J THE THINNING OF THE VEIL CHRIST IN YOU A BOOK OF DEVOTION SPIRITUAL RECONSTRUCTION By the Author of * 'Christ in You" THE THINNING OF THE VEIL A Record of Experience By MARY BRUCE WALLACE With Foreword by J. Bruce Wallace, M.A. THE THINNING OF THE VEIL A RECORD OF EXPERIENCE BY MARY BRUCE WALLACE WITH FOREWORD BY J. BRUCE WALLACE, M.A. NEW YORK DODD, MEAD AND COMPANY 1919 V V Copyright, 1919 By DODD, MEAD AND COMPANY, Inc. MAY -6 1919 )CLA515441 'Vv^ FOREWORD Empirical evidence that human personality survives the physical body through which it has manifested itself, and that communication is possible between persons discarnate and those still in the flesh, has been gathered, sif tejhmf some degree, and made accessible to the public, by Spiritualists, the Society for Psychical Research, and other investigators. In recent years such evidence has presented itself from many sides, in rapidly growing volume; and it now amounts, in the judgment of some eminent scientists, to ample proof. At any rate, no theory hitherto suggested short of the Spiritualist one, is reconcilable with all the relevant facts of well-authenticated experi- ence. It may be, however, that the subject does not quite lend itself to scientific demon- stration, and that absolute conviction can be vi FOREWORD reached only through a quickening of the in- dividual consciousness which will make the essential deathlessness of one's spirit to be intuitively perceived. Such a quickening was part of the illumination that the late R. M. Bucke described in his book Cosmic Conscious- ness, and that more " orthodox " Christians would probably identify with " the baptism of the Holy Ghost/' The record which this little book contains of intercourse with a world beyond the range of the usually-recognized bodily senses, is not intended as an addition to the psychical evi- dence available for inquirers on those ele- mental questions. A critic that is uncon- vinced with regard to them will probably re- main sceptical after reading this book. He will readily suppose that what my wife thinks she hears and sees through newly-unfolded in- terior faculties only wells up from some deep reservoir of memory and spring of imagina- tion ; and that, when it seems to her an objec- tive perception, her subconscious mind is just FOREWORD vii playing her a trick. But to those who are in the best position to form an opinion concern- ing her experiences, no such hypothesis ap- pears adequate. After observing, day by day for now more than two years, the signs of the quiet unforced blossoming of those psychic fac- ulties in her, after receiving through her sev- eral messages that subsequently have been ver- ified in my own experience, I cannot doubt that she is being used by a group of discar- nate beings who, under the Lord of all, are working for the thinning of the veil between the life in the physical body and the life be- yond. Nor have I been the only convinced witness of, and gainer by, my wife's psychic develop- ment. It was during a visit that she paid to her father, mother, and sister, in August 1916, that her psychic sensitiveness first revealed itself. Since then, whenever they have visited us, or she them, they have joined with her in her daily meeting with heavenly visitants. Each of her two brothers has also been present viii FOREWORD on two or three occasions. In rare cases — just three times — with the consent of her Guides beyond the veil, friends outside the family circle have likewise been admitted. And all these relatives and friends have through her got communications that have been to them distinctly helpful and quite rele- vant to their respective difficulties and needs. The cumulative convincing effect of such ex- periences could, however, scarcely be conveyed to strangers. Some of our dearest relatives " deceased " have — so we believe — visited us and spoken to us, responding thus to a call mediated through the spirit-friend who was the first to make himself audible to my wife. It is of course a great and solemn delight to come once more into conscious touch with them, and learn how they have fared and what they have been doing since their transition. But of this kind of satisfaction we are not permitted to seek a very frequent experience. Not all dis- carnate human beings have as their mission to FOREWORD ix continue co-operating with those they have left behind on the material plane. Most of them have elsewhere lessons to learn and good work to do, from which it would not be well to divert them. Besides, those best qualified to instruct us here and lead us on the upward way, are less likely to be found among those who be- longed when on earth to our own or our parents' generation and were in closest associ- ation with us, than among those who, through an ampler experience both on this and the other side of death, are further evolved. The gain to earth-dwellers would be small — per^ haps, instead of gain, there might be added confusion and waste of time — if an extension of psychic development among them resulted merely in their maintaining or resuming com* munication with deceased relatives and friends little, if at all, wiser than themselves. But there would be great gain if closer intercourse could be opened up with the Masters of wisdom and love, the " spirits of just men made per- fect." x FOREWORD In reading such a book as this, one should of course take into account that there are limita- tions on the part of the " sensitive " through whom it has come. What passes through the sensitive's mind (subconscious and conscious), from however pure and lofty a source, may be in some degree shaped and coloured by the thought-moulds and emotional channels that are the only ones available there. Heavenly Teachers may have much to tell and show which as yet they cannot pass distinctly and completely through an organism such as ours. But these communications through my wife — whatever their imperfections may be — have made the spiritual world more real to the few who have heard them ; and it is hoped that this selection from them may be of use likewise to a wider circle. Communion even with saints and angels, if this be possible for us, is no substitute for com- munion with the Universal Power, infinitely more than personal, in Whom we all, whether in the body or out of it, live and move and FOREWORD xi have our being. The influence exerted by, say, a St. Thomas a Kempis, a Brother Lawrence, a St. Catharine of Siena, a Samuel Rutherford or a Frances Ridley Havergal, while on earth, would not tend to distract any companion's at- tention from the Highest, but would rather lead to a more earnest " practice of the pres- ence of God." Any influence, therefore, which such as they, or servants of God still further advanced in the spiritual life, might exert from the other side of death, w r ould cer- tainly be in the same holy direction, while more powerful and penetrating. Precious is intercourse w r ith those on earth who are morally and spiritually ahead of us, still more so is fellowship with those " ministering spirits " who, from higher planes, are seeking to help us into the Will of God, as instruments of righteousness and love unto Him. Such fellowship is what is to be hoped for from " the thinning of the veil." J. Bruce Wallace. Limavady, Ireland, October, 1918. CONTENTS PAGE Foreword v Introduction xiii PART I SOME OF THE COMMUNICATIONS FROM OUR FRIEND Work on our Behalf 3 On the Other Side op the Veil .... 7 Our Lord 15 Practical Counsels 17 VISIONS 23 PART II WORDS FROM THE TEACHER The Perfect Purpose 39 Enter Each Day with Careful Preparation 45 The World-Cataclysm 54 Co-operation with Spiritual Helpers . , 64 The Sanctuary V/ithin 84 The Coming Day 88 xiii INTRODUCTION Very wonderful does it seem when for the first time one hears clearly the well-remem- bered voice of a friend who has passed into the Unseen World. This entirely unexpected experience came to me in August, 1916, and since then the people and the con- ditions of the other life have become more and more perceptible to me without ma- terial apparatus of any kind. A friend, who had left the earth about five years before, at first gave me various convincing proofs of identity, and then went on to tell much that was interesting and illuminative about the next planes of existence. A few days later, a Heavenly Teacher also came to speak to me, through my unseen friend, and T could hear his voice even more clearly. Afterwards he visited us every Sun- XV xvi INTRODUCTION day evening, and as he spoke, word by word, sentence by sentence, in perfect sequence of thought, I said it aloud, and my husband took it down in shorthand. Some of these ad- dresses are to be found in the second part of this little book. I felt from the very first perfectly normal, not losing consciousness in any way, but I could not guess what the next word would be until I had heard it. " We just give you one word at a time, and then wait to see if you have grasped it," said my friend. The voice seemed to speak not to my outer ear but to my soul-ear, and I heard every into- nation of it, suiting the nature of the thought, tender, grave, encouraging, hopeful, joyous : every human emotion that is true and beautiful seemed expressed in tones more mu- sical than any outward voice can reach. The Teacher told me that before long I should also see him, without any effort on my part to de- velop clairvoyance. This promise was ful- filled a few months later. I was walking alone INTRODUCTION xvii by the sea, when, in one sudden flash, I saw a tall figure beside me, clad in shining raiment that looked like moonlight, and with a face so wonderfully calm and beautiful that I could not forget it. I saw silver sandals upon the feet, and then the vision faded, but I again heard the now well-known voice. After this, I often saw him, usually when not expecting to do so. Sometimes he would pace beside me for a few moments on some quiet road, speaking words of advice or cau- tion, and answering my questions. I also saw him when he came to give us the Sunday talks. It is not easy to describe the starry beauty of these radiant ones. The body looks like a rosy alabaster lamp through which the glory of the spirit shines forth, illumining even the raiment, and creating a surrounding atmos- phere — aura — more or less dazzling accord- ing (I imagine) to the degree of spiritual de- velopment of the indwelling soul. Thus I see the aura of the Teacher like white flame, very xviii INTRODUCTION dazzling, whereas that of our friend is softer, and looks more like candle-light. I am conscious of the individual harmony and power of each of the spirits to an ex- traordinary degree, impressing me even more vividly than either sound or sight of them. Thus when the Teacher approaches, I feel deep calm, peace, tenderness, all dominated by a sense of power. The soul -atmosphere of our friend, on the other hand, brings gentleness, sympathy; and I feel also a soft breeze waft- ing the fragrance of flowers. These brief de- scriptions faintly suggest my impressions, which differ with each personality that comes. As the months passed, I saw several other friends, and sometimes angels for a few won- derful seconds. The first of these experiences impressed me deeply, for the angel did not ap- proach me on a level, as the friends or Teacher, but seemed to descend from a height, and I saw opalescent flame beneath the feet. The whole being looked more ethereal than that of even INTRODUCTION xix the Teacher, and the halo around the head framed the most exquisite of faces. Once an angel brought me a sheaf of lovely flowers, different from earth ones. She said, " Treasure thy gift of vision, child. It is rare amongst mortals." On one occasion the Teacher said to me : " Try to understand the vital importance of keeping a calm mind free from agitation or worry. Only the unruffled pool can perfectly reflect the heavens above it. You must quiet your thoughts and feelings to become receptive to our presence and influence. We trust that as the days go by you will endeavour to prac- tise this receptivity more often. We are eager to respond to every such effort on your part, for only thus can we efficiently widen and deepen the channel of communication and make it of value. Not trifling is this work, but one which leads to issues of more vital importance than you can at present appreciate. You are called xx INTRODUCTION upon to do your share in breaking down the barrier between our world and yours — a bar- rier which is bound to go before the Race can progress further. Realization of spiritual realities and of the spiritual world within and ensouling the outer one is bound to be achieved by more than a few r of the Race before it can pass successfully onw r ard. How can Heaven be manifested upon earth until Heaven is per- ceived, and felt to be desirable and beautiful? Help to open the eyes of men that they may see, help to open their ears that they may hear, and their hearts that they may understand. A blessed work it is that we call you to do. Be thankful that you are called, and take our hands, that you may be prepared for it, rince we know best how to prepare you/' On another occasion I was told that al- though the first outward sign of psychic un- foldment had been sudden, the preparation for it had long been going forward, during my sleep, quite unconsciously to the outer self. " We have been slowly