovs 7roXefJiovs iSXcnrTetv y tovs av/jfjid'^ovs uxpeXelv ; XXIII. eyoj fuev yap, e(prj, tovs els eKaTov tovtovs oirXtTas els fivptovs av fiaXXov j3ovXo/fiTjV Terd")(QaC ovru) yap av eXayJGTOis /ua^oifjieda. e£ oatov fievToi eyw Tr)v cpdXayya (iadwCt o'tofxai 6Xr]v kvepybv Kal (jv/j/ua- yov 7rotj](T€tv avTi)v eavTrj. XXIV. dKovncrras [uev enl toIs Oupa- KO(f>6pois Td£u) 9 €7rl be to~is aKovTiarals Totyras. tovtovs yap Trpwro- OTaTas fjtev tIs av 7arro(, ol Kal avrol dfxoXoyovat fir}befj.lav fJta^rjv 50. virepcpaXayyrjo-ai] " See ^Elian das has copied." Fischer. Tact. c. 49. Arrian Tact. p. 70. Blanc. 51. apia-Trjo-ai] u Xotandum apto*- Lexicon Tacticura, whicli Montefal- rr\aXayyos ovt avev tljv wpu)- tiov ovt avev tCjv TeXevTaiwv, el firj ciyaOo) eo-ovrai, ocpeXos ovhev. XXVI. d\\' vjAels 76, e0?;, ws 7rapayyeXX(a rarreafle, Kal v/jiels ol t&v 7reXraora)v apypvTes enl tovtois uoavTws tovs Xoyovs Kadlo-Tare, Kal v/jiels ol T&v to%otu>v eirl to~ls 7reXTaa-rals ajaavTMS. XXVII. av he os twv eirl iraanv apyeis TeXevralovs e-^cov tovs avhpas 7rapay- yeXXe rols eavrov etyopciv re eKaoTto tovs fca0' avrbv Kal to7s fiev to heov TTOLOVffiv emtceXeveiv, toIs he KaKVvojjievois cnretXelv loyyp&s* yv he tis ffTpecprjTat Trpohihovat QeXtov, 6avciT(p $rjfiiovv. epyov yap earn toIs fjtev 7rp(i)T0 (pofiov nape^eiv 52. -7rpoj86^\^eVot] I. 6. " Prceten- tos sibi habentes milites grains arma- turos, and Virg. Eel. 3, 106. ' iuscripti nomina regum flores/ For passive verbs, of which the active is construed with an accus. of the object and adat. of the subject, haye an accus. of the object : the reason is, because irpofSsfSkTHxivoi is the same as 7rpo^€^\rjii4uovs €X 0J/Tes " Fischer. 53. \i6o\oyfifjLaTos'] " The Ms. Alt. \L6ovpyf)fiaros, which must be reck- oned among the glosses, with which that Codex is contaminated. For \i6o\6y7]fj.a is an exquisite term, no- ticed by J. Poll. 7, 121." ( J E/c 8' avroov av eft?, Kal Mdoarpoorov efiacpos, Kal Xi9o\6yT]fJLa, Kal \€\i6cap.4vov, where Kuhnius, ' i. q. ibr}(po\6yr}fJLa, Gl. pavimentum, ex secturis lapidum.') " Ai6o\6yoL are ' the fabri murarii, who construct any work of hard or soft stone/ (saxis, lapidibus.) Timaeus, Suid. and Phav. Aido\6yoi' oIko^o^ol : see Ruhnk. For they collect, select, lay down or put together stones ; (see Valck. Annot. in N.T. 379. :) whence \4ysiv is in Hesychius interpreted olKodojjL€?v, and XidoXoyrjfjLa is in gene- ral ' any work constructed of hard or soft stone :' Hesych. Ai6o\6yriijLa' 4k \ldcov oiKod6fxr)/jia, Hence J. Poll. 1. c. has put this word among those, which signify * a pavement or floor constructed of stone / and there can be no doubt that he took it from this passage." (Bekk. Anecd. 1, 277. AidoKoyfjfiara' ra vvv XidScrTpcora.) " For the word orreyrj, which follows, — the adaptation of the comparison, in which ol TeAeuTouoi refers to areyr}, ol TrpcoTOL to Aido\6yr]fia, — and the similar passage in Xen. Mem. 3, 1, 7. prove that \ido\6yr}fjLa is ' the first and lowest part of a house/ which is called by Lysias Kpr)irida7ov, (J. Poll. 7, 120.) that is ' the foundation,' and thence ' the pavement/ or ' floor/ inasmuch as it is constructed of stone, so that XiOoXdyrjfia bxvpbv is ■ a firm floor or foundation, constructed of solid stone.'" Fischer. Sturz less correctly translates the word paries lapideus ; but in the Index to Poppo's edition we have, " Ima pars domus, fundamentum, pavimentum." LIBER VI. CAP. III. 209 Tots KaKols rov and twv noXefjiiwv. XXVIII. Kal Vfieli uev Tavra 7rote7re. ov be, w BpnSdrfi, bs apyeis twv eirl reus ^r)-^ava1s, ovrw Troiei ottws tu ievyrj rd tovs nvpyovs dyovra 54f experai ws eyyvrara rijs <)>a\ciyyos. XXIX. ov b\ w Aabov^e, os dp\eis twv OKevoipo- puv, em toIs Trvpyois [k*cu enl reus uj^avafs] dye iravra tov tolov- tov orpaTov oi be VTnjperai oov \twv byXwv~\ lo\ypws KoXa£6vTwv tovs TrpoiovTas rov Kctipvv i) Xenro/uievovs. XXX. ov be, w Kap- covya, os dpyeis twv dpfxafia^wv at dyovoi tcis yvva~iKas, KaTaOTt]- oov auras TeXevralas enl toIs OKevocpopots. e7r6fA€va yap Tavra iravra Kai TrXi)dovs bo£av wape^ei Kal evebpeveiv i]u7v e£ovola eorai, Kat tovs 7roX€/Ltiovs, ijv kvkXovo8ql 7T€ipu>vTai, fieiSio T))v irepifioXriv avayKaoei •note'lodai' bow 8' av juelSov ywptov irepifiaXXwvTai y ro- oovtw aiayK-q avrovs aodeveorepovs yiyreodai. XXXI. Kal v/jleIs fiev ovrw 7roie~ire* ov be, w 'Aprdo^e km Wprayepoa, tj)v yiXtoorvv etcarepos twv ovv vfjuv ireiwv enl rovrots e-^ere. XXXII. Kal ov, to 9apvov-^€ Kal 'Aoiabara, rijv twv l-rnrewv yjXioorvv ys eKarepos a PX et vpwv a?) (TvyKararciTTeTe els rrjv $d\ayya, dXX' birtodev twv apfxajj.a'£wv e^OTrXiodqre Kad' vfjtds avrovs' eireira irpbs eae iJKere ovv toIs dXXois ijyeuootv. ovrw be bel vfxcis rrapeoKevaoQai ws 7rpw- tovs beijoov ay wviieodai, XXXIII. Kal ov be 6 dpywv twv enl Ta\s Kafj.}]Xots avbpwv, binoQev twv apjuafxa^wv eKrarrov' wotet b' o,tl av ooi napayyeXXt] 'Aprayepoas, XXXIV. vjieis §' ol twv apfJLcirwv ijye/joves biaKXr]pwoduevoi, 6 /uev Xa^wj/ vuwv izpb tyjs QaXayyos ret /iefT eavrov eKarbv e^wv dpfiaTa KaTaoT-qoaTw* al & erepai eKaroorves twv ap/uciTwv, fj uev Kara to befyov nXevpbv rfjs OTpaTias OT0i"Xpvoa eireodw Trj (paXayyi eirl Kepws, f] be Kara to evwvvjuov, XXXV. Kupos fAev ovtw bterarrev, 'A/3pa5dras be 6 ^Eovowv fiaoiXevs ei7rev, 'Eyw ooi, w Kvpe, eQeXovoios vfyiorafxai rrjv Kara irpoawitov tjjs civrtas (paXayyos Ta^tv 54. tci £evyq t« tovs irvpyovs &yov- as ' ventusf evens,' Virg. ^n. 4, 430 , ra] ""AyovTa is found in Steph. and ■ Quem procul Aspis conspiciens ad se Guelf. ; but it has proceeded either ferentem/ Nepos Dat. 4, 5. that is from the grammarians, to whom that ■ coming towards him at full speed/ use of the verb (pepw might seem un- who can doubt the similar use of the usual, or from Xen. himself, who in Greek verb ? So irvev/jLa ravra avyywpelTe ; €7ret be eKeivoi cnreicpivavTO otl ov koXop etr) ravra vQteadat, bteKXijpwffep avToifs, Kal eXa^ev b 'A/3paSaras rj7T€p t^toraro, Kal eyevero Kara tovs Alyvirriovs. XXXVII. Tore jjicp b)) cnrioPTes Kal €7r ifAeXyOevres wp Trpoelitop ebeiirpowowvpTO Kal tyvkaKas KaravTrjaafieroL iKOifjrjdrjcrav. CAP. IV. I. T?J b 9 vffTepato: Trpon Kvpos pep idvero, 6 §' iiXXos ffrparos ctpKTrrjffas Kal airovhhs irotriffafAeros e£a>7rX/£ero ttoXXo~ls pep Kai KaXdis yyrGHTi, 7roXXo7s be Kal KaXoHs Ou)pa£i Kal KpaveaW wnXi- £op be Kal i7rirovs irpo[ji€r7ribiois Kal 7rpoffT€pvibiois* Kal tovs pep fxov'nrxovs 7rapafjir]pibtois 9 tovs b* vnb to7s appaa'tp bpras napa- 7rXevpibiois* ware i]vrpa7rTe 55 fxep ^aXfcw, rjvdet 5 ® be tj ij YldpBeia, 55. ijcrrpaiTTe] " So Anab. I, 8, 5. also to Columna ad Fragm. Ennii p. we have, X e/ju)v Kal arjv (ptXiav ?j firjv eyed jJovXetrdai av fieTa gov avbpos ayadov yevofievov kolvtJ yfjv eTrieGaaQat ^ fiaXXov Tj &rjv fier' ala^yvofievov alayyvofievr)' ovtws eyto Kal ae twv /;a\- Xia-tov Kal ifiavTijv f&tioKa. VII. Kal Kvpu> be fieyaXrjv Tiva boKto i]/ias yapiv 6(peiXetv 9 otl fjte al^fiaXioTOV yevofievr\v Ka\ e^atpedeHaav eavTtp ovre fie ws bovXrjv v/tycoae KCKTijedai ovTe cos eXevdepav ev ciTtfio) ovofiaTt, bietpvXa£e be aol toanep abeXcpov yvvalKa Xafiiov. VIII. npos be Kal ore *Apa(J7ras cnreaTrj avrov 6 efie cpvXaTTCov, vTreoy6fir}v aurw, ei fie eaaet irpos ae 7refi\pai, i}£eiv avTtp ae. ttoXv 'Apaaira avbpa Kal iriGTOTepov ko\ afieivova. IX. f H fiev Tavra elirev* 6 be 'A/3paSaras ayaadels toIs Xoyois Kal Oiyiov avTrjs ttjs KetyaXyjs, avafiXexpas els tov ovpavov enev^aTO, 'AW, w Zev fieytare, bos fioi tov rjfias TijaijaavTOs. TavT elnitJV KaTa Tas 58. iirtea-aa-Qcu] " He, by a certain garment, covers his body with it; poetic boldness, (as Steph. lias ob- hence Xen. has elegantly transferred served,) is said iwiecracrOaL yrjv, i. e. this verb to those, who provide that 1 to put on earth/ who is buried in their bodies shall be covered with the earth, as if he were clothed with earth, i. e. buried in the earth, which it." Hutch. See Dorv. ad Char. 422. is the most ancient kind of sepulture, ed. Lips. M 'Emicrai and i-meo-ao-dai Cic. de LL. 2, 22. Therefore kolvtj — is an Homeric term, like the simple cou, is, • I wish to be buried in the €crao~6cu. Both are applied to ' those, same tomb with you, to die with you.' who dress others in garments, and Hesych. seems to have had this pas- suffer themselves to be dressed,' Od. sage in view : 'ETrUa-aadui yrjv ratyrj* B. 3. H. 154. Now he, who puts on a vcu." Fischer. 212 CYROP^DIA. Svpas tov apjj.a.T€iov bl(ppov avefiaivev enl to ap/j.a. X. t7ret be avajjciPTOs ahrov KareKXeiae tov blcppov 6 h(pr}vloxps, ovk eyovoa rj Tlavdeta ttGjs av £ti aXXws aarTracraiTO abrov, KaretyiXriae Tovbitypov* kcu rw fiev Trporjei ijbi] to apfxa, fj be Xadovaa avrbv avvetye'nreTO, ews k-marpatyels kcu ibfov avn)v 6 'A/3pa£arcts el7T€ Qappei, Y\av- Oeta t Kdl ycupe Kal amdi tfbrj. XI. £k tovtov brj ol evvovyoi kcu at Oepdnairai Xafiovcrai anrjyov avrrjv els rrjv apfxafxa^av feat fcara- KkivavTes KareKaXvxlav rrj crKTjvrj. 5 ^ ol be avdpit)7roi KaXov ovtos tov 59. (TK7]vrj~\ " It is the covering, (or curtain,) of the vehicle, which was also called Kapdpa, because it was arched and vaulted; it seems to have been made of twigs and rods of wood, covered with hides and skins capable of being lifted up, at least of being folded and contracted. Such a vehicle is called by Curtius 5, 12. ' Vehiculum pellibus undique contectum,' by Jus- tin 11, 15. * clausum.' See Scheffer de R. V. 2, 17. p. 216." Fischer. J. Poll. 10, 52 : Kal "-wofyfav 5e eV rrj Tlaitieiq, rb £o~Tsyafffx4vov fiepos rrjs ajudl-ris vnoaTj/JLaivoov ecprj, Kal tcare- kKlvolv Kal Kar€Kd\vtpap rty o~K7)vf)V. Kuhnius infers from the words of Pol- lux, rb e(TT€7 aafxivov fiepos afjidfys, that the Persian apfidfjia^aL were not entirely covered with the screen or curtain, but only some part, in order to protect the head from the inclemency of the weather. But oriental habits would require that the female should not be visible at all, and therefore the curtains would cover the whole of the upper part of the carriage, though the curtains might not always be drawn close. (i Ad banc ctktjv^u accommo- datus valde locus Plutarchi, (The- mist. 26.) quern de carrucis dormito- riis etiam accepit doctissimus Bayfius, initio lib. de Vase. : 'AAAa Kal ras apyvpcuvfjTovs Kal TraWaKevofievas Icrxv- poos TrapacpvXaTTOVGLV, ws virb fjL7]b*evbs opacrOai toov e/crbs, aAA* oXkol p,\v diaL- racrdaL KaraKeK\ei(TfjL€uas, 4v 5e rats oBonropiais virb CKrjvas kvkKoi 7rept7T€- : — "Non enim, puto, ipsajn mulierem operiebant hac scena, sed imposita muliere scenam ipsam obte- gebant. In ipso sic itaque Xen. repo- suero : 'E/c tovtov d^j ol evvovxot Kal at Oepdnaivai Xafiovcrai avrtjv airrjyov €ts ttjv ap\xdyi.a\av ) Kal KareKKivav, Kal KaT€Ka\v\pap ttjv o-ktjv^v, ' Exinde vero eunuchi etancilire apprebenden- tes earn abduxerunt ad harmamaxam, et composuerunt in lectulo, scenam- que seu tabernaculumobtexerunt,' sin- done sc. aliqua, vel velo, quod scenae tegendae, vel ut huic obduci posset, destinatum erat. Pondus opinioni meae accedit a Plut. verbis, quae pro- tulit Jungerra., unde crK7\vas istas fuisse KvK\(p TT€pLTT€(ppayiJL4uas liquet, i. e. contectas ac undique cinctas velo quodam vel pellibus, utpatet e Curtio, qui app.dna% av, cuiDarium imposuerat Bessus, c vehiculum pellibus undique contectum' exponit ; structas enim. moles in curru, quae ab jumentis trahi debeant, mente concipere absonum sit et inauditum. ,, So far T.Hemsterh. And let us now consider what com- ments have been made on the read- ing, r^jv crKT)vi}v. Fischer: — "Jam etsi equidem scripturam tot librorum Xen. potiorem debere esse arbitror* tamen nee accus. fateor ineptum gig- nere sen sum ; nam gktiv)} est tectum carpentiarcwataw. Hoc tectum quidni ancillae et eunuchi potuerintcontegere velis ?" That what was itself a cover- ing of the vehicle, should be covered by LIBER VI. CAP. IV. 213 deafxaros tov Wfipabarov Kal tov dp/jaros ov irpoodev liuvavTO OeaaaaOai clvtov irp\v // Ylavdeia airrfkdev. the female attendants and the eunuchs, is sufficiently improbable to excite disbelief. Schneider : — " J. Poll. 1. c. inter pr. to tarty our jxtvov fiepos rijs a^d^rjs, et ata\v))v praefert. Ita etiani Charito 5, 2. p. 82=109. T^u Ka\ip- p6f)v dcurev inl rrjs ap/JLafid^-ns real avveKd\v\p€ ttju 7}v, et saepius 7rapa7reTa7juaTa, dici obser- varunt alii Interprr." But Schneider informs us that, according to Plut. in Ariaxerxe, the irapa-K^rda\xara formed the sides of the awning. Hemsterh. : — • u Porro aut me fallit animus meus, aut istae scenae curules non absimiles fuerunt cameris, Kafxdpais, quas in vehiculis Babyloniorum commemorat Herod., ubi de lege Babyloniorum turpissima, qua comparatum erat, ut cunctae mulieres semel in vita sua duntaxat notitiam haberent hominis peregrini : TloWai 5e Kal ovk a|ieu/i€- vai ava/jLiayeadai rfjen &AAr)(ri, oTa TrAotircp inrepcppoveovcrai iir\ ^evytdiv iv KafxdpT)(ri iXdaaaaL npbs rb Ipbv IvTaai. Si quae fuerit inter utrasque manifesta differentia, ea tantum fuit, ut camera- rum hae, scenarum illae persimiles fue- rintfigurae." But there is no evidence to show that the (TKTjvalof Xen., Plut., Posidippus, and Charito were not Kafxdpai, i. e. were not arched at the top, like the Babylonian vehicles, and there is good reason to presume that the same sort of awning was in general use throughout the east. Hemsterh. thus concludes his note : — ?■ Et vix quidem haec ad finem perduxeram, cum non longe diversa Schefferum observasse deprehendo. His itaque rationibus permotus genuinam Mss. lectionem in textum revocavi. Egit autem de Plut. Xenophontisque locis laudatus modo vir doctissimus de Re Vehic. 2, 17. et animi dubius est, quid hac in re certi statuat : scrupulus a me sublatus." But all the commentators on Xen. are of a different opinion, except Fischer, who does not recommend, but does vindicate the reading; and the philo- logists in general, except Dorville, condemn the reading and the interpre- tation. Yet on turning to the edition of Dindorf, I find the following note : — H TV cttT^V hinc citat J. Poll. (1. 214 CYROPiEDIA. XII. 'Qs b' €K€Ka\\l€p)]K€l fXeV O K.VpOS 9 fj be (TTpaTLCL 7Tap€Ti' tcikto avr

ay evdvfioTepot els tov aywva ievai. XIV. rj(7K)jKaT€ fiev yap ra els top TroXejiov iroXv fiaXXov i) twv iroXefilwv, avvrerpatpOe be Kal avvTeTa^de ev tw avruj ttoXv 7rXe((o ijbrj yjpovov rj ol 7roXefjuoi Kal avvveytKriKare fxer aXXrjXwv* twv be 7roXejJLi(jjy ol koXXoI fxev avvrjTTrjyTai /i€0' ai/Twv, ol be cifxa^rot eKarepwv ol fiev twv 7roXefilwv 'iaaeriv on irpoboras tovs 7rapa §?/ ev^afievoi rois Qeols amrjeaav irpbs tcls Taxis' Tip &e Kvpv Kal rols a/jtf avrbv Ttpoa^vtyKav ol depa-novres ejuKJKiyeiv Kal efiTTielv ert ovaiv afi. II. wnXiafiivoi be iravres -fjcrav ol nepl tov Kvpov rols avrols Kvpo) 07r\ois, \ltCj(JI oiviKO?s, Owpafy ^aX/cots, Kpaveat. yn\KO~is> \6(j>ois XevKols, jma^alpais, 7raX7« Kpave'ivy 4 evl Zkchttos, ol be t-mroL 7rpofxeTd)7nhiois /cat Tpoorepvibiois teal 7rapafir)pibiois \o\ko1s* to, b y ctvra ravra 7rapafxr}plbta 7]v /cat rJ avbpl' toctovto be /jlovov bie, s. 8. nepa- rot, avaTSiv6fJL€va* ,f LIBER VII. CAP. I. 219 en rovro to vrj/jLelop tw TIepawp ftaaiXel. hiajjiepei. irp\p hk bpcjp rovs iro\€fj.iovs els rpis 7 ape-rravde to (TTparev/ia. V. 'Exct he TrpoeXrjXvdevap ws etKocrt arahiovs, i\p\ovto i\hr) to twp TroXejJLiwp orpdrevua avTiirpocnbv Trapopcjp. ws h' kv rw Kara- ^>avet ttuvtes aXXyXots eyepopTO Kal eypwaap ol 7roXe/iiOL woXv eKa- Tepwdep v7rep(j)aXayyovpT€s, GT))(ravT€s ttjp avrwp (j)dXayya, oh yap €Ctlv aXXws KvuXovadai, eneKafjnrTOP els kvkXwvip, wairep yafjLjxa 8 ^k'ciTepvdev ttjp eavrwp raftv 7rotrj aoPTes, ws iravToQev afxa fAa- Xolvto. VI. 6 he Kvpos bpwp rat/ra ovhev tl fxdXXop atyioTaTO^ dXX* waravrws ?/yc7ro. 10 kcltclvowv he ws npocrw top Ka/bnrrrjpa e/care- pwdep eiroiijcravTO 11 nepl or KajjiTTTOPTes aperetpop 1 * ret Kepara, 'Eppoels, eri b Kvpos, Kal cltto ye Tfjs fyuerepas. VII. Tl hrj tovto ; AtfXop oti, £*s ijbv vfiCjv tcl TTpoawna deaaaaQat, totc &' av ev aXXois av eXe£ev, ' Apa evvoelre, avbpes, on 6 vvv ayuiv eariv ov fjiovov 7tepl ty/s T7]fjiepov vitcrjs, aXXa Kal irepl tyjs Trpoadev f\v vevLKijuaTe ual 7repl Traarjs evbai/uovias ; ev aXXois b' av TTpmuv eiirev, XI. 'ft avbpes, to airb Tovbe obbev Trove ert Oeovs alrtareov earaC irapabebwKaai yap ffjiuv 7roXXa re Kal [fueyaXa] ayadit 17 KT7]cra(T6ai, XII. ciXX', (b arbpes, ayaOol yevd)/j.eda. /car' aXXovs & av TOia.be, 'ft avbpes, els riva ttot av KaXXiova epavov 18 ctXXr/- 15. iyxeipu>t*€ v to7s TroXejj.lois'] " Ag- to be found in two Parisian Mss. But, gredi hostes, manum conserere cum if be desired to be consistent, lie hostibus, as Folyb. 1,11." Fischer. should have altered the same phrase 16. ixofievovs] ". Hesvch. *Ex^6- in 8,4, 35. where several JMss. reject vor £yyi£oi/T€s : as Mark 1, 38. The re, while in the passage under present reason is because exevOai is properly consideration, Philelph. Alt. Junt. hcerescere, Gl. vet." Fischer. The and niarg. Gueif. exhibit fxey&Aa. The sense of * approach ' is derived from instances collected by Matth. Gr. Gr. the sense of ' contact' or * adhesion.' p. 619, 4. show that the observation 17. iroKAa re Kal [fji.eyd\a] ayada] of Zeune is not entitled to much atten- <( The word jue7aAais generally want- tion." Poppo. ing" (in the Mss. and printed edi- 18. epavov] t(i/ Epavos, among the tions,) " but Zeune teaches us that, Athenians, denoted either ' money though 7roAAa Kal ayaQa is a legitimate collected (from individuals) for the phrase, iroWd re Kal ayaQa is not. expenses of an entertainment,' (Cic. And yet he was not mindful of this Or. 2, 57.) whence i the entertainment observation, when in 2,3,3. he left or banquet' itself, thus provided for by untouched the reading, iroWa re Kal the individual contributions of the Ka\a, where Schneider, whom I have guests, was called epavos, or * money followed, has erased re, which is not collected (from individuals) to relieve LIBER VII. CAP. I. 221 Xovs napaKaXeaatpev y els rovbe \ vvv yap e£eartv uyaOols uvbpaai yevouevois iroXXa KuyaBa uXXyXois elaeveyKelv. XIII. kclt aXXovs # av, 'Eniaraade uev, olixat, lj avbpes, ort vvv dOXa 7rpoKeirai rols viKwfft fxev btwKeiv, irateiv, KaraKaiveiv, ayada eyeiv, tcaXa aKOvetv, eXevdepois elvat, apyeiv* rols be kokoIs brjXov oriTavavTta TOVTtjjv. bans ovv avrbv (piXel, (jlet euov /JLayeaOu)' eyib yap kokov ovbev 01/6' alayjpov eKwv elvat Trpoaiiaoixat, XIV. OTrore §' av ye- voito Kara nvas rwv npoadev avjJL/j.a^eaa/jievijjv, elnev av, Ylpbs be v/jl&s, 10 avbpes, tL bel Xeyetv ; eTriaraade yap olav re ol ayadol tv rats Liayais i)uepav ay ova i Kat o'tav ol kqkol. XV. f £is be napiiov Kara 'AjSpabarav eyevero, eartj* teal b 'Afipabaras 7rapabovs ra; vtprjvio^a) ras yjvlas TpoafiXQev aurw* irpoaebpaixov be Kal dXXoi tCjv 7rXr)atov 7eray\xevb)V Kat 7re£wv Kai apfiarrjXaTwv. 6 S' av Kvpos ev to!s 7rapayeyevr]fxevois eXe^ev, f O iiev debs, to 'A/3pa§ara, wanep av rjtyovs, avvrj^lioae ae Kal tovs avv aol Trpwroararas elvai rwv avuLiayjuv' av be tovto ixeiivT]ao , b'rav bet] ae rjbrj aywviceadai, on Ylepaai ol re Qeaaoixevoi vixas eaovrai *cat ol expo/uevoi viilv Kal ovk eaaovres epiipovs v/j,ds aywviieadai, XVI. Kal 6 'AjSpaSciras elirev, 'AXXu ra fxev Kad' i]fj.as eLxoiye boKel, d) Kvpe, KaXws e\eiV dXXa ra TrXayta XvneH tie, on ra Likv tCjv TroXeuiwv Kepara layypa vpu> avaTeivoixeva Kal ap/uaat Kai iravroba7rfj arpanq., yiLxerepov 6' ovbev dXXo avro~is avTireraKrai rj apfxara* war eywy, e(pr], el in) eXayov ri'ivbe ttjv Tafyv, y)a-^\)v6- jjltjv av evdabe utv* ovrw 7roXv jxoi boKio ev aatyaXearara) elvai* XVII. Kat 6 Kvpos eirrev, 'AXX' el ra napa aol KaXtis e'x ei > 6upp€t V7rep eiceivutV (yw yap aot avv deols eprjua r&v TroXefxiwv to. 7rXctyta ravra a7robei£u). Kal av p.y) irporepov e/Jif3aXXe to~is 7roXejuioLS, bta- fxaprvpoiiat, irplv av (pevyovras rovrovs ovs vvv apvov-%ov eiceXevcrev e^orras ttjv re twv 7reSujv yCXioaTitv Kal T)]v twv iTnretoV (jeveir avTOv, 9 K7retbav b\ eero, f/ to. ararftrofjei'a Keparu, fjpe roll Kepaai crrjfjielov fjLt]Keri aiio iropeuecrQai, a\\' avrov ev X^P£ 20 OTpcupj/iru. ws b* €(T77)oav [7rdi^res] avria irphs to tov Kvpov trrpdreitfia vpu>v- res, €) Trpoay\eaav rpels (paXayyes em to Kvpov orparei/yua, i) /.lev jui'a KaTa TTpOGuJivov' tu) be bvo, y fxev kcith to befydi*, ?/ be koto, to evwpv/jov, (bate ttoXvv a, 22 cvve-Ki\yr\(je be 7ras 6 GTpaTos. XXVI. jucra be tovto rJ 'Ei'vaXta) 23 re djua emj\a\a%nv Ka) e^av/orrarat 6 Kvpos, kcii 20. avrov sv X^py'] " Hist - 4, 8, 39. 3 Eu %dipa avrov p.axop.^vos aitoBvi]- (TK€i f where see a note, and also see the note on 7, 4, 36. and in particular Valck. ad Herod. 339. 5 Ej'x<^pa without avrov, occurs in Hist. 4, 2, 20. 4, 5, 10." Schneider. " See ad Cyrop. 3,1, 19. Schaefer ad Theocr. p. 225. and ad Long. p. 371." Poppo. 21. irXiudioy] " Laterculus. The reason, why Xen. uses this compari- son, is, because irXivQiov is itself a mi- litary term, which is put ' de acie qua- drata, etiam oblonga :' see Arrian Tact. 69. Blanc, and Suid." Fischer. 22. Traiava] " Guelf a pr. m. irai&- va, which is a less usual form, although iratcaui^LU occurs in Xen. as well as in other writers. Duker ad Thuc. 1, 50. and Wasse ad 7, 44. have handled this subject." Poppo. 23. Top 'EvvaXicf)) ft Mars, the god of war, iuasmuch as he was supposed to be the slayer of soldiers ; at least Horn. II. B. 151. has, 'EvvdXios av- hpzi, i. e. p4v(o, i. e. (povtvw, (Etym.M.) Others say that 'Evvdhios is the son of Mars, others of Saturn and Rhea, (Eust. 524. 552. 673. 944. 1262. Schol. ad Aristoph. Pac. 456. Dior.ys. H. 2, 112. 617. where see Sylb.)" Fischer. Eust. Tives 5e rbv "Aprju Ka\ rbu 'Ew~ d\iov rov avTGU elvai vofxi^ovGW tivss 8e deovs dia(p6povs elvai Xdyova, " Though 'Evvdhios is here apparent- ly distinguished from "Aprjs, because Trcuavi^eiv, a ceremony performed in honor of Mars before a battle, (see ad 3, 3, 58.) is distinguished from e7ra- XaXdfcw rep 'EvvaAicp, yet f think that two attributes of the same god are in- tended. For the pecan was addressed to Mars as an ally, but iiraXaXd^uv T(p 'EvvaXicp, to Mars as exciting terror and causing flight among the enemy." Zeune. *' In 3, 3, 58. be- fore a battle iraiava rhv vofJu£6p.evov HvPX €V & Kvpos, but because the af- fair did not come to an actual engage- ment, there is no mention of that wild and tumultuous military clamor, in the midst of which Enyalius was fre- quently invoked. Hist. 2, 4, 17. 'E£ap|iXoi, exeaQe, erlet obbep v AlyvtrTiM a\ayyci e/ifiaWef ovveiaefiaXov be aurw Kal ol eyyvrara rerayjjievoi. TToWay^ov pev ovv Kal liXXoOl br]Xov u>s ovk eoTiv layypoTepa 0a\ay£ Tj orav etc (piXojv avpfjiayuv rjdpoKTfJLetrj r), Kal ev Tovru>be ebrjXiooev. ol fxev yap eralpol re avrov Kal vfiOTpaTreQoi £7 avveurefiaXoVy ol b* aXXot fjvioxoi ojs eibov virofxevovras iroXXtJ ari(j)€i tovs AtyvTr- rlovs, e£eKXivav Kara ra tyevyovTa ap/utara Kal tovtois e(p€L7rovTO, XXXI. ol be a.fjL(p\ 'Afipaharav 17 fxev eve/3aXov 9 are ov bvvafiev&v biayjcMjaaQai tCjv AlyvirTiajv bta to jxeveiv tovs evdev Kal evdev avrwv, tovs jxev opQovs 7tj pv/jirj tGjv f l7nrbjv iraiovTes aveTpeirov, tovs be 7riTTT0VTas KaTrjXoujv Kal avrovs Kal onXa Kal 1lk7tols Kal Tpoyois. otov 5' emXafioiTo tcl bpenava, iravTa /3/ot bieKOTTTeTO Kal onXa Kal aw^ara, XXXII. ev be rw abtrfyi]TO) tovtm TapayjD 28 vno tujv TravTobairutv ou)pevfj.aTi»>v e^aXXo/jievwv twv Tpoy&v €K7rt7TT€i 6 'Afipabaras, Kal ciXXot be tujv avveiofiaXovTuV Kal ovtoi fxev evTavQa dvbpes ayadol yevojuevot KaT€K07rr)(Tav Kal anedavov' ol be Ylepcrat (rvveniGirojievoif r] fxev 6 'A/3/3a£aras evefiaXe Kal ol ovv avrw, TavTT] GvveicnceoovTes T€Tapayjj.evovs etiovevov, rj be cnraQels eyerovTO ol AlyvitTioi, ttoXXoI 6' ovtol r)oav > e^wpovv evavrioi toIs TIeparais. XXXIII. "EvQa bt] beivr) fJ-ay^Y) i]V Kal bopaTtov Kal ^votwv Kal liayaipuiV eirXeoveKTovv fxevTOi 01 AlyvnTioi Kal TrXrjdei Kal toIs onXots. to. re yap bopara lcr)(vpa re Kal fuaKpa en Kal vvv eyoviXe~icrdaL apyovTa vno twp nepl avTov, evQvs yap apeflorjaap re iravTes Kal npovneooPTes efxayovT0 9 ewdovp, ewOovpro, 31 enaiop, enaiovTO. k ar air T)bf] eras be tis and tov Innov twp tov Kvpov vnrjperwv apafiaXXei 32 avTOP enl top eavTOv 30. '] Hesych. 20a8afez, de hoc verbo Foes. Lex. Hippocr, /Spafet, Bvo-Oavaro?, x a ^ en & 5 ^ 6 P 6i > Pierson. ad Mcer. 356. Interprr. ad diaffnaTai, ayavaKre?, Svcrcpopei, — jiieTa Longin. s. 25." Fischer. CjracrfjLOv Trrjda, fiaivercu, — Ov/jlovtcu, 31. ifxaxovro, icoOovv, £oo6ovi>to~\ rapdrreraL virb rpav/xaros £4ovtos. " This is no place for copulative par- Etym. M. andPhav. 2#a5afeti/ 'Arrt- tides; he rejects the delay, which feol e7rl rod xaA€7rws Qepsiv Kal cxerAta- they would cause, that he may make £eiv \4yovo~L* p,euo(pwp iirl tov aXyziv, his narrative the more nearly resem- k. t. A. Compare Suid. Timaei Lex.: ble the fury of the combatants. There 2<£a5afefi/* $vffavao~x* Te w At €T " ti^os is a similar elegance of expression and &o"jrep v 7ro\e/j.i(i)V Kal ixayptTO, XL. errel be avefir}, Karelbe [xeaTOV to ireblov iirKUVy dvOpuKtoV, apfidrwy, v Aiyv7rr/wv' ovtol bk eneibri l]7TOpOVVTO t KVKXa) TTCLVToQeV IT 01^(7 CLjXeVOL^ WCTTC Opaodai TCI 07rXa, v7ro rati dairlaiv eKadrjVTO* Kal endow fiev ovbev ert, enaayov be 7ro\Xa Kal bend. t XLI. 'Ayacflets be 6 Kvpos civtovs Kal otKreipiav otl dyadol 5V- bpes bvTes cnrwWvpTO, dveyjopiae TrdvTas tovs TrepLfxaypyLevovs Kal jid^eadai ovbeva en em. 7re//7rei be 7rp6s avrovs KrjpvKa epioriov TTorepa [iovXovTai diroXeoQai irdvTes vnep twv irpobebuKOTiov avTOvs 7} awdijrai dvbpes dyadol boKovvTes elvai. oi S' direKpivavTO, litis 6' av rijiels ewdeirjfiev avbpes dyadol boKOVvres elvai\ XLII. 6 be Kvpos irdXiv eXeyev, "Otl fj/uels v/jas 6pu>fxev ixovovs Kal fievovTas Kal Lidyeadai deXovras, 'AXXa TOvi'Tevdev, ecpacrav 01 AlyvnTtoi, tL Kal KaXov av iroiovvTes owQeiTjfxev ; Kal 6 Kvpos av npos tovto eiirev, Ei twv re (7Vfxfjtayojuevu)v fjLY}beva wpobovres aiodeirjTe, Ta re ovXa. ?//i7v TrapabovTes (piXot re yevofxevot toIs alpovjievois vfjids , cingere, which is foreign B. J.: "Turn spectaculum horribile to the meaning in this passage. The in campis patentibus ; sequi, fugere, form kvkXoj ir&VToBev iroisiaQai seems occidi, capi." to me to be capable of this explana- 34. kvkXw iravToQev TroiTjcrdfjLevoi] tion, that it may be ' circum undique, The Guelf. Par. Bodl. Gabr. and Phil, ex omni parte, se collocare, sistere/ exhibit iravToQzv KvuXoTroifiaaiAtvoi, that is, ' to form a circle,' and thus which Zeune has received. "Now KVK\cp irdvroQ^v iroiriadfJi^voL willbe the though the word KVK\oiroie?crdcu is not same as et's irepKpepes o"x^M a TaxfleVres repugnant to the laws of analogy, (for in the Greek, version of these words of we have the similar words, apicrro- Caes. B. G. 4, 37, 2* ' Orbe facto.' " irotuiXot f ri yjfxlv a£tu)ff€ts yj)i)oQcu\ anek'plvaro o Kvpos, EJ iroielv Kal ev ituoyjeiv. ewrjpwnov naXiv ol Alyvirnoi, T*Va evepyeorlav ; npos rovro elnev 6 Kvpos, Midday fxev vfiiv boirjv av nXeiova ij vvv eXajjtfidveTe oaov av yjpovov noXefjios rj' etptjvrjs be yevouevrjs rw (iovXofxevQ) v/jiu>v fxeveiv nap kfxol ywpav re bwffw Kal noXeis Kal yvvcuKas Kal oticeras. XLIV. ctKovoavres ravra ol Alyv7r-ioi to jiev enl Kpolaov avarpareveiv dcfteXelv a rd Tlepu&v lirirucov Kpdnarov ebo£ev etvai* tier en Kal vvv btafievei i] oxXiais fjv rore Kvpos rols tV- izevoi KareorKevaffev, XLVII. ehboKifjirjcre be larj^vputs Kal ra bpe- iravrjcpopa apfiara* ware Kal rovro en Kal vvv biafievei ro 7roXe/x«- crfipiov tu del (3a(TtXevovTi. XLVIII. al [xevroi KaurjXoi etyofiovv fiovov rovs f i7r7rovs 9 ov /jievroi KareKatvov ye ol ew avrwv (7T7re7.