*P^ ^ ^ ^ t. « »^ - ' »« s' i:^ o^ "^^0^ '*%** 9j,>f.!.\/ ^ cp^.s.:;.'^'^^ ^°^:^^"'% ^''^:.;^^-'% -^ &\ HISTOKV Original Town of Concord, BEING THE PRESENT TOWNS OF CONCORD, COLLINS, N. COLLINS AND SARDINIA, Erie Couni^v, new. York, BY ERASMUS BRIGGS. ROCHESTER, N. Y.: UNION AXI) ADVERTISER COMPANY'S PRINT. 1883. 50422 Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1S83. BY ERASMUS BRIGGS, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. ; INDEX, Chapter I. pa(;e. From 1534 to 1(355. Cartier's and Champlain's Expe- dions 3 Chapter II. From 1655 to 1679— Indians, Dutch, French, &c 9 Chapter III. DeNonville-La Houton— Queen Anne — the Iroquois, &c 13 Chapter IV. Pontiac' League — tlie Senecas — the Devil's Hole, &c 17 Chapter V. The Revolution — the Indians' Ho?tiUty — Wyoming— Clierry Valley. &c 20 Chapter VI The Treaty of Fort Stanwix and subsequent Treaties 24 Chapter VII. Land Titles — Various Grants — Conflicting Claims — Robert Morris 29 Chapter VIII. A curious fact — the First Crop raised on the Holland Pur- (;hase . 32 Chapter IX. Agents of Holland C'ompany. Theophilus Cazenova & Paul Bustle 48 Joseph Ellicott 49 Jacob S. Otto, David E Evans. 51 A sketcli of others. Robert Morris 52 Mary Jemison, the White Wo- man 57 Chapter X. pa«e. War of 1812-15 60 Chapter XI. Campaign of 1813 66 Chapter XII. Burning of Buffalo, &c 74 Chapter XIII. Campaign of 1814 81 Discipline at Butf alo— the Death Penalty 82 Capture of Fort Erie by the Americans 83 An Indian Battle 84 The Battle of Chippewa 87 Battle of Conjockety Creek. ... 91 Battle of Fort Erie 92 Sortie at Fort Erie 95 News of Peace 98 Chapter XIV. Early Settlers 100 Early Organization of County and Towns 102 Date of Settlement and Organi- zation of Towns in Erie Co. . . 104 Old Town of Concord 105 Coming to the country 106 Log Houses — Dutch Cliimneys and Log-raising "106 Clearing Land 109 Sugar Making 113 Pioneer Wells 116 Pioneer Fencing 118 Frame Barns 120 Primitive Household Furnitm-e, &c , &c 121 Carding, Spinning and Weaving 124 Raising, Dressing and Spinning Flax 127 Bull Plow and Crotch Drag 128 Milling 129 Manufacturing of Clothing, Boots and Shoes I3i Making Black Salt . . . v 132 Husking Bees, &c . .'. .-',. . . ... . . 134 Schools •••,■>.. 136 '•■_ INDEX. PAGE. Spelling Schools 139 Reaping with a Sickle, &c 143 Militia Training .-. 144 Wrestling 146 Snow Shoes 146 Dancing 147 The Great AVolf Hunt 148 Droves and Drovers 150 The Lost Boy lol Pigeons l^^ Thanksgiving 153 Chapter XV. History of Concord 156 Names of persons previous to Jan. 1. 1815 158 Names of persons Buying Land of the Holland Company, Township 6, Range 6 159 Township 7. Range 6 . 160 Township 6, Range 7 163 Township 7. Range 7 : . . . . 165 Copy of an Original Article of Land 168 Copy of the First Deed in Con- cord 172 Early Roads 173 Springville & Sardinia Railroad 175 Rochester & Pittsburgh Railro'd 175 Names of one or more of the First Settlers on each Lot in Concord 176 Hotels — Mills — Manufactories . 17S Professional Men — Merchants — Tradei-s and Mechanics 185 Banks 192 Manufacturers — Merchants and Tradesmen 193 " Fiddler's Green' 196 Mail Routes— Post Offices 197 Commission of the First Post Master in Springville 199 A list of the Owners of Farming Lands in the Town of Con- cord in 1845 200 Concord Soldiers' Record 205 Presbyterian Church 209 Metliodist Episcopal Church of Springville 213 First Baptist Church of Spring- ville 214 Free Baptist Church of Spring- ville 216 Roman Catholic C h u r c h o f Springville 217 Universalist Church 218 Free Baptist Church, East C!on- cord 218 Free Baptist Church, West Con- cord 219 PAGE. Methodist Episcopal Church, West Concord 219 Springville Academy 220 Semi-Centennial Celebration of the Opening of Springville Academy 223 Teachers' institutes 230 List of Accidental Deaths in the Town of Concord 235 Names of Streams in Concord. . 237 The First Liberty-Pole 238 The Springville Mill 239 Local Names in Concord 240 The Springville Rifle Company 241 Town Officers of Concord 242 Town Accounts, 1830 245 Names of Early Settlers 246 Soldiers of Concord in 1812. . . . 247 Vosburg Murder 247 Otis Murder 248 The Old Springville Hotel 248 Panther Stories 250 Bear Story 251 Lands Deeded in Concord 252 Societies 265 Newspapers 267 Chapter XVI. Family Histories of the Town of Concord in Alphabetical Or- der A, 269 : B. 277 ; C, 303 ; D, 341 ; E. 348 ; F, 353 : G, 369 ; H. 376 : I, 386 : J, 387 ; K, 391 : L. 399 : M, 404 ; N. 417 : O. 422 ; P. 423 ; Q, 435 : R, 436 ; S, 450 : T. 487 ; Urich, 502 ; V, 502 ; W, 509 : Z, 532. Eliza Reynolds Springville Chester Spencer C. C McClure Goddard Family Christopher Stone's House 269 533 541 534 535 536 542 Chapter XVII. History of C^ollins 543 First Settlers 544 Articles 545 Assessment Roll, 1823 553 Act Creating the Town 559 Defining Boundaries 560 Zoar 563 Deeds 569 List of Town Officers 577 Schools 583 Religious Meetings and Church Organizations 584 ••East District." Town of Col- lins Center 585 INDEX. PAGE. Collins Center 585 Physicians 586 C'oilins C'enter Merchants 586 Tanneries 587 Mills 587 '• Society of Friends" 588 Soldiers' Record 589 Settlers of 60 and 70 years ago. . 593 Town Account. 1830 593 Societies 594 John Millis and his grist 595 Wild Animals 596 Business Directory of Collins Center for 1882 596 Cowanda Directoiy for 1882... 597 Mrs. CJiarlotte Seymour's letter 598 Statement of S. W. Soule 600 Mrs. Stoddard's Statement 604 Statement of Joseph Plumb, Esq 617 Statement of S. Carv Adams . . . 624 Statement of David Wilber 696 Letter of Wm H. Parkinson. . . 675 Augustus Smith's Statement. . . 683 Statement of Benj. Albee. 2d. . 637 Blackney Murder 641 Chapter XVIII. Family Histories, Collins 635 A, 635^ B. 639 ; C. 647 : F. 655 ; G, 656 ; H, 657 ; J, 661 ; K, 663 ; L. 666 : M, 668 : N, 674 ; O. 674 : P, 675 ; R, 682 ; S, 683 : T, 691; V, 695; W, 696 Chapter XIX. North Collins 707 Names of those who Purchased Lands of the Holland Com- pany 708 Deeds 714 First Settlers on each Lot 725 Assessment Roll of 1823 734 List of Town Officers ; . 728 Societies 731 Soldiers' Record 733 First Congregational Chui-ch . . . 737 Job Southwoi-th's Statement. . . 738 Statement of Isaac Hale 740 Statement of Noel Conger 743 'Statement of Isaac Woodward . 745 ClIAPTKR XX. Family Histories, North Collins 749 B, 749 ; C, 750 ; D, 753 : F, 752 ; G. 753 : H, 754 ; J, 755 : K. 756 ; L, 757 , P, 759 ; R. 761 : S, 762 ; V, 766 ; W, 766 Chapter XXI. General Historj^ of Sardinia. . . 769 Early Settlers 770 PAGE. Articled Land 771 Deed of the Holland Comi)any. 776 Early Reminiscences — Nott. . . . 784 Fourth of July Party, 181 1 789 Soldiers" Record 794 First Baptist Church 797 Beneficiary Orders 798 Town Ofticers 798 Assessment Roll, 1843 813 Reminiscences by Dr. B. H. Col- RToye 823 Statement of A. W. Shedd 839 Statement of L. D. Smith 832 Statement of Cyrus Rice 835 Business Places. &c 845 Notes from the Old Town Book of 1821, &c 848 Chapter XXII. Family Histories in Alphabet- ical Order — Illustrations 851 A, 851 ; B. 854 : C. 857 : F. 860 : G, 861 : H, 862 ; J, 868 : L, 868 : M, 870 : N, 871 ; O, 873 ; P. 873 ; R, 875 : S, 878 ; T. 885 ; V. 885 ; Sterling Titus, 886; W, 886 OUTSIDERS. Adams, J. C 892 Brooks, John 893 Brooks. Andrew J 894 Briggs, A. H , M. D 894 Briggs, George W 895 Foster, Harrison T 895 Field, William 897 Field. ]\Iarvin 898 Drake, Allen 898 Hammond, Wm. W 899 Hastings. Chancey J 900 Hastings, Sej'mour P 901 Koch, Harry H 901 Miller. Frederick 903 Nott. S. E. L. H 903 Nichols, George W 904 Wilev. William 904 Wiley, John M 905 Jliller, Christian 905 Oatman, David 906 Williams, George 907 Stowell, ( "harles 908 Ewell, Joseph E 908 Tanner, Aukxs B 1)09 Per.sons, Daniel H 910 Emery, Joseph, (,'ol 910 Scott.' Justus. 91 1 Smither, R. R 913 Spencer, H. S 912 Tanner, Alonzo, Esq 913 Wil)ert Family 913 INDEX. PAGE. Cutler, Caleb 915 Ransom. Asa 915 Ransom, Asa. Jr. ... : 916 Ransom, Harry B 917 Titus, James B 917 Kent, Joseph 919 Kent, Jonathan 919 Cooper, Joseph 920 Young, Charles E 930 Lockwood, Ebenezer 921 Stickney, David, Jr 922 White, Aimer 928 Tucker, Harvey J 924 Lockwood, A. U 925 Preston, A. G 926 Lawson, W. W 927 Bartholomew, A 928 Sampson, Joseph P 929 PAGE. Bensley, John R 930 Bensley, George E 931 Haight, Albert 982 Coit, George 935 Humphrey, Arthur 935 Humphrey, J. M 936 Lockwood, D. N 937 Green, O J. & Sons 938 Reading, Richard 939 Canbee, Joseph 940 Kerr. Patterson 941 Scoby. M C 941 Bartlett, Marcus 542 Calkins, AC 544 Coit, Chas. T 944 Coit, Frank S 945 Eustaphive. HA 945 Masonic 947 ERRATA. Page 105, read " Lawton " for Lanton. Page 106, read " Big Tree " for Fitr Tree. Page 126, read " Scarn " for Scam. Page 131, 9th line, read " difticuU '" for different. Page 152, read " Morton's Corners" for Morton's Creek. Page 174, line 38, read " at lot 32 " for at lot 52. Page 180, read '" Theodore Frew " for Theodore Trevv. Page 188, read " Perigo " for Brigo. Page 189, read " Shoutz " for Shontz ; same page, read " Barnhart " for Ramhart ; same page, read " Post " for Past. Page 190, read " Parmeter " for Bameter. Page 192, read " F. K. Davis " for T. K. Davis. Page 195, read " Frew " for Trew. Page 208, read " 1862 " for 1892. Page 218, read " Morris Hall " for Horris Hall. Page 275, read " Auwater " for Anwater. Page 253, 3d line from bottom, read " 1819 " instead of 1809. Page 293, read " 1869" for 1899. Page 294, read " 1880 " for 1810 ; same page, read " 1882 " for 1822. Page 332, read " 1839 " for 1849. • Page 338, read " 1877" for 1878. Page 359, read the name " Benjamin Fay " for Benjamin Frye. Page 360, read the name " Nemiah Fay '" for Nemiah Frj-e. Page 369, line 16, read " Ruth Briggs" for Bertha Briggs. Page 391, read " Benjamin Gardner" for Benjamin Gordon. Page 305, read " Otis Morton " for Otis Horton. Page 400, read " Mary Hufstader " for John Hufstader. Page 433, read " 1832 " for 1882. Page 452, read"' William T., " for William G., and "' W. T. Lincoln " for William F. Page 468. read " Orrin Baker " for Owen Baker. Page 484, line 20, read " Council Bluffs " for Dakota. Page 476, read '" Marcy " for Mercy. Page 478, line 6th, read " 1761 " for 1861. Page 496, 2d line, leave out "Boston"; same page, read 4th line from bottom p;»ge ■' near" for new. Page 498, 2d line from top, read "1792 " for 1702. Page 519, in the account of Levi and Isaac Woodward, read "• married " for the capital M. Page 566, i2th line, read "her family" for his family. Page 618, read " Parthenia" for Perthenia. Page 623, read " Parthenia " for Pathenia. Page 632, last line, read " Methodist Preacher " for teacher Page 659, 12th line, read " born 1831 " for 1871. Page 672, line 14, read " 1850 " for 1859. Page 743, read " Noel Conger " for Noah Conger; page following 770, read " 77I " for 781 ; page following 872, read " 873 " for 783. Page 827. read " Reuben B. Heacock " for Reuben B. Hancock. Page 861, ^4th line, " TuUer " for I'uller. Page 889, " Brewer " for Brower. Page 894, " John Jr., 2d " for John Jr.. Son. INTRODUCTION, " Oft did the harvest to their sickle yield Their furrow oft the stubborn glebe has broke, How jocund did they drive their team a-field, How bowed the woods beneath their sturdy stroke. Let not ambition mock their useful toil, Their homely joys and destiny obscure." The motives that prompted the author to attempt the com- pilation of a work of this nature were, that bein^ himself to the " manor born," and having enjoyed an intimate personal acquaintance with many of the early settlers of these towns, and knowing that very little had ever been said of them in any history that had been heretofore published, he felt that all former attempts of the historian to portray the.se early tijnes and scenes were lacking in detail and did not accord to the brave pioneers of these towns the mead of pra'ise that their self-sacrificing labors and privations entitle them to, and he departs from the rule generally pursued by writers, of record- ing only the acts of those whom fortune or favor has raised to positions of prominence, and he feels that the lives and deeds of the pioneer, though their destiny may have been obscure, are worthy of being remembered and perpetuated upon the pages of history; for the pioneer, like the great forests that once surrounded his humble cabin, is passing awa)- ; onl)' here and there you find them, and soon, very soon, there will not one remain, and it is but a simple acti of justice to the living and an honor that we owe to the dead, who now rest from their toils on fields their hands helped to clear, that a record of their lives should be put into some tangible form and the multitude of facts in the possession of those who are yet with us be res- cued from oblivion, for soon these witnesses will pass away, and there will be none left to tell the story of the olden time. X INTRODUCTION. For this reason the author has undertaken the task of com- piling a vohime, and he finds that there has been an ahiiost endless amount of labor to collect and arrange facts and dates to incidents that transpired so many years ago, and much of it may appear commonplace and non-interesting to some, but the author belives that the task he has undertaken is a laudable one, and that the few pioneers now remaining and their de- scendants for generations to come, will be interested in the work, and will properly appreciate the undertaking. To the many who have aided him in this undertaking and were induced to, at his earnest request, he is under many obliga- tions, and though their names may appear elsewhere, in con- nection with articles contributed, still he takes pleasure in ren- dering a personal acknowledgment here : J. H. Plumb, Esq., of Westfield, Mrs. Stoddard of Iowa, S Gary Adams, Esq. of Buffalo, S. W. Soule, William H. Parkinson of Collins, Mrs. Sey- mour of Chautauqua, L. B. Cochran, Esq., Hon. C. C. Sever- ance, W. G. Ramson, Dr. G. G. Stanbro of Concord and L. D. Smith and Cyrus Rice of Sardinia, have placed him under a debt of gratitude. Of those who rendered valuable aid in soliciting subscriptions and encouraging him in his undertaking, he will ever remember the names of James Hopkins, Addison Whee- lock, Cyrus Rice, Welcome Andrews, Alden J. McArthur and many others. Christfield Johnson, Esq., author of the Centen- nial History of Erie county, courteously allowed him the free use of his book, and the first one hundred pages of this work are taken from his book, and Turner's History of the Holland Purchase. Nearly the whole of the remaining pages are original. The amount of matter in this volume in relation to the family histories of each of these respective towns will be accounted for by the number of subscriptions that the author has received in said towns to aid in the publication of this work. Of course a work of this nature, containing the amount of matter that this one does, must necessarily be expensive, and every page added must necessarily also increase the expense to be borne by the author who has to depend for the funds to defray the cost most entirely upon local patronage, and most certainly he cannot do as his inclinations would otherwise naturally lead him, if he were not confined to limited means, and in the present under- INTRODUCTION. xi taking he wcnild feci himself am[jl\- rewarded if lie were to re- ceive the bare expense of preparing and publishing this work. But he is well aware nozo that the expense will far exceed all such hopes, and the author regrets too that there is a single thing omitted that will detract from the general interest of this volume, and yet he knows that there are names of those who were early identified with the settlement of these towns, whose histories would have been of interest and were worth)- of being preserved, that are now lacking, which can only be accounted for by the indifference of those who should have taken some interest in a work of this nature. Following appears the number of subscribers of each town, together with those who are not residents : Concord 260 Collins 125 North Collins 35 Sardinia 65 Buffalo and others localities ■ 80 E. B. "^%i^»"^^ ^\^^ /, ?>f''* ^ E. BRIGGS. Autobioijraphy of the Author. The author of this work was born on the ^ist thi)- of August, i8i8, on Townsend Hill, in the town of (Joncord, where he remained with his parents until after he was seventeen years of age. As soon as old enough, he was put to work to assist in clearing up a heavily-timbered farm ; and the scenes and inci- dents appertaining to pioneer life jjortrayed in the several articles in chapter xiv. of this work are from his own knowl- edge and experience. His education was principally obtained in the district school, on Townsend Hill, supplemented by a few terms at select school and Springville Academy. • The Winter after he was eighteen years of age, he taught a term of school, and the Spring following, he took Greeley's advice and went west. This was before the advent of railroads, and was quite an undertaking. The journey across the State of Michigan, and from Chicago to Racine, from Racine to Janesville, from Janesville to Galena, and from Galena to Ful- ton, a total distance of over six hundred miles, was made on foot. At that time, the prairies of Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin were unoccupied; the onl\- settlers to be found were located in or near the timber. Chicago at that time was a small town, whose buildings and improvements were confined to a narrow belt of dry land along the lake-shore and river-bank ; the ground back being low and covered with prairie-grass and water. Racine was a straggling little hamlet, and the city of Janesville was yet in embryo, its site being occupied by two or three small log farm-houses. He remem- bers stopping there a few days, and planting corn on the land where the city now stands. Beloit was named, but Freeport was unknown, and Galena was a very small village. The jour- ney for the last two days was made on a single meal. Fulton was surveyed and named, but contained but one log-house. He remained in Fulton two and a half years, putting up build- ings in the Summer, and getting out timber and cutting steam- boat wood in the Winter. He built the first frame-house in Fulton, and continued to work at the business until prostrated by sickness. When sufficiently recovered to travel, he returned to his native town, where for the next eleven years his time was divided between working at the carpenters' trade Summers, teaching school Winters, and attending to the duties of the office of Superintendent of Common Schools. In 1850, he went to the town of West Seneca, and invested in timbered land, which had formerly been a part of the Indian reservation. For the next fifteen years, this town and the ad- joining town of Elma was his home. During these }'-ears, he was quite extensively engaged in the wood, bark and lumber business. In 1852, while a resident of West Seneca, he was elected Justice of the Peace, and also town Superintendent of Common Schools. He was also chosen to represent them on the Board of Supervisors, in 1853-54-55. He afterward held the office of Justice of the Peace in the town of Elma. Since his re- turn to Concord, in 1865, he has worked at building several Sum- mers, and taught school occasionally Winters. For the last five years, his time has been principally spent in procuring facts and preparing this work. Since his return to Concord, he has been several times elected Supervisor, although the party with which he affiliates is in the minority ; and it is a source of gratification to know^ that wherever he has resided, he has, enjoyed the confidence of his fellow-townsmen. HISTORY OF THE ORIGINAL TOWN OF CONCORD. CHAPTER I. FROM 1534 TO 1655. George Cartier's Expedition — Champlain's Expedition — King James' Grant — Henry Hudson — French Traders — The Jesuits— Chaumonot and Bre- boeuf — Hunting Buffalo — Destruction of the Kahquahs and Eries — Seneca Tradition — French Account — Their Sysiem of Clans —Its Import- ance — Sachems and War-Chiefs — Method of Descent — Choice of Sachems — Family Relations. In the year 1534, forty-two years after the discovery of America, George Cartier, a French explorer sailed up the St. Lawrence to Montreal and took possession of all the country round about on behalf of the King of France, Francis the P'irst, and called it New France. He made some attempts to colonize, but in 1543 they were all abandoned, and for more than half a century no further progress was made. In 1603, the celebrated French mariner, Samuel Champlain, led an expedition to Quebec and made a permanent settlement there, and, in fact, founded the Colony of Canada. Montreal was founded soon after, and communication was comparatively easy along the course of the St. Lawrence and Lake Ontario, and, with a portage around the Falls, to Lake Erie. And 4 KING JAMES GRANT. mainly for this reason, the French fur traders and missionaries reached this region of country long before any other Europeans. In 1606, King James, of England, granted to an association of Englishmen called the Plymouth company, the territory of New England, but no permanent settlement was made until the 9th day of November, 1620, when, from the historic Ma}'flower, the Pilgrim Fathers landed on Plymouth Rock. In 1628, Charles the F"irst, of England, granted a charter for the government of the Province of Massachusetts Bay. It included the territory between latitude 40° 2' and 44° 15' north, extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific, making a colony a hundred and fifty-four miles wide and four thousand miles long. The County of Erie and Western New York were included within its limits. In 1609, the English navigator, Henry Hudson, while in the employ of Holland, discovered the river that bears his name, and the Hollanders established fortified trading posts on Man- hattan island and at Alban)% and commenced trading with the Indians. They also made an indefinite claim of territory west- ward. All European nations at that time claimed title to lands in America by the right of discovery, and they granted them away to individuals and companies in small and large tracts, as they saw fit, when, as a matter of right and justice, their title was no better than was the title of that character we read of, to all the kingdoms of the world, which he offered to give Christ if he would fall down and worship him. In 1623, permanent Dutch emigration for agricultural pur- poses first began upon the Hudson river. In 1625, a few Catholic missionaries arrived on the banks of the St. Lawrence. About 1620, the first white men visited the country about the lower end of Lake Erie and the Niagara river ; the}' were French fur traders in search of furs. In 1626, Father De La Roche Daillon, a French missionary, visited the Neuter Nation and passed the winter preaching the gospel among them. The Neuter Nation occupied the countiy about the east end of Lake Erie and on both sides of the Niagara River. They had their villages in Canada and in Erie riiK jKsri r missk ixariks. 5 count)'; there was one at or near the mouth of I'LiL(hteen-Mile creek, and perhaps others further west. Hut the south shore of Lake Erie was occupied principally by a tribe called the Eries. The French called the. tribe occupying the countrx- hereabouts the Neuter Nation, because they dwelt in peace with surround- ing tribes, but they were kno\\n among the other tribes as the Kahquahs. The Jesuit missionaries, fired with unbounded zeal and unsur- passed valor, traversed the wilderness, holding up the cross before the bewildered pagans. They soon had flourishing sta- tions as far west as Lake Huron. One of these stations was St. Marie, near the eastern extremity of the lake, and it was from St. Marie that Fathers Breboeuf and Chaumonot set forth in November, 1640, to visit the Neuter Nation. They returned in the Spring, having visited eighteen Kahquah villages, but hav- ing met with very little encouragement among them. They reported the Neuter Lidians to be stronger and finer looking than the Hurons, and that their food and clothing were but little different ; that the}' had corn, beans and some other vegetables, and plenty of fish ; that they were much employed in hunting deer, bears, buffalo, beavers, wolves, wild-cats and other animals; that there was also an abundance of wild turkeys. They esti- mated the whole number of villages of the Neuter Nation at forty, and that the most eastern was but one day's journe}' from the country of the Senecas. The Senecas, when first \isited by the whites, had their villages east of the Genesee river. Up to this time, the Kahquahs had succeeded in maintaining their neutrality between the fierce belligerents on either side. What the cause of quarrel, if any, arose between the peaceful possessors of Erie county and the powerful confederates to the eastward, is entirely unknown ; but sometime during the next fifteen years, the Iroquois fell upon both the Kahquahs and the Eries and exterminated them, as nations, from the face of the earth. The precise years in which these e\ents occurred are uncer- tain, and it is not known whether the Kahquahs or the Eries were first destroyed. French accounts go to show that the Neuter Nation were first destroyed ; while, according to Seneca tradition, the Kahquahs still dwelt here when the Iroquois 6 THE IROQUOIS CONFEDERACY. annihilated the Eries; but it is certain that, somewhere between 1643 and 1655, the fierce confederates of Central New York "put out the fires" of both the Kahquahs and the Eries. From the destruction of the Kahquahs down to the time the Iroquois sold to the Holland Land company (or, rather, to Robert Morris), they were, by right of conquest, the actual possessors of the territory composing the present County of Erie, and, a few years before the sale, the largest nation of the confederacy made their principal residence within the county. Within its borders, too, are still to be seen the largest united body of their descendants. For two hundred and thirty years, the Iroquois have been closely identified with the history of Erie county, and it is proper to give a short account of the interior structure of that remarkable confederacy. The name Iroquois was never applied by the confederates to themselves ; it was first used by the French. The men of the five nations called themselves He-do-no-saunee, which means literally " They form a cabin," describing in this expressive manner the close union existing between them. The Indian name just quoted is more liberally and more commonly ren- dered "The People of the Long House," which is more fully descriptive of the confederacy. The feature that distinguished the people of the Long House from all the world beside, and which, at the same time, bound together all these ferocious warriors as with a living chain was the system oi c/ans extending through all the different tribes. Many readers doubtless have often heard of the warlike suc- cess and outward greatness of the Iroquois confederacy, but one unacquainted with the inner league, which was its distinguish- ing characteristic, and without which in all probability have met at an early day with the fate of numerous similar alliances. The people of the Iroquois confederacy were divided into eight c/aHS, or families, the names of which were as follows: Wolf, Bear, Beaver, Turtle, Deer, Snipe, Heron and Hawk. Each clan formed a large artificial family modeled on the natural family. All the members of the clan, no matter how widely separated among the tribes were considered as brothers and sisters to each other, and forbidden to intermarry. This prohibition was strictly enforced b}' public opinion. SAC'IIKMS AND \VAR-{ 1 1 1 KKS. J The clan.bciiii^ thus tauL;lU from earliest infanc)' that tliey belonged to the same famil\-, a bond of the strongest kind was created throughout the confederac)-. Hie Oneida of the Wolf clan had no sooner appeared among the Cayugas than those of the same clan claimed iiim as their special guest, and admitted him to the most confidential intimac}'. The Seneca of the Turtle clan might wander to the country of the Mohawks at the further extremity of the Long House, and he had a claim upon his brother Turtles which they would not dream of repudiating. Thus the whole confederacy was linked together. If at any time there appeared a tendency toward conflict between the different tribes, it was instantly checked by the thought that if persisted in the hand of the Heron would be turned against Heron, and the hatchet of the Bear would be raised against his brother Bear, and the bow of the Beaver would be drawn against his brother Beaver. And so potent was the feeling that until the power of the confederacy was broken by over- whelming outside force, there was no serious dissension between the tribes of the Iroquois. Aside from the clan-system just described, which was an artificial invention expressly invented to prevent dissension among the confederates, the Iroquois league had some resemblance to the great American Union which succeeded it. The central authority was supreme on questions of peace and war, and on all others relating to the general welfare of the confederacy, while the tribes, like the states, reserved to themselves the management of their ordin- ary affairs. In peace, all power was confided to " Sachems," in war, to " Chiefs." The Sachems of each tribe acted as its rulers in matters which required the exercise of civil authority. The same rulers also met in congress to direct the affairs of the confederacy. There was, in each tribe, the same number of War-chiefs as Sachems, and these had absolute authority in time of war. But in a war-party the War-chiefs commanded and the Sachem took his place in the ranks. The congress always met at the council-fire of the Onon- dagas. The Senecas were unquestionably the most powerful of all the tribes, and as the\' were located at the western extremity of the confederac}-, they had to bear the brunt of war when it was assailed by its most formidable foes, who dwelt 8 P'AMILV RELATIONS. in that quarter. It would naturally follow that the principal War-chief of the league should be of the Seneca Nation, and such is said to have been the case. As among many other savage tribes the right of heirship was in the female line. Titles, as far as they were hereditary at all, followed the same law of descent. The child also followed the clan and tribe of the mother. Notwithstanding the modi- fied system of hereditary power in vogue, the constitution of every tribe was essentially republican. Warriors, old men, and even women, attended the council and made their influence felt. Neither in the government of the confederacy nor in the tribes, was there any such thing as tyranny over the people. ENGLAND CONQUERS NEW AMSTERDAM. 9 CHAPTER II. FROM 1655 TO 1679. The Iroquois Triumphant— Obliteration of Dutch Power — French Progress — La Salle Visits the Senecas — Greenhalph's Estimates — La Salle on the Niagara — Building of the Griffin — It Enters Lake Erie — La Salle's Subse- quent Career — The Prospect in 1679. From the time of the destruction of the Kahquahs and Eries, the Iroquois went forth conquering and to conquer. This was probably the day of their greatest glory. They stayed the progress of the French into their territories; they negotiated on equal terms \\ith the Dutch and English, and having supplied themselves with the terrible arms of the pale- faces, they smote with direst vengeance whomsoever of their own race were unfortunate enough to provoke their wrath. At one period, the sound of their war cry was heard along the Straits of St. Marys and at the foot of Lake Superior. At another, under the walls of Quebec, where they defeated the Hurons under the eyes of the French. They spread the terror of their arms over New England — Smith encountered their warriors in the settlement of Virginia, and La Salle on the discovery of Illinois. They bore their conquering arms along the Susquehanna, the Allegheny and the Ohio, and farther south. In short, they triumphed on every side, save only where the white men came, and even the white man was for a time held at bay by their fierce confederates. In 1664 the English conquered New Amsterdam, and in 1670 their conquest was made permanent. Charles the Second, then King of England, granted the conquered province to his brother James, Duke of York, from whom it was called New York. This grant comprised all the lands along the Hudson, with an indefinite amount westward, thus overlapping the previous grant of James the First, to the Plymouth company, and the boundaries of Massachusetts by the charter of Charles the First, and laying the foundation for a conflict of jurisdiction, which was afterward to have import- ant effects on the destinies of Western New York. lO LA SALLE S ARRIVAL. By 1665, trading posts had been established by the French at Mackinaw, Green Bay, Chicago and St. Joseph. In 1669 La Salle, whose name was soon to be indissolubly united to the annals of Erie county, visited the Senecas with only two com- panions, finding their four principal villages from ten to twenty miles southerly from Rochester, scattered over portions of the present Counties of Monroe, Livingston and Ontario. In 1673, the Missionaries Marquette and Joliet, pushed on beyond the farthest French post and erected the emblems of Christianity on the shore of the Father of Waters. In 1677, Wentworth Greenhalph, an Englishman, visited all the F'ive Nations, finding the same four towns of the Senecas described by the companions of La Salle. Greenhalph made very minute observations counting the houses of the Indians and reported the Mohawk as having three hundred warriors, the Oneidas two hundred, the Onondagas three hundred and fifty, the Cayugas three hundred and the Senecas a thousand. It will be seen that the Senecas, the Guardians of the western door of the Long House, numbered, according to Greenhalph's computation, nearly as many as all of the other tribes of the confederacy combined, and other accounts show that he was not far from correct. In the month of January, 1679, a Frenchman of good family, Robert Cavalier de La Salle, arrived at the mouth of Niagara. He was one of the most gallant, devoted and ad- venturous of all the bold explorers, who under many different banners, opened the new world to the knowledge of the old. In 1678 he had received from King Louis a commission to discover the western part of New France. He made some preparations the same year and in the Fall sent the Seuer de La Motte and Father Hennepin (the priest and historian of the expedition) in advance to the mouth of the Niagara. As soon as La Salle arrived he went two leagues above the Falls, built a rude dock at the mouth of Cayuga Creek, in Niagara county and laid the keel of a vessel with which to navigate the Lakes. Hennepin distinctly mentions a small village of Sene- cas at the mouth of the Niagara, and it is plain from his whole narrative that the Iroquois were in possession of the country along the ri\er. THE FIRST VESSEL IS BUILT. II The work was carried on throu<;h the Winter, and in the Sprin^^ the vessel was launched. It was a small vessel of sixty tons burthen, completely furnished with anchors, and other equipments, and armed with seven small cannon, all of which had been transported by hand around the cataract. The vessel was named the "Grififin," and there were thirt)--four men on board, all Frenchmen with a single exception. For several months the Griffin remained in the Niagara, between the place where it was built and the rapids at the head of the river. When all was ready, the attempt was made and several times repeated, to ascend' the rapids above Black Rock. At length on the 7th day of August, 1679, a favorable wind sprung up from the Northeast; all the Griffin's sails were set, and again it approached the rapids. A dozen stout sailors were sent ashore , with a tow-line, and aided with all their strength the breeze that blew from the North. Those efforts were soon successful; by the aid of sails and tow-line, the Griffin surmounted the rapids, and the pioneer vessel of these waters swept out on to the bosom of Lake Erie. As it did so, the priests led in singing a joyous Te Deum, and all the cannon were fired in a grand salute. On board that vessel was the intrepid La Salle, a man fitted to grace the salons of Paris, yet now eagerly pressing forward to dare the hardships of unknown seas and savage lands. A born leader of men, a heroic subduer of nature, the gallant Frenchman for a brief time passes along the border of our county and then disappears in the far West, where he was eventually to find a grave. There w^as Tonti, the solitary alien, amid the Gallic band exiled by revolution from his native Italy, who had been chosen by La Salle as second in command, and who justified the choice by his unswerving courage and devoted loyalty. There, too, was Father Hennepin, the earliest historian of these regions, one of the most zealous of all the zealous band of Catholic priests who at that period undauntedly bore the cross amid the fiercest pagans of America. This was the beginning of the commerce of the upper lakes and like many another first venture it resulted only in disaster to its projectors, though the harbinger of unbounded success by 12 LA SALLE RETURNS TO FRANCE. others. The (iriffin went to Green Bay where La Salle and Hennepin left it, and started on its return with'a cargo of furs, and was never heard of more. It is supposed that it sank in a storm and all on board perished. After the Grif^n had sailed. La Salle and Hennepin went in canoes to the head of Lake Michigan. Then, after building a trading post and waiting many weary months for the return of his vessel, he went, with thirty followers, to Lake Peoria, on the Illinois, where he built a fort and gave it the expressive name of " Creve Cceur," Broken Heart. But notwithstanding this expression of despair, his courage was far from exhausted, and after sending Hennepin to explore the Mississippi, he, with three comrades, performed the remarkable feat of returning to Fort Frontenac on foot, depending on their guns for support. From Fort Frontenac he returned to Creve Coeur, the garri- son of which had in the meantime been driven away by the Indians. Again the indomitable La Salle gathered his follow- ^ ers, and in the fore part of 1682 descended the Mississippi to the sea, being the first European to explore any considerable portion of that mighty stream. He took possession of the country in the name of King Louis the Fourteenth, and called it Louisiana. Returning to France, he astonished and gratified the Court with the story of his discoveries, and in 1684 was furnished with a fleet and several hundred men to colonize the new domain. Then everything went wrong ; the fleet, through the blunders of its naval commander, went to Mattagorda bay, in Texas ; the store ship was wrecked ; the fleet returned ; La Salle failed to find the mouth of the Mississippi ; his colony dwindled away, through desertion and death, to forty men, and at length he started with sixteen of these on foot to return to Canada for assistance. Ere he reached the Sabine he was murdered by two of his followers and left unburied on the prairie. France knows him as the man who added Louisiana to her empire ; the Mis- sissippi valley reveres him as the first explorer of its great river, but by the citizens of this county he will best be remembered as the pioneer navigator of Lake Erie. TIIK Kki:( ri(>\ ol" lOKT MACAkA. 13 CHAPTKR 111. FRENCH DOMINION. De Nonville's Assault — Origin of Fort Niagara — La Honlan's Expedition — The Peace of Ryswyck — Queen Anne's War — The Iroquois Neutral — The Tuscaroras — Joncaire — Fort Niagara Rebuilt — French Power Increas- ing — Successive Wars — The Line of Posts— The Final Struggle — The Expedition of D'Aubrey — The Result — The Surrender of Canada For the next forty-five years after the adventures of La Salle, the French voya<^eurs traded and the missionaries labored, and their soldiers sometimes made incursions, but thev had no permanent fortress this side of Fort Frontenac (Kingston, Canada). In 1687, the Marquis de Nonville, Governor of New France, came with an army and attacked the Senecas at their village near Avon and Victor, and after giving battle the Senecas fled. De Nonville destroyed their stores of corn and retired to Lake Ontario, and then sailed to the mouth of the Niagara, where he erected a small fort on the east side of the river. This was the origin of Fort Niagara, one of the most celebrated strongholds in America, and which, though a while abandoned, was after- wards for a long time considered the key of Western New York. Detroit was founded by the French in 1701 ; other posts were established far and wide. About 17 12, an important event occurred in the histor}- of the Iroquois. The Five Nations become Six Nations. The Tuscaroras, a powerful tribe of North Carolina, had become involved in a w^ar with the whites, originating, as usual, in a dispute about land. The colonists being aided by several other tribes, the Tuscaroras were soon defeated, many of them killed, and many others captured and sold as slaves. The greater part of the remainder fled northward to the Iroquois, who immediately adopted them as one of the tribes of the confederacy. Not long after this, one Chabert Joncaire, a Frenchman, who had been captured in \-outh by the Senecas, who had been 14 WAR BETWEEN ENGLAND AND FRANCE. adopted into their tribe, and had married a Seneca wife, but who had been released, was employed by the French authorities to promote their interests among the Iroquois. Pleading his claims as an adopted child of the nation, he was allowed by the Seneca Chiefs to build a cabin on the site of Lewiston, which soon became a center of French influence. About 1725, the French began re-building Fort Niagara on the site where De Nonville had erected his fortress ; this was their stronghold for many years. To this, and forts that were already built, they added Presque Isle (now Erie), Venango (Franklin, Pa.), and Fort Du Quesne, on the site of Pittsburgh, designing to establish a line of forts from the Lakes to the Ohio, and thence down that river to the Mississippi. Frequent detachments of troops passed through along this line. Their course was up Niagara to Buffalo, thence either by bateaux up the lake or on foot along the shore to Erie, and thence to Venango and Du Quesne. Gaily-dressed French officers went to and fro ; dark-gowned Jesuits traveled back and forth receiving the respect of the red men even when their creed was rejected. In 1756, war was again declared between England and France, being their last great struggle for supremacy in the New World. More frequently sped the gay officers and soldiers of King Louis from Quebec, and Frontenac, and Niagara — now in bateaux, now on foot, along the western border of our county. At first the French were everywhere victorious. Braddock, almost at the gates of Fort Du Quesne, was slain, and his army cut in pieces. Montcalm captured Oswego. The French line up the lakes and across to the Ohio was stronger than ever; but, in 1758, William Pitt became Prime Minister, and then England flung herself in dead earnest into the contest ; that year Fort Du Quesne was captured by an English and provincial army. Fort Frontenac was seized by Colonel Bradstreet. The cordon was broken, but Fort Niagara still held out for F'rance. In 1759, still heavier blows were struck. Wolfe assailed Quebec, the strongest of all the French strongholds. Almost at the same time General Prideaux, with two thous- and British and Provincials, accompanied by Sir William Johnson SIR WII.I.FAM JOHNSON" AND D'aI'HRKV. I5 with his faithful Iroquois, sailed up Lake Ontario and laid siege to Fort Niagara. Defended by only six hundred men, its capture was certain unless relief could be obtained. Its commander was not idle. Once again along the Niagara and up Lake Erie, and away through the forest, sped his lithe red- skinned messenger, to summon the sons and the allies of France. D'Aubrey at Venango heard the call and responded with his most zealous endeavours. Gathering all the troops he could from far and near, stripping bare with desperate energy the little French forts at the west, and mustering every red man he could persuade to follow his banner to set forth to relieve Niagara. Thus it was about the 20th of July, 1759, that the largest European force which had yet been seen in this region at any one time, came coasting down the lake from Presque Isle, past the mouth of the Cattaraugus and along the shores of Brant and Evens, and Hamburgh, to the foot of the lake. Fifty or sixty batteaux bore near a thousand Frenchmen on their mission of relief, while a long line of canoes were freighted with four hundred of the dusky warriors of the west. History has preserved but a slight record of this last struggle of the French for dominion in these regions, but it has rescued from oblivion the names of D'Aubrey, the commander, De Lignery, his second, of Monsieur Marini, the leader of the Indians, and of Captains De Villie, Pepentine, Martini and Basonc. The Seneca warriors, snuffing the battle from their homes on the Genesee and beyond, were roaming restlessly through Erie and Niagara counties and along the shores of the river, uncertain how to act, more friendly to the French than the English, and yet unwilling to engage in conflict with their brethren of the Six Nations. D'Aubrey led his flotilla past the site of Buffalo and past Grand island and only halted on reaching the shores of Navy island. After staying there a day or two, to communicate with the fort, he passed over to the main land and marched forward to battle. But Sir William Johnson, who had succeeded to the command on the death of Prideaux, was not the kind of man likely to meet with the fate of Braddock. Apprised of 1 6 THE FREN'CH DEFEATED. the approach of the French, he retained men enough before the fort to prevent an outbreak of the garrison, and stationed the rest in an advantageous position on the east side of the Niagara, just below the whirlpool. After a battle an hour long the French were utterly routed, several hundred being slain on the field, and a large part of the remainder being cap- tured, including the wounded D'Aubrey. On the receipt of this disastrous news, the garrison at once surrendered. The control of the Niagara river, which had been in the hands of the French for over a hundred years, passed into those of the English. For a little while the French held possession of the fort at Schlosser, and even repulsed an English force sent against it. Becoming satisfied, however, that they could not withstand their powerful foe, they determined to destroy their two armed vessels laden with military stores. They accordingly took them into an arm of the river separating Buckhorn from Grand island, at the very northwesternmost limit of Erie county, burned them to the waters' edge and sunk the hulls. Soon the life-bought victory of Wolfe gave Quebec to the triumphant Britons. Still the French clung to their colonies with desperate but failing grasp, and it was not till September, 1760, that the Marquis de Vaudreuil, the Governor-General of Canada, surrendered Montreal, and with it Detroit, Venango, and all the other within his jurisdiction. This surrender was ratified by the treaty of peace between England and France in February, 1 763, which ceded Canada to the former power and thus ended the long- contest. PONTIAC S CONSI'IRACV. CHAPTER IV. ENGLISH DOMINION. Pontiac's League — The Seneca's Hostile — The Devil's Hole — Battle Near Buf- falo — Treaty at Niagara — Bradstreet's Expedition — Israel Putnam — Lake Commerce — Wreck of the Beaver — Tryon County. The celebrated Indian Chief Pontiac, united several western tribes against the British soon after their advent. In May, 1763, the league surprised nine out of twelve English forts and massacred their garrisons. Detroit, Pittsburgh and Niagara alone escaped surprise and each successfully resisted a siege. There is no positive evidence, but there is little doubt that the Senecas were involved in Pontiac's league and were active in their attack on Niagara. In the September following occurred the awful tragedy of the Devil's Hole, when a band of Senecas, of whom Honaye- wus, afterwards celebrated as Farmers Brothers, was one and Cornplanter probably another, ambushed a train of English army wagons, with an escort of soldiers, the whole numbering ninety-six men, three and a half miles below the Falls, and massacred every man except four. A few weeks later, on the 19th of October, 1763, there occurred the first hostile conflict in Erie county, of which there is any record, in which white men took part. It occurred probably at or near Black Rock. Si.x hundred British soldiers, under one Major Wilkins, were on their way in boats to rein- force their comrades in Detroit. A hundred and sixty of them, who were a half mile astern of the others, were suddenly fired on by a band of Senecas in a thicket on the shore. So close was their aim that thirteen men were killed or wounded at the first fire. Yihy soldiers landed and attacked the Indians. Three more soldiers were killed and twelve badh- wounded. It does not appear that the Indians suffered near as heavily as the English. In the Summer of 1764, General Bradstreet, with twelve hun- dred British and Americans came bv water to Fort Niagara. l8 INDIAN' COUNCIL AT FORT NIAGARA. accompanied by the indefatigable Sir William Johnson. A grand council of friendly Indians was held at the fort, among whom Sir William exercised his customary skill, and satisfactory treaties were made. But the Senecas held aloof, and were said to be meditating a renewal of the war. At length General Bradstreet ordered their immediate attendance, under penalty of the destruction of their settlements. They came, ratified the treaty and thenceforward adhered to it pretty faithfully, notwithstand- ing the peremptory manner in which it was obtained. In the meantime a fort had been erected on the site of Fort Erie, the first ever built there. In August, Bradstreet's army increased to nearly three thou- sand men, came up the river and proceeded up the south side of the lake, for the purpose of bringing the western Indians to terms, a task which was successfully accomplished without blood- shed. (The journey was made in open boats rigged with sails.) Now there was peace for awhile. The British coming up the Niagara usually landed at Fort Erie, where a post was all the while maintained, and going thence in open boats to Detroit, Mackinaw and other western forts. The commerce of the upper lakes consisted of supplies for the military posts, goods to trade with the Indians and furs received in return. The trade was carried on mostly in open boats, pro- pelled by oars, with the occasional aid of a temporary sail. There were, however, at least two or three English trading ves- sels on Lake Erie before the Revolution. One, called the Beaver, is known to have been lost in a storm, and is believed by the best authorities to have been wrecked near the mouth of Eigteen-Mile creek, and to have furnished the relics found in that vicinity b)' early settlers. All the western part of the Colony of New York was nomin- ally a part of Albany county up to 1772. In that year a new county was formed embracing all that part of the colony west of the Delaware river, and of a line running northeastward from the head of that stream through the present Count}' of Scho- harie, thence northward along the east line of Montgomer)', Fulton and Hamilton counties, and continuing in a straight line to Canada. It was named Tryon in honor of William Tr\'on, then the Royal Governor of Ne\\' York. Guy Johnson, Sir DEATH OF SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON. I9 William's nephew and son-in-law, was the earliest " first Judge" of the Common Pleas, with the afterward celebrated John But- ler as one of his associates. Sir William Johnson, an able mili- tary commander and Indian agent long in the employ of the British government, died suddenly, at Johnstown, near the Mohawk in 1774. Much of his influence over the Six Nations descended to his son, Sir John Johnson, and his nephew. Col. Guy Johnson. The latter became his successor in the ofifice of Superintendent of Indian Affairs. 20 TREATY BETWEEN THE INDIANS AND HRITISH. CHAPTER V. THE REVOLUTION. Four Iroquois Tribes Hostile — The Oswego Treaty — Scalps — Brant — Guien- gwahtoh — Wyoming — Cherry Valley — Sullivan's Expedition — Senecas Settle in Erie County — Gilbert Family — Pence. In 1775, the Revolution began. Tlie new Superintendent made good his influence over all of the Six Nations except the Oneidas and Tuscaroras. John Butler established himself at Fort Niagara and organized a- regiment of Tories, known as Butler's Rangers, and he and the Johnsons used all their influ- ence to induce the Indians to attack the Americans. The Sen- ecas held aloof for a while, but the prospect of both blood and pay was too much for them to withstand, and in 1777 they, in common with Cayugas, Onondagas and Mohawks, made a treaty with the British at Oswego, agreeing to serve the King through- out the war. Fort Niagara became, as it had been during the French war the key of all this region, and to it the Iroquois constantly looked for support and guidance. Their raids kept the whole frontier for hundreds of m.iles in a state of terror, and were attended by the usual horrors of savage warfare. Among the celebrated Iroquois Chiefs in the Revolution was Theyendenega (or Joseph Brant), a Mohawk, and Guiengwah- toh and Honayewus (or Farmer's Brother), Cornplanter, and Governor Blacksnake, of the Senecas. The slaughter and devastation in the \\'\-oming valley, in Pennsylvania, and the massacre at Cherry Valley, in the State of New Yot"k, and other events of a similar kind on a smaller scale, induced Congress and Cieneral Washington to send an army against the Six Nations in the Summer of 1779. General Sullivan, the commander, marched up the Susquehana to Tioga Point, where he was joined by a brigade under Gen. James Clinton (father of DeWitt Clinton), and then with a force of about 4,000 men, moved up the Chemung to near the site of Klmira- There Colonel Butler, with a small body of Indians THK SKNF.CAS IX l-.RIK (■()rNI\'. 21 and Tories, x'ariousK' estimated at from six lumdred to fifteen hundred men, had thrown up intrenchments, and a battle was foui^ht. Butler was defeated, retired with considerable loss, and made no further resistance. Sullivan advanced and destroyed all the Seneca villages on the Genesee and about Cieneva, burn- iuL;- wii^wams and cabins, cuttint;^ down orchards, cuttint:^ up <;"rowin;^ corn and utterl)' clewistatins^ the country. The Senecas fled in great disma\' to fort Niagara. The Onondaga village had iti the meantime been destroyed by another force, but it is plain that the Senecas were the ones who were chiefly feared, and against whom the vengeance of the Americans was chiefly directed. After thoroughly lading waste their country, the Americans returned to the east. The Senecas had not only cornfields, but gardens, orchards and sometimes comfortable houses. They were the most pow- erful and warlike of all the Six Nations, but their spirits were much broken by this disaster. It was with difficult}' that the British authorities procured sufficient rations to sustain the Indians through the severe Winter of 1779-80, at Niagara. As Spring approached the English made earnest efforts to reduce the expense, by persuading the Indians to make new- settlements and plant crops. In the Spring of 1780, a considerable body of Senecas came up from Fort Niagara and established themselves on Buffalo Creek, about four miles above its mouth. This as far as known A\as the first permanent settlement of the Senecas in Erie county. They had probably had huts here to use while hunt- ing and fishing, but no regular villages. In fact, this settle- ment of the Senecas in the Spring of 1780, was probably the first permanent occupation of the count}' since the destruction of the Neuter Nation, a hundred and thirty-five years before. The same Spring another band located themselves at the mouth of the Cattaraugus. The Indians who settled on Buffalo creek brought with them several members of a Quaker family b}' the name of (iilbert who had been captured a few months prexious on the borders of Pennsylvania. After the war, this family published a narra- tive of their capti\'it}', which gives valuable information regard- ing this period of our history. 22 SURRENDER OF CORNWALLIS. Immediately on the arrival of the Indians the squaws began to clear the land and prepare it for corn, while the men built some log huts and then went out hunting. In the beginning of the Winter of 1780-81, two British officers. Captain Powell and Lieutenant Johnston, came to the settlement on Buffalo creek and remained until toward Spring. They were probably sent by the British authorities at Fort Niagara to aid in putting the new settlement on a solid foundation. They made strenuous efforts to obtain the release of Rebecca and Benjamin, two of the younger members of the Gilbert family, but the Indians were unwilling to give them up. This Lieutenant Johnston afterward located at Buffalo, and was known to the early settlers as Capt. William Johnston. It must have been about this time that Johnston took unto himself a Seneca wife, for his son, John Johnston, was a young man when Buffalo was laid out, in 1803. Captain Powell had married Jane Moore, a girl who, with her mother and others of the family, had been captured at Cherry Valley. Captain (afterwards Colonel) Powell is frequently and honor- ably mentioned in several accounts as doing everything in his power to ameliorate the condition of the captives among the Indians. Through his influence and exertions, several of the Gilbert family were released from captivity and sent to Mon- treal. In the Spring of 1781, Captain Powell was sent to dis- tribute provisions, hoes and other implements among the Indians. At the distribution, the Chiefs of every band came for shares, each having as many sticks as there were persons in his band, in order to insure a fair division. In October, 1 78 1, Cornwallis surrendered, and thenceforth there were no more active hostilities. Rebecca Gilbert and Benjamin Gilbert, jr., were released the next year. This appears to have been managed by Colonel Butler, who, to give him his due, always seemed willing to befriend the captives, though constantly sending out his sav- ages to make new ones. Not until the arrangements were all made did the Indians inform Rebecca of her approaching freedom. With joyful heart she prepared for the journey, making bread and doing other needful work for her captors. PEACK l••()RM.\I.I.^■ DKCl.ARKI). 23 Then by canoe and on foot she aiid her brother were taken to Fort Niai^ara, and, after a conference, the last two of tlie ill-fated Gilbert family were released from captivity in June, I7'inij east of a meridian line beginning at a point in the north line of Pennsylvania, twelve miles west of the southwest corner of Phelps and Gorham's tract and running due north to Lake Ontario, supposed to contain about five hundred thousand acres. The above tract took the name of " The Morris Reserve." from the fact that he retained that tract in the sale which he afterwards made to the Holland company. 32 THE HOLLAND COMPANY. CHAPTER VIII. Historical Deduction of the Holland Company's Title — A Curious Fact — Indian Council at Geneseo — Indian Reservation^Joseph Ellicott the Principal Surveyor — Other Surveyors — The Transit Instrument — Run- ning the East Transit Line — Running the Mile-Sirip Line a ong the Niagara River — Buffalo Creek — Williamsburg — "Transit Store House" — The First Wagon Track on the Holland Purchase— Buffalo in 179S — First Crops Raised on the Holland Purchase —The Three Taverns Located — The First Woman on the Holland Purchase. The last four tracts described in the conveyances of the land purchased of Massachusetts, by Robert Morris, were con- veyed by him, by four separate deeds, as follows: First deed from Robert Morris and wife, to Herman Le Roy and John Linklaen, for one and a half million acres, dated December 24, 1 792. Second deed from Robert Morris and wife, to Herman Le Roy, John Linklaen and Gerrit Boon for one million acres, dated February 27, 1793. Third deed from Robert Morris and wife, to Herman Le Roy, John Linklaen and Gerrit Boon, for eight hundred thousand acres, dated July 20, 1793. Fourth deed from Robert Morris and wife, to Herman Le Ro}% William Bayard and Matthew Clarkson, for three hundred thousand acres, dated July 20, 1793. These tracts were purchased with the funds of certain gen- tlemen in Holland, and held in trust b\' the several grantees for their benefit, as they, being aliens, could not purchase and hold real estate in their own names, according to the then existing laws of the State. After several changes in the trus- tees, and transfers of portions of the land, sanctioned b}' the Legislature, the whole tract was conveyed by the trustees, by three separate deeds to the Holland compan\', or rather to the individuals in their own names, composing three separate branches of the company. Although these deeds of con\'e\'ance were given to three distinct companies of proprietors, their interests were so closely blended, several ot the same persons, having large interests in each of the three different estates; they appointed one general '11 1 1'-. DITCH I'kol'RIKl'okS. 33 agent for the whole, who manaj^ed the coneerns of the tract generally, as though it belonged to the same proprietors, making no distinction which operated in the least on the settlers and purchasers, but sinii)l\- keeping the accounts of each separate, when practicable, and apportioning /n^ /v^/c?, all expenses when blended in the same transaction, for the benefit of the whole. The general agent likewise appointed the same local or resident agent for the three companies owning this tract in Western New York. The onl)- difference between its consisting of one or more tracts discernable by the purchaser of lands, was, in executing contracts or conveyances, the agents used the names of the respective proprietors of each tract. Under this state of things, we shall denominate the whole of the proprietors holding under these three deeds, "The Holland Company," and the lands conveyed by those deeds the "Holland Purchase.'' It is a curious fact that when the Dutch proprietors were par- celing out the tract among the three different branches of the company, it was mutually agreed among the whole, that Messrs. Wilhem Willink, Jan Willink, Wilhem VVillink the younger, and Jan Willink the younger, should have three hundred thousand acres, located in such part of the whole tract as they should select. In making their selection they located their three hundred thousand acres in nearl)- a square form, in the south-east corner of the tract, for the reason that it was nearest Philadelphia, the residence of their general agent. This selection contained the territory now comprising the towns of Bolivar, Wirt, Friendship, the east part of Belfast, (ienesee, Clarksville and Cuba, in Allegany county; Portville and the east parts of Ischua and Hinsdale, in Cattaraugus county. This location will give the reader who is acquainted with the geography of the country, some idea of the knowledge, or rather want of knowledge, of the Dutch proprietors, of the situation and relative advantages of the different portions of their vast domains. This sale by Robert Morris to the Holland company was made before the Indian title to the land was extinguished, accompanied by an agreement on his part to extinguish that title, with the assistance of the company, as soon as practicable ; therefore at a council of the Seneca Indi.uis, hekl at Geneseo, 2 34 I NDI AN RESERV ATION.'