preparing you for many INTRODUCTION xxt years, and most carefully guarding you from all unhelpful influences." I will now record a few of my friend's mes- sages about the other life, and also some of my own visions of it. PAKT I SOME OF THE COMMUNICATIONS FROM OUR FRIEND THE THINNING OF THE VEIL PART I SOME OF THE COMMUNICATIONS FROM OUR FRIEND I WORK ON OUR BEHALF ""] ' HAVE long been trying to develop the faculty of communication, but I had not much facility for it, and so have only acquired it with immense difficulty. I feel I can help you for a while, and my Teacher con- firms this. For the present, I am still to work for the earth, and you must help me to ac- complish this more perfectly if you can. "How wonderful that I and many others are trying to conquer Death! The breaking down of the barrier is to be the next great work for the world of men, and we can accomplish it only by their prayerful and active co-opera- tion. We are trying to get the earth-folk to 3 4 THE THINNING OP THE VEIL realize that it is possible to lift the veil now, or to see through it; but the whole world is so immersed in outside thoughts that it must learn to deepen its consciousness before we can give it all the light possible. " Do try to attain a calm attitude of mind, and to feel the deeper things more constantly. Keep rising out of the earth-mists lightly like a bird, without strain, into your native at- mosphere. The veil is thinning fast now, and will thin still faster for the souls who are con- scious of what we are seeking to do. Even a day or two later, you may receive light that you could not get today, but the war-atmos- phere of the earth at the present time is very disturbing, producing a mist so dense and stifling that we can scarcely bear to descend into it. The descent means suffering for us. It is most important that you should keep your own mental and emotional atmosphere clear and calm, free from all worry or agita- tion." SOME COMMUNICATIONS 5 "All the more evolved spirits undertake their most serious work during the time anal- ogous to your night. It is then that a great many streams of influence are sent forth by them beneficially upon the human beings still on the earth. ... In the night we are able to gather in consciously much power from Di- vine Sources and to pass it on immediately to the souls who need it. . . . This night-work is very powerful for the uplift of mankind. . . . Man has to realize that all power comes from within and is never generated from with- out. Great reforms will be accomplished far more speedily when these Inner Forces are brought into activity. " When with clairvoyant vision during the sleep of the body you actually have seen the stream of energy going forth from thought and feeling, you will be immeasurably helped by this perception to use that power. What you consciously learn during sleep you can prac- tise during your normal working conscious- ness. 6 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL " Whenever any one is really endeavouring to help another for good, there are guides and helpers ready to be of service. They gather round all healers of mind and body. They are the ones who will bring in the new day for which we are watching with such eagerness — painful eagerness, I might say. " We are anxious to train the earth souls to work without drawing upon us. If you can transform your own earth without us we should be only too thankful. We should then turn all our attention towards transforming the astral. . . . " You have no idea how we feel uplifted and blessed by the realization of our unity with all the constructive power of the Divine Creator. We feel that we are one great spiritual body ; and we have no individual desire. This real- ization is something far too wonderful to be expressed in earth language. . . . Having had the faintest glimpse of the destiny of mankind, one feels devoted to the mission of bringing it about. One longs to spread this deep desire, SOME COMMUNICATIONS 7 because one sees so many souls on earth still absorbed by petty aims, which bring them but shallow satisfactions. These are bound to end in disheartenment and failure." ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE VEIL " There are seven planes of consciousness. I am now on the third, where some of us dwell in families, some alone, but all in love and har- mony. As one attains a deeper consciousness of eternal realities, one finds oneself on a higher plane. One can thus visit these higher planes but cannot remain in them until it is possible to maintain the more evolved state of feeling. Souls who come over, weary and hungry for rest and beauty, are brought to most lovely places of repose, filled by our thought and prayer with a harmonious and inspiring atmosphere. " Death itself is not to be feared. The at- tendant pain, if any, can be lessened by spiritual preparation for the change. We are 8 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL told that ultimately there will come dema- terialization instead of corruption of the body. But the Race is not yet sufficiently evolved for this." " On the plane where I now T find myself we have personal Guides, but beyond this I un- derstand we are each illumined by our own Higher Self. It is to help us to attain this that the Guides are given to us. They are dis- tinguished by a brighter aura, and are so beautiful that we instinctively rely upon their help and advice. It is my Guide wiio is influ- encing me in this present line of action. On the other hand, we have perfect free-will to do as we choose just as on earth, and greater freedom to pursue and carry out our own ideals. " Your world and this one interpenetrate. There are worlds within, and in to the Centre of Being. Not all here are conscious of your world. What I focus upon, that I can see; but our environment is not necessarily a coun- SOME COMMUNICATIONS 9 terpart of yours. We can make our own sur- roundings. . . . " Yes! through your mind I can see the soul- side of your trees. We have scenery which apparently changes in colouring similarly to yours, but this is brought about by the desire of our minds. We do not respond to earth's scenes except through a sensitive. As you have such a love of nature and such vivid feel- ings, I am able to see the scenes more vividly than through other sensitives." " There are lots of children here, such darlings, and they are very happy and friendly. After a certain period of education they pass to higher planes. They are so lovely. Those who have a special faculty for managing chil- dren, make homes for them in cases where their parents are still on earth. " There are also many beings other than man in these more subtle realms, as well as on other physical planets. We can communicate with them, and some of us study their habits some- 10 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL what as a traveller studies the ways of a foreign race. Many of these beings are very beautiful. I see them flashing through the air like the fairies of children's stories. Their bodies glow with light and colour — golden, rosy and sapphire. They have a lot to do with the inner moulding of trees, flowers and Nature-stuffs. You think I am romancing, but indeed this is actually what I see. I see also seraphs from far higher realms, wonder- ful beings who pass by on waves of light, and are veiled as with a mist. Some of these are winged just like your pictured angels. " The highest spirits of all only come to us in vision or on rare occasions to cast light on something we need to know, or in connection with our work." " We do not need food as on the earth, but are easily sustained by air, light and water, although some of us take fruit too from the trees in our fields and gardens. Here we tend the trees by thought. Besides the gardens we SOME COMMUNICATIONS 11 find here seas, lakes, rivers, woods, mountains, every kind of glorious scenery. There are cities too, but fairer than your fairest dream of such. Ugly houses or slums we could not en- dure for a moment. There is no dirt or disor- der here, and no bodily diseases such as exist on earth. Any want of harmony in feeling is at once shown as a shadow on the otherwise shining white soul-body. It can only be cured by thought and love. u We refresh ourselves when weary with work amongst unevolved souls, by bathing in the exquisitely clear streams and rivers. We create our own garments and houses by the power of thought, or if we are unable yet to do this for ourselves, our more evolved friends make them for us. There is such close and sweet fellowship here between soul and soul — no jar, no discord, as on earth ; for all speedily gravitate to their own affinities of mind and temperament, living thenceforward in perfect peace and harmony. It is verily the ' King- dom of Heaven ' which we long for yon to make 12 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL outwardly manifest on earth. Believe me, this possibility is no mirage. It is the all-perfect plan of the Creator for man, in the Future. Then shall the words of the old Jewish prophets come true : The desert shall blossom as the rose; and all creatures dwell in peace together. It is our blessed mission to help to inspire you to make all these dreams actual even in your outer w r orld." " There is so much I should like to tell you, but I am not allowed to do so. Knowledge may not be passed on until a certain time. I think that perhaps this w r ill be easier for you to understand if you try to realize that those who, like myself, have been only a few years in this realm, stand in somewhat the same po- sition as a child of a few years of age in your world. Older people are not always inclined to give their children all the knowledge these desire, because they are not ripe to receive it. I believe that as we progress further such bars to freedom will be withdrawn. The case is not SOME COMMUNICATIONS 13 quite analogous to earth conditions, since so many of the Higher Beings have been here far longer than the oldest of your saints and teach- ers on earth. i Masters ' are saints who can enter the outer world on active service. 1 Angels ' are quite beyond evolution on your earth. They are beings of a different order altogether. They have had their evolution on another chain of planets, and they simply come into our sphere in order to help us forward. They do not abide with us. ' Angels ' are vis- itors from higher realms. ' Saints ■ are the perfected of humanity. They send out their illuminating and inspiring influence to the active members who are Teachers. " You can only teach those who are prepared for the teaching. The right Teacher is always attracted. . . . Unless helped by those in ad- vance, we should stick for ever. Free-will must be allowed, and until the masses open their minds we cannot teach them/' ....... " I think you will be interested to hear about 14 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL gome work I am doing here just now. I am busy making houses and gardens, lovely rest- ing-places for tired souls crossing oyer from the earth. They all need houses, of course, and do not understand at first how to construct their own. Here, on the third plane, we cre- ate by our thoughts. Thus I made my own house and garden, just by thinking. It re- quires strong thoughts to build strongly, other- wise the things created will be flimsy. I take great pains to make these homes for folk very sweet and attractive, beautiful in every sense of the word, and harmonious in atmosphere; for that is the most important part of the work. One must establish in each home a key-note of joy, peace and harmony, so that the people who dwell there may feel uplifted, soothed and strengthened. It is really heavenly work for which some of us are better suited than others, and so we are asked to do it. One must have certain qualities of soul as well as of mind to be well fitted for this creative work ; a restful and joyous state of feeling, for instance, is es- SOME COMMUNICATIONS 15 sential. Kejoicing is active blessedness of mind which carries intense help to others. One needs also constructive ability, sense of order, a vivid imagination, and so forth. I could tell you lots more about this and similar lines of activity pursued in our realms for the welfare of the community. " OUR LORD " The Lord Jesus, so heavenly, gracious and beautiful, appears to us when we deeply desire and need it — not otherwise. But we are often conscious of His influence in ways hard to describe. ... A wave of marvellous light bathes us through and through, leaving us with clearer vision and more dedicated to work for humanity. We feel that this Divine impulse, borne on the light towards us, comes from our beloved Master. " I do not know if other great Teachers in- fluence their disciples in this way. One speaks for oneself and for one's Christian 16 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL friends. It is an experience never to be forgot- ten and quite beyond the power of words to describe. It is not merely light but ineffable glory and rapture to the soul receiving it. One feels at once blended with Divinity and Humanity. " It is not thought here that the Lord Jesus w T ill again appear in earthly form. His life on earth was as a hundred lives in influence and intensity. He works now in the more subtle realms. But His teaching has never been really practised by the