«, ovS' avrol ye a7redvtj(TKov vwo limewv* ovbels yap 'imros kireXaie. XLIX. Kal xpfjaifxov fiev eboKei elvai, a\\a yap ovre rpecpetv ovbels eQeXei KaXos KayaObs KajjLr]\ov war eTro-^eladaL ovre fieXeryv ws 35. KvW^vtjv irapa Kyjiwjj'] "The of the same name." Zeune. u Straho word Kv?i\-f)vr}v is suspected by me for p. 440. 620. mentions several places this reason, that Cyllene irapa KvfiTjv, of this name ; we must here under- that is in iEolis, nowhere occurs ; stand that, to which Strabo gives the but Cyllene is either a mountain of surname of $piK(>ov\s y and Xen. Hell. Arcadia, or a naval station of the 3, 1, 7. MyvtrTia" Poppo. Eleans. The name of a place, so well 36. (tkotoios^ I.e. " Obortis tene- known to the copyists might have bris ; for an adj. is put in the place of been easily substituted by them. But an adv., as II. A. 424. xO&s e/fy, Xen. perhaps WTOte Kap^vrj: for this Virg. J£n. 1, 305. 'citus adstitit."' was a city of Mysia or ^Eolis, (Herod. Fischer. 7, 42. Plin. H. N. 5, 32.) The words 37. iv 5e rfj fidxy'] " According to napa Kvp.rii' have, I think, been trans- Herod. 1 , 80. this second engagement posed; they undoubtedly belong to with Croesus, happened at Sard is; 546 hapuraav, which is so called by Steph. years before Christ, by the calculation B. (7T€/)1 Kvfirjv,) to distinguish this of Reiz," Zeune. Larissa of Aiolis from other towns LIBER VII. CAP. II. 229 TroXf/j. t)ou)v ano tovtiov. ovtio bt) aTroXafiovvai iraXiV to eavTutv (T\t]fia kv tq\s aKtvocpopots biayovvi. CAP. II. I. KAI ol fA€v a/jifl roy Kiipov beL7rvo7roir)(rafA€VOL Kal (fivXaKas KaTacTTrfca/Lkevoi, wairep ebei, €Koifj.}]dr)(rav, Kpolcos jxevTOi evdi/s knl lapbeiov etyevye ovv rw OTparev/ian* ra be a\Xa vXa ottji kbvvaro TrpoowTtiTU) ev rrj vvktI rfjs etr oIkov bbov eKaaros cnre^pei. II. €7T€ibt) be tj/jiepa eyeveTO, evQvs eirl *Lapbeis %ye Kvpos. tbs b' eyeveTO npos 7 J Teiyei t$ ev SapSec*, tcls re /jiTi^avas ** avian? ws 7rpoff(3a\ujv irpos to ret^os Kal tcXi/jiaKas TrapeaKevaiero, III. 7au- ra be noiiov Kara ra a7roro/iwrara boKovvra elvai tov ^.apbiaviov kpvficiTos Ttjs €7riov(Tr]s vvktos 3 9 dva/3t/3a5ei XaXbalovs re nal Ilep- <7as. yjytjaaro & avrols avrjp Ueparjs, bovXos yeyevrjjxevos twv kv ttj aKponoXei tlvos cppovpvv Kal KaTafxefiadrjuibs KaTaftaaiv els tov 7ro- rafjtdv 40 Kal avdjiaaiv rt]V avrrjv. IV. dts be eyevero tovto bf]Xov on eix €T0 *" a axpa* iravres bt) etyevyov ol Avbol ano tujv Tei^wv Sirrf tibvvaro emoTOs ttjs noXews. Kvpos be d/jta Trj tjfiepa elcgei els ti)v iroXiv Kal 7rap))yy€iXev etc ttjs ra'£ews fxribeva Kiveladai. V. 6 be Kpolvos KaTaKXeiaajJievos kv toIs fiaaiXeiois Kvpov kfioa* 6 be JLvpos tov fjiev Kpoiaou vXaKas KaTeXi7rev> aWos be cnrayayidv npos rrjv k^ojuevriv aKpav ws elbe tovs fxev Ylepaas (pvXaTTOVTas n)v akpav, ticnrep ebei, tcl be Tutv XaX5a/au> oVXa eprjfxa, Karabebpa- /jLrjKevav yap apwaffOfxevoL to. etc tG>v ohiutv, evQvs avveKaXeaev ad- rutv tovs apyovTas Ka\ elnev aWols airtevai e< tov arpaTevfiaTOs Ta\KTTa> VI. Ov yap av, e(pr) t avacr\oif4Tjv wXeoveKTOvvras bpatv tovs aTaKTOvvras, Kal ev fjiev, efr], kirivTav&e on 7rapeaKevai6fjLr]v kyw vfxas tovs kfiol crvrrrpaTevojuLevovs Tract XaXSatots fxaKapLOToi/s 38. iJLfixo-vas] Fischer here under- ws irporj 9 fj.i) Oavfiaiere r\v ns Kal cnriovaip v/jup Kpeir- tiop evrvxy. VII. aKovoavres tckvtcl ol XaXSaioi ebeiaav re kai iKerevop TravaaaQai opyi^ojxepop Kal tcl xpti/jara napra cnrobujoeip e^acav. 6 be elrcep on ovbep avrwp beoiTo, 'AW el /ue 9 erj t (iovXeade iravoavdai aydofiepop, anobore navra ooa eXa/3ere tois biatyvXafaoi ttjp aKpap. ijp yap ai(rOu)VTai ol aXXoi orpariwrai on irXeopeKTOvoip ol evraKTOi yepo/jiepoi, warra fjoi KaXQs e£e«. VIII. ol pep by XaXSaToi ovrws eTxoir\aap (bs eKeXevtrep 6 Kvpos' Kai eXafiop ol Treidofiepoi iroXXa Kal navrola yp^jxara. 6 be Kvpos KaraarparoTrebevaas tovs eavTOv oirov ebotcei [ro] €7riri/8eiorarov elvai Tfjs 7r6Xeu)s jmepeip eVi toIs ottXois iraprjyyetXe Kal dpioTO- 7roie7 beo770Ta 9 e Kpolae, dp* dp tL /not edeXrjaats av/nj3ovXevQat ; Kai (DovXoifxrjp y ap 9 eTj 9 to Kpolcre' eyib yap op&p tovs GTpan&Tas 7roXXa 7re7r op yjkot as Kal TroXXa KeKtpbvpevKoras Kal pvp pojJiiSopTas koXip eyeip ttjp 7rXov- GUi)TaT7\p T&p ep Tfj 'Aa/9 yuera Ba(5vXwpa 9 afyu} 41 w^eXrjdijpai tovs arpaTttjTas, yiypwaKio yap, ep wopwp, oh bvpricro/uat ahrovs woXvp ypovop ireiQofiepovs e\eip. biapTratTat jjlcp ovp avrols e^etpat ttjp 7t6Xip ov (iovXofjiaC Tijp re yap noXtP rofxliu) ap bta(j>0apfjpai 9 ep re Trj apTrayrj ev oib 1 otl oi 7roprjpoTaTot irXeopeKTrjaetap dp, XII. ctKovaas raCra 6 Kpolaos eXe^ep 9 'AXX' efjie, €r) 9 'iaaop Xe^ai irpbs ovs ap eyib Au- cujp edeXbt on biaireirpayjxai irapa gov juij 7roifjaai aprrayrjp firjbe edtfai avXaKes irapa tCjv e/uutv (pv\aK'u)v. ravra pey bi] diravra ovru) avvyveae Troielv o Kvpos uKJTrep e\e£,ev 6 Kootcos. XV. Td5e be jnot 7rdvTU)S, etyr], w Kpo'iGe, Xe£ov t ttws anofiefiriKe ra eK tov ev Ae\r) 6 Kvpos, blbaGKe* ttclpv yap irapabo^a Xeyets* XV11. "Otl irpuTov fiev, etprj, dfxeXriaas epwrav tov Oeov, el ri ebeo- jJir}v 9 aneireipw^v avrov el bvvaiTO aXrjdeveiv. tovto be, e(pr), /ttrj utl Oeos, a\\a Kai av9pii)7roi KaXol KayaOol eiteibav yi wgiv airiGTOv- -fieroi, oh tytXovGi tovs atnaTOvvTas, XVIII. e-rre\ fxerToi eyvu> Kai /udXa droira 44 e/jov ttolovvtos Kai irpoGU) A.eX(pu>v atreyovTOs, ovtcj b>) Tre^nru) Trepl TTaibiov. XIX. 6 be poi to fxev TrpCjrov ovb' ane- Kpivaro' eirti be eyoj 7roXXa fjiev 45 7Tefnriov avaOi]/uaTa yjpvaa, TtoXXa be apyvpa, TTc'tfjnroXXa be Ovljv e^iXaGcifjrjv iroTe avTor, 5e tovto, Par. ovde yap tovto : but consulted the Pythia twice inparticu- ovBeyap ou5e occurs also in Od. K. 327. lar, 1. about the issue of the war with II. E. 22. (where see Eust.) and else- the Persians ; 2. about the duration where." Poppo. of his reign, (Herod. 1, 53. 55. 91.)" 47. 6 5e fyucrros] I. e. Atys, who, Fischer. as we Jearn from Herod., was unin- 44. &ro7ra] For Crcesus himself tentionally killed by Adrastus the boiled together in a brazen cauldron a Phrygian. tortoise and a lamb cut into small 232 CYROPjEDIA. Xero, 7ri€$6/ii€VOs be tcus nepl tovs 7ralbas trv/jtyopals naXtP 7re/i7raj Kal e7T€ptt>Tb) TOP OcOP TL CLP 7TOI&P top Xolttop /3lov ev&aiJJL0V€0TCL7a biaTeXeGai/jit' 6 be fiot aireKplparo, lavrov yiyvo)0KO)v evbai/Atjp, Kpotcre, wepaGeis. XXI. eireira be clkovocls ti)p jmapTelap rjoOrjV ep6/ju$op yap to pqiorop uoi ambp wpoGrafapTa Trjv evbaifjLOviap bibopai, aXXovs jjiep yap yiyrtoGKeip tovs fxep o\6p t elvai, tovs b' ov' eavTOP be ogtis cgtI iravTa tlvo, epofiL^op apdptJirop elbevai. XXII. Kal tov fxeTa Tavra brj yjpovop ews fiep elyop fjGv^iap, ovbev €P€kuXovp ^uera top tov itaibbs dararop rals Tv^ats' eireibrj be ai'eweiadrjp virb tov 'Accv- plov ((j)' v/uds (TTpaTevevOai, els rrctPTa fiep Kipbupop fjXdop* ecriodrjp fxevTOL ovbep kukop Xaflwp. ovk atrtwjuat be ovbe Ta.be top Qeop, eirel yap eypwp ejjiavTOP jayj Ikupop v/mp fuLa^etrdaty acrtyaXws crvp T

s el eyto edeXoifxi ap\eip 9 7ravTes ap ejAol 7reidoiPTO Kal fieyiGTOS clp eir^v apdpioirwv, vnb TOiovTiop be Xoytop apacpyGM/neros, ws e'tXopTo /u€ iraiTes 01 kvkXm fiacnXets 7rpoGTaTrjp tov voXe/iov, virebe^afi-qp ttjp oTpaTt)yiap ws tKapos wp fieyiGTOS yepeodai, XXIV. aypotjp apa ejiavTOP, oti ffol aPTL-rroXefxeip iKavbs wfjiTjv elpai irpwTOP pep ck decop yeyo- voti, 4 ' 8 eVetra be bia (iaaiXewP iretyvKOTi, eVetra b* §k Traibos apeTrjp uokovptC twp 6' efxiop 7rpoyopwp aKovu) top irp&TOP fiaGtXevoavra a/ia T€ (iacrtXea Kal eXevdepop yepeadai. raOr' ovp ayrofjvas bt- Katws, €(prj 9 eyb) Trjp biKtjp. XXV. aXXa pvp brj, e Kvpe, ytypivGKU) fjicp efjiavTOP* gv 8', ecpy, botels eTL a.Xr)devG€LP top 'AnoXXu) ws evbaifjuop eGO/iai ytypwGKWp kfiavTOP ; G€ be eptJTw bia tovto oti apiGT ap fxoi boueHs eifcacrax tovto ep Ty wapopn' Kal yap bvpaGai 7roirJGai. XXVI. Kal 6 Kvpos el7r€ f Boi/Xjyy ftoi bos Trepl tovtov, w KpolGe* eycb yap gov epvowp ti)p npoGdep ehhatjiopiap olKTeipu) re G€ Kal 48. 4k Bewp yeyov6ri] " For the the son of Jupiter by Danae. See author of the royal race/' (according above 1,2, 1." Zeune. to Greek mythology,) *' was Perseus, LIBER VII. CAP. lit. 233 a7ro&ib ejj,ol en fiovXevov anOKpi- vacrdat 7repl rfjs e/bifjs evbaifjLOvias* eyio yap i\hr) aoi Xeyia, ijv tuvtci fj.01 iroii](rr)s a Xeyets, on fjv aXXoi re fiaKaptajTdrrjv evofAidov elvai piortjp ku\ eyio ovveyiyviOOKOv avrols, Tavrrjv Kal eyio vvv eyiov ciafa. XXVIII. Kal 6 Kvpos cine, TVs br) 6 e'^wv Tavrrjv ti)v fiaKapiav fiioTrjv ; e H e/i?) yvvrj, elnev, w Kvpe' eKeivr) yap twv fxev ayaOwp 50 Kal tu>p /xaXaKiop 51 Kal evtypoavviop 7ra(jcjp ejj.o\ to \oop [xeTeiye, (ppovTibiov be ornos Tavra earat, Kal 7ro\e/uov Kal fia^s ov /uerfjy avrrj. ovrto bt] Kal crv boKels epe Kara(JKeva£eiv wanep eyio f/v etyiXovv fiaXiera dvdpujiriov, &arre tu> 'AttoXXiopi ctAXa Hot boK(o xapiarripia 6 ajjLal,wi* eiriGkevatjat teal btaXa-^nyras ras afjet^as KopiiZeiv owonrep av avrot nopevojiTai, aa onrj Kaipos eir) btaXnufiavoiev eKaaroi ret u^ta. II. ol piv br/ ravT eiroiovv. f O he Kvpos KaXearas rtvas tQv 7rapovTU)V vn^periZv , FJiwari pot, e(pr) 9 ewpaKe tls vfxwv 'Afipahc'tTav ; Oavpa$u) yap, €rj, oti 7rpoo0ev dapiiwv €(f fifjtas vvv ovhapov tyaiverai. III. twv ovv v7rr}peTuiv Tis affeKpivaro oti 'ft heviroTa, oh £rj t aXX' ev rrj pdyr\ airedavev epflaXiov to dppa els tovs Alyvirrlovs* ol S* aXXoi rrX))p tljp erai- pwv avrov e^eKXivav, &s acru* 9 t7re< to (TT~i(pos elhov to twv Alyvw- Tiwv. IV. Kal vvv ye, eirov, r) XSyov, Kal iirl rS>v ifiiropiK(2v (poprioov, Kal inl Xpvo~ov rpiirotos : 1, 116. Xprjfia' ap- yvpiov. 'Apidprjo-ov rb xpVP- a y e Hpo5o- TOS. 53. JVydVr pots'] Zvyao~rpov is * a wooden chest/ Hesych. Zvy ao~rpov* KifidoTtov. Zvyao~rpos % Kifioorbs, cropbs, £vy6s. Suid. Etym. M. Phav. and Phot, say that it means i-vXivriv o~o~ pdv. So too Zonaras : Zvyacrrpov ki- Pcct6s. Kvpiws 54 rj £v\ivr) crop6s. [2o- (p0K\?is* fvAy £vy&VTp(f). Ilapa rb i^vyGkrOai ras ffavidas. Kal atvocpwv Ta 5e &\\a xp^Mara irapaB^xo^vovs iv £vydcrTpois Kopifciv, Iva, oirrj Kaipbs €?77, 8taAap.f5dvoi€V %Kaaros ra d^ia,~\ Tiapa Ae\ Zvydcrptp, Schol. Afrq?, Kifi(OTi(p. avXw occurs also in the Cod. Batav., from which Valck. ad Theocr. p. 335. first produced this gloss of Zo- naras ; Etym. M. koi Ay. By the words, rod 'PrjropiKov, he perhaps means Pausanias, who is quoted by Eust. 956, 6. v E KoiXcp fyydffTpcp, e| ov irapecpQaprai rb KoivoXeKrov/xevov ai- yiarpov :) 1604, 13. Ot 5e iraXaioi (patri Kal 6ri %vy acrrpov r) Kifioorbs, Kal £Vy&- ffai rb avvapp.6o~ar Kal Kzirai r) rod ^vydcrrpov Xe^is Kal irapa AvK6(ppovi. (But in Lycophr. at this day, as far as my information goes, the word does not occur.) "Erepoi 54 y aarpov, irapa rb %vy£xrQai» £6£oi 5* av lews 4k rrjs Kara Aarivovs Xpf)o~€Gos, r)s -ttoAAoI ir€7rzipavrai, fJirj i^avdyKrjs £vXivov thai rb ^vyavrpov, aXXa Kal rb Kara irapatydopav XeydfAs- vov aiyicrrpovy icaXovpievov io~ev, u> ayadrj Kal mart) x^vyrj, diyri it) clttoXlttiov 55 fjfias ; Kal a/ia ebefyovro avrov, Kal tj ^elp tov veKpov eTrrjKoXovdrjaev cnreKeKOTrro yap Konibi vnb twv AlyvTrriwv. IX. 6 be Ibwv 7roXv ert /jidXXov rjXyrjae' Kal ?/ yvvf) be avwbvparo Kal be^afievr) bt) irapa rov Kvpov es olov t i]V rrpoaiipfioae, Kal el7re, Kal raXXa rot, w Kvpe, ovru)i e\ei* X. dXXa rl bel ae bpq.v\ Kal ravra, ecprj, oIS' on bt efie ov-% rjKiara erradev, 'ictus be Kal bia are, w Kvpe, ovbev fjTTOV, eyu) re yap rj fjurpa 7roXXa bieKeXevourjv avrc5 ovr(o rrotelv oko)s aol cplXos a£ws Xoyov (^aveirj, avros re olb f on ovros oh tovto evevoet o,n Teiaotro, dXXa rl av iroiiiaas aol j(apiaatro, Kal yap ovv, e077, avros fxev ajjiefjnrrios TereXevTY\Kev, eyio §' r/ 7rapaKeXevo- fxei't} $w(ra 7rapaKadr]fjiai. XI. Kal 6 Kvpos ypbvov jjev rtva aiu)7rrj KarebaKpvaev, eireira be e yvvai, eyet to koXXlotov reXos* vikwv yap rereXevrrjKe' av be Xafiovaa rolabjE eiriKoafxet avrbv rols irap % ejjov' 7raprjv be 6 rwfipvas Kal b TaSdras 7roXu^ Ka\ KaXbv Koafiov Loairep r) Ylavdeia €7reoT€t- Xer. XV. 6 be Kvpos ibs rjadero to epyov ty)s yvpaiKos, eiarXayels cerca, el ti bvvaiTO jjorjdrjvai. ol be evvovypi IbovTes to yeyevrj- fjteiov Tpels ovTes GnaGafjiepoi KaKelpot tovs aKipaKas cnrocrcpaTTOVTai ovirep era^ev avrovs eon/cores. XVI. Kal vvp to fivf\\ia pe^pi tov vvv tlop evvov^wv Ke^toGdat Xeyercu* Kal eni jiev rfj clplo GTf)Xr\ tov avbpbs Kal Trjs yvvaiKos eirtyeypatyQai (f>aGi tcl opo/jiaTa, Y,vpia ypafjLfXctTCt, KctTto be elvat Tpels Xeyovai OTr)\as Kal €7nyeypci(j)dai, Hk^tttov^p. 58 XVII. 6 be Kvpos cos eTrXrjalave rw 7ra.Qei 9 ayaaQeis 5G. fyvi] The same form of the verb occurs in 5, 5, 22. 57. aKivaKK)v~\ " This was a kind of Persian sword, Herod. 7, 54. (Tb IlepcrLKbv l;i quod baud dubie o"x6\iou est ; quo significavit sceptrige- ros Xenophonti esse eunuchos. Leun- clavius (p. 1041.) se coram vidisse ait Constantinopoli ad portani Osma- neam eunuchos, inillius Sultani seraio LIBER VII. CAP. IV. 237 re T))y yvpaiKa Kal KaroXocpvpapevos airrjei' Kal tovtwv fiev fj fucoi lif€iJ.e\r)6Tj ibs ru\oiey ir&PTWT rwv KaXwv, Kal to urrjfja vuepfieyeQes e^wadrf, ws v 6o ~a T€ ^X T ii 'Abovatov be avbpa Tliparjp Kal rdXXa ovk dcppora aha and' Xe/xop, Kal iravv bt) evyapii',^ 1 7reLnrei enl rr/v Kcrp/ar o-rparevLia covs* Kal KiXiices be Kal Kvirpiot^- iravv irpodvLiws avruj avvearpa- revaav. II. wp ereva ovb' eirefj.-'Le 7ru)7rcre Wepor)v aarpaTrqv^ 3 obre KlXikwv ovre Kvirpliov, aXX' tfpKOUP air J ael ol eTrt^wpioi fiaaiXevovTes* baofiov LievTOi eXa/jfiave Kal oroartds^ 4 oirore beoiro, (s. gynasceo,) sceptuchos sive scep- trigeros esse, more de Persico hoc antiquissimo a Turcis usurpato. Ges- tant enim sceptra, quas dignitatis et officiorum insignia sunt, ut apud Ro- raanos fasces, apud Grsecos impera- tores Christianos recentiores bacuti, qui lingua Grsecorum CK^irrpcav adpel- lationera habent. Haec autera in Pan- decte Reram Turcicamm Leunclavia- no pluribus declarata videre licet cc. 173. 199." Hutchinson. Poppo refers to the Index, where I find only these words : " 'S.ktpttovxoi, sceptriferi, eu- nachi, 7,3, 16. 8, 1, 38. 3, 15." 59. ol Rapes'] "Herod. (1, 171. 174. 175.) differs from Xen. both as to the name of the Persian general who vanquished the Carians, and as to the means by which it was accom- plished.'' Poppo. 60. epeixl/oDv) lt Bud. KOTepefyajv, Alt. Karapiy\njov» 'The simple verb epeiVoj hardly, I doubt, occurs except in poetry.' Schneider. But it is found in Dionysius H. Hist. Rom., in Plut. and Dio Cass., as we may learn from the Indices. We can therefore have the less scruple in adjudging it to Xen., who is studious of poetic terms. See the Essay de Dial. Xen,'* Pop- po. 61. €vxapiv~\ I. e. "Who by his manners and conversation ingratiates himself with all who are admitted to his society f 9 "Is cujus sermones, mores, omninoque consuetudo, multum habent suavitatis et gratiae, ut gratiam aliorum favoremque colligere facile possit," Fischer. 62. KiAi/ces 5e Kal Kincpioi] See 8, 6, 8. where the Paphlagonians are added to the list. 63. a-arp6.TTT l v'] i{ Pvcefectus, pr&- tor ; it is a Persian word. Hesych. 2oTpa7rai* apxvyol, arpaTriXarai, flep- o-iKT) 5e 7) Ae£(S. See Reland Diss. 8. T. 2. p. 232. Brisson. 1, 168." Fis- cher. 64. crrpanus] " ^.rparcias : Cod. Alt. rj Xeyetv tovtovs onoTepois biaXeyoiro, XaOe'iv re etyq belv tovs eravTiovs i\ovs c(j)ds yevofievovs, ws brj ovtws av fjiaXXov eVi- 7tegwv awapacrKevois toIs evavTtots* 7Ti(TTa 6' rfiiov yevecrdai, Kai tovs fxev Kapas dfxoaai aboXws re be^ao^dat els to. Teiyr) atyas kcu eV' ayadw rw Kitpov Kai X\epawv % avTOS be Sfxooai OeXeiv aboXws elvievai els ret rei-^r} Kai ew ayaQw twv be^opievwv. IV. raOra bk 7roiij(7as afjicporepois Xadpa eKarepwv vvKTa avvidero T))v avTY]v y Kai ev Tavrrj elafjXaro 65 els rd Telyjq Kai TrapeXafie to. epv/mara d/n0o- Tepwv. ixfia be rrj rjfxepg. Kadeio/uevos els to [xeaov ovv Trj OTpaTtq. eKaXevev eKaTepwv tovs eiriKatplovs. ol be Ibovres aXXrjXovs ?/)£- QeaOtjaav, iofd$ovTes efyTraTrjadat a/jityoTepoi. V. 6 fxeiTOi Wbov- aios eXe£e rotabe. 'Eyw vf/lv, w avbpes, wpioaa aboXws eloUvat els tu Teiyri Kai en ctyadw twv beyofievwv. eiirep ovv cnroXw biroT&povs vp.wv y rofj.i£io eVt KaKw eldeXrfKvQerai ILapwv* T]v be elpijvrjv vfxlv 7rou'](j(t) Ka\ aetyaXeiav epya£eadai ajityoTepois tijv yrjv, vofxiiw vpuv eV ayadw napelvai, vvv ovv yjpri and Trjabe rf/s ij^tipas enifii- 2rpareia, (^rpaTcia iKTerafxcpcoSj to pias imperat,') and when the Latin irpajfjia, crpaTia 0W6crTa\jueVa>s, to writers say, equites, obsides imperare twv (TTpoLTiwToov TrKrjdos, zvqlWolgggi 5e civitatibus, Cess. B. G. 6, 4. why may iroWaKis iv tt) xpfath) are nndoubt- not the Greek phrase, (TTpaTiav en-ay- edly adventitious, and the remark yeAKeivKvirpiois, be quite correct ? At itself is founded on corrupted places, least the Greek version of Caesar I.e. and it is well known that false read- translates the words, Equitesque im- ings are found in all hooks, at least in perat civitatibus, lirireas endo-Ty 7roAei most ; 2. 6tt6t€ SeoiTO is not, cum opus 6 Kouaap sirt)yyei\s" Fischer. esset, for this is SirSre deoi, but 5eWo 65. etV^Aaro] " Bud. and Alt. eiV- ought to be referred to Cyrus, so that rjXBev, a mere interpretation, which it may be, opus habere, but o-rpaTias Schneider has received into the text. 5e?a-0ai may be rightly said, as in s. 7. Elo"f)\ao'ev was the conjectural emen- E? tl crrpaTias 7rpoa8eoiTo, but not dation of Leuncl. See Praef. c. 2." (TTpareias deladat : 3. it is not neces- Poppo. " EiV^Xaro is the right read- sary that iirayyeWsiv should of itself ing of the Mss. Bodl. Guelf. Phil, be said to signify imperare, nay it Junt. Aid. (in Junt. and Aid. erro- may be so translated as merely to de- neously darJiAAaTTo,) and other printed note signijicare, as in 8, 4, 33. parti- books. For 1. we cannot doubt about cularly as daa-fjibv iAdfj.fia.ve precedes, the use of this aorist, Diog. L. 8, 75. The king, who intimates to tributary ^Esop Fab. 17. Hesych. EiV^Aaro* states that he has occasion for forces, elo'€Trr)b*r]o , eu : 2. it is clear that generic by that very intimation orders them to terms, which indicate any action in furnish troops, (' hac ipsa re iis co- general, are elegantly exchanged by LIBER VII. CAP. IV. 239 yvvadai^ re aXX//Xo$op£ m ru>V copras be KOtvy r)yov, elpijvrjs be teal eveppoavrrjs ndvra nXea j)v, VII. ev be rovra> %kov oi nnpa Kvpov, epwrtivres el rt arpa- rids TTpoabeoiro rj yLi^xavi^arajv' 6 be 'Abovaios cnreKpivaro art Kal ry Trapovvy fyeiv aXXa^bcre \pf)nQat arpariq., Kal a/ja ravra Xeytov aKi)ye rb (rrpdrevfia, tppovpovs ev rats aKpats KaraXimov. oi be Kapes tKerevov fievetv avrov enel be ovk ijOeXe, 7rpopvy&v noXXovs lirneas Kal m-Xraoras, XI. b be Kvpos eneareXXev \A6ov- a'ug av\i\xil,avra rtpbs f Yordff7rrjv rovs /uev eXofxevovs Qpvywv ra 0(f>erepa ovv rdls orrXois ayetv, rovs S' emdv/jtri&avras TtoXefielv rovrnjv afpeXofjievovs rovs Imrovs Kal ra bnXa atyevbovas e^ovras Travras iceXeveiv eireadai, XII. Ovroi fiev bi] ravr ereo'iow. Kvpos be wpfjiaro eK^apbewv, even the most careful writers for be a gloss. " Fischer, terms, which indicate the mode of the 66. ivifxiyvvadai] I. e. " Mutuo action, so that elcrdWcaOai els ra rdxv commercio uti." Poppo's Index. is of itself indeed the same as slaUvai " 'Eirifiiypvadat, /j.iyvvpovpap fjtep 7T€$t]V KaTciXittibv 7roXXrjp ev ^Lapheai, Kpoltrop he eyjjJVy ayiop he 7roX\as ajua'^as noXXwu jccu 7raPToha7rwp ^prjficiTWV, 7/Ke he Kal 6 Kpoiaos yeypa^fxeva eyjujv uKpifiuJs oaa ep eKaoT]) i]P Trj afxaly' kal hthovs r£p Kupw rh ypajJ/uaTa cine, Tavra, e«/))y, e\ii)V 9 lj Kvpe, eicrrj top re aoi opQws cnrohihopra h ayei kcu top fir\. XIII. kcu 6 Kvpos e\e|e^, 'A\\a av fuep koXuis eKoieis, w Kpoloe, irpopowp* epoiye /uevTOi a^ovei tci xprifiara o'lnep Kal e^eip avra a^tol eicrip* wore r\v tl kuI icXexpioai, tup eavrwp K\£\p0PTai. Kal afxa Tavra Xeyutv ehwKe tci ypafj/uiara to7s i\ois kcu vols ap^ovcup, ottws ethelep twp eiriTpondiP o't re awa avroTa anohihoiep o'L re fit)' XIV. f)ye he kcu x\vh&p ovs juep eujpa /ca\\w7r t$o/jiepovs Kal onXois Kal 'linrois teal apfxacrt Kal irapra rreipwyLepovs 7rote"tp o,ti $qpto airy Xapielodat, tovtovs fxep avp toIs ottXols* ovs he ewpa ayaploTws 67 €7rofiepovs, tovs f.iep 'lttttovs ctvTutP irapeh(OK€ Ylepacus toIs TTputTOts GVCTTpaTevofiivois, tci he ottXu KaTexavae* atyephopas he Kal tovtovs r)payKctaep e^ovTas eTreaOai, XV. Kal wapras he tovs aonXovs twp vTro\eipip yepofjtepwp atyephopcjp fjpdyKaSe fxeXeTc^p, vofiii^p tovto to ottXop hovXtKWTaTOP 6s elpaC avp pep yap aXXy hvpdpei fxclXa earlp evda iaj^vpws dxpeXovai atyephoprjrai wapopres, avrol be xad r eavTOvs ovh* av oi TtdvTes afephopf)Tai /jLeipetap irdvv oXlyovs 6/xocre 16 was avp onXois ay^efid^OLS, XVI. Ylpdiiov he rrip eirl BafivXivPos Kareorpe'J/aro pep pvyas tovs ep Trj jjieyciXr] Qpvyicj, KaTecrTpe\paTO he Ka7T7ra8dfcas, vTro^et- piovs he e7roi}](Taro 'Apafilovs. €%€7rXr](Te he enro ttciptidp tovtwp Ylep(7u>p pep Irrneas ov jielop fj TeTpaKtajjvpiovs, ttoXXovs he i7r7rovs tCjp al\fJiaXix)Ta)P fcal ncion ro7s avfxp.ct'^OLS htehuiKe* Kal npos Ba/3u- XCjpa ci(f>iK€TO na jjnroXXovs pep lirneas e^iop, 7rafjnr6XXovs he toJZotos Kal ctKOPTiffTas, otyephovriTas he apapiQ^yTavs, 67. axoLpiurws"] " Phil, translates it axaptrws : Suidas and some other well, Non libenter ; for, as axo.pi- passages in Xen. maintain the common (Ttslv in the Attic tongue is opposed reading." Poppo. to the verb x a P^ofiai, (Plato Symp. 68. dovKiKdcTarov'] " In 2, 1, 18. the 12. Erotianv. Xdpirts,) so ax a P i(TTWS D0W anc ^ tne javelin are called cforAa is, i so as not to gratify, comply, hu- vinjpeTiKd : see Interprr. ad II, 5, mor/ i. e. ' unwillingly, reluctantly. ' " 600." Schneider. Fischer* M Guelf. a pr. m. and Par. LIBER VII. CAP. V. 241 CAP. V. I. 'EFIEI be 7rpos TSafivXtivi 7jv b Kvpos, 7T€pi€(7Trj(T€ fiev irav TO (7rpciT€vf.ta 7rep\ ri)v iroXtv, ewetTa avrbs Trepti]Xavve ri]v ttoXiv ovv ro'ts (f>i\ois re kcu errtKaipiots run' av/jfia^wv. II. erret be KareOea- (Tcito ra rei^rj, array etv TrapeaKevavaro ri]v orparthv «7ro rfjs TroXeios* e^eXdwv be rts avro/joXos elrrev ort errtrtdeadat jneXXotev avra), brrore arrayoi to arparevfjia* Karadetofjevots yap, etyr), avrdls arro tov relyovs aadevijs eboKet eliat i] rf]S (paXayyos avayKi] tovs rrpwTOvs apiorovs elvat Kat tovs TeXevTaiovs, ev fxecra) be tovs Kadarovs TeTa\vaC % & oii- ti*)s eyovrra ra^ts Ka\ npos to [xayeaQat eboKet ev rrapeaKevandat Kal 7rpos to fjirj (bevyetv. Kat ot tmrels be Ka\ ol yvfjLvfjres^ ot arro rwv tcepariov aet eyyvrepov eyiyvovro tov apyovros roaovra) octu) >; ^n\ayj j3pa\VTepa eyiyvero avabtrrXovjievr}. VI. erret be ovrtp GwearTeipad-qaav^ 1 arrrjeaav, eojs jiev ej^tKvelro tci (ieXr) arro tov 69. KVKXovfxevo vs~\ "When Xen. All soldiers, infantry, of light armour, was using this participle, he intended are so called, but here we must un- to add robs (TTpaTiuTas, but afterwards derstand slingers : see Hesych. Phav, in forgetfulness he wrote tV (paXayya, and Xen. Anab. 5, 2, 10. " Fischer, and has thus left the participle kvkKov- 71. avveaTreLpdo-Orjaay'} " Ponitur (jl&ovs without government." Poppo. hoc verbum proprie de serpentibus, in 70. ol yvuprjT€s] "Guelf. Par. and spiram se colli g ere, (Virg. G. 2, 153. Bodl. ; others, yv/JLvrjTai. See Schnei- ' Nee rapit immensos orbesperhumum, der ad Anab. 4, 1 , 6." Poppo. " Both neque tanto Squameus in spiram tractu forms are in use : see Suid. and Phav. se colligit anguis/) se conspirare, Xen. Cyrop, X 242 CYROPjEDIA. Teiypvs, €7rl 7ruZ)a* ewel be e£o> /3eXwi> kyevovTO, orpa^ei'res, Kai to jjev 7rpwTOV oXlya fifificiTa npo'iovTes, /JterefiaXXcvTO kw do"7r/Sa, 72 koX 'IffTavTO 7rpos to Telyps (Z\e7TOVT€S' fiery be TrpoaioTepoj kyiyvovro, Tocuihe jxavoTCpov fxeTeftaXXovTO. knel b' kv rw aotyaXe\ kboKOvv elrcu, tyvelpov airiovTes> core knl rals (tk rivals kyevovro. VII. 'E7rei be KaTecTpaToirehevacivTO , avveKaXeaev 6 Kvpos tovs k7riicatpiovs Kai eXe£ev, *' Avbpes ^vfxfjtn^oi, Tedea/jteOa p.ev kvkX* o(T(D be irXeoves fivOptJ- not kv rrj TroXei elrj 9 d> Kpvaavra, kwjuev oaa KpeirTia koA Trjs rj/jieTepas bvva- jueu)S' bia/jieTprio'af.ievovs be j(p)) aTroXnriov octov Tvpvecri pieyaXats curd tov iroTafxov 9 wpvTTev eV- Oev Kai evdev tov relyovs Ta(ppov virepfxeyeQr)* Kai Trjv yfjv uvefiaXXov 7TOQS eavTOvs. XI. Kai wpioTOV fjtev irvpyovs km T& irorafiw ) areXot rovs nvpyovs. aviarr} be Kal aXXovs ttoXXovs nvpyovs €7rt rijs a/i/3o\aSos yfjs, onus otl 7r\e7ora cpvXaKTtjpia eirj. XIII. oi fiev bt) ravr enoiovV oi he ev t<3 rei^et KareyeXujy rrjs 7roXiopKias, ws eyovres ra e7TLTrjbeia irXeov etKoaw erwv, aKovaas be ravra 6 Kvpos to arparev/jLa KaTeveifxe bwbeKa pepr^ ws firjva tov eviavrov €Kaaroy fjiepos vXa$ov. XIV. oi §' av BafivXwvioi aKovaavTet Tavra noXit en fjtdXXov tovtojv KaTeyeXwv, evvcov/jevoi el' 5 ccpas Qpvyes /cat Avbol Kal 'Apa/3tot Kal Ka7T7ra5o\*ai (pvXafytei', ovs atyicriv ev6/ju£ov 7ravTas evfievecrTepovs elvai Jj Ylepoats. XV. Kat ai jxev Tatypot i]brj dpiopvyfxevai i\aav, 6 be Ki/pos €7reibt) eopTrjv ev rfj BafivXuJvt j]Kov(Tev eivai, ev -q 7ravres Ba/3v- Xwvioi oXtjv tyjv vvKTa 7rlvovcrt Kal Kojfxaiovmv,'*^ ev ravry, e-treib^ Ta^KTTa (juve&Koraffe, \a/3wj> ttoXXovs avOpuj-trovs avevTOfAojae ras TCKppovs ^® Tcts Trpos tov ttoto/jlov. XVI. djs be tovto eyeveTO, to vbwp Kara ras Tatypovs ey&pet. ev ttj vvktI, i) be bia ttjs -noXeixjs too 74. Tro\ioptcf}(X€iv 7rapao*K6uaJ"ojueV^] 77* a^etrr^cocre ras rdiXot, 6 /jiev nora/jibs fjfiip TrapaKeywprjKe Trjs els Trjv ttoXiv bbov* fjfieis be BappovvTes elalw/uev brj /xr)bev tyofiov- fxevoi e'iaiti, evvoohfievoi on ovtol eai- 0TOV* ev(j>XeKTa be tci trpoQvpa avT&v, (poiviKOS Liev al dvpai 7re7rotr)- fxevat, affcpaXTb) be v7reKKav/daTi^ 8 Keypicr/ievai. XXIII. rifxels fr av 7roX\r)v fxev byba eypfxev, fj Tayy ttoXv nvp 7e£erat, ttoX- \r)v be wtTTav Kal (TTVirelov, a ra^v 7ro\X?)^ irapaKaXel (pXoya* woTe civay ktjv elvai rj l tov rwfipvav, ovbev av eh) QavfxaGTOv el Kal afcXetorot a! nvXat al aBai els rbp wKsavSv," Index to the Bitumen, which easily takes fire. Leipsic edition, 1784. J. Poll. 2, combustible, inflammable. " f T7re/c- 102.: 'Ava&TojJLoixrai ras rdcppovs />it/fby, yua, bitumen quod facile concipit ig- TpavAij jueV icrriv, dA\ s a^ecTOjUaj^ue^. nem" Poppo's Index. 78. Q.crs, below s. 37. ; in like man- ner, riKLara av, Thuc. 6, 66. 82. rdxa av, 6, 2, (Scharf. Melet. Cr. 124.) Hence too we may defend Xiav av rax", Anab. 5, 9, 28. which Porson and Schneider attempted to emend, and hence we may correct what I have said in Obs. Crit. ad Thuc. 237." Poppo. 80. (pcvs] M Fire, Hesych. <£«$• — Kal rb irvp. See Raphel. ad Jerem. 51, 39. and Mark 14, 54. Cyrop. 7, 5, 10. Compare Luke 22, 56. Hist. 6, 2, 17. Ilup vvKTOop ovk e/cae, rrpb 5e rod (TTpaTev/LiaTos (pa>s ivoiei, %va ^UTjSeis XdQr) TTpoa-iwv. Sic Cyrop. 4, 2, 8. Aey erai (poos to? Kvpcp 4k rod ovpavov Trpocpaves yevecrOui. Anab. 3, 1, 9. s /JLtya 4k Alos Ifitiv — Kal \d/j.irea6aL rb irvp.' 1 Sturz. " $ws is here fire, as in Mark 14,54. Luke 22, 55—56. and although this notion of the word is good Greek in itself, as even this passage proves, (see Leuncl. ad h. 1. and Raphel. ad Marc. 14, 54.) yet it appears certain 1. that it was more frequently used in more recent times, at least in Eurip. Phoen. 191. for irvp two Codd. exhibit (p&s, which Valck. also considered to be a gloss ; 2. that Mark and Luke followed the Hebrew form of speech, see Isaiah 31, 9. where Symm. has irvp, but Aq. and Theodut. (poos." Fischer. " Xen. Mem. 4, 3, 4. 