^. on the Genesee river, in the month of September, 1797, at which Jeremiah Wadsworth attended as commissioner for the United States, and William Shepherd as agent for Massachusetts, Robert Morris in fulfilment of his several contracts with the Holland company, and to other persons to whom he had sold land on this tract, acting by his agents, Thomas Morris and Charles Williamson, extinguished the Indian title to all the land, the pre-emption right of which he had purchased of Mas- sachusetts, except the following Indian reservations, viz ; The Cannawagus reservation, containing two square miles, lying on the west bank of Genesee river, west of Avon. Little Beard's and Big Tree reservations, containing together four square miles, lying on the west bank of the Genesee river, opposite Geneseo. Squakie Hill reservation, containing two square miles, lying on the north bank of the Genesee river, north of Mount Morris. Gardeau reservation, containing about twenty- eight square miles, lying on both sides of Genesee river, two or three miles south of Mount Morris. The Canadea reserva- tion, containing sixteen square miles, lying each side of, and extend eight miles along the Genesee river, in the county of Allegany. The Oil Spring reservation, containing one square mile, lying on the line between Allegany and Cattaraugus counties. The Allegany reservation, containing forty-two square miles, lying on each side of the Allegany river and extending from the Pennsylvania line northeaswardly about twenty-five miles. The Cattaraugus reservation, containing forty-two square miles, lying on each aide and near the mouth of the Cattaraugus creek, on Lake Erie. The Buffalo reserva- tion, containing one hundred and thirty square miles, lying on both sides of Buffalo creek, and extending east from Lake Erie about seven miles wide. The Tonawanda reservation, containing seventy square miles, lying on both sides of Tonawanda creek, beginning about twenty-five miles from its mouth, and extending eastwardly about seven miles wide ; and the Tuscarora reservation, containing one square mile, being about three miles east of Lcwiston on the Mountain Ridge. Theophilus Cazenove, the general agent of the Holland company, resident at Philadelphia, in July, 1797, had engaged 11 IK srK\ i:\' Co.MMKXCKI). Mr. loscpli ICllicott, as principal surveyor of the conii^any's lands in Western New York, whenever their title should be [jcrfected and possession obtained, and likewise, to attend the before-mentioned council, and assist Messrs. W. Bayard and J. Linklaen, who were to attend and act as assents for the corn- pan}' [sill) rasa) for the purpose of promoting- the interests of their principals in an\- treaty which mi<;ht be made with the Indians. Mr. Ellicott attended the council accordingly, and rendered valuable services to the purchasers. This period was the commencement of upwards of twenty years" re<;ular active service rendered by Mr. Ellicott to the Holland company, in conducting their affairs and executing laborious enterprises for their benefit. As soon as the favorable result of the proceedings of this council was known, Mr. Ellicott proceeded immediately to prepare for the traverse and survey of the north and northwest bounds of the tract. As soon as the necessary preparatory steps could be taken, Mr. Ellicott, as surveyor for the Holland company, and Augustus Porter, in the same capacity, for Robert Morris, for the purpose of estimating the quantity of land in the tract, started a survey at the northeast corner of Phelps and Gorham's tract, west of Genesee river, and trav- ersed the .south shore of Lake Ontario to the mouth of Niagara riv^er, thence up the eastern shore of Niagara river to Lake Erie, thence along the southeast shore of Lake Erie to the west bounds of the State of New York being a meridian line running due south from the west end of Lake Ontario, which had been previously established by Andrew Ellicott, Surveyor-General of the United States, assisted b\- Joseph Ellicott. All which was perfected by the middle of Novem- ber following. Before Mr. Ellicott left Western New York for Philadelphia, he contracted with Thomas Morris to deliver on the Genesee river or shore of Lake Ontario near the mouth of that river, one hundred barrels of pork, fifteen barrels of beef, and two hundred and seventy barrels of flour, for the supply of the surveyors and their assistants the ensuing season. Mr. Ellicott, at the request of the Agent-General, made a list of articles to be provided for the next .season's campaign, consisting of a 36 SUBDIVISION OF WWNSHIPS. diversity of articles, from pack-horses to horse-shoes, nails and gimlets — from tents to towels — from barle}' and rice to choco- late, coffee and tea, and from camp-kettles to teacups ; esti- mated to amount to $7,213.33. This statement, however, did not include medicine, " or wine, spirits, loaf-sugar, &c., for headquarters." Mr. EUicott likewise calculated the wages of surveyors and other hands, for six months of the next season, at $19,830. Although the great divisions of the Holland Purchase was intended to consist of townships six miles square, the division of the tract among the three sets of proprietors, the Indian reservations which were not included in the townships, as well as the offsets and sinuosities existing in most of the boundaries, prevented a large portion of the townships conforming to this standard. The townships are situated in ranges running from south to north. The townships in each range of townships beginning to number one at the south, rising regularly in number to the north, and the ranges of townships beginning to number one at the east, and proceeding regularly west, to fifteen. The first plan of the Agent-General of the compan}-, relative to the subdivision of the townships, was to divide each town- ship, which was six miles square, into sixteen portions one and a half miles square, to be called sections, and each section again subdivided into twelve lots, each lot to be three-fourths of a mile long (generally north and south), and one-fourth of a mile wide, containing about one hundred and twent}' acres each ; presuming that a wealthy farmer would buy a section, whereon to locate himself and his progeny. Twenty-four townships were surveyed or commenced to be surveyed in con- formity to that plan, although the uniformity of the size and shape of lots was often departed from, where large streams, such as the Tonawanda, running through the townships, were, for convenience, made boundaries of lots. From experience, however, it was ascertained that, in the purchase of land, each individual, whether father, son, or son-in-law, would locate him- self according to his own choice or fancy. That this formal and regular division of land into farms, seldom was found to be in conformity to the topography of the country, nor to the ■|"IIE SUR\ KNORS. 37 different iXHjuireinents as to ciuaiitit}', likewise that tlie addition of sections to townships and lots, rendered the description of farms more complex, and increased the liability to err in defin- ing any particular location ; for which reasons, the practice of dividing townships in sections was abandoned, and thereafter, the townships were simply divided into lots of about sixty chains or three-fourths of a mile square, which could be divided into farms to suit the topography of the land and quantity required by the purchasers. In those townships which the sur- veys had commenced to divide into sections, and not com- pleted, the remaining sections were divided into four lots only of three-fourths of a mile square each. These lots conse- quently contained about three hundred and sixty acres each, but could not be laid off exactly uniform in shape and area, for the same reason heretofore given in a note, why the townships could not be laid off exactly uniform. Early in the Spring of 1788, Mr. Ellicott dispatched Adam Hoops, jr., a nephew of Major Adam Hoops, from Philadelphia, to Western New York, with general powers to prepare for opening the approaching campaign of surveying the Holland Purchase, and to co-operate with Augustus Porter, who had previously been engaged to procure horses, employ hands, and transport stores from the places of their delivery by the con- tractor, Mr. Morris, to the places where they would be required for consumption. The principal surve)^ors engaged during the active season of 1798, in township, meridian line and reservation surveys, and in lake and river traverses, were as follows: Joseph and Benjamin Ellicott, JohnTompson, Richard M. Stoddard, George Burgess, James Dewey, David Ellicott, Aaron Oakford, jr., Augustus Porter, Seth Pease, James Smedly, William Shepherd, Geo. Eggleston. In addition to these, were two P'renchmen, MM. Haudecaur and Autrechy, who were employed in some surveys of Niagara river and the Falls. The last were rather engineers than surveyors. Mr. James Brisbane, then in his minority, came from Philadelphia, with Mr. Tompson, as clerk and store- keeper. Mr. Ellicott and his assistants having arrived on the territory, his first business was to ascertain and correctly establish the 38 Till-: "TRANSIT IXSTRrMKXr." c;ist line of the Purchase. He caused the PennsyKania Hne to be accurateh' measured from the southwest corner of Phelps and Gorham's purchase, on the eighty-second mile-stone, twelve miles west, and there erected a stone monument for the south- east corner of the Holland Purchase. The whole company was then divided into parties, to prosecute the undertaking to advantage. The principal surveyor, Joseph Ellicott, assisted by Benjamin Ellicott, one other surveyor and the requisite number of hands, undertook to run the eastern boundary line. The other surveyors, each with his c[uota of hands, were assigned to run different township lines. A line running due north from the monument established as the south-east corner by Mr. Ellicott, to the boundary line between the United States and the dominions of the King of Great Britain, in Lake (3ntario, according to the deeds of con- veyance from Robert Morris to the company, constitutes the east line of their purchase. To run a true meridian by the sur- veyor's compass Mr. Ellicott knew to be impracticable, he there- fore determined to run this line by an instrument, having for its basis the properties of the " Transit instrument " (an instru- ment made use of to observe the transits of the heavenly bodies), improved for this purpose by a newly-invented manner of accurately arriving at the same ; to effect this object, an instrument possessing all these qualities, was manufactured in Philadelphia by his brother, Benjamin Ellicott, as no instru- ment possessing all the qualities desired, was then to be found in the United States. This instrument had no magnetic needle attached to it, but its peculiar qualities and prominent advantages are, that by means of its telescopic tube and accurate manner of reversing, by it, a straight line can be correctly, and comparatively speak- ing, expeditiously run. But such an instrument, by reason of its magnifying powers, is as ill calculated to run a line through the woods and underbrush, as would be a microscope to observe the transits of the satellites of Herschel. Therefore it became necessary to cut a vista through the woods on the highlands and on level ground, sufficient!}' wide to admit a clear and uninterru})ted view. Mr, Ellicott having provided himself with such an instrument. SUKVKV(JRS ARRIN'K .\r \V1 LMAMSliURO. 39 caused the vista to be cut, some three or four rods wide, ahead of the transit instrument, in a north direction as indi- cated by the compass, which sometimes led the axmen more than the width of the vista from the meridian sought ; there- fore the true meridian hne, called the transit line, from the name of the instrument with which it was run, being of no width, runs sometimes on one side of the middle of the vista cut in advance, and sometimes on the other. Thus prepared with' a suitable instrument, Mr. Ellicott assisted by his brother, Benjamin Elllicott, together with sur- veyors and their assistants, established a true meridian line north from the corner monument, by astronomical observations, and pursued it with the transit instrument, taking new astronomical observations at different stations, to guard against accidental variations. The progress in running this line was slow, as it could not be otherwise expected, considering the great amount of labor nec- essary to be performed in clearing the vista, and taking other preparatory measures, and, above all, the vast importance of having it correctly established, which rendered anything like precipitance or haste, an experiment too hazardous to be per- mitted. June 1 2th, the party on this line had advanced so far north, that they established their store-house at Williamsburg (about three miles south of the village of Geneseo), and soon after Mr. Ellicott made it his headquarters at Hugh M'Nair's, in that vicinity. On the 22d day of November, following, eighty-one and a half miles of the line was established, which brought them within about thirteen miles of the shore of Lake Ontario. The precise date of its completion is unknowns. This line defined the west bounds of Mr. Church's one hun- dred thousand acres, but passed through the Cotringer, Ogden and Cragie tracts, about two miles from their west boundaries, as described in the deeds of conveyance from Robert Morris to the several grantees ; but as their titles were of a later date than the conveyance to the Holland Company, no deviation from the first established meridian was made by Mr. Ellicott. On arriving at the south line of the one hundred thousand acre tract, conveyed by Robert Morris to Leroy Bayard and M'Evers, now called the Connecticut tract (the conveyance of 40 DIFFICULT WORK Acro.MI'LISHK] ). which, from Robert Morris, claimed seniority over that to the Holland Company). Mr. Ellicott found that his meridian inter- sected the south line of that tract, one hundred and sixty-six chains thirty links east of its southwest corner, on which he moved his position that distance to the west, from which point he ran the transit due north to Lake Ontario. Although the eastern bank of the Niagara river had been traversed, the east bounds of the New York mile strip had not been ascertained, and the state would participate in it no further than to give the proprietors of the land adjoining, to wit : the Holland Company liberty to run the line at their own expense, and if so run as to be approved by the Surveyor Gen- eral of the state, it should be established as permanently located, and passed a law to that effect. This was undoubtedly the most difficult piece of surveying ever performed in the state. At the north end where the river disembogued itself into the lake, at almost right angles with its shores, there could no doubts arise, but at the south end of the straits or river, a dif- ferent state of things existed, Lake Erie narrowed gradually and became a river ; where the lake ends and the river begins may be considered a difficult question, but it was finally agreed between the parties interested, the river should be deemed to extend to where the water was one mile wide and there cease ; the line of the strip east of this point extending to the shore of Lake Erie, on an arc of a circle of one mile radius, the center being on the eastern bank at the termination of the lake and head of the river, giving to the strip all the land lying within a mile of the river, whether east or south. For this arc of the circle, which could not be practically run, a repetition of short sides, making a section of a regular poly- gon, was substituted. Seth Pease, a scientific surveyor and astronomer, was engaged in the fall of 1788, to run this line, who executed the survey in a masterly manner, and to the satis- faction of all the parties concerned. During the year 1799 and 1800, few events transpired relative to the settlement of the Holland Purchase, which require a cir- cumstantial detail, or would admit of one which would be inter- esting to the reader. The surveyors and their assistants, under the direction of their principal, Joseph Ellicott, continued the CAl'l'. WILLIAM J( )II\S'r( )\. 41 same stead}- routine of encamping in the woods, pitchinL( their tents, transportini,^ provisions, surveyin^r lines and striking their tents and removing to new positions ; and although at times many individuals, undoubtedly, suffered pain and endured hard- ships, such incidents must have been caused by accidental occurrences, unforeseen events or carelessness and imprudence in themselves or their companions, as the well-supplied coffers of the company, accompanied by their liberality, furnished sufficient means, and the provident care of Mr. Ellicott kept their storehouses well supplied with the best kind of provisions for that service, as well as other necessaries and many of the comforts of life. This might be seen from Mr. Ellicott's catalogue of items for the outfit of the first campaign, and its cost, heretofore referred to, which was adopted and its contents provided. (3f those events, however, the following deserve notice: The Indian treaty of 1797, in which the Indian title to the Holland Purchase was extinguished, except to certain reserva- tions, as has been before stated, prescribed the quantities con- tained in, and general shape and location of each reservation, leaving the precise locations of the boundary lines to be deter- mined thereafter. The Indians reserved 200,000 acres, one indefinite portion of which was to be located on Buffalo creek, at the east end of Lake Erie, and the remainder on Tonawanda creek. As the New York reservation excluded the Holland com- pany's land from the waters of Niagara river, and from the shore of Lake Erie one mile southerly from the river, it became very important to the company to secure a landing place and harbor at the mouth of Buffalo creek, and sufficient ground whereon to establish a commercial and manufacturing village or city. Capt. William Johnston, an Indian trader and interpreter, settled himself at the mouth of Buffalo creek at an early period under the auspices of the British government, and remained there until the Holland company had effected their purchase. His dwelling house stood south of Exchange and east of Wash- ington streets. Captain Johnston had procured of the Indians, by gift or purchase, two square miles of land at the mouth of 42 I'KEI'ARATIUNS FUR THE CAMPAIGN. Buffalo creek, including a large portion of the territory on which now stands the City of Buffalo. He had also entered into an agreement with the Indians which amounted to a life lease of a certain mill site and the timbered land in its vicinity, on condition of supplying the Indians with all the boards and plank they wanted for building at and near the creek. This site was about six miles east of the mouth of the creek. Al- though Johnston's title to this land was not considered to have the least validity, yet the Indians had the power and the inclina- tion to include it within their reservation, unless a compromise was made with Johnston, and, taking into consideration his influ- ence with them, the agents of the company concluded to enter into the following agreement with him, which was afterwards fully complied with and performed by both of the parties : Johnston agreed to surrender his right to the said two square miles and use his influence with the Indians to have that tract and his mill site left out of their reservation, in consideration of which the Holland company agreed to convey by deed to said Johnston, 640 acres, including the said mill site and adja- cent timbered land, together with forty-five and one-half acres, being part of said two square miles, including the buildings and improvements, then owned by Johnston, four acres of which were to be on the "point." These lands, as afterward definitely located, were a tract of forty-one and a half acres, bounded : north, by Seneca street, west by Washington street, and south by the Little Buffalo creek ; the other tract was bounded, east by Main street, south- westerly by the Buffalo creek, and northwesterly by Little BulTalo creek, containing about four acres. This matter will again be referred to, in connection with some further notice of early events in Buffalo. Mr. Ellicott, before leaving Philadelphia — in the time that intervened between his appointment and his departure — was activel}^ engaged in making all the necessary preparations for the campaign. David Rittenhouse, the eminent American philosopher, was then of the firm of Rittenhouse & Potts, mathematical and astronomical instrument makers, in Philadel- phia; orders were given for compasses, chains and staffs — all things in their line necessary to surveyors' outfits. Letters i)i;i'.\Kri'i»ps were again ordered ashore and the militia and most of th^' volunteers sent home, and the regulars put into winter quarters. The breaking up of the command was attended by scenes of the wildest confusion ; four thousand men firing off their guns, cursing General Smyth, their officers, the service, and every- thing connected with their military experience. The disgust of the public was equally great. Smyth became the object of universal derision. The mere fact of his twice waiting till his men were in boats for the purpose of invading Canada before calling a council of war to decide whether Canada should be invaded, showed him to be entirely deficient in the qualifica- tions of a general. On the 22nd of December, Smyth resigned his command to Col. Moses Porter, and retired to Virginia on leave of absence. Before his leave expired. Congress legislated him out of office. 4 66 ARRIVAL OF PERRY. CHAPTER XI. CAMPAIGN OF 1813. Arrival of Captain Perry, of the Navy — Fitting out a fleet — General Dearborn in command of the northern frontiers — Toronto captured— Fort George evacuated by the British — Americans occupy it — Americans occupy the whole Canadian side of the Niagara — Fortifying in Holland, Hamburg and Boston — Chapin's gallant exploit — The Senecas take part in the war — Battle at Black Rock, the British defeated — Perry's victory on Lake Erie — Harrison's victory on the Thames — General McCiure — Fort Niagara captured — General Hall. Early in March, Capt. Oliver Hazard Perry, of the United States Navy, a young man twenty-six years of age, of hand- some features and gallant bearing, arrived in Buffalo from the East, and after a brief stay, went forward to Erie to superin- tend the fitting out of a naval armament there. During the Winter, the Government had purchased a number of merchant vessels, for the purpose of converting them into men-of-war, and the construction of several new ones had been begun. Erie, from its comparatively secure harbor, had been selected as the naval headquarters. Five vessels, however, were fitted out in Scajaquada creek, and for several months Perry flitted back and forth between the two places, urging forward the work. In the fore part of April, soldiers began to arrive on the frontier. On the 17th of that month, Major-General Lewis and Brigadier-General Boyd arrived in Buffalo to assume com- mand according to their respective ranks. General Dearborn took cominand on the n'hole northern frontier. The British force on the other side of the Niagara was very weak. The campaign in the north was commenced by an expedi- tion from Sacket's Harbor, under General Dearborn and Commodore Chauncy, by which York (now Toronto) was cap- tured b\- a dashing attack, the gallant General Pike being killed by the explosion of the enemy's magazine. This triumph pre- vented the sending of re-enforcements to the British forts on AMERICANS OCCUPY FORT GEORGE. 67 the Niai^ara. and when our fleet appeared off Fort George, about the 25th of Ma)', it was immediately evacuated. The Americans, under General Lewis, crossed and occupied it. The same day, the commander at Fort Erie received orders under which he kept up a heavy cannonade on Black Rock until the following morning, when he blew up his magazines, destroyed his stores, and dismissed his men. All other public stores, barracks, and magazines, from Chippewa to Point Abino, were likewise destroyed. Lieutenant-Colonel Preston, the commandant at Black Rock, immediately crossed over and took possession. So at length the Americans had obtained possession of the Canadian side of the Niagara, and it would not seem that it need to have been difficult to retain it. But the lack of success in this respect, and in fact the greater part of the disasters of the war of 1812, were attributable no doubt to the blundering of the Government, the weakness of the Commanders, to loose dicipline and to the excessive short term of service of the drafted men and volunteers. As a gen- eral rule, if a volunteer of 18 12 stayed on the line three months he thought he had done something wonderful. In the fore part of 18 13, the inhabitants on the upper part of Cazenova creek combined and built a stockade of consider- able magnitude, on the farm of Arthur Humphrey, in Holland. About the same time Captain Bemis' barn, in Hamburg, was surrounded by a similar stockade. There was also a block- house built in that vicinity. Job Palmer's barn, in Boston, was likewise stockaded, and there may have been other fortifica- tions of the kind in the county. On the 23d of June, 18 13, a force of Americans started up the river from Fort Geoi-ge. It consisted of four or five hun- dred regular infantr\-, twenty regular dragoons and Chapin's company of forty-four mounted riflemen, the whole under Lieutenant-Colonel Bctrstler. On the 24th, when nine miles west of Queenston at a place called Beaver Dams, it was attacked by a force of British and Indians. After some skir mishing and marching, accompanied with slight loss, the assail, ants sent a flag to Colonel Bcerstler, and on the mere statement of the bearer that the British regular force was double the American, besides 700 Indians, that officer surrendered his 68 SIX NATION INDIANS ENROLLED. whole command. Chapin and his Erie county volunteers were sent to the head of Lake Ontario (now Hamilton), whence the Colonel, two officers and twenty-six privates were ordered to Kingston by water, under guard of a Lieutenant and fifteen men. They were all in two boats. When about twenty miles out on Lake Ontario Chapin and his comrades arose, captured the guard and rowed them to Fort George and delivered them as prisoners to the commandant. The British men-of-war still commanded the lake. About the 15th of June the five vessels which had been fitted up in Scajaquada creek, stole out of Black Rock and joined Perry at Erie. The Queen Charlotte and other British vessels, this year as last, hovered along the lake shore and occasionally sent a boat's crew ashore to depredate on the inhabitants of Hamburg and Evans. In the earl}' part of July, a skirmish took place near Fort George, in which an American Lieutenant and ten men were captured, who were never heard of more, and were supposed to have been slain by the savages. Then General Boyd accepted the services of the warriors of the Six Nations. Those then enrolled numbered 400, and there were 550 in the ser\'ice in all. General Dearborn had withdrawn all the regular soldiers from Buffalo and Black Rock, leaving a large amount of public stores entirely undefended. Being advised, however, of the danger of a raid, he ordered ten artillerists to be stationed at the block- house at Black Rock, and called for 500 militia from the neighboring counties. Between a hundred and fifty and two hundred of these arrived at the threatened point earl}- in Jul)-, and were stationed at the warehouses at Black Rock, being under the command of Maj. Parmenio Adams, of Genesee County. They had three pieces of field artillery and near by was a battery of four heavy guns. Nearly a hundred recruits for the regular infantry and dragoons on their way to Dear- born's headquarters, under Captain Cummings, were ordered to stop at Buffalo. Judge (Granger was directed to engage as many Seneca warriors as he could, and General Porter who was then staying at his residence at Black Rock, was requested to take command of the whole. By the loth of July Judge Granger had received such positive information of an immediate GENERAL PORTER's ESCAPE. 69 attack, accompanied by sjiccial threats a^^ainst himself, that he iinited some Indians to come to his house north of the Scajaquada creek. Thirt\'-seven of them arrived at II o'clock that (Saturday) ni<^dit under the lead of I^\'u-mer's Brother. As the\- were not all armed, and as the Judt^e was confident that the enemy would be over the next day, he sent to the village and yot a full supply of arms and ammunition for his braves that niL^ht. The British headcjuarters were at Lundy's Lane, close by the Falls, where their expedition was fitted out. The commander was Lieutenant-Colonel Bishop. He had under him a part of the forty-first regiment of the British army, and a detachment of Canadian militia, commanded by Colonel Clark. They took boat at Chippewa, on the night of the loth, and after rowing against the current in the darkness several hours, landed just after daylight a mile below the mouth of the Scajac]uada. Forming his men, Colonel Bishop led them rapidl)^ up the river bank. There was a single sentinel at the Scajaquada bridge ; he flung away his musket, dodged into the woods, and took a bee-line for Williamsville. Major Adams' men attempted no resistance, but fled. General Porter had barely time to escape from his house, and without his arms. The victors, supposing no resistance would be made, set to work burning the block-houses and barracks, while the ofificers ordered breakfast at General Porter's. But a storm was gather- ing. When the militia first began to retreat, a messenger was sent to Buffalo, on whose arrival. Captain Cummings mustered his recruits and marched towards the scene of action. On his wa)' he met (General Porter, who ordered him to proceed to a piece of open ground not far from the site of the reservoir, and await re-enforcements. Taking a horse, sword and other eciui{)ments from one of Cumming's dragoons, the general galloped down to the village, where he found everything in confusion ; the women and children in a state of terror, and the men in the streets with arms in their hands, but doubtful whether to fight or flee. Being assured there was a chance of success, forty or fifty of them formed ranks under Caj)tain Bull, the commander of the Buffalo volunteer company, and marched to join Cummings. About a hundred of the retreating militia had been kept 70 farmer's brother and his warriors. together by Lieutenant Phineas Staunton, the adjutant of the battalion. Meanwhile, Major King, of the regular army, who was accidentally at Black Rock, on seeing the sudden retreat of the militia, hurried through the \\-oods to Judge Granger's (who lived beyond Cold Springs, on Main street), \\hence the alarm was speedily carried to the scattered inhabitants of " Buffalo Plains." F"armer's Brother at once gathered his war- riors and made them a little speech, telling them that they must now go and fight the red-coats ; that their country was invaded ; that they had a common interest with the people of the United States, and they must show their friendship for their American brethren b}' deeds, not words. The old chief- tain then led his little band to join his friend, General Porter. Volunteers, too, came hurrying to the village from the Plains and Cold Springs, until about thirty were gathered, who were placed under the command of Capt. William Hull, of the militia. General Porter now felt able to cope with the enemy. Bringing together his forces, numbering but about three hun- dred all told, at the open ground before-mentioned, he made his dispositions for an attack. As the foe held a strong position at Major Adams' encampment. Porter determined to attack him on three sides at once, to prevent the destructive use of artillery on a column in front. The regulars and Captain Bull's Buff volunteers formed the center. The Genesee militia, under Staunton, were on the left. Captain Hull's men and the Indians were in the woods on the right front. Farmer's Brother and his braves prepared for action ; they cjuickly ranged themselves in line with their chiefs, a few yards in front. At eight o'clock the signal for attack was given. The militia, gallantly led on by Staunton, and ashamed of their recent flight, dashed forward against the enemy. A fight of some fifteen or twenty minutes ensued, in which the militia stood up against the British regulars without flinching. The right flank of the Americans came up ; the Indians raised the war-whoop and opened fire. Colonel Bishop was severely wounded, and fell from his horse ; his men became demoral- ized, and when the regulars appeared in front, the enemy fled towards the water's edge. The whole American force then pressed forward together, the Indians making the forest resound GENERAL WILKINSON TAKES COMMAND. 7 1 with Scivage yells. The chief, Younc^ ^i'li^- 'intl another warrior were wounded. Part of the British wounded were carried off, but part were left on the field. .\t the Black Rock landing, the British rallied, but on the approach of the Americans, hastily retreated into some boats which they found there, leaving fifteen prisoners in the hands of their pursuers. Many were killed and wounded after enter- ing the boats, but tlie chief loss fell on the last one. It contained sixty men and most of the officers, including Colonel Bishop, who, notwithstanding his wounds, had insisted on remaining to the last. The whole American force came up to the bank and opened fire on this boat inflicting terrible injury. Two or three Indians even sprang into the water, siezed the boat by the gun- wale and endeavored to direct it ashore, but were compelled to desist by the fire of their friends in the rear. Captain Saunders, of the British Forty-first, was severely wounded at the water's edge and left a prisoner. Colonel Bishop was pierced with several bullets, receiving wounds of which he died, and several other ofificers were killed or wounded. The enemy were said at the time to have acknowledged a total loss in killed, wounded and prisoners of nearly a hundred. The Americans lost three killed and seven wounded. The militia were in the front of the fray throughout, and gallanth" retrieved their tarnished reputation. Their good conduct was doubtless due largely to the example of Adjutant Staunton, who also distinguished himself on several other oc- casions in tlie war of 1812. All accounts speak in high terms of the conduct of the Seneca warriors. iMthough the numbers engaged in this affair were not large, it was cjuite an exciting conflict, and is of importance as showing the value of one or two resolute ofificers, in rallying and inspiriting a body of raw troops, utterly demoralized by less ef^cient leadership. Just before this event. General Dearborn had resigned the chief command on the northern frontier, and soon after General Wilkinson was appointed in his ])lace. General Porter and Colonel Chapin gathered up another bod\' of volunteers and went down to Fort (ieorge, taking a hundred or so Indians with them. A plan was concerted to cut off one of the enemy's pickets 72 PERRY AND HARRISON S SUCCESS. on the morning of the 17th of August, Chapin and Porter went out west from Fort George for the purpose. A heavy rain re- tarded their progress, so the picket was not captured, but a fight ensued in wliich the volunteers and Indians captured sixteen prisoners and killed a considerable number of the enemy who were left on the field. Chapin and his volunteers and most of the Indians continued to operate in the vicinity of Fort George until the 7th of September, when they returned to Buffalo. A few days later came the news of " Perry's Victory" on Lake Erie, which caused great rejoicing among the people. Immediately succeeding Perry's victory, came that of Harrison over Proctor and Tecumseh. It being supposed that the upper peninsula was pretty well cleared of foes, General Wilkinson's forces were nearly all withdrawn to the lower end of Lake Ontario. The force left behind by Wilkinson, was under the command of Gen. George McClure, of Steuben county, a brigadier- general of the New York militia, who made his headquarters at Fort George. On the 6th of October, Colonel Chapin had an all-day skirmish with some British outposts near Fort George. On the 24th of October, Harrison and Perry with their vic- torious army and fleet, came down the lake to Buffalo. On the 25th a dinner was given to the two commanders at " Pome- roy's Eagle." The next day Harrison and his army crossed the river and went down to Fort George and thence in a short time to Sackett's Harbor. General McClure was thus left with about a thousand militia, two hundred and fifty Indians and sixty regulars. The terms of the militia were fast expiring, and they would not stay a day longer. Another draft was ordered about the middle of November of six hundred men from Hopkins' brigade, under Lieutenant Colonel Warren. These marched to Fort George and remained nearly a month. When the term of Warren's regiment was about to expire, McClure determined to abandon Fort George. In this he was unquestionably justifiable, as his remaining force would have been entirely inadequate to defend it. But he, at the same time, took a step cruel in itself and fraught with woe to the American frontier. He ordered the burning of the CAl'TURK OK FDRl" \lA(,.\kA. /J lloun'sliin^" xilla^c of Newark, situated close to the fort aiul containin<^ about one hundred and fift\' liouses. 'Ilie inhabit- ants were turned out in the snow, and the torch ai)j)hed to every buildini;" in tlie phice. McClure nio\ed tlie remnant of his force across tlie river, closely ])ressed b}- the enrai;ed British, leavin<^ Fort Niagara defended by a hundred and fift)' ret^ulars, he called two hundred others from Canandaigua to Buffalo On the morning of December 19th, h\^rt Niagara was surprised and captured by a small British force through the criminal negligence of its commander, who was at his residence four miles away. Before leaving Buffalo, McCIure called out the men of Gen- esee, Niagara and Chautauqua counties en masse, and on arriving at Batavia, on the 22d of December, he turned over the com- mand to Major General Hall, the commander of this division of militia. That ofificer who manifested no lack of zeal, sent forward all the troops he could raise and proceeded to Buf- falo himself, on the 25th, leaving McClure to organize and for- ward r e i n f o re e m e n t s . 74 I'RErARATIOXS FOR DEFENSE. CHAPTER XII. BURNING OF BUFFALO. Number of Troops — The Enemy's Approach — Movements in Defense — Attack and Repulse — Battle of Black Rock — The Retreat — The Flight — Univer- sal Confusion — The Indians — Chapin's Negotiation — Mrs. St. John — The Village in Flames - Murder of Mrs. Lovejoy — The Enemy Retire - The Slain — Calvin Cary^McClure to Blame — The Flight in the Country — The Buffalo Road— The Big Tree Road— Exaggerated Reports — Return of the British- — More Burning — The Scene at Reese's — Building Relief. On the 27th of December, General Hall reviewed the forces at Buffalo and Black Rock, \\hich were thus described in his report. At Buffalo there were a hundred and twenty-nine mounted volunteers under Colonel Broughton, of Ontario county, four hundred and thirty-three Ontario county volun- teers under Colonel Blakeslie, one hundred and thirty-six Buf- falo militia under Colonel Chapin, ninety-seven Canadian vol- unteers under Colonel Mallory, and three hundred and eighty- two Genesee county militia under Major Adams. At Black Rock there were three hundred and eighty-two under Colonel Warren and Churchill, thirty-seven mounted men under Captain Ransom, eighty-three Indians under Colonel Granger, one piece of field artillery under Lieutenant Seeley. The aggregate force at both places according to the re[)ort was about seven- teen hundred. Colonel Warren lived in Aurora and his regi- ment was from the south towns of Erie county. On the 29th, there arrived a regiment of Chautaucjua count}' militia under Col- onel McMahan, numbering about three hundred men, bringing the aggregate force to about tw^o thousand. Besides Seeley's field-piece, there were seven other cannon at the two villages, but none of them mounted on carriages. Several of them were in a battery at the top of the hill over- looking Black Rock, and with them was May Dudley with a part of Warren's regiment ; the rest, \\ ith Churchill's detach- ment, were in the Village of Black Rock. >\bout midnight of the 29th, a detachment of the enemy landed a little below r.HNKRAi, iiAi.i, ()KI)i;rs ax at tack. 75 Scajaquada creek. The news was at -ing the fort surrendered, without awaiting an attack. The afternoon of the ^rtl, Scott marchetl sexeral miles down the Niagara, and on the morning of the 4th, drove in the enemy's advanced posts. He was followed by Brown and Rip- ley, and both brigades established themselves on the south side of Street's creek, two miles south of Chippewa. On the left, three-fourths of a mile from Niagara, was a dense and some- what swampy forest on both sides of Street's creek, extending to within three-fourths of a mile of Chippewa creek, which was bordered for that purpose by a level cleared plain. On the north side of that creek, the British arm\'la\- inlrcnclud. The 84 ADVANCING TOWARD THE ENEMY. two armies were concealed from each other's sight by a narrow strip of woodhind, reaching from the main forest to ^\•ithin a hundred yards of the riv^er bank. During the night of the 4th, the Americans were much an- noyed by Indians and Canadians lurking in the forest, who drove in their pickets and threatened their flanks. Late that night General Porter crossed the river with his Indians and Pennsylvanians, and in the morning marched to- ward Chippewa. He was met on the road by General Brown, who spoke of the manner in which he had been annoyed by lurkers in the forest, and proposed that Porter should dri\'e them out, declaring confidently that there would be no British regulars south of the Chippewa that da)\ Still, he said, he would order Scott to occupy the open ground beyond Street's creek in support of Porter. The latter accepted the proposition of his chief, and at three o'clock started to put it in execution. The Indians assumed their usual full battle-dress, of mantur- nipline, breech-clout, moccasins, feathers and paint, and the war- chiefs then proceeded to elect a leader. Their choice fell on Captain Pollard, a veteran of Wyoming and man}^ other fights. Porter left two hundred of his Pennsylvanians in camp, think- ing their presence needless, and formed the other three hun- dred into one rank on the open ground, half a mile south of Street's creek, their left resting on the forest. The whole five or six hundred Indians were also formed in one rank in the woods, their right reaching to the left of the whites. General Porter stationed himself between the two wings of his com- mand, with Captain Pollard on his left. He was also attended by two or three stafT ofTficers, by Hank Johnson, the interpreter, and by several regular officers, who had volunteered to see the fun. Ked Jacket was on the extreme left of the Indian line. A company of regular infantry followed as a reserve. The war- chiefs took their places twenty yards in front of their braves, and a few scouts were sent still further in advance. Then, at a given signal, the whole line moved forward, the whites marching steadily \\ith shouldered arms on the plain, the naked Indians gliding through the forest with cat-like treatl, their bodies bent forward, their rifles held ready for instant rXDlAX M.Wd'.UVRINC. 85 use, their feathers nocUlini; at every step, their fierce eyes llashiiiL;- in every direction. Suddenly one of the cliiefs made a sii,mal, and tlie whole line of painted warriors sank to the i^round as quickly and as noiselessly as the sons of Clan Alpine at the command of Roderick Dim. This manceuvre was a jKirt of their primitive tactics, and the chiefs rapidly assembled to consult over some rei)ort broui^ht back by a scout. At another sit;nal the warriors spranc;- up and the feather-crested line again moved through the forest. The manctuvre was repeated when the scouts brought back word that the enemy was await- ing them on the north bank of Street's creek, General Porter was informed of this fact and made some slight changes in his arrangements, and again the line advanced with increased speed. As the Indians approached the creek, they received the fire of a force of British Indians and Canadians stationed there. They instantly raised a war-whoop that resounded far over the Niagara, and charged at the top of their speed. The foe at once fled. The Iroquois dashed through the little stream and bounded after them, whooping, yelling, shooting, cleaving sculls and tearing off scalps like so many demons. Many were overtaken, but few captured. Occasionally, however, a Seneca or Cayuga would seize an enemy, unwind his maturnipline, bind him with surprising quickness and then go trotting back to the rear, holding one end of the maturnip as a man might lead a horse by the halter. Such speed and bottom were displayed by the Indians that neither the regulars nor volunteers were able to keep up with them. For more than a mile the pursuit was maintained in the words of General Porter, " through scenes of frightful havoc." At length the Indians who had got considerable in advance, emerged upon the ojien ground three-quarters of a mile from Chippewa creek, where they were received with a tremendous fire from the greater part of the British regular army, draw-n in line of battle on the plain. It looked as if General Riall had determined to attack the Americans, and had sent forward his light troops to bring on a battle, expecting, probably, that the whole American force would get exhausted in pursuit, and become an easy prey to his fresh battalion. 86 f]j-:ei\(; ix confusion. The fact that the pursuit was carried on by the American h'l^ht troops and Indians alone broke up, and, in fact, reversed this programme. The warriors c|uickl\' fled from the de-^truct- ive fire in front. General Porter, supposing that it came from the force they had been pursuing, rallied the greater part of them, formed them again on the left of his volunteers and moved forward to the edge of the woods. Again the long red-coated battalions opened fire. The volunteers stood and exchanged two or three volleys with them, but when the enemy dashed forward with the bay- onet, Porter, seeing nothing of Scott with the supports, gave the order to retreat. Both whites and Indians fled in the greatest confusion. On came the red-coats at their utmost speed, supposing they had gained another easy victory, and that all that was necessary was to catch the runaways. The Indians being the best runners and unencumbered with clothing, got ahead in the retreat as they had in the advance, but the whites did their best to keep up with them. The flight continued for a mile, pursuers as well as pursued becoming greatly disorganized, and the speed of the fugitives being acceler- ated by the constant bursting of shells from the enemy's artillery. Approaching Street's creek, Scott's brigade was found just crossing the bridge and forming line. They took up their posi- tions with the greatest coolness under the fire of the British artillery, but Porter claimed that through the fault of either Scott or Brown, they were very much behind time. The former General was always celebrated for his prompt- ness, and the fault, if there was one, was probabh' with Brown. Perhaps he didn't expect Porter's men to run so fast, either going or coming. The result, however, was as satisfactory- as if this precipitate retreat had been planned to draw forward the foe. Ripley's brigade was at once sent off to the left, through the woods, to flank the enemy. The fugitives as they ran also bore to the w estward, and Scott's fresh battalion came into line in perfect order, making somewhat merry over the haste of their red and white comrades. TiiK Kn.i.ED AND \V( )r M )i:i ). 87 Some of ihc Iiulians had taken tlicir sons, from twelve to sixteen years old, into battle to initiate them in the business of war. One of these careful fathers was now seen running at his best speed, with liis son on his shoulders. Just as he passed the left flank of Scott's brigade, near where the General and his stafT sat on their horses, superintending the formation of the line, a shell burst directly over the head of the panting war- rior. " Ugh," he exclaimed in a x'oice of terror, bounding sev- eral feet from the ground. As he came down he fell to the earth, and the lad tumbled off. Springing up, the older Indian ran on at still greater speed than before, leaving the }'oungster to pick himself up and scamper away as best he might. The scene was greeted with a roar of laughter by the young ofificers around Scott, who rebuked them sharply for their levity. In a few moments they had plenty of serious work to occupy their attention. The Americans reserved their fire till the encm\- was within fift\- }'ards, when they poured in so deadly a voile}' that the British instantly fell back. They were quickly rallied and led to the attack, but were again met with a terrific fire, under which they retreated in hopeless disorder. Scott pursued them beyond the strip of woods before mentioned, when the}' fled across the Chippewa into their intrenchments and tore up the bridge, Scott's brigade then lay down on the open plain north of the woods. By order of General Brown, who was in the midst of the fight. Porter took his 200 reserve Pennsylvanians to the left of Scott's brigade, where they, too, lay down under the fire of the l^ritish artiller}'. After a while Ripley's brigade came out of the woods cov- ered with mud, having had their march for nothing, as the enemy they had attempted to flank had run away before their flank could be reached. It not being deemed best to attack the foe in his intrenchments, directl}- in front, the Americans returned at nightfall to their encampment. The battle of Chippewa w;is the first, during the war of 1812, in which a large body of British regulars were defeated in the open field, and the Americans w ere immensely encouraged by it. Enlistment thereafter was much more rapid than before. The total British loss, as officially reported, was 514, of whom 88 INDIANS RETURNING To TIIKIK HOMES. between one and two hundred were found dead on the held by the victors. About two hundred and fifty were taken prison- ers, mostly wounded. The Americans had about fifty killed, a hundred and forty wounded and a few taken prisoners. The number of American re<^ulars engai^ed was 1,300. General Porter estimated the British regulars in the fight at 1,700. The Canadian Indians were so roughh' handled that they fled at once to the head of Lake Ontario, and ne\'er after took any part in the war. On the 7th of July, the 600 volunteers frtmi Western New York joined Porter's brigade, I have found no account of how they were organized nor of the localities from which they came. On the 8th, Ripley's brigade and these New York volunteers forced a passage of the Chippewa, three miles up, quickly driv- ing back the force stationed there. General Riall, finding himself flanked, destroyed his works and retreated rapidly to Oueenston and then to Fort George. Brown pursued and took up his quarters at Oueenston, but did not deem his force suffi- cient either to assault or besiege the fortress. On the 1 6th, Porter's brigade skirmished around the fort, to give the engineers a chance to reconnoitre, but nothing came of it. Meanwhile, the British received reinforcements and Brown determined to return to Fort Erie. Riall followed. Before arriving at the Falls, most of the Indians, through the arrange- ment of Red Jacket, obtained permission to retire to their homes, agreeing to return if the British Indians should again take the field. But the latter were perfectly satisfied with that terrible cirubbing in the Chippewa woods, and never again appeared in arms against the Americans. Nevertheless, some forty or fifty of our Indians remained with the army through- out the campaign. On the 25th of Jul}', Brown's ami)' encamped near Chippewa creek. Riall was pressing so closely on the American rear that Brown sent back Scott's brigade to check him. Scott met the enemy at l^ridgewater, just below the P"alls ; sending back word to his sujierior, the impetuous Virginian led his columns to the attack. For an hour a desperate battle raged between Scotts single CAI'TUKK OK MAJOR ( il'.MlKA I, KIAI.l.. 89 bi'ii;a(.lc aiul Riall's army, neither Ljainini; an\' decided advan- tai4'e. At the end of that time and but a h'ttle before niL;lit, l^rown arrived with the brii^ades of Ripley and Porter. Determinini^" to interpose a new Hne and diseni^a^e Scott's exhausted men, he ordered forward the two fresh brigades. The enemy's line was then near " Lundy's Lane," a road run- ninij^ at right anii^les with the riv^er, wliich it reaches a short distance below the h^alls. Mis artillery was on a piece of risini^ y^round which was the key t)f the position. Colonel Miller commanding a regiment of infantr)-, was asked by Brown if he could ca})ture it. "I can try, sir!" was the memorable response of the gallant officer. Though the regiment which should have supported Miller's gave way, yet the latter moved steadily up the hill. Increas- ing its pace, it swept forward, while its ranks were depleted at every step, and, after a brief but desperate struggle, carried the heights and captured the hostile cannon at the point of the bayonet. At the same time, Major Jessup's regiment drove back a part of the enemy's infantry, capturing Major-General Riall, their commander, and when General Ripley led forward his reserve regiment the l^ritish fell back and disajjpeared from the field. It was now eight o'clock and entirely dark. In a short time the enemy rallied and attempted to regain his lost artillery. Seldom, in all the annals of war, has a conflict been fought under more strange and romantic circumstances. The dark- ness of night was over all the combatants. A little way to the northeastward rolled and roared the greatest cataract in the world^wonderful Niagara. Its thunders subdued, yet dis- tinct, could be heard whenever the cannon were silent. And there in the darkness upon that solitary hillside, within sound of that mighty avalanche of water the soldiers of the young republic, flushed with the triumph w hich had given them their enemy's battle-ground antl cannon and commander, calmly awaited the onslaught of Mnglaml's defeated but not disheart- ened veterans. At half-past eight the .Americans saw the darkness turning red, far down the slope, and soon in the gloom were dimly outlined the advancing battalions of the foe. The red line QO AMERICANS RK'l'URNINC WITH TIIKIK TRISOXHRS. came swiftly, silently and i^allantl)' up the hill, beneath the banners of St. George, and all the while the subdued roar of Niagara was rolling gently over the field. Suddenly the American cannon and small arms lighted up the scene with their angry glare, their voices drowning the noise of the cataract. The red battalions were torn asunder, and the hillside strewn with dead and dying men, but the line closed up and advanced still more rapidly, their fire rivaling that of the Americans, and both turning the night into deadly day. Presently the assailants ceased firing and then with thun- dering cheers and leveled bayonets rushed forward to the charge. But the American grape and canister made terrible havoc in their ranks, the musketry of Scott and Ripley mowed them down by the score, and the sharp-cracking rifles of Por- ter's volunteers did their work with deadly discrimination. More and more the assailants wavered, and when the Americans in turn charged bayonets, the whole British line fled at their utmost speed. The regulars followed but a short distance, being held in hand by their officers, who had no idea of plung- ing through the darkness against a possible reserve. But the volunteers chased the enemy down the slope and cai)tured a considerable number of prisoners. Then the Americans reformed their lines, and then again the murmur of the cataract held sway over the field. Twice during the next hour the British attempted to retake their cannon, and both times the result was the same as that of the first effort. For two hours after the Americans remained in line awaiting another onslaught of the foe, but the latter made no further attempt. Having no extra teams the victors were unable to take away the captured guns, with one exception. Accordingly, with this single tro- phy, with their o\\n wounded and with a hundred and sixty- nine prisoners, including General Riall, the iVmericans at mid- night returned to their encampment on the Chippewa. Their loss was 171 killed, 449 wounded and 1 17 missing. I^oth l^rown and Scott were wounded, the latter severely, and both were removed to Buffalo. The condition of the two armies is plainly shown by the fact that the next day the enemy allowed Ripley to burn the mills, barracks and bridges at Bridgewater without molestation. I 111, i;.\rii,K OK coNjocKKrv ( ki;i;K. 91 The Americans then pursuetl their untroubled march to Vovt Kric. On their arrixal the most of the xohmteers went lionie havini;' served the remarkably loni^" time of three or four months. Nevertheless they had done i^ood service and were entitled to a rest accordin;4' to the views of volunteering;" then in voL;"ue. The regulars had been reduced by various casualties to some fifteen hundred men. The British, on the other hand, had recei\-ed reinforcements, and felt themselves stroni; enough to besiege the fort, if fort it might be called, which was rather a partially intrenched encampment. General Drummond's ami)- for two weeks steadily worked their way toward the American defences at Fort Erie. These consisted principally of two stone mess-houses and bastion known as " Old Fort Erie," a short distance east of the river bank, antl a natural mound half a mile south and near the lake which was surmounted with breast-\\orks and cannon, and called "Towson's batter}-." Between the old fort and the batter\- ran a parapet, and another from the old fort eastward to the river. On both the north and west, a dense forest came within sixty rods of the American works. The British erected batteries in the woods on the north, each one farther south than its predecessor, and then in the night chopped out openings through which their cannon could play on our works. At this time the commander at Fort Erie was in the habit of sending across a battalion of regular riflemen every night to guard the bridge over Scaja- quada creek, who returned each morning to the fort. About the loth of August a heavy British force cro.ssed the river at night at some point below the Scajaquada, and just before daylight they attempted to force their way across the latter stream. Their objective ])oint was doubtless the public stores at Black Rock and Buffalo. Being opposed by the riflemen before mentioned, under Major Lodowick Morgan, there ensued a fight of some imi)ortance, of which old men sometimes speak as the " l^attle of Conjockety Creek," but of which I have found no printed record. Even the Buffalo (hizctic of the da\' was silent regarding it, though it afterwards alluded to Major Morgan as " The hero of Conjocket)-." The planks of the bridge had been taken up and the riflemen lay in 92 DHUMMONl) REI'UI.SKl) THE THIRD TIMP:. wait on the south side. When the enemy's column came up Morgan's men opened a destructive fire. The EngHsh pressed forward so boldly that some of them, when shot, fell into the creek and were swept down the Niagara. They were compelled to fall back, but again and again they repeated the attempt, and every time they were repulsed with loss. A body of militia, under Colonels Swift and Warren, were placed on the right of the regulars, and prevented the enemy from crossing farther up the creek. Several deserters came over to our forces, having thrown away their weapons and taken off their red coats, which they carried rolled up under their arms. They reported the enemy's force at seventeen hundred, but that was probably an exagger- ation. After a conflict lasting several hours, the enemy retreated, having suffered severely in the fight. The Americans had eight men wounded. Early in the morning of the 15th of August, 18 14, the Eng- lish attempted to carry Fort livic by storm, under cover of darkness. At half-past two o'clock a column of a thousand to fifteen hundred men moved from the woods on the west against Tow- son's Battery. Though received with a terrific fire they pressed forward, but were at length stopped within a few )'ards of the American lines. They retreated in confusion and no further attempt was made at that point. Notwithstanding the strength of this attack, it was partly in the nature of a feint, for immediately afterwards two other columns issued from the forest on the north. One sought to force its way up along the river bank, but was easily repulsed. The other, led by Lieutenant-Colonel Drummond, advanced against the main bastion. It was defended by several heavy guns and field-pieces, by the Ninth United States infantry, and by one company each of New York and Pennsylvania volun- teers. Received with a withering discharge of cannon and musketiy, Drummond's right and left were driven back. His center, however, ascended the parapet, but were finalK- repulsed with dreadful carnage. Again Drummond led his men to the charge, and again they were repulsed. A third time the T.Rl riSII \AI,()K — DEATH OK I )kr M M( iM ). 93 unclaiintctl I'!,n<_;Hshmfn acKanccd o\'cr i^n'ound strewn thick u ith the bodies of their brethren, in the face of flame from tlie walls (^f the bastion, and a third time they were driven back w ith terrible loss. This would have satisfied most men of any nation, and one cannot refrain from a tribute to Ent^lish valor of the most des- perate kind, w hen he learns that Drummond again rallied his men, led them a fourth time over that pathway of death, mounted the parapet in spite of the volleying frames which enveloped it, and actually captured the bastion at the point of the bayonet. Many American officers were killed in this terrible struggle. Drummond was as fierce as he was brave, and was . frequently heard crying to his men, " Give the damned Yankees no quarter." But even in the moment of apparent victory he met his fate — a shot from one of the last of retreatin^T Ameri- cans laying him dead upon the ground. Reinforcements were promptly sent to the endangered locality by Generals Ripley and Porter. A detachment of riflemen attacked the British in the bastion but were repulsed. Another and larger force repeated the attack but also failed. The Americans prepared for a third charge, and two batteries were playing upon the heroic band of Britons. Suddenl)- the whole scene was lighted up by a vast column of flame, the earth shook to the water's edge, the ear was deaf- ened by a fearful sound which re-echoed far over the river. A large amount of cartridges stored in one of the mess- houses adjoining the bastion had been reached by a cannon ball and exploded. One instant the fortress, the forest, the river, the dead, the dx'ing and the maddened li\ing were revealed by that fearful glare ; the next all was enveloped in darknes.s, while the shrieks of hundreds of Britons in more terrible a « 1810 1808 1818 1823 1812 1817 1821 1850 1833 1818 1836 1818 1818 1812 1821 1812 1839 1 82 I 1852 1827 1823 1839 1851 1857 1853 1852 * Organized as Erie ; changed to Ncwstead-, 1831. t Dydiraus Kinney was the first while settler in the South Towns ; his house stood on Jere- miah Pierce's farm, on the left hand as you go towards While's Corners, and northwest of the orchard on a low ridge of land in the meadow. i:.\Ki.\' lowN ()1'I1(i;ks. 105 rilK OLD TOWN OK CONCORD. The original Town of Concord was orL;ani/.cd b\- tlu; legis- lature March 20, 1812. It comprised the present towns of Sardinia, Concord, Collins, North Collins and part of Brant. It is to be regretted that there is no record of this town in existence. The great fire that occurred in Spring\ille in the Summer of 1868, destroyed the old town book, and the author has to reh' upon his menior)' of the records made in this book. and also the recollections of the old settlers. He is certain that the first record was, that the town meeting was held at the house of John Albro, in the Spring of 1812 ; that Thomas M. Barrett was chosen Supervisor, Amaziah Ashman, Town Clerk, Solomon Field, Collector, and Jonathan Townsend, Overseer of the Poor. The town bounds remained unchanged up to 1821 ; and the place of holding the town meetings was subject to the will of the electors. For four or five years these meet- ings were held at Springville, but the author learns from talking with some of the venerable men who have a di^itinct recollec- tion of those times, that it was once held on Townsend Hill. After a time, quite a spirit of dissatisfaction was manifested by those living in the east and west parts of the town, for Spring- ville and vicinity not only monopolized the place of holding these meetings, but it enabled them to secure also, the most of the important offices. This led to a fusion of the electors of the east and west parts, and upon one occasion they rallied their forces and \'Oted the town meeting to Taylor Hollow, in the extreme west part of the town, and from thence it was adjourned to Sardinia, near the east bounds of the town, for the next year. The action of the electors in carrying these extreme measures caused those living in the central part of the town to consent to a division, which was soon after effected. For the first eight consecutive years after the organization of the town, there is no evidence that there was any other man except Thomas M. Barrett, who held the ofifice of Supervisor. The author, in looking o\'er the first records of the Town of Collins, bearing date 1821, finds it recorded, that a committee was appointed "to settle with Frederick Richmond, late Supervisor of the town," so it appears, that he at least held the office one year. During this time he learns that John Lanton, " Gen." I06 THE TIDE OF IMMIGRxVTION. Knox, " Dea." Russell, and Mr. Abbey held the important office of Commissioner of Highways; and he also learns that Harry Sears succeeded Fields as Collector. The Justices of the Peace, were not elected by the people, but were appointed by the authorities at Albany. COMING INTO THE COUNTRY — LOG HOUSES AND DUTCH CHIMNEYS. Most of the early settlers in these towns came from the New England states and the eastern part of the State of New York, but few came from New Jersey or Pennsylvania. More in pro- portion came from Massachusetts, Vermont, Rhode Island and Connecticut than from New Hampshire or Maine. The route generally taken was through the Mohawk valley by Utica, Can- andaigua, Avon and Batavia to Buffalo, then out here. Some turned off near the Genesee river and came through on the " Fig Tree Road," that passes through Wales, Aurora and Ham- burg. Others turned off the main route near the Genesee and came through by Pike and Arcade. Others again came by the way of New York, across New Jersey and a corner of Pennsyl- vania to the Susquehanna river, and by different routes made their way here. Many came on foot, sometimes one alone and sometimes two or more in compan}\ Some came with horses and sleighs, or horses and wagons, but more came with oxen and sleds, or oxen and wagons than any other way. It generally took them about twenty-five days to come from the New Eng- land states here. " New-comers were always warmly welcomed b)' their prede- ces.sors, partly, doubtless, from motives of kindness, and parth' because each new arrival helped to redeem the forest from its forbidding loneliness and add to the value of improx'cments already made." If there were already a few settlers in the locality, the emigrant's family was sheltered by one of them until notice could be given of a LOG RAISIN(;. P'or log houses, the logs used were general!}- from eight to eighteen inches in diameter and twelve, fourteen, si.xteen, eight- een and twenty feet in length. It required the assistance of a lUll.DlM. •nil'. 1.0(i CAIJIN. 