HISTORY ^ Ancient Woodbury, f^ \ FROM THE >5' > ^ FIRST INDIAN DEED IN 1659 TO 1819, INCLUDING THE PRESENT TOWNS OF WASHINGTON, SOUTIIBUUY, BETHLEHEM, ROXBURY, AND A PART OF OXFORD AND MIDDLEBURY, CONTAINING THE GENEALOGICAL STATISTICS OF THE SAME, AND OF ANCIENT STRATFORD, FROM 1639 TO 1728. BY WILLIAM COTHREN, VOLUME III. WOODBURY, CONN.: PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM COTHREN 1879. ri r / d^ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1879, By WILLIAM COTHREN, In the OfBce of the Librarian of Congress. as wBiXisteir r^U^ 8 1915 Press op The Case, Lock-wood & Bkainaiid CosrPANT, Hartford, Conn. INTRODUCTION. Genealogical inquiries have become far more frequent than they were fifty years ago. Since the publication of the first volume of the History of Ancient Woodbury in 1854, by the compiler of this, he has been overwhelmed by a multitude of letters, increasing in number with the passing years, making inquiries after genea- logical information not contamed in that book. The design of the genealogical part of that work was the introduction of the genealogies of such families, bearing the early names in the ancient territory, as the living members of which would interest themselves in furnishing him, from family Bibles and other authentic sources, the later branches, so as to make a complete family history. This was needful, because, from the breaking out of the War of the Revolution, the public records were scantily and imperfectly kept for more than fifty years. At the time of the publication of that work, great inattention and ignorance existed in relation to genealogical information. The writer was often amused, in the course of his inquiries, when he found intelli- gent and otherwise well-informed persons unable to tell the names of their grandfathers. Perhaps the publication of the History of Ancient Woodbury, with others of a similar nature of other locali- ties, has had much influence in arousing and fostering an interest in genealogical inquiries. At any rate, the pressure of these inqui- ries upon the compiler has become so great, that he is in some sense compelled to publish this work as a personal relief from the labor of continual searches of the records to answer the questions of correspondents. After this work shall have been published, the writer can answer each inquirer by a printed circular, saying : " Behold ! I have written it all in aybook; purchase, and search for yourselves." '■ '-'— -r'.v ^ ia This spirit of research, — this inquiry after the history of one's ancestors, near or remote, is commendable. The sons of New England have an ancestry of which they may well be proud. We 4 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WO'' -: ' are far from saying that pride of birth, or arrogance of position are to be coramepded and cultivated, or that they are to be compared to an upright life and virtuous character. In this regard, we join with Frederick of Prussia in the exclamation : "I love the lineage of heroes ; but 1 love merit more. Patents of nobility are but phantoms ; true worth is within. Kings are nothing but men, a,nd all men are equal." While, therefore, we repudiate the idea that there is any honor in searching for an illustrious ancestry as a means to elevate the ignoble in the estimation of the world, and in relying on such ancestry as a shield to cover, not only a multi- tude of transgressions, but also great mental imbecility and mean- ness; yet it is nevertheless true that the upright son of genius, who can point to a long and virtuous line of ancestors, whose fair fame has been by himself untarnished, has that whereof he may well be proud. Not that mushroom, aristocratic pride, so often witnessed in those whose fathers were from the lowest grade in life, which leads its possessor to daintily spurn the air breathed by those whom he terms the "common herd"; but that manly pride experienced by those who are actuated by pure aspirations and high resolves for the good of mankind ; for the advancement of the best interests of the race. Su!'h men have a right to search the dim and dusky records of the past, and having found an hon- ored and virtuous line of progenitors, have a right to be recorded as the legitimate and true descendants of an illustrious race. In this view, the inquiries concerning this subject, made during the last few years with so good success, are eminently pi'aiseworthy. All such investigations should tend to rebuke false pride, and to encourage unobtrusive merit. There is no more contemptible spectacle in social life than the foolish and absurd airs put on by miserable pretenders to standing and refinement, so often seen by sensible observers. If such coxcombs and butterflies could know and appreciate the supreme contempt bestowed upon their preten- sions by all people of common sense, it is believed that some, even of their number, brazen-faced and hardened as they have become, would be shamed into propriety. Such behavior is to the last degree vulgar and disgusting. There is no gentihty in it. No inquiries can be more interesting to the intelligent student of human nature, than those that relate to the generations of men. The feelings that prompt them are just and natural. They give birth to some of the dearest charities of life, and fortify some of the sternest virtues. The principle that prompts them lies deep ^JB I N T K O D I' C T I O N . O within our n:tture. In the eloquent words of Kdward Everett, uttered duriiis; the last years of his life, — Tie sacred tie of family, which, reaching backward and forward. ) nd> the genera- tions of men together, and draws out the plaintive music of our being from the s*>lcmti alternations of cradle and grave — the black and white keys of life'.* harjvwer of lan- guage, which puts spirit in communion with .spirit in distant perio Is and climes ; the syrii{u»thies of country, which \k\u] the Greek of the prestMit day to talk of the victories < > gaine»l over the barl>arians at Marathon; the mystic tissue of race. wove!i far back in the dark chambers of the |^ast. and which, after the vicis- situdes and mignitions of centuries, wraps up great nations in its broad mantle: tht.>se signiticant expressions which carry v.'lunie.- of meaning in a won! — Fort^father. Parent, Child. l'o.ns oi e.xjxrience. to scan the counsels of man in his great associations, as those couu.sels have develojHxi in constitutions, in laws, in maxims, in traditioris. in great, undoubted principles of right and wrvuig; which have been sancti-'ued by the general i-onsent of thost^ who have gon? U'fore us: thus tracing in human institutions some faiiit rellection of tliat di\nne wis^loni which fashioned the leaf that linfoldinl itself six weeks ago in the forest, or the ^uitteru of the leaf wltich was bathed in the dews of Paradise in the morning of creatie'ii." As already stated, the two volumes of the History of W oodbuiy, although they fill sixteen hundred and titty jviges. contain only a small part of the genealogical matter s<.-attered tlirough :hv rtvords of the ancient ;owi-. and '>f those of the sineral towns which have been set off from it. The births, marriages, and deaths in the early records aro scattered among many volumes. an*l are mixed up with the nvor.ls of deeds, town rates, ear-marks of sheep, brand for cattle. Lay-outs of highways, and on the t<'p. bottom, and mm gins oi the pages devote*l to tlie several other recorvls. in inter- minable and indescribable confusion. In all of these hidiiig- places the writer has sought out each recorded item of birtlis. luar- riagcs. and death.<. and collated them by years, so that any person can take the book and trace out his own genealogy, so far as the records show it ; and he will tind it a curious . II IS TORT OF A N C I K N T W O o I. B I R Y . him from family Bibles and other authentic documents. So that this work contains a large nural>er of family items not found upon the public records, and is. tht-nMore. a much more complete record of the items of which it treats. The work also contains the early biiptismal records of the several churches in the ancient town. The ll earlv ministers were ver>- careful in the recording of these — baptism 1 7 being one of the •• sealing ordinances." and a record of the names of the participants in these was h.eld to be peculiarly sacrod. and was guarded with religious care. They seemed to feel, in all its force. ^ statement, that what is "bound on earth is bound in heaven." ' /thi- early days, almost all the children were baptized in a few days succeeding birth, and as S' «on as the mother was able to attend church. Some felt bound to have their children baptized on the eighth dav, to correspond in time with the old rite of circumcision. I the place of which thi;: ceremonial took As in those days the \ i>eoplo believed that infants, dying without baptism, were lost to \ all eternity, if the child showed weakness, and there were fears that it would not live, the minister was sent lor. and the child was baptized at the litnise of its parents. In consequence, we fre- • juently meet with an entry like this. — such a child 'was baptized at the house, it being in '/■"lycr >>f noii-co)ifi>i'ieon usual to give a doul.lo date from the 1st of January to the 2:>th of March: thus February 12, 1721, was writ en " ffebruary }'' 12th. IT?^." The omission of the lower nuraln-r would cause an error of a year ear- lier than the true dat«\ j ^ i^iirriis !x wooniu^KY 1 i:i>M 1 1. 1 ;• i^ i-7 Awnuf vt vTioNs — In thi'S work «. will Iw u-s

HJ> . Itin>ti/iil: ni . n\:»rriotl; d , dit ' " " ' ' ' ' chiKlrm; ss., sou- wi»l., widow. I Ruth. 7. Elizalx't]!, dau, of John Ilutliwitt. Kuth. dau. of Kbont'zer and Sarah ITurd, "William, s. of William and Abigail Frederick, Isaac, s. of Nathaniel Turtle, ^'iinotliy. s. of Hoirer Terrill. Abraham, s. of Henjamin and Sarah Ilurd, Martha, dau. of K»>ger Terrill. J(.ihn. s. of Jolin, Jr . and ."^arah Minor, 11)08. Joseph, s. of William and Abitrail Frederick, Klizal>oth, dau. of Kleazur and Mary Knowles, Caleb, s. of William and Abigail Martin. Ji'sejih. s. of .^i-rg' Thoniat; Squier. Abigail, dau. of Joseph and Abigail Waller. Comfort, dau. of Samuel Jenners, Jost'ph. s. of John and I>onas Roots. Sarah, dau. (,'f Benjanuu and llanner Heicock. June ;>0. 1'".: ' Kv •_'('.. ir.s5 March •_'•.'. IGnT Jan. l.">. l«l>'.t April .vO. lO'.U Au^ ."0. 1 «■>««,■) April J 7. itiye Julv js. uv.m; Feb. J. 161>G Feb. 11 Jan. 17. Julv •J 4 Fel".. 3 Nov. I'J Jan. 1-'. Nov. IM Dec. 19 March I March ;?»• Marcli JO Dec J.-. Sept. •-'."» Apr:l 11 June ;> July 13 Vol.. Ill —J 10 H 1 S T O K Y OF A N C I K N T W «> O P B I It V 1691). Joseph S., s. of William and Abigail Fmlorick. March 1 Joseph, s. of Joseph IJallil.ut, April IJ Stepheti. s. of Israel, Jr.. and Mary Curtiss.^ April JT Isaac (aftorwanls LaptisoJ Stophon). s. of rornelius and Abigail Urunscn. May 12 Rachael. dau. of Benjamin and Rebocca (Jalpin. Aug. ;U Sarah, dau. of John. Jr.. and Sarah Judson, Sept. 10 Samuel, s. of Jolin Thonia."^, Sept. 10 Mary. dau. of Thoma.«> Drakeley. by lii.- lirst wife. Oct. ."> Elnathan. s. of Kbenozer and Sarah llurd. V night y" y first snow fell. Hemomber it, Oct. 12 Harriet, dau. of Jolin and Johannah ("urtiss, Nov. 1 Henry, s. of Honry and Hannah Ca.ssell. F'eb. 12 1700. Ichabod. s. of John and Kli/abeth SluM-inan. I.siiac. s. of John and Mary Jud^■on, Kuth. dau. of Joseph and l^ith lieioock. Haeliel, dau. of Henjaniin and Klizai'eth Hinman. Joseph, s. of Stephen and ."^arah ('urtiss, IVter. s. of Thomas ami Hannah Minor. Adoniram. s. of John and Abigail 'I'readwoU, lTt>l. David, s. of Benjamin and Hannah HtMCOck. Thomas, s. of John Tlioina.s Joseph, s. of Joseph and Abigail Waller. Timothy, s. of Cornelius Brunson. l>avid, s. of Benjamin and ."^arah Hurd, Rev. Mr. Stoddard, his first born, a son. born and die the same day, Rebeekah, dau. of Israel, Jr.. aTid Mary ('urtiss. Euniee. dau. of Abraham I'ullford. Daniel, s. of Jolin and Marv Judson. Rachell. dau. of Jo.inezer and Sarah llurd, Nathan, s. of John and Johannah ("urtiss. Feb. April 27 June 3 July :n Sept. 12 IVt. 20 TVc. 10 Jan. 14 March 4. March 5. April 3. June 14. July 1 «. Julv 8. JulV •»•> A ug. 24. Sept. ♦ >. Sept. 2,". N..V. .'.. 2, 1702 -i. 1702. Zachariah, s. of Mr. Zachariah and Elizabeth Walker. Hannah, dau. of Henry Cassell. Mary. dau. of Rev. Anthonv and Prudence Stoddard, Stephen, s. of Joseph Heicock, by wife Ruth. Nathan, s. of Jonathan and . June ly. June 27 Sept. G. Sept. H». Oct. 25. Pec l(t B I i; 1 H S IN Win. l> II I li Y . 11 1703. Daniel, s. of Sto|.li.'n HnoriMs Hoo's. Voh. 7. Samuel s. of Josiph nii-i .\l»iirail Wallor. Man-li IS. Samuel, s. of H.-iijamiu aiul lu>l.«'.-kah tJalpin, Ajril •'.. Marv. dau. of .lolin aii.l Mary Ju«1s<.m. April 11. Samuel, s. of ."^amuel ami Ilaiiiiali .leniifrs. .\]>ril 20. I).>lH>rah. loinon. s. <>f liev. Anthony an«l rnnh-neo ."-^to'ldanl. (>ef. U Marv. RelHi-kah. dau »>f Khene/i-r anen»>zer and Niartlia Warner. Peter, s. of Thomas and Hannah Minor. Samuel, s. of William and Martha Treston, April •JO April 30 May •JO .lune :?o .luiv •jv July •js A UK (i Sept. 4 Sept. •10 • > ."-^.•pi. (Vt. .") ( >ct. ;n Nov. l^ IVe. 1. Feb. 'J . » 1706. Ksther, dau. of John and Joanna ('urti>s, April ">. Hannah, liau. of H.-njainin and Hannah Hukok. .lune ..!. Eunice, dau. of Joseph and liuth Hiekok. .Inly 11. Benjamin, s. of Thomas and .Sirah Wheeler, .1 :iv "Jl. Mary, dau. of .losepli and Mary Hurlhut, .^.'pt. I'V Wait, s. of H»m. an.i Kli/.alM-tii Hintnan, < 'et. 16. Ann, dau. of Henj. ami Sarah Huid. Oit. JO. Thankful, ilau. of 15enj. and Hcl>eekah t^alpin. < 'inah Tuttle. Joseph, s. of Kphraim and Dinah Tuttlo, Nathan, s. of John and Mercy Hurlbutt. Mary. dau. of Thomas and KUzabotli Mallery, Ruth. dau. of Stephen and Sarah (.'urtiss, Amos. s. of Cornelius and Abigail Hnmson, Bethiar, dau. of Elvnezer «nd Mary Hrunson, Mary. dau. of John. Jr.. and Saraji Judson, Abigail, dau. of John and Abigail Whet^ler, Feb. 21. April •_':.. Sept. 19. Sept. 20. Oct. 21. Oct. 22. C>ct. Dec. Jan. Oct. Dec. Feb. 24. 4. 14. 20. ItJ. Feb. 15. 1708. David, s. of Thomas and Mary Squier. Doc. Mary, dau. of Robert and Mary Warner, . July 24. Martha, dau. of Kbenezur and Martha Warner, » July 23. Israel. <. of Rev. Anthony and Prudence Stixldard, Aug. 7. Matthew, s. of Ephraim and ReK'ckah Minor, Sept. 2# Joanna, dau. of John and Joanna Curtiss. Sept. 5. Adam. s. of Benjamin and Sarah Hurd. Sept. 26. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Mary Judson. Nov. 25; Elizabeth, dau. of /echariah and Elizabeth Walker, T>ec. 16. Caleb, s. of John and Jane Nichols. Dec. Adino. s. of Adino and Eunice Strong, April 17. 1709. Timothy, s. of Titus and Mary Hinman. March 4. Mary. dau. of John and Sarali Baker, Jan. Jemima, dau. of Henry and Hannah Castle. March 3. Lois, dau. of Benjamin and Haimah Hickok, March IS. Abel, f!. of Samuel and Abigail Munn. March 23. Matthew, s. of Juiuithan and Hannah Mitchel, March 31. Sarah, dau. of John and Sarah Minor. April 7. Esther, dau. of Joseph and Jane Hurd. April i». Margaret, dau. of Robert and Mary Warner. April 22. Martha, dau. of William and Martha Bn-ston, April 23. Nathan, s. of William and Joanna Gavlord. May 4. Benjamin, s. of Kbonczer and Martha Warner, May (k ( tl«diah. s. of John and Ruth Wheeler. May 2S. Hannah, dau. of Nathaniel and Sarah Hurlbutt, Aug. 2S. Hannah, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah Hurd, Oct. 31. Mercy, dau. of Benjamin and Elisabeth Hinman, Dec. 23. BIKTIT? IN WOODBtRY 1.1 1710. Koh. 23 Maroli •> Marvh l» Man-h •!•• Man-h •23 Man-li ■js M.iv u> May I'.' May •Jl Jniu» 10 July 2:> Sopr. «.» Nin-. in IVo. 31 Stephen, s. of Stophen and Sarah Curtu?*. John. s. of H.*v. Anthony an. I rrilonof St^HlJani. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Hannah Sjuut, Clement, s. of Thoma.- and Hannah Minor, liartlitt. s. of Thomas and KlisaUnh Mal'.ery. Abigail, dau. of Samuol and Hannah Jenm-r. | Nathan, s. of Samnel and Hannali Jennor. ) Salmon, s. of John and Mercy Hnrlbutt. Bathslieba. dau. of Jo.n of liuilford. by wifo Hannah. Benjamin, s. of Adino and Kunioe Strong. Francis, s. i>f Francis and Mary ,"^tilos, Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Santh At\voonjamin. s. of Benjamin and Hannah Hiokok, Nov. 21. Gideon, s. of Zechariah and Elisabeth Walker. iV'c. Pl. Thomas, s. of John and Sarah Skeel. l\v. 27. Aaron, s. of William liaylord. bajv, March. 171-J. Relx'ckah, dau. of F.phraim and Bebockah Minor. Jan. ;>0. Aaron, s. of Thomas and Klisabeth Mallery. Feb. Ui Lydia. dau. of Nathaniel and Sarah H\irll'Utt, Feb. 17. Remember, s. of Jolui and ."-^arali Baker. Feb. 22. Sarali. d.iii. of John anil Klisal>eth llurd. April 8. Ellen, dau. of Joseph and Mary Hnrlbutt. May 7. F.lnathan. s. of Jonathan and Mary Judson. May S. Esther, dau. of \alentine and Abigail Brentice. May 16. • Hannah, dau. of Thomas and Hannali Minor. June 1;>. Samuel, s. of John and Butli Wheeler. June 24. Mary. dau. of Ebenezer and Mary Bnnvnsim. .\uir. 27. Andrew, s. of Andrew an»l Mary Hinmau. Aii,>;. 14. Experience, aau. of John and Mercy lliuibut. Aug. 2S. 14 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Preserved, s, of Adino and Eunice Strong, Sept. 8. Sarah, dau. of Ephraim and Dinah Tuttle, Oct. 15. Martha, dau. of Doct. Ebenezer and Martha "Warner, Dec. Hannah, dau. of Samuel and Mary Sherman, Dec. 25. EUsabeth, dau. of Thomas and Hannah Squier, Oct. 1713. Caleb, s. of John and Jane Nichols, 2d son of this name, March 18, Sarah, dau. of Joseph and Susanna Minor, April 3. Mary, dau. of Joseph and Mary Judson, April 19. Jemima, dau. of Benjamin, Jr., and Hannah Hurd, April 15. Ohve, dau. of Peter and Joanna Curtiss, May 6. Lois, dau. of Hezekiah and Martha Tuttle, May 14. Daniel, s. of Joseph and Abigail Weller, May 19. Ehsabeth, dau. of Noah and Anna Hinman, May 25. Rachel, dau. of Elnathan and Patience Strong, June 20. Peace, s. of Thomas and Hannah Minor, July 19. Merriam, s. of John, Jr., and Sarah Skeel, Sept. 1. Mary, dau. of Jonathan Mitchel, 2d of this name, Sept. 13. Mary, dau. of Stephen and Sarah Curtiss, Sept. 15. Eunice, dau. of Jonathan and Mary Hurlbut, Oct. 24, John, s. of Robert and Mary Warner, Oct. 27. Hannah, dau. of William and Martha Preston, Dec. 18. Experience, dau. of John and Mercy Hurlbut, Dec. 31. Mary, dau. of Capt. Timothy and Mary Hinman, Feb. Ruth, dau. of William and Joanna Gaylord, April 6. 1714. Rose, dau. of Thomas and Elisabeth Weller, March 3. Lois, dau. of John and Ruth Wheeler, March 10. John, s. of John and Sarah Judson, April 30. Mabel, dau. of Francis and Mary Stiles, May 9. Daniel, s. of Joseph and Abigail Waller, May 23. Gideon, s. of Rev. Anthony and Prudence Stoddard, May 27. John, s. of Ebenezer and Mary Brownson, July 4. Justice, s. of Benjamin and Hannah Heicock, Aug. 2. John, s. of Thomas and Elisabeth Mallery, Aug. 25. Moses, s. of Joseph, Jr., and Mary Hurlbut, Aug. 26. Joseph, s. of Benjamin and Hannah Hurd, Sept. 10. Reuben, s. of Samuel and Mary Sherman, [ a f o] Rhoda, dau. of Samuel and Mary Sherman, \ ^ " Experience, dau. of Nathaniel and Sarah Hurlbut, Sept. 30. Thankful, dau. of Samuel Blakely, Oct. 20. Abigail, dau. of Jonathan and Mary Judson, Oct. 30. Wait, s. of John and Elisabeth Hurd, Nov. 30. Hannah, dau. of Andrew and Mary Hinman, Dec. 5. Abigail, dau. of Samuel and Emma Heicock, Dec. 11. Gamaliel, s. of CorneHus and Sarah Hurlbut, Dec. 20. BIRTH SIN WOODBURY. lij 1715. Mary, dau. of Thomas and Hannah Squier, Jan. 9. Joseph, s. of Valentine and Abigail Prentice, Jan. 20. Hannah, dau. of Adino and Eunice Strong, Jan. 23. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Mary Judson, 2d son of this name, Feb. 22. Sarah, dau. of Ezra and Margaret Terrill, April 13. Elisabeth, dau. of Samuel and Elisabeth Squier, June 2-4. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Sarah Wheeler, June 13. Ephraim, s. of Ephraim and Piebeckah Minor, July l;j. Benjamin, s. of William and Joanna Gaylord, Aug, 28. Nathan, s. of Jonathan and Hannah Mitchell, Sept. 8. Rebeckah, dau. of Abraham and Phebe Fulford, July 25. Andrew, s. of John and Jane Nickols, Oct. 6. Ebenezer, s. of Joseph and Esther Hinman, Oct. 15. Sarah, dau. of John and Sarah Baker, Sept. 27. Rebeckah, dau. of Doct. Ebenezer and Martha Wamer, Dec. 12. Mercy, dau. of Richard and Mercy Branson, Dec. 26. Silome, dau. of Benjamin and Hannah Hurd, Dec. 29. Jacob Scisco, s. oE Jacob Scisco, Feb. 15. 1716. Peter, s. of John and Joanna Curtiss, Jan. 1 . Patience, dau. of Elnathan and Patience Strong, Jan. 4. Gideon, s. of Noah and Anna Hinman, Jan. 30. Emm, dau. of William and Martha Preston, Feb. 17. Judith, dau. of Ebenezer and Anna Squier, April 19. Lois, dau. of John and Ruth W^heeler, May 26. and a day or two after a still-born son by said Ruth. Rebeckah, dau. of Moses and Prudence Johnson, June 26. Elisabeth, dau. of Thomas and Elisabeth Weller, June 30. Timothy, s. of Nathaniel and Sarah Hurlbut, July 2. Consider, s. of Jonathan and Mary Hurlbut, July 14. Israel, s. of Stephen and Sarah Curtiss, July 23. Merty, dau. of John and Mercy Hurlbut, Aug. 26. Jerusha, dau. of John and Emm Sherman, Sept. 15. Joseph, s. of Samuel and Elin Hickok, Sept, 6. E.'^ther, dau. of Rev. Anthony and Mary Stoddard, Oct. 11. Obadiah, s. of Thomas and Sarah Wheeler. Nov. 11. ELjah, s. of Jonathan and Mary Judson, Dec. 15. .'rudence, dau. of Joseph and Mary Hurlbut, Dec. 1. ^•i'athaniel, s. of Henry and Ruth Castle, Nov. 7. Maty, dau. of Jonathan Taylor, bap., April. Stephen, s. of Wilham Judd, b. Watertown. Aug, 22. 1717. Ezra, 8. of Ezra and Margaret Terrill, Jan. 6. Chapman, s. of Joseph and Mary Judson, 2d of that name, Jan. 11. Nathan, s, of Robert and Mary Hurlbut Warner, Feb. 14. 16 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Mary Branson, ) March 9 Styles, s. of Ebenezer and Mary Brunson, ) Oliver, s. of Jonathan Atwood, March 11. John, s. of Jehu Hurd, March 16. Mary, dan. of Jeremiah Thomas, Dec. Jesse, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth Mallery, April 5. Nathan, s. of Elnathan and Patience , March 31. Mercy, dau. of Cornelius and Sarah Hurlbut, April 20. Esther, dau. of Valentine and Abigail Prentice, May 26. Mary, dau. of Samuel and Annis Martin, April 11. Ephraim, s. of John and Sarah Skeel, June 30. Return, s. of Adino and Eunice Strong, Aug. 1. Eunice, dau. of Francis and Mary Stiles, Aug. 18. Elijah, s. of Benjamin and Hannah Hurd, Aug. 24. Daniel, s. of Isaac and Joanna Castle, Oct, 8. Amos, s. of Benjamin and Hannah Hicok, Oct. 11. Phineas, s. of Joseph and Abigail Walker, Oct. 31. Hannah, dau. of Thomas and Hannah Squier, Dec. 1. Hezekiah Hooker, s. of Hezekiah Hooker, Oct. 30. 1718. John, s. of John and Comfort Pierce, April 4. Ezekiel, s. of Ephraim and Dinah Tuttle, Jan. 5. David, s. of John and Joanna Curtiss, Jan. 21. Joseph, s. of John and Jane Nickols, Jan. 28. Agnis, dau. of Hezekiah and Martha Tuttle, Feb. 11. Hannah, dau. of Jonathan and Hannah Mitchell, Feb. 15. Gideon, s. of Josiah and Elizabeth Roots, Feb. 14. Abijah, s. of Rev. Anthony and Mary Stoddard, Feb. 28. Eunice, dau. of Samuel and Annis Martin, April 15. Tamer, dau. of Doct. Ebenezer and Martha Warner, Feb. 26. Coe, s. of Andrew and Mary Hinman, April 22. Obadiah, s. of John and Ruth Wheeler, 2d of that name, April 23. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Esther Hinman, May 27. Elijah, s. of John and Sarah Baker, May 16. Susanna, dau. of Jeremiah and Susanna Thomas, June 16. Dorcas, dau. of John and Ruth Roots, April 15. Adam, s. of Noah and Anna Hinman, June 29. Martha, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth Squeir, July 2. David, s. of Samuel and Mary Sherman, Aug. 1 , Stephen, s. of Cornelius and Abigail Brownson, June 2:i. Elizabeth, dau. of Stephen and Sarah Curtiss, Sept. 19. Mary, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth Welle r, Oct. 1 1 Martha, dau. of Jonathan and Mary Judson, Oct. Benjamin, s. of Sarah Mitchell, Nov. i 4. Joanna, dau. of John and Elizabeth Mitchell, Nov. 18. Susanna, dau. of Joseph and Susanna Minor, Nov. 2 1 . Samuel, s. of Samuel and Heehnah Blakeley, Nov. ?2. Seth, s. of William and Martha Preston, Nov. 24. BIRTHS IN -vV^ O D B U K Y , 17 1719. Peter, s. of Ezra and Margaret' Terrill, Jan. 19. Abijah, s. of David and Sarah Mitchel, Jan. 24. Damaris, dau. of John, Jr., and Emm Sherman, Feb. 14. David, s. of Samuel and Abigail Mann, Feb. 15. Tabitha, dau. of Samuel and Ellen Hickok, Feb. 19. Kezia, dau. of Cornelius Hurlbut, March 2. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Hannah Hurd, March 12. Gideon, s.- of Samuel Ilurlbut, March 24. John, s. of Moses Johnson, • March 28. Andrew, s. of Josiah Roots, March 31. William, s. of Samuel and Annis Martin, April 27. Abigail, dau. of Joseph Martin, May 9. Abigail, dau. of John Skeel, Jr., May- Susanna, dau. of Joseph Judson, May 15. Submit, dau. of Elnathan Strong, May 14. Aaron, s. of Joseph Hurlbut, Jr., April Esther, dau. of Ebenezer Squier, June 11. Sarah, dau. of Nathaniel Hurlbut, July 4. May. dau. of Ebenezer Brownson, July 21. Sarah, dau. of Thomas Wheeler, Aug. 1. Experience, dau. of Nathan Hurd, Sept. 20. John, s. of Valentine Prentice, Oct. 31. Charitj^, dau. of John Hurd, Nov. 20. Clement, s. of Thomas Minor, 2d of that name, Nov. 1 I.- Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. Anthony and Mary Stoddard, Nov. 15. 1720. Thankful, dau. of Noah Hinman, Jan. 10. Sarah, dau. of Thomas Squier, Feb. 3. Benjamin, s. of Francis Stiles, Feb. 11. John, s. of John W heeler, March 5. Lydia, dau. of Doct. Ebenezer Warner, Feb. Y. Elijah, s, of Cornelius Brunson, Jr., March 12. Timothy, s. of Adino Strong, , Feb. 14. Eunice, dau. of John Curtiss, March 20. Rhodali, dau. of Jonathan Mitchell, April 4. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin Hinman, Jr., Jan. 22. Mary, dau. of John Nickols, July 7. Grace, dau. of Stephen Curtiss, July 7. Daniel, s. of Benjamin Hurd, July 22. John, s. of John Mitchell, Jr., Oct. 12. Ehzabeth, dau. of John Pierce, Jr., Aug. 19. Gideon, s. of Roger Terrill, Jr., Sept. 14. Silence, dau. of Robert and Mary Warner, Sept. 20. David, s. of Josiah Walker, Sept, 18. A>>iiah, s. of Joseph Martin, Oct. 16. Jt^ss'), s. of John Baker, V OL. ITI.— 3 IJ HISTORY OF ANCIKNT WOODBURY, Nathan, s. of Nathan Hurd, James, s. of Hezekiah Hooker, 1721. Paul, s. of Ezra Terrill, Kezia, dau. of Abraham Hurd, Tabitha, dau. of Joseph Hinman, Elisabeth, dau. of Joseph Judson, Silas, s. of Benjamin Hicok, Mary, dau. of Andrew Hinman, Jonathan, s. of John Skeel, Jr., Hannah, dau. of Capt. Titus and Mary Hinman, David, s. of Samuel and Mary Sherman, 2d son of name, Thomas Mallery's son was born and died, Gideon, s. of Josiah Roots, 2d of that name, Esther, dau. of Joseph Waller, Thadeus, s. of Samuel Hickok, Sarah, dau. of Thomas Wheeler, 2d of that name, Sarah, dau. of John Crissey, Caleb, s. of Ephraim Tuttle; Enos, s. of David Mitchell. David, s. of Joseph and Susanna Minor, David, s. of Cornelius Hurlbut, Elisha, s. of Jonathan Judson, Grace, dau. of Samuel Squier, Daniel, s. of Knell Mitchell, Mary, dau. of William Preston, Daniel, s. of John Sherman, Jr., Jedidiah, s. of John Hurd, Samuel, s. of Elnathan Strong, Gideon, s. of Roger Terrill, 2d of that name, Patience, dau. of Ebenezer Squier, Mary, dau. of Nathan Hurd, 1722. Jerusha, dau. of Benjamin Hinman, Jr., Samuel, s. of Samuel Martin, Gideon, s. of Cornelius Brownson, Jr., Thomas, s. of Valentine Prentice, Timothy, s. of Benjamin Hurd, Jr., Jesse, s. of John Wheeler, Israel, s. of Isaac Castle, by his 2d wife, Jonathan Hurlbut's two sons, Michael, s. of William Marks, Samuel, s. of Samuel Sherman, Charles, s. of Adino Strong, Sarah, dau. of John Roots, Dec. 21. Jan. 13. 1. 20. 25. 4. 7. that Feb. Feb. Feb. March March March 8. March 10. March 12. March 15. March 27. March 28. April 4. April 12. April 22. April 22. May 3. May 7. May 26. May 10. July 12. July 30. July 2. Aug. 6. Aug. 14. Oct. 14. Oct 15. Oct. 17. Nov. 7. Dec. 6. Feb. 5. Feb. 10. Feb. 20. March 9. March 16. April 13. April 18. May 15. April 2. June 26. June 29. June 25. BIRTHS IN W I) B U K Y . 19 Caleb, s. of Joseph Hurlbut, 2d, Patience, dau. of Titus Hinmaii, Jr., Harriet, dau. of Joseph Martin, John, s. of Thomas Squier, Hannah, dau. of Ezra Terrill, Clement, s. of Samuel Minor, 2d, Susanna, dau. of Jonathan Mitchell, Phebe, dau. of Ebenezer Thomas, Zechariah, s. of Nathaniel Sanford, of his 2d wife, Samuel, s. of Thomas Weller, Thomas, s. of Doct. Ebenezer Warner, Josiah, s. of Hezekiah Hooker, 1723. Samuel, s. of John Pearce, Jr., Mary, dau. of Moses Johnson, Samuel, s. of John Skeel, David, s. of Joseph Judson, Samuel, s. of John Nichols, Joseph, s. of John and Mary Crisey, Eunice, dau. of Knell Mitchell, Jedediah, s. of Samuel Munn, David, B. of Samuel Martin, Esther, dau. of Joseph Hinman, Mary, dau. of Josiah Roots, Thomas, s. of Valentine Prentice, 2d of that name, Abner, s. of Thomas and Hannah Mallery, Margaret, dau. of Andrew Hinman, Hannah, dau. of Cornelius Hurlbut, Peter, s. of Jonathan Judson, Jerusha, dau. of Abraham Hurd, Nathan, s. of Nathan Hurd, Asabel, s. of John Mitchel, Jr., Daniel, s. of Benjamin Hurd, Jr., Zadok, s. of David Noble, of his 2d wife, Lois, dau. of Samuel Squier, Nathaniel, s. of Samuel Hickok, Jehiel, s. of John Hm-d, David, s. of Roger Terrill, Peter, s. of Jonathan Mitchell, 1724. "Flsther, dau. of Ebenezer Brownson, ' tthew, s. of John Sherman, Jr., ry, dau. of John Sherman, Jr., >.!i3ha, s. of Timothy Walker, . ixry, dau. of William Marks. David, s. of Benjamin Hinman, Jr., July 1 7. July 20. Sept. Sept. Oct. 16. 2.5. 23. Nov. 12. Nov. Dec. 8. Nov. Nov. April 2. Jan. 5. Feb. 20. Feb. 25. March 2. March 10. April May 28. 6. June 7. June 14. June June 23. July Aug. July Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. 18. 2. 15. 5. 29. 6. Oct. 24. Sept. Nov. 7. Oct. Nov. Nov. 25. Dec. Jan. 3. Jan. 8. Jan. 8. Feb . 7. Feb. 2. March 5. 20 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Abijah, s. of Nathan Atwood, Natkan, s. of Samuel Minor, Jr., Seth, s. of John Wheeler, Jedidah, dan. of Cornelius Brownson, Elnathan, s. of Elnathan Strong, Asahel, s. of Joseph Martin, Daniel, s. of Stephen Hicok, Prudence, dau. of Joseph Curtiss, Eunice, dau. of Timothy Turrill, Gideon, s. of Nathan Hurd, Amos, s. of Thomas Roots, Prudence, dau. of Samuel Martin, Elisha, s. of John Baker, John, s. of John Crissey, Peter, s. of David Hurd, Margaret, dau. of Ezra Terrill, Phebe, dau. of Jeremiah Thomas, Benjamin, s. of Joseph Hurlbut, 2d, Nathan, s. of Joseph Judson, Abigail, dau. of Hezakiah Hooker, 1725. Gideon, s. of Solomon Johnson, Esther, dau. of Capt. WilHam Preston, David, s. of Francis Stiles, Timothy, s. of David Mitchell, Esther, dau. of Knell Mitchell, Titus, s. of Titus Hinman, Jr., Benaiah, s. of John Roots, Joseph, s. of John Pierce, Simeon, s. of Jonathan Mitchell, Daniel, s. of Ebenezer Squier, Susanna, dau. of Martha, negress. Eunice, dau. of Thomas and Hannah Mallery, Hezekiah Powers: Mabel or Mehetabel. Mabel, dau. of Samuel Thomas. Gideon, s. of Noah Hinman, by his 2d wife. Katharina, dau. of Stephen Hickok. Martha, dau. of Abraham Hurd, Joshua, s. of John Hui'd, Christopher, s. of Valentine Prentice, Simeon, s. of Benjamin Hurd, Jr., Mary, dau. of Thomas Wheeler, Mehitabel, dau. of Hezekiah Parker. Mabel, dau. of Samuel Thomas, Jesse, s. of Josiah Roots. Martha, dau. of Abraham Hurd, Catharina, dau. of Stephen Hicok, Jerusha, dau. of Jonathan Judson, April 11. May 25. April 20. March 18. July 2. June June July Aug. 22. July Oct. 9. Oct. Nov. 9. Nov. Nov. Feb. 1724-5. Sept. 25. March 11. March 20. April 8. April 9. April 20. April 27. May. April 26. May 17. April. June 26. Oct. 15. Nov. April 13. July 24. Aug. 1. Aug. Oct. 2. Oct. Oct. Nov. B 1 li T 11 S IN W O D B L' R Y , 21 Caleb, s. of Roger Terrill, Phebe, dau. of Roger Terrill, David, s. of Samuel Castle, Asahel, s. of David Noble, Sarah, dan. of John Orton. , Daniel, s, of Joseph and Sarah Beers, 1726. Zadok, s. of Jonathan Hurlbut, Mercy, dau. of John Baker, Olive, dau. of Joseph Roots, David, s. of Jeremiah Thomas. Amos, s. of Nathan Hurd. Nathan, s. of Samuel Hickok. Thaddeus, s. of Joseph Curtiss, Eleazur, s. of Samuel Knowles, Jonas, s. of Ephraim Baldwin, Sarah, dau. of Nathan Atwood, Mary, dau. of John Sherman, Ephraim, s. of Richard Feet, Grace, dau. of William Marks, Sarah, dau. of Moses Sherman, Gilbert, s. of Thomas Minor, Joseph, s. of Nathaniel Sanford, Aaron, s. of Andrew Hinman, Andrew, s. of Joseph Martin, Mercy, dau. of Samuel Martin, Reuben, s. of Joshua Hurlbut, Nathan, s. of Samuel Munn, Sarah, dau. of Ebenezer Thomas, 1727. Daniel, s. of John Crissey, Gideon, s. of Hezekiah Tuttle, Ephraim, s. of Titus Hinman, Mary, dau. of John Orton, 2d of that name, Seraces, dau. of Doct. Ebenezer Warner, Patience, dau. of Ehiathan Strong, Mercy, dau. of WiUiam Castle, Gideon, s. of Hezekiah Porter, John, s. of Serg't Samuel Sherman, Patience, dau. of David Mitchell, Nathan, s. of Nathan Hurd, Hannah, dau. of John Skeels, Sarah, dau. of Caleb Wheeler, Jonathan, s. of Jonathan Judson, about four months after father's death, Timothy, s. of Timothy Turrill, above five months after his father's death. Feb. 12. Feb. 12. Dec. Oct. 7. Oct. 17. Feb. Feb. March 4. May 29. May. June 29 July 7 July. July. Sept. Oct^^ Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Oct. Dec. May. Jan. 8 Feb. Feb. March 5 Feb. April 30 May. Mav. July 9 July 15 Aug. 4 Aug. 3 Sept. Sept. Oct. 2. 22 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Mary, dau. of Solomon Johnson, Retterus, dau. of Knell Mitchell, Ruth, dau. of Stephen Hickok, Jehiel, s. of Capt. William Preston, Samuel, s. of Ensign Joseph Judson, Samuel Squire, s. of Ebenezer Squire, Joseph, s. of Jonas Roberts, David, s. of John Pierce, Mary, dau. of Hezekiah Hooker, Elnathan, s. of Lieut. John and Jerusha Baker, 1728. Mary, dau. of Francis Stiles, Noali, s. of Noah Hinman, by his 2d wife, Elnathan, s. of John Mitchell, Serg't, Benjamin, s. of Richard Peet, Abraham, s. of Abraham Hurd, Joseph, s. of Joseph Squire, Tabitha, dau. of William, Jr., and Tabitha Harriss, Phebe, dau. of Lieut. Josiah and Phebe Walker, 1729. Ruth, dau. of Caleb Wheeler, John, s. of John Orton, Desire, s. of Joseph Prime, Na'-han, s. of Lieut. Andrew Hinman, Esther, dau. of Hezekiah Culver, Hannah, dau. of Thomas Minor, Elisabeth, dau. of Timothy Walker, William, s. of Hezekiah Hooker, Ezekiel, s. of Lieut. John and Jerusha Baker, 1730. Amos, s. of Jonathan Hurlbut, by his 2d wife, Barbary, dau. of Samuel Jenner, Samuel, s. of Wait Hinman, Hannahj dau. Isaac Judson, Mary, dau. of John Baker, Jr., Daniel, the s. of Sarah Minor, the dau. of John Minor, Ann, dau. of John Pierce, Jr., Lydia, dau. of Thomas Drakeley, Jr., Adoniram, s. of Timothy Minor, Edward, s. of Noah Hinman, Dorcas, dau. of Stephen Hicock, Benjamin, s. of Samuel, Jr., and Rachel Minor, Sarah, dau. of Zadock Hurd, Jehiel, s. of Richard Peet, Huldah, dau. of Timothy Brownson, Oct. 13 Nov. Nov. Nov. 8 Nov. 9 Dec. Dec. Dec. 20 Jan. 8 July 5 Jan. 7. Jan. Feb. 9. March 25. April 11. April 1. May 6. Sept. 19. July 5. Oct. 5. Oct. 4. Dec. 7. Dsc. 26. Dec, 26. Sept. June 20. Nov. 12. Jan. 1. Jan. 1. Feb. 18. Feb. 24. March 2. March 13. March 13. Jan. 12. April 2. April 2. April 10. April 22. May 9. May 17. May 22. BIRTHS IN WOODBURY 23 James, s. of Solomon Squire, Joanna, dau. of John Curtiss, Obadiah, s. of Lemuel Wheeler, Iluldah, dau. of Samuel and Elisabeth Knowles, Isaac Tuttle's stillborn son, Elisabeth, dau. of John Hurd, Ephraim, s. of Ephraim and Elisabeth Baldwin, Joseph, s. of Benjamin Wheeler, Ruth, dau. of Capt. William Preston, Martha, dau. of Abraham Hurd, Joseph, s. of Joseph Martin, David, s. of Solomon Johnson, Ann, dau. of John Squire, Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer Downs, Justice, s. of John Minor, Jr., Isaac, s. of Knell Mitchell, Susannah, dau. of Joseph Roots. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Ellen Squire, Jonas, s. of Samuel Martin, Mary, dau. of John Crissey, Amos, s. of Joseph Hiuman, John, s. of Cornelius Brownson, Jr., Prudence, dau. of Stephen Teri'ill, Rachel, dau. of Moses Warner, Mehetabel, dau. of Thomas Peirson, Abijah, s. of Benjamin Hurd, Jr.. John, s. of Ehakim and Joanna Stoddard, Mary, dau. of Thomas and Hannah Mallory, Jonathan, s. of Jonathan Mitchell, Adonijah, s. of John Roots, Abraham, s. of Roger and Martha Kirby, Annis, dau. of John and Martha Ashmun, 1731. Joseph, s. of Timothy Walker, Timothy, s. of Cornelius Hurlbut, Ann, dau. of Zadok Hurd, Thaddeus. s. of David Hurd, Zacheus, s. of Thomas and Elisabeth Weller, Solomon, s. of Caleb and Elisabeth Martin, Lydia, dau. of Samuel and Esther Weller, Hannah, dau. of Nathaniel and Bethiah Sanford, Sarah, dau. of Joseph and Sarah Prime, Eunice, dau. of Jonathan and Mary Hurlbut his 2d wife, June 23 Truman, s. of Wait and Ann Hinman, Isaac, s. of Isaac and Elisabeth Judson, Patience, dau. of Valentine and Abigail Prentice, David, s. of David Leavenworth, ) , , . -^ r, ■, Nathan, s. of David Leavenworth, [ ^^ ^'^ '""'^^ ^^'^^' June 25 June 26 Jime 27 June June 30 July 21 July 25 July 26 Juiy 28 Aug. 2 Aug. 5 Aug. 22 July 8 Sept. 1 Sept. 4 Sept. 17 Sept. 17 Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Feb. 7 Dec. 4 Dec. 1 Dec. 1 Dec. 9 Sept. 26. Dec. 14 Dec. 20 Dec. 30 July 14 Oct. Feb. 13 Feb. 13. March 5. March io. March 1. April 17. April 17. May 5, June 4. , June 23. June 27. Julv 5. July 7. Aug. 3. r \ 24 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Huthwit, s. of Hezekiali and Martha Tuttle, Aug. Lucy, dau. of Samuel and Martha Castle, Aug. 2. Eunice, dau. of Nathan and Eunice Hurd, Aug. 9. Eunice, dau. of Ebenezer and Mary Strong, Aug. 14. Roger, s. of Ezra and Margaret Terrill, Nov. 1. Noah, s. of Timothy and Elisabeth Minor, Nov. 1. Sarah, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah Thomas, Nov. 7. Al)ia, dau. of Moses and Sarah Matthews, Nov. 23. Rachel, dau. of Titus Hinman, Jr., Oct. 2 or 3. Mary Gold was born, May 2. Sarah Tenney, Sept. 7. 1732. Israel, s. of Eliakim and Joanna Stoddard, Jan. 18. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Rachel Strong, Feb. 13. Esther, dau. of Thomas and Foda Minor, Feb. 15. Nathan, s. of John and Elizabeth Squire, Feb. 16. Abraham, s. of John and Abia Curtiss, Feb. Mary, dau. of John and Mary Crissey, Feb. 21. Sarah, dau. of Nathaniel and MaryHurlbut, Ann, dau. of Stephen and Bethiah Hicok, March 22. Josiah, s. of Samuel Jr., and Rachel Minor, March 26. Hezekiah, s. of Hezekiah and Esther Culver, April 7. Rachel, dau. of John and Elisabeth Ilurd, April David, s. of Isaac and Mary Tubbs. May Nathan, s. of John and Comfort Peirce, May J 9. Amos, s. of Timothy and Abigail Brownson. June Prudence, dau. of Lemuel and Bethiah Wheeler, June 26. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Ruth Galpin, July 8- Joseph, s. of Roger Kirby, ) -, -u- -^ -kt i.\ t ^ n AT-- J £ r, T-- 1 M- by his wiie Martha, July 7. Abia, dau. of Roger kirby, j -^ ■' Anna, dau. of Adam and Elisabeth Hurd, Aug. 14. Gideon, s. of Hezekiah and Sarah Wright, John, s. of Eleazur and Hannah Hinman, Levi, s. of Abraham and Martha Hurd, Sept. 20. Elisabeth, dau. of Isaac and Rebecca Judson, Sept. 13. Elisha, s. of Samuel and Annis Martin, Sept. 28. James, s. of John and Mary Minor, Oct. 17. Zadok, s. of Zadok and Esther Hurd, Oct. 31. Nathan, s. of David and Sarah Leavenworth, Nov. 1. Eleazur, s. of Jonathan and Plannah Mitchel, Nov. 27. Gordon, s. of Joseph and Mary Squire, Oct. 5. Tabitha, dau. of Soloman and Abigail Hurlbut, Nov. Phebe, dau. of Francis and Mary Guiteau, Nov. 16. Nathan, s. of John and Comfort Pierce, March 13. Joshua, s. of Ensign Joseph and Mary Judson, Dec. 14. Timothy, s. of Timothy and Sarah Walker, Dec. 14. Wait, s. of Wait and Ann Hinman, Nov. Love, dau. of Rev. John Graham, by his wife Abigail, Nov. 3. Anna, dau. of Samuel and Elisabeth Knowles, Aug. 5. BIRTHS IX WOODBURY, 25 Aaron, s. of Ebenezor and Dinah Down, Jesse, s. of Hezekiah Hooker, Eliphalet Easton was born Sarah, clau. of "William, Jr., and Sarah Harriss, Amos, s. of Timothy and At)igail Brownson, Clotilda, dau. of Capt. Friend and Rachel Weecks, 1733. Eunice, dau. of John and Elisabeth Minor, Hannah, dau. of Samuel and Hannah Jenner, Jerusha, dau. of David and Margaret Squire, Elisabeth, dau. of John and Elisabeth Nickols, Judah, s. of Ephraim and Elisabeth Baldwin, Mercy, dau. of Benjamin and Mary "Wheeler, Annis, dau. of Nathan and Eunice Hurd, Mary, dau. of Elisha and Rebecca Stoddard, Phebe, dau. of Francis and Mary Guitteau, Reuben, s. of Benjamin, Jr., and Hannah Hurd, Mabel, dau. of Joseph and Susannah Roots, Mary, dau. of Jonathan and Hannah Atwood, Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Mary Hurlbut (2d wife), Jemima, dau. of Tliomas and Hannah Mallery, Mercy, dau. of Thomas and Eunice Drakeley, Joseph, s. of Samuel and Esther Waller, John, s. of John and Thankful Hunt, James, s. of John and Mary Minor, Reuben, s. of Sergt. John and Elisabeth Mitchell, Gideon, s. of Hezekiah and Sarah Wright, Elisabeth, dau. of Nathan and Martha Curtiss, Tabitha, dau. of William and Hannah Castle, Samuel, s. of Stephen and Bethiah Hicok, Seth, s. of Timothy and Elisabeth Minor, Simon, s. of Caleb and Martha Wheeler, Phebe, dau. of Caleb and Elisabeth Martin, Bethe, dau. of Joseph and Sarah Prince, Elijah, s. of Joseph and Esther Hinman, Stebbins, s. of Nathaniel, Sen., and Bethiah Sanford, Eunice, dau. of Sergt. Solomon and Maiy Johnson, Stephen, s. of Richard and Sarah Peet, Nathan, s. of Nathan and Sarah Hurlbut, Reuben, s. of John and Elisabeth Mitchell, 1734. Prudence, dau. of Isaac and Mary Tuttle, Naomi, dau. of Capt. Friend and Rachel Weecks, Justus, s. of Moses and Sarah Mathews, Samuel Castle, Elisha, s. of Capt. Andrew and Mary Hinman, Vol. hi.— 4 Oct. 18. April 27. Aug. 9. Aug. 1. June 9. May 20. Jan. 14. Jan. 18. Jan. Feb. 9. Feb. 22. Feb. 27. March 1. March 29. Nov. 16. April 2. April 18. April 20. May May 20. June June 2. Sept. 17. Sept. Nov. 1. Oct. Oct. Nov. 23. Nov. Dec. 26. Dec. 29. April 1. Nov. 27. May 24. Feb. 14. Sept. Jan. April 20. Jan. 6 Feb. 16." March 9 26 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Abigail Northrop, born in Newtown, Jan. 9. Olive, dau. of David and Abigail Hurd, April 2. Noah, s. of Adam and Elisabeth Hurd, April Ehsabeth, dau. of Peter and Mary Walker, April 28. Eeuben, s. of John and Elisabeth Squire, May 1. Mary, dau. of Jonathan and Phebe Sanford, May 19. Rebecca, dau. of Thomas and Feda Minor, June Elisabeth, dau. of William and Sarah Judd, June 13. Jehiel, s. of John and Elisabeth Hurd, Ji-ily 8. Nathan, s. of Samuel and Annis Martin, July 30. Beulah, dau. of John and Elisabeth Minor, Aug. 27. Sela, s. of Adino, Jr., and Deborah Strong, Sept. Deliverance, s. of Daniel and Margaret Squire, Oct. Salmon, s. of Salmon and Margaret Hurlbut, Anthony, s. of Eliakim and Joanna Stoddard, Oct. 21. Stephen, s. of Samuel and Piuth Galpin, Oct. Elisabeth, dau. of John and Mary Orton, Nov. 1 6. Richard, s. of Samuel, Jr., and Hannah Jenner, Nov. 25. Jemima, dau. of Abraham, Jr., and Martha Hurd, Nov. 29. Mary, dau. of Sergt. Samuel and Elisabeth Knowles, Nov. 16. Sarah, dau. of Richai-d and Sarah Peet, Dec. Ebenezer, s. of David and Sarah Leavenworth, Dec. 24. Emm, dau. of Matthew and Sarah Minor, Dec. 31. Justus, s. of John and Comfort Peirce, May 29. Moses, s. of Ebenezer and Dinah Down, Sept. 3. Timothy, s. of Timothy and Abigail Brownson, Aug. 25. Eunice, dau. of Hezekiah Hooker, Oct. 30. Gideon, s. of Daniel and Abigail Judson, July 31. Abigail, dau. of John and Mary Crissey, June 3. 1735. Deborah, dau. of John and Dorcas Royce, Feb. 13. Benjamin, s. of Isaac and Rebecca Judson, Feb. 17. Simeon, s. of Gideon and Olive Stoddard, March 1. Sarah, dau. of Rev. John and Abigail Graham, March 18. Nathan, s. of Ephraim and Elisabeth Baldwin, March 28. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Esther Waller, April 17. Seth, s. of John and Thankful Hunt, April Lucy, dau. of Jonathan and Hannah Atwood, Jerusha, dau. of Joseph and Susanna Roots, June 20. Daniel, s. of Peter and Judith Minor, July 1. Seth, s. of John Jr., and Patience Baker, July 14. Israel, s. of Josiah and Mary Minor, by his 2d wife, Olive, dau. of Josiah and Mary Minor, by his 2d wife, Merriam, dau. of David and Merriam Foot, Aug. 3. Moses, s. of Sergt. Moses and Prudence Johnson, March 24. Elisha, s. of Elisha and Rebecca Stoddard, Nov. 14. Damaris, dau. of Matthew and Hannah Mitchell, Aug. 30. Charles, s. of Ebenezer and Mary Strong, June. BIRTHS IN" WOODBURY 27 John, s. of Peter and Mary Walker, • Dec. 13. John, s. of Nathan and S;irah Hurlbut, Oct. 29. Ann, dau. of Samuel and Rebecca Algur, Aug. 19. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Mary King, Sept. 1. Betsey, dau. of Andrew. Jr., and Mabel Hinman, Oct. 8. Mindwell, dau. of Remember and Tamer Baker, March 5. Lucy, dau. of Jonathan and Hannah Atwood, May 4. 1736. Elisabeth, dau. of William and Sarah Harris, May 2. Ruth, dau. of Moses and Sarah Matthews, Jan. 3. Justice, s. of Tillo and Mary Blakesley, March 9. Elisabeth, dau. of Timothy and Elisabeth Minor, Jan. 15. Mary, dau. of Stephen and Bethiah Hicok, Jan. 26. Andrew, s. of Andrew and Patience Cole, Feb. 23. Elizabeth, dau. of Caleb and EUsabeth Martin, Feb. 27. Annis, dau. of Samuel and Annis Martin, 1 Patience, dau. of Samuel and Annis Martin, I March 18. Concurrence, dau. of Samuel and Annis Martin, ) Solomon, s. of Zadok and Esther Hurd, April 21. Emm, dau. of Matthew and Sarah Minor, April 21. Noble, s. of Capt. Andrew and Mary Hinman, April 25. Reuben, s. of John and Mary Minor, April 29. Justice, s. of John and Martha Ashmun, Sept. 16. Daniel, s. of John and Jemima Warner, July 18. Isaac, s. of Thomas and Feda Minor, July 23. Amos, s. of John and Elisabeth Hurd, July 25. Gideon, s. of Joseph and Sarah Martin, July 28. Abiram, s. of Ehakim and Joanna Stoddard, July 31. Phebe, dau. of Daniel and Phebe Curtiss, Oct. 8. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Sarah Prime, Oct. 13. Andrew, s. of John and Abigail Nickols, Oct. Frances, s. of Frances and Mary Guitteau, Aug. 12. Samuel, s. of John and Elisabeth Squire, Dec. 26. Sarah, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah Lewis, Oct. 9. Seth, s. of Josiah and Mary Minor, Dec. 31. Persilia, dau. of Capt. Friend and Rachel "Weecks, May 20. Dorcas, dau. of Ebenezer and Hannah Hinman, Dec. 13. Daniel, s. of John and Jemima Warner, July 18. Asahel, s. of Hezekiah Hooker, Dec. 13. David, s. of David and Margaret Squire, Sept. 17. Samuel, s. of John and Elisabeth Squire, Dec. 26 Elisabeth, dau. of Lieut. John and Jerusha Baker, June 29. EUsabeth, dau. of Ebenezer, Jr., and Elisabeth Warner, Nov. 17. Hannah, dau. of Sergt. Solomon and Hannah Johnson, Sept. 2. Justus, s. of Eliphalet and Sarah Bristol, Dec. 19. Elisabeth, dau. of Edmond and Hannah Tompkins, Dec. 4. liu 28 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, 1737. Dorcas, dau. of Daniel and Abigail Judson, Feb. 5. Jonah, s. of Jonathan and Philopas Sanford, Jan. 3. Sarah, dau. of John and Jemima Warner, Aug. 26. David, s. of Andrew, Jr., and Mabel Hinman, Feb. 1. Joshua, s. of Joshua and C'omfort Hurlbut, Feb. 5. David, s. of Justus and Lois Hicok, May 2. Patience, dau. of Samuel, Jr., and Hannah Jenner, Feb. 7. Simeon, s. of Thomas and Hannah Mallery, Feb. 18. Abraham, s. of John and Comfort Peirce, March 14. Martha, dau. of Nathan and Martha Curtiss, March. Abigail, dau. of Rev. John and Abigail Graham, March 13. John, s. of John and Elisabeth Minor, March 13. Reuben, s. of Ebenezer and Ellen Allyn, March. Mary, dau. of Nicholas and Mary Manvill, March 30. Azubah, dau. of John and Dorcas Royce, March 15. Joanna, dau. of John, Jr., and Abia Curtiss, May 15. Eleazer, s. of Sergt. Samuel and Elisabeth Knowles, March 22. Eunice, dau. of Joseph and Susannah Roots, April 2. Timothy, s. of Isaac and Rebecca Judson, ' April 22. Comfort, dau. of Thomas and Eunice Drakeley, April 5. Rachel, dau. of Ephraim and Elisabeth Baldwin, April 23. Hannah, dau. of Adino, Jr., and Deborah Strong, Dec. Hannah, dau. of Ephraim and Elisabeth Tyler, May 9. Mary, dau. of Jonathan and Mary Hurlbut, May 13. Susee, dau. of Nathaniel, Sen., and Bethiah Sanford, Feb. 15. Remember, s. of Remember and Tamar Baker, June. Hannahj dau. of Benjamin and Jemima "Warner, Aug. 4. Mary, dau. of Joseph and Mary Squire, May 9. Ann, dau. of Thomas and Mercy Bennet, Oct. 8. Mary, dau. of Isaac and Mary Tuttle, June 12. "William Parker, July 9. Abijah, s. of Richard and Sarah Peat, ) T 1 9fi Abirara, s. of Richard and Sarah Peat, j" -^ Elisabeth, dau. of John and Mercy Bull, July 19. Richard, s. of Timothy and Abigail Brownson, May 3. Benjamin, s. of Joseph Chittenden. Mabel, dau. of Gideon and Olive Stoddard, Sept. Abijah, s. of John and Mary Crissey, Feb. 4. Joanna, dau. of Peter and Mary Walker, Sept. 25. Mary Scisco, dau. of Jacob Scisco, March 14. Elisabeth, dau. of Adam and Elisabeth Hurd, June 26. Ann, first-born dau. of Henry and Hannah Castle, Oct. 13. CalelD, s. of Caleb and Martha Wheeler, Nov. 9. Peace, s. of Peter and Judith Minor. Rachel, dau. of Henry and Hannah Castle, Nov. 10. Ephraim, s. of Elnathan and Rebecca Judson, Dec. 5. Reuben, s. of Ebenezer and Ellen Allyn, March 4. 1 B 1 K T II S IN W O O D 13 U K Y 29 1738. David, s. of David and Miriam Foot, Feb. 13. John, s. of Capt Friend and Rachel Weecks, Oct. 7. David, s. of Sergt. EHsha and Rebecca Stoddard, Jan. Huldah, dau. David and Alngail Curtiss, Nov. 20. Olive, dau. of Jonathan, and Olive Atwood, Jan. Gideon, s. of Doct. Daniel Munn by wife Elisabeth, March 1. Hannah, dau. of Samuel and Rachel Minor, March 2. David, s. of Andrew and Thankful Cole, March. Esther, dau. of Sergt. Zadok and Esther Plurd, March 8. Josiah, s. of Ebenezer and Mary Strong, Jan. 5. Rebecca, dau. of Timothy and Elisabeth Minor, March. Ruth, dau. of David and Abigail Ilurd. Tliomas, s. of Thomas and Zeda Minor, June. I\Iary, dau. of John and Mary Minor, June .30. Joanna, dau. of Eliakim and Joanna Stoddard, July 10. Mary, dau. of Ephraim and Concurrence Sraedley, July 17. Ephraim, s. of Francis and Mary Guitteau, June 22. Caleb, s. of John and Abigail Nichols, Aug. 7. vSarah, dau. of Matthew and Sarah Minor, Ang. 24. Ruth, dau. of Solomon and Martha Squire. Sarah, dau. of John and Sarah Judson, Nov. 25. Samuel, s. of John and Mary Orton, Dec. 8. Ruth, dau. of Jonathan and Ruth Heley, May 14. Reuben, s. of Samuel and Martha Castle, Dec. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Hannah Jenner, Dec. Noah, s. of Adam and Elisabeth Hurd, Dec. Esther, dau. of Samuel and Esther Waller, Dec. Nicholas, s. of Nicholas and Mary Manvill, July 28. Margaret, dau. of Andrew, Jr., and Mabel Hinman, Dec. 16. Gad, s. of Eliphalet and Sarah Bristol, Dec. 4. Susanna, dau. of Stephen and Bethiah Hicok, April 10. Mercy, dau. of Nathaniel, Sen., and Bethiah Sanford, Aug. 3. Nathaniel, s. of Edmund and Hannah Tompkins, March 22. Rachel, dau. of Henry and Hannah Castle, Nov. 10. Jane, dau. of John and Mary Crissey, Feb. 14. Olive, dau. of Jonathan and Hannah Atwood, Jan. 15. 1739. Gideon, s. of David and Margaret Squire, March 19. Sarah, dau. of Capt. Hezekiah Hooker, May 30. Merrian, dau. of Dand and Merrian Foot, Jan. 12. John, s. of Caleb and Elisabeth Martin, Jan. 15. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Phebe Sanford, Jan. 19. Gideon, s. of Sergt. Timothy and Sarah Walkei-, April 27. Jonathan, s. of Matthew Mitchell by wife Hannah, Jan. Bathshua, dau. of Benjamin and Mary Wheeler, Fel). Timothy, s. of Samuel and Annice Martin. J 30 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Ann, dau. of John and Thankful Hunt. Thomas, s. of Jonathan and Mary (2d wife) Hurlbut. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Silence Warner, May. Beulah, dau. of Joseph and Susannah Roots, Aug. 7. Benjamin, s. of Joseph and Sarah Prime, Aug. 19. Mehitabel, dau. of Sergt. Elisha and Rebecca Stoddard. Comfort, dau. of Jonathan and Ann Jackson, Sept. 1. Olive, dau. of Timothy and Emm Hinman, Sept. 22. Elisabeth, dau. of Jonathan and Agapha Munger, -A.ug. 23. Eunice, dau. of Thomas and Eunice Di-akeley, July 17. Abigail, dau. of Sergt. Solomon and Hannah Johnson, March 28. Jonathan, s. of John and Dorcas Royce, July 15. Cloe, dau. of Allin and Ruth Curtiss, July 31. Hannah Scisco, dau. Jacob Scisco, July Y. Mary, dau. of Daniel and Abigail Judson, May 23. David, s. of Caleb and Martha Wheeler, Sept. 13. Nathan, s. of Luke and Mary Castle, Dec. 25. Gideon, s. of Timothy and Abigail Brownson, Oct. 4. Ann, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah Lewis, Feb. 2. .' TZeruiah, dau. of Benjamin and Grace Pitcher, Nov. 17. Rachel, dau. of Nathan and Ruth Royce, Feb. 22. Jemima, dau. of John and Jemima Warner, Oct. 2. Jerusha, dau. of Lieut. John and Jerusha Baker, May 7. 1740. Jonathan, s. of Matthew and Hannah Mitchell, Feb. 8. Elijah, s. of Sergt. John and Comfort Pierce, Jan. 13. Phebe, dau. of Timothy and Elisabeth Mino r, March. Gideon, s. of Gideon and Olive Stoddard, March. Benaijah, s. of Adino Strong, Jr., by wife Deborah, Feb. 10. Mary, dau. of Peter and Mary Walker, March. Ann, dau. of Nathan and Martha Curtiss, March. Lovewell, s. of Elijah and Abigail Hi;rd, Jan. 24. Amathe, dau. of Peter and Judith Minor, April 12. Adam, s. of Ephraim, Jr., and Mary Minor, Aug. 14. Patience, dau. of Joseph, Jr., and Ann Hurd, Sept. 2. Moses, s. of Samuel and Ruth Galpin, Nov. 19. Joanna, dau. of Joseph and Joanna Galpin, Nov. 20. Increase, s. of Increase and Deborah Moseley, Oct. 13. John, s. of John and Mary Minor, Dec. 25. David, s. of Samuel and Esther Waller, Dec. Thomas, s. of Return and Elisabeth Strong, Nov. 5. John, s. of John and Elisabeth Barret, July 7. Nathan, s. of Oliver and Lois Atwood. Mai'garet, dau. of David and Margaret Squire. Betty, dau. of Caleb and Sarah Olds, Nov. 10. James, s. of Roger and Martha Kirby, Sept. 17. Shove, s. of Josiah and Mary Minor, Feb. 5. B I H T H S I N W O D B U I{ Y . T! 1 Mabel, dau. of Andrew and Mabel Hinman, June 7. Molle, dau. of Ebenezer and Mary Strong, Oct. 14. Lemuel, s. of Daniel and Elisabeth Castle, Jan. 3. Gideon, s. of Aaron and Elisabeth Mallory, June 22. Gideon, s. of Oliver and Lois Atwood. Rachel, dau. of Joseph and Joanna Galpin. Ann, dau. of William, Jr., and Sarah Harriss, March 20. Ephraim, s. of Ephraim and Elisabeth Tyler, Feb. 29. Elisabeth, dau. of Keuben and Bethiah Avered, July 9. Olive, dau. of Ebenezer and Deborah Brownson, Dec. 20. Joseph, s. of Israel Curtiss, March 22 Ann, dau. of Henry and Hannah Castle, ^ April 30" Elizur, s. of David and Abigail Curtiss, Sept. 11* .lohn, s. of JoUn and Bethiah "Watson, Dec. 9' 1741. ^Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Grace Pitcher, Nov. 14. Ephraim, s. of Joseph and Phebe Nichols, Feb. 2. Elisabeth, dau. of Ephraim and Elisabeth Tyler, Sept. 3. Phebe, dau. of John and Sarah Judson, Feb. 18. Elisha, s. of Ebenezer and Eleanor Allyn, Jiily 15. Elihu, s. of Josiah and Hannah Avered, March 5. Samuel, s. of Capt. Friend and Rachel Weecks, March 14. Submit, dau. of Samuel and Charity Broughton, March 22. Mohetabel, dau. of Lieut. John and Jerusha Baker, June 1. David, s. of Matthew and Sarah Minor, April 5. Sarah, dau. of David and Ruth Royce, March 25. Daniel, s. of Samuel and Anniss Martin, April 23. Mindwell, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah Lewis, May 4. Susanna, dau. of Sergt. Zadok and Esther Hurd, May. Margaret, dau. of David and Margaret Squire, Feb. 18. Dan, s. of Telle Blakely. Truman, s. of Obadiah and Agnis Wheeler, Nov. 26. Isaac, s. of David and Mirriam Foot, June. Nathan, s. of Oliver and Lois Atwood, March 14. Jehu, s. of John and Dorcas Royce, June 17. Jeremiah, s. of Silas and Rachel Stone, Feb. 8. Ann, dau. of John and Abigail Nichols, June. James Scisco, s. of Jacob Scisco, Oct. 1 6. Damaris, dau. Sergt. Elisha and Rebecca Stoddard, June. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Susanna Roots, July 27. Martha, dau. of Elijah and Sarah Judson, July 27. Caleb, s. of Caleb and Elisabeth Martin, Aug. 24. Esther, dau. of Caleb and Elisabeth Martin, Aug, 24. Joseph, s. of Eph and Elisabeth Baldwin, Sept. 4. Ruth, dau. of Luke and Mary Castle, Sept. Abner, s. of Caleb and Eunice Lewis, -A.ug. 21. Jonathan, s. of Dea. Jonathan and Ruth Kelsey, Aug. 30. Lucy, dau. Adam and Elisabeth Hurd, Oct. 32 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Maiy, dau. Elnathan and Rebecca Judson, Oct. Mary, dau. Peter and Rhoda Walker, Oct. 23. Daniel, s. of Benjamin and Jemima Warner, April 1 2. Ebenezer, s. of Allin and Ruth Curtiss, Nov. 6. Elisha, s. of Daniel and Abigail Judson, March 28. David, s. of Robert and Esther Durkee, Feb. 6. Sarah, dau. of Benjamin, Jr., and Sarah, Nov. 17. John, s. of Caleb and Martha Wheeler, Oct. 14. Reuben, s. of Justus and Lois Hicok, Dec. 25. Ann, dau. of Matthew and Deborah Royce, Nov. 10. 1742. David, s. of Matthew and Hannah Mitchell, Jan. 4. Patience, dau. of Susanna Minor, * Feb. 15. Ann, dau. of Abijah and Eunice Stoddard, Feb. Josiah, s. of David and Deborah Roots, March 12. Patience, dau. Timothy and Emm Hinman, March 10. Mary, dau. of Jonathan and Agaplie Munger, Jan. 5. Eliakim, s. of Eliakim and Joanna Stoddard, July. Nathan, s. of Gideon and Olive Stoddard, Aug. Eunice, dau. of John and Thankful Rumril, May 13. Elizabeth, dau. of Reuben and Martha Sherman, Nov. Ann, dau. of Reuben and Sarah Judson, Dec. 2. John, s. of Allin and Ruth Curtis, Nov. 30. Ashur, s. of Eliphelet and Sarah Bristol, March 9. Thomas, s. of Samuel and Thankful Dorwin, Aug. 24. Martha, dau. of Return and Ehzabeth Strong, Aug. 14. Francis, s. of Andrew and Mabel Hinman, Nov. 29. Rachel, dau. of John and Thankful Rumril, Aug. 29. Jerusha, dau. of Elijah and Abigail Hurd. Nathan, s. of Timothy and Abigail Brownson, May 14. Epaphrus, s. of Samuel and Martha Bell, Sept. 6. Jonathan, s. of Benjamin and Grace Pitcher, Jan. 31.''' Mercy, dau. of John and Jemima Warner, April 26. Isaac s. of Timothy and Tabitha Hurd, Oct. 9. Israel, s. of Israel Curtiss, April 24. Martha, dau. of Obadiah and Agnis Wheeler, J"ly 12. Rachel, dau. of Silas and Rachel Stone, Aug. 2. Axsa, dau. of David and Abigail Curtiss, Aug. 25. Ebenezer Castle. 1743. Adonijah, s. of John and Dorcas Royce, Dec. 30. Elisabeth, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah Lewis, Sept. 22. Deliverance, dau. of Samuel and Hannah Pitcher, April 10. Gideon, s. of Ohver and Lois Atwood, March 3. Solomon, s. of John and Mary Johnson, Feb. 21. Himan, s. of John and Bethia Watson, April 6 or 9. Mary, dau. of Josiah and Hannah Avered, Feb. 13. H 1 1! T II S IN W OO I) H I li Y , 33 Solomon, s. of John and Mary Crissey, Feb. 21. Samuel, s. of Ezekiel and Tabitha Tuttle, Feb. 22. Hannah, dau. of Benjamin, Jr., and Hannah Ingraham, Feb. 6. Sarah, dau. of Matthew and Sarah Minor, March 20. ""ilisha, s. of John and Abigail Nichols, April 7. 8imon, s. of Thomas and Feda Minor, April. -* Samuel, s. of Ephraim, Jr., and Mary Minor, April 30, John, s. of John and Mary Minor, June 9. Noah, s. of Tliomas and Eunice Wheeler, June 6. 7jydia, dau. of David and Margaret Squire, June 'I'imothy, s. of Timothy and Elisabeth Minor, April 22. foseph, s. of Robert and Esther Durkee, April 30. Fotham, s. of Lieut. Elisha and Rebecca Stoddard, July. i]leazer, s. of Henry and Rachel Ingraham, Jan. 15. vVilliam, s. of Samuel and Charity Broughton, Feb. 3, David, s. of Joseph and Phebe Nichols, Sept. 14. ^arah, dau. of Ebenezerand Deborah Brownson, Nov. 26. Chaddes, s. of David and Abigail Hurd, Dec. 12. ^hoda, dau. of Thomas and Mercy Bennett, Jan. 23. lary, dau. of Nathan and Hannah Warner, June 29. jbenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Mary Strong, June 8. Sarah, dau. of Ephraim and Keziah Seeley, Dec. 24. Samuel, s. of Nathan and Comfort Booth, Dec. 23. Daniel, s. of David and Abigail Judson, Oct. 3. Lydia, dau. of David and Margaret Squire, June 7. ^.donijah, s. of John and Dorcas Royce, Dec. 30. Zlharity, dau. of Jedediah and Abigail Hurd, Jan. 29. Mary, dau. of Capt. Increase Moseley, by wife Deborah, April 9. ^din, s. of Obadiah and Agnes Wheeler, Nov. 20. Desire, dau. of Consider and Patience Hurlbut, May 10. David, s. of Jesse and Joanna Baker, April 15. jchabod, s. of John and Elizabeth Squire, Oct. 27. jevi, s. of Ebenezer and Mary Thompson, Dec. 13. [annah, dau. of Matthew and Deborah Royce, Oct. 17. )avid, s. of Daniel and Abigail Judson, . Oct. *3. 3eth, s. of Benjamin and Silence Warner, May 6. foseph, s. of Lemuel and Jerusha Baker, April 9. >bel, s. of Dea. Joseph and Ann Hurd, Jan. 20. lary, dau. Joseph and Jerusha Judson, March 25. urideon, s. of Asahel and Catharina King, Oct. 25. IVnn, dau. of Adino and Deborah Strong, April 12. I^^lisabeth, dau. Capt. Friend and Rachel Weecks, Feb. 17. JDavid, s. of Jonathan and Hannah Atwood, Oct. 3. 1744. daughter of Jonathan and Phebe Sanford, March 14. Esther, dau. of Eld ad and Esther Spencer, Feb. 20. loses, s. of Reuben and Bethiah Avered, April 1. 'imothy, s. of Timothy and Emm Hinman, April 22. i You' III.— 5 \ 34 HISTOKY OF ANCIENT WOODS I" RY. Mercy, dau. of William, Jr., and Sarah Harriss, Gideon, s. of Gideon and Emblem Hurlbut, Peter, s. of Caleb and Martha Wheeler, Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Sarah Hicok, David, s. of Joseph and Phebe Nichols, Theophila, dau. of Joseph and Abigail Prentice, Elisabeth, dau. of Timothy and Abigail Brownson, Sarah, dau. Dea. Jonathan and Ruth Kelsey, Amos, s. of Samuel and Charity Broughton, Robert, s. of Jonathan and Mary Hurlbut, Miriam, dau. of John and Ann Mallory, Mercy, dau. of Justus and Lois Hicok, Asa, s. of Thomas and Betty Leavenworth, Sarah, dau. of Ebenezer and Eunice Pardee, Dinah, dau. of Deliverance and Ann Bell, Eunice, dau. of Thomas and Ann Hazzen, Sarah, dau. of John and Abigail Guthrie, Sarah, dau. of John and Sarah Twiss, Mary, dau. of Ephraim and Elisabeth Tyler, Daniel, s. of John and Jemima Warner, Lois, dau. of Daniel and Joanna Dudley, Nathan, s. of Samuel and Sarah Church, Olive, dau. of Lieut. John and Jerusha Baker, David, s. of David and Ruth Royce, Abner, s. of Timothy and Tabitha Hurd, Joshua, s. of Samuel and Sarah Church, Mary, dau. of Luke and Mary Castle, David, s. of Return and Elisabeth Strong, Stephen, s. of Israel Curtiss, Israel, s. of Jedediah and Abigail Hurd, Ebenezer, s. of John and Bethiah Watson, Sarah, dau. of Adino and Deborah Strong, Sarah, dau. of Ezekiel and Sarah Rogers, Henry, s. of Silas and Rachel Stone, Rachel, dau. of Joseph and Abigail Towner, Abigail, dau. of David and Abigail Curtiss, Thomas, s. of Abishai and Lois Moseley, 1^45. ...---^Hannah, dau. of Samuel and Hannah Pitcher, Mary, dau. of John and Mary Mallory, Deliverance, dau. of Deliverance and Ann Bell, Kezia, dau. of Reuben and Martha, Samuel, s. of Benjamin, Jr., and Hannah Ingraham, Elisha, s. of Jehu and Mary Minor, Sibil, dau. of Abel and Ehsabeth Munn, Olive, dau. of Isa:ac and Rebecca Judson, Thankful, dau. of Eldad and Esther Spencer, Matthew, s. of Matthew and Deborah Royce, Feb. 29. April 5. April IG. April 20. Sept. j Oct. }. March I'l. Jan. 10. Oct. U. Sept. 4. Sept. Sept. Sept. April Feb. April ITI April 30 April 20i Nov. 8 Aug. 26 July 10 April 6 March 25 Feb. 13 Jan. 7; May 15! Oct. 27| May 1. Jan. 8. July 21. May 1 Dec. 24 May 15. April 3 Dec. 17 June 16 June. April 12.1 June 23i[ Jan. 13 Feb. 22. Jan. 6.| July. [ Sept. 2. Aug. 21. April 16. B I K T 11 S IN W O O D B l H Y 35 Sarah, dau. of Josiali and Sarah Bassett, Nov. 25. Hannah, dau. of Daniel and Mindwell Sliennan, June 30. Matthew, s. of Matthew and Sarah Minor, -^ug. 18. Justus, s. of Joseph and Susanna Roots, Oct. Aaron, s. of Josiah and Hannah Avered, ApriL Jerusha, dau. of Jonathan and Hannah Atwood, March 23. Jonathan, s. of Elijah and Sarah Judson. Oct. 20. Irena, dau. of John, Jr., and Rebecca Meigs, Sept. 21. Reuben, s. of Ephraini and Ann Hawley, Oct. 25, Samuel, s. of Thomas and Eunice Drakeley, May 18. Elisha, s. of Henry and Rachel Ingraham, June 10. Joshua, s. of Thomas and Ann Hazzen, Oct. 8. John, s. of Benjamin and Silence Warner, May 29. Aaron, s. of Jehu and Mary Minor, Joseph, s. of Dea. Joseph and Ann Hurd, J^dy 10. Samuel, s. of Aaron and Joanna Mallory, April 24. John, s. of John and Sarah Twiss, Oct. 28. Lucy, dau. of Mr. Joseph and Frances Bellamy, -A-Ug. 31. Sarah, dau. of Capt. Friend and Rachel Weecks, J^ily 20. Eunice, dau. of Joseph and Sarah Hicok, Nov. 11. iMary, dau. of Elijah and Anna Atwood, Nov. 24. David, s. of Jonathan and Hannah Atwood, May 20. .Vmos, s. of Ebenezer and Mary Thompson, Oct. 10. Rhoda, dau. of Nathan and Hannah Warner, March 8. Reuben, s. of Ephraim and Keziah Selee, Sept. 5. Gideon, s. of Obadiah and Agnes Wheeler, July 27. Elijah, s. of Oliver and Lois Atwood, April 27. 1746. Amos, s. of John and Dorcas Royce, June 6. Moses, s. of Jedediah and Abigail Hurd, June 1 1. Dorcas, dau. of Ens. Samuel and Susanna Strong, May 20. Titus, s. of John and Bethiah Watson, Jan. 29. Esther, dau. of John and Mary Johnson, Jan. 4. Eliphalet, s. of Ebenezer and Eunice Pardee, May 6. Mark, s. of Matthew and Deborah Royce, July 23. Thomas, s. of John and Elisabeth Prentice, Jan. U. Elisha, s. of Ephraim, Jr., and Maiy Minor, Jan. Daniel, s. of Lieut. Elisha and Rebecca Stoddai'd, April 1 1 . Isaac, s. of Caleb and Sarah Olds, April 20. Martha, dau. of Ensign Caleb and Lydia Wheeler. March 25. Triphene, dau. of Thomas and Betty Leavensworth, July 3L Abigail, dau. of Eliphalet and Abigail Clark, May 11. Deborah, dau. of John 2d and Ann Mallory, June 6. Elisabeth, dau. of Daniel and Abigail Judson, May 5. Eunice, dau. of David and Mary Booth, Dec. 6. Patience, dau. of Lieut. Benjamin and Sarah Hicok, April 27. John, s. of John and Sarah Judson, Oct. 6. Lydia, dau. of John and A])igail Guthrie, July 16. 36 H 7 S T K Y OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Ann, dan. of Jesse and Jonathan Baker, Mary, dau. of Rev. Mr. Thomas and Mary Canfield, Jemima, dau. of Ephraim and Elisabeth Tyler, Jacob, s. of Lemuel and Jerusha Baker, Azubah, dau. of Asahel and Comfort Martin, Aaron, s. of Asahel and Catharina King, Martha, dau. of Ebenezer, Jr., and Elisabeth Warner, Margaret, dau. of Samuel and Charitie Broughton, Samuel, s. of Ebenezer and Eleanor AUyn, Mercy, dau. of Ebenezer and Eleanor Allyn, Jerusha, dau. of Samuel and Sarah Church, John, s. of Lieut. John and Jerusha Baker, Currence, dau. of Thaddens and Mehitabel Hicok, Ruth, dan. of Clement and Mary Minor, Elisabeth Scisco, dau. of Jacob Scisco, Mary, dau. of Timothy and Tabitha Hurd, David, s. of David and Abigail Curtiss, Luke, s. of Luke and Mary Castle. Ebenezer, s. of Silas and Rachel Stone, Elisabeth, dan. of Junia and Hannah Ingraham, Bela, s. of Ezekiel and Sarah Rogers, Hannah, dau. of Ephraim and Keziah Seeley, Hester, dau. of John and Mary Johnson, Emma, dau. of Nathan and Damaris Judson, Henry, s. of Return and Elisabeth Strong, 1747. Abia, dau. of Thomas and Ann Hazzen. Abner, s. of John, Jr., and Rebecca Meigs, Desire, dau. of Barzilia and Thankful Hendee, Absalom, s. of Elisha and Phebe Baker, Esther, dau. of Zebulon and Esther Leavensworth, Timothy, s. of Israel and Eunice Castle, Mary, dau. of William and Desire Colver, Simon, s. of David and Prudence Minor, Patience, dau. of Samuel and Martha Bell, Charles, s. of Eldad and Esther Spencer, Reuben, s. of Aaron and Elisabeth Mallory, Brainard, s. of Hezekiah, Jr., and Esther Hooker, Hannah, dau. of Ephraim and Mary Skeel, Emm, dau. of Daniel and Mindwell Sherman, Rebecca, dau. of Mr. Joseph Bellamy, by wife Frances, David, s. of David and Mary Lyman, Abraham, s. of Lemuel and Jerusha Baker, Solomon, s. of Ensign Matthew and Sarah Minor, Mabel, dau. of Mr. Peter Curtiss, by wife Mary, Ruth, dau. of Daniel and Deborah Roots, Mary, dau. of Zenos and Mary Ward, Elizabeth, dau. of David Boland, 3 n. G. March 26. May 18. Jan. 28. Jan. 1. Dec. 3. July 1. June 9. Feb. 25. Oct. 3. Oct. Oct. May Aug. 8. July 20. May 12. April 9. March 14. April 27. Oct. 27. Feb. 23. May 13. July 22. Jan. 4. Feb. 8. April 18. Aug. 25. June 12. June 17. Aug. 10. June 17. April 22. Jan. 2. Jan. 10. Feb. 28. March 18. 7. 4. 21. 2. 31. April May Oct. Aug. Aug. May 20 Sept. 13 Dec. 2 March 16 May 29 Oct. 26 April. B 1 U T 11 S IN W O () D B L! 1{ Y , 37 Lois, dau. of David and Ruth Hawley, Himeon, s. oC Nathaniel Jr., and Abigail Porter, Mary, dau. of Capt. Friend and Rachel Wcecks, Esther, dau, of Ebenezer and Mary Thompson, Esther, dau. of Samuel and Sarah Church, Ithiel, s. of Josepli and Sarah Hicok, Thaddeus, s. of Clement and Mary Mindr, Samuel, s. of Thomas and Esther Converse, Abigail, dau. of Daniel, Jr., and Mary Sherman, Esther, dau. of Jonathan and Hannah Atwood, Noble, s. of Capt. Josiah and Hannah Avered, Esther, dau. of Ebenezer and Mary Thompson, Ann, da\i. of Oliver and Lois Atwood, Betty, dau. of Obadiah and Agnis Wheeler, Sarah, dau. of John and Sarah Twiss, Asahel, s. of Peter and Sarah Hurd, Esther, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah Lewis, Nathan, s. of Nathan and Hannah Warner, Benjamin, s. of Joseph and Tabitlia Richards, Elisabeth, dau. of Nathan and Damaris Judson, Elisabeth, dau. of Junia Ingraham, 1748. Axsah, dau. of Return and Elisabeth Strong, Jerusha, dau. of John and Mary Johnson, Eunice, dau. of Israel Curtiss, Ann, dau. of Henry and Rachel Ingraham, John, s. of Oliver and Lois Atwood, Luke, s. of Matthew and Deborah Royce, Abigail, dau. of Daniel and Marj^ Mallary, Deborah, dau. of Capt. lncr(>ase and Deborah Moseley, Mary, dau. of Thaddeus and Mary Lacey, Elisabeth, dau. of Samuel and Jemima Torrance, Moses, s. of David and Sarah Hawley, Mary, dau. of Barzilia and Thankful Hendee, Ashbel, s. of David and Abigail Curtiss, Rutli, dau. of David and Mary Lyman, Gideon, s. of Elijah and Sarah Judson, Abigail, dau. of Elisha and Phebe Baker, William, s. of John and Bethiah Watson, Mary, dau. of Zebulon and Esther Leavensworth, Philip, s. of Jacob Scisco, Lucy, dau. of Asahel and Catharina King, Elnathan, s. of Samuel and Eunice Strong, Gideon, s. of Thomas and Betty Leavenworth, Anna, dau. of Daniel and Charitie Broughton, Anna, dau. of Allen and Ruth Curtiss, Daniel, s. of Daniel and Elisabeth Everet, Annie, dau. of Enos and Ann Beach, Aug. Nov. 10. 20. July Oct. 20. 14. Nov. 6. Nov. 18. Nov. 28^ Feb. 20. March 1. •July March 30. 3. Nov. 14. June 3. May June 15. 30. Oct. 20. Nov. 27. Feb. 13. Oct. 27. Nov. 30. Feb. 23. Aug. 23. Aug. 31. July 8. March \2. March 19. July Jan. 4. 18. Nov. 11. Oct. 14. Jime 12. Oct. 19. Aug. 2. Aug. 24. June 29. March 8. Dec. 26. Nov. 25. June 16. Feb. 13. Feb. 14. March 17. Feb. 21. March 28. March 24. May May 1. 20. 38 HISTORY OF ANCIKNT WOODBURY, Hannah, dau. of John 2d, and Ann Mallary, April 5. Joseph, s. of John, Jr.. and Eunice (yrissey, Sept. I. Simeon, s. of Benjamin and Mary King, May 14. Lydia, dau. of Ehphalet and Thankful Clark, April 10. Esther, dau. of Jedediah and Abigail Hurd, June 15. Aaron, s. of James and Thankful Pennock, " Sept. 10. Eldad, s. of Eldad and Esther Spencer, Dec. 7. Elisabeth, dau. of James and Lydia Durkey, June 23. Simeon, s. of Dea. Benjamin and Sarah Hicok, Oct. 22. Mabel, dau. of Adino and Deborah Strong, Jan. 8. Lamson, s. of Peter and Elisabeth Mitchel, Sept. 25. Eber, s. of Silas and Rachel Stone, April 3. Ruth, dau. of Lieut. Timothy and Emm Hinman, Nov. 19. Olive, dau. of Jesse and Phebe Roots, May 4. Concurrence, dau. of Nathaniel, Jr., and Ann Hurd, Dec. 21. Pi'udence, dau. of David and Patience Judson, Feb. 29. Sarah, dau. of Samuel and Sarah Church, Ju.ly 31. Eunice, dau. of John and Dinah Masters, Oct. 21. Samuel, s. of Lieut. John and Jerusha Baker, June 12. Ruth, dau. of Samuel and Mary Slater, Sept. 17. Molly, dau. of Thomas and Esther Converse, Oct. 28. Mary, dau. of Junia and Hannah Ligraham, Oct. 23. Electa, dau. of Abner and Susannah Mallary, April 19. Mary, dau. of Christopher and Betty Prentice, Oct. 26. Eleanor, dau. of John and Mary Row, June 1. 1749. Asa, s. of Thomas and Ann Hazzen, Nov. 5. Dorcas, dau. of John and Dorcas Royce, Jan. 5. Cornelius, s. of Stephen and Mary Brownson, June 11. Sarah, dau. of Thomas and Mary Canfield, Aug, 9. Tabitha, dau. of Sarah and Martha Bell, July 5. John, s. of Hezekiah and Elisabeth Hooker, Feb. 4. Tamar, dau. of Jesse and Joanna Baker, Feb. 23. Eliakim, s. of Ehakim and Joanna Stoddard, Dec. 11. Phebe, dau. of Mr. Benjamin and Ruth Stiles, J an. 1 8. Sarah, dau. of Daniel and Elisabeth Everet, Nov. 14. Ebenezer, s. of James and Sarah Burges, June 16. David, s. of Dea. Tille and Mary Blakesley, July 25. Ruth, dau. of David and Mary Lyman, June 29. Betterus, dau. of Thomas and Eunice Drakeley, Nov. 18. Stephen, s. of Elnathan and Abigail Baker, Dec. 5. Hannah, dau. of Capt. Friend and Rachel Weeks, June i9. Patience, dau. of David and Patience Judson, Aug. 26. Israel, s. of Eliphalet and Thankful Clark, Nov. 23. Job, s. of Asahel and Comfort Marks, «Jan. 13. Ann, dau. of David and Prudence Minor, June 13. Andrew, s. of Thaddeus and Mehetabel Hicok, April 24. Sarah, dau. of Thomas and Esther Durkee, Nov. 3. Sybel, dau. of David and Submit Hotchkiss, May 29. BIRTHS IX \V () () D li I li Y . 39 Sarah, dan. of Daniel and Mind well Sherman, Sept. 14. Hannah, dau. of John and Sarah Twiss, May 27. Ann, dau. of Doa. Joseph and Ann Hurd, April 5. Eunice, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah Lewis, May 1. Elisabetli, dau. of David and ^Margaret Squire, Dec. 4. Samuel, s. of Nathaniel and Sarah Hicok, Sept. 17. E])hraim, s. of Ephraini and Keziah Seelee, Oct. 29. William, s. of Seth and Elisabeth Preston, Feb. 24. Ann, dau. of Daniel, Jr., and Mary Shei'man, Nov. 20. Hannah, dau. of Abner and Susannah Mallaiy, Feb. 10. Josiah, s. of Josiah and Hannah Avered, Feb. 21. Rachel, dau. of Ebenezer and Deborah Bx'ownson, Nov. 23. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Abigail Towner, Nov. 15. Sarah, dau. of Israel Curtiss, April 3. Mary, dau. of Daniel and Mary M alio ry, Oct. 17. Samuel, s. of David and Ann Carr, Feb. 6. Eleazer, s. of Daniel and Mary Dudley, Aug. 19. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Lydia Churchel, Nov. 2.5. Ann, dau. of David and 7\nn Carr, Dec. 2. Job, s. of Asahel and Comfort Martin, Jan. 13. Olive, dau. of Obadiah and Agnis Wheeler, Sept. 21. 1750. John, s. of John, Jr., and Hannah Pierce, March 5. Isaac, s. of Samuel and Abigail Pitcher, Dec. 20. Abijah, s. of Stephen and Mary Bx'ownson, Dec. 31. Reuben, s. of Asahel and Katharine King, March 13. Abigail, dau. of Samuel and Jemima Torrance, Nov. 29. Mary, dau. of Joseph and i\Iary Preston, Jan. 13. David, s. of Mr. Joseph and Frances Bellamy, Nov. 10. Solomon, s. of Jesse and Phebe Roots, Jan. 13. Peter, s. of Peter and Rhoda Walker, May 13. Rhoda, dau. of Peter and Rhoda Walker, May 13. Esther, dau. of Zebulon and Esther Leavensworth, May 19. Ebenezer, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth Thompson, July 6. "Wait, s. of Samuel and Charity Broughton, June 1 1 . , dau. of Ebenezer and Ellen Allen, Aug. 21. George, s. of James and Esther Kasson, Feb. 20. Solomon, s. of David and Hannah Huribut, March 21. James, s. of John and Bethia Watson, April 6. Simeon, s. of David and Prudence Minor, Sept. Esther, dau. of Nathan and Damaris Judson, Jan. 21. Robert, s. of Robert and Mabel Hannah, Dec. 15. Elizabeth, dau. of Snmuel and Sarah Church, July 27. Silas, s. of David and Sarah Hawley. Nov. 23. Nathaniel, s. of Peter and l^^lizabeth Mitchel, Sept. 22. Ebenezer, s. of Thaddeus and Mary Lacey, Aug. 30. Hannah, dau. of Abner and Susanna Mallary, Feb. Samuel, s. of John and Dinah Masters, Nov. 5. Ezekiel, s. of Silas and Rachel Stone, Jan. 25. 40 HISTORY OP ANCIENT W O O D B U K Y . John, s. of Josiah and Ann Mallery, Nov. 5. Solomon, s. of Peter and Sarah Hurd, Dec. 25. Enos Jones, s. of Enos and Deborah Frindle, Nov. 23. Lois, dau. of Benjamin and Kebeckah Hinman, July 16. Jedediah, s. of Jedediah and Susanna Atwood, June 26. Amos, s. of Joseph and Tabitha Richards, Nov. 18. Judson, s. of Joshua and Jerusha Guitteau, Dec. 11. Bethel, s. of Daniel and Experience Hurd, Nov. 27. Hannah, dau. of Reuben and Bethiah Avered, June 6. Susannah, dau. of Joseph and Jerusha Judson, Aug. 30. Amos, s. of John and Jerusha Baker, Oct. 14. Adino, s of Adino and Deborah Strong, April 5. Zenas, s. of Zenas and Mary Ward, July 11. Emm, dau. of John and Mary Johnson, Dec. 31. John, s. of Samuel and Mary Slater, May 27. Rachel, dau. of Jedediah and Abigail Hurd, Aug. 10. Justus, s. of Asa and Elizabeth Johnson, Nov. 8. Mabel, dau. of Nathaniel Hicok, Oct. 19. Mary, dau. of John and Sarah Gould, March 3. John 3d, s. of John 2d and Hannah Pearce, March 5.' Sarah, dau. of Jonathan and Hannah Atwood, April 27. Solomon, s. of James and Lydia Durkey, March 26. Mary, dau. of Ebenezer and Mary Thompson, April 28. Achsah, 2d of the name, dau. of Return and Elizabeth Strong, Sept. 19. Hannah, dau. of John and Sarah Judson, Jiily 1. Hezekiah, s. of John and Mary Row, Aug. 22. Sybel, dau. of Samuel and Experience Peck, Aug. 17. Amariah, s. of Christopher and Betty Prentice, April 7. John, s. of Samuel and Mary Slater, May 27. Eleazur, s. of Simon and Hannah Burton, May 14. Josiah, s.of John and Dorcas Royce, June 17. Hannah, dau. of Junia and Hannah Ingraham, Aug. 26. 1751. Phebe, dau. of Samuel and Mary Hurd, Nov. 23. Sibil, dau. of Andrew Messinger Sherwood by wife Sibil, Aug. 19. Reuben, s. of Rev. Thomas and Ann hiazzen, April 1 . Thomas, s. of Thomas and Mary Canfield, July 21. Sarah, dau. of David and Abigail Judson, March 6. Ozias, s. of Noah and Ann Woodwood, Aug. II. Nathan, s. of John and Mary Mallory, Aug. 12. May, dau. of Thomas, Jr., and Abigail Knowles, Sept. 20. Josiah, s. of Daniel and Phebe Beers, April 12. Abigail, dau. of Benjamin and Abigail Wihnot, March 22. Henry, s. of Abner and Sarah "Wakelee, April 9. Lydia, dau. of Barzilia and Thankful Hende, April 7. Beldin, s. of Samuel and Lydia Skeel, April 15. Susanna, dau. of Capt. Increase and Deboi'ah Moseley, June 11. Jeremiah, s. of Henry and Rachel Ingraham, June 11 H I K T 11 S I N W O () D 15 li li y . 41 Mary, dau. of David and Mary Lyman, Oct. 23. Whited, s. of John and Sarah Gould, Oct. 13. Ruth, dau. of Azariah and Desire Root, June 15. Thaddeus, s. of Thaddeus Ilicok by wife Mehitabel, May 31. Solomon, s. of Preserved and Esther Strong, April 13. Eunice, dau. of Thomas and Esther Durkee, June 1 6. Jonathan, s. of John and Sarah Twiss, June 1. Kebecca, dau. of Dea. Joseph and Ann Hurd, April 14. Preston, s. of Gideon and Esther Hollister, Sept. 5. Gideon, s. of Nathan and Eunice Hicok, Feb. 20. Ruth, dau. of Luke and Mary Castle, March 18. Richard, s. of Simeon and Ruth Iliird, April 30. Mabel, dau. of Nathaniel and Sarah Hicok, Oct. 19. Sarah, dau. of Daniel and Abigail Judson, March 6. Elisabeth, dau. of Seth and Elisabeth Preston, July 1. Benjamin, s. of Israel Curtiss, May 18. Curtiss, s. of David and Elsther Hurd, Nov. 13. Mary, dau. of Samuel and Sarah Sherman, Aug. 11. Enos, s. of Asahel and Comfort Martin, April 22. Eunice, dau. of Robert and Esther Durkee, June 16. Mercy, dau. of Nathan and Sarah Osborn, Sept. 28. Currance, dau. of Obadiah and Agnis Wheeler, Jan. 20. Preston, s. of Gideon and Esther IJollister, Sept. 5. Elisabeth, dau. of Daniel and Mary Dudley, Dec. 10. Patience, dau. of Enos and Susanna Mitchell, Dec. 24. Hannah, dau. of Josiah and Hannah Avered, Jan. 1. Joshua and Sarah, s. and dau. of David and Abigail Curtiss, June 2. Deborah, dau. of Thomas and Abigail Warner, July 31. 1752. Jesse, s. of Segt. Hezekiah and Elizabeth Hooker, April 23. Elijah, s. of Thomas and Anna Hazzen, Nov. 14. Oliver, s. of Samuel and Martha Bell, Feb. 17. Sampson, s. of John and Mary Stoddard, Oct. 25. Amee, dau. of Zenas and Mary AVard, July 6. Emm, dau. of John and Mary Johnson, Dec 31. Jonathan, s. of Mr. Joseph and Frances Bellamy, Nov. 18. Eunice, dau. of Abner and Sarah Wakeley, Sept. 19, N. S. Mary, dau. Mr. Peter and Mary Curtiss, Aug. 30. John, s. of William and Sarah A dee, May 21. Zebulon, s. of Zebulon and Esther Leavensworth, Nov. 14. John, s. of Preserved and Esther Strong, Nov. 10. Mary, dau. of Jesse and Phebe Roots, Aug. 25. Ned^ s. of Timothy and Tabitha Hurd, Aug. 4. Sarah, dau. Thomas and Esther Converse, July 7. Huldah, dau. David and Submit Hotchkiss, April 16. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Hannah Atwood, July 31. Sarah, dau. of John and Sarah Twiss, Nov. 14. Vol. III._6 42 U I S T O K Y *.) F A N C I K N I' W O O D B I' K Y . David, s. of John 2d and Ann Mallory, July 18. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Ann Slater. March i). Nathan, s. of Xathan and Eunice Hicok, April 22. Kebeiva, dau. of Simeon and Ruth Hurd. P^c. 31. Jonathan, s. of Mr. Joseph and Fi'ances Bellamy, O. S., Nov. 7. Lois, dau. of Seth and Exxnice Avei-ed, Oct. 26. Rachel, dau. of Reuben and Rachel Hibberd. Maivh 1. Junia, s. of Junia and ilannah lugz-aham. Aug. 25. Isi-ael. s. of Elijah and Sarah Judson. Jan. 15. Subnxit, dau. of Fhebe Thomas, Dec. 24. Sai'^h, dau. of James and Mary Judson, Aug. 6. Jesse, s. of Elijah and Anna Atwood, May 12. Ebenezer. s. of Daniel. Jr.. and Maiy Sherman, Nov. 5. Lucy. dau. of Timothy and Anne Strong, July 6. Fret^love Amee. daxi. of Daniel and Mary Mallary, April 21. Damaris, daxi. of Nathan and Daraaris Judson, June 27. Amos. s. of Benjamin and Abigail Squii'e, April 15. Hannah. 2d of the name, dau. of Abner and Susannah Mallary. Jan. 17. Samuel, s. of Benjamin and Rebeckah Hinman, Sept. 28. Evinice, dau. of David and Eunice Feai"se, June 1. Daniel, s. of Joseph and Tabitha Richards, Sept. 15. Sibbel, dau. of Chx'istopher and l>etty Pi-entiss, March 2. Waitstill, s. of Doct. John and Rebecca Meigs. April 18. Jonathan Noble, s. of Caleb and Elisabeth Mallary, June 22. Experience, dau. of Daniel and Experience iiurd, March 12. David, eldest son oi David and Abagail Miner, May 3. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Sarah Church, Aug. 8. Rejoice, dau. John and Mary Row. Nov. 28. Hezekiah. s. of Jonathan and Lydia Chiirchel, Feb. 5. Thomas, s. of James and Lydia Durkee. June 6. Philo, s. of Doct. Joseph and Ruth Ferry, Dec. 22. Samuel, s. of John 2d and Hannah Peaive, Feb. 26. Elisabeth, dau. of Jedet.liah and Abagail Hui\i, Aug. 10. Theophilus. s. of Samuel and Jane Jackson, April 3. 1753. Lydia, dau. of Zephauiah and Hannah Hull, Jan. 23. Abigail, dau. of Andrew Messenger Sherwood, March 23. Betty, dau. of Azariah and Desire Roots. Feb. 16. Mary, dau. of Samuel and Eunice Strong, Nov. 12. Anna, dau of Daniel and Sarah Squire, June 8. Amos, s. of John and Delilah Wheeler. Jan. IS. Emm, dau. of Daniel and M indwell Sherman, March 23. Benjamin, s. of Benjaaxiu and Sarah Bell, April 4. Sxisannah. dau. of John and Sai-ah Judson. March 13. Frudence, dau. David and Prudence Minor, Sept. 10. Ann. dau. of Klisha and Isabel Walker. Aug. 25. Sarah, dau. of Daniel and Fhebe Beers, 11 I KT II S I N \V I) () II II I I! Y 43 Matth(!W, H. of David and IJaniiah Sli(!niian, Mat.tJiow, 8. Ens. Mattliow and Samli Minor, llannuii, dau. Joliii and Joniinia Warner, Kutli, dau. of Israel and Eunice CurtiKs, Andrew, s. of (iiileon and Sarali Iliird, James, s. of (jliristian llehhard, Amos, 8. of Jolm and KaelK;! Hams, Mariha, dau. of 'i'liomas an. Jan. 7. March 16. Oct. 9. Dec. 12. Dec. 31. May 27. Jan. 3. Jan. 4. Feb. 23. Dec. 4. Nov. 30. Jan. .'». May 30. Aug. 12. Dec. Mar. Oct. .Sept. G. 1. .5. 20. Feb. 24. May 19. 44 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUKY, Esther, dau. of Stephen and Esther Galpin, Dec. 21. James, s. of James and Esther Converse, Dec. 20. Sarah, dau. of Eben'' and Ehs. Leavenworth, Dec. 1 6. Ehzabeth, dau. of John and Delilah Wheeler, Oct. 11. Russell, s. of Rev. Thos. and Mary Canfield, Aug. 5. Isaac, s. of Lt. Adam and Sarah Hinman, Aug. 20. Abigail, dau. of James and Mary Judson, Feb. 18. Asa, s. of Thomas and Esther Durkee, Dec. 28. Ann, dau. of David and Esther Hurd, April 2. Elisabeth, dau. of David and Submit Hotchkiss, Feb. 11. Sarah, dau. of Hugh and Mabel Hannah, April 11. Elisha, s. of Jonathan and Ann Smith, June 29. Hiram, s. of Gideon and Dorcas Johnson, March 16. Experience, dau. of David and Joshua Weller, Sept. 29. Eunice, dau. of Nathan, Jr., and Ann Hurd, Feb. 18. Edmund, s. of Daniel and Mary Mallory, June 17. Caleb, s. of Wm. and Sarah Adee, March 13. ■Asa, s. of Daniel and Mary Dudley, March 12. Mary, dau. of Samuel and Eunice Strong, Feb. 17. Joseph, s. of Benjamin and Abigail Squire, June 2. Ruth, dau. of John and Dorcas Royce, Jan. 28. Deborah, dau. of David and Deborah Roots. Rachel, dau. of John and Dorcas Royce, Jan. 28. Elisabeth, dau. of Thos. and Ehs. Thompson, May 3. Reuben, s. of Asahel and Catharina King, July 30. Seth, s. of Benj. and Rebecca Hinman, Aug. 22. Elis., dau. of Eben'' and Eleanor Allen, Aug. 6. Asa, s. of Robert and Esther Durkee, Dec. 28. Ehsabeth, dau. of Abner and Sarah Wakeley, July 8. Eunice, dau. of Seth and Eunice Avered, April 4. Silas, s. of Thomas and Ann Hazzon, Sept. 17. Ruth, dau. of Samuel and Martha Bell, Sept. 10. Sarah, dau. of John 2d, and Ann Mallory, May 4. Ebenezer, s. of Samuel and Sarah Church, Aug. 19. Mary, dau. of Daniel and Ehzabeth Averitt, June 6. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Jerusha Judson, April 10. Elisabeth, dau. of John and Dinah Masters, Aug. 9. Daniel, s. of Aaron and Persis Donns, , March 12. Hannah, dau. of James and Sarah Burgess, Aug. 9. Josiah, s. of Jonathan and Lydia Churchell, Feb. 25. William, s. of Isaac and Lois Hunt, Feb. 17. Thankful, dau. of Zebulon and Mary Doolittle, Aug. 20. Mary, dau. of Stephen and Mary Brownson, Jan. 23. Esther, dau. of Stephen and Esther Gralpin, Dec. 21. Daniel, s. of Timothy and Anne Strong, March 19. Curtiss, s. of Dr. Andrew and Martha Graham, May 23. Andrus, s. of Dr. Zephaniah and Hannah Hull, Dec. 8. Joseph, s. of Thomas and Martha Savage, March 14. Thomas, s. of James and Dorothy Hooker, Dec. 27. B 1 K T 11 S IN W O () D B I' 1! Y , Lois, dau. of Jedediah and Abigail Hurd, Aug. William, s. of Junia and Hannah Ingraham, Oct. 7. Eldest son of Enos and Mary Ilawley, Marcli 30. Mary, s. of John and Azubah Loggin, Aug. 26. Comfort, dau. of Reuben and Betty Hui-lbut, May 4. John, s. of John and Hannah Reynolds, Nov. 3. Uriel, s. of Preserved and Esther Strong, Sept. 10. Isaac, s. of Isaac and Jei-usha Mitchell, Sept. 20. Mary. dau. of Ebenezer and Deborah Brownson, Nov. 10. Hannah, dau. of David and Hannah Hurd, July 29. John, s. of Christopher and Betty Prentiss, June 0. Rachel, dau. of John and Rachel Barnes, May 25. Elisabeth, dau. of Noah and Margery Frisbee, June 19. Eunice, dau. of Daniel and Eunice Munger, Dec. 1. Samuel, s. of Benjamin and Abigail Hitchcock, Dec. 24. Walker, s. of Abner and Susanna Mallory, Feb. 25. Jehiel. s. of Jehiel and Betterus Preston, Jan. 16. Jerusha, dau. of Nathan and Damaris Judson, May 27. 1755. David, s. of David and Abigail Judson, March 9. Hannah, dau. of Timothy and Tabitha Hurd, Feb. 13. Sarah, dau. of Daniel and Sarah Squire, March 27. Elisabeth, dau. of James and Eunice Masters, April 3. Solomon, s. of Gideon and Durcas Johnson, Dec. 17. Mary, dau. of Eben' Jr., and Ann Squire, Feb. 20. Hannah, dau. of Jonathan and Hannah Atwood, March 27. Daniel S., s. of Mr. Daniel and Rhoda Brinsmade, Jan. 11. James, s. of Henry and Frances Ingraham, March 20. Lee, son of Timothy and Hope Terrill, Jan. 18. Justice, s. of Thomas and Beulah Porter, June 6. Esther, dau. of Seth and EUsabeth Preston, Nov. 27. Eunice, dau. of Zebulon and ICsther Leavenworth, March 9. David, s. of Joshua and Jerusha Guitteau, Sept. 15. Naomi, dau. of Solomon and Abigail Stoddard, Aug. 29. Currence, dau. of David and Eunice Pearce, March 22. Jehiel, s. of Jehiel and Rachel Bradley, March 14. Mary, dau. of Elijah and Anna Atwood, Oct. 25. Lot, s. of John and Mary Rowe, Jan. 27. Sarah, dau. of Thomas and Abiah Durkee, April 17. Elisabeth, dau. of James and Eunice Masters, April 3. Andrew, s. of Benjamin and Sarah Bell, Jan. 29. Reuben, s. of Israel and Eunice Curtiss, Feb. 25. Sarah, dau. of Enos and ^Slary Hawley, July. Isaac, s. of Bethuel and Jemima Lyon, May 4. Titus, son of John 2d, and Hannah Pearce, March 3. Thomas, s. of James and Mary Judson, March 30. Ann, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah Talman, Nov. 21. Martha, dau. of James and Rachel Loggan, Jan. 29. 46 H I S T O U Y OF ANCIENT W D B U K Y . Jemima, dau. of David and Hannah Crissey, Esther, dau. of Thomas and Abigail Warner, John, s. of John and Mary Johnson, Ann, dau. of Enos and Susannah Mitchell, Ichabod, son of Samuel and Sarah Sherman, Caleb, s. of David and Abigail Curtiss, Bennitt, s. of Dr. Joseph and Paith Perry, Andrew and Mabel, chil. of Josiah and Hannah Dinah, dau. of Aaron and Persis Downs, Samuel, s. of Benjamin and Mary Johnson, Benjamin, s. of John and Sarah Towner, Eunice, dau. of Nathan and Eunice Hicok, Anna, dau. of Adonijah and Ruth Roots, Rebecca, dau. of Dr. John and Rebecca Meigs, Joseph, s. of Asahel and Comfort Martin, Truman, s. of Joseph and Tabitha Richards, Jemima, dau. of Nathan Osborn, Abigail, dau. of Peter and Sarah Hurd, Elisabeth, dau. of David and Hannah Sherman, Elijah, s. of Simeon and Ruth Hurd, Betty, dau. of Obadiah and Agnes Wheeler, Betty, dau. of Joseph and Betty Lamb, Mary, dau. of Samuel and Ruth Hurd, Amos, s. of Gideon and OJive Mallory, Ruth, dau. of Thaddeus and Mehitabel Hicok, Thomas, s. of Daniel and Jerusha Weller, Mary, dau. of Benjamin and Anne Hurd, 17 5 o. Isaac, s. of Jesse and Phebe Roots, Lydia, dau. of Lieut. Reuben and Lydia Avered, Mary, dau. of Lieut. Adam and Sarah Hinman, Reuben, s. of David and Submit Hotchkiss. Lewis, s. of Daniel and Phebe Beers, Jemima, dau. of Abner and Susannah Mallory, Hezekiah, s. of Thomas and Ann Hazzan, James, s. of James and Lydia Durkee, Solomon, s. of John and Rachel Barnes, Daniel, s, of Daniel, Esq., and Mindwell Sherman, Jerusha, dau. of Stephen and Esther Galpin, Frances, dau. of David and Mary Lyman, Mary, dau. of Ehphalet and Mary Easton, Merian, dau. of Caleb and Jane Mallary, Abigail, dau. of John and Agniss Steel, Jared, s. of Thomas and Betty Leavenworth, Samuel, s. of Mr. Joseph and Prances Bellamy, March Olive, dau. of Amos and Naomi Clark, Lydia, dau. of Jonathan and Lydia Churchell, Hezekiah, s. of William and Rachel Hooker, May 21. July 24. Dec. 6. March 21. April 15. Feb. 9. Dec. 28. Avered, July 3L Jan. 28. Aug. 10. Jan. 20. March 31. May 29. March 5. Sept. 3. Feb. 4. Nov. 20. Jan. 13. March 22. April 10. Jan. 1. July 30. Oct. 5. Sept. 2. Jan. 3. Oct. 14. March 10. June 2. May 25. Aug. 20. March 8. Feb. 12. March 3. March 15. Feb. 29. Feb. 24. xipril 20. Aug. 8. Feb. 23. July 21. May 27. June 24. Feb. 1. 13, New S. Sept 10. July 5. June 6. B I i; T ri .S IN W () () D B U K Y 47 Seth, s. of Daniel and Fhebc Faireliild, April 22. Abigail, dau. of Jedediali and Abigail Hurd, Sept. 17. Abijah, s. of Israel and Eunice Curtiss, Sept. 2G. Seth, s. of Thomas and Martha Savage, Oct. 5. David, s. of Ebenezer and Elisabeth Leavenworth, Dec. 14. Elihu, s. of John and Mary Ijeavenworth, Dec. 5. rhilo, s. of Elijah and Sarah Judson, March 1 1 . John Austin, s. of George and Patience Norton, March 27. Nathan, s. of Jehiel and Hotterus Preston, April 20. Lucy, dau. of Samuel and Jane Jackson, June 10. Samuel, s. of Thomas and xibigail Warner, Sep:. 24. Martha, dau. of Doct. Andrew and Martha Graham, Sept. 10. Lydia, dau. of Noah and Margery Frisbie, Feb. 17. Ebenezer, s. of Asa and Elisabeth Johnson, Jan. 12. David, s. of Charles and Mary Thomas, April 16. Elijah, s. of Simeon and Ruth Hurd, April 10. Eunice, dau. of Thaddeus and Mary Lacey, Nov. 1. Jerusha, dau. of Stephen and Esther Galpin, Aug. 8. Lois. dau. of Daniel and Mary Mallary, March 21. Abia, dau. of Thomas and Abia Durkee, Sept. BO. Isaac, s. of Benjamin and Abigail Squire, April 18. Abel, s. of James and Alice Hodge, Nov. 1. Abel, s. of John and Prudence Marchant, Oct. 21. Samuel, s. of James and Abigail Guthrie, May 22. Solomon, s. of David and Hannah Sherman, Nov. 15. Isaac, s. of Isaac and Lois Hunt, March 18. Eunice, dau. of Timothy and Ann Strong, Aug. 1. Sarah, dau. of William and Sarah Adee, Nov. 14. Mabel, dau. of Nathan and Demaris Judson, Aug 31. Abigail, dau. of Benjamin Hitchcock, Nov. 27. David, s. of John and Hannah Runnolds, Aug. 16. Lydia, dau. of Jonathan and Lydia Churchel, July 3. David, s. of David and Ann Carr, Jan. 8. Elisabeth, dau. of Return and Elisabeth Strong, May 21. Damaris, dau. of Seth and Eunice Avered, May 14. Aaron, s. of Amos and Prudence Martin, May 23. Luman, s. of Stephen and Maiy Brownson, Nov. 16. Joanna, dau. of Thomas and Beulah I'orter, Oct. 29. Nathaniel, s. of Samuel and Sarah Church, Nov. 16. 1757. John, s. of Enos and Ann Beach, Jan. 12. Maiy, dau. of Samuel and Ann Slater, Feb. 25. Abigail, dau. of David and Abigail Judson, March 24. Rachel, dau. of John and Delilah Wheeler, Jan. 14. liydia, dau. of James and Eunice Masters, J^ily 4. Sarah, sec'd dau. of Thomas and Esther Durkee, Aug. 5. Timothy, s. of Gideon and Dorcas Johnson, S(q)t. 23. Ann, dau. of Ebenezer, Jr., and Ann Squire, March 5. 48 HISTORY OF ANCTENT WOODBURY. Mary, dan. of Samuel and Jane Jackson, April 17. Sarah, dan. of Obadiali, Jr., and Mary Wheeler, Feb. 9. Zechariah, s. of Christopher and Betty Prentiss, Jan. 15. Lydia Rogers, dau. of James and Eunice Masters, July 4. Anna, dau. of Samuel and Lydia Skeel, Jan. 30. Adam, s of Daniel and Anne Hurd, March 24. Moses, s. of Capt. Ebenezer and Ann Clark (d. same day), Mar. 4. Mary, dau. of Capt. Timothy and Emm Hinman, June 15. Hannah, dau. of Doct. Zephaniah and Hannah Hall, Jan. 28. Nehemiah, s. of James and Mary Judson, Oct. 24. Aaron, s. of James and Mary Minor, March 22. Hezekiah, s. of James and Rachel Loggan, April 29. Cliapman, s. of Joseph and Jerusha Judson, May 27. Ruana, dau. of Job and Experience Ingerham, Nov. 26. Jerusha, dau. of Nathan and Jerusha Mitchell, Aug. 21. Simeon, s. of Enos and Susannah Mitchell, March 10. Moses, s. of Daniel and Experience Hurd, Feb. 10. Amelia, dau. of Josiah and Hannah Avered, May 14. Cyrenius, s. of Solomon and Abigail Stoddard, Sept. 12. Jonathan, s. of Enos and Mary Hawley, April 12. Anthony, s. of Preserved and Esther Strong, Dec. 9. William, s. of Benjamin and Ann Hurd, May I. Adoniram, s. of Abijah and Rebeckah Hinman, Dec. 6. Israel, s. of Benjamin and Esther Galpin, Feb. 11. Samuel, son of Zebulon and Mary Doolittle, June 2. Pernal, dau. of Daniel and Jerusha Weller, April 26. Lucy, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah Lewis, April 6. James, s. of James and Abigail Guthrie, Nov. 19. Jehu, s. of John and Mary Johnson, Dec. 14. Mehetabel, dau. of Thaddeus and Mehetabel Hicok, Nov. 7. Mary, dau. of Peter and Mary Roberts, July 19. Abigail, dau. of Daniel and Mary Dudley, Jnlj 30. Ann, dau. of Ja.bez and Hannah Warner, Jan. 24. Jemima, dau. of Samuel and Ruth Hurd, Nov, 25. Timothy, son of Timothy and Hope Terrill, Jan. 15. Olive 2d, dau. of Obadiah and Agnis Wheeler, June 14. Mary, dau. of Ens. Daniel and Elisabeth Munn, Feb. 20. Stephen, s. of Simeon and Ruth Hurd, June 28. Martha, dau. of Samuel and Martha Bell, Feb. 13. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Elisabeth Thompson, March 31. Prudence, dau. of Nathan and Prudence Baldwin, Sept. 20. Dorcas, dau. of Jehiel and Rachel Bradley, July 13. Ruth, dau. of David and Sarah Johnson, Aug. 2. Asahel, s. of Asahel and Comfort Martin, Nov. 21. John, s. of Adonijah and Ruth Roots, Oct. 9. Ruth Ann, dau. of Doct. Joseph and Ruth Perry, Dec. 25. Hannah, dau. of Phineas and Dorcas Potter, Sept. 19. Lydia, dau. of 'Cyrus and Mary Lee, Nov. 16. Sarah, dau. of Robert and Esther Durkee, ^^g- 5. Aaron, s. of Joseph and Tabitha Richards, April 12. B I K T IIS IN WOOD H T l< Y , 49 Mabel 7th, dau. of Nathan and Demaris Judson, Dec. 6. Justus, s. of Petei- and Sarah Ilurd, Marcli 25. Jonathan, s. of Isaac and Jerusha Sanford, June 9. 1758. Phebe, dau. of Nathan and Sarah Osborn, John, s. of Ephraim, Jr., and Sarali Baldwin, Susannah, dau. of David and Hannah Sherman, Aaron, s. of Stephen and Mary Brownson, Andrew, s. of Dr. Andrew and Martha Graham, Jesse, s. of Jesse and Phebe Roots, John, s. of John and Rachel Barnes, Noble, s. of Elijah and Annie Atwood, Stoddard, s. of Reuben and Joanna Squire, Josiah, s. of James and Dorathy Hooker, Mary, dau. of Benjamin and Abigail Squire, Stephen, s. of Samuel and Ann Slater, Simon, s. of Gideon and Olive Mallary, Abel, s. of John and Huldah Munn, Azariah, s. of Daniel and Mary Mallary, Eleazer, s. of Timothy and Tabitha Hurd, Daniel, s. of Daniel and Experience Hurd, Josiah, s. of Christopher and Betty Prentiss, Sarah, dau. of David and Sarah Hawley, Eleanor, dau. of Andrew and Huldah Squire, Mary, dau. of Daniel and Jerusha Weller, Currence, dau. of Daniel and Sarah Squire, David, s. of Ebenezer and Patience Warner, Eunice, dau. of William and Rachel Hooker, EUsabeth, dau. of Benjamin and Esther Galpin, Daniel, s. of John and Delilah Wheeler, Mary, dau. of Obadiah, Jr., and Mary Wheeler, Agnes, dau. of George and Patience Norton, Charles, s. of Charles and Mary Thomas, Esther, dau. of Thomas and Elisabeth Bull, Beulah, dau. of Thomas and Beulah Porter, Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Sarah Talmon, Isaac, s. of Bethuel and Jemima Lyon, Rhoda, dau. of Capt. Nathan and Eunice Hicok, Gilbert, s. of Hezekiah and Elisabeth Hooker, Noah, s. of Noah and Margery Frisbie, Eunice, dau. of Jonathan and Ann Smith, Saul, s. of Thomas and Abigail Warner, Mercy, dau. of John and Sarah Towner, Martha, dau. of Jehiel and Betterus Preston, Abner, s. of Abner and Susannah Mallary, David, s. of David and Esther Hurd, Olive, dau. of Asa and Elisabeth Johnson, Vol. III.— 7 March 5. March 4. July 21. May 27. Aug. 14. Sept. 17. April 18. Nov. 23. Nov. 8. Aug. 15. April 9. Oct. 19. July 12. Aug. 21. April 3. Aug. 15. Aug. 22. Nov. 8. Sept. 17. Dec. 8. Oct. 26. May 3. Jan. 3. Aug. 22. Aug. 3. Sept. 2. Oct. 28. May 21. Jan. 30. Oct. 5. Dec. 30. May 1. March 31. Jan. 11. May 14. Jan. 23. Jan. 8. March 12. Jan. 5. Aug. 29. Feb. 18. Jan. 17. Sept. 26. 50 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Amie, dau. of James and Allis Hodge, March 12. Rebeckah, dau. of Stephen and Esther Galpin, Sept. 28. Nehemiah 2d, s. of James and Mary Judson, May 17. Martha, dau. of David and Mary Lyman, . Sept. 12. Abigail, dau. of Amos and Dorcas Brownson, Nov. 20. Justice, s. of Thomas and Abigail Parker, March 6. Matthew, s. of EHjah and Sarah Judson, July 16. Zechariah, s. of Daniel and Phebe Beers, June 3. Adoniram. s. of Seth and Eunice Minor, March 20. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Ann Hazzon, March 13. Susanna, dau. of Abishai and Lois Moseley, Dec. 23. Rachel, dau. of Benjamin and Lydia Minor, March 20. Hannah, dau. of James and Mary Calhoon, July 31. James, s. of Benaijah and Ann Hawley, July 19. Barzina, dau. of Ebenezer and Elisabeth Leavenworth, Sept. 10. Rebecca Rhoda, dau. of Rev. Daniel and Rhoda Brins- made, June 24. Agniss, dau. of John and Agniss Steel, March 30. Eunice, dau. of Zebulon and Abigail Norton, Aug. 8. Sarah, dau. of Benjamin and Sarah Bell, April 17. Fanny, wife of Elijah Sherman, born at Newtown, May 14. Triphyna, dau. of Increase, Esq., and Deborah Moseley, July 12. Huldah, dau. of Samuel and Abigail Castle, Dec. 22, Eunice, dau. of Benjamin and Elisabeth Peet, April 17. Noble At wood, Oct. 26. Sarah, dau. of John and Hannah Runnolds, Aug. 22. Levinah, dau. of Isaiah and Esther Gilbert, Dec. 28. 1759. Margaret, dau. of Stephen and Lydia Judd, Jan. 23. Mary, dau. of Enos and Ann Beach, Feb. 20. Elisha, s. of Elisha and Phebe Baker, Jan. 21. Joseph, s. of David and Prudence Minor, Feb. 27. Jerusha, dau. of Thomas and Emm Roots, April 16. Samuel, s. of Mr. Isaac and Sybilla Tomlinson, July 9. Squire, s. of Gideon and Olive Hurlbut, April 21. Philo, s. of Solomon and Abigail Stoddard, July 11. Solomon, s. of Thomas and Ann Hazzon, Nov. 24. Friend, s. of Amos and Naomi Clark, April 16. Justus Johnson, s. of Justus and Hannah Pierce, May 9. Martha, dau. of Lieut. Adam and Sarah Hinman, March 29. Ruth, dau. of Adonijah and Ruth Roots, July 24. Amee, dau. of Samuel and Sarah Church, July 1 6. Henry, s. of Nathan and Rachel Leavenworth, Sept. 9. Anna. dau. of John and Anna Demon, Aug. 12. Luxina, dau. of Eliphalet and Mary Easton, March 15. Lois, dau. of Zebulon and Mary Doolittle, June 15. Abigail, dau. of Ohver and Abigail Parmelee, Aug. 27. B I K T H S IN W O D B U K Y 51 Samuel, s. of Samuel and Jane Jackson, Luis, s. of Daniel and Anne Hurd, John, s. of John and Dinah Masters, Elizabeth, dau. of Mr. Josepli and Frances Bellamy, Sarah, dau. of Dr. Zephaniah and Hannah Hull, Moses, s. of Jonathan and Lydia Chui'chel, Hannah, dau. of Gideon and Dorcas Johnson, Heman, s. of Timothy and Ann Durkee, Desire, dau. of Daniel, Jr., and Elisabeth Dudley, Olive, dau. of Israel and Eunice Curtiss, Abner, s. of William and Sarah A dee. Solomon, s. of Thomas and Ann Hazzon, Lois, dau. Ebenezer, Jr., and Ann Squire, Elihu, s. of Rev. Thomas and Mary Canfield, Nicholas, s. of James and Eunice Masters. Susannah, dau. of Seth and Eunice Minor, Phebe, dau. of Jonathan and Hannah Atwood, Betsey, dau. of Mary Cunningham, at Stratford, Aaron, s. of Thomas and Elisabeth Thomas, Nathan Wheeler, s. of Nathan and Prudence Baldwin, Simeon, s. of Eleazur and Olive Mitchell, Olive, dau. of Peter and Sarah Hurd, Simeon, s. of Simeon and Ruth Hurd, ,Joannah, dau. of John and Prudence Marchant, Timothy, s. of Andrew and Huldah Squire, Olive, dau. of Timothy and Hope Turrill, Lucy, dau. of Benjamin and Abigail Hitchcock, Justus, s. of Mabel Hinman, Joseph, s. of Judah and Deborah Baldwin, Ruth, dau. of Daniel and Mary Dudley, Abraham, s. of Mabel Hurlbut, Ezi'a, s. of Thaddeus and Mary Lacey, Simeon, s. of Simeon and Ruth Hurd, Anne, dau. of Jonathan and Elisabeth Hill. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Esther Galpin, Sarah, dau. of Benjamin and Ann Hurd, Hull, s. of David and Abigail Curtiss, Clark, s. of Samuel and Jemima Squire, Hannah, dau. of Noah and Margery Frisbie, Sarah, dau. of Thomas and Abigail Warner, Friend, s. of Amos and Naomi Clark, Sarah, dau. of Joseph and Betty Lamb, 1760. Daniel, s. of Phineas and Dorcas Potter, Thaddeus, s. of John and Elizabeth Waugh, Lucy, dau. of Nathan and Damaris Judson, Joseph, s. of Thomas and Abigail Parker, Lois, dau. of Tsaac and Jerusha San ford. Feb. 12. May Nov. 2(5. 27. Dec. 23. May Dec. 17. 1. Aug. 21. June 17. Nov. 10. Nov. 24. Oct. 9. Nov. 25. Julv 20. July May Nov. 12. 20. 17. Oct. 9. Nov. 7. March 20. March 27. Sept. 5. Aug. 13. March 22. April Oct. 20. 22. June 25. April June 30. 2. March 29. Nov. 4. Jan. 22. Feb. 18. March 22. April Nov. 19. 7. April Feb. 11. 2. Dec. 11. Oct. 18. Sept. April July 19. 16. 14. Jan. 31. Jan. 3. Feb. 13. April July 21. 14. 52 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Sarah, dau. of David and Mary Lyman, July 10. Lucy, dau. of David and Hannah vSherman, May 1. Sarah, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah Talmon, Jan. 23. Susanna, Mrs. Moody, dau. of Abner and Susanna Mallary, • Sept. 25. Hannah, dau. of Stephen and Mary Brownson, Oct. 1. David, s. of David and Prudence Minor, Oct. 15. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Phebe Hall, July 3. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Abigail Hitchcock, Oct. 11. Olive, dau. of Joseph and Tabitha Richards, Sept. 23. Lovewell, s. of Samuel and Ruth Hurd, April 13. Lois, dau. of Judah and Deborah Baldwin, May 22. Sarah, dau. of Abijah and Anna Mitchell, March 2. Ira, s. of Asahel and Anne Hooker, March 12. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Abigail Squire, May 1. Seth, s. of Seth and Eunice Avered, Nov. 14. Asahel, s. of Enos and Ann Beach, Aug. 18. Isaac Gilbert, s. of Doct. Andrew and Martha Graham, Sept. 10. John, s. of John, Jr., and Sarah Minor, July Y. Simeon, s. of John and Elisabeth Manvil, Feb. 9. Betty, dau. of Thomas and Rhoda Leavenworth, Oct. 28. James, s. of James and Dorothy Hooker, Dec. 25. Jemima, dau. of Gideon and Olive Mallary, Oct. 26. Sabury, dau. of Jedediah and Abigail Hurd, Dec. 5^ Daniel, s. of Daniel and Mary Mallary, April 27. Reuben, s. of John and Olive Tenney, July 29. Asa, s. of Barzillia and Thankful Hendee, May 18. Lois, dau. of Isaac and Lois Hunt, Nov. 25. Joseph, s. of George and Patience Norton, Nov. 22. Nathan, s. of James and Lydia Durkee, May 1. Jerusha, dau. of Daniel and Jerusha Weller, Sept. 1. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Patience Warner, July 19. Asa, s. of Obadiah, Jr., and Mary Wheeler, Oct. 15. Jabez, s. of Jabez Bacon by wife Lydia, June 28. Annis, dau. of Charles and Mary Thomas, Feb. 7. Phinias, s. of Doct. John and Rebecka Meigs, July 11. Dorcas, dau. of Bethuel and Jemima Lyon, March 30. Annis, dau. of Capt. Nathan and Eunice Hicok, May 7. Susannah, dau. of Enos and Susannah Mitchell, March 29. Benjamin, s. of Charles and Betty Strong, Nov. 27. Philo, s. of Daniel, Jr., and Mary Sherman, July 29. Esther, dau. of David and Esther Hurd, Jan. 23. Beula, dau. of Timothy and Tabitha Hurd, Feb. 16. Abijah, s. of Philimon and Jane Way, May 13. Betheny, dau. of Amos and Dorcas Brownson, Aug. 10. Isaac, s. of Nathan and Sarah Osborn, Aug. 23. Eunice, dau. of Abishai and Lois Moseley, Oct. 29. Susannah, dau. of Daniel and Phebe Fairchild, May 18. Phebe, dau. of Israel and Elisabeth Stoddard, Nov. 25. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Rebeckah Hinman, Aug. 25. BIRTHS IN WOO D B (• It Y , 53 Rachel, dau. of Samuel and Abigail Smith, from Milford. Doct. Isaac G. Graham. 1761. Gideon, s. of Gideon and Patience Hollister, Nehemiah, s. of John and Dorcas Royce, Mary, dau. of Waitstill and Mary Goodrich, Ashley, s. of Isaiah and Esther Gilbert, Elisabeth, dau. of Hezekiah and Elizabeth Hooker, Bathsheba, dau. of David and Bathsheba Hendee, Mercy, dau. of Titus and Susanna Tyler, Jabez Ichabod, s. of Jabez and Hannah "Warner, Sarah, dau. of Benjamin and Elisabeth Peet, Eunice, dau. of John and Elisabeth Manvil, Olive, dau. of James and Margaret Kasson, Timothy, s. of Lieut. Adam and Sarah Hinman, Olive, dau. of Samuel and Joanna Dalton, Asa, s. of Abial and Thankful Linsley, Jotham, s. of Barnabas and Eunice Hough, Adonijah, s. of Adonijah and Ruth Root, Hannah, dau. of David and Mary Durkee, Delight, dau. of Samuel and Martha Bell, Elihu. s. of Ebenezer and Sarah Lewis, Amee, dau. of Nicholas and Urana Manville, Prudence, dau. of Amos and Ann Hurlbut, Joseph, s. of Abel and Ruth Mix, Aviss, dau. of Timothy and Anne Strong, Alexander, s. of Jonathan and Mary Stoughton, John, s. of Samuel and Jane Jackson, Abner, s. of Daniel, Esq., and Elisabeth Everet, Simeon, s. of Elisha and Ann vStoddard, Joseph, s. of Thomas and Emm Roots, Rebeckah, dau. of Benjamin and Sarah Bell. Josiah. s. of Christopher and Betty Prentiss. James Shelton, s. of James and Eunice Masters, Abigail, dau. of James and Mary Minor, Lydia, dau. of John and Olive Tenney, Billy, s. of Doct. Abraham and Mary Tomlinson, Simeon, s. of Thaddeus and Mehetabel Hicok, Hannah, dau. of Benajah and Ann Hawley, Rhoda, dau of Thaddeus and Mary Lacey, Ruth, dau. of Simeon and Ruth Hurd, Mabel, dau. of Noah and Mabel Bartholomew, Reuben, s. of Jonathan and Elisabeth Hill, Gideon, s. of John and Huldah Munn, Calvin, s. of Miles and Sarah Bishop, Jehiel, s. of Jehiel and Joanna Peet, David, s. of Isaac and Sibilla Tomlinson, Esthei". dau. of Benjamin and Esther Galpin, Rebeckah, dau. of Benjamin and Ann Hurd, Nov. 2L Jan. 13 Jan. 2 Nov. 16 Feb. 10 Jan. 27 March 19 Jan. 3 May 17 June 2 July 6 Sept. 2 July 27 Aug. 19 July 19 Feb. 10 July 14 July 6 June 28 June 18 March 31 April 11 Nov. 14 Nov. 12 Dec. 11 April 17 May 12 Sept. 29 May 12 July 17 Oct. 4 July 14 Nov. 2 Oct. 23 Nov. 9 April 13 Sept. 10 Sept. 3 March 6 Dec. 30 Feb. 26. April 10. Aug. 13. July 25. May 29. May 20. Aug. 24. 54 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Esther, dau. of Solomon and Abigail Stoddard, Sept. 15. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Beulah Porter, Nov. 30, Abijah, s. of Timothy and Elisabeth Mitchell, Feb. 24. Ruth, dau. of Job and Experience Ingraham, April 12. Sarah, dau. of Henry and Mary Wooster, May 8. Jonathan, s. of Noah and Margery Frisbie, Nov. 10. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Abigail Warner, April 25. Jehiel 3d, s. of Jeheil and Betterus Preston, Feb. 15. Sabra, dau. of Amos and Naomi Clark, Dec. 1 8. Rosil, s. of Philemon and Jane Way, June 3. Esther, dau. of Preserved and Esther Strong, April 1 6. Gad, s. of Gad and Rachel Bristol, Oct. 20. Lucina, dau. of John and Prudence Marchant, Nov. 15. Abel, s. of Elijah and Sarah Judson, Oct. 27. Comfort and Ann, daus. of Asahel and Ann Martin (twins), July 27. Elisabeth, dau. of Seth and Eunice Minor, Oct. 1. Sarah, dau. of James and Mary CalhooUj Nov. 30. Daniel, s. of Thomas and Ann Hazzon, July 17. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Betty Lamb, June 1. Adam, s. of Timothy and Anna Durkee, Oct. 25. Samuel, s. of Samuel, Jr., and Abia Galpin, May 3. Elisha, 1st born s. of Joel and Lorain Munger, Nov. 7. John, s. of John and Agniss Steel, Nov. 3. Moses, s. of Oliver and Abigail Parmelee, Dec. 10. James Shelton, s. of James and Eunice Masters, July 14. Oliver, s. of Samuel and Abigail Castle, April 8. 1762. Eunice, dau. of Abijah and Anna Mitchell, Feb. 6. Jonas, s. of David and Prudence Minor, March 31. Justice, s. of John and Sarah Minor, Jan. 29. Adah, dau. of Daniel and Mary Mallary, May 8. Moses, s. of Asa and Elisabeth Johnson, July 1. Mercy, dau. of Ephraim, Jr., and Sarah Baldwin, April 1. Wilham, s. of William and Rachel Hooker, Feb. 4. Sarah, dau. of Thomas and Abigail Parker, Oct. 10. William Abdiel, s. of Hezekiah and Rebeckah Thompson, June 15. Silence, dau. of Samuel and Ruth Hurd, April 24. Amos, s. of Anthony and Phebe Stoddard, Oct. 26. Samuel, s. of James and Dorothy Hooker, ^ug. 2. Jerusha, dau. of Isaac and Jerusha Sanford, Nov. 10. Shelden, s. of Phineas and Dorcas Potter, Feb. 6. Samuel, s. of David and Rebeckah Leavit, Feb. 28. Embhm, dau. of Gideon and Olive Hurlbut, June 4. Lucy, dau. of George and Patience Norton, May 6. Elisabeth, dau. of David and Mary Lyman, Nov. 4. Gideon, s. of Ebenezer and Patience Warner. Aug. 19. Ebenezer, s. of Samuel and Eunice Moody, Aug. 19. Jesse, son of Zebuloii and Mary Doolittle, Oct. 22. BIRTHS IN W () O D B r H Y 55 Daviss, s. of John and Anna Demmon. June 5. Sarah, dau. of Zenas and Keziali Ilill, March '20. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Ann Hurd, Aug. 3. Reuben, s. of Reuben and Lydia xAvered, May 22. Ebenezer, s. of Obadiah, Jr., and Mary Wlieeler, Nov. 28. Jemima, dau. of Jabez and Lydia Bacon, May 1. Joanna, dau. of Jesse and Phebe Roots, Sept. 22. Asahel, s. of Judah and Deborali Baldwin, May 16. Enos 1st, s. of Enos and Mary Hawley, Dec. 5. Mary Ann, dau. of Zimri and Esther Moody, May 12. Mercy, dau. of Bethuel and Jemima Lyon, March 31. Daniel, s. of John, Jr., and Azuba Loggan, Nov. 21. Gideon, s. of Capt. Nathan and Eunice Hicok, April 22. Ann, dau. of Timothy and Elisabeth Mitchell, May 22. Lucretia, dau. of Charles and Betty Strong, April 22, Rhoda, dau. of Samuel and Jemima Squire, A.ug. 2. Asahel, s. of Asahel and Anne Hooker, Aug. 29. Ned Allen, s. of Henry and Mary Wooster, Dec. 10. Lydia, dau. of Thomas and Abigail Warner, Sept. 17. Mehetabel, dau. of Mehetabel Judson, May 22. demons, s. of Barzillia, Jr., and Mary Hendee, Aug. 29. Rhoda, dau. of James and Allis Hodge, Feb. 12. Joel, s. of Amos and Dorcas Brownson, May 12. Brenen, s. of Barnabas and Eunice Hough, Sept. 3. John, s. of Abishai and Lois Moseley, July 15. Daniel, s. of Amos and Esther Bishop, Feb. 26. Sarah, dau. of Daniel and Phebe Fairchild, Jan. 24. Aviss, dau. of Israel and Jerusha Hurlbut, Nov. 11. Timothy, s. of Timothy and Anna Durkee, Oct. 17. Asa, s. of Israel and Elisabeth Stoddard, Sept. 4. Oliver, s. of Jonathan and Lydia Churchel, April 15. John Peck, s. of John, Jr., and Abigail Leavenworth, Nov. 23. William, s. of John and Hannah Runnals, July 5. Joel, 8. of Joel and Lorain Munger, July 17. Peter, s. of Ebenezer and Sarah Talman, March 1. Julin, s. of Eliphalet and Mary Easton, May 12. Sillico, s. of Samuel, Jr., and Abiah Galpin, May 13. Ebenezer, s. of Samuel and Eunice Moody, Aug. 19. Nathan, s. of Daniel and Mabel Crissey, Oct. 4. Samuel, s. of Timothy and Abigail Rose, June 29. Stephen Curtiss, s. of Stephen and Lydia Galpin, Nov. 2. Thaddeus Thompson, born in Bethany, March 5 ; died in Woodbridge, June 16, 1829; married Hannah Per- kins, who was born March 24, 1765, and was mar- ried Oct. 20, 1785. Mercy, dau. of Ephraim and Sarah Baldwin, April 1. 1763. Charlotte, dau. of Abner and Susanna Mallary, Esther, dau. of Samuel and Sarah Sherman, Feb. 7. Feb. 6. 56 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Andrew, s. of Isaac and Lois Hunt, Feb. 4. Mary Ann, dau. of Isaac and Sibilla Tondinson, Feb. 11. Eldad, s. of Solomon and Mary Steele, Feb. 22. Ann, dau. of Daniel and Jeruslia Weller, Feb. 26. Samuel David, s. of Thomas and Elisabeth Bull, March 30. Damaris Canday, dau. of Abel and Ruth Mix, May 19. Joel, s. of Amos and Anne Hurlbut, Aug. 11. Elijah, s. of Elijah Hinman, by Mercy Porter, May 31. Currence, dau. of Joseph and Tabitha Richards, Jan. 1 6. Adam, s. of James and Margaret Kasson, Aug. 16. Abia, dau. of Adonijah and Ruth Roots, Dec. 26. Rhoda, dau. of David and Mary Durkee, Dec. 10. Sarah, dau. of Elihu and Onar Smith, Dec. 28. Abigail, dau. of Christopher and Betty Prentiss, March 26. Luther, s. of Miles and Sarah Bishop, Oct. 24. James, s. of Charles and Mary Thomas, Jan. 25. Truman, s. of Justus and Sarah Bristol, April 3. Lydia, dau. of John and Lois Wheeler, Nov. 2. Rebeckah, dau. of James and Mary Minor, Dec. 2. Lovisa, dau. of Hezekiah and Elisabeth Hooker, April 10. Samuel, s. of John and Sarah Twiss, April 3. Delucena, s. of Jonathan and Mary Stoughton, Nov. 4. Noadiah, s. of Timothy and Sarah Judson, Oct. 19. Aaron, s. of Daniel and Elisabeth Dudley, Feb. 12. Daniel, s. of Samuel and Jane Jackson, March 10. Jesse, s. of Doct. John and Rebeckah Meigs, March 7. Abigail, dau. of Samuel and Joanna Dutton, Aug. 30. Samuel, s. of Enos and Susannah Mitchell, Aug. 4. Anna, dau. of (/harles and Betty Strong, Oct. 17. Josiah, s. of James and Eunice Masters, Nov. 22. Elihu, s. of Noah and Margery Frisbie, Oct. 19. Ira, s. of Nicholas and Tirana Manvil, June 29. Joseph, s. of David, Jr., and Rebeckah Squire, Aug. 1. Sarah, dau. of Jehiel and Betterus Preston, June 29. Molly, dau. of Daniel, Jr., and Mary Sherman, April 27. Honour, dau. of Samuel and Honour Steel, ■ Oct. 24. James, s. of James and Rachel Loggan, July 29. Isaac, s. of Woolsey and Margaret Sealt, March 28. Abigail 2d, dau. of James and Mary Judson, April 13. Philon Riggs, s. of Gad and Rachel Bristol, Dec. 1. Nathan, s. of Nathan and Sarah Osborn, July 14. Trumar, s. of Daniel and Abigail Minor, Jan. 16. Isaiah, s. of Elijah and Sarah Judson, Oct. 24. Adoniram 2d, s. of Seth and Eunice Minor, Dec. 3. Solomon David, s. of David and Hannah Slierman, Jan. 13. Gideon, s. of Gideon and Olive Mallery, Sept. 17. Betty, dau. of Ebenezer and Elisabeth Leavenworth, Feb. 27. Anne, dau. of Isaiah and Esther Gilbert, April 26. Ann, dau. of Thomas and Ann Hazzon, Feb. 1 7. William, s. of Joseph and Betty Lamb, . Oct. 22. B T IJ T n S IN W O O D B r R Y , 57 Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Mercy Munger, Thomas, s. of Elisha and Ann Stoddard, Amos, s. of John and Hannah Pearce, Melinda, dau. of John and Lucy Abernetliy, Reuben, s. of Joel and Lorain Munger, Oliver, s. of Oliver and Abigail Parmelee, Mary, dau. of Israel and Anna Minor, Silas, s. of Sanuiel and Abigail Castle, 1764. Adam, s. of Lieut. Adam and Sarah Hinraan, Mary, dau. of Jonathan and Mabel Royce, Rebeckah, dau. of Daniel and Mary Mallery, Timothy, s. of Timothy and Anne Strong, Samuel, s. of Elisha and Susannah Steele, Ruth, dau. of Samuel and Ruth Frost, Ruth Emm, dau. of Thomas and Emm Roots, Joel, s. of Solomon and Abigail Stoddard, Shubal, s. of Barzillia and Thankful Hendee, Richard Brownson Bennit, s. of Rev. Noah and Rhoda Benedict, Ruth Ann, dau. of Abijah and Anna Mitchell, Deborah, dau. of Judah and Deborah Baldwin. Enos 2d, s. of Josiah and Mary Hawley, Thomas, s. of Gideon and Olive Hurltmt, Elijah, s. of Thomas and Beulah Porter, "Wait, s. of Waitstill and Mary Goodrich, Gideon Walker, s. of Zimri and Esther Moody, Polly, dau. of Hezekiah and Rebeckah Thompson, Reuben, s. of Reiiben and Eunice Castle, Betty Greanlief, dau. of Bethuel and Jemima Lyon, Abijah 2d, s. of Timothy and Elisabeth Mitchell, Betty, da\;. of Charles and Betty Strong, Bryan, s. of Asahel and Anne Hooker, Elisabeth, dau. of Job and Experience Ingerham, Phebe, dau. of Henry and Mary Wooster, Enos 2d, s. of Enos and Mary Hawley, Samuel, s. of Samuel and Margaret Hicok, Samuel, s. of Zacheus and Eleanor Weller, Sarah, dau. of Andrew and Deliverance Blackman, Anne, dau. of Benjamin and Anne Judson, Sarah, dau. of Amos and Naomi Clark, Blather, s. of Noah and Mabel Bai-tholomew, Samuel, s. of John and Rachel Gordon, Syrenius, dau. of Barzillia, Jr., and Mary Hendee, Zenas, s. of Zenas and Kezia Hill, Abner, s. of Thomas and Sarah Doolittle, Treat, s. of Theophilus and Hephsibah Baldwin, Amos, s. of Obadiah, Jr., and Mary Wheeler, Vol. hi.— 8 May 9. June 2. Aug. 9. March 13. Sept. 2. Oct. 30. March 30. Sept. 21. Jan. 24. Feb. 25. Feb. 5. Jan. 16. Jan. 23. March 11 April 20. Jan. 8 April 15. June 2 May 21. March 20, July 4 June 3 Feb. 6. Oct. 12. March 3 Feb. 15. April 4. May 3. March 29. Oct. 1. Aug. 5. June 29 Oct. 4. July 4. June 30. July 1 1 . Nov. 30. March 14. . Jan. 7. July 4. Feb. 12. April 13. Dec. 26. June 18. May 6. Dec. 12. 58 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY David Holbrook, s. of Phineas and Dorcas Potter, Nov. 10. Truman, s. of John and Prudence Marchant, Marcli 5. Asa, s. of Barnabas and Eunice Hough, April 14. Garwood Hinman, s. of Garwood and Mary Cuningham, Oct. 9. Sarah, dau. of Ens. Charles and Mary Thomas, Oct. 16. Daniel, s. of Daniel and Abigail Minor, . Dec. 1. Thomas, s. of Abishai and Lois Moseley, June 4. James, s. of James and Damaris Smith, -A-Ug. 27. Aaron, s. of David and Hannah Sherman, Sept. 12. Margery, dau. of James and Mary Calhoon, July 23. Biram, s. of Amos and Esther Bishop, Feb. 20. Curtiss, s. of Israel and Jerusha Hurlbut, May 2. Olive, dau. of John and Martha Martin, Nov. 30. Kebeckah, dau. of Jonathan and Lydia Churchel, July 20. Abraham, s. of Samuel, Jr., and Abiah Galpin, Nov. 1. Stephen, s. of John and Jemima Tracy, Oct. 1 1 . Elizabeth, dau. of John and Hannah Runnels, May 5. Thaddeus, s, of Thaddeus and Mary Lacey, April 18. Hannah, dau. of Joseph and Ketura Curtiss, -A-ug. 29. Olive, dau. of John and Lucy Abernethy, July 4. Frederick, s. of David and Anna Hurd, Feb. 3. Seth, s. of Seth and Huldah Perry, July 28. Simeon Curtiss, s. of Gideon and Rebeckah Stoddard, Oct. 14. Nathan, s. of Nathan and Rachel Leavenworth, Aug. 20. Ruthemm, dau. of Thomas and Emm Roots, April 20. Asahel Ives, born at New Haven, June 25. Asahel, s. of Jabez and Lydia Bacon, Dec. 3. Seth, s. of Israel and Anna Minor, July 3. 1765. John, s. of Capt. Abner and Susannah Mallary, Feb. 18. Ann, dau. of Samuel and Eunice Moody, Feb. 26. Truman and Currence, s. and dau. of Capt. Nathan and Eunice Hicok, June 9, Pheleney, dau, of Gideon and Merriam Bx'istol, Aug. 23. Margaret, dau. of Daniel and Jerusha Weller, Jan. 7. Lois, dau. of Samuel and Joanna Dutton, Aug. 17. Mary, dau. of Enos and Susannah Mitchell, Aug. 21. Martin, s. of Ira and Deborah Bishop, July 29. Amasa, s. of Caleb and Mary Tuttle, Oct. 5. Friend, s. of Noah and Margery Frisbie, July 25. Mary, dau. of Daniel and Hannah Manvil, " April 21. Dorcas, dau. of Thomas and Abigail Warner, May 10. Ada, dau. of Nicholas and Urana Manvil, Oct. 2. David, s. of David, Jr., and Rebeckah Squire, April 24. Lucy, dau. of Benjamin and Anne Judson, Aug. 5. David, s. of Jonathan and EUsabeth Hill, Feb. 10. Sarah, dau. of Isaac and Sibilla Tomlinson, May 12. "^-eorge Dixson, s. of James and Margaret Kasson, June 2. BIRTHS IN WOODBURY 59 Theede, dau. of John and Sarah Minor, May 7. Sarah, dau. of John and Abigail Orton, April 29. Mary, dau. of Philemon and Jane Way, Feb. 5. Thankful, dau. of Abiel and Thankful Linsley, May 21. Eunice, dau. of Noah, Jr., and Nancy Woodward, Apri 14. Ashbel, s. of Ziniri and Esther Moody, Oct. 26. Electus Mallary, s. of Delusena and Electee Backus, Oct. 25. Eunice, dau. of Adonijali and Rutli Roots, Dec. 27. Mabel, dau. of Daniel and Mary Mallery, Nov. 17. Betsey, dau. of Timothy and Elisabeth Minor, Oct. 18. Anne, dau. of Samuel and Jane Jackson, March 19. Enoch, s. of Justus and Sarah Bristol, Jan. 31. Ann, dau. of Jedediah and Anna Elderkin, April 26. Increase Moseley, s. of William and Mary Hooker, Nov. 2. Esther, dau. of Nathan and Sarah Osborn, Aug. 13. Cloe, dau. of Elihu and Anner Smith, Nov. 18. Anne, dau. of Timothy and Hope Terrill, Jan. 7. Amaziah, s. of Jonathan and Mary Stoughton, Oct. 12. Elijah, s. of Elijah Atwood, March 15. Eunice, dau. of Thomas and Ann Hazzon, Jan. 20. Lois, dau. of John and Elisabeth Manvil, March 22. Demaris, dau. of Benjamin and Mercy Munger, July 27. Lydia Ann, dau. of Jonathan and Ann Ilurbut, Jan. 6. Sarah, dau. of Solomon and Sarah (larnsey, Oct. 17. Elisha, s. of Elisha and Ann Stoddard, April 27. Hermon, s. of Doct. Joseph and Ruth Perry, Sept. 24. James, s. of Israel and Elisabeth Stoddard, May 14. Mary, dau. of Joseph and Rachel Holbrook, Aug. 13. Azor, s. of Benjamin and Dorcas Hawley, Oct. 16. Palmone, s. of John and Lucy Abernethy, Aug. 6. David, s. of John and Agniss Steel, March 27. Mary, dau. of Nathan and Rhoda Atwood, June 1. John, s. of Moses and Hannah Galpin, Oct. 6. Ebenezer, s. of Oliver and A bigail Tarmelee, Dec. 3. Ashbel, s. of Zimri and Esther Moody, Oct. 25. Dorcas, dau. of Ebenezer and Comfort Hurlbut, April 25. Daniel, s. of John and Huldah Munn, March 28. Electa, dau. of Eliphalet and Mary Easton, Jan. 12. Phebe, dau. of David 3d, and Sarah Curtiss, Feb. 14. Asa, s. of Daniel and Mabel Orissey, Aug. 19. John, s. of John and Annis Bunce, July 27. 1766. Lyman, s. of Samiiel and Ruth Hurd, Jan. 26. Rachel, dau. of Bethuel and Jemima Lyon, April 27. Polly Phebe, dau. of Thomas and Sibbel Naping, Oct. 26. Vashti, dau. of Daniel and Jerusha Weller, Aug. 3i Patience, dau. of Timothy and Elisabeth Mitchell, Aug. Jesse, s. of Zenas and Kezia HiU, D 60 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Mercy, dau. of Daniel and Ann Warner, March 2*7. Sally, dau. of Ira and Deborah Bishop, July 14. ElisalDeth, dau. of Samuel and Jemima Squire, Sept. 12. Lyman, s. of Job and Experience Ingerham, June 5. Nathan, s. of Henry and Mary Wooster, May 6. Mary, dau. of Enos and Mary Hawley, July 13. Deborah Ann, dau. of Joshua and Deborah Judson, May 4. , s. of Atwood and Jane Bird, Feb. 2. Joseph, s. of Thomas and Christian Rowe, Sept. 2. Phebe, dau. of James, Jr., and Lydia Burgiss, Feb. 2. Azuba Margaret, dau. of Samuel and Margaret Hicock, Aug. 14. Ann, dau. of Nathan and Damaris Rumsey, June 22. Esther, dau. of Daniel and Hannah Manville, Dec. 23. Martha, dau. of Andrew and Deliverance Blackman, May 1 5. Esther, dau. of Jehiel and Betterus Preston, April 17. Anne, dau. of Gideon and Patience Hollister, July 13. Esther, dau. of Isaiah and Esther Gilbert, Dec. 14. Sibel, dau. of Thomas and Patience Smith, Jan. 3. Ann, dau. of John and Abiah Hopson, Jan. 20. Sarah, dau. of Thomas and Sarah Doolittle, Feb. 19. Abner, s. of Timothy and Anne Strong, June 28. Gideon, s. of Abner and Ann Moseley, June 29. Aaron, s. of Elnathan and Maribah Gilbert, Sept. 2. Ruth, dau. of Edward and Mary Pond, July 31. Rebeckah, dau. of Abijah and Anna Mitchell, Sept. 10. Rhoda, dau. of James and Mary Minor, March 29. Esther, dau. of Thomas and Emm Roots, Nov. 24. Erastus, s. of Ebenezer, Jr., and Hannah Clark, May 26. Hollister, s. of Elijah and Sarah Judson, Sept. 13. Sarah, dau. of Barnabus and Eunice Hough, Nov. 20. William, s. of Samuel and Ruth Luttington, Nov. 23. Alithea, dau. of Mitchell and Thankful Lamson, Jan. 16. David, s. of Gad and Rachel Bristol, Nov. 1. Seth, s, of Seth and Eunice Minor, Jan. 15. Nathaniel Tracy, s. of Abishai and Lois Mosely, June 24. Eldad and Bildad, S3. of David and Hannah Sherman, Aug. 27. Reuben, s. of James and Mary Calhoon, Aug. 7. Abigail, dau. of Gideon and Olive Mallary, July 2. Annethe, dau. of Amos and Esther Bishop, March 18. Chauncey, s. of Enos and Damaris Parker, Sept. 4. Philemon, s. of Thomas and Ann Hazzon, Nov. 16. Jonathan Arnold, s. of Jonathan and Ruth Prankling, Oct. 18. Jemima, dau. of Bethuel and Jemima Lyon, Sept. 19. Israel, s. of Israel and Jerusha Hurlbut, Jan. 31. Martha, dau. of John and Martha Martin, June 5. Abigail, dau. of Jonathan and Mabel Royce, March 21. Abijah, s. of Jonathan and Lydia Churchel, Dec. 2. ^nne, dau. of John and Hannah Runnels, March 19. •^ilia, dau. of John and Lucy Abernethy, Dec. 23. BIRTHS IN WOODBURY 61 Edward, s. of Israel and Anna Minor, Feb. 28. Josiah, s. of Ebenezer and Parah Talmon, Dec. 19. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Abigail Smith, March 18. Lorena, dau. of Jabez and Lydia Bacon, Dec. 20. 1767. Rhoda, dan. of John, Jr., and Azuba Loggan, June 16. Molly, dau. of Capt. Nathan and Eunice ilicok, Sept. 30. Rachel, dau. of William and Mary Hooker, Dec. 9. Meriam, dau. of (iideon and Meriam Bristol, Aug. 16. Batemon, s. of James and Martha Tjeslay, Oct. 16. Sherman, s. of Christopher and Betty Prentiss, June 25. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Sarah Doolittle, Nov. 21. Jehu, s. of Ebenezer, Jr., and Hannah Clark, Dec. 8. David, s. of Samuel and Joanna Dutton, Aug. 17. Philo, s. of Enos and Susannah Mitchell, May 14. Ruth, dau. of Rev. Noah and Rhoda Benedict, Jan. 20. Thomas Clark, s. of Phineas and Charity Camp, Sept. 14. Abel, s. of Joseph and Prue Hurd, June 7. Anne, dau. of Asahel and Anne Hooker, Feb. 10. Joseph, s. of Benjamin and Susannah Durkee, ^^iig- 18. Joseph, s. of Caleb and Mary Tuttle, March 1. Judson, s. of Timothy and Elisabeth Minor, Oct. 3. Margery, dau. of Noah and Margery Frisble, May 30. Lucy, dau. of Hugh and Mabel Hannah, March 10. Eli, s. of David, Jr., and Rebeckah Squire, Nov. 19. Phebe, dau. of Seth and Eunice Minor, Dec. 25. Clarissa, dau. of Samuel and Olive Durand, Aug. 24. Samuel, s. of Benjamin and Anne Judson, Dec. 8. Daniel, s. of Jonathan and Elisabeth Hill, March 22. Susannah, dau. of Jedediah and Hannah Elderkin, Jan. 28. Job, s. of Obadiah, Jr., and Mary Wheeler, Feb. 12. Everts, s. of Samuel and Eunice Moody, May 4. p]lecta, dau. of Capt. Abner and Susannah Mallary, Sept. 22. Ijevina, dau. of Asa and Eunice Curtiss, March 4. Ann, dau. of Phineas and Dorcas Potter, Oct. 10. Pene, dau. of Daniel and Mary Mallary, Sept. 9. Jairus, s. of Joseph and Betty Lamb, Jan. 22. Elisal)eth, dau. of John and Elisabeth Manvil, Nov. 22. Stoddard, s. of James and Demaris Smith, Aug. 13. Jesse, s. of Benjamin and Mercy Munger, Dec. 3, Mary, dau. of Jonathan and Ann Hurlbut, July 29. Sylvanus. s. of Solomon and Sarah Garnsey, Oct. 7. Phebe, dau. of Edward and Mary Pond, Nov. 17. Elihu, s. of Elisha and Anna Stoddard, April 26. Lucy Anna, dau. of Timothy and Anna Durkee, Feb. 20. James, s. of James and Anne Tyler, Feb. 17. Curtiss, s. of Alpheus and Lementee Woodward, Dec. 27. Curtiss, s. of Samuel, Jr., and Abiah Galpin, Nov. 1. 62 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUKY, Thaddeus, s. of Joel and Tjoraiii Hunger, Nathan, s. of Nathan and Rhoda Atwood, James, s. of Hezekiah and Rebeckah Thompson, Noadiah, s. of Zimri and Esther Moody, Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Comfort Hurlbut, Mary, dau. of John and Huldah Munn, John, s. of Gideon and Rebeckah Stoddard, Susannah, dau. of Eliphalet and Mary Easton, David Stiles, s. of David 3d, and Sarah Curtiss, Lucina, dau. of Daniel and Mabel Crissey, Jacob and Jonas, ss. of John and Annis Bunce, Lydia, dau. of Stephen and Lydia Galpin, Nabby, dau. of Samuel and Abigail Castle, 1768. Solomon Gold, s. of Solomon and Mary Steele, Esther, dau. of Deborah Brownson, Betty, dau. of Isaiah and Esther Gilbert, Andrew, s. of Cliarles and Betty Strong, Eunice, dau. of Daniel and Ann Warner, Adam Stoddard, s. of James and Hannah Clark, Lucy, dau. of Ira and Deborah Bishop, Naomi, dau. of Adonijah and Ruth Roots, Olive, dau. of Gideon and Olive Hurlbut, Molly, dau. of Samuel and Jemima Squire, Annice, dau. of Job and Experience Ingerham, Benjamin, s. of Caleb and Mary Tuttle, Hannah, dau. of Enos and Mary Hawley, Hinman, s. of Seth Wheeler, Sarah, dau. of Elnathan and Marabah Gilbert, Olive, dau. of James, Jr., and Lydia Burgiss, Daniel, s. of Gideon, Jr., and Ehsabeth Hurlbut, Lewis, s. of Nathan and Damaris Rumsey, Eliad, s. of Daniel and Hannah M anvil, Anne, dau. of Gad and Rachel Bristol, Enos, s. of Thomas and Abigail Warner, Eli, s. of Nicholas and Urana Manvil, Henry, s. of David, Jr., and Rebeckah Squire, Mary Ann, dau. of James and Margaret Kasson, March 19. May 30. March 4. Nov. 18. April 25. May 15. July 18. March 15. Jan. 14. July 14. Dec. 1. Feb. 19. June 19. March May Feb. Jan. Sep. May March June Oct. April April May Jan. April April Sep. July May Dec. Dec. May Aug. Oct. Feb. Deliverance, dau. of Andrew and Deliverance Blackman, Mar. Amos, s. of David, Jr., and Abigail Royce, John, s. of Caleb and Prudence Coggshall, Jehu, s. of James and Mary Minor, Abigail, dau. of Solomon and Sibel Crissey, Johnson, s. of Matthew and Sarah Loggan, Lois, dau, of Abishai and Lois Moseley, Elihu Johnson, s. of Elihu and Onour Smith, Jerusha, dau. of Israel and Jerusha Hurlbut, Sarah, dau. of John, Jr., and Abigail Minor, Nov. May May Nov. March Aug. Sept. Jan. April 17. 10. 12. 10. 3. 29. 15. 19. 25. 15. 10. 21. 16. 8. 19. 4. 5. 28. 5. 8. 24. 19. 22. 18. 9. 14. 16. 2. 4. 24. 5. 14. B I H T II S IN WOODBURY 63 Abigail, dan. of Joshua and Mercy Hazzon, Joseph, s. of Joseph and Rachel Holbrook, Amos, s. of Jonathan and Mabel Koyce, Aluah, dau. of Thomas and Sarah Strong, Justus, s. of Daniel and Abigail Minor, Lois, dau. of Abishai and Lois Moseley, Jonathan, s. of John and Hannah Runnels, Simeon, s. of Joseph and Ketura Curtiss, Caleb, s. of John and Lucy Abernethy, James, s. of David and Anna Hurd, Anna Hurd, dau. of Kldad and Avis Spencer, Jonathan Edwards, s. of Oliver and Abigail Parmelee, Mary Ann, dau. of John and Abigail Orton, Josiah, s. of Israel and Anna Minor, Timothy, s. of Ebenezer and Sarah Talmou, Sarah, dau. of Samuel and Abigail Smith. Ohver, s. of Elisha and Mary Atwood, Abel, s. of Abel and Ruth Mix, Sarah, dau. of Stephen and Lydia Gal pin, Nathaniel, s. of Jabez and Lydia Bacon, 1769. Reuben, s. of Joseph and Hurd, Levi, s. of Asahel and Anne Hooker, Phineas, s. of Aaron and Jerusha Cressey, Mary, dau. of Elijah and Anne Martin, Henry, s. of Enos and Mary Hawley, Russell, s. of Asa and Eunice Curtiss, Gideon, s. of David and Hannah Sherman, Friend, s. of Noah and Margery Frisbie, Noah, s. of Seth and Eunice Minor, ^ . Rachel, dau. of John, Jr., and Sarah Rumrill, Anne, dau. of Amos and Naomi Clark, Abner, s. of Gideon and Patience Hollister, Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Elisabeth Hill, Joel, s. of Joseph and Philomela Way, Hannah, dau. of Bethuel and Ruth Ward, Asa, s. of John and Elisabeth Manvil, Annis, dau. of James and Demaris Smith, Ruth, dau. of Jehiel and Be'tterus Pi*eston, Edna, dau. of xVbner and Ann Moseley, Caleb, s. of Benjamin and Mercy Munger, Ohve, dau. of James and Hannah Clark, James Kasson, s. of Solomon and Sarah Garusey. Elnathan Judson, s. of Edward and Mary Pond, Esther, dau. of Elisha and Ann Stoddard, Andrew, son of Timothy and Anna Durkee, Sarah, dau. of James and Anne Tyler, Ira, s. of Asa and Ruth Winter, Sept. Jan. 14. 30. Sept. Aug. Nov. 12. 16. 18. Aug. Sept. Jan. 4. 5. 2. May 8. April 25. July G. Jan. 7. Jan. 23. April 9. Dec. 28. June 18. Sept. Feb. 15. July Nov. 24. 16. Jan. 17. Aug. 15. March 10. Feb. S. June 19. March 1. April March 15. 3. March 17. April May Jan. G. 19. 16. March 25. .June 10. Aug. 9. Oct. 30. June 27. Aug. Aug. Oct. 14. 14. 12. Sept. Dec. 2. 31. Aug. 11. March 6. April Dec. 25. 22. June 24. 64 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Ruth, dau. of Obadiah, Jr., and Mary Wheeler, March 17. Saminis, s. of Dan and Eunice Blakley, Nov. 16. Elisabeth, dau. of Israel and Elisabeth Stoddard, June 14. Anne, dau. of Alpheus and Lementee Woodward, Sept. 20. Joanna, dau. of Elnathan and Maribah Gilbert, Dec. 3. Nathan, s. of Phineas and Charity Camp, Aug. 29. Timothy, s. of Bnos and Susannah Mitchell, May 5. Syrene, dau. of John and Lucy Abernethy, Nov. 29. Lorain, dau. of Joel and Lorain Munger, -A-Ug. 15. Mary, dau. of Stephen and Eunice Batenaan, Aug. 20. Jonathan, s. of John and Agniss Steel, Sept. 13. Sarah, dau. of Oliver and Abigail Parmelee, Dec. 24. Amos, s. of Jonathan and Lydia Churchel, Oct. 19. Jesse, s. of Ebenezer and Comfort Hurlburt, March 20. John, s. of John and Tibitha Calhoun, Sept. 30. John, s. of John and Huldah Munn, June 2. James, s. of James, Jr., and Ruth Edmond, Sept. 17. Gideon, s. of Gideon and Rebeckah Stoddard, Nov. 20. Bruster Gold, s. of Eliphalet and Mary Easton, June 15. Francis, s. of Gideon and Hannah Heicok, Feb. 15. William Preston, s. of David 3d, and Sarah Curtiss, May 11. Experience, dau. of Philip and Experience Pond, Jan. 1 4 . James, s. of Ezekieland Anna Lewis, Oct. 13. Mabel, dau. of Daniel and Mabel Crissy, May 26. Leverit, s. of Theophilus and Hepsibah Baldwin, May 9. Jared, s. of Abel and Ruth Mix, Nov. 1 6. Ephraim Warner, s. of Ephraim, Jr., and Sarah Baldwin, Jan. 15. Hannah, wife of Silas Castle, born in Wethersfield, Nov. 11. 1770. Olive, dau. of Bethuel and Jemima Squire, Amos, s. of Isaiah and Esther Gilbert, Abigail, dau. of Daniel and Sibilla Huntington, Simons, s. of John, Jr., and Beulah Mallary, Harvey, s. of Benjamin and Susannah Durkee, Abigail, dau. of Caleb and Mary Tuttle, Deborah, dau. of Jonathan and Ann Hurlbut, 1st Eunice, dau. of Enos and Mary Hawley, Noble, s. of Seth Wheeler, Lucinda, dau. of Samuel and Eunice Moody, Summers, s. of John, Jr., and Abigail Minor, Anne, dau. of Ebenezer, Jr., and Hannah Clark, James, s. of James and Martha Lassley, William Hackaliah Preston, s. of Doct. Andrew and Graham, Daniel, s. of Daniel and Jerusha Wellar, Sibbilla, dau. of Daniel and Sibbilla Huntington, Molley, dau. of Phineas and Doreas Potter, John, s. of Samuel and Olive Durand, Sept. July Dec. 19. 16. 18. Jan. 13. Nov. 18. ' April April Dec. 2. 18. 10. May Jan. 20. 18. Jan. 17. March 18. Jan. 19. Martha Sept. Feb. 30. 2. Jan . 1. Nov. 10. March 27. B 1 K T II S IN \V O O D B r K Y , 65 Zephaniah Hull, s. of Joseph, Jr., and Lydia Judson, Dec. 13. Patience, dau. of Natlian and Damans Ruinsey, May 24. Enos, B. of Zebulon and Mary Doolittle, Feb. 17. Deborali, dau. of Abel and Deborah Castle, Jan. 28. Mabel, dau. of Stephen and Jerusha Brown, Feb. 13. Elisabeth, dau. of Caleb and Prudence Coggshall, April 4. Polly, dau. of Richard and Eunice Garnsey, Nov. 18. Mary, dau. of David and Mary Durkee, June 14. Asa, s. of Thomas and Sarah Strong, July 21. "William, s. of Mr. Josepli and Francis Bellamy, new style, June 28. Molly, dau. of Gideon and Olive Mallary, July 31. Elisabeth, dau. of Gideon and Elisabeth llurlbut, Aug. 19. Ephraim, s. of Thomas and Sarah Doolittle, March 12. Joseph, s. of John and Hannah Runnels, Jan. 9. Molly, dau. of Robert and Mary Crane, May 20. Mary, dau. of Thomas and Christian Rowe, Oct. 9. Shelden, s. of Matthew and Sarah Loggan, March 19. Friend, s. of John and Thankful Weeks, April 3. Stephen Calvin, s. of Stephen and Eunice Bateman, Dec. 11. Joseph, s. of Nathan and Rhoda Atwood; Sept. 28. Samuel, s. of Hezekiah and Rebeckah Thompson, Nov. 15. Sarah, dau. of Moses and Hannah Galpin, July 23. Israel, s of Israel and Anna Minor, April 1. David, s. of Ebenezor and Sarah Talmon, Aug. 1. Hermon, s. of Zimri and Esther Moody, March 24. Russel Canfield, s. of Rev. Jehu and Sarah Minor, Oct. 24. Joseph, s. of Gideon and Meriam Bristol, Dec. 23. Sarah Ann, dau. of Thomas and Emm Roots, May 24. Moses, s. of Seth and Eunice Everit, Oct. 18. Isaac, s. of John and Annis Bunce, March 1. Neri, s. of Stephen and Lydia Galpin, Aug. 8. Samuel, s. of Ebenezer and Eunice Castle, Jan. 10. 1771. Mary, dau. of Aaron and Jerusha Cressey, Oct. 5. Sarah Ann, dau. of Elijah and Annie Martin, April 27. Job, s. of Job and E.xperience Ingerham, Sept. 16. Mary, dau. of Caleb and Mary Tuttle, Nov. 26. Betsey, dau. of Amos and Elisabeth Broughton, Jan. 26. 2d David, s. of Gad and Rachel Bristol, Sept. 6. Benjamin Mashlield, s. of Elnathan and Meribah Gilbert, March 3. Bethiah, dau. of John, Jr., and Abigail Leavenworth, March 14. Isaac, s. of Samuel and Jane Jackson, Feb. 7. Noah Bcnnit, s. of Rev. Noah and Rhodah Benedict, April 2. Esther, dau. of Tliomas, Jr., and Jerusha Parker, March 1 7. Mabel, dau. of Jonathan and Mabel Royce, July 8. Elisabeth Mary Lucina, dau. of James and Mary Minor, May 5. David, s. of Obadiah, Jr., and Mary "Wheeler, June 22. Vol. III.— 9 66 niSTOKY OF ANCIKNT WOODBURY. John, s. of Daniel and Tabitha Calhoun, April 20. Gidion, s. of David, Jr., and Cloe Judson, Aug. 8. Justus, s. of Ste[)hen and Jerusha Brown, March 24. Phebe, dau. of Phinias and Charity Camp, Oct. 7. Enos, s. of Enos and Susanna Mitchell, Dec. 2. Shubael, s. of Joseph and Betty Lamb, Oct. 14. Mary, dau. of Abishai and Lois Mosley, April 17. Judah, s. of Judah and Deborah Baldwin, July 13. Amofi, s. of Joseph and Ketura Curtiss, March 29. Benjamin Trasey, s. of Reuben and Lucy Wilmott, Aug. 20. Esther, dau. of John and Thankful Weeks, Aug. 25. Curtiss, s. of Ithiel and Eunice Hicok, Nov. 7. Elisabeth, dau. of Sarah Hurlbut, was born Feb. 22. Esther, dau. of Oliver and vVbigail Parmelee, Nov. 25. Esther, dau. of John and Abigail Orton, Aug. 2. Esther, dau. of Elihu and Onnor Smith, April 5. Asa, s. of Gideon and Rebeckah Stoddard, Oct. 6. Anna, dau. of David, 3d, and Sarah Curtiss, Oct. 26. Lorinda, dau. of Philip and Experience Pond, May 1. Isaac, s. of Samuel and Abigail Smith, Feb. 12. Sabrina, dau. of Abel and Ruth Mix, Sept. 28. John, s. of John and Sarah Gordon, May 16. Sarah, dau. of Ephraim, Jr., and Sarah Baldwin, Oct. 19. Lydia, dau. Jabez and Lydia Bacon, Jan. 1. Justus, s. of Isaac and Mercy Way, Oct. 3. Hepzibah, dau. of Silas and Mary Lewis, Nov. 2. 1772. Daniel, s. of Daniel and Sibilla Huntington, Sept. 7. Martin, s. of Zimri and Esther Moody, March 31. Eliphalet, s. of Elijah and Anne Martin, Sept. 5. Beulah, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah Ingerham. June 22. Thomas, s. of John, Jr., and Beulah Mallary, ^^^g- •'^• Robert, s. of Benjamin and Susannah Durkee, Dec. 13. Permely, dau. of Amos and Elisabeth Broughton, July 17. Ephraim, s. of Ebenezer, Jr., and Patience Strong, Dec. 20. 2d Eunice, dau. of Enos and Mary Hawley, Feb. 3. Joshua, s. of Joshua and Deborah Judson, Nov. 26. Myron, s. of James, Jr., and Reliance Kasson, Jan. 27. Sannah, dau. of Abner and Ann Moseley, March 2. Love, dau. of Capt. Abner and Susanna Mallary, March 23. Matthew, s. of Daniel and Jerusha Wellar, April 16. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Sarah Whitney, May 24. Elisabeth, dau. of James 2d and Ruth Edmond, Jan. 20. Cyrus, s. of Ebenezer, Jr., and Hannah Clark, Feb. 22. Rhoda, dau. of James and Betty Hall, June 14. Ruth, dau. of Daniel and Abigail Minor, July 25. Dorcas, s. of Judah and Dorcas Andrus, Mai-ch 12. Mabel, dau. of Thomas and Emm Roots, July 24. IJ I U T H S r N W () O D U U l{ Y 67 David, s. of Thomas and Sarali Doolittle, June 4. Hannah, dau. of John and Hannah Runnels, June 6. Achsah, dau. of Robert and Mary Crane, April 7. Mary, dau. of Matthew and Sarah Logan, May 2G. Sheldon, s. of Joel and Lorain Munger, Sept. 2. Daniel, s. of Nathan and Rhoda Atwood, - Jidy 8. Hannah, dau. of Hezekiah and Rebeckali Thompson. Nov. 5. Eliphalet, s. of Eli{)halet and Mary Easton, * May 17. William Lee, s. of Elnathau and Meribah Gilbert, May 10. Anna, dau. of Ezekiel and Anna Lewis, Jan. 28. Mabel, dau. of Daniel and Pliebe Crissey, Jan. 5. Eunice, dau. of Amasa and Diadama Parker, Sept. 19. Anne, dau. of John and Annis Bunce, May 13. Betsey, dau. of Solomon and Mary Minor, July 12. Daniel, s. of Jabez and Lydia Bacon, Dec. 8. Eunice, dau. of Ebenezer and Eunice Castle. 1773. Lydia, dau. of Bethuel and Jemima Lyon, April 1. Benjamin, s. of Abijah and Anna Mitchell, July 23. Josiah, s. of James and Anne Tyler, April 30. Isaiah, s. of Isaiah and Esther Gilbert, Oct. 19. Elisabeth, dau. of Jeremiah and Sarah Thoinas, Feb. 5. Mary, dau. of Timothy and Mary Avered, June 3. Benjamin, s. of Job and Experience Ingerham, Nov. 2. Calvin, s. of John and Tabitha Calhoon, Aug. 14. Anne, dau. of Elijah and Anne Parks, April 2. Gains, s. of Caleb and Mary Tuttle, April 15. David, s. of Moses and Mary Hawley, Dec. 23. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Ann Hurlbut, Aug. 9. 2d Jonathan, son of Enos and Mary Hawley, Sept. 22. Mary, dau. of Judah and Deborah Baldwin, Sept. 29. Thomas Burr, s. of Gideon and Olive Mallaiy, Jan. 20. Mary Matilda, dau. of Mr. Jehu and Sarah Minor, April 11. Nathan, s. of Nathan and Demaris Rumsey, Jan. 17. Elisabeth, dau. of Gideon, Jr., and Martha Hurlbut, Feb. 28. Truman, s. of Thomas, Jr., and Jerusha Parker, Feb. 28. David, s. of David and Lydia Hitchcock, Aug. 28. Daniel Beardsley, s. of Adonijah and Ruth Roots, Jan. 11. Dennis, s. of Richard and OHve Bradley, Oct. 6. Thaira, dau. of Joseph and Betty Lamb, Aug. 8. Lois, dau. of John and Thankful Weciks, March 27. Polly, dau. of Simeon and Sibel Taylor, ' Sept. 29. Elisabeth Ann. dau. of P]li and Abigail Stoddard, July 17. Elijah, s. of David and Mary Lyman, Aug. 1('>. Hannah, dau. of Moses and Hannah Galpin, Dec. 1. Ahiah, dau. of Israel and Anna Minor, March 18. Nathan, s. of Sanmel, Jr., and Abiah Galpin, June 29. Eunice, dau. of John and Anne Munger, May 9. G8 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. Polly, dan. of Elnathan and Meribah Gilbert, Dec. 19. Eleazer, dau. of Robert and Mary Crane, Dec. 28. Philip, s. of Philip and Experience Pond, March 29. Jehiel, s. of Elihu and Dianthe Leavenworth, Oct. 4. Allen Smith, s. of Ehsha and Anna Minor, April 28. Jerusha, dau. of Robert and Emm Warner, Feb. 4. Lemon, s. of Phineas and Dorcas Potter, May 15. Mary, dau. of Silas and Mary Lewis, Sept. 1. 1774. Sarah, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah Tngerham, Jan. 17. Elijah, s. of Nathaniel and Elisabeth Parks, March 7. William, s. of James, Jr., and Ruth Edmond, July 22. Truman, s. of Jonathan and Mabel Royce, April 1 0. Mary Ann, dau. of Zimri and Esther Moody, Sept. 29. Rebeckah, dau. of Ebenezer, Jr., and Patience Strong, -Oct. 7. David, s. of Obadiah Wheeler, Jr., June 25. Clara, dau. of Gad and Rachel Bristol, July 19. Elisabeth, dau. of Caleb, Jr., and Mary Mallary, Feb. 14. 2d Mary Ann, dau. of Zimri and Esther Moody, Sept. 29. Sarah, dau. of Amos and Elisabeth Broughton, Nov. 21. , s. of Gideon, Jr., and Martha Hurlbut, Aug. 15. , s. of Ebenezer and Hannah Clark, April 1 8. John, s. of John and Elisabeth Manvil, Feb. 3. Mary, dau. of Thomas and Emm Roots, July- 1. Asher, s. of Stephen and Desire Wilcox, July 9. Abigail, dau. of Jeremiah and Sarah Thomas, Nov. 21. Reuben, s. of Thomas and Christian Rowe, July 19. Ulany, dau. of Elijah and Anue Parks, Dec. 1 . Shelden, s. of David and Lydia Mallary, Dec. 26. Sarah, dau. of John and Abigail Sherman, April 11. James Jonathan, s. of James and Rachel Truesdel, June 26. Reuben and Ashur, ss. of Reuben and Lucy Wilmott, July 10. Sarah, dau. of David 3d and Sarah Curtiss, Jan. 23. Eunice, dau. of Aaron and Jerusha Cressey, Feb. 5. John, s. of Daniel and Ann Tyler, Jan. 21. Eunice Anne, dau. of Stephen and Eunice Ba:eman, June 8. Lucy, dau. of Oliver and Abigail Parmelee, Oct. 17. Amos, s. of Gideon and Rebeckah Stoddard, May 15. Josiah Lewis, s. of Ahirah and Hannah Hill, May 8. Rhodah, dau. of David and Freelove Gillett, Dec. 13. Gideon, s. of Gidecjp and Hannah Heicok, Dec. 30. Sarah, dau. of Adam and Hannah Lum, Dec. 27. Sarah, dau. of David 3d and Sarah Curtiss, Jan. 23. Flora, dau. of Peter and Damaris Gilchrist, June 7. Cynthia, dau. of Daniel and Sybilla Huntington, April 1. Zalmon, s. of Samuel and Abigail Castle, April 6. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Eunice Castle. UIKTIIS IN WOODBUIJY. 69 1775. Clarisa, dau. of James, Jr., and Reliance Kasson, Sarah Lucretia, dau. of Mr. Jeliu and Sarah Miner, Ruth, dau. of Joshua and Deborah Judson, Molly Tilda, dau. of Doct. Andrew and Martha Graham March, s. of Elijali and Annie Martin, Sarah, dau. of Abner and Ann Moseley, • Sarah, dau. of Matthew and Sarah Loggan, Abiah Mary, dau. of Adonijah and Ruth Roots, David, s. of Daniel and Jerusha Weller, Fhebe, dau. of Richard and Olive Bradley, Reubem and Lucy, s. and dau. of Atwood and Klis.-ihctii Bird, William, s. of John and Thankful Weeks, Martha, dau. of Simeon and Jerusha Judson, David, s. of Simeon and Sybel Tayler, Ruth, dau. of Joshua and Deborah Judson, Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Sarali ingcrham, Fhileme, dau. of Eli and Abigail Stoddard, Ruth, dau. of Gideon and Olive Mallary, Ruth Ann, dau. t)f Daniel and Y\nn Tyler, Rebeckah, dau. of Hezekiah and Rebeckah Thompson, Betsey, dau. of Philemon and Rachel Cheravoy, Samuel, s. of John and Anne Munger, David Cleveland, s. of Adam and Mary Cramer, Ruth Ann, dau. of Elisha and Anna Minor, William, s. of Ezekiel and Sarah Lewis, Rhoda, dau. of Robert and Emm Warner, Jesse, s. of Solomon and Maiy Minor, Eunice, wife of -= Spaulding, Jeru^a Hotchkiss, 1776. Ichabod, s. of John and Abigail Sherman, Joseph, s. of Amos and Esther Leavenworth, Mary Ann, dau. of Daniel and Ann Warner, Betsey, dau. of David, 3d, and Sarah Curtiss, Sarah, dau. of Jolm and Thankful Weeks, James, s. of Aaron and Jerusha Cressey, Gideon, s. of Gideon, Jr., and Martha Ilurlburt, David, s. of David and Mary Lyman, Samuel, s. of Elijah and Anne Parks, Cinthia, dau. of Stephen and Eunice Bateman, Sarah, dau. of Adam and Martha Hurd, David, s. of David and Sarali Mitchell, Anna, dau. of Israel and Anna Minor, Mabel, dau. of Gideon and Rebeckah St6ddard, Lois, dau. of David and Freelove Gillett, Hannah, dau. of Adam and Hannah Lum, Feb. Feb. April , Oct. Nov. June June March June Aug. July Feb. June Dec. April June Oct. March Aug. Jan. June March March Jan. Aug. April March Aug. 11. 20. 2. 1. 2G. 25. 2. 14. (i. 24. 23. 2. 9. 2. KJ. 29. 23. 12. 26. 30. 18. G. 29. 11. 29. April 28. July 19. J une 7 . Oct. 26. Dec. 29. Sept. 24. April 10. Jane 14. Oct. 28. June 1. All!;. 14. July 2. April 29. May 8. Oct. 19. Oct. 27. 70 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Elisabeth, dau. of David, 3d, and Sarali Curtiss, Wells, s. of Oliver and Anna Atwood, Sapphira, dau. of Peter and Damaris Gilchrist, Lovisa, dau. of Elisha and Anna, Irene, dau. of Lois Everit, Isaac, s. of Daniel and Sybilla Huntington, Abigail, dau. of Samuel and Abigail Smith, Thankful, dau. Bethel and Deliverance Smith, Phineas Spaulding, born, Mary, dau. of Jabez and Lydia Bacon, Northrop, s. of Samuel and Abigail Castle, 1777. Sarah, dau. of Joel and Lorain Hunger, Sarah, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah Ingerham, David, s. of James and Anne Tyler, Reuben, s. of Gideon and Olive Mallary, Eunice, dau. of John and Ann Royce, Clarissa, dau of Solomon and Elisabeth Robinson, Silva Priscela, dau. of Mr. John and Sarah Minor, Reuben, s. of Samuel and Sarah Whitney, John, s. of Stephen and Demaris Wilcox, Samuel, s. of Samuel and Naomi Lusk, Anne, dau. of Hezekiah and Rebeckah Thompson, Whiteman, s. of David, Jr., and Mary Leavenworth, James, s. of Zimri and Esther Moody, Hermon, s. of Philemon and Betsey Cheravoy, Samuel Asa, s. of Samuel, Jr., and Abiah Galpin, Preston, s. of Thomas and Emm Roots, Anna, dau. of Oliver and Anna Atwood, Phineas, s. of Robert and Mary Crane, Philodes, s. of Ezekiel and Sarah Lewis, Stoddard, s. of Daniel and Phebe Crissey, 1778. Mary, dau. of Adam and Martha Hurd, John, s. of Ebenezer, Jr., and Hannah Clark, Rebeckah, dau. of Nathan and Sarah Burton, Faith, dau. of Elijah and Anne Martin, Abner, s. of Phineas and Maiy Demming, Benajah ( 'ase, s. of David and Abigail Thomas, Joseph, s. of Ohver and Abigail Parmelee, Jerusha, dau. of Israel and Anna Minor, Urana, dau. of Elnathan and Meribah Gilbert, Lydia, dau. of David and Preelove Gillett, John Park, s. of James and Ruth Edmonds, Elisabeth, dau. of Isaac and Deborah Armstrong, Curtiss, s. of Adam and Hannah Ijuin, Jack, s. of Peter and Damaris Gilchiist, Oct. 26. Feb. 9. June 1 1. July 30. Oct. 12. July 20. April 15. June 8. May 2. Feb. 23. March 21. Jan. 15. March 23. April 22. June 25. March 29. May 20. Oct. 12. Sept. 27. Oct. 13. April 4. Feb. 3. Nov. 22. Nov. 3. April 15. Nov. 23. Jan. 17. July 24. Oct. 10. Feb. 7. March 7. Jan. 18. Jan. 1. March 8. April 22. April 5. Aug. 2. Feb. 21. Nov. 13. Jan. 7. Aug. 20. July 15. March 29. Sept. 17. July 21. BIKTIIS IN WOOnHl'HY 71 Peggy, dau. of Walker and Martha Mallary, Anna, dau. of Elisha and Anna Minor, William, 2d, s. of Ezokiel and Sarah Lewis, Mary, dau. of Robert and Emm Warnei-, Sibil, dau. of Bethel arid Deliverance Smith, (jiarrick, s. of Jabez and Lydia Bacon, Annie, dau. of Solomon and Mary Minor, 1 7 79. Charlotte, dau. of Samuel and Anne Belley, Irene, dau. of Samuel and Naomi Lusk, Abel, s. of Nathan and Rhoda Atvvood, Sheldon, s. of Elijah and Anne Parks, Aaron, s. of David and Sarah Mitchell, John, s. of Philemon and Rachel Cheravoy, Lydia, dau. of John and Anne Munger, Sally, dau. of Josiah and Experience Gilbert, Sarah Barber, dau. of Zebulon and Lydia Leaven wcirth, Russell, s. of Daniel and Sybilla Huntington, John Northrop, s. of Elijah Sherman, Eli, s. of David and Ijydia Mallery, of Roxbury, John, s. of Nathan and Sarah Percy, Major, s. of Solomon and Elisabeth Robinson, Wait, s. of John and Lydia Abernethy, John N., s. of Elijah and Nancy Shei'man, 1780. Shelden, s. of Gad and Rachel Bristol, .lohn, s. of John and Content Punderford, Charles, s. of Hezekiah and Rel)eckah Thompson, Mary, dau. of I~)avid, Jr., and Mary Leavenworth, Kstlier, dau. of Zimri and Esther Moody, Abigail, dau. of Israel and Anna Minor, David, s. of David and Freelovc Gillett, Asa, s. of Adam and Hannah Lum, Thebis, dau. of Peter and Damaris Gilchrist, Polly, dau. of Walker and Martha Mallery, Sarah, dau. of Elijah and Sarah Lewis, Noah, s. of Thomas and Lois Andrus, John, s. of Samuel and Lois Woodman, Lyman, s. of Bethel and Deliverance Smith, Norman, s. of Nehemiah and Anna Judson, Reuben Mallory, Olive Mallory, his wife, 1781. Sarah, dau. of Isaac and Mary Pollard, Sibilla, dau. of Philemon and Betsey Cheravoy, Aremynta, dau. of Obediah and Mary Wheeler, Feb. 4. April 15. Oct. 7. Sept. Oct. 5. 7. April May 5. Jan. 30. June 17. Feb. \?,. Jan. 24. Jan. 18. March 11 March i;5. Oct. 4 Aug. Jan. 16. 18 Dec. 28 Jan. 27 July Aug. Oct. 22 9 8 Dec. 28 Feb. 8 July Feb. 29 18 March 16 March 15 Oct. 29 Aug. Aug. Aug. June 28 8 14 8 Aug. Feb. 26 6 Nov. 18 Dec. 17 Oct. 16 March 13 April 18 Nov. 10 June 30 Mai'ch 10 72 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY May 23. July 1. March 16. March 11. Jan. 19. June 12. Sept. 22. May 7. July 14. July 26. Jan. 28. Sept. 22. Aug. 16. April 8. Sarah, dau. of Robert and Mary Crane, Seth Preston, s. of Josiah and Elizabeth Beers, Ashly, s. of Elijah Martin, Salmon, s. of Elisha and Anna Minor, Polly, dau. of Elisha and Anna Parks, John, s. of John and Ann Munger, Betsey, dau. of Elijah Slierman, Lorinda, dau. of Robert and Emm Warner, Lydia, dau. of David and Lydia Mallery, Colonel, s. of Amariah and Mercy Prentice, Diana, dau. of Nehemiah and Anah, Betsey, dau. of Elijah and Nancy Sherman, Annis, dau. of Isaac and Mercy Way, Truman, s. of Daniel and Concurrence Tuttle, 1782. Else, dau. of Peter and Damaris Gilchrist, Sept. 20. Esther, dau. of Gad and Rachel Bristol, Nov. 7. Elias, s. of Josiah and Experience Gilbert, Oct. 19. Abner, s. of Walker and Martha Mallery, March 2. Polly, dau. of Elijah and Sarah Lewis, Sept. 5. Abigail, dau. of Thomas and Lois Andrus, May 4. Seth Marshal, s. of Zebulon and Lydia Leavenworth, June 13. John, s. of John and Patience Orton, Dec. 6. Levina, dau. of Samuel, Jr., and Ann Minor, April 28. Lorena, dau. of Jabez, Jr., and Sabra Bacon, March 16. 1783. Rebeckah, dau. of Gideon and Rebeckah Stoddard, March 28. Mary, dau. of Isaac and Mary Pollard, Dec. 20. Nathaniel, s. of Philemon and Rachel Cheravoy, Nov. 3. Polly, dau. of Nathan and Currance Preston, Nov. 13. Thomas Bridgham, s. of Rev. Noah and Rhoda Benedict, Oct. 23. Ellis, dau. of Elijah and Anna Parks, Feb. 4. Mary, dau. of Isaac and Mary Pollard, Dec. 20. Daniel, s. of Henry and Prudence Thompson, Jan. 12. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Lois Woodman, April 29. Lucy Ann, dau. of John and Ann Munger, Nov. 3. Elijah, s. of Elijah Sherman, April 23. Sarah, dau. of David and Lydia Mallery, Dec. 2. Sliver, s. of Amaziah and Mercy Prentice, Feb. 8. Burton, s. of Nehemiah and Anah Judson, Feb. 26. Bennet, s. of James and Anna Tyler, , Oct. 28. Elijah, Jr., s. of Elijah and Nancy Sherman, April 23. Jeremiah Peck, Aug. 8. Polly Bloss, wife of Jeremiah Peck, Dec. 5. Electa, dau. of Isaac and Mercy Way, June 21. Burton, s. of Nehemiah and Anna Judson, Feb. 26. IN W (JO U B I' K Y , 73 Curtiss, s. of 2suble Atwood, April 10. Married a, widow in South Carolina, and had one son and four girls. Chauncey Dayton, b. Watertown, March 8. 1784. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenozor and Hannah Tallman, Rachel, dau. of Gad and Rachel Bristol, Poliy, 2d, dau. of Walker and Martha Mallary, RebecJ^ah, dau. of Zebulou and Lydia Leavenworth, Truman, s. of John and Patience Orton, Timothy, s. of Timothy and Clari-ssa Terrill, Fanny, dau. of John and Sarah Strong, John, s. of Jabez, Jr., and Sabra Bacon, Thomas Johnson, s. of Bethel and Deliverance Smith, Walker, s. of Amaziah and Mercy Prentice, Lavinia Manville, wife of Truman Tuttle, (in Middle- bury,) 1785. Lucy, dau. of Henry and Prudence Thompson, Benjamin, s. of Samuel and Lois Woodman, Nancy, dau. of Nathan and Currance Preston, Robert Shei'man, s. of Hubert and Emm Warner, Jerusha, dau. of Abijah and Ruth Emm Roots, Nathaniel, s. of Jehiel and Anna Preston, Laurain, s. of Nehemiah and Anah Judson, Solomon Benedict, s. of Solomon and Mary Minor, Justus, s. of Isaac and Mercy Way, Stephen, s. of Noble Atwood, 1786. Hannah, dau. of Isaac and Mary Pollard, Edmond, s. of Philemon and Rachel Cheravoy, Ebenezer, s. of John and Ann Munger, Sylvia, dau. of Nathan and Currance Preston, John, s. of Noah and Iluldah Maltby, Rachel, dau. of Zebulon and Lydia Leavenworth, John, s. of John and Sai-ah Strong, Garwood, s. of Garwood H. and Sarah Cunningham, Betsey, dau. of Jabez, Jr., and Sabra Bacon, Lenum Sherman, Lucy, dau. of 'i'haddeus and Hannah Thompson, (at Wood bridge,) 1787. Isaac, s. of Elijah Sherman, Eunice, dau. of Timothy and Clarissa Terrill, Nathan, s. of Jabez, Jr., and Sabra Bacon, Vol. in.— 10 Nov. 7. Oct. 15. April 30. Aug. 31. June 16. Nov. 19. Nov. 11. June 30. Sept. 2. Dec. 14. Julv 10. Jan. 10 Eet . 6 Jan. 16. March 29. Aug Nov. . 4 25. Feb. 24. Jan. 20. Oct. 5. April 14. Aug. Jan. 8. 7. March 28. Oct. 1. Feb. 13. Oct. 27. Dec. 31. May 7. July Dec. 31. 17. July 2' May 28. April 15. Oct. 24. 74 UISTORYOF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Anna, dau of David and Lydia Malleiy, March 17. Betsey, dau. of Bethel and DeHverance Smith, Aug. 4. Truman, s. of Nehemiah and Anah Judson, April 2. Isaac, s. of Elijah and Nainiy Sherman, May 28. Judson, s. of Adoniram and Patience Minor, March 20. Polly, dau. of Asahel and Hannah Bacon, Feb. 9. Isaac Sherman, May 28. Irene, dau. of Isaac and Mercy Way, March 3. Warner, s. of Noble Atwood, Aug. 27 1788. Gilbert Somers, s. of Benjamin and Mehitabel Minor, Jan. 2. Caroline, dau. of Nathan and Currance Preston, Feb. 27. Elisabeth, dau. of Abijah and Ruth Emm Roots, May 30. Joseph Hawkins, s. of Garwood H. and Sarah Cunning- ham, Oct. 3. Isaac, s. of Samuel and Isaac Smith, June 4. Flora, dau. of Jehiel and Anna Preston, Ji^ily 17. Peggy, dau. of David Atwood's slave. May 26, Nathaniel, s. of Solomon and Mary Minor, / April 20 Thaddeus, s. of Thaddeus and liannah Thompson (at Wood bridge), Aug. 19. Charles Bartlett Phelps, in Chatham, Conn., May 31. 1789. Anna Hill, dau. of Isaac and Mary Pollard, Feb. 12. Henry, s. of Philemon and Rachel Cheravoy, Oct. 24. Louisa Alma, dau. of Thomas and Lois Andrus, Oct. 24. Nathan, s. of Nathan and Eunice Preston, Oct. 18. Margery, dau. of David and Lydia Mallery, April 15. Anna, dau. of Elijah and Nancy Sherman, Dec. 24. Eunice, dau. of Solomon Sherman, May 19. David Stiles, s. of Solomon and Mary Minor, Nov. 28. Amy, dau. of Elijah and Nanny Sherman, Dec. 24. Charles, s. of Asahel and Hannah Bacon, March 14. Rosetta Root, wife of Isaac Sherman, born Sept. 3. 1790. Timothy, s. of Abijah and Ruth Emm Roots, Oct. 4. George, s. of Garwood H. and Sarah Cunningham, Dec. 2. Minerva, dau. of Samuel and Abigail Smith, Sept. 22. Catharine Dubois, dau. of John and Harriet Mallory, March 10. Parthena, dau. of Nehemiah and Anah Judson, Oct. I. Rana, dau. of Luther and Sibilla Bishop, Sept. 3 Charles, s. of Hollister and Esther Judson, Dec. 16. Ephraim B. Peck, s. of Ephraim Peck, in Newton, May 31. Charles, s. of Thaddeus and Hannah Thompson (at Woodbridge), Aug. 19. John, s. of Isaac and Mercy Way, June 26. H 1 |{ T ir 8 IN VV ()0 D B U HY , 75 1791. David, s. of David and Lydia Mai lory, Julia, dau. of Jehiel and Nancy Preston, Natlian, s. of Nathan and Sarah I'orcy, Charles, s. of Xiuther and Sibilla Bishop, May 6. July '25. Oct. :ji. Sept. 30. 1792. Elvira, dau. of Elijah and Anna Martin, Oct. 3. Loe, s. of Abijah and Ruth Emm Roots, Sept. 13. Walter, s. of (rarwood II. and Sarah ('unningham, Aug. 3. Timothy, s. of Timothy and Eunice; Tomlinson, Mai'ch 19. Anthony Curtiss, s. of i\nthony and Phebe Strong, Sept. 7. TIarvey, s. of l-Jcthel and Dc^yverauce Smith, Jan. 3. Sukey Charlotte, dau of John and Harriet Mallory, Jan. 24. Samuel, s. of Elijah and Nanny Sherman, Oct. 23. Jehiel Clement, s. of Jehiel and Sybil Bradley, April 28. James, s. of Nehemiah and Anah .Fudson, June 6. Cyrus, s. of Scjlomon Sherman, Jan. 9. Olive J. Ransom, Oct. 8. Bela, s. of Thaddeus and Hannah Tiiompson (at Wood- bridge), Dec. 29. Isaac, s. of Isaac and Mercy Way, May 15. 1793. Amarilla, dau. of David and Lydia Mallery, Ann, dau. of Jehiel and Sybil Bradley, Salmon, s. of Luther and Sibilla Bishop, Hannah, dau. of Solomon Sherman, Nancy, dau. of Noble Atwood, Amanda, dau. of Dr. Joseph Parker, April 3. Dec. 22. March 21. March 10. July 27. Sept. 28. 1794. William, s, of Seth and Elisabeth Bacon, April 10. Gitty Harriet, dau. of John and IIari*i(^t Mallory, . Jan. 19. George, s. of Elijah and Nancy Sherman, July 23. Miles, s. of Luther and Sibilla Bishop, Sept. 29. Betsey, wife of Ephraim B. Peck, April 17. Maria, dau. of Daniel and Rebecca Bacon, Sept. 3. Hannah, dau. of Thaddeus and Hannah Thompson (at Woodbridge), Dec. 20. Hepzibah, dau. of Isaac and Mercy Way, Oct. 31. Catharine, dau. of Michael and Catharine Bowers (Phila., Pa.), Dec. 29. 76 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY, 1795. Nathaniel, s. of Abijah and Ruth Emm Mitchell, April 5. William, s. of Nehemiah and Anah Judson, July 12. Moriah, dau. of Hollister and Esther Judson, July 8. Sarah, dau. of Solomon Sherman, March 26. Horace, s. of Simeon and Electa Manville (Ancient Woodbury), March 19. Permelia, w. of Elijah Atwood. Nathaniel B., s. of Hon. Nath'l Smith, Dec. V. 1796. Rebeckah, dau. of Elijah and Nanny Sherman, James, s. of Jehiel and Anna Prestop, Chester, s. of John, Jr., and Ruth Manville, Abner and Susanna, s. and dau. of John and Harriet Mallary, Dorcas, dau. of Jehiel and Sybil Bradley, Julia, dau. of Lutlier and Sibilla Bishop, Samuel, s. of Timothy and Eunice Tomlinson, David, s. of Solomon Sherman, Fanny, dau. of Daniel and Rebecca Bacon, Harry H., s. of Silas and Hannah Castle, Isaac, s. of Thaddeus and Hannah Thompson (at Wood- bridge), Lewis, s. of Isaac and Mercy Way, Polly, dau. of Silas and Mary Lewis, 1797. Sybil, dau. of Jehiel and Sybil Bradley, Nancy, wife of Leman Sherman, Albert S., s. of Natlianiel and Rebecca Bacon, Sally, dau. of Walker and Martha Mallory, John, s. of John and Elizabeth Meramble, Deborah, dau. of Truman and Ann Percy, 1798. Edward, s. of Beriah Mitchell, Cornelius Dubois, s. of John and Harriet Mallary, Sabra, dau. of John, Jr., and Ruth Manvil, Betsey, dau. of Seth and Elisabeth Bacon, Vincent, s. of Nehemiah and Anali Judson, Thirza, dau. of Luther and Sybilla Bishop, Joseph, s. of Timothy and Eunice Tomlinson, Amy, dau. of EHjah and Nancy Slierman, Ruth, dau. of Solomon Sherman, Sally, dau. of Elihu and Philene Stoddard, Oct. 1. July 31. April 27. April 15. Feb. 5. Aug. 19. Nov. 28. March 3. Jan. 12. Oct. 5. Sept. 9. Oct. 11. Oct. 13. April 19. Sept. 22. Feb. 12. March 5. Feb. 24. Dec. — • Feb. 1. Jan. 2G. Aug. 18. March 22. June 2(3. Jan. 30. Sept. 12. Oct. 29. Jan. 19. Nov. 8. June n. Aug. March 27. 10. Aug. April 2(;. 5. Dec. 6. March 5. May Nov. Hi. 7. Dec. 8. May May June 12. 20. 3. May 29. U I IJT H S I N woo DB U l{ Y . 77 Olive, dan. of Solomon and Mary Minor, Nathaniel, s. of NathaTiiol and Rebecca Bacon, Rebecca, dan. of Danicsl and iiebecca Bacon, Polly, dau. of Truman and Ann Percy. Sally, dau. of Isaac and Mercy Way, Elijah, s. of Noble Atwood, 1799. Sally, dau. of Luther and Sybilla Bishop, Reuben, s. of Solomon Sherman, Nathan, s. of John and Elizabeth Meramble, Jane, dau. of Gideon B. ]3otsford, Everton, s. of Asa and Sally Judson, Chauncy, s. Stoddard, Chauncey N., s. of Silas and Hannah Castle, Daniel S., s. of Truman and Rhoda Parker, Abigail, dau. of Silas and Mary Lewis, Mary Ann W. Goodrich, w. of Nath'l B. Smith, 1800. James Preston, s. of Bcriah Mitchell of Roxbury, June 24. Lorena, dau. of John and Ruth Manvil, Daniel, s. of Seth and Elizabeth Bacon, Polly, dau. of Elihu and Philene Stoddar D B U K Y . 1822. Henry, s. of Sheldon ToUes, Rebecca B., dau of Gen. Chauncey and Maria Craft.s, Emeline L., dau. of Harvey H. and Lucinda Castle, George, s. of Vincent and Sallie Judson, Martha E., dau. of John and Jerusha Judson, 1823. Alfred C, s. of Ephraira B. and Betsey Peck, Henry S., s. of Nehemiah C. Sanford, Frederick P., s. of Benjamin and Jerusha Colton, Calvin, s. of Russell and Polly Bates, (Roxbury,) Abigail L., dau. of Burton and Polly Judson, Marcia A., dau. of Asahel R. and Eliza Gibson, Asahel F. Mitchell, 1824. Caroline Eliza, dau. of Lewis Judd, born Dover, N. Y Edwin W., s. of William G. Richards, Charles H., s. of Silas and Hannah Castle, Elijah, s. of Vincent and Sally Judson, David, s. of Gideon B. Botsford, Keziah, dau. of Sheldon Tolles, Samuel P., s. of Chauncey and Maria Crafts, Susan A., dau. of Isaac and Anna Peck, Harriet, dau. of Stephen and Ann Blakeslee, (in Roxbury,) Oct Aleafy A. Brewer, wife of Preston Atwood, at E. Hartf'd, Oct 1825. Robert, s. of Ephraim B. and Betsey Peck, Martha C, dau. of Herman and James D. Prentice, Abigail, dau. of John and Alma DeForest, Mary, dau. of Burton and Polly Judson, (Bethlehem,) Preston, s. of Harvey and Betsey Atwood, Belinda, dau. of Elijah and Permelia Atwood, 1826. Emily Jane, dau. of Hon. Matthew and Lorena Minor, Amanda, dau. of Seth and Harriet Crosby, Maria- Louisa, dau. of Lewis Judd, born at Dover, N. Y. Silvester Perry, s. of William G. Richards, Harriet, dau. of Sheldon Tolles, Julia H., dau. of Silas and Hannah Castle, Harmon, s. of Vinceiit and Sallie Judson, Fannie A., dau. of Chauncey and Maria Crafts, Margaret, dau. of George and Sallie Hard, Mary B., dau. of Henry and Annis Jackson, (at Bethle'm,) Henry P., s. of Isaac and Julia Cam, Aug. May July Aug. May 1. 7 1 4 April 5. June 15. April July Aug. May Nov. 20. 25 26 26. 23. July Dec 27. . 3. July 18. Aug. — . Aug. 31. July 20. March 30. Oct. 1. r,) Oct. 12. d, Oct. 8. March 9. March 28. July Oct. 13 24. May April 5. 28. Marcli 2. Aug. 31. Feb. 28. March 10. May Dec. 21. 14. Dec. 12. June 4. May 1 Jan. 2. 9. March 15. 83 1S27. Henry Wheeler, s. of Willium Kictiurds, Dec. 23. Susan A., dau. of Isaac and Anna Veck, -A-ug. 22. Franklin M., s. of John and Jerusha Judson, Oct. 23. 1828. Elizabeth, dau. of Sheldon Tolles, Jan. 14. Betsey Ann, daii. of Ejihi-aim 1). and Betsey Peck, June l(i. Lydia J., dau. of CJhauneey and Maria Crafts, Dec. 2. Mary J., dau. of Daniel S. and Olive Parker, Nov. 2. LaFay»5tt(\ s. of Isaac and Julia Cam, (in Waterbury,) Mar(;h 1.5 .lames Wliiting Traver s. of James and Fatty Traver ill Salisburv. Dec. 15. 1829. David W., s. of William and Betsey Pierpont, Aug. 2. Tomlinson Wells, s. of W^illiam G. Richards, May 2. Jerome S., s, of Silas and Hannah Castle, Dec. 3. Lewis, s. of George and Eliza Taylor, March 6. llezekiah, s. of Hezekiah and Susan Hayes, May 15. Edward, s. of David and Cowles, (in Bethlehem,) Sept. 19. Harvey E., s. of Elijah and Permeha Atwood, April 27. Elsie Amanda, ilau. of Ciiarles B. and Amanda Phelps, Nov. 29. 183(1. Jane A., dau. of Isaac and Anna Peck, Dec. 22. Emeline M., dau. of William G. and Calista M. Rich- ards, (in Roxbiiry,) Sept. 16. Henry C, s. of Burton and Polly Judson, Nov. 20. 1831. Stattira, dau. of Vin(;ent and Sally Judson, Aug. Everton R., s. of John and Minerva T. Cramer, May 18. William R., s. of Daniel S. and Olive J. Parker, Oct. 20. Ilortensia M., dau. of Ira and Hc^tsey Thomas, Oct. 30. Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel B. and Mary Ann W. Smith. 1832. Parthena, dau. of N'incentand Sallie Judson, Aug. Harriet E., dau. of Burton and Polly Judson, Aug. 3. 1833. Cathai-ine L., dau. of Silas and Hannah Castle, July 2. Mary E., dau. of James II. and Esther C. Nichols, Aug. 11. Eliza J., dau. of Leman and Dotha D. Bishop, April 27. Eliza A., dau. of Daniel S. and Olive J. Parker, Sept. 8. 84 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Lucius, s. of Harmon Lounsbury, (born in Bethlehem,) Jan. 1. Esther A., wife of Edward Cowles, Oct. 20. 1834. George H., s. of Ephraim B. and Betsey Peck, April 26. Cornelia L., dau. of Isaac and Anna Peck, June 1 0. Louisa M., dau. of Nelson and Hannah B. Buckingham, Jan. 15. Levi, s. of Leonard L. and Louisa Hotchkiss, (New Haven,) Jan. 28. Seth W., s. of Clement and Louisa W. Percy, April 30. James, s. of James and Mary DeForest, Feb. 27. Narcissa M., dau. of Ira and Betsey M. Thomas, May 29. Ralph N., s. of Burton and Polly Judson. Mary E., dau. of Seth and Harriet Strong, May 27. Harriet Emma Wheeler, Dec. 29. 1835. Mary D., dau. of Nathan and Susan E. Pierce, Dec. 9. George C, s. of John and Emeline Roswell, May 21. Harriet E., dau. of Clement and Louisa W. Percy, April 19. Harriet L., dau. of William and Eunice Warner, (in Roxbury,) May 5. Mary E., dau. of Charles A. and Lurinda Blackman, (Morris,) April 24. Anson, s. of James and Eliza Ward, (South Britain,) Aug. 29. Roderick, s. of Elijah and Permelia Atwood, Aug. 2. Jane S., wife of James W. Traver, (in Roxbury,) May 23. Sarah Maria, dau. of Charles B. and Amanda Phelps, Aug. 23. 1836. Samuel M., s. of Eliad and Catharine L. Taylor, Oct. 26 Anar, dau. of Vincent and Sallie Judson, Aug. ■ — • William F., s. of Leman and Dotha D. Bishop, April 30 Eben G. Wheeler, (in Oxford,) June 17 Charles A., s. of John and Emeline Roswell, July 21 Hubbard, s. of Leonard L. and Louisa Hotchkiss, (in New Haven,) . Jan. 11 Sarah J., dau. of Clement and Louisa W. Percy, Dec. 22 Susan M., dau. of Daniel S. and Olive J. Parker, Dec. 21 Horatio S., s. of Ira and Betsey M. Thomas, April 22 William W., s. of Burton and Polly Judson, July 26. Julia P., s. of James and Eliza Ward, (South Britain,) Oct. 15 1837. Huldah M., dau. of Timothy and Laura W. Terrill, May 31. James R., s. of James H. and Esther C. Nichols. Dec. 2. Isaac T., s. of Isaac and Hannah Peck, Aug. 14. Henry C., s. of Nelson and Hannah B. Buckingham, May 4. B T K T H S I N W O () n H U H Y. 86 Geo. B., s. of Charles A. and Lurinda Blackman (b. in Morris), ( )ct. 1 1 . Michael F. Skcllev, (in Ireland,) Sept. G. Esther, wife ol' Michael F. Skelley, (in Ireland,) Oct. 27. 1838. 7\melia White, dau. of John and Margaret S. McKinney, Oct. 10. Edwuid M., s. of Lenian and Dotlia D. liishop, June 24 Susan F., dau of Nathan and Susan F. Tierce, Nov. 1. Mary F., dau. of John and P]nieline Koswell, April 14. Nancy M., dau. of Clement and Louisa W. I'ercy, July 22. Henrietta V.. dau. of Chauncey N. and Sarah A. Castles, Sept. ."!. Serina U., dau. of Ira and Betsey M. Thomas, June 17. i^'rances, dau. of Leonard L. and Louisa Ilotchkiss, (in New Haven,) Jan. 17. Geo. D., s. of Geo. A. and Harriet A. Capewell, (in England,) June 27. 1839. Edward F., s. of James H. and E.sthei; C. Nichols, Api'il HO. Olin E., s. f>f John and Fmeline Roswell, Aug. 1. Mary B., dau. of John and lloxa Cramer, April 29. Ann E., dau. of James and Eliza Ward, (South Britain,) Jan. 15 1840. John J., s. of Henry H. and Julia Peck, ■ March 4. Margaret E., dau. of Timothy and Laura W. Terrill. Aug. 21. Edson H., s. of Leman and Dotha D. Bishop, Nov. 3- George E., s. of Nathan and Susan F. I'ierce, April 22. Frank J., s. of Clement and Louisa W. Bercy, Aug. 28. Anna E., dau. of James and Eliza Ward, Jan. 15 Clementine S., d. of Ira and Betsey M. Thomas, Sept. 24. James M., s. of James and Eliza Ward, (South Britain,) March 3. Caroline F., dau. of Geo. A. and Harriet A. Capewell, (in New York,) Dec. 18. Truman Ebenezer Wheeler, Oct. 22. 1841. Henry Sherman, s. of John and Margaret S. McKinney, George Brown, Ackerman, s. of Vincent and Sallie Judson, Sarah M., dau. of John and Emeline Roswell, Margaret E., dau. of Timothy and Laura W. Terrill, Jennie E., dau. of Charles A. and Lurinda Blackman, (in Bethlehem,) Frank, s. of Edwin and Annis Potter, Aug. 3 April 23 Nov. — Jan. 11 Aug. 21 Feb. 22 Nov. 5 86 TTTSTOHY OF ANCIKNT WV) O D B U E Y . 1842. Lucy L., dau, of Nathan and Susan E. Pierce, April 20. Ellen A., dau. of Berlin and Polly Thomas, Feb. 2. Floretta J., dau. of Nelson and Hannah B. Buckingham, March 2. Emily B.,dau. of George D. and Mary Terrill, Dec. — . 1843. Catharine C, dau. of Timothy and Laura W. Terrill, Edson E., s. of Lampson P. and Delia W aimer, William S., s. of Jared S. and Polly A. Lsbell, Charles H., s. of Clement and Louisa W. Percy, Charles F., s. of Charles A. and Lurinda Blackman, (Watertown,) Margaret L., dau. of Seth and Harriet Strong, George S., s. of James and Eliza Ward, (South Britain,) George W., s. of Nelson and Almira Thomas, Marcus A., s. of Geo. A. and Harriet A. Capewell, 1844. Charlotte C, dau. of George G. and Betsey Smith, Harriet L., dau. of James M. and Julia M. Johnson, Stella C, dau. of Berlin and Polly Thomas, Julia E., dau. of Clement and Louisa W. Percy, Wealthy A., dau. of Nelson and Almira Thomas, 1846. Franklin B., s. of Henry H. and Julia Peck. Emily S., dau. of George G. and Betsey Smith, Mary W., dau. of Loren and Harriet W. Forbes, George M., s. of William H. and Lavinia A. Allen, Mary E., dau. of George B. and Mary Way, Harriet E., dau. of Seth and Harriet Strong, Wealthy J., dau. of James and Elizabeth Ward, (South Britain,) Mary A., dau. of George and Harriet A. Capewell, Henry B., s. of William and Mary J. Bailey, Charles M. Goodsell, (in Kent,) 1846. Mary A. Brown, Ellen A. dau. of Timothy and Laura W. Terrill, Mary J., d. of Robert C. and Sarah J. Partree, Jenette E., dau. of James M. and Julia M. Johnson, Sarah M., dau. of George and Jane Hitchcock, Geo. W., s. of Nelson and Almira Thomas, Henry L., s. of Edward and Emma Jeffrey, (b. in AVaterbury,) larch 4 Sept. Jan. 4 28 Feb. 1 April Feb. 10 1 Dec. 3 Feb. 19 Jan. 8 Aug. Aug. Aug. Dec. 22 6 3 8 July 31 July 31. Feb . 8. June 8. April 1. March 18. ¥eh. 24. April Aug. Nov. 30. 28. 29. April Jan. 23. 4. Nov. 27. Feb. 10. Sept. April 3. 10. March 21. n I UT II S IN woo DB U R Y 87 1847. Alexander, s. of Alexander and Maria Gordon, Nov. 16. Juliette H., dau. of John A. Atwood, Sept. 25. Maria, dau. of AU^ert Z. and Sarah Downs, Oct. 31. Roger H., s. of Horace S. and Maria II. Atwood, Dec. 25. Nathan F., s. of Nathan Pierce, Nov. 24. Martha Jane, dau. of Alfred and Maria Birch, Sept. 27. Heniy T. Stephen, s. of Ruth Ann Smith, Dec. 12. Martha M., dau. of Charles Fox, Sept. 14. Martha Louisa, dau. of George and Harriet Capewell, Oct. 28. Dwiglit B., s. of Benjamin S. and Sarah Russell, Oct. 17. Tie Grand, s. of (Jilead H. and Ann Maria Smitli, Dec. 3. Ahigail D., dau. of John and Susan T. Abernethy, Oct. 1. Harry N., s. of John W. and Susan Rogei-s, Nov. 5. Martha A., d. of George G. and Betsey Smith, Jan. 17. Na,than F., s. of Nathan and Susan K. Pi(>rce, Nov. 1. Levi H., s. of Nelson and Hannah B. Buckiiigliam, March 15. Williai-d, s. of Charles and Hari-iet Isbell, May 12. Eugene F., s. of Abiram S. and ( -ornelia M. Atwood, Man^h 14. Sarah, dau. of Charles A. and Lurinda Blackinan, (Bethlehem,) July 30. Mary E., dau. of George 15. and Mary ^^^y, (Roxbury,) April 1. 1848. William Vernon Rood, (in Elyria, O.,) Edward s. of Rul)y Nichols, Charlotte, dau. of Erastus and Melinda Minor, Ansel s. of Ruth Ann Porter, Anna, dau. of Daniel and Julia Curtis.s, . Mortimer, s. of Benjamin and Betstjy Doolittle, Nettie E., dau. of James M. and Julia M. Johnson, Catherine M., dau. of William 1*1 and L:iura S. Woodruif, Mary .\., dau. of Daniel E. and .Alma Leach, Alonzo, s. of Frederick A. and Sarah Smith, William, s. of John T. and Harri(^tt Hall, Amanda A., dau. of Abiram S. and Cornelia M. Atw George B., s. of John and Marti la Warner, Franklin P., s. of Berlin and Polly Thomas, Henry, s. of Leman and Harriet Phillips, Harriet C, dau. of Royal I), and Mary J. Jones. Amos G., s. of Wheeler and Harriet Atwood, Samuel R., s. of Clement and Louisa W. Percy, Phebe, dau. of Burr B. and Mary C. Atwood, George H., s. of Henry and Charlotte Vader, Willis L., s. of Chauncey Barto, Mary E., dau. of Gregory and Mary E. Monroe, KUen, dau. of Joseph T. and Sarah Capewell, ood July March April July July June Feb. Jan. April Nov. Feb. May 7\pril Mai-ch March April May Feb. July June Feb. Fel>. Jan. 28. 21. 30. 25. 7. 26. 10. 17. 15. 22. 6. 10. 5 20. 18. 10. 30. 3. 12. 29. 19. 10. HISTORY OF ANCIENT W O D B U i; Y Anna, dau. of Garwood W. and Mariette Bishop, Thomas B., s. of Frederick M. and Samantha Minor, Mary A. Jenner, in England, William, s. of Rohson and Susan Dawson, Theodore D., s. of John S. and Electa A. Tryon, Susan M., dau. of Alvah and Susan M. Merriman, Prank, s. of Rev. P. Teller and Julia M. Babbitt, Walter W., s. of Alfred P. and Prances A. Betts, Harriet W., dau. of John E. and Harriet S. Blackman, George, s. of George and Jane Ann Hitchcock, George B., s. of George B. and Mary Way, Panny Isabella, dau. of William C. and Catherine Cogswell, Harriet E., dau of Joseph W. and Harriet Squires, Amanda J., dau. of Abiram S. and Cornelia M. Atwood Mary J., dau. of Joseph and Emily Hine, Hiram Fowler, Florine H., dau. of Ehjah D. and Minerva P. Judson, Elsie, dau. of Chester D. and M. J. Tolles, Vestina P., dau. of William R. Atwood, Martin A., s. of Nelson and Almira Tliomas, Hattie J., dau. of Daniel S. and Eunice P. Lemmon, 1849. Edward C, s. of John A. and Abigail Candee, Nathan, s. of Benjamin and Caroline Chatfield, James P., s. of William C. and Mary Ann Bristol, Josephine, dau. of Lewis B. and Betsey E. Candee, Edward W. and EUza Atwood, Nathaniel Minor, s. of Nathaniel L. and Mary Strong, Seymour L., s. of George A. and Emily L. Hubbell, Josephene E., dau. of Henry B. Nettleton, Lemuel Smith, Elijah Baker, Homer, s. of Frederick Northrop, dau. of Frederick A. and Sarah A. Smith, Sarah E., dau. of Charles and Electa Reed, John W., s. of Charles A. and Lurinda Blackman, Hiram D., s. of William and Amanda Fowler, Thompson and Mehitabel Bishop, Henrietta E., dau. of Dr. Garwood H. and Henrietta E. Atwood, Mark A. and Jane Capewell, Lucius, s. of George H. and Marilla Drakeley, Henry, s. of Allain Johnson, Mary E., dau. of George G. and Betsey Smith. Mary Jennette P., dau. of Robert C. and Sarah Jane Partree, Willis, s. of Sydney and Lucretia Scovill, June 3 Oct. 13 Dec. 15 June 24 Aug. 27 Sept. Oct. 5 Oct. 25 Oct. 26. Dec. 19. March 31. Sept. Sept. Aug. Nov. 8. 26. 10. 6. June 12 Dec. 31. Aug. — . March 25. Aug. 2. Oct. 10. Feb. 25. March 16. March .31. April July April May May Feb. 23. 25. 6. 19. 23. 21. Feb. 21. Feb. 21. June 22. Feb. 27. May 10. June 10 Aug. 29. Oct. 18. May May Feb. 20. 23. Nov. 21. April 3. It I K T II S IN WOOD H r l{ Y . 89 Mary T.^ dau. of Oervase and Sarah ILjtchkiss, March — Kdward W., s. of William and .Sarah White, May — John D. and Carolina Minder, July — Km ma., wife of fJeorge H. Dascuin, March 30 Nathan, s. of Albert and Harriet Tuttle, Oct. 13 ileiiry S., s. of Robert C and Maria Ijawson, Dec. 8 George, s. of Isaac Bates, Sept. 28 Mary E., dau. of Walker S. and Mary A. Seeley, Aug. 26 Frederick, s. of Noah S. Reynolds, Dec. 3 1 George, s. of Clark and Mary Smith, Sept. 1 Samuel Jabut, June 3 Charles, s. of Charles and Jane Shepard, Oct. — Jolm ( )., s. of Frederick Martin, March 30 Fmily D., dau. of John I', and Mary J. DeForest, Nov. 20 William E., s. of Euos and Betsey A. Benham, Nov. 17 Charles T., s. of George D. and Nancy Terrell, Dec. I? Bernice, dau. of Chauncey and Martha .\twood, Oct. 20 Seymour L., s. of George A. and Harriet A. Capewell, Dec. 14 William B., s. of Jesse B. and Sarah A. Burton, Nov. 30 (^arr, s. of William and Mary A. Dayton, Dec. 1 Glover and Currence Smith, Aug. — Mary B., dau. of Thompson and Mehetabel Bristol, Nov. — Mary, dau. of Hezekiah C. and Harriet Noyes, Oct. 20 Nancy, dau. of Henry D. and Mary E. Smith, Sept. 22 Ermie, s, of Isaac H. and Maria D. Davis, Dec. 13 Sereno P., s. of David S. and Eliza M. Mansfield, July 3 William Miner, s. of Edward J. and Charlotte L. Staples, (born at Bridgeport,) March 22 1850. Edwin Dcers, Jan. 21 George, s. of Lewis G. Sherman, July 26 Maria, dau. of Erastus and Malinda Minor, July 20 Hermon, s. of Ijuke S. and Emeline Putnam, May 22 Alfred F. and Frances Betts, July 24 Fannie L., dau. of Frederick and Sarah Smith, June 8 Charles J., s. of Charles and Susan (ialpin, Jan. 10 Eunice A., dau. of Sylvanus A. and Arthelia Warner, April 2 Perry P., s. of Jared T. and Lois M. Buell, Ajjril 3 Abbie G., dan. of George M. and I^arthena Somers, (born ill Bridgeport,) Feb. 20 Jose})h and Emily Hine, June 1 1 Samuel and Lucinda Atwood, March 2!» Antoinette H., dau. of Nathan, Jr., and Jennette Warner, Jan. 2 Sarah A., dau. of Charles Fox, Jan. 10 Ellen, dau. of Jerome B. and Ellen Jackson, April 20 Irade, dau. of Solomon and Alvira Reynolds, Jan. 20 Stephen and Ruth Ann Smith, June 6 William J., s. of William B. and Rebecca B. Hotchkiss, Jan. 6 Robert D., s. of Charles S. and Imogene J. Crane, March 12 Vol. III.— 12 90 IIISTOKY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Marshall H., s. of Chester F. and Martha P. Tolls, Feb. 10 . Elisabeth, dau. of Daniel and Julia Curtiss. Sept. 7. Charles B., s. of Daniel Botsford, Jan. — . Charles A., s. of Alva and Mary Merriam, Sept. 15. Esther M., dau. of Reuben B. and Susan W. Martin, Nov. 27. Elisabeth, dau. of William and Annis Potter, Aug. 15. Lucina J., dau. of Royal D. and Jane Jones, Oct. 26. Elmer P., s. of Elijah D. and Minerva Judson, Sept. 4. George E., s. of Clement and Louisa W. Percy, Jan. 8. Mary Ann, dau. of Amzi D. and Mary Bacon, Oct. 17. Franklin P., s. of Noble M. and Jane E. Bolles, Dec. 20 Sarah, dau. of Gervase and Sarah Hotchkiss, Aug. 1). Warner R., s. of John W. and Susan Rogers, Oct. 10. John and Susan T. Abernethy, A ug. 10. Franklin P., s. of John K. and Nancy Northrop, May 12. Charles T., s. of George D. Terrill, Dec. 3. 1851. William R., s. of Calvin and Emehne M. Bates, Aug. 31. Thomas, s. of Joseph and Sarah Dewes, Feb. 20. Louisa K., dau. of Rev. Gurdon W. and Agnes Noyes, Oct. 22. Eliza, dau. of Noah S. and Eliza Reynolds, June 26. Margaret, dau. of Henry and Harriet Lambert, March 2. Prank P., s. of John and Martha Warner, June 1. William, s. of William and Margaret Stewart, March 31. Daniel, s. of Daniel E. Leach, Feb. 19. WiUiam, s. of Loren and Harriet W. Forbes, Oct. 18. Reuben H., s. of Monroe C. and Ruth E. Sherman, Jan. 29. Mary, dau. of Merit and Mary Piatt, April 19. Abby M., dau. of John and Dothy Boughton, April 11. Susan, dau. of Alexander and Maria Gordon, April 29. Andrew W., s. of EH S. and Abigail L. Peet, June 28. Daniel, s. of Jesse B. and Sarah J. Burton, Nov. 14. Lucius and Esther Lounsbury, May 4. Fanny, dau. of Solomon B. and Frances A. Minor, May 18. Mary, dau. of Solomon B. and Harriet Scott, May 21. Joseph, s. of John and Harriet Hall, July 19. Sarah, dau. of L. L. and Lucy A. Loonier, March 15. Mary D., dau. of Nathan and Susan E. Pierce, Nov. 14. George E., s. of Launcelet and Virginia Shea, Nov. 18. Goodwin S., s. of Wilham R. and Roxy Atwood, June 9. Jennie P., dau. of John and Martha E. Fowler, Sept. 5. Stiles, s. of Charles and Betsey Ann Cam, Feb. 25. Theodore W., s. of Theodore W. and Almira T. Walker, Feb. — . Burr B. and Charlotte Atwood, July 31. Mary E., dau. of Hezekiah C. and Harriet Noyes, Oct. 20. Flora E., dau. of Charles E. and Lucinda Blackman, June 21. Pierre, s. of Thomas P. and Ann B. Judson, July 14. B 1 K T 1 1 S IN W O () I) n r K Y 91 Eveline E., dan. of Dr. Garwood H. and Henrietta E. Atwood, Oct. 10. Harriet, dau. of George; and Sarah Camp, Jan. 29. Mary, dau. of James and Mary Gleason, Jan. 3. Mary Anna, dau. of Gilead H. and Anna M. Smith, Feb. IG, Josepli T., s. of Josepli T. and Sarah Capewell, June — . Sylvanus A., s. of Sylvanus A. and Mary A. Mai'kham, April 29. Mary, dau. of John and Ellen (^arrity, June 27. Leman and Harriet Phillips, July 1. Perry, s. of Henry I). Smith, May 27. Marion D., dau. of David C. and Minerva S. Soraers, May 17. Sarah D., dau. of Charles and Julia C. Johnson, April 29. Willis E , s. of Everett and Beardsley, Dec. 25, Sheldon, s. of Sydney and Lucr(>tia Scovill, Feb. 3. Silas and Sylvia Muiray, June 24. Amelia, dau. of John D. and Mary A. Minder, Feb. 6. Arthur, s. of John and .'\nn Bell, June 2. James R. and M u y Thomas, July 9 1852. Lizzie, dau. of Daniel and Mary E. Taylor, Aug. 2. George W., s. of Nathaniel L. and Elizabeth Proctor, Sept. 6. John T., s. of John and Susan '!'. Abernethy, Oct. 27. Martha E., dau. of George and Hannah Lawson, Nov. 2. flerbert B., s. of Marcus D. and Charlotte Smith, April 22. Elizabeth, dau. of Walker S. and Mary Seeley, April 4. Perry, s. of Alfred F. and Julia P>etts, Aug. 5. Henry S., s. of Almon Dunbar and Sarah E. Galpin, Aug. 17. Edwin C, s. of Calvin and Eineline M. P.ates, Dec. 28. s. of Edward and Catherine Ti-acey, Dec. 25. Frank R. Smith, July S. David C, s. of Simeon W. and Harriet M. Bacon, June IG. dau. of Stephen and Ruth Ann Smith, Dec. 8. Eno M. Dews, Jan. 24. dau. of Charles and Clarissa C. Dascum, Jan. 1. Julia S., dau. of George G. and Betsey Smith, June 20. Walter E., s. of Nelson and Sarah E. Davis, June 12. s. of David S. and Elisa M. Mansfield, May 5. William E., s. of Harmon W. and Eliza J. Judson, May 11. s. of Hiram and Pauline Manville, May 15. Bernard, s. of Michael and Sarah Fanning, Feb. 14. James C, s. of James C. and Sarah Policy, March 20. Lorenzo, s. of Almon D. and Sarah E. Galpin, Nov. 17. Wdliam H., s. of Lewis and Adelia Taylor, Jan. 7. Rob't P., s. of Edward E. and Adaline C. Bradley, Oct. 20. Mary C, dau. of Merlin LTpson, April 14 92 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY 1853. Susan, dau. of Reuben B. and Susan W. Martin, Jan. 1 s. of Asahel and Malaga Tyler, Jan. 8. Celia, dau. of Thomas F. and Ann B. Judson, Jan. 17. Ellen E., dau. of John and Ellen Garrity, June 25. daut of Lewis G. and Jennet E. Sherman, June 18. Timothy B., s. of Timothy and Laura W. Terrell, Feb. 7. dau. Monroe C. and Ruth E. Sherman, Feb. 15. Henry S., s. of William and Margaret Stewart, March 5. John N., s. of Charles and Charlotte Munson, March 22. Martha J., dau. of Walker S. and Mary A. Seeley, Nov. 4. dau. of Patrick and Mary CaiToll, April. 2. Kate, dau. of James and Mary Gleason, Aug. 3. dau. of John and Maria Roberts, -^^g- 10. Ella M., dau. of William and Mary J. Bailey, Aug. 31. dau. of Sidney and Lucretia M, Scovill, Aug. 13. dau. of Patrick and Eliza Brown, Aug. 14. Marcus, s. of John T. and Harriet E. Hall, Aug. 15. James H., s. of Rev. Gurdon W. and Agnes Noyes, Oct. 14. dau. of Edward and Mary Ann Potter. April 16. dau. of Martin and Mary Lawler, May 4. Anna, d. of Michael and Mary Ann Quick, May 6. dau. of Henry B. and Harriet L. Scott, May 19. dau. of Robert C. and Maria Lawson, May 25. s. of Joseph and Almira Allen, May 28. s. of George and Margaret Vollmiller, June 14. dau. of George and Mary Uewes, June 14. s. of Joseph and Sarah Cape well, June 16. dau. of Elam B, and Nancy E. Burton, June 29. s. of Nathan W. and Julia F. Sanford, July 11. s. of Maria Benham, July 23. John E., s. of George M. and Parthena Somers, Sept. 25. s. of Patrick and Margaret Mayher, Sept. 25. Abner Woodruff, June 10. Flora, dau. of Bennet A. and Emily Sherman, Aug. 3. Henry, s. of John and Ann Gee, May 22. Jesse, s. of Solomon B. and Frances A. Minor, May 4. s. of Wm. and Sarah Pairbrother, May 14. dau. of Leman and Harriet Phillips, May IS. dau. of John B. and Mary L. Ford, May 22. s. of Wm. H. and Sarah E. White, Sept. 13. Howard, s. of George and Jane Hitchcock, 19. Hannah E., dau. of George A. and Harriet A. Capewell, Sept. 22. s. of Samuel and Julia Johnson, Oct. 7. Abbie B., dau. of John and Harriet Blackman, Oct. 3. dau. of William and Mary Welsli, Oct. 22. s. of Orrin and Mariette Hawley, Oct. 28. dau. of Thomas and Elisabeth Bodient, Oct. 31. Susan, d. of Nolle and Alma E. Atwood, July 12. B I l; T II S IN \V O O D B r H Y . 93 s. of Thomas and Catlieriiie Hiley, Nov. 7. s. of ("arl h\ and .Inlia A. Miller, Nov. '>. MaiT, dau. of Harry and Hiliza ('ande(i, Nov. 12. Edward H. Pritchard, Jr., Nov. 'J4. dau. of Jacol) and Catherine Faucht, Nov. 15. Mai'tha, dau. of John P. and Jennette De Forest, Nov. IH. Wni. li., s. of Wm. R. Atwood, May I'i. dau. of Harnian and Hannah Fowler, May 1J<. Lucy L., d. of Charles A. and Lurinda Blackmail, (Middlebury,) July 11. Maggie, dau. of Ptiter and Alary Flanagan, July 21). Charles J., s of Plezekiah C. and Plarriet Noyes, Nov. 16. dau. of Nathaniel D. and Fanny Minor, Nov. .''.0. s. of Simeon and Margaret Osborn, Dec. 5. s. of Charles and Betsey Ann Cam, Dec. 2'A. Henry, s. of Charles and Sarah ManviUe, — John H., s. of Jacob and Mary E. Tanner, in liethlehem, Nov. 22. John, s. of Charles and Charlotte Mason, March 17. 1854. dau. of Charles and Alma Mansfield, Jan. 7. Florine A., wife of Andrew W. Peet, Oct. 29. Bernard C, s. of Lewis and Adelia Taylor, Oct. 7. s. of Tjemuel and Melissa Smith, Oct. 20. Charles, s. of Michael and Sarah b'anning, Feb. 18. Antoinette, dau. of Franklin M. and Louisa M. Judson, Feb. 2L Robert W., s. of Calvin and Emelinc; Bates, Ju]y 18. Mary B., dau. of Nathan S. and Emily Terrill, Feb. 4. s. of Sanford and Emily Peck, Feb. 8. George L., s. of Jared S. and I'olly A. Isbell, Jan. 6. s. of Charles and Esther Fox, Jan. 14. Jane, wife of Samuel Jabot, July 25. Nettie, d. of Berlin and I'oily 'J'liomas, July 2(1. Frederick A., s. of Alvin and Mary E. Thomas, (in Ro.xbury,) March 23. s. of Calvin W., and Mariette S. Fuller, March 12. dau. of Samuel and Clorinda L. Atwood, April 3. Emma M., dau. of Harmon W. and Eliza J. Judson, April 23. s. Sylvanus A. and Mary Markham, April 26. Hollister, s. of Ceorge H. and Manila Drakeley, May 5. Henry N., s. of Ei)hraim and Harriet Hayes, Dec. 25. Eugene B., s. of David and Mary Ann Peck, May 5. dau. of Joseph W. and Eliza Squires, May 18. dau. of Benjamin and Caroline L. Chatfield, May 19. dau. of John E. and Sarah Strong, May 29. dau. of Thomas F. and Ann Judson, May 31. s. of William and Julia A. Parker, June 11. dau. of Charles A. and Cecilia F. Somers, June 13. George, s. of Geo. D. and Nancy Terrell, June 18. 94 HISTORY OP ANCIENT W O O D B T' K Y . dau. of William and Henrietta Joice, June 23. George C, s. of Alexander and Maria Gordon, June 30. James W., s. of John and Ellen Garrity, Nov. 3. dau. of John B. and Julia Stillson, July 5. George, s. of George and Mary DeForest, July 15. Juha W. Terrill, Oct. 16. dau. of George and Margaret VoUmillor, Oct. 17. s. of John and Arvesta A. Woodward, Aug. 18. s. of Oscar A. antl Jennette A. Manchester, Aug. 13. daii. of James and Mary Gleason, Aug. 21. Julia A., da,u. of Eli S. and Abigail L. Peet, Aug, 30. Samuel, s. of John J. and Harriet Blackman, Aug. 31. Frederick H., s. of Robert C. and Sai-ah J. Partree, Sept. 8. Thomas, s. of Michael and Bridget Quick, Sept. 10. Charles S., s. of Edward E. and Adelia Bradley, Sept. 11. dau. of George and Maria Boulton, Oct. 2. Eha M., dau. of Abernethy B. and Julia Stone, Oct. 4. s. of Edward and Annis Potter, Oct. 4. Dwight v., s. of Elijah D. and Minerson Judson, Oct. 1 6. Jane, dau. of Charles and Sarah Manville, — Nelson V., s. of Nelson and Almira Thomas, . May 26. dau. of Robert and Almira Dascum, Oct. 17. dau of Samuel and Harriet L. Scott, Oct. 22. Ralph I)., dau. of David S. and Eliza Mansfield, Oct. 30. 'I'homas C., s. of Edward and Julia Bell, Feb. 5. Frank, s. of Daniel S. and Mary E. Taylor, Sept. 3. Eva I., wife of Chas. M. Goodsell, in Roxbury, May 20. 1855. s. of Wm. H. and Maria Allen, Jan. 3. dau. of Lancelot and Elizabeth Thompson, Jan. 6. William, s. of John and Electa Richards, Feb. 1. William, s. of Reuben B. and Susan W. Martin, Feb. 11. s. of James and Harriet Roberts, Feb. 16. dau. of James S. and Angeline Scott, Feb. 8. Angeline, dau. of William and Margaret Stewart, Feb. 27. Olin E., s. of John and Emeline Roswell, Marcli 9. James Gyde, in England, Jan. 7. dau. of Clark and Ellen Davis, April 13. Julia, dau. of John and Ann Gee, May 25, dau. of Frederick and Rebecca Rivenius, April 17. John P., s. of Bennet A. and Emily Sherman, April 25. Esther M., dau. of Simeon W. and Harriet Bacon, May 4. s. of Charles and Emeline Chatfield, May 14. Celia J., Wife of Charles E. Dascum, April 10. Wilbur Curtiss, s. of James H. and Harriet Linsley, April 22. Elizabeth, dau. of James and Mary Gleason, Aug. 28. dau. of Henry F. and Eliza Jackson, Aug. 28. Susan E., dau. of Heman Botsford, June 16. H ] l{ T H S IN \V(l (I I) B r |{ Y. 95 dau. of Win. H. and Sunili VI While, s. of Rev. Win. T. and KIizal)eth V. P.acon, dau. of Chauncy F. and Susan Warner, dau. of Monroe C. and Kutli Sheriuan, Nathan W., s. of Timothy and Ijaura Terrell, John N., s. of John K. and Nancy Northrop, Edward, s. of Jacob and Mary E. Tanner, s. of David S. and Elisa MansfieUi, s. of Charles L. and Susan A. Galpin, s. of Robert C. and Maria Lawson, .\nar S., dau of (Jeorge M. and Partliena E. Soniers, dau. of Lester and Nancy C. Coll'ee, s. of Hannan and Hannah Fowler, dau. of Miles and Delia E. Sweeney, s. of Matthew and Harriet Ryals, s. of John and Maria Fewer, s. of Balrick and Grace Ciilfoil, Alexander, s. of Alexander and Rachel Freeman, Mary L., dau. of James W. and Jane S. Travel', in Keni 1856. M;uy L., dau. of Miles R. and Lorinda A. Hohm^s, Lottie, dau. of John T. and Harriet Hall, s. of Vincent M. and Caroline Ti. Barnes, s. of James S. and Angeline M. Scott, s. of John R. and Mary L. Ford, dau. of Horace and Mary Ann Fowlci-, James, s. of Nathan vS. and Emily Terrill, dau. of Robert C. and Sarah Jane Parker, s. of Aaron A. and Polly A. OsT)orn, Win. Henry, s. of John and Arvesta Woodward, Plorace, s. of Asahel and ^Tary Gibson, William H., s. of P]dward and Julia lU^ll, dau. of Oscar A. and Henrietta E. Manchester, dau. of Guy C. and Mary M. Smith, T'liarles S., s. of Benj. S. and Martha J. Curtiss, dau. of Thomas Beddall and Elisabeth Hayes, March 24. Harriet E., dau. of Charles A. and Lui-inda Blackmail, dau. of Geo. W. and Emeline A. Davis, Charles, s. of Daniel S. and Eunice S. Lemon, (reorge W , s. of Calvin and Emeline Bates, ss. of 'I'homas and P^lisabeth Bodycut, Franklin, s. of Kendrick and Sarah Buell, Elliott W., s. of Albert D. and Susan Hurd, Hattie, dau. of Alfred F. and Julia S. Betts, Frank, s. of Joseph W. and Elisabeth S. Squires, s. of Amos A. and Caroline Lucas, Adeline, dau. of Henry F. and Eliza Jackson, Augusta, dau. of George and Sarah Jane Rockaway, June s. June 1. June 19. July 2V. July 30. April ;». Sept. '2 Sept. 2s. Sept. 12. Aug. i:j. Oct. 12. Nov. s. Nov. 24. Nov. 10. Aug. 20. Sept. 25. Dec. 4. March 2 ■ Aug. G. Jan. I. Jan. 7. Feb. 2 Feb. 16. Feb. 23. March — March ■> March ,s. March 11. March 12. Jun(i <;. Jan . !>. March IS. March lU. March 2.^. March 24. Marcli 28. April 1. April 8. Nov. 18. Nov. 14. Nov. 15. Nov. 18. Nov. 22. Nov. 29. May 3. A pril — . May 15. 96 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBX'KY, dau. of Thomas J. and Sarah Glazier, May 22. Florence A., dau. of Walker S. and Mary A. Seeley, April 15. dau. Ijemau and Harriet Phillips, ]\Iay 25. John T., s. of John and Ellen Garrety, April '2?>. Jane, dau. of Geo. If. and L. M. Drakeley, June 1. Hoiace W., s. of Asahel B. and Mary J. Gibson, June . Sydney F., s. of Daniel S. and Mary Jane Taylor, Aug. 30. Williain Steele, s. of William and Mary J. Cothren, Sept. 1. Emma J., dau. of William and Rosetta Maxtield, Sept. 2. dau. of Wm. and Catherine Campion, Sept. is. dau. of Peter and Mary Flanagan, Sept. 25. Edwin P., s. of Orley M. and Maria A. Parker, Sept. 2«. s. of George and Emeline Pope, Sept. 30. s. of Joseph and Josephine Deliber, Oct. 4. dau. of Elam B. and Nancy Burton, Oct. 5. Nathan, s. of Timothy and Laura W. Terrill, J'^ily 3 I . Frank, s. of Anson A. and Betsey A. Root, Oct. 10. s. of Michael and Bridget Quick, Oct. 23. dau. of Clark and Ellen Davis, Oct. 31. Seth, s. of Frederick M. and Saraantha Minor, Nov. 1 1 . dau. of John and Eliza Spring, Nov. 13. Sarah K., dau. of Fred. A. and Samantha Smith, Nov. 17. dau. of Orrin M. and Mary A. Hawley, Nov. is. dau. of Wm. and Sarah Fairbrother, Nov. 21. dau. of Charles A. and Cecilia Somers, Dec. 4. s. of Charles and Mary Cooper, Dec. 6. s. of Charles and Sarah M. Manville, Dec. 14. s. of George and Maria Boulton, Dec. 23. dau. of Joseph and Eliza Ryals, Dec. 24. Sarah Jones, in England, July 29. s. of John and Maria Penner, July — • Edward, s. of John J. and Harriet Blackman, July 21. Amelia E., dau. of James C. and Sarah Polley, July 4. n T K T TI S I N W O O D B IM{ V . 97 1857. Geo. F., s. of Ermina Robinson, April 28. s. of Rov. Wm. P. and Elisaljeth Bacon, Jan. 14. s. of Henry W. and Cornelia K. Whitney, Feb. 25. dau. of Robert and Sarah L. Peck, March i). George R. Robinson, April 28. dau. of Henry W. and Charlotte A. Loomis, May 20. s. of Renben and Naomi Barnes, May 14. Flora E., ank E., s. of George A. and Harriet A. Capewell, Aug. 27. Mary, dau. of John P. and Jennette De Forest, Aug. 27. dau. of Thomas F. and Ann B. Judson, Aug. 24. Edwin, S., s. of Alexander and Maria Gordon, Sept. 20. William, s. of John and Harriet Blackman, April 30. s. of Charles S. and Sarah E. Dayton, Oct. .6. s. of Ezra and Martha Dewes, Oct. (!. dau. of Reuben and Naomi P. Barnes, Oct. 6. Willie J., s. of James W. and Jane S. Traver, in Dover, N. Y., May 27. dau. of James and Mary Gleason, Oct. 8. s. of Edgar and Lavina Galpin, Oct. 8. Katie, dau. of Alfred F. and Julia Betts, Oct. 9. s. of Ashbel J. and Frances H. Carrier, Oct. 19. Frank N., s. of Edward E. and Adeline Bradley, • Nov. 18. Harriet E., dau. of Henry S. and Elvira J. Benedict, Nov. 29. Bartholomew, s. of Michael and Catherine Boylan, Dec. 8. dau. of George and Sarah Parmelee, Dec. 11. Jay J., s. of John and Martha Fowler, Sept. 4. dau. of Frank and Fanny Lyon, Dec. 25. Mary Ann, dau. of Henry and Eliza Jackson, — — s. of Homer and Nancy Cam, Dec. 30. Nettie, dau. of Jacob and Mary E. Tanner, Jan. 9. Russell, s. of John and Ann Gee, Aug. 17. inUTllS IN WOODBIHY. 101 Carrie M., dau. of Roderick and Sarali A. Judsoii, xNhiuIi IG. Nellie L., dau. of William and Hannah Dews, Nov. 1(3. Cornelia II., dau. of (Jeor<)je G. atid lietsey A. Smith, April 11. dau. of Henry W. and Charlotte Loomis, May 17. Crace L. Hurd, Oct. !i. Lydia Ann. dau. of Jolin A. and Nancy Atwood, May 21. Willis, s. of Crosby C and riaunah Freeman, Sept. 8. Ada F., dau. of liev. J. L. II. Wychoif, Oct. 15. 1861. p]va F., dau. of Marcus A. Hurd. Jan. I. Lilly, dau. of Charles and Mary Cozier, Jan. 8. Harrison Ballard, p'el». 19. George A., s. of Bennet and Harriet E. Benhani, Jan. 2. Jessie H., wife of George N. Proctor, Oct. 31. Theodore, s. of Charles N. and Mary M. Ward, Dec. 24. Esther, dau. of Charles E. and Pianette Taylor, Jan. 20. s. of Martin Van Buren and EUen S. Atwood, Jan. 21. James, s. of Michael and Ann Gorman, Sept. 8. Bernard C, s. of Lewis and Adelia Taylor, Jan. 23. s. of Jerome and Emily Ai'mstrong, Jan. 27. Truman J., s. of Walter J. and Jane E. Orton, May 1 8. dau. of Elijah and Mary Cam, Jan. 31. s. of Charles and Betsey Ann Cam, Jan. 31. dau. of John Archer, Feb. 13. Lucy E., dau. of Heman and Harriet Botsford, March 4, dau. of Jarvis and Elisabeth Parker, March 8. dau. of Elijah F. and Martha Smith, March 10. Elsie E., dau. of Ambrose H. and Harriet S. Wilsey, March 16. s. of Crosby and Hannah Freeman, March 24. Frank T., s. of Calvin and Emeline M. Bates, Nov. 21. dau. of Jerome and Lavina Thompson, April 12. Mary E., dau. of Michael and Bridget Quick, April 15. William H., s. of Nelson and Almira Thomas, April 15. Julia, dau. of James and Mary Gleason, Oct. 8. dau. of W;iit and Almira E. Leavenworth, April 25. James, s. of Patrick and Margaret Maher, April 24. Hattie E., dau. of Joseph and Eliza Squires, May 1. dau. of Almon D. and Sarah E. Galjnn, April 14 dau. of Charles F. and Martha Flushmen, , May 1 4 . Arthur, s. of John and Susan T. Abernethy, July 21. s. of Jane Smith, May 24. Charles, s. of Henry and Aurelia Lambert, May 29. Willie, s. of David and Edna E. Curtiss, June 1. dau. of Parmenas B. and Catherine Hulse, June 3. Emma E., dau. of Charles A. and Sophia Millard, June 19. s. of Theodore W. and Caroline Walker, July 15. David L., s. of David C. and Minerva S. Somers, Julv 24. 102 HISTORY OF AN.CIENT WOODBUKY. Leslie E., s. of Joel H. aud Augusta Atwood, s. of Hiram Benham, s. of Charles W. and Elisabeth A. Fogg, Ina Gertrude, dau. of George H. Peck, s. of Samuel D. and Arvesta Hayes, s. of Ezra Dewes, dau. of Reuben N. and Naomi Barnes, s. of Amos A. and Caroline Lucas, Emma, dau. of Horace S. and Mary Ann Fowler, Elizabeth, dau. of David S, and Lucy A. Bull, Walter, s. of Capt. Eli and Marietta Sperry, s. of Timothy and Josephine Chatfield, Frank L., s. of Almira Dascum, in Parkersburg, N. Y., s. of David S. and Eliza Mansfield, John P., s. of Michael F. and Esther Skelley, Henry S., s. of James G. and Jennette Curtiss, Leslie E., s. of Maro P. and Augusta Blackmar, 1862. Daniel, s. of Daniel S. and Mary J. Taylor, s. of Alonzo N. and S. Maria Lewis, dau. of Sidney and Lucretia M. Scovill, George, s. of George H. and L. M. Drakeley, Robert C, s. of Robert C. and Sarah Jane Partree, s. of Lewis and Serina R. Dawson, Nettie, dau. of Henry C. and Mary A. Buckingham, s. of Orrin and Mary A. Hawley, s. of Robert J. and Harriet E. H. Tolles, Ida M., dau. of Jacob and Mary Tanner, Mary Belle, ado})ted dau. of William and Mary J. Coth- ren, born in Hartford, Conn., Mary M., dau. of Charles and Betsey A. Cam, dau. of Edwin and Jane E. Roberts, Birdsey, s. of Martin V. B. and Ellen S. Atwood, Milton S., s. of Preston and Aleafy Atwood, dau. of Joseph W. and Eliza Squire, Anna, dau. of James G. and Jennette J. Curtiss, Walter, s. of Crosby and Hannah Freeman, Lewis E., s. of Lewis H. and Cornelia H. Atwood, Anna, dau. of Jacob and Ann Schindler, dau. of Henry W. and Josephine V. Atwood, Sherman, s. of Horatio S. and Fanny S. Thomas, dau. of John Archer, dau. of Rev. Wm. and Mary H. Silverthorne, Lillian G., dau. of Czar E. and Mary E. Winton, Emogene A., dau. of Edward and Esther A. Cowles, s. of James S. and Caroline E. Stone, Edward, s. of Frederick A. and Sarah S. Walker, Dec. 18. Sept. 4. Sept. 9. Sept. 4. Sept. 28. Oct. 6. Oct. 6. Oct. 19. Nov. 9. Nov. 9. Nov. 18. Nov. 24. Oct. IG. Nov. 23. Aug. 25. May 13. Dec. 12. Jan. 11. Jan. 27. Jan. 28. Feb. 3. Feb. 10. Feb. 12. Sept. 2. Sept. 13. Sept. 22. March 5. Aug. 25. March 15. April 8. April 18. April 21. May 1. May 2. May 9. May 21. June 4. June 10. June 14. June 17. June 28. June 30. July 8. July 23. July 25. B I U T II S IN W O O D B IT n V 10.1 Charles, s. of George F. and Elisahctli li. Siniih, John W., s. of Joseph and Mary Miller, Frederick A., s. of Walter and Maria B. Way. dau. of Herbert and Emma F. Perkins, Amelia A., dau. of Ebenezer J. and Margaret Atwood, Estella, dau. of Wm. C. De Forest, dau. of James and Mai-y E. Gleason, Michael, s. of Michael and Catherine Boyian, s. of diaries and Margaret Gordon, Eugene P., s. of Albert D. and Louisa M. Atwood, dau. of David F. and Sarah Welton, William H., s. of Adam and Hiuirietta Shaffer, s. of Perry and Emily S. Odell, Maggie, dau. of Michael F. and Esther Skelley, Chas. E., s. of John V. and Jennette DeForest, s. of Patrick and Maiy CVirroll, dau. of Samuel and Clarinda L. Atwodd, dan. of Homer and Nancy Cam, Wilbur B., s. of David S. and Eli/a M. Mansfield, Sherman L., s. of Horatio and Sabrina Thomas, 1863. Nellie M,, dau. of Noble and Alma E. Atwood, Jennie, dau. of Alfred F. and Julia Jietts, Lydia E., dau. of Ephraim and Eliza J. Hayes, Frederick A., dau. of An.son S. and Sarah A. Knox, Prank, s. of George F*. A. and Harriet Capewell, Cari'ie, dau. of David and Edna E. Curtiss, Martha, dau. of Lewis and Adelia Taylor, Edgar, s. of Charles and Phiuette Taylor, Asahel, s. of Asahel B. and Mary Jane Gibsoil, dau. of Lauren and Charlotte Tyrrell, dau. of Maj. Jam(?s M. and Pollen L. Bradley, s. of Frederick and Ko.\ana Holmes, Lucia A., dau. of Albert D. and Susan P]. Ilurd, s. of Omar E. and Margaret H. Norton, William C, s. of Elisabeth Freeman, (colored,) Mary G., dau. of Nelson and Almira Thomas, James H., s. of George A. and Harriet A. Capewell, s. of Hanfoi'd I. Gal])in, ina M., dau. of Nathan B. and Jennette Burton, Charles, s. of Capt. Eli and Marietta Spcrry, s. of John and Ann Gee, Mary E., dau. of Ebenezer and Ellen M. Smith, s. of Elisabeth Freeman and George Jackson, Henry A., s. John T. and Augusta L. Salmons, George H., s. of Simeon W. and Harriet M. Bacon, Lizzie, dau. of William C. and Elmira DeForest, Edward, s. of James B. and Mary E. DeForest, Aug. 1. Aug. 9. Aug. 12. Aug. 12. Aug. 17. Aug. 17. Sept. 13. Sept. 13. Sept. 29. Sept. 7. Oct. 18. Oct. 27. Nov. 4. Nov. 6. Nov. 12. Nov. 14. Nov. 22. Dec, — . Dec. 17. June 14. July 8. Jan. 5. Jan. 10. Jan. 25. March 15 March 20. March 22 March 2 '2. April 7 April 12 April 14 April 20 April 27 April 29 July 8 April 29 March 15 May 18 M ay 23 May 25 July 1 July 1 July 3 July 14 Aug. 10 Aug. 21 Aug. 21 104 niSTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY Henry R., s. of George P. and Susan C. Crane, -A-Ug. 14. Thomas, s. of David S. and Lucy Ann Bull, Aug. 27. s. of William T. Northrup, Sept. 8. s. of Rev. Dr. Charles B. and Clara C. Robinson, Sept. 15. Julia E., s. of Czar E. and Jennette E. Winton, Sept. 16. James G., s. of James G. and Mary J. Curtiss, Sept. 13. Esther, dau. of James and Mary Gleason, Sept. IG. dau. Edgar R. and Lavina Galpin, Sept. — . s. and dau. (twins) of James and Maria Roberts, Oct. 10. dau. of Lucius Lounsbury, dau. of Ward and Emily Victory, Emerson C, s. of Albert D. and Louisa Atwood, Nellie, dau. of James S. and Caroline E. Stone, Jennie A., dau, of Henry C. and Mary A. Buckingham, dau. of Samuel N. and Sarah Jane Warner, daii. of Aaron A. and Polly Osborn, Birdsey, s. of Martin Van Buren and Ellen Atwood, Edward F., s. of Michael F. and Esther Skelley, s. of Reuben J. and Naomi Barnes, Morris, s. of Crosby C. and Hannah Freeman, s. of Orrin M. and Mary Ann Hawley, Fanny A., dau. of Dwight S. and Ann B. Atwood, 1864. s. of Esther M. Freeman, s. of George and Augusta Monson, s. of Charles and Elisabeth Cam, Effie, dau. of Lewis and Serina Dawson, ■ dau. of Hanford S. Galpin, Mary E., dau. of William S. and Phebe M. Isbell, dau. of P]x)raco S. and Mary Ann Fowler. Caroline, dau. of Jacob and Ann Schindler, William, s. of James and Mary Comber, Lucy E., dau. of Ambrose H. and Harriet L. Wilsey, s. of Bryan A. and Caroline Treat, dau. of Jarvis and Elisabeth I'arker, s. of Trueworthy and Caroline Munger, dau. of John Archer, Louis E., s. of Francis and Elisabeth Dawson, s. of Capt. Henry S. and Marietta McKinney, s. of WilHam H. and Sarah H. McKay, Rosetta S., dau. of John and Clementine S. Dawson, June dau. of George and Lucy C. Mansfield, Jesse P., s. of Jacob and Mary E. Tanner, Julia E., dau. of Nathaniel L. and Elisabeth Proctor, Gertrude, J., dau. of Dr. P. W. and Nettie Brown, (born in Oakfield, N. Y.,) Carter R., s. of Reuben and Naomi Barnes, dau. of and Mary Benham, Oct. 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 18 Oct. 30 Nov. 8 Nov. 9. Dec. 1 April Dec. 9 7 Dec. 20 May May Aug. 10 27 6 Jan. 3. Jan. 9. Jan. 29. Feb. 19. Feb. 21. Oct. 27. Feb. 26. March 5. March 25. Dec. 14. April May May May May May 3. 1. 10. 24. 26. 20. June 2. le 2. June 30. June 27. July 13. 1 Oct. 31. Dec. 20 July 17" R I H T n S IN WOODBURY. 105 Minnie, dau. of Eleazur Hazen, Willie E., s. of Charles D. and Lillie A. Minor, Eva I., dau. of Marcus A. and Eunice M. Hurd, Otto Hinze, dau. of Rensaeller Freeman, s. and dau. (twins) of Eliza A., widow of Merit Thompson, Maria, dau. of Lucius and Amanda Lounsbury, 8. of Samuel E. and Harriet A. Bradley, s. of Frederick II. Kelley, dau. of Rev. Pvilhnan, s. of Henry and Mary Kilhourn, dau. of Samuel M. Mallory, Traccy P., s. of Roderick B. and Sarah Judson, dau. of Frederick A. and Sarah IBuell, Frank B., s. of Harmon W. and Kliza Judson, Nellie E., dau. of George and Lucy Mansfield, dau. of Charles Carr, John, s. of Michael and Catherine Boylan, Caroline, dau. of Edward and Esther Cowles, Lucy Estella, dau. of Ambro.se H. and Harriet Wilsey, Edward, s. of James R. and Margaret Thomas, Alfred H., s. of Rev. J. L. R. Wychoff, 18G5. Caroline M., dau. of William A. and Sarali E. Gordon, dau. of Charles and Betsey Ann Cam, s. of Charles and Betsey Ann Tuttle, dau. of William and Anna Curtiss, Rebecca Annistine, dau. of James and Rebecca Huntington, ^ dau. of Sarah E, Gal pin, dau. of Augusta N. Bennett and Ellen A . Leach, Ida A., dau. of Lewis and Adelia Taylor, s. of Morgan F. Warner, s. of Omar E. and Margaret Norton, Mary A., dau. of Edward E. and Adaline Bradley, s. of Charles and Marietta Chatfield, Arabelle, dau. of David S. Mansfield, dau. of Col. Nathaniel and Emily Goodrich Smith, dau. of Edwin S. and Mary A. Parmelcr!, Walter, s. of Charles and Phinette Taylor, Alice C, dau. of Levi and Sarah M. Callender, Cora Belle, dau. of Wm. G. and Phebe A. Tuttle, s. of Ebenezer and Hattie Wheeler, Frederick, s. of Omar K. and Margaret H. Norton, Alice E.-, dau. of Lewis H. and Harriet C. Atwood, Vol. III.— U July Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. t 22 17. 31. 4 7 Sept. Nov. 8 15 Nov. 15 Nov. 24 Oct. 14 Oct. 18 Nov. 23 Mai-ch 4 March 8 March 15 Jan. 30 Jan. 30 Dec. IS Dec. 23 Dec. 14 Sept. Dec. 21 10 Jan. 7 Jan. 20 Jan. 23 Feb. 3 Feb. 18 March 1 March 7 March 8 March 8 March 20 April ^8 April 30 M ay 4 May June 4 2 June 3 March 2 June 17 March 22 March 20 July 6 106 HISTOBY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Ellen, dau. of Thomas and Margaret Fandlon, ■ Nov. 25. Frederick, s. of Wm. C. DeForest, July 11. s. of Gilbert E. and Betsey A. Blakesley, July 12. Walter H., s. of Asaliel B. and M. A. Gibson, July 13. Anna, dau. of Capt. Eli Sperry, July 25. dau. of Thomas F. and Ann B. Judson, Aug. 3. Nellie, dau. of Theodore W. and Almira Walker, Aug. 4. Sarah P., dau. of William J. and Harriet C. Clark, Aug. 4. Hattie, dau. of Simon and Hannah Riggs, Oct. — Herbert L., s. of Rev. Gurdon W. and Agnes Noyes, Nov. 28. s. of George and Augusta Munson, Aug. 4. Lucy, dau. of David S. and Lucy Ann Bull, Aug. 10. dau. of Vincent M. Barnes, Aug. 10. Irving D., s. of Albert D. and Eliza M. Atwood, Aug. 17. Franklin, s. of Czar E. and Mary E. Winton, Sept. — dau. of Ephram J. Hayes, Aug. 20. dau. of John Morey, Aug. 23. dau. of and Elizabeth Freeman, Sept. 1. James M., s. of Charles M. and Margaret Rowley, Sept. 2. Mary Agnes, dau. of Michael P. and Esther Skelley, Sept. 21. Ellen E., dau. of James G. and Jennette Curtiss, Sept. 21. Asahel W., Jr., s. of Asahel W. and Harriet S. Mitchell, Oct. 16. dau. of Hezekiah C. and Harriet Noyes, Nov. 4. Paul Hinze, Nov. 17. dau. of Frederick H. and Mary Kelley, Nov. 24. Frederick I'arker, s. of Rev. Alonzo N. and Sarah M. Lewis, Dec. 1. Homer T., s. of Robert C. and Sarah J. Partree, Dec. 1. s. of James and Maria A. Roberts, . Dec. 28. Herbert F., s. of Nelson and Almira Thomas, April 20. Howard S., s. of Charles D. and Lillie A. Minor, Nov. 2. Nathaniel, s. of Maro P. and Augusta Blackmar, Sept. 12. 1866. Jennie M., dau. of James W. and Jane S. Traver in Kent. dau. of John Archer, Jan. 13. Rosetta, dau. of John and Clementine Dawson, Jan. 29. dau. of Levi and Sarah Callender, Feb. 2. Hemma, s. of Sylvester and Gracia Richards, Feb. 4. Emogene, dau. of David and Flora Holsworth, Feb. 15. s. of Charles and Sarah Rogers, Feb. 19. Elida C, dau. of Enos L. and Julia Bradley, March 2. Carrie, dau. of Wm. H. and Sarah McKay, March 4 dau. of Stephen H. and Emma C'rane, March 8. s. of I. and Sarah Blakeslee, March 9. Frederick, s. of Henry C. and Amelia Terrill, March 19. Fanny M., dau. of James S. and Carrie Stone, April 8. Rosanna, dau. of Joseph and Mary Miller, April 18. Wilson, s. of Alfred F. Betts, April 18. BIRTHS IN WOODBURY. 107 dau. of Rev. Pullman, May 7. Nettie, dau. of flezekiah (-. and Hairiet Noyes, Nov. 4. Mary, dau. of Lewis and S(;rina Dawson, " May 20. s. of Edwin D. and Harriet Bishop, May 31. Edith, dau. of John T. and Electa Uichards, Feb. 24. William IL, s. of John and Catherine Hyland, June 12. s. of Sam'l N. and Sarah J. Warner, June 19. Charles, s. of James and Maria Roberts, Dec. 21. Mellia A., dau. of Wm. N. and Frances Shelton, June 28. Ellen C, dau. of Calvin and Emeline M. Hates, March 26. s. of Henry Pierson, Jnly 11. P]rnest L., s. of William S. and Pliebe M. Isbell, (Jet. 6. Arthur R., s. of Daniel >S. Taylor, Aug. 2. dau. of Samuel 1). and Arvesta Hayes, Aug. 7. James, s. of James and Mary Gleason, Dec. 1 (j. dau. of Gilbert ami Betsey Wheeler, -'^ug. 11). Catharine M., dau. of George M. and Augusta A. Allen, Jan. 8. s. of Orrin M. and Mai-y Ann Hawley, Aug. 26. licna Woodruff, July 23. s. of Jarvis and Klizabeth Parker, Aug. 28. Julia M., dau. of Eben G. and Harriet L. Wheeler, Sept. 29. Mary L., dau. of Sam'l F. and Mary Ann Peck, Sept. 1. d. of Ebenezer and Hattie Johnson, Sept. 29. Dora E., dau. of Noble and Alma E. Atwood, July 9. dau. of Jeremiah and Mary O'Shea, Oct. 9. Edward, s. of Charles and Mary Cosier, June 13. Arthur T., s. of Truman S. and Margaret S. Minor, Nov. 16. John, s. of Henry H. Green, Nov. 25. Burton, s. of W^in. H. and Ellen J. Rose, Dec. 8. Alice, dau. of James R. and Margaret Thomas, June 12. s. of James and Mary Gleason, Dec. 8. s. of Romeyn and Harriet Hai'd, Dec. 8. s. of George S. and Emily Beardsley, Dec. 18. Eddie Randall, s. of Charles B. and Elizabeth Freeman, Dec. 21. dau. of Horace S. and Mary Fowler, Dec. 31. . dau. of William and Martha Fowler, Dec. 1 6. Carrie M., dau. of Gilbert B. and Betsey A. Blakesley, Aug. 19. Walter C, s. of Margaret Perkins, March 7. Edson E., s. of Roderick and Althea M. Atwood, Aug. 18. 1867. Wellington A., s. of Thomas C. and Sarah J. Galpin, Jan. 2. Martin, s. of Patrick and Mary Carroll, Feb. 6. s. of John and Blanche Bassett, Feb. 11. dau. of Wm. H. and Sarah J. Purdy, Feb. 20. Tyler V. S. Lounsbury, dau. of Lucius Lounsbury and Tyler, March 5. Benjamin L., s. of Benjamin S. and Martha Curtiss, March 12. Margaret, dau. of Michael and Catherine Boy Ian, Alarch 21. s. of John H. Holmesworth, March 25. 108 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY, Spencer A., s. of Ambrose H. and Harriet L. Wilsey, April 2. William, s. of Rev. Spencer H. and Martha Bray, April 27. Edna G., dau. of' Jolm W. and Helen O. Butron, May 8. Minnie J., dau. of Albert I), and Mary L. Hurd, June 12. John P., s. of Charles and Betsey Ann Cam, June 14. Edward, s. of Edward and Harriet A. Lovesey, June 15. s. of Charles and Mary Cosier, June 22. Mary C. F., dau. of Michael and Ann Fanning, July 9. Watson A., s. of Dr. F. W. and Nettie E. Brown, in Oakfield, N. Y., Feb. 19. s. of Vincent M. and Caroline L. Barnes, July 12. David A., s. of Walter S. and Eunice Curtiss, July 19. Sarah L., dau. of Edward E. and Adeline C. Bradley, July 22. Jas. Herbert, s. of Abiram S. and Cornelia M. Atwood, July 28. Frederick W., s. of William Peters and Mary J. Thompson, Aug. 5. Burnham, s. of Capt. Eli and Marilla Sperry, Aug. 12. Flora P., dau. of James C and Jennet Curtiss, Aug. 13. Susan E., dau. of Jacob and Anna Schindler (in Roxbury), Jan. 31. s. of Edwin D. and Harriet A. Bishop. s. of Robert and Eliza Jones, s. of John Archer, George T., s. of Charles and Cornelia F. Botsford, . Julia E., dau. of Walter S. and Eunice Curtiss, dau. of Josiah Cross, Carrie, dau. of Charles H. and Mary 7Vnn Percy, Charles E., s. of Charles and Maria Tyler, dau. of Orrin M. and Mary Ann Hawley, Thomas F., s. of John and Catharine Hyland, Lucy A., dau. of Gilbert B. and Betsey A. Blakesley, Brewster, s. of Maro P. and Augusta Blackmar, Martha E., dau. of James W. and Jane S. Traver, in Kent, Nov. 27 1868. George M., s. of Michael F. and Esther Skellcy, Jan. 5. William D., s. of Ammi F. and Augusta M. Hull, Jan. 14. George H., s. of George M. and Augusta A. Allen, Nov. 5. s. of William E. Andrews, . Jan. 17. dau. of Charles and Phinette Taylor, Jan. 29. Eugene, s. of Charles and Mary Cosier, Jan. 23. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Mary Miller, Jan. 23. Charles R., s. of Robert and Eliza Jones, Sept. 23. Merritt, dau. of Crosby and Johanna Fr-eeman, Feb. 2. dau. of Herman W. a,nd Eliza Bishop, Feb. 15. Mary M., dau. of Charles and Mary E. Jones, March 21. Bertie F., s. of Wm. G. and Phebe Ann Tuttle, Feb. 19. Alanson H., s. of Lewis H. and Harriet C. Atwood, Feb. 22. Lillian A., dau. of Henry and Harriet Terrill, Feb. 27. dau. of Marcus A. and Eunice Hurd, March 3. Fletcher, s. of John Wesley and Betsey J. Judson, March 7. dau. of William, Jr., and Ellen Brown, March 27. Sept. Oct. 25 9 Oct. 16 Oct. 21 Nov. 13 Nov. 30 March 5 Dec. 6 Dec. 15 Sept. Feb. 12 17 B 1 H T 11 S T N \V n n I) B U II Y 109 Le Grand R., s. of Charles M. and Margaret S. Rowley, s. of Ezra Smart, Ida S., dau. of Harmon W. and Eliza J. Judson, s. of (jreorge J. and Knieline .lackson, s. of Edwin S. and Mary A. Parnielee, Isabella, dau. of Eno« \j. and Jane Ij. Carpenter, Dora ()., dau. of Marshall antl CJharlotte A. Harto, Anna, dau. of Dea. James II. and Jlarriet M. Linsley, Walter, s. of James R. and Mai-garet Thomas, Frederick H., s. of Calvin and Emeline M. liates, Frank W., s. of Nathan B. and Jennette Burton, Nellie G., dau. of Abiram S. and Cornelia M. At wood, s. of William and Martha I^VjU'ler, h'lederick, s. of Daniel S. ami Mary E. Taylor, Frederick M., s. of James M. and Jennette Johnson, s. of Daniel S. and Mary J. Woodruff, Minnie, dau. of Alonzo A. and Emeline Smith, dau. of Charles Calpin, Sarah B., dau. of Gilbert and Elisabeth Allen, Agnes F., dau. of Rev. Gurdon W. and Agnes Noyes, dau. of Edwin and Susan M. Alvord, s. of Samuel E. and Hannah A. Bradley, dau. of Lyman S. and Mary Ij. Patterson, s. of Thomas and Flora Iloldsworth, Susan C , dau. of Win. A. and Sarah E. Gordon, 1869. Hut ., s. of Michael F. and Esther Skelley, dau. of Henry F. and Mary D. Geer, Frederick L., s. of Albert and Mary L. Hurd, dau. of Charles and Fhinette Taylor, dau. of Rev. Alonzo N. and Sarah M. Lewis, CliiTord, s. of Wm. P. and Mai-y J. Thompson, Susan M., dau. of Levi and Sarah M. Calleiider, Clara, dau. of John W. and Mary E. Nichols, s. of Calvin and Emily M. Bates, s. of John and Catharine Hyland, s. of Chai-les Manville, William, s. of Wm. T., Jr., and Elisabeth Bacon, s. of Orrin M. and Mary A. Hawley, Charles A., s. of Omar E. and Margaret H. Norton, Minnie, dau. of Marcus A. and Eunice Hurd, Annie E., dau. of George H. and Emma Dascum, s. of Bryan A. and Sarah Treat, George H., s. of George P. and Susan A. Crane, dau. of Anson and Mary Sugden, 3. of Daniel B. and Mary E. Galpin, Noble A., s. of Lewellyn and Charlotte A. Allen, at Payetteville, Mo., April :!. April 10, h'eb. ir.. May M. June 22. June :}(). Julv 21. July 2<;. .Vug. 1. March 10. .\ug. It. Dec. :{(> Aug. I!) Aug. U. Aug. 20. Aug. 27. Oct. -lA. Oct. IS. Oct. 2;t. July 8. Nov. 2\). Dec. 5. Dec. ii. Dec. 10. Feb. 9. July 10. July U. July 27. July 29. Feb. 7. Feb. 23. Feb. 25. March 9. March 10. March 11. March 11. March 21. March 22. April 29. March 24. Sept. 10. March 27. April 15. May 17. May IS. May 14. no HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. George S., s. of Eben G. and Harriet Wheeler, dau. of Franklin B. and Sarah Northrop, s. of Hanford J. Galpin, George A., s. of Charles F. and Mary A. Jenner, Emma, dau. of William and Sarah Comber, Margaret, dau. of Charles and Mary Cosier, s. of George and Margaret Carr, Charles H., s. of Henry C. and Mary A. Buckingham, Flora T., dau. of Emma Lewis, Fannie E., dau. of Bruce L. and Martha J. Parmelee. Cornelia, dau. of George and Nancy Mansfield, Ellen E., dau. of Julius H. and Annie L. Galpin, Peter, s. of Michael and Catharine Boylan, dau. of Chauncey F. and Mary Monroe, dau. of Michael and Anne Fanning, dau. of George and Emma Jackson, s. of Samuel I). Hayes, dau. of Charles and Marietta Chatfield, Hattie, dau. of Fred'k A. and Fanny Walker, dau. of Bruce Parmelee, Lovell N., s. of Noble and Alma E. Atwood, Nelhe E., dau. of Dr. F. W. and Nettie E. Brown, b. Oakfield, N. Y., Susan C, dau. of Wm. A. and Sarah E. Gordon, 1870. s. of Nathan S. and Cornelia S. Terrill, s. of Albert D. and Sarah A. Hurd, Arthur A., s. of Ammi F. and Augusta M. Hull, Edith, dau. of David W. and Currence Knowles, Lottie E., dau. of Dea. Floyd F. and Eliza A. Hitchcock, Nettie B., dau. of Abernethy B. and Fanny Stone, Mary C, dau. of Francis A. and Marilla S. Atwood, dau. of Benjamin and Susan Chatfield, s. of Vincent M. and Caroline Barnes, s. of Maro P. and Augusta Blackmar, dau. of Patrick and Mary Carroll, Charles, s. of Wm. H. and Sarah M. McKay, George, s. of James G. and Jennette Curtiss, s. of Charles and Elisabeth Potter, s. of Stephen M. and Emma Crane, Alice H., dau. of Nathan B. and Jennette Burton, dau. of Edward and Emma Tuttle, dau. of Rodney G. and Maria H. Robinson, Birtie, s. of Alvah Warner, Arthur E., s. of Harmon W. and Eliza Judson, James N., s. of Marshall and Charlotte Barto, William H., s. of George M. and Augusta Allen, s. of Clarissa Nichols, Hattie M., dau. of James M. and Sarah E. Ward, May 21. May 23. May 31. May 10. June 7. April 15. June 26. July 7. Nov. 15. July 20. Aug. 8. Aug". 16. Sept. 9. Sept. 10. Sept. 16. Sept Oct, Nov Nov 23. 12. 10. 13. Oct. 30. Jan. 26. Feb. 7. Jan. 1. Jan. 17. Jan. 31. Feb. 11. March 13 March 12. March 13. March 16. March 28. May 18. May 22. May 24. Oct. 8. May 28. May 31. June 1 1. July 10. 15. 30. 7. 10. 11. 20. 27. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. BIRTHS IN WOODBURY. Ill George, s. of Wm. P. and Maiy J. Thompson, Oct. 3. George S., s. of James and Jennette Curtiss, Oct. 8. s. of David and Etta Cowles, Oct. 10. Henrietta A., dau. of Henry S. and Elvira J. Benedict, Oct. 20. s. of Julm K. and Caroline R. Hoyt, Oct. 11. .John, s. of John B. and Anna Rnssc^ll, Nov. 1. dau. of George and Margaret Carr, Nov. 23. Florence, dau. of John W. and Mary E. Nichol.s, Dec. 4. Henry, s. of Jonathan T. and Augusta Salmons. Dec. 20. Alexander J., s. of Wm. A. and Sarah E. Gordon, Dec. 22. Herbert J., s. of Rev. J. L. R. WychofE, Dec. 16. 1871. PVedorick, s. of Charles and Phinette Taylor, Jan. 13. Hattie, dau. of Win. T., Jr., and Eli.sabeth Bacon, Jan. 1. dau. of Orrin L. Branzy, Feb. 9. Clarence, s. of Daniel S. and Mary E. Taylor, Feb. 27. Cora, dau. of George H. and Mary E. Isbell, Feb. 27. s. of Charles and Marietta C'hatfield, Feb. 21. Estella J., dau. of Ephraim S. and Eliza J. Hayes, Feb. 28. Carrie L., dau. of George P. and Sc^phronia Morris, March 12. Anna E., dau. of George T. and Eliza E. Gyde, April 12. Mary M., dau. of Willis E. and Julia T. Beardsley, Sept. 2. s. of Edson and Mary E. Warner, April 19. Erwin, s. of Francis ;md Elisabeth Dawson, May 1. Catharine, dau. of Michael and Catherine Boylan, May 4. s. of Edward N. and Harriet E. Bishop, . May 4. Hattie L., dau. of Eben G. and Harriet L. Wheeler, Dec. 1.5. Barney, s. of Thomas and Cathta-ine Conlan, May 7. Ehzabeth, dau. of Patrick and Mary lirophy, May 10. Cora B., dau. of Julius H. and Anna C. Galpin, June 11. s. of Crosby and Hannah Freeman, June 20. Louis E., s. of licwis and Adelia Taylor, Aug. 17. Alfred J., s. of Gilbert B. and Betsey A. Blaktisley, June 26. s. of Daniel B. and Mary E. (ialpin, July 24. s. of Frederick A. and Julia A. Bradley, Aug. 4. Charles E., s. of Sylvanus A., Jr., and Julia Anu Mark- ham, Aug. 6. Truman E., s. of Truman E. and Ann Wheeler, Aug. 18. s. of Lewis Taylor, Aug. 17. s. of diaries and Elisabeth Potter, Aug. 31. Gora M., dau. of Jo.seph and Harriet L. Hawley, Sept. 11. dau. of Orrin M. and Mary A. Hawley, Sept. IF>. Clara A., dau. of Jjewellyn J. and Charlotte A. Allen, at Bethlehem, ' Sept. 10. dau. of Patrick and Margaret McCury, Sept. 18. Hattie, dau. of Prank R. and Addie B. Ford, Oct. 8. Edith J., dau. of Truman S. and Margaret S. Minor, Oct. 1 1 . Esther E., dau. of Michael F. and Esther Skelley, Oct. 23. Mary, dau. of Frederick A. and Fanny Walker, Nov. 14. 112 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. John, s. of John and Anna Russell, Nov. 1. of Charles and Sarah Wiltshire, Dec. 13. Charles, s. of Charles H. and Mary Leonard, March 8. s. of Clarissa Nichols, March 14. Horace A., s. of Horace D. and Hattie Curtiss, Dec. 17. Alice R., dau of Charles J. and Mary C. Jenners, Feb. 21. Loomis M., s. of Charles M. and Margaret S. Rowley, Feb. 31. Charles E., s. of Sylvanus A-, Jr., and Julia Markham, Aug. 16. Flora, dau. of Maro P. and Augusta P. Blackmar, May 16. 1872. Lottie, dau. of Reuben and Naomi Barnes, July 7. dau. of George W. and S. G. Reed, Jan 13. Walter S., s. of Walter and Anna Brooks, Jan. 29. Edna R., dau. of Prank J. and Ellen Atwood, Feb. 6. Daniel, s. of Daniel W. and Currince Knowles, April 29. s. of Charles E. and Phinette Taylor, May 1. William P., s. of Wm. A. and Sarah E. Gordon, June 15. Frank L., s. of Dea. Floyd F. and Eliza A. Hitchcock, June 15. Charles, s. of Charles and Lydia Pennington, Sept. 3. s. of George and Emma Jackson, June 16. Robert M., s. of George H. and Emma Dascom, June 16. Anna, dau. of George C. and Sarah Bradley, July 11. Bernard, s. of Edward and Mary Higgins, Jan. 21. s. of Hanford J. and Sarah Galpin, July 26. Franklin, s. of Henry E. and Ellen L. Ward, July 29. dau. of Theodore Warner, July 30. Edward, s. of Edward C. and Ellen S. Stoddard, July 29. Elisabeth Smith, dau. of Elisabeth Freeman (col'd), April 6. William, s. of William and Sarah Comber, Oct. 8. s. of Franklin and Sarah E. Northrop, Aug. 13. Susan E., dau. of Sylvanus A., Jr., and Julia Markham, Nov. 9. s. of Maro and Augusta Blackmar, Nov. 17- Howard, s. of Crosby C. and Hannah Freeman, June 25. Jane N., dau. of Levi and Sarah M. Callender, June 29. Frederick E., s. of Alfred and Jemima Gyde, Sept. 3. Fred., s. of Albert N. and Fanny J. Judson, Sept. 9. George, s. of James S. and Carrie S. Stone, Sept. 12. Howard C, s. of Orson E. and Margaret F. Cartwright, Sept. 13. Edith S., dau. of Roderick S. and Clara S. Woodruff, Sept. 15. Stephen, s. of George P. and Susan C. Crane, Sept. 15. s. of Willie Beardsley, Sept. 20- Katie C, dau. of Charles and Mary A. Jenners, Sept. 23- Clayton K., s. of John M. and Mary Margaret Osborn, Sept. 22- Lilly A., dau. of George and Eliza E. Gyde, Sept. 29- Augusta, dau. of John T. and Elizabeth Salmons, . Oct. 5- dau. of William and Sarah B. Comber, Oct. 3. s. of Simon T. and Hannah M. Riggs, Oct. 18. dau. of Edward and El via Close, Oct. 15- Norman J., s. of Rev. J. L. R. and Mary A. Wychoif, Nov. 16- nilJTnS IN WOODBURY 113 dau. of Edward and Eliza Close, Oct. 15. Norman J., s. of Rev. James Ti. H. and Mary A. Wychoflf, Nov. 16. Mark B., s. of John B. and Anna Kussell, Nov. 23. s. of Dwight S. and Abby G. Todd, Dec. 12. Marcia E., dau. of Asahel B. and Mary J. Gibson, Dec. 12. dau. of Charles W. and Estella J. Osborn, Dec. 2G. dau. of Rev. Alvin V. R. and Mary A. Abbott, Dec. 30. Arthur, s. of Gilbert B. and Betsey A. Blakesley, Sept. 20. Alice M., dau. of Jacob and Mary E. Tanner, in Water- town, June 23. Nellie DeEtte, jiau. of William Miner and Mary J. P. Staples, in Bridgeport, April 2. 1873. Edward D., s. of Marshall and Charlotte Barto, Jan. 21J. Anna F., dau. of Wm. T., Jr., and Elisabeth Bacon, Feb. 12. dau. of Charles E. and Eunice C Senior, Feb. 15. William, s. of Patrick and Mary Brophy, March 2. s. of Thomas and Sarah A. Kingslcy, March ['.'. Horace H., s. of Ammi F. and Augusta M. Hull, March 21. Hattie M., dau. of Ephraim S. and pjliza S. Hayes, April 12. F'reddie, s. of Henry 1 1, and Sarah Green, April 16. dau. of Patrick and Margaret Mc('uty, May '14. dau. of Henry H. and Emcline Fitch, May 14. s. of Patrick and Mary Carroll, May 30. Mary T., dau. of James W. and Mary Jio3'^c(% June 8. Henry F., s. of Julius H. and Annie C. Galpin, June 27. s. of" Frank R. and Adeline B. Ford, July 1. Delia E., dau. of Gilbert and FJizabeth All(;n, March 2. dau. of Orrin M. and Mary Ann Hawley, July 2. Libltie, dau. of Wm. E. and J(!nnie Phebe Newton, July 5. s. of Charles and Marietta Chatlield, July 9. Albert E., s. of Calvin and P^meline M. Bates, June 30. dau. of Frank P. anil Alice S. Warner, July 13. Eunice Eliza, dau. of James and Helen Huntington, June U>. dau. of David ;ind Mnrgaret Maverick, June 21. Isabella, dau. of Fiank J. and Pjllcn Atwood, Aug. 4. William, s. of Wm. F. and Mary A. Brophy, Aug. 5. Sherwood M., s. of Henry M. and Elisaltcth M. Allen, Aug. 5. Frederick, s. of Hiram E. and Carrie Cam, March 5. s. of Albert I), ami Sarah A. Hurd, Aug. 14. Carrie, dau. of William and Rosella Maxfield, Aug. 25. Daniel J., s. of Michael F. and Esther Skelley, Aug. 27. Maggie, dau. of Ellen O'Connor, Oct. lit. Edith A., dau. of Andrew W. and Florine Peet. May 10. dau. of Edwin M. and Ella M. Betts, Sept. 12. Vernie F., dau., and Victor N., s. of Wm. N. and Frances Shelton, Sept. 14. dau. of Adeline Jackson, Sept. 25. Vol. III.— 15 114 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Carrie, dau. of Lawrence and Georgiana Saxton, Oct. 20. Hattie, dau. of Charles S. and Wealthy A. Baldwin, Nov. 3. Lottie D., dau. of Horace H. and Carrie E. Minor, Nov. 7. Althea, dau., and Gideon, s. of George M. and Augusta M. Allen, dau. of John and Ellen O'Connor, Arthur, s. of Frederick and Jane Linton, s. of George and Anna Dascuni, dau. of Martin and Eunice Dascum, Gracie. dau. of Daniel S. Taylor, Susan R., dau. of Frank P. and Susan Z. Marsh, dau. of Charles and Mary J. Noyes, Daniel, s. of Maro P. and Augusta Blackmar, 1. 30. IT. Julia Partree, dau. of Wm. Miner and Mary J. P. Staples, Nov. 18. Nov. Nov. Jan. Nov. Dec. Dec. March Dec. Sept. 16. 19. 3. 2L 3. 1874. Samuel, s. of Homer S. and Emily Tomlinson. Jan. 4. Clara P., dau. of Charles D. and Lillie A. Minor, Jan. 24. 8. of Marshall and Charlotte A. Barto, Jan. 29. s. of John E. and Emma Clark, Feb. 5. dau. of Theodore and Eunice Warner, Feb. 8. Mary C, dau. of Alexander, Jr., and Ella C. Gordon, Feb. 9. Carrie, dau. of Charles and Mary E. Jones, March 1. Theodore T., s. of Francis A. and Marilla S. Atwood, March 10. Sarah M., dau. of Edward J. and Elisabeth Curtiss, March 10. Langdon, s. of Seymour L. and Libbie Capewell, March 13. Carrie J., dau. of William and N. Rosetta Maxfield, April 5. Mary, dau. of Patrick and Mary Brophy, March 14. Emma, dau. of Watson Bunnell, Marcli 24. Leon, s. of George S. and Mary E. Barnes, April 2. Alice, dau. of William and Sarah Comber, April 4. s. of George E. and Susan Haskins, April 6. dau. of Walter S. and Jane A. Capewell, May 1*7. dau. of William and Julia Jackson, May 22. George V., s. of James M. and Sarah E. Ward, May 22. Julia. E., dau. of Frank B. and Fanny E. Peck, June 2. H. Clifford, s. of Henry and Harriet Terrill, June 6. Wilhemine, dau. of Daniel W. and Currence Kuowles, June 6. Clara, dau. of Roderick S. and Clara S. Woodruff, June 7. dau. of Richard and Sarah Barlow, June 17. Albert E., s. of Thomas and Mary A. France, July 12. George, s. of Frank and Abbie Ford, July 1. s. of John Michoff, July 15. Frank M., s. of John and Mary M. Osliorne, July 26. dau. of Frederick J. Davis, July 27. Carrie, dau. of Lawrence and Georgiana Saxton, dau. of Mirian and Laura Ann Cam, July 13. Frederick, s. of Charles and l^ydia Pennington, Dec. 18. Merrit A., s. of Albert M. and Mary A. Bassett, July 10. I BIRTHS IN WO(^DBURY. lli George E., s. of George H. and Emma Dascum, William, s. of Frederick A. and Fanny Walker, s. of Frank B. Potter, Vincent A., s. of Ackerman B. and Margaret Judson, s. of Samuel Fiench, Edward, s. of Albert N. and Fanny J. Judson, Edward J. R., s. of Watson C. and Susan F. Frihio, Washington, dau. of Walter S. and Eunice Curtiss, Eva A., dau. of Enos L. and Julia P. Bradley, dau. of Charles and Marietta Chatfield, s. of William and Irena Isbell, Ruth, dau. of Truman E. and Anna Wheeler, s. of John and Julia Freeman, s. of Henry Hall, Agnes, dau. of James R. and Margaret Thomas, s. of Charles Pennington, Harry Z., s. of James C. and Josephine Mayiie, Willie F., s. of Creorge Chatfield, 1875. Frederick, s. of Andrew W. and Florine Peet, s. of Homer S. and Emily A. Tomlinson, Henry S., s. of Dea. Floyd F. and EH/,a A. Hitchcock, dau. of Thomas and Clara Dewes, Walter L., s. of Lewis and Serina R. Dawson, in Metuchen, N. J., Frankie G., s. of Frank J. and Ellen Atwood, dau. of Albert and Susan J. Tucker, dau. of George and Mary Hawley, dau. of Samuel and Ellen Jebut, Flora, dau. of PVederick Linton, Katie, dau. of James and Mary Boyce, George, s. of James S. and Carrie Stone, Patrick, s. of John and Bridget Carroll, Edward N., s. of Edward and Hattie Nichols, Charles A., s. of Horace D. and Hattie Curtiss, Cora, dau. of Charles and Maria Prank, Katie, dau. of Albert H. and Hattie Myers, Lucy H., dau. of James and Helen Huntington, Anna, dau. of Thomas and Eunice Gee, dau. of and Mary Phillips, Gertrude L, dau. of Charles E. and Sarah Trowbridge, Gertrude, dau. of Charles and Julia Ten-ill, Hattie J., dau. of (leorge F. and Henrietta Smith, Anna, dau. of Lewellyn J. and Caroline Allen, Anna R., dau. of William J. and Julia ('lark, Albert E., s. of Charles and Celia J. Dascum, Edith H., dau. of Henry M. and Mary E. Allen, dau. of Frank P. and Julia B. Esterly, Nov. 22. July 14. Aug. 17. July 23. Sept. 5. Sept. 10. n June 2. Sept. 21. Sept. 30. Oct. 10. Nov. 3. Nov. 7. Nov. 16. Nov. 30. Jan. 13. Dec. 19. Dec. 27. Aug. Jan. 10. Jan. • 4. Jan. 6. Jan. 7. Jan. 30. Feb. 24. March 4. March 9. March 11. April 7. April 9. April 14. April 16. May 18. April 24. June 11). June 21. June 29. July 3. Julv 6. July 9. July 13. July 13. Julv 24. July 20. July 27. July 29. 116 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. s. of Birdsey Gilbert, Aug. 3. Carrie L., dau. of Lawrence and Georgiana Saxton, Aug. 14. Sarah A., dau. of George and Emma Dascum, Aug. 17. Eva M., dau. of James G. and Jennette Gurtiss, Aug. 26. Grace E., dau. of Francis A. and Marilla S. Atwood, Aug. 28. Lena, dau. of Willard and Irene Isbell, s. of Frank and Emily Benedict, Aug. 29. Merrit, s. of Albert N. and Mary Bassett, Aug. 10. s. of Henry Booth, Sept. 2. Edward, s. of Samuel and Jane Jebot, . . March 1 1 . twin dans, of Charles Herlis, Sept. 7. dau. of Edson and Mary Warner, Sept. 12. s. of Gilbert and Mary Blakesley, Sept. 20. Susan C. Josephine, dau. of Watson and Susan F. Pribie, in Washington, Sept. 3. s. of Charles 131ackmar, Sept. 21. Eddie and Freddie, sons of Geo. C. and Sarah Bradley, Oct. 10. Lucy Hammond, dau. of Jas. and Helen E. Huntington, June 21. George, s. of Edwin and Sarah Dewes. • Oct. 14. s. of Horace H. and Carrie E. Minor, Oct. 29. Catharine, dau. of Thomas and Catharine Conlan, Nov. 5. dau. of James Strittan, Nov. 6. Margaret, dau. of Thomas and Margaret Pairland, Nov. 25. Frank, s. of Richard and Sarah Barlow, Dec. 5. Betsey, dau. of Charles and Mary E. Jones, Dec. 14. s. of Wallace and Ellen Ward, Dec. 16. dau. of John and Folly Smith, Dec. 17. Charles S., s. of Henry S. and Julia A. Morehouse, Dec. 24. Emma J., dau. of Hiram and Laura Cam, Aug. 31. dau. of Orrin and Mary Ann Hawley, Dec. 31. George E., s. of George Haskins, April 6. Olive, dau. of Sarah Hine, Aug. 4. Lottie, dau. of Wm. and Sarah Comber, June 17. Arthur T., s. of Lewis and Serina R. Dawson, in Metuchen, N. J., May 9. 1876. s. of Orrin and Mary Ann Hawley, Jan. 1 . Joseph, s. of Frederick A. and Fanny Walker, Sept. 4. Sarah, dau. of Albert N. and Fanny Judson, Aug. 27. Jennie, dau. of William and Eliza Westerman, Marcla 10. Edna, dau. of Watson and Julia Bunnell, March 5. Weston E., s. of George E. and Mary J. Roswell, March 28. s. of Dr. Prank P. and Juha Esterly, May 2 dau. of Marshal and Eliza Wycoff, Jime. s. of Thomas and Amelia Dewes, Aug. Bertha, dau. of Charles and Wealthy A. Baldwin, Jan. 24. Katie E., dau. of John and Ellen Bottom. Jan. 5. s. of Wm. and Jane Westerman, Jan. 5. Agnes, dau. of Elijah and Maggie Atwood. B 1 i{T ir s I N woo D B r U Y. 117 Horace E., s. of Horace H. an William, s. of I'atrick and Mary Brophy, March 12 s. of George Hoswell, March !) Hugh, s. of (leer Hain(!S, March 30 Norman A., s. of Edwin and Annis Potter, May 2 Kreihiie, s. of William C. De Forest. Feb. 21 Ruth B.. dau. of Charles K. and Julia Smith, April 22 Hattie, dau. of George and Katie Mills, March 2 s. of Frank B. Potter, May 4 dau. of Samuel and Emma 1^'rench, May 12 Charles, s. of Seymour L. and Libbie Capowell, May 17 s. of Anna F. Hill, July o Anna R., dau. of Michael P. and Esther Skelley, May 27 s. of John Hyland, Sept. t» s. of Charles and Margarctta Chatlield, Nov. 4 Styles, s. of Hiram and Sarah Cam, Feb. 28 Martin, s. of Wni. F. and Mary Brophy, March 2.'. Frederick, s. of Alonzo and Emeline Smith, May 17 Herbert S., s. of Geo. FrankliTi and Nancy Jackson, July 10 (Jilhert B., s. of Gilbert 15. and Betsey A." Blakesley, May IS Ellen, dau. of John and Bridget Cairoll. Feb. 12 Florence E., dau. of Ammi F. and Augista M. Hull, July 3 1877. - Frank E., s. of Charles Frank and Mary Ann Jenner, Dec. 18. Lena M., dau. of Henry S. and Abigail J. Morehouse, Oct. 3. s. of Charles and Mary E. Jones, Sept. 1. Isabel, dau. of Edward H. and Elsie E. Pritchard, Aug. 31. Florenc(\ dau. of James M. and S. E. Ward, Oct. 12. Minnie, dau. of William and Martha Foster-, May 18. Harriet A., dau. of Enoch A. and Julia Hlunerth, Feb. 3. Walter H., s. of Walter and Matilda Gill, Feb. 22. Mary A., dau. of Frederick and Sainantha Smith, Jan. 8. Mary C, dau. of John and Mary M. Osborne, April 28. .dau. of James R. Thomas, Feb. 12. John (J., s. of Charles and Julia Tyrrell, March 7. s. of Dea. Floyd F. and Eliza A. Ifitclicock, April" 18. Jessie, dau. of Joseph and Julia Hall, April lli. Ernest C, s. of Rev. Gurdon W. and Agnes W. Noyes, March 5. Thomas A., s. of Thomas and Mary A. France, I'V^b. 12. Frank M., s. of George M. and Augusta Allen, May lt». Arthur J., s. of Charles E. and Celia J. Dascum, June 1. Ellen, dau. of Thomas and Catharine Conlan. Oct. 15. s. of W. W. and Ellen Brownson, Aug. 15. Fannie, dau. of Charles E. and Sarah Trowbridge, Oct. 23. Bertha J., dau. of Frank J. and Ellen Atwood, Oct. 23. 118 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. s. of Samuel S. and Clarissa Decker, March 19. Lewis B., s. of Henry F. and Ella F. Gibson, Jan. 2. Eliza R, dan. of Charles M. and Margaret Rowley, Dec. '22. Frank, s. of Julius H. and Anna Galpin, Jan. 25. dau. of Watson Bunnell, June 30. dau. of Frank P. Thomas, Nov. 24. Frank, s. of Frank P. and Susan Z. Marsh, Oct. 26. Hattie E., dau. of Andrew W. and Florine Peet, March 25. dau. of John Osborne, April 28. s. of Gilbert Blakeslee, May 24. s. of Samuel Jebut, June 11. dau. of Ira Wooster, Dec. 27. Alice E., dau. of Andrew J. and Libbie C. Woodland, Jan. 29, dau. of William Fowler, March 9. s. of Birdseye Gilbert, March 3 1 . Margaret, dau. of Thomas and Margaret Fandler, June 13. s. of Ralph and Ferris Mansfield, April 13. Cora, dau. of Frederick and Jane Linton, April 8. Elva.B., dau. of George and Emma Griswcld, June 30. Nellie, dau. of Charles and Lydia Pennington, June 21. Charles N., s. of Alex., Jr., and Ella C. Gordon, March 11. s. of George and Winnie Killminster, Aug. 17. s. of John Fowler, Sept. 13. Henry S., s. of Henry M. and Mary Elizabeth Allen, Nov. 7. Margaret, dau. of William and Margaret Marshall, Nov. 18. Emily A., dau. of Homer vS. and Emily Tomlinson, April 27. Frederick, s. of Fred T. and Susan Strong, Dec. 7. John W., s. of Charles M. and Eva L Goodsell, Dec. 22. 1878. Norman P., s. of Olin and Georgiana Roswell, Aug. 11. Nellie M., dau. of Reuben and Naomi Barnes, Oct. 27. Harry J., s. of Henry and Henrietta Beardsley, April Ifi. Edthea, dau. of Edward Stoddard, • Jan. 14. Frank, s. of Joseph and Sarah Pearson, Mai-ch 18. dau. of Charles and Martha Chatfield, July 2. Minnie, dau. of William Denny, May 7. Truman, s. of Hiram and Laura Cam, March 5. Victor, s. of Martin and Josephine Andrus, April 15. Edna, dau. of Richard and Sarah Barlow, April 10. Mary Phillips, dau. of Elizabeth Freeman, (colored), June 25. Frederick, s. of Seymour L. and Elisabeth Capewell, April 27. Julia E., dau. of Albert M. and Mary A. Bassett, April 5. twin daus. of Walter and Martha Foster, April 1 . dau. of Horace D. and Hattie Curtiss, March 30. Katie A., dau. of Anson F. and Augusta Hull, March 7. dau. of Thomas and Catherine Quick, Jan. 29. s. of Thomas and Louisa Moseley, Nov. 20. Mary, dau. of James and Annette Flood, June 17. BIRTHS IN WOODBURY VJ s. of Charles K. and Julia E. Smith, Nov. G. s. of Edgar and Anna Post, Oct. 1 0. dau. of Samuel and Sarah \. Jebut, Sept. 11. Maude M., dau. of Albert and Jennie Gyde, Jan. IG. Rhoda, dau. of Joseph and Julia Hall, Nov. 23. Bennett, s. of Julius H. and Anna Galpin, Nov. 4. Liicy H., dau. of Alexander, Jr., and Ella C. Ciordon, Sept 20. Charles W., s. of Edward F. and Ilattie J. Nichols, Stspt. 17. Mary A., dau. of Lewis H. and Harriet Atwater, Jan. 3. Eliazur, s. of Charles Hazen, March 4. Jesse, s. of Albert N. and Fanri^^ Judson, Aug. 3. Jennie, dau. of George and Katie Mills, July 9. J/)seph, s. of Watson and Julia Bunnell, July 7. dau. of Arthur E. and Julia Knox, Jan. 1. Evelina, dau. of Lawrence and Georgiana Saxton, Jan. 21. s. of Joseph Bearse, March 18. dau. of Fi'ank Sperry, Aug. 24. dau. of Bruce and Etta Denny, Aug. 18. s. of Frederick Linton, Sept. 21. Luther W., s. of Wilber V. and Mary Belle Rood, Sept. 8. William H., s. of Thomas and Mary A. Frane, Nov. 26. Helen M., dau. of Walter and Matilda Gill, Dec. 27. dau. of James Blanch, Jan. 17. Mary A., dau. of George and DoUie A. Knox, Aug. 5. Herbert, s. of John and Emma Burdick. Aug. 12. fiosetta, dau. of William and Eli/.a Westerman, April 11. Emily, dau. of Joseph and Elisabeth Holmes, April 23. Ehzabeth, dau. of Samuel and Jane Jebut, March 1 1. s. of J. G. and Ahce Terrill, March 22. Henry, s. of William H. and Anna Moore, Jan. 3. s. of John H. and Mary E. Farwell, June 29. Su.san A., dau., and Frederick A., s., of Watson and Susan Frisbie, Jan. 9. Lucy, dau. of William H. and Jane Gill, Dec. 29. s. of John Carroll, Nov. 26 Rhoda M., dau. of Gilbert B. and Betsey A. Blakesley, Aug. 18, Charles W., s. of Andrew W. and Florine Feet, May 19. Minnie, dau. of Fredei'ick and Martha Lake, June 1. Olivia H., dau. of Horace D. and Harriet F. Curtiss, March 30. 1879. ClifiFord H., s. of John and Anna Russell, Edna E., dau. of Arthur E. and Julia Knox, Alice, dau. of John and Hattie Benson, Minnie, dau. of Frank and Sarah Scaife, Wooster J., s. of Egbert L. and Lilli<^ Carpenter, Charles D., s. of George E. and Mary J. Roswell, Sarah, dau. of Charles and Mary E. Jones, William B., s. of Wm. A. and Sarah E. Gordon, March Jan. Jan. March Jan. March April April 25. 7. 22. 10. 27. 8. 2. 14. BAPTISMS IN WOODBURY, FROM 1670 TO 1813. The first Church in Woodbury was organized as the " Second Church at Stratford," May. 5, 1G70, O. S. It had separated from the First cliurch in that town, several years before that date, on account of dissensions in relation to the Half- Way Covenant system, but was not formed into an independent church till this time. In May, 1672, by the advice, and with the assistance of Gov. Winthrop, the grant of a township of land was obtained for this church at Pomperaug, and early the next year a majority of its members removed thither, and became the First Congregational church in Woodbury. The church at its organization consisted of twenty male mem- bers. Seven more were added a few days after, and four males and six females were also admitted members before the removal to Woodbury. During the 209 years of its existence, it has received into its fold more than 1,600 members, and more than 3,000 per- sons, infant and adult, have received baptism by its authority. The value of the baptismal record, in a genealogical }:)oint of view, is that it gives a near approximation to the actual date of birth, in a multitude of instances, where the birth record shows no entries. It was the custom of the early Congi-egational churches, in the colony of Connecticut, as has heretofore l^een s^tated, to have the children baptised very soon after their birth — if possible, on the eighth day after — to correspond with the Old Testament rite of circumcision, as the ceremony of baptism took the place of that rite. If the new born child showed signs of feebleness, it was baptised at once, and we frequently find on the records an entry to the effect, that the child was baptised at its home, "it being in danger of non-continuance." Before, during, and after the Revo- lutionary war, as well as the war of 1812, the birth records of the several towns show very few names. The baptismal records, there- fore, supply a great need. BAPTISMS IN WOODBURY. 121 1G70. Zechariali, s. of Rev. Zechariah and Susanna Walker, May 22. Abigail, dau. of Rev. Zechariali and Susanna Walker, May 22. Robert, s. of Joseph and Abigail Walker, May 22. Sarah, dau. of Joseph and Abigail Walker, May 22. Daniel and Mary, child, of Sanil. Jr., and Mary Sherman, May 8. Susannah, dau. of Samuel Jr., and Mary Sherman, J'ily 24. Sarah; Mary, and Elisabeth, child, of John Wheeler, June 19. John, Thomas, and Joseph, child, of John Minor, Sept. 18. Grace, dau. of John Minor, . Sept. 28. 1671. Samuel, s. of Jacob Walker, Phebe, dau. of Caleb Nichols, Dec. Nov. 12. 1671-2. Abigail, dau. of Joseph Walker, Feb. 1673. Moses, s. of Jacob Walker, Sarah, dau. of Samuel Sherman, Jr., Thomas, s. of John AV heeler, Mary, dau. of John Hurd, Sr., Dec. May 4. May 25. Aug. 1675. Moses, s. of Moses Wheeler, Ephraim, s. of John Minor, 1675-6. Bezaliel, s. of Edraond Sherman, Emm, Sarah, chh. of Thomas Fairchild, [Thft'^e were the fir.st three children baptized in Woodbury. John, s. of Caleb Nichols, Elizabeth, dau. of Jacob Walker, Grace, dau. of Samuel Sherman, Jr. July. Oct. April 11. April 1 1 . March. July. 1677-8. Samuel, s. of Thomas Fairchild, Ruth, dau. of John Wheeler, Sarah, dau. of John Minor, Esther, dau. of John Hurd, Sr., John and Mary, chh. of John Skeils, Rebecca, dau. of John and Joanna Curtiss, Sarah, dau. of John Wheeler, Vol. 111.— 16 April. June. June. May. Nov. 10. Nov. Jan. 122 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1678-9. Joshua, s. of John and Elisabeth Judson, Jan. John, s. of John Skeels, Nov. David, s. of John Mitchell, Nov. Ruth, dau. of Thos. Pairchild, _ Jan. Margaret, dau. of Henry Hill, April. 1680. Gershom, s. of Ens. John Wiatt, Feb. Hannah, dau. of John Shermfin, July. Joseph, s. of John Judson, ' Aug. Jemima, dau. of Thomas Hurlbut, Aug. "William and Hannah, chh. of Hackaliah Preston, -A-Ug. Jane and Amy, clih. of Samuel Munn, Oct. John, s. of Ambrose Thompson, Oct. Mary, dau. of Matthew Mitchell, April. 1680-1. Dinah, dau. of John Wheeler. Abigail, dau. of John Minor, Feb. Alexander, s. of Thos. Fairchild, . April. Sarah, dau. of Benjamin and Abigail Stiles, April. Chapman, s. of John and Elisabeth Judson, Dec. Robert and Hannah, chh. of John Skeels, July. Ruth, dau. of Israel Curtiss, April. David, s. of John and Elis. Mitchell, April. Mary, dau. of Samuel Munn, Nov. Phebe, dau. of Thomas Lattin. Anna, dau. of Joshua Curtiss, Dec. Sarah, dau. of Jonathan Hough, Sept. 1681-2. Henry, s. of Henry Hill, Feb. Zeruiah, s. of Moses and Mary Johnson, April. Lydia, dau. of Hackaliah Preston, Nov. Jerusha, dau. of Thomas Hurlbut, April. Sarah, dau. of Ens. John Wiatt, Feb. Abigail, dau. of Roger and Sarah Terrill, Jan. Thomas and John, chh. of John Skeels, April 23. Jonathan, s. of John and Elisabeth Judson, Dec. Francis, s. of Benjamin and Abigail Stiles, May. Samuel, s. of John Sherman, Aug. 1682-3. Elisabeth, dad. of Samuel Galpin, March. John, s. of John and Anne Pierce, Sept. BAPTISMS IN W O O n B IT H Y 123 Josiah, s. of John and Joanna Curtiss, Joanna, dau. of John Minor, Sarah, dau. of Thomas Fairchild, Ruth, dau. of Benjamin and Abigail Stiles, Ehsabeth, dau. of John Skc^els. Elisabeth, dau. of John and Elisabeth Mitchell, Jonathan, s. of Matthew Mitchell, Sarah, dau. of Hackaliah I'reston, Mary, dau. of Nathaniel Tuttle, Elisabeth Lum, Thomas, s. of Eleazur and Mary Knowles, Hannah, dau. of Jonathan Hough, 1684. Daniel, s. of Samuel Munn, John, s. of Daniel Beardsley, Rebecca, dau. of Moses and Maiy Johnson, Thomas, s. of Thomas Hurlbut, Nov. July. Feb. May. April. Nov. July. Nov. May. May. Dec. April. Feb. May. July. Dec. 1684-5. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan Hough, Anna and Mary, chh. of Jonathan Squire, Anne, dau. of Benj. and Elisabeth Hinman, Ephraim, s. of Titus Hinman, John, s. of John Root, Susanna, Mary, and Sarah, chh.. of John Root, Elisabeth, dau. of John and Anne Pierce, Hannah Lum, Elisabeth, dau. of Ens. John Wiatt, Sarah, dau. of Roger Terrill, Ephraim, s. of John and Elisabeth Judson, Thomas, s. of Benjamin and Abigail Stiles, Katharine, dau. of Thomas Fairchild, John, s. of John Wheeler, Matthew, s. of Samuel Galpin, Elisabeth, dau. of John Sherman, 1685-6. Samuel, s. of John Sherman, Jr., Elisabeth, dau. of Ephraim Stiles, Martha, daughter of John and Elisabeth Judson, Abigail, dau. of John Skeels, Bethia, dau. of Joshua Curtiss, Stephen, s. of Roger Terrill, Elnathan, s. of John Mitchell, Jehiel, s. of Hackaliah Preston, John; s. of Moses and Mary Johnson, Hannah, dau. of Benjamin and Elisabeth Hinman, March. April. April. July. April. May. Aug. May. Aug. March. Dec. Nov. May. May. April. Oct. Nov. Sept. Dec. May 9. Feb. Aug. Oct. Oct. April. Oct. 124 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Henry, Samuel, Isaac, Abigail, Mary, and Mercy, chh. of Henry and Abigail Castle, Sept. John and Amy, chh. of Henry Hill, April. Ambrose and Sarah, chh. of Ambrose Thompson, Sept. 1686-7. Elisabeth, dau. of Jonathan Hough, June. Samuel, s. of Jonas Tomlinson, Dec. Samuel, s. of Joseph and Ruth Hickox, Sept. Joseph, s. of Titus and Hannah Hinman, June. Mary, dau. of Eleazur and Mary Knowles, March. Samuel, s. of Samuel Munn, April. Josiah, s. of Samuel Nichols, Sept. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin Galpin, May. John, s. of John Sherman, June. Mary, dau. of Matthew Mitchell, July. Ruth, dau. of Israel Curtiss, Sept. 1687-8. Mary, dau. of Joshua Curtiss, Sept Hannah, dau. of Abraham Mitchell, Aug. Mary, dau. of Ens. John Wiatt, April. Gideon, s. of Thomas Hurlbut, Aug. Sarah, dau. of Moses and Mary Johnson, Aug. Isaac, s. of Nathaniel Tuttle, Feb. Josiah, s. of John Root, March. Adam, s. of Benjamin and Elisabeth Hinman, Jan. William, s. of Henry and Abigail Castle, July. James, s. of Henry Hill, Feb. Hannah, dau. of Samuel Jenner, March. Grace, dau. of David Jenkins, March. 1688-9. Anna, dau. of Eleazur and Mary Knowles, Elisabeth, dau. of John and Judith Huthwit, July. Emma, dau. of Hackaliah Preston, March. John, s. of John and Elisabeth Mitchell, Feb. Ephraim, s. of John Skeels, July. Eliphalet, s. of John and Elisabeth Judson, Feb. Rebecca, dau. of Benjaimin Galpin, Nov. Andrew, s. of Samuel Nichols, March. Abigail, dau. of Benjamin and Abigail Stiles, April. 1689-90. Mary, dau. of Zachariah and Elisabeth Walker, Jan. Sarah, dau. of John Sherman, • Jan. EUsabeth, dau. of John Minor, Jr., July. BAPTISMS IN WOODBTKY. 125 Anna, dau. of John and Judith Huthwit, Nov. Mary, dau. of Moses and Mary Johnson, April. Noah, s. of Benjamin Hinnian, Feb. Alice, dau. of David Jenkins, March. Andrew, s. of Titus Hinman, April. 1690-91. Bethia, dau. of John Roots, Dec. Samuel, s. of Eleazur and Mary Knowles, May. Elisabeth, dau. of Moses and Mary Johnson, Oct. Remember, s. of Hackaliah Preston, Oct. Knell, s. of John and Elisabeth Mitchell, April. Roger, s. of Roger T(!rrill, July. John. s. of Benjamin and Sarah Hard, Aug. yVbigail, dau. of Zechariah, Jr., and Elizalieth Walker, Sept. Joseph, s. of William and Abigail Martin, Nov. 1691-2. Mary, dau. of John Sherman, Benjamin, s. of Benjamin Hinman, Patience, dau. of Samuel and Hannah Jenner, Thomas, s. of William Marks, David, s. of Matthew Mitchell, Richard, s. of Cornelius and Abigail Rronson, Cornelius, s. of Cornelius and Abigail Bronson, March. April. Aug. July. Oct. May. Dec. 1G92-3. Susanna, dau. of Samuel Castle, Sept. Samuel, s. of William and Abigail Martin, March. Elizabeth, dau. of Titus Hinman, Feb. John, s. of John Roots, May. Seth, s. of Arthur Perry, June. Moses, s. of Moses and Mary Johnson, May. Martha, dau. of John and Judith Huthwit, Nov. Ezra, s. of Roger Terrill, Nov. Joseph, s. of Joseph Hull, April. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Sarah Hurd, March. Robert, s. of Ebenezer and Sarah Hurd, Oct. Hannah, d. of John Minor, Jr., Jan. Josiah, s. of Thomas and Hannah Minor, Jidy. Joseph, s. of Samuel Galpin, April. Susanna, dau. of John Sherman, Nov. Timothy, s. of Zachariah, Jr., and Elizabeth Walker, June. Elizabeth, dau. of John and Elizabeth Mitchell, May. Ephraim, s. of Ephraim Warner, Nov. 126 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, 1693-4. Josiah, s of Zachariah, Jr., and Elizabeth Walker, Sept. Nathan, s. of Benjamin and Sarah Hurd, Julj. Ephraim, s. of John and' Elizabeth Judson, Sept. John, s. of John Roots, , May. Prudence, dau. of Samuel and Hannah Jenner, Feb. Daniel, s. of Samuel Munn, Feb. EUzabeth, dau. of Cornelius and Abigail Bronson, March. 1694-5. Titus, s. of Titus Hinman, June. Solomon, s. of Moses and Mary Johnson, Jan. Samuel, s. of Israel Curtiss, Jr., Jan. 1695-6. Mary, dau. of John and Judith Huthwit, May. Isaac, 8. of Eleazur and Mary Knowles, July. Eunice, dau. of Titus Hinman, May. Daniel, s. of Ebenezer and Sarah Hurd, May. William, s. of William Marks, July. Thomas, Samuel, Ebenezer, John, Hannah, Martha, Sarah, and Elizabeth, chh. of Thomas Squire, -A.ug. 1696-7. Annie, dau. of Titus Hinman, Sept. Samuel, s. of Josiah and Hannah Minor, May. Mary, dau. of Joseph and Jane Hurd, Abraham, s. of Cornelius Bronson, May. Josiah, s. of Isi'ael Curtiss, Jr., April. Elizabeth, dau. of John Curtiss, Sept. Sarah, dau. of Benjamin Galpin, Feb. Timothy and Martha, twins, chh. of Roger Terrill, Nov. Martha, dau. of John and Elizabeth Mitchell, March. Joseph, John, and Sarah, chh. of Joseph and Rebecca Hurlbut, Aug. Anna, dau. of Thomas and Lydia Drakeley, May. Samuel, Miriam, Jonathan, Sarah, Hannah, and Mary, chh. of Samuel Blakeley, Aug. Abraham, s. of Mary Hinman, July. 1697-8. John, s. of John, Jr., and Sarah Minor, Feb. Abraham, s. of Benjamin and Sarah Hurd, Ruth, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah Hurd, Feb. Elizabeth, dau. of John and Judith Huthwit, April. Isaac, s. of Nathaniel Tuttle, Feb. Elizabeth, dau. of Eleazur and Mary Knowles, March. BAPTISMS IN WOODBURY, 127 Joseph, son of John Roots, Caleb, s. of William and Abigail Martin, Comfort, dau. of Samuel and Hannah Jenner, Sarah, dau. of Benjamin and Hannah Hickock, June. March. May. July. 1698-9. Blnathan, s. of Ebonezer and Sarah Hurd, Stephen, s. of Israel Curtiss, Jr., Hannah, dau. of John Curtiss, Joseph, s. of Josepli, Jr., and Mary Hurlbut, Joseph, s. of Thomas Squire, Rachel, dau. of Benjamin Galpin, Benjamin, s. of Ephraim Warner, Oct. April. Nov. April. April. Sept. Aug. 1699-1700. Peter, s. of Thomas and Hannah Minor, Stephen, s. of Cornelius Bronson, Dec. 10. Aug. 1701-2. Mary, dau. of Rev. Anthony Stoddard, June. Sarah, Lydia, Abigail, and Josepli, chh. of Joseph and Abigail Waller, Aug. 30. Hannah, dau. of Henry, Jr., and Hannah Castle, June. Stephen, s. of Joseph and Ruth Hickox, Jiil.y- Nathan, s. of Dr. Jonathan Atwood, Sept. Nathan, s. of John Curtiss, May. Timothy, s. of Ephraim and Rebecca Minor, Dec. Prudence, dau. of Thomas, Jr., and Prudence Wheeler, Oct. Zechariah, s. of Zechariah and Elizabeth Walker, June. 1702-3. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Hannah Jenner, Solomon, s. of Rev. Anthony Stoddard, Samuel, s. of Joseph and Abigail Waller, Mary, dau. of Benjamin and Hannah Hickock, Ebenezer, s. of Titus Hinman, Bethia, dau. of John Roots, Mary, dau. of Dr. Jonathan Atwood, Daniel, s. of Stephen and Sarah Curtiss, John, s. of 'John and Comfort Baker, Mary, dau. of John and Elizabeth Judson, Rebecca, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah Hurd, Thomas, s. of Thomas and Hannah Minor, Samuel, s. of Benjamin Galpin, April. June. March. Sept. Jan. Feb. Oct. Jan. April. April. Oct. Feb. April. 128 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1703-4. Hannah, dau. of Titus Hinman, March. Mary, dau. of Titus Hinman, April. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Lydia Drakeley, May. Joseph, s. of Joseph, Jr., and Mary Hurlbut, Jan. Abigail, dau. of John Curtiss, March. Elizabeth, dau. of John, Jr., and Sarah Judson, Jan. Zadoc, s. of Benjamin and Sarah Hurd, Jan. Phebe, dau. of William Martin, Jan. John, s. of Cornelius Bronson, April. Sarah, dau. of Robert Warner, July. 1704. Eliakim, s. of Rev. Anthony Stoddard, May. Martha, dau. of Joseph and Abigail Waller, Sept. Ruth, dau. of Henry, Jr., and Hannah Castle, ^^g- Hannah, dau. of Benjamin and Hannah Hickock, June. Solomon, s. of Thos., Jr., and Hannah Squire, June. Eleazur, s. of Titus Hinman, . April. Cornelius, Jonathan, and Rebecca Hurlbut, being adult, March. Mary and Phebe Hurlbut, March. Patience, dau. of John and Mercy Hurlbut, Oct. Mary, dau. of Dr. Jonathan Atwood, April. Sarah and Rebecca, twin chh. of Stephen and Sarah Curtiss, July. Jeremiah, s. of John, Jr., and Sarah Judson, Nov. Abigail, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah Hurd, Oct. Peter, s. of Thomas and Hannah Minor, Dec. Jehu, s. of Ephraim and Rebecca Minor, July; C'aleb, s. of John, Jr., and Ruth Wheeler, April. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer Warner, Nov. 1705-6. Elisha, s. of Rev. Anthony Stoddard, Nov. Eunice, dau. of Joseph and Ruth Hickock, July. Samuel, s. of Wm. and Martha Preston, March. Mary, dau. of Joseph, Jr., and Mary Hurlbut, Sept. Esther, dau. of John Curtiss, April. Benjamin, s. of Thomas, Jr., and Sarah Minor, July. 1706-7. Martha, dau. Ebenezer Warner, July. Mary, dau. of Thomas and Elisabeth Mallory, Dec. Sarah, adopted daii. of Samuel Hinman, Sept. Moses and Joseph, twin chh. of Ephraim Tuttle, Oct. Elisabeth, dau. of Wm. and Martha Preston, Feb. Nathan, s. of John and Mercy Hurlbut, Oct. Huldah, dau. of Jonathan and Hannah Hurlbut, April. BAPTISMS I \ W () O n B t' l{ Y 129 Hannah, adopfod ch. of John Skocls, Scjit. Ephraim, s. of John Hakor, • Feb. Sarah, dau. of Jolm Nichols, March. Ann, dau. of Benjamin and Sarali Ilurd, Feb. Hannah, dau. of Ebeiiez(M- and .Sarah Hurd. Sept. Thankful, dau. of Benjamin (Jalpiii, Feb. Pet.er, s. of Zachariah and Klisabeth Walker, Feb. Isaac and Samuel, c.hh. of Isaac and Sarah Castle, Aug. Amos, s. of Cornelius Brownson, Nov. Mary, dau. of Robert Warner, July- 1707-8. Elisabetli, dau. of Zachariah and Elisabeth Wnlker, Dec. Abigail, ilau. of .lohn, .Ir., and Ruth Wheeler, April. Matthew, s. of Ephraim and Rebecca Minor, Sept. Caleb, s. of John Nichols, Dec. Mary, dan. of John, Jr., and Sarah Judson, Feb. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Mary Ju chh. of Samuel Martin (at a birth,) March 21. Concurrence, ) Preserved, s. of Caleb Wheeler, March 28. Ann, dau. of Timothy Walker, April IL Solomon, s. of Mr. Zadok Hurd, April 25. Emm, dau, of Matthew Minor, April 25. Reuben, s. of Jehu Minor, May 2, Stephen, s. of Thomas Squire, Jr., May 23. Elisabeth, dau. of Wm. Harris, June 13, Justice, s. of John Ashmun, July 18. Daniel, s. of John Warner, July 18. Amos, s. of John Hurd, July 25. Isaac, s. of Thomas Minor, July 25. Gideon, s. of Joseph Martin, Aug. 1. Abiram, s. of Eliakim Stoddard, Aug. 1. Peter, s. of Samuel Castle, Aug. 8. John, s. of Nicholas Manvill, Sept. 5. BAPTISMS IN WOODBURY. 145 David, s. of David Squire, Francis, s. of Francis Guittean, Reuben, s. of Nathaniel Hurlbut, Phebe, dau. of Daniel Curtiss, Joseph, s. of Joseph Prime, Ann, dau. of Henry Castle, 2d, Andrew, s. of John Nichols, Adam, s. of Moses Hvirlbut. 1737. Seth, s. of Josiah Minor, Joshua, s. of Joshua Hurlbut, Patience, dau. of Samuel Jenner, Samuel, s. of John Squire, Simeon, s. of Thomas Mallory, Martha, dau. of Nathan Curtiss, John, s. of John Minor, Reuben, s. of Ebenezer Allen, Azubah, dau. of John Rowe, Simeon, s. of John Hunt, Eunice, dau. of Joseph Roots, Elisabeth, dau. of Ebenezer Warner, Elijah, s. of Samuel Waller, Jonas, s. of Jonathan Sanford, Timothy, s. of Isaac Judson, Rachel, dau. of Ephraim Baldwin. Daniel, s. of Ephraim Baker, Samuel, s. of Salmon Hurlbut, Marah, dau. of Nicholas Manvill, Mary, dau. of Jonathan Hurlbut, Dorcas, dau. of Daniel Judson, Mary, dau. of Isaac Tuttle, Mary, dau. of Joseph Squire, Remember, s. of late Remember Baker, Elisabeth, dau. of Adam Hurd, Abijah and Abiram, chh. of Richard Peet, Benjamin, s. of Joseph Chiddenden, Elisabeth, dau. of late John Bull, Betty, dau. of Moses Matthews, Elisha. s. of Abraham Hurd, Sarah, dau. of John Warner, Joseph, s. of Ephraim Osborn, Hannah, dau. of Benjamin Warner, Joanna, dau. of Peter Walker, Mabel, dau. of Gideon Stoddard, Peace, s. of Peter Minor, Ruth, dau. of David Hurd, Caleb, s. of Caleb Wheeler, Rachel, dau. of Heniy Castle. Ephraim, s. of Elnathan Judson, Vol. III.— 19 Sept. 19. Oct. 10. Oct. 10. Oct. 10. Oct. 17. Oct. 17. Oct. 24. Oct. 24. Jan. 2. Feb. 6. Feb. 6. Feb. 21. Feb. 21. March 13. March 20. March 20. March 20. March 27. April 3. April 3. April 3. April 17. April 24. April 24. May 15. May 15. May 15. May 22. May 29. June 19. June 19. June 19. June 26. July 24. July 24. July 24. Aug. 14. Aug. 21. Aug. 2§. Sept. 11. Sept. 18. Sept. 25. Sept. 25. Oct. 9. Oct. 30. Nov. 13. Nov. 13. Dec. 11. 146 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY 1738. Hannali, dau. of Adino Strong, Jan. 1. Samuel, s. of Samuel Galpin, Jan. 8. David, s. of Elisha Stoddard, Jan. 29. Olive, dau. of Jonathan Stoddard, Jan. 29. Jane, dau. of John Crissey, Feb. 19. Gideon, s. of Daniel Munn, March 5. Hannah, dau. of Samuel Minor, March 5. David, s. of Andrew Coley, March 12. Esther, dau. of Zadok Hurd, March 12. Hannah, dau. of Thomas Squire, Jr., March 26. Rebecca, dau. of Timothy Minor, April 2. Gideon, s. of Timothy Walker, \- April 30. Nathaniel, s. of Edward Tompkins, / May 21. Jonas, s. of Isaac Hill, --- ,\f June 4. Martha, dau. of Joseph Hurlbut, June 4. Thomas, s. of Thomas Minor, June 25. Mary, dau. of John Minor, July 2. Ruth, dau. of Jonathan Kelsey, July 9. Joanna, dau. of Eliakim (s. of Rev. Anthony) Stoddard, July 16. Mary, dau. of Ephraim Smedley, July 23. Nicholas, s. of Nicholas Manvill, July 30. Chloe, dau. of Allen Curtiss, Aug. 6. Caleb, s. of John Nichols, Aug. 13. Mercy, dau. of Lieut. John Baker, Aug. 13. Ruth, dau. of Solomon Squire, Aug. 27. Sarah, dau. of Matthew Minor, Aug. 27. Ephraim, s. of Francis Guitteau, Sept. 3. Zechariah, adopted s. of Gideon Walker, Oct. 4. Elijah, s. of Ens. Joshua Hurlbut, Oct. 8. Mabel, dau. of Moses Hurlbut, Oct. 8. Samuel, s. of John Orton, Dec. 10. Noah, s. of Adam Hurd, Dec. 24. Esther, dau. of Samuel Waller, Dec. 24. Samuel, s. of Samuel Jenner, Dec. 21. Reuben, s. of Samuel Castle, Dec. 21. 1739. Miriam, dau. of David Foot, John, s. of Caleb Martin, Jonathan, s. of Jonathan Sanford, Nathaniel, s. of Luke Castle, Jonathan, s. of Matthew Mitchell, Bathsheba, dau. of Benjamin Wheeler. Timothy, s. of Samuel Martin, Jerusha, dau. of Josiah Minor, Andrew, s. of Isaac Tuttle, Gideon, s. of David Squire, Jan. 14. Jan. 21. Jan. 21. IJ Feb. Feb. Feb. March 4 March 18 March 25 March 25 BAPTISMS IN WOODBURY 147 William, s. of Jabez Castle, Ann, dau. of Henry Castle, Thomas, s. of Jonathan Hurlbut, Benjamin, s. of Benjamin Warner, Peter, s. of Peter Walker, Mary, dau. of Daniel Judson, Elisha, s. of Elisha Stone, of ye Purchas, Hepzibah and Beulah, chh. of Joseph Gillet, Jerusha, dau. of John Baker, " " Hannah, dau. of Joseph Chiddenden, Luke, s. of Lieut. John Steel, Sarah Ann, dau. of Ebenezer Lewis, Zaccheus, s. of Nathaniel Hurlbut, Sarah, dau. of Ephraira Baker, Jonathan, s. of John Royce, Sarah, dau. of Tilly Blakeley, Beulah, dau. of Joseph Roots, Jane, negro girl of Nicholas Masters, aged 1 1 years, Comfort, s. of Jonathan Jackson, Mehetabel, dau. of Ehslia Stoddard, Olive, dau. of Timothy Hinman, Jemima, dau. of John Warner, Thaddeus, s. of Elnathan Judson, David, s. of Caleb Wheeler, Elisabeth, dau. of Aaron Hurlbut, 1740. Thankful, dau. of Elijah Baker, David, s. of Jonathan Atwood, Jonathan, s. of Matthew Mitchell, Mercy, dau. of Salmon Hurlbut. Lemuel, s. of Daniel Castle, Benajah, s. of Adino Strong, Gideon, s. of Gideon Stoddard, Ann, dau. of Nathan Curtiss, Mary, dau. of Peter Walker, Anna, dau. of Peter Minor, James, s. of Abraham Hurd, Modad, s. of Allen Curtis, Israel, s. of Moses Hurlbut, Ann, dau. of William Harris, [These last four baptisms were by Mr. Benjamin Strong, district of Shippaug.] Patience, dau. of Andrew Coley, Daniel, s. of Nicholas Manvill, Bristol, negro boy of Lt. John Mitchell, Samuel, s. of Aaron Mallory, Sarah, dau. of Ephraim Osborn, John, s. of John Barrit, April 1. May 6. May 13. May 20. May 21. May 27. May 30. of ye Purchas, May 30. " May 30. May 30. June 24. June 24. July 22. July 22. July 29. Aug. 5. AuiT. 12. Aug. 26. Sept. 2. Sept. 2. Sept. 30. Oct. 7. Oct. 14. Nov. 25. Nov. 29. Jan. 6. Jan. 13. Feb. 10. Feb. 15. Feb. 17. March 23. March 30. March 30. March 30. April 13. May 18. May 18. May 18. May 18. in ye May 25. June 8. June 22. Jime 29. June 29. July 12. 148 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Joanna, dau. of David Roots, Adam, s. of Ephraim Minor, Prudence, dau. of Eliakim (s. of Rev. Anthony) Stoddard, Elisabeth, dau. of Abijah (s. of Rev. Anthony) Stoddard, Susannah, dau. of Jabez Castle, Isaac, s. of Nathan Hurlbut, Moses, s. of Samuel G-alpin, Joanna, dau. of Joseph Galpin, Increase, s. of Increase Moseley, David, s. of Samuel "Waller, John, s. of John Minor, 1741. Matthew, s. of Matthew Millard, Ephraim, s. of Joseph Nichols, Mary, dau. of John Orton, Phebe, dau. of John Judson, Joel, s. of Jonathan Sanford, Shove, s. of Josiah Minor, Nathan, s. of Oliver /Vtwood, Margaret, dau. of David Squire, Submit, dau. of Samuel Broughton, David, s. of Matthew Minor, Daniel, s. of Samuel Martin, Samuel, s. of Friend Weeks, David, s. of Robert Dirkey, John, s. of Samuel Jenner, Joanna, dau. of Mr. JZadok Hurd, Daniel, s. of Tilly Blakeley, Isaac, s. of David Foot, John, s. of John Royce, Ann, dau. of John Nichols, Damaris, dau. of Elisha Stoddard, Ebenezer, s. of Nathaniel Hurlbut, John, s. of John Leavenworth, Samuel and Mercy, chh. of Zadok Clark, Joseph, s. of Joseph Roots, Martha, dau. of Elisha Judson, Mary, dau. of Sergt. Timothy Walker, Caleb and Esther, chh. of Caleb Martin, John, s. of Ephraim Baldwin, Ruth, dau. of Luke Castle, Lucy, dau of Adam Hurd, Mary, dau. of Elnathan Judson, Mary, dau. of Peter Walker, Jerusha, dau. of Abraham Hurd, Prudence, dau. of Lt. Joshua Hurlbut, July 12 Aug. 17 , Sept. 14 Sept. 14 Sept. 23 Nov. 10 Nov. 23 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Dec. 28 Dec. 28. Jan. 18. Feb. 8. Feb. 22. Feb. 22. March 2. March 13. March 22. March 22. March 22. April 12. April 26. May 6. May 6. May 10. May 24. June 14. June 14. June 14. June 14. June 21. July 12. July 19. July 19. Aug. 2. Aug. 2. Aug. 23. Aug. 30. Sept. 6. Sept. 6. Oct. 11. Oct. 18. Oct. 25. Nov. 15. Nov. 29. BAPTISMS IN WOODS UKY 149 1742. Patience, dau. of Susanna Minor, Feb. 14- Ann, dau. of Abijah Stoddard, Feb. 21- Mary. dau. of John Barret, Feb. 22. Elijah, s. of Elijah Baker, Feb. 24. Ebenezer, s. of Allen Curtiss, Feb. 26. Ethan, a. of Elisha Stone, March 7. Lydia, dau. of Joseph Gillet, March 7. Catharina, dau. of Nathaniel Dirkey, March 7. Josiah, s. of David Roots, March 14. Hannah, dau. of Moses Matthews, April 18. Reuben, s. of Andrew Coley, April 25. Seth, s. of Nathan Mitchell, April 25. Mary, dau. of John Warner, May 2. Tamar, dau. of Solomon Squire, May 23. Eunice, dau. of John Rumrill, , May 23. Hezekiah, s. of Hezekiah Wright, June 6. Rebecca, dau. of Thomas Squire, June 6. Phebe, dau. of Salmon Hurlbut, June 20. Eliakim, s. of Eliakim Stoddard, July 25. Francis, servant of Samuel Blakeley, July 25. Rose, black servant of Lt. John Mitchell, Aug. 1. Nathan, s. of Gideon (s. of Rev. Anthony) Stoddard, Aug. 8. Martha, dau. of Return Strong, Aug. 29. John, s. of Capt. John Baker, Oct. 17. David, s. of Jonathan Atwood, Oct. 17. Joseph, s. of Joseph Roots, Oct. 24. Elisabeth, dau. of Reuben Sherman, Nov. 28. Ann, dau. of John Judson, Dec. 5. Peter, s. of Peter Minor, Dec. 19. 1743. Daniel, s. of William Harris, Jan. 26. David, s. of David Curtiss, Jan. 30. Solomon, s. of John Crissey, Feb. 27. Samuel, s. of Ezekiel Tuttle, Feb. 27. Gideon, s. of Oliver Atwood, March 6. Joanna, dau. of Daniel Castle, March 6. Rachel, dau. of Joseph Galpin, March 6. Sarah, dau. of Matthew Minor, March 20. Mary, dau. of Joseph Judson, Jr., March 27. Simeon, s. of Thomas Minor, April 10. Elisha, s. of John Nichols, April 10. Timothy, s. of Timothy Minor, April 24. Ann, dau. of Adino Strong, Jr., April 24. David, s. of John Barret, May 26. Gideon, s. of John Hunt, May 29. Daniel, s. of Isaac Tuttle, June 5. John, s. of John Minor, June 12. 150 HISTORY OF ANCIE]S'T WOODBURY Noah, s. of Thomas Wheeler, Lydia, dau. of David Squire, Seth, s. of Benjamin Warner, Mary, dau. of Nathan Warner, Abigail, dau. of Samuel Weller, Simeon, s. of Elijah Judson, Desire, dau. of Consider Hurlbut, Jotham, s. of Elisha Stoddard, Rachel, dau. of John Rumrill, David, s. of Joseph Nichols, Eleanor, dau. of Ens. Tilly Blakeley, Lemuel, s. of John Leavenworth, James, s. of Nicholas Manvill, Mary, dau. of Nathaniel Hurlbut, Achsah, dau. of Nathan Hurlbut. Kezia, dau. of Peter Walker, Esther, dau. of Abijah Stoddard, Thaddeus, 8. of David Hurd, 1744. David, s. of Daniel Judson, Rebecca, dau. of Samuel Castle, Ruth, dau. of Samuel Blakeley, Jr., Daniel, s. of Caleb Olds, Esther, dau. of Eldad Spencer, Olive, dau. of Jonathan Sanford, Mary, dau. of John Barret, Elijah, s. of Abijah Martin, Ruth, dau. of Sergt. Joseph Roots, Gideon, s. of Gideon Hurlbut, Comfort, dau. of Elijah Baker, Jerusha, dau. of Miles Standish, Mercy, dau. of WilKam Harris, Jerusha, dau. of Nathan Mitchell, David, s. of Return Strong, Kezia, dau. of xVdam Hurd, Abigail, dau. of Samuel Wheeler, of Oxford Parish, Noah, s. of Elnathan Judson, Gideon, s. of Andrew Coley, Daniel, s. of John Warner, David, s. of Joseph Nickols, Theophila, dau. of Joseph Prentice, Elihu, s. of Gideon Stoddard, Patience, dau. of Samuel Martin, Emm, dau. of Joseph Judson, Seth, s. of Eliakim (s. of Rev. Anthony) Stoddard, June 12. June 12. June 19. July 3. July 10. July 17. July 21. July 24. Sept. 4. Sept. 18. Sept. 18. Oct. 9. Oct. 16. Oct. 1. Oct. 1. Dec. 11. Dec. 11. Dec. 18. Jan. 11 Jan. 11 Jan. 11 March 25 March 4 March 18 April 13 April 15 April 22 April 29 April 29 May 13 May 21 May 27 June 3 June 24 July 8 July 15 July 29 Aug. 12 Sept. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. B A P T I S iM S IN WOODBURY 151 1745. William, s. of Thomas Squire, Sarah, dau. of Adino Strong, Jr.. Sibil, dau. of John Andrews, Olive, dau. of Ezekiel Tuttle, Kezia, dau. of Reuben Sherman, Tabitha, dau. of John Rumril, Rhoda, dau. of Nathan Warner, Samuel, s. of Aaron Mallory, Gate, negro child of Nathan Hurd, Olive, dau. of Peter Minor, Hannah, dau. of Daniel Sherman, Martha, dau. of Samuel Waller. Elisha, s. of John Minor, Sybil, dau. of Abel Munn, Joseph, s. of Joseph Galpin, Ruth, dau. of Clement Minor, Matthew, s. of Matthew Minor, Thankful, dau. of Eldad Spencer, Olive, dau. of Isaac Judson, Nathan, s. of Samuel Jenner, Justus, s. of Joseph Roots, Peter, s. of Peter Walker, Jonathan, s. of Elijah Judson, Prince, negro servant of Dea. Samuel Minor. Ruth, dau. of Samuel Galpin, Jan. 4. Feb. 3. Feb. 10. Feb. 17. March 3. April 7. April 7. April 28. May 5. May 26. June 30. July 7. July 14. July 14. July 21. July 21. Aug. 18. Aug. 25. Sept. 8. Oct. 6. Oct. 20. Oct. 27. Oct. 27. Oct. 27. Nov. 17. 1746. Thomas, s. of John Prentice, Jan. 1 2. Chloe, dau. of Thomas Wheeler, Feb. 2. Emm, dau. of Nathan Judson, Feb. 9. Eunice, dau. of Abijah (s. of Rev. Anthony) Stoddard, March 2. Valentine, s. of Joseph Prentice, March 16. Daniel, s. of Elisha Stoddard, April 13. David, s. of Lemuel Wheeler, May 11. Henry, s. of Return Strong, June 1. Abraham, s. of Joseph Nickols, June 8. Reuben, s. of Samuel Martin, Jr., June 22. Elisha, s. of Elnathan Judson, July 20. Asa, s. of David Curtiss, Aug. 3. Thaddeus, s. of Nathaniel Hurlbut, Sept. 21. Jehiel, s. of Nathan Mitchell, Sept. 28. John, s. of John Judson, Oct. 12. Aaron, s. of Jehu Minor, Nov. 23. Azubah, dau. of Asahel Martin, Dec. 7. 152 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, 1747. Simeon, s. of David Minor, Jan. 11. Esthei', daUi of Reuben Sherman, Feb. 1. Concurrence, dau. of Ezekiel Tuttle, March 15. Mary, dau. of Jesse Roots, March 15. Charles, s. of Eldad Spencer, March 22. Mabel, dau. of Peter Curtiss, March 22. Nathan, s. of Nathan Warner, March 29. Reuben, s. of Aaron Mallory, April 12. David, s. of Nicholas Manvill, April 12. Hannah, dau. of Gideon Stoddard, April 12. Ruth, dau. of Samuel Jenner, April 19. Abigail, dau. of Capt. Timothy Walker, April 26. Ann, dau. of Oliver Atwood, July 5. Abigail, dau. of Ehakim Stoddard, Aug. 2. Emm, dau. of Daniel Sherman, ^ug- 9- Peter, s. of Samuel Waller, Aug. 30. Jerusha, dau. of Peter Minor, Aug. 30. Esther, dau. of Jonathan Atwood, Aug. 30. Esther, dau. of Joseph Nichols, Sept. 13. Ehsha, s. of Elnathan Judson, Nov. 8. Thaddeus, s. of Clement Minor, Nov. 20. Solomon, s. of Matthew Minor, Dec. 20. Asahel, s. of Peter Hurd, Dec. 20. 1748. Elisabeth, dau. of Nathan Judson, Jan. 10. Rhoda, dau. of Peter Walker, ' Feb. 14. Olive, dau. of Olive Hurd, her father engaging for its religious instruction, Feb. 28. Gideon, s. of Elijah Judson, March 6. Ichabod, s. of John Prentice, March 20. Nathan, s. of Nathan Curtiss, April 3. Sarah, dau. of Sergt. John Nickels, April 10. John, s. of John Rumrill, April 24. Mary, dau. of Gideon Roots, April 24. Elector, dau. of Abner Mallory, April 24. Prudence, dau. of David Judson, May 1. Aaron, s. of Sergt. Isaac Tuttle, May 15. Andrew, s. of Thomas Minor, May 15. Olive, dau. of Jesse Roots, May 15. Esther, dau. of Samuel Martin, Jr., June 12. Eli, s. of Abijah (s. of Rev. Anthony) Stoddard, June 19. Annis, dau. of Enos Beach, July 10. Timothy, Anne, and Eunice, chh. of Timothy Colver, July 31. Rebecca, dau. of Elisha (s. of Rev. Anthony) Stoddard, Aug. 14. Joseph, s. of John Crissey, Jr., Sept. 4. Lampson, s. of Peter Mitchell, Sept. 25. Mary, dau. of Christopher Prentice, Oct. 30. BAPTISMS IX WOODBURY. 153 Abiel, Eldad Reuben s. of Joseph Prentice, s. of Eldad Spencer, s. of Asahel Mitchell, 1749. Mercy, dau. of Timothy Colver, Concurrence, dau. of Nathan Hurd, Jr., Jehiel, s. of Nathan Mitchell, "William, s. of Seth Preston, Adrian, s. of Nicholas Manville, Job, s. of Asahel Martin. Stephen, s. of Samuel Jenner, Truman, s. of Ezekiel Tuttle, Seth, s. of Thomas Wheeler, Elisabeth, dau. of Aaron Mallory, John, s. of Oliver Atwood, Robert, s. of John Warner, Ann, dau. of David Minor, Jane, dau. of Joseph Nichols. Mary, dau. of John Mallory, Olive and Jerusha, twin chh. of Gideon (s. of Rev. An- thony) Stoddard, Eunice, dau. of John Masters, Sibil, dau. of David Hotchkiss, Susanna, dau. of Amos Roots, Sarah, dau. of Daniel Sherman, Elisha, s. of John Mitchell, Eliakim, s. of Eliakim (died Sept. 30, 1749,) Stoddard, 1750. Solomon, s. of Jesse Roots, Esther, dau. of Nathan Judson, Hannah, dau. of Abner Mallory, Andrew, s. of Peter Minor, Matthew, s. of Ens. Matthew Minor, Chapman, s. of Ehjah Judson, Amariah, s. of Christopher Prentice, Abigail, dau. of Nathaniel Porter, Jr., Peter and Rhoda, chh. of Peter Walker, Elisha, s. of Ephraim Minor, Elisha, s. of Samuel Nichols, Sarah, dau. of Jonathan Atwood, Annis, dau. of Samuel Martin, Adoniram, s. of Elnathan Judson, Daniel, s. of Asahel Mitchell, Eunice, dau. of David Curtiss, Susannah, dau. of Joseph Judson, Jr., Simeon, s. of David Minor, Nathaniel, s. of Peter Mitchell, Vol. III.— 20 Nov. 13. Dec. 11. Dec. 25. Jan. 1. Jan. 1 . Feb. 12. Feb. 26. Feb. 26. March 5. March 26. April 2. April 2. April 20. May 28. June 4. June 18. June 25. June 25. July 21. July 16. July 23. Sept. 10. Sept. 17. Oct. 8. Dec. 17. Jan. Jan. March March March April 8 April 8 April 8 May 20 May 20 May 20 May 20 May 20 July 15 Aug. 19, Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. 26. 2. 9. 30. 154 HISTORY or ANCIENT WOODBURY. Sarah, dau. of Natban Hurd. Jr., Ichabod, s. of Ezekiel Tuttle, Ichabod, s. of Abijah Stoddard, 1751. John, s. of John Prentice, David, s. of David Hotchkiss, Jane, dau. of Joseph Nichols, Solomon, s. of Preserved Strong, Patience, dau. of Amos Roots, Enos, s. of Asahel Martin, Josiah, s. of Daniel Beers, Elisabeth, dau. of Seth Preston, Hannah, dau. of John Judson, Joanna, dau. of Aaron Mallory, Sarah, dau. of James Burgess, Mary, dau. of Samuel Sherman, Nathan, s. of John MaUory, Jemima, dau. of Enos Beech, of Wallingford, Preston, s. of Gideon Hollister, Mary, dau. of Nathan Osborn, Curtiss, s. of David Hurd, Jr., Simeon, s. of John Crissey, Jr., Solomon, s. of Isaac Judson, Jr., 1752. Hannah, dau. of Abner Mallory, Eunice, dau. of Samuel Nichols, Israel, s. of Elijah Judson, Olive, dau. of Gideon Stoddard, Olive, dau. of David Curtiss, Abigail, dau. of Gideon Mallory, Sibil, dau. of Christopher Prentice, Elisabeth, dau. of John Mitchell, John, s. of William Adee, Abijah, s. of Nathan Hurd, Amos, s. of Benjamin Squire, Huldah, dau. of David Hotchkiss, Wait, s. of Samuel Martin, Jr., Damaris, dau. of Nathan Judson, John, s. of Peter Mitchell, Sarah, dau. of James Judson, Jonathan, s. of Jonathan Atwood, Mary, dau. of Jesse Roots, Mary, dau. of Peter Curtiss, Aaron, s. of Ezekiel Tuttle, Susanna, dau. of Asahel Mitchell, John, s. of Preserved Strong, Nathan, s. of James Burgess, Oct. 21. Oct. 25. Dec. 30. Jan. 20. Jan. 20. Jan. 20. April 14. April 14. May 5. May 12. July 9. July 14. July 14. Aug. 9. Aug. 18. Aug. 18. Aug. 18. Sept. 22. Sept. 29. Nov. 17. Nov. 24. Dec. 15. Jan. 19. Jan. 27. Feb. 23. March 29. April 5. April 5. April 12. April 26. May 10. May 17. May 24. May 31. July 5. July 5. Aug. 2. Aug. 19. Aug. 30. Aug. 30. (new style) Oct. 1. Oct. 15. Oct. 15. Nov. 12. Nov. 19. BAPTISMS IN WOODBURY, 155 Sampson, s. of John Stoddard. Elisabeth, dau. of Joseph Xickols, 1753. John, s. of Samuel Sherman, Jesse, s. of Elijah Atwood, Annis, dau. of Amos Roots, Matthew, s. of Ens. Matthew Minor, Andi-ew, s. of Gideon Hurd, Hannah, dau. of John Warner, Susannah, dau. of John Judson,- Emm. dau. of Daniel Sherman, Samuel, s. of Peter Walker, Eunice, dau. of Abijah Stoddard, Mary, dau. of Seth Preston. Sarah, dau. of Asahel Martin, Ann, dau. of David Carr, Sarah, dau. of Joseph Tuttle, Ann, dau. of Elisha Walker, Prudence, dau. of David Minor, Matthew, s. of David Sherman, Sarah, dau. of Daniel Beers, Joseph, s. of Joseph Walker, Simeon, s. of Aaron Mallory, Daniel, s. of Solomon Stoddard, Beriah, s. of Nathan Mitchell. 1754. Jehiel, s. of Jehiel Preston, Elisabeth, dau. of David Hotchkiss, Asa, s. of Elijah Atwood, Eunice and Annis, chh. of Nathan Hurd, Jr. Abagail, dau. of James Judson, Walker, s. of Abner Mallory, Joseph, s. of Amos Roots, Caleb, s. of William Adee, Joel, s. of Nathaniel Hurlbut, Ann, dau. of David Hurd, Joseph, s. of Joseph Judson, David, s. of John Mallory, John. s. of John Mitchell, Phebe, dau. of Jesse Roots. Jerusha, dau. of Nathan Judson, Joseph, s. of Benjamin Squire, John, s. of Christopher Prentice, Elisabeth, dau. of Joseph Nickols, Nathan, s. of Israel Pierce, Solomon, s. of Samuel Martin, Jr., Justus, s. of Asahel Mitchell, Dec. 10. Dec. 24. Jan. 7. June 28. June 28. Feb. 11. March 11. March 18. March 25. March 25. April April June 1. 1. 3. June 17. July July Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Nov. 21. 21. 9. 16. 23. 23. 11. Dec. 9. Dec. 9. Dec 23. Jan. 20. Feb. 17. Feb. 24. Feb. 24. Feb. 24. March 3. March 17. March 17. April April April May May June 7. 7. 11. 5. 5. 2. June 2. June 9. June 16. July July July Sept. 19. 21. 28. 8. 156 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Hannah, dau. of James Burgess, Uriel, s. of Preserved Strong, Prudence, dau. of Gideon Stoddard, Eunice, dau. of Isaac Judson, Jr., Isaac, s. of Isaac Mitchell, Mary, dau. of Gideon Hurd, Tabitha, dau. of Ezekiel Tuttle, Ann, dau. of James Minor. Benjamin, s. of Solomon Martin, 1755. Lee, s. of Timothy Turrill, Mary, dau. of Peter Mitchell, Eunice, dau. of Abijah Stoddard, Bethel, s. of Thomas Smith, Ruth and Sibil, chh. of Ehsha Judson, Elisabeth, dau. of David Sherman, Esther, dau. of Zadok Hurd, Jonathan, s. of James Judson, Ichabod, s. of Samuel Sherman, Mary, dau. of Ephraim Minor, Daniel, s. of Richard Smith, Annis. dau, of Nathan Minor, Anna, dau. of Thomas Smith, Peter, s. of Sergt. Samuel Galpin's negro woman, Anna, dau. of Adonijah Roots, Seth, s. of John Judson, Elisha, s. of Peter Minor, Elisabeth, dau. of Joseph Nickols, Susanna, dau. of Peter Walker, Sarah, dau. of Joshua Hendee, Love, dau. of David Curtiss, Naomi, dau. of Solomon Stoddard, Amos, s. of Gideon Mallory, Ichabod, s. of Nathan Mitchell, Betty, dau. of John Roots, Abiram, s. of John Stoddard, Joseph, s. of Asahel Martin, Esther, dau. of Seth Preston, Jemima, dau. of Nathan Osborn, Mehetabel, dau. of Joshua Hend.ee, being adopted dau. of John Edwards, Mary, dau. of Elijah Atwood, Reuben, s. of Elisha Judson, Rebecca, dau. of Daniel Judson, Sept. 8. Sept. 5. Sept. 15. Oct. 6. Oct. 6. Oct. 20. Oct. 22. Nov. 17. Dec. 1. Jan. 19 Jan. 19 Feb. 23 March 2 March March March April April 20 April 20 May 18 May 18 May 18 June 8 June 1 June 15 June 29 July 13 July 27 Aug. 24. Aug. 31, Aug. 31 Sept. 28, Oct. 5. Oct. 12, Nov. 2, Nov. 9. Nov. 30. Nov. 30. Nov. 30. Dec. 14. Dec. 21. Dec. 21. 1756. Simeon, s. of Joseph Walker, Jared, s. of Thomas Leavenworth, Jan. 11. Feb. 1. BAPTISMS IN ■^OODBUKY 157 Ann, dau. of Nathan Hurd, Jr., Lewis, s. of Daniel Beers, Trueman, s. of Ezekiel Tuttle, Abigail, dau. of Nathan Mun, Jemima, dau. of Abner Mallory, Eunice, dau. of Aaron Mallory, Philo, s. of Elijah Judson, Seth. s. of Daniel Fairchild, Isaac, s. of Benjamin Squire, Nathan, s. of Jehiel Preston, Colonel, s. of Amos Roots, Daniel, s. of Dea. Daniel Sherman, Abigail, dau. of John Crissey, Jr., Isaac, s. of Jesse Roots, Aaron, s. of Amos Martin, Hannaii, dau. of Nathaniel Hurlbut, Ozias. s. of Joseph Prentice, Amos. s. of Thomas Smith, Nathan, s. of Hezekiah Colver, Jr., Mabel, dau. of Nathan Judson, the infant being an un- timely birth, and in danger of non-continuance, Andrew, s. of Abijah Martin, Elisabeth, s. of Isaac Judson, Jr., Zadok, s. of Samuel Martin, Jr.. Hannah, Elisabeth, and Ann, chh. of Charles Taylor, of Bethlem, Aaron, s. of Asahel Mitchell, Nehemiah, s. of James Judson, Solomon, s. of David Sherman, Mary, dau. of James Burgess, Sarah, dau. of William Adee, Laban, s. of negro maid of Sergt. Samuel Galpin, Isaiah, s. of John Mallory, 1757. Timothy, s. of Timothy Terrill, Jonathan, s. of Nathan Jackson, Annis, dau. of David Minor, Zechariah, s. of Christopher Prentice, Nathaniel, s. of Richard Smith. Mary, dau. of Daniel Muun, Mary, dau. of Nathan Munn, Simeon, s. of Joseph Nickols, Graham, s. of Gideon Hurd, Jehiel and Mary, cbh. of Jehiel Bradley, of Bethlem, Isaac, s. of Solomon Martin, Israel, s. of Benjamin Galpin, Aaron, s. of James Minor, Esther, dau. of Abijah Stoddard, Feb. 8. Feb. 15. Feb. 22. Feb. 22. March 7. March 28. April 25. April 25. April 25. April 25. April 25. May 2. May 2. June 6. June 6. July 18. Aug. ]. Aug. 1. Aug. 8. Aug. 31. Sept. 5. Sept. 12. Oct. 3. . Oct. 3. Oct. 17. Oct. 31. Nov. 21. Nov. 21. Nov. 21. Dec. 5. Dec. 26. Jan. 16. Jan. 16. Jan. 16. Jan. 30. Feb. 20. Feb. 27. March 13. March 20. March 27. April 7. May 8. May 8, May 15, May 22, 158 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Chapman, s. of Joseph Judson, ye 2c, Annice, dau. of Daniel Judson, Blisha, s. of Lt. John Nickols, Jerusha, dau. of Nathan Mitchell, Dorcas, dau. of Jehiel Bradley, (of Bethlem,) Cyrenius, s. of Solomon Stoddard, John, s. of Adonijah Roots, Lois and Olive, chh. of Zadok Hurd, Thaddeus, s. of David Stoddard, Prudence, dau. of Nathan Baldwin. Ephraim, s. of Ephraim Minor, Jr., Anthony, s. of Preserved Strong, Mabel, dau. of Nathan Judson, Rachel, dau. of Elisha Martin, 1758. Hannah, dau. of Josiah Minor, Amos, s. of Amos Roots, Martha, dau. of Nathan Minor, Beulah, dau. of John Roots, Asahel, s. of Asahel Martin, Hannah, dau. of Gideon Martin, David, s. of David Hurd, Phebe, dau. of Nathan Osborn, Asa, s. of Samuel Galpin, Jr., Adoniram, s. of Seth Minor, Rachel, dau. of Benjamin Minor, Anthony, s. of Gideon Stoddard, Mary, dau. of Benjamin Squire, Mary, dau of Lt. John Nickols, Nehemiah, s. of James Judson, Andrew, s. of Thomas Smith, Dublin, Ethiopian son of Aaron Mallory, Zechariah, s. of Daniel Beers, Elisabeth, dau. of Elisha Walker, Simeon, s. of Gideon Mallory, Anna, dau. of Aaron Mallory, Abraham. Isaac, Jerusha, Susanna, and Desire Abraham Hill, Wells, s. of John Stoddard, Susanna, dau. of David Sherman, Matthew, s. of Elijah Judson, Samuel, s. of Samuel Martin, Jr., Elisabeth, dau. of Benjamin Galpin, Nathan, s. of Nathan Hurd, ye 2d, Abel, s. of John Munn, Martha, dau. of Jehiel Preston, Samuel Grant, s. of Joseph Prentice. Hannah, dau. of James Burgess, chh. of May 29. July 10. Aug. 7. May 28. Aug. 4. Aug. 11. Oct. 15. Oct. 23. Nov. 6. Nov. 15. Nov. 27. Dec. 11. Dec. 11. Dec. 18. 23. 29. 5. 5. 12. 12. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. March 12. March 12. March 26. March 26. April 2. April 16. April 16. May 21. May 21. May 21. May 21. June 4. July 9. July 16. July 16. July 23. July 23. July 23. Aug. 6. Aug. 6. Aug. 13. Aug. 20. Sept. 3. Sept. 3. Sept. 10. Sept. 17. BAPTISMS IX WOODBTKY. 159 Elisabeth, dau. of Hezekiah Colver, Jr., Jesse, s. of Jesse Roots, Reuben, s. of Nathan Jackson, Nathan, s. of John Wilkinson, Esther, dau. of Thomas Bull, Jerusha, dau of Abijah Martin, Merah, dau. of Michael Perry, Noble, s. of Elijah Atwood, Isaac, s. of Amos Martin, Sarah, dau. of John Crissey, Josiah, s. of Christopher Prentice, Lovina, dau. of Isaiah Gilbert, Hephzibah, dau. of Seth Castle, Beckie, dau. of David Stoddard, 1759. Mehetable, dau. of Isaac Judson, Cyrenius, s. of Abraham Hill, Mercy, dau. of Amos Roots, Joseph, s. of David Minor, Caleb, s. of Joseph Walker, James, s. of James Minor, Abigail, dau. of Sergt. EHsha Judson, Burr, s. of Abijah Stoddard, Nathan, s. of Nathan Baldwin, Rebecca, dau. of Daniel Judson, Jemima, dau. of Nathan Munn, Jerusha, dau. of Thomas Roots. Elisabeth, dau. of Ens. Daniel Munn, Phinehas, s. of Richard Smith, Andrew, s. of Isaac Minor, Mary, dau. of Nathan Mitchell, Abel and Joanna, chh. of John Marchant, Dan, Ethiopian s. of Aaron Mallory, OHve, dau. of Timothy Terrill, Samuel, s. of Isaac Tomlinson, Reuben, s. of Thomas Smith, Philo, s. of Solomon Stoddard, Joel, s. of Charles Taylor. Samuel, s. of John Mallory, Ruth, dau. of Adonijah Roots, Mary, dau. of Ephraim Minor, Love, dau. of Gideon Hurd, Eunice, dau. of Solomon Martin, Rachel, Elisabeth, and Josiah, chh. of Josiah Baldwin, deceased, Aner, s. of WilKam Adee, Phebe, dau. of Sergt. Jonathan Atwood, Ann, dau. of Samuel Galpin, Jr., Sept. 17. Sept. 24. Sept. 24. Sept. 24. Oct. 8. Oct. 8. Oct. 22. Nov. 12. Nov. 19. Nov. 26. Dec. 31. Dec. 31. Dec. 31. Dec. 31. Jan. 2. Feb. 11. Feb. 25. March 4. March 8. March 11. March 11. March 25. April 8. April 8. April 8. April 29. May 27. June 3. June 3. June 3. June 10. June 29. July 1. July 15. July 15. July 29. Aug. 19. Aug. 26. 26. 2. 9. 30. late Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 30 Oct. 14 Oct. 14 Oct. 28 160 HISTOBY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Benjamin, s. of Benjamin Galpin, Susanna, dau. of Seth Minor, Ann, dau. of Joseph Nickols, Robert, s. of Gideon Martin, 1760. Clark, s. of Samuel Squire, Simeon, s. of John Manvill, Wait, s. of Nathan Hurd, Lucy, dau. of Nathan Judson, Sarah, dau. of Abijah Mitchell, Sarah, dau. of Benjamin Minor, Aaron, s. of Aaron Mallory, David, s. of Elisha Martin, Nathan, s. of Daniel Perry, Justice, s. of John Roots, Benjamin, s. of Benjamin Squire, Lucy, dau. of David Sherman, / Emm, dau. of Josiah Minor, ye 2d, Susannah, dau. of Daniel Fairchild, Asa, s. of Barzillai, Hendee, Nathan, s. of Nathan Jackson, Mary, dau. of Abijah Stoddard, Isaac, s. of Nathan Osborn, Sarah and Mabel, chh. of Charles Taylor, Andrew, s. of Daniel Beers, [End of Parson Stoddard's Baptisms.] 1760. [By Rev. Noah Benedict.] David, s. of David Minor, Mary, dau. of Isaac Judson, Jr., Noah, s. of Amos Martin, Ashbel, s. of Abijah Martin, Jonas, s. of Amos Roots, Jemima, dau. of Gideon Mallory, Abijah, s. of John Crissey, Betty, dau. of Thomas Leavenworth, Nov. 11. Nov. 28. Dec. 16. Dec. 20. Jan. 20. Feb. 17. Feb. 24. Feb. 24. March 9. March 30. April 13. April 13. April 27. April 27. May 4. May 4. May 18. May 25. June 22. July 20. Aug. 17. Aug. 29. Aug. 31. Oct. 21. Nov. 9. Nov. 9. Nov. 9. Nov. 23. Nov. 23. Nov. 30. Dec. 7. Dec. 7. 176L Mary, dau. of Zadoc Hurd, Sibil, dau. of David Stoddard, Ashley, s. of Isaiah Gilbert, David, s. of Elisha Judson, Abijah, s. of Timothy Mitchell, Jehiel, s. of Jehiel Preston, Simeon, s. of Thomas Smith, Olive, dau. of Nathan Minor, Jan. 11. Feb. 8. Feb. 15. March March March March March Baptisms in woodbuky IGl Esther, dau. of Daniel Judson, March 29. Elisha, s. of Michael Perry, April 12. Mary, dau. of Seth Preston, April 12. Gideon, s. of John Munn, April 19. Esther, dau. of Preserved Strong, April 19. Hannah, dau. of Nathan Munn, April 19. Joseph, s. of Thomas Roots, May 17. Mary, dau. of Reuben Minor, May 17. Samuel, s. of Samuel Galpin, Jr., . May 24. David, s. of Isaac Tomlinson, June 7. Gideon, s. of Gideon Hurd, June 14. Esther, dau. of Benjamin Galpin, June 14. Asa, s. of Abiel Linsly, July 26, Adonijah, s. of Adonijah Roots, July 26. Esther, dau. of Joseph Walker, Aug. 9. Eunice, dau. of John Manvill, -^ug. 9. Comfort and Ann, chh. of Asael Martin, Aug. 30. Esther, dau. of Nathan Mitchell, Sept. 27. Elisabeth, dau. of Seth Minor, Oct. 4. Josiah, s. of Christo|)her Pi'entice, Oct. 11. Susanna, dau. of John Nickols, Oct. 20. Abigail, dau. of James Minor, Nov. 15. 1762. Abel, s. of Elijah Judson, Jan. 3. Ephraim, s. of Joseph Nickols, Jan. 3. Samuel, s. of Benjamin Minor, Jan. 3. Sarah, dau. of Elijah Atwood, Jan. 31. Molly, dau. of Daniel Beers, Feb. 7. Eunice, dau. of Abijah Mitchell, Feb. 21. Isaac, s. of Thomas Leavenworth, March 7. Solomon, s. of Hezekiah Culver, March 7. Jerusha, dau. of Elisha Martin, March 7. Jonas, s. of David Minor, April 4. Abia, dau. of James Judson, April 18. Mercy, dau. of Ephraim Baldwin, April 18. Dorcas, dau. of William Adee, April 25. Anna, dau. of Tnnothy Terrill, April 25. Anna, dau. of Timothy Mitchell, May 30. Reuben, s. of Daniel Culver, June 14. Davis, s. of John Demmon, June 27. Mehetabel, dau. of Benjamin Judson — adopted dau. of John Edwards, July 4. Rhoda, dau. of Samuel Squire, Aug. 15, Kezia, dau. of Nathan Judson, Aug. 29. Joanna, dau. of Jesse Roots, Sept. 26. Abner, s. of Reuben Minor, Nov. 14. Mind well, dau. of John Crissey, Nov. 21. Sally, dau. of Isaac Judson, Jr., Dec. 12. Vol. III.— 21 162 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY 1763. Nancy, dau. of Zadoc Hurd, Jr., Asa, s. of Thomas Smith, Solomon, s. of David Sherman, Sarah, dau. of Moses Galpin, Charlotte, dau. of Abner Mallory, Jesse, s. of Amos Martin, Abigail, dau. of Daniel Tyler, Lois, dau. of Nathan Munn, Mary Ann, dau. of Isaac Tomlinson, Samuel David, s. of Thomas Bull, David, s. of John Roots, Anna, daii. of Isaiah Gilbert, Abigail, dau. of Christopher Prentice, Patience, dau. of Nathan Hurd, Jr., Sarah, dau. of Jehiel Preston, Nathan, s. of Nathan Osborn, David, s. of Abijah Martin, Levi, s. of Daniel Judson, Gideon, s. of Gideon Mallory, Abigail, dau. of Gideon Hurd, Ephraim, s. of Ezekiel Tuttle, Rebecca, dau. of James Minor, Adoniram, s. of Seth Minor, Elnathan, s. of Benjamin Minor, Esther, dau. of Daniel Culver, 1764. Jehiel, s. of Nathan Mitchell, Isaiah, s. of Elijah Judson, Abia, dau. of Adonijah Roots, Thankful, dau. of Josiah Minor, Jr., Isaac Noles, s. of John Demmon, Ann, dau. of Benjamin Judson, Abijah, s. of Timothy Mitchell, Joel and Esther, chh. of Solomon Stoddard, Shubal, s. of Barzillai Hendee, Elisabeth, dau. of Peter Mitchell, Ruth Emm, dau. of Thomas Roots, Jehiel, s. of Joanna Peet, Sarah Emm, dau. of David Minor, Betty Greenleaf, dau. of Bethel Lyon, Richard Bennet, s. of Rev. Noah Benedict, Ruth Ann, dau. of Abijah Mitchell, David Minor, s. of Elisha Martin, Sabra, dau. of Nathan Judson, Elisabeth, dau. of Nathan Minor, Betty, dau. of Thomas Smith, Jan. 8. Jan. 9. Jan. 16. Feb. 6. Feb. 13. Feb. 27. March 20. March 20. March 27. April 3. Api;il 10. May 1. May 15. June 5. July 3. July 24. Aug. 11. Oct. 9: Oct. 16. Oct. 30. Nov. 23. Dec. 4. Dec. 11. Dec. 25. Dec. 25. Jan. 1. Jan. 1. Jan. 8. March 4. March 18. March 18. April 1. April 15. April 22. April 22. April 22. April 22. May 27. June 3. June 10. July 1. July 15. July 15. Aug. 5. Aug. 26. BAPTISMS IN WOODBURY. 163 Anne, dau. of Zadoc Hurd, Jr., Aaron, s. of David Sherman, Abram, s. of Samuel Galpin, Jr., Phebe, dau. of Josepli Walker, Jemima, dan. of E])liraim Baldwin, Ruth Ann, dau. of Reuben Minor, James, s. of James Judson, Chloe, dau. of Gideon Stoddard, Elisha, s. Elisha Walker, 1765. Anna, dau. of Timothy Terrill, Eli, s. of Amos Martin, Abel, s. of Thomas Leavenworth, John, s. of Abner Mallory, Eunice Ann, dau. of John Crissey, Elijah, s. of Elijah Atwood, Daniel, s. of John Munn, Concurrence, dau. of David Stoddard, Abner, s. of Isaac Judson, Jr., Mercy Ann, dau. of Gideon Martin, Lois, dau. of John Manvill, Thankful, dau. of Abiel Linsly, Sarah, dau. of Isaac Tomlinson, Chauncy, s. of Gideon Hurd, Reuben, s. of Solomon Martin, Joseph, s. of John Wilkinson, Lucy, dau. of Benjamin Judson, Esther, dau. of Nathan Osborn, John, s. of Moses Galpin^ Rufus, s. of Josiah Minor, Jr., Nathan Sherman, s. of Nathan Judson, Electus Mallory, s. of Delucina Ball, Simeon Curtis, s. of Gideon Stoddard, Jr., Patience, dau. of Christopher Prentice, Esther, dau. of Isaiah Gilbert, 1766. Seth, s. of Seth Minor, Sybil, dau. of Thomas Smith, Eunice, dau. of Adonijah Roots, Betty, dau. of John Demmon, Ruth, dau. of John Roots, Abi, dau.-in-law, and Abigail, chh. of Gideon Minor, Caleb, s. of Joseph Walker, Rhoda, dau. of James Minor, Eunice, dau. of Daniel Culver, Samuel, s. of Abijah Martin, Esther, dau. of Jehiel Preston, Aug. 26. Sept. 16. Nov. 4. Nov. 4. Nov. 4. Nov. 18. Nov. 25. Dec. 2. Dec. 16. Jan. 13. Feb. 3. Feb. 10. Feb. 24. Feb. 24. March 31. March 31. March 31. April 14. April 17. April 28. May 26. June 16. June 30. June 30. July 21. Aug. 18. Aug. 25. Oct. 13. Oct. 1 3. Nov. 3. Nov. 10. Nov. 17. Dec. 2. Dec. 29. Jan. 19. Jan. 26. Feb. 9. Feb. 23. March 9. March 23. March 30. April 13. April 13. May 11. May 18. 164 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Rachel, dan. of Bethel Lyon, Abigail, dau. of Gideon Mallory, Anna, dan. of Lient. John Nichols, Eunice, dau. of Daniel Judson, Patience, dau. of Timothy Mitchell, Eldad and Bildad, twin sons of David Sherman, Annis, dau. of David Stoddard, Hollister, s. of Elijah Judson, Concurrence, s. of Elisha Martin, Elisabeth Ann, dau. of Samuel Squire, Jonathan Arnal, s. of Jonatlian Franklin, Rebecca, dau. of Abijah Mitchell, Esther, dau. of Thomas Roots, Thomas, s. of Thomas Leavenworth, 1767. Lorana, dau. of Reuben Minor, Truman, s. of Solomon Stoddard, Nathan Preston, s. of Nathan Minor, Simeon, s. of Hezekiah Cilver, Ruth, dau. of Rev. Noah Benedict, Jemima, dau. of Ephraim Baldwin, Samuel Lewis, s. of Gideon Minor, Mary, dau. of John Munn, Ebenezer Gold, s. of Jonas Martin, Benjamin, s. of Benjamin Minor, Hannah Martin, dau. of Nathan Warner, Sherman, s. of Christopher Prentice, John, s. of Gideon Stoddard, Jr., Molly, dau. of Nathan Osborn, Mary, dau. of John Crissey, Electa, dau. of Abner Mallory, Lucresa. dau. of John Demmon, Elisabeth, dau. of John Manvill, Curtiss, s. of Samuel Galpin, Jr., Rebecca, dau. of Isaac Judson, Jr., Phebe, dau. of Seth Minor, 1768. Ichabod, s. of Josiah Minor, Phebe, dau. of James Burgess, Jr., Samuel, s. of Benjamin Judson, Polly, dau. of Nathan Judson, Elisha. s. of Jonathan Franklin, Phebe. dau. of Daniel Beers, Sarah, dau. of Elijah Atwood, Molly, dau. of Samuel Squire, Thomas, s. of Gideon Mallory, Esther, dau. of Bethel Lyon, June I. June 8. June 29. Aug. 17. Aug. 17. Aug. 31. Sept. 14. Oct. 5. Oct. 5. Oct. 12. Oct. 26. Oct. 26. Nov. 30. Dec. 28. Jan. 11. Jan. 18. Feb. 8. Feb. 8. Feb. 22. March 22. April 12. May 17. May 24. July 12. July 19. Aug. 9. Aug. 30. Aug. 30. Sept. 20. Sept. 27. Oct. 25. Dec. 6. Dec. 13. Dec. 13. Dec. 27. Jan. 3. Jan. 13. Feb. 14. Feb. 14. March 27. April 24. May 15. May 22. May 29. May 29. BAPTISMS IN WOODBURY, 165 John, s. of James Minor, David, s. of David Stoddard, Amos, Joseph, and Benjamin, chli. of Caleb Tuttle, Naomi, dau. of Adonijah Roots, John, s. of John Roots, Olive, dau. of Daniel Judson, Solomon, s. of Zadoc Hard, Jr., Sarah, dau. of Charles Taylor, Olive, dau. of James Burgess, Jr., William, adopted s. of Peter Walker. 1769. Ephraim Warner, s. of Ephraim Baldwin, Sylva, dau. of Nathan Hurd, Jr., Sylva, dau. of Elisha Martin, Truman, s. of Amos Martin, Dolly, dau. of Daniel Culver, Ann, dau. of Hezekiah Culver, Trudence, dau. of Reuben Minor, Mabel, dau. of Ezekiel Tuttle, Solomon, s. of Solomon Stoddard, Gideon, s. of David Slierman, Noah, s. of Seth Minor, Ruth, dau. of Dea. Gideon Stoddard, John, s. of John Munn, . Mary, dau. of Joseph Walker, Hannah, dau. of Wm. Crissey, Gideon, s. of Christopher Prentice, Joel Strong, s. of Gideon Minor, John, s. of John Crissey, Mary Ann, dau. of Nathan Minor, Marsh, s. of Abijah Martin, Ruth, dau. of Jehiel Preston, Sarah, dau. of Gideon Ilurd, Lucy, dau. of Abijah Mitchell, Oliver, s. of Nathan Judson, Betsey, dau. of Wm. Crissey, Enos, s. of Benjamin Minor, 1770. Nathan, s. of Thomas Bull, Gideon, s. of Gideon Stoddard. Jr., Ruth, dau. of Josiah Minor, Sarah, dau. of James Tyler, John, s. of John Roots, Joseph Clark, adopted s. of Clement Minor, Benjamin, s. of Nathan Csborn, Sarah Ann, dau. of Thomas Roots, Agur, s. of Isaac Judson, Jr., June 26. June 26. July 31. Aug. 7. Sept. 11. Sept. 18. Sept 25. Oct. 23. Nov. 6. March 5. March 5. March 5. March 12. Mai-ch 12. March 26. March 26. April 4. April 9. April 23. May 7. June 4. June 4. June 4. June 25. July 2. July 30. Aug. 6. Aug. 6. Aug. 27. Sept. 17. Oct. 1. Oct. 8. Nov. 19. Dec. 24. Dec. 24. Jan. 4. Jan. 28. Feb. 11. Feb. 21. April 15. April 29. May 13. May 27. June 3. 166 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY, July 22. July 29. Aug. 5. Aug. 5. Oct. 14. Oct. 21. Oct. 21. Oct. 28. Dec. 5. Amos, s. of Isaiah Gilbert, Sarah, dau. of Moses Galpin, Nathan, s. of David Stoddard, Molly, dau. of Gideon Mallory, Philo, s. of Daniel Beers, Zadoc, s. of Zadoc Hurd, Jr., Benjamin, s. of Benjamin Judson, Dormond, s. of Thomas Leavenworth, Olive, dau. of Bethuel Lyon, 1771. Elisabeth, dau. of Reuben Mallory, March 17. Elisha, s. of Elisha Martin, March 17. Gideon, s. of Gideon Minor, March 24. Sarah and Nathan Summers, chh. of John Minor, March 31. Isaiah, s. of Gideon Hurd, April 21. Noah Bennet, s. of Rev. Noah Benedict, May 5. Aaron, s. of John Munn, May 5. Susannah, dau. of Jonas Martin, May 19. Elisabeth Mary Lusina, dau. of James Minor, May 19. Olive, dau. of Wm. Crissey, May 19. Jerusha, dau. of Reuben Minor. Betsey, Judson, and Urania, chh. of Timothy Minor, May 26. Mary, Skinner, James, Stoddard, Annis, and Abigail, chh. of James Smith, June 12. Treat, s. of Timothy Minor, June 23. Eunice, dau. of Seth Minor, June 30. Sybil, dau. of Christopher Prentice, and Betty, grand- daughter of Christopher Prentice, July 14. Eunice, dau. of Solomon Martin, July 28. Clarissa, Ashbel, and Phebe, chh. of Nathan Stoddard, Sept. 1. Mary, Nathan, and Joseph, chh. of Nathan Atwood, Sept. 15. Sarah, Martha, and Deliverance, chh. of Andrew Black- man, Sept. 19. Oliver, David, and Newton, chh. of Oliver Sanford, Sept. 19. Ruth, Phebe, Elnathan Judson, and Martha, chh. of Edward Pond, Oct. 20. Asa, s. of Gideon Stoddard, Jr., Nov. 10. Abia, dau. of John Minor, Nov. 10. Sarah, dau. of Ephraim Baldwin, Nov. 10. Nathan Bennet, s. of James Purges, Jr., Nov. 24. Levi, negro servt. of Peter Walker, Dec. 1. Sarah, dau. of Nathan Stoddard, Dec. 15. 1772. Truman, s. of Nathan Percy, Jan. 12. Phebe, dau. of Oliver Sanford, Jan. 19. Nathan, Asa, Leucina, and Mabel, chh. of Daniel Crissey, March 25. Benjamin, s, of Nathan Osborn, April 12. BAPTISMS IN WOODHl.KY 167 Love, dau. of Capt. Abner Mallory, Matthew, s. of Isaac Judson, Jr., Mary Ann, dau. of Abijah Martin, Selleck, s. of Samuel Galpin, Jr., Mary and Fhebe, clih. of Adam Minor, John, Bishop, and Henry, chh. of Henry Crammer, Eunice and Daniel, chh. of Daniel Warner, Mabel, dau. of Thomas Roots, Daniel, s. of Nathan Atwood, Samuel and Mary, chh. of Nathan Judson, Oliver, s. of Dea. Gideon Stoddard, James, s. of Reuben Mallory, 1773. Adah, dau. of Andrew Blackman, Daniel Beardsley, s. of Adonijah Roots, Zipporah, adopted dau. of Abijah Stoddard, Asenath, dau. of Gideon Minor, Thomas Burr, s. of Gideon Mallory, Zopher Curtiss, s. of David Stoddard, Samuel Curtiss, s. of Nathan Minor, Lucinda, dau. of Solomon Stoddard, Lydia, dau. of Bethel Lyon, Truman, s. of Wm. Crissey, Daniel, adopted s. of Reuben Sherman, Huldah, dau. of John Munn, Esther, dau. of Seth Minor, Timothy, s. of Joseph Walker, William, s. of Gideon Hurd, Josiah, s. of James Tyler, Simeon, Thomas, Elisha, Elihu, Esther, and Samuel, chh. of Elisha Stoddard, Mary, dau. of Joseph Wheelei', Ashbel, s. of James vSmith, Nathan, s. of Samuel Galpin, Jr., John, s. of Daniel Warner, Lucina, dau. of Adam Minor, Benjamin, s. of Abijah Mitchell, Mabel, dau. of John Roots, Faith, dau. of Jonas Martin, Isaiah, s. of Isaiah Gilbert, Hannah, dau. of Moses Galpin, 1774. Elisabeth Ann, dau. of Eli Stoddard, Noah, s. of Edward Pond, Olive, dau. of Nathan Stoddard, Josiah Lewis, s. of Hira Hill, John, s. of John Manvill, April 19. May 10. May 31. June 28. June 28, July July Aug. Aug. Aug. Dec. 5. 5. 2. 10. 30. 6. Dec. 6. Jan. 10. Jan. 24. Jan. 31. Jan. 31. Feb. 28. March 7. April April April May 4. 18. 18. 2^ May 9. May 16. May June 30. 6. June 20. June 20, L. June 27, June 27. July July July Aug. Aug. 4, 4, 4, 1, 15, Oct. 10, Oct. 17, Oct. 31. Dec. 5, Jan. 2, Feb. 20, Feb. 27, March 27, March 27, 168 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. David, s. of Jeremiah Boughton, April 3. Mary, Sarah, Ann, and Eiiphalet, chh of Elijah Martin, April 17. Deborah, dau. of Josiah Mhior, May 1. Eufus, s. of Reuben Minor, May 4. Reuben, s. of Reuben Minor, May 29. Amos, s. of Gideon Stoddard, June 26. Mary, dau. of Thomas Roots, July 3. Ichabod, adopt, s. of Lieut. Jonathan Atwood, Aug. 7. Asa, s. of Benjamin Judson, -A.ug. 7. Curtis and Philo, chh. of John DeForest, Aug. 14. Bnos, s. of Nathan Osborn, Aug. 21. Josiah, s. of Isaac Judson, Jr., Sept. 11. Phebe and Abigail, chh. of David Atwood, Oct. 2. Esther, dau. of David Atwood, - Oct. 2. Joseph, s. of Ephraim Baldwin, Oct. 9. Eunice, dau. of Oliver Sanford, Oct. 20. 1775. Sarah, dau. of Jehiel Preston, Jan. 8. Lamson, s. of Gideon Minor, Feb. 12. Damaris, dau. of James Smith, March 5. Luke Sherman, s. of Andrew Blackman, March 19. Sarah, dau. of Nathan Minor, March 26. Liberty, s. of Solomon Stoddard, April 23. Ruth, dau. of Gideon Mallory, April 30. Abia Mary, dau. of Adonijah Roots, May 7. Rhoda, adopt, dau. of Hira Hill, June 18. Asa, s. of Adam Minor, June 25. Eunice and Reuben, chh. of Elisha Martin, July 9. Allen, s. of John Munn, July 30. Samuel, s. of Jonas Martin, Sept. 24. Sarah, adopt, dau. of Reuben Sherman, Oct. 8. Eunice, dau. of Gideon Hurd, Oct. 22. Elizabeth, dau. of John Roots, Oct. 29. Hannah, dau. of Nathan Stoddard, Oct. 29. Oliver and Nathan, chh. of Nathan Judson, Dec. 1. Phylena, dau. of Eli Stoddard, Dec. 17. Abigail, dau. of John DeForest, Dec. 31. 1776. Marsh, s. of Elijah Martin, Jan. 14. Curtis, s. of John Minor, Feb. 4. Ann, dau. of Elisha Stoddard, April 21. Martha, dau. of Henry Cramer, April 28. Sally, dan. of Philip Pond, May 6. Experience, Lorinda, and Philip, chh, of Philip Pond, June 9. Mabel, dau. of Gideon Stoddard, Jr., June 30. Sylva, dau. of Bethel Lyon, July 7. Anna, dau. of Reuben Minor, Oct. 13. BAPTISMS IN WOODBURY, 169 Oct. 13. Oct. 20. Oct 27. Nov. 10. Dec. 29. Jan. 26. Feb. 23. March 9. May 1. Deborah June 8. June 15. June 29. July 13. Aug. 3. Sept. 7. Nov. 2. Nov. 30. Nov. 30. Nov. 30. Dec. 14. I Hannah, dau. of Matthew Minor, Mercy Ann, dau. of Daniel Warner, Rachel, dau. of Oliver Sanford, Love, dau. of Ens. Seth Minor, Samuel, s. of David At wood, 1777. Preston, s. of Thomas Roots, Phebe, dau. of Solomon Stoddard. Clark, s. of John Manvill, Elisha, s. of Edward Pond, Deborah Ann, Joshua, and Ruth, chh. of "Widow Judson, John Judson, s. of James Minor, David, s. of James 'J'yler, Sarah, dau. of John DeForest, Reuben, s. of Gideon Mallory, Sarah, dau. of Jonas Mai'tin, Electa, dau. of Capt. Nathan Hurd, Samuel Asa, s. of Samuel Gal pin, Jr., Ruth Ann, dau. of Gideon Hurd, Betty, negro child, Mitchel, s. of Nathan Percy. 1778. Samuel Curtiss. s. of Nathan Minor, Jan. 18. Faith, dau. of Elijah Martin, June 14. David, s. of John Roots, March 1. Silas, adopt, s. of Thomas Mallory, March 29. Aaron Allen, s. of John Munn, April 5. Mary, wife of Lieut. John Martin, April 22. Eunice, dau. of Capt. Nathan Stoddard, May 17. Abijah Stoddard, s. of Vespatian Eastman, May 24. Mary, dau. of Bethel Lyon, Nov. 29. Sarah, dau. of Matthew Minor, Nov. 29. Olive, Martha, and Noah, chh. of Lieut. John Martin, Aug. 2. 1779. Mary, dau. of John Minor, Jan. 17. Elizabeth, dau. of Gideon Minor, Jan. 31. Philo, s. of James Minor, Feb. 1. Abel, s. of Elisha Stoddard, March 7. Becky, dau. of Edward Pond, March 21. Abel, s. of Nathan Atwood, April 4. Reuben, s. of Oliver Sanford, April 25. Polly, dau. of Andrew Blackman, June 13. Reuben, s. of Solomon Stoddard, June 20. Reuben Hinman, s. of Elisha Martin, Aug. 29. Vol. III.— 22 170 HISTORY OF AKCIENT WOODBURY. Prudence, dau. of Ann Martin, Oct. 3. Abraham, s. of Reuben Minor, Oct. 31. John, s. of Nathan Percy, Oct. 31. John, s. of William Battle, Nov. 7. Sally, dau. of Isaiah Gilbert, Nov. 7. Wait, s. of John Abernethy, Dec. 26. 1780. Rhoda, dau. of Jonas Martin, March 5. Sarah, dau. of Eli Stoddard, March 19. Lydia, dau. of John Manvill, May 21. Olive, dau. of John Roots, June 4. Rhoda, dau. of Jeremiah Burton, June 4. Betty, Jesse, and Annis, chh. of Solomon Minor, June 4. Abigail Stoddard, dau. of Vespatian Eastman, June 4. David, s. of John Munn, June 25. Thomas, s. of David Atwood, July 30. Betsey, dau. of Justus Mitchell, Nov. 12. Wait, s. of Ens. Seth Minor, Dec. iO. Reuben and Elisabeth, chh. of Joseph Walker, Dec. 14. Matthew, s. of Matthew Minor, Dec. 24. 1781. Ashley, s. of Elijah Martin, May 13. Darius, s. of Solomon Stoddard, June 1 7. John, s. of John DeForest, June 17. Philo, s. of James Minor, July 1. Sally, dau. of William Battle, J^^ly 1- Sibilla, Abigail, Daniel, Cynthia, Isaac, and Russel, chh. of Daniel Huntington, July 22. Isaac Edward, s. of James Judson, Sept. 16. 'Abigail, dau. of Eli Stoddard, Oct. 21. Mary, dau. of Edward Pond, Nov. 25. 1782. Clarinda, dau. of Reuben Minor, Jan. 20. Mary Ann, dau. of Jonas Martin, March 24. Jonathan, s. of Jeremiah Boughton, July 14. Sherman, s. of Justus Mitchell, Aug. 6. Sherman, s. of John Munn, Oct. 6. Curtiss, Solomon, and Susanna, chh. of Isaac Roots, Nov. 3. Olive, dau. of Ehsha Stoddard, Nov. 17. Ehas, s. of Isaiah Gilbert, Nov. 24. 1783. Abijah Curtiss, s. of Eli Stoddard, Feb. 2. Thomas, s. of John Roots, March 9. Eastman, s. of James Minor, March 30. April April April June 8, 13, 27. 1, July Aug. 6. 3, Aug. Aug. Oct. 17. 24, 5. Oct. 26, Dec. 11. Feb. 29. March 2. April June 4, 6, Aug. Aug. Sept. 22, 12, 12. BAPTISMS IN WOODBUKY. 171 William Preston, Anna, Sarah, and Elisabeth, chh. of David Curtiss, Anna, dau. of William Battle, Olive, Ephraim, and Amos, chh. of Samuel Minor, Joseph Harrard, s. of Isaac Roots, Arrailla, dau. of Matthew Minor, Betsey, dau. of John Minor, Elisabeth, dau. of Capt. James Judson, Bennet, s. of James Tyler, Currence, dau. of David Curtis, Anthony, s. of Samuel Minor, Thomas Bridgham, s. of Rev. Noah Benedict, 1784. Edward, s. of John DeForest, Mary and Lamon, chh. of Capt. Nathaniel Mitchell, Bethia, dau. of Jonas Martin, Urania, dau. of Jeremiah Burton, (l!lement, s. of James Minor, Nathaniel, s. of Capt. Nathaniel Mitchell, Betsey and Matthew, chh. of Jesse Roots. Jr., Damaris, Phebe, Lena, and Olive, chh. of Richard Bradley, Oct. 10. Eli, EHsabeth, Sarah, and Roxana, chh. of Benj. Eastman, Oct. 31. Reuben, adop. s. of Elijah Judson, Nov. 28. Joseph, Sarah, Polly, Esther, and Susanna, chh. of Amos Leavenworth, Dec. 15. 1785. Solomon Benedict, s. of Solomon Minor, April 17. Anna, William, Eunice, and Polly, chh. of Simeon Minor, April 17. Mehetabel, dau. of Isaac Roots, June 5. Truman, s. of Reuben Minor, June 12. Esther, dau. of Vespatian Eastman, July 6. Searl, s. of Richard Bradley, Nov. 6. 1786. John, s. of Widow Huldah Maltby, March 26. Phebe, dau. of Matthew Minor, April 2. James, s. of John DeForest, April 20. Justus, adop. s. of John Roots, June 18. Chauncey, s. of Solomon Stoddard, June 18. Sarah, dau. of Capt. Nathaniel Mitchell, June 27. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin Eastman, July 9. Ralph, s. of Amos Leavenworth, Aug. 13. Eunice, dau. of Jeremiah Burton, Aug. 13. Jonas Shelden, s. of Jonas Martin, Sept. 3. Elnathan, Noah, Thaddeus, and Pamela, adop. chh. of Lieut. Noah Judson, Oct. 20. Suke, adop. dau. of Capt. vVbner Mallory, Nov. 1. Eunice, dau. of Zadoc Hurd, Nov. 19. 1V2 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY, 1787. Eliza Ann, dan. of Daniel Huntington, June 1 0. Noah and Abigail, chh. of Thomas Andrus, June 24. 1788. Gilbert Somers, s. of Benjamin Minor (being sick), March 21. Nathaniel, s. of Solomon Minor, July 20. David, s. of Major Nathaniel Mitchell, . July 20. Eunice, dau. of Jesse Roots, Jr., July 20. Anna Maria, dau. of John DeForest, Aug. 31. Timothy and Eunice, adop. chh. of Timothy Terrill, Sept. 4. Olive, Hazzard, and Hope Emm, chh. of Lee Terrill, Sept. 4. Daniel, s. of Jonas Martin, Oct. 12. Hannah, dan. of Jeremiah Boughton, Oct. 12. Abigail, dau. of James Minor, Oct. 26. 