'O fxlv rj\ios (pooT€Lvbs cvv ras copas tj/jlTv cra(pr]vi^€L :" [3, 10, J . Ta (TKorsLva Kal ra (pooTeiva a^/xaTa.] " $a)s per (pccTos et (purl non flecte- bant Graeci aute Macedonum impe- rium ; ut neque (pooTtivbs, (pooTifav, etc. dicehant. In Xen. (h. 1.) (pwr^i- vbs invexerunt librarii." Porsoniana p. 390. Kidd. The gen. (pcorbs occurs in Mem. 4, 3,3. Qccrbs Se^e^a, h 7}fjuv ol 6€o\ irapexovo-L, Cyrop. 4, 2, 5. "Etl (pcojbs ovtos. It is worthy of remark too that the first passage from Mem. 4,^3, 4. where (puneivbs occurs, and which Porson condemns as a marginal gloss, usurping the place of the true word, is well defended by the other passage, where (pooTeivbs is opposed to (TKOTeivbs, and where the termination of eivos in the one adjec- tive, (TKOTtivbs, gives the greatest pro- bability that it was used in the other, which immediately follows it, 0&>Tei- v6s. That Xen. had no objection to adjectives ending in eivos, is apparent from his introducing into his writings, aXeewbs, i\€€ivbs, xf/vxeivos, etc. 246 CYROP^DtA. irvXas. XXIX. ol b' afji(p\ tov Tabarav cos eibov ras irvXas ^aXwffas, elairiiTTOVcn Kai to7s ttoXiv tyevyovaiv e'tcw e tye-ir 6 jievoi Kai naiovTes atyiKVovvTai irpbs tov (ZaartXea* ku\ i]bt) iarrjKora avTov Km ecnracTjJLevop or e*x €,/ a.Kiva.Kr)v evpivKOvai. XXX. Kai tovtov fxev ol avv Tabarq. Kai Yiojipvq. ttoXXoI e^ipovvTO* Kai ol avv ai/rw be anedviyvKOv, 6 fiev 7rpoj3aXX6piev6s ti, 6 be (pevycov, 6 be ye Kai a/jtwo/mevos otco ebvvaro, XXXI. 6 be Kvpos bienejj,7re tcls twv iirireiov ra^eis Kara ras obovs Kai 7rpoe~i7rev ovs fikv elm Xa/ufiavoiev KarctKaiveiv, tovs & ev tous oIkIclis KrjpvTretv tovs ^vpiarl emfTTa* fzevovs evbov peveiv* el be ris e£co Xrjtydeirj, on OavariocroiTO. XXXII. O? fJiev bi) ravra enolovv. Tabaras be Kai Ftoflpvas jjKQV' Kai deous fxev TrptoTOV. 7rpocreKvvovv 9 on TeTi/ucoprjjJievoi i)crav tov avoviov fiaaiXea, eireiTa be Kvpov KaretylXovv Kai j(€~tpas Ka\ tto- bas, ttoXXcl baKpvovTes a^ua X°P9 KCLL ev0/jcuj>o//ej>o«. XXXIII. €7rel be fj/jiepa eyevero Kai rjrjdovro ol tcls cwpas e^ovTes eaXtoKv7dv re rrjv iroXiv Kai tov /JaciAea TeOvrjKOTa, 7rapabib6atri Kai tcis aKpas. XXXIV. 6 be Kvpos tcls pev aKpas evdvs TrapeXajjifiave kqi (f>pov- P&PX 0VS T€ Kai P ov P°vs ds TaVTas aveneinre, tovs be TeOvrjKOTas dctTTTeiv ecprJKe toIs Trpovfticovai* tovs be KrjpvKas KrjpvTTeiv exeXevaev tnrocpepeiv iravTas to. oxXa RafivXtoviovs* ottov be XrjtyQeirj onXa ev oiKiq f nporiyopevev tos itaiTes ol evbov cnrodavolvTO. ol fjev brf anetpepov, 6 be Kvpos Tavra fiev els Tas aKpas KaredeTO, ibs e'lrj eroifia ei ti iroTe beoi yj)r}(rdai. XXXV. enel be tcivt eTzeicpaKTO, TTpcoTOv fxev tovs fiayovs KaXeoas, cos bopiaXwTOV Trjs 7roXetos ovarjs uKpodlvia 81 toTs deals Kai Te/nevr) eKeXevrrev e^eXelv ck tovtov be Kai ohias biebibov Kai ap^em 82 tovtois ovairep Koivtovas 33 hojjucie 81. aKpoOiVia] u It is derived from ra airh twv iroXsfxlwv Aa<^>u/?a.)" Fis- hes, i. e. (rapol, (Etym. M. and Phav.) cher. Hence it properly signifies primitive 82. refxivrj, olnias, Kai apxela] " Te- frugum, at airapxat toov Kapiroov, /hzvtj, ' places consecrated to the gods/ (Etym.M. and Hes.) because they were sometimes' temples,' sometimes ' al- taken i de summis frugum acervis ;' tars/ sometimes ' groves/ (Ind. 2E- but it was thence used, in a generic schin. Dial.;) ot/cmi, ' private houses ;' sense, to signify primitice in any apxeia, ' public edifices/ i.e. 'public thing, (Hesych. AKpoOlviov, iracra offices, official residences, in which airapxhi Gloss. Fabr. N. T. 174.) and magistrates assembled to deliberate on particularly primitice pr cede? , (Hesych. public affairs/ (Suid. and Salierius ad Aa^>upw^a7rapx«^) as i ntms P^ ace » an d Th. Mag. 145.)" Fischer, in Herod. 8, 121. and lastly it de- 83. Koivwvas] *' I have rejected noted the plunder itself, (Hesych. the common reading koivqovovs, which 'AKpoOiviov (TKvKa : Phav. 3 AKpo6ivia* is evidently glossarial, and have re- LIBER VII. CAP. V. 247 twv KaTcnr€Trpay/J€rit)v* Kal ovtw btevei/jev wanep ebeboKro tcl k-pariaTct rols aplarois. el be ris o'loito ixelov e^eiv, btbarjKeiv irpooiovras €Ke\ev€. XXXVI. Trpoe"nre be Y$ajiv\wvi<)is p.ev rrjv yfjv epyaieadai Kal rovs bav/jiovs cnrofpepeiv Kal depcnreveiv tovtovs ols €Ka in the margins we have tovs 21. we have ol kolvqopoI, " adjutores, koivowovs, in Guelf. robs Koivuvovvras. socii, syyi. arv/jL/jLaxoi" Index in Pop- Glossae : Koivww Sociatus, Conjunc- po's edition. The words are : v H5rj tus, Copulatus.] " Xen. is also no- yap Kal irpbs vfias ws irpbs o-v/updxovs ticed by J. Poll. 8, 134. as having Kal kqivwvovs dia\4yop.at. 248 CYROP&DIA. ayoXuvai teal ovyyeveodai. XL. ovtoj brj 6 Kvpos Xeyei, r Apa 9 e^)?/, a> avbpes, viiv \xev Kutpbs biaXvdijvai; avpiov be 7rowi* eXdere' ical yap eyu) fiooXofiai vfilv rl btaXe-^dfjvat, aKoiaavTes tcivtcl ol (piXoi aajievoL loyovTO anodeovTes, biKr^v bebtoKOTes vnb itavrtov tu>v avayKaiwv. 84! Kal Tore fxev obrtos €Kotfirjdr}aav. XLI. T?J b* vaTepaiq. 6 /nev Kvpos 7raprjv els to avrb ytopiov, avQptoTTtov be noXv TtXelov nXfjdos 7repieicrrrjKei 85 fiovXo/jievwv wpoa- tevai, Kal 7roXv Trporepov i) ol tyiXot 7raprjayKaia)v~\ ab omnibus naturae requisitis, quate- u So the Eton edition rightly, and nus coacti erant absiinere cibo et po- Steph. Leuncl. and Bodl. (Guelf. and tu, urinam et alvum continere. Sic Par.) In like manner, Anab. 4, (4, vero apparet recte legi virb, cum him\v lA.)°0(roi 5e, tire roirporcpov airrjecrav, Si&ovai, ut Lat. pcenam dare, sit i. q. ras olnias ivt-rrprjo-av, virb rr/s aiOpias KoAafeadai." Fischer. biKrjv ediSocrav. The common reading 85. TrepieicrWj/cet] I. e. " Civcum- is airb ttolvtoov. 1 * Hutchinson % "Ta stabat. Cod. Guelf. irepiearTOKti, but avaryKaia, ratione hominis, qua bomi- the vulgar reading is Homeric, II. T. nis, dicuntur necessitates, requisita 117. and thus Attic, Plato Polit. i. naturae, ea quae natura facere. quern- p. 377. Bas. 1." Fischer, que cogit. Jam duces illi inde a pri- 86. ij two. % ovdiva] " y H tls, $ ou- mo diluculo ad vesperam fuerant apud Bels, fere nemo, fere nullus : see A- Cyrum ; neque edere potuerant, neque bresch Diluc. Thuc. 344. Auctar. 316. bibere, neque urinam reddere, neque Casaub. ad Pers. p. 40. Par." Fischer, alvum exonerare. Erant ergo puniti LIBER VII. CAP. V. 249 10s ijp vikwgiv buds todovvres, Trporepoi b\ fiovXovrai v/jLutv 7rap' e/jov biavpa^ofieroi. eyoj be t)£tovv tovs toiovtovs, e'l tis tl euov beotro, Qepairevetv buds tovs e/jovs i\ovs beouevovs 7rpOGaytoyrjs* XL VI. 'igcos av ovv enrol tis, tl bfjra ov\ ovrws e£ apyfjs TtapeGKev- aGa/jrjv, akXa irapelyov ev t£ \Jeaw euavrov, otl to. tov noXefxov Toiavra eyiyvwGKov ovtcl ws jj>) vGreptSeiv beov Toy apyovra urjre to elbevai a bel /u))re to irpaTTeiv a av tempos y' tovs be airaviovs tbelv Grparrjyovs iroXXa ev6fJi£ov wv bel irpayQrjvai 7rapievai. XLVII. vvv £' €7reibi) Kal 6 (jaXoTrovwraTOs noXefios avai: en avr at , botcel fjoi Kal i) efii) \p v X*1 avanavGews tlvos afyovv Tvyyaveiv. ws ovv efiov anopovvTOs 6,tl av rvyoiiJi woiwv (jjarre KaXws eyeiv to. T€ y/jerepa Kal to. tluv aXXwv wv 7]uds bel e7rtfjeXe"iGdai, GVu(3ovXeveTto 0,TL TIS Opq. GVfAipOpWTaTOV. XLVII I. Kvpos uev ovrws elirev' aviffTarai b' en avrw 'A|07a- (3a$os 6 Guyyevijs nore TOi (piXoi yfJ.lv eyevovro Kal uaXa neivwGi Gvufxaywv* ware ubvov ovk ev Tals ayKaXais 7repte(pepoiJ€v Q ~ gvtovs aya7ru>VT€s* /Ltera be tovto eVet ea\a> to 7roXeuiov GrpaToirebov, ovk, olfjai, Gyo\i] gol fjv au(p eije e%ei* m Kal eyw Got Gvveylyvu>- gkov. LI. eK be tovtov ro)j3pvas rijXiv (j>iXos eyevero, Kal eyw e^aipov Kal avdis Tabc'iras* Kal i]br) epyov gov v)v fjeTaXafielv. €7rel ye /jeiToi Kal ScU'cu Kal KabovGtoi Gvuuayoi eyeyevr\VTO, Qepaweveiv ehortos ebei tovtovs' Kal yap ovtol gc eQepcnrevov. LII. ws fr ijXOouev naXtv, evQev ibpu))Qr)uev, bp&v ge aus yevoiro, ev i'jbq eboKovv elbevai on -rroXXi) eaono cupdovia t?js e/ufjs ecu rfjs arjs avvovatas. LIIT. Kal vvv bt) veviKi'iKafxev re ti)v (jLeyaXr\v fxayrfv Kal ^.cipbeis Kal Kpolaov vno^eipiov eyofiev Kal BafjvXujva rjprjKafjiev Kal 7rcipra KaTeaTpa/jfjieOa, Kal fia tov Midprjv 88 eyio tol e^Oes el pi] ttoXXo7s bi€7rvKTevrra, 8 9 ovk av ebvvafjtrjv aolirpoaeXdetv. enei ye \xevroi ebe^auaut fxe Kal 7rapa aol eKeXevaas fueveiv, ijbij irepijiXe- tttos 9° t f jy 9 lj Ti Hera aov aoiros Kal clttotos birjfjiepevov. LIV. vvv ovv el jnev earai ttyj b'wios ol irXeiorov a£ioi yeyevrj/Jievoi irXeloTOv aov fxepos fieOe^ofjiev' el be fir}, iraXiv av eyio edeXu irapa aov e^ayyeXXeiv airievai irairas and aov nXijv ijfjiCJv tiov ei; ap-^s $1X10 v* LV. 'E^i TOVTiD eyeXaae fxev 6 Kvpos mi aXXoi 7roXXol, Xpi/- aavras beaveart) 6 Ylepar\s Kal eXe£ev iobe* 'AX\a to fxev TrpoaOev, See count of the virtue, in which he excels : Herod. 1, 131. Fabric. Bibl. Antiq. 8, or of the honor, to which he has been 12. p. 382. Nonnus Synag. Hist. 1, raised." Fischer. LIBER VII. CAP. V. 251 ra fiaffiXeia, kci\ to. eK ^Lapbewv )£p///iara evTav& 01 ay ovres airebo- aav. eirel be elcrrjXdev 6 Ki>pos> irpu>70v fxev 'E^r/ct^ 1 Zdvcrev, eireiTci Act /3act\e7, Kal ei rut aXXa) Qeui ot fiayoi elr)yovvTO. LVIII. Tlotrjvas be raiira ra a\Xa 7/877 ijp^ero btotKelv. evvoujv be to avTOv irpay^a on eiri-^eipotTj piev ap\^eiv ttoXXujv avdpTuj ois av 7roXe/jnii)7a7i] yerotro avbpl noXtSy ravra b)) Xoyiciouevos (pvXaKijs nepl to atufxa yjyijcraTO belcrQat. LIX. yvoi/s & 67 1 Gvbcifjov at>6po)7roi ev-^eipujTOTepol elaiv ij ev o'ltois kcu ttotoIs kcl\ XovrpolsQ- Kal Kofrn kcu v-tvu), eoKoirei r/Vas av ev tovtois Trepl ectVTov 7r kjtotc'it ovs e'vflt. evc/utcre be fii) av yevecrdai irore 77KJ7ov avdpwrov 6(J7ts nXXov /udXXov (piXrjcroi tov ttjs (pvXaKrjs beofxevov, LX. tovs jjiev ovv eyovTas iralbas ij yvvalKas ovv app.o£ov eras i) nat-biKci eyvix) (pvcrei ijvayKaaQat ravra ^uaXtora (ptXelv' 70vs be ev- vovyovs opduv 7rav7it)v tovtiov G7epofierovs )]yi]cra70 tovtovs av 7repl TtXeiarov 77uielfTdat o?7ives hvvavTai 7rXov7i£eiv /iaXtora av70vs Kal ftorjOelv, ei 7i abtKo7v70, Kal Tiuas TrepiaiTTeiv av7o1s* tovtovs be evepyeTOvvTa vnepftaXXeiv avTov ovbeva av /yyetro bvvatrdai. LXI. TTpos be tovtols aboloi Sires ol evvovyoi irapa to~is aXXots av- Opionots Kal bta tovto becnro70v eTTiKovpov 7rpocrbeov7ai' ovbels yap av i]v 0G7LS ovk av afrwcreiev evvov-^ov 7rXeov e%etv ev 7rav7L 9 ei jurj ti aXXo Kpe"i770v aireipyoC beairo7r} be i7ktt6v bvTa ovbev KbjXvet. nptuTeveiv rat tov evvov^ov, LXII. o b' av fiaXiffTa tis otrjdeirj, avdXKibas 9 3 tovs evvovyovs ylyveoQai, ovbe tovto ecpalveTO av7^» €7eK/utaip€T0 be kq\ ck twv aXXwv £x tKavrjv el vat tt)v LpvXaK))v Tavrrjv irpos to 7rXfjdos tlov bvfrixevujs eyovTiov, etJKoiret Tivas tlov aXXiov av 7nt7TOTa.Tovs irepl to fiatriXeiov cpvXams Xaj3oi. LXVII. elbws ovv Wepvas tovs o'lkol KaKofinorarovs iiev ovras bta 7reviav, eiriirovLoraTa be iiovras bia tt)v tyjs yjopas TpayyTnTa Kal bia to avrovpyovs elvat, tovtovs evoiitie ixoXigt av ayairtfv t\\v irap' eavTLp blaiTav. LXVI II. Xa/jfiavet ovv tovtlov ixvpiovs bopvcpopovs, o$ kvkXlj) ixev 94. £iroi , f)(raTO €vvovx ovs ~\ " TLoi- vwvov &v crs iroiolvro, 8, 8, 20. tovs eladai evpovxovs, is curare castrandos, Bvpwpovs linreas ireivoii]Katnv* The cttstrare sibi aliquos, castrare suos, qui meaning is: 'Has eunuchorum vir- tibi operant dent; iroisiv evvovxovs is tutes secum cogitans, omnes corporis also saixi, but this is properly castrare sui ministros exsecandos cuiavit, et aliquos, castrare alienos, qui atiis ope- quidem primos omnium janitores.' M ram dent, as in Dio Chrys. 20. p. 270. Fischer. Leunclavius : — " Ex eunu- Zonaras has, therefore, rightly ex- chis delegit ministros aula3 suae." plained the words of Xen. H-ere/ue Kal Zeune considered this interpretation evvox'txovs ireirolr)K€, and Zeune has to be opposed to the rules of the lan- rightly defended this interpretation of guage on account of the position of them ;" [so too Camerarius and Phi- the article, and the use of the middle lelphus.] " But he ought not to have voice. Weiske has, however, refuted compared the dissimilar forms, p.vf)- the reasoning of Zeune. " The sense pjr}v t ££4Tao~iv, hiw^iv iroieioQai, &c. ; is therefore," says Schneider, " ' asci- while he ought to have cited 7, 4, 15. vit eunuchos ad ministeria omnia au- viroXGipiovs iiroi'fjo'aTO, 6, 1, 40. koi- lae.* " LIBER VII. CAP. V. 253 ivKTos Kal ljjiepas ItyvXaTTOV irepl tu fiacjiXeta, oVc're e<7b) pa'i- 9eiev$ 5 onore be efyoi ttov, evdev Kal evdev Teray/ievot enopevovTO. LX1X. vo/mlaas be Kal TSaflvXwros 6\r)s (pvXaKas belv eivat tKavovs, e'ir kiribrifjGjv avros rvyyaroi eire Kal afTobrjfjiCJv, KareaT-qae Kal ev Ba/5iAu)vi typovpovs Uavovs* fiurddv be Kal tovtois ftaflvXujviovs era£e nape-yew, fiovXdfjievos avroits ws afi^yavwTarovs elvai, oirws on raireivoTaTOL Kal evKadeKrorarot elev, LXX. Avrr) fxev bij irepl avrov re (pvXaKi) Kal f] ev Ba/3i/\d/yi rore Karaaradelaa Kal vvv en ovrtos eypvaa bia/jevei. (jkottGjv b* ait ottujs ay Kal ij iraaa cip-^rj Kare\oiro Kal aXXrj en Trpoayiyvoiro, fjyjjactTO tovs fxev fji&dcxpopovs rovrovs ov toctovtov (jeX-lovas twv vTrrjKowv elvai oaov eXarrovas* rovs be ayadovs avbpas eyiyvaxrKe GvveKTeov elvai, o'lnep avv rols deals to Kparelv trapeayov, Ka\ em- fieXrjreov onus firj avi'i )v Ka\ aya6))v ko\ o'lnves Tavrr\v epyaiojievoi flpe'ibovGtv ijfjLcis' eyojuev be Kal olKias Kal ev ravrais KaraaKevcis. LXXIII. Kal jjLrjbels ye vfjiwv eywv Tavra vofynaaru) aXXorpia eyeiv* vojjios yap ev naGiv avOpuTrois cubios ecrnv, brav woXepovvTUtv 7rd- 95. paiosizv'] " Properly those are resolved to keep himself at home, that said pa'i'fciv, who, having struggled he might enjoy better health." Fis- suecessfully through a disease, are cher. now convalescent, though still Jan- 96. alioxp^Taroi] " 'Alidxp^cys is guid. See Triller ad Thorn. M. 773. properly dignus debito, one who is and the authors quoted by him; J. solvent, i.e. rich; but because such Poll. 3, 108. ; and Fischer Ind. iEs- men are worthy of being trusted," (in chin., who, in opposition to Triller, pecuniary matters where credit is re- shows that pai^eiv is applied to those, quired,) " it is applied to one who is who are relieved from a disease and worthy of being trusted," (in a moral are recovering their strength." Sturz. point of view,) " as a witness," (in " It is here elegantly transferred to a court of justice, or as an authority in Cyrus, who being before in public, any private transaction,) u as locuples was so harassed by the crowd, which is used by Cic. Off. 3, 27., the same pressed round him, that he could not as cl^iottio-tos : it is thence used in a breathe freely, but afterwards by the general sense for ' proper,' • worthy,' advice of his friends and generals he the same as &};ios. (Phav,)" Fischer. Xen. Cyrop. Y 254 CYROPjEDIA. Xis aA£>, tCjv cXovtwv eirat Kal to. cwyuara tGjv ev rfj 7roXet Kal ra XprijuiaTa. ovkovv abiKia ye e£ere o,tl av e^re, ctXXa Qovovai Kal e7rifiovXev- ovat Kal woXe/uiiot yiyvovTai, aXXtos re Kav Trap 9 clkovtuv to. re KTfjfJLara Kal ttjv Oepaneiav^ wcnrep fjjjLeis *^XV' T0 ^ s H-^ u °^ v ^ €0 ^ s oieadai yjn) ovv ^filv eaeaQat* oh yap eiri(DovXevaavTes abUios ej^ofAev, aXX 9 e7rij3ovXevQevT€s eTi/jiwprjaafAeQa, LXXVIII. to uev- toi fiera tovto KpciTtarov ff/buv avTols TtapaaKevaaTeov* tovto be eaTi to (ieXTiovas bvTas tujv ap^ofxevwy apyeiv afyovv. QaXwovs fiev ovv Kal xbv)(ovs Kal atTiov Kal ttqt&v ko\ ttoviov Kal vnvov avdyKT) Kal to7s bovXois /ueTabibovat* fxerabibovras ye \xevTOt 7reipaaQai bel ev tovtois TrpwTOV /3eXTtovas avT&v (palveaQai, LXXIX. 7roXe^t£- K)"]s b' e7riaTr)fjii]s Kal fxeXeTrjs TtavTanaaiv oh fxeTaboreov tovtois, 97. ixiya i*ev yap] li Ovid de A. of the noun, which the Attics retained, A. 2, 13. ' Nee minor est virtus, quam (Eust. 1687, 18.)." Fischer, quserere, parta tueri ; Casus inest illic^ 99. rfyv depaireiav'] " The word On- iric erit artis opus/ Dernosth. 01. 1. pairsia. may be understood ' de famn- UoWaKLS Sofce? rb (pv\d£aL rayaBa. rov latu, servitio :' Thom. Mag. ©epcwreia* KT7)vith good rea- which is more usually employed. " son, as we shall show at another time, Poppo. and above, 5, 1, 11. we have noticed 1. alcrxpov] " Guelf. Par. Phil, the similar use of the forms, fieATiSv vett. Edd. oX(Tx^v, perhaps rightly ; itTTiv, &jj.eiv6v eVrii/." Poppo. for a Grammarian in Bekk. Anecd. 1, 256 CYROP^DIA. cutTTjplas olqaofxeBa xprjvai rvyyaveiv, avrol be tj/juv avrols ov bopv(j>opr}(TOjj.ev ; kcu /Jirju ev ye bei elbevai oti vvk ecrrtv aXXrj 0v- XaKTj Totavrrj ola avrov riva tcaXbv KayaOov vTrap-^eiv tovto yap bel avjJLirapoyiapTeiv' rip 6' aperrjs ep//uo> ovbe aXXo xaXws eyeiv ovbev TrpoarjKeu LXXXV. ri ovv rj/jii ^pfjvai iroie~iv Kal ttov rrjv apeTrjv aaicelv Kal ttov ttiv /jLeXerrjv TroielaOat ; ovbev Katvov, r)/Jil yprjvai evda.be bvras tovs evrl/Jiovs 7ravras airep Kal e/ce7 emTrjbeveiv, Ka\ vfias ye e/jie opuivras Kara- roelv irapovras el e7rifjteX6fxevos wv bet biafo, eyw re vfxds Karavooiv OeciGOfjiat, ical ovs av opio to. KaXa Kal raya0a emrrjbevovTas, tov- tovs TtfArj. LXXXVI, icac tovs iraTibas be, ols av ij/biwv yiyvwv- rat f evOdbe 7raibevu)jjLev' avroi re yap (ieXrloves eco^efla, (iovXo- jjievoi rols iraiolv ws fieXTtcrra irapabeiyfAara rjfxds avrovs Trape\eiv 9 o'l T€ iralbes oi/8' av el fiovXoivro pabiws Trovqpol yiyroivTO, ala%pdv fjiev fxrjbev /u?/re opuivres /urjTe uKoiorres, ev be KaXols Kayaduls e7ri- Trjbevfiaai btrf/xepevovTes. ARGUMENTS TO THE EIGHTH BOOK. Chap. I. — Cyrus highly commended for his disinterestedness; n. Men ot quality attend at his gates ; in. Constitutes his several officers; iv. Care- ful choice of his colleagues in power ; v. His noble example to them ; vi. His wise economy, piety, justice, goodness, modesty, self-denial, and respectful behavior ; vn. Hfs opinion of these virtues ; vin. His plan of bestowing rewards; ix. Good effects of his orders and example ; x. His thoughts on dominion ; xi. His methods to appear venerable ; xn. All equally call him father ; xni. Wise measures for the security of his govern- ment. Chap. TI, — Cyrus's good-nature and love to mankind ; n. His courtship to his friends ; in. Vast presents ; iv. His policy ; v. His saying of kings ; vi. Converses with Croesus, and convinces him that friends are the richest treasure ; vn. Makes provisions for the health of his subjects ; vin. Visits the sick himself; ix. Raises emulation by games and prizes. Chap. III. — Cyrus appoints judges, and gains the entire affection of his friends ; n. His first procession from the palace ; in. Sacrifices at the sacred inclosures; iv. Appoints horse and chariot-races to the several nations; v. Gains the prize at each. Chap. IV. — Cyrus invites his friends to an entertainment; n. Order of precedence at his table ; in. Prefers acts of love to war ; iv. His polite- ness, innocent and agreeable jesting ; v. Distributes presents to all according to merit; vi. His generosity applauded; vn. Settlement of his empire. Chap. V. — Prepares for a journey to Persia ; n. Order of his encampment ; in. His opinion of the tactic art; iv. Visits Cyaxares, who offers him his daughter in marriage ; v. Cyrus accepts his offer on condition of his parents' consent; vi. His arrival in Persia; vn, Speech of Cambyses to Cyrus and the Persian magistrates ; vn. He is bound by oath to observe their laws ; vin. His parents consent to his marriage ; ix. Returns to Media, marries the daughter of Cyaxares, and carries her to Babylon. 258 ARGUMENTS TO BOOK VIII. Chap. VI. — Cyrus, on his return to Babylon, appoints satraps over the conquered nations ; 11. His policy in abridging their power ; in. Directs them to imitate his conduct ; iv. Orders an annual progress to the pro- vinces ; v. Appoints stage-horses through his whole kingdom for intelli- gence; vi. Assembles his army; vn. Extends his conquests from Syria to the Red Sea; vin. Subdues Egypt; ix. Bounds of his empire; x. He is said to enjoy perpetual spring, beloved and courted by all. Chap. VII. — Last journey of Cyrus to Persia in his old age; n. Makes sacrifices, and leads up the Persian chorus ; in. Divine apparition in his dream; iv. His sacrifice and prayer ; v. Loss of appetite and indispo- sition; vi. Summons his sons, friends, and the magistrates of Persia; vn. Bequeaths the kingdom to his eldest son, the satrapy of the Medes to his youngest ; vin. Recommends brotherly affection to them, and piety and virtue; ix. His opinion of the soul, its nature, and future existence ; x. Of the eternity of the world, and of mankind ; xi. His noble character of the Divinity ; xn. Veneration for the earth, and love of mankind ; xni. Directions respecting his burial; xiv. His last advice and death. Chap. VIII. — Political observations on the corruption and ruin of the Persian state after the death of Cyrus. HENO$12NTOS KTPOT nAIAEIA. H'. CAP. I. I. KYP02 /nev ovv ovtios elwev avedTtj b' eV avT

iXia viro fxr) Tretdofxevuiv biacpvXa^Oeir} ; nolov 5' av cnreiQovvTiov ffTparevfxa viktjs Tvyoi ; nuts §' av jllclXXov ev pa- %ais fjTTujvTO avQp(07rot rj €7retbav apfavTai ibia exaaros wept rrjs avrov aiorrjplas fiovXeveadai ; ti b n av aXXo ayadov TeXeadeir) vno yn) Treidofjevwv rciis KpeiTTOffi ; irolai be noXeis vojjk'/jIids av ot/c?/- creiav ; T] ttoIoi oIkol otodeiriaav ; ir&s b 1 av vijes ottol bel cmjjlkolito ; III. rjfxels be a vvv ayuda eyojiev bta ri aXXo fidXXov /care7rpd£a- fxev rj bia to ireideaQat rw apypvTi ; bia tovto yap Kal vvktos Kal rjfxepas Tayy p.ev okol ebei Trapeyiyv6fie0a t ctOpooi re 7a3> apyovTL enofxevoi. avvnovTaTOi r)fxev 9 tujv §' e7nTaydevTu)v ovbev rjjbttTeXes KtiTaXeiirofjiev, el toivvv fieyicrrov ayadov to neidapytlv (paivercu els to KaTanpaTTeiv tcl aya0a, ovtios ev 'iaTe on avTo tovto Kal 1. Sti &px*v] See Od. B. 47. 234. E. 12. Gataker ad Anton. 1, 9. p. 1 1. 260 CYROPiEDIA. els to biaawieiv a bel fieyiffTOV ayadov Ivti. IV. Ka\ npoadev fxev btj woWol fifiutv riPX 0P A*^ ovbev6s f i]p\ovTO be' vvv be Kare- oKevaode ovtlo iravres ol napovTes ware apyere ol fxev irXeiovLov, ol be /jieiovtov, tovirep roivvv avrol ajtwffere apyeiv tlov ixf vjxlv, ovtlo Kal avrol 7r€idot)jjie0a ols av fjfxds KadrjKrj, toljovtov be biaipepeiv fjjjias bel rujp bovXiov ogov ol /uev bovXoi aKovres toIs beaxoTats vir rjper ovgiv, fjfxas be, einep a^iovfiev eXevdepot elvai, eKovras bel noielv o irXeiGTOv afyov Lpalverat elvai* evprjaere be, eLprj, kcu evda avev fiovapyias ttoXls olKelrat, tijv fxaXiara toIs apyovaiv edeXov- aav 7reideadai Tavrrjv iJKiGTa tlov noXefxiLov avayKaSojjievrjv vna- kovclv. V. 7rapLojJiev re ovv ioG7rep Kvpos KeXevei eVi robe to apyelov, aGKiofiev re bi lov fuaXiGTa bvvrjGOfieda KciTeyeiv a bel, 7T a p exit) fie v Te fjjjias avToits X9^ a ^ aL Kvpco o,tl av bey' kcu tovto yap ev elbevai xp?) on oh /.o) bvrrfrat Kiipos evpelv o,tl avTLo fiev eV ayadio ^prjaerai, fjfj.lv be ov, enetTrep tci ye avra rjfj.lv ^vfiLpepei Ka\ oi avToi elatv rjfxlv woXefiioi. VI. 'E7ret be ra£/ra elire Xpvffa^ras, ovtlo b)) Kal aXXot aviGTavTO iroXXol Kal Tle-pGwv Kal tlov GVfXfxayjLov Gviepovvres' Ka\ ebo£e tovs ePTtfiovs ael irapelvai eirl Bvpas Kal 7rajoe^€(V avTOvs xprjadat o,ti av (iov\r)Tai, eios av cKplrj Kvpos. w$ be tot€ ebo£ev, ovrio Kal vvv eft TTOtovetv ol Kara ti)v 'Acr/ay vno fiaGiXel ovres, Qepairevovai tcls twv ap^ovriov 6vpas. VII. los b 9 ev tw Xoyto bebrjXioTat Kvpos KaTacFTrjGUfievos els to bia(j)vXa.TTetv eawcJ re Kal Tlepaats ti]v apxfjv, TavTa Kal ol fxeT eKeivov (iauiXels vofxifja eTi Kal vvv bia- TeXovcri TcoiovvTes. VIII. ovtu) b' e\ei Kal ravra uHrnep Kal TaXXa* oTav fxev 6 eiriGTciT-qs /3e\r/tu^ yevrjTat, Kadaputrepov ra vofxifia 7T|oarrera£, orai^ be ^eipwv, tyavXoTepov. etyoiTLJv fxev ovv enl tcls Ovpas K>vpov ol evTifJOL ovv toIs l7T7tols Kal ra7s alyjials, avvbofav itaai toIs aptGTOLS tlov GvyKaTaGTpexpajjLeviov Trjv apyj]v. IX. Kvpos b* enl jikv raXXa KadiGTTj aXXovs eTTijiieXrjTas, Kal ))(7av avTui Kal TTponobiov airobeKT^pes Kal ba7ravrj/.taTtov boTrjpes Kal epyiov emGTaTat Kal KrrjjJLaTMV (pvXaKes Kal tlov els ri)v biaLTav e-mTYibeiiov e7r tfxeXriTai* Kal ^ttttwv be Kal kvvlov e7TLf.LeXr}Tas kuQIgti} ovs evofiiSe Kal rafira ra /3o(7K?y/iara fieXTiGT av 7rape^etv avTip ^p//v Krrjfjtarojv bv- Tiov ajicfi ravra avrov ae\ eyeiv rjbei on aayoXiav 7rape£oi rijs tu>v oXwv ffiorrjplas €7rifxeXeicrdai. XIV. ovru) bt) (JKorr&v, onus av ret re olKovofxiKa KaXws eyoi ko\ r) (7\oXr) yevoiro, Karevor^ae 7ra>s rrjv orpanwriKriv ovvra£tv. us yap ra iroXXa beKabap^oi fiev beKaben)v cnifieXovrai, Xo^ayol be beKabdp-^wv, ^iXiap^pt be Xo\ayu>v 9 pv- in the same case. In like manner, 2, should render his friends and generals 1,5. the accus. robs fxevroL a E\\T}vas such as they ought to be. It is an sprung from conformity to the prece- elegant form of speech, taken from ding members, and 4, 3, 19. the dat. those, who entangle themselves in woAAoTs Se from the preceding 7roAAo?s something, by which they are kept so fi4v : and elsewhere too the Greeks, in bound, that they cannot do what they order to preserve such agreement, ad- please ; as Plautus Cas. 1, 25. says mit a certain incongruity of syntax, or properly, se induere in laqueum, but anacoluthia. Without due conside- Cic. Verr. 2, 42. improperly, ' Hie ration, therefore, Zeune and Schneider videte in quot se laqueos induerit, quo- after ecoiVTO have added avrbs £(rtc6ir€i ruin ex nullo se unquam expediret.' " Kat, which words, though acknow- Fischer. " 'Evduvai, cum els, susci- leged by Alt. and Bud., are not to be pere, incumbere in, II. 8, 1, 4. iveSv — found in Guelf. Par. Phil, and vett. ets ra\n"nv r))v 4irifi4\€Lav. Active, Edd." Poppo. impedire, implicare, ut Lat. induere, 3. ereSu p.\v odv ovtco yvovs els II. 1, 6, 19. p. 81. %va — lepus avrbs ravTTjv eirtjueXetai/] I. e. •* ' Being of kavrhv iiAir'nrrcav eveSu, (pro ivtivcrai,) such an opinion, he undertook the care in rete, margg. (rweSeu" Sturz. of this matter,' viz. that he himself 262 CYROP^DIA. ptap^oi be ytXtapyuyv , Kal ovrios ovbels ciry/JieXyTOS y/yierat, ovb' yv rravv 7ro\\ai juvptabes avdpu)7ni)V tocrt, Kal orav b arparyyos (iovXyrat xpyaaaQat tl rfj aTpariq., dpKel yv rols jjLvptdp^ats napay- yeiXy XV* uKJirep ovv ravra eyet 9 ovtlj Kal b Kvpos avveKetya- \aiU)0(XTO TCIS OlKOVOfilKCLS 7Tpd^etS % UKTT€ KO.I Tv fiaXiCTa KeKOcrfjiTjfievoy Ttj aperfj. XXII. aiadareadai jiev yap eboKei Kal bta tovs ypatyo- fxevovs vofiovs fteXriovs yiyvojiexovs avOpuwovs' tov be ayaOov apypvra ftXeirovTa vo\iov 6 av6p ael ovtl fiaGiXel. TaiiTa ovv npwrov efjLifiovvro avrbv Kal ol aXXoi Tlepcai, vo/ji£cvt€s Kal avTol evbaifjLOveaTepoi eaeaQai, i)v Qepairevwai tovs Qeovs, wanep 6 evbaifJioveoTaTos re wv Kal apywV Kal Kupa) 6' a i' fjyovvro ravra iroiovvTes apeaneiv. XXV. 6 £e Kvpos ti)v tCjv fj.ed' avTOv evaefieiav Kal eavrcj ayaOov evo/^tie, Xoyiio/mevos wv-ep ol 7r\e7v 7 alpovjmevoi fxeTa twv evaejoCjv jjlclXXov rj fxera twv i]ae(5r}Kevai tI boKovvTwv, wpos be tovtols eXoyiieTo ws el navres ol Koivwves Oeovefiels elev, i)ttov av avrovs eOeXetv irepi re aXXijXovs avooiov tl note'iv Kal nepl eavrov y evepyerrjs vo/jlCu>v elvai twv kolvwvwv. XXVI. e/jHpaviCwv be Kal tovto on nepl ttoXXou eiroielTO /Jirjbeva /j.r)re (piXov abiKelv /urjTe ovfjifjiayov, aXXci to biKaiov layypws opiov, 8 /jtaXXov Kal tovs dXXovs wer' av twv fxev alayjiwv Kepbwv aTre-^eadai, bia tov biKaiov b' eQeXeiv 7ropi£eo0ai.9 6. pXeirovTa vo/j.ov'] "In as much as perhaps the genuine reading; for a good and virtuous prince prescribes adpewis 'to look at intensely,' 'to by his example what his subjects contemplate,' and is used both in ought to do, i.e. what is right and reference to the eye of the body, as useful, as Cic. de LL. 3, 13. calls a Anacr. 