107 ckjy.cii ' of the bar. and made to fit into the holes in the flat bar so that the hook could be raised or lowered as occasion required. The cracks between the logs were generally chinked up with three-cornered pieces of timber, split out of small basswood trees, fitted in and plastered with mud both outside and inside. Sometimes the cracks between the logs would be closed up with moss gathered in the woods. Occasionally houses were built with logs hewed on both sides before they were raised ; these were called " block houses." CLEARINi; I. AND, CHOPPING TIMBER, BURNIN(. BRUSH, LOG- GIN(; AND LOGGING BEES. After the pioneers had a house or shanty built, and had got rigged up ready to commence housekeeping, the next task was to clear some land. If the settler arrived very earh- in the season he would be able, and generally did, clear off a small piece in time to plant some corn and potatoes and sow some turnips; but his greatest ambition was to get several acres ready for Winter wheat in the Fall. To do this he worked hard, early and late, unless interrupted b)- sickness. The first business was to cut down the trees — in this man}- of the pioneers ac- quired great skill : the}' would so cut and guide a tree as to have it fall in most cases, exactly where the}- wanted it. In cutting timber for the purpose of clearing land, several differ- ent methods were practiced by the early settlers. One was to cut down the trees, then trim out the tops, that is, cut off the limbs and pile the brush into large heaps, then cut the bodies 110 BURNING A FALLOW. up into lo^s of from twelve to twenty feet in length, depend- ing upon the size of the trees. This method was generally pursued when they intended to clear the land the same year. Another method was to "windrow" the timber; this was done by cutting all the trees on a strip of land four, live or six rods in width so that their tops would all fall from both sides of the strip into the center, and form a row the whole length of the strip, while the bodies of the trees on the right hand and left hand sides laid angling and at different angles with the center of the row. After the trees were felled, the limbs on the top side were generally cut off or lopped down. Windrows were made parallel to each other and w^ere from four to six- rods apart from center to center. Another method of cutting timber for the purpose of clear- ing land, was "slashing it down." This consisted simpl)' in cutting down the trees and letting them fall in any direction without trimming them out, or cutting up the bodies. Some- times choppers when slashing timber down would cut what was called a "drive" where the timber was thick and large, and the lay of the land and the range of the trees was favorable. They would commence at a certain point and cut all the trees partly down for a considerable distance and sometimes over an extent of several acres, and each successive tree was so cut that when it fell it was so guided or drawn as surel}' to strike the next intended tree, whether it stood straight ahead or sometimes to the right or left. When all was ready the large tree, which for its size and location had been selected for the "driver," was cut and fell against the next tree and that against the second, and the second against the third, and the third against the fourth, and so on, until they all went thundering and crashing down together. After the timber on a piece of land had been cut down for the purpose of clearing the land, and left to lay a considerable time, it was called a " fallow," and when the brush was burned it was called " burning a fallow." After the timber had lain a sufficient length of time and the brush had become sufficientl}' dry to satisf}' the owner, a day was selected when the weather was favorable to set on fire and " burn the fallow." " Fallows" were burned during a dry time, and on a day when the sun J CHOPJMN(; AXD L()(;(;iN<;. iii shone bright, and i^encrally set from 12 to 2 o'clock V. M. The}' wore iisuall}' set in several places about the same time ; and presently the blaze would shoot up here and there in dif- ferent parts all o\'er the fallow; and rapidly extendini^ and in- creasini;" the flames would swa\' to and fro, and at times rise nearl\- to the hei«^ht of the tallest trees ; the heat, the ^lare, the crackling, the swaying, and the roar of the fierce and consum- in<; flames, as witnessed at the burning' of a large "fallow" ])resented a grand and exciting scene. Timber that was slashed or windrowed was left a year and a half or two years or more, until it became very dry, before the brush was burned. And sometimes the brush and timber became so dry that when it was fired the brush was all burned up, and a considerable portion of the timber, besides the soil of the land being burned and materiall)' injured b)' the fire in some instances. After the brush had been burned on a piece of land where the timber had been "slashed" or "windrowed" the bodies of the trees had to be cut up the proper logging length before the logging commenced. The bodies of the trees were generally considerably seasoned and quite hard. A custom prevailed to some extent with the choppers to " nigger off" the largest logs while they were chopping up the smaller ones. It was done in this way : Notches were cut at proper distances on top of the large trees and places hollowed out, coals put on, a fire started and sticks laid across at right angles with tlie log and when the}' burned up other sticks of wood, brands or poles were laid across, and renewed from time to time until the large logs were burned through and off. After the fire got well started it was not much trouble to keep it going, and a man could at- tend to and "nigger off" twenty or thirty large logs while he was chopping up the remaining smaller ones in the \icinit}'. After the brush had been burned and the trees cut into logs, the next business in order was the logging. When the piece to be logged was small and the pioneer owned a yoke of oxen, he would hire or change works with two or three helpers, and if he did //ot own a yoke of oxen he would hire or change works with some man that did, and with two or more neighbors, and ii2 THE LOGGING BEE. they together would " log " about an acre a day. Sometimes small pieces of land were so far cleared of timber as to produce crops without the use of any team whatever. Frequently land would be chopped and cleared by the job at a specified price per acre. Jobs of from five to ten acres were frequently let. and jobs of fifteen or twenty acres were let less frequently, and occasionally, but not often, jobs of from thirty to forty acres were cleared. In pioneer times the practice of having "logging bees" was quite common. When a large tract was to be logged, the settlers for several miles around were invited to a " bee." At the appointed time^from fifteen to thirty men would be present. About half a dozen would bring ox teams and the balance would be provided with hand-spikes or cant-hooks. To do the business up properly and expeditiously it required three or four hand-spike men to each team. The owner of the land, or some other experienced man, would select places to build the different heaps, and the work began and the bee commenced. The logs were rapidly drawn or " snaked " alongside the heap, and then the hand-spike men quickly rolled them to the proper place. Another and another was snaked up in rapid succession, the handspike men being always ready to unhitch it if it caught against a root or stump. As it tore along the ground, the black dust flew up in every direction. Soon every man was covered with a black coat of coal-dust and soot, involving clothes, hands and face in " outer darkness." But the work went on still more rapidly. The several gangs caught the spirit of rivalry, and each strove to make the quickest trips and the largest pile. The oxen would sometimes get as excited as the men, and would " snake " their loads into place with ever-increasing energy. Teams that understood their business would ' stand quiet while the chain was being hitched, then spring with all their might, taking a bee-line to the log heap^ and halt when they came to the right spot. Faster and faster sped the men and teams to and fro, harder strained the hand- spike men to increase the pile, higher flew the clouds of dust and soot, reckless of danger, men sprang in front of rolling logs PROCESS OF MAKINO SUGAR. [I3 or boiiiulcd over them as the}- went \\hirHn<^ amoiii;" the stumps. Accidents sometimes happened, but it was a wonder that the number was not increased tenfold. As the day draws to a close a thick cloud covers the field, through which are seen a host of sooty forms, four-legged ones with horns, and two-legged ones with hand-spikes, pulling, run- ning, lifting and shouting, until night descends, and the tired, yet still excited laborers clothed in blackness, return to their homes. If the weather was favorable, the log heaps were frequently set on fire that evening, and, within a few hours, the thirty or forty brightly blazing piles glimmered in the darkness and illu- minated the heavens similar to the burning buildings of a vil- lage or city. If left alone while burning the heaps would all burn out in the center, leaving some parts of logs and brands at the sides and ends that would not burn up, so it was neces- .sary for men to go around and " put up " the heaps, that is, roll the logs in together and throw on the brands. After the several heaps had burned all they would, there would still be a fe\v brands remaining, and the " fallow " had to be " branded up." and the)' were drawn from all parts of the fallow into one or more places and re-piled and set on fire and kept burning until entirely consumed. SUGAR-MAKING. The very earliest settler followed the practice of making more or less sugar every spring. All over the country grew the sugar-maple and there was hardly a lot large enough for a farm on which there was not a "sugar bush." The first thing the pioneer had to do when preparing for sugar-making was to make a lot of " sap-troughs," they were generally made of cucumber, basswood, ash, butternut or cherry timber. Trees from twelve to eighteen inches in diameter were cut down and logs from two and a half to three feet in length cut off, and split open through the center, then the inside portion was dug out, leaving the sides and bottom an inch or an inch and a half thick, and the ends two or three inches thick and each trough large enough to hold from one to two pails full of sap. " Store troughs," for storing sap were generally made from large cu- cumber trees, from two to three feet in diameter and from 7 114 GATHERIN(; THE SAP. twelve to twent}' feet in length, and it required from one to three to each " sugar bush." Trees were tapped b)' cutting a notch in the side of the tree inclining downwards and inwards with a narrow axe and drix'ing a wooden spout about a foot long into an orifice made by a tapping gauge, just below the lower end of the notch. The sap was boiled b\- the early set- tlers sometimes in cauldron kettles, but mostly in kettles hold- ing fi\^e pails or three j^ails, and of smaller size generally made of iron, but sometimes of brass. The boiling place was rigged b}' setting two posts into the ground ten or tweh'e feet apart SnCAR-MAKINC. and se\-en or eight feet high with crotches at the top, and la\-- ing a strong pole into the crotches from one post to the other, then hanging chains to the pole or hanging on large wooden hooks with notches cut near the lower ends, in which to hang the kettle bails. Sometimes a half dozen or more kettles of different sizes would hang in a row, with a large log ten or' twelve feet long, rolled up on the back side, and another on the front side until the)' touched or nearh- touched the kettles, then fine split wood was placed under and around the kettles and a fire started, and shorth- the boiling would commence. CLOSE OF THE SUGAR SEASON. II5 The sap was " gathered " or brought to the boiUng place in sap buckets carried by the aid of a sap-yoke, wliich was made to fit the neck and shoulders of the person carrying it. Sugar-making sometimes commenced when the snow was two feet deep in the woods, and then gathering sap with a sap- )'oke was a \'ery laborious and difficult job. Sometimes there would be a crust on the snow in the morning and the sap- gatherer would start out fort)' or fift\' rods and fill his buckets and walk carefulK' and slow towards the boiling place on the crust, when sutidenl)' one foot would break through and go down to the ground in a twinkling and the sap would fly in ever)' direction, and give the bearer a wetting down. Such accidents happened quite frequently, and it is feared that in some instances the)' might have called forth exclama- tions that would hardly be proper to repeat in a Sabbath School or print in a book. After fifteen or twent)' v'ears from the time of the first set- tlement, wooden sap-buckets began to be used in place of troughs ; and the number of cauldron kettles was increased, and trees began to be tapped with a small auger or bit instead of an axe, and the sap began to be gathered with a team instead of a sap-yoke. The glory of sugar-making was in the great bush, where hundreds of trees were tapped, where a shant)- was erected, where the sap was brought to the central fires in barrels or casks on ox-sleds, where cauldron and smaller kettles boiled and bubbled night and day, where, after a sufficient quantit)' had been " syruped down " a day was set to " sugar off." When the boys and girls and young men and maidens would gather in, and with dishes and spoons or a flattened stick, " Would taste and eat, and lap and lick," and if any part of a snow bauK rcmanicd in striking distance, chunks of it were procured and the warm sugar spread on and made into wax and then eaten. About thirty or forty years ago, large flat-bottomed sap-pans, with low sides and made of sheet iron, and set in arches, began to be used for boiling sap. And about the same time tin ii6 THE FIRST WELLS — THEIR FIXTURES. buckets began to take the place of wooden buckets and troughs for catching sap, and large tubs were made and used for storing it, instead of store "troughs." PIONEER WELLS. The early settlers were n(^t alwa\'s successful in finding a location for their cabins near a spring, and in such instances a well had to be dug, which like almost everything else was done by the proprietor himself, with the aid of his boys if he had any large enough, or a neighbor, to haul up the dirt. Its depth of course depended on the location of water, but that was generally to be found in abundant quantity, and of good PIONEER WELL. quality at from ten to thirt}- feet, but occasionalh' a well had to be dug to the depth of forty or fifty feet. Plent\' of stone of good quality was to be found all over the country; and the pioneers here were not compelled to do what the pioneers of some parts of the western country have been ; to stone up their wells with Cottonwood or other plank. The well being dug and stoned up, it was completed for use by a superstructure, then almost uiuxcrsal, but is now almost entirely a thing of the past. A post ten <~>r twehe inches in diameter and some ten feet high, with a crotched top was set in the ground a few feet from the well. On a stout pin run- ning through both arms of the crotch, was hung a heavy pole i WINDLASSES AND I'UMI'S INTRODUCED. 11/ or "sweep," often twent)' feet or more lon^r. the lar^^er end resting on the <;rouncl. the smaller end rising in air, directly over the well. To this was attached a smaller pole, reachin<^ to the top of the well ; at the lower end of this pole huni;" the bucket, the veritable " old oaken bucket, that huny; in the well," and the process of drawini;- water consistetl in takintr lu)ld of the small "well-pole" antl pulliiii;' down the small end of the "sweep" till the bucket struck the water and was filled, and then letting;" the butt end pull it out with some assistance. A board curb about three feet square and nearK' the same heiL,dU was placed around the top of the w ell to pre\ent children antl others from fallint^- in. The whole formed, for a lons^' time, a picturescjue antl far- seen addition to nearl)- every dooryard in this section of coun- tr\-. Once in a L;reat while some wealth}' citizen would have a windlass ft)r raisin<;- water, but for over a tpiarter of a century after the first settlements, a farmer nexer thought of having a pump. St)metimes there was no well-sweep erected, but the water was drawn up by hand with a pail, and a small pole with a crotch or hook on the lower end. And st)metimes it was drawn up with a pail and rope. At a later date water was sometimes raised with a long rope running over a pulley with a bucket attachetl to each end, and when one bucket came up the other went down. At the present time water is nearl)' all raised from wells b\' pumps of diflerent kinds. THE OLD OAKEN BL'CKET. How dear to my heart are the scenes of my childhood ! When fond recollection presents them to view ; The orchard, the meadow, the diep-tangled wild-wood, And every loved spot which my mfancy knew; The wide-spreading pond and the mill that stood by it The bridge, and the rock where the cataract fell. The col of my father, the dairy house nigh it, And e'en the rude bucket which hung in the well; The old oaken bucket — the iron-bound bucket — The moss-covet 'd bucket which hung in the well. That moss-covered vessel I hail as a treasure — For often at noon, when return'd from the field, I found it the source of an exquisite pleasure. The purest snd sweetest that nature can yield. How ardent I seized it with hands that were glowing, Il8 THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET. And quick to the white-pebbled bottom it fell : Then soon, with the emblem of truth overfiowing. And dripping with coolness, it rose from the well; The old oaken bucket — the iron-bound bucket — The moss-cover'd bucket arose from the well How sweet from the green, mossy brim to receive it. As poised on the curb it inclined to my lipsl Not a full, blushing goblet could tempt me to leave "it, Though filled with the nectar that Jupiter sips. And now, far removed from the loved situation. The tear of regret will intrusively swell. As fancy reverts to my father's plantation. And sighs for the bucket which hangs in the well; The old oaken bucket — the iron-bound bucket — The moss-cover'd bucket which hangs in the well. I'lONEER EEXCIN(;. As the pioneer had more or less stock when he commenced growing crops, some sort of fence was required. Probably the records of ex^ery town organized in the Holland Purchase, down to 1850, would show that at its first town meeting an ordinance Avas passed, providing that horses and horned cattle should be free commoners. Hogs, it was usually voted, should not be free commoners ; while sheep held an intermediate position, being sometimes allowed the liberty of the road, and some- times doomed to the seclusion of the pasture. These ordi- nances were changed from time to time as circumstances seemed to require. The fence that was constructed the easiest and cheapest by the pioneers and one that was frequently used was a brush fence, or a "slash fence." It was made b\' felling trees in together in a line in the desired direction. Where the timber was thick and the trees large a brush fence could be made that wt)u1c1 answer a good purpose for two or three years. Another style of fence used was a log fence, which was made by laying the logs one above the other in a line with the ends lapping by each other, and resting upon sticks four to six- inches in diameter, and three or four feet long, laid cross-wa\s under the ends of each tier of logs. Log fence \\-as sometimes made b}' cutting logs the proper length and la\'ing them after the fashion of the common crooked rail fence. But as settle- ments increased, the crooked rail fence or the " Virginia rail RAII., i;0.\Rr) AM) WIRF. FENCES. II9 fence," became the standanl protection for the L;"ro\\inn[ crops. Rail spHttin_<( constituted an important part of the pioneer's work. Equipped with ax, beetle and wedi^es, he would spend weeks and months in transforminL;' the noble ash and cherr\- into rails twehe feet loni;. In the Spring; these were laid in fence, the bi^yest at the bottom, one end of each rail below and the other abo\e, and each " lengtli " of fence formin^^ an obtuse antj^le with that on eitlier side. Four and a half feet was the usual height pre- scribed b\' the town ordinances, but the farmer's standard of efTicienc)' was a seven-rail fence, staked and ridered. Two stout stakes were driven into the ground and crossed above the sixth rail, at each corner, while on the crotch thus formed, was laid a large rail, serving to add to the height and to keep the others in place. Such a fence would (^ften reach the height of six feet. This fence, somewhat modified, forms to this da)' a considerable portion of the fence on man\- farms in the south part of the county ; but the adoption of other styles of fence and the scarcity of timber is fast driving the rail splitter and his occupation from the field (or rather from the forest). The kinds of timber from which rails were made, were chestnut, oak, cherry, white ash, black ash, pine, hemlock, elm, basswood, and sometimes beech and maple. About 1830, board fences began to come into use; they were generally made of boards sixteen feet long and six or eight inches wide. The posts were six and one-half or seven feet long, and set in the ground ab(jut eight feet apart, and the boards nailed on. I'osts were sometimes made from small trees hewed on one side, sometimes the\' were sawed, anci sometimes s])lit out. The kind of timber used for posts was generally cedar, oak, hemlock, cherry, chestnut and red beech. .Another kind of fence was made of posts and rails; rails being used instead of boards. Holes were mortised through the posts and the ends of the rails fitted in. Within the last few years wire fence has been introduced and used to some extent. Posts are set in the ground and the wire strung from post to post and fastened. Wire fence is made of plain and barbed wire. The amount of barbed wire fence in use is being increased considerabh- at the j)resent time. Cattle, I20 THE OLD-FASHIOXEl) BARNS. horses, and other domestic animals are not now allowed by law to run loose and feed aloni;" the highways, consequenth' fences along the roads in front of meadows and cultivated fields are frequently dispensed with. FKA.Mt: BARNS. After the pioneer had built his log house and had a piece of land cleared and fenced, the next thing he needed was a barn. Log barns were sometimes built but it was difficult to make them large enough to store any considerable amount of wheat, oats, rye and hay, and frame barns were generalh' built as soon as lumber could be procured, anywhere in reasonable distance, to enclose them. Plenty of excellent timber was growing in the forest near b\', and was quickly " got out," that is, cut down, scored and hewed by the pioneer and his boys or hired help. The kinds of tim- ber used in barn frames were generally rock elm, cherr}\ red beech, ash, cucumber and pine. The timber was draw n on the spot, and framed, and raised, and enclosed with hemlock or pine boards, all running up and down. There are several pioneer barns still standing and in use that are more than sixty-five years old and the frames are "just as good as new%" the beams in which are fourteen inches deep and twelve inches thick, and the size of the sills and posts and other timbers are in proportion. They are still covered with the same old boards that first enclosed them, which are held on by the same nails first driven. These barns were generally forty feet long and thirty feet wide with posts from fourteen . to sixteen feet high, and the roof put on with a " quar- ter pitch." They were nearh' all constructed after the same pat- tern, with a threshing floor and drive-wa\' near the center run- ning crosswise of the building, being generalh^ twelve feet wide by thirty long, with a stable at one end from ten to twelve feet wide and thirty feet long, and about seven feet high, with a scaffold overhead for grain, and on the other side of the thresh- ing-floor was a bay, sixteen or eighteen feet wide and thirty feet long, used for storing ha)-. In those days, horse-forks had not been invented, and hay and grain were pitched on and off by hand-forks, and when the barn was nearly full it had to be noUSKlIolJ) KU RN I ri'KK, KTC. 121 ])itchctl up ()\cr the " bi^ beam," which was about twelve feet abo\e the floor. A ii^c'At inan\' of those old-fashioned barns are still standinrS'Ik\. 127 So sweet she sang ! her youngest on her knee — Now a warble, now some fine old hyiin. Sublime, exultant, full of victory. Triumphant as the songs of seraphim. Sweet toiler 1 through her life of crowded care, While grief came oft, and pain and weariness Till swelled the anthem, still was breathed the prayer, Till death came clasping with his cold caress. She sings no more ; beside the chimney wide No more she spins. Years come and go ; Above her grave upon the lone hill side The snow drifts lie, the summer grasses grow. RAISIN(;, DRESSING AND Sl'INNIN(; I l.AX. Flax was an indispensible necessity to the pioneer, and its culti\ation was observed by all. This commodit)' was never raised for commerce or barter b\' the pioneer, but its uses were purely domestic, suppl}'ing all the sewinj^' thread and it took the place of cotton for all purposes that this staple article is used in to-da\'. It furnished a g'ood share of the summer clothini.>' of the famil}-, and entered largely into the comforts and con- veniences of the household. Its cultivation was simple and easN', and required no more attention than the raising of oats or wheat, or the rest of the cereals sa\e in its harx'est. Instead of being reaped it was pulled up, the dirt shook out of the roots, and laid in " ga\els." When sufficiently dry it was bcnmd into bundles and "shocked," where it would remain until perfecth- cured. Then it would pass to the threshing floor and be sub- ject to a sex'ere "head-beating" that removed all the seeds from the "bell" or "heads." After this it was taken to some convenient grass plot and spread upon the ground in swaths and left to the action of the elements until the wood\- portion of the stalks had become thoroughh* rotten and brittle. Then again it was bound into bundles and taken to the barn where it was ready for the brake. By the aid of this implement the operator would commence and continue the breaking process until the wooden substance of the stalk was broken or loosened from the outside fiber or bark. After passing through this process it is "swingled," b\' taking as much as you can conven- iently hold in the hand, hanging it across the sharp edge of a board fixed for the [Hirpose, while with the other hand you beat 128 ACRICULTUKAL IMl'LEMKXTS. it with a wooden knife some two feet long, this is done to remov^e all the " shieves." After it has been thoroughly swingled, it is taken to the " hetchel," where the silken fibers of the flax is combed into " hanks," with the same ease that one of our modern belle combs out her " switch," and this flax is ready for the " distaff." This is a very simple affair, gener- ally cur. from the top of a little maple, not over half an inch in diameter with four little protruding branches, which are bent together and fastened at the top. This distaff is set in a socket, which allows it to turn, the flax is loosely bound around, a few of the fibers are attached to the spindle of the little wheel, the foot is placed upon the treadle and the spinning has com- menced, the thread that runs through the flyers to the spindle turns the distaff and supplies the spindle with flax. The tow was carded and spun as you would wool, on a big wheel. THE HULL PLOW AND CROTCH DRAG. In pioneer days, farming implements were of rude construc- tion and most of their parts were the works of the farmer's hands. The " bull plow" that was in common use sixty years ago was made mostly of wood. The plow-share and land-side were made b}' the blacksmith out of wrought iron, with the point laid with steel and all in one section. The mold-board was of wood and split out of a winding log or tree, and worked clown to about one and one-half inches in thickness, and in size and shape similar to the mold-boards of cast-iron plows. The crotch-drag was almost entirely a natural production, and a description of which may be found in the article on milling, was used, only this drag must be furnished with nine or eleven teeth, some twelve inches in length and one inch in diameter. The capital " A " will give a good idea of this drag. One of the teeth is set in the apex, or point, where the draught is attached while each right and left arm is pierced by an equal number of teeth, which were of steel or iron. The author, then a lad of some dozen years, has a \i\'id recollection of the practical workings of this drag upon a newl)'-burned fallow: how il would jerk and tip, hop and skip along until it would find something to fasten upon, when things would be brought up standing; then there would be a season 'JHE .\E\VLV-CLEAR1£1) [.AND. \ 2i) of tugging and liftiiiL; M, but it was ///_if, ///'/, p//s/i and />//// until e\er\' bone had its own ])eculiar ache. There are very few to-da\' who look upon the practical working of the machinerx' now employed in farming who ha\e any just con- ception of the toils, trials and hardships that w ere endured b)- the pioneers who (icvotcd tluir lives to making the countr)- what it now is. MILLINC;. The first mill south of the reservation was built by Daniel Smith in 1805. It was of rude construction, built of logs 8 I30 ADVENT OF THE CiRIST MILL. with wooden gearing and had a capacity of grinding only from five to six bushels of corn per day. This mill was located on a small stream in the Town of East Hamburg. The follow- ing year, John Cummings erected a grist mill on the Eighteen- Mile creek, a mile or so below Water Valley, in the Town of Hamburg. This was the first mill built, that did a general business of grinding, south of the Reservation. In 1809, Joseph Yaw built a grist mill in the town of Boston. In 1812, Jacob Taylor erected another at Taylor Hollow, in the town of Collins, and in 18 14 Benjamin Gardner built one in S.pringville. These mills supplied the pioneers for a few years with the necessary material for bread, and the task of doing the family milling was no slight one. The roads were GOINi; TO MILL. but little better than a bridle path, and sometimes three days would be consumed in coming and going where the pioneer lived remote. The task was performed in various ways. When the distance would allow, the head of the family would sling a grist across one shoulder, and by occasionally resting and shift- ing it was transported in this way; or again the grist would be placed upon the back of a horse and a boy set upon this and sent to mill ; sometimes several boys would come to the same mill in this way on the same day, but more often where the distance was of any consideration, the " drag" was used. This conveyance was almost a natural production and called but little skill in its construction. The first to be done was to select a tree that threw out two main branches, seven to eight inches in diameter and as many CLOTHINC ()]•■ TllK l'I().\Ki:i<. I3I tcct in length. These branches formed a " dra^;," or the letter V. Now champer the under side of the "drai^" at tlie nose, where the draft is to be attached, upwards and to a point. This gives it the shape of a sled runner and allows it to slide over all obstacles without hindrance. Across the top of the dray place split planks and fasten them; aflix two stakes at the rear to prexent the load from slipping off and you have it. This could be used in all seasons and was niuch more conveni- ent than the ox sled where the ways were different. On this the grist was put. the oxen attached, and the jMoneer set out for the mill, almost through an unbroken wilderness. If tlie distance was great, rations for himself and team would be carried. Sometimes the drag would carr}- grists for the entire neighborhood and the milling would be done by turns. THE MANUFACTURE OF CLOTHINC;, BOOTS AND SHOES. A marked change has taken place in everything that apper- tains to the production of wearing apparel. Such a thing as ready-made clothing, or even boots and shoes was unknown sixt}' or seventy years ago. The good housewife received the cloth for the Winter's clothing (mostly, perhaps, the work of her own hands) from the fuller and dresser, and then she was ready for the tailoress, who came and remained until the garments for the family were cut and made. Their services were always in good demand during Fall and early Winter. These sewing girls (usu- ally two worked in company) would cut and fit and ba.ste and prepare, and then push forward the garments to final completion. They passed from home to home, and comfort and good cheer was sure to accompany them. The very nature of their calling afforded them opjjortunities of becoming well qualified to con- verse on all subjects of general interest, and rendered them agreeable and interesting compan\% and their advent in the family, was hailed, more especialh' by the younger members, with feelings akin to gratitude; for perhaps it was their skilled fingers that were to improvise for the first time " those pants," and " that roundabout"with caudal appendage, that makes ever\- bo\- feel that he has reached a certain stage where his impor- tance is recognized and acknowledged. Pants and vests were made up for all the male, members of 132 BOOTS AND SHOES FOR THE WINTER. the family old enough to wear them, and for the father and young men, these were fashioned according to the prevailing styles, " cutaways," or else high collared, straight bodied, or swallow-tailed coats, " all buttoned down before," with metal buttons which perhaps had done service for several years on one or more preceding coats. The boys were all provided with roundabouts of fulled cloth or Linsey-Wolsc}', and fre- quently with cloth caps of various styles made at home. And it was the custom in early times to have the itinerant shoemaker visit the pioneer homes and there to remain and labor until the family were supplied with boots and shoes. Generally the pioneer furnished his home for the Winter with beef of his own raising, and the skins of the animals were usually taken to the tanner and made into leather upon shares, and fur- nished the family with boots and shoes. The luxury of wearing boots was not often indulged in by the boys, but a compromise was effected and high shoes with knit leggings sufficed for all occasions, and when attired in these with " roundabout " and pants to correspond, there was just about as much importance done up in the small boy of sixty ot seventy years ago as there is to-day. The women and girls were supplied with boots make of calf skin, while boots and shoes for men and boys were made of cow-hide Sometimes the boots and shoes for the family would not be made up until after the snow had covered the ground for several weeks, and a few instances are mentioned when boys had neither boots or shoes and went without either all Winter, and even attended school barefooted. MAKING BLACK SALTS. In the early settlement of the Holland Purchase, as Western New York was called, " black salts " was one of the valuable productions of this portion of the country. As it was for the most part heavily timbered and the necessity of clearing up the land for farming purposes furnished wood ashes in abundance. These ashes were either sold at the ashery and there converted into potash or were worked up by the owners and made into "black salts." The ashes were carefully housed, protected from the wet and put into leaches, made in various ways as the 11 THE BLACK SALTS TRADE. 133 means at the command of the owner's permitted. By a con- tinuous hberal wetting with water soon the lye began to run, which was boiled down in iron kettles until it became a mass of black salts, which had a cash value at the nearest point where an ashery was located. The money thus obtained was very largely the only resources from which money could be had by the early settlers. And not only in the clearing of the farms was black salts manufactured, but very often, when other employ- ment was wanting, the new-comer, the mechanic and others, who MAKING BLACK SALTS. were not otherwise employed, would go to the nearest un-. claimed land, cut and burn timber for the ashes it would pro- duce and make black salts. The ashes from the elm were the best, sugar maple, beech, birch and other hard wood were next, while hemlock, pine and other soft wood was nearly useless. Black salts were manufactured into "pearl ash;" the ashes pur- chased at the ashery were manufactured into potash, which were commodities for export and enter largely into the numer- ous preparations of potash in use for medical and mechanical purposes at the present da\'. There was a great deal of laborious 134 THE MIRTHFUL HUSKING BEES. work about this industr}\ as it took twenty bushels of ashes to produce lOO pounds of salts, and these when hauled to the market would bring only about $2.50 or at the highest $3.00 per cwt. Great care had to be used in boiling or evaporating this lye to the proper consistency lest it should be burned, but, as we said before, it was about the only industry that sold for cash and early pioneers were compelled to lay by a little money to satisfy the demands of the tax gatherer. HUSKINC BEES, APPLE BEES AND QUILTINGS. When the ripened corn had been cut and marshalled into shocks, "husking bees" were common to the season. These gatherings like the other "bees" of pioneer days, were when the work performed was paramount, and when the honest, hearty good will of the participants entered largely into the joy of the occasion. These gatherings were participated in by nearly all. If the corn was to be husked in the field, prepara- tion would be made by drawing all the shocks that stood con- veniently near, around one common center. This formed the buskers' arena, and here they would assemble upon some moon- lit night designated, and strip the yellow corn of its covering;, meanwhile stories would be told, farming discussed and songs sung. After husking a sufficient amount the host would invite his guests to the house, where a collation awaited their coming, consisting of pumpkin pies, doughnuts, cider and cheese. After doing ample justice to these refreshments, the fragments would be picked up, chairs and tables would disappear, the en- livening strains of a violin would fall upon the ear, perhaps in the " Monnie Musk " or the " Opera Reel." As by instinct, a new life seemed to possess the buskers: the old forgot their years and the weary their toils; partners were chosen; two columns stood facing across the old kitchen floor that were soon keeping step and time to those grand old melodies, and which would be kept up until near the hour of morning. If the husking was to be done indoors, the great threshing floor would be filled to overflowing with shocks of corn. Chairs would be furnished the aged and punij:)kins sufficed for seats for the young, and the work would go on as " merry as a marriage ell," until the floor was cleared of its burden of shocks, and in APPLK BEES AND QUII/riNGS. 1 35 tlicir place was a heap of <^oIden cc^rii. The (jld-fashioned tin hmterns were arran<^cd along the great swing beam, and fur- nished the workers with light. One of the first things that occupied the attention of the pioneer here was the planting of an orchard ; in a few years these orchards yielded an abundance, and " apple bees " were in order, and, like the huskings, they brought out a full house. The fruit would be stored conveniently near and brought into the old kitchen by the basketful, where an active, busy scene would be witnessed — some paring, some quartering and coring, some stringing and all talking, laughing and enjoying them- selves. Paring machines were not known, and this work was done with a knife the same as you would pare potatoes to-day. There is nothing but the stringing that needs an explanation. The stringer was armed with a long needle, most generally improvised out of a knitting needle, with an eye large enough to carry a strong string of linen twine. The needle was held in the right hand and the quarters were placed upon its sharp point with the left, and when it was full it was drawn through the apples, leaving them upon the string as you would string beads. This operation had to be repeated until the string was full ; then the ends were tied and it was ready to be hung up to dry. Most generally this work would continue until the walls or ceiling of the old kitchen were deeply festooned with the drying fruit. Then would follow the repast to be closed with playing or dancing and sometimes both. Quiltings were fashionable at all times, and differed but ver\- little from the rest of the merry makings save in this : the mat- rons and maidens would most generally meet in the afternoon and the "quilt" would be finished and taken from the frames before the swains put in an appearance. When this was the case the dance would commence at early candle light and be continued for three or four hours; then an intermission of half an hour or so for rest and refreshments ; the latter would be passed around, and again on would go the dances, sometimes closing at midnight and sometimes not until the "dawning of the day." Sometimes these quiltings forestalled a wedding, and many of the spectacle-wearing grandamesof this age, though for them the nightingale's song of love ceased long ago, and 1.0 THE I'RIMITIVE SCHOOL-HOUSES. the flowers of }'Outh have faded and been swept awa}- , \'et with them still lingers some of the bright hopes of their sweet maiden years, and they will pause and ponder with fond recol- lection at the mere mention of these " merry-makings." SCHOOLS. It is a credit that is due to the earl)- pioneer to say that he realized the benefits to be derived from an education that has been of vast importance to the succeeding generations, for whenever there were scholars enough to form a class a school was organized, a teacher secured and the Summers and Winters were devoted by the young to acquiring an education. This was the case in the earliest days of the settlement, and before a saw-mill had been built. Sometimes the pioneer's humble abode contained more space than was actually needed b)' tlie famih', and this was used as a school room. Sometimes the log barn sufficed for the Summer's term, and sometimes several terms would be taught in this way before the building cf a school house or the organization of a school district, and per- haps in good time a central site would be secured, a day named when the whole neighborhood would turn out and the body of a log school house would rise, as by magic, and another day would witness the covering, and perhaps the labor of another day would be all that was required to fit it for occupation. Generally egre.ss was had at one end, while the stick chimne)' and Dutch fire-place occupied the other. Two or three single windows (according to the size of the room) on a side admitted the light ; a single row of desks was arranged along the walls with benches to correspond. These were occupied by the older or more advanced scholars, while the inner circle was occupied by the juveniles on benches to correspond. Perhaps some patron would supply the teacher with a splint-bottomed chair, and he or she would keep ward and watch over the "young idea" from the center of the room. These teachers were supposed to be proficient in the com- mon English branches and most all that our venerable ances- tors knew of these rudiments were acquired in these log school- rooms. At times more pains would be taken in the erection of these KARLV SCHOOL RECORDS. I 37 buil(liiiq;s. Tlic lo^s that were to form the walls were squared to the desired thickness by scoriiiL;- and hewini^, and when care was used in jilaciiii;" them into the walls they formed a very comfortable and substantial building". These were termed "block houses," and when adorned with brick chimne)'s and double windows they were cjuite imposin^^ in appearance and spoke well of the public si)irit and liberality of the patrons. Just as sooji as sawed lumber could be i)rocured the log school house was supplanted by the framed one. Those differed but very little from those of the present, save in the modern im- provements that ha\-e been made b\- the introduction of the box stox'c in heatint;" and the patent desks and benches now- used in the most ot our schools. The uliool fund at the time we s|)eak w as but a mere pit- tance, being less than thirt}'-seven cents per scholar, and most of the teachers' wages were raised by a rate-bill. The teachers were also required to board around among the patrons of the school, and the amount of board was regulated by the number of scholars sent by the several families, and the wood was also furnished for the school by the patrons in the same manner. Unfortunateh' we have no records that extend farther back than 1832-3, and this record is not only worthy of preserva- tion, as a period in the history of our schools, but it gives us a true idea of the character and ability of the inen who were the prominent actors of half a century ago. \V'e give the report vcrbati}>L, dated I 831 832 832 832 8^,2 Aug. 7 . . April 14 June 5 . . June 16. July 17.. Aug. 5 . . Oct. 8. . . Nov. 29. Dec. 24. May. 29, Jan. 31. Feb. 26 Nov. 5 . Oct. 2. . Oct. I . . May 22 Sept. 23 Sept. 9. Ma}' 8. . June 10 Mar. SI. Mar. 24. Mar. 24. Mar. 24. Mar. 12. Mav 13. Oct. 15. Dec. 5 . April 21 Oct. 10. Dec. 25. Dec. 25. Oct. 7.". Sept. 2S Mrv 16. Feb. 24. April 23 Feb. 10. Feb. ]0. Dec. 3 I . Dec. I 7. Acres. Price w pt 1 1 8 . . pt I35.... pt 1 45 . . . . pt I45. ... n pt 1 39 . . pt 1 47 . . . . n pt 1 40. . . w pt 1 34 . . . pt I35 n i)t 1 46. . . pt 1 46 e pt 1 56. .. n pt 1 26 . . . e pt 1 68 . . . pt I45 1 13,30, 31 & pt 1 39 . . . s-e pt 1 55.. pt 1 46 n pt 1 56. . . n-w pt 1 39 . n-w pt I 43. . s-w pt 1 29 . pt 1 43 pt 1 43 e pt 1 44. . . n-w pt 1 64 . pt 1 40 .s-w pt 1 64 . n-e pt 1 29 . . pt 1 56 , n-e pt I34. •! e pt 1 56. . .i n-w pt 1 60. n-w pt i 37 . pt 1 46 . . ^. . . pt 1 45 s pt 1 6 1 . . . . pt 1 39 n i)t 1 32 . . . n pt I38...' pt 1 37 ; 260 100 100 1 00 100 100 100 155 78 100 100 90 50 123 100 1391 50 50 50 100 100 94 50 75 50 50 50 54 90 50 50 90 50 60 50 100 75 164 100 116 50 800 450 450 475 475 475 455 738 390 475 475 427 226 525 475 3823 275 225 225 500 400 376 200 300 200 200 200 216 352 225 i 212 I 382 217 240 200 420 300 664 448 537 , 200 l62 NAMES OF PERSONS HUVING LAND TOWNSHIP SEVEN. RANGE SlX — ConUnmc/. Name. Purroy Wilson George D. Williams. . . Elijah B. Williams.. . . John Wilson Abel Merryman Caleb Abbott Frances Ferren William Judd Milan Holly * William Judd James L. Bacon Smith & Horatio Buys Richard Luddick Jesse Ferren Samuel Haines Bela Graves Silas Wheelock John Griffith William Smith, jr William Smith, jr William Griffith William Field William Olin *Sylvester Abbott . . . Arnold Cranston ' Joseph Cottrell I John Cottrell John Philips Peter Kinner Abram Gardinier Sylvester Abbott Calvin Smith > Samuel A. Jocoy David Campbell Prentis Stanbro Edward Cram Henry Akely David Meeker Henry J. Vosburg. . . . *Rebecca Putnam .... Barney Graff ] E. A. Briggs 832 832 832 832 832 832 832 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 834 834 834 835 835 835 835 836 836 836 836 836 836 836 836 836 836 837 837 837 837 837 839 841 Date. P\'b. 10 . Feb. 24 . Feb. 24 . Feb. 24 . Aug. 1 1 . Jan. 31 . . Dec. 18 . July 20. . July 20. . July 8... Nov. 8. . Nov. 8 . . Nov. 8. . Dec. 17 . Dec. 18 . Jan. 14. . Feb. 8. . May 22.. May 21.. Jan. 8. . . Dec. 25 . Jan. 22 . . Dec. 30 . May 5... June 16 Sept. 16. Sept. 16. Oct. 6.. . Oct. 6... Sept. 13. Dec. I . . Dec. 31.. Dec. 6. . . Dec. 6. . . Oct. 13. . Nov. 13. Jan. 6. . . Aug. 1 1 . April 12 June 19.. Feb. 2.. . Mar. 10. pt 1 40 . pt 1 40. pt 1 40. . pt 1 40. . pt 1 40. . w pt 1 48 s-e pt 1 29 . n-\v pt 1 31 s-w pt 1 3 1 . w pt 1 32 pt 1 32.. pt 1 32. . pt 1 32 . . pt 152.. w pt 1 36 w pt 1 38 ptl38. ... s-e pt 1 38. ptl 44. ... s-\v pt 1 75 s-\v pt 1 38. s-w pt 1 62 pt 1 29. . ptl 56.. pt 1 44. . pt 130.. e pt 1 30 s e pt 1 3 1 . s e pt 1 62. n w pt 1 29 n e pt 1 55 n e pt 1 43 n e pt 1 44 s e pt 1 44 w pt 1 44. pt 1 36. . . . n w pt 1 61 pt 1 36. . pt 1 57- pt 1 37- pt 1 37- pt 1 53- 50 50 50 58 100 47 66 34 50 50 100 56 60 100 62 100 3f qo 45 67 50 47 90 120 100 100 50 98 94 100 96 70 70 100 59 50 100 50 50 50 75 FROM rilH HOl.LAXl) COMPANY. TOWNSHIP SEVEN, RANGE ^\\—Conli,nuJ. 163 Name. Date. 1 84 1, Mar. 10.. 1 84 1, Oct. 23.. 1 841, Nov. I . . 1837. Jan. 5...' Lanu. Acres. Price Albert Sliippy Edward (loddard Henry Dye Wheeler Drake spt I 53... pt 1 53---- pt 1 61 w pt 1 47 . . 90 50 25 125 451 250 100 TOWNSHIP SIX, RANGE SEVEN. Ephraim Hall Ahaz Allen Peter Pratt Amiah Rogers Geori^e Hicks Nathan Hicks Jessee F"rye Enoch N. Frye Simeon Bishop, jr . . . . David Bowen Zina Fenton Moses M. Frye Jeremiah Richardson. Elijah Richardson. . . Chandler C. Foster. . Day Knii^ht John Battles Simeon Holton Alanson Richardson. Price F. Kellogi,^ Nathaniel Knight ... Simeon Holton Elijah Richardson.. . Stephen Kni^^ht Jeremiah Richardson James Field Joshua Steele Enoch X. I'Vye Elias Van Camp Elijah Richardson . . . . J essee Frye Giles H. Newton Jeremiah Richardson James Tyrer 809 8 10 811 811 815 815 816 817 816 823 821 825 815 815 816 816 815 823 823 815 <^23 815 816 816 827 830 831 «32 «34 829 835 835 '^35 «35 May 2 . Dec. 3 . Oct. 8.. Jan. 19. Feb. I T 1-^eb. 1 1 July II. Oct. 31 . Sept. I . July 1 1. Dec. 24. Dec. 13 Nov. 28 Nov. 28 Aug. 27 Aug. 13 Oct. 26. Mar. 10 June 1 1 April 17 Aug. 14 Dec. I 5 July 15- Sept. 20 Jan. 10. Sept. 7. Aug. 19 Feb. 21. Oct. 25. Dec. 24 July 28. April 15 May 2.. Sept. 2 . D/ 1 56 1 58 1 46 e pt I 47 148 ^\' pt I 49 pt 1 49 . . . 1 59 1 60 pt 1 49 . . w pt 1 61 s-e pt 1 9 1 e pt 1 91 pt 1 81 . n pt 1 8 1 n pt 1 82 pt 1 8 1 . s pt 1 81 n pt 1 72 pt 1 pt 1 pt 1 spt pt 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt ■ 81 . 90. 90. I 90 91. 49- 82. 62. w pt 1 73 n-e pt 1 9 pt 1 62. w pt 1 89 w pt 1 91 pt 1 89. 114 79 102 50 138 175 100 150 172 159 70 75 100 100 100 100 140 50 65 160 60 120 100 142 50 50 50 75 50 55 50 75 80 60 342 357 150 517 656 400 750 688 686 315 300 350 350 400 400 490 200 260 520 240 420 400 603 200 200 200 300 200 220 200 300 320 240 164 NAMES or PERSONS BUYING LAND TOWNSHIP SIX, RANGE SE\Y.^—ConCinueii. Name. Lyman Steele John Van Pelt. . . . Luther Thompson . Robert Trumball . . Stephen Kniijht .. . Amos Stanbro Jeremiah Richardson Charles Printjle Thomas Davis , *James S. Frye EHzor Stocking Tristram Dodge Austin Pratt . .^ Stephen Williams. . . John A. Williams . . . . Heman W. Williams. . Stephen Churchill . . . . Mason Hicks Simeon Holton Alanson P. Morton . . . Matthias Heath Milo M. Baker David German Isaac Nichols Isaac Nichols James Wheeler Stephen Ingersoll . . . . Joseph Hammond, jr. . George W. Richardson *Eleanor Curtis James Wheeler David Witherel Hosea P. Ostrander. . . William Smith Asahel Nye Ephraim Hall John Williams Otis Buttervvorth Jedediah Cleaveland.. Date. 835 836 836 836 836 837 837 837 843 824 839 831 824 829 819 843 842 832 836 838 836 842 830 829 838 836 831 836 844 832 836 837 842 Si I 812 809 825 816 816 Oct. 27. Sept. 3. Aug. 31 Aug. 17 Nov. 2. P'eb. 20 July 8.. Dec. 7 . July 17. July 10. Feb. 28. Jan. 19 . Dec. Jan. -/ May 3.. May 30. Jan. 15. June 5. Aug. 12 Feb. 7 . Dec. 29 June 25 Dec. 31. Dec. 29. Dec. 24. Dec. 29. June 2 . Aug. 31 April 23 June 29 Dec. 29. Oct. II. Jan. 15. June 27 April 9. May 2.. Nov. 26 May 30. Aug. 7. Land. Acres 1 Price Pt Pt pt 1 pt 1 w pt 1 90. 1 87. 1 72. 1 82. 79 & e pt 1 80 pt 1 80 . . . n pt 1 7 1 . . w pt 1 80. pt 1 73... n-w pt 1 49 pt 1 49 ... . 159 158 1 56 & e pt 57 1 56 w pt 1 6 1 . . n-e pt 1 72. pt 1 48 . . . . n-w pt 1 72 n pt 1 8 1 . . pt 1 81 pt 1 81 .. .. s pt 1 8 1 . . pt 1 91.... n-w pt 1 90 pt 1 91.... n pt 1 90. . pt 1 72 . . . . n-e pt 1 91 . e pt 1 90 . . pt 1 90. ... n-w pt 1 82 pt 1 81.. .. e pt 1 53 s pt 1 66 w pt 1 67 w pt 1 67. s pt ] 68 . n pt 1 68 . e pt 1 86. & 30 50 50 30 1 00 400 1 00 400 240 100 50 74 70 172 79 175 125 75 I 431 130 I 715 95 I 433 30 172 100 615 60 60 65 45 60 45 60 60 240 55 70 100 49 100 158 50 141 70 100 100 FROM THE HOLLAND COMPANY. TOWNSHIP SLX. RANGt SEVEyi—Cou/i/irtec/. l6: Name. Date. Land. Acres. Price Stillman Andrews. . . . 1828, Aug. 21 . n pt 1 66 . . . ^o 200 loel Chaffee 1828, Nov. 26. s pt 1 77 .. . Ptl 77 FOO 400 200 Veter Bost 1831, July I... 50 Alanson Loveless .... 1832, Jan. 9. .. e pt 1 67 . . . 61 244 Ebenezer Dibble 1832, Jan. II.. pt 1 77 40 178 Almar White 1833, Sept. 7.. pt 1 77 65 260 John Van Pelt 1836, Sept. 3.. pt 1 87 .SO 200 John Van Pelt 1836, July 25.. n pt 1 78 & s pt 1 87.. 100 400 Kichard Dowd 1836, Aug. 5.. pt 1 87 100 400 Nancv Harkness 1837, Feb. 27.. pt 186 so 200 Charles Watson 1837, March 15 pt 1 78 2S 100 John Williams 1837, Sept. 21. s pt 1 69 . . . 70 282 Edward Blodgett 1841, Oct. 14.. n pt 1 69 . . . 100 Lansing Tooker 1841, Sept. 15 . w pt 1 86 . . . 184 735 TOWNSHIP SEVEN. RANGE SEVEN. James Brown John Clemens George Killom John Stewart Amaziah Ashman . . . . Solomon Field Thomas M. Barrett.. . Sylvenus S. Kingsley. Ebenezer F. Pike Jessee Putnam, jr Samuel Abbott John H. Cuming Benjamin C. Pratt. . . . Joseph Yaw 1809, 1809, 1806, 1809, 1809, 1809, 1810, 1 8 1 o, 1810, 1 8 10, 1810, 1 8 10, 1810, 1 8 10. Oct. 16 Oct. 16 Sept. 3c Oct. 24 Oct. 24 Sept. 8 Jan. 1 1 Jan. 18 June 7 Jan. 10 June 7 Sept. 7 April 23 Jan. 18 1 8 10, Aug. 2 1 8 10, Mar. 5 18 10, Nov. 29 Obadiah Brown .... ■"Thomas M. Barrett Comfort Knapp. . . . Joseph Hanchett i 181 1, Feb 20 James Pike 18 10, June 7 Thomas McGec. . . . Smith Russell Lyman Drake 1 8 10, April 23 1 8 10, May 5. 181 1, May 27. w pt 1 20. . . 167^ e 1/ 1 201 . < 67 n y, 1 24 . . . 168 e pt 1 4. ... 168 w pt 1 4. . . . 169 1 3 3^7 n-e pt 1 40.. 93i 1 31 409 1 22 319 w 14 1 23... 203 1 39 424 n ><138... 172 e pt I 21..-. 164 1 19 & n pt 1 18 492 e>^ 1 28 . . 191 s-e pt 1 40 . . . 50 n-e pt 1 48. . 100 w >^ 1 21 .. 164 1 30 330 ; 1 II 343 . w pt 1 I 2 . . . 177 n pt 1 16. . . 1 100 377 375 378 422 422 792 280 920 717 456 954 387 369 1 107 429 90 250 410 742 1029 531 300 l66 NAMES OF PERSONS BUYING LANt) TOWNSHIP SEVEN. RANGE SEVEK—Contin/w,/. Name. Date. Land. Richard Stevens i8ii. Au Timothy Stevens. Samuel Cooper . . Samuel Cooper . . Hall & Metcalf. . Israel Clark James Brisbane \ Reuben Metcalf \ James Willson ! Channing Trevett . . . . ; Arad Knapp ; Ezekiel Cook ' Nehemiah Paine | Andrew Clemens | David Cunningham ... Isaac Drake Wheeler Drake Amos Thompson Jacob Thompson Amos Thompson , David Stanard j David Stanard i Joel Gillet.. . ." Jireh Phinney Andrew McKlen Jane Thompson William Dye John McKlen Joseph Potter Justus Hinman John Horton Benjamin Fay Ebenezer Ferrin Daniel Persons Emery Sampson John S. Newell Jonathan Townsend.. Ezekiel Cook James Pike Charles C. Reynolds. . i8ii. 1811, 1811, 1811, 181 1, & I 1811, 1811, 18 1 2, 1812. 1813, 1815, 1815, 1815, 1815. 1815, 1815, [Kl^. 1815, 1815, 1815, 1815, 1S17, 1 8 16, 1817. 1817, 1817, 1817. 182 1. 1821, 1815, 1815, i8i,S, 1 8 16, 1816, 1816, 1816. 1817, 1817, 1816, Aug. 5 . . Dec. 12.. Dec. 12.. April 19. Feb 27 March 6. . July 7... Dec. II.. Feb. 7. . . June 13. March 6. April 6. . April 6. . July 10. . May 29.. Oct. 26.. June 12. Dec. 6. . . Dec. 6. . . Dec. 6.. . Sept. 8. . Sept. 8. . Dec. s- • • Mar. I... July 16.. Jan. 18.. April 17. Sept. 5 . . July 28. . July 28. . Oct. 18. . July II.. Nov. 28. April 19. July 20. . Aug. 7 . . Dec. 31.. Jan. 22. . Mar. 7 . . Sept. 30. Acres. 1 Price n pt 1 I & pt 1 2 . . . pt 1 2 n-e pt 1 12. s-e pt 1 12 . n pt 1 29. . s-e pt 1 48 & w pt 1 40 w pt 1 27. . s pt i 29. . s pt 1 32 . . pt 1 18... n ])t 1 47 . . s pt 1 i^.. e pt 1 41 . . pt 1 28 . . . s pt 1 7 . . . pt 1 7 . . . . w pt 1 16. p 1 10.... pi 10 w p 1 10. . s p 1 16... pi 7 n p 1 7 . . . n p 1 6. . . spt 1 13 pi 13... s p 1 8 . . p 1 I . . . , pi 15.. n p 1 I 5 . n-w pt 1 48 s pt 1 26 s pt 1 1 8 e i)t 1 44 pt 1 35- pt 1 33- n pt 1 17 s pt 1 25 s-w pt 1 24 n pt 1 33.. TOO TOO 77 ICO 202 267 200 148 100 bo 75 120 100 100 TOO 100 100 114 114 114 106 100 104 100 100 100 100 75 75 100 150 83 120 200 120 TOO 100 100 129 FROM THE Holland co.\rpANY. TOWNSHIP SEVEN. RANGE SEVEN— Coniinue(/. 167 Name. Emery Sampson William Hcrrick Lewis Trevett Rebecca Lush Masury Giles Zebedee Simons Daniel Ingalls Daniel Putnam Jonathan Townsend . . James Coh'ille Robert Curran Samuel Fosdick Francis Koiser & Jean Chappy Elias M. Chapel Charles Mosier David Heath Rufus Thurbur Irena Drake Jehiel Mitchel Jasper Thompson. . . . Oliver Needham ^Lemuel Twitchell. . . Samuel Lake George A. Stewart . . . Obadiah Russell Hosea L. Potter Barzillai Briggs Amos Stanbro *Reuben C. Drake . . . Fllam Booth John Brooks Hosea E. Potter Ebenezer Drake Zebedee Simons James Coh iile Truman V^anderlip .... Michael Haas, jr Stephen Churchill. . . . Phineas Scott Pliny Wheeler Laban A. Needham . . . D.\TE. 816 816 818 820 820 820 818 818 822 827 830 830 833 834 836 836 824 825 826 828 818 829 831 831 834 835 838 837 838 838 838 837 837 836 ^37 838 838 838 841 841 Oct. 16.. Sept. 19. Jan. 12. . P'eb. 21.. Nov. 17. Nov. 17. Sept. 8 . . Sept. 8. . Dec. 7.. . Dec. 19.. Jan. 21 . . Jan. 21 . . Oct. 16.. Oct. 27. . July 16. . Nov. 2. . April 8. . July II.. Oct. 31.. Dec. 25.. Nov. 5 . . Jan. 20. . April 27. Oct. 3... Feb. 25.. Oct. 14.. Nov. 19. Feb. 8... Nov. 22 . Nov. 22 . Nov. 27. April 12. Aug. 20. Dec. 21.. Mar. 9. . Oct. 10. . Mar. 21 . Dec. 13.. Dec. 14.. Nov. 7. . Oct. 28. . Land. e pt 1 36. w pt 1 28 -S-W pt 1 2 c pt 1 27. s pt 1 34. pt 1 34 • • pt I 38 n-w pt 1 26 35 n-e pt 1 24 pt 1 24. 38 pt pt n pt 1 32 . w pt 1 36, w pt 1 41. pt 1 42 . . pt 1 8 . . . n-w pt 1 8 n pt 1 9 . . pt 16... pt 1 6. .. pt 1 15.. s pt 1 I . . n pt 1 2 . . n pt 1 1 3 . n pt 1 14. s-w pt 1 I 5 spt 1 5.." pt 1 5 . . . pt 1 5 . . . n pt 1 5 . . pt 1 14.. n-e pt 1 8 pt 1 42 . . w pt 1 44. n pt 1 45 . pt 1 47 . . .s-w pt 1 48 pt 1 44. . n-e pt 1 25 s pt 1 6. Acres, 100 91 153 145 100 100 59 60 107 50 25 41 60 80 56 50 50 52 100 50 100 50 60 75 106 100 38 50 50 IOC 50 50 70 40 45 50 50 67 50 25 71 Price 450 388 736 688 450 400 232 234 428 2 I 2 106 174 240 320 200 200 212 22 1 460 2 12 525 150 240 300 424 444 152 200 200 400 200 200 282 163 182 200 200 268 200 275 375 1 68 REAL ESTATE DOCU^rE^•TS. TOWNSHIP SEVEN, RANGE SEVEN— Cofi/i/iue- 14th, 1 82 I. STEPHEN RuSSELL. " For value received, I ' sine' over all my 'wright' and title to within article of agreement, with all the ' wrights' and ' pri\a- leges' thereunto belonging, to Tracy J. Russell. March 17. 1833. Sylvester Russell. " This may certify, that we assign all of the land on the west side of the road, it being the west part of the northeast part of lot 12, R 7, T. 7, said land to be fifteen or twenty acres, to Pliin- eas Scott, his heirs and assigns forever, for a valuable consider- ation in hand paid, and give the said Scott peaceable possession of the same, this 13th da}' of October, 1842. Tracy J. Russell, Sylvester Russell. April the 28th, 1843. " For value received, I assign this article and all "mi" 'wright' and title to the w ithin contract, Sylvester Russell." 172 THK FIRST DEED GIVEN FOR LAND COPY OF THE FIRST DEED GIVEN FOR LAND IN THE TOWN OF CONCORD. " THIS INDENTURE, made this Fifth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand ei^^lit hundred and ten, bctz^een Wilhem WiUink, Pieter Van Eeghen, Hendrick Vollenhoven, Rutger Jan Schimmelpcnnick, Wilhem WilHnk the younger, Jan Willink, the younger, son of Jan, Jan Gabriel Van Stapf- horst, Cornelis Vollenhoven and Hendrik Seye, all of the City of Amsterdam, in the Republic of Batavia, hy Joseph Ellicott, their attorney, of the first Part, and Thomas M. Barrett of the County of Niagara and State of New York of the second Part: — WIT- NESSETH, that the said parties of the first part, for and in con- sideration of the sum of NINETY Dollars, to them in hand by the said party hereto of the second part, the receipt whereo- is hereby acknowledged, and themselves to be therewith fully satisfied, contented and paid, Have granted, bargained, sold, aliened, released, enfeoffed, conveyed, confirmed and assured, and by these presents Do grant, bargain, sell, alien, release, enfeofT, convey, confirm and assure unto the said party of the second part, and to his heirs and assigns forever, ALL that cer- tain tract of land, situated, lying and being in the County of Niagara in the State of New York, being part or parcel of a certain Township, which on a map, or survey of divers tracts or Townships of land of the said parties of the first part, made by the Proprietors by Joseph Ellicott, surveyor, is distinguished by Township number seven, in the seventh range of said Town- ships, and which said tract of land on a certain other map or survey of said Township into lots, made for the said Proprie- tors, by the said Joseph Ellicott, is distinguished by the south- east part of lot number fort)' in the said Township. BecHNNING: — " Bounded east by K)t number thirt\'-two, t\\ ent\'-seven chains, sixty-seven links; south by lot number thirt)'-nine, eighteen chains seven links ; west by a line parallel with the west bounds of said lot number 32, twenty-seven chains, sixt}'-seven links ; and north by a line parallel with the north bounds o{ said lot num- ber thirty-nine, eighteen chains seven links, containing fifty acres, be the same more or less, according to the plan laid down in the margin hereof: TOGETHER with all and singular the signaturp:s of tiif. iwrtiks, ktc. 173 Appurtenances, Privileges, Advantages and Hereditaments whatsoever, unto the above mentioned and described i)remises in any wise appertaining or belonging, And the Rex'crsion and reversions. Remainder and remaindjrs. Rents. Issues and Profits thereof, and also all tli;: estate. Right, Title, Interest. Proi)ert\'. Claim and Demand whatsoever, as well in law as in ecjuit)', of the said Parties of the first Part, of. in, or to the same, and ever\- Part and Parcel thereof, with the Appurtenances; TO HAVK AND ro noi,D the above granted, bargained and described premises, with the Appurtenances, unto the said party (^f the second part, his heirs and assigns, to his and their only proper Use, Benefit and Behoof forexer. A\l) the said parties of the first i'art, for themsehes, and their and each of their respectixc Heirs, Executors and Administrators, do hereb}- covenant, promise and agree to and with the said part}' of the second part, his Heirs and Assigns, that the}-, the said parties of the first part, the above described, and hereb}' granted and bar- gained premises and every j^art thereof, with the Appurte- nances, unto the part}' of the second part, his Heirs and Assigns, against the said parties of the first Part, and their Heirs, and against all other persons whatsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof, shall and will warrant, and b}' these presents forexer Dl'.KKND. " Ix Witness whereof, tlic parties to these presents have here- unto interehaiigeably set their Hands anel Seals the Day and Year first above written. Scaled and delivered in j the presence of | James W. Stevens. | William Peacock. | Wilhelm Willink, | L. s. | Jan Gabriel V'an Staphorst, [l.S] Peter Van Eehhen, | L. s. ] Cornelis Vollenhoven, [i,. s.] Hendrik Vollenhoven, j L. s. | Hendrik Seye, [ L. S. | Rutger Jan Schimmelpennick, | r.. s. | B}' their Attorney, Wilhem Willink, the Younger, | i.. s. ) Jose):)h P^Uicott. | l,.s.| Jan Willink, the Younger, Son of Jan. | [,. s.] KARI.V ROADS. The first road laid out in town was the Genesee or Cattaraugus road. It was laid out by the Holland Land Company. It 174 ROAD P^ROM BUFFALO TO OLEAX. commences at the east side of the Holland Purchase and extends westward through Wyoming county and Sardinia, Concord and North Collins to near Lawton station. The east part of the road in Wyoming count)' and a portion in Sardinia was cut out by men employed by the Holland Compan\'. The rest of the way the work was done by the settlers and inhabi- tants. A portion of the way the lots are bounded by the out- side limits of the road. The intervening space being a gift from the company for the purpose of a road. In i8io, a road from Buffalo to Olean Point was laid out; passing through Hamburg, Boston, up the valley of the Eigh- teen-mile creek, through what was formerly called the Sible}' set- tlement, past the farm of H. M. Blackmer to East Concord ; thence to Richmond's, on the Cattaraugus creek ; from there through Yorkshire and Machias and on to Olean. The commis. sioners appointed to locate the road were David Eddy of East Hamburg, Timothy Hopkins, of Williamsvilleand Peter Vande- venter, of Newstead. The expense of opening this highway was borne in equal parts by the State and the County of Niagara. In earh' times it was called the State Road. The travel from Springville to Boston at first went up Franklin street, past where John A. Wilson lives and over Townsend hill. The first laid-out road from Springville to Boston passed over Townsend hill. It was the same road now traveled. It was a mail route, a four-horse Troy coach being driven o\'er it daily at one time. In early times the principal travel east and west through this section passed over the road leading from Arcade westward along the course of the Cattaraugus creek through Springx'ille and Zoar to Gowanda. It was a mail and stage route and a post ofifice was located at Zoar. It was as much as fifteen or twent)- years after the first set- tlement of Concord before the road from Springville to Mor- ton's corners was cut-out ; previous to this the jieople of Mor- ton's corners and \icinit}' reached Springville b}' w a}' of l\")wns- end hill. About 1830 the road commencing as lot 52 and ending on l(^t 6, passing along the main branch of the Eighteen-mile creek. SPKIN(;\ ll.I.K \- SARDINIA RAILROAD. I 75 in Concord, was laid out. Vov nian\' \-(jars the principal traxel from Sprini(\'illc to Buffalo pas.scd over thi.s road. About 1852 a plank-road was constructed from Sprin^ville to Hamburg. It was built in the public highway and extended along the valley of the Eighteen-mile creek through Concord and Boston. It was kept in repair ten or twelve years when it ceased to be a toll-road. It connected at Hamburg with a plank-road leading into Buffalo. S1'RIN(;\I1.I.K \- SARDINIA R. R. This railroad compan)' was organized May 6th, 1878. The capital stock was fift)' thousand dollars. Amount of stock sub- scribed was thirty thousand two hundred dollars, The length of road from Springville, N. Y., to Sardinia Junction, N. V., was eleven and -^^^j^ miles ; weight of rail per yard, twenty-five pounds , gauge of track, three feet. The cost of the road and ec}uipment was sixty-one thousand eight hundred and thirteen dollars and ninety-fi\'e cents. This road makes connection w ith the Buffalo, New York & Phila- delphia R. R. at Sardinia Junction. Two passenger trains are run daily, and, as appears from the State Engineer's report on railroads for the year 1880, which is the latest report published, that the capital stock subscribed was $30,400 ; and that the amount paid in was $30,087.24; and the funded debt was $25,000, and the unfunded debt was $6,73035, and the names and directors of the corporation were C. J. Shuttleworth', Spring- ville, Bertrand Chafer, Springville, Alonzo L. Vaughn, Spring- ville, James Hopkins, Sardinia, Charles Long, Sardinia, New- ell Hosmer, Sardinia and Franklin B. Locke, Buffalo. The officers were Bertrand Chafer, President, James Hopkins, Vice-President, L. M. Cummings, Secretary, Charles J. Shuttle- worth, Treasurer. ROCHESTER ie. Mr. Michel']. Amos Thompson. Thomas McGee. Smith Russell. Andrew McLen. Joseph Potter. L\'man Drake. Samuel W. Al<4"er. Channing Trevett. Samuel Cooper. James I^rown & John Clemens. Joseph 1 lanchett. I , RANGE SEVEN. ot 22 Lsaiah Pike. '^ 2T) Jesse Putnam. " 24 George Killom. " 27 Samuel Eaton. "' 2'i Ichabed Brown. " 29 Reuben Metcalf. " 30 James Pike, Ezekiel Ad- ams & T. Heacock. " 31 John L^res. " 33 Sylvenus Cook. " 34 Zebedec Simons. "35 Samuel Sampson. " 36 Emer}' Sampson. '' T,"/ Truman Vandcrlip «.