1789. Salina, dau. of Nathan Atwood, Jr., Feb. 8. Jacob, s. of Widow Susanna Finly, of Cornwall, March 1. Lorena, dau. of Amos Leavenworth, March 29. Judson, Leman, Susanna, and Lucy, chh. of Matthew Sherman, March 30. Mary Ann, dau. of Daniel Huntington, May 3. Truman, s. of Simeon Minor, May 17. Josiah Hinman, s. of Dea. Josiah Minor, Dec. 6. Hannah Maria, dau. of Richard Bradley, Dec. 6. 1790. David Stiles, s. of Solomon Minor, March 28. Annis, dau of Col. Nathaniel Mitchell, March 28. Phebe Almira, dau. of Jesse Roots, Jr., March 28. Louisa Alma, dau. of Thomas Andrus, Ju-ly IL Harvey, s. of Matthew Sherman, Aug. 29. Seth, s. of Nathan Atwood, Jr., Oct. 17. 1791. Leavina, adop. dau. of Lieut. John Martin, March 9. Noble, s. of Benjamin Andrus, May 15. Sybil, dau. of Amos Leavenworth, July 10. Alza, dau. of Daniel Huntington, Sept. 25. Samuel, adop. s. of Capt. Nathan Hurd, Oct. 9. Lee, s. of Lee Terrill, Oct. 30. 1792. Elizur Clark, s. of Jeremiah Burton, ' May 6. Drusilla Almira, dau. of Col. Nathaniel Mitchell, June 24. Norman, s. of Nathan Atwood, Jr. June 24. BAPTISMS IN WOODBURY 173 Joseph Robeson, Betsey, Philo, and Ruth Ann, chh. oi Widow Emm Judson, Lura, adop. dau. of Benjamin Judson, Asenath, adop. dau. of Thaddeus Minor, Titus, s. of Titus Pearce, of South Britain, Judson and Al)ijah Mitchell, chh. of Adoniram Minor, Sarah, dau. of Lieut. Noah Judson, Diadema, dau. of Matthew Sherman, Phebe, dau. of Capt. Anthony Strong (being sick), Anthony Curtiss, s. of Capt. Anthony Strong, Elvira, dau. of Elijah Martin, Prudence, dau. of Simeon Minor, 1793. Ruth Alva, dau. of Adoniram Minor, Lovina, dau. of Amos Leavenworth, Mehetabel, Jeremiah, John, and Sally, chh. of Capt. Jo- seph Beach, Stoddard, s. of Uriel Strong, William Preston, s. of Widow Ruth Curtiss, Eunice and John, chh. of Lieut. John Strong, Nathaniel, Julia, and Flora, chh. of Jchiel Preston, Jr., Laura, Electa, and Amos Orson, chh. of Amos Roots, Jr., Jerusha, Josiah, Harvey, and Betsey, chh. of Reuben Hotchkiss, Charles, s. of Hollister Judson, 1794. Asahel, s. of Uriel Strong, Anne, dau. of Daniel Cogshall, Sybilla Cleora, dau. of Stiles Curtiss, Harriet, dau. of Noah Minor, Jerusha Anne, dau. of Lee Tcrrill, Benjamin Harvey, s of Benjamin Andrus, Reuben Harvey, s. of Reuben Hotchkiss, Backus, s. of Philo DeForest, Nathaniel, s. of Capt. Anthony Sti'ong, Rhoda, dau. of Jesse Roots, Jr., 1795. Horace, s. of Seth Minor, Sarah Amanda, dau. of Benjamin Minor, Polly, dau. of Mercy Tyler, Anna Maria, dau. of Adoniram Minor, Charles, Ruth, Aaron, and Jennette, chh. of Truman Martin, Esther Maria, dau. of Hollister Judson, June 24. July 1. July 1. Aug. 12. Sept. 23. Sept. 23. Nov. 14. Nov. 12. Nov. 12. Nov. 18. Dec. 2. Feb. 3. April 7. April 21. May 5. June 16. Aug. 11. Aug. 11. Sept. 8. Sept. 8. Sept. 8. June 22, Nov. 9. Nov. 23. Nov. 20. Dec. 14. March 16. July 27, Aug. 17, Aug. 31, Sept. 7. March 15. April 19, June 21, Aug. 23, Aug. 23, Nov. 30, 174 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, 1796. Preston, s. of Noah Minor, Jan. 10. David Huntington, s. of Stiles Curtiss, April 3. Erastus, s. of Dea. Matthew Minor, May 8. Olive, dau. of Amos Root, Jr., July 3. Diantha, dau. of Isaac Bunce, J^^ly -4. Isaac, s. of Benjamin Judson, Jr., J^dy 31. Sherman, Hermon, and Olive, chh. of Eli Stoddard, July 31. James, s. of Jehiel Preston, Jr., Sept. 18. Susanna, dau. of Philo DePorest, Oct. 23. Cyrus, s. of Uriel Strong, Nov. 13. 1797. David, s. of Reuben Hotchkiss, Jan. 1. Anthony and Eh, chh. of Eli Stoddard, March 15. Amos, s. of Benjamin Andrus, May '21. Ruth Alma, dau. of Adoniram Minor, Nov. 26. 1798. Sarah, dau. of Stiles Curtiss, Feb. 11. Adoniram Judson, s. of Jesse Roots, Jr., Ju^ly 8. Olive, dau. of Solomon Minor, Aug. 26. Gideon Harvey, s. of Isaiah Hurd, Nov. 11. Albert, s. of Benjamin Judson, Jr., Nov. 11. 1799. Nathan, s. of Stiles Curtiss, March 19. James, s. of James Wilson, April 21. Charlotte, dau. of Dea. Matthew Minor, ' Aug. 18. Ruth, dau. of Robert Crane, Sept. 8. William, s. of Isaac Bunce, Sept. 29. 1800. Esther, dau. of Uriel Strong, ■ Jan. 5. Eunice, Cyrus, Hannah, Sarah, David, Ruth, and Reuben, chh. of Solomon Sherman, Marcus, s. of Isaiah Hurd, Lydia, wife of Noah B. Benedict, George Alva, s. of Adoniram Minor, 1801. Daniel Bacon, Julia, dau. of Daniel Bacon, Horace, s. of Isaiah Hurd, Eliza, dau. of Dea. Matthew Minor, Althea, dau. of Robert Crane, Hiram, s. of Isaac Bunce, Jervis, s. of Reuben HotchkiL^s, Lydia, d-.u. of Benjamin Judson, Jr., Charles, s. of Thomas Olcott, Daniel, s, of David Stiles Curtiss, April May June 15 4 1 July 6 March 1 May May June 10 31 7 July July Aug. Sept. Oct. 12 19 30 13 28 Nov. 8 BAPTISMS IN WOODBURY, 175 1802. Thetis, dau. of Ebenezer Moody, Rebecca, wife of Nathaniel Bacon, Solomon, s. of Uriel Strong, Harriet, dau. of Ens. Seth Minor, Jr., Albert and Nathaniel, chh. of Nathaniel Bacon, 1803. Garry, s. of Solomon Minor, Charlotte, William Curtiss, and Sally, chh. of John D Leavenworth, Timothy, Lee, and Nathaniel, chh. of Capt. Abijah Mitchell, Thomas Ward, s. of William Lord, Burr, s. of Isaiah Hurd, Betsey, dau. of Robert Crane, Cornelia, dau. of Matthew Minor, Anna, dau. of Benjamin Judson, Jr., Elvira, dau. of David Stiles Curtiss, Sarah, dau. of William Minor, 1804. Hariiet, dau. of Nathaniel Bacon, Ruth, dau. of Reuben Hotchkiss, George, s. of Philo DeForest, Nancy, dau. of James Wilson, Sally, Ebenezer, David, and John, pin, Polly, dau. of Solomon Sherman, chh. of Sellick Gal 1805. Diah, s. of Isaiah Hurd, Eunice, dau. of Uriel Strong, Mary Ann. dau. of David Stiles Curtiss, Philo, s. of William Lord, Harriet, dau. of Isaac Bunce, Lucy, dau. of Benjamin Judson, Jr.. Thaddeus Minor and Kezia, chh. of John D. Leavenworth, Nov. 3. May May May 2. 13, 13. July Dec. 4. 5. Feb. i 16. Feb. 16. ll Feb. 16. May May May Sept. Oct. 15, 22. 29. 4. 9. Nov. 13. Nov. 20. May May May June 6. 13. 27. 3. June 10. June 24. Feb. 17. March 17. June 16. July (Jet. 21. 13. Nov. 3. 1806. Nancy and Fanny, chh. of Capt. Jesse Minor, Truman and Horace, chh. of Anthony Minor, Eliza, dau. of Solomon Sherman, 1807. Charlotte Matilda, dau. of Reuben Judson, Isaac, s. of* Uriel Strong, June 8. June 8. July 20. March 15. March 22. 176 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. Marcus, s. of Sellick Galpin, July 5. Olive, dau. of Ephraim Minor, Aug. 30. Aaron, s. of Samuel Smith, Sept. 27. William, s. of Solomon Sherman, Oct. 10. 1808. George Chester and Charles Judson, chh. of Ephraim Minor, May 5. Sylvanus Doolittle, s. of John Manville, Jr., July 17. Sarah Augusta, dau. of Capt. Jesse Minor, Oct. 9. Everton, Thaha, and Benjamin Bartlitt, chh. of Asa Jud- son, July 2. Harriet and Polly, chh. of William Minor, July 23. Anna Mira, dau. of Sellick Galpin, July 30. Marietta, dau. of John Manville, July 30. Dotha and Cyrus, chh. of Justus Minor, Aug. 13. Maria, Carohne, Harriet, and Eliza, chh. of Stiles Curtiss, Aug. 13. 1809. Jane, dau. of Dea. Matthew Minor, Sept. 24. Seth, s. of Uriel Strong, Sept. 24. William, s. of David Curtiss, Sept. 24. Cornelia, dau. of Philo DeForest, -Sept. 24. 1810. Marietta, Betsey, John, Hermon, Hiram, and David, chh. of Adam Maltby, Feb. 7. Erastus, Herljert, Jane, and Charles W., chh. of Scovil Hinman, Aug. 12. Acsah, dau. of Dea. Benjamin Judson, Aug. 26. Margaret, dau. of Philo DeForest, Oct. 14. 1811. Julia Maria, dau. of Scoville Hinman, April 14. Susan, dau. of Justus Minor, Sept. 1. Samuel W^ right, s. of Asa Judson, Sept. 18. Wheeler and Cornelia, chh. of Wheeler Kirtland, Sept. 22. Thaddeus and Harriet, chh. of Elisha Crane, Nov. 3. Albert Perry, s. of Abraham Tuttle, Nov. 24. 1812. Sally, dau. of Wheeler Kirtland, July 5. Cornelius, s. of Jesse Minor, Oct. 11. Charles, s. of Stiles Curtiss, July 5. David Henry, s. of John Manvill, July 5. 1813. Huldah Warner, being last baptism by Rev. Noah Benedict. s MARRIAGES IN WOODBURY FROM 1684 TO 1879. 1684. Benjamin Hinman and Elizabeth Lumm both of Woodbury in ye County of Fairfield in his Mages' Colony of Connecticut were mar- ried; Man and wife: ye twelveth day of July one thousand six hundred eighty-four as is attested under ye hand of Justice Rick- bell, who married them: Entered uppon Record pr. John Minor Recorder. 1697. Joseph H«icock and Ruth Fairchild, Nov. 3. Benjamin Heicock and Hannah Skeills, Nov. 3. Isaak Knell of Stratford and Phebe NichoUs, Dec. 28. 1698. Joseph Hurlbutt, Jr., and Mary Cassell, May 17. Sergt. John Judson, Jr., and Sarah Beers of Fairfield, Sept. 28. 1699. John Treadwell of Fairfield and Abigail Minor, Feb. 8. Stephen Curtiss and Sarah Minor, Nov. 2. John Judson, Sen., and Mrs. Mary Orton of Farmington, July 5. Henry Cassell and Hannah Squier, Aug. 12. 1701. John Richardson of Waterbury and Ruth "Wheeler, April 23. Josiah Gregory of Dan bury and Hannah Preston. Thomas Wheeler and Sarah Styles, Aug. 20. Ephraim Minor and Rebeckah Curtiss, Aug. 21. Jonathan Attwood and Sarah Terrill, Thanksgiving Day, at night, Nov. 5. John Gaylor of Waterbury and Elisabeth Heicock, Nov. 20. 1702. Ebenezer Bronson and Mary Munn, Aug. 13. Vol. in.— 23 June. Nov. 13. Jan. 25. Feb. 12. Feb. 13. Feb. 13. Jan. 8. 178 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1703. Sergt. Titus Hinman and Mary Hawkins, Jan. 1. 1704. Thomas Squier and Hannah Welton, Sept. 13. John Wheeler and Ruth Styles, Nov. 14. *Ebenezer Warner and Martha Galpin, Dec. 19. Benjamin Andros of Farmington and Elisabeth Galpin, married by ye Rev. Mr. Stoddard, Dec. 19. 1705. William Preston and Martha Judson, John NichoUs and Jane Bostwick of Hartford, Jonnathan Mitchell and Hannah Jenners, 1706-7. William Gaylord and Joanna Minor, Ephraim Tuttle and Dinah Wheeler, Joseph Judson and Mary Walker, Josiah Chittenden of Guilford and Hannah Sherman, 1708. Nathaniel Hurlbutt and Sarah Jenner, Oct. 19. 1709. Francis Stiles and Mary Johnson, Sept. 2 1 . Samuel Sherman and Mary Knowles, Dec. 22. 1710. Ensign Joseph Minor and Susannah Roots, July 12. Noah Hinman and Anna Knowles, Fob. 28, 1710-11. 1711. Jonathan Judson and Mary Mitchell, -A-Ug. 22. Andrew Hinman and Mary Noble, Aug. 29. 1712. Hezekiah Tuttle and Martha Huthwitt, April 11. Elnathan Strong and Patience Ginners, April 17. 1713. Roger Terrill and Elisabeth Sherman, . July 23. * Supposed to be Dr. Waruer. MARRIAGES IN WOODBIRY, 179 1714. Ebenezer Squire and Anna Huthwitt, Ezra Terrill and ye Widow Ham, John Sherman and Emma Preston, Richard Brunson and Mary Brunson of Waterhury, Joseph Hinman and Esther Downs of New Haven, Jehiel Preston and Mary Huthwitt, 1715. Josiah Minor and Mary Hurlbutt, Moses Johnson and Prudence Jenner, Rev. Anthony Stodard and Mary Sherman, Jan. 1716. Hezekiah Hooker of Farmington, and Abigail Curtiss of Stratford, / " Dec. 18. 17^6-17. July July July Nov. 8. 23. 22. 17, Nov. 16. Dec. 27. July July 5, 1715- 6. 6. •16. Samuel Martin and Annis Hinman, John Mitchell and Elisabeth Curtiss, John Perce and Comfort Ginners, 1717. Josiah Roots and Elisabeth Huthwitt, John Roots and Ruth Hicok, Cornelius Brunson and Abigail Jackson, 1718. Joseph Martin and Sarah Harris, David Mitchell and Sarah Galpin, Nathan Hurd and Eunice Hinman, Benjamin Hinman, Jr., and Sarah Sherman, 1719. Josiah Walker and Phebe Hurlbutt, 1719-20. Abraham Hurd and Martha Mitchell, 1720. John Crisey and Mary Hurd, Thomas Mallory and Hannah Minor, 1721. William Marks and Hannah Tayler. Ebenezer Thomas and Sarah Mitchell, Samuel Twikkel and Hannah Hinman, Jan. 15. Jan. 17. March 21. July 3. Sept. 4. Nov. 6. Aug. 18. Oct. 30. Nov. 7. Dec. 18. Dec. 24. Feb. 11. June 22. Auff. 10. Mav 17. Oct. 11. March 22. 180 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1722. David Noble and Susanna Sherman, 1723-24. David Hurd and Abigail Curtiss, Richard Peat and Sarah Curtiss, 1727. Isaac Judson and Ehsabeth Hawley, 1728. Joseph Prime and Sarah Roots, Jonathan Hurlbut and Mary Drakely, 1729. Isaac Tuttle and Prudence Wheeler, Timothy Minor and Elisabeth Judson, Wait Hinman and Ann Hurd, Caleb Martin and Elisabeth Walker, Timothy Brownson and Abigail Jenner, John Squire and Elisabeth Wakelee, Lemuel Wheeler and Bethiah Brownson, David Barnum and Mary Hinman, Benjamin Wheeler and Mary Waller, Eliakim Stoddard and Joanna Curtiss, Stephen Turrill and Mary Judson, Ebenezer Warner and Elisabeth Hurlbut, 1730. Nathan Hurlbut and Sarah Castle, Daniel Curtiss and Phebe Martin, David Leavenworth and Sarah Hurd, Ebenezer Strong and Mary Smith, Moses Mathew and Sarah Minor, 1731. Isaac Tuttle and Mary Warner, John Minor and Mary Judson, Isaac Judson and Rebecca Holhster, 1732. John Nickels and Elisabeth Preston, David Foot and Mirriam Blakesley, Adam Hurd and Elisabeth Hinman, Hezekiah Wright and Sarah Tuttle, June 4. Jan. 6. March 11, 1724-25. Nov. 29. Jan. 8. Dec. 11. June 10. June 11. June 11. June 26. April 30. Sept. A.ug. 23. 14. Oct. — . Oct. 30. Dec. 4. Dec. 9. ^'eb., 1729- -30. April June 13. 3. June 3. July March 1. 3. April Nov. 15. 18. Nov. 22. Feb. 2. Feb. 9 Feb. 23 June — MARRIAQKR IN WOODBURY. 181 Samuel Wheeler and Rebeckah Johnson, Dec. 21. Nathan Curtiss and Martha Preston, May — . David Squire and Margaret Warner, Dec. 20. Ebenezer Allyn and Eleanor Hurlbut, Feb. 9. 1733. Stephen Corkins and Mary Curtiss, June 15. 7\dino Strong and Deborah Prime, Dec. -0. Gideon Stoddard and Olive Curtiss, Jan. 24. Ephriam Baker and Sarah Blakcsley, Jan. — . Benjamin Hicock and Sarah Stiles. Feb. 28. Andrew Hinman and Mabel Stiles, Feb. 28. Stephen Curtiss and Lois Heicock, Dec. 20. 1734. Josiah Minor and Mary Barnum, Oct. 9. Peter Minor and Judith Squire, Oct. 9. Matthew Minor and Sarah Preston, Oct. 9. 1735. John Warner and Jemima Hurd, June 1 1 . Thomas Squire and Rebecca Castle, July 9. John Nichols and Abigail Judson, Nov. 6. Gideon Walker and Mary Munn, Nov. 6. Moses Plurlbut and Rebeckah Warner, Dec. 25. 1736. Henry Castle and Hannah Strong, Sept. IS. Sergt. Solomon Johnson and Hannah Noble, June 30. Elnathan Judson and Rebeckah Minor. June 30. Zadock Clerk and Mercy Hurlbut. Dec. 9. Benjamin Warner and Silence Hurd, Dec. 16. Justus Hicok and Lois Munn, Oct. 26. 1737. Obed Henries and EUsabeth Thomas, Jan. 20. John Judson and Sarah Minor, Nov. 23. Luke Castle and Mary Squire, Dec. 15. Ephrain^Smedley and Concurrence Kurd, April 14. 1738. Jonathan Jackson and Ann Drakeley, Dec. 15. 182 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY, 1739. Nathan Preston Mitchell and Mary Preston, Israel Curtiss and Eunice Towner, Elijah Baker and Thankful Blakesly, Ephraim Minor, Jr., and Mary Martin, Abijah Stoddard and Eunice Curtiss. David Roots and Deborah Royce, Aaron Mallory and Elisabeth Squire, Joseph Nichols and Phebe Smith, Dec. 11. Feb. ] . March 8. Nov. 20. Aug. 1. Oct. 3. Aug. 1 . Sept. — . 1740. Obadiah Wheeler and Agnes Tattle, Josiah Avered and Hannah Hinman, Return Strong and Elisabeth Andrus, Peter Walker and Rhoda Sherman, Elijah Judson and Sarah Hollister, Oliver Atwood and Lois Wheeler, John Rumrill and Thankful Harriss, May 12. March 20. Jan. 8. Nov. 13. April 28. Nov. 12. April 28. 1741. Isaac Hill, Jr., and Catharine Perry, John Hurd and Silence Warner, Jedediah Hurd and Abigail Barker, Samuel Bell and Mary Warren, Joseph Judson, Jr., and Jerusha Sherman, Abijah Martin and Mary Terril, John Johnson and Mary Judd, Joseph Minor and Jane Nichols, Timothy Hurd and Tabitha Foot, Nov. 16. Jan. — . Aug. 12. June 30. Nov. 26. July 13. Jan. 20. Dec. 22. Dec. 24. 1742. Ebenezer Thompson and Mary Judd, Benjamin Ingraham and Hannah Tomlinson, Ephraim Skeel and Mary Marks, Thomas Kimberly and Lois Tuttle, Gideon Hurlbut and Emblem Garlick, Consider Hurlbut and Patience Hawley, Jesse Baker and Joanna Pitcher, Dec. 29. Feb. 18. Feb. 5. Jan. 28. June 23. March 25. April 15. 1743. John Twiss and Sarah Munger, Reuben Avered and Bethiah Thompson, Caleb Hurlbut and Mary Bartholomew, May 20. March 29. Feb. 2. MAHRIAQES IN WOODBURY 183 I 1744. Rev. Mr. Thomas Canfield and Mrs. Mary Russel, Oct. 29. "William Culver and Desire Weaver, March 7. Robert Warner and Sarah W^heeler, April '24. Rev. Joseph Bellamy and Mrs. Frances Sherman, April 27. Clement Minor and Mary i^arnum, June. Samuel Martin and Ann Hurd, July 24. Aaron Mallery and Joanna Mitchel, June. Eliphalet Clark and Abigail Gernsey, Nov. 8. Ensign Caleb Wheeler and Lydia Clark, June 26. 1745. Nathaniel Porter and Deborah Hand, John Meigs, Jr., and Rebecca Clark, Peter Hurd and Sarah Squire, James Durkee and Lydia Pitcher, Nathan Judson and Damaris Sherman, Junius Ingraham and Hannah Durkee, Joshua Guitteau and Esther Judd, Thaddeus Hicock and Mehitabel Porter, David liurlbut and Hanntdi Sanford, Samuel Church and Sarah Porter, June 13. Jan. 22. Dec. 25. Oct. 22. Julv 10. Julv. July ?,. Oct. 21. June 27. June 2. 1746. David Judson and Patience Mitchel, Oct. 15. Asahel Martin and Comfort Jackownson, Nov. 5. Stephen Northrop and Abigail Perry, Feb. 20. David Hawley and Ruth Chapman, May 22. Andrew Martin and Eunice Mitchel, Nov. .5. Nathaniel Porter and Abigail Joslyn of Branford, April 16. Joseph Richards and Tabitha Hinman, Oct. 23. David Minor and Prudence Martin, Feb. 6. Elisha Baker and Phebe Nichols, Oct. 20. 1747. Mr. Peter Curtiss and Mrs. Mary Chittenden, Samuel Slator and Mary Holt, John Leavenworth and Mary Brownson, Abner Mallory and Susannah Walker, Amos Roots and Mercy Martin, Benjamin Hinman and Rebeckah Thomas, Daniel Everet and Elisabeth Skeel, David Hawley and Sarah Judson in Stratford, Abner Mallory and Susanna Walker. Daniel Dudley and Mary Hand, Nov. 27. Sept. 24. Jan. 29. Jan. 25. Sept. IG. Nov. 5. March 25. Dec. 7. June 25. Sept. 6. 184 HISTORY OF ANCIENT ■WOODBURY, John Crissey, Jr., and Eunice Mallary, Eliplialet Clark and Thankful Darwin, 1747-8. Asahel Mitchel and Olive Roots, Christopher Prentiss and Betty Turrill, Enos Beach and Ann Squire, Deacon Samuel Bull and Mrs. Mary Hicok, John Mitchel and Susan Orton, Jonathan Munger, Jr., and Lois Moss, Jonathan Smith and Martha Porter, Elnathan Smith and Abigail Lum, Joshua Guitteau and Jerusha Judson, July 9. June 18. Jan 21. May 18. April — . Nov. 23. Dec. 18. Oct. 5. Feb. 17. Aug. 11. Jan. 7. 1749. Thomas Warner and Abigail Prentiss, John Gould and Sarah Rogers, Charles Thomas and Mary Barges, Thomas Thomson and Elisabeth Mallory, Preserved Strong and Esther Stoddard, 1750. Gideon HoUister and Esther Preston, Enos Mitchell and Susanna Judson, Daniel Beers and Phebe Walker, Enos Prindle and Deborah Jones, Benjamin Hitchcock and Elisabeth Averet, July 4. Feb. 1. Sept. 21. June 7. July 26. Dec. 3. June 4. Aug. 9. Jan. 16. Feb. 7. 1751. William Andrus and Mehitabel Lewis, Henry Ingraham and Frances Nickols, John Barns and Rachel Judd, Samuel Slator and Ann Howe, Timothy Strong and Ann Rogers, Robert Drakeley and Mary Warner, David Pearce and Eunice Strong, David Munn and Abigail Stiles, Benjamin Minor and Lydia Buller, Samuel Jackson and Jane Miller. Garwood Cunningham and Mary Hinraan. James Judson and Mary Edwards, July 3. Nov. 5. March 18. April 25. Oct. 9. July 4. July 18. Aug. 1. Jan. 2. May 23. Dec. 24. Nov. 12. 1752. Elisha Walker and Isabel Marcara Ward, Thomas Porter and Elisabeth Hurd, Nov. 21. Dec. 25. MARRIAGES IN WOODBURY, 185 Doct. Joseph Perry and Ruth Preston, John Wheeler and I)ehla iSanford, Noah Frisbie and Margery Post, Benjamin Hurd of Judea and Ann Hopson, April 20. Jan. 30. Jan. 14. Sept. 15. 1753. Doct. Andrew Graham and Martha Curtiss, Joha Liart and Catharina Smith, James Minor and Mar}^ Crissey, Joshua Judson and Anna Walker, Isaac Mitchel and Jerusha Roots, Nathan Minor and Elisabeth NicJcols, Henry Cramer and Joanna Curtiss, Samuel Judson and Elisabeth Baker, John Loggin and Azabah Rogers, John Reynolds and Hannah Whitny, Benjamin Munger and Eunice Barnes, Stephen Galpin and Esther Colver, Enos Hawley and Mary Averit. Gideon Johnson and Dorcas Hicok, June 4. Nov. 26. Nov. 29. Nov. 28. Dec. 5. Nov. 16. Dec. 5. Nov. 12. Nov. 14. Nov. 23. Aug. 16. Nov. 28. July 11. Jan. 6. 1754. Zadok Hurd and Eunice Plinman, Bethuel Lyon and Jemima Woodward, Benjamin Hitchcok and Abigail Olds Ward, Ebenezer Leavenworth and Elisabeth Hurd, John Roots and Mabel Roots, Samuel Hurd and Ruth Hurd, Thomas Porter and Beulah Minor, Ebenezer Squire, Jr., and Ann Pierce, Josiali Baldwin and Lucy Walker, Adoniah Roots and Ruth Lake, Daniel Munn and Elisabeth Prentiss, Daniel Wheeler and Jerusha Squire, James Hooker and Dorothy Parmeley, James Masters and Eunice Rogers, William Hooker and Rachel Waller, Thomas Bull and Elisabeth Curtiss, Samuel Hui-lbut and Jane McMaia, Timothy Turril and Hope Lee, Solomon Johnson and Sarah Durkee, Hezekiah Colver and Ann How, Lieut. Adam Hitiman and Sarah Porter, June 19. March 13. Jan. 31. March 27. Aug. 22. Dec. 24. July 24. April 6. Sept. 25. March 24. Aug. 8. July 17. March 31. Feb. 15. March 13. Oct. 19. May 15. Feb. 26. March 13. Sept. 17. April 2. Vol. III.— 24 186 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY 1755. Daniel Judson and Hannah Miner, Agur Curtiss and Mercy Hinman, Waitstill Goodrich and Mary Hooker, Ebenezer Warner and Susanna Minor, Benjamin Galpin and Esther Brownson, Caleb Mallory and Jane Waller, Thomas Durkey and Abiah Smith, James Guthrie and Abigail Betts, Amos Martin and Prudence Tuttle, David Johnson and Sarah Trowbridge, Andrew Squire and Huldah Brownson, Lieut. Reuben Avered and Lydia Beach, Eliphalet Easton and Mary Gold, Feb. 11. Jan. 30. June 5. Aug. 6. Sept. 5. Sept. 12. March 6. July 17. Jan. 16. Feb. 19. March 22. April 30. July 7. 1756. Lieut. John Nickols and Mary Tuttle, Jan. 14. John Hunt, Jr., and Elisabeth Minor, Jan. 2.0. Jedediah Clark and Susannah Smith, March 11. Mr. James Hodges and Mrs. Alice Able, Feb. 16. Eldad Curtiss and Clotilda Weeks, May 20. Gideon Hurlburt and OHve Squire, Oct. 28. Benjamin Peel and Elisabeth Hand, Nov. 3. *Andrew Martin and Eunice Mitchell (perhaps 1746), Nov. 5. Obadiah Wlieeler, Jr., and Mary Manvel, March 25. Isaac Sanford and Jerusha Baker, May 4. John Merchant and Pj-udence Stoddard, June 3 Daniel Hurd and Anne Hurd, March 8. Benjamin Stiles and Esther Preston, Aug. 14. 1757. Abner Mallory and Susannah Walker, (error, m. Sefch Minor and Eunice Roots, Josiah Minor, Jr., and Jerusha Mitchel, Elisha Martin and Hannah Minor, Abijah Hinman and Rebeckah Minor, Benajah Hawley and Ann Castle, Nathan Baldwin and Prudence Wheeler, Thomas Roots and Emm Minor, Phineas Potter and Dorchas Hinman, Zebulon Norton and Abigail Betts, Mishai Moseley and Lois Button, John Munn and Huldali How, Ephraim Baldwin, Jr., and Sarah Warner, Amos Brownson and Dorcas Strong, 1747) June March Marcli March March July March Dec. March ip Nov. 8 Dec. 14 Jan. 23 l^'eb. 23 Dec. 14 8. 8. 8. 8. 7. 28. 29. *No Eunice that he could m. at this date; it i.s 1746. M A li 1{ I A G K S IN W O D B l li Y 1758. Christopher Prentiss and Betty Turrill, Joseph Waugh and Elisabeth Minor, Silas Bul/er and Jerusha Spencer, Philemon Way and Juno Cresey, Isaiah Gilbert and Esther Bull, John Minor, Jr., and Sarah Dutton, John Dimon and Anna Knowles, Daniel Dudley, Jr., and Elisabeth Goodrich. Ebenezer Mitchel and Olive Ilicok, Judah Baldwin and Del)ondi Rogers, Reuben Squire and Joanna Stoddard, Thomas Leavenworth and Rhoda Olds, Jonathan Hill and Elisabeth Perry, Timothy Durkee and Anna , Stephen Galpin and Lydia Stone, 1759. Titus Tiler and Susannah P»erry, Eliplialet Rannolds and Hannah Beebe, Asahel Hooker and Anne Parmelee, Joseph AVheeler and Lucy Hotchkiss, Samuel Dutton and Joanna Roots, Gideon HoUister and Patience Hurd, Abijali Mitchel and Anna Beiy, John Manvel and Elisabeth Weed, Jehiel Peet and Joanna Walker, Asahel Martin and Ann Benhani, Nathan Leavenworth and Rachel Castle, Israel Stoddard and Elisabeth Read, 1760. John Cressy, Sr., and Elisabeth Hurd, Miles Bishop and Sarah Chapman. Nicholas Manvel and Lurana Rose, Stephen Hicok and Huldah Franklin, Dr. Abraham Thondinson and Mary Gypson, Elisha Stoddard. Jr.. and Ann Hunt, Solomon Steel and Mary Garnsey, John Tracey and Jemima Coply, Gad Bristol and Rachel Riggs, Timothy Mitchell and Elisabeth Stoddard, Charles Strong and Betty Hinman, Henry Wooster and Mary Cedin, 1761. Samuel Frost and Ruth Welton, Abel Mix and Ruth Hawley, May 18. Feb. 1. March 15. March 16. Feb. 14. Sept. Sept. Dec. 19. 14. 14. Sept. July Feb. 15. 28. 16. Oct. 10. April Mav 19. 3. Dec. 24. Jan. 11. Feb. 15. Feb. 15. Jan. 4. Dec. Dec. 6. May Feb. 15. 8. Nov. 20. Nov. 20. Dec. 12. July 4. April March 16. 27. Aug. Sept. Nov. 21. 22. 11. May Oct. 29. 16. Nov. 15. May May 1. 1. Jan. 9. May 30. Feb. 19. Feb. 23. 188 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Zimri Moody and Esther Martin, March 26. Amos Bishop and Esther Church, May 28. Zenos Ward and Patience Squire. Feb. 1. Noah Hinman and Phebe Minor, July 15. Jonathan Stoughton and Mary Walker, Nov. 12. Hezekiah Thomson and Reb.ekah Judson, Oct. 1. Samuel Moody and Eunice Walker, Sept. 26. Justus Bristol and Sarali Hawkin, Nov. 26. Daniel Crissey and Mabel Stoddard, Dec. 18. 1762. Israel Minor and Anne Lake, June 9. Barzillai Hendee and Mary Clement, Jan. 7. John Abernethy and Lucy Washburn, June 17. Ebenezer Clark, Jr., and Tenney, Nov. 15. Daniel Bradley and Sarah Church, June 12. Elihu Smith and Onar Slade, Sept. 15. Jonathan Royce and Mabel Bristol, Nov. 18. Hugh Hannah and Mabel Hannah, Oct. 16. David Squire, Jr., and Rebeckah Squire, Feb. 4. 1763. Elisha Steel and Susannah Strong, March 10. John Wheeler and Lois Dudley (both of Bethlem), April 14. Rev. Mr. Noah Benedict and Mrs. Rhoda Bennit, Feb. 16. Timothy Judson and Sarah Hooker, Jan. 26. John Orton and Abigail Leavenworth, June 29. y Thomas Doolittle and Sarah Guitteau, April 14. Benjamin Judson and Anne Camp, May 4. John Martin and Martha Judson, Jan. 27. Joseph Curtiss and Ketura Hatch, July 11. Nathan Atwood and Rhoda Warner, Jan. 4. 1764. John Gordon and Rachel Stone, July 4. Andrew Blackman and Deliverance Hill, Jan. 11. William Hooker and Mary Mosely, Dec. 26. Ira Bishop and Deborah Troop, ' Nov. 15. Noah Woodward, Jr., and Nancy Torrence, Sept. 7. Timothy Minor and Elisabeth Down, June 5. John Hopson and Abiah Hazzon, Oct. 3. James Burgess, Jr., and Lydia Bennit, ^ug. 22. Solomon Garnsey and Sarah Kasson, Nov. 15. David Curtiss, 3d, and Sarah Minor, Sept. 27. Atwood Bird and Jane Miller, Nov. 16. 1765. ■ Delucena Backus and Electa Mallory, April 10. Phineas Camp and Charity Mallory, June 27. M A K R I A G E S IN WOODBURY. 189 Daniel Warner and Ann Stoddard, Feb. 7. Abner Moseley and Ann Clark, Sept. 18. Joshua Church and Elisabeth Parks, Oct. 21. David Atwood and Martha Waller, Dec, 17. Edward I'ond and Mary Judson. Nov. 7. Mitchell Lamson and Tliankful King, Feb. 20. Asa Curtiss and Eunice Woodward, Oct. 9. Daniel Manvil and Hannah Sherman, Feb. 1 1. Joshua Judson and Deborah Leavenworth, Feb. 27. Deliveranus Squire and Mary Robins, Sept. 8. 1766. Elnathan Gilbert and Maribah Cogan! Jan. 23. Reuben VVihnott and Rachel Rumrill, Feb. 19. John Minor, Jr., and Abigail Summers, Oct. 28. Amasa Dutton and Sarah Parmelee. Oct. 1. Joseph Galpin and Eunice Hawley, Sept. 3. Samuel Lutington and Ruth Galpin, March 5. James Lasley and Martha Wheeler, April 24. Joseph Ilurd and Prudence Judson, Oct. 15. Alpheus Woodward and Lamintee Curtiss, Feb. 26. Richard Garnsey and Eunice Mallary, Dec. 18. James Howd of Branford and Elisabeth Oifon of Wood- bury, Dec. 26. Benjamin Durkee and Susanna Clark, Oct. 1. 1767. Matthew Loggan and Sarah Savage, Jan. 21. Reuben Wilmott and Lucy Tracey, June 11. Gideon Ilurlbut, Jr.. and Elisabeth Judson, Aug. 25. James Clark and Hannah Stoddard, July 12. David Royce, Jr., and Abigail Goodsill, Dec. 8. Joshua Hazzon and Mercy Hazzon, Nov. 17. John Tracey and Abigail Skeel, June 17. Thomas Strong and Sarah Cui'tiss, Dec. 16. Alexander Kasson and Comfoi't Thompson, Nov. 3. Moses Galpin and Hannah Gregory, Jan. 8. 1768. Dan Blakley and Eunice Booth of Reading, May 3. Aaron Cressey and Jerusha Saxton, March 31. Shove Minor and Abigail Johnson, Oct. 19. John Calhoun and Tabitha Clark, Dec. 28. Solomon Cressey and Sybil Clemmons, Feb. 15. Asa Winter and Ruth Wheeler, Nov. 9. John Martin and Mary Frost, Dec. 17. James Edmond, Jr., and Ruth Kasson, Nov. 1. Elijah Maitin and Anne Smith, April 7. Caleb Mallary, Jr., and Mary Terry, March 17. 190 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, 1769. Macock Ward and Elisabeth Sqiiire, John Mallary, 3d, and Beulah Thomas; Bethuel Ward and Ruth Squire, John Minor and Sarah Canfield, Increase Moseley and Patience Hinman, John Gornden and Sarah Husson, John Leavenworth, Jr., and Abigail Peck, Joseph Judson, Jr., and Lydia Hull, Reuben Mallory and Elisabeth Masters, David Hitchcock and Lydia Parmelee, John Weeks and Thankful Slade, Stephen Bateman and Eunice Curtis, Ezekiel Lewis and Anne Bird, Timothy Castle and Sarah Hubbell, 1770. Daniel Crissey and Phebe Wright, Thomas Parker, Jr., and Jerusha Clark, Ebenezer Ingraham and Sarah Sage, Elijah Pierce and Esther Down, Justus Pierce and Mary Norton, Jehiel Franklin and Emm Johnson, Andrew Dunning and Elisabeth Bristol, 1771. James Kasson, Jr., and Reliance Hatch, James Hull and Betty Lamb, Solomon Stoddard and Jemima Butler, Gideon Hurlbut, Jr., and Martha Warner, Amasa Parker and Diadania Parmelee, Ebenezer Bird and Lucy Strong, Searl Bradley and Hannah Thompson, Adam Cramer and Mary Carr, David Sherman and Felix Roots, Elisha Judson, Jr., and Deborah Brownson, David Judson, Jr., and Cloe Allen, Amos Broughton and Elisabeth Lyman, Ebenezer Strong, Jr., and Patience Hinman, Avery Skelton and Parthena Judd, David Franklin and Sarah Hubbard, Benjamin Down and Comfort Hinman, Aaron Barnes and Patience Mott, 1772. Robert Warner and Emm Sherman, Timothy Avereu and Mary Comstock, Jeremiah Thomas and Sarah Judson, Jan. 8. Jan. 11. April 23. Sept. 20. Oct. 15. May 17. Nov. 2. Nov. 22. July 11. Nov. 7. March 16. Sept. 26. Jan. 21. Jan. 11. Dec. 5. March 21. Dec. 4. Feb 8. June 21. Nov. 23. Oct. 24. Jan. 16. June 3. Aug. 16. Sept. 18. Nov. 30. Nov. 28. May 30. Sept. 19. June 19. Jan. 28. Feb. 13. Jan. 6. Jan. 23. March 27. June 17. Sept. 9. Dec. 16. Feb. 19. May 4. June 24. MAWKIAGES IN WOODBIIKY. 191 John Royce and Ann Minor, Asahel Dutton and Sarah Frisbie, James Frisbie and Clamas Darin, Elijah Parks and Anne Benian, Moses Hawley and Mary Martin, Richard Bradley and Olive Roots, Simeon Taylor and Sybil Hotchkiss, Eli Stoddard and Abigail llurllnit, David Lyman and Mary Brown, John Munger and Anne Hough, Elihu Leavenwurth and Dianthe P)liU'kman, Elislia Minor and Aner Smith, Joseph Wooster and Hannah Woodruff, Nehemiah Hinklv and Sarah Allen, Nov. 2r,. Nov. 3. March 11. June ] 1. Dec. 31. Nov. 26. Oct. 7. Dec. 24. Oct. 29. Jan. 22. Oct. 6. April 7. Jan. 22. Sept. 6. 1773. Samuel Carr and Susanna Roots, Titus Hull and Lucy Parmelee, Simeon Judson and Jerusha Mitchell, David Mallary and Lydia Frisbie, David Taylor and Ann Roots, John Pcarce and Mary Edmond, George Sandclift and Savah Chitsey, Matthew Hawley and Oloe Barnes, Daniel Hininan and Annis Hinman, William Scott and Mary Standclift, Peter Minor and Eunice Hicok, March 20. Nov. 4. Nov. 15. Dec. 28. Aug. 2. Jan. 28. April 2L May 30. Sept. 22. Oct. 21. Dec. 22. 1771. Solomon Johnson and Sarah Plumb. Atwood Bird and Elisabeth Avered, Amos Leavenworth and Estlier Warner, Eleazer 1^'inny and Mary Johnson, Benjamin Hicok and Mary Pearce, Ezekiel Lewis and Sarah Beaumont, Adam Kimbei'ly and Jerusha Rood. Simeon Barnes and Lucipy Johnson, Justus Hicok and Anne (:t;irret, 1775. Bethel Smith and Deliverance Smithmen, Adam Hurd and ^Lartha Judson, Asa Hinman and Annis Hinman, Robert Jackson and Elisabeth Cockran, David Mitchell and Sarah Pearce, Thomas Standclift and Martha Prindle, John Edmond and Comfort Pearce, June 23 Sept. July Feb. 12. 11. 8. Feb. 10 Oct. 26, March 31. Sept. Nov. 2'), 2. June \. Nov. 17. Feb. 1. March 23. April July Dec. 27. 20. 7, 192 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1776. Solomon Robbinson and Elisabeth Carr, Jan. 1. Walker Mallory and Martha Minor, Oct. 12. Israel Pollard and Mary Bradley, Oct. 16. Phineas Demming and Mary Gaylord, Jan. 4. David Leavenworth and Mary Downs, Oct. 30. [saac Armstrong and Deborah Roots, Dec. 5. Asahel Brown and Eunice Standclift, Jan. 14. Comfort Hubbell and Susannah Baxter, April 4. Phineas Barnes and Eunice Pearce, April 8. John Hawkins and Lois Kimberly, June 16. Agur Wheeler and Anne Tuttle, June 28. James Minor and Anne Judson, Dec. 12. 1777. Samuel Basset and Hannah Munn, July 9. Nathan Burton and Sarah Wilcoks, June 4. David Thomas and Abigail Case, Sept. 4. Jehu Johnson and Love town, Jan. 8. Samuel Pearce and Martha Edmond, Jan. 9. Truman Down and Sarah Porter, Feb. 27. Isaac Squire and Content Ward, Aug. 7. Amariah Griswold and Bethiah Parks, Dec. 15. Asa Hicok and Esther Hinman, Dec. 29. 1778. John Abernethy and Lydia Minor, Oct. 23. Zebulon Leavenworth and Lydia Marshel, Jan. 21. Josiah Beers and Elisabeth Preston, Jan. 1. Elijah Sherman and Nancy , May 20. John Johnson and Ann Hinman, Jan. 29. John Garret and Esther Spencer, Oct. 21. Hugh Paul and Abiah Booth, Nov. 11. Moses Canfield and Sarah Masters, Nov. 26. 1779. John Steel 2d and Rebeckah Stoddard, Oct. 27. John Mallary and Elisabeth Goodsill, April 27. Truman Skeel and Cloe Hill, June 2. 1780. Henry Thompson and Prudence Stoddard, Dec. 23. Josiah Page and Mary Down, Jan. 10. John Griswold and Dina Down, May 18. ^\.mbrose Sperry and Patience Wheeler, July 17. Ephraim Hicock and Lucy Thorp, Oct. 8. Joseph Baldwin and Mary Squire, Nov. 16. Elisha Stevens and Agnes Kimberly, Dec. 10. Titus Pearce and Abia Piatt, " Feb. 3. MAliRIAGES IN WOODBUKY, 193 1781. Jolm Piatt and Currence Pearce, William Hues and Elisabeth Wheeler, Francis Garret and Annis Hicok, David Judson and Sarah Hazard, 1782. John Orton and Patience Warner, David Allen and Sarah Garret, James Shelton Masters and Mabel Baldwin, John Chilson and Abigail Hicock, John Bulford and OUve Eaton, Nathan Stiles and Betsey Wagoner, Elijah Baldwin and Cloe Lobdill, John Botsford and Jerusha Bennit, David Hicok and Phebe I'ost, Ebenezer Downs and Abigail Standclift, Nathan Dudley and Jemima Mallery, Truman Porter and Deborah Roe, Gideon Allen and Sarah Standclift, 1783. John Strong and Sarah Walker, Nathan Preston and Currence Brindle, Samuel Tomlinson and Jerusha Martin, Simeon Mitchell and Hannah Johnson, Elias Beardsley and Hannah Clark, Jonathan Sperry and Martha Hotchkiss, David Rugg and Charity Knapp, John Hubbell and Parallas Foot, Aaron Curtiss and Susannah Leavenworth, Zerah Tousey and Anne Johnson, 1784. Abijah Mitchel and Ruthem Roots, Wait Hinman and Eunice Mitchell, Jonah Allen and Mar}'- Treat, Samuel Botsford and Patience Pearce, Lemuel Hill and Aner Minor, Asahel Bacon and Hannah French, Amos Hicok and Mercy Tousey, David Stiles and Olive Pearce, Isaac Tomlinson and Jemima Bacon, David Tomlinson and Lorena Bacon, 1785. Joseph Root and Betty Hinman, Thomas Smith and Thankful Page, Vol. III.— 25 Jan. 25. Feb. 13. Feb. 2L June 1 1. March 4. Jan. 24. Feb. 24. May 20. June 16. June 24. July 10. July 10. Aug, 8. Sept. 17. Oct. 25. Oct. 6. Nov. 17. May 29. Sept. 23. Jan. 17. April 17. July 3. Sept. 7. Sept. 11. Sept. 18. Nov. 6. Dec. 18. Jan. 28. Jan. 29. Feb. 19. May 6. June 15. June 24. Nov. 18. Dec. 12. April. Feb. 2. March 10. 194 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Jeremiah Runney and Jedidah. Hubbel, Amos Bennet and Phebe Hard, Joshua Guitteau and Anna Northrop, Benjamin Russel and Eunice Barlow, Garwood H. Cunningham and Sarah Hawkins, Christian Wolf and Rebeckah Deming, Noadiah Warner and Polly Curtiss, 1786. Eleazer Mitchell and Abigail Hicok, Asahel Martin and Ruth Ann Minor, Jonathan Griffin and Sarah Standclift, Oliver Gibbs and Jane Spees, Joseph Pearce and Sarah Hicok, Zephaniah Holister Smith and Hannah Hicock, Moor Gibbs and Patience Skeel, John Mitchell Waterman and Anne Squire, Newton Tuttle and Ruth Pearce, 1787. Benjamin Minor and Mehetabel Turner, Ethel Grey and Silence Streeter, Ely Squire and Mary Brown, Asa Wheeler and Sylvana Foot, Benjamin Andrews and Hannah Rowe, 1788. Elijah Sherman and Northrop, Charles Strong and Abigail Gunn, 1789. John Mallory and Harriet Dubois, 1791. Anthony Strong and Phebe Curtiss, Thomas Curtiss and Lorena Hinman, 1793. Noah B. Benedict and Lydia Bacon, Daniel Bacon and Rebecca Bacon, 1794. John Manvill, Jr., and Ruth Wooster, 1796. Nathaniel Bacon and Rebecca Strong, March 23 May Jan. 3 20 May July June 18 4 1 Nov. 27 Dec. 6 Feb. 8 Dec. 1 Feb. 5 Feb. 27 May June 31 29 Aug. Sept. 17 10 April Feb. 17 1 Feb. 21 Aug. Dec. 2 21 May May. 20 June 14. Nov. 13. Nov. 13. June 27. June 22. Dec. 25. Jan. 10. MAKKIAGES IN WOODBURY, 195 1798. Garry Bacon and Sally Minor, April 4. 1799. Nathan Preston and Sally Perry, Dec. 26. 1800. Thaddeus Thompson and Rhoda Sperry (at Woodbridge), June 16. 1802. Matthew Minor, Jr., and Lorena Bacon, Oct. 23. 1807. Isaac Sherman and Rosetta Root, Oct. 28. 1809. Philo Foot and Eunice Lewis, Aug. 20. 1811. Renselaer Tolles and Lucretia Foot, Guy Walker and Nancy Lum, Chauncey Crafts and Maria Bacon, 1812. Ebenezer Finch and Polly Orton, Mr. Thompson and Miss Lewis, now of Oxford, Russell Barnes and Rusha Lucas, Oct. 30. Oct. 16. Sept. 11. Aug. 30. Sept. 14. Oct. 25. 1813. Charles Bishop and Sally Turney, Joseph Scoville and Caroline Preston, 1814. Lemuel Beardsley and Polly Bishop, David Hitchcock and Sylvia Preston, Isaac A. Hunt and Parmelia Prentiss, Joel Pearce and Anna Sherman, 1815. Philo Parmelee of Hopewell, N. Y., and Mary Warner, Sept. 20. Horace Manville and Catharine Bowers, Dec. 17. Sept. 20. Oct. 10. Jan. 9. March 2. April 10. May 9. 1819. Albert S. Bacon and Sally Mallory, Elijah Atwood and Permelia Atwood, March 3L June 3. 196 HISTORY OF ANCIENT "WOODBURY. 1820. Joel Goodyear of New Haven and L3fdia Shelton of Woodbury, Oct. 22. Jehiel Hurd and Deborah Percy, Sept. 6. Charles King and Nancy Willson, Nov. 8. Vincent Judson and Sally Dailey, Nov. 1. James Preston and Eliza Beers, Dec. 11. Rufus J. Bunce and Mary Booth, Dec. 14. Asa Judson and Keziah Walker, . Dec. 6. Reuben H. Hotchkiss and Sally Root, Dec. 13. Sherman Osborn of Watertown and Elisabeth Tolles, Dec. 20. Russel Mallery and Tempo Stone of New Milford, Dec. 3. John H. Betts of Norwalk and Elvira Hoyt, Sept. 2. Nathan B. Bennett of Newtown and Olive Hurlbut, Sept. 20. Albert Cone and Armenal Martin, April 22. 1821. Elmore Judson and Olive Atwood, Jan. 4. John Leavenworth of Roxburyand Esther Maria Judson, Feb. 15. William Perry and Fanny Blackman, April 18. Hiram Rumre of Blooming Grove, N. Y., and Saloma Bunce, May 12. Samuel Nettleton and Sally Mitchel, March 25. Benjamin Green and Esther Murray, April 10. Edwin Way of Bethlem and Melona Tyler, July 22. Daniel B. Burton of Bethlem and Zeruiah Hayes, April 25. Beach Brothwell of Bridgeport and Polly Hinman of Southbury, July 5. Edward Nickols and Sally Rogers, Dec. 18. Bernard Bruzee and Harriet Judson, Dec. 8. Marshfield P. Mather of Utica, N. Y., and Elisabeth Sherman, Nov. 4. William G. Moseley of Southbury and Maria Curtiss, Nov. 12. James Guthrie of Washington and Maria Way, Oct. 25. James Morris and Carolina Thomas, Sept. 16. Linus Gilbert and Maria Tolles, . Feb. 8. 1822. Samuel R. Barnes and Abigail B. Pearce, both of Southbury, Jan. 23. Proctor of Philadelphia, Pa., and Alza Huntington, April 28. Coger of Southbury and Mary Eliza Knapp, Aug. 24. Herman Warner and Parmela Thomas, Aug. 29. Abner Judson of Newtown and Parthena Judson, May 22. James Wilson and Armanilla White, May 2. John White and Lois Strickland, April 22. Charles Parker of Washington and Deborah Isbell, March 15. Jesse Hayes and Lementa Gurnsey of Watertown, April 8. MARRIAGES IN WOODBURY. 197 Edward Norton of Washington and Parmelee Jane Warner, March 5. Nathan Perry and Sarah Hitchcock, Feb. 14. Eli Hyde of Oxford and Grace Lum, Jan. 2. Marcus DeForest and Laura Perkins, Jan. 1(5. Rufus Stiles of Southbury and Sally Curtiss, Nov. 9. Eli Somers and Amelia Nickols of Roxbury, Oct. 13. Charles H. Judson and Charlotte Minor, Oct. 30. Charles Chapin of Newtown and Sally Galpin, Nov. 10. Miles Bishop and Cinthia Ives, Sept. 14. William Botsford and Julia Ann Terrill, Oct. 11. David S. Minor and Lydia Judson, Dec. 1 1. John N. Crane of Bethlem and Elisabeth Rogers, Nov. 7. Asahel R. Gibson of Washington and Eliza Way, Aug. 28. Stephen Roswell of Southbury and Betsey Stoddard, Aug. 7. Burton Judson of Bethlem and Polly Lewis, Nov. 17. 1823. Cyrus Strong and Susan Ann Curtiss, July 28. Frederick Atwood and Maria Tuttle, Oct. 2. Henry Gibbs of Litchfield and Polly Spaulding, Jan. 5. Harley Bishop and Mary Ann Moody, Jan. 30. James Bonaparte Thornton of Merrimac, N. H., and Shepard of Newtown, Elijah Harris of Southbury and Hester Hayes, Samuel Squire of Patterson, N. Y., and Sophia Hurd, Wyllys Lambert and Eliza Minor, Lewis Judd and Maria Blackman, Thomas Olcott and Lucy Mitchell, Elijah J. Woodruff of Watertown and Parnelly Nickols, Benjamin Hinman of Southbury and Harriet Minor, John B. Peck and Polly Percy. Dec. 2. June 11. Feb. 16. Feb. 25. March 12. March 24. Dec. 24. Oct. 29. 1824. Marcus Ryon and Lydia Goodyear, Horace Minor and Emeline Leavenworth, Philo Pearce and Lura Minor, Horace Cheravoy and Fanny Foot, Solomon Smith, Jr., of Wallingford, and Sally R. Ryon, Thomas Riill and Susan Sherman, Joseph E. Bostwick of Hamburg, N. Y., and Polly Ann Hurd of Roxbury, Nathaniel Hurd of Roxbury and Asenah Percy, John Marvin and Julia Bacon, Alfred Strong: of Bethlem and Annis S picer. Feb. Oct. Feb. Oct. Feb. Jan. Nov. 8. Dec. 9. Sept. 9. Dec. 15. June 27. 1. 13. 23. 17. 2. 19. Marcus D. Peck of Litchfield and Hannah Judson, Thompson C. Tuttle of AVashington and Lois E. Wai-ner, April 14. David Beard, Jr., of Huntington, and Eliza Leaven- worth, March 15. March 15. March 10. Dec. 28. Dec. 8. Feb. 2. Oct. 25. Nov. 7. Dec. 27. 198 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Daniel Hurlbut and Charlotte Leavenworth, Thomas Olcott, Jr., and Olive Martin, Giltson Thomas and Sally Terrill, Marsena L. Riclnrds and Ruth Harriet Caroline of Waterbury, Ezra Hoyt of Litchfield and Anne Luddington, Alsop Baldwin and Nancy Daley both of Watertown, Laurens Judson and Esther Blois of Bethlem, Thaddeus Crane and Bmeline Root, 1825. Stephen Jackson of Newark, N. J,, and Patty Sharp, (colored) April 20. Ephraim Peck and Susan Tuttle, Feb. 18. Thomas B. Bristol of Brookfield and Currance Easton, May 19. Harvey J. Linsley and Mary Summers, May 3. John Terrill of Watertown and Betsey Nickols, Jan. 1 1 . Linus Westover of Litchfield and Sally Thomas of Rox- bury, Jan. 18. Obadiah Wheeler of Southbury and Lucy Ann Guern- sey of Watertown, Jan. 24. Sidney Mitchell of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and Nancy Ives, Sept. 21. Philander Nickols of Roxbury and Harriet Rogers, Sept. 21. Garry Tuttle and Bachelor of Litchfield, Aug. 15. Noah S. Reynolds and Eliza Ann DeForest, Sept. 4. Aaron Mallory of Lenoxville, Lower Canada, and Hul- dah Warner, Sept. 6. Lewis Hine and Susan Maria Hawley, June 22. Philo Bristol and Therissa Cole, May 23. Garry H. Minor of Litchfield and Susan Allen, June 8. Seth Crosby of South East, N. Y., and Harriet Booth, Nov. 13. Oliver Camp and Ruby Phillips (colored), both late of New Milford, Oct. 17. George W. DeWolf and Sally Gillet, Nov. 22. Philo DeForest and Alma Gorham, Nov. 29, David H. Curtiss and Maria Summers, Dec. 20. 1826. Henry G. Scott of Middlebury and Mary Ann Grey, Dec. 20. Walter Crammer and Jane Lamson, Nov. 10. James Thompson of Southbury and Laura Parker, Jan. 26. George N. Judson and Caroline E. Northrup, April 5. James Judson, 2d, and Lucy Cables of Litchfield, March 12. Orrin Town of Roxbury and Thetus Calhoun of Wash- ington, April 2. Salmon Bishop and Maria Deming, Jan. 18. John Way and Cai"oline Stoddard, April 26. Abel Benedict and Eunice Strong, June 6. George R, Taylor of Wilton and Eliza Richards, May 6. MARRIAGES IN W O () D B T' U Y 199 11. 1. 6. Ira Strong of Southbury and Susan DeForost, June 26. Jo.sepli Nettleton of Watertown and Elisabeth Clark, Sept. 19. Dan Clark and Almira Guthrie, both of Bcthlem, Sept. 20. Judson Warner of Bethlem and Abigail Leavenworth, Sept. 27. Albert S. Blackman of Hudson, N. Y., and Harriet Botsford, Oct. 9. Charles Chauncey Thompson of New York and Lydia C. Bacon, Oct. Philo Sperry of Watertown and Jerusha Percy, Nov. Vanranselaer Fenn of Bridgewater and Abia A. Isbel, Nov. 1827. John L. Church of Litchfield and Elisabeth Riley of Milford, Jan. 15. Amos Osborn of Southbury and Polly Bristol, Jan. 17. Niram Warner and Silvia Atwood, Feb. 25. Benjamin A. Brush of Colchester, U. C, and Delia Williams, Jan. 21. Hinman Atwood of Watertown and Alma L. Strick land, March 4. Theodore W. Walker and Maria Percy, Oct. 3. David Whitemarsh of Ontario, N. Y., and Phebe Camp, Oct. 8. Elizur Barnes of Roxbury and Charity Morris, Nov. 29. Horace Hurd and Roxa Minor, Nov. 9. Daniel S. Parker and Olive J. Ransom of Southbury, Dec. 11. Truman Minor and Harriet Curtiss, Dec. 18. Harvey Perkins and Fanny Cheravoy, Dec. 16. Hon. Charles B. Phelps and Amanda Parker, Jan. 28. 1828. Charles J. Minor and Clarrissa Terrill, Jan. 20. Morgan Thomas and Betsey Judson, Feb. 27. Phineas Smith and Cornelia Minor, March 17. Samuel M. Ensign of Litchfield and Cornelia DeForest, Sept. 24. Charles Peck and Therissa Ray, Sept. 28. William Isbel and Betsey Moody of Washington, Oct. 26. Daniel Bacon and Jane Green, Oct. 22. Ransom Hitchcock of Woodbridge and Nancy Percy, Oct. 30. Rev. Charles Sherman and Jerusha Rogers, Nov. 19. Chauncey Castle of Roxbury and Amanda Minor, Dec. 7. Ephraim Brown of Southbury and Eliza Root, Dec. 8. Judson Warner of Washington and Ann Eliza Griswold, Dec. 21. 1829. John Basset of Roxbury and Maria Lewis, Jan. 5. Smith Gunn of Danbury and Ann Crammer, Jan. 18. John Summers and Fanny Sherman, Feb. 25. George C. Minor and Sally Kirtland, March 17. 200 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Elliot Hurd and Sarah Summers, April 19. Shelden M Stone of Bethlem and Ursula Gillet, April 29. Marshal F. "Whitney of Washington and Rox)^ Warner, Oct. 7. Andrew White of Southbury and Charity Tuttle, Sep. 6. Gideon Crane of Bethlem and Sarah Atwood, Nov. 11. Samuel Smith, Jr., of Southlmry and Caroline Curtiss, Nov. 18. James Manvel and Eliza Huntington, Nov. 26. Eli Camp of Southbury and Sally Root, Dec. 14. Minot M. Allen and Katherine Hurlburt, Dec. 16. 1830. Roderick Brown of Meriden and Harriet C Cable, Jan. 10. Ira Thomas and Betsey N. Sherman, Jan. 24. Albert C. Gaylord and Triphena Bradley, April 7. Solomon Strong 2d and Eliza Sumrnei's. April 11. Sheldon Leavenworth of Roxbury and Jennet Wooster of Oxford, ' April 19. Harvey Stoddard and Prudence Thompson of Bethlem, May 3. John Bacon and Augusta Walker, March 17. Seth F. Benton of Litchfield and Eleanor Martin, March 31. Obadiah P. Northrup of New Hartford and Nancy M. Judson, April 6. Jeffrey Nettleton of Oxford and Clary Chatfield, June 17. Harmon P. Wells and Polly Ann Judson of Bethlem, June 27. Milden Tyler and Polly May, June 30. Lewis Loveland and Maria DeForest, Aug. 19. Amos Hitchcock of Woodbridge and Louisa A. Judson, Aug. 30. Augustin Newton of Washington and Harriet E. Ward, Oct. 17. James H. Nickols of Roxbury and Esther C. Rogers, Nov. 17. Charles C. Hatch of New Milford and Anah C, Judson, Nov. 10. Frederick C. Hall of Bethlem and Lucy Allen, Nov. 3. Lucius Ives of New Haven and Caroline M. Day. Nov. 23. Henry Lambert and Margaret De Forest, Nov. 24. Burr B. Atwood and Mary C. Hawley, Oct. 24, Agar Wheeler and Lorene S. Wood, Nov. 28. 1831. Cyrus Pearce and Jane Minox*, Jan. 24. Joseph F. Walker and Maria S. Burnham, Jan. 9. Horace S. Atwood and Maria H. Morris, Feb. 2. Isaac Simonson of New York and Rebecca Hibbard, March 13. Chauncey Allen of Wallingford and Betsey Lines, March 2. Ehsha Minor and Sally Chidsey, April 25. Francis D. Prentice of Bethlem and Caroline Hibbard, May 9. Lester Sutliff and Sally Bishop, June 23. Levi Van Housen and Samantha Barnes, July 17. David Upson of Waterbury, and Phebe Kirtland, . Sept. 5. Orlin Rood of Vermont and Lydia Augusta Drakeley, Sept. 12. Nathan Nettleton of Milford and Eunice Minor, Nov. 27. MARRIAGES IN WOODBURY. 201 1832. Lemuel Beardsley of Roxbury and Antonette Richards, Jan. 16. Augustus W. Curtiss of Ruggles, Ohio, and Lucy Judson, Jan. 4. Isaac M. Baldwin of Middlebury and Ann Maria Galpin, Jan. 11. Amos E. Allen and Julia Minor, Feb. 8. Thomas Root and Weltha Allen, March 14. Seth Strong and Harriet A. Lambert, March 28. Pettit Galpin and Polly M. Calhoun, April 4. Leman Bishop and Dotha D. Bloss, both of Bethlem, April 18. Josiah Giles Minor and Esther C. Bloss of Bethlem, April 18. Nathan B. Fairchild of Oxford and Augusta Sherman, May 5. William V. Newton and Betsey A. Bronson, both of Rox- bury, April 26. Charles Olcott and Mary Stone, May 20. Talbott Rliodes of Weathersfield and Zeruiah Fox, Nov. 18. John Baird of Becket and Abigail L. Foot, Dec. 30. Charles A. Blackman and Lurinda Jones (in Waterbury), July 8. 1833. James Atwood and Abigail Lewis of New Milford, June 2. Nelson Perkins and Hannah B. Hurlbut, Feb. 21. James Judson, Jr., of New Preston and Jennet L. Hotch- kiss, July 1. Silas Tuttlc of Middlebury and Susan Allen, Sept. 1. John Roswell and Emeline Castle of New Milford, Sept. 4. John W. Beecherof Mayville, Tenn., and Achsa Judson, Sept. 4. Edward Nettleton of Plymouth and Harriet Clark, Sept. 1 8. Henry H. Peck and Perny Judson, March 14. Shelden Bishop of Northeast, N. Y., and Angeline Bar- toe of Bethlem, Oct. 6. Nathaniel E. Sherman of Roxbury and Cornelia Thomas, Sept. 5. Ebenezer Wheeler of Southbury and Harriet E. Tuttle, Nov. 23. John Roswell and Emehne J. Castle, Sept. 4. 1834. Harlow Clark and Keziah Spicer, Feb. 5. Timothy Terrill, Jr., and Laura Warner, March 12. Charles S. Trowbridge and Ann Jennet Hurlbut, July 31. Robert Camp of Middlebury and Olive A. Judson, Sept. 24. George E. Hall of Bethlem and Julia A. Sherman, Sept. 24. Erastus Minor and Melinda Manvel, " Dec. 21. Samuel F. Peck and Lucy Almira Blois of Bethlem, Sept. 17. Levi S. Douglas and Sarah A. Moody, Nov. 10. Sidney Merwin of Woodbridge and Betsey Judson, Oct. 14. Anthony C. Stoddard and Maria H. Nettleton, Dec. 21. Vol. TIL— 26 202 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY 1835. Austin Bennitt of Brookfield and Maria Jones, Jan. 1. Daniel Curtiss and Julia Strong, Jan. 27. Orem Newcomb of Derby, Vt.. and Maria Drakeley, Felt. 12. Elam Luddington of Bethlem and Mrs. Emeline St. Clair of Kent, Feb. 16. James M. Clark and Emma Finis, March II. Sherman Elwell and Mrs. Harriet Gillett of Derby, April 14. Philo Tuttle and Martha B. Morris, ' May 3. Asahel Tyler of Middlebury and Malga M. Morris, May 24. Mark Leavenworth and Aimira Isbel, Aug. 24. Sabine Bonus of Middlebury and Mary Lum of Roxbury, Sept. 4. Henry L. Plourferet and Huldah Hunt, Sept. 13. Lewis G. Sherman of New Milford and Jennet E. Judson, Oct. 6. George W. Strickland and Frances J. Toles, Sept. 10. John B. Atwood and Elsia M. Lewis of New Milford, Oct. 13. Cornelius H. Curtiss of New York and Mary W. Sayre, Oct. 27. Julius F. Smith of Watertown and Mary Atwood, Nov. 16. William Abernethey and Celistia A. Sherman, Dec. 20. 1836. Charles M. Bard of New Milford and Sarah A. Judson, Feb. 22. Asahel F. Barnes of Roxbury and Polly Ann Kinney, March 1. John Tuttle and Abigail Toles, Feb. 28. Thompson Bristol and Hannah M. Peck, April 24. Kneeland Todd of Wakeman, 0., and Julia Booth, April 24. John S. Nichols and Laura S. Judson, June 29. Benjamin H. Negus and Eliza Ann Hurd, Aug. 7. Nathan R. Smith of Roxbury and Sarah Blackman, Sept. 19. David T. Stoddard and Maria Parmelee, Oct. 17. Silas Clark and Laura Judson, Oct. 27. William R. Atwood and Roxa S. Morris, Dec. 25. 1837. Leman Osborn and Mary Osborn, both of Waterbury, Jan. 12. Charles Jones of Litchfield and Eliza E. Judson, Jan. 24. Hiram S. Gilford of New Milford and Rachel Bower, March 28. Reuben S. Edwards of Roxbury and Havila Warner, March 1. Jonathan B. Warner of Derby and Charlotte Monroe, April 3. Chester Wooster of Middlebury and Amanda P. Thomp- son, May 2. Alanson Crow of Washington and Ruby S. Tuttle, May 4. Asahel M. Huxley and Mary L. Minor, June 14. John McKinney and Margaret S. Sherman, May 24. Samuel A. Galpin and Polly Morris, July 12. Wheeler Atwood and Harriet E. Talmadge, Aug. 27. Jacob D. Woodruff of New Jersey and Harriet T. Sayre, Oct. 4. Gregory Monroe of Ridgefield and Carolina Rowe, Sept. 7. Phineas A. Judson and Laura S. Stoddard, Oct. 18. M A K R r A G E S IN W (J O D B T H Y . 203 Garwood W. Bishop and Marietta Pearce, John Silas Bennet and Betsey Ann Porter, David Welhnan and Oman Fox. Jolm A. Atwood and Lydia A. Bingham, Nov. 15. Dec. 6. Dec. 14. N"ov. G. 1838. James Northnip of Southbury and Mary Weeks (col- ored). South Farms, Feb. 4. Rev. B. Y. Messenger of Orange and Julia M. Crafts, Feb. 7. Daniel M. Gillet of Roxbury and Fanny E. Dudley, March 8. Stephen Allen and Mary Pitcher, March 8. Charles Curtiss and Emily 0. Lambert, March 14. Isaac L. Calhoun and Eunice Clai'k, April 3. Samuel Edward of Trumbull and Delia Edwards, June 1 1. Frederick A. Marsh of Litchfield and Keziah A. Allen, July 4. John N. Sherman of Mishewaka, 111., and Margaret L. Hotchkiss, July 11. William C. Cogswell and Catharine A. Sherman, Sept. 5. John L. Wheeler of Southbury and Mary A. Barnes, Oct. 3. James Manvel and Ruth May, Oct. 28. Eli G. Turney and Sarah S. Beardslee of Roxbury, Nov. 1 1 . Albert G. Robinson and Jane Sunbury, Sept. 29. Samuel Anthony of Wallingford and Sarah DeForest, Oct. 11. George D. Turrill and Nancy Booth, Nov. 27. Augustin Averill of New York and Margaret Eraser, May 9. 1839. Truman Tuttle and Eliza Wheeler of Southbury, Jan. James Atwood and Rosetta Cheravoy, Jan. Nathan S. Judson and Flora X^ining, Jan. Henry H. Peck and Juha M. Judson, Feb. William Curtiss and Ehsabeth Ann Stoddard, March Henry Hotchkiss of Newtown and Rebecca Atwood of Watertown, April Obadiah P. Northrup and Harriet M. Bacon, April Edwin Potter and Annis Way, April Joseph R. Sherman and Lucretia M. Tolles, April Henry Minor and Althea Green, May Frederick Martin and Mary Ann Orton, July Nathaniel Pierce of Talmage, Ohio, and Minerva L. San- ford, June John Wright and Rebecca Robinson, June Stephen M. Cate of New York and Delia E. Ovit, March Cyrene Clark of Roxbury and Alma Barnes of Water- town, Sept. Wyllys Judd of Danbury and Augusta M. Mallory, Nov. Lucius T. Cogswell of New Preston and Catharine Waraer, Nov. 27. 20. 8. 3. 10. 14. 29. 9. 24. 30. 18. 18. 28. 204 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY William P. Comstock of Danbury and Nancy B. Cogs- well, Aug. 28. William R. Tuttle and Sally E. Tuttle, April 24. Charles Mansfield and Alma Fox, March 27. 1840. Nelson Barnes of Roxbury and Maria E. Lounsbury of Bethlem, Sereno Saxton of Middlebury and Julia Mansfield, Henry Minor and Betsey Booth, Jeremiah Peck of Watertown and Cornelia E. Dudley, John F. Bunnell and Olive Armstrong of Roxbury, Thomas W. Gillett of Bethlem and Rebecca R. Sher- man, Alfred F. Betts and Frances Amanda Minor, Horace Temple of Roxbury and Sarah Isbel, James Abrams of Camden, N. Y., and Sarah Minor, 1841. Henry Isbel and Julia Hurlbut, Treat Lambert and Maria J. Minor, Robert Smith of Roxbury and Katherine Farr, Leman G. Atwood and Delia M. Judson, Shelton Smith of Oxford and Caroline Hinman, William E. Woodruff and Laura S. Steele, William Abernethy and Antoinette Judson, Lyman Fields of Watertown and Roxa Hayes, Enos Hopkins of Naugatuck and Clarissa D. Morris, Brooks of New Haven and Emeline Freeman (col- ored), Giles Barton and Fallura Wheeler, both of Bethlem, John G. Law and Finetta Booth, Nathaniel Freeman of Watertown and Emeline Cam, Charles Johnson and Nancy Peck, both of Southbury, Francis G. Atwood and Maria D. Worcester, Alvin Ward and Mary E. Johnson, Alva Merriam and Mary Ann Sperry, Clark Linsley and Maranda Doolittle, Alonzo C. Frost and Sarah Jane Peck, Daniel Riggs and Caroline Galpin, 1842. Charles P. Strong and Elisabeth A. Preston, John J. Monell of Orange County, N. Y., and Mary E. Smith, Wm. Frederick Osborne of Goshen and Mary O. Morris, Almon Mansfield and Jane Atwood, Burr Keeler of New Milford and Marinda Tuttle, March 15. March 18. April 8. Oct. 25. Nov. 15. Sept. 2. Oct. 14. Nov. 16. Nov. 24. Jan. 13. Feb. 23. Jan. IS. March 23. Sept. 14. April 22. May 5. May 17. June 15. Aug. 29. Sept. 8. Sept. 23. Nov. 2. Oct. 15. Jan. 27. Feb. 24. May 2. Oct. 3. Dec. 9. Aug. 30. May 4. June 14. May 25. June 8. April 3. MARRIAGES IN WOODBURY. 205 Wilmot C. Tyler and Silvia Scott of Middlebury, April 7. John Hall and Harriet Esther Smith, June 5. Truman Leavenworth and Lucrotia Frost, both of Wash- ington, July 7. Samuel Canfield of Derby and Esther Hurlbut, Aug. lU. Russel Stevens of New Fairfield and Betsey Riggs, Aug. 3. Abernethy B. Stone and Julia A. Mitchel, Oct. 2, Hobart H. Morris and Sarah M. Hurd, Oct. 18. Rufus Castle and Nancy Buckingham, both of Roxbury, Oct. 31. Frederick N. Woodruff of Watertown and Nancy E. Tolles, Sept. 21. Sherman Clark of Washington and Jane A. Warner, Nov. 14. Nathaniel Gibson of Washington and Maryette Wai'ner, Nov. 14. Judah Baldwin of Bethlem and Eunice Calhoun, Nov. 14. George W, Hubbard of Litchfield and Julia C. Murray, Nov. 23. Orange J. Frost ot' Bridgewater and Marritt Peck, Nov. 30. Samuel M. Ensign of Litchfield and Jane DeForest, Nov. 17. Elhanan Spooner and Emily Palmer, Dec. 4. 1843. Benjamin Chatfield and Mai'tha Wright (colored), Dec. 14. Wheeler Atwood, Jr., and Maria Louisa Judd, Jan. 1 . Jerome Jackson of Roxbury and Rebecca Leavenworth, Feb. 15. Charles Mun.son of Bethlem and Currance S. Judson, Feb. 6. Daniel Wooster of Middlebury and Mrs. Esther Judson, March 13. Cyrus Fenn of Watertown and Anna Bunce. March 26. Eli Stow Peet of New Milford and Abigail L. Judson, April 12. David Betts, Jr., and Caroline Eliza Judd, April 26. Leman Kinney of New Preston and Harriet B. Galpin, March 27. Russel G. Dayton of Harpersfield, N. Y., and Olive At- wood, June 5. Seneca J. Loomis of Bethlem and Margaret L. Sherman, June 7. John Sanford Hayes and Mrs. Abiah Clarke of Monroe, March 19. Frederick L. Ludington of Bethlem and Eunice Calhoun. Oct. 25. Reu.ben B. Martin and Susan W. Cogswell, Oct. 25. Shei'man B. Stoddard and Mary Ann Harger of Derby, Oct. 18. James R. Thomas and Mary Ann Hull, Nov. 20. George Canfield and Catharine Judson, William B. Hotchkiss and Rebecca B. Crafts, 1844. Agur Curtiss of Winfield, N. Y., and Betsey Mather, Charles Isbel and Harriet J. Hurd, Thomas C. Upson and Harriet Moi-riss, Charles Munson of Huntington and Frances Reynolds, Henry Lambert and Harriet Colton, Charles R. Harris of New Haven and Catharine Booth, Loren Forbes and Harriet Walker, Stiles Wooster of Middlebury and Sabrina Booth, Nov. 13. June 6. Jan. 7. Jan. 1, Jan. 23. Jan. 29, Feb. 15 March 17 April 21 Jan. 21. 206 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Cornelius J. Minor and Mary Mitchell, April 3. Charles C. Mitchell and Louisa M. Hayes, April 24. Josiah H. Bacon and Elisabeth M. Smith of Bethlem, May 19. Nelson Fuller ol Middlebury and Augusta Way, May 23. Charles M. Ward and Mary M. Gilbert, Sept. 9. William Culver of Naugatuck and Charity S. Tuttle, Sept. 15. Benjamin S. Russell and Sarah H. Curtiss, 36ih inst., (Sept. 26.) John Minor and Ursula J. Allen, Sept. 24. Henry N. Dudley of Guilford and Marietta Minor, Oct. 2. Hiram Thomas of Roxbury and Sarah A. Hull, Nov. 24. Milton Smith of Sandersfield, Mass., and Cinthia Maria Cosier, Nov. 28. George Drakeley and Marilla Hollister, Nov. 11. George Davenport of Roxbury and Delia Warner Nov. 12. Warren Taylor and Anna E. Wooster, Dec. 26. Nathan Warner, Jr., and Jennette M. Atwood, Dec. 30. Noble T. Warner and Mary E. Bradley of Woodbridge, Dec. 30. George Lathrop and Emily J. Morris, Dec. 29. George B. Way and Mary Roberts, Dec. 31. 1845. Isaac Way, Jr., and Mary Ann Betts, Jan. 5. Thomas H. Mallett of New Milford and Lamina E. Hurd, Jan. 15. Asa Mitchell and Lucy Osborn of Oxford, Jan. 27. William A. Willoughby of Derby and Nancy Royce, March 23. John A. Candee and Abigail DeForest, March 25. David C. Bacon and Susan M. Jackson of Bethlem, July 16. Aaron C. Andrews of Naugatuck and Amelia B. Binley, April 20. Charles H. Boughton of Naugatuck and Thalia J. Morris, Sept. 10. Albert Tuttle and Harriet E. Saxton of Middlebury, Sept. 15. Jeremiah Mitchell of New Haven and Ruby M. Camp, Dec. 14. Albert Curtiss of Stratford, and Elisabeth Curtiss, Sept. 8. Isaac Smith of Stratford and Hannah Peck Chappel, Oct. 15. Marshal Freeman and Mary Jane Freeman, Oct. 5. David C. Somers and Minerva S. Barnes (in Watertown), April 9. 1846. Elijah D. Judson and Minerva Judson, Edward Nichols and Mary Ann Freeman, Benjamin Chatfield and Caroline L. Robbins (colored), Frederick A. Smith and Sarah A. Castle, Thomas Root and Polly Pearce of South Britain, Almon C. Mansfield and Elisabeth Pope of Oxford, Israel L. Russell of Waterbury and Emeline Mansfield, William H. Vader and Charlotte Peax'ce, George Johnson of Waterbury and Harriet Mansfield, Charles M. Oviatt of Watertown and Elisabeth Trow- bridge, Martin Stoddard and Eliza Briggs, Jan. 1 Jan. 29 Jan. 19 March 1 March 4 Feb. 22 Feb. 22 March 17 March 15 June 3 June 3 June 3 June 20 Aug. 27 Sept. 14 Oct. 7 Nov. 4 Nov. 26 Dec. 20 Jan. 1 M A R H I A r, E .<* IN W O O P B I' R Y . 207 Augustin tlotchkiss of Walertown and Maria Briggs, Samuel A. Castle and Polly A. Minor, Charles Leonard and Harriet Harrington or Harrison, Daniel C Frost and Sarah H. Stoddard, Morgan A. Morehouse and Belinda Atwood, Nathaniel L. Strong and Mary R. Minor, Booth B. HoUister and Lydia R. Millard, John Warner and Martha A. Cosier, Abiram S. Atwood and Cornelia North, 1847. Jacob Fowler of Southbury and Julia Cam, Jan. 7. Alexander Gordon of Sheffield, Mass., and Lydia Manvel, Feb. 15. Charles S. Crane of Bethlem and Imogen J. Morris, Feb. 16. George Camp of Washington and Margeret DeForest, March 7. Charles J. Blackman of Middlebury and Sarah E. Munn, March 21. C. D. Kingsley of Sardinia, N. Y., and Rebecca Elliott, April 18. Bennet U. Strong and Mary H. Green, May 19. Isaac Burritt of JSIonroe and Lucy A. Clarke, May 5. Sylvester Sherman of Wakeman, O., and Jane M. Peet of Bristol, Vt., June 23. Henry A. Alden of Springfield, Mass., and Mary M. Bishop, July. Hermon Judson and Minerva Dewy of Kent. Aug. 13. William Churchill, Jr., and Lucy C. Averill, both of New York, July 28. George Nichols and Lucinda Leach, Sept. 6. Henry P. Strong and Sarah A. Bacon, Sept. 8. John E. Blackman of Middlebury and Harriet S. Nettleton, Sept. 5. Andrew L. Benedict of Bethel and Ruth N. Allen, Sept. 25. Levi Crouch of Watertown and Mary M. Atwood, Oct. 3. Robson Dawson and Susan Hayes, Oct. 11. Ansel C. Porter of Waterbury and Ruth A. Sherman, Oct. 19. Edward Nichols and Ruby M. Mitchell, Oct. 31. Charles L. Galpin and Susan A. Woodruff, Nov. 7. Nathan S. Terrill and Emily Green, Oct. 13. Frederick S. Atwood and Sarah Hurd, Nov. 21. Andrew Johnson and Eliza Camp, Dec. 5. Orrin Hawley and Lucy Camp, Dec. 19. Aaron Hawley and Lucy Freeman, Nov. 1848. Samuel Atwood and Lucinda Jones, March 12 Samuel W. Andrew of New Haven and Fanny A. Crafts, Jan. 4 Gervase Hotchkiss and Sarah E. Cogswell, April 25 Edward Youngs and Caroline Dayton, Jan. 2 William H. White and Sarah E. Way, July 18 Isaac Lewis Minor and Esther J. Cramer, Jan. 2 Robert C. Partree and Sarah J. Tomlinson, Jan. 5 208 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Charles Whittlesey and Sarah A. Minor, Sept. 27. George Rockaway and Mary Jane Miller, Feb. 25. Ephraim Hayes and Harriet Mason, Sept, 6. Jesse B. Burton and Jane Fox, March 15. Edward W. Atwood and Eliza Pitt, Oct. 9. Garwood H. Atwood, M.D.. and Henrietta E. Judson, May ]. Sylvanus A. Warner and Arthelia A. Leach, Dec. 31. Walter Hart of Plainville and Elisabeth A. Gibson, April. 19. Frederick P. Gorham of New Haven and Mary M. Stod- dard, Sept. 2. William C. Bristol and Mary Ann Betts, July 12. Rev. Lucius Q. Curtis and Emily C. Whittlesey, June 28. Enos Benham and Betsey A. Waters, June 24. Albert Stiles and Mary A. Fox, July 3. Wait Leavenworth, Jr., and Sarah E. Minor, Dec. 23. William W. Way and Betsey M. Armstrong, Dec. 21. Robert C. Lawson and Maria H. Preston, Nov: 22. 1849. Isaac T. Buel and Lois M. Rejmolds, April 6. Eleazur Welton and Delia Beers, Feb. 1 6. Leverett Phillips and Elisabeth Freeman, June 3. James Andrews and Charlotte Judson, May 29. George M. Summers and Parthena Judson, Jan. 1. Eleazur W. Smith and Sarah Ann Northrop, * Feb. 4. Robert Peck and Catherine R. Farr, March 20. Monroe C. Sherman and Ruth E. Hotchkiss, March 20. Aaron Hawley and Almira Newkirk, Sept. 9. William Cothren and Mary J. Steele, Sept. 3. George DeForest and Sarah A. Linsley, Oct. 3. Edward F. Bassett and Laura Linsley, Oct. 3. Theodore W. Walker and Almira T. Judson, Oct. 3. Solomon B. Minor and Frances A. Walker, Oct. 18. George F. Smith and Elisabeth R. Downs, Dec. 31. Samuel W. Churchill and Elisabeth Esther Burton, Oct. 3. Joseph H. Hannah and Martha Nichols, Oct. 3. George Camp and Susan Warner, Oct. 3. James H. Linsley and Harriet M. Curtiss, Oct. 9. Almon D. Galpin and Sarah E. Barnes, Sept. 2. Edward E. Bradley and Adeline C. Nettleton, Oct. 26. Reuben Andrews and Caroline Bryant, Dec. 3. Charles Roswell and Mary A. Smith, Aug. 22. Edward Hitchcock and Harriet A. Baxter, Nov. 12. Calvin Bates and Emeline M. Richards, Dec. 31. Henry W. Richards and Almira M. Peck, Dec. 30. 1850. Samuel B. Scott and Harriet L. Richardg^ April 20. Ransom Nichols and Emeline Russell, March. Anson A. Root and Betsey A. Peck, May 15. MARRIAGES IN W f ) O D B F K Y 209 Charles Johnson and Julia C. Lewis, May 16. Henry L. Taylor and Harriet A. Knickerbocker, March 28. Frederick J. Boulton and Julia Ann Belcher, May 8. Lampson Voms and Susan Reynolds, Oct. 16. William H. Corning and Maria Walker, Sept. 13. Frederick J. Scott and Mary T. Minor, Oct. 23. Chaunccy Allen and Rebecca Perkins, Sept. 1. Ephraim C. Atwood and Ruth Ann Atwood, Sept. 26. Thomas F. Judson and Ann B. Millard, Dec. 9. Marshall D. Atwater and Eliza A. Allen, Nov. 13. Orley M. Parker and Marcia A. Gibson, Sept. 9. Dr. Elisha Baker and Margaret L. Loomis, Nov. 20. Charles Cam of Bethlehem and Betsey Ann Freeman, Jan. 16. Charles Allen and Rebecca Perkins of Cheshire^ Sept. 1. Simeon W. Bacon and Harriet M. Beardsley (in Roxbury), May 1. John J. Fowler and Martha B. Burton, June 24. 1851. Edward Smith and Elsy Ann Chappell, Geo. P. Allen and Julia Finch, Noble Atwood and Alma E. Hawley, Carr Watson and Ruth M. Allen, Harmon Fowler and Hannah Burton, Harmon W. Judson and Eliza T. Bishop, William L. G. Judson and Ruth S. Morris, Enos Benham and Emily J. Minor, Ephraim Hayes and Harriet Mason, July 16. April 21. March 16. Jan. 29. Jan. 26. April 2. May 21. Sept. 9. Aug. 6. 1852. Arnold Peterson and Mary Ann Smith, Orrin Hawley and Mary Ann Jackson, George P. Richards and Margaret Ann McCoy, Judson Blackman of New Milford and Julia Sherman, James L. Judd and Harriet E. Rowe, Francis A. Atwood and Marilla Leonard, 1853. Leman G. Galpin and Ursula Teeple, Nelson Bristol and Julia Sherman, John R. Hoyt and Mary S. Munn, Bennet J. Skidmore and Lucy L. Peck, Lyman H. Sprague, M.D., and Jane Blakesley, John Woodward and Arvesta Hotchkiss, George W. Atwood and Huldah J. Carrington, William L. Lum and Sarah Atwood, Harvey Treat and Elisabeth A. Curtiss, William B. Uoadley and Miriam N. Atwater, Vol. til— 27 July Dec. 11. 23. Dec. 24. Feb. 22. March 22. April 14. March 13. June 1. July Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. 3. 22. 14. 15. 18. 10. Oct. 16. Nov. 29. 210 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Jacob Tanner and Mary E. Blackman (in Amenia, N. Y.), Feb. 26. James W. Traver of Salisbury and Jane S. Bootli of Roxbury, Dec. 13. 1854. Benjamin M. Stowe and Arvesta J. Isbell, Franlvlin A. ToUes and Sarah M. Farr, Charles W. Kirtland and Elisabeth Ann Stiles, Cornelius J. Minor and Mary Mitchell, Truman Abrams and Elisabeth J. Lambert, Edwin Stanton and Ellen S. Dwy, John Richards and Electa A. Parmelee, C. L. Hall and Josephine B. Walker, Henry B. Woodworth and Jane E. Riggs, Joseph L. McKay and Cornelia E. Parmelee, Vincent M. Barnes and Caroline L. Little, Dr. S. B. Fairchild and Margaret S. McKinney, Henry Lambert and Aurelia C. Moses, Samuel Vance of Groveland, N. Y., and Harriet M. Orton, Preston Atwood and Aleafy A. Brewer (at Brooklyn, N. Y.), 1855. Marcus A. Hurd and Eunice M. Warner, Oliver B. Cole and Lydia E. Hayes, William Maxfield and Nancy R. Hayes, Rev. Stephen Rogers and Jerusha Sherman, Ira A. Parmelee and Margaret Briggs, Nathan W. Sanford and Amelia E. Roberts, Edwin Sackett and Susan P. Pierce, William C. Beecher and Mary E. Strong, Thomas Beddall and Jane Capewell, C. W. Hine and Ann M. Smith, Frederick A. Smith and Samantha Barnes, Lester Coffee and Nancy C. Minor, George Carr and Margaret Thompson, Asahel Tyler and Marie V. Shea. Miles Sweeney and Adelia W. Russell, Charles E. Taylor and Filletta Smith, Charles S. Dayton and Sarah C. Isbell, Lyman L. Johnson and Mehitabel Blakesley, Asahel B. Gibson and Mary J. Wheeler, Albert E. Stiles and Fanny Scovill, Isaac Way and Amy Nettleton, James R. Thomas and Mary E. Brayton, George Nettleton and Aner Judson. Jan. L Jan. L Feb. 27. April 3. Sept. 5. Oct. 29. April 2. May May 7. Aug. 29. Sept. 24. Dec. 23. Nov. 1. Sept. 29. Nov. 1. Jan. 14. Jan. 24. Jan. 24. Jan. 30. Feb. 20. Feb. 26. March 1. April 4. April 6. April 8. April 24. May 20. May 31. July 2. July 5. Sept. 2. Sept. 5. Oct. 25. Nov. 28. Nov. 29. Dec. 3. Dec. IG. MARRIAGES IN W (> { A li fi 1 A G E S IN W f ) O D B U K y , 2 1 5 Alvcih A. Leacli, Jr., and Ellen Markham, June 17. AVillard P. Abernethy and Lucy S. Pierce, June 'Jl. Robert B. Smith and Cornelia Somers. Aug. 21. Abernethy B. Stone and Fannie Skinner, Sept. 22. William Williams and Ellen S. Fox, Sept. 16. Eldwin D. Bishop and Harriet A. Markham, • Sept. 29. Truewo)'thv Munger and Jane Negus, Oct. 14. Walter T. Buckingham and Helen E. ToUes, Nov. 8. Edward N. Bishop and Hattie E. Minor, Nov. 20. George D. Capewell and Mary E. Judson, Nov. 22. Charles A. Tattle and Ellen Clarke, Nov. 27. Dwiglit S. Todil and Abbie G. Summers, Dec. 20. William N. Shelton and Mary Frances Wilkinson, Oct. 13. WiUiam H. Purdy and Sarah J. Galpin, Dec. 29. "Levi Callender and Sarah M. Treat, .lune — 1866. John Cook and Ellen Lines, Feb. 6. Asa Seymour and Anna F. Luske, March 2. Edward H. Mi;ns(m and Emma J. Tuttle, March 25. Muliner Drunis and Johanna Dolan, March 21. Charles C, Nettleton and Sally R. Hotchkiss, April 19. George A. Smith and Martha C. Hotchkiss, May 1.5. Henry Skinner and Fanny E. Ryals, J'dv 3. Albert D. Hurd and Mary \j. Barto, Aug. 26. Walter W. Johnson and Sarah F. Snediker, Aug. 26. Aaron Hawley and Elisabeth Phillips, Sept. 15. David H. Warner and Elisabeth Marsh, Sept. 27. Henry F. Geer and Mary D. Stone, Oct. 1. David F. Welch and Sarah E. S. Bi-adley, Oct. 2. John W. Nichols and Mary E. Minor, Oct. 2. (yharles Judd and Esther Freeman, Oct. 7. Truman Cam and Catherine Hawley, Nov. 4. Daniel W. Knowles and (^urrence J. Hatch,- Nov. 12. Bryan A. Treat and Sarah Hill, Dec. 11. Robert E. Green and Helen M. Rogers, Dec. 25. Edgar E. Gibson and Sarah J. French, Nov. 22. 1867. Charles Botsford and Cornelia F. Ward, Jan. 27. William Patterson and Harriet Kinney. John C. Harrison and Emily S. Hull, April 27. Charles H. Percy and Mary A. Capewell, April 30. Alonzo A. Smith and Emehne Austin, May 1. William T. Bacon, Jr., and Elisabeth T. Parker. May 8. Harson B. Northrop and Lucina J. Jones, May 25. Henry B. Covill and Widow Elisabeth C. Mallory, June 17. Marshall Barto and Charlotte Taylor, July 3. Leman Phillips and Chloe Woolsey, Aug. 11. 216 HISTORY OF ANCIEN^T WOODBURY. Chauncey Foot Monroe and Mary Wheeler, Sept. 8. George White, Jr., and Cordelia Cui-tiss, Sept. 18. John'P. Ritscher and Mrs. Julia Maria Bell, Sept. 29. George H. Isbell and Mary E. Way, • Oct. 17. John H. Riggs and Harriet L. McGinnis, Oct. 19. William Comber and Sarah Howe, Nov. 1. George Jerome Jackson and Emeline Freeman, Nov. 18. Andrew Sugden and Mary A. Young, Nov. 28. Stephen N. Summers and Henrietta J. Sherman, Dec. 24. Edwin Alvord and Susan M. Birch, Dec. 25. George B. Blackman and Annite A. Whitney, July 26. Wellington R. Tolles and Sarah D. Winton, Dec. 24. George Henry Daskum and Emma Jones, Dec. 24. Edward Tuttle and Emily Atwood, June 22. 1868. William E. Newton and Jennie P. Fowler, Oct. B. Garvin and Buck, March 8. George Mansfield and Nancj'' Jones. James Huntington and Helen E. Parker, June 11. Willard A. Isbell and Irene 0. Hotchkiss, June 17. Horace D. Curtiss and Harriet F. Atwater, Oct. 6. Oscar A. Manchester and Nellie J. Smith, Oct. 28. William H. Horton and Flora E. Blackman (in Pough- keepsie, N. Y.), Jan. 30. Milton S. Leonard and Mary E. Webb, Sept. 23. George F, Morris and Sophronia A. Dawson, Oct. 6. Frederick A. Walker and Fannie A. Thompson, Oct. 7. Charles F. Blackman and Sarah Turney. Charles R. Leavenworth and Floretta J. Buckingham, Oct. 21. Henry M. Chipman and Emma E. Wooster, Dec. 6. Francis M. Bristol and Amelia E. Policy, Dec. 23. Joseph Hawley and Harriet L. Seniox-, Dec. 23. Julius H. Galpin and Anna L. Luske, Feb. 24. 1869. Dudley Davis and Mary Russell, May 15. Charles Phillips and Elisabeth Jackson, May 23. Elam B. Burton and Hortensia M. Thomas, June 9. Robert Parrott and Etta S. Ward, June 9. Floyd F. Hitchcock and Eliza A. Summers, ^ June 10. George C. Bradley and Sarah M. Summers, June 10. Martin Dawson and Eunice A. Warner, Aug. 16. Wallace G. Ward and Stella C. Thomas, Sept. 6. Truman B. Wheeler and Catherine L. Webb, Oct. 6. Edward C. Stoddard and Ellen S. Saxton, Oct. 11. Henry E. Ward and Ellen L. Buckingham, Oct. 20. M A H l{ I A G E H IN W O O D B U K Y , 21' Stanley Wellman and Anna Atwood, David Cowles and Etta Buckland, Orson E. Cartwright and Margaret P. Frost, Brinton S. Tucker and Mary E. Wooster, David M. Mitchell and Hattie J. Lemmon, 1870. James W. Nichols and Harriet L. Burton, Rodolph L. D. Krazer and Mary A. Bryant, Marshall D. Atwater and Laura A. Allen, Franklin R. Ford and Adeline B. Blackman, Albert N. Judson and Fannie J. Minor, William C. Buell and Mary J. Minor, Charles Peck and Margaret Judson, William J. Clark and Juha M. Gordon, George A. Dodge and Lottie S. Minor, Leverett L. Kelsey and Lucy L. Blackman, (in Madison Ct,) Henry L. Bowers and Mary E. Marshall, Franklin B Peck and Fannie L. Smith, Dwight F. Stillman and Hattie E. Strong, Frederick A. Gilbei't and Kate Carroll, Thomas S. Grant and Marion B. Atwood, Frank J. Atwood and Ellen Capewell, Henry F. Gibson and Ella F. Lewis, Oct. 27. Nov. 4. Nov. 10. Dec. 24. Dec. 29. Jan. 5. Feb. 10. April 27. Oct. 12. Oct. 18. Oct. 18. Oct. 26. Oct. 26. Oct. 26. Dec. 11. Nov. 3. Nov. 23. Nov. 23. Nov. 24. Nov. 24. Dec. 3. Jan. 12. 1871. David Merrick and Margaret Davis, Harry Wheeler and Mary Booth, Henry C. Judson and Ellen Allen, Alfred Gyde and J. E. Young, John S. Rogers and Lydia Hart, Matthew M. Staples and Emma Bottom, William M. Staples and Mary J. Partree, Walter Brooks and Anna Gyde, William L. Pritchard and Mai-ia V. Thompson, Thomas S. Canfield and Catherine Senior, John R. Stanton and Jennie P. Minor, Charles E. Strong and Emily E. Hitchcock, Myron B. Munn and Martha J. Birch, Harry G. Loveland and Julia C. Tuttle, Wilhs E. Beardsley and Julia S. Smith, 1872. Stephen Bradley and Susan B. Clark, Abijah H. Hotchkiss and Ehza E. Ward, William G. Ash ton and Ellen A. White, Harmon Warner and Polly M. Atwood, Vol. IlL— 28 5. 5. 24. 4. 6. Jan Jan Jan Feb. April April 17 May 30 June 17 June 15 July 2, Oct. 11 Oct. 25 Dec. 19, Dec. 24 Nov. 8, Jan. 17. Feb. 29. April 29. • May 5. 218 HISTOKY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Homer S. Tomlinson and Emily A. Curtiss, June 1. John D. Lewis and Mary Richards, July 3. Seymour L. Capewell and Libby Saxton, Sept. 24. George H. Benham and Antoinette Judson, Sept. 2G. Edwin M. Betts and Ella M. Roberts, Oct. 1. True worthy Munger and Fanny B. Smith, Oct. 1. Henry M. Allen and Elisabeth Seeley, Oct. 10. Horace H. Minor and Carrie E. Dawson, Oct. 16. Edwin 0. Wakeman and Julia Galpin, Nov. 20. Edwin S. Lemmon and S. Frances Thonaas, Dec. 11. Richard Barlow and Sarah E. Hotchkiss, Dec. 25. Lawrence Saxton and Georgianna Davis, Dec. 25. Frank P. Marsh and Susan Z. Atwood, Feb. 24. 1873. Charles S. Baldwin and Wealthy Ann Thomas, Jan. 15. Hiram Cam and Laura Couch, Feb. 17. James W. Boyce and Mary Comber, March 5. George A. Bloss and Ella M. Stone, March 25. Thomas France and Mary Ann Lamb, May 8. Earnest C. Atwood and Alcervanie Young, May 12. James R. Jenkins and Martha Jane Hitchcock, May 27. Frank L. Mooney and Emma J. Fairchild, June 12. John H. Freeman and Esther Ann Couch, June 30. George M. Atwood and Ella A. Bird, Oct. 2. Edwin B. Simmons and Nora L. Sherman, Oct. 5. George Frank Jackson and Nancy M. Dawson, Nov. 5. Charles Frink and Myra Fowler, Nov. 27. Albert N. Bassett and Mrs. Mary Cosier, Dec. 7. Charles K. Smith and Julia E. Benedict, Dec. 16. Samuel Jebut and Sarah Jane Tayler, Dec. 25. Charles T. Blackman and Sarah E. Turney, April 24. 1874. S. Bartlett Terrill and Addie P. Burton, March 4. Albert H. Meyers and Hattie E. Betts, June 27. Albert S. Terrill and Ellen E. Garrity, June 30. George Camp and Mary E. Thomas, Sept. 10. Joel White and Fannie McEnnice, Sept. 30. George F. Smith and Antoinette M. Warner, Oct. 12. Theodore W. Walker, Jr., and Sarah M. Hitchcock, Nov. 4. Nathan C. Riggs and Carrie L. Smith, Nov. 18. William L. Richards and Mary A. Senior, Dec. 2. Frank Benedict and Emily H. Thomas, Dec. 24. Miles H. Buell and Emma Kilminster, Dec. 28. 1875. Charles E. Daskum and Celia J. Burford, Jan. 2. Richard H. Baldwin and Susan W. Martin, Feb. 2. MARRfAGES IN WOODBURY. 219 Noadiah Warner and Alice Beardsley. Benjamin S. Hicock and Mary B. Terrill, Joseph B. Ilall and Julia Gee, John O. Martin and Mary C. Upson, George E. Roswell and Mary J. Morrison, Judas A. Morris and Maria Brown, Nathaniel Strong and Margaret E. Lambert, Jarvis E. Thompson and Emma Judson. William L. Bronson and Ellen F. Minor, George W. Minor and Emily L. Minor, Harmon Fowler and Armina Robinson, Edward M. Smith and Fanny Fowler, George S. Griswold and Emma S. Benliam, 1876. Arthur E. Knox and Julia Burton, Frank H. Turkington and Ophelia Botsford, Frederick A. Thomas and Lottie A. Thomas, Thaddeus Fowler and Clara Weller. Birdsey D. Howe and Lydia A. Atwood, Perry H. Averill and Ellen C. C'urtiss, Edward H. Pritchard and Elsie E. Wilsey, William F. Galpin and Ida J. Murray, Joseph J. Gee and Julia A. Mansfield, William B. Ailing and Lula A. Murry, Henry B. Beardsley and Henrietta E. Atwood, George M. Atwood and Emily A. Tyler, John G. Warner and Martha B. Nichols, Nicholas Banning and Mary Ward, Aaron A. Osborn and Mary J. Alvord, Frederick T. Strong and Susan S. Minor, Marshall Barto and Charlotte N. Taylor, 1877. George S. Isbell and Ida M. Scott, George A. Burton and Amanda Bishop, Frank R Squires and Jenny Benson, John Benson and Hattie Squires, Andrew S. Higgins and Cornelia Atwood, Charles Hill and Marion D. Somers, Frank P. Allen and Nettie E. Thomas, Rev. J. L. R. WycholT and Mary A. Cogswell, Francis G. Reed and Charlotte G. Guild, George Terrill and Ahce F. Dawson, Olin E. Roswell and Georgiana A. Bodicut, Charles H. Bui'loa and Sarah P. Barnes, Marvin E. Tuttle and Hattie M. White, William C. Wheeler and Jenny Duncan, Feb. 18. May Aug. Sept. June 12. 19. 9. 3. Sept. Sept. Nov. 24. 29. 18. Nov. 22. Dec. 14. Dec. 14. Dec. 26. Jan. 6. Oct. 2. Oct. 2. Nov. 22. Dec. 14. Oct. 4. Sept. 5. .-\ug. 23. June 17. May 10. April 15. April 3. March 14. Feb. 4. Feb. 28. Jan. 15. Jan. 15. July 3. Jan. 6. Dec. 29. Dec. 25. Dec. 19. Dec. 18. Oct. 24. Dec. 17. Oct. 9. Sept. Oct. 30. 8. Sept. June 26. 2. June 16. April 23. 220 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. John W. Atwood and Rebecca Murphy, John Clark and Ellen Quick, Franklin J. Murphy and Olive Ward, Edward C. Stoddard and Mary Candee, Thomas L. Shea and Mary E. Andrews, Orra Pierce and Mattie Chamberlain, William J. Clark and Julia A. Byxbee, 1878. Edward F. Cole and Elisabeth S. Curtiss, John H. Tanner and Mary L. Atwood, L. R. Odende and Sarah Treat. George N. Riverton and Jessie F. Warner, Joel H. Atwood and Mary L. Warner, Lewis Hotchkiss and Harriet Benham, Andrew J. Perkins and Mary J. Smith, Egbert L. Carpenter and Lillie Strong, William P. Burton and Hattie Atwood, Shelden Summers and Amelia W. Lees, Walter E. Crofton and Stella M. DeForest, John H. Tanner and Mary L. Atwood, Wilbur Curtiss Linsley and Minnie Goodrich Smith, Jan. 15. Feb. 12. March 3. March 21. Oct. 17. Feb. 26. Dec. 12. Jan. 3. Jan. 28. Feb. 16. March 11. March 28. April 18. June 4. Oct. 2. Nov. 21. Dec. 11. June 30. Nov. 26. 1879. Frederick B. Atwood and Emma C. Tompkins (at Water- bury), Jan. 9. George B. Warner and Nellie A. Barnes, April 16. Charles C. Williams and Mary E. Kinney, April 23. George H. Woodworth and Charlotte A. Ferris, April 30. Henry W. Wooding and Hannah Myers, July 1 . DEATHS m WOODBURY FROM 1697 TO 1879. 1697. Henry CasselL Sr., after a long illness, above a twelve- month, Feb. 2. 1698. Mary Marks, w. of William Marks, April 13. Hannah Judson, w. of John Jndson, July 23. Remember Preston, s. of Hackaliah Preston, Jan. ] 5. 1699. The reverend Mr. Zachariah Walker y* faithfull worthy beloved Minister of y* Gospell ; and much lamented Pastor of y" Ch"" of Christ in Woodbury departed this life, uppon y tvventyeth day of Janu'y in y* year of o' Lord and blessed Saviour Jesus Christ one thousand six hundred ninety and nine, 1699. 1700. Chapman Judson, s. of John Judson (very early in the morning), May 8. Bethia Roots, dau. of John Roots, July 23. 1701. Mary Wheeler, dau. of John Wlieeler, Jan. 20. Mr. Stoddard's first child was born and died July 8. 1703. Ebenezer, s. of Sergt. Titus Hinman and wife Hannah, Jan. 17. Peter, s. of Thomas Minor, June 10. Mary, dau. of Jonathan and Sarah Atwood, Dec. 22. 1704. Sarah, wife of John Wheeler, March 12. EHsabeth, dau. of John and Ann Prince, Oct. 3. Judith, wife of John Huthwitt, Oct. 24. 222 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Lieut. Israel Curtiss, aged 61, Oct. 28. Mary Lacey (34), Nov. 12. 1705. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin Galpin, 1706. Samuel, s. of William Preston, Caleb Nickols, of a cancer, 1707. Elisabeth, dau. of Thomas Squire, 1708. Amos, s. of Cornelius Brunson, Sarah, wife of Isaac Castle, 1709. Sergt. Thomas Skeel (in Stratford), John Jwfdson, s. of Moses Johnson (in Stratford), [These two above died at their return from Wood Creek.] 1710. Rebecca, dau. of Sergt. Moses Johnson, Sarah, " " " " [These two laid in one grave.] Mrs. Susanna Walker, Caleb, s. of John Nickols, Aaron Mallery (in New Haven), Francis Styles, first-born son of Aaron Mallery, John Judson, aged 63, Feb. 13. March 10. April 14. June 16. Jan. 14. Feb. 24. Oct. 30. Nov. 9. Jan. 21. Jan. 22. April 26. June 17. July 12. July 23. Jan. 12. 1711. Mary, wife of Dea. Matthew Mitchell, aged 56, Bartlett, s. of Thomas Mallery, Dr. Ebenezer Warner's daughter, 3 days old, Margaret, dau. of Robert Warner, First-born s. of Noah Hinman, 1712. Rebecca, wife of Joseph Hurlbutt, Sergt. Thomas Squire, Hannah, dau. of Thomas Minor, Joseph, s. of Joseph Judson, Chapman, s. of Joseph Judson, Jan. 18. March 11. April 14. Sept. 8. Oct. 20. Feb. 2. April 9. June 27. Aug. 20. Aug. 26. [Both of these died of a bladder in the throat as is supposed. DEATHS IN \V O O D B I K Y , 223 i7i;j. Maiy, dau. of Jonathan Mitchell, Daniel, s. of Jose])h Waller, Sergt. Moses Johnson, aged 72, Samuel Hinman, Mary, wife of Jno. Bartlitt, April 20. latter end of May. Oct. 30. Nov. 7. Feb. 10, 1713-14. 1714. Hannah, wife of Henry Castle, Pearce, s. of Thomas Minor, Stephen Brunson, 1715. Lois Wheeler, Pnidence Stodtlard, aged 33, John Sherman's first-born child, a daughter, dead born, William Martin, John Thomas, Obadiah, s. of John Wheeler, drowned, Mary, dau. of Thomas Mallery, after five years' lan- - guishing, aged. 9, 171G. " John, s. of Valentine Prentice, Esther, dau. of Valentine Prentice, Patience, dau. of Elnathan Strong, John Wheeler, Sr., aged 81, 1717. Mercy, wife of John Hurlbutt, John Pulford (supposed died by a ram), Joseph liickok (of a cancer), Phebe, wife of Abraham Pulford, Adam Hinman, 1718. Gideon, s. of Josiah Roots, Mrs. Anne Nichols, aged 98, Obadiah, s. of Thomas Wheeler, Clement, s. of Thomas Minor, William Marks, Sr., 1719. Jesse, s. of Thomas Mallery, David, s. of Samuel Sherman, aged 1, Mrs. Elisabeth Styles, Capt. John Minor, Esq., aged 85, Elisabeth, wife of Thomas Mallery, Clement, s. of Thomas Minor, May • 7. June 24. Nov. 29. Feb. 5. April 16. April 20. July 4. July 27. Oct. 1. Dec. 30. April April May Dec. 4. 9. 26. 3. March 6. Sept. Oct. 26. 20. Oct. 22. Dec. 23. May July Aug. Sept. Dec. 15. 23. 26. 26. 21. March 4. March 9. June 3. Sept. Nov. 17. 5. Dec. 25. 224 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, 1720. Thankful, dau. of Noah Hinman, Jan. 11. Anna, wife of Noah Hinman, Feb. 10. Mrs. Dorcas Roots, May 15. Sarah, dau. of Thomas Wheeler (died in Fairfield), June 8. Amos, s. of Benjamin Hickok, May 18. Nathaniel, s. of Henry Castle, Sept. 11. Gideon, s. of Roger Turrill, Dec. 21. 1721. John Sherman, Jr., aged 40, May 20. John Bartlitt, aged 80, Oct. 2. John Skeel, Sr., Oct. 5. Patience, dau. of Ebenezer Squire, Nov. 13. Ann, dau. of Adino Strong, Jan. 8. Nathan, s. of Nathan Hurd, Jan. 10. Gideon, s. of Noah Hinman (of a scald). Jan. 10. Mary, 2d wife of Rev. Ant. Stoddard, aged 29, Jan. 12. Sarah Warner, aged 17, Jan. 28. 1722. Roger Terril, Sr., aged 73, April 17. Sergt. John Judson, ' April 6. Jonathan Hurlbut's (two children at one birth), June. Thomas, s. of Valentine Prentice, June 8. Sarah, w. of Nathan Hurlbut, June 10. Thomas Minor, June 15. Daniel, s. of Benjamin Hurd, Jr., A.ug. 27. John, s. of Jere. Thomas, Sept. 3. 1723. Sarah Hurd, Jan. 13. John Roots, Sr., May 25. Stephen Curtiss (after long sickness, aged 50), June 1. Susanna, dau. of Jonathan Mitchel, March 1. David, s. of Samuel Martin (very suddenly), July 9. Abigail Stiles, widow, Oct. 7. Nathan, s. of Nathan Hurd, Oct. 12. 1724. Jehiel, s. of John Hurd, Feb. 22, Mary, dau. of John Sherman, Jr., March 29. 1725. The Widow Castle, Dec. Wife of William Castle, Dec. Ephraim, s. of Benjamin Nichols, 20th year, Feb. 23. Deborah, dau. of Jonathan Squire, Feb. 9. Charles, s. of EHjah Strong, Feb. 16. DEATHS IN WOODBUKY 225 1726. Nathan Atwood. Edward Hinman. Timothy, s. of Timothy Burnham, Caleb, s. of Roger Turrill, John Huthwitt, Edward, s. of Benjamin Hinman, 1727. Lieut. Samuel Styles, aged 24, Huldah, wife of Samuel Knowles, Mary, wife of Jonathan Hurlbutt, David, s. of Sergt. Francis Stiles, Caleb, s. of Sergt. John Nickols, Sarah, dau. of Thomas Wheeler, Timothy Terrill, Sergt. John Nickols. Hannah, w. of Samuel Minor, Jr., Joseph "Waller, Sr., Martha, dau. of Abraham Hurd, Susanna, dau. of Ens. Joseph Judson, John Brownson, David Hickok, Isaac Castle, Sr., Jonathan Judson, Susanna, dau. of Jonathan Mitchel, Abraham Bi'ownson, Samuel Hicok, Sarah, w. of Benjamin Hinman, Jr., Joseph Curtiss, John Sherman, Jr., in 40th year, Titus, s. of Titus Hinman, Jr., John Stoddard, Thomas Roots, Samuel Hinman, Sarah, dau. of Nathaniel Hurlbut, Jehiel Preston, Joseph Walker, Elnathan Strong, Ebenezer Brownson, Solomon Stoddard, Wait, s. of John Hurd, Benjamin Hinman, Jr , Israel Stoddard, John Skeel, Mary, w. of Joseph Curtiss, Sergt. Samuel Squire, John Wheeler, Sergt. Benjamin Hinman. Vol. III.— 29 June 22, June 12. Jan. 15. March 4. Feb. 14. Feb. 1. March 20. March 31. April 1. April 8. April 1. April 16. April IS, April 20. April 24. Oct. 16. May 14. July 25. May 16. June 10, May 16, June 5. May 19. June 5. May 21. June 2. May 21. June 3. May 21. June 3. May 22. June 1. May 22. May 31. May 23. May 31. May 25. May 30. May 25. May 27. May 26. May 19. , May 26. 22.6 HISTOEY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Widow Ruth Hicok, William Marks, Rachel Baldwin, Timothy Turrill, 1728. May 28. May 26. May 26. March. March 2L April 13. April. April. May 7. Dec. 1. May 3. June 21. Aug. Jan. 19. July 7. Nov. 11. Oct. 1. Dec. 4. Dec. 13. Dec. 29. Thomas Wheeler (by the fall of a tree), Mrs. Sarah Turrill, Samuel Castle's child, Cornelius Hurlbut's child, Tabitha, w. of William Harris, Elisabeth, w. of Ebenezer Strong, 1729. Ann, w. of Ebenezer Squire, Joseph Hurlburt, 2d, Eunice, dau. of Nathaniel Hurlbut. Isaac Castle, 1730. Mrs. Elisabeth Mitchell, Prudence, w. of Isaac Tuttle, Hannah Skeils, the aged widow, Martha, w. of Knell Mitchell, Eleazer, s. of Samuel Knowles. Ruth, dau. of Caleb Wheeler, The Worshipful John Shei-man, Esq., Mary, dau. of John Crissey, 1731. Sergt. Benjamin Galpin, Jan. 6. Sarah, dau. of Hezekiah Porter, Jan. 27. Eleazer Knowles, Jan. 31. John Minor, Jr., March 14. Elisabeth, w. of Isaac Judson, aged 25, July 12. David and Nathan, chh. of David Leavenwoi'th, about twenty-four hours old, Aug. 4. John Pierce, Sen., Nov. 14. Roger, s. of Ezra Terrill, Nov. 14. 1732. Cornelius Brownson, Sen., May. Ensign John Mitchell, June 3. Joseph Hurlbut, the aged, July 13. Mrs. Elisabeth Minor, Ocu. 24. Mary Knowles, ye aged widow, Oct. 24. Hannah Pike, Oct. 31. James, s. of John Minor, Nov. 3. Hannah, w. of Jonathan Mitchell, Nov. 7. Gideon, s, of Hezekiah Wright. DEATHS IN WOODBURY. 227 1733. Doct. Jonathan Atwood, Jan. 1. Elisabeth, w. of John Nickols, Feb. 1. Mrs. Eunice Preston, Feb. 25. Justice, s. of John Minor, April 29. Elisabeth, w. of "William Harris, Sept. 3 Mary, w. Josiah Minor, Dec. 9. 1734. Thomas Drakeley, Sen., April 5. Samuel Minor, Sen., Dec. 22. Esther, w. of Hezekiah Culver, Dec. 29. 1735. Widow Abigail Martin, Jan. 4. Emm, dau. of Matthew Minor, Jan. 12. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan Mitchell, March 13. David Leavenworth, April 10. Mary, w. of Sergt. Solomon Johnson, as was thought when his house was burned, Jan. 13. Hannah, dau. of Sergt. Thomas Squire, July 1 . Mercy, dau. of John Baker, Jr., July 6. Ohve, dau. of Josiah Minor, Sept. 8. 1736. Martha Judson, April 5. Capt. Titus Hinman, April 5. Elisabeth, dau. of Thomas Weller, Sept. 8. Deacon Matthew Mitchell, ye aged, Sept. 11. Daniel, s. of John Warner, Sept. 23. Ann, dau. of Samuel Algur, Sept. 26. Kezia, dau. of Abraham Hurd, Nov. 7. Ann, dau. of Henry Castle, Jr., Nov. 3. Damans, dau. of John Baker, Jr., Dec. 31. 1737. Noah, s. of Adam Hurd, Jan. 3 1 . Reuben, s. of Ensign John Mitchell, Jan. 5. Caleb, s. of Caleb Wheeler, Jan. Noah, s. of Timothy Minor, Feb. 2]. John Bull, • July 21. Remember Baker, by a shot from a gun, June 1. Ensign John Hurlbut, Sept. 27. Reuben, s. of Ebenezer Allyn, Jan. 28. Ann, first born dau. of Henry Castle, Sept. 16. 228 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, 1738. Obed Henrys, Kezia Sherman, Caleb, s. of Caleb Wheeler, 2cl of that name, Jonathan Watson, a transient person, Susanna, w. of Joseph Minor, Elisabeth, w. of Lieut. John Mitchell, Marion, dau. of David Foot, Mary, dau. of John Orton, Samuel Smediey, Samuel Jenners, Sen., 1739. Experience, dan. of Thomas Weller, Mrs. Rebecca Beebee, the aged widow, Abigail, dau. of Rev. John Graham, Ephraim Hinman, Daniel Mitchell, Jonathan, s. of Matthew Mitchell, 1740. Mary, dau. of Peter Walker, Mary, w. of Peter Walker, Joseph Martin, Sarah, dau. of Jonathan Jackson, Jan. 26. March 1 . Feb March 23, April 26. May 14. June. June 17. July 19. Aug. 17. Jan. 16. Feb. 17 Feb. 17. March 26. March 28. March 29. April 3. April 4. April 12. Nov. 1741. Ehsabeth, w. of Aaron Mallery, Jan. 31. Sarah, w. of Dea. Noah Hinman, April 23. Ruth, w. of John Roots, April 23. Elisabeth, w. of Caleb Martin, Aug. 27. Joseph, s, of Joseph Roots, Aug. Ehsabeth, w. of Dea. Samuel Bull, aged 67, Sept. 22. 1742. Lieut. Joshua Hurlbut, supposed to be bit by a serpent, Aug. 22. Joseph Barker, Nov. 27. Ebenezer, s. of Allen Curtiss, March. Alexander Ashburn. David, s. of Jonathan Atwood, Dec. 8. 1743. Elisabeth Squire, the aged widow, Jan. Hannah Jenner, the aged widow, Feb. 2. Esther, w. of Ens. Zadok Hurd, Feb. 15. Mary, w. of Robert Warner, April 14. Jemsha Hinman, April 25. DKATHS IN WOODBURY. 229 Esther, dau. of Ens. Zadok Hurd, Oct. 12. David, s. of Joseph Nickols, Oct. 17. Jane, w. of Joseph Minor, Oct. 28. Sarah Tuttle, the aged widow, Nov. Mrs. Rebecca Galpin, the widow, Feb. S. Mary Judson, the aged widow, Feb. 9. 1744. Ruth Hurlbut, widow, April 12- Saniuel, s. of Aaron Mallery, April 23. Jonathan Mitchell, May 5 Martha, w. of Ensign Caleb Wheeler, April 21. Mrs. Elisabeth Sherman, Oct. 1. Thomas Prentice, Nov. 1. Matthew Sherman, at DanT)uiy, Oct. 19. Sarah, dau. of John Twiss, May 1. 1745. . Mary, w. of Lieut. John Mitchell, Jan. 4 Dea. Benjamin Hicok. Jan. 15. Martha, w. of Capt. Ebenezer Warner, April 17. Henry Castle, Sen., May 18. Solomon Squire, June 26. Samuel Waller. Elisha, s. of John Minor, Aug. 5. Jonathan Judson, after a long sickness, Sept. 6. Joseph Hinman, Sen., Sept. 10. Ruth, w. of Sergt. Samuel Galpin, Nov. 13. Gideon, s. of Daniel Judson, April 8. Sarah, dau. of John Twiss, May 1. Ruth Royce, the aged widow, March 3. 1746. Deborah, w. of John Leavenworth, Jan. I. Hannah Hicok, the widow, Jan. 7. Abigail, w. of Eliphalet Clark, June 17. Abigail, dau. of Samuel Waller, Oct. Mary, w. of Sergt. Isaac Tuttle, Oct. 28. Knell Mitchell, Oct. 24. Esther, w. of Joshua Guitteau, Aug. 11. 1747. Sergt. Titus Hinman, March 8. Mary, w. of Capt. John Williams, March 16. ^ Charles, s. of Eldad Spencer, April 7. Elisabeth, w. of Roger Terrill, April 15. Mrs. Hannah, w. of Rev. Anthony Stoddard, Nov. 26. Mary, dau. of Lieut. Samuel Knowles, Dec. 230 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Mary Johnson, the aged widow, Desire, dau. of Barzillia Handel, Susanna, dau. Barzillia Handel, Sarah, (2d of that name) dau. of John Twiss, Stephen Judd, s. of Stephen Judd of Watertown, 1748. Thomas Holmes, Lieut. John Mitchell, Caleb, s. of David Dudley, Susanna Roots, Daniel Wakelee, Lieut. Francis Stiles, George Norton, 1749. Abigail, w. of Sergt. John Nichols, Andrew Wood, the aged, Ehsha, s. of Ephraim Minor, Jr., Simeon, s. of David Minor, , dau. of Joseph Frost, John Sherman, the scholar, Elisha, s. of Sergt. John Nichols, Joseph Minor, Hannah, w. of Thomas Mallary, Matthew, s. of Ens. Matthew Minor, Mary, w. of Clement Minor, Ichabod, s. of Sergt. Isaac Tuttle, Joanna, w. of Ens. John Curtiss, Sarah, wid. of Lieut. John Mitchell, Jane, dau. of Joseph Nichols, Patience, w. of David Judson, Eliakim, s. of Eliakim Stoddard, Joseph Galpin, Adoniram Minor, Andrew, s. of Thomas Minor, Aaron, s. of John Minor, Rebecca Minor, Sarah Walker, Sarah, w. of Sergt. Benjamin Hurd, Eunice, dau. of Abijah Stoddard, Hannah, w. of Jonah Titus, Mary, w. of Dea. Samuel Sherman, Eliakim Stoddard, Cloe Hill, Rebecca, dau. of Capt. Elisha Stoddard, Esther, dau. of Abijah Stoddard, Emm, dau. of Daniel Sherman, Olive, w. of Sergt. Gideon Stoddard, Dec. 3L June 28. July 1. July 24. Feb. 11. Feb. 25. April 22. May 20. May. ■ June 26. Sept. 9. Aug. 4. May. July 26. July 31. Aug. 6. July 30. Aug. 7. Aug. Aug. 19. Aug. 20. Aug. 25. Aug. 30. Aug. 31. Sept. 1. Sept. 3. Sept. 5. Sept. 10. Sept. 13. Sept. 13. Sept. 14. Sept. 16. Sept. 17. Sept. 18. Sept. 19. Sept. 20. Sept. 20. Sept. 20. Sept. 25. Sept. 30. Sept. 30. Sept. 30. Sept. 30. Oct. 1. Sept. 26. DKATHS IN WOODBURY, 231 Dea. Samuel Bull, aged 72, Sarah, w. of Caleb Olds, Abraham Hurd, Jr., Feda, w. of Thomas Minor, Daniel, s. of Capt. Elisha Stoddard, Esther, w. of Samuel Waller, Peter, s. of Peter Walker, Simeon, s. of Dea. Benjamin Hicok, Olive, dau. of Peter Minor, Temperance Tuttle, Solomon Hurd, Esther, dau. of Zebulon Leavensworth, Asa, Amos, Job, and David, sons of Lemuel Wheeler, Sarah, dau. of Lemuel Wheeler, Asa, s. of Lemuel Walker, Mrs. Elisabeth, w. of Dea. Zechariah Walker, Mercy, dau. of Timothy Culver, Daniel Raymond, Ens. Adino Strong (aged 73, born Jan. 12, 1676), Waitstill Meigs, Emm, dau. of Daniel Sherman, Achsa, dau. of Return Strong, Mary, w. of Thomas Judd (at Watertown), 1750. John Baker, the aged, Martha, w. of Reuben Sherman, Annice, w. of Samuel Martin, Mary Alehum, the aged widow, Ohve, dau. of Sergt. Gideon Stoddard, Ensign Jonathan Munger, Lois, w. of Jonathan Munger, Jr. John Meigs of Bethlem. Asahel Meigs (at Farmington), Luke, s. of Mattliew Royco, EUsabeth, w. of Ephraim Baldwin, Sergt. Andrew Hinman, Eliphalet Clark, Abigail Hooker, Jesse Hooker, Eunice Hooker, Hannah, dau. of Reuben .Vvered, Joshua Stone, Dr. Ebenezer Thompson, Amos, s. of Ebenezer Thompson, David Hill, Ann Hill, Silas Hill, Charity Hill, Sept. 2. Sept. 30. Sept. 30. Oct. 3. Oct. 5. Oct. 6. Oct. 6. Sept. 22. Oct. 23. Nov. Nov. 2. Nov. 11. Sept. Sept. Oct. Dec. 19. Oct. 23. Nov. 29. Dec. 31. Dec. 22. Oct. 1 . Sept. 19. Aug. 11. Feb. 15. March 9. March 13. March 24. March 25. March 24. Jan. 30. March 4. March 24. Sept. I^Sept. Sept. 17. Sept. 24. Sept. 24. Sept. 17. July 9. Aug. 12. June 11. May 8. June 4. June 5. June 6. June 11. 262 HTSTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Susanna Hill, July 12 Mary, w. of Samuel Slator, Oct. 7 Ann, dau. of David Carr, Dec. 7 1751. Joseph Hurd, the aged. Jan. 18 Nicholas Manville, March 17 Lois Kelsey, Feb. 17 Cornelius Hurlbut, Aug. 9 Hannah, dau. of Abner Mallary, Aug. 4 Wait Hinman, Jr., (supposed by fall from a horse,) Aug. 12 Thomas Weller, Aug. 15 Esther, w. of Gideon Hollister, Sept. 14 John Prentice, Sept. 14 Elisabeth Prime, Sept. 16 Abia, dau. of Samuel Strong, Sept. Mary, w. of Nathan Mitchell, Dec. 6. Mercy, dau. of Benjamin Wheeler, Dec. Reuben Hibbard. Ozias, s. of Noah Woodward, June 9. Hannah, dau. of Abner Mallery, Aug. 4. 1752. Simeon, s. of Dea. Benjamin Hicok, Oct. Patience, dau. of Dea. Berijamin Hicok, Oct. Jeremiah Thomas, Dec. 10. Jerusha Mitchell, Dec. 30. Annice Martin, Nov. 19. Elisabeth, w. of Benjamin Hicok, Oct. 29. Mary Thompson. Jonathan, s. of John Twiss, Jan. 6. Mabel, dau. of Adino Strong, March 16. Betty, dau. of Obadiah Wheeler, Jan. 26. Olive, dau. of Obadiah Wheeler, Jan. 14. Currance, dau. of Obadiah Wheeler, Jan. 20. 1753. David Hurd, Jan. 6. Jehiel. s. of Nathan Mitchell. Jan. 8. Mr. Josiah Avered, Jan. 16. Zenas, s of Zenas Ward, Nov. 5. Susanna, dau. of Capt. Increase Moseley, April 16. Mary, w. of Samuel Hurd, Oct. 5. Ephraim Tuttle. Ann Tuttle, July 22. Hannah, w. of John Burgess, July 29. Deborah, dau. of John Mallory, April Simons, s. of John Mallory. 2d, April. DEATJIS IN WOOUBrUY 233 Sarah, dau. of John Mallory, 2d, Meriam, dan. of John Mallory, 2d, Rachel Baldwin, Justus Roots, Nathaniel Read, Elisabeth, dau. of Joseph Nichols, Dea. Zechariah Walker, Joseph Tuttle, Samuel Blakesley, Elisabeth, w. of Thomas Porter, Elijah, s. of Samuel Strong, Gideon, s. of Nathan Hicok, Eunice, dau. of Thomas Hazzan, First-born son of Noah Frisbee, Achsa, 2d dau. of Return Strong, William, s. of David Carr, Ann, dau. of David Carr, John, s. of David Carr, 1754. Ens. John Curtiss, Dorcas, negro servant of Dea. Samuel Minor, Sergt. Benjamin Hurd, the aged. Col. William Preston, Esq., aged 78, Eldest son of Enos Hawley, 1755. Isaac Mitchell, Dr. Ebenezer Warner, Sarah, w. of Robert Warner, Rebecca, dau. of Dea. Ebenezer Clark, Abira^ Stoddard, Daniel, s. of Benjamin Hitchcock, Capt. Ebenezer Warner, 1756. Grace Squire, Anne, w. of Jonathan Jackson, aged 60, Eliza Clark, Hezekiah Hooker, very sudden death, Elihu, s. of John Leavenworth, David, s. of David Carr, Mable, 6th dau. of Nathan Judson, Capt. Nicholas Masters, aged 68, 1757. Dea. Samuel Sherman, John Roots, Comfort, w. of John Pierce, Sergt. John Pierce, Vol. hi.— 30 April. April. Oct. 20. Oct. 20. April 1. Dec. 2. Dec. 21. Dec. 22. Dec. 24. Oct. 10. May. Aug. 12. Oct. 7. April 14. Feb. 6. Nov. 3. Nov. 3. Nov. 8. April 14. April 19. May 21. Sept. 5. March 31, Jan. 7. April 23. May 30. Nov. 11. Oct. 31. Oct. 28. April 26. Jan. 31. June 13. Jan. 25. Feb. 20. Dec. 25. Jan. "9. Sept. 12. Aug. 25. Feb. 25. Aug. 3. Aug. 23. Dec. 1. 234 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Sarah, dau. of Robert Durkee, Sarah, dau. of Thomas Durkee, Neheraiah, s. of Jaraes Judson, 1758. Sarah, w. of John Towner, Betty, w. of Thomas Leavensworth, Lieut. Joseph Judson, Esther, w. Stephen Galpin, Solomon, s. of David Sherman, Elisabeth, w. of Capt. Nicholas Masters, aged 67, Sept. 6. Sept. 6. Oct. 11. Jan. 12. April 24. March 22. Oct. 5. Sept. 18. July 12. 1759. Agnes Norton, Moses, s. of Lieut. Reuben Avered, Hannah, w. of Justus Pierce, Sarah, dau. of John Reynolds, Joseph, s. of Thomas Durkee, Phebe, dau. of Jonathan Atwood, Elisabeth, dau. of Benjamin Hitchcock, Anson, s. of Joseph Richards, aged 3 years, Joseph, s. of Judah Baldwin, Azariah, s. of Daniel Mallery. Gideon, s. of Amos Hurd, Comfort, w. of Asahel Martin, 1760. Bbenezer Bull, by violent disease of 4 days, Sarah, w. of Capt. Matthew Minor, Ichabod Sherman, "Widow Jane Hurd, Damaris, w. of Nathan Judson, Dr. Moses Bull of Sheffield, Silas Stone, Sergt. Moses Johnson, Francis Guitteau, Daniel Bishop, Mary, w. of Zenas Ward, Dr. Zephaniah Hull, Hannah, w. of Dr. Zephaniah Hull, Sarah, dau. of Dr. Zephaniah and Hannah Hull, Hannah, dau. of Dr. Zephaniah and Hannah Hull, John Royer, in 50th year of his age, Rev. Anthony Stoddard, pastor of the 1st Church of Christ in Woodbury, departed this life, by a vio- lent disease of about two days' continuance, in the 83d year of his age and 61st of his ministry, Ann, dau. of Jabez Warner, Aug. 9. Jan. 17. May 15. Nov. 3. Dec. 3. Jan. 28. Jan. 26. May 28. June 17. Sept. 10. Nov. 9. June 17. Jan. 12. Jan. 12. Jan. 20. Jan. 27. Feb. 18. April 3. March 28. April 23. Sept. 2. Nov. 10. Sept. 25. Nov. 10. Nov. 10. Nov. 15. Nov. 16. Dec. 24. Sept. 6. Nov. 24. DEATHS IN W O O D B r U Y . 135 Henry, s. of Silas Stone, Sept. 5. Mary, w. of Garwood Cunningham, aged 47, Dec. 24. Josiah, s. of Christopher Prentice, Sept. 20. Joseph, s. of George Norton, Dec. 2. Abijah, s. of Philemon Way, May 25. Susannah, dau. of Abishai Moseley, March 12. Ebenezer Allen, Aug. 31. Reuben, s. of Thomas Hazzen, Feb. 19. John, s. of Peter Walker, May. Moses, s. of Ens. Moses and Mabel Bull, aged 22, April 15. Ebenezer, s. of Ens. Moses and Mary Bull, aged 28, Jan. 26. 1761. Dr. Daniel Munn, aged 79, June 11. Eunice, dau. of William Hooker, July 11. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin Galpin, Jan. 18. Abijah, s. of Timotliy Mitcliell, March 9. John Minor, Jr., April. 17G2. Mary, dau. of Ens. Daniel Munn, March 6. Sergt. Ephraim Minor, Sept. IG. Mary, \v. of Dea. Jehu Minor, Sept. 28. Widow Lydia Drakeley, Dec. 4. Jehiel Peet, Sept. 17. Rachel, w. of WiUiam Hooker, Dec. 10. Mehetabel, w. of Benjamin Judson, May 29. 1763. Olive, the 4th dau. of Peter Minor, Eunice, w. of Adino Strong, born Aug. 23, 1G70, 1764. Prudence, dau. of Amos Hurlbut, Enos, 1st of that name, s. of Enos Hawley, Hannah, dau. of Noah Frisbee, Jan. 21. Dec. 21. Jan. 26. May 2. April 16. 17G5. Capt. Josiah Avered, Daniel Fairchild, Electa, w. of Delucena Backus, Sarah Roots, Mr. Garwood Cunningham, aged 51, Wait, s. of Waitstill Goodrich, Ann, dau. of Thomas Hazzen, Jemima, w. of John Tracey, Feb. 23. July 27. Nov. 3. Aug. 22. Nov. 24. Sept. 5. Sept. 30. Dec. 10. 236 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1766. John Hurd, April 27. Elislia Stoddard, Esq., Aug. 27. Sarah, w. of Elijah Judson, Sept. 28. Isaac, s. of Bethuel Lyon, Feb. 11. Daniel Judson, Dec. 19 Friend, s. of Noah Frisbee, July 28 Martha, w. of John Martin, June 5 Ann, w. of Jonathan Jackson, last day of Feb Jane, w. of Atwood Bird, Feb. 25 1767. Reuben Allen, March 20 Richard. Brownson Bennet, s. of Rev. Noah Benedict, in 4th year of age. Sept. 2. Rachel, w. of Reuben Wihnott, Jan. 10 David, s. of Gad Bristol, Dec. 17 Esther, dau. of Stephen Galpin, June 5 Dea. Samuel Minor, aged 71. March 2 Martha, w. of John Martin, June 5 1768. Mar}'-, w. of Lieut. John Nickols, May 9 Timothy Mitchell, May 10 Judith, w. of Peter Minor, May 11 Eldad Spencer, July 18 Ruth, w. of Doct. Joseph Perry, Dec. 2 Lydia, w. of Stephen Judd (at Watertown), June 2 1769. Telley Blakeley, Esq., March 9 Capt. Timothy Hinman, Dec. 11 Sabrina Mix, June 28 Nathan Mitchel, aged 54. Nov. 20 Capt. Richard Brownson, aged 81, Aug. 21 Nathaniel Bacon, aged 73, Nov. 8 Hannah Pierce, Oct. 29 1770. Hermon, s. of Doct. Joseph Perry, Jan. 27 Hannah, w. of Dea. John Pearce, July 16 Elisabeth, w. of Thomas Wellar, Sept. 18 Sarah, dau. of Thomas Doolittle, April 14 Mabel, w. Daniel Crissey, July 3 Elisabeth, w. of Thomas Bull, aged 37, April 20 John Mallory's wife, May. Dea. Pearce's wife. July 16 Robert Edmond's wife,. Aug. 12 DKATHS IN WOODBI'KY. 237 1771. Mary Ann, dau. of Zimri Moody, March 1. Robert Durkee, June 28. Tabitha, dau. of James Bell, June 4. Eunice, dau. of Enos Hawley, Feb. 19. Jonathan, s. of Enos Hawley, Sept. 13, Mabel, dau. of Daniel and Mabel Crissey, aged 3, June 1. Ephraim Hubbell, Feb. 5. Comfort Curtiss, March 13. Russel Caufield Minor, May 13. Annie Pearce, June 18. Benjamin Mitchell, Aug. 13. 1772. Judson Minor, March 2G. 1773. Neri, s. of Stephen Galpin, Aug. 26, Betty Garret, Aug. 4, Mary Yongs, Dec. 1, 1774. Samuel Moody, March 12, Joseph Leavenworth, June 22, Mrs. Sybilla, w. of Capt. Isaac Tomlinson, aged 5'. I. May 29, Martha, w. of James Minor, July 27, David, s. of Joshua Guitteau, June 20, Widow Mary Guitteau, Aug. 11, Col. Joseph Minor, in 102d year of age. Oct. 30, Rev. John Graham, in 81st year, ordained 1722, pi •eached 42 years, Dec. 12, David, s. of Obadiah Wheeler, Feb. 16, Anne, w. of Ezekiel Lewis, aged 28, April 24, Old Mr. Burrit, May 26, 1775. Patience Warner, April 7: Ichaiiod. s. of Samuel Sherman, April 27, Abner Mallary, Jr., Sept. 15, Benjamin Hungerford, aged 35, Sept. 4, Capt. Wait Hinman, April 29, Noble Pearce, June 21, Asa Down, Nov. 30, 1776. Lucy, w. of Reuben Wilmot, Sept. 22. Caleb Martin, aged 79, / Sept. 14, Martha, dau. of Simeon Judson, Sept. 26. Philo, s. of Enos Mitchell, aged 10, Sept. 1. David Minor, June 13, 238 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. /James Truesdell, May 12. Sarah, dau. of Dea. Ebenezer Clark. Hannah Piatt, March 13 Andrew Piatt, Sept. 1 Abigail Piatt, Sept. 11 Thomas Sandclift, Sept. 18 Daniel Down, Oct. 28 Sylva Hinman, Dec. 4 Isaac, s. of Mahan Thomas, wounded at White Plains, N. Y., Dec. 9 Isaac Mitchell, Jan. 3 Child of Samuel Whitney, Jan. 3 Child of Jeremiah Burton, Jan. 3 Child of Abram Hill, Jan. 3 Abigail Minor, March 11 Child of Elisha Martin, March 19 David Cooley, April 22 Phillips Pond, April 24 • Andrew Nichols, died at Boston. 'Joshua Judson, May 12 Abijah Stoddard, died at Crown Point, May 6 Child of Widow Pond, June 6 John Baldwin, d. in the Northern Army, June 14 Joseph Saxton, d. at New York, June 23 Daniel Warner, d. in the Northern Army, July 1 Samuel Galpin, " " " " July 1 Ichabod Minor, Sept. 2 Asa Atwood, shot at New York, Sept. 15 Justice Way, Sept. 22 Eeuben Whitney's wife. Sept. 22 Child of Andrew Tuttle, Sept. 26 Thomas Minor, Sept. 27 Simeon Judson's child, Sept. 27 Solomon Root, d. at Crown Point, Aug. 29 Child of Phineas Camp, Oct. 9 Isaac Judson's wife, Oct. 14 Abraham Hill, d. in the Northern Army, Oct. 14 BUjah Brown, d. at New York, Oct. 14 James Smith, Oct. 19 Joseph Post's wife, Oct. 23 Dea. Stoddard's wife, Oct. 25 Elisha Nichols, killed at New York, Nov. 4 Joel Taylor, " " " Nov. 10 Aaron Martin, Nov. 17 Caleb Martin, Nov. 17 Child of Widow Brown, Nov. 30 Summers Minor, Dec. 16 Susanna Sherman, Dec. 23 DEATHS IN WOODBURY, 23G 1777. Thankful, w. of Abiel Linsley, March 26. Deberah, w. of Increase Moseley, Esq., Sept. 6. William, s. of Ezekiel Lewis, aged 2. Sept. 1. Stoddard, s. of Daniel and Phebe Crisscy, aged 2 days, March 8, Seth Preston, of small-pox, aged .58, April 26, Preserved Strong, aged 67, Nov. 3. Maria, dau. of John and Lydia Bacon, March 11. Mary Ann, dau. of Isaac and Sybilla Toinlinson, of small- pox, March 29. Mary Ann Tuttle, April 5. Aaron Pierce, April 6, Mary Pierce, Aiig. 4. Hannah Toucey, Sept. 14, Sarah Sanford, Sept. 14. Caleb Wheaton, Dec. 30. Eunice Judson, Jan. 4. Samuel Mallery, Jan. 13. Widow Sarah Judson, Feb. 1. Child of Phineas Doming, Feb. 3. Widow Rebecca Stoddard, Feb. 6. Widow Ann Brown, Feb. 1.5, Child of John Rum rills. Feb. 15. Esther Minor, March 8. Child of Andrew Tuttle, March 13. Child of Jabez Bacon, -, March 13. Child of Asa Curtiss, April. Mary Minor, .A.pril 24. Asa Galpin, April 26. Simeon Minor, April 27. Ephraim Baldwin, May 9. Samuel Carr's wife. May 20, Child of Edward Pond, May 24. Tamar Castle, May 30, David Hotchkiss, June 24, Josiah Gilbert's wife, Sept. 1, Two children of John Munn, Sept. 4, Child of Jacob Linsley, Sept. 8. Jeremiah Burton's wife, Sept. 9. Widow Rachel Minor, Sept. 12. Child of John Munn, ,Sept. 17. Child of Isaac Pollard, Oct. Child of Aaron Hurlbut, Jr., Oct. Capt. Nathan Stoddard, Nov. 15. Asa Linsley, Nov. 19. Stephen Judd, died at Watertown, Oct. 12. 240 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1778. Jane, w. of James Edmond, Ann, w. of John Mallory, Capt. Matthew Minor, aged 70, Phebe, dau of Israel and Ehsabeth Stoddard, Nathaniel Hubbell, Sarah Booth, Mary Edmond, Joseph Sanford, Job Sanford, Amiel Piatt, Mary Pearce, Child of William Bishop, Phineas Camp, Child of George Bannister,' Sarah Martin, Truman Tuttle, Aaron Crissey, Child of William Battle, Capt. Benham, Widow Elisabeth Minor, Two children of Dr. J. Orton, Isaac Lyon. Peter Walker's wife, Child of Elisha Martin, Widow Sarah Martin, James Judson's wife, Gideon Hurd, Jr., Child of Matthew Minor, Child of Nathan Martin, Jr., Phebe Stoddard, Joseph Tooley's wife, John Wilkerson's wife, 1779. Nathan Hurd, aged 85, Preserved Strong, aged 67, Moses Johnson, Truman Strong, Betty Pearce, Lucy Sherman, Child of Nathaniel Mitchell, Jonathan Judson's child. Simeon Judson. James Minor's wife, John Atwood's wife, Isaac Martin, Child of James Minor, Child of John Martin, Feb. 5. Aug. 8. Nov. 21. Dec. 5. Jan. 20. Jan. 28. March 14. March 14. March 19. May 9. May 28. Jan. 16. Jan. 16. Feb. 4. Feb. 18. Feb. 21. Feb. 21. April. April. May 13. May 13. July 26. Aug. 11. Aug. 30. Aug. 30. April. Nov. 4. Nov. 21. Dec. 6. Dec. 10. Dec. 16. March 12. Nov. 3. July 1. Aug. 10. Sept. 28. May. May. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. i)KATHS IN WOODBUKY •241 1780. Dea. Gideon Stoddard, aged 66, May 21. Seth, s. of Seth and Huldah Perry. Feb. 4. Rachel Rood, May 14. Prudence Jolinson, Sept. 22. Mary, w. of Thomas Judson, April 29. Peter Mitchell's wife, Feb. 18. Clhild of Jemima Lyon, March. Benjamin Judson's wife, April 18. Widow Hannah Jenner, April 22. Widow Mary Terrill, June. Child of Simeon Minor, June. Child of Caleb Martin, June. Child of John Rumrill, June. Child of Philo Stoddard, June. Gideon Mallory, Nov. 17. Here the Town Clerk notes: " In ten years past, 208 died in this (Woodbury old Isi) Society." 1781. Gideon Walker, Esq., aged 70, F'olly, dau. of Walter and Martha Mallory, aged 13, Nathaniel Kimberly, Eunice Edmond, Lois Hickox, Mabel Skeel, Mary, dau. of Seth and Elisabeth Preston, aged 21, Root, Israel Martin's wife, Widow Jerusha Minor, .'Varon Shepherd, Samuel Galpin, 1782. Margaret, w. of Zechariah Walker, Esther, w. of Benjamin Galpin, David (Jurtiss, aged (>."), Lemuel Wheeler, aged 73, Samuel Smith (from Milford), Sai-ah Miller, Klihu Minor, John Hulibaid, Benjamin Martin, aged 28, 178:]. Peter (hlclirist, a native of the island of I . in Scot- land, came to America in 1701, and died in tlie 43d year of his age, March 2. Vol. IIL— 31 April May Feb. 30, 24. 4, May April May Dec. 9. 16. ID. 26. Feb. 9. March 9. March 25. April Dec. 10. 31. June 16. June 30. Sept. July Nov. IT). 29. 7. Oct. 4. May Dec. 5. 30. April 30. 242 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Jonathan Atwood, aged 73, Ephraim Minor, aged 68, Jerusha, w. of Joshua Giiitteau, Rachel, dau. of Samuel Smith, Esther Pearce, Widow Eunice Curtiss, aged 65, Thomas Mallory, aged 101, David Judson, aged 22, Jerusha Judson, Joseph Judson, Aaron Mallory, aged 72, Widow Hurd, aged 93, Anthony Stoddard, Judson Cole, aged 71. Ehsha Minor, 1784. Widow Rachel Bradley, Nathan "Warner, aged 67, Ann, w. of Timothy Strong, aged 60. John Rogers. Philena, dau. of David Minor, aged If Simeon Rood, David Hicock, Reuben Judson, aged 28, Widow Orton, James Crissey, aged 7, Robert Drakeley, aged 75, Shove Minor's wife, Allen Hine, aged 2, Abraham Tuttle's wife, Thaddeus Judson's wife, 1785. Abigail, w. of Samuel Smith, Lieut. John Edwards, aged 54, Ganfield Minor, James Standclift, Ann Hinman, John Tiff, aged 50, Justus Root, John, s. of Isaac Way, Phineas Crissey, aged 16. Dea. Clement Minor's wife, Abraham Galpin's wife, Mr. Pardy's wife, Mr. Deliverance Smith. Noah Maltby, Abijah Edwards, John Warner, aged 72, Stephen Galpin, Jr.'s wife, April 2. May 24. June 12. Aug. 31. Sept. 12. March 5. July 21. Sept. 8. Sept. 19. Oct. 8. Oct. 15. Oct. 16. Nov. 16. Dec. 7. Jan. 8. July 14. Feb. 15. Aug. 19. Jan. 8. Feb. 21. March 27. July 12. Aug. 12. Sept. 11. Dec. 4. Dec. 7. Feb. 2. Dec. 4. Nov. 25. Dec. 27. Dec. 27. June 12. Feb. 18. June 4. July 1. Aug. 17. Oct. 13. Oct. 17. Dec. 2. Dec. 5. Dec. 8. Dec, 18. DKaths in woodbuhy. 243 1786. Betsey, dau. oi' Jabez, Jr.. and Sabra Bacon, David Pearce, Samuel Wheeler, Anne Treat, Olive Mitchell, Sarah Emm Minor, Israel Judson, Jolm Rumky, aged 74, Widow Munn, Widow Butler, aged G2, Gideon Hurd, Thaddeus Judson, Thomas Judson's wife, Prudence Minor, Widow Bronson, Capt. Timothy Walker, Timothy Terrell, Mabel Prentice, Phebe, w. of Dea. Matthew Minor, aged 3 '2, Oliver Castle, aged 25, 1787. Edward Pearce, Capt. Crissey, aged 91, Anna Nichols, Widow Baldwin, aged 76, Barzillai Handy, aged 74, Israel Judson, Jr., Wife of Samuel Benham, Josiah Minor's wife, Seth Minor's wife, aged 48, 1788. Elisabeth, w. of David Minor, aged 63, David, s. of David and Lorena Tomlinson, Samuel Pierce, Dea. John Pierce, Cyrus Kimberly, Ethel Grey, Ensign Munn's wife, Widow Eunice Martin, Richard Peet's child, Urana Minor, aged 20, Robert Warner, Aaron Hurlbut's child. Daughter of Daniel Stoddard, aged 12, Widow Camp, Stephen Hull's wife, Peter Walker, Jr., Sept. Jan. 14. 2. March 19. March 24. May Jan. 12. 12. Jan. 18. Feb. 4. Feb. 4. April April April May- May June 9. 15. 30. 1. 9. 8. June 15. Aug. Nov. 29. 0. April April 25. 8. Oct. 13. Feb. 16. May Aug. Nov. 11. 11, 26. Dec. 7, Dec. 24. March 30. Oct. 27, Jan. 17. March 4, March 17. July Aug. Dec. 20, 8. 14. Jan. 17, Jan. 20, Feb. 23, March 4, March 11. March 11. March 24, March 25. April April 15. 16. 244 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Holliugsworth Hines' wife, aged 28, June 3. John Rumrill's child, ' June 1 0. Widow Benham, aged 85, July 26. Jeremiah Cramer, -A-Ug. 13. William Blackney, Oct. 23. Philo Judson, Nov. 3. Joseph Minor's wife, Nov. 30. 1789. Henry, s. of Thomas and Elisabeth Judson, aged 11 mos., March 23. Ann Burke, dau. of Rev. John R. and Sarah Marshall, Aug. 29. Daniel Beers, aged 63, March 9. Isaac Judson, aged 90, May 14. Rev. John Rutgers Marshall, aged 46, and 18th year of his ministry, Jan. 21. Widow Munn, Jan. 22. Daniel Beers, March 9. John Zinner, April 14. Mary, w. of Amos Martin, Sept. 23. Caleb Tuttle, Sept. 26. John Rumrill, Oct. 19. Sergt. Samuel Galpin, aged 85, Dec. 31. 1790. Rebecca Judson, Dea. Jehu Minor, aged 85, Child of David Jackson, Child of Adjetants, Child of Jeremiah Burton, Widow of Jonathan Atwood, Child of Zechariali Prentice, Edmond Bennet, aged 29, Mary, w. of Seth Judson, John Hunt, John Meramble's wife, Isabel, w. of Elisha Walker, Philimon Cherevoy's child, Barbara, w. of Nathaniel Hurlbut, Seth Judson, Child of Ayres Tuttle, Eunice, w. of Andrew Martin, Seth Judson, 1791. Betsey, dau. of Mitchell and Thankful Lamson, aged 19, June 14. Aaron Hurlbut's wife, March 24. Pomp Phillips' child. John Nichols, aged 78, April 4. Widow Joanna Mallory, April 17. Betsey Lamson, aged 18, June 14. Jan. 1. Feb. 15. March 13. March 20. ' May 2. May 5. May 12. May 22. May 18. July 22. Aug. 4. Aug. 11. Aug. 22. Dec. 8. Dec. 12. Dec. 29. Aug. 19. Dec. 11. DEATHS IN WOODBURY. 245 Child of Simeon Gibbs. Aaron Hurlbut, aged 72, Child of John Clark, Caleb Nichols, aged 52, Child of Chapman Judson, Daniel Judson, aged 61, Charles Taylor's wife. 1792. Child of William Shelton, Daniel Minor, aged 57, Child of Stephen C. Galpin, W. of Preston Curtiss, aged 22, Mary, wife of Solomon Minor, aged 39, Widow Rumrill, aged 78, Wife of Thomas Minor, aged 77, Widow Eunice Hurd, aged 96, Dinah, wife of Titus Freeman, Reuben Sherman, aged 77, Phillips Pei-ry, aged 22, Ozias Pi-entice, aged 42, Rliodah, wife of Ayres Tuttle, aged 28, Child of Robert Warner, John Percey, aged 18, Child of Thomas Curtiss, Child of Phineas Pond, Nathan Martin, aged 58, Child of John Hill, Wife of Benjamin Price, aged 49, Child of Simeon Taylor, David Minor, aged 57, Child of Amos Broughton, 1793. Lydia, w. of David Mallory of Roxbury, aged 38. John Mitchell, aged 73, Child of EKjah Atwood, Jr., aged 3, Child of Phillips (colored), aged 7, Child of Scovill Hinman, Widow Mary Walker, aged 77, Polly Bassett, aged 14, Molly Tuttle, aged 24, Son of Noah Bassett, aged 9, Dr. Joseph Perry, aged 65, John Mitchell, aged 72, Wife of Stephen C. Galpin, aged 35, Child of Thomas Curtiss, Grandchild of Capt. Baldwin, Mary, wife of Isaac Pollard, aged 41, Sept. 5. July April Sept. Sept. Get. 2. 17. 7. 9. 2. Dec. 30 Jan. 1 Jan. 15. Jan. 17. Jan. 23. Jan. 24. Feb. 17. Feb. 29. March 23. April Mav 1. 3. July Jul) J uly July Sept. Sept. Sept. Nov. 1. 7. 8. 9. 26 27. 30. 5. Nov. 6. Dec. 15. Dec. 15. Jan. 15. Dec. 6. April 30 Jan. 12 Feb. 15. Feb. 27. April 6. April 6. April 9 April 11. April 28, April 30. May 29. May 29. Aug. 5. 246 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY Son of Isaac Way, aged 8, Child of Reuben Hotchkiss, aged 4, Preston Root, aged 16, Child of Shubel Handy, aged 10, Child of Zachariah Beers, aged 8, Child of Zachariah Beers, aged 2, Son of Nathaniel Blanchard, aged 8, Daughter of John Meramble, aged 3, Daughter of Isaac Pollard, aged 7, Child of Truman Martin, aged I, Son of Seth Stoddard, aged 9, Son of Gideon Nichols, aged 5, Daughter of Reuben Mitchell, Esq., aged 8, Son of Phineas Pond, aged 3, Son of Jehiel Bradley, aged 5, 1794. Son of Joel Hine, aged 1 0, Son of John Munn, aged 11, Son of HoUingworth Hine, aged 4, Son of Jehiel Bradley, aged 3, Child of Mr. Weller, Daughter of Matthew M. Morriss, aged 8, Son of Matthew M. Morriss, aged 3, Widow Handy, Daughter of John Meramble, aged 8, Daughter of Adoniram Minor, aged 1, Wife of Samuel Smith, aged 35, Child of David Stoddard, aged 1, Israel Stoddard, aged 62, Child of Amos Broughton, Wife of Capt. Nathan Hine, aged 58, Russel Huntington, aged 15, Child of William Shelton, aged 1, Child of Nehemiah Judson, Peter Walker, aged 44, Widow Eunice Stoddard, aged 48, James Minor, aged 61, Daughter of Daniel Coggshall, aged 19, Wife of Col. Nathaniel Mitchell, aged 38, Wife of Capt. James Judson, aged 49, 1795. John Mallory, aged 81, Rhodah, wife of Rev. Noah Benedict, aged 52, Betterus, wife of Jehiel Preston, aged 67, Child of Rhoda Tyler, aged ], Child of Isaac Martin, aged 4, Jabez Bacon, Jr., aged 35, Sept. 9. Sept. 15. Oct. 22. Oct. 27. Oct. 28. Oct. 30. Nov. 6. Nov. 7. Nov. S. Nov. 12. Nov. 15. Nov. 17. Nov. 25. Dec. 15. Dec. 30. Jan. 3. Jan. 9. Jan. 16. Jan. 27. Feb. 17. Feb. 20. March 3. March 4. March 16. April 3. June 26. July 29. Aug. 9. Aug. 23. Sept. 2. Sept. 15. Sept. 23. Sept. 24. Oct. 6. Oct. 10. Oct. 25. Nov. 12. Nov. 22. Dec. 26. Jan. 5. Jan. 20. Jan. 25. Feb. 17. March 4. March 8. DEATHS IN WOODBUKY. 247 Widow Hannah Judson, aged 65, April 20. Widow Jemima Warner, aged 82, May 21. Child of Benjamin Judson, May 24. Wife of Bethuel Lyon, aged 62, July 10. Anna, wife of Oliver Atwood, aged 60, July 14. Peter, s. of Scovill Hinman, aged 1, Oct. 4. Son of Jabez Brown, aged 6, Oct. 7. Noah Roberts, aged 60, Oct. 16. Daughter of Agar Peet, aged 2, Oct. 20. Son of Yarmouth Chatfield, aged 4, Oct. 21. Son of Capt. Joseph DeForest, aged 4, Oct. 23. Daughter of Capt. Joseph DeForest, aged 2, Oct. 27. Abigail, dau. of David and Olive Jackson, aged 12, Nov. 21. David, s. of David and Olive Jackson, aged 6 days. 1796. Daniel Munn, Esq., aged 77, Jan. 27. Child of Nathan Galpin, Jan. 30. Child of Curtiss Galpin, Feb. 17. Wife of Daniel Crissey, aged 57, April 6. Mitchell Percey, aged 1 8, April 7. Son of Nathan Martin, April 8. Thomas Minor, aged 93, June 6. James Pj-eston (drowned), aged 21. June 12. Mary, dau. of Philo Murray, aged 3, Aug. 24. Isaiah Judson, Aug. 24. Peter Minor, aged 91, Aug. 29. Daughter of Elisha Stoddard, Jr., aged 4, Aug. 31. Son of Eli Stoddard, aged 2, Sept. 3. Daughter of Elisha Stoddard, Jr., aged 1, Sept. 4. Wife of Elisha Stoddard, aged 57, ' Sept. 5. Daniel, s. of George Clark, aged 3. Sept. 7. Wife of Samuel Whitney, aged 57, Sept. 14. Wife of David Bull, Oct. 24. Wife of EU Stoddard, aged 43, Nov. 24. Capt. Elnathan Judson, aged 84, Dec. 14. John Wilkinson, aged 85, ' Dec. 21. Reuben Whitney, aged 19, Dec. 27. David Terrill, aged 73, Dec. 28. 1797. Son of Lieut. John Pruden, aged 9, Jan. 7. Widow Sarah Mitchell, aged 71, Feb. 1. Nathan Minor, aged 72, Feb. 6. Widow Mary Drakely, aged 81, March 9. Son of Abraham Holiday, March 11. Son of Seth Bacon, April 8. Asahel Mitchell, aged 73, May 1. John Minor, aged 56, June 10. 248 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Currence, wife of Nathan Preston, Esq., aged 33, June 24. Child of Abner Judson, -^'^'^g- Child of Mr. Wilcox. ' Sept. Daughter of Elijah Sherman, aged 15, Oct. 8. Curtiss Minor, aged 22, Dec. 9. 1798. Elijah Judson, aged 82, Jan. 10. Wife of Stephen Hull, aged 58, Feb. 10,. Wife of Jesse Root, aged 72, Feb. 19. Amos Root, aged 73, March 7. Dea. Clement Minor, aged 75, March 11. Abel PhilHps (colored), aged 23, April 12. Mindwell, wife of Samuel Sherman, Esq., aged 77, May 18. Widow of Dea. Clement Minor, aged 70. May 21. Son of Isaac Way (killed), aged 1, June 6. Grandchild of Aaron Hurlbut, aged 1, July 1. David, s. of John Davidson (killed), aged 14, July 8. Widow of Nathan Minor, aged 66, Sept. 15. Sarah Sherman, aged 49, Sept. 18. Two infant children of Uriel Strong, Sept. 24. Solomon Stoddard, aged 69, Sept. 24. Son of Elijah Sherman (killed), aged 4, Oct. 22. Jehiel Bradley, aged 43, Oct. 26. Wife of David Stoddard, aged 66, Nov. 1. Sybil, widow of Jehiel Bradley, aged 37, Nov. 3. Mitchell, s. of Nathan Preston, aged 10, April 17. Betsey Sherman, Oct. 8. David Stoddard, aged 61, Nov. 7. John Root, aged 72, Nov. 14. Child of Wheeler Atwood, Nov. Son of Capt. Joseph DeForest, Dec. 15. Wife of Stephen Galpin, aged 64, Dec. 30. 1799. Child of John Clark, aged 3, Feb. 1. Samuel Lamson (drowned), aged 12, Feb. 9. Esther Judson, aged 28, May 19. Thomas Root, aged 71, June 22. David Atwood, aged 56, July 7. Daniel Sherman, Esq., aged 78, July 28. Daughter of Thaddeus Stoddard, aged 18, -f^ug. 18. Chifd of Ephraim Minor, Sept. 1 5. Child of Amos Tuttle, Nov. 10. David Sherman, aged 78, Nov. 11. Son of Stiles Curtiss, Nov. 26. Daughter of Ayers Tuttle, aged 12, Dec. 17. Jesse Root, aged 74, ■ Dec. 18. Wife of Noah Judson, aged 59, Dec. 28. Elisabeth, w. of Nathan Minor, aged 67, Sept. I'o. D K A T H S I \ W O O D B f I! Y 24iJ ISOO. Child of David S. Curtiss, Son of Jesse Hayes, aged 5, Wife of Simeon Stoddard, aged 33, Child of Adoniram Minor, Amos Martin, aged 71, Wife of Nathan P. Minor, aged 32, Daughter of Capt. Noah Martin, aged 2, Widow Abigail Minor, aged 60, Patience Jinner, aged 66, Son of Isaac Pollard, aged 9, Son of Reuben Terrill, Esther, widow of Preserved Strong, aged 84, Reuben Mallory, aged 24, Truman Hurlbut, Jr., aged 20, Widow Jackson, aged 84, Zachariah Prentice, aged 46, Polly Carpenter, aged 18, Wife of Major Thomas Bull, aged 61, 1801. Wife of Sylvanus Coan, aged 23, Philemon Cherrevoy, aged 52, Daughter of David Williams, aged 14, Damaris Hurlbut, aged 60, Child of Solomon Sherman, Benjamin Price, aged 63, Daughter of Thaddeus Stoddard, aged 17, Child of Jabez Brown, Samuel Galpin, aged 63, Elisha Judson, aged 80, Wife of James Hall, aged 69, Gilbert Minor, aged 75, Son of David Minor, aged 3, Aaron Hurlbut, aged 49, Wife of Oliver Atwood, Dea. Josiah Minor, aged 70, Betsey, wife of Asa Minor, aged 24, 1802. Child of Bethuel Tomkins, Child of Elisha Pearce, Zadoc Hurd, aged 68, Son of Nathan P. Minor, aged 8, Wife of Capt. Abner Mallory, aged 77, John Leavenworth, aged 63, Child of Simeon Pearce, Simeon Minor, aged 52, Vol. 111.-32 Jan. 7. Jan. 26. Feb. 14. Feb. 22. April 7. April 14. May 12. May 30. July 3. Aug. 7. Aug. !9 Sept. 14. Oct. 21. Nov. 10. Nov. 15. Nov. 18. Nov. 18. Dec. 10. Feb. 15. March 1 . March 23. April 8. May 11. June 25. June. Aug. 10. Aug. 15. Aug. 18. Sept. 27. Oct. 14. Nov. 6. Nov. 19. Nov. 29. Dec. 12. Dec. 19. Jan. 17. Feb. 3. March 5. April 30. June ■ 3. June 14. June. Aug. 8. 250 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Wife of Bethuel Smith, aged 47, Wife of Dea. Daniel Huntington, aged 52, Son of Reuben Tyler, aged 1, Wife of Solomon Sherman, aged 46, Child of Abner Bishop, Child of Lyman Smith, Josiah Mallory, aged 22, Timothy Terrill, aged 75, 1803. Wife of Jonathan Churchell, aged 65, Hezekiah Thompson, Esq., aged 68, Wife of Jehiel Preston, aged 74, Samuel Dean, aged 78, Nathan Lewis, aged 75, Wife of Capt. James Judson, aged 61, Widow Sarah Sherman, aged 71, Son of Isaac Bunce, aged 4, Wife of Gideon Feet, aged 61, Hagar (colored), aged 82, Molly Hurd, aged 48, Son of Ayres Tuttle, aged 13, Daughter of Judson Pond, aged 6, Daughter of Elisha Atwood, Jr., aged 2, Child of Timothy Judson, Son of Truman Judson, aged 6, Bbenezer Moody, aged 42, Nathan Judson, aged 78, Dea. Nathan Atwood, aged 6.3, Child of Daniel Warner, Son of Samuel Strickland, aged 1, Son of Simeon Taylor, aged 17, Wife of Philo Murray, aged 36, 1804. John Meramble, aged 48, Child of Abel Atwood, Major Thomas Bull, aged 75, Wife of Zalmon Bunnell, aged 30, Son of Daniel Warner, Jr., aged 2, Wife of Samuel Tomlinson, aged 42, Daughter of G. H. Cuningham, Hezekiah Cole, aged 60, Son of Simeon Tyler, aged 14, Mary Ann Waters, aged 46, James Hall, aged 73, Child of Joseph Root, Wife of Solomon Martin, aged 79, Child of Judson Pond, Aug. 14. Sept. 6. Sept. 7. Sept. 22. Nov. 20. Nov. 26. Dec. 9. Dec. 24. Feb. 1. March 10. March 14. March 17. March 26. March 29. April 16. April 21. April 24. April 30. May 18. June 21. July 24. Aug. 5. Aug. 5. Sept. 29. Oct. 8. Oct. 11. Oct. Oct. 14. Oct. 24. Dec. 4. Dec. 20. Jan. 19. Feb. 5. Feb. 24. Feb. 24. March 19. April 1. April 14. May 8. May 9. July 4. Aug. 17. Aug. 25. Oct. 18. Oct. 18. DEATHS IN \V O D B l^ R V . 251 Daughter of Isaac Way, aged 4, Oct. 20. Curtiss Judson. aged 23, Oct. 26. Daughter of Ehhu Stoddard, aged 8, Nov. 19. Elijah Atwood. aged 80, Nov. 29. Son of Scoville Plinman, aged 1, Nov. 30. Son of Simeon Stoddard, aged 2, Nov. 30. David Tuttle, aged 73, Dec. 16. Son of Garry Tuttle, aged 1, Dec. 28. Capt. Abner Mallory, aged ^ 1 , Dec. 1805. Daughter of Thomas Curtiss, aged 1, March 5. Son of Ichabod Stoddard, aged 5, March 18. Son of Solomon Hurd, aged 1, April 16. Widow Abigail Root, aged 86, April 22. Phineas Judson, aged 24, April 22. Son of Capt. Jesse Minor (scalded), aged 1, Mav 3. Daughter of Dea. Daniel Huntington, aged 16, May 21. Wife of Christopher Prentice, aged 77, June 23. Daughter of Abraham Prindle, aged 1, July 11. Wife of Lyman Smith, aged 23, July 12. Lieut. Solomon Martin, aged 74, July 24. Daughter of Sherman Judson, aged 4, Aug. 26. Child of Mr. Lewis, Dec. Child of Eliab Isbel, Dec. 11. Wife of John Judson, Jr., aged 26, Dec. 16. Infant of John Judson, Jr., Dec. 16. 1806. Wife of Capt. Truman Hurlbut, aged 47, Feb. 19. Daughter of Amos Tuttle, aged 5, April 15. Child of Russel Leavenworth, June 18. Wife of Thomas Smith, aged 78, July 11. Stephen Galpin, aged 73, July 19. Jabez Bacon, aged 75, Sept. 10. Ephraim Turney, aged 47, Oct. 21. Son of Uri Gillett, aged 4. Oct. 22. Wife of Asahel Moody, aged 37. Oct. 29. Capt. Isaac Tomlinson, aged 83, Dec. 19. 1807. James Judson, aged 77, March 12. Abraham Galpin (found dead), aged 46, March 20. Daughter of Sylvia Crane, aged 8, April 17. Son of Lyiiian Parmalee, aged 2, April 19. Child of Justin Sherman, April 23. John Bacon, aged 23, May 19. Russell Tuttle, aged 23, May 29. 252 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUKY. Son of John McKay, aged 5, June 14. Sarles Bradley, aged 60, June 26. Son of Ephraim Minor, aged 7, July 3. Mitchel Lamson, aged 64, Sept. 14. Child of Phineas Spalding, Sept. 18. Daughter of Daniel Hurlbut, aged 4, Sept. 24. Child of Hectar (colored), ' Sept. 24. Son of Reuben Martin, aged 3, Oct. 7. Son of William Minor, Oct. 8. Son of Abraham Prindle, Oct. 24. Jonas Martin, aged 77, Nov. 4. Zachariah Walker, aged 70, Nov. 9. Son of Adin Maltby (drowned), aged 10, Nov. 13. Son of Abraham Prindle, aged 6, Nov. 21. Widow Abigail Minor, aged 66, Dec. 9. Chapman Judson, aged 50, Dec. 11. Jehiel Preston, aged 80, Dec. 12. Isaac Pollard, aged 62, Dec. 12. 1808. Daughter of Christopher Prentice, aged 37, Jan. 4. Child of Reuben Judson, Jan. 19. Emma, widow of Thomas Root, aged 71, Feb. 1. Widow Molly Minor, aged 86, ' Feb. 13. Wife of Abijah S. Hatch, aged 25, March 29. John Orton, aged 78, April 2. Wife of Samuel C. Minor, aged 27, April 9. Son of Israel Cady, aged 1, May 21. Bethuel Lyon, aged 75, May 22. John Edwards, aged 79, May 25. John Davidson, aged 57, June 7. Wife of Noah B. Benedict, aged 37, July 5. Son of Gideon Nichols, aged 12, Aug. 27. Wife of Capt. Asahel Mitchell, aged 46, Sept. 16. Son of Justus Minor, aged 5, _ Oct. 27. Reuben Judson, aged 25, Nov. 18. John Judson, aged 62, Dec. 1. Wife of Joseph F. Brothwell, aged 44, Dec. 10. 1809. David Seeley, aged 76, Jan. 4. Daniel Sherman, aged 53, Feb. 18. Child of Reuben Hotchkis, April 14. Son of Elijah Andrus, aged 13, April 17. Wife of Thomas Armstrong, June 27. Widow Anna Lambert, aged 84, Ji^ly 3. Child of Eliab Isbel, July 7. Son of Nathan Warner, Jr., aged 2, Avig. 24. Samuel Tomlinson, aged 50, Aug. 25. D K A T H S IN WOODBURY 253 Son of Elisha Atwood, aged 18, Child of Timothy Jud son, Child of John McKay, Widow Lucy Baldwin, aged 76, Son of Benj. Andrews (died at sea), aged 18 1810. Chil.i of Uri Gillett, aged 1, Oliver Atwood, aged. 95, Son of Elihu Stoddard, aged 2, State Pauper, aged 85, Wife of John Masters, aged 83, Thomas Root, aged 27, Sally Stacey (drowned), aged 23, Child of Nathaniel Lamson, Child of Abijah S. Hatch, David S. Bull, aged 47, Esther, widow of Hezekiah Cole, aged 66, Child of William Rigby, aged 1 , Hector (colored), aged 30, 1811. Philo Beach, aged 24, William Shelton, aged 46, Wife of John Morris, aged 27, Wife of Eldad Sherman, aged 40, Susannah, widow of Serg't Galpin, aged 84, Child of Truman Warner, aged 1, John Masters, aged 85, Rose (colored), aged 76, Hope, widow of Timothy Tei-rill. aged 84, Child of Matthew Minor, Jr., aged 2, Benjamin J udson, aged 77, Widow of Aaron Hurlbut, aged 59, Child of Sylvester J udson, aged 1, Susannah, widow of Jonas Martin, aged 63, Child of Truman Judson, aged 5, Widow of Ely Seeley, aged 77, 1812. Child of William Phillips, Benjamin Tuttle, aged 33, Widow Edwards, aged 70, Widow Patterson, aged 76, William Preston, aged 63, Child, of Abraham Somers, aged 3, Pell (colored), Sarah, wife of Garry Bacon, aged 37, Noah Bassett, aged 55, Sept. 4. Oct. 12. Nov. 5. Nov. 12. Nov. Jan. 24. Jan. 30. March 26. May 3. May 7. July 14. July 23. Sept. 28. Oct. 12. Oct. 17. Nov. 24. Dec. 22. Dec. 29. Jan. 18. Jan. 30. March 2. April 4. May 15. June 17. June 19. June 23. July 25. Aug. 7. Sept. 11. Oct. 3. Oct. 6. Oct. 7. Oct. 28. Nov. 12. Jan. 22. Jan. 30. Feb. 5. Feb. 11. Feb. 14. Feb. 22. April 10. Mav 11. Julv 12. 254 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Child of Seth Judson, aged 2, Samuel Whitney, aged VV, Child of Keuben Mallory, aged I, Widow Riimrill, aged 67, Thomas Smith, aged 90, Widow of Jabez Bacon, aged 73, Gideon Nichols, aged 61, Widow of Gideon Nichols, , Child of widow Tuttle, aged 4, Eli Stoddard, Jr., aged 26, 1813. Child of John Morris, Widow Jerusha Mitchell, aged 80, Amy, daughter of Elijah Sherman, aged 14, William Hurd, aged 39, Robert Dascum, aged 44. Stephen Hull, aged 84, Son of John P. Leavenworth, aged 6, Son of Thaddeus Cramer, aged 6, Son of Sellick Galpin, aged 14, Abner Allen, aged 39, Widow Hoyt, aged 72, Ebenezer Green, aged 64, Wife of Nehemiah Judson, aged 54, Eldad Sherman, aged 48, Phebe Beach, aged 18, Wife of Israel Beach, aged 64, Mary Ann, wife of Daniel Warner, aged 37, Elizabeth, wife of Matthew Sherman, aged 57, Matthew Sherman, aged 60, Harvey Sherman, aged 22, Walker Mallory, aged 59, Mehetabel, wife of Judson Morris, aged 32, Daniel Lovely, aged 42, Rev. Noah Benedict, aged 75, Nathaniel Cherevoy, aged 28, Anthony Stoddard, aged 28, Jesse Root, aged 56, Lucy Warner, Infant of Stephen Thompson, Pomp Phillips, aged 63, Wife of Thomas Dascum, aged 87, Widow Mary Judson, aged 72, Son of Aury W. Cady, aged 4, Child of Russell Leavenworth, aged 3, Widow of Capt. Isaac Tomlinson, aged 83, Jonathan Stoughton, aged 79, Olive, widow of Asahel Mitchell, aged 88, Sally Phillips, aged 32, Sept. 27. Sept. 30. Oct. 3. Oct. 11. Oct. 15. Nov. 25. Nov. 26. Nov. 30. Dec. 17. Dec. 29. Jan. 8. Jan. 9. Jan. 13. Jan. 15. Jan. 23. Feb. 6. Feb. 9. Feb. 31. Feb. 27. Feb. 28. March 1. March 9. March 10. March 12. March 12. March 15. March 24. March 24. March 25. March 30. April 1. April 8. April ] 2. April 20. April 29. May 9. May 25. May 26. June 30. June 30. July 31. Aug. 24. Aug. 27. Sept. 10. Sept. 15. Sept. 25. Oct. 1. Oct. 6. DEATHS IN WOODBUKY 255 Daniel Tuttle, aged 70, Nathan Warner, aged 67, Capt. Joseph Deforest, aged 57, Infant of William DeForest, Son of Samuel Botchford, aged 3, Widow Beers, aged 85, 1814. Hezekiah Booth, aged 52, Wife of Asahel Ives, aged 57, Sarah (colored), aged 58, Widow Atwood, aged 83, Widow of John Orton, aged 65, Alley, wife of Russell Leavenworth, aged 34, Two infants of Solomon Hurd, Wife of Jonas Spalding, aged 62, Polly Preston, aged 30, Nancy Warner, aged 19, Amanda Dailey, aged 16, Son of Matthew Minoi-, Esq., aged 9, Widow Preston, aged 94, Thaddeus Tuttle, aged 34, Horace Minor, aged 20, Widow Tuttle, aged 77, Samuel Drakely, Jr., aged 19, Wife of Samuel Matthews, aged 42, Peter Mitchell, aged 92, Abner Deming, aged 37, 1815. Miles Bishop, aged 77, Child of Solomon Sherman, aged 2, AVifeof John Mitchell, aged 59, Son of Reuben Walker, aged 13, Infant of Matthew Minor, Esq., Kate ^colored"), aged 72, Son oi Abel Atwood, aged 3, Josiah Beers, aged 65, Daughter of Elijah Dailey, aged 6, Infant of Samuel Botchford, Widow Scovill, aged 79, David Murray, Wife of Rukard B. Marshall, aged 46, Capt. Jolm N. Sherman, aged 35, Rebecca Bacon, aged 17, Child of Truman Benham, aged 1, Child of William A. Brownson, aged 3, Samuel Hinman, aged 65, Patty Sanford, aged 65, Widow Booth, aged 68, Thomas Dascum, aged 80, Oct. 7. Oct. 8. Dec. 20. Dec. 27. Dec. 29. Dec. 31. Jan. 10. Jan. 19. Jan. 25. Jan. 30. Feb. 11. Feb. 21. Feb. 27. March 14. March 19. March 20. May 2. July 18. Aug. 16. Aug. 22. Aug. 28. Sept. 14. Sept. 26. Oct. 12. Dec. 3. Dec. 6. Jan. 11. Jan. 12. Feb. 28. March 1 . March 11. March 13. April 11. April 17. May 26. June 10. June 20. June 25. July 26. Aug. 1. Oct. 2. Oct. 4. Oct. 19. Nov. 20. Nov. 21. Nov. 30. Dec. 29. 256 HISTORY OF ANCTENT WOODBURY 1816. Susannah Monday, aged 40, Feb. 15. Infant of Robert A. E. Foot, Feb. 28. Thomas Judson, aged 62, March 26. Child of John Cole, aged 2, April 2. Son of Ephraim Minor, aged 8, May 1. Wife of Gould Easton, aged 40, May 15. Reuben Castle (drowned), aged 53, June 15. Janathan Edwards, aged 85, June 17. Hannah, widow of Searles Bradley, aged 71, June 23. Two infants of Chancey Crafts, July 1 . Daniel Munn, aged 26, July 7. Jonas Spalding, aged 66, July 7. Son of Herman Stoddard, Sept. 13. William (colored), aged 19, . Sept. 21. Wife of Mulford Coan, aged 73, Oct. 18. Daughter of Dan Mallory, aged 17, Nov. 9. Daughter of Capt. P. F. Peck (drowned), aged 3, Nov. 13. Jonathan Atwood, aged 64, Nov. 29. Widow Judson, aged 87, Dec. 30. Mercey Drakely, aged 84, Dec. 31. 1817. Son of Capt. Nathaniel Preston, aged 1, Jan. 6. Wife of Reuben Mitchell, Esq., aged 66, Feb. 23. Widow Dorphon, aged 54, March 6. Nathan Percey, aged 66, March 8. Child of David Leavenworth, aged 1, March. Rebecca, widow of Hezekiah Thompson, aged 75, April 19. Daughter of Elijah Dailey, aged 11, April 30. Nancy, daughter of Yarmouth Chatfield, aged 17, May 16. Child of Abiram Drakeley, aged 1, May 22. Infant of Isaac A. Hunt, June 12. The first time that the bell in the north meeting-house was rung for a death was For the death of Zadoc Hurlbut, aged 28, July 20. Catharine Clinton, aged 75, Aug. 29. Wife of Simon Osborn, aged 37, Sept. 5. Child of Truman S. Foot, aged 1, Oct. 3. Child of John Mon-iss, aged 4, Oct. 14. Mary Dailey, aged 21, Nov. 10. Huldah, wife of Timothy Terrill, aged 33, Dec. 7. Infant of Timothy Terrill, Dec. 7. 1818. Zimri Moody, aged 80, Feb. 14. Beede Mitchell, aged 30, Feb. 25. Wife of John Strong, Esq., aged 65, March 31. Wife of Elijah Sherman, aged 60, April 4. DEATHS I\ WOODBURY, 257 Betsey, wife of Dea. Nathaniel Minor, aged 28. Widow Tliankful G-reen, aged 73, Son of Mr. Ryon (drowned), aged 5, Daniel Stoddard, aged G5. Infant of Evert Booth, Wife of James Moody, aged 45, i8iy. Son of Oliver Chatfield, aged 4, Infant of Thomas Curtiss, Uriel Strong, aged 64, Nathaniel llurlbut, aged 91, Doctor Samuel Orton, aged 80, Wife of Lewis Beers, aged 60, Wife of Amos Benham, aged 36, Nathan Percey, Jr. (di-owned at Litchfield), aged 27, Infant of Rev. S. B. Gilbert, Molly, wife of Thaddeus Minor (killed), aged 76, Doctor Daniel Huntington (a fit), aged 74, Matthew Judson, aged 47, Eli Stoddard, aged 71. Capt. Truman Hurlbut (a fit), aged 68, Nancy Preston, aged 34, Christopher Prentice, aged 93, Capt. Asahel Mitchell (a fit), aged 61, Infant of Azen Thomas, Molly Cramer, aged 84, Son of Capt. John P. Leavenworth, aged 6, Molly Hoyt, aged 60, Hannah Sherman, aged 26, Child of Gideon Sherman, aged 8, Ann Eastman, aged 76, Susannah, wife of William P. Curtiss, aged 26, Jesse Cady, aged 66, Charlotte Sayre, aged 34, Child of John Nichols, aged 2, Miss Beardsley, aged 20, David Curtiss, aged 77, Wife of Andrew Tuttle, aged 78, 1820. Wife of Benajah Hoyt, aged 40, Widow of David Curtiss, aged 77, Eliza Nichols (suicide), aged 25, Mary Ann, wife of Daniel Warner, aged 44, Anna Phillips, aged 17, Capt. David Leavenworth, aged 72, Amanda Fairchild, aged 16, Vol. IIL— 33 April Aug. Nov. 17. 10. 23. Dec. 5. Dec. 30. Dec. 31. Jan. 8. Jan. 13. Jan. 15. Jan. 20. Jan. 21. Jan. 29. Jan. 29. Feb. 5. Feb. 6. Feb. 11. Feb. 19. Feb. 20. Feb. 28. March 24. April 9. April 14. April 21. April. May 10. May 30. June 20. July Aug. 31. 12. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. 28. 12. 17. 25. 8. Oct. 8. Nov. 11. Dec. 17. Jan. 28. Feb. 14. March 3. March 6. March 9. March 25. April 7. 258 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Samuel Carr (a fit), aged 71, April 18. Widow Dean, aged 85, April 22. Wife of Rev. S. B. Gilbert, aged 28, April 27. Mary, wife of Cyrus Strong, aged 20, April 27. Sally, wife of Asa Judson, aged 42, May 15. Deacon Benjamin Judson, aged 50, May 16. Wife of Jesse Hayes, aged 51, May 29. Betsey Durand, aged 2G, June 10. William Taylor, aged 51, June 13. Doctor Nathaniel Perry, aged 59, June 13. A person of color, aged 30, Sept. 10. Ruth, daughter of Reuben Hotchkiss, aged 17, Oct. 24. Seth Minor, aged 87, Nov, 4. Uri Gillett, aged 50, Nov. 21. William Nettleton, aged 65, Nov. 29. Charles Sherman (Indian), aged 34, Dec. 15. Capt. Ebenezer Thomas, Dec. 25. 1821. Timothy Tomlmson, aged 64, Jan. 2. Infant of Timothy Terrill, Jan. 4. Infant of Joel Pearce, Jan. 21. Wife of John Woodward, aged 28, Jan. 21. Titus Freeman, aged 72, Jan. 22. Dudley Hoadley (suicide), Jan. 24. Widow of Gilbert Minor, aged 88, . Jan. 28. Anna, wife of Peter Hibbard, aged 53, Feb. 1. Infant of Truman Judson, 2d, . March 9. Garry Bacon (died at South Carolina), aged 43. Rhoda, widow of Seth Minor, aged 78, April 16. Phillis Freeman, aged 73, April 17. Mulford Coah, aged 82, April 28. Wife of Harvey Warner, aged 42, June 4. Widow of Nathaniel Hurlbut, aged 80, June 14. Gideon Judson, aged 73, June 25. Mary Lyon, aged 42, June 28. Widow of John Leavenworth, aged 75, June 30. Infant of Vincent Judson, July 10. Charity Pope, aged 25, Aug. 20. Son of John Orton, aged 3, Oct. 21. Infant of Elmer Judson, Oct. 30. Wife of Mr. Chidsey, aged 77, Nov. 4. Widow of Timothy Tomlinson, aged 50, Nov. 25. Wife of Jonas Minor, aged 50, Dec. 29. 1822. Wheeler Kirtland, aged 41, Jan. 27. Son of Joseph Minor, aged 19, Feb. 19. Susannah Edwards, aged 22, Feb. 25. DEATHS IN WOODBURY. 259 Hon. Nathaniel Smith, aged 60, Wife of Charles Ransom, aged 44, Widow of Miles Bishop, Wife of Thomas Olcott. aged 61, Huldah Cady, aged 73, Anna Duff, aged 46, Lucy Perkins, aged 13, Widow of Abiar Galpin, aged 84. Daughter of Leman Sherman, Esq., aged 1, Son of Joel Pierce, aged 5, Infant of H. J. Linsley, Minerva Gordon, aged 31, Widow of Capt. Joseph DeForest, Asa Cogswell, aged 82, Nathan Preston. Esq., aged 66, Widow Gordon, aged 88, Daughter of Aaron Sherman, aged 22, Esther Grilley, aged 60, Betsey Hotchkiss, aged 30, Reuben Mitchell, Esq. (a fit), aged 74, 1823. Oliver Judson. aged 46, Son of Dea. Jonathan Lum (killed), aged 11, Samuel Drakeley, aged 78, Widow of Capt. Ebenezer Thomas, aged 71, Philo Hurlbut, aged 45, Betsey Howd, aged 89, Love, wife of Philo DeForest, aged 51, Wheeler Kirtland, aged 1 7, Hollister Judson, aged 57, Joseph Root, 2d, aged 62, Sarah, widow of Nathan Percey, aged 79, Infant, Althea, wife of Garry Tuttle, aged 36, .\aron Sherman, aged 59, Samuel Minor, aged 80, Infant of David Leavenworth, Stephen Topliff, aged 34, Son of Truman Orton, aged 3, Abraham Foot, aged 98, David Bull, aged 18, 1824. Daniel Judd, aged 80, Rutgers B. Marshall, aged 54. Andrew Tuttle, aged 84, Wife of James Manville, aged 27, Child of Hiram French, Mercy Price, aged 62, March 9. March 29. April 8. April 14. April 17. May 8. May 21. June 3. June 15. July 17. Aug. 1. Aug. 18. Sept. 11. Sept. 15. Sept. 21. Oct. 15. Oct. 16. Nov. 2. Nov. 8. Nov. 9. Jan. 1 . Jan. 7. March 13. March 28. April 7. April 21. May 27. June 21. July 25. Aug. 5. Sept. 29. Sept. Oct. 13. Oct. 16. Oct. 21. Oct. 29. Nov. 10. Nov. 21. Dec. 6. Dec. 9. Jan. 2. Jan. 15. Jan. 18. Jan. 28. Feb. 7. April 12. 260 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Wife of Lauren Judson, aged 34, April 20. Patience, wife of Dea. Judson Blackman, aged 31, May 12. Daniel Mitchell (a fit), aged 74, May 14. Jonathan Williams, aged 46, May 24. Daughter of widow Orry Watson, June 1. Esther Maria, dau. of Samuel Steele, aged 9, June 5. Wife of Harvey J. Linsley, aged 27, . July 23. Nathan S. Judson, aged 59, Aug. 4. Daughter of Silas Lewis, aged 1 9, Aug. 1 1 . Elizabeth, wife of Ephraim Peck, aged 58, Aug. 15 Silas Lewis, aged 59, Oct. 30 Widow of Silas Lewis, aged 55, Nov. 10. Nancy Lewis, aged 31, Nov. 13. Child of (colored), Nov. 14. Abigail Lewis, aged 25, ' Dec. 2. Amy, widow of Eliab Isbel, Jr., Dec. 2. Fisher Hartshorn (died of small pox), aged 21, Dec. 16. Son of Rev. Grove L. Brownell, aged 4, Dec. 28. Amos Crammer, aged 72, Dec. 29. 1825. Child of Gideon Hall, aged 4, Jan. 9. Elizabeth, wife of John Mitchell, aged 64, Jan. 10. Infant of Nathan B. Bennett, Feb. 2. Matthew M. Morris, aged 67, Feb. 3. Capt. Asahel Mitchell (a fit), aged 36, Feb. 18. Widow Elizabeth Beers, aged 74, Feb. 22. John DeForest, aged 80, March 2. Infant of Russel Leavenworth, March 21. Son of Ephraim B. Peck, aged 2, May 10. Child of Mr. Coger, May 18. Elisha Atwood, aged 80, May 23. Jonathan Sherwood, aged 89, May 23. William Drakeley, aged 46, June 19. Marcia, wife of Thomas Lines, aged 21, June 19. Child of Charles Booth, aged 2, July 4. Elisha Crane, aged 74, July 12. John Mitchell, 2d, aged 71, July 15. Phebe, daughter of Asa Judson, aged 11, July 16. John May, aged 72, Aug. 24. Infant of Thaddeus Crane, Oct. 3. Eunice Drakeley, aged 84, Oct. 24. Widow Dailey, aged 84, Oct. 25. Wife of Asahel Strong, aged 33, Oct. 26. Arminal, widow of Asa Stoddard, aged 63, Nov. 8. Widow Munn, aged 85, Nov. 12. Widow Beach, aged 75, Dec. 14. Infant of Elijah Northrop, Dec. 17. Elsey, wife of Charles B. Phelps, Esq., aged 41, Dec. 21. DEATHS IN WOODBURY 261 Child of Russell Castle, aged 4, Phebe, widow of Uriel Strong, aged 58, Eliab I shell, aged 66, 1826. Dec. 22. Dec. .30. Dec. .31. Sally, wife of Chapman Judson, aged 32, Child of Ezra Beecher, aged 1, Daughter of Rev. G. L. Brownell, aged 6, John Pierce, Joseph Judson, aged 40, Daughter of Matthew Minor, Esq., aged 13, Daughter of Orlando Hurd, aged 3. Emeline, wife of Thaddeus Crane, aged 22, John Winchester, aged 33, A woman of color, aged 31, Widow Esther Gordon, aged 68, Son of Leman Sherman, Esq., aged 2, Phebe, widow of Peter Mitchell, aged 96, Solomon Minor, aged 78, David Minor, aged 66, Hepzibah. wife of Solomon Hurlbut, aged 32, Child of Isaac Peck, aged 2, John Percey, aged 47, Polly Mitchell, aged 51, Widow Esther Colton, aged 71, Daughter of John Marvin, aged 1, Daniel Way, aged 62. Child of Noah Bishop, aged 2, Samuel Moody, aged 44, Moss Peck, aged 23, Sally Den sm ore, aged 48, Julia Sherman, aged 19, Samuel Franklin, aged 74, Mary, wife of Zachariah Beers, aged 65, Thalia Judson, the first person buried on the new ground, aged 22, Solomon Hurlbut, aged 36, Child of James Preston, aged I, Infant of Garry Tuttle, 1827. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. March March March March April April July July Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. 22. 25. 31. 11. 16. 25. 5. 6. II. 3. 6. 19. 25. 6. 21. 30. 30. 4. 11. 18. 20. 26. 24. 29. 10. 13. 28. 4. 18. 26. Child of Asa Mitchell, aged 2, Ruth, wife of Jonathan Judson, aged 82, ( 'hild of Isaac Northrop, Child of, Willys LambSrt, Currence, widow of Daniel Tuttle, aged 80, Erasmus Sherman, aged 24, William Heaton, aged 26, Son of John Marvin, aged 1, Infant of Charles Butler, Jan. 1. Feb. 15. March 1 . March 5 . April 5. June 1. Aug. 14. Sept. 21. Sept. 22. 262 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Lucy, wife of Adam Minor, aged 82, Sept. 25. Asenath, wife of Gideon Sherman, aged 47, Oct. 13. Child of John Orton, aged 2, Nov. 1. Parthena Clark, aged 20, . Nov. 3. Son of James Lacey, aged 8, Nov. 13. John Mitchell, aged 76, Nov. 19. Infant of John Way, Nov. 21. Noah Judson, aged 87, Nov. 22. Abigail, widow of Rev. Noah Benedict, aged 84, Nov. 23. Widow Sybil Clark, aged 90, Nov. 23. Widow Hayes, aged 85, Nov. 23. Harriet, wife of Benjamin Hinman, aged 25, Dec. 2. James Wilson, aged 75, Dec. 19. Child of James Rockwell, aged 1, Dec. 30. 1828. Daniel Warner, aged 56, Daughter of William Griswold, aged 18, Candace Phillips, aged 50, Solomon Sherman, aged 65, Esther, wife of William Isbell, aged 42, Harriet, wife of Lamson P. Mitchell, aged 34, Eli Stoddard, aged 21, Widow of Samuel Franklin, aged 75, Widow Rebecca Stilson, aged 72, Daniel Hurlbut, aged 42, Child of John Marvin, aged 1, Wife of Isaac Thomas, aged 48, Infant of widow Charlotte Hurlbut, Child of Hermon Stoddard, Daniel Bacon, aged 56, Infant of Franklin Paterson, Cyrus Freeman, aged 24, Nathaniel Gray, aged 42, Martha, widow of Walker Mallorj', aged 71, Son of Oliver Chatfield, aged 10, AVidow Sarah Marshall, aged 84, Maria, wife of David H. Curtiss, aged '24, Gen. Chauncey Crafts, aged 41, Mary, widow of Samuel Minor, aged 80, Son of Truman Hurd, aged 2, Sarah, wife of John Somers, aged ] 8, George P. Deming, aged 23, ^ Ruth, widow of Dr. Samuel Orton, aged 79, Oliver E. Gray, aged 20, Frederick Beers, aged 42, Sally Judson, aged 48, Jan. 22. Feb. 5. Feb. 7. Feb. 23. March 2. March 9. March 22. March 28. April 27. May 9. May 9. May 24. May 30. July 7. July 27. Aug. 15. Sept. 2. Sept. 5. Sept. 14. Sept. 19. Sept. 25. Oct. 5. Oct. 13. Oct. 15. Oct. 15. Oct. 17. Oct. 20. Nov. 6. Nov. 19. Dec. 6. Dec. 25. DEATHS IN WOODBUKY. 263 1829. Son of Norman Parker, aged 1, Jan. 8. Capt. Anthony Strong, aged 71, Jan. 28. Infant of Benjamin D. Beecher, Jan. 29. Son of Harley Bisliop. aged 2, Feb. 3. Infant of Luther Allen, Feb. 23. Jerusha Minor, aged 83, Feb. 28. Infant of Miles Bishop, March 16. "Wife of Luther Allen, March 16. Amos Tuttle, aged 58, March 16. Infant of John Cramer, April 9. Oliver Chatfield, aged 73, April 21. Rebecca, dau. of Yar'h Chatfield, aged 18, April 27. Son of George Hurd, aged 1, May 28. Elisabeth, wife of Philo Hurd, aged 73, June 3. Elisabeth, wife of Bethel S. Castle, aged 27, June 18. Charles Devolt, aged 27, June 20. Esther, widow of Zimri Moody, aged 89, June 29. Daniel Coggshall, aged 80, July 2. Solomon Johnson, aged 77, July 8. Son of Philo Pearce, aged 2, Aug. 12. Infant of Mr. Ketchum, Aug. 20. Philo Hurd, aged 74, Aug. 25. Lydia, widow of Benjamin Judson, aged 86, Aug. 28. Eliza Allen, aged 24, Aug. 28. Ruth, wife of Jared Allen, aged 40, Aug. 31. Daughter of John S. Hayes, Sept. 3. John Brush, aged 42, Sept. 8. Dr. Reuben Bishop, aged 53, Sept. 11. Son of John Terrell, Oct. 4. Diautha Bunce, aged 33, Nov. 3. Child of Horman Stoddard, aged 1, Nov. 20. Jared Allen, aged 44, Nov. 23. Sarah, widow of Daniel Cogswell, aged 87, Nov. 23. 1830. Esther, wife of Daniel Munn, aged 63, Jan. 1. Maria Edwards, aged 33, Jan. 1. Son of Leman Sherman, Esq., aged 2, Jan. 4. Elisabeth, widow of Christopher Prentice, aged 90, Jan. 19. Son of Gideon Hull, aged 6, Jan. 20. Mercy, widow of James Wilson, aged 69, Jan. 23. Son of George W. Jones, aged 2, Jan. 25. Fanny Bacon, aged 34, Jan. 28. Susan, wife of Harvey Stoddard, aged 30, Feb. 2. Phebe, widow of Nathaniel Gray, aged 47, Feb. 9. Daughter of Freeman, aged 14, Feb. 17. Son of Jacob Sunbury, March 25. 264 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Abraham Prindle, aged 68, John Rigby, aged 44, Dorcas, widow of William Taylor, aged 72, Sally Pollard, aged 48, Samuel Barnes, aged 76, Mary, widow of EUsha Atwood, aged 84, Son of Burton Judson, aged 1, Lucinda, widow of Jonathan Williams, aged 48, David Blackman, aged 38, Son of Jared Allen, aged 1, Truman Judson, aged 57, Asahel Ives, aged 66, Dea. Seth Minor, aged 65, Albert Mallory, aged 23, Son of Stephen Allen, Son of Burton Judson, aged 3, Son of Zera Bassett, aged 2, Electa Spicer, aged 55, Josiah Nettleton, aged 76, Elizabeth, wife of George W. Jones, aged 42, Infant of Franklin Paterson, Son of Daniel Bacon, Sabra Manville, aged 32, Daniel Foot, aged 84, Mabel Munn, aged 34, Daughter of Franklin Paterson, aged 5, 1831. Annis, widow of Capt. Truman Hurlbut, aged 76, Elizabeth, widow of Daniel Stoddard, aged 77, Hannah, wife of James Judson, aged 63, Widow Phebe Nichols (a fit), aged 64, Miriam, wife of Hollingworth Hine, aged 78, Adam Minor, aged 91, Daughter of Betsey Lines, Sarah, widow of Nathan Lewis, aged 81, Eunice Foster, sister of Timothy Terrell, aged 44, James R. Edwards, aged 63, Infant son of Horace Hurd, Harriet, wife of Rev. G. L. Brownell, aged 36. Dea. Moses Clark, aged 57, Joshua Hurlbut (a fit), aged 49, Isaac Smith (drowned), aged 39, Mary C., daughter of Jacob Sunbury, aged 4, Everitt N"., son of Truman Warner, aged 17, Noah B. Benedict, Esq., aged 60, Son of Frederick S. Atwood, Nathaniel Crane (a fit), aged 73, Rhoda Phillips, aged 76, March 27. April 7. April 16. April 26. May 31. June 12. June 29. July 13. Aug. 4. Aug. 5. Aug. 6. Aug. 10. Aug. 14. Aug. 17. Sept. 5. Sept. 23. Sept. 28. Oct. 10. Oct. 24. Nov. 23. Nov. 22. Nov. 25. Nov. 27. Nov. 30. Dec. 7. Dec. 21. Jan. 7. Jan. 16. Jan. 26. Feb. 6. Feb. 14. Feb. 20. Feb. 20. March 4. March 8. March 29. April 29. May 3. May 3. May 19. May 23. June 10. June 13. July 2. July 4. July 18. Aug. 2. DEATHS IN WOODBURY. 265 Laura, wife of Pettit Galpin, aged 36, -A-ug. 24. Reliance, widow of Eli Stoddard, aged 85, Aug. 27. Julia, dau. of David Hitchcock, N. Y., aged 14, Sept. 2. Merriam R. Tuttle (carried to N. H.), aged 25, Sept. 27. Catharine, dau. of Abram Somers, aged 15, Oct. 1. Daughter of Granderson Turney, aged 2, Oct. 6. Irene, wife of Tirus Lines, aged 49, Oct. 7. Jane. dau. of Reuben Mallory, aged 17, Oct. 16. James Lacey (colored), aged 35, Oct. 17. Leman Sherman, Esq., aged 45, Oct. 21. Emma, widow of Robert Warner, aged 79, Nov. 2. Absalom H. Root, aged 34, Nov. 2. Abigail, widow of John Brush, aged 40, Jan. 9. Infant daughter of Charles Olcott, Jan. 22. Amanda, wife of Charles Olcott, aged 28, Jan. 24. Solomon Strong, aged 80, Dec. 4. Jonathan Beebe, aged 68, Dec. 8. Elias C. Tirrell, aged 19, Dec. 18. 1832. George Hurd, aged 34, Jan. 10. Rachel, widow of Philemon Cherevoy, aged 77, Jan. 14. Ehza Jones, aged 23, Jan. 22. Abigail, wife of Abram Somers, aged 53, Jan. 27. Mary, wife of Thaddeus Minor, aged 82, Jan. 27. Infant son of Obediah P. Northrop, Jan. 31. Phebe, wife of Robert Warner, aged 62, Feb. 9. Lydia, wife of Samuel Galpin, aged 67, Feb. 16. Desire, wife of Lyman Somers, aged 48, Feb. 28. Elisabeth, widow of Thomas Judson, aged 71, March 10. Anah Brown, aged 71, April 2. Elizabeth, wife of Abraham Smith, aged 71, April 4. Solomon Tuttle, aged 57, April 4. Keziah, dau. of Sheldon Toles, aged 8, April 7. Clarissa, widow of James Lacey, aged 38, April 16. Daughter of Horace Minor, aged 2, April 22. Thaddeus Minor, aged 84, May 2. Edward Sherman, aged 21, June 12. Son of Rev. Rathael Gilbert, July 17. Mary Ann, dau. of Enoch Peck, aged 8, Sept. 7. Joseph Minor, Jr., aged 33, Sept. 16. Simeon Minor, aged 21, Sept. 29. Abigail, widow of John DeForest, aged 85, Oct. 4. Thomas Curtiss (a fit), aged 64, Oct. 26. Maria, wife of Joseph F. Walker, aged 29, Nov. 4. Tirus Lines (a fit), aged 58, Nov. 5. Huldah, wife of John Masters, Nov. 10. Horace Gillett (died in Kentucky), aged 22, Nov. 10. Infant son of Horace Hurd, Dec. 14. Charles E. Phelps (a fit), aged 21, Dec. 18. Vol. III.