many on earth, only by the rare souls, and we feel that the day must come when it will be universally lived, since we know of none higher. " Very lofty spirits are even now on their way to earth, or already developing physical instru- ments there, for the perfecting of Jesus' work, interpreting His message anew to mankind so bound by priestcraft and tradition. This will be the return of Christ in spirit to the world. I gather this from some of the most advanced Teachers who come to us from still higher SOME COMMUNICATIONS 17 realms. One such will come to a group of us, and we listen with rapt attention, after a pre- vious preparation of silent dedication." PRACTICAL COUNSELS " In any emergency of the outer life the first intuition of the soul as to w r hat to do is usually the correct one. This is an impulse received from either the Higher Self or an outward heavenly source. Eeason is often inclined to overrule the intuition of the soul; but it is intuition that guides one most unerringly in all the vicissitudes of life. . . . What clouds of useless anxiety and care we see in most peo- ple's lives, using up brain and nervous energy, weakening physical health, and casting de- spairing shadows on those with whom the soul is associated! The listening ear is what we are eager to cultivate in every individual who is willing to learn. I should like you to give this message when possible to the world, as we feel it to be a most vital one — one that will 18 THE THINNING OP THE VEIL be of great value in the time of reconstruc- tion." " The only road to success is through the attainment of a calm and joyous mind. A calm and joyous mind, free from worry and care, is the golden key that unlocks the doors of infinite possibilities." " There will be many opportunities when the war is over, and but few people to make the most of them. Urge all you can reach, who understand the message, to get ready for serv- ice. Much can be done by way of preparation that will be found of inestimable value for the Eace when the time comes for outer work. By the very intensity of their anguish many souls will be impelled to an earnestness of purpose that they w r ould not otherwise have felt, and in this way the war will bring forth a blessing. From beyond the shadows will come the sun- shine. But we must have workers when the SOME COMMUNICATIONS 19 time comes for the reconstruction of the world. ... If you can help people to prepare, and get ready yourself, it will be of immense value. . . . " Keep serene. Tranquillity of soul is a great spiritual asset and a mark of concealed power. Still waters flow deep. Yours are at present too turbulent. Keep calm. Keep peace and restfulness in your ow T n hearts. That is the best attitude of mind to help man- kind at the present time. One soul with suf- ficient light and knowledge can do more to help the world than a hundred without it, battling in the darkness." " Have no trace of doubt or fear, but follow this high guidance confidently, for it comes from Heavenly Teachers far beyond me in wis- dom and vision. They have told me all that they told you, and it will be an immense joy and privilege to me to be the means of approach between you at needed moments. I am able myself, whilst my soul-body is in trance, to 20 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL rest in the inner spaces and there obtain fresh illumination for my own path. 1 I am as a child beside these high Presences, and their dazzling auras sometimes almost blind me. . . . " I need only turn my thoughts toward my Teacher to get inspiration from him, but it must be a 'demanding' thought. The same with you, if you strongly demand and at the same time are calmly receptive. Nothing must come in between these two states of mind, no confusion of earthly thoughts. Wait patiently for the full answer/' • •••«.« " I want to tell you a little about the true use of Prayer. The usual kinds of prayer are almost valueless because they are petitions in- stead of demands. 'Knock, and it shall be i For some months I was unable to hear the higher Teachers without the mediumship of my friend on the other side as above described. Later, when able to lift my own consciousness to a more spiritual level, I became able to hear them with ease, and this continues. I was also then able to feel their inspiring atmosphere far more clearly, and later still to see them. The high- est Teachers do not descend to our level. We must rise in consciousness to meet them.- — M. B. W. SOME COMMUNICATIONS 21 opened unto you/ It means a good hard knock too, as we soon learn on this side, to win an answer. The vast, eternal supply of Divine Power is all around us, but it needs both con- centration of will, and faith, to be able to tap it, or to make the door open, — if you prefer Jesus' simile. You folk down there, or out there, are so feeble in your prayers, or else so selfish; and both these attitudes of mind are negative, not positive. " If you would only practice steadily the right kind of prayer, you would soon see won- derful results. The matter of the universe is plastic to the power of thought, and responds at once to power, not to weakness, or vacilla- tion of purpose. At the same time there are many interior forces working in different direc- tions through the web of people's lives. If your prayer for another soul would interfere with the pattern being woven by Heavenly Powers in that particular soul's life, your prayer force will be thrust aside by these Pow- ers and used in a general way to cheer and 22 THE THINNING OP THE VEIL strengthen. In any case the force is wisely di- rected and controlled, never lost or wasted. Prayer is too often set aside for fixed occasions, as at noon and eve, at religious services and so on, when in reality it should be the daily breath of the soul ; its steady and unwavering demand for power and light. Prayer really should imply both the demand and the re- sponse. It is the attitude of the soul that, hav- ing drawn forth the underlying Divine power, now rests consciously upon it and accomplishes all tasks with a sense of inherent Divinity. Work then would be a joy instead of a labour, and would be done with ease instead of with strain. There is no sense of labour about the operations of nature. All is accomplished steadily and, with a few exceptions, restfully. It is only man who labours painfully. Some day he will learn the lesson, and girded con- sciously with Divine power and wisdom, w 7 ill do wondrous work without difficulty." VISIONS I HAVE had two distinct types of Vision : (1) Symbolic, (2) Glimpses into the Beyond. Of the first kind, one of the most vivid was that of a Greek chariot drawn by two white horses plunging through a dark valley. They were tossing their heads and racing wildly, with loosened reins and no charioteer. The Teacher who stood beside me, said : " Behold the nations of the earth, uncon- trolled, plunging headlong into chaos/ 1 I saw a vast darkened plain covered with broken pillars of fallen buildings and frag- ments of masonry. It seemed to reach for many miles, but beyond gleamed a long line of hills and distant country golden in sunshine. The Teacher drew himself very upright (a little characteristic way he has), and said: 23 24 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL " Thou seest the end of the aeon, the fall of the present civilization and its institutions. Be- yond this scene of chaos is an era of light and beauty." I was sitting alone among the sandhills when I perceived the Teacher standing near me. He said : " Heed not the voices of the World, little daughter, but at all times and upon every question heed the inner voice of the Spirit. Steady thy feet on the rock of spirit- ual understanding." I saw his feet resting on a snow-white rock. They seemed surrounded by white light, " Now take this golden ball," he said, and to my great astonishment he held out a shining golden globe about as large as a child's toy bal- loon. I could just hold it with both hands. " Is it heavy? " he asked. " Almost too heavy for me to hold," I said. He took it and tossed it into the air, where it flew away on two little shining wings. "What does this mean?" I asked. " Man unaided cannot hold the ball of VISIONS 25 Divine Wisdom, spiritual understanding ; neither can he pass the treasure to others. He must rely upon Divine Power to create for his treasure wings whereon it may easily fly to other souls. Continually thus must it be passed from one to another, for, resting with one soul alone, even spiritual truth becometh a dead weight. Do not send it forth heedlessly, but through Divine Intuition speed thy ball in the right direction. In other words, service must always follow illumination." He then turned to my friend, who was listening, and said : " Explain this to her more fully." My friend said : " The Teacher was reminding you of the need for calling upon Divine Power before passing on truths you have received. They must be shared with others, but wisely. He was also testing your psychic vision by that little symbolic episode. You stood the test well, seeing quite clearly. I am so glad." On another occasion, when my power of vision was again being tested, I was shown the 26 THE THINNING OP THE VEIL inner being of the rocks, " Behold these rocks/ 5 ' said the Teacher, " instinct with life are they, and respond to us immediately.'' He touched one lightly and it glowed like molten gold. He touched a second and it shone white as moonlight ; another, and it was rosy. " See how the soul of the rock changeth her garment to greet us, smileth upon us, if you will. I speak in symbol. All life is manifold." He touched the sea-pinks and I saw them in an aura of light. " Through the soul of all things floweth the light of the Creator. Perceive this. Perceive me!" I turned and saw his tall figure flaming with light as of the sunset, and on the forehead a seven-rayed star of all colours. " Knowledge cometh slowly to the human brain, and still more slowly doth wis- dom dawn. In all thy thoughts and doings en- deavour to be wise, resting upon that perfect wisdom that beats within the heart of the uni- verse. To be clearly conscious of this is to be wise beyond the sons of men. Gird thyself VISIONS 27 with power immortal, not with power mortal, to attain. Consider my words. Rest upon immortal power as upon a rock, rather than upon the frail flower of human understand- ing." I will now give one or two of the other type of visions, viz. : a Glimpses into the next World/' At first I saw only the beautiful beings who came to visit me, often at quite unexpected moments. One day in a wood I suddenly heard a sweet voice saying behind me: " There is no death ! all, all is Life." I turned round surprised, and beheld a most radiant lovely lady standing against the trees. Her dress was like blue water blown by the wind, her hair golden. She said : " I am pleased that you can see me, child. Drink deep of the immortal fountains so near you in this peace- ful spot." She smiled and vanished. I was simply delighted, and felt so happy. 28 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL Another day, when standing on some rocks by the sea, I heard the Teacher say : " Thy soul hath responded to the impulse given unto her by me. I now prepare her for still further unfoldment." He then placed his cool hands oyer my eyes for a few seconds. " Now behold me!' J I looked and saw his tall white-robed figure all suffused with golden light, instead of the blazing white one I used to see. Beyond this was a further aura of blue growing brighter and whiter around the head. The face was wonderfully serene and beautiful. Some weeks later, when I had become quite accustomed to seeing friends, the Teacher, and angels, I began to get glimpses of the scenery of the heavenly world, feeling almost transported there in spirit. Thus I found myself walking through an exquisite garden fashioned like a Greek cross, with four paths flower-bordered, meeting at the centre beneath a rose-covered arbour. One path was bordered by masses of blue flowers, the second by golden ones, the third and fourth by rosy and white ones, I VISIONS 20 stood at the centre and gazed with joy down each avenue of colour, and was then told that the flowers possessed greater influence when thus arranged. They were all bathed in pearly light, and even the green shrubs at the back seemed surrounded by a silver radiance. Another time I stood in a garden belted round with tall white lilies. The ground was covered with moss and violets, again arranged in masses. I saw a tree with white bell-shaped blossoms of a kind unknown to me, and these seemed to shed downward rays of fragrant light. There was a broad stream flowing by, and I distinctly saw white clouds reflected in it, and the images of bright birds that were passing overhead. Beyond, in the distant sunny landscape, was a white road, groves of what looked like cypress trees, and a pillared white building. Then all faded. I can never at will call up such scenes, or see the fair beings. Neither can I imagine what they are going to say to me. The scene sud- 30 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL denly reveals itself, as if a curtain were lifted from it. When standing upon a bare and lonely moor in winter, the Teacher came to me and said: " Let the stillness of this moorland steal over your soul. Let the beauty of our inner world