^' Ja- cob Rice. " 38 Daniel Putnam. •' 39 Samuel Abbott. '' 40 Thomas M. Barrett. " 41 Nehemiah Paine. " 42 David Heath. •' 43 John Healand. " 44 Daniel Persons. " 45 Henr\- Stearns & Zacheus Preston. 178 THE HOTELS OF SI'RINC;VILLE. TOWNSHIP SEVEN, RANGE SEVEK— Con finurt/. Lot 46 Mr. Huff, William Hor- Knapp. ton & Daniel Horton. Lot 48 John Horton, Truman " 47 John Reecher & Arad Horton & C. Knapp. TOWNSHIP SIX, RANGE SEVEN. Lot 46 Peter Pratt. Lot /2 Luther Thompson. '* 47 George Hicks. " 73 Lewis Cox. " 48 Nathan Hicks. " j/ Simeon Holton, " 49 Jesse Frye & Enoch N. " 78 Chas. Watson. Frye. " 80 Stephen Knight. " 66 John Holdridge. " 81 Simeon Holton, Day, " 56-67 William Smith. Knight & C. C. Foster. " 57 Elijah Palmerter. " 82 John Battles. " 58 Austin Pratt. " 86 Abiel Gardner. " 68 John Williams. " 87 Dickey Doud. " 71 Thomas Richardson. " 90 Simeon Holton. Lot 91 Jeremiah Richardson. HOTELS. MILLS AND MANUFACTORIES. HOTELS AND HOTEL-KEEPERS IN CONCORD. The first hotel in town, a small, double log house on Frank- lin street, near the opera house, was opened by David Stickney. in 1 8 10. There is a tradition that here the name of " taking a horn " first originated. The house was supplied with liciuor and a bar, but not a glass to meet the wants of the thirst}'. Stickney improvised one out of the horn of an ox, hence " tak- ing a horn" of whiskey, in those days, was literalh' true. Second Hotel — By John Albro, in a log house on the east side of Buffalo street, on the north confines of the corporation, just south of the forks on Sharp Street and Townsend Hill roads; opened about 181 1. Third Hotel — Amaziah Ashman, in a log house on Town- send hill; opened about 1812. Fourth Hotel — In a log house on Morton's Corners, by John Battles. He was a soldier of the Revolution and a pensioner. Opened in 1817. Fifth Hotel — Framed building on Franklin street, opposite the park. Built b}- David Stannard in 1817 or 1818 ; kept, first Jl nil", ii()Tf:i,s ok si>ri.\(;vii,i.e. 179 b\- Harry Scars, tlicn h)- a Mr. Wright, as^ain b\- Harr)- Scars, t(i be succeeded b\' Seth Allen, tlien b\- l)a\'i(l Hensle\' and James F. Crandall, and lastly by Mr. Bentley. Sixth Hotel — By Jonathan Townsend, on Townscnd hill ; first in a frame buildinL;', in 1S19, tlien in a brick building;-, in 1822. Seventh Hotel — Isaiah Pike commenced on the Pike home- stead in 1821, and kept for sixteen years. Flighth Hotel — 15\- Samuel Cociirane, on Main street, Sprin^;-- \'ille, in a frame building on the (Cochrane homestead, wliere V. K. Davis now is; opened in 1822. Ninth Hotel — The (Md Springville Hotel on Main street, where the Leland House now stands; built in 1824, by Rufus C. Eaton, and kept b}' him for a time ; he was succeeded b\' Jonson Bensley, Richard Wadsworth and others. At one time, Daniel Peck ran a hotel at Morton's Corners. I'or many }x'ars the Morton Brothers entertained the traveling public. In 1843, they erected a very creditable two-stor\- frame building, with a suitable hall, that is in a good state of preservation at the present. Another hotel was conducted on Townsend hill, first b\- a Mr. Currier, to be succeeded by Mr. Mitchel. Henry Ingalls conducted a hotel for a while in the north part of the town in the valle\'. The American Hotel was built b\- Phelps Hatch, in 1843 and '44. He conducted it for a few years, then leased it to James F. Crandall, then Smith and Beebe purchased the property and for man\- x'ears the\' were the landlords. Afterwards, the property was rented and run b\' Gaston D. Smith ; soon after the property j^assed into the hands of Theodore Smith; in i860, he sold to E. S. Pierce, who conducted the house until 1863, when he sold to Clinton Hammond, who occupied it one \'ear and then sold it back to E. S. Pierce, who, in turn, after running it two \'ears, in 1866, sold it again to Hammond: Davis & lladlc)' ran it a short time. In 1874, A. E. Torre\' bought the j)ropert\' and for a time he remained the proprietor; then he associated himself with his brother, A. R. Torrey, \\ho after a time bought the propert\- and conducted it until the Spring of 1880. when he sold to the present jiroprietor, Peter Nenno. I So HO'l'ELS AND SAW MILLS. Phineas Scott kept a liotcl on Townsend Hill for sex'eral years. Jedediah Starks and a Mr. Parker kept a hotel on the V^osburg place, a mile and a half east of Springville. Fox- hotel was first opened by Carl 'Ludeman, to be succeeded by L. Rrenckle. Fred P'ox bought the hotel, and after conducting it a few years he sold to Andrew Oyer, who sold after a time to his brother Augustus, who kept the house a while, and then sold to Clinton Hammond, who soon after sold to Fred Fox. This was in 1874; in 1883, Fox sold out to Theodore Trew, who now conducts the house. The Farmers' Hotel was first opened by George Kopp, then Phillip Herbold, then Louis Fiegel, then William Biegel, Phil- lip Newbeck, John Haut, Martin Bury, Michael Miller, Peter Nenno, Jr., Charles Miller, and, lastly, by Henry Saltzer. Delevan House — Fred Miller, Chester Priggs, Albert C. Michael, George. A. Richmond, Crawford & Green, Crawford & Norton, and, lastly, by Webster Norton. SAW MILLS. The Eaton mill was built about 18 13. It stood on the west bank of Spring brook, a short distance north of Franklin street. Channing Trevitt put up the frame for a saw mill at Wheeler Hollow in 18 1 3. He died that Fall and the mill was not com- pleted until a year or so after, by Capt. James Tyrer. The Bloomfield mill in Springville, was built in or about 1816. The Bensle}' mill at the mouth of Spring brook was built in 1816 or 1817. The Phillips saw mill was commenced in 1 8 16 or 18 17 b)- Nicholas Armstead, who sold out to Asa Phillips, who com- pleted the mill in 1818. This mill was on the Smith brook just below the cross road at the John Martin farm. Robert Auger built a saw mill on Spring brook in the south part of the village of Springville in 1822. This mill stood near the tannery of Jay Borden. Auger had an oil mill also. Joseph McMillan built a saw mill in 1828 ; it stood on the race just back of Victor Collard's wagon shop on Mechanic street. Lemuel Twichell built a saw mill on the east branch of the Fighteen-mile creek, in the north part of the town, in or about 1827. SAW MI 1,1. l-ROI-RIKIORS. I Si l)anicl ami Isani Williams commcncctl the erection of a mill on the Smith brook, near its mouth in 1825 or US26. They were both taken sick soon after with tyi^hus fe\er and died. The mill was not finished until .some time after, but b\- whom the writer is ignorant. John and Masur\- Ciiles built a mill three-fourths of a mile south of Morton's corners, in 1824. W'm. Potter built a mill on the east branch of the I'"Jghteen- mile creek, at i'\)wler\ ille, in 1829. Homer Barnes built a mill at \\'ater\ille, on the BufTalo creek, about 1830. This mill stood on the same site of the Vance mill to-day. Henj. Crump built a mill that stood further down the stream A short distance above the Vance site, Paris A. Spray;ue built a mill. Treat Brothers built a mill on the same stream. This mill stood on the Treat farm. Still farther up the stream Lewis Wheelock built a mill on the Wheelock farm. Lewis janes built a mill on the PLiL^hteen-mile creek, on lot 16. Sellick Canfield built a mill on the P^ighteen-mile creek, on lot 6, in 1845. Theodore Potter built a mill on the same site, in 1857. Orrin Baker re-modeled this mill some time after and put in a steam entwine. Mr. Clark owns a steam-mill at P'owlerville. At quite an earh' day a saw-mill was erected at Woodsward Hollow. This mill or a mill that stood on the same site, was burned down two or three years ago. Philo Woodsward built a steam-mill there several years ago, which is in active opera- tion at the present time. Many years ago a water-mill was erected in Spooner Hol- low, b\' Simeon I lolton, on the Smith brook. This site was abandoned some years ago. A saw mill was built by Sellew &: Popple on the east branch of the Darby Brook. This mill is now owned by N. Bolander, Jr. & Bro. A mill was built at the mouth of this brook some time in 1865 or 1866. The frame was put up by Daniel Pierce, and 1 82 SAW MILLS AND GRIST MILLS. then passed into the hands of Jacob Rush. This mill is in good repair, having been rebuilt, and is owned b}' James O. Coon. Three or four }'ears ago a mill was erected b}' D. \\' . Bensley on the Smith brook above Spooner Hollow. Charles J. Shuttleworth built a mill on the Wells brook, sev- eral years ago. This mill is located half a mile south of the Liberty Pole corners, and is in acti\e operation at the pres- ent time. He also built a mill near his foundry and machine shop. Gaylord and Watkins in 865 erected a steam mill one-fourth of a mile east of Gaylord's Corners, ^\'hich is in actixx- operation to-day. About fifty )-ears ago a small mill was built on a little stream since known as the Dry Brook. This mill was built b}' the citizens of Townsend Hill for their own convenience, and stood on the southeast corner of the old Fay farm. Lewis Trevitt bought the frame of the old Phillips mill and moved it on to the little brook that runs just south of his place. GRIST MILLS. First — Benjamin Gardner built a grist mill in Springville in 1814. It was the first grist mill built in Concord, and was located about t^\•enty-f^ve rods south of Main street, on Spring brook and opposite the bend in Mill street. Second — Jonathan Townsend built the second grist mill in 1 8 16, on the south part of lot eighteen, township seven, range seven, now known as Wheeler Hollow. Third — Rufus Eaton built the third grist mill in Springville, about 18 1 8. It stood on the race just back of the Leland House barn, on Mechanic street. Fourth — About 1832 Barnes & Wilson built a grist mill on lot thirty-nine. Fifth — About 1830 a grist mill, or corn mill, was built three- fourths of a mile south of Morton's Corners, by Simeon Holtoii. Sixth — In 1835 Manley Colton built the mill on Main street. Seventh — E. W. Cook built a mill on the site of the old (iardner mill. Eighth — W. G. Ransom changed the Cook woolen factory into a grist mill. It commenced business in February, 1877. r)IS'l'f[J-KRIES AND WOOLEN FA("^()K^■. 1S3 DISTILLERIES. J.'ii-st — Frederick Richmond built the fust distillery iiear where Franklin street crosses Sprin<;- brook. He made whisky out of potatoes as well as corn. It was burned down after a few x'ears. Second — Silas Rushniore built and run a distiller)- on the east side of SpriuLj- Hrook a short distance north of (ieorgx- C'randall's house. Third — AuL;ustus d. h'dliotl had a distiller}- on the .Shuttle- worth lot east of the railroad antl south of I'^'anklin street. Fourth — George Shultus had a distiller}- down near the Cat- taraugus creek. l^'ifth — Townsend & 'r}-rer had a distiller}- in Wheeler Hollow. Si.xth — There was a ilistiller}- on lot forty-nine, township seven, range six, on the farm now owned by Fred Clark. Seventh — John Van Pelt had a distillery back of A. F. Rust's grocer}' between Main street and the creek. Eighth — David Williams had a distillery on the Cattarau- gus, do\\-n towards Fr}-es. wool, EN FAOTORV, CARDINC AND CLOTH DKESSTNO. The first \\oolen factor}- comprising carding, spinning and cloth-dressing, was built b}- a company of towns' people, con- sisting of Maj. Samuel Bradley, Deacon John Russell, Silas Rushman and George Shultes. The date of the erection of this building can not be ascertained, but it was at an early day. Its location was on the west side of Buffalo .street, about equally distant from W. G. Ransome's flouring mill and the residence of Sanford Mayo. This building was quite large for the times, and w as two stories high. The lower story was divided into suites of roonis for residences, and the upper story was ar- ranged for factor}- purposes, the basement was used for color- ing and other purposes requiring heating apparatus. .\ con- siderable time elapsed before the building was finished and sup- plied with machinery, and during this interval the upper part was used for school, church and Sunday school purposes. The first Sunda}- scht)ol was organized by Deacon John Ru.ssell and Major Samuel Bradle}'. Religious meetings were also held here for some time and a common school was taught in this 1 84 WOOI,EN FACTORY AND TAXXKRIES. buiklin^-. Subsctiucntl}- the upper part of the buildini;- was furnishccl with machincr\- for manufacturing woolen cloth, wool carding was done near at hand with a full mill attached to water power. Machinery for spinning and weaving was pro- pelled b)' hand, this manufactory was operated for several years. David Seymour and a Mr. Silsbee were the bosses for a time and Isaac White — a brother of Francis White, now of Springville — was one of the spinners. Other buildings were erected, utilizing the water power now owned by G. W. Ran- som, and at a subsequent date the flourishing mill now owned by him, built and operated as a woolen factor)-, where all the machinery was run by water power, and at the present time wool carding is done by Mr. Harvey Spaulding in the basement of the Ransom mill. This propert}' comprising the factory buildings, water power, including the old grist mill, was pur- chased by Elbert W. Cook and owned and occupied b}' him for many years. TANNERIES AND TANNERS. Mr. Bascomb did the first tanning in Concord, on the Dodge place, about one and one-half miles east of Springville. Second — The first tannery in Springville was built by Jacob and Silas Rushmore in 1817, on the lot fronting on Main street, lying between Elk and Pearl streets, and known as the Mc- Aleese lot. Lexinus Cornwell owned and operated it afterwards. Third — The second tannery was built about 1823 or '24, by Hoveland & Towsley. It stood on the Shuttleworth lot, east of the mill race, and between Franklin and Main streets. After- wards Augustus (j. Elliott owned and operated this tannery; also Joseph D. Hoyt, and Hoyt & McEwen. Fourth — About 1830, Willard and Josiah Algar, built and afterward run a tajiner\- on Lot 18. T. 7. R. 7, in Wheeler Hollow. i^^ifth — .About 1832, a tannery x\as built in the north part of the town at Fowlerville by Towsle\- and Tuttle. About 1836, Joseph McMillan and Wm. Watkins built a tan- ners- on the east side of .Spring brook, about thirt)- rods north of iM-anklin street. Mr. McMillen died in 1846, but Mr. Wat- kins carried on the leather and shoe business many years. TA X X I". K I l':S AX D ASH 1". R I KS — I , A W \' K RS . I S 5 111 1861, rcrcL;i'inc Maton niotlclctl t)\'cr the woolen factoi-y that stootl down the creek near the corporation hne. into a tanner)'. After about a \'ear he sokl to Sampson & Wilcox. In 1866 .S. II. McKwen bought in, and remained ten months. Wilcox died, and Sampson & Sexerance ran the business some years. In 1873, Ja}' Borden bous^ht the tanner}-. It burned uj) in 1877, and the present tannery was built. ASHERIES. First — Samuel Lake built an asher\- on h'ranklin street on the north side and near the creek. Second — A. G. Fllliott built an asher\- north of I-~ranklin street and near where S. R. Smith's barn stands. Third — John Van Pelt had an ashery on Franklin street, south side of creek, about where Orvil Smith's barn stantls. I'oiu'th — Moses & Asa .Saunders had an asher\- on land now- overflowed by the north-west part of Shuttleworth's pond. h'ifth — Hallady & Shepherd run an ashery on the east side of the pond near Pearl street. .Sixth — At one time there was an ashery at Morton's Corners, near where the cheese factor)- stands. PROFESSIONAL MEN, MERCHANTS, TRADERS AND MPXHANICS. LAWYERS. Earl)- Pettifogj^ers — Dax'id Stickney, " Jack" \'aw, Nehemiah Waters, Wales Emmons. First — The first attorney and counselor, Thomas T. Sherwood, came to this town about 1823 or '24, staid a short time and removed to Buffalo, and practiced there man\- )'ears, where he died. Second — rile second law)-er was Elisha Mack, who remained here twent)- years or more when he removx'd to Illinois, where he died. Third — Wells Brooks practiced here fifteen or twent)- years then removed to Buffalo. Fourth — C. C. Severance has practiced here over fifty years. I*"ifth — Morris Fosdick practiced here many years and died in Springville. 1 86 LAWYERS AND PHYSICIANS. Peter V. S. Wendover staid a short time and went back to Columbia county. Merrill & Treadwell staid a short time and went away. Wales Emmons went to Wisconsin and died there. Miner Strope went to Chatauqua count)'. Sydenham S. Clark died in Springville. Seth W. Godard died in Springville. Alonzo Tanner lives in Buffalo. A. W. Stanbro lives in Buffalo. Hosea Heath lives in Hamburg. L. Le Clear lives in Buffalo. Augustus Hanchett died in Michigan. PHYSICIANS WHO HAVE LIVED AND PRACTICED IN CONCORD. Giles Churchill doctored some in early times. Dr. Rumsey was a young man and in a year or two died here. Drs. Woodward and Reynolds were young men and remained but a short time. Dr. Daniel Ingals remained several years and then went away and has since died Dr. Varne}' Ingalls practiced several years and died here. Dr. Carlos Emmons died in Spring\'ille alter a residence here of over fifty years. Dr. John Allen died recenth' on Long Island, at an advanced age. Dr. Alden S. Sprague removed to Buffalo and died there. Dr. H. H. Hubbard removed to Wisconsin and died there. Dr. Alexander Hubbard removed to Wisconsin and died there. Dr. D. V. Folts removed to Boston. Mass., anci lives there. Dr. Morrell, Dr. B. A. Battle and Dr. Simeon Pool, went away. Dr. E. C Pool died in Springville, after practicing sometime. Dr. Wm. Van Pelt resides at Williamsville, this county. Dr. John ("i. House removed to Independence, Iowa, and died there. Dr. Charles House died here; Dr. Daniel Nash died here. Dr. U. C. Lynde lives in Buffalo: Dr. W. Gillett died here. Dr. Lyman Packard lives in Michigan. Dr- George Abbott lives in Hamburg, I J'lIVSICIANS, MERCHANTS, 'rRADHRS. i;'rc. 1 87 ])\\ W . S. I ones dic'il in California. Dr. Joseph Sibic)- died in Colden. Dr. Win. W'atkins lives in Orei^on. Dr. Wnison remained one year. Dr. Ru---. Dr. Crawford, Dr. Nichol, Dr. K-er)-, Dr. llib- bard. Dr. Manninn', Dr. .S])err\-, Dr. SoNerit^n and Dr. Brewer, went aua\'. Dr. Lane, Dr Habcock and Dr. Buckingham lived at Mor- tons Corners. MERCHANTS AND TRADERS IN CONCORD, IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES. CLOTHING, .S:< . About 1 814 David Stannard and Jerr\' Jenks came from Boston to Spriny;\ille (or "Fiddler's (ireen"), and commenced trading- on a small scale ; about the same time Frederick Richmond started in the same business on a still smaller scale. .Some authcjri- ties claim that Richmond started first, while others are quite as sanguine that ".Stannard & Jenks" were the pioneers. Their business was carried on in a log building east of the park, and afterwards they moved to a building that stood be- tween the Methodist and Baptist churches on Buffalo street. Rufus C. Faton was the next trader, he occupied a building back of the opera house, near the pond. In ied Rider, Morris Freeman, William Woodbur\', B. A. Fay, M. Cornwall, J. T\dler, Nick Brass. HARNESSMAKERS. O. D. Tibbitts, Robert Bidleman, Johnson Bensley , L. B. Towsley. William Darrow, H. T. Wadsworth, Abner Chase, ^Vindsor Chase, Georber, (). S. Ward, James Weber, Weber ,S: Holland, H. P. Spaulding. COOPERS. Icabod ]-5ro\vn, Samuel Cooper, Lewis Childs, John Peabody, Sylvester Peabody, Emery Sampson, Alanson Wheeler, Isaac Childs, Mr. Titus, Gates Brothers, James Fay, vMford .Shi])py, Mr. Pratt, Chester Wheeler. CABINETMAKERS. Wales Emmons. ()tis Butterw orth, Wales Butterworth, Wal- ter Wadworth, Mr. Holt, M. L. Arnold, P. G. Eaton, Daniel Shaw, Shaw & Brothers, William Sherman, E. Rundall, Major Wells. William Barclay, Mr. Rider, M. W. Douglass, S. B. Gaylord, Joel Norton, Robert Shultus, Philip Herbold, Her bold & Prior. L. D. Chandler, Hiram Thomas. CHAIRMAKERS. Lemuel Twichel, Richard Wads^\■orth, l^enjamin Nelson, Jonathan Nelson. Mr. Hill, Mr. Ryder, Mr. Gates. James Bovles. 192 BUSINESS MEN IN CONCORD AT PRESENT. Among' the business and professional citizens of Concord in Iye, Nicholas Dcet, PVank Span Id iiiL;', John Pratt, Lyman Covel. Morris Harnett. MASONS, S. Swertz, M. Colin, Charles Colin, J^'rank Thurber & Sons. Dell l^inney, Mr. Ouigle)', Gideon Matthewson, Mr. Doane. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. \V. \V. Blakeley, job printer and proprietor of Jounuxl and Herald, Melvin & Myers, job printers and proprietors of Local Ncivs, Nelson Thurber, printer. Charley Briel. printer, William Lowe, printer, William P>\'e, printer. TANNERS. Jay Borden, proprietor of Sprin<;ville Tanner}-. I'atrick Flan- igan and Mr. Philips, tanners. WOOD AND COAL. V . O. Smith, coal and wood dealer. BUTCHERS AND DEALERS IN MEATS. Nicholas Rassel, Spencer Widri<^r and Cook Brothers. WAGON-MAKERS. Victor Collard, Matthew Metzler and Mr. Hassett. I'eter Collard. BLACKSMITHS. Frank Weismantel. Peter Weismantel. Samuel Wheeler. Jr.. Jacob Wcnzel, Charles Thurber, William hVase. llenry Krepjis. John h'ink and Cie(.)ry;e Beaumont. HARNESS-MAKERS AND CARRIAGE-TRIMMERS. C. R. Wadsworth. Clark Fcrrin, S. PL Barnhart. .\. Thillen. llenry Bay. i'i;i;i.ic iMii.DiN'cs, iiAi.Ls, I ii . 195 DIINTISTS, Carlos W'aiicaiul A. I,. X'au^hn. daguerri:()tvim;rs. S. I',. SpauldiiiL;- ami Miss Ann 11. Pierce. LIVKRV-STAHLE KEEPERS. E. S. iS: J. Pierce and K. 1). Henient. RE.STATRANT. M. I). Scoby. WOOL CARDING. ! Iar\-e)' Spauklin^-. PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND HALLS. ( )l)era Iliuise, I'resb)'tei'ian, Methodist. l''ree l)a])tist. Baptist and Catholic churches, Ciriffith Institute. Masonic Hall and the E. A. U.llall. I'"ree Ba])tist. Methodist and Lutheran churches at Morton's Corners, and h'ree Baptist chui'ch at Ivist Concord. MILLWRIGHTS. 1.. M. KelloL;\L;. Jesse i""r)'e. James B. Titus, Benjamin Josl)'n and Morris Williams. MACHINISTS. C. J. Sluittleworth and Wallace McMaster. CABINET MAKERS AND SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MAKERS. John Demuth. Anson J. MeminLj;, Campbell Hu^eland Lewis (loodbread. BARBERS. K. 1). Bement, (jeori^e Identic}- ami Herbert P'errin. CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. Thomas Lincoln. William McMillen, Joseph Flcmin<^, Wil- liam IMackmar, Benjamin Joslyn, Lbenezer S. Cady, J. L. Steele, Ransom Davis, Morris Williams. William Josh-n. ]). O. Bab- cock, Carlos Co.x, .\. J. Moon. I'eter Zimmer. James Titus, I'Vank Spauklin^-. (ieort;e 11 Clark, Kutloli^h Rust, Ward F'crrcn, Waldo Morton. William Widriti^, lliram Laffcrty, James Rey- nolds, David (iritfith, (jeorL;e Wood, Theron (ireen. Albert Davis, Cypher Haas, (ieori^e Norton. Met. Lincoln. Charles \()6 " fii)1)1,i;k's crkkn." Laffcrty. Artluir Churchill, Alfred Churchill, Will Stanbrci. O. D. Curtis. Will Griffith, Mr. Shaw. Perry Scott. Tom Wil- liams. Mr. Grace. Lee Rider. Gottlieb Krantz. James Cranston. Mr. Huyck. Edward Beaver. "FIDDLER'S GREEN.' It has been a query, even among those to the " Manor born.' iL'/ic/i or by ivhoiii this name of " Fiddler's Green " was first <^iven. But it has now become a pretty well established fact, from the testimon)- of persons now living, and who lived here at thai time, that the name was applied as early as 1815 or 1816. And it is also equally as well ascertained by the testimony of the same old settlers that the person who first applied the name was Uavid Stickney, who then kept a log tavern w here the Opera House now stands, and adjoining the "Green. " The plot of ground where the park now is, in early times was larger, smoother and much more beautiful than it is at present and was at first called "The Green." The theory that there were several fiddlers living adjoining or near there at the time the name was given is not sustained by evidence. It is true that at one time there were several fiddlers living in the vicinity, but it was many }-ears after it had received its title : but the following are well established facts: — First — That David Leroy came here about 1 812. Second — That he was a famous and inveterate fiddler. Third — That he lived a few rods north of the present park, and adjoining the " Green." Fourth — That his house was the favorite resort of other fiddlers who frecjuently came some distance to practice with and learn of him, and that the sound of his fiddle almost nightly floated out upon the evening air, and all the villagers listened to its rich melody. From these facts we have become satisfied after due investigation, that from David Leroy anci the music of his and other fiddles at his house, the " Green " by which he lived took the name of " Fiddler's (ireen," and that there were )io other Jieidlcrs living tJiere at that time. From this the little village took the same na//u\iind for man\' years it was know n as " Fiddlers (ireen " from New England to the 1^'ar West. Fifty and sixty years ago the name Spring- ville was seldom applied to the village, and it was only on MAM. KOi'lKS .Wn I'osi 1)1 KICKS. I97 special (occasions ami when (inc wished to be \ery ])recise in his language that the full name " Fiddler's Green " was used, but among the surrounding farming communit\- the name almost universally applied was the "Green." If you went to a neigh- bour's house and enquired of the wife where her husband was, the answer would be he has gone to the " Green." If }-ou called at another house and asked the children if their father was at home, the answer might be no, he has gone to the "Green." And even to-day the name of the "Green " remains indelibly stamped upon the minds of sivut of our \enerable men and women whose first and earliest recollections of the place was the little hamlet that nestled in the midst of nature's richest verdure around that spot, and this impression remains to-day on their minds, and they speak of it as the " Green " and call it by no other name. In early times the " Green " was used as a parade ground b}' the military companies that trained in Springville. Sometimes caravans and other traveling shows exhibited there. Some- times exciting games of base ball were played there. In the memorable political campaign of 1840 a log cabin was erected on the south-west corner of the " Green," and a large political mas.s-meeting was held there on that Fourth of Jul)-. In 1880, at the Semi-Centennial celebration of the opening of the Spring- \ille Academy, the large compau}' present on that occasion took dinner from tables erected on the " Green." MAILS, MAIL ROUTES AND POST OFFICES. The first post-offices established in this county were at Buf- falo and Clarence. There were no post-offices or mail-routes in the south towns before the war of 181 2 -15. The earliest method adopted b}- the settlers for communi- cating with their friends east was by watching their oppor- tunity and sending letters by some one who might ha\e occasion to return to the section of countr\- the\- came from. And their friends east would send letters whenever they knew of an\' person coming from that part of the country- here, and such person sometimes brought a dozen or more letters and they would be distributed to the owners who sometimes lived man\- miles apart. .\t one time a man by the name of Wm. Earl iqS I'os tmastkrs ai" si'ki\(;\ ll,I,l•".. \\as employed b\- the settlers to l^o to Buffalo once a week to cany the mail and brin;4 that of the settlers and distribute it to whom it belonged. At first the country extendin^^ for t\vent\- five miles north and south and thirty-fi\'e east and west, was all included in the one town of Willink, and a letter addressed to a person in Willink mi^ht ne\er reach its destination, there- fore the\' were addressed to persons in the township and ranj^e in which the}' lived. In this w a\- the\' coidd be distributed w ith measurable accurac}'. In the Spring" of 1820, a new mail-route was established, running from Buffalo to Olean, with three new offices in this county: one at Hamburg, formerly called Smith's mills; one at Boston, formerh* known as Torrey's corners, and one at Springville, Ralph Shepard was the first post-master at Ham- Inirg, Krastus Torr\- at Boston, and Rufus C. Eaton at Spring- cille, who held the office nine \'ears. Since that time the post-masters at Sj)ringville ha\ e been — In i828,Klisha Mack, under Andrew Jackson, two terms, Martin Van Buren, one. In 1840, Samuel Lake, under Harrison aiui p.art of T\-ler's administration. In 1842, Dr. Hubbard, under part of Tyler's and [)art of Polk's. In 1846, Major Blasdell, under Polk's administration. In 1848, Morgan L. Bacigiey, under 'ra}-lor and h'illmore. In 1852, Camden C Lake, under Pierce. In T856. Camden C. Lake, under Buchanan. In i860, Perrin Sampson, under Lincoln. In T864, Perrin Sampson, under Lincoln and part of John- son's. In 1866, Luther Killom, under Johnson. In 1868, Carlos Emmons, under Grant. In 1872, Carlos Emmons, under part of Grants 2d term. In 1872, T. B. Norris, under part of Grant's 2tl term. In 1876, T. B. Norris, under Hayes. In 1880, T. B. Norris, under (iarfield, who i.. post-master ;it the present time. Aliout fift)' )-ears ago a post-office was establisiu'd 011 Tow ns- end Mill, with .Ama/.iah Ashman as postmaste'i". At the jjresent ro.M MISSION ol II! K II RSI I'oS I'M AS TKK. 199 time there are four post-offices in the town of Concord — Sprini;- ville, Morton's Corners. Wooclward's Hollow and Mast Concord. •At first tlu- mail was carried o\-er Tow nsend llill to Boston and on to Jkiffalo ; then it was carried down the east branch of Ei<4'hteen-mile creek to Boston, then to Buffalo. And it has been carried past I-last Concortl ami tlirouLi'h Coklen to Buffalo. It is now carried on the cars from SprinoviHe to Sardinia and to Buffalo ; and also through Boston to Buffalo. In early times there was a mail from the Kast carried through Springville, Zoar, and on West. Afterwards there was a mail from Pike through Springville, Morton's Corners, Collin's Center, and on West. At the present time there is a mail route from Collin's Center, througli Morton's Corners, Wood- ward's Hollow, New Oregon, &c. There is a mail route from Springville to Cattaraugus Station. There is also a mail route from Springxille t(> Ashford Station. COMMISSION OF THE FIRST POST-MASTER IN SPRINGVILLE. '^Ri'tuni /. A/n]<^\\\ Jr., Posf-i/instrr (jciirrol of the ( 'nitctf S/a/cs of America. To ALL who shall see these presents, greeting: " Kxow VE, that confiding in the Integrit}-. Abilit\- and Punctuality of Rufus C. Katon, P^scp, I do appoint him a Post- master, and authorize him to execute the duties of that Officu at Springville, Niagara Count)', and State of New \'ork. according to the laws of the United States, and such Regula- tions conformable thereto as he shall receive from me. To HOLD the said office of Post-master, with all the Powers. Privileges and Flmoluments to the same belonging, during the pleasure of the I'ost-master (ieneral of the L^nited States for the time being. In TESITMONN' whereof, 1 have hereunto set m\- hantl and caused the Seal of my Office to be affixed at Washington Cit\ , the thirteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thou- sand eight lumdred and twent}-, and of the indej)endence of the United States the fort>'-fourtli. Registered 19th day of Jul)-, 1820. R. J. Mek.S. Tiios. Aruuckle, Clerk. 200 NAMKS ()]•■ OWM'.RS OK 1-AKMS 1\ 1S43. /\ list of tlie owners of farms and farvninL;- lands in the town of Concord in 1S45 : TOWNSHIP SEVEN, RANGE SIX. LOTS. 25. Calvin Blake, L. C. X'ani^han, lames V^aui^han, Epenetus Vaughan. 26. W. W. Cornwell, Asa W'ells, J. X. Yates, H. Freeman, J. Mayo. 27. John Gardinier, J. Bloodgood, W'm. Smith, Archibald Griffith. 2(S. Jared Davis, John Vaughn, Wm. Smith. 29. H. J. Vosburg, Abram Gardinier, \Vm. Olin, G. Newcomb. :^o. Wm. Foot, 'Levi Finch, James Wood, Joseph Coteral, John Coteral. 31. James Wood, R. Foote, R. Matthewson, John Philips. 32. R. F^oote, Sam. Hains, Mrs. Beaver, R. Matthewson. 33 Asa Wells, Healy ?^reeman, Charles Wells, Mr. Kilburn. 34. James Bloodgood, J. N. Vates, Vincent Cole, Weston Waite, Moses Griswold. 35. Archibald Griffith, M. \Wample, S. Gardner, J. Ma}'o, C. Smith. J. Wilson. 36. J. & A. South, Wm. Smith, E. Cram, L. Killom, J. Ila\-nes, L. Needham. 37. H. Stanbro, Wm. J^aker, Henr}- Vosburg, 1^. Graff. C. Vaughan, David Clark, Levi Finch. 38. J. Griffith, Louis Wheelock, H. Griffith, R. Drake, Bela Graves, C. Killom. 39. R. Foote, John Treat, P. A. Sprague, S. P. Field, Bela Graves. 40. Abner Wilson, B. Crump, P. A. Sprague. 41. Josiah Graves, Ashle)' Holland, Gardner Stanbro, Seic)- Squires. 42. Seley Scjuires, J. C. Cranston, Justin Miner, Hiram Mayo, , D. Sweet, J. McMillen. 4V L. Davis. E. Mayo, James Curtis, J. Mayo, P. Stanbro, C. Smith. 44. 7\. Cranston, Wm Smith, Jr., Wm. Smith, S. A. Jocey, 1'. Stanbro, C. Stanbro. 15. W'm. Smith, Wm. Smith, jr., Patrick Hogan, Ej^jhraim Neeilham. KAKIA' FARM oWMlKS IN l( »\\ \ ()!■ ( ■().\( OKI i. 20 1 46. Philip l\)ttcr, P. (^s<,H)od, Josiah CanfR-Id, Mr. Flint. C. A. Wilson. 47. Wheeler Drake, (non-resident). 48. Samuel Abbott, Alonzo Cross. 49. Mrs. Reynolds, Varne\' Installs. 50 K. E. Williams. Daniel Tice. Peter ]^radle\-. Zimri Inj^alls, Caleb Ingalls. 51. James Flemings, Ephraim T. Briggs. Amos Stanbro. 52. Philip Ferrin. Nathan Godard. l^Mijamin South, Lsaac Knox. 53. Albert Shippy. Ephraim A. Hriggs, Star}- King, C. Need- ham, E. Godard. 54. K. Martin, Jr., Mr. Mason. A. Martin. J. Agard. Orrin Sibley. 55. Orrin Sible\-. S\-lvester Abbott, Harrison Calkins. 56. Henry Smith. Wm Calkins. C. Abbott, S. Abbott. D. Lewis. 57. Carlos Emmons, V. Ingalls, Allan Drake, Alanson Wheeler. 58. J. House, Orley Perkins, Benjamin WHieeler, Sen. 59. Benjamin Fay, Ebenezer Blake. 60. Noah Townsend, Constant Tre\'ett, Philip Ferrin, Mr. Ste- phetison. 61. Orrin Baker, Jonathan Canfield, Orvil Canfield. 62. Wm. Field, Almon Perkins, Joshua Agard, H. E. Potter. 63. Benjamin Sibley, Joshua Agard. Abijah Sibley. 64. Moses Leonard, Oliver Dutton, O. Wells, J. P)artle\-, Mr. Curran, Mr. Calkins, E. Twichell. TOWNSHIP SIX, RANGE SEVEN. LOTS. 46. Mrs. Prudence Williams. 47. Mrs. Prudence Williams. 48. Roswell Alcott. 49. Jesse Frye, Enoch N. Fr)e. 56. Henry Weber. 57. Non Resident. 58. Michael Smith. 59. Michael Smith. 60. John Wells. 61. David Williams. 62. E. N. JM-ye, L. P. Coxe. 202 i:arlv concord farmers. 60. Luther Austin, V. 11. Can-, John Ilovcland. 67. Henry Weber, II. S. Post. 68. John Wilhanis, Le\i Pahiier. 69. John Williams. 70. Non Resident. 71. Thomas Richardson. /2. Abram Hammond, Luther Thompson, Mr. Newman, S. G. Churchill, J. G. Stor\-. JT,. Thomas Daxis, Mr. Trumball, S. A. Morton. JJ. Elisha Eaton, Joel Chaffee, Charles Chaffee. /^. Charles Watson. 79. Mrs. Knii^ht. So. Mrs. Knii^ht. Amos Stanbro, Geory;e Thompson, Charles Trindle. 81. A. P. Morton, A. K. ( )strander, Ambrose J(_)hnson, Widow- German, Milo Paker. ^2. A. P. Morton, Pomro\- Johnson, Jose[)h A^^ard Ostrander, Mr. Harxe}'. 86. Samuel Churchill. i>/. Pelei^ Cranston, AL-. \'an Hurau. 88. J. Agard, W. Agard, S. Agard. L. (jerman. 89. Horace Ga\'lord, Amos Stanbro, Washington T\-rer. Charles Prindle. 90. Isaac Nichols, (jeorge \\'oodbur\-, James Wheeler, P. C. Holt, Mrs. Tyrer-Ostrander. 91. Jeremiah Richardson, James Wlieeler, Widow Richardson. Parts of lots 61, 62, 71, 79, 80, i>j ;ind /^, and lot 70 were wild or unoccu[)ied land. TOWNSHIP SEVEN. RANGE SEVEN. LOTS. 1. Carlos Lmmons. \'. Ingals. 2. V. Ingals, Mrs. L )veridge, S. Wheeler, Mr. Ilutchins. 3. Mr. Hutchins. 4. P. Scott, A. /Vshman. Mr. Hutchins, Mr. Ste\enson, Mr. Canfield. 5. R. C. Drake, lUam Booth, Parle\- Marten. 6. Sillick Canfield, A. Gra\\ C)li\er Needham, Laban A. Need- ham. •ni.i.i'.ks (»K nil' son. i\ 1S45. 203 7. Ilosca I'otttr. i.. II. Twichcll. II. lii^als, A. (icnsnian, Mr. I lorton. S. William l)>-c. Ira Wooclwanl. Whcclcr iJrakc. 9. Jonas Pcrhani. \o. r. Cook. V. liiL;als, John I'^'cnch. 11. V. Scott, Widow Scott, .\. LoNcridL^a-. 12. r. Scott, J. Shears. 13. ThacklLMis I licock, Abial BloclL;"ctt. 14. T. II. and II. Potter, Charles Xeedham, A. C. Adam-;, Widow Bement. 15. T. li. Potter, William Twichell, Samuel Tuichell, Joseph Potter, Ira Drake, H. Drake. 16. William Potter, Widcnv Drake, Wheeler Drake, G. W. Thurber, H. Drake-BridLi'inan. I 7. W. H>-de, S. W. Alger. iS. W. Hyde. Klder Carr, James Tyrer, O. Spaulding, A. Hall. B. Trevitt, S. Stevens. \(j. J. M. Spauldinu-, B. Alby. 20. A. Hall, Hicock and Trevitt, E. Sampson, Jeremiah Louk. 21. Benjamin Trex'ett, Benjamin Trevitt, Jr., Hiram C. i re\ itt, William Adams, E. Adams. 22. Eron Woodward, Isaiah Pike, William Adams. 2:,. S. Trevett, I. Pike, D. Janes, P. Thurber, H. Burt. 24. R. Curren, J. Fosdick, E. Ellis. S. Trexett. 25. L)-man Joslyn, Mr. Josl\-n. 26. S. Stexens. 2J. r. M. Brings, E. Eush, Daniel Persons, James Colwell. 28. S. Cooper, H. C. Trevett, B. Fisher. l\. Sampson. 29. J-5enjamin Trevett, lienjamin Trexett, Jr., Trex ett & l^illou. 30. Ezekiel Adams, A. C Adams. 31. H. Babcock, Mr. Brush, J. Haxxkins. R. Hawkins, Al})honso Cro.ss, L. Trevett. 32. D. Janes, P. Roach, Joseph Roach. W. Burt, P^-ancis Tat- too, John Goffinett, Francis Wiser. ^T). Calvin Johnson, John Nichols, A. Nichols, J. Steele, Ezekiel Goodell. 34. E. Simons, Z. Simons, John Martin, John PealxKlx , Phiu- eas Peai)od)'. 204 HUSBANDMEN OK CONCf)RI) IN 1845. 35. Peril! Sampson, Emery Sampson, William Sampson, T. D. Tiffany, P. Payne, S. Briggs. 36. Emer)' Sampson, LeGrand Douglass, Haw & Douglass. 37. J. Rice, A. Becker, — F"rancisco. 38. Joseph Hawkins, Levi Knap, P2. Adams, Mr. Blakeslc}-. 39. Benjamin Dole, Alph(^nso Cross. 40. Mrs. Barrett, G. M}'er, H. Perkins, H. Rathburn, George Barrett, F. fiammond. 41. A. Nichols, M. J. Steele, William Fessenden. Eli/.er Stock- ing, L}'man Steele, Charles Mosier. 42. Luke Simons, Z. Simons, William Fisher, Nehemiah Heath, Joseph Tabor. 43. J. L. Douglass, D. Rice, Jarcd Tiffany. 44. J. L. Douglass, Waters & Rice. E. Sampson, Jarcd Tiffany. J. Colvin. 45. William Beckwith. Ra\- Beckwith. Mr. Stearns, (iilbert Sweet. 46. Chockly Lynde. Ira Stebbins, Mr. Lj-nde, William Horton, L. Barrett. 47. John Becker, George Myers, Zenas Perkins, P. Hucklebury. M. Hucklebury. 4S. H. Jefferson. D. Horton, B. Rathburn. F. Hammond. TOWNSHIP SIX, RANGE SIX. LOTS. 1. Eaton Bensley, John Russell, Joseph Harkness. 2. Samuel Cochran, Mrs. Yaw, D. Evans. 3. George Holland, Sylvester Eaton, W. Watkins. Wells Brooks, William McMillen. 4. J. Van Pelt, James Hinman. Charles Wells. \'. Ingalls, Christopher Green. 5. 1^. Nelson, E. Matthewson. G. W. Kingman, Parker & Barton. 7. Ahner White, William Weeden. Charles Chaffee, Joel Chaffee, J. Russell, E. Bensley. S. Bloomfield, Shepherd. White. Shultus. William Weeden. S. Cochran. 9. E. Mack, William l^allou, J. Rushmore, I'Ltlmonds I'\ White. 10. J. Van Pelt, Selem Sears, Isaac Palmei-. coNcoRi) S()I.iiii;ks RiicokD. 205 11. II. S. I'osl, Julius Hcmcnt, Ihirvcy Aiulrcws. Luther Austin. 12. Jarvis Bk)onificlcl. 13. (iilcs Churchill, Jacob Rushniorc, Luther Austin. 14. I'^. W. Cook. 15. E. W. Cook, Mr. Stearns. 16. David Wiley, Mr. Stearns. 17. Ebcnezer Dibble, P'rancis White, Mr. luhiiunds. 18. Mrs. Otis, William Ballou. 19. William Smith. 20. James Kini^sle)-. 21. L. R. Shultus. 22. David .Shultus. 23. David Shultus. Abel llolman. Mr. Kini;man. 24. Abel Holman. 2^. Nathaniel Howen. Mr. Dodi^e, Parker & l^arton. CONCORD SOLDIERS" RECORD. 'I\) that (irand Arm\' which preserved the L^nion, Concord contributed her full share of volunteers, a larg'e percentage of whom were either killed or died in the service. When future generations lift the \eil from b)-i;"one years in their search for fitting themes of eulogy, let their finest tributes fall upon the heads of the soldier boys of Concord. More than half of those who entered the service went out in two companies — Company A of the 100th N. Y. .S. \\, and Company E of the 1 r6tli N. Y. S. V. Company A of the lOOtli was recruited b}' Capt. Daniel D. Nash, of Springville, and was the first offering toward the for- mation of the "Eagle Hrigade." being raised b)' (ieneral Scroggs, of Buffalo. Of their service in the field we need not speak, as its history has already been written b\' an able pen. Company E of the 1 i6th was organized by Drs. U. C. Lynde and Cicorgc G. Stanbro, of Springville, in 1862. Dr. George G. Stanbro was commissioned as its captain. The\- reported for duty in August, 1862, at Eort Porter, Buffalo. Earl\- in 1863 they were sent to Louisiana, where, after particij^ating in a series of hard fought battles, the regiment was ordered to Vir- ginia. But a history of the 1 i6th has also been written and 2o6 II 1 1; r.KAVK s( )I.1)Ii:ks ok coxcoRn. wc need not tuilher refer to it. ( )f those wlio were members I if the various other reL;'iiiients. their records are ecjuallx' deserx- iiiL,^ of a phice on the ilhistrious scroll of the nation's lionoretl — soldier heroes. The following;" list of the soldiers includes some who enlistetl in other places but whose homes were really in Concord : ■ Died in the service ; the person's name will also be found in a list of the dead. n\K HUXDRKDIH RK(;i M KNI' ^'E^\ \()KK \()1.U.\ rKllR^. ( i >.M- I'AW A. Major Daniel D. Nash, h'rancis L. Arnold, Capt. Wm. L. Mayo, Nathan J. Arnold. Serg. Carlos H. Richmond. (ieorge Arnold, Scrg. Thos. W. Small, Thos. Dillon, Scrg. Byron Bristol. Hiram M. Fisk. *Corp. Charles B. Kellogg. "Jacob l^^-iednicUi. Corp. Thos. M. Allen, Ed. (i. (iibson, ■'•'Corp. Charles H. Flanders. Henr)- S. (joodman. Corp. |. S. Bibbens, Nicholas (ieorgen, Emerson Gates, James L. Gaylord. Daniel Hicks, "Uriah F. Hill. Marion Eincoln, John Roller, ■■^Roswcll Merrifield. Ebenczer Spooner, Nicholas Streit, Frank Smith, Wm. H. Sill, Daniel H. Stebbon. "Thos. C. Sweet, Sylvester Wiser, "Geo. Bishop, -'^'hillip Wiser, "Clark C. Dickerman. OXli IIUXDREI) AXl) SIXTKE.Xril KKGIMEXT, NKW ^•()RK \()L- UNTEERS, COMPAX'Y F. Capt. (ieorge .S. Stanbro. Rollin J. Albro, Capt. Charles S. Crary, George Annaerter, Lieut. Clinton Hammond. "'Peter Brooks. Scrg. John Ci. Dayton. Morris Barnett. *Corp. Samuel A. Mayo, Martin Bui)-, Corp. Anthou)' Reiser, Edward Bement, William A. hV-rrin, Marshall K. Davis. Stephen E. .S[)aulding, Jacob Earner, Benjamin S. Goddard. Alonzo Hilliker, rill'. \f)i.iN ri-.i:k s(ti.i)ii:K>. 20: I'l'edcrick I li >\\'i'laiul. ■■'Marl', I have never heard of but one instance of his failing to ha\e a read\' response. He was once walking through the streets of Fredonia leading his old gray mare, which as ever seemed inclined to hang back. Passing a tailor shoj) where a couple of tailors sat sewing b)- the open window, one called out to him, " Friend, are you traveling far?" He answers " No." " Ah, I thought if you were, I would advise \-ou to swap off \'our old horse for a bob-sled and get some- thing you could draw easier." He stopped, took off his hat and bowed, saying, " Gentlemen, I have not a word to fit the 13 2IO TWENTV-ONE MEMBERS IN 1820. occasion," and passed on enjoyin<^ the joke hugely, which he often repeated. Deacon Russell once said with his eyes humid with emotion, " That anecdote always brings good old father Spencer with his old gray mare visibly before me." Father Spencer was always ready for every good word and work, a great worker, sowing the seed unsparingly, and was very suc- cessful in securing an abundant har\est. So kind, loving and spiritual that he, under God, succeeded in drawing together and organizing more churches, it is said, than any other man that ever labored in these three counties. He was pastor of a great number of churches at the same time and for many years. The place where this little band met to worship and encourage one another's hearts to stem the tide of worldly influences was the old school-house standing in the rear of the Presbyterian Church which was burned down about fift}'-five years ago. There they met every Sabbath, whether they had a preacher to lead them or not. If they had they rejoiced, if not they felt the command was " worship God." Some brother read a hymn and the)' all joined in the hoh- song with grateful hearts. No doubt there would have been some harsh, grating discords had the song of this little band fell on the ears of some of the fashionable quartettes of the present time (w'hose artistic displays seem more in keeping with the gymnastics of the day than as a part of religious service). But the business of this little band here in the w ilderness was to worship and please God, and the}- needed none to lead them save the Spirit in this most delightful and impressive part of Christian worship. The h}'mn sung, another brother prayed and then some minister in heaven preached to them b)' his ser- mon being read to them here on earth. Thus they continued about five years, when a Mr. Fitch, a son of Dr. Fitch, of W^il- liams college, was sent to them. The first subscription ever drawn up in the Town of Concord for the support of the Gos- pel was for his benefit in the}-ear 1820. The numbers of mem- bership had now increased from the original nine to twenty-one. as follows: John Russell, John Ewers, George W. Robinson, Hannah Ewers, Silas H. Clexeland, Ruth Morrill, Anna Robin- son, Sergeant Morrill, Thomas McGee, Hannah Green, Cath- rina Cochran, Betse\' h'rye, Asa Phillips, Rhoda Phillips, Cath- THK FIRST RKVIVAl, I\ SPRIN( ;VII,I,F.. 211 rina Knox, L\'dia Russell. John M. Richards, I^Hzabcth Austin, William Hcrrick and Mary Hcnick. Mr. Fitch remained but one year, and was succeeded in 1821 or 1822 by l^'ather Ingalls, who remained four or five years, preachin^^ one-half the time here and receivins;' his missionar\- aid for a part of his supi)ort. Under his ministry the church and community was blessed with its first revival, and this was a i^eneral one throuLjhout the com- munity, and here man}' of the first prominent settlers took a stand for Christ. The fruits of this revival went in part to start the other churches. The Methodists had organized a class about 1820. The Baptists organized a society from the fruits of this revival in 1824 and a church several years later. The Methodists were so ^strengthened by this revival that the)- com- menced building a church edifice in 1827. The house was enclosed, except glazing, and remained so for some \'ears. Through the kindness of the Methodists, the Congregational church was permitted to meet in their house occasionally. There they worshiped on slab seats laid on blocks of wood, their worship being in no way incommoded thereby, but as a board from the windows, or places for the windows, had to be removed to let in light iov the singers ; use was found for the old bandana handkerchiefs to cover the heads of the worship- ers. All the religious meetings held statedly in the place up to this time were held b)- this little band, others oiil\- having occasional meetings, while they met every Sabbath. The next minister who labored with this church was Kliphalet Spencer, of Middlebury academ\-. who commenced his labors in the Winter of 1828-9. ^ ^''^ number since the revival had increased to fifty-one. Mr. Spencer's labors were not suc- cessful, as the Masonic excitement was then at its height and absorbed the public mind. Mr. Spencer being a Mason found it impossible to do much good in a community where so many were incensed against the institution. The walls of the academy were now up and the church met w ithin them at anotlier time in the ball chamber of the Johnson Bensley Hotel, later known as the Sjjringville House. They worshiped here for sometime un- der the ministrations of Re\'. S. H. Gridley, since known as Dr. (iridley. He was from Clinton, Oneida count\% and preached his first sermon to this church — a man of talent and ardent 212 THE CHIRCH DKHKATKI > IN 1 832. piety. He was the first man who exer preached in this phice all the time. He left in 1830, the church still weak but united and happy and was succeeded by Father \\ ilcox, an aged man. who labored a few months without any special engagement, and left in 1S31. At this time the erection of the old house of worship was commenced, under very embarassed circumstances, but few to put their shoulder to the wheel and the land-debts resting very heavily upon them In June. 1832. this meeting- house was finished The dedication took place on the 6th day of June. The ministry present to assist were Revs. Abial Parme- lee and T. S. Harris The church had now conveniences and comforts, of which it had known nothing in its previous exist- ence. It had Avorshiped in the old log school-house, the unfin- ished walls of the academy, the old factory where Deacon Rus- sell furnished dinner or lunch for all who came, in the ball- chamber, in the unfinished Methodist edifice, sitting on slabs of the roughest material, and never were privileges prized higher than these. Xow the\- had a comfortable and commodious house of worship and the celebrated union-meeting of the Bap- tist and Congregational churches was entered into by previous arrangement. Following this dedication the ministers were Parmelee and Harris. Congregationalists; Loomis and Med- calfe. Baptists. This meeting continued for several weeks ; as the result, twenty-one were added to the church on profession and fourteen by letter, increasing the number to seventy. Par- melee remained five years, closing his labors here in Januarj', 1839. Number of communicants had increased one hundred and fifty-three. He was succeeded by Re\ . A. P. Hawley, who became the first pastor of the church : was installed Jan. 30, 1839. '^ \ery ardent attachment soon sprung up between pastor and people with promise of good results. But Mr. Haw- ley was laid aside from the pulpit by the fall of a tree in the winter of 1840, from which he ne\"er recovered, and in August, 1840. the pulpit was again declared vacant. The church has now reached a point within the recollection of most of our citizens and we will onh' give the names of pastors and other facts in a condensed manner. Rev. Z. Edd\- commenced his labors in the winter of 1840 and '41. and closed in October. 1844. Number of communicants reported at the I UK MKIHODIST CHURCH OF S1'KIN(.\ Il.LH. 213 next meeting of Prt'sb\tcr\- was ^22. March. '45, a call was jjiven to Hiram Eddy, who became the third pastor of the church and durin<^ his stay the church built the church edifice in which it nowworships. The pastoral relation wasdissolved in June, 1850. The pulpit has since been supplied by ministers and pastors in the following order: Rev. Benj. F. Millan, i year; Rev. Isaac E. Curr}-, 3 years; Rev. Robert L. Conklin. 1 year; Rev. Claudius B. Lord, 3 years : Re\ . Nathan Allen, 5 \'ears ; Rev. J. T. Manning. 3 years: Rev. John A. Wells, 11 years. Under his pastorate the church members increased fifty per cent., and the house of worship was re-modeled at an expense of over $6,000. Rev. \V. A. Robinson is the present pastor. METHODI5T EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF SPRIXGVILLE. From the best information that can be obtained, it appears that as early as 1814 and 1815. Methodist meetings were held by a Methodist preacher named " Jenkins," at the house of Ezekiel Smith, in the town of Sardinia (then Concord), on Lord's hill, eight miles east of Springville. Subsequentlv Methodist meetings were held at George Richmond's, thre^' miles east of Springville. About the year 1820. a Methodist church was organized at the school house of Liberty pole cor- ners, one mile east of Springville, by a Methodist preacher known as Father Hall. So far as can now be ascertained, the members of the church thus organized were James Hinman and Phebe Hinman, his wife : Charles C. Wells and Susan Wells, his wife ; Samuel Shaw and Phebe Shaw, his wife. No other names of members can be ascertained. In the year 1823, this conference district was know n as the Erie district, Gleazen Fillmore, Presiding Elder, and the circuit was known as Boston circuit. Andrew Peck and John Copeland were the cir- cuit preachers connected with the charge, and meetings were held by them alternately once in two weeks. At a later date, meetings were held at a school house in Springville, that stood just west of where the Presbyterian church now stands. In the year 1825, this was known as the BufTalo district, Loring Grant. Presiding Elder, under whose leadership a church edifice was erected. Orrin Lewis was the builder. The church edifice thus built stood on the north side of the public square, and was 214 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH IN SPRINGVILLE. used as a place of worship by the Methodists until 1863, when the present church edifice was completed, which was built under the supervision of the Rev. S. Y. Hammond, the preacher then in charge. The edifice is built of brick and of modern .style and finish, located upon a lot of ample size, with a commodious parsonage of appropriate style, in close proximity. A fair estimate of the value of the property could not fall short of $10,000. The present membership, at this date of 1883, is 110. Sunday school teachers and children, seventy-five. The present Board of Trustees are: Stephen E. Tefft, W. H. Pingey, Byron Wells. B. A. Lowe, H. G. Leland, L. M. Cumming.s, Frank Thurber, Newcomb Churchill, William McMillen. Rev. Will- iams, present pastor. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH IN SPRINGVILLE. In January, 1827, the first Baptist church in Springville was organized. The articles of faith now held by the church were adopted, and Rufus C. Eaton was chosen Deacon. At the time of its organization the church was composed of eighteen mem-' bers, eight males and ten females. Their names were as follows : Zebulon Stratton, Levinus Cornwell, R. C. Eaton, Almon Fuller, Sylvester Eaton, W. W. Cornwell, Chauncey Pond, Elisha Eaton, Thankful White, Betsey P\iller, Sally Weeden, Sally Eddy, Eunice House, Juda Rhodes, Waitee Richmond, Eliza H. Eaton, Susannah Pond, Louisa Cornwell. About this time Elder Eliab Going was solicited to visit Springville, to preach and baptise a few persons. In January, 1828, the church numbered thirty-five members, and Whitman Metcalf became its nominal ]:)astor, intending to preach one- fourth of the time. In 1832, Elder Loomis preached to the church. In June, 1833, Elder David Searle became pastor of the church. On the 14th of December, Daniel Parsons was chosen Deacon. In 1834, a new meeting house was built and dedicated Janu- ary 27, 1835, the dedicatory sermon being preached b)' IClder Elisha Tucker, of Buffalo. On the 27th of March, 1836, Elder Searle, who had labored successfully as pastor for three years, was dismissed witli a NAMES OF I'ASrORS. 21 5 letter of commendation, and soon after, the Rev. W. T. Crane became pastor of the church and remained one year. In the Spring- of 1S37, Rev. G. W. Warren assumed the jias- toral charge of the church. June i/th, Lansing Waugh was hcensed to preacli. In August, 140 communicants were pres- ent. In November, R. D. Campbell was inxited to improve his gifts of preaching (and was afterward licensed), and Thomas Pierce was chosen Deacon. In December, the following resolution was adopted by the church, viz : "' Rcsoh'cd, That we will not admit to fellowship any indi- vidual who will not abstain from the use of ardent spirits, except as a medicine." In August, 1838, Elder Searle united with the church and became its pastor the second time. He continued to labor in that capacity till 1841. In 1841, Rev. Newell Smith became the pastor of the church. In September, 1842, he asked for a dismission. In October, Harry A. Sears w as licensed to preach. Twenty-seven had been baptised and twent\-five received by letter. In October, 1842, Fllder Anson Tucker became pastor of the church. On the iithof August, 1844, 'i*-' preached his fare- well sermon, having been dismissed at his request. In the Fall, A. H. Danforth, a student from Hamilton, preached during vacation. His brother, H. M. Danforth, was invited to preach, but he remained but a short time. Elder E. G. Hatch supplied the church a few months. Elder Orsamus Ta)'ntor, from the Free Will Baptist, united with this church at this time and was licen.sed to preach. Edwin Saunders and Alvin T. Cole were licensed also. In September, 1845, 1"^*-'^'- ^^- W. Mills accepted an invitation to the pa.storal office which he occupied till the year 1849, '^"^ then supplied the desk till 1850. While Elder Mills remained pastor, twenty-seven were baptised and thirty-five received by letter. The church which had graduall}- increased since its organization in 1827, now seems to have arrived at the height of its numerical force, reporting to the association held at Arcade in 1850 the aggregate number of 266. On the 24th of Februarv. 1850, Rev. Whitman Metcalf 2l6 FREE BAPTIST CHURCH SOCIETY. became Pastor. On the 1st of May, 1853, twenty were bap- tized. After four years' labor Elder Metcalf offered his resig- nation which was reluctanth' accepted. On June 24, 1855, Rev. John Smitzer became Pastor. While he remained thirty-eight were baptized and added to the church. In April, 1857, Rev. John Pitman became Pastor and remained two )'ears. In January, i860, Rev. Clinton Colgrove became Pastor of the church and continued to preach to the church till the P'all of 1861. In the Spring of 1862 the Rev. H. H. Phelps became Pastor. He continued two years and was succeeded in July 1864, by Rev. Ira W. Simpson, who had entered on the fourth year of his pastorate when he died. In June, 1868, an agreement was made with Professor Rogers, of Griffith Institute, to supph' the desk for three monthes. In April, 1868, Rev. Charles Wilkinson commenced his labors as Pastor, and continued a year and a half, and was succeeded by Rev. E. L. Benedict Nov. i, 1869. In 1873, Rev. William Look became Pastor. He was suc- ceeded by Rev. B. E. Hillman in 1876. Rev. E. T. Fox commenced his labors in 1879. The Rev. Mr. Owen, the present Pastor, commenced his labors in 1882. Since 1854, the church has declined in numbers, more, per- haps, from emigration than any other cause, the youth and the older members of many families seeking homes in the West. In the year 1871 the church edifice was repaired and enlarged. L. M. Kellogg & Son had the job, and Thomas Lincoln was the master builder, as he also was of the old church. The new edifice was dedicated on the 28th of November, 1871. FREE BAPTIST CHURCH SOCIETY OF SPRINGVILLE, About fifty years ago the P'ree Will Baptist denomination held regular meetings at Springville. They had no church edifice and met in the Methodist church and the school-house. The first local pastor was Rev. H. Whitcher, a young man who ROMAN-fAlIIOUr CIIUKCH ()1- Sl'KI \( i\ I I.LK. 21/ attciulctl school at the Acadeni)- and prcachctl to his congrega- tion on the Sabbath. He remained about two years and after- wards became prominent!}' connected with an F.W. H. Seminar\- in Oneida County. After several )'ears it would seem meetings were discontin- ued, and no society existed in Springville, organizations being maintained at East and West Concord. On the 26th of May. 1867, the present church society was organized in Springville. The following were the principal original members : — Mr. and Mrs. Albro, Mr. and Mrs. Leigh- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gaylord, Mrs. Weeden, Mrs. Stanbro and Miss Alice McClure. On the iith of June, 1868, a permanent organization was effected by the election of the following board of trustees : — Emmons Jones, Emery D. Albro, Stephen R. Smith, Walter A. Fox and Horatio A. Barker. S. R. Smith was elected treasurer and H. A. Barker clerk. At a meeting of the board June 15, a plan for building a church, drawn by Mr. Porter, architect, of Buffalo, was adopted, and July 29th the contract for building the church was let to S. R. Smith for eight thousand dollars. Calvin Smith, Emery D. Albro, Emmons Jones and S. R. Smith each subscribed one thousand dollars toward the construction of the church. The church was dedi- cated March 12th, 1870, Rev. G. H. Ball, of Buffalo, preached the dedicatory sermon. Rew B. C. Van Duzee was first pastor, he was succeeded by Rev. Charles Cook who remained until 1875, then Rev. B. F. Herrick ofificiated one year, followed by Mr. Van Duzee. who preached one year, when Rew A. J. Hr}-- ant who remains up to the present writing. ST, ALOYSIUS ROMAN-CATHOLIC CHURCH OF SPRINGVILLE, The church property was purchased of George Holland Oct. 22, 1856, formerly owned and occupied by the F^irst Pre.sby- terian church of Springville. The Board of Trustees consists of five persons, the Bishop and Vicar-General being ex-ojficio Trustees, and also the Pastor, who appoints annually two lay- men as Trustees ; the two laymen now acting as Trustees are Victor Collard and Peter Saelzler. FVom 1853 to May 15, 1869, this was onl\- a missionar}- station: Ma\' 15 irf6Q a per- 2l8 FREE BAPTIST CHURCH OF EAST -CONC* )RI >. manent Pastor was appointed and a residence built. April 14, 1878 ground was broken for the new church edifice, which was built during that season ; Thomas Lincoln was the architect and builder. The church was dedicated Sept. 18, 1879. The church edifice has a seating capacity of four hundred, has a bell weigh- ing 506 pounds, the main building being \o6j4 feet in length, having an audience n^om of 70x40 feet; in the rear, unparti- tioned is a sanctuary 30x22 feet ; the cost of the church prop- erty was about $8,000; number of church members, about four hundred ; the present Pastor is Rey. F. X. Fromholzer. FIRST UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF SPRINGVILLE The P^irst Universalist Church Society of Springville was organized in 1846. Rev. L George, Abram Dyrgert, I. B. Childs and Jonathan Mayo, were the first trustees. The following constituted the principal original male mem- bers of the society : Abram Dyrgert, Lewis Childs, L B, Childs, Benj. Wheeler, Chester Spencer, Sewell Hakes, Baltus Goodemote, Philip Goodemote, Michael C. Huffstader, Jonathan Mayo, Rev. L George, C. C. McClure, Perrin Sampson, William Ballou, John Ballou, Jonathan Briggs, Jacob Badgley, O. D. Curtis and Dr. L. C. Pool. ^ . The church was built in 1 847. Re\\ L George the first pastor, preached the dedicatory sermon. Rev. L George was suc- ceeded as pastor by Rev. C H. Dutton, he by Rev. T. J. Whit- comb, and he by the Rev. J. B. Saxe, the last one who preached regularly to the society. In 1879 the church edifice was sold to Messrs. Horris Hall and L B. Childs, who re-modeled it into the present Opera House. The avails of the sale were given into the keeping of the New York State Convention of Universalists, as a fund to be used for the benefit of the denomination. FREE BAPTIST CHURCH OF EAST CONCORD. The societ)' was organized about sixty years ago by Elder Richard Car)-, of Boston. For a number of years meetings were held at the Block school house ; afterwards at the Sharp street school house. The present church edifice at East Con- cord was built in 1S52, previous to which Elder Cary preached KKKK ISAl'TIST CIll'KCIl OK WKSl lONCORD. 2ig ;it intervals for many years; Elders Folsom, VVhitcher. Bab- cock and Plumb also preached. Of the original members, Mrs. Achsie Townsend, of Townsentl Hill, is the oiiK- survivin<,^ one. Giles Churchill, Prentis Stanbro, Sen., Prentis Stanbro, Jr., E. Steele, Woodruff Van Dusan. George L. Stanbro and Sterling- Titus have been the deacons of the church from its organiza- tion to the present time, in the order as stated above. The following are the names of the ministers who ha\e preached to the society since the building of the church in 1852: B. H. Damon, Elder Plyn, Ashly Ensign, B. H. Damon. Elder Barker, Elder Van Duzee, Elder Stuart, Elder Starr. Charles Cook, Elder Van Duzee, B. F. Herrick and A. F. Bry- ant. The present membership is about one hundred. WEST CONCORD FREE BAPTIST CHURCH. About 1818 a few churchmen organized a Free-VVill Baptist Society at West Concord. Among the early members were Jeremiah Richardson and wife. Elijah Richardson and wife. Stephen Knight and wife, Simeon Holton and wife, Elijah, Polly and Caroline Richardson. The first meetings were held in the school-house, at Nichols' corners. Elder Richard Gary was the first minister to preach to the society and of^ciated as pastor for many years. Stephen Knight, Elder Rindalls, Elder Plumb, Jonathan Canfield and Elder Andrus were among the early ministers. The church edifice was built about 1 845. The dedicatory services were conducted by Elder Andrus. Jeremiah Rich- ardson was among those who were most efficient in building the church. WEST CONCORD M. E. CHURCH. In 1819 a Methodist Society was organized in West Con- cord. Among the original members were Lewis Nichols and wife, Abijah Nichols and wife, Isaac Nichols and wife, David and Betsey Nichols, Lewis Nichols, Jr., Mrs. Hira Lush and Mrs. Vernam Cooper. The first meetings were held in an old log school house. Elder Buell was the first to preach to the societ)'. Other earh' ministers were Elder Parker, John Copeland, Elder Wiley, Elder Bingham. Inkier Castleton and Re\-. Joseph Hines 22C THE SPKIXCVILLE ACADEMY. The church edifice was built about 1868. It was dedicated by Rev. B. I. Ives, at that time chaplain of Auburn State prison. While Rev. Thomas Castleton was preaching to the church, a spirited revival took place, which resulted in many converts joining the church. THE SPRINGVILLE ACADEMY. OUTIJXE HIST()R^". The original subscription for raising means to build the Springville Academy, was dated Dec. 14th, 1825, and among other provisions contained the following: " 3d. We hereby agree to pay to the trustees to be appointed by us as above stated, the several sums set opposite our names, as follows : One-third in grain or materials for building on the first of March next, one-third in salable young stock on the first of September next, and the other third in cash, half of which is to be paid the first of June ne.xt, and the other half on the first of Jan., 1827, all to be estimated at cash price." It was a serious matter for the people of Springville and vicinity to undertake at that early day to build an Academy. The country was new and the people were poor, and when we look back and consider the circumstances in which they were [)laccd, we must admire and commend the wisdom and the energy and perseverance with which they conceived and carried out the difficult undertaking. In 1825 there was no great city and no good markets within hundreds of miles of this place, and people could get but xcxy little money for their products, because there was ver}' little money in the country ; but it is evident that if these old pioneers had but little money, they had what is sometimes better than money — they had "sand." COPY OF THE ORKilNAl. SUBSCRIPTION LIST. Names Shares $15 v'ames Shares $15 Names Shares S15 ^^^^^- each. -^ame^. ^^^.