— 34 266 HISTOHY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY 1833. George C. Minor, aged 30, Wife of James Atwood, aged 58, Maria, wife of Frederick Atwood, aged 27, Harriet Curtiss, aged 20, Harry Masters, aged 40, Olive, wife of Thaddeus Cramer, aged 53, Son of Daniel S. Parker (scalded), aged 3, Wife of Wheeler Atwood, aged 54, Abigail, dau. of John N. Atwood, aged 6, Son of John N. Atwood, aged 1, Herbert Drakely (drowned at N. H.), aged 17, Sherman Drakely, aged 26, Son of Sheldon M. Stone, aged 3, Son of Truman Minor. Elias Jackson (colored), aged 34, Daughter of (colored), aged 7, Esther, wife of Elias Clark, N. H., aged 55, Meribah, wife of Reuben Tyler, aged 73, W^illys Peck, s. of Willys Lambert, aged 5, Widow of Elias Jackson (colored), aged 26, Margaret, w. of Noble Atwood, 1834. Nancy Maria, wife of Joel Hubbell, aged 24, Lampson P. Mitchell, aged 42, Abigail, widow of Elijah Atwood, aged 67, Daughter of widow Sally Hurd, aged 2, Daughter of Rev. Rathael Gilbert, Son of Philander Nichols, Anna, widow of John Rice, aged 84, Son of Asahel R. Gibson, Caroline, wife of Philo Tuttle, aged 21, Son of John Strong, Esq., aged 1, Joseph R. Judson, aged 56, Daughter of George Somers, aged 1, Martha, widow of John Judson, aged 93, John Way, aged 44, Reuben Hotchkiss, aged 78, Daughter of Farman Patchen, aged 1, Ehjah Dailey, aged 67, Daughter of Charles King, aged 2, Lorenzo, s. of Abner Nettleton, aged 14, Truman Atwood, aged 62, Infant son of Albert G. Robinson, Calvin Bishop, aged 73, David S. Minor, aged 45, Infant daughter of Chauncey Allen, Wife of Sherman Elwell, aged 23, Jan. 20. Feb. 19. Feb. 20. March 23. May 7. June 6. June 8. June 15. June 18. June 22. July 9. Oct. 6. Oct. 10. Oct. 25. Oct. 29. Oct. 31. Oct. 31. Nov. 3. Nov. 9. Nov. 17. March 20. Jan. 11. Jan. 13. Jan. 29. Feb. 5. Feb. 24. March 18. March 25. March 25. April 2. April 14. April 16. May 26. June 10. June 23. June 27. July 8. July 16. July 24. Aug. 28. Sept. 12. Sept. 14. Sept. 26. Oct. 7. Oct. 15. Oct. 21. DEATHS IN WOODBURY. 267 Albert Drakely, aged 18, John Strong, Jr., Esq., aged 48, Widow Rhoda Squire, aged 90, Sylvia Perry, aged 72, Aaron Hitchcock, aged 72, Harriet N. Percy, aged 21, 1835. Sheldon N. Stone, aged 28, Infant of James Judson, Jr., Peggy, wife of Oliver Chatfield, aged 50, Daughter of Harley Bishop, aged 2, Elvira, wife of James Manville (a fit), aged 48. Amarillis, wife of Levi Richards (a fit), aged 59, John Piatt (choked), aged 5G, Olive, wife of Bradley Martin, aged 22, Son of Thaddeus M. Percy, aged 4, Asa Parse, aged 61, Daughter of Thaddeus M. Percy, aged 2, Winiam Hurlbut (killed), aged 51, Mary, wife of Capt. Peter P. Peck, aged 54, Garry Tuttle, aged 50, Sally, wife of Reuben H. Hotchkiss, aged 39, Diantha, wife of Benjamin Negus, aged 26, Dea. Matthew Minor, aged 82, Abigail, wife of Samuel Strickland, aged 53, Ebenezer Mansfield, aged 49, Milan P. Northrop, aged 25, Infant daughter of Albert G. Robinson, Barnett Camp, aged 24, Lydia. widow of Gideon Judson, aged 86, Angenett, wife of Charles Trowbridge, aged 24, Son of Judson Warner, aged 6, Mary, wife of Mitchell Hunt, aged 34, Thomas Andrus, aged 78, Caroline E., dau. of Nathaniel B. Smith, aged 5, George Chatfield, aged 52, John Ford, aged 64, Charlotte Minor, aged 23, Sabrina, wife of Gilbert S. Minor, aged 36, Wife of Josiah Buckley, aged 51, Samuel Steele (a fit), aged 53, Anna, wife of Benjamin Turney, aged 61, 1836. Daughter of Ira Thomas, aged 2, Andrew Minor, aged 86, Rhoda, wife of William Minor, aged 51, Reuben Martin, aged 70, Oct. 26. Nov. 1. Nov. 21. Dec. 10. Dec. 23. Dec. 28. Jan. 1. Jan. 17. Jan. 27. March 5. March 10. March 18. April April April April April April April June 5. 12. 17. 19. 21. 27. 29. 29. July July July Aug. 19. 20. 20. 23. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. 4. 19. 24. 10. Oct. 12. Oct. 15. Oct. 17. Oct. 20. Oct. 23. Oct. 25. Oct. 28. Nov. 6. Nov. 8. Nov. 30. Dec. 9. Dec. 10. Dec. 18. Jan. 3. Jan. 6. Feb. 6. Feb. 14. 268 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Infant daughter of Capt. Harmon Judson, March 8. Harriet Minor, aged 30, March 9. Son of William N. Shelton, aged 5, March 16. Daughter of Orrin Town, aged 8, March 21. Abigail Huntington (a fit), aged 65, March 24. Phebe, widow of Capt. Anthony Strong, aged 71, March 25. George Sherman, aged 30, March 27. Henry Francis, son of George Fox, aged 2, April 5. Infant son of Truman Hurd, aged 1, April 8. Maria S., dau. of David H. Curtiss, aged 4, April 11. John B. Foot, aged 58, April 26. Hannah, wife of Benjamin Andrus, aged 79, May 2. Thankful, wife of Simeon Pearce, aged 60, May 2. Anah W. Cady, aged 48, May 7. Simeon Pearce, aged 68, June 2. Fanny M., dau. of John Somers, aged 2, June 11. Flora, dau. of Horace Hurd, aged 1, June 16. Samuel Ferris Peck, aged 24, June Frederick, s. of Russel Leavenworth, aged 13, July Lewis Beers, aged 80, July Edwin Way, aged 40, July Anthony Quamany (colored), aged 72, July John Morriss, aged 52, July Margaret, dau. of widow Sally Minor, aged 3, ^ug. 3. Infant of Freeman (colored), Aug. 3. Infant of John Roswell, Aug. 6. Alma, widow of Milan P. Northrop, aged 25, Aug. 28. Dan Mallory (colored), aged 91, Sept. 5. Widow Phebe Stoddard, aged 36, Sept. 5. Son of Mitchell Hunt, aged 2, Oct. 21. Jesse P. Lambert, aged 67, Oct. 21. Abel Munn, aged 78, • Oct. 24. Samuel Loomis (found dead), aged 36, Oct. 31. Thaddeus Cramer, aged 57, Nov. 1. John Masters, aged 77, Nov. 1. Lucy, wife of Albert G. Robinson, aged 27, Nov. 3. Infant daughter of Albert G. Robinson, Nov. 3. Mary, dau. of William C. Cogswell, aged 4, Nov. 7. Betsey, wife of Chauncey Allen, aged 26, Nov. 7. Infant daughter of Seeley Castle, Nov. 8. Mary, widow of William Preston, aged 82, Nov. 19. Hannah, widow of Josiah Nettleton, aged 77, Nov. 24. Son of Ephraim Lewis, aged 6, Dec. 2. Daniel, s. of John Marvin, aged 8, Dec. 4. David, s. of Wilham C. Cogswell, aged 2, Dec. 5. William, s. of John Bacon, aged 4, Dec. 10. Julia, dau. of John Marvin, aged 2, Dec. 19. William, s. of Vincent Judson, aged 6, Dec. 21. Margaret, dau. of John Way, aged 4, Dec. 21. 19. 14. 23. 25. DEATHS IN WOODBURY, 269 1837. Joseph F. Broth well, aged 79, Alma, wife of Curtiss Judson (small-pox), aged 29, Julia, wife of Stephen Allen, aged 48, Phebe, widow of Jonathan Sherwood, aged 96, Sally, widow of John B. Foot, aged 60, Julia, dau. of Asahel R. Gibson, aged 2, Cornelia, dau. of Isaac Peck, aged 3, Infant daughter of James H. Nichols, Son of Daniel Holding, aged .3, Son of Philo Tuttle, aged 1, Harriet, dau. of Willys Lambert, aged 2, Reuben Fairchild, aged 52, Infant of Elizur Barnes, aged 1, Yarmouth Chatfield, Jr., aged 38, Son of John Roswell, aged 2, Mary (colored), aged 1 1 , Infant son of Orrin Town, Parna, wife of Henry H. Peck, aged 30, EmeUne, dau. of Stephen Dailey, aged 2, Infant son of Harvey H. Fox, Infant daughter of Henry H. Peck, Son of Bethel Castle, aged 1, Elizabeth, wife of George Chatfield, aged 28, Gould C. Masters, aged 32, Daniel "Warner, aged 64, George Olcott (a fit), aged 39, Daughter of George Chatfield, aged 8, Daughter of George Taylor (scalded), aged 3, Samuel Strickland (killed), aged .57, Maria, dau. of Charles Judson, aged 2, Sylvester, s. of George Chatfield, aged 2, Anah, wife of Nehemiah Judson, aged 71, Widow Sarah Thomas, aged 85, Infant son of Judson Wai'uer, Daughter of Charles Olcott, aged 2, Frances P., wife of Wm. C. Cogswell, aged 36, Lois, widow of Nathan Warner, aged 90, Margaret Eliza Walker, aged 15, Elvira Curtiss, aged 34, Lydia, wife of Roswell Chappel, aged 50, Sybel, wife of David S. Curtiss, aged 68, 1838. Charry, wife of Grandison Turney, aged 32, Son of Lot Jackson (choked), aged 2, Truman Percy, aged 66, Abigail, wife of Elhanan Spooner, Infant son of George Strickland, Jan. 9. Jan. 11. Jan. 15. Jan. 28. Jan. 30. Feb. 6. Feb. 12. Feb. 21. Feb. 22. Feb. 22. Feb. 23. Feb. 24. March 10. March 11. March 21. March 25. March 30. April 8. April 22. April 24. April 30. May IT. May 23. May 29. June 26. July 15. July 16. July 26. July 29. Aug. 30. Sept. 5. Sept. 12. Sept. 13. Sept. 29. Oct. 12. Oct. 22. Oct. 24. Dec. 4. Dec. 24. Dec. 30. Dec. 30. Jan. 3. Jan. 3. Jan. 10. Jan. 12. Feb. 28. 270 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Ruth Ann Perry, aged 31, March 6. Charles G. Isbel (a fit and drowned), aged 19, April 8. Julia B., dau. of Stephen Allen, aged 11, April 10. Betsey, wife of Philo Castle, aged 43, April 18. John Orton, aged 55, May 17. Infant son of George Peck, May 24. Infant daughter of Lot Jackson (colored), July 1. Infant daughter of Elijah Rouse, July 8. John DeForest, aged 57, Aug. 5. Son of Benjamin Doolittle, aged 1, -A-Ug. 6. Son of George P. Sherman, aged 2, Aug. 13. Daughter of Levi S. Douglass, aged 2, Aug. 1 4. Abigail, wife of James Atwood, aged 52, Aug. 29. Betsey, wife of Jehiel Nettleton, aged 51, Sept. 11. Susan Sperry, aged 33, Sept. 12. Noble Atwood, Sept. 13. Charry, widow of Asa Cogswell, aged 95, Sept. 14. Capt. Ross Edwards, aged 32, Sept. 22. Widow Caroline Scoville, aged 50, Sept. 30. Hollingworth Hine, aged 83, Oct. 4. Son of Agusta Way, aged 8, Oct. 14. Henry N. Smith, aged 20, Oct. 20. Nancy, wife of Obadiah P. Northrop, aged 29, Nov. 2. Edne Sherman, aged 30, Nov. 4. Thomas Olcott, Jr., aged 44, Nov. 25. Benjamin P. Stiles (carried to Southbury), aged 41, Dec. 15. Gershom Wells, aged 54, Dec. 28. 1839. Polly, wife of Samuel C. Minor, aged 56, Jan. 4. Sarah, wife of Clark Manville, aged 57, .Jan. 20. Sophronia D. Morriss, aged 20, Jan. 21. Infant daughter of Timothy Terrill, Jr., Jan. 25. Elisha Minor, aged 84, Jan. 27. Sarah S., wife of Grandison Turney, aged 21, Feb. 2. Ellen Maria, dau. of Hez. Linsley, aged 1, Feb. 10. Charlotte, dau. of Phineas Smith, aged 7, Feb. 16. Lamira S. Spooner, aged 14, Feb. 20. Abner Nettleton, aged 54, March 9. Edward, s. of John Abernethy, aged 1, April 24. Marshfield P. Mather, aged 57, May 1. Ira Gillett, aged 28, May 11. Sarah Ann, wife of Albert S. Coan, aged 36, May 29. Sally, widow of Ebenezer Mansfield, aged 52, July 15. Infant son of Rev. Benoni Y. Messenger, July 25. Abigail, wife of Josiah Bacon, aged 81, Aug. 1. Benjamin Austin (colored), aged 30, Aug. 5. Lucinda, dau. of Harvey Griswold, aged 15, Aug. 7. Mary Ann Brewerton, aged 36, Aug. 11. Sally, widow of Joseph R. Judson, aged 61, Aug. 19. DEATHS IN WOODBURY 271 Nathan C, s. of Wyllys Lambert, aged 2, Julia, wife of Rev. Benoni Y. Messenger, aged 25, Marcus Knapp, aged 68, Daughter of Lewis B. Candee, aged L Mary B., widow of John N. Sherman, aged 56, Lauren Judson, aged 54, Daughter of Lewis B. Candee, aged 1, Henry "W., s. of Asa Mitchell, aged \?>, Lemuel Judson (carried to Watertown), aged 80, Albert Bradley (killed), aged 18, Matthew Minor, Esq., aged 59, 1840. Celestia A., wife of Wm. Abernathy, aged 23, Infant son of Amos E. Allen, Lucy, widow of George Olcott. aged 38, Abigail, widow of Lemuel Judson (carried to Water- town), aged 70, Mary, dau. of Amos E. Allen, aged 3, Edward Farr (brought from Roxbury), aged 35, John D. Degarniore (suicide), aged 30, Flora, wife of Russell Robinson, aged 26, Goodrich Dudley (carried to Bothlem), aged 72, Infant daughter of Silas Clark, "Wilham Summers, Jr., aged 23, Sally, widow of Elias Clark, aged 48, Olive, widow of Truman Judson, aged 66, John N. Sherman, aged 28, Triphena, wife of Almon Galpin, aged 20, Laura Hayes, aged 49, Polly Minor, aged 31, Judah Baldwin (carried to Bethlem), aged 68, Catharine, dau. of widow Julia Lewis, aged 1, Nancey, wife of James Phillips (colored), aged 55. John Warner, aged 65, Infant daughter of James Lawton, Eliza Curtiss, aged 33, Parcilla Randolph (colored), aged 52, Daughter (^f Rev. Mr. Ammermon, aged 5, George W.. s. of Horace Isbel, aged 6, Peggy, wife of David Root, aged 62, Daughter of Joseph Coger, aged 2, Phineas, s. of Bethel S. Castle (killed), aged 6, Josiah Bacon, aged 84, Lydia, wife of C'hauncey Thompson, aged 36, Mary Orton, wife of Benj. Dewell, aged 26, Aug. 23. Aug. 25. Sept. 18. Sept. 30. Oct. 1. Oct. 1. Oct. 19. Nov. I. Nov. 16. Dec. 14. Dec. 17. Jan. 7. March 20. March 22. March 24. April 5. April 11. April 12. April 12. May 4. May 18. May 25. June 1. June 11. June 23. June 23. Aug. 17. Aug. 23. Aug. 23. Aug. 26. Aug. 26. Aug. 29. Sept. 3. Sept. 4, Sept. 18, Sept. 19, Sept. 33. Sept. 29, Oct. 19. Oct. 20, Nov. 1, Nov. 1. Dec. 10. 272 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, 1841. Eeuben Tyler, aged 84, Jan. 1. Joseph Minor, aged 82, Jan. V. Franklin, s. of Wheeler Atwood, aged 2, Jan. 15. Infant son of George Hitchcock, Feb. 5. Erastus Walker, aged 25, Feb. 7. Benjamin Andrews, aged 85, Feb. 21. Wealthy, wife of Capt. Thomas Root, aged 39, Feb. 28. Infant son of Seely Castle, March 17. Frederick, s. of Chaiincey Thompson, aged 2, March 26. Hannah Homer (colored), aged 62, April 15. Horace W. Strong, aged 24, April 17. Timothy P. Bacon, aged 42, May 6. Infant daughter of Francis Hall, May 7. Daughter of Norman Parker, aged 2, June 1. Chauncey Crafts, aged 21, June 18. Philena, widow of Joseph Minor, aged 69, July 23. Polly, wife of Noble Bradley, aged 36, July 27. Samuel, s. of John Bennet, aged 1, Aug. 6. Anna, widow of Dr. Nathaniel Perry, aged 70, Aug. 10. Mercy, wife of Isaac Way, aged 79, Aug. 16. Horace Wheeler, aged 34, Aug. 24. Infant son of Noble Parker, Aug. 29. John H. Smith, aged 19, Sept. 18. Joseph Calhoun, aged 75, Sept. 20. Zillah, widow of Wm. Nettleton, aged 82, Oct. 5. Charles, s. of Harley Bishop, aged 7, Oct. 9. Mary, wife of Asa Mitchell, aged 54, Oct. 24. Dea. Marcus D. Mallory, aged 55, Nov. 2. Betsey Beers, aged 53, Nov. 22. Harriet Hoadley, aged 36, Nov. 27. Julia S. Mather, aged 12, Dec. 15. Daughter of Stephen Galpin, aged 1, Dec. 17. 1842. Damaris, widow of Bethuel Tomkins, aged 71, Jan. 2. Sheldon Woodin (found dead), aged 60, Jan. 9. Temperance, widow of Daniel Warner, aged 62, Jan. 23. Infant son of Seeley Castle, Feb. 19. Lorenda F. Tolls, aged 20, March 7. Cyrus E., s. of Horace Hurd, aged 2, March 11. Mary M., dau. of Wyllys Downs, aged 15, March 11. Esther Fenn (carried to Middlebury), aged 66, April 4. Mehetable, wife of Benj. Minor, aged 83, April 9. Sarah M., dau. of Edward Nichols, aged 18, April 23. Betsey, wife of Isaac Way, Jr., aged 51, April 26. Thankful, widow of Beuben Hotchkiss, aged 78, May 4. Judson Clark, aged 25, May 4. Ann, widow of David Murray, aged 84, May 21. DEATHS IN WOODBUKY. 273 Philo DeForest, aged 70, May 21. Frances, dau. of Lewis B. Candee, aged 6, May 23. Sherman Warner, aged 57, June 14. Thirza, wife of Isaac Turney, aged 43, June 17. Abigail Cramer, aged 59, June 17. Dotliy, dau. of Stephen Atwood (carried to Watertown), aged 16, July 16. Sarah, widow of Nathan Preston, Esq., aged 81, July 26. Ellen, dau. of Willys Lambert, aged 1, Aug. 6. Emeline Hawley (colored), aged 24, Aug. 10. Mercey, widow of John Edwards, aged 90, Aug. 14. Isaac Calhoun, aged 36, -A-ug. 25. Margaret, wife of Henry Lambert, aged 32, Aug. 28. Infant of Harvey H. Fox, Aug. 29. Infant of Henry Fitch, Aug. 31. William Abernethy, aged 31, Sept. 1. Isaac, s. of Isaac Peck, aged 3, Sept. 7. Lucia, wife of Elhanan Spooner, aged 40, Sept. 22. Laura P. Somers, aged 27, Sept. 24. George Merwin (carried to Brookfield), aged 17, Oct. 8. Charles E., s. of Elhanan Spooner, Oct. 11. Ephraira Peck, aged 78, Oct. 11. Thomas Olcott, aged 84, Oct. 19. Horace M. Dudley, aged 28, Nov. 7. Amanda Williams (colored), aged 37, Nov. 11. Infant daughter of James Judson, Jr., Nov. 11. Samuel S. Thomas (carried to Roxbury), aged 22, Nov. 23. Jennette, dau, of Cyrus Sherman, aged '22, Dec. 4. Mary E., dau. of George P. Sherman, aged 5, Dec. 7. John N., s. of George P. Sherman, aged 3, Dec. 11. 1843. Infant of Tracy Barnes, Jan. 1, Lydia, wife of John S. Hayes, aged 48, Jan. 3. Henry Minor, aged 28, Jan. 10. William H. Sherman, aged 4, Jan. 11. Martha Bradley (carried to Watertown), aged 18, Jan. 16. Infant son of George P. Sherman, Jan. 31. E. Celestia, dau. of Jno. Abernethy, aged 3, Feb. 4. Harriet Cornelia Walker, aged IS, Feb. 10. Ruth, wife of James Manville, aged 33, March 15. Antionette, dau. of Dea. Nathaniel Minor, aged 21, March 24. Mary- E. Coger, aged 17, April 17. John Strong, Esq., aged 90, April 19. Son of Isaac Randolph (colored), aged 7, April 2. Samuel, s. of Abel Turney, aged 3, April 23. Edward N., s. of John B. Atwood, aged 1, April 27. Elizabeth, widow of David S. Bull, aged 65, May 2. John, s. of Erastus Minor, aged 6, May 15. Vol. IlL— 35 274 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Eliza, wife of Albert Manville (carried to Middlebury), aged 28, Infant of Silas Clark, Hannali, widow of Joseph F. Brothwell, aged 17, Eliza Lewis, aged 39, Fanny, wife of John Nichols, aged 62, Diana, widow of Dea. Moses Clark, aged 62, "Widow Anna P Cowles, aged 23, Mary, widow of Elijah Calhoun, aged 65, Mary Munday (colored), aged 33, Charlotte, widow of Dea. Matthew Minor, aged 81, Tuttle Dayton (carried to Southbury), aged 35, Sally, wife of David C. Bacon, aged 48, Infant son of Thomas Gillet, Robert Warner, aged 12. Ed. Augustus, s. of James Judson, Jr., aged 3, Jane Elisabeth, wife of Aim on Mansfield, aged 22, 1844. Maria, wife of John Bassett, aged 41, Elijah Sherman, aged 90, Wife of Daniel Stillson, aged 66, Atoinette, widow of William Abernathy, aged 34, Phebe, wife of Aaron Freeman (colored), aged 51, Elisabeth, dau. of Harmon Judson, aged 1, Harriet, dau. of Joseph "W. Squire, aged 3, Mary Ward (carried to Roxbury), aged 36, Abigail, wife of John Abernethy, aged 29, Colored infant (murdered), Sarah Jane, dau. of Almon Mansfield, aged 1, Ebenezer, s. of Gregory Monroe, aged 3, Franklin, s. of Harmon Judson, aged 5, George, s. of Curtis Olmstead, aged 6, Garwood Griswold, aged 41, Delila, wife of George Betts, aged 33, Isaac Cam (colored), aged 48, Charles, s. of Leman Phillips (colored), aged 2, David, s. of Orry Bunce, aged 2, Benjamin Kirtland, aged 23, Roger H., s. of Horace Atwood, aged 5, George, s. of John Warner, aged 6, Benjamin Franklin, s. of Horace Atwood, aged 2, William Curtiss, aged 33, Samuel Summers, aged 67, Infant daughter of Phineas Judson, Charles, s. of Stephen Smith, Daughter of Orry Bunce, aged 5, James Phillips (colored), aged 60, Frances Emeline, dau. of Charles Mansfield, aged 1, May 20. June 16. July 17. July 25. Aug. 2. Aug. 24. Sept. 3. Sept. 4. Sept. 5. Sept. 13. Sept. 18. Nov. 7. Nov. 7. Nov. 25. Dec. 11. Dec. 20. Jan. 1. Jan. 5. Jan. 12. Jan. 12. Jan. 20. Jan. 24. Jan. 24. Jan. 25. Feb. 4. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 12. Feb. 16. Feb. 16. Feb. 21. Feb. 4. Feb. 25. March 8. March 12. March 15. March 18. March 19. March 29. April 5. May 5. May 6. May 11. June 1. DEATHS IN WOODBURY. 275 Edson H., s. of Leman Bishop, aged 4, Sarah Keziali, dau. of Samuel Judson, aged 6, Hannah, wife of Joseph P. Nichols, aged 73, Henry M., s. of Dr. C. Webb (drowned), aged 10, John S. Nichols, aged 31, Fanny M., dau. of widow Lucretia Nichols, aged 7, Capt. Samuel Sherman, aged 52, Urana, wife of Samuel Churchill, aged 51, Lydia P., dau. of Phineas S. Bradley, aged 23, Julia, wife of Amos E. Allen, aged 32, John Teeple (cai-ried to Roxbury), aged 42, Jane, dau. of Lot Jackson (colored), aged 18, Sarah Jane, dau. of J. B. Atwood, aged 1, Harriet, wife of Gideon Hollister, aged 49, Dr. Charles Botsford, aged 29, Russel Nichols, aged 51, 1845. Marcus, s. of George Caple, aged 2, Truman Tuttle, aged 64, John McKinney, aged 32, Henry G. Scott, aged 41, Harriet Emma, dau. of Ebenezer Wheeler, aged 10, Hannah, wife of Irad Barnes, aged 64, Julia M. Bacon (brought from New York), aged 28, Sybil Chatfield (colored), aged 29, Catharine, wife of Robert Smith, aged 46, Benjamin Minor, aged 78, Jacob L. Eranklin, aged 32, Jerusha, wife of John Judson, aged 60, Malinda, wife of Hezakiah Noyes, aged 28, Ruth, widow of Nathaniel Smith, Esq., aged 78, James N., s. of Hezekiah Noyes, aged 2, John McKey, aged 87, Infant daughter of John Hall, Sarah Jane, widow of Jacob L. Franklin, aged 26, Infant son of Rev. Daniel S. Gilbert, Louisa M., dau. of C. S. Johnson, aged 2, Henry, infant son of Albert Manville, Hepzibah, wife of Truman Judson, aged 54, Nehemiah L. Judson, aged 30, Yarmouth Chatfield (colored), aged 77, Truman Judson, aged 59, H. E., dau. of widow Lucretia Nichols, aged 4, Catharine, wife of Charles Harris, aged 20, Alzy Judson, aged 32, Olive, widow of Solomon Minor, aged 85, Julia A. Judson, aged 26, Frances, dau. of Elhanan Spooner, aged 10, Susannah, widow of Ephraim Peck, aged 61, June 2. June 15. July 13. Aug. 5. Sept. 2. Sept. 6. Sept. 11. Sept. 26. Oct. 3. Oct. 3. Nov. Nov. 30. Nov. 30. Nov. 30. Dec. 21. Dec. 24. Jan, 11. Feb. 11. Feb. 15. March 12. March 15. March 2 1 . March 24. April 3. April 15. April 16. May 16. May 20. June 3. June 20. July 3. July 4. July 20. July 30. Aug. 4. Aug. 27. Sept. 7. Sept. 12. Sept. 14. Sept. 15. Sept. 17. Sept. 20. Sept. 25. Sept. 29. Oct. 7. Oct. 12. Oct. 21. Nov. 1. 276 HISTOJRY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, John Bassett, aged 53, Nov. 21. Eosetta E., 3d wife of James Atwood, aged 51, Dec. 20. Anna, wife of Truman Hurd, aged 52, Dec. 24. 1846. Malthy Pelletrean, aged 55, Jan. 1. Charles Osborn (colored), aged 38, Jan. 4. Seneca J. Loomis, aged 37, Jan. 14. Rhoda Dean (carried to Britain), aged 75, Jan. 15. David S. Curtiss, aged 79, Jan. 22. Jndson Morris, aged 67, Feb. 15. Edwin M. Parker, aged 25, March 3. Alma, wife pi Joseph Tomlinson, aged 35, March 9. Elizabeth, widow of Yarmouth Chatfield, aged 76, March 10. Anna, wife of Joel Pearce, aged 56, March 13. Jane Freeman (colored), aged 38, April 9. Matilda, widow of Friend Thomas (carried to Roxbury), aged 84, April 18. Edwin, s. of Judson Warner (brought from Washing- ton), aged 5, April 22. Sally, wife of Capt. Jesse Minor, aged 71, April 24. Ira Bishop, aged 73, May 1. Lyman Summers, aged 66, May 4. Sabra, wife of Charles Booth, aged 52, May 13. Infant son of Marshall Freeman (colored), June 9. Olive, widow of Thomas Olcott, Jr., aged 44, June' 15. Polly, wife of Mild en Tyler, aged 46, July 4. Lydia Thompson Crafts, aged 17, July 25. Mary J., wife of Marshall Freeman (colored), aged 20, July 26. Samuel C. Minor, aged 68, ' Aug. 13. Olive, wife of Capt. Harmon Judson, aged 47, Sept. 30. Juha E. Manville, May 20. Mahitable, widow of Matthew M. Morris, aged 84, Oct. 7. Mary Deborah, dau. of Nathan Pierce, aged 11, Oct. 12. Elizabeth Ann, widow of Abraham Prindle, aged 74, Oct. 1 8. John Hurlbut, aged 63, Oct. 12. Ema, widow of Dea. ,^eth Minor, aged 86, Nov. 15. Lamenty, wife of Jesse Hayes, aged 81, Nov. 16. Henry Vanhoozen (colored), aged 59, Nov. 20. Bennett Ward, aged 43, Nov. 25. Jerry Mitchell (colored), aged 55, Nov. 27. Jacob Lumm (a fit), aged 38, Dec. 13. Caroline, wife of Samuel Smith, aged 43, Sept. 19 1847. Cyrus Freeman (colored), aged 76, Jan. 31. Levira, wife of Wm. Griswold, aged 73, Feb. 1 0. Gibson Thomas (a fit), aged 47, Feb. 13. William Griswold, aged 78, Feb. 16. Anna, widow of Aaron Sherman, aged 75, Feb. 18. DEATHS IN WOODBIRY, 277 Alvira Pardy (carried to^New Haven), aged 16, Currence S., wife of Charles Munson, aged 23, Daughter of Isaac Randolph (colored), aged 1, Jesse Hayes, aged 85, Asa Judson, aged 73, Adoniram Minor, aged 83, Phebe, wife of Charles Nichols, aged 22, Isaac Way, aged 89, Lydia R., wife of Booth C. Hollister and dau. of Charles and Abigail Millard of Woodbury (at Sing Sing, N. Y.), aged 24, Esther Perkins, aged 63, Armitee, wife of Frederick S. Atwood, aged 41, Roswell Chapel, aged 62, Joel Pearce, aged 53, Harriet B. Mitchell, aged 26, Capt. Nathaniel Preston, aged 61, Infant daughter of Sylvester Bacon, Samuel Judson, aged 36, Washington H. Atwood, aged 52, Mary Elizabeth DeForest, aged 18, Nehemiah Judson, aged 90, William Isbell, aged 66, John Manviile (a fit), aged 74, Jehiel Preston, aged 87, George A. DeForest, aged 40, Ebenezer Monroe, aged 63, 1848. Nancey Atwood, aged 25, Harriet Woodruff, aged 7, Lydia, widow of Marcus Ryon (carried to South Britain aged 72, Eunice Manviile, aged 87, Charles Olcott, aged 46, Isaac Turney, aged 58, Oliver Atwood (carried to Watertown). aged 80, Emiline, wife of Josiah Brooks (colored), aged 33, Eliza M., dau. of John Glazier, aged 8, George, s. of Hezekiah Noyes, aged 3, Infant son of Ann Lacey (colored), Daniel B. Burton, aged 61, Maria, wife of Russell Castle, aged 48, Zilla, wife of Warner Atwood, aged 54, Betsey, wife of Anson A. Root, aged 24, James H. Nichols, aged 44, Marcus Leavenworth, aged 43, Olive, widow of Samuel Drakely, aged 89, Lorena, widow of Mathew Minor, Esq., aged 66, Mary, widow of Hezekiah Booth, aged 86, March 10. March 17. April 4. April 11. April 16. April 21. April 25. May 5. May 14. May 27. June 14. July 2. July 9. July 22. July 26. Aug. 30. Sept. 10. Sept. 24. Sept. 24. Sept. 25. Oct. 1. Oct. 9. Oct. 29. Dec. 14. Dec. 23. Jan. 1. Jan. 6. 0. Feb. 3. Feb. 5. Feb. 5. Feb. 20. Feb. 20. Feb. 27. March 2. March 4. March 5. March 12. March 24. April 13. April 22. May 12. May 13. May 30. May 30. June 8. 278 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. Debora, widow of Eliab Isbell, aged 87, June 24. Charles Castle (suicide), aged 33, July 2. Galloway Peters (colored, a pensioner), aged 89, July 19. Infant daughter of Burr Atwood, July 20. Caroline, wife of James Morris (a fit), aged 48, July 22. Elizabeth Dewhurst, aged 18, July 22. Infant son of Henry Minor, aged 1, Aug. 13. Abigail Delia, dau. of John Abernathy, aged 1, Aug. 18. Fanny, wife of Dea. Elijah Sherman, aged 64, -Aug. 19. Charles G., s. of Albert G. Eobinson, aged 1, Sept. 5. Catharine, widow of Solomon Reynolds, aged 48, Sept. 8. Infant son of Robinson Dawson, Sept. 1 5 . Infant daughter of Chauncey Atwood, Sept. 17. Aaron Pearce, aged 17, Sept. 22. George Johnson (carried to Waterbury), aged 24, Sept. 29. Charity, wife of Samuel Jackson, aged 54, Sept. 29. Franklin, s. of Charles Fox, aged 3, Oct. 16. Mary Jane Castle, aged 25, Oct. 17. Son of Uri Woolsey (colored), aged 5, Oct. 18. Infant daughter of Joseph W. Squires, Nov. 11. J. L. Pitt (brought from Humphreysville), aged 24, Nov. 11. Nathan Franklin, s. of Nathan Pierce, aged 1, Nov. 21. Martha, wife of Seth Babbitt, aged 60, Nov. 25. Luther S., s. of Harry Candee, aged 3, Dec. 8. James, s. of Hezekiah Noyes, aged 2, Dec. 19. Isaac Huntington (found dead), aged 73, Dec. 22. John Nichols (brought from Derby), aged 72, Dec. 25. 1849. Infant daughter of Elijah D. Judson, Jan. 1. Abigail, widow of Joseph Root, 2d, aged 85, Jan. 3. Amy, widow of Simon Frazer, aged 72, Jan. 8. William B., infant son of John Hall, aged 1, Jan. 17. Nehemiah Briggs, aged 57, Jan. 22. Philo Castle, aged 55, Jan. 23. Susannah, widow of Ebenezer Moody, aged 88, Jan. 23. James Jolanson (candied to Middlebury), aged 35, Feb. 2. Samuel Martin (a fit), aged 73, Feb. 6. David Root, aged 73, Feb. 8. Mary E., dau. of Harry Candee, aged 6, Feb. 9. Maria, wife of Theodore W. Walker, aged 45, Feb. 21. Infant son of Charles Porter, Feb. 25. Maria Josephine Marvin, aged 19, March 22. Harriet, wife of Dr. Jacob "Woodruff, aged 39, March 23. Catharine Miles (brought from Middlebury), aged 78, March 30. Abram Smith (brought from Bethlem), aged 89, April 19. Polly, second wife of Samuel A. Galpin, aged 55, April 30. Sally Cogswell, dau. of R. B. Martin, aged 2, May 14. Gideon Sherman, aged 80, May 27. DEATHS IN WOODBUKY. 279 Susan Maria, dau. of Robert Dascum, aged 1, June 5. Albert G. Robinson, aged 45, June 20. Susannali Johnson (colored), aged 16, July 9. Patrick Barney (a fit), aged 23, July 13. Julia Ann, dau. of Stephen Galpin, aged 7, J^dy 20. Sophrona D., dau. of Philo Tuttle, aged 6, July 23. Lot Jackson (colored, drowned), aged 48, -^^^g- 6. John Judson, aged 71, Aug. 14. William Treat, aged 20, Aug. 17. Mary Ann Gillett (brought from N. H.), aged 51, Aug. 23. Mahlon Morris (brought from Waterbury), aged 21, Sept. 8. Catharine Bluist, aged 22, Sept. 23. Alfred Northrop (died at Watertown), aged 50, Oct. 20. Mortimer, s. of Benjamin Doolittle, aged 1, Oct. 29. Orry Bunce, aged 46, Nov. 17. Esther, widow of Holhster Judson, aged 78, Dec. 18. 1850. Sarah Miles (brought from Middlebury), aged 80, Jan. 14. Stiles Curtiss, aged 79, Jan. 20. Treat Camp, Esq., aged 64, Jan. 27. Ann Maria, dau. of Mark Capewell, aged 1, Feb. 13. Son of Maria Johnson (colored), aged 1, March 9. George K., s. of Curtiss Olrastead, aged 3, March 12. Sally, wife of Chauncey Allen, aged 55, March 29. Samuel Atwood, ^March 30. Daughter of Abram S. Atwood, aged 2, March 30. AVidow Abigail Kimball, aged 85, March 31. Infant son of widow Lot Jackson (colored), April 6. Benjamin Colton, aged 56, April 21, Nancey Ann WiUiams (colored), aged 16, April 26. Betsey Cherevoy, aged 75, May 5. Elizabeth Castle, aged 27, May 6. Rosetta, wife of Isaac Sherman, aged 60, May 29. Huldah, wife of Elijah Turney, aged 77, June 7. Betsey Ann, wife of Enos Benham, aged 29, * June 13. Abigail, widow of Wm. Hurlbut, aged 56, July 23. John Henry, s. of Henry Marshall, aged 9, Aug. 9. Harriet A., wife of George P. Sherman, aged 39, Aug. 13. Infant son of John Abernethy, Aug. 17. Betsey A. Plagg (carried to Cheshire), aged 57, Aug. 19. John P., s. of Joseph Capewell, aged 8, -A.ug. 28. Sarah Desire Lewis, aged 22, Sept. 6. Frances Amanda, wife of A. F. Betts, aged 26, Oct. 28. Infant daughter of Amaziah Bacon, Nov. 12. Luther Bishop, aged 87, Nov. 14. "William, s. of Mark Capewell, aged 4, Nov. 29. Jenett Armstrong, aged 25, Dec. 9. Jacob Bunce, aged 83, Dec. 10. 280 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUKY. 1851. Charles D., s. of Albert Nicliols, aged 8, Jan. 6. Infant son of Isaac Randolph (colored), Jan. 18. Sarah, wife of Asa Minor (a fit), aged 72, Jan. 20. Harriet "L. Hurlbut, aged 31, Feb. 7. Frederick Galpin, aged 31, Feb. 22. Sarah Randolph (colored), aged 84, March 11. Charles Joseph, s. of Charles Galpin, aged 1, March 26. Mary Force, aged 81, May 6. Emily Ruth, dau. of L. L. Loomer, aged 2, May 15. Sophia, wife of Isaac Randolph (colored), aged 42, May 31. Abigail, widow of John Teeple, aged 51, June 13. Infant son of Henry Doolittle, June 21. Almira Calhoun, aged 53, June 23. Emeline, wife of Horace Minor, aged 47, June 24. Enoch Hayes, aged 87, July 10. Anna, widow of Jehiel Preston, aged 87, July 12. George Lewis, s. of Lewis Sherman, aged 1, July 26. Emely Cornelia, dau. of Lewis Sherman, aged 5, Aug. 5. Fanny, wife of John Summers, aged 48, Aug. 9. Mary, wife of Lauren Terrill, aged 33, -A-Ug. 15. Kate, dau. of Lewis B. Candee, aged 2, Aug. 21. William, s. of Merit Glazier, aged 2, Aug. 22. Susan M., dau. of Alva Merriam, aged 3, Sept. 4. Clark Bennet, s. of Lewis B. Candee, aged 6, Sept. 8. Daughter of Phillip (Irishman), aged 2, Sept. 8. Wellington, s. of Cyrus Galpin, aged 3, Sept. 12. Nathaniel Betts, aged 64, Sept. 15. Dr. Roswell Abernethy, aged 77, Sept. 24. Laura M. Hurd, aged 19, Oct. 3. William, s. of Enos Benham, aged 2, Oct. 5. Orphia, widow of Garry Bacon, aged 64, Oct. 10. Sophia Maria Sperry, aged 37, Oct. 17. Reuben Walker, aged 74, Oct. 29. Elisabeth, widow of Solomon Reynolds, aged 90, Nov. 8. Ruth H., wife of Marsena Richards, aged 51, Nov. 14. Elizur Castle, aged 74, Nov. 20. Daughter of Burr Wheeler, aged 2, Nov. 24. Infant son of James R. Thomas, Nov. 27. Irena Way, aged 64, Dec. 9. 1852. Tamar, widow of Major Terrell, aged 77, Jan. 14. Nancey M., dau. of Clement Percey, aged 14, Jan. 17. Susan, wife of Robinson Dawson, aged 32, Jan. 21. Molly Phelps, aged 84, Jan. 25. Launcelot Shea, aged 30, Jan. 28. Wife of Elijah F. Smith, aged 43, Jan. 30. Eliza, wife of George Taylor, aged 43, Feb. 7. DEATHS IN WOODliUKY. 281 Marshall Freeman (colored), aged 40, April 3. James Judson, aged 87, April 10. Emeliiie R., dau. of Nathaniel Munn, aged 7, April 13. Laura, widow of John Hurlbut, aged 68, April 2 1 . Infant daughter of William Pairbrother, aged 1, April 22. Eliza, wife of Marshall D. Atwater, aged 21, April 23. Anna, widow of Joseph Calhoun, aged 83, May 1. Milden Tyler, aged 57, May 25. Laura A., widow of Rufus Emerson, aged 52, June 21. Infant daughter of Wilson B. White, June 24. Charles Sweeney (carried to Waterbury), aged 23, Ju.ly 25. Amy, widow of Jesse P. Lambert, aged 79, July 30. Maria, wife of Everett Beardsley, aged 33, Aug. 21. John Marvin, aged 60, Sept. 9. John, s. of Charles Blackman, aged 3, Oct. 2. Harriet, wife of Joseph W. Squires, aged 46, Oct. 12. Letty, dau. of Horace Fowler, aged 1. Oct. 29. Stoddard, s. of William Atwood, aged 13, Nov. 5. Arvorta, dau. of Marcus Leavenworth, aged 11, Nov. 7. Isaac, s. of Isaac Cam (colored), aged 1, Nov. 8. Ashbel Moody, aged 87, Nov. 18. Harriet, wife of Henry Lambert, aged 33, Nov. 20. William Hurlbut. aged 28, Nov. 23. Cleora, wife of Roderick Stiles (a fit), aged 58, Nov. 27. William R. Atwood, aged 45, Dec. 10. Polly B., wife of Gideon B. Botsford, aged 70, Dec. 27. Catharine, wife of Addison P. Lyon, aged 23, Dec. 29. [Buried on the new ground up to this time, 621.] 1853. Aurilla, w. of Nat'l Nichols from Birmingham, aged 31, Jan. 11. Infant son of Thomas Judson, Jan. 24. Mary Isbell, aged 16, Feb. 9. Lent Gunn, aged 20, Feb. 13. Willis P. Glazier from New Haven, aged 30, Feb. 21. James G., s. of Nathan Terrill, aged 1, Feb. 22. Herman Stoddard, aged 63, Feb. 25. James Dewhurst, aged 64, Feb. 26. Garwo(5d Benham, aged 45, Feb. 27. Lydia Galpin, aged 48, March 17. Infant son of Oscar Manchester, March 20. Harvey J. Linsley (con.), aged 56, March 25. Frank Osquit, aged 22, March 26. Reuben Malleroy, aged 73, April 17. Betsey, wife of Wm. Way, from Bridgepoi't, aged 30, May 2. Norman Parker (killed), aged 48, May 6. Daughter of Wm. E. Turney, from Seymour, aged 3, May 14. Mary, wife of Michael Quick, to Waterbury, aged 27, May 27. Nathan Warner, aged 75, June 10. Vol. III.— 36 282 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY David McKimmick, to Waterbury, aged 50, Hannah. Briggs (con.), aged 21, Jolin H., s. of John Lawler, aged 2, Amos E. Allen, aged 44, Mary Jane, w. of Fred. Scott, from Watertown, aged 22, Infant son of Nathan Sanford, Infant son of Garwood Benham, John Tracy, s. of Dea. John Abernethy, aged 1, Matilda, wife of Isaac Way, to S. Farms, aged 46, Olive, wife of Anthony Minor, aged 74, Infant daughter of Abiram Atwood from "Waterbury, Julia, wife of Nathan Sanford, to Roxbury, aged 22, Infant daughter of Henry B. Orton, Frank Pierce, s. of Jas. W. Bradley, to Newtown, ag. 1^-, Luthene Whieeler, aged 56, Malga, wife of Asahel Tyler (con.), aged 36, Henry B., s. of Henry S. Curtiss, aged 12, Reuben Mitchell (a fit), aged 57, Capt. Jesse Minor, aged 80, Charlotte, widow of Samuel Summers, aged 85, James Deforest (con.), aged 68, Huldah Smith (con.), aged 60, 1854. Marinda, widow of Nathaniel Betts, (con.), aged 63, Ijeodore Wallace, s. of Theodore W. Walker, aged 2, Nathan Preston (bleeding), aged 64, Rebecca, widow of Eph. Tuttle from Middlebury, ag. 88, Infant son of Charles Fox, Mary, wife of James Thomas (con.), aged 30, Maria Cogswell, dau. of Alexander Gordon, aged 9, William Lum, carried to Middlebury, aged 21, Catharine, wife of Robert Peck, aged 24, Mary, wife of Pliineas Clark, aged 72, Almira, wife of Theodore W. Walker, aged 39, Catharine, wife of Lucius Cogswell, aged 38, Frances, dau. of John B. Atwood of Southbury, ag. 15, Emeline, wife of Robert Tolles, aged 32, Philo Tuttle, aged 43, Harriet Tolles (con.), aged 28, Sarah Ann, wife of Frederick Smith, aged 32, A daughter of Wm. Fox, to Watertown, aged 1, Fanny Ellen, dau. of Marsena Richard, aged 16, Infant daughter of Joseph W. Squire, David Dascum, aged 57, Lydia, widow of Judah Baldwin, to Bethlem, aged 81, Garry Morris (suicide), aged 51, Juliet, dau. of Marsena Richard, aged 14, Jane Shea, aged 35, 10. 14. 17. 17. 4. June 21 July 5 July 10 July 25 July 25 July 25 July 25 July 30 Aug. 5 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. 20 Oct. 11 Oct. 20 Nov. 11 Dec. 9 Dec. 21 Dec. 22 Dec. 23 Jan. 2. Jan. 4. Jan. 23. Jan. 26. Feb. 15. Feb. 22. Feb. 28. Feb. 15. March 12. March 15. March 18. March 19. March 24. March 29. March 29. April 8. April 13. May 1. May 16. May 19. June 4. June 4. June 15. June 16. June 17. DEATHS IN WOODBURY. 283 John Darius Tomlinson (con.), aged 19, Martha P. Cogswell (con.), aged 2G, Ursula, wife of John Minor, from Bridgeport, aged 32, A son of James Polly, from N. Britain, aged 1 , A daughter of John Roswell, aged 14, Henry W. Abernethy (con.), aged 18, Infant son of John Woodward, George Northrop, from Waterbury, aged 21, Mary, dau. of Sidney Scoville, aged 1-i-, Sheldon, s. of Sidney Scoville, aged 4, Mark Capewell (con.), aged 35, Cornelia Booth, aged 22, Widow Harriet Ford, aged 59, Lucy Ann Coan, aged 70, Dea. Elijah Sherman, aged 71, Sarah Eliza, dau. of Erastus Minor, aged 1 9, Ruth, widow of Daniel Mitchell, aged 95, 1855. George P. Richard (con.), aged 29, Elizabeth Stoddard, aged 71, Sybil, widow of Elizur Castle from Lee, Mass., ag. 73, Eunice, widow of Levi Peck, to Newtown, aged 84, Edward Phillips (colored), aged 50, Horace B. Crane (con.), aged 21, Susan, wife of Dr. Garry Minor, S. Farms, aged 51, Susan C, dau. of Charles Munson, aged 8, Caroline, wife of Benn Chatfield (colored), aged 35, Thomas Shea (con.), aged 56, Robert Dascum, aged 35, A son of Willis Hurd, aged 1, Elizabeth M. Hurlbut (con.), aged 22, Julia M. Atwood (con.), aged 24, Mary, wife of Beecher Blackman, aged 76, Franklin M. Johnson (con.), aged 28, Willis R. Hurd (con.), aged 26, Mary Ann, wife of Albert Stiles from Middlebury (con.), aged 26, Kebecca, wid. of Daniel Bacon from New Haven, ag. 81, Frances A. Hurlbut (con.), aged 28, Infant daughter of Elijah Cam (colored), Samuel Galpin, aged 77, Charlotte E., dau. of George Bolton, aged 1, Azeu Thomas, aged 59, Fi-ances Taylor, aged 23, Sally, widow of Reuben Martin, aged 86, Mehetable, widow of Cyrus Freeman (colored), aged 87, Petit Galpin, died in Ohio, Susan, widow of William Jay, aged 57, June 20. June 23. July 25. Aug. 14. Aug. 19, Aug. 24. Aug. 28. Sept. 12. Sept. 12. Sept. 21. Sept. 28. Oct. 14. Oct. 16. Oct. 19. Oct. 23. Nov. 11. Dec. 26. Feb. 16. March 22. April 1. April 9. April 11. April 13. April 23. April 26. May 3. June 4. June 22. June 24. June 28. July 9. Aug. 2. Aug. 5. Aug. 7. Aug. 14. Aug. 15. Aug. 20. Sept. 2. Sept. 7. Sept. 14. Sept. 21. Oct. 20. Oct. 28. Oct. 30. Nov. 10. Nov. 18. 284 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Burton Judson, aged 73, Nov. 21. David Stiles Minor (con.), aged 21, Dec. 3. Capt. Peter F. Peck, aged 76, Dec. 20. Widow of Ashbel Moody, aged 76, Dec. 26. Jane Linsley, aged 21, Dec. 26. Widow Ann Dawson, aged 79, Dec. 31. [Buried in the new ground to the present time, 713.] 1856. Betsey, widow of Abel Dudley from Northfield, aged 74, Jan. 1 Alzy T. Tolles from New York, aged 47, Jan. 21 Son of Lewis Taylor from W olcottville, aged 2, Feb. 12 Nathaniel Nichols from Derby (con.), aged 36, March 2 Lucius H. Foot (murdered), carried to Wolcottville, aged 41, March 3 Ruth, wife of Monroe Sherman (con.) ,aged 34, March 15 Jerome Hubbell-(con.), aged 33, March 16 Beecher Blackman, aged 71, March 20 Edward Deforest, aged 72, April 20 Abner Allen, died in California (con.), aged 21, April 15 Infant daughter of George Rockaway, May 2 1 Widow Caroline Camp, aged 74, May 31 Edwin Blackman (con.), aged 26, June 2 Almon Mansfield (con.), aged 40, June 7 Infant son of John Woodward, June 27 Emeline, dau. of Matthew Burgess, aged 6, July 10 William Minor, aged 83, Aug. 31 Thomas Drakely from Ohio, aged 66, ^ug. 27 Mary Ann, wife of John Wilmot from Litchfield, aged 45, Sept. 23 Sybil, widow of Luther Bishop, aged 83, Sept. 26 Infant son of John Thomas Glazier, Oct. 4 Frank S., s. of Sheldon Mansfield, aged 1, Oct. 20 William, s. of Christian Pickhardt, aged 4, Oct. 21 Thomas, s. of Erastus Minor, aged 6, Nov. 17 Asael R. Gipson, aged 58, Nov. 25 Timothy Terrell, aged 72, Nov. 28 1857. James Judson from New York, aged 47, Jan. 21. Louisa, widow of Enoch Hayes (found dead in bed), aged 85, Jan. 24. Daughter of George Capewell, aged 3, Feb. 7. Son of Rachel (colored), aged 1, Feb. 11. Henry B., s. of William Bailey (con.), aged 11, March 23. Infant son of Leo Rence, April 13. Mrs. Abigail Birch, aged 71, May 15. Harriet Judson (con.), aged 25, May 28. Daniel S. Prentice (con.), aged 55, June 16. Catharine, wife of William C. Cogswell (suicide), aged 50, June 17. DEATHS IN WOODBFRY. 285 I John P. Marshall, aged 76, June 20. Marcus P. Morris from Bridgeport (con.), aged 55, June 24. Joseph Nichols, aged 88, July 16. Jos. R. Merwin (carried to Brookfield), aged 69, July 31. Enoch Peck, aged 71, Aug. 13. Daniel Dalaby (carried to Litchfield), aged 45, Aug. 14. Samuel Nettleton, aged 64, Aug. 17. Seth, s. of Oscar Manchester, aged 3, Aug. 20. Irena, widow of Thomas Curtiss, aged 86, Sept. 4. Eliza, wife of Judson Warner, aged 51, Oct. 1. Oliver Chatfield (colored), aged 68, Oct. 12. Samuel B. Lawton, aged 19, Nov. 7. Two infant daughters of John Hall, Nov. 17. Joseph Tomlinson from Ohio (con.), aged 59, Nov. 28. John Glazier (con.), aged 70, Dec. 3. 1858. Esther, wife of Charles Fox, aged 42, Jan. 14. Armilla, widow of Reuben Walker, aged 75, Jan. 18. Henry W. Downs, aged 22, , Jan. 18. Robert Fox, aged 22, ' Jan. 31. John, s. of John Deforest, aged 1^, Jan. 30. Almira M., wife of Almon Galpin (con.), aged 33, Feb. 1. Joseph Nettleton, aged 81, Feb. 12. Ann, dau. of Thomas Bradcut, aged 4, Feb. 26. Philena, widow of Abner Deming, aged 84, Feb. 27. Catharine Downs, aged 22, Feb. 28. Infant of George Rockaway, March 2. Avis Young, aged 78, March 17. Ellen, wife of Charles Brownson (con.), aged 21, March 25. Isaac Thomas, aged 76, April 4. Dea. Reuben H. Hotchkiss, aged 64, April 15. Henry S. Crane, aged 47, April 22. WilHam Steel, s. of William Cothren, Esq., aged U, April 25. Asa Minor from Britain, aged 83, April 30. Ann, wife of Asher Ward, aged 77, May 3. Isaac I. Allen, aged 48, May 12. Asher Ward, aged 84, May 21. Lydia Ann, wife of John A. Atwood, aged 48, May 22. Infant daughter of Charles Brownson, May 27. Nancy, widow of Capt. Asahel Mitchell, aged 62, May 31. Infant son of Charles Fowler, June 20. Ned Rogers, aged 86, June 27. Levi Richard, aged 85, July 8. Lydia, widow of Jacob Bunce from New Haven, aged 88, Aug. 7. A daughter of Mr. Shaw from Southbury, aged 1, Aug. 20. Nathan Birch from New Milford, aged 85, Sept. 21. Dothy, wife of Leman Bishop, aged 55, Sept. 23. David Summers, aged 51, Sept. 24. 286 HISTORY OP ancient woodbury. Flora, wife of Hezekiah Booth, aged 61, Sept. 26. Aaron Freeman (colored), aged 12, Sept. 26. Catharine, wife of James Stocke, aged 32, Oct. 4. Rachel Morrison (in a fit), aged 76, Oct. 19. Eunice, wife of Sheldon Lemon, aged 39, Nov. 3. Isabella, dau. of Lewis Taylor, aged 3, Nov. 6. Harriett, wife of Samuel Scott (con.), aged 31, Nov. 22. Hon. Charles B. Phelps, aged 71, Dec. 21. Mary, wife of Walter S. Seely, aged 37, Dec. 25. Amos G., s. of Wheeler Atwood, aged 11, Dec. 25. Mary, wife of Henry Dawson (carried to Britain), aged 23, Dec. 28. An infant of Mr. Pickhart, Dec. 29. May 7, 1858, George A. Minor was killed at Newtown, by the cars, aged 58 years. [Buried on the new ground to the present time, 790.] 1859. Electa Martin from Ohio, aged 51, Jan. 1. Mary Jane, wife of George Rockaway (con.), aged 30, Jan. 18. George H., s. of John H. Doolittle from Ansonia, aged 7, Feb. 12. Peleg Fox, aged 81, Michael Doland (carried to Waterbury), aged 40, Son of widow Weston (colored), aged 1, Rhoda, wife of Truman Parker, aged 84, Henry Glazier (con.), aged 25, Infant daughter of William Maxfield, Walter Tracy, s. of Dea. John Abernethy, aged 1, Infant twin son of Charles Cam (colored), Infant twin son of Charles Cam (colored), Widow Faith Hatch, aged 86, Wheeler Atwood, aged 80, Lillia Evella, dau. of Henry W. Loomis, aged 2, Susannah, widow of Abner Allen, aged 82, Charles, s. of Charles Chatfield (colored), aged 1, Widow Susan Sperry, aged 87, Rensselaer ToUes, aged 72, Truman Parker, aged 86, Suba, wife of William H. Bacon, aged 70, Charlotte Amanda, wife of Samuel F. Peck, aged 22, Daughter of Skinner, aged 1, Ada, widow of Edward Deforest, aged 76, Infant son of George Parmalee, Harriet, wife of Philander Nichols, aged 55, Howard, s. of Stiles Wooster from Westville, aged 7, Maria, widow of Gen. Chauncey Crafts from N. H., aged 65, Infant daughter of John Woodward, Elizabeth Ward (carried to South Britain), aged 24, Son of Henry Lambert, aged 1, Feb. 25 March 11 April 1 April 5 April 6 April 16 April 18 April 21 April 24 May 3 May 18 May 25 June 2 June 10 June 24 July 5 July 13 July 24 July 28 Aug. 2 Aug. 2 Aug. 17 Aug. 24 Aug. 26 Aug. 26 Sept. 12. Sept. 27. Oct. 20 DEATHS IN WOODBUHY 287 Infant son of Miss Johnson (colored), Nov. 4. Sou of Caroline Tuttle, aged 2, Dec. 9. 1860. Alice, widow of Dan. Mallory (colored), aged 75, Jan. 2. Caroline, wife of Barlow Russell, aged 60. Jan. 14. Mary Root, wife of Nathaniel L. Strong, aged 34, Feb. 2. Ellen, dau. of Samuel Tomlinson (con.), aged 14, Feb. 2. Infant daughter of David Norton, Feb. 3. Phebe May, aged 57, Feb. 3. Son of Marcus Hurd, aged 4, Feb. 3. Infant son of John Fox from Bethlem, Feb. 6. Widow Thomas (carried to Roxbury), aged 87, Feb. 24. Lucy, widow of Thomas Olcott, aged 81, March 7. Josiah Hotchkiss from Bridgeport, aged 72, March 7. Betsey, widow of Ned Rogers, aged 85, March 16. Dr. Samuel Masters, aged 81, March 21. Harriet, wife of Ephraim Playes, aged 33, April 11. Daughter of Hiram Cam (colored), aged 1, April 25. Noah Bennett Minor, aged 39, April 30. Isabella, dau. of Charles Coger, aged 2, May 3. Jerome Jackson, aged 43, May 5. Mary, wife of John Hoyt, aged 25, May 23. Willis Downes, aged 61, June 2. Harmon W. Stoddard, aged 37, June 15. Guy W. Fox (con.), aged 23, July 20. CorneUa E. Minor, aged 28, July 22. Anna Jane, dau. of Eli Sperry, 5 months, July 31. Son of Henry S. Conrad, aged 1, . Aug. 9. Daughter of Bennet Benham, aged 2, Aug. 1 3. Son of Daniel Taylor, aged 1, Aug. 14. William G. Russell (con.), aged 27, Sept. 8. Infant daughter of Thomas Judson, Sept. 23. Anna, widow of WiUiam Drakeley, aged 80, Sept. 28. Infant daughter of Cereno Saxtou, Sept. 30. Rhoda Martin (in a fit), aged 80, Oct. 11. Daughter of Amos Lucas, aged 1, Oct. 22. Lucy Ann, dau. of Stephen Smith, aged 8, Oct. 28. Jennett, wife of Stoddard Strong, aged 65, Nov. 8. Marcia A., wife of Orley Parker, aged 37, Nov. 29. Abia, wife of John S. Hayes, aged 64, Dec. 3, Samuel Tomlinson (con.), aged 64, Dec. 10. Betsey, wife of Elijah Judson (a lit), aged 82, Dec. 12. Mary S. Bradley, aged 21, Dec. 19. Patty Drakely (a fit), aged 78, Dec. 37. 1861. Infant daughter of Marcus Hurd, Jan. 2. Rose, widow of Oliver Chatfield (colored), aged 81, Jan. 13. 288 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. James Morris, aged 62, Jan. 14. Aurilla Hine, aged 67, Jan. 17. Son of Edgar Galpin, aged 1, Feb. 16. Althea Morris, aged 66, Feb. 17. Ruth, wife of Stephen Atwood (carried to Watertown), aged 68, Feb. 17. Stephen Smith, aged 56, Feb. 24. Elijah Judson, aged 85, Feb. 24. Daniel Steinmetz, aged 56, Feb. 26. Elijah Warner, aged 80, Feb. 27. Anna, widow of Dr. Roswell Abernethy from New York, aged 84, March 5. Eliza Jones, aged 61, March 6. Minott M. Allen, aged 61, March 12. Dea. Nathaniel Minor, aged 73, March 16. Widow Catharine Odell (carried to Morris), aged 76, March 20. Harriet, widow of Noah B. Benedict, Esq., from Brook- lyn, aged 74, March 22. Sarah, widow of Uri Gillett, aged 84, March 24. Uri Woolsey from Roxbury (colored), aged 50, April 7. Harriet, wife of Leman Phillips (colored), aged 48, May 20. Andrew Root, aged 68, May 20. Mary, widow of John McKey, aged 82, May 29. Lydia, wife of Gideon Hollister, aged 60, July 12. Joseph, s. of Joseph T. Cape well, aged 10, July 15. Matthew Morris (murdered), aged 35, July 17. Hannah, wife of Benjamin C. Peck, aged 74, July 18. Mary Kelley (small-pox), aged 23, July 21. Frances S., wife of Asahel W. Mitchell (con.), aged 31, July 22. Abraham Summers, aged 86, July 23. Timothy Chatfield (colored), aged 26, July 24. Amy, wife of Isaac Way (carried to Bridgewater), aged 58, ^ ug- 2. Polly Mallory, aged 77, Aug. 30. Ruby Nichols (colored), aged 58, Sept. 12. Jane, dau. of Charles Dascura (diphtheria), aged 9, Sept. 15. Infant daughter of Jarvis Parker, Sept. 21. Son of Charles Mauville (carried to Watertown), aged 5, Sept. 27. Sarah, wife of George Parmely, aged 28, Sept. 29. Caroline P., dau. of Solomon B. Minor, aged 4, Oct. 10. Sally Hurd, aged 44, Oct. 11. Son of George Tyler, aged 2, Oct. 11. Lewis B. Candee, aged 54, Oct. 11. Daughter of Lyon from Newtown, aged 1, Oct. 22. Ruth A., widow of Stephen Smith, aged 44, Oct. 23. Charles R., s. of Alexander Gordon (diphtheria), aged 4, Oct. 26. Susan L., dau. of Alexander Gordon (diphtheria), aged 10, Oct. 31. Betsey Couch (colored; found dead), aged 67, Nov. 16. Daughter of Alfred Betts (diphtheria), aged 1, Nov. 28. Amanda, wife of William Fowler, aged 44, Nov. 29. DEATHS IN WOODBUKY. 289 Anna L., wife of Cotton Mather (diphtheria), aged 28, Dec. 14. Emily B. Terrill (diphtheria), aged 19, . Dec. 29. Daughter of Campbell, aged 3 months, Dec. [Buried on the new ground to the present tinoe, 880.] 1862. Mehetable, wid. of Nathan Peck, carried to New Haven, Jan. 12. Lottie, dau. of Henry W. Loomis, from Watertown, aged 2, Jan. 15. Zachary I. Atwood, s. of Samuel Atwood, aged 13, Jan. 23. Anna. wid. of Truman Percy, from Watertown, aged 86, Jan. 25. David H. Curtiss, aged 66, A child of Lent Thompson, from New York, Laura C. wife of Marcus DeForest, aged 57, Sheldon "Wooster, carried to Oxford, aged 76. John Roberts (a fit), carried to South Britain, aged Phineas Smith, aged 71, Martha, dau. of Geo. D. Capewell (diphtheria), aged 14, Electa, widow of Daniel S. Prentiss, from New Preston, aged 58, Esther, wife of Lucius Lounsbury (con.), aged 39, A son of Homer Cam (colored), aged 2, Mary A., widow of Matthew Elliott (con.), aged 82, Angenora Tyler, carried to Wallingford (con.), aged 23, Gervase Hotchkiss, from Bridgeport (con.), aged 61, Samuel Jackson, aged 72, Widow Rhoda Potter, aged 72, Seeley Castle, from Plymouth, aged 56, Infant son of Lewis Atwood, Asa Mitchell, aged 76, Judson Hurd, Esq., carried to Roxbury, aged 88, Sarah, widow of Stiles Curtiss, aged 88, Roderick Stiles from Southbui'y, aged 68, Julia Ann, wife of Abernethy Stone (^diphtheria), aged 42, A son of Merritt Glazier from Hartford, aged 1^, John Pox from Bethlehem (con.), aged 23, Infant of James Stone, Infant sou of Elijah Cam from Roxbuxy (colored), aged 4 months, Laura, widow of Samuel Steel, aged 76, Charles B. Phelps Lewis, infant son of Alonzo Norton Lewis from Waterbury, aged 8 months, John Tuttle, volunteer, shot at Sharpsburg, aged 22, Joseph W. Root, volunteer, died at Helena, Arkansas, aged 29, Polly, wife of Jeremiah Peck, aged 81, , Elizur Barnes, aged 61, Agar Lewis, aged 81, Widow Polly Davis, aged 89, Vol. 111.— 37 Jan. 25. Jan. 25. Feb. 7. Feb. 9. Feb. 14. Feb. 20. Feb. 27. March 2. March 6. March 26. March 31. April April May June 8. 29. 1. 6. June 25. July 16. July 18. July 22. Julv 26. July ;, July July July Aug. 29. 30. 30. 31. 27. Sept. Sept. 5. 16. Sept. Sept. 20. 17. Oct. 8. Oct. 15. Oct. 23. Oct. 27. Oct. 31. 290 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Lorena, widow of Agar Lewis, aged 79, Nov. 1 Dea. Obadiah P. Northrop irom Wallingford, aged 54, Nov. 9. John White, volunteer, died at Alexandria, aged 25, Nov. 1.3. Polly, widow of Joseph Reynolds, aged 81, Nov. 15. James C. Polly, volunteer, died at Alexandria, aged 40, Nov. 19. John, s. of Reuben Andras, aged 1*2, Nov. 29. Frederick, s. of William Osborn, carried to Goshen, aged 14, Dec. 10. 1863. Beedy Ann Galpin (con.), aged 35, Jan. 4. Ephraim Minor, aged 88, Jan. 18. Harvey Fox, volunteer, died at Fort Worth, aged 53, Feb. 5. Perry H. Odell, drowned, carried to Morris, aged 45, Feb. 6. Solomon Bishop, aged 70. Feb. 10. Anthony Minor, aged 79, Feb. 14. Sambo Whitmore (colored), aged 87, Feb. 17. Wife of Wm. Rudge from Bridgeport (con.), aged 27, Feb. 25. Ann Taylor, aged 19, March 2. Octavia, wife of Frederick H. Kelley, aged 28, March 16. Jehiel Nettleton, aged 82, March 16. Georgianna, wife of Charles Nettleton from Bridge- port, aged 28, April 18. Mary E., widow of David Daacum, aged 68, May 9. Rev. Stephen Rogers, aged 63, May 28. John Glenn (con.), aged 14, June 2. Walter, s. of Nathaniel Proctor, aged 5, June 3. James L. Atwood, volunteer, died at New Orleans, aged 22, June 5. A daughter of Sylvanus Markham, aged 4, June 8. Julia, second wife of Henry H. Peck, aged 46, June 18. Ella, dau. of Charles Cam (colored), aged 6, June 19. Elizabeth Bryan (con.), aged 21, July 3. A son of Charles Cam (colored), aged 1, July 9. Ann Eliza, dau. of Henry Jackson (colored), aged 11, July 19. Elijah Cam from Roxbury (colored, con.), aged 38, July 19. Maria B., wife of Walter Way (con.), aged 22, Aug. 5. James Atwood, aged 88, Aug. 9. Julia, dau. of Patrick Carroll (diphtheria), carried to Waterbury, aged 7, Aug. 18. A son of Patrick Carroll (diphtheria), carried to Water- bury, aged 4, ^tig- 29. George, s. of Henry Jackson, aged 13, -A-Ug. 31. A daughter of Patrick Carroll (diphtheria), carried to Waterbury, aged 2, Sept. 5. Elizabeth Hays (con.), aged 40, Sept. 20. A daughter of John DeForest, aged 3, Sept. 25. Infant daughter of Edgar Galpin, Sept. 30. Roxy, wife of Horace Hurd, aged 59, Oct. 4. Infant daughter of Lucius Lounsbury, Oct. 16. DEATHS IN WOODBURY. 291 15. 20. 20. 24. 28. Infant of James Roberts, Oct. 27. James Thomas from Birmingham, aged 56, Nov. 5. Gideon B. Wheeler, carried to Southford (con.), aged 55, Nov. Clarinda, widow of Huntington Beard sley. carried to Roxbury, aged 79, Nov. 16. Stephen Allen, aged 81, Nov. 19. A daughter of Orrin Hawley (colored), aged 7. Dec. 11. Jeremiah Peck, aged 80, Dec. 11. Henry Hard, volunteer, aged 22, Dec. 16. Benjamin F. Davis (con.), aged 17, Dec. 20. A daughter of Elijah Smith, aged 3, Dec. 30. 1864. Chas. L. Thomas, volunteer, died at Alexandria, aged 1 9, Jan. David Orton, aged 80, Jan. Polly, widow of Russell Hurd, carried to Waterbury, aged 79, Jan. A son of John Gee, aged 1, Jan. Harriet S., wife of Lewis Judd, aged 58, Jan. Patty, widow of Mitchell DeForest, aged 73, Feb. 16. Ruhamah, widow of Dr. Sherman Woodward (a fit), taken to Northfield, aged 85, Feb. 18. Horatio S. Thomas, volunteer, died at Alexandria, aged 27, Rufus S. Ames, carried to Morris, aged 29, Vandilla, dau. of Almon D. Galpin (diphtheria), aged 3, Sally, wife of Edward Nichols, aged 66, Sheldon Tolles, aged 80, Benjamin J. Bristol (diphtheria), aged 15, Infant daughter of Jarvis Parker, Mary; widow of Jeremiah Johnson, carried to South Britain, aged 73, Almon D. Galpin, volunteer, died at Coal Harbor, aged 38, Friend F Kane, volunteer, died at Coal Harbor, aged 26, June Merritt Thompson (bleeding), aged 34, Anna, widow of Ephraim Beardsley, carried to Roxbury, aged 87, Curtis Wheeler, died at Coal Harbor, aged 28, Reuben W. Martin (diphtheria), aged 19, Aldin. s. of Franklin Elwell, aged 2. Isaac Briggs, volunteer, died at Washington, aged 27, Marietta, wife of Henry S. McKenney. aged 22, Daniel Stillson, aged 87, Milton Smith, s. of Pi'eston Atwood, carried to Water- town, aged 2, Infant s. of Nathan Burton, Seth Percy, volunteer, drowned at Hartford, aged 30, Charles Booth (a fit), aged 75, Feb. 20. March 4. March 17. April April April May 7. 9. 22. 10. May 19. June 1. , June 1. June 2. June 5. June 13. June 16. June 23. June 23. June 25. July 13. July July Aug. 15. 31. 2. Aug. 5. 292 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBrRY. Mary A., wife of Stephen P. Galpin (con.), aged 62. Aug. 25. Rebecca, wife of (yhauncey Allen, aged 76, Aug. 31. Dr. Stephen B. Fairchild (con.), aged 44, Sept. 15. Lilla, dau. of Charles Curr (diphtheria), aged 4, Sept. 15. Solomon Chamberlain, aged 80, Sept. 19. Susan, wife of Albert Hurd (con.), aged 28, Sept. 1!). Elmore F., s. of Elijah D. Judson, aged 14, Sept. 28. Sabra, widow of Peleg Fox, aged 82, Sept. 28. Daughter of Samuel Bradley, aged 7, Oct. 4. Walter J. Orton, volunteer, died at Sheridan Hospital, Va., aged 30, Oct. 8. Edward Bell, volunteer, aged 31, Oct. 17. Thalia, dau. of Lampson P. Warner (con.), aged 17, Oct. 20. Sarah P., wife of Frederick A. Walker (con.), aged 26, Nov. 5. Esther Maria, dau. of Reuben B. Martin, aged 14, Nov. 18. [Buried in the new ground to present time, 969.] 1865. Anna F., dau. of Jerome B. Thomson, aged 2, Jan. 4. Amanda, widow of Charles B. Phelps, Esq., aged 72, Jan. 12. Frederick Holmes, volunteer, died in Arkansas, aged 25, Jan. 4. John B. Atwood. aged 53, Jan. 19. Olive, widow of Ephraim Minor, aged 86, Jan. 27. Keziah, wife of Shelton Johnson, aged 53, Feb. 21. Rebecca, wife of James Huntington, Esq., aged 28, Feb. 28. Harvey Hotchkiss, s. of Monroe Sherman (con.), Chicago, aged 14, Feb. 10. Timothy, s. of Charles Chatfield (colored), aged 1 5. April 3. Ellen Arthelia Leach, aged 17, April 3. Mary, widow of Nathan Warner, aged 84, April 10. Charles, s. of William H. McKay, aged 11 months, April 29. Charles Alonzo, s. of Omer Norton, aged 2, May 8. Dea. Truman Minor, aged 62, June 18. Senett, wife of Aaron Hawley (colored), aged 39, June 23. Guy Webster (con.), aged 57, July 6. George, s. of George Hitchcock (a fit), aged 17, July 10. Jennie L., dau. of William DeForest, aged 3, Aug. 30. Infant daughter of Gen. Evelyn, Aug. 31. Infants of Merit Thomson, Sept. 2. Daughter of John Dawson, aged 1, Sept. 16. Emily, wife of Nathan S. Terrell (a fit), aged 40, Sept. 16. Wallace, s. of William White, aged 6, Sept. 21. Edward, s. of James DeForest, aged 2, Sept. 22. EHza, wife of Willys Lambert, aged 64, Oct. 4. Son of Robert Treat, aged 6 months, Oct. 13. Mary Sanford, carried to Roxbury, aged 18, Oct. 21. Goodwin S. Atwood, aged 14, Oct. 22. Son of Aaron Osborn, aged 5, Oct. 23. Mary, widow of William Tuttle from Huntington, aged 81, Oct. 28. DEATHS IN WOODBIRY. 293 Stiles Nettleton (a fit), aged 76, Nov. 4. Amanda, wife of William Fowler, 2d, aged 42, Dec. LI. 1866. Olive, wife of Daniel S. Parker, aged 73, Jan. 16. Gideon B. Botsford, Esq., aged 90, Jan. 21. Althea, wife of James Green (a fit), aged 78, Feb. 10. Frederick Marshall, aged 49, Feb. 26. Son of Aaron Osborn, aged 9, Feb. 28. Infant of Charles E. Rogers, Feb. Widow Eliza Huntington (a fit), to Coventry, aged 64, March 11. Jane Woolsey (colored), from Southbnry, aged 24, Mairh 18. William H. Burton, aged 23, April 8. Leverett Phillips (colored), aged ')8, April 18. George N. Buell from Naugatuck, aged 18, April 20. William Summers (was the oldest person in town), aged 94, April 24. Robert Drakely, aged 73, May 18. Monroe Sherman from Chicago, aged 56, May 27. Walter Way (con.), aged 31, May 31. Son of Charles Rowley, aged 9 months, June 2. Elisabeth Orton, aged 86, June 3. Abigail Atwood (con.), from Watertown, aged 21, June 10. Ransaler Freeman (colored), aged 81, June 15. Widow Dolly Lemon, to Washington, aged 75, June 24. Elisabeth, widow of Joseph Nettleton, aged 81, July 2. Daughter of Thomas H. Ash ton, aged 1, Aug. 3. Dea. John Abernethy (con.), aged 57, Aug. 15. Rhoda, wife of Mark Smith, aged 77, -A-ug. 20. Anna, widow of David H. Curtiss, aged 59, Sept. 1. Ruth M., widow of Reuben Mitchell, aged 68, Sept. 21. Joanna, widow of Wilham Summers (a fit), aged 90, Oct. 30. Infant of George Carr from N. Y., aged 8 months, Nov. 2. Infant daughter of Adahne Smith from Watertown, aged 1, Nov. 27. Lucy, wife of George Mansfield (con.), aged 21, Nov. 27. Niram Warner, aged 63, Dec. 1. Henry Jones, aged 22, Dec. 3. Diana Ann, wife of Henry Bryant (a fit), aged 65, Dec. 3. Jane, wife of Royal Jones, aged 43, Dec. 4. Harriet C, wife of William Clark, aged 22, Dec. 9. Wait Minor from Plymouth, aged 86, Dec. 27. [Buried in the new ground to the present timo, 1015. J 1867. Stiles, s. of Charles Cam (colored), aged 6, Jan. 3. Ephraim B. Peck, aged 77, Jan. 4. Betsey, widow of Ephraim B. Peck, aged 73, Jan. 12. Stephen Atwood (a fit), to Watertown, aged 82, Feb. 5. 294 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Infant son of Wm. Fowler, 2d, Feb. 7. Nancy, widow of Enoch Peck, aged 77, Feb. 11. Widow Abigail Benham, to Britain, aged 82, Feb. 27. Homer Cam (con.), colored, aged 29, March 2. Hannah, wife of George Taylor, aged 32, March 28. Irena Carpenter, aged 82, April 11. Frederick Martin, aged 60, April 14. Truman Warner, aged 81, April 15. Samuel Mallory, aged 46, April 17. Infant daughter of Wm. E. Andrew, aged 3 raonlh?. May 1. Flora, dau. of Bennet Sherman, aged 13, May 17. Maria, wife of Hiram Cam (colored), aged 38, June 12. Widow Mary Comer, to Waterbury, aged 85, June 5. Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, aged 65, June 10. Frederick Adolphus Sherman (con.), aged 27, July 12. Infant son of Rev. Spencer Bray, -'^^ig- 1- Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Bodicut, aged 45, Aug. 16. Antoinette Lewis, aged 61, Sept. 9. Edward, s. of Sylvanus Markham, aged 4. Sept. 14. Thomson Bristol from Prospect, aged 60, Sept. 19. Isaac Bunnell, aged 67, Sept. 19. Gideon HoUister, aged 75, Sept. 25. Elsie Tolls, aged 40, Sept. 28. Nancy E., wife of Elam B. Burton, aged 40, Oct. 21. Infant son of Edwin Bishop, aged 3 months, Nov. 13. James Parker, aged 52, Nov. 23. Esther C, wife of Josiah G. Minor (a fit), aged 62, Dec. 27. Henrietta, wife of Oscar Manchester from Straitsville, aged 30, Dec. 27. 1868. Roxa, widow of Daniel Burton, aged 75, Ruth, wid. of John Manvilie from New Haven, Betsey, wid. of Elijah Warner from Cornwall, Benjamin Doolittle, aged 70, Maria, wife of Asahel Tyler, aged 42, Daniel Martin, aged 80, Robert Smith from Hartford, aged 79, Isaac Sherman, aged 81, Infant son of Charles Taylor, George Taylor from Terry ville, aged 36, Timothy Terrell, aged 59, Keziah, widow of Asa Judson, aged 88, Susanna, widow of Wait Minor from Plymouth, Infant daughter of George Jackson (colored), Lewis Judd from Seymour, aged 68, Harvey Atwood, aged 84, Sylvia, wife of Bela Thompson, aged 84, Infant of Edward Tuttle from Waterbury, Joseph Miller, aged 37, Jan. 15 aged 89 , Jan. 20 aged 87, Feb. 13 Feb. 19 Feb. 21 Feb. 26 March 7 March 9 March 27 April 4 May 2 May 16 aged 87 , May 18 May 18 May 27 May 28. June 6. Aug. 8. Aug. 24. DEATHS IN WOODBURY •29£ Lucy S., wife of John Peck from Prospect, aged 25. Dea. Judson Blackmail (a fit), aged 77, Gilbert S. Minor, aged 80, Eunice, widow of Treat Camp, Esq., aged 82, Benjamin C. Peck, aged 82, Esther, widow of Dea. Benjamin Judson from Corn- wall, aged 96, James Manville, aged 84, A daughter of Hiram Cam (colored), aged 2, Mary, widow of S. G. Goodrich (Peter Parley), to South- bury, aged 62, Mary, widow of Nathan Downs, aged 48, Fanny Isabella Coggswell, aged 20, Infant daughter of Dea. Henry P, Strong from New Britain, aged 3 months, [Buried in the new ground to the present time, 1062] Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. 25 27. 21. 29. 29. Oct. 13. Oct. 16. Oct. 16. Nov. 1, Nov. 6. Nov. 20, Dec. 11. 1869. Horace Isbell, aged 73, Jan. 8. Sherman Elwell (con.), from Hartford, aged 57, Jan. 11. Alma, widow of John DeForest, aged 78,- Jan. 14. Martha Phillips (colored), from New Haven, aged 15, Jan. 17. Alvin Thomas, aged 46, Jan. 25. John Hine, to Washington, aged 65, Feb. 4. Edward S. Clark, aged" 22, Feb. 12. Stephen Treat Lambert, aged 72, Feb. 19. Rana, wife of Wra. DeForest from Oxford, aged 78, March 6. Bela Thompson, aged 76, March 27. Horace W.. s. of Asahel B. Gibson, aged 13, April 1. Miles Bishop from Trumbull, aged 74, April 20 Harvey Morriss, aged 81, May 2. William F. Betts from Norwalk, aged 26, May 16. John McDivitt. aged 63, June 2. Susan, wife of Jay Hinman, aged 32, June 7. Anna Elizabeth, dau. of James H. Linsley, aged 1, June 18. Phineas A. Judson, aged 56, July 16. Infant son of Hanford Galpin, Aug. 3. Lampson P. Warner, aged 57, Aug. 9. Nathaniel, s. of Charles C. Barker, aged 4, Aug. 21. Infant daughter of Charles Rogers from Bridgeport. Aug. 31. Mitchell Hunt, aged 73, Sept. 19. Betsey, widow of Josiah Hotchkiss from New York, aged 80, Sept. 29. Henry S. Curtiss. aged 55, Oct. 23. Reuben Hitchcock, to Cornwall, aged 84, Nov. 8. Judah Baldwin, aged 63, Nov. 10. John M. Thompson, to South Britain, aged 27, Nov. 11. James Moody (the oldest man in town), aged 92, Nov. 12. Amasa Curtiss, aged 74, Nov. 17. 296 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Lorain C, wife of Royal D. Jones, to New Milford, aged 58, Nov. Lucy Hunt, aged 67, Dec. Walter, s. of Ferry Newton, aged 17, Dec. Benjamin Chatfield (colored), from Watertown. aged 50, Dec. William DeForest, aged 83, Dec. Anna, wife of John Gee (con.), aged 45, 21. 6. 6. 12. 14. Dec. 24. 1870. William Turney from Waterbury, aged 49, Eoxa, widow of William Atwood (con.), aged 57, Jane Taylor from Winsted, aged 64, Capt. Harmon Judson, aged 70, George Drakeley, aged 51, Vincent Judson, aged 72, Polly, widow of Truman Warner, aged 79, Roger H. Atwood (con.), aged 22, Olive, widow of Reuben Mallory from Bethel, aged 90, Mary, widow of Stephen Allen, aged 87, Estella Atwood from New Milford (con.), aged 33, Electa, wife of Judson Minor, aged 87, Benjamin Galpin from Washington, aged 82, Arthur Ammi, s. of Ammi Hull, Maria, widow of Capt. Nathaniel Preston from Brook- lyn, aged 77, Ellen, wife of Michael Buckley, to Naugatuck, aged 52, Eliza E., widow of John Orton (a fit), aged 78, Eliza J. Markham (con.), aged 14, Alvira H., wife of Edwin D. Bishop (con.), aged 23, Ellen Mack, aged 43, Infant of Charles Taylor, Emily, wife of Edwin L. Munson from Waterbury, aged 25, Infant of Edwin L. Munson from Waterbury, Erastus Minor, aged 74, Infant of Edwin L. Munson, Mary, wife of Sheldon Summers, aged 53, John L. Pitt, aged 79, Lovell N., s. of Noble Atwood, aged 1, Capt. Barlow Russell, aged 71, Plenry Hard, aged 60, Anna M., wife of David Betts, aged 82, Sarah Pox from Bethlehem, aged 20, Charlotte, widow of Charles H. Judson, aged 71, Nancy, widow of Guy Walker, aged 84, Eunice, widow of Norman Parker, aged 70, [Buried in the new ground to the present time, 1,1 18.] Jan. 3 Feb. 5 Feb. 8 Feb. 14 Feb. 16 Feb. 20 Feb. 22 Feb. 25 Feb. 26 March 7 March 10 March 11 March 20 March 22 March 29 April 7 April 26 June 6 June 9 June 15 June 21 July 7 July 7 July 13 July 17 Aug. 9 Aug. 19 Sept. 24 Sept. 28 Oct. 24 Oct. 26 Oct. 30 Nov. 2 Nov. 27 Dec. 21 I DEATHS IN WOO DB CRY. 297 1871. Henry Minor, aged 54, Jan. 2. Solomon B. Minor (fell down stairs), aged 55, Jan. 10. Bertie, s. of Eli Sperry, aged 9, Jan. 27. Emily, dan. of Eli Sperry, aged 3, Jan. 27. Marilla, wife of Eli Sperry, aged 35, Feb. 2. Chauncey, s. of Eli Sperry, aged 5. Feb. 2. Nancy Baldwin, to New Preston, aged 77, Feb. 2. Betsey, widow of Harvey .A.twood, aged 84, Feb. 6. Infant son of John Salmon, to Brookfield, Feb. 10. Lovina, widow of Truman Tuttle from Southbury, aged 87, Feb. 23. Sarah Linsley, aged 19, March 13. Martha E. Traver, aged 3, March 19. Edward H. Benedict, aged 31, March 19. Nancy B., wife of George D. Terrill, aged 56, March 29. Nathaniel Munn, aged 78, April 1. George DeForest, aged 46, April 2. Frederick S. Martin, aged 19, • April 7. Jason Parker (died with the heat), aged 60, April 8. Delia, wife of Harmon Warner, aged 55, April 19. John Fairchild from New Jersey, aged 74, April 28. Widow Bacon (found dead in bed), from Bethlehem, aged 83, April 29. David Botsford, aged 10, May 3. Truman Hunt from South Britain, aged 69, May 4. David W., s. of William DeForest, aged 5, May 15. Burton W., s. of Francis Atwood, to Watertown, aged 3, May 20. Joseph R. Sherman from Xew York, aged 59, May 27. Charles Minor from Seymour, aged 14, May 29. Willis Lambert, aged 70, June 7. Horace S. Atwood, aged 71, June 9. Maria J., widow of Harvey Morriss, aged 81, June 16. Daughter of Charles C. Barker from Meriden, aged 4, June 28. Clarissa, wife of Charles J. Minor, aged 64, July 6. Warner Atwood, aged 84, Aug. 15. Frank B. Candee, aged 27, Aug. 30. Susan Cornwall, to Southport, Aug. 30. Ralph Lina (siiicide), to Winsted, aged 46, Sept. 2. Abel Benedict, aged 71, Sept. 6. Henry Smith from Seymour, aged 24, Sept. 28. Delia Hart, wife of Walker S. Seeley, aged 47, Oct. 12. Clara B. Stark from New York, aged 67, Oct. 31. Sally Peck (a fit), aged 67, Nov. 6. Bethel S. Castle (a fit), aged 78, Nov. 27. Emily, dau. of David S. Bull, aged 6, Nov. 28. Jay Munger, aged 22, Nov. 29. Mark Smith, aged 83, Dec. 18. Columbus R. Randall (suicide), to Baltimore, aged 45, Dec. 28. Vol. III.— 38 298 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1872. Harriet C, wife of Heman Botsford, aged 40, Jan. 15. Lois, wife of John N. Atwood from Watertown, aged 67, Jan. 17. Mary Ann, wife of Nathaniel B. Smith, Esq., aged 73, Jan. 20. Eli Strong, aged 77, Feb. 6. Andrew Terrell, to New Haven, aged 69, Feb. 8. Isaac Peck, aged 72, Feb. 13. Leman Phillips from Derby, aged 61, Feb. 20. Clara L., dau. of Samuel Atwood, aged 14, March 2. Elizabeth, widow of Isaac Thomas from Roxbury, aged 87, March 15. Martha, wife of Chauncey Atwood, aged 57, April 5. Riley Bishop, aged 31, April 18. William G. Richard, aged 67, April 22. Abiram S. Atwood, aged 48, May 2. Adam Shaffer, aged 42, May 3. Hannah Brown, to Mass., aged 73, May 6. Nathan Warner, aged 54, • June 20. Estella, wife of Wallace Ward from Westville, aged 28, June 23. George Smith, s. of James G. Curtiss (drowned), aged 2, June 27. Lampson Nettleton, aged 57, July 15. Ellen S., wife of Edward C. Stoddard, aged 26, Aug. 6. Infant daughter of Hanford Galpin, Aug. 10. Infant son of Charles Rowley, aged 7 months, Aug. 14. Cyntha, widow of Miles Bishop from Fishkill, N. Y., aged 70, Aug. 18. Daniel, s. of David W. Knowles, Aug. 19. Cyrus Sherman, aged 80, Aug. 22. Willie K. Parrott, aged 5 months, Aug. 23. Child of Mr. Marie, aged 8 months, Aug. 23. Horace A., s. of Horace D. Curtiss, aged 8 months, Aug. 24. Miss Griswold, to Morris, Aug. 29. Harriet E. Martin, aged 26, Sept. 3. Susan, wife of Hezekiah Booth, aged 63, Sept. 9. William H. Minor from Hartford, aged 21, Sept. 19. William Thompson, aged 57, Oct. 2. Permelia, wife of Elijah Atwood, aged 77, _ Oct. 4. Elbert, s. of Samuel Hayes, aged 3, Oct. 7. Olive Drakeley, aged 88, Oct. 22. Mrs. Susan Pangman, aged 84, Oct. 22. Joseph Burton, aged 74, Oct. 27. Aner S. Somers, aged 17, Nov. 8. Hannah, wife of Harmon Fowler, aged 42, Nov. 26. Eliza B., wife of Martin Stoddard, aged 54, Nov. 27. Child of John Rogers from Oakville. Mrs. Roberts, to Winsted, aged 32, Dec. 19. Phelena Chamberlin, aged 71, Dec. 28. [Buried in the new gi'ound to the present time, 1,178.] DEATHS IN WOODBURY 299 1873. Russell Castle from Bridgeport, aged 78, Jan. 3. John, s. of Charles Chatfield, aged 5, Jan. 11. Marsena L. Richards, aged 72, Jan. 25. Noble Atwood, aged 45, Feb. 24. Abel Turney, aged 74, Feb. 28. Luman Bishop, aged 71, Feb. 28. Helen Moore, to Bridgeport, aged 4;-}, Feb. 28. Almira Abbott, p., aged 28, • March 2. Lorinda Osborn, aged 84, March 5. James L. Warner, aged 33, Southbury, March 7. Michael Boylan, to Naugatuck, aged 50, March 23. Child of Patrick Brophy. Burr B. Atwood. aged 70, March 30. Sarah D., wife of Charles Rogers from Bridgeport, aged 30, April 10. Ruth Ann Phillips, aged 22, May 5. Susan, widow of Azen Thomas, aged 73, May 7. Sallie. w. of Geo. W. DeWolf, aged 73, May 15. Bernice Atwood, aged 23, May 20. Eveline, widow of William Dawson from Naugatuck, aged 67, ' May. Clara Alice, dau. of Charles Jones, aged 1. June Edmund Trowbridge, aged 86, July Spencer Freeman, p., to Watertown, aged 18, July Katie E. Conlan, to Naugatuck, aged 34, July Mary A., w. of Harry Wheeler from Middlebury, aged 24, Aug. Daniel J., s. of M. F. Skelly, aged 1 month, Tracy E. Hibbard, to New York, aged 35, Daughter of Wm. E. Newton, aged 2 months, Margaret, w. of George Camp, aged 43, Catharine Conlan, aged 18, Hai'riet Kilminster, aged IS, William B. Walker, aged 36, Eliza A., w. of Andrew Higgins, aged 56, Ancr S., dau. of Dwight S. Todd, aged 1, Elizabeth A., dau. of Edward Close, aged 4, Fanny Mansfield, aged 10, Katie, dau. of Nathan Warner, aged 15, Normie, s. of Rev. J. L. R. Wyckoff, aged 1, Sarah, w. of Abijah Munson, p., to Morris, aged 84, Mabel, widow of Ira Bishop, aged 99, David Clark Bacon, aged 84, Benjamin Osborne, p., aged 73, J. Monroe Hurd, to Roxburv, aged 56, Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. 27. 3. 6. 31. 2. 11. 19. 4. 6. 9. 9. 13. 13. 22. 11. 12. 30. 4. 6. 7. 28. 26. 28. 1874. Infant son of John Clark, John Sanford Hayes, aged 84, Jan. Jan. 2. 300 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. William C. Cogswell, aged 77, * Jan. Cyrus Hubbard, p., aged 73, Jan. Betsey Ann, w. of Geo. G. Smith, to Waterbury, aged .53, Jan. Norman L. Parker from New Haven, aged 44, Feb. Eunice, uddow of William Warner, to Roxbury, aged 78, Feb. Susan R., dau. of Frank Marsb, aged 1, March Son of Joseph Gee, aged 4 months, March Bertha L., dau. of Martin Dawson, aged 3 months, March Jennet, widow of Samuel Tomlinson, aged 66, March Mercy, widow of Cyrus Sherman, aged 76, April Levi S. Douglass, aged 69, April Frederick H., s. of Robert C. Partree, aged 19, April William B. Patterson, to Roxbury, aged 32, April Lucy Sherman, aged 70, May Julia ToUes from Norwalk, aged 56, May Fanny Mallory, aged 70, May Polly, wife of Aaron A. Gsborn, aged .54, May Clara S., wife of R. S. Woodruff, aged 30, June Isabel, dau. of Frank Atwood, aged 1 months, June Maria A., widow of Salmon Bishop, aged 75, June Betsey Powell, aged 82, Aug. Agnes, wid. of Jas. Mc Arthur, to Philadelphia, aged 76, Aug. Hezekiah Booth, aged 80. Aug. Frederick G.Davis, aged 31, Sept. Charlotte Ann, widow of H. Callender, aged 69. Sept. Eljie T., s. of Daniel B. Galpin, aged 5, Sept. Mary. dau. of Alfred Carpenter, aged 3, Oct. Jerome B. Thompson from South bury, aged 51, Oct. Emily Rowe, dau. of late H. H. Fox from Bridgeport. aged 35. Oct. Dea. Reuben J. Allen, aged 60, Oct. 1875. Dea. Philo M. Trowbridge, aged 65, Jan. 11. John N. Atwood from Watertown, aged 72, Jan. 11. Mary Cushman, widow of Carl Heinze, aged -v7, Jan. 21. Dolly Maria, widow of Timothy Terrill, aged 89, Jan. 22. Margaret, dau. of Michael Fanning, to New Milford, aged 14, Jan. 31. John P. Andrews, aged 36, Feb. 12. Nancy Curtiss, widow of Oliver Weller from Litchfield, aged 70, Feb. 15. John Bacon, aged 68, Feb. 20. Hannah, widow of John Glazier, aged 94, Feb. 22. Clarisse N., wife of Peter A. Smith from New Haven, aged 57, March G. Esther L., widow of Edmund Trowbridge, aged 84, March 8. Anna, widow of Jarius Ludington, aged 95, March 16. James Abbott, s. of Frank Potter, aged 7 months, March 18. 3. 23. 23. 12. 24. 4. 9. 16. 29. 1. 20- 27. 28. 8. 14. 16. 27. 12. 5. 25. 19. 28. 30. 5. 24. 29. 4. 22. 29. 13. D K A T H S IX WOODBURY 301 I Carrie L., dau. of Lawrence Saxton, aged 1 7 months, March 20. William H. Bacon, aged 87, April 11. Sarah Jane, wife of Alonzo C. Frost, aged 60, April 12. Anthony C Strong, aged 82, April 1 G. Lncretia, widow of Rensellaer ToUes from Norwalk, aged 85, April 18. Roderick Freeman, aged 46, April 24. Peter Ormerod, to Ansonia, aged 52, April 24. Abijiih Munson, p., to Morris, aged 90, April 25. Charles Nelson Booth, aged 56. April 26. George R. Taylor from Watertown, aged 70, April 26. Elizabeth Carr from Naugatuck, aged 17, May 5. Emeline T., wife of Bradley, to Southford, aged 70, May 8. Argus Beecher, to Naugatuck, aged 82, May 11. Widow Esther Cassidy, to New Milford, aged 65, May 20. Orphany, widow of Luke Teeple. aged 102 years. 9 months. 17 days. Ji^^l.v 2. Mary Frances, wife of W. N. Shelton, aged 39. July 17. Anne Louise, dau. of William Brown from Naugatuck, aged 3 months, ^ug. 9. Jennet, widow of Ransom Curtiss, aged 85, Aug. 9. Mary E., wife of Charles Potter from Seymour, aged 33, Aug. 9. Alza, widow of Nathaniel L. Proctor, aged 84, Aug. 25. Jane, wife of R. Judson. to S. Britain, aged 63, Sept. 3. Eunice, wid. of Asa Mitchell from Southbury, aged 72, Sept. 9. Lucy H., dau. of James Huntington, aged 3 months. Sept. 22. Infant of Charles Blackman, Sept. 22. Dea. Eli Summers, aged 76, Sept. 25. Henry Judson. aged 83, Oct. 2. Sally, widow of Philo Parker, aged 84, Oct. 4. Nathan S. Judson, aged 73. Oct. 10. Ann, widow of John L. Pitt, aged 85. Nov. 9. Nancy, widow of Henry Judson, aged 79, Nov. 14. Bvalena Atwood, aged 24, . Nov. 19. Almira, wife of Joseph Allen, aged 63. Nov. 20. Dr. Charles H. Webb, aged 66, Dec. 21. Hermina. wife of Frederick Holmes, aged 73, Dec. 21. End of the record kept by Judson Minor. 1876. Katie, dau. of Samuel Atwood, aged 13, HaiTiet. dau. of Ori'in Hawley, aged 1 week, Judson Minor, aged 89, Infant of John Reaney, Sarah J., dau. of James Roberts, aged 16. Sarah Orton, aged 85, Jane S., wife of James W. Traver, aged 41, Margaret E., wife of Nathaniel M. Strong, aged 25, Jan. 2. Jan. 2. Jan. 19. Jan. 22. Feb. 2. Feb. 14. Feb. 27. March 11. 302 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Frederick Holmes, aged 76, March IS. Phebe Bennet, p., Watertown, aged 76, April I. Infant son of Henry Barker, aged 14 days, April 2. Ann, widow of A. A. Holcomb, to Goslien, aged 73, April 8. Henry Bryant, aged 81, April 11. Charles B. Crafts from New Haven, aged 59, April 25. Mary Ann Osborne, to Goshen, aged 62, April 28. Maria, wid. of W. H. Atwood from Watertown, aged 75, May 7. Julia, widow of Anthony C. Strong, aged 77, May 26. Eh B. Tallmadge, aged 55, May 26. Charles Daskum, aged 55, June 21. Walter E., s. of Charles E. Rogers from Bridgeport, aged 5, June 26. Sally, widow of Horace Isbell, aged 79, July 7. Deborah, widow of Caldwell, aged 75, July 14. Sarah P., wife of Dea. T. H. Judson, aged 56, July 14. John Gorman, to New Milford, aged 15, Aug. 6. Harriet E., wife of Thomas Dews, aged 24, Aug. 11. John Rudge from Bridgeport, aged 22, Aug. 16. Mary, wife of Rev. J. L. R. Wyckoff, aged 34, Aug. 28. Sherman Lines, to Plymouth, aged 78, Aug. 31. Calista, widow of Wm. G. Richards, aged 74, Oct. 16. Clifford N., s. of Frank Benedict from Watertown, aged 14 months, Oct. 27. Sarah B. Nettleton, aged 44, Oct. 27. Josiah G. Minor, aged 73, Nov. 1. Nelson H. Hayes, aged 23, Nov. 4. Hattie. wife of John Hawley, aged 21, Nov. 15. Julia, dau. of Gervase Hotchkiss from Bridgeport, aged 24, Nov. 15. Infant son of Charles Chatfield, Dec. 1 . James Terrill, aged 52, Dec. 2. Eunice, widow of Judah Baldwin, aged 73, Dec, 8. James Green, oldest inhabitant, aged 93,. Dec. 8. Willys Umberfield, aged 62, Dec. 13. Charles T. Thomas, aged 70, Dec. 22. Lavinnia, wife of T. Fairclough, aged 63, Dec. 23. 1877. Charles Glanton, p., Bethlehem, aged 80, Jan. 1. David Betts, aged 91, Jan. 6. Harriet Freeman, p., Watertown, aged 80, Jan. 30. Julia A., wife of Chauncey Barto, aged 43, Feb. 11. Dr. Jacob D. Woodruff from Brooklyn, N. Y., aged 69, Feb. 12. Rosamond, widow of Nehemiah Briggs, aged 83, Feb. 17. Susan, wife of A. H. Munroe, aged 71, Feb. 22. William E. Woodruff, aged 62, " March 3. Julia Gordon, widow of William J. Clark, aged 32. March 3. Yesta, dau, of Burton Shove, to Marbledale, aged 10. March 13. DEATHS IN W O O D B U K Y . 303 Isaac Way, aged 85, March 1 (]. Chauncey N. Castle, aged 78, March 16. Frederick W., s. of W. C. DeForest, aged 13 months, March 17. S. Sayre Woodruff from Brooklyn, aged 33, March 21. Abigail, wife of Noah Bishop, aged 81, March 31. Maria, wife of Samuel Baldwin, aged 79, April 1. Thomas Root, aged 87, April 20. Sarah M., widow of Chauncey N. Castle, aged 81, April 26. Adaline, w. Richard Hawley, to New Milford, aged 18, May 1. Infant of Ralph Mansfield, May 2. , s. of Frank Scaife, aged 5 weeks. May 13. EUza J. Workman, to Wolcottville, aged 38, May 18. Nancy M., widow of Leman Sherman, from Waterbury, aged 80, June 4. Thomas, s. of Edward Close from Naugatuck, aged 4, June 8. Mary, dau. of John Hawley, to New Milford, aged 3, June 14. Infant of Ira B Wooster, aged 1 week, June 15. Infant daughter of Walter Foster, July 1. Ann, widow of George B. Taylor from Watertown, aged 82, July 1. , dau. of Samuel Jabut, to Southford, aged 2 months, July 14. Ebenezer Wheeler, aged 71, Aug. 3. Edwin P. Parker, aged 21, Aug. 15. Mary, w. of Robert Shaw from New York, aged 55, Aug. 15. Col. Nathaniel Smith, aged 45, Aug. 26. Ella M., w. of Edwin M. Betts, aged 24, Aug. 30. Annie Carroll, to Waterbury, aged 24, Sept. 1. Emily, w. of Merlin Upson, aged 63, Sept. 7. Harry Wheeler, aged 49, Sept. 15. Willie C, s. of F. F. Hitchcock, aged 5 months. Sept. 18. , g. s. of Nelson Thomas, from Monroe, aged 3 mo., Sept. 21. Winifred Riggs, p., to Oxford, aged 19, Sept. 29. Laura, widow of Horace Wheeler, aged 64, Oct. 12. Emma, dau. of Moore, aged 3, Oct. 20. Infant of Winifred Riggs, p., to Oxford, Oct. 21. Ann Judson. from West Cornwall, aged 74, Oct. 31. Louisa W., w. of Clement Percy, aged 67, . Nov. 9. Jennie W., dau. of Benjamin S. Curtiss, aged 16, Nov. 24. Susan Driver, p., to Seymour, aged 84, Nov. 25. Catharine A., dau. of C. P. Hall, from Bridgeport, aged 1, Nov. 27. 1878. George W. DeWolf, aged 79, 'Feb. 12. Morley Child, 2 days, Nov. 22. John L. Jones, aged 10 months, June 22. Hezekiah Noyes, aged 74 years, 4 months. May 5. Flora Ann Judson, aged 68 years, 6 months, June 17. Flora Strong, aged 91, March 23. Henry Lewis Taylor, aged 55, April 6. 304 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Jerusha L. Nettleton, aged 88, April 6. Ezekiel Taylor, aged 19, April 9. Bridget Gallivan, aged 52, May 9. Daniel Curtiss, aged 76 years, 6 months. May 16. Libbie, w. of Edward J. Curtiss, aged 30, Oct. 12. Kate Gilbert, aged 28, Dec. 29. Henry Lambert, aged 72, Dec. 4. Susan Johnson, aged 71, Nov. Melissa Burton, aged 74, July 6. Edwin S. Lemmon, aged 62, Jtily 12. Mary Patterson, aged 71, May 14. Mary 0. Osborn, aged 56, March 14. Burr B. Denny, Jr., aged 45, Jan. 10. Joseph W. Squires, aged 67, Aug. 16. Mrs. Hine, aged 59, Sept. 21. Edward Nichols (colored), aged 70, June 3. Henry M. Allen, aged 34, March 25. (Caroline A. Bacon, aged 50 years, 4 months, Dec. 20. Fanny J., wife of Albert M. Judson, aged 27, Oct. 19. Mary Curtiss, aged 58, Oct. 9. Laura S., widow of William E. Woodruff, aged 66, Nov. 27. 1879. Robbie, s. of S. W. Parrott (Bridgeport), aged 18 mos., Jan. 1. Catharine Bowers, wife of W. H. Manville, aged 84, Jan. 9. William F. Donnelly, to Southbury, aged 29, Jan. 10. Mary Summers, widow of H. J. Linsley, aged 75, Jan. 11. Henry P. Summers, aged 54, Jan. 27. Stanley E. Beardsley, aged 37, Feb. 23. Mrs. Clara Russell, dau. of J. R. Hoyt, from Thomaston, aged 21, March 8. John A. Sherman, aged 24, March 10. James Rudman, aged 57, March 11. John Cramer, aged 74, March 18. Mary Hollister, widow of James DeForest, aged 86, March 23. Everett Beardsley, aged 66, April ■ 4. Hine, p., aged 17, April 4. Polly Barnes, widow of Seeley Castle, from Ansonia, aged 72, April 9. Julia A., w. of Fred Houlton, from Ansonia, aged 56. April 11. Joseph Allen, aged 62, April 23. Sarah Summers, w. of Frederick S. At wood, aged 74, April 24. Eva MaVichester, from Morris, aged 17, May 4. Frederick Glazier, aged 49, May 7. Leman Bishop, aged 90, May 24. Walter Gill, aged 28, May 25. Harriett M. Curtiss, w. of J. H. Linsley, aged 50, June 22. Infant son of George Terrill, aged 1 month, July 3. Charles Isbell, from Ansonia, aged 57, July 4. DEATHS IN THE MINOR FAMILY 305 Sarah A., widow of P. L. Smith, to Hartford, aged 60, July 6. Eddie Russell, g. s. of J. R Hoyt, aged 5 months, July 20. Abigail Deans, widow of John McDivitt, aged 84, July 26. Fanny Minor, aged 79, July 29. Rev. Zechariah Walker, the first minister of Woodbury, died Jan. 20, 1699, aged 63 years. Rev. Anthony Stoddard, the second minister of Woodbury, died Sept. 6, 1760, aged 83 years, and 61st of his ministry. Rev. Noah Benedict, the third minister of Woodbury, died April 20, 1813, aged 76 years, and 53d of his ministry. [Average age at death in Woodbury is about .50. Seventy-five years ago it was about 3.3 years. ] LIST OF DEATHS IN THE MINOR FAMILY, COLLATED BY JUDSON MINOR, SEXTON. Ephraim, aged 68, May 24, 1783, EUsha, Dec. 7, 1783. Wife of Shove. Aug. 12, 1784. Wife of Dea. Clement, Aug. 17, 1785. Sarah Emm, Jan. 12, 1786. Wife of Dea. Mathew, April 25. 1786. Prudence, May 9, 1786, Wife of Dea. Josiah, March 30, 1787, Wife of Seth, aged 48, Oct. 27, 1787, Qrana, aged 50, March 4, 1784. Mary, wife of Joseph, Nov. 30, 1784, Dea John, aged 85, Feb. 22, 1790, Daniel, aged 58, Jan. 15, 1792 Mary, wife of Solomon, aged 37, Jan. 24, 1792 Wife of Thomas, aged 77, Feb. 29, 1792 Daughter of Adoniram, aged 1, April 3, 1774. James, aged 61, Oct. 25, 1774, Thomas, aged 93, June 6, 1796 Peter, aged 91, Aug. 29. 1796 Nathan, Feb. 6, 1797. John, aged 56, June 10, 1797. Curtiss, aged 22, Dec. 9, 1797. Dea. Clement, aged 75, March 11, 1798. Widow of Dea. Clement, aged 70, May 21, 1798. Wife of Nathan, aged 66, Sept. 15, 1798. Child of Ephraim, Sept. 15, 1799, Infant of Adoniram, Feb. 22, 1800, Wife of Nathan P., aged 32, April 14, 1800 Abigal, aged 60, May 30, 1800, Gilbert, aged 75, Oct. 14, 1801 Son of David, aged 3, Nov. 6, 1801 Dea. Josiah, aged 70, Dec. 12, 1801 Vol. III.— 39 306 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. Betsy, wife of Asa, aged 24, Dec. 19, Son of Nathan P., aged 8, April 30, Simeon, aged 52, Aug. 8, Sou of Capt. Jesse, aged 1, May 3, Son of Ephraim, aged 7, July 3, Son of William, Oct. 8, Widow Abigal, aged 66, Dec. 9, Widow Molly, aged 86, Feb. 13, Wife of Samuel C, aged 27, April 9, Son of Justus, aged 5, Oct. 27, Child of Mathew, aged 2, Aug. 7, Son of Mathew Minor, aged 9, July 18, Horace, aged 20, Aug. 28, Infant of Mathew, Son of Ephraim, aged 8, May 1, Patience, wife of Adoniram, aged 51, May 9, Betsey, wife of Dea. Nathaniel, aged 28, April 17, Molly, wife of Thaddeus Minor, aged 76, Feb. 11, Seth, aged 87, Nov. 4, Widow of Gilley, aged 88, Jan. 28, Rhoda, wife of Seth, aged 78, April 16, Wife of Jonas, aged 50, Dec. 29, Son of Jonas, aged 19, Feb. 19, Samuel, aged 80, Oct. 21, Daughter of Mathew, aged 13, Feb. 16, Solomon, aged 78, April 6, David, aged 66, July 19, Lucy, wife of Adam, aged 82, Sept. 25, Mary, wife of Sa.muel, aged 80, Oct. 15, Jerusha, aged 82, Feb. 28, Dea. Seth, aged 65, Aug. 14, Adam, aged 91, Feb. 29, Mary, wife of Thaddeus, aged 82, Jan. 27, Daughter of Horace, aged 2, April 22, Thaddeus, aged 84, May 2, Joseph, aged 33, Sept. 16, Simeon, aged 21, Sept. 29, George C-, aged 30, Jan. 20, Son of Dea. Truman, aged 3, Jan. 25, David S., aged 45, Oct. 7, Dea. Mathew, aged 82, July 20, Charlotte, dau. of Wait, aged 23, Nov. 8, Sabrina, wife of Gilbert S., aged 36, Nov. 30, Andrew, aged 86, Jan. 6, Rhoda, wife of William, aged 51, Feb. 6, Harriet, aged 30, March 9, Daughter of widow Sally, aged 3, Aug. 3, Polly, wife of Samuel C, aged 56, Jan. 4. Elisha, aged 84, Jan. 27, Matthew, aged 59, Dec. 17 INSCRIPTION UPON MONUME'-rXS. 307 Polly, aged 31, Aug. 23, 1840. Joseph, aged 82. Jan. 7, 1841. Philima, widow of Joseph, aged 69, July 23, 1841. Parmela, wife of Geo. A., aged 26, Sept. 24, 1841. Mehetable, wife of Benjamin, aged 83, April 9, 1842. Antoinette, dau. of Dea. Nathaniel Minor, aged 21, March 24, 1843. John, s. of Erastus, aged 6, May 15, 1843. Charlotte, widow of Dea. Mathew, aged 81, Sept. 13. 1843. Benjamin, aged 78, April 16, 1845. Olive, widow of Solomon, aged 85, Oct. 7, 1845. Sarah, wife of Jessee, aged 71, ^ April 24, 1846. Samuel C, aged 68, Aug. 13, 1846. Emm, widow of Dea. Seth, aged 86, Nov. 15, 1846. Adoniram, aged 83, April 21, 1847. Lorena, widow of Matthew, aged 66, May 30, 1848. Son of Henry, aged 1, Aug. 13, 1848. Sarah, wife of Asa, aged 72, Jan. 20, 1851. Emeline, wife of Horace, aged 47, June 24,1851. Elizabeth, 2d wife of Adoniram, aged 66, June 2, 1853. Charles Hubert, s. of Charles M., aged 1, Aug. 17, 1853. INSCRIPTION UPON MONUMENTS IN THE ANCIENT GRAVE-YARD AT WOODBURY, CONN. John Sherman, aged 40, Wife of Isaac .ludson, aged 25, Wife of John Nichols, aged 26, Doctor John Atwood, Samuel Warner, Wife of Dea. Bull, aged 67, Daughter of Daniel Sherman, Esq., aged 2, Dea. Samuel Bull, aged 72, Adino Strong, aged 73, Child of Andrew Sherwood, aged 2, Hon. William Preston, aged 78, Nicholas Masters, aged 68, John Root, aged 63. Wife of Nicholas Masters, aged 67, Son of Mo-ses Bull, aged 28, Son of Moses Bull, aged 22, Rev. Anthony Stoddard, aged 83, in the 61st of his ministry, Wife of Garwood Cunningham, aged 47, Doctor Daniel Munn, aged 79, Wife of Adino Strong, aged 85. Deacon Samuel Minor, aged 71, Son of Rev. Noah Benedict, aged 4, Wife of Peter Minor, aged 59, May 20, July 12, Feb. 11, 1727 1731. 1733. Feb. 11, 1733 Aug. 11, Sept. 22, Oct. 1, 1738. 1741. 1749. Oct. 27, 1749. Dec. 31, 1749. Aug. 28, 1754. Sept. 5, Aug. 25, Aug. 12. July 12, Jan. 26, 1753. 1756. 1758. 1760. April 15, 1760. Sept. 6, Dec. 24, 1760. 1760. June 11, 17G1. Dec. 21, 1763. March 26, 1767. Sept. 2, May. 11, 1767. 1768. \ 308 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Capt. Richard Brownson, aged 81, Nathaniel Bacon, aged 73, Nathan Mitchell, aged 54, Wife of Thomas Bull, aged 37, Lieut. Benj. Hungerford, aged 35, Seth Pp-eston, aged 58, Daughter of Seth Preston, aged 21, Peter Gilchrist, aged 43, Widow of Rev. Anthony Stoddard, Wife of Lieut. John Edwards, aged 54, Isaac Judson, aged 90, Miss Betsy Lamson, aged 19, Child of Beriah Mitchell, Aug. 24 Nov. 8 Nov. 20 April 13 Sept. 4 April 26, Dec. 26 March 23 July 29 Dec. 4 May 14 June 14 Oct. 31 1769. 1769. 1769. 1770. 1775. 1777. 1781. 1783. 1783. 1785. 1789. 1791. 1795. DEATHS IN OTHER TOWNS. 1873. Otis Warner, Hartford, Cyrus Mitchell, S. Britain, aged 83, Widow Anna M. Johnson, Southbury, aged 83. Henry W. Drakeley, Baltimore, aged 62, 1874. Harry B. Richards, Southbury, aged 57, Nancy, widow of H. B. Richards, aged 61, Selina, widow of William Hinman, aged 85, Erastus Castle, Roxbury, aged 76, Hannah P., widow of Nathaniel Beecher, aged 71, -Augustin Newton, Washington, aged 66, Charles Thompson, S. Britain, aged 84, Dea. Nathan Mitchell, Southbury, aged 82, 1875. David R. Hinman, New Haven, aged 56, Edward J. Pond, Washington, aged 67, Jeremiah Peck, Nortnfield, aged 68, Abraham Beecher, Bethlehem, aged 71, Emma Betts, wife of Herbert Perkins, Margaret, wife of David C. Mead, Ohio, aged 32, William A. Hayes, Bethlehem, aged 53, Bethuel Treat, S. Britain, aged 68, Leverett Judd, Bethlehem, Jerome Gibson, Waterbury, William Plinmau, New York, aged 65, Irene, widow of Ransom Saxton, Middlebury, aged Widow of Ezekiel Beardsley, Roxbury, aged 75, Elisha Blackman, Mid., aged 79, March 10. March 24. June 24. Sept. 25. Jan. 20. Feb. 22. March 19. March 25. March 29. Aug. Aug. Nov. 6. 6. 14. Jan. 15. Jan. 26. Feb. 2. Feb. 11. March 10. March 20. March 30. April May- May June 8. 8. 16. 9. June 24. July July 1. 1. DEATHS IN OTHER TOWNS. 309 Wait Leavenworth, Roxbury. aged 84, Aug. 12. Mary, widow of Rev. S. R. Andrews, aged 81, Aug. 13. Cyrus Manvill, aged 73, Aug. 13. Harry Twitchell, Oxford, Sept. 23. Anson Bray, aged 73, Oct. 18. Edwin Pierce, aged 68, Nov. 2. Samuel Ingham, Bridgeport, Dec. 1.5. 1876. Grace Lum, w. of Chandler Judd, Watertown. aged 77. Jan. 0. Jared Bronson, Middlebury, aged 86, Jan. 16. Henry Bronson, Southford, aged 80, Jan. 27. Beers Radford, Middlebury, aged 92, Feb. 1.5. John Moseley, Southbury, born Oct. 23, 1775, March 4. Dea. Cyrus G. Bostwick, Southbury, aged 77. March 29. Polly, widow of Nathan Crane, Bethlehem, aged 52, March 27. Eliza, w. of A. D. Saxton, Bristol, aged 26. .^pril 26. Betsey, widow of Geo. Chatfield, South Britain, aged 00, May 4. Curtis Seth Hinman, New Haven, aged 50, May 24. Shelden Jackson, Bethlehem, aged 72, May 26. Joseph Hawley, South Britain, aged 7e^, June 18. Robert W. Munson, Reno, Nev., aged 49, June 20. Charles Perry. Southbury, aged 74, Aug. 3. Henry S. Wheeler, Middlebury, aged 68, Aug. 18. Chandler Judd, Watertown, Aug. Isaac J. Allen, Southbury, aged 47, Sept. 22. Rufus Stiles, Southbury, aged 81, Oct. 6. Sally, widow of Eph. E. Stiles, Southbury, aged 84, Oct. 10. Cornelia, widow of Geo. Canfield, South Britain, aged 76, Oct. 15. Julia M., dau. of Seth P. Beers, Rome, Italy, Oct. 18. Jacob N. Blakesley, Watertown. aged 88, " Oct. 22. Jennet, widow of Th. Sandland, Philadelphia, aged 63, Dec. 16. Emma J. Armstrong, Bethlehem, aged 24, Dec. 19. 1877. Ehsha Wheeler, Southbury, aged 61, Jan. 1. Nelson S. Wilmot, New Haven, aged 38, Jan. 8. Ella M. Percy, Bethlehem, aged 24, Jan. 24. Dr. E. C. Chamberlin, South Britain, aged 55, Jan. 26. Mary A., widow of Dr. Chamberlin, Feb. 4. Robert Wheeler, Oxford, aged 81, . Feb. 24. Mary, widow of Shelden Jackson, Bethlehem, aged 66, March 16. Sally, widow of Abijah Lewis, Roxbury, aged 91, April 10. Carohne, widow of S. J. Bird, Bethlehem, May. Augustus Osborne, Southbury, aged 65, May 13. Wait Abernethy, Washington, aged 97 years, 6 months, May 18. William C. Bronson. Yv^ashington, aged 65, May 24. ' Robert Shove, Bristol, aged 46, May 28. Martha B. Green, Bath, N. Y., aged 56. June 3. 310 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Eliza M., widow of Chas. C. Hinman, Southbury, aged 79, June 8. Betsey, widow of Cyrus Tuttle, Southbury, aged 91, June 23. Marcus Bunnell, Southbury. Annie T., dau. of Samuel Minor, Titusville, Pa., aged 22, July L Isaac Lewis, Southbury, aged 72, July 6. James F. Bacon, Birmingham, aged 21, Ju^ly H. Sarah A., w. of Charles Sanford. Roxbury, aged 35, July 12. Phebe, widow of Lewis Hine, Southbury, aged 92, Aug. 15. Preston D. Peck, Seymour, aged 67, Aug. 16. Nelson H. Carr, Danbury, aged 28, Sept. 21. Cornelia, w. of T. W. Walker, N. H., Sept. 24. Jeannette Curtiss, aged 17, Nov. 25. Willis Mansfield, aged 62, Dec. 13. Louisa, w. of Clement Percy, aged 69, Nov. 9. 1879. Alfred Baldwin, Middlebury, aged 69, Jan. 12. Morris Isbell, New Haven, aged 60, Jan. 15. John L. Isbell, Naugatuck, aged 65, Jan. 18. Susan DeForest, widow of Ira Strong, Southbury, a?. 82, Jan. 24. David N. Farrand, Washington, aged 66, Sally Hyde, w. of David Minor, Southbury, aged 80, Dr. Remus M. Fowler, Washington, aged 90, Simeon H. Mitchell, Washington, aged 70, Esther Baldwin, widow of T. St. John, Southbury, aged 77, Samantha, widow of Martin, Bethlehem, aged 79, Charles B. Hickox, Southbury, aged 69, Nathaniel Walker, Oxford, aged 66, Frederick S. Downs, Bethlehem, aged 66, Charles Summers, Columbus, Ohio, aged 58, Aaron H. Shelton, Southbury, aged 54, Rev. F. Tuxbury, Watertown, aged 59, Heman A. Crane, Savannah, Ga., aged 70, R. Newton Cogswell, New Preston, aged 53, Titus Pierce, South Britain, aged 87, Erastus Pierce, South Britain, aged 8.^, N. W. Rathburn, Noank, Ashley Nettleton, Birmingham, aged 80, Lucy B. Skidmore, w. of Allen Smith, Bethlehem, pe. 5 7, Capt. William Cothren, Farmington, Maine, aged 88, Feb. 10 Feb 20 March 1 March 18 April 9 April 14 April 19 April 19 April 19 May 1 May 3 May 6 May 26 May 28 June 19 June 30 July 7. July 7. July 9. July 30. LIST OF THE OLDEST INHABITANTS IN 1877. Born. Samuel Baldwin, June 20, 1792. Leman Bishop, -June 19, 1789. Noah Bishop, Jan. 29, 1796. OLDEST INHABITANTS IN 1877. 311 Born. Julia Preston, widow of Dea. J. Blackman, July 24, 1790. Phineas S. Bradley, m. Jan. 27, 1820, May i;^, 179.5. John Curtiss, b. July 31, 1797, and Maria Gilbert, b. Oct. 9, 1797, m. Oct. 18, 1818. Marcus DeForest, July 6,1794. Mary HoUister, widow of James DeForest, Oct. 28, 1792. Stephen F. Galpin, May 5, 1797. Hezekiah C. Hayes, b. Feb. 23, 1794. and Susan N. Durand. b. Sept. 16, 1793, m. Jan. 31, 1816. Horace Manville, b. March 19. 1795, and Catharine Bowers, b. Dec. 29, 1794. m. Nov. 17, 1815. Julia Perry, widow of John P. Marshall, Dec. 21, 1788. Abigail Deans, widow of John McDevitt, Oct. 1, 1795. Ann McRory, widow of Dennis McCaffrey, June — , 1792. John Merainble, Feb. 24, 1797. Jerusha Hotchkiss, widow of Judson Morris, June 20, 1785. Jerusha Lucas, widow of Jehiel Nettleton, Feb. 28, 1790. Nancy Bigelow, widow of Stiles Nettleton, March 7, 1795. Edward Nichols, Sept. 28, 1790. Truman Orton, b. June 16, 1784, and Maria Curtiss, b. Dec. 16, 1794, m. Oct. 29, 1815. James Preston, July 31, 1796. Nathaniel B. Smith, Dec. 7, 1795. Flora Preston, widow of John Strong, July 19, 1788. Stoddard Strong, May 5, 1792. Polly Allen, widow of David Tuttle, March 18, 1794. Esther Bloss, widow of Daniel Wooster, Nov. 5, 1787. BIRTHS IN WASHINGTON. Washington, composed of Judea Society in Woodbury, and New Preston Society, taken from the towns of Kent, Litchfield, and New Milford, was the fii'st town incorporated in the State after the declaration of independence. It was incorporated at a special session of the General Assembly, January 7, 1779, and called Washington, in honor of the commander-in-chief of the American armies. Judea Society was incorporated Octot )er, 1741. Matthew Logan, Dec. 15, 1742 John Smith, Feb. 2, 1744 1746. Sarah Savage, Samuel, s. of Lemuel and Harriet Kinney, June. Sept. 7 1747. Mary Ford, Widow Mary Sparry, Feb. 2 Aug. 7 1750. Widow Eunice Hickock, Irane Parish, Aug. 25 May 12 1751. Jesse Baker, Sept. 23. 1752. John, s. of William and Rebecca Powell, May 10. Elijah Hazen, Nov. 25. Elisha, s. of Elnathan and Sarah Mitchell, Aug. 27. Sylvester Wheaton, July 25. 1753. Andrew Hendrake, Feb. 17. 1754. Eunice, dau. of Elnathan and Sarah Mitchell, Sept. 24. 1755. Martha, dau. of Samuel and Abigail Nettleton, July 25. Ruth Stone, July 14. Elisabeth Gaylord, ' Oct. 24. BIRTHS IX WASHINGTON 313 1756. Elijah Perkins, Mary, w. of Sylvester Wheaton, 1757. Simeon, s. of Elnathan and Sarah Mitchell, 1759. David, s. of John and Mary Davjs, 1761. Thankful, w. of William Parker, 1762. Sally, dau. of Martha and Sarah Whittlesey, Lois, dau. of Uriah and Eunice Tucker, Anna HoUister, 1763. Eunice, dau. of Thomas and Elisabeth Parmelee, Samuel Baker, 1764. Joseph, s. of Martin and Sarah Whittlesey, Abnei", s. of Elnathan and Sarah Mitchell, Chloe, dau. of Uriah and Eunice Tucker, 1765. John, s. of John and Mary Davidson, Samuel, s. of John and Mary Smith, 1766. Jemima, d. of Martin and Sarah Wliittlesey, Newton, s. of John and Mary Smith, John B. Hurd, Eunice, dau. of Uriah and Eunice Tucker, Jane, dau. of Nathaniel and Lucy Brown, 1767. Gideon, s. of Abner and Ann Moseley. Lois, dau. of John and Mary Davidson, Joseph, s. of Joseph and Mehetabel Easton, Mary, dau. of Martin and Sarah Whittlesey, Thomas P., s. of Thomas and Elisabeth Parmalee. Abner, s, of William Sharp, Joseph Calhoun, Sarah Woodruff, Ehsabeth Burton, Vol. IIL— 40 July 17. Aug. 6. Jan. 1. March 14. Oct. 29. March 25. Nov. 16. Feb. 13, Dec. 30. Nov. 13. March 20. March 2. Feb. 28. June 4. Oct. 25. Feb. 17. Sept. Oct. 2. 27. April July 7. 13. July March 29. 4. A pril Dec. 28. 20. April Jan. 6. 26. Nov. 19. April 30. June 1!). 314 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY 1768. Johnson, s. of Matthew and Sarah Logan, 1769. John, s. of John and Tabitha Clark, Edna, dau. of Abner and Ann Moseley, Andrew, s. of John and Mary Davidson, Mehetabel, dau. of Joseph and Mehetabel Easton, Samuel, s. of Enos and Elisabeth Baldwin, James Calhoun, Wm. Sharp's 2d child, misborn Feb. 19, 1769, and Feb. 4, 1771. Amos, s. of John and Mary Smith, Sarah Humphrey, Uriah, s. of Uriah and Eunice Tucker, Rebecca, dau. of Nathaniel and Lucy Brown, Anna Camp, 1770. Martin, s. of Martin and Sarah Whittlesey, Shelden, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth Parmelee, Anna Clark, Jedediah Camp, Lydia, dau. of Nathaniel and Lucy Brown, P Baldwin, Anna Terrill, Martin Whittlesey, Shelden, s. of Matthew and Sarah Logan, Gideon Foot, 1771. Jeremiah H., s. of Norris and Isabel Knaping, Daniel, s. of John and Tabitha Calhoun, Mary, dau. of John and Mary Davidson, Elijah, s. of Joseph and Mehetabel Easton, Daniel, s. of Nathaniel and Catherine BosvvorLh, William Ford, Mary, dau. of Samuel and Mary Clark, Gershom Fenn, John, s. of John and Mary Smith, Reuben, s. of Uriah and Emiice Tucker, Enos Mitchell, Edward Prisbie, Stephen Cogswell, Lorana Dayton, 1772. Susanna, dau. of Abuei' and Ann Moseley, Betsey, dau. of Martin and Sarah Whittlesey, March 2. Sept. 30. Aug. 14. Oct. 7. May 11. Mar. 3. Jan. 7. died April 22. June 22. April 19. Jan. 1. Nov. 29. March 2. March 16. March 18. Nov. 10. Sept. 17. Aug. 19. April 20. March 2. March 19. March 22. Dec. 26. April 20. Sept. 7. Aug. 30. May 13 May 2. April 12. Jan. 12. Sept. 11. Sept. 1. Aug. 11. Sept. 1. March 21. March 2. July 23. BIRTHS IN WASHINGTON. 315 Sarah, dau. of Samuel and Sarali Bryan, Nov. 20. Susanna Moseley, March 2. Solomon, s. of Nathaniel ami Lucy Brown, Aug. 17. Catherine, w. of Fowler M. Piatt, May 24. Elisabeth, dau. of Ephraim and Elisabeth Baker, Jan. 3 1 . Dennie, s. of James and Abigail Mead, June 15, Polly, dau. of Matthew and Sai-nli Logan, May 26. 1773. Abigail, dau. of Thomas and Isabel Knaping, Nov. 25. Calvin, s. of John and Tabitha Cayioun, Aug. 14. Mary, dau. of Nathaniel and Cathei'ine Bosworth. March 25. William, s. of A¥illiani Sharp, Sept. L3. Sarah, daii. of Samuel and Mary Clark, Feb. 25. Nathan, s. of John and Mary Smith, Jan. 15. Eli'/.abeth, dan. of t^riah and Eunice Tucker, Dec. 2. 1774. Rnfus, s. of Jos(>ph and Mehetabcl Easton, May 4. (iideon, s. of Cornelius and Mary Allen, Nov. 2. Sally Nichols, July 24. Phebe, dau. of Abel and Elizabeth Curtiss, Dec. 21. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Mary Clark, Betsey Curtiss, J'^ly 19. Frances, dau. of Gideon and Prances Camp, April 7. Sally, dau. of Nathaniel and Lucy Brown, May 1 1 . Betsey Spencer, -— June 26. Fowler M. Piatt, April 4. Lemtia, dau. of Ephraim and Elizabeth Baker, Dec. IL Mary, dau. of James and Abigail Mead, Feb, 17. 1775. Sarah B., dau. of Matthew Logan, June 2. Sarah Ann, dau. of Abner and Ann Mosely, June 25. Joseph, s. of John and Mary Davidson, April 15. Nathanitd, s. of Nathaniel and Catharine Bosworth, June 1'2. Lazarus Kord, June 19. Elijah Woodruff, March 14. Anna Whittlesey, Oct. 9. Elijah Calhoun, Sept. 13. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Sarah Bryan. Jul}"^ 15. Isaac Beers, June 11. Samuel Sperry, July 10. Josiah Meeker, May 12. 1776. Polly A., dau. of Thomas and Isabel Knaping, Jan. 3. Jonathan, s. of Elijah and Hannah Hickox, Dec. 2. 316 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY, Philo, s. of John and Tabitha Calhoun, Cynthia, dau. of Joseph and Mahetabel Easton, Dolly, dau. of Martin and Sarah Whittlesey. Samuel, s. of Cornelius and Mary Allen, Hermanns Marshall, Amy, dau. of William Sharp, Hannah, dau. of Abel and Elizabeth Curtiss, John, s. of John and Elizabeth Parmelee, Samuel, s. of Samuel and Mary Clark, Clements, s. of Gideon and Frances Camp. Sarah, dau. of John and Mary Smith, Sarah, dau. of Uriah and Euniie Tucker, Chloe, dau. of Nathaniel and Lucy Brown, Sally Baldwin. Polly, dau. of James and Abigail Mead, 1777. Finny, s., and Molly, dau. of George and Molly Mills, Elizabeth M., dau. of John and Judith Taylor, Thomas, s. of Thomas and Isabel Knaping-, Richard, s. of John and Mary Davidson, Eliphalet, s. of Perry and Dorothy Whittlesey, .n/* Justus, s. of Harness and Jerusha Parker, Heman, s. of Ephraim and Elizabeth Baker, Polly, dau. of Party and Sarah Hine, 1778. Ezra, s. of Samuel and A})igail Weeks, Squire, s. of Hezekiah and Olive Whitney, Joseph C, s. of John and Tabitha Clark, Annie, dau. of Uriah and Eunice Tucker, Eliphalet, s. of John and Mary Whittlesey, Sally A., dau. of Thomas and Sarah Farmer, Polly B., dau. of Thomas and Sarah Farmer, Abigail, dau. of John and Martha Powell, Learing, s. of Nathaniel and Catherine Bosworth, Rhoda, dau. of William Shai'p, David, s. of John and Elizabeth Parmelee, Andrew, s. of Andrew and Casiah Hine. Mary Warner, Mahitabel, dau. of Samuel and Mary Clark, Gideon, s. of Gideon and Frances Camp, Susanna, dau. of John and Mary Smith, Mehitabel, dau. of Sauiuel and Sarah Bryan, 1779. Solomon, s. of Castle and Jenna Dean, Rafus, s. of Thomas and Isabel Knaping, March 25. Nov. 3. Dec. 10. May 20. April 17. Feb. 4. April 27. Feb. 21. Oct. 11. May 3. Feb. 21. Oct. 26. Nov. 20. Auff. 17. Feb. 20. April Dec. 10. 29. Nov. 1. March 30. Feb. 4. June 28. Nov. 6. July 28. Sept. 3. April 23. April 7. March 13. Feb. 17. March 22. Dec. 17. April 22. June 10. Aug. Dec. 31. 9. Sept. May May Jan. 5. 15. 6. 22. July 15. Dec. 26. Dec. 22. BIRTHS IN WASHINGTON .;l Thomas, s. of Hezekiah and Olive Whitney, April 19. Heman, s. of Perry A. and Dorothy Whittlesey, April 23. Elijah, s. of Darius and Temperance Meeker, April 29. Truman Hicock, Jan. l'/>. Anne, dau. of Jesse and Ruth Baker, May 14. Abigail, dau. of Samuel and Sarah Bryan, Dec. 1. Nathaniel, s. of Nathan and Lucy Brown, Jan. 20. Stephen S., s. of Ephraim and Mary Baker, July 5. Wait Abernethy, Oct. 28. Abigail, dau. of Party and Sarah Hine, July .3. Augustin, s. of Wells and Andra 13eardsley. Sept. Pi. 1780. Betsey, dau. of Castle and Jenna Dean, Dec. 31. Brittannia, dau. of Joseph and Mehetabel Easton, Feb. 7. Sheldon, s. of Martin and Sarah Whittlesey, July 23. Zina, dau. of Nathaniel and Catharine Bosworth, May 10. Jerusha, dau. of Thomas and Jerusha Parker, Aug. 2S. Abijah Tomlinson, June 2. Abigail Loggan, Sept. 15. Hiel Baldwin, Jr., May 9. Barna Abbott, July 31. Heman, s. of William Sharp, Dec. 12. Elias, s. of Samuel and Mary Clark, Feb. 24. Benjamin Beach. Jan. 10. John F., s. of John and Mary Smith, Feb. 15. Abigail, dau. of Matthew and Sarah Logan. Sept. 15. Ehsha. s. of Party and Sarah Hine, Nov. 27. 1781. Jerusha, dau. of Samuel and Abigail Weeks, Feb. 28. John T., s. of George and Judith Calhoun. Jan. 3. Abigail W., dau. of John and Catherine Farrand, Dec. 4. Orran M., s. of James and Miriam Armstrong, June i4. Laura, dau. of David and Abigail Whittlesey, P"'eb. 19. Sarah J., dau. of John and Tabitha Clark, Jan. 20. Sarah, dau. of Thomas and Annis Armstrong, April 1. Sally, dau. of Aaron and Content Foot, Oct. 3. Asaph, s. of John and Mary Wliittlesev. Jan. 4. Eli, s. of Eli and Ann Tuttle, " April 24. Bathsheba, dau. of Jeff and Phyllis Liberty (and is free), Nov. 17. Sarah, dau. of John and Martha Powell, March 25. Chloe, dau. of Perry A. and Dorothy Whittlesey, Jan. 24. Jacob, s. of Jacob and Ann Baker, Sept. 23. Elizabeth M., dau. of Cornelius and Esther Hamlin. Oct. 2. Daniel Parish, Feb. 13. Catherine Wildman, Dec. 1. Phineas N.. s. of Samuel and Mary Clark, May 10. Sarah, dau. of Gideon and Frances Camp, March 16. 318 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Leman Canfield, Russell, s. of Natlianiel and Lucy Brown, Simeon, s. of Epliraim and Mary Baker, Grill, dau. of James and Abigail Mead, Ruggles, s. of Wells and Andra Beardsley, Feb. 7. April 4. March 3. Jan. 26. Feb. 13. 1782. Daniel, s. of Daniel and Tlieuda Copley, Jan. 1. Sarah, dau. of Simeon and Esther Mitchell, Jan. 31. Daniel B. F.. s. of Hon. Daniel N. and Abigail Brinsmade, Oct. 15. Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel and Molly Til)balls, Feb. 4. Mason, s. of Thomas and Isabel Knaping, Oct. 28. WiUiam H., s. of Joseph and Mehetabel Easton, April 11. Dolly, dau. of Perry A. and Dorathy Whittlesey, Dec. 28. Abigail A., dau. of Thomas and Jerusha Parker, -A-Ug. 27. Norman, s. of Elijah and Esther Hazen, Feb. 22. Sally Hine, Nov. 20. Ruth A., dau. of John and Elisabeth Parraelee, March 30. Heman, s. of Andrew and Casiah Hine, Jan. 17. Abigail W., dau. of John and Catharine Farrand, Dec. 18. Jonathan Farrand, May 16. Allen, s. of Issacher and Jerusha Norton, Aug. 15. Abner, s. of James and Abigail Mead, Dec. 24. Daniel, s. of Daniel and Elizabeth Perkins. Jan. 22. 1783. Jedediah, s. of John and Tabitha Clark, April .'7. Polly, dau. of John and Ann Royce, March 19. Elisha, s. of John and Mary Whittlesey, Oct. 19. Silas, s. of Sylvester and EHsabeth McKay, July 7. Wm. C, s. of Thomas and Sarah Farmer, Dec. 30. Betsey, dau. of Hezekiah and Olive Whitney, Nov. 4. John, s. of Eli and Ann Tuttle, April 7. Matilda, dau. of George and Judith Calhoun, Feb. 11. Nabby, dau. of Martin and Sarah Whittlesey, May 8. Laura, dau. of Nathaniel and Catherine Bosworth, May 10. Jane, dau. of Isaac and Ann Livingston, Jan. 2. Mary Comings, Jan. 1 1 . Sybil, dau. of William Sharp, April 27. Nabby, dau. of Gideon and Frances Camp, July 30. Anthony, s. of John and Mary Smith, Feb. 28. Fowler, s. of Samuel and Sarah Bryan, Oct. 12. Solomon, s. of Nathaniel and Lucy Brown, Aug. 16. Amos J., s. of Richard and Mabel Bryan, Nov. 2. Ephraim, s. of Ephraim and Mary Bowles, Feb. 7. Lucy, dau. of Wells and Andra Beardsley, Feb. !?. Sarah, dau. of Samuel and Abigail Weeks, April 1 . B I li T II 6 I X WASHINGTON. 319 1784. Seymour, s. of Thomas and Annis Armstrong, Sept. 11. Laura, dau. of Nathaniel and Molly Tibballs. Jan. 7. Betsey, dau. of Joseph and Mabel Bartliolomew, Dec. 4. Simeon, s. of Elijah and Hannah Hicok, Dec. 19. Sarah, dau. of Joseph and Mehetable Easton, Sept. 24. Sarah, dau. of John and Martha Powell, April 27. Curtiss S., s. of Thomas and Olive Parmelee, July 28. Laaison, s. of Cornelius and Mary Allen, July 2. Sally, dau. of David and Sarah Davies, Sept. 17. Betsey Tomlinson, April 15. Theodosia, dau. of Elijah and Esther Hazen, Oct. 18. Thankful, dau. of Jacob and Ann Baker, Nov. 12. Marilla, dau. of Gideon and Currence Hollister, July 4. Eunice J., dau. of Issacher and Jerusha Norton. March 24. Isaac J., s. of Elijah and Sarah Perkins, Jan. 28. Mathew, s. of Mathew and Sarah Logan, May 8. Sally, dau. of Chancey Camp. Nov. 17. Gilbert R., ) f r> ,. i a u n- April 25. y ,, ' |- sons of Party and Sarah time, ,^1^ . , Harry, s. of Wells and Andra Beardsley, Oct. 7. 1785. Betsey, dau. of Thomas and Isabel Knaping, Feb. 24. Abigail, dau. of Joseph and Sarah Cary, April 7. Lydia, dau. of Eli and Lydia Wordin, Oct. 23. Henrietta, dau. of Jeff and Phyllis Liberty, and is free, Sept. 22. John, s. of Nathan and Hannah Tibballs, March 7. Polly, dau. of George and Judith Calhoun, Sept. 18. Abigail, dau. of David and Elizabeth Judson, Jan. 20. Mary, dau. of Eli and Ann Tuttle, Aug. 30. Thomas D., s. of Nathaniel and Catherine Bosworth. May 25. P(MTy, s. of Perry A. and Dorothy Averill, March 5. Sarali, dau. of Abijah and Tabitha Dean, March 3. Phebe, dau. of James ami Polly Stoddard, Feb. 19. Thomas C, s. of Thomas and Jerusha Parker, Feb. 25. "Pairpint" Munro, son of Sally Hine, July 12. William G., s. of Andrew and Elisabeth Hendrake, Aug. 28. Daniel, s. of William Sharp, Nov. 23. John M. Ford, May 24. Daniel, s. of Samuel and Mary (Mark, July 28. Jonas W.. s. of John and Catherine Eurrand, Jan. 29. Treat, s. of Gideon and Frances Camp, Oct. 3. Lewis, s. of John and Mary Smith, Feb. 19. Jonas, s. of Samuel and Sai-ah Bryan, Nov. 15. Eli, s. of Uriah and Eunice Tucker, Aug. 4. Chester, s. of Richard and Mabel Bryan, Oct. 7. *So read.-) the record. 320 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Laura, dau. of Elijah and Sarah Perkins, June 3. Lucy, dau. of Ephraim and Mary Baker, July 9. Joanna, dau. of James and Abigail Mead, Feb. 28. John Adams, Jr., June 22. 1786. Betsey, dau. of Benjamin and Hannah Galpin, March 14. Polly, dau. of Thomas and Isabel Knaping, Dec. 29. Philo, s. of Joseph and Mabel Clark, July 8. David C, s. of David and Elisabeth Judson, June 29. Rebecca, dau. of John and Martha Powell, July 1. Asa H., s. of Thomas and Olive Parmelee, June 8. Edmond, s. of Cornelius and Mary Allen, July 19. Pbcbecca R., dau. of Daniel S. and Lydia Brinsmade, Feb. 26. Samuel, s. of David and Sarah Davies, Dec. 3. Jane, dau. of Isaac and Ann Livingston, Feb. 2. Daniel T., s. of Simeon and Esther Mitchell, June 15. Elenora Clark, Dec. 4. Anna, dau. of Joseph and Mary Whittlesey, April 21. Silence, dau. of Samuel and Lydia Leavitt, Feb. 7. Susan, dau. of John and Mary Smith, Is^ov. 22. Josiah, s. of David and Jane Reynolds, May 5. Jerusha, dau. of Issachar and Jerusha Norton, Dec. 23. Comfort, dau. of Chauncey Camp, March 1 . Leman, s. of Party and Sarah Hine, May 21. 1787. Polly, dau. of James and Mirriam Armstrong, Jan. 2. Oliver, s. of Joseph and Sarah Cary, Nov. 21. Roderick, s. of Joseph and Mehetabel Easter, May 17. William, s. of Nathan and Hannah Tibballs, April 5. Mary S., dau. of Warren and Mary Sherwood, Dec. 16. James, s. of Eli and Ann Tut tie, Dec. 29. Samuel, s. of Perry A. and Dorothy Whittlesey, Feb. 7. Rhoda, dau. of Abijah and Tabitha Dean, March 15. Israel, s. of James and Polly Stoddard, Feb. 13. Laurain, s. of James and Chloe Logan, Jan. 5. Nancy, dau. of Samuel and Lucy Smith, Dec. 29. David, 2d s. of Joseph and Mary Whittlesey, Aug. 18. Starr, s. of Moses Titus, Feb. 6. Lucretia, dau. of Joseph and Mirriam Frost, July 7. Nancy, dau. of Gideon and Frances Camp, Aug. 16. Leman, s. of Hezekiah and Jen;iima Ackley, Nov. 10. Polly, dau. of Samuel and Maiy Clark, April 4. Alexander, s. of Richard and Mabel Bryan, May 11. Elijah H., s. of Elijah and Sarah Perkins, May 3. James, s. of James and Abigail Mead, April 13. Daniel, s. of Samuel and Annie Baker, Dec. 5. B I Ji T H .s IN W A S H I N G T () N . 3'2 1 1788. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Hannah Galpin, March 10. Olive, dau. of Joseph and Mabel Clark, A-Ug. 7. George A., s. of George and Judith Calhoun, Oct. 11. Charles A., s. of David and Elisabeth Judson, May 8. Mary, dau. of John and Martha Powell, -A-Ug. 7. Stephen, s. of Nathaniel and Catherine Bosworth, Aug. 12. David, s. of Francis and Elisabeth Hall, Sept. 25. Elisabeth 0., dau. of Thomas and Olive Parmelee, Dec. 15. Asahel, s. of James and Chloe Logan, Aug. 14. Irene, dau. of Rev. Noah and Lucy Merwin, April 10. John, s. of John and Sarali Baldwin, March 17. Henry, s. of Josepli and Maiy Whittlesey, Oct. 26. Seymour, s. of Moses Titus, Oct. 6. Sarah A., dau. of Jonathan and Sarah Hine, Feb. 4. Sene, dau. of Samuel and Mary Clark, June 2. John, s. of John and Catherine Farrand, Dec. 4. Piatt, s. of Samuel and Sarah Bryan, Dec. 30. Anson, s. of Elijah and Sarah Perkins, Nov. 6. Lity, dau. of Ephraim and Mary Baker, July 19. Hawley, s. of Benjamin and Jane Morehouse, Aug. 1. Clarissa, dau. of Chauncey Camp, July 20. Austin, s. of Party and Sarah Hine, Nov. 21. 1789. Laura, dau. of Cornelius and Mary Allen, March 5. Lydia C, dau. of Daniel S. and Lydia, March 29. Sheldon, s. of Johnson and Susanna Logan, Aug. 14. Lydia C, dau. of Daniel and Lydia Brinsmade, March 29. Martha, dau. of Isaac and Ann Livingston, Nov. 5. Philo, s. of Thomas and Jerusha Parker, March 30. Estlier, dau. of Simeon and Esther Mitchell, July 22. Seymour Titiis, Oct. 6. Sylva, dau. of William Sharp, Nov. 10. Hene, dau. of William and Rhoda Clark, Jan. 7. Jared, s. of Joseph and Mirriam Frost, March 6. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Lydia Leavitt, Feb. 9. Philo, s. of John and Mary Smith, Dec. 15. Erastus, s. of David and Jane Reynolds, Jan. 4. Abby, dau. of Hezekiah and Jemima Ackley, Dec. 18. Clarrilla, dau. of Samuel and Mary Clark, July 17. Daniel W., s. of Issachar and Esther Norton, Aug. 22. Susan, dau. of Richard and Mabel Bryan, June 14. Barbara, dau. of Joseph and Rachel Hartwell, Oct. 31. 1790. Pettit, s. of Benjamin and Hannah Galpin. Oct. 21. Phebe S., dau. of Warren and Mary Sherwood, Feb. 16. Vol. III.— 41 322 HISTORY OP AN CI EN T WOODB U R Y. Alma, dau. of David and Elisabeth Davies, Roderick N., s. of Eli and Ann Tuttle, Patience M., dau. of Perry A. and Dorothy Whittlesey, Nancy, dau. of Abijah and Tabitha Dean, Daniel, s. of Daniel and Eunice Nettleton, Sally, dau. of Truman and Sally Pitcher, James, s. of James and Polly Stoddard, Sally, dau. of Jam^es and Chloe Logan, Susan, dau. of Johnson and Susannah Logan, Sherman, s. of Isaac and Mary Hartwell, Marilla, dau. of Samuel and Lucy Smith, Harry Hubbell, Laura, dau. of Jesse and Ruth Baker, Betsey Carrington, Samuel White, Betsey, dau. of John and Elisabeth Parmelee, Harriet, dau. of William and Rhoda Clark, [She died Oct. 31, 1801.] Deming, s. of Joseph and Mary Whittlesey, Lucy, dau. of Joseph and Meriam Frost, John W., s. of Samuel and Lydia Leavitt, Betty, dau. of Gideon and Frances Camp, Alvin, s. of Nathaniel and Lucy Brown, Abigail, dau. of James and Abigail Mead, Amy Brown, Ira, s. of Samuel and Annie Baker, Demos, s. of Benjamin and Jane Morehouse, Sheldon, s. of Party and Sarah Hine, Nathaniel S., s. of Sylvester and Mary Wheaton, 1791. James, s. of James and Mirriam Armstrong, Sherman, s. of John and Chloe Kinne, Russell, s. of Samuel and Ann Twiss, Harmon, s. of John and Lois Nichols, Sarah A. and Eunice A., twin chh. of Thomas and Olive Parmelee, Lyman, s. of Daniel and Eunice Nettleton, Polly, dau. of Cornelius and Mary Allen, Anna, dau. of Isaac and Ann Livingston, Truman, s. of Elias and Phebe Guthrie, Esther, dau. of Elijah and Esther Hazen, Hareissa, dau. of Elias Kenney, Larry, s. of Andrew and Abigail Hendrake, Alanson, s. of Ezekiel and Betsey Newton, Irene, dau. of WilUam Sharp, Sally, dau. of William and Rhoda Clark, Onesemus, s. of Moses Titus, June 6. Nov. 28. Jan. 5. April 19. April 9. May 24 Aug. 8 March 18 Oct. 5 Dec. 2 May 7 Nov. 30 June 18 ■ Aug. 18 March 1 March 8 Jan. 20 July 9 Oct. July 3 Feb. 20 June 29 Jan. 8 Sept. 16 Jan. 22 April 22 July 16 Aug. 20 Nov. 12 April 9 April 28 Nov. 18 Nov. 21 Dec. 13 April 6 Nov. 5 Feb. 24 Oct. 18 Jan. 27 July 7 March 24 March 15 May 31 July 7 BFRTHS IN WASHINGTON 323 Laura, dau. of Jonathan and Sarah Hine, Ann W., dau. of John and Catherine Parrand, William, s. of John and Mary Smith, Clarinda, dau. of David and Jane Reynolds, Eunice, dau. of Samuel and Mary Clark, Jerusha E., dau. of Issacher and Esther Norton, Nathaniel, s. of Richard and Mabel Bryan, Azariah, s. of Elijah and Sarah Perkins, Sarah, dau. of Benjamin and Jane Morehouse, Mills, s. of Chauncey Camp, 1792. Solomon, s. of David and Elisabeth Davies, Betsey, dau. of John and Martha Powell, Harvey, s. of Samuel and Ann Twiss, Elisha, s. of Perry A. and Dorothy Whittlesey, Philo, s. of Truman and Betsey Pitcher, Daniel E., s. of Daniel S. and Lydia Brinsmade, Daniel J., s. of James and Polly Stoddard, Patty, dau. of James and Cliloe Logan, Polly, dau. of Luke and Orphany Teeple, Samuel W., s. of Samuel and Sarah Baldwin, Anne, dau. of Solomon and Hepsibah Titus, Sally Sanford, Wheeler, s. of Ezekiel and Betsey Newton, Nancy Baldwin, Mary A., dau. of Wilham and Amarillis Cogswell. Abel, s. of Abel and Elisabeth Curtiss, William, s. of Wilham and Rhoda Clark, Mary, dau. of Joseph and Mary Whittlesey, Gideon, s. of Gideon and Currence Hollister, David, s. of Gideon and Frances Camp, Jason, s. of Brinsmade Gibson, deceased, Sally, dau. of Hezekiah and Jemima Ackley, Charles B.. s. of Issacher and Esther Norton, Nancy, dau. of P and Anna Baldwin, Rosanna, dau. of James and Abigail Mead, Sally, dau. of Stephen and Anna Cogswell, Anne, dau. of Samuel and Anne Baker, Susan, dau. of Joseph and Rachel Hartwell, Polly, dau. of Benjamin and Jane Morehouse, Riley, s. of Reuel and Rhoda Cogswell, 1793. Harley, s. of Joseph and Mehetabel Easton, Salmon, s. of John and Chloe Kinne, John G., s. of David and Lucy Curtiss, Betsey, dau. of Truman and Betsey Pitcher, March 3. July April May Dec. 1. 11. 1. 8. Jan. 11. Sept. Feb. 10. 4. July Sept. 6. 12. Aug. 20. Aug. 5. March 22. April May Dec. 30. 24. 3. Nov. 13. Feb. 8. May 4. March 16. May Oct. 22. 6. Aug. Sept. Jan. 2. 11. 6. April Aug. June 12. 11. 7. Feb. 2. Nov. 22. Feb. 1. March 29. Dec. 23. Sept. 11. March 28. Jan. 11. Sept. April Nov. 29. 6. 27. Jan. 28. Feb. 8. March 5. June 19. Oct. 3. 324 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Leverit, s. of Cornelius and Mary Allen, Sarah A., dau. of John and Sarah Baldwin, Isaac, s. of Isaac and Ann Livingston, Maria, dau. of Isaac and Mary Hartwell, Lucy, dau. of Samuel and Lucy Smith, Abel, s. of Gould and Rebecca Camp, Amarillis, dau. of William and Amarillis Cogswell, Charles, s. of Joseph and Mary Whittlesey, Daniel, s. of Moses Titus, Truman, s. of Gideon and Currence Hollister, Elisha, s. of Abner and Phebe Mitchell, Alden, s. of Samuel and Sarah Bryan, Sylvia, dau. of David and Jane Reynolds, Samuel S., s. of Samuel and Mary Clark, Cyrus, s. of Elijah and Sarah Perkins, Ruth Ann, dau. of Stephen and Anna Cogswell, Jeremiah, s. of Chauncey Camp, Charles, s. of Reuel and Rhoda Cogswell, 1794. Frederick W. and Francis H., sons of David and Elis- abeth Davis, Edna, dau. of Gideon and Anna Moseley, Hezekiah, s. of James and Chloe Logan, Stiles, s. of Solomon and Hepsibah Titus, John, s. of Bzekiel and Betsey Newton, Annis, dau. of William and Rhoda Clark, Hannah, dau. of Ruel and Rhoda Cogswell, Polly, dau. of Jonathan and Sarah Hine, William, s. of Samuel and Lydia Leavitt, Hannah, dau. of Gershom and Betsey Fenn, Sally W., dau. of David and Cynthia Geers, Esther, dau. of John and Catherine Farrand, Chester, s. of Hezekiah and Jemima Ackley, Laura, dau. of Edward and Betsey Frisbie, Lillie and Sally, twin daughters of Richard and Mabel Bryan, Nathaniel, s. of Anthony and Phebe Strong, Alba, dau. of Benjamin and Jane Morehouse, Burr, s. of Party and Sarah Hine. Sylvester S., s. of Sylvester a,nd Mary Wheaton, 1795. William, s. of John and Martha Powell, Augustine, s. of Perry A. and Dorothy Whittlesey, Sally, dau. of James and Miriam Armstrong, David, s. of Daniel and Eunice Nettleton, Harmon J., s. of Truman and Betsey Pitcher, John, s. of Samuel Twiss, March 23. May 11. May 9. Dec. 28. Sept. 27. Oct. 27. Sept. 24. Oct. 5. Sept. 10. Dec. 2. Aug. 19. Oct. 5. April 25. Dec. 29. Feb. 25. Dec. 19. Aug. 29. July 4. Sept. 13 Aug. Feb. 24 20 Feb. 9 Dec. 25 Dec. 20 Nov. 23 Jan. 10 Jan. 14 June 14 Jan. 5 Oct. 5 Sept. June 24 3 Oct. 12 April April Nov. 24 30 24 Sept. 8 April 17 Aug. 30 Sept. 25 March 25 Sept. 11 March 6 BIRTHS IN WARHrNOTON, 325 Keziah, dau. of Cornelius and Mary Allen, Polly E., dau. of James and Polly Stoddard, Sally, dau. of James and Cliloe Logan, Polly, dau. of Johnson and Susanna Logan, Elisabeth and Phebe, twin daughters of John and Sarah Baldwin. Melinda, dau. of Isaac and Ann Livingston, Lurinda, dau. of Elias Kinney, Abiel, s. of Abiel Baldwin, Ruth, dau. of WiUiam and Amarillis Cogswell, Luman, s. of Joseph and Mary Whittlesey, Phebe, dau of Joseph and Miriam Frost, Archibald, s. of John and Hannah Cogshall, Sophia, dau. of David and Jane Reynolds, Sherman, s. of Edward and Betsey Frisbie, Olin, s. of Fowler M. and Catherine Piatt, Lyman, s. of Paley and Anna Baldwin, Minerva, dau. of Joseph and Rachel Hartwell, Sheldon, s. of Chauncey Camp, 1796. Joseph A., s. of Joseph and Mabel Clark, Sophia, dau. of Gideon and Anna Moseley, Sally, dau. of Luke and Orphany Teeple, Polly A., dau. of Calvin and Huldah Calhoun, Farrand, s. of Isaac and Ann Livingston, Abigail F., dau. of Simeon and Esther Mitchell, Samuel M., s. of Samuel and Lucy Smith, Mary A.,- dau. of Gould and Rebecca Camp, Horilla, ch. of Ornial and Anna Gibson, Rufus, s. of Samuel and Lydia Leavitt, Jotham C, s. of Gershom and Betsey Fenn, Nancy, dau. of Samuel and Mary Clark, Hiram R., s. of Jacob and Mary Cummings, William, s. of Stephen and Anna Cogswell, Leman, s. of Benjamin and Jane Morehouse, John, 8. of Isaac and Elisabeth Parish, Feb. 15. Jan. 1. April 5. June G. July 30. Aug. 16. Feb. 20. March 31. Sept. 24. March 15. Sept. 11. June 1 1 . Sept. 4. March 18. May 24. Jan. 19. Dec. 22. Aus:. 23. Aug. 15 Oct. 12 Nov. 7 May 11 Nov. 5 July 11 June 13 Feb. 15 Oct. 29 May 11 Feb. 20 June 14 Jan. 25 Sept. 4 Jan. 17 Nov. 12 1797. Daniel, s. of David and Elisabeth Davis. Nathaniel, s. of Uriel and Rachel Galpin, Abigail, dau. of Daniel and Eunice Nettleton, Sarah, dau. of Samuel Twiss, Patty, dau. of James and Chloe Logan, Jared S., s. of Sylvester and Mary Wheaton, Julia, dau. of Johnson and Susanna Logan, Polly B., dau. of Samuel and Sarah Baldwin, Sarah B., dau. of Daniel and Sarah Calhoun, March 18. Aug. 13. Nov. 22. July 16. Oct. 3. Aug. 28. July 10. Jan. 24. Jan. 14. 326 HISTORY OF. ANCIENT WOODBURY. Huldali. dau. of Solomon and Hepzibah Titus, June 2. Louis S., s. of Elias Kinney, " Sept. 17. Garry, s. of Ezekiel and Betsey Newton, Aug. 16. Annis, dau. of Abiel Baldwin (d. April 15, 1798), Jan. 23. Sally J., dau. of William and Amarillis Cogswell, Aug. 26. Daniel, s. of John and Elisabeth Parmelee, July 25. Almira, dau. of Joseph and Anna Clark, Sept. 14. Isaac D., s. of Nehemiah Patterson, Nov. 13. Truman H. and Haspin T., twin sons of William and Rhoda Clark (d. 5 months later), May 10. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Mary Whittlesey, Dec. 8. Minerva, dau. of Moses Titus, . Oct. 12. Homer, s. of Jedediah and Anna Camp, Oct. 17. Catherine, dau. of John and Catherine Farrand, Oct. 3. Diantha, dau. of Samuel and Jerusha Frisbie, Oct. 10. Elnathan, s. of Abner and Pliebe Mitchell, Jan. 14. Chloe, dau. of David and Jane Reynolds, April 12. Mary, dau. of Hezekiah and Jemima Ackley, Feb. 20. Henry, s. of Fowler M. and Catherine Piatt, June 16. Jehiel, s. of Elijah and Sarah Perkins, Jan. 10. Comfort, dau. of Peleg and Anna Baldwin, June 23. Avis, dau of Reuel and Rhoda Cogswell, Aug. 28. Lois S., dau. of Chauncey and Clarane Gunn, Dec. 21. Rutb A., dau. of Elijah and Anne Cary, Aug. 8. Orley N., s. of Gideon and Susan Foot, Aug. 25. 1798. Frederick W., s. of Perry A. and Dorothy Whittlesey, Feb. 14. Lois, dau. of David and Mary Elderkin, March 15. Betsey, dau. of Cornelius and Mary Allen, May 18. John C, s. of Calvin and Huldah Calhoun, June 23. John N., s. of John N. and Polly Gxmn, Aug. 1. John, s. of Joseph Davidson, Feb. 28. Polly A., dau. of Amos and Polly Smith, May 5. Fanny, dau. of Gould and Rebecca Camp, Sept. 17. Asahel R., s. of Orinal and Anna Gibson, Aug. 29. Horatio N., s. of Gershom and Betsey Fenn, March 3. Welcome, dau. of David and Cynthia Geers, May 4. Elisabeth, dau. of John and Hannah Coggshall, Feb. 24. Mary W., dau. of Hezekiah and Jemima Ackley, July 6. Nathan, s. of Edward and Betsey Frisbie, May 8. Merit, s. of John and Molly Woodruff, Nov. 25. Clarissa A., dau. of Jacob and Mary Cummings, Jan. 15. Stephen, s. of Stephen and Anna Cogswell, May 3. Garry W., s. of Martin and Lorana Whittlesey, Dec. 28. Seymour, s. of Benjamin and Jane Morehouse, Jan. 24. Susan, dau. of Elijah and Anne Cary, Oct. 20. William, s. of Isaac and Elisabeth Parish, Nov. 18. BIRTHS IN WASHINGTON. 327 1799. Patty, dau. of Daniel and Eunice Nettleton, Betsey, dau. of James and Miriam Armstrong, Fred. C, s. of Gideon and Anna Moseley, Truman H., s. of Truman and Betsey Pitcher, Sophronia, dau. of Johnson and Susanna Logan. Amarilla, dau. of liuke and Orphany Teeple, Sheldon, s. of John and Sarah Baldwin, Abigail, dau. of Isaac and Ann Livingston, Daniel S., s. of Truman and Rhoda Parker, Daniel B., s. of Daniel and Sarah Calhoun, Harmon, s. of James and Sally Calhoun, Frederick, s. of Daniel and Martha Whittlesey, Gerardus, s. of Abiel (died Oct. 21, 1804,) Baldwin, William J., s. of William and Amarillis Cogswell, Patty M., dau. of Joseph and Anna Clark, Sherman, s. of Nehemiah Patterson, Ithiel, s. of Curtis and Sarah Hickox, Charlotte, dau. of Elijah and Mary (^alhoun, Lucinda, dau. of Elijah and Lovisa Nothrup. Matthew E., s. of Abner and Phebe Mitchell, Lucy, dau. of David and Jane Reynolds, Miles, s. of Toby and Anna Baldwin, Laura, dau. of Martin and Lorana Whittlesey, Gideon S.. s. of Gideon and Susan Foot, Sheldon, s. of Ezra and Abigail Burgess, 1800. James, s. of James and Chloe Logan, Sally B., dau. of Johnson and Susannah Logan, Isaac, s. of John and Sarah Baldwin. Herman, s. of Samuel and Sarah Baldwin, Joseph C, s. of Calvin and Huldah Calhoun, Landon B., s. of Isaac and Ann Livingston, Barnard, s. of Patrick and Serah O'Car, Sherman P., s. of Sherman P. and Sally Hollister, Lora, dau. of Samuel and Lucy Smith, Polly L., dau. of John N. and Polly Gunn, Samuel, s. of Joseph Davidson, William S., s. of Amos and Polly Smith, Laurin. s. of Ezekiel and Betsey Newton, i Edward and Edwin, twins of Daniel and Orra Norton, Shelden C, s. of Joseph and Maiy Whittlesey, Simeon, s. of Samuel and Betsey Ford, Charles, s. of Moses Titus, Laui'a, dau. of Jedediah and Anna Camp, Betsey, dau. of Jonathan and Sarah Hine, Diantha, dau. of Orinal and Anna Gibson, Oct. 27. Aug. 8. June 14. Maixh 15. Feb. 16. Sept. IL March 12. Nov. 5. May 20. Jan. 11. March 14. June 12. March 7. Nov. 4. March 14. March 18. June 9. Nov. 21. Nov. 15. . Oct. 16. Sept. 2. April 4. Feb. 28. July U. April 3. Sept. 6. Jan. 22. Oct. 27. Dec. 5. March 1 6. April 2. May 20. Nov. 28. March 3. Jan. 15. June 12. June 30. Aug. 17. Jan. 9. May 20: Sept. 16. June 15. Jan. 4. Aug. 15. 328 HISTOKY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Bennet G. and Betsey, twin chh. of Gerghom and Betsey Fenn, July 13. Parnielia, dau. of David and Cynthia Geers, Oct. 15. Lillie, dau. of Samuel and Jerusha Frisbie, Aug. 6. Harvey, s. of John and Hannah Cogswell, Sept. 20. Sally, dau. of John B. and Sarah Hurd, March 1 1 . Ebenezer W., s of Isaac and Sarah Beers, Jan. 9. Martin, s. of Hezekiah and Jemima Ackley, Nov. 17. Harman S., s. of Edward and Betsey Frisbie, Nov. 24. Herman L., s. of Jacob and Mary Cummings, May 2. Laura, dau. of Stephen and /Vnna Cogswell, Feb. 23. Burr, s. of Chauncy Camp, March 12. Mary R., dau. of Chauncy and Clarane Gunn, May 12. Amanda, dau. of Elijah and Anne Cary, Sept. 11. Polly B., dau. of Isaac and Elisabeth Parish, Dec. 24. 1801. Horace, s. of Perry A. and Dorothy Whittlesey, Nov. 14. Sally, dau. of Patrick and Serah O'Car, Oct. 10. Abigail, dau. of Daniel and Sarah Calhoun, June 23. Daniel B., s. of Isaac and Mary Hart well, Aug. '2. Tebe S., dau. of John N. and Polly Gunn, Oct. 10. Frances P., dau. of Daniel and Martha Whittlesey, June 26. Annis, dau. of Abiel Baldwin, Dec. 3. Theodore, s. of William and Amarillis Cogswell, April 27. Fanny, dau. of Nehemiah Pattei'son, Feb. 1. Ralph, s. of Joseph and Mary Whittlesey, July 2. William, s. of Jacob and Ann Baker, Oct. 9. Abigail E., dau. of John and Catherine Farrand, Aug. 9. Betsey, dau. of Elijah and Louisa Nortbrup. Nathan, s. of Samuel and Mary Clark, June 8. Daniel, s. of Paley and Anna Baldwin, March 17. Aurilla, dau. of Samuel and Anne Baker, Aug. 19. Harriet, dau. of Martin and Lorana Whittlesey, July 31. Lucretia, dau. of Reuel and Rhoda Cogswell, Jan. 7. Susan, dau. of Gideon and Susan Foot, Nov. 28. 1802. Rufus, s. of John and Sarah Baldwin, Dec. 28. Laura, dau. of Truman and Rhoda Parker, June 18. Lavina E., dau. of John and Lorinda Piatt, May 22. Lois, dau. of Joseph Davidson, May 4. Simeon Ford Logan, May 23. Rev. Dr. Horace, s. of Ensign and Dotha Bushnell, April 14. Anne, dau. of Elijah Cary, July 8. Irene, dau. of Hiel, Jr., and Jane Baldwin, Sept. 15. Caroline, dau. of Daniel and Orra Norton, March 29. Caroline J., dau. of Jedediah and Anna Camp, May 3. Praaun, s. of Orinal and Anna Gibson, Nov. 12. BIKTHS IN WASHINGTON. 329 John W., s. of John and Catherine Farrand, July 17. Eunice, dau. of Lewis and Abigail Hicock, Feb. 4. Lyman, s. of Ezra and Polly Beach, May 29. Lucy, dau. of David and Jane Reynolds, March 8. Eliza, dau. of Hezekiah and Jemima Ackley, May 31. Theodosia, dau. of Edward and Betsey Frisbie, May 8. Mary, dau. of Stephen and Anna Cogswell, March 29. William, s. of Joseph and Rachel Hartwell, Oct. 20. Anna, dau. of Elijah and Anne. Cary, July 8. 1803. Jesse, s. of Elijah and Anne Cary, Dec. 6. John, s. of Luke and Orphany Teeple, Oct. 18. Shelden H., s. of Calvin and Huldah Calhoun, Dec. 5. Eliza A., dau. of Justus and Patty Parker, Feb. 17. Patrick, s. of Patrick and Serah (VCar, Feb. 22. Laura M., dau. of Sherman P. and Sally Hollister, March. Rufus, s. of Samuel and Lucy Smith, Nov. 6. Garry, s. of James and Sally Calhoun, May 30. Samuel N., s. of William and Abigail Ford, Dec. 8. Jesse, s. of Elijah Carey, Dec. 6. Allen M., s. of Barna and Mary Abbott, Jan. 6. David Chester, s. of Daniel and Martha Whittlesey, March 29. Eliza, dau. of William and Amarillis Cogswell, Oct. 4. Chauncy, s. of Stephen and Polly Chase, Feb. 8. Ezekiel, s. of Nathan and Laura Newton. • Nov. 14. Eunice, dau. of Joseph and Anna Clark, Jan. 20. Orra and Lorry, twins of Daniel and Orra Norton, Dec. 3. Sally, dau. of Joseph and Mary Whittlesey, April 21. Jonathan N., s. of Jonathan and Sarah Hine, March 2. Amanda, dau. of Elijah and Mary Calhoun, Oct. 24. Mary, dau. of Gershom and Betsey Fenn, May 5. Eliza, dau. of David and Cynthia Geers, March 10. Simeon W., s. of Chauncey and Clarane Gunn, Nov. 21. Asa, s. of Israel and Ehsabeth Parish, Nov. 24. Elisha, s. of Reuel and Rhoda Cogswell, July 2. Irene, dau. of Samuel and Jerusha Frisbie (d. April 21, 1812). Orrin, s. of John and Hannah Cogswell, Sept. 15. Polly P., dau. of Ezra and Polly Beach, Nov. 10. John, s. of John B. and Sarah ilurd, Aug. 25. Sheldon, s. of Simeon and Elisabeth Baker, July 3. Irene, dau. of William and Elisabeth Calhoun, Aug. 3. Henry H., s. of Dr. Warren N. and Polly Fowler, Feb. 21. Joshua C, s. of Jacob and Mary Cummings, Jan. 3. Sally M., dau. of Joseph and Louisa Blake, March I. Vol. III.— 42 330 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1804. William, s. of Isaac and Ann Livingston, March 20. Seth, s. of Daniel and Sarah Calhoun, June 25. Sena, dan. of Solomon and Hepsibah Titus, June 22. Nabby, dau. of John and Polly Gunn, Nov. 30. Harvey, s. of James and Sally Calhoun, Dec. 21. Eliza, dau. of Caleb Barnes, July 22. Robert S., s. of John and Lorinda Piatt, May 22. Norman, s. of Joseph Davidson, June 10. Harlow H., s. of Ezekiel and Betsey Newton, Feb. 24. Charles W., s. of Abiel Baldwin, Feb. 23. Daniel, s. of Samuel and Jerusha Frisbie, Aug. 15. Daniel N., s. of Leman Can field, March 25. Everett, s. of Isaac and Sarah Beers, April 9. Alvin, s. of Samuel and Mary Clark, May 20. Eliza, dau. of Edward and Betsey Frisbie, Oct. 12. Laura 2d, dau. of Martin and Lorana Whittlesey, April 25. Russell, s. of Daniel and Prudence Cogswell, Nov. 17. Mary S., dau. of Mark Kirth. Dec. 12. John D., s. of Hezekiah and Jemima Ackley, Dec. 16. Rhoda, dau. of Reuel and Rhoda Cogswell, Nov. 26. 1805. Catherine, dau. of Luke and Orphany Teeple, Dec. 17. D. Nathan, s. of Daniel and Eunice Nettleton, -A.ug. 5. Norman, s. of Truman and Rhoda Parker, March 4. Shelden, s. of Justus and Patty Parker, Feb. 20. Clarissa, dau. of Sherman P. and Sally Holhster, Nov. 14. John R., s. of Hermanns and Abigail Marshall, July 10. Charlotte B., d. of Amos and Eunice Smith, Oct. 3. EHas C, s. of Elias Kinney, May 1 6. Sally, dau. of Wilham and Abigail Ford, Nov. 3. Mary E. Logan, Nov. 16. Solon B., s. of Ensign and Dotha Bushnell, June 23. Julia, dau. of Hiel, Jr., and Jane Baldwin, July 30. Sherman B., s. of Barna and Mary Abbott, June 4. Julia M., dau. of William and Amarillis Cogswell, May 1. Isaac L., s. of Joseph and Anna Clark, March 24. Ira A., s. of Daniel and Orra Norton, Dec. 6. Eunice, dau. of Moses Titus, Sept. 6. Harriet L., dau. of Jonathan and Sarah Hine, May 29. Rollinda, dau. of Orinal and Anna Gibson, Jan. 23. Susan J., dau. of Samuel and Susanna Sperry, June 1 6. Laura M., dau. of Elisha and Rachel Whitney, March 9. Plarriet, dau. of Peter and Eunice Powell, June 22. Samuel, s. of Elijah and Mary Perkins, May 20. Samuel, s. of Paley and Anna Baldwin, Oct. 1. Polly A., dau. of John and Molly Woodruff, March 14. BIRTHS IN WASHINGTON. 331 Daniel D.. s. of Jacob and Mary Cummings, Jan. 31. Laura, dau. of Samuel and Anne Baker, July 29. David, s. of Joseph and Louisa Blake, July 12. Reuel, s. of Reuel and Rhoda Cogswell, July 30. Isaac, s. of Gideon and Susan Foot, June 28. 1806. Lorena, dau. of Elijah and Anne Gary, April 7. Clarinda and Lucinda. twin daus. of Augustin and Polly Beardsley, May 4. Laura, dau. of James and Chloe Logan, Dec. Simeon L., s. of Calvin and Huldah Calhoun, -^^ug. 15. Chloe, dau. of Isaac and Ann Livingston, May 9. Daniel J., s. of Noble and Eliza Day, Feb. 15. George, s. of Abijah and Betsey Tomlinson, Feb. 5. Bryan, s. of Truman and Abigail Hicock, May 6. Mary, dau. of Daniel and Sally Parish, Nov. 3. Samuel L., s. of John N. and Polly Gunn, Nov. 30. Mary A., dau. of Caleb Barnes, June 18. Moseley N., s. of Dr. Ira Y. and Sarah A. Bronson, Jan. 12. Fanny, dau. of "William and Betsey Hendrick, Feb. 12. Doct. Leavitt, s. of Ezekiel and Betsey Newton, Feb. 4. William S., s. of Daniel and Martha "Whittlesey, Nov. 4. Salmon D., s. of Stephen and Polly Chase, June 9. Silas A., s. of Nathan and Laura Newton, Aug. 6. Harriet, dau. of Nehemiah Patterson, June 14. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Jerusha Frisbie, Sept. 8. Powell, s. of Lewis and Abigail Hicock, Nov. 25. Eliza, dau. of John and Hannah Cogshall, July 23. Truman S., s. of Ezra and Polly Beach, Oct. 19. Betsey A., dau. of Leman Canfield, July 24. Harriet, dau. of Mark Kirth, Jan. 9. Rachel E., dau. of Peter Scudder, Dec. 2. Luc)^, dau of Eben and Olive Burgess, May 26. Roxana, dau. of Daniel and Prudence Cogswell, May 23. Dolla, dau. of Hezekiah and Jemima Ackley, Dec. 7. Peter, s. of Peter and Eunice Powell, Nov. 21. Caroline, dau. of Paley and Anna Baldwin, Jan. 26. Delia, dau. of "Wait and Sally Aberuethy, Aug. 5. Shelden, s. of Martin and Lorana Whittlesey, Aug. 28. Herman C, s. of Herman and Rebeci-a Hine, Jan. 31. Charles, s. of Isaac and Elisabeth Parish, May 7. 1807. James Isaac Calhoun Newton, s. of Sally Pitcher by James Newton, March 10. Lewis B., s. of Daniel and Eunice Nettleton, Oct. 23. Nancy, dau. of Patrick and Serah O'Car, Feb. 13. Susan C., dau. of David and Susan Punderford, Jan. 21. 332 HISTORY OF ANCIENT W O O D B IT R Y . Elijah W., s. of Norman and Annis Hazen, April 23. Ebenezer C, s. of Amos and Eunice Smith, May 17. Mary, dau. of Ensign and Dotha Bushnell, -^ug. 21. Fowler, s. of Hiel, Jr., and Jane Baldwin (d. Aprils, 1809), Aug. 3. George W., s. of Barna and Mary Abbott, May 2. Horace C. Rockwell, July 4. Julia M., dau. of Abiel Baldwin, Oct. 17. Enos G., s. of Jeremy and Silence Mitchell, Feb. Harlinda, dau. of Orinal and Anna Gibson, April 24- Adelia, dau. of James and Mahetabel Ganet, Feb. 19. Thetis, dau. of Elijah and Mary Calhoun, Dec. 1 9. Cynthia, dau. of David and Cynthia Geers, Aug. 30. Edna M., dau. of Samuel and Susanna Sperry, June 20. Albert, s. of David and Jane Reynolds, . Feb. 12. Hannah A., dau. of Fowler M. and Catherine Piatt, July 9. George W., s. of Dr. "Warren and Polly Fowler, May 2. Julia A., dau. of Jacob and Mary Cummings, Feb. 17. Harriet, dau. of Joseph and Louisa Blake, Sept. 1. Simeon, s. of Daniel and Prudence Cogswell, Aug. 29. Harman, s. of Gilbert R. and Anna Kinney, Nov. 19. Ehsabeth R., dau. of Mark Kirth, Oct. 10. Thomas W., s. of Gideon and Susan Foot, Nov. 17. Daniel N. M., s. of Daniel B. and Irene Brinsmade, Nov. 6. 1808. Fanny, dau. of Isaac and Ann Livingston, June. Frederick B., son of Justus and Patty Parker, May 3. Henry N., s. of Noble and Eliza Day, Aug. 4. Ruth A., dau. of Abijah and Betsey Tomlinson, Jan. 6. Calena, dau. of Curtis and Lucinda Titus, Feb. 19. Harriet, dau. of Truman and Abigail Hicock, Aug. 9. Preston S., s. of Preston S. and Louise Hollister, Dec. 27. Lucy, dau. of Daniel and Sarah Calhoun, July 30. and died, Sept. 24. "Winthrop B., s. of Anthony and Rebecca Smith, July 28. Harriet J., dau. of Caleb Barnes, July 14. Sarah E., dau. of Matthew and Laura Logan, May 7. Susan, dau. of William and Abigail Ford, Aug. 22. William B., s. of William G. and Betsey Hendrick, Sept. 13. Augustin, s. of Ezekiel and Betsey Newton, Oct. 7. David A., s. of Daniel and Orra Norton, Feb. 15. Charles S., s. of James and Mehetabel Ganet, Aug. 16. Jane C, dau. of Gershom and Betsey Fenn, Nov. 5. Sarah A., dau. of Daniel and Mary Wheaton, Nov. 4. Mary, dau. of Simeon and Elizabeth Baker, Dec. 26. Nancy, dau. of William and Elizabeth Calhoun, Oct. 14. Elsie, dau. of Peter and Eunice Powell, Dec. 17. Dolly, dau. of Martin and Lorana Whittlesey, Nov. 2. Mary, dau. of Elijah and Annie Cary, April 4. BIRTHS IN WASHINGTON. 333 John B., son of Peter Scudder, A-ug. 31. Sarah, dau. of Isaac and Elizabeth Parish, Sept. 4. 1809. Tabitha M., dau. of Calvin and Huldah Calhoun, Nov. 14. Rufus, s. of Truman and Khoda Parker, Feb. 21. Simeon H., s. of Daniel T. and Theodosia Mitchell, Oct. 22. Giles H., s. of Abijah and Betsey Tomlinson, Sept. 22. Rebecca, dau. of Daniel and Sally Parish, Dec. 25. Sally, dau. of John N. and Polly Gunn, Oct. 1. William H., s. of Hermanns and Abigail Marshall, Oct. G. Rotus W., s. of John and Lurinda Piatt, Dec. 29. William, s. of Joseph Davidson, July 28. Susan R., dau. of Amos and Eunice Smith, May 13. Ophelia Logan, Aug. 25. Caroline, dau. of Barna and Mary Abbott, Dec. 25. Samuel G., s. of Rev. Samuel and Abigail Whittlesey, Nov. 8. Fanny A., dau. of William and Amarillis Cogswell, Feb. 16. Nathan, s. of Stephen and Polly Chase, Aug. 14. Lillie L., dau. of Jeremy and Silence Mitchell, April 10. Polly, dau. of Orinal and Anna Gibson, May 11. Sally M., dau. of Silas C. and Hannah Couch, Aug. 22. Olive J., dau. of Daniel and Mary Wheaton, Nov. 28. Russell W., s. of Samuel and Jerusha Frisbie, July 21. Harmon, s. of Ezra and Polly Beach, May 8. Esther, dau. of John B. and Sarah Hurd, Dec. 2. Lewis A., s. of Leman Canfield, - March 31. Sarah A., dau. of Isaac and Sarah Beers, Jan. 13. Charles P., s. of Gideon and Abigail Foot, June 20. Leman, s. of Gilbert, Jr., and Anne Kinne, Nov. 4. Mary A., dau. of Samuel and Susannah Sperry, April 16. Jemima, dau. of Hezekiah and Jemima Ackley, June 1. Nellie, dau. of Edward and Betsey Frisbie, March 29. Sally E., dau. of Abner and Sally Mead, Oct. 26. Jacob M., s. of Jacob and Mary Cunmiings, July 30. John, s. of Wait and Sally Abernethy, May 23. Mary H., dau. of Joseph and Louisa Baker, July 9. Hannah, dau. of Martin and Lorana Blake, Nov. 21. Nancy, dau. of Reuel and Rhoda Cogswell, Feb. 8. 1810. Jeremiah, s. of Noble and Eliza Day, Oct. 4. Joseph W., s. of Curtis and Lucinda Titus, Nov. 26. Esther, dau. of Daniel and Sarah Calhoun, July 18. Frances J., dau. of Anthony and Rebecca Smith, April 5. Elijah B., s. of Caleb Barnes, Aug. 8. Charles M., s. of Matthew and Laura Logan, Jan. 11. Joseph T., s. of Harry and Elizabeth Hubbell, June 28. Drilla, dau. of Wm. G. and Betsey Hendrick, Nov. 6. 334 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Mary A., dau. of Samuel and Nancy White, March 10. Laura, dau. of Nathan and Laura Newton, May 20. William, s. of Justus and Patty Parker, Aug. 29. George W. and Thomas H., twin sons of Daniel and Orra Norton, March 24. Peter P., s. of James and Mehetabel Ganet, May 27. Armeluna, dau. of David and Cynthia Geers, Oct. 15. Phebe R., dau. of Jonathan and Narcissa F^'arrand, July 1 9. John T., s. of John and Hannah Cogshall, June 22. Lucy, dau. of Eli Tucker, Sept. 23. Elizabeth A., dau. of Joseph, Jr., and Polly Titus, June 24. Mary, dau. of Elijah and Mary Perkins, Sept. 25. Martin D., s. of Martin and Lorana Whittlesey, July 31. William M., s. of Daniel and Prudence Cogswell, July 12. Frederick, s. of Mark Kirth, April 15. 1811. John T., s. of Patrick and Serah O'Car, March 9. Samuel F., s. of Sherman P. and Sally Holhster, Nov. 24. John B., s. of John and Anna Newton, April 27. Sally, dau. of Daniel and Sally Parish, Dec. 25. Amarillis, dau. of John and Polly Gunn, Sept. 24. David, s. of James and Sally Calhoun, May 30. William C, s. of Dr. Ira V. and Sarah Bronson, Dec. 12. John H., s. of Amos and Eunice Smith, July 9. Samuel E., s. of Ensign and Dotha Bushnell, June 12. William P., s. of Ezekiel and Betsey Newton, Jan. 27. Henry M., s. of Hiel, Jr., and Jane Baldwin, April 8. Harriet C, dau. of Daniel and Orra Norton, Nov. 4. Laura, dau. of Nehemiah Patterson, March 15. Mary E., dau. of Jeremy and Silence Mitchell, Oct. 8. Seth S., son of Philo and Clarinda Clark, Sept. 15. Betsey A., dau. of Samuel and Betsey Woodruff, May 13. Stephen S., s. of Hezekiah and Sallie Baldwin, Sept. 6. Mary E., dau. of Lewis and Ann Ford, Jan. 27. Silas M., s. of Silas C. and Hannah Couch, April 4. Laura C, dau. of Gershom and Betsey Fenn, Aug. 16. Azula, dau. of David and Cynthia Geers, July 24. Mary J., dau. of Hawley and Betsey Morehouse, Dec. 3. Simeon C, s. of Simeon and Elizabeth Baker, Oct. 13. William, s. of William and Elizabeth Calhoun, Oct. 17. Augustin F., s. of Edward and Betsey Prisbie, July 24. Betsey, dau. of John and Molly Woodruff, Feb. 15. William, s. of Wait and Sally Abernethy, Sept. 23. Clorinda, dau. of Herman and Rebecca Hine, Aug. 2. William, s. of Joseph and Louisa Blake. Dec. 25. Lydia, dau. of Reuel and Rhoda Cogswell, Oct. 3. Harriet, dau. of Reuel and Rhoda Cogswell, April 4. Philo P., s. of Gideon and Abigail Foot, Jan. 29. BIRTHS IN WASHINGTON 335 1S12. Huldah, dau. of Calvin and Huldah Calhoun, .June 15. Eliza, d. of Abijah and Betsey Tondinson, July 17. Frederick ('., s. of Cui-tis and Lucinda Titus, -''^ug. 29. Catherine B., dau. of Anthony and Rebecca Smith, Feb. 22. Phebe, dau. of Caleb Barnes, Jan. 5. Laura L., dau. of Matthew and Laura Logan, March 22. William kS., s. of William and Abigail Ford, Oct. 7. Joel, s. of Harry and Elizabeth Hubhell, Feb. 23. Wakeman E., s. of William G. and Betsey Hendrick, July 4. Elijah ^\, s. of Barna and Mary Abbott. Jan. 12. David B., s. of Samuel and Nancy White, April 18. Charles C, s. of Rev. Samuel and Abigail Whittlesey, Sept. 2. J. Terrill, s. of Nathan and Luci'etia Newton, June 7. Jenet, dau. of James and Mehetabel Ganet, Aug. 15. Catherine S., dau. of Lewis and Ann Ford, Dec. 31. Mary E., dau. of Thomas and Polly Clark, Feb. 20. David N., s. of Jonathan and Narcissa Farrand, July 26. Eliza, dau. of John and Hannah Coggshall, Oct. 17. Daniel N., s. of Leman Can field, Sept. 9. Daniel C, s. of Asahel and Lena Logan, March 30. Chloe Ann, dau. of Eli Tucker, July 21. Fanny, dau. of Hezekiah and Jemima Ackley, March 19. John F., s. of Jacob and Mary Cummings, May 26. Susan W., dau. of Stephen and Susan Cogswell, ^^ig- L Patty, dau. of Martin and Lorana Whittlesey, Oct. 6. Sally, dau. of Elisha and Lydia Barlow, Feb. 24. James G.. &•. of Gilbert R. and Annie Kinney, March 21. Amarillis, dau. of Mark Kirth, July 12. 1813. David L., s. of Patrick and Serah O'Car, Jan. 12. Sarah C, dau. of Daniel and Polly Nettleton, March 20. Mills, s. of Noble and Eliza Day, April 16. Mary R., dau. of Constantino and Lydia C. McMahon, April 24. Mary A., dau. of Philo and Hannah Stilson, Oct. 17. Mary A., dau. of Seymour and Reuna Titus, July 26. Fanny E., dau. of Amos and E4*Ba Smith, /t<.K<,. u. Oct. 3. Titus A., s. of Jonas and Anne Bryan, Nov. 30. Cornelia M., dau. of Ensign and Dotha Bushnell, Oct. 14. Mary, dau. of Harry and Elizabeth Hubbell, Jan. 20. Patty E., dau. of Hiel, Jr., and Laura Baldwin, Dec. 20. Shelden W., s. of Calvin and Mary Hatch, Dec. 13. Thomas C, s. of Grant and Lucretia Ford, Jan. 11. Laura, dau. of Stephen and Polly Chase, Oct. 9. Charles, s. of Justus and Patty Parker, Sept. 13. Joseph, s. of Daniel and Orra Norton, Jan. 29. Theodosia, dau. of Samuel and Esther Leavitt, Jan. 10. 336 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Elsie, dau. of William and Susanna Odell, Aug. 13. Hannah A., dau. of Silas C. and Hannah Couch, July 7. Sophia, dau. of Gershom and Betsey Fenn, July 2. Ralph, s. of Josiah and Sally Reynolds, Feb. 2. Phebame, dau. of David and Cynthia Geers, May 3. Brinsmade, s. of Lewis and Abigail Hickox, Feb. 24. Mary B., dau. of William and Mary Ann Calhoun. April 24. Orrilla, dau. of Daniel and Prudence Cogswell, Nov. 1. Polly A., dau. of Gilbert R. and Anna Kinney, Nov. 24. George W., s. of Reuel and Rhoda Cogswell, April 2. Nathan, s. of Elijah and Anne Cary, April 14. 1814. Daniel, s. of Abijah and Betsey Tomlinson, March 21. Matthew M., s. of Curtis and Lucinda Titus, Nov. 22. Frederick, s. of John and Anna Newton, April 8. Ira H., s. of Daniel and Sally Parish, Sept. 19. Ogden, s. of Anthony and Rebecca Smith, Dec. 31. Fanny J., dau. of John and Florinda Piatt, Sept. 29. Mary L., dau. of Joseph Davidson. Nov. 18. Susan M., dau. of Dr. Ira V. and Sarah A. Bronson, May 19. Marcus L., s. of Thomas C. and Betsey Parker, March 13. Polly A., dau. of Matthew and Laura Logan, March 7. Lucius B., s. of Ebenezer and Sally Clark, July 5. Annis, dau. of William G. and Betsey Hendrick, -A.ug. 15. Edgar, s. of Justus J. Calhoun, Nov. 6. Mary, dau. of Daniel and (Jrra Norton, June 4. Sarah A., dau. of Charles A. and Esther Judson, March 23. Silence, dau. of Samuel, Jr., and Esther Leavitt, Oct. 20. David W., s. of Samuel and Eunice Davis, Aug. 24. Harriet, dau. of Philo and Clarinda Clark, Oct. 1 2. Esther P., dau. of James and Mehetabel Ganet, May 9. Sherman C, s. of Thomas and Polly Clark, Sept. 24. Henry, s. of Orrin and Sally Clemens, Feb. 11. Mary A., dau. of Daniel and Mary Wheaton, Feb. 14. Lucy, dau. of Joseph and Louisa Blake, Nov. 27. Eliza, dau. of Solomon and Armeda Brown, Dec. 15. Jedediah, s. of EH Tucker, Oct. 18. Sophia M.. dau. of Samuel and Susanna Sperry, Feb. 27. Mary R., dau. of Edward and Betsey Frisbie, March 12. Charles N., s. of Daniel and Sally Rion, Dec. 9. Abbe A., dau. of Jacob and Mary Cummings, July 30. Esther R., dau. of Stephen and Susan Cogswell, June 11. Samuel A., s. of Ira and Eliza Baker, July 9. Hannah, dau. of Martin and Lorana Whittlesey, Nov. 4. B IK T 1{ S IN WASHINGTON. 337 1815. Horace, s. of Philo and Hannah Smith, Ursula, dan. of Norm.in and Annis Hazen, Hiram, s. of Philo and Hannah Sliison. Charles L., son of William and Abigail Ford, Elvira, dau. of Samuel and Nancy \Vhito, Mary A., dau. of Grant and LucretiaFord, Irene A., dau. of Jeremy and Silence Mitchell, Chloe A., dau. of Asahel and Lena Logan, Tjaura E., dau. of Francis and (Marissa Tracey, Thomas F., s. of Daniel B. and Mary Brinsmade, 1816. Ephraim, s. of Patrick and Serah O'Car, Thomas, s. of Noble and Eliza Day, Austin, s. of Preston S. and Louise Hollister, Harriet E., dau. of Dr. Ira V. and Sarah Bronson, Seth S., s. of Matthew and Laura Logan. Edwin G., s. of Stephen and Polly Chase, vSusan H., dau. of Justus and I*atty Parker, Elisabeth, dau. of Samuel and Esther Leavitt. Lucius W., s. of Riley and Nancy Cogswell, Chauncey Perry, s. of Peter Scudder, Sarah J., dau. of John F. and Betsey Bunnell, 1817. CorneUus, s. of Anthony and Rebecca Smith, Emily, dau. of Ebenezer and Sally Clark, Joseph B., s. of Philo and Clarinda Clark, Silas E., s. of Francis and Clarissa Tracey, Dolly, dau. of Samuel and Betsey Averill, Sherman, s. of Theron and Ruth Kinney, 1818. Charles, s. of Noble and Ehza Day, Cyrus, s. of Ebenezerand Sally Clark, George, s. of Ensign and Doth a Bushncll, Daniel S., s. of Stephen and Polly Chase, Betsey A., dau. of Justus and Patty Parker, Julia R., dau. of Jeremy and Silence Mitchell, Uriah F., s. of Francis and Clarissa Tracey, Julia A., dau. of Judson Cable, 1819. Clarissa, dau. of Philo and Clarinda Clark, Orley M., s. of Philo and Sally Parker, '• Vol. hi.—- 43 Sept. 4 June 8. Dec. 25 Nov. 22 Feb. 25 April March 19 4 Jan. 19 Aug. :i April 11 May 22 June 18 March 2 Sept. 16 Aug. May 23 3 Jan. 28 July June 16 10 March 31 May Feb. 17 24 Feb. 28 Jan. 23 Sept. 4 Aug. Feb 18 20 Dec. 13 March 29 Aug. Sept. June 17 7 28 July 10 Oct. 3 March 7 338 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Samuel J., s. of Samuel and Betsey Averill, Feb. 25. William B., s. of Daniel B. and Mary Brinsmade, May 10. Charles, s. of Samuel and Sally Nettleton, Oct. 2. Lewis, s. of Amasa Strong, May 18. Ebenezer P., s. of Rev. Stephen and Betsey Mason, Jan. 7. William W., s. of William and Eliza Leavitt, Sept. 2. 1820. Romeyne, s. of Anthony and Rebecca Smith, March 2. Irene, dau. of Stephen and Polly Chase, Nov. 22. Abel C. Tracey, July 16. Martha, dau. of Samuel and Betsey Averill, Oct. 4. Abigail J., dau. of Daniel B. and Mary Brinsmade, July 18. David B., s. of Rev. Stephen and Betsey Mason, June 4. James A., s. of John F. and Betsey Bunnell, Feb. 8. Charles G., s. of John and Polly B. Parish, Aug. 7. 1821. Elisabeth, dau. of Noble and Eliza Day, Nov. 16. Lucy C. Tracey, June 18. Edwin M., s. of Philo and Sally Parker, June 6. Sally A., dau. of Samuel and Sally Nettleton, Sept. 18. Lucy R., dau. of Amasa Strong, May 1. Samuel T., s. of Samuel W. Baldwin, April 29. Franklin, s. of Sherman and Patty Hollister, Aug. 10. Lydia E., dau. of William and Eliza Leavitt, Dec. 23. 1822. Ellice, dau. of Anthony and Rebecca Smith, May 21. Laura E., dau. of Ebenezer and Sally Clark, Sept. 7. Mary, dau. of Samuel and Betsey Averill, March 23. Evitts, s. of William and Abigail Moody, Jan. 2. Joseph N., s. of Jacob Frost, Feb. 5. Orville, s. of Daniel G. and Almira Piatt, March 11. Almira, dau. of Judson Cable, Oct. 22. 1823. Wooster, s. of Stephen and Polly Chase, Dec. 7. Isaac F., s. of Amasa Strong, March 11. Charles W., s. of Samuel W. Baldwin, Dec. 29. Mary E., dau. of Jacob Frost, Sept. 7. George, s. of Sherman and Patty Hollister, Sept. 26. Noble O., s. of John F. and Betsey Bunnell, April 8. Elizabeth, dau. of John and Polly B. Parish, Aug. 23. 1824. Sally J., dau. of Samuel and Betsey Averill, Nov. 7. Sarah, dau. of William and Abigail Moody, March 20. IB I R T H S IN \V A ft ir I K O T O N 339 David E., s. of David and Mary Whittlesey, Laura T., s. of Rev. Stephen and Fhebe Mason, Daniel C. s. of Lyman and Keziah Nettleton, 1825. Franklin, s. of Ebenezer and Sally Clark, Samuel J., s. of Samuel and Sally Nettleton, Helen C, dau. of Frederick J. and Emeline Fenn, Abigail L., dau. of Sherman and Patty HoUister, Lydia E., dau. of William and Eliza Pai'ish, 1826. George F., s. of Stephen and Polly Chase, Willis G. Chase, Mary F., dau. of Lyman and Keziah Nettleton, Sept. IS. Sept. 21. May 19. Sept. 8. March 10. Feb. 23. Oct. 3. Sept. 29. March 27. April 21. Nov. 4. 4. 22. 7. 15. 14. 1827. Mary M., dau. of Daniel B. and Mary Brinsmade, Nov. Celia J., dau. of Samuel and Sally Nettleton, Dec. Seth, s. of Fred J., and Emeline Fenn, March John G., s of Bennet G. and Susan Fenn, Jan. Josephine, dau. of David H. and Lucy Ann Newton, Oct. Hon. Orville Hitchcock, s. of Hon. Daniel G. and Almira Piatt, July 19. Mary S., dau. of William and Eliza Parish, Nov. 20. 1828. John C. Chase, July 4. Fraukhn J., s. of Joseph C. and Marilla Calhoun, Sept. 14. Edniond A., s. of Lyman and Keziah Nettleton, March 17. Edwin J., s. of Judson Cable, Jan. 27. 1829. Charles, s. of Frederick J. and Emeline Fenn, June 26. Frances A., dau. of Bennett G. and Susan Fenn, July 7. Hortensia, dau. of David H. and Lucy Ann Newton, Jan. 2. George, s. of David and Camp,- May 14. 1830. Lucy Chase, Aug. 3 1 . Susan A., dau. of Samuel and Sally Nettleton, Dec. 31. Rollin, s. of David H. and Lucy Ann Newton, July 31. Charles G., s. of Rev. Gordon and Mary D. Hayes, Aug. 2U. Alfred, s. of Juuson Cable, July 23. 1831. John T., s. of Lyman and Keziah Nettleton, Dec. 12. Emily S., dau. of Birdsey and Emily Gibs, Aug. 2. AdeUne H., dau. of Rev. Gordon and Mary D. Hayes, Aug. 11. 