11, 3. and in reference to the magistrate legem loquentem ; and in eye of the mind. The old Gramma- as much as a good prince sees which rians interpret adpeiv by bpav, and rb of his subjects do not observe the Sikcliov lo-x v p&s aQpeiv is • to look precepts of the law, and can thus sharply at justice,' i. e. ' to observe punish them. For this is the meaning justice, diligently/ " Fischer. Ac- of the words, '6ti lkclvos £(tti." cording to the canon of criticism al- Fischer. ready laid down, a0p£z>, as the more 7. axrirep ol ir\€?u~\ " The Interprr. exquisite term, is the genuine lection, quote ^Esch. Sept. ad Th. 606. Florace 9. iropi^zvBai] "According to H. Od. 3, 2, 26. Cic. de Nat. Deor. 3, Steph. and Muretus, some Mss." 7." Poppo. (Bud. and Alt.) " exhibit iroptveffOcu. 8. dpcay'] "Alt. aOpwv, which is This reading appears also on the mar- 264 CYROPiEDIA. XXVII. Kal albovs §' av ?/ye7ro fiuUov iravras e/i7r*7rXa ycu, el avros tpavepbs e'ir) irarTas ovtws albovjievos ws /jtjt el-rrelv av fi^re iroirjaai. fjirjbev alrr\p6v, XXVIII. eTeKfiaipeTO be tovto ovtws e^eiv eK Tovbe' fjij yap oti apyovra, aXXa Kal ovs ov (pofiovvrai, fiaXXov tovs albovjievovs albovvTat twv avatbwv ol avQpwnoC Kal yvvaiKas be as av albovjievas alodavwvTai, avraibeloQai judWov eBeXovffiv bpwvTes. XXIX. to S' av ireldeoOai ovtw /xaXiar av wero ejjfjovov etvat vols 7repl avTOV 9 el tovs cnrpotyaaioTws treidofievovs avepbs e'irj flciXXov ti/jiwv twv tcls fieyioTas aperas Kal e-nnrovwTaTas bo* kovvtwv irapeyeodai. XXX. yiyvwaKwv b* ovtw Kal iroiwv bie- TeXei, Kal (jwcppoavvr^v b 9 avrov ewibeiKVVs fjciXXov eiroiei Kal ravrriv Trdrras aoKelv. orav yap bpwffiv, w fiaXiGTa e^efrnv v(5pi£eiv 9 tov- tov awtypovovvTa 9 ovtw fjaXXov o'i ye aaOevecrTepoi edeXovaiv ovbev vfipiaTtKov TroiovvTes (parepol elvai. XXXI. birjpci be albw Kal frwcppo&vvrjv Trjbe, ws tovs jiev albovfiivovs ro ev tw (j>avepw aio"%pa tyevyovras, tovs be awope7v Kal rovs koi- vwvas ravrrjv etreLoev evhveoQaC avrrj yap avrw ovyKpvTrreiv ehoKet ci ris rt ev r Kal KaXXiarovs Kal fieyiarovs einheiKvvvai tovs (popovvras* XLI. Kal yap ra vnohrf- /uara n roiavra eyovcriv ev oh fidXiara XaOelv earl Kal virorideiie- vovs rl ware hoKelv fxeiiovs eJvat rj eleri' Kal viroyjpieaQai he rovs ofdaXfAovs rrpoalero, ws evo(j>daX pore pot (paivoivro rj elal, Kal evrpifieaQai, ws evypowrepoi bpwvro rj iretyvKaviv. XLII. eyue- Xeri)oe he Kal ais fit]he nrvovres firjhe anofJivrrofievot avepol eiev y fiyhe fjieTaarpe^ofievoi enl deav jurjhevds, ws ovhev Qav^xa- Sovres. rravra he ravra yero (pepeiv rl els to hvoKaratypovqroTe- povs (f>a(veaQaL ro'is apyo fievots. XL1II. Ovs fxev hrj apyeiv wero Xpfjvai, hi eavrov ovrw Kare- OKevaSe Kal jxeXert] Kal rw oepvws npoearavai avrwv* ovs hi* av KareffKevaSev els to hovXeveiv, tovtovs ovre fxeXeryv rwv eXevde- 10. 7jol rb rbp v. Compare Schol. Ari- stoph. Plut. 874. (ArjXbp tin &ov\i- fjuy.y Sturz. The words of the Schol., (transcribed by Suidas, ' paucis tan- tummodo mutatis, quae operae non sit pretium enotasse/ Hemsterh.) are these : BovXip.ia* irdpv Xiu&ttci, Kal ireivq Xiap, airb tov fiov iTri^p-fj/jLoros, tiircp iiriTdccdos 4oti StjXqot wbv, avrl tov \lcw Soairep Kal $p t$ f&oxnrtipa, jiieydXrj irupa, Kal RovydZos, Kal £oi5- yXoxro'os* tlpIs Se eldos p6ctov cpaolp, 4p fj iroWa tadloPTes ov irKrjpovPTai* tqop yap avKocpaPTwp tolovtos 6 Tp6iros. ra\rjpbs 5e 4p toTs 'Ax €(Tl paXXop Tb o"vjj.TrTOi)jjLa tovto yiP€Tai fj ip Ta?s cvtiais." Alex. Trail. 8, 6. : *0 j8o<5« LIBER VIII. CAP. I. 267 ovtol avrov /y€tro elvai av- rovs Kal aovi'Taxrovs ovras ewpa, teal wpos tovtols ovbe enXrjaiaCe tovtlop ovbels avnp ovre pvktos ovre i]/jepas, XLVI. ovs be Kpa- tivtovs re ?/ye7ro Kal lottXmt fievovs Kal adpoovs bvras eiopa, kv firjZlp e%6vraiv ev- Causs. Sympt. 1, 7. operam perdunt. Zov fiaAavriwv. Dicitur et a nonnullis PovAipiia, item 268 CYROP.EDIA. CAP. II. I. Tlputrov jxev yap bid iravTOS del tov yjpovov (ptXavdpwTriav Tfjs 4>v\fjs us rjbvvaro /ia'Xtora eveQavtiev, rfyov/mevos, wairep ov poibiov eori (piXelv tovs jmtaelv boKOvvras, ovb* evvoelv toIs kclkovois, ovtoj Kal tovs yvwodevTas ws tyikovai /cat evvoovaiv, ovk av bvvaadai fiKrei&dai vno twv (jaXelaQat rjyovfievtjv. II. eios fJtev ovv xp>//ia- oiv abwarwrepos i\v evepyerelv, t£ re wpovoelv tGjv (tvvovtwv Kal to) irpoiroveiv Kal rw (Twrfbofievos fiev enl toIs ayaOols (j>avepbs eivat, GVvayQofxevos be enl toIs KaKois, tovtois eweiparo ty\v tXlav Orjpeveiv' eVeiS?) be eyevero avrS wore ^prjfxaaiv evepyerelv, boKel r)fiiv yv&vai irp&TOv jiev ws evepyerrj/Jia dvdpu)7rois irpos dXXrjXovs ovbev eoTtv airo Tfjs avrfjs bandvrjs eiriyaptTwrepov r) oLtmv Kal ttot&v /2€Tabo(ris* III. tovto S' ovTis) vofiiaas nputTOV fiev enl tt}v avrov TpdneSav aweTa^ev onus ols avros oitoIto oItois 13 tovtois ojioia del 7rapaTldotTO ai/rw iKavd irafXTroXXois dvOpwirots* Sera be frapaTedelrj, ravra 7raVra, irXijv ols avros Kal ol avvbeinvoi XW' aaivro, biebibov ols del (5ovXoito tCjv (j>iX(ov juviifirjv evbeiKvvodat rj iXo(ppO(7vvrjv, biene/jnre be Kal tovtois ols ayaaOeirj rj ev tyvXaKals fj ev depaweiais rj ev a\oTie- povrtos ev rals fieyaXats iroXeatv efyeipyaafxevai elo\, Kara tov au- tov Tpoirov Kal tcl 7rapa fiavtXel c7ra noXv btacpeporruts eKireirovri- rai. ev /uev yap rals fiiKpdls TroXecriv 01 avrol ttoiovgi kXivtjv, Ovpav, aporpov, rpaneiav, iroXXaKis cV 6 avros ovtos Kal ok'oSo/zel, Kal ayaircj i\v kcu ovtojs Uavovs avrov Tpityeiv epyoboras 1 * Xafifiaviy abvvarov ovv woXXa reyi'^fxevov avtiptowov iravra KaXuts iroielv. ev be rals fieyaXats 7r6Xe(Ti bta to ttoXXovs e/caorou be7crdai apicei Kal ftla eKaoTw rey^vn els to rpe^ecrdat, woXXaKts be ovb* oXtj fiia, aXX' vTTobijfiaTa irotel 6 pev arbpela, 6 be yvvaKela, eari be evda Kal VKobiifjcira 6 fiev vevpoppacf>uiv l5 fjiovov TpecpeTai, 6 be (t^'iSojv, 1 ^ o 14. ipyotioras] I. e. Those who give out work, (a phrase used by En- glish manufacturers,) " ■ locatores operum, qui alicui opus aliquod locant.' Phrynichus p. 182. says that this word is not used by good and Attic writers : 'Epyoftdrns ov Kelrar to Se ipyoSore'iv napd rivi r&v v ear* pcav kqo- (jupfioov t oTs Kal ai)To?s ov neicrreov. But J. Poll. 7, 182. delivers a more cor- rect precept : 'Ev p.evroi rots &XKois Tex^TCUS 6 TiKarwv iv rq> devrepcp tt)s IIoAtT€ias Kal robs ipyohdfiovs Kara- Xryei* pa\pq>Sol, x o P evrc ^> vnoKpiral, epyoXafioi, Kal ra o,uoia* vvv p.\v odv robs wept rty cKwvijv Xeysi ipyo\d- fiovs' Kal ndvras fxkv robs ipyohafiovv- rds £&rtv elnelv, uv robs ivavriovs, robs 6k5i5oWos, epyoBoras etprjKe "Eevo- [see Vitr. quoted below.] u Cui respondet ep- 7o8(Jt7|s, Gl. adventor, forte ex adven- ditor y quod et Auctor postea docet." Kiihn. " Gl. 'EpyoSorns, Adventor. Aliud estplane, quod in Giossis Nonii- cis reperio: , Adovevrop,a'vW'f)Trrcop ) trvv- €py6s. Nee quoque video quis Kiihnii nostri adve ndit or siet. 'EpyoXafios au- tem et £pyo\af}e7v dicitur de l quovis, qui sub pacti pretii conditioneperflcien- dnm aliquid suscipit.' Is operant locare dicitur Romanis, vel etiara opus redi- mere, unde £pyo\d(3os, Gl. redemptor. Vide quoque Festum. Non possum autem non elegantem tibi hac de re simul et voce locum exhibere e Vitr. 9, 3- : ' Hiero enim Syracusis auctus regia potestate, rebus bene gestis, cum auream coronam votivam Diis imrnortalibus in quodam fano consti- tuisset ponendam, imraani pretio lo- cavit faciendam, et aurum ad sacoma appendit redemptori : T<£ €pyo\dficp, qui hanc fabricam suscipiebat/ Lege quoque, sis, libri 7, 5. Hisce autem redemptoribus impensarum laborisque pretium non cedebat, nisi perfecto demum opere." Hemsterh. 15. inro^p.ara 6 p.\v vevpopfiaQwv'] " 'T7ro87]/xaTa vsvpofipacpeiv is calceos, calceorum obstragida et sublaminas consuere Jills, ( to sow with threads the upper and under leather;' for the Jila sutoria, or ' shoemaker's threads/ are called pevpa, because they were twisted from the sinews of animals, as the strings of the lyre in Anacr. 1, 5. which are called both 'sinews, 5 (nervi,) and 'threads,' (fila.)" Fischer. "Neu- po$pad [which Zeune thinks to be here used in the ordinary sense of ■ tunics,' though the context shows that it is in this place applied to the shoemaker's art only, see Weckh.] st signifies ' the upper and under leathers of shoes.' At least Aristotle calls 'the upper lea- ther of a shoe ' x iT & V(l vwodTjfiaTos, Casaub. ad Trebellii Pollion. 210. Par. Therefore x iT & vas cvpre/jLveiu, is * to cut so as to fit together the upper .and under leathers,' [concirmare, al. concidere.] " Thus in Latin the word tunic is applied to ■ the membranes, which cover the eye,' " [Pliny 11, 37, 54. tunica oculorum, J. Poll. 2, 70. 71. xtT&j/es 6da\nwv, 2, 217. x ir ^ Kaphas,] u to ' the bark of trees,' " [Pliny 24, 3. ' Cortex ligni, corticique tunica subjecta,' 16, 14. f Inter corti- cem ac lignum tenues tunicae multi- plici membrana,'] " and to ' the co- vering of an abscess,' Celsus, 7, 2." [' Quicquid abscedit, velamento suo includitur ; id antiqui tunicam nomi- nabant,'] " 7, 7, 14." Fischer. " Tu- nica, x LT <»> v i ' ate idem significat, quod membrana, \d\viy\, fy*V> uti vult Gal. de U. P. 4, 9. Omnino tamen aliquod discrimen inter haec duo vocabula ad- mittendum esse arbitror, dum tunica proprie ad usum spectat in hoc consis- tentem,quod aliud corpus tegat, ope- riat, et involvat, et quasi vestiat. Die- terich. n. 922, ex A ph. 7, 45. id quod de membrana, qua tali necessario dici non potest, cujus idea consistere vide- tur in homogeneitate, sive similari natura, et expansione sive dilatatione, quamvis Bartholino aliud visum fue- rit, Anat. 1, 4. qui tunica vocabulum ad vasa restrinxit, contra Auctornm usitatam acceptionem. De tunicis oculi vide eund. 3, 8." B. Castelli Lex. Med. Gr. Lat. rf 2x*T 6i *' * s different from (Twre/jLveiu, and signifies some elegant workmanship in shoes ; whence the shoes of females are called which Zeune defends, most absurdly interpreting the word tunics. Fischer does well in following Steph., and in adopting the interpretation 'upper leathers,' obstragula calccorum, pro- posed by Casaubon ad Trebellii Pol- lion, p. 210. But the word itself ob - stragulis in Pliny 9, 35. is of doubt- ful signification. The word x tT & v > LIBER VIII. CAP. II. 271 avvTidels ravra. 1 ^ avaytcrj ovv rbv kv (ipa^yrara) §v %p.irpoadev. Photius's Lexicon seems to confirm the same interpreta- tion by the authorily of Aristoph. :" (TIpoo'xio'uaTa- eldosviro^fxaros, 'Aptff- rwpdirns.) '- J. Poll. 7, 91. savs that vrr6(TX^^ is avBpetov vTr6Zr)}J.a fiaXa evreXes, Kal Trp6o'X LO ~f Jia irpcafiuriKov. We may justly doubt about the inter- pretation on account of the very grave authority of Aristotle, who makes irp6ffxio-p.a 'a part of every shoe.' But in different species there might have been varieties, indicated by the words, XsTTTOcrxityS} Trepiorx^rjs, TroXvcrx^ris. So Hesych. Tlepio-x^eTs' eldos vttoBt)- paTQS evreXes : hut they were rec- koned among the more genteel shoes, and worn by priests according to Ephippus in A then. 12. p. 537=497. Schw." [J. Poll. 7, 85.2xwral, iroXv- reXes vTr6Br]/j.a Kal QpvirriKov ravras Be Kal Xeirroax^Be7s Qivofxa^ov :] ■• cav- hdXia Xeirroax^riy Cephisodorus Tro- phonio ap. J. Poll. 7, 87." {^avBaXid T€ t&v XeirrofTx^coy, 'Ed) 5 oTs ra. xpvvu ravr eireo'Tiv avQefxa, Nvi> 8 5 &o"7rep r) Qepditaiva ex a irepifiaptBas :) " iroXv- cx^r], Hippias Erythraeus ap. Athen. 6. p. 259=493. Schw." Schneider. M Si vero tenuiter incisa quajrantur, egregium ex Cephisodori Comici Tro- phonio locum refert Victor. Var. Lect. 14, 15. ubi quidera mulier, e divite facta paupercula, vicem suam itacon- queritur : f Sandalia vero tenuiter in* cisorum, quibus aurei flores insunt ; nunc vero instar famulas peribarides habeo.' Hie enim Xeirr o(txiB6qv no- mine calcei veniunt intelligendi, te- nuibus incisuris, ad ornatum et elegan- tiam insigniti, qui alias perforati sive fenestrati dicuntur, Gallice de'eoupes et de etiquette." B. Balduinus p. 105. On the passage from Aristotle's Rhet. there is a most luminous comment, which is worth citing here, because the book is scarce : — " np&rx*0"/xa, which Victor, has rightly restored from Mss., occurs even in the Gr. Schol. The second Kal x^v is not to be found in the oldest Ms., in other Mss., and in the ancient Version. For virod-fjfjLara the edd. Lond. Cantabr. and Bip. exhibit virevBufiara, for which change there is no necessity or autho- rity. The Interpreters, who trans- lated from Mss., viz. the old Interpre- ter, Georgius Trapez., end Hermo- laus, if they speak about the parts of a garment, have misunderstood the pas- sage, deceived perhaps by the word x*- tojv. But, if they had a different lection before them, perhaps they had rather in their Mss. vnoBvfiara. The common reading, however, will be preferable to this lection, because no reason can be given why viroBruxaTa has cept into all the Mss. of Vic tori us, Aldus, and Trincavellus ; while a ready rea- son may be assigned why viroBv/JLara should be introduced from conjecture. The Commentators are most offended at this, that they are unwilling to think that Ttp6o'xio'\x.a, KtQaXls, and Xirbv can be ' parts of shoes,' parti- cularly as J. Poll. 7, c. 20. does not reckon them among ■ the parts of shoes;' while, on the contrary, it may be easily perceived how they are parts of an x/TrevBvfxa. But this is not easily perceived. 'YirevBvfia would signify, not ■ a garment in general/ but * an interior or inner garment,' of which that these were not ' species,' but ' parts,' will there be better proof, than that they were ' parts of a shoe' t 272 CYROPiEDIA. tovtov Kcii apurra birjvayKaadat tovto woietv. VI. tv avTo bk Since the names of articles of this kind, as of the parts of a shoe, are different in different countries and in different ages, I apprehend that the authority of J. Poll, is not entitled to much weight. Aristotle did not pro- mise that he would point out all the parts of a shoe, so as not to withhold the mention of certain parts ; and too much minuteness of diligence must not be exacted from an author in a case of this kind. Let no one then deny that these may be « parts of a shoe/ particularly as J. Poll. c. 22. informs us that Trp6a\\s 8e tj rpaxv^ aLa% K0 ^ T^AiF, £ir\ rod Ka- Krjyiov, (caligct,) irp6o'x^o'h a * T0 ^o1\ov K*(pa\\s dh rb KavKaKov. Kal et aP€v Tex^s inroSrjfia ZvwnQoo Troirjffcu K. r. A." J. S. Vater's Animadvv. et Lectt. ad Aristot. Rhet. Lipsiaj 1794. p. 118. " Sane in hisce minutis," says Jung, ad J. Poll. 7, 91., " non possunt semper nobis omnia esse liquida, quod earum mentio apud vetustos Auctores sit rarissima ; Grammatici vero, qui ea exposuerunt, plerique perieruut cum Auctoribus etiam ipsis, unde fa- cile colli gere alias de multis essrt." 18. crvvrepLVccv ] "The verb crvp- riyLVsiv they commonly interpret concidere ad tunicas confieiendas" [Sturz's Lex. Xen. : * Vestem, vel pannum, vel linteum concidens ad tunicas confieiendas : sic nostrum zuschneiden.'] " It is true that it means concidere, dividere, in Plato Politico s. 5. but generally, prcecidere and in brevius contrahere, breviter di- cere. Certainly it cannot be here rightly used in reference to garments and tunics; for garments, the toga and tunicce, descended from the loom in a perfect state, except that they were afterwards connected by fiacpfi or 7nfy>7n?. No intelligent person will at- tribute to the ancients our practice of making garments from pieces cut out for the purpose, {ex concisis pannis.)" Schneider. This observation plainly proves that x iT ^ vas bere necessarily mt-ans ■ a certain part of a shoe/ 19. o-WTidsls ravra'] Sturz erro- neously translates it consuens. Fis- cher : — " * Sed componendo haec :' refer ad x tT & vas » Xen. posuit neu- trum genus, etiam verbis ovdeu rovrwv provocatus, vim vocabuli respiciens ; nam x LT ^ ves sunt sane p.4pr} v7ro5^/uct- toop." Meyer: — "But what does Fischer mean ? Componere w r ould sig- nify the same as consuere, and would have been mentioned previously. For my own part, I think avvTidels to be qui fabricam instituit, who himself does none of those things, but em- ploys in his house, or without it, the mechanics before mentioned. Thus he unites the profits of those labors. Yet I would almost rather regard avvTidcvat as a technical term de lo- candoy elocando, since in the mid- dle at least it signifies pacisci, and the active sometimes has the meaning of efficere" But there is no ne- cessity to have recourse to this last interpretation. ^vpriBcls is here used in its proper sense, • putting toge- ther,' and Fischer meant no other ; consuere, pevpoppa 07TT(jf.v t aXXa) aprovs iroielv, Kal fjtrjbe rovrovs Travrobairovs, aXXa apuel. av ev elbos evboKifjiovv Trapavxr), avayKT), ot/uai 9 ravra ovtcj irotov/ueva noXv btcKpepovTws e^eipyarjQai eKaarov, VII. TjJ fiev b)) rujv oLtuv Qepcnreia. roiavra ttoi&v iroXv vnep- e/3aXXero 7ravras, ws be Kal to~is aXXois iraai 6epa7rev(jjv noXv eKpareiy rovro vvv bir\yr\ao\xaC itoXv yap bieveyKu>v avdpwTrwv ry irXeioTas 7rpooobovs Xa/jflaveiv iroXv en nXeov bir\veyKe rw irXelara avOpwiruiv bwpeicrdat. Karfjp^e fxev ovv rovrov Kvpos, biafxevei be en ko\ vvv rots fiacnXevoiv 7) 7roXvbwpia. VIII. rivt fxev yap av fit] fiaaiXevs bai. IX. ris b' aXXos Xeyerai bwpwv /ueyedei noielv alpelaOai avrbv Kal avr abeXtytiv Kal avrl narepwv Kal avrl irai- bwv ; ris b 1 ciXXos ebvvaodti e^dpovs aneyovras iroXXHv fxrjvCjv bbbv rifiwpe'tadai (bs Ylepawv fiarrtXevs ; ris b* aXXos Kara rj Kvpos ; rovro be rovvojia brjXov on evepyerovvros eari p.a\Xov Tj atyaipov- fxevov. X. Karefiddo/JLev be ws Kal rovs (iaaiXeivs KaXovfxevovs 6(/>daXfjtovs Kal ra fiaaiXeujs d>ra 2l ovk aXXws k.KTr\aaro rj rw bl- under leathers from a third ; he has to Orat. 56. and Quintil. 9, 4, 72. con- put all these parts together hefore he demn this as objectionable in prose- can complete a shoe. composition, yet even the most careful 20. tye\La] u An hexameter verse, writers have not always been able to if you write tyeWia, not \j/e\ia, (see 1, avoid the commission of this fault, 3, 2.) such as are well known to (Vcssius Rhet. 4, 4, 3. Dorv. ad occur in Livy, Tacitus, and Cicero." Char. 363.)" Fischer. Poppo. " Versam hexametrum hie 21. dcpQaX/JLohs nal 3>ra] Heliod. 8. reperisse sibi visi sunt Interprr. ; sed p. 405. Uepo-tov fiaaiteias avXrjs \j/4\ia scripsimus, ut supra : pra3terea b e\t\ irexvodai fieyaXuts evepyeTwv 7roXXovs eiroi-qaev avdpw7rovs Kal oira- Kovoreiv Kal bionreveiv tI av ayyelXavTes wvXaTTeo6aL be~i. aXX' ov\ ovro)s e^€«, aXXa tov (j>cktkovtos ctKOvaal ti rj Ibelv a£iov eirtfieXeias iravrbs fiaaiXevs aKovei. XII. oiirw brj 7roXXa fxev (3aaiXews J>ra, iroXXol be 6(f>duXfjiol vo/jlSovrar Kal (pofiovvrat iravTa'^ov Xeyeiv ra fir) av/jLtyopa (laaiXeT, tioirep avrov ukovovtos, Kal noielv a fir) av/vupopa, iSjairep avrov irapovTOs. ovkovv ottws fxvr)oQrjvai av tis eToXfxrjae irpos Tiva irepl Kvpov (j>Xavpov ti, aXX' Jjs ev 6(j>daX/jLols izaai Kal wm fiaaiXews toIs ael napovoiv ovtus eKaaros bteKetTO. tov be ovrw btaKeladai tovs avOpumovs npos aWov eyto jxev ovk olba o 9 Ti av tis aiTiaaaiTo /uaXXov f) on fxeyaXa ijdeXev civtI fxiKp&v evep- yerelv. XIII. Kai to fxev by) fxeyedet bvjpwv v7T€pfiaXXeiP 7rXov(TtwraTOV bvTa oh QavjiavToV to be Ttj Qepaireia Kal Trj eTUjjieXeia twv tyiXtoV (3affiXevovra 7repiyiyveodai, tovto a£ioXoyu)Tepoi\ eKelvos toivw Xeyerat KaTabrjXos elvai jx-qbevl av ovtvjs alayyvBels r)TTu>fxevos a»s , and KwraBiadai strp- sense of * a receptacle for money,' or port this interpretation. " Fischer. ' a treasury/ which is the proper sig- But Sturz takes the word 6t\cruvpbs in nification of the word, (Bosius Exerc. the sense of ' treasure/ LIBER VIII. CAP. II. 275 Kvpoy Xeyerai epeadat, Kai noaa av ijbrj otet /jlol ^prj/mara elyai, ei avyeXeyoy %pvaioy wanep av KeXeveis e£ orov kv rrj apyi) dW \ Kai rov Kpolaoy etire'iy 7roXvvriya apidpov. XVI. /cat Toy Kvpoy Trpos Tavra,' Aye brj, orto av irtareveis fidXiara. av be, J> 'Yardana, €0?;, 7repi- eXOwy wpos rovs cpiXovs Xeye avrols on beoixai ypvaiov irpos irpd^iv riya* /cat yap rJ byn irpoabiofxac Kai KeXeve avrovs OTrdaa av ek'aoros bvyrjrai noplaai fxoi ^p///iara* ypdxpayras be /tat /cara- arjfi-qvafieyovs bovvai rt)y eirtaroXrjy ra> Kpoiaov depdwoyn epeiv* XVII. Tavra be oaa eXeye /cat ypdipas Kai ar\\XT)vdixevo,s eblbov nj) Yardanrj tyepeiy npos rovs iXovs, eieypa\pe be 7rpos irayras Kai 'Yarda-n^v ws (piXoy avrov be^eadat, enel be 7reptfj\de /cat ijveyKev 6 Kpoiaov Qepdnwv ras eVtoroXas, 6 fiey brj 'Yaraairr)% elirey, T fl Kvpe (iaaiXev, Kai efAol ijbrf ^ptj ws nXovaiw \pr\adac nd/JLTroXXa yap eywy ndpeifii bwpa bia ra ah ypdfxjxara. XVIII. /cat 6 Kvpos einev, Els ixey roivvy /cat ovtos ijbrj drjaavpos 23 fjfuv 9 w Kpolae* rovs b* aXXovs KaraOew Kai Xoytaai n6aa early eroifxa ypri^xara, rjv n bewfjtai xprjadai. Xeyerai brj Xoytio/jieyos 6 Kpolaos 7roXXa7r\a- ffta evpelv y erj Kvpw ay elyai ev to~is drjaavpols i]brj, el avveXeyev. XIX. eVel be rovro (jjarepov eyevero, elireiv Xeyerat 6 Kvpos, 'Opys, dvai, w Kpolae, ws ela\ Kai eiiol Grjaavpoi ; dXXa av fiev KeXeveis fie irap e/iol avrovs avXXeyoyra tydoveladal re bC avrovs Kai fxiaeladai Kat (ftvXaKas avrols eiarayra fiiadotyopovs rovrois marevetv eyw be rovs vXdrroyres irpay- fiara eypvat, /cat ojjojs eyboy eyoyres roaavra ovre eaQiovat irXeitt) r) 23. frnaavpbs] " A receptacle of 24. larivr^s] I. e. " * Weighing,' gold and silver, from which I may because what is going to be weighed, draw as much money as I please." is placed in the balance, (Raphel. ad Fischer. Malth. 26, 15.)" Fischer. 276 CYROPiEDIA. bviavrat i£vvvvrai nXelw rj bvvavrat dXetav Kal evKXetaV a ovre Karaafinerai ovre v7rep7rXrjpovvra Xvfxaiverat, dXXd // evjcXeta Saw av nXeiwv r), roaovrw Kal fjteiSwv Kal KaXXiwv Kal KOvorepa tyepetv ytyrerat, iroXXaKts be Kat tovs tyepovras avrr)v Kov(j)orepovs napeyerat. XXIII. ottws be Kal rovro eibrjs, etyrj, w Kpolae, eyw ov tovs 7rXe7ara eyovras Kal tyvXdrrovras nXe'tara evbatfjioveardrovs fjyovfxai' ol yap tU reiyrj ^vXarrovres ovrws av evbat/doveararot elrjaav* ndvra yap to. ev reus iroXeai (pvXdrrovaiv' dXX' os av Kraadai re, itXelara bvvrjrai avv rw btKaiw, ypfjadai re TrXetc- tois avv rw KaXw, tovtov eyw evbatfxovearaTov vojmiSu [kgu rd xpv/uara]« KaL Tavra fxev by) (j>avepds r)v Cjairep Kal eXeye TTpaTTMV. XXIV. Tlpbs be rovrots Karavor)aas tovs noXXovs twv avdpwnwv on fjv fiev vyiaivovres btareXwat, 7rapaaKevdSovrai ottws e£ovai rd eTTtTtjbeia Kal KaraTtdevrai rd yjpr}atp.a els rr)v twv vyiaivovrwv' biatrav, ottws be, ijv dadevrjawai, to. avjKpopa 7rapearat, tovtov ov wdw €7rtjJLeXofi€VOVs ewpa* ebo^ev ovv Kal Tavra eKnovfjaai avry, tovs re iarpoi/s tovs apiarovs avveKOfiiaaro irpos avrbv raj reXelv edeXetv, Kal bwoaa rj opyava ^prjat/jia e(j>rj Tts av avrwv yeveadai Tj (papjuaKa rj alra rj rrord, ovbev rovrwv o,n ovyl irapaaKevaaas edrjaavpiie 7rap' > avTtp. XXV. Kal owore be Tts dadevrjaete twv QepaireveoQai €7rtKatpiwv, eireaKowei Kal 7rape7^e 7rdvra oirov ebei* Kal to7s larpols be \apiv fjbei, biroTe Tts laaatro Ttva to7s 7rap* €K€tvov Xa/jtfiavwv. XXVI. Taura fjiev bi) Kal TOtavra 7roXXd e/ijj^araro wpos to wpwrevetv Trap 9 ols ejiovXero eavrbv (/>iXelodat. wv be Trporjyopeyi T€ aywvas Kal dOXa 7rpovTidet 9 (j>tXov€iKtas efinotelv (iovXo/jevos nepl twv KaXwv Kal dyadwv epywv, Tavra rw fjiev Kvpw ewaivov rrap- el^ev on eirejueXero onws aaKolro r) dperr}' rols /Jtevrot dpiarots ol dywves ovroi 7rpbs dXXrjXovs Kal eptbas Kal (juXoretKias erepaXXov. XXVII. npbs Je tovtols tiorrep vdfxov Kareartjaaro 6 Kvpos, 6Va LIBER VIII. CAP. III. 277 ,ctaKpl(T€(i)s beoao eire bUrj eire dy tuvi apart, 25 tovs beofievovs bta- Kptarews avvrpeyeiv toIs Kpirals. bijXov ovv oti earo\a^ovTO fjiev ol avTaywviidfievoi tl a/jcporepoi twv KpaTtaTuJV Kal tlov /ud\tcrra d6rws 7rpbs dXXijXovs elypv, wad* ol nXeoves eKnobuv epovXovro 6 erepos tov erepov yeveadai /uaXXov ij ovvenpa£av av tl aX\i]Xois ctyaQov, Kal ravra fiev bebijXtjraL cos efxrj^avdro tovs Kparlcrrovs avrbv jiaXXov ncivTas (ptXelv r\ aXXqXovs* CAP. III. I. Nvr be i]bt] btr]yy}rov Ylepaai M?j- bixrjv GToXrjv evebvaav* biabibovs re a/^a Tabe eXeyev avrols on eXdaat j3ovXotro els Ta Tefxivr) to. toIs Qeols el^pr\\xeva Kal Ovaai fier* eKeivujv. II. 7rdpeoT€ ovv, ei\ov€iKias." Fischer. " Disceptatio interpreted it in the former edition ; s. altercatio litigantium apud judi- but, according to Xenophontean usage, cem," Sturz. Fischer explains efre aydoviafxa. is ' a contest at public BIkt) thus : — u i Sive de jure quasre- games,' like the Tro\€(xiKa and tinriKa retur, uter litigantium bonam causam ayoDviafJiaTa mentioned by Xen., over haberet, uter utrum injuria insimu- which presided Kpiral so called as lasset crirainis, peccati, delicti, negli- in public trials and private causes." gentiae in exercenda virtute :* ad epiSas Schneider. Xen, Cyrop. 2 A 278 CYROP^EDIA. €(j>r} 9 kyio rjywfjiai, eneoQe £v rrj prjOeiffrj X^PV* V v ^' "P a TlVL ^ 0IC V vfi&v aXXy KaXXiov eivai ?} ws av vvv €Xavvu>/2ev> €7retlav tioXiv €\6(OJJL€V f blbci(TK€Tit) fi€* (J7T7) yap (XV KaXXlffrOV KCtl apiGTOV VfJUP C0K7J eivai, ravrrj eKCtara be7 KaraGTrja-aadai. III. €7ret be rols KpariGTOis biebwKe tcis KaXXiaras gtoXcis, ej^etyepe bt) Kal uXXas M?7- ctKas GToXas, 7raLi7r6\\as yap TrapeaKevaaaro, ovbev (j>eib6fj.evos ovtc 7rop(j)vpihtov ovre vptpvlvojv 2 ^ ovtg { opQvairi, 11. K. 83." Fischer. Plato in Tim. 61=383. Bip. says that the 8p brj oi fiev aneXdovTes ^era7re^7rd- juevoi rovs cplXovs eKoafiovv rals oroXcus. 6 be Kvpos vofxiiiov e- pavXav tov etc twv brjfjioTuv Kat ovveTOV elvai Kal QiXoKaXov Kal evTdKTOv Kal tov yapiieaQou avrw ovk a/j.eXeh> 9 os wore Kal 7T€pl tov rifiavdai Skcmttov Kino. tt)v atyav (TW€l7r€ t tovtov brj /caXeaas ovrefiovXeveTO avrw 7ru>s av toIs fiev evvots KaXXtcrra Ibelv 7toio~ito tt)v eZeXaanv, rols be bva/ueveGL s av ovtio yevrjTai avpiov ?; eleXaats CjOTrep ebo^e tcaXdis e\eLv. JL'iprjKci be eyio, ev e*ipr}K€V iv rtf Haioe'ia* ol 5' eialv iordrjTes ei/Yrjrcu : where Salmas." [Vi- \7jTaly] " and others read iriXcorai. Kiihn ad J. Poll. 1. c. derives it from HDD, texit. Salmas. Exerc. Plin. 678=967. reads Kaaas, because Arca- dius Gramrnaticus says, Kaarjs* to ttiXcctov IfiaTiov, TT epio~iruTa.L," [p. 24. ed. Barker, Leipsic 1820. Ta €is tjs diavWafia /jltj ovTa tottiko, $j avvaXi- Keippiva ftapvvovTai, exovTairpb tov t\ g $ £, Hep|i7S, XpvffTjs, Ko.ar\s' rb /h4vtoi tcaarjs to iriAc&Tiov IfxaTiov irepiffiraTai : where we have /cacrrys and then /cecals, and where perhaps Kcio~r)s is a proper name, and if it be not, it is, at all events, of a signification different from KCL(rr\s: for ttiXc&tiov we should read iri\ooT6v.~\ M Portus in his Index translates it sagum. It seems to have been ' a thick and large cloak, used by persons in riding, which was folded up again after use, or which was spread on the horse.' M Sturz Lex. Xen. He follows the explanation of Kiihn, the error of which will soon be noticed. " The ancient Mss. exhibit Koioras, Kdo~aas, and Kaaas : the last is undoubtedly the true reading; for 1. in the Cod. Alt. s. 7. we have kckto. and Kaauv" [Schneider makes the same remark, 'but the better copies there retain the writing adva. and ««■• aw? Poppo :] " 2. Arcadius, Gram- rnaticus Antiochensis, (of whose Ms. work irepl T6vcov Salmas. made use, de Modo Usur. 256. Exerc. Plin. 678.) writes Kaarjs. But for Kaffrjs the Doric form is kolgus* Kiihn derives it from a Hebrew word, but H. Steph. with more probability from a Persian word. I think that Kaaas icpnnreiovs are ' the housings or ornamented cloth, which was put on the horses, felts or pack- cloth,' (stragula, tapeta, quibus equi insternuntur, eaque coactilia,} ' capa- risons.' This interpretation is con- firmed 1. by the authority of the an- cient Grammarians. Hesych. Kaaas' a/jLcpLTdirrjSy Kal iriXoord : where see Salmas. 