[^ iNames. ^^^^_ Samuel Lake 5 Luther .\ustin i Wm. Vaughn i Henry Sears 4 Geo. Shultz 3 Archibald (irififith 2 Carlos Emmons 2 Wm. Shultz 2 Jeremiah Wilcox, half in W. F. G. Lake 2 John Goodemotc 2 May next and half in Frederick White 2 C. C. Wells i Feb., 1S27 4 Rufus C. Eaton 4 Samuel Cochran 4 Wm. Rouse i Rufus Eaton 3 Jacob Rushmore 2 Isaac Palmer i Liger & Herrick -: 3 Derius Palmer, by consent. 1 Otis Butterworth. Jr i Lcvinus Cornwell 2 Robert .-Vngur i lohn Drake i ORKilXAI. SUHSCRIl'TION LIST 221 Joseph McMillan 4 John Russell 3 Otis D. Tibits 2 R. G . Murray i David Furjiuson i Varney In^^als 3 Wales EmniDns 2 Christopher Douf^las i Jeremiah bcallin i David Seymour i Abel Holman 2 Jedediah Starks 2 Lewis ('hilds i Isaac Bennett i John Williams .. i George R. Willard t Johnson Bensley i Eaton Bensley i Sylvester Eaton 3 Truman White, on consid ■ cration that lumber is re ceived 2 Jarvis Bloomticld . 3 Stephen Albro, Jr i John Albro 4 Giles Churchill 2 Elisha Russell, to be paid in brick, at cash price 2 Seth Allen 2 Asa Wells i Thomas Johnson 2 Alanson Lovelace i Elikum Rhodes i David Shultz, to be paid in cattle 2 Augustus G. Elliott i Silas Rushmore 2 Harvev Stephenson i Lothrop Beebe i Jairus Reynolds, to be paid in stone and labor i Phineas Scott 1 Samuel Lake i Selah Squires i Alden S. Sprajjue 2 Tousley & Tuttle 4 Wm. Wedon i Eaton Bensley i Justus Scott I Charles Chaffee 1 Jacob Drake i Samuel Cochran i S . S . Ellsworth 2 Elisha Mack i B. B. Mason i Chauncy Lee i M. L. Arnold i Samuel Stewart, 3 Abial Gardner, to be paid in brick, at cash price. ... 2 Nathan King i Charles Wells 2 Joseph Jackson i David Bensley i Stukely Starks i Geo. C. Grayham i Isaac Knox 2 John Holdridge i Truman Bensley i The following were subscri- bed in 1830, or subsequently : Carlos Emmons 2 Samuel Lake 2 Brooks & Wendover Elbert W. Cook Samuel J. Church Sylvester B. PecK Eaton & Butterworth Manly Colton Elbert W. Cook Kingsbury & Hoveland.. . Carlos Emmons Jarvis Bloomfield Pliny Smith, Jr Joseph Harkness Morgan L. Badgley Geo. Shultus Ebenezer Dibble Amaziah Ashman Samuel Cochran STRIXCVILLK AtADE.Nn' was incorporated by an act of the Ley;islature, March 19, 1827, being the second academy incorporated on the HoHand Pur- chase, Fredonia Academ)- having been incorporated in 1824. The walls of the Acadeni}' were put up in 1827. The first term of school held in the Springville Academy commenced in the fall of. 1830. Hiram H. Barne}' was the Principal and Miss Mary Elliot the Preceptress. No record of the names of students could be found, but according to the best recollection of several who attended at that time, the following named persons were students, the whole or a part of the first year : Cephus R Leiand, Marshall Leiand, Sarah Leiand, Marion Leiand, Hannah Henman, Patience Starks, Julia Rhodes, Emily Rhodes, Lewis Hewitt. Jacob White. Dolphin Stevenson, Chester Calkins, ^hlrvin .Swain, Sarah Clark. Amy Huntly. Hiram Bloomtield, John Jackson, Eliza Sampson. Charles Sherman, Sarah Ann Wells. Rebecca Brooks. William .McMillan, Deljs E. Sillman, Henry Radcliff, Andrew Stevens, Louisa Richm->nd, Roderick White, Smith and McKay, of Manstield, Miranda Bowen, Timothy Lockwood, Wells Brooks, Sard is Wilco.x, H. Lockwood, Asa Piiillips, Samuel Bradley, 222 THE '' GRIFFITH INSTITUTE, Harriet Swift, Theodore Potter, John Churchill, Adaline Murray, Caroline Cochran, Orson Cochran, Joseph Cochran, Byron Cochran, Sarah Ann Bensley, Harriet White, Frederick Alerrell, Miss Merrell, Martha Johnson, Morris Fosdick , Harriet Barney, Caroline Gregory, Alonzo Gregory, of Ellicottville, Wales Butterworth, AppletonButterworth, Mary Eaton, Nelson Hopkins, William Dibble. Sarah Dibble, Helen McMillan, Selem Sears, Otis Morton, Mary Morton, Anna Moulton, Betsy Brooks, Washington Shultu? Lucy Shultus, Julia Ann Shultus, Elias Steele, Roderick Simonds, Harriet Evans, Asaph Potter, Oliver Canfield, Orville Canfield, Samuel Abbott, Chauncy Abbott, Stephen Chafee, Utley and sister. Hunt of Eden, Roach of Buffalo, Eliza Bradley, Calex Calkins, Almina Whitcomb, John Lockwood, A. A. Arm stead, A. Pool, Paul Nobles, Franklin Spencer, Calvin R. Davy, Cyrenius Simmons, Mr. Wright, IVIr. Tiffany, Mr. Conklin, Mr. Ailen. Mr. Barney was succeeded by Lorenzo Parsons, as Perceptor^ in 1833 ; he was follow^ed in 1839, by Edwin E. Williams, he by A. C. Huestis. 1841 to 1843 ^ E. C. Hall in 1844. October, 1845, \Vm. Mosheir. January, 1847, J. W. Earle came. He was followed by Moses Lane in 1850. Ezekiel Cutler and Eden Sprout taught next, each for a }'ear, in 1853 and 1854. In 1855, Wm. S. Aumuck took charge. In the latter part of 1858, Rev- David Copeland became Principal and continued to occupy the position till 1865 ; he was followed b)' Charles R. Pomeroy, and he by W. W. Mclntyre, and he by W. H. Rogers, in 1867. A. R. Weightman was employed in 1870 and W. H. Rogers again in 1872. J. W. O'Brien was the next principal, and he was followed by Samuel W. Eddy in 1875. The teachers of the female department of the Academy have been : Miss Starkweather, Miss Warner, .Miss Versalla Barber, Miss Case, Miss Marten, Miss Emma Clark, Mrs. Pomroy, Mrs. E. B. Rogers, Miss Mary Elliot. Miss Decker, Miss Sayles. Sarah Houstis, Miss Chamberlin, Lucretia Murray, Mrs. Aumock, Miss North, Silena N. Johnson, Miss Field, Miss Whitlock, Miss Hannah McClure, Miss Emmons. Harriet N. Murry, Mrs. Carpenter, .Miss Copeland, Miss O'Brien, Miss Libbie Mayo. In 1867 the name of the Academy was changed to the " Griffith Institute," in consideration of the liberal donation given to the institution by Archibald Griffith, of the town of Concord. Mr. Griffith afterwards bequeathed o\'er ten thousand dol- lars to the institution as a permanent fund, to be used mainly for the free education of orphans and indigent children ot the town of Concord. SKMI-CKNTKXMAl. (EI.KIJRATIOX. 223 In tlic fall of 1875, school districts Nos. 6 and 8 were united and formed union school district No. I, of the town of Concord. In (876, the l^oard of Education of Union School district No. I, adoi)ted the "(iriffith Institute" as the academic de- partment thereof, with the consent of the trustees of said institute ; and the ofifices of the said Hoard of Trustees were then declared \acant, as provided by statute. The schools were united and ha\'e since been conducted as one school with four departments, academic, senior, interme- diate and primary. There are four teachers in the academic department, and fwc teachers in the other departments. Samuel W. Edd)' wasthe first principal, and Miss F. M. Sher- man, the first preceptress; G. W. Ellis was the next principal, and Miss Sherman the preceptress; Prof. E. \V. Griffith is now principal, and Mrs. E. W. Griffith preceptress. Many students of this institution have attained honorable positions in societ}'. Some have been promoted to high official positions in this and other states. Asher P. Nichols, Comp- troller, State of New York ; Addison Gibbs, Governor of Ore- gon ; Ualeson Smith, United States Senator, Oregon : Renj. V. Rice, United States Senator, Arkansas; Romanzo Bunn, Judge of the United States District Court, southern district, Wisconsin; A. E.Carr, Brigadier General, United States army; Henry V\ane Armen, M. C, Cattaraugus and Chatauqua counties ; Albert Haight, Judge Supreme Court, N. Y. ; Timothy T. Lockwood, E.x-mayor of Buffalo ; Stephen Lockwood, Ex- judge of Erie County; Allen D. Scott, Ex-senator and Judge Cattaraugus county ; C. P. Vedder, Ex-state Senator and State Assessor; Charles H. Reed, District Attorney, Cook county, Illinois, besides a large number not mentioned here. THE SEMI-CENTENXIAI, CELEBRATION OF THE OPENING OF THE SPKINOVILLE ACADEM\ . The Semi-Centennial Celebration of the opening of the Spring\'ille Academ}' — (iriffith Institute — was held at Spring- ville, on Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. i and 2, 1880. Mr. E. Briggs first .suggested the idea of the celebration, and circulated a paper for signatures, calling a public meeting to consider the matter and take the necessary steps, and make the proper arrangements, which meeting, when assembled, promptly 224 EXERCISES OF THE FIRST DAY. voted that such a celebration should be held and appointed a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, and an executive committee. The executive committee was empow- ered by said meeting to appoint all other committees and to make all necessary arrangements for the celebration. The officers were : President of the Day, - - Hon. C. C. SEVERANCE. Vice-President, ... - W. G. RANSOM, Secretary, - - - - A. R. Taber, Treasurer, - - - - H. G. Leland, executive committee. Erasmus Briggs, - . Chainnan, William McMillan, Henrv M. Blackmar. George W. Weldon, Russel J. Vaughn. Charles C. Stanbro, Byron Cochran. George, G. Stanbro, Chain/iau of Coimnittee of Iweitatiou. C. J. Shuttle worth, '* " Reception Committee. M. L. Hall, " " Supper Conimittee. Frank Prior, " " Finance Committee. The executive committee authorized and empowered its chair- man to proceed and make all such arrangements as he should deem necessary and proper for the occasion which with the sanc- tion of said committee given from time to time, he proceeded to do, which duties occupied his time and attention constantl}', for many weeks. Mr. Taber also spent several weeks and faithfully performed the laborious duties of the ofifice of Secretary. General invi- tation was given and special invitations were sent to nearl}' all the States and Territories and Canada, wherever it could be ascertained a former student resided. The good people of Springvillc and of th(p Town of Concord contributed all the means necessary to make the celebration a success. When the appointed time arrived, a large number of students and citizens of this town and of other towns in this and adjoining counties assembled — many old students coming hundreds of miles to witness and take part in the proceedings. A rostrum was erected in front of the academy and adjoining Franklin street, and seats were provided and arranged for the accommodation KXKRCISKS OF rHK SIXOND DAN'. 225 of those present under the shade of the trees on the academy Ljrounds. At two o'clock on the afternocMi of the first day, the large concourse assembled, led by Lay's silver cornet band from the Cattaraugus reservation, proceeded to the place prepared for the exercises. After a prayer by the Rev. I. George, of l^'redonia, the Presi- of the Day, Hon. C. C Severance, congratulated the citizens and the institution on the great number which had responded to the call. In behalf of the citizens he then welcomed these students home again to the institution " in wliose classic halls they had received instruction." Several letters had been received from those who, though, imited, were unable to be present, which were now read by \V. H. Ticknor, Esq. Two beautiful poems were received from Mrs. James Sweet, of Nebraska City, and Mrs. Clark M. Carr, of Galesburg, 111., and were read by Miss Sule M. Holland. The Speakers for the afternoon were Samuel Lake, Esq., Erasmus Briggs, who gave a brief outline history of the Acad- emy, and David H. Cochran, President of the Collegiate and Polytechnic Listitute, Brooklyn, N. Y. At the conclusion of Dr. Cochran's address, the great throng, headed by the band, proceeded to the park. Here they partook of a bountiful sup- per prepared and served up by the ladies of the Town of Concord. Wednesday evening the speakers were \V. G. Ransom, of Springville, Ex-Judge Stephen Lockwood, of Buffalo; Judge Haight, of Buffalo, Professor (i. W . Flllis. of Spring\ille, and Dr. Van Pelt, of Williamsville. ■ On Thursday afternoon at I o'clock a procession of students was formed in the park and divided into sections of fi\-e }'ears, each section bearing a banner on which was inscribed the date of their student life in the Academy. Headed b\- the band, they marched down Franklin street to Main, and up Main to Academy street, and bringing up at last in front of their hon- ored Alma Mater. Thursday afternoon the speakers were: Judge A. D. .Scott, of Flllicottville ; Rev. L George, of Fredonia; Charles H. Reed, Esq., of Chicago; Samuel Lake, Esq., Alonzo Tanner, Esq., of Buffalo; Col. Clark E. Carr, of Galesburg, 111.; Colonel Cook, of Havana, N. Y., and Cyrus Rice. Esq., of Sardinia. ?26 FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY SFRINGVILLE ACADEMY The speakers Thursday evening \\'ere Rev. A. F. Colburn, Hon. Dolphin, Stephenson, of Phelps, Ontario Co., N. Y.; T. S. Bunting, Esq., of Hamburg; select reading by Miss KateW. Bensley, of Chicago ; (ieorge W. Spaulding, Esq., of Concord, and Hosea Heath, Esq., of Hamburg, who was the last speaker. A vote of thanks was then tendered to Mr. Briggs, who ear- nestly labored to make the celebration a success, and also to Mr. Tabor, who faithfully performed the duties of the office of Secretary. All these united in singing '^Old Hundred " and " Auld Lang Syne," after which Rev. A. F. Colburn pronounced the benediction. Thus concluded, to the entire satisfaction of students, citi- zens and visitors, the greatest and b}' far the best celebration Springville has ever witnessed. The weather being warm and pleasant, the academ\' grounds were lit up by a large number of Chinese lanterns, and the exercises in the e\'ening, as well as in the da}' time, were held there. During the exercises the audience was entertained from time to time with excellent vocal music furnished by a select choir composed of the following persons: R. E. Hufstader and daughter, W. W. Blakely, S. Fl. Spaulding Miss Lucy Sherman, Mrs. Bordon, Mrs. H. D. Jones. A list of the names of those who attended the l^lftieth Anni- versary of the Springville Academy placed under their Princi- pals, and their present residences given. When the State is not e"iven New York is to be understood : Mrs. A. H. Pierce, G. Leland, Mrs. A. BARNEY. Jacob White, Yorkshire Center. Richard C. Johnson, Sardinia. Charles Sherman, Springville. Amos Dow, East Randolph. John C. Jackson, Ashford. Charles Arnold. Arcade. Theodore H. Porter, Springville. George Marsh, Sardinia. Mary A. Sampson Bingham, Elkador, Iowa. Anna Moulton Chafee, Springville. Julia Rhodes Lincoln, Springville. Emily Rhodes Britton, East Concord. Mary Whitney Sherman, Springville. Elmina Whitcomb Draper, Toledo, O. HAKNEV AND TARSONS. Dr. William Van Pelt, Williamsville. Caleb Calkins, Peterboro. Hon. Dolphin Stephenson, Phelps. Samuel M Abbott, M. D., East Hamburg. Col. Chauncey H. Abbott, East Hamburg. John Churchill, Springville. George Williams, Yorkshire. Laban A. Needham, Concord. Orson Cochran, Otto. Peregrine G. Eaton, Springville. Wil iam Ives, Buffalo. Mrs. Altczeria Arnold Clark, Ashford. PARSONS. Cyrus Rice, Sardinia. James Otis, Sardinia. Calvin D. Melven, Cadiz. Henry T. Wadsvvorth, Springville. Samuel W. Pratt, North Collins. FIKTlKril AXMVKRSARN Sl'Rl N( A I I.l.K ACADKMV. 22/ Eugene (Graves, Franklinville. S. K. S. II. Nott, M. IX, Hambur^r. Henry Simons, Sardinia. Oliver P. Buffum, ("olden. David C . Kingslcy, Sprinsjvillc. Charles M . Wilder, Chicago, III. Eunice Salisbury Notl, Hamburff. Eliza Chafee Cole, East Hamburg. Lydia Sherman McMillan, Springville. Sarah L. Wilder, Van X'alkenburg, Hough- ton Creek. I'.AKSO.NS ANIl \VILLI.i\MS. Salmon L. Johnson, Cattaraugus. Charles Beebe, Sandusky. Delia A. Sprague Prindle, Fredonia. Minerva A. Miner Mayo, Springville. l'.\RSONS, \VU.LI.\MS AND HIESTIS. David C. Bloom field, Sherman, Chautauqua county. I'.ARSONS, HIKSTIS AND HAI.L. Mary Bailey Weast, Waukegan, III. EDWIX E. WILLIAMS. Hubbard T. White, Jamestown. I'Vancis AVhite, Springville. Isaac Wilcox, Xorth Collins. S. H. Nott, Holland. Jeremiah F. Jackman, Marilla. Rev. Isaac (reorge, Fredonia. A. Judson W'iltse, Yorkshire Center. Alon/.o Tanner, Buffalo. V. R. Carey, Uoston. Erasmus Briggs, Springville. Aurelia Cary Davis, Boston. Louise Jones Wadsworth, Springville Maria Rice Finder, Lima, Livingston Co. Sarah G. Bond George, Portersville, Cal. Emily S. Clark Frost, North Evans. Aurora A. Nelson Kingman, Springville. WILLL-ViMS AND HIESTIS. Almon Nichols, Morton's Corners. WILLIAMS, HUESTIS, HALL AND MOSHER. David H. Cochran, Ph. D., LL. D., Brooklyn. Martin Wiltse, Yorkshire. WILLIAMS, HALL A.\D HARI.E. David S. Ingalls, Buffalo. HlESllS. Josiah Emery, .\urora. F. Kidder Davis, Y^orkshire. Hon. Arunah Ward, Ellicottvillc. HIESTIS AND HALL. Heman Andrews, Springville. HUE.sriS, HALL, MOSHER AND EARLE. W. G. Ransom, Springville. HUESTIS, HALL AND EARLE. J. Andrew Studley, East Ashford. HUESTIS AND E.\RLE. Julia A. French Andrews, Springville. E. (.. HALL. Sarah K. Brockway Earle, South Wales. HAIL, MOSHEK, EARLE AND LANE. Ivlizabcth J. Melvin Rogers, Holland City, Mich. HALL AND EAKLE. Emily J. Lewis Whittemore, Marshtield. MOSIIER, EAKLE .\ND LANE. Phebe W. Starkweather Eaton, Springville. HALL, EAKLE, LANE, SPKOl T AND AIMOCK. Sylvia P. Joslin, Springville. J. \\ . K.\KLE. William H. Churchill, Maywood, 111. Edward W. Stanclift, North Collins. Clark C. Sibley, East Concord. Philander II. Parker, Arcade. Henry M. Blackmar, Springville. Miss Mary Davidson, Buffalo. Esther Cornwell House, Spi-ingville. Harriet A. Pierce Low, Springville. Gertrude E. Van Volkenburg Summer. Springville. Louise S. Marsh George, Yorkshire. E.^KLE .\ND LANE. Hon. Allen D. Scott, Ellicottville. Heman W. Rugg, Olean. Col. Clark E. Carr, Galesburg, 111. Hon. Charles Harvey Reed, Chicago. Seth A. Abbott, Abbott's Corners. Frederick Eaton, Olean. Rev. Alanson M. Richardson, Cowlesville. Augusta I. Chafee Clark, Utica. App. P. Scott, Allison, Otto. Rosina S. Blake Rowley, Springville. Helen A. Pierce Kellogg, East Pike. EARLE, LANE .\ND CUTLER. Maria Davidson Frye, Collins Center. EARLE, LANE, CUTLER .^ND SI'ROUT. Ann H. Peirce, Springville. Laurette N. Lake Taber, Springville. EAKI.K, LANK, Cl^TI.KR, SI'ROU T AND AUMOCK. George P. Kellogg, East Pike. MOSES LANE. AbraT< Bartholomew, Buffalo. Erastus L. Harris, Collins Center. Daniel Spaulding, Concord. Richard Frank Powers, Hamburg. Heniy H. Wibirt, New York City. Samuel E. Mritton, Lewiston. Hosea S. Heath, Esq., Hamburg. William S. Newton, Hamburg. .Mary J. Beach Chase, Boston. Mary Ann McLin Barnett, Buffalo. Caroline A. Rice Schutt, Sardinia. Phoebe J. Deuel Newton, Hamburg. Mary Miner Brooks, Olean. Marion Dutton Chilcott, Ea.st Hamburg. .Amelia Huntley Lewis, Glenwood. Susan O. Fowler Chandler. Springville. 228 FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY SPRINC.VILLE ACADEMY. Maryette Adams Mason, Marilla. Ann Lincoln, Springville. Edna J. Beebe, Arcade. Melinda L. Newton, Holman, Hamburg. Sophia S. Newton Eaton, Springville. l..\NE, Cl'TLER AND SF'ROUT. Asa R. Taber, Springville. L.\N'E, CUTLER AND .\L'MOCK. Rev. John Corydon Steele, Attica. Russel J. Vaughan, Springville. I.ANE AND AUMOCK. "Byron A. Churchill, West Falls. Susan A. Smith Backus, North East, Pa. I.ANE AND COPELAND. Lydia A. Post Powers, Abbot's Corners. EDEN SI'KOUT. Alexander Hale, North Collins. SPROl'T AND AUMOCK. Loren D. Smith, Sardinia. Benjamin S. Godard, Philadelphia, Pa. Charles E. Boisford, Springville. Laban W. Smith, Springville. Sara Vail Kerr, CoUius Center. SPROUT, AUMOCK AND COI'ELAND. Theodoie B. Norris, Springville. Adeline L. Scobey Warner, Springville. W. S. .\UMOCK. Frank M. Stryker, Castile, Wyoming county . Seward Sears, Sardinia. Bryant J Davis, East Concord. Lucinda Reynolds Hopkins, Sardinia, Mary L. Johnson Crosby, Sardinia David D. Smith, Yorkshire. Garrett W. Stryker, Castile John C. Bump, Buffalo. Charles M. Newton, Hamburg'. Harrison L. Newton, Hamburg. Clark C. Dart, Hamburg. Bishop Cantield, Vandalia, Cattaraugus coun- ty- Albert Fuller, Ashford, Springville P. O. Marion Lincoln, Springville. Morris C. Freeman, Springville. Se.xtus E. Smith, Union Mills, Indiana. Joseph B. Stryker, Strykersville. Frank A. Howell, Yorkshire Center. Hon. Albert Haight, Buffalo. Martin E. Williams, Bradford, Pa. Cornelius Ostrander, Springville. Ray H. Canfield, Concord. S. N. Blakely, Glen wood. Marshall D. Scobey, Sandusky. Walter W. Blakeley, Springville. Ellen Jewett Godard, Philadelphia, Pa. Louise Graves Bersee, Millington, Tuscola county, Mich. Alice M. Post Payne, Titusville, Pa. Elizabeth L. Mayo Foster, Collins Center. Alice Wells Vanatta, Springville. Betsey Squires Vedder, Ellicottville. Mary Jane Reed Stryker, Strykersville. Emma P. Hall Crane, New Canaan, Conn. Louise Williams Kenyon, West Falls. Alice D. Marsh Emerson, Springville. Ella Goodemote Greene, Springville. Mary Bensley Price, Chicago, Illinois. Eliza Hammond Hall, Bennington. M. Louise Dayton CHUman, West Vorkshire.^^^.^ ^^ ^^.^^ ^j^,^.^^^^ Springville Altheria Squires Treat, East Concord Mary Curtis Churchill, Springville. Eliza McLin, Springville. Addie Greene Park, Fredonia. Mary A. Pingrey Smith, Springville. Mercy L. Newton, Hamburg. AUMOCK AND COPEl.ANP. Henry F. Norris, Pike, Wyoming county William H. Warner, Springville. Chester E. Norris, Rushford. Chester C. Pingrey, Yorkshire Center. Fanny M. Sherman, Springville. Diana King, Springville Mercy Canueld. Colden. Eupheme E. Ayars Freeman, Springville. Ann Johnson Ellis, Sardinia. Ermina Colwell YanSlyke, Dunlap, Iowa. Adella Thomas Scobey, Sandusky. COPEl.AND, POMEROV, ROGERS AND WK.HTMAN Asa L. Twichell, Springville. COI'ELAND, POMEROV, MCINTVRE AND ROGERS. Lucy Twichell Bensley, Springville. PELAND AND MCINTVRE. Harlan P. Spaulding, Springville. DelosD. Crocker, North Branch Station, Minn. ^^^^^^ ^^ Hoiman.VnngviVle. Maria L. Bowen, Yorkshire. Carrie Squires Smith, Union Mills, Ind. Addie McMillan McMaster, Springville. Elvira Beebe Whitney, East Ashford. DAVID COPELAND. Millard S. Avery, North Collins. Jonathan H. Smith, Clarksburg. Chester C. McClure. Jr., Buffalo. Daniel R. Newton, Bradford, Pa. Addison M. Smith, Arcade. Frank A. Smith, .Arcade. COPEl.AND, MCINTVRE AM) ROGERS. Rev. A. F. Colburn, Springville. COPE1..AN1) AND KOCiERS. Emmons D. Tefft, East Otto. Daniel R. Newton, Hamburg. C. R. POMEKOV. Wm. H. Sherman, East Ashford. Ellen A. Tefft Dunbar, East Otto. pomerov, mcintvre, rogeks, wight.man and o'hkien. Charles Willis House, Holland KII' riF.ril AX\IVKKS.\I<\ STRINGVILLE ACADKMV. 229 MCIN1 VKK. Libbic Hammond, East Otto. Mt IN'I'NKE AND KIH'.KKS. Klmer O. Leland, Springville. J. Waldo Norton, Springvillc, Addison G. Mattlievvson, Springvillc. Philura L. Clark Bartholomew, Springvillo. Sarah A. Sibley Baker, East Concord. MCINTVRE, KOGEKS AND WIOHTMAN. Alfred A. Churchill, Springville. .MCINTVRE, KOGEKS, \VK;HT.M^N AND o'llKlKN. Charles H. Albro, Springville. ' \V. H. KDCEKS. Seymour Rider, Sardinia. H. A. Wightman, Eden Center. . Herman VV'ightman, Clarksburg. S. Clark Munger, Gowanda. Charles C. Jewett, Spr.ngville. Warren Worden, Yorkshire Center. Charles E. Allen, Gowanda. Elgin B. Cary Boston, Erie Co. Owen L. Moss, Collins. Clara Nichols Millington, Winfield, Kansas. Helen Nichols Hatch, Morton's Corners. Ella Chandler Shaffner, East Ashford. Ida M. Rice Olmsted, Yorkshire Ida Wilson Severance, Springville. Horlense Lafferty Greene, Springville. Libbie Churchill Clark, Morton's Corners. Ella Brown, Manwaring, Elton. Alice Stebbins Spaulding, Otto. Fanny Norris Norton, Springville. Hattie Sherman Nichols, Morton's Corners. Mary J. Velzy, Machias. Lucy Ide'.ia Burroughs, Collins, Ilia M. Wright, Springville. Mattie O. Wilco.x, Portersville, Tulare Co., Cal. Elsie M. Cornwall, South Wales. Ina Woodbury, Hambuig. ROGERS AND WKiH IMAN. Perry B. Co.\, EUicottville. Oliver Hammond, East Otto. Javan Clark, Morton's Corners. Jay Drake, Springville. Augusta Potter Leland, Springville. Laura E. .Morton, Morton's Corners. Clara F Lord, Sardinia. Alice Vedder Tefft, Ashford, Springville P, O. Jennie A. Wilcox Whcelock, Springville. Walter J. Allen, Springville. ROGERS, WIGIIT.MAN AND O'UHIE.N. Emma Bond House, Ashford, Springville P.O. Kate W. Bensley, Chicago, 111. Ell A. Churchi.l, Springville. ROGERS AND o'liRIE.N . ■ Cora C. Stanbro, Springville. Mary A. Van Valkenburg, Springville. Byron S. Tefft, East Otto, John V. Cole, Springville, R(k;EKS, WIGHIMAN, o'liKIEN AND KDDV. James F. X'aughan, Ashford, Springville P. O. Leonard H. Utley, East Otto. Willis L. Wecden, Springvilie. Charles D. Bigelow, Gowanda. Frank E. Lowe. Springville. ROGERS, o'ilKlEN AND KDD\ , Edwin A. Scott, Hamburg. ROGERS AND ICDDN . Man' L. Murray, Glenwood. Lucy C. Sherman, Springville. ROGERS, EDDY AND ELLIS. .Abbey C. Norris, Springville. ROGERS, WIGHTMAN, o'bKIEN, EDDY AND ELLIS. Clarence O. Clark, Springville. A. K. WIGHT.MAN. Clark E. Churchill, Arcade. Charles A. Twichell, Springville. Delavan B Reed, Sardinia. Franklin Hovvland, Machias. Ida A. Cutting Hakes, Springville. Luella Bond Smith, Ashford, Springville 1', O . Sella Wightman, \vk;ht.man and o'ukikn. Karlc R. Vaughan, Lancaster. WKiHT.-MAN, f)'BK'IEN AND EDDV. Rhinda M. Churchill, West Falls. J. \Y. o'liKIEN. Herbert M. Horton, .•\rcade. Frank E. Oyer, Springville. Ida I. Pike, Boston. Clara Goodemote, Springville. Emily Holland Cole, East Ashford. Jennie Rosier House, Holland. Emma Reynolds Lincoln. East Otto. o'hkie.n .\nd edd\ . Ward B. Wiitsie, Yorkshire. Ernest F. Kruse, Springville. George E. Reynolds, Collins Center. Edward M. Shaffner, East Ashford. W. C. Kruse, Ashford. George A. Pierce, Springville. Herbert D. Cole, East Ashford. Mary E. Holt, Glenwood._ Jennie V. Pool Bigelow, Gowanda, Chloe R. Bates Pepperdine, Cattaraugus. Sarah L. Eaton Allen, Springville. o'nUIEN, EDDY ASD ELLIS. A. Ulenna Hess, Elk City, Pa. Myrtie G. Wells, Springville. Anna F. Tanner, Springville. Mary H. Bradley, Springville. Elizabeth H. Shuttleworth, Springville, Ralph W. Lowe, Springville. Mary H. Lowe, Springville. Florence A. Harrison, East Otto. ;30 TEACHERS INSTITUTES. >;. W. EDUY. Fred, A . Parmenter, Buffalo. Elmer C. Sherman, Springville. Paul Canfield, Boston. Milton M. Trivett, Woodward's Hollow. Miriam I. Craig, Colden. Eva E. Multer, Ashford. Mary Ticknor, Gowanda. Lillie V. Cole Demmon, Ashford. EDDY AND ELLIS. S. G. Wightman, Clarksburg. Sewell A. Brooks, Colden Mark N. Brooks, Colden. Carroll G. Morton, Morton's Corners. Wendell J. Morton, Morton's Corners. John J. k\'hittemore, Buffalo. Elbert R. Sherman, Dansville, Liv. County. Walter A. Clark, Springville. Ella E. Bufifam, Colden. Sarah M. Titus, Sardinia. Mary L. Kellogg, Springville. William A. Staffin, Collins Center. Thomas A. Fay, Springville. Albert L. Harrison, East Otto. CiEuKGE \V. ELLIS. Lucius I. Clark, Springville. George A. Persons, East Aurora. Luther D. Cary, Boston. Edward D. Wightman, Clarksburg. James Ellis, East .Aurora. Henry T. Frank, .\shford. William J. Bigelow, Ashford. John W. Pratt, Collins Center. Frank S. Larabee, Springville. Lottie L. White, Springville. Ida A. Beverly, Collins Center. Estelle Earle, South Wales. Lillie O. Smith, Springville. Cora B. Backus, North East, Pa. Lizzie Murphy, West Valley. Mary Wells, Springville. L. Lulu Hadley, Ypsilanti, Mich. Matie B. Churchill, Springville, Nancy M. Cary, Boston. Mabel A. McDuffee, Springville. Alice M. Eaton, Springville. Louise E. Wadsvvorth, Springville. Clara J. Pingrey, Springville. Carrie H. McEuen, Springville. Metiie H. Harrison, East Otto. Some of the person.-, that were known to have attended the Re-union, and failed to reg^ister their names: Hosmer L. Agard, Willink. Thomas L Bunting, Hamburg. Charles B. Cochran, Rochester. Arnold J. Emerson, Sardinia. Norman A. Freeman, Glenwood. Sidney D. Kingsley, Sardinia. George L. Dayton, Buffalo. Judge Stephen Lockwood, Buffalo. David S. Reynolds, Buffalo. Anson A. Stone, Sinclairville. Almon W. Stanbro, Buffalo. Frank Smith, Eden Center. J. B. Vanduzee, Buffalo. L. G. Ray Whiting, Boston. Girvease A. Matteson, East Otto. Carrie W. Andrews Bailey, Collins Center. Olivia Ballou Reynolds, Buffalo. Estella Batty Freeman. Glenwood, Ella M. Crandall DePuy, Sea Cliff, L. I. Mary E. Davis Briggs, Yorkshire. Philena L. Ferrin Weber, Salamanca. Maria L. Howell Bowen, Yorkshire. Persis Harrison Potter, Buffalo, Frank M. Mills Greene, Fredonia. Betsy M. Newton Bunting, Hamburg. Eunice J. Pratt Rogers, North Collins. Emma S. Wiltse Brand, Yorkshire. Mary Horton Sweet, Humphrey. Charlotte McMillan, Gowanda. Ella Holman Long, Hamburg. Lora C. Albro McClure, Buffalo. Luana L. Norris Kingsley, Sardinia. Ella M. Vedder Crowell, Hamlet. Rhoda A. Wheeler Norris, Pike. Jennie C. Baldwin Collins, Colden. Jennie Dygert Drake, Pike. Mary Stowell Scott, Hamburg. Sophia A. Bigelow, Chicago, 111. Adella Brooks, Colden. Grace Brooks, Colden. Clara L. Wheeler, Pike. Anna Nichols, Colden. TEACHERS INSTITUTES. The first Erie County Teachers' Institute was held in W'ill- iamsville in 1844, second at Aurora in 1845. third at Springville in 1846. fourth at Lancaster in 1847, fifth at Aurora in 1848, sixth at Springxillc in 1 S49. These Institutes were largel}' at- CATALOOUK OF MALE MKMIJKRS. !3' tended b\' teachers from all parts of the count}-. The)- con- tinued two weeks each, and were held for a number of years. The foUowint^ is a list of the officers, instructors, lecturers and members of the Institute lield at Sprinj^ville in 1849 • Flrasmus Hrii;gs, of C(^ncord, President ; Samuel C. Adams, of Collins. \'ice-President ; Louis \V. (iraves. of Aurora, Secretary. IxsTRUCTORS — J.H. Karle, Principal of Springville Acade- ni\-; J. H. Earle. Teacher of Mathematics; Miss Mary J. Hartoo, Daniel Jones, of Aurora; Miss Cordelia Warner, of S[)rint^\-ille, M. A. \\'liitne\-, of Aurora, and S. \\\ Craves of Aurora. Lecturers — Rev. L George, S. W. Graves, Rev. Milo Scott, of Aurora, S. Sedwick, of Arcade, Samuel G. Love, of Gowanda, Rev. H. I{,dd}\ of Springville, E. S. Eddy, of Williamsville. CATALOGUE OF MALE MEMBERS. NAME AND RESmKNCK. G. W. Andrews, Otto. Jonathan Briggs, Concord. Erasmus Briggs, Concord. A. C. Buffmum, Colden. E. M. Baily, Ash ford. L. H. Bugbee, Persia. Andrew J. Brooks, Boston. Wm. C. Baily, Holland. John R. Bensley, Concord. .\lfred R. Bowen, Sardinia. A. L. l^radley, Otto. Romanzo Bunn, Mansfield. P. S. Baker, Hamburg. J. F. Brown, Aurora. I iiram Clark, Collins. .\lban Clark, Collins. Lyman Clark, Collins. Pones Cole, Aurora. H.M.Carr, Concord. C. E. Carr, Concord. B. O. Carr, Concord. Miles Chafee, Concord. NAME AND RESIDENCE. J. B. Colegrove, Sardinia. Wm. W. Chilcott, Hamburg. A. T. Cole, Ashford. E. M.Clark, Eden. Charles Clark, Aurora. Elias Borland, Hamburg. T. C. Estee, Hamburg. J. H. Earle, Concord, E. N. Ely, Cheektouaga. Jesse Frye, Concord. Wm. M. Field, Concord, (leorge Kellogg, Concord. S. B. Littlefield, Hamburg. Nathaniel Lockwood, Boston. Charles McCoy, Ellicottville. J. McAvoy, Collins. Sidney McBride, Persia. James Moore, Aurora. Lucius McBride, Persia. Owen P. Marsh, Yorkshire. L. H. Morris, Aurora. John H. McAvoy, Collins. 2^,2 CATALOGUE OF FEMALE MEMBERS. Joseph S. O'Brien, Collins. George Oswold, Otto. A. E. Packard, Concord. George Perkins, Concord. Franklin Pike, Concord. Asa Potter, Sheldon. J. W. Porter, Sardinia. Byron Pratt, Aurora. Charles M. Plumb, Collins. Abijah Perkins, Aurora. L. W. Race, Evans. H. A. Race, Evans. Alan A. Richardson, Concord. W. G. Ranson, Concord. Joseph A. Rathbun, Persia. Geo. W. Woodward, Concord. D. M. Richardson, Concord. H. W. Rugg, Concord. J. T. Sykes, Sheldon. C. C. Stanbro, Concord. E. D. Stevens, Hamburg. A. D. Scott, Springville. Joseph Griffin, Collins. L. W. Graves, Aurora. Franklin Hodge, Buffalo. Charles Howe, Persia. Luke G. Harmon, PLllicottville. I). H. Hopkins, Concord. S. C. Horton, Boston. David Hershey, Amherst. Moses Ham, Amherst. Daniel Harris, Aurora. J. S. Hawley, Brant. M. N. Jones, Boston. D. G. Jones, Aurora. A. H. Jones, Aurora. L. A. Kennicut, New Albion. E. R. Kingsley, Sardinia. S. D. Kingsley, Sardinia. Charles Scisler, Aurora. J. H. Shearer, Aurora. Geo. W. Sweet, Colden. Ambrose Southworth, Boston. E. A. Stebbins, Otto. C. C. Sibley, Concord. E. C. Sanders, Ashford. Ferdinand Taylor, Collins. Loomis J. Williams, Hamburg. Darwin Wilcox, Sardinia. P. F. Warner, Java. Horatio Whittemore, Collins. L. D. Weeden, Springville. M. A. Whitney, Aurora. Wm. W. Wilson, Concord. James Wilkes, Sardinia. O. Wilcox, Sardinia. CATAL()(;UE OF FEMALE MEMBERS. NAME AND RESIDENCE. Laura A. Algur, Concord. Demis Allen, Collins. Malinda Arnold, Collins. Sarah A. Baker, Hamburg. Ann E. Bloomfield, Concord. Almira Britton, Boston. Jane A. Briggs, Concord. Rosina S. Blake, Concord. NAME AND RESIDENCE. E. P. Bartoo, Hamburg. Eveline C. Bois, Aurora. Ann Eliza Bois, Aurora. Mary J. Bartoo, Hamburg. Mary J. Baker, Hamburg. Selphina Bowen, Sardinia. Lucinda J. Bement, Concord. Roxaiia R. Bement, Concord. CATAL()(;uE OF i-i;mai.k MKMI'.KRS. 233 Vcstina BlmisIc)', Concord. Amelia A. Hlakc, Concord. Maryettc Curran. Concord. Julia Ann Carey, Concord. Mar\' Crawford, Concord. Clara Clark, Ashford. Esther Cornwell, Sardinia. Amanda Canfield, Concord. Annetta Clark, Aurora. Adaline E. Button, Concord. Hanna E. Dustin, Holland. Mary E. Davidson, Holland, -Sarah A. Button, Holland. Phebe H. Borland, Hamburi;-. Mary C. Estee, Eden. Margaret Flemins^. Concord. W. A. Fairbanks, Ashford. Sophia A. Gardner, Concord. Eudora Griffith, Concord. Laura G. Grannis, Wales. Amelia C. Grannis, Wales. Martha Georj^e, Concord. Carolina M. Griffith, Concord. Adaline B. Gibbs. Otto. Pamelia Guild, Ashford. Calista Godard, Concord. Lucinda Griswold, Concord. Ellen J. Hyde, Concord. Maria A. Ho\\e, Rice. Maria Howe, Rice. Mary E. Hicko.x, Hamburi^. Elizabeth Holland, Concord. Amelia Huntly, Concord. Ann Ingalls, Concord. S\'lvia Joslyn, Concortl. Electa M. Jennings, Collins. Mary E. Jenmngs, Collins. Martha P. Johnson, Collins. Mar\- E. jolmson, Collins. H. A. Johnson, Otto. Louisa A. Kennedy, Concord. Prudence Kellogg, Concord. Louisa Kellogg, Concord. Eniil)' J. Lewis, Collins. Sarah B. Mclvin, Concord. P(^lly Merwin, Concord. Helen Minor, Concord. Luc)' A. Newton, \'orkshire. Sarah Ann Newton, Sardinia. Harriett A. Newell, Sardinia. Lucy M. Nichols, Concord, Harriet A. Peirce, Ashford. Betsey Peirce, Concord. Helen A. Peirce, Concord, Ann H. Pierce, Ashford. Julia M. Post, Concord. Marian T. Perry, Aurora. Jerusha Pratt, Collins. Esther Pratt, Collins. Gratia I'armenter, Yorkshire. Lucinda W. Rundell, Alden. Elizabeth W. Rundel, Alden. Clara Richmond, Collins. Mehala Rider, Sardinia. Alice Sanderson, Portville. Lurinda Southworth. Boston. Martha Stewart. Phebe Starkweather, Concord. Olive Sleeper, Holland. Harriet M. Taylor, Alden. Ann R. Tuthill, Otto. Cornelia Ta)-lor, Alden, Sarah J. Vaughan, Concord. Harriet N. Wellman, Napoli. Cordelia Warner, Strykersville. Jane A. Wolcott, Concord. M. M. S. Watkins, Concord. Helen M. White. Hamburo. 234 I^IST OF TEACHERS IN CONCORD. Mary Wood, Concord. C. M. Willett, Hamburg. Almira Woodruff, Aurora. Phebe Wood, Concord. Male teachers 191 Female teachers 93 Total 284 LIST OF TEACHERS WHO TAUGHT SCHOOL IN CONCORD, N. v., DURINC; THE YEARS 1 844, '45, '46 AND '47 — 112 IN NUMBER. Jonathan Brings, Orville S. Canfield, S. L. Cary, Laura D. Abbott, Milton House, Daniel Noteman, A. G. S. McMillain, J. B. Sweet, John F. Morse, J. A. O. South, Nancy H. Salis- bury, David Cochran, Philip Thurbur, Lysander Needham, E. E. Williams, A. F. Hubbard, W. H. Freeman, B. F. Blake, Mary Potter, Rosina Blake, Minerva Slosson, Maria Graves, Lucy Hall, Margaret M. Watkins, Caroline Miner, Juliette Sibley, Sarah E. Fisher, Desire Little, Mary Needham, Lua E. Smith, Lucy Blake, Amanda Canfield, Lucretia Murry, Julia M. Post, Miles Chafee, Apalonia Douglass, Calista Godard, Roxana Bement, E. P. Kennady, D. M. Richardson, W. W. P>ench, W. G. Ransom, Mr. Dunham, Daniel Wilson, Martin Wiltse, Benjamin F". Rice, Mary Wood, Eudora Griffith, Charles Treat, Mercy Canfield, Melissa Duttdn, J. G. Blake, Lyman Packard, Russell P"rench, Margery J. Churchill, William A. Sibley, Jacob Widrig, Suel Briggs, Orrin Baker, William R. Philips, Mary E. Shaw, Enos Olden. Gilbert C. Sweet, William Hudson, Cyrus Griswold, B. F. Cary, E. Briggs, A. C. Adams, Sally Sampson, A. T. Cole, G. W. Richardson, Elizabeth Bloom- field, Julia A. P'rench, Alpha C. King, Cornelia Holt, Bets)- Pierce, Miner\'a L. Griswold, Hannah Agard, Hannah G. Parks, Nancy Nichols, Luc}' E. Maklem, Hannah Parsell. Hester Ann Martin, Julia E. Martin, Louisa White, Esther Pratt, Almond Nichols, Lucinda J. Bement, Jerome E. Stac)', E. H. Drake, Charles Needham, WMlliam H. Watkins, A. Parsell, P. H. War- ner, Elizabeth Melvin, Mary L. Field, Maryette Curron, Helen Minor, .Aurora Nelson, Irene Weber, Herma A. Johnson, Miss Southworth, Mr. Spring, Ahira Loxelace. Miss Stiles, Helen rilK roWNSENI) HILL SCIIOOI.. 235 Hlods2jct, Jemima Treat, Miss Knaj), Atlaliiie Chafee, Miss Richardson, Miss Rice, Miss Stewart, Miss Hail}', Kuiiicc Maklem. AliOU'l' rilK lOWNSKM) nil. I, SCIIOOI.. A school-house was l)uilt on Townsent! Hill in the earl\- part of 1S15 and a school taught therein that summer. It was a framed house and locateci on land now owned b)' B. I*". Williams, on the south side of the (ienesee Road, about ten rods west of the transit road. The names of the teachers who taus^ht in this school in early times were : 1815 — Summer, Waiter Eaton ; Winter, Sally Spaulding-. 1816 — Summer, Mar}- Torrey ; Winter, Benjamin Vi\y. 1817 — Summer, Abbie Cunningham; W^inter, Benjamin F"ay. 1818 — Summer, Rebecca Sawyer; Winter, Amaziah Ashman. 1819 — Summer, Lucy Chapin ; Winter, Enoch Sinclair. 1820 — Summer, Mar\' Chapin ; Winter, William Owen. 1821 — Summer, Patience Bowen ; Winter, Enoch Sinclair. 1822 — Summer, Olive Fuller; Winter, William Owen. 1823— Summer, Caroline Owen ; Winter, John Brooks. 1824 — Summer, Eliza Ayers ; Winter, Elam Booth. 1825 — Summer, Delia Torrey ; Winter, Elam Booth. 1826 — Summer, Lucinda Fry: Winter, Ezra Chaffee, Amaziah Ashman. 1827 — Summer, Minerva Cochrane ; Winter, Clark M. Carr. 1828 — Summer, PolK' .Spaulding; Winter, Lucinda Fa}-. 1829 — Winter, Oliver Canfield. 1830 — Winter, Oliver Canfield. 1 83 I — Winter, Asa Philips. 1832 — Winter, Asa Philips. 1833— Winter, Asa IMiilips. 1834 — Winter, A.sa Philips. 1835 — Winter, Nelson Hopkins. 1836 — Winter, Nelson Hopkins. LIST OF I'F.RSO.XS WHO HAVE .MET AX ACCH)ENTA1, DEATH BY i)Ko\v.\i.\(; OR oiHKRWisr: ix the rowx of concord. A man b}- the name of Re}-nolds was drowned in the " Big- Bend," in the Cattaraugus creek — just below the P'r}-e crossing, in 1839. 236 ACCIDENTAL DKATHS IN TOWN OF C<.)NCORD. An KiiL^lishman b\' the name of Dunkerh' was drowned in the Cattaraugus, near the Shultus bridge, about 1852. A young man was drowned in the Bloomfield mill-pond, in Springville, in June, 1870; he was a Prussian, name unknown. About 1848, two small children, one a boy named Rinhart, and the other a little daughter of Stowel Collins, were drowned while playing together by the race in Springville, near Frank lin street. The same year, a boy named Edmonds was drowneci in Auger's pond in Springville. A boy named Melancton W'oodham was dro\\ned in Cook's pond. In Jul}', 1864, George Severance, a son of Hon. C. C. Sever- ance, fourteen years of age, was drowned in the Cattaraugus, midway between the Cook and Shultus bridges. William Mimmick was also drowned near the Cook bridge. Levant Stanbro was drowned in the Griffith pond, near East Concord, in 1879. About 1880, Theodore Pilger, a young man \\ as drowned in the Cattaraugus near the Cook bridge. Jonathan Mayo, Jr., was killed in 1825, \\hile chopi)ing with his father. A falling tree slewed around as it struck, and knocking him lifeless to the ground. In 1832, Jacob McLen, a \-oung man, was killed b}- a falling tree on Lot 20, Range 7, Township 7. About 1873, '^ >'oung man named Cyrenus F"uller wa^- killed \\'hile felling trees on the farm of John F. Morse. In February, 1869, Arnold Cranston, father of James Crans- ton, was killed felling trees. June 22, 1877, Charles Krantz was killed while chopping on his farm, by a limb falling do\A'n and breaking his skull. 'In 1883, Byron Swain, a resident of S[)ring\ille, was killed while felling trees in Boston. In 1852, Henry C. Horton was killed b\- saw logs rolling upon him at the Janes saw mill, in the north part of the town. He was 27 years old. Amasa Loveridge was killed in the same manner, August 7. 1855, at Captain Tyrer's mill in what is now Wheeler Hollow. He was 67 years of age. NAMKS OK Slki:AMS I\ COXC-Okl). 21'/ Albert Ostrandcr fell from a scaffold to the barn tloor in his barn near I^ast Concord, Jan. 8, 1871. and died April 21, 1871. Samuel Bradley, an early settler and business man of Sprin<^- ville, fell from the stairs in the Gardner mill in the niijht time, and received injuries that caused his death soon after. Cyrus C. Rhodes and Daniel P. Brown, residents of Spring- ville, were killed by the cars at the Elk street crossing of the L. S. & M. S. R. R. at Buffalo. June 28, 1856. Peter Sampson was killed in 1836 by his sleigh slewing" around on the ice, and sleigh, the load and team going down the bank from the top of the hill this side of the Shultus bridge. Dexter Rlu)tles was killed b}- the bursting of a re\ol\-ing drum attached to the machiner)- in the Scoby mills about 1878. Sanford Mayo w;is killed b\' the cars at the Mills crossing (one mile north of Springville), on the Buffalo E.xtension of the Rochester & Pittsburgh Railroad, Oct. 2, 1883. namp:s of streams in concord. The Cattaraugus creek runs along the south bounds of the town in a southwesterh- direction. Spring brook rises on Townsend liill and runs southeasterly and southerly through Springville into the Cattaraugus creek. The Cazenox'ia creek rises in Sardinia and runs through the northeast corner of this town. The east branch of the Righteen-mile creek rises on Town- send hill and runs northwesterh- through this town, Boston and Hamburg to the lake. The west branch of the Eighteen-mile creek rises in the west part ot the town and runs northwesterh- through Concord, North Collins and Eden to the lake. Smith brook rises north of the Genesee road near Mr. Coop- er's and runs southerly through Wheeler Hollow and Spooner Hollow to the Cattaraugus creek. This brook was named after " (iovernor " Smith who settled at its mouth in 1810. The Darby brook rises near Nichols' Corners and runs south- erly near Morton's Corners and down to the Cattaraugus creek, ((^ritrin of the name unknown.) 238 THE ERECTION OF A LIBERTY POLE. The Wells brook rises near the residence of B}'ron Wells and runs south into the Cattaraugus creek. There is also a pond of water near East Concord which has been commonly called Griffith's Pond. THE FIRS'l" LIISERTV POLE. There is a tradition that the first liberty pole reared in the town was at the Four Corners, a mile east of Springville, and the place has ever since been known as Liberty Pole Corners. The time was 18 19, or thereabouts, and on the 4th day of July, that the pioneers assembled on these corners to celebrate the day as become the descendents of patriotic sires. Officers were chosen, a procession formed, an oration delivered, and the immortal declaration rehearsed ; and in due time a tall and graceful pole was raised, unfurling to the breeze the flag of our countr)'. This interesting ceremony was accompanied with the firing of guns, the cheers of the crowd, and the sound of the spirit- stirring fife and drum. Upon this occasion the pioneers were jovial, and ready to engage in anything laudable for the sake of having a good time. They saw at a glance how barren the gathering was of tilted dignit}', anci possessing a faculty that invented as necessity demanded, they bestowed upon many a title that did great honor to the occasion. All men are not trained in the same school, nor are their shining qualities of the same order, but he who excelled in an}- special province, was worthy of a title that accorded with it ; and upon this particu- lar occasion, the gathering included names that were exalted in the ci\il and military ser\-ice of the land, and had the reporter been invented, this might have appeared: " General Knox and President Adams drank from the same Gourd, to health of his excellency, Governor Smith," etc , etc. ^ To many of the pioneers these titles ever afterwards clung and the\* became kno\\n to the rising generations by these a[)pcllations antl no other, such as " General Knox " and " Gov- ernor Smith." A stor}' is told of Governor Smith in connec- tion with his title that is worthy of being repeated. The Governor was a man of commanding appearance, and once upon a time he happened to meet an old friend, a congen- iiii-; si'Ri.\(;vii,i.K .Mii.i.. 239 ial spirit, at the old Stone Tavern on the hill. The two friends became very convivial over their j^lasses, and an Indian who hajjpened to be jjresent was asked to join them ; this was \ery willinj^ly acquiesced in. After drainin^r their "lasses the Indian, looking;- his excellenc)' square in the face, said : " Bc's you the (lovernor of New York ?" The Gox'ernor replied in his usual heavy gutteral voice : Not exactly the (iovernor of the State ot New York, but I am Governor of Dutch Hollow." THE SrRIxV(;VILLE MILL. One of the most interesting,' chapters in the manufacturing and business history of Springville, relates to the " Old Spring- ville Mill," or " Colton Mill," as it is sometimes called. For nearly fifty years it has faithfully performed a considerable part of the milling business for a large section of the surrounding country. It commenced b)' grinding the pioneer's wheat that grew among the stumps, reaped with a sickle and threshed out some keen Winter morning on the barn floor with a flail, and has continued until the grists received at its doors grew in the broad open field, and are harvested and threshed by the approx'ed machinery of modern. times. Manly Colton, of Buffalo, induced by the excellent water- power afforded and rhe promises held forth by the productixx^- ness of the surrounding country, decided to invest a poition of his cajjital in a larg:; mill at Springville. Work was commenced on Januar)- i, 1835, and the mill was completed and running before the close of the year. Thomas Lincoln, of S[:)ring\ille, was the architect, and Stephen W. Howell, of Buffalo, the mill- wright. The framework of the mill was of massive proportions and the " raising " was a memorable e\ent in the earlier histor\- of the town. The workmanship and materials were of the best quality, and w hen completed it was pronounced one of the fin- est and best mills in Western New York. Its cost was $22,000. The gigantic old water wheel was an object of interest to many who have stood in the damp wheel-room and looked with some- thing of a feeling of awe on its slow but certain movement. This, as well as other jiortions of the machiner\- of the mill, ha\'e from time to time been replaced b\- that more impnned. The first miller was John T. Noye, late of the well-known firm of I. T. N()\'e & Sons, of Buffalo. 240 LOCAL NAMES IN CONCORD. Soon after being built, through the financial failure of Mr. Colton, the mill fell into the hands of Dart Bros., of New York. About 1846 they sold to Rufus Eaton, of Springville, who con- ducted it for about two years, when it again became the prop- erty of the Dart Bros., who resold it about 1848 to M. L. Badgley and Benjamin Joslyn. After a time Mr. Joslyn became sole proprietor, and about 1854 he sold to C. J. Shuttleworth and William Barclay, who continued together for about two years, when Shuttleworth bought the interest of his partner, which he soon sold to Stephen Churchill and rebought again in i860. The subsequent year Mr. Shuttleworth sold his interest to Madison Scoby, and in 1862 sold the other half to Abram Dygert. Dygert & Scoby continued in partnership two or three years, when they sold to Shuttleworth & Chafee, who conducted the mill together until 1874, when Mr. Shuttleworth sold his interest to Bertrand Chafee, the present proprietor. LOCAL NAMES IN CONCORD. " Townsend Hill" was so named from Johnathan Townsend and family, who settled there at an early day. " Morton's Corners" was named after Wendell Morton and his sons, who bought a farm and built a hotel there, which still stands. " Nichols" Corners" was so called from Lewis Nichols, who settled there at an early day, and some of his descendants still live there. " Woodward's Hollow" was named after the Woodward family, some of ^\'hom still reside there. " The Branch." This localit}-, along the creek, from \W^od- ward's Hollow to the town of North Collins, is frequently called " The Branch," from the fact that the west branch of the Eigh- teen-mile creek flows through it. " Wheeler's Hollow" was named from the Wheeler brothers, who now reside there. "Wheeler Hill" was so named from Benjamin Wheeler and family, who were the first settlers there. " Spooner Hollow," so called from the Spooner family, who li\"ed there at an earl\- da\'. LOCAL NAMKS IN CONCORD. 24I " Siblc}- Settlement," so named tiom the Sible)- brothers, mIio were the first settlers in that neighborhood. " Chafee District," named from the Chafee family, who w ere early settlers there. " East Concord," so called because it is situated in the east- ern part of the town. " Waterville," so called because two branches of the Buffalo Creek meet there, and in former times there were several mills, all within a mile of that place. " Horton Hill," named from John and Truman Horton, who settled there at an early day. " Colden Mill," the south part of what is called " Colden Hill," is in the town of Concord and is so named from the town of Colden, into which it extends. " Vaughan Street," named from several families of Vaughans who were early settlers on tliat street, and their descendants live there still. " Liberty-Pole Corners," so called from the fact that the first liberty-pole ever raised in the town was raised there at a \-ery early day. " Sharp Street." Tradition says that Sharp street was so called from a house built by John Gould, which had a very sharp or steep roof and at that time stood at the end of the street, on the farm where Yates Gardinier now lives. " Frye Hill," named from Enoch Frye and his father, the first settlers there, and Enoch and descendants still live there. " Shultes' Bridge," named from David Shultes, who owned the land on which it was built, and lived there: " Cook Bridge," so named from E. W. Cook, who owned the land where the bridge stands. " Scobey Bridge," named from Alexander Scobey, ^\■ho li\ ed there and owned mills there at the time it was built. " Frye Bridge," so named from the Frye's, who own the land where the bridge crosses the Cattaraugus. '* Block School-House," so called from the fact that the first school-house ever built there was built of hewed logs. THE Sl'RINGVILLK RIFLE COMPANY. This was one of the finest companies raised on the Holland Purchase. The rank and file was made up of the best of the 14 242 SPRINGVILLE RIFLE COMPANY. young men. But few of the members are living to-day, and they rank with our most honored and respected citizens. The uniform of this company was green frock coats with brass buttons, white pants with black velvet leggings that reached half way to the knee, black hats ornamented in front with a brass shield from the top of which rose a white feather with a red tip, leather belt around the waist, with shields affixed for knife and light tomahawk, Axhich every member in the ranks carried. They were also armed with rifles. This company was organized in 1820 or 1821, with Chris- topher Douglass as captain, and Sanford P. Sampson as first lieutenant. After serving a few years, Douglass resigned, and by the death of Lieutenant Sampson, the command of the company fell to Isaac Palmer. He, after serving several years, was succeeded by Abram Starks, and Starks by Stephen Albro, Albro by William McMillen, McMillen by Charles C. Bigelow, and Bigelow by Ephraim T. Briggs, who had command of the company when they were disbanded by law, and military train- ing done away with. TOWN OFFICERS OF CONCORD. A perfect list of the officers of the town of Concord can not be given as the records of the town were burned up in the great fire in Springville in 1868. The list of Supervisors and the time each served is complete. The list of Justices is complete, but their term of service could not in all cases be ascertained. But a complete list of other town officers, or their terms of service can not be made. But the names of such of the prin- cipal officers as have been ascertained are gi\'en. A LIST OF THE SUPERVISORS OF CONCORD FROM ITS FIRST ORGANIZATION TO THE PRESEN T TIME. 1821, '22, '23, '24, '25, '26 and '27, Thomas M. Barrett ; 1828 and '29, Joshua Agard ; [830, Oliver Needham ; 1831, Thomas M.Barrett; 1832 and '33, Carlos Emmons; 1834, '35, '36 and '37, Oliver Needham; 1838, '39, '40, '41, '42, '43, '44 and '45, E. N. P^rye ; 1846, '47, '48, '49 and '50, C. C. Severance ; 1851, '52, '53 and '54, S. W. Godard ; 1855, Lucian B. Towsley ; 1856, J.N.Richmond; 1857, Morris P^osdick ; 1858, '59, '60, '61, '62 and '63, S. W. Godard; 1864 and '65, Philetus Allen; OFFKKUS OK Till-; TOWN OF CONCORD. 243 1866, C. C. Severance ; 1S67, A. \V. Stanbio ; 1868, C. C. Sev- erance ; 1869, A. W. Stanbro ; 1870 and '71, Bertrand Chafee ; 1874, Clark S. McMillan and Frank Chase; 1873, C. C. Sever- ance; 1874 and '75, Erasmus Bri^ijs ; 1876 and '"jj, Henry M. Hlackmar ; 1878, '79 and '80, William II. Warner; 1881, '82 and "^}t, Erasmus Briggs. A LIST OF TIIF: JUSTICES OF THE PEACE FOR I'HE TOWN OF CONCORD. Ciirist()})her Douglass, Joseph Ilanchett, Rufus Eaton, Fred- erick Richmond, William V . (}. Lake, Amaziah Ashman, Ben- jamin Fay, John Brooks, Archibald Griffith, Elisha Mack, Stephen Albro, Emory Sampson, John Griffith, Robert G. Flint, Isaac Nichols, Wells Brooks, Seth W. Godard, C. C. Sev- erance, Hiram G. Smith, Pliny Smith, Byron Cochran, O. S. Canfield, Morris Fosdick, Fred Crary, Joseph Gaylord, William Woodbury, Isaac Woodward, Almon Nichols, A. W\ Stanbro, W. H. Freeman, Frank Chase, E. S. Cady, A. D. Holman, Harry Foote, C. C. Stanbro, Willis G. Clark. Town Clerks. — Amaziah Ashman, Noah Townsend, George Arnold, Johnson Bensley, C. C. Severance, C. C. McClure, McCall Long, A. W. Stanbro, A. G. Moon, A. R. Tabor, C. C. Smith, T. B. Norris. Collectors. — Soloman Field, Harry Stears, Roswell Olcott, Isaac Palmer, James F. Crandall, N. A. Godard, Clinton Ham- mond, Joseph Potter, George Thompson, Perrin Sampson, Orvill Smith, C. J. Shuttleworth, L. P. Cox, A. J. Moon. Assessors. — Joshua Agard, E. N. Frye, Emory Sampson, Luther Austen, Truman White, Lsaac Palmer, Ebenezer Dibble, Benjamin Trevitt, Oliver Needham, Charles Needham, Isaac Nichols, J. L. Douglass, L. A. Needham. R. T. Foote, Isaac Woodward, Perrin Sampson. Commissioners. — Dea Russell, Isaac Knox, Emery Samp- son, Amos Stanbro, Benjamin Fay, Jeremiah Richardson, Harvy Andrews, Paris A. Sprague, Robert G. Mint, Abel Hol- man, Rufus Thurber, Horace, Gaylord, Isaac Nichols, l\. K. Ostrander, Elbert W. Cook. William W. Blackmar, Ira W'ood- ward. 244 OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF CONCORD. The following are copied from the new town book which commences in 1869 : 1 Year. Town Clerks. Assessors. 1869 A. E. Hadley, John Nichols, 1870 W. W. Blakeley, Laban A. Needham, 1871 W. W. Blakeley, Edward Godard, 1872 W. W. Blakeley, John Ballon, 1873 W. W. Blakeley, Alfred Newcomb, 1874 W. W. Blakeley, Edward Godard, 1875 W. W. Blakeley, William L. Mayo, 1876 Edwin L. N orris, Isaiah Gardenier, 1877 W. H. Ticknor. W. H. Stanbro, 1878 W. H. Ticknor, Alfred R. Trevett, 1879 W. H. Ticknor, George Weeden, 1880 W. H. Ticknor, Isaiah Gardenier, 1881 Frederick G. Myers, Alfred R. Trevett, 1882 Frederick G. Myers, William H. Pingrey, 1883 Frederick G. Myers. George Weeden. Ykar. Collectors. Com's of Highways. 1869 George Mayo, Henry Blackmar, 1870 George Mayo, George D. Conger, 1871 George Mayo, Benjamin A. Fay, 1872 Henry F. Norris, William H. Warner, 1873 Benjamin A. Fay, Nelson Scott, 1874 Frank Prior, William Wiley, 1875 Frank P. Spaidding, Samuel D. Vance, 1876 Frank 0. Smith, Nelson Scott, 1877 Frank P. Spaulding, 1878 John H. Melvin, 1879 John H. Melvin, Marcus B. Churchill, 1880 Edward D. Bement, Marcus B. Churchill, 1881 Morris C. PVeeman, A. C. Adams, 1882 Morris C. Freeman, William H. Warner, 1883 Morris C. Freeman. A. C. Adams. ACCOUNTS OK lOWN OF CONCORD FOR 183O. H5 TOWiV ACCOUNTS AS AUDITED AND ALLOWED ACiAINST THE TOWN OF CONCORD FOR THE YEAR 1830. Names. John Brooks Joshua A^ard Amaziah Ashman . . . Stephen Needham . . . A. G. EIHott David Rensley Abel Holman Benjamin Sibley Thomas M. Barrett. . Homer Barnes Emery Sampson Luther Austen Benjamin Fay Noah Townsend Jeremiah Richardson. Archibald Griffith.. . . Robert G. Flint Samuel Cochran William Smith Widow Woodcock . . . Robert Curran L. B. Tousley William Vaughan. . . . Oliver Needham Silas Rushmore David Shultus Roads and Bridi^es. Common Schools. . Contini^ent I'und . . Rejected Tax Collectors Fees. . . . County Tax Total Tax Claims. $ 5 00 10 00 6 00 9 75 9 13 2 50 9 50 I 50 8 13 6 00 10 50 14 75 13 24 15 00 11 -'R 1 1 -,(-> 4 00 3 50 8 00 7 00 10 00 15 00 2 00 5 00 7 00 5 00 5 00 250 00 180 66 26 69 13 31 61 83 559 10 Total. $206 88 1,091 59 11,298 47 246 NAMES OF KARLV SE'I TLKRS. THE NAMES OF PERSONS NOW LIVING WHO CAME TO AND SET TLED IN THE TOWN OF CONCORD, SIXTY TO SEVENTY YEARS A(;0, SOME OF WHOM HA\ K REMOVED TO OTHER LOCALITIES. Mrs. Ezekiel Adams, ai^cd 96; Mrs. William Ballou, ai:^cd 91 ; Huldah Townsend Sinclair, aged 86; Lathrop Bebee, aged 87 : Mrs. Lathrop Bebec, aged 82 ; Orrin Sibley, aged 85 ; Mrs. Orrin Sible)-, aged i^], ; Silas Wheeler, aged 92 ; Pliny Wheeler, aged 82 ; Mrs David Wiley, aged 83 ; Alvira Townsend Owen, aged 80; Mrs. Boyles, aged 90; Mahala Eaton Butterworth, aged 80; Enoch N. Frye, aged 83 ; M. M. Frye, aged 80; John- son Chase, aged 82; Susannah Phillips Chase, aged 80 ; Mrs. Truman Horton, aged 83 ; Sally Foster Needham, aged 82 : Acsah Wheeler Townsend, aged 80 ; Eliza Shultus Reynolds, aged 80 ; William Southworth, aged over 90 ; Col. Sylvenus Cook, aged 88 ; Luke Simons, aged 85 ; P'anny Wheeler Gould, aged 90; Windsor and Stary King, Mrs. Stary King, Windsor Chase, Calvin Killom, Vincent M. Cole, Almira Chafee Black- mar, Eliza Chafee Cole, Vernam C. Cooper, Betsey Cooper Simons, Mrs. Calvin Smith, Erastus Mayo, Martha King- Wheeler, Samuel Wheeler, P\anny P^ay Pleld. James P"ay, John T. Wells. Mrs. John T. Wells, Mrs. Isaac Palmer, Samuel, Joseph and Abram Hammond, Hosea W. Townsend, Asa R. Trevett, Sally Trevett Clark. Hannah Philips l\vichell, Asa and Marcus Philips, Henry Ackley, Cornelia Drake Wood, Thomas M. and Jonathan Briggs, George Barrett, Jane Plem- ing P'ield, Mary P'errin Barrett. William Sampson, Mrs. Isaac Nichols, Saban A. Needham, Mrs. Marion Twichell Needham, Mary King Vance, Mary Ann Sampson Bingham, Samuel Shaw, Salmon Shaw, Mrs. Esther Pike 85 ; E. H. Drake, I. E. Drake, Julia Rhodes Lincoln, P^mily Rhodes Britton, George E. Crandall, William McMillan, T. H. Potter, Lucy Twicheh. William Kellogg, T. H. Gary, Mrs. Martha Olcott Trevitt, Mrs. Mary Wheeler Drake, John S. P\>sdick, Jesse Fosdick, Mar\- P^osdick Getty, Alice P^osdick Andrews, Mrs. Harvy Andrews, aged 82 ; Mrs. William Dye, about 90; Constant Trevitt, aged 96; Reuben Wright, 82, Stanbury Wright. THK V()Si;UR<; MURDKR CASK. 247 RKSIDENTS OF CONCORD WHO SliRNKD IN Illl': WAR OF l8l2. Isaac Knox, Samuel Cochran, Benjamin Fay, Amaziah Ash- man, Solomon Field, Isaiah Pike, Smith Russell, Nicholas Armstead, Joseph Hanchett, Isaac I>ush, Chaniiing Trevitt Thomas McGee, George Killom, Lewis Trexitt, Joseph Yaw> Uavid Shultes, Charles C. Wells, FJijah Parmenter, William Weeden, Samuel Burgess, William Shultes, John Drake, John- athan Townsend, jr., Christopher Douglass, Gideon Parsons, Hale Mathewson, T. M. Barrett, Comfort Knapp. THK vosiJiJRc; murdkr cask. FLarly in the Fall of 1S35. one Joseph Carter was conducting an asher)- on what is now Fast Franklin street, near Main street, Springville, for the manufacture of potash. At this time the " Big Mill " was being built by Manly Colton. of Buffalo. Mr. Colton had in his employ one — Vosburg, of Buffalo, as fore- man of the mason work on the mill. Vosburg made the acquaintance of Carter, and was accustomed after his day's work was done to repair to the ashery, where Carter kept up a fire during the night in the arch under the huge caldron in which he prepared the potash. Heie the two men would i.ndulge in card-playing by the light of the fire. On the night of the supposed murder. Carter and Vosburg were joined in their pastime at the ashery by a vagabond character named Goodell, who had no fixed home or occupation. On the night in question it api)ears the trio indulged freely in the ardent. The next morning the lifeless bod}' of Vosburg was found out- side of the asher\- building, his clothing saturated with the black- salts from the boiling caldron, and signs that he had been dragged from the inside of the building to the outside. At once a very general impression [)re\'ailed that the man had been murdered b}- his two companions either by striking on the head with some murderous weapon and then throwing the body into the. caldron to cover suspicion or b)- the more hor- rible method of throwing him by force into the boiling salts. Carter and Goodell claimed that Vosburg fell accidently into the caldron and so met his death. They were arrested for the murder, tried in Buffalo in the proper Court and acquitted. 248 THE OTIS MUKDKR. The evidence submitted b\- the prosecution being neeessarily circumstantial. The defence proved that it was possible for a man to fall into such a place and get out before death would occur — such .m instance ha\'ing occurred some time previous in Sardinia. IIIE OTIS MURDER. Ransford Otis came from Vermont to Sardinia, and in 1826 came from Sardinia to Concord; he lived on Lot 18, on the Cattaraugus creek, south of Springville. April 21, 1840, he was murdered by Major McEllery, an Irishman, who was living at his house. He had lived there but a few weeks, but had lived about the forks of the creek for some time. At that time there was a grist mill up at Richmonds, and they had been up to mill and returned and were at the barn putting out the team in the forepart of the evening, when McEllery, who was a larger and much stronger man than Otis, stepped up behind him and grabbed him around the neck and choked till he thought he had killed him, when he laid him on some boards on the barn floor next the hay ; but Otis came to and said, " Major, you don't mean to kill me ? " Then McEllery pounded him till he was dead. He then set the barn on fire. Presently the people on the creek and some from Springville saw the fire and came running down, and McEllery was there, and they enquired of him where Mr. Otis was, and McEllery said he had gone over to Mr. May's, who was his brother-in-law. and lived over across the creek where Warren Ransom lives now. And some of those present went over to Mr. May's and found that Otis had not been there, and when the barn had fallen in and was burning fiercely, McEllery was seen to put his hands up to shade his eyes and look sharply through the smoke and flames at some object burning in the fire and on the hay. The people mistrusted him and had him arrested then and there, and he was committed to jail, and in due time tried and convicted and made a confession before he died. He was hung on the 19th da)- of January, 1841. THE OEl) SPRIN(^.VILI,E HOTEL. The old hotel was built in i n pt May 22, 1835 . Jabez Weeden. 24 79 M^t Mar. 2, 1832. . Abel Holman. 24 40 11 pt Jan. 8. 1835... Abel Holman. 25 80 ■M^t Dec. 30, 1837.. N. A. Bowen. 25 43 m pt Aug. 13, 1838. George Richmond. Jr. 25 34 11 pt ] Jan. 7, 1835.. . Nathan Hull. TOWNSHIP SEVEN. RANGE SIX. 365 95 50 s-e pt . n-e pt . Sept. 21, 1809. Dec. 29, 1836. . Dec. 29, 1836. . James Vaughan. Asa Wells. Jonathan Mayo. 254 NAMES OF PARTIES TAKING DEEDS TOWNSHIP SEVEN, RANGE SlX—Conlinued. Lot. Acres. 50 Subdivision. Dai e of Deed. Name. 26 s m pt . . Dec. 29, 1836. . Willard W. Cornwell. 26 50 n m pt . . . Dec. 29, 1836. . Hiram Mayo. 26 50 s-\v pt. . . June 5, 1834. . Mary Rouse. 26 50 n-\v pt . . Oct. 9, I •'-32.. . William Smith. ^7 62 s-e pt . . . July 18, 1839. • P. C. Sherman. 2J 63 n-e pt . . . Dec. 29, 1836.. Archibald Griffiths. 27 62 s m pt . . April 18, 1840. James Bloodgood. .27 62 n m pt . . May 17, 1836.. Archibald Griffiths. 27 88 .s-w pt . . . June 19, 1837. William B. Wemple. .27 32 n-w pt . . Nov. 22, 1830. Archibald Griffiths. 28 175 s pt. . . . . Oct. 14, 1 83 1 . . John M. Bull. 28 175 n pt . . . . Nov. 22, 1838. Amos Stanbro. 29 47 s-e pt . . . Mar. I, 1838. . Amos Stanbro. 29 47 e m pt . . Dec. 29, iN36 . William Olin. ;29 94 n-c pt. . . Auo-. 13, 1836. Abraham Gardiner. 29 70 s-w ])t. . . May 14, 1832.. H. J. Vo.sburo-h. 29 24 vv m pt. . April I, 1839. • \W P. Powers. 29 94 n-w pt. . . Sept. 13, 1836. Abraham Gardiner. 