reveal itself unto you." I then beheld in a flash the soul-side of the moor, literally clothed with colour, rich pink and purple in masses, all glowing and glisten- ing with a kind of ethereal radiance. No bare patches, no peat-holes, but all one blaze of light and colour, wave after wave of it, so daz- zling that I felt as if I could not have borne the sight for more than a moment. The Teacher then said : " The inner soul- side of the earth is always beautiful, and it is this soul of beauty in nature that is for ever seeking to break through and to transform the ugliness and chaos created by man. The eternal spirit, invincible and all-conquering, doth thus triumph over the transitory. It is VISIONS 31 this hidden and invisible beauty that we desire you to perceive, and to reveal unto others that they may do so likewise. Let vision enwrap you as with a garment, a cloak clasped upon your shoulders by us. Easier is it to perceive Divine Beauty in nature than in many a hu- man soul, yet there also doth it reside in per- fect fulness, for within the soul of man shineth the eternal One, invincible, all-conquering. The higher we rise the more clearly do we real- ize this, and the greater power have we to draw it forth into manifestation. Yet always must there be some response in the human soul, and often have we to wait for this. iEons may pass before a soul will gladly yield this re- sponse. Strangely varied is the evolution of each one. A child in one day may progress further than a learned sage, for the windows of youth more readily open unto us. It is for the future teachers of humanity to realize this and to encourage these little ones to seek the invisible. Eeadily will they respond to this thought, in many instances, and grow up freed 32 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL from the danger of the materialism that for ever seeks to engulf and to delay humanity/ 1 On Christmas Day, 1917, about 7.30 P. m., I was hushing my baby girl to sleep when sud- denly voices broke right in across my lullaby with quite a different tune and words. I at once stopped to listen, and heard in a clear, sweet chant : " Glory to Jesus, Glory to Jesus, Glory to Jesus, Prince of Peace." A pause, and then : " Beloved Master, Beloved Master, Be- loved Master! We salute Thee Lord of all." Here a veil seemed rent away and I saw before me a lovely summer scene: trees, a lake far off, and near by a grassy slope studded with deep blue starry flow- ers. Down this slope was moving a band of maidens, golden-haired, robed in white, bare- footed, and it was they who were singing. I seemed to go with them in spirit, and we passed into what looked like an abbey such as Tintern, roofless, and with no glass in the win- VISIONS 33 dows, through which I saw again the lake be- yond. The floor was a lawn covered with daisies. I saw worshippers standing around the walls and amongst them relatives of my own. I went over and stood by them, and they showed me that upon each broad window-ledge was a great golden-leaved volume, resting on a velvet cushion — The Scriptures of the World. I saw our Bible upon a rich blue cushion, the Vedas on a light blue, Chinese scriptures on a yellow, and the Koran upon a crimson one. Then I perceived that around the whole build- ing by each window stood two angels. These angels were singing with the choir of maidens who now stood in the centre forming a large cross. When the voices sank into silence, a dove descended from the heavens, followed by a blaze of intense golden light that spread over the whole church, and a voice whispered to me : " The Christ Light." All heads were then bowed, and after a few moments of silence the worshippers dispersed. I was told later that I had witnessed one of the many forms of 34 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL Christmas service on the Third Plane of the Next Life. These brief descriptions of a few of the glimpses granted to me cannot convey the mar- vellous vividness of the experiences. Nothing in the outer life leaves so strong, clear, and striking a remembrance. It is as if a dazzling living picture were impressed upon some sensi- tive plate in one's mind, so extraordinarily vivid that earthly scenes seem pale beside it and lack the perfect beauty in every detail which the heavenly scene possesses. I should like to say in conclusion that al- though this development has made me more sensitive in every way, my health has not suf- fered at all thereby, and the experiences have brought me much peace, joy, and inspiration. I have not once heard or seen anything that was not beautiful. The Teacher's care for my well-being is such that he will only allow me to see or hear when I can do so with ease, and VISIONS 35 I am only rarely allowed to receive messages from strangers over there, as be is anxious for my psychic faculty not to be overstrained at all. Once when I was eager for a fresh experi- ence, he said : " Patience, patience, little daughter. Thou canst not force the opening of a flower. Petal by petal must its leaves un- fold." I am told that this gentle and normal form of psychic faculty is to be the usual one in fu- ture for the human race, free from effort or strain, independent of any kind of apparatus, bringing only peace and blessing to oneself and others. The dawn of a new era is upon us all. PART II WORDS FROM THE TEACHER ' Search your hearts. Purify your minds. Have supreme faith. Do not falter. Sanctify your every thought. Open your souls to receive God's greatest gift : Love Omnipotent ! " s PART II WORDS FROM THE TEACHER THE PERFECT PURPOSE a /^ LOWLY doth the Builder of all Good out of imperfection evolve perfection. He taketh aeons to perfect His handi- work, but the end is sure. Beyond human un- derstanding is the conception of the world- ideal. Every member of the human race must take part therein, and every part is perfectly fitted into the whole. "As we progress further in these upper realms, more and more marvellous do the Cre- ators purposes appear to our vision. We can but bow our heads in awe and reverence. We feel our minds as the dust compared with the Eternal Mind out of which proceed such mighty operations. I would have you realize to some extent this glorious unchangeable 39 40 THE THINNING OP THE VEIL purpose which urges the whole of mankind forward to its appointed destiny — a purpose which is as wide as the universe, and yet em- braces the smallest detail. Nothing is beyond its scope — all things lie within it. One glimpse of cosmic vision such as that granted to us who move in these higher spheres, ban- ishes for ever every vestige of doubt or fear in any possible situation — personal, national, or racial. " All is perfectly adjusted and overruled to the highest ends. Try to rest in the con- sciousness of this truth. Do not be impatient about any human soul. Stretch your minds to behold the aeons before it ; but never cease your own activity in pursuit of the ideal, for surely it is by one's own spiritual growth that one can best help one's fellows forward. This is a divine and glorious work. Rejoice that your eyes are already open unto it." • •••••• " Slowly doth the world-drama unfold itself. Page by page is turned in the book of history, WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 41 yet are all these pages intimately connected one with another. To those who have eyes to see there is a sequence, a thread binding the whole together. Impossible to judge the en- tire book by one page, impossible for you to judge the effect of the war upon your nation at the present moment. Long will it be before the results thereof are made apparent. Unex- pected will many of them be to the world, but not so to us, who know the currents and who perceive the influences at work behind the scenes. We see whither events are tending, although we are not always able to prophesy details accurately. The large things that come are destined, unescapable. These may man not pass by. He is bound to undergo them, bound to receive certain harvests of his actions, good and ill. These often appear to him undeserved, extraordinary, cruel, or, on the other hand, far bevond his deserts. He does not realize the threads which bring to people the circumstances and events of the present. Nor does he realize that much har- 42 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL vest may be held over for reaping in future incarnations. It is thus impossible to judge either a nation or an individual from the hu- man standpoint, as you cannot see either the past or the future, but only the very short limit of the present span upon earth. u Could you but behold things from our higher vantage ground, you would be amazed at the justice and mercy with which destiny is over-ruled and ordered, not only the destiny of the nation but the destiny of the humblest soul therein, not only the destiny of a king or a prophet but of the poorest savage or the most unmitigated scoundrel in the darkest slum. Every life is carefully watched and helped, whenever possible. However slowly the soul climbs in its earliest stages, the watchers and helpers never lose patience. This is because they are always permitted to glimpse forward along the destiny of the par- ticular soul whom they are permitted to guide. They may not see the supreme goal, but they have, as I say, a glimpse of some portion of WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 43 the coming mission of that earth-bound being, and it is this that enables them to realize that he is, like all the rest, a child of God, upheld and sustained, assured by the Divine Creator Himself of his ultimate spiritual triumph. " All of us are indeed sure of two things — " (1) That we are intimately in communion both with the Creator and with the soul w r hom we are guiding. " (2) That we are therefore enabled to bring inspiration and light to these little ones in the form most adapted to their need; pre- paring the spiritual food, so to say, in such a way that they can digest and assimilate it. Little by little are they thus led upward along the heavenly path, passing from Teacher to Teacher as they grow in wisdom and spiritual stature until they stand where we stand, half- way up the ladder of human progress heaven- ward. " For each the way is different, yet for each the essentials are the same. The same ideals in essence are set before one and all. Just as 44 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL all need the same atmosphere to breathe in order to live, so all need to grow more and more fully in the attainment of the supreme and dominant virtues of the Creator, namely, Love, Wisdom, Truth. " It is very hard to describe in human language the marvellous and diverse methods in which the more developed children of light help the younger ones to acquire these virtues whilst dwelling in the body of flesh. Wonder- ful would seem to you the ways used to awaken such,, and strange indeed that with all the earnest longing power and consecration used, the results are not more often immedi- ate. But very bewildering is the outer world to the human soul immersed therein, whose attention is at once turned outward instead of inward, and quickly does it become more and more enmeshed in the enticing intricacies of the surface life. Disentanglement is a slow process. Very few are the souls who are not drawn into these meshes at the start. These rare souls rapidly pass heavenward, and be- WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 45 come the pioneers of the Race. Were it not for these, the progress of humanity would in- deed be tedious — far slower even than it is now. Thank God we have these shining ones among us, who constantly illumine, inspire and refresh us in our work for the world. " The war is but one small phase of the drama of which I speak to you. It will pass. The results thereof will be surely over-ruled to perfect ends. From henceforth mankind will ascend more swiftly. This is assured. We are absolutely confident about it." ENTER EACH DAY WITH CAREFUL PREPARATION " Not only every day, but every hour, every moment, has its appointed task. We on this side appreciate the significance of this more than you do. You must learn to realize values from the inner rather than the outer point of view. A moment is eternal, it is elastic, it has no duration. Intensity gives it 46 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL value. One second of intense feeling may do more good or more harm than an hour of shal- low emotion. One strong heavenward aspira- tion, one deep desire, one clear thought, is more precious than a whole day, even a godly day, lived on the surface of things. We must have force to work with. Generate this force. How else may mankind, which is for ever slid- ing on the surface of things, be raised up? You must give us a lever. Every earnest soul must learn to prize power or force and to gen- erate it consciously. All power is drawn from the supreme Source by conscious human aspiration. Harness your desires to divine impulses. Let not little things hold you in sway. The coming age is to be a day of big things — first in the soul of man and then big changes in the external world. Prepare for this by enlarging your consciousness — en- large, I SAY, ENLARGE." • • - • • • • • " Face a wide horizon every morning by ris- ing to a higher elevation of outlook. From WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 