2, 160." [read ttiAwt^.] " Ka aiJ d vestis: hence we see why J. Poll, used el\r}T}j io-drjs, since horse-cloths could be folded up." [But the falsity of the reading will be demonstrated below.] "2. By the thing itself; for the Persians also in those days seem to have used horse-cloths, (Brisson. 3, 27.) These horse-cloths, which Cyrus might have ordered to be made of wool dipped in purple, adorned both the horses and the horse- men ; but Cyrus wished Pheraulas to give to the leaders, also, of the horsemen, those which would render themselves and their horses more con- spicuous. 3. The word ityiinreios thus retains its force." Fischer. u Others consider icdaas icpiinreios to be ' a ri- ding-coat,' tunica equestris s. equitum, Leunclavius in particular maintains this opinion: he says: — * Kdaas in Xen. signifies saga militum equestria, and therefore I have so translated the word. One may suppose that sagum is even derived from this word Kaaas by a certain metathesis. The French and Spaniards call them casacas, (ca- saqueSy) the Italians casachi and casa- chini, which they pronounce casaki and casakini; w 7 hich terms seem to be derived from this Greek word. Now, though some make a distinction between liririKhv x tT ^ va an d iQimretov, it is at least not so great as to be opposed to this my opinion about military cloaks. For we take iirmKhv x LT & va t° mean simply an equestrian cloak, that is such as horsemen use, as they please ; but i(p'nnreiov in a more con- fined sense, such as are used on horseback^ " Poppo. The true dis- tinction, where any distinction was necessary, between lirmKOv x ir & v a, (J. Poll. 1. c. referring to Xen., has k6.(T(Tols t7r7nKoi>s,)andet7T7retoz>, would be this : the former would refer to the horse only, the latter to the rider, whether it were something to protect the rider, or to add splendor to the appearance of the rider. Xen. speaks of the rider only, not of riders in general, but of those who commanded the regiments of cavalry. " Kdaas, 6, sive Kdo-o-as, et /courSs, 8, 3, 3.4. Ad- paret quidem equitum fuisse vestem, eamque decoram ; sed aliud nihil con- stat quam quod veteres Grammatici dicunt, opus e pilis coactile fuisse; quidam addunt, vilius et crassius, id quod tamen huic Xenophonteo loco non convenit." The Index Gr. to the Leipsic Ed. of 1784. But none of the ancient Grammarians have de- scribed it as villus; Hesychius says merely 7ra%u na\ rpaxv. But, sup- posing the cloak to be in as general use among the Persians, as any used at this day among the Arabs, it does not follow that those worn by the Per- sian nobles were made of the same rough materials, and with the same paucity of ornaments, as what were worn by the lower orders. There is a remarkable passage in Agatharchidas ap. Phot. Bibl. p. 1333. (quoted by Toup Emend, in Suid. 4, 315.) which has been overlooked by all the Com- mentators on Xen. : "On nroAe^cuos , els tov Kara AlQidiroov irStejAOV airb rrjs e EAAa8os irevraKocriovs o~vvi- Ae£ez/ Ittttus' (av rots 7rpoKiv$vvev€LP /ueAAoutn na\ KaOrjyovfJi&ois rb 7r\r)6os ovuiv eicarbv, SirKio'fxov TrepitOrjKe rpoirov, ^roXas yap abrols re nal ro?s 'ltt-kois are5ftj«-€ iriXfiras, as ol Kara x^pav *Ks(vr\v irpoaayopevovai Kacras, (al. Kamras,) cSots irav Kpvitreiv rb ctcojulcl ttX^v roov 6(p6aXfjicav. These Excerpta from Agatharchidas were published by H. Steph. in Greek and Latin, Paris. 1557. and 1584. From this fragment we learn 1. That these garments were at lea^t in this instance used for the protection, rather than the ornament of both the rider and the horse, while in Xen. they are used more for orna- ment to the rider than for protection to himself and his horse ; 2. That they were used by those, who be- longed to the van-guard of an army on its march ; 3. That they were an Oriental contrivance ; 4. That the word Kaaas is of Oriental etymology. LIBER VIII. CAP. III. 281 Mcyas drj (tv ye, u> tyepavXa, onore ye Kai ij/jup 7a£eis £i av ieq TTote'iy, Ob fia At", erprj o $epav\as, ov fiovov ye, ws eoiKev, ttWa G. J. Vossius Etym. L. L. agrees with Kiihn in deriving it from the He- brew word already mentioned : — " Nempe qua ratione a tegendo dixere togam, ea chlamydi quoque ab Orien- tis voce, qua? tegere notet, nomen im- positum sit ; quod eo verisimilius, quia Kacras pro lacerna nemo veterum dixerit praner Xenophontem in Persi- cis," [he had overlooked tlie decisive testimony of Agatharchidas,] "utvi- deri possit vox esse ab Oriente accep- ta." To a Persian etymon, as we have seen, H. Steph. refers its root. Hesych. Kas* Kvirpioi, avrl rod Kai, oi 5e 8ep/xa. The word KinrpioL refers only to Kas in the sense of Kai : but Kas rb Bepfxa may be a dialectic variety of k&s, Hesych. rb b*4p/J.a. Kaaavpa is explained by H. Steph. Thes. as having been used by Nic. Myrepsus in this sense ; and Kao-(jvp.a, as well as Kaar- o~vs or kcittvs, is connected with KdV- (Tvcd or Karrva), which is a contraction for Karaauw, from the obsolete word avcc, suo, as G. J. Voss. 1. c. shows. Hesych. KdcKava* KaGo~vp.ara. Com- pare Kao~ea' KaOedpa : for which Steph. would substitute KacreAa. J. Poll, has £<7&r)T€s ctArjra), whence Fischer and Sturz suppose that these cloaks or housings were folded up, when they were not in use ; most probably they were, but there was no necessity for J.Poll, to notice, as a peculiarity in this instance, what would be equally true of all cloaks or housings whatever in any country, Oriental or European ; undoubtedly he had in view the ma- terials from which they were made, and possibly he drew his information from the same source as Agatharchi- das did, and at all events he wrote iriXwral or mXccTai. The common reading is elXtral, for which Jung, pro- posed €iA77Tai, convolubiles ; Kiihn €i- XucraL " An mKrjral apud eum scribi debet ? TliAiqrbv et mAoorbv Graecis idem. Vetustiores magis dixere iriAr)- rbu a 7riAe?z>, quod est condensare et cbgere ; coactilia sic vocarunt, sive ex eoacta lana vestes. tfiAos quoque Graecis, i. e. pileus ex lana coactili densatus; unde tt?\os Graece dictus airb rod mAuv. Ergo et Kacras simili- ter lacerna equestris ex lana eoacta facta, FabaB yEgyptiae folia Theo- phrastus vocavit iriAovs, non tantuni ab amplitudine, etsi hoc etiam, sed et a qualitate foliorum, qua? carnosa sunt et spissa. Inde et KoKoKacna quoque posterioribus appellata ab ea- dem ratione. Nam Kaaas, vestis coac- iilis. Ab illo Latinum hcec casa de parvo tugurio, 'O Kacrrjs, hcec casa, ut 6 xdpT7}s, hcec charta. Ita togam tarn pro tec to quam pro teste, qua corpus tegitur, dixere." [Non. Marc. ap. Gothofred. Auctt. L. L. : * Toga did- tur et tectum, Titinn. Gemina : Syrus cum scorto constituit ire ; claves illico abstrudi jubeo, rusticaa toga? ne sit copia. Id est Ucti. y ~\ " Sed et casula diminutivum vestis cucullata apud La- tinitatis innmai auctores, ut Isidorurn et alios. Ut inde liqueat to irpoororv* ttov significare vest em, ab illo scilicet Gneco Kacrrjs. Apud eosdem Kaaos eti- am dicebatur pro veste, Arcad." [1. c] t( Hesych. KaffGos" [where the common reading is Kaaaov or KcwtroV.] " Inde compositura KoAoKacriov, quod significat parvum Kaariu, vel parvum Kacrov, quasi KoKbv Kao-iov." Salmas. Exerc. Pliu. 678. On the word casa G. J. Voss. I.e. makes these remarks: — "Isidori etiam aetate viroKopiarrLKoos casulam dixere, non tantum pro parva casa s. tuguriolo, sed etiam pro cucullatce tes- tis genrre. Unde Vetus Vocabuiari- um: ' Casula etiam dicitur vulgo pla- neta presbyterorum, quod instar parr€povT€S. rrjs, hcpc charta, 6 Kox^las, hcec cochlea, kpixas. 6 ep/j.Ss, hrec hernia." Salmas.ari Treb. 30. apfxa xP V(T 6£uyov~] cc * A cha- Poll. 289. Tlie recognised forms are, riot, of which the horses had golden 1. Kaaas, a, 6, 2. Koicros, ov, 6, or kolct- yokes placed on their necks.' For, coy, with the tti5, as gausapa from yavo-dn^s, ternis foculis custodiri ; cujus portio- as cochlea from Kox^ias, as herma from nera exiguam, ut faustam, praisse LIBER VIII. CAP. III. 283 XIII. em be tovtois i'jhrj abros etc ru>i> 7rv\u>y 7rpov(paiveTO 6 Kvpos £(/>' apfjiaros 6pd))v e^tav Tt]V Tiapav Kal yiTGjva iroptyvpovv 3 ' 2 fueao- XevAror, 33 a\\u fr oiiK ejecn /mecjoXevKov ex ety > Kat 7r€ P l T0LS aK * m \eciv aya^vpibas 34 vayiyoftafe'is 35 Kal Kavhvv oXoiroptyvpov. ei\e quondam Asiaticis regibus dicunt." Curt. 3, 3, 9. " Ignis, quem ipsi sa- crum et aeternum vocabant, argenteis altaribus praeferebatur :" 4, 14, 24. '* Per — aeternum ignem, qui praefertur altaribus." See Brisson. 2, 15 — 21. Kleuker in Zend-Avesta V. 2. p. 3. Append, p. 31. 32. x iT " }Va irop(f>vpovy] " This gar- ment, as we learn from J. Poll. 7, 61. and Hesychius, was called arapdyrjs by the Persians. In both Lexicogra- phers aapdyrjs should be substituted for adpaiTLS, according to Reland Diss. de Vet. Ling. Pers." Hutch. Bris- sonius considers crapdyrjs to be the faulty lection, and the authorities pre- ponderate in favor of the other. 33. fj.ea6\€VKov'] " The force of this word, (for which Plut.Alex. 51. uses 8id\svKos, ) seems to have been ex- pressed by Curt. 1,3,3. where he describes the dress of Darius : ' Cul- tus regis inter omnia luxuria notaba- tur ; purpureas tunicae medium album intextum erat.' It is also translated, semialbus." Hutch, By Sturz it is translated, albo distinctus. Athenaeus, 5, 14. p. 215.: Kal Tapcrov Be'EmKov- P€ios (f>i\6 aAA' k\ Ifxariov rvpavvos l\v, Trop(pvpovv /j,ev IXGVoKgvkov xSTuva. ivdcdvKws, xAa^uSa Se 4 v > /J.eo~6AevKOs. J. Poll. 7, 61. : c O 5e adpaiTLS, Mrjdwp rl a|i;pt56S' (jyqfjuvdAia, fipaKia fiapfia- piKa, ev5u,ua, (are we to read, j8ap/3a- piKa ivdvfJLara ?) irod&v, viro^ixara 284 CYROP.EDIA. &e Ka\ bidirjfia 36 Kept rrj riapy tca\ ol avyyevets he avTod to j8a0e'a 7) fiaaiXiKa. Glossse in Octat. : 'Ava^vpiBss' PpaKia f) ISapfSapiKa ei>8u- fiara. Lex. Cyrilli Ms. Brem. : 'Ava- £vpi?>€S' fipaKia. See much on this subject in Salmasius ad Lamprid. 977. Brissonius 1, 63. Olearius ad Phi- lostr. p. 34. Perizon. ad ^Llian. V. H. 12, 32. and in others, whom Jung, quotes ad J. Poll. 7, 59. (Kal Tlepow fj.lv ?5ia, kolvSvs, ava£vpls, ridpa, %v kol\ Kvpfiaaiav, ua\ Kibapiv, Kal 7r7Xov kcl- Xovcriv. — Tas 5e ava^vp'&as, Kal tnce- Xeas KaXovcri. Tb fiev ovofia Kal irapa Kpiria iarlv, iv reus UoXtreiais, 'Av- TL(pdv7)s o 5 avrb, ivavria Trapetyy utcu, Tous 5' iv avials (TraXatai reTpaycpdrj- fievais, GKeXeais, Kal ridpais* iv 5e rois ^KvBais ^AvTKpdvris ecpij, 2apa£a/)a, feed X^Tclovas irdvras ii'dedvKOTas.y Schleu- sner I.e. On the book of Critias here referred to, see Casaub. ad Athen.ll, 3. For ivavria, Leopard Emend. 2, 2. reads iv'Avreia. The Cod. Falck.has Aeu/cas written above GKeXias. It is doubtful whether we should write rnceAe'a or o-fceAea, but the latter seems preferable. Hesych. 2«eAea/- to t$>v crKeX&v & Kendo- par a. J. Poll. 7, 92. Tcfc 8e ireXwrpa, eloos vTroorjfiaros, 8ht- ircp av Ta 7ro5e*a, ravrbv ?jv reus ava- %vpiaiv, as (TtceXeas Zvioi bvofxd£ovv aKeirdcrfxara, Trapd riat 8e X4yovrai iiravo va -s irdvras ivSetivKdras. Cum sarabara vulgo dicantur exteriora ves- timenta, Antiphanes ita videtur/rb? — avBivbv, Kai ava^vpis' ridpai, k. t. A.." Schneider. Lucian 2, 27. 'H /j.eu yap OuoXoyeo'ov aval-vpls, fj 6 x a ^ ll/os r °v 'iirirov, 'HpaKAeis, ftaai fivpiddes eir&v eKaarou rovrccu, where M. du S. re- fers to Spanh. 538., who has exhibited those femoralia on coins. Eust. ad II. A. p. 22. TLvprjrai 5e Ka\ 7) o~v o~vXXafi)j, fxerafiaXXovaa rb o~ els £• ev t<£ ava\v- pis, ?) rb Ttapa 3 Pco/j.aiois fipaKiov Sr/Ao?' avaj-vpls yaprb roiovrov, 4k rovavacv- peaQai Kara robs iruXaiobs Xeyerai : ad II. B. 216, 3. Tb de a alda afjKpiKaXvw- rei, TrepKppaffriKcos eiirev ovyap eKeiro tiroes fxiaXe^LS BrjXccriK^ rod KaXvfifMaros rjjs aidovs, Hirep oi 'Pco/ialoi (xev ftpdaav raJy yeipihu)V 3 ? el^e. TiCLpwyjEiTO be avrui r)vioy(ps bat.' See Brisson. I, 54. There is a representation of it in Baier H. Os- rhoen. p. 130. 135. 145. " Fischer. Sturz interprets it u redimiculum re- gium" i. e. " fascia Candida, qua? tiaram circuraibat." He refers to Hutch, for nearly all the following re- marks : — " Reland thought it to be the same as the cidaris, and Arrian 4, 7. calls that KlSapiv UepcnK^v, which Diod. S. 17,77. calls TlepatKbv foafoj- fxa. Thus too, although the cidaris was an ornament added to the tiara, 3'et the cidaris and tiara are named promiscuously, (J.Poll. 7, 58. Hesych. v. Kidapis,) perhaps because the cida- ris occupied the greatest part of the tiara. But the tiara is distinguished from the diadema, not only by Xen., but by Lucian in Votis s. 30. in Piscat. s. 35. in Necyom. s. 16." See Casaub. ad Sueton. Cass. 79. 37. x«pi5«v] Cyrop. 8, 8, 9. (where Xen. is speaking of the more modern Persians,) 'AAAa fity Kal kv r^x^tfiwVL ov [x.6vov K€(pa\$]i/ Kal o-tofjia Kal ir6das apice? avrois io-KendvOai, a\\a Kal ir€pl &Kpais rais x € P°"* X €l P' l0 * as d\^- Qpas we must understand ' gloves with fingers,' digitalia or digitabula, which may be also termed chirothecce in a more limited sense, applying only to the hands and the fingers, but not to the sleeve or arm. It is clear that Xen. intended a distinction between X €L P^ m das and daKTv\i}$pas, though the com- mentators do not distinguish between them. J. Poll. 2, 151. 'Airb x^v 8e, Kal x €L pfo*s napa "Eevocpcauri, Kalx*ipi- Sarroi XLT&ves : 7, 62. XeipiSes 5e, ra ?repl ra7s xepv'w- " Xeipls, manica, chirotheca. J. Poll, represents it to be a Xenophontean word. It is called also KSprj and 5aKTv\J)6pa," [but 5a/c- rv\i)6pa applied only to ' what covered the fingers.'] " Hist. 2, 1, 6. v On ai>T$ airuvT&VTes ov Biiwcav 5ia rrjs KSprjs ras x € ~P as * & iroiovo-i #a(n\et \x6vco. 'H 5e K6pr) icrrl fiaKpdrepSv rt 2) Xeipts. So Steph. and Wells for ixaKp. ^ X^ipbs, which AJorus rightly defends. Portus wished to introduce x €l p' i0 * os for 3) x €l P^ s - ,} Sturz. He explains Kopv\ by manica, adding " that it seems to be a Persian word, for which x* l P^ s ^ s elsewhere used." The words of Xen. Cyrop. 8, 8, 9. are quoted in Athen. 12, 2. where Casau- bon has this note : — " Neither the Greeks nor the Romans were accus- tomed to have coverings for the hands, which even rustics use at this day," [but evidence will be adduced to show that both the Greeks and the Romans used them for rustic work.] " Therefore among the other proofs of Persian luxury and effeminacy Xen. reckons this also, that they protected their hands against the cold with gloves, (digitabulis.) But the Chal- dasans had in ancient times used them ; for in the Talmudic Lexicon, DDD is explained * a covering for the hands.' The Romans in the time of Pliny had learnt the use of them ; for Pliny the younger says of himself, (Epist. 3, 5.) • In itinere quasi solu- tus ceteris curis, huic uni vacabat : ad latus notarius cum libro et pugillari-* bus ; cujus manus hieme manicis mu- niebantur, ut ne cceli quidem asperitas ullum studiis tempus eriperet.' ** Ges- ner Thes. L. L. : — " Manica (x 6 *p- SeafjLos, x ei P^ 5 >) a 9HUtU derivatur, ' vestis pars qua manus teguntur,' Virg. iEn. 9, 616. ' Et tunicas mani- cas, et hahent redimicula mitra?.' Ma- nica, b. mnnu, Varro de L. L. 5, 8. Cic. Phil. 11, ll.de Antonio: < Quan- quam miror, tamdiu morari Antonium j solet enim accipere ipse manicas, nee diutius obsidionis metum sustinere/ i. mollis est et cavet sibi nimis contra- pericula." [Manica is here not ■ the sleeves of a garment/ but 'a pair of gloves,' ' chirotheca qua iter facientes et. feminae utebantur/ Em.] " Juve- nal. 6, 255. * Balteus, et manica?, cristas, crurisque sinistri Dimidium tegimen.' " [These are represented as gladiatorial armour ) and as gladia- LIBER VIII. CAP. III. 2S7 filyas fdey f fjeidjv b' eKeivov elre kql t£ ovti elre kcli birwaovv' tors did not use gloves, tunica? might seem to be the right reading ; see Ruperti's note. But from Eust., who will be cited below, it appears that to|€iWt€s rives used, not * gloves with fingers/ but 'mittens without fin- gers/ and perhaps Juvenal refers to something of this kind : compare For- cellinus.] 4i Mnnicce, ■ quibus adver- sum vim frigoris manus muniuntur/ quas Grasci chirothecas vocant, Plin. Epist. 3, 5." Tacit. Germ. 17. : •« Fe- minae lineis amictibus velantur, par- temque vestitus superioris in manicas non extend unt, nudae brachia ac la- certos." H. Steph. Thes. 4, 422. has the word xeipoOriKr), but produces no authority for it, and I do not remember to have seen any ; Hederic quotes it from Steph., but itis not acknowledged by Schneider ; and Gesner's account of the word is this: — " Chirotheca, X € ^po9r}Kr], ' manuum tegmen ;' ejus usum priscis ignotum fuisse vult Ca- saub. in Athen. 12, 2. Hie posuimus propter nomen. Cliirothecatus, adj. Sarisb, 3, 3. * Chirothecatus incessit/ Chirothecarius, Gl. ' qui cliirothecas facit/ " It is apparent, then, that there is no good authority for the word even down to the age of Lucian. The dress of a citharcedus was a " tu- nica talaris, discincta, quam dpOoo-rd- Siov Grasci disere ; discincta ea tunica et fluens, ut mi:um sit Bathylhim Ci- tharoedum ab Apul. Fior. 2. induci cum tunica cincta : — ' Eique prorsus citharcedicus status, deam conspiciens, canenti similis, tunicam pieturis varie- gatam deor?um ad pedes dejectus ipsos, Graecanico ciniiulo, chiamyde velat utrumque brachium ad usque articulos palmarum.' " [It was not Bathyllus, but the female statue, ■ ante arani Bathylli a Poly crate tjranno dicata/ Here the chhimys itself fur- nishes the mankas.~\ " Tunicam etiam talarem manicatam tribuit trascedis Lucian us in Jove Tragoedo, Kcu robs £/j.fSd$as, koa robs iroZripeis %tTw^as, nal X^a,uu5as, koX x€*p;5as, ubi Interpres chirothecas imperite vertit, cum ma- nicas vertendum sit, ' Tunicas ta- lares manuleatas.' " Oct. Ferrarius de Re Vest. P. 2. L. 3, c. 13. p. 121. The passage from Lucian occurs 2, 688. where the Schol. Xeipioas' ra Koivias \ey6jj.eva /xavlKia.. But Lucian makes the x €l P® a5 not a P art °f the chlamys, i. e. not ■ a sleeve/ but as distinct an article of dress as * a pair of gloves/ Chrysostom also speaks of the gloves worn by tragedians. tl In- venio etiam manuum ilia tegmenta, quae chirothecas appellamus, poste- riori 32vo aliquando clavatas fuisse, ut nunc etiam fieri solet. Aldhelinus de Laud. Virg. : ' Nam cultus gemini sexus hujuscemodi constat, subucula byssina sive hyacinthina, tunica coc- cinea, capitium, et manicas sericis cla- vatas, galliculas rubricatis pellibus ambiuntur.' Ut autem hie manicas pro chirothecis sumam, non pro manicis tunica?, facit D. Chrys. Horn. 8. in 1 ad Tim., qui itidem sacris virginibus tribuit : Tas 5e x^P as Ka6d.7r€p ol rpa- ycpdol, ovrco fxera atipifSsias ivSibvaKov- criv, thare vop.i£siv -npoair^vK^voLi fxa\- Xov avroAS. Ex quo videmusilio tem- pore jam in usu fuisse haec manuum tegmina feminis accuratiora. Ante soli rustici ea portabant ex rudi corio, ut manus a spinis defenderent, Od. €l. (227.) 7rep\ 5e KU-fj/jLija-i fioeias Kvn- fxidas paiTTas dedzro, ypcnrrvs aXeeii/cov, XeipiSas t s eirl x e P°"^ Poltoov evex, ah- rap k. t. A." [' Manicas de pellibus Pallad. 1. in tine memorat inter ea, quae vel in silvis, vel in vepribus rus- tico operi et venatorio apta sunt/ ForcHlinu?.] u Romani etiam ali- quando ad arcendum frigus eas porta- bant, Plin. Epist. .5, 3. Ha? autem chi« rothecas duplicis generis erant ; quae- dam enim digitos o nines exprimebant, quas Varro K. R. 1, 55. rfjgtf talia ap- pellat, aut, ut Scaliger legit, digitabu- te," [p. 209. as ignitabulum, acetabu- lum, and he so reads ' ex veteribus libris/] u Graeci daKrvX^Opas, ut Xen. 8 de Exped. Cyri," [Cyrop.] u qui eas Persis in usu fuisse scribit. Aliae sine digi-is erant, ut eas, quas nunc it ant en appellamus. Eust. ad Horn. 1. c. [p. 1959, 62.] % \o"riov 5e teal on 7as fxkv rwu Kwn/Jicvv ypairrvs, at kvt}- pu$es KwAvovcrt' ras 5e t&v x €i P&v> cu 288 CYROPiEDIA. [ieiclwv be ecparr) woXv Kvpos. Ibovres be 7ravT€S irpodeKvvriffav, etre ko\ apfai Tives KeKeXevajuevoi eire Kat e K7r\ay evres Trj 7raoa- vKevrj Kat rw bo^ai fxeyav re Kal KaXbv avrjvai tov Kiipov. 7rp6oQev beHepvwv ovbels Kvpoy irpooeKvvei. XV. enei be 7rpo7]ei to tov Kvpovapfxa, irporiyovvTO fxev ol TerpaKirT-^tXtoi bopvtyopoi, TrapeL- itovto be ol bicr^iXiOi etcaTepwdev tov apfxaTOt* e(j)ei7rovTO be ol Trepi avrbv GK-qiTTOvypi eoi gvv toIs 7ra\ro7$ ayLtyl TOVS TpidKOGlOVS. XVI. Ol §£ OV TW Kv/>W TpetyO/JLCVOl llCKOl TTap- riyovTO y^pvaoyaXivoi, pafibtorols Ifxariots 38 KaTaireirTafxevoiy ap.x e P 6 i a * Ka ^ to£gvovt€S yovv tivss, x* L P l0 ' L XP&vtcu et Kal fify daKTv\ct)Ta?s, Kal ttXvvovtss 8e Kal f u- fjiovyres. TLapa. yovv rep Asiirvoo*o, OVT€ X*Lp& S T€ Kc & T^odaS Wept- SeVei mXoov rj ixpaafxdrcav rivoov fxaXa- Kvveiu tovs 76 fx)] VOGQVVTas" Alb. Rubenius de Re Vest. 1, 4. p. 25. It remains to be considered whether the XZLpides mentioned by Xen. in Cyrop. 8, 3, 7. Tas 5e x^P as ^l w ™ v X €l P L ~ dcov eTx e j are meant as ' the sleeves of a garment, or as ' mittens without fingers.' " If we compare 8, 3, 5. Kal ot e nnre7s Se irdures iraprjo'av KaTa- ^€^tjk6t€S d-rrb toqv e {inrcoi/ f Kal di€ipK6- T€5 ras x^P as Sxefc rocv Kavdvow, &o"irep Kal vvv ert Sisipovo'iv, orav bpS. j8ao*i- Aevs (where read Hutch. 's note,) we shall at once see that * the sleeves of the robe ' are referred to ; but in 8, 8, 9., as has been shown, x^ptSes means 1 mittens without fingers/ a detached article of dress, not an integral part of the garment ; and in Hist. 2, 1, 6. it is equally clear that the word Koprj, which is considered to be a synonym of x €l P^ 5 > * s t0 b e regarded as ' the sleeve of the garment.' 38. paffitoTols IfjiaTioisI J. Poll. 7, 53. At iu to?s X""a)(7i iroptyvpa? pdfidoi. " Steph. explains pafidooToh by vir- gatis stragulis ; in which certain lines or stripes were interwoven, of which we see many instances at the present day. Virg. 2En. 8, 660." (speaking of the Gauls,) ' Virgatis lucent sagulis.' Therefore pa^SScura lixdrta are stragulce virgatce, that is, * white marked, with stripes of purple.' " Fischer. " Si Salmasius quaerens quid essent Gallo- rum vestes virgatce et scutulata, scu- tulam idem esse ac virgam dixisset, justa esset Rubenii in enm censura. Sed ille virgata et scutulata Gallorum sagula esse dicta ait, qua? pluribus virgis, h. e. viis purpureis, in longum latumque positis, sive transversim de- cussatimque ductis erant distincta ; unde multae in medio quadrate notae relinquebantur, quales in retibus aut reticulatis operibus apparent. Non enim virgata, quod virgis in longum modo distincta, sed in longum et la- tum, quae ita intercurrentes, scutulam reddebant ; quae quidem non erat per- fecte quadrata, sed ut optime Turne- bus, quadrata oblonga, qualis in reti- bus. Unde maculas retium pa/85oet- dh axr\^t virgatam figuram efficere tradit Pollux, si extendatur rete, nempe ex virgis discurrentibus, et se intersecantibus, scutulatam* Ita eo- dem Salmasio teste, Dionys. H. 2. pafiSosidrj dvpebv vocat scutum qua- LIBER VIII. CAP. III. 289 TOVS iiak'OfflOVSy €7Tl be TOVTOtS blOT^lXtOl £v XX. o be Kiipos ovs efiovXero fjLuXujra depmrev- eodat twv tytXwv vno twv avdpwiTwv, tovtovs TTejjnrwv riva rrpos avrov ecaAei Ka& era etcacrrov xa\ eXeyev avrols, "Hv tis vfuds bibaaKr) rt tovtwv twv Traper:ofxevwv y os fiev av fjirjbev boKrj v\xlv Xeyeiv, fi)) irpoaeyere avrw tov vovv* os 6' av btKalwv belaQat bokrj, elaayyeXXere 7rp6s e/ue, Iva Koivrj fiovXevopei oi biarrparTWiitv avrols, XXI. ol juiev brj aXXot, erret xaXeveiev, ai a Kpdros e\av- vovres v7ri]KOvor, avvav^ovres rr)y ap-^ijv rw Kvpw rai etbeiKivfievoi on v(f)6bpa 7reidoiVTO f AaV^apv^s be ris r)v aoXoiKorepos avdpwKos rw rpo7rw, 3 9 vs yeTOy el /urj ra^v vwaKovot, eXevdepwrepos av Qaiieadai. dr unguium et oblongum^ quales erant ap. A then. 12. Ta Se twv *\wv m &y ke compared with a depo- barbarian in disposition and manners/ sit, trust, or pledge, which ought to be (barbarus lingua et moribus, Cic.Y err. restored at a proper time, inasmuch 4,50.) as the noun rep tq6v<$ shows as he who bestows the benefit, (collocat that it ought to be understood in this beneficium,') may hope that he, who place. For rpdiros is ' disposition/ receives it, will repay it, or give back ' genius/ ' manners and habits/ some other equivalent ; and the (Kypke ad Hebr. 13, 5.) Valck. ad phrase x^P lv KaraBcadat resembles Ammon. 204. very well translates the the phrases x^P iV oLrroXafifidveiv, X^P IV words, * Asperioris indolis homo/ " airod&Svai, (Kypke ad Acta 24, 27. [' Homo rusticitate morum praBditus, Dorv. ad Char. 409. Wesseling ad asperioris indolis/ Index Gr. to Pop- Diod. S. 1, 247. JVIarkl. ad Lys. po's edition,] " 'a man absurd in dis- 437. )" Fischer. " ' Gratia m inire position/ the compar. being used for apud aliquem, ut suo tempore vicissim the positive, as o-6\oucov in Cic. ad res grata exspectari vel etiam posci Att. 14, 6. is used for * absurd.' " Fis- possit/ (Wetstein ad Acta 24, 27.) cher. Other writers say KaTafidWcLV or kcl- 40. x&piv KaraSea-Oai] " Xdpiv rivi radeo-Ocu evepyeo-iav, (Bergler ad Al- KaTa94adat } i to conciliate the favor of ciphr. 1, 10.)" Sturz. LiBER VIII. CAP. III. 291 av. XXVII, Kal 6 Kvpos cine, Kal jju)v tycj be7£ai apt OeXuj eVf3ci kq.v fivwv jjaXrjs, ovk av a/japrois avbpos ayadov. YlavTws tolwv, 6 £dcas eyrj, bel^ov juof ths /3a\w ye Tavrrj tij fiwXu, e(prj cu'eXo- fievos. XXVIII. Kal 6 fxev Kvpos beinvvaiv avr