30 100 e pt . . . .. Oct. 12. 1842.. John Cotrell. 30 100 m pt. . . .| Oct. 12, 1842. . Joseph Cotrell. .30 154 w pt . . . ., July 18, 1839. . P. C. Sherman. .31 65 m pt. . . . Dec. 29, 1837.. Arnold Wilson. 31 TOO w pt . . . . April I, 1839. • William P. Powers. 32 TOO e pt . . . . Oct. 26, 1836. . Alexander Butterfield, 32 7^:> m pt. . . . Julv 18, 1839. • P. C. Sherman. 32 50 w pt . . . ■ July 8, 1833- •■ William L. J add. 33 50 s-e pt . . . Sept. 25, 1837. Charles Wells. \ Seth W. Godard and 33 50 -S-w pt . . . April 20, 1843 • ( Eber Brooks. 33 137 m p . . . . Oct. 17, 1837. . Benjamin Freeman. 33 87 n-e pt . . . June 7, 1836. . Asa Wells. 33 50 n-w pt . . Sept. 20, 1837. Jo.seph McMillan. 34 50 s-e pt . . . May 5, 1832. . James Bloodgood. 34 100 n-e pt . . . Dec. 30, US36. . William Smith. 34 50 s m pt . .; Mar. 11, 1S35. James Bloodgood. 34 50 s-w m pt . Dec. 27, 1836 . Josiah Graves. 34 50 n m pt . . Dec. 21, 1838.. Moses W. Griswold. 34 55 w pt . . . . . Jan. IT, 1837.. Seeley Squires. 35 50 .s-e pt . . . . June 19. 1837. William B. Wemple. 35 89 e m i)t . . Nov. 17, 1838. William B. Wemple. 35 50 n-e pt . . . . Jan. 17, 1828. . A. Griffith. 35 139 n-w pt . .: Feb. 15, 1834.. Jonathan Mayo. FROM THE HOLLAND COM LAN V. TOWNSHIP SEVEN. RANGE S\X—Con(inued. 255 Lot. Acres. Subdivision. Date of Deed. Name. 35 50 w m pt. . April I, 1839. • William P. Powers. 35 50 n-w pt . . Jan. 3,1838... James Wilson. l^ 100 e pt Dec. 28, 1837 • Mor. L. Badgley. 36 59 em pt . . Nov. 13, 1837. P^dward Cram. 36 100 w m pt. . . Aug. u, 1836. David Meeker. 37 127 spt July 18, 1839.. P. C. Sherman. 37 50 n m pt . . June 19, 1837. Rebecca Putman. 37 60 n pt . . . . April I, 1839. • W. P. Powers. 37 1 10 5f npt... Jan. 18, 1851. . Phineas Scott. 3« 31 s-c pt . . . Dec. 26, 1837. John Griffith. 38 ICX) s m pt . . . April I, 1839. • D. H. Chandler. 38 116 n-e pt . . . . Nov. 27, 1837. Hez. Griffiths. 38 62 n-w pt . . April I, 1839. . W. P. Powers. 39 113 ^^ pt June 16, 1843.. George N. Williams.. 39 164 m pt . . . . April I, 1839. • D. H. Chandler. 39 100 n pt \ June 14,1837 ( or 1836.. . . Homer Barnes. 40 50 ^ pt Jan. 21, 1833.. Abner Wilson. 40 200 s m pt . . . April I, 1839. • W. P. Powers. 40 100 n pt Auo. 23, 1838. Chauncey Dunbar. 41 60 ■'^ pt Jan. 31. 1837.. Josiah D. Graves. 41 233 m pt Jan. 3, 1837... Ashley Holland. 41 100 n pt Dec. I, 1823.. . Samuel Bradley. 42 100 s pt Aug. 31, 1 810. Luther Curtiss. 42 100 s m pt . . . Dec. 30, 1836.. Amos Stanbro. 42 47 n-e m . . . . Feb. I, 1839.. ■ David L. Sweet. 42 53 n w ni . . . Nov. 6, 1838. . John Gould. 42 73 n i)t Mar. 7, 1857. . Hiram Mayo. 43 43 43 20 Feb. I, 1839.. • F^eb. 1 , 1856. . . Erastus Mayo. Weston Waite. 55 50 s-e pt . . . . Feb. 15, 1834.. Jonathan Mayo. 43 75 w m pt.. Dec. 31, 1836.. James Curtiss. 43 96 n-e pt . . . . Dec. 31, 1836.. Calvin Smith. 43 TOO n-w pt . . Dec. 20, 1837.. Prentis Stanbro, Jr. 44 70 s-e pt . . . . Dec. 6, 1836... Dax'id Campbell. 44 70 n-e pt . . . Dec. 6. 1839.. ■ Samuel Jocoy. 44 91 s m pt . . Feb. 5, 1838.. . Arnold Cranston. 44 50 n m pt . . Oct. 31, 1838. . Amos Stanbro. 44 50 w m pt.. April 7, 1838.. Prentis Stanbro, Jr. 44 50 w pt . . . . April 7, 1838. . Prentis Stanbro. 45 30 s-e pt . . . Oct. 21, 1837. . Samuel A, Jocoy. 45 65 s-w pt. . . 1 June 9, 1838. . William Smith, Jr. 256 NAMES OF PARTIES TAKIXC; DEEDS TOWNSHIP SEVEN. RANGE SIX— Continued. Lot. Acres. Subdivision. Date of Deed Names. 45 100 45 100 45 100 46 133 46 50 46 50 45 50 46 100 47 143 47 100 47 125 48 288 48 75 48 100 49 66 49 75 49 100 49 100 50 , 50 50 75 50 i 40 50 I 100 50 ! 25 50 1 40 51 ! 42 51 i 90 51 j 100 51 1 102 5- 64 52 50 52 128 52 1 102 52 68 53 83 53 75 53 79 53 51 53 50 54 364 55 152 55 ! 100 s m pt . . . i Dec. 26, 1 833. . n m pt. . . I Dec. 25, 1838.. n pt I Nov. 21, 1837. s pt I July i 50 s-c pt . . . . ; Sept. 21, 1836. 3' 50 s-c m pt. . 1 AiifT. I I. 1845 ■ 31 60 c m pt . . . Mar. 27, 1834.. 31 47 n-c pt. . . . Jan. 23, 1839.. 31 51 s-w m pt . Sept. 13. 1845 31 50 .<-\v pt . . . . Nov. 19, 1853. 31 100 n-w pt . . . Auo-. ,. ,838.. 32 100 M^t ' April I, 1839. • 32 49 .^ ni pt . . . Jan. 10. 1857.. 32 60 n ni pt . . . (Jet. 14, 1842.. 33 120 spt Sept. 16, 1822. 33 60 e m pt . . . Dec. 29, 1836. . 33 60 w m pt . . . Dec. 29, 1836 . 33 129 n pt Aui;-. 18. 1825 .; 34 100 •M^t June 25, 1838. 34 ! 79 e m pt . . . ' July 22, 1833..! 34 21 \\' \w i)t. . . July 22, 1833.. 1 34 55 m pt July I, 1838...; 34 52 n m pt . . . Sept. 10, 1840. 35 , 200 c & n-c pt Nov. 29. 1836.' 35 50 .s m pt . . . Julys, 1839...; 35 •15 w pt July 18, 1839.. 36 ' 50 .s-c pt . . . . Mar. 20, 1833 .' 36 50 n-c pt . . . . Oct. 20, 1843. • 36 100 c m pt . . . July 18, 1839 ■ 36 101 cm pt . . . July 1. 1842. . . 36 1 87 w m pt.. . May 24, 1843. . 36 80 w pt Dec. 17, 1839 • 37 ; 100 n pt Feb. 2, 1855 . . 37 : 50 •'^ pt Dec. 15. 1855.. n 30 s m pt . . . Dec. 15. 1855 . 37 ^ 100 n pt Sept. 8, 1855.. 38 i 122 .s-w pt . . . Feb. 2. 1855. .' 38 1 52 n-e pt.. . . Mar, 31, 1854. ^l \ 119 n-w pt . . . April 1 1, 1845. 38 150 s-e pt . . . . Nov. I, 1840. . ] A. Van Tu\l. Ezek. Adams. D. H. Chandler. Lewis Trevitt. Joseph Hawkins. Lewis Trevitt. Alphonso Cross. Jacob Le Roy. Truman Vanderlip. \ D. Burr and T. T. ( Sherwood. Daniel H. Chandler. Truman Vanderlip. \ Francis H. Tattu and ) M. M. Tattu. Lewis Nichols. Calvin Johnson. Joshua Steel. Ezekiel Goodell Israel Sly. Zeb. Simmonds. Luke Simonds. A. V^an Tuye. Phineas Peabody. Emery Sampson . William Sampson. P. C. Sherman. Emery Sampson. Jacob Le Roy. P. C. Sherman. Thomas Pound. Lat^rand W. Douglass Emery W. Sampson. Ciilbert C. Sweet. C hristopher Brick. Thomas Thiel. Jonathan Stearns. Gilbert C. Sweet. Truman Vanderlip. Urial Torrey. Ezekiel .Adams. .•264 NAMES OF PARTIES TAKIXCi DEEDS TOWNSHIP SEVEN, RANGE SEVEN— Con/inufd. Lot, Acres Subdivision. Date of Deed 39 372 39 50 40 50 40 50 40 50 40 93 40 100 41 100 41 80 41 62 41 70 42 40 •42 40 42 10 42 307 42 100 43 87 43 32 43 63 43 107 44 50 44 52 44 121 44 50 44 50 45 100 45 50 45 50 45 50 45 50 45 50 46 55 46 58 46 47 46 75 46 50 46 52 47 235 47 50 47 50 47 75 48 67 e s & w pt n-e pt . . . s-e pt . . . s-w pt . . . \v m pt . . n-e j)t . . . n-w pt . . e pt . . . . e m pt . . \v m pt . . w pt . . . . s-c pt ... .s m pt . . . n-e pt . . . w m pt . . w pt . . . . e pt . . . . e m pt . . m pt . . . . w m pt . . w m pt . . w m pt . . e pt .... e m JO t . . m pt s pt s w pt . . ni pt ... m pt . . . . n m ])t . . n j)t .... .s-e pt . . . c m pt . . n-e pt . . . .s-\v pt . . . w ni i)t . . n-w pt . . s & w pt . .s & m pt n-e pt . . . n-e pt . . . .s-e pt . . . Feb. 3, 1834 .. April I, 1839. . March 5, 18 10. Sept. I, 1855.. Oct. 24, 1851 . . Jan. 5, 1856. . . Jan. 26, 1853 . . July I, 1838 . . Feb. 1 1, 1856. . July 18, 1839. . Nov. 5' 1855 .. Dec. 21, 1836. . Dec. 21, 1836 . April 8, 1856. . Oct. 5, 1853... Dec. 21, 1841 . Nov. I, 1841 . . Nov. I, 1 84 1 . . Nov. I, 1 84 1 . . Feb. 19, 1853.. Oct. 3, 1841 .. . Nov. I, 1841 . . April I, 1839. • Dec. 27, 1837.. Aug. 31, 1853. Jan. 20, 1855. . Sept. 6, 185 I . . May 3, 1856 .. Oct. I I, 1S56. . Sept. 6, 1 85 I . . Oct. 10, 1837. • Sept. I, 1856. . March 17, 1855 March 27, 1852 April 14, 1855. Oct. 29, 1849. . No\-. 1, 1841 . . Jul)- 18, 1839. . July 8, 1842 . . Dec. 16, 1842.. July I, 1838.. April I, 1839. • Names. Benjamin Dole. Daniel H. Chandler. Thomas M. Barret. George Myer. P. Hagelbergier & wife. George Barrett. Jacob Myers. Abraham Van Tuyl. William S. Fessenden. Pardon C. Sherman. John Nichols Luke Simonds. Zebedee Simonds. Ira N. Fuller. Ezra H. Heath. Jasper Tabor. John Healands, J. How. Isaac Woodward. William Bates. James Collvil. Alexander Richley. D. H. Chandler. William Andre. George Vance. Jacob Heavy. Zacheus H. Preston Thomas Thiel. John L Unger. Jonathan Stevens. Truman Vanderlip. George Roth. Ira Stebbins, Ira Stebbins. Nicholas Reading. Orvilla Kirby. William Horton. P. C. Sherman. Michael Hagelberger. (jeorge Myers Abraham Van Tuvl. D. H. Chandler. I I'ROM Till'; IlOLl.AXD ('OMI'AW. TOWNSHIP SEVEN, RANGE SEVENS— Co?innitfd. 265. Lot Acres. Subdivision. Date ok D ed. Names. 48 48 48 48 50 50 s-c pt . . . . n-e 111 pt . . n-\v m pt . !1-\V pt . . . April 5. 1839.. April 5, 1839. • Dec. 20, 1838.. April I, 1839. • Ira Woodard. Benjamin Rathbun. jr. Daniel Morton. D. H. Chandler. SOCIETIES. Concord has eight beneficiar}- and secret societies besides a lodge of Free Masons located as follows: five at Springville, two at Woodward Hollow and one at East Concord. The fol- lowing statistics relate to the several lodges : E. A. v., SPRIN(;VILLE UNION NO. 36. This society was instituted in December, 1879, with twelve charter members ; present membership, 112. The following is a list of the original officers ; James N. Richmond, President ; Mrs. A. Blackam, Vice-President ; Mrs. E. S. Van Valkenburg, Auxiliary ; William Stone, Treasurer ; A. R. Taber, Secretary; A. J. Moon, Accountant ; George R. Clark, Chanc; A. L. Vaughan, Advocate ; Rev. E. T. Fox, Chaplain ; P. A \'an \'alkenburg. Watchman ; William Blackam, Warden. A (). U. W., SPRINCVII.LE LODGE, NO I 55 The lodge was organized Jan. 28, 1878, with seventeen orig- inal members ; charter members, forty-one ; present member- ship, fifty-seven. The following were the original officers : W. H. Warner. M. W.; R. W. Tanner, G. T. R.; Philip Herbold, O.; George H. Barker, R.; George B. Clark, T.; John P. Myers. Receiver. R. T. OF r., S1'RIN(;\ ILLE COUNCIL. NO. 5 I. Organized June 21. i87iS. with fourteen charter members: present membership, 135. The original officers were; J. W. Reed. S. C; L. D. Chandler. V. C; W. H. Jackson. P. C; A. F. Bryant, Chap.; Miss Ida Reed. Sec: X H. Thurber. Treas.; J. B. Flemings. Herald ; Miss Lizzie Billings. (luard ; N. G. Churchill, Sen. 266 BENEFICIARY SOCIETIES. C. M. B. A. (Catholic Mutual Benefit Association), LOCATED AT SFRINGVILLE. The Association was organized in the Spring of 1879, with twenty-one charter members ; present membership, the same. The original officers were: Peter Weismantel, Pres.; Frank Weismantel, First Vice-Pres.; Nicholas Rassell, Second Vice- Pres.; Fred Fox, Treas.; John Bolender, Cor. Sec; Camille Hugel, F"in Sec; Marshall Demult, Marshal; Jacob Heire, Guard ; Victor Collard, Nicholas Rassell, Peter Heire, Matthew Metzler and Sigismund Schewrtz, Trustees. G. A. R. — (TneU\ wliich he pub- lished until March, 1865, when he was attracted to Buffalo to fill the position of city editor of the Express. The establishment was then leased b)- N. H. Thurber, who from March, 1865, until Januar\-, 1866, published the 'fribiine. Mr. Ferrin then bought the material and took it to Plllicott- \ille, founding the Cattaraitii^ns Repitblieaii. W. W. Blakcly started the Springville Journal March 16, 1867, and has continued the publication ever since. Receiving from Mr. Saxe the old files of the Herald, he resolved to per- 268 NEWSPAPERS. petuate the name of the respected predecessor, and therefore re-christened his "p^.'^er Journal and Herald. J. H. Melven be- came a partner in the enterprise in November, 1867, and con- tinued as such until March, 1873, v\hen he sold his interest to his partner. The Students Repository was for several months, be<^inning" in 1867. published in the interest of Griffith Institute by W. R. De Puy and J. H. Melven. The Local Ncivs, edited and published by J. H. Melven, long connected with the Herald 3.nd other papers, and F. G. Meyers, was started in Springville, Nov. 9, 1879, ^'''<^ i"^ ^till jDublished b)' the same parties. The first power printing press arrived in Springville in August, 188I, for printing the Journal and Herald. In Octo- ber, 1883, Melven & Meyers procured one for the "Loeal Neivs. The people of this and surrounding towns have shown their appreciation of local papers by giving a generous support. One of the strongest indications of the town's growth, prosper- ity and intelligence is the fact that about three thousand copies of these local papers, the Journal and Herald ?ind Loeal Neivs, are issued every week. liKXiRAI'ilK AI, SKKICIIKS. 269 CHAPTER XVI. FAMILY HISTORIES OF THE TOWN OF CONCORD. IAMIL\ II [STORIES. The family histc^rics that fcjllow the general history of each town in this volume have been compiled at an expenditure of much time and labor. Diligent care has been exercised to make them correct, but, notwithstanding, in some cases desir- able data has not been obtainable, and some errors and omis- sions seem unavoidable. It has been the general aim not to indulge very much in eulogy, but to present the facts and let the reader draw his own conclusions. Much space has been allotted to family records, not only to furnish general information, but to enable successive genera- tions to trace their genealogy. Much of the matter relating to pioneer times and other topics has been placed in connection with the family histories, as the relations of the persons with it seems to make it a more suitable ])lace to insert it. Ainaziali A.shinaii. Amaziah Ashman was born in Connecticut, in 1783. From there, he removed to Ontario county, and resided in the Town of West Bloomfield some years. He came from that place to this town in 1809. and located land on lot 4, township seven, range seven, on Townsend hill. He moved his family here in May, 1 8 10. John Stuart and his wife, another young married couple, came out with Ashman and remained one year and then went back. It took them three da}-s to come from Buffalo to Townsend hill. They had to cut their own road part of the way. The\' built a small house or shanty, covered with bark, and moved into it — -without floors, door or windows. At that time, there were no families either east or west nearer than ten miles, and the nearest on the north were at 270 inOGRAl'HICAL SKETCHES. Boston, and, f)n the southeast, at or near Sprhigville. Mr. Ashman taught school occasionally in earh' time. He also kept hotel for a few years on his farm on Townsend hill. He served as a soldier on the Niagara frontier in the war of 18 12- 15, and was in skirmishes and engagements on both sides of the river. He was once taken prisoner. He was at the burn- ing of Buffalo. He was Town Clerk the first year after the Town of Concord was organized, and when it contained Con- cord, Sardinia, Collins and North Collins, and was elected to that ofifice si.xteen years in succession. He also held the oflfice of Justice of the Peace for eighteen years, and frequently pre- sided at town meetings. For the first twenty-five years after its organization, he was one of the leading men of the town. He cleared and owned a large farm, on which he resided until he died, in i85i. He was seventy-eight years of age at the time of his death. His wife. Thankful Ashman, died March 14, 1881, in the ninety-fourth year of her age. She was a resident of this town about seventy-one years, which is a longer period than any other person ever lived here who was twent}'-one years of age when they came. Their children were : John H., born 181 1 ; married Frelove King; for second wife. Sally Turner, died in Illinois, September 1874. Hannah, born 1813; married Augustus Bonnel ; lives in Illinois. Alonzo Curtis, born 1815; married Hannah Tj-rer ; lives in Brooklyn, N. Y. Ariette, born 1818; married first, Thurber, second, Saunders; died in 1854. Malvina, born I820; married John V'^arren ; he is dead, she lives in East Otto. Sarah, born 1822; married Samuel Wheeler; lives in this town. Levi, born 1825; died young. Alma, born 1828; married Cyrus Hurd ; lives in Kl.ma, this county. Alzora, born 1832 ; married Norman Cook ; died in 1855. Helen, born 1834; died 1845. HKXiKAI'IUCAI. SKKICUKS. 2y\ John Albi'o. ]o\\\\ Alhi'o, one of the two first settlers in this town, was born in Rhode Island, in 1776; in 1792, he remo\'ed to Sara- toga count\% N. v., and from there he enii<^rated to the Town of Concord, in 1807. He first located on lot forty-one, town- ship seven, rant^^e six, b\' the bi^ sprin' t\\\) run of stone ; I'.iocRAi'iricAi. SKi:T(.in:s. 295 are also running;" a cider mill and shinL;ie mill in connection with the custom mill at Collins Center. There are three good dwelling houses on their farm. Anson lilasdoll. Anson Blasdell was born March 30, 1S41, in the town of Collins, Erie count)', N. V., and came to Concord in the )'ear 1864: was married Nov. 15. 1873, to Miss Juliette Gaylord. I lis father's name was Ah'in Blasdell ; his mother's maiden name was Al/ana Irish ; his grandfather's name was William l^lasdell ; his grandmother's maiden name was Tamar Allen. Mr. Anson Blasdell says: My grandfather, although seventy years of age, enlisted in the late war in the State of Iowa, and died in a hospital in Illinois. He was a soldier in the war of 18 12. The)' have two sons : Ja)^ born March 5, 1875. Lee, born July 22, 1876. Byron E. Bristol. Byron E. Bristol was born in Si^ringville in 1842 ; his father's name was Adoniram Bristol ; his mother's maiden name was Lucinda Harvey. Mr. Bristol enlisted Sept. 24, 1861, in Com- pany A, One Hundredth Regiment, New York Volunteers. He was Orderly-Sergeant of his compan)- ; he was first with McClellan's army in the Peninsula campaign, and took part in the battle of Fair Oaks ; he was afterwards transferred to Mor- ris Island, under the command of General GihiKn'e, ^\•hich \\as intended for the besieging of Charleston. In this siege he was sexerely wounded, four balls striking and penetrating his breast simultaneous!)', two of which have never been removed. From Charleston he was removed to Virginia, where he participated in the siege of Petersburg, at which place he was mustered out of the service Sept. 24, i^'64. Mr. Bristol was married in i860 to Julia E. Grover. They have one child — Frank E. AVarner Bond. The Bonds came from New Salem, Mass., nearl)- sixty years -ago, and settled in the north part of Ashford, Cattaraugus 296 BIOGRAPHICAI, SKETCHES. county, N. Y. Warner Bond's father, John P. Bond, bought land of the Holland Land company, on which he settled and lived until his death, Sept. 26, 1879. He was one of the first settlers of the town, a hardy pioneer ^\■hose dexterity in wield- ing the axe was rarely equaled. He married Sally Shultus. Of their children three lived to mature years : Abbie J., married Adelbert Tainter, and died in Ashford in 1877. Perry, died in 1871. Warner, who was born Aug. 7, 1846, in Ashford, where he has always resided as a farmer; was married in ib6g to Linda Goodemote. They have three children — Carl, Lula M. and Cliff. tTosepli BrittOTi. Mr. Britton's father, John Britton, came to Boston, Erie county, from New Jersey, in 18 10. He served as a soldier on the Buffalo frontier, in the war of 181 2. He died in Boston. Joseph Britton was born in Boston, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1817; removed from that town to his present home in Concord, in 1855. He was married in 1845, to Emily C. Rhodes. They have one adopted daughter, Mrs. Carl Waite, of Springville, Edward D. Benient. Edward D. Bement was a son of Julius Bement, one of the earliest pioneers of Concord, a mention of \\hom is made in another part of this work. The subject of this sketch was born in Concord, Aug. 8th, 1842, where he has since resided, except two years residence in Buffalo — 1 870 and 187 1 — where he was engaged in the flour and grain trade. Mr. Bement enlisted Aug. 3, 1861, in the i T6th New York Vol- unteers, Co. F. He left Fort Porter for the scene of the war Sept. 5 ; went into camp at Fort Chapin, near Baltimore ; left there Nov. 6, for Ship Island, off the coast of Mississippi. On account of sickness he was left off at the hospital at Fort- ress Monroe ; not recovering his health he was discharged on account of reasonable disability, Dec. 11. 1861, and returned home. lilOCRArillCAI, SKF/KHKS. 297 He was married Nov 21, 1866, to Miss Sophia 11. Wilson ; they have one child, Burtic K., born May 21 1870. Mr. Be- ment was Collector of the town of Concord in 18S1. He is at present proprietor of a livery stable and a well equiped suite of barber rooms in Sprint;ville. IJlakcley Faiuily. John D. Blakeley was born in Greenville, Cireene county, N. Y., ini8i3, of New En<;^land parents, who, in 1815, when. he was two \x'ars old, moved to the town of Willink, now Aurora. He worked upon the farm near the village of East Aurora, teaching school winters, until 1846. Four years he was con- nected with a woolen-factory at West Falls. Moved to Spring- ville, Sept. 10, 185 1, where he has since resided, for the first few years in the harness business, then a spinner in a woolen- factory and a carpenter. During the last twent)'-two years he has been in mercantile life, and by steady industry and careful management has acquired a fair competence His son Walter W^ Blakeley, N\as born in Aurora, in 1846, is editor and publisher of the Journal and Herald, a local newspaper which he began publishing in 1867 as the Springi'illc Journal. He is also proprietor of an extensi\'e and well arranged book and sta- tionery store, and takes an acti\'e interest in movements that tend to build up the moral and intellectual culture of his town. flarvis Blooinficld. Jarvis Bloomfield was an early settler here. He was a farmer and owned until his death the mill now owned b}' C. J. Shut- tleworth. He had four children : Hiram, the oldest, lives near Rochester ; David C, lives in Sherman, Chatauqua county ; Maria, married P'rank Fargo, and lives in Warsaw ; Homer, when last heard from, lived in California. Mr.- Bloomfield died Ma\' 12, 1856, aged si.xty-eight years and eleven months. Samuel Bradley. Samuel Bradle\' \\as an earh' settler in this town, and built and managed the first woolen mills ever built in this town. He afterward bought, in compan)' with his son-in-law, Silas Rush- more, the Gardner grist mill. A few years afterward, while tendintr the mill at ni<>"ht, he fell from the stairs and was 298 HIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. injured so badly that he died in a short time. None of the family or descendants have lived in this town for forty or fifty years. Charles E. Botsfoitl, C. E. C. E. Botsford was born in Syracuse, N. Y.. in 1837. When he was five years of age, the family moved to Yorkshire, N. Y,, and to Springville in 1847, where he has ever since held a residence. He attended school three years at the Springville Academy, where he developed a rare proficiency in mathemat- ics, which resulted in his becoming a professional civil engineer and surveyor. About 1856, he became assistant engineer in the construc- tion of the Brooklyn city water works. He remained in this position se\'en years, at the expiration of which time he gave his attention to the locating and construction of railroads for a period of ten years, principally in the States of New York, Pennsylvania and Connecticut. Besides being actively engaged in the building of railroads, he made a great many preliminary surveys. Among the roads which he assisted in building are the Rondout & Oswego, in New York ; the Sull'van & Erie in Pennsylvania, and the New Haven, Middletown & W'illimantic, in Connecticut. Of the last-mentioned, he was chief engineer, and also of the Rochester & Pittsburgh. Mr. Botsford has undoubtedly the largest prix'ate librar\- in Erie county outside of Buffalo. His collection now numbers one thousand volumes of standard works. Mr. Botsford was married in 1876, to Roselia M. Parmenter, a graduate of GrifTfith Institute. They have two sons, Charles and Heman. The Bhike Faiuily. Ebenezer Blake came to this State from Canada about 1816, and after stopping at several different places for a while, finally settled on Townsend Hill, in 1829, He reared a large family of children : Adonirum J., the eldest, died in Cuba, N. Y.. in 1843. John G. lives in Mount Carroll, 111. Rosina (Blake) Rowley lives in Springville. Benjamin F. lives in Gaines, Orleans county. HKJCRAPHICAL SKKTCHKS. 299 Chirinda died in 1848. Louisa (Blake) Willis died in I .to the present he has mainly followed the occupation of harnessmaker and saddler in \'arious places in New York, Pennsylvania, and in the cities of Cleveland, Chica<^o, Detroit, and Cincinnati. He is at present (1883) located in Springville. While at Corr\', Pa., he was engaijed for a while in the electro gold and silver plating business. He was also engaged for a hardware firm in Cleveland, O., for some time. In the manufacture of harness, Mr. Barnhart is a \-er\' skillful workman, his wcM'k taking first premium when ])ut on exhibi- tion. rj»-e 1). I5ra- li\ed on the hill on lot fifty-seven, a half or three-fourths of a mile nearly north of the Hakes brids^e. Ezekiel Hard}' li\'ed on lot fort\--two. lacob Wilson, Benjamin Wilson and Daniel Hall lived in the eart i)art of the town near where the railroad junction is now. These are all the families that were in town at that time that I can remember. In June, 1814, Adelia Sears, a yount;' woman, luini,^ herself with a skein of \-arn, in the barn, where she was at work wea\-- ini^; her family and friends never knew what caused her to do the act. I remember that Mr. Warren and his wife and four more of us rode down on horseback fixe miles throu<^h the woods to where the Sears family lived at the time. In the Summer of 1814 I taught school in Sardinia. It was in a log house east of Colgrove's Corners, that stood near New- ell Hosmer's present residence. All the men liable to do military duty had been called to the frontier, only two or three who were exempt from age remained. When in the school room that Summer we could hear the can- non at Fort Erie, Chippewa and Lund)''s Lane distinctl)-. We sometimes felt rather lonesome back in the wilderness and most of the men gone to the war. In 181 5, my father and Deacon Russell were highwa)' com- missioners, and laid out the road through Springville on West. In 1815, I was married to Jeremiah Wilcox b}' Christopher Douglass. Escp, and moved down and commenced keeping house on the creek, about t]iree-c]uarters of a mile east of the Hakes bridge On the 29th of Februar\-, 1S16, there was a caucus down at Richmond's, and m\- brothers and others came down from the east part of the tt)wn to attend the cau- cus ; I, too, went down to \isit with the Crosby folks, and left the house alone, and before we returned, the house and every- thing in it burned up. We went to the Barny Carny place and staid one year, and then went back onto the creek and kept tavern The girls in the Richmond famil\- were Anna, Betsey, Sally, and Louisa; the boys, George and Frederick. Richmond's log house was used for various kinds of public gatherings. I b 302 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. remember that when the town meeting was held there once or twice when the four towns were all in one ; militia trainings were held there ; religious meetings were held there also, and they had good meetings, too. I remember that when Mr. Fay, of Townsend Hill was married, that for their wedding tour he and his wife, each with a good horse, took a horseback ride in good style down to Richmond's on Sunday to meeting. Social gatherings were held there, when sometimes nearly all from Sardinia village to Springville were present. In those early days we had to endure many hardships and privations, but the people were generally friendly and we enjoyed ourselves very well, and had some very good times. In 1820, we moved up on to lot thirty-three, township seven, range six, where the brick house now is, on the west side of Vaughan street. The families living on or near that street at that time, are Archibald Griffith, at East Concord, Nathan Godard and Cyrus Cheney, on the Steele place, William Wright, on the Bloodgood place, Jonathan Mayo, west of the road. Captain Wells, on south part of lot thirty-three, John Henman, Elijah Matthewson, Hale Matthewson, on the Hor- ton place, Abner Chase on road running west from Vaughan street, Culver lived where William Pingry does, Douglass lived down on the creek, old Mr Madison lived on the Byron Wells place, Deacon Jennings lived where William McMellan does and Ben Rhodes lived on the Jabez Weeden place. When I first came to Springville, David Sticknex' kept hotel in a small log house near the Opera House. W^hen we passed from one room to the other had to step over a log. Fred Rich- mond traded a little and Jinks and Stanard traded on Buffalo street, between the Methodist and Baptist churches. Not long after that Rufus C. Eaton kept hotel in the old yellow house that stood back of the Universalist church near the pond. I went to some shows there in 1819. The first frame house built in Springville was by David Leroy ; it stood a little south of the Presbyterian church. Dr. Daniel Ingals lived in it after- wards. Don't know for certain what year the old hotel on Franklin street opposite the park was built, but I remember I went to a ball there in 1 82 1. Harry Sears kept it then. I think the Eaton grist mill was built before 1820 I came here HIOGRAI'IIICAI. SKKTCHES. 303 and had wool carded in 1817. I think there niust have been a carding machine before Bradley came. I think Elliott com- menced trading in 1825 or '26. Dr. Churchill did some busi- ness in early times. Dr. Rumsey was a young man and died at Mr. Henman's house of consumption in the summer of 1816. Dr. Woodward was next and Dr. Reynolds, then Drs. Daniel and Varnc)' Ingals. My father sold out in Sardinia to Dudley and Horace Clark and went to Elyra, 0.,and died there. Two or three years after we moved to Vaughan street we raised a fine crop of wheat, but could sell it for only three shillings, or three and six per bushel ; we also had to sell sheep for fifty cents a head. Mr. Wilco.x died in Ashford, March 24, 1843. My son John A. died in Minnesota. Sardis, Abel and x\lfred died in Calif(^rnia. Carlos E. died in Mexico. Albert Tracy died in Kansas. M\^ daughter, L. C). Wilcox, died in 1839, ^ged eighteen years. Maria married Janies Goodemote and lives in Ashford. Lucy married Alden Kellogg and li\'es in Pennsylvania. Mr. Boyles died in Nov. 1877. Murray Cliaiirtlor. Murra\- Chandler, son of Elam Chandler and Sail)- Fleming Chandler, was born in Concord, Jan. I, 1847. He was married March 29, 1876, to Filena Smith, daughter of Calvin Smith, Esq. of Springville. They have one child, Robert Smith Chandler, born Feb. 6, 1879. ^^^- ^- '^ '^ cheese maker and farmer. His father came to Concord from Vermont, and was engaged for a time in mercantile business at Ellicottville, N. Y.; now lives at Yorkshire, N. Y. Georg'e Cosliiie. George Cosline was born Dec. 15, 1844, in the town of Bos- ton, Erie county, N. Y., came to Concord in 1857; is a farmer and was married Nov. 9, 1859, ^^ Janette Hickok, of the town of Concord. They have one son, George S. Cosline, who was born May 15, 1864. His brother, Henry Cosline, enlisted and 304 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. served three years in the late war, and until discharged. George Cosline was drafted and paid $300 for a substitute. He was in the Mississippi Valley for seven years and cut two thousand cords of steamboat wood. Albert Crosby. Albert Crosby was born June 28, 1853, in Sardinia. His father's name was Hiram Crosby, and his mother's maiden name was Susan Jackman. He has worked at the business of farming and cheese making. He was married in 1874 to Miss Ella Smith, daughter of William Smith and Cinderrella Briggs Smith. They own and occupy a farm on lot fifty-three, town- ship seven, range 6, in the town of Concord. They have two children : Alonzo Erasmus^ born June 18, 1875. Elsie E., born March 30, 1877. Statement of Vernain C. Cooper. I was born in the town of Kingsbuiy, Washington county, N. Y.; my father's name was Samuel Cooper; my mother's maiden name was Betsey B. Armstead ; my father came to this town in 1809, and took up lot thirty-three, township seven, range six, but did not settle on it. and soon after sold it ; he returned East. In May, 181 1, my father started from Washington county to move to this town. The family con- sisted of father, mother, myself and my younger sister Betsey. My uncle Nicholas Armstead and a small boy, George Arm- stead, came with us ; we came with two yoke of oxen hitched to our wagon and drove two cows ; we were three weeks com- ing through and were compelled to camp out nights, frequently in the woods ; one or two basswood trees were cut for the cattle to browse upon ; mother prepared something for us to eat and we slept under the wagon ; I was so young that I cannot tell for certain the route we came, or all the incidents that occurred, but I think we came b\' w. Conger. Mr. Conger was born in Danb\', Vermont, Jan. 12, 1815 ; of Quaker ancestr}'. He was a son of Noah Conger and Hannah Griffith Conger. Mr. Conger came to Collins in 1838, where he resided until 1877, when he removed to Springville. While a resident of Collins he was engaged chiefl}' in farming, but for some years past his business has been loaning money and buy- ing and selling real estate. He was Assessor in Collins twenty- one years. Mr. Conger was a brother of the Hon. Anson G. Conger. He was married in 1839 to Sophronia Potter, daugh- ter of Peter Potter, formerly of Granxille, N. Y. They have had six children, xiz. : Noah, born April 26, 1841 ; died, A])ril 27, 1873. Hannah M., born Aug. 31, 1844. Lydie E., born Now 7, 1847 ! ciied July 8, 1868. Andrew W., born June 5, 1850; married Florence Clark, daughter of Timoth)- Clark, and resides on the homestead farm in Collins. Albert PI., born Oct. 24, 1857. Jessie M., born Dec. 15, 1859; married Russell F. Prjant . resides in Spring\ille. Mr. Conger is, in the full accejitation of the term, " a self- made man." He began his successful career in humble cir- cumstances, and b)' his own unaided efforts he has secured to himself and posterity a \'ery handsome competence. He informs the writer that the first jnone)' he possessed he earned of a neighboring farmer by chopping by the month, and that 330 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. in his early years he made it a rule to lay up something each year over and above his expenses. George D. Conger. Mr. Conger was a son of Abram Conger, who was one of four brothers that came to Collins in the Spring of 1817. He (Abram Conger) was married in June, 1830, to Anna Hunt. Four of their children are now living, viz.: Emily married Lyman Clark ; reside at Princetown. Wis. Mary Jane married Charles Bartholomew ; reside in North Collins. Fidelia married John Goodell ; since died. George D. Conger was born Dec. 10, 1842, in Collins. His time until eighteen years of age was spent on the farm and attending school. On the 8th of August, 1861, he enlisted in the Forty-Fourth New York Volunteers, Company A ; was corporal, and took part in every engagement in which his regi- ment was engaged in, except an interval of six weeks in July and August, 1862, when he was confined in the hospital. He was slightly wounded at the Battle of Gettj'sburg ; was mus- tered out of the service Oct. 12, 1864. He was married Feb. 16, 1865, to Diantha Sampson, and engaged in farming in Con- cord. He has at present upon his farm fifty acres of apple orchard. In the Spring of 1883, he moved to Springville, N. Y., and became a dealer in carriages, wagons, agricultural implements and farm produce. He has one daughter. Cora May, born Aug. 10, 1869. .Tames Curtis. James Curtis was originally from W'illington, Conn. He came to Concord in 1832, from Onondaga county, and located on lot forty-three, township seven, range six, on Sharp street, buying his land of Jonathan Mayo. He married Mar}- Marcy, a cousin of Governor Marcy of New York. They had four chil- dren : Zebadiah married Lovice Hall, and died in Concord, about 1 840. Nancy Maria married Erastus Mayo, and died about 1849, HIOCRAPHICAl. SKK'ICHKS. 33 I leaving seven children, viz.: William, Louisa, James, Miner\a, Rufus, Cornelia and Delia. William T. married Charlotte* Williams first, and Angeline Williams second. He died in 1882. in Aurora, Krie count)-; no children. Origin 1). Curtis. Origin D. Curtis was born June 27, 18 1 8, in Onandaga county and came to Concord in 1831 ; \\as married the Fall of 1839 t*^ Lucy Ma)'(). He li\'ed in Concord till the Spring of 1850, when he moved to Machias ; to Otto, N. Y., in 1864, and back to Springville in 1872. hi the Spring of 1881, he went to the Red Ri\'er \alley, Polk county, Minnesota, and purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land. He is a farmer and car- penter by occupation. He has eight children, viz.: Mar)- C. married L. B. Churchill. Julia L. married James Jackson ; reside in Waupaca, Wis. Dora married William H. Jackett ; reside in Mansfield, Cat- taraugus count)-. Jonathan V. married Adda Chase ; reside in Salamanca, N. V. Henr\' married Estelle Stanbro ; reside in Concord. Edwin married Ida W^idrig; reside in Springville. Willis H. married Rosa Barse ; reside in Polk county, Minn. George married Etta Widrig ; reside in Springville. Mr. Curtis' father, James Curtis, died in Machias,, Cattarau- gus county, in 1863. His wife died in Concord about 1878. Robert Currau. Mr. Curran was born in Dundalf, Ireland, in 1780: came to Ulster count)', N. V., wlieti thirteen years of age ; from there to Tioga county, N. Y., and to the nortii part of Concord in 182 1, where he resided until his death, in 1865. Mr. Curran Avas one of a famil)- of seven. When he came to Concord, Bos- ton corners was called Torrey's corners, and there were but three frame houses on the Boston road in the vicinity of the corners. Mr. Curran had five children : Mrs. A. P. Ellis of East Concord. Caroline, who died in 1861. William Curran, Esq., of Boston. Hiram and Mar)- Curran, also of Boston. 332 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHP:S. James F. Craiidall. James F. Crandall was born March 20, 1797, in Newport^ Rhode Island. His father, WilHam Crandall, followed the ocean, and was captain of a merchant vessel that sailed from Newport. James F. married Maria W. Edwards, who was born in Newport, R. I., also. They came to Concord in 1821. Mr. Crandall was a weaver by trade and worked in a factor}- in Rhode Island. He worked in a factory after he came here, and also kept hotel several years, and was engaged in trade in this town and Aurora. He died in Spingville, April 20, 1873, aged seventy-six years. His wife, Maria W. Edwards, died May 20, 1855. Their children were : George E. Sarah G., born Jul)' 16, 18 19, in Rhode Island ; married Major Wells and died here about 1844. Abajail P., born Feb. 13, 1822, here; married A. H. N\ ing, lives in Chicago. Emeline, born May 15, 1824, here.; married D. G. Vorce ; died in Chicago about 1877. Augustus, born June 2, 1831, here. Augusta, born June 2. 1S31, here; married William Murray; died in California about 1865. George E. Crainlall. George E. Crandall ^\'as born in Providence, R. I., Jul}- 16, 1 8 16. Came to this town with his parents in 1821. He was married to Polly M. Harvey in Springville, Dec. 22, 1836. He has resided in Spring\Mlle about sixt\--two years. He is a prac- tical jeweler, and has carried on the business many years. He has also carried on the gunsmith business, and has sometimes been engaged in farming. His children are : James F., born Oct. 25, 1837; married Clara Tillotson ; resides in New York city, is a jeweler. Norman E., May 24, 1849; married Ursula Hammond; resides in Ashford, is a farmer. L.emuel G., born July 30, 1843 ; married Loretta Hunt ; she died in 1877 ; is a jeweler. I'.KXiKAl'IlICAI, SKKTCIIKS. 333 Nelson H., born May 29, 1845 I married Antoinette Casey; they have one child, Rianca ; resides in Sprin^ville and is a jeweler. Ellen M., born June 12, 1847 ; married Wilh'am R. l)e Pli}- : resides at Sea Cliff, L. I. ; he is a la\\\xM-. George A., born Sept. 17, 1847; married Sarah Dorse)-; resides at Holland ; he is a jeweler. William C, May 20, 1853. Ebeiiezer S. (*ar ('(>ll:ii'einerly. Nicholas R. Demerly, was born in the town of Collins, Erie county, May I2th, 1853, and came to Concord to live in the year 1856. His father's name was John Demerly, his mother's maiden name was Louisa Root. Is a farmer by occupation ; was married February 22, 1876, to Miss Mary Emerling. They have no chidren of their own, but have adopted a boy, Frank Demerly, who is eight years of age. John Deiiiutli. John Demuth was born in Eschette, Commune of Folschette, Canton of Redingen, Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, July 14, 1843. Came to America in 1867, landing at New York, Decem- ber 1st, of that year. He was married in 1879 ^^ Clara Selzer, who was born in Baden, Germany, Aug, 11, 1855. They have two children : John, born Sept. 26, 1869. Henry E., born Sept. 25, 1881. Mr. Demuth is now a resident of Springville, where he is emplo}'ed in a cabinet maker's shop. Dr. Carlos Eniinoiis. Dr. Emmons was born in Hartland, Windsor county, Ver- mont, June 17th, 1799. He studied his profession in his native State, and commenced practice in Washington county in this State. In 1823 he came to this county and settled in Spring- ville, and soon after married Harriet Eaton, daughter of Rufus Eaton, Esq., one of the founders of the village anci for over fifty years, and to the time of his death he continued to reside in this village, and was one of its most respected, influential and honored citizens. Over thirty-eight years of his life were devoted faithfully and laboriously to the duties of his profes- sion. His reputation as a physician was such that his practice ■extended over a circuit of from ten to fifteen miles around the HIOCRAI'IIICAL SKETCHES. 349 village. No amount of labor, no scverit)- of weather, no sacri- fice of bodily comfort i)re\-ented him from promptly answer- ing the calls of professional dut)-. During the long time he was in acti\e business no patient ever looked in vain for the coming of Dr. Emmons, if previously promised. By devoting mind and body to the welfare of his patients he secured a competency, and the gratitude of those he attended — of the fathers and mothers who lived and died — and their children who represented them in the homes they had left. In all matters of public improvement, educational, material or moral, he was among the most active and influential, con- tributing liberally of his means and laboring for the advance- ment of all the interests of the village. The Academy found in him one of its originators. During all the period of his acti\'e life, he was foremost among those who sustained it and labored for its success. Dr. Emmons twice represented the town of Concord on the board of Supervisors of Erie count}'. He was twice elected member of the State Assembly from the south towns, and was once elected State Senator from the eighth senatorial district under the Constitution of 1822. He was also postmaster at Springville for several years. Dr. Emmons was twice married. By his first wife he had three daughters who are residents of Nebraska. By his second wife, who survives him, he had one daughter who is a resident of Springville. All his daughters are married and have child- ren. All his children and children's children were a blessing to him in his declining years. Dr. Emmons died at his home in Springville, Dec. 12, 1875, aged seventy-six years, five months and twenty-five days. Rufus £ntoii. Rufus Eaton was born June 11, 1770. He came from Herk- imer county, N. Y., to what is now Springville in 18 10, and bought of Christopher Stone the south part of lot three. He built the first saw mill in town and started other industries. He gave the land for educational purposes where the Academy now stands, and was one of the first Justices of the Peace. He 350 iilOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. was married in 1791 to Sally Potter, who died Nov. 15, 1843, aged seventy-six years, Mr. Eaton died Feb. 7, 1845. They had eight children : Sylvester married Lydia Gardner; died, June 4, 1863. Waitee married Frederick Richmond. Sally married first a Mr. Eddy, second, VVillard Cornwell. Rufus C. married Eliza Butterworth. Mahala married Otis Butterworth. Elisha married Betsy Chafee ; died, Feb. 25, 1881, aged eighty years. Harriet married Dr. Carlos Emmons. William died a young man. Sylvester Eaton was born at Little Falls, N. Y., June 17, 1792. He had three children by his first wife, viz: Peregrine, Judson G., now residing at Smithport, Pa., and Mary L., who died young. Mr. Eaton was married a second time to Nancy Wilkes, by whom he had three daughters: Waitee E. and Lucinda who are dead and Rosalie, who married a Mr. Prime and resides at Osage, Iowa. Peregrine G. Eaton was born July 28, 18 18. He has been twice married; first to Alice S. Taylor, who ciied in 1849; a second time to Phoebe ^^^ Starkweather. Mr. Eaton has an only daughter, Cornelia L., b\' his first wife who married Ches- ter Newman. Henry Eaton. Henry Eaton was born in Springville in the year 1844, and was married to Hattie R. Mason, March i, 1882. His father's name was Rufus Eaton ; his mother's maiden name was Eliza H. Butterworth ; his grandfather's name was Rufus Eaton ; his grandmother's maiden name was Sally Potter. The Western New York Preserving and Manufacturing Com- pany, limited, was organized in 1879, under the laws of the State of New York, of which he was Secretary for the first three years and in 1 881 was President. ]-5usiness was successful ; amount paid farmers for products during the year of 1881 was $36,504.09; amount paid for labor in 1881 was $21,675.10. Mr. Eaton is also proprietor of a barrel factory in Springville. lUOCRAI'HICAL SKKTCHKS. 351 Rufiis C. Eaton died Ali<^. 15, 1876, aged eighty years. Mrs. Eliza H. Eaton, the mother, died Aug. i, iS.So, aged eight)-one years, six months and twenty-one days. Samuel Eaton. Samuel Eaton was a ver)' earl\' settler in this town. He set- tled on the north side of the Genesee road on the toj) of the hill \\'est of Woodward's Hollow. Here he cleared up a farm and lived in the neighborhood until his death which occurred about 1838. He was one of the earliest school teachers in this town. He had four children : Fidelia married Stephen Conger and lives in North Collins. Samuel W., lives in Rochester, Minn., and has been Judge of the Probate Court in that county. Dewitt died when a young man, and Horace, whose where- abouts are unknown. Williaiu L. Emerson. William L. Emerson was born Feb. 16, 1809. His father, William Emerson, was born in New Ipswich, Hillsborough count}', N. H. He served as a soldier at Plattsburg in the war of 1812 and '15. His mother, Lydia Pratt, was born in New Hampshire. His grandfather's name was James Emerson. He came from England and served as a soldier in the Revolution- ary war. His grandmother's maiden name was Lydia Walker, born in New Hampshire. William L. Emerson was married to Maria Chase Feb. 17, 1835. She was born in Dummerston, Vt., July 12, 1809. Her father's name was James A. Chase; he was born in Guilford, Vt., June 11, 1786. Her grandfather, James Chase, was born in Warren, R. I., Nov. 10, I75i» and served as a soldier in the Revolution. William L. Emerson came from Vermont to Ashford, Cattaraugus county, in 1842, and bought of Jeremiah Wilcox, a farm adjoining the Sher- man place. In 1850, he bought the Searls place or David Goodemote place in the north part of Ashford near the Cat- taraugus creek. In 1868, he sold out in Ashford and removed to Concord. He has always been a farmer and has followed the business successfully. Mrs. Emerson died July 18, 1879. Their children are : 352 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES William F., born April 14, 1836; married July 4, 1856, Maryette Wiley ; second wife, Sarah Crawford ; lives in Ash- ford and is a farmer. Edward, born Aug. 3, 183 1 ; married Ellen M. Carman. Aug. 27, 1871 ; lives in Sardinia and is a farmer. Hiram, born May 22, 1840; married Louisa M. Re}-nolds, Sept. 21, 1864; second wife. Laura Wells; third wife, Alice D. Marsh ; lives in Concord and is a farmer. Mary E., born April 14, 1842, lives in Springville. Sylvia A., born Sept. 15, 1845 ; married Levi M. Bond, Sept. 17, 1863 ; lives in Porterville, Cal. Clara J., born March 24, 1841 ; married Origen A. Wilcox, Aug. 23, i860; lives in Porterville, Cal. Arnold J., born Feb. 4, 185 1 ; married Julia P. Carman. June 10, 1879 ' lives in Sardinia and is a hardware merchant. Amos P. Ellis. Mr. Ellis was born in Tioga county, N. Y., in August, 1814. In 1835 he came from his native place to Gowanda and worked one year at his trade (carpenter and joiner). He then came to Concord, where he has since resided. For the last twenty-five years his occupation has been farming. He was married in 1837 to Betsey Curran, who was born Nov. 4, 1 808. They have had five children : Louisa, born Feb. 5, 1839; married George Priel in 1867. Elizabeth, born June 30, 1840; died Jan. 13, 1858. Eugene P., born April 2, 1842; married Lizzie Bassett in 1864; was killed April 2, 1881, in a railroad tunnel at St. Louis. Edwin (twin), born April 15, i844,married Irene Wheelock in 1865. Edward (twin), born April 15, 1844. Augustus G. Elliott. Augustus G. Elliott was an early settler, and had a store on the Weismantel lot near the race ; he also at one time managed a distillery and ashery ; the ashery stood on the north side of Franklin street, on Stephen Smith's lot, and the distillery stood on the opposite side of the street ; he also bought cattle and drove them to the eastern markets; he took an active part also hkh;raphkai. skhtciiks. 353 ill l)uil(linL;" the SpriiiL;\illc Academy. He was born in Kent, Conn., Oct. 20, I77. Fiilh'r. Mr. b\iller's father, John (i. Fuller, was born in Drx'den, Madison count}-, N. Y., ^Liy 11, 1805; from there he went to Penns\-lvania ; from Penusyhania he came to Ashford, N. Y., in 1825; he died in Sardinia Sept. 24, 1881. He was married to Florilla Studley. 368 BIOORAPHICAL SKETCHES. James D. Fuller was born in Ashford, Cattaraugus county, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1845 ; about 1850 his father's family moved to Sardinia. In 1868 Mr. Fuller moved to Concord, where he has since resided; his occupation is farming. Mr. F. enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, in Company F, One Hundred and Sixteenth regiment, New York State volunteers, and participated in all the battles and campaigns in which his regiment took part ; he was mus- tered out of the service June 26, 1865. Mr. Fuller was married in 1866, to Emily N. Crosby. They have four daughters : Alice M., born Feb. 10, i^yo. Myrtie, born Feb. 3, 1873. Gertie E., born Sept. 5, 1874. Nettie, born March 29, 1876. Benjamin C. Foster. Benjamin C. Foster came and located on lot fifty-one, town- ship seven, range six, before the war of 18 12, and was the first on that lot ; he set out the orchard that still stands a short dis- tance up the side-hill on the old Amos Stanbro place, and there is where his log house was located. His children were Otis, Susan, who married Stukely Stone, Polly, Adaline, Lucy, Delia, Benjamin and Samuel. Benjamin C. Foster and Stukely Stone went from this town to Cambria, Niagara county, sixty years ago, and finally to Hume, Allegany county. John S. Foster. John S. Foster, brother of Benjamin C, came here after the close of the war and built him a house beside his brother's on the same lot and remained a few years and then removed to Hartland, Niagara county, where he died. His children were: Frelove, who married Whitman Stone. Lovica, who married Levi Palmer. Sally, who married Ephraim Needham, and now resides in Brant, this county. Amanda, who married Uriah Chappel and lives in Kendall county. 111. John S.. lives in Brant. George W., lives in Elkhart, Ind. Amy and Alma, dead. BIOCRAl'llUAI. SKETCHES. 369 Theodore Frew. Theodore Frew is a son of Joseph Frew and Christina (Bru- der) Frew, who emigrated from Baden, Germany, in 1831. Theodore was born Oct. 13. 1833. in Boston, Erie county, N. Y.; at fifteen years of age he went to Boston, Mass.; was there six \'ears, and in 1858 he went to New Orleans, where he remained until the occupation of that city by the Union army, under General Banks, in 1863, when he joined Banks' army as member of the engineers' corps, and returned north at the close of the war. Mr. F"rew was a merchant and Postmaster at East Eden, N. V., for eight years, and removed from that place to Springville, N. Y., in 1883, where he became proprietor of the Farmers' hotel. He was married Jan. 10, 1865, to Frances ^^'ebber; they have five children. Seth W. Godard. Seth W. Godard, a son of Nathan Godard and Bertha Briggs Godard, was born in Massachusetts, in 18 14, and was brought to this town by his parents in 1816. In his boyhood days he worked at farming, and chopping and clearing land. He after- wards learned the shoemaker's trade and worked at that several years. He bought and sold cattle, and he also drove cattle to the eastern market. He also owned and bought and sold farms, and he was for a time in the dry goods trade. He studied law, and was several times elected to the ofificeof Justice of the Peace. He was elected to the office of Super- visor of Concord for ten terms, and in 1855 he was elected a member of the Legislature. He was a good financier and acquired a good property. He was liberal and public spirited, and was highly esteemed b\' all who knew him. He never married. James Ooodeiiiote. The Goodemotes came to Ashford, Cattaraugus count}-, from near Kinderhook, Columbia county, N. Y., where James' father, Philip Goodemote, was born in 1796. He came to Ash- ford about 1816, and bought land of the Holland Land com- pany near the Cattaraugus creek. He was then unmarried and was accompanied by his brother John. In the Fall of 1820, their father, John Goodemote, and their brothers, Baltus, Harry and William came, all settling in Ashford. 18 370 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Philip, father of James, a soldier of 1812, was married in 1820 to Harriet Vosburg. They had four sons and four daughters: James, EHza, PhiHp Jr., Ann, John, Sally, David and Sophia. James Goodemote was born in Ashford in 1821 ; was mar- ried in 1846 to Maria Wilcox. They have two children living : Linda married Warner Bond, and James P. Mr. Goodemote lives on the first farm cleared in the Town of Ashford ; it was cleared about 181 5 by Nathan Sanders. Mrs. Goodemote's father owned the farm fifty years ago, and it has been in pos- session of the family since. C'orneliiis Ciraif. Cornelius Graff was born in Concord, in 1837, where he now resides. He enlisted August, 1861, in company F, One Hun- dred and Sixteenth New York volunteers; was with the regi- ment until he was mustered out at Washington, in December, 1863. He took part in the storming of Port Hudson, the Red River expedition, etc. In August, 1863, while crossing the Shenandoah river, he was wounded. He was a son of Barney Graff, who was born in 1796, and came to Concord from Montgomery county, N. Y., about sixt}-- six years ago, and settled in the vicinity of East Concord where he lived until his death, in 1867. Aioliibald Griffith. Mr. Griffith came to this town from Rhode Island in 1S15, and located in the northeastern corner of lot thirty-fixe, and was the first settler on that lot. Although he was by occupa- tion a farmer he also taught school in early times and also sur- veyed some for the settlers. He was a successful business man and acquired quite a large property, and at one time held the ofifice of Justice of the Peace. In 1867, he made a liberal dona- tion to the Springville Academy, in consideration of \\'hich its name was changed to Griffith Institute. Mr. Griffith after- wards bequeathed over ten thousand dollars to the institution as a permanent fund, to be used mainly for the education of orphan and indigent children of the Town of Concord. He had no children, and died Jan. 8, i87i,aged seventy-nine I HKXJRAi'IFKAI. SKKTCIIKS. 37I years and four months. His wife Sarah died March 13, 1875. aged eiy^hty x-ears and seven months. I>avid E. Griffith. David E. Griffith's father, Hezekiah Griffith was born in 1790 m Stephentown, Rensselaer county, N. V.. from which place he came to Concord about 1830, and settled at Waterville, on lot thirty-eight, where he lived until 1865. He died in West Seneca, in 1872. He was married in Stephentown to Millicent Beers ; she died in 1870, aged seventy-seven years. They had ten children viz • Jonathan, William, Esther, Lydia, Simeon, Robert, Electa David E. Peter and Alvira. Esther married Arnold Wilson, and died in Boston, Erie county. Lydia married Philander Flint ; died in 1843, aged twenty- four years. Simeon — dead. Electa died in 1849, aged twenty-one years. Alvira died in 1841, aged four years. The remaining f^ve are living at the present time. David E. Griffith was born Sept. 3. 1830 ; he has always b^en a resident of Concord. He has been twice married ; first in 1857, to Sarah Ackerson, of Orleans county ; she died in 1869 aged thirty-four years, leaving two daughters. Flora and Alice' I\Ir. Griffith was married a second time to Gelana Farman by Avnom he has si.x children-Fred, Nina, James, Hattie, Robin and Susie. Yates Gardinier. Vates Gardinier was born Dec. 12, 1839 ; his father's name is Abram Gardinier; his mother's maiden name was Anna Yates I hey came to Concord from Fultonville, Montgomery county' V \. His wife's maiden name was Selinda Smith, dau-hter of Calvin Smith; was married July 23. 1862. Their children'are Stephen A., born June 16, 1865. Hattie B., born Jan. 25, 1866. Leslie, born Oct. 26, 1868. Mr. Gardinier was called in the military service in the war of the rebellion, at the time Gen. R. E. Lee invaded Pennsyl- vania ; was on dut\- but a few weeks. 372 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Albert S. Oaylord. Albert S. Gaylord, son of Horace and Rebecca Gaylord was born in Broome county, N. Y., Sept. i. 1839. When young his parents removed to Concord, where he has since resided, now owning and conducting the saw mill west of Springville, known as the Gaylord mill, and is also engaged in farming. He built the mill in 1867. At one time the mill was principally used for manufacturing cheese boxes ; a planing mill is now connected with it. Mr. Gaylord was married May 8. 1861, to Mary Jane Fuller, daughter of Ira H. Fuller. They have a family of five children : James G., born Sept. 8, 1862. Vinton D., born May I'j, 1864. Clinton D., born Oct. 7, 1869. Albert, born June 7, 1872. Mary Grace, born Oct. 21, 1878. Stephen B. Gaylord. Stephen B. Gaylord was born in Homer, Cortland county, N, Y., April II, 1807. ^t seventeen he was apprenticed to the cabinet makers' trade in his native town ; at the close of his term of serx'ice he set up in business for himself, which he fol- lowed until 1847, ^vhen he came to Springville and engaged in an extensive cabinet and undertaking business which he carried on until a few years since, when he relinquished it. He was married in 183010 Huldah Brewer. They have had six children : Henry, married to Mary Belden ; is a book-keeper in Chi- cago. Caroline, died in Cortland county, N. Y. Franklin S., married Louise Shankland ; is a farmer and fur- niture dealer at Brighton, Mich. Manlc)', married Maria liutterworth ; is a photograph artist at Medina, N. Y. Mary E., married liarry Townsend, a dentist at Pontiac, 111. John B., married to Ella Webber; is a commercial agent in Chicago. Allen Goorteiiiote. Allen Goodemote was born in .Xshford, Cattaraugus county, IJRXiRAl'llRAl, SKKIVHKS. 373 Feb. 12, 1 83 1. His father's name was David Cioodemote, and his mother's maiden name was CaroHne V'osbur^h ; his Ljrand- father came from Cokimbia count}', N. Y.; his fatlier died in Ashford in 1S33 : his mother married J. G. Searle and went to Ilh'nois in 1844. In i850he went across the phiins to Califor- nia, and returned in 1862: went back in the I^^ill of 1863 and came home in the Fall of 1864; he built the first mill in Ne- vada for crushing the quartz of the Comstock lode ; he built a steamboat at LaCrosse, Wis., on the Mississippi, in 1865, and commanded it for a while, and then sold it and removed to this place. In the Fall of 1865 he came to Springville and bought the farm of W. P. Mills, lying south of the village and moved on to it in July, 1866: in June, 1879, '""-' ''^ent to the mining regions of Colorado ; returned in January, 1880. Was married June 10, 1866, to Miss Aurelia I. Golden, of Hancock county. 111. Their children are Jessie, Lysander C, Gracie and Cora (twins), and Greeh' R. Abram Garclinier and Family. Abram Gardinier was born in Fultonville, Montgomery county, N. Y., May 9th, i8oo. Piis father's name was Thomas Gardinier and his mother's maiden name was Mar\' Harden- burgh. In 1828 he was married to Anna Yates. Eight years later he came to Concord and after casting about for some time in search of a desirable location he purchased of Reuben Wright, 240 acres of land situated one and one-half miles north-east of East Concord, on lot twenty-nine, township seven, range six. about fift)' acres of which had been partially cleared. He set vigoroush' to work, making impro\-ements, clearing land, etc. He built what was considered in those days, a model residence, in which he resides at the present time. Their children were : Thomas, born Oct. 11, 1830. Joseph Y., born Oct. 13, 1832. Mary E., born Sept. 5, 1834. Isaiah H., born May 3, 1837. Yates, born Dec. 12, 1839. Elias, born April 7, 1842. Robert, born Jul\- 31, 1844. John H., born Now 13, 1846, 374 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Mrs. Anna Gardinier died Nov. 12, 1882, aged seventy-five years, five months and eight days. Isaiah Gardinier. Isaiah Gardinier was born in the town of Concord, May 3, 1837. His boyhood days were spent in his native town, of Avhich he was a resident until the year 1861, when he went west and purchased land located near Blue Earth City, Fari- bault county, Minn. In the Fall of 1862, occurred the mem- orable Sioux outbreak, which was the signal for a general and immediate exodus of the settlers from the scene of danger. His description of the affair is very vivid. This outbreak was the most bloody of any that ever occurred in the United States. It is estimated that a thousand or more whites were slain. Ten days after the outbreak a company of Wisconsin soldiers were sent to the relief of the settlers and under their protection Mr. Gardinier, with others, returned to his and their farms. After securing his crops Mr. Gardinier came to this town, of which he has since been a permanent resident. He resides one mile north-east of P^ast Concord, on what is commonl}- known as the Freeman farm. He was married March 18, 1868, to Harriet E. Hemstreet. They have two children, Annie and Allie. Mr. Gardinier has been Assessor of Concord two terms. George W. Goodell. George W. Goodell was born Feb. 22, 1816, near Lake George, N. Y.; came to Concord in 1823. He ^\•as a farmer and was married Sept. 15, 1847, to Martha A. Luck, who was born in Buffalo, May 7, 1829. His father's name was Ezekiel Goodell ; his mother's maiden name was Lydia Carpenter. George W. Goodell died March 30, 1879. His father came to Concord in 1825, and lived there until the time of his death, which occurred August, 1857. Mrs. Martha A. Goodell, his wife, survives. Their children are : Charlie E., born April 11. 1852 ; died July 28, 1878. Ida L., born Oct. 25, 1855 ; died Nov. 5, 1862. Leighton M., born Sept. 20, 1857. Mary A., born April 18, 1859; died Oct. 24, 1862. Henry, born Sept. 5, 1864. John \V., born Feb. 5, 1865. HKXJRAI'MICAr, SKKTCIIES. 375 Elijali (ii-jivi's. Elijah Graves was born in Hatfield, Mass., in the year 1814, and came to this state from Amherst, Hampshire count}-, Mass.. in the year 1841. His father's name was KHjah Graves ; his mother's maiden name was Eunice Smith. His occupation isfarmin<,^; was married in the year 1837, to Miss Sally A. Sanderson, who was born in Massachusetts. He removed to the town of Burton (now Allegany) Cattaraugus county, N. Y., forty-one years ago. It was then a wilderness. He says, " my farm was all woods. Cleared a small place and built a log-house. We had a hard time ; made shingles for a while and then built a saw-mill, and after running it for a while sold out and came to Erie county, where I now live." Family record : Jane E., born April 21, 1839, in Amherst, Mass. Matilda A., born Nov. 29, 1845, '» Allegany, N. Y.; married to Daniel Tarbox Oct. 16, 1866. Hattie A., born April 26, 1853, in Concord, N. Y.; married to Luzerne D. Hemstreet. Horace Gaylord. Horace Gaylord was born Nov. 15, 1847, i" the town of Con- cord ; he is a farmer. Was married April 3, 1869, to Candace M. King, who was born in the town of Collins, May 29, 1847. His father's name was Horace Gaylord, his mother's naiden name was Rebecca Powers, his grandfather's name was James Gaylord, his grandmother's maiden name was E.xperience Law- rence. He says: " My father, Horace Gaylord, came to Con- cord from Broome county, N. Y., June, 1839. '^Vas married in Broome county. May 20, 1829, to my mother, Rebecca Powers. They had ten children, seven of whom survive. Father died the 19th of August. 1880; m\- mother survives. My brother James enlisted in the hundreth New York regiment ; served three years ; was wounded at Fort Wagner, and also on Morris Island. Died April 11, 1870, of consumption, induced by his wounds and exposure in the service." George H., born Aug; 9, 1830; married Jane Woodbury, and resides in Missouri. 3/6 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Joel, born April 17, 1833 ; married Eupheme Louk ; resides in Springville. Charles, born Feb. 9, 1836 and died in the state of Kansas. Albert S., born Sept. I, 1838 ; married Mary J. Fuller, and lives in Concord. Juliette, born Aug. 5, 1843 ! married Ansel Blasdell and resides in Concord. Mary E., born Aug. 27, 1850; died Nov. 15, 1865. Paoli M., born Jan. 12, 1854; married Church Harris, resides in Springville. Jennie, born Sept. 30, 1858; married Court Harris, and resides in Concord. Horace has one child, James A., born March 5, 1872. Beiijaniiii Garduer. Benjamin Gardner came here at a ver)- early day and built the first grist mill ever built in this town in 18 14. He lived on East Hill on the south side of the street where Orange Parmenter lived for a long time. He died about three years after he built the mill. John tirittitli. John GrifTith was born in Stephentown, Rensselaer county, N.