47 the mountain of the soul must the day be viewed, rather than from the lowland. Each soul has its own inner heights and its own pathway thereto. I pray you find this path- way, and, having found it, ascend. Let this be to you a sacred daily duty. Undertake it at dawn, or when first the eyes open upon the outer world, before the rush of the day has seized you in its grip. It is on the mountain that you will realize how to seize and use the significance of the moments of which the days are full. Much would result could you appre- ciate the meaning of my words. Let not these precious gifts of time pass you fruitlessly. We need them all. " In calmness lies power. No strain or ef- fort is needed, but rather the turning of the attention towards divine realities, which should be accomplished as restfully as turning to look at a beautiful view or at a child's lovely face, or at a flower. You should turn, because it is a joy to do so. This you will realize if you persevere. In the restful aspiration of 48 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL the soul lies greater power than in any amount of strenuous activity of mind. An uplifting of heart and soul is what we would have you attain, rather than an effort of the outer mind. Greater is the power of the quiet stream than the power of the whirlwind. ... Realize that these mighty forces flow through you imme- diately when you make yourselves receptive to them. . . . By day remember the other lessons of joy, serenity, and self-control. At night and at dawn, dwell upon the thought of recep- tivity to Divine Power, which will then be with you and will inspire the coming moments so that you may make the utmost use of them." " Consecrate the ideals of your souls. Let nothing deter you from fixing your gaze upon these. Dedication is the initial step on the road you are called upon to follow r . This road may truly be said to lead from darkness to light — the light of spiritual understanding. . . . Thus you will realize the true significance of WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 49 life in the body, and learn to perceive the outer from the within, instead of, as now, the inner from the without. Surely, surely shall these things be to you if you will but have the pa- tience to persevere. Few there are who real- ize this ideal whilst still in the flesh, but in the coming days many must attain to it if mankind is to ascend more quickly than here- tofore. All who desire and pray for this ascent are being pressed into the service. This is the way to a deeper spiritual life. I cannot sufficiently appraise to you the value and significance of such work. The radiance of the inner life of even one soul upon the earth who has perfectly realized what I mean, contributes to illumine and clear the dark at- mosphere of world-thought. More powerful is such influence for the uplift of the Race than much outward action. Thought is a greater power than spoken word or outward deed. These limit it, rather than express it fully. By thought shall the world be purged. Only 50 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL through a purged and purified atmosphere may the ideals of the inner realms be out- wardly manifested on the earth. " • •••••• u My friends, I would have you realize how easy it is to tap the well-springs of Divine Power. You are apt to feel that these are hard to reach, or that you have not the power to do so, but in reality they lie within your own heart, at your very door, so to say. You need nothing but the faith to stretch out your hand and to take this living water. Drink it not on rare occasions, but as your daily re- freshment. Draw upon the water of life each day for your every need of soul and of mind and of body. You will accomplish this by faith, aided by imagination. The Divine Fount of healing and of inspiration is con- stantly beside every human soul. Consciously refresh yourselves, not once but many times a day. " Dwell in thought upon those things only that are of real moment. Pass over others as WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 51 lightly as a bird touches water with its wings. Thus shall you stand within, in the peace, rather than without in the tumult. Rule the without from the within. You can do far more than you know, simply by the power of thought, which is the greatest force in the universe. " Thought is the framework upon which all outward things are constructed. . . . Through this alone was the world created and all that moves therein. As we rise in the scale of evo- lution, this becomes more and more clear to us. Realize your Divine Power. Use it with thankfulness and awe." " To our view, the life on earth is indeed one of conflict for all earnest souls who desire to progress swiftly on the upward road. But I would have you understand that this conflict is not necessarily sorrowful. It can and should be essentially joyous, a heroic mastery over circumstances whereof the soul should al- ways feel itself king. . . . We will help you to 52 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL achieve that which you would otherwise find impossible, showing you how to create anew the whole fabric of your thought and circum- stance." " The great fault we have to find with much of the work attempted by man is that it is not sufficiently inspired and prepared for from within. . . . Prepare at length in the inner for speedy activity in the outer." " As the body prepares for sleep each night, holy should the thoughts be. This is of vital importance to the soul. Always at night re- member to lay aside all the cares of the day, all thoughts of outward matters, all anxieties or fears. Cast these off as you would a gar- ment. Lie down to sleep in perfect peace, realizing that you are beneath the Divine care, folded in the Heavenly love and beauty. Blessed is the soul that can thus trust itself to the Infinite Power each night. This prepara- tion will surround you with light and inspira- WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 53 tion during the hours of sleep. More readily shall we be able to influence and prepare you for the coming day." "Make a firmer spiritual preparation for the day, both whilst robing and whilst taking the first meal. Sacred and wonderful, preg- nant with power are these first hours of the day, w r hen the soul, refreshed by bodily sleep and by its increase of vital energy from the Unseen, starts once again upon its daily jour- ney. Go forward, serenely conscious of Di- vine Power sustaining you at all times. Then the light will shine through every cloud that crosses your pathway. Children of light are troubled by no outward storm. Swiftly does it recede before them. No outward agitation need alarm the soul that is centred in seren- ity. The soul createth her own atmosphere, therefore her sky need never be grey." 54 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL THE WORLD-CATACLYSM " The responsibility for the world-cataclysm rests with man. Man doth produce his own chaos and cosmos. A choice is daily offered to him afresh. Every soul that lifts its con- sciousness to the realities beyond the strife is helping the forces of light that will ultimately prevail." " The work here is overwhelming, largely because such multitudes of souls, who have passed over during these last years of war, are not at home here yet. Their chief interests is still upon the earth. This is usually so in the case of a sudden passing, particularly when under tragic circumstances. We have the greatest difficulty in arousing such souls to any degree of interest in the life here. They are constantly wishing for the past, either be- cause of the interest of a remembered career, or else (and this is the strongest influence) WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 55 owing to their great desire to be again with loved ones left on earth. "Many of these souls we are seeking to enrol in our great campaign for thinning the veils; and we find that this is a w r ork which attracts them when all others fail. However, even here we are hindered by the fact that only a very small number are fitted for this partic- ular work. I cannot describe to you the im- mense complexities with which workers are faced, with regard to these human problems. It is like seeking to move one who will not go forward, and cannot go back. When I tell you that there are hundreds of thousands in this condition, you will perhaps appreciate a little of our almost superhuman task. Until we have dealt with this vast problem satisfac- torily, we do not feel inclined to undertake any other work. The work connected with the earth is for the moment retarded. " It was not realized that there would be such stupendous difficulties caused by the hu- man race rushing into our realms in such 56 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL countless numbers, though we have been pre- paring for this event for a very long time past. I cannot say at present when we shall issue from these difficulties. We are one and all deeply immersed in them. I speak not only of myself, and of those who are co-operating with me, but of thousands of such groups who hope to come later into more direct contact with the earth, in order to uplift and purify the human race. Meanwhile do all that you can to help us by your earnest prayer for these thousands of miserable ones. Could you but see them in their agony and desolation, you would indeed feel a longing to be of assist- ance. " It was to obtain fresh help that I went to that other planet, as before described. 1 I was successful, being able to bring a large number of spiritual beings, who had ascended into their own Heaven, but were perfectly ready to come hither with me. " We are doing everything in our power to i In a previous talk he had told us of this mission. WOEDS FROM THE TEACHER 57 hasten forward the vast masses of your earth- souls blocking the avenues between the spheres/' "We expect very unusual psychic experi- ences during the months that come after the return of the warriors. Not for you alone, but for others also who are being similarly prepared and awakened. There will be a great leap forward in the psychic condition of the Race, when once the carnage has ceased. Much hidden work that has been going on will then bear fruit. We look forward to the com- ing time with great rejoicing. "We are getting on faster now with our work amongst the sorrowing souls in the darkness of despair. Our Brotherhood has organized the movement of which I told you before, by which relatives on our side have been enabled to come into closer touch with those newly deceased. " Avenues of light have been made between the third realm and the borderland in which 58 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL we are at work. These have been created largely by the thought-power of the Masters, who felt that some great effort of this kind was essential if the present chaos was to be over- come. " I need not again refer to those conditions of which I spoke to you, except to say that the darkness is being penetrated by light from the beyond, so that multitudes of these unhappy victims of the world's mania are now pressing forward instead of drawing back, and are en- tering the higher realms companioned by their friends who came to meet them and by us. " There is still a great deal to be done, but we are much relieved, and very thankful to those Higher Ones through whom we have ob- tained the necessary help to organize this new campaign. As one of the Masters, I speak of power and light which we have received from a source higher than ourselves and through which we can accomplish that which we desire to do. The effects of this will be far-reaching. It is somewhat as if a veil were rent between WOEDS FROM THE TEACHER 59 the third realm and the borderland, so that there will not again be this waiting in the darkness which has been the fate of so many passing over in doubt or distress of mind. " In this way, too, the inhabitants of the third realm have been brought nearer to the earth ; which they can reach through these ave- nues of light I have described to you, and which stretch right through from the third plane to the earth, and are daily increasing in number. " Each Master is endeavouring to create one such avenue, which we trust will be a high road for the future. This work will have a de- cided effect in the thinning of that still denser veil between the borderland and your earth about which we have so many times spoken to you. Blessed work! Be thankful that you are one of those co-operating with us in it. I thank you too." • •••••• " In perfect tranquillity and restfulness re- ceive my words. I desire that you should all 60 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL remain very calm indeed during the coming months, allowing nothing to agitate you either from without or from within. This is neces- sary because outside world-conditions will be extremely chaotic, leading to all kinds of con- fusion, causing distressing vibrations, which it is important that you should, one and all, be able to withstand. You must remember that every atmospheric disturbance of the state of society in which you live tends to affect the human soul in greater or less degree, accord- ing to the sensitiveness of the individual. Therefore I would have you all be on your guard against every wave of disturbance from without which would create confusion in your thought and feeling without your realizing the cause. This can be done only by steady, persistent, daily preparation of mind, relying upon Divine Power to create a sufficient de- fence against all intruding waves from the world of men. Very easily may you be thrown off your balance when you are not prepared in the way I describe. Garrison yourselves, WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 61 therefore, each in the way that appeals to you most. Let never a day pass that is not started in this manner; and throughout the day, from time to time, these thoughts should be repeated and reinforced strongly from within. Thus will you be able to stand against the enemy who secretly penetrates even the heart's re- cesses. " The human soul is very blind while in the outer world, not knowing what assails it, feel- ing only irritation, discomfort or depression, seeking vainly the cause thereof. Rise above these waves of tumult as serenely as a bird rises into the calmer air whence he may fly to his destination with greater ease. We would have you thus rise upon your soul's wings unto the heights of peace and tranquillity. You can thereby help your fellow-men as well as yourselves, steadying many a one who other- wise would be cast adrift from his spiritual moorings. Very great confusion do I see for some considerable time after the war is ended. Hence my warning to you on this occasion. 