340 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY 1832. Samuel Jay, s. of Samuel and Sally Nettleton, Simeon H., s. of Hon. Daniel G. and Almira Piatt, Andrew, s. of Nelson H. and Betty Ford, 1833. Julia Chase, Mary E., dau. of Rev. Gordon and Mary D. Hayes, 1834. Rufus, s. of William and Eliza Leavitt, 1835. Margaret, dau. of Frederick J. and Emeline Fenn, Edward, s. of Rev. Gordon and Mary D. Hayes, 1837. Henry S., s. of Samuel and Sally Nettleton, June '2G. Mary E., dau. of Jared S. and Polly A. Isbell, March 1. Fitz-Greene, s. of Preston S. and Phebe H. Hollister, April 17. 1838. Esther C, dau. of David and Mary E. Meeker, Walter, s. of Preston S. and Phebe H. Hollister, 1841. Clarence, s. of Preston S. and Phebe H. Hollister, 1846. Cornelia E., dau. of Leman and Harriet Kennedy, 1846. Arthur, s. of Preston S. and Phebe H. Hollister,' Florence, dau. of David N. and Sophia Farrand, Samuel, s. of Leman and Harriet Kennedy, 1847. Sarah F., dau. of Richard and Almira Lee, Frederick, s. of Amos T. and Eliza J. Richmond, Juliett, dau. of Ezekiel and Caroline Newton, George, s. of George and Eliza Cogswell, Margaret A., d. of Cyrus C. and Gula E. Sterling, Child of Allen and Sat-ah T. Sawyer, George, s. of George E. and Catharine E. Prague, Frances M., dau. of Abner W. and Lydia Mitchell, Dec. 24. Feb. 12. Dec. 26. May. Dec. 31. March 30. Feb. G. Oct. 8. a^*^ Jan. 9. Dec. 10. June 18. March 2. \3» '''^^ Oct. 3. Sept. 5. Sept. 7. Sept. 8. Sept. 12. Sept. 25. Sept. 28. Aug. 27. Oct. 7. March 17. Aua:. 11. BIRTHS IN WASHINGTON. 341 Emma, dau. of Hiram and Lucy Weeks, Oct. 19. Margaret, dau. of Dennis and Mary M. Ilagan, Aug. 2.3. Harriet, dau. of George and Annie Baldwin, -A-ug. IG. Truman, s. of Henry and Jane Mallory, Dec. 12. John, s. of John and Bridget Flynn, Dec. 22. Susan J., dau. of William and Julia Parker, Dec. 31. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Tlioraas and Sarah A. Taylor, Dec. 25. Frances A., dau. of John and Elisabeth Hull. 1848. Lucy J., dau. of David and Fanny R. Calhoun, Jan. 5. Martha, dau. of Joseph and Maria Hatch, Jan. 7. Charlotte, dau. of Elias and Jeuett Taylor, Jan. 19. Walter, s. of William C. and Lucy W. Bronson, Feb. 18. Lucy C, dau. of Albert and Susan Anson, March 19. Samuel L., s. of Thos. F. and Elisabeth E. Brinsmade, March G. Susan, dau. of Samuel and Chloe Coon, April 4. Daniel W., s. of Wilham D. and Ruth A. Wheaton, April 4. Mary S., dau. of Daniel S. and Jane A. Baker, April 3. James, s. of Felix and Mary Caton, April 12. Nathan H., s. of Sheldon and Esther H. Whittlese}'-, April 18. Truman N., s. of Henry and Jane Mallery, Dec. 12. Emma E., dau. of William and Hannah Grillett, April 19. Delia A., dau. of George and Elizabeth Harrison, April 24. Margaret, dau. of Lewis and Eve Good, April 24. Frances L., dau. of Lewis and Sophronia Wedge, May 14. Seth, s. of Henry and Emoline Hurlburt, June 11. Martin and Mary E., twins, s. and dau. of Patrick 0. and Laura O'Brien, June 15. Silas, s. of George and Martha Wright, o-ane 17. Martha A., dau. of William and Emily Burton, June 20. Walton L., s. of James A. and Mary A. Bunnell, June 20. Julia, dau. of Lenian and HaiTiet Kinney, July 2. child of John and Julia Hamlin, July 17. Sarah Jane, dau. of James and C. Minerva Aspinwall, Aug. 22. Caroline,' dau. of John and Caroline Walton, Aug. 26. dau. of William and Elizabeth Keeler, Sept. 4. Samuel, s. of Seth and Betsey Pond. Sept. 5. Carlisle and Caroline, twins, s. and dau. of Sullivan and Eliza Tuttle, Sept. 10. Caroline, dau. of Leman and Sarah Warner, Oct. 5. Wellington, s. of Wellington and Susan Watson, Oct. 12. s. of Samuel and Clarissa Perkins, Oct. 22. W. M., s. of James and Agnes Inglis, Oct. 29. Harriet, dau. of Alexander and E. M. Centre, Oct. 19. Mary E., dau. of Samuel J. and Laura P. Averill, Oct. 30. Thomas D., s. of Thomas D. and JuHa Stone, Nov. 2. Francis, s. of Samuel H. and Jemima Weston, Nov. 15. Horace, s. of Elhanan and Emily Spoouer, Nov. 26. Ellen, dau. of Nelson B. and Caroline Taylor, Dec. 27. 342 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1849. Mary E., dau. of John and Sarah W. Titus, Jan. 20. Daniel, s. of Andrew and Mary Fox, Jan. 22. John, s. of Dennis and Mary Hagan, Feb. 4. William J., s. of Elisha and Mary Rowe, Feb. '>. George, s. of Sidney and Abigail Lyman, Feb, 1 2. Franklin, s. of Seth and Serene Logan, March 4. Henry, s. of Chester and Harriett Bennett, March 9. liois A., dau, of Michael and Martha Gammon, March 13. twins, s, and dau, of Rachel McCann, illegit- imate, April 12. Henry W., s. of Isaac and Sarah Brown, April 28. Edwin, s. of John B. and Mary Whitehead, May 19. Charles, s. of Henry and Eliza Swift, June 7. Caroline, dau. of Henry and Lavina Swan, June 3, Edward E., s. of Sheldon and Emily Meeker, Jan. 4. Ida, dau. of George and Hannah Abbott, June 10. Walter S., s. of William and Betsey Hurlburt, June 12. twins, ss. of Orrin and Marietta Smith, June 9. David C, s. of Luman and Eunice A. Woodruff. July 1. Helen, dau. of Samuel and Chloe Coon, Aug. 4. Perry, s. of George and Anna Baldwin, A.ug, 8, Walter, s. of George and Catharine Brague, Aug, 29. s. of Leman and Harriet Kenney, Aug, 31. Eunice W^., dau. of Marcus and Minerva Merwin, Sept. 4. Alice E., dau. of Sherman and Jane Clark, Sept. 7. Chester B., s. of David and Miranda Whittlesey, Sept. 10. William H., s. of Charles and Harriet Northrup, Sept, 17, Charles W„ s, of John and Mary Hunt, Sept, 25, Thomas H., s. of Martin and Bridget Hannon, Oct. 1. Mary, dau. of John and Bridget Flyn, Oct. 23. John L., s. of John L. and Almira Billings, Oct. 25. Jennett, dau. of Cyrus and Eliza Reynolds, Nov. 23. Frederick, s. of Joseph and Elizabeth Watson, Dec. 7, Egbert, s, of Amos and Mary Hallock. Dec. 7. George, s. of Sydney H. and Abigail E. Lyman, "Feb. 12. Indamora, dau. of Thomas and Sarah A. Taylor, Oct. 10. Ernest F., s. of John and Maria L. Gunn. Aug. 28. George A., s. of Samuel and Belinda Yeomans, Aug. 23. Andrew, s. of John and Elisabeth Hall, Oct. Truman N., s. of Henry and Jane Mallery, Dec. 12. 1850. 3. of William and Anna Dews, Jan. 1. dau. of William and Caroline Jenks, Jan. 1. s. of Elias and Janett Taylor, Jan. 6. John F., s. of Felix and Mary Caton, Jan. 16. Emily A., dau. of Isaac and Lucetta Wood, Jan. 10. s. of Silas and Julia Nichols, March 5. BIRTHS IN WASHINGTON 343 Sarah, dau. of George and Martha Wright, March dau. of Anthony I. and Eliza A. Higgins, March George T., s. of George and Nancy Sperry, March Hermon, s. of George R. T. and Susan A. Baldwin, March Sarah, dau. of Frederick and Salina Lake, March William S., s. of William and Margaret Stewart, March Andrew C., s. of Leman and Sarah Warner, April William J., s. of Charles L. and Mary Ford. April Charles H.. s. of Samuel and Charlotte Hanmei', April William W., s. of W. Wolsey and Jane Leavitt, April Julius S., s. of Julius and Mary Smith, April DeWitt, s. of DeWitt and Julia Stone, April Cornelia M., dau. of James and Rebecca Bearce, April Adelaide, dau. of Lewis and Aurilla Hubbell, May Rachel, dau. of James and Agnis Inglis. May Sarah, dau. of Congdon and Nancy Dutton, June Adeline, dau. of Lucius and Wealthy Seeley, June Lewis, s. of Lewis and Eve Good, June s. of Filetus and Sally J. Richmond, June s. of Joseph and Laura Bailey, June Frances E., dau. of Nathaniel and Mariett Gibson, July Lucretia W., dau. of Henry and Sarah A. Stone, July dau. of Henry J. and Eleanor B. Church, July s. of Warehara and Lucinda Burnham, June Betsey C, dau. of Samuel J. and Laura Averill, Aug. Asa, s. of Harry and Lucinda Grannis, Aug. Charles, s. of Charles and Maria E. Camp, Aug. Mary I., dau. of Nelson and Maria Morehouse, Aug. Henry C., s. of Abiel C. and Caroline Lenimon, Aug. dau. of Noah W. and Lucy Hatch, Aug. Laura H., dau. of John B. and Mary Whitehead, Sept. Lora, dau. of John R. and Maria Gunn, Sept. Miles W., s. of James and Chai'lotte Minerva Aspinwall, Sept. Emily, dau. of Romulus and Harriet T. Tomlinson, Sept. Adelaide L., dau. of Marvin and Catharine S. Beeman, Sept. Edwin H., s. of Frederick and Mary Beardsley, Oct. James, s. of Thomas and Eliza Kinney, Oct. Elizabeth, dau. of William and Elizabeth O'Brien, Oct. Hannah, dau. of Chester and ^lartha Judd, Oct. Walter A., s. of John B. and Harriet Eliza Newton, Nov. Amanda A., dau. of Simeon and Osborn, Nov. Joseph L., s. of Amos T. and Eliza Richmond, Nov. s. of Orson and Sarah Daley, Nov. dau. of Harry and Polly Hungerford, Nov. Caroline, dau. of Henry and Julia Wheaton, Oct. Fillmore, s. of George and Lydia Cogswell, Dec. Rufus E.. s. of Wooster and Sarah Lemmon, Dec. s. of Andrew and Fox, Dec. Lucy A., dau. of Lyman R. and Frances J. Pond, Dec. Albert E., s. of Albert and Susan Anson, July 9. 14. 15. 21. '25. 3L 3. 4. 16. 22. 26. 24. 23. 23. 22 4. 3. 18. 22. 21. 8. 7. 26. 18. 6. 7. 14. 20. 29. 29. 2. 7. 27. 26. 20. 13. 19. 20. 27. 2. 11. 21. 17. 29. 30. 1. 9. 19. 24. 25. 344 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1851. Fannie, dan. of John T. and Sarah Piatt, Jan. 27. Julia M. and Jane S., twin dans, of Patrick and Laura O'Brien, Jan. 23. Ellen, dau. of Cliarles and Harriet E. Gordon, Jan. 30. Robert C, s. of Sheldon and Esther H. Whittlesey, Feb. 1. Francis L., s. of Sherman and Mary Piatt. Feb. 3. Louisa, dau. of Charles and Loraine James. Feb. 6. George, s. of George and Alvira Hugget, March 20. 3d ward, s. of Alexander and Ellizabeth Centre, March 31. Amanda, dau. of Hermon and Mary Beeman, April 4. Sidney, s. of Henry S. and Maria Glover, May 17. Herbert, s. of Seth S. and Serene Logan, June 8. s. of John L. and Almira Billings, July IL J., s. of Burr and Susan Calhoun, Feb. 22. Zeruah, dau. of Franklin and Lucretia HoUister, Oct. 18. Henry E., s. of David and Emily Jacus, Nov. 30. Marietta A., dau. of Amos and Mary Hallock, Nov. 13. Mary A., dau. of William and Laura Wright, Oct. 26. Edwin P., s. of Samuel and Belinda Yeomans, Oct. 10. Hattie A., dau. of Wm. C. and LiieyA. Bronson, Dec. 21. Nelson W., s. of John and Elizabeth Hull, Feb. 14. Flora L., dau. of Henry and Jane Mallery, Oct. 28. 1852. Marian I., dau. of Sherman and Mary Piatt, Oct. 10. s. of Patrick and Laura O'Brien, Oct. 15. Sarah E., dau. of William and Betsey Hurl hurt, Oct. 19. Edna E., dau. of vSamuel and Laura P. Averill, Nov. 20. Ella A., dau. of Benajah P. and Huldah Beach, • Nov. 11. Willie S., s. of Walter D. and Louisa Sperry, Nov. 7. Herbert, s. of Seth and Serene Logan, Nov. 12. Mills, s. of Sheldon and Esther Whittlesey, Nov. 26. dau. of Richard and Martha Gammon, Dec. 6. s. of Jerome Monroe, Dec. 11. dau. of Lewis and Sophronia Wedge, Dec. 27. Abner M., s. of Luman and Eunice Woodruli", June 10. Isabell, dau. of David N. and Irene Canfield, Sept. 25. Ellen P., dau. of H. H. and Paulona Morehouse, March 10. Emily I., dau. of Thomas and Martha Rowe, April 18. Myron, s. of Edwin J. and Sarah P. Cable, Jan. 17. Jonathan, s. of Sidney H. and Abigail E. Lyman, April 13. Eva A., dau. of John and Maria L. Gunn, Sept. 15. Sherman, s. of Robert and Eunice Cogswell, April 5. Lucy E., dau. of John B. and Mary Whitehead, March. Clarence B., s. of Rollin C. and Martha J. Logan, July 19. George, s. of George and Martha Wright, March 13. BIRTHS IN WASHINGTON. 345 1853. s. of Elias and Jennett Taylor, Jan. 5. s. of Abner S. and Harriet "Whittlesey, Jan. 9. Mary G., dan. of Frederick W. and Abbie Gunn, Jan. 20. dau. of David and Charlotte McBath. Jan. 26. s. of John and Elizabeth Ferris, Jan. 27. s. of Marvin S. and Catharine Beeman, April 8. s. of Henry and Betsey Swift, April 11. Charles, s. of Merrett and Mary E. Beach, April 14. Walter C, s. of Oscar and Jennett Beeman, April 20. s. of George L. and Jane Judd, April 22. dau. of Romulus and Harriet Tomlinson, April 13. s. of John and Mary Hepling, April 24. s. of John Murphy, May 1 . George H., s. of David and Fanny Calhoun, May 12. s. of George and Achsah Bolles, May 16. s. of Starr and Delia Benedict, May 23. Mary E., dau. of Sherman and Jane Clark, July 10. Sherman, s. of Soloman and Maiy P. Morehouse, May 28. dau. of Thomas and Mary Ryan, June 9. George H., s. of Henry S. and Laura A. Gillett, July 1 6. s. of Wareham and Lucinda Burnham, July 19. Joseph T., s. of David and Miranda "Whittlesey. -A-Ug. 6. Arthur D., s. of Truman H. and Ellen Woodruff, Aug. 22. Edward 0., s. of George and Nancy Sperry, Aug. 28. Caroline, dau. of .Voble and Jane Bolles, Sept. 15. dau. of Ezekiel and Emeline Hazard, Sept. 22. Henry G., s. of WilKam and Laura Wright, Oct. 28. Amy A., dau. of Stephen S. and Maria Morehouse, Oct. 22. Adeline, dau. of Frank and Lucretia Hollisler, Oct. 29. Margaret R., dau. of Felix and Mar)^ Katan, Dec. 13. dau. of John and Jane O'Connor, Dec. 29. Hattie L.. dau. of Noble 0. and Mary L. Bunnell, -A-ug. 24. Myron W., s. of Henry and Arminta Kinne}'', June 28. Maria L., dau. of David N. and Sophia Farrand, March 5. Walter, s. of William and Harriet Gillette, April 3. Mary, dau. of Martin and Bridget Hannon, Sept. 8. 1854. Lillie, dau. of Sherman and Amelia Titus, Dec. 22. Franklin F., s. of George and Catharine Brague, Jan. 15. George H., s. of Henry and Julia Wheaton, Jan. 29. s. of .Vndrew and Eliza Ann Higgins, Feb. 9. Charles, s. of Robert and Eunice Cogswell Feb. 14. Sarah F., dau. of Amos and Mary Hallock, Feb. 18. s. of Rufus and Salina Parker, Feb. 20. John L., s. of Joseph R. and Sally Taylor, Feb. 20. Vol. III.— 44 346 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Aurilla P., dau. of John and Elizabeth Hull. March 8. Anna, dau. of Leman and Harriet Kinney, March 17. s. of Francis and Filena Tracy, March 17. Charles J., s. of David and Sophia Farrand, March 20. Mary, dau. of Henry J. and Eleanor B. Church, March 28. George B., s. of Burr and Susan Calhoun, April 26. Nellie G., dau. of Erastus J. and Emmeline Grace Hurl- burt, April 30. dau. of George and Sally Lewis, May 1. Charles, s. of Thomas and Martha Rowe, June 1. Henry, s. of James and Lucy Barney, June 5. dau. of Abner W. and Lydia Mitchell, June 5. s. of Lavinia Swan (widow), June 6. s. of Henry S. and Adeline Leland, June 24. Louisa M., dau. of John B. and Mary Whitehead, June 26. Mahaleh E., dau. of Edwin and Sarah Cable, July 4. s. of Marcus and Minerva Merwin, July 5. dau. of Frederick and Julia Bearce, July 7. dau. of George and Margaret Tota, July 12. s. of Marcus and Marcia Fox, July 20. Judson, s. of Sheldon and Esther Whittlesey, July 20. dau. of Patrick and Catharine Doughty, Aug. 13. s. of Horace and Rachel McCann, Sept. 5. dau. of Henry and Adala Wright, Sept. 5. s. of Hiram W. and Mary Baldwin, Sept. 11. Edward H., s. of Henry and Sophia BoUes, Sept. 1. dau. of Truman and Mary Tucker, Sept. 18. Porter D., s. of Simeon D. and Melinda Ford, Oct. 8. s. of Almon and Harriet Swan, Oct. 8. Fannie E., dau. of Charles F. and Nancy Leland, Oct. 8. s. of David and Charlotte McBath, Oct. 16. s. of Richard and Margaret Mealin, Oct. 21. Richard H., s. of Ephraim and Hannah Lyman, Oct. 22. Ida A., dau. of Romulus W. and Mary Ford, Oct. 24. Nellie B., dau. of Charles and Margaret Nobles, Nov. 17. Eliza P., dau. of Wooster and Sarah Lemmon, Dec. 16. s. of William Gillett, Dec. 22. s. of James and Lydia Ai'mstrong, Nov. 11. Selwyn, s. of John and Maria Gunn, June 16. 1855. s. of John and Elisabeth Ferris, Jan. 17. s. of Chester and Harriet Bennett, Jan. 26. s. of John and Ann Handley, Jan. 27. Mary, dau. of Abel and Mary E. Calhoun, Jan. 31. Mary L., dau. of Elisha and Eliza Whittlesey, March 5. William H., s. of George and Martha Wright, March S. Mary, dau. of Sidney H. and Abigail E. Lyman, March 9. Emma J., dau. of John and Julia A. Hamlin, 'March 18. BIRTHS IN WASHINGTON 347 Alice, dau. of Hugh and Roxanna Dunn, Edward, s. of Seth S. and Serene Logan, Willie, s., and Nellie, dau. of Robert Henderson and Eliza McCroton, Walter, s. of Henry and Sarah Lane, Eva J., s. of Samuel H. and Maria Glover, Phebe A. Woodin, dau. of Esther Higgins, dau. of Jerome and Minerva Smalley, George L., s. of James and Caroline M. Osborne, dau. of John T. and Mariett Harvey, Lewis, s. of Lewis and Eve Good, Patrick H., s. of Felix and Maiy Katan, Edwin W., s. of Earle and Helen Buckingham, s. of James and Caroline Matilda ()sborne, Burritt H., s. of Frederick P. and Martha Pond, dau. of Joseph and Anna Shmaterbeck, Helen M., dau. of John G. and Lydia D. Fenn, Thomas, s. of Richard and Margaret Mealia, John W., s. of John T. and Sarah A. Piatt, William, Jr., s. of William and Betsey Hurlburt, s. of Joseph D. and Adelia E. Senior, s. of Myron and Catharine Goslee, Thomas, s. of John and Mary Conerty, George F., s. of George C. Burgess, Aurilla P., dau. of John and Elisabeth Hull, 1856. Jennie M., dau. of Franklin S. and Frances A. Titus, dau. of James and Margaret Black, s. of Isaac and Anna M. Mason, Agnes C, dau. of Walter D. and Louisa Sperry, Anna, dau. of Leman and Harriet Kiimey, dau. of Edmund and Catharine Doharty, Willis J., s. of James and Charlotte M. Aspinwall, Loraine L., daii. of Joseph R. and Sally Taylor, dau. of John and Jane Ocomer, Sarah A., dau. of Lyman L. and Elizabeth Clark, dau. of Henry and Melissa Cable, Horace H., s. of Abel and Jane Bristol, Bobbins D., s. of David N. and Sophia Farrand, Nellie, dau. of Jaiues A. and Sarah S. Bunnell, s. of Roland and Harriet Bailey, dau. of Charles and Margaret Noble, s. of Ebenezer and Sarah A. Clark, Edward R., s. of Edwin I. and Sarah Cable, Lillian, dau. of Sherman and Jane A. Clark, Jessie F., dau. of Cornelius and Emeline Smith, s. of Adam and Eve Rising. s. of Thomas and Sarah G. Hart, March 19 April 12 April April April May 12 24 29 21 June 23 Sept. Aug. 20 Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. 11. 6. 19. 20. 4. Oct. 6. Oct. 11. Oct. 26. Nov. 23. Nov. 29. Dec. 10. Dec. 25. Oct. 26. Oct. 24. March 8. Jan. 5. Jan. 6. Feb. 4. Feb. 18. Jan. 8. March 23. April 4. April 17. April 27. May 6. May 24. May 27. March 18. March 22. March 29. June 1. June 6. June 22. June 28. June 30. Feb. 25. March 6. 348 HISTORY OF ANCIENT "WOODBURY. s. of Patrick and Laura O'Brien, March 10. s. of Benedict and Catharine Porter, March 31. Fayette W., s. of George E. and Catharine E. Brague, Dec. 20. dau. of Nelson and Judith Jennings, April 25. s. of Lucius and Wealthy Seeley, June 12. Grace L., dau. of John and Maria Gunn, July 12. s. of James L. and Augusta M. Scott, July 17. Twin s. and dau. of Henry L. and Delia L. Stephens, July 18. s. of Henry J. and Eleanor B. Church, July 19. Daniel, s. of William and Harriet Gillette, Dec. 29. dau. of Marvin S. and Catharine Beeman, July 26. Edwin E., s. of Sherman and Mary Piatt, July 28. Edward P., s. of Charles L. and Abbie J. Hickox, Aug. 4. Heman 0., s. of Samuel J. and Laura Averill, Aug. 20. Henry E., s. of Frederick and Maria J. Prisbie, Aug. 26. Sarah C, dau. of John B. and Mary E. Whitehead, Sept. 16. dau. of Dennis and Mary Hagan, Sept. 26. Helen L., dau. of Daniel N. and Irene Canfield, Sept. 28. William, s. of Rufus S. and Martha E. Leavitt, Oct. 4. dau. of Leonard I. and Phebe Butterfield, Oct. 8. dau. of John and Margaret Murphy, Oct. 23. Grace L., dau. of Sherman and Jane Clark, June 28. Francis F., s. of Herman and Esther M. Lane, Nov. .5. Elizabeth R.. dau. of Romulus W. and Mary E. Ford, Nov. 14. Henry, s. of Henry H. and Paulona Morehouse, Nov. 14. Ellen K., dau. of Edward and Deha Hull, Dec. 5. dau. of William H. and Laura Wright, Oct. 1. 1857. Frank, s. of Truman and Ellen Woodruff, Jan. 9. Jennie, dau. of Ephraim and Hannah D. Lyraan, Feb. 3. Powell, s. of Henry and Abigail H. Seeley, Feb. 14. dau. of Jerome and Minerva Smalley, Feb. 23. Charles, s. of Robert and Lois Harvey, March 2. William, s. of Robert and Eunice Cogswell, Jan. 1. s. of James and Catharine Connor, Jan. 3. dau. of Miles and Charlotte Hoyt, Jan. 25. Benjamin M.. s. of Seymour H. and Elizabeth Welton, June 11. s. of Samuel H. and Maria Glover, March 10. dau. of Myron and Nancy Jones, March 10. s. of Cornelius and Cordelia Fallan, April 12. Twin sons of Richard and Margaret Mealia, April 17. s. of Nathan W. and Charlotte B. Munroe, May 5. Lulie G., dau. of John G. and Lydia D. Fenn, May 16. s. of Edward and Catharine Doharty, May 18. dau. of Frederick and Sarah L. Wheeler, June 4. Walter, dau. of Elisha P. and Mary C. Rowe, June 7. s. of Seymour H. and Eliza Welton, June 10. Helen, dau. of Seth S. and Serene H. Logan, Aug. 25. BIRTHS IN WASHINGTON. 349 Louise Gr., dau. of Julius and Janette BoUes Glover, Aug. 16. s. of John and Ann Handley, Sept. 9. William H., s. of Thomas and Ann N. O'Hara, Oct. 10. Ida J., dau. of Amos and Mary Hallock. Oct. 2.">. dau. of Joseph and Nancy S. Curtiss, Nov. 20. Egbert E., s. of Erastus J. and Emeline Grace Hurlburt, Nov. 22. Ellen E., dau. of John and Mary Connerty, Nov. 23. Oscar, s. of George and Martha Wright, Nov. 15. s. of Charles and Susan A. Galpin. Nov. 18. William, s. of Henry M and Sophia Bolles, Nov. 11. Horace B., s. of James L. and Augusta M. Scott, Nov. 14. Frederick W., s. of Andrew J. and Emily Bolles, Nov. 19. Lucy M., dau. of Abiel C. and Caroline E. Lemraon, Nov. 19. Carrie, dau. of Elmer and Elsie E. Hubbell, Dec. 16. 1858. Fannie, dau. of Charles L. and Abbie J. Hickox, Jan. 2. Lucy S., dau. of Henry I. and Jane Mallery, Jan. 9. George F., s. of Felix and Mary Katan, Jan. 11. dau. of Miles and Charlotte Hoyt, Feb. 12. s. of James and Ann Meloy, Feb. 28. Charles C, s. of Charles L. and Mary L. Ford, Jan. 18. Lester S., s. of Simeon D. and Mehnda F. Ford, Feb. 13. Elnathan, s. of James and Mary Black, March 1 . Burdett G., s. of David N. and Sophia B. Farrand, March 4. dau. of Henry and Melissa Cables, March 4. Addle L., dau. of John and Elizabeth Hull, March 7. Sarah R., dau. of Jerome and Mary E. Kinney, March 9. dau. of Roland and Hai'riet Bailey, March 31. s. of Robert and Rebecca Huxley, April 19. Jennie S., dau. of Daniel S. and Jane Baker, March 16. dau. of Hugh and Rosanna Dunn, April 17. Calvin, s. of Robert and Lois A. Harvey, April 28. dau. of Francis and Mary Conboy, May 8. Henry W., s. of Oscar and Janett Beeman, May 27. s. of William and Mary E. Bearce, May 30. Walter, s. of Thomas C. and Anna B. Black, June 19. John G., s. of Alfred H. and Ellen G. Wyant, April 30. Emma S., dau. of Mark W. and Mary Hunt, May .5. Charles, s. of Edward P. and Sarah A. Lyman, May 9. Caroline E., dau. of George and Catharine Brague, May 13. Edward, s. of James and Betsey Mitchell, May 24. Frederick A., s. of Jacob H. and Frances W. Strong, June 27. Maria P., dau. of Walter D. and Louisa Sperry, July 11. dau. of David P. and Ruth Wetmore, Aug. IS. dau. of Daniel and Ruth Hunt, June 8. Minnie L., dau. of Noble 0. and Louisa Bunnell, Aug. 18. Laura, dau. of Leman and Harriet Kinney, Nov. 8. dau. of Henry and Betsey Swift, Sept. 25. 350 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Frederick, s. of Thomas and Sarah A. Taylor, Oct. 20. Lilhe, dau. of Cornehus and Cordelia P. Allen, Oct. 23. s. of Charles and Chloe Beardsley, Oct. 24. s. of Jerome and Minerva Smalley, Oct. 26. s. of James and Caroline Taylor, Nov. 5. William, s. of Henry J. and Sarah B. Church, Nov. 7. Julia, dau. of Leman and Harriet Kinney, Nov. 8. Edward G., s. of William C. and Mary Wooster, Nov. 22. Michael, s. of Michael and Martha Ganmon, Nov. 28. Bernard, s. of Frank and Bridget Degnan, June 14. 1859. Earnest R., s. of Robert and Phebe A. Black, Jan. 10. s. of William T. and Emily Odell, Jan. 19. James, s. of Patrick and Mary Flyn, Feb. 24. dau. of Joseph and Mary Miller, March 5. Frederick, s. of Egbert and Mary Cogswell, March 1 1 . Luman, s. of Edward and Delia Hull, March 16. Ellen A., dau. of Henry and Julia Wheaton, March 21. Augusta, dau. of Roger N. and Thalia W. Cogswell, Jan. 30. Lizzie M., dau. of Elisha and Eliza J. Whittlesey, April 7. Edson, s. of Robert and Eunice Cogswell, June 19. Lucy, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth Watson, May 23. Hattie F., dau. of Franklin S. and Frances A. Titus, May 22. s. of Morris and Harriet Lyon, June 8. dau. of Marcus and Minerva B. Merwin, July 16. s. of Charles A. and Betsey B. Babcock, July 28. Henry E., s. of Henry and Jane Mallery, May 19. s. of James and Ann Meloy, Aug. 17. dau. of Myron E. and Lucy A. Tuttle, Aug. 22. s. of F. B. and Sarah L. Wheeler, Aug. 27. s. of James and x\melia J. Moore, Aug. 30. Addie H., dau. of John N. and Henrietta F. Woodruff, March 13. s. of Joseph and Emeline Senior, Sept. 1 1 . George P., s. of Charles L. and Abbie J. Hickox, Sept. 12. Calvin, s. of Robert and Lois A. Harvey, Sept. 23. Mathew and Mary, twin s. and dau. of Abner and Lydia Mitchell, Sept. 25. dau. of Ralph and E. J. Morehouse, Sept. 28. Ida A., dau. of John N. and Maria Meramble, Sept. 30. s. of Andrew and Marinda A. Clark, Oct. 3. s. of John B. and Mary E. Whitehead, Oct. 10. Edson H., s. of Alfred and Mary E. Cable, Oct. 12. Thomas L., s. of Felix and Mary Katan, Nov. 12. Fred. William, s. of James A. and Sarah S. Bunnell, Dec. 21. s. of William and Catharine Senior, Dec. 27. George A., s. of Wooster and Sarah Lemmon, April 23. Charles, s. of Charles L. and Abby J. Hickox, Sept. BIRTHS IN WASHINGTON, 351 s. of Cornelius and Cordelia Allen, Dec. 25. s. of Elliot and PliebeAnn Lucas, Dec. 28. Edgar, s. of James and Lucy Barney, Aug. William L., s. of Simeon D. and Helen L. Piatt, April 20. Julia M., dau. of Thomas and Mary C. O'Hara, April 2. 1860. dau. of Robert and Sarah Shove, Archer C, s. of Simeon D. and Mehnda T. Ford, dau. of Charles and Susan Galpin, Mar}' J., dau. of Jonathan E. and Sarah S. Hine, s. of Jerome and Louisa Edwards, Florence L, dau. of Newell H. and Alice M. Newton. Minnie M., dau. of John S. and Maria L. Gunn, s. of Michael and Susan G. Flyn, s. of George and Martha Wright, Edward, s. of Dennis and Mary Hagan, Edna C, dau. of Benajah F. and Huldah A. Beach, Frederick H., s. of Henry S. and Laura A. Gillett, s. of Jacob H. and Frances W. Strong, dau. of Joseph and Mary Miller, s. of Charles H. and Phinette S. Mason, Sarah, dau. of Frank and Bridget Degnan. Elizabeth, dau. of John and Elizabeth Hall, dau. of Hugh and Rosanna Dunn, s. of Eben and Melinda Tomkins, George, s. of Thomas and Anna B. Black, dau. of Truman and Mary Tucker. Herbert G., s. of Robert and Phebe A. Black, Walter F., s. of Erastus and Grace Hurlburt, George, s. of Romulus and Mary Ford, s. of Thomas A. and Mar}'- Harvey, Hattie, dau. of Brinsmade and Harriet E. Gibson, Edwin, s. of Lewis and Martha Hart, Isabella, dau. of Henry and Sarah J. Tjane, Addie, dau. of Thomas and Sarah A. 'JWlor, Charles, s. of Charles and Margaret Noble, s. of Zebra and Frances Wells, Nellie, dau. of Noble and Jane E. Bolles, Emma, dau. of George W. and Harriet Beardsley, dau. of John and Eliza McKeo. dau. of Truman and Ellen WoodrulT, Hattie L., dau. of William T. and Emily A. Odell, s. of Robert and Polly McGee, dau. of Joseph and Eraeline Senior, Manly, s. of Thomas and Mary C. O'Hara, Henry C, s. of George and Mary O. Nolles, 7. 18. 25. 3L 9. 2L Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. 22. Feb. 25. March 16. April 2. April 12. March 20. May 1. May 15. May 11. June 14. June 22. June 27. July 7. July 12. July 13. July 14. July 18. July 21. Julv 23. July 23. July 29. Aug. 5. Aug. 8. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 25. Dec. 51. Dec. 19. Dec. 24. July 23. March 7. 20. 27. 8. 13. 19. 352 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, 1861. W. Howard, s. of David N. and Sophia B. Farrand, Sept. 28. Clara A., dau. of Henry A. and Murilla Sackett, Jan. 17. George, s. of George and Maria McCam, Jan. 30. William, s. of William H. and Laura A. Wright, Feb. 17, Susan G., dau. of John G. and Lydia D. Fenn, Feb. 10. s. of Marcus B. and Minerva Merwin, March 1. Frank, s. of Cornelius and Cordelia F. Allen, March 8. s. of James and Betsey Mitchell, March 10. dau. of WilHam H. and Mary E. Bearce, March 10. dau. of Dean and Maria Bishop, March 17. Jacob, s. of Jacob and Catharine Zeigier, ^Slarch 17. s. of James and Ann Mallory, March 22. William L., s. of William C. and Mary Wooster, March 23. s. of Henry and Betsey Smith, March 24. Effie, dau. of Nelson and Sarah C. Brown, April 1. s. of WilHam H. and EHzabeth H. Dains, April 6. s. of Jerome and Minerva Smedley, April 11. Mathew, s. of Seth S. and Serene H. Logan, April 14. Sherman E., s. of John N. and Susan M. Meramble, April 18. Nellie L., dau. of Walter D. and Louisa Sperry, April 22. s. of John P. and Emeline Broadmeadow, July 3. Charles N., s. of Ralph I. and Elizabeth C. Wheaton, July 17. Horace, s. of James and Lucy Barney, Oct. 29. s. of Ohver and Sarah E. Doolittle, July 24. s. of Seth and Mary Landon, Aug- 3. Emily G., dau. of Edward and Delia Hull, -Aug. 4. Florence E., dau. of Edward B. and Harriet Gibson, Aug. 25. dau. of George and Mary J. AV ells, Sept. 1. George, s. of Robert and Lois A. Harvey, Sept. 29. dau. of William and Jane Williams, Oct. 2. Julia, dau. of Samuel J. and Laura Averill, Oct. 29. s. of Charles F. and Nancy Leland, Nov. 15. dau. of Egbert and Mary E. Cogswell, Nov. 15. Charles E., s. of Felix and Mary Katan, Dec. 4. Fanny, dau. of i\.biel and Caroline E. Lenmon, Dec. 26. s. of Patrick and Laura O'Brien, Dec. 26. Mary E., dau. of Leman and Harriet Kinney, June 8. Katie, dau. of Merrick and Anna C. Sherman, Aug. Mary E., dau. of Roger N. and Thalia W. Cogswell, Oct. 19. John, s. of James and Betsey Mitchell, March 10. 1862. Middleton B., s. of James A. and Sarah S. Bunnell, Jan. 18. Jane B., dau. of John B. and Mary E. Whitehead, Jan. 27. s. of Ralph and Elijah J. Morehouse, Feb. 21. dau. of William and Margaret James, March 3. BIRTHS IN WASHINGTON 353 s. of James and Jane Moore. George C, s. of William and Betsey A. llurlliurt, Clarence A., s. of Erastus J. and Grace Hurl hurt, dau. of Oscar and Helen Bartram, dan. of Jerome and Ellen R. Wright, dau. of John and Mary Stone, Mary E., dau. of Daniel and Julia McCarty, Emma J., dau. of Robert A. and Phel)e Black, Walter, s. of Amos and Mary Hallock, Sarah R., dau. of Egbert and Mary Cogswell, s. of Charles H. and Betsey Babcock, dau. of Henry and Betsey Swift, Fanny E., dan. of John W. and Susan M. Meramble, dau. of Frank B. and Sarah Wheeler, dau. of Phelps F. and Harriet E. Bradley, Elnathan, s. of Earle and Helen Buckingham, Francis, s. of Michael and Susan Flynn. s. of Elmer D. and Harriet J. Beebe, s. of Charles and Susan Galpin, s. of John M. and Sophronia Ford, Roderick D., s. of David N. and Sophia B. Farrand, Walter, s. of Henry S. and Elizabeth Hartwell, Lewis M., s. of George and Jane Logan, dau. of William (). and Sarah J. Corning, Theodore, s. of George and Martha W^riglit, Charles B., s. of Edward B. and Harriet B. Gibson, Arthur, s. of Levi and Cornelia J. Morehouse, Frederick M., s. of Stanley and Esther Williams, s. of Edwin L. and Sarah J. Bushnell, dau. of Sheldon S. and Jane Wheaton, Sarah R., dau. of Egbert and Mary Cogswell, dau. of Cyrus and Mary J. Howland, s. of Ephraim and Hannah D. Lyman, Jennie, dau. of Romulus W. and Mary E. Ford, Frank E., s. of William and Ann Maj^hew, Wallace B.. s. of Thomas and Martha Rowe, Albma D., dau. of Henry and Julia Couch, Edward, s. of Thomas and Anna Black, 1863. Jesse L., s. of Noble and Mary Louisa Bunnell, Josephine A., dau. of Newell H. and Ahce Newton, s. of Truman and Mary Tucker, dau. of Herbert and Mary Piatt, Ellen J., dau. of Frank and Bridget Degnan, s. of David B. and Mary Galpin, dau. of Isaac and Mary Smith, dau. of Horatio T. and Nancy M. Chamberlain, Ann E., dau. of Joseph and Almira Rowe, Vol. lU.—i5 March 5. March 10. March 13. March 30. April 28. May 9. May 13. May 20. May 2.5. Nov. 15. May 20. June 15. June 6. June 19. June 23. July 11. July 15. July 16. July 17. Aug. 13. Aug. 30. Sept. 7. Sept. 23. Oct. 6. Nov. 14. Nov. 15. Nov. 27. Nov. 27. Dec. 5. Dec. 15. Nov. 15. Dec. 1. March 12. April 18. Dec. 30. Nov. 20. Oct. 18. Feb. 28. Jan. 5. Jan. 10. April 19. Jan. 25. Jan. 30. March 23. March 25. April .".. April 4. 354 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, dau. of Stiles and Sarah A. Gunu, April 5. Seymour, s. of Nelson and Sarah C. Brown, April 6. dau. of David N. and Harriet A. Wright, April 12. dau. of Orange A. and Mary A. Hubbell, May 15. s. of Lyman and Phebe Stone, May 17. Edward, s. of Henry J. and Sarah B. Church, May 22. dau. of Dennis and Mary Hagan, May 29. s. of Martin C. and Florinda Granniss, May 25. Remus, s. of Robert and Eunice Cogswell, June 21. Flora R., dau. of Henry E. and Rebecca Sackett, June 29. dau. of Michael and Ann Fanning, June 29. William C, s. of William M. and Eunice Hine, July 5. Sheldon F., s. of Edson and Candace Seeley, July 10. Sherman, s. of Solomon and Elizabeth Cogswell, July 23. Margarett F., dau. of William and Mary Ijinehan, July 25. Emma, dau. of George M. and Harriet Beardsley, Aug. 5. Jennie, dau. of John and Mai'garet Ludgate, Aug. 7. s. of Henry B. and Mary A. Osborn, Aug. 19. Minor, s. of George and Martha Wright, Nov. 13. s. of Floyd and Mary Camp, Aug. 22. Laura, dau. of Seth S. and Serene Logan, Aug. 23. John W., s. of John S. and Maria L. Gunn, Aug. 28. s. of William and Catharine Senior, Aug. 31. dau. of John and Celia Hagar, Sept. 11. Sarah C, dau. of Pehx and Mary Katan, Nov. 1. James G., s. of Charles L. and Mary R. Hickox, Oct. 9. Arthur, s. of Stephen and Sarah Wright, Nov. 1. s. of Mary Wright, Nov. 13. s. of Thomas and Ann Black, Nov. 26. Fannie, dau. of Levi and Cornelia Morehouse, Dec. 28. s. of Jacob and Catharine Zeigler, Dec. 10. John, s. of Thomas and Anna O'Hara, Dec. 23. Flora, dau. of Sidney H. and Abigail Lyman, Oct. 20. Lincoln E., s. of John N. and Henrietta F. Woodruff, Nov. 6. 1864. Lewis A., s. of Charles H. and Phinette Mason, Jan. 18. s. of Elmer D. and Harriet Beebe, Feb. 7. Georgiana, dau. of Daniel and Julia McCarty, Jan. 22. Simeon, s. of William and Margaret Jones, March 9. Lena, dau. of Alfred H. and Ellen Wyant, March 21. s. of George and Catharine Brague, April 19. George E., s. of Andrew and Sarah A. Buckingham, May 2. Isabella, dau. of Richard and Margaret Mealia, May 3. dau. of William and Sarah J. Corning, May 5. George H., s. of Seth and Emily Couch, May 11. dau. of Joseph D. and Emeline Senior, May 12. s. of Robert and Mary McGee, May 12. Frank, s. of Jacob and Catharine Zeigler, Dec. 16. BIKTIIS IN WASHINGTON. 355 s. of Charles and Margaret Noble, May 13. Ella E., dau. of Alansou and Mary Peete. July 18. Joel T., s. of William and Mary Wooster, Aug. 31. P>ank H.. s. of David N. and Sophia B. Farrand, Sept. 22. Anna M., dau. of Edward B. and Harriet Gibson, Sept. 29. Francis, s. of Michael and Julia Logue, Oct. 12. Leander, s. of Joseph and Aluiira Rowe, Nov. 3 Ida M., dau. of George and Martha Wright. Nov. 29 Rollin C, s. of Noble O. and Mary L. Bunnell, Dec. l' Lincoln, s. of Jo.seph and Delia Moore, Dec. 2 Jennie I., dau. of Wooster and Sarah Lenmon, Dec. 19 Russell H,, s. of George E. and Catharine E. Brague, April 19' 1865. Elsie A., dau. of Oscar E. and Jennette Beeraan, March 14. Bertha E.. dau. of Horace Q. and Ellen Judd, March 18. Joseph, s. of John B. and Mary Whitehead, March 28. dau. of Burton and Sylvia Shove, April 7. s. of David and Harriet A. Wright, April 9. s. of Thomas and Sarah Taylor, May 1. Walter S.. s. of Samuel F. and Matilda Burgess. dau. of Thomas and Abigail Convoy, May 3. Nelson G., s. of Romulus 'W. and Mary E. Ford, June 9. s. of Charles and Maria Migarty, June 1 6. dau. of Hermon and Caroline Crittenden, June 28. Eddie N.. s. of Thomas and Martha A. Rowe, Jan. 29. dau. of Lyman and Phebe Stone, Aug. 20. Dayton A., s. of Stephen and Sarah Wright, Oct. I. s. of Patrick and Ann Feeney, Sept. 9. Anna A., dau. of Felix and Mary Katan, Sept. 14. Sarah C, dau. of Samuel J. and Martha A. Nettleton, Sept. 14. Minor, s. of Levi and Cornelia J. Morehouse. Sept. 22. Richard T., s. of Edward and Mary Higgins. Sept. 24. s. of Stephen and Sarah Wright, Oct. 1. Thomas, s. of Patrick and Johanna McGrath, Oct. 19. s. of Elmer and Eva Aflatt, Nov. 1 1 . Eugene, s. of George and Martha Wright, March 29. s. of Cornelius and Cordelia Allen, Nov. 13. Hattie F., dau. of Albert N. and Elizabeth E. Smith, Nov. 19. s. of Joseph D. and Emeline Senior, Nov. 20. John, s. of John and Margaret Ludgate, Nov. 29. dau. of Hugh and Catharine Blackburn, Dec. 31. Eugene S., s. of John and Maria Meramble, Oct. 12. s. of Michael and Margaret Pickett, Dec. 18. s of Ambrose and Louisa Wells, Dec. 27. Willard H., s. of Henry and Abigail Seeley. Dec. 28. Henry J., s. of Edward J. and Sarah K. Hine, Sept. 13. Frederick G., s. of Henry J. and Sarah R. Church. Feb. 19. Julia A., dau. of William and Betsey Hurlburt, Feb. 23. 356 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, 1866. s. of Earle and Helen Buckingham, Jan. 11. s. of Isaac and Mary S. Smith, Jan. 25. Charles L., s. of Thomas and Ann O'Hara, Feb. 22. John H., s. of Andrew and Sarah A. Buckingham, Feb. 11. Arthur G., s. of Egbert E. and Mary E. Cogswell, Feb. IS. Lena S., dau. of Daniel S. and Rachael E. Baker, March 14. Katie, dau. of George E.and Catharine E. Brague, June 15. Daniel, s. of Henry S. and Elizabeth Hartweli, March 26. Catharine B., dau. of John G. and Lydia E. Fenn, April 7. s. of Ferris and Eva Hallock, May 7. Lester W., s. of William and Mary E. Black, Aug. 5. Charles G., s. of Alanson and Mary Peet, March 7. s. of Reuben and Frances Swift, Aug. 29. Dwight, s. of Simeon and Clara Calhoun, Sept. 18. Mary M. H., dau. of Henry and Rebecca M. Sackett, Sept. 19. Samuel L., s. of Franklin and Lucretia Hollister, Oct. 6. Amelia S., dau. of Samuel J. and Martha Nettleton, Oct. 16. Murray C, s. of Simeon D. and Malinda Ford, Dec. 26. s. of Jacob and Mary Zeigler, Oct. 23. Ellen A., dau. of Guy C. and Ceha Ford, Oct. 24. s. of Richard and Anna Reading, Oct. 26. Jennie T., dau. of Isaac and Mary S. Smith, Jan. 25. Mary, dau. of William and Dorlesoa Durley, Oct. 27. Albert A., s. of Franklin S. and Frances A. Titus, Nov. 10. s. of James and Delia Moore, Nov. 23. s. of James and Catharine Connor, Nov. 27. Harriet E., dau. of John B. and Mary Whitehead, Dec. 5. Horace, s. of George and Maria McCann, Dec. 29. James, s. of Michael and Julia Logue, May 1. Geo. H., s. of John M. and Arminta Black, Feb. 17. 1867. Lillian, dau. of Ralph I. and EHsabeth C. Wheaton, Feb. 1. James, s. of Patrick and Hannah McGrath, Feb. 22. Walter L., s. of iVmos and Mary Hallock, Feb. 27. s. of Hugh and Mary A. Blackburn, Feb. 28. George C, s. of Charles and Melissa Calhoun, March 29. Seth, s. of Orestus and AnnisHickox, April 15. dau. of Edwin and Harriet Pratt, April 30. dau. of Dennis and Mary Hagan, June 5. Edith R., dau. of Felix and Mary Katan, April 12. Carrie I., dau. of Alanson and Mary L. Peet, June 11. Louisa A., dau. of Alfred and Mary Eliza Cable, May 14. s. of Patrick and Ann Feeney, June 30. Jesse, s. of George and Martha L. Wright, July 28. Royal, s. of Joseph and Almira Rowe, Aug. 16. BIKTHS IN WASHINGTON, 357 Willie T., s. of Richard and Hannah Benjamin, Aug. 17. Jennie A., dau. of Edward J. and Sarah Cable, Aug. 17. Catharine, dau. of Bernard and Margaret Higgins, July 2.0. s. of Andrew and Hannah Bristol, Aug. 19. Charles F., s. of George E. and Anne E. Brague, Sept. 19. dau. of Charles and P"'lora Harrison, Sept. '27. Charles B., s. of Henry S. and Laura (xillett, Sept. 5. Alberta B., dau. of Gilbert and Augusta Corning. Sept. 8. George S., s. of Simeon and Clara Calhoun, Sept. 13. dau. of .\nna Piatt, Sept. 10. Daniel, s. of Michael and Julia Logue, Nov. 21. Carrie E., dau. of Isaac and Mary S. Smith, Nov. 26. Jessie, dau. of Thomas and Martha Rowe. Dec. 9. Celia A., dau. of John and Maria Meramble, Dec. 17. s. of Daniel and Julia McCarty, Dec. 29. Walter L., s. of Amos and Marv Hallock, Feb. 27. 1868. Seth, s. of Thomas and Sarah A. Taylor, March 13. Minnie L., dau. of William E. and Lucy A. Brown, March 4. s. of Patrick and Ann Coughlin, Feb. 12. dau. of Cyrus and Elizabeth Peet, Feb. 6. Georgie, s. of Charles L. and Mary Hickox, Jan. 1. Albert B., s. of Edward B. and Harriet E. Gibson, Jan. 25. Mary, dau. of Samuel J. and Martha A. Nettleton, Feb. 21. Lora R., dau. of Curtis A. and EHza Titus, April 1. s. of Edward and Celestia Ailing, April 26. William W., s. of Benjamin and Anna Seeley, Jan. 6. Julia E., dau. of Geo. K. and Jane Logan, May 9. dau. of Joseph and Delia Moore, June 4. George H., s. of Welcome and Gertrude Clemens, June 28. Emily A., dau. of William and Mary E. Black, July 1. Frank E., s. of Henry C. and Augusta Antoinette Rowe, July 9. s. of Henry L. and Mary E. Rocjt, Aug. 17. Theodosia W., dau. of Howard W. and Ellen A. Hazen, Aug. 24. Ellen A., dau. of Charles and Melissa Calhoun, Sept. 3. s. of Otis W. and Charlotte Newcomb, Sept. 13. Willie, s. of Jacob and Catharine Zeigler, Sept. 29. dau. of Thomas and Mary Smith, Sept. 23. dau. of Albert M. and Elizabeth E. Smith, Oct, 31. George W,, s. of Samuel and Jennett Kinney, Nov. 1. Chloe S., dau. of Felix and Mary Katan, Nov. 9. Grace N., dau. of Newell H. and Alice Newton, Dec. 1. Lloyd H., s. of Henry and Martha Nettleton, Oct. 27. David N., s. of David N. and Sophia Farrand, Oct. 2. Arthur, s. of WilHs S. and Lucy P. Cotton, May 22. Eve B., dau. of Orestus and Annis Hickox, Dec. 31. 358 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Gregory S., s. of Richard and Elizabeth Bryan, Dec. 2. Charles A., s. of George A. and Sarah Tomlinson, Dec. 10. Edith C, dau. of Benjamin and Mary Elizabeth Griswold, Dec. 19. Burton B., s. of Burton and Sylvia Shove, Nov. 22. Edith L., dau. of Albert M. and Elizabeth E. Smith, Oct. 31. 1869. Ella, dau. of Romulus and Mary Ford, March. John, s. of VYilham and Dorlesca Durley, Feb. 1. Mariette, dau. of George and Mary Noble, Feb. 17. Sarah J., dau. of Charles and Belinda Partrell, Nov. 11. s. of Patrick and Ann Peeney. March 21. Edward M., s. of Seth and Lucenia Taylor, March 31. Ida P., dau. of George E. and Catharine E. Prague, March 15. dau. of Michael and Mary Brennan, May 8. Nellie, dau. of Michael and Julia Logue, June 29. dau. of William H. and Fannie Dougal. July 27. Priam, s. of George and Martha Wright, July 18. s. of Henry C. and Mary L. Randall, July 31. Walter B., s. of Earle and Helen Buckingham, Aug. 21. Harriet, dau. of Andrew and Sarah A. Buckingham, Sept. 5. Jennie A., dau. of John and Maria Meramble, Sept. 2. s. of Walter and Anna Morehouse, Sept. 11. LilKe, dau. of Alfred and Mary E. Cable, Oct. 14. s. of Patrick and Ann Coughlin, Nov. 2. dau. of Hugh and Ann Blackburn, Nov. 12. William E., s. of Cornelius and Ellen E. Shea, Nov. 4. Thornton H.. s. of Roger N. and Thalia Cogswell, Aug. 1. s. of William and Dorlesca Durley, Nov. 20. Frederick T., s. of Merrill and Evelyn Fenn, Nov. 28. Ethleen, dau. of Hugh and Mary L. Smith, March 30. Eugene, s. of George B. and Anna E. Brague, Jan. 22. Blford S., s. of Sherman and Elizabeth Taylor, Jan. 28. Daniel F., s. of Daniel and Julia McCarty, Dec. 28. Eugene, s. of Joseph and Almira Rowe, Sept. 6. Jerome, s. of Jerome and Katie A. Bissell, June 20. 1870. Howard P., s. of Sherman and Elizabeth Cogswell, Jan. 1. Laura A., dau. of Horace Q. and Ellen Judd, Jan. 4. Susan G., dau. of John H. and Helen Logan, Feb. 2. s. of Cyrus and Mary Howland, Feb. 1 4. s. of Bruce and Katie D. Hatch, Feb. 16. Frank K.. s. of Samuel T. and Maria Weston, March 9. Frank, s. of Alfred and Delia Murphy, March 15. Louis D., s. of David N. and Sophia Farrand, April 6. Lewis G., s. of Willis S. and Lucy P. Cotton, April 20. Arthur C, s. of Curtis A. and Eliza Titus, April 10. BIRTHS IN WASHINGTON 359 dau. of James and Ellen Ferris, Harriet, dau. of Henry S. and Martha Nettleton, Evelyn L., dau. of Charles and Melissa Calhoun, dau. of Silas and Anna P. Wright, Susan, dau. of Aiken and Sarah Odell, Dallas J., s. of Alfred and Ellen Wyant, Christiana B., dau. of Jonathan E. and Sarah K. Hine, dau. of Andrew and Sarah A. Buckingham, s. of Jerome and Emily Wedge, Edward L., s. of Benjamin and Mary E. (Jriswold, Frederick, s. of George E. and Anna Brague, Mary E., dau. of George K. and Jane Logan, Ellen R., dau. of George S. and Anna Cogswell, Jessie A., dau. of John N. and Maria Meramble, Mary, dau. of Jacob and Catharine Zeigler, s. of Otis and Cornelia Gillette, Emma J., dau. of Samuel and Jennette Kinney, 1871. Tunis, dau. of Joseph T. and Delia Moore, John F., s. of Cornelius and Ellen Shea, Homer S., s. of Thomas and Martha Rowe, Walter H., s. of Merill and Evelyn Penn, Girard, s. of Hughes and Mary Smith, Joseph C, s. of Simeon and Clara Calhoun, Anna A., dau. of Samuel J. and Martha Nettleton, dau. of Emma Rowe, s. of Edwin and Amelia Evitts, dau. of Michael and Julia Logue, s. of Ambrose and Louisa Wells, Clarence, s. of Edgar and Lucinda Calhoun, dau. of William and Julia Barney, dau. of Hiram and Mary L. Lake, Vira A., dau. of Henry T. and Jennie Hickox, Frederick, s. of William and Mary Woods, Hattie, dau. of George and Mary 0. Noble, Herbert M., s. of Egbert E. and Jane Cogswell, dau. of Patrick and Ann Carpenter, Emma G. and Walter D., twin dau. and s. of Charles L. and Mary Hickox, s. of John and Julia Rockwell, Wahno, s. of Edward and Zeruah Fenn, William, s. of William and Dorlesca Durley, dau. of Frederick and Martha Lake, Charles 0., s. of John and Minnie Ryden, dau. of ^Liggie Hagan, Clifford G., s. of Virgil and Sarah Hatch, s. of Charles and Mary Curry, Hattie, dau. of Thomas and Sarah A. Taylor, May 13 xMay 17. April 4, May 18. June 27, June 28. July 1. Aug. 6. Aug. 23 Sept. 11. Oct. 26. Nov. 3 Dec. 23. Dec. 27, Aug. 16. Dec. 29. March 27. Jan. 7. Jan. 9. Jan. 10. Jan. 20. Jan. 21. Jan. 25. Jan. 28. Feb. 20. Feb. 10. March 5. March 26. Sept. 19. Sept. 28. April 24. April 28. April 30. May 2. May 14. May 18. May 29. June 2. June 9. Aug. 2. Aug. 13. Feb. 24. Aug. 16. Aug. 29. Aug. 26. Sept. 13. 360 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. dau. of Albert and Susan Murphy, Oct. 15. dau. of Jerome and Emily Wedge, Nov. 11. s. of Andrew and Hannah Bristol, Nov. 16. Alpheus, s. of Mary Ann Harrison, Dec. 16. s. of Edwin and Harriet E. Pratt, Dec. 2 1 . dau. of John and Ellen Shangessy, Dec. 22. Margaret, dau. of Michael and Julia Logue, Nov. 21. 1872. Harry W., s. of William and Emma Knickerbocker, Jan Elinor, dau. of Samuel and Jennett Kinney, Jan. dau. of Helen Cummings, Jan. Arthur I., s. of Henry and Martha Nettleton, Jan. Ameha M., dau. of Simeon and Clara Calhoun, March s. of Hiram and Loretta Lake, March s. of Joseph L. and Alvira Clemens Lamphier, March Hattie M., dau. of Seth and Emily Couch, May Daniel, s. of Samuel and Katie A. Bissell, Oct. dau. of Lewis M. and Sarah Wood in, June s. of Charles H. and Flora Harrison, June William H., s. of Andrew and Sarah A. Buckingham, July WiUiam, s. of WilHam and Charlotte Hamlin, Aug. Fannie B., dau. of Charles and Melissa Calhoun, Aug. Edward H., s. of Charles and Alice Tompkins, Aug. dau. of George and Anna Lake. Aug. s. of Samuel I. and Catharine Bissell, Oct. Mary B., dau. of Albert M. and Elizabeth Smith, Sept. Oscar C, s. of Savan and Josephine Johnson, Sept. Abbey, dau. of WilHam and Mary Woods, Sept. s. of William and Julia Jackson, Oct. Mary, dau. of William and Julia Barney, Oct. Burton G., s. of George and Laura Humphrey, Oct. Vinia A., dau. of Jerome and Hannah Hallock, Oct. L'ving B., s. of Edgar and Lucinda Calhoun, Oct. dau. of Luther and Fanny Turrill, Nov. s. of John and Angeline Fleazcr, Nov. Florence G., dau. of Welcome and Gertrude Clemmons, Dec. Fitz Greene, s. of Samuel J. and Martha Nettleton, Nov. Amy F., dau. of Hughes and Mary Smith, Nov. dau. of Lee and Mary Stone, Nov. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Mary A. O'Hara, Nov. 22. 27. 27. 30. 6. 21. 26. 14. 17. 22. 20. 22. 28. 30. 3. 27. 27. 18. 1. 17. 27. 28. 28. 10. 17. 3. 22. 25. 28. 28. 1873. Elizabeth B., dau. of Alpheus G. and Silence Baker, March 9. Norman H., s. of Merill and Evelyn Fenn, March 14. s. of WiUiam McNally, March 15. Lilda M., dau. of Samuel F. and Matilda A. Burgess, April 16. s. of H. and Sarali Morgan, Maich 17. Laura L., dau. of William and Emma Knickerbocker, March 18. BIRTHS IN WASHINGTON. 361 dan. of Spencer and Delia Sanford, March 20. Frederick, s. of (Cornelius and Elh^n Shea, March 24. WilHam J., s. of William and Anna Delaney, April 26. s. of Starr and Ellen Benedict. Feb. 4. dan. of Frank C. and Julia King, June 8. s. of John N, and Maria Meramble, July 9. Lizzie E., dau. of Charles and Belinda Partrell 'J^uly 1 2. Arthur, s. of Andrew and Sarah A. Buckingham. July 19. dau. of James and Matilda Osborn, July 28. Martha, dau. of George and Mary Russell, Aug. 3. Bertha, dau. of Frank and Matilda Newton. Sept. 5. Sarah A., dau. of William and Dorlesca Durley, Sept. 12. dau. of Frederick and Martha Lake, Sept. 24. Lena Dell, dau. of Charles and Fanny Fenn, Sept. 27. Daniel, s. of Patrick and Hannah McGrath, July 24. s. of Andrew and Smith, Oct. 20. s. of Gordon and Rocelia Tyrell, Nov. 6. Daniel B., s. of Samuel L. and Fanny Brinsmade, Nov. 7. Catherine, dau. of John and Catherine O'Brian, May 14. dau. of Andrew and Anna Marvin, Nov. 10. Albert A., s. of Simeon H. and Clara Calhoun, Nov. 14. Gertrude L., dau. of Samuel T. and Maria Weston. March 11. dau. of Frank and Ida Ilurlbui-t, March 19. Mabel, dau. of WilHs and Lucy P. Cotton, Sept. 15. John, s. of John and Maria Meramble, July 10. Eunice H., dau. of Edward and Hattie Meeker, Dec. 23. dau. of Frank and Hannah Brown, Dec. 25. Sarah A., dau. of Solomon and Mary Ryden, Feb. 6. dau. of Henry W. and Martha Woodruff. April 25. Edwin, s. of William and Anna McXally, Mai'ch 15. Charles, s. of Jacob and Catharine Zeigler, May 19. 1874, s. of Clark and Mary E. Hungerford. Dec. 1 7. William W., dau. of George S. and Anna Cogswell, March 8. Ann Eliza, dau. of William and Mary Woods, March 8. dau. of Jacob and Josephine Bowman, April 24. dau. of Lewis and Marion Munson, April 27. Leona M., dau. of James and Mary A. Bartram, April 27. Mary A., dau. of Charles L. and Mary Ford. May 10. Francis, s. of William and Anna Delaney, May 23. John, s. of Darfiel and Julia McCarty, Oct. iO. Georgie, dau. of W^alter and Mary Newton, June 6. dau. of John C. and Nellie Sherwood, June 9. William, s. of Wilham and Julia Barney, June 20. Edw.-,rd J., s. of Watson and Susan Frisbie, June 21. dau. of William and Henrietta Warrington, July 30. Marietta E., dau. of Benjamin and Anna Seeley, Aug. 2. dau. of Ambrose and Louisa Wells, Aug. 7. Vol. IIP— 46 !62 HISTORY OF ANOTENT WOODBT'BY, Alma p.. dan. of John and Minnie Ryden, Wilbur W., s. of Edward and Zeruah Fenn, s. of John Neilson, dau. of James and Mary E. Spofford, Thomas, s. of John and Honora Cronan, Cortland and Coi'a, twins, s. and dau. of Samuel R. and Jenett Kinney, Cornelius, s. of Cornelius and Ellen Shea, Helen, dau. of Solomon and Mary Ryden, 1875. Ceha, dau. of Samuel J. and Martha Nettleton, Mary Edith, dau. of Hughes and Mary Smith, Jan. 17. Aug. 22. Aug. 27. Sept. 23. Sept. 28. Oct. 8. Oct. 20. May 12. Jan. 27. Feb. 5. Johanna and (dead,) twin daus. of John and Cath- arine O'Brien, Feb. 4. Sheldon B., s. of Henry T. and Jennet Hickox, Feb. 8. Mary R., dau. of Andrew and Sarah A. Buckingham, March 1 5. Emma, dau. of Edward and Louisa Zaines, Sept. 6. Clinton M., s. of Welcome and Gertrude Clemmons, Sept. 23. Mary E., s. of William and Alice Hurlburt, May 11. Edith M., dau. of Charles N. and Rosanna Beach, May 17. Esther U., dau. of Merrill and Evelyn Fenn, June 7. George S., s. of Sherman and Sarah Cogswell, July 7. s. of Marvin and Catharine Beeman, July 11. dau. of Henry and Jane Crannaford, July 28. Evelyn A., dau. of William and Charlotte Hamlyn, July 31. Hannah, dau. of Hiram and Loretta Lake, Aug. 11. George, s. of Charles A. and Christina A. Rylander, June 9. dau. of John H. and Helen Logan, Aug. 14. Bertie L., dau. of Chester B. and Abby Whittlesey, Aug. 27. James P., s. of William and Anna Delaney, Sept. 1. Daniel, s. of H. N. and Lizzie Harris, Sept. 1. Marietta L., dau. of William T. and Emily Odell, Aug. 1. Alice M., dau. of George S. and Laura Humphrey, Sept. 2. Ida and Ada, daus. of Watson and Susan Frisbie, Sept. 3. George F., s. of Alpheus G. and Silence Baker, Sept. 8. Henry E., s. of Charles and Melissa Calhoun, March 14. Fannie L., dau. of Edward E. and Hattie Meeker, March 14. William, s. of Williain and Mary Woods, Dec. 16. Ella W., dau. of Charles G. and Fannie E. Fenn, Sept. 26. 1876. t Dora C, dau. of William and Dorlesca Durley, Jan. 21. s. of Frank and Amie Harman, Jan. 31. Seth B., s. of Clark and Mary Hungerford, Feb. 4. Mildred D., dau. of Virgil B. and Sarah M. Hatch, Aug. 29. dau. of Courtland and Addie Cole, Feb. 29. s. of Pati'ick and Henrietta Shaunessy, Feb. 14. Mary A., dau. of William and Anna Delaney. Oct. 13. BTRTITS IN WASHINGTON. 363 Amy A., dau. of Henry and Martha Nettlcton, Feb. 11). Seth W,, s. of James and Caroline M. 0.sborne, Sept. 17. s. and dau. of George E. and Anna Brague, March "21. Hannah E., dau. of Timothy and Hannah Dracy, March 30. Prances W., dau. of Frederick and Lydia Cogswell, April 26. Sarah M., dau. of Robert and Phebe A. Black, May 4. Michael, s. of John and Honora Cronan. May 5. Mary A., dau. of Andrew and Sarah B. Buckingliam, Sept. Ransom, s. of Richai-d and Hannah Benjamin, May 11. Nellie, dau. of Henry and Lucy Barney, May 13. Alma P., dau. of John and Minnie Ryden, May 14. Leslie H., s. of Fred, and Grace L. Jenks, June 9. Josephine E., dau. of Albert E. and Mary G. Anson, April 22. s. of Belden B. and Ida Brown, July 16. Flora M., dau. of Frank and Aurilla P. HolHster, July 20. Florence P., dau. of Henry T. and Jennie Hickox, July 22. Mabel H.. dau. of Franklin and Julia BoUes, Aug. 17. Herman H., s. of Frederick and R. Marilla Brinsmade, Sept. 19. Mary A., dau. of William and Anna Delaney, Oct. 13. Solomon, s. of Solomon and Mary Ryden, May 12. Lucy M., dau. of Samuel J. and Martha Nettleton, Nov. 8. Candace A., dau. of James and Mary A. Bartram, Nov. 11, Marietta, dau. of Thomas and Mary C. O'Hara. George N., s. of Frederick and Jennie Schusedel, June 23. 1877. James, s. of Patrick and Henrietta Shaunessy, Jan. 7. David T., s. of Joseph and Sarah A. "Whittlesey, Jan. 14. s. of William and Fredericke Orth, Feb. 17. William H., s. of Henry and Sarah A. Foulois, Feb. 23. John J., s. of Samuel and Josephine Johnson, March 26. Jesse L., s. of John and Angeline Fleazer, March 4. Lucelia E., dau. of Edward E. and Hattie Meeker, March 12. Ada W., dau. of George K. and Jane Logan, March 14. Ida C, dau. of Charles and Christena Rylander, April 2. dau. of Edward F. and Elizabeth Brague, April 10. Newton C, s. of Charlus and Alice Tompkins, April 21. Howard, s. of Jay and Emma Lane, April 23. Charles, s. of Frank and Matilda Newton, May :'>. Mary W., dau. of George S. and Anna Cogswell, May 19. Ida, dau. of Hans and Lena Ander.son, June 3- Mary, dau. of John and Honora Cronan, June 24. Viola, dau. of Fred, and Grace Jenks, July 4. Howard, s. of George, Jr.. and Sarah Wright, Aug. 3. s. of Henry and Jane Hannaford, Aug. 4. Maica, dau. of William and Alice Hurlburt, Aug. 17. Amelia, dau. of Samuel L. and Fanny E. Brinsmade, Sept. 13. dau. of Virgil B. and Sarah M. Hatch, Sept. 22. Edward V., s. of Vincent B. and Maria Sterling, Sept. 26. 364 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. dau. of Rufus E. and Nancy M. Terrill, Sept. 31. Charles, s. of Jerome and Edna Granniss, Oct. 7. Harry G., s. of Herbert H. and Anna M. Logan, Oct. 18. dau. of Daniel M. and Hattie Tompkins, Dec. 3. Mary A., dau. of Edward P. and Elizabeth Brague, April 10. Lizzie, dau. of William and Anna McNalley, Jan. 13. John, s. of John and Catherine O'Brian, May 5. 1878. Esther, dau. of George and Esther Murphy, Jan. 7. Alice M., dau. of Harvey J. and Sarah Hart well, Feb. 3. dau. of William and Ellen Woods, Feb. 10. Ellen, dau. of Cornelius and Ellen Shea, Jan. 24. William, s. of Henry W. and Lizzie Harris, March 13. Mary E., dau. of Edward J. and Agnes Wheaton, April 30. Mabel, dau. of Samuel J. and Emma French, May 1. Lewis H., s. of Edgar and Sarah S. Calhoun, May 27. Florence A., dau. of Henry and Sarah Foulois, June 4. Helen, dau. of George and Mary Woodward, June 11. dau. of Silas and Nellie Wright, June 16. Timothy, s. of William and Anna Delaney, June 26. Howard, s. of Walter W. and Helen Bronson, July 12. Harriet S., dau. of Henry T. and Jennie Hickox, July 23. Ida A. and Edith A., twin daus. oi James and Mary A. Bartram, July 24. George, s. of Wilhara and Anna McNally, July 24. s. of Richard and Laura Waldron, Aug. 23. Willie M., s. of Samuel J. and Martha Nettleton, Aug. 25. Henry, s. of Frederick and Mary Smedel, Aug. 28. Mary, dau. of Patrick and Henrietta Shaunessy, Sept. 2. Mary E., dau. of Dennis and Bridget Crary, Sept. 10. Mina A., dau. of Charles and Christine Rylander, Sept. 23. Alice L., dau. of Charles and Rosanna Beach, Sept. 25. Florence, dau. of Frederick and Lydia Cogswell, Oct. 9. Edward, s. of Edward and Louisa Zaner, Nov. 17. Walter S., s. of Ralph I. and Elizabeth C. Wheaton, Nov. 17. Maud C, dau. of Frank and Julia Bolles, Dec. 2. Maud, dau. of William and Catharine Hamlin, Dec. 7. s. of Hans and Lena Anderson, Dec. 24. Franklin H., s. of Edward and Zeruah Fenn, June 25. George L., s. of George and Thirza Chase, Feb. 11. John E., s. of Solomon and Mary Ryden, May 28. John F., s. of Timothy and Hannah Dracy, March 22. George, s. of William and Mary Woods, Feb. MARRIAGES IN WASHINGTON. 1749. Zachariah Hawley of Stratford and Bethiah Austen of Suffield, April 27. Jonathan Rich of Kent and Abigail McCoy of Bethlem, Jan. 12. 1750. Charles Smith and Bershaba Bartholomew, Jan. 31. Simeon Burton of Sharon and Hannah Chappel of Kent, March 19. Martin Smith and Rhoda Weeks, May 10. John Guthrie and Patience Knap, May 1 0. 1751. Lemuel Bartholomew and Mary Squire, July I. Henry Ingraham and Frances Nichols, Oct. 28. 1752. Seth Castle and Tabitha Hurlburt, Jan. 15. Ebenezer Andrus and Jemima Hurd, July 27. Benjamin Hurd and Ann Hopson, Sept. 6. Enos Foot of Newtown and Mary Chappel of Kent, Dec. 7. 1753. Jonathan Smith and Ann Hurd, Oct. 3. Ozias "Wilcox of Middletown and Mabel Gould of Litch- field, Oct. 31. Samuel Judson and Elisabeth Baker, Nov. 12. John Logan and Zuba Royce, Nov. 15. Elijah Baker of Roxbury and Ruth Hurd, Nov. 28. Elnathan Mitchell and Sarah Turn$y. Amos Clark of Bethlem and Naomi Weeks, Nov. 20. 1754. Peleg Stone and Mindwell Baker, Jan. 10. Solomon Johnson of Southbury and Sarah Durkee of Litchfield, March 13. Thomas Waugh of Litchfield and Rosana Watson of Bethlem, April 11. 366 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. James Logan and Rachel "Weeks, July 1. Joseph Lamb and Betsey Ingraham, Oct. 28. James Calhoun and Mary Guthrie, Dec. 3L 1755. Thomas Durkee and Abiah Smith, March 5. Henry Fisher and Eunice Palmer, April 29. Ezekiel Baker and Molly Chittenden, Nov. IL Ezra Gilbert and Mary Hurlburt, Nov. 26. 1756. David Owen and Issabel McCoy, Jan. 25. John Woodruff and Sarah Baker, Feb. 3. Daniel Hurd of Roxbury and Aner Castle of Roxbury, March 8. Isaac Sanford and Jerusha Baker, May 4. Joseph Prindle and Experience Peck, May 5. Eldad Curtiss of Bethlem and Clotildia Weeks, May 20. Abraham Kirby and Eunice Starkweather, May 31. Daniel Owen of New Milford and Susanna Guthrie. Nov. 15. 1757. Nathan Warner of Woodbury and Mary Durkee, May 13. Abisha Moseley and Lois Dutton, Dec. 14. 1758. Salmon Hurlburt and Anne Everit, April 13. Samuel Logan and Rachel Royce, May 25. Judah Baldwin and Deborah Royce, July 28. 1759. Louis Munger of Bethlem and Elizabeth Stone, Feb. 23. Joseph Beeman of East Greenwich and Catharine Durkee, June 28. Gideon Hollister and Patience Hurd, Dec. 6. Samuel Dutton and Joanna Roots, Dec. 6. 1760. James Linn of Woodbury and Priscilla Weeks, March 11. Onessimus Titus and Hulda Curtiss, April 22. Jonathan Shepard of New Preston and Mehetabel Baker, April 29. David Durkee and Mary Warner of Woodbury, April 30. David Calhoun and Lois Chittenden, May 1. Peruda Isbell of Litchfield and Mercy Hurlburt, July 3. Samuel Clark and Anne Barnum, July 10. 1761. Paul Welch of New Milford and Rosanna Whitney, Nov. 3. MARRIAGES IX WASHINGTON 367 1762. Joseph Hurlburt and Luc}' Hinman of Woodbury, Gen. P^than Allen of Cornwall and Mary Bronson of Roxburv, Luther Fowler of Westlield and Anne Woodward, Uriel Tucker and Eunice Dayton, Elihu Smith and Onnar Slade, Ebenezer Clark and Hannah Tenny, Thomas Parniely and Elizabeth Roots, Joel Titus and Mary Treat, 1763. Daniel Baker and Jerusha Hurd of Roxbury, Ethan Stone and Elizabeth McCoy, Alexander Hannah of Bethlem and Mary Calhoun, Ebenezer Ffere and Sarah Bassett, 1764. Jonathan Botsford of New Milford and Abigail Curtiss, John Smith and Mary Ford, Jonathan (iriswold of Haddam and Flizabeth Weeks, John Davidson ■and Mary McCoy, Peleg Bennett of Southbury and Rebecca Burns, John Hopson and Al)iah Ilazen, Isi'ael Gillett of Lebanon and Susanna Durkee, William Hooker of Bethlem and Mary Moseley, April 22. June 2.3. Sept. 7. Feb. 2. Sept. 16. Sept. 16. Sept. 16. Sept. 27. Jan. 6. Oct. 5. Oct. 6. Nov. 8. Feb. 23. Feb. March 13. Aug. 2. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 20. 3. 15. 26. 1765. Benjamin Chittendon of Spencertown and Ann Baker, Jan. 23. John Dutton and Martha Savage, April 22. Eleazer Tngraham and Lydia Guthrie, Aug. 6. Abner Mosely and Ann Clark, . Sept. 18. Natlianicl Baruum of Danljury and l'ati(Mice Hurlburt, Nov. 17. Jonathan Smith and Esther Bristol, Dec. 25. 1766. Asahel Hurd and Rebecca Blakesley of Roxbury, William Sharpe and , Joseph Easton and Mahetabel Baker. 1767. Matthew Logan and Sarah Savage. 1768. John Calhoun and Tabitha Clark, Feb. 20. May 20. Jan. 31. Dec. 28. 368 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, 1770. Richard Bryan and Mabel Hickox, 1771. Aaron Olds and Eunice Durkee, Ephraim Baker and Elizabetn Easton, Darius Fisher and Rebecca Clark, James Mead and Abigail Laphara, Friend Beeman and Mary Logan, John Baker and Elizabeth Masters, James Hall and Betty Lamb, Isaac Newton and Elizabeth Pitcher, Mathew Rice and Mary Potter of Southbury, 1772. Castle Dean and Joanna Barnum, Gideon Camp and Frances Treat, 1773. David Roots and Abigail Parker, Jacob Baker and Ann Tullman, Samuel Slade and Sarah Durkee, 1774 Perry Averill and Dorothy Whittlesey, Jeremiah Ingraham and Ruth Bell, Abel Curtis and Elizabeth Beardsley, Brinsmade Gibson and Phebe Hickox, 1775. Preston Hollister and Patience Mitchell, .John Piatt and Elizabeth Parmelee, Jonah Bassett and Lois Bailey, 1776. Caleb Hitchcock and Joanna Baker, Party Kinney and Sarah Hine, Elijah Hickox and Hannah Keeler, Daniel Fenn and Hannah Clark, Isaac Armstrong and Deborah Roots, 1777. Thomas Farmer and Sarah Tomlinson, Daniel Sheldon and Charlotte Judson, John Powell and Martha Nettleton, Nov. April May March 22 6 5 April May May June 1 9 16 3 Oct. 10 Nov. 11 Dec. 24 Aug. 31 Sept. July Nov. 29 29 25 Sept. Feb. 22 16 March 9 March 31 March 2 July July 7 6 Jan. 4 March 20 Jan. 24 June 13 Dec. 5 May July 5 6 Feb. 4 MAKUIAOK8 IN WASUINOTON. :5G9 1778. 'I'imothy Goodsell and Sarah Pitcher, Andrew Hiiio and Keziah Thorp. Jesse Baker and Ruth Htone, Wells Ijeardsley and Andra Fowler, Ephraim Minor and Elizabeth Goodsell. Samuel Carr of Woodbury and Olive Armstrong. Isaac Goodsell and Mary (liibson, John Hurd and Lois Hurd, Mull Curtiss and Khoda Titus, Justus Dayton of Waterbury and Hannah Titus, Philo Hodge and Keturah Armstrong, Ephraim JiJaker and Mai-y Sperry of Bethleni, Michael Herman of fioxbury and Sarah Curtiss, Thomas Parinely and Bathsheba Thorp, Bartholomew Baker and Sarah Eenn, 1779. Luke Welch, continental soUlier, and Abigail Torrance, botii of Roxbury, William Slade and Rebecca Plumb, John Mallery of Roxbury and Elizabeth Goodsell, Reuben Hickox and Silence Easton, Samuel Northrop, Jr., and Sarah Button of Bethlem, Seth Hastings and Eunice Parmely, Daniel N. Brinsmade and Abigail Farrand, Simeon Mitch el and Esther Farrand, Andrew Hendrake and Elizabeth Gaylord, David Whittlesey and Abigail Judson, Samuel Woodruif and Molly Curtiss, Samuel Coply and Rhoda Parmely, Thomas Hooker of Bethlem and Ruth Parmely, 1780. Isaac Parish and Mary Goodsell, George Calhoun and Judith Taylor, Gideon Roberts of Waterbury and Jerusha Pitcher, Nathaniel Bosworth and Catharine Davies, William Fox of Hartland and Deborah Turrell, Cornelius Hamlin and Esther Oviatt, Thomas Cole of Watertown and Susannah Pitcher, Simeon Mitchel and Esther Farrand, Sylvester Wheaton and Mary Wheaton, Moses Hurd and Esther Hurd both of Roxbury, Thomas Armstrong and Annis Hicok, Reuben Parmely and Betty 'I'horp, Aaron Foot and Content Hurd, James Armstrong and Miriam Mallory, Vol. IIL— 4V Jan. 15 Feb. 17 April If). Nov. 27. Feb. 18. Feb. 15). Feb. P.), March '). Mav 4. July 8. Sept. 17. Sept. 30. Oct. 28. Nov. 2.S. Dec. 29. Feb. 17. April 13. April 27. April 28. June 3. Nov. 10. Nov. 23. Nov. 15. Sept. 2. Dec. 8. Dec. 9. Dec. 9. Dec. 9. Feb. 20. March 30. March 8. April 2. Oct. 26. Sept. 20. Nov. 1-J. Nov. 16. Dec. 3. Nov. 23. Dec. 25. Dec. 7. Dec. 28. June 14. 370 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURT, 1781. Elijali Hazen and Esther Hollister, John Farrand and Catherine Baldwin. Reuben Sage of Middletown and Phebe Hopson, Issacher Morton and Jerusha Hurd, David Kimberly and Anna Gunn, 1782. Aaron Smith and Olive Hurd, Daniel Eichards of Milton and Sarah Parker, Ebenezer Williams of Sharon, Vt., and Martha Lewis, Thomas Parmelee and Olive Curtiss, Elijah Perkins and Sarah Castle, Simeon Hickox and Ann Parmely, Asa Baldwin and Lois Bassett, Samuel Dunbar of Lenox and Rhoda Mott, Gideon Hollister, Jr., and Currence Hickox, 1783. Stephen Hutchinson of Hartford and Martha Bell, John Sears and Prudence Hurd, Chauncey Camp and Baldwin, Thomas Hooker of Poultney, Vt., and Ruth Hicock, Benjamin Galpin and Hannah Pettit, Ebenezer Tallman of Roxbury and Hannah Griems, Joseph Clark and Mabel Bartholomew, Perez Sturdevant and Freelove Crocker, David Nettleton and Eunice , 1784. Capt. David Judson and Elizabeth Da vies, Reuben Carter of Canterbury and Elizabeth Newton, David Royce and Bathsheba Parmely, Enos Baldwin and Sarah Tuttle, John Herrick and Avis Newton, Dan Medkiff of Lebanon and Jedida Lacey, Samuel Baker and Anne Hollister, David Walker and Eunice Woodruff, Samuel Waugh and Elizabeth Goodwin, both of Litch- field South Farms, Elias Hinsdale and Thankful Farnum, both of Litchfield South Farms, 1785. Abel Buell of Sharon, Vt., and Sibil Hine, Samuel Leavitt and Lydia Wheeler, Thomas Bailey and Martha Hurd, Joseph Whittlesey and Mary Camp, MARRIAGES IN WASHINGTON, 371 James Stoddard of Woodbury and Mary Judson, David Reynolds and Jane Brown, Elijah Northrop and Louise Easton, Daniel S. Brinsmade and Lydia Elliott of Kent, 1786. James Loggan. Jr., and Chloe Hurd, Elijah Waller of Kent and Jerusha Baker, Samuel Olark and Mary Hicock, Samuel Smith and Lucy Hall, Thomas Truman Parmely and Mehitabel Easton, Benjamin Morehouse and Jane Hill, Jonathan Hine and Sarah Newton, John Stoddard of Woodbury and Phebe Northrop, Feb. 19. Aug. 24. Aug. 24. Feb. 24. March 9. May 1. May 1. May 17. June 22. Nov. 3. Jan. 18. Sept. II. 1787. William Parker, Jr., and Hannah Hull, William Clark and Rhoda Hickok, Hezekiah Ackley and Jemima Whittlesey, 1788. Johnson Logan and Susannah Ford, Isaac Hartwoll and Mary Pitcher, Issacher Norton and Esther Woodruff, 1789. Truman Pitcher and Betsey Jones, Joseph Hartwell and Rachel Stone, 1790 Ezekiel Newton, Jr., and Elizabeth Hurd, 1791. Jonathan Curtiss and Thankful Hall. John Davidson and Charlotte Merchant, Charles Norton of Gorham and Charlotte Robinson of Litchfield, Solomon Titus and Hepzibah Hicock, William Cogswell and Amarilhs Johnson, Stephen Cogswell and Anna Camp, 1792. Samuel Baldwin and Sarah Loggan, Gould Camp and Rebecca Bronson, Abner Mitchell and Phebe Elliott, Enos Mitchell and Lucretia Baker, April 12. June 1. Feb. 11. Oct. 22. Aug. 4. Oct. 9. Nov. 12. May 15. Feb. 18. Jan. 13. May 19, Aug. 28, Aug. 1. June 31. May. Jan. 23, Nov. 24. Oct. 5. Aug. 19. 372 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1793. Grideon Moseley and Anna Taylor, Oct. 28. Peter Powell and Eunice Davies, March 24. Gershom Fenn and Betsey Curtiss, Sept. 17. David Gears and Cynthia Parks. Canfield Frisbie and Betsey Spencer, March 30. 1794. Jacob Cummings and Mary Mead, May 12. Isaac Parish and Elizabeth Burton, July 20. Daniel Clark and Sarah Bryan, Oct. 21. 1795. Israel Galpin and Rachel Barnes, Sept. 11. Calvin Calhoun and Huldah Terry, March 22. Jedediah Camp and Anna Whittlesey, June 3. Chauncey Gunn and Clarane Tolles, Nov. 17. 1796. Joseph Calhoun and Anna Clark, Dec. 25. Sanauel Frisbie and Jerusha Baker, April 7. Curtis Hickox and Sarah Curtiss, July-21. Elijah Carey and Anne Hickox, Nov. 27. Joseph Durkee and Fanny Camp, Dec. 13. Amos Smith and Polly Logan, Dec. 14. Joseph Calhoun, Jr., and Anne Clark, Dec. 14. 1797. Gideon Foot and Susanna Parker, March 14. Martin Whittlesey and Lorana Dayton, Dec. 18. John N. Gunn and Polly Ford, Oct. 25. Nehemiah Patterson and Dayton, Jan. 2. David Blderkin and Mary Gibson, Feb. 15. 1798. Nathan Dickenson and Prudence Drink water, Feb. 11. David Whittlesey, Esq., and Martha Poraeroy, May 19. Warner of Sangate, Vt., and Coan of Wood- bury, Feb. 11. James Calhoun and Sally Nichols, March 28. Benjamin Hine and Sally Humphrey, April 19. Truman Parker and Rhoda Warner, Feb. 21. John Woodruff and I'olly Frisbie, July 29. Curtiss Hickox and Sally Brown, May 21. Alfred Treat of S. Britain and Lydia Mallery of Rox- bury, Oct. 21. John B. Hine and Sarah Humphrey, April 13. Oct. 28 Nov. 29 Jan. ■M) Jan. 29 Oct. 7 Feb. 21 Oct. 8 Jan. 20 Jan. 9 Feb. Nov. Feb. March 6 Feb. Dec. 3 May IS March 7 MAKKIAGE8 IN WASHINGTON. 373 Samuel Ford, Jr., and Betsey Piatt, Sherman 1'. Hollister and Sally Ford, 1799. George P^retts of Southbury and Ilanuali Benton, Patrick O'Car and Sarah Thorp, Isaac Cowles and Sally Griswold, Elijah Calhoun and Mary Wai'ner, Jonathan Hickox and Elizabeth Taylor, 1800. Thaddeus Hicock, Jr., of Poultney, Vt., and Cloe Terry, Isaac Beers and Sarah Woodruff, Abijah C. Peet and Silence Leavitt, John Piatt and Lorinda Warner, Brownson of Bethlem and Anne Dayton, I5arna Abbott and Mary Cummings, Matthew Judson of Bothlem and Eunice Roycc, William Calhoun and Elisabeth Perry, Nathaniel Farrand and Hetty Frisbie, Daniel Norton and Orra Bronson, Abner Mason of Litchfield and Lydia Gillett of Roxbury, Sept. 2. 1801. Lewis Hickox of Southbury and Abigail Powell, April 28. Ward of South Britain to a daughter of John Mallory of Roxbury. Ensign Bushnell and Dotha Bishop, March 25. Justus Parker and Patty Bunnell, ^4-MK^ Nov. 5. Dr. Warner R. Fowler and Polly Hauford, Oct. 28. Ezra Beach and Polly Stoddard, May 28. Elias Clark and Betsey Newton, Oct. 28. William Calhoun and Betsey Ferry, Dec. 1802. Elihu Merwin of Brookfield and Sally Camp, June 5 Hiel Baldwin and Jane Northrup, May 2 Levi Beach and Elisabeth Baldwin, Oct. 27 Ijeman Canfield and Ruth Ann Piatt, Nov. 8 William Ford and Nabby Logan, Oct. 27 Simeon Bakei* and Elisabeth Camp, (Jet. 1 3 Leman Canfield and Ruth Ann Piatt, Nov. 8 Joseph Blake and Louisa Osborn, Jan. 29 John Newton and Anne Gibson, Dec. 2 William Ford and * Abigail Loggan, Oct. Pi [*Mrs. Abigail Louf;;an Ford is living; this March 5, 1879, in the remarkable possession of her faculties, except that her licarinj^ is impaired. She remem- bers the events of eighty years ago with the distinctness that younger people remember those of yesterday.] 374 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1803. Jacob Leroy of Goshen and Pitt Eikin (Black), Andrew Hine and Marilla HoUister, - Nathan Newton and Laura Holhster, Daniel Cogswell and Prudence Hubbell, Elisha Hickox and Anne Baker, Rev. Henry B. Stimpson of Windham, N. York, and Becca Pond of Woodbury, Caleb Barns and Jane Baldwin, Erastus Clark and Rachel Calhoun, Maj. Samuel Fenn and Hannah Hickox, Elijah Perkins and Mary Clark, James Newton and Matilda Calhoun, Preston S. Foster and Lois Ford, John Judson and Betsey Mitchel of Woodbury, John Morris and Althea Mitchel of Woodbury, 1804. Stephen Baldwin and Hannah Burgess, Eli Tucker and Clarinda Barnum, Freeman Hickox and Nabby Bryan, Hiel Baldwin and Jane Livingston, Rev. Timothy Stone and Polly Merwin of Cornwall, Gould Camp and Rachel Judd, Taylor Calhoun and Esther Lemmon, Augustus Beardsley and Polly Beard, Norman Hazen and Annis Wheeler, Mathew Elliott, Esq., of Kent and Mary Ann Farrand, Hermanns Marshall and Abigail Judson, Elnathan Mitchell and Patience Hollister. Samuel Sperry and Susanna Mosely, Amos Smith and Eunice Clark, 1805. Dr. Ira V. Bronson and Sarah Ann Moseley, Wait Abernethy and Sally Powell, Noble Day and Eliza Jones, Herman Hine and Rebecca Clark, Abijah Tomlinson and Betsey Tomlinson, Jacob Baker and Phebe Stoddard, Daniel Parish and Sally Hine, Elijah Woodruff and Catherine Wildman, Feb. 27. May 19. June 1. Nov. 8. Dec. 29. Oct. 2. Oct. 12. Oct. 17. Nov. 13. Dec. 11. Dec. 21. Dec. 27. Dec.- 30. Dec. 30. Jan. 5. Feb. 26. July 9. Sept. 12. July 20. March 29. Feb. 14. Nov. 17. March 12. Dec. 28. April 29. April 29. Dec. 9. May 22 March 5 May 7 April 3 April 5 June 13 Sept. 16 Dec. 1 1806. Peter Thorp and Sherwood, Hon. Daniel N. Brinsmade and Mrs. Lucy Merwin, James Garnett and Mehetable Thorp, Mathew Logan, Jr., and Laura Sanford, Jan. March 19. Feb. 3. March. MAIiRIAaES IN WASHINGTON. 375 William G. Hendrick and Betsey Carrington, David Punderson and Susan Smith, Gould Camp and Lucy Judson, Timothy Mitchell and Lile Baker, Noble Doolittle and Rebecca Farrand, Daniel B. Brinsmade and Jane Merwin, David Piatt and Jerusha Lewis of Roxbury, Asahel North of Canaan and Phebe Gibson, Curtiss Titus and Lucinda Wildman, Jonathan Farrand and Narcissa Gibson, Feb. 12. April Nov. 2 J. 19. May July Jan. 4. 10. 6. Nov. 19. Nov. 26. Dec. 2. Dec. 18. 1807. William Hanford and Laura Perkins, Jan. 28. Hezekiah Marks of Huntington and Olive Miner of Roxbury, Andrew French and Sybil Lyman, Gilbert R. Kinney and Anna Thomas, Anthony Smith and Rebecca Clark, Parlemon D. Fowler of Bethlehem and Polly Lemmon, 1808. Jonathan Hine, Jr., and Sarah Calhoun, Silas C. Couch and Hannah Peet, Daniel Wheaton and Mary Taylor, Abner Mead and Sally Hawes, A Ian son Allen and Sarah Mitchell, Rev. Samuel Whittlesey and Abigail Goodrich, 1809. Taylor Mitchell and Theodosia Hazen, Harry Hubbell and Elizabeth Titus, Charles Dudley of Litchfield and Rhoda Baldwin, Seth Mitchell of Susquehanna and Lewis of Litchfield, Hezekiali Baldwin and Sarah Smith, Joseph Titus, Jr., and Polly West, Ambrose Baldwin of Newtown and Abigail Camp, Samuel White and Nancy Baldwin, 1810. Benjamin Galpin and Polly Judsou, Asa Briggs and Polly Allen, Philo Clark and Clarinda , Samuel Woodruff and Betsey Harrison, Lewis Ford and Ann Walker, William Parker and Thankful , Feb. 11. March 9. Jan. 27. June 25. June 25. May Nov. 30. 7. Jan. 5. Oct. 9. March 1. Nov. 10. Jan. 1. March 28. Jan. 11. Feb. 10. April. April Dec. 3. 19. March 21. Sept. Dec. 3. 27. March 25. June 18. July Feb. 1. 20. 376 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1811. Asahel Jackson of Kent and Olive Wooster. Roswell Parish and Lydia Thompson, Stephen Cogswell and Susan "Whittlesey, John Adams, Jr., and Amy Brown, Nathan Newton and Lucinda Terrill, Asahel Logan and Lena Clark, Josiah Reynolds and Sally Summers, Joseph B. Bellamy of Bethlehem and Sail}' B. Lemmon, Hawley Morehouse and Betsey Marsh, John Trowbridge of Roxbury and Elizabeth Logan, Philo Stillson and Hannah Hoyt, Constantine McMahon of New Milford and Lydia C Brinsmade, Elisha Barlow and Lydia Northrup, 1812. William Calhoun and Mary Ann Parker, Lewis Smith and Sally Davies, Grant Ford and Lucretia Canfield. Jonas Bryan and Annie Titus, Samuel Leavitt and Esther Hazen, Hiel Baldwin and Laura Hendricks, A¥illiam Odell and Lucena Baker, Seymour Titus and Ruma Curtiss, Charles A. Judson and Esther Mitchell, 1813. Lucius Hickox and Abigail Brinsmade, Solomon Brown and Armida Waller, Harvey Smith and Betsey Piatt, Daniel Ryan and Sally Logan, Joseph Meeker and Sally Baldwin, Francis Tracey and Clarissa Clemmons, Thomas C. Parker and Betsey Weller, Lewis Hickox and Abigail Brinsmade of Trumbull, Daniel Nettleton and Polly Clark, Jedediah Lemmon and Dolly Sanford, Alexander Armstrong and Olive Perry of Bethlehem, Calvin Hatch and Mary Whittlesey, Ebenezer Clark and Sally Sanford of Hartland, Orrin Clemmons and Sally Gear, Thomas Parker and Betsey Weller of Roxbury, Daniel A. Riou and Sally Logan, ■ Samuel Davies and Eunice Judd of Watertown, Harvey Smith and Betsey Piatt, Justus Calhoun and Lucy Hitchcock of Bethlem, Sept. Dec. IL 2. Nov. 10. July March 9. 6. Dec. 23. , June 12. Jan. 28. July April 2. 23. April 30. June 24. May April 5. 9. Dec. 27. Jan. Dec. 12. Aug. June 6. March 23. Feb. 24. Nov. 8. Nov. 17. Dec. 20. March 20. June 21. June 22. Feb. May 25. March 20. March 2. March 2. May. May June. 12. Nov. June. June. MAHRIAaES IN WASHINGTON. 'Ml 1814. Reuben Osborn of Harwinton and Mary "Waugh, Jan. 5. Daniel B. Brinsrcade and Mary W. Gold, Jan. 12. Amos Bishop and Pamela Hine of Bethlem, Jan. Brinsmadc Gibson and Sally Frisbie, March ."]. Wheeler Newton and Polly Hitchcock, April. Philo Smith and Hannah Fenn, May ."». Nehemiah Perry and Sophia Brooks of Bethlem, June 2. Samuel Church and Polly Fowler of Bethlehem, June 15. Leonard AVaters of Charlton, Mass., and Althea Steel of Vermont, -A-Ug. Id. Mills Piatt and Lucy Frost, Dec. 12. Justus J. Calhoun and Hitchcock, Jan. 3. John Morriss and Sally Bishop, Jan. 26. Amos Hine and Polly Allen. Amos Allen and Sarah Gilbert of Bethlem, Dec. 14. Ira Baker and Eliza Geer, July 9. Miles Piatt and Lucy Frost, Dec. 1 2 . 1815. Riley Cogswell and Nancy Cables. Jan. 19. Daniel Taylor Mitchell and Lois Dudley of Bethlem, March. Onesimus Titus and Nancy Titus, Jan. 23. Norman Lemmon and Olive Clark, April. Daniel Baker and Susan Logan, Jan. U. Rev. Benjamin C. Meigs, missionary to India, and Sarah M. Peet of Bethlem, Aug. U. Samuel Averill and Betsey Johnston, May 31. Matthew Logan and Eunice Hickox, May 1 0. Judson Cable and Abigail Hubbard, April 24. 1816. Gideon Hollister and Harriet Jackson of Bridgeport, Nov. Theron Kinney and Ruth Ann Meeker. Nov. 28. Daniel Clark and Lavinia Bartholomew, Dec. Samuel Nettleton and Sally Canfield, Jan. Alanson Allen and Marilla Smith, May. John Ford and Polly Ann Calhoun, Jan. 1818. [Marriages by Rev. Stephen Mason.] Samuel Perry of Cornwall and Amaryllis Cogswell, March 23. William Leavitt and Eliza Logan, May 27. Harry Odle and Anne Cary, May 25. Nora B. Nortlirop and Abigail Nettleton, July L Elnathan Mitchell and Harriet Wheeler, Aug. 30. Mr. Whittlesey and Miss Cogswell of New Preston, Sept. 15. Vol. III.— 48 378 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Samuel A. Andrews of Southbury and Polly Louisa Gunn. Mr. Piatt and Rebecca Powell. Starr Titus and Rebecca Pond, Nov. 26. 1819. Hon. Daniel G. Piatt and Almira Hitchcock, Jan. 31. John Parish and Polly B. Gunn, Oct. 21. Stephen Miles, Jr., of New Milford and Diantha Frisbie, March 10. Charles Farrand and Polly Baldwin. John Gunn and Lora Smith, June 16. Daniel E. Brinsmade and Abigail E. Brinsmade, Sept. 27. 1820. William Steel of Derby and Betsey Northrop, Nov. 1 . Sherman P. Hollister and Patty Nettleton, Sept. 27. Levi C. Garrett and Amanda Calhoun, Oct. 1 0. 1821. William Moody and Abigail Calhoun, Jan. 9. Jacob Frost and Laura Hine, April 18. John Moseley of Southbury and Rebecca Brinsmade, June 13. Lyman Smith of Milford and Caroline Norton, Aug. 15. Joseph Clarke and Lucy Farnum of New Milford, Sept. 3. Herman Frisbie and Aurelia Baker, Dec. 4. Lyman Nettleton and Keziah Allen, Dec. 16. Ithiel Hickox and Frances Elliott, Dec. 19. 1822. . Ira Nicholl and Bethiah Goodyear, Jan. 14. Isaac Leavenworth of Roxbury and Olive Lemmon, Jan. 21. 1823. Garry Lake of Southbury and Sophia Walker, Sept. 17. Patron M. Blackman of Litchfield and Sarah Clark, Nov. 2. Fred. J. Fenn and Emeline Hoskin Manville, Dec. 11. Garry Newton and Polly A. Smith, Nov. 19. Seabury Grossman and Chloe Livingston, Nov. 27. 1824. Lyman Carter and Ann West of Litchfield, Aug. Eliphalet Tomlinson and Polly Logan, Oct. 12. John Warner of Roxbury and Harriet Hine, Oct. 21. William Parish and Eliza Waugh, Oct. 27. Burr Woodruff and Lois Kinney, Nov. 2. Benjamin F. Patterson and Lavinia Piatt, Nov. 8. Nehemiah Pope and Eliza A. Parker, Dec. 6. MARRIAGES IN WASHINGTON 379 18L>r). Sheldon Burgess and Sarali P. Coit, .Jan. Daniel Hartwell and Ijaura Baker, Jan. [Triah Gray of Heading and Laura Fris])ie, May. Nelson Ford and Senna Titus, Sept. Simeon Ford and Mary Fenn, Oct. Henry Hoyt of New Milford and Irene Calhoun, ()("t. ('harles A. Randall and Sophia McMahon of New Milford. Charles Farrand and Polly Hine, Nov. Mr. Calkings Austerlitz of New York and Amanda Strong Warner, Nov. Hezekiah Logan and Abigail Gunn, Dec. 10. 26. S. ■L 27. Jonathan Hine and Jenette Pond, Dec. 15. 1826. Bennett G. Fenn and Phebe S. Gunn, March 29. Peter Fairchild of Newton and Rachel Curtiss, Nov. 12. Niram Gregory and Susan C. Punderson, Dec. 9. 1827. William Gregory and Sophronia Hitchcock, Jan. L Truman Hollister and Jenette Smith, Jan. 4. Hezekiah Lewis of Woodbury and Flavia Allen, Jan. 9. Isaac Prindle of Oxford and Polly Riggs, Jan. 17. Asa A. Norton and Barbara Hurlburt, Feb. I. William Logan and Mary Ann Mitchell, Feb. 27. Sheldon J. Baker and Eunice Titus, March 15. William M. Livingston of. Woodbury and Sally M. Edwards of Roxbury, May 2. Joseph C. Calhoun and Laura M. Hollister, May 15. Booth of Roxbury and Rebecca Parrish, June. 1828. Ehjah Woodruff and Zillah Warner, March 9. Elijah Hazen and Sarah Logan, May 13. David G. Sherman of Woodbury and Mary E. Parrish (by Rev. Hart Talcott of Warren), July 12. Solomon Wilcox of Sturbridge and Rachel Clark. Sept. 7. Benjamin Davenport and Sally Pope, Sept. 17. Samuel Leavitt, Jr., and Julia Logan, Nov. 12. Medad G. Spencer and Emeline Clark of Bethlem, Nov. 27. 1829. David L. Gillett of Roxbury and Catharine Ludington of Litchfield, Nov. 23. Robert A. Warner of Woodbury and Phebe R. Farrand, Dec. 9. 380 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1830. Stephen H. Strong and Shirza Strong, both of Warren, Jan. 14. Augustus Summers and Irene Clark, Jan. 31. John Goodyear and Sally Downs, March 28. Daniel Everitt and Phebe Sti'ong, both of Warren. May 5. Samuel Leavitt, Jr., and Sophronia Logan, A^^g- ^8. John St. John of Kent and Mary Moody. Meradice B. Brinsmade and Juliett Smith. Hoyt of New Milford and Canfield. 1881. Edson Bradley and Harriet Woodruff, Jan. 31. Harry C. Knapp and Betsey Fenn, May 19. Edward Judson and Delia Abernathy, June 1. Bogardus Beai'dsley of Bridgewater and Hodge of Roxbury, Aug. 16. Dr. L. Newton and Mariett Hubbell, Oct. 2. Lewis N. Preston and Marian Stone of Warren, Sept. Joel Hubbell and Nancy N. Dinsmore of Woodbury, Dec. 3. 1832. Rufus Smith and Sally A. Bacon, Feb. 5. Herraon Hine and Rebecca Titus, April 18. Sheldon Meeker and Harriet Dinsmore, April 18. Nathan Nettleton and Laura S. Logan, April 26. Sheldon H. Calhoun and Jane C. Fenn, May 2. Bernard O'Corr and Electa M. Beers, Sept. 6. Newton Moses of New Haven and Althea Riggs, Nov. 29. Seth Calhoun and Elsie R. Powell, Nov. 29. 1833. Curtiss Loveridge of New Milford and Maiy E. Clark, Dec. 17. 1834. Cyrus C. Sterling of New Milford and Sarah Ann Beers, May 23. 1835. Lewis A. Canfield and Amaryllis Gunn, March 2. John S. Easton, Providence, R. I., and Anthea Clark, May 3. WiUiam C. Gilbert of Northfield and Clarinda H. Hine, May 13. Swift I. Gold of Cornwall and Catherine Smith, Nov. 4. Orange P . Warner of New Haven and Elizabeth P. Hubbell, Nov. 26. 1836. Abel S. Hawley of Brookfield and Susan Blake, Feb. 23. Jonathan Harrington and Candace Craw, April 3. MARRIAGES IN WASHINGTON. 381 Samuel C. Perkins and Clarissa Walton. May 1 1 . Medad S. Goodsell and Catherine Ford of New Preston, Oct. 31. Rufus Miller and Betsey Ann Loveland, Nov. 7. Alanson A. Burgess and Harriet 1. Frisbie, Nov. 22. 1837. John A. Oviatt and Elizabeth Coe of Litchfield, Jan. 11. Samuel Clark of Middlebury and Sila Bryan, Jan. II. Sheldon W. Ford and Polly A. Logan, April 18. Clark of Illinois and Susan Bishop, May 15. Gilbert I. Hine of Middlebury and Nancy Riggs, May 23. David E. Meeker and Mary E. Tracy, Sept. 20. Titus A. Brigam and Ursula Hazen, Sept. 25. Ira Scott of Springville, Pa., and Emily Parrish, Oct. 15. Lewis Norton of Honesdale, Pa., and Polly D. Lindsley of Litchfield, Oct. 26. Leonard R. Griswold of Bristol and Laura B. Logan, Nov. 30. Asahel Hollister of Bethel, N. Y., and Clarissa Hollister, Dec. 4. 1838. Burr Judson and Julia Ann Wright, March 3. Thos. F. Brinsmade and Silence Leavitt, May 30. Caleb N. Woodward of Norwich and Amanda D. Scott, Sept. 23. 1839. Erastus Castle of Roxbury and Sally S. Parrish, Feb. 4. Lucius T. Cogswell of New Preston and Catherine Warner of Woodbury, Nov. 27. Julius E. Clark and Emily M. Beach, Nov. 28. George D. Lathrop of New Milford and Clarissa F. Scott, Dec. 31. 1840. Elhanan W. Watson and Ardelia Lamb, Jan. 26. Edward J. Pond and Sarah Ford, June 10. Samuel Ford and Esther Calhoun, Sept. 23. Henry A. Lincoln of New Haven and Sophia Fenn, Dec. 6. Daniel C. Logan and Harriet M. Bryan, Dec. 17. 1841. Lucius Lum of Roxbury and Ann M. Bennet of Corn- wall, Aug. 19. Hubbell Whitehead of New Milford and Louisa Judd of Roxbury, Sept. 21. 1842. Thomas P. Waugh of Torrington and Sarah Parrish, Jan. 12. Wilham W. Leavitt and Mary J. Fowler, Feb. 23. 382 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUKY. Truman H. Woodruff and Ellen Smith. May 18, Henry D. Sharp of New Haven and Laura A. Riggs, June 12. Amos B. Riggs and Ruth Pond, Nov. 7. 1843. Daniel N. Canfield and Irene Lemmon. Jan. 25. Merit Hand of Vermont and Laura C. Fenn, Feb. 19. Lyman (]lark of Winchester and Elizabeth F. Gibson, Feb. 23. Abial C. Lemmon and Caroline E. Patterson (N. Preston), May 24. Daniel S. Baker and Jane A. Seeley, Sept. 25. Henry 0. Carr and Lorena M. Squire of Roxbury, Nov. 26. 1844. George Moses and Aurelia Clark, Jan. 8. John Bellfield and Mary Ann Seeley, Jan. 25. Daniel S. Lemmon and Eunice P. Mitchell, Feb. 14. Francis Reynolds and Elizabeth Carlin, Feb. 18. Jason Parker and Harriet L. Thompson, March 4. Ijeman A. Warner and Caroline Tomlinson, April 10. William B. Green and Maria H. Wedge, May 15. Joseph B. Clark of Vermillion, Ohio, and Austira Logan, June 13 Harvey S. Tibbals, of Norfolk, and Sarah S. Warner of Bethlem, June 16. Thomas F. Brinsmade and Elizabeth E. Leavitt, July 22. Chester Hayes of Granby and Sarah B. Logan, Oct. 8. Alonzo C. Hayes of Granby and Sarah C. Woodruff, Oct. 9. Wilham Gillett and Hannah Hubbell, Oct. 24. James M. Bronson of Roxbury and Jennett Parker, Nov. 13. Eben S. Johnson and Sarah C. Thomas, both of Litchfield, Nov. 28. Merritt Beach and Mary E. HoUister, Nov. 6. Darius S. Bristol and Abigail Bryan, Dec. 24. 1845. William P. Obrian and Laura C. Barlow, Feb. 23. Wilham Hurlburt and Betsey A. Clark, March 9. Charles S. Brinsmade of Trumbull and Mary Frisbie, May 28. Dwight Hall of Wallingford and Maria Thompson, Sept. 1 4. Dutton of Wolcottville and Nancy Hubbell, Oct. 18. 1846. David B Davidson and Susan H. Parker, ^^g- 16. David B. Farrand and Theodosia H. Leavitt, Aug. 16. 1847. David McBath and Charlotte Lewis, Jan. 10. William S. Wheeler and Sarah Maria Couch, Feb. 10. MARKIAQES IN WASHINGTON 383 1848. Frederick W. Gunn and Abigail I. Brinsmade, Benajah V. Beacli and Huldah Ann Titus, Garry Newton and Nancy Calhoun, Joseph T. Seeley and Ellis Smith, Henry J. Church and Eleanor S. Boudiuott, Charles B. Camp and Maria E. Hartwell, 1849. Lyman W. Carr and Mary H. Boudinott, 1850. Seth P. Ford and Maria Fowler, Ithiel S. Green and Maryett Seeley, Daniel Taylor and Mary Jane Woodruff, Hine of Williamsburg and Hepsibath Titus, April IG. May 10. June 7. Sept. 2G. Oct. 27. Oct. 27. Aug. Jan. 1 . April 30. Oct. 3. Dec. 23. March 20. Jan. 4 Jan. 18 March 21. Oct. 5. Nov. 23. [Marriages by D. N. Brinsmade.] 1784. Isaac Hotchkiss of Cheshire and Olive Twiss, Aug. 18. 1785. Joseph Smith of Newbury, and Rebecca Parker, 1786. Samuel Edgerton and Ann Armstrong, Jonathan Hine and Sarah Newton, Moses Titus and Eunice Baker, Stephen Harrington and Catherine Jordan, Nicholas Ransom and Mabel Stone, 1787. Ma the w Beers and Currance Hurlburt, Nov. 29. 1790. Gideon Stodard and Esther Galpin, Jan. 6. Simeon Mitchell, 2d, and Annis Hurlburt, March 2i). Elizur Curtiss and Susanna Pitcher, Dec. 12. 1791. Abner Hollister and Miriam Hurd, Feb. 1. Samuel Twiss and Ann Elderkin, Feb. 6. Samuel A. Buckingham of Derby and Esther Norton, April 18. 384 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUKY John Clierrytree of Torrington and Abigail Tuttle, Elias Kinney and Sarah Clark, Solomon Titus and Hepzibah Hickox, Nathaniel Sanford of Southbury and Hannah Olds, Joseph Hurd and Rebecca Hurd, 1792. Abel Hurd and Hannah Hall, Thomas Hurlburt and Phebe Curtiss, 1793. William Lyons and Sarah Titus, Orange Monger of Bethlem and Abigail Curtiss, Sheldon Parmely and Eunice Hurd, Isaac Salmon Foot and Esther Parker, 1794. Harvey Durkee and Sarah Hurd, 1795. George Lum and Lucinda Adams, Robert Durkee and Patience Hurd, John Hathaway and Esther Foot, 1796. Reuben Hurd and Clemence Camp, Isaac Plumb and Eimice Mitchell, Samuel Frisbie and Jerusha Baker, 1797. Henry Crammer and Olive Carr, David Elderkin and Polly Gibson, Jonathan Hine and Abigail Parker, 1798. Peter Thorp, Jr., and Lucretia Hurd, Jared Galpin, (44) 1799. John Elliot and Peninah Wallar, both of Kent, 1800. Henry Hurlburt and Ann Maria Treadwell, Lyman Parmeley of Roxbury and Sarah Judson of Woodbuxy, John Piatt, Jr., and Lorinda Warner, May June 31 23, Aug. 1 April Nov. 8 3 July Nov. 13 7. Feb. 10. Feb. 21, Nov. 28, Dec. 1, April 28. Jan. 25. April 16. Oct. 5. Jan. 28. Feb. 21. April 7. Feb. 13. Feb. 15. Nov. 22. Oct. 2. Aug. 5. Aug. 7. Feb. 23. March 24. Nov. 25. MAKlilAGES IN W A SUING TON. 387 1823. Bradford J. ilull of Weston and Catlieriuo Toeple, of Roxbury, March 26. Benajali Donny of Dover and Lucy Northrop, March 30. 1824. Albert Coau and Sarah Ann Thomas of Roxbury, Dec. 6. WilHani Slocuni and Orra Norton, Oct. 19. Giltson Thomas and Sally French of Woodbury, Dec. 25. 1826. Arsenah Fairchild of Newtown and Esther Eggleston. Oct. 17. 1828. Charles Cole and Urana Smith, Nov. 25. 1830. Richmond Seeley of Cornwall and Elizabeth Hitchcock, April 6. Michael Jackson of New Milford and Rose Walker of Woodbury, Nov. S. 1832. Joseph T. Elton of Sharon and Sarah Osborn of Rox- bury, June 3. MARRIAGES BY DIFFERENT PERSONS IN JUDKA PARISH. Nov. 23, 1820, Elijah Whitehead and Irene Beers, by Benjamin Benham. Dec. 19, 1820, David Camp and Patty Logan, by Sturgess Gilbert. Oct. 3, 1821, OHver Crawford and Julia A. Beers, by Smith Dayton. Sept. 10, 1822, James Logan, Jr., and Rebecca Bishop, by Benja- min Benham. Jan. 22, 1824, Ziba Fairchild and Sarah Morehouse, by Sturgess Gilbert. May 3, 1825, Uriah Gray and Laura Frisbie, by Fosdic Harrisson. Jan. 24, 1828,Elias C. Kinney and Sarah A. Baldwin, by Frederick W. Sizer. July 14, 1828, David G. Sherman and Mary E. Parish, by Hart Talcott. March 1, 1829, Amos A. Warner and Mary Parmely, by Fosdic Harrisson. April IG, 1829, Lewis B. Nettleton and Julia Baldwin, by C. A. Boardman. Nov. 26, 1«29, William Hurlburt and Esther Hine, by Fosdic Harrisson. Nov. 14, 1831, Isaac Newton and Elnia Arnold, by Frederick J. Fenn. d»» HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. April 17, 183'2, Benjamin W. Mason and Susan Ford, by Fosdic Harrisson. April 15, 1832, William Odell and Rebecca A. Clark, by Frederick Holcomb. July 29, 1832, James M. Elderkin aiid Lucy A. Hubbell, by R. B. Campfield. Oct. 10, 1833, Lewis Hubbell and Elsie Odell, by H. S. Atwater. June 27, 1833, William Moody and Harriet Swift, by H. S. At- water. Sept. 10, 1833, Jno. B. Newton, and Harriet E. Odell, by H. S. Atwater. Sept. 20, 1833, Nelson Sanford and Mary Jane Morehouse, by H. S. Atwater. Nov. 27, 1834, Burr Judson and Flora Wright, by Eleazer Beecher. July 10, 1836, Daniel Fenn and Betsey Gibson, by Fred. J. Penn. June 10, 1839, Edward O. Tyler and Betsey Parker, by G. L. Brownell. April 5, 1840, Marcus Fox and Marcia M. Hubbell, by Thomas Ellis. March 16, 1842, John Gierson and Aurelia Canfield, by Lewis Greene. Sept. 12, 1842, David H. Scott and Philinda C. Scott, by William Moody. Oct. 30, 1844, Nathan C. Baldwin and Sarah M. Mitchel, by C. B. Butterfield. Oct. 18, 1846, Augustus B. Curtiss and Mary E. Titus, by Wilham Watson. April 29, 1848, Joseph N. Foot and Ceciha Baker, by William Long. Nov. 13, 1848, Samuel H. Fairchild and Cornelia E. Atkins, by William Long. March 20, 1850, Andrew Clark and Marinda Warner, by George L. Foot. 1847. Daniel S. Munn and Maria Hubbell, Wareham Burnham and Lucinda Bristol, Nathan Hart and Sally A. Whittlesey, Joseph Bailey and Laura Buck, Leman A. Warner and Sarah D. Whittlesey, Edmund Lewis and Mary Logan, 1848. John S. Gunn and Maria L. Mallory, Denillo Stone and Julia Smith, Henry Bolles and Sophia Kinney, George B. Waller and LTrania McDowell, Frederick W. Gunn and Abigail I. Brinsmade, Joseph N. Frost and Celia A. Baker, Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Nov. 1. 8. 8. 11. 7. Nov. 21. Jan. 16. Feb. 14. Feb. 20. April April 6. 16. April 19. I MARRIAGES IN WASHINGTON. 389 Benajah P. Beach and Huldah A. Titus, May 10. John B. Wliiteliead and Mary Frost, May 17. Burr Calhoun and Susau L. Judson, May 22. William Hoag and Betsey F. Baldwin, May 30. Moses Stevens and Mary Tomlinson, May 31. David D. Murphy and Mahala Richmond, July 23. Joseph T. Seeley and P]llice Smith, Sept. 26. Lyman Stone and Phehe Cogswell, Sept. 28. Wooster Leinmon and Sarah M. Allen, Oct. 3. Henry J. Church and Eleanor S. Boudinot, Oct. 25. George W. Bolles and Ijouisa Blake, Nov. 15. David Whittlesey and Ann W. Taylor, Nov. 20. Isaac Wood and Loretta Sharp, Dec. 24. Garry Newton and Nancy Calhoun, June 7. 1849. George Sperry and Nancy Tomlinson, June 6. Chauncy Sharp and Ellen Burke, Jan. 27. Frederick Lake and Paulina Parmelee, April 18. Edward Wetmore and Adaline Williams, May 26. George C. Hitchcock and Ann K. Newton, May 8. Charles W. Gordon and Harriet C. Winters, July 22. Jonathan Castle and Abby Kinney, May 18. Clark C. Goslee and Polly C. Weston, May 2. Lyman Case and Mary Boudinot. -A-Ug. 7. Abel Calhoun and Sarah Judson, Nov. 7. Henry Wheaton and Julia Baldwin. Sept. 26. Sherman Piatt and Mary Bronson, Oct. 29. Nathan Carey and Minerva Bronson, Sept. 12. Jesse Barton and Adeline S. Blake. Dec. Romulus Tomhnson and Harriet Chittenden, Oct. 16. Marvin Beeman and Catharine M. Chittenden, Oct. John M. Ford and Sophronia Wheaton, Nov. 13. 1850. Seth P. Ford and Maria N. Fowler, Jan. 1. Abijah Cable and Paulina Jacus. Jan. 1. Elijah Sherman and Polly Camp, Jan. 1. Charles Granniss and Mai'ia Peet, Jan. 1. Harry Hungerford and Polly A. Traver, Feb. 20. .\ndrew Clark and Marinda Warner, March 20. Stephen S. Morehouse and Maria Patterson, March 27. Spencer Hitchcock and Amanda Baldwin, Api'il 4. Ethiel S. Green and Mariett Seeley, April 30. John Ross and Esther Bryan, May 28. Harry Couch and Martha Newton, Jime 30. Edward Galpin and Lavinia Hamlin, July. Daniel Taylor and Jane Woodruff, Oct. 4. Thomas Rowe and Martha Bishop, Oct. 19. 390 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, William H. Hine and Eunice H. Titus, Dec. 23. Henry A. Peck and Caroline BoUes, Dec. 25. David Jacus and Einily Hill, Dec. 25. Frederick Wheeler and Louisa Gunn, Aug. 8. Henry Hess and Ann McDaniels, Sept. 15. Solomon Morehouse and Mary Flatt, Nov. 12. Henry Morehouse and Cornelia Bissell, Nov. 17. 1851. Patrick Talen and Ann Riddle, April 6. Levi Hamlin and Melissa Noble, May 18. Henry H. Morehouse and Paulona M. Titus, May 20. RoUin C. Logan and Martha J. Ohnstead, June 30. Nelson Kingsley and Elvira Wheaton, Oct. 1. Albert Gibson and Maria Farrand, Oct. 28. Wilham Bearce and Mary E. Tuttle, Nov. 24. George W. Lewis and Sarah Loveridge, Dec. 25. Oscar E. Beeman and Jennette Cogswell, Nov. 25. 1852. Lambert L. Treadwell and Sybil Marsh, March 18. James L. Osborn and Caroline M. Farrer, April 11. John O'Connor and Jane Eliza Eustis, April 13. Ezra M. Howland and Nancy M. Wilhams, Sept. 7. Frederick N. Galpin and Amelia J. Ford, Oct. 11. Munson Hine and Emeline Cogswell, Oct. 12. Noble 0. Bunnell and Mary L. Logan, Nov. 14. Elmer Hubbell and Elsie Hubbell, Nov. 21. David N. Farrand and Sophia B. Farrand, June 18. 1853. George W. Cogswell and Eliza A. Baldwin, Jan. 4. Franklin S. Titus and Frances Fenn, May 30. Wooster G. Ives and Elisabeth Parrish, Aug. 21. Frederick C. Sanford and Charlotte A. Bissell, Sept. 6. Romulus W. Ford and Mary E. 01m stead, Oct. 3. Henry W. Seeley and Abigail Hickox, Dec. 27. Henry B. Myers and Eliza J. Kinney, Dec. 19. Samuel H. Clark and Elizabeth Hunt, Dec. 28. John Welch and Mary Ann Hutchinson, Nov. 6. 1854. Daniel C. Nettleton and Sophia Hollister, March 21. Darius Griswold and Helen M. Whittlesey, April 19. Earle Buckingham and Helen Mitchell, April 12. Daniel Conly and Bridget Hannon, June. James Clark and Ellen Murphy, June. Daniel O'Connor and Margaret Norton, June. MARRIAGES IN WASHINGTON. 385 1801. Solomon Hotchkiss and Mary Edwards, Amos Botsford and Betsey Clark, Ephraim Thorp and Polly Smith, John Smith, 4th, and Sally Frisbie, Feb. 26. Sept. 20. Nov. 4. Dec. 14. 1802. Timothy Judson and Charlotte Mitchell of Woodbury, .Inly 20. 1803. WilUam Isbell and Esther Mitchell of Woodbury, Oct. 2. Samuel Burton and Lucretia Hodge, Nov. 24. 1804. Allen Norton and Abigail Bailey, Feb. 14. Chauncey Tibballs and Clarissa Brown, Dec. 2. 1805. tie and Azubah Squire, of Roxbury, Jan. 14. .. . .vith of Bethlem and Sarah Isbell of Wood- burr, Feb. 5. iMatnew Logan and Eunice Hickox, May 7. Matliew Root of Norfolk and Hannah Murry of Wood- bury, Nov. 28. Elijah Woodruff and Catherine Wildman, Dec. 1 . 1806. David Curtiss and Polly Wildman, Jan. 27. William Fenn and Phebe West, Feb. 4. Ruel Hough and Abigail Root, Sept. 22. 1809. Daniel P. Mitchell and Theodosia Hazen, Jan. 11. 1810. Calvin Wheaton and Julia Hurd, April 9. Samuel C. Miner of Woodbury and Polly Royce, May 23. Philo Peck of Newtown and Harriet Way of Woodbury, Aug. 5. Benjamin Galpin and Olive Judson of Woodbury, Sept. 30. 1811. Daniel Jackson, Jr., and Tabetha Piatt, both of Wood-' bury, Jan. 17. Elisha Barlow and Lydia Noi'throp, July 21. Barzilla Farnham of Poultney, Vt., and Lois Nichols, Oct. 6. Vol. til— 49 386 HISTORY OP ANCIENT -WOODBUKY. 1812. Orinal Gibson and Hannah Ford, June 4. 1813. William Keith and Esther Ann Murry of Woodbury, Feb. 11. 1815. Truman Hurd and Anne Judson, of Woodbury, May 27. Judson Stoddai-d and Semantha Hodge, Oct. 19. Elle Thomas and Sophia Warner, both of Woodbury, Nov. 30. Alexander Bryan and Minerva Hartwell, Nov. 5. 1816. Eussel Potter and Polly M. Teeple, June 2. Horace Isbell and Sally McMorris, both of Woodbury, Aug. 4. Erastus Cady and Julia Jackson, both of Bethlem, Nov. 7. 1817. Daniel Titus and Lorinda Daniels, April 15. [Marriages by T>. B. Brinsmadc] Reuben Calhoun and Hannah Gibson, Jan. 20. Dim on Morehouse and Huldah Titus, Feb. 3. John Twiss and Minerva Titus, Feb. 3. Thomas A. Armstrong and Eunice HoUister, Nov. 6. Heman Barlow of Kent and Amanda Wildma.n, Dec. 8. 1818. Philo Castle of Roxbury and Betsey Judson of Wood- bury, William Lcavitt and Eliza Logan, Sept. 6. May 27. 1819. John Thomas of Kent and Miranda Gary, March 7. 1820. Levi Armstrong and Sarah Hurd, Dec. 10. 1821. Solomon Dennis and Harriet Warner of Roxbury, .Jan. 30. Eliakim Trowbridge and Widow Taylor. Alna Hubbell and Julia Titus, Oct. 22. 1822. Herman Warner and Pamela ThomaS of Woodbury, Aug. 29. MAURIAOKS IN WASHINGTON. 391 Joseph D. Senior and Emeline Wright, Aug. 20. James L. Scott and Mary Augusta Brown, Oct. 12. Roger N. Cogswell and Thaha Whittlesey, Nov. 30. Alvin R. Thomas and Mary E. Newton, Dec. 25. 1855. Charles T. Woodruff and Charlotte Geer, Jan. 4. Caleb Jewett and Frances A. Hickox, Jan. 29. James McGee and Jane Black, Feb. 20. James A. Bunnell and Sarah S. O'Dell, April 4. William L. Hull and Mary Gunn, April 17. Orlando Brown and Martha Wliittlesey, July 2. Francis L. French and Catharine A. Keeler, Oct. 1. Eber W. Tompkins and Marinda A. Cogswell, Oct. 4. Sheldon Whittlesey and Sylvia A. Hart, Oct. 4. Joseph C. Calhoun and Mary E. Logan. Oct. 15. Simeon D. Piatt and Mary H. Logan, Dec. 10. John Eagan and Ellen Marsh, Dec. ^ 2. William Deming and Charlotte Deming, Dec. 31. 1856. Alfred H. Hurlburt and Harriet E, Cogswell, Jan. 1. Eli D. Weeks and Maria T. Bradley, Feb. 13. Jerome S. Kinney and Mary E. Baldwin, March 23. Robert Black and Phebe A. Gunn, April 3. Cornelius Allen and Cordelia F. Sackett, May 7. Robert Harvey and Lois A. Ford, May 7. Edward P. Lyman and Sarah A. Lemmon. Aug. 28. James M. Atwood and Narcissa Farrand, Sept. 23. Julius A. Glover and Jenette Bolles, Nov. 1 6. Alfred Cables and Mary E. Wright. Nov. 2. Thomas O'Hara and Mary A. Norris, Nov. 25. 1857. Seth C. Landon and Mary E. Parri.sli, Jan. 1. Andrew J. Bolles and Emily Ric*Iimond, Jan. 15. Henry E. Sackett and R. Marilla Hine, Feb. 10. Edson E. Seeley and Candace G. Ford, April 28. Charles H. Mason and Phinette H. Ford, May 6. Thomas C. Black and Annie Bell. July 9. Lewis Swartz and Barbara Karle. Averill B. Canfield and Alice S. Angevine, Sept. 9. James Taylor and Caroline Woodruff. Sept. 29. Henry J. Church and Sarah B. Cook, Oct. 26. Enoch Fennell and Eliza Pearce, Nov. 3. Frederick Bradley and Amelia Wilson, Nov. 25. Edwin R. Beeman and Louisa Bennett, Dec. 1 6. 392 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY 1858. Walter Burnham and Edna Smith, Joseph Starr and Mary A. Newton, John N. Woodruff and Henrietta Ford, Daniel Hunt and Ruth Bailey, Elijah Meeker and Ann Doty, J. Huntington Richards and Julia Leavitt, George A. Wood and Amelia Graniss, Newell H. Newton and Alice M. Newton, 1859. Stanley Williams and E. 0. Meeker, William E. Canfield and Mary E. Hubbell, Robert McGee and Mary Duncan, Merrit S. Woodruff and Ann E. Cogswell, Daniel W. Patterson and Ellen Wheaton, Henry R. O'Dell and Mary E. O'Dell, Erastus M. Cogswell and Esther A. Brown, 1860. George W. Beardsley and Harriet Stokes, James Smith and Freelove Hamlin, Wilson Potter and Ophelia Cogswell, Guy C. Ford and Celia I. Nettleton, William Jones and Margaret E. Black, John M. Black and Arminta Kenney, Ralph I. Wheaton and Elizabeth C. Holt, • Noble B. Strong and Emily Terrell, Richard A. Bryan and S. Elisabeth Seely, Erastus D. Taylor and Abby Landon, George H. McCann and Maria Northrup, William Curnon and Marcella G. Hart, 1861. William E, Brown and Lucy A. Cogswell, George E. Logan and Delia E. Hawland, Grove P. Jenks and Fannie M. Warnei-, Curtiss C. Camp and Mary L. O'Dell, Charles C. Beeman and Charlotte N. Beardsley, Alanson A. Burgess and Harriet M. Logan, William 0. Corning and Sarah J. Goodsell. 1862. Curtis A. Titus and Harriet E, O'Dell, George E. Taylor and Olive J. Taylor, Levi Morehouse and Cornelia J. Miles, George 1. Jacus and Ellen Nichols, Horace Q. Judd and Ellen E. Crofut, Jan. 6 March 12 April 6 April 8 April 14 June 23 July 1 Oct. 6 Jan. 26. April 13. April 21. June 2. Nov. 13. Nov. 14. Nov. 14. I* an. 20 Feb; 2e ^^eh. ^arch 7 April April May June 19 29 9 6 Aug. 12 Sept. Sept. 22 23 Jan. 1 July July Oct. 6 10 29 Dec. 4 Dec. 18 April 29. May 11. May 16. Aug. 23. Aug. 31. MARRIAGES IN WASHINGTON. 393 Sherman H. Hill and Frances G. Potter^ Sherman Cogswell and Elizabeth C. ( 'urtis, George H. Shove and Julia E. Shov(j, Henry J. Edgerton and Mary Caton, Charles H. Gunn and Mary E. Tucker, 1863. Andrew Buckingham and Sarah A. Beers, Albert Chapman and Ellen Clark, Frank Evitts and Lovisa Clark, Michael Logue and Julia Donohoe, 1864. Wallace H. Curtiss and Maria L. Morgan, John T. Paine and Esther A. Beeman, Joseph P. Moore and Adelia Smith, Daniel A. Young and Amelia Wells, Henry H. Waugh and Susan Gunn, George' L. Brown and Mary M. Brinsmade, William Durley and Dorlesca C. Taylor, Henry B. Smith and Sarah R. Calhoun, William N. Fett and Fanny P. Whittlesey, Frank R. King and Julia Weston, Albert M. Smith and Elizabeth E. Beeman, Lucius W. Fox and El ma G. Senior, Sept. 2. Oct. 24. Nov. 13. Nov. 9. Nov. 27. April 22. April 22. Nov. 3. Aug. 15. Jan. 1. Jan. 30. Feb. 10. Feb. 23. May 17. Aug. 3. Aug. 5. Sept. 19. Oct. 13. Nov. 9. March 10. Dec. 26. 1865. Richard D. Brady and Anna Mennington, Lewis E. Darby and Hannah J. Bates, W^illiam W. Wirts and Elnora E. Sawyer. Orestus Hickox and Annis H. Bryan, David A. Bradley and Emma J. Pox, 1866. Edgar W. Calhoun and Lucinda A. Munson, George C. Hopkins and Louisa C. Lemmon, Isaac P. Dickerson and Catharine Lyon, Watson Cogswell and Minerva Farrar, O. W. Newcomb and Charlotte M. Taylor, George H. Curtiss and Antoinette Williams, Bennett W. Pierce and Margaret F. Hanner, Gilbert W. Corning and Augusta E. Brown, William B. Blackman and Ella J. Piatt, William Conn and Melissa Hill, Thomas Black and Julia Fox, M. P. Hoover and Lois M. Woodin, Charles Meacham and Mary A. Stoughton, Vol. IIL— 50 March 13. March 19. Aug. 7. Nov. 16. Nov. 29. Jan. 1. Feb. 10. May 23. April 12. May 10. June 18. Oct. 29. Nov. 20. Nov. 29. Nov. 2. Dec. 5. Dec. 26. Dec. 22. 394 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY, 1867. Welcome G-. Clemmens and Gertrude Meeker, Ferdinand M. Smith and Jane A. Clark, Henry S. Nettleton and Martha A. Bronson, Charles L. Ailing and Nellie A. Tyler, George L. Wood hull and Eleanor P. Bristol, Jarvis C. Wheaton and Agnes E. Hill, Sherman F. Taylor and Elizabeth J. Clark, Elliot M. Curtiss and Ellen Stone, Samuel R. Kinney and Jennet Piatt. Howard N. Hazen and Nellie A. Titus, Anson H. Squires and Alice M. Barton, Edwin A. Evitts and Amelia F. Hull, George M. Cummings and Flora L. Mallory, Benjamin Griswold, Jr., and Elizabeth Smith, Chester M. Hawes and Nancy J. Griswold, 1868. Henry Camp and Eliza A. Millard, George A. Tomlinson and Sarah Noble, Julius H. Galpin and Anna Lusk, Walter J. Morehouse and Anna B. Gregory, Merrill Fenn and Eva A. Bryan, John B. Griswold and Martha A. Hatch, Charles N. Beach and Rosanna Clark, Asa B. Beach and Frances J. Clark. Seth N. Taylor and Lucelia A. Meeker, Bruce C. Hatch and Katie A. Dayton, George M. Trobridge and Ellen A. Gillett, Henry T. Hickox and Jennet Clark, Charles H. Marsh and Harriet Angevine, John H. Los'an and Helen Pond, May 9 May 20 May 26 June 4 Aug. 27 June 29 Sept. 4 Oct. Nov. Oct. Nov. Nov. 20 Dec. 15 Dec. 24 Dec. 25 Jan. 1. Jan. 7. Feb. 24. April 13. April 22. June 2. June 3. June 3. May 26. Oct. 13. Oct. 13. Oct. 22. Nov. 24. Dec. 23. 1869. Daniel Tarbor and Fannie B. Clark, Star Benedict and Ellen Gilmore, Edward F. Brague and Lizzie Boyle, Chester A. Isham and Austria M. Hickox, George S. Cogswell and Anna Wooster, Andrew L. Stilson and Minerva N. Allen, Alpheus G. Baker and Silence L. Brinsmade, William A. Camp and Abby C. Smith, 1870. George Watson and Rubina Brenna, Wellington Watson and Mary Morehouse, Charles F. Hubbell and Sarah R. Smith, Charles L. Ford and Mary N. Kinney, Jan. 15. Jan. 21. March 8. May 13. May 25. Sept. 9. Nov. 18. Nov. 28. Feb. 16. Feb. 16. Feb. 23. April 6. MARRIAGES IN WASHINGTON, 395 Augustus M. Sperry and Lora S, Guim, William C. Barney and Julia M. Hartwell, Theodore L. Smith and Ameha F. Whittlesey, Luther A. Turrill and Frances Sulgate, Edward W. Penn and Zeniah Hollister, Lewis Hai't and Esther Weeks, Burton iShove and Albina Piatt, John Ryden and Minnie Carlston, Charles S. Freeman and Isadore King, April 13. April 12. June 1. June 15. Sept. 27. Nov. 6. Nov. 22. Nov. 24. Nov. 24. 1871. Albert B. Murphy and Susan A. Hughes. Feb. 16. William H. Stoughton and Mary E. Kinney, March 22. Jerry Doland and Bridget Desmond, May 28. Andrew J. Marvin and Anna M. Noble, May 4. George M. Taylor and Frances Marvin, May 10. Edward A. Thayer and Susan S. Green, July 2. William H. Knickerbocker, and Emma Briggs, July 20. Benjamin Griswold, Jr., and Eliza Boynton, -A-Ug. I. George W. Murphy and Esther J. Huilburt. Sept. 3, Franklin Newton and Matilda Morgan, Oct. 19. Alva J. Tyrrell and Rosina A. Scovill, Oct. 23. Thomas W. Beach and Frances A. Calhoun, Nov, 29. 1872, Charles G. Fenn and Fanny E. Piatt, Jan. 4. Horace A. Hill and Florence 1. Morehouse, Feb. 27. Savaii Johnson and Josephine Peterson, March 25. Dalbert nul)l)eU and Lucinda Lake, Aug. 20. < 'harles A. Rylander and Christiana K. Johnson, Sept. 5, Alfred L. Rice and Hattie E. Tondinson, Sept. 24. Franklin B. Keeler and Betsey A. Banker, Sept. 26. (Jeorge S. Clark and Mary S. Baker, Oct. 17. Kdward E. Meeker and Hattie Clemens, Oct. 23. Solomon Ryder and Mary Bronk, Nov. 10, Carlie Carlson and Matilda Carlson, Nov. 24. Gordon M. Tyrell and Celia A. Tyler, Nov. 25. John W. Barnes and Sarah J. Hubbell, Dec. 18. 1873. James A. Barney and Minnie A. Ayers, April 25. Watson Frisbie and Susan F. Pond, April 25. Myron E. Sherwood and Sarah J. Lyman, Feb. 15. Sherman Cogswell and Sarah Wright, May 30. I'rederick A. Brinsmade and R. Marilla Sackett, Sept. 10. Henry L. Booth and Evelyn A. Piatt, Nov. 18. Frank M. liolUster and Aurilla P. Hull, Dec. 24. 396 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1874. James Hamlin and Lucy Anson, James A. Smith and Ellen Munroe, Simeon H. Mitchell and Kezia Farrand, Henry D. Hine and Ella A. Beach, Samuel Booth and Elvira L. Warner, John H. Gidley and Mary G. Pascoe, Frederick S. Cogswell and Lydia Baldwin, 1875. George Pierpont and Nellie Hazen, Charles Cogswell and Roxa A. Reed, Henry R. Jones, and Lucy J. Calhoun, Albert E. Anson and Mary S. Gear, Marshall Strait and Laura S. Turrell, Henry B. Barney and Lucy Brown, George W. Rowe and Sarah R. Quinn, Patrick Shaunessy and Henrietta Taylor, Frederick E. Jenks and Grace L. Gunn, Franklin P. Bolles and Julia H. Marvin, William J. Ford and Isabelle Brinsmade, Charles H. Lovell and Mary 0. Couch, Henry W. Tyler and Hattie M. Signor, Cortland D. Cole and Addie G. Frisbie, Arthur HoUister and Addie Hollister, Jay Lane and Emma Odell, George Wright and Sarah A. White, William C. Wheeler and Loraine L. Taylor, Henry Anderson and Adeline Green, 1876. George P. Woodward and Mary E. Titus, Charles M. Allen and Ida A. Ford, John S. Gunn and Harriet Beardsley, Albert F. Alfred and Eva A. Gunn, John C. Brinsmade and Mary G. Gunn, Stephen W. Brague and Lucy E. Whitehead, 1877. Edward W. Calhoun and Sarah S. Hollister, Leslie I. Baldwin and Emma T. Beeman, Joseph R. Taylor and Martha A. Marvin, George B. Calhoun and Nellie G. Hurlburt, Walter W. Bronson and Helen M. Logan, Silas Wright and Ellen Gaffney, Ransom R. Dye and Sarah A. Mahew, Richard B. Waldron and Laura Kinney, William White and Eliza Donnelly, DeWitt Piatt and Caroline A. Wheaton, Jan. 13. Jan. 20. April 30. Oct. L Oct. 14. Dec. 25. Dec. 28. Jan. 19. Jan. 28. March 2. March 19. March 30. April 15. Aug. 10. Aug. 14. Sept. 7. Sept. 28. Oct. 6. Oct. 6. Oct. 7. Oct. 13. Oct. 28. Nov. 9. Nov. 25. Dec. 24. Dec. 29. April 27. May 3. Oct. 9. Oct. 18. Oct. 4. Nov. 30. March 15. March 29. April 5. April 26. Oct. 4. Oct. 7. Oct. 28. Oct. 30. Nov. 29. Dec. 6. MARRIAGES IN WASHINGTON. 397 1878. William F. Kinney and Florence I. Can field, Feb. 27. John B. Wilson and Agnes C. Sperry, June 8. Edward C. Logan and Fjdna L. Wyant, Oct. 3. William M. Allen and Carrie E. Weaver, Oct. 10. Wilbur H. Osborn and Frances A. Wright, Nov. 6, Oliver W. Beardsley and Teressa Leedham, Nov. 20. Arthur H. Bolles and Nellie E. Bunnell, Nov. 21. Charles S. Hollister and Lora H. Nettleton, Dec. 12. DEATHS IN WASHINGTON. 1770. Margaret, w. .of John Logan, aged 67, 1771. Capt. James Weeks, aged 66, 1772. Solomon, s. of Nathaniel Brown, 1774. John, s. of John and Mary Smith, aged 11. Blisha, s. of Elnathan and Sarah Mitchell, Samuel C. Clark, Jr. 1776. 1777. Elisabeth, w. of Ephraim Baker. John Logan, aged 78, 1778. Sarah, w. of Thomas Parmelee, aged 56, 1779. Mehetabel, dau. of Samuel and Sarah Bryan, 1780. Elisabeth, w. of Thomas Parmelee, 1781. Capt. David Judson, aged 56, 1782. Susan, dau. of John and Mary Smith, Samuel Gunn, aged 42, Aug. 26. July 22. April 14. Oct. U. Dec. 13. Dec. 2. March 24. Feb. 1. June 2. April 19. June 9. Jan. 7. DEATHS IN WASHINQTOX. 1785. Thomas Parmelee, aged 07, Ann, w. of Capt. Ebenezer Clark, aged 79, 1786. Joanna Mead, Jei'usha, dau. of Issacher Norton. 1787. Jerusha, w. of Isacher Norton, 1788. Patience, dau. of Capt. David and Patience Judson, Anne, w. of Samuel Barker. Thomas Parker, aged 60, John Calhoun, aged 50, 1789. James Burgess, Solomon, s. of Capt. David Judson, aged 25, 1792. William, s. of John and Mary Smith, 1793. Nathaniel Hicock, aged 70, Rev. Daniel Brinsmade, aged 75, 1794. Samuel Clark, Mary, dau. of John and Martha Powell, 1795. Ezekiel Cooper, Sarah Clark, Rev. Noah Merwin, Sarah Burgess, John Royce, ^ Ann Clark, aged 79, John Wooster. John Farrand, 1796. Lucinda, dau. of Elias Kinney, Sarah Baker, aged S3, Samuel Clark, aged 21, Tal)itha Calhoun, aged 57, 399 Aug. 26. March 3. July 26. Dec. 23. Feb. 24. July 23. March G. Feb. 15. July 8. Feb. 9. July 23. March 1 1 , Aug. 7. April 23. March 14. April. Feb. 20. March. April 12, June. Oct. March 3. March 5. Nov. 20. Nov. 4. Nov. 17. Nov. 23. 400 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1797. Mary Ackley, July 14. Sarah, w. of Jonathan Hine, aged 74, Feb. 7. John Davies, aged 89, May 21. Jeff Liberty (colored), aged 72, May 24. Sarah Twiss, aged 73, June 5. Samuel Mitchel, aged 42, April 4. Mary How, aged 16, April 20. Sally Hickox, aged 23, Aug. 29. Elijah Hickox, aged 44, Oct. 9. John Macy, aged 79, Sept. 11. 1798. Jared Galpin, aged 44, -A-Ug. 5. Mary Clark, aged 81, Feb. 8. Wm. Jennings, aged 65, July 28. Rebecca Brinsmade, aged 76, Nov. 1. Rhoda A., w. of Rev. Daniel Brinsmade, aged 77, Nov. 3. Lois Da\'idson, aged 30, Nov. 17. David Hows, aged 44, Nov. 30. Mary Stodard, aged 39, Dec. 14. Abigail VA^ooster^ aged 87, Oct. 20. Annis, dau. of Abiel Baldwin, aged 1, April 15, Samuel Clark, aged 2. Nathan, s. of Edwin Frisbie, Dec. 8. 1799. Infant of Edward Frisbie, Jan. 2. Comfort Baldwin, -A-ug. 15. Lydia Easton, aged 23, Feb. 9. Garry Whittlesey, Dec. 24. John Davies, aged 63, April 20. Wife of Justus Parker, aged 23, Oct. 29. Daughter of James Logan, aged 13, Dec. 4. 1800. Esther Farrand, Sept. 25. Betty Cato, aged 26, Jan. 2. Catherine Farrand, Sept. 29. Dea. Ebenezer Clark, aged 88, April 5. Sarah, w. of Elijah Perkins, -^ug. 27. Margaret Walker, aged 35, April 14. Ebenezer Beers, aged 73, May 18. Laura Whittlesey, Sept. 18. Simeon Ford, aged 12, May 28. Bathsheba Rice, aged 74, June 25. Wife of Reuben Parmele, aged 45, Sept. 12. Isaac Calhoun, aged 25, Sept. 13. Joseph Frost, aged 60, Oct. 17. DEATHS IN WASHINGTON. 401 Abigail, dau. of John Farrand, aged 2, Jonas Wooster Farrand, 1801. Israel Galpin, aged 55, Edward Frisbie, aged 70, Wife of George Baldwin, aged 70, Widow Davies, aged 81, ' Harriet, dau. of William and Rhoda Clark, Lucy, dau. of David Reynolds, Martin Ackley, Sheldon, s. of Matthew Logan, 1802. Ebenezer W. Beers, David Hickox, aged 27, James Stodard, aged 36, Jennings, infant, , ^ Polly Smith, aged 30, W^ «/ CUk.^ W/v»tJ7/ Jane, w. of Hiel Baldwin, Jr., Dr. James Stoddard, aged 35, Polly, dau. of Matthew Logan, Sept. 2. Sept. 14. Aug. 5. Sept. 4. Nov. 27. Dec. 19. Oct. 31. March 5. July 24. Sept. 29. July 29. Jan. 26. March 20. March 28. Dec. 12. Nov. 13. March 20. Dec. 11. Wife of Joseph Titus, aged 40, May 8. Sarah, w. of Ebenezer Mitchel, aged 72, May 26. Widow Beers, aged 70, July 21. Rebecca, w. of Gould Camp, March 7. Wife of John Baker, aged 80, Dec. 2. Wife of Peter Thorp, aged 56, Dec. 28. Alden, s. of Samuel and Sarah Bryan, Jan. 24. 1804. Joanna, w. of Jesse Baker, March 14. Joseph C, s. of Dr. John and Tabitha Calhoun, aged 27, May 23. Benjamin Galpin, aged 74, Feb. 23. Sarah, w. of Matthew Logan, March 7. Z5bulon Norton, aged 78, March 2. Wife of Mathew Logan, aged 58, March 7. Samuel Ford, aged 56, May 18. Abigail, w. of Hon. Daniel N. Brinsmade, aged 48, Aug. 28. Gerrandus, s. of Abiel Baldwin, aged 5, Oct. 21. 1805. David, s. of Enos and Susanna Mitchell, Infant of Elijah Calhoun, Widow Judson, aged 76, William Hitchcock, aged 29, Vol. III.— 51 Nov. 19. Jan. 12. Jan. 13. Jan. 29. 402 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. James Logan, aged 74, Widow Lydia Abernathy, Abigail Brinsmade, aged 48, David Mitcbel, aged 53, Cornelius Allen, aged 56, Onessimus Titus, aged 67, Daughter of G. Mosely. Eachael, w. of Gould Camp, Harriet Whittlesey, 1806. Elizabeth Pitcher, aged 76, Robert Lemmon, aged 92, Sarah Hine, aged 39, Ritte (colored), aged 21, Old Mr. Parrish, aged 84, Nathan Hickox, aged 85, Old Mr. John Woodruff, aged 74. Nancy Smith, aged 18. Lina (colored) aged 27, Ruggles, s. of Wells Beardsley, 1807. John Baker, aged 86, Brinsmade Gibson, aged 59, Sheldon Parmele, aged 37, Asahel Hurd, aged 29, Laura Whittlesey, 2d, Ichabod Hubbell, aged 87, Susanna Foot, aged 39, Sheldon Logan, aged 18, Wife of Thomas Parker, Widow Baldwin, aged 83, Caeser Clark, aged 53, Isaac Goodsell, aged 71, 1808. 1809. Margaret Lemmon, aged 81, Widow of Titus, aged 93, Samuel Baker, Jr., aged 26, Wife of James Calhoun, aged 74, Philo Pitcher, aged 17, Wife of Bnos Baldwin, aged 76, Wife of Thomas Armstrong, aged 48, Jonathan Hine, aged 88, Leman, s. of Party Hine, Old Mrs. Dickenson, aged 75, Shelden C. Whittelsey, Esther Stoddard, March 15. April. Aug. 28. Nov. 19. Dec. 9. Dec. 23. Sept. 17. Oct. 15. Jan. 10. Feb. 4. Feb. 5. July 19. Aug. 2. Aug. 8. Nov. 12. Oct. 2. Feb. 21. March 31. Oct. 23. Dec. 9. March 23. Jan. 29. Jan. 9. April 8. July 14. Sept. 28. Dec. 7. Dec. 18. Feb. 4. Feb. 9. April 22. May 1. May 21. June 8. June 29. Aug. 30. Nov. 12. Sept. 27. Oct. 17. June 12. DEATHS IN WASHINGTON 403 1810. John Jonlan, aged 75, Esther Stoddard, aged 15, Eliza, dau. of John Cogswell, Rebecca, wife of Jonathan Farrand, aged 65, Laura, w. of Nathan Newton, aged 27, Elworthy, Ann, wife of Stephen Cogswell, Feb. 6. April. May 12. Aug. 19. March 27. Nov. 21). Oct. 22. 1811. James Hiel Baldwin, Jr., Clarissa Elliott, aged 77, Richard Bryan, aged G4, Mary Calhoun, aged 38, John Reynolds, aged 86, Mosely, s. of Dr. Bronson, Mary, w. of James Calhoun, Haniel, ch. of Dr. Bronson, aged 4, .iemima Ackley, Wife of 0. Gibson, aged 37, Kzekiel Newton, aged 70, Tliotla Woodruff's wife, aged 45, Hannah Twiss, aged 63, Widow Warner, aged 100, Abigail, w. of Gideon Foot, Wife of Peter Thorp, aged 52, N^athaniel Strong, aged 17, Melissa Hamlin, aged 30, Mary, dau. of Simeon Baker, lOlisabeth Calhoun, June 15. Feb. 5. Marcli 19. March 24. April 27. June 1. May 2. June 8. Feb. 4. Sept. 13. Sept. 14. Sept. 19. Nov. 16. Nov. 29. Jan. 29. Dec. Dec. 11. Dec. 23. Aug. 14. Jan. 2. 1812. Mathew Wildman, aged 56, \bner Moseley, aged 72. < 'liild of William Beers. Daniel N., s. of Leman Canfield, Wife of William Calhoun, aged 36, Wife of pjlizur Curtiss, aged 66. Molly, dau. of James Calhoun. Abigail, wife of Lewis Hickox, aged 33, Irene, wife of D. B. Brinsmade, aged 24, Betsey Frisbie, aged 23, Joseph Calhoun, aged 84, March 2. July 31. Jan. 24. April 22. May 2. July 30. Oct. 8. A bel Curtiss, aged 62, Moses Titus, aged 47. 1813. Jan. 404 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Caroline Abbott, Alden Bryan, aged 19. Mary, dau. of Elijah Perkins, Hezekiah Baldwin, aged 45, Daniel S. Brinsmade, aged 58, Joseph C. Goldsmith, aged 30, Patte Davies, aged 21, Mary, w. of Sylvester Wheaton, aged 56, Caleb Wheeler, aged 38, Orinal Gibson, aged 38, George Baldwin, aged 78, Ebenezer Clark, aged 71, Irene Leman, aged 52, Brinsmade Plumb, aged 45, Capt. Abner Moseley, aged 74, Abel Curtiss, aged 56, Wife of Israel Beach, aged 54, Capt. Gideon Hollister, aged 87, Widow Tallman, Capt. Jonathan Farrand, aged 84, Daughter of Israel Beach, aged 18, Abigail Mead, Wife of John Crammer, aged 69, Wife of Benj. Beach, aged 73, Erastus Clark, aged 47, Isaac Parish, Theodosia, wife of D. T. Mitchell, aged 29, Wife of Solomon Hurd, aged 64, Wife of Robert Lemmon, aged 53, Wife of Sweetlove , aged 47, Benj. Beach, aged 74, Capt. Isaac Plumb, aged 49, Charlotte Giles. Elisabeth Baldwin, aged 30, Jan. 12. Jan. 12. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Jan. 1 5. Feb. Feb. Feb. March. June 24. Nov. 16. Feb. 22. Dec. 22. March. Dec. 30. March. Sept. ]9. March. May 28. March. April. April. Aug. 16. April. April. June. Oct. Oct. 24. Nov. 10. Dec. 23. 1814. James Calhoun, aged 83, Infant of Bennet Lewis, Mathew Wildman, aged 56, Mary Ann Hopson, aged 91, Widow Susanna Ford, aged 66, Grandchild of L. Teeple, aged 2, Heman C. Hine, aged 9, Clarinda Hine, aged 3, Widow Lydia Northrop, aged 91, Abel Camp, aged 21, Harmon Clark, Clarinda Clark, Feb. 12. March 11. March 12. May 17. Aug. 11. Aug. 20. Sept. 22. Sept. 29. Dec. 10. Nov. 7. Sept. 22. Sept. 29. DEATHS IN W A S H I N G T ij N . 405 1815. Wife of Alanson Allen, aged 33, Isaac Goldsmith, aged 21, Lile Frisbie, aged 18, 1816. Harriet, dau. of Philo Clark, "Widow Sybil Calhoun, aged 83, William Calhoun's child, aged 3, Williatra Davis, aged 66, Widow Leavitt, aged 83, Thomas Armstrong, aged 58, James Armstrong, aged 62, Mrs. Crammer, aged 83, Eunice Titus, aged 49, 1817. Abner Hollister's wife, aged 47, Ephraim Baker, aged 73, Esther, wife of Elijah Hazen, aged 54, Mary Davidson, aged 80, Wife of E. Curtiss, aged 54, -D*»gfetef-of John Smith, aged 71, Peter Hurd, Walker, 1818. Elnathan Mitchell, great-grandson of David Mitchell, from Yorkshire, England, aged 90. Phebe Gibson, aged 64, Seymour Titus, aged 28. 1819. Widow E. Frisbie, aged 70, Charlotte Calhoun, aged 21, Solomon Hurd, aged 69, Marcia Titus, aged 20, John Mitchell, aged 75, John Smith, aged 76, Elisabeth Frisbie, aged 72, March 18. April 19. Sept. 15. Jan. 6. March. April 12. May. May. May. May. July. Oct. April. Jan. 1. June 13. July 1. July. Aug. y if Sept. Sept. April. Mary Foot, aged 70, Mary Baldwin, aged 80, Starr Titus, aged 32, Alle Gillet, aged 32, Abigail Norton, aged 84, Lydia McMahon, aged 33, Norman Lemmon, 1820. 1821. April. Aug. Sept. Oct. Dec. 26. Dec. 26. May 2. Jan. March. June 16. Nov. 13. March 17. Aug. Aug. 22. 406 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Eunice Hickox, aged 1 9, Widow Sarah "Woodruff, aged 82, Kebecca C. Clark, Bnos Baldwin, aged 91, Eunice Hickox, aged 19, Lucy C. Tracey, 1822. Widow Patience Hollister, aged 81, Ezekiel Newton, aged 58, Laura Norton, aged 18, Betsey Mason, aged 31, Thomas Parker, aged 73, Sally Hine, aged '21, Sarah Hine, aged 55, Emeline Bartholomew, aged 22, Garry Calhoun, aged 19, Mrs. Morehouse, aged 25. Polly Farrand, aged 25, Gideon Camp, aged 74, Jonathan Hine, aged 03, John B. Hine, aged 57, Benjamin Hine, aged 56, Widow Phebc Gunn, aged 86, Samuel Sperry, aged 47, Silence L. Mitchel, aged 13, Edgar Calhoun, aged 7, Hannah E. Parrish, aged 2, Martha, dau. of Samuel Averill, aged 2, Widow Baker, Sarah Woodruff, aged 77, 1823. Daniel Fenn, aged 72, Isaac l;ivingston, aged 72, Hannah Clark, aged 80, Old Mrs. Jordan, aged 85, Hannah Warner, aged 85, Anna Gibson, aged 36, Anne Hickox, aged 70. William Wilmot, aged 44, Oct. 16. Nov. 2. Dec. 10. Dec. 18. Oct. 23. Dec. 29. Jan. 15. Oct. 13. Jan. 16. March 20. April 18. Aug. 3. Aug. 11. Aug. 14. Aug. 20. Aug. 24 Aug. 28 Aug. 30 Sept. 2 Sept. 3 Sept. 4 Sept. 5 Sept. 14 Sept. Sept. March 9 Sept. 30 May 2 Jan. 29. Jan. 31. Feb. 11. March 15. March 21. July 4. July 14. Aua;. It). 1824. Patience Mitchell, aged 72, Robert A. Lemmon, aged 72, Russell Parish, aged 12, perished in the flames of a dwelling-house, Widow Eunice Davies, aged 79, Sylva Warner, aged 75, Feb. 2.- Feb. 23. March 12. March 29. May 22. DEATHS IN WASHINGTON. 407 Mathew Logan, aged 81, June 6. Sarah Kinney, aged 56, Dec. 24. Susanna Mitchell, aged 94, Dec. 25. 1825. Widow Eunice Hickox, aged 93, Feb. 28. Ebenezer Burgess, aged 76, Jan. 8. Widow Hannah Galpin, aged 65, Nov 2.3. Widow Baker, aged 70, Dec. 11. 182(;. John Pierce, aged 91, May 30. Elizur (^urtiss, aged 83, Jan. 19. Eunice Judd, aged 81, March 14. John Fierce, Esq., aged 91, May 30. David Walker, aged 64, July 29. Mr. William Calhoun, aged 39, Sept. 10. Dr. Warren R. Fowler, aged 50, Sept. 13. Philo Parker, aged 37, Sept. 25. Sally Johnson, July 8. Laui-a M. Whitney, aged 22, July 30. Orville 1st, s. of Daniel G. and Almira Piatt, Sept. 27. John N. Gunn, aged 54, Oct. 3. Catherine Woodruff, aged 42, Oct. 3. Daniel N. Brinsmade, Esq., aged 75, Oct. 29. Ann Elderkin, aged 22, Nov. 1. 'i'liomas Parker, aged 42, Dec. 5. Thomas Newel Parker, aged 8, . Dec. 26. David Whittlesey, aged 74, Jan. 21. Samuel Burgess, aged 76, June 8. 1827. Ann Wheeler, aged 15, . Jan. 1. Mary P. Smith, aged 6, Jan. 4. Widow Polly Gunn, aged 53, Jan 15. Samuel Allen, aged 4, March 28. David Gibson, aged 51, June 7. Martha Burgess, aged 72, June 3. Sarah Bryan, aged 74, June 9. Widow Eunice Logan, aged 76, June 18. John Piatt, aged 51, July 25. Sheldon S. Titus, aged 6, Aug. 16. Mathew E. Mitchell', aged 28, Dec. 15. John Parish, • April 27. 1828. Esther Loavitt, aged 36, Jan. 10. lleman Baker, aged 51, April 16. Polly A. Newton, aged 30, April 30. Alanson Armstrong, aged 38, May 5. 408 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY, Eunice Walker, aged 63, Gerard Smith, aged 1, Betsey Whitney, aged 22, Emily Piatt, aged 3, Daniel Nettleton, aged 63, Dea. John Powell, aged 76, Jerusha Parker, aged 49, Perry Walker, aged 27, Polly Summers, aged 32, Julia Leavitt, aged 32, Ruggles Gold, aged 44, Gerard Smith, William Davies, aged 87, Mary Clark, aged 54, Mrs. Hamlin. Abigail Hickox. Sally Kinney. Mrs. Camp. Peter Powell. Mrs. Morehouse. Mrs. Davies. Logan. Ann Newton, aged 90, Abigail Moody, Miriam Beach. Samuel Leavitt. Elisha Garrett. Rebecca Hine. George R. Lemmon. James Davies, aged 76. Frances Camp, aged 80, Annis Hazen, aged 49, Elijah Hazen, Esq., aged 79, Widow Nettleton. Widow Martha Powell. Samuel J. Nettleton, aged 7, Simeon Mitchell, aged 76. Widow Titus, aged 94. Asahel Logan, aged 43, Hollister. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. May 18. July 13. July 28. Aug. 29. Jan. 12- Feb. 28- July 4- Feb. 28. Aug. 23. Sept. 20. Dec. 31. Feb. 20. March 4. March 4. Oct. 8. March 13. Eunice, w. of Daniel Nettleton, aged 18, Nov. 27. Jan. 19. Feb. 2. May. April 18. May. DEATHS IN WASHINGTON 409 1833. Asahel Logan. Mr. Perkins. Elizabeth Piatt. Robert Piatt. Mr. O'Corr. Jolin Piatt. William Beers. William Thomas. Cornelius Hamlin. Eunice Nettleton, aged 65, Anson Leavitt, aged 47, 1834. David Davies, aged 75, Edna M. Sperry, aged 26, Elsie Hubbell, aged 20, Manilla Hine. OpheUa Logan, aged 25, Mehitabel Clark, aged 56, Pruan (iibson, aged 32, Harriet Moody, aged 36, Marian Framan, aged 2, Patty Camp, aged 36, Mills, s. of Noble and Elisabeth Day. aged 21, 1835. Gideon Hollister, aged 74, Mary Allen, aged 79, Edmond A. Nettleton, aged 7, I>yron Hickox, aged 1, Flora Judson, aged 21, • ieorge Dimak, aged 2, William Calhoun, aged 62, 1836. Irene Ferry, aged 67, Isabella Ford, aged 6, Harriet Bi-yan, aged 22, riiebe Frost, aged 41, ('aroline Oviatt, aged 42, iSamuel Biyan, aged 85, Sarah A. Judson, aged 21, Lucy Clark, aged 45, Sarah Ann Sterling, aged 28, Abigail Brinsmade, aged 40, Sarah Jane Brunei, aged 20, Lucius Hubbell, aged 20, Vol. 111.— 52' May 18. May 27. Jan. 23. Jan. 5. Jan. 6. Aug. 10. Oct. L Oct. IL Nov. 13. Nov. 21. March 3. March 29. Jan. 2. March 3. July 15. Sept. 8. Sept. 16. Sept. 28. Dec. 29. Jan. 2. Jan. 29. Feb. 26. Feb. 27. March 13. March 18. April 7. April 13. April 19. April 26. April 28. May 23. 410 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Lydia Brinsmade, aged 73, Susan Logan, aged 68, Sarah. Clark, aged 68, Samuel Clark, aged 74, William R. Teeple, aged 25, Charity Clark, aged 46, Anne Bartlet, aged 75, Peter Thorp, aged 85, Jane Galpin, Polly Armstrong, aged 23, Betsey Knapp, aged 37, Elijah Calhoun, aged 60, Keziah Kinney, aged 50, Elvira Galpin, aged 5, Elizabeth Parrish, aged 71, Elizabeth Clark, aged 3, Abigail Piatt, aged 87, Rachel Whitney, aged 67, Mrs. Garvin Gibson, aged 43. Mary Goodyear, aged 45, Leman Morehouse, aged 50, David Gillett, aged 33, Hezekiah Logan, aged 34, Aurelia Nettleton, aged 8, Abner Mitchell, aged 75, Sally Gibson, aged 57, Anne Moseley, aged 96, Bethiah Goodyear, Mr. Joel Hickok, aged 87, David Camp, aged 48, Sarah Elhott, aged 64, Lucina Dudley, aged 45, William Ford, aged 70, Elizabeth Treat, aged 85, Porter D. Goodyear, aged 1, Lucy Smith, aged 47, Timothy Mitchell, aged 72, Samuel Ford, aged 71, Jenett Smith, aged 27, Celinda Gibson, aged 36, Mrs. Leavenworth, 1837. 1838. 1839. 1840. 1841. May 24. June 15. June 26. Aug. 27. Aug. 30. Sept. 3. Nov. 1. Jan. 4. Jan. 16. Jan. 25. Sept. 15. Oct. 25. Dec. 9. March 11. March 23. April 12. June 16. June 23. July 13„ Sept. May 13. May 15. June 17. July 3. July 11. Nov. 16. Jan. 22. March 18. Sept. 7. Nov. 3. Nov. 22. Dec. 24. Feb. 19. Feb. 25. March 10. March 19. March 19. March 23. April 1. April 24. DEATHS IN WASHIXGTON, 411 Lora Gunn, aged 41, Byron B. Hickox, aged 3. Frances A. Warner, aged Mary E. Warner, aged 5, Chester Bryan, aged 5*7, Evitts Moody, aged 73, Keziah Hine. aged 84, Lois Woodruff, aged 85, Isaac Beers, aged 67, Sarah Hine, age.d 80, Joseph S. Flubbell, aged 2, James Logan, aged 79, Saliua Hazen, aged 2, James Wright, aged 63, Mrs. Joseph Titus, aged 82, Samuel Baker, aged 79, John Plint, aged 66, Charlotte Smith, aged 37, Calvin Seeley, aged 17, Elijah Perkins, aged 85, Curtiss Hickox, aged 71, Eliza H. Calhoun, aged 31, Silence Brinsmade, aged 28, Sarah Calhoun, aged 70, Walter Holhster, aged 4. John M. Ford, aged 58, Margery Calhoun, aged 79, Polly Farrand, Lucretia Da vies, aged 76, Andrew Hine, aged 92, Mrs. Ira Baker. Jane A. Haggerton, aged 30, Sara.h Garlic, aged 26, Agatliy A. Galpin, aged 3, Samuel Frisbie, aged 77, Emily Foster, aged 14, Samuel Baldwin, aged 75, Adelade Frisbie, aged 5, Esther B. Hurlburt, aged 34, Charles Farrand, aged 54. Eunice Plumb, aged 90, Joseph Titus, aged 87, 1842. 1848. 1844. 1845. June 14. July Aug. Aug. Nov. 3, 18. 21. 12. Nov. 21. Jan. 25. Feb. 11. Feb. 25. March 3 1 . A pril April May Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. 10. 29. 14. 17. 8. 17. G. Dec. 12. Dec. 15. Dec. March 10. May June 10. 2. June 5. June 19. June 23. Sept. Oct. 12. Nov. 11. Dec. 21. Feb. 1 . Feb. 14. March 14. March 20. April May May Oct. 20. 2. 4. 5. Dec. 15. Feb. 22. Feb. 25. 412 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Shelton Crocker, aged 19, Lewis Hickox, aged 67. Harriet Smith, aged 14, Currence HoUister, aged 80. Judson Pond, aged 76, Sarah Boudinot, aged 14, Sarah H. Gibson, aged 22, Stiles Titus, aged 52, Lucy Smith, aged 80. Hickox. aged 71, Mary Lee, aged 79, Lucy Mitchell, aged 80, Amelia Clark, aged 1, Olive Hickox, aged 81, Ann Baker, aged 83, 1846. Esther Mitchell, aged 87, Esther E. Brinsraade, aged 1, Frederick O'Corr, aged 26, Sene Logan, aged 58, Dimon Morehouse, aged 58, Bernard O'Corr, aged 46, Mary Elderkin, aged 70, Martin Karaarny, aged 40, Benjamin Morehouse, aged 86, Samuel Leavitt, aged 57. Mary Hitchcock, aged 83, Haw ley Morehouse, aged 57, Samuel Yeomans, aged 71, Charlotte Armstrong, aged 58, Feb. 19. April 24. May 1. Aug. 6. Aug. 30. Sept. 14. Sept. 26. Nov. 5. Nov. 5. Nov. 12. Nov. 4. Nov. 18. Dec. 24. Dec. 27. Jan. 16. Feb. 11. March 6. March 12. March 28. April 7. April 28. May 2. May 6. May 8. Aug. 3. Aug. Dec. 12. Dec. 27. 1847, Truman Jennings, aged 22, Theodosia Farrand. aged 34, Mary Clark, aged 80, Betsey Newton, aged 77, Anna Newton, aged 68, Joel Pierce, aged 53, Daniel H. Newton, aged 13, Jonas Bryan, aged 61, Amasa Barden, aged 56, Lois Meramble, aged 19, Clotilda Phippeny, aged 65, Sally M. Clark, aged 34, Thankful Baker, aged 65, Lucy Lemraou, aged 15, Jan. 5. Feb. 16. March 23. May 2. May 23. July 9. Aug. 4. Aug. 10. Aug. 29. Oct. 21. Nov. 10. Dec. 4. Nov. 3. Oct. 8. DEATHS IN WASHINGTON, 413 1848. Asa Gibson, aged 28, Elizabeth Trowbridge, aged 76, Chloe A. Logan, aged 34, Mary J. Downs, aged 23, Hepzibah Titus, aged 75, Delia A. Hubbell, aged 6, Benjamin Beacli, aged 66, Flatt Bryan, aged 59, George M. Snow, aged 5, Joel Camp, aged 76, Betty Roots, aged 76, Seth M. Taylor, aged 36, Julia Kinney, aged 4 days, Martha E. Lawrence, aged 2, Martin O'Brien, aged 2 days, Elvira Bronson, aged 14, Daniel T. Clark, aged 13, Agnes C. Spcrry, aged 27, Sheldon Camp, aged 54, Laura M. Camp, aged 7, Nehemiab Patterson, aged 76, Daniel Burton, aged 13, Roswell Millard, aged 57, Betsey Hine, aged 49, Jan. 16. Jan. 26. Feb. 12. April 30. May 23. May 27. June 3. June 10. July 14. May 15. Jan. 18. March 28. July 5. July IS. June 17. March 22. Nov. 11. May 5. Aug. 16. Aug. 17. Sept. 7. Sept. 7. Aug. 19. Oct. 21. 1849. Lydia Leavitt, aged 85, Solomon Titus, aged 83, Augusta Hubbell, aged 33, Garry Patterson, aged 50, Helen Logan, aged 20, Betsey Hine, aged 49, Herman Sweeney, aged 40, Hannah E. Gillett, aged 23, Susan J. Parker, aged 1 year, 6 months, Frederick Richmond, aged 2, Joseph S. Bloss, aged 19, George G. Canfield, aged 9 months, Lydia Bishop, aged 80, Harriet Lake, aged 63, Susan Hungerford, aged 19, Eliza Swift, aged 25, Harvey Cogswell, aged 19. Polly Hitchcock, aged 49, James O'Connor, aged 27, John Kinne)\ aged 67, March 1. Jan. 23. June 24. June 25. June 29. Oct. 21. Nov. 13. Oct. 30. July 4. Aug. 2. Oct. 16. Nov. 8. Oct. 31. March 10. March 14. July 11. June 30. June 1 1. Feb. 18. 414 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Betsey Ford, aged 70, Isaac D. Camp, aged 61, Olive Whitney, aged 100, Betsey Andrus, aged 84, Elizabeth. Morehouse, aged 21, July 21. Nov. 28. Dec. 7. Dec. 21. Dec. 9. 1850. Dea. Preston S. Hollister, aged 72, Sally Hollister, aged 72, Olive Bristol, aged 35, Richard Andrus, aged 80, George L. Calhoun, aged 46, George G. Cogswell, aged 2, Nabby Tomlinson, aged 68. Abraham Bronson, aged 83, Elizabeth Waugh, aged 87, Wife of Noah Pond, Mary A. Patterson, aged 77, Polly Tomlinson, aged 55, Thomas Brady, aged 39, Joseph Marsh, aged 72, Harry E. Winters, aged 18, Elizabeth Brinsmade, aged 32, Rebecca A. O'Dell, aged 36, Stanley Burgess, aged 8, Polly Pope, aged 68, Jan. 10. Jan. 11. March 14. Jan. 5. Jan. 23. Mav 18. May 7. May 9. July 3. Feb. 2. Aug. 28. Sept. 15. Aug. 18. Oct. 30. Oct. 11. Oct. 22. Nov. 14. Dec. Oct. 6. 1851. Randa Ackley, aged 57, Lazarus Ford, aged 76, Samuel C. Perkins, aged 45, Stephen S. Baker, aged 72, Polly Woodruff, aged 26, Lucy J. Hatch, aged 23, Evitts Moody, aged 29, F. E. Hall, aged 41, Emeline Limbaner, aged 28, Daniel C. Logan, aged 40, Edward Frisbie, aged 80, Reuben Baker, aged 87, Zurilla Hollister, aged 21, Wife of James Calhoun, aged 77, John Caton, aged 1 year, 6 months, Alanson Hoyt, aged 53, Henry R. Lewis, aged 20, Miriam Armstrong, aged 95, Cornelia Burgess, aged 22, Feb. 25. March 4. Jan. 8. April 28. Sept. 30. May 9. May 16. May 9. May 28. Dec. 4. June 15. June 22. Oct. 29. Dec. 4. June 23. June 1. June 6. Feb. 29. May. DEATHS IN WASHINGTON. 415 1852. Hannah Calhoun, aged 73, Elijah Love ridge, aged 32, Samuel Mitchell, aged 86, George I. Calhoun, aged 1, Susan Brown, aged 27, Daniel Calhoun, aged 81, Isabell Canfield, aged 1 year, 1853. Abbie Moody, aged 22, Walter Gold, aged 11, James Calhoun, aged 84, Smith Morehouse, aged 15, Ezekiel Newton, aged 5, Egbert K. Ford, aged 14, Elizabeth Reynolds, aged 37, George Swan, aged 5, Amos Smith, aged 84, Sarah Moody, aged 28. Johnson Logan, aged 86, Polly Burgess, aged 68, Betsey Bunnell, aged 56, Narcissa Farrand, Leman Canfield, aged 73, Adelaide Beeman, aged 3, 1854. Laura M. Calhoun, aged 50, Eunice Smith, aged 78, Alvin Brown, Betsey Averill, aged 3, Mary Averill, aged 5, Nathaniel Brown, John Lee, aged 31, Betsey Fenn, aged 82, Harriet Hill, aged 19, Nathan Newton, aged 86, Clarina Gunn, aged 78, Sheldon W. Ford, aged 42, Helen Gammon, aged 16, Esther Gammon, aged 13, Joseph Church, aged 20, Geron Smith, aged 24, Esther Whittlesey, aged 39, Charles Whittlesey, aged 61, Isaac Hartwell, aged 87, 1855. Jan. 26, Nov. 11. April Dec. 15. 4. Dec. 29. Feb. 28. Aug. 24. Jan. 14. Feb. 22. March 8. April April May Sept. Sept. Sept. 6. 13. 22. 15. 4. 19. Oct. 8. Oct. 22. Nov. 12. Dec. U. Dec. 21. Dec. 31. Feb. 7. Feb. 14. May 3. May 6. M^y 13. May 18. June 22. June 15. June 18. June 28. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Nov. 22. 16. 16. 20. 3. Nov. 28. Dec. 15. Feb. 6. May 9. 416 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Eliza McCroton, aged 22, Thomas N. Clark, aged 74, Amos Northrop, aged 69, James Parrot, aged 45, Rhoda Buckingham, aged 46, Lorenzo Maloney, aged 35, Walter C. Beeman, aged 2, Sarah A. Woodruff, aged 68, Mary Parker, aged 4, Eliza Morehouse, aged 25, George Cables, aged 5, Mahaleh Cable, aged 1, Selwin Gunn, aged 1, Henry Kinney, aged 38, Jedediah Lemmon, aged 68, Eliza A. Higgins, Sarah Pope, aged 86, James Pritchard, aged 1, William Bolles, aged 1, Harriet Scott, aged 37, Guson Gibson, aged 64, Jane Meeker, aged 79, Esther Buckingham, aged 20, Betsey Allen, aged 58, Burr HoUister, aged 19, 1856. Cornelius Hull, aged 3, Ella S. Millard, aged 2, Lucinda Bailey, aged 4, Sherman Clark, aged 41, Anna Bryan, aged 63, Mary Hartwell, aged 84, Sarah J. Strickland, aged 1, Franklin Logan, aged 7, George Calhoun, aged 3, Mary Talcott, aged 1 0, Maria Benedict, aged 24, Norman Hazen. aged 74, Eleanor B. Church, aged 29, Sarah A. Kinney, aged 48, Harriet Hurlburt, aged 24, Amos Hallock, aged 74, Alma Piatt, aged 58, Emma J. Hamlin, aged 1, Ann C. Richards, aged 76, Jerub Frost, aged 67, Anna Lyman, aged 14, 1857. April 13. April 23. May 19. June 11. June 12. June 30. July 8. July 22. July 29. July 29. Aug. 11. Aug. 16. Aug. 22. Aug. 25. Aug. 26. Sept. 1. Sept. 19. Sept. 26. Sept. 27. Oct. 20. Oct. 26. Dec. 20. Dec. 11. May. June. Jan. 6. Jan. 16. Feb. 21. Jan. 27. Feb. 27. March 7. April 2. April 16. July 12. July 13. July 16. July 20. Aug. 20. Aug. 23. Sept. 17. Oct. 1. Oct. 2. Nov. 28. Jan. 8. Jan. 23. Feb. 8. DEATHS IN WASHINGTON 417 Sarah A. Clark, aged 25, Ira Baker, aged 67, Allen Grossman, aged 67, Jane Bristol, aged 38, Sally Abernathy, aged 76, Archibald Cogshall, aged 59, Brinsmade Gibson, aged 80, Elizabeth Bayless, aged 46, Ella Seeley, aged 5, William F. Brague, aged 1, Harriet L. Bunnell, aged 4, Harriet Hatch, aged 18, Amy L. Smith, aged 66, Leander O'Dell, aged 43, Frances H. Jewitt, aged 1, Almira Galpin, aged 33, Alanson Allen, aged 74, Horace McCann, aged 44, Margaret Weaver, aged 63, Samuel H. Weston, aged 56, Stephen Pope, aged 64, Elizabeth Beers, aged 82, Elijah Meeker, aged 79, Delia A. Olmstead, aged 19, David Whitney, aged 65, Harley N. Beeman, aged 54, Fanny J. Brinsmade, aged 26, Sarah A. Sterling, aged 20, Phebe Mitchell, aged 93, Russell Millard, aged 73, Lucina Mallory, aged 21, Eunice P. Lemmon, aged 39, Roland Bailey, aged 41, George Sperry, aged 40, Ruth A. Canfield, aged 77, Alice Rowe, aged 1, Egbert E. Hurlburt, aged 1, Eliza Patterson, aged 56, Lucretia Lyon, aged 67, Henry Hunt, aged 18, Sally Taylor, aged 70, Margaret B. Black, aged 65, Ella Lemmon, aged 4, Daniel Hartwell, aged 58, Patrick Doland, aged 40, Amy F. Keeler, aged 5, Vol. IIL_53 1858. 1859. Feb. 25. March 14. March 21. March 26. April 6. June 19. July 30. June 3. Sept. 8. Oct. 4. Oct. 14. Dec. 23. Dec. 23. Nov. 13. Jan. 24. Jan. 31. April 2. April 9. April 24. May 19. May 20. June 1 1. May 10. May 27. Aug. 23. July 6. Aug. 31. Sept. 12. Aug. 8. Oct. 7. Oct. 20. Nov. 3. Nov. 28. Nov. Dec. 6. Feb. 27. March 5. Feb. 16. Jan. 4. Jan. 6. March 29. March 28. May 11. May 7. April 3. May 18. 418 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Edna Averill, aged 6^, Elijah Woodruff, aged 84, Truman Woodruff, aged 80, Earnest R. Black, aged 3 weeks, Walter Black, aged 1, Rhoda Saunders, aged 83, Maria Wheaton, aged 53, Homer Swift, aged 3, Laura Hartwell, aged 54, Rachael Brown, aged 80, James Cook, aged 49, Clarence HoUister, aged 18, 1860. William W. Mitchell, aged 5, Irene Burgess, aged 45, John Limbaner, aged 82, Abbie J. Hickox, aged 26, Clarinda Tucker, aged 80, Minerva Strong, aged 55, Huldah Calhoun, aged 88, Dwight H. Babcock, aged 1, Susan J. Baker, aged 15, Reuben Calhoun, aged 94, Betsey Beardsley. aged 78, Edward Mitchel, aged 2, Marvm Wheaton, aged 66, Alice Wilcox, .aged 5, Hermon Calhoun, aged 61, Benjamin Bronson, aged 52, Mathew Logan, aged 76, Svisan Baker, aged 15, Jane Baker, aged 37, Wilson Cogswell, aged 16, Truman Hoi lister, aged 57, 1861. Nancy J. Hollister. aged 54. Willie Piatt, aged 5, Sarah Burgess, aged 59, Sherman P. Camp, aged 37, Frederick H. Wheeler, aged 1. Fanny Camp, aged 60, Sally Goodyear, aged 55, Eliza Hunt, aged 18, George W. Ford, aged 1, Helen Calhoun, aged 19. Enos Mitchell, aged 19, Ella Olmstead, aged 20, May 19. June 17. July 3. Jan. 31. July 17. Aug. 27. Sept. 4. Sept. 26. Oct. 16. Oct. 28. Nov. 2. Dec. 22. Feb. 2. Feb. 27. March 9. May 27. July 24. June 29. July 5. Aug. 28. Sept. 6. Sept. 7. Sept. 11. Sept. 23. Oct. 6. May 5. Nov. 23. Nov. 23. Dec. 2. Sept. 6. Oct. 8. Dec. 18. Dec. 30. Jan. 3. Feb. 3. Feb. 23. Feb. 24. March 4. March 12. April 3. April 7. April 27. May 11. May 25. May 30. DEATHS IN WASHINGTON. 410 Martha Bishop, aged fJ3, June 30. Eunice Hallock, aged 73, July 9. Lydia E. Mitchell, aged 39, July 17. Lois Hollister, aged 79, Aug. 2. Rollin C. Logan, aged 35, Aug. '23. Wallace Galpin, aged 6, Sept. 1. Charles G. Hickox, aged '2, Sept. '21. William Hubbell, aged 6, Sept. 24. Bathsheba Liberty, aged 80, Sept. 27. Levi W. Judd, aged 8, Sept. 28. Charles Hickox, aged 2, Sept. 23. Theodosia Hazen, aged 59, Oct. 13. Anna Kinney, aged 7, Oct. 16. Homer Millard, aged 37, Nov. 4. Caroline Wright, aged 66, Nov. 10. Bertha Tucker, aged 1, Nov 13. James Broadmeadow, aged 16, Nov. 29. 1862., Ashbell Kinney, aged 17, Jan. 6. Maria Gunn, aged 1, Jan. 6. Sarah A. Bronson, aged 86, Jan. 19. Lyman Hall, aged 2, Jan. 29. Abijah Tonilinson, aged 82, Jan. 11. Mary Mallory, aged 56, Feb. 8. John Newton, aged 89, Feb. 21. Joseph Gregory, aged 60, March 7. Electa Prentice, aged 58, March 22. Lucy Watson, aged 2, April 1 0. Abigail Martin, aged 80, April 12. Sile Mitchell, aged 70, July 13.. Russell B. Bloss, aged 65, Aug. 27. Nathan G. Wheaton, aged 69, March 18. Mary J. Baldwin, aged 18, Nov. 11. John Jacob, aged 30, Oct. 5. Jay F. Whitehead, aged 2, Oct. 3. Daniel B. Brinsmade, aged 80, Nov. 3. Lewis Hubbard, aged 72, Dec. 17. Luther Tracy, aged 85, Dec. 1. Jane R. Lyman, aged 5, Dec. 12. Fanny B. Hickox, aged 4, Dec. 13. Ephraim Baker, aged 79, Dec. 18. Charles L. Mitchell, aged 10, Dec. 21. Mathew E. Mitchell, aged 3, Dec. 24. Fannie E. Mitchell, aged 18, Dec. 25. 1863. Rebecca Galpin, aged 35, Jau. 4. George Black, aged 2, Feb. 10. 420 HISTORY OP ANCIENT W O D B U K Y Susan G. Fenn, aged 1, Abigail H. Moore, aged 57, Daniel Baker, aged 76, Nehemiah S. O'Dell, aged 83, Patrick O'Brien, aged 40, Lucy Bennett, aged 89, Martha Hart, aged 27, Parthenia J. Ford, aged 17, John Toohey, aged 1, Charles H. Leavitt, aged 6, Peter Richards, aged 85, Daniel E. Brinsmade, aged 70, Clarissa Benjamin, aged 3, Betsey Bristol, aged 90, Remus T. Ford, aged 25, Sarah Baldwin, aged 87, Sherman P. Hollister, aged 85, Henry Lane, aged 38, Justus Parker, aged 86, Anna Kinney, aged 75, Isabella Lane, aged 1 1, Sherman Kinney, aged 83, James Caton, aged 15, Louisa Blake, aged 77, Hattie A. Bronson, aged 11, Rose Caton, aged 9, George F. Caton, aged 6, Sally Millard, aged 92, Anna M. Black, aged 26, Jerome B. Bissell, aged 48, 1864. William Wright, aged 66, Samuel M. Smith, aged 67, T. William Senior, aged 53, Jerusha Frisbie, aged 92, Sheldon Burgess, aged 64, Calvin Calhoun, aged 90, Abigail Beardsley, aged 76, Mary E. Griswold, aged 22, Emma Wells, aged 4, Austin L. Clark, aged 45, Hannah Barton, aged 19, Mary Todd, aged 9, Daniel Punderson, aged 81, Joel Morehouse, aged 67, Samuel Averill, aged 77, Amanda A. BoUes, aged 69, Eliza Barton, aged 85, Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. March April May May Jan. Jan. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. NoV: Nov. Dec. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. IL 12. 12. 29. 22. 28. 10. 7. 28. 3. 17. 2. 10. 18. 3. 8. 29. 29. 20. 1. 5. 15. 15. 16. 5. 11. 21. 26. 26. 16. Jan. 2. Jan. 21. March 25. April 10. April 22. April 22. May 1. May 2. May 7. May 9. May 16. May 29. June 5. June 8. June 12. June 15. June 16. DEATHS IN WASHINGTON 421 Margaret A. O'Dell, aged 70, Stephen "Wright, aged 9, William C. "Wooster, aged 45, Anna Smith, aged 1, Georgiana Beardsley, aged I, Lyman Stone, Jr., aged 1, Rosa Carrie Wright, aged 1, Ida Wright, aged 2, Amanda Piatt, aged 63, Eliza Peet, aged 5, Edward Piatt, aged 8, Titus A. Bryan, aged 50, F. Nathan Taylor, aged 84, John Hamlin, aged 53, Marilla Giddings, aged 63, Rachael Cogswell, Mary H. Rowe, aged 3, Flora Lyman, aged 3 months, Truman Tucker, aged 46, Daniel T. Mitchell, aged 78, Ann E. Rowe, aged 1, Sarah Pond, aged 89, Laura Mayhew, aged 6, Ann Mavhew, aged 2, Polly A." Ford, aged 68, 1865. Eliza Brown, aged 69, Betsey Swift, aged 40, Gideon Fayton, aged 77, Rufus Lemmon, aged 14, Stephen Babcock, aged 72, Polly Titus, aged 76, Lyman Nettleton, aged 71, Robert Barney, aged 7, Jesse Bennett, aged 2, Daniel B. Gunn, aged 16, John Goodyeai', aged 75, Sally Nettleton, aged 71, Philena Calhoun, aged 56, Henry S. Gold, aged 21, Lois Mitchell, aged 76, Ann Tomlinson, aged 49, Lena Wyant, aged 1, Hermon Hine, aged 84, Ula Byington, aged 90, Lydia Peet, aged 83, Dolly Lemmon, aged 75, 1866. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 11. Feb. 3. Sept. 6. Sept. 6. Sept. 12. Sept. 12. Sept. Oct. 9. Oct. 16. Oct. 19. Nov. 19. Nov. 21. Feb. 27. Nov. 22. Nov. 22. Nov. 23. Dec. 2. Dec. 13. Dec. 13. Dec. 17. Jan. 4. Jan. 16. Jan. 25. Feb. 25. Feb. 28. March 12. March 19. March 21. March 22. April 2. April 29. May 12. May 28. June 1. Aug. 18. Sept. 17. Sept. 18. Nov. 16. Jan. 8. Jan. 13. Jan. 29. 422 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Mary A. Calhoun, aged 1 1 , Ellen Cogswell, aged 37, Elizabeth Drake, aged 91, Ira V. Bronson, aged 87, Russell W. Frisbie, aged 57, Miles Smith, aged 90, Jonathan Farrand, aged 85, Gregory Seeley, aged 67, Minerva Williams, aged 68, Mary L. Ford, aged 50, Harriet Mitchell, aged 68, Elizabeth White, aged 45, Jennie E. Frazer, aged 1, Susan Baker, aged 76, Sally Judson, aged 69, Bryan Hickox, aged 62, Asahel R. Warner, aged 59, Elnathan Mitchell, aged 70, Nancy J. Griswold, aged 50, 1867. 1868. Rebecca Smith, aged 86, Thomas J. Gunn, aged 69, Maria Morehouse, aged 74, Henry E. Sackett, aged 35, John Black, aged 81, Mary E. Cogswell, aged 35, Dallas Pike, aged 22, Mary Nettleton, aged 41, Daniel Root, aged 28, Lucy Young, aged 1, Henry Wright, aged 14, Polly Bassett, aged 75, Betsey Northrop, aged 56, Abigail Meeker, aged 63, Lucy S. Mallory, aged 10, Jennie I. Lemmon, aged 3, Katie Woodruff, aged 7, Edwin R. Bogardus, aged 43, Jerome S. Kinney, aged 37, Isaac Brown, aged 53, Nelhe L. Hallock, aged 10, Julia Shove, aged 37, 1869. Aug. 1 1 . Aug. 15. Sept. 11. Aug. 20. Dec. 29. April 6. April 26. Jan. 28. Feb. 15. May 7. May 19. May 14. June 26. June 12. June 30. July 19. Nov. 30. Dec. 7. July 27. Jan. 6 Jan. 16 Feb. 15 Feb. 20 Feb. 27 March 7 March 7, April 6 April 16 April 22 May 1 May 7 IMay 8 May 9 May 22 May 2 1 Aug. 15 Sept. 17 Oct. 3 Nov. 15 Dec. 8 Dec. 28 Ella R. Clark, aged 3 months, Charles A. Tomlinson, Jan. 1. Jan. 9. D K A T H S IN WASHINGTON 423 Sylvia Shove, aged 34, David Whittlesey, aged 81, David N. P^arrand, aged 8 months, Alba Williams, aged 71, Theodosia W. Hazen, aged 6 months, Howard N. Hazen, aged 23, Alexander Bryan, aged 82, Charles Taylor, aged 4, Garry Morris, aged 77, Abigail Cables, aged 78, Bela Welton aged 23, Maria Guim,'^ged 40, Betsey Frisbie, aged 95. John Freeman, aged 17. Samuel R. Ford, aged 40, Julia A. Cable, aged 51, Frances E. Morehouse, aged 1 7. Ida A. Meramble. aged 10, Henry Piatt, aged 72, John Hull, aged 66, Irene Mitchell, aged 53, T.'i.ankfiil B. Hall, aged 73, .Harriet Buckingham, aged 68. 1870. Benjamin Galpin, aged 82, Patty Parker, aged 89, Laura Logan, aged 84, Louis, aged 3 weeks, Elisha Barlow, aged 79, Elisha Cogswell, aged 67, Samuel Young, aged 64, George P. Hickox, aged 2, Fanny R. Lemmon. aged 72, Homer Sherman, aged 24, William Desmond, Helen (^anfield, aged 14, Joseph H. Bennett, aged 75, Mary Gibson, aged 72, Joel Bishop, aged 77, Simeon Ford, aged 72, Susan Patterson, aged 79, Burr Camp, aged 73, Abbie Nettle ton, aged 50, Daniel G. Piatt, aged 74, Samuel M. Logan, aged 77, Henry Barlow, aged 69, Louis Squires, aged 93, 1871. Feb. 6. March 20. April July March 22. 7. 13. July July 27. 29. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 2 11. 15. 19. 21. Sept. Oct. 2. 9. Oct. 16. Oct. 29. Nov. 13. Nov. 26. Nov. 30. Dec. 17. Dec. 17. Dec. 24. March 20. March 26. June 7. April 27. April 15. June 22. June 23. Aug. Dec. 28. 14. April 20. Feb. 22. April April May May Mav 22. 30. 26. 20. 28. July 31. Aug. Sept. Oct. 27. 27. 26. Nov. 7. Nov. 18. Nov. 28. 424 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1872. John T. Nettleton, aged 40, Jan. 7. Aurelia Piatt, aged 64, Jan. 28. John Couch, aged 83, Feb. 6. Nelson Ford, aged 68, March 23. Jedediah H. Richards, aged 49, June 23. Jedediah Woods, aged 68, June 30. Walter Hickox, aged 1, July 26. Peter Donnelly, aged 42, Aug. 1. Sheldon Church, aged 72, Sept. 10. Daniel Frisbie, aged 68, • Sept. 18. Colonel Canfield, aged 78, Oct. 22. John Anderson, aged 28, Oct. 10. Garry Newton, aged 73, Oct. 8. Sally Taylor, aged 83, Jan. 4. Asenath Cogswell, aged 7" Aug. 14. Daniel Connerford, aged 24, Nov. 7. Philo Smith, aged 83, Nov. 24. Alpheus C. Godfrey, aged 18, July 4. 1873. Emily Logan, aged 76, Feb. ' '. Frederick Newton, aged .59, April 18. Elisha Whittlesey, aged 48, May 12. Flora Humphrey, aged 8, July 1. Daniel Bissell, aged 9 months, July 8. Laura Burnham, aged 62, July 25. Martha Wright, aged 45, July 26. Abby Camp, aged 26, Aug. 26. Hattie Buckingham, aged 4, Aug. 9. John Buckingham, aged 7, Aug. 10. Alzora Buckingham, aged 3, Aug. 17. Amy A. Morehouse, aged 19, Aug. 31. Judson Cable, aged 81, Dec. 30. 1874. James Hallock, aged 14, Jan. 13. George BoUes, aged 52, Feb. 12. Cordelia Clark, aged 70, Feh. 14. George Calhoun, aged 6, Feb. 14. Martin Brooker, aged 58, Feb. 24. Mary E. Cogswell, aged 12, Feb. 26. Betsey Griswold, aged 72, March 14. Mary Peck, aged 7, March 29. Laura L. Knickerbocker, aged 1, May 6. William Hoag, aged 39, May 23. John N. Marvin, aged 49, May 17. Minerva Bishop, aged 79, May 22. Josephine Newton, aged 12, June 19. DKATIIS IN WASH I XO TON. 425 Grace Newton, aged 5, June 27. Julia Barney, aged 36, June 21. Peter Carlson, aged 57, July 15. Frederick Beard sley, aged G5, July 7. Julius Moth, aged 27, July 28. Augustiii Newton, aged 76, Aug. 4. Leverett Allen, aged 81, Sept. 24. Ann Boharty, aged 65, Oct. 6. Joseph E. Hatch, aged 70, Oct. 16. Lewis Hubbell, aged 70, Dec. 6. George W. Hoag, aged 36, May 3. 1875. Edward J. Pond, aged 70. Jan. 21. William Smith, aged 76, Jan. 22. Martha Osborn, aged 1, Feb. 4. Betsey Hickox, aged 85. P'eb. 17. Elliza Gilbert, aged 71, Feb. 25. Bennett G. Fenn, aged 74, March 15. Abel Edwards, aged 68, March 29. Alma P. Ryden, aged 1. April 1. Lavina Tyler, aged 70, April 2. Sarah Calhoun, aged 78, April 16. Anthony Smith, aged 92, May 9. Darius Bradley, aged 72, May 14. Ann McLane, aged 68, June 25. Martin Hammon, aged 65, Aug. 23. Laura Frost, aged 86, Nov. 13. Joseph Titus, aged 92, Nov. 27. Lucinda Calhoun, aged 37, Dec. L Xancy Clark, aged 79, Dec. -7. Sally Galpin, aged 73, Dec. 1 1. 1876. Betsey A. Tomlinson, aged 91, Jan. 18. Sarah Peck, aged 77, Feb. 4. Abel Brist(jl. aged 68, Feb. I .-.. lieuben Bolles.'aged 84, Feb. 19. b'anny Brown, aged 85, March 7. Daniel Rowe, aged 86, April 1. Hannah Rowe, aged 86, April 10. Earnest Clark, aged 3, April 18. Nancy Cogswell, aged 81, May 31. Eliza Frisbie, aged 70, July 2. Mary A. Hall, aged 72, July 3. Ira, s. of Enoch and Sally Bristol, July 20, 1799. Mary. dau. of Noah and Elisabeth Brownson, March 26, 1761. Rhoda, dau. of " " " March 20, 1763. Aaron, s. of " " " July 12, 1768. Jemima, dau. of •' <' " • Nov. 13, 1771. Rhoda, dau. of " " " April 7, 1777. Samuel, s. of " " " April 5, 1779. Martha Beecher (wife of Ben. Strong), April 17, 1755. B I K T H S IX .S O |- T ir K r K Y 429 Henry Augustin, s. of George and Dorcas Bolt, Betsey Clarissa, dau. of *' '' " A female child, " " " Lewis, s. of Nathaniel and Dinah Beecher, Sibilla, dau. of " " " Lyman, s. of " " '' Ransom, s. of " *< " (.xratia, dau. of " ■' '' Sherman, s. of " •■ " Stephen Bateman was born Mary, dau. of Stephen and Eunice Bateman, Stephen Calvin, s. of Stephen ;ind Eunice Batema Eunice Anna, dau. of " " '• Cynthia, dau. of " '• •• Rhoda, dau. of '■ " Olive, dau. of •' Selina, dau. of '' Esther, dau. of Enos and Zillah Beniiani. Samuel Botsford, born in Newtown, p]nnice, dau. of Samuel and Patience Botsford, Mary. dau. of '' '' •' Betty, dau. of " " " Bhilo, s. of " '' ■' Truman, s. of Daniel and Elisabeth Bassett, Lecta, dau. of Lemuel and Ann Blackman. Bennitt, s. of •' '' '• Judson, s. of " " •' Polly, dau. of " " " David, s. of -' •' " Fanny, dau. of " '• " Eunice Ann, dau. of Phineas and Eunice Barnes. Anna, dau. of David and Annis Bagley, Huldah, dau. of " Elnathan Andrus, s. of Isaac and xMary Brisco, Isaac Addison, s. of " " " Polly Koxceany, dau. of '• " " Amaritty Juley Albataney, dau. of Isaac and Mar Brisco, Nathan, s. of Isaac and Mary Brisco, Esther, dau. of Elijah and Anna Booth, Polly, dau. of Anna, dau. of •' Noah Hinman,s. of •' Noah Hinman,s. of " Sally, dau. of Lyman, s. of " Ebenezer, s. of " Ruth, dau. of Jonathan Brooks, Clara, dau. of Philo Allen and Eunice Baldwin Jan. 4 1795. March 4 1797. Aug. 2S 1798 Sept. 7 Sept. 11 Dec. IS 1787 I7S9 1791 May 15 April 24 June 12 1794 1797 1799 Jan. 13 1740 Aug. 20, n, Dec. 11 1769. 