- Y., in 1796. Came to Concord about 1833 and settled in Waterville, where he died about 1864. He was Justice of the Peace in Concord at one time. He was married in 1827 to Harriet Sanford. They had nine children : Catharine, married Henry Stanbro. Cyntha Eudora, born 1839, married Charles Cornell. Nancy Eveline, born 1831, married John F. Morse. ^lartha Esther, born 1832, married Fayette Treat. Elnathan, born 1835, married Thankful Meyrs. Sarah Ellen, born 1838, married Charles Spencer. Caroline E., born 1841, married Corydon Steele. William Henr}\ born 1844, married Cora Tabor. Eugene, born 1850. Hoi'toii Urotlier.s. Truman and John Horton, brothers, came on foot from New- Lebanon, Columbia count)', N. Y.. where they were born, to- mOGRAI'UKAL SKETCHES. 37/ Concord in 1817. They located land on the northwest corner lot in Concord, which had been articled at the land office sev- eral years before by Jacob Horton, their father, who never resided here, but returned to Columbia count)'. The brothers, Truman and John, went back on foot, and on Feb. i, 1818. they set out for Concord with their families, with two ox teams. They were twenty-five days in making the journey, and it snowed every day but one, the snow having fallen to such a depth that the last stage of the journey was made with diffi- culty. When they reached their destination they found by measurement that the snow had accumulated on the fallen trees to the depth of four feet. The only settler in Concord in the neighborhood of their new home was Comfort Knapp, who had been there four or five years. Sylvester and William Knapp came the same year. William Owens lived just across the line in Boston. The first school was taught on Horton hill in 1823, in a log school house. The Hortons built log houses on their land and lived there four years when they moved across the town line into Boston. Truman died in Boston in 1869. He married Betsy Carr, who now lives in Boston. Their children were : Thurston, Hiram, Eliza A., Sabra, Spencer, Thomas, Mar\ . Nathan and Asenath. John Horton died in Eden about 1873. He married Mercy Carr; by Whom he had children as follows : John Jr., William. Mercy Ann, Jacob, Henry, Ira, Edwin, Annis, Maria, Lorenzo, Lafayette. Mercy Ann married Almon Perkins. Annis married Sterling Titus. Maria died unmarried. By his second wife, Mrs. Rachel Lord, he had three sons : Orando, Elgera and John. Jr. William Horton, son of John Horton, was born March 18, 1 82 1, in Concord, and is by occupation a farmer. He was mar- ried March 31. 1842. to Miss Amanda M. Chase, who was born in Girard. Erie county. Pa. In 1823, with his parents, he remo\ed to Boston and remained there twenty }'ears. He married and lived in Concord, and after eleven years moved to Boston and settled on the old homestead where he lived seven 3/8 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. teen years. March \, 1869, removed to Concord and settled on the farm where he now resides. Family record : Frank W. Horton, born Dec. 16, 1843 '' niarried Jan. i, 1866; died Sept. 17, 1878. His wife's name was Sarah A. Fuller. Irving M. Horton, born July 16, 1850; married Feb. 19, 1873 ; died Sept. 2, 1877. His wife's name was Amelia Underbill. Arthur B. Horton, born Oct. 19, 1859; died Oct. i, 1878. Mary A. Horton, born May 4th, 1850, in Columbia county, N. Y. ; married to L. G. Sweet, Dec. 24, 1874. Her husband died Jul)' 15, 1 88 1, aged thirty-five years. Thaddeiis Hickok. Thaddeus Hickok was born at Ph'mouth, Grafton county, N. H., in the year 1787, Oct. 14. He first visited the Holland Purchase in company with a brother-in-law, in 18 16. That Summer he worked in a brick yard in Buffalo. Being very robust and athletic, his work was to wait upon the brick mould- ers and carry the brick to the drying ground. In this he per- formed double the work of any other hand on the yard and received pay accordingly. After the season closed he again came to Concord and he and his brother-in-law bought out James Pike, who had located 200 acres on lot thirty. Soon after he and his brother-in-law visited New Hampshire, and Mr. Hickok was married early in the new year to Miss Rhoda Pike and their bridal tour was made to their claims on the Holland Purchase, both families took up their abode in the log cabin or house built by Pike, but they soon after divided their claim. Mr. Hickok taking 100 on the south side. A few apple trees grew on the claim, and apples were so scarce and rare that the two young housekeepers counted the apples and made an equal division. After building a house and doing other work, he sold this claim and bought another, on lot thirty-eight, of a man by the name of Putnam. After living here a few )'ears his wife w as taken sick and died. He had two children by this wife, viz. : Jacob P., and Rhoda Alvira. niO(;RAPHICAL SKETCHES. 3/9 A few years after he was married to Miss Polly Spauld- ing, and he sold his farm to Ambrose Torrey. Again he bought, this time on lot thirteen, and for about fifteen years this place was his home. Then this place was sold to George A. Moore, and he invested again in the farm just west of Ver- non Cooper's. On this place the last days of the toil-worn pioneer were passed. He died on the 20th day of February, 1875. His wife survived him only about a year. By the last marriage three children were born, namely: Emory P., Jennette and Charlotte. Joseph J. Hakes. Joseph J. Hakes was born in Washington county, N. Y., May 23, 1809. His father's name was Josiah Hakes; his mother's maiden name was Betsey Gennings ; they moved to Madison county, N. Y., in 1813, and in the Spring of 1824 Mr. Hakes came to this town, where he lived till the gold fever broke out in California, when he went there and remained four or five years ; he then came back and purchased a farm two miles south of Springville, upon which he resided until six years ago, when he moved into the village. Mr. Hakes was first married in 1834 to Olive Crosby, who died in 1838, leaving one son, Ira Hakes, who lives in Minnesota, where he was in the midst of the great Indian massacre there. He was married again to Mary Ann Barr, who died in 1877, leaving three chil- dren, as follows: Seraphine, married Benjamin Templeton ; resides in Cali- fornia. Manley, engaged in sheep raising in California. Orlando, married Ada Cutting; resides on the old home- stead. George Holland. George Holland was born in Massachusetts, Sept. 27, 1805. His mother's maiden name was Clarissa Ashley ; his father. Luther Holland, was a distinguished inventor; among the results of his inventive genius are : the first force pump ever brought into use and the horizontal movement in fire engines; he died in Springville about 1850, where he had resided a few years with his son. 380 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. George Holland was married in 1827 to Mary Ann Gra\'es ; in 1835 they came to this town and Mr. Holland purchased a large farm near what are now the corporation limits on North Buffalo street. Springvnlle. In 1868 he sold his farm and moved to the village, where he has since resided. Mrs. Hol- land was born Feb. 5, 1804. They reared a famil)' of ten chil- dren, viz.: Nelson, born June 25. 1829: married Susan B. Clark ; resides in Buffalo. Elizabeth, born Feb. 5. 1831 ; died in 1850. Dwight G., born Dec. 3, 1832; married Anna M. Nash; resides at Saginaw. Mich. George H.. born Jan. 28. 1835 ; married Sarah Cochran : resides in Florida. Eliza H., born June 28. 1837; married Charles J. Shuttle- ^vorth. Charles H., born April 2, 1839 ' married Sarah Turner: resides at Saginaw, Mich. Luther, born March 24. 1842 : married Nellie Blood; resides at Saginaw, Mich. Margaret E.. born Nov. 20. 1843: married Morris L. Hall. Mar}' Ann Ursula, born Sept. 20, 1845. Richard B.. born April 23. 1849. Cliarles House, M. D. Dr. House ^\'as born in Madison county. N. Y., Feb. 28, 1820. He came to this town when four years of age and attended school at Griffith Institute until the age of eighteen, when be went to Washington and engaged in teaching for two years ; he then commenced the stud}' of medicine with Dr. Barrett, of Forestville, N. Y., teaching at intervals to defray expenses. After completing his studies with Dr. Barrett he entered the Alban}' Medical College, and graduated in the Spring of 1846. He practiced medicine in Buffalo. Warsaw and Springville, where he was also engaged in the druggist business. He was married in 1851 to Esther Cornwall. He died in .Springville in 1854. Fie left one son : C. Willis, born in 1852 in Springville; married in 1879 to BIOGRAlMIICAl, SKKTCIIKS. ;8i Jennie Rosier; the)' now reside in Holland, X. \'.. where Mr. House practices dentistry. Philip Herbold. Philip Herbold was born in German}\ near h"rankfort-on-the- Main, April 21, 1829. June 12, 1849, l^*-' embarked at the city of Havre, in France, on a saiHng vessel, the (lovernor Marcey, and was fifty-six days crossing to New York ; he came to Buf- fahx went to Aurora and worked for Deacon Marrow six months and came to Spring\-ille Jul\- 10. 1850: he went to work "^V PHII.ir HKRBOLD. MRS. HERBOLD. for William Barclay at the cabinet business, having worked at that business in the old countr}- ; he worked for Barclay and Barcla}', Da}-ton & Rider eleven years, and finally bought out Dayton ; also the building the}' now occupy on Main street, of Hiram Barton, who had become the (nvner. In the year 1861 he formed a partnership with James Prior, and since that time the firm has been engaged in the manufacture and sale of household furniture, and have also carried on the business of undertakers, and in the last few years have extended their busi- ness, and manufacture doors, sash, blinds, flooring, etc. In the Spring of 1881 he dissolved partnership with Mr. Prior, and since that time has carried on the same business as before in 382 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. his own name, and also has been quite extensively engaged as a builder, having built as many as fifty buildings in Springvillc. In 1863 he went as a soldier to Harrisburg, Pa., his regiment of militia having been called out by a proclamation from Governor Seymour. Mr. Herbold says that when he came to this town there were only two Germans living here, George Kopp, now of Hamburg, and Andrew Burger now of Waverly. At that time there was one German in Ashford, and all those living in this town and Ashford have come in the last thirty years. Mr. Herbold was married in 185 1 to Miss Ann Mary Eggart, of Aurora, formerly of Baden, Germany. Their children were : Charles, M-ho died Nov. 29, 1861, aged 9 years and 2 months. Julius, who died Nov. 8, 1864, aged 11 years and 4 months. Cora, who died Nov. 8, 1866, aged 3 years and 4 months. Margaret M., now living with her parents in Springville. Clinton Haninioncl. Mr. Hammond's father, Joseph Hammond, came from near the Susquehanna river, in Northern Pennsylvania, to Concord in 1 8 18, and located near the "Big Spring," north of Spring- ville. He died in Kane county. 111. He married Sarah Middaugh. They had a family of eleven children, viz.: John, Samuel, Betsy, Joseph, Abram, Robert, Clinton, Wash- ington, Napoleon, Louise and Cordelia, four of whom are dead, viz.; John died in Kane county, 111. Robert died in Iowa. Betsy married first, Michael Oyrer ; second, John Morrer ; she died in Ashford, N. Y. Cordelia married William White and died in Collins, N. V. Clinton Hammond was born in Concord, April 2, 18 19. His occupation has been hotel-keeper, farmer and drover. He en- listed in August, 1862, as Second Lieutenant of company F, One Hundred and Sixteenth New York volunteers, and on account of ill-health, resigned the following December. He married Sophia Ballou. They have five children living and two dead, viz.: ii BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 383 Ursula, born April 6, 1844; married Norman Crandcll. Josephine, born May 30. 1H46; married Henry Deet and since died. Eunice, born Nov. 2, 1848; married Frank Chase. P:ila, born Dec. 13, 18 15; married Charles Odell. Clinton, Jr., born July 1853 ; dead. William, born Aug. 5, 1856. Agnes, born Nov. i, 1858. Joel Holinan. Joel Ilolman came to Springville. N. Y., from Brandon, Ver- mont, in 1836. His father, Samuel Holman, a Revolutionary- soldier, came to Springville the same year, where he resided until his death, in 1840. Joel Holman, upon locating in Springville engaged in blacksmithing, which he followed successfully for about thirty- f^ve years. In 1869, he bought a half interest in the Pike, Wy- oming county, flouring mills, which he held about four years. He died in Springville, June 16, 1878. Mr. Holman was one of Springville's most substantial citizens. Although frequently offered office by his townsmen, he declined. Although not a member of the church, he contributed liber- ally both of money and efforts in building the First Presbyterian Church of Springville, and was one of the building committee. Mr. Holman was married in Vermont to Mrs. Amelia Farring. ton, by whom he had seven children— two died infants— as fol- lows : Frank, born in 1836; he was one of the well-known firm of Richmond & Holman, in Springville. He died in Springville, in 1865. Charles, born in 1839, died in Buffalo in 1S80. Charlotte, born in 1844, died in 1866. Ella, born in 1847, died 1872. Alfred L., born in 1849, ^^^^ always been a resident of Spring- ville, where, in 1877, he engaged in the boot and shoe trade, which he pursues up to this date. In 1879, he was elected Jus- tice of the Peace. Mr. Holman was married in 1874, to Addie J. Mayo. They have one son, Mark, born in 1876. Mrs. Amelia L. Holman, wife of Joel D. Holman, died May 2"], 1880, aged seventy years. 384 ' BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Peter Heiii. Peter Hein was born in Luxemburg, Germany, in the year 1847. His father's name was Peter Hein, and his mother's maiden name was Barbara Wagner. His grandfather's name was John P. Hein, and his grandmother's name was letronell Gebell. He started to come to this country Feb, 14, 1868 ; came to England, and from England to New York, and from New York to Springville, where he arrived April 22, 1868. He is a merchant tailor, and his place of business is Nos. 127 and 129 Main street, Springville. He was married Dec. 24, 1863, to Miss Elizabeth M. Kneip, from Luxemburg. Their children were : Elise M., Adolph N., who died April 12, 1878, aged two years, and Susan J. A. E. Hartley. A. E. Hadley was born in this town in June, 1845. In 184G, his parents moved to the Town of Alexander, Genesee county, where his boyhood days were passed. His father's name is Clark M. Hadley ; his mother's maiden name was Alvira Love- lace. In 1865, he was employed by J. Chafee & Son as clerk and salesman in their hardware store in Springville. At one time he, in company with B. J. Davis, ran the American hotel ^ and a "tage line from Springville to Holland. He was at one time conductor on the Springville & Sardinia R. R., and is at present engaged in the grocery business with his father in Springville. He was married in 1868 to Miss Ella Wilson. They have one child — Lottie. Morris L. Hall. Mr. Hall was born in Java, Wyoming county, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1845. Became a clerk in the dry goods store of J. N. Richmond, in Springville, in May, 1861. and remained there five years, when he engaged in the drug trade in Springville. in company with Henr}- Eaton, The partnership lasted two years, after which ivii. Hall mtinued the business alone until January, 1874. Since which time he has been engaged in building and real estate business. In 1876 he built a fine structure on Main street, Springville, known as Hall's Opera RHKJRArillCAL SKKTCHFS. 385 House, which was burned in 1879. I" 1880, in coinpan\- witli I. B. Childs, he re-modeled the old Universalist Church in Springville, into a commodious Opera House. Mr. Hall was married in 1868, to FAla. M. Holland, daughter of George Holland, of Springville. Joseph H. Holt. Mr. Holt's grandfather, Joseph Holt, and Judge Cooper, were the first settlers of Cooperstown, N. Y. His father, Ben- jamin C, was born Jan. 14, 1793, and was the second child born in Cooperstown. He married Betsy Graham and came to Con- cord in 1820. His occupation was that of a carpenter and joiner. Joseph H. Holt was born in Concord, May 22, 1833, where he has since resided. He is unmarried and lives with his cousin, Abbie Graham. When eleven years of age he met with a sad misfortune, by which he received injuries from which he never recovered. In attempting to catch a ride on a land-roller he fell off in front, the roller passing over him. .Fohu House. John House came to Townsend Hill in 1826, where he lived about twenty-eight years. He lived in Yorkshire a short time and then removed to Iowa, where he died. His children were : John G., who was a physician and practiced medicine in Springville and Buffalo, and also in Iowa, where he died. Milton is a farmer and lives near Independence, Iowa. Charles was a physician and practiced medicine in Spring- ville and Buffalo and died in Spring\'ille. Mrs. John House died Sept. 16, i860, aged seventy-eight years. K. 1j. Hoopes. E. L. Hoopes was born in 1847, in the town of Bethany, Genesee county, N. Y.; came to Springville in the year 1880; was married in the year 1868, to Mary E. Roberts, who was born in Trenton, Oneida county, N. \'. His father's name was Lewis Hoopes, who w as a natixe of Delaware ; his mother's maiden name was Clara S. Slay ton. His occupation is that of a miller. Served in the war of the rebellion in the Army of 386 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. the Potomac, in Hancock's Corps. Went through the penin- sular campaign. Was wounded at the battle of Cold Harbor, Virginia, and was present at Lee's surrender. Family record : Charles L. Hoopes, born at Lima, Livingston county, N. Y., March 3, 1869. Florence E. Hoopes, born at Akron. Erie county, N. Y,, Nov. 19, 1877; died Nov. i, 1881. Deacon Riifus Iiigalls. Deacon Rufus Ingalls came from Worcester, Otsego county, N. Y., and settled in the valley of the Eighteen-mile creek, in the north part of Concord at a very early day. Here he after- wards lived and died. He had six children. Betsey married William Dye. Polly married Joel Gilbert, and died many years ago. Jared died when a young man. Sally married Martin Winslow. Henry married Mary Bisb\', and both died in Minnesota. Sibyl married Elam Booth, and died in this town in 1872. Ziinri liig-alLs. Zimri Ligalls was born in Otsego county, N. Y., in 1802. He came from there to this town in 1825, and purchased land of the Holland Company, two miles northwest of Springville, which he always owned and occupied up to his death in 1872. He was married to Patty Sprague, by whom he had four chil- dren, viz.: David S. Hannah. Ann married Edwin E. Smith ; resides at East Otto, N. Y. Helen married Rev. Smith Williams, first husband ; Joseph Chaddock, hardware merchant, at Allegan, Mich., second. Oavid S. Ingalls. D.i\'id S. Ingalls was born in this town in 1828. After reaching his majority, Mr. Ligalls went to Buffalo and engaged in mer- cantile pursuits, which he continued until 1862, when he retired from business. He now resides in Concord, and is at KIO(;RArHICAL SKETCHES. 38/ present a capitalist and real estate owner. He was never mar- ried. His mother, Mrs. Patty Ingalls, died Oct. 25, 1882, aged seventy-eight years, three months and seventeen days. Daniel Ingals. Daniel Ingals was a very early settler in this town. He was a physician and practiced here several years and then moved away. He lived in the first frame house ever built in this vil- lage, it stood just south of where the Presbyterian church now stands. He died a few years after he moved away and was brought back to Springville for burial. Dr. A'ariiey Ingals. Dr. Ingals was also a very early settler here. He practiced medicine here in early times and also kept a store where the Free Baptist church now stands, and acquired considerable property. He had three children : Eunice, married Edwin E. Williams. Selena, married C. C. Severance, and died June 7, 1856. Marinda, married Moses Lane and lives in Milwaukee. Dr. Ingals died Nov. 20, 1843 » aged forty-nine years. William H. Jackson, M. D. Dr. Jackson was born Aug. 26, 1841, in Clarkson, Monroe county, N. Y. His father, William Jackson, was born in Her- kimer count)', N. Y., in 18 10. His mother, Elizabeth Cornes, was born at Kent, England, in 1816. The Doctor graduated at the Albany State Normal school in 1861 ; at Eastman's Busi- ness college in 1862, and at the medical department of the Uni- versity of South Carolina, at Columbia in 1873, after which he taught in the university and practiced in the city until 1877 when he came north. In 1878, he began the practice of medi- cine in Springville. He was married in 1863 to Mary Hyde, who died in 1870. Their children were: Mabel, Willis H., and Lucien C. Dr. Jackson was married again in 1877 to Frances Rockwell, they have one child. 388 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES Hiram Jeftersoii. Hiram Jefferson was born June i8, 1807, in the town of DoLU^lass. Worcester county. Mass., and came to the town of Concord in the year 1825. his occupation is fanning. He was married in 1832 to Matilda Hinman, who was born in Manhus, Onondaga county. N Y., and died May 22, 1842. He was married to Deborah Grover, in the year 1844, '^^lio died April 21, 1857. He was married to Clarinda Seward, March, 1858. who died in October, i^'6i. His fourth wife was Sarah Ann Bishop, 1863, who died Oct. 31, 1874. Mr. JefTerson came to Concord in 1825, and has lived within half a mile of where he now lives fifty-seven years. The entire country around was al- most an unbroken wilderness. He could hear the wolves howl ni^dits as they killed his neighbor's sheep, and bears and deer were plenty. They had no roads nor wagons, and they went to mill and to meetings with ox sleds, and often went to mill several miles carrying the grist on their backs. Mary, born Feb. 1 1, 1834 ; married to Abel Sweet. Willis, born Feb. 7, 1838; married to Lydia Ann Hulburt. Welcome, born July 4, 1846; died Sept. 8, 1862. Sylvia, and Matilda, twins, born Feb. 27, 1850. Sylvia died Aug. 26, 1862; Matilda died Sept. 18, 1862. Hiram, born July 9, 1852 ; died Sept. 18, 1862. Henry, born July 27, 1859. John Jack.soii's Stateiueiit. The first grist mill in Concord was built b)' Benjamin Gardner, in the year 1814 He died three or four years afterwards. The first saw mill was built by Rufus Eaton. The first distillery was built by Frederick Richmond, near where Franklin street crosses Spring Brook. The first merchants were Stanard & Jenks, their first store, a hewed log building, stood north of the Opera House. The first tannery, built by Jacob Rushm, a frame building] stood where Hugh McAleese hou.se and shop is. First bkicksmith, Elijah Perigo, 1814. log building where Orville Smith's house is. First shoemaker, Ira Eddy. He kept shop part of the time, IJlOCKArinCAI. SKK'RHKS. 389 part of the time took his kit and went amonc;' the farmers and did their work. WiUiam Earle brought the mail to SprinL;\ille from Buffalo before there was a postof^ce, and distributed it to whom it belonged. Rufus C. Eaton was the first Postmaster. William and George Shultus built the second saw mill in Springv^lle on the site where the Bloomfield mill stands. Mrs. George Shultus was the first Sabbath School teacher in Springville. Wales Emmons was the first cabinet maker; his shoj) stood where the Baptist church now stands. The first woolen factory was erected by Samuel Bradley. The first tailor's name was Thompson. Thomas T. Sherwood was the first lawj'er; came about 1823 or 1824. David Lero)' and David Bensley were the first fiddlers that played at " Fiddler's Green." Ichabod Brown had the first cooper shop. Abel Holman was the first axe-maker. The first local preacher's name was Ingalls, a Presbyterian. William Shultus, Peter Sampson and Urial Torry ran tiie first stage to Buffalo ; coach and four horses. P"rederick Crary was the first showman ; men, women and children came on foot for miles around to see his elephant came, 1823. The first hatter's namew^as Herrick ; he lix'ed and kept shop about where the post office is. The first harness-maker's name was Tibbitts; shop stood north of the park. The first trip-hammer sho]), erected b\' David Kened)-, stood opposite Ransom's Hill. The first dentist's name \\as Gates. Joel White was the first wagon-maker. Samuel Lake the first insurance agent. . A. G. Elliott the first cattle droxer. Francis White built the first cider-mill. Robert Augur manufactured linseed oil ; commenced about 1 82 I or 1822. Also owned and run a saw -mill. I!I()(;kai'Iikal skktchks. 391 Stary King's Statement. My father and his family came from Rhode Island to this town in the fall of 18 14. He came through with two span of horses and located on the Steele place on lot twenty-six, town- ship se\en, range six, on the east side of the road. (Jur shanty stood back b)' the orchard ; it was built without boards and without nails ; there were no glass windows and no door ; the roof was of split logs hollowed out. The next year we built a log-house on the west side of the road. At that time there were no settlers in the north-east part of this town north of us. There ^\■as no road cut out or laid out on Vaughan street and the Genesee road was not cut out. William Wright hved on the Bloodgood place and Hale Matthewson had put up a log-house on the Horton place. Douglas lived on the corner and old Mr. Matthewson lived on the Byron Wells place. James Henman lived where Harrison Pingry does and Deacon Jennings lived on the William McMillan place. In Springville David Stickney kept taxern in a small log-house near where the Opera House stands now. Benjamin Gordon's grist-mill was built before w^e came. Besides Stickney and Gardner there were the Eaton family. Stanard and Jenks, David Leroy, Dr. Daniel Ingals, Samuel Cochran, Joseph Yaw, General Knox, and Samuel Burgess. Deacon Russell lived a mile out Frank- lin street. John Albro and (liles Churchill li\ed three-fourths of a mile north. Father lived two years on the Steele place and then sold out to Nathan Godard. We sold because our crops were destroyed b}- the frosts. Wc then located on the Cattar- augus side of the creek by the Hake's bridge ; remained there four years and then bought Captain Wells' place on Vaughan street. After two years father sold out on Vaughan street and located on the south-east part of lot fifty-one, since known as a part of the Stanbro farm. Afterwards removed to lot forty-four on Sharp street, and then to lot sixt}'-one, on the Boston road, where hedied. When we lived on the Steele place the cold seasons occurred and our crops were destroyed b\- the frosts and there was little or no grain to be bought here, and father went out to Geneseo and paid five dollars for two bushels of corn and brought it 392 bi()(;raphical sketches. home from there on horse-back. The corn was of poor quaHty but, under the circumstances, it rehshed well and helped us to live throu<^-h. A PANTHER STORY. Soon after we came to the Steele place a school was started down at the Liberty-pole corners and I and brother Windsor used to go down through the woods to school. The road was not cut out and it was woods all the way and only a path to follow. We were about seven and nine years old at the time. One morning we had got down about where Mr. Weber now lives, when a panther rushed across the path ahead of us, going from the east t*^ the west with a young deer in its mouth and the old doe was following behind and bleating in great distress. The panthc undoubtedly had young ones down by Spring brook and Wd.. leading the old deer to her destruction. We told our folks what we had seen when we went home and they kept us out of school for some time, but finally allowed us to go again by taking our large dog along for a protector. BEAR PENS. Bears were plenty and they often foraged on the pig-pens of the settlers. Various means were used to trap them, but one of the most simple ways adopted was to build a pen out of poles some four feet wide, eight feet long and high enough to allow a bear to stand. Now the bait, most generally a quarter of a deer, was affixed in one end of the pen and ingress for the game was had at the other, that was closed or shut by a falling door. The bait was fastened to a spindle that communicated with the door by means of a cord, and the moment the bear or other game touched the bait it sprung the trap or door and bruin was caged. Father secured an old bear and her two cubs in one of these pens near East Concord. The trap had been set for several days, and it was my brother Windsor's duty to guard it ; for a time he was very faithful to his trust, but after awhile it became an old stor)% and the trap was not looked to for several days. It coming to father's mind one morning, he spoke to Windsor, saying, "You are not very anxious about your trap, but I guess BIOCKAl'IIICAI, SKKTCIIKS. 393 you had better visit it this niorniiiL;"." Brother started off very reluctantl)-, but it was not h)n<4- before he came running back, his hair all on end and so excited that he could hardly speak. Why the woods or the trap was full of bears, he did not hardly know which. Father. Windsor, myself and the old dog has- tened back and sure enoui;h. we found an old bear and one cub in the pen, and another cub on the outside, l^^ather soon dis- patched, by shooting, the two in the pen and the other, which l)ro\'ed so tractable that we concluded to spare its life, to meet in turn an ignominious end. l^^ither took the cub down to Dave Stickney's log-tavern, where it became a great favorite. Upon a certain occasion, when a lot of boon companions were having a conxixial time, the tempter's cup was placed to bruin's mouth (rum and molasses). He tasted, liked and whined for more, and it was given. The night waned and the fun grew hilarious, but alas for poor bruin. When the morning dawned he was not only dead drunk, but he was dead as a door nail. When we lived on the same place an old bear came one night imd killed a hog and ate it nearh" half up. The next day father built a " dead fall " and baited it with the remains of the hog, and the second night after he caught the old bear. Father owned a large bull-dog that weighed some two hun- dred pounds. He came home one night covered with blood and terribl)' chewed up. We took his trail and followed him back to the carcass of a horse that lay near the run at the top of the Richmond hill. Here we found evidence of a deadl}' struggle for he had encountered wol\-es and two of these la\' dead upon the field. Windsor and I often \isited the " deer licks" upon one occa- sion we started out and became separated. I heard him shoot and upon my going to him, I found he had killed a large bear. Brother James also hunted a great deal here and in Pennsjd- \;uiia. Upon one occasion, and while hunting in the above named State, he had the good luck to kill three elk, and this being done just as fast as he ccnild charge his rifle. He had seated himself near a " lick " and their visiting the place sealed their doom. 394 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Family record of Nathan King : Nathan King died Feb. 20, 1871, aged ninety-one years and five months. Polly, his wife died March 20, 1867, aged eighty-five years. Their children were : James, who married Lucy Brooks and died in Golden in 1852. Alva married Hannah Carney and died in Iowa in 1854. Windsor married Nancy Carney and lives in Springville. Stary married Sylvia Briggs and lives in Springville. Martha married Pliny Wheeler and lives in Little Valley. Mary married Samuel Vance. Freelove married J. H. Ashman and died (3ct. 10, 1S40. Nathan died in 1847. Susan married Archibald Preston and died July 15, 1850.. Enoch died in Concord in 1878. Joshua lives in Little Valley. Family record of Stary King : Stary King, born F"eb. 21. 1808. Sylvia Briggs King, born Aug. 5, 181 1. Their children were : Allen King, born April 4, 1834; died Sept. i, 1854, aged twenty years and five months. Diantha, born June 18, 1838; married Aaron Ostrander and lives in East Concord. Diana, born Aug. 29, 1844. Calvin Killom's Stateineut. My father's name was George Killom. He came to this town from New Hampshire in 1809. built a house, slashed four acres of timber, burnt the brush and raised some corn. The land he located was on lot twenty-nine, township ssven, range seven, where Hiram Curran now lives. My grandfather, Cal\-in Stev- ens, moved our famih' here in 1810. He came through with a span of horses in twenty-two days. He returned to New Hampshire that Fall. I was about six years old when we came to this town. My father served as a soldier on the Niagara frontier in the war of 18 12. The first school I attended here was kept in a house owned by Calvin Doolittle, half a mile north of Boston Corners, where the road turns west and crosses the creek. Then the school was kept at the Corners a while. HIOCKAIMIICAI. ski: ICIIKS. 395 till the school house was built up at Cobble hill. The first school teacher I remember was Rider Cyrus Andrew ; after him Robert Pike taught, also Joshua Ai^ard, Archibald Griffith, Elder Clark Carr, Sophia Howard and a Mr. Conklin. Among the scholars I remember Eri Beebe, Mary Torry, Calvin Cary, Truman Cary, Richard Cary, afterward the preacher. Miss Rice, who married Richard Car\-, \\ R. Cary, Charles Johnson, Elihu Johnson, Alva Bump, Anna Chafee, Lyman Algar, Fanny Algar, who married Truman Cary, Margaret Algar, Morris Fos- dick, John ]*\:)sdick, Alice Fosdick, Eben Drake, Cordelia Drake, Salena Swain, Mary Yaw, Patt)' Swain, afterwards mar- ried Alanson Palmer, Jonathan Swain, Abagail Smith married Benjamin Dole, Almira Smith married Dr. Bosworth. Mary Clark married Otis Horton, Hannah Killom married J. L. Haw- ley, Clark H. Carr, Louisa Carr married Willard Algar, Laura Carr married Ambrose Torry, Delia Torry and Ethan Howard. We moved over to Waterville about 1822 and located on lot thirt}--eight, township seven, range six, on what has since been known as the Whelock place. Our house was on a small flat on the north part of the farm. There were no settlers in the northeast part of the town when we came ; there was no road along the creek nor in an\- other direction. Isaac Beaver came two years after and located on Ransford Foot's flats. Robert PTiut came in 1826 and settled on the Treat place. Homer Barnes and his father came about 1830 and built a saw- mill. Abner Wilson came, and he and Barnes built a grist mill. Hezekiah Griffith came about 1832; John Griffith and Lewis Whelock about '^^■. Joseph Lewis about '34: John Treat in 1838. The first school-house was built in about 1833 or 1834. Paris A. Sprague came in '29 or '30, Bela Graves in ■32. Homer Barnes went to Wisconsin, his father died here ; Abner Wilson, Paris A. Sprague and John (iriffith tlied here ; Jared Pratt worked for Aaron Cole making reeds; he was coming over to our house one day and came across two bears just west of where John Morse now lives ; he shot one and the dog treed the other; he came to our house and we went back and shot the other. One time the wolves killed some sheep on the hill northwest of John Morse's, and Pratt heard them howl and went up there 396 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. with his dogs and gun and I went with him ; the dogs went after the wolves, and the wolves turned upon the dogs and chased them close to Pratt, who had his gun in his hands, but was so excited that he did not attempt to shoot, but called to me to bring him the axe. One time we built a bear pen and caught two large cubs alive ; the old bear did not go in, but she gnawed the poles partly off of which the pen was made, trying to release her cubs ; the old bear got away but the cubs were killed. One time we tracked two large bears four miles northeast, but failed to catch them. David Kiiigsley. David Kingsley was born in Massachusetts, in 1822. He came to this country in 1834, with his parents; he came on the Erie canal and was eleven days coming through ; he has lived in this vicinity since that time, and has lived in Springville for the last twenty-four years. In the Spring of 1845, he was married to Rebecca Cooper. Their children are Marshall Kingsley and David Kingsley. David Kingsley's father's name was James, and his mother's maiden name was Esther Canady. When they came to this town they purchased and occupied for several years the Goode- mote farm on Cattaraugus creek. In 1856, he soid it to Wil- liam Ballou. In 1854, he built the brick house on the Rich- mond place in the east part of the village. James Kingsley died in 1868, and his wife died in 1853. Their children were David and Nathaniel. A BEAR STORY. Not long after David Shultus had located on the Cattaraugus in this town he had been up to Springville and was returning home with several pieces of meat in a basket. He met a bear, which stood up to greet him ; he threw a piece of meat towards it and started on a run. After awhile he looked back and saw the bear coming after him ; he dropped another piece of meat and kept on. He continued to do so till he got home, when he had but one piece of meat left. He lost his meat but " saved his bacon." 1!I(J(;rai'III(AI. skktciiks. 397 Jacol) Kern. Jacob Kern was born Oct. 12, 1844, in the Town of Boston ; came to Concord in 1868; is a farmer; was married Sept. 8, 1868, to Zelina M. Tatu, who was born in Concord Nov. 30, 1848. His father's name was Peter Kern ; his mother's maiden name was Harbary Ineer. Jacob Kern enHsted in company F, One Hundred and Six- teenth rei^iment — Capt., Dr. U. C. Lynde, Dr. Geor<;e G. Stan- bro, First Lieutenant. Served three years, and until discharged. Was at the battle near Port Hudson ; made a chart^e on Port Hudson May 27, 1863; was at the Battle of Donaldsonville, Battle of Pleasant Hill, Battle of Winchester and Cedar Creek. He has five children : Emma L., born Sept. 20, 1870. John W., born Feb. 4, 1873. Mary E., born June 8, 1876. Eugene L., born Jan. 15, 1878 ; died March 29, 1878. Edward C, born May 28, 1881. George Kiiiginau. George Kingman came here with his parents in 1840, and was married to Aurora A. Nelson, in 1852. The first two years after his marriage he lived on the Richmond farm in Sardinia. i^Vom here he moved to Ashford, Cattaraugus county, where he lived a few years; he then moved to Springville, where he now resides. They have one child, George. Jr., who lives with his parents in Springville. " Cieii" I.saae Knox. Isaac Knox came to this town in 1810. and bought 150 acres of land of the Holland Land Company, on the north part of lot eight, township six, range six, on which he settled ; here he resided about twenty x'ears. This he then sold and bought land on lot one, township seven, range seven, where he lived several years ; from here he removed to the north part of lot fift\--two, township seven, range six, where he died about 1856. He was a nephew of Gen. Henr)' Knox, of revolutionary fame, afterwards Secretary of War under Washington. Lsaac Knox served as a soldier under General Anthony W'ayne, in 398 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. his campaign against the Indians on the Maumee river, in 1794; he also served on the Niagara frontier during the War of 1812-15. He was a brave, patriotic soldier, and public- spirited citizen. His son and daughter are both dead. There are some grand- children living. Charles H. King. Charles H. King was born in Concord Aug. 27, 1845. His father's name was Windsor King ; his mother's maiden name was Nancy Carney Spencer ; his occupation is farming ; vv^as married Sept. 19, 1875, to Althea Spencer; has two children: Madge, born June 4, 1873. Thomas, born July 29, 1876. His father came to Concord with grandfather's family, from the town of Foster, Providence count)', R. I., in the Fall of I S 1 4. William Kellogg'. William Kellogg was born in Massachusetts Sept. 4, 1800; his father's name was Benjamin Kellogg, and his mother's maiden name was Amelia Trask ; his grandfather's name was Samuel Kellogg; his grandmother's maiden name was Lucy Snow. William Kellogg was married Feb. 23, 1826, to Rebecca Brewster, in the Town of Sodus, Wayne county, N. Y., and removed to Ashford, Cattaraugus county, Feb. 13, 1827, and settled on lot fifty-two, at that time all wilderness, and from that time to the present he has lived in Ashford and Concord, except about four years which he passed on Grand Island engaged in getting out ship timber. His children were : Polly, born Oct. 2, 1827 ; married Samuel Holman, who died in the year 1848 in Erie county ; she married C. Fuller in 1850 and has since lived in Machias, Cattaraugus count}'. Belinda, born April 30, 1832 ; married J. Wilcox and li\es in Kansas. Charles B., born Sept. 30, 1837; died at Petersburg, Va., in the hospital in 1865, death being caused by a shell wound. Hio(;KArnuAL sketches. 399- II. (;. l.olaiHl. H. (i. Lcland was born Aug. ]8, 1847, at Hinsdale, Cattarau- gus county, N. Y.; came to Springville in March, 1866; occu- pation a banker; was married Oct. 3, 1 871, to Bianca Pierce, eldest daughter of Kmmons S. Pierce, and has two children liv- ing, Claude (i. and Guy H. He engaged first in the banking business at Cuba, N. Y., in the Cuba National bank ; organized the Springville bank ( Leland, Chamberlain & Co., bankers,) May 12, 1866, which was suc- ceeded, in 1877, by Leland & Co., banker, and, April 2, 1883, by The First National Rank, Mr. Leland being Vice-President, and one of its active managers. He has interested himself in all public enterprises for the benefit of Springville, contributing of his time and means liberally, having aided materially in giv- ing Springville its telegraph lines and railroads. His father, William O. Leland, President of the First National bank, resides at Hinsdale, N. Y., and has been engaged in the mer- cantile business nearly forty years. His grandfather came from Vermont in an early day, and settled at Leland's Corners, in the Town of East Otto. His uncles and aunts, Cephas R Marshall, Sarah Ann and Marian Leland, all attended the Springville Academy many years ago. Cephas R. became a lawyer and died at Milwaukee, Wis. Marshall became a Baptist clerg}^man and died at Rochester, Minn. Elmer O. Iceland. Mr. Leland was born in Hinsdale, Cattaraugus count)-, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1849; attended school at Griffith Institute during the years 1866 and '67; was married June 7, 1876, to Augusta A. Potter. Have two children living : Lloyd, born May 17, 1880. F'lorence, born May 5, 1883. Mr. Leland has been connected with the Si)ring\'ille bank for the last thirteen years; is now cashier of First National bank of Springville. He was the chief projector of the Western New York Manufacturing and Preserving company, organized in 1879, ^""^ 1^^^ been its treasurer ever since. Mr. Leland takes an active part in Christian and benevolent 400 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. work. Dating- from the present (1883), l"*^ ^^^^ been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church in Springville fifteen years, and for three years superintendent of its Sabbath School. In 1880, he was President of the Young People's Christian Asso- ciation of Springville. Jacob Lai))p»i. Dr. Lynde was born in a log house on Townsend Hill, March 26, 1834. At the age of se\'en, he mo\'ed with his parents to the northwest corner of the Town of Concord ; here he attended school in a log school-house, and was taught the rudi- ments of reading by Orville S. Canfield. His teachers here were John Lynde, Gilbert Sweet, Almond Nichols and Alonzo Pierce. He attended school here until he was fourteen ; about this time, his parents moved to Townsend Hill, and he left home and worked for a time in a pail factory at Niagara Falls. Returning in the Fall, he attended school taught by Jonathan Briggs, at what is known as the " Block School-house " in Con- cord. Mr. Briggs was a student himself and a thorough teacher, and took a warm interest in young Lynde's success. At the age of sixteen, he tauglit at Machias, his first school ; after the close of his school, he attended the Yorkshire Institute. After leaving the Institute, he taught his second school at the forks of the Cattaraugus ; he then taught at Paris, Kentucky; returning, he taught in the institute wliere he had before attended as a pupil. While engaged as a teacher, and before he was twenty-one. hi()(;rai'iikal SKErciiHS. 401 he had read law one year and medicine one. h\)r a time lie ijaxe up the study of both, but resumed the study of medicine at the suggestion of Dr. (jroodyear, of Holland, now of Buffalo. He attended lectures at the Geneva Medical College, and clinical lectures in New York, where his time was mostly spent at the hospital. After this he practiced medicine a while at Glenwood, Erie county, where he again attended lectures at the Buffalo University, graduating in 1859, ^^ soon after located in Springville, N. Y., where he practiced until the fall of 1862, when he recruited Co. F., Ii6th Regiment N.Y. State Volunteers ; was commissioned first assistant Sur- geon. In the Fall of 1863 his resignation was accepted and he again commenced the practice of medicine in Springville, The two following winters he spent at the Jefferson Medical College, graduating in the Spring of 1865. He continued his practice in Springville until the Fall of 1872, when he moved to Buf- falo, where he has practiced ever since, making surgery a spe- cialty. For some time he has had onejof the largest practices of any surgeon in Western New York. Alausou Lovelace Came to this town about 18 16. He was, by occupation, a farmer; he married Patience Chafee in 1819. He died in April, 1878, aged eighty-four years. Patience Lovelace died in 1872, aged seventy-six years. Their children were : Alonzo L., not known whether living or dead ; was a sailor. Daniel M., died in Michigan, in 1863. Alvira, born in 1824; married Clark M. Hadley, Sept. 5, 1844, and lives in Springx'ille. Louisa M., married Allen Mott ; died in 1854, in .Vlexander. Mary E., married Luther Chaddock : died in 1854, in Alex- ander. Samuel L,ake, Esq. Samuel Lake was born in Vermont, in the year 1790, but during the period of his boyhood his parents resided in Wash- ington county, this state. His education was such as the com- mon schools ot those days afforded, aided afterwards, however, b\' acute powers of observation and a taste for reading. When just entering upon manhood he came west to Batavia, Genesee 19 402 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. county, where he taught school. When the last war with Kng- land broke out he entered the army and participated in the battle of Lundy's Lane and was at the memorable contest at Fort Erie. After the \\ar he was employed several years in the County Clerk's office at Batavia, and in the office of the Holland Land company. On the 6th of January, 1821, he married Helen Phelps of Batavia, who still survives her partner of over sixty years. About that time Mr. Lake sold off his property around Batavia and moved to Springville, where nearly thirty years of his life were passed. He built a small store where the Ameri- can Hotel now stands, about 1 821, and about two years after built the store now owned and occupied by R. W. Tanner. He built the upright part of the Dr. Emmons' house, on Main street, and also built the house where Sanford Mayo lives. He had a general store and ashery and manufactured pot and pearl ashes. About this time he built the store now occupied by 3ates & White, in Collins' Center, and stocked it with general mer- chandise and gave the management of it to his clerk, H. H. Matteson. But a time of adversity came. A period of finan- cial depression found Mr. Lake with a considerable stock of the articles of his manufacture on hand : values depreciated and he failed. Mr. Lake removed to Buffalo in 1849, where he began business as a pension agent, which business he followed until his death, and during that time acquired a comfortable com- petency. He was a public spirited man and took a very active part in raising the means to build the Springville Academy, and was always ready to assist in any work for the public good. Mr, Lake died in Buffalo Nov. 26, 1882, aged ninety-three years. Orriu Loveridge. Orrin Loveridge came to Townsend hill at an early day and settled on lot eleven, township seven, range seven, and from there he afterward removed to lot two, township seven, range seven, where he died Jan. 27, 1845, aged fifty-two years and five months. His wife died April 2, 1857, aged sixty years and six months. BIOGRAnilCAL SKETCHES. 403 They had three children : Ames died April 16, 1 839, aged fifteen years and eight months. Charles M. attended the Normal school at Albany and taught school and died Aug. 13, 1849, aged twenty-three years and two months. Harriet M. married Harlow C. Perham. They had two chil- dren. She died Feb. 2, 1854, aged twent)'-three years. Amasa Loveridge. Amasa Loveridge settled on Townsend hill at an early day. He was killed in 1855 by a saw-log rolling over him. He had seven children : Austin, who married and died in Buffalo. Edwin D. is married and lives in Buffalo. Luana married Ward Fay and died in Buffalo. Gary married Lucy Hall and died in Pennsylvania. Chester was married and died in Minnesota. Everett and Olney are living in Ohio. Lorenzo 1). Lucas. Lorenzo D. Lucas was born in the town of Cato, Cayuga county, in the year 1S12. His father's name was William and his mother's maiden name was Fanny Graves. His grand- father Daniel Lucas, was a soldier in the Revolution and was in the battles of Bunker Hill and Saratoga. He drew a sol- dier's right for land of the Government, located it in Cayuga county and settled on the same. His father was a physician and settled in the town of Clarence, afterward Newstead, in 1816, and here Lorenzo spent his boyhood days and received his education. When he lived in Clarence he lived in the same neighborhood and was acquainted with Asa Ransom, Sr., Archibald S. Clark, Peter Vandeventer, Col. James Cronk, Elias Osburn, Stephen Osburn and Otis R. Hopkins, who were among the most prominent men of the county at that time, and he went to school with their children. Mr. Lucas remem- bers seeing the old Revolutionary pensioners, when they came to Mr. Clark's store to receive their pensions, which he obtained for them, sitting in the store each with a small cup of spirits 404 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. before him, the preacher among the rest. He came to Sar- dinia in 1835, and was married in 1837 to Miss Mary Ann Sherman, who died in 1842. Her children were: Theodore S., born March 14, 1838, went to Ohio and mar- ried there. He entered the army, but was discharged a short time afterward on account of sickness and died in 1864. Ehzabeth F., born Nov. 3, 1839, ^'""^ ^^i^^ Dec. 23, 1858. Mary L., born May 30, 1842, and was married in 1862 to John C. Bump and hves in Buffalo. His second wife was Poll)' Wilcox, who died July 14, 1853. Her children were : Sarah A., born Aug. 20, ic^5 ; married John M. Clo\er and died in Minnesota April 2, 1867. Charles W., born June 21, 1851, and died Oct. 25, 1863. Alice B., born May 6, 1853, and married Frank H. Cratcy and lives in Minnesota. His present wife's maiden name was Caroline Stone. She has had one child, Delila M., born July 19, 1864; married Charles F. Timms and died Oct. 4, 1882. Mrs. Lucas is a niece of Christopher Stone the first settler in Concord. William McMilleu's Statement. When we came to Springville in 1823, the families living here according to my recollection were, Rufus C. Eaton, lived near where Peter Weismantle does, there was another house north of the Opera House. Wales Emmons and O. D. Tibbits, lived north of the park ; Widow Tanner lived where Moon does ; Sylvester Eaton lived on the Shepherd place : John Albro lived on his farm, on north side of corporation ; Squire Eaton was building a house where Joslin lives; the George Arnold house, corner of Buffalo and Church streets was built; a Mr. Wright kept the hotel on Franklin street, opposite the park; Dr. Daniel Ingals lived just south of the Presb)'terian church ; Varncy Ingals kept small store on Franklin street. They were building the school house that stood near where Mr. Tabor lives; Joseph Yaw lived up Franklin street at the foot of the hill ; there was a house on the corner of West and Main streets ; Samuel Cochran lived and kept hotel where HIOORAI'IIICAL SKKTCIIES. 405 Byron Cochran now lives ; General Knox lived in a log house on Waveriy street, south side; Samuel Burgess lived in a log house about where George Weeden lives now ; Samuel Lake had a small store where American hotel is ; Samuel Bradley's factory was built, he lived near it ; Jarvis Bloomfield lived down by his mill ; Robert Auger had a saw mill and li\ed below Bloomfield ; Truman White lived on the southwest corner of the Well's farm ; Francis White lived on the Allen Goodemote place ; the Shaw famih' li\-ed in that neighborhood ; Mr. Sim- mons lived near where Mrs. Melvin lives now. There was a log house where Orvil Smith lives, and a small house near where George Crandalls now lives, no other house on north side of Main street, east to Newman street ; Jacob Rushmore lived in old yellow house on side hill, just above John P. Myers's house ; Abel Holman had house and shop on the Shut- tleworth lot; Joel White had shop and lived on the Badgeley lot ; the Benjamin Gardner house stood about where Orange Parmenter lives, no more houses east to corporation line ; Samuel and William Lake were here. The McMilleii Family. Joseph McMillen was born Jan. 14. 1783. In iTian printer in various localities in New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia, and in the cities of Buffalo and New York, ex- periencing during the meantime the vicissitudes incident to the craft, until he associated himself witli W. W. Rlakeley on the Springville Jour)ial mid Herald in November, 1867 ; sold out his interest in 1873 and started the Pioneer printing office in Hamburg; from there he opened a job office in Buffalo in 1876, which he conducted, together with engraving (he is also an artist and engraver), until the Fall of 1879, '^vhen, in connec- tion with T. G. Meyers, he commenced the publication of the Local Neivs in Springville, N. Y. He was a member of the Seventy-fourth New York State National Guard, and accom- panied his regiment to Pennsylvania at the time of Lee's inva- sion. Mr. Melvin was married in 1872 to Zelia ]\I. Smith, daughter of Calvin Smith. They have one child : Lizzie, born June 5, 1874. Mr. Melvin's mother, Mrs. Amos Melvin, was born in Pl\- mouth, N. H., June ii, 1797 ; her maiden name was Relief Blodgett ; she was married in her native town in 1822 and five years after removed to Wayne county, N. Y., and from there to Spring\-ille in 1833, where she has ever since resided. She retains her physical and mental powers remarkabl}' well, and relates many interesting incidents connected with the pioneer history of that part of her native state where she lived ; among others she speaks of her father's going a distance of forty miles to the cit\' of Concord to mill, with a hand-sled, it being the nearest mill at that time — ^1760. Weiidel Morton. Wendel Morton was born May 1st, 1781, in the town of Stoughton, Mass. Here the years of his minority were passed, and after attaining his majority he was married to Miss Polly G. South worth, of his native town, who was born April 14, 1779 ; iri 1804 he moved to Onondaga county, N. Y., where he remained until the year 1826, when he disposed of his effects there and came to the town of Boston, Erie county, N. Y.; here he resided with his famil\- for ten y^ears, when he trans- 412 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. ferred his property and bought again at West Concord, which has since been known as Morton's Corners. W endel Morton was a man far above mediocre, and possessed much native abiHt}' that rather tended to the humorous, which under more auspicious circumstances would have brought him before the pubhc a prominent character. He was an own cousin to the indomitable Governor Morton, who for twenty successive years was the Democratic candidate for executive honors in the Bay state before he succeeded, and then only elected by one majority. Before leaving Onondaga county he filled several positions of an official character, and among these was that of Deputy Sheriff. During the preliminary examina- tion of the Thayer brothers before a Justice for the murder of John Love in the town of Boston, Dec. 24, 1824, Wendel Mor- ton was their keeper ; one day the Court was adjourned for dinner, leaving Morton, the prisoners and a few spectators in possession of the room; Israel Thayer stepped to the Justice's desk, and taking the Bible he presented it to Morton, saying with much bravado, " Elder, you preach us a sermon from a text." Morton received the book and deliberately opened it, when the first thing that his eye rested upon was this impressive pas- sage : which he rendered in a low and solemn voice " He that sheddeth man's blood by man his blood shall be shed." This fell upon the culprit's guilty conscience like a clap of thunder from a clear and cloudless sky, all his assumed stoicism fled at the just accusation, and he spitefully snatched the Bible from Morton's hand, saying with an oath, " You are a poor preacher and I don't want to hear any more of your talk." Morton said, " From the very looks of the accused one's face upon my reading this passage I became convinced that the right ones had been apprehended, as the sequel proved." During the later days of his life he became partially blind, but this affliction did not destro}- his genial nature, and almost up to the closing scene, he had alwa\'s recourse to a fund of rich and racy anecdote to entertain his friends He died Oct. 4, 1868, after having compassed nearh' four score years and ten. Mrs. Morton was of the old school of gentlewomen, whose every day deportment made the humblest of homes a paradise, and not onlv this but it carried consolation to the homes of BIOORAI'IIICAL SKKTC IIKS. 413 -cUhci's in life's darkest hours. She cheerfully accepted each situation and made the most of it without a murmur. Mer identic, uniform kindness, combined with a nature that entered largely into the burdens and sorrows of others, won for her hosts of friends who mourned her death as a mother. She departed this life Aug. 7, 1858. Five children were born to this union, v\z. : Eliza S., born Sept. 14, 1804; died Dec. 28, 1877. Otis C, bom Alanson P., born April 14, 1811 ; died March 4, 1872. Mary A., born 1816; died 1848. Samuel A., born May 8, 18 18. Saiuiii'l A. Morton. Samuel A. Morton was born in the town of Manlius, Onondaga county, N. Y., May 8, 18 18, and came to this town (Concord) in the year 1830. For a term of years, he in company with his brother Alanson, carried on the business of hotel keeping at Morton's Corners together with that of farming. Mr. Mor- ton held a commission as Postmaster at Morton's Corners, under the administration of Franklin Pierce and also of James Buchanan, Sept. 27, 1853. He was united in matrimon\- to Miss Ursula P. Ostrander, who was born Nov. 5, 1827, in the town of Hoosic, Rensselaer county, N. Y., and he took his bride to the very place that has since been their home. Mr. Morton is what might be termed a progressive farmer, who, being fully impressed with the belief that the comforts of life may be enjoyed by those who till the soil as well as by those who live at careless ease on an assured competence, has surrounded his home with every convenience that the age affords, and thouo-h his years now number more than three score, time has dealt leniently with him and finds him in possession of health, strength and vigor to prosecute the labors ef his favorite and chosen calling. Four children were born to this union, viz. : Mar\' A., born Aug. 24, 1854; died Oct. 9, 1854., Laura F., born Aug. 23, 1855. Wendell J., born March 30, 1859. Carroll G., born Dec. 25, i860. 414 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. John P. Myers. John P. Myers was born in the town of Hume, Allegany county, July 4, 1843. He came to Springville in the year 1877 from Sardinia. He is a merchant and one of the firm of Beebe & Myers, extensive dealers in dry goods. He was married in the year 1870 to Miss Florence A. Beebe. They have had two children both of whom died young. In October, 1861, Mr. Myers enlisted in the one hundred and fourth regiment, New York State Volunteers, to serve three years. He was engaged in nearly all the battles of the Army of the Potomac until the battle of Antietam, where he \\as wounded by a musket-ball shattering the bone near the ankle. The ball was taken out seven years afterward, which he has preserved in remembrance of Antietam. Was in the hospital five months A\hen he was offered his discharge, but refused it preferring to rejoin his command. Was taken prisoner at Get- tysburg, July I, 1863, and was taken to Belle Island near Rich- mond, where he remained about seven months, from there to Andersonville, where he remained until Sherman on his march to the sea, came so near to them that they were taken to Camp Millen, from there to Savannah, from there to Jacksonville, Fla., and from there back to Andersonville on Christmas day, where he remained until the close of the war, making him a prisoner twenty-two months. What he suffered during his long confinement in Rebel prisons, helps to make up one of the darkest pages in our American history. Elisha Mack. Elisha Mack came to this town in 1827. He was a la\\}-er and held the of^ce of Justice of the Peace in the town a num- ber of years and also was Post Master in Springville twelve years. He engaged to some extent in the mercantile business and built a store and dwelling house where the Presbyterii.a Church now stands. He was also a farmer and managed a farm on the east part of lot nine. He sold out his business in this town and moved to Illinois in 1846, and settled near Xauvoo, where he died soon after. He had four children : Sarah, James, Helen and Benjamin, who are all li\ing in the west. BIOCrRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 415 Andrew McLin. Andrew McLin settled on lot thirteen, on Townscnd Hill, in 1 8 17. He died a few years afterwards, leaving three children. Jacob, was killed when a young man, by a falling tree while felling trees in the woods. Polly, was a school teacher and married Asa R. Trevitt and died in the town of West Seneca. Martha, married Levi Ballou and died in Buffalo. fJac'ob Mar.siolja. Jacob Marsielja was born in Holland, Europe, Dec. 22, 1837. Came to America when about eight years of age, and to Con- cord about 1865 ; married Margaret C. Baker in 1866. They have five children : Sarah A., born May 22, 1872. Charles E., born Feb. 26, 1874. Ella M., born May 21, 1876. Clyde J., born Aug. 27, 1877. George A., born May 9, 1879. Mrs. Marsielja's father, William Baker, one of Concord's early pioneers, was born in Orange, Franklin county, Mass., March i, iSoi. He came to Concord in 18 17, and located near East Concord, and has been a resident of the town ever since. He was married in Concord to Anstris Edwards, who was born in Providence, R. L, Nov. 9, 1798. She had been pre- viously married in New England, to Ansel Norcott, with whom she came to Concord about 1820. Mr. Norcott died leaving two daughters : Nancy R., married James Fleming. Catherine, married Dr. Henry D\'e and since died. l-5y her second marriage, with Mr. Baker, they had eight children : Lyman P., born 1826; married Matilda Strickland. Cynthia, born 1828; married Rev. Charles Shelling. Ansel, born 1830; married Jennie P^irman ; died 1869. Eldridge, born 1833 • died young. Ovanda, i| . , n ) married Frank Kester. „ . , ■ twms, born 1835, ,- . , ,w-,i- it-t Uvmda, ', ) married William Wilcox. Margaret C, born 1838 ; married Jacob Marsielja. Mary E., born 1842; married William Power; died 1866. 41 6 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES Frederick Meyer. Frederick Meyer was born May, 1836, in the City of Buffalo, and came to Concord in 1858. Was married June, 1856, to Magdalena Derrinberger, who was born in 1837. He is a farmer by occupation. His father's name is George Meyer; his mother's maiden name was Magdalena Haas. His father has lived in Boston seventeen years. Family record : George, born March 27, 1857. Frederick, born Aug. 13, 1859. William A., born March 26, 1863. Henrietta, born July 16, 1873. Albert, born June 12, 1879. William P. Mills. William P. Mills was born Jan.. 8, 1822, in Middletown, Orange county, New York. His father's name was Ebenezer Mills ; his mother's maiden name was Maria Coleman. For several years before reaching his majority, Mr. Mills was a mer- chant's clerk in his native village. He was married in May, 1845, to Deborah Clark, and, in the following December re- moved to this town with his father-in-law onto Townsend Hill. He has resided at different places in town ever since, and has been extensively engaged in farming, dairying and cheese-buy- ing. They have three children, viz.: H. Eugene, married in 1873 to Lottie Crary, ^\•ho has since died. Mr. Mills' present business is selling carriages. Frances M. married Ralph Greene, dentist ; resides at Fre- donia, N. Y. Clark W., drug clerk. Saiiford Mathe"vi'SOii. His father's name was Charles Mathewson ; his mother's maiden name was Cordelia French ; his grandfather's name was Jonathan Mathewson ; his grandmother's maiden name Lucy Crosby. He was born in the Town of Sardinia, Aug. 3, 1846. He was married in the year 1874 to Miss Jennie L. Otis, daughter of James Otis of Sardinia. He has resided in Sardinia, Yorkshire and Concord, and has followed the business of farming. Their children are Gracie E. and James C. IJIOCKAI'IIICAI. SKETCHES. 