62 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL We do not exactly know when the war will end, but we do not think that it will last much longer, as the light is beginning now to im- pinge upon the darkness. We see the first signs of the approach of the new era towards w r hich you are advancing. You can all greatly help to make this era dawn in order and peace by keeping strongly the attitude of mind I have described, instead of joining the ranks of those who are tossed hither and thither by the unusual occurrences into which they will be plunged. u These coming troubles will be, as it were, the birth-pangs of the new age. We hope to work in that day more actively among you than is at present possible, since the inrush of souls to our coasts will, we can trust, have ceased; we shall then, therefore, not have our hands so full on this side. "Verily, verily, the time is steadily ap- proaching when mortal man will co-operate closely with those beyond mortality. Al- though we are almost overburdened at the WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 63 present moment in our work here (often of a very distressing character), yet we feel very hopeful about the future. Quite lately we have had many perceptible signs that our prophecies, in some respects, are likely to be fulfilled more speedily than we anticipated. A year of your time, however, to us seems much shorter than it does to you, therefore we are not able to gauge the lapse of time very accu- rately for the earth-life. We are always care- ful not to commit ourselves to dates, having learned through experience that it is extremely difficult to foretell the time that events will take for their development. We would have you therefore understand us in this matter, and realize why w r e are not able to give you accurately dates of happenings on the earth - plane, either in your own life or in that of the nation to which you belong. M The world is still greatly overshadowed by the prolonged carnage, but we perceive a cli- max approaching, after which matters will not be the same. There will be a returning home 64 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL of the surviving warriors after their terrible struggle with each other. In all nations this will bring intense relief, although mingled w T ith sorrow. This feeling of relief will be one of the first waves of light of the approaching day, in the mental atmosphere of the world. Rejoice, therefore, my children, and go for- ward with thankful hearts, quietly treading your own allotted roads, in no way discomfited by any delays in either outer or inner develop- ment, since the present time is not so much for activity as for passivity. For those who are on the spiritual road it is still a time for in- drawing and preparation whenever they find this possible. "Quietly prepare; walk forward in peace, taking hands with one another along this beau- tiful road to which Destiny has called you." CO-OPERATION WITH SPIRITUAL HELPERS " Soon, soon, far sooner than you realize, will men begin to believe steadily in communi- WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 65 cations from the invisible realms. Surely, surely is light breaking through the clouds at last. Ah ! how much/ how much intensity of aspiration and work has it taken on our side before we could penetrate the dense barriers which lie between your souls and ours! To us, dwelling in these pure, ethereal realms, it is as if you were walking amid dense smoke and shadows in a darkened and gloomy place where it is hard for us to breathe. Realize that this is indeed the case. You must raise yourselves in thought and feeling to our level ere we can reach you with ease, ere w T e can accomplish all that it is our desire to achieve for mankind, so slow to recognize spiritual realities and ideals which yet are essential to his inner and outer well-being. " We cannot leave man beneath the dark canopy any longer. He cometh forth from it unto us, choked and blinded, unable to respond to our purer vibration, unfit for serv- ice in these higher realms. It is largely for this reason that we desire to illumine his 66 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL mind while he is still upon earth, in order that he may come unto us not as a helpless babe but as a fit and willing helper. The time here, after passing from your world, is so largely spent at present in emerging from the chrysalis of past thoughts and feelings. Scarcely has the soul become accustomed to its new environment when destiny calls it into the School-world once more for another diffi- cult lesson. Whose fault? Let us all share the blame. Let us all seek to help one an- other to climb heavenward more speedily. Could the soul arrive here truly ready in every respect for this life, realizing its meaning, then might marvels undreamed of be per- formed, both here and in the next life upon earth. Such a soul entering at once into our life here would rapidly ascend to higher realms of power and beauty, would exert a beneficent influence upon all with whom it came into contact, and would draw unto it- self the very best and finest equipment of mind and body for its next incarnation. Descend- WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 67 ing endowed with both love and wisdom, it would be indeed a light among men, a focus of great spiritual power, a leader for great reforms, an angel in human flesh. My chil- dren, this is possible for you all, if you can but rise to the realization of my meaning and be ready to dedicate yourselves daily — I would say hourly — to the service of the highest, to the service of humanity, and to the acquiring of the necessary virtues, qualities and facul- ties needed by a soul who is destined to mani- fest divine wisdom and love. How beautiful are such lives, treasured by us who long to behold them everywhere upon the earth, until the Kingdom of Heaven shall verily be mani- fested !" " The doorway of death is a doorway. There- fore regard it not as a wall. Behold it is a doorway that may be opened from either side, through faith and prayer, by any aspiring soul, eager for the welfare of humanity. Love can always find the key to the door, but the 68 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL love must be unselfish. Such love do we feel for you. Seek also to feel this type of love for all with whom you come in contact. Let the well-being of the other souls be every- thing to you. Widen your circle. Let love radiate forth. So will you make it easy for us to approach you. So will you make it pos- sible for us to open the doors that would not yield to your pressure from the earth side. Much have we to reveal to the world through many channels. Much future work will take place between those on this side and those on your side, going forward joyously hand in hand, helping to lift man higher through united effort. He is feeble alone. Hand in hand with us, he is strong, for we realize the Divine Power more perfectly than he is yet able to do. " Gradually the beauty and significance of this sweet co-operation between the souls that have passed on and those loved ones still journeying upon the earth will be felt, and thankfulness and praise to the Divine Creator WORDS FROM THE TEACHER GO for this blessed privilege will take the place of doubt, fear, or criticism. Be assured that these days are surely coming. Help us to bring them to you more speedily by your faith and hope. Unite with us in thought daily, taking our hands along the outward road, treading it always with a sense of the inner life and of the ideals to which we are all pressing forward." " Every attempt to deepen the conscious- ness, every effort to feel at one with us and the hosts of heaven, is a step upward not only for you as individuals but for the Race. One, one is the life that pulsates in the whole mass of humanity in all realms/' " The human brain is but an avenue through which to reach and influence the soul — that precious manifestation from the higher world, moving upon the earth muffled and cloaked by the dull physical brain and senses. Appeal always to the soul rather than to the mind 70 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL of man, even though it be through the mind that the meaning of the truth is made intelli- gible." " Little do we reck of the powers of the human intellect. Far more do we treasure those priceless and eternal soul faculties which it is our special privilege and blessing to help to evolve and unfold in man. Man walks as a dreamer, tempted by shadows, by baubles, that last only a day. What can we do to free him from these unrealities of which the outer life is full ? Help us, by leading a truer life yourselves, each one of you following, as best he may, the light so far as revealed. Each soul thus acting becomes a centre of il- lumination and influence to scores of his fel- lows, though outwardly he and they may be almost entirely unconscious of this. "We are able to perceive subtle streams of influence that flow in and through the souls of men, permeating, transfusing, transforming the dull metal into living gold. Eoyal alchem- ists, heavenly workers may you thus become. WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 71 A work of heavenly value may you thus fulfil within even a few years, by the patient practis- ing of that which you now realize." • ••*••• " Thankf ulness, thankfulness, thankfulness. I desire to impress upon you the great need for this attitude of mind continually. I would have you thankful at all times, not only when things go well, but when things are seemingly in confusion. At this moment give thanks that through Divine Power harmony may again be restored. This will enable us to help you to straighten out your own tangles of thought and feeling, and the disturbance caused by them in your immediate surround- ings. To give thanks at all times is not only a passport to serener conditions, but acts as a talisman, transforming the soul itself. Outer shadows would speedily disperse before the light of this quality wedded to faith. Very seldom do we perceive the two united in any degree of intensity. Human souls are fitful in their expressions of these most beautiful char- 72 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL acteristics. Fitfulness accomplishes nothing. There must be steady persistence in the prac- tice of these heavenly virtues. " Hold on firmly to the Divine Power, al- ways available for the attainment and mani- festation of every God-like attitude. Thus only can you expect to show forth such whilst still in the world of shadows.'' " We are calling all who are endowed with the faculties necessary to the children of the coming time, to usher in the new age. This can only be done through pioneers in thought and feeling, along advanced, progressive lines, With great joy we are calling thousands now walking on the earth to join hands with us in our coming campaign for the rending of the veils of illusion. I speak not only of the veil between the outer life and the inner spheres of being, but also of those illusions of material- ism in which the Race is at present en- shrouded. They must go, before the ideals WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 73 of the Kingdom of Christ can be manifest upon earth. " We- are very eager that every sonl thus called shall be able to accomplish the necessary preparation, therefore, wherever the call is made, we stand beside that human soul — not one, but many of us — waiting to support him on all sides, waiting to bring him exactly those opportunities which will enable him to receive the particular experience and inspiration which can best fit him for his special place in the coming scheme ; for much lies ahead of every such worker. Not only will he take part in the illumination of the world, but also through that go forward prepared for life in the inner spheres. " I have spoken before of this