rf t ovbevos tu>v TrapovTwv. 'AW ov fxevTOi, erj 6 Kvpos, av ye e^cet- rov tov napa ra ap^uara Tayy eXavvovTOS tov 'iirTvov, Kal Trios, €s eoiKev, aKovaas 6 veavioKos $x eT0 ^^^^o/uej'os ti$ e'trj' Kal evpio-Kei. Toy QepavXav yfjs re KaTcnrXewv to yevetov Kal alfxaTOS* eppvif yap avrw €K rfjs pivbs fiXr)devTi* XXXI. enel be 7rpoc7r]Xdev, ijpeTO avrbv el fiXrjQelr]. 6 be aneKpivaTO lis (>pqis. AibwfiL Toivvv crot, e(f>p6veis, r) e/jol eblbovs' viiv be Kayoj be^ofxai, eTreu^o/iat be, eJs bupeas. Kal vvv fxev, eepavXi£ eb(t)K€v, otl KaXws ebo^ev avrov ttjv £k tov (iaatXeiov eXaaiv biaTa- yevvai. 42 XXXIV. ovtlj b)) fj totc vtto Kvpov KaTaaTadeioa eXaats 41. MaivSfJLevos] It expresses e an 8iaTa£ai y the margins and Alt. SiaTa- ardent desire.' See 1, 4, 24. Tlie La- yevcrai, which Leuncl. has, in my tin words furere, insanire, and the opinion, rightly introduced into the English word mad, are used in the text. In Hist. 6. Xen. uses the sim- same manner. Fischer refers to Hein- pie verb Taycveiv more than once." sius ad Sil. Ital. 2, 324. Burm. ad Pe- Hutch. " It is true that rayeveiv tron. Sat. 122. Broukh. ad Propert, occurs in Hist. 6, 1. but in a different 4, 6, 56. See Sturz's Lex. Xen. sense," [' de suramo Thessalorum 42. diarayevo-ai] Poppo reads 6\a- duce, who was properly called rayds.' T6.\o.i t "Most of the Mss. exhibit Poppo.] i( JEsch. S. c. Th. 58. has 292 CYROP.EDIA. ovrujs ere Kal vvv btafievei rj (iaaiXews e'Aaats, ir\))u ru lepa aiteoTiv, brav fjirj Ourj. - ra>*>. 43 XX XV II. e/j,e yap rot b naTrjp T)jv jiev t&v naibiav 7rat- belav yXlvyjpws avrbs epyactojuievos Kal Tplipwv inaibeveV enel be used the phrase raycveiv &vdpas." Schneider. See also ^Esch. Pers. 23. " Codd. Guelf. Junt. Aid. Steph. Leuncl. 1. diard£ai, but Xen. has in his Hist, frequently used the poetic words rayevaaiy rayela, and raybs, 6, I, 4. G. 7. ; 6, 2, 7. 6, 4, 28 33. : and as the Schol. iEsch. (1. c.) has ex- plained ray ever at by Ta£cu, it can scarcely be doubted that diaroH-ai is the glossarial interpretation of Siara- ysvaai" [According to the canon of criticism already laid down, the more exquisite term is entitled to be consi- dered as the genuine reading. ' Am-rct- |cu, ut notius verbum, pro glossemate illius poetici habendum esse docent JEm. Portus et Hutch.' Sturz.] " The poetic word rayhs signifies itnperator, dux, rex, (Hesych. Tayol, Trpocrrdrai, &pxovT€s, yycfiSves, Ernesti ad II. "*¥. 160.) inasmuch as he marshals sol- diers, keeps citizens in order, and di- rects public affairs. Hence raycveiv is prceesse, regere, instruere, and thus dia~ rayevtiv, disponere, designare, ordi- vare." Fischer. Eust. ad 11. ¥. 160. interprets rayol, ol rdavovres ra rod Xaov, but some read there t' ayol. Sturz rightly remarks that the word is properly applied to * the chief officer or magistrate of the Thessalians/ referring to J. Poll. 1 , 128. Kal rCov linrecw, '(irirapxoi, Kal v ®€ X €l P 0V py°h o-^ox^ipofiiai- roi, aTroxcip6l3ioi : 2, 150. *A7rox€/po- fHccros, 6 airb rwv x €l P& v £<*> v -> «^ ir € aeixxpwv : 7, 7. Tb yap airoxeipofiiw- ros, Kal x €l P^ va i^ Ka l X €l P°y^ ffTCC Py Kal x* l P°& 0(TK h s > Ka l X ei P ^ t/av(T0S 3 •tirrov &vriSTrp6va>l; and airox^po^idoros are used by Lucian t<£ 'Att ikcdt dry, in Somnio (1, 14.) OTos yap av rjs, fidpav, 'fl fiaKctpie, crv to. re ciXXa Kal avro tovto otl etc 7rivr)T0s nXovctos yeye- vrjffat' 7roXv yap oiofiai ce Kal bia tovto ijbiov TrXovTe~iv otl neiptjaas Xpriuarm' 7T€7rXovTr}Kas» XL. Kal 6 QepavXas €iir€V,'H yap ovtws, 10 2a/ja, viroXafJifiaveis cos eyio vvv toltovtio ijbiov Cio ocrio 7rXelio KeKTrjjuai ; ovk oltrda, etpt], otl eaOiio fiev Kal izivio Kal KaUevbio gvlS vtlovv vvv ijbiov T] tote ore Trevrjs rji'» otl be Tavra noXXd eoTi, togovtov Kepbaivio, irXeiio fxev ipvXdrTeiv bel, 7rXe/w be aXXois bia- ve/ueiv, 7rXeiora be ewifxeXov/jieJ ov 7cpayfiaTa e^eiv, XLI. vvv yap btj e/ie 7roXXol jjiev oiK€Tai gItov ahovGi, 7roXXol be melt', 7roX- Xol be l/jLciTia, 01 be larpiov beovTai, rjxei be tls tj tlov TrpofiaTiov XeXvKiv/jieva cpepcov 1) tlov jioiov KaTaKeKprjfiviGfjeta t) vogov (paGKiov e/nrenTioKevai to!s KT^veatv iogt€ jjlgI boKio, etyr] 6 i\ovs Kai els ^erovs' qgtls ovv la^vpws yjpt}fiaatv i\herai, ev 'LoOi tov- tov Kal bcnrarwiTU loyvpws aitaadat. XLV. Ma At", efrj 6 Saras' aXX' ovk eyw tovtwp el fit f aXXa Ka\ evbatfioviap tovto vo- fitiu) to 7ro\\h e^ovra 7roXXa Kal Scnrarqiv. XLV1. TV ovp, e ovtws eboKei elvat ovb' wcpeXtfiov ws avOpw- ttovs. Ka\ yap fieXTtarov Trdvrwv twv Cwwv fiyelro avdpw7tov elvat Kal ev^apttJTOTaTov, art ewpa tovs re kiratvovfievovs vtto Ttvos arr- eiratvovvTas tovtovs irpoQvfiws toIs re y^aptiofxevots Tietpwfxevovs avTtyapiSieaQat, Kal ovs yvolev ebvo'tKws eypVTas, tovtois avrevro- ovvras, Kal ovs etbelev tyiXovvTas avTovs, tovtovs fxtaelv ov bvva- fxevovs, Kal yoveas be 7roXv fiaXXov avTtdepairevetv iravTwv twv iwwv iOiXovras Kat Swvras Kal TeXevrijcrapTas* ra 5' ciWa 7rarra Saia Kal ayaptGT orepa Kal ayvw/ioveerepa avdpwTrwv eyiyvwaKev eivat, L. ovtw brj ore QepavXas virepi}beTO ort e^ecrotTO ai/r£ a7ra\- Xayeyrt rrjs twv aXXwv KTfjfiUTWV eTTtfJteXetas afxcfi tovs iXovs aXXovs eyetv, o Te Da/cas ort ejxeXXe noXXa e%wv noXXols yj}j)aeadat. e(j>tXet be 6 fiev ^LctKas tov <$>epavXav, Srt Trpoue^epe tl aei' 6 be tov liaKav, OTt napaXa fifiavetv iravTa ijdeXe Kat aei trXetopwp emfieXoviievos LIBER VIII. CAP. IV. 255 ovbev /uaXXov airy d(T\oXiav napel^e. rai ovrot jiev bt) ovrto btfjyov. CAP. IV. I. Ouvas be [Kai] 6 Kvpos teat vtKiiTi}ota eoTt&v hdXeae tujv (piXwv 0* juaXurr avrov av^etv re fiovXofxevot (pavepot 7jaav Kat ti- /uuvres evtoiKwraTa. ovveKctXeoe be av-ols Kai 'Aprafiaiov tov Mf/hor Kai Ttypdvijv tov 'Apfievtov Kai tov *YpKavtov 'i-rnrapyov Kai Twfipvav. II. YahcLTas he tHjv aKiiTrrovyujv i)p\ev avrto, Kai r\ ckcIvos bLeKocr/urjaev 11 iraaa evbov biatra KadetOTijKeC Kai biroTt fjev avvbentrolev Ttves, ovb' tKctOtSe Fabdras, aW e7re/jLeXe7ro' 07t6t€ be avTOi elev, Kai ovvebelirveC ijbero yap ai/rw Ivvtov' civtI be tovtwv ttoXXo's Ka\ /jeydXots ert/utdro V7r6 tov Kvpov, bia be Kvpov Kat vn aXXwv. III. iXovetKii)s wpos dXXrjXovs eyovres* onov be fjtd- Xtara irXeoveKTutv 6 KpdrtaTOs (palverat, evravda TrpoQvjxoTara 0a- vepol elatv dyuivtSofievot navres. V. Kat 6 Kvpos be ovruts e<7a0//- vt£e fxev tovs Kpariarevovras Trap eavrai, ebdvs dp£dfxevos e£ ebpas xat 7rapaGTa(J€it)S. ov jievroi dddrarov rijv raydelaav ebpav Kar- €0T7](raTO t dXXa vofitjuov eirotiiaaTO Ka\ dyadols epyots 7rpoj3rjvat els ti)v Tt/utwrepav ebpctv Kat e"i tis pq.biovpyotr) y avayjutpTiaai els T))v aTtfjLOTepav. tov be wpioTevovTa ev ebpq. ya^yveTO fit) 7r\e7crra irdi ctyaQa e^ovra irap* avrov (paivecOat. Kat ravra be €7rt Kvpov yevo- jxera ovtus ert Kai vvv btafxevovra alaOavofieOa, VI. 'ETret be ebetirvovv, eboKet ru Tiofipva. to fxev woXXa emora elvai ovbev rt davfjtaarov Trap dibpl ttoXXujv ap^ovTi, to be tov Kvpov ovrtt) fieydXa 7rparroj*ra, el Tt i]bv boj^eie Xafielv, firjbev tov- Tttiv fxorov KaTabanat cti', d\Xa epyov eyetv beo/jtevov tovtov koivu)- velv tovs irapovras, VII. iroXXaKis be Kai rS)v anovrwr arparriyi- Kwrcirov el vac vvv be tovs deovs opvvpi i) pyv epot boKelv vXeov ve biacpepeiv tyiXavdpojiriq. rj vrpaTriyia. VIII. N?y Ae', €r) 6 Kvpos* Kal pev b>) Ka\ entbeiicvvpai to. epya noXv rjbiov (j>iXapdp(jJ7rias rj (Trparrjyias. litis bfj ; €(f>r] 6 Yiofipvas. "On, etyr], ra pev kglku>s itolovvtu avOpunovs ScI enibelicvvadai, to. he ev. IX. eK tovtov b^ eirel vireirivov, 45 ijpeTO 6 'YaTCHnrrjS top Kvpov, ' Ap* av, &pij, u> Kvpe, axdeaOetrjs pel el ae epoiprjv o fiovXopal gov irvQe'vdcn ; 'A\\a va\ pa roifs deovs, ecprj, TovvavTtov tovtov a\doiprjv av not, el aiadoiprjv GawrrwvTa a fiovXoio epeadai. Aeye 8// poi, e(prj, ijbrj TTLOTTore xaXevavTOS gov ovk r)X6ov ; EvQfjpei, e(prj 6 Kvpos. 'AW VTTciKovijjv cryjiXy VTZY)KOVGa ; Ovbe tovto % YlpoGrayQev be Tt rjbrj 6ol ovk eirpa£a ; Quk air to* pa i, e(j>r], *0 be itpaTTOipi, evTiv S,ti 7rd)7roTe ov npoQvpws i) ov% ijbopevws irpaTTOVTCL pe kaTeyvios ; Tlovto brj TravTuv rjniGTa, ecprj 6 Kvpos. X. T*Vos pr)v eveica, eiprj, Tpos tCuv 6eu>i>, lj Kvpe, XpvGavTav eypa\pas (bare els rrjv TtpiuTe- pav epov yjujpav Ibpvadfjvai ; 'H Xeyu) ; €(/>ij 6 Kvpos. YI&vtws, ecprj 6 'YGTaGTtrjs. Kal av av ovk a-^deGdrjGy pot cikovcjv TaXrjdi] ; XI. 'Hcrdf] copal pev ovv , e(j)rj, fjv elbcj on ovk abucovpai, Xpv- oavTas Toivvv, ecprj, ovrocrt irp&TOV pev ov KXr)aiv avepevev, dAXa Trptv KaXeladat TtapTjv T&V fjpeTepojv eveica* eneiTa be ov to KeXevo- 45. U7T67T ivov~\ " "Tiroiriyeiv is in rus and his friends had then drunk Latin subbibere, which is properly ap- freely of wine." Fischer. 'Tiroirivsiv plied to « those who drink wine too is properly ' to drink a little/ but it is freely/ Plaut. True. 4,3,58. (* ve- used in the sense of ' drinking too rum qui improbus est, sive subbibit, freely/ " subbibere, 'aliquantum bi- Sive adeo caret temeto, tamen ab in- here, aliquanto liberalius bibo/ Sue- genio est improbus/) Camer. ad h. 1. ton. Ner. 20. 'Sipaulumsubbibisset.'" and Leopard Emend. 9, 23. Suidas : Forcellinus. " J. Poll. 6, 19. ^iroiri- 'Tiromvsiv clvtI tov jx^QxxrK^adai, I veiv, h Kal viroif/eKdfreiv Kiyovai. Schol. think, however, that viroTrivciv is here Aristoph. Lys. 396. 'TiroTrtirwKVLQ.* simply potare. When the ancients p.sQvovcra, viroirlveiv yap ixcdvo-KtaBai. had finished their dinner, they were Anab. 7, 3,14. aevoQwi/, fjdr} yap vno- wont potare, which compotatio was TreirccKcbs irvyxavev, avearr], and spoke properly called Gvpnro'cnov. Xen. wrote very freely : Hist. 6, 4, 8. 'Ev 5e rp VTremvov, because the compotatio fol- pto-ripfSpia vnomvSuTow, Kal rbv olvov lowed the dinner itself ; for s. 5. we itapotyvai rl avrovs i\4yero : Symp. have irpoi6vTos rod cvfj.iroo'lov, and it 9,2. Al6vvgos viroTreireoKtos irapa d^ots." is evident in the thing itself that Cy- Sturz. LIBER VIII. CAP. IV. 297 fievov fx6i'or t aXXa ku\ 6,ri avrbs yvoirj afjetvov eh at Trenpayfjievov yj^'iv rovro €7rpaTT€i'. birore cV elirelv rl beot els rovs (tv/j^c'i^ovs, a fiev e/je wero Trpeiretv Xeyetv epot avi'efiovXeuev, a be /Jte aiadotro povXofierov fjfy eibevat rovs (TV/jjuLci/^ovs, avrbv be fie alayyivjjLevov wept epavTov Xeyetv, ravra ovros Xeytov ws eavrov yi uj/irjv a7re<£ai- vero* uktt ev ye rovrots ri KwXvei avrbv kuI e/jiov efAol xpetrrova eivai ; kcii eavry /Jtev aei niepos evrt fruoirwy ri av npotryevo/uevov ovifaetev, eiti re rols efiols KaXols /.idXXov e/uov ayaXXerat kcli ijberat. XII. npos ravra o I aTacnrrjs elwe, N/) rrjv"Hpav, ib Kvpe, ijbofial ye ravra ae epto- rtjaas. TV /.tdXtcrra ; e(pr] 6 Kvpos. "Ort Kciyoj Tretpdaofiat ravra Trotelv ev jjlovov, etyr], ayvow, nuts av eiqv bfjXos yaipw enl rols ffols ayaOols' worepov tcporelv bel rw X e ' l P e ^ yeXqv ij ri Trote'lv. xai 6 'Aprafiaios elnev, 'Opxelodai bel to YiepatKov. 4 ^ ent rovrots fiev bij yeX(os eyerero. XIII. TLpo'tovros be rou cv/jmoatov 6 Kvpos rbv Twfipvav err//- ptro, E<7T€ fint, ecprj, d) Ywfipva, vvv av boKoirjS jjbtov rCjvbe to) ri]v Ovyarepa bovvat ?j ore to irputrov rjulv cvveyevov; Ovkovv, etprj 6 lwfipvas, Kayu) TaXrjdrj Xeyio ; N/} Ai\ etj, 'iffdt on vvv av -koXv i]biov. ' H Kal e^ois av, ecprj 6 Kvpos , elrrelv bion \ "Eywye. XIV. Aeye cfj. "On rore fiev ewpwv rovs rrovovs Kal rovs Kivbi)- vovs evOvfuios avrovs (pepoiras, ivv be bpuj avrovs rciyada vuKppovws (pepovras. boKel be /uot, to Kvpe, ynXeirwrepav eirai evpeli' avbpa rayaQa tcaXws (pepovra q ra KaKa* tci fiev yap vfiptv rols iroXXols, ra be awcppoavrrjv rols naaiv e\krroie\, XV. cai 6 Kvpos elirev, 46. rb Yl€paiK6v] That is, opxov-a. oKXaaixbs, (Meurs. de Salt. Vett.)^ This Persian dance was called oKhaa- Sturz. In Anab. G, 1, 5. it is thus de- pa from the genufluxion, which was so scribed : TeAos 5e ris rb Tltpatubv frequent a movement in its evolutions, wpx^ro, Kpor&v ras ireXras Kal &x\a- J. Poll. 4, 100. Kal KVLCfxhs /cat GKXaa- £"e, /cat avicrraTO' /cat ravra irdvra eV ^ta* ovtu) yap Iv ©ecr/Lto^opiafoucrats pvBjx^ irpbs rbv abhbv €ttoUl. "Hence bvojJLa^rat rb opxypa rb Tlep Ar- Teprjdoev, iiravar) 6 Kvpos, Kal tovto' ixdvv yap, €rj, beivos el/ui Tavrrjv rq* Teyyr\v. XIX. Ylolav ; etpr] 6 Xpvfravras, To yvwvai oiroios av ydfios eKa.GT(D ovvapiiooeie. Kal 6 Xovtrairas evpe, GtjXuj ep Trj fiaaiXela. Tlpos ; etyr\ 6 JLvpos. "On bvpanai Kal \f/V)^()6s lop yeXwra irapeyeiv, kol 6 Kvpos elirev, v E7reira ovk av 7rputL6 ye 7rajjL7r6XXov wore trol TavT elpijodai, Kal cltt ay yeXdr/paL irap* rj evboKijuelp (3ovXet otl (kffreios el' Kal Tavra fiep br) ovtlo bLe(TKL07TTeTO, XXIV. Mera be Tavra Tiypdrrj jaev e^rjveyKe yvvaiKelov Koa- fxop, Kal eKeXevce Ttj yvpaiKl bovpai, otl dpbpeiojs avpeoTpaTeveTO tlo dvbpl, 'Af)ra/3a5w be xpvfrovp eKirtofxa' to) be 'YpKapia) Imrov Kal a\Xa 7roXXa Kal KaXa ebcopfjcraTO, 2ot be, er} 9 to TLojipva i LIBER VIII. CAP. IV. 2.99 hiltou) aibpa rfj QvyciTpi. XXV. Ovkovv ejie, etyr) 6 'YorcifTTrrjs, bu>creis, net Kal tci Gvyypafjp.aTa Xd/3w. 7 H Kal evTi not, efrj 6 Kvpos, obfjia alia t&v Tt)s watbos ; N>) At", etprj, TroXXairXamwv fi€V ovv yjprjfxaTwv, Kal ttov, e be^tav A/Sov, efrj, w Kvpe' XXVI. beyofjiai yap. cat 6 Kvpos Xafliov ti)v tov 'Ygtcigttov bel^iav £d(i)Ke rw Ywfipva, 6 & ebe'taro. e* be tovtov ttoXXci Kal KaXa ebwKe ctvpa T(3 'YaTacrwri, onus tt\ iraibl Tre/ut\peie' Xpi/cai'ray b" 1 &(j)i\r)ri, bworto. ewrjpero €Ke7vos Tiore ; Ets TpiaKOfrrbv, e(j>T], eras, Th avafjLevovvTos, eev aVTOVS €7TL TCLS dvpas. XXVIII. Trj b* uorepa/g tovs tdeXoverlovs (rv/d^a^ovs yevofxevovs aireirefjiTTev oiKabe eKaarovs, ttXt]%> oaoi avrwv oIkcIv eftovXovTo Trap* amy' rovTots be y^topav Kal o'ikovs ebwue, kgI vvv en eyovaiv ol twv KaTafi€ivai'T(i)v tovtujv rore ctTroyovof 7rXetorot b' elerl ^Irjbtjv Kal 'YpKavLuv* toIs # clttiovgl bivpTjrrajjLevos iroXXa Kal afjiefiTTTovs Ttoir\ad^xevo% Kal apypvTas Kal orpartwras cnTeTrejuixbaTO, XXIX. i< tovtov be bieb(t)K€ Kal toIs 7repl eavrov crrpaTiwTais tci j^prj/jiaTa ova €K ILapbew eXa/je' Kal rots jiev iivptapyois /cat toIs Trepl eavTov virrjpeTais e^aipera eblbov 7rpos ti)v d|tav eKacrru), tci §' rxXXa Ste- vetfie' Kal to fiepos e^atrrw bovs tCjv /jLVpiap^ujv enerpey^ev avrols binv&fJLeiv &mzep avros eKeivois bierei/uev. XXX. ebovav be to. fxkv aXXa ^prjj.ia-a ap-^tav (ipyovTas tovs v(p* eavT(o boKtua^^v' to. he TeXevrala ot el/ibapypi tovs vfi iavrols lbiu)~as boKi]JiaaarT€s Trpos tyjv aj/av €kclbe' 300 cyrop#:dia. "Apbpes (j>i\oi, etjpaKa /uep ijbrj avOpwrrovs ol (ZovXovra boKelv 7rXel(0 KeKTtjaOai rj e^ovaip, eXevOeptwrepoi clp olofievot ovru) 0a/- veadaC e/jol be boKovaiP, c(j)r), ovroi rovfxiraXiP ov (iuvXoprai efeX- KeaOar to yap noXXa boKovpra eyetp fii) tear* afyap rfjs ovaias (paipeadai wtyeXovPTa tovs avepav 7roir)aavTa eK Tavrrjs ayurpiieadai 7repl KaXoKciyadias. Kayw ovv, etyrj, (iovXofxat vfilv oaa fiev olov t early ibelv twp e/ueu optiop belfai, oaa be fit) olov re ibelv, btrjyrjaaaQat. XXXV. raura elwiov 7a fiep ebeiKPve woXXh Kal KaXa KrrifxaTa* ra be Keifxepa tos fjr) poibiop eirai Ibelv birryelTO* reXos be einev wbe* XXXVI. Tavra, e rw re ael koXop ti vfitir ttolovvti bibovai Kal oirws r\v tis vjjlCjp twos epbelaOac poplar}, irpbs ejuie eXOwp Xafirj ov aV epberjs rvy^aprj tip. Kal ravra fiev ovtws eXe^dr]. CAP. V. I. 'Hviica be rjbrj avrw eboicei KaXtis eyetv to. kv Ba/3i/\tuji ws Kal air obtrfielv, avveaKevaSero rr)v els Ylepaas iropeiav Kal toIs a\- Xois TtaprryyeiXeV €7rei b' eiofiiaep iicapa e^etp top tiero beyaeadat, ovTit) brj upeCevypve, II. birjyrjao/LLeOa be Kal ravra ws 7roXvs aroXos &p evraKTws fiep KareaKevaiero Kal 7rd\«v areaKevaieTO, KaTeywptieTO be Ta^y ottov beoiTO. ottov yap ap arparonebevriTai (iaaiXevs, aKrjpas fxep br) e^opTes 7rapres ol afxcpl fiuaiXea arpaTev- oprai Kat depovs Kal j^eifJiCjpos, III. evdvs be tovto epo/Jiie Kvpos npos €(*) fiXeirovaav taraadai T)]P aKtjp/jp* eiretTa eraje wpivrop fiep izoaov bel cnroXtTropTas aKrjpovr roi/s bopv(j>6povs tyjs fiaaiXiKrjs aKTj- vrjs* eVetra atTOiroiols fiev \wpav airebet^e ty\p beliap, 6\po7roio~is be Trjp apiarepap, 'i7r7rois be tt)p be£iap, v7roSvylois be toIs aXXots rijp aptarepdp' Kal raXXa be Siererafcro ware elbeiai eKaarop tt)v eav- LIBER VIII. CAP. V. 301 rov \wpav Kai fJLtTptd Kai ro7r^. IV. orav be avavKevaZtovrat, ckuotos (7K€vi) oiantp reraKTai yjji)(jQcu y avaTidevrat 6' av aXXoi enl ra viroivyaV wad* a/ia /jcv itavres epyprrai oi fftcevaywyot enl ra rerayyueVa ayeu', ayua be navres avarideaaiv eni ra eavrov k'taicrros. ovtuj bi] 6 avros yjpovos apKel /Jiq. re aKrjvrj Kai ndaais (tvrjprjvQat. V. w(ravru)S ovrws eyei Ka\ nepi kcitci- crxevfjs, Kai irepl rov ne7roirjadai b)e to. kntTijheia navra ev Kaipto tocavrws biareraKrai eKaarois ra 7roirjrea % Kai bia tovto 6 avros Xpovos affect hi re fxepei Kai iraai 7re7rcirja0ai. \ I. wanep be oi nepl ra eiririibeia depcnrovres ywpav elyov rt)v npoayjKovaav eKao- rot, ovtu) Kai oi bnXotyopoi avTM ev rrj orparoTtebevfjei ywpav re elyov Ttfv rrj onXtaei enaorri enirrjbieiav, Kai rjbeaav ravrrfv onoia 7]v t Kai en avafJiv ev Kaipw 7rapayiyiofjievwv nXelarov iifya -a kti) /iara ewpa yiyvo/ueva ev rols iroXefjiiKols' bia ravra ovv Kai e-irefjieXem Tavrr\s rrjs evdrjfjLOGuvrjs fxaXiara. VIII. Kai avros /Jtev bi] npwrov eavrov ev /ie<7a> Kareridero rov orparoirebov, ws ravrrjs rfjs yu>pas €%vp(jjTaTr]s ovarii* eireira be rovs jjlIv iriaTorarovs uxjnep eiwdet vepl eavrov e*x e » tovtwv be ev kvkX(d eypfxevovs i7nreas t elye Kai apjJtarrjXaras. IX. feat yap tovtovs eyypds evofjaie \s diarl- so arranged and distributed, that each Beadai Kai olkouojjl€?v riva ra eavrov. of them, and each of each kind, is seen *' QIkov ev QeaQai, quod hue pertinet, in its proper place. It is a poetic in eodeni occurrit Hesiodo ; Suidas word, used by Hesiod y Epy. 471. (eu- exp. ev dwiKriaai. Lucian Necvom. Otip.oo'vvT) yap apio-rr} QutjtoIs avdpw- Tb irapov ev Befxevos. Glossaa : Ev9t]- irois, KaKodrjfjLOffvPT] 5e KaKitrrr],) J. p.w Concinnus." Hemsterh. Poll. 9, 161. "Clo-irep av Kai Ta5e, ev- Xen. Cyrop. 2 C 302 CYROP^DIA. KOI twv lirwewv 7reXreiffra7s \wpa r)v to£otwv b* av ywpa h TrpboOev i\v kcu omodev avTOv re kcu twv iTrnewv, XI. birXiras be kuI tovs tu fxeyaXa yeppa eyovras kvkXco navTWV elyev wanep ret^os, onws Kal el beot ti evaKevaSeadai tovs iwneas, ol fjovifiwraToi irpdoQev bvres yrapeyoiev avTols ao7rX7rat nap- etTKevuauevot elm naleiv tov els j^elpas lovra, ovtw Kal ol TofyWat kcu ol aKovTLGTaiy el rives 7rpocrioiev, e£ erolfxov aKovricoiev kci\ TO^evoiev vnep twv ottXltwv. XIII. elyov be xa\ arifiela iravres ol apyovres enl rctis aKrjvcus' ol b* V7rr]peTai y wcnrep Kal ev reus TroXe- aiv ol owtppoves 'Itraai jiev Kal twv TtXelcrTwv tus oiKrjaets, yuaXtcra be twv eKiKaipiwVj ovtw kcu twv ev toIs OTpaToirebois tcls re ywpas tcis twv fjye^ovwv rjirloTavTO ol Kvpov vnrjpeTaL Kal ra a-qjxtla eyiyvwGKOv a eKaaTOis r\v* wcrTe otov beoiro Kvpos, ovk eSriTOvv, aXXa T))v avvTOfJLWTaT7}v e enauTOV eBeov. XIV. Kal bta to eiXt- Kpivij eKuuTa eivai ra irdoav* ovbe yap earl fxoi appr\v tzoas yvijcnos, XX. 6 fiev ovrws clney* 6 be Kvpos cnreKpivaro, 'AW, to Kva^dp-q, rb re yevos iiraivG) Kal T)jv nalba Kal ra btopa' (iovXofxai be, epos, o/uios be rrj natbl itavra ebwp})(raro bfrboa toero Kal T(5 Kva^apy yapiieaQai. ravra be Trodivas els Yiepaas eiropevero. XXI. 'Eirel b' eirl rots Ylepaibv bpiois eyevero nopevofjeros, to fjiev aXXo arpdrevfjia avrov KareXirrev, avrbs be ovv rols cplXois els rfjv TToXiv 51 eKopevero, lepela fiev ciy&v a/s rrden Uepoais tKava Qvetv re Kal evnaaQaC bcopa be })yev oia fxkv eirpeire rw rrarpl Kal 49. en^Vaj] " Tit6t),T7}&71, fuua, Eust.ad Od. A. p. 1488. Hesych. *€p- fidfiLir] or fj.d/j.jj.a was the name given vr\' 7rpot|, Ba>pa vvficpLKd. Eust. ad II. to * a wet-nurse,' to * one who gives I. p. 742. ^>epvT], — rj ttjs ywaiKos the breast to an infant ;' but tiOtjvqs, irpot£, — ov llopov r\ rr,s ywaiKos iic ira- TiQrjvq, and rpocpbs was 'the nurse repaid, aAAa Kal 77 rov avSpos." Fischer, who fed and took care of the child, J. Poll. 3, 35. Aeyois d* av 7rpo?/ca Kal when it was deprived of its mother's (pepvrjv tj\v irapa rrjs ywaiKos doaiv milk/ ( Ammon. v. TtT07?, Thorn. M. Al, kfiri yiyverai r) ev Ylepcrais fiacriXela, orav 5' eyja TeXevTf)(J(jj, brjXov otl Kvpov, eav S17. Kal OTav fiev ovtos acjiiKrjTai els Uepoas, bolus av v/mv eyoi tovtov Oveiv tcl lepa virep v/jiwv airep vvv eyu) dvw' orav b' ovtos eKbrj/uos rj, fcaXws av olfxai vjulv s^eiv el ec tov yevovs os av boKrj vjj.7v apiaTos elvat, ovtos to. twv QeCJv airoTeXoir]. XXVII. Tavra cIttovtos Kajjfivaov cvrebole Kvpco re Kal toIs Ylepawv TeXeaC Kal avvQe[xevot ravra totc Kal Qeovs em/LtapTvpafjievoi ovtw Kal vvv eTt bia/uevovtri ttolovvtcs irpos aXXr)Xovs Wepaai tc Kal ftaatXevs. tovtwv be TrpayQevTwv awrjet 6 Kvpos, LIBER VIII. CAP. VI. 305 XXVIII. f f2s 5' cnriwv kyevero kv Mtjbois, avrbolav rw narpl Kai rrj /.irjrpt yajxel ti)v Kva£apov dvyarepct, iff en K*a< vvv Xo'yos ws xayjcaXoi; yevo/nevrjs, [eviot £e rwv Xoyo7ros eyuv aveievyvvev. CAP. VI. I. 'Erei §' kv Ba/3iAu5vt ?jv, kboKei avru) GaTpanas 53 ?jSr/ 7T€U- ireiv knl tcl Kareoroa/^jueVa eQvrj, tovs fievTOi kv rats aKpats v vno ttXovtov kcli 7r\i]dovs avOpivniov k^vjjplcete Kal k7n)£€ipf](7€ie jjifj ireldedQai, evdvs clvtittoXovs e^ot kv tt\ X^PQ* II. tclvt ovv (5ov\6/jl€vos 7rpa£ai eyvto crvyKaXeoui irpwrov tovs kxiKaipiovs Kai irpoenreiv, onus elbelev kos, ^laoKpaTqs iv Bovaipidi (2, 171. Bat.) Kal e Hpo5oTos iv r$ 5euTe- ptf" Fischer. u Mceris : Aoyonoibv rbv Xoyoypdcpov oVAttikoI, Amnion. 6 Aoyovs rwas Kal p.v8ovs avi/rideh, Suid. 6 vcff' TjpLoou laropiKbs \zy6{isvos. See by all means Pierson ad Moer. 244. Raphel. ad Act. 1, 1. and the Inter- prr. Harpocr." Sturz. 52. iviOL — 7] irah] " Verba inepte interposita recte seclusitSchneiderus. Quae etiamsi minus toti universi operis rationi adversarentur, vel postremo illo 7] 7ra?s se ipsa everterent. Quod qui solum tollere velit servatis reliquis, quid in hoc genere probabile sit parum se sapere ostendat." Dindorf. 53. aaTpairas] "Brissonius de R. P. 1, 1, 168. and Heeren, Ideae de Po- lit. 1,1, 525. have discussed this topic. Ancient writers differ about the num- ber of the satraps, as Herod. 3, 89. mentions twenty, others 127 sa- trapies, and others differently ; but this disagreement may be thus easily explained, — that the division of the empire was different at different times, and that several satrapies were often entrusted to one and the same indivi- dual. These satraps so presided over the provinces, as to have the admini- stration of civil affairs only, but not of military also, though at a later period they were often invested with military command, which proved most perni- cious to the empire. Formerly, how- ever, other officers appointed by the king himself, and responsible only to him, garrisoned the citadels on the more elevated points, and had military possession of the champaign country : ol iv ra7s &Kpais (ppovpapxoi, Kal ol XtAmpx ot r & v waTa rr}v x&P&v v\a- kqov. See CEcon. 4, 5. Moreover, the power of the satraps was controlled by the ypap.jjLaTio~Tal fiao-iAeioi, Herod. 3, 128. But Xen. here mentions neither these, nor the oikov6(jloi or virapxoi, who seem to have been under the orders of the satraps, and were chiefly employed in exacting tribute." Poppo. 306 CYROPiEDIA. fjn£e yap ovno pqov (j>epeiv av avrovs' ene\ be Karatrralrj ns apj^tov Kal alaOavoiro ravra, ^aXe-iruis av eboKovv avruj (pipeiv, vofxiSovres bt' eavratv airioTlav ravra yeveoQai. III. ovru) brj avXXe^as Xeyet avrols roia.be' "Avbpes (j)i\oi, elalv fjjj.lv ev toIs Karearpa/i/jitvats woXeai typovpol Kal (j>povpap-)(oi 9 ovs Tore KareXinofxev* Kal rovrots eyio irpoaraljas aitrjXQov a\Xo fxev jxrjbev 7roXv7rpayfxovelv, tcl be reiyrj btaowcleiv, rovrovs fjiev ovv ov Travaio rfjs ap\i]s, ene! KaXivs bianefyvXaKaoi to. irpoGraydevra* aXXovs be ararpa7ras ne/jixpai juloI boKel, o'lnves up- £flvoL rutv evoiKovvriov Kal tov baafxbv XajifiavovTes toIs re Qpovpols bwoovat jimjQov Kal aXXo reXeaovcrtv o,n av berj. IV. boKel be fjioi Kal tCjv evQa.be jxevovrivv vjjlojv, ols av ey elal rols cnroyovois rwv Tore Xafiovrujv al yupai Karajj.evovGKe rwv (f>iXwv em rols elprjfjtevois eTnQvfJOvi'Tas lev at t eKXefcafjievos avrtjv rovs boKOvvras emrrjbeioTa- tovs etvat eTrefJLTte earpatras els 'Apafltav fxev Meyafiviov, els J^a7T7raboKtav be 'Apra/3arav, els Qpvyiav be rtjv jxeyaXrjv 'Ap- TaKafiav, els Avbiav be Kal 'ltDviav XpvaavTav, els Kap/av be 'A.bovaiov t ovnep Kal rjrovvro, els fypvy'iav berrjv nap* 'QXXrj(j7rovT0V Kal AloXiba ^apruv^ov, VIII. KiXiKias be Kal Kvnpov Kal Ila- (pXayovtov ovk enejjtxbe craTpairaSy on eKovres eboKOvv ovfTTparev- eoQai €7rl Ba/3i/\£i'a* baafiovs jxevrot ovvera^ev airotyepetv Kal rovrovs, IX. v- XaKwv €K (iaaiXeoJS elal KadeGrrjKores Kal rrapa /3a yijv Kal apyela XafJwmp, ctpayKaSetp tovtovs enl dvpas levat Kal trwcfipoavprjs eni/jeXov/utepovs itapeyeip eavrovs rw aarpdiTTj \pfjffdat, ijp ti Ser/rar iraibevetp be ku\ tovs ytypo- fxipovs Tralbas eirl dvpats, wairep nap airy' e^dyeip be ewl Tr/V Oi'ipav top oaTpair-qv tovs airo dvpwp Kal a<7Ke~ip avrop fe Kal tovs ovp eavT

Kal ujs ayadbp av/jipvXaKa Tlepaats Te Kal e/mol Tfjs apyjjs Ttfjujaw, earwaap be 7rap vjjlip Kal ebpais &Girep Trap e/iol ol apiVTOi 7rpoT€TijJL7JiJiepoi 9 Kal TpcnreSa, wtmep rj ea»), Tpetjsovaa iiep irpwrop tovs ohe- ras 9 eneiTa be Kal ws lXois fierabibopat iKarios KeKocrfJLrjfie- vrj Kal ws top kuXop ti iroiovvTa Kad' rjfxepap eirtyepaipeip. 55 XII. KTaade be Kal irapabeiaovs Kal Orjpia Tpe(f>ere 9 Kal firire avroi 7rore apev ttqpov uitop irapadrjade a?/re 'L-mtois ayvfXPaaTOis yopTOP e/i/3dXXere' oh yap ap bvpaifxrip eyw els wp dpOpwrrirt] apery tcl 7rapTWP bfJLwp ayadh biavwceip, dXXd bel efie fjiep ayadbp optu avp ayadols to"is nap* e/Jiov vfilp eirlKovpop elrai, vjuds be ojjloiws avrovs ayaOoifs optus gvp ayadols rols /led' vjjlwp efxol avjjifxd^ovs elpat, XIII. (iovXoifjL7)P b' ap vfids Kal tovto KaTapoijaat on tovtwp wp vvp vjaIp 7rapaKeXevo/jiai ovbep to~is bovXois TtpoaTaTTW* a b"' v/uas (j)7jfjLi yjprjpat iroielp, Tavra Kal avrbs 7T€ipw/jiai 7rapra 7rparTeiP. wa7r€p S' kyw vjias KeXevw e/me mfieloQai, ovna Kal vfiels tovs vvXaKal 6/uoiws (^vXarroprai, Ttaaai be at twp apyoprwp Oupai ouolws Qepairevoprat, naPTes be ol oJkol Ka\ fieydXoi Kal afiiKpol 6/jlolws oiKovPTai, navi be ol apiaroi twp TrapovTWP ebpais irporeTt/jrjPTat, -nam be a« nopelat ovvTerayfjiepai Kara top avrbp Tpoirop elm, navi be crvyKetyaXaiovPTai 7roXXat 7rpa- £eis oXiyots eirtaTarats, XV. Tavra 6' elnwp ws ^p?) irotelp eKao- 55. 4niy€paip€iv~\ " Honorare" rifxav, ytpaipeiv, "E^vocpcov 8e Kal iirt- Siurz ; " properly prcemio officere, J. yepaipeiv e€p6/ieva ypajifiaTa Kal irapabibovai Kal 7rapaXa/jfia~ reiv tovs aireiptjKOTas i7nrovs [kcu avQpwirovs"\ Kal ciX\ovs ireLiireiv reaXe~is. XVIII. eari §' ore ovbe rets vvKTas (paalv laravdai Tav- tyjv Tijv Tropeiav, aXXa tw {jfxepirw ayye'Xw tov WKTepivbv bta- beyeadai. tovtwv be ovtw yiyvoixei'wv (paol Tives OdrTOV twv yepdvwv TavTtjv ty\v nopeiav avvTeiv' el be tovto xpevbovTai, aXX on ye twv ardpwirlvwv ireirj nopeiwv avTrj TayjiGTri, tovto evbrjXor, ayadbv be ws ra^ecrra eKacrrov atadavojjevov ws rd^tffra e-n-ifxe- Xeladai, XIX. 'E7ret be 7reptfiX6ev 6 eviavrbs^ cvvr'jyeipe ffTpartav els Ba- 56. KarefidOofiev] "Those royal p. 274. Brisson. 1,238. Relaud Diss, letter-carriers, ypaix^arocf>6poL f #776- 8. p. 125.)" Fischer. " See Herod. 8, Aoi, are called Esth. 3, 15. UJ}1» "• Suid - v - v A77apo:, Heeren 1. c. * T 534. They differ in this respect from and in the Persian tongue ao-Tdvdcu our postboys, that they carried the and Hyyapoi, and because these men letters of the king, but not the letters were wont to put in requisition others of private individuals. The Romans also and their horses, the word 0177a- in the times of the emperors had si- p€V€iv, Matth. 5,41. began to signify milar institutions, which also existed 6 to force to run/ (Drus. Obs. 12, 19. ' apud Mongolos.' " Poppo. LIBER VIII. CAP. VI. 309 fivXwva, kcu Xeyerat aurw yeveoQat els bubeKa fjiev 'iitttiov fjvpt- abas, els bitr^iXia be ap/iara bpe7ravrj(p6pa t neSCJv be els /dvpicibas etfjKovra. XX. eire\ be ravra avvevKevaaro avru), wp/j.a bt) rav- rrjv Tt]v (rrpareiav 57 ev rj Xeyerat xar aarp exacted a i narra ra edyrj ova Hvptav €tc/3dvri oiKel fAe\pt 'Epvdpas OaXaTTrjs. fiera be ravra rj els A'iyuTTToi' (rrpareia Xeyerat yeveoQat % Kal Karaarpexpaudai Ai- yvirrov. XXI. kuI etc rovrov rijv ap-^ijv ojpiSev avrw npos eu) fiev if 'Ept/f3pa QaXarra, npbs apKrov be b Ev^etvos 7rovros, irpbs eanepav be Kvrrpos teal AHyvwros, irpbs fj.eGr)n(5piav be Aldtoiria* rovrwv be ra irepara ra fiev bta OdXwos, ra be bta xpv^os, ra be bta vbojp, rh be bi avvbptav bvaoltcrfra. XXII. avrbs cV ev fiecro) rovrwv rt)y biatrav notrjadfjievos rbv fjtev ci/jtyi rbv ^etfjutva yjpovov btrjyev ev 'BajiuXiori euro, fjtijvas' avrrj yap dXeetvr) i] \&pa' 58 rbv be apKpl to eap rpels jJLijvas ev ^.ovaots, rrjv be aK/Jirjv rod Oepovs bvo /j.fjvas ev 'E«:/3a rarois" ovtlj be irotovvra avrbv Xeyovctv ev eaptvto ddXirei na\ y^v\et biayeiv del. XXIII. ovrw be bteKetvro irpbs avrbv oi dvOpiorroi ws irav fjiev eQvos fxeioveKrelv ebotcet, el fu) Kvpw 7reyu- xjseiev o t rt KaXbv avrols ev rrj X&po: V cpvotro 7) rpe(j)otro 1) re^r^ro, Ttatja be ttoXls uxravrtos, nas be Ibtwrrjs ttXovcflos av wero yevevdai, 61 rt Kvpa) yaptaatro' Kat yap b Kvpos Xafifiai'tov rrap\ eKaaruv 57. &pjj.a 8)7 ravrrjv t)\v o~rpareiav~\ but OaAiros is ' heat.' " Fischer. " Either take these words as in Anab. " 'AAeeivbs, 1. * tepid.' Camerar. reck- 3, 1,8. bpjxav ti-jv &veo b$bv, or take oris it among the Ionic Herodotean bpfxav transitively with Dorvllle ad terras. It is an epithet descriptive of Char. 119." Poppo. Hutch. and Steph. a country/" (i. e. of the climate of a understand els or M. " 'Opp.au country.) " J.Poll. 5, 108." {Xcapiov (TTpaTeiav is used in the same sense as epels, — tyvxewbv, cvx^^pov y aXzsivbv, dpfj.aiveiVTr6Aefj.ov, agitare animis, agi- viroOepfjLov, eviiAiov.) Cyneg. 