1770 June 8 1774 June 1 1776 June 11 1781 June 19 1783 Aug. 1 July 30 Jime 3 1787 1794 1761 May 30 J vine S 1785 178V Dec. 3 1788 April 13 Nov. 6 1791 1792 Feb. 4 1788 April 27 Sept. 17 Aug. 7 March 11 1790 1791 1792 1795 July 29 March 10 1798 1788 June 28 1781 Nov. 10 1782 Aug. 1 Jan. 14 1782 , 1784 Oct. 14 1786 ■.y March 30 1701 Sept. 24 Jan. 18 1796 1774 May 1 Oct. 3 1778 1779 May 4 Jan. 31 1781 1783 Oct. 5 1786 June 22 1788 April 7 Nov. 9 1790 , 1753 Nov. 18 1794 430 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Harvey, s. of Philo Allen and Eunice Baldwin, March 19, Truman, s. of Truman and Polly Bristol, Sept. 24, Daniel Parke, s. of Park and Mary Brown, >w^ March 17, Fanny, dau. of '■ " " y June 10, Sally, 6th dau. of Dr. Anthony and Anna Burritt, March 12, Polly, dau. of Truman and Betsey Bristol, May 1, Sally Hinman Brown, Oct. 14, Henry, s. of Park and Mary Brown, Feb. Henry, Jr.. s. of Henry and Harriet Brown, Feb. Maria E., dau. of " '' '■ Aug. Hannah S., dau. of " '• " March 16, Benjamin S., s. of " " " Feb. 22, Walter C, s. of '' " " March 6, Charles A., s. of " " " Nov. 26, Charles, s. of Henry, Jr., and Jane E. Brown, Nov. 28, HenryS., s. of " " " July 7, Nancy, dau. of Theophilus and Esther Baldwin, in Middlebiiry, Dec. 18, Ellen M., dau. of Henry and Roxa A. Bradley, Dec. 12, Julia E., dau. of " " " Aug. 31, Charles H., s. of " " " Feb. 13, Harriet N., dau. of " " " Sept. 12, Mary F., dau. of " " " April 26, Augustin A. Bradley, " " March 10, Munson E., s. of David and Hannah Bradley, Oct. 19, Elliott B., s. of " " " Nov. 25, Hannah A., dau. of David and Anna Bradley, Jan. 14, Susan C, dau. of " '' " July 6, Levi M. Bradley, June 18, Henry Beers, Nov. 16, Eliza Hinman Brown, Samuel Hinman Brown Walter W., s. of Walter C. and Isabella Brown of Columbus, O., Helen, dau. of Walter C. and Isabella Brown, of Columbus, O., Flora, dau. of Walter C. and Isabella Brown, of Columbus, (}., Harry L., s. of Walter C. and Isabella Brown, of Columbus, 0., Aug. 16, Lowell T., s. of Walter C, and Isabella Brown, of Columbus, 0., Nov. Sylvania, dau. of Truman and Betsey Bristol, June Thompson, s. of " " " Oct. Abel, s. of " '' " May Cephas, s. of Ebenezer and Eunice Brown, Feb. Truman, s. of " '' '• J^^ilj Ebenezer, s. of " " " June Herrick, s. of " " " July Susannah, dau. of '* " " Nov. May 2, July Jan. June 18, 26, 14, 15, 24, 2, 28. 17, 14, 25, 25, 11, BIKTHS IN SOUTHBURV 431 Olive, dau. of Ebenezer and Eunice Brown, June 8, Harriet, dau. of '' " " Nov. 7, Sarah Maria, 5tli dau. of Park and Mary Brown, July 15, Eph. Hinman, s. of " '■ " Aug. 20, George, s. of Noah H. and Lucenah Booth, March '21, Fernet, s. of " '' '■ Dec. 4, Ellsworth, s. of Noah and Lucenah Booth, May 4, Erastus Hinman, s. of Noah and Lucenah Booth, Jan. 6, Mariette, dau. of <' " " March 27, Noah Horace, s. of " " " March 19, Merrit A., s. of David Beecher, July 3. Sarah M., dau. of " " Feb. 6, Erastus D., s. of " " July 1, Adahno, dau. of William E. and Anna M. Booth, Dec. 12, Samuel Miles, s. of Samuel S. and Betsey Bradley, April G, Lyman Fenn, s. of " " " Feb. 21, Betsey Amelia, dau. of " " " Jan. 31, Levi Burt, s. of '' " " Aug. 3, Dr. Anthony Burritt, born at Newtown, Dec. 4, Mary Ann, dau. of Dr. A -^thony and Anna Burritt, March 4, Jonah, s. of " " " Oct. 8, Nancy, dau. of " " " Feb. 6. Selina, dau. of " " " May 29, Benjamin, s. of " '' " Oct. 17, Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel and Dinah Beecher, Nov. 20, Kli/abeth, dau. of Nathaniel and Hannah Beecher, Jan. 31, William Curtiss, s. of " " " May 28, Curtiss, s. of Thomas and Sarah Blakeley (in Rox- bury), Birdsey, s. of Thomas and Sarah Blakeley (in Rox- bury), Emeline. dau. of Thomas and Sarah Blakeley, in Roxbury, Sept. 27, Cyrus Beecher, Oct. 4, Cornelia H. Beecher, Sept. 10, C. Averill B., s. of Mitchell M. and Eliza I. Canfield, Nov. 8, 1831. Henry M., s. of " " " Aug. 15, 1841. (b. in Woodbury). Simeon Johnson, s. of Simeon and Anna Clinton, Oct. 3, 1774. Roswell. s. of Daniel and Phedemia Clark, Aug. 15, 1772. Marshall, s. of " " " Oct. 15, 1793. Anna, dau. of Agur and Mary Curtiss (in Wood- bury), July 20, 1759. Asa, s. of David and Sarah Coe, April 14, 1777. Sarah Ann, dau. of David and Sarah Coe, May 14, 1779. Polly, dau. of " " " Aug. 23, 1781. David and Currence, chh. of David and Sarah Coe, Feb. 29, 1784. Luther, s. of David and Sarah Coe, June 16, 178G. 1 802. 1807. 1806. 1808. 1809. 1811. 1813. 1815. 1818. 1«20. 1804. 1806. 1814. 1835. 1840. 1842. 1844. 1849. 1752. 1783. 1 784. 1787. 1789. 1791. 1802. 1825. 1828. Auer. 1802. April 29, 1813. 1819. 1801. 1800. 432 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Daniel, s. of David and Sarah Coe, Dec. 23, Anna, dau. of " " " June 8, Betsey, dau. of " " '^ Dec. 30, Betsey, dau. of Samuel and Rebecca Churchill, April 1, Erastus, s. of Simeon and Mary Curtiss, Nov. 26. Jason, s. of " '' " J^dy 11, Reuben, s. of " " ^' Dec. 19, Billy, s. of " •' " April 25, Eunice, dau. of Israel and Eunice Curtiss, Feb. 28, Japliet, s. of Benjamin and Esther Curtiss, Dec. 12, Sherman, s. of " " " Jan. 26, Cyrus, s. of " '• " Dec. 12, Anne, dau. of " " " Oct. 7, Wait Curtiss, s. of Anna Fabrique, May 11, Lydia Maria, dau. of Rev. Matthias and Lydia Cozier, June 26, Fanny, dau. of Wait and Olive Curtiss, Nov. 1, Phebe, dau. of " '' '■ Dec. 27. William, s. of " " " Sept. 13, Cyrus, s. of " " " Dec. 8, Sarah, dau. of Dea. Daniel and Sarah Curtiss, Aug. 6, George, s. of Olive and Lucretia Chatfield, July 8, Patty, dau. of " " " Jan. 27, Cyrus, s. of " " " Feb. 12. Horace, s. of '• " " Nov. 16, George, s. of John and Cornelia Canfield, Nov. 4, Ann E., dau. of George and Cornelia H. Canfield, Dec. 16, John B., s. of " " " April 6, Harriet C, dau. of " " " Oct. 1, Mary E., dau. of " " ^ " April 18, George H., s. of " " " " Aug. 19, William H., s. of " •' " May 13, Burton H., s. of Henry M. and Alice R. Canfield, April 1, Lucia, dau. of '• '■ " Sept. 15, Henry H., s. of " " " Dec. 22, HarrietM.,dau. of '' " " March 22, Cornelia E., dau. of Averill B. and Alice L. Can- field, Dec. 18, Robert M., s. of Averill B. and Alice L. Canfield. Feb. 26, Ann E., dau. of George and Cornelia H. Canfield, Dec. 16, John B., s. of " '• " April 6, Harriet C, dau. of " " " Oct. 1, Mary E., dau. of " " " April 18, George H., s. of " " " Aug. 19, William H., " " '• May 13, Roswell, s. of Daniel and Phedemia Clark, Feb. 4, Orilla, s. of " " " ' Oct. 12. Sheldon, s. of '• " " Dec. 25, Susan C. Castle, March 24, BIRTHS IN SOUTHBURY. 433 D. Betsey, dau. of Truman and Sarah Down, Oct. 6, 1779. Abigail, dau. of " " " May 18, 1781. Austin, s. of " " " May 29, 1789. Truman, s. of " " " June 4, 1799. Lucy, dau. of Philo and Hannah Down, Marcli 18, 1798. Erastus, s. of Wait and Phebe Down, July G, 1797. Sophia, dau. of Wait and Phebe Down, Jan. 5, 1799. Julia E., dau. of Erastus and Betsey Downs, April 21, 1829. Preston, s. of Moses, Jr., and Laura Down, Nov. 28, 1791. Levi, s. of Isaac and Eunice Demmmg, June 18, 1796. Lois, dau. of " " '• Jan. 27, 1799. Henry W., s. of Erastus and Betsey Downs, 1835. Henrietta, dau. of David and Polly A. Davis, Aug. 3. 1830. Sally, dau. of " " " Aug. 13, 1821. Marv, dau. of " " " Aug. 9, 1825. Clark, s. of " " " * June 1, 1827. George, s. of " " •' Oct. 27, 1832. Burton, s. of " " " April 24, 1834. Anne E., dau. of '^ <' •• Sept. 9, 1840. Benjamin F., s. of " " •• Oct. 30, 1847. Martin, s. of " " " Jan. 14, 1839. Frederick A., s. of Charles T. and Fanny Downs, Jan. 20, 1872. Charles D., s. of " - " Feb. 4,1874. John Dittus (in Germany), May 28, 1821. E. Abel James, s. of James and Anna Edmond, Sept. 10. 1794. Joel, s. of " " " Aug. 8, 1798. Eunice, dau. of John and Comfort Edmond, Sept. 27, 1776. David P., s. of " " " July 13, 1781. John, s. of " " " June 14, 1783. Molly, s. of " " " March 15, 1787. SeUna, dau. of Robert Dascom (at Weston), Sept. 17. 1802. F. Betsey, dau. of Bartimeus and Lucy Fabrique, March 17, 1785. William Lyon, s. of " - " May 22, 1791. Phedemia, dau. of Silas and Anna French, Feb. 12, 1796. Erastus, s. of '• " " Sept. 16, 1797. Burton, s. of '■ '• '• March 13, 1799. Tyler, s. of Isaac and Olive Fulfurd (Pulford). Dec. is, 1792. Gershom, s. of Isaac and Olive Fulford (Pulford), Jan. 27, 1794. Harry Marshall, s. of Isaac and Olive Fulford (Pulford), • Nov. 16. 1797. Leavit Ross, s. of Isaac and Ohve Fulford, May 16, 1799. Bennet, s. of William and Ann French, Dec. 14, 1769. Elijah, s. of Bennet and Currence French, Sept. 12, 1798. Benjamin, s. of Bartimeus and Lucy Fabrique, Oct. 26, 1799. William s. of Bennet and Currence French, Oct. 11, 1804. Vol. III.— 55 434 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Charles, s. of William L. and Hannah Fabrique, Ann French, wife of David J. Stiles, Kussell H. Ford, Adelia J., dau. of Russell H. and Susan J. Ford Frank R, s. of Emmogene, dau. of Charles W., s. of Wilson R., s. of Herbert H., s. of Sarah E., dau. of G. Charlotte, dau. of Eber and Martha Griswold, Asa, s. of " " Salomy, dau. of " '• " Zalman, s. of " '' " Lulu, dau. of Wi'lliam F. and Ida J. Galpin, Polly, dau. of John and Esther Garrett, Rachel, dau. of " James, s. of " Elisha, s. of " Nancy, dau. of " Esther, dau. of " Spencer, s. of " Amasa, s. of " Sally, dau. of Obadiah R. and Barshe Guthrie, William, ■• " " Helen A., dau. of Adam and Jeannette Guthrie, Caroline A., dau. of " " " Charles A., s. of " " " Henry F., s. of ■' '• " Hiram R. Gilbert, Birdsey, s. of Hiram R. and Susan A. Gilbert, Helen A., dau. of " " Frederick L., s. of •' •' " Mary E., dau. of " '• " Harriet O., dau. of " " " Hiram A., s. of '' " " George H., s. of '• " " Emma E. J., dau. of Hiram R. and Susan A. Gilber Catherine, dau. of Peter and Catherine Gibson, Betsey, dau. of " '' " Adeline, dau. of •' " '' William, s. of " " " Henry H., s. of " " " H. Ross, s. of Justus and Abigail Hinman, Benjamin, s. of. Benjamin and Mary Hicock, Amos, s. of '• " " April 10, 1817. Sept. 12, 1798. Feb. 24, 1820. Nov. 19, 1842. March 10, 1844. Sept. I, 1846. April 13, 1851. Sept. 17, 1852. May 15, 185G. Feb. 23, 1860. 19, 1, 22, 29, 5, 10, Dec. Feb. Sept. Aug. May Dec. Dec. 25, March 1, March 31, Nov. 2, June 30, Feb. 14, Aug. 27, Dec. 23, April 7, April 27, Oct. 17, Aug. 31, July 15, May 11, May 10, Feb. 20, Jan. 6, Oct. 7, Nov. 8, June 26, April 9, ,, July 19, April 21, Dec. 5, Feb. 5, April 16, May 29, 1786. 1788. 1789. 1791. 1877. 1779. 1781. 1785. 1787. 1789. 1792. 1795. 1797. 1797. 1800. 1835. 1837. 1843. 1852. 1817. 1841. 1843. 1845. 1846. 1848. 1850. 1856. 1851. 1793. 1813. 1816. 1818. 1821. June 19, 1791. Feb. 13, 1775. Auff. 13, 1776. B I K T II s IN SO r T i{ n I H y 435 IS, IT, I Ul, 11. IS. 15, Aaron, s. of Benjamin and Mary Ilicock, Jan. iSinioon. s. of •• " ' Nov. Aaron, s. uf •• " •' July Mary, dau. of " " " Dec. Aaron Hinraan, b. (N. S.), Jan. Ruth, " his wife, Nov. Their children are as follows: Benjamin, Aug. 12 William, March 20, Patience, March 4, Anna, April 23, George, Sept. 8, Hepzibah, May 14, Harry, May 7, Lyman, s. of Joseph, Jr., and Turrence Hicock, July 21. Russell, s. of " " '• Nov. 16. Billy, s. of " '• •• Dec. 21. Delanna. dau. of Joseph and Anna Holbiook, Dec. 7, Daniel Wales, s. of " •' " July 25. Betsey, dau. of Elijah and Molly Hine. Sept. 2, Russell, s. of " " '• July 27, Lewis, s. of " " '• Oct. 2, Elijah, s. of " " " March 1, Austin, s. of " •' " Oct. 1, Abner, s. of Jonas and Sarah Hinman, March 5, Agnr, s. of " " " Dec. 4, Chailes. s. of Joseph and Currence Hicock, May 31, ."-^imeon, s. of Agur and Esther Hinman, July 26, Albert, " •> " May 11, I'olly. dau. of " " " May 28, A male child of " " " Sept. 24, Klisaboth, dau. of Agur and Esther Hinman, Feb. 8, Archibald, s. of " " ■' Sept. 14, Benjamin, s. of " •' " June 22, Phebe, dau. of " •' " June 1 6, Gill. s. of Jonas, Jr., and Ann;i Hinman, March 28, Nancy, dau. of " " " March 9, Lucy. dau. of " • '• April 12, \lba, dau. of Silas and Eunice Hmman, Jan. 28, lierry, dau. of " •' " June 15, Laura, dau. of " " " Nov. 21, Maria, dau. of Abel and Comfort Hinman, Jan. 10. Sally, dau. of " " " ■ Feb. 13, Hezekiah, s. of Hezekiah and Eunice Hine, Aug. 23, Nancy, dau. of Hezekiah and Hannah Hine. May 17, Sally." dau. of " " " Oct. 6, Amelia, dau. of •' " " May 22, Zorane, dau. of " " " Nov. 7, Harriet, dau. of " '• " March 5, Clarissa, dau. of " '• " March 1.^-, 1779. 780. 1785. 17S8. 1747. 1748. 17 7.^!. 17 75. 1777. 17. SO. 1782. 1785. 1791. 1785. 1788. 1790. 1774. 1779. 177^;. 17"9. 1782. 1785. 178.S. 1761. 1758. 179f). 1781. 1784. 178(5. 1788. 1792. 1793. 1795. 1798. 1787. 1789. 1793. 1785. 1787. 1790. 1795. 1797. 1757. 1782. 178;!. 1785. 1786. 1788. 1790. 436 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, William, s. of Hezekiah and Hannah Hine, Reuben, s. of " •' " Thirza, dau. of " " " Spencer, dau. of " " " Sherman or Robert, only s. of Sherman and Mary Hinman, Lonzo, s. of Obadiah and Betty Hawley, Titus Bennet, s. of Titus and Ruth Hinman, Cyrus, s. of " " " Abraham Chauncy, s. of '• " " Amos, s. of " " " Johanna, dau. of '• " " Josiah, s. of Wait and Eunice Hinman, Olive, dau. of " " Frederick B., s. of David and Mary Ann Hinman, Nathan, s. of " " " David, s. of " " " " Benjamin, s. of " " " " Benjamin Smith, s. of Wilham and Martha Hurd, David, s. of " " " Charity, dau. of " " " Sally, dau. of Timothy and Sarah Hinman, Edward, s. of " " '' Sally Ann, dau. of " " " Olive, dau. of " " " Sally, dau. of Joseph and Hannah Hawley, Philo, s. of " " " Sophia, dau of " " " Joseph, s. of Richard and Prudence Hawley, Maria, dau. of Josiah and Olive Curtiss, Charles, s. of Simeon and Anna Hicock, Charles Sherman, s. of Curtiss and Sally Hinman, Col. Joel, s. of Col. Benjamin Hinman, David, s. of Joel and Sarah Hinman, Anna and Irena, daus. of Joel and Sarah Hinman, Jason, s. of " " Sally, dau. of " " Curtiss, s. of " " Phebe, dau. of " " Nancy, dau. of " " Robert, s. of " " Sherman, s. of . " " Albert, s. of " " Sophia, dau. of " " Sherman, «. of " " Joel, s. of " " Marietta, dau. of " " Maria, dau. of " " Laura, dau. of Simon and Anna Lucy Hicock David, s. of '< " " •' Jan. Feb. July 27, 16, 25, June 30, Nov. Dec. Nov. March March July March May Sept. Nov. Feb. Dec. May July Dec. Julv Dec. Sept. Aug. July March Aug. May Nov. Nov. April July April Oct. April Nov. Oct. Aug. May March April Oct. Aug. April April Jan. Oct. May Nov. April 27, 1, 23, 2, 29, 10, 23, 28, 3, 8. 20, 27, 29, 26, 3, 11, 15, n, 17, 22, 27' 7, 1, 2, 13, 12, 8, 9, 24, 13, 28, 20, 15, 4, 6, 21, 13, 30, 9, 27, 20. 6, 1, 12, 1 .\ 8 O r T II B |- H Y 437 Mary, dau. of Simon and Anna Lucv Hicock, Eli Hall, (son of Hall of Wooster,) Sarah, dau. of Eli and Irene Hall, Mary, dau. of " " " Eliza, dau. of " " •' Joel Hinman, s. of Eli and Irene Hall, Lydia Ann. dau. of " " " Horace Reeve, s. of Fred, and Fanny Hinman Harriet Rose, dau. of " " " David Ralph, s. of " " " Lyman, s. of Joseph and Currence Hicock. Russell, s. of " " " William, s. of '• " " Charles, s. of " " " Mary B., dau. of Russell and Mary A. Hicock, Ann M., dau. of " " " Henry W., s. of " " '• Sarah M., dau. of " "■ " Jay W.. s. of " " " Henry Park, s. of " " " George S., s. of " " •' Jay R., s. of Henry P. and Julia E. Hicock, George H., s. of " " " Elizabeth A. Hubbell (in Middletown. N. Y.), Mary A., dau. of Reuben M. and Phebe A. Hine, Jan. 12, March 19. Dec. 9. March 1 1, July 17, July 7, Jan.. Aug. 13. Aug. 10, Dec. 11. Julv 21. Nov. 27. Martha J., dau. of Elizabeth M., dau. of " Edmund M., s. of " John H., s. of " Julia A., dau. of " Sarah L., dau. of " Katie J., dau. of " Willie C, dau. of Orinda Hurd, Philo J. Hawley, Hobart M. Hawley, Sarah Hamlin, Daniel S., s. of Ebenezer Hinman, May 31, Feb. 21, Dec. 20, May 23, Aug. 6, Dec. 30, March 22, Aug. 23, April Oct. Nov. Dec. Aug. 21, Jan. 12, Aug. 20, Nov. 9, Nov. 24, April 5, June 15, July 21, June 7, April 5, March 8, April 20, Sept., Seth Curtiss, s. of Benj. J. and Plarriet E. Hinman, Oct. 20, Jane Adams, dau. of " " " April 26, Mary Ann, dau. of Nathan and Sally Hinman, Feb. 14, SeUna, dau. of " " " Oct. 3, Nathan Barritt, s. of " " " Jan. -4. Nathan Burr, s. of " " " April 10, Helen, dau. of Charles C. and Eliza M. Hinman, Sept. 5, Emehne, dau. of Benjamin J. and Harriet Hinman. July 29, Rosanna, dau. of Michael and Ruth Hann, July 31, Elliott P., s. of Lewis and Phebe Hine, Nov. U, Edward, s. of " " " Oct. 31, Sarah, dau. of " " " Jiine. 1820. 1776. 1807. 1812. 1814. 1816. 1822. 1«15. 1816. 1818. 1785. 1788. 1796. 1820. 1 82 1 . 1824. 1826. 1828. 1837. 1839. 1865. 1875. 1818. 1840. 1845. 1843. 1847. 1849. 1850. 1853. 1855. 1857. 1824. 1840. 1847. 1837. 1752. 1824. 1827. 1822. 1823. 1825. 1828. 1826. 1833. 1766. 1822. 1811. 1814. 438 HISTORY OF A N C I E N T W O O D B r R Y . Clara, dau. of Benjamin and Selina Hinman, March 24, lb32. Irene, wife of Eli Hall, April 24, 1781. Charles N., s. of Cyrus and Eunice Hinman, Jan. 20, 1841. Arthur E., s. of Andrew and Sarah Hamlin, Sept. 8, 1870. Cora J., dau. of " " " April 6, 1872. Alice E., dau. of " " " July 7,1874. John L., s. of " " " Aug. 2, 1876. Philo A., s. of " " " Aug. 31, 1878. Ebenezer, s. of Capt. Moses Asa and Lois Johnson, March 3, Asa, s. of " " " " " March 29, Hannah, dau. of " " " " " May 28, Thomas, s. of " " '' " " May 8, Laura, dau. of Solomon and Olive Johnson, March 7, Curtiss, s. of •' " '' Aug. 13. Warren, s. of " " " Feb 21, William, s. of Amos and Patience Johnson. Sept. 4, Ehsabeth, dau. of " " " May 5, Sarah, dau. of " '• " Feb. 18, Patience, dau. of " ' " Jan. 24, Nancy, dau. of Amos and Apame JiJinson (2d wnfe), Aug. 28, Walter, s. of " " " Jan. 14, Charles, s. of " " " Dec. 15, Patty, dau. of " " " March 24, Walter, s. of " " " April 10, Seymour, s. of Enoch and Grace Johnson, May 11, Marshall, s. of " " " Dec. 20, Jeremiah and Eunice Johnson, Aug. " " " Aug of Thomas and Maria P. Polly, dau. of Dorcas, dau. of Lovina, dau. of Clara, dau. of Betty Ann, dau. of Abel, s. of A male child of Adin, dau. of Eunice, dau. of Truman Moseley, s. Johnson, Moseley. s. of Walter and Mary Ann Johnson, Mary, dau. of " " •* " Ralph, s. of " " " " William Mitchell, s. of William and Amy Johnson, Wilham Mitchell, s. of •' " " Anna Maria, dau. of " " " Amos Minot, s. of '' " " WiUiam LeGrand, s. of " " " Sauford Johnson, born in Rockingham, Vt., Jennette Judson, Oct. Nov. April 13^ Dec. 27, July 9, March 3, July 15, March 30, Aug. 26, Jan. 10, May 7. Nov. 6, Aug. 9, April 23, Oct. 21, Jan. 31, Dec. 27, July 22, 1791. 1793. 1794. 1798. 1784. 1786. 1788. 1785. 1787. 1790. 1793. 1796. 1799. 1800. 1803. 1805. 1795. 1797. 1770. 1772. 1774. 1776. 1779. 1781. 1784. 1786. 1788. 1829. 1828. 1832. 1835. 1 809. 1811. 1814. 1816. 1819. 1827. 1808. BIRTHS IN SOUTH BURY. 439 K. Ann Keeler, born at Broukfield, Feb. 28, 1784. Walker, s. of Eben Kasson and Huldah Knapp, Aug. 29, 1788. Sukey, dan. of '• " " " Oct. 14, 1790. Joel, 's. of " " " " June 12, 1793. David, s. of " " " " March 28, 1795. Isadore K., dau. of Mt)seley J. and Juiianna N. Kendall (in Belchertown, Mass.), Oct. 21, 1846. Sarah Lum, born Oct. 10, 1780. Maria, dau. of Joseph and Eunice Lewis, Aug. 4, 1792. George, s. of '' " '• Dec. 5, 1794. Sheldon, s. of '• •• " Aug. 4, 1797. Ransom, s. of Abiud and Anna Lattin, March 19, 1797. Charles B. Lutf, Feb. (i, 1855. Frederick L. Lulf, May 10, 1875. Jos. Betsie liuff, Feb. 9, 1877. Charles B. Luff, Jr., June 7, 1878. Mary E., dau. of Edward and Elmira Leavenworth, Dec. 19, 1846. Isaac S., s. of '• " " Oct. 21, 1855. Etta H. M., dau. of " " " April 29, 1865. M. Ann J., dau. of Cyrus and Avis C. Mitchell, Jan. 26, 1814. Betsey, dau. of " " " Sept. 22, 1817. Mary C, dau. of " " " Feb. 17, 1820. Nelson W., s. of " " " May 29, 1825. Cyrus LeRoy. s. of " •' ^' Sept. 8,1828. Cyrus Mitchell, July 11, 1790. Avis C, w. of Cyrus Mitchell, June 21, 1791. Benj. M., s. of David M. and Harriet I. Mitchell, Oct. 24, 1870. Julia L., dau. of " " " Dec. 11, 1878. ^Valter L., s. of C. LeRoy and Sarah M. Mitchell, April 28, 1862. Frederick W., s. of " " " Dec. 19, 1863. Robert C, s. of " " " March 6, 1869. Ruth, dau. of " " " Sept. 25. 1876. Edward L., s. of Nelson W.and Edna E. Mitchell, Sept. 24, 1850. Annie E., dau. of " '• '• Feb. 3,1856. Charles W., s. of " " >' March 12, 1861. Lawrence, s. of Elizur and Cornelia M. A. Mitchell, Feb. 27, 1832. Benjamin B.,s. of •■ '• '• July 9,1834. David M., s. of " " " Dec. 8. 1837. Marv, dau. of " " " June 6, 1839. David M., s. of " " " Oct. 16, 1841. Mary, dau. of " " " Sept. 3, 1844. Benj. B., s. of " " " Dec. 25, 1846. Benjamin G., s. of Oliver and Mary A. Mitchell, Jan. 4. 1838. Susan A. Morrill. Feb. 6, 1818. 440 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUKY. Esther, dau. of Jedediah Mun, July 7, Olive, dau. of Increase and Patience Moseley, Sept. 2, William, s. of " " " March 26, Truman, s. of " " " Nov. 8, John, s. of " " " Oct. 29, Anna, dau. of Simeon and Anna Mitchell, Oct. 22, Phemia. dau. of " " " Sept. 20, Southworth, s. of Jedediah, Jr., and Agnes Mun, Dec. 21, Eunice, dau. of Elle and Sarah Mallory, Oct. 6, Anna, dau. of '• " " July 24, Mary, dau. of " " " Oct. 14, Ezra, s. of " " " Jan. 23, Bethia, dau. of " " " Jan. 13, Lucy, dau. of " " " April 25, Sally, dau. of " " " Aug. 3, Charles, s. of " " " Sept. 2, Betsey, dau. of " " " Jan. 31, Prilly Ann, dau. of Eli and Eunice Mallory, Nov. 4, Betsey, dau. of " " " June 4, Polly, dau. of Simeon, Jr., and Hannah Mitchell, Dec. 7, Olive, dau. of " " " • Dec. 3, Betsey, dau. of " " " Aug. 30, Samuel, s. of David and Abigail Munn, ^^g- 12, Daniel, s. of Samuel and Ruth Munn, Sept. 7, Sally, dau. of " " " March 5, Lette, dau. of '• " " May 10, Benjamin, s. of " " " Sept. 15, Ruth Em., dau. of '• " " May 13, Patty, dau. of " •' " Jan. 26, Caroline, dau. of " " '•' Oct. 31, Betsey, dau. of " " '• Aug. 25, Mariah, dau. of " " " July 24, Mitchel Simeon, s. of Simeon and Anna Mitchell, Jan. 24, William Graham, s. of John and Molly Matilda Moseley, -^ug. 6, A male child of John and Molly Matilda Moseley, Jan. 18, Polly Maria, dau. of " " " Jan. 30, Mary Ann, dau. of " '• " March 26, Maria, dau. of Wilham G. and Molly M. Moseley, Oct. 4, Nathan, s. of Mat. and Patty Mitchell, Nov. 16, Truman, s. of David and Sarah Mitchell, Jan. 2, Juliet Sophia, dau. of Truman and Sophia Mitchell, July 1 G, Maria Louisa, dau. of " '■ '' Jmie 21. Maria Curtiss, dau. of Wm. G. and Maria Moseley, Oct. 4, Charles William, s. of " " " May 6, Mary Frances, dau. of Mitchel S. and Fanny Mitchell, Aug. 13, Mordaunt Sebastian, s. of Mitchel S. and Fanny Mitchell, June 10, B I K T II S IN S O U T H B U R Y . 441 Mary Elisabeth, dan. of Mitchel S. and Fanny- Mitchell, April 10, 1835. Mary, dau. of Andrew and Mabel Hinman, Dec. 23, 1748. Mary McEwen, w. of Joseph M. Wheeler, born in Oxford, Oct. 3, 1799. Harriet M., dau. of Nathan and Patty M, Mitchell, March 2G, 1826. Mary A., dau. of " " " Feb. 28, 1834. Laura, dau. of David and DeUa J. Warner, Jan. 23, 1839. Thalia E., dau. of Henry P. and Phebe Mitchell, Sept. 10, 1866. Martha, dau. of " " " Aug. 12, 1868. Amos, s. of " " " Jan. 16, 1871. Samuel J., s. of " " " Jan. 10, 1876. Erastus Mitchell, Sept. 11, 1802. Ann E., dau. of Erastus and Judith A. Mitchell, March 13, 1830. Laiira A., dau. of " " " April 12, 1835. Josephine, dau. of Amos and Thalia M. Mitchell, April 25, 1839. William H., s. of " " " May 30, 1840. Henry P., s. of " " " Jan. 25, 1842. George W., s. of " " " March 12, 1856. Wilham E., s. of " " " March 13, 1849. Julia P., dau. of " " " May 11, 1852. 0. Charles R., s. of Horace and Oatman, Shadrach, s. of Timothy and Rachel Osborn, O.S Mary Elis., dau. of Shadrach and Mary Osborn, Erastus, s. of Shadrach and Alletta Osborn, Benj. Blagge, s. of " " " Alletta, dau. of " •' " Sally, dau. of " " " Henrietta, dau. of " " " Lucy, dau. of Asa Osborn, Simeon, s. of " " Asa, s. of " " Abijah, s. of " " Jennette Osborn, Ellen A., dau. of Thomas L. and Eunice Osborn (in Oxford), George F. Omgemaucli, Babara C. ( )mgemauch, Eliza C. Omgemauch, Betsie F. Omgemauch, Jessie Omgemauch, P. Nancy, dau. of Jehiel and Lois Peet, Betsey, dau. of " " " Lois, dau. of " " " Eunice, dau. of " " " Polly Bradley, dau. of Simeon and Eliza Piatt, Vol, III.— 56 Jan. 21 , April 14 Aug. 21 June 15 Jan. 10 May 9 Dec. 17 June 30 Nov. 3 Jan. 26 Jan. 2 Nov. 3 Aug. 15 Oct. 7 May 18 May 10 Feb. 14 July Sept. Nov. 1 Oct. 13 April 4 Sept. 10 Oct. 27 1827. 1747. 1776. 1785. 1787. 1789. 1792. 1795. 1789. 1792. 1794. 1795. 1830. 1833. 1804. 1829. 1854. 1855. 1858. 1792. 1794. 1797. 1799, 1818, 442 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Edmond, s. of Samuel and Martha Pearce, May 16 Maiy, dau. of " " " Feb. 6 William, s. of " " " July 13 John, s. of " " . " Oct. 30 George, s. of " " ' Sept. 9 Hannah, dau. of Titus and Abiah Pearce, Oct. 24 Amiel Piatt, s. of " " " April 19 Ab. Betsey, dau. of " " " July 25 Phebe, dau. of " " " -A-ug. Titus, s. of " " " July Amos, s. of '' • " '' July Simeon, s. of William and Mercy Piatt, Sept. Currence, dau. of " " '' Dec. 9 James, s. of Amos and Hannah Piatt, May 18 Sally, dau. of " " '• April 8 Alanson, s. of " " " Jan. 25 Lydia, dau. of " " " April 12 Ruth, dau. of Joseph and Mary Pearce, Aug. 1 7 Amiel, s. of John and Currence Piatt, Nov. 30 Ameha, dau. of " " " Nov. 8 David, s. of " " " March 20 Lourin, s. of Joseph, Jr., and Sarah S. Pearce, Sept. 2 Sally, dau. of " " " Jan. 7 Joseph, s. of " " " April 8 Noble, s. of " " " May 11, Polly, dau. of " « u March 20, Joshua, s. of " " " July 22, Isaac Clark, s. of Stephen and Elisabeth Piatt, June 1 1 , Wilham, s. of Simeon Piatt, April 21 Maria, dau. of " " Jan. 28, Wealthy Ann, dau. of David Piatt, July 12, Lucy Amelia, dau. of " '' Sept. 5, Sydney Smith, s. of " '• Nov. 25, Laura Phinett, dau. of " " June 9, Olive, dau. of Simeon Piatt, June 27, Eliza Augusta, dau. of Simeon and Eliza Piatt, March 4, Esther Ann, dau. of Joseph and Patty Piatt, May 15, George Noyes Piatt, June 11, Edward Arthur, s. of Simeon and Eliza Piatt, Jan. 17, Harriet, dau. of Abel and Anna Pulford, Sept. 27, Garwood, s. of " " " March 2, Caroline, dau. of " " " June 2, David, s. of " " '' Aug. 14, Elliot, s. of " " " April 22, Norman, s. of " '' " April 28, Eliza, dau. of " '' " Nov. 28, Jenet, dau. of " " " Oct. 2, Elisabeth, dau. of Stephen and Elisabeth Piatt, Jan. 12, Hannah, dau. of " " " July 4, Clara, dau. of " " " April 3, BIRTHS IX S O U T H B V R Y . 443 Joseph, s. of Stephen and EUsabeth Piatt, Jan. Stephen Smith, " " " March John, s. of Joseph and Love Percey, Oct. Benjamin, s. of '• " " -July Ruth Ann, dau. of Joseph a.. . Love Percey, Nov. Sally, dau. of " " " Dec. Truman, s. of " " " Sept. Rebecca, dau. of " '■ " March Eunice, dau. of " " " Feb. Lovina, dau. of " " •' March Lucena, dau. of Eliphalet Pardee, March Merritt, s. of " " Jan. Marvin, s. of " '' Sept. Harriet, dau. of Edward A. and Ellen Piatt,' Feb. Patience, dau. of David and Eunice Pearce, Jan. Willie E., s. of Edward A. and Ellen Piatt, Dec. Clark, 6. of Isaac and Anna Piatt, Jan. Jane Ella, dau. of Edward A. and Ellen Piatt, June Arza Clark, s. of David and Azubah Margaret Penock, Able Pamela, s. of David and Azubah Margaret Penock, Rhoda, dau. of David and Azubah Margaret Penock, Sam Hicock, s. of David and Azubah Margaret Penock, David Orrin, s. of David and Azubah Margaret Penock. Sept. Phebe Ann, dau. of Joseph and Betty Post, March Polly Ann, dau. of '* " " May Harry, s. of " '' " May Henry, s. of Levi and Mary Peck, Jan. Mary, dau. of Levi and Eunice Peck, Nov. Currence, dau. of Elijah and Esther Pearce, Feb. < )live, dau. of William and Mary Piatt, May I lannah, dau. of Abijah and Sarah Peck, Jan. 1 'oily A., dau. of Joseph and 'Betsey Post, May Henry, s. of " " " March Phebe Ann, dau. of Henry and Lucinda Post, Jan. Henry M., s. of " " " Aug. Lucinda D., dau. of " " " March Benjamin, s. of Henry and Maria Post, April Susan, dau. of Edwin and Nancy Pierce, Jan. Lucian, s. of " " " Feb. Ezra, s. of '' •' " Dec. Charles B., s. of '• '' " May Edwin, s. of " '' " Jt^ily Nancy, dau. of '• " " Sept. Julia, dau. of Elliott and Maria Pulford, July ( 7 race, dau. of " '• " Oct. 24, 27, 31, 7, 29, 24, 13, 16, 21, 23, 5, LS, 24, 1. 20, 19, 5, 15, 1786. 17.S8. 1774. 1776. 1778. 1780. 1782. 1794. 1796. 1796. 1787. 1791. 1794. 1855. 1762. 1857. 1799. 1871. Oct. 22, 1789. May 16, 1791. April 14, 1793. Jan. 19, 1795. 15, 2 2, 2 27, 3, 16, 5, 11, 9 20, 27, 27, 28, 24, 4, 31, 9, 20, 18, 20, 1797. 1789. 1794. 1794. 1793. 1795. 1775. 1799. 1803. 1794. 1797. 1817. 1819. 1822. 1824. 1837. 1839. 1841. 1857. 1807. 1814. 1840. 1847. 444 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Phebe A., dau. of Joseph and Betsey Post, Marcli Benjamin F. Payne, May Elizur B. Perkins, June Ida Pierce, June John B., s. of Ehzur B. and Ida Perkins, Jan. Rachel A., dau. of Ely and Augusta Pierce, Aug. Lucy L., dau. of " " " March Ely Pierce, Nov. Augusta Hurlbut, June Albert N., s. of George N. and Lydia A. Piatt, Sept. Edna G., dau. of " ^' " Feb. Anna L., dau. of Reuben and Helen A. Pierce, Aug. John, s. of John, 2d, and Caroline E. Pierce, July George E., s. of " '• " June Samuel L., s. of '■ " •' May William H., s. of John, 2d, and Caroline E. Pierce, April Ruby C, dau. of " " " Dec. Edmund, s. of Samuel and Martha Pierce, May Mary, dau. of " " " Feb. William, s. of " " " July John, s. of '' " " Oct. George E., s. of " •-■ " Sept. John Pierce, Jr., Nov. Granville T., s. of Erastus and Elosia Pierce, Sept., Daniel F., s. of " " " April Mary E., dau. of David F. and Eliza Pierce, Dec. Frederick E., s. of " " " March Frederick F., s. of WiUiam H. and Ida L. Post, May Russell D. Pierce, Aug. Sarah Ann, w. of Russell D. Pierce, April Caroline M., dau. of Russell D. and Sarah A.. Pierce, April Daniel E., s. of " " " Jan. Asa, s. of " " '' Sept. Truman H., s. of " '' " Oct. Bennet W., s. of '' " " June EHsabeth, dau. of " " " Dec. Benjamin, s. of Henry and Maria Post, April Joseph, s. of " " " Aug. Samuel W., s. of " " " Aug. Betsey, dau. of " " " May Henry M., s. of " " " Feb. Jane A., dau. of " " " Dec. John, s. of " " " Aug. George H., s. of Samuel W. and Cythera M. Post, Dec. Lilhan J., dau. of " " " April R. Garry, s. of Nathan and Salinda Rumsey. Dec. 13, 1796. Suky, dau. of " " " ' March 23, 1799. BIRTHS FN S O IT T ir B (T K Y 445 Charles, s. of Stephen and Betsey Roswell, April 14, 1825. Polly Ann, dau. of Benjamin and Eunice Russell, April 19, IT.'sO. Marcus, s. of Ambrose and Tryphena Ryan, June G, 17'j.'5. Henry, s. of Bethuel T. and Huldah H. Russell, Aui^. IG, 184 J. Charles W., s. of Gilbert A. and Louisa Robinson, March IG, 1840. Eleanor C, dau. of " " " March '27, 1842. Hattie L., dau. of " " " Nov. 20, 1845. George W., s. of " " " Feb. 22, 1859. Lillia B., dau. of " " " July 10, 1867. Susan J. Saxton, Aug. 17, 1821. Serene, dau. of Truman and Sarah Stoddard, April 23, 1790. Ransom, s. of " •' " Jan. 22, 1792. Laura, dau. of " " " Oct. 23, 1793. Harvey, s. of " " " Feb. 25, 1796. Rebecca, dau. of " •' " March 18, 1798. Esther, dau. of John and Esther Stone, March 19, 1786. Stephen, s. of ■' " " Sept. 14, 1787. Mark, s. of " " " Aug. 14, 1789. Sarah, dau. of " " " Jan. 28, 1791. Almira, dau. of " " "" May 4,1792. Henry, s. of " - " Nov. 20, 1794. Clara, dau. of " " " July 18, 1797. Orinda, dau. of Jonah and Mary Summers, Dec. 11, 1785. Anna Maria, dau. of Jonah and Mary Summers, May 7, 1788. Marshall, s. of " ■' " July 14, 1790. Jarvis, s. of " " " June 18, 1791. Hard, s. of " " " April 27, 1794. Betsey, dau. of Samuel and Sarah Smith, June 3, 1786. Harriet, dau. of '• " " Sept. 20, 1788. Sally, dau. of '• " " April 17, 1791. Laura, dau. of •' " " June 14, 1794. Charlotte, dau. of " " " Dec. 29, 1796. Obedience, dau. of Noah and Sarah Strong, Aug. 1, 1798. Nehemiah, s. of Adino and Anna Strong, Feb. 27, 1780. Annis, dau. of " " " Aug. 19, 1782. Betsey, dau. of " " " July 7, 1784. Truman, s. of " " '' May 20, 1786. Nancy, dau. of " " " Oct. 7. 1788. Agnes, dau. of " " " Aug. 19, 1790. Sheldon, s. of " " " March 23, 1794. Harriet, dau. of - " " Oct. 21, 1796. Cynthia, dau. of " " " March 7, 1799. Mabel, dau. of Selah and Esther Strong, Oct. 18, 1761. Olive, dau. of " " " Aug. 27, 1763. Phebe, dau. of " " " Jan. 29, 1766. Nathan, s. of " " " Jan. 30, 1768. Noah, s. of " •■' " Dec. 4, 1769. 446 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Chester, s. of Ezekiel and Hannah Stone, July 1 3, Samuel Marshall, s. of Ezekiel and Hannah Stone, May 8, David, s. of " '' " April 14, Benjamin, s. of Keturn Strong, March 1, Susanna, dau. of Benjamin and Martha Strong, Dec. 20, Polly, dau. of " " " July 27, Patty, dau. of " " " July 3, Lucy, dau. of " " '• March 27, Sally, dau. of " '• " Jan. 12, Anna, dau. of " '' " Nov. 4, Nabby, dau. of " " " Oct. 11, Asa, s. of " " " June 4, Ira, s. of " " " May 28, Eli, s. of " '' " March 5, Juha, dau. of " •• " March 11, Uri, s. of " '■ " Sept. 14, Francis Abel Stiles, Nov. 4, Hiram Russell, s. of Abijah and Charry Squire, May 11, Ruth Ann, dau. of " •' " Nov. 2, Frances M. Shelton, April 26, Truman, s. of Alexander and Eunice Sperry, Feb. 13, Anna, dau. of " • " " Jan. 11, Harvey, s. of " " " April 3, Alexander Cornwallis, s. of Alexander and Eunice Sperry, April 26, Ammon, s. of Alexander and Eunice Sperry, Nov. 13, Polly, dau. of " " " July 17, Job, s. of " " '' March 26, Polly, dau. of " " " Feb. 15, Betsey, dau. of " " " J^i^ly 14, Eunice, dau. of " " " March 1 7, Ambrose Sperry was born April 3, Wheeler, s. of Ambrose and Patience Sperry, April 20, Johnson, s. of " " " May 24, Philo, s. of " " " Oct. ], Ira, s. of " " " Dec. 31, Rhocila, dau. of " " •' Jan. 13, Noble, s. of " " " Dec. 9, Sally, dau. of " " " March 19, Olive, dau. of " . " " Jan. 31, Lucetta, dau. of " " " May 21, Ellen E., dau. of Henry B. and Patty T. Stiles, Aug. 9, Mary J., dau. of " " " July 13, David, s. of Eli and Betsey Stilson, Dec. 14, Anne, dau. of " " " May 30, Betsey, dau. of " " " Feb. 17, Alice M., dau. of Henry B. and Patty T. Stiles, April 22, Nabby Matilda, dau. of Meridian and Annis Stilson, Aug. 30, Patty T. French, Oct. 6, BIRTHS IN SOUTH BURY 447 Anne, dau. of Jonathan and Martha Sperry, Jan. 10, 178.j. Rexford, s. of '• " •' July 24, 1788. Gamaliel, s. of " • " June 25, 1791 Darius, s. of " " •' Feb. 28, 179;-5. Rexford, s. of '• March 2G, 1799. Patty T. Seeley, Oct. G, 1808. Reuben, s. of Samuel and Jemima iSpring, Feb. ;>, 1788. Fanny, dau. of " " " Dec. 30, 1790. Isaac, s. of " " " June 7, 1793. Samuel, s. of " " " Benjamin R., s. of Benjamin and Esther Stiles, May 9, 1797. Simeon, s. of Nathan and Elisabeth Stiles, Sept. 11, 1783 Leman, s. of " " " Jan. 26, 1786. Eleanor, dau. of " " " Feb. 14, 1789. Henry, s. of " " " Sept. 30, 1792. Cynthia, dau. of " " " May 5,1796. Garwood, s. of '^ " " Feb. 5, 1799 Harriet, dau. of Benjamin and Esther Stiles, March 13, 1787. William H., s. of Ebenezer, Jr., and Sarah Smith, July 13, 1793. Harris, s. of " " " Oct. 25, 1795. Mehetabel, dau. of " " " July 22, 1798. Francis B., s. of Benjamin and Esther Stiles, May 8, 1801. Anne, dau. of Daniel and Anne Smith, Nov. 12, 1788. Erastus, s. of ■ " « •' June 4, 1791. Thankful, dau, of Daniel and Anne Smith, Dec. 21, 1794. Phebe, dau. of Ephraim and Sarah Stiles, Nov. 9, 1782. Ruth, dau. of " " '• Feb. 18, 1786. Sally, dau. of " " " July 29, 1789. Ephraim Erastus, s. of Ephraim and Sarah Stiles, Oct. 24, 1791. Henry B., s. of Benjamin and Esther Stiles, May 15, 1804. Peter, s. of Ciiming and Azubah Simons, Oct. 17, 1777. Caty, dau, of " " " Nov. 1,1784. Cuming, s. of " " " July 1, 1786. Minerva, dau. of Cuming and Azubah Simons, Sept. 28, 1799. Mariette, dau. of Benjamin and Esther Stiles, July 18, 1812. Jason, s. of Truman and Sarah Stoddard, June 15, 1801. Martha J., dau. of Henry B. and Patty T. Stiles, Jan. 14, 1833. Abraham Lewis, s. of Richard and Lovina Smith, Jan. 25, 1802. Ralpli Dunning, s. of " " " Oct. 24, 1804. John Edward, s. of " " " Sept. 14, 1816. Jenette, dau. of Benjamin and Esther Stiles, Oct. 4, 1790. Benjamin, s. of " " " Aug. 16, 1792. Thomas Pai'ker Smith, born at Brookfield, April 21, 1788. Richard Henry, s. of Th. P. and Ann Smith, Aug. 25, 1811. Mary, dau. of " " " March 25, 1813. Sarah Matilda, dau. of Rev. Noah Smith, Aug. 14, 1823. Martha Miranda, dau. of Rev. Noah Smith, April 29, 1825. Edward Parmelee, s. of " " " June 3, 1827. Mary Shipman, dau. of " " " May 9, 1830. Henry W., s. of Asel and Sally Scott, Nov. 22, 1800. 448 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. Susan Fenn, wife of Henry W. Scott (born in Middlebury), July 22, Henry W., s. of Henry W. and Susan Scott, May 1, Jonathan, s. of Abel and Lucinda Stiles, Oct. 10, Ransom, s. of Jonathan and Mary Stiles, July 12, Walter M., s. of '< " " July 6, Emma B., dau. of Ransom and Anna Stiles, Sept. 6, Rufus Stiles, Jan., Benjamin P., s. of David and Olive Stiles, June 28, David J., s. of " " " Oct. 16, Patty, dau. of " " " Dec. 25, Mary Anna, dau. of " " " Aug. 21, Olive Stiles, Feb. 20, Benjamin H., s. of Roswell and Mary Shelton, May 1, Frances M., dau. of " " " April 26, George P., s. of " " " Sept. 7, Aaron H., s. of " " " Aug. 13, Gidney, s. of Francis A. and Elvira W. Stiles, Aug. 28, Elvira M., dau. of Francis A. and Frances M. Stiles, Aug. 13, David Stiles, born Sept. 10, Bennett H., s. of David J. and Ann Stiles, June 7, Zephina, dau. of " " " Sept. 5, Ann F., dau. of " " " May 19, Adelaide, dau. of " " " Jan. 28, Augusta M., dau. of " " " Nov. 6, Mary Ann, dau. of David and Ann Stiles, June 7, Mary C, dau. of Charles H. and Frances J. Stillson, Aug. 30, Lewis M., s. of " " " Oct. 9, William P., s. of Samuel J. and Esther A. Stoddard, Oct. 1 1, Phebe and twin brother, chh. of Samuel J. and Esther A. Stoddard, April 25, Joseph P., s. of Samuel J. and Esther A. Stoddard, Oct. 14, Curtis A., s. of John J. and Sally A. Squire, March 7, Charles J., s. of " " " Aug. 20, Otis A., s. of " " " May 31, Lucy J., dau. of " " " Dec. 6, Frederick, s. of " " " Jan. 29, Edwin M., s. of " " " April 2, Robert D., s. of " " " April 4, Frank, s. of " " " Sept. 3, Anna, dau. of Bennett F. and Jennette Stiles, Aug. 5, Adelaide, dau. of " " " Feb. 8, Jervis, s. of Josiah Sommers, June 18, Anna 0., dau. of Jervis and Rachel Sommers, June 30, Abel W., s. of " " " Dec. 20, Jerome, s. of " ^' " Jan. 27, Mary, dau. of " " " Sept. 13, John, s. of " " " June 3, Jervis, s. of " " " July 10, 1803. 1841. 1800. 1836. 1848. 1866. 1796. 1798. 1795. 1789. 1786. 1758. 1816. 1818. 1821. 1825. 1842. 1851. 1751. 1822. 1828. 1832. 1834. 1836. 1822. 1806. 1873. 1845. 1847. 1859. 1859. 1861. 1863. 1865. 1868. 1870. 1873. 1877. 1858. 1866. 1791. 1817. 1820. 1823. 1824. 1827. 1833. m BIRTHS IN S O IT T H B U R Y , 449 Emeline, dau. of Joseph and Hannah Squire, Jan. 9, 1813. Royal G. Squire, May 21, 1809. Charles M., s. of Royal G. and Orisa A. Squire, Dec. 12, 1833. Oscar, s. of " " " July 2,1841. T. Nathan Sherman, s. of Nathaniel and Betsey Tuttle, Feb. 18, 1813. Benjamin Newton, s. of " " " April 11, 1815. Newton, s. of Noah and Su.sanna Tuttle, June 21, 1768. Mary Ann, dau. of Newton and Ruth Tuttle, June 19, 1787. Cyrus, s. of " " " Dec. 23, 1789. Benjamin, s. of " " " April 19, 1792. Smith, " " " Aug. 23, 1794. Johnson, s. of " " " Feb. 23, 1797. Orisa Ann Towne, Sept. 8, 1808. Harley, s. of Noah, Jr., and Rebecca Tuttle, Jan. 13, 1795. Lydia, dau. of " " " July 12, 1798. George, s. of George and Clarissa Thompson, Feb. 15, 1798. Sydney, s. of David Twitchell, May 29, 1799. John Huthwit Tuttle, s. of Nathaniel and Betsey Tuttle, Feb. 16, 1809. Nathaniel Fabrique, s. of Nathaniel and Betsey Tuttle, Feb. 1, 1811. V. William R., s. of Joel and Eliza Vose, Dec. 10, 1859. Minnie, dau. of " " " Aug. 13, 1866. Walter, s. of " " " Jan. 18, 1871. W. Adam, s. of David and Eleanor Wagner, Feb. 5 Anna, dau. of " " " Sept. 4 Minerva, dau. of David and Eleanor Wagner, Oct. 8 Hannah, dau. of Bethuel and Ruth Ward, Aug. 9 Ashur, dau. of " " " June 6 Chloe, dau. of " " " Feb. 27 Annie, dau. of " " " Oct. 30 Rebecca, dau. of " " " Sept. 1 Eunice, dau. of " " " July 29 Sarah, dau. of " " " June 9 Lucy, dau. of " " " Aug. 1 Rachel, dau. of Philo and Rhenamy Woodin, Nov. 21 John, s. of " " " July 14 Reamy, dau. of " " " Sept. 2 Orany, dau. of " " " March 17 William, s. of " " " Oct. 30 Sarah, dau. of " " " Dec. 22 1759. 1790. 1793. 1769. 1773. 1776. 1779. 1781. 1785. 1787. 1790. 1782. 1784. 17S7. 1789. 1791. 1793. Vol. hi.— 57 450 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Philo, s. of Philo and Rhenamy Woodin, Sept. 3 Stephen, s. of " " " Nov. 13 Elvira, dau. of Elisha and Mehetabel Wheeler, April 19 Ursula, dau. of Asa and Abigail Wheeler, March 26 Abigail, dau. of " " '' March 26 Eunice, dau. of " " " March 1 Lemuel, s. of " " " April 15 Bethia, dau. of " " " Sept. 7 Asa, s. of " " " June 28 Sarah, dau. of " " " Nov. 8 Lucretia, dau. of " " " June 8 Betsey, dau. of Ebenezer and Love Wheeler, Dec. 28 Brunson, s. of " " " Aug. 27 Sahery, dau. of " " " Oct. 22 Curtiss, s. of " " " Dec. 7 Obadiah, s. of " " " May 25 Charles, s. of David and Desire Wheeler, Sept. 10 Lucinda, dau. of David and Desire Wheeler, Nov. 26 Thomas, s. of " " " Oct. 1 Robert, s. of Moses and Elisabeth Wheeler, Feb. 13 Joseph, s. of " " " Dec. 24, Sally, dau. of Amos and Reney Wheeler, Oct. 17, Minerva, dau. of " " " Aug. 13, Amos, s. of " " " Nov. 3, Lorany, dau. of " " '- Sept. 20, Mary, dau. of Macok and Elisabeth Ward, May 28 Macok, s. of " " " Dec. 12 Eli, s. of " " " Dec. 15 Arah, s. of " " " May 5 Reuben, s. of " " " July 16 John, s. of " " " May 30 Albin, s. of " ■' " • June 17 Serapus Sam., s. of " " '' Oct. 11 Ambrose, s. of " " " May 15 John M., s. of John M. and Anna Waterman, June 10 Christopher, s. of " " " May 8 Frederick W., s. of " " " April 17 Joseph C, s. of " " " Nov. 4 Laura, dau. of " " " Sept. 19 Betsey, dau. of Seth Noble and Olive Wheeler, Oct. 22 Patience, dau. of Samuel Wheeler, Jan. 22 Curtiss, s. of Noadiah and Polly Warner, Jan. 24 Agur, s. of " " " March 23 Currence, dau. of " " " Nov. 26 Harriet, dau. of " " " Jan. 6 Judson, s. of Harry DeForest and Elisabeth Warner, Feb. 28 Allen, s. of " " " Oct. 18 Josiah, s. of Asa H. and Silvane Wheeler, Oct. 20 Olive, dau. of " " " Sept. 12 BIRTHS IN SOUTH BURY, 451 Garry, s. of Asa H. and Silvane Wheeler, Charity, dau. of Walker and MiUicent Wilmot, Daniel, s. of " " " Sally, dau. of " " " Jacob, s. of Michael and Anna Wentz, Isaac G., s. of " " Mary A., dau. of " " Susan A., dau. of " " Lillia S., dau. of " " George J. M., " " Rachel, dau. of Gilbert and Adah Williams, Lydia J., dau. of " " " Clara C. E., dau. of " " " Minnie J., dau. of " " " Gilberts., l^^^^u Frederick L., ) Mary M., dau. of " " " Jane, dau. of Isaac and Mary Watson, Sarah A., dau. of " " " Mary Ann, dau. of " " " Isaac Watson, born in England, Orange P. Warner, Henry H., s. of Orange P. and Elizabeth A. War- ner (in Washington), Francis A., s. of Orange P. and Elizabeth A. War ner (in Washington), Charles N., s. of Orange P. andEKzabeth A. War ner (in Washington), Emma, dau. of Orange P. and Elizabeth A. War- ner (in Roxbury), Anna, dau. of Nathan and Sally Wheeler, Obadiah Wheeler, Truman, s. of Obadiah Wheeler, Matthew, s. of " " Adin, s. of " ." Gideon, s. of " " Betty, dau. of " " Olive, dau. of " " Currence, dau. of " " Obadiah, s. of " " Betty, dau. of " " Olive, dau. of " " Currence W., dau. of Truman B. Wheeler, Theodore, s. of " Peyton R., s. of " Truman, s. of " Gideon, s. of " Lorinda, dau. of " Obadiah, s. of " 1797. 1774. 1795. 1800. 1854. 1855. 1857. 1862. 1866. 1874. 1856. 1857. 1860. 1862. Nov. 19, Feb. 9, Aug. 9, May 4, Feb. 15, Sept. 13, April 26, Feb. 13, July 18, Nov. 28, May 17, Dec. 5, Jan. 19, May 14, May 17, 1864. March 21, 1866. July 3, 1841. Aug. 13, 1845. Nov. 8, 1847. Oct. 12, 1817. Feb. 18, 1814. Oct. 31, 1836. April 28, 1838. April 28, 1843. June 24, Nov. 27, Nov. 26, July 12, Nov. 20, July 27, May 15, Sept. 21, Jan. 20, May 1, Jan. 1, Jan. 5, April 4, Nov. 23, May 24, Jan. 2, April 14, June 29, May 26, 1846. 1798. 1718. 1741. 1742. 1743. 1745. 1747. 1749. 1752. 1753. 1755. 1757. 1772. 1773. 1775. 1777. 1778. 1780. 1782. 452 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY, Lucinda K., dan. of Truman B. Wheeler, July V, Lucinda, 2d, dau. of " " Aug. 28, Obadiah G., s. of " " Sept. 6, Claudius, s. of " " April 19, Maryanna, dau. of " " Jan. 25, Sarah Ann, dau. of Truman, 2d, and Nancy Wheeler, May 30, Mary Ann, dau. of •' " " May 21, Burritt T., s. of " " " June 13, Truman B., s. of " " " Nov. 1, Harriet M., dau. of " " " April 4, Flora N., dau. of '' " " Nov. 24, Lucy B., dau. of Truman B. Wheeler, Oct 30, Truman H., s. of " " Sept. 26, Charles W., s. of " " Sept. 2, Theodore Wheeler, Jan. V, Charles B. Wheeler, Feb. 10, Harriet Wheeler, Sept. 25, George Wentz (in Germany), May , Emma Helmath (in Germany), Feb. 20, Mary Wentz, (in Germany), April 8, Esther Ward, Oct. 1, Moses Warner, Nov. 12, Caroline, dau. of Moses and Jenette Warner, Aug- 25, Thomas L., s. of " " " June 27, Sarah, dau. of '' " '' July 1, Sarah Warner died Aug. 16, 1835. Amos W., s. of Moses and Jennette Warner, /Sept. 25, Hannah Warner, June 1 1, Susan, dau. of Nathan and Sally Warner, Sept. 3, Amason Washburn, born at Newtown, May 21, Sarah Whitney, born at Newtown, Aug. 23, Wheeler Fairchild, s. of Amason and Sarah Wash- burn, Jan. 20, David Lewis, s. of Amason and Sarah Washburn, Jan. 12, Charles Justus, s. of " " ■ " April 8, Catharine Augusta, dau. of Benedict P. and Ange- line Wood, Aug. 15, John L., s. of John and Thankful Wheeler, July 31, Francis, s. of " '' " Feb. 28, Ranson B., s. of " " " Jan. 25, Philander, s. of '' " " May 25, Maryette, dau. of " " " Dec. 2, William E., s. of " " " May 7, Maryette T., dau. of " " " May 17, Joseph M. Wheeler, Dec. 24, Sarah E., dau. of Joseph M. and Mary Wheeler, Dec. 6, Charles, s. of Harry and Cliarry Warner (born in Eoxbury), March 22, Eliza, dau. of Harry and Charry Warner (in Rox- bury) Sept. , BIRTHS IN SOUTH BURY. 453 Henry, s. of Harry and Cliarry Warner (in Rox- bury), Jan. 16, 1823. David, s. of Harry and Gharry Warner (in Kox- bury), July G, 1825. Betsey E., dau. of Harry and Charry Warner (in Roxbury), Aug. IS, 1835. Alice E., dau. of Charles and Nancy M. Warner, April 25, 1855. Olivia, dau. of Curtiss and Minerva Warner (in Roxbury), March 17, 1827. Harriet E., dau. of Curtiss and Minerva Warner (in Roxbury), Nov. 12, 1817. Sherman B. Warner (in Waterbury), Jan. 15, 1813. Maryette, dau. of Abram and Nancy Warner, Aug. 10, 1834. Charles, s. of '• " " July 28, 183G. Samuel B., s. of " '^ " Oct. 10, 1838. Wales D., s. of '•' '• " May 12, 1841. Theodore, s. of •• " " Nov. 16, 1843. Walter, s. of " " " Feb. 4, 1847. Aphelia, dau. of " " " April 20, 1850. Dellphine, dau. of " ^ '' • Feb. 6, 1854. 1848. Edmond, s. of Mishchael and Phebe Hine, Aug. 25. Emma, dau. of Samuel and Eliza Smith, Aug. 25. Infant of Lemuel M. and Emcline Canfield, Dec. 14. Mary E., dau. of Dr. Nathan C. and Sai-ah M. Baldwin, Dec. 4. Harriet Richmond, Aug. 8. Susan, dau. of Peter and Susan Ward, Dec. 13. Maria, dau. of Henry C. and Ruby Andrews, March 31. Mary Jane, dau. of Wakeman B. and Jane A. Lattin, June 24. Emogene A., dau. of Thomas M. and Cynthia C. Downs, Sept. 5. dau. of Monroe D. and Charlotte N. Downs, Oct. 29. Charles, s. of Enoch W. and Mary A. Ford, Sept. 10. Julia E.. dau. of Sidney S. and Jane Piatt, Oct. 2. David H., s. of Henry D. and Mary E. Smith, Dec. 8. Samuel N., s. of A. W. and Mary Warner, March 30. Augusta, dau. of John and Winfred Lawlor, April 25. Mary, dau. of Clark and Mary Smith, Nov. 1. dau. of John L. and Mary A. Wheeler, Jan. 18. Arthur D., s. of Sherman B. and Lydia A. Warner, Aug. 2. Henry, s. of Elisha and Eliza A. Wheeler, Aug. 5. Henry M., s. of Ezra W. and Mary E. Ballard, Nov. 25. Ellen, dau. of Lewis and Lois Downs, April 27. Alice, dau. of Israel and Maryetta Benchley, Nov. Frank, s. of Phinens B. and Eliza A. Averill, Aug. 12. Harriet 0., dau. of Hiram R. and Huldah A. Gilbert, Nov. 8. dau. of Isaac and Caroline Hill, Nov. 20. 454 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, 1849. William E., s. of Amos and Thalia M. Mitchell, March 13. s. of John B. and Lavinia Taylor, March 27. Charles H., s. of Henry and Roxa Bradley, Feb. 13. Harriet E., dau, of Nathan and Mary A. Burwell, July 15. George Thomas, s. of Jane E. Smith. Jan. 5. dau. of Enoch W. and Mary Ann Ford, Aug. 1. John, s. of George and Phebe Ann Selee, Ji^ly 12. dau. of Amos and Polly Osborn, March 18. Thomas H., s. of Samuel W. and Sarah Smith, July 22. Charles, s. of Bennet and Amanda Lewis, Dec. 27. Rosetta E., dau. of Aaron and Ruth A. Lewis, June 24. Ann E., dau. of Frederick H. and Harriet Gray, April 7. Benjamin S., s. of David and Hannah Hicock, Sept. 28. s. of Elijah and Mary Abbott. s. of Samuel and Caroline Candee. s. of Horace V. and Eunice Porter, Nov. 2, David C, s. of Sidney S. and Jane E. Piatt, Oct. 22. 1850. Charles T., s. of Bethuel and Huldah Russell, Jan. 11. dau. of Amos and Thalia Mitchell, March 12. Mary Hurlbut, dau. of Jane Smith, Dec. 16. Harriet Ely, dau. of Lemuel M. and Emeline Canfield, March 15. Harriet N., dau. of Henry and Roxy Bradley, Sept. 12. Ophelia S., dau. of Abram and Nancy "Warner, April 20. Mary, dau. of John and Mary Dittus, Jan. 18. Benjamin S., s. of David and Hannah Hicock, Sept. 28. 1851. Julius and Juhan, sons of Israel andMaryette Beardsley, Jan. 29. Henry P., s. of Benjamin P. and Phebe Downs, Frances J., dau. of Noah and Susan C. Tuttle, dau. of John and Matthews, Jared C, s. of Levi M. and Susan C. Bradley, Alice L., dau. of Elliot and Eliza Riggs, s. of Joseph N. and Sarah McMahon, Ellen E., dau. of Elliot and Martha Hinman, Charles, s. of Peter and Susan Ward, Martha N., dau. of Frederick H. and Harriet Gray, dau. of Aaron H. and Ophelia Shelton, Edward L., s. of Nelson W. and Edna E. Mitchell, Charlotte A., dau. of Elliot B. and Caroline S. Bradley, 1852. Sarah E., dau. of Lemuel M. and Emeline Canfield, Celia F., dau. of Lucas and Maryette Downes, s. of Richard Hughes, June 24 Jan. 29 July Jan. 1 4 March 4 April. Feb. April Aug. 11 27 March 7 Sept. Dec. 29 30. April 29. April 1. Oct. 1. BIRTHS IN S O r T H B U 11 Y . 455 dau. of John and Mary Wheeler, Oct. 2. Mary F., dau. of Henry and Roxy Bradley, April 26. Charles W., s. of Charles B. and Fannie Hicock, Jan. 8. Polly, dau. of John and Mary Dittus, Feb. 26. John W., s. of Sidney S. and Jane E. Piatt, Feb. 11. 1853. Wilbur M., s. of David and Sally Harris, Feb. 10. s. of Nathan B. and Julia Hinman, Feb. 13. dau. of David Cowdry, Feb. 15. Charles 0., s. of George A. and Sarah B. Hoyt, March 6. dau. of William and Mary Bronson, May 11. s. of Charles B. and Fanny Hicock, May 27. s. of Levi M. and Susan Bradley, May 27. Edward L., s. of George B. and Frances M. Oatman, July 4. Willard W., s. of Dr. Nathan C. and Sarah Baldwin, July 17. dau. of Allin and Mary Ward, July 22. s. of Peter and Susan C. Ward, Sept. 16. Emma C, dau. of Edward and Charlotte Hine, Sept. 7. Mary C, dau. of Bethuel T. and Huldah H. Russell, Oct. 14. dau. of Terry and Catherine O'Shea, Oct. 25. Ann, dau. of Hugh and Margaret Morris, Oct. 27. Georgiana, dau. of George and Phebe Selee, Nov. 13. s. of Cyrus and Frances Hinman, Nov. 20. dau. of Charles and Fanny Jane Bloss, Dec. 29. dau. of John and Rebecca Roswell, Jan. 6. Charles E., dau. of Hiram R. and Huldah A. Gilbert, Aug. 22. Ralph W., s. of Rusford and Mary J. Whitlock, Oct. 9. Jessie P., dau. of Chai-les B. and Fannie Hicock, May 27. Mary H., dau. of Charles R. and Orinda T. Oatman, Jan. 4. Adolph Berndt, ' Dec. 25. Adelia L. Clark, Nov. 29. 1854. dau. of Henry C. Andrews, Jain. 1. s. of Richard and Elisabeth Dawson, Jan. 18. dau. of Lockwood Hine, Jan. 30. s. of Wales H. Curtiss, Jan. 30. Delia, dau. of Abram and Nancy Warner, Feb. 6. George, s. of Israel and Maryette Beardsley, Feb. 6. s. of Prindle, Feb. 10. Sidney S., s. of Sidney S. and Eliza T. Piatt, IMarch 13. dau. of Samuel and Eliza Smith, March 14. dau. of Frederick and Mary Woolfert, March 1 7. dau. of Roger and Julia Ford, April 2. dau. of Eli and Harriet Bradley, May 4. Harriet, dau. of George and Mary Rockaway, May. dau. of Munroe and Amanda Smith, May 24. 456 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Lillie E., dan. of Charles R. and Orinda T. Oatman, May 29. Rosaline, dau. of Hugh and Margaret Morris, June 9. s. of Ferkins, June IV. dau. of Elijah and Mary Abbott, July 15. dau. of Almeda Roswell, July 15. Franklin D., s. of Elliot B. and Caroline S. Bradley, July 21. dau. of Nelson Bronson, -Aug. 5. dau. of Royal and Jane E. Judson, Aug. dau. of Lewis and Mary Downs, Aug. 15. s. of Joseph Post, Aug. 20. Ralph W., s. of Rusford G. and Mary J. Whitlock, Oct. 9. William G-., s. of George A. and Sally T. Curtiss, Sept. 10. dau. of Elijah and Betsey Warner, Oct. 19. s. of Uri and Betsey Strong, Nov. 24. Augusta, dau. of Lucius and Marietta Downs, Dec. 16. 1855. Newton, s. of Elisha and Eliza Wheeler, Jan. 2. Cyrus, s. of Frederick H. and Harriet E. Gray, Jan. 25. Harriet, dau. of Edward and Ellen Piatt, Feb. 1. Twin daus. of Harry Bulcroft, Feb. 7. s. of William and Esther CJpson, May 5. s. of Carlos and Rachel Curtiss, May 9. Bethuel N., s. of Bethuel and Mary Treat, May 27. Ida, dau. of Austin Hine, May 20. i^rza M., dau. of Rusford and Mary Jane Whitlock, July 15. s. of Aaron and Ruth Ann Lewis, May 18. dau. of Aaron S. Lacey, June 6. Kate, dau. of Michael and Phebe Hayne, June 16. dau. of Frederick and Mary H. Woolfert, June 18. John, s. of John and Mary Wheeler, June 21. s. of Richard and Elisabeth Dawson, June 24. Betsey, dau. of George F. and Mary Ongemauh, July 6. dau. of Adam and Ann M. H. Woolf, Aug. 1. dau. of Noadiah and Lavinia Warner, Aug. 7. s. of James Smith, Aug. 28. George, s. Sylvester J. and MaryE. Bennett (in Indiana), Aug. 14. Isaac, s. of Michael and Anna Wentz, Sept. 13. dau. of Wales H. Curtiss, Nov. 2. dau. of Amos M. and Sarah Johnson, Nov. 14. Seth W., s. of Sanford and Olivia Johnson (at N. Haven), Oct. 27. s. of Adehne Booth, Nov. 2. John W., s. of Orrin H. and Augusta H. Ward, Dec. 21. s. of Terry and Catherine O'Shea, May 8. Alice E., dau. of Charles and Nancy M. Warner, April 25. 1856. dau. of George and Margaret Vollmiller, Jan. 6. s. of James W. and Mary Bradley, Jan. 23. BIRTHS IN SOUTHS URY, 457 Anna C, dau. of Nelson W. and Edna E. Mitchell, Feb. 4. William S., s. of William C. and Mary Beechei-, June ID. s. of William and Mary Johnson, P'eb. 24. Harry N., s. of Charles B. and Fannie Hicock, March 29. Benjamin, s. of Isaac T. and Deborah Ritchie, March 9. s. of Monroe and Amanda Smith, April 8. Edward L., s. of Edward and Charlotte Hine, April 9. s. of Hiram R. and Huldah A. Gilbert, April 9. Henry, s. of John and Mary Titus, April. s. of Daniel and Eliza Craty, May 17. Franklin, s. of George and Phebe Ann Seeley, June 21. dau. of Batt. and Eliza O'Bryan, Aug. 20. George S., s. of Stiles C. and Katharine Smith, Sept. IJ. dau. of Charles and Clarissa Mandlin, Sept. 25. William F., s. of Elizur and Ida Perkins, Oct. 5. s. of Joseph B. and Antoinette Post, Oct. 16. Mary E., dau. of Peter and Susan E. Ward, Oct. 28. s. of Lewis Downs, Nov. 4. dau. of Uri Strong, Nov. dau. of Noadiah and Laura J. Warner, Nov. 9. William, s. of George B. and Frances M. Oatman, Nov. 22. s. of John J. and Phebe Ritchie, Dec. 13. George, s. of Aaron H. and Elisabeth Shelton, Oct. 8. Annice J., dau. of Isaac B. and Julia E. Hinman, July 8. Henry, s. of John and Mary Dittus, April 27. 1857. s. of David and Mary Condon, Jan. Alice, dau. of Richard and Elisabeth Dawson, Jan. 25. dau. of Truman B. and Harriet Wheeler, Feb. 12. s. of Cornelius and Bridget Lacy, March 6. dau. of Wales and Mary Curtiss, March 6. Charles A., s. of George A. and Sally J. Curtiss, March 10. Mary E., dau. of Rusford and Mary J. Whitlock, March 15. dau. of Elliot and Martha Hinman, April 10. Mary Ann, dau. of Michael and Anna Wentz, April 25. Charles B., s. of Edwin and Nancy Pierce, May 30. s. of Shelden Norton, June 26. Willie C, s. of Michael and Phebe Hine, July 21. Cornelia Ella and Cornelia Ellen, twin daus. of John B. and Rebecca Roswell, July 29. Hattie L., dau. of Sylvester J. and Mary B. Bennett (in Indiana), June 22. s. of Mary Mallory, Aug. 4. s. of James and Mary Smith. Aug. 11. dau. of Bennet F. and Jennette Stiles, Aug. 16. s. of Royal and Jane Judson, Aug. 12, Vol. III.— 58 458 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Caroline, dau. of George and Margaret Vollmiller, Sept. 18. Susan Ella, dau. of Isaac Jay and Maryette Allen, Oct. 18. Betsey M., dau. of Elijah Warner, Dec, 7. Willis E., s. of Edward A. and Ellen Piatt, Dec. 19. Willie A. Morrill, July 31. Emma Beahm, March 24. 1858. s. of David M. and Mary Wheeler, Jan. 3. s. of Charles R. and Ellen Norton, Jan. 20. Irene H., dau. of Sherman B. and Lydia A. Hall, Sept. 23. Everitt S., s. of Merritt S. and Maria Piatt, Feb. 16. Charlotte A., dau. o£ Curtiss B. and Mary Downs, March 4. William, s. of Hugh and Catharine Morris (born in Ireland), July 21. dau. of Thomas M. and Cordelia Downs, March 13. dau. of George and Jane Wakeley, April 14. George P., s. of Charles S. and Eliza T. Pierce, May 17. Cyrus, s. of Frederick H. and Harriet Gray, May 18. Charles, s. of Lucius and Marietta Downs, Aug. 3. dau. of Jay and Lydia Downs, Oct. 14. s. of Terry and Catherine O'Shea, Nov. 21. s. of John and Joanna Garvin, Nov. 27. Florence, dau. of Hubert and Harriet E. Guthrie, Nov. 30. George H., s. of Samuel W. and Cythera M. Post, Dec. 20. Cornelia E., dau. of Averill'B. and Alice L. Canfield, Dec. 18. David W., s. of Levi M. and Susan C. Bradley, May 27. Jane, dau. of John and Mary Dittus, March 12. 1859. dau. of George and Margaret Vollmiller, Jan. 30. dau. of John Ford, Jan. Mary Elisabeth, dau. of Samuel D. and Dama E. Castle, Jan. 11. s. of Wales H. and Mary Curtiss, Feb. 19. dau. of Charles R. and Mary Norton, March 8. dau. of Patrick and Bridget Malloy, Nov. 24. dau. of Frederick and Polly Bond, March 28. Mary E., dau. of Sylvester J. and Mary E. Bennett, April 22. dau. of Smith A. and Julia B. Abbott, April 29. s. of Patrick and Joanna MuUain, May 28. Dennis, s. of Dennis and Margaret MuUony, May 28. s. of John and Margaret Benssell, June 15. s. of George and Mary Camp, June 28. dau. of Daniel and Catharine Hayes, July 6. John, s. of John and Caroline E. Pierce, Ju-ly ^'^■ Charles, s. of Andrew A. and Mary Stone, July 26. Anna L., dau. of Reuben and Helen A. Pierce, Aug. 1. Robert, s. of Sanford and Olivia Johnson, born at Mil- ford, Pa., Feb. 9. BIRTHS IN SOrTHBURY. 450 Ann Vail, dau. of Nelson and Laura F. Noble, Aug. 1. s. of Patrick and Mary Tracy, Oct. 7. Joseph Piatt, s. of Samuel J. and Esther A. Stoddard, Oct. 14. s. of John C. Fogg, Oct. 26. s. of Calvin and Harriet Lewis, Nov. 8. dau. of George and Hannah Hudson, Nov. 10. s. of James F. and Sarah E. Hinman, Nov. 29. s. of Michael and Anna Wentz, Dec. 28. s. of Stephen and Mary Collins. Dec. 28. dau. of John and Sarah Gallager, Dec. 29. Mitchell, s. of David M. and Sarah Wheeler, Jan. 3. 1860. s. of Maria Agnes Kober, Jan. 14. Charlotte F., dau. of George A. and Sally J. Curtiss, Feb. 9. s. of James and Catherine Eraser, Feb. 12. Edna G., dau. of George N. and Lydia Ann Piatt, Feb. 12. s. of Curtiss and Mary Botsford, Feb. 23. Sarah E., dau. of Russell and Mary Jane Ford, Feb. 23. s. of Joseph and Antoinette Post, March 15. Lilly, dau. of Uri and Betsey J. Strong, April 9. Harry, s. of John U. and Marie Dittus, April 9. s. of John and Mary Reynolds, April 9. d. of Titus and Almeda Roswell, April 26. George O. C, s. of Rev. Amos E. and Anna M. Lawrence, May 10. Edna, dau. of Austin and Mary Ann Hine, June 15. Nancie C, dau. of George A. and Sarah Hoyt, June 28. John F., s. of Hugh and Catherine Morriss, July 8. Carohne E., dau. of Elliot B. and Caroline S. Bradley, July 17. George B., s. of Bethuel T. and Huldah A. Russell, Aug. 10. Willey C, s. of Hiram R. and Huldah A. Gilbert, Aug. 9. s. of Isaac J. and Deborah Ritchie, Aug. Emma, dau, of Calvin and Harriet Lines, Oct. 3. s. of Juliette Paine, Oct. 12. Henry E., s. of Henry D. and Juha Munson, Dec. 2. 3. of Batt and Eliza O'Brian, Nov. 14. s. of David A. and Ellen "Wheeler, Nov. 16. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of William C. and Mary Beecher, Dec. 28. dau. of Enoch W. and Mary Ann Ford, Dec. 21. George N., s. of Elijah and Betsey Warner, April 8. Charles B., s. of Charles M. and Sarah Squire, July 21. 1861. dau. of Stephen and Bridget Collins, Jan. 7. dau. of Patrick and Joanna Mullain, Jan. 14. William A., s. of Frederick and Mary A. Fenn, Feb. 16. Horace, s. of Charles R. and Orinda T. Oatman, Oct. 23. 460 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUKY. Charlotte M., dau. of James F. and Sarah E. Hinman, Feb. 8. Minnie B., dau. of Isaac J. and Marietta Allen, Feb. 1. Charles W., s. of Nelson W. and Edna E. Mitchell, March 12. s. of James G. and Jennet M. Curtiss, March 13. Anna H., dau. of Hezekiah C, Jr., and Ellen A. Hayes, April 4. Lillian J., dau. of Samuel W. and Cythera Post, April 26. Willie A., s. of Sylvester J. and Harriet C. Bennett, May 7. Donald, s. of Noadiah and Laura Warner, May 23. s. of Henry H. Green, June 3. Ralph, s. of Charles S. and Eliza T. Pierce, June 4. Remmington, s. of Enos and Elizabeth Wilson, May 4. twin daus. of George and Hannah Hudson, June 10. Jane Elizabeth, dau. of Edward A. and Ellen Piatt, June 15. George E., s, of John, 2d, and Caroline E. Pierce, June 25. dau. of David R. and Olive T. Stephens, July 2- s. of Aaron and Ruth Ann Lewis, July 8. s. of Charles and Mary Roswell, Aug. 13. Harriet, dau. of Charles and Caroline Smith. dau. of John and Mary Rejmolds, Sept. 27. s. of John and Mary Gallager, Oct. 4. s. of John E. and Mary Dittus, Nov. 16. George B., s. of Bethuel T. and Huldah H. Russell, Aug. 9. dau. of Patrick and Ellen Donald, Nov. 30. 1862. dau. of John H. and Cristina C. Younglass, Jan. 1. s. of Dr. Alvada E. and Ellen E. Winchell, Jan. 9. dau. of John and Mary Mulloney, Feb. 11. Susan A., dau. of Michael and Anna Wentz, Feb. 12. Harriet, dau. of George A. and Sally J. Curtiss, Feb. 18. Willey H., s. of James S. and Elizabeth Wakeley, March 19. s. of Frederick and Polly Bordt, March 20. dau. of John G. and Louisa Bronson, March 28. dau. of Stephen and Bridget Collins, March 28. John, s. of Dennis and Margaret Mulloney, March 28. Lilly Emma, dau. of Henry Walter and Maria Atwood, April 4. Jennette A., dau. of Theodore F. and Martha Wheeler, April 15. Walter LeRoy, s. of Cyrus LeRoy and Sarah Maria Mitchell, April 28. Frank W., s. of Curtiss S. and Maria Hinman, May 14. Curtis, s. of John J. and Sarah Ann Squire, May 31. dau. of Clark and Mary Davis, May 23. dau. of William T. and Harriet Gilbert, June 3. Emma D., dau. of Jay R. and Mary Judson, June 16. _dau. of Terry and Catherine O'Shea, June 29. Henry Ward, s. of William C. and Mary Beecher, July 1. dau. of John and Henrietta Butler, July 24. s. of Michael and Hannah Sullivan, -^ug. 23. s. of Smith A. and Julia B. Abbott, Sept. 8. B I K T II S IN S O U T 11 li L" K Y 461 dau. of Davnd R. and Olive Stephens, dau. of Batt and Eliza O'Brian, Catharine M.. dau. of Sanford and Olivia Johnson New Haven), dau. of Spencer H. and Martha R. Bray, dau. of Uri and Betsey Strong, s. of George and Jane Wakeley, s. of Titus and Almeda Roswell, Minnie, dau. of Enos B. and Elizabeth Wilson, dau. of Florence and Anna M. Willhausen, dau. of William and Elizabeth McCumber, 1863. s. of David and Hannah Hicox, dau. of Alvada E. and Helen E. Winchell, Henry R., s. of Andrew A. and Mary Stone, Robert M., s. of Averill B. and Alice Canfield, dau. of John and Mary Mallony, s. of Patrick and Ellen Donald, s. of David A. and Ellen F. Wheeler, s. of KnifBn J. and Jane A. Ganony, dau. of Jeremy and Jane S. Taylor, dau. of Calvin and Harriet Lines, William G., s. of Frank B. and Margaret Hayes, dau. of Joseph 0. and Lucy A. Hubbell, s. of James and Mary W. Smith, s. of Nathaniel B. and Esther Lines, dau. of Harvey E. and Samanthy Atwood, Phebe C, dau. of Elliot P. and Angeline Hine, s. of Theodore F. and Martha Wheeler, dau. of Elijah and Betsey Warner, dau. of Hubert D. and Harriet E. Guthrie, Stanley E., s. of Charles and Nancy M. Warner, dau. of John W. and Fanny Simpson, s. of Patrick and Bridget Mullain, s. of Monroe and Amanda Smith, dau. of Garry and Virginia Bates, Edward B., s. of Burton C. and Mary E. Bradley, s. of Henry B. and Elizabeth Ruggles, dau. of Joel and Mary A. Ward, Charles, s. of Charles and Mary Roswell, (at Oct. 12. Oct. 14. Jan. 10. Oct. 18. Nov. 3. Nov. 21. Nov. 22. Oct. 24. Dec. 1. Dec. 1. Jan. 4, Jan. 25 Jan. 29 Feb. 26 Feb. 21 Feb. 19 Feb. 16 March 7 March 15 March 24 March 27 April 17 April 21 April 25 May 16 May 19 May 31 June 5 June 28 May 23 Aug. 2 Aug. Aug. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. 16. 17. 26. 28. 3. 13. 18. 1864. John, s. of Edward and Julia McDonald, dau. of and Adeline Lewis, dau. of Stephen Collins, Andrew M., s. of Levi M. and Susan C. Bradley, Austin, s. of Austin and Mary A. Hine, Jan. 26. Jan. 28. Feb. 6. March 12. March 5, 462 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY dau. of Wales and Mary Curtiss, April 20. s. of L. O'Shea, Sept. 5. dan. of Almoii B. and Susan Ruggles. Sept. 22. Frank and Jesse, chh. of Sanford and Olivia Johnson (New Haven), May 12. dau. of Charles S. and Lydia Downs, Nov. 7. dau. of John J. and Sally Squire, Dec. 4. s. of Doty and Jane M. Monson, Feb. 9. s. of RoUin C. and Celia Emmons, Sept. 25. Nellie R., dau. of Charles R. and Orinda T. Oatman, Nov. 23. Ida, dau. of William and Mary E. Puller, Feb. 14. 1865. daus. of Stephen and Bridget Collins, Jan. 15. dau. of and Joanna Fox, Jan. 28. dau. of David and Mary Candee, Feb. 1. dau. of Bennet F. and Jennet Stiles, Feb. 8. s. of Theodore T. and Martha Wheeler, March 4. s. of John and Electa Abbott, March 9. Horatio T., s. of Isaac J. and Marietta Allen, March 19. s. of Edv^ard and Julia McDonald, March 27. Jay R., s. of Henry P. and Julia Hicock, April 3. s. of Batt and Eliza O'Brian, May 2. Samuel L., s. of John and Caroline E. Pierce, May 2. s. of Titus and Almeda Roswell, May 7. s. of David and Hannah Hicock, May 9. s. of Calvin and Caroline Lines, May 14. s. of John and Mary, 2d, Reynolds, May 15. Infant of Patrick and Joanna Malony, May 21. s. of Edward Galpin, June 2. s. of Thomas and Laura Warner, July 7. dau. of Joseph T. and Melissa Monson, ^^g. 5. dau. of David and Edna Curtiss, Oct. 11. s. t)f George and Hepsey Hanley, Oct. 14. s. of Edward and Margaret Donald, Oct. 14. dau. of Charles and Emeline Sherwood, Oct. 16. dau. of David and Catherine Hayes, Dec. 17. Lucy, dau. of Sylvester and Harriet C. Bennett, June 1 ] . 1866. Ella L., dau. of Theodore F. and Martha Wheeler, Feb. 18. dau. of Hubert D. and Harriet E. Guthrie, Feb. 14. Nellie G., dau. of Oscar and Harriet Squire, Oct. 26. dau. of Garry and Virginia Bates, Feb. 1. daus. of Wales and Mary Curtiss, Feb. 7. dau. of Frederick and Christiana Wentz, April 8. s. of Nathaniel B. and Esther Lines, April 24. BIRTHS IN SOUTHBUKY. 463 s. of Ezra and Martha Dewes, April 25. s. of Edward and Julia Donald, May 8. s. of Patrick and Mary Brown, June 11. Estella, dau. of Enos B. and Elizabeth Wilson, June 16. dau. of Franklin and Sarah C. T. Nichols, July 8. Lottie E., dau. of Emery J. and Laura E. Roswell, Sept. 6. s. of Edward and Margaret Donald, July 7. dau. of Thomas and Anna D. ]3rennan, July 4. Adeline, dau. of Levi M. and Susan C. Bradley, Aug. 3. s. of Franklin and Margaret Hayes, July 4. dau. of Benjamin and Ellen Pope, Aug. 2'_'. Mary C, dau. of Charles and Frances J. Stillson, Aug- 30. s. of Frederick W. and Mary Fenn, Sept. 5. Thalia E., dau. of Henry and Phebe S. Mitchell, Sept. 19. Harriet L., dau. of William C. and Mary E. Beecher, July 18. Charles, s. of Rhoda F. and Mary Warner, Oct. 5. Charlotte E., dau. of Nathan C. and Elisabeth Baldwin, Oct. 15. s. of John and Mary Reynolds, Nov. 3. Emma B., dau. of Ransom and Adna Stiles (in N. York), Sept. 6. s. of John and Ellen Cook, Nov. 3. dau. of George and Ehza A. Williams, Dec. 16. s. of Edgar and Mary Galpin, Dec. 28. Smith A., s. of Charles R. and Orinda Oatman, Jan. 6. 1867. dau. of Martha Barnum, Jan. 7. s. of Titus and Almeda Roswell, Feb. 28. Wilhs, s. of Sanford and Olivia Johnson (at New Haven), Aug. 17. Ellen Elisabeth, dau. of Harley E. and Lucy J. Warner, March 2. dau. of Edmond L. and Nettie Green, March 8. dau. of Stephen and Sarah E. Comstock, March 13. dau. of Frederick and Christiana Wentz, April 7. s. of David R. and Olive Stephens, April 30. dau. of William T. and Harriet Gilbert, May 15. dau. of Patrick and Ellen Donald, June 5. Hinmau J., s. of Isaac J. and Marietta Allen, June 15. daus. of Gilbert S. and Louisa Gilbert, July 9. Mary, dau. of Calvin and Harriet Lines, July 17. Seth N., s. of WilHam C. and Mary E. Beecher, Nov. 25. s. of Thomas Brennan, Aug. 8. Lucy A., dau. of Elizur B. and Ida Perkins, March 3. dau. of Edward and Margaret Donald, Sept. 25. Katie A., dau. of Patrick and Mary F. Brown, Oct. 17. Anna H., dau. of David H. and Maria Barnes, Oct. 24. s. of George W. and Margaret Bowers, Nov. 13. dau. of Stephen and Bridget Collins, Dec. 1. dau. of Hubert D. Guthrie, Dec. 4. dau. of Truman E. and Frances W. Hurd, Dec. 14. 464 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1868. Howard, s. of Enos B. and Elizabeth Wilson, dau. of Byron and Julia Low, Frederick, s. of John J. and Sally A. Squire, James S., s. of Sylvester J. and Harriet C. Bennett, dau. of Birdsey anl Emily Gilbert, William H., s. of Thomas and Abby J. Murphy, William, s. of Henry and Mary E. Smith, Alfred L., s. of Elliott P. and Angeline Hine, s. of Patrick and Joanna Maloney, Martha, dau. of Benry P. and Phebe Mitchell, s. of Truman and Bridget Pierce, Charles A., s. of Burton C. and Mary Bradley, dau. of John J. and Rebecca Squire, s. of Edwin and Lydia Booth, Nora T., dau. of Elliott B. and Caroline L. Bradley, dau. of Charles and Ellen Norton, Anna A., dau. of Heniy and Rachel Russell, Ellen, dau. of William and Mary E. Fuller. Mary E.. dau. of Henry D. and Julia Munson, Anna A., dau. of Russell H. and Rachel Pierce, 1869. Sept. 8. Jan. 18. Jan. 22. Feb. 2. Feb. 28. March 6. March 20. June 28. July 3. Aug. 12. Aug. 9. Sept. 9. Oct. 13. Nov. 6. May 5. Dec. 1. Dec. 26. April 8. Nov. 29. Dec. 20. dau. of Thomas Brown, Jan. 6. s. of George and Eliza A. Williams, Jan. 17. Mary, dau. of Theodore and Mary Warner, Jan. 24. Cornelia, dau. of Sylvester J. and Harriet C. Bennet, March 2. Robert C, s. of Cyrus C. and Sarah Mitchell, March 6. dau. of Henry and Wealthy T. Whitlock, April 13. daus. of William and Lucinda Johnson, April 13. Harpin, s. of Sanford and Olivia Johnson (Wallingford), March 30. ss. of Patrick and Ellen Malony, May 12. Anna M., dau. of Dr. Nathan C. and Elisabeth Baldwin, June 4. s. of Bennet F. and Jennet Stiles, Jan. 14. s. of Henry H. Green, June 19. Mary Jane, dau. of Herman and Josephine Perry, June 20. dau. of Almon B. and Susan Ruggles, June 23. dau. of George and Clarissa Bostwick, June 26. Annie A., dau. of H. B. and Rachel A. Russell, Dec. 26. dau. of Michael and Mary Delaney, Jiily 17. dau. of John and Mary Reynolds, July 27. Adda, dau. of Wilham J. and Henrietta Warrenton, July 30. dau. of Henry D. and Mary Smith, Aug. 22. dau. of Theodore F. and Martha Wheeler, Sept. 12. s. of George and Hepsey Hawley, Sept. 5. dau. of George and Fanny Wheeler, Sept. 13. dau. of Dennis and Joanna Maloney, Sept. 19. dau. of Birdsey and Emily Gilbert, Nov. 4. s. of Hubert D. Guthrie, Nov. 8. BIKTHS TN SOUTH BURY 465 dau. of William F. Camp, dau. of Truman and Bridget Pierce, 1870. s. of George aud Caroline Williams, dau. of Theodore and Mary Warner, s. of (Jharles H. and Amelia Johnson, liracie, dau. of Enos B. and Elizabeth Wilson, dau. of John and Bridget Duffy, s. of Titus and Almeda J. Roswell, s. of Patrick and Mary Browne, s. of Patrick and Mary Noland, dau. of Orvillc A. and Frances Sawyer, Horace B., s. of William C, and Mary E. Beecher, s. of George and Harriet Lewis, Edwin M., s. of John J. and Sally A. Squire, s. of Frederick and Christina Wentz, dau. of John and Mary J. Law, s. of George and Helen A. Roswell, Carrie Z., dau. of Gilbert A. and Mary Robinson, s. of Henry and Susan J. Green, Benjamin, s. of David M. and Hattie I. Mitchell, Ada M., dau. of Samuel P. and JuHa T. Averill, 1871. Amos, s. of Henry P. and Phebe Mitchell, dau. of Charles K. Osborn, s. of Samuel Roswell, dau. of John J. and Rebecca Squire, Willie J., s. of Fred L. and Katie A. Gilbert, dau. of Thomas and Bridget Condon, (jeorge H., s. of Elizur B. and Ida Perkins, s. of Almon B. and Susan Ruggles, • dau. of Rodney B. and Sarah F. Bronson, dau. of George aud Susan Morris, Ellen B., dau. of Lyman J. and Elizabeth A. Baldwin, dau. of Charles and Ellen Norton, Katie M., dau. of Philo J. and Esther Hawley, Lucy B., dau. of Truman B. and Catherine L. Wheeler, Mabel C, dau. of Clark and Esther C. Osborn, 1872. Charles H. and Caroline, s. and dau. of George H. atid Celia Camfield. Frederick A., s. of Charles T. and Frances Downes, Hannah, dau. of Dennis and Margaret Hoiiahan, dau. of Dennis and Magaret Malony, dau. of Edward and Lydia Booth, Vol. III.— 59 Dec. 11 Dec. 11 Jan. 16, Jan. 24. Feb. 9. July Feb. 23. 24. Feb. 27. March 9. March 10. March 10. May 7. March 1 1 . April April May May July Aug. Oct. 2. 10. 10. 26. 4. 5. 24. Dec. 20. Jan. 16. Feb. 14. April May Nov. 11. 13. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. 29. 14. 27. 2. 1. Dec. 30. Oct. 24. May Oct. 17. 30. Feb. 4. Jan. 11. Jan. 20. Feb. 18. Feb. 19. March 13. 466 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, George F., s. of Frederick and Christina Wentz, March 17. Cora J., dau. of Andrew H. and Sarah M. Hamlin, April 5. John, s. of Martin and Mary Fox, April 27. s. of John and Catherine Hill, April 9. dau. of George and Helen A. Roswell, April 20. s. of Truman H. and Bridget Pierce, Msij 20. s. of John and Anna Davis, June 25. s. of John and Julia Fahy, Aug. 3. Edward, s. of John and Mary Seeley, Sept. 21. s. of Edward and Susan Durgee. Oct. 13. s. of Thomas and Mary Sullivan, Oct. 23. James, s. of John and Eliza Baldwin, Nov. 1. Albert A., s. of David and Marion Barnes, Nov. 10. s. of George L. and Sarah E. Bartlett, Dec. 20. Mary, dau. of Patrick and Mary Browne, Dec. 25. James, s. of Thomas and Mary Sullivan, Oct. 22. Orinda, dau. of Robert and Julia Hopkins, March 29. 1873. ' Charles E., s. of William J. and Plenrietta Warrenton, Jan. 7. Susan, dau. of Birdsey and. Emily R. Gilbert, Jan. 28. Raymond, s. of Gidney A. and Isadore K. Stiles (in Missouri), Nov. 6. dau. of Ole and Anna M. Olsen, Jan. 29. Robert D., s. of John J. and Sally A. Squire, April 7. Harry H., s. of Charles and Julia M. Brown, Aug. 12. Lizzie E., dau. of Franklin and Sarah C. Nichols, April 26. dau. of Henry and Maria Bradley. John, s. of David M. and Hattie I. Mitchell, July 5. dau. of Michael and Mary Connell, July 22. dau. of Wales and Mary Curtiss, Aug. 11. Ida M., dau. of Hales D. and Ann J. Warner, Aug. 18. Lydia C, dau. of William H. and Sarah A. Milbourn, Aug. 23. Truman H., s. of Truman B. and Catherine L. Wheeler, Sept. 26. dau. of Stanley and Mary L. Youngs, Sept. 1. Mary 0., dau. of Benjamin G. and Nellie Mitchell (in Brooklyn), Sept. 29. dau. of Erastus and Florence Peck, Sept. 13. Frank H., s. of Henry L. and Emm Munson, Aug. 8. dau. of Edward and Julia Wakeman, Sept. 28. s. of Lewis and Lydia Corbit, Oct. 1. Hattie C, dau. of Fred. L. and Katie A. Gilbert, Nov. Lewis M., s. of Charles H. and Prances J. Stillson, Oct. 9. dau. of Martin and Mary J. Stowe, Oct. 13. John L., s. of Oscar W. and Amanda Ambler, Nov. 1. s. of Theodore F. and Julia Wheeler, Nov. 15. s. of Rollin H. and Martha Johnson, Nov. 15. dau. of Eros E. and Ellen T. Burr, Dec. 16. Eleanor, dau. of Dr. Nathan C. and Elisabeth Baldwin, Dec. 31. BIRTHS IN SOU THE TRY, 467 1874. Gracie May, dau. of Charles N. and Laura M. Warner, s. of John and Mary Reynolds, dau. of Richard and Elisabeth O'Brien. s. of Henry and Sarah Morgan, May, dau. of Bernard and Catharine Matthews, Homer and Walter, children of Jared and Eliza Bradley, Apri Edward P., s. of James and Margaret Short, Jesse J., s. of Lewis W. and Susan L. Williams, dau. of Patrick Redding, Francis, s. of Martin and Mary Fox, s. of Herman and Josephine Perry, dau. of James E. and Maria Williams, dau. of George and Helen Roswell, William, s. of Cliarles M. and Sarah Squire, dau. of Henry and Susan Jackson, Abby M., dau. of George W. and Juha E. Mitchell, Gracie M., dau. of Charles N. and Laura M. Warner, s. of Thomas and Mary Sullivan, s. of Truman H. and Bridget Pierce, Lucy A., dau. of Henry M. and Alice R. Canfield, dau. of James H. Green, Oscar, s. of George WiUiams, George J. M., s. of Michael and Anna Wentz, Thomas, s. of John and Eliza Fleming, William, s. of David and Mary Condon, Agnes M., dau. of Charles J. and Mary E. Clapp, C. E., child of Robert and Julia Hopkins, 1875. William J., s. of Michael and Mary J. Brennan, Frank W^., s. of Samuel P. and Julia T. Averill, Albert, s. of Ole and Anna M. Olsen, s. of Dennis and Joanna Malony, s. of Michael and Mary Conley, s. and dau. of George and Clarissa Bostwick, dau. of Anson J. and Harriet Sly, Fred. L., s. of Charles and Mary Luff, dau. of Edward and Caroline Wellman, George A., s. of Henry D. and Mary Smith, Harriet, dau. of Lucius and Marretta Downs, Edith, dau. of Gidney A. and Isadore K. Stiles, Annie, dau. of Patrick and Mary Browne, Richard H., s. of Stanley M. and Mary L. Youngs, s. of John Archer, dau. of Patrick and Johanna Maloney, Chas. Webb, s. of Truman B. and Catherine L. Wheeler, Ottie G., dau. of Oscar and Amanda Ambler, Jan. 27. Jan. 13. Jan. 15. Jan. 30. Feb. 8. April 4. Feb. Feb. 21. 1 7 March April 1 1 . 5. April 12. April 21. May 5. Oct. 20. July 4. July 29. Jan. 27. Aug. 6. Aug. 14. Sept. 15. Oct. 6. Oct. 19. Nov. 28. Aug. 2. Nov. 22. Dec. 28. Aug. 29. Jan. 2. Jan. 17. Jan. 19. Jan. 26. March 4. April 4. April 29. May 10, May 22, May 24, May 25, May 28, July 14, July 23, July 22, Aug. 31. Sept. 2. Sept. 22, 468 HISTORY OF ANCIENT ■WOODBURY, dau. of William and Mary Cutts, Sept. 28. dau. of John M. and Ellen E. Ford, Sept. 30. Edna W., dau. of Oscar and Harriet Squire, Oct. 1. dau. of Dennis and Margaret Honelian, Oct. 3. dau. of Herbert B. and Ellen Richards, Oct. 6. George H., s. of Henry P. and Julia E. Hicock, Oct. 9. s. of Andrew and Mary A. Jackson, Nov. 6. Daisy S., dau. of Charles K. and Anna S. Osborn, Nov. 10. dau. of Samuel and Nellie Warner, Nov. 20. Ruby C, dau. of John and Caroline E. Pierce, Dec. 4. Oliver M., s. of Wales D. and Ann J. Warner, Dec. 15. Mary E., dau. of David P. and Eliza Pierce, Dec. 20. Henry H., s. of Henry M. and Alice B. Canfield, Dec. 22. s. of Michael and Mary O'Connell, March 4. 1876. Samuel Joseph, s. of Henry P. and Phebe Mitchell, Jan. 10. s. of Noadiah and Alice Warner, Jan. 22. s. of Julius A. and Alice Morris, Jan. 31. dau. of Jay R. and Mary Judson, Feb. 1. dau. of Levi B. and Mary Bradley, Feb. 19. David, s. of John and Eliza Fleming, March 18, s. of John and Mary Reynolds, March 21. Mary, dau. of Richard and Elisabeth O'Brien, April 23. Frederick F., s. of Henry W. and Ida L. Post, May 22. Betsey Ann, dau. of Robert and Julia Hopkins, June 7. dau. of Henry and Sarah Wells, June 7. Minnie E., dau. of Arthur and Emily A. Lewis, Dec. 20. dau. of Frank F. and Julia M. Jorden, Jan. 7. s. of Henry and Susan Jackson, June 28. Alice, dau. of Bernard and Catherine Matthews, July 22. s. of Frederick and Christina Wentz, Aug. 22. Eva J., dau. of David C. and Emma M. Piatt, Aug. 24. Clifford, s. of Benjamin S. and Mary B. Hicock, Sept. 3. s. of George and Helen Roswell, Sept. 6. s. of Thomas and Mary Sullivan, Sept. 24. Ruth, dau. of C. LeRoy and Sarah M. Mitchell, Sept. 25. Edith P., dau. of William J. and Henrietta Warrenton, Sept. 27. Emerson B., s. of Enos B. and Elisabeth Wilson, Oct. 18. dau, of Charles and Ellen Norton, Nov. 5. dau. of William D. and Aurilla J. Stone, Nov. 9. Louise, dau. of Gideon and Celia White, Nov. 17. Bridie, s. of Daniel W. and Elisabeth Bradley, Nov. 18. dau. of Charles and Harriet Hall, Dec. 3. s. of Harmon J. and Prudence S. Edwards, Dec. 17. s. of Frederick and J. Keeney. May 2. s. of Truman H. and Bridget Pierce, Oct. 11. John D., s. of John and Clara Squire, Oct. 24. dau. of Eros E. and Ellen Burr, Nov. 14, BIRTHS IN SOUTH BURY. 469 1877. s. of John Honehan, Archer T., s. of Granville T. and Henrietta L. Pierce, s. of Gottlieb and Christina Kuhne, Charles R., s. of Jolui G. and Eleanor C. Say, Ole, s. of Ole and Ann M. Olsen, Evelena, dau. of John 11. and Mary Mclntire, Arthnr L., s. of William E. and Elisabeth A. Mitcliell, Harriet E., dau. of Samuel J. and Ellen E. Bryant, Susie W., dau. of George W. and JuHa E. Mitchell, dau. of William F. and Ida J. Galpin, ' dau. of Melville A. and Catharine M. Stone, s. of Frederick and Wilhelmina Scbilke, Austin K., s. of Henry M. and Phebe A. Squire, s. of John R. and Flora Jackson, dau.. of Susan Edmonds, Phebe A., dau. of Henry L. and Emma Munson, s. of Ada C. Williams, Emily H., dau. of Charles T. and Elisabeth Russell, Wallace E., s. of James E. and Marian Williams, Frank, s. of John J. and Sally Ann Squire, Grade, dau. of Philo J. and and Esther Hawley, infant s. of Andrew and Martha Haight, Ebenezer L., s. of William V. and Georgianna Morris, s. of George S. and Clara Bostwick, s. of James and Margaret Short, Gilbert, s. of Herbert J. and Hattie L. Wihnot, 1878. John, s. of John and Eliza A. Fleming, P'rederick E., s. of David F. and Eliza Pierce, 5. of Gottlieb and Christina Kuhne, Mary B., dau. of Frank A. and Mary D. Franklin, dau. of Lewis W. and Susan L. Williams, dau. of Burr C. and Elvira Denny, Richard, s. of Richard and Elisabeth O'Brien, Nellie, dau. of Henry and Adelia Beers, s. of Thomas and Mary Sullivan, s. of William and Alice Springfield, dau. of Philander and Elisabeth Booth, s. of Andrew and Martha Haight, dau. of Charles and Charlotte M. Beardsley, s. of John and Mary Reynolds, Mabel M., dau. of Franklin D. and Harriet Bradley, Clark A., s. of Arthur J. and Emily A. Lewis, 1870. Mary, dau. of Benjamin S. and Mary B. Hicock, Rose, dau. of Bernard and Catharine Matthews, John, s. of Adolph and Emma Berndt, 11. i: 21. 11, Jan. Jan. Feb. May Feb. March March March April 19, May 5 May 20 May 25 May 29 June. June 10 Aug. 13 June 19 July 15 Aug. 28 Sept. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. 22 Oct. .5 3. 2. 2. 28. 29. Feb. 9 March 11 March 1 1 May 12 June 1 1 Aug. 29 Sept. 15 Oct. April May June Oct. Oct. 13 Oct. 25 March 15 Nov. 25 Feb. 23. Feb. 28. March 24. MARRIAGES IN SOUTHBURY. Josiah Avered and Hannah Hinman, Andrew Arvin and Hannah French, Gideon Allen and Mary Reynolds, Reuben Atwood and Abiah Piatt, Oliver Atwood and Naomi Fairchild, Dr. James Andrus and Jane Ann Post, Gad Austin and Anna Fabrique, Jonas Allen and Mary Treat, Albert G. Ambler and Sarah Ann Wheeler, Samuel P. Averill and Julia T. Mitchell, Phineas B. Averill and Eliza M. Wheeler, Eliphalet Averill and Elisabeth M. Stephens, Perry Averill and Ada Mosher, Perry H. Averill and Ellen Curtiss, Oscar W. Ambler and Amanda H. Barnes, Alexander Ambler and Jane B. Baldwin, Edmond B. Ambler and Polly A. Barnes, B. Gad Bristol, Jr., and Anne Benham, Henry Bradley and Roxy Atkins, John Bryan and Susan Pierce, Henry Brown, Jr., of Southbury and Jane E. of Middlebury, Joseph Benham and Anna Hall, Elisha Baldwin and Jerusha Coe, Philo Ailing Baldwin and Emma Mallery, William Burr and Sarah Hubbell^ Truman Bristol and Polly Beecher, Park Brown and Mary Curtiss, Philo Riggs Bristol and Nabby Lyman, Enoch Bristol and Sally White, Aaron Brownson and Anne Ward, Noah Brownson and Elizabeth Wilson, George Bolt and Dorcas Johnson, Stephen Bateman and Eunice Curtiss, Stephen Calvin Bateman and Nancy Shelton, Enos Benham and Zillah Terrell, Stone March 2(t, 1740 Nov. 18, 1794 July 12, 1802 Feb. 26, 1804 April 13, 1796 Jan. 5, 1876 Dec. 5, 1798 Feb. 9, 1784 Nov., 1829 March 10, 1870 Oct. 4, 1832 Dec. 23, •1858 Dec. 3, 1865 Sept. 5, 1876 Dec. 25, 1867 Oct. 10, 1832 May 11, 1873 Feb. 17, 1790 Oct. 22, 1834 April 2, 1876 Feb. 16, 1840 May 31, 1794 Oct. 20, 1768 May 7, 1794 Nov. 23, 1786 Nov. 26, 1789 May 2, 1785 Jan. 6, 1791 Nov. 30, 1794 Nov. 30, 1794 Nov. 11, 1760 Oct. 20, 1794 Sept. 26, 1768. Dec. 25, 1798. Feb. 27, 1791. MARRIAGES IN S () U T H B U R Y , 471 Robert Clark Bassett and Eunice Sherwood, May Samuel Botsford and Patience Pearce, May Samuel Botsford and Currence Peck, March Lemuel Blackman and Ann Down, Feb. David Btfardsley and Pamela Clark, May Phineas Barnes and Eunice Pearce, April Isaac Briscoe and Mary And r us of Milford, May Elijah Booth and Anna Hinman, Oct. Truman Bristol and Betsey Thompson, June Noah H. Booth and Lucenah Pardee, Oct. Dr. Anthony Burritt and Anna Curtiss, April Abel Barlow and Esther Treat, Jan. Clark Beardsley and Mary Jackson, Nov. Alanson Beecher and Anna Booth, April David S. Bull and Elizabeth Mitchell, Jan. Ebenezer Booth and Anna Han, Jan. David Baker and Rachel Andrus, April Ira Barnes and Rhoda Bateman, May Samuel Brunson and Ann Stratton, May George Barker and Salome Griswold, May Elijah Booth and Anna Deming, Oct. vVmos Benham and Hannah Cnrtiss, Oct. Lewis Baldwin and Ann Maria Somers, Sept. Gamaliel Benham and Deodasha Bostwick, Oct. Anthony Burritt and Abigail Hinman, March Stephen Bateman and Anna Thomas, Aug. Joseph F. Bostwick and Anna Bronson, Feb. Sheldon Bristol and Agnes Wheeler, Feb. Lewis Beecher and Martha Peck, July Ezra Beecher and Betsey White, Oct. Ira Bradley and Ann Guthrie, Nov. Ira Bradley and Hannah Stiles, March I-'ranklin D. Bi-adley and Harriet Piatt, Sept. lia Bradley and widow Harriet S. Hicock, June Walter C. Brown (of Columbus, Ohio,) and Isabella * Wood, Sept. Benjamin S. Brown (of Columbus, Ohio,) and Emma Sulhvant, Dec. Samuel Brownson and Elizabeth Towner, May Thomas Bennett and Mercy Brownson, Nov. Ebenezer Brownson and Deborah Sanford, June David Bostwick and Mary Hinman, July Daniel Ball and Elizabeth Graham, Nov. John Brownson and Martha Turrel, Gideon Bristol and Miriam Wooster, Jan. James Baker and Thankful Coly, March John Brinckerhoff and Love Graham, June Nathaniel Baldwin and Jedediah Brownson, Nov. David Bagley and Sarah Brunson, March Abraham Brunson and Martha Cochrin, Aug. 14, 3, 1; 27, 13, 29, 24, 23, 26, 30, 13, 17, 15, 26, 25, 5, 5, 2, 19, 9, 18, 25, 30, 28, 20, 13, 3, 30. 4, 1. 1798. 1784. 1793. 1787. 1794. 1776. 1780. 1772. 1801. 1807. 1782. 1799. 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802. 1803. 1803. 1803. 1804. 1805. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1809. 1809. 1810. 1811. 1811. 1790. 1836. 1863. 1876. 1869. 1863. 1877. 1736. 1736. 1739. 1739. 1744. 1747. 1752. 1755. 1755. 1763. 1770. 1770. 472 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Benjamin Bassett and MoUie Hinman, July '29, 1771. Bushnell Benedict and Mary Sanford, March 4, 1772. Lvither Bateman and Ruth Curtiss, Nov. 18, 1773. David Bagley and Agnes Hicock, Oct. 1, 1775. Theophilus Baldwin and Sarah Strong, April 24, 1776. Nathaniel Brewster and Annis Stiles, Nov. 10, 1777. AIsop Baldwin and Bathsheba Smith, Sept. .16, 1778. Ebenezer Brownson, Jr., and Mabel Hinman, 3d, Jan. 27, 1779. Eli Bristol and Sarah Peck, May 11, 1780. Bezel Bunson and Olive Richards, June 13, 1782. James Bradford and Elizabeth Mallory, Jan. 22, 1784. Bzekiel Butler and Hannah Munn, June 14, 1789. Gad Bristol and Anna Benham, Feb. 18, 1790. Justus Brown and Mary Franklin, June 27. 1790. Jacob Bunce and Lydia Perry, June 12, 1791. John Bunch and Sarah Crouch, Oct. 11, 1791. David S. Bull and Ruth Emm Hinman, Sept. 30, 1793. Niram Botsford and Patience Strong, Nov. 3, 1793. Samuel Brown and Betty Hinman, -A-Ug. 3, 1794. Joel F. Benedict and Currance Wheeler, Jan. 1, 1795. Jeremiah Beard and Annis Wheeler, Feb., 1797. Isaac Burril and Mary Ann Munn, June 11, 1797. C. Reurben Curtiss and Hannah Peck, March 16 Daniel Clark and Phedime Curtiss, Nov. 9 Oliver Chatfield and Lucretia Strong, -^^g- 8 David Coe and Sarah Squire, March 7 Samuel Churchill and Rebecca St. John, Feb. 22 Simeon Curtiss and Mary Bradley, Aug. 12 Benjamin Curtiss and Esther Benham, June 1 Isaac Curtiss and Jerusha Clark, June 16 Abraham Clark and Lydia Clark, May 6, Abel Curtiss and Hannah iVtwater, Feb. 1, John Chatfield and Eunice Perry, Jan. 15 George Canfield and Cornelia H. Beecher, Au.g. 15 Walter S. Curtiss and Eunice E. Averill, Nov. 29 Mitchell M. Canfield and Eliza J. Averill, Nov. 24 Henry M. Canfield and Alice R. Hayes, June 1 Averill B. Canfield and Alice L. Angevine, Sept. 9 David M Canfield and Harriet I. Lemmon, Dec. 29 Stephen Curtiss and Lois Hiscock, Dec. 20 Israel Curtiss and Eunice Towner, Jan. 31 Andrew Coe and Mary Sanford, Sept. 8 Garwood Cunningham and Mary Hinman, Dec. 24 Samuel Canfield and Elizabeth Judson, June 3 Gideon Curtis and Mary Hicock. Sept. 28 Daniel Curtiss and Sarah Hinman, Sept. 22 Noah Candee and Martha Strong, Jan. 28 1781. 1791. 1782. 1766. 1798. 1790. 1778. 1799. 1800. 1802. 1821. 1824. 1865. 1830. 1871. 1851. 1869. 1733. 1738. 1748. 1751. 1755. 1756. 1760. 1767. MARRIAGES IN S O I' T H B U I; Y . 473 Caleb Cogsil and Prudence Hicock, Israel Curtiss, Jr., and Abigail Mallory, Stephen Curtiss. Jr., and Mary Mallory. Stephen Curtiss and Huldah llicock, Reuben Curtiss and Hannah Peck, Andrew Casper and Mary Peet, Charles Collins and Estlier Knap, Joab Candee and Sarah Benham, Samuel Chatnian and Mabel Smitli. Roger Cogswell and Sarah Johnson, Josiah Curtiss and Olive Moseley, Wait Curtiss and Olive Mitchell, Simeon Cole and Betty Johnson, Ely Camp and Polly Johnson, Truman Gowel and Betsey Blanchard, Sherman Curtiss and Sarah Benham, Abner Carter and Charity Twitchell. Joel Crane and Olive Mitchell, Curtis Chatfield and Laura Johnson, Japhet Curtiss and Lucy Strong, Lemuel Canfield and Betsey Mitchell, Samuel Candee and Massena Wheeler, Abijah Curtiss and Olive Hicock, John Coe and Lois Johnson, Simeon Coe and Betty Johnson, Abel Castle and Esther Smith, George Chambers and Currance Johnson. Daniel Curtiss and Anna R. Bartholomew, Nathan Curtiss and Patty Brunson, •Henry and Ruth Downs, George A. Curtiss and Sally J. Tuttle, George Canfield and Cornelia H. Beecher, Oct. 1, March 0, July 16, Sept. 4, Oct. 3, July 16, March 12, Dec. 13, June 18, April 8, Nov. 25, Nov. 30, June 2, Feb. 26, June 20, Jan. 10, June 5, Aug. 30, March 1, May 5, April 8, Dec. 15, Sept. 11, March 4, March 24, April 15, Nov. 26, Aug. 13, 1767. 176!». 1772. 1777. 1780. 1782. 1783. 1784. 1785. 1786. 1787. 1789. 1792. 1794. 1795. 1796. 1799. 1804. 1805. 1805. 1807. 1812. 1778. 1780. 1792. 1795. 1800. 1805. 1805. 1805. 1848. 1825. D. Aaron Downs and Persis Wildman, -^^g- 16, 1753. Samuel Dean and Elizabeth Odel, July 1, 1768. William Davies and Sarah Brooks, March 2, 1772. Joseph Drake and Olive Brunson, Aug. 16, 1775. Samuel Drakeley and Olive Wheeler, Oct. 2, 1777. Daniel Darykie (Durkee) and Betsey Cammeran, Sept. 5, 1782. Daniel Downs and Currance Peck, Oct. 21, 1790. Nehemiah DeForest and Eleanor Hicock, Aug. 28, .1791. Philo Downs and Hannah Mallory, April 28, 1796. William Drakeley and Anna Hinman, May 8, 180o. Joel Downs and Betty Skeels, Nov., 1806. Preston Downs and Sally Bunce, April 4, 1810. John Dittus and Emma Wentz, Feb. 14, 1849. Truman Down and Sarah Porter, Feb. 27, 1777. Veren Dike and Lydia Taylor, Feb. 22, 1796. Vol. 111.— 60 474 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Wait Down and Phebe Hinman, March 26, Enoch Davis and Mary Bates, Aug. 2, Moses Down, Jr., and Laura Hinman, April 4, David Davis and Polly Ann Downs (of Newtown), Isaac Deming and Eunice Wheeler, Aug. 21, Smith Downes and Mary Ann Stiles, Nov. 27, Lucius Downs and Maryette Warner, Nov. .*>, Almon B. Downs and Laura A. Mitchell, Nov. 26, Henry P. Downs arid Nancy C. Hoyt, Sept. 11, Charles T. Downs and Fannie Brown (of Ansonia), Nov. 17, Curtis B. Downs and Mary C. Mitchell, Oct. 22, Newton H. Dexter and Edna Pierce, June 6, 1797. 1770. 1791. 1820. 1794. 1808. 1850. 1861. 1878. 1870. 1839. 1875. E. James Edmond, Jr., and Anna Barlow, John Edmond and Comfort Pearce, Elisha Ensign and Mabel Hinman, F. Bartimeus Fabrique and Lucy Judson, Silas French and Anna Curtiss, dau. of Benjamin Curtiss of Newtown, Isaac Fulford and Olive Tyler, Bennet French and Currence Pearce, William Lyon Fabrique and Hannah Johnson, Garry French and Patty F. Seeley, Christopher Fowler and Experience Hurlbut, William French and Ann Bennett, Roswell Franklin and Jerusha Hicock, Jeremiah Finch and Hannah Stricklin, John Fife and Elizabeth Strong, William Forbes and Sallie Hinman, Brunson French and Mary Ann Barrett, Martin Fox and Mary Dittus, G. Bbenezer Griswold and widow Martha Stanclift, John Garrett and Esther Spencer, Obadiah Richards Guthrie and Barshe Hows, William F. Galpin and Ida J. Murry, Joshua Guitteau and Jerusha Judson, Andrew Graham and Martha Curtiss, Ebenezer Guthrie and Hannah Richards, Eder Griswold and Patty Frankhn, Richard Gauff and Phebe Hubble, Jacob Glazier and Anna Rood, Levi Gailes and Sarah Stiles, Parmenus Glazier and Sarah Hurlbut, Benjamin Glazier and Phyla Way, April 10, 1792. Dec. 7, 1775. Dec. 19, 1798. Dec. 11, 1783. Dec. 22, Dfec. 12, May 18, May 16, March 14, May 14, April 28, Sept. 22, June 30, Feb. 1, Nov. 18, May 5, June, Dec. 30, Oct. 23, March 1, June 17, Jan. 7, June 5, March 26, Oct. 14, April 17, May 29, Nov. 10, March 1, 1794. 1791. 1793. 1816. 1825. 1736. 1757. 1760. 1793. 1786. 1794. 1805. 1871. 1785. 1778. 1797. 1876. 1848. 1753. 1767. 1783. 1794. 1786. 1787. 1793. 1798. MARRIAGES IN SOUTHS URY, 475 Amasa Goodyear and Cynthia Bateman, March 13, 1799. GriflBn and Mary Mitchell, Sept. 12, 1799. William H. J. Graham and Maria Curtiss, July 23, LS04. Truman Guthrie and Anne Wagoner, Dec. 15, 1811. Adam Guthrie and Jenette Pulford, Oct. 19, 1833. H. Justus Hinman and Abigail Lewis, Aaron Hinman and Ruth Hinman, Benjamin Hicock and Mary Pearce, Joseph Hicock and Currence Richards, Joseph Holbrook and Anna Wooster, Elijah Hine and Molly Coe, Abner Hinman and Esther Thompson, Abner Hinman and (2d wife) Pollv Beardsley of Oxford, James Haven and Charity Mills of Huntington, Agur Hinman and Esther Munn, Jonas Hinman, Jr., and Anna Bates, Silas Hinman and Eunice Strong, Abel Hinman and Comfort Munn, Hezekiah Hiue and Hannah Terrill, Truman Hinman and Betty Cutiss, Richard Hawley, Jr., and Anna Bellamy, Obadiah Hawley and Betty Kimberly, Titus Hinman and Ruth Botsford, Wait Hinman and Eunice Mitchell, David Hinman, Jr., and Mary Ann Graham, vVilliam Hurd and Martha Smith, Timothy Hinman and Sarah Ann Hinman, Joseph Hawley and Hannah Mosher, Simeon Hicock and Anna Lucy Wakelee, Curtiss Hinman and Sally Perry of Newtown, Joel Hinman and Sarah Curtiss, Frederick Hinman and Pharma Mitchell, Eli Hall and Irene Hinman, Nathan Hinman and Sally Burritt, Henry P. Hickox and Julia E. Bradley, George S. Hickox and Ellen M. Bradley, Cyrus Hinman and Eunice Harmon, Andrew Hamlin and Sarah McBath, Russell Hicock and Mary A. Brown, H. H. Harwood and Mary Brown, Jay W. Hicock and Cornelia Elliott, Reuben N. Hine and Phebe A. Hine, Benjamin Hicock and Mary Stiles, Andrew Hinman and Mabel Stiles, Justice Hicock and Lois Munn, Ebenezer Hinman and Hannah Mitchell, Jan. 4 Oct. 21 Feb. 10 Feb. 26 Sept. 7 Feb. 15 Nov. 3 May 1 Dec. 21 Dec. 26 Nov. 13 June 8 Sept. 9 March 11 Nov. 22 April 29 Nov. 27 Oct. 12 Jan. 29 Feb. 1 April, Jan. 10 Dec. 28 Jan. 7 Sept. 10 April May 8 May 8 May 10 June 30 Dec. 18 Jan. 6 Aug. 29 Feb. 15 Sept. 19 Feb. 2 March 8 Feb. 28 Feb. 28 . Oct. 26 Jan. 5 1789. 1772. 1774. 1784. 1773. 1776. 1796. 1799. 1797. 1780. 1786. 1783. 1794. 1781. 1798. 1798. 1797. 1786. 1784. 1784. 1782. 1792. 1794. 1809. 1809. 1778. 1814. 1806. 1821. 1860. 1873. 1839. 1869. 1818. 1843. 1871. 184U. 1734. 1734. 1736. 1737. 476 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Silas Hicock and Sarah Stiles, April 9 Ebenezer Hinman and Elizabeth Pierce, April 20 Gideon Hinman and Hannah Cnrtiss, Sept. 26 Nathan Hurd and Ann Mitchell April 20 James Hannah and Elizabeth Kasson, July 24 Ephraim Hinman and Rebecca Lee, -A.ug. 20 Daniel Hicock and Huldah Knowles, July 31 Gideon Hurd and Sarah Graham, May 20 Adam Hinman and Sarah Porter, April 3 Jonas Hinman and Sarah Downs, Feb. 11 Reuben Hinman and Mary Downs, Sept. 29, Titus Hinman and Joanna Hurd, Nov. IG Samuel Hinman and Amy Twitchell, Nov. 16 David Hurlburt and Prudence Hinman, Nov. 1 6 Amos Hicock and Phebe Curtis, Jan. 15 Abijah Hyde and Mary Holbrook, Jan. 31 Jedediah Hubbell and Susannah Hicock, Oct. 18 Nathaniel Holbrook and Elizabeth Savage, Oct. 25 Michael Harvey and Ruth Squire, Nov., David Hinman and Hannah Hinman, Dec. 20 Stephen Hicock and Huldah Franklin, Aug. 13 Capt. Hodskip and Mabel Stiles, Feb. 22 Silas Hubbell and Elizabeth Edmund, June 16 Edward Hinman and Ann Curtiss, July 18 Gideon Hicock and Hannah Hinman, July 14 Eleazer Hinman and Rhoda Mitchell, Dec. 13 Bethel Hinman and Hannah Hicock, Nov. 8, Ehjah Hinman and Esther Curtiss, Jan. 3, Joseph Hubbart and Martha Brooks, Nov. 19, John Hinman and Abigail Graham, April 22, Joel Hicock and Anna Trowbridge, Nov. 16, Elisha Hobert and Molly Peck, Feb. 28, Sherman Hinman and Molly Hinman, Feb. 9, Ephraim Hinman and Rebecca Hurd, Dec. 23, Silas Hicock and Hannah Johnson, Feb. 20, Justus Hicock and Mabel Hinman, April 9, Graham Hurd and Love Curtiss, June 10, Jedediah Hubbell and Eunice Johnson, Nov. 20, Lewis Hard and C. Sanford, Dec. 8, Frederick Hurd and Martha Hinman, Dec. 8, Peter Hovey and Anna Stuepley, Aug. 11, Reuben Hale and Esther Mallory, Aug. 25, Edward Harrison and Mary Stricklin, Dec. 7, Asahel Hurd and May Bateman, Feb. 18, Lewis Hinman and Triphena Johnson, Dec. 14, William Hinman and Sarah Manning, March 16, Edward Hinman and Mary Hinman, Dec. 26, Nathaniel Holobut and Martha Tomlinson, June 19, Col. Benjamin Hinman and Sarah Hicock, Nov. 23, Jesse Hurlbut and Sarah Hand, Jan. 28, MARRIAGES IN SOITHBIKY. 477 Curtiss Hicock and Sarah Carter, Jacob Han and Anna Hurlbut, Hinnian Hard and Anna Drakeley, Russell Hine and Ally Hiuman, Tliarer Hurlbut and Lucy Woodin, Allen Howe and Levina Hendrick, Jared Hawley and Clarissa llinman, David Hinmau and Susanna Scott, William Hinman and Silena Hurritt, ( 'hauncey Hatch and Julia Garrett, Josiah Hinman and Sarah Basset, Lewis Hine and Phebe Osborne, Elijah Hine and Louisa Hinman, Thaddeus Hicock and Mehitable Porter, 1. July 21 (Jet. 14 Sept. 12 June 7 June 18 July 20 Oct 20 J une 1 1 Oct. 18 Feb. 3 March I (5 July 2 Jan. 26 Oct. 21 1796. 1798. 1802. 1804. 1804. 1804. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1808. 1808. 1810. 1811. 1745. Asahel Ives and Eley Foot, Jan. 20. 1784. Asa Johnson and Elizabeth Strong, Gideon Johnson and Dorcas Hicock, Solomon Johnson and Sarah Plumb, Robert Jackson and lietty Cocliran, Isi'ael Judson and Charlotte Mallory, Hiram Johnson and Mary Brunson, Amos Johnson and Patience Hicock, Justus Johnson and Judith Blagge, David Judson and Griswold Warner, Sherman Judson and Olive Hinman, Gideon Johnson and Mary Swazer, Jeremiah Johnson and Polly Shelton, Ambrose Judd and Nancy Johnson, William Johnson and Anna Mitchell, Joseph Jereway and Hannah Rood, Solomon Johnson and Olive Curtiss, Solomon Johnson (2d wife) and Mabel Strong, Amos Johnson and Patience Hicock, Amos Johnson (2d wife) and Apame Curtiss Newtown, Enoch Johnson and Grace Leavenworth, Jeremiah Johnson and Eunice Bronson, Justus Johnson and Judith Blagge, Jay R. Judson and Mary Downs, Moses Asa Johnson and Lois Guthrie, K. Eleazer Knowles and Hannah Mitchell, Simeon King and Betty Mund, Benjamin King and Nancy Mitchell, July 4 1750 June 7 1753 June 23 1774 March 1 1775 Nov. 27 1778 Oct. 24 1782 May 10 1784 Jan. 5 1795 Feb. 3 1796 Feb. 28 1796 Feb. 9 1797 Sept. 10 1806 Dec. 16 1806 Oct. 16 1808 Feb. 4 1777 May 22 1782 April 18 1798 May 10 1784 of May 6 1795 Sept. 4 1794 Nov. 8 1769 Jan. 6 1796 April 14 1861 Nov. 19 , 1787 1704 Oct. 12 1772 Aug. 19 1733 478 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, John King and Lois Hinman, Dec. 7, 1784. Asel King and Catharine Hicock, Nov. 29, 1742. Phineas Kingsley and Hannah Squire, Feb. 9, 1794. Eldad King and Grace Cartiss, March 3, 1743. David Keeler and Ruth A. Hughes, July 3, 1808. Lieut. Samuel Knowles and widow Mary Wooster, Oct. 28, 1744. Thomas Knowles and Abigail Wooster, June 7, 1749. Moses Knapp and Margaret Kasson, Sept. 8, 1760. Joseph Lewis and Eunice Bassett, -^ug. 15, 1790. Abiud Latin and Anna Baldwin, Dec. 20, 1796. Abraham Lewis and Sarah Spencer, April 26, 1784. William Lockwood and Rachel A. Williams, Sept. 4, 1877. John Lewis and Mary Munn, Dec. 4, 1734. Mitchell Lamson and Thankful King, Feb. 20, 1765. Beach Lewis and Phelyme Wheeler, Oct. 26, 1783. William Lewis and Sarah Peet, Oct. 28, 1784. Nathan Lake and Betty Ann Johnson, May 25, 1803. Agur Lewis and Laurena Sherman, Oct. 13, 1803. Zachariah Lyon and Mary Strong, June 15, 1806. Adam Lum and Betsey Curtiss, April 23, 1807. Adonijah Liot and Elizabeth Manville, Sept. 2,1788. Joseph Lewis and Eunice Bassett, ^ug. 15, 1790. Edward Leavenworth and Elmira Thomas, Feb. 25, 1841. M. Increase Moseley and Patience Hinman, Oct. 15, 1769. Simeon Mitchell and Anna Pearce, June 15, 1788. Elle Mallory and Sarah Ward Huntington, Feb. 23, 1776. John Moseley and Molly Matilda Graham, Oct. 31, 1798. Eli Mallery and Eunice Green, Feb. 11, 1795. Simeon Mitchell, Jr., and Anna Strong, Dec. 25, 1791. Samuel Munn and Ruth Brooks, Dec. 27, 1780. Nathan Mitchell and Patty M. Hinman, June 23, 1823. David Mallory and Delia J. Warner, Feb. 19. 1837. Henry P. Mitchell and Phebe Stoddard, June 14, 1865. Erastus Mitchell and Judith A. Downs, June 6,1829. Amos Mitchell and Thaha M. Painter, 1837. Amos Mitchell and Maria Tyler, May, 1850. Amos Mitchell and widow Judith A. Mitchell, Sept. 30, 1875. George W. Mitchell and Eliza Piatt, June 18, 1872. William E. Mitchell and Elizabeth Nickerson. George W. Mitchell and Julia E. Piatt, June 18, 1872. Cyrus Mitchell and Avis C. Pierce, Dec. 23, 1812. Wilson W. Mitchell and Edna E. Piatt, Feb. 28, 1849. C. LeRoy Mitchell and Sarah M. Hunt of Wood- bury, June 23, 1859. Edward L. Mitchell and Carrie E. Bradley, Sept. 5, 1877. MARRIAGES TN S O II T H B T R V 479 Elizur Mitchell and Cornelia M. A. Merwin, Lawrence Mitchell and Esther Holbrook. Oliver Mitchell and Mary A. Griflfin, Peter Minor and Judith Squire, Jedediah Munn and Esther Squire, John Meggs and Rebecca (.'lark, David Munn and Esther Hinman, Clement Minor and Sarah Crissey, David Munn and Abigail Stiles, Eleazer Mitchell and Olive Hicock, Zimri Moody and Esther Martin, Seth Mitchell and Rhoda Hinman, Matthew Mitcliell and Abigail Sanford, Samuel Momee and Jerusha Hinman, Jonathan Mitchell and Elizabeth Roland. Qri Manville and Retsey Strong, Simeon Minor and Damaris Hinman, David Munn and Lois Osborne, Jedediah Munn and Agnes Nichols, Jude Moultlirop and Retsey Wheeler, David Mallory and Ruth Trowbridge, Amos Mallory and Anna Strong, Asa Munn and Lasyppa Reams, Diodat Munn and Silena Rateman, Matthew Mitchell and Martha Craham, David Mallory and Hannah Curtiss, Samuel Martin and Chloe Stoddard, Ebenezer Moody and Susanna Mallory, Simeon Munn and Lucy Roberts, Gideon Munn and Lovina Curtiss, David Manning and Lucy Peck, John Martin and Hannah Jackson, David Minor and Eunice Warner, Nathan Munn and Esther Warner, Jared Mitchell and Sarah Ann King, Rurke Marshall and Ruth Preston, Cyrenus Mallory and Catharine Raldwin, Elijah Monson and Patty Curtiss, Asel Minor and Retsey Rasseti, Joseph Morris and Polly Rlackman, Jared Munson and Eunice Curtiss, Peace Mitchell and Nabby Rurr, George C Morris and Hepsio Remont, N. David Norton and Anna Rrownson, Isaac Nichols and Rebecca Hinman, Lyman Norton and Harriet Jones, Charles Noarring and Caroline Garret, Jan. IS Feb. 22 Oct. 1 Dec. 8 Jan. 21 Nov. 7 April 12 Aug. 2 Oct. March 26 Dec. 19 Dec. 27 Dec. 6 Dec. 7 Sept. 6 Sept. 18 Feb. 18 July 30 Sept. 3 Jan. 21 Sept. 5 Nov. 22 Sept. 10 Sept. 30 Jan. 26 Sept. 6 May 28 Jan. 6 Oct. 6 Oct. 13 April 27 March 4 May 13 June 18 Dec. 21 Jan. 2 Jan. 9 Jan. 25 Jan. 3 Nov. 14 Jan. 1 7 1829. 1837. 1731. 1743. 174.i. 1749. 1750. 1751. 1758. 1761, 1762. 1762. 1764. 1764. 1807. 1769. 1773. 1774. 1777. 1778. 1807. 1782. 1807. 1782. 1783. 1783. 1784. 1807. 1785. 1785. 1785. 1788. 1790. 1792. 1795. 1796. 1797. 1799. 1804. 1805. 1806. 1802. Jan. 29, 1752. Feb. 10, 1756. July 1, 1798. Jan. 1, 1807. 480 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 0. Caleb Olds and Sarah Sanford, Aug. Shadrach Osborn and Mary Hinman, March. L. Osborne and Rachel Garret. Nov. Shadrach Osborn and Aletta Blagge, Oct. Johnson Osborn and Rebecca Tiff, Jan. Asa Osborn and Hyde, Benjamin B. Osborne and Sally Stiles, Nov. Erastus Osborn and Patty Curtis, May Benjamin B. Osborn and Ruth Stiles, Feb. Timothy Osborn and Rachel Judd, July Caleb Olds and Abigail Rice, Aug. Joseph Osborne and Clarissa Towner, Jan. Barnum Osborne and Olive Hicock, Oct. P. Joseph Post and Betsey Hinman, Feb. 3 Henry Post and Lucinda Shelton, March 12 John Pierce and Hannah Twitchell, April 13 Joseph Pierce and Mary Johnson, Feb. 22 David Pierce and Eunice Strong, J^^^ly 18 Elisha Peck and Hannah Sanford, Dec. 23 Alexander Peticrew and Agnes Mallury, March 20 Phineas Potter and Dorcas Hinman, March 10 Justus Pierce and Hannah Johnson, July 13 Stephen Peet and Hester Cochran, Nathan Pierce and Mabel Wheeler, Dec. 1 Joseph Prime and Hannah King, Oct. 30 Capt. Samuel Pettibone, Esq., and Mrs. Mary King, April 2 Joel Pierce and Frances French, Ezekiel Perry and Annis Dunning, Jan. 21 David Perry and Ruth Cochran, Nov. 3 William Pardee and Elizabeth Cogswell, Jan. 3 Aruner Peet and Hannah Lum, March 27 Obiah Peck and Sally Lum, March 4 Levi Peck and Eunice Acorn, • Dec. 30 Frederick Perry and Mary Strong, May 23 Ehsha Pierce and Rhoda Hinman, April 28 Justice Parker and Patty Buri'ill,'".*^^- Nov. 4 Silas Porter and Polly Strong, Dec. 23 Sidney S. Piatt and Jane B. Allen, Oct. 28 Ely Pierce and Augusta Hurlburt, Sept. 3 Titus Pearce and Abiah Piatt, Feb. 3 Samuel Pearce and Martha Edmond, Jan. 9 William Piatt and Mary Pierce, March 23 Amos Piatt and Hannah St. John of Norwalk, July 22 John Piatt and Currence Pearce, Jan. 24 Joseph Pearce, Jr., and Sarah Stiles Hicock, Feb. 27 Stephen Piatt of Milford and Elizabeth Clark, Sept. 13 2, 1739. 9, 1774. 10, 1795. 15, 1783. 30, 1799. 1789. 22, 1808. 12, 1811. 27, ISIl. 19, 1744. 21, 1750. 31, 1798. 13, 1785. 1785. 1816. 1749. 1750. 1751. 1753. 1755. 1757. 1758. 1760. 1763. 1765. 1766. 1782. 1788. 1789. 1791. 1793 1793. 1794. 1798. 1799. 1801. 1802. 1847. 1835. 1780. 1777. 1791. 1790. 1781. 1786. 1772. M A it U I A G K S IN SOU T II H i: U Y , 481 Joseph Percy and Love Reynolds, Aug. 14, 1774. Isaac Piatt and Amy Barns, Dec. 18, 1797. David Pennock and Azubah Margaret Hicock, Dec. 21, 1788. Joseph Post and Betty Hinnian, Feb. 3, 1785. Levi Peck and Mercy Peck, Dec. 14, 1791. Levi Peck and Eunice Erwin (2d wife), Dec. 30, 1794. Jehiel Peet and Lois Manvil, Jan. 12, 1791. Simeon Piatt and Eliza Blackman, Nov. 27, 1817. Edward A. Piatt and Ellen Barnes, Nov. 24, 1853. George N. Piatt and Lydia Ann Treat. Jan. 30, 1850. I lerinon Perry and Josephine Mitchell. Edwin Pierce and Nancy Mallory, Nov., 1836. Ezra Pierce and Matilda Chamberlain, Feb. 28, 1877. Reuben Pierce and Helen A. Guthrie. Dec. 11, 1857. John Pierce, 2d, and Caroline E. Garlick, Jan. 1, 1858. Samuel Pierce and Martha Edmonds, Jan. 9, 1777. John Pierce, 2d, and OHve Piatt, Jan. 1, 1818. Erastus Pierce and Elosia Piatt. BVb. 13, 1833 David F. Pierce and Eliza Bradley, Sept. 13, 1871. William H. Post, and Ida L. Wolcott, 1875. Henry M. Post and Anna C. Morrell, April 5, 1873. Ti'uman H. Pierce and Orra C. Nichols, Nov. 1, 1860. Truman H. Pierce and Bridget , March 12, 1868. Truman H. Pierce and vVda E. Williams, Nov. 22, 1877. Henry Post and Maria Munu, March 16, 1823. Samuel W. Post and Cythera M. llollistci-. Nov. 29, 1854. R. Joseph Richards and Tabitha Plinman, Oct. 23, 1746. .\zariali G. Rood and Desire Prime, April 12, 1750. Solomon Reynolds and Mary Wildman, Sept. 4, 1754. Henjamin Richards and Miriam Ilinman, Oct. 16, 1774. Justus Roots and Mercy Till", Dec. 4, 1782 Truman Richards and Sarah Mitchell, Aug. 17, 1786. Samuel Reynolds and Mercy Rood, Feb. 19, 1789. .\inbroso Ryan and Tryphosa Johnson, Jan. 3, 1791. Samuel Riggs and Polly Wildman, Sept. 24, 1792. Xathaniel Richardson and Comfort Stone. April 16, 1794 Xathan Rumsey and Sylinda Ilinman, Mi'.rch 2, 1796. James Reynolds and Lucinda Tuttle, Jan. 23, 1803. Henjamin Russell and Eunice Barlow, May 18, 1785. Seth Russell, and Ann Maria Hicock, April 30. 1856. Bethuel T. Russell and Huldah H. Downs, Nov. 16, 1842. Gilbert A. Robinson and Louisa Brock c^tt, Oct., 1839. Truman Stoddard and Sarah Pardee, Feb. 25, 1 7S9. John Stone and Esther Stow, Se[)t. 11, 1785. Jonah Summers and Mary Hard of Ni^wtoii, March 5, 1785. Vol. 111.— 61 482 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Samuel Smith and Sarah Lewis of Stratford, Feb. 8 Noah Strong and Sarah Liim, A_ug. 2 1 Adino Strong and Anna Scott. May IV Selah Strong and Esther Weed, Nov. 26 James Stoiighton and Hannah Lucas, Dec. 17 Ezekiel Stone and Hannah Bronson, Oct. 26, Benjamin Strong and Martha Beecher, Jan. 1 Abijah Squire and Gharry Lattin, Jan. 4 Alexander Sperry and Eunice Wooster, April 20 Ambrose Sperry and Patience Wheeler, Jnlj 15 Eli Stilson and Betty Down, Feb. 28 Meridian Stilson and Widow Annis (David) Bagley, Sept. 15 Samuel Spring and Jemima Lyon, Aug. 4 Nathan Stiles and Elizabeth Wagner, June 24 Ebenezer Smith, Jr., and Sarah Candee, Jan. 2 Daniel Smith and Anne Bronson, Dec. 26 Ephraim Stiles and Sarah Trowbridge, May 10 Richard Smith and Lorena Hebart, Dec. 24 Thomas P. Smith and Ann Keeler, Feb. 4 Jonathan Stiles and Nancy Baldwin, Nov. 12 Henry B. Stiles and Patty T. French, Nov. 23 David Stiles and Olive Stiles, Dec. 13 David J. Stiles and Ann French, Oct. 10 Charles H. Stillson and Frances J. Piatt. Dec. 1 Samuel J. Stoddard and Esther A. Piatt, Oct. 18 Bennet F. Stiles and Jennette Shelton, April 15 Harlow C. Stahl and Annie C. Mitchell, Oct. 21 John J. Squire and Sally A. Seeley, April 2 Jervis Sommers and Rachel Ward, March 28 Jervis Somers. Jr., and Antonette Hawley, April 19 George S. Hicock and Ellen M. Bradley, Dec, 18 Daniel Squire and Sarah Tomlin, Nov. 9 Ebenezer Squire and Ann Pierce, April 2 Joseph Sanford and Ann Hicock, Dec. 29 John Skeel and Mabel Booth, Dec. 13 Charles Strong and Elizabeth Hinman, Jan. 9 John Stiles and Betty Olds, May 13 Benajah Strong and Jean Cochran, Feb. 3 Nehemiah St. John and Ruth Wheeler, Feb. 18 Thomas Strong and Sarah Curtiss, Dec. 16 Ebenezer Strong and Patience Hinman, Jan. 23 Avery Skilton and Parthena Judd, March 27 Abraham Stevens and Rachel Wheeler, Nov. 20 Ephraim Stiles and Sarah Trowbridge, May 7 David Sanford and Olive Johnson, June 27 Joseph Sanford and Ann Strong, Dec. 23 Jared Smith and Dorcas Johnson, April 1 2 Richard Smith and Elizabeth Fee, Ai^g- 24 Abel Stiles and Lucinda Mitchell, Jan. 16 Anthony Strong and Phebe Curtiss, Nov. 13 M A I{ H I A Ci K S IN S O U T H B ir K Y 483 Elnatban Strong and Elizabeth Jackson, Feb. 3, 1792. Truman Stiles and Levina Leavenworth, Sept. 23, 1793. David Stiles, Jr., and Sarah Rood, Jan. 15, 1795. Eldad Sherman and Molly Deming, Feb. 3, 1797. Nathaniel Sherman and Mabel Castle, Aug. 31, 1797. Daniel Smitli and Tolly Keeler, Feb. 4, 1798. John Scott and Thebe Strong, Sept. 20, 1798. Adonijah St. John and Olive Curtiss, . Dec. 25, 1799. Nehemiah Strong and Uachel Garret. June 19, 1803. Ezekiol Stone and Susanna Strong, May 8, 1805. Willis Smith and OHve IJateman, Jan. 30, 1809. Samuel Shepai'd and Mercy Reynolds, Oct. 24, 1793. Joseph Squires and Hannah Warner, April 20, 1812. Royal G. Squire and Orisa A. Towne, Oct. 21, 1831. T. Alfred Treat and Sarah Mallory, Oct. 20, 1798. Newton Tuttle and Ruth Pearce, Sept. 10, 1786. Noah Tuttle, Jr., and Rebecca Barnes, Dec. 21. 1793. George Thompson and Clarissa Wheeler, Aug. 11, 1796. Nathaniel Tuttle and Betsey Fabrique, May 8,1808. Sherman Tuttle and Emeline Blakeley (at New Haven), June 13, 1860. Samuel Twitchell and Hannah Hinman, Dec. 13, 1739. Joseph Trowbridge and Trial Morehouse, April 15, 1742. Joseph Towner and Abigail Bissell, Jan. 4, 1744. Calelj Tomlinson and Mary Southworth, Sept. 1,1747. Tchabod Tuttle and Sarah Prime, June 27, 1751. Joseph Tooley and Abigail Sturge, June 29, 1769. David Tuttle and Hannah Strong, Jan. 24, 1770. Benjamin Tomlinson and Sarah Townes, Jan. 31, 1770. Aaron Thorp and Mary Curtiss, July 11, 1773. Philemon Trowbridge and Eunice Hicock, Nov. 29, 1773. John Towner and Rachel Brunson, March 29, 1774. Joseph Towner and Mary I^i-unson, May 17, 1775. Nathaniel Tuttle and Currance Squire, July 22, 1779. Edmund Tompkins and Lucinda Wildman, Aug. 29, 1783. Isaac Tuttle and Olive Han, Sept. 8, 1789. Ephraim Tuttle and Sarah Stone, Nov. 19, 1789. James Tyler, Jr., and Anne Stone, June 13, 1782. Ithamer Tait and Charity Griswold, Feb. 3, 1794. Abijah Twitchell and Sally Bartholomew. Sept. 23, 1798. Elihu Trowbridge and Lois Curtiss, Oct. 18, 1802. Simeon Towner and Polly Garret, Nov. 2, 1803. Truman Tomlinson and Nancy Perry, June 22, 1806. Elisha B. Tomkins and AUetta Osborn, Oct. 4, 1807. Cyrus Tuttle and Betsey Smith, April 12, 1810. Enos Towner and Lois Towner, Oct. 26, 1809. P. R. Turley of Mississippi and Flora Nancy Wheeler, Sept. 1, 1850. 484 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Joel Vose and Eliza Bates. V. w. Adam Wagner and Rosanna Han," Pliilo Woodin and Rlienamy Smith, Elisha Wheeler and Mehetabel Smith, Elislia Wheeler and Deborah Booth (2(\ wife), Asa Wheeler and Abigail Tyler, Ebenezer Wheeler and Love Curtiss, David Wheeler and Desire Roberts, Moses Wheeler and Elizabeth Lovfeland, Amos Wheeler and Reney Booth, John M. Waterman and Anna Squire, Seth Noble Wheeler and Ohve.Mitchell, Noadiah Warner and Polly Curtiss, Henry DeForest Warner and Elizabeth Clark, Asa H. Wheeler and Sylvane Foot, Walker Wilmot and Milecent Hicock, Nathan Wheeler and Sally (or Sarah) Bassitt, Amason Washburn and Sarah Whitney, Oliver C. Whiten of Goshen and Lovinia Perry, Russell Wooster of Oxford and Avis Buit, Joseph M. Wheeler and Mary McEwen, David M. Wheeler and Mary Mitchell, Abram Warner and Nancy King, Theodore Warner and Mary E. Warner, Wales D. Warner and Anna J. Brunson, Thomas L. Warner and Laura Mallory, Michael Wontz and Anna Reuld, Alvord E. Winchell and Mary Mitchell, Gilbert Williams and Adah Williams, Orange P. Warner and Elizabeth A. Hubbell Washington), Obadiah Wheeler and Agnes Tuttle, John Williams and Mary Brownson, Elisha Walker and Isabel Mackra, Jacob Wagoner and Russina Spike, Seth Wheeler and Betty Hinman, Jonathan Wildman and Abiah Hobert, Parmelee Allen and Ann Wheeler, Sylvester Wooster and Mary Strong, Adam Wagoner and Anna Sanford, Diodat Wildman and Phebe Hicock, David Wildman and Elizabeth Tompkins, William Weldin and Sybil Cumings, Joseph Wood and Olive Stiles, Job Wheeler and MoUie Mallory, David Wagoner and Hannah Lewis, James White and Elizabeth Wildman, (in Nov. 11, March 18, June 19, Jan. 1, Dec. 6, Jan. 1, Jan. 18, June 28, Nov. 13, Aug. 17, Feb. 19, Nov. 27, Dec. 10, Aug. 2, June 3, Jan. 31, Aug. 4, Oct. 22, Nov. 15, Oct. 11, Sept. 14, Sept. 7, June 10, Oct., Dec. 9, June, Oct. 10, Jan. 1, Nov. 26, May 13, Nov. 13, Nov. 21, Jan. 15, Nov. 25, April 28, July 21, Jan. 4, Dec. 17, Feb. 6, Oct. 31, Jan. 27, Jan. 21, Feb. 11, Jan. 7, Nov. 4, 1789. 1782. 1795. 1799. 1781. 1788. 1794. 1795. 1792. 1786. 1795. 1785. 1796. 1787. 1793. 1798. 1810. 1820. 1820. 1820. 1853. 1833. 1866. 1869. 1863. 1853. 1866. 1854. 1835. 1740. 1742. 1752. 1761. 1767. 1768. 1768. 1770. 1783. 1785. 1787. 1788. 1789. 1789. 1790. 1790. M A li i; I A O K S IN S (t II T II H II K Y 48.' Daniel Woostcr and Ruth Wheeler, Elisha Wheeler and M(!hitable Smith, Ephraim Wehb and Alathea Stiles, John Wheeler and Thankful Beecher, Joel Wheeler and Mabel Candi^c, Truman Wheeler and Nancy Burritt, Cluy Walker and Nancy Lum, Kl)enezer Wheeler and Love Curtiss. Truman Wheeler and lliildali Caldwell. Truman B. Wheeler and Catherine L. W'ehl) of Woodbury, y. William Youngs and Mary Boland, 1820. Huthwit Tuttle and Sally Smith, Gershom Sears and Betty Bcnham, Chandler Judd and Grace Lum, Sheldon Johnson and Mariah Beardsley, 1821. John Chatfield and Eunice Percy, James Warren and Ruth Munn, Uriah Phillips and Julia Gipson, Charles Edmond and Harriet Warner, Joseph Parnum and Sally Richards, Simeon M. Minor and Catherine Blackman, Erastus Bunnell and Charlotte Norton, Grin T. P^risbie and Glive San ford, Noah Kelsey and Sarah Strong, George Burr and Maria Lewis, Obadiah Wheeler and Keturah Lewis, 1822. Isaac Thompson and Sarah Ann Treat, Abel Peet and Eunice Hill, Michael H. Tuttle and Anna Guthrie, Lewis Hinman and Laura Smith, Archibald Hinman and Julia Johnson, Charles Hicock and Olive Hinman, Isaac Northrup and Ruth Wheeler, Doty Munn and Betty Botsford, Charles C. Hinman and Eliza Stiles, Sylenus Fancher and [jumile D. Curtiss, Nathan Bristol and Hannah RoswoU, EHjah Hine and Jennet Hinman, Eli B. Camp and Elisabeth Bassett, Matthew E. Mitchell and Eunice Wheeler, Nov. 4, 1792. Jan. 18, 1795. Jan. 6, 1803. Oct. 31, 1804. May 13, 180G. Nov. 18, 180r.. Oct. 16, 1811. .Ian. 1, 1789. Oct. fi, 1809. Feb. 7, 17G0. .luly 6. July 25. Aug. 31. Jan. 20. Jan. 15. Feb. 25. April 14. May 12. May 10. June 21. June 19. Nov. 22. Nov. 23. Dec. 13. Dec. 20. Jan. 19. Jan. 25. Feb. 11. Feb. 20. Feb. 25. March 1 1 . March 20. April 19. June 17. May 14. Dec. 2. Dec. 27. Jan. 12. Jan. 15. 486 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1823. Russell Hamlin and Sally Hawley, Selali Galpin and Elisabeth Piatt, Edmond Taylor and Olive Hinmaji, David N. Latin and Phebe Hamblin, Nathan Mitchell and Patty Hinman, Jonas Blackinan and Eliza Curtiss, Legrand Shai'p and Olive Booth, Josiah Hine and Mary Ann Curtiss, David Bradley and Anna Canfield, Phineas Clark and Polly Knapp, Stephen Daley and Alvira Wheeler, Sheldon Barnes and Polly Wheeler, Jan. 14. March 5. April 28. May 26. June 16. Aug. 4. Sept. 2S. Sept. 29. Sept. 19. Dec. 6. Nov. 19. Dec. 26. 1824. Nathaniel Beecher and Hannah Peck, Anson Bradley and Harriet Canfield, Abel W. Bronson and Eliza Burr, Edmond Barnes and Eunice Piatt, Joseph W. Wheeler and Orra Perry, Cyrus Peck and Fanny Treat, William Elliot and Cynthia Sherwood, Dr. Abraham L. Smith and Betsey Perry, Elijah Comstock and Margery Hurd, Edmond Mallory and Esther Bradley, Aaron Davis and Mercy Ann Solley, John H. Stilson and Lucy Davis, James Shelton and Clarissa Hurd, Nathaniel Elwqod and Harriet Osborn, Carlo G. Masters and Melissa Porter, Charles Smith and Diantha Gibson, Amos C. Sanford and Betsey Hawley, Samuel Smith and Flora Downs, Moses Davis and Mrs. Eliza Tuttle, May 22. Feb. 4. Feb. 11. Feb. 13. Jan. 19. Feb. 23. March 14. June 15. May 25. March 30. May 24. June 26. July 22. July 25. Sept. 10. Sept. 27. Nov. 19. Nov. 24. March 17. 1825. Whiting Bradley and Anna Bronson, Joseph Co jour and Sally Hall, Electrus B. Chamberlain and Gratia Beecher, Garry French and Patty Seeley, Nathaniel Richardson and Emily Reynolds, Abijah Bradley and Betty Sears, Isaac Lewis and Elisabeth W. Treadwell, Edward G. McRay and Nancy Nichols, James Beardsley and Hannah Downs, John D. Leavenworth and Maria Beecher, Marshall Perry and Pamelia Chatfield, Jan. 3. Jan. 16. April 13. March 24. April 12. April 14. May 20. June 12. July 5. Sept. 12. Aug. 15. M A K H I A G K S IN S ( » I T H B d K Y 487 Robert Goodyear and Jennet Bradley, Samuel Waldrum and Hck'n (iregory, Roderick Freeman and Mary Waldrum, Albert Guthrie and Nancy Buckin,i>;liam. 1826. Charles Blackman and Rachel Ford, Ezekiel Beers and Nancy Johnson. Moses Warner and Jeannette Judson, James W. Ward and Mary M. Hinman, Alman Osborn and Celina 'I'uttle, Samuel H. Brown and Sarah M. l^rown. Charles Johnson and Currence Bennett, 1827. Harry Mallory and Polly Hinman, Ambrose Bennett and Cynthia M. Knapp, Ebenezer Guthrie and Harriet Edmoncfs, Albert Fox and Caroline Bronsou, Th. Johnson and Maria P. Moseley, Isaac Hill and Caroline Bradley, Abraham Holbrook and Olive Pearce, Walter Johnson and Mary Ann Moseley, Charles Booth and Esther Maria Booth, Clark Buckingham and Else Reynolds, Sanuiel Smith and Lovina Smith, Justus Wheeler and Caroline Downs, Oct. 4. Oct. 27. Oct. 24. Dec. 24. Feb. 12. Feb. 28. Nov. 2. June 26. Nov. 29. Oct. 10. Aug. 20. Jan. 10. Feb. 15. Feb. 26. Feb. 28. March 12. March 3. April 12. Aug. 12. Sept. 6. Nov. 26. Dec. 5. Oct.- 3. 1828. Philip Jaures and Harriet Senior, Burton Hinman and Almira Beardsley, Charles Wagner and Agnes Tomlinson, Philo Burditt and Harriett Wiman, Amos Candee and Lydia Piatt, Isaiah Bennet and Maria Tuttle. Mitchell S. Mitchell and Fanny Brown, William E. Benham and Elisabeth C. Morris, David Hari'is and Sally Landers, Henry May and Fanny N. Turrell, Joel Wilcoxson and Phebe Gray, Barnum Curtiss and Lavinia Piatt, 1820. Seymour Down and Adaline Beardsley, 'Cyrus Curtiss and Louisa Lumm, Jei'emiah LTpson and Rhoda Munn, Th. Mallory and Jennet Hinman, Jan. 29. March 27. March 20. Feb. 24. July 26. Nov. 5. Sept. 29. Nov. 6. Dec. 7. Nov. 2. Nov. 26. Nov. 26. March 9. Nov. 12. Nov. 12. Oct. 30. 488 HISTOKY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. William French and Ann Downs, Sept. 29. Barnaba.s W. Koot and Caroline P. Hinnian, Sept. 28. Albert G. Ambler and Sarah Ann Wheeler, Nov. 25. Erastus Mitchell and Judith Downs, Jan. 6. John S. Dunning and Eunice Ann Barnes, Dec. 31. Horace Squire and Harriet Boyd, Dec. 5. David D. Parmelee and Sarah Stone, Sept. 1. Isaac Hill and Betsey Curtiss, Oct. 25. 1830. Benjamin J. Hinman and Harriet Bacon, Feb. 28. Wilson Hendrix and Rozette Booth, Oct. 14. tiansom Hinman and Judy SoUey, Oct. 6. Jeremiah Northrup and Mary Curtiss, Oct. 28. Jacob Fowler and Polly M. Freeman, Nov. 29. Shelden Johnson and Mariah Beardsley, Jan. 20. Nelson Freeman and Betsey Ann Galpin, May 17. William P. Edmond and Sarah Hall, Nov. 7. M. M. Canfield and Eliza Averill, Nov. 29. 1831. Lyman Lake and Sophia Hawley, Jan. 10. Lewis Shelton and Minerva Perry, Jan. 26. Bethuel Treat and Amanda Hawley, Feb. 3. Elias W. Hocum and Orra Norton, . Jan. 25. Benjamin Raymond and Sophia Perry, March 3. Harxy Johnson and Maryette Tomlinson, April 2. James E. Glover and Minerva Prindle, April 24. Justus Pierce and Ohve Mallory, April 21. Sterling Wai'd and Caroline Judson, May 22. Abiram Ward and Delia Mallory. • April 14. Beardsley Curtis and Mary Judson, Oct. 12. Henry B. Stiles and Patty P. French, Nov. 23. Bennet Lewis and Amanda Downs, Nov. 25. William Payne and Sally Prindle, Nov. 24. 1832. Eli Mallory and Caroline Pearce, Jan. 1 1. Edmund G. Dudley and Sophia Griswold, Jan. 22. Elliot Beardsley and Patty Johnson, Feb. 23. Stiles Tucker and Abby T. Lewis, March 2. John Squire and Sophia Tuttle, April 22. John B. Hinman and Harriet Ann Hinman, April 23. Seeley Lucas and Minerva King, Jan. 24. Thompson Judson and Jennet TurrsU, July 18. Chester Wooster and Betsey Brown, Aug. 14. Fowler Baldwin and Eliza A. Harriss, Aug. 19. Alanson Beecher and Fanny Curtiss, Oct. 23. M A R K I A O K S IN S O I' T II B U H Y . 4S9 John Welto and Anna Judson, Caj)t. Pliny Bartlioloniew and Louisa Mum, Fhineas P>. vXverill and Eliza Wheeler, Joseph Fowler and Maria llarriss, 1833. Norman B. Glover and Esther Hawley, Kzekiel Beardsley and Sophia Downs, Lewis Curtiss and Maria Harriss, Bryan G. }iainl)ridge and Henrietta L. Curtiss, Charles Perry and Maria L. Curtiss, Josepli W. Castle and Emeline Jennet Squire, 1834. Elisha Bonliam and Betsey Ann Sanford, Lewis Smitli and Amarilla Waggoner, Elliot Pulford and Maria Hinman, George R. Brown and Sai-ah Morriss, Truman St. Jolm and Esthc^r Baldwin, Adam W. (luthrie and Jennet Pulford, Henry Bradley and Roxana Atkins, Ehenezer Hurd and Mary Ann Wheeler, William Griswold and Eliza Hinman, John B. Guthrie and Eva Downs, Bennet Tomlinson and Martha Hurd, Curtis Osborn and Mehetabel Wheeler, 1835. David Hawkins and Harriet E. Stoddai-d, Charles H. Gidly and Currance Ann Dayton, David Squire and Elisabetli Prindle, Richard M. Johnson and Eliza Pulford, Wahema B. Lattin and Jane Boswell. Burtis Skidmore and Hannah Bradley, Charles Blackman and Julia Ann Kelsey, 1836. Roswell Lake and Amanda Barnes, Charles H. Hall and Harriet R. Hinman, Elisha Wheeler and Ann Maria Johnson, Harvey Mallory and Mary Blackman, Ira Bradley and Ann Guthrie, Hanford l^urr and Clarissa K. Twite, Burrett Thomas and Susan Lewis, 1837. Joseph Coger and Eliza L. Buxton, Garwood Piatt and Ruth A. Boyd, Vol. HL— 62 Oct. 30. Dec. 3. Oct. 22. Nov. 25. Marcli 2L April 4. July 6. July 8. Oct. 10. Oct. 20. Feb. 2. March IL Oct. 6. Oct. 15. Oct. 15. Oct. 23. Oct. 22. Nov. 18. Sept. 12. Nov. 16. Dec. 23. Dec. 25. Marcli 22. May 24. Jiine 8. Oct. 4. Nov. 22. Nov. 15. Nov. 26. Feb. 15. April 5. April 13. April 6. Nov. 24. Nov. 27. Nov. 23. Jan. 29. March 23. 490 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Thomas M. Smith and Susan Hinman, Sept. 3. Fenn Mallett and Susan C. Downs, Sept. 20. Daniel "W". Downs and Lovisa M. Tompson, Oct. 11. Benjamin H. Shelton and Elawsey Hinman, Oct. 17. Theophikis Curtiss and Mary Warner, Nov. 12. William Gibson and Henrietta Freeman, Nov. 20. Ebenezer S. Winter and Hannah M. Down, Nov. 30. 1838. Erastus Skeels and Eleanor Fogerty, Jan. 8. Amos M. Johnson and Mary Ann Hinman, Jan. 20. Oliver Weller and Mary Ann Curtiss, Jan. 22. Solomon Curtiss and Emeline Warner, Jan. 8. Daniel Bennett and Melissa A, Sanford, April 11. Nelson Freeman and Elisabeth Haweshooks, Marcli 28. William Johnson and Ehsabeth A. Stiles, May 17. Alfred Curtiss and Augusta Hinman, Aug. 27. George Peck and Ruth C. Wagner, Sept. 30. Finni D. Fanning and Caroline Thomas, Oct. 4. Eli W. Coger and Julia Ann Bronson, Oct. 21. George E. Stiles and Marsha E. Peck, Nov. 4. Thomas N. Geyt and Harriet A. Benjamin, Dec. 12. 1839. Samuel Bradley and Betsey Barnes, Feb. 15. Ebenezer W. Haviland and Betsey Wheeler, Oct. 28. George McCray and Sally Johnson, July 29. William A. Bradley and Clarissa Smith, Oct. 20. Erastus Burr and Sylvia Tomlinson, Oct. 1. George Smith and Marietta E. Stiles, Oct. 8. Orrin Smith and Marietta Downs, Oct. 13. Agur Treat Curtiss and Jane Ann Warner, Sept. 14. Charles Fairchild and Jerusha Edmond, Oct. 6. Rev. George B. Prudden and Eliza Ann Johnson, Nov. 4. 1840. Miles Nichols and Lydia Limberline, May 31. Francis Stiles and Elvira Gidney, Feb. 10. Adam Lum and Henrietta Osborn, March 15. Joel A. Hotchkiss and Selina E. Mum, May 24. Elisha Snath er and Catharine Mabee, June 1. John B. Hamblin and Caroline Ward, Oct. 25. Nathan I. Downs and Mary A. Hine, Dec. 30. Charles B. Benton and Sarah Tomlinson, Oct 28. Wilham C. Catlin and Mary E. Wheeler, March 2. Minot D. Sherwood and Lavinia Piatt, Nov. 12. Emory A. Weller and Mary Hurlbut, Sept. 22. Henry S. Curtiss and Elizabeth Benham, June 10. M A K K 1 A G E S IN S O U T 11 B U R Y 491 1841. Jacob G. Malior aud Mary Fearce, Pliilo T. riatt and Jennett Tuttle, Samuel J. Stoddard and Esther A. Piatt, 1842. G!eoro;e Yates and Caroline Barnes, Charles Lewis and Ann Benham, Horace Hinman and Mary lin^hs, William Guthrie and Polly Ann Tuttle, Ste})hen Hayes and Lucy A. Piatt, licthuel T. Russell and Huldah Ann Downs, I'hilo Roswell and Huldah Ann Wells, Munson L. Canfield and Emeline Northrup, William Hai'ris and Mary Ann Hyde, Henry S. Atwood and Harriet M. Wheeler, 1843. Fred. H. Gray and Harriet E. Tuttle, Harry Hinman and Tirana Hinman, George Bennet and Susanna Lewis, Roswell Hinman and Ellen Moni-oe, Etlward D. Bassett and Harriet Taylor, Ambrose Piatt and Mary Ann Devonshire, Hii-am H. Harwood and Mary B. llicock, 1844. Stiles Perkins and Cornelia Hall, Simeon D. Osborn and Margaret v\nn Bunce, Ezra A. Toucey and Mariette Hinman, Amos B. Tomlinson and C. LTpson, Horace C. Baldwin and Tjucy E. Beecher, William G. Munson and Polly Treat, Robert T. Weeks and Olive Piatt, Samuel J. .\verill and Laura P. Piatt, 1845. Joseph Towern and Martha Botsford, Jerome B. Hubbell and Eliza A. Tliompson, Merwin Waller and Julia Ann Mitchell, Henry Sanl'ord and Polly Piatt, 184(3. John Aspinwall and Charlotte M. Hinman, Sherman B. Warner and Lydia A. Hall, Hannibal B. Hunt and Harriet M. Bostwick, Elliot Riggs and Eliza Hawley, July Nov. 25. 25. Oct. April Oct. 3. 16. Nov. 8. Aug. Nov. 25. 17. Nov. 16. Dec. 25 March 16. March 16. Dec. 26. March 26. Oct. 21. Oct. 16. April Jan. 20. 1. Jan. 1. Sept. 13. June 5. Sept. Nov. 8. 3. Jan. 1. Feb. 7. Jan. 3. Oct. 17. Dec. 3. Sept. Aug. Oct. 5. 15. Nov. 12. March 22. Sept. Oct. 23. 26. Dec. 31. 492 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUKY. Ezra N. Ballard and Mary E. Bradley, Dec. 31. Calvin Fuller and Catharine Piatt, Jan. 5. "William Roswell and Jane Kosina Summers, Oct. 10. 1847. Charles P. Palmer and Jennet Hine, Feb. 8. John B. Post and Antoinette Downs, Feb. 14. Aaron H. Shelton and Ophelia E. Hinman, Oct. 13. Robert Bronson and Betsey Bennet, Oct. '20. Seymour Garlick and Maria Ward, Jan. 6. Robert Crane and Eunice M. Averill, Feb. 17. E. C. Chamberlain and Mary Pierce, June 6. Augustus L. Lane and Grace Ann Griffin, Oct. 31. 1848. William Tomlinson and Laura Jane Hine, Jan. 2. George H. Olmsted and Eliza E. Olmsted, Jan. 3. John B. Roswell and Rebecca M. Hyde, Feb. 6. Charles Wait and Mary J. Tuttle, Nov. 23. Henry Dawson and Sarah A. Ward, April 16. Alvin C. Beardsley ana Sophia E. Hawley, May 1. Orrin E. Ward and Harriet A. Fogarty, May 7. Thomas M. Thompson and Sarah Downs, Sept. 29. Allen Clark and Sarah Jane Boyd, Dec. 5. Merit P. Beers and Sally E. Bronson, Oct. 27. Aaron H. Shelton and ()phelia Hinman, Oct. 20. Levi M. Bradley and Susan C. Castle, Dec. 24. George H. Olmsted and Eliza E. Olmsted, Jan. 3. Henry Downs and Susan A. Tomlinson, April 16. Henry S. Atwood and Harriet M. Wheeler, Dec. 26. Moses Tuttle and Hepsey Lake, March 26. Robert T. Bronson and Betsey A. Bennett, Oct. 7. Elijah Abbott and Mary Buel, April 9. George W. Treat and Esther Bronson, Nov. 14. Calvin Fuller and Marietta Piatt, Aug. 28. 1849. Albert Tweney and Eliza A. Vose, June 5. Nelson W. Mitchell and Edna A. Piatt, Feb. 28. Henry H. Matthews and Sarah Peck, Jan. 5. Elliott P. Bradley and (Jaroline S. Tuttle, Nov. 29. Noah B. Tuttle and Susan C. Bradley, Nov. 29. 1850. Charles R. Oatman and Orinda T. Hurd, Jan. 1. 1851. John H. Buckingham and Eunice A. Bronson, Feb. 3. Abel Peck and Huldah Hawley, Jan. Charles B. Hicock and Fannie Scott, April 13. MARRIAGES IN SOUTH BURY 493 1852. David Jones Hull and Abigail Jennet Smith, Dec. 8. George B. Uatman and P'annie M. Canfield. ■ Dennison D. Lambert and Jane A. Hininan, Aug. 4. Benjamin F. Payne and Jennette Osborn, June 15. 1853. Silvester A. Wheeler and Sarah M. Hinman, Feb. 22. James Runnels and Alice Freeman, March 15. Smith A. Abbott and Julia B. Downs, June 12. Charles F. Anderson and Catharine K. Ward, July 3. Henry M. Post and Jane A. Lewis, July 4. Charles Barlow and Mary A. Graham, Aug. .31. David M. Wheeler and Mary A. Mitchell, Sept. 14. Eber Patterson and Susan A. Downs, Oct. 2. Newton T. Warner and Adelia M. Hinman, Oct. 3L Joseph Cojer and Jane Eliza Smith, Nov. 6. George F. Hauser and Catherine D. Winch, Nov. 14. Elijah B. Perkins and Ida Pierce, March 8. Isaac B. Hinman and Julia E. Downs, Nov. 9. Edward A. Piatt and Ellen Barns, Nov. 24. James F. Hinman and Sarah E. Bradley, Dec. 4. Charles Kood and Cynthia E. Hinman, Dec. 25. Fr(^derick W. Ward and J. A. Hinman, Dec. 25. Kollin Moses and Adehne Mead, Dec. 27. Munson Hine and Emeline Cogswell (of New Preston). Oct. 12. 1854. Samuel E. Everett and Ann E. Canfield, Jan. P2. Glover Laird and Olive E. Hinman, Jan. 14. George A. Hoyt and Eliza Pierce, March 9. Samuel Russell and Catherine E. Soule, May 15. Charles Warner and Nancy M. Abbott, May 16. Charles Cothren and Betsey Ann Hinman, Aug. 7. Sylvi'ster J. Bennett and Mary E. Canfield, Aug. 31. Erastus Osborn and Betsey P. Smith, Oct. 2. William A. Candee and Caroline AVard, Nov. 20. Ransom Hinman and Lavina A. Leach, Dec. 3L Bennett F. Stiles and Jennette A. Shelton, April 9. 1855. Charles Treat and E. Augusta Piatt, Feb. 21. George H. Hurlbut and Marian Ambler, March 15. Charles M. Squire and Sarah Hamlin, June 6. Richard Denley and Catherine Dooley, April 19. Benajah Hill and Hannah Brown, June 9. Eli W. Smith and Sophia E. Beardsley. Sept. 19. 494 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Gustavus Oaklin and Jane E. Bronson, Robert C. Munson and Mary E. Gaylord, Emery J. Roswell and Laura E. Smith, Charles A. Brown and Emeline Hinman, Lauren J. Hatch and Nancy B. Tuttle, William Curtiss Beecher and Mary Emily Strong, Curtiss L. Hinman and Marcia M. Wheeler (in Mid- dlebury), 1856. Harry Piatt and Eliza Jane Piatt, Charles Hotchkiss and Eliza Hotchkiss, Andrew A. Stone and Mary E. Raymond, George W. Bigelow and Julia Hinman, Seth Russell and Ann M. Hicock, Lines S. Hinman and Sarah F. Martin, Jeremy Taylor and Jane L. Cutts, Joseph S. Maynard and Harriet M. Ellis, Freeman Whitney and Lucy Plawley, Isaac J. Allen and Marietta P. Johnson, Charles H. Jessup and Hannah More Treat, Reuben Pierce and Helen A. Guthrie, 1857. William Bradley and Polly Bradley, John Dawson and Mary E. Allen, Charles S. Pierce and Eliza T. Cramer, Oliver S. Botsford and Elisabeth S. Bray, Charles B. Smith and Caroline A. Guthrie, Reu^ben Pierce and Helen A. Guthrie, Truman H. Towner and Ellen Bronson, Charles L. Norton and Catherine A. Wheeler, Charles E. Hawks and Mary J. Hinman, John H, Freeman and Lucy Camp, Henry C. Andrews and Amanda Lake, Jerome R. Morgan and Cornelia Benedict, John Pierce and Caroline E. Garlick, 1858. Florens Wellhausen and Anna M. Kover, Samuel D. Castle and Laura E. Ward, Eben J. At wood and Margaret Strong, Ralph S. Johnson and Fannie H. Ward, John J. Squire and Sarah Ann Seeley, Charles B. Smith and Caroline A. Guthrie, Albert Treat and Lucinda Edmond, William P. Lane and Mary W. Hinman, Henry M. Ward and Anna Pierce, Gideon B. Botsford and Mary E. Hill, Oct. 15. Oct. 15. Nov. 4. Dec. 3. Dec. 20. April 4. April 24. Jan. 29 Nov. 22 April 16 April. 21 April 30 May 22 May 31 June 23 Oct. 21 Nov. 24 Dec. 3 Dec. 4 Feb. 12 March 2 March 19 April May Dec. 12 13 4. June 18 Sept. Oct. 26. 4. Oct. 29. Oct. 17. Nov. 25. Dec. 30 Jan. 11. Jan. 31. Feb. 17. March 2. April 2. May. April 28. May 12. June 28. Aug. 18. MARRIAGES IN SOliTIIBlTRY, 495 William S. Hirst and Emily A. Roswell, Sept. 30. George E. Somers and Sarah Jane Noble, Nov. 9. Horace E. Tomlinson and Mary H. Candee, Nov. 22. Titus Roswell and Amanda J. Koswell, Dec. 18. 1859. (!alvin Lines and Harriet M. Smith, March 27. Wallace W. Chapin and Jane E. Brown, May 4. Henry D. Munson and Julia A. Lum, Sept. 12. Burritt Tuttle and Julia S. Curtiss, Oct. 18. James T. Bronson and Julia M. Candee, Nov. 26. Philip J. Jones and Fanny M. Booth, Nov. 22. 1860. David A. Wheeler and Ellen P. Judson, Jan. 14. William Nichols and Antoinette Bronson, Feb. 22. J. Staidey Wakeley and Elisabeth A. Downs, March 20. David R. Stephens and Olive T. Ward, April .5. James G. Curtiss and M. Jennette Stiles, May 17. Frederick W. Fenn and Mary A. Allen, May 23. Henry P. Hicock and Julia E. Bradley, June 13. Rufus Stiles and Ann French, Sept. 15. Sylvester J. Bennett and Harriet C. Canfield, Oct. 1. Truman H. Piei'ce and Orra C. Nichols, Nov. 1. Henry N. Shipman and Eliza A. Camp, Nov. 29. Anson J. Ward and Mary A. Noble, Dec. 23. John G. Bronson and Louise A. Wheeler, Dec. 25. Enos B. Wilson and EHzabeth Wilson, July 4. 1861. Roderick Stiles and Hannah Guthrie, Feb. 24 . Jay R. Judson and Mary Downs, April 14. Curtis N. Hall and Susan A. Burritt, April 14. Henry Walter Atwood and Maria St. John, June 23. Theodore F. Wheeler and Martha M. Candee, Oct. 10. Franklin B. Hayes and Margaret M. May bee, Oct. 16. Henry B. Stiles and Julia Parrott of New Preston, Nov. 26. Stephen Comstock and Sarah E. Allen, Oct. 24. Joseph S. Nettleton and Gertrude A. Treat, Oct. 28. Joseph M. Wheeler and Amarilla Smith, Nov. 2. Bcnijainin F. Lewis and Eva J. Morgan, Nov. 10. George Frederick Wentz and Christian Ohngemauch, Nov. 19. Almon B. Downs and Laura A. Mitchell, Nov. 26. George T. Perry and Sarah Murphy, Nov. 27. 1862. George Hawley and Hepsey Lake, Jan. 1. Almon B. Ruggles and Susan S. Shelton, April 28. 496 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Bennet Lewis and Jennet Palmer, Horatio T. Chamberlain and Nancy M. Smith, Charles S. Brown and Julia M. Pulford, Samuel Hall and Catherine E. Hall, Albert T. Hine and Sophia T. Marvin, Stephen Atwood and Sally Abbott, Eli Mallory and Susan C. Bishop, Robinson S. Hinman and Amelia B. Bradley, Marcus Ferris and Frances M. Frasier, George Roswell and Helen A. Gilbert, 1863. William Evans and Harriet E. Piatt, Ira Bradley and Hannah Stiles, Edward T. Hawley and Nellie M. Pardee, Edward D. Griswold and Elisabeth J. Russell, Charles A. Tuttle and Martha J. Griswold, Thomas L. Warner and Laura Mallory, James L. Wheeler and Mary Curtis, William Fuller and Mary E. Leavenworth, 1864. Wales D. Warner and Rebecca R. Woodruff, Henry B. Bassett and Rachel A. Pierce, George Reynolds and Maria Colyn, John Abbott and Electa Warner, Harvey Morriss and Amelia C. Johnson, Hermon Perry and Josephine Mitchell, Henry Russell and Rachel A. Pierce, 1865. Benjamin T. Lake and Hannah T. Bradley, Elmer C. Judson and Eunice E. B. Hill, George Wentz and Emma Warden, Charles White and Bridget Carey, Franklin S. Sanford and Adeline J. Ford, John M. Thompson and Bertha Hinman, Oscar Squire and Harriet Richmond, Dr. Alvord E. Wincliell and Mary Mitchell, Charles H. Stillson and Frances J. Piatt, Walter S. Curtiss and Eunice E. Averill, Henry P. Mitchell and Phebe Stoddard, George Wentz and Emma Helmatt, 1866. H. B. Russell and Rachel A. Pierce, Theodore Warner and Mary E. Warner, George H. Wells and Elizabeth M. Hine, May 20. May 30. June 3. June 3. July 27. Aug. 11. Oct. 15. Nov. 16. Nov. 26. Nov. 27. Feb. 9. March 5. June 17. Nov. 17. Nov. 17. Dec. 9. Nov. 22. May 8. Feb. 22. March 2. March 15. April 3. May 2. June 16. March 2. Feb. 22. March 29. July 6. Sept. 16. April 14. Oct. 5. Dec. 20. Oct. 10. Dec. 7. Nov. 29. Nov. 14. July 6. March 2. Jan. 10. Oct. 15. MARRIAGKS IN SOUTHBURY 497 Charles Clapp and Mary E. Gilbert, William Fowler and Martha E. Flushman, George Warner and Sarah A. Conrad, Elijah Harmon and Lucy M. Smith. Watson C. Booth and Julia Buckingham, William Morriss and Julia R. Davis, Henry P. Robmson and Eunice J. Sperry, Alva Seeley and Celina Downs, Dwight J. Downs and" A. (xray, David H. Barnes and Marion Ambler, Feb. 18. March 14. April 1. July 12. Sept. 19. Oct. 17. Nov. IG. Oct. 29. Dec. 4 . Dec. 25. 1867. Curtis N. Hall and Cornelia M. Bristol, Edward R. Lampson and Charlotte A. Bowers, Laird W. Smith and Emily R. Bronson, Oliver Mitchell and Emeline Canfield, Oscar W. Ambler and Amanda H. Barnes, W. F. Bassitt and Adelia L. Lewis, Feb. 20. June 1(1. Sept. 5. Oct. 23. Dec. 25. Dec. 3 1 . 1868. E. C. Camp and Sarah L. Smith, Edwin M. Booth and Elisabeth L. Warner, Franklin E. Hubbell and Almira Murphy, Philo J. Hawley and Esther Ward, William A. Oliver and Harriet Seeley, Charles H. Johnson and Amelia C. Richards, Henry E. Whitlock and Wealthy A. Thomas, George E. Wheeler and Fanny Limburner, Patrick Reddin and Ellen Kelley, Albert Chatfield and Ann J. Downs, Eli A. Carey and Jennie L. Peck, William J. Warrenton and Henrietta Seeley, Isaac Lewis and Betsey Bradley, John S. Hall and Sarah F. Hard, Jan. 1 . Jan. 5. March 1 . Oct. 1. March 29. June 24. June 14. Sept. 2. Sept. 8. Sept. 14. Oct. 28. Nov. 5. Nov. 26. Dec. 30. 1869. Addison J. Niles and Lucy J. Judson, Jay Tyrrell and Harriet Gilbert, Silas B. Wheeler and Immogene Ford, Wales D. Warner and Anna J. Bronson, John Fayli and Julia McDonald, George Martm and Anna Hamilton, Rufus R. Andrews and Mary M. Fuller, July 18. Aug. 28. Nov. 2. Nov. 29. Nov. 28. Dec. 1. Dec. 6. 1870. Jay H. Camp and Lucy L. Pierce, Rollin H. Johnson and Martha Gordon, Vol. TIL— 63 Jan. 1. March 1. 498 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Samuel P. Averill and Julia T. Mitchell, Gidney A. Stiles and Isadore S. Kendall, Andrew B. French and Lucy J. Niles, Robert Hopkins and Julia Baldwin, Charles E. Webster and Mary S. Wheeler, George F. Daniel and Alma Merwin, Theodore F. Wheeler and Julia G. Gray, Frederick L. Gilbert and Katie A. Carroll, John Bristol and Ann Eliza Roswell, John A. Stebbins and Frances M. Burritt, Frank R. Ford and Adeline Blackman, George W. Bladen and Rosetta E. Lewis, Richard Williams and Sarah A. Pierce, Napoleon Valentine and Harriet A. Hall, Carlos B. Curtiss and lantha J. Olmsted, Henry H. Atwood and Elisabeth S. Cooper, March 2. May 31. June 1. Oct. 26. June 9. July 14. July 30. Nov. 24. Aug. 7. Sept. 23. Oct. 12. Sept. 28. Oct. 2. Oct. 19. Oct. 24.. Oct. 26. 1871. Edward Blackman and Caroline Abbott, Martin Fox and Mary Pittus, George P. Hubbard and Harriet M. Clark, David F. Pierce and Eliza Bradley, William E. Downs and L. B. Tomhnson, Josiah G. Minor and Mary Hunt, Charles W. Robinson and Tdella Treat, April 27. June ] 3. July 25. Sept. 13. Oct. 28. Nov. 14. April 17. 1872. Benjamin G. Mitchell and Nellie Bissell. Charles N. Warner and Laura Bates, George W. Mitchell and Julia E. Piatt, John M. Allen and Sarah Barlow, George T. Hill and Lucy Hall, Arthur S. Wells and Florence Barnes, Benjamin F. Emigh and Emma J. Ford, Charles H. Ford and Jane A. Squire, Feb. 18. June 18. June 22. Sept. 19. Sept. 23. Oct. 17. May 23. 1873. Charles T. Russell and Libbie E. Minor, Edmond B. Ambler and Polley A. Barnes, John Williams and Mary M. Williams, Harlow R. Whitlock and Anna E. Shelton. James E. Williams and Marian Barnes, Theron E. Piatt and Mary E. Russell, George T. Warner and Rachel A. Williams, George S. Hickox and Ellen M. Bradley, Isaac Watson and Maria Butler, Oct. 14. May 1 1 . July 1. Sept. 2. Nov. 11. Nov. 26. Nov. 25. Dec. 18. Aug. 14. MARRIAGKS IN SOITTHBURY 499 1874. Charles K. Osborne and Anna S. Southmayd, Noble S. Thomas and Mary A. Ford, Frederick Botsford and Ella F. Barnes, Franklin N. Potter and Anna P. Castle, Harlow C. iStahl and Annie C. Mitchell, John W. McLain and Eliza J. Rogers, Jared C. Bradley and Eliza Lewis, Charles Lutt' and Betsey Ohngemaugh, Birdsey Gilbert and Susan M. Bronson, 1875. Samuel N. Warner and Nellie E. Reynolds, , James W. Green and Sai'ah E. Davis, William H. Springfield and Alice E. Roswell, Christopher P. Tappan and Mary H. Curtiss, William S. Hooper and Alice S. Riggs, Arthur J. Lewis and Emily A. Davis, Amos Mitchell and Judith A. Mitchell, Herbert J. Wilmot and Hattie L. Robinson, Gideon White and Celia Cam, Charles Haight and Susan Lee, Charles H. Hall and Harriet A. Warner. Benjamin S. Hicock and Mary B. Terrell, 1876. David W. Bradley and Elisabeth A. Squire, John Gay and Elena Robinson, Henry Wells and Lydia Cummings, Lewis B. Hubbell and Frances B. Perkins, Franklin D. Bradley and Harriet Piatt, John W. Ward and Frances M. Ford, William H. Graham and Harriet A. Worden, Cornelius M. Hard and Sarah M. Curtiss, John R. Jackson and Flora A. Thomas, John G. Gay and Eleanor C. Robinson, 1877. Charles H. Hazen and Jennie E. Bell, Adolph Bernardt and Emma Beahm, Robert H. Griffin and Martha N. Gray, Andrew Haight and Martha Brown, James M. Curtiss and Ida H. Crofton, Edward L. Mitchell and Caroline E. Bradley, Henry Beers and Adelia L. Clark, Willis Lockwood and Rachel A. Williams, Michael Collins and Lizzie Conners, Elijah B. Whitehead and Inice A. Butler, Truman H. Pierce and Ada C. WiUiams, Nov. 26. March 12. July 28. Oct. 20. Oct. 21. Feb. 11. March 14. May 2. May 25. Jan. 10. Jan. 15. March 29. May 4. July 13. Sept. 5. Sept. 30. Dec. 16. Dec. 16. Dec. 16. Dec. 22. May 15. Jan. 1. Jan. 13. Jan. 29. Feb. 10. Sept. 5. Oct. 11. Nov. 8. Nov. 22. Nov. 22. Jan. 8. Feb. U. Julv 30. April 18. July 18. Aug. 29. Sept. 5. Nov. 14. Sept. 4. Oct. 3. Nov. 13. Nov. 22. 500 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1878. Orrin Hawley, Jr., and Mary E. Golson, March 26. James G. Terrill and Emma E. Morrill, March 27. Walter L. Webster and Ella A. Scott, July 3. Walter C. Warner and Frances A. Baldwin. Sept. 1. Henry P. Downs and Nancie C. Hoyt, Sept. 11. Arthur Whitmore and Anna V. Somers, Sept. 17. George J. Jackson and Susanna Edwins, Sept. 19. Charles H. Gray and Eliza Wolcott, Oct. 19. Henry Curtiss and Harriet L. Peck, Nov. 19. Isaac L. Leavenworth and Fannie A. Wheeler, Dec. 4. DEATHS IN SOIITHBURY. A. Sally, dau. of Gideon and Anna Austin, Anna, w. or wid. of Gad Austin, Phineas B. Averill, B. Noah Brunson, aged 78, Stephen Bateman, aged 79, Eunice, wife of Stephen Bateman, aged .56, Calvin Bateman, aged 49, Gamaliel Bradley, aged 19, Laura, dau. of Joseph and Anna Benham, aged 5, Dr. Anthony Burritt, aged 86, Anna, 1st wife of Dr. Anthony Burritt, aged 51, Ruth E., w. of David S. Bull, aged 29, Lucy, wife of Ezekiel Beardsley, Nathaniel Beecher, Hannah, w. of Nathaniel Beecher, Polly, dau. of Daniel and Eunice Blakeley (in Roxbury), aged 14, Thomas Blakely (d. in Roxbury), aged 80, Sarah Blakeley (in Roxbury), aged 57, Maria E. Brown, Ann, w. of Ira Bradley, aged 50, Hannah, w. of Ira Bradley, aged 57, Augusta A. Bradley, aged 19, Betsey Hinman Brown, aged 36, Samuel Brown, ^Demaris, w. of Noah H. Booth, aged 63, )avid Beecher, aged 67, lachel, wife of David Beecher, aged 60. Srastus D., s. of David and Rachel Beecher, jucenah, wife of Noah H. Booth, aged 45, BUsworth, s. of Noah H. and Lucenah Booth, aged 12 years 6 months, Lugusta J. Bostwick, aged 23, Sarah E. Bostwick, aged 21, lenry Brown, Jr., aged 34, jCapt. Park Brown, aged 81, [ary, wife of Capt. Park Brown, aged 57, Sept. 1, Feb., 1802 1811 Dec. 31, 1878 March 7, 1804 July 14, 1818 July 14, Nov. 5, 1804. 1795 July 10, July 8, April 12, Sept. 30, Oct. 24, 1795 1804. 1839 1808 1796. Nov. 13, 1829 Dec. 30, 1869 March 29, 1874 April 30, Nov. 26, 1795 1850. Sept. 27, June 4, 1837 1846 Jan. 31, 1862. Julv 24, 1864. Dec. 30, 1857 May 8, April 21, March 3, 1811 1819. 1847. May 30, March 7, 1849. 1845. Sept. 25, Nov. 17, 1820. 1832. Nov. 17, 1825. Jan. 11, 1843. Nov. 30, 1847. Feb. 3, 1851. Sept. 23, June 30, 1840. 1835. 502 HISTORY OF ANCIENT "WOODBURY, Fanny, dau. of Capt. Park and Mary Brown, aged 17, Nov. 4, Curtiss, s. of Capt. Park and Mary Brown, aged 9, Dec. 18, Maria, dan. of H. and H. Brown, aged 28, June 4, Hannah, dau. of H. and H. Brown, aged 28, Sept. 20, Andrew Bostwick, aged 76, March 9, Abigail, wife of Andrew Bostwick, aged 67, Jan. 6, Abigail Beecher, aged 81, March 23, Jane C, dau. of Anthony B. and Mary Burritt, aged 9, July 10, Fanny Beecher, aged 61, July 17, Ann Maria, w. of Linus Baldwin, aged 22, May 14, Mary, wife of Bbenezer Beers, aged 67, March 24, Ezra Beecher, aged 52, Dec. 14, Betsey Beecher, aged 74, June 12, Bbenezer Brown, aged 78, Feb. 24, Eunice, wife of Ebenezer Brown, aged 79, Nov. 8, Nathaniel Beecher, aged 60, March 27, Dinah, wid. of Nathaniel Beecher, aged 72, Nov. 23, Anna, dau. of Elisha and Jerusha Baldwin, May 7, Lynde, dau. of Truman and Polly Bristol, Oct. 5, Rhoda, dau. of Noah and Elizabeth Brownson, Oct. 24, Jemima, dau. of " "■ " May 18, Ehoda, dau. of " " " Nov. 27, Patience, Avife of Samuel Botsford, May 19, Noah Hinman, s. of Elijah and Anna Booth, J^^ly 10, Sally, dau. of « " " Oct. 26, Polly, wife of Truman Bristol, Oct. 1, Truman, s. of Truman and Polly Bristol, Oct. 25, Anna, wife of Elijah Booth, aged 57, April 15, Benjamin, s. of Dr. Anthony and Anna Burritt, Nov. 11, Elijah Booth, aged 78, Sept. 24, Anne, 1st wife of Elijah Booth, aged 58, Oct. 15, Anna, 2d wife of " " aged 83, Aug. 4, Gideon Bronson, aged 78, March 11, Marsh Bronson, aged 78, May 24, Thomas Bennett, aged 63, Aug. 23, Elijah Bronson, aged 87, Sept. 11, Damaras, wife of Elijah Bronson, aged 40, ^^^g- 9, Aaron Bronson, aged 42, • March 13, Hannah P. Brothwell, aged 77, J^^l}' 1"- Abigail, wid. of Cornelius Bronson, aged 82, Nov. 9, Cornelius Bronson, aged 54, Oct. 4, Rachel Baldwin, aged 26, May 23, Ebenezer Brownson, aged 49, May 29, Charles H Bradley, aged 61, July 12, Roxa A. Bradley, April 8, Hannah Bradley, Dec. 12, DEATHS IN SOUTH BURY >Q'S C. Nathan Curtiss, aged 98, Nov. 21, 1845. Esther, w. of Nathan Curtiss, aged 53, April 5, 1803. Martha, 2d w. of Nathan Curtiss, aged 86, Feb. 16, 1845. Sarali, w. of Dea. Daniel Curtiss, aged 78. Jan. 12, 18U7. Keturah, w. of Joseph Curtiss, aged 52, April 19, 1797. Joseph Curtiss, aged 58. Jan. 9, 1798. Benjamin Curtiss, July 28, 1 798. William, s. of Wait and Olive Curtiss, July 4. 1801. Orilla, dau. of Daniel and Phedima Clark, June 1, 1797. Capt. Agur Curtiss, aged 54, Feb. 8, 1784. Mercy, w. of Capt. Agur Curtiss, aged 50. June 28, 1785. Lois, w. of Dea. Stephen Curtiss, aged 68, June 29, 1776. Dea. Daniel Curtiss, aged 83, Aug. 14, 1784. Nathan Curtiss, aged 61, Oct. 19, 1768. Martha, w. of Nathan Curtiss, aged 53, June 23, 1764. Comfort, dau. of Samuel and Currence Curtiss, aged 11, March 11, 1771. Charles R. Curtiss, aged 56, June 24, 1844. Lucy, dau. of Capt. Japhet and Lucy (\irtiss, aged U, Dec. 12, 1814. Wait Curtiss, aged 43, Oct. 17, 1798. William, s. of Wait and Olive Curtiss, aged 7, July 4, 1801. Mehitabel, w. of Samuel Candee, aged 9^ July 28, 1799. Reuben Curtiss, aged 49, June 21, 1804. Hannah Lum, wid. of Reuben Curtiss, aged 75, March 13, 1834. Benjamin Curtiss, aged 47, July 28, 1798. Joseph Curtiss, aged 58, June 9, 1798. Caleb Cogswell, aged 68, June 4,1811. D. Laura, w. of Almon B. Downs, Aug. 18, 1862. Erastus Downs, July 6, 1841. Aaron, s. of Aaron and Persis Dow, aged 6, Jan. 4, 1764. Gilbert, s. of Philo and Mary Downs, aged 20, Feb. 20, 1841. John Deming, aged 82, Feb. 7, 1809. Annah, w. of John Deming, aged 77, Aug. 28, 1809. Veron Dyke, aged 39, Feb. 20, 1809. Charles, s. of Daniel and Martha Dayton, aged 11, Jan. 2, 1816. James C. Dayton, aged 38, Aug. 28, 1851. Charles Dayton, aged 34, March 12, 1851. Tuttle Dayton, aged 35, Sept. 18, 1843. David Dayton, aged 01, Aug. 17, 1836. Nathanief Dayton, aged 30, Jan. 6, 1833. E. Eunice, dau. of John and Comfort Edmond, Molly, dau. of John and Comfort Edmond, Sarah, wife of William P. Edwards, aged '33, March 9, 1781. Nov. 10, 1791. Jan. 11, 1831. 504 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. F. Currence, w. of Bennett French, aged 35, April 21, 1809. Lucy, w. of Bartimeus Fabrique, Dec. 31, 1808. James Fabrique, July 24, 1811. Bartimeus Fabrique, aged 79, Nov. 30, 1829. Willard Fay, aged 44, Oct. 20, 1849. Lumilla Fansher, aged 47, 1838. G. IN TRUST AT BEST. Here lies the Rev. Mr. John Graham, who departed this life . Dec. the 11th, A.D. 1774, in the eighty-first year of his age and fifty-fourth year of his ministry. Andrew Graham, M.D., and a descendant of the Duke of Montrose, departed this for another and a better world, in June, 1785, aged 57 years. Out of respect to the memory of •' An Honest Man," this marble is placed by his son, John A. Graham, LL.D. N. York, 1805. Ne ouhlie. Curtis Graham, aged 53, Sept. 12, 1807. Amasa, s. of Wait Garrit, aged 14, June 1, 1792. Capt. Ebenezer Guthrie, aged 85, Sept. 10, 1825. Hannah, 1st wife of Capt. Ebenezer Guthrie, aged 56, June 30, 1792. Sarah, 2d wife of Capt. Ebenezer Guthrie, aged 95, July 3, 1838. Sally Givens, w. of John Guthrie, aged 42, Jan. 29, 1812. H. Simeon Hicock, aged 68, July 1, 1849. Mary, w. of Roswell and dau. of Benjamin and Mary Hicock, aged 37, Nov. 25, 1825. Benjamin Hicock, aged 85, July 2, 1829. Mary, wid. of Benjamin Hicock, aged 82, Jan. 9, 1833. Benjamin Hicock, Jr., aged 56, Jan. 25, 1831. Capt. Timothy Hinman, Dec. 11, 1769. Aaron, s. of Benjamin and Mary Hicock, Jan. 24, ] 780. Em., wid. of Capt. Timothy Hinman, aged 78, Sept. 20, 1794. Abigail, wid. of Capt. John Hinman, aged 55, Dec. 14, 1795. Betsey, dau. of Elijah and Molly Hine, Feb. 11, 1797. Esther, w. of Abner Hinman, Dec. 13, 1798. s. of Agur and Esther Hinman, Sept. 24, 1788. Gill, s. of Jonas, Jr., and Anna Hinman, Oct. 11, 1787. Levi Cogswell, s. of Capt. Comfort Hubbell, aged 24, Feb. 23, 1798. Mary, w. of Sherman Hinman, aged 34, April 30, 1791. Sherman Hinman, aged 40, Feb. 19, 1793. Sherman or Robert, s. of Sherman and Mary Hinman, aged 5, Nov. 13, 1793. Martha, dau. of Sherman and Mary Hinman, aged 16, Aug., 1790. Betsey, dau. of Sheniian and Mary Hinman, aged 9, Oct., 1790. DEATHS IN 80UTllBt'KY. 505 David, s. of David and Mary Hiiiinaii, a-^cd 1», July 9, 17'J9. Sally, dau. of Timothy and Sally Ann Iliiinian. Oct. 'iS, 175)3. Sherman, 5th s. of Col. Joel and Sarah Ilinmau, April 30, 1795. lIorat!e Reevo, s. of Predorick and Thanna llinman, Aug. 16, 1S15. Jared Hawley of Huntington, O.xford, and Soiilh- bury, Jan. 27, 18 2 2. Nathan Burritt, s. of Nathan and Sally Iliiiinan, Nov. 13, IS27. Joseph Hickock, aged 42, Oct. 7, 1717. Ruth, wid. of Joseph Hickock, aged 50, May 28, 1727. Lieut. Joseph Hickock, aged 7l>, Feb. 9, 1795. Sarah, wid. of Joseph Hickock, aged 79, May 1, 1802. Daniel Hickock, aged 2»>, May 1-1, 1727. Dea. Benjamin Hickock, agcnl <)9, Jan. 15, 1745. ()live, dau. of Dea. Benjamin and Sarah Hickock, aged 3 months, Jan. 22, 1735. Hannah, w. of Dea. Benjamin Hickock, aged 68, Jan. 17, 17 46. Simeon, s. of Dea. Benjamin and Sarah Hickock, aged 11 months, Sept. 22, 1746. Dea. Benjamin Hickock, 2d, aged 63, Oct. 23, 1774. Sarah, w. of Dea. Benjamin Hickock, 2d, aged 67, Oct. 4, 1772. .Varon, s. of Dea. Benjamin, 2d, and Mary Hickock, aged 1, Jan. 24, 1780. Patience, dau. of Dea. Benjamin, 2d, and Sarah Hickock, aged 6, Sept. 30, 1752. Simeon, s. of Deacon Benjamin, 2d, and Sarah Hickock, aged 2, Sept. 27, 1722. Simeon, s. of Noah and Sarah Hinman, aged 29, May 5, 1767. Noah Hinman, Esq., aged 76, Nov. 14, 1766. Ann Saiah, dau. of Edward and Anne Hinman, aged 18, July 23, 1791. Benjamin Plinmau, aged 85, May 25, 1721. Samuel Hinman, aged 22, May 21, 1727. Sarah, w. of Benjamin Hinman, aged 37, May 19, 1727. Mary, w. of Col. Benjamin Hinman, aged 55, May 7, 1783. Sherman, s. of Col. Benjamin and Mary Hinman, aged 3, " Sept. 6, 1752. Jerusha, dau. of Benjamin and Sarah Hinuian, aged 22, Aug. 22, 1724. David Hinman, aged 36, July 19, 1760. Capt. Wait Hinman, aged 69, April 29, 1775. Ann, wid. of Capt. Wait Hinman, aged 83, Dec. 27, 1785. Betsy, dau. of Sherman and Mary Hinman, aged 9, Oct, 1790. Patty, dau. of " " " aged 12, Aug., 1790. Mary, w. of Sherman Hinman, aged 34, vVpril 3o, 1791. Sherman Hinman, aged 41, Feb. 19, 1793. Robert, s. of Sherman and Mary Hinman, aged 5, Nov. 13, 1793. Clarissa, w. of Jared Hawley, aged 33, March 11, 1818. Mary, w. of Capt. Titus Hinman, aged 80, June, 1756. Capt. Titus Hinman, aged 80, April 5, 1736. Vol. III.