417 Abraliaui Mi'ears of age. Ail my father's famil)' but two settled in Sardinia and one settled in Yorkshire. My oldest brother, Jonathan, went to Texas, and we ha\-e ne\er heard from him. 426 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. I lived on the farm I first took up fifty years ; began with sixty acres, and when I sold out I had three hundred ; I settled where I now live in 1866. My children are : William H., born June 5, 1840. Charles W., born March 11, 1843. Orange Parineiiter's Stateiueiit. Was born Sept, 4, 1817, in the Town of Concord; am a farmer ; was married to Sally Andrews, daughter of Harvey Andrews ; my wife died. My father's name was Elijah Par- menter; my mother's maiden name was Sally Miles; my father came from Rutland county, Vermont, in the year 18 10, and made a beginning on the farm now owned and occupied by Harrison Pingrey, three-quarters of a mile east of Springville ; after living there about one year, he removed to what is now the Stephen Tefft farm on Cattaraugus creek, about three miles west of Springville ; he moved from Vermont with an ox-team ; subsequently settled on a farm in Ashford, Cattaraugus county^ near Scoby's mills, where he lived until the time of his death, being a period of fifty years or more. He was drafted into the military service and served in the War of 18 12 until dis- charged. Peter Prior. Peter Prior was born at Back's Hill, in Sussex county, PLngland, in 1831 ; came to this country in 1834, on the brig Emma ; was nine weeks crossing the ocean. His father was lost overboard on the voyage. Came to Buffalo on the canal, and came to Springville in the year 1865. In 1863, enlisted in the army, in the One Hundred and Fortjvseventh New York volunteers, from Oswego ; afterwards was transferred to the Ninety-first regiment ; was in the Army of the Potomac, and was in most of the engagements from the Battle of the W^ilder- ness to the close of the war; was in Wadsworth division, Fifth corps, when he was killed. His occupation is carriage painting. In the year 1852, he was married to Mary Ann Meachan, of Mansfield, Cattaraugus county, N. Y. Their children are: Levi, a carriage painter; married to Loretta Pratt in 1879. Mary, Emma, Lucy and Jennie. BIOCIKAl'lUCAI. SKKTCHES. 42/ H. Evans Potter. H. Kvans Potter's <,n-andfather, Ilosca Potter, married Mar- cia Latten, and came from Cooperstown, Otsei^o county, N. Y., to this town in the Fall of 1816 or '17, and located on lot seven, township seven, ran^e seven. He resided here until his death, in 1862. H. Evans Potter's father, Theodore H. Potter, was born in 1813 ; he was first married in 1836 to Sarah Stancliff, by whom he had two daughters : Marcia P. married David P. Hale ; resides in Michigan. Harriet married Osero Churchill ; resides in town. Mr. Potter was married a second time in 1843 to Naomi Can- field, by whom he had four children : H. Evans. Mary married Lorenzo Vaughan ; reside in town. Augusta married Elmer O. Leland. cashier in Springville bank. Willie S. died in 1861. H. Evans Potter was born in this town in 1844; he has always lived in this town with the exception of five years that he resided in North Collins. He was married in 1866 to Eunice Hale. Their children are : Eva M., Willie H.. Beulah N., Lizzie N. and Hugh E. James Prior. James Prior was born in the Village of Hollington, Sussex county, England, in 1826. His father's name was James E. l^rior, and his mother's maiden name was Babcock. He came to this country in 1834, on the brig Emma ; was nine weeks on the ocean to New York ; his father, during the voyage, was lost overboard ; his mother being left with a family of nine children. They came to Buffalo on the Erie canal, and, owing to the death of his father and the circumstances of the family, he was immediately put to work— at the age of eight years — and was deprived of the privilege of attending school. When of proper age, he learned the trade of carriage and sign paint- ing. He came to Springville in 1849, ^"<^ worked at his trade until 1861 ; in that year, he formed a co-partnership with Philip Herbold, and since that time the firm has been engaged 428 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. in the manufacture and sale of household furniture, and have also carried on the business of undertakers. In 1874, they en- larged their business, and have manufactured and sold doors, sash, blinds, flooring, etc., and have also been engaged to some extent as builders. In 1848, he was married to Elizabeth Bath, who was born in London, England. Their children are : Frank H., who married Helen Wadsworth, lives in Spring- viUe. Thomas B. married Mary Stanbro ; carriage and sign painter, Springville. Edith. Thomas Pierce. The ancestors of our family came from England in 1634 and settled in Massachusetts. My father came to this state in 1793 and settled in Fairfield, Herkimer county, in. 1807 ; he removed to Frankfort a short distance east of Utica, where he lived with his family of eight children until they became separ- ated b}' marriage. I was born in the year 1800, and in 1829 married the daughter of Jacob Weber, late of Ashford. In 1837 we removed to a farm that I had purchased in Ashford, where we lived nearh^ thirty years. My father and mother and oldest sister, myself and wife and two daughters, became mem- bers of the Baptist church in this village, where those of us still living now retain our membership. My father died in Ash- ford, in 1850; m}' mother in 1842. In April, 1865, I buried my first wife in Ashford and in October, 1866, removed to Springville and married Miss Maryette Scoby of this place. My oldest daughter married B. A. Lowe, and resides in Spring- ville. My second daughter, Ann H. Pierce, lives at home. She is an artist and her place of business is on the south-west corner of Main and Buffalo streets. My son Weber T., resides in Min- nehaha county, Dakota Territory, near the village of Sioux Falls, where he purchased a homestead of 160 acres. My old- est brother, Chauncex', died in Ashford, in 1842 ; my youngest, (jifford, resided in this town a number of years; he married, and buried two wives in this town ; he married a third time and remoN'ed to Kansas, where he died two \-ears ago. He left a d.iughter, Helen A., who lives in East Pike, Wyoming county. iu(.)(;rai'Iii(Ai. sketciiks. 429^ Joliii Prill. lohn Prill was born in Schcrber, New Stcrlits, Mcchlcnbcrf,^, Germany, in US26 and worked at farniin;^ in the old country. He embarked at Hamburi,di, May i, 1850, and came on a sail- vessel ; was seven weeks crossinL( to New York : went to East Otto, CattarauL,ais ccninty, and staid two years ; came to Concord and settled near Morton's Corners, in 1852, and lived there twenty N'ears. He bought a small farm, improved it, and added to it until he had 225 acres. He sold his farm and cows to Emery D. Albro in 1872, for $1 1, OCX), and came to Springville to live. In 1875, he purchased the farm lying one and one-half miles east of Springville, on which he has since resided. He was married in 1859, to Miss Mary Tardell. in Hamburg, Erie county. She was born in Germany in 1832, and came from near the same place in the old country, that he did. Their children were : John, who died in 1852. an infant. Mary, who died in 1867, aged twelve \ears. Lena. Emma. Meina, died in 1863. an infant. Albert G. Lena, married Horace Van Slyke ; the}' have three children. Emma, married George H. Kuchner; they live in Port Alle- gan}- ; the}' ha\e one child. The Pike Family. Isaiah Pike was one of Concord's ver}- earliest pioneers. He was born at Plymouth. N. H., Aug. 12, 1786. His father's name was Uriah D. Pike, who came from England ; was a rev- olutionar}' soldier, enlisting when sixteen }'ears of age. In 18 10, Mr. Pike walked all the way from his native place, with knap-sack on his back, to this town and located lands on lot twenty-two, range seven, township seven. Here he encoun- tered those privations and incidents which only the pioneers of a forest country experience. He was an active ]Darticipant in that part of the war of 1812 which wasenacted in the vicinit}- of Buffalo and the Niairara frontier. He was Ser<>:eant. In 430 iilOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 1816 he returned to New Hampshire, married Charlotte Hickok, and came back to his land, upon which he always resided up to his death, in 1866. He kept hotel at the Pike homestead from 1821 to 1837. Their children were : Almira, who died in 1843; Uriah D., Albert, Sofina, Cyrene, Isaiah N. Cyrene married Loran Vanderlip ; the}' now reside at Cedar Falls, Iowa. Isaiah N., married Isabclle Ross ; they now reside at Evans- \-ille, Wisconsin. Uriah D. Pike. Uriah D. Pike was born Aug. 25, 1821, upon the farm which his father took up in 18 10, and upon which he has ever since resided. He was married in 1846 to Julia Chase, who died in 1869. Their children are: Charles, Isaiah and Ida. Charles was married in 1873 to Cornelia Doty. Ida is a graduate of the Buffalo State Normal School and was married in 1880 to Dr. E. A. Vaughan. Mr. Pike was re-married in 1872 to Caroline Trevitt. Mr. Pike is a farmer and in his chosen calling has been very suc- cessful. Mrs. Joshua Pike. Whose maiden name was Esther Sharp, was born in Rutland county, Vt., in the year 1799, and came with her father's family to Wyoming county, N. Y., in the year 18 12. In 18 16, she was married to Joshua Pike, came to Concord and settled on the farm now owned by John Ballou. Mrs. Pike was the mother of thirteen children, of whom there are but five liv- ing. Her life has been a checkered one and if duly written would fill a volume, gifted by nature, with a strong consti- tution, she has far outlived the alloted span, yet posses- sing a happy disposition and remarkable powers of memory, she belongs to the past and \'et lives to enjo)- the present. Hardly any incident of note has transpired ciuring the past three-fourths of a century, but what she has some knowledge of it, and upon local affairs she can recite incidents that belong to another age, that there are but few who li\'e to remember. lUnCRAl'IIICAI. SKKTCIIKS. 43 1 Mrs. Pike tells of the first burial in the woods at Morton's Corners. It was that of a youn<^ man that committed suicide. His name for certain, was never ascertained, but it was sup- posed to be White, and the son of a widow. This was some time in May, 1822, for Mr. Richardson said the trees were in full leaf. He came to Mr. Battle's and put up a few days. There was nothing in his demeanor that would create any sus- picion that he contemplated such a rash act. A day or so be- fore he left here he made a trade with Battles, and became the owner of a pocket knife, with which he scv^ered the veins of his arms. This was done on the trail between this place and Springville. There was no road then, only a bridle path and he just stepped from the trail, and when found b\' Roswell Olcott, he was bleeding profusely. He was discovered sitting upon a log near where the steam saw mill of Watkin & Gay- lord now is. Mr. Olcott aroused the settlement and he was brought back to Battles' tavern and medical aid called, but the flow of blood had been so great that he died of prostration. He would not reveal anything of his history. A plain pine cofifin was constructed by Caleb Knight. There were no under- takers then, and even if there had been, it would have been hard work for them to have reached here. The settlers gath- ered and bore him through the woods up to the grave yard, though it was not thought of as a church yard then. They buried him at the foot of the great maple, which then was but a sapling, not as large as a person's thigh. The)' thought if his friends should be found, this tree would mark his grave. The next the settlers were called upon to carr)' there was Uncle Battles, mine host of the inn. The\- made his grave by the side of the other, and they have kept on carr}'ing them there until there is left out of that pioneer band only m\^self and Uncle Luke Simmons, and it w ill not be long before you will have to take us there. Now I have to recite the darkest day of my life's history, for it did appear as though the sun had been blotted out to me for- ever. That morning I had been called upon to go a few miles and visit the sick. My husband and three of the boys, Oliver, Marsden and Franklin, were to engage that day in getting out rails, and they had engaged the services of John Millis to assist 432 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. them with his team. This was on the 23d day of January, 1845. It was a clear bright day, with just snow enough to make sleigh- ing good. Oliver and Marsden were splitting and Franklin and his father were piling and also aiding Mr. Millis in loading to haul out to the road. They were at work on lot eighty-three, now owned by T. J. Kerr ; just how it happened it was so long ago, it is hard for me to remember now. I know that a great many supposed that Oliver glanced his axe, but this was not so. The boys had quartered the cut, and Oliver, who was intent upon his work, was cutting away the slivers ; his father had taken an axe to cut a small sapling that stood in the way near where Oliver was engaged, with his back towards Oliver, as he struck low on the sapling, he threw his hips back just in time to receive the fatal blow of Oliver's descending ax, in his left hip. The wound was not large, but it was nevertheless fatal, for it had severed the main artery. As he received the blow he remarked to Oliver, " Look and see, I believe you have cut me." Oliver, unconscious of what he had done, replied, " I guess not." Mr. Pike was a man very easily affected at the sight of blood, and he spoke up quickly and told the boys to throw snow in his face as he was very faint. My boys hurriedly laid him down and tried every means to staunch the blood ; they put snow upon it, and then Oliver and Marsden pressed the wound together with their hands, but the blood shot up in a jet clear over their shoulders ; every means they tried were fruitless. Mr. Pike made the remark, " Boys, now do not be frightened, when I tell you this is my death blow." By this time Mr. Millis had come for another load of rails, and he was tenderly placed upon the sleigh and carefully driven to the house. In the mean time a messenger had been dispatched for Dr. Bruce, who arrived in due time and began to sew up the wound, two or three stitches had been taken when he fainted and was gone — yes, dead. I did not get home in time to see him alive. He who had left me that morning so full of life and hope would never speak again, and I full)' realized that my heart was widowed. Since then the shadows of death have crept thick and fast into my famih' of stalwart sons and daughters. There were thirteen of them, and I spun and wove and cared for them all once. 15I()(;RAI'I1I( Al. SKETCHES. 433 Five are left now, eiglit having passed away. Jane went first, then Marsden ; Irving I gave to my country, and he sleeps where Southern vines creep o'er his grave. Oliver died in Illi- nois ; the rest of them near me here, and they lie buried up here. Yes, death is very cold and desolating. At times the past conies back to me as though it were but yesterday. I know it was the night that the Morton boys opened their new house by giving a grand ball. For weeks had the event been talked up and the young came from far and near, and I sup- pose it was a grand affair for that time. But for me, \\hat a night ; how I looked ahead into the great black future and my heart cried out in the bitterness of its agony. How the tink- ling of those old-fashioned sleigh-bells smote my heart as the merry-makers went dashing by. I would not have anyone infer that I was neglected in my sorrow. Mr. Morton's people were more than kind, and they would have been glad to have post- poned their ball if they could. All my neighbors and friends stood by me then and tried to lighten my burden. Harrison Piiigry. Harrison Pingry was born in the Town of Sardinia, June 5, 1840. His father's name is William Pingry, and his mother's maiden name was Mary Ann Wilder. He lived in Sardinia until 1866, when he purchased what has long been known as the Henman farm, on lot four, township six, range six, in this town, on which he has resided ever since. This farm was selected by Asa Gary, in 1809, who occupied it one season, and then traded for land in Boston, with Calvin Doolittle. Gov- ernor Smith occupied it in 1810; then it was owned and occu- pied by James Henman for many years. Harrison Pingry was married, in May, 1863, to Josephine E. Wells, daughter of Asa Wells ; she was born in this town in 1841. Their children were: Glara J., Mary E. William Wells, who died in infancy. H. Lee. Nicholas Peters. Nicholas Peters was born Nov. 29, 1882, in Luxemburg, Germany; came to Concord in 1875 ■ '^ '^ farmer by occupa- 434 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. tion ; was married in 1867 to Mary Zihen, who was born in Prussia. His father's name was John Peters ; his mother's maiden name was Margaret Oberlinkels. Nicholas Peters was in the Luxemburg army from nineteen years old until he was twenty-seven years of age ; previous to settling where he now lives, he lived near Collins Center about nine years. Has one child, Nicholas, born June, 1867. Frank Prior. Mr. Prior was born Jan. 31, 1850, in Springville, N. Y., of which village he has always been a resident and where Jan. i, 1874, in company with Richard Holland, he engaged in the drug business. After an interval of three years, he purchased Mr. Holland's interest and still continues the business. He married Helen Wadsworth. They have three children: Benjamin, John and Elizabeth, Isaac Palmer. Isaac Palmer was born in the year 1800. His father moved from Vermont to this town in 1 817. A few years after, Isaac was married to Lucy Palmer, of Gowanda. They had five chil- dren : Helen married Joseph Tice and moved to Wyoming county; after his death, she married Henry Thyng. Hiram married Jane Mayo, and lives in Springville. Harriet died young. Henry married Eugena Briggs ; after her death, he married Evaline Mayo ; she died, and he married his present wife, Clemantine Hurd. Marion married Jeremy Smith. For a number of years, Mr. Palmer held the office of Town Collector, and was also Assessor, and was Captain of the Spring- ville Rifle company for many years. He died Dec. 2, 1869, respected by all. Daniel Persons. Daniel Persons was an carh' settler in this town and lived on the Genesee road, lot twent}'-seven, township seven, range seven, for a great man)' years and here cleared up a good-sized farm. ItlOCKAl'inCAL SKF/rCIIKS. 435 After he ^ot to be an old man he sold the farm and moved to Nichols Corners, bought a lot and lived there until his death. He was a great many years Deacon in the Baptist church of Springville. He died Aug. 28, 1877, aged eighty-seven years, and his wife died Feb. 5, 1874, aged eighty years and ten months. They had two children : Truman, lives in Golden. Mary E., died when a young woman. AVilliaiii Speiioer Perigo. Mr. Perigo's father, Lyman Perigo, was by occupation a tanner, currier and shoe-maker, and served as a soldier in the war of 1 8 12. He was born in Rutland county, Vermont, Oct. I, 1792. He was married about 18 18, in Vermont, to Susan Jones, who was born Feb. 3, 1798, in Rutland county, Vermont. They had three sons and three daughters, all born in Vermont, viz : Susan A., born 1820; married P'rancis White ; reside in Springville. Martin A., born 1823 ; died in Iowa. Mary V., born 1827 ; married John Ballou ; reside in Concord. Alvira E., born 1830; married Abram Naudau. William Spencer, born 1833 • unmarried ; resides in Concord. Samuel W., born 1836; died Dec. 27, 1837. The family removed to Springville, N. Y., about 1850, where the father, Lyman Perigo, lived until his death, April 12, 1880; his wife having died July 3, 1877. James Quinii. James Quinn came to Concord from Vermont in 1848. He was born in the County of Antrim, Ireland, Aug. 18, 1832. His father's name was James Quinn, his mother's maiden name was Sarah Butler. He was married in 1861, to Miss Charlotte Pal- mer, who died Nov. 15, 1872, after which he married Mrs. Lydia Perkins, April 8, 1880. He is a farmer and lives on his farm one mile south-easterly from Morton's corners. His father died nine days after their arri\-al in America. His mother lived to eighty-four years of age and died in Wisconsin Nov. 28, 1881. 436 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Life of Jereniiali Richardsou. Jeremiah Richardson was born at New Port, N. H., Dec. 30, 1796. Here was his home until his fifteenth year, when, upon the death of his father, he was sent to Hve with his grandfather at Milford, Mass. The summers were devoted to the labors on the farm and the winters to attending school. Mr. Rich- ardson remained here until his seventeenth birth-da}', when he went to the town of Hubbardton, Rutland county, Vermont, where lived an uncle. This was in 181 3, and the country was much disturbed over the prospect of a long and bloody con- flict with the mother country. Mr. Richardson says when he left the protecting care of his ancestors he left with the deter mination of being the architect of his own fortune. The most of young men at this age knowing that they were free agents, would have been allured by the enchantments of pleasure to have marked out a far different course of life, but his ambition was to be independent, and his ambition was laudable, for in after years it enabled him to build up every cause that was to better the condition of men. Mr. Richardson says that he had decided to follow the business of farming, and that the Hol- land Purchase with its cheap lands and easy terms of payment attracted his attention, and he left Massachusetts with the intention, after his visit in Vermont, to go directly to Batavia, the headquarters of the compan)'. Through the entreaties of his friends there and the war-like aspect along the border, he consented to remain two years. The first year he found a home with his uncle, assisting him on the farm, and the next year he served a neighboring farmer in a similar capacity ; and he says, " At the end of my engagement, or when the Septem- ber sun was ripening off the corn, I tied up my scanty ward- robe in a pocket-handkerchief and set out on foot and alone to accomplish a journey of three hundred miles. I was fourteen days on the way, and every foot of it I had walked. At Bata- via I could have secured land, but I found one great objection, in almost every house I found a victim of the ague. Much of the land in the immediate vicinity of the village was under cul- tivation, and the crops far superior to anything I had ever seen before, but the fever sickened me of that place, and I inquired if there was not some part of the company's domain that was ]UUt;RAriIlCAl. SKETCIIKS. 437 not afflicted with this scourge. I was told that there was in the Cattaraut^us countr\', but it was only fit for Indians and wild beasts to lixx- in. l^ut I feared the fe\'cr more than I did these, and I went to the company's office, where, for the first time, I met Ebenezer Mix. He was then a j'oung man, very familiar and genteel in his manners. I made known to him my business and asked him to show me a plot of the Cattarau- gus region. This was readily done, and I selected one hundred acres on the southeast corner of lot ninety-one, and I got a contract by paying ten dollars, which was at that time all the wealth I possessed. I knew that it would not do for me to go out there penniless, so I hired out to chop wood a few days for the distillery at twenty-five cents per cord. I was something of a chopper, and about the middle of October I had saved up a few dollars. I bade my new-found friends good-bye and set out to find my claim. I came by the way of Buffalo and Boston. I found a very good road for footmen until I reached Townsend's mill, now Wheeler Hollow. Here I was directed to a trail that led me to Colonel Cook's, on lot thirty-three. Mr. Cook had been in there some time, for he had improvements, and I helped him to harvest some four acres of corn. At Cook's I was greeted with a warm welcome, and the friendship we formed then and there has been unbroken, and that was nearly or quite sixty years. A man by the name of Nehemiah Paine had made a begin- ning on the corner of lot forty-one ; his log cabin stood near the residence of Nelson Nichols. The next morning after partaking of my new-found friend's hospitality, I, in company with the Colonel, started out to look over my claim. We found it very heavily timbered by beech, maple and elm, and to most young men the task of redeeming these acres to a state of cultivation would have appeared her- culean ; but I was young and inured to toil and strong in hope and determination. So after assisting Mr. Cook for a few days I began work for myself right here where my house stands to- day ; this will be sixty-fi\'e years in November ; the first tree I cut was right here, and the first log-heap was down b}- the barn ; my well was on the lowest place in the orchard ; I had 438 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. only to dig eight or nine feet and I had an abundance of water. That Fall I did not chop steady on my place, bi't lent a day now and then to neighbor Cook, which he returned with his oxen when I had got ready to log off ; I chopped two acres, which we put into heaps ready for burning in the Spring. During this time I had lodged and boarded in Mr. Cook's fam- ily. He, though young, had a wife ; I saw that his house room was limited, and thought it might be as well for me to look out for another place to pass the winter. About the last days of November I went back to Batavia and engaged in my old occupation of chopping wooci for the distillery at twenty-five cents per cord. I was very steady, and though I could not cut so much per day as some, I generally made out as well as any who followed chopping. I was there about four months, and when we settled up I had over $50 my due for my Winter's work. About the first of April I again returned to my claim, and about the first work I undertook for myself was to put up a house. The fall before I had cut logs of a suitable length for this pur- pose, and again I sought the aid of Cook's willing hands and in three days' time I had a home; humble as it was, only twelve feet square, with a bark roof, stick chimney and split basswood logs for a floor. I was v^ery happy. About the first of May I burned my fallow and planted corn and potatoes. This proved to be the ever-remembered cold season, and ni}- farming turned out to be barren and profitless. Every month during the year had more or less frost in it, and one night in July, I think it was the 13th, ice formed on a sap trough that happened to have water in it, full half an inch. To add to my other troubles, along about the middle of June I was taken down with the ague. To one of less hope, the outlook of my beginning would have been very discouraging. I was alone and had just begun on land that I knew the best years of m}- life would be consumed in making it habitable. I was sick with a disease that all told me I must wear out. I began to realize that there was a limit to my endurance, and I often thought that the fever would wear me out first. Notwith- standing I kept about onl)'when the chill was on and did chop and girdle over some six acres. The girdling ma}- not be plain r.KXlRAl'IIICAI. SKF/I'CIIKS. 439 to all, now 1 (-lid not always when clcarinL^ cut the largest trees; I would cut throuijh the bark clear around the big trees when in full leaf, this would cause them to die and sometimes these trees would remain standing for \'ears. I remember that I left a large elm standing just below the upper orchard in the swail. This tree was the largest I ever saw, being some seven feet in diameter; )-cars after I gave it to John Millis, ^\•ho cut it down and by placing smaller timber around it, he burned it to ashes and made these into salts. We did not always chop up the big trees after they were cut down. We would " nig- ger " them ofT with fire brands ; that is, we would take the half consumed brands and pile them across the big trees at the desired length we wished them, and the torch would be applied. In this way we saved a great deal of hard chopping. About the middle of August I \'isited Squire Frye, who lived in Zoar, while there I suffered a chill, this proved a blessing to me for it enlisted the sympathies of Mrs. Frye's feeling heart and was the means of my getting free of the. ague. I wish to say here that Mrs. Jesse Frye was a noble woman, whose greatest pleasure was in giving relief to the sick and sorrowing. She induced me to remain all night and in the morning when about to leave, I found she had prepared for me a bottle of medicine. She took the inner bark of white ash and burned it to ashes, this was put into w-hisky and by partaking of this freely I broke the ague, though it had left my system in a weak condition. The early frosts in September killed my corn and potatoes dead. The corn had just reached the state suitable for boiling and consequently was unfit for food, and my potatoes were but little better. My corn I cut, but it was so green and badly frozen that it decayed it a few days. My potatoes were not much better and the result of my farming that year might be summed up in four bushels of very small potatoes, but like Crusoe on his lone island, " I had extended my domain and taken more in m\' enclosure." Two acres were ready for the next }'ear's crop and six more could very easily be added b}' a little logging and burning, part of this I accomplished that fall and after taking care of m}' potatoes, I set out again for Batavia where I found a place with the same man I had served the previous Winter. I engaged to chop for twelve dollars per 440 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. month, hardly had a week passed before I was compelled to give up. The fever had just about used me up ; I knew I must make some arrangements to get through the Winter. I made a proposition that I would remain until Spring, do what I could and I would leave it all to him in regard to remunera- tion. This he readily assented to. About the house I did chores, took care of the stock, and, in fact, I made myself very useful ; when I came to settle, he reckoned up my time and paid me twelve dollars per month in full. This was far better than I had anticipated, and it enabled me to pay up my interest, and left me a small sum to begin my Spring's work with. That Spring Uncle Battles took up one hundred acres on lot eighty-two. He was a soldier of the Revolution, and a few years before he died he obtained a pension. He had a family of boys and girls. Battles put up quite an imposing log house where he entertained travelers. His house stood a little to the w^est of the present house built by the Morton brothers. That Spring I cast my first vote. The town meeting was held at Townsend's, on the hill. I think Barrett was up for Supervisor, Gen. Knox for Commissioner. This made me fully realize that I had commenced the years of responsibility, and that I not only owed allegiance to my Country, but also to a higher power whose protecting care had watched over me, in my lonely cabin home. I began to read my Bible, and I verily believe if it had not been for the promises, I should have given up and gone back East. " If a man love me, he will keep my word ; and my Father will love, and he will come unto him, and make our abode with him." I began to realize that I was not alone in the deepest of solitude, and I felt- that I was in company with the Greatest of Beings. All kinds of provisions that Spring, were ver}' scarce and dear. Corn that would actually grow was worth one dollar per peck. I planted six acres and used just a bushel. I had to get through the Summer with some thirty pounds of meal, twenty-two pounds of pork, and a small quantity of small pota- toes, that I must eke out until the new crop got large enough to use. I counted up the number of days and then I counted my potatoes and knew how much meal and pork I could use to make my scanty store last. But after all m}- caution. I fell BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 44I short some two weeks ; during that time I had to subsist on bassvvood and e\m leaves, and by scraping off the inner bark of these trees. I actually suffered from the pangs of hunger. That year, though the season was late, the crops were good and I soon had an abundance with plenty to spare. Feelings of great thankfulness took possession of me. In August, Elder Folsom held a series of meetings in Bos- ton. It was a good wa}' to walk but I attended and became converted to the truths of Christianity. Since then I have always done what was in my power to do, to build up the cause. More than sixty years ago, I thought of a church and parsonage here, and I have lived to see it done. That year after securing my crops, I turned my attention to digging sap troughs, and when the sugar time came I had over five hundred of these ready to set. The season proved a good one and I began earl)', I think I tapped a few trees about the middle of Februar)% and made about forty pounds of sugar. This I put into a bag and threw aci'oss my shoulder, and with my dinner box in one hand, I walked to Buffalo the same da}', sold my sugar for five dollars cash, and the next day I walked home again. All I was out for expenses \\'as a shilling, for lodging, at the old Eagle Tavern. This inspired me with confidence in the profits of maple sugar, and I have since set as high as 2,800 buckets in one season. These buckets were the work of my own hands and were made during the Winter months. When I began Sugar making, I used five-pail kettles for boiling ; over fifty years ago I conceived the idea of evap- orating in sheet-iron pans, and myself and brother Elijah, con- structed the first one. Had I obtained a patent upon this it would have been very profitable, for since then they have come into general use ; but I did not think of making money in any other way only by work. I have been thinking of my life of sugaring, and 1 have been reckoning up. I have made nearly, or quite one hundred tons of sugar, and upon an aver- age I have received ten cents per pound. This would amount to S-0,ooo, and I think I am safe in saying that the profits of this industry have been as good as any that I have undertaken and I have made it a rule never to destro\' a maple tree, unless it grew directly in my path. The bo}'s that used to work for 442 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. me in the bush, used to think me severe because I would not allow them to cut maple hand spikes. Those maple hand spikes to-day are large trees, and if put to use would make a good amount of sugar. Yes my maple orchard was full as profitable as my apple orchard, and I devoted a good deal of attention to it. Mr. Richardson tells me that the Spring and early Summer of i8i8, he spent in clearing. He had nearly twenty acres ready for cultivation, and that he began to think of visiting the East and getting his brothers to come here and settle. After talking with Colonel Cook, in relation to this period in Mr. Richardson's life — a suspicion that there was another and a stronger magnet that induced the young pioneer to take that long weary journey, afoot, than kindred ties, and that the hazel eyes of the gentle Anna Webster shone brighter and were more cheering to the lonely hours of the young pioneer than all the stars that shine in the vault of Heaven, for believe me, in every life and its history, there has been a woman in it sometime; be it so. I learn that he went back that June, and I take the " old family record," and I found it duly written out in his own bold, plain hand, that Jeremiah Richardson was married to Anna Webster, Nov. 29, 1818. Not much for one here to weave into the warp of his stern, earnest life — the threads of romance ; but I knew him so well : knew that he who was oak and rock in storm, was in sunshine as gentle and tender as the flowers that to-day bloom above his grave. The next February I learn that he returned, bringing with him Anna and his brother Elijah, who was a blacksmith ; he located at Nichols Corners, and if I am informed right, he was the first one of his trade here. For nearly fourteen years, Anna Webster lived to bless his home, when the star-light of his boyhood went out in the dark night-clouds of death, Sept. 2, 1832. By this dispensation, seven little children were left to his care, viz.: Jeremiah T., born Jan. 8, 1821, Clarinda, born July 10, 1822. Dianah, born July 4, 1824. David M., born Jan. 30, 1826. lUOCKAPHKAL SKK'ICI IKS. 443 Alansoii M., bom Jan. i~, 1S28. Ann.i Jane, born Oct. 5, 1830. Levi, born Jan. 23, 1832. These chiKlren are all now lixinsj,- but Anna Jane, who died June 1 1, 1869. I learn that for nearh' two \'ear.s he was left alone with these children. Then he found another Anna who would take the l^lace of the lost one, antl on the third day of February, 1834, he was married to Anna Jane Woodward, and she journeyed on with him near unto thirty-five )'ears, when she too became wear)- of the burden and lay down to rest. When death, the friend of the sick and the sorrowing, kissed down her eyelids still, May 26, 1868. She had borne him eight children, viz.: Mary C, born March 8. 1837. Eliza, born June 11, 1838. Harvey W., born May 3, 1840. Francis, born Aug. 11, 1842. Preston C, born May 14, 1844. Charles H., born March 11, 1846. George, born June 4, 185 1. Cornelia A., born Sept. 21, 1856. These children are all living but Charles II., who died April 26, 1876. Previous to her death Mr. Richardson had enter- tained thoughts of retiring from the acti\-e duties of his large farm. For o\'er fift}- \ears had he been on dut}-, and he felt that the evening had come and he sought rest. Half of his real estate was divided up among the children of Anna Webster. Soon after he sold the remainder, and this will go to the chil- dren of Anna Woodward. For four \'ears, the toil-worn jjio- neer walked on alone with his two youngest children, but his house was not the refuge of former years, and to fill it he realized that he needed the love anti care of some good being to cheer the latter days of his long and useful life. This being he found in the person of Mrs. Selina Webster, to whom he was married Nov. 14, ^872. This was a happy union. She cared for him as tenderly as a fond mother does for her child, and until his last sickness he enjoyed the comforts of a pleas- ant and hapj)}- home. 444 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. When he felt that his Hfe was drawing to a close, he called his children about him and bade them good-bye, and such was his faith that even in the hour and agony of death, he consid- ered the pains of his dissolution nothing but the breaking down of the partition that stood between his soul and the image of his Creator. At 5 o'clock P. M., Dec. 4, 1879, ^^- Richardson ceased to breathe. On the seventh, his mortal remains were laid away in the grave, and very soon all that the world will know of him will be gleaned from a perusal of this short sketch. Deacon John Russell. Deacon John Russell, another of the pioneers of this town, first came here but a few weeks after Samuel Cochran, in the Fall of 1808. His history during the early settlement of this town is so closely connected with the history of Cochran that the history of one is to a great extent the history of the other, and if written separately would prove but a repetition. But there is so much of real worth, of moral greatness and true herosim about the life and character of Deacon Russell that he deserves more than a passing notice. It is true he was not a great man in the worldly acceptation of that term. He was no genius, but he was strongly marked as a man of strength. He bore in his character and mental and moral physiognomy cre- dentials showing that he was appointed by a high power. He possessed the power of endurance, and was capable of pursuing an undeviating course or line of conduct for years, never yield- ing to discouragement, but patiently removing the obstacles in the way anci rising superior to all opposition. The number of men are very small who have left behind them so straight and undeviating a line of conduct, and few men ever lived in this town, to whose influence the communit}^ are more indebted for their life-work for the good of society. Deacon John Russell was born in New Hartford, Litchfield county, Conn., Oct. 17, 1779. His father was an insane man and consequently John, from early childhood, was compelled to toil to the full extent of his ability. He often said he had never known what it was to enjoy leisure hours and have time for recreation and amusement. The insanit\' of the father BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 445 rendered the family hearth not only a place of dant^er but also an undesirable place to rear children. This, to<^ether with the poverty of the family, rendered it necessary to commit the rearini;" of John to the hands of strangers, and at the at^e of eigiit, he was indentured to a farmer till he should attain his majority. He was, therefore, virtually fatherless from his earliest recollection ; he enjoyed occasional interviews with his mother, but of very short duration ; yet, he did not Icavx' the man to whom he was indentured till a fortnight after he was twenty-one, when, with his pack on his back, he started a lonely, yet heroic wayfarer for Oneida county, N. Y., where he arrived in the Fall of 1800. Here he remained nearly two years, working by the month, and here he was married to Miss Merinda Austin, the daughter of the man for whom he labored. In 1802, he left Oneida county for Madison county, and bought a piece of land, in company with one of his broth- ers, near Cazenovia. He remained here, working upon his land 'till the Fall of 1808, at which time, in the month of No- vember, he removed to this place, where he resided until his death. He, therefore, reached the place of his final destination a few days after he was thirty years of age and on the month he died. This place was then an entire wilderness, with but one family in the limits of the present town of Concord. A man by the name of Stone had made a beginning a year before. John Albro had also been here but had left a few days before on account of the death of his wife, but returned again the next year. Samuel Cochran had been here the month previous, taken ujj land, cut and rolled up logs for a shanty, but had gone after his family. On his return there were three families to spend the winter of 1808 and 1809 together. Two of these families only proved permanent citizens. Stone soon after leav- ing for new scenes. In the Spring af 1809, there were four families in town : Rus- sell, Cochran, Stone and Albro, who had married again and re- turned to his former place to remain a few years longer, Here we have the foundation of our thri\'ing, growing, spreading and prosperous community. These men labored for the building up of society and both of them have long since gone to their 446 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. rest, leaving not one of the first settlers of this town in our midst, and but a fev/ of what may be called the early settlers. They are all passingaway like the dew of the morning and soon the marble and the sod will tell us that they are all gone. The mother of Deacon Russell was a woman of very ardent piety and her influence was felt on John, and as soon as there were settlers enough to enjo}' the forms of religious meeting, he collected them together and read to them sermons and engaged in singing, although there were none among them that could pray. The first religious impulse given to this commu- nit}' was by Russell, although not a christian himself. The first man who could be induced to pray was a Unitarian, whose name is forgotten. So desirous were these pioneers to enjoy religious service that Deacon Russell and wife went to Boston on foot to attend a meeting and Russell worked hard to gather together all the religious influence in this communit)' until 1816, when the Congregational Church was formed and he became its first Deacon and realh' its first pastor until his death. Deacon Russell lost his first wife several years before his death and was married again. He had but two children: Mrs. Deacon Eaton Bensley, the mother of George Eaton and John Russell Bensley and Mrs. Joseph Harkins, the mother of Mrs. R. W. Tanner and Mrs. Dighton Louck. Silas Kiislmiore. Silas Rushmore was a highly respected citizen of Concord for many years. He married a daughter of Samuel Bradley of this place. They had two sons — Chester and Charles. Ches- ter lives in Illinois and Charles is dead. Mr. Rushmore resides in Illinois and is nearl}- ninety years of age. At m}' request, he sent me the follo\\ing statement. (Mr. Rushmore has since died): 1. ]\Iy father's family li\'ed in Greene county, N. Y., until I was ten or twelve years of age; moved from there to Oneida county, near Utica ; lived there until I was of age. 2. I served in the war of 1812 ; went to Sackett's Harbor; was gone from home about six weeks; went to Oswego ; was gone but a few da}-s. At that time was li\-ing in Manlius, Onondaga county. inOGRAPIIICAL SKETCHES. 447 3. Came to Springvillc in the Fall of 18 16. 4. The families livin<^ in Springville and vicinity when I came, according to my recollection, were Rufus Eaton, Benja- min Gardner, Daniel Ingals, Varney Ingals (bachelor), David Leroy (^the noted violinist), Samuel Cochran, Samuel Burgess, Isaac Knox, Frederick Richmond, Truman White, Francis White, Moses White (twin brothers), John Albro, Giles Church- ill, John Russell, Benjamin Rhodes, Eliakim Rhodes, Julius Bement, Phineas Scott and John Williams. 5. The first saw-mill built by Eaton ; first grist-mill by Ben- jamin Gardner. 6. Gardner's mill was built before I came; so was Eaton's saw-mill. 7. Eaton's grist-mill built about 1818. 8. The hotel on Franklin street, fronting the park, built by David Stanard about 18 17. 9. The first woolen factory built by Samuel Bradley about 1820. 10. The first tannery built by Jacob and Silas Rushmore about 1 81 7. 11. Second tannery built by Hoveland & Towsley about 1823 or 1824. 12. First distillery built by Frederick Richmond about 1818. 13. Second distillery built by Silas Rushmore. 14. First ashery built by Frederick Richmond before I came. 15. Rufus C. Eaton \\as the first postmaster. The first town-meeting that I remember, was held in Collins. At that time Concord included Collins, North Collins and Sar- dinia. A. F. Rust. Mr. Rust was born in Bremen, Germany, in 1840. His ances- tors followed the sea and were experts at their calling. He came to America in 1854, on a sailing vessel which was forty- five days in crossing the Atlantic. He came to Yorkshire, N. Y., and worked two years for his uncle, Henry Butt, as pay- ment for his passage from Germany ; his uncle having paid his fare over, which was §42.00. He attended district school sev- eral winters and three terms at the Springville Academy, under the principalship of David Copeland. 448 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. In 1861 he entered the store of Richmond & Holman, at Springville, as clerk. After clerking three years he engaged in the livery business with his brother Richard, which they fol- lowed until 1870, when, in company with Abraham Dygert, the}' bought the old Springville House of Em. Pierce. Rust brothers soon bought Mr. Dygert's interest and conducted the hotel until 1876, when the subject of this sketch engaged in the grocery business at Springville. Mr. Rust was married in 1868, to Miss Carrie Moore. They have four children living: Lottie, Henry, Altha May and Nettie, George Renter. George Renter, son of Adam and Magdela Renter, was born in Baden, Germany, Sept. 12, 18 18. He landed in New York city July 6, 1854; came to Concord the same year, where he located, and now owns and occupies a farm three miles west of Springville. In July, 1849, ^'"^ married Elizabeth Smith, also a native of Baden, Germany. Before emigrating to America Mr. Renter served ten years in the German army. The following is the family record of his children : Lany, born Jan. 15, 1844; married Nicholas Street; died Oct. 25, 1874. William, born Oct. 18, 1849 ^ married Ellen Baily. Frederick, born Nov. 19, 1850; married Lizzie Zimmerman. Sophia, born March 17, 1852. Lebold, born May 28, 1855. Joseph, born June 24, 1859. Mary, born Feb. 25, 1S62. Louisa, born Nov. 30, 1863. John, born Sept. 18, 1869. He has two grandchildren living with him : Mary Street, born Jan. 6, 1866. Lizzie Street, born Nov. 8, 1868. John Keed. Mr. Reed's paternal grandfather was a sea captain and an artist. His father Daniel Reed was born in Connecticut His KIOORAPIIICAL SKKTCirKS. 449 jTiother's niaitlcn name was Prudence Shephard. The}' re- moved to the town of Glen, Montgomery county, N. Y., where Mr. Reed was born, Oct. 22, 1829. The family came to this town about 1S38, where Mr, Reed has resided most of the time since. He has been cn<^aged for many years in the boot and shoe and leather trade in Sprin^^ville. He was married in 1849 to Mary Jane Hicks. They have three children : Edward T., hla L., John J. Nicholas Kassel. Nicholas Rassel was born at Brandenburgh, Canton of Dikirch, Luxemburg, in 1837 ; came to this country in 1856. Embarked at Antwerp and landed at New York. Lived in Minnesota two years and in Illinois three years. In the Fall of 1 86 1 he enlisted in the arm\- and served over three years and was in eighteen different skirmishes and engagements. Was at Island No. 10, Shiloh. Tannington, Corinth, Natchez, Mem- phis, Cayuga, Jackson, Vicksburg and in the Red River expedi- tions. After the close of the war he came to Buffalo, and in 1869 returned to the old country on a visit. Was in business in Buffalo nine years. Came to Springville in the Spring of 1876. He is a butcher, and keeps a meat market at No. 112 Main street. He was married to Kate Winter in 1871 ; she died in 1872. Was married to his present wife, Susan Hcin, in 1874. They ha\'e two children : Nicholas F., Barbara Ann Kate. Oeorg'e A. Kii'linioiid. George A. Richmond was born in the Town of Sardinia in 1854. His father's name was (jeorge Richmond ; his mother's maiden name was Emily White ; his grandfather's name was also George Richmond ; came here from Vermont in 1S07, and selected land on the Cattaraugus creek in the southwest corner of Sardinia, and in 1 809 moved his famil}- on to it and built a log house, as all the settlers at that time were obliged to. and commenced keeping ta\'ern and clearing up a farm. In early times Richmond's log ta\'ern was wideh' known and was used for public gatherings of xarious kinds. In after years (ieorge 450 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Richmond, the second, kept hotel in a frame building near by, and was also extensively and successfull}- engaged in farming, and at the time of his death owned over fifteen hundred acres of land. George A. has been a farmer and also kept hotel in Spring- ville. He was married in 1874 to Miss Cecelia Wilgus, of Whitestown, N. Y. Jacob Kusliinore. Jacob Rushmore was a very early settler here. He and his brother built a tannery in 18 17 between Elk and Pearl streets in Springville. He built and lived in an old yellow house just above the present residence of J. P. Myres. He afterward built the house where Edwin Wright now lives, and during his life-time acquired considerable property. He had six children, all of whom are now dead except two. who live in San Francisco, Cal. He died April 5, 1855, aged sixty-six years. His wife died March 13, 1S49, ^gt'd fifty-nine years. Emory Sanipsoii. Emory Sampson was born at Harvard, Mass., Oct. 31, 1791. Here was his home until he had reached the years of manhood. Some time in the year 181 3 he was united in marriage to Miss Susannah Herrick, who was born at Northumberland, N. H., Oct. 16, 1792. From here the young couple went to New Hartford, N. Y., where the}' remained about one year, and from thence to West Bloomfield, same state. The next we learn of the )-oung pioneer he had taken a squatter's claim near the village of Batavia ; the low, marshy grounds that sur- rouncied the village at that time caused a great deal of sickness, mostly of a malarial type, and the young adventurer after suf- fering several "shakes" and doing considerable work, left his claim and went to the Town of China, Wyoming county. In the month of December, 1817, he located one hundred acres on lot thirty-six, township seven, range seven, in the town of Concord. This was the year after the ever-to-be-remembered cold season, and Mr. Sampson, suffered in common with the rest of the settlers ; he was a cooper by trade, but as there was lilOCkAIMIKAI. SKi;i(IIKS. 45 1 but little dcnuiiul for liis scrxiccs here he souglit for work in Buffalo. Airs. Samjjson and her two Httle cliildren would be left alone during" the week, but when Saturda\- night came the young mechanic would receive his wages, and so strong was his love for those who waited for his coming that he would set out on foot and alone to make that night journey of nearly thirt}' miles, through the woods, and he seldom failed to accom- })lish it before sunrise the next morning. He lived in this town about thirty years, and cleared up a good-sized farm. In 1S46, Mr. Sampson sold this place and moved to Wisconsin, where he died Sept. 20, 1852. His wife survi\ed him a few years and died July 18, 1859. Thirteen children were born to them, of whom nine are now li\ing. viz.; Alar}- Ann, born Feb. 11, 1814. William A., born Nov. 7, 181 5. Perrin, born Dec. 15, 181 8. Sarah M., born April 28, 1820. John G., born Oct. 28, 1821. Nancy S., born Oct. 15, 1825. Henry W., born Sept. 25, 1827. Aseneth S., born March 4, 1830. Asa E., born Dec. 4, 1831. Mr. Sampson held the ofifice of Justice of the Peace and other town ofifiQes, and he served as a soldier in the war of 1812-15. He also held the ofifice of Captain in the militia. Ah'XJiiKlcr Sooby Came to the town of Otto, from Herkimer count}', in 1824, and found a home with his brother-in-law, Abram Gibbs, father of ex-Governor Gibbs, of Oregon. Otto was then but little better than a wilderness, and the yc^ung and strong adventurer proved of inestimable \'alue to the pioneer in reducing his claim to a habitable state. In 1827, he was married to Miss Sarepta Boss. This proved to be a very congenial union, and their united efforts established one of the happiest homes that ever falls to the lot of mortals. A year or so after we find the }-oung couple located on the Cattaraugus, in the Town of Ashford. at a place known as the " Transit Falls." but since changed to the " Scoby 452 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Mills." Here he built a saw and grist mill, and, for nearly forty years, he very successfully carried on these industries, together with that of bridge building. Besides seeing to his own concerns, he represented his town for several years on the Board of Supervisors, was President of the Cattaraugus county Agricultural Society one year, and also served in a like capac- ity for the Springville Agricultural Society. He possessed to the last an inexhaustable fund of wit and humor that drew friends around him, and he also dispensed an open-hearted hos- pitality that was inherent to his nature, and made him a favor- ite of old and young, and scarcely ever was his home on the creek without one or more guests. But hard work and the exposure that he constantly endured in and about his mills, impaired his health and induced him to sell out on the creek, and take up his residence in Springville. Here he continued to enjoy the society of his friends and the creature-comforts of his happy home, but alas, like all things mortal, a great shadow fell across his pathway, and the light and joy and sunshine of that home was forever darkened by the death of Mrs. Scoby, who had been his faithful companion for nearly half a century. Her death occured June 30, 1874. Nine children were the fruits of their union, viz : Madison C, married Agnes Bensley ; Chicago. Maryette, married Thomas Pierce ; Springville. Emeline E., married E. Smith ; died 1870. Emma Jane, married A. Oyer; died 1865. William G., married Francis A. Eddy; Mansfield, Cattar- augus county. Louisa A., married \V. F. Lincoln ; East Otto, Cattaraugus county. Adaline L., married William H. Warner ; Springville. Herbert D., married Sophia A. 'Bensley ; Fort Scott, Kansas. Marshall I)., married Addella Thomas ; Springville. The death of his wife left him alone, for his children all had homes of their own. In view of this he rented his place in Springville, and the remainder of his days were passed with his younger son, Marshall D., who was then living at San- dusky, N. Y. He died June 24, 1880, aged seventy-three years and eleven days. II mOGRAI'IIICAL SKETCHES. 453 Pliiiy Smith. Fifty-two years the loth day of September, 1883, fliny Smith, wife and little son, came to this town on the lumbering old stage coach, w Inch ran over Townsend hill. The}' stopped the first night in a house where Mrs. Post now lives. Here they stopped for a number of years. Mr. Smith came here as a dry goods merchant and commenced business where the Meth- odist church now stands. A few years afterwards he sold out and bought a farm, after which he was part of the time engaged in trade and the remainder in farming. Mr. Smith was well educated for the times in which he lived, and what- ever business or office of trust he undertook, he performed its duties faithfully and well. He was for thirty years treasurer of the Springville Academy, and was also Justice of the Peace eight years. He was a faithful friend to the Academy and did all in his power to aid and strengthen it. Mr. Smith was born in Orwell, Rutland county, Vt., in 1804, and died in Spring, ville Jan. 3, 1878. His wife, Rebecca (Murray) Smith died in Springville, 1883. They had three children : Orville, the eldest, born in 1828, married Chastine D. Sleeper and lives in Springville. Emeline, born in 183 1, married William Reed, a hardware merchant, of Buffalo. After his death she was married to F. C. Hill, of Buffalo, also a hardware merchant. Ann, born in 1836, married Charles Vaughn, and lives in Concord. Albert Steele. David Steel, father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Concord in 1823 ; he married Julia Hawks, who was born in 1 83 1 They had five children : Solomon, David Jr., Albert, Sarah and Myron. Albert was born in Concord in 1847, and married Nina Blake- ley in 1874, and is at the present time farming in Concord. They have four children : Edna, born in 1875. Lloyd, born in 1877. Irene, born in 1880. Julia, born in 1882. Mr. Steele's father died in 1867; his mother died in 1875, I 454 BioGRArmcAL sketches. Luke Siiiioiuls. Of that sturd)' band of heroic pioneers who sixty and sevent}' years ago left their New Eni^land homes to come into this then almost primeval forest to prepare the way for the harvest field, the church spire and the scliool-house, Mr. Simonds is one of but few that still survive. The son of a Revolutionary soldier, he was born at Worcester, Mass., July, 1798. In the Fall of 1820, he, in company with his brother Zebedee and John and Masury Giles, came to West Concord. The four walked the entire distance from Worcester to Concord, averaging about thirty miles each day — each carry- ing his worldly effects on hi-^ back. The}' were all young, un- married men, and located on lot thirty-four, township seven, range seven. On their arrival, they stopped at Lewis Nichols', who had settled at Nichols' Corners, while they could build them a log shanty ; in this shanty, Luke and his brother Zebedee antl John Giles spent the Winter. The following Spring, Zebedee built a house on his land and returned to Massachusetts and was married. Luke built a house on his portion about a year and a half after coming. The wild animals common to the country were then abun- dant. Mr. Simonds .tells of following a panther from early dawn one day till darkness prevented his taking aim on his gun, when he abandoned the pursuit. He speaks of seeing wolves in what is now his front yard. Mr. Simonds r.;ives the following information relating to the early history of his part of the town : First saw mill, built by John and Masury Giles in 1825, near where the Bolender mills now are; first grist mill, built by Simeon Holton in 1824; first blacksmith .sho]), by Elijah Richardson in 1821 ; brick first made by Pliny Wilson in 1820; first black .salts made by Luke Simonds. who also made boots and shoes, and frequently went to Buffalo on foot after the leather ; the first school was taught by Philip Payne in the Winter of 1820 and '21. The first Sum- mer school was taught by Rosamond Sampson. As an evidence of the .scarcity and value of certain articles in a new country might be inentioned a caldron kettle, in the posse.ssion of Mrs. Simonds, which was brought from Albany all r.TOr.RAl'IIICAT. SKETCHES. 455 the way on a wagon, and when dcHvcred at Boston Corners the total expense was forty dollars. Mr. Simonds has always resided upon the same land upon which he located in 1820. He was married in 1827, to Bets}' Cooper ; has four children living : Betsy married Thomas J. Richardson. Mary — unmarried. Alphine married Jeremiah Louk. Albert married Mariah Sloan. Mr. Simonds" brother Zebedeedied in Elma, Erie county, N. Y., in 1871. William Smith, Jr. William Smith, Jr., was born in Vermont in January, 1802. and came to this town in the Spring of 18 10. He attended school that Summer to Miss Annie Richmond. He lived with his father until he was of age and chopped for him and others in company with his brother Calvin, and was considered one of the best choppers in the country. After he became of age, he taught several terms of school. In 1828, he built a store where the First National bank now stands, and started the first regular grocery store in Springville, which he ran for a short time and then sold out. He located on the south part of lot forty-five, township seven, range six, on Sharp street. He commenced with sixt}'-five acres of wild land, but kept adding on from time to time, till he had a farm of two hundred acres which he afterwards sold to Seth W. Godard ; he then bought a farm south of and joining the village, lately owned by Allen Goodemote, which he soon after traded to William P. Mills for his farm on Townsend Hill, consisting of all of lot three and part of lot four, where Frank Williams now lives. Here he died in March, 1870, at the age of sixty-eight. He was a very industrious, hard-working man, and acquired a good property. He once received a premium at a town fair as the best farmer in the town. He reared a large family of children. Those of his wife Emeline (Godard) Smith were : Laban W., born March 8, 1835. Abel W., born Februar\-. 1837; died Feb. 16, 1844. Jane, born June 3, 1833 : married Chester C. Pingry. WILLIAM SMITH, JPJ. I'.KXikAI'Ilir.M, SKKICUKS. 457 Emogcnc, born March 22. i(S42: married A. L.-,Vau_L,^han. and lives in Springvillc. Wesley, born Sept. 30, 1S45 ; lives in Wisconsin. Those of his wife Cinderrella (Briggs) Smith are : Alphonse, born May 14, 1847. Angerona, born Sept. 12, i. Stevens. Samuel D.Stevens was born March i, 1814, in Vermont, and came to the Town of Concord in the year 1832; his occu- pation a farmer; was married in 1838, to Sarah Philips, daugh- ter of Deacon Asa Philips ; she was born in Salem, Mass., Nov. 3, 1 8 14; his father's name was Levi Stevens; his mother's maiden name was Rhoda Hazeltine. Deacon Asa Philips died at the age of seventy-one years and eight months ; his wife died at the age of seventy-one years and seven months. They came to Concord in 1817 ; settled one mile south of where they now live on a farm, and subsequently came to live at their pres- ent location ; have no children. Henry D. Sterns. Henry D. Sterns was born Aug. 16, 1832, in Vermont; came to Concord in 1837 ; is a farmer ; was married in 1856, to Barb- ary Vance, who was born in Canada ; his father's name was John Sterns; his mother's maiden name was Polly Preston; his farm consists of one hundred and fifty acres ; it was all a wild- erness when he came here, but he has cleared most of it. Their children were : Holland, born May 3. 1857; died June 28, 1863. Ida A., born March 31, 1863. Charles H., born Dec. 19, 1864. Elmer J., born Aug. 12. 1869. Alvin E., born March i, 1872. Grace A., born March 22, 1874. Ray W., born May i, 1876. Eva M., born April 15, 1880. We came to Vermont with horses and sleigh. When we first came here the road was not cut out, and we had to follow marked trees ; we sometimes went to meeting with oxen and sled in the Summer time. John Becker was the first settler on our street between Woodward's Hollow and the town line. Then came Truman Vanderlip, Zacheas Preston, Henry Sterns and Mr. Dingman. A Mr. Babcock came from Canada and located and was the first man that died in our neighborhood. BIOC.RAl'IIICAL SKKTCIIES. 473 Ira Stebbins, John Lyndc, Daniel Horton and William Mor- ton located here soon after. Oiriii Sibley's Stateinent. I came from the town of Wellington, Tolland count}', Conn., in 1816. Benjamin Sibley and Joshua Agard came out in the Spring and bought land and returned, and we all came out in September. There was Joshua Agard, Benjamin Sibley, Abi- jah Sibley, Mr. Cunningham and their families and myself; I was nineteen, nearly twenty, when we came. Agard 's first wife was my sister; her name was Lucy Sibley. Mr. Cunning- ham settled on the hill north of us. The rest of us located on lots sixty-three and fifty-five, township seven, range six, adjoin- ing each other. We settled on what has been called the " State Road." It was marked through when we came, but was not cut out. We cut it through to GrifTfith Corners two or three years after we came. When we came there was not a house between the dye factory and East Concord. Lyman Drake and Mr. Thurber lived down the valley tow- ards the Boston line. I helped raise a log house for a Mr. French in 181 7, where Orville Canfield now lives, near the dye factory. Aaron Cole came in about two years after we did, and so did Ephraim Needham, and Mr. Chapin's people came about that time also. Mr. Cunningham did not live but a few years ; he left only one child, Elizabeth Cunningham ; she married Moses Calkins and died a few years ago. Mahala Eaton taught the first school, I think in 1820 or 1 82 1. I was awfully scared the first night we were here at the owls hooting; I had never heard an owl before, and I thought they were panthers. I heard a hog squeal one day in the woods not far from my house, and I went to see what was the matter, and found a bear killing and eating the hog ; I got a gun and shot and killed the bear; it was a large she bear and very poor; I sold the skin in Buffalo for five dollars ; the hog was not mine, but belonged to my neighbor, Aaron Cole. I once chased 474 