priceless ad- vantage of entering our realms with knowledge and power such as can be most fully and deeply attained whilst in the flesh. This may seem to you strange, but I assure you that it is pro- foundly true. That which has been won in 74 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL the world beneath, whilst the soul is entombed in its thick and muddy vesture, has been won for eternity, so lasting, so vital, so significant is the impression made upon the soul by this means. We from our further vantage ground of illumination can realize a little the divine purpose underlying evolution, through incar- nation upon earth. We can perceive that the result of this method of soul-perfecting is stu- pendous in its possibilities. " I cannot, in your earth language, express to you all that this means. Some day you will understand. Sufficient meanwhile if I can, to some small extent, help you to realize that to be imprisoned as you are at present is a mar- vellous experience and opportunity, priceless in its advantages. One moment of attain- ment, strong and patient, in your present con- dition, is worth to you years of experience on this side of the veil. Therefore I beg of you to live deeply, to appreciate this rich privilege. Travel far in your spiritual attainment whilst you are still upon earth. WORDS PROM THE TEACHER 75 u In a brief space of time, as it seems to you, may mighty changes be wrought in your char- acter, changes which can bring you from the position of an inefficient worker to that of a server of humanity, whose every thought en- nobles, sweetens and upraises all with which it comes in contact. Joy profound awaits him who is able, even in a small degree, to respond faithfully to this call." " Unite with me in prayer for the human Race, so that the spiritual quickening may be universal and progress rapid. The call will come to every soul to rise, in the degree to which it can respond. Not only to the few, but to the whole Race, must the call come. As the sunlight touches alike all the varied per- sonalities in a crowd of people walking in some open park, so will the light of the heavenly il- lumination strike upon each human soul. The intensity of the outpouring will be the same for every one, yet only those can be strongly quickened who are sufficiently evolved to ap- 76 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL prehend and realize the call of the Creator, and respond to it. In thousands of different degrees will they do so. As never before will each one be helped by us — no longer sep- arated so rigidly by the veils that have existed heretofore between the seen and the unseen spheres of existence. The time is but short be- fore signs of this coming awakening will be perceived everywhere by those who are on the outlook for such. " To the eye of spirit these impulses and aspirations towards the more spiritual life are very perceptible. Even to the eye of flesh they will soon become so. Everywhere do we per- ceive, even in these early days of our campaign, the first fruits of our endeavour. Therefore do we go forward full of hope. We are by no means cast down by the shadows that oppress earnest souls who have not our eye of clearer vision to perceive the inner workings of truth. Never despair, therefore, for great is the hope for the morrow. Press forward with us in joy and thankfulness that you are awake to the WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 77 realization of all that is to be through the co- operation of man with, if you will, super-man. We stand together, united in ideal, fellow- workers for the salvation of the Race from sir and despair, preventing by this great effort the deeper plunge into materialism which would otherwise have taken place. That moment of danger is now mercifully past, we trust for ever. The arc of ascent do we behold for each and all henceforward. Thanks be unto God." " Only those who are able to ascend in con- sciousness to our level can be easily reached in direct communication. Always from within cometh the light. Enter the deeps to receive it. Veil your soul from the world. To behold the Inner Glory the eye must be turned Hith- erward. Ascend the mountain tops with us. Let never the day star wane without this hav- ing been accomplished for at least some period of each day. Walk high in every personal thought and feeling. This is the only way in 78 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL which to become fitted for helping one's fel- lows. " In the upper air alone can sure inspiration be received for the daily road; light obtained whereby one may surely guide oneself and one's fellows. Leave the morrow to unfold itself surely according to the Divine Plan. Afar the light gleameth. In that morning of the new era will all those be called together who are sufficiently prepared to take hands with us in the coming Heavenly work for the uplifting of the Race. Now is the time for preparation, deep and thorough. The hour will strike in due course when the workers will be called forth, each to his or her allotted task. See to it that you are ready when the Call comes. Our chosen ones must be able to take hands with us with ease, else will the labour be thwarted, or accomplished ill. Perfect work requireth as perfect tools as can be fash- ioned. The Heavenly Creator fashioneth each and all of His children thus, bringing in due course to perfection. First in one respect, WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 79 then in another, doth each soul become equipped; and as each set of faculties ripens, each is used for the work most suitable for it, pending the time when the perfected human being can use all. Sure and beautiful stretch- eth the road sunward before every child of man. Let each but realize this, and go for- ward in the consciousness of Divine Light upon his face and being, wrapping him in a glory of which he may become aware by simply uplifting and unfolding his soul to the Heav- enly radiance. " Oh, my children, awake and unfold your- selves, that ye may walk no longer in darkness, or in twilight, but in the glorious noontide, possible for every one at any stage of evolution where consciousness can be illumined suf- ficiently from on High. The lowliest child of earth may behold the Hidden Glory. The tranquil mind, the loving heart, the eye of faith, only these are needed, but to a supreme degree rarely found in mortals, though quite possible of attainment by consecration of pur- 80 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL pose, and sufficiently earnest spiritual desire and aspiration. In the days to come will thou- sands walk where now can tread only the few. Be ye leaders along these heavenly ways. Send my message to whom you will, whereso- ever it may comfort or inspire/' " The evening hour is the most useful for meditation. People should prepare them- selves for sleep, sacredly, religiously, by strik- ing a deep chord. This will launch the soul out into the Infinite upon a strong current, attracting greater power. All that most souls expect from sleep is a quieting of the outer senses, repose and bodily recuperation; whereas they should regard themselves as starting upon a voyage into the Unknown and should look for a new chapter of experience. During the time of sleep, Heavenly Ones ap- proach any soul that shows a sign of being pre- pared to assimilate thoughts from our side. They stand ready, waiting to be of assistance, conferring with each other how best to influ- WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 81 ence the soul, while, loosened from its bodily form, it is in a state of trance. There is con- sultation as to how soon it will be possible to waken him therefrom to participate actively with us on our side. Not many are able yet to function thus; but we anticipate that great numbers will do so in the future. This is a phase of experience upon which the Race is just entering. Many more workers from our side are being called to undertake the work of arousing the soul that is asleep to the realities on our side of the veil, in order that it may re- turn to the body with clear memory thereof. Those endowed with psychic power will be the first to respond, and then later they in their turn will be able to influence their fellows on earth to an increasing extent. Being on the same level of development, and still connected with the body by day y they will be able to in- fluence sleepers more effectually than we could do. This will especially be the case where a tie of sympathy exists." (In answer to a question as to Evening Meditation) 82 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL " I consider the evening hour good for medi- tation for the reason already given. It is ab- solutely essential that the soul should be thor- oughly prepared for sleep by a certain time of relaxation, by the indrawing of spiritual forces, and the quieting of the outer senses. Have I not said, too, that the early morning hour is important for the preparation of the soul for the coming day? I regard these two times of your earthly day as the best, the most fruitful, for the quiet hour; nevertheless, where neither of these is possible, let the soul seek to obtain a time apart at noon. It is the ordinary opinion in the East that evil powers manifest themselves in the darkness. It is therefore considered wiser by some to come in touch with the spiritual powers during the hours of light. Personally, I consider that for this very reason it is very important that the soul should come actively in touch with the spiritual powers after dark, in order that it may not even unconsciously become open to lesser influences. WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 83 " Quiet communion with the Unseen does not exhaust the physical body but rather refreshes it. This is a different practice from that of concentrating with effort on a given theme. Taken in the sense in w T hich I have expressed it to you, meditation cannot be aught but in- spiring and helpful at any time." (In answer to a question relating to the reference to Intellect on p. 69) " I note that your friend compares 'brain and heart, whereas I referred to soul qualities as compared with those of the outer understand- ing. Apart from these, the intellect is by us deemed of but slight value. These soul quali- ties are vital, essential to the spiritual life, whereas intellectual ability, apart from them, is as it were dead. It must be illumined from the Beyond by the light through the soul from the Universal Spirit if it is to be of any true worth in the evolution of man. It is, as it were, a tool only, nothing more.-' 84 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL THE SANCTUARY WITHIN "Good is it to rest upon the earth's fair bosom, for healing power doth abound therein, and we can draw it thence to flow through the mortal body. Rest upon the soil with this be- lief. Calming and restoring also is it to the mind to linger in quiet places apart from the haunts of men. Renew thus thy youth, daugh- ter of earth, drinking from thy mother Nature whose youth is immortal. Almost miraculous would seem the results if this habit of con- scious union with Nature could be practised with sufficient restfulness and receptivity. To explore fair scenes without this attitude of mind is to carry away but little of lasting value. I would have you glean therefrom treasure of eternal value. Lift up your soul. Lift up your eyes. Receive heavenly vitality, heavenly calm, heavenly radiance. The sea, the sky, the flowers of earth, all are Divine messengers. Welcome them, receive their gifts and rejoice, sharing that joy that shineth WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 85 for ever from the glorious Spirit of the Crea- tor." " Far off rageth the sound of the battle, but here is peace and quiet. Even so do the out- ward thoughts and actions of mortal men oft- times war tumultuously, yet deep within them is peace beyond all imagination. The diffi- culty is that each soul must find his or her own path into the inner sanctuary, where the voice of Divinity can clearly be heard, soothing and guiding. Here in the innermost place of the soul perfect inspiration and light are to be found for every possible vicissitude of the outer daily life. Here lieth balm for the dark- est sorrow and enhancement of the sweetest joy. Here may blessing be sought and found at any moment of the day or night; yet how seldom do human beings actually find it thus ! Again I tell you that this failure is because the majority of mortals are living all the time upon the surface of life, seeing only the exter- nal appearances of people and things ; arguing 86 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL from the external; criticizing, judging, sum- ming up everything from this shallow and wholly inadequate standpoint. "How different would the world be, could even a small number of strong and earnest souls see and act from the within, from indeed the very heart of the within; from the inner- most depths of being! Not behind the mind doth this sanctuary lie. Not through the in- tellect is the pathway thereto found. It lieth rather behind the heart of man, the soul. Dif- ficult is it to find a human word that will quite express my meaning. Through feeling rather than through thought is the pathway found. Therefore may the humblest, the most unedu- cated person, reach