10, 6. Tcfc tare bellum. For 1. bppaiveiv does vA<65ri rod pXv xeifiuvos aAeeiva, rov not differ from oppav, except that the 5e Oepovs ^/ux 6 ' 1 ^* 2. Warm, Mem. former is a poetic word, Hesych. 3,8,9. Oifc'iav Oepovs ^uxetW/^, x €L l JL ^' bpfxaiveiv t bpfiav : 2. bpfxav and bpfxai- vos aKeeivty, (Econ. 9, 4. Vvxewa — veiv, impellere, and thus agitare ; but aAeeiva 8LaiT7)T4)pia. J. Poll. 1, 80." a man is wont to agitate in his mind (HZevocpcov Be ko\ areyava, Kal ariyrjp anything which forms the subject of cwSpaaev, ovtcos eliroov, "Ova 8' ov8* ev thought, whence bpfxaiveiv rl, and bp- 5e/ca/cAij/6D peyaAcp areyef Kal ttolAiv, p$v t1, is c to agitate anything,' 4 to ZZreyava, \pvxswa KalaAeeivd. ) Hence agitate anything in his mind/ ■ to me- in Symp. 4, 38. the walls of a house, ditate,' Siavoelo-Oai, (ppovTifretv, ev 5m- oi rolxoi, are humorously called irdvv voia ex*w, Hesych. Therefore wpfxa aAeeivol x LT & l/€S * 3. Suid. 'AAeewSs* r avryv tt}v ar par eiav is ag it ab at, mo- Oepivbs, Oepfxos. "EevopCov (Anab. 4, liebatur hanc expeditionem." Fischer. 4, 7.) 'AAeetvbs tfv b x* l P-& v - So in 58. aAeeivj] 7} x^P a ] I. e. Ak Regio Vitr. 2, 1. hiems calidissima. But we calida, as aAeeivj yrj, ^Elian H. A. now read in the passage of Xen. here 10, 6. ; for aAea is c warmth,' calor, referred to, 'EAeeivbs tfv x^^." Sturz. 310 CVROPiEDIA. (of afdoi-iav el^oy ol hibuvres uvrebihov wv OTrariiovTas avroiis aladavouo. CAP. VII. I. Ovrio be tov alwvos TrpoKeywprjKoros, /jiaXa brj ^pery/jurys wv 6 Kvpos a Mil toIs dXXois deols ewl tlov akptov, cos Tlepcrai Ovovgiv, wbe €7rev^6fAevos, Zev waTpSe Kal "H\te Kal iravTes deol, beyeode Ta.be Kal TeXe(TT)}pia 7roXXuJy Kal KaXwv 7rpa%ewv Kal yapiGTripia otl ecnj/nyvaTe jjloi Kal ev icpols Kal ev ovpaviois orrjfxeiois Kal ev oltovols /ecu ev (prifiats 5 ^ a r * ^XP } 1 V ^"Oieiv Kal a ovk eypfjv. 7roXXrj 5' v/j.~iv xapts on Kayco eyi- yvuxjKov ttjv vjuLCTepav em/JieXeiav Kal ovbeirwiroTe eizl rals evTvytats VTrep avdpujTrov etppovrjtja, alrov/uai §' vfjicis bovvai Ka\ ivv iraial jxev Kal yvvaiKi Kal tptXois Kal Trarpibi evbai/jioviav, €/ao\ be olovirep alCjia bebu)KaT€ TOiavTrjv Kal TeXevrrjv bovvai, IV. 6 fxev brj toi- avra 7rott]cras Kal o'tKabe eXOcov ebo%ev avairavGeadai Kal KaTeKXiQrj, errel be topa tfv 9 ol Terayixevot irpovwvTes Xovaaadai avTov eKeXevov, 6 cV eXeyev on ijbetos avairavoiTO. ol §' av TCTaypevoi, ewel topa i\v, belnvov wapeTtdeaav* raJ be rj \pvyi) ctItov fxev ov 7rpocrieTO, bixlrjv b y eboKei, Kal einev rfbews. V. ws be Kal rrj vffTepala. ovvefiaivev avnp TavTa Kal rij TpiTt], eKaXeae tovs 7ra7§as' ol be erv\ov (rvvrj- KoXovOrjKores avno Kal bvres ev Ylepcrais* eKciXeae be Kal tovs (plXovs Ka\ tcis Ylepvwv ap^as* napovnov be iravrwv tfpyeTQ TOiovbe Xoyov' VI. IlatSes kfjiol 6o Kal 7ravTes ol napovres <[)iXoi, efiol fxev tov 59. <|>4uais] Eust. ad li. K. p. 60. irafics ifiol] With this grave 799. : Ou tV airAus avdpwirtvrju 5?]Ao? and very admirable address compare *a\iav,a\\dTiva6(:iQT4pav y B7)XwTiK7]V what is given at the end of Cicero's rod ixzKXovtgs. Cato Major, LIBER VIII. CAP. VII. 311 (iiov to -e\os ijbrj w/ipecmv e* noXXu>v tovto (radios ytyvuxTKuf v/jcis be XP*I> 0Tav reXevrijfJLj, ws irepi evbai ^o\ os e/jov Kal Xeyeiv Kal noielv 7raira. eyw yap wals re u>v tcl ev natal vofAigojjieva KaXa boKw K€fcap7ru>(Tdai, eirei re ijfitjcra, to. ev veavi(TKoi? 9 reXews re avijp yevo/uevos to. ev cubpacr gvv 7 J \povt^ re 7rpo"u')V7t ael ovvav- %avof.kevr}v eiriyiyrwcFKetv eboKOvv Kal tijv fapr/U bviajjav, ware Kal TohfAov yfjpas ovbeirioiTOTe TJadofjirjv tijs efjirjs reorrjros aoOevearepov ytyvo^evov, Kal ovt eTTiyeip^aas ovt emQv/Atjaas olba orov 1)711- \rj/ra* VII. Kal 7oi>s /uev tyiXovs eTrelbov bi e/uov evbaijuoras yevo- fievovs, 7ovs be noXefniovs vm e/uov bovXu)dev7as' Kal 7?)v 7ra7piba 7rp6cdev \hu»)7evov(7av ev 7rj 'Acta vvv 7rpo7e7ifir}fjLevTjv Ka7aXei7Tut' u>v r' eK7T](7afji7]v ovbev olba 6 9 7i oh bLeawaafjtijv. Kal 70V pev 7rap- eX66v7a yj)6vov errpa770v ov7tos o5<77rep ev^6/jLr)v 9 (pojios be pot cvfj.- Trapofjiaprwv /ui) 71 ev rw eiriovri \pbvu 1) 'iboifit T] aKOV^aifjH 1) ixa- Ooi/JL ^aXeTTov, ovk eia 7eXeu>s fxe fieya cppovelv ovb' evtppaiveadat eK7r€7T7a}jLev(s>s. VIII. vvv h? i)v 7eXev-i]v~as oveirep eboaav fxoi ol Qeol yeveoOai, Ka7aXei7T(i) be warpiba Kal tyiXovs evbaifxovovy7as* dWe Trios ovk av eyw biKaiuts puKapizofievos 7ov ael ygovov fjLV)]urjs 7vyxavoifjLi ; IX. be7 be Kal 7Tfv fiaatXeiav fxe ifor] aas av /mr) afupi- Xoyos yevo/jerr} 7roay/iara vfjuv Trapua^rj. eyoj (f>iX& jxev afis, 10 Tralbes" 76 be irpoflovXeveiv Kal 76 i]ye1(rdai k(f o,rt av Katpos boKrj elvat, 70vro 7roo(7rarrw ra; Trp07ep yevvfievu Kal irXeiovuiv /caret 70 cIkos ifi7reipa). X. eiratbevdriv be Kal av70S ov7ws Into Trjtrbe 7i)s efiijs re Kal v/ue7€pas 7ra7pibos 9 rots irpeafiv- 7epots ov fjiovov abeX Tralbes, ov7u>s e£ ap^fjs e7raibevov 9 70vs fiev yepanepovs 7rpo7i\x<£V 9 t&v be veanepwv Trpo7e7ifJiriaQaC &s 61. oSccv Kal Qanwv ko\ \6yow inrd- who suffers anyone to speak first/ Keu>] " 'Oduu v7T6t/cei^ is in Latin de- but also of ' him who ceases to speak, cedere via, and decedere de via, Plaut. when he perceives another desirous of Tiin. 2, 4, 80. which is also called speaking.' Qolkos is in general sedes, simply decedere, Cic. Cat. M. 18. and sella, poet. Oukos, (Thorn. M.) but in by Xen. Mem. 2, 3, 16. otiov itapaxw- particular solium, sella familiarica, pr-arai tivi, Symp. 4, 31. odeev e|iV- (Index to Theophr.) and Bolkoov imei- racrdai, Herod. 2, 80. sikziv ttjs odov, kciv is cedere sedibus, assurgere, where see Valck. For wrdKeiv is, which is in Mem. 2, 3, 16. called inra- according to Hesychius, inroxwpSLV. vao*TT)vai, Symp. 4, 31. viraviaracrQai But \6y €GTLV 9 dXX' OL TTLGTol (j)lXoL GKT]7TTpOV ^ (jaGlXeVGLV ClXl]' OeGTaTOP fcal ciGcpaXeGTCLTOv, ttigtovs be fjrf vojjiiSe (j>vg€l (pveGdai avdpwTTOVS' Tract yap av ol olvtol txigtoI tyaivoLVTO, LOGnep Kal r#XXa ra 7re(pvK0Ta ttclgl tcl aura QaiveTcic ciXXa tovs ttigtovs TiOeodaL bel eacLGTOV eavrco' f] be ktijgis clvtlqv clttiv chba.fj.ws gvv ttj (liq, aXXa juaXXov gvv tt\ ei/epyec/a. XIV. ct ovv Kal aXXovs tlvcls TTeipcLGYj GVjjKpvXaKas Trjs /3arrtXe/as TroieiGdat, fi-qbafiodev TrpoTepov apyov rj cltto tov o/Jtodev yevo/jterov* Kal 7roXtrcu tol avdpcoTTOL a\Xo- banwv oixeiOTepoL Kal gvggitol clttogk{]Vlov* ol be cltto tov clvtov GWepfACLTOS (j)VlT€S Kal V7TO TTJS CLVTfjS /JLTITpOS Tpa/re, dXX' e?r£ ravra evdvs oko?oae7re aXXa (piXiKa epya* Kal ovtlos ae\ awn epflXyTos \_aXXrj- Xols~\ eGTai f] vaerepa LXla, eavTov tol KrjberaL 6 7rpovowv abeX(f)ov' tlvl yap aXXw abeXcpos /ueyas u>v ovtio KaXov los abeXQa) ; tis b' clXXos TL/jrjGeTaL bt) avbpa ueya bvvafjtevov ovtlos ops abeX(pos ; rtVa 62. GKrjTTTpov'] " Perhaps there is scipio, ' a walking-stick,' an ensign of an allusion to the etymology," Sturz. royalty, Hesych. : Justin 43, 3, 3. 'Per " ^KTJTrrpov fiaar. is here presidium ; ea adhtic ternpora reges hastas pro for GKriirrpov properly so called, is a diadcmate habebant, quas Grsci seep* protection to persons walking, (it de- tra dixere,') and the sceptre, which notes primarily hasta, baculus, inas- the king bears in his hands, generally much as we lean on it, and thence protects him." Fischer. LIBER VIII. CAP. VII. 313 be tpofiijLrerai ns abacelv abeXcpov peyciXov ovtos ovtlos los tov d§e\- Lpov ; XVI. /A)jT€ ovv Oclttov /ur)be\s trov tovtlo v-rraxoveTLO fiyjre Trpodvfiorepov irupearu)' ovbevl yap oUeioTepa ra tovtov ovre ayada ovre beiva ?} trot, evvoei be Kal Tabe* t'lvi ycipinafievos eXnicrais av /jei$6vLov TV\ely rj tovtlo ; tivi 5' av jSorjdijcras Icrxvpurepov ovfi- payov apTiXctfiois ; rha §' aitryiov jir) LpiXelv j} tov abeXcpov ; Tiva be anai'TLOv haXXiov wpoTifjajv ?/ tov abeXcpov ; jjlovov toi, lo Kcifi- fivcrr], nptoTevovTos abeXcpov irap abeXcpv ovbe eroijaare o'lovs fiev (poftovs toTs fuaicpvvois $ 5 efjif3aXXov(nv, otovs be iraXap.yaiovs toIs avocriots en in i/un overt ; toIs be cpdifievois tlis Tt/uas bta/jevety ert ay boKelTe, el /urjbevos avTcov at xpvyal Kvpiai i)aav\ XIX. ovtoi eyvye, lo 7ra7bes, ovbe tovto •KLoiroTe e7rela'dr]v cos ?/ xj^vyr/ ecos fiev ay eP QvrjTto atofiaTt fj, $rj, may be tovtov dTraX- Xayrj, TedvrjKev. bpw yap ore teal ra 6vr}Ta ffw/iara otrov ay ev avTols ypovov fj ij $vyij, &L0VTa irapeyeTat, XX. ovbe ye ottlos atppcov e twv abcKioy iXoi [lev yovels waial, (plXot be dbeX(j>ol dbe\(j)ols' rjbrj be riyes Tovrwy ical evavria dXXrjXois eirpa^aV bitOTepois ay ovv aloOd." vqoQe Tct TrpayQevra uvveveyKovra > ravra bij alpovfievoi opdws av povXevoicrde, XXV. ical tovtiov [ilv 'ivios i]brj aXis. to 8' ejjiov cr&fia, (o 7ra"ibes 9 orav reXevr??<7u>, firjTe ey xpvoio Otjtc fi^Te ey dp" yvpp jurjTe kv aX\q> fxrjbevi, dXXa Trj yfj 66 u>s ra^t^ra dwoboTC. tL yap tovtov fxaicapimepov tov yrj fxiyQfivai, § irdvTa fiev ra KaXd, iravra be Tayadci 0i/ei re ical Tpecpei ; eyu) be teal aXXuts ' orav & eyw eyKaXv-ij/ojjmai, alrovfiat vfias 9 to nalbes, p-qbels er dvdpwirwv tov/uov cufjua Iberw, /Jirjb' avrol vfxels, XXVII. Ylepaas /uevroi ndvras ical tovs avfifjid^ovs enl to 66. tj7 7^] Cic. de LL. 2, 22. " At as a God. On the different kinds of miki qnidem antiquissimuni sepulturse sepulture, adopted by different na- genus id fuisse videtur, quo apud Xe- tions, Lucian de Luctu says : 'O n\v nophontem. Cyrus utitur ; redditur "EWtjv e/cautrer, o 5e Tiepcrrjs edaij/ev, 6 enim terrae corpus, et ita locatum ac Se 'IvSbs va.Kq> ir^pixp'^h & ^ ^kvOtjs situm quasi operimento matris obduci- kcltggOUi 9 rapixevei 8e 6 Alyvirrios* lur." w Herod. 3, 16. relates that, But about the tomb of Cyrus at Pa- according to the laws of the Persians, sargadsg see Arrian Exp. Alex. 6, 29. it was impious to burn a dead body, Curt. 10, 1. Strabo 15. p. 106. Cas." because the Persians worshipped fire Zeune. LIBER VIII. CAP. VIII. 315 fivijfja rovjuov wapaKaXelre (rvvrjuQrjcrofievovs e/uot on ev t$ atrcpaXel Tjbrj eoofxai, us /jtrjbtv av en kokov iraOelv, fii'ire yv fiera rov deiov yh'wfAai fifjTe ljv fxrjbev ert J* bnoaot b' av eXduat, tovtovs €v 7ron)(rapr€S birooa en avbpl evbai/jiovt vofuierat a7r07re/i7rere. XXVIII. Kat touto, eiprj, fiefjLVTjode fiov reXevralov, tovs % eavrw &(nrep eavrov 7ralbas ert/ua re Kal edepa-rrevev, ot re ap)(6- fxevot Kvpov ws irarepa eaijiovro, II. ercel fxevrot Kvpos ereXeu- Trjvev, evQvs per avrol ol nalbes evTaaiaZov, evdvs be woXets Kal edvT) a AlyvnTiro eyKaTaXtniov Kal tovs jieyioTOVS opKovs 7rapa(ias fiaaiXel bo^rj tl cvjjKpopov noifjaai, ovtoL elotv ol rals fxeyiarais Tifials yepaipofJievoi, V. TavTa ovv bpmres ol kv ttj 'Avia 7ravTes enl to aoefiks Kal to abiKOv T€TpafJLfievot elaiv* biro'ioi Tives ya|j av ol irpoaTaTai icri 9 toiovtoi Kal ol vtt avToi)s enl to noXv yiyvovTai, aQe/LiKJTOTepoi br) vvv rj irpoa&ev ravrrj yeyevr^VTai, VI. Ets ye fju)v yprifJiaTa Trjbe abiKwrepoC ov yap jjlovov tovs 7roXXa fifiapTriKOTas, aXXa i]bt] tovs ovbev r)biKT)KOTas GvXXafApa- rovTes avayKaSovcrt irpbs ovbev biKaiov ^pfyuara anoTiveLV (Sore ovbev y\TTOV ol TroXXa eyeiv boKOvvTes tCjv 7roXXa fjbtKrjKOTWv tyo* (iovvTaC Kal els ^elpas ovb* ovtoi eOeXovvi to"is KpeiTToaiv tevai, ovbe ye adpolieadai els fiaffiXtKrjv GTpareiav dappovat, VII. toi- yapovv ootis av woXejuiij avrols 9 ttolglv e&eriv ev ttj \^P a avT & v avaaTpetyeadai avev fia\rjs onus av fiovXwvTai bta ti)v eKeivu>v nepl fjiev Oeovs arre/Seiav, 7repl be avdpwirovs abiKtav. ui jmev br) yvMjj.ai Tavry tS travTi yeipovs vvv rj to 7raXcu6> avrwv. VIII. 'fls be ovbe tSjv aio/jtaTwv emfxeXovTai wairep TrpooQev, vvv av tovto birjyrjoojuaL, vo/ntfiov yap br) r)v uvtoIs fiijTe TtTveiv ^/re anojAVTTeoQai. brjXov be oti Tavra ov tov ev tw (rwjjiaTt vypov e- povrat, e-rretbav /jtTjKeTt buvuivrat opOovpevot e£tevat, XI. 'AXXa fji))v KciKelvo i\v avTols eittyjoptov to fiera^v nopevo- fievovs [ifjTe eadietv fjtijTe nivetv jurjTe tlov bta Tavra avayicaiuv fjtrjbev TTOtovvTas avepovs elvaC vvv S' av to fi£v tovtiov awiyeaQat in biajuevei, Tas uevTot Tropeias ovto) Ppa^elas noiovvTai v (pvo/jtevtov ck tijs yfjs Tas bvvafieis? ol nalbes 69. fiiKaiSTTjTa] " The word dtKaiS- this use of the noun Suvd/usis I find no rrjs, (that is SiKaioavvri, 1,2,6. 15.) other example in Steph. Thes. Glossal is not noticed by the Lexicographers, Vett. : AwdfAeis' Vires." Fischer, ancient or modern, so that its elegance Poppo, however, quotes from Diod. is doubtful. It occurs in Cyneg. 1, 1. S. 4, 45. e Pi£wv iravrolas (pvacis Kal but it is not certain that Xen. was the dwd/jLtis. " Avva/JLis, vires rerum na- author of that treatise." Fischer. But turalium, (Econ. 16, 4. *Hv (^ 77}) /ul^j Poppo refers to Anab. 2, 6, 26. where %XV T V eavrrjs dvpafitv emtictKVvvai, it is also found. de Vect. 4, 1. de argentifodinis, To7s 70. Tas Swa^eis] H Of this custom fi^j eitidcri rty tovtojv dvvafxiv. Etiam and discipline no traces are to be nostri metallorum fossores vocant found in Xen. or any other writer, as maechtigkeit," Sturz. Compare the far as my knowledge extends, and of Latin potestas : — " In rebus inanimis 318 CYROPiEDlA. TTpoadev jiev e/mavQavov owtos toIs fiev wQeXifjiois yjpiovTO t tu>v be (iXafiepiov aireyoivTo* vvv be eoiKaai ravra bibavKojuLevoLs onus on TrXelcrra KaK07roiuxriv' 71 ovbaf.wv yovp ir\eiovs rj e/cel oi/re ano- OvijfTkovcrtv ovre biatyOeipov-ai vtto apfiaKit>v. XV. 'A\Xa JJLljV KO.I dpVTTTlK(jJT€pOl 7To\v VVV T/ Iwl KupOl/ €10U Tore jxev yap en Trj ck Ylepviov 7raibe(o: Kal eyKpaTeiq. eyjpGjvro, rrj be Mijbojv aroXi] Kal afipoTrjn* vvv be rrjv jiev €K YJepawv tcapre- piav 7r€ptopw(7iv a.7rocrj3evvvfjLevrjv f rr/r be twv M.ijbiov fxaXaKiav bia(Trov /lev tcis evvas ov fiovov apKel fiaXaKws vnooTvpvvadaL, aXX' i]brj Kal rwv kXlv&v tovs irobas eirl baTrlbajv^ 3 ndeacriv, owus /urj avTepeibrj to bairebov, aXX' vneUtJCJiv at bcnribes. Kal prjv tU 7i€Tr6fxeva eVi rpcnreSav oaa re 7rp6ardev evprjro, ovbev avriov acpyprjrai, aXXa re ael Kaiva enijAriyavtoVTai) Kal o\pa ye woavTWi* Kal yap Kaivo7roiriras ? 4 a/jufturepwv tovtw KeKTrjvrat. est ' natural 'vis/ * potentia/ Lucr. 5, 1241. ' plumbi potestas,' 878. Vitr. 9, 4. f In liis locis ita naturalis pote- stas arcliitectata est/ 7, c. extr. ■ Po- testatcs colorum,' Virg. 2Er\, 12, 396. and Plin. 25, 2. ' Potestates vimque herbarum demonstrare/ Gell. 1, 3. TJlpian Dig. lib. 9. tit. 4. leg. 1. ; Caius lib. 13. tit. 4. leg. 3. \ Pecunia- rum potestas/ " Forcellinus. And even in English we speak of ' not Mem. 1, 6, 10. But here, in the pas- sage under consideration, as Poppo remarks, the previous SpvirrLKcorepoL caused its introduction, and this adj. also occurs in Mem. 1, 2, 5. Ov dpv- tttikos, ou5' aAafyviKOs fy, oi»t* a/Aire- Xovy> — ovre rrj &\\r) Siairy. 73. 5a7rftW] " This word is written in four different ways, raw^s, SaV^y, rdms, Miris, (Thorn. M. 833.) Here we must write either Scuridoov— SaV*- exhausting the virtue and powers of 8es, or TonriSoov — TcwriSes, because it is a soil.' feminine, as in Anab. 7, 1. 8. 13. 71. KCLKOTroiutfiv] Schneider " does These rdirifes were stragula textilia, not consider the compound verb koiko- ttoislv to be Xenophontean." Poppo asks, U Why not? It is read twice or thrice in Xen." (CEcon. 3, 11. Mem. 3, 5, 26.) " See what Schneider him- self writes ad Anab. 2, 5, 3." In CE- con. 3, 11. it is applied to a woman, who does ill or errs by mismanaging domestic affairs ; in Cyrop. 8, 8, 14. it signifies ' to injure or hurt ;' in Mem. 3, 5, 26. ' to lay waste,' TV fiaatXeoos X&pw KaTadeouTes KaKoiroieiv. See Sturz. 72. Qpv^iv] " Mollitics, delxcice" Sturz. Xen. elsewhere does not use this word, but its synonym rpvtp^, Hist. 6, 2, 4. Els tovto rpvr}S i\6e?v 7 &s ovk £6e\€iv iriv€ii>, Hier. 1, 23. Mcs- (Aristoph. Plut. 528.) on the reverse side villosa ; while the afitp it divides were shaggy on both sides, (Ammon. v. TdirrjTes, and Thorn. M.) These rugs or carpets, put under the couches, Hindenburg thinks, are called virSfia- 6pa by Xen. Mem. 2, 1 , 30. by which Em. and Camer. understand ' the supports or feet of the couch.' " Fischer. 74. KaivoTroirjTas'] Cic. Tusc. 5, 7. u Xerxes praemium proposuit ei, qui invenisset novam voluptatem." Comp. Cic. de Fin. 2, 34. Xen. Ages. 9, 3. li Analogy defends the word itself, though very rare." Poppo. I am not aware that any other example has been discovered ; but Kaiyoiroibs, kcu- Aa/ojj /cat aQvaXriv Kai au>fia Kai noias cipKel avrols effKenaedat, aXXa Kai 7T€pl aKpats rals X € ? aL yeipibas baoeias cat baKrvXIjOpas eyovaiv, ev ye fji))v ra> depei ovk apKOvtriv avrols ov& at tCjv bevbpwv ovd' at ruiv Trerptov aKiat, aXX' ev Tavrats erepas (TKias apSpujiroi yur/^avw/jeyoi avrols 7tapeoraoi. XVIII. Kai jiijv £KTrdjp.ara ijv jaev ws nXelara e^wfft, rovrto koXXw TrtSovrai' i)v & e£ dbiKov (baveputs y fje/j-rj^ai^rj/uieva, ovbev rovro aloyyvovraC 7roXu yap rjvfyrai ev avrols fj dbtKia re Kai ala^po- xipbeta. XIX. 'AXXa Kai irpoaQev f.iev i)v Iniywptov avrols fjr) bpaadai wee??} 7rop€VO/j€Pois f ovk aXXov n> 6s evexa rj rov ws l-mriKwrdrovs yiyieadai' vvv be arpw^xara irXeitt) eyovcrtv enl tujv 'iintMv r) eV« tujv evvCoV ov yap rfji 'nnreias ovtojs wffirep rov /jiaXaKuts KaB^adat eirtfieXovrai. XX. rd ye fxtju 7roXefJiiKa 7rws ovk cIkotojs vvv tw Tzavri ye'tpovs rj itpoadei* eloiv ; ols ev fxev r

^5 Kvpos avra eiroiricraro* 6 fi&y yap Tifxals avfy)cras tovs rjino-^ovs Kai ayaQovs 7rotr)aas el^e tovs els 7a oVXa e/.t(iaXoviTas % ol be vvv ovbe yiyvwaKorres tovs eVc roils ap/j.a d'iovTai atywiv Ifioiovs tovs ayaaKrjTOVs toTs r)aKr)Koaiy eoeodai* XXV, ol be opjjwai p.ev, wp\y tV ev toIs 7ro\efjiiois eJyai m fxtv axovTes €K7ri7rT0via\ri and eWw/io ] 16. What was the KvaOos, and what other names were given to it ? 17. What was the irapabetaos ? 18. Is \pfjfxa ever applied to men or animals ? And have we any English words similarly used ? 322 EXAMINATION QUESTIONS. 19. What is the primary meaning of cpXvapev ? 20. What is the meaning of air ojiovKoXeu) ? 21. What sense does Xenophon assign to lepelovl 22. What is the meaning of 7rpo7re/u7rw, and what is the Latin word to express its meaning ? 23. In what sense does Xenophon use ol (rvyyevels ? and is any similar expression in use in our own country ? 24. Who were the persons called ol b/jortfiot ? 25. What is the difference between o\/3os and evbaifiovlal 26. How are we to account for the construction of Oappeu* with an accusative ? 27. What is the proper meaning of e£a7ra-aw and v7rocrK€Xi£<*> 9 as terms used in wrestling ? BOOK II. 1. What is the primary meaning of cra^s? And what pas- sages are referred to, to support the interpretation ? 2. Who were the persons called XoyyofyopoL ? and a\ay£7 8. What is the difference between Zivbpos and evvbpos ? 9. How do yon define the words, XidoKonos, Xido£6os, Xidovp- yos, XiOobo/jos, and XtdoXoyos ? 10. How is the phrase, biborai kcu Xa/jfiaveiv tu 7tht7u ex- pressed in Latin ? 11. What is the meaning of e-myapia ? 12. What is the difference between eiriiiayjia and avunayia ? 13. Whom does Xenophon mean by the Indians ? 14. How is the construction of the phrase, e-n-KTrrj/ioves ra 7rpocrrjKoPTa, to be accounted for ? 15. Who are meant by ol emKatpioil 16. Describe the 6d)pa^, lorica, and explain the meaning of the epithet (poXtbwros and X€7ribo)Tos, sometimes joined to it. 17. What is the meaning of enroppa^wbea) 1 18. What is meant by (rvvBripal And did the practice of the Greeks differ from that of the Romans ? ip. What is meant by the phrase, enl iroba dvdyeiv? And what is the corresponding phrase in nayal tactics ? BOOK IV. 1. Who were the Hyrcanii ? 2. What were the Utaplrai 2 3. What is meant by the phrases, 7re^7re£j', anoareXXetv, Qepeiv TTJV be^LCLV TLVl ? 4. Explain the force of at/maid) in respect to time, and give a reason for referring the metaphor to a point rather than to full bloom or ripeness? Is &kfiij allied to nick ? 5. How has Varro expressed the word GvaKoraSu) 1 6. Give the primary meaning of 7r€7raivu>, and account for its application to anger? What is the word similarly used by Ho- mer, and account for the metaphor? 7. What is the difference between ejAKopos and Kd7rrjXosl BOOK V. 1. Whom does Xenophon mean by the Bactriani ? 2. How does Xenophon here use aperri ? 3. Trace the various meanings of vvcncevactoj from the pri- mary. 324 EXAMINATION QUESTIONS. 4. What is the difference between ala-^yvonai \iywv, and alayyvojjiai Xeyeiv ? 5. What is meant by hapeiKosI 6. Is ois ever used after verbs indicative of fear? 7. What is iraviKos 6ftos called in Latin 1 8. What is the difference between eiraivos and eyK&fnop, laus and laudatio, praise and panegyric? What word is un- derstood in eyKwfiiovl £). What is the difference between ekyovos and eyyovosl 10. What is, in military tactics, the difference between 7rXcu~ owv and 7r\ir6loy ? 11. Were horns and trumpets used by the Greeks in early times? From what people did they borrow the trumpet? And what contrivances had they to supply the place of horus and trumpets ] 12. Are Pliny, Valerius Maximus, Quintilian, Solinus, and Synesius mistaken in asserting that Cyrus had learnt by heart the names of all the soldiers in his army ? 13. What is meant by Kaipla irXrjyrj 7 And how is this ex- pressed in Latin 1 14. What is meant by the phrase, e/i/3d\\eiv \6yov irepi n- vos ? BOOK VI. 1. How do you account for the construction in the phrases, elvat, or 7cape~ivai f els or e7rt tottov rival 2. Explain the various senses of eppw. 3. Is atyerepos ever used for iif.i€T€posl 4. How does Fischer explain the Attic use of the future middle of verbs in aw, for the future active ? 5. What reason does Fischer assign for preferring exvpbs to 6\yp6s t in Xenophon ? 6. What is meant by the Tpio'licrj and Al($vk)) hi^peia ? Was it different from the Cyrenaean and Median, the Syrian, Ara- bian, and Asiatic method ? 7. Distinguish between the fivloyos and the irapntfiaTrisl 8. What alteration did Cyrus introduce? And what were the bpeitaprjcpopa (ip/mara ? 9. Is Trpdy/uia ever applied, like xpijfia, to men or animals ? What Latin writers use res and negotiutn in the same way? 10. Give the three senses of aouos, and state the corre- sponding Latin word, and that peculiar to Apuleius. 11. What is the difference between ovos and fxvXosl EXAMINATION QUESTIONS. 325 12. What is the difference between yvcjuTtjp and eyyvrjrrjsl 13. How do you translate ael in the phrase, 6,ti av Act Kai) uv bpCjfJiv ? 14. What is the difference between awaiTdu) and vvavr&ul 15. Is apLOTTfGcu ever applied lo horses ? 16\- How do you account for the phrase, kmeaaoQai yijy ? 17- What is meant by the gky]vi) of an ap/jtafia^a ? BOOK VII. 1. State the difference between a7zap\o^ai and (nrevbuj. 2. What is the difference in the meaning of ael, between fxereblbov act rw fxctXiara beo/jtero), and Lxerebibov rw del /mXtora beofiejo) ? 3. What was the standard of the troop, over which Cyrus himself presided ? 4. Wfiat is the meaning of epavos ? 5. What is the difference between 'EvvaXios and "A/dtjs? be- tween 7ratavi£eiv 9 and e7rnXaXa£ety rw 'ErvaX/w ? 6. What place is meant by KvWijvt] irapa Kvixr]v ? Why does Zeune propose to substitute Kapijvril What is the opinion of Poppo ? 7. What is the difference between O^aavpos and xp?/^ara ? 8. What is meant by cvy aarpov ? 9- Describe the duj/dqs. 10. Define the difference between arpareta and vrpaTia. 11. Explain the meaning of kQ/lios, KwiiaCu), and kw/uchtt/is. 12. Translate the phrase, aveoTOLAiove rets racppovs. 13. Trace the meanings of aKpodlvta. 14. Define the difference between Tejuevos, ohia, and dp- 15. What was the most solemn oath used by the Persian kings ? BOOK VIII. 1. What is meant by the phrase, Trpoetyepeadai tlvl ? 2. W T hy is a good prince called a fiXeirwv vo/jios ? What parallel expression is used by Cicero? 3. What is meant by the terms (3ov\ifiiau>, Kapbiur-h), and Xi/iwrrw? Which was used by the Attics, which by the Sici- Xen. Cyrop. 2 E 326 EXAMINATION QUESTIONS. Hans or Dorians, and which by the Hellenists? What are the English, French, and Italian terms to express the force of (3ov~ Xi/uos ? And what is meant by the prefix jjov ? Is the English word horse similarly used ? 4. What is the difference between kpyob6rt)s and epyoXafiosl 5. What is meant by x iT ^ 1 as vvvTe/jLveiv ? Is the word yi 7 <° v elsewhere similarly used ? 6. What is meant by the words, tovs fiaaiXeios KaXovpeyovs otyOaXjJiovs Kal ret fiacriXeujs iotci ? 7. What is the difference between ayiovifrjia and hUri ? 8. What are we to understand by the op and 6pda> confounded 263 OL(TXIOV iari 255 alo'xvi'OfJLcu \4ywv, Xeyeiv 144 aK€crT7]s and Tiirm^s 37 ok/4 120 aKOvarico 163 a^oudTtaco 163 aKpofio\i$oo 49 CLK.pofi6\l(TlS 197 aKpo/3oM(TTr)S 49 aAa£wi> 57 aAea and 6d\Tros distinguished 309 a\66tybs 309 aA€6iz/bs and eKetivbs distinguished 309 aAeeivoi x iT & ves » oi TOtxot, 309 &\evpov and &\ 210 avr ay (i}VLa"r)]S 33 avrix® 214 avrios 165 avTkTjTris, avT\r\TiipioVy apvcrTTjp, and /cua^os, 13 a£^XP €C0S 253 fon^os, abstemiiiS) invinius, 199 foray 5 es nSpaKas 182 a7ra*/rda> and u7raz/raw distinguished 206 airo$ovKo\£& 21 airoWvacri and awoWvovcri 130 awoppatycpdzoo 103 airoar4K\w tt\v Sefiaf 114 a7TO(TTpO(p7} 150 a7TOTV7xa^co 45 a7rox^p^/8ios 292 aTToxeipofilcoTos 292 'Apyeia ax LCrT ^ 270 aper^ 141 apiaTau) 316 apia-rrja-aL, applied to horses, 207 ap,ua 187—8 ap/xa and a-nfyr] distinguished 79 GREEK INDEX. ap/jia 8p€iravT), (pepoo, 114 5eos 7rpbs to 0e?oz/ 116 StaS^a, diadema, 80, 285 — 86 5ta5z/ca(7?a 262 diaXevKos 283 SiaAvco to (TvfJLTr6, e£ apicrov, fieTa to Selirvoj/, 64, 85 SmTcryeuco and o*iaTaVo*co confounded 291 StaTao-fTw and SiaTcryetSw confounded 291 o\'8a>/iu tV 5e|ia^ 114 8ido)jj.i /cat XafxBdvoj ra mcrra, accipio et do fidem, 91 Slicaios, Justus, 62 SiKaioavvT) and $(Kator77S 317 Siktj and aydoutcrpa distinguished 277 5i0p€ia 186 Suppela, 7} tcop Kvp-qvaicav, TpcoiK7/, 186 $l(ppev 7rau€Tat and 7rau€Tca dufwp dis- tinguished 15 8peiro,v7}(p6pov l dp\xo. 189, 193 SpofAos 68 SiWjui?, vis,potest as, applied to plants, 318 5ucr0eT6O> and dvcrcpopecc 56 dvo"(pop4(a and dvcrderzoo 56 330 GREEK INDEX. zyyovos and tuyovos distinguished 157 iyyv7]T7]s and yvwarijp distinguished 202 eyyvTaTa and iyyvrdrca 170 tyKCti/Mcifa and iiraiveoo distinguished 153 ^yKwfxioPy to, cttos understood, 154 !•] ; ov and eirawos, laudatioa.ndla.us, distinguished, 154 — 5 iyKWfjiios and eyxupios 154 eyxov&a and \j/ijjLfj.vQiov distinguished iyx&p'-os and iyKoofxios 154 e£p«, e| e'5p7?s vTraviaraaQaiy 311 iBifrfjiou and rp4CU €7Tt t6tT0V TIVG. 1 81 eT^ai, joined with 4ku>j>, 59 elirou, in the sense of ' ordering,' 57 €ls Tpirov, Tpir7)v 7}ijL4pav t 158 exyovos and eyy ovos distinguished 157 6K/C07TTC0 197 iKireTrXTjyfiePos *Tvai 59 €Aeeu>bs and aAectvbs distinguished 309 eAeuOepa ayopa 6 tXOeiv us x^P as i opposed to inrox&- pslv, 77 iXovPTos 127 €fjt.pd\\a) fiovXty ,X6yov irepi twos, 178 efjLiropos and Kdirr}Xos distinguished 133 e^cryxos ttotc 71 eV50z/ai ets, induere se in, 261 ivTidevai and iiriTiOivai (pofiov 133 €Vrpi'£«319 %VTpitylS XP^/ JLaT °S 11 eruSpos, euucJpos, and etyvSpos, 89 €|a7raTao> and vTroo'KeXi^w 42 e|€Ai7,ubs, evolutio, 302 ileXirToo, evolvo, 302 ^eyey/ceiV, ejfejre, efferreforas, 182 Q-qyiopai 134 i\-t]yf](TLs 134 4£r)yr)TTi s 134 €7raii/ew and iyKco/nidfa distinguished 153 ^ra^os and iyK&ixiov, lans and lauda- tio, distinguished 154 — 5 iirauocpSpia, to, 283, 28 4 i-mPovXevoo 183 e7ny afua 91 iinyepaipoo 307 €7rteVai and iiriio'aaOai 211 iTTiecrao-Qcu yrjv 211 imdwpaKi'Sco 98 siriKalpios 95 tTTi/jLaxia and crv/JL/xax^a distinguished 91 ilTL(TTr]ljL00U TO. TTpGar^KOVTO. 