— 64 50G HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Hannah, w. of Capt. Titus Hinman, aged 88, 1733. Elias Hinman, aged 2, 1773. Capt. Timothy Hinman, aged 68, Dec. 7, 1709. Em., wid. of Capt. Timothy Hinman, aged 78, Sept. 20, 1794. Jerusha, w. of Enos Hinman, aged 27, July 23, 1773. Jonathan, s. of Ebenezer and Ehzabeth Hinman, aged 3, July 8, 1763. Lieut. Ehenezer Hinman, aged 53 (small-pox), Dec. 27, 17r>7. Esther, w. of James Hatton, aged 37, Sept. 6, 1757. Simeon Hicock, aged 68, July 9, 1849. Benjamin Hicock, aged 85, July 2, 1829. Mary, w. of Benjamin Hicock, aged 82, Jan. 9, 1833. Frederick Hinman, aged 47, April 15, 1832. Gen. Ephraim Hinman of Roxbury, aged 76, Dec. 11, 1829. Asa, s. of Daniel Hinman, aged 48, Nov. 8, 1798. Joel Hinman, s. of EIM and Irene Hall, aged 4, Sept. 16, 1820. Mary, dau. of " " " aged 22, Sept. 8, 1822. Ehza, dau. of " " " aged 21, Aug. 27, 1835. Sarah, dau. of " " " wife of W. P. Edwards, aged 33, Jan. 11, 1831. David, s of David Hinman, aged 9, Dec. 26, 1790. David Hinman, aged 65. Jan. 5, 1820. Mary Ann, wid. of David Hinman and dau. of Doct. A. Graham, aged 85, March 8. 1841. Nathan Hinman, aged 55, March 21, 1842. Burritt, s. of Nathan and Sally Hinman, aged ly., 9m., 25d., " Nov. 15, 1827. Benjamin Hicock, Jr., aged 56, Jan. 25, 1831. Amos Hicock, aged 9, April 2, 1846. Adam Hinman, aged 85, Oct. 16, 1847. Abner Hinman, aged 73, March 28, 1837. Lois Hinman, aged 43, Sept. 18, 1833. Capt. Joseph Hickock, aged 72, Aug. 3, 1830. Currence, w. of Capt. Joseph Hickock, aged 61, April 29, 1824. Lyman R. Hunt (grad. of Yale), aged 31, Aug. 31, 1816. Henry William, s. of Capt. Russell and Mary Hicock, aged 5, April 19, 1829. Sarah M. Hicock, aged 21, Feb. 26, 1848. Olive, w. of Col. Charles Hicock, aged 38, Feb. 21, 1836. Charles C, s. of Truman and Betty Hinman, aged 39, May 16, 1839. Sally Hinman, aged 44, Feb. 2, 1841. Sarah Ann Hinman, aged 80, June 17, 1845. Elijah Hine, aged 62, July 9, 1847. Laura, w. of Elijah Hine, aged 31, Sept. 1, 1822. Betsey, dau. of Elijah and Molly Hine, aged 19, Feb. 11, 1797. Ithiel Hicock, aged 50, Nov. 29, 1797. Elijah Hine, aged 85, March 2, 1818. Timothy Hinman, aged 46, June 18, 1810. Capt. Truman Hinman, aged 63, Dec. 5, 1793. Olive, w. of Capt. Truman Hinman, aged 70, Oct. 31, 1809. DEATHS IN 80 U T Jl B U K Y . 507 Col. Truman Himnan, aged 35, June 21, 1813. Silas Himnan, aged (55, March S, 1821. Eunice, w. of Silas Hinman, aged CS, March 20, 182 4. Garwootl, s. of Reuben and Nal»l)y Hinman, aged 3, Aug. 22, 180(5. Jane, dau. of " " « ag(!dl7, Feb. 5,1824. Tjaura, w. of Lewis Hinman, aged 29, June 27, 1823. Patience, dau. of Aaron and Ruth Hinman, aged 17, Jan. 17, 1791. llepsibah, dau. of " " " aged U, Jan. IG, 17f)l. Julia Hinman, aged 18, Api-il 1, 1821. Marvin Hinman, July 27, 1820. Aaron Hinman, aged 73, May 30, 1820. Ruth, w. of Aaron Hinman, aged 72, July 20, 1821. Col. Benjamin Hinman, aged !)1, March 22, 1810. Sarali, wid. of Col. Benjamin Hinman, agetl (jO, Dec. 25, 1810. Jay Newell, s. of Charles H. and Harriet R. Hall, aged 6 months, June 21, 183;). Albert Hinman, aged 4G, March 12, 1812. Col. Joel Hinman, aged 64y., 11m., Marcli ii, 1813. Sherman, s. of Col. Joel and Sarah Hinman, aged 2, April 30, 1795. Robert, s. of Col. Joel and Sarah Hinman, aged 21, April 1,'!, 1813. Algernon, s. of Daniel and Susan Hinman, aged 8, June 14, 1812. Daniel Hinman, aged 36, Jan. 16, 1816, Adeline, dau. of Daniel and vSusan Hinman, aged 8, June 11, 1817. Hon. Curtiss Hinman, aged 34y., 4m., Dec. 28, 1820. Sally, wid. of Hon. Curtiss Hinman, aged 51, Aug. 26, 1841. Charles S. Hinman, aged 22, May 28, 1832. Catherine E. Hinman, aged 19, Aiig. 16, 1835. Robert C. Hinman, aged 22, May 25, 1836. Mary B. Hickock, July 21, 1844. I. Daniel Ives (a revolutionary soldier), aged 34, Sept. 7, 1779. Olive, w. of Solomon Johnson, aged 38, Oct. 18, 1797. Horatio, s. of Isaac and Marietta Johnson, Dec. 20, 1820. Asa Johnson, Dec. 4, 1791. Mary, w. of Lewis D. Judd, aged 24, Feb. 7, 1848. Sherman R. Judd, aged 39, July 6, 1819. Mary, w. of Hiram Johnson, May 27, 1797. Patience, w. of Amos Johnson, Feb. 4, 1793. Clariy, 4th dau. of Jeremiah and Eunice Johnson, April 1, 1779. Waltei', s. of Amos and Apame Johnson, July 26, 1801. Justus Johnson, Esq., aged 64, Dec. 5, 1814. William Mitchell, s. of William and Aim Johnson, April 8, 1810. WiUiam, s. of Amos and Patience Johnson, Nov. 3, 1820. 'fhos., s. of Moses Asa and Lois Jolinson, aged 35, M;irch 26, 1834. Solomon Johnson, aged 84, July 30, 1778. Moses Johnson, aged 67, April 23, 1760. 508 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Moses Johnson, aged 42, Oct. 30, IV 13. Asa Johnson, aged 69, Dec. 4, 1791. EHzabeth Preston, wife of Asa Johnson, aged 75, March 4, 1803. Moses Asa Johnson, aged 59, July 21, 1821. Lois, wid. of Moses Asa Johnson, aged 67, Oct. 5, 1834. Thomas Johnson, aged 36, March 26, 1834. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Maria Johnson, aged 4 weeks, July 25, 1833. Mary, w. of Hiram Johnson, aged 36, May 29, 1797. Jemima, dau. of Hiram and Mary Johnson, aged 28, April 14, 1814. Asa Johnson, aged 58, Nov. 1, 1850. Emily Mitchell, dau. of Henry J. and Lucinda C. Johnson, aged 4 months, Sept. 7, 1842. Betsey Judson, aged 69, March 24, 1840. Gideon Judson, aged 79, Dec. 18, 1844. K. Betty Knowles, aged 81. Jan. 10, 1821. Adam, s. of Thomas and Lois Kimberly, aged 6, Aug. 27, 1752. Lieut. Samuel Knowles, aged 81 (born April 30, 1691), died March 8, 1772. Mary, dau. of Lieut. Sam'l and Elizabeth Knowles, aged 34, Dec. 27, 1771. John, s. of Eleazer Knowles, 1765. Liberty, s. of Eleazer Knowles, aged 3, May 18, 1777. George, s. of Joseph and Eunice Lewis, Jan 20, 1798. Mary, w. of Thomas Leavenworth, aged 63, March 21, 1773. Abraham Lewis, aged 62, June 3, 1815. Barsheba, w. of Abraham Lewis, aged 87, Aug. 8, 1818. Aaron Lewis, aged 60, Feb. 21, 1835. Charles H., s. of Bennett and Jemima Lewis, aged 13, Sept. 29, 1848. Mary Ann, dau. of Aaron and Susanna Lewas, aged 19, June 19, 1834. Everett H. Lewis, aged 22, April 11, 1845. Eveline Josephine, dau. of Aaron and Riith Ann Lewis, aged 7 months. May 26, 1837. Hannah, w. of Capt. Adam Lum, aged 45, April 30, 1802. M. Anna, dau. of Elle and Sarah Mallory, June 9, 1788. Bethiah, dau. of Elle and Sarah Mallory, Feb. 14, 1790. Hannah, w. of Simeon Mitchell, Jr., June 28, 1790. Molly Matilda, w. of John Moseley, Jan. 30, 1810. Capt. Samuel Munn, Sept. 29, 1813. Caroline, 5th dau. of Capt. Samuel and Ruth Munn, Nov. 11, 1802. Increase Moseley, aged 70, March 26, 1811. Patience Moseley, aged 85, March 18, 1827. DKATIIS IN SOUTH BUKY. 509 Harriot M., dau. of Nathan and Patty Mitchell, aged 5, Oct. 2:J, l«:{'J. Matthew Mitchell, aged SO, Dec. 16, ISOO. Mai-rha, w. of Matthew Mitchell, aged ."{.S, Sept. 'J, 1704. Preston, s. of Matthew and Martha Mitchell, aged 8. Sept. 11, 1791. I-Csther, dau. of Matthew and Martlia Mitchell, 1785. Preston, s. of Jonathan and Elizabeth Mitchell, aged 2 years 10 months, Sept. 14. 1774. Dea. Jtmathan Mitchell, ageth Stiles, aged 1 1 (small-pox), Nathaniel Sanford, aged 89, Roderick, s. of Abtd and Lucinda Stiles, aged 4, Francis Burk, s. of Benjamin and Esther Stiles, aged 3, Mary, w. of Roswell Shelton (dau. of Benjamin Hinman), aged 37, Benjamin P., s. of Benjamin and Esther Stiles, aged 41y., 7m., Od., Benjamin Stiles, Esq., s. of Benjamin Stiles, Esq., aged 61, Esther, w. of Benjamin Stiles, Esq., aged 76, Martha J., dau. of H. B. and P. T. Stiles, aged 6, July A pril April July April June Dec. Feb. Dec. Aug. Jime April March April July Voh. Aug., Jan. Aug. April Aug. Sept. 21, 2 8, 22, 19,' 18, 8, •29, 18, 26, 5, 11, 29, 3, I'l, 9, 20, 1, 20, 13, 1790. 1796. 1787. 1797. 1785. 1795. 1797. 1792. 1792. 1777. 1821. 1794. 1797. 1775. 1785. 1809. 1792. 1819. 1779. r77. (71. •94. Feb. 12, 1804. 1825. Dec. 1, 1838. Nov. Feb. June July 12, 9, 13. 1817. 1842. 1833. 512 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Elwin W. Gidney, w. of Francis A. Stiles, aged 25y., 4m., lOd., Abel Stiles, aged 81, Ephraim Stiles, aged 67, Sarah, w. of Ephraim Stiles, aged 68, Nathan M., s. of Abel and Lncinda Stiles, aged H-. Timothy B., s. of Capt. Truman and Partliena Sperry, aged 14, Amarillas, w. of Capt. Sherman Smith, aged 87, Asa, s. of Benjamin Strong, aged 28, Sally, dau. of Benjamin and Martha Strong, aged 36, Anah, dau. of Benjamin and Martha Strong (wife of Amos Mallory), aged 21, Benjamin Strong, aged 90, Martha, w. of Benjamin Strong, aged 79, Adonijah St. John, aged 82, Olive, wid. of Adonijah St. John, aged 84, Lydia Ann, dan. of Truman and Esther St. John, aged 7, Hannah, w. of John E. Smith, aged 22, Jonah Sommers, aged 37, Orranda, dau. of Jonah Sommers, aged 21, Abraham Smith, M.l)., aged 30, Bullard Smith, aged 52, Lovina, w. of Samuel Smith, Olive, w. of Daniel Sherwood, aged 61, Lucy, w. of Daniel Sherwood, aged 44, Samuel Smith, aged 83, Sarah, w. of Samuel Smith, aged 61, Wilbur F., s. of Lewis and Amarilla Smith, aged 3 months, Mary, w. of Josiah Strong, aged 83, Josiali Strong, aged 80, Molly Strong, aged 67, Selah Strong, aged 72, Sherman Stiles, aged 42, Lewis Smith, aged 49, Feb. Sept. Feb. Aug. Oct. May May 11, 2, 3, 15. 2, 1845. 1839. 1827. 1816. 1828. 1849. 1818. Sept. 20, 1821. Dec. Jan. June May July Jan. July Aug. March May Aug. Feb. June April May Nov. April May Feb. Dec. March July Oct. Helen V., dau. of Lewis and Amarilla Smith, aged 7, Jan. Asahel Scott, aged 07, Peter Simons, aged 53, Garwood Simons, aged 29, Ferris Sommers, Sen., Anna 0. Sommers, Abel W. Sommers, Joseph Squire, Mary Ann Stiles, aged 23, Zephina Stiles, aged 1 year 10 months, Oct. March April Jan. Feb. Feb. Nov. Dec. July 6, 2, 27, 2, lo; 14, 31, 15, 6, 23, 8, 29, 2, 4, 13, 9, 26, 26, 25, 10, 18, 31, 31, 16, 22, 4, 15, 25, 1, 15, 2, 28, 21. 1807. 1843. 1834. 1836. 1847. 1851. 1844. 1797. 1806. 1832. 1826. 1844. 1820. 1813. 1845. 1826. 1843. 1826. 1817. 1808. 1807. 1838. 1848. 1851. 1835. 1820. 1846. 1833. 1827. 1827. 1789. 1845. 1830. DEATHS IN S () IT fl IMIU Y . 13 T. Mary, 1st wife of Calelj Tuttlo, 2d wif«; of Nathan Iline, aged 74, May 10, Aaron Tuttle (a revolutionary soldier), aged 87, Nov. 29, Mary, wife of Aaron Tuttle, aged (IS, March 18, Harriet, w. of Benjamin Tuttle, aged 2.'>, Se|)t. 2, George W. Thompson, aged 40, Apj-il Id, Arabella, dau. of Georgt' and Esther Thomfisou, aged 27, June 13, Esther, wife of (ieorge Thompson, aged 50, March 7, Iluthwit Tuttle, aged 60, May 29, Sally, wife of Fluthwit Tuttle, aged 32, Oct. 22, Capt. Nathaniel Tuttle, aged 74, July 7, Currence, wid. of Capt. Nathaniel Tuttle, aged 61, June 22, John H. Tuttle, aged 23, Aug. 30, W. IS 1 4. 1841. 1S2H. ISll. ISIJ. 1803. 1799. 1844. 1823. 1796. 1819. 1831. 1793. 1797. 1789. 1798. 1796. 1797. 1803. 1815. 1815. 1777. 1812. Zenas Ward, aged 73, Nov. 4, Mehetabel, w. of Elisha Wheeler, aged 29, Aug. 31, Lemuel, s. of Asa and Abigail Wheeler, June 11, Amos, s. of Amos and Reney Wheeler, Oct. 27, Currence, dau. of Noadiah and Polly Warner, Feb. 16, Garry, s. of Asa H. and Silvane Wheeler, F'eb. 3, Millicent, w. of Walter Wilmot, aged 35, April 9, Mariette, dau. of John and Thankful Wheeler, Nov. 20, Philander, dau. of John and Thankful Wheeler, Nov. 23, Elihu, s. of Rev. Benjamin Wildman, aged 5, Feb. 4, Rev. Benj. Wildman, aged 76 (46tli of his ministry), Aug. 2, Beloved while living, regretted when dead. Lois, wid. of Rev. Benjamin Wildman, aged 76, March 23, 1816. Mrs. Lucinda Tompkins, dau. of Rev. Benjamin Wildman, aged 59, July 4, 1822. Deodate Wildman, aged 25, Jan. 16, 1787. Obadiah Wiieeler, aged 88, Jan. 9, 1806. Agnes, 1st wife of Obadiah Wheeler, aged 69. Sarah, 2d wife of Obadiah Wheeler, aged 87, Jan. 30, 1816. Anna, w. of Asher S. Wildman, aged 56, June 25, 1848. Irona, dau. of Asher L. and Anna Wildman, aged 13, Dec. 10, 1845. John Wheeler, aged 66, Sept. 28, 1846. Capt. Moses Wheeler, aged 54, July 24, 1S27. Wyllys, s. of Capt. Moses and Betsey A. Wheeler, aged 2, July 6, 1805. Wyllys, 2d s. of Capt. Moses and Betsey A. Wheeler, aged 5 months, Sept. 4, 1807. Sally M., dau. of Capt. Moses and Betsey A. Wheeler, aged 10 months, July 3, 1813. David, s. of Capt. Moses and Betsey A. Wheeler, aged 23, Aug. 25, 1822. Vol. 111.— 65 514 HISTOKY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Elisha, s. of Capt. Moses and Betsey A. Wheeler, aged 1 year 9 months, Harriet M., dau. of Moses and Betsey Wheeler, aged 31, Truman Wheeler, aged 67, Adam Wagner, aged 59, Rosamond, w. of Adam Wagner, aged 57, George A., s. of George and Agnes Wagner, aged 7 months, Rev. Elijah Wood, aged 31, 2d of his ministry, Betsey A., wid. of Capt. Moses Wheeler, aged 54, John Wheeler, aged 92, Delilah, wife of John Wheeler, aged 67, Mary Winchell, James Wheeler, aged 31, Harriet M. Wheeler, Truman Wheeler, 2d, Huldah, wife of Truman Wheeler, aged 42, Payton Randolph Wheeler, Truman Wheeler, aged 5, Gideon Wheeler, aged 6, Lucinda Kellogg Wheeler, Lucinda Wheeler, 2d, Clarissa Gibson Wheeler, Claudius Wheeler, Nancy, w. of Truman Wheeler, 2d, Mary Ann Wheeler, 1848. Burton Canfield, aged 70, Hannah Mitchell, aged 68, Betsey Downs, aged 77, William H. Roberts, aged 31, Amanda A. Treat, aged 41, Ira Barnes, aged 06, John J. Yates, aged 5, Betty Post, aged S4, Adam Hinman, aged 85, Mary Smith, aged 2 months, Martha C. Judd, aged 1 months, William L. Warren, aged 5, Sarah E. Bostwick, aged 21, Mary Judd, aged 24, Sarah Hicock, aged 22, Ann Eliza Mitchell, aged 18, Phineas Steine, aged 45, Charles Ford, aged 14 months, John S. Ward, aged 33, Ann Barnes, aged 70, Jedediah Hall, aged 64, Jan. 13, 1816. March 9 1812 Oct. 13 1843 June 1 1817 Oct. 12 1823 Aug. 11 1835 June 22 1815 May May Feb. 29 22 6 1835 1811 1802 Dec. 30 1874 Feb. 11 1835 March 31 1842 April Dec. 19 22 1815 1799 Oct. 3 1832 Oct. 13 1843 Feb. 13 1852 July Aug. Feb. 29 7 6 1853 1861 1855 June 23 1863 March 2 1870 Sept. 30, 1868 Jan. 10 Dec. 3 Sept. 20 Feb. 21 Nov. 8 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 April 20 Oct. 16 Jan. 1 Sept. 29 Oct. 8 Nov. 30 Feb. 1 Feb. 26 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Nov. 8 Oct. 11 Oct. 15 Dec. 3. DEATHS IN SOUTH BURY. 515 Kleazur Hurlbut, aged 70, Amos (^sborn, aged 50, liutli Olmsted, aged 63. Simeon Hu-ock, aged 68, Selina Hiiiman, aged 25, Sidney li. Whitlock. aged 55 David Be(;cher, aged 65, Lewis Sniitli, aged 50, Charles Lewis, aged 13, Sarah Wheeler, aged 21. Julia Curtiss, aged 40. Fenn Mallet, aged 40, Susan Downs, aged 87, Eunice Peck, aged 58, I'olly, wife of Amos Osborn, Hannah S. Brown, Lydia M. Treat, aged 70, Sibbel Bradley, aged 71, Henry W. Downs, Helen Smith, aged 6, Cyrus N. (Iray, aged 5, Henry S. Brown, Ophelia Shelton, aged 27, Samuel S. Bradley, aged 40, 1849. J 850. 1851. 1852. 1853. Truman Pierce, aged 77, Charles Warner, aged 16, Kunice Downs, aged 83, Mary H., child of Charles Oatman, aged 2 months, Adelaide Stiles, aged 2, Harvey White, aged 2, Milly Mitchell, aged 82, Edgar M. Morris, aged 7, Sarah B. Hoyt, aged 24, Charlotte A. Bradley, aged 1, Silas Bennett, aged 86, Mrs. Lucy Griswold, aged 62, Helen F. Downs, aged 7, Kliza M. Harris, aged 3, Samuel S. Botsford, aged 53, Reuben Pierce, aged 82, Mary Ballard, aged 25, Henry Downs, aged 28, Phebe Beecher, aged 49, July 2. March 16. Jan. 7. July i). May 23. March 26. June 4. Oct. 30. Sept. 30. April 26. Dec. 3. Aug. 15 April 16. Sept. 20.' May 7. June 28. Nov. 9. Jan. 29. March 18. Feb. 3. Oct. 12. Dec. 13. Jan. 14. Jan. 29. Feb. 13. Feb. 21. March 11. March 15. March 17. April 10. April 19. April 20. April 25. April 28. May 3. May 5. May 10. May 26. June 3, June 22. July 16. 516 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Mary N. Treat, aged 1 month, Beersheba Guthrie, aged 77, Sylvester Benham, aged 1 3, Donald S. Benham, aged 38, George Hinman, aged 50, Aaron Hicock, aged 68, Patty Strong, aged 76, Child of C. Hiuman, Olive Brown, aged 90, 1854. Olive Shelton, aged 53, Sally Roberts, aged 65, Maria Norton, aged 19, Willard W. Baldwin, aged 7 months, Susan Bennett, aged 71, Clarissa Thompson, aged 78, Sidney S. Piatt, aged 31, ilansom Judson, aged 56, David Tuttle, aged 59, s. of Johnson, aged 5 months, Polly Booth, aged 58, Frank Home, aged 1, Merwin Hine, aged 26, Russell D. Pierce, aged 51, Ella Smith, aged 4 months, dau. of Downs, aged 2, Charles H. Bi'adley, aged 5, Bernard Brown, aged 4, James McE. Curtiss, aged 32, dau. of Judson, aged 1 month, Benjamin B. Mitchell, aged 8, Lemuel M. Canfield, aged 34, George Warner, aged 47, Cornelia Booth, aged 16, Japhet Curtiss, Jr., aged 34, 1855. William Fabrique, aged 62, Currence Treat, aged 58, Eliza Hinman, aged 52, Austin Hine, aged 66, Lucy Pierce, aged 78, Airy Ward, aged 79, Huldah Hill, aged 75, Polly Hinman, aged 79, Sally Bradley, aged 61, Avis Pierce, aged 92, Cyrus Tuttle, aged 66, dau. of A. S. Lacey, aged 8 days, Sarah Anthony, aged 17, July 27. Aug. 18. Sept. 4. Sept. 23. Oct. 13. Oct. 21. Nov. 21. Nov. 22. Dec. 28. Jan. 11. June 26. Feb. 9. Feb. 11. March 22. April 6. April 11. April 21. May 5. May 3. May 8. May 22. June 1. June 11. June 25. July 6. July 12. Aug. 11. Aug. 21. Sept. 1. Sept. 4. Sept. 5. Oct. 19. Nov. 12. Dec. 11. Jan. 8. Jan. 24. March 3. March 28. March 30. March 8. April 1. April 9. April 16. April 30. June 8. June 12. June 20. D K A T II S IN SOUTH B V H Y 517 Joseph l^'airchild, agxHl .S5, Catherine Durley, aged 215, - Gamaliel Benhara, aged 76, Olive Curtiss, aged 84, Edward Hininaii, aged 61, Bethuel Ti'eat, aged 86, Lucretia Hinman, aged 57, Elijah Warner's child, aged 2, John Wheeler, aged 50, Abijah Squire, aged 90, John Wheeler, aged 5 months, Esther Boyd, aged 71, Eliza Hoyt, aged 25, 1856. Henry Downs, aged 63, Cyrus Homer, aged 92, Sarah Hinman, ,aged 93, William Quinn, aged 1, PcjUy Treat, aged 86, Alfred Treat, aged 80, Elizabeth B. Beardsley, aged 83, Ann Maria Downs, aged 23, Frederick Perry, aged 81, Thomas Douglass, aged 14, Ruby Maria Andrews, aged 44, Samuel vSmith, aged 52, F. T. Wheeler, aged 46, Eh Mallory, aged 81, Mrs. William S. Smith, aged 52, Eliza Piatt, aged 60, Glazier, aged 5 months, 1857. Infant dan. of T. B. Wheeler, aged 1 day, Harriet Wheeler, aged 31, Rebecca Tiff, aged 80, Jeremiah Johnson, aged 74, Julia Hinman, aged 54, Mary Smith, aged 59, Ann Mai-ia Russell, aged 35, Comfort Hinman, aged 82, Lucy Curtiss, aged 74, William Hinman, aged 20, W^inifred Dwine, aged 14, Esther Richard, aged 18, Mrs. Stoddard, aged 84, Hannah Downs, aged 80, Amos W. Warner, aged 21, Anna Bradley, aged 94, .June 23. Julv 1. July 11. July 23. Aug. 21. Aug. 30. Sept. 22. Sept. 28. Oct. 1. Nov. 13. Dec. 2. Dec. 22. Dec. 22. Jan. 8. Jan. 18. Jan. 22. March 16. April 29. Aug. 3. Sept. 4. Sept. 6. Sept. 15. Sept. 30. Oct. 12. Oct. 30. Nov. 2. Nov. 8. Nov. 20. Nov. 26. Oct. 3. Feb. 13. Feb. 12. Jan. 30. Feb. 13. Feb. 15. March 12. March 15. March 29. April 12. May 29. June 14. June 7. June 28. July 6. Aug. 17. Sept. 14. k 518 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Sally Peck, aged 81, Benjamin A. Burritt, aged 18, Gertrude M. Davis, aged 3, s. of R. Jiidson, aged 3 months, Ann Haskins, aged 91, Benjamin Hinman, aged 62, Fanny Downs, aged 1 1 months, Isaac B. Hinman (in Waterbury), Sarah Burr, aged 84, Perry Averill, aged 72, Mary Ann Wooster, aged 76, Augusta A. Bradley, aged 19, Wheeler Beardsley, aged 80, 1858. Isaac R. Treat, aged 64, William Johnson, aged 30, AUce Dawson, aged 1, Lucinda Stiles, aged 89, Sally B. Downes, aged 67, Ephraim E. Stiles, aged 66, Hannah B. Laurence, aged 43, Delia Leach, aged 40, Lylvester Wheeler, aged 31, Asa Minor, aged 84, Cornelia Hawley, aged 23, Ralph Wheeler, aged 15, Lucretia Deming, aged 70, Abel Pulford, aged 81, Ruth Ann Hinman, aged 49, Orra Wheeler, aged 71, Reuben Ward, aged 77, Sarah Ann Marsh, aged 1, Israel Bradley, aged 80, Rachel M. Ford, aged 84, s. of Park and Mary Brown. Henry Brown, aged 72, Eliza Bronson, aged 23, David Davis, aged 65, Maria Wheeler, aged 59, Jesse A. Higgins, aged 61, Lewis Beebe, aged 59, Rebecca Clark, aged 46, Mary Deming, aged 83, 1859. Mary Jane Whitlock, aged 29, Polly Somers, aged 53, Mary A. Hicock, aged 63, Sarah Stiles, aged 61, Daniel Abbott, aged 63, Sept. 24 Sept. 28 Oct. 8 Oct. 8 Oct. 11 Oct. 15 Oct. 22 Oct. 6, Nov. 15, Nov. 18, Nov. 28, Dec. 30. March 20, Jan. 10. Jan. 28. March 4. March 30. April 5. April 6. April 11. April 14. April 28. June 4. June I]. June 7. June 19. June 30. July 10. Aug. 5. Aug. 15. Aug. 15. Aug. 20. Sept. 1. Sept. 4. Oct. 1. Oct. 1. Nov. 8. Nov. 19. Dec. 4. Dec. 26. Dec. 30. Jan. 10. Feb. 7. Feb. 18. March 5. March 7. D K A T 11 S IN S U T U B n K Y . H9 Abel Hinnian, aged 93, April IG. Nathan 0, Miinson, Jr., aged 35, April 23. Molly Wheeler, aged 90, May 18. Eunice Ilinman, aged 97, May .'!(). Eli Hall, aged 83, July 18. Thomas Wilson, aged 21, .luly IG. Mary F. Freeman, aged 90, July 24. Maria Post, aged 64, July 24. Johnson Camp, aged 63, July 28. Sally Beard sley, aged 75, Aug. 21. /\nn E. Oanfield, Sept. 23. Mary E. Bennett, aged 23, Sept. 24. (ieorge Andrews, aged 17, Oct. 5. Wells Andrews, aged 21, Oct. 9. Calvin Tiines' son, aged 2 days, Nov. 10. Adam Lum, aged 73, Nov. 10. Nellie Bray, aged 4 months, Nov. 30. Mary, wife of Joseph M. Wheeler, aged 60, Nov. 8. 1860. Charlotte M. Downs, aged 1, Jan. 27. Abigail Burritt, aged SG, Feb. 15. Treat Allen, aged 59, March 5. Burroughs Lewis, aged 74, April 12. Thomas (Irish), aged 18, April 17. Alanson Beecher, aged 85, May 3. Hon. Samuel G. Goodrich (" Peter Parley," late Consul to I'aris), aged G7, May 9. Aaron Peniston, aged 68, May 20. Fanny Downs, aged 42, Jidy 24. Abram Leac;h, aged 72, Oct. 11. Patty M. Stiles, ag(;d 53, Oct. 24. Harry Hinman, aged 69, Dec. 11. 1861. Currence Treadwell, aged 84, Jan. 6. Fanny Downs, Aug. Polly Canfield, aged 77, Jan. 10. Louis Wheeler, aged 79, P\^b. 2. George S. Smith, aged 21, March 22. Mary Hazen, aged 2, April 13. A. Piatt, aged 79, April 29. Anson Bradley, aged 65, May 4. Michael Honie, aged 52, May 1 6. Betsey Ann Tjake, aged 82, May 19. Laura Warner, aged 38, May 23. Fannie M., wife of George B. Oatman, April 18. Betsey Ann Cothren, wife of Charles Cothren, aged 34, Aug. 3. LeGrand Johnson, aged 42, Aug. 20. Mary Bronson, aged 31, Sept. 19. Sarah Lawler, aged 10, Sept. 27. 520 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY, Sophia Lake, aged 70, Mary Hicock, aged 11, Anna Hicock, aged 9, J. C. Dittiis' child, Mitchell S. Mitchell, aged (31, Sarah Hull, aged 18, 1862. Mariah Johnson, aged 61, Son of Dr. A. E. Winchell, aged 1 day, Martha Lake, aged 9, Charles B. Hinman, aged 26, Hannah Hinman, aged 26, Walter E. Lake, aged 1, Munson E. Bradley, Ann Bradley, aged 50, Sergt. William F. Canfield (at Hatteras Inlet), aged 21. Lillie E. Oatman, aged 8, Dau. of Patrick Dolan, aged 4 months, Mary Ann Squire, aged 79, Amanda Lewis, aged 49, Hattie Lewis, aged 3,. Julia Curtiss, aged 77, Dellaphine Warner, aged 8, George Peck, aged 54, Bronson Wheeler, aged 70, Philo Downs, aged 72, Sarah Maria Baldwin, aged 38, Roderick Stiles, aged 68, Benajah Hill, aged 88, Laura Downs, aged 27, Nancy Monson, aged 75, Harriet Johnson, aged 70, Harriet Moulthrop, aged 29, George Booth, aged 54, Charles L. Banning, aged 10, Hannah Piatt, aged 82, Maria Graham, aged 74, Lemuel Ward, aged 51, 1863. James Green, aged 1, Dau. of S. Bray, aged 3 months, Dau. of E. A. Winchell, aged 1 day, Helen E. Winchell, aged 36, Robert Manly Smith, aged 5, Huldah A. Gilbert, aged 44, Dau. of Uri Sirong, aged 4 moifths, Moses John Johnson, aged 75, Jane L. Taylor, aged 34, Charles A. Brown, aged 34, Harriet Summers, aged 37, Oct. 15. Oct. 27. Nov. 9. Nov. 16. Nov. 23. Dec. 22. Jan. 5. Jan. 10. Jan. 13. Jan. 14. Jan. 21. Jan. 22. Oct. 22. Jan. 31. Jan. 21. Feb. 10. March 14. March 11. March 16. March 23. March 23. April 4. April 12. April 22. June 13. July 13. July 29. July 29. Aug. 18. Sept. 8. Sept. 12. Oct. 29. Nov. 8. Nov. 9. Nov. 19. Dec. 23. Dec. 27. Jan. 19. Jan. 20. Jan. 25. Feb. 18. Feb. 20. Feb. 23. March 17. April 4. April 9. April 11. April 11. n R A T If S IN SOUTH BURY. r,2i I Eva Lewis, aged 29, Child of Condon, aged 1, George F. Crosby, aged 49, George Green, aged 6, John Rosw(!ll, aged 69, Truman M. Johnson, aged 34, T. F. Wheeler's child, aged 2 months. Child of Bronson, aged I, Child of Malony, aged (] months, William Gaylord, aged 55, John E. Ritchie, aged 3, Eliza Monson, aged 65, Irish Beren, aged 48, Charles H. Downs, aged 5, Dan. of E. Hazen, aged 4 months, Ophelia Warner, aged 14, Smith Piatt, aged 75, Samuel Wheeler, aged 76, Charity Wakeley, aged 74, Mary Lewis, aged 78, Ruth Ann Lum, aged 39, 1864. Rebecca R. Moseley, aged 78, Mary E. Monson, aged 31, M. Smith, aged 44, Sarah E. Smith, aged 18, Esther Hurd, aged 84, Ebenezer Booth, aged 74, Polly Hine, aged 70, Abel Stiles, aged 32, S. Collins' child, aged 3 months, 14 days, Emily Pulford, aged 23, Japhet Curtiss, aged 83, Frank Smith, aged 11, George Lines, aged 1 year, 7 months, Marietta Johnson, aged 60, Child of C. J. and Lydia Downs, aged 6 days, Irena Hall, aged 84, John Bowers, aged 51, Martha Dayton, aged 84, George Judson, aged 21. Rebecca Ward, aged 82, Ohve Wheeler, aged 90, Emitta Downs, aged 7 years, 6 months, Mary Piatt, aged"94, Sally Roswell, aged 63, Rusford Whitlock, aged 39, Harriet Downs, aged 17, Vol. III.— 66 22. 5. 5. April 23. April 25. June 1. June 28. Aug.- 4. Aug. 6. Aug. 7. Aug. 12. Aug. 25. Aug. 30. Sept. Oct. Oct Oct. 29 Oct. 14 Nov. 3 Nov. 12 Nov. 16 Nov. 25 Dec. 9 Dec. 29 Feb. 19. Feb. 24. May 15. May 23. Jan. 5. Feb. 12. March 12. May 1. May 14. June 1. July 2. July 20. Sept. 8. Sept. 17. Nov. 13. Nov. 25. Dec. 6. Dec. 28. Jan. 2. Feb. 5. Feb. 25. March 6, April 22. Dec. 16. May 17. 522 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Eliza Mattliews, aged 17, Hannah Bradley, aged 57, Sarah Jane Summers, aged 27, David Bradley, aged 76, Charlotte Monson, aged 76, Charles H. Hall, aged 56, "Widow Fairchild, Lucy Hurlbut, aged 84, Henry Lum, aged 37, Lydia Booth, aged 85, Hannah Ward, aged 90, Anna Piatt, aged 82, David Piatt, aged 75, Simeon Piatt, aged 73, Hepsey Ward, aged 80, Nancy Ward, aged 54, Harriet Brown, aged 78, Bathsheba Lewis, aged 76, Lewis Hine, aged 84, Minerva Cables, aged 70, Jane Bunnell, aged 35, Samuel Candee, aged 76, 1865. 1866. Jane Jackson, aged 24, Sally Smith, aged 73, Betsey Munn, aged 76, George Curtiss, aged 54, Margaret Hayes, aged 24, Frank and Jesse, chh. of Sanford and Olivia Johnson (at New Haven), Mary Ann Mitchell, aged 49, Deborah Clai'k, aged 88, George C. Bennett, aged 11, Fanny Hinman, aged 75, Reuben Lum, aged 40, s. of Benjamin and Ellen Pope, aged 1 m., 7 d. 1867. Anna Bradley, aged 80, Leonard Hayes, aged 7 months, Clara Hinman, aged 86, Hannah Fabrique, aged 73, Edward Donald, Willis, s. of Sanford and Olivia Johnson (at N. Haven), Mary Condon, aged 2, ■Ruth Ann Tuttle, aged 76, John Ward, aged 85, William Hicock, aged 75, July 14. July 23. Aug. 27. Oct. 19. Jan. 22. Feb. 9. Feb. 10. Feb. 10. Feb. 23. May 17. Sept. 6. Oct. 5. Oct. 7. Oct. 15. Oct. 17. Oct. 22. Oct. 22. Oct. 31. Nov. 4. Dec. 12. Dec. 17. Dec. 17. March 18. April 20. April 17. May 29. May 29. Sept. 9. June 19. Oct. 9. July 11. Oct. 17. Oct. 27. ., Oct. 4. Jan. 5. Jan. 5. Feb. 13. Feb. 17. April 11. Oct. 7. April 17. May 23. May 28. Sept. 27. DEATHS IN SO V T H U (' U Y 523 Heiuan J. Allen, aged 2 months, Ellen Lewis, aged 10 months, Susan Smith, aged 84, Emeline Peck, aged 26, Mary Curtiss, aged 65, Comfort Clark, aged 89, Ilinman J. Allen, 1868. Charity Shelton, aged 93 years, 3 months, Christian Ran, aged 19, Betsey Tuttle, aged 83, Erastus Osljorn, aged 83, Edward Hine, aged 56, Hannil)al H. Hunt, aged 54, Allen Warner, aged 23, John B. Canfield, aged 40, Fanny Monson, aged 2 years, 6 months, Norah T. Bradley, Sally Piatt, aged 75, Ira Strong, aged 77, Mary A. Hurd, aged 56, Russell Hicock. aged 80, Garwood Pulford, aged 68, Laura Hyde, aged 75, Martha (), shorn, aged 83, 1869. Martha B. Hinman, aged 42, Lucy Candee, aged 73, Erastus Mitchell, aged 66, Lucy Ward, aged 78, Silva Booth, Mabel Johnson, aged 79, Eunice Ward, aged 84, Timothy Drake, aged 77, Mabel Wlu^eler, aged 85, Henry Stephen Roswell, Harpin Johnson (at New Haven), Nora Bradley, aged 1, Addison Niles, Erastus Johnson, aged 47, Silas Bennett, aged 72, Ely Pierce, aged 60, Nathaniel Beechei', aged 65, Lyman Booth, aged 58, Henry N. A. Riley, aged 73, Olive P. Pierce, aged 70, Martha M. Wheeler, aged 33, Walter D. Warner, aged 22, Sept. 14. Sept. 11. Oct. 27. Oct. 9. Oct. 5. Dec. 13. Sept. 14. Fel). 17. Feb. 19. March 26. March 28. April 4. April 4. June 7. July 2. June 4. Aug. 18. Aug. 18. Oct. 8. Oct. 18. Nov. 6. Nov. 13. Nov. 17. Jan. 6. Jan. 25. Feb. 9. March 6. April 3. April 10. April 14. April 15. April 25. May 22. Oct. 28. June 3. Aug. 27. Oct. 15. Oct. 17. Nov. 8. Dec. 30. Dec. 22. Dec. 26. Dec. 26. Sept. July 13. 524 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Ellen Johnson, aged 14, Sally Johnson, aged 73, 1870. Mary "Warner, aged 23, Noble Bradley, aged G2, Mary Burritt, aged 50, Sarah A. Scott, aged 92 years, V months, Elossy Shelton, aged 57, Harry Wakeley, aged 71, Mary Gilbert, aged 2, Enoch Buckingham, Henry Johnson, aged 61, Nathan Clark, aged 90, Henry Carpenter, aged 74, Betsey Curtiss, aged 87, Sterling Pierce, aged 70, Curtiss Johnson, aged 77, Harriet Canfield (?), aged 20, Harriet Roswell, aged G6, Eliza Briggs, aged 43, Betsey Mitchell, aged 53, George Canfield, aged 67, Nancy Lum, aged 80, Edward B. Bradley, aged 8, 1871. Maria Piatt, aged 49, Nelson Hinman, aged 66, Hobart Ford, aged 14 years, 7 months, Joseph Stoddard, Henry B. Stiles, aged 66, Benjamin Tuttle, aged 56, Truman Hunt, Policy A. Guthrie, aged 69, Andrew B. Roswell, aged 4, Maria Hyde, aged 76, Stephen Roswell, aged 71, John H. Edmonds, aged 64, Henry W. Scott, Jr., aged 30, Harriet Guthrie, Henry A. Roswell, aged 2, 1872. Cyrus Barnes, aged 51, Salma Hinman, aged 69, AV alter Low, aged 2, Harriet 0. Terrill, Charles Low, aged 4, Ebenezer Johnson, aged 81, Phebe Hinman, aged 84, Oct. 11. June 24. Jan. 22. Jan. 29. Feb. 14. Feb. 28. Feb. 28. March 5. March 11. March 13. March 16. March 25. April 1. April 18. May 11. May 20. Oct. 24. Oct. 24. Nov. 17. Nov. 18. Nov. 22. Nov. 27. Dec. 23. Feb. 12. Feb. 7. March 22. March 27. May 16. March 14. May 3. May 19. June 25. Aug. 7. July 31. Sept. 26. Dec. 6. Dec. 10. Dec. 26. Feb. 18. March 13. March. April 5. March. April 1. April 13. D K A T ir S IN S O U T II B U U Y . 525 BctliuelT. Russell, aged 51, May 5. On-ill Murphy, aged 57. May 18. Titus C. Roswell. aged 9, May 'iS. Abraham L. (xilbert, aged 79, July 1. Alanson Boyd, aged 58, Aug. 5. Ellen L. Mason, aged 1, Aug. 13. Carrie E. Canfield, aged 7 months, Aug. 18. Ann Stiles, aged 67, Dec. Lyman Stiles, aged 85, Oct. 23. 1873. George Reynolds, aged 6, .fan. 4. Reynolds, aged 2, Jan. 23. Reynolds, Jan. Jane A. Post, aged 40, • Jan. 28. James Warner, aged 33, March 7. Mehotabel Wlieeler, aged 57. March 18. Glover Laird, aged 92, March 22. Charles E. AVarrenton, aged 3 months, April 4. Roxanna Bradley, aged Gl, April 8. Mary E. Baldwin, aged 25 years, 5 months, May 3. Cyrus Mitchell, aged 83, May 23. Sarah A. Williams, aged 62 years, 2 months, June 10. Cyrus riinman, aged 52, July 25. Eunice Barnes, aged 71 years, 7 months, July 26. Rosetta Borden, aged 23, July 27. Susan Gilbert, aged 7 months, Aug. Adeline Castle, aged 09, Aug. 27. George Morris, aged 28 years, 7 months, Nov. 26. Ruth Ann Piatt, aged 69 years, 8 months, Dec. 30. Philemon Chatfield, aged 74, ' Oct. 23. 1874. Maria T. Mitchell, aged 51, Feb. 12. Bradford Richards, aged 56 years, 2 months, Feb. 19. Charles Tuttle, aged 77, March 18. Louisa Curtiss, aged 79, April 21. Daniel W. Downs, aged 58, May 5. Charles Thompson, aged 84, Aug. 4. Ruth Osborn, aged 88, Aug. 17. Richard OBrien, aged 2, Oct. 10. Mrs. Bradford Richards, aged 61, Feb. 23. Selina Hinman, aged 85, Feb. Alvah Babbit, aged 72, April 6. Nellie Taylor, aged 11, May 20. Mary A. Morris, aged 25, Sept. 1. Asher S. Wildman, aged 82, Aug. 18. Nathan Mitchell, aged 82, Nov. 13. Charles H. Cutts, aged 1 year, 1 month, July 27. Elena Baldwin, aged 3 months, April 3. 526 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUllV, Jerome B. Thompson, aged 50, Hannah Beecher, aged 71, 1875. Mary J. Brennan, aged 32, William Cutts, aged 75, Polly Ward, aged 78, Winney Lawlor, aged 60, Timothy Osborn, aged 87, Ann Hinman, aged 75, Burton Ijake, aged 64, Ruth A. Gilbert, aged 78 years, 4 months, Isaac Nichols, aged 24, Charity Pierce, aged 84, Mrs. Marcus Bunnell, aged 66, Sybil Cogswell, aged 97, Elosia, wife of Erastus Pierce, aged 70 y., 5 m., 15 d. Bethuel Treat, aged 68, Isaac Hill, aged 70, Bennett, aged 17, Bernard M. Brennan, aged 1 year, 6 months, George Wheeler, aged 28, Moses Tuttle, Cyrus Curtiss, aged 81, Geo. Wheeler, aged 6 months, 22 days, Mrs. Asa Mitchell, aged 72, Henry Smith, Fanny M. Stebbins, aged 29 years, 9 months, Alonzo Hawley, aged 77, Anson Bray, aged 73, Edwin Pierce, aged 68, Sarah T. Nichols, aged 35 years, 8 months^ Marv H. Tappan, aged 40, 1876. Harvey Bronson, aged 80, Adeline Booth, aged 41, John Mosely, aged 100 y., 4 m., 12 d., Ruth Bates, aged 18, Cyrus G. Bostwick, aged 77, Betsey Hyde, aged 85, Ebenezer Hurlbut, aged 85, Nellie Shiepard, aged 15', Mary A. Mitchell,^ Eunice A. Bronson, aged 85, John Judson Squire, aged 47, Betsey Chatfield, aged 90, Orilla Thompson, aged 83, Rual Potter, aged 73, Joseph Hawley, aged 75, Oct. 23. March 29. Jan. 25. Jan. ] . Jan. 31. Feb. 6. Feb. 8. Feb. 13. March 10. March 8. March 8. March 23. March 25. March 26. Feb. 16. April 9. May 16. May 18. May 23. June 14. July 4. Aug. 1. Sept. 8. Sept. 9. Sept. 10. Sept. 17. Oct. 15. Oct. 18. Nov. 2. Nov. 10. Dec. 31. Jan. 27 Feb. 8 March 4 March 1 1 March 21 April 2 April 6 April 11 Juno 18 April 12 April 14 May 5 May 20 June 3 June 12 DEATHS IN S O U T l] B n K Y . 527 Phebe Hine, aged 13, June 18. Charles rerry, aged 71, Aug. 3. Henry L. Wheeler, Aug. 18. Frank Warner, aged 22, Sept. Isaac J. Allen, aged 46, Sept. 21. Rufus Stiles, aged 81, Sept. 29. Sally Stiles, aged 84, Oct. 1 0. Bridget T. P'ierce, aged 45, Oct. 11. Cornelia H. C\an(ield, aged 76, Oct. 15. Nancy Ilinnian, aged 78, Nov. 3. Eliza Guthrie, aged 60, Dec. 28. 1S77. Elisha Wheeler, aged 60 years, 6 months, Jan. 1. Edson C. Chamberlain, M. D., aged 56, Jan. 26. Mary CHiamberlaiii, aged 50, Feb. 2. Betsey Ilubl)ell, aged 88, March 12. Charles N. Warner (in Cheshire). March 17. Augustus Osborne, aged 66, April 12. Smith J. Wheeler, aged 3 y., 5 ni., 10 d., April 25. Sarah A. Downs, aged 80, May 2. Sarah A. Ambler, aged 79, May 3. Samuel F. Booth, aged 60, Aug. 13. Phebe Hine, aged 91, Oct. 25. Betsey Tuttle, aged 91, Nov. 24. Edwin L. Morris, Nov. 30. Norman I'ulford, aged 64, Dec. 6. Esther lironson, aged 82, Dec. 25. 1878. Johnson Tuttle, aged 80 y., 1 m., 21 d., Jan. 23. Ann Judd, aged 43 y., 5 m., 20 d., Jan. 25. Chloe Pierce, aged 77, April 10. DeWitt W. Stone, aged 16 y., 4 m.. 27 d., AprU 16. David Fleming, aged 2, Aug. 24. Tiucinda Bassett, aged 90 years, 2 months, Oct. Benjamin J. Hinman, aged 83, Aug. 6. Col' Charles Hicock, aged 82, Oct. 7. Nelson Bronson. Robert Wheeler (d. in Oxford), Feb. 23. 1879. Betsie Frances LuiT, Feb. 9. MAEEIAGES I^^ SOUTH BHITAm. 1769. Timothy Castle and Sarah Hubbell, 1770. Elijah Pearce and Esther Down, Titus Pearce and Mary Norton, Jehiel Franklin and Emm. Johnson, Andrew Duning and Elisabeth Bristol, 1771. David Franklin and Sarah Hubbard, Benjamin Down and Comfort Hinman, Aaron Barns and Patience Mott, 1772. Jo. Wooster and Hannah Woodruff, Nehemiah Hickby and Sarah Allen, 1773. John Pearce and Mary Edmond, George Standclift and Sarah Chitsey, Matthew Hawley and Chloe Barns, Daniel Hinman and Annis Hinman, William Scott and Mary Standclift, Titus and Lucy of Bethlem, Peter Minor and Eunice Plicok, 1774. Eleazer Finny and Mary Johnson, Benjamin Hicok and Mary Pearce, Adam Kimberly and Jerusha Rood, Simeon Barns and Lucipy Johnson, Titus Hicock and Amy Garret, 1775. Asa Hinman and Annis Hinman, Robert Jackson and Elisabeth Cockran, Jan. 11. Feb. 8 June 21 Nov. 2.3 Oct. 24 June 17 Sept. Dec. 9 16 Jan. 22. Sept. 6. Jan. 28. April May Sept. Oct. 21. 30. 22. 21. Nov. 4. Dec. 22. Feb. 8. Feb. 10. March 31. Sept. Nov. 25. 2. Feb. 1. March '23. M A K R I A O K S IN S () U T U H H I T A J N . 5'J9 David Mitchel and Sarah Pearce, Thomas Staudclift and Mariha Prindle, John Edmond aud Comfort Tearce, 177G. Asahel Brown and Eunice Staudclift, Comfort llnl)bel and Susannah Baxter, Phineas i^arn.s and Eunice I'earce, John Hawkins and Lois Kimborly, Agur Wheeler and Anne Tuttle, James Minor and Ann Judson, 1777. John Johnson and Love Downs, Samuel Pearce and Martha Edmond, Truman Down and Sarali Porter, Isaac Squire and Content Ward, Amaziah Griswold and fjethia Parks, Asa Hicok and Esther Hinman, 1778. John Johnson and Ann Hinman, John Garret and Estlier Spencer, Hugh Paul and Al;)ia Booth, Moses Can held and Sarah Masters, 1779. Truman Skeel and Cloe Hill, Jan. 2. 1780. Josiah Page and Mary Down, Jan. 10. John Griswold and Dinah Down, May 18. Ambrose Sperry and I'atience Wheeler, July 17. Ephraini Herick and Lucy Sharp, Oct. 8. Joseph Baldwin and Mary Squire, Nov. 16. Elisha Stevens and Agnes Kimberly, Dec. 10. Titus Pearce and Abia Piatt, Feb. 3. 1781. John Piatt and Currence Pearce, Jan. 25 William Hues and Elisabeth Wheeler, Feb. IS" Francis Garret and Annis Hicok, Feb. 21- )avid Judson and Sarah Hazard, June 1 P 1782. )avid Allen and Sar;di GaiTet, Jan. 24. Tames Shelton Masters and Mabel Baldwin, Feb. 24, Vol. n 1.-67 April July Dec. 27. 20. 7. Jan. N. April 4. April 8. June 16. June 28. Dec. 12. Jan. 8. Jan. 9. Feb. 27. Aug. Dec. 15. Dec. 29. Jan. 29. Oct. 21. Nov. 11. Nov. 26. 530 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, John Chilson and Abigail Hicok, John Bulford and Olive Eaton, Nathan Stiles and Betsey Wagner, Elijah Baldwin and Gloe , John Botsford and Jerusha Bennitt, David Hicok and Phebe Post, Eleazer Down and Abigail Standclift, Nathan Dudly and Jemima Mallory, Truman Porter and Deborah Pioe, Gideon Allen and Sarah Standclift, 1783. Samuel Tomlinson and Jerusha Martin, Simeon Mitchell and Hannah Johnson, Eli Beardsley and Hannah Clark, Jonathan Sperry and Martha Hotchkiss, David Rugg and Charity Knapp, John Hubbell and Parallas Foot, Aaron Curtiss and Susannah Leavenworth, Zerah Toucy and Anne Johnson, 1784. AA^ait Hinman and Eunice Mitchell, Jonah Allen and Mary Treat, Samuel Botsiord and Patience Pearce, Lemuel Hill and Aner Minor, Asahel Bacon and Hannah French, Amos Hicok and Mercy Tousey, David Stiles and Olive Pearce, 1785. Joseph Post and Betty Hinman, Thomas Smith and Thankful Page, Amos Bennet and Phebe Hard, Benjamin Russell and Eunice Barlow, Christian Wolf and Rebecca Dunning, Noadiah Warner and Polly Curtiss, 1786. Asahel Martin and Ruth Ann Minor, Oliver Gibbs and Jane Speer, Joseph Pearce and Sarah Hicok, Zephaniah H. Smith and Hannah Hicok, Moor Gibbs and Patience Skeel, John M. AVaterman and Anne Squire, Eleazer Mitchell and Abigail Hicok, Jonathan Griffin and Sarah Standclift, Nelson Tuttle and Ruth Pearce, May 20. June 16. June 24. July 10. July 10. Aug. 8. Sept.' 17. Oct. 25. Oct. 6. Nov. 17. Jan. 17. April 17. July 3. Sept. 7. Sept. 11. Sept. 18. Nov. 6. Dec. 18. Jan. 29. Feb. 19. May 6. June 15. June 24. Nov. 18. Dec. 12. Feb. 2. March 10. May 3. May 18. June 1. Nov. 27. Feb. 8. Feb. 5. Feb. 27. May 31. June 29. Aug. 17. Dec. 6. Dec. 17. Sept. 10. M A IJ K 1 A G K S IN SOUTH H K 1 T A I N . ').'? 1 1787. Ethel Grey and Silence Streeter, Fob. 1. Ely Squire and Mary Bi'own, Feb. 21. Asa Wheeler and Sylvana Foot, ' Aug. 2. Benjamin Andrus and Hannah Pearce, Dec. 21. 1788. Simeon Mitchell and Anne Pearce, June l.^. Christian Mo>> Son of Amos Johnson, agod 2 years, G months, July "Jtj. Asa Wheeler, Aug. H. Solomon Johnson's wife, aged 41, Nov. 2'J. Old Mr. Kimberly, Dec. 3U. 1S02. Russell, s. of Elisha Pearce (in Woodbury), I'eb. ."{. William, s. of John Johnson, aged 12, Feb. 7. Wife of Alexander Sperry, March 20. Edward Pearce, aged 24, April 1 0. Cyrus Pearce, Nov. 14. Agur Wheeler, aged 48, Dec. 12, 1803. Samuel Dean, March 17. Nathan Kimberly, aged 22, Jan. 1. 1804. Rebecca Wheeler, aged 88, July 11. BIRTHS IN BETHLEHEM. FROM 1841 TO 1879. [Bethlehem Ecclesiastical Society, in Ancient Woodbury, was incorporated October, 1739. It was incorporated as a separate town in May, 1787.] Lewellyn J. Allen. March 21, 1841. Charles A. Hubbard, at Pulton, N. Y., May 13, 1842. 1847. Roswell E., s. of Horace and Susan M. Eggleston, May 26. Gawood A., s. of Samuel S. and Clara N. Potter, Aug. Phineas C, s. of Nathan and Polly Crane, Sept. 1. Martha C, dau. of Leonard L. and Louisa M. Hotchkiss, Sept. 2. George L., s. of William H. and Abigail Prisbie, Sept. 10. William W., s. of William and Mary Dayton, Peb. 23. Eliza M. M., dau. of John W. and Helen A. Paul, Sept. 13. Lauren C, s. of Joseph, 2d, and Laura Stillson, Oct. 6. George S., s. of George T. and Emily Bloss, Nov. 26. Augusta, dau. of Edwin L. and Julia Thompson, Jan. 30. Maria R., dau. of James L. and Fanny M. Bird, June 6. 1848. Ralph W., s. of George M. and Lucretia M. Kasson, Jan. 21. Prederick S., s. of Miles and Esther Halleck, Jan. 23. Ann M., dau. of Prederick C. and Sarah S. Crane, Jan. 25. Emily, dau. of Samuel L. and Mary Bloss, Jan. 27. Sarah A., dau. of William and Sarah Jackson, Peb. 23. Child of Benjamin and Cyntha Wickwire, March 18. Mary Amanda, dau. of Henry W. and Mary Peck, April 8. Samuel M. and Mary E. (twins), of Samuel H. and Cla- rinda Stilson, April 22 Harriet C , dau. of James and Lucinda McDaniels, June 3 Child of Henry C. and Hannah Atwood, July 21 Amos A., s. of Morris and Ellen Tolles, July 26 Ida E., dau. of James M. and Cornelia R. Thomas, J^^'y -9 Wallace K., s. of William R. and Susan L. Harrison, Aug. 11 Sarah Jane, dau. of Henry and Adeline Wright, Sept. 9 BIRTHS IN B E T H L E II K M 537 Anna O., dau. of Loveret P. and Anna Judd, Sept. 20. Ellen Jane, dau. of Norman and Louisa Lake, Sept. 29. Alfred W., s. of Otis and Lydia Penhollow, Sept. 30. Adranna, dau. of Lewis H. and Sara Guild, Oct. 15. Caroline, dau of Marvin S. and Fanny 'J'odd, Oct. 28. Ellen E., dau. of Henry and Elizabeth Jackson, Nov. 3. Malvina A., dau. of Ralph and iMary Munson, Oct. 2L Eanny L., dau. of James S. and Fanny M. Bird, Dec. II. 184J). Harriet L., dau. of Charles and Catharine L. Foster, Jan. 4. Royal B., s. of Walter B. and Alma C. Lake, Jan. 20. Samuel P., s. of Stephen and Lucy A. Hayes, Jan. 30. .\l)igail L., dau. of Philo H. and Abigail Skidmore, March 12. Frances, dau. of Clark and liacliel Loomis, April 7. Edward, s. of Samuel and Nancy Wellman, April 28. Leonard N., s. of Henry G. and Sarah A. Scott, May 7. Mary H., dau. of Joseph and Sophia Stilson, Aug. 26. William, s. of Frederick and Elizabeth Shelton, Oct. 2G. Weltha, dau. of William and Sarah Jackson, Nov. 24. Carr W., s. of William and Mary Dayton, Dec. L 1850. Mary E., dau. of James S. and Fanny M. Bird, Oct. 20. Charles, s. of Charles and Sarah Scott, Jan. 25. Susan S., dau. of Sally M. Stoddard, March 13. Mary and Katharine, twin daus. of Patrick and Mary Carroll, March 20. Thomas, s. of James and Mary Combre, March 21. Ella C, dau. of James M. and Cornelia Thomas, May 2. Mary Ann, dau. of David H. and Serena Warner, June 7. Child of William B. and L'ene Wetmore, June 15. Sarah E., dau. of Leonard L. and Louisa Hotchkiss, June 25. Frances, dau. of Peter and Ann Burns, July 1. Grant, s. of Benjamin and Cyntha Wick wire, Nov: 24. Emma C, dau. of William R. and Susan L. Harrison, July 4. Lizzie H., dau. of George M. and Lucretia M. Kasson, July 4. Henry B., s. of Henry W. and Mary B. Peck, July 10. George F., s. of Sheldon and Marv Jackson, Aug. 31. David H., s. of Leverett P. and Iluldah M. Judd, Sept. 19. Marshall, s. of Harry and Lucia Griswold, Dec. 19. 185L Marvin S., s. of Marvin and Annie Todd, Sept. 23. Frederick, s. of Harvey and Elizabeth Jackson, Feb. 7. Jennie, dau. of William and Sarah N. Jackson, Feb. 22. James, s. of James and Lettie Smith, March 2. Vol. hi.— 68 538 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Alice R., dau. of Stephen and Lucy A. Hayes, March 26. Edwin S., s. of Morris and Ellen Tolls, March 4. Esther R., dau. of Albert and Abigail Baldwin, March 8. Mary E., dau. of Horace and Susan Eggleston, April 8. Charles W, and Sylvia M. (twins), s. and dau. of Charles and Sylvia Cook, April 18. Lucy J., dau. of Stanley and Harriet N. Roots, April 19. Edward M., s. of Allen and Lucy B. Smitli, Oct. 28. Henry A., s. of Homer and Annis W. Skidmore, June 21. George W., s. of Joseph and Martha Hannah, July 4. Charles Willard, s. of Theodore and Eliza E. Bird, Oct. 11. Nettie M., dau. of Joseph and Sophia Stilson, Oct. 21. 1852. E. Bissell, s. of Charles and Catherine L. Foster, Feb. 22. Ella J., dau. of Harvey and Cornelia Crane, Oct. 29. Ella A., dau. of James S. and Fanny M. Bird, Oct. 19. Hollister, s. of Harvey and Elizabeth Jackson, Nov. 16. Henry L., s. of Phineas M. and Jane C. Crane, June 26. Amanda, dau. of Samuel L. and Mary Bloss, Dec. 23. Frank P., s. of James and Betsey L. Allen, March 26. Aretas W., s. of James M. and Cornelia R. Thomas, July .5. Fanny S., dau. of William R. and Susan L. Harrison, April 16. 1853. Esther, dau. of William and Sarah N. Jackson, Franklin R., s. of Peter and Susan Lake, Amos C, s. of Walter and Alma Lake, Merritt C., s. of Harry and Lucia (xriswold, Elvira C, dau. of Samuel and Rosetta Allen, Lucy B., dau. of David E. and Mary J. Doolittle, Arthur C, s. of John S. and Electa Pierce, Child of Albert Downs and wife, Remas G., s. of Lucius W. and Emeline Spencer, Cornelia, dau. of Cornelius C. and Lucy Parmlee, Henry, s. of John and Ann Gee, Child of Lorenzo Thomas and wife, George G., s. of Carr and Ruth AVatson, Edgar A., s. of George and Fanny Andrews, Augusta, dau. of David S. and Ida Johnson, Charles G., s. of Horace and Susan Eggleston, Elizabeth, dau. of Norman and Louisa Lake, dau. of Jacob and Mary Tanner, s. of Anson S. and Sarah Knox, Elvira, dau. of Albert and Abigail Baldwin, Jan. Jan. Feb. Jan. Man^h March March April 25. June 7 May 18 May 22 June 13 June 22 June 24 June 29 Aug. 3 Sept. 15 Nov. 22 Nov. 30 Dec. 28 BIKTHS IN BETHLEUEM 539 1854. Evalinda A., dan. of Frederick and Phebe J. Downs, Child of Luke and Mrs. Rooney, William T., s. of George M. and Lucretia M. Kasson, Medora B., dau. of James M. and Cornelia R. Thomas, George, s. of David B. and Julia Everts, Miranda, dau. of Joseph and Sophia Stilson, Ev(^line, dau. of Amos II. and Lueini). Ella 1)., dau. of John L. and Charlotte Strphms, dau. of John and Mary Favor, Rhoda F., dau. of William R. and Harriett Harrison, Jennie Ij., dau. of Levi F. and Emeline iScott, Huldali S., dau. of Leverett P. and Sarah M. Judd, dau. of Alexander and Maria Cady, Harriet, dau. of George A. and Helen J. Wattles, dau. of Charles and Lynn. William J., s. of Daniel and Ruth Hunt, s. of Christopher and Ann Hunt, Minnie, dau. of Juhus and Josephine Pope, Emma, dau. of Levi T. and Emily Knox, dau. of Timothy and Ellen Casey, dau. of George and Mi-s. Gurnsey, Wallace P., s. of Stephen and Ijucy Hayes, dau. of George and Helen Fogg, Lillian A., dau. of Harvey and Cornelia C^rane, 1860. Mary Ida, dau. of Phineas M. and Jane C. Crane, Sarah, dau. of Isaac and Miranda Judson, s. of William and Mary A. Dayton, Corry, s. of Harry and Ijucia Clriswold, [^'rederic^k M., s. of Charles and Jane Lynn, Nellie A., dau. of David E. and Mary J. Doolittlt^, Mary M., dau. of Gilbert and Elisabeth A lion, Arthur, s. of Norman and Louisa Tjake, Frederick L., s. of William and Mary Dayton, s. of J. N. and Matilda Marvin, ( 'oi-nelius, s. of John and Corena Town, Charlotte A., dau. of L. P. and Sarah M. Judd, Clarence, s. of Albert and Margaret Lounsbury, Estella, dau. of Henry P. and Wealthy Judson, May 29. March 10. June 15. July 10. Aug. Sept. Oct. I. 4. 25. Nov. 12. Nov. 13. April April June 12. 30. IG. Oct. 23. Aug. 8. Jan. 29. Jan. 29. J:in. ;{(». F.-b. 9. Feb. 10. March 4. March 15. July July July Aug. Aug. Oct. 1. 4. 29. 15. 1. 10. Aug. Dec. 21. 9. Dec. 16. March •-I March 4. March 9. March 3. March 18. April 12. F.'b. 21. A ug. March 18. 9. Oct. 18. July May 28. Aug. Aug. ]. 2 542 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Theodore A., s. of Seneca L. and Lucretia Munson, Oct. 9. William R., s. of William and Jane Jackson, Oct. 15. Clarissa E., dau. of Charles N. and Josephine Flowers, Oct. 27. dau. of Lyman S. and Mary L. Paterson, Sept. 7. s. of Albert and Margaret Judson, Sept. 17. dau. of George and Adeline Oliver, Dec. 2. dau. of Andrew and Sady Smith, Oct. 2. dau. of Thomas and Johanna Condon, Oct. 2. Mattie E., dau. of Horace and Susan M. Eggleston, J^dy 29. dau. of Emmons and Caroline Scranton, Nov 2. s. of L. W. and Emeline Scott, Dec. 2. Dwight W., s. of Albert and Abigail Baldwin, March 27. Ruth, dau. of Christopher and Ann Hunt, July 13. 1861. Bertha L., dau. of William Ei. and H. M. Harrison, Feb. 10. Wilham, s. of L. S. and Margarett Ludington, March 13. dau. of S. L. and Mary Bloss, April 6. Bennie, s. of L. T. and Emily Knox, June 15. Dwight C, s. of George C. and Lucy A. v*-^tone, J^^^ly 14. Etta M., dau. of Richard and Jane Mayer, Aug- -■ dau. of Frederick and Harriet Pope, July 22. Elizabeth M., dau. of Daniel and Ruth Hunt, Sept. 5. s. of George and Fanny Andrews, Dec 8. Ploward, s. of Henry and Emiline Hurlburt, Dec. 1. 18G2. s. of Thomas and Abigail Convoy, Jan. 13. s. of George and Helen Fogg, Jan. 21. Hattie, dau. of George and Eliza Garthwaite. Mary E., dau. of Theodore and EKza Bird, Feb. 26. Maryette, dau. of David and Juliette Ames, Feb, 29. s. of John and Mary Jane Fox, April 3. George, s. of Norman and Louisa Lake, June 13. Ijucretia M., dau. of Samuel and Rosetta Allen, June 25. Elmer A., s. of David E. and Mary J. Doolittle, June 25. Sarah, dau. of L. P. and Sarah M. Judd, J'dy 16. dau. of Lyman and Maria Patterson, July 30. Fosdick B., s. of William R. and H. N. Harrison, Aug. 5. Winnefred, dau. of Albert S. and Margaret Jiidson, Aug. 29. Willie R., s. of Ricliaxd and Jane Mayer, Oct. 4. Carrie B., daii. of Augustine and Mai-tha Hart, Dec. 24. Catharine, dau. of E. Goodwin and Sarah Osliorn, Dec. 25. Carrie A., dau. of Harry and Lucia Griswold, Dec. 30. 1863. Martha L., dau. of Charles N. and Josephine Flowers, Jan. 1. Samuel, s. of Seneca and Lucretia Munson, Jan. 6. B I H T II S IN li K T II I. E II K M . 543 Julia,, dull, of Christoplier and Ann Hunt, Jan. 17. Alice D., dau. of William and Mary Anno Dayton, Aug. 18. Herintha C, dau. of Frederick G. and Phebe J. Downs, May 13. Robert D., s. of Henry E. and Elisabeth Hill, July 16. Clarence S., s. of Lucius and Enieline Sixnicor, ^'^'ig- -1- K. Irving, s. of George ('. and Lucy A. Stone, Oct. 14. Bertha E., dau. of .Janu-s and Ijydia yVnnstiong, Dec. 15. 1864. Nelson, s. of William D. and Betsey Flowers, Jan. 9. s. of Seneca and Lucretia Munson, Jan. 16. Frederick B., s. of Henry and Amelia Davis, Marcli 7. s. of Henry Ij. and Elisabeth Root, March 10. Abbie Louisa, dau. of John B. and Julia Stilson, Marcli 11. John, s. of John H. and Almira Dayton, April 7. s. of William and Annetta Fowler, Aug. 15. Alice, dau. of Albert and Abigail lialdwin, May 21. s. of Albert and Margaret Judson. Aug. 29. Luther C, s. of Levi F. and Emeline Scott, Sept. 3. Ernest D., s. of David E. and Mary Jane Doolittle, Sept. 14. Louisa Bell, daii. of Joseph and Sophia Stilson, (Jet. 21. Charles L., s. of WiUiam and Jane Jackson, Nov. 14. Ina, dau. of Gilbert and Flisabeth Allen, Nov. 14. William R., s. of Allen and Lucy Smith, Dec. 15. 1865. Dora A., dau. of Charles and Fanny J. liloss, Feb. 19. Nellie L., dau. of James B. and Mary L. Ames, Feb. 22. Eveline R., dau. of Charles and Jane Lynn. Joseph v., s. of John L. and Charlotte Stevens, March 1 1. Herbert L., s. of Harry and Lucia A. Griswold, April 25. Edwin li., s. of Levi and Fanny I>aldwin, July 14. Nellie, dau. of Charles and Mary McDaniels, Aug. 27. Marietta L., dau. of Samuel and Rosetta Allen, Aiig. 28. Carrie A., dau. of William and Mary Dayton, Sept. 2. s. of George My(M-s, Oct. 28. G. Josephine, dau of Charles N. and Joscpliinc Flowers, Nov. 5. s. of Henry and Emoline Hurllnirt, Nov. 5. Dora P., dau. of Henry C. and Elisal.eth Hill, Nov. 11. s. of Lyman and Maria Patterson, Nov. 15. Earles, s. of William and Rosetta Foster, Nov. 25. s. of John and Augusta Salmons, Nov. 15, Coi-nelius, s. of Leverett P. and Sarah Judd, April Edith, dau. of Wilbur B. and Henrietta Judson, May 20. 1866. Edward, s. of Sherman and Jane Atwood, Aug. 1. Minnie E., dau. of George C. and Lucy A. Stone, Aug. 31. 544 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. George, s. of Daniel and Kuth Hunt, Sept. 23. Corra E., dau. of Edgar and Eveline Kasson, Oct. 4. Julia, dau. of Gilbert and Elizabeth Allen, Feb. 16. William, s. of William H. and Mary Bassett, Feb. 31. s. of Albert and Margaret Judson, Feb. 31. Charlie, s. of Henry and Amelia Davis, Nov. 16. Lena G., dau. of Henry P. and Wealthy Judson, Nov. 28. Lewis S., s. of James B. and Mary L. Ames, Dec. 5. 1867. s. of Charles Manville, April. dau. of Levi Baldwin, " April (5. Daniel, s. of L. P. and Sarah Judd, Nov. 3. Robert H., s. of James and Lydia Armstrong, Oct. 20. Corra B., dau. of Thomas and Mary McGee, Nov. 15. Anna B., dau. of B. T. and Hannah A. Lake, Nov. 27. John, s of G. W. and Eliza Banks, Sept. 22. 18G8. Edith, dau. of William B. and Jane S. Cane, Jan. 16. Sarah M., dau. of Christo})her and Ann Hunt, July 2. William R., s. of W. R. and Harriet Harrison, July 18. Charles B., s. of Daniel and Ruth Hunt, Feb. 12. Robert C, s. of John B. and Wealthy Porter, April 6. Edgar, s. of Charles and Mary McDaniels, April 19. Howard C, s. of William and Mary Dayton, March 29. Daniel, s. of Seeley and Nettie Waldron, May 8. Charles, s. of Sherman and Jane Atwood, Sept. G. dau. of Henry and Wealthy Judson, Aug. 1. Clinton, s. of W. C. and Henrietta Judson, ^^^g- 1- Mary R., dau. of Burnett H. and Sarah S. Johnson, Oct. 5. dau. of Levi and Mrs. Wilson, Dec. 30. s. of W. and Mary Ann Dayton, March 29. Harriet A., dau. of Charles and Jane Lynn, Sept. 13. Charles, s. of Sherman and Jane Atwood, Sept. 6. 1869. Arthur T., s. of Charles and Sarah J. Wiltshire, Feb. 4. George F., s. of Joseph and Hattic Hawlcy, March 1 . Marian, dau. of William B. and Jane Crane, April 9. Leonno, s. of William and Velona Hayes, May 12. dau. of William and Mary Bassett, June 30. Anna, dau. of George W. and Eliza Banks, July 30. Katie C, dau. of Frederick and Maria Lynn, Aug. 15. Cornellie R., dau. of Samuel and Rosetta Allen, Sept. 21. Frederick, s. of George and Betsey Hannah, Oct. 8. Mariin A., s. of David E. and Mary Jane Doolittle, Oct. 23. Kate L., dau. of James and Lydia Armstrong, Dec. 10. Mary L., dau. of James B. and Mary L. Ames, Aug. 16. BIRTHS IN BKTHI, EHEM 645 1870. Nellie E., dau. of John W. and Harriet Roots, Katie C, dau. of James and Margaret C. Kennedy, Alice M., dau. of Thomas and Mary McGee, Abby J., dau. of Hiram G. and Adelia Kilboui'ne, Emogene F., dau. of Harry and Lucia Griswold, Lucy, dau. of William I), and Lucy Flowers, s. of Charles and Julia Taylor, dau. of Seeley and .Icnnette Waldron, dau. of Elijah and Betsey Warner, s. of Cornelius and Caroline Parmelee, 1871. Erasmus, s. of Leverett P. and Sarah Judd, Isabella C, dau. of Daniel and Ruth Hunt, dau. of Charles and Nancy Roberts, Lula, dau. of Timothy and Fanny Spencer, Estella, dau. of Burnett H. and Sarah Johnson, Geoi'ge, s. of G. W. and Eliza Banlcs, Dollie, dau. of Marvin and Susan Todd, Abigail, dau. of Sherman and Jane Atwood, Addie, dau. of Harry and Lucia Griswold, Mary E., dau. of Henry C. and Elis;x])etli Hill, s. of James and Henrietta Lee, dau. of W^iUiam A. and Mary Bassett, Leslie, s of Gilbert A. and Mary Crane, dau. of Edwin and Amanda Beers, dau. of Lewellyn and Charlotte Allen, s. of Ella Bird, Clara L., dau. of Richard and Jane McCxee. dau. of John and Jenette Clark, s. of Charles and Mary Wiltshii-e, Edna, dau. of Wilbur and Henrietta Judson, Jason, s. of Jarvis and Elizabeth I. Parker, 1872. dau. of Grace Foster, Joseph C, s. of Charles and Niincy Roberts, s. of George and Betsey Hannah, George, s. of Franklin and Fannie Booth, Julia B., dau. of George C. and Marilla Guild, Andrew James, s. of Andrew and Mary Anne Keneally James, s. of Theodore and Harriet Jackson, George F., s. of Franklin P. and Kate P. Hayes, Samuel, s. of Joseph and ^arah S. Coit, Charles R., s. of William and Mary Bassett, Addie A., dau. of David and Amelia Ensign, Vol. hi.— 69 Jan. 13. Jan. 19. Feb. 2. Jan. 28. Feb. 13. March 19. March 14. Ai)ril 23. April June 3. 3. June 25. Jan. 1. Feb. 3. Feb. 23. March 13. March 17. April March 8. 8. April May June 23. U. 7. June 16. July July Sept. (Jet. 2. 17. 11. 9. Oct. 15. Oct. 17. Dec. 13. Sept. Sept. 11. 12. Feb. 20. April March 26. 2. April July ■ Sept. Sept. Sept. Nov. 14. 18. 4. 16. 25. 17 Dec. 17, Jan. 25, 546 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Dolly B., dau. of John R. and Desdemona Sterry, Arthur F., s. of Harvey P. and Anna 0. Ellis, 1873. James Henry, s. of James and Margaret C. Kennedy, Otis, s. of Gilbert and Mary Crane, Frederick B., s. of William B. and Jane Crane, Lewellyn, s. of Daniel P. and Emily Wakeman, Prank J., s. of Joseph and Parlitha New, Frank, s. of Sherman and Jane Atwood, Lewis, s. of Stiles and Emeline Atwood, Sophia, dau. of William D. and Betsey Flowers, s. of Theodore and Harriet Jackson, 1874. John E., s. of John R. and Desdemona Sterry, s. of Lauren and Rosa Stilson, Asa G., s. of Charles and Nancy Roberts, Winnifred K., dau. of Andrew and Mary A. Keneally, Mary M., dau. of George C. and Marilla Guild, Lottie M., dau. of Joseph and Parlitha New, 1875. George S.,'s. of George S. and Ella Bloss, Homer S., s. of Burnett H. and Sarah Johnson, s. of Frederick and Martha Lake, James I., s. of Cornelius and Caroline Parmelee, Zenas P., s. of Frederick and Ellen Candee, dau. of F. N. and Elvira Ensign, dau. of George N. and Betsey Hannah, Mabel G., dau. of John D. and Grace Waldron, Elizabeth I., dau. of Samuel E. and Mary A. Cook, 1876. Hayes, Abner P., s. of Franklin P. and Kate P. Ruth C, dau. of Daniel and Ruth Hunt, Twins of William D. and Betsey Flowers, s. of Joseph and Parlitha New, s. of William T. and Dora Carpenter, Oliver C, s. of Henry C. and Elisabeth Hill, John M., s. of Andrew and Mary Ann Jeach, David Bellamy and Silence Leavitt, Abijah Garnsey and Lucy Bellamy, EU;.\. Kasson and Comfort Thompson, David Lyman and Mai'y Brown, Levi Thompson and Rebecca Leavitt, Jonas Baldwin and lAicy Bishop, John l*orter and Rebecca Goslin, Paul Clark and Sarah Wheeler, John Monson and Damaras Martin, Judah Lewis and Sulnnit Brace, — Knap and Jerusha Galpin, Abner Judson and Mary Ann Minor, Amos Frisbie and Lucy Roberts, David Towner and Betty Bishop, Elisha Stoddard and Mary ('rane, Bristol Hall and Jane Gordon, Andrew Davidson and Hannah Hine, Friend Webster and Philena Brown, Timothy Linsley and Irene Jackson, Joseph Mason and Mehitable Seymour-, Oliver Par melee, Jr., and Keziah Allen, Aug. 9, Dec. 2G, Jan 4, Jan. 15, May 15, Dec, March 10, April 14, Dec. 15, Jan., Nov. 19, Feb. 22, Sept. 6, Nov., Nov., Nov., July, Aug., Nov., Nov. 1, Nov. 20, March 23, Sept. 21, Nov. 21, Nov. 21, Nov. 21, Nov. 23, May, May, July, Aug., Nov. 3, Nov. 3, Dec. 3, July 29, Jan. 23, Nov. 17, Feb. 23, Feb. 26, Nov. 21, May 1, June 1, Nov. 6, Nov. 22, Dec. 30, March 6, April 5, April 22, Nov. 26, Nov. 29, 175.S. 1758. 1^59. 1759. 1759. 1762. 1763. 1763. 1764. 1767. 1768. 1769. 1769. 1769. 1769. 1769. 1766. 1766. 1767. 1768. 1768. 1769. 1769. 1769. 1769. 1769. 1769. 1770. 1770. 1772. 1772. 1772. 1772. 1772. 1773. 1774. 1774. 1775. 1775. 1775. 1791. 1791. 1791. 1791. 1791. 1792. 1792. 1792. 1792. 1792. /v 550 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, George Dixon Kasson and Selina Camp, Dec. Elijah Andrews and Hannah Hawley, Jan. Salmon Brownson and Catharine Noble, Feb. Elisha Steele, Jr., and Anna Brown, Feb. Enos Hinrnan and Sarah Hitchcock, March Erastus Griswold and Anna Lewis, April Charles Webster and Lydia Eggleston, May Lewis Stiles and Sarah Way, Sept. Samuel Bloice and Deborah Allen, Nov. Jonathan Steele and Fanny Warner, Nov. Thaddeus Hurlbut and Luciuda Higgins, Dec. Amos Negro and Sally Mulatto, Jan. Joseph Minor and Philena Martin, Jan. Daniel Atwood and Polly Brown, May Horace Brace and Polly Ambler, June Capt. Jonathan Smith and Sarah Steele, June Jacob Frisbie and Mary Kepner, J"ly Edward Perkins and Lucinda Stoddard, July Levi Austin and Polly Martin, Nov. Elijah Weller and Eunice Hawley, Dec. William Orton and Ruana Lewis, Dec. Caleb Walker and Nabby Mallory, Feb. James Walling and Margaret Hannah, Feb. Philemon Way and Mary Thomas, March David Camp and Abiah Camp, June Isaac Merwin and Abigail Brownson, Dec. Moses Parmelee and Sarah Treat Prudden, Dec. Elisha Prow and Widow Lucy Bird, March George D. Kasson and Lucy Steele, May John Wright Johnson and Sally Maria Wetherill, May Silas Swift and Sally Parmelee, June Chandler Rogers and Agnes Prindle, Incog. Whenson and Eliza Whinger, Nov. Amos Thompson and Dotha Brow, Nov. Joseph Palmer and Nabby Wilbur, Nov. Matthew Billings and Anne Barlow, Nov. Miles Foot and Polly Hitchcock, Nov. Calvin Hinman and Sarah Wheeler, Dec. Harvey Steel and Phebe Camp, Jan., Salmasius Bordwell and Rhoda Martin, Jan. H. Scott and Anna Stow of Watertown, Jan. Eliphalet Gillet and Nabby Hanna, April., Solomon White and Esther Codger, Sept., Agur Judson and Betsey Lang, Oct. Jonathan Garnsey and Mary Judson, Nov. David Bird and Betsey Church, Nov. Emmons and Webster, Elam Beardsley and Rebecca Barton, Dec. Samuel Atwood and Jrene Orton, Jan. Bela Thompson and Amy Clark, Jan. 19, 13, 4, 18, 10, 2 12, 15, 14, 14, 25, 10, 14, 15, 1, 5, 23, 24, 16, 7, 24, 8, 19, 5, 22, 22 23' 17, 18, 30, 1, 20, 20, 27, 27, 22, IV, 17, 22, 12, 10, 11, 28, MARRIAGES IN B E T H I, E II K M . 551 Tapping Reeve, Esq., and Betsy Thompson, April 30, 1798. Robert Crane, Jr., and Sybilla Hill, Aug., 1798. Elisha Atwood, Jr., and Lucy Can, Sept. 6, 1798. Abner Allen and Susanna Mitchell, Oct. 4, 1798. Maltby and Leavenworth, Dec, 1798. Eleazer Crane and Nancy Pruddan, Dec, 1798. Jacob Beach and Elizabeth Harris, Dec. 17, 1708. 1800. Ichabod Chapin and Jerusha Brace, Jan. 12. Oliv. Swan and Lucena Boyles, Jan. 27. Zach. Fletcher and Anna Clemens, Feb. 6. Augustus Ray and Achsah Crane, Feb. 18. Gideon Prentice and Avis Baldwin, Feb. 18. Billy Stoddard, and Clytheria M'Kean, May 1. Lyman Westover and Polly M'Koan, Aug. 10. Ichabod S. Prentice and Selina Kasson, Sept. Martin Lewis and Sarah Wheadon, Sept. S. Jared Baldwin and Sarah Laurana Doolittle, Oct. 19. (^ Joseph Lindly and Abigail Hand, Nov. 13. 1801. Eli Stoddard and Rebecca Churchill, Feb. 4. David Morwin and Deborah Baldwin, March 29. Jonathan Baker and Betsey Beach, Sept. 29. Joseph Ray and Prudence Martin, Oct. 26. William Kasson and Rena Steel, Nov. 22. 1802. Aner Baldwin and Annie Minor, Jan. 20. Asher Kilborn and Olive Curtiss, Feb. 23. Joseph Root and Olive Prentice, April 22. Warren (ylark and Ruby Everit, Sept. 19. David Bellamy and Polly Atwood, Oct. 9. Artemas Ray and Ruth Dudley, Oct. 17. Solomon Sherman and Sarah Ford, Dec. 30. 1803. Clark Twiss and Myrishha Brown. Feb. Daniel Jones and Eliza PTall. Feb. Calvin Frisbie and Chai'Iotte Hine. March 27. Rollin Church and Sally Hall, April 13. William Fenn and Phebe Beach, Aug. 23. Reuben Stoddard and Sybil Smith, Sept. 27. Elijah Brown and Olive Gordon, Sept. 27. Jonathan Smith and Sallv Williams, Oct. 2. Truman Hill and AUhea Hull, Oct. 2. Hezekiah Northrop and Esther Sherman, Oct. 3. 552 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Chauncey Hall and Ruth Ann Atwood, Thaddeus Hungerford and Polly King, 1805. Jesse Newel and Ruth Allen, Clement Minor and Lucy Baldwin, 1806. Joseph Videtto and Rebecca Williams, Edward Phelps and Lavina Forbes, Elijah Hopkins and Harriet Green, Christopher Prentice and Elizabeth Root;"!, Walter Chapin and Patty Nettleton, Wilham DeForest and Urania Bishop, Heman Mallory and Eunice Armstrong, 1807. Isaac Castle and Phebe J^enn, Samuel Palmer and Ii'ena Parks, Isaac Peck and Mary Maltby, 1808. Joseph Holly and Olive Gibbs, Jesse Palmer and Amanda Rogers, Jonathan Hubbell and Elisabeth Delia Prudden, Reuben Warner and Milly Mitchell, 1809. Abijah Churchill and Sally Green, Israel Shelden and Ruth Prentice, 1810. Irrael Allen and Ruth Mitchell, Heman Paine and Eleanor Bloss, Daniel Thompson and Lucy Jackson, Mitchell Atwood and Polly Northrup, Asahel Humphreys and Betsey Steel, Elias Crane and Esther Raymond, Rev. Daniel Haskell and Betsey Leavitt, Harvey Morriss and Maria Judson, Henry B. Bristol and Isabella Dayton, 1811. George Burr and Mabel Hannah, Lyman Northrup and Naomi Bennett, Minott Smith and Elesty Minor, Dec. 5. Dec. 25. Jan. 27. May 28. Jan. ] . Jan. 3. Jan. 28. Feb. 3. Oct. 6. Oct. 23. Oct. 28. Feb. 4. March 4. Dec. 8. Jan. 13. March 29. May 6. Oct. 25. Jan. 2. Jan. 19. Jan. 1. Feb. 2L Feb. 26. March 4. May 21. Sept. 17. Oct. 17. Nov. 1. Nov. 13. March 12. May 23. June 26. MAKKIAGES IN BKTHI, EHEM 553 Elijah H. Perkins and Julia P. Hill, Stephen Scott and Nabby Frisbie, 1812. Moses Galpin, 2d, and Nabby Robinson, Moses Waugh and Susannah Raymond, Myron Guthrie and Olive Baldwin, Joseph Steele and Polly Hanihn, Isaac Raymond and Polly Church, 1832. Leman Bishop and Dotha D. Bloss, 1846. Abner Allen and Hannah Hayes, 1847. Henry C Atwood and Hannah W. Thomas, John Hannahs and Susan Hannahs, George M. Atwood and Polly M. Spencer, Benjamin Wickwire and Cynthia Clark, George N. Atwood and Elizabeth Smith, Sidney S. Piatt and Jane E. Allen, Joseph Stillson, 2d, and Sophia Roots, 1848. George W. Baldwin and Sarah A. Smith, Wilham B. Ames and Clarissa L. Allen, John L. Stevens and Charlotte A. Watrous, Leonard A. Kelley and Sarah E. Brown, Jackson Ganner and Augusta A. DeForest, Burr Calhoun and Susan L. Judson, 1849. Silas L. Booth and Caroline Baldwin, Alvin Clark and Emeline E. Luddington, Samuel Allen and Rosetta M. Hawley, Theron Doolittle and Helen L. Judd, Lucius W. Spencer and Emeline Seeley, Loverett P. Judd and Huldah M. Brown, ( 'oi-nelius P. Allen and Sarah M. Merriam, Edwin E. Hitchcock and Ruth Ann Wattles, Thomas C. Bennett and Mary Lake, Wilson Bennett and Abigail Crane, Josiali Atwood and Jennett Mather, Nelson Hawley and Eliza Flowers, Abel Calhoun and Mary E. Judson, Vol. IIL— 70 Nov. 28. Dec. 23. Feb. 12. March 25. Oct. 6. Nov. 2. Nov. 2. April 18. Aug. 5. Sept. Sept. April Dec. 19. 28. 2. 6. Dec. 8. Oct. 28. Dec. 8. March 22. May May Oct. 3. 28. 11. Oct. 1. May 22. Jan. 4. Feb. 6. Fel). 28. March 4. March U. Aug. Sept. Oct. 26. 26. 24. Oct. 8. Nov. 28. Nov. 29. May Aug. 20. 26. 554 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1850. Thomas Hosier and Mary Noss, Albert Mansfield and Harriet B. Munson, George Burgess and Cornelia Hawley, 1851. Carr Watson and Ruth Allen, Geox'ge "W. Andrus and Fanny B. Foster, Noble Atwood and Alma B. Hawley, David E. Doolittle and Mary J. Tryon, Lorenzo Abbott and Caroline E. Hannah, Zerah Skidmore and Catherine Kasson, Cornelius C. Parmelee and Lucy E. Allen, Shelden Hill and Sarah Doolittle, Sept. 4. Dec. 30. March 19. Jan. 29. April 9. March 16. April 21. June 2. June 4. Sept. 17. Dec. 3. 1852. Washington Seeley and Irene Cables, Gilbert Allen and Elizabeth L. Crane, William Jackson and Elisabeth M. Bird, Miles Starks and Wealthy Ann Atwood, Peter Lake and Susan Pierce, Horace Fenn and Mary A. Lockwood, Dr. E. Barnum and Nancy S. Allen, William Baldwin and Mary Barnes, 1853. Jan. 25. March 11. April 7. July 13. Nov. 21. Nov. 1. Nov. 29. Dec. 19. Rev. Aretas G. Loomis and Elisabeth M. Bellamy, June 15. Frederick G. Downs and Phebe Hawley, Sept. 12. Nathan Watson Munroe and Charlotte Hillhouse Bellamy, Nov. 30. Daniel 0. Page and Sarah A. Cummings, Sept. 18. George B. Burgess and Sarah E. Hawley, Nov. 21. 1854. John S. Wheeler and Ann Sanson, Augustus Hart and Martha C. Bird, Levi T. Knox and Julia A. Crane, 1855. Henry P. Judson and Wealthy A. Allen, Lemuel I. Camp and Sarah Jane Lake, John T. Ward and Mary B. Jackson, Ebenezer Clark and Sarah Scoville, Dr. Henry Davis and Amelia Beecher, Edgar W. Benedict and Sarah A. Atwood, Sept. 17 Oct. 26 Nov. 2 Feb. 1 April 4 April 11 Nov. 18 Nov. 28 Dec. 4 MARRIAGES IN BETH T. K HEM 555 1856. James H. Skidmore and Jane C, Bennett, George C. Stone and Lucy A. Strong, Julius J. Pope and Sarah J. Stevens, Emmons Scranton and Caroline Loundsbury, Calvin Tiffany and Ann M. Spencer, Albert S. Judson and Margaret E. Tryon, Joseph Hale and Harriet Roberts, George Fogg and Helen Allen, Frederick C. Crane and Laura Leach, 1857. Levi T. Knox and Emily F. Lord, John T. Salmons and Augusta L. McDaniels, Martin Mallory and Elenor Kasson, George N. Hannah and Betsey E. Ludington, Charles W. Ambler and Louisa Spencer, Hiram C. Waldren and Caroline Parmlee, Levi H. Hotchkiss and Sarah E. Smith, James P. Kelley and Catharine M. Allen, 1858. Leverett P. Judd and Sarah M. Allen, John Westover and Sarah Stoddard, Eleada Tuttle and Emeline Hawlisy, Charles Fogg and Elisabeth Munson, Isaac Judson and Miranda S. Waldren, 1859. John B. Porter and Wealthy Cowles, E. Dewitt Riggs and Elisabeth F. Strong, S(,'iieca S. Munson and Lucretia Morris, !''rancis Dawson and Elisabeth A. Merriam, Lewis S. Ludington and Margaret Hannah, George F. Waugh and Miranda A Urn, Charles N. Flowers and Josephine Kasson, 1860. George S. Guild and Fidelia M. Parmlee, David Tiffany and Ellen AI. Spencer, Augustus Wattles and Anna Baldwin, Leman A. Guild and (lai-olinc; Morris, Samuel R. Starr and Elisabeth McDaniels, 1861. E. G. Osbom and Sarah M. Wilson, Henry Long and Sarah Wheeler, May 7. March 1 1 . June 6. Aug. 17. Sept. 14. Nov. 17. Nov. 20. Dec. 3. Jan. 17. Jan. L Jan. L Jan. 2L March 18. May 28. Aug. 23. Sept. 17. Nov. 25. March 7. March 27. April 27. June 9. Sept. 15. March 16. April 25. Aug. 17. Sept. 7. Nov. 24. Nov. 21. Nov. 24. April 24. July 27. Sept. 4. Oct. 18. Nov. 14. Nov. 12. Nov. 16. 556 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY, 1862. James McGee and Ann May, Amos Stilson and Eliza Hawley, Horace Cowles and Mary E. Todd, Charles W. Dellibur and Jane M. Adams, Charles W. Everett and Mary S. Prentis, Sherman Atwood and Jane Morse, Samuel Waugh and Grace Dunning, Henry C. Hill and Elisabeth Jackson, John VV. Stone and Elisabeth Castle, 1863. Jonathan Wooten and Wealthy Ann Atwood, William D. Flowers and Betsey Stilson, Ira J. Tolles and Martha A. Hotchkiss, James B. Ames and Mary Ludington, 1864. Wilbur Judson and Henrietta McDaniels, William B. Crane and Sarah J. Stone, Daniel C. Churchhill and Lucy M. Kasson, H. J. Hubbard and Sylvia E. Andrews, David B. Jackson and Ann Maria Crane, Dewitt Stoddard and Emma J. Rider, William H. Bassett and Mary J. Cowles, 1865. Theron Kent and Emma Fisher, Sidney Peck and Julia M. Barley, Reuben Barnes and Elisabeth N. Garrison, Edgar N. Kasson and Eveline H. Osborn, Minot M. Atwood and Eliza A. Coy, Selah N. Waldren and Jenette Parmlee, Augustine Evits and Charlotte M. Terrill, 1866. Wales T. Clark and Martha A. Smith, Emerson M. Hayes and Ophelia 1. Calhoun, Hiram B. Atwood and Sarah L. Bloss, Albert C. Peck and Grace A. Judson, George Wooten and Margarett Sherman, Dudley Kavenaugh and Bridget R. Baldwin, William A. Hayes and Velonia Thomas, 1867. Timothy C. Spencer and Fanny L. Bird, Burnett H. Johnson and Sarah L. Skidmoi'e, April 7. May 14. June 8. June 5. June 15. June 29. July 8. Aug. 31. Sept. 3. March 27. May 13. June 20. Nov. 8. March 24. April 18. Aug. 16. Sept. 25. Oct. 26. Nov. 2. Dec. 21. Jan. 10. Jan. 12. Sept. 16. Sept. 18. Oct. 5. Oct. 30. Dec. 6. Sept. 12. Sept. 26. Oct. 29. Oct. 4. Oct. 3. Oct. 31. Dec. 31. Sept. 28. Oct. MAKRIAGES IN BETHLEHEM 557 David W. Thompson and Mary G. Thompson, Nov. 2 1 . Horace N. Sanford and Deborah N. Kasson, Nov. 28. Johnson D. Dayton and Mary Catlin, Dec. 22. 1868. David J. Stilson and Margarett A. Oakley, March 23. Darwin P>. Randall and Katie C. Peck, Oct. 27. WiHiani VV. Smedley and Candace C. Thompson, Nov. 16. Lewellyn J. Allen and Charlotte A. Hubbard, Aug. 4. 1869. Charles C. Smeltzer and Abby M. Beecher, Feb. 16. Abraham Beecher and Esther M. Kervan, March 3. Marvin S. Todd, Jr., and Susan Clark, March 12. Frederick A. Hotchkiss and Imogene S. Bird, June 16. John Trowbridge and Emily Peck, Sept. 21. Harvey F. Ellis and Anna O. Judd, Oct. 13. James McLee and Henrietta Everts, Nov. 17. Plumb B. Nichols and Esther E. Judson, Dec. 8. 1870. Gov. Charles B. Andrews and Sarah W. Osborn, Feb. 22. Gilbert A. Crane and Mary Stilson, July 6. Edson Warner and Mary A. Orton, April 22. Warren S. Dibble and Jennie M. Andrews, April 11. Daniel P. Wakeman and Emily A. Bell, Sept. 28. Silas Catlin and Corintha Everts, Nov. I. Daniel M. King and Augusta Thompson, . Nov. 22. 1871. George C. Guild and Marilla J. Clark, Jan. 31. Franklin P. Hayes and Kattic P. Bloss, April 4. Henry M. Canfield and Olive R. Hayes, June 31. Howard Babcock and Esther K. Baldwin, Oct. 28. William A. Hunter and Mary A. Peck, Sept. 20. Henry Beardsley and Mary E. Smith, Oct. 28. William Beardsley and Julia Smith, Oct. 28. 1872. Frederick Ensign and Elvia Griswold, Jan. 16. George M. Smith and Emily S. Randall, Sept. 29. Alanson Sanford and Ella M. Parish, Nov. 29. 1873. Zenas S. Sykes and Emma C. Harrison. Jan. 15. Francis E. Judson and Sarah N. Crane, April 29. Arthur C. Griswold and Lizzie Ensign, Oct. 7. 558 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. Frederick W. Randall and Isabella Thompson, James A. Scott and Lucinda Wilson, 1874. George S. Arnold and Eva G. Thompson, Samuel E. Cook and Mary A. Lynn, Arthur D. Warner and Julia J. Sherman, George Leavenworth and Erlesca Everts, 1875. George S. Griswold and Sarah E. Benham, John E. Wells and Emeline A. Bunnell, Henry Piatt and Lucy M. Stevens, Lorin A. Blanchard and Ida E. Thomas, Cornelius Tracy and Lucy B. Doolittle, 1876. Philip L. Waldron and Kate Stevens, Howard F. Peck and Mattie S. Eggleston, George Box and Fannie M. Lynn, E. W. Benedict and Emma Clark, Ward F. Calkins and Sarah M. Judson, 1877. Burr C. Denny and Elvira S. Baldwin, Antoine Gunther and Martha E. Doolittle, John Greene and Mary Hunt, William D. Flower and Mary Lefevre, 1878. James E. Allen and Florence J. Smith, Edward N. Crane and Frances Hoyt, Theodoi'e C. Jackson and Mary J. Fox, Adam R. Staney and Florence C. Munson, Nelson F. Downs and Ellen E. Fish, George H. Mallett and Cornelia H. Smith, Amos C. Lake and Amanda H. Bloss, Oct. 14. Dec. 25. Jan. 22. March 18. Oct. 14. April 7. Jan. 6. Jan. 7. Jan. 25. Dec. 4. Aug. 18. Feb. 21. Feb. 20. Feb. 26. March 14. Aug. 16. Oct. 2.3. Dec. 14. Nov. 15. Sept. 5. Jan. 1 Jan. 5 Jan. 29 June 6 June 30 Oct. 9 Oct. 30 DEATHS IN BETHLEHEM. 1741. 'rhomas, s. of Liviuius Carington, William, s. of Kphriuni Tyler, Hugh, s. of Hugh Hannah, Martha Wheeler, Sarah, dau. of John Twiss, I'orter, Gideon, s. of Caleb Wheeler, Abigail Clark, Esther Gitteau, Joanna Dudley, 1743. 1744. 1745. 1746. 1747. Sarah, dau. of William Trumblc, Desire, dau. of Barzillai Hendee, Sarah, dau. of John Twiss, Mary, dau. of John Smith, Caleb, s. of Daniel Dudley, William Tyler, Wife of Peter Garnsey, John Meigs, Jonathan Munger, David Mill, Silas Hill. Ebenezer Thompson, 1748. 1749. 1750. Jan. 22. April 10. June 21. April 21. May 1. Aug. 21. March 25. May 17. Aug. 11. Sept. 1. Jan. 15. June 26. July 20. March 6. May 13. July 20. March. Jan. 30. March 25. June 4. June 6. June 11. 560 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. Jonathan Munger, Jr., July 5. Joseph Clark, July 5. James Hamilton, July 5. Joshua Stone, Aug. Jonathan Clark, Aug. Eliphalet Clark, Sept. 17. Jesse Hooker, Sept. 29. Caleb, s. of Benjamin Wheeler, Oct. 20. Appleton Whittlesey, Oct. 20. Lois, w. of Jonathan Munger, Jr., Jan. 19. Ann Hill, Jan. 5. Charity Hill, Jan. 11. Hannah, dau. of Reuben Avered, July 9. Mary, w. of Benjamin Wheeler, July 1. Ehsabeth, w. of Jacob Sisco, July 10. Susannah Hill, July 12. Martha Downes, Aug. Lucy Strong, Aug. Deborah, w. of Nat. Porter, Sept. 1 6. Eunice, dau. of Capt. Hooker, Sept. 17. Abigail Hooker, Sept. 24. Mary, w. of Samuel Slater, Oct. 7. 1751. Ebenezer. s. of Thomas Thompson, Feb. 23. Ashbel, s'. of Caleb Wheeler, Feb. 24. Lois Kelsey, Feb. 17. Sary, dau. of John Meigs, Jan. 9. John Steel, April 2. Rachel Garnsey, May. Bethiah, w. of Reuben Avered, Aug. 25. Abi, dau. of Samuel Strong, Sept. 22. Mercy, dau. of Benjamin "Wheeler, Dec. 16. Reuben Hyberd, Dec. 3. 1752. Jonathan, s. of John Twiss, Jan. Mr. Josiah Avered, Jan. 1 6. Elizabeth, w. of Benjamin Hitchcock, Feb. 9. Damaras, dau. of WiUiam Martin, June 5. Mary Thompson, widow, Oct. 29. 1753. Abigail Rose, March 11. Lieut. John Smith, April 25. Hannah, dau. of Thomas Thompson, May. Elizabeth, dau. of John Smith, June. Mary, dau. of John Smith, June. Martha Gridley, Aug. EHzabeth Porter, Oct. 9. D K A T H S IN B K T 11 L K II E M J6I Elizabetli Garnsey, William, s. of David Ray, Abigail Northrop, 1754. Ephraiin, s. of Richard Peck. 1755. Isaac Hill, Eli Hunger, Benjamin, s. of Benjamin Wheeler, Mary Judd, Ann, dau. of Isaac Hill, Ruth, dau. of Michael Chapman, Rutli, dau. of Samuel Slater, Jane Hamilton, Stephen Camp, 1756. Elizur Clark, Lydia Wheeler, Samuel Smedley, Daniel Swain, Hezekiah Hooker, Esq., Jabez Whittlesey, Samuel Ross, Submit Hotchkiss, Daniel Miller. Nathaniel Porter. John Smith. Thomas Berry. Dr. Sackett. Ijewis Munger's wife. Sary Peet. Stephen Galpin's wife. Mary Ave red. Alexander Miller. Moses Ave red. Francis Gitteau, James Hungcrford, Dr. Hull and wife, Mr. Byshop, Lucy Thompson, Vol. III.— 71 1757 1758. 1759. 1760. Oct, ]:>. Nov. July 23. Feb. 5. March 22. June. May. June. Julv. JnlV. Aug. 10. Aug. 15. Jan. 25. Jan. 30. Feb. 16. Feb. 19. Feb. 20. Feb. 20. Feb. 20. Sept. Sept. 2. Oct. 30. Nov. 11. Nov. 11. Nov-. 11. 562 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. William Kasson's wife, Nov. 13 Samuel Gordon, Nov. 13 Joel Strong, Nov. 15 Abijali Peet, Nov. 15 William Kasson, Nov. 16 Robert Hannah, Nov. 18 Wife of Butler Peet, Nov. 18 Ezekiel Steel, Nov. 19 Aaron Dudley, Nov. 19 William Kasson, Jr., Nov. 20 Alex. Henr}', Nov. 21 Samuel Gordon, Nov. 22 Eldad Steel, Nov. 22 Bethel Garnsy, Nov. 22 Daniel Dudley, Nov. 24 Lent Peet, Nov. 24 Samuel Church, Dec. 1 Names of the persons that have died in Betulem after the ORDINATION OF AzEL BaCKDS TO THE WORK UF THE MINISTRY among THEM. 171)1. James Kasson, aged 77, Stephen Hand, aged 81, Daniel Steel, aged 60, 1792. David, s. of John Wheeler, aged 13, Elisha, s. of Elisha Brace, aged 26, w. of David Hill, aged 27, Hezekiah Churchill, aged 34, Daniel Everitt, aged 77, 1793. Jonathan Brown, aged 32, Lucy, dau. of Samuel Allen, Martin, s. of Francis Bloice, aged 14, Sheldon, s. of John Steel, 2d, aged 7, Wait Curtiss, s. of Curtiss Stoddard, aged 8, Polly Hitchcock, aged 17, Rebecca, wid. of John Porter, aged 52, Hermon, s. of wid. Lucy Bird, aged 8, Martha, w. of Jonathan Smith, aged 74, Theda, dau. of William Davis, aged 8, Ann Whittlessea, aged 84, Timothy, s. of Robert Hannah, aged 6, Hezekiah, s. of Levi Thompson, aged 6, Daniel Bradly, aged 84, Selina, w. of George Kasson, aged 21, July 5 Sept. 16 Nov. 23 May 27 July 18 Sept. 23 Dec. 19 Dec. 21 Feb. 12 Feb. 20 March 2 March 5 March 12 Marcli 24 March 28 April 13. May 6. May 9. July 25 Aug. 6. Aug. 12. Aug. 16. Nov. 20. DEATHS IN BKTHI, KlIKM. 5G3 Beriiitha, dau. of JoseiDh Brooks, aged 5, Nov. 2\). Rhoda, w. of John Twiss, aged 45, Dec. 1. Oliver Lewis, aged 40, Dec. 9. 1794. Mary Ann, dau. of John (or Thomas) Vovd, aged 11, Jan. 13. Sally, dau. of John Prentice, aged 7, Jan. 20. John Burgiss (town poor), aged 82, Jan. 23. Tjydia, wid. of Daniel Everitt, Esq., aged 75, Jan. 30. Hannah, dau. of William Burritt, aged 10, Feb. 1. Nancy, dau. of Elizur Wheeler, aged 7, Feb. 7. Esther, dau. of Ebenc^zer Perkins, aged 5, Feb. 1 1 . Peck, s. of " " aged 18, Feb. 14. Betsey, dau. of John Prentice, aged 11, Feb. 18. w. of David Camp, aged 65, March 31. Widow Lewis, aged 85, April 11. w. of Robert I'orter, aged 25, April 21. Drussilla, dau. of John Prentice, aged 14, April 22. Charles, s. of Rev. Azel Backus, aged 14 mos., April 24. Eli Baldwin, aged 55, May 9. Lucy, dau. of Julius Ranney, aged 6, May 18. Joshua Church's Joseph Brooks, aged 1, May 18. John Smith (town poor), aged 88, May 28. Irene, w. of Elisha Brace, aged 50, July 14. Jane, w. of Philemon Way, aged 5G, Aug. 25. Asa Curtiss, aged 48, Sci>(. 10. Widow Jane Jackson, aged 65, Oct. 17 Elias Hand, aged 48, Nov. 22. 17'.)5. w. of Friend Smith, aged 27, April 19. Lyman Twiss, aged 22, May 23. w. of William Martin, aged 75, June. Dan Stephens, aged 47, June 29. Jacob Baldwin, aged 77, July 4. Widow Rebecca Meigs, aged G9, Aug. 1. Deacon Strong, aged 83, Sept. 4. Levi Prisbie, died at Derby, aged 22, Sept. 17. John Steel, 3d, aged 34, Oct. 2. Lucy, dau. of Elisha Brace, aged 19, Oct. 12. 11m. w. of Dan Bishop, aged 50, Jan. 5. Ephraim Baldwin, aged 05, Feb. 10. w. of Thomas Doolittle, aged 65, March 27. w. of Deacon Strong, aged 82, May 6. Irena, dau. of Phil. Rogers, aged 14, May 21. Charlotte, dau. of Abner Wheeler, aged 1^, Aug. 5. w. of Henry Thompson, aged 40, Aug. 7. 564 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Capt. Nathan Chapman, aged 65, John Gordon, aged 62, 1797. Jonathan Hill, aged 63, David, s. of Abner Wheeler, aged 5, Olive, dau. of David Brown, aged 22, 1798. Fletcher Prudden, aged 60, w. of William Burritt, w. of John Steel, Solomon Stoddard, aged 69, w. of Deacon Kasson, Jacob Frisbie, aged 72. 1799. Simeon Martin, aged 55, Widow Barnes, aged 76, Joshua Gitteau, aged 83, w. of Samuel B. Mooney, aged 38, Waitstill Goodrich, aged 70, 1800. Deacon Archibald Kasson, aged 83, William Martin, aged 81, Mabel Manslield, aged 23, Amos Clark, aged 69, Widow Parks, aged 82, Benjamin Hitchcock, aged 85, 1801. Thomas Hitchcock, aged 82, w. of Fletcher Prudden, aged 27, Lewis Munger, aged 72, Timothy Strong, aged 81, Jeremiah Ranney, aged 82, Samuel Steel, aged 83, Widow Eggleston, aged 85, Widow Thompson, aged 87, John Hinman, aged 69, John Galpm, aged 36, w. of D. Camp, aged 50, 1802. Norman Brace, aged 23, Capt. Jonathan Smith, aged 83, Capt. Joshua Church, aged 57, Thomas Thompson, aged 83, Oct. 25. Nov. I. Feb. 10. Nov. 9. Nov. 9. Jan. 9. Dec. 8. July 3. Sept. 24. Aus:. March 22 ■Aug. 10 Oct. 4 Nov. 16 Dec. 14 i Marcli 1. April 9. April 30. May 15. i Sept. 30. Sept. 24. Jan. '1 16. . Feb. 4. ■ 1 March 25. 1 June 11. June 14. ; June 16. '* Aug. 11. 1 Aug. 14. 1 Oct. 15. 1 Oct. 27. '1 Dec. 7. Jan. 23 Feb. 11. March 8. March 10. DEATHS IN U KT II I, K II K M r)65 w. of Ben. Avery, aged 49, Jonas Hill, aged G3, Julius Ranney, aged 38, wid. of Jacob Baldwin, aged 7G, Abraham 13ro\vnson, aged 74, w. of Amos Allen, aged 37, Charlotte Bellamy, aged 22, Samuel Bellamy, aged 46, William Buriitt, aged 54, Sarah, vv. of Josiah Prentice, aged 43, John Meigs, aged 15, 1803. James Kasson, aged 54, w. of Thomas Wooster, aged 83, Cynthia Wheeler, aged 1 8, Tlieron, s. of J. Kasson, aged 7, Daniel Kasson, aged 30, w. of Col. R(jbert Hannah, aged '14, John Steel, 2d, aged 47, Robert, s. of Champion Clark, aged 14, 1805. Capt. Andrew Martin, aged 78, Thomas Doolittle, aged 69, Polly, dan. of Samuel Jackson, aged 1 6, Wife of Cliristophor Prentice, aged 77, Wife of Elisha Biace, aged 53, Dr. Phinehas Meigs, aged 45, Elihu Smith, Jr., aged 26, Obedience Parks, aged 69, Esther Clark, aged 7, Daniel Hine, aged 42, Widow of Capt. Andrew Martin, aged 56, Widow Lewis, aged 92, Clarissa Kasson, aged 1 7, 1806. Jonas Black man, aged 72, Phinehas Palmer, aged 56, Wife of Usal Mansfield, aged 60, William Smith Backus, Wife of Joseph Stilson, aged 78, 1807. Jeremiah Blackman, aged 35, David Leavitt, Jr., Esq., aged 50, Wife of John At wood, aged 55, Levi Thompson, aged 66, Eleazer Wooster, aged 94, March 22. June 12. July 12. July 14. July 16. Sept. 18. Sept. 22. Nov. n. Nov. 14. Dec. 19. Dec. 31. Jan. 27. Eel). 7. Feb. IS. June 27. Sept. 4. Oct. 1. April 27. Dec. 13. May 8. May 28. May 30. June 23. June 24. Aug. 12. Sept. 25. Oct. 1. Oct. 9. Oct. 17. Nov. 28. Nov. 28. Dec. 26. April 23. June 26. Sept. 28. Nov. 15. Dec. 12. Jan. I. Jan. 16. May 6. Aug. 26. Sept. 12. 566 HISTORY OF ANCTENT WOODBURY. Anna, w. of Jonathan Hubbell, aged 27, Oct. 1. Elihu Smith, aged 81, Oct. 4. Dorcas Jackson, aged 20, Oct. 31. Wife of Nathaniel Chapman, aged 69, Dec. 23. 1808. Sybil Prentice, aged 36, Jan. 5. Wife of Robert Crane, aged 56, " Jan. 12. David Amblei', Esq., aged 70, Jan. 15. Charles WilliaiTi, s. of Rev. Azel Backus, March 14. David Leavitt, aged 86, March ] 9. Widow Blackman, aged 71, May 15. Wife of George D. Kasson, aged 36, May 19. William Gordon, aged 31, June 11. Wife of Alexander Gordon, aged 28, Aug. 25. Widow Naomi Clark, aged 74, Nov. 1. Elizabeth Mansfield, aged 19, Nov. 8. Matthew W. Tilghman, aged 17, Dec. 25. 1809. Thankful Doolittle, aged 54, Jan. 2. Selina Kasson, aged 15, April 9. Wife of Judson Martin, aged 37, July 12. Wife of David Brown, aged 62, Aug. 23. Alexander Kasson, aged 64, Sept. 18. Widow Lydia Avered, aged 84, Sept. 22. Nathaniel Chapman, aged 80, Oct. 4. Wife of Dea. Amos Frisbie, aged 58, Oct. 9. Wife of Amos Allen, aged 71, Nov. 20. Widow of Lewis Munger, aged 74, Dec. 3. 1810. Sarah, w. of Enos Hinman, aged 67, Jan. 20. Wife of Eben Thompson, aged 38, Feb. 15. William Frisbie, aged 97, July 3. Mary Hannah, aged 45, July 16. ('harlotte Thompson, aged 20, Aug. 14. Samuel Allen, aged 69, Aug. 28. Noble Knapp, aged 26, Nov. 12. Wife of John Doolittle, aged 58, Dec. 16. 1811. Erastus, s of Jonathan Hubbell, aged 2, Jan. 28. Widow Frisbie, aged 85, Feb. 5. Joseph Baldwin, aged 59, Feb. 21. Widow Kasson, aged 80, Feb. 22. John Steel, aged 85, March 11. Wife of Daniel Skidmore, aged 29, Nov. 31. DEATHS IN B ET II L K II E M . 5<)7 Joseph J-^lillsou, aged 85, April 26. Jacob Frisbir, aged 60, April 26. James Rogers, aged 21, May 15. < apt. Friend Clark, aged 52, May 26. George Gordon, aged 47, Aug. 9. Mary Jackson, aged 6, Sept. 14. Elisha Steel, aged 84, Oct. 16. Dea. Amos Frisbie, aged 82, Nov. 16. 18 ['2. .lonathan Ingorsoll, aged ."?8. .Ian. 31. Sarah Bartholomew, aged 53, P^eb. 5. Darius Butler, aged 52, Feb. 13. William Durand, aged 30, BY'b. 23. lohn Truddon, aged 70, March 16. .lohn Barnes, aged 51, March 19. ( 'aroline Brooks, aged 17, May 2. Daniel Clark, aged 7 7, May 29. Alexander Hannah, aged S(i, July 20. Widow Rumj-ill, aged 61, Oct. 11. Men-imau Munger, aged 49, Nov. 22. Wife of James Boyles, aged 68, Nov. 28. Widow of M. Munger, aged 44, Dec. 1. Wife of Joseph Brooks, aged 43, Dec. 4. (apt Daniel lieacli, aged 64, Dec. 8. Januis Boyles, aged 78, Dec. 15. Wife of Samuel Jackson, aged 4 2, Dec. 20. Glarinda Boyles, aged 47, Dec. 23. Kli Stoddai-d, aged 24, Dec. 24. 1813. Widow of Elislia Steel, aged 70, .Ian. 1. ITri Mansfield, aged 40, Jan. 5. Widow Johnson, aged 60, Jan. 6. Daniel Bishop, aged 66, Jan. 7 Widow Jerusha Hannah, aged 74, Jan. 7. Widow Sarah Frudden, aged 69, Jan. '.' Dr. Parleman B. Fowler, aged 32, Jan. 9. Rena Bishop, aged 30, Jan. 9. Wife of James (Joldsmith. Jan. 12. Paul P^'ondham, Jan. 22. Herman Parks, Feb. 5. Widow Sarah Gordon, aged 70, Kob. 12. Amos Allen, aged 67, March 15. Eldad Sherman, aged 46, March 22. Widow Sarah Downs, aged 86. April !). Wife of Samuel Johnson, April 13. Betsey Dudley, May. Wife of Daniel Strong, aged 62, June 27. 568 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY, Levi Cowles. aged 46, Gideon Gibbs, aged 33, Dr. Benjamin Hawley, aged 70, Wife of Samuel Church, Jr., aged 42, 1814. David Brown, aged 68, Rebeckah Stilson, aged 20, James Frisbie, aged 92, Amos Bishop, aged 82, Anna Martin, aged 13, Laurens Prentice, aged 28, Alma Skid more, aged 13, Wife of David Bellamy, aged 61, Lucretia Goldsmith, aged 8, Margaret Hannah, aged 76, 1815. Samuel Mansfield, aged 15, Bronson Marvin, aged 17, Eunice Stilson, Josiah Stilson, aged 62, Simeon Gitto, aged 64, Wife of Moses Knap, aged 74, Hue Murrey Young, aged 73, Marilla Martin, aged 25, Isaac Hamblin, aged 24, 1816. Abel Skidmore, aged 6, Thomas Prentice. Thankful Frisbie. Joseph Dayton, Widow Rebeckah Leavitt, Mrs. Cadah, Widow Elizabeth Thompson, aged 96, William P. Lacy, aged 18, Francis Hannah, aged 15, w. of Amos Lake, Benjamin Hitchcock, aged 56, Widow Garnsey, 1817. Amaziah Prentice, Widow Comfort Capon, Abigail, w. of Abraham Brownson, w. of Seymour Knapp, Widow Anna Holbrook, aged 74, Frederic Knapp, aged 17, Samuel Galpin, aged 24, Aug. 27. Sept. 11. Sept. 11. Oct. 21. Jan. 6. Jan. 24. March 17. April 17. May 2. May 12. June 14. July 4. Aug. 21. Oct. 22. Jan. 31. March 3. April 18. April 23. May 29. Aug. 30. Aug. 30. Oct. 13. Dec. 30. Feb. 19. April 24. May 3. June 1 . June 1, Aug. Sept. Sept. Nov. 28, 7, 28, 19, Dec. 24, May June. 4, July Aug. Sept. Oct. 11, Oct. DEATHS IN B K T H I, K H E M , 569 Moses Galpin, aged 77. w. of Milo Knapp, Usal Mansfield, aged 73, 1818. \ Anna (^lark, aged '23, .Tared Morris, aged 13, Emeline Knapp, aged 8, wid. of Moses Galpin, aged 70, \v. of Sanford Johnson, aged 47, John Doolittle, aged 72, Miranda Oxford, aged 16, 1819. Martha tSmitli, aged 8, Matthew Judson, ^•i^;^- w. of Elam Luddingtou, aged 42, Eli Stoddard, aged 70, Mary Parmele, aged 3, ('hristopher Prentice, aged 93, Tlujophilus Jaeks(ni, aged 6.5, Widow Abigail Mansfield, aged 63, w. of David Kimberly, aged 60, 1820. Billy Ambler, aged 56, Polly Ambler, aged 24, Robert Crane, aged 80, Thomas Ford, aged 80, Widow Eunice Baldwin, aged 64, Henry, s. of Nathan Burton, Jr., w. of Asa Oowles, aged 67, Widow Phebe Cowles, aged 97, w. of John Prentice, 1821. Harriet Luddington, aged 18, Widow Esther Smith, aged 78, Widow Sarah Dunning, aged 81, Widow Esther Chapman, aged 88, John Atwood, aged 72, Noah Benedict, aged 33, Moses Knapp. aged 36, Solomon Robinson, aged 81, w. of Jonas Minor, aged 5 1 , 1822. w. of Edmund Thompson, Nancy Martin, aged 28, Vol. TIL— 72 Nov. Dec. Jan. 10. Jan. 14. Feb. 15. Feb. 19. April. April 26. May 26. Feb. 8. Feb. 20. Feb. 23. Feb. 27. April 13. April 14. April 16. Nov. 5. Dec. 14. Jan. 26. March 9. March 14. March 22. July. July 21. Oct. 8. Nov. 7. Nov. 4. Feb. 1. Feb. 8 April 24 June 15 July '3 Aug. 8 Oct. 11 Dee. 7 Dec. 21 Feb. 10. March 8. 570 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Harmon Hill, aged 22, w. of Nathan Burton, aged 7 1 , Robert Hannah, aged 60, w. of Burton Judson, aged 34, w. of Ijioodrich Dudley, aged 68, Caroline, w. of E. Luddington. Feter Mayhew (Indian), aged 43, Jairus Luddington, aged 46, Ephraim Doolittle, Theodore, s. of Jared Allen, aged 10, Charles Gordon, aged IG, Stephen Doolittle, aged 59, 1823. John H. Bellamy, aged 8, Jonas Minor, aged II, Stephen Scott. E., dau. of J. Hayes, agetl 4, Ehzabeth, w. of John Langdon, aged 31, Widow Dorcas Hawley, aged 7G, Melissa Atwood, aged 22, Widow Phebe Ford, aged 79, 1824. Jack Hannah (colored), aged about 100, Widow Lydia Hitchcock, aged 80, Leonard Baldwin, aged 27, w. of Henry Thompson, aged 57, Andrew J., s. of John Bird, David Gibbs, Abel Stilson, aged 70, Patty Emory. Francis Bloss, aged 81, Stephen Hand, 1825. Thomas Ford, aged 48, w. of Horace Kimball, aged 42, Nehemiah Lambert, aged 58, Sally Churchill, aged 50, w. of David Bellamy, aged 54, Asa Dudley, aged 7 1 , Mercy, w. of Ebenezer Perkins, aged 70, 1826. Olive Martin, aged 21, w. of Samuel Church, aged 42, David Bellamy, aged 76, Mrs. Dudley, aged 71, March 9. March 29. March 30. April 21. April 24. May 10. May 16. May 20. June. Aug. 29. Oct. 17. Dec. 20. April 30. May 8. Aug. 27. Sept. 21. Sept. 22. Oct. Dec. 21. Feb. 3. March 28. March 30. July 8. July 3. Aug. 28. Sept. 25. Dec. 18. Dec. 18. • Feb. 14. Feb. 28. March 26. May 10. May 15. Aug. 6. Nov. 14. Jan. 3. March 16. May ] ] . Aug. 3. DKATItH IN BETIII, KHIOM i7l Martin Goldsmith, aged 20, Mj's. San ford, aged 94, Romulus Fowler, aued 1 7, 1827 Gideon Atwood, aged 8-1, Widow Blois. aged 79, Mrs. Martin, aged G7, Bethuel Tompkins, aged 53, Spencer Gibbs, aged 67, L. Strong, aged 38, Capt. Samuel Jackson, aged 29, 1828. Daniel Bishop, Isaac Hill, George D. Kasson. Esq.. aged 63, Elizabeth Ambler, aged 59, Mrs. Deborah Allen, aged 76, Rebecca Thompson, aged 78, 1829. Sally Hannah, aged 14, Mi's. Wealthy Jackson, aged 35, Dotha Prentiss, aged 38, w. of Timothy Allen. Sherman Prentice, Widow Mary Chuix-h, aged 74, Ruth, w. of Jared Allen, aged 40, Ruth, w. of James Egleston, aged 75, 1830. Mr. Kimball, w. of Miles Munson, Daniel Strong, I Dean Brownison, Judson Martin, Joseph Clark. 1831. 1832. 1835. Widow Tabitha Stevens, aged 91, w. t'f David Hannah, aged 61, Amasa Kilbourn, aged 44, Nabby Hand Linsley, aged 82, John's Bird, aged 22, Molly Crane, aged 65, Aug. 29. Sept. 17. Oct. 8. Feb. 9 Feb. 24 Marcli 19 May 30 July 8 Julv 19 Oct. 12 April 21. May 15. June 6. June 10. July 30. Oct. 9. Feb. 3. Feb. 13. March 20. July 15. Aug. 17. Aug. 31. Sept. 10. June 30. June 10. June 14. Jan. March 5. Jan. 23. Feb. 1 1. Feb. 14. March 10. April 7. May 4. 572 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, "Widow Elizabeth Hillhouse, aged 76, w. of Harmon Wells, aged 34, Harvey Shelton, aged 23, Widow Lucy Green, aged 78, w. of Andrew French, aged 48, Susan Parmelee, aged 22, w. of Ebenezer Hall, aged 76, Wife of Eliphalet Ludington, aged 72, Timothy Allen. Capt. Seth Martin, aged 73, May 9. June 18. July 29. Aug. 5. Aug. 11. Oct. 15. Oct. 16. Nov. 3. Dec. 27. 1836. Dr. Ebenezer Perkins, aged 83, Gideon Crane, aged 28, Dr. Lyman Catlin, aged 46, 1837. Chauncey Hall, aged 65, Widow Susan Prentis, aged 74, Widow Annis Thompson, aged 78, Sept. 7. Dec. 9. Dec. 23. Jan. 25. March 19. Nov. 14. 1838. Chauncey Strong, aged 43, Mrs. Rebecca Judd, aged 99, Naboth Osborn, aged 83, Moses Ptaymond, aged 86, Henry L. Knapp, aged 22, Hervey Fairchild, aged 36, Daniel Strong, aged 51, Eliphalet Ludington, aged 84, 1839. Horace Kimball, aged 49, Levi Thompson, aged 60, Widow Reliance Kasson, aged 88, Lucinda Monson, aged 63, Joseph Peters, aged 90, Dea. Phinehas Crane, aged 62, Feb. 25. March 17. June 22. July 7. Aug. 15. Aug. 24. Aug. 26. Oct. 4. April 24. April 24. July 24. Oct. 6. Oct. 9. Nov. 17. 1840. Electa, w. of Daniel Hill, aged 72, Henry Thompson, aged 86, Zeri Downs, aged 11, Goodrich Dudley, aged 71, Judah Baldwin, aged 69, Charles Wattles, aged 27, Feb. 7. March 28. May 3. May 7. Aug. 23. Dec. 14. DEATHS IN B E T H L E H K M 573 1841. Widow Ruth Munn, aged 87. Susan Jackson Harrison, aged 21, Betsey Ann Knap, w. of Seneca J. Looinis, aged 24, Lines Clark, aged 35, Olive S. Ambler, aged 31, Salina, w. of Ichabod Prentiss, aged 64, Da\dd, s. of Harold Brown, aged 20, Esther, w. of Jonathan Baldwin, aged 54, Anna, w. of Harold Brown, aged 58, Major Strong, aged 57, Alonza Allen, aged 21, Edgar Kasson, aged 43. Amanda Brown, aged 23, William Baldwin, aged 17, Leverett Judd, aged 67, Frederick E. Bird, aged 27, 1842. Sarah Russel, aged 15, Alpha Scott, aged 40, Malinda, w. of Jerial Hayes, aged 49, Abby, w. of Abner Strong, aged 52, Darius Perkins, aged 59, Widow Sarah Brown, aged 80, Luke Ariel, aged 65, Norton Beach, aged 15, Malinda, w. of Capt. Charles Ambler, David, s. of J. Bellamy, Esq., ageil 26, Wife of Amos Bishop, aged 47, Charles Thompson, aged 54, David Kimberly, aged 81, 1843. Champion Clark, aged 83, Lois, w. of Champion Clark, aged 77, Wife of Joseph Stilson, Jr., aged 27, Samuel Jackson, Esq., aged 85, Abel Hard, aged 76, Wife of Esq. Hawley, Lucretia, w. of Frederick , Elizabeth L. Strong, aged 26, Mary Ann Crane, aged 28, Wife of David Hill, aged 76, Robert Porter, aged 79, Wife of Samuel Johnson, aged 76, Marietta Baldwin, aged 1 8, April 3. Ai)ril 9. April 14. April 21. May 4. Oct. 18. Oct. 20. Oct. 21. Oct. 24. Nov. 3. Nov. 13. Nov. 19. Dec. 9. Dec. 11. Dec. 24. Jan. 29. March 6. March 14. March 24. April 20. May 11. May 17. May 25. June 4. June 21. June 29. June 30. Dec. 19. Jan. 20. Feb. 28. March 15. April 1. April 12. July 14. July 16. Aug. 16. Sept. 24. Oct. 10. Dec. 3. Dec. 8. Dec. 8. 574 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, 1844. Jennett Jackson, aged 29, Alford Brown, aged 32, Derrick S. Monson, aged 44, Wife of Seymour Paterson. Urania, w. of Samuel Churchill, aged 51, Hannah Monson, aged 47, Ebenezer Hall, 1845. Grandison Hard, aged 48, Widow Sarah Lambert, aged 75, Lydia Prentiss, aged 51, David Hill, aged 81, Timothy Judson Parmelee, aged 45, Jane Wattles, aged 14, Hepsy, w. of A. Wattles, aged 52, 1846. Elam Ludington, Harriet L. Kasson, aged 11, Joseph Seymour, 184V. Jonathan Baldwin, Ellen Crane, aged 5, Widow Olive Perkins, aged 59, Garwood A. Potter, aged 2 months, Caleb B. Stimpson, aged 45, Sally Hannah, aged 84, Laura, w. of Joseph Stilson, Jr., ■ 1848. Phebe, w. of Aim. Smith, aged 74, Widow Olive C. Judd, aged 71, Charles H. Thompson, aged 5, Mr. Guthrie, aged 88, Robert P. Crane, aged 1, Samuel N. Stilson, aged 29, Lucretia, wife of Nelson Hawley, aged 46, Lot Bishop, aged 67, Widow Ruth Fondham, aged 68, Joseph H. Bellamy, Esq., aged 60, Widow Sarah Brownson, aged 76, Hannah Hayes, w. of Abner Allen, aged 26, Mehetabel Gutlirie, aged 88, 1849. Catherine Lake, aged 30, Betsey Downs, aged 45, June 28. July 18. July 29. Sept. 26. Oct. 8. Nov. 1. Feb. 3. March 7. May 2 1 . July 15. Aug. 5. Sept. 18. Oct. 22. June 25. Oct. 5. Aug. Aug. 5. Dec. 10. Feb. 16. Oct. May 8. Oct. 22. Nov. 3. Feb. 12. Feb. 20. June 2. April 22. Nov. 11. July 2. Aug. 23. Sept. 25. Sept. 28. Nov. I. Nov. 14. Dec. 12. April 1 1 . Jan. 7. Jan. 11. D K A T H S IN BE T H L K H K M 575 George IjIoks, aged -11, Samuel Jolinson, agetl 71, Hannah, widow of Nornuui St<)n(>, aged 7."), Daniel Hill, aged 8:5, Frederick Sheltoii, aged 4'i. Widow Patty Hill, aged 70. Abram Smith, aged Hf). Almy Prentice, aged (!(). Anna Hrown Jiidd, aged 82, Tjewii Baldwin, ageil 2S, Mrs. Lacy, aged 70. Huliert L. North, aged 4. Kmily Bloss, aged 2, Betsey Bird, aged 62, Margaret Jackson, aged 11, Reuben Thomas, aged 33, Gideon Camp, aged 71, Gen. David 13ird, aged 73, Kli'/,a ('. Baldwin, aged 17, l-Jetsey, w. of L. North, iM.D., aged 32, Betsey Gilbert, aged 70, 1850. Nelson Hawley, aged 40, Wife of ^^'illiam H. Thomas, aged 36, Ichabod S. Prentice, aged 73. Polly, wife of Isaac Raymond, aged 63, Bernice, w. of Zerah Skidmore, Esther Baldwin, aged 5, Henry Bristol, aged 28, Jan. 11. Jan. 27. Jan. 30 M arch ■J 1851. Harriet Hill, aged 52, Deborah Everett, aged 77, Roswell Eggleston, aged 71, Sally Crane, aged 40, Abijah Shelton, aged 71, Eliza Skidmore, aged 54, Sophronia Beach, aged 27, 1852. 1853. Samuel Church, aged 77, Nathan Hawley, aged 78, William Shelton, aged 3 years, 10 months, Charles Joyse, Henry L. Crane, aged 1 year, 6 months, Laura Prentis, aged 52, April 2: 1. June 2. .luiie 26. Aug. 2. Aug. IS. Aug. 28. Sept. 3. Nov. 6. Dec. 20. Dec. 27. June 2. Jan. 16. Feb. 28. March 12. May 2('. May 2i>. June 2. Nov. 11. Jan. 12. Jan. 20. April 23. April 24. April 26. Oct. 8. Oct. 12. Jan. 19. April 30. Aug. 3. Nov. 26. Dec. 7. March 12. 576 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, 1854. Truman M. Johnson, aged 50, James Jackson, aged 52, Chester Allen, aged 54, Hannah Hurd, aged 11, Daughter of Joseph Stilson, Jr., aged 2 weeks, Jesse Hine, aged 76, Son of Stephen Hayes, aged 9 days, Betsey A. Prentis, aged 41, Ebenezer L. Thompson, aged 80, Susannah Hubbard, aged 89, 1855. Harriet Brusie, aged 53, Mary Terrell, aged 25, Ruth Watson, aged 29, Susan Harrison, aged 29, Levi Jackson, aged 75, Mrs. Minot Smith, aged 62, Mrs. Lucy Jackson, aged 62, Lucy Hine, 1856. Deborah Bloss, aged 84, Polly Doolittle, aged 76, Mary Ann Brown, aged 31, Isabell Bristol, aged 74, Elisabeth Shelton, aged 44, Julia Knox, aged 23, Henry Allen, aged 41, Orrin Towne, aged 53, Joseph Stilson, aged 72, Daniel Stilson, aged 18, Willie Bird, aged 1 year, 9 months, Frank Bloss, aged 11 months. Simons, aged 4, Jonah Barts, aged 73, Mrs. Ebenezer Thompson, aged 79, 1857. Sarah A. Jackson, aged 32, Charlotte Kasson, aged 14, Thomas Cronan, Edson P. Hayes, aged 7 months, Child of Henry P. Judson, aged 2 days, Huldah Judd, aged 32, Fanny Bird, aged 32, Nehemiah Baldwin, aged 61, Jan. 21. Feb. 11. March 15. May 12. March 23. July 26. Aug. 2. Aug. 26. Dec. 19. Dec. 20. Jan. 15. March 30. Oct. 1. Oct. 1. Oct. 15. Dec. 18. April 3. March 17. Jan. 12. Feb. 18. March 14. March 29. April 6. May 5. June 8. Aug. 9, Aug. 28. Sept. 15. Dec 15. Aug. 4. Sept. 22. Dec. Jan. 1 ] . Jan. 14, Jan. 19. Feb. 6. Feb 21. March 26. April 9. April 14. DEATHS IN BETHLKIIKM 577 Esther Loomis, aged 61, Cornelius Allen, aged 30, David Ilannali, aged 88, Charlott(! B. Munroe, aged 38, Henry L. Parmlee, aged 6 months, Orrin Terrell, aged 52, Mrs. Levi Thompson, aged 75, 1858. Minot Smith, aged 72, Jane Fotter, aged 28, Mrs. Beach, aged 27, James Allen, aged 64, Hezekiah Smith, Nancy Thompson, aged 69, Mary Ingersoll, aged 80, Harmon Lounsbury, aged 68, Harriet C. Baldwin, aged 22, Nancy E. Forester, aged 45, Henry Jackson, aged 79, David Baldwin, aged 60, 1859. Nancy Crane, aged 84, David Shelton, aged 13, Elizabeth Eggleston, aged 8, Oliver Eggleston, aged 16, George Guernsey, aged 42, Edwin Hannah, aged 53, Abby Church, aged 62, Lucy A. Parmlee, aged 31, Samuel Catlin, aged 56, Patty Stilson, aged 70, Alexander Cady, aged 36, Dothy Wattles, aged 57, Mary B. Peck, aged 40, Sally Kasson, aged 77, ( )live Allen, aged 69, Sylvia Munson, aged 53, Luke Roonoy, aged 40, B(itsey Potter, aged 68, Amos Lake, aged 75, Lester Smith, aged 57, Adam C. Kasson, aged 78, Martha M. Jackson, aged 17, Abner Strong, aged 78, Vol. tit.— 73 1860. 1861. June 3. Aug. 29. Sept. 1^9. Oct. 17. Nov. 7. Nov. 28. Dec. 2. March 16. March 29. June 15. July 29. Aug. 31. Aug. 4. Sept. 20. Oct. 4. Oct. 28. Nov. 8. Dec. 30. Dec. 18. April 3. July 13. July 19. Aug. 14. Oct. 22. April 14. Nov. 4. Jan. 14. Jan. 17. Jan. 22. Feb. 25. March 17. June 1 1. June 12. June 12. Sept. 1. Sept. 5. Sept. 5. Dec. 17. Jan. 6. Jan. 18. Feb. 26. May 22. 578 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Sally Smith, aged 100, Franklin Tolles, aged 8, Courtland Dayton, aged 6, Frederick Dayton, aged 2, Mary J. Bloss, aged 38, Infant of S. L. Bloss, aged 1 day, Jerusha Hannali, aged 84, Mathew Percell, aged 66, Eunice Judson, aged 84, Aurelia Andrews, aged 2, Thompson, aged 4, Dayton, aged 14, Imogene Munson, aged 15, Sally Triphenie Judson, aged 3, 1862. E. R. Downs, aged 7y., 6m., Joseph Bennett, aged 78, Gideon Martin, aged 71, Julia Allen, aged 6, Mary Allen, aged 2, Harriet Bassett, aged 53, John Fox, aged 22, Eldridge Scott, aged 2, Reany Thompson, aged 44, 1863. Elizabeth Morris, aged 22, Eliza Ann Hayes, aged 30, William Fisher, aged 73, Ruth Hunt, aged 2y., 8m., Maria Bird, aged 16, Phineas N. Crane, aged 44, ' Everton T. Judson, aged 4y., 6m., Barnard Brusie, aged 70, Lucy Thompson, aged 78, Philip Waldron, aged 60, Lucretia Bird, aged 66, Sally Wellman, aged 86, Robert Catlin, aged 5y., 6m., Polly Lounsbury, aged 70, Lydia Parsons, aged 94, Lewellyn Bell, aged 3, Isaac Raymond, aged 74, Mary Weller, aged 47, Daniel Hitchcock, aged 84, William Munson, aged 55, Homer Skidmore, aged 57, July 11. July 14. July 26. Aug. 30. April 21. April 21. Aug. 23. Aug. 24. March 15. Dec. 8. April 26. Aug. 1 . Nov. Dec. 12. Jan. 13. Feb. 4. Feb. 20. March. July 13. July 28. Nov. 2. Sept. 15. Jan. 6. Feb. 1. Feb. 3. Feb. 10. March 2. March 13. April 14. April 23. May 17. June. Aug. 21. Sept. 7. Oct. 6. Oct. 9. Oct. 15. Oct. 19. Nov. 6. Nov. 9. Nov. 14. Nov. 17. Nov. 19. DEATJIS IN 1! K T II L K M K M 579 18G4 Elizabeth Strong Riggs, aged 25, Francis D. Prentis, aged 74, Malvinia Miinson, aged 1 4, Levi T. Knox, aged 31, Charlotte A. Judd, aged 3y., 9m., Frederick Baldwin, Mary Ann Strong, aged 52, Mary Emeline Griswold, 9y., 3ni. Ruth Wooten, aged 41, AVilliam Howe, aged SI, Emma J. Doolittle, aged 7, Gross, aged 91, Caroline Griswold, aged ly., 11m., 1865. Olive Strong, aged 79, I'olly Martin, aged 71, Mahuly Parndee, aged 57, Allin D. Da3rton, aged 2y., 6m., Henry B. Smith, aged 22, Sally Tyler, George T. Kasson, aged 27, Phineas Crane, aged 17, Edgar L. Scott, aged 2y., 4m., Adeline Foot, aged 24, David Cronau, aged 53, Elizabeth Andrews, 1866. Caroline Morris, aged 63y., 6m., Benjamin T. Lake, aged 82, Edgar N. Kasson, aged 25, Mrs. Watson, aged 66, Horace Fenn, aged 82, Caroline Guild, aged 37, Mary Ann Lake, aged 77, Mary Jackson, aged 46, Hon. John C. Ambler, aged 66, Eunice L. Thompson, aged 54, Amos Allen, aged 79, Bellamy, aged 77, Laura Leonard, aged 70, 1867. Harriet Beecher, aged 63, David Wellman, aged 91, Emily Bloss, aged 52, Harrold Brown, aged 84, John N. Crane, aged 66, Jan. 24 Feb. 7 Feb. 20 March 28 April 1 April 19 May 1 May 15 June 6 July 20. July 21. July 23. Nov. 22. Jan. 24. Jan. 25. Jan. 26. April 2. April 24. April 24. May 2. May 2. June 26. Sept. 14. Sept. 20. Sept. 29. Jan. 4. March 4. May 15. May 16. May 27. July 16. Sept. 10. Sept. 15. Nov. 15. Dec. 17. Dec. 27. Dec. 28. Dec. 30. April 14. April 23. April 19. April 20. Aug. 10. 580 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, 1868. Wealthy Martin, aged 73, Louisa J. Trowbridge, aged 43, Hannah Lake, aged 8 1 years, 6 months, Martha Kasson, aged 58, Bphraim Harrison, aged 63, Wilhard Scott, aged 10, Annis Jackson, aged 82, Arthur Judd, aged 21, Samuel Churchill, aged 84, Henry P. Bristol, aged 85, 1869. Ruloff B. Hannah, aged 25, Noble Allen, aged 73, Charles A. Bloss, aged 74 years, 6 months, Caroline Hall, aged 72, Sarah Allen, aged 75 years, 6 months, William Burton, aged 77, Thadeus Baldwin, aged 73, Frederick Thompson, aged 60, Rachiel Spencer, aged 93, 1870. Edward H. At wood, aged 28, D wight Northrup, aged 58, Nathan Crane, aged 47. Charles Wiltshire, aged 3, Esther Rhoades, aged 85, Sarah Fox, aged 21, Ella C. Thomas, aged 20, Sherman G. Atwood, aged 73, 1871. Phebe Carrington, aged 85, Charles W. Ambler, aged 73, Seth Martin, aged 73, Corneha Church, aged 69, C. E. Osborn, aged 24, Wooster Downey, aged 48, Zerah Skidmore, aged 87, G-eorgiana Clark, aged 20, Elizur Potter, aged 72, Joseph Stillson, aged 60, James Armstrong, aged 46, Sarah Scranton, aged 15, Augustus Wattles, aged 76, Julia Dehigh, aged 50, 1872. Feb. 2. March 24. April 2. May 19. Feb. 25. Feb. 20. March 22. June 21. Nov. 14. Dec. 21. Jan. 25. Feb. 15. March 7. March 10. March 31. June 22. Aug. 24. Sept. 29. Dec. 17. Sept. 3. Feb. 1. March 27. March 27. May 19. Oct. 31. July 16. Sept. 10. Jan. 7. Dec. 6. March 1. July 23. Oct. 6. Oct. 7. Dec. 15. Dec. 25. Nov. March 27. April 12. Aug. 19. Aug. 31. Oct. 2. 1) K .\ T ir S IN }i K T 11 L E H K M 581 1873. Alva Clark, aged G7, Russell Jutlson, aged 79, Nerval Hawley, aged I'l, Nancy Well man, aged 5G, Mary Johnson, aged 2, Electa Reach, aged 81, Harvey Gillett, aged 67, Phebe Judson, aged 73, 1874. Harriet Jackson and child, aged 26, Sally Martin, 1875. Haran Hubbard, aged 69, Thomas Kennedy, aged 60, Hon. Abraham Beecher, aged 72, Laura Bishop, aged 91, Emma Jackson, aged 4, Gilbert A. Crane, aged 23, William A. Hayes, aged 53, Harry Lockwood, aged 75, Leverett P. Judd, aged 61, Mary Hill, aged 4, Hannah Spencer, aged 73, Polly Crane, aged 52, Shelden Jackson, aged 72, Betsey Flowers, aged 34, Emma Armstrong, aged 23, Charles StantDn, aged 75, Ella Percy, aged 24, Caroline Bird, aged 49, James Kennedy, aged 50, Asa Roberts, aged 3, 187(). 1877. 1878. Anson Morris, aged 67, Infant of Philip L. and Kate Waldron, aged 1 day, William Clark, aged 55, Infant of Richard and Jane Mayer, aged 1 day, Darius Leehy, aged 32, Mary G., wife of David Thompson, aged 34, J une 18, Fel>. 19 March 4. March 9. May July Sept. Oct. 10. 4. 5. 19, . Dec. 15, March. Feb. 10, March 1. March. March. April. April. April. April. April. Julv. Oct. March 28. May May Dec. 26. 26. 19. Jan. 3. Feb. 23. May June 5. 25. Dec. 3. Jan. 5. Jan. Feb. 16. Feb. 27. Oct. 31. April 28. BIRTHS IN ROXBURT T The Ecclesiastical Society of Roxbury, in Woodbury, was incor- porated in May, 1743, and made a town of the same name in Octo- ber, 1796. There is no list of births in the records of the town from the date of its incorporation to the year 1852. This is a very great loss to the people of the town. The records of the parent town contain births, marriages, and deaths previous to a consid- erable extent. 1852. Ellen, dau. of Henry and Elizabeth Lucas, Emily, dau. of Aaron and Caroline Monroe, Eunice, dau. of Milo and Rachel Booth, Russel, s. of Garry and Virginia Bates, Julia E., dau. of John and Julia Hull, James J., s of Charles and Ruth Botsford, ch. of James M. and Augusta Hurd, Chauncey, s. of Chauncey A. and Laura Beers, 1853. Noble, s. of George and Sally Thomas, Frank, s. of Daniel S. and Betsey Morris, William E., s. of William P. and Betsey A. Newton, Sarah, dau. of Charles S. and Elisabeth Trowbridge, Alice, dau. of Albin and Mary E. Ward, Esther A., dau. of Chauncey and Patty Wilmot, Candace L., dau. of Edson and Harriet Bradley, Theodore D., s. of EK and Elisabeth Bradley, Frank W., s. of George and Thalia Hurlbut, Ellen, dau. of John and Ellen Garrity, George W., s. of Eleazar and Delia Welton, Ella, dau. of Henry L. and Roxy M. Patterson, Watson, s. of .George and Charlotte Elliott, Edna, dau. of Silas R. and Phebe A. Beardsley, Esther, dau. of Lorenzo and Mary Warner, Katie E., dau. of William and Emeline Root, Frank, s. of Jonah T. and Emily M. Davidson, Charles H., s. of Charles H. and Sarah J. Hurlbut, Legrand, s. of Charles and Maria E. Randall, Elizabeth J., dau. of Albert L. and Jame E. Hodge, Oct. 5, Oct. 14. Jan. 19, Nov. 10, Nov. 14, Oct. 28, Nov. 23. Nov. 19, Jan. 3, Jan. 30. Feb. 7. Feb. 10. July Feb. 22. 14. March 2. Dec. 10. Sept. 20. Jime 25. Feb. 21. June 1. June 7. June 16. June 26. July July Oct. 3. 14. 15. Nov. 6. Nov. 21. BIKTHS IN UOXBUUY. 583 Charles B., s. of Edmund B. and F^liza Garlick, Austin I., s. of John W. and Phebe Castle, 1854. Edmund W., s. of Bennet E. and Elisabeth W. Preston, Ida A., dau. of Edwin C. and Angeline Prindle, Charles H., s. of Charles and Catherine Tyrrell, Emma J., dau. of Lauren and Mary J. Newton, Smith, s. of Chauncey A. and Laura Beers, s. of Richard and Laura Fanning, Charlotte E., dau. of Sheldon and Lucy Camp, Adelia E., dau. of Reuben S., Sr., and Havilla Edwards, John, s. of John and Julia Hull, Sarah M., dau. of Levi T. and Harriet Squire, Ophelia, dau. of George and Abigail S. Warner, Florence L,., dau. of Austin D. and Julia Burritt, John, s. of John and Ellen Garrity, Catlieriiie, dau. of George and Julia Barnes, Hattie M., dau. of Alva and Warner, Martin, s. of John and Mary Dooley, Ellen, dau. of Chauncey and Patty Wilmot, Henrietta, dau. of Frederick W. and Henrietta Lathrop, Albert L., s. of David and Mariette Pierce, John Z., s. of Job Z. and EHzabeth A. Warner, John, s. of Aaron and Caroline Monroe, Everett, s. of Sally Jackson. 1855. James W., s. of Charles and Ruth A. Botsford, Mary M., dau. of Ira and Maria P. Bradley, Eva J., dau. of Elisha A. and Maria Weller, Bruce, s. of Robert B. and Mary Jane Weller, Jane, dau. of John and Sally Evans, Leslie L., s. of Joel W. and Fayette Judd, Maria, dau. of John and Mary Dooley, Martha J., dau. of William and Sarah A. Leavenworth, George W. P., s. of John H. and Mary A. Leavenworth, Catherine, dau. of George and Catherine Minor, George, s. of John F. and Mary C. Crofut, David B., s. of Joel B. and Mary E. Wheeler, Mary L., dau. of James W. and Jane E. Travers, Walter, s. of Harvey anooth, Fanny M., dau. of Plenry H. and Sarah J. Fenn, Benjamin, s. of William H. and Ilonoi-a Madden, Helen, dau. of Arthur and Hannah GoodoiiiHigh, Jennie C , dau. of George W. and Lavinia Thomas, Alice C, dau. of George and Abigail Warner, 1870. Michael, s. of Dennis and Ellen A. Callaghan, Charles M., s. of Austin D. and Julia M. Burritt, Laura E., dau. of Charles T. and Ruth Ann 'i'yrrell, s. of William and ]\Iary Pickett, Harriet S., dau. of Chester A. and Austria Isham, John, s. of Joseph and Mary Gormon, Edith V. N., dau. of Francis A. and Julia C. Squire, s. of Albert and Louisa Booth, Miles G., s. of Edwin M. and Lydia E. Booth, s. of John and Catherine Turrill, Ellen, dau. of Michael and Bridget McCiowan, Grace, dau. of Richard and Anna M. Chinn, Mary, dau. of Patrick and Catherine M. Haggerty, s. of Wilbur E. and Emma Osbom, Frederick, s. of Nicholas and Fanny Moon, Jan. 26. Feb. 25. April n. April 10. April 12.' April 19. Dec. 24. Dec. 24. July 7 Aug. 19. Aug. 26. Sept. 12. Nov. 19. Dec. 18. June 3 Jan. 16 Feb. 22 April 13 March 9 March April June April June July. Aug. Oct. Nov. Dec. March 21. July 27. Feb. 19. Feb. 22. March 9. July 2. March 19. March 23. March 26. April 18. April 27. May 16. Aug. 25. June 13. Feb. 9. Dec. 21. I 590 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY 1871. Helen B., dan. of Shelden B. and Mary B. Smith, Feb. 19. Charles B., s. of Charles T. and Ellen S. Squier and Ruth lialdwin, Natlianiel ('ha|)[)cl and Milly Kiiapj), John Jones and PhclHi Thomas, (xidc'on llawley and Elisabeth Love, 1757. Amos Hui'd and Dorcas Judson, Ebenezer Warner aud Patience Minor, Benajah Hawluy aud Ann Castle, 1758. William Castle and Thankful Baker, Tilly Blaksly and Mercy Baker, Benjamin Hurlbut and Ruth Hurlbut, 1759. David Leavenworth and Olive Hunt, Daniel Chilson and Thebe Thomas, Noah Hurd and Susannah Castle, Nathan Leavenworth and Rachel Castle, 1760. Samuel Hicock and Margaret Squier, Remember Baker and Desire Hurlbut, Mr. Chrissey and Elisabeth Hurd, John Fulford and Elisabeth Hurlbut, Ebenezer Thomas and Joanna Galpin, Stephen Squier and Ruth Robbins, 17G1. Noah Hurlbut and Sarah Thomas, Martin Beebe and Dorcas Hurd, Elijah Hurlbut and Sarah Rogers, Gideon Squier and Martha Warner, Nickerbocker and Sarah Hurlbut, David Squier aud Rebecca Squier, Benjamin Warner and Rebecca Castle, Jonathan Hurlbut and Ann Hurlbut, 17(53. Elijah Benedict and Mallei Hurlbut, Edward Collins and Ruth Blaksly, John Orton and Abigail Leavenworth, Job Down and Rachel Smith, Dec. 18. Dec. 24. Jan. 2. Feb. 12. Oct. 7. Oct. 3U. .lulv 27. July 6. July 7. Feb. 23. March 16. March 16. Feb. 8. July 5. Dec. 10. Dec. 12. Jan. 24. April 3. April 1.5. June 1 1. Aug. 14. Aug. 21. March 16. May 6. Sept. 30. Nov. 19. Jan. 14. Feb. 4. Nov. 2. Nov. 18. Jan. 20. June 15. June 29. Auff. 31. 596 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1764 Gideon Stoddard and Rebecca Hunt, Edward Frisbie and Elisabeth Durkee, Jedediah Elderkin and Hannah Mallory, Zacheus Wellar and Eleanor Blaksly, Noah Woodward and Nancy Torrance, Gideon Booth and Sarah Koy, 1765. John Bunce and Annie Beach, Joshua Judson and Deborah Leavenworth, Gideon Hunt and Tabitha Wakelee, Daniel Warner and Patience Norton, Comfort Stilson and Abigail Nichols, Ebenezer Hurlbut and Comfort Baker, Nathan Rumsey and Damaris Baker, Isaac Hurd and Emm Hunt, 1766. Daniel Hunt and Dorcas Osborn, Asahel Baldwin and Patience Brownson, 1767. Elizur Curtis and Mary Hurd, Alpheus Woodward and Lament Curtiss, Jabez Allen and Mary Judsou, David Nichols and Annise Hurlbut, Gideon Hurlbut, Jr., and Elisabeth Judson, Josiah Brownson and Rebecca Hurlbut, Eliada Pettit and Mary Hurlbut, 1768. William Torrance and Lucy Castle, Daniel Blaksly and Eunice Booth, Asahel Booth and Mirrian Blaksly, Azel Wellar and Abigail Hurd, Thomas Brown and Lucy Squier, Ebenezer Thomas and Phebe Hurd, Ebenezer Hull and Abigail Wellar, 1769. Jolin Mallory and Beulah Thomas, Thomas Rowe and Christian Hibbard, Simeon Hunt and Mary Leavenworth, Rev. John Minor and Sarah Canfield, x\.bner Hurd and Rebecca Savage, Jan. 5. Feb. L Feb. 8. Feb. L5. Sept. 19. Dec. 4. Jan. 21. Feb. 27. March 7. March 14. May 8. Aug. 8. Aug. 19. Oct. 22. Aug. 13. Nov. 20. Jan. 1 . Feb. 26. April 13. Aug. 6. Aug. 2.5. Dec. 23. Dec. 29. March 30. May 3. May 25. May 25. Nov. 24. Dec. 1. Dec. 28. Jan. 11. Jan. 13. April 11. Sept. 20. Dec. 6. M A H R I A O K S IN It O X B U U Y 597 1770. Richard Ilino and Amy Hurd, Azariah Eastman and Sarah Booth, Buell Hough and Elisabeth Torrance, Nathan Warner and Lois Armstrong, 1771. Elisha Judson and Deborah Brownson, David Judson and Cldoe Allen, Moses Iliirlbut and Patience Hurlljut, Andrew Hicock and Mary Ingraham, Eliakim Stoddard and Mary Hawley, Peace Minor and Anna Hubbel, Richard Hurd and Mary Lacey, 1772. David Bassit and Ann Holmes, John Monger and Ann Hough, Jonathan Smith and Abigail Kimbei-ly, Simeon Castle and Avis Leavenworth, Jeremiah Thomas and Sarah Judson, Cornelius Brownson and Pjlisabeth ?''risbie, Samuel Dutton and Rachel Darrha, Thomas Torrance and Eunice Lacey, James Morehouse and Laurannah Kimberly, 1773. Al)ijah Brownson aiid Ann Hurd, David I^ooth and Sarah Castle, George Norton and Lucy Thonuis, Benjamin Kimberly and Esther Leavenworth, Ebenezer Tjacey and Mary Hurd, David Mai lory and Lydia Frisbie, 1774. John Baker and Sarah Dudley, Abraham Brownson and Rutli Castle, Benjamin Eastman and Elisabeth Sherwood, Amos Leavenworth and Esther AVarner, Eldad Baker and Jemima Hurd, Joseph Rood and Martha VVellar, Medad Baker and Sai'ah Foot, Benjamin Clark and Patience Baker, 1775. Thomas Canfield and Sarah Mallory, Phiueas Baker and Lydia Post, Adam Hurd and Martha Judson, Noah Dudley and Mary Thomas, Jan. 15. July 11. Sept. 5. Sept. 19. Jan. 28. Feb. VS. March '27. May 1 . May 2. May 9. Nov. 21. Jan. 14. Jan. 22. Jan. 29. June IS. June 24. Oct. 6. Oct. 7. Nov. 4. Nov. 5. Jan. 7. Jan. 28. Feb. 3. March 23. June 3. Dec. 28. .\pril 21. May 19. May 2G. July 11. Aug. 22. Aug. 25. Sept. 1. Sept. 21. Aug. 23. Nov. 14. Nov. 17. Dec. 6. 598 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, 1776. Robert Hurlbut and Tamar Hurd, David Blaksly and Phebe Hall, 1777. William Hunt and Mary Hunt, Lemuel Hide and Mercy Allen, David Thomas and Al)igail Case, Seth Mitchell and Mary Dudley, 1778. Lemuel Down and Sarah Leavenworth, John Austin Norton and Currence Hurd, 1779. Elijah Hurd and Buzina Leavenworth, Timothy Castle and Mary Hunt, John Mallory and Elisabeth Goodsell, David Judson and Amy Hine, William Norton and Lorana Morehouse, Ebenezer Warner, Jr., and Elisabeth Sweet, 1780. Moses Smith and Lucretia Hall, Samuel Hurd and Damaris Smith, Thaddeus Hurd and Elisabeth Wakelee, James Armstrong and Mirriam Mallory, James Minor and Anna Eastman, William Johnson and Keziah Dudley, 1781. John Johnson and Rachel Baker. John Beach and Rhoda Lacey, Samuel Warner and Abigail Keeler, Nathan Beers and Mary Noble, Gideon Martin and Sibil Leavenworth, Asahel Beach and Grace Squier, Isachar Norton and Jerusha Hurd, Samuel Torrance and Ann Mitchell, 1782. Chapman Judson and Ann Hunt, Elihu Leavenworth and Autha Blackman, Ezra Lacey and Lois Baker, Jehiel Stanson and Rebecca Dudley, Abijah Brownson and Ruth Hurd, Jan. 29. Feb. 28. July 30. Aug. 7. Sept. 4. Nov. 17. March 2. Sept. 15. Jan. 22. Feb 17. April 27. April 15. March 22. April 13. Feb. 28 March 9 March 9 June 14 July 12 July 13 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 April 3 Sept. 24 Nov. 2] Dec. 31 March 5 Jan. 1 Oct. 6 Jan. 24 Jan. 28 Feb. 14 M A U R I A G K S IN 1£ O X B i: H Y J99 May 9. Nov. 17. Nov. 21. Dec. 4. Dec. 9. June 23. Jan. 23 Marcli 6 April i) July 3 July 28 April 8. May 17. Aug. 25. Sept. 21. Nov. 28. David Ramsey and Hannah Brownson, John Squier and Bede Clark, Enos Hart and Alice Leavenworth. Ebenezer Lacey and Phebe Hurlbut, John Baker and Annice Norton, Moses Wilcox and Desire Welton, Thomas Warner and Sarah Thomas, 1783. Elihu Canfield and Sarah Frisbie, Abiathar Squier and Ra»^hel Atwill. Noah Frisbie, Jr., and Lydia Wollar, Isi'ael Beach and Mary Booth, Stephen Hurd and Betty Leavenworth, 1784. Samuel Benedict and Ann Leavenworth, Oliver Castle and Thankful Strong, Israel Lucas and Dorcas Warner, John C. Case and Lydia Warner, David Warner and Ruth Baker, 1785. Abel Wakelee (revolutionary soldier), and Annis Hurd, March 15. Benedict Hann and Esther Stoddard, March 16. Samuel Wellar and Eunice Sherman, Sept. 23. Thomas Brownson and Ann Rumsey, Dec. 12. Sanuiel Bristol and Susanna Warner, Dec. 22. 1786. Joseph Seymour and Thankful Hunt, William Luttenton and Rurli Minor. Simeon Sanford and Clarinda Dudley, Elienezer Booth and Hannali Squier, John Seymour and Sarah Tayloi*, Frederick Eastman and Sarah Shijtmaji, James Blaksly and Ruth Roots. Moses Dixon and Sarah Hunt, 1787. Abram Brownson, 2d, and lihoda Warner, Israel Castle and Electa Dewy, Capt. Benjamin Warner and Frances Fenn, George Smith and Beulah Peet, Elijah Peet and Betty Hurd, 1788. Stephen Beebe and Dorcas Hurlbut, , Claudius Hurlbut and Sarah Defrees, Feb. 9. March 23. April June 3. 22. June 25. Nov. 21. Nov. 26. Dec. 14. March 15. July Aug. Aug. Oct. 30. 2. 23. 3. Feb. 6. April 3. 600 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Alvan Eastman and Mary Wellar, July 24. Ira Thomas and Abigail Hnrd, -Aug. 28. Samuel Dean and Amy Earl, Dec. 22. 1789. Piatt Wakelee and Mary Minor, Jan. 1.5. John Mallory and Harriet Davies, June 14. George Stetson and Betty Stetson, June 19. Joseph Atwill and Mary Hall, Feb. 3. Enos Collins and Naomi Roots, Feb. 1 1 . Samuel Cowel and Ann Leavenworth, Feb. 16. Andrew Hunt and Phebe Bailey, Feb. 25. Simeon Down and Susanna Hurd, May 28. Charles Thomas and Jerusha Wellar, Dec. 23. Seth Minor and Susanna Frisbie, June 3. 1790. David Hammond and Elisabeth Smith, Feb. 10. Nathan Strong and Phebe Wakelee, Oct. 14. Japhet Colhns and Eunice Hurd, Feb. 23. Reuben Warner and Lucy Trowbridge, May 30. Isaac Bassett and Azubah Leavenworth, ■ Nov. 7. 1791. Thaddeus Baker and Ann Castle, Jan. 27. John Moseley and Abigail Castle, Jan. 31. Cornelius Brownson and Susanna Down, Jan. 31. Robert Warner and Phebe Hunt, Feb. 6. Daniel Hunt and Esther Goodrich, Feb. 27. Nathan Galpin and Olive Leavenworth, Feb. 27. Edward Minor and Abigail Frisbie, Nov. 15.' Jacob Olds and Sarah Sanford, May 5. 1792. Job Martin and Mary Hunt, Jan. 10. Timothy Hurd and Sarah Wakelee, Feb. 7. John Baily and Asenath Hopson, Feb. 22. Abram Thomas and Ziporah Warner, Feb. 23^ Abner Wakelee and Ruth Bailey, March 1 3. Russel Hurd and Ruth Mitchell, May 30. Ebenezer Goodrich and Submit Norton, July 26. Ebenezer Hurlbut and Philena Bates, Nov. 5. Daniel Judson and Ruth Hine, Nov. 7. Moses Booth and Sarah Judson, Nov. 7. 1793. I. Castle and Charlotte Hays, Jan. 21. Bethuel Treat and Polly Painter, Feb. 21. M A R R I A O F. S IN l{ O \ ]? I |; y GOl [ Edmond P^isbie and Betty Sliennan, Israel Minor and Hetty Cheravoy, "David Tucker and Eunice Talinan, Jesse Benton and Susanna Rogers, 1794. John Thomas and Parnel Wellar, John Young and Lois Gillet, Joshua Sweet and ]\Iary Ilurd. Levi Down and Zillah Painter, Daniel Mallory and Sibil Allen, Job and Benlah Squier, 1797. Ira Sanford and Polly Canfield. Isaac Thomas and Rhoda Hurd, Isaac Blackman and Susan Elderkin, Daniel Shipman and Sally Eastman, 1798. Reuben Castle of New Canaan and Comfort Ilurlbut, Luke C. Hinman and Lois Thorp, Saul Hurllmt and Anna Titus, Stephen Tyrrell of Brookfield and Susannah Thomas, Roswell Wheaton and Elisabeth Bassett, Ebenezer Warner, 3d, and Anna Judson, David Judson, 2d, and Patience Warner, Justus Parker of Washington and Elizabeth Ann Hunt, Ira Sanford and Mahala Eastman, Abel Brownson and EUsabeth JMallory. Abraham Summers and Abigail Mallett, Samuel Galpin of Woodbuiy and Lydia Tallman, Thomas Blakesky and Sally Curtiss, Sylvanus Coan of Woodbury and Ruanna Tuttle, Dr. Josiah R. Eastman and Araarilla Ilurd, David Blakesley and Polly Blakesley, 1799. Ezekiel Stephens and Betsey Beaman of South Britain. Ichal)od Ward and widow Mary Mitchell. James Booth of Newtown and Sarah Booth, James Morgan of New Milfoi'd and Sally Booth, 18011. Vine Elderkin and Anna Armstrong, David Hurd, Esq., aged 72, and widow Mary Thomas, 2d, aged 70, Vol. III.— 76 March 3L May 9. Nov. r>. Dec. S. March 2. March 20. Julv 1 7. July 27. Aug. 19. Oct. 20. July 25. Nov. 28. Dec. 3. Dec. 27. Jan. 7 Jan. 28 Feb. 25 April 22 April 23 May 7 May 30 July 2, Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. 29. 13. 30. 4. 24. 8. 14. Feb. 17. Feb. 28. May 2H. Sept. 24. Jan. 2(5. Feb. 4. 602 HISTORY OF A.NCIENT WOODBURY. Aaron Brownson and Althea Stoddard of Woodbury, David Roots and Rebeckah Burton, Ebenezer Slielton of Huntington and widow Rhoda Warner, Thomas Chapman of Washington and Sally Gillett, 1801. Ithamar Barnes and Anna Thomas, Dr. Samuel S. Masters and Lovina Leavenworth, Sylvanus Coan of Woodbuiy and Lucy Hunger. Isaac Newton of Washington and Olive Warner, Eli Booth and Nabby Minor, Feb. 23. April v. June 22. A us. 2-t. Feb. 12. March 3. Nov. I. Dec. 17. Dec. 24. 1802. Johnson Foot of Washington and Cynthia Sherman, Isaac B. Hawley and Elisabeth Warner, John Blakesley and Folly Smith, Elisha Downs and Eunice Frisbie, Philo Booth and Elisabeth Treadwell, Jehiel Leavenworth and Laura Thompson, 1803. David Downs and Anna Minor, John Atwell and Betsey Flowers, Benjamin Doolittle of Cheshire and Fanny Ward, Orange Wilkinson of Aurelius, N. Y., and Esther War- ner of New Milford, Nathan Mitchell and Ruth Cheravoy, Joseph Wheeler of Huntington and Silena Bassett, Ephraim Hinman, 3d, and jerusha Weller, Nathaniel Flowers and Eunice Hawley, Smith Weller and Lorena Squire, Rufus Thompson of New Milford and Chloe Judson, John Edwards of Trumbull and widow Mary Hurd of Woodbury, Isaac Beard of New Milford and Abiah Minor, Raphael Flowers of Northford and Elisabeth Judson, Peter Castle, Jr., and Huldah Booth, Silas Lewis of Huntington and Polly M. Norton, 1804. Daniel Merwin and Sally Brownson, both of New Mil- ford, Alanson Mead of New Milford and Rachel Squire. Samuel Orton of Woodbury and Polly White of New Milford, Ithamer Hoyt of Washington and Charlotte Griswold of Southbury, March 17. March 18. March 18. May 18. Oct. 7. Nov. 18. Jan. 2. Jan. 16. Jan. 19. Feb. 17. Feb. 24. March 13. March 23. May 8. June 27. Sept. 20. Sept. 22. Nov. 24. Nov. 27. Dec. 4. Dec. 14. Feb. 23, April 29. Sept. 8, Nov. 11, M A R R I A (1 K 8 IN R o .\ iJ t' K Y . (iU3 David Blackman and Rachel Hawley, Nov. 14. Nathan Strong and Nancy Beardsley, Dec. 10. 1805. Joseph Baldwin, Jr., and Alice Clark, both of South Britain, Nov. 10. Russell Leavenworth and Ijaura Hinman, Dec. 1806. Solomon Squire and Anna Hunt, William AVard and Sally Briggs, Nathan S. Hard and Tolly Rowe, Justin Sherman and Senea Sherman, Reulien Smith of Washington and Jemima Warner, John Johnson and Olive Judson, Ammiel Piatt and Aurena Booth, both of South Britain, Truman Leavenworth and Phebe B. Graham, Castle Judson and Eunice Squire, Trobridge Buggies and Chloe Goi'am, Serinus Mallory and Anna Clark, Daniel Piatt of N. Y. and Amarilla Beardsley of Bridge water, Joseph C. Treat of Bridgewater and Lucy CJorani, 1807. Timothy Goodsell, 2d, of Washington and Anna Smith, Shove Minor and Eunice J. Norton of Washington, Harry Hungerford and Mary Ann Fairchild, John Mecolm and Betsey Punderson, Krastus Dixson and Anna Hunt, Isaac Blakesley of N. Y. and Lydia Case, Erastus Page of Salisbury and Jane 'J'reat of South Britain, Oct. 14. 1808. Or. John Turner and Judith Minor, both of Woodbury, Jan. 31. I lezekiah Watkins of Huntington and Sally Treat of South Britain, Isaac Lyman of Sharon and Mary Warner, ( "urtis Hurd and Sally Burritt, Lyman Bates and Sally Bristol, John Barlow of Kent and Polly Beardsley of South Britain, .Joseph Warner and Salia Flowers, William Judson and Eliza Judson, Jehiel Bliss of Warren and Roxanna Warner, Thomas A. Nichols and Eunice Erwin, Wait Hurd and Nepsey Thomas, I'hilo Hurd of Augusta, N. Y., and Phebe Curtis, Feb. 10 April 17 April 17. Aug. 20. Aug. 27. Aug. , Oct. 31, 29. Nov. 5. Nov. 11. Nov. in. Dec. •J Dec. 14. Dec. 15. Jan. 2.5. Jan. 29. March 26. July Sept. Sept. 22 17. 23. Feb. 3. April 6. April 18. April 19. May 5. May 9. May 29. June 14. June 30. Sept. 1. Oct. 10. 604 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Ezekiel Beardsley and Lucy Thompson of Woodbury, Nov. 23. LeGrand Sherman of Middlebury, N. Y., and Phebe Burritt, Dec. 22. 1809. . Timothy Castle, Esq., of Wilmington, Vt., and Free- love Painter, Jan. 15. Nathaniel Betts and Marinda Masters, both of Wood- bury, March 29 Lewis Burritt and Polly AVarner, April 2 Treat Camp of Washington and Eunice Hurd of Wood- bury, Ai)ril 3 Judson Beardsley and Martha Hurd, May 7 Capt. Asahel Mitchell and widow Lucy Judson, both of Woodbury, May 10 Ira Bishop of Bethlera and Lydia Munger, Oct. 1 Josiah Brownson and Laura Thomas, Nov. 30 1810. Ransom Armstrong and Charlotte Smith, Feb. 19. John McGraw and Nancy Porter of Bridgewater, March 5. Enos Baldwin of Washington and widow Mary Smith, May 14. Truman Warner of Woodbury and Polly Thomas, Aug. 15. 1811. Moses Squire and Clarissa Lewis, Alson Leavenworth and Sally Canfield, William Camp and Anna Baker, both of Washington, Daniel Nettleton, Jr., and Polly Clark, both of Wash- ington, 1812. Samuel Leavitt, Jr., and Esther Hazen, both of Wash- ington, Sbelden Minor of Woodbury and Malissa Curtiss, Pettit Galpin and Laura Hurd of Washington, Samuel Bristol of Southbury and Eunice Sherman of Woodbury, Nathan Smith and Polly McGraw, 1813. Thomas C. Parker of Washington and Betsey Weller, William Sanderson of V^ermont and Mary Judson, Parks Edmunds of S. Britain and Jerusha Hurlbut, Charles Thomas, Jr., and Susan Warner, Stephen Merwin of Wallingford and Jane Squire, Daniel Blakesley and Lavina Chatfield, Plenry W. Doran of N. Y. and Almida Beardsley, Sept. 10. Oct. 17. Oct. 29. Nov. 19. Jan. 9 Feb. 11 Feb. 13 Feb. 16 Feb. 29 June 22 July 25 Nov. 2 Nov. 3 Nov. 30 Dec. 2 Dec. 4. M A R K I A a K S IN K () X B H li Y . 605 1814. Judson Robei'ts and Jerusha Hotchkiss, l)oth of Wuoil- bury, Feb. 1. Alfred Woodiii of N. Preston and Betsey Erwin, Feb. 10. Asaliel Mitchell, 2d, and Nancy Lambert of Woodbury, Feb. 24. Caleb HowoU of Newburg, N. Y., and Abigail Eastman, March 5. Jonas Spaulding of Woodbury and Widow Betty Minor, Nov. 2'A. Benjamin Page, Esq., of N. Branforil and Mary Hurd, Dec. 25. 1815. Samuel vS. Talmage and Ann Maria Smith, Jan. 1. William Warner and Eunice Bates, Felj. IV. Roswell Warner and Sally Stoddard, June 26. Russell Bates and Polly Judson, July 16. Chauncey W^hittlesey of Litchfield and Maryette Bacon, Nov. 13. Oliver Judson and Lavina Masters, Nov. 26. Daniel (.'lark and Lavinia Bartholomew, both of Wasli- ington, Dec. 19. Levi Banks of Greenfield and Sally Ann Teeple of Washington, Dec. 28. Bass Hinraan and Abigail Smith, Dec. 31. 181 (>. Samuel Nettleton and Sally Canfield, both of Washing- ton, Dec. 31. Hezekiah Hayes and Susan Davis of Woodbury, Jan. 10. Marcus Smith and Rhoda Hull, June 3. Lewis Brown and Betsey Hall, July 8. Nicholas Sunburyof Canada and Thetis Moody of Wood- bury, Sept. 21. Martin f3ooth and Olive Gal pin, Oct. 31. Samuel W. Baldwin of Washington and Mary Trow- bridge, Nov. 13. Eli Cam of Huntington and Mary Lion, Nov. 28. William J. Benton of N. Guilford and Esther Harrison of N. Branford, l^oc 8. James A. Edmunds and Sally B. Plurd, both of Bridge- water, Dec. 15. 1817. Selah Day of N. Milford., Pa., and Patty Castle, Feb. 16. Roswell Whedon and widow Grazill Dascuni of Wood- bury, Eeb. 23. Albert Beech and Philena Beecher, Feb. 26. John A. Squire and Eunice Hunt, March 3. Henry R. Garlick and Sally Fairchild, March 27. Parsons of Weston and Avis Clark of N. Mil- ford, April 24. 606 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. Ezra Warner and Betsey Pulford, June 15. Wooster of Huntington and Sally Cogswell of New Preston, Sept. 18. 1818. Shelden Logan of Washington and Eunice Weller, Jan. 1. Daniel Minor and Clarinda Booth of New Miiford, Jan. 7. Truman Woodrufl; and Sarah Ann Hine, both of Wash- ington, Jan. 7. Baldwin and Nancy Moody, both of Washington, Feb. 10. Heman Beardsley and Esther M. Hurd, March 31. Almarin Masters and Mary P. Garlick, May 13. William Lewis of Washington and Eliza Logan, May 27. Stiles Peet of Patterson, N. Y., and Hannah Painter, May 31. Jonathan Beardsley and Anna Squire, Sept. 24. Harvey H. Castle and Lucinda Youngs, Sept. 24. Cook of Harwinton and Polly Knolton of Bridge- water, Oct. 1. Loren Parmelee and Cinda 11 Chatfield, Oct. 1. Lewis B. Edwards and Clarissa Osborn, Nov. 19. Alanson Thomas and Parnel Weller, Dec. 8. Almon Smith and Almieda Squire, Dec. 24. 1819. William Talmage of Charleston, N. Y., and Harriet Smith, Jan. 10. Augustus Bronson of Middlebury and Nancy Bradley, Jan. 27. Samuel S. Weller and Sophia Pairchild, Feb. 22. William F. Burritt and Betsey Morris, Sept. 15. David B. Dascum and Mary Hall, Oct. 24. Lemuel Leavenworth of New York and widow Sai'ah Eastman, Nov. 21. 1820. Canfield Fairchild and Sally Randall of Bridgewater, William Hurlbut and Orplia Hunt, Ebenezer Thomas, Jr., and Helleny Masters, Lyman Painter and Flora Hurd, Daniel Castle and Laura Clark of New Miiford, Elias H. Bates and Sally Roswell, Eli Boler and Jerusha Booth of New Miiford, Jehiel Hurd of Roxbury and Deborah A . Percy of Wood- bury, Henry Warner and Chary Ann Gregory of Dan bury, Oliver B. Fowler of Guilford and Catherine Thomas, Joseph Duff of Dublin, Ireland, and Anna Warner of Woodbury, Glover Fairchild and Anna Beardsley, Johnson Wheeler, Jr., and Sally Burr, Horatio N. Welton and Anna A. Treat, both of Bridge- water, Nov. 29. Feb. 16, Feb. 28. April 20. May 9. May 25. June 12. June 21. Sept. 6. Oct. 5. Oct. 15. Nov. 23. Nov. 27. Nov. 29. M A U IJ I A G K H IN K (^ X B I U Y (;u: .Ian. 10 Jan. 21 Feb. •25 ^arcli 21 April 25 Ma}' 27 May 30 June 7 Oct. 2 Oct. 9 Nov. 7 Dec. 5 Dec. 30 Dec. 13 Arza Downs and Sally I'onors, both of Now Milfonl, Dec. 13. Harmon Baldwin of Washington and Anna C. Trow- bridge, Dec. 25. Wooster Beers of New Milford and EUy Squire, Dec. 26. 1821. Smith Randall and Lavinia Booth, both of Bridgowater Jonathan Jessup and Abigail Minor, both of BriilL'.t; water, licvi Ward and Philana Ilurlbnt, Richard H. Eastman and Pkinice Tyrrell, Hiram Tyri-ell and Laura Thomas, Benjamin Hinman of Southbury and Salina Dascum, Lewis Fairchild and Betsey Fairchild, Moses Meeker of Redding and Betsey Chatfield. Asahel Towner of Oxford and Abigail Hurlbut, Abel Curtis of Washington and Lucy Erwin, Luman B. Hamlin and Mary Ann Welh^r, both of liridge- water, Mansfield Smith of Washington and Eliza Wheeler, Col. Daniel Gould of Greenfield and Ejlizabeth Hai'rison, Almon Treat and Hannah Randall, both of Bridgewater, 1822. William Reynolds of New Yoi'k and Lucy Ann Beach of Bridgewater, Joseph Hepburn and Harriet Randall, Joseph Sanford and Ann Crane, Lyman Lockwood and Ruth Smith, Henry Kilbourn of Litchfield and Mary C. Judson, alias Sanderson, Daniel C. Whitlock of Southbuiy and Sally Warner, Abijah M. Mmor and Mary M. Clark, Henry Davis and Mary O. Erwin, 1823. Luman D. Hough and Zillah Hall, Garry Griswold and Sarah Smith, Isaac Leavenworth and Olive Lemon, Homer Treat and Beulah Fairchild, Hiram Ruggles and Sally Minor, Loudon B. Livingston and Louis Young, 1824. Marcus Wyant and Lydia Goodyear, Elijah Peck and Lavinia Randall, Thomas E. French and Mehetabel Mallory, Garry H. Wheeler and Maria Munger, Heman Patterson and Abigail R. Castle, Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. A pril Aug. (Jet. Dec. 13. 16. 10. 14. 3. 18. 9. 15. Jan. 5. Feb. 16. Feb. 21. March 19. May 8. Oct. 26. Feb. 1. Feb. 9. March 3. March 24. March 28. 608 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Silas Warner and Lucy C. Hoyt, April 18. Amos C. Sanford and Betsey Hawley, Oct. 27. Sherman Frisbie and Lucy "Warner, Nov. 19. Peter Mead and Phebe Smith, Dec. 9. Treat Allen and Sarah Blackman, Dec. 23. 1825. Sterhng Pierce and Sally Hunt, Jan. 25. Bronson Meramble and Lois Elderkin, April 25. David Brothwell of Woodbury and Almira Hurd of Roxbury, May 4. Urich Gray and Laura Frisbie, May 31. Marcus Bennett and Eliza Buckingham, June 22. Caesar Broadwell and Diantha Hodenberg, Oct. 5. Nathan H. Summers and Polly Ruggles, Oct. 12. Powell Burritt and Ann Maria Seward, Oct. 23. Philemon Chatfield and Ann Cogswell, Oct. 31. Beach Sanford and Lucy Smith, Nov. 15. David Bellamy of Bethlem and Betsey Spalding, Nov. 24. 1826. William Clark and Harriet Sperry, Jan. 9. Sherman Cable and Pamela Fenn, Jan. 2. Almon Sperry and Sally E. Piuggles, Jan. 6. George S. Welton and Laura Minor, Jan. 19. Dunnmg Babbitt and Mary Edmond, Jan. 23. John Foster and Eliza A. Edwards, May 26. Erwin Town and Thetis Calhoun, April 2. Lyman Fenn and Fanny P. Livingston, March 9. Claarles Frisbie and Mary Davidson, July 26. John Bostwick and Minerva Clark, May 13. Burroughs Beach and Harriet Weller, ^^ig- 14- N. Summers and Althea M. Atwood, Sept. 21. Moses Warner and Jennet Judson, Nov. 12. Marciuis D. Randall and Lydia A. Hanford, Nov. 16. Elijah Hawley and Harriet Harger, Nov. 16. 1827. Judson Booth and Rachel Harrison, both of Bridgewater, Jan. 8. Joel Hall of Plymouth and Polly Maria Galpin of Wash- ington, March 4. Orson Dibble of Bethel and Julia A. French of Bridge- water, Dec. 27. 1828. Ephraim J. French and Sally J. Beach, both of Bridge- water, Jan. 15. William D. Hartwell of Washington and Sarah S. Leavenworth, Jan. 17. Nov. Nov. Nov. 2. 5. 20. Nov. 27. Dec. 4. M A u R 1 A o p: .'; IN I{ O X B r H Y . GOO William C. Phelps of New Milfurd and Terrissa Garlick, Jan. 20. Sylvester E. Deniing ol' Farmington and Polly M. Jesup of Bridgewater, Feb. 6. Charles Thomas and Jane Miller, March 9. David T. Taylor of Newtown and Mary E. Chnrch of Litchfield, March 25. Jared Bloss of South T*>ritain and Sabra Perry of Oxfoid, May 1 1 . Joseph Elmore of Brook field and Mary Ann Barlow of Bridgewater, Stephen San ford and Marinda Hurd, Darius Bartram of Danbury and Polly Hodge, Arnold Glover of Newtown and Matikla Beers of Bridge- water, Henry Sanford and Anna Jenett Canfield of Bridge- water, Judson Warner of Washington and Eliza Griswold of Woodbury, Dec. 21. Chauncey N. Castle and Sarah A. Minor of Woodbury, Dec. 7. 1829. Elizur Mitchell of South Britain and Cornelia M. A. Merwin of Bridgewater, Jan. 18. Giles Lovoland of Oxford, and Lucinda Hurlbut, Jan. 21. Truman W. Judson and Authanell Plurlbut, Jan. 25. Amos or Ashbel WarncM- and Mary Parmelee, both of Washington, March 1. Horace B. Hawley of Hamden, N. Y., and Susan Flowers, May 17. Lampson Mitchell of Woodbury and Amanda Hodge, May 21. AVilliam P. Minor and Clorinda F. Strong, June 2. Benjamin B. Beach of Bridgewater and Rlioda Mallory, June 17. John Hull of Cornwall and Sarah A. Granniss of Warren, Sept. 13. Lyman Shedd and Anna Beach of Bridgewater, Oct. 11. Isaac Beach of Bridgewater and Emily A. Wheeler, Oct. 25. Harvey Lambert of Woodbury and Jennet Leavenworth, Oct. 28. William Hurlbut of Roxbury and Esther Hine of Wash- ingtim, Nov. 26. Reuben S. Castle of Woodbury and Polly Barnes, Nov. 29. 1830. Benjamin B. Benedict of Patterson, N. Y., and .Julia Painter. Joseph Sanford of New Milford and Maria Young, March 24. Dr. Horace Judson and Emily A. Warner, both of Bridgewater, April 13. Shelden Leavenworth and Jennett Wooster of Oxford, April 19. Elmer Hallock of Kent and Betsey Ann Videtae of New Milford, " June 2. John Montcalm and Alia Warner, June i:]. Vol. 711.-77 610 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Hiram Higby and Minty M. Beach of Bridgewater, Sept. 26. Yarmouth Chatfield of Woodbury and Charlotte Gaylor of Oxford, Oct. 17. Seymour Patterson and Harriet Read, both of New Mil- ford, Nov. 24. Chauncey Lewis of Monroe and Julia A. Beardsley, Dec. 19. 1831. Lyman Lake of Newtown and Sophia Hawley of North Britain, Jan. 10. Charles Beardsley and Jennette A. Booth, Jan. 26. Abiram Ward and Deha Maloy of South Britain, April 14. Sterling Ward of Roxbury and Caroline Judson of Southbury, May 22. Horace Wheeler of Southbury and Susan Ward of , Roxbury, May 1 . Seymour Beers and Phebe Ann Booth, both of Bridge- water, May 29. Wilham Smith and Eliza Ann Wooster, Nov. 20. Nelson H. Ford and Betsey A. Brownson, both of New Milford, Nov. 23. 1832. Tuttle Dayton and Caroline Hurd, Feb. 1. Benjamin W. Mason of Litchfield and Susan Ford of Washington, April 17. Alonzo Flowers and Anna Crowfoot of New Preston, Aug. 12. Francis Prindle of Woodbury and Debby Ann Wheedon of Roxbury, Sept. 23. Gideon B. Fairchild of Newtown and Polly Judd, Nov. 28. Thomas Hungerford of Watertown and Abigail Minor, Dec. 13. Henry Jennings of New Milford and Jane Weller, June 4. 1833. Hiram Baldwin of Bristol and Susiin Hodge, Samuel D. Garlick and Harriet A. Thomas, Charles Erwin and Mary Fenn, Sherman Peck of New Milford and Electa Young, Newell Warner of Woodbridge and Ann Maria Monroe, Nathaniel E. Sherman and Cornelia Thomas, Peter Ward and Susan L. Wheeler, Stephen Treat and Clara Smith, both of Bridgewater, Horatio N. Flowers and Eliza Patterson of New Milford, Nov 1834. Homer Fennon and Adeline Blackman, March 17. Edward H. Fowler of Guilford and Martha L. Strong, April 3. Charles S. Trowbridge and Elisabeth Clark of New Milford, April 30. Feb. ^arch / . 6. April 25. April 28. May 5. Sept. 5 Sept. 11. Oct. 1. Nov. 7. M A K li I A O K S IN l{ O X B I' K Y . 611 Clark 'L'. Hatch and Cornelia Hlacknian, May 4. Northrop Kelley and 8ally Beardsley, both of New Milford, July 0. Oliver A. G. Todd of Plymouth and Mary Ann Piei-pont of Northfield, June 29. William Downs and Phebe Ann Patterson, both of New Milford, July 0. Jason S. Taylor of Saratoga, N. Y., and Phelossa Squire of Roxbury, Aug. 17. Caswell Bates of New York and Emily E. Beach of Bridgewater, Dec. 25. John Peck of New Milford and Sarah E. Edwards, Jan. 13. Henry Hurlbut and Fanny Patterson of New Milford, March 19. Calvin H. Downs and Minerva H. Beardsley, March 23. William C. Adams of Danbury and Elizabeth E. • Thomas of Bethlehem, May 17. Rev. Richard M. Chipman of Ilarwintou and Mary A. Han-ison, June 1. 1837. Curtis Blakesley and Mary Prindle, June 11. John T. Bronson and Hannah Judd, July 4. 183S. Stephen B. Keelerof New Milford and Nancy Edwards, March 5. 1840. Alfred Hiller of Paulings, N. Y., and Isabella Crahain of [loxbiiry, Jan. Lewis W. Beardsley and Nellie E. Judson, Feb. Lyman Smith of Washington and Maria Judson of Roxbury, Mai'ch. Avery Tracey of Branford, Mass., and Polly A. Lathrup, Sept. George S. Osborn and Edna Youngs, Oct. Samuel T. Baldwin and Emeline L. Castle, Nov. 24. 1841. Isaac N. Flowers and Clarinda Patterson of New Milford. Jas. H. Beardsley of Naugatuck and -Vmy M. Patterson, Sept. William A. Nichols of Trumbull and Edna H. Smith, Sept. Daniel G. Bronson and Eliza Beers, Nov. 20. 1842. Russell W. Frisbie and Afary E. Smith, Oct. Alson Bradley and Hannah Sturtevant, Nov. 612 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, 1843. Samuel L. Bloss of Bethlehem and Mary J. Pearce, March. Jay Gregory of Salisbury and Eliza Trowbridge, May 3. George Thomas and Sarah L. Warner, Nov. 26. Leander Blakeman and Hannah L. Stephens of Patter- son, N. Y., Dec. 20. Milo Booth and Huldah R. Squire, Nov. 26. 1844. Cornelius Teeple and Betsey C. Judson, Sept. James M. Leavenworth and Julia Hurd, Oct. Augustus Ware and Adeline Borden, June. Orlando Lewis and Phebe Thomas, Nov. James G. Weltou and Ehza A. Castle of New Milford, Dec. 1845. Philo Morse of Wallingford and Lucy R. Clai'k of Washington, April. Zaccheus Warner and Jennet fce M. Seward, Oct. Philo Castle and Anna Minor, Nov. 13. Job Z. Warner and Elisabeth Burritt, Oct. 20. Patrick Redden and Margaret Green, Dec. 1846. Charles E. Bates and Emily J. Warner, Feb. 22. White Webster of Kingsville, Ohio, and Mary Ann Webster of Litchfield, George B. Lewis of Woodbury and Charlotte Hurd, Joel W. Judd and Faynette Beardsley, Caleb W. Johnson of Bethlehem and Susan Minor, Charles N. Judson and Sarah Smith of Paulings, N. Y., George E. Tucker of Monson, Mass., and Catherine L. Morehouse of Branford, Cyrus Thomas and Mary E. Woodruff, Samuel Thomas, Jr., and CaroUne Trowbridge, 1847. Ira M. Bradley of Hector, N. Y., and Maria P. Bronson, Garradus N. Bronson and Louisa L. Davidson, Homer B. Sanford of Bridgewater and Ophelia F. Fenn, Harvey Thomas of Roxbury and Rachel W. Ruggles of Bridgewater, Ichabod R. Cole and Julia E. Castle, Erasmus D. Cady of Brutus, N. Y., and Sarah M. Bur- ritt, Orville H. Peet of Warren and Ruannah Judd of Rox- bury, May 4. May 19. May 24, June 22, Aug. Aug. 27, Nov. Nov. 29, Jan. 25, May 2 May 19, Sept. 22, Oct. 17 Nov. 1. Nov. 15. M A i; K I A (; K S 1 N J{ O X H I' U Y . G13 IJeniifin B. Eastman and Emily M. Painter, Nuv. 17. Wait Leavenworth of Roxbnry and Sarah E. Minor of Woodbury, Dec. 15. 1848. ilenry M. Bolles and Sophia A. Kinney, ]>oth of New i'reston. Samuel H. Woodin of New Milford and Louisa New- ton, March "JU. William H. Bennett of Munroe and Emily M. Hawley, April 2. Edward A. Garlick and Julia 11. Castle, Sept. 2. Isaac Peck of Southbury and Julia Tyrrell, Nov. 26. Ijcn'i M. Bradley of Southbiiry and Susan C. (Jastle, Dec. 29. 1849. Julius Curtis of Newtown and Cornelia Jane Morris, Jan. 3. John W. Castle and Phobe H. Kinney of New Preston, April J 2. Frederick Knapp of New Milford and Mary E. Burritt, April 22. Lorenzo Warner and Mary Smith, Nov. 28. Hiram Curtiss and Julia M. Weller, Nov. 28. 1850. Henry F. Burritt and Cliloe P. Penn, Feb. IL Elliott Beardsley and Nancy Hurd, Feb. 2G. (Jleorge C. Bui-gess of Washington and Cornelia Hawley of Bethlehem, March U. Harry Hurlbut and Sarah J. Booth, March 19. 1851. Abel Peck of Newtown and Huldah Hawley, Jan. Lewis Judd and Esther E. Beardsley, Jan. James Armstrong of Washington and Lydia A. Bron- son, March 17. Jonah T. Davidson and Emily M. Bronson of New Mil- ford, March 26. Samuel S. Utter of New York city and Sarah J. San- ford, Henry H. Warner and Julia A. Leavenwortli, Nathan H. Sanford of Amsterdam, N. Y., and Julia F. Ikiri'itt, I'^ranklin Judd of Waterbury and Emily Piatt of South Britain, John Stillson of Woodbury and Julia H. Patterson of Roxbury, Russell Peck of (3hio and Adeline Judd, Charles H. Lewis and Hannah Burton, 1852, Edward Ives and Phebe Patterson, John D. Hull and Julia A. Squire, April May 23. 2. Aug. 19. Sept. 8. Oct. Oct. Dec. 5. 13. 21. Jan. April. I. 614 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUHY Thomas A. Pope and Julia Gillett, Harvey H. Castle and Irene Summers, Charles Booth and Jerusha A. Lewis, Theodore D. Payne and Caroline E. Elliott, Charles Bloss and Fannie J. Hurd, Jerome S. Castle and Mary H. Garlick, David M. Farrand and Sophia Farrand, Henry Patterson and Roxy Morris, Cyrus F. Nicholson and Aura Turrell, Elisha Dikerman and Harriet N. Edwards, 1853. Silas D. Davis and Amarinda Beardsley, Samuel F. Clark and Mary A. Nettleton, Russell Castle and Francelia A. E. Colt, Henry Meeker and Martha Davidson, Eliad Taylor and Catherine L. Castle, William Nevill and Mary Fitzgerald, 1854. Charles F. Thrall and Caroline E. Warner, Hervey M. Booth and Fanny M. Bunnell, Orrin B. Seward and Amarilla Leavenworth, George W. Cook and Ruth Ann Gillett, Philo Beardsley and Cornelia Glover, William Davidson and Emma M. Bronson, Richard Melia and Margaret C. Conner, Jonah T. Davidson and Sarah J. Randall, Darwin H. Beardsley and Sally J. Averil, Charles H. Hurlliut and Wealthy Peck, William B. Gibbs and Meranda Booth, Silas M. Griswold and Harriet Welton, Silas Hill and Olive Ward, George W. Morris and Sylvia Castle, Thomas J. Glasecre and Sarah Osborn, Alvin R. Thomas and Mary E. Newton, Seth Addis and Mary C. Ariel, 1855. Remus F. Newton and Laura E. Newton, James W. Traver and Jane S. Booth, Oliver S. Tyrrell and Rachel S. Glover, Salmon W. Buck and Olive Glover, Henry Green and Sally Jackson, Nelson H. Ford and Sally M. Germond, William F. Thomas and Jerusha J. Thomas, Thomas Fuller and Mary A. Judson, Elmer Warner and Caroline E. Minor. May 2. Oct. 28. May 4. Nov. 4. May 19. May 24. June 11. June 21. July 4. July 12. Jan. 24. April 10. May 7. May 31. Oct. 26. Dec. 20. Feb. 2. Feb. 6. March 1. March 12. March 15. March 19. May. Aug. 16. Sept. 5. Sept. 6. Sept. 10. Nov. 26. Nov. 28. Nov. 29. Dec. 31. Dec. 24. May 20. Jan. 11. Jan. 15. March 7. March 7. April 23. May 6. Oct. 9. Nov. 28. M A U li I A G K S IN K O X B U U Y . (H 5 1856. Reuben BariKiS and Naomi Caleiuler, Aug. 13. Zeiias J. Ward and Philcua Judson, Oct. 2. Tourney Soule and Alosia Faii-child, Nov. 11, William (hooper and Louisa M. Leavenworth, Dec. 23. Tjovi (I Smith and Elvira H. Foni, Dec. 2;"). 1857. William E. Trowbridge and Nancy M. Mcramble, Jan. \s. ITonry Kandall and Sarah E. rriiidle, Sej)t. 26. Daniel R. Seward and Julia ('. I'riiidle, Sept. 27. Daniel Shci-wood and Harriett L. Tyrrell, Oct. 3. Shelton B. Castle and Sophronia M. A. Ives, Nov. 20. Lewis W. Beardsley and Betsey C. Teeple, Jan. 18. 1858. Edwin Leavenworth and Jane M. Weeks, Jan. 17. Jared A. Castle and Mary Barnes, April 15. Justice Wilmot and Aunis O'Neil, Aug. H). Earl H. Garlick and Sarah A. Patterson, Sept. 22. Charles R. Hurd and Sarah A. Thomas, Sept. 25. Stephen W. Mei'win and Sarah J. Lathrop, Oct. 6. Frederick W. Mansfield and Harriet Hui-d, Oct. 28. David J. Sturges and Susan E. TTatch, Nov. 1 fi. James Wakelee and Angelina T. Hitchcock, Dec. 18. Henrv H. Fenn and Sarah J. Burrett, Dec. 28. Ebben Wheeler andLydia (•. Latlirop, Dec. 29. Andrew Weller and (liarlotte H. San ford, Dec. 29. 1851). Charles W. Baldwin and Mary Jane Castle, Nov. 9. George W. Thomas and Lavinia Camp, Jan. 4. Frederick Viesse and Mary Kane, Jan. 23. Henry A. Smith and Cynthia Elliott, Jan. 23. Robert B. Hodge antl Sarah J. Barnes, Feb. 9. George R. Judson and Chloe A. Ruggles, March 22. Stephen Tyrrell and Mary E. Root. Oct. 12. Austin H."Gillett and Emily A. Weller, Nov. 1. Charles Baldwin and Mary J. Castle, Nov. 4. Reuben Cole and Harriet L. Minor, Dec. 19. Henry C. Judson and Flora M. Jiidson, • April 24. Jerome B. Leavenworth and Louisa A. Peck, Aug. 1. Sheldon B. Smith and Mary Buckingham, Oct. 18()0. William T. Northrop and Thalia M. Hurlburt, April 9. Myron O'Dell and Emily E. Fenn, May 2. 616 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Henry S. Hartwell and Elizabeth B. Isham, Joshua Davis and Folly Higgins, Henry W. Woodruff and Martha M. Warner, 1861. Amos Tyrrell and Mary Botsford, Lyman Mills and Eliza J. Ackerman, Julius A. Beers and Sarah E. Warner, Charles G. Lewis and Catherine C. Hurlbut, Cyrus E. Prindle and Mary M. Trowbridge, Nathan T. Beardsley and Margaret Hurd, 1862. Abijah Patterson and Sarah T. Beers, Daniel Wilmot and Jane E. Stephens, Noah J. Welton and Lai;ra E. Beers, William G. Tuttle and Phebe A. Flowers, Frederick Chambers and Betsey M. Burritt, 1863. Joel Ward and Mary A. Gilbert, Charles Sanford and Amelia S. Bradley, John H. Dayton and Martha A. Munn, David Addison and Triphena Camp, Isaac B. Prindle and Mary A. Buckingham, Charles Beardsley and Eliza Smith, 1864. Edward Delany and Mary Moore, David Cowles and Huldah Flowers, Truman F. Judd and Sarah E. Gillett, Anan Buck and Anna E. Glover, Thomas D. Murphy and Amelia Castle, Hiram R. Gilbert and Susan A. Morell, Henry H. Peck and Abigail P. Sanford, Granville F. Pierce and Henriette Judson, 1865. Charles E. Bradley and Zilpha M. Shepard, Charles T. Tyrrell and Ruth A. Botsford, Charles Botsford and Hari;iet E. Mallory, Israel Lucas and Caroline Munger, Nathan B. Munger and Alice A. Turner, Edward W. Warner and Rachel A. Warner, 1866. Patrick Burke and Ann Cox, Albert F. Squire and Julia M. Bradley, Nov. 6. Nov. 28. Nov. 11. Jan. IV. Feb. 28. April 3. June 3. June 3. Nov. 27. April 16. Aug. 16. Aug. 7. Aug. 13. Oct. 23. March 9. May 3 1 . June 2.5. Nov. 16. Dec. 30. Sept. 23. Jan. 4. Jan. 7. Feb. 10. March 24. March 23. Aug. 4. Nov. 2. Dec. 14. April 12. Nov. 13. Nov. 23. Dec. ' 7. Dec. 13. Dec. 24. Jan. 14. June 11. MAH IMAGES IN H O X B U K Y . G17 James McMicliel and Emily Dodge, Aug. '2. Albert R. Summers, and Lydia A. Daskom, Sept. 20. George I. Barnes and Mary E. Squires, Oct. 2I>. Pliney H. Squire and Elizabeth E. Trowbridge, Oct. 3 1 . George W. Hm-llmrt and Sarah E. Bradley, Nov. If). Orlando Baylies and Elizabeth A. Miner, Nov. 25. Pati-ick Dore and Sarah I'liilips, Nov. 4. 1867. Charles M. Hall and Betsey A. Judson, April 15. Virgil E. Hitchcock and Emeline Whitehead, May 11. Michael Maagher and Mary J. Booth, June 12. Edward Leonard and Tjaura S. Bronson, Aug. 5. Henry F. Tuttle and Martha A. Juds(m, Nov. 12. Samuel A. Ward and Phebe A. Hadden, Nov. 30. 1868. Charles T. Squire and Ellen Hodge, Jan. 1. Oliver S. Tyrrell and Josephine Cogswell, Feb. 4. Henry M. Mallett and Harriet L. Sherwood, March 26. Mark T. Hatch and Emily Beers, Sept. 2. William P. Bennett and Louisa 13ooth, Sept. 20. Jay C. Lyon and Edna A. Edwards, Dec. 30. 1869. Lorenzo D. Ashman and Fanny J. Wilson, Api-il 6. John C. Hawley and Emily E. Hurlburt, April 29. Joseph S. G. Coit and Sarah B. Isliam, July 20. Heniy C. Smith and Mary A. Murphy, Dec. 15. 1870. Austin G. Yeomans and Mary A. Judd, Aug. 28. Juba Howe Vorce and Josephine M. Sanford, Oct. 5. Franklin P. Thomas and Alice S. Warner, Nov. 16. William P. Newton and Flora Gilbert, Dec. 2S. 1871. Charles 10. Trowbridge and Sarah M. Weller, Jan. 11. Daniel S. Lemmon and Charlotte S. Weller, Jan. 17. Owen L. Hughes and Rebecca Miller, April 1. Elsworth A. Blakeley and Eunice L. Harris, April 2. Nelson N. Blakeley and Julia A. Harris, April 3. Royal D. Jones and Sarah Ann Elwood, May 3. Allen Sawyer and Phebe Rogers, July 10. Geoi'ge Bigelow and Mary Rodgers, Aug. 0. Augustus 11. Hopson and Josephine Hadden, Aug. 12. Oliver G. Camp and Laura E. Warner, Oct. 6. Vol. 111.— 78 618 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. George O. Warner and Emma J. Fenn, Nov. 6. Edwin D. Bishop and Josephine A. Graham, Dec. 2. 1872. WiUiam Bruce Ward and Esther R. Bradley. Jan. 25. Walter N. Newton and Mary E. Bradley, April 1 J . Edward J. Curtiss and Libbie San ford, May 8. John W. Stone and Ann Maria Barnes, May 22. Charles W. Ford and Jennie A. Squire, May 23. Edwin B. Stone and Emma J. Newton, Sept. 20. Seth Warner and Emma J. Davidson, May 29. Samuel L. Brinsmade and Fannie C. Bradley, Oct. 16. Austin J. Castle and Nellie Ives, Nov. 17. John M. Squire and Lavinia Seeley, Dec. 24. 1873. Isaac B. Blakeman and Mary A. Blakeman, March 1 1 . Leverett S. Castle and Annie C. Randall, April 28. Philip W. Wells and Mary H. Randall, May 18. Joseph J. Gee and Jane E. Evans, May 20. Watson A. Bunnell and Julia E. Newton, June 14. James W. Botsford and Mary A. Tyrrell, . Sept. 14. BH C. Miner and Ida A. Prindle, Nov. 4. 1874. Thomas Gee and Eunice H. Booth, Jan. 12. Reuben S. Edwards and Hattie M. Squire, April 2. Frederic B. Royce and Eunice A. Whitehead, May 28. Albert J. Trowbridge and Sarah E. Garlick, June 2. George W. Lendeveg and Minnie C. Flowers, July 5. George E. Garlick and Sarah H. Edwards, Oct. 7. Henry E. Bradley and Alice 0. Burritt, Oct. 7. Noble B. Davenport and Catherine A. Barnes, Oct. 21. George A. Buckingham and Jane G. Prindle, Oct. 26. Charles A. Buckingham and Esther M. Warner, Nov. 30. Joseph G. Gorham and Mary M. Bradley, Dec. 2. 1875. Charles E. Dean and Adelia C. Newton, April 24. Abner M. Woodruff and. Ida A. Durgy, Oct. 6. Jerome L. Gillett and Hattie M. Beardsley, Oct. 7. Walter L. Patterson and Julia A. Thomas, Dec. 8. Frank E. Wetmore and Isabella J. Wickham, Dec. 22. 1876. Albert W. Baldwin and Ellen Judson, , Jan. 5. Andrew Northrop and Adelaide E; Weller, Feb. 9. Burr L. Williams and Sarah J. Currans, April 22. M A R K I A (i K S IN li ( I .\ H I' U Y . 619 Harvey Tlioiuas, Jr., and Sarah Trowbridge, Sept. 0. Charles Thomas and Sarah M. Sijuire, Oct. 1 1. William M. Livingston and Sally M. Ford, Dec. 13. Andrew F. Pelton and Sarah B. Nicholson, Dec. 24. 1877. Nelson H. Carr and Helen Blackman, March 1. Isaac Garrison and Estella Warner, March 22. Henry W. Trowbridge and Cordelia Adams, April 25. Charles M. Goodsell and Eva 1. Wi^ller, May 5. Hemaii Botsford and Susan E. Mallt)ry, July 1. (■harles E. Beers and Florence L. Burritt, Oct. 10. John S. Bradley and Annie E. Warner, Oct. 31. Elmore Cramer and Ophelia Warner, Dec. 5. Edgar W. Post and Annie I'ons, Dec. 12. 1878. Smith Ijyon and Martha J. Leavenworth, Feb. 6. Frank H. Pierce and Elizabeth V. Hatch, Feb. 13. Roland Gray and Stella Ward, Feb. 13. John Kitcher and Emeline Tyrrell, Dec. 16. Walter S. Tyrrell and Amanda Botsford, Dec. 22. Horatio N. Lattin and Ella M. Sherwood, Dec. 24. DEATHS IN ROXBURY. 1744 Anna, w. of John Brown, Feb. 26. John, s. of John Baker, Aug. 28. 1745. Daniel, s. of Gideon Judson, April 8. Martha, w. of Dr. Ebenezer Warner, April 18. Henry Castle, May 18. Solomon Squire, June 26. Samuel Wellar, Aug. 2. 1746. Deborah, w. of John Leavenworth, Jan. 1. Ruth, dau. of Luke Castle, Feb. 25. Elisabeth, w. of Enos Hard, April 24. Jonathan, s. of Thomas Hurlbut, Aug. 8. 1747. Hepzibah, dau. of Nathan Hurlbut, Dec. 3. Mary Knowles, Dec. 16. 1748. Thomas Holmes, Feb. 23. Daniel Wakelee, June 26. Mary, dau. of Dea. Tilly Blaksley, July 25. 1749. Lucy, ) Oct. 4. Adam, V chh. of Adam Hurd, - Oct. 7. Kezia, ) ( Oct. 8. Samuel, s. of Benjamin Hinman, Nov. 3. Esther, dau. of Zebulon Leavenworth, Nov. 11. . 1750. John Baker, 1st, Feb. 15. Lucy, dau. of Consider Hurlbut, Feb. 15. 1751. Cornelius Hurlbut, Aug. 9. Thomas Wellar, Aug. 15. Wait Hurd, Dec. 28. D K A T 11 S IN K ( ) X B I' l{ Y . 02 1 1752. Keuben Hunl, Hannah llurllmt, Thankful, w. of Elijah Baker, wife of Samuel Hurd, Hannah, dau. of ?]lijali Hurd, Jeremiah Thomas, 175.'{. David Hurd, Deborah, dau. of John Malloiy, David Booth, Simmons Mallory. Sarah Mallory, Ehsaheth Warner, Miriam Mallory, wife of Ebenezer Warner, Jr. Anna, dau. of Samuel Blaksley, Dea. Samuel Blaksley, aged 59, Thomas Love, David, s. of Charles Thomas, Ebenezer Warner, 1st, 1754. 1755. 1756. Han nail, w. of Sergt. Benjamin Hurd, Adam Hm-d (d. at Sheffield), Rachel Nichols, 1758. 1759. Sarah Blakly, Eunice, dau. of Israel Castle, Mary, dau. of Tilley Blaksly, Ehsabeth, dau. of John Hunt, Gideon, s. of Amos Hurd, Amos Hurd, Benjamin Sanford, Lovewell Hurd (d. in the campaign this year), 1760. wife of Ebenezer Thomas, Mary Ward, Nathaniel, s. of Luke Castle, Experience, w. of David Hurd, Capt. Williams, Kch. 'Hk June (). Oct. S. Oct. 16. Nov. 28. Dec. 10. June 16. April :i. x\pril 1-2. April 15. April 17. April 22. May 28. June 2. Dec. 24. Sept. 19. Nov. 26. April 23. Feb. 29. Nov. 25. Nov. 30. Jan. 10. March 18. March 22. April 3. Nov. 29. Nov. 29. March 28. Sept. April 10. Nov. 9. Nov. 15. 622 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, [Sickly, (lying time at Bethlem.] Thomas, father of Rev. Thomas Canfield, aged SO, Abram Nichols, Hannah, w. of David Hurlbut, 1761. Elder Joseph Atwell, aged 66, 17G3. John Kehoe (Indian), Rachel, Ebenezer Talman's negress, Moses Hurlbut, aged 89, 1764. Mary, w. of Thaddeus Lacey, 1765. Dec. 1. Dec. 3. Dec. 23. Feb. 8. June 8. June 10. Aug. 3. May 12. Daniel Hurlbut, June 5. wife of Jonah Hurlbut, June 28. 1766. Ann, w. of Israel Brownson, March 18. Samuel Hickock, March 22. Consider Hurlbut, April 20. John Hurd, July 27. Friend, s. of Noah Frisbie, July 28. w. of a Dutchman at the mines. Sept. 4. Daniel Judson, Dec. 29. 1767. Jonas, s. of David Hurd, Feb. 4. Jonathan Hurlbut, March 15. Reuben Allen, March 19. Widow Susanna Thomas, May 18. James, s. of Charles Thomas, July 4. Widow Ruth Lum, Oct. 22. 1768. w. of Ebenezer Hall, Feb. 26. Mary, dau. of Rev. Thomas Canfield, aged 22, May 17. 1769. Rachel, w. of John Squier, Aug. 3. Doct. Ebenezer Warner, aged 64, Aug. 23. Dea. Tilly Blaksly, aged 64, March 9. Abner Wakelee, July 22. Doct. Ebenezer Warner, 2d, Aug. 23. RussgI, s. of Rev. Thomas Canfield, aged 16, Nov. 25. Luke Castle, Jr., Dec. 11. Rebecca Hurd, Dec. 26. DKATTFS IN KOXBlltY. 023 1770. Experience Hurd, Feb. 28. Elisabeth, w. of Thomas Walker, agtMl 70, Sept. IS. Deborah Castle, April 16. Thomas, s. of John Hunt, June 3. \\'i(lo\v Elisabeth Wellar, Sept. 17. Elisabeth, w. of Gideon Hurlbut, Ih^c. 27. 1771. Submit Mracket, Jan. 13. Jabez, s. of Jabez Woostcr, Aug. 23. 1772. Martha Savage, Jan. 1 3. w. of Alexander, July 15. w. of Thomas Squires, Aug. 2. 1774. Joseph Leavenworth, June 22. Patience, w. of Ebenezer Warner, aged 33, Sept. 23. Deboi-ah Warner, Dec. 14. 1775. Dea. Samuel Blakley, April 8. Elisabeth, w. of John Hunt, June 28. w. of Elijah Hurlbut. Sept. 9. w. of x\mos Hurlbut, Aug. 9. Capt. Thadeus Lacev, at Castleton, Oct. 3. Rhoda, w. of Seth Mitchell, aged 37, Oct. 29. Asenath, dau. of Simeon and Avis Castle, Jan. 6. Stephen Brovvnson, Dec. 5. Isaac Thomas, Dec. 9. w. of Abijah Brownson, Dec. 17. 1777. James Morehouse, Jan. 6. Medad Baker, Jan. 30. George Norton, aged 63, Feb. 15. Joseph Booth (small-pox), April 12. Lydia, dau. of Thaddeus Hurd, May 3. Emmons Hunt, May 22. Hannah Castle, Sept. 4. Henry Castle, aged 78, May 10. w. of Michael Hinman, Sept. 10. Mary, w. of Luke Casth^, aged 63, Sept. 13. Elisabeth Frisbie, Sept. 14. Mary, dau. of Luke Castle, Sept. 22. w. of Simeon Hurd, Sept. 27. Squire Hurlbut, Oct. 1. 624 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Abiel Frisbie, Jolin Torrance, 1778. w. of David Judson, Lieut. Ebenezer Leavenworth (small-pox), aged 44, Zebulun Leavenworth, Sarah Warner, w. of Timothy Castle, Thomas "Warner, Esq., aged 56, 1779. Ruth, w. of Samuel Hurd, w. of Thaddeus Hurd, Widow Abigail Judson, Ebenezer Thomas, Curtis Hurd's Tom, 1780. 1781. Joel Hurlbut, Joshua Hurlbut, Ruth, w. of Elijah Baker, Samuel Smith, Capt. Samuel Castle, John Woodward, 1782. Philo, s. of Thomas Canfield, Jr., Sarah, w. of John Baker, Timothy Hurlbut, Patience Rumsey, Thankful Hunt, Mary Hunt, Capt. Nathan Dudley, Mary, w. of Ebenezer Lacey, Elisha Judson, Sarah, w. of Ebenezer Talman, Widow Susanna Warner, aged 64, 1783. Benjamin Hurd, Widow Hannah Castle, aged 69, Experience Lucas, aged 20, 1784. Mary Ann, dau. of Ebenezer Thomas, Dea. David Squire, aged 77, Oct. 14. Nov. 24. Feb. L5. March 18. May 2. May 18. Sept. 19. Dec. 17. June 25. July 19. April 8. Nov. 23. Nov. 27. March 18. March 30. June 2. Nov. 8. Nov. 17. Nov. 17. Jan. 1. Jan. 11. Jan. 19. Jan. 27. March 25. May 6. Sept. 5. Sept. 24. Oct. 8. Oct. 16. Oct. 19. April 23. May 19. Sept. 21. June 5. Jan. 28. D K A T H S IN 1{ o X H I ' K Y . C>2'j vol II' )K.Ti lim-ll.ut, JnQy '2{). Stephen Hurd, July 22. Mary Beach, Aug. .'U). John llurlbut, Hept. IG. Col. Seth Warner, aged 4'2, Dec. 2G. Abigail Mallory, Dec. 31. 17S5. John Leavenworth, aged V7, Jan. 20. Mary, w. of John Tjeavenworth, Dec. 24. Eunice, w. of Reuben Warner, Feb. 7. Eunice, dau. of John Booth, April 12. w. of Daniel Bass, Aug. 7. Silence, w. of Capt. Benjamin Wani(!r, Nov. 15. w. of Ebenezer Booth, • Nov. 22. 178G. w. of Nathan Rumsey, Feb. 6. Molly, dau. of Isaac Castle, Feb. 9. Asahel Warner, Feb. 22. Mrs. Maiy Painter, May 29. Oliver Castle, June 17. w. of Benedict Harm, J'dy 6. Lois Elderkin, Nov. 7. Eunice, w. of Capt. Israel Castl^ Nov. 30. 1787. Widow Martha Castle, March 28. w. of (ireorge Norton, Jr.. April 20. Anna, w. of Thaddeus Lacey, aged erly, Mercy, w. of Tilly Blaksly, Gideon Hurlbut, • w. of Capt. Benjamin Warner, 1793. Josiah Brownson, John Judson, Polly, w. of Ira Sanford, aged 21, Widow Atwell. David Hurd, aged 36, Widow Esther Leavenworth, wife of Nathaniel Flowers, Mr. Botsford, Nancy, dau. of Samuel Weller, . Elisabeth Thomas, Richard Eastman, aged 17, Seth Mitchell, aged SO, Amy Painter, Ann, dau. of Abraham Blaksly, wife of David Mallary, David Hurd, Jr., Robert Smith, 1794. Amos Squier, Thomas Squier, Sheldon, s. of Nathaniel Flowers,, Mary Mitchell, May 6. June 26. Oct. 14. July 3. July 22. Oct. 14. Jan. 11. March 30. Nov. 4. A ug. 1 . Aug. 14. Sept. 2. Sept. 27. Nov. 5. Feb. 16. March 11. April 28. July 16. Sept. 18. April 13. May 28. Dec. 12. Dec. 19. Nov. 29. June 24. Aug. 2. Aug. 24. Sept. 19. Sept. 30. Oct. 12. Oct. 13. Oct. 17. Oct. 23. Nov. 28. Nov. 29. Dec. 1. Jan. 1. Jan. 1. Feb. 2. Sept. 25. 1) K A T If S IN U O X B U 1{ Y . 027 Dea. Charles 'I'liomas, Oct. li Widow Abie 85, .lolin Castle, aged 80, William Hunt, aged 74, George Norton, aged 80, Widow Livingston, aged 65, Kunice Suuuners, aged 68, s. of Treat Davidson, aged 3, w. of David Fenn, aged 64, Charles W., s. of Samuel W. Baldwin, aged 7, Cyrus Patterson, aged 20, Mary Castle, aged 88, Cemautha Castle, aged 28, Susan, dau. of Betsey Brown, aged 14, Mary Cogswell, aged 14, 1831. Mary, wid. of Josiah Frisliie, aged 98, Curtis Hurd, Fs(|., aged 78, Nancy, w. of John McGraw, aged 44, Al)raliani Thomas, aged 59, Fbenezt-r Thomas, aged 42, Sarah, w. of Selah Lucas, aged 33, Zaccheus W. WcUer, aged 42, Maria Kelfin, aged 28, Fanny S. Harrison, aged 11 v., 6m., 1832. Huldali, w. of John Masters, aged 74, Nathan Hurd, aged 33, Benham Hurlbut, aged 70, Sally, dau. of Winthrop Morris, aged 1 1, Joanna, w. of Gideon Booth, aged 51, lietsey, w. of Lewis Fairchild, William Blakesley, aged 80, Samuel Wai-riner, aged 74. Eunice Blakeley, aged 82, Jan. 2.'.. Jan. 30. June 8. Aug. 25. Sept. 30. Oct. 20. Dec. 8. Dec. n. Nov. 15. July 11. April 10. April 20. May 17. June 6. June 15. July 21. Aug. 26. Sept. 16. Oct. 4. Oct. 14. Nov. 6. Oct. 16. Nov. 30. Dec. 31. Jan. 16. March 11. April 18. May 7. May 25. June 2. July 24. Sept. 19. Oct. 2. Nov. 11. Feb. 6. Feb. 16. April 7. May 25. June 3. Aug. 21. Aug. 28. 636 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, 1833. Charles Thomas, aged 75, David Castle, aged 54, Alia, w. of John Montcalm, aged 42, James Hall, aged 56, Elliot Warner, aged 13, John McGrau, aged 55, McDonald, s. of William Castle, aged 14, Charles, s. of John Montcalm, aged 3, 1834. Laura, w. of Hiram Tyrrell, Sarah Hiirlbut, aged 63, M. Ward, aged 63, Homer Fenn, aged 33, Louden B. Livingston, aged 32, Maria, dau. of Lyman Fenn, Widow Rhoda Hurlbut, aged 63, Elizabeth Ward, aged 84, 1835. Alice Ward, aged 60, William, s. of Ezra Warner, aged 7, Gideon Booth, aged 60, Jeremiah Brownson, aged 22, Anna Carr, aged 56, Aaron Northrop, aged 45, 1836. Maycock Ward, aged 91, Daniel Gorham, aged 70, Freelove Marsh, aged 85, Mary Patterson, aged 10, Thomas Warner, aged 75, widow of Nathaniel Hnrd, Dea. Chauncey Whittlesey, aged 54, wife of David Botsford, aged 33, Isaac Hunt, aged 77, M. Bacon Whittlesey, aged 16, wife of Edward Minor, aged 70, Widow Sarah Gillett, aged 86. Widow Parnel Thomas, aged 79, Caroline, w. of Silas Warnei", aged 33, Gideon Warner, aged 74, Harvey Hurlbut, aged 32, Sally E., wife of Thomas Blakesley, aged 57, ch. of Edmund Trowbridge, aged 6, Wait Hurd, aged 47, Charles H. Smith, aged 24, Polly F. Smith, aged 13, Helena Thomas, aged 36, Feb. 24. May 17. May 28. Oct. 9. Nov. 1. Nov. 10. Dec. 25. Dec. 27. Feb. 19. April 8. April 20. .\l.ril 26. May 14. June 8. Aug. 12 Jan. 13. Oct. 16. Jan. 25. Aug. 13. Feb. 7. March 10. May 20. Aug. 2. Jan. June 28. Jan. 24. Jan. 26. Jan. 27. Feb. 13. Feb. 20. Feb. 23. Feb. 27. March 27. March 8. June 7. June 14. Aug. 10. Sept. 29. Oct. 5. Oct. 9. Oct. 21. Nov. July. DEATHS IN HOXBUKY. 637 I8;i7. Dr. Josiah R. K;istuiaii, aged 60; Widow Mevanible, aged 7i), Mrs. Adalinc Poarce, aged 3 '2, Widow Sarah Treat, aged 73, F^lierinau F)-isbie, aged 42, Franees, il.ui. of Chauiicey N. Castle. Widow .\iin, w. of Benajali Ilawley, aged 1*8. Pliilana, w. of Eheu Ilurllnit, aged 70, Rachel Norton, aged 83, Sarah Blakeley, aged 57, 1 8;;8. wife of George Graham, aged 73, Cornelia, wife of Wiiithrop Morris, aged 4(1, David Brothwell, aged 46, Widow Anna Mallory, aged 7<), Nancy M. Seward, aged 13, Capt. Lake, aged 33, Horace Barnes, aged 21, wife of Arry Ward, aged 59, James Trowbridge, aged 54, Alton Bradly, aged 60, Truman Castle, aged 47, 183«>. .Sterling Ward, aged 35, Avis Castle, aged 84, Mary S. Blakesley, aged 23, Hezekiah Buckingham, aged 65, Cadet Charles Hodge, aged 19, Mrs. Lavinia Blakesley, aged 50, Phineas Smith, aged 80, Rebecca Hall, aged 79, T>ec- 23. David L. Gillett, aged 31, May 3. 1840. Joseph Carpenter, aged 33, Ebbin Burritt, aged 78, Charles Smith, aged 18, Dr. Silas Castle, aged 77, Rebecca Baker, aged 76, 1841. Philo Tjeaven worth, aged 47, Susan Minor, aged 78, Nathan Smith, aged 72, George Hurlbut, aged 10, John Squire, aged 36, Capt. Deliverance L. Painter, aged 77, J:. 11. '(•) Feb. Feb. 23. April M;.y 1. Aug. 20. Oct. I.^. Sept. 27. .\pril 17. May July Aug. Sej)t. July Oct. 1. 3. 17. 24 4. 4. Oct. 9. Oct. 9. Oct. 21. Dec. 26. Vvh. 23. May June 17. 4. Aug. Sejit. 23 1. Sc-pt. 4. Nov. 7. June 25. ( )ct. 10. Aug. Dec. Pi. 5. Dec. 6. l<\'b. 2 Feb. 9, Feb. 18. Sept. •Oct. Sept. 3 638 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Widow Castle. George Graham of Scotland, aged 84, Abigail Castle, aged 74, 1842. Philo Hodge, aged 86, Thomas Beardsley, aged 87, Anna Minor, aged 96, Esther, dau. of C. Trowbridge, aged 3, Russell Wheaton, aged 84, Widow Buckingham, aged 58, Washington W. Elliot, aged 13, Selah Day, aged 36, Samuel S. Thomas, aged 21. Royal, s. of Isaac G. Botsford, aged 11, Mrs. Bates, aged 82, Lucy Hall, aged 91, Charles Brown, aged 23, Mrs. Sarah Westover, John D., s. of F. Burritt, Dorcas, widow of Israel Lucas, aged 98, Leander V., s. of Mark Hatch, aged 32, Sally, wife of Harvey Thomas, aged 29, Candace, w. of Frederick Bradley, aged 26, Lyman Painter, aged 69, l.S4a. isu. Rebecca Edwards, aged 66, Stephen Elliott, aged 18, Elisabeth Parmelee, aged 91, Moses, s. of Cyrus Squire, aged 7, Widow Wheaton, aged 77, Sarah Warner, aged 80, 1845. George W. Masters, aged 22. Capt. David Weller, aged 70, Edwin Turrell, aged 28, Stephen Beardsley, aged 63, Patty Livingston, aged 56, Sally Minor, aged 68, Aud (colored), aged 90, Adoniram Squire, aged 62, 1846. Jurusha Hurd, Jr., aged 52. Mrs. Rachel Squire, aged 83. Mrs. Rhoda Judson, aged 36, Charles, s. of P. M. Judson, aged 1, June 4. Sept. 9. Jan. March 2L March 22. July 5. Sept. 24. Oct. 12. Oct. 30. Oct. 30. Dec. 29. May 2. June 3. June 26. June 28. July 29. Aug. 3. Sept. 19. Oct. 13. Nov. 18. Sept. 11. April 14. Jan. 5. Jan. 6. Jan. 14. Jan. 16. April 16. April 2. July. Sept. 13. Oct. 24. Dec. 12. Dec. 14. July 16. Feb. March 3. D K A T II S IN l{ O X R U I? Y Elizabeth Wai'd, aged 73, Mrs. Krwin, aged 7S. Mrs. Kowe, aged .'}3. Augiistin Summers, aged 42. Widow Thomas, aged 8.3. Amy Patterson, aged 14. l*hel)e Erwiii, aged 78, WiUiam I'ean^e, aged 2f>. Mrs. P>o()tli, .aged .33. Mrs. ( 'liarles .ludson, aged 33. Thoniiis Wainer, aged 75, AmariUa, wid. of Dr. Josiali R. Eastman, 1847. John Erwin, aged SI, Widow Hannah Castle, aged 77, Mrs. riuldah Castle, aged G8, Margaret Weller, aged 82, wife of Dea. Bronson, aged 57, Esther, wife of Joel Ward, aged 19, George Leavenworth, aged 20, Lewis Mt'ramble, aged 20, « ;Vnna Lewis, aged 72, David Fenn, aged 85, Charlotte Glover, aged 13, John Gillett, aged 64, 1848. Lsaac Blacknian, aged 83, Mrs. Isbell, aged SG, Steplien k*Hi"^idfor(i, aged 79, Widow Ophelia Hurlbiit, aged 47, Timothy Isbell, aged 84, Martin J. Bronson, aged 24, David (iillett, aged 64, Georges Way, aged 24, Mrs. llussc^ll Castle, Cui'tiss San ford, aged 18, John J. .San ford, Jolm Mast(>rs Castle, aged 7G, Harry Warner, aged 48. Deliorah Ilurd, aged 68, Tiyman Painter, aged (58, Mrs. Wakeley, aged 70, Jacob (negro), aged 92, Luke Teeple, aged 79, Ste[)hen Sanford, Esq., aged 79, Mrs. Weltt)n, aged 28, Eunice Munger, aged 77, Mrs. Ross, aged 38, G39 March 29. Aug. 31 Jan. 26 Nov. 23. Feb. March 7 March 19 April. April April 17 May. Aug. Oct. Dec. Dec. Dec. 16. Feb. I^'eb. Oct. 20 Feb. March. March. March. March. March. A])rii 2 May. June 25 June. July. Sept. 11 Sept. Oct. Oct. ( )ct. Nov. Dec. Dec. 11. 640 HISTORY OF ANCIB^NT WOODBURY. Ebenezer Hurlbiit, * Sept. 24. wife of Timothy Squire. Aner Wakeley, aged 71, Sept. 22. 1849.' Betsey, wife of Thomas Squire, aged 77, April 11. Mrs. Jarmand, aged 70, Feb. Mrs. Priudle, aged 68, April. (Japt. Ira Booth, aged 46, April 26. s. of Dr. Myron Downs, aged 5, May 4. Ithamer Barnes, aged 73, May 7. Harvey Castle, aged 45, June 14. Sarah Mallory, aged 72, Sept. 10. Daniel S. Smith, aged 54, Nov. 19. Moses Squire, aged 64, Dec. 5. James, s. of Edwin Prindle, aged 2, Dec. 24. Widow Judson, aged 80, Dec. 24. Amos Squire, aged 98, Dec. 9. Sherman Edwards, aged 81, Jan. 11. •1850. Lucinda, w. of Harvey H. Castle, aged 50, Feb. 1. Edward Minor, aged 84, Feb. 7. A. Gormond, aged 42, Feb. 21. Abel SilHman, aged 25, Feb. 21. Flora, wid. of Lyman Paintei', aged 0.3, April 10. William P. Minor, aged 43, April 27. Mrs. Newton, aged 47, May 27. Deborah A. Smith, a,ged 84, May 30. Hiram Rogers, aged 50, June 8. Thomas Blakeley, aged 80, _ • Nov. 26. Mrs. Coger, aged :'.7, ' Sept. 7. Nancy Elliott, aged I8y., 6m., Sept. 26. wife of Jar vis Way, aged 50. Eli Beardsley, aged 70, June 14. 1851. Patty, wid. of Eli Beardsley, aged 72, Parthena, widow of Amos Squire, aged 87, Cornelius Teeple, aged 30, Mrs. Jane Miller, Abiathar Squire, aged 87, S. Bates, aged 71, William Peai'ce, aged 65, Charles P. Minor, aged 25, 1852. Henry Trowbridge, aged 1 0, Mary Pierce, aged 65, Sybil Treat, aged 66, Jan. 29, March 8, April 27, Sept. 3. Sept. 18 Sept. 18, July 4. May. Feb. 19, Oct. 2, Nov. 3. D K A T II S IN U O X U II K Y 641 Morse Leavenworth, aged 50, Perkins, aged 06, " Maria Burritt, aged 4."^, William Pearce, aged 67, Stephen Blakesley, aged 55, 1853. Hannah Erwin, aged 86, Mary J. Seaward, aged 22, Nancy Seward, aged 47, Chariy Morgan, aged 62, Widow Whitmore, aged 70, Charlotte Patterson, aged 45, Henry Way, aged 31, Susan A. Stoddard, aged 3, Chauncey Hodge, aged 62, Lucy Hodge, aged 84, Amy Barnes, aged 70, Mrs. Beardsley, aged 44. Amy Blakeley, aged 59, Sarah Garlick, aged 84, Chloe Ancel, aged 74, ch. of Charles Judson, aged 1 1 days, Reuben Hurlbut, aged 79, Elijah Andrus, aged 79, ch. of Charles Botsford, aged 1 months, Maria Davidson, aged 30, Widow Patterson, Raphael Flowers, aged 79, Sarah J. Hurlbut, aged 19, ch. of Orlando Lewis, aged 20 days, Jane Bradley, aged 76, ch. of Charles G. Lewis, ch. of Jonah T. Davidson, 3 mouths, William Warner, aged 67, ch. of Frederick Bradley, aged 1, 1854. Hepsey Hurd, aged 65 years, ch. of L'hauncey Wilmot, aged 3, Seruphns S. Ward, aged 65, Samuel Thomas, aged 61, Ely Booth, aged 79, James Merlharie, aged 21, Eunice Hard, aged 82, Narcissa Edwards, aged 67, Zuba Castle, aged 90, James Smitli, aged 77, ch. of Charles Judson, Vol. IIL— 81 Nov. 23. June. July. July. Sept. Jan. 30. Jan. 14. Feb. 23. March 3. March. April 21. April 28. May 25. May 5. June 1. June 19. June 29. June 30. July 13. July 6. July 23. Aug. 14. Sept. 10. Sept. 10. Sept. Oct. 26. Oct. 23. Oct. 3L Nov. 29. Dec. Dec. 20. Dec. 24. Dec. Jan. 16. Jan. 19. Feb. 10. Feb. 25. March 16. April 6. April 28. May 31. June 3. June 19. June 31. 642 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Jerusha Thomas, aged 94, Sept. 28. Fanny R. Morris, aged 5, Oct. 5. ch. of Charles Tyrrell, aged 2, Oct. 9. Harmon Wheeler, Oct. 30. John Ancel, aged 60, Nov. 11. 1855. Mrs. John Trowbridge, aged 65, April 7. Silas Miner, aged 80, June 2. Hannah Beardsley, aged 77, June 6. Ambrose Thompson, aged 63, June 11. Daniel Blackman, aged 87, June 7. s. of Frederick Knapp, aged 10m., Sept. 1. Azen Thomas, aged 58, Sept. 22. John Trowbridge, aged 67, Sept. 8. William Teabout, aged 65, Dec. 12. 1856. Sarah Leavenworth, aged 92, Jan. 29. ch. of C Judson, aged 8m., April 1. David Thompson, aged 17, April 15. Burtiss Fairchild, aged 53, April 16. Sarah Sanford, aged 84, May 12. Caroline Ariel, aged 52, May 29. William Elliott, aged 76, June 26. s. of Frederick Sherman, aged 9m., June 24. Eunice Judd, aged 73, June 28. John Leavenworth, aged 69, July 10. Martha J. Sperry, aged 30, July 12. John Signor, aged 26, Aug. 30. Phebe Hurlbut, aged 80, Aug. 31. Frances C. Hurlbut, aged 19, Sept. 1. Thomas Ives, aged 63, Sept. 23. ch. of Mr. Tucker, aged 11, Oct. 2. Nathan H. Sanford, aged 26, Oct. 24. Lucinda Lathrop, aged 62, Nov. 1. Booth Castle, aged 61, Nov. 18. Joseph Bronson, aged 44, Dec. 19. Peter Castle, aged 89, Dec. 29. 1857. Charles J. P. Ariel, aged 24, Feb. 12. Betsey Warner, aged 41, March 18. Reuben Judson, aged 72, April 2. ch. of James Nolan, aged 2, April 3. John Warner, aged 57, April 28. Mrs. Mallory, aged 43, May 12. Seth L. Manchester, aged 3, Aug. 20. Joseph Nichols, aged 88, July 17. Ann E. Warner, aged 52, Sept. 30. D K A T U S IN U X B U R Y , 643 Sally Wakeley, aged 54, Abijah Lewis, aged 81, 1858. Charles Prindle, aged 81, Mrs. Glover, aged 56, Mrs. Flowers, aged 83, Charlotte Hurd, aged 79, Henry N. Preston, aged 7, Chauncey Wilmot, aged 52, Daniel Wakelee, aged 32, Betsey Miner, aged G3, s. of Charles Tyrrell, aged 4, ch. of William Root, aged Im., Garry Hurl but, aged 56, ch. of F. Welkesen, Job Z. Warner, aged 41, Mrs. Orville Glover, aged 23, Polly Hurlbut, aged 58, 1859. George W. Cook, aged 59, Sarah E. Randall, aged 20, Julia Cole, aged 29, Sarah Root, aged 10. Thomas Squier, aged 85, Caleb Johnson, aged 66, Ezra Warner, aged 76, Glover Botsford, aged 63. ch. of Edwin M. Booth, aged 3, Charles E. Root, aged 6, Sally Tyrrell, aged 48, Anson Townsend, aged 80, Sally Gillette, aged 76, ch. of C. Judson, aged 6m., Augusta A. Hm-lbut, aged 20, Sidney Booth, aged 50, 1860. Susan Castle, aged 73, ch. of Hubbel, John (a stranger), aged 40, Heman Beardsley, aged 72, Mrs. Beach Wheeler, aged 37, Eliza Wheeler, aged 62, Mrs. Randall, aged 97, Lucretia Smith, aged 73, Andi-ew Weller, aged 23, Abigail Booth, aged 80, Sept. Nov. 14. 2. Jan. 20. Jan. 30. Feb. 22. April April April June 14. 16. 26. 10. Aug. Oct. 12. 5. Oct. 6. Oct. 6. Nov. 7. Nov. 15. Nov. 17. Dec. 21. Feb. 3. Feb. 29. March 12. March 13. March 20. April April April April May June 4. 6. 15. 20. 27. 8. June 18. June 24. Oct. 12. Oct. 18. Dec. 23. Jan. 24. Jan. 28. Jan. 31. March 2. March 24. May June 1. 19. June 19. July 18. Oct. 644 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Charles Hodge, aged 16, ch. of B. and M. Rowe, aged 8d., Betsey Burritt, aged 62, 1861. Curtiss Warner, aged 70, Sabra Mallory, aged 42, Alpheus Edwards, aged 79, Joseph W. Castle, aged 57, Mary Townsend, Hannah Hurlbut, aged 57, Caroline Crofut, aged 6m., Uriah Wolsey, aged 40, Henry Thompson, aged 57, Joseph Booth, aged 23, Susan Blackman, aged 88, Eliza Flowers, aged 51, Carry Beers, aged 77, John kSquier, aged 68, 1862. Jerome S. Castle, aged 32. Eliza Smith, aged 37, Mrs. Lydia E. Bronson, aged 59, Abigail Howell, aged 84, Mary E. Smith, aged 1 8, Jerusha A. Beardsley, aged 55, Billy Patterson, aged 71, Thomas Kelly, aged 47, David Olmstead, aged 73, Samuel Jackson, aged 72, John Castle, aged 55, Betsey Warner, aged 7 1 , ch. (colored), of Elijah Cam, aged 4m., dau. of G. and L. Thomas, aged 7m., Oct. 30. Nov. 22. Dec. 31. Jan. 10 Feb. 12. March 18. March 19. April 1. April 18. April 24. April 25. May 1. May 15. July 16. July 25. Sept. 12. Oct. 8. Feb. 2. Feb. 24. March 19. April 3. April 14. April 20. April 22. April 29. May 1. June 19. Sept. 21. Sept. Oct. 25. 1863. Nellie Bray, aged 3m., Edward A. Garlick, Betsey Newton, aged 50, Samuel Patterson, aged 80, Elijah Cam (colored), Abigail Thomas, aged 68, Charlotte Higgins, aged 2m., Rachel Blackman, aged 86, Elizabeth Camp, aged 76, 1864. Julia Booth, aged 28, Sarah Prindle, aged 54, Jan. 20. March 29. May 5. April 19. July 19. July 22. Sept. 4. Oct. 9. Nov. 4. March 21. April 17. D E A T 11 f^ IN U O .\ B II 1{ Y , 645 Lottie M. SanfovJ, aged '2 years, 6 months, Henry H. Smith, aged 1, Mehitable Davidson, aged 68, Ezekiel Beardsley, aged 78, child, aged 14 days, Thalia A. Warner, aged 17 years, 7 months, Sarah Burritt, aged 99 years, 3 months, 9 days, 1805. Aminda King, aged 83, Rebecca Castle, aged 92, Siba Seward, aged 82, Mary Ann Shepard, aged 55, Huldah M. Cole, aged 22, Polly Bates, aged 69, Sarah E. Warner, aged 25, Eh M. Smith, aged 81, Louisa Bronson, aged 42, Abigail Graham, nged 68, Arthur T. O'Dell, aged 3 years, 6 months, 1866. Adelaide Hurlbut, aged 14, Abijah Crofut, aged 68, Jerusha Root, aged 23, Edna H. Nichols, aged 47, John Jackson, aged 73, Philo E. Burritt, aged 29, Josiah Bronson. Abraham Thompson or Brum, aged 51, Louisa Daskon, aged 20, Mary Ryley, aged 42, Oliver R. Germond, aged 24, Ichabod R. Cole, aged 58, Emeline Prindle, aged 24, Henry A. Smith. 1867. Herman Sawyer, aged 75, Levi Ward, aged 67, Phebe Beach, aged 83, Augusta Meeker, aged 10, Bennie Seeley, aged 3. Daniel Mallett, aged 87, Rutli Aim Hodge, aged 69, Homer B. Sherman, aged 71, Urias Velie, aged 54, Sophia R. Tyrrell, aged 30, Lewis Fairchild, aged 77, Aug. Aug. : 6. 28. Sept. Sept. Oct. 16. 27. 17. Oct. 20. Nov. 8. .Ian. 6. Feb. 11. Feb. 19. Feb. 25. March 14. March 14. March 14. April Oct. 4. 7. Dec. 8. June 12. Jan. 2. Jan. 10. Jan. 20. Feb. 4. Feb. 25. March 16. June 4. Aug. April Nov. 29. 16. 6. Nov. 14. Dec. 4. Jan. 4. Feb. 3. March 7. March 19. March 24. March 27. May June 8. 20. Aug. 5. Aug. 12. Sept. 9. 646 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Mary Eliza Barnes, aged 19, Harriet Mansfield, aged 35, Daniel Sherwood, aged 52, 1868. Abraham Warner, aged 82, Jane E. Elwell, aged 19, Peter Horaii, aged 70, Nathan Beardsley, aged 77 )^ears, 5 months, 12 days, William A. Fenn, aged 50 years, 11 months, Louisa Booth, aged 63, Joseph T. Lewis, aged 70, Sheldon Leavenworth, aged 67, Ruth Ann Cook, aged 81, Rebecca McGraw, aged 87, Mary Horan, aged 57, Wesley Hurlbut, aged IS years, 11 months, 10 days, Eliza Blakeman, aged 59, 1869. infant of Daniel Guiders, aged 1 month, child of Ann Goad, aged 3 years, 2 months, Alvin R. Thomas, aged 46, John Hine, aged 65, Henry L. Randall, aged 64 years, 6 months, Martha Northrop, aged 77, Mary B. Whittlesey, aged 81, Botsford Whitehead, aged 26, Stephen W. Hawley, aged 59, Henry N. Whittlesey, aged 47, Lydia Weller, aged 87, Lampson P. Warner, aged 57, Julia C. Judd, aged 20, Fanny Fenn, aged 60, Maina Clark, aged 70, Daniel Gorham, aged 85 years, 1 month, 8 days, Cornelia A." Camp, aged 20 years, 5 months, Thomas H. Coad, aged 3, Mabel Olmstead, aged 80, William Camp, aged 80, Elizabeth Hawley, aged 85, Lyman Booth, aged 56, Walter P. Newton, aged 17, 1870. Abijah Thompson, aged 69 years, 6 months, Zadoc Elwood, aged 70, George E. Botsford, aged 3 years, 1 month, 24 days, infant of 0. S. Turrill, aged 7 days, Emma Yeomans, aged 18, Oct. 13. Oct. 18. Dec. 26. Feb. 14. March 20. April 2. April 29. Feb. 3. May 2. June 27. Jime 18. Oct. 5. Oct. 25. Dec. 5. May 18. Sept. 27. Jan. 14 Jan. 19 Jan. 25 Feb. 4 Feb. 7 Feb. 16 Feb. 16 April 26 May 2 i June 19 July 15 Aug. 9 Sept. 2 Oct. 23 Oct. 24 Nov. 2, Nov. 19 Nov. 23, Nov. 28. Dec. 7 Dec. 20. Dec. 28, Dec. 1 Jan. 23. Feb. 10. Feb. 17. April 10. May 22. I) K A T U S I N l; O X B n H Y 647 George W. Davenport, aged 49, Cyntlia Smith, aged 76, Eliza N. Smith, aged 64, Daniel Judd, aged 88, Florence Stephens, aged 5 years, 9 months, Birdsey Blakeley, aged 57, Rosa Warner, aged 38, infant of Wilbur E. Osborn, 1871. Ellen S. Squire, aged 28, Zaccheus Warner, aged 77, Edward Tracey, aged 50 or 60, Elizabeth Ann Martin, aged 2 months, George Hall, aged 1 year, 7 months, Edward B. Petrie, aged 27, Isaac N. Flowers, aged 57, Joseph Cojer, aged 71, James Coad, aged 9 years, 11 months, 2 days, Clorinda Flowers, aged 53, Sally Davenport, aged 74, infant of Austin G. Yeoman, aged 10 days, Roswell Burritt, aged 69, Chloe A. Judson, aged 33, Amasa Lathrop, aged 79, Anna Judson, aged 85, Hannora Pickett, aged 62, Julia Murphy, aged 14, Sheldon Castle, aged 86, 1872. Alden Beers, aged 81, Irene Weller, aged 86, Eliza Thomas, aged 87, Whalen, aged 2, Harriet O. Tyrrell, aged 23, Fanny Ives, aged 29, Yeomans, aged 46, Winthrop Morris, aged 76, Adelia Edwards, aged 18 years, 6 months, Lewis Brown, aged 79, Laura Leonard, aged 27, Jane Thomas, aged 72, Charles Thomas, aged 82, George R. Judson, aged 56, George Botsford, Infant of James Whalen, aged 13d., ) ^^-^^ n " " aged 19d., \ ' Phebe Lewis, aged 48, Elizabeth Tyrrell, aged 62, Junt' 1. Oct. 23. Dec. 7. Dec. 23. May 25. Dec. 16. Dec. 18. Feb. 9. March 10. May 21. June 10. May 8. March 22. July 14. July 26. July 31. Aug. 3. Sept. 13. Oct. 24. Oct. 15. Nov. 1 1 . Nov. 19. Nov. 15. Nov. 30. Nov. 14. June 21. July 28. Feb. 29. March 15. March 16. March 25. April 5. May 1. July 13. July 28. Aug. 22. Sept. 12. Sept. 23. Sept. 17. Sept. 20. July 23. Oct. 5. Oct. 16. Oct. 22. Nov. 6. Nov. 12. 648 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. James W. Garriaty, aged 18, Nov. 22. Mrs. Sheldon Camp, aged 58, July 15. Infant of Lauren and Mary Jane Newton, aged 4 hours, Dec. 12. 1873. Loue Booth, aged 3m., 24d., Daniel Gillett, aged 89, Esther Smith, aged 24, Harvey Castle, aged 76, Infant of Patrick Whalen, aged 3m., 22d., Infant of Mrs. Newton, aged 2m., Beach Castle, aged 65, Anna Sherman, aged 83, Catharine Painter (died in Washington, D. C), aged 68, May 15. Fanny Mansfield, aged 10, Nathan H. Smith, aged I day, Helen B. Smith, aged ly.. 1m., 16d., Aphia Garlick, aged 84y., 6m., Albin Ward, aged 69, Frances Beardsley, aged 14, Mary Gorham, aged 85, Philo Beers, aged 28, Howard Malory, aged 8, James Moore, aged 16y., 6m., 24d., 1874. Joseph E. Lary, aged 3y., 8m., John E. Pickett, aged 2m., 5d., Joseph A. Gee, aged 4 months, • Erastus Castle, aged 76, Fannie E. Gillett, aged 62, Jane Gee, aged 20, Elizabeth Prindle, aged 61, Amoritta Leavenworth, aged 79, Sarah K. Judson, aged 58, Infant of Oliver Tyrrell, aged 3 days, Ellen E. Ashern, aged 2y., 10m., Thomas King, aged 91, 1875. Treat Davidson, aged 83, Susan Eliza Sturgess, aged 38y., 10m., David Pierce, aged 60, Truman Mallory, aged 75, Bronson Meramble, aged 75, William H. Germond, aged 28y.. 4m., Stephen Tyrrell, aged 53y., 7m., Bridget Whalen, aged 9y., 5m., Jan. 27. Jan. 29. Feb. 5 Feb. 10, Feb. 9. Feb. 9, May May S, May Oct. 6. 14. 15. 13. Sept. Oct. 12, 4, Dec. 29, Dec. 31. July July Oct. 10. 27, 23. Dec. 26. Dec. 8, Jan. 12. Jan. 30, March 8, March 18. April July July Oct. 2, 10, 29. 4. April 20. April 20. May 19. Nov. 6. Jan. 3. Jan. 5, Jan. 23. Feb. 6. Feb. 7. Feb. 11. Feb. 19. April 1, n K A T II i^ IN It <> X H I' It Y Ci'.) Frank I'yrrell, agod ly., 8in., Samuel M. Taylor, aged :i8, Lauren Newton, aged 73, Mary Baldwin, aged 78, Julia E. Burritt, aged 13 days, Sophia Beardsley, aged 75, Fanny Pierce, aged 1 9, Wait Leavenworth, aged 84, Betsey Stoddard, aged 86, Ann E. Whalen. aged 3G, Eleanor Frisbio, aged 45, Hanford Bradley, aged 74y., 3in., Theodore A. Leavenworth, aged 32, 187G. Bronson B. Rowe, aged 1 month, 1 1 days, Minerva W. Thrall, aged 13, Dennis Haggerty, aged 10, Hannah Peck, aged 82, Lucy Frishio, aged 85, Julia, w. of Edward A. Garlick, Hubert Munson, aged 4 months, Julia A. Barnes, aged 20, Johanna Haggerty, aged 78, Edgar W. Beers, aged 25, Harvey Piatt, aged 76, Ann M. Hurlbut, aged 77y., 5m,, lid., April 3. March 31. June 5. June 12. Juno 7. July 1. Aug. n. Aug. 12. Nov. 5. Dec. 1. Dec. 3. Dec. y. Dec. 15. Jan. 4. .Ian. 27. May 26. May 27. July 15. July 25. July 28. Sept. 2. Sept. 14. Nov. 14. Dec. 23. Dec. 30. Ellen W. Squire, aged 9m., Sally R. Lewis, aged 91, Catherine Haggerty, aged 1 Amelia S. Sanford, aged 35, William Fuller, aged 40, Adeline Warner, aged 23, Maggie Coon, aged 15, Lydia E. Booth, aged 32, 1877. 16d., 0, 1878. Infant of Charles T. Squire, aged fo days, Maria P. Bradley, aged 59, Polly Ann Barnes, aged 64, Daniel G. Bronson, aged 63, Watson C. Sanford, aged 43, Seeley Lucas, aged 79, John Murphy, aged 64, Thomas Ryan, aged 82, Patty S(|uire, aged 82, Vol. 111.— 82 March 4. April 10. May 4. .\ug. 12. June 29. Dec. 5. Dec. 20. Feb. 20. Jan. 10. .Ian. 24. Jail. 24. Jan. 26. March 2. April II. April 2(i. .April 27. Mmv 2. 650 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Sally Smith, aged 92, Harriet Squire, aged 71, Johanna Quinlan, aged 55, Caroline Hamlin, aged 66, Narcissa Beers, aged 85, 1879. Julia F. Burritt, aged 23, Manuella Root, aged 27, June 19. July Aug. Nov. 2. 24. 19. June 4. Jan. 3. darch 3. BIRTHS IN STRATFORD. Tins old town was settled in 1G39, and was first calU'd Stratford in 1645. Its Indian name was ''C'upheag," and that of its western part, including a part of Fairfield, " rughquonnuck." This latter territory now constitutes tlie town of Ik'idgeport. The old town also contained the societies of North Stratford, now Tnuubull, and Uipton and New Stratford, now the towns of Huntington and Monroe. The Second Church in ancient Stratford in the limits of the present town, was established May 5, IG70. On account of ecclesiastical differences, the General Court of the colony granted to the new cluu-ch the territory of Pemperaug, in the wilderness, in 1672. Crops were planted that year, and a majority of the church moved thither in 1673. The iiduibitants were, however, driven back to Stratford by the troubles and dangers of King Philip's War, which broke out in June, 1675. They did not all go back to Woodbury again till 1678, though the strong men, in armed bands, raised some crops there each year. The business and social relations between the two towns for the first fifty years after the settlement of Woodbury wei'c very intimate, and the intermarriages constant. It has become a necessity, therefore, to give the early births, marriages, and deaths in Stratford to com- {)lcte the record for Ancient Woodbury. It is accordingly here given. B. r>ooth, Ebenezer, s. of Richard, liurdzie, John, s. of John, Burdzie, Johanna, dau. of John, Birdsey, Hannah, dau. of John, Uirdsey, Mary, dau. of John, Jr., lU'ach, Benjamin, s. of Benjamin, lirinsmade, Ann, dau. of Paul, lj(!ach, llaiuiah, dau. of Benjamin. Burritt, Elizabeth, dau. of Lieut. Stephen, Burritt, William, s. of Lieut. Steplien, 1 luiM-itt, Peleg, s. of Lieut. Stephen, i>ooth, Johanna, dau. of Richard, i>ooth, Elizabeth, dau. of Richard, Booth, Anna, dau. of Richard, Booth, Epliraim, s. of Richard, Booth, Ebenezer, s. of Richard, Booth, John, s. of Richard, Booth, Joseph, s. of Richard, Nov. 18, 1651 March 28, Nov. 18, 1642, Feb. 5, 1671, Nov. 10, 1675. Oct. 28, 1672, Oct. 16, 1679. Sept ., 1681. July "i, 1675. Mai'cli ■29, 1677. Oct. .5, 1679. March 21. 1(;61. Sept. 10. 1 64 1 . F(>1). 14. 164.S. Aug. 1, 1648. Nov. 19, 1651. Nov. 5, 1653. March 8, 1656. 652 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Booth, Bethia, dau. of Richard, Beach, Joseph, s. of John, Bostick, Joseph, s. of John, I)Ooth, Richard, s. of Ebonezer, Bootli, Thomas, s. of John (by wife Dorothy), Blackman, Miriam, dau. of James, Beard sle, Abigail, dau. of Samuel, Bostick, John, s. of John, Blackman, , s. of Samuel (d. unnamed March Aug. 18, 1658. Feb. 5, 1671. May 11, 1672. May 9, 1679. March 18, 1679. Feb. 8, 1670. 10 4 Aug. May J 664. 1667. 11 following), Blackman, Abigail, daii. of Samuel, Blackman, Adam, s. of Samuel, Bearsly, Samuel, s. of Samuel, Bearsley, Joseph, s. of Joseph, Blackman, Joanna, dau. of Samuel, Beach, Elizabeth, dau. of John, Beach, John, s. of John, Beach, Mary, dau. of John, Beach, Thomas, s. of John, Beach, Nathaniel, s. of John, Beach, Hannah, dau. of John, Beach, Sarah, dau. of John, Bearsly, William, s. of Samuel, Blackman, Sarah, dau. of James, Blackman, Mary, dau. of James, jBlackman, Hannah, dau. of James, Blackman, Jane, dau. of James, Bearsly, John, s. of Joseph, Beach, Isaac, s. of John, Bostick, Zachar'iah, s. of John, Booth, Mary, dau. of Ephraim and Mary, Booth, Joanna, dau. of Ephraim and Mary, Barterum, Hannah, dau. of John, Bearsly, Daniel, s. of Samuel, Bearsly, Hannah, dau. of Joseph, Burdsey, Abel, s. of John, Bearsley, Ebenezer, s. of Samuel, Bearsley, John, s. of Samuel, Bostick, Elizabeth, dau. of John, Beach, Benjamin, s. of John and Mary, Booth, , dau. of Ebenezer and Hannah, Beach, Mary, dau. of Benjamin, Beach, Sarah, dau. of Benjamin and Sarah, Beach, Bethia, dau. of Benjamin and Sarah, Bostick, Mary, dau. of John and Mary, Blackman, Joseph, s. of Joseph, Bostick, Jane, dau. of John and Mary, Blackman, Abigail, dau. of Joseph, Birdsey, Joseph, s. of John, Jr., and Phebe, Beardsley, Mary, dau. of Samuel, Jan., 1661. Dec. 11, 1663. Sept. 14, 1665. Sept. 1, 1666. June 10, 1666. Dec. 4, 1667. March 28, 1652. April, 1654. Sept., 1656. May, 1659. March, 1662. Dec, 1665. Nov., 1667. March 22, 1668-9. April 25, 1658. April 25, 1661. Jan. 21, 1664. Oct. 26, 1668. Nov. 1, 1668. June 27, 1669. July 25, 1669. Nov. 12, 1676. Sept., 1678. June 28, 1668. April 3, 1671. April 3]/, 1671. Nov. 30, 1679. Feb. 4, 1675. Oct. 11, 1673. Oct. I, 1677. March 3, 1673-4. Oct. 19, 1674. Jan. 19, 1676. May 24, 1679. April 23, 1674. Feb. 14, 1674. April 12, 1675. April 13, 1680. Aug. 12, 1680. Feb. 22, 1681-2. May 1, 1680. H I K T II S IN S T U A T K o K I) . 053 Bearsly, s. of .Suiuuel, I>,.c. :'.\, IC.VT. Biirdsey, Sanih, dan. of John, Jr., and I'licbe, May 9, 178. Beers, Saimiol, s. of John and Mary, Nov. 'J, 1079. Birdsoy, Cond'oi-t, dau. of Aliclaud Conifoil, May '19, 1777. Booth, Nathan, s. of John and KHzaln-th, Oct. 2'), 171S. Brinsnioad, Mary, dau. of Daniol and Mercy, May VI, 1716. Brinsniead, Daniel, s. of Daijiel and Mercy, July ;;i, 171G. Barloe, John, s. of John and Mary, Oct. 16, 1718. Birdsey, Samuel, s. of Abel and Mercy, 1718. Beach, John, s. of Ebenezer and Mary, May 8, 1718. Burton, Solomon, s. of Benjamin and Bethia, Aug. W, 1718. Burt, Joseph, s. of Joseph and Mary, June 2.!, 1719. Beardslee, Nehemiah, s. of Nathan and Dinah. April 5, 1719. Burton, Elizal)eth, dau. of Benjamin and Bethia, Nov. \'2, 1716. Blacklach, Mehitabel, dau. of Richanl and Mehit- abel, Jan. 26, 1716-17. Barloe, John, s. of John and Mary, Oct. 7, 1717. Blakeman, Abrara, s. of Abram and Elizabeth, Feb. 26, 1718-19. Brooks, David, s. of Benjamin and Mary, Oct. 26, 1719. Blakeman, Zecheriah, 3. of Zecheriah and Elizabeth, June 14, 1720. Blagge, Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel and Hannah, June 18, 1708. Blagge, Sarah, dau. of Samuel and Hannah, March 16, 1710. Blagge, Mary, dau. of Samuel and Hannah, March 26, 1715. Burritt, Deborah, dau. of Joseph and Mary, Feb. 3, 1716. Birdsey, John, s. of Abel and Comfort, Sept. 26, 1712. Birdsey, Eunice, dau. of Abel and Comfort, April It, 1714. Beach, Andrew, s. of Ephi-aim and Sarah, Nov. 14, 1713. Burritt, Deborah, dau. of Joseph and Mary, Aug. 15, 1714. Burton, William, s. of Benjamin and Bethia, March 29, 1715. Beardslee, Mehitabel, dau. of Ephraim and Mehitabel, May 17, 1715. Burrough, Zechariah. s. of Edward and Abigail. Feb. 19, 1712-13. Burrough, Abigail, dau. of Edward and Abigail, Brooks, John, s. of Benjamin and Mary, Burit, Sarah, dau. of Peleg and Sarah, Booth, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Booth, Sarah, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Booth, Hannah, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Booth, Joseph, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Booth, Mary, dau. of Thomas and Elizalieth, Birdsey, Eunice, dau. of Abel and Comfort, Beardslee, Ebenezer, s. of Zechariah ami Elizabeth, Birdsey, Nathan, s. of Joseph and Sarah, Beach, Mehitable, dau. of Ebenezer and Mehit- able, Birdsey, Elizabeth, dau. of Abel and Comfort, Birdsey, Johanna, dau. of Abel and Comfort, Beers, Mary, dau. of Samuel and Sarah, Beach, Hannah, dau. of Isaac and Hamiah, Beardslee, Joseph, s. of Joseph and Deliorah, 1 May 31, 1715. Oct. 8, 1715. 1711-12. , Jan., 1706-7. 1708. 1710. 1712. 1714. Jan. 5, 1715-16. 3th, 1714. Aug. 8, 1714. Nov. 12, 1715-16. Dec. 17, 1706, Oct. 18, 1708. July 8, 1708. Mav 26, 1709, Nov. 7, 1709, 654 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUKY. Burit, Benjamin, s. of Josiah and Mary, Jan. 29, 1707-8. Burit, Phebe, dau. of Josiah and Mary, Jan. 29, 1707-8. Burit, William, s. of Josiah and Mary, Jan. 29, 1709-10. Beardslee, Mary, dau. of Ephi-aim and Mehitabel, Sept. 24, 1709. Birdsey, Johanna, dau. of Joseph and Sarah, Aug. 12, 1710. Birdsey, Dinah, dau. of Joseph and Sarah, Oct. 18, 1712. Birdsey, Phebe, dau. of Abel and Comfort, Sept. 9, 1710. Burit, Hannah, dau. of Joseph and Mary, Dec. 3, 1711. Beardslee, David, s. of Ephraim and Mehitabel, April 28, 1712. Beach, Abia, dau. of Sergt. Joseph and Abia, Jan. 12, 1712-13. Blakeman, James, s. of Zecheriah and Elizabeth, Oct. 28, 1713. Beach, Dinah, dau. of Isaac and Hannah, Oct, 14, 1713. Booth, Andrew, s. of Ephraim and Rachael, Dec. 22, 1712. TJeardsley, Hannah, dau. of Samuel, Oct. 25, 1682. Burit, Nathan, s. of Isaac, Aug. 6, 1687. Booth, Gideon, s. of John and Elizabeth, April 9, 1721. Beach, Mary, dau. of John and Hannah, July 14, 1683. Beach, Ebenezer, s. of John and Hannah, Sept. 14, 1692. Beach, Mehitabel, dau. of John and Hannah, Sept. 30, 1690. Beach, Hester, dau. of John and Hannah, May 3, 1694. Beach, Hannah, dau. of Ebenezer and Mehitabel, April 7, 1722. Beach, James, s. of Nathaniel and Sarah, Aug. 13, 1709. Burit, Mary, dau. of Israel and Sarah, June 12, 1719. Bennett, Mary, dau. of Thomas and Mary, Aug. 3, 1693. Bennitt, Deborah, dau. of Thomas and Mary, Feb. 28, 1695-6. Bennitt, Ephraim, s. of Thomas and Mary, Feb. 23, 1G98-9. Burr, William, s. of Joseph and Sarah, June 22, 1722. Bassitt, Robert, s. of Robert and Elizabeth, July 11, 1799. Beardsley, Caleb, s. of John and Abigal, Nov. 30, 1692. Beardsley, Jehiel, s. of John and Abigal, Nov. 16, 1693. Beardsley, Abraham, s. of John and Abigal, March 16, 1696. Beardsley, Deborah, dau. of John and Abigal, Feb. 6, 1699-1700. Blakeman, Abigail, dau. of Ebenezer and Abigal, Nov. 20, 1700. Beach, John, s. of Isaac and Hannah, Oct. 6, 1700. Beach, Sarah, dau. of Nathaniel and Sarah, Nov. 12, 1691. Baldin, David, s. of William and Ruth, June 10, 1701. Bassett, Elizaljeth, dau. of Robert and Elizabeth, Dec. 15, 1701. Beardslee, John, s. of John and Abigal, March 10, 1701-2. Beach, Daniel, s. of Nathaniel and Sarah, Jan. 15, 1701-2. Baldwin, Judith, dau. of Benjamin Baldwin, July 14, 1702. Booth, Mary, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Jan. 12, 1701-2. Blakeman, Ebenezer, s. of Abigail, Sept. 29, 1702. Brinsmead, Hannah, dau. of Daniel and Mary, Jan. 29, 1720. Booth, Ephraim, s. of Ephraim and Rachel, Aug. 25, 1717. Beacher, Sarah, dau. of Samuel and Sarah, Feb. 24, 1702-3. Baldin, Aems, dau. of William, March 6, 1705-0. Bostick, Susannah, dau. of Zechariah and Susannah, Nov. 21, 1700. Bostick, Parnell, dau. of Zechariah and Susannah, April 15, 1702. Bostick, Elisabeth, dau. of Zechariah and Susannah, May 12, 1704. Burch, Ebsabeth, dau. of Jeremiah and Elisabeth, Dec. 15, 1697. n I i; T II S IN S T U A T F O li I» . G55 Burch, Jercmiali, s. of Joremiah and Elisabeth, .hint! 10, KiUO. Burch, Mary, dau. of Jeromiah and Elisalu^tli, June 10, 1701. Beach, Mary, dau. of Isaac and Haiiiiali, Nov. 16, 1703. Bennett, Mary, dau. of Thomas and Mary. Bennett, Eunice, dau. of Tlionias and Mary. Burit, Thaddeus, s. of Benjamin and Hannah, Jidy I, 17'2r>. Beers, Josiali, s. of Josiah and Elizabeth, Dec. It, 1721. Beers, Elizabeth, dau. of Josiah and Elizabetli, Oct. 16. 1721. Burton, Susan, dau. of Judson and Eunice, Kob. 1 1, 1722-3. Boardslee, (ieorg(j, s. of Abraham and He.«(ter, Dec. 1, 1723. Bassett, Samuel, s. of Jonadab and Mary, Auj;-. 2C), 1723. Blak(!ni;m, KAlward, s. of Abraham ans and Mary, June 16, 1720. Burton, John, s. of J^enjamin and Bethia, Aug. 19, 1722. Burton, Jeremiah, s. of Benjamin and liethia, Oct. 16, 1720. Burton, Joseph, s. of Benjamin and Bethia, Aug. 19, 1722. Birdsey, Abel, s. of Abel and Mary, Jan. 4, 1724-5. Beach, Samuel, s. of Josiah and Patience, June 24, 1723. Beach, Abigail, dau. of Josiah and Patience, May 5, 1725. Booth, Bettie, dau. of John and Elizabeth, May 28, 1721. Beers, Ephraim, s. of Joseph and Sarah, June 25, 1722. Blacklach, Abigail, dau. of Joseph and Anne, Aug. 29, 1724. l^riett, David, s. of Nathan and Sarah, April 6, 1725. Burton, John, s. of Gideon and Eunice, May 2, 1725. Burrows, John, s. of Stephen and Ruth, July 1, 1725. Burr, Daniel, s. Joseph and Sarah. Oct. 17, 1725. Brown, Samuel, s. of Samuel and Jane, April 5, 1726. Burit, William and Ebenezer, ss. of Joseph and Mary, Dec. 28, 1726. Beardslee, Nathan, s. of Nathan and Dinah, April 8, 1726. Beers, William, s. of Josiah and EHsabcth, Oct. 1, 1726. Beach, Isaac, s. of William and Sarah, Oct. 24, 1726. Bassett, Benjamin, s. of Jonadab and Mary, May 2, 1727. Beardslee, Hannah, dau. of Thomas and Sarah, May 25, 1715. Booth, Edmond, s. of Thomas and Elisabeth, Nov. 16, 1695. Blakeman, Ebenezer, s. of Zechariah and Elisabeth, July 28, 1708. Bassett, John, s. of Robert, June 23, 1689. Blakeman, Adam, s. of James, Jan. 1, 168.3. Blakeman, James, s. of James, Dec. 4, 1686. Beardslee, Andrew, s. of John and Abigail, March 8, 1707-8. Beardslee, John, s. of Daniel and Ruth, Aug. 18, 1681. Beardslee, Daniel, s. of Daniel and Ruth, Oct. 17, 1684. Beardslee, Zechariah, s. of Daniel and Ruth, Nov. 13, 1686. Beardslee, Ruth, dau. of Daniel and Ruth, Oct. 13, 1688. 656 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. Bostick, John, s. of John and Abigail, Oct. 12, 1688. Beers, Mary, dau. of Barnabas and Ehzabeth, Dec. 27, 1689. Blakeman, EHsabeth, dau. of Ebenezer, Feb. 10, 1688. Burit, Peleg, s. of Peleg and Sarah, Jan. 7, 1719-20. Bostick, David, s. of David and Sarah, April 24, 1721. Burton, Benjamin, s. of Solomon and Mary, Aug. 3, 1 692. Blakeman, Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer, Aug. 9, 1693. Beach, David, s. of Nathaniel and Sarah, May 15, 1692. Beach, Josiah, s. of Nathaniel and Sarah, -^ug. 18, 1694. Bassett, Samuel, s. of Robert, Nov. 28, 1692. Beach, William, s. of Isaac and Hannali, July 7, 1694. Beers, Nathan, s. of Barnabas and Elisabeth, Dec. 1, 1691. Beers, Elisabeth, dau. of Barnabas and Elisabeth, Feb. 28, 1694-5. Bostick, Mary, dau. of Zechariah, Feb. 19, 1691-2. Bostick, David, s. of Zechariah, Oct. 26, 1693. Bostick, Matthew, s. of Zechariah, Nov. 28, 1695. Belding, Ruth, dau. of William and Ruth, March 29, 1698. Beardsley, David, s. of Samuel, Jr., and Deborah, Aug. 28, 1696. Beach, Elisabeth, dau. of Nathaniel and Sarah, Nov. 12, 1689. Beach, Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel and Sarah, Dec. 28, 1696. Beach, John, s. of Richard and Hannah, Sept. 10, 1707. Burrows, Stephen, s. of John and Patience, Feb. 25, 1691. Burrows, Edward, s. of John and Patience, March 14, 1696. Burrows, Hannah, dau. of John and Patience, Nov. 23, 1697. Burrows, Eunice, dau. of John and Patience, Sept. 1, 1699. Burrows, Joseph, s. of John and Patience, Nov. 23, 1701. Burrows, Bathsheba, dau. of John and Patience, Feb. 26, 1703. Burrows, John, s. of John and Patience, Aug. 31, 1705. Burrows, Eden, s. of John and Patience, July 10, 1707. 3urrows, Ephraim, s. of John and Patience, Dec, 1708. Burrows, Patience, dau. of John and Patience, Jan. 2, 1709-10. Beardslee, Israel, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Dec. 3, 1708. Bennitt, Daniel, s. of Isaac, March 9, 1683-4 Beardsley, Sarah, dau. of Thomas and Sarah, March 24, 1609-10. Beach, Isaac, s. of Nathaniel and Sarah, May 3, 1707. Beach, Anne, dau. of Nathaniel and Sarah, March 10, 1702. Bassett, Ebenezer, s. of Sgt. Robert and EHsabeth, Jan. 31, 1706-7. Beardslee, Thomas, s. of Thomas and Sarah, 1720. Burit, William, s. of Peleg and Sarah, Aug. 28, 1706. Birdsey, William, s. of Abel and Mary, Feb. 20, 1720-21. Burit, Mary, dau. of Joseph and Mary, Oct. 22, 1720. Blakeman, Dorothy, dau. of Ebenezer, March 18, 1682-3. Blakeman, John, s. of Ebenezer, April 4, 1685. Birdsey, Elizabeth, dau. of John, Jr., Oct. 21, 1685. Burritt, Joseph, s. of John and Deborah, March 12, 1685. Beardsley, Elisabeth, dau. of Thomas and Sarah, Oct. 26, 1716. Brooks, Benjamin, s. of John, Oct. 17, 1685. Bostick, Abigail, dau. of Joseph and Ann, Nov. 24, 1700. Bostick, Abram, s. of Joseph and Ann, Sept. 5, 1702. Bostick, Hannah, dau. of Joseph and Ann, Jan. 3, 1704-5. BIKTIIS IN STHATFOKI). or, 7 Oct. Nov. Oct. Oct. Oct. Beach, Kpliraim, s. of Nathaniel and Sarali, Birdsey, Elisabeth, dau. of John, Beach, Elisabeth, dau. of Nathaniel and Sarali l>eardslee, Nathan, s. of Samuel, Beers, Joseph, s. of Joseph and Sarah. Beers, John, s. of Joseph and Sarah, Bennett, Rutli, dau. of Nathan and Deborah, Brinsmead, Abraham, s. of Daniel and Mercy, Burit, Martha, dau. of Ephraim and Mary, Beach, Mary, dau. of Ebenezer and Mehitable, Beardsley, John, s. of Samuel and Eunice, Birdsey, Thomas, s. of Lieut. Abel and Marcy, Burton, Bethia, dau. of Benjamin and Bethia, Burton, Ephraim, s. of Judson and Eunice, Beardslee, Katherine, dau. of Josiah and Mary, Beardslee, Hannah, dau. of Joseph and Mary, Beardslee, Josiah, s. of Josiah and Mary, Beardslee, Samuel, s. of Josiah and Mary, Beardslee, Israel, s. of Josiah and Mary, . Beardslee, Benjamin, s. of Josiah and Mary, Belding, Joseph, s. of William and Ruth, Belding, John, s. of William and Ruth, Belding, Mary, dau. of William and Ruth, Bassett, Jonadab, s. of Robert and Elizabeth, Beacher, Ruth, dau. of Samuel and Sarah, Beacher, Mary, dau. of Samuel and Sarah, Beacher, Hester, dau. of Samuel and Sarah, Blakeman, Jonathan, s. of Ebenezer and Abigail, Blakeman, David, s. of Ebenezer and Abigail, Blakeman. Abraham, s. of Ebenezer and Abigail, Beach, Elnathan, s. of Isaac and Hannah, Beach, Sarah, dau. of Joseph and Abia, Beach, Agur, s. of Joseph and Abia, Beach, Abraham, s. of Joseph and Abia, - Beach, Hannah, dau. of Joseph and Abia, Blakeman, Sarah, dau. of Zechariah and Sarah, Blakeman. Sarah, dau. of Ebenezer and Abigail, Birdsey, Maty, dau. of Abel and Comfort, Blakeman, Sarah, dau. of Zechariah and Elizabeth, Sept. Bostick, Jonathan, s. of Zechariah, Beach, Azariah, s. of Richard and Hannah, Burit, Elizabeth, dau. of Josiah and Mary, Burit, Stephen, s. of Josiah and Mary, Beers, Ebenezer, s. of Abiel and Ehzabetli. May 25, *1G87. 1, 11, 1.3, 1685. 1GS9. 1 GSG. 1727. 1727. 1727. April lU Feb. 27, 172G-27. June 11, 1724. March 25, 172G. Nov. 22, 1725. Sept. 5, 1727. Sept. 5, 1727. Nov. 21, 1727. March 23, 1713. Feb. 7, 1715. Dec. 31, 1717. May 30, 1719. March 13, 1721. July 12, 1724. Aug. 22, 1G90. Feb. 20, IG92-3. June 15, 1G95. July 20, 1695. Feb. 1, 1691-2. Nov. 16, 1693. Nov. 27, 1695. April 24, 1696. Feb. 6, 1697-8. Oct. 25, 1694. Jan. 7, 1698. July 13, 1697. April 8, 1699. April 29, 1701. Feb. 12, 1702-3. Sept. 2, 1705. April 3, 1705. March 31, 1705. 2, 1705. April 1, 1697. Sept. 3, 1705. May 12. 1704. Jan. 7, 1705-6. March 18, 1726-7. C. Coe, Hannah, dau. of Robert, Curtis, William, s. of Jonathan, Cui'tis, Abigail, dau. of Jonathan, Vol. III.— 83 Dec. 17, 1651.- 1675. Oct. 17, 1671. 658 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. Curtis', Sarah, daii. of William, Oct. 10 Curtis, Jonathan, s. of William, Feb. 14 Curtis, Joshua, s. of William, Oct. 1 Curtis, Abigail, dau, of William, April 21 Curtis, Daniel, s of William, Nov. 16 Clark, Deborah, dau. of James, Oct. 10 Curtis, John, s. of John, Oct. 14 Curtis, Israel, s. of John, April 3 Curtis, Elizabeth, dau. of John, May 2 Curtis, Thomas, s. of John, July 1 4 Curtis, Joseph, s. of John, Nov. 12 Curtis, Benjamin, s. of John, S^t. 30 Curtis, Hannah, dau. of John, Feb. 2 Curtis, Elizabeth, dau. of William, Feb. 16 Curtis, Ebenezer, s. of William, July 26 Curtis, Zachery, s. of William, Nov. 14, Curtis, Josiah, s. of William, . ^^g- 30 Clark, James, s. of James, Feb. 24 Clark, Sary, dau. of James, Jan. 11 Curtis, Israel, s. of Israel, March 18 Curtis, Israel, s. of Israel, May 12 Clark, John, s. of James, March 17 Chancey, Charles, s. of Israel, Sept. 3 Chancey, Robert, s. of Israel, Aug. 25 Chancey, Isaac, s. of Israel. Oct. 5 Curtis, John, s. of Israel, Oct. 1 to 7 Curtis, Sarah, dau. of Jonathan, Sept. 1 2 Curtis, Stephen, s. of Israel, ^^ug. 24 Clark, Phebe, dau. of James, July 15 Curtis, John, s. of Benjamin and Hester, Feb. 18 Curtis, Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Abigail, June 28 Clark, Isaac, s. of James, Jan. 9 Curtis, Elizaljeth, dau. of Joseph, Jan Clark, Isaac, s. of James, Sept, Curtis, Anna, dau. of Joseph, Sept Curtis, Ephraim, s. of Ephraim and Elizabeth, Aug, Cutler, Timothy, s. of Timothy and Elizabeth. Oct Curtis, Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Jan. 16 Curtis, Abigail, dau. of John and Hannah, Curtis, Mary, dau. of Nathan and Eunice, Curtis, Eunice, dau. of Nathan and Eunice, Curtis, Mary, dau. of Joseph and Elizabetli, Curtis, Elizabeth, dau. of Ephraim and Elizabeth Cutler, Elizabeth, dau. Timothy and Elizabeth, Curtis, Peter, s. of Capt. Josiah and Mary, Curtis, Mary, dau. of Capt. Josiah and Mary, .Curtis, Matthew, s. of Capt. Josiah and Mary Curtis, Charles, s. of Capt. Josiah and Mary, Curtis, Mehetabel, dau. of Capt. Josiah and Mary, Jan. 1, Curtis, Jeremiah, s. of Nathan and Eunice, April 17 25 1 30 22 1718-19 Sept. 28, 1719 Aug. 28, 1717 11 1642. 1644. 1646. 1650. 1652. 1672. 1642. 1644. 1647. 1648. 1650. 1652. 1654. 1657. 1659. 1662. 1664. 1666. 1666. 1668. 1668. 1668. 1677. 1670. 1673. 1673. 1675. 168-. 1679. 1677. 1677. 1679. 1679. 1717. 1718. Nov. Sept. Ana-. 9, 1719. 1714. 1715. 1715. 1707. July 25, 1711. Dec. 1, 1712. Jan. 1, 1715-16. 1715-16. 4, 1716. April 1, BIRTHS IN STRATFORD G59 Oct. 24, 171G. March 18, 1708-9. Dec. l(i, 1708. May Aug. Nov. Aug. May Dec. Dec. Nov. June Oct. Aug. 22, IG, 22 4', 30, 30, G, 1704. 1705. 1707. 1709. 1711. 1711. 1711. 1712. 1713. 1709. I, 12, 31, 1713 June 19, 1713 May 1, 1G83 Feb. 18, 1681-2 Jan. 11, 1GS3-4 Curtis, Joseph, s. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Curtis, Stiles, dau. of Ephraim and lOlizabeth, Curtis, Matthew, s. of Josiah and Mary, Clark, Abigail, dau. of Kpliraini and Hester, Clark, Deborah, dau. of Ephraim and Hester, Clark, Samuel, s. of Ephraim and Hester, Clark, Hester, dau. of Ephraim and Hester, Clark, Elizabeth, dau. of Ephraim and Hester, Cutler, Mai'tha, dau. of Timothy and Elizabeth, Cutler, Elizabeth, dau. of Timothy and Elizabetli, Clai-k, Ephraim, s. of Ephraim and Hester, Curtis, Robert, s. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Curtis, Henry, s. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Curtis, Hannah, dau. of Joseph and Elizabetli, Cutler, John, s. of Timothy and Elizabeth, Coe, Job, s. of John, Curtis, John, s. of Benjamin, Curtis, Ruth, dau. of Benjamin, Coe, Robert, s. of John, Curtiss, Ephraim, s. of Joseph, Cole, Sarah, dau. of Samuel and Mary, Clark, Ruth, dau. of Ephraim and Hester, Clark, David, s. of Ephraim and Hester, Clark, Nathan, s. of Ephraim and Hester, Curtiss, Joseph, s. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Charles, John, s. of John and Abigail, Curtiss, James, s. of Benjamin, Coe, Joseph, s. of John, Clark, Mary, dau. of James, (yoe, Mary, dau. of John. Coe, John, s. of John, Curtiss, Mary, dau. of John and Margaret, Curtiss, Sarah, dau. of John and Margaret, Coe, Anne, dau. of John, Curtiss, Nathan, s. of Joseph, Curtiss, Joseph, s. of Joseph, Clark, Daniel, s. of John and Sarah, Curtiss, William, s. of Josiah and Abigail, Clark, Nathan, s. of James and Jane, Curtiss, Samuel, s. of David and Dinah, Curtiss, Gideon, s. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Curtiss, Judson, s. of Nathan and Eunice, Curtiss, Ruth, dau. of Ephraim and Elizalieth, Curtiss, Tabitha, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Curtiss, Robert, s. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Curtiss, Hannah, dau. of Nathan and Eunice, Curtiss, Edmond, s. of Ephraim and Elizabeth, Curtiss, Hannah, dau. of Edmond and Obedient, Curtiss, Elnathan, s. of Ephraim and Elizabeth. Jan. 4, 1726-27. Curtiss, Nathan, s. of Nathan and Eunice, Nov. 14, 1727. Sept. 1 Dec. 31 May 27 July 1 May 5 Julv 6 March 28 Sept. 28 May 4 Feb. 3 Jan. 10 Aug. 11 Dec. 6 June 28 Sept. 2 April 14 Feb. 21, 1689-90. 1 692. 1G93. 1693. 1696. 1722. 22-3. 1723. 1723. 1724. 1727. 1725. 1725. 1725. March 31 Oct. 25 Sept. 22 Nov. 6 Nov. 25 Jan. 22, 1 May 22 Oct. 27 Nov. 2 Aug. 10 Aug., June 18, 1G84. 1684. 1716. 1716. 1718. 1720. 1721. 1686. 1686. 1686. 1686. 1691. 1693. 1709. 1710. 1689. 660 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY April 18, 1728. March 10, 1695-6. May 3, 1696. March, 1696. Dec. 18, 1699. July 1, 1707. July 30, 1699. Curtiss, Eunice, dau. of Jonas and Eunice, Curtis, Bethia, dau. of Joseph, Clark, John, s. of John and Sarah, Coe, Sarah, dau. of John and Mary, Coe, Ephraim, s. of John and Mary, Clark, Martha, dau. of James, Jr., Curtis, Eleazer, s. of Joseph and Bethia, Curtis, Ebenezer, and Eliphalet, ss. of Joseph and Bethia, Aug. 1, 1699. Coe, Katherine, dau. of John and Mary, Sept. 23, 1700. Coe, Abigail, dau. of John and Mary. Nov. 11, 1702. Clark, John, s. of John and Sarah, ' Sept. 30, 1700. Curtiss, Anice, dau. of Josiah and Mary, Aug. 1, 1699. Curtiss, Abraham, s. of Josiah and Mary, May 10, 1701. Curtiss, Josiah, s. of Josiah and Mary, Jan. 6, 1702-3. Clark, Ehsabeth, dau. of John and Sarah, Dec. 1, 1702. Curtiss, Hannah, dau. of Ebenezer and Ruth, April 30, 1691. Curtiss, Samuel, s. of Ebenezer and Ruth, Sept. 27, 1693. Curtiss, Ruth, dau. of Ebenezer and Ruth, Jan. 7, 1695-6. Curtiss, Deborah, dau. of Ebenezer and Ruth, Sept. 28, 1699. Curtiss, Sarah, dau. of Ebenezer and Ruth, April 7, 1702. Curtiss, Edmond, s. of Jonathan and Hannah, June 26, 1702. Curtiss, Josiah, s. of Jonathan and Hannah, Oct. 26, 1703. Clark, Zechariah, s. oi James, Jr., and Jane, June 8, 1702. Clark, Deborah, dau. of James, Jr., and Jane, Jan. 4, 1700-1. Clark, Adam, s. of James, Jr., and Jane, Jan. 21, 1704-5. Curtiss, Benjamin, s, of Josiah and Mary, Dec. 25, 1704. Curtiss, Hannah, dau. of Jonathan and Hannah, Aug. 24, 1705. Curtiss, Benjamin, s. of David and Dinah, Sept. 20, 1715. Curtiss, Mary, dau. of Nathan and Eunice, Sept. 6, 1721. Curtiss, Bethia, dau. of Eliphalet and Hannah, Nov. 13, 1721. Curtiss, Martha, dau. of Ephraim and Elisabeth, Nov. 26, 1721, D. Dunlap, James, s. of Archibald and Mary, Nov. 16, 1705. Dunlap, Elisabeth, dau, of Archibald and Mary, July 2, 1709. Dunlap, Hannah, dau. of Archibald and Mary, Feb. 12, 1710-11. Daviss, Elias, s. of Samuel and Marcy, July 17, 1708. Dickson, Mary, dau. of Thomas, May 16, 1679, Dickson, Anna, dau. of Thomas, Feb. 7, 1686-7. Dickson, Thomas, s. of Thomas, July 16, 1689. Dickson, Elisabeth, dau. of Thomas, June 9, 1693. F. Fairchild, Eunice, dau. of Thomas, Jr., Fayrchild, Samuel, s. of Thomas, Jr., Fayrchild, Sarah, dau. of Thomas, Jr., Fayrchild, John, s. of Thomas, Jr., Fayi'child,' Thomas, s. of Thomas, Jr., Aug. 30, 1672. Aug. 31, 1640. Feb. 19, 1641. May 1, 1644. Feb. 21, 1645. B r It T II S IN S T 1{ A T F O K D , 6G1 Fayrchild, Dinah, dau. of Thomas, Jr., Fayrchild, Zechariah, s. of Tliomas, Jr., Fayrchild, Emm, dau. of Thomas, Jr., Faguson, Mary, dau. of John, Faguson, Sarah, dau. of John, Faguson, Abigail, dau. of John, Fayrechild, Joseph, s. of Thomas and Katherino, Fayrechild, John, s. of Thomas and Katliori-ne, Fayrechild, Priscilla, dau. of Thomas and Kathe- rine, Foot, John, s. of Daniel, Foot, Daniel, s. of Daniel, Fairchild, David, s. of David and Deborah, Fairchild, Samuel, s. of David and Ruth, Fairchild, Ephraim, s. of David and Ruth, Fairchild, Abigail, dau. of David and Ruth, Fairchild, Eunice, dau. of David and Ruth, Foote, Daniel, s. of Jehiel and Susannah, Fairchild, William, s. of Timothy and Sarah, Fairchild, Timothy, s. of Timothy and Sarah, Foote, Joseph, s. of Jehiel and Susanna, Fairchild, John, s. of David and Deboran, Fairchild, Hager, s. of David and Deborah, Fairchild, Henry, s. of David and Deborah, Frost, Mary, dau. of Miller and Mary, Frost, James, s. of Miller and Mary, Fairchild, Anne, dau. of Samuel and Ruth, Fairchild, Mary, dau. of Samuel and Ruth, Fairchild, Mehitable, dau. of Agur and Mary, Foote, Rachel, dau. of Jehiel and Susanna, Fairchild, Phebe, dau. of Joseph and Johanna, Fairchild, Thomas, s. of Joseph and Johanna, Fairchild, Mehitable, dau. of Zecii.ni.ili and Han- nah, Foot, Hannah, dau. of Daniel, Foot, Jehiel, s. of Daniel, Fairchild, Hannah, dau. of Zechariah, Fairchild, David, s. of Zechariah, Foote, Daniel, s. of Jehiel and Susanna, Fulford, Jude, s. of Abraham and Phebe, Fairchild, Timothy, s. of Josepli, Fairchild, Jeremiah, s. of Joseph, Foote, Sarah, dau. of Josiah and Susannah, Frost, Ebenezer, s. of Miller and Mary, Foote, George, s. of Jehi(^l and Susannah, Foote, Jehiel, s. of Jehiel and Susannah, Fairchild, James, s. of John and Johannuli, Fairchild, John, s. of John and Joliannah, Ferdon, Phebe, dau. of John and Mary, Fairchild, Johannah, dau. of Jos. and Catherine, July 14 July 14 Oct. 23 Aug., Aug., May 1 April June li April 20, 1G69. June 17, 1G80. Jan. 10, 1G81. April 17, 1717. Feb. 3, 1710. Aug. 28, 1713. Dec. 15, 1715. May 20, 1718. July 25, 1717. June 1, 171G. Oct. 25, 1717. Dec. 17, 1714. Feb. 25, 1711-12. Aug. 8, 1713. Mav 30, 1715. Feb. 9, 1715-16. Jan. 3, 1718. Oct. 12, 170G. Oct. 27, 1708. April 23, 1711. Aug. 19, 1712. Dec, 1704. May 4, 1712. 1648. 1G51. 1G53. IGGO. 1662. 1664. 1664. 16G6. March 29, 1682. Feb. 13, 1683. March 17, 1685-6. Aug. 1, 1685. May 16, 1688. Dec. 17, 1719. Sept. 28, 1707. Dec. 9, 1687. Dec. 27, 1G91. Aug. 17, 172G. Feb. 10, 1724-5. Nov. 4, 1721. Feb. 29, 1723-4. Oct. 12, 1724. March 6, 1726. Aug. 29, 1725. Sept. 27, 1727. 662 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Fairchild, Joseph, s. of Joseph and Johannah, Dec. 28, 1689. Fairchild, Nathan, s. of Joseph and Johannah, Jan, 29, 1692-3. Fairchild, Sarah, dan. of Joseph and Johannah, Nov. 26, 1694. Fairchild, Johannah, dau. of Joseph and Johan- nah, Feb. 2, 1696-7. Fairchild, Katherine, dau. of Joseph 'and Johannah, April 11, 1699. Fairchild, John, s. of Joseph and Johannah, June 19, 1701. Fairchild, Mary, dau. of Zechariah and Hannah, May 7, 1698. Fairchild, Zechariah, s. of Zechariah and Hannah, Nov. 21, 1701. Fairchild, Abiel, s. of Zechariah and Hannah, Jan. 15, 1703-4. Fairchild, Thomas, s. of Samuel, Jr., and Mary, Aug. 23, 1700. Fairchild, Dinah, dau. of Samuel, Jr., and Mary, March 12, 1702. Fairchild, Robert, s. of Samuel, Jr., and Mary, Nov. 18, 1703. Frost, Sarah, dau. of Miller and Mary, Nov. 26, 1721. Fairchild, Agur, s. of Zechariah and Hannah, Oct. 1, 1691. Fairchild, Caleb, s. of Zechariah and Hannah, Sept. 10, 1693. Fairchild, James, s. of Zechariah and Hannah, Feb. 12, 1695-6. G. Oct. 14 April 20 Sept. 25 Feb. 22 April 21 May Nov. June Jan. Sept. 20 Sept. 1 Dec. 12 Dec. 27 Nov. 1 1648. 1651. 1654. 1656. 1659. 1662. 1664. 1667. 1669, 1718. 1718. 1714. 1715. 1716. Gener ( Jenner ?), Mary, dau. of John, Gener, Thomas, s. of John, Grifin, John, s. of Hue, or Huge, Grifin, Samuel, s. of Huge, Grifin, Mary, dau. of Huge, Grifin, Thomas, s. of Huge, Griffin, Joseph, or Jonathan, s. of Huge, Griffon, Sarah, dau. of Hugh, Griffin, Hannah, dau. of Hugh, and died last of April, 1670. Gorham, John, s. of Joseph and Sarah, Gilbert, Jemima, dau. of Thomas and Jemima, Galpin, Elizabeth, dau. of Caleb and Elizabeth, Gunier, Joseph, s. of Joseph and Hannah, Gorham, Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph and Sarah, Gorham, Hannah, dau. of Joseph and Abigail, March 10, 1715-16. Gilbert, Abellen, dau. of Jonathan and Margaret, Jan. 11, 1708-9. Gilbert, Phebe, dau. of Jonathan and Margaret, Jan. 1, 1709-10. Gorham, Joseph, s. of John and Sarah, Nov. 17, 1712. Gilbert, Katherine, dau. of Jonathan and Margery, March 8, 1712-13. Griffin, Samuel, s. of John and Sarah, Aug. 14, 1698. Groom, Nehemiah, s. of Jeremiah and Sarah, July 4, 1722. Groom, James, s. of Jeremiah and Sarah, June 5, 1724. Groom, Mary, dau. of Edward and Meriam, Nov. 19, 1690. Griffin, Mabel, dau. of Jonathan and Mehitabel, Nov. 18, 1721. Gold, Mary, dau. of Hezekiah and Mary. Feb. 29, 1723-4. Gruman, , dau. of Jeremiah and Sarah, March 21, 1726. Gruman, , dau. of Jeremiah and Sarah, Oct. 24, 1727. Guthree, John, s. of John and Abigail, Jan. 25, 1727-8. BIRTHS IN STUATFORD, GG3 Gilbert, Anna, daii. of Joseph and Hannah, June IG, 1G88 Gilbert, Thomas, s. of Joseph and Hannah, ve 16th of Gilbert, Josiah, s. of John and Hannah, Galpin, Samuel, s. of Caleb and Elizabeth, Gilbert, John, s. of John and Hannah, Glover, Henry, s. of John and Margery, Gorham, Saumel, s. of Joseph and Temperance, H. Hurd, Esther, dau. of John, Hawley, Joseph, s. of Joseph, Hawley, Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph, Hulls, Benjamin, s. of John, Harvey, Elizabeth, dau. of Richard, Harvey, Mary, dau. of Richard, Harvey, Sarah, dau. of Richard, Hide, John, s. of John and Elizabeth, Harger, Abigail, dau. of Jabez, Hawley, Ebenezer, s. of Joseph, Hawley, Hannah, dau. of Joseph, Hawley, Ephraim, s. of Joseph, Hawley, John, s. of Joseph, Hawley, Mary, dau. of Joseph, Hurd, John, s. of John, Sr., Hurd, Sarah, dau. of John, Sr., Feb. Hardner, Sarah, dau. of Jabesh, Feb. Hardner, Samuel, s. of Jaljesh, Sept. Hurd, Sarah, dau. of John, Jr., Dec. Hurd, Joseph, s. of John, Jr., Feb., Hurd, Benjamin, s. of John, Jr., Feb. Hardger, A rah am, s. of Jabez, April Hardger, Anna, dau. of Jabez, Feb. Hulls. John, s. of John, Hulls, Samuel, s. of John, Hull, Mary, dau. of John, Hurd, Hannah, dau. of John, Sr., Hinman, Sarah, dau. of Edward, Hinman, Titus, s. of Edward, Hinman, Samuel, s. of Edward, Hinman, Benjamin, s. of Edward, Hinman, Hannah, dau. of Edward, Hui'd, Ebenezer, s. of John, Jr., Hull, Joseph, s. of John, Hurd, Isaac, s. of John, Hardger, Mary, dau. of Jabez, Hurd, Ruth, dau. of John, Jr., Hurd, Jacob, s. of John, Sr., Hitt (or Hill), Sarah, dau. of Henry, Hurd, Mary, dau. of John, Sr., Hurd, John, s. of John, Jr., Aug. 17, 1073. March 24, 1 G99 Oct. 2, 1720 March 13, 1701-2 Oct. 8, 1703 July 15, 1724 Aug. 20, 1676. Jan. 9, 1G49. Jan. 26, 16.31. April 10, 1672. July 25, 1644. Sept. 15, 1G47. Feb. 13, 1649. May 1, 1G6S. March 2, 1661-2. Sept. 17, 1654. May 26, 1657. Aug. 7, 1659. June 14, 16G1. July 16, 1662. Dec. 16. 1664. 17, 5, 29, 10, 16, 1, 3, 1665. 1GG5. 1663. 1664. 1GG5. 1666. 1677. 1667. March 14, 1661-2. Fob. 4, 1GG3. Oct. 31, 1666. 1667. 1653. 1655. 1658. 1662. Sept Sept., Jan., Jan., Feb., July 15, 16G6 Nov.. 9. IGG.s 16, IGGS 2, 16G9 17, 1GG9 12, 1670 16, 1671 1675 1673 Feb. June Feb. Feb. Nov. Feb. 23; Autr. 15, 664 HISTORY OF ANCIENT W O O D B U E Y , 1682. 1685. 1687. 1687. Hardger, Ebenezer, s. of Jabez and Margaret, Hawley, Samuel, s. of Samuel and Mary, Hawley, Joseph, s. of Samuel and Mary, Hawley, Thomas, s. of Samuel and Mary, Hawley, Matthew, s. of Samuel and Mary, Hurd, Abigail, dau. of John, Sr., Hawley, Ebenezer, s. of Samuel, Hawley, Jehiel, s. of Samuel, Hawley, Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel, Hawley, Gideon, s. of Ephraim, Hawley, Kichard, s. of Samuel and Bethia, Hawley, Jonathan, s. of Samuel, Jr., and Bethia, Hawley, Abia, dau. of Ephraim, Hurd, Benjamin, s. of Jonathan and Abigail, Hurd, Samuel, s. of Jonathan and Abigail, Hurd, Hezekiah, s. of Jonathan and Abigail, Hawley, Zechariah, s. of G-ideon and Anna, Hawley, Sarah, dau. of Gideon and Anna, Hollister, Sarah, dau. of Gideon and Rebecca, Hollister, Gideon, s. of Gideon and Rebecca, Hawley, Tabitha, dau. of Nathaniel and Mary, Hawley, Abia, dau. of Daniel and Elizabeth, Hurd, Nehemiah, s. of Jonathan and Abigail, Hawley, Henry, s. of Henry and Deborah, Hiu'd, Jonathan, s. of John, Hurd, Hester, dau. of John, Hawley, Mary, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Hawley, Mary, dau. of John and Sarah, Hawley, Elisabeth, dau. of Joseph and Elisabeth, Hurd, David, s. of John and Abigail, Hurd, John, s. of John and Abigail, Hawley, David, s. of Henry and Mary, Hawley, Mary, dau. of Henry and Mary, Hawley, Eunice, dau. of Henry and Mary, Hawley, Matthew, s. of Samuel, Jr., and Bethiah, Hawley, Nathan, s. of Sergt. John and Deborah, March 15, 1699 Hawley, Katherine, dau. of Sergt. John and Deborah, March 6, 1702 Hawley, Anne, dau. of Samuel and Bethia, Harger, Ephraim, s. of Jabez and Anna, Hawley, Katherine, dau. of John, Jr., and Sarah, Hubbel, Elizabeth, dau. of Josiah and Martha, Hawley, Martha, dau. of Stephen and Mary, Hawley, John, s. of John, Jr., and Sarah, Hawley, Matthew, s. of Samuel and Bethia, Feb. 16, Harger, Edward, s. of Abram and Hannah, Sept. Hawley, Hannah, dau. of Henry and Mary, Aug Hinman, Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Hannah, Oct. Hinman, Sarah, dau. of Ebenezer and Hannah, Oct., Dec. 25, 1674. May 14, 1674. Jan. 6, 1675. July 30, 1678. Nov. 7, 1680. Feb. 12, 1679. Feb. 25, April 5, March 30, Jan. 30, Oct. 20, 1706. Jan. 12, 1712-13. Sept. 18, 1690. Nov. 8, 1720. June 10, 1722. April 12, 1724. Sept. 2, 1717. Oct. 11, 1721. Nov. 2, 1723. Sept. 21, 1725. Oct. 11, 1724. March 5, 1723-4. Dec. 12, 1726. Jan. 26, 1686-7. April 27, 1694. May 9, 1696. March 6, July 6, Jan. 12, March 24, Feb. 14, 1700-1 April 22, 1715 Jan. 29, 1718 Jan. 5, 1719-20 March 26, 1703 1698. 1677. 1699. 1699. -1700. Jan. 14, 1704-5. Oct. 19, 1705. Oct. 4, 1717. larch 15, 1714. May 16, 1721. Sept. 21, 1719. 1719-20. 14, 1714. 15, 1714. 6, 1709. 1711. B 1 K T H S IN S T K A T F (1 H D . 66i Hinman, John, s. of Ebenezer and Hannah. Hawley, Elizabeth, daii. of Daniel and Klizahoth, Hinman, Rarhel. daii. of p]dwanl an3-4. Jones, Elizabeth, dau. of Wni. and Sarah, Nov. f^, 1095. Jones, Deborah, dau. of Wni. and Sarah, Sept. 9, 1697. Johnson, Mary, dau. of George, Oct. in, 1695. Johnson, Jolm, s. of George, April 15, 1692. Johnson, Hannah, dau. of George, April 5, 1699. Johnson, Pili/.abeth, dau. of George, -^I'f?- --'^, 1701. Johnson, Robert, s. of George, Jidy 29, 1703. Jones, Hester', dau. of Wm. and Sarah, March 21, 1688-9. Judson, Prudence, dau. of Samuel and Mary, Sept. 19, 1700. Judson, Samuel, s. of Samuel and Mary, Sept. 21, 1704. Johnson, William Samuel, s. of Rev. J. and Charity, Oct. 27, 1727. K. Knell, Isaac, s. of Nicholas, Feb., 1655. Knell, Ehzabeth, dau. of Nicholas, May 3, 1653. Knell, John, s. of Nichola.s, Dec. 17, 1657. Kimberly, Mary, dau. of Abraluim, boi-n "in ye County of Charolina," May 4, 1668. Kimberly, Sarah, dau. of Abraham, born in County of A ibeiuarle. Province of Carolina, Aug. 1, 1672. Kimberly, Abraham, s. of Abraham, born at afoi'e- said place, March 4, 1674-5. Knell, Nicholas, yt. aged benefactor in ye County, died Api'il 2, 1675. Kimberly, Hannah, dau. of Abraham and Abigail, Jan. 19, 1698. Kindterly, Abigail, dau. of Aliralutmand Abigiiil, April 25, 1699. Kindjerly, Abraham, s. of Abraliani and Abigail, April 29, 1702. L. Lane, Daniel, s. of Robert, by his wife Sarah, ye dau. of John Picket, Sen\, July 27, 1671. Lane, Elizabeth, dau. of Robert and Sarah, Jan. 31, 1676. Ijane, Sarah, dau. of Robert and Sarah, Feb. 24, 1666. Lane, Hannah, dau. of Robert and Sarah, Dec, 1668. Lane, John, s. of Robert and Sarah, July 12, 1674. Lane, Rebecca, dau. of Robert and Sarah, March 17, 1682. Lane, Jonathan, s. of Robert and Sarah, Oct. 16, 1685. Lane, Margaret, dau. of Robert and Sarah, Aug. 18, 1679. Recorded twice, last tune, Aug. 25, 1679. Levens, James, s. of James and Elizabefh, Dec. 9, 1675. Levens, Peter, s. of James and Elizabeth. Nov. 9, 1677. Levens, James, s. of John, Oct. 24, 1679. Lewis, Ruth, dau. of Edmond and llaiinnh, Jan. 11, 1717-18. Lamson, Joseph, s. of William and Filisabcth, March 28, 1718. Lewis, Nathaniel, s. of Ens. Edmond ;uid Il;mti:ili, Jan. 2;:, 1719-20. Lane, Sarah, dau. of Alexander and Sarah, May 4, 1718. 668 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Lamson, "William, s. of William and Elisabeth, June 3, 1719. Laboree, Peter, s. of James and Abigail, March 17, 1718-19. Loring, Sarah, dau. of Nehemiah and Elizabeth, Dec. 25, 1714. Lewis, Jane, dau. of Ens. Edmond and Hannah, Aug. 27, 1714. Linsrey, Elisabeth, dau. of James and Eunice, March 31, 1713. Lewis, Martha, dau. of Ens. Edmond and Hannah, April 12, 1716. Lewis, David, s. of James and Hannah, June 5, 1711. Lewis, Hannah, dau. of Edmond and Hannah, Aug. 24, 1712. Loring, Elisabeth, dau. of Nehemiah and Elisabeth, Nov. (3, 1712. Loring, Joshua, s. of Nehemiah and Elisabeth, June 25, 1722. Lamson, Nathaniel, s. of William and Elisabeth, Jan. 28, 1720-21. Lane, Mary, dau. of Robert, Sept. 23, 1088. Lake, John, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Nov. 22, 1688. Leavenworth, Elienezer, s. of Thomas and Mary, April 7, 1706. Lewis, Mary, dau. of James and Hannah, May 18, 1706. Lewis, James, s. of James and Hannah, Oct. 12, 1708. Lake, Charity, dau. of Thomas, March 16, 1690-1. Lake, David, s. of Thomas, about March 20, 1692-3. Lake, John, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Nov. 22, 1688. Lake, Joseph, s. of Thomas and Sarah, April 15, 1696. Lake, Sarah, dau. of Thomas and Sarah, Jan. 15, 1697-8. Lake, Thomas, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Feb. 23, 1700-1. Lake, James, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Jan. 28, 1702-3. Lake, David, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Dec. 15, 1705. Linsrey, James, s. of James and Eunice, Feb. 28. 1716-17. Leavenworth, Sarah, dau. of Thomas and Mary, Oct. 6, 1722. Lewis, Abigail, dau. of Capt. James and Hannah, Nov. 9, 1722. Lewis, Rebecca, dau. of Joseph and P*hebe, .hilj 22, 1716. Lewis, Thonjas, s. of Joseph and Phebe, Aug. 17, 1718. Loring, Sarah, dau. of Nehemiah and Ehzabeth, Feb. 11, 1718-19. Lattin, Thomas, s. of Thomas and Mary, May 11, 1727. Lewis, Rebecca, dau. of Joseph and Phebe, April 14, 1715. Lattin, Thomas and David, chh. of Thomas and Mercy, Nov. 18, 1693. Lattin, Benjamin, s. of Thomas and Mercy, April 13, 1692. Lamson, Mary, dau. of William and Elisabeth, Dec. 8, 1724. Lamson, Elisabeth, dau. of Wilham and Elisabeth, July 19, 1723. Lamson, Sarah, dau. of William and Elisabeth, Ji^ily 19, 1723. Lane, David, s. of Alexander and Sarah, Aug. 23, 1723. Lewis, Beach, s. of Sigfion and Bathsheba, Jan. 28, 1726-7. Leavensworth, James, s. of Thomas, Sept. 1, 1699. Leavensworth, David, s. of Thomas and Mary, Oct. 12, 1701. Lattin, Patience, dau. of Thomas and Mary, Dec. 31, 1688. Leavensworth, John, s. of Thomas and Mary, Nov. 3, 1708. Lewis, Sarah, dau. of Edmond and Hannah, April 30, 1703. Lewis, John, s. of James and Hannah, Dec. 20, 1703. Lewis, Sigfion, s. of Edmond and Hannah, June 5, 1705. Lewis, Jane, dau. of Edmond, and Hannah, April, 1709. Lewis, Ichabod, s. of Edmond and Hannah, Sept. 14, 1710. Lewis, Jane, dau. of Edmond and Hannah, Aug. 27, 1714. Biirriis IN ST i{ AT Ko u i>. 609 M. Minor, John, s. of John and Elizabotl], Minor, Thomas, s. of Jolm and Eiizahi^th, Minor, Ilaniiah, dau. of Jolm and Kli/.aln-lh, Minor, Elizabetli, dau. of Julin and Kli'/altctli, Minor, Grace, dau. of John and Eli/.ahctli, Minor, Jos*;])]!, s. of .John and Elizalx-tli. Minor, Eplnaim, s. of John and Eli/.nbetli, Minor, Sarah, dau. of John and lOiizalicUi, Mallery, nenjaniin, s. of licMijaniiii and Hlunicc, Moreiiouse, Benoni, s. of Mary of Fairlicld, Mountjoy, John, s. of .fosiidi and Mnrtha, McKnne, Ger.shoni, s. of liobei't and Hiiraii, Mardoe, Mary, dau. of Patrick, Mardoe, Margaret, dau. of Patiick, Mardoe, (Torshom, s. of Patrick, Mardoe, James, s. of Patritdc. Mardoe, John, s. of Patrick, Marchant, John, s. of John and Rai'ah, Mallery, Mary, dau. of ,St('[)hen and Mary, Mallery. lienajah, s. of Stephen and Mary, Mun, James, s. of John and Jane, Mallery, Nathaniel, s. of Benjamin and Eunice, Mallery, Moses, s. of StH])hen and Mary, Morriss, Mary, dau. of John and E.xperience, McKune, John, s. oii Robei't and Sarah, McKune, Elizabeth, dau. of Robert and Sarah, Mitchell, Mary, dau. of Daniel and Susannah, McKune, Robert, s. of Robert and Sarah, • McKune, Sarah, dau. of Robert and Sarah, Mallery, Phebe, dau. of Stephen and Mary, Ma[)Iey, Abigail, dau. of Henry and Rachel, Mallery, Hannah, dau. of Benjamin and Eunict Master.^. Daniel, s. of Nicholas and Elizabeth, M(dvune, Timothy, s. of Robert and Sarah. N. Na.'ili, Anna, dau. of Edward, I Nichols, S,u-ah, d:in. of Isaac, "^'Nicliols, Mary, dau. of Isaac, Nichols, Jonah, s. of Isaac, Nichols, Saiah, dau. of Caleb, Nichols, .'Vnne, dau. of (,'alelt, Nichols, Esther, dau. of Caleit, Nichols, Isaac, s. of Isaac, Nichols, Joseph, s. of Caleb, Sept. 9, 1 6r>9, May 2t>, 1661, Oct. 2, 166:5, Jan. 10, 1667, Sept. I'-i, 1670, March 1, I 672. Oct. ■-4, 1675. June 19, 1678. Jan. ;», 1716. Jan, ;». 171 !)9-IO. < )ct. 11, I 7 12. April 7, 1711. l^^eb. •> 1683. May 1, 1685. March 1 , 1686-7, Feb. 2--; , I6.S8-9, May' 9, 1 690. May 5, 1725, Dec. 15, 1719, Jan. 4 , r 721-2. March 14, 1723. I''e1j. *J4 , I' <23-4. March 10 , 1723-4, Feb. '27 , 1726-7. Sept. **."! 1697. Nov. 7, 169!». Feb. 27, 1702. March 7 , 1701-2. Nov. 5, 1704. March 7 , n ■25-6. Feb. 2.S , 1707-8, Sept. 16, 1718. June 2 1718. 1 71(5-6. Jan. b^, 1651. Nov. 1, 1619, Feb, •» 1647, Jan, ' 29, 1 65 1 . Dec. 1, 1650, March 1, , 1< )51-2, Feb, 18. 165:5. Mnrch 12, 165 J, Dec. : -J, 1656. ♦Married Isr.nel Chancey, Jan. 8, 1667. t Marric.l Stephen Hurritt, Nov. 8, 107.3, Na.sh, Hannah and Deliverancx- VVeaklin ; niariieil Deo, '1, 1678. 670 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Nichols, Samuel, s. of Caleb, March 29, 1658. Nichols, Andrew, s. of Caleb, Nov. 28, 1659. Nichols, Abram, s. of Caleb, Jan. 19, 1661. Nichols, John, s. of Isaac, ye son of John Nichols of Fayretield, alias Couzen Isaac, Oct. 10, 1676. Nichols, Abigail, dau. of Caleb, Feb. 6, 1663. Nichols, Jonathan, s. of Isaac, Dec. 20, 1665. Nichols, Ephraim, s. of Isaac, Dec. 16, 1657. Nichols, Patience, dau. of Isaac, Feb. 2, 1659. Nichols, Temperance, dau. of Isaac, May 17, 1662. Nichols, Elizabeth, dan. of Isaac, Apiil 2, 1668. Nichols, Margery, dau. of Isaac, Nov. 30, 1663. Nichols, Benjamin, s. of Isaac, Feb. 2, 1665. Nichols, Caleb, s. of Caleb, Feb., 1668. Nichols, Grace, dau. of Isaac (Couzen), June 6, 1673. Nichols, Alice, dau. of Isaac and Esther, Oct. 25, 1674. Nichols, Samuel, s. of Isaac and Esther, Dec. 26, 1678. Nichols, Francis, s. of Isaac, Jr., June 3, 1676. Nichols, Richard, s. of Isaac, Jr., Nov. 26, 1678. Nichols, Joseph, s. of Isaac, Jr., Nov. 1, 1680. Nichols, John, s. of Joseph and Mary, May 9, 1705. Nichols, Mary, dau. of Joseph and Mary, June 20, 1707. Nichols, Nathan, s. of Joseph and Mary, Dec. 1, 1709. Nichols, Joseph, s. of Joseph and Mary, June 16, 1712. Nichols, Abigail, dau. of Joseph and Mary, Jan. 1, 1715. Nichols, Sarah, dau. of Joseph and Mary, June 9, 1717. Nichols, Eunice, dau. of Joseph and Mary, Oct. 1, 1719. Nichols, Theophilus, s. of Richard and Comfort, March 31, 1703. Nichols, Elijah, s. of Richard and Comfort, Sept. 3, 1706. Nichols, Nathaniel, s. of Richard and Comfort, April 8, 1708'. Nichols, Jonah, s. of John and Hanna,h, Oct. 21, 1682. Nichols, Joseph, s. of Abraham and Rachel, Sept. 21, 1685. Nichols, Mary, dau. of Jonathan, Jan. 16, 1684. Nichols, Jonathan, s. of Jonathan, Sept. 12, 1687. Nichols, Hannah, dau. of Jonathan and Sarah, May 26, 1716. Nichols, Mary, dau. of Jonathan and Sarah, Sept. 6, 1718. Nichols, Abiah, dau. of Jonathan and Sarah, Sept. 17, 1720. Nichols, Sarah, dau. of Jonathan and Sarah, Nov. 10, 1722. Norris, John, s. of John and Experiencte, Oct. 24, 1724. Nedham, Zecliariah, s. of Ze(^Jiariah and Eliza- beth, March 10, 1725-6. Nicolls, Philip, s. of Theophilus and Anne, Jan. 14, 1726-7. Nedham, Martha, dau. of Zechariali and Elizabeth, Oct. 19, 1727. Nicholls, Hawkins, s. of Jonathan and Sarah, Sept. 9, 1727. Nicholls, David, s. of Abraham and Racliel, Oct. 17, 1687. Nicholls, Hester, dau. of Abraham and Rachel, Oct. 31, 1689. Nicholls, Rachel, dau. of Abraham and Rachel, Nov. 9, 1691. Nicholls, Abraham, s. of Abraham and Rachel, Sept. 15, 1695. Nicholls, Eunice, dau. of Abraham and Rachel, Dec. 7, 1698. Nicholls, Ruth, dau. of Abraham and Rachel, March, 1701. B I KT II S I N ST H A T K<) If I). (JTl Nicholls, Hester, dau. of Ali!;ili;iiii aiinl l<», l(i(;r.. Preson, Samuel, s. of Jeliiel, -'iily '. 1 ••*>•'!. Presson, Joseph, s. of Jeliiell, July 1", I 'i'Jfi. Preston, William, s. of Uackaliali, ManJi 21, HiTO. Peak, John, s. of John, Nov. 2, 1<>72. Peate, Samuel, s. of .John, Dec. 26, 1 ()<>;!. Peate, Sarah, dau. of John, Oct. '.i, ]W^>. Porter, Sarah, dau. of Nathaniel, Sept., l')()7. Peak, nanniih, dau. of Jolin, Dec. (>, lc,(;7. Peak, Benjamin, s. of Benjamin, Auja^. .">1, 1 »;<;'>. Peak, Samuel, s. of Benjamin, Sept. Hi, M)(!.'i. Porter, Ruth, dau. of Nathaniel, Nov. 22, \*W.K Peak, Elizabeth, dau. of John, Feb. l!l, D;r,0. Peak, Samuel, s. of Benjamin, March 15, I(>70-71. Pickett, Mary, dau. of John (by his wife Mary), March ."Wl, l(i77. Pickett, Rebeckah, dau. of John and Mary, Dec, \HT.i. Porter, John, s. of Nathaniel, March 2'A, 1674. Preston, Mary, dau. of Eliasaph and Mary, April 2, 1674. Peak, Samuel, s. of Benjamin and Phebc, Mai'ch 21), 1674. Peak, Thomas, s. of Benjamin and I'liebe, March 11, 1670. Peak, Joseph, s. of John, Jr., March Ki, 1674. Porter, Samuel, s. of Nathaniel (li. and d. same month), July 17, 167.5. Perry, Anna, dau. of Arthur and Anna, Jan. 22, 167S. Perry, Samuel, dau. of Arthur and Anna, Feb. 4, 16S1-S2. Pickett, Jacob, s. of Thomas, Feb. 16, l(;si. Porter, Mary, dau. of Nathaniel, Feb. 28, 1677. Perry, WiUiam, s. of Arthur and Anna, June 29, 1677. Peak, Alice, dau. of Benjamin and Phebe, Oct. 10, 1677. Peak, Jane, dau. of John, (^)ct. 17, 1677. Pickett, Abigail, dau. of Thomas and Abigail, July 30, 167S. Pickett, John, s. of John, Jr., and Mary, J;in. fi, 1678. Pickett, Sarah, dau. of John, Jr., ;uid Mary, March S. 16X1. Peet, Mary, dau. of Benjamin, Si., Oct. 10, 16S:{. Pitman, Samuel, s. of Jonathan, Feb. .5, 1691-02. Pickett, Daniel, s. of Daniel, Oct. I, 1601. Pickett, Samuel, s. of Daniel, Oct. .31, 1689. Pickett, Daniel, s. of Daniel, Feb 27, 1687-88. Pitman, Samuel, s. of Samuel and Mary, Sept. 18, 1717. Perry, Enos, s. of Samuel and Elisalx^th, Sept. 2, I7ir.. Prindel, Samuel, s. of Samuel and Al.ig:iil, June 28, 1718. Perry, Mary, dau. of Samuel and Elisal)eth, Oct. 10, 1718. Picket, Samuel, s. of Samuel and Mary, June 12, 1710. Peet, Martha, dau. of James and Sarah, March 4, 1717. Peet, Phebe, dau. of James and Sarah, Dec. 7, 1718. 672 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Pulford, Joseph, s. of Edmond and Elisabeth, Aug. 29 Pulford, Elisabeth, dau. of Edmond and EHsabeth, Oct. 27 Picket, Margaret, dau. of Samuel and Mary, July 29 Porter, Mary, dau. of Sergt. John and Mary, June 14 Porter, Comfort, dau. of John and Mary, May 4 Porter, Elizabeth, dau. of John and Mary, Dec. 1 Patterson, John, s. of Andrew and Blisaljeth, June 24 Phippenee, James, s. of James and Johannah, Aug. 10 Peat, James, s. of Benjamin and Priscilla, March 27 Peat, William, s. of Benjamin and Priscilla, May 1 Peat, Richard, s. of Benjamin and Priscilla, Aug. 30 Peat, Thomas, s. of Benjamin and l^riscilla, July 15 Peat, Josiah, s. of Benjamin and I'riscilla, April 1 Peat, Katherine, dau. of Benjamin and Priscilla, July 18 Peat, Anne, dau. of Benjamin and Priscilla, Jan. 39, 1 Peat, Abigail, s. of Samuel, Jr., and Abigail, March 30 Picket, Margaret, dau. of Daniel, Aug. 14 Picket, James, s. of John, Jan. 5 Pitman, Robert, s. of Jonathan, Oct. 16 Peat, Butler, s. of Benjamin, Jr., and Priscilla, Sept. 1 Patterson, Sarah, dau. of Andrew and Elisabeth, March 17 Picket, Mary, dau. of 'Daniel and Mary, Jan. 15 Picket, Comfort, dau. of Daniel and Mary, Sept. Perry, Samuel, s. of Samuel and Elisabeth, May Perry, William, s. of Samuel and Elisabeth, Aug. Pinto, Mary, dau. of Abraham and Sarah, April Peat, Mehetabel, dau. of David and Mary, Nov. Patterson, Sarah, dau. of Charles and Eunice, June Patterson, Elizabeth, s. of Charles and Eunice, Nov. Pattei'son, James, s. of Charles and Eunice, July 24 Patterson, Jose})h, s. of William and Anne, April 8 Patterson, Beulah, dau. of William and Anne, Aug. 4 Patterson, Josiah, s. of William and Anne, Dec. 20 Patterson, Hannah, dau. of William and Anne, Dec. 9 Patterson, Elnathan, s. of Charles and Eunice, Jan 25, Pinto, Samuel, s. of Abraham and Sarah, March 2, 1727-8 Phippenee, Anna, dau. of Benjamin and Rebecca, Nov. 15, 1727 Phippenee, Johannah, dau. of James and Johannah, Jan. 17, 1696 1714. 1715. 1715. 1704. 1710. 1706. 1711. 1710. 1691. 1694. 1696. 1698, 1700. 1701. 03-4. 1707. 1686. 1686. 1687. 1689. 1694. 1 692. 1694. 1721. 1723. 1722. 1721. 1721. 1722. 1724. 1724. 1725. 1725. 1726. 1725-6. Patterson, Charles, s. of Andrew and Elisabeth, Patterson, William, s. of Andrew and Elisabeth Peat, Nathan, s. of Samuel and Mary, Peat, Elnathan, s. of Samuel and Mary, Peat, Hannah, dau. of Samuel and Mary, Pierce, Mary, dau. of Benjamin and Mary, Porter, Daniel, s. of John and Mary, Porter, Nathaniel, s. of John and Mary, Patterson, , s. of Andrew and lillisabeth, Porter, Stephen, s. of John and Mary, Peat, John, s. of John and Mary, Peat, John, s. of John and Mary, April 4, 1696. July 2, 1698. Nov. 28, 1689. Aug. 16. Aug. 16. April 4, 1727. July 16, 1697. Aug. 16, 1699. Jan. 21, 1701. March 3, 1701-2. Jan. 4, 1696. June 30, 1698. RIKTIIS IN STHATFOKD. 673 Peat, Sarah, dau. o! John and Mary, Aug. 4, 1701. I'eat, Ephraim, s. of William and ('liarity, April 13, 1718. Pitman, .Tunathan, s. of Jonathan and Temperance, May 'if), 168"). Patterson, Andrew and Abram, chh. of Charles and FAinice, Oct. '2r>, I71!». Picket, Josepli, s. Samuel and ^laiy, Dec. 2.'), 1722. Picket, Mary, dau. of Samuel and Mary, Nov. 23, 1724. Pixlee, David, s. of William ami (irace, Nov. 11, 1704. ]'atter.son, Mary, dau. of Andrew and Eli.^^abeth, March 27, 170(;. Pickett, Rebecca, dau. of Sei, 1700-1. Pixlee, Peter, s. of William and (Jrace, Nov. 1 1. 1702. Patterson, Hannah, dau. of Andrew and Ejisabetii, April IS, 1703. Perry, Sarah, dau. of Arthur and Anna, .Ian. 1(5, l(jcS2-3. Perry, Elisabetli, dau. of Arthur and Anna, Sept. 2r>, 1684. Perry, Yelverton, s. of Arthur and Anna, Aug. 20, 1686. Perry, Seth, s. of Arthur and Anna, Aug. 24, 1687-8. Perry, Ruth, dau. of Arthur and Anna, May "), Ki^tO. Perry, Daniel, s. of Arthur and Anna, April 14, 1692. Perry, Joshua, s. of Arthur and Anna, Dec. 22, 1694. Perry, Caleb, s. of Arthur and Anna, Aug., 1696. Perry, Deborah, dau. of Arthur and Anna, March 29, 1697-8. Perry, Jo.shua, s. of Arthur and Anna, Aug. 3, 1699. Peat, Joseph, s. of John and Mary, Jan. 4, 1696. Peat, David, s. of Jolm and Mary, June 30, 1698. Peat, Sarah, dau. of John and Mary, Aug. 4, 1700. Peat, Mary, dau. of John and Mary, Dec. 3, 1702. Peat, John, s. of John and Mary, April 23, 1707. Peat, Dinah, dau. of John and Mary, March 30, 1708. Phipi)enee, Mary, dau. of James and Johannah, Sept. 27, 1677. Phii)penee, Benjamin, s. of James and Johannah, Jan. 14, 1701-2. Phippenee, Sarah, dau. of James and Johannah, March 30, 1705. Picket, James, s. of Samuel and Mary, May 25, 1721. Picket, Martha, dau. of Samuel and Mary, Dec. 16, 1713. Picket, John, s. of Samuel and Mary, Aug. 25, 1717. Picket, James, s. of Samuel and Mary, Jan. 25. 1721. Perry, Elisabeth, dau. of Samuel and Elisabeth, Aug. I, 1713. Porter, Sarah, dau. of John and Mary, Feb. 26, 1712-13. Picket, Samuel, s. of Daniel and Mary, Nov. 23, 1684. Peat, Samuel, .s. of David and Mary, April 1, 1720. Peat, Josiah, s. of Thomas and Phebe, Dec. 2o, I72.j. Patterson, Charles, s. of William and Honor, April s. 172.S. Quinby, Deborah, dau. of John, April 2, Ul.'a. R. Rose, Rebeckah, dau. of Robert, Jidy 1 1, 16r)7. Rose, Mary, dau. of Robert, Feb., 165.S. Rose, Elizabeth, dau. of Robert, April 20, 1655. Vol. III.— 85 674 HISTORY OF ANCIP^NT WOODBURY. Rose, Dorcas, dau. of Robert, Rose, Sarali, dau. of Robert, Rose, Mercy, dau. of Robert, Roberts, Hannah, dau. of William and Sai-ah, Roberts, Zechariah, dau. of William and Sarah, Rogers, Richard, s. of Richard and Maiy, Russell, Elisabeth, dau. of Samuel and Dorothy, Rood, Rachel, dau. of John and Kuth, S. Sherwood, John, s. of Thomas and Abigail, Sherman, Mathew, s. of Edmond, Sherman, Ebenezer, s. of Daniel and Rebecca, Stiles, Ephraim, s. of Jonatlui,n and liebecca, Sherman, Dinah, dau. of Ebenezer and Martha, (posthumous, ) Sherman, Anne, dau. of Benoni and Sarali, Skilton. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Mary, Skilton, Elisabeth, dau. of Daniel and Elisabeth, Skilton, Sarah, dau. of_^Daniel and Elisabeth, Skilton, Elisabeth, dau. of Daniel and Elisabeth, Skilton, Sarah, dau. of Daniel and Elisal)eth, Sherman, Abigail, dau. of Samuel, Sherman, Bezaliel, s. of Bezaliel and Jane, Stephens, Ebenezer, s. of Jonathan and Deborah Stiles, William, s. of Isaac and Abigail, Searles, Jay, s. of Daniel and Hannah, Searles, Ferris, s. of Daniel and Hannah, Sherman, Sarah, dau. of Nathaniel and y\bigail, Sherman, Zeruiah, dau. of Nathaniel and Abigail Stiles, Joseph, s. of Jonathan and Rebecca, Stiles, John, s. of Jonathan and Rebecca, Stiles, Thomas, s. of Jonathan and Rebecca, Sherman, Naomi, dau. of Nathaniel and Abigail, Sherman, Samuel, s. of Daniel and Rebecca, Sherman, Abigail, dau. of Benjamin, Sherman, John, s. of Edmond, Sherman, Sarah, dau. of Samuel,* Jr., Sherwood, Thomfc, s. of John,' ^ Sherwood, Elisabeth, dau. , of John,- ■ Sherman, Grace, dau. of Samuel and Mary, Sherman, Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel and Mary, Jan Sherman, Samuel, s. of Samuel and Mary, Sherman, Theophilus, s. of Samuel and Mary, Sherman, Mathew, s. of Samuel and Mary, Sherman, Edmond, s. of Samuel and Mary, Sherman, John, s. of Samuel and Mary, Sherman, Sarah, dau. of Samuel and Mary, Sherman, Nathaniel, s. of Samuel and Mary, Sherman, Benjamin, s. of Samuel and Mary, April, 1661. Aug., 1664. March 3, 167:5. Oct. 18, 1677. July 3, 1680. Oct. 30, 1726. Nov. 30. 1720. Feb. 14, 1703-4. Aug. 18, 1709. Jan. 8, 1683. Oct. 20, 1695. Feb. 12, 1723-4. April 7, 1727. July 4, 1724. April 2, 1727. Jan. 2, 1692. Jan. 2, 1694-5. Jan. 5, 1693-4. June 24, 1696. Aug. 4, 1688. Oct., 1717. Oct. 18, 1719. Jan. 23, 1719-20. Aug. 14, 1716. Sept. Sept. April Oct. May Dec. May Dec. 1708. 1708. 1710. 1706. 1709. 1711. 1712 1709. 1681. 1686. 1688., 1676. April 10, 1684 Nov. 30, 1685 Dec. 16 Nov. 22 Aug., July 8. 20, 1 678 or 9. Jan. 19, 1641. Oct. 28, 1643. Oct. 21, 1645. Dec. 4, 1647. Feb. 8, 1650. Feb. 8, 1653. March 21, 1656. March 29. 1662. B I « T H S IN S T I{ A T F O l< n . B75 Sherman, David, s. of Samuel and Mary, April 15, 10*)"). Sherman, Mary, dau. of Samuel by liis wife Mary, the daiio-hter of Daniel Titterton, M;ty s, IIUU'>. Sherman, Daniel, s. of Samuel by same wife, Mareji '2'.\, HiOs. Sherinan, Susannah, dau. of Samuel by .sajne wife, .luly '22. 1(>7(>. Sherman, Pjuos, s. of Benjamin aiid Rebecca, .\piil 15, Hilt!*. Skilton, Daniel, s. of Daniel and Elisabeth, July A\, 17(iO. Sherman, Anne, dau. of Daniel and Rebecca, Dec. .'i, 1007. Sherman, Benoni, s. of Daniel and Rebecca, Feb. 11, 1699-1700. Stiles, Rebecca, dau. of Jonathan and Rebecca, Sept. 14, 1719. T. Titherton, Timothy, s. of Daniel, March Thornton, Theophilus, s. of Thomas, June Tomlinson, Phebe, dau. of Henry, -\uct. Sept. March March Ajiril 1 05 1 . 1051. 1050. 105S. 1041. 1042. 1051. 20', 1055. 1, 1040. 1049. 1001. 1070 07.!. 2, 1719. 27. 1713. 1, 1716. 1, 1717. is, 1715. 30, 1708. 3.., 10, 14, 1, 3, II. 12, b (19-10. , 1712. 676 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Tompson, Andrew, s. of Ambrose, Nov. 17, 1682. Thomas, Samuel, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Aug., 1720. Tomlinson, Agar, s. of Zechariah and Hannah, Sept. 13, 1720. Tomlinson, Beach, s. of Zechariah and Hannah, Dec. 7, 1726. Tomlinson, Elisabeth, dau. of Agur and Elisabeth, Aug. 11, 1684. Tompson, Abraham, s. of Thomas and Ruth, Sept. 12, 1721. Tompson, Thomas, s. of Ambrose, Dec. 24, 1691. Tompson, Jonathan, s. of Ambrose and Anne, Jan. 25, 1722-3. Thomas, Solomon, s. of Solomon and Sarah, Feb., 1724-5. Titherton, Abigail, dau. of Samuel and Hannah, May 7, 1696. Titherton, Comfort, dau. of Samuel and Hannah, Aug. 17, 1701. Tompson, Hannah, dau. of Ambrose and Sarah, Sept. 25, 1700. Titharton, Jane, dau. of Timothy and Patience, March 30, 1694. Titharton, Timothy, s. of Timothy and Patience, Aug. 25, 1695. Titharton, Sarah, dau. of Timothy and Patience, Jan. 31, 1796-7. Titharton, Mary and Hannah, daus. of Timothy and Patience, Nov. 4, 1698. Titharton, Susannah, dau. of Timothy and Patience, Oct. 2, 1700. Thomas, Samuel, s. of Samuel and Sarah, ^^^g- '^^^ 1720. Trobridge, Josiah, s. of Isaac and Ruth, June 12, 1718. Trobridge, Rachel, dau. of Isaac and Ruth, , Nov. 18, 1719. Trobridge, Jane. dau. of Isaac and Ruth, Nov. 11, 1721. Tomlinson, Joseph, s. of Zccbaria.h and Hannah, Nov. 13, 1724. Thompson, Daniel, s. Ebenezer and Comfort, July 3, 1713. Thompson, Sarah, dau. of Ambrose, Aug. 26, 1685. Thompson, Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Com- fort, Feb. 23, 1716-17. Thompson, Mary, dau. of John and Ruth, Sept. 7, 1706. Thompson, Comfort, dau. of Ebenezer and Comfort, Feb. 1, 1718. Thompson, Thankful, dau. of Ebenezer and Com- fort, Jan. 3, 1720-1. U. Uffoot, Joseph, s. of Samuel and Elisabeth, Nov. 15, 1715. Uffoot, Eunice, dau. of Samuel and Ehsabeth, Nov. 2, 1713. Uffoot, Martha, dau. of Samuel and Elisabeth, Sept. 18, 1695. Uffoot, Ehsabeth, dau. of Samuel and Elisabeth, April 8, 1698. Uffoot, Abigail, dau. of Samuel and Elisabeth, May, 1700. Uffoot, Anne, dau. of Samuel and Elisabeth, Aug. 8, 1702. Uffoot, Mary, dau. of Samuel and Elisabeth, April 16, 1704. Uffoot, Thomas, s. of Samuel and Elisabeth, Jan. 2, 1705-6. Uffoot, Bethiah, dau. of Samuel and Ehsabeth, May 12, 1708. Uffoot, Sarah, dau. of Samuel and Elisabeth, March 15, 1710. Uffoot, Samuel, s. of Samuel and Elisabeth, April 12, 1712. Uffoot, John, s. of Ens. Samuel and Elisabeth, Nov. 23, 1717. W. Wheeler, Elizabeth, dau. of Moses, Aug. 6, 1642. Wheeler, Miriam, dau. of Moses, March 28, 1647. Wheeler, Samuel, s. of Moses, April 28, 1649, B 1 li T II S IN ST 1< A TKO 1< I). 677 "Wheeler, Mary, dau. of Moses, Sept. l.i, 1055. Walker, Ahif^ail, dau. of Joseph, Fel). IS, 1071. Wells, Maiv, dau. of John, Nov. 29, 107(1. Wasl>orne, .lohn, s. of John, N'.iv. '!'), M;."»7. Wheeler, Joanna, dau. of Moses, MMi-ch I, lO.^s m- '.',;). Wilcockson, Sarah, dau. of Tiinothy, Dec. 20, 1071. Wilcockson, Joseph, s. of Jost^ph, Oct. 29, 10.^9. Weles, Sarali, dau. of John, S(;pt. 2.H. I O.'.It Weles, Mary, dau. of John, Aug. 29, 1001. Wilcockson, Thomas, s. of Joseph, Nov. \'A, 1061. Walker, Samuel, s. of Jacob, Nov. 7, lOTl AVashburn, Sarah, dau. of Hope, Dec, 1001. Washburn, .lohn, s. of Hope, May, I '".OO. Wilcoxson, .lohn, son of .John, Maich, I0.')7. Wilcoxson. Patience, dau. of John, Kch. I, 100;i. Wilcoxson, Hannah, dau. of John, Oct. 17, 1064. Wilcoxson, Elizabeth, dau. of .lohn, .lulv. 1660. Wilcoxson, . I oann.a, dau. of Timothy, .luly s, 1067. Wheeler, Sarah, dau. of John, Feb. 21, 1663. Wheeler, Mary, dau. of John, Au^;. 20, 1660. Wilcoxson, Mary, dau. of John, .April 1, 1668. Wilcoxson, Phebe, dau. of Timothy, Aug. 9, 1669. Walker, Sarah, dau. of .Joseph, June 2."), 1669. Washborn, William, s. of Hope, Marcli 10, 160S or '69. Washborn, Samuel, s. of Hope, March 5, 1070 or '71. Wheeler, Elizabetli, dau. of John, Feb., 1609. Washborn, Ephraim, s. of Hope, Aug. .31, lOT.'l. Walker, Samuel, s. of Jacob and Klizabctli, Nov. 0, 1071. Wells, Sarah, dau. of Jolm and Clary, Nov. 2, 1678. Walker, Elizabeth, dau. of Mr. Zechariah, March 1, 1674. Walker, John, s. of Jacob and EHzabcth, Oct. 29, 1674. Wheeler, vSai-ah, dau. of Moses, June 21, 1678. Wheeler, Caleb, s. of Moses, J;in. 29, 1070. Wells, .Joseph, s. of John, June 21, 1079. Wilcoxson, Rebecca, dau. of Timothy, July 13, 1680. Weaklin, Hannah, dau. of Delivrance and Hannali, Oct. 15, 1079. Weaklin, Fibenezer, s. of Delivrance and Hannali, < >ct. 2;>, 1681. Walker, Mary, dau. of Jacob and Elizabeth, .Ian. 26, 1678. Walker. Mary, dau. of .Joseph (10 p. m.), Dec. 18, 1680. Walker, Mary, dau. of Jacob and Elizabeth, March 1 1, 1081. Wheeler, Thomas, s. of John, Feb. 2, 1679. Wilco.xHon, Elizabeth, dan. of Timothy, Nov. 0,1673. Weakley, Abel, s. of Henry and Sarah, Jan. 10, 1714-15. Wildman, (jleorge, s. of John and Sarah, Sept. 24, 1717. Wheeler, Anne, dau. of Robert and Sarah, Sept. 30. 1717. Wilcoxson, Sarali, dau. of William and Hester, June 6, 1719. Watkins, Anne, dau. of Samuel and Deborah, Feb, 24, 1717-18. Wheeler, Hannah, dau. of Robert and Sarah, Nov. 19, 1719. Wilcoxson, Mary, dau. of William and Plester, Nov. 21, 1716. Wells, Joseph, s. of Joseph and Sarah, Dec. 15, 1716. 678 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Wilton, Stephen, s. of George and Elisabeth, Oct. 27, 1717. Weakley, Abigail, dau. of Henry and Rachel, Feb. 28, 1707-S. Weakley, Elisabeth, dau. of Henry and Rachel, May 9, 1712. Wilcoxson, Hester, dau. of William and Hester, Feb. 28, 1714-15. Wooster, Ebenezer, .s. of Ebenezerand Margaret, Jan. 5, 1715-16. Wheeler, Saralj, dau. of Robert and Sarah, Wheeler, Mary, dau. of Samuel and Lois, Whitnee, Richard, s. of Richard and Hannah, Walker, Sarah, dau. of John and Tabitha, Wheeler, Mary, dau. of Nathan and Mary, Wheeler, Caleb, s. of Robert and Sarah, Wester, Ruth, dau. of Abram and Mary, Woster, Joseph, s. of Abram and Mary, Woster, Sarah, dau. of Abram and Mary, Woster, Mary, dau. of Abram and Mary, Woster, Hannah, dau. of Abram and Mary, Woster, David, s. of Abram and Mary, Wells, Sarali, dau. of Sergt. John and Mary, Wells, Phebe, dau. of Sergt. John and Mary, Wells, Isaac, s. of Sergt. John and Mary, Wheeler, Sarah, dau. of Samuel and Mary, Wheeler, Samuel, s. of Samuel and Mary, Wheeler, Gideon, s. of Robert and Saiah, Walker, Sarah, dau. of Robert and Ruth, Walker, Abigail, dau. of Robert and Ruth, Walker, Johannah, dau. of Robert and Ruth, Walker, Robert, s. of Robert and Ruth, Walker, Ruth, dau. of Robert and Ruth, Walker, Mary, dau. of Robert and Ruth, Walker, Phebe, dau. of Robert and Ruth, Jan. 26, 1714-15. May 30, 1714. Sept. Oct Dec. Jan. 28 Sept, Jan. 16 171; 12, 1708. 24, 1709. 1709-10. 26, 1700. 1702-3. April 2, 1705 April 3, 1707 Feb. 23, 1709-10 March 2, 1710-11 March 23, 1705-6 Feb. 17, 1707-8 April 28, 1709 Nov. 6 July 25 Oct. 3 July 23 Oct. 26 Oct. 3 April 1 Sept. 19 May 28 Feb. ], 17 Wilcoxson, Susannah, dau. of William and H(!ster, Nov. 7 Wheeler, Nathan, s. of Nathan and Elisabeth, July 16 Wheeler, Nathan, s. of Moses, Jan. 31 Wheeler, Samuel, s. of Moses, Feb. 27 Wheeler, James, s. of Moses, Oct. 23 Weaklin, Henry, s. of Deliverance, Dec. Weaklin, Sarah, dau. of Deliverance, Dec. Wilcoxson, Hannah, dau. of Timothy, Sept. Wheeler, Nathaniel, s. of Moses and Ruth, Dec. Wells, Samuel, s. of Samuel, Oct. Wells, Eunice, dau. of Robert and Eunice, Jan. Wheeler, Robert, s. of Moses, May 18 Wheeler, Elisabeth, dau. of Moses, Aug. 8 Wells, Robert, s. of John, Sept. 23 Wea,klin, Jacob, s. of Jacob, Feb. 1 Weaklin, Jonathan, s. of Jacob, Feb. Weaklin, Ruth, dau. of Jacob, Aug. 27, 1681. Weaklin, Henry, s. of Jacob, Jan. 27, 1683. Weaklin, Joseph, s. of Jacob, Sept. 17, 1686. Weaklin, Israel, s. of Jacob, Feb. 4, 1689. 1710. 1712. 1712. 1697. 1699. 1702. 1705. 1707. 1710. 12-13. 1713. 1721. 1680. 1681. 1683. 1683. 1683. 1 685. 1705. 1686. 1721. 1686. 1687. 688. 0, 1676-7. 9, 1678-9. B ( K T II S IN S T K A T K O K D . 079 Weaklin, Mary, dau. of Deliverance, March ;{, I <;.S9. Weaklin, James, s. of James, Dvc. '28, hiss. Weaklin. Henry, s. of James, May 15, HJ'.tl. Watkins, Josiah, s. of Josej)h and .lohannali, Sept. '2H, 1(;!)7. Watkins, Joseph, s. of Joseph and .lohaniiali, Au<^. "28, KI!)'.). Watkins, Johannah, dau. of Josei)h and .lolumtiah, Sfpt. 25, 17()((. Wheeler, Sarah, dau. of Robert and Saiali, Keh. 4, I721-'2. Whitnee, Mary, dau. of Samuel and Aiuu^, Nov. lit, 17'25. Whitnee, Sarah, dau. of Samuel and Anne, Aug. "29, I7"23. Woster, Jonas, s. of Jonas and .laiK^, Nov. 13, 1724. WiMman, Johannah, dau. of John and S.irah, Dec. 1, 1719. Wildinan, Job, s. of John and Sarah, June 4, 1722. Wells, Mary, dau. of Robert and Eunice, May 2G, 1723. Wilcoxson, Joseph, s. of William and Hester, Sept. 19, 1721. Wildmau, Josiah, s. of John and Sarah, July 11, 1724. Wells, Sarah, dau. of Rolunt and Kiinice, Dec. 18, 1724. Wilco.xson, Elisabeth, dau. uf John and Deborah, Sc^pt. 14, 171.'"». Wilcoxson, Hannah, dau. of John and Dclxnah, Oct. 9, 1710. Wilcoxson, David, s. of John and Deborah, April 4, 1718. Wilcoxson, Rebecca, dau. of John and D(>borah, March 5, 172U. Wilcoxson, John, s. of John and Deborah, Nov. 10, 1721. Wilcoxson, Ruth, dau. of John and Deboiah, Nov. 11, 1723. Wilcoxson, Samuel, s. of John and Deborah, Oct. 10, 172.'). Wells, Anne, dau. of Robert and Eunice, Nov. 9, 1720. Whitmore, Sarah, dau. of Francis and Elisaheth, Nov. 9,1720. Whitnee, Samuel, s. of Samuel and Anne, Dec. 13, 1727. Weakley, Mary, dau. of Abigail, Jan. 28, 172.5-0. Watkins, David, s. of Joseph and Johannah, Nov. 0, 1091. Watkins, Samuel, s. of Joseph and Johannah, July 17, 1093. Watkins, Jonathan, s. of Joseph and Johannah, July 30, 1095. Wells, David, .s. of John and Mary, Oct. 16, 1099. Welk Mary, dau. of John and Mary, Aug. 11, 1701. Wells. Elizabeth, dau. of John, Jr., and Mary, May 13, 1703. Wildman, Sarah, dau. of John and Sarah, Aug. 29. 1720. Woster, Henry, s. of Ebenezer and Margaret, May 27, 1712. Woster, Zecheriah, s. of Ebenezer and Margaret, March 17, 1714. Watkins, Elisabeth, dau. of Joseph and Johannah, Aug. 10, 1702. Watkins, Benjamin, s. of Joseph and Johannah, Sept. 28, 1704. Wheeler, Elnathan, s. of Moses and Ruth, Jan. 31, 1703. Weakley, Eunice, dau. of Henry and Sarah, Nov. 20, 1717. MARRIAGES IN STRATFORD. Hannah May 30, 1728. Jan. S, 1700. Jan. 16, 1722-3. Jan. 10, 1717-18. Dec. July 1()80. 1727. A. Neliemiah Allen of Litchfield and Wakeley of Stratford, Freegrace Adams and Mary Galpin, Thomas Allen and Hannah Hinman, John Allen and Rebecca Blackleacli, B. John Beach and Hannah Staples of Fayi'efield, Dec. 18, 1679. Paul Brinsmeade and Elizah Howkins," Oct. 30, 1678. Richard Blackleach and Abigail Hutson of New Haven, Joseph Brown and Parnel Bostick, Ephraim Burrit and Sarah Lewis, David Baldwin and Sarah CogweU, David Booth and Anne Mills, Jeremiah Burcli and Sarah Condin, Joseph Birdsey and Mehetabel Walker, Nathan Bennet and Deborah Curtiss, Benj. Bennet and Hannah Curtiss, John Burrit and Mary Wheeler, Wm. Brush and Sarah Hull, Aug. 30, 1725. Samuel Brown and Jane Titharton, Jan. 14, 1724-5. Stephen Buril and Ann Sherman, March 28, 1723. Joseph Blacklach and Ann Hanley, Dec. 5, 1723. Ehsha Blagge and Elisabeth Curtiss, Dec. 16, 1723. Nathaniel Beach and Sarah Burton, Nov. 3, 1720. Daniel Beach and Hester Curtiss, Dec. 3, 1724. Solomon Burton and Mary Judson, A»ig- I, 1687. Isaac Burritt and Elisabeth Rose, June 2, 1 683. Ebenezer Blakeman and Patience Wilcoxson, Oct. 4, 1681. Joseph Beardsley and Phebe Deighton. Nathaniel Beach and Sarah Porter, April 29, 1686. John Brooks and Sarah Peat, March 25, 1685. John Barrit and Deborah Barley, May 1, 1684. Thomas Bennit and Mary Booth, April 12, 1692. Barnabas Beers and Elisabeth Wilcoxson, April 4, 16^8. Ebenezer Blakeman and Abigail Curtiss, Nov. 3, 1692. Isaac Beach and Hannah Birdsey, May 3, 1693. 8, 22 Jan. 15, 1727-S. Nov. 6, 1727. June 7, 1727. 24, 1726. Oct. 11, 1726. Feb. 25, 1723-4. Jan. 28, 1724-5. May 9, 1726. M A K K I A G E S IN S T K A T K d IJ I) . 6H1 John Burroughs ami Patioiico Hinmaii, Samuel Beacher and Sarah ShcMwond, Joseph Blakeman, Jr., and P]li!-;alieth Sudey, Joseph Bostwick ainl Ann Bass. Daniel Bi^ardsley and Kchocea Jackson, Jonathan Booth and Hester Galpin, Daniel Beardsley, Jr., and Ann Seel(\y, /jeclie"riali Brinsmead and Sarah Cobbett, Elnathan Beach and AIngail UHV)ot, Joseph Burton and Anna (UToot, Will. Beardsley, Jr., and Klisabeth Brown, Thomas Booth and Elisabeth Judson, John Blackenian and Jemima H. Ilollibut, Benj. Baldwin and Sarah Sanford, Josiah Burritt and Mary Peat, J(U-emiah Burch and Elisabeth Wlu-eier, \Vm. Biggs and Sarah Mills, Judson Burton and Eunice Lewis, Josiah Beach and Patience Nichols, Edward Burroughs and Anne Judson, Jonathan Blakeman and Mary Brown, Abiel Beers and Elizabeth C'onmel, Caleb Beardsley and Elizalieth Ftooth, Joseph Blakeman and Hester Wheeler, Thomas Booth and Elizabeth Coney, Benjamin Beach, Sr., and Mary Eaii-child, Zecheriah Blakeman and Elisabeth |)(iim;ii), Benjamin Blakeman and Rebecca Smith, Thos. Beardsley and Sarah Denman, Peleg Bui-it and Sarah Bennit, Samuel Blagge and Hannah Woodruffe, Adam Blakeman and Bathsheba Perce, John Benit and Hannah Eairchild, Joseph Birdsey and Sarah Thompson, Benjamin Beach and Martha Curtiss, James Bebee and Abigail Sherman, Ephraim Beardsley and Mehitahel Osbourn, Joseph Beardsley, Jr., and Deborah Stooard, Ebenezer Booth and Mary Clark, Edward Burroughs and Abigail Caskill, Ephraim Booth and Rachel Nicholls, Ephraim Beach and Sai-ah Patterson, Moses Brunson and Jane Wyatt, Robert Booth and i\nn Hollistei-, Josiah Beardsley and Mary Whitmore, Benjamin Brooks and Mary P'airchihl, Sergeant John Booth and widow Hannah Clark, Ebenezer Beach and Mehitabel (jibson, James Booth and Martha Bootli, Vol. ni.— 86 Jan. Id, it; M-.". July "i, ItlfH Sept. II, ig;>7 JUIU' 11. 1 6!).S J )ec. ;{, 16!t.'). Aug. 11, 1703 Aug. 10, 1704 Oct, 26, 1710 Nov. 30, 1720 Nov. 30, 1720 July 5, 1 69!) Jaii. 22. 1700 April 2!t, 1701 June 17. 1701 klarch 10, 17 02-3 June, 1696 Nov. 6, 1704 Jan. [), 17 21-2 July 25, 1721 Sept. 11, 1722 Dec. 20, 1722 Jan. 16, 17 22-3 Jan. 21, 1722 Jan. 29, 17 04-5 .April 11, 170.^1 Dec. 5, 170.") Dec. 27, 1704 March 26. 1706 July 12, 1707 Dec. r,. 1705 Nov. 20, 1707 April 6, 1708 May 5, 1708 June 10, 1708 Decv 22, 1708 Dec. 22. 1708 Dec. 30, 1708 Nov.. 1708 Sept. 8, 1709 April 20. 1710 Jan. 11, 171 0-11 July ;;, 1712 Nov. 6. 1712 Nov. 27. 1712 Dec. 1, 1712 March 12. 1712 JaJi. 31, 171 4-15 Dec. 2S, 1715 Jan. 26, 1715-16. 682 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. David Booth and Ann Mills, George Barlow and Mehitable Staples, John Barlow and Mary Sickles, David Beach and Anna Sherman, Charles Burit and Mary Lock wood, Josiah Beers and Elizabeth Uffoott, Samuel Beardsley and Eunice Fulford, Richard Blackleach, Jr., and Mrs. Elisabeth port, alias Poyson, Richard Blackleach, Jr., and Mrs. Me Laboree, John Booth and Elisabeth Mallery, Abraham Blakeman and Elisabeth Baiioe, David Beard slee and Mary Bennit, Zecheriah Booth and Anna Curtiss, Abel Birdsey and Mrs. Marcy Denton, Nathan Beardsley and Dinah Curtis, Israel Bennit and Sarah Coe, David Bostick and Sarah Nicolls, Stephen Burrowss and Ruth Nicolls, Zecheriah Beardslee and Elisabeth Curtiss, Abram Bulls and Elisalieth Pulford, Joseph Beers and Sarah Clark, Adam Blakeman and Ruth Beacher, Joseph Bostick and Ann Bass, Wm. Beardslee and Elisabeth Brown, Edward Burrowss and Anne Judson, Benjamin Burton and Bethiah Curtiss, Israel Burritt and Sarah Coe, Abel Birdsey and Comfort Wells, Oct. 27, 1727. May 30, 1723. Jan. 10, 1716-17. Jan. 24, 1716-17. April 18, 1717. May 10, 1717. Sept. 25, 1723. Dela- Aug. hebel Feb. 2, Jan. 9, Feb. 27, March 6, 27, 1717. 1715-16. 1717-18. 1717-18. 1717-18. June 12, 1718. Feb. 25, 1717-18. June 26, 1718. March 4, 1718-19. Feb. 26, 1719-20. March 3, 1719-20. June 4, 1713. March 8, 1722-3. March 6, 1721-2. June 9, 1719. June 14, 1698. July 5, 1699. Sept. 11, 1722. Dec. 7, 1714. March 4, 1718-19. June 8, 1704. C. Israel Chancey and Mary, dau. of Israel Nichols, Jan. 8, 1667. Benjamin Curtiss and Esther Judson, March 23, 1680-81. Josiah Curtiss, Jr., and Mary Judson of Woodbury, Nov. 28, 1727. Benjamin Curtiss and Elisabeth Birdsey, Aug. 31, 1727. Josiah C'urt.iss and Eunice Burroughs, >Sept. 11, 1727. Zechariah Clark and Elisabeth Staples,* Nov. 21, 1727. Nathaniel C^ogshall and wid. Sarah Wood, Feb. 28, 1720-21. David Curtiss' and Hester Hurd, Nov. 10, 1725. Abraham Curtiss and Elisabeth Wells, Feb. 25, 1724-25. Isaac Curtiss and Elisabeth Bostick, Sept. 8, 1726. Edmond Curtiss and Bedient Mallery, Dec. 12, 1723. Ephraim Curtiss and Hannah Burroughs, Dec. 20, 1720. Thomas Catlin and Mary Seimore, April 19, 1722. John Charles and Abigail Wells, Nov. 3, 1684. Isaiah Curtiss and Abigail Judson, July, 1692. * Another entry reads " Eunice Staples." M A R U r A r. 24, 172S. Benjamin (hirtiss and Eli.salietli IJii-dscy, Au, Sept. 1(1, 170") March 11 , •' ■(IS-9 April I'l, 1712 MARK I AGES IN S T K A T F O If D . 68.' Capt. James Judson of Stratford and Mr.s. Ann( Steel of W(;thersliel(l, Ebenezer Johnson and Eliza])eth Wooster, David Jiuison and Phcbe Stiles, Mr. Sainuol Jones and wid. Sarah 'i'eniplcs, Jereniiali Judson and Mary Wells, George .Johnson and Hannah Dornian, Jt)shua .Judson antl Abigail Prindle, William Jones and Sarali (Hark, Joseph Jones ami Hannah Lt'wis, Joseph Judson and Jl;i,nii;di Uawley, Joshua Judson and Mary Nichols, Sanmel Judson of Sti-atford ami Ann Clark ol Milford, Dec. 20, 1727. ■Janu'S Judson and Martha Lewis, Dec. 18, 1727. Kphraim Judson and Rebecca Beardslee, May 30, 1717. Robert .Johnson and Sarah (Jhajunan, March 21, 1727-8. Joshua .Judson and Mary Wells, March .^), 1727-S. James Judson and Rebecca Wells, Aug. 13, Dj80. Ebenezer Johnson and Elizabeth Merster, Nov. 10, 1671. K. Abraham Kimberly and .Abigail Fitch, Feb. 11, 1696. Jeremiah Leav^enworth iuid llesti-r Truwliridge, Aug. 2."!, 1720. Thomas Lake and Elizabeth Walker, ' Jan. 1.5, 1727-8. Sifignon Lewis and Rathslu-ba I'>urroughs, A])ril .5, 1726. David Lake and Abigail liooth, .l;in.. 1724-.'3. Nehemiah Loring and Debondi Watkin.'^ (wid.), Oct. 29, 1727. Charles Lane Mud Elizabeth Midlery, Feb. 2, 1720-1. Edmond Lewis and Hannah Beach, May 21, 1702 James Lewis and Hannah .Judson, Nov. 11, 17(t2. James Laboree and .Abigail Blacklach, Aug. 29, 1716. William Tiamson and Elizabeth Burch, Sept. 12, 1717. Benjamin Lewis and Sarah DeForest, Dec. 24, 1719. John Lewis and Sarah Sherman, Dec. 27, 1727. Samuel Lewis and Sarah Sherman, Jan." 16, 1706-7. Joseph Lewis and Phebe Judson, June 29, 1714. M. John Minor and Elisabeth, dau. of Richard Booth, Oct. 19, 16.'-)8. Robert McKune and Mary Bird.'^ey, Aug. 31, 1727. Rev. Jedediah Mills of Ripton Parish ami Abig.iil Street of Milford, -'"ne 16, 1726. Robert McKune and Sarah Wilco.\s..n. June 2, 169.5. John McKune and Rebecca Picket, Oct. 12, 1727. John Marchant and Sarah Gilbert. Aug. 27, 1724. 686 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Thomas Malleiy and Elizabeth Bartlett, Jan. 13, 1706-7. Benjamin Mallery of Stratford and Eunice Booth of Wetliersiield, Nicholas Masters and Elizabeth Skelton, N. Jonathan Nichols and Hannah Hawkins, Joseph Nichols and Mary Curtis, Richard Nichols and Comfort Sherman, Abraham Nichols and Rachel Keillick, Abraham Nicolls and Abigail Walker, Jonathan Nicolls and Sarah Beach, John Nicolls and Bathshebah Wells, Zechariah Need ham of Stratford and Burwell of New Haven, Theophilus Nichols and Sarah Curtis, 0. Samuel Osborn and Mary Jones, John ()bulus and Lois Wlieeler, John Osborn and Hannah Gilbert, John Osborn and Prudence Blagge, P. John Picket, Jr., and Mary or Clara Croze, Nov. 19, 1672. Samuel Prudden of Milford and Grace, dau. of Joseph Judson, Dec. 30, 1669. Jonathan Pitmanth and Temperance AVells, Nov. 29, 1681. Benjamin Phipine of Stratford and Rebecca Bost- Dec. 22, 1715 Oct. 1, 1717 Dec. ^^1, 1681, Dec. 26, 1704 J une 3, 1702 Dec. 3, 1684. Dec. 25, 1718, Dec. 22, 1713. April, 1727. lizabeth April 28, 1726. Jan. 2 :, l^ r23-4. Nov. 1, 1727. March 13 , 1721-2. Feb. 20, 1710. July 14, 1709. wick of New Milford, William Peet and Sarah Fairchild, Daniel Pickett and Mary Ulfoot, William Patterson and Anna Burton (wid.), Daniel Porter and Sarah Hawley, Andrew Patterson and Ehzabeth Peat, John Peet and Mary Morehouse, Samuel Peat, Sen., and Elizabeth Smith, John Porter and Mary Titherton, Caleb Perry and Hannah Burit, Nathan Peat and Hester Nichols, Edward Poyson, and Mrs. Elizabeth Nesbitt, Samuel Pickett and Mary Coe, Elnathan Peat and Mary Galpin, Samuel Pitman and Mary Groom, James Peat and Sarah Osltorne, William Peat and Charity Lake, Charles Patterson and Eunice Nicolls, Ephraim Price of Newark, N. J., and Elizabeth Burit of Stratford, Jan. 30, 1726-7. July 12, 1727. Sept. 13, 1683. Aug. 22, 1723. March 25, 1725. Feb. 19, 1690. May 12, 1696, June 1, 1698. Oct. 8, 1696. Jan. 29, 1721-2. Feb. 21, 1711-12. Nov. 20, 1712. Nov. 27, 1712. Nov. 4, 1714. Nov. 6, 1716. Dec. 14, 1716. June 20. 1717. Jan. 29, 1718-19. Nov. 13, 1712. MAHKlAtiKS IN S T K A T F O H D . HH7 Edmund Pulford aiiat and Mary 'ritli(Mtoi), (Jet. I, I71!». Williain Pix!('(> and (irace Mitclu'll, Nf)V. 2. Joseph Skilton of Stratford and Mary liollister of (JIastonbury, May 11, 172fi. Thomas Stratton and Mary Johnson, Sept. 5, 1717. Benjamin Sherman and Phippenny, June 6, 1683. Isaac Stiles and Abigail Adams, Feb. 25, 1718-19. Nathaniel Sherman and Mary Phippenny, June 30, 1681. John Sherwood and Sarah Iltird, April 23, 1685. Daniel Sherman and Relxicca Wheeler, Dec. 19, 1694. Samuel Sh»*rman and Abigail fluse, Aug. 1, 16U5. Enos Sherman and Abigail Walker, Jan. 28, 1701-5. Daniel Skilton and l<]lizabeth Wells, Ai)ril 4, l(;92. B. Sherman of Stratford anil Sarah Sturgis of Fairlield, .Jan. 7, 1724-5. William Smith and Abigail Hlakeman, Nov. 6, 1701. Bezaliel Sherman and widow .lane ('ornell, March 6, 1706-7. Daniel Searles and Hannah Kairchild, Dec. 12, 1706. Nathaniel Sherman and Abigail Ilanford, Nov. 26, 1707. Thomas Sherwood and Abigail Darling, June 10, 1708-9. Nathan Smith and Mary Jones, July 22, 1714. Ebenezer Sherman and Martha Bostwick, .Ian. 12, 1715-16. John Smith and widow Martha J)unlap, Jan. 5, 1715-16. T. Henry Tiff and Sarah Basse! t, Nov. 8,1673. Abraham Tomlinson of Derby and Lois Wheider of Stratford, .Inly 1, 1728. John Thompson, and Martha Did^'orest, Nov. 30, 1721. Lieut. Agur Tomlinson and Sarali Hawley, Oct. 19, 1692. Samuel Titharton and Hannah llunl, .luly 14, 1693. Lieut. Agur Tomlinson and Abigail I'.rown, April 14, 1702. Timothy Titharton and I'atience Weakley, Nov. 4, 1702. John Tiiom[)son and Ruth Curtiss, Nov. 15, 1705. Ambrose Thomp.son and Ann Booth, May 22, 1707. Ebenezer Thompson and Comfort Pickett, Aug. 7,1712. 688 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Zacliariah Tomlinson and Hannah Beacli, Thomas Thompson and Ruth Seeley, Solomon Thomas and Sarah Johnson, U. Thomas Uffoot and Fhebe Judson, W. Thomas Wells and Sarah Stiles, Samuel Wheeler and Mary Brinsmead, Jacob Walker and Sarah Bassett, Ephraim Watkins and Johanna Birdsey, Rev. Joseph Neff of Fairfield and Mehitable Coney of Stratford, Joseph Wells and Sarah Preston, Edward Wooster and Elizf^^beth Watkins, John Wilcoxson, Jr., and Deborah Brinsmead, Samuel Whitney and Anne Cab rod, John Wilcoxson, Jr., and Sarah Curtiss, Moses Wheeler and Ruth Bouton, (xeorge Wilton and p]lizabeth Mallery, Robert Walker and Elizabeth Wilcoxson, John Walker and Taldtha Wooster, Joseph Watkins and Johaiinah Blakenian, William Wilcoxson and Hester Brinsmead, Robert Wheeler and Sarah Burch, Ephraim Watkins and Jeheimal Birdsey, Nathan Wheeler of Stratford and Mrs. Stebbins of Springfield, Henry Weakley and Sarah Frost, Moses Wheeler and Marcy Catlin, Robert Wells and Eunice Curtis, Abraham Wooster and Mary Walker, James Weakley and Hannah (xriffin, John Wells and Mary Judson, William Wilkins and Mary Middlebrook, Henry Weakley and Rachel Stratton, John Wilcoxson and Elizabeth Tomlinson, John Webb and Sarah Fairchild, Samuel Walker and Deborah Joiios, Joseph Weakley and Elizabeth Clark, Edward Wooster and Elizabeth Watkins, Robert Walker and Eunice Curtiss, Jacob Walker and Elizabeth, widow of Sanuiel Blackman, Samuel Wheeler and Elizabeth Harris, Deliverance Weaklin and Hannah Nash, Timothy Wilcoxson and Johaima Birdsey, Temperance Wells and Jonatlian Pitman, March 25, 1Y18-19. Aug. 11, 172(1. March 31, 1719. Dec. 80, 172.5. Aug. 31, 1710. May 3, 1708. Dec. 10, 1670. Nov. 21, 1727. Sept. 21, 1721. Feb. 3, 1714-15. Feb. 7, 1723-4. Jan. 13, 1714-15. Jan. 18, 1721-2. March 19, 1712-13. Dec, 1698. Dec, 1712. Aug. 1, 1695. Oct. 15, 1705. Dec 4, 1688. Dec 11, 1712. June, 1708. Nov. 21, 1727. Dec 16, 1716. Jan. 26, 1710-11. Aug. 31, 1721. Oct. 24, 1720. Nov. 22, 1699. Feb. 26, 1701-2. Dec 15, 1698. Nov. 1, 1722. Dec 12, 1706. June, 1707. April 19, 1726. Jan. 17, 1716-17. April 24, 1723. Feb. 7, 1723-4. Aug. 21, 1720. Dec. 10. May 29, Dec. 3, Dec 28, 1664. Nov. 29, 1681. 1670. 1678. 1678. DEATFIS IN STRATFOKD. B. John Birdsey, Mriry, ilau. of John Birdsey, Samuel Blakeman, Sarah, dau. of John Birdsey, Birdsey, dau. of 7\bel Birdsey, Hannah, w. oi Sergeant John Booth, Comfort, w. of Abel Birdsey, Captain John Beardsley, Samuel Blagge, Sergeant Kobert Bassett, Mary, w. of Ephraim Bassett, Ida Burritt, Deacon John Birdsey, Mary, dau. of Dea. John Birdsey, pjlizabf'th, \v. of Barnabas Beers, A bee, wid. of John Birdsey, Elisabeth, w. of Thomas Booth, Joseph Booth, David, s. of Ebenezer Blakeman, Abigail, dau. of Ebenezer Blakeman, Jonathan Bushnell, Samuel Beai-dsley, Peleg, s. of Wm. Burritt, Dorothy, w. of John Booth, Joseph Beardsley, Benjaniin Beach, Mr. Blagge, Joseph, s. of Josepli Beach, Abraham, s. of John Beach, Agur, s. of Joseph Beach, Dinah, dau. of Isaac Beach, Ephraim Beach, C. Elizabeth, w. of John Curtiss, Sr., Hester, w. of Benjamin Curtiss, Samuel, s. of liieut. Ebenezer Curtiss, Robert Clark, Elizur, s. of Joseph Curtiss, Vol. III.— 87 Jan. 9, 1698-9. June 17, 1691. Nov. 27, 1688. Jan. 21, 1678. June 22, 1714. May 29, 1717. June 29. 1717. Nov. 19, 1719. June \4, 1720. Aug. .5, 1720. Aug. 18, 1726. Feb. 11, 1726-7. April 4, 1690. Nov. 13, 1692. Oct. 11, 1694. Jan. 25, 1697-8. July 27, 1702 Aug. 31, 1703. March, 1702-3. March, 1702-3. Al)ril 7, 1706. Dec. 2J, 1706. Sept. 28. 1706. May 29, 1710. April 19, 1712. April 9, 1713. April 10, 17i;{. P'eb. 28, 1711-12. March 1, 1711-12. March 7, 1711-12. Dec. 21, 1714. March 15, 1716. March 9, 1681-2. Aug. 27, 1713. March 18, 1715-16. Nov. 16, 1694. Uct. 21, 1699. 690 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Hester Curtiss, Capt. William Curtiss, Rev. Israel Chauncey, Mrs. Anna Coney, Nathan, s. of James Clark, Daniel Curtiss, aged 67, Deborah, w. of James Clark, John Curtiss, aged 96, Josiah Curtiss, Margaret, w. of John Curtiss, Thomas Clark, Elizabeth, dau. of Ephraim Curtiss, Benjamin Coney, Edward Curtiss, D. Archibald Dunlop, F. Joseph Fairchild, Mrs. Johnnah Fairchild, Ruth, w. of Samuel Fairchild, Hannah, dau. of Samuel Fairchild, Eunice, dau. of Samuel Fairchild, Joseph, s. of Miller Frost, Phebe, dan. of Nathan Fairchild, Phebe, dau. of Joseph Fairchild, Mehitabel, dau. of Zechariah Fairchild, Zechariah Fairchild, Agur Fairchild, Thomas Fayrechild, G. Jemima, w. of Thomas Gilbert, Hannah, w. of Joseph Grimes, Joseph, s. of Joseph Grimes, Elisabeth, dau. of Joseph Gorham, Jr., Joseph Grimes, Sarah, w. of Joseph Gorham, James, s. of Jeremiah Grooman, Margery, w. of John Glover, Sarah, w. of James Griffin, Esther, dau. of Samuel and Esther Galpin, Esther, w. of Samuel Galpin, Dorothy, w. of Hugh Griffin, Mr. Philip Graves, Hugh Griffin, H. Clarissa, dau. of Jabez Harger, Abigail, dau. of John Hurd, Mary, dau. of Joseph Hawley, Aug. 26, 1701. Dec. '21, 1702. March 14, 1702-3. July 23, 1703. Dec. 31, 1701. Feb. 6, 1718-19. Dec. 14, 1705. Dec. 2, 1707. April 26, 1708. Oct., 1714. Feb. 29, 1712. Oct. 11, 1716. Feb. 27, 1720-21. Oct. 20, 1726. Sept. 24, 1713. July 25, 1713 Aug. 15, 1713 1721-22 Feb. 9, 1721-22 April 21, 1721 March 26, 1726 Sept. 26, 1726 Oct. 20, 1728 Sept. 27, 1684 June 23, 1703 March 4, 1712 Dec. 14, 1670 Sept. 17, 1718. Jan. 4, 1715-16. Jan. 30, 1715-16. Nov. 23, 1716. March 4, 1716. April 28, 1722. March 29, 1726. March 14, 1703-4. July, 1707. Aug. 19, 1678. Aug. 27, 1678. last of April, 1670. Feb. 10, 1675. Sept. 10, 1691. Jan. 17, 1673. 1683. Jan. 7, 1698-9. n K. A T H SINS r u A T K i ) H I) . t;9 1 Nathaniel Hudson, May, 1701. Gideon Hollister (drowned), May I 0, I72."». John Hurd, Sr., Feb. 14, hJ,sl-2. Ephraim Ilawley, April 18, IGIU). J. Joseph Judson, Feb. J, i(J77-8. Rebecca, w. of Capt. James Jiidson, Nov. 5, 1717. Jeremiah Judson, May 15, 1700. Mr.s. Katherine Judson, May, 170G. K. Lieut. Thomas Knowles, Nov. 17, 1705. John, s. of Nicholas Knell, Jan. 16, 1652. Hannah, dau. of Edward Lewis, April id, 1710. Eunice, dau. of Edward Lewis, May 2. 1711. Thomas Lattin, Feb. 24, 17 12-1 :j. Daniel, s. of Robert Lane, Jan. 17, 167;{-4. Rebecca, dau. of Joseph and Fhebe Lewis, July 10, 1715. Hannah Lewis, aged 74, Oct. 24, 1728. M. Rebecca, w. of John Munn, 1725-6. N. Comfort, w. of Richard Nicholls, Feb. 11, 1726. Hugh Nisbitt, March 7, 1710-11. Martha, w. of Zechariah Nedham, June 23, 1724-5. John, s. of John Peak, Jan. 28, 1677-8. Sergt. Nathaniel Porter, Jan. 14, 1679. Elisabeth Porter, Feb. 2, 16.s:{. Edward Delaport, alias Poisson, June 22, 1716. Samuel Pitman, Mav IS, 1717. James Phippcmee, Aug. 12, 1717. Samuel Prindel, May 25, 17 IS. Samuel, s. of Samuel Pitman, March 2ii, 1721. Richard Powell, July 1, 172S. John Pickett, Sen., April 11, 16S4 Margaret, dau. of John Pickett, Sen., Oct. 6, 16s;{. John Peat, Sen., Sept. 1, 16S4. Mary, w. of John Pickett, Oct. 7, 16S7. Samuel, s. of Daniel Pickett, June :]0. 16s:i. Benjamin Peat, May 1, 1704. David, s. of William Pixlee, N.iv, 1 I, 1704. William Pixlee, Feb. 2!t, 1712. Daniel Pickett, April 11». 1712. Sergt. John Peat, Feb. 1, 1709-10. 692 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, R. Robert Risden, s. Thomas Sherwood, Dec. 12, 1727. 1656. Bereliel Sherman, 1717. Samuel Sherman, Feb. 20, 1718-19. Ruth, w. of Nathaniel Sherman, Nov. 9, 1726. Benjamin Stiles, aged 60, April 13, 1711. William Rollins, Feb. 22, 1712. Nathaniel Sherman, April 19, 1712. Ephraim Stiles, June 21, 1714. George Searle, T. Abraham, s. of Henry Tomlinson, Aug. 2, 1706. May 30, 1662. Henry Tomlinson, March 16, 1680-1. Ruth, w. of John Thompson, April 23, 1721. Ruth, w. of Thomas Thompson, Feb. 12, 1721-2. Lt. Agur Tomlinson, March 5, 1727-8. Alice, dau. of Agur Tomlinson, Oct. 11, 1684. Marable Thompson, April 11, 1690. Sarah, w. of Lt. Agur Tomlinson, June 29, 1694. Daniel Titherton, y'' aged, U. Lt. Samuel Uffoot, the 30th. May 15, 1721. W. Moses Wheeler, June 30, 1724-5. Ebenezer, s. of Deliverance Weaklin, March 27, 1683. Hannah, dau. of Deliverance Weaklin, Aug. 1683. Henry, s. of Deliverance Weaklin, Dec. 7, 1683. Jonathan, s. of Joseph Watkins, Aug. 17, 1726. Deliverance Weaklin, Nov. 6, 1697. Joseph Watkins, Dec. 23, 1711. Mary, w. of Samuel Wheeler, July 26, 1712. Mary, w. of Nathan Wheeler, Feb. 2, 1712-13. John Wells, March 24, 1713-14. Dea. Timothy Wilcoxson, June 13, 1713-14. Rachel, w. of Henry Weaklin, March 10, 1707-8. Y. Jehu Young, April 7, 1661. LIST OF PUBLIC OFFICE KS OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, Memhtr of Concfress. Nathaniel Smith, from 17!»r) to 1799. Judge of the Superior Court. Nathaniel Smith, fn»m 1806 to 1819. Judges of tite County Court. Col. William Preston, from 1751 to 1754. Daniel Sherman, from 1786 to 1791. Charles B. Phelps, from 1850 to 1851. Charles B. Phelps, from 1852 to 1853. L 'o u ti ty Commissioners. William Cothren, from 1851 to 1852. Josiah G. Minor, from 1865 to 1871. Alfred Birch, from 1874 to 1877. Roll (f Assistants and Senators. Assistants were magistrates, who constituted the upper house of the Assembly, and, in early times, were the suj)reme court ol' the State. They wei-e the leading men of their times. Nouiinated. Electc-d. Retired. John Sherman, 1711 1713 1723. Nathaniel Smith, 17!J8 1799 1.S05. Noah B. Benedict, 1810 ISlC, 1818. Senators. Nehemiah C. Sanford, 1833, 1834. Matthew Minor, Jr., 1837. Charles B. Phelps, 1843. 694 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. William Cothren, 1855.* Daniel Curtiss, 1866. James Huntington, 1877 to 1879. Justices of the Quorurn. John Minor, from 1684 to 1719. John Sherman, from 1684 to 1728. Col. Joseph Minor, from 1725 to 1739. Col. William Preston, from 1740 to 1751. Noah Hinman, from 1754 to 1759. Increase Moseley, from 1755 to 1780. Daniel Sherman, from 1761 to 1786. Judges and Clerks of Probate for the District of Woodbury. From the first settlement of the colony of Connecticut, to 1666, probate business was done by the court of assistants and the General Court. In 1666, county courts were established, and pro- bate business was done by them till October, 1698, when probate courts were first established. There were but four counties in the State, till 1726, viz: Hartford, New Haven, New London, and Fairfield. The probate districts corresponded in name and extent to the counties, till October, 1719, when three new districts were constituted, viz: Guilford, Windham, and Woodbury. The probate districts, including the original four, now number eighty - seven. The first court in Woodbury district was held February 2, 1719-20. It included all the settled part of the present county of Litchfield, and Waterbury in New Haven county. Litchfield district was set off in 1742; Waterbury in 1779; New Milford in 1787; Washington in 1832, and Roxbury in 1842. The district now includes Woodbury, Southbury, and Bethlem. Judges. Appointed. Retired. Capt. John Sherman, Oct., 1719, Resigned May, 1728. Col. Joseph Minor, May, 1728, May, 1758. Daniel Sherman, Esq., May, 1758, May, 1795. Nathan Preston, Esq., May, 1795, May, 1805. Noah B. Benedict, Esq., May, 1805, Resigned May, 1816. John Strong, Jr., Esq., May, 1816, May, 1818. * Mr. Cothren's title to his seat was contested during the session by Abraham Beecher. Sixty four imperfect ballots were cast, that were intended for Mr. Cothren, which he offered to prove. But the Senate refused to hear evidence of the intention of the voters, which yave the seat to Mr. Beecher by sixteen ma- jority. Since then, it is believed, that the practice in the several States, and in Congress, has been to allow the intention of voters to govern. The last election of Gov. Jewell was determined by taking the testimony of all the voters of one of the wards in New Haven. In 1877, tlie rule of intention was allowed in the case of Senator Hills of Hartford, and gave him the seat. LIST OF PUBLIC OFFICKKS. 695 Appointed. Retired. Nathan Preston, Esq., May, 1818, ;died Sept. 20, 1822.* Charles B. Phelps, Esq., May, 182;}, ' May. ls:?4. John Strong, Jr., Esq., May, 1834, died Nov. 1, 1834. f Charles B. Phelps, Esq., May, 1835, May, 18;;8. Nathaniel B. Smith, Esq., May, 1838, May, 1842. Charles B. Phelps, Esq., May, 1842, May, 1844. Leman B. Sprague, Esq., May, 1844, May, 1845. Thomas Bull, E.^q., May, 1845, May, 184(5. Charles B. Phelps, Esq.. May, 1846, May, 1847. Thomas Bull, Esc].. May, 1847, May, 1849. Charles B. Phelps, Esq., May, 1849, Julyl, 1858. J Lewis Judd, Esq., April, 1858, July 4, 1860. Thomas Bull, Esq., April, 1860, July 4, 1861. James Huntington, Esq., April, 1S61, ( 'laks. Rev. Anthony Stoddard, Oct., 1716, Pvesigned May, 1759. Gideon Walker, Esq., June, 1759, " 1778. Daniel Sherman, Jr., 1778, June, 1794. Nathan Preston, Es(]., June 18, 1794, June, 1795. Noah B. Benedict, Esq., June, 1795, May, 1805. Matthew Minor, Jr., Esq., June, 1805, May, 1816. Judson Blackman, June, 181(i, May, 1818. Nathan Preston, Jr., May, 1818, Sept., 1833. Edward M. Phelps, Sept., 1833, June, 1834. Thomas Bull, Esq., June, 1834, April, 1845. William Cothren, Aprill7, 1845, June 22, 1845. David S. Bull, June 22, 1845, Jan. 5,1858. Alonzo N. Lewis, Jan. 5,1858, July 5,1858. Charles B. Phelps, July 5, 1858, Dec"., 1858. Thomas M. Thomp.son, Jan. 24, 1859, July 19, 1859. James Huntington, July 9,1859, April 1 1, I860. Charles Betts, April 17, I860, July II, 1861. George H. Peck, July 11, 1S61, March 17, 1865. Lucien Parker, Marcli 17, 1865, Aug. 29, 1867. Frederick A. Walker, Oct. 11, 1867, April 13, 1869. Arthur D. Warner, April 13, 1869, Feb. 1. 1873. Joseph J. Brotlmell, Feb. 1,1873, Feb. 1,1876. Frederick A. Walker, Feb. 1,187(1, ' June 4,1878. George F. Shelton, June 4, 1878, State's Attorney for Litchfield Count;/. James Huntington, from .lune 1875 to . *The duties of probate judge wor<^ performed from this time till May, 1 82.1, liy John Kingsbury, Esq., of WiUcrl)nry distritt, by .statutory jirovision. t Holbrook Cartiss, Esq., of Watertown di.strict, held jurisdietion till May, 1835. J Judge Phelps having become disqualified by age to hold the office, Mr. f.cwi.s Judd, who was not a lawyer, was i-Jected, witli tiie und.-rstaiidirig tliat Judge Phelps should continue to di.schiirgc liic duties of liie office during his life, which he did. 696 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Registers, or Toion Clerks of Woodbury. Name. Appointed. Retired. Capt. John Minor, 1672, Dec, 1702. John Sherman, Esq., Dec, r702. Dec, 1727.^ Col. Joseph Minor, Dec, 1727, Dec, 1755. Gideon Walker, Esq., Dec, 1755, Dec, 1780. Peter Gilchrist, Dec, 1780, Died Dec, 1782. Nathan Preston, Mar. 3, 1783, Oct., 1822. Leman Sherman, Oct., 1822, Died Oct. 24, 1831. Matthew Minor, Jr., Dec, 1831, Died Dec, 1839. Lewis Judd, Dec 20, 1839, Oct., 1846, Elijah Sherman, Oct., 1846, Oct., 1847. Lewis Judd, Oct., 1847, Oct., 1851. Elijah Sherman, Oct., 1851, Oct., 1852. Lewis Judd, Oct., 1852, Oct., 1858. Robert Peck, Oct., 1858, Oct., 1867. WiUis A. Strong, Oct., 1867, Oct., , 1872. William A. Gordon, Oct., 1872, Oct., 1876. Anson A. Root, Oct., 1876. In the year 1797 the Post-Office was established. List of Postmaster. s. Name. Entered. Retired. Dr. Daniel Huntington I, 1797, Resigned 1814. John P. Marshall, May 28, 1814, Resigned 1817. William Perry, 1817, 1822. Leman Sherman, 1822, Died 1831. Charles B. Phelps, 1831, 1841. Andrew Root, 1841, 1844. Charles H. Webb, 1844, 1849. John Marvin, 1849, Resigned 1850. Charles B. Crafts, 1850, Resigned 1853. Gilead H. Smith, March, 1853, June, 1853. George P. Allen, June, 1853, July 1, 1861. Wilham E. Woodruft", July 1, 1861, April 1, 1867. Fred. A. Walker, Apr. 1, 1867, Oct. 19, 1867. Stanley E. Beardsley,* Oct. 19, 1867, Apr. 19, 1869. William E. Woodruff, Apr. 26, 1869, Died M; ar. 3, 1877.* Fred. A. Walker, May, 1877. Sovereigns of England, While Connecticut was a colony, after Woodbury was settled, 1 672. Charles II., Began to reign, 1660. James II., " " ' 1685. Mary and William III., ... " " 1689. * William Cothren had charge of the office as bondsman from Mr. Woodruff's death to Mr. Walker's appointment. LIST OF I'l BLIC OFFIl'KH t;!>7 William III., Anne, George I., George 11.. George III., The last ceased to reiuii. B(^gan to reign, Ifini. 1702. 1714. 1727. 1760. l«ll. List of Governors Of Connecticut, since the settlement of Woodbury. John Winthrop, William Lisete, Rol)ert Treat, Government interrupted by from 1G59 to 1070 — died in odice. from 1070 to 1083— died in oflicc. from lOS:? to Oct. 31, 1087. \ndross from Oct. 31, 9, 1689 Robert Treat, Pitz-John Winthrop, Gurdon Saltonstall, Joseph Talcott, Jonatlian Law, Roger Wolcott, Thomas Kitch, AVilliam Pitkin, Jonathan Ti'umbull. Matthew Gi-iswold, Samuel Huntington, Oliver Wolcott, Jonathan Trumbull, John Treadwell, Roger Griswold, John Cotton Smith, Oliver Wolcott, Gideon Tomlinson, John S. Peters, Samuel A. B'oot, William W. Ellsworth, Chauncey F. Cleveland Roger S. Baldwin, Isaac Toucey, Clark Bissell, Joseph Trumbull, Thomas H, Seymour, Charles H. Pond, on resig Henry Button, William T. Minor, Alexander H. Holley, William A. Buckingham, Joseph R. Hawley, James E. English, Vol. III.— 88 1687, to May from 1689 to 1698. from 1698 to 1707- -died. from Dec. 17, 1707, to 1724— died, from Oct., 1724, to 1741— tlied. from Oct., 1741, to 1750— died, from Nov., 1750,1.0 1754. from 1754 to 1700. from 1760 to 1709 — died, from Oct., 1769, to 17S4. from 1784 to 1780. from 1786 to 1796. from 1790 to 1798. from 1798 to 1809— died, from Oct., 1809, to 1811. from 1811 to Oct., 1812— dic^d. from 1813 to 1817. from 1817 to 1827. from 1827 to 1831. from 1833 to 1834.— 1835 to 1838.' from 1834 to 1835. from 1838 to 1842. . from 1842 to 1844. from 1844 to 1840. from 1840 to 1847. from 1847 to 1849. from 1849 to 1850. from May, 1850, to Oct., 1853. nation of Gov. Seymour, from Oct., 1853. from 1854 to 1855. from 1855 to 1857. from 1857 to 1858. from 1858 to 1866. from 1806 to 1867. from 1807 to 180!». 698 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY Marshall Jewell from 1869 to 1870. James E. English, . from 1870 to 1871. Marshall Jewell from 1871 to 1873. Charles R. Ingersoll, . from 1873 to 1877. Richard D. Hubbard, from 1877 to 1879. Charles B. Andrews, from 1879. Census of Woodbury. Year. Whites. Blacks (including IncUauB) 1756. 2,880 31 1774. 5,224 89 9 Indians. 1782. 4,980 83 1790. 2,662 1800. 1,944, three of the number being slaves, oi 47 in the State. 1810. 1,963 (one slave.) 1820. 1,885 (one slave.) 1830. 2,045 (one slave.) 1840. 1,948 (one slave.) 1850. 2,150 1853. 2,201 1860. 2,050 1870. 1,931 1879. 2,073 List of Woodbury Justices of tJie Peace. of John Minor, Col. Joseph Minor, John Sherman, Noah Hinman, Col. Wm. Preston, Daniel Castle, Benjamin Hicock, Hezekiah Hooker, Increase Moseley, "* Daniel Sherman, Benjamin Hinman, Gideon Walker, Thomas Warner, Joseph Fierce, Daniel Averitt, Elisha Stoddard, Henry Castle, Tilley Blakeley, Benjamin Stiles, Edw. Hinman, 1776, David Hurd, 1780, Hez'hThompsonl782 Benjamin Spees, John Clark, 1801, John Strong, Reuben Mitchell, Matthew Minor, Jr., Nath'l Bacon, 1811, Jos. M. Palmer, " Chas. B. Phelps, 181^ Philo Murrey, Jesse Minoi", Nathaniel Perry, Jr., Leman Sherman, Gideon B. Botsford, John Strong, Jr., John Judson, Elijah Sherman, Jr., Treat Camp, Daniel Bacon, Joel I'ierce, Samuel Steele, Samuel Hopkins, Lauren Judson, ,Ashbel Moody, Isaac Peck, Nathaniel B. Smith, Samuel Sherman, Wm. R. Atwood, Loren Forbes, Ed son Camp, George Peck, i, Lewis Judd, Horace S. Atwood, Norman Parker, Gideon H. Ilolhster, Nathaniel Minor, Barlow Russell, Loma,n B. Sprague, Cliarles P. Strong, Benjamin C. Peck, Philander Nichols, Calvin H. Downs, Wm. Cothren, 1846, Samuel Minor, Leman G. Atwood, Silas Chapin, Truman Minor, John W. Rogers, L I S T OK 1' (• U I, I C O K K I C K l{ 8 . (]1J9 Olwil Parmcloy, John Hurllnit, GeoVge PI. Drakeloy, Justus Jolinson, Thomas Hull, CMiarlCs H. Wehb, Nathan Fieston, 1 7".).", Daniol Martin, David O. Soincrs, ('urtis Hard, Klnioro Judsun, Nathan Warner, Jr., Nath'U^niith, 1790, Ilarvoy Morriss, William Way, N. U. Bonctlict, ISOO.lMiineas 8. ISradk-y, Jason Farkor, Wilhani DeForcsl, John \\ Marshall, David C. Hacon, Samuol W. (iould, retcr F. Tcck, (irandison I't-ardsley, Ethan Walter, Jr., Lovi S. l)ouj>,lass, Wyllis Lamhort, Reuben H. 11 otch kiss, Gar wood U. Atwuod, David II. Curtiss, Herman Judson, I'liim-as A. Judson, Robert Peck, Reuben J. Allen, William C. Hotsford, Nathaniel Smith, Henry Dawson, James nuntin«i;ton, Cornelius J. Minor, Henry H. I'eck, Thomas F. Juihson, Scoville Nettleton, Edward J. Hubbard, Eli Sixu-ry, Benjamin Fabrique, Reuben B. Martin, Jesse 15. Burton, Jo.sei)h T. Capewell, Truman S. Minor, David S. Bid!, John W. Jud.son, John Churchill, Willis A. Strong, David C. Porter, Charles Hart, Edwaid Cowles, Stanley E. Beardsley, Robert H. Morriss, Roderick B. Judson, Michael F. Skelley. MiVibcrs of lite CoiislilutioiKil Ctnwention, AiKjiist, ISIS. Daniel Bacon, Esq., Nathaniel Perry, M.D. Afemhcrs of the Constitutional Convention of Connecticut, Jan. S, 1788, for the Ratification of the Constitution of the United Stales. Hon. Daniel Sherman, Dr. Samuel Orton, Woodbury. John Whittlesey, Esq., Hon. Daniel N. Brinsmade, Washington. Benjamin Ilinman, Esq., Southbury. Moses Hawley, Bethlem. All the above voted in favor of ratifying the Constitution. Revolutionary Soldiers ^Additional List). Roger Avery, Samuel Alfred, Elijah Atwood, Jr., No])le Atwood, Col. Perry Averill, Morgan Brewster, Frederick Barney, Electus Backus, Jacob Baker, Abraham Brownson, Jr., Elihu Bur- ritt, Zebulon Butler, George Fields, John Fields, George Fielor, John Glazier, Freeman Green, Abraham Gillis, Timothy Gibbs, Nathan Hinman, Billiams Hill, Preston Hollister (killed in an expedition to C'anada), Asahel Hui-lbut, Zula Hurlbut, Jul)illia Hurlbut, Aaron Hurllmt, Graham Ilurd, Lieut. Joseph Judson (died of small-pox, April 26, 1777), John Kenick, Jeremiah Kid, Ebenezer Lewis, Nathaniel Lewis, Lieut. Eljenezer Leavenworth (died of small-pox, March 18, 1777), Lieut. Michael (died 1778, aged 44), Robert Long, Patrick Lincoln, James Liberty, Gideon Moody, Tites Minor, Ehiathan Minor, Reuben Minor, Reuben Martin, Israel Mallory, William Porter, Joseph Penny, James Penny, Samuel Pierce, Ezra Ramsdale, Ezekiel Root, Abraliam Rowe, Stoddard (killed at the battle of I3ennington), Peter Sharp, 700 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. John Seeley, Ens. Solomon Strong, Major Tiff, John Tiff, Ezekiel Tanner, Levi Tyler, Job Ufford, Nathan Walker, Whittlesey (killed at the massacre of Wyoming), Joseph Williamson, Ben- jamin Weller. Waiihinyton. Was set off from Woodbury in 1779, being the first town incor- porated after the declaration of independence, and was called Washington in honor of the Father of his country. Assistant. Daniel N. Brinsmade, from 1802 to 1818. State Senators. Alvin Brown, 1839, Earle Buckingham, 1867. Washington Probate District. Set off from Woodbury and Litchfield districts in 1 832. Daniel B. Brinsmade, 1832 to Ithiel Hickox, 1837, 1842, 1843, 1834, 1838 to 1841, 1844 and 1852. 1845, 1847 to 1849, 1851. William Moody, 1846. Frederick S. Fenn, 1835 to 1836. Daniel G. Piatt, 1850, 1852. Ithiel Hickox, 1852 to 1855. Henry J. Church, 1860 to 1868. Daniel G. Piatt, 1855 to 1857. J. B. Newton, Jr., 1868 to 1870. Ithiel Hickox, 1857 to 1860. H. H. Morehouse, 1870 to 1874, Frederick N. Galpin, 1874 to 1875 to . 1875. Memhers of Constitutional Convention, 1818. Ensign Bushnell, Hermanns Marshall. Toivn Clerks. Daniel N. Brinsmade, from 1779 Henry J. Church, from 1S62 to to 1813. 1868. Daniel B. Brinsmade. from Oct., Samuel A. Baker, from 1868 to 1813 to Oct., 1841. 1869. William Leavitt, from Oct., Orestes Hickox, from 1869 to 1841 to Oct., 1846. 1870. Daniel B. Brinsmade, from Oct., Alpheus G. Baker, from 1870 to 1846 to 1859. 1876. Frederick N. Galpin, from 1859 William J. Ford, from 1876 to to 1860. . Daniel N. Canfield, from 1860 to 1862. SoutJihnry. Set off' from Woodbury, and incorporated as a separate town in 1787. LIST OK r n n I. 1 (; o F k i c t: k s . 701 Scnttlors. Curtiss lliiuiKin, 1S2(), John Pc^arce, IH.Ti, IHXi, Elislui Whoelcr, 18G3, Edward lliimiaii, ISl.'i, Gen. Geor/i;e V. Slx-llon, \s'){). Saniuul W. Post, 1S7S-!). Town C/crk^. Incrcaso Moselcy, app'nted 1787. Waltor Johnson, apjuiiiilcd Dec,., John Mosely, '' Dec, 18;}7. 1805. Titus I'ierce, appointed iS;")!. Charles C. Ilinnian, appointed William Johnson, I8r)l to 1852. Nov., 1834. Henry W. Scott, I8G4 to 18G4. Titiis Pearce, 1852 to 1864. Oliver Mitcliell, 1875 to 187!i. Rev. William T. Gilbert, 1874 (Jranville T. Pierce, 18G9to— . to 1875. Judijes of the County Court. William ilinman. Edward Hiuman, Ironi 1847 to 1849. Dethlchem. Set oil' from Woodbury and incorporated a town in 1787. Member of Constitutional Convention, ISIS. Nehemiah Lambert. County Commissioner. Joseph 11. Bellamy, appointed 1839, 1841. State Senators. Joseph H. Bellamy, 1841. Minot Smith, 1846. Abraham Beecher, 1855. Henry W. Peck, 1865. Moses Hawley, Dr. Titus Hull, Samuel Churcli, Isaac S. Wadsworth, Dr. Lyman Gatlin, Joseph H. Bellamy, Benjamin T. Lake, Homer Skidmore, Joseph H. Bellamy, Norman Lake, Joseph H. Bellamy, Philo H. Skidmore, John C. Ambler, 1847. Joshua Binl, 1859. Samuel L. Bloss, 1875. Town Clerks. from June 20, 1787, to Dec, 1794. fiom Dec, 1794, to Dec, 1803. from Dec, 1803, to Dec, 1830. from Dec, 1830, to Dec, 1836. froTn Dec, 1836, to Dec 2 13, 1836. from Dec. 23, 1836, to Dec, 1837. fi'om Dec, 1837, to 1838, from 1838, to 1842, fi-om 1842, to 1843. from 1843, to 1846. from 1846, to 1848. frbni 1848, to 1853 702 HISTORY OF A N C I K N T WOODBURY. Homer Skidmore, from 1853, to 1854. 11 u from 1854, to 1855. Henry W. Peck, from 1855, to 1863. Homer Skidmore, from 1863, to 1865. Henry Davis, from 1865, to 1867. George C. Stone, from 1867, to 1868, Abraham Beeclier, from 1868, to 1873, Henry W. Peck, from 1873, to 1874. Franklin Booth, from 1874, to 1876, George C. Stone, from 1876, to Roxbury was set off from Woodbury and incorporated a town in 1796. Counly Commisfiion cr. Henry L. Randall, 1850. Ruxhury Probate District, Set ofl: from Woodbury District in 1842. Judyes. Harmon B. Eastman, from 1842 to 1845. Aaron W. Fenn, from 1845 to 1846. Henry L. Randall, from 1846 to 1847. Aaron W. Fenn, from 1847 to 1849. Harmon B. Eastman, from 1840 to 1851. Myron Downs, from 1851 to 1857. Charles Beardsley, from IS57 to 1860. Harmon B. Eastman, from 1860 to 1878. Lyman P. Eastman, from 1878 to Senators. Frank W. Lathrop, 1858. Harmon B. Eastman, 1866. /Secretary of State of Connecticut. Royal B. Hinman, from 1835 to 1842. ATcmber of Constitutional Convenfio)}, 1S18. John Trowbridge. Town Clerks. Elihu Canfield, Dec. 6. 1796. Elisha Patterson, Dec. 14, 1818. Silas Minor, Nov. 6, 1820. Zaccheus W. Weller, Oct. 27, 1827. David Brothwell, July 21, 1831, to 1838. Myron Downs, 1838 to . 704 II 1 S T O n Y O K A N C I K N T W o (i [) 1) 1' II V . Pafre 89, 22d lino from the top. Tlic entry is erroneous. It shoiiid lie in the year 1842 instead of 1849. Page 89, 20th Hue from the hottom, for " Deers " read " Dcwes." Pape 91, 10th and 11th lines, for " May " read " Mareh." " 17th line from the bottom, for " Dec." read " Aujr." " 19th line from the bottom, .strike out tlie whole entry. Page 93, 17th line from the bottom, for "July " read "Jan." " 19th line from bottom, for " Jan." read " Feb." " 24th line from the bottom, for " Feb." read "Jan." " 26th and 27th lines, for " Oct." rmd "Jan." Page 94, 15th line (rom the top, for " Adelia " read " Adeline." " 19th line from the bottom, for " Minerson " read " Miiiervii." Page 95, bottom line, for " Mar." read " May." " 5th to the 8th line, inclusive, for " Nov." read " April." Page 97, strike out the 15th line, or the " I'Vank Hoot " entrv. Page 98, .3d line from the top, for " Judah " read ".Jacob." Page 99, 4th line from tlie bottom, for " Donlon " read " Doidan." Page 105, 18th line from tiie top, for " Jan." read " Nov." " 17th line from the bottom, for " Augusta" read " Augustus." Page 106, 12th line from the top, for " Lucy " read " Lucy Knuly." Page 108, 3d line from the top, for " Butron " read " Barton." " .'Strike out the 23d line. Page 1 10, 21st line fnmi the top, for " David " read " Daniel." Page 111, 1st line, for " F." read " P." " strike out the 9th line de " Salmons." Page 112, 7th line from the toji, for " Feb." re.id " Doc." " .'^econd line from the bottom, for '• Klvia " road " r''li/a " Page 1 14, 20th line from the top, for " 9 " read " 10." Page 115, 7th line from the to]), for "Fribie" read " Frisbie." Page 114, 9th line from top, fill blank with " Julia K." Page IIH, 15th line from top, for " Fribie" read " Frisbie." Page 117, strike out the 9th Hue from the toj). Page 118, 14th lini' from the bottom, for " Martha" rend " Mariette." Page 118, 4th line from the bottom, for " Hull" read " Ilall." Page 119, for "4" re.ad "2." T'age 1 19, 21st line from the bottom, for " Frane" read " France. Page 121, 14th line from the bottom, for " 1875-6 " read " lf.75-fi." Page 137, 12th line from the bottom, for " Eleazcr " read " Ilez.ekiah. ' Page 120, 21st line from the bottom, for " Annie" read " Aniiice." Page 143, 8th line from the top, for "Martin " read " Wheeler." Page 146, 11th and 12th lines from the bottom, for "21 " reail "31." Page 150, 14th and 1 5th lines from the top, for " 1 " re.id " 16." Page 159, 15th line from the toji, for " 2" read " 21." Page 100, 2d line from top, for " 28 " read " 18." Page 173, 1st line, for " Roleson " read " Robin.son." Page 173, 14th line from the bottom, for "20" read "30." Page 179, 12th line from the toj), for " 1706-17 " read " 1716-17." I'age 185, 12th line from the bottom, for "Adoniah " read "Adonijali." Pago .188, 15th line from the top, for " 1772 " read "1762." Page 204, 14tli line from the toj), for " Temple " read " Teeple." Page 207, 15th Hue from the top, for " C " read " E." Page 208, 9th line from the top, for " 2 " read "6." Page 208, 15th line from the top, for " 21 " read " 12." Page 210, takeout the 7th line, the Minor-Mitchell item. ]*age 212, 5th line from the toj), for "Agustus " read "Augusta." Page 217, 5th line from the to]), for " J. " re.id " I." Page 2.30, 2d and 3d lines from the top, for " Handel " read " Hendt-e " Page 234, 0th line from the bottom, for " Rover " rciid " Royee.' Page 236, 5th line from the top, for " 19 " read "29." Page 243, 21.=!t line from the bottom, for " H.indy " read " Heudt Page 254, 18th line from the toji, for " 31 Page 264, 20th line from the toj), for " 23 Page 265, 21st line from the top, for " 10 ' riandy " read read ' ' 11." read ' ■3." read " 19." I ADDITIONS AND COEREOTIONS. \ A few errors whicli escaped attention while the work was pass- ing through the press are here corrected, and a few additional facts presented which have just been brought to the notice of the author. Some errors in orthography, etc., the reader will easily correct for himself. If he will take a pencil and note the follow- ing corrections in the several pages, he will not be incommoded further. Page 5, 19th line from the hottom, for "or " read "on." Page 17, 19th line from the top, for " May " read " Mary." Page 22, 2 1st line from the top, for " s." read " dau." Page 25, 12th line from the bottom, for " Bettie " read "Betty," and for " Prince " read " Prime." Page 25, 14th line from the bottom, for " Simon " read "Simeon." Page 26, 13th line from the top, for " Daniel " read " David." Page 27, 10th line from the top, for " Tillo " read " Tillcy." Page 29, 7th line from the bottom, for " Merrian " read " Mcrriam." Page 30, 15th line from the bottom, for " Aniathe " read " Anna." Page 31 , 21st line from the bottom, for " Reuben " read " John " Page 33, 6th line from the top, for " Simon " read " Simeon " " 24th line from the toj), for " Daniel " read " David " Page 36, 3d line from the hottom, for " Daniel " read " David." " nth line from the bottom, for " Esther " read " Elisabclli." " 1 5th line from the bottom, for " Simon " read " Simeon." Page 3S, 19th line from the bottom, for " Sarah " read " Samuel." Page 41, 9th line from the bottom, for " 21 " read "7." Page 44, 1 4th line from the top, for " David " read " Daniel," and for "Jo.shna" read " Jernsha." Page 45, 10th line from tlie bottom, for "April " read " November." Page 46, 7th line from the bottom, for " Merrian " read " Merriam." Page 51, 9th line from the bottom, for " Margert" read " Margery." Page 55, 20th line from the top, after the word "of," add the words "Ben- jamin and." Page 55, 12th line from the bottom, for " Silieo " read " Selleck." Page 56, 9th line from the bottom, for " Trumar " read " Truman." Page 63, 2lst line from the top, fill the blank with the word " Pru." Page 66, 10th line from the bottom, for " Sannah " read " Susannah." Page 67, 3d line from the bottom, for " Ahiah " read " Abiah." Page 71, 6th lino from the top, for "(iarriek " read " Garry." " 8th line from tlie top, for " Bellcy " read " Bellamy." Page 74, 13th line from the top, for " 3 " read " 31." Page 76, 3d line from the top, for " Moriah " read " Esther Mariah." Page 78, 1st line, for " Aner" read " Amo." Page 80, 12th line from the top, for " Oliver " read " Olive." Page 86, add "Mary B., dau. of Thompson and Hannah M Bristol," to tbe items of 1842. Page 87, 20th line from the toj), for " Anna" read " Frances." " 7th line from the top, for " Stephen, s. of," read " Henry T., s. of Stephen and Ruth Ann Smith." ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 705 Page 265 Page 274 Page 281 Page 281 Page 284 Page 283 Page 303 Page 304 Page 307 Page 314 Page 3 1 5 Pai;e315 Page 3 1 6 Page 317 Page 319 Page 319 Page 319 Page 320 Page 321 Page 322 Page 331 Page 332 Page 3:33 Pai-e 334 Page 351 Page 353 Page 363 Page 369 Page 373 Page 373 Page 375 Page 378 Page 384 Page 384 Page 385 Page 385 Page 386 Page 388 Page 388 Page 394 Page 400 Page 404 Page 406 Page 409 Page 409 Page 41 » Page 4 -'I Page 428 Page 431 Page 431 Page 432 Page 435 Page 437 Page 437 Page 439 Page 440 Page 440 Page 441 Page 44 1 Page 444 Page 444 Vol. 12th line from the bottom, tor " Rathael " read " Raphael." 22(1 line from the top, for "51 " read "31." 19th line from the top, for "Arvorta " read "Arvesta." 6th line from the bottom, for " Malleroy " read ''Maliory." 13tli line from the top, for " Gipsou" read " Gihson." 25tli line from the top, for " Bradeut ".read " Bodicut." Sth 'ine from the top, for " Sarah M." read " Sarah A." 10th line from the bottom, for •' Houlton " read " Boulton." 21st line from the bottom, for " John " read " Jonathan." 16th line from the tiottom, for "\orris" read " Thomns." 20th line from the bottom, for " 7 " read "9." lltli line from the bottom, for 'June "read "January." 21st line from the bottom, for " lli'man " read " Herman." 7th line from the bottom, for " 24" read "21." 2d line from the top, for " 7 " read " 9." 9tli line from the top, for " 17 " read " 19." 20th line from the bottom, for "7 " read "9." 16th line from ttie top, for " Elenora " read " Ebenezer." 12th line from the bottom, for " 7 " read " 9." 20tli Hue from the bottom, for " Demes " read " Dimon." 10th line from the bottom, for " Nov." read " March," and for " 28 ' read " 24 " in the 7th line from the bottom. 22(1 line, for " W." read "M." 19th line from the bottom, for " P." read "T." 12th line from the bottom, for "Azula" read "Azuba." 5th line from the bottom, for "31 " read "15." 13th line from the top, for " 6 " I'ead " 16." 18th line from the top, for "and R." read " R. and." 20tli line should be erased. It should be entered in 1780. 24th line from the top, for" Warner" read " Warren." 6tli line from the bottom, for " Oct. 27 " read " Nov. 8." 17th line from the top, for " D." read "B." 14th line from the top, for "Jacob" read " Jareb." 12th line from the top, for "28" read " 8." the 5th item from the bottom is a death record. 9th line from the liottom, for "P " read " T." 2d line from the bottom, for " 21 " read "31." l.st line, for " Orinal " read " Orimel." 20th line from the top, for " Gierson " read " Gunn." 18th line from the bottom, for " Foot" read "Frost." 1 2th line from the bottom, for ' Tarber" read "Taber.' 22d line from the bottom, for " 2 " read " 29." 10th line from the top, fur " Orinal " read " Orimel." takeout "A" in the 3th line. 15th line from the top, for "Manilla" read "Manilla." 2d line from the bottom, for " Brunei " read " Bunnell." 2d line from the bottom, for " 19 " read " 89." last line, for "Jan." read " June." 10th line from the top, for " Harry " read " Harvey." 21st line from the t, for "Jonah" read "Josiah." 9th line from the bottom, for " 1772 " read " 1792." 16ih line from the top, for " Cozier " read " Cazier." " 20th line fro.r the top, for " 1778" read " 1777." 8th line from the bottom, for " Barrett" read " Burrett." 4th line from the top, for " 1812 " read " 1810." 9th line from the top, for " Maria " read " Mareia." 4th line from the top, for " 1772 " read " 1773." 7th line from the top, for "Phemia" read "Phanna." 20tli line from the top, for "Julia P." read "Julia T." 9th line from the bottom, for " Babara " read "Barbara.' 10th line from the top, for " Albert" read "Alfred." 23d line from the top, for " Daniel " read " David." llf.— 89 706 HISTOKY OF AA'CIEKT WOODBTRY. Page 448 Page 450 Page 451, Page 452, Page 454, Page 455, Page 463, Page 463, Page 463, Page 465, Page 466, Page 467, Page 471, Page 472, Page 484, Page 502, Page 503, Page 504, Page 513, Page 536, Page 562, Page 592, Page 665, Page 666, , 21st hne from the top, for "Bennett H." reaff " Bennett F " 14th line from the top, for " Sahery " read •• Snbrv." 2d line from the top, for " 1774 " read " 1794." " 1 1 th line from the bottom, for " Rauson " read " Ransom " 2d line from the top, for " Lavinia " read " Lamira " 23d line froni the lop should read, " Walter P., s. of Char'e* and Fanny J. Bloss. Dec. 29, 1853." ^nai.e., ana 16th line from the top, for " Rhoda " read " Theodore " 21st line, for " A." read "P." 23d line from top, insert " T." for middle initial of Mrs. Oatmau 5th line from the bottom, for " Camfield " read " Canfield " at bottom of page add, " Harry, s. of Charles S. and Julia Brown." 5th line from the top, for "May " read " MarJ^" 3d line from the bottom, for " Jedediah " read " Jedidah " 9th line from the bottom, for " Canfield" read " Mitchell " 3d line from the top, for " Rhenamy " read " Rheuamv." 17th line from the top, for " 8 " read " 2." 17th line from the bottom, for " 1311 " read " 1811.'' 7th line from the bottom, for " 1792 " read " 1793." 13th line from the bottom, " 1831." at the top of the page insert the following items, viz " Corena L., dau. of James M. and Cornelia R Morris, Jan. 8, 1839." " ^''l^"''' t' '^ V^ '^'''™'' ^- ^"'^ Cornelia R. Thomas, born at New York, May 17, 1841." 5th line from the bottom, for " Whittlessea " read " Whittlesey " 2d line from the top, for " Mannsella " read " Jklannella." 5th line from the bottom, for " 1757 " read " 1657." 7th line from the top, for "1750 " read " 1650." Thomas, born at INDEX TAGE. lutroJuction, 3 Births in Woodbury, 9 Baptisms in Woodbury, 1 20 Marriafres in Woodbury, 177 Deftths in Woodbury 221 Deaths in the Minor family, 305 Inscriptions upon monuments, 307 Deaths in other towns 30S List of the oMest inhaliitants in 1S77, 310 Births in Washington, 312 Marria^ v' /r^ o , 'N ^^ ■'*. '.°S <^ 'f^^ <> * ^ y^ « = ^ ^^ 0° /. K^ 0'' ^o. '^ ^^-n^. V 4 o o^.-'-.-^o^ //^iA ^°'^^-.- .^ 1- V ^ A >• */ . '^ .C)i

' O J V SO' ^■S.^ ..o"c, --^ ■"^i. ^o .0^ -0^ q, * , ' ^0-' .1 S vJ \' s • • » r K^ w'^' --., ' 0^ ^. -o . . * A 1 4 O • V" •X, ..<^ ■c C\JT 69 ?*■ N. MANCHESTER INDIANA « A .^- ♦