this haven of refuge. Beautiful are the ways of the Creator, enabling even those of His children who have appar- ently had least advantages to share the true riches available thus for all. Besides such wealth as that to be found only in the inner hidden treasury, the outer riches of the world are indeed but dross. Even the achievements 'WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 87 of science are not so vital to the welfare, the progress of the Race, as are the treasures of the innermost sanctuary, brought forth and shared by one human being with another. This fact we realize more on our side. This it is that makes the heavenly life so far more beautiful and satisfying in every way for all who participate in it. Here the real is easily distinguishable from the unreal : that which matters from that which matters not. " We are not deceived, and even those who have sojourned here but a short while soon begin to understand life from the new stand- point. Yet it is not easy to unloose the soul from the old conceptions brought over w^ith it from the earth. For the majority of you who pass over there is much unlearning to be done before you can start learning afresh. It is for this reason I wish to emphasize the need for seeking to live more deeply and helping others to do so, in order that, when passing hence, you may be better equipped for better heavenly service with us, instead of having to 88 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL be consigned like infants to a kindergarten mistress to learn and acquire slowly the ways of the new world. Let this world when you enter it be to you not strange, but only a place for the further unfoldment of ideals that you have already cultivated upon the earth. Sow these ideals there ; water and tend the growing plants that their blossoming may be sure and perfect, both on your side and on ours. Do not wait until you come here to plant the beau- tiful virtues and qualities of the spirit. " I must away to the vale of sorrow, hasten- ing thither with other angelic helpers on our divine mission for turning sorrow into peace, if not into joy. Later, at some stage or other, will every grief have this end. " Unto the Highest be praise ! " THE COMING DAY " It is Eastertide ! Round the horizon we see signs of a coming day when the dark sor- rows that now oppress mankind will roll away, WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 89 and the blue sky be again revealed beyond the clouds. We believe that the light will be more widely recognized than ever heretofore. A new era approacheth when old things will pass away, and new and immortal things be made manifest. Harbingers of light appear. Be ready to receive them. Great Intelligences w^ill utter Avords of wisdom for the hearing of mankind, sometimes upon the earth sometimes from within through the human mind, as I am doing now. "Visible and invisible bands of them ap- proach for the enlightening of the Race, her- alds of the Coming Day. Be assured that this is so. In awe, reverence and joy welcome the invisible heavenly messengers to your weary world. We stoop in shining hosts to deliver you from your chains, knowing that we are leading you wisely and well, step by step pre- paring you to be of heavenly service. " We are seeking to prepare those who can give us a listening ear. This is the time for prayer, for inner purification, for soul illumi- 90 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL nation. Let all who desire to take part in the Coming Day withdraw themselves and listen for the word of guidance. Such souls help to hasten the dawn." • •••«•. " If in the preceding era the voice of the prophet had been heard in the land this war would never have been ; but better is it for the nation to drink to the bitter dregs the cup of agony, than to hold still to the glory of war as an ideal. In the revulsion of feeling from the present calamities, the Race we trust will be swept forward swiftly along the upward road. This will be the moment for all earnest workers and reformers, when their influence, recked little of now, will carry weight, affect- ing hundreds of thousands of souls, where now but a few can be reached. Wait, wait for these hours of the coming time. A climax ap- proacheth. Keep calm. Seek to live deeply a true and earnest soul-life. This is the best preparation any one can make for the future work. WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 91 " Draw in mighty supplies from heavenly sources, to equip you for the coming time. It is possible to store up such in the centre of one's own being, ready for emergencies. Con- sciously do this. Always after giving out mental or spiritual energy, fill the reservoir afresh from the Infinite supply. A con- sciously receptive attitude opens the gateway wide. Material power is now dominating the world. This must give place to spiritual power, and will do so sooner than you at pres- ent expect. Hopeful to me looks the aspect of the near morrow, though the day is dark. Go forward therefore in faith and patience, never losing sight of the Heavenly Vision. Better to listen to the voice of one who from a high standpoint is able to see beyond the tumult, than the voices of those beneath, struggling in the conflict, or watching the scene from the earth plane merely. Surely do we perceive the dawn. Surely do we perceive the calming and quieting of this world grief on both sides of the veil. As a wave of dark- 92 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL ness will it roll from off the souls immersed therein. Through this terrible experience all will be raised to a higher level. For this are we, the angelic forces, steadily working both night and day. For this have we been sum- moned forth, organized and marshalled. It is verily Christ w r ork, salvation for the human race. Mortals are mercifully shielded from realizing too vividly the tribulation of the world, lest they should be crushed thereby. In these realms we are far more able to feel it, but are able to bear it because we can see that the Race is advancing into a larger life. For us also the sources of calm and consolation are more available. Everything in each realm is thus so perfectly ordered by the Divine Cre- ator. " I would have you all understand that there is nothing fortuitous, either in the career of an individual or in the destiny of a nation. Each soul fareth forward upon a path which, al- though obscured to the soul, is brightly il- lumined from our standpoint. Every detail WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 93 of it is known to the Higher Ones. We are allowed to guide more or less according to the stage of development of the individual in ques- tion. I mean by this that we are able, in many cases, to enable him to avoid what would have been, from a human standpoint, a catastrophe. And yet this intervention on our part could also have been foreseen by one on our side sufficiently clairvoyant. " The subject of fate and freewill is very in- tricate. It is as if there were a wheel within a wheel, both revolving, each at a different rate of motion, yet each in perfect harmony with the other. Processes of evolution are abso- lutely harmonious and just. Every effect is the result of a previous cause extending farther back than this present earth life. This will the soul of man realize when he emerges from his tabernacle of flesh, and stands where we stand, not merely on this side of death, but in the inner realms of clear vision, beyond the anterooms, so to say, of the heavenly world. 94 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL " From here we behold things spread out like a map, in the lives both of individuals and of nations. He who has the eyes to see can read the signs clearly alike of past, pres- ent, and future; but there are not many, even on this level, who are perfect seers. There- fore mistakes sometimes occur in prophecies. The higher we ascend, the more loath are we to prophesy, realizing the intricacy of human problems, and the many threads woven therein, each with its different influence, each in some way subtly colouring the pattern of the soul's future character and destiny. " The beauty of the Creator's way is re- vealed only when they are viewed from a suf- ficiently lofty standpoint. The perfection of the mighty design is not realized by those working in our lower realms. Even here are many who are still as doubtful and confused with regard to the meaning of life as when they were upon the earth plane. Oftentimes centuries pass before a soul is able to progress to a clearer grasp of the meaning of creation. WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 95 No teaching from without can give it. The realization must come from within. One does not obtain it usually until countless incarna- tions have been passed, and a high spiritual level of thought and feeling has been attained. " It is because the Masters stand upon this level that they are so fully able to enter into, and sympathize with, the ideals and the strug- gles of the human race upon earth. They are more fitted in many ways to help and sustain, the human soul on its earthly pilgrimage than either less evolved ones who have not yet real- ized the Creator's conception of the universe, or than those of us who are out of touch with the immediate conditions upon earth. This is being realized by us to an increasing extent. We are therefore bending all our energies now definitely to helping the human race upward. The step of the ladder whereon we now stand, is that from which it is easiest to bend down to help the climbers below. " Our Brotherhood comprises many thou- sands of members, grouped in different associ- 96 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL ations, but all working in perfect harmony, each with each, and all with all. We are now hoping to accomplish this most important task of rending the veils between the earth and the more subtle worlds. Power will be given to us for the achieving of this. When we have accomplished this task, and brought mankind to a higher level, we shall proceed further on our own evolution. " In the meantime many of us are descend- ing to earth in order to accomplish our pur- pose more fully, since we shall then burst the veil by communicating with each other, each surrounded by his own group of disciples. Power from the earth side, as well as from our realms, must be much stronger than it is at present. This is the reason why many of us are on the point of incarnating again dur- ing the coming era of peace and progress in the outer world. The result of this will be, we trust, a very rapid development of the hu- man race in a leap forward from darkness into light, since we are all under the leadership WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 97 of the Lord Christ. His word is in our hearts, and this it is that we shall manifest in what- ever place or time, here or there. " Behold with thankfulness the dawn of a new age. Take hands with us that you may be able to fulfil your part in helping us in our glorious and heavenly work." " Remember always that your true home is here, and not beneath in the realm of shadows — a vale of illusion where things are viewed out of perspective, not as we view them from the inner light of the Spirit. All that is hap- pening now in the outer world is one of those passing shadows which for the moment blot out the face of Divinity from your sight and hearing. This will pass. Then shall the veils be rent as never before in the history of the world. Immense reactions will follow this plunge into materialism wherein the races of men are at present engulfed. Mighty are the forces of chaos at work, but still mightier are those that through them, and beyond them, 98 THE THINNING OF THE VEIL will evolve the new age wherein mankind shall begin to discern at last the face of the Father as revealed unto it by the Lord Christ. No longer can we let mankind dwell in these depths of blackness without light from the be- yond; this light must penetrate the outer world of shadow in spite of all opposition from immature and ignorant minds. Eemember always that it is the mind of man that shadows and obscures the soul vision. The soul would always thankfully recognize and welcome the light from our spheres, could it but release itself from the bondage of the material mind which blinds it to unseen reali- ties. Harnessed to the senses, the soul runs its course on the outer plane. Rarely is the yoke cast off. With thankfulness do we assist those who are endeavouring to stand upright. The majority of men are progressing as do the animals, f ourf ooted, running in harness ; look- ing down upon the ground ; not yet have they arisen to the upright stature of the spirit. Yet must this day dawn. We call upon all WORDS FROM THE TEACHER 99 whom we can reach by any means, to arise ; to shake off the shackles of the senses and recog- nize the power and meaning of the heavenly realities, beholding with the eye of faith things unseen. "We have put our shoulders to the task, with not earthly but heavenly power behind us and through us. Therefore may the world hope and rejoice, for already upon the moun- tains doth the rising sun shine. Give thanks." THE END Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: Nov. 2004 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724)779-2111 j- ,6 *4RY0F °ongr Es