95 iirKTVfj.u.uxLa, i7rijj.axia, and avpL/Jiax^, 91 €TriT€rpaju l u€Pos ttjv apxh v 208 iirKpalvoi) 206 ipyaXelov and £pyao~Tr\piov 161 ipyatTTTjpLov and ipyaXuov 161 ipyodoTtco 269 ipyodoT7]S 269 ipyoXafiew 269 ipyoXdfios 269 epyoz/ and 7rpfefis distinguished 154 epjucis, hernia, 282 eppei ra KaAa 182 eppcw 181 eV^s €[At]T77 270, 280, 281 4c6xbs and crpa^bs 30 'Ecrna Ilarpwa 32 €(7tii/ &, eVia or r»>a understood, 34 €v tl6t)[jll 301 svyvwfAocrvvT] 301 evdaipLovia and oXfios distinguished 30 evepyetriav KctTafiaXXeiv and /caTaSeV- 0cu 290 svQriixovvvTi 301 €v6r}iJLccv 301 svppr) t u.o(rvi'r) 301 evG-xVl^ocrvPV 301 eyi)5pos, evvSpos, and €pbs 185 ex&'J' of'ceis 75 ea?s and ^&s 5 GREEK INDEX. 331 £dp&a 138 Zei/s BaaiXevSy UaTpwos, 32 K. ^5e 7rore 7 1 7]5€{jos and aa/JLevoos 165 'HAiou ap/xa Aevabi/ 282 yvioxos 187 — 8 tj-ttjt^s aud aK€OTv,s 37 fJTTa 81 77&S and eW 5 0. 0c*> 72 flcD/cos 311 BajpaKi^oo 98 0cfya| 98 I. i6/)e?01> 23 1/jLa.TLa pa&dwra, stragulce virgaicr, 288 lo&a(p7]s 2S9 iTTTrao-^os, equitnbilis, 22 £7T7TiKbs and £07roi€cy 318 Kaiuo7roL7]T^s 318 /ecu pottos a 3 IS /cat^o7rotbs 318 /ectopia nhrjyy, ovAt} wtsiKt], ictus leta- lis, vuhius letulfy 164 Kaipiov e A/cos, rpavfxa 164 KCLKoQ-quoavVTi 30 L KcucoTroieu 3 1 8 Kafxdpa, 212 — 13 KaySys and xit&j/ IIep<7i/c&s distin- guished 12 Kair-nXos and efxiropos distinguished 133 KapSias x iT ^ u 270 KCLph'JoTTOi :iG6 KOLpirbs, cheese, flesh, hair, hides, horns, milk, wool, 3 KapuKTj 278 napvKivos 278 KapvKoiroieoo 278 Kas, for /cal, 281 Kas, for k£s, 281 Katras or /cacras, casa, 279 — 82 Kaaia or KaaeKa 281 Kdarjs or t ua 210 KaraTpvct) 165 Ka.Tax&pi^(ti 122 KareiAeco 288 Karecp'jye ov 166 /caTTi'S or Kacravs 231 K€KIV7][XSV0V X^p'^V 43 Kepas, cornu, 161 /ce^aAaTo^, eV K€pa£ 98 Keirroax^s 270, *271 AevKou ap/na Aios, 'HA/ou, 282 A^yw 313 AifivK^, 7), Supptla, 187 \i6ofi6iJLOS, \i6ok6ttos, \i9o\6yos, \i0o- £oos, Xidovpybs, 89, 208 \iQo\6y7)fJLa 208 \i96o~TpooTov edcupos 208 XiQovpyqua 208 XlfJLWTTCO 266 Xiirapbs, opposed to \poopa\eos, 21 Ao707roibs, Xoyoypdcpos, and iaropiKos, 305 Aoyoypdcpos, Aoyowoibs, and taTopi/cbs, 305 \6yov rtAevTav, inreiKtiv, 311 A ^7X^7 48 Aoyxo kott\$, and dayapis, 10, 196 fjLaxaipo6pos 196 /jL€G7}/j.fipia 125 /Lteo-oAeu/cos 283 fiecrov rjuepas, vvktoov, 125 f-iecrovpa rjfiepa 125 /neradeca 74 M77cJi/<:$7 crroX)) 265 MTjSf/cbz/ ap^ua 189 f J -VX av ^t machina, 185 fJuai.ap077| 67 veavievca and veavicrKevoo distinguished 10 veavLffKevoo and veavievco distinguished 10 vevpa, fila sutoria, 269 pzvppoppdiTTTjs 270 vtvpoppacpeco 269, 270, 272 vevpoppaj/, lex hquens, 2G3 vvpcpSXiprros, lymphatus, 152 vwrocpdpov, rb, vno£vyiov understood, 202 va)TO(p6pos, <5, riixiovos or uuos under- stood, 202 opx^ofxai rb TlepviKbv 297 opxVfJ-a, rb Tlepo-iKbv, 297 o5 and ol 1GG ov\)} Katpta, ictus le talis, vulnus letale, 164 OVpECO 11 6os 6 aXeOcau, aXercav, aXerys, mold asinaria, catillus, 200 oirXov 126 forAa, Ta, eu rideoQai 127 OTTTT/p 129 57ra>s, for or/, 97 <5paa> and aflpe'w confounded 263 oppadbs 203 bppaivu 309 opua'cw 309 oppctidio) 83 6p(ppairj vv£ 278 op^J/77 278 op, omnia focio, 168 irapafiaXXa 66 7rapa7a> 67 Trapadeicos 16 irapaOeco 19 TrapaifidT7}s, rhedarius, 187 irapaXXdacroj 25 Trapapy]K7]s Xoxos, 126, 127 vepi^vyov 201 irspiodos 55 334 GREEK INDEX. Trepiopda), with a participle, and with an infin., 58 7T€pi(rx^r)S 270, 271 Trepa-iKT) 284 UepaiKhv, to, opxypa understood, 297 TltpcriKbs i^eXiy/jibs 302 iriXrjTbs and mXcorbs 281 TTiXoiroibs 173 ttIAos 173, 281 7r?\os, KtBapis, Kvpfiaaia, and ridpa, 80 TTl\(DTbs 173 TTKrra, Ta, hitieofii koX Xa.fjL^dpw, 91 •nXayia cpaAayi- 88 TT\ai(TLov and irXivQiov distinguished 1G0 Tr\a.Tv6o[j.}} 186 7rpoTr4fiiru 26 irpoiropiirbs 77 irpoaQepofiai rivi 262 irpoacfyepa) and irpocpepoo confounded 267 7T0oVxio-jua, K€(paX\s, and x tT ^ r > 271, 272 irpcxpepco and irpoacpepoo confounded 267 7rp^x oos am * ^P^X 01 ^ guttus, guttur- nium, 147 Trpvfivav KpoveaOai 1 06 irri](T(T(a and oppcoSeco 83 7r£)p, the everlasting and sacred fire, 282 P. pccj88oei8es (TX^ a 288 pafiooefi^s Ovpcbs 288 paj85a>Ta IpLaTia 288 pcufco 253 pcuJ/pSeoj 104 pcnj/v 210 aroXh 210 avyy eur)s 26 (Xvyxaipo) tlv\ 109 (TvyKarcxnrcta) 176 (TiryKvpeu 170 duAAoyos 196 (TvufioXov, symbolum, 192 avfxfiaxia and im/iaxio. distinguished 91 avjJL7rapo/napT€oo 40 (TVfjLirdviov 296 26 cri/j/42 ffvvrjdufxat tlvl 109 0L > aXezivol x""^ 65 ? 309 rdXfia 254 TpoLXT]Xaia 272 rp4(pofxai and £8i£o/j.ai 42 TpLTT], €LS TpLTIJl/j TpLTTJP 7}fX€paVy 158 Tp(^7ros 290 rpcxpbs, riOrjvbs, rtQr]vr\, and titOt], T7]6r}, fiaia, fidfipca or ^d}x\xr\, distin- guished, 203 rpv(pr) and dpfyis distinguished 318 touco 165 TpootK^j 7], dicppeia 1S6 vfipoTToreco and vSpoiroiTeo} 199 vBpoiroaia 199 vdpoiroTrjs 199 vei/cbs 149 ui'/cos 149 virdyoo 89 vTraKovareo) 163 ^rat/raw and &7ra!/Taw distinguished 206 vTrevdvfJLa 271 V7T7]p€T€(0 35 virepricpavia 151 vnep 296 #0-777, hysge, 285 vcryivofias 148 (pofios koI v6fios, for os, applied to animals, 44 X€tpo[J.vX7) and xeipofJLvXos 200 XeipoTexvys 292 Xeipwi/a| 292 Xitoov Kapdias 270 XiTkv 6(pdaXjjLov, tunica oculi, 270 XiTa>j> Ilepo-i/cos and /cai/Sus distin- guished 12 XtTClJJ' iropcpvpovs 283 Xitwj/ cttoXiSmtIs 210 X*Tct>z/ vTrodfjjjLCLTOS 270 — 72 XiTcoj/as crvvTtfJLi'Cti, applied to shoes, 270 XoXov KCLTcmzina) 130 X ^ 38 Xpvpa, applied to men or animals, 20, 48 XpflfJ>a-T%<*> 94 Xpvao^vyov apfia 282 XpdfJ-aros evTpiif/is 11 XcoprjTiKcos and x^^i/ccDs 135 yjapiKws 135 X<*>0iT77S 135 XvpiTiicbs 135 XoopLTiKws and x^P 7 ) 7 lK & 5 135 Xapa and x a P! JL0V7 ] 25 Xctpiy a7roo\8oVcu and airoXaiifidveiv 290 Xap^ ri^l KOLTaQicrBoLi 290 Xa.pjJ.ov)) and X a P« 25 xdpT7)s, cliarta, 281 Xelp, e/s x e ?P as €\0€?y, 77 XeipSeo-fjLOs 286 Xetpls 2S6 — 88 X^^ls and daKTV?^0pa distinguished 286 Xetpts and Kop7) 286, 288 Xeipo&dvavaos 292 XGipofiovKos 292 XeipoydcTTQop 292 X€ipo67]K7}, chirotheca, 287 ^eAioi/ 273 xl/Lfi/jLvBioy and tyKovora distinguished 11 t^X^s 309 \l/a>paX4os, opposed to Xiirapbs, 21 n. ws art, jLt7? ft^, jwjSe oi», and such repe- titions, 159 ws, put after Seifoo and ofi4o/icu, 148 dhra, t& fSacriXews, 273 toTaKovo-rew 163 arreiA^ Kcupia, ictus letulis, vulnus le- tale, 164 LATIN INDEX. A, Abstemius 199 Accipio et do fidem 91 Acetabulum 287 Adventor 269 Adulor 83 Antimonium 11 Auriculas demitto 83 Auscullo 163 B. Barbarus lingua et moribus 290 Batillum 201 Bona, bonae res, 110 Bracag, braccae, 283 — 5 Bulimus 266 C. Calidissima byems 309 Casa 281 Castigo 7 Casula 281 Catillus 200 Causam praecidere 197 Charta281— 82 Cliirotbeca 286 Chirothecarius 287 Chirothecatus 287 Circulor 197 Circulus 197 Cocblea 282 Coguitpr 203 Commissor 243 Communis 60 Compotatio 296 Conspicuus 250 Xen. Cyrop. Conspiro 241 Convaso 87, 143 Cornus 218 Corona 197 D. Decedere via, de via, 311 Demitto auriculas 83 Diadema 285 Digitalia, digitabula, 286 Duco 219 E t Effero 182 Equitabilis 22 Evolvere 302 Facio omnia 168 Feminalia 284, 285 Fenestra reticulata^ 270 Fenestratus calceus 270 Fero 209 Fidem accipio et do 91 FIoreo210 Furo 25 Furo et insanio 291 Gausapa 281 Gausape 281 Gausapum 281 2 F 338 LATIN INDEX. Gesto in manibus, in sinu, 249 (iratulor 109 H. Jfama 201 ilarmamaxa 79 Hernia 282 Hippotoxota 158 Hjsge 2S5 Hysginus 285 I. Ictus letalis 164 Ignavum pecus 61 Ignis sacer et aeternus 282 Igmtabuluin 287 Induo me in Jaqueum 261 Invinius 199 Justissima tellus 293 Justus 62 L. Lancearius 48 Laqueus, me induo in laqueum 261 Letaie vulnus 164 Letalis ictus 164 Lex loquens 263 LocupJes 253 Lymj-ha 152 Lymphatus 152 M. Mauica286— 88 IVIantela 281 Mantele 281 ManteJis 281 Mantelum 281 Mnnus, in manibus gestare, 249 Meta 200 Metus lympbatus 152 ^lola asinana,manuaria, 200 m omentum 115 Monumentum 53 Negotium, (applied to men,) 191 ]Notor203 Nunc adbuc 306 O. Obstragulum 270 Omnia facio 168 Oraculum 231 Paradisus 16 Parasanga 73 Paropsis 12, 13 Pbceniceus 278 Potestas, (applied to inanimate tilings ) 317 ° Praecidere spem, causam, 197 Prosequor 26 Punctum temporis 120 Quin 48 Q. R. Res, (applied to men,) 194 Rhombus 289 Sagum 279, 280, 281 Sarabara 2S4 Sceptrum 312 Scutulata?, virgatae vestes, 2S8 Sinus, in sinu gestare, 249 Spem prascidere 197 Spira 241 Subbibo 296 Subjicio 227 Superula 284 Symbol um 192 Testudo 225 Tiara 80 Toga 281 T. V. Vatillum 201 Ventus ferens 209 Virgatas, scutulata? vestcs, 288 Vis, (applied to inanimate thiagO 317 Vivarium 16 Vulaus letaie 164 INDEX OF ANCIENT WRITERS, GREEK AND LATIN. Julian H. A. 201, 224, 309. Tact. 207, 242, 302. V. H. 100, 101, 225 ^schylus 218, 263, 291, 292 Agatharchidas 280, 281 Agathias 73 Aldhelinus 287 Alex. Trail. 266 Ammianus Marc. 11, 265, 282 Ammonius 4, 206, 237, 270, 305 Auacreon 3, 19, 218, 263 Anecdota Gra-ca Baclimanni 12 Anecdota Graeca Bekkeri 10, 27, 31, 37, 56, 62, 66, 70, 150, 208, 234, 254, 267 Antiphanes 284, 285 Apostolius 279 Apuleius 199, 287 Aqu. and Tlieod. 283 Arcadius 279, 281 Aristides 222 Aristotle 6, 58, 129, 153,154,270, 272, 278 Aristophanes 9, 71, 104, 110, 128, 148, 182, 184, 271, 284, 296, 318 Arrian Anab. 27, 74. Epict. 191. Hist. 160. 286. Tact. 160, 186, 189, 207, 225 Athenaeus 8, 14, 212, 271, 283, 284, 288, 289, 297, 303, 309, 311, 315 Athenagoras 116 Aurelius V r ictor 242 Caesar 109, 158, 197, 205, 227 Callimachus 319 Cato 200 Celsus 243, 270 Cepliisodorus Comicus 271 Charito 20, 213 Clirysostom 287 Cicero 2, 25, 124, 133, 162, 16S, 191, 211, 220, 250, 253, 263, 273, 286, 290, 310, 311, 313. 314, 318 Curtius 12, 16, 22, 26, 79, 98, 113, 158, 188,212, 218, 283,285 Cyrilli Lex. Ms. Brem. 283,2 84 Cyrillus Alex. 21 D. Damascenus Jo. 22 Daniel 283, 284 Democritus Epliesins 289 Demosthenes 38, 62, 92, 150, 159 165,254 Dio Cassius 237 Dio Chrys. 252 Diodorus Siculus 114, 187, 188, 214, 242, 286, 289, 292, 317 Diogenian 182 Dionysius .^lius 37 Dionysius H. 2, 101, 1*29, 225, 237, 288, 292 Dioscorides 11 Basilius M. 22 Ennius 91 340 INDEX OF ANCIENT WRITERS, Ephippus271 Erotian 278 Etym. Magn. 14, 20, 21, 23, 37, 60, 73, 79, 104, 149, 157, 193, 223, 226, 234, 246, 251, 266, 278, 283 Eupolis270 Euripides 48, 245 Eustathius 223, 234, 285, 287, 292, 310 F. Festus 152, 266, 269 141, 147, 162, 165, 181, 187, 188, 200,21 ,223, 224, 225, 228, 231, 239. 248, 251, 259, 268,278, 287, 313 Horace 263 1. Isidorus 266, 281,284 Isocrate3 166 Jamblichus 48 Justin 26,212,303, 312 Juvenal 12, 286 Galenus 23, 56, 62, 266, 270 Gellius 2,7,16,48, 199, 266, 278, 318 Georgius Leeapenus 87 Georgius Trapez. 271 Glossae Fabr. N. T. 246 Glossal in Octat. 284 Glossae Labbeanae 147, 165, 173, 199, 208,220, 251,269,270, 317 Glossae Ms. Francii 284 Glossy Ms. in Proph. 283 Glossas INiormcaa 269 Grammaticus Hermanni 19, 72 Gregory Naz. 53 H. Harpocratio 54, 305 Heliodorus 14, 273 Hermolaus 271 Herodiani Fragm. 72 Herodianus Piersoni 125 Herodotus 2, 4, 5, 6, 11, 20, 32, 48, 59, 73, 100, 113, 120, 142, 213, 224, 228, 229, 230, 231, 233, 236, 237, 242, 265, 283, 292, 305, 311, 314, 316, Lex. Herod. 284 Hesiod 301 Hesychius 8, 14, 15, 25, 30, 33, 40, 54,56, 102,103,113,116,126,130, 134, 135, 147, 161, 163, 181, 182, 185, 200, 203, 223, 226, 234, 237, 238, 242, 246, 249, 250, 251, 271, 277,278, 279, 280, 281, 283, 284, 285, 286,289,292 Hippias Erythra±us 271 Hippocrates 59, 62, 284, 316 Hirtius 158 Homer 3, 25, 34, 37, 40, 54, 56, 64, 102, 116, 119, 120, 121, 127, 130, Lex. Herod. 284 Livy 26, 31, 158, 219, 227, 273 Longinus 31 Longus 109 Lucan 152 Lucian 12, 62, 161, 283, 285, 286, 287,292, 301,314 Lucretius 318 Luke 109, 201 Lycopnron 234 M. Malela, Jo., 23 Martial 26 Matthew 201 Maximus Tyrius 79, 113 Mceris 127, 130, 158, 199, 200, 202, 305 Moschopulus 101 Musonius 288 Myrepsus 281 N. Nepos, Cora., 114, 182, 209 Non. Marc. 281 O. Ovid 64, 191, 196, 199, 254 P. Palaephatus 93, 209,214 Palladius 287 ' Pausanias 19 Phavorinus 19, 20, 23, 25, 101, US, GREEK AND LATIN. 34-1 127, 143, 149, 173, 199, 204, 208, 22G, 237, 216, 249, 251, 277, 278, 283, 289, 292 Philostratus 14, 187, 191, 193, 218 Photitis 143, 271 Phrynichus Eel. 12, 127, 269 Plato 2, 5,7,42, 48, 58, 110, 123, 133, 149, 157, 161, 165, 236, 240, 269, 272, 278 Plautus 192, 296, 311 Pliny 1 1, 12, 26, 115, 162, 192, 270, 285, 286, 2S7, 318 Pliny Junior 287 Plutarch 8, 10, 80, 83, 86, 109, 198, 210,212, 213, 266, 283 Pollux, J., 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 25, 27, 37, 62, 73, 77, 80, 86, 89, 129, 134, 135, 137, 161, 163, 164, 173, 193, 199, 201, 202, 208, 210, 212, 213, 225, 233, 236, 244, 266, 269, 270, 271, 272, 278, 279, 280, 281, 284, 286, 288, 292, 293, 297, 201,303, 307, 309, 319. Polybius 23 Procopius 251 Posidippus 212 Publius 284 Q. Quintilian 162, 199,273 Suidas 8, 27, 30, 42, 43, 56, 61, 66, 70,73, 86, 113, 116, 129, 143, 149, 163, 207, 208, 226, 234, 240, 242, 247, 266, 273, 278,285, 292, 296. 305, 309 Syoesius 162, 164 S. Sallust 227 Schol. iEschyl. 292 Schol. ad Daniel. 283 Schol. Aristoph. 128, 134, 149, 223, 266 Schol. Aristot. 271 Schol. Horn. 182 Schol. Pind. 79 Schol. Sophocl. 134 Seneca 152, 155 Solinus 162 Sophocles 42, 83, 120, 234 Stephanus B. 113 Stobagus 25, 57, 288 Strabo 6, 32, 73, 80, 100, 228, 242, 250, 265, 285 Suetonius 13, 164, 296 Tacitus 113, 273 Terence 53, 87, 143, 182, 190, 249 Theocritus 3, 190 Theod. and Aqu. 283 Theognis 239 Themistius 21 Theophrastus 26, 54, 57, 89, 1*6, 151, 182,219 Thomas Mag. 4, 12, 94, 113, 125, 127, 129, 149, 157, 158, 163, 186, 199,254,311,318 Thucydides 245,313 Timaei Lex. 208, 226, 236 Titinnius 281 Trebellius Pollio 270 Tzetzes 301 V. Valerius Maximus 162 Varroll, 127, 161, 266, 270, 286, 287 Vegetius 98 Virgil 61, 91, 208, 209, 210, 226, 228, 241, 268, 286, 288, 293, 318 Vitruvius 269, 309, 318 X. Xenophon 23, 25, 38, 64, 78, 87, 98, 102, 114, 125, 129, 130, 133, 149, 159, 160, 181, 182, 186, 196, 197 i 208, 210, 218, 223, 225, 228, 242, 245, 248, 266, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 292, 296, 297, 309, 311, 317, 318 Z. Zonaras 10, 56, 66, 234, 247 Zosimus 20a INDEX CRITICS AND PHILOLOGISTS. Abresch 201 Adams, Rev. Dr., 83 Alberti 124 Aldus 271 B. Casaubon 15, 23, 102, 192, 2T0, 283, 284, 286 Castalio 135 Castelli, B., 267, 270 Cellarius 8, 112 Charpentier 12a Columna 210 Cooper, Hon. M 4 A., 141 Coray 154 Baier 286 Balduinus 270, 271 Barker, E. H., 26, 62, 279 Baunius 284 Bayfius 212 Bentley 143 Bergler 147, 290 Blomfield, Rev. Dr., 83 Bodaeus a Stapel, 199, 285 Bodenius 147 Bornemann 34, 132, 315 Bos 128 Bothe 117 Bremi 114 Brissonius 6, 11, 12, 73, 138, 142, 280, 283, 284, 286, 303, 305, 308, 316 Broda3usl30, 162,278 Budaeus 186 Buttmann 5, 34, 60, 65, 124, 128, 161,163,183,186,195 Bynaeus 284 Camerarius 171, 278, 296, 309, 318 D. Dawes 34 Dindorf, L., 53, 141, 201, 203, 305, 306 Dorville 79, 157, 211, 213, 309, 319 Drakenborch 54 Duker 134 E. Elmsley 161 Erfurdt75 Ernesti, J. A., 286, 292, 303, 31S, 319 Faber 203 Feithe 187,188 Ferrarius 287, 289 Fischer 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58. INDEX OF CRITICS, &c. 343 59, 60, G1 , 62, 64, 68, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91, 93,94,98, 102, 104, 100,109, 110, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 120, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127,128,130, 133, 135,137,141, 143, 147,150,151, 152, 157, 158, 161, 162, 163, 165, 166, 171, 173, 175, 176, 182, 183, 184, 185, 187, 191, 192, 193, 196, 197, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 214, 253, 254, 261, 262, 263, 266, 268, 269, 270, 272, 273, 274, 275, 277, 278, 279, 2S0, 281, 282, 283, 285, 286, 288, 290, 291, 292, 293, 296, 301, 302, 303, 305, 306, 807, 308,309, 311, 312, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319 Foesius 62,266,278,284 Forcellinus 115, 155, 199, 2S5, 287, 296, 318 Gesner, J. M., 168, 285,286, 287 Goetz 200 H, Harduin 285 Hederic 287 Heeren 6, 100, 196, 303, 308 Heindorf 31, 34, 42, 4S, 55, 111, 181 Hemsterhuis 89, 202, 213, 266, 269, 270,284,285, 301 Heraldus 203 Hermann 34, 36, 49, 56, 59, 60, 72 95, 149 Hindenburg 62, 318 Holstein 113 Hoogeveen 168 Hotoraannus 203 Hutchinson 4, 14, 15, 19, 23, 67, 73, 74, 79, 87, 92,9 6, 100, 101, 104, 112, 113, 114, 135, 140, 141, 145, 147, 162, 183, 186, 191, 197,200, 202, 213, 264, 265, 283, 285, 286, 291,292,309 J. Jungermannus 272, 281, 284, 297, 303 K. Kiessling 48 Kleuker 283 Kiilm 208, 212, 213, 269, 270, 279, 281, 285 Kjpke 60, 290 Lederkin 292 Leopardus 164, 296, 301 Leunclavius 15, 102, 135, 202, 280, 285, 291 Lipsius 203 Lobeck 5, 57, 125, 166 M. Marso 29, 113 Matthias 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 47, 58, 59, 70, 87, 95, 144, 161, 163, 186, 195, 2G0 Meister 193 Meyer 272 Montefalcon 207 Moms 104, 278 Muretus 6, 20, 162,263 N. jSeinnich, P. A., 267 Philelphus 49, 161, 201, 285 Pierson 203, 305 Poppo 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 23, 25, 28, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 40, 42, 47, 48, 50, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 65, 66, 67, 70, 78, 79, 87, 88, 95, 97, 100, 104, 106, 108, 111, 113, 117, 119, 124, 130, 133, 142,143, 144, 147, 148, 151, 157, 159, 161, 163, 166, 169, 171, 176, 177,178,181,183,186,188, 190, 195, 196, 199,200, 201, 204, 205, 208, 213, 255, 261, 263, 273, 280, 291,301, 303, 305, 308, 309, 313, 315, 317, 318,319 Porson 34, 55 341 INDEX OF CRITICS, Sec. Portus, /Em., 96, 279, 289, 292 Potter, Archbp., 88, 161 R. Rapheiius 63, 305 Reimar 283 Reland 16, 80, 138, 283, 285, 286, 308 Riemcr 201 Rittershusius 20, 44 Rubenius 285,288 Ruhnken 62, 113, 157 S. Sallier 203 Salmasius 279, 28!, 282, 284, 285, 288, 289 Scaliger Jos. 266 Schsefer 34, 36, 75, 148, 195 Scheffer 79, 187, 193, 212, 213, 282 Schleusner283,284 Schneider 4, 7, 14, 29, 32, 36, 37, 42, 45, 48, 49, 55, 56, 58, 64, 67, 68, 87,89,92,98, 102, 110, 111, 124, 133, 148, 149, 154, 159, 185, 187, 188, 189, 193, 196, 197, 202, 208, 213, 261, 271, 272, 273, 277, 278, 279, 285, 287, 305, 313, 315, 316, 318 Schrader 272 Schulze 315 Spanheim 20, 285 Stephens, H., 85,165,184, 201, 203, 263, 264, 270, 279, 280, 281, 286, 287,288, 303, 309, 317 Stewechius 185 Sturz 14, 23, 25, 60, 65, 68, 79, 87, 104,134,163, 173, 175, 185,191, 195,197, 201,203,210,213,261, 262, 266, 269, 272, 274, 277, 278, 279, 281, 283, 286, 290, 291, 292, 296, 297, 303, 305, 307, 309, 312, 317,318 T. Taylor, Dr. John, 62 Thiersch 34 Tour> 191, 280 Triller 253 Trincavellus 271 Valckenaer 20, 100, 210, 290, 311, 315 Valesius 284 Vater 154, 272 Victorius 271 Viger 128 Vossius, G. J., 281 W. Webster, Dr. Noah, 120 Weckerliu 270 Weiske44,48, 51, 58,79,85, 91,92, 96, 97, 104, 123, 132, 133, 141, 145, 159, 162, 187, 196, 201 Wells, Edw., 285, 286 Werfer 55 Wesseling 113 Wurmius 88 Wyttenbach 10, 14, 18,21 Z. Zeune 5, 35, 37, 43, 45, 51, 55, 58, 60, 62, 65, 67, 71, 85, 89, 92, 97, 98, 101, 104, 106, 109, HI, 114, 129, 130, 135, 141, 142, 154, 159, 160, 161, 170, 183, 189, 196, 201, 210, 261, 270, 278, 285, 295, 314 FINIS. THE FAMILY CLASSICAL LIBRARY; OR, ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS OF THE MOST VALUABLE GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS : With Biographical Sketches, Notes, Engravings of the Authors, Maps, &c. Price 45. 6d. each Volume. Small 8vo. bound in cloth* EDITED, PRINTED, AND PUBLISHED, BY A. J. VALPY, M. A. 1 Cicero remarks, that not to know what has been transacted in former times, is to continue always a child. If no use is made of the labors of past ages, the world must remain always in the infancy cf knowlege.' — Johnson. ■ If you desire your son, though no great scholar, to read and reflect, it is your duty to place into his hands the best Translations of the best Classical Authors.'— Dr. Parr. As the learned languages do not form part of the education of Females, the only access which they have to the valuable stores of antiquity is through the medium of correct translation ; and the present Selection is intended to include those Authors only, whose works may be read by the youth of both sexes, Sixteen Volumes are already published, containing the following Authors ; which may be purchased separately, at a small advance in price. Vol. I. DEMOSTHENES, by Leland. II. Completion of Demosthenes ; and SALLUST, by Rose. III. & IV. XENOPHON'S Anabasis and Cyrop.edia, by Spelman and Cooper. V. VI. & VII. HERODOTUS, by Beloe. VIII. & IX. VIRGIL: the Eclogues by Wrangham, the Georgics by Sotheby, and the zEneid by Dryden. X. PINDAR ; a new Translation, by the Rev. C. A. Wheelwright. With ANACREOX ; a new Translation. XL to XV. TACITUS, by Murphy. Vol. XVI., published on the 1st of April, 1831, contains the CHARAC- . TERS OF THEOPHRASTUS, illustrated by Fifty Physiognomical Sketches, by the most eminent Artists : to which are subjoined, Hints on the Indivi- dual Varieties of Human Nature, and General Remarks. — The Cha- racters of Theophrastus possess an interest and value beyond most of the re- mains of Grecian literature : they are inartificial and exact portraitures of those very peculiarities of temper that are every day passing under our own observation. Vols. XVII. and XVIII. will comprise HORACE, in which will be intro- duced Translations of different parts of the Author from the pens of Dryden, Pope, Bentley, Swift, Porson, G. Wakefield, Prior, Milton, Den- ham, Roscommon, Cowley, Byron, Horne Tooke, Chatterton, &c. &c. ; and of some of the most eminent Poets of the present day. Vol. XIX. will contain JUVENAL and PERSIUS. Each Vol. averages 350 pages, and is delivered monthly with the Maga- zines. 346 In consequence of recent applications, it is intended to commence a New Monthly Subscription of the OCTAVO EDITION OF THE DELPHIN CLASSICS; WITH THE VARIORUM NOTES. EDITED AND PRINTED BY A. J. VALPY, M.A. To commence on the 1st of May, 1831. The DELPHIN, BIPONT, and VARIORUM CLASSICS are rendered comparatively needless by this comprehensive edition, in which is incor- porated, for the first time, the substance of the three ; and the value of the Series is more particularly enhanced by the insertion of the Various Readings contained in all the principal editions of each Author. The Price is 1/. Is. each Part ; Large Paper, double. Very few copies are printed beyond the first Subscription, which amounted to 983 large and small. The Work forms 141 Parts. The best Text is used, and not that of the Delphin. — The Delphin Notes, Interpretatio, and the Various Readings, are placed under the Text ; and the Notes in the best Variorum Edition are printed at the end of each Author. The best Indices are adopted, and carefully collated with the Text, to re- move the present numerous faults in the references. The reference is made to the Book and Chapter, and not to the page, so that the same Index will apply to all other editions. The Bipont Literaria Notitia, continued to the present time, is added to each Author. A finely engraved head is given of such Authors as could be procured from authentic sources. — Maps and illustrative Wood-Cuts are inserted. There are about 200 in the whole Series. It may be observed, that a set of the Delphin alone sold at the Roxburghe Sale in 1812 for above 500/., and that a uniform set of the Variorum cannot be obtained at any price. To collect the editions now offered would cost many hundred pounds ; whereas the present Series will cost only 12Z. 12s, per ann. for 11 or 12 years. Each Part averages 672 pages. The Work cannot be had in separate Authors, but as a whole Series. — The Authors comprised are : Cicero, Libri Oratorii, Orationes, Epistolse ad Familiares, Opera Philoso- phica — Claudianus — Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius — Eutropius — Horatius — Juvenalis et Persius — Livius — Lucretius — Nepos — Ovidius — Phaedrus — Plautus — Plinius (Senior) — Sallustius — Statius — Suetonius — Tacitus- — Teren- tius — Paierculus — Virgilius — Apuleius — Aulus Gellius — Aurelius Victor — Ausonius — Boethius — Caesar — Dictys Cretensis, &c. — Floras — Justinus — Manilius — Martialis — Panegyrici Veteres — Pompeius Festus — Prudentius — Quintus Curtius — Valerius Maxim us. *^* As so few copies are left, and as such a voluminous Work can never perhaps be reprinted, early applications should be made for the remaining Sets. If more convenient, Mr. V. would issue two Nos. monthly, till the set is completed. No. 141, containing the Dedication, Preface, Subscription List, Engraving of Cicero, &c. may be seen by any Gentleman, who may be desirous of first ascertaining the nature of the Work. Any Persons having incomplete copies are requested to make immediate application for the Nos. wanting, as the price will be raised from time to time en all Nos. in suspense. 347 STEPHENS' GREEK THESAURUS. The copies of some deceased Subscribers may be had at 1/. 5s. each Part Small, and 21. 12s. 6d. Large Paper. Any persons having incomplete copies are requested to make application for the numbers wanting, as the price has already been raised on such Parts in suspense, and will be further raised from time to time. Mr. Valpy has less than twelve copies in his pbssession, which may be had complete j or in Parts to be delivered monthly, should it best suit the purchaser. The Work is comprised in 39 Parts, the original Subscription to which was 10S6 large and small. SCHREVELIUS' GREEK LEXICON, Trans- lated into ENGLISH. By the Rev. J. R. Major, Master of King's Col- lege School, London. 1 vol. 8vo. Pr. 16s. 6rf. bds. or 17s. 6d. bound. In this edition the Latin significations, &c. have been rendered into English, the quantities carefully marked, and about 4000 new words added. It forms a valuable Greek and English Lexicon. The present Edition of SCHREVELIUS' Lexicon, which has for so long a period facilitated the labors, and promoted the knowlege, of Greek Students, comes recommended to the notice of the juvenile reader by having the ex- planations in our own tongue. The plan of introducing into School Books plain English for bald Latin, in the interpretations of Greek words, has within these few years been sanctioned by many most respectable teachers of youth, and we trust that a plan so founded in common sense, useful alike to the instructor and the pupil, will be universally adopted. DAMMII LEXICON G-RJECUM, Etymologicum et Reale, cui pro basi substratae sunt Concordantias et Elucidationes HOME- RIC.^ ; cura J. M. Duncan. Uniformly printed with the Ernesti Homer. 2 thick vols. Svo. 1/. 4s. Royal, IL lis. Gd. That portion of Damm's Lexicon, which is devoted to the elucidation of Pindar, has already appeared in a separate form as an Appendix to Mr. Hun- tingford's valuable edition of that poet ; and it has been suggested to the publishers of the new edition of the complete Lexicon, that they would do an acceptable service to literature, by a separate publication of the large division of their author, which is devoted to the Iliad and Odyssey. There are many scholars also who devote themselves with peculiar attachment to the study of Homer's writings, and who being possessed of Ernesti's or other octavo edi- tions of that poet, would willingly render them complete by Damm's Lexicon of a corresponding size. So furnished, their Homeric Library may be said to want nothing. HOMER'S ILIAD, with English Notes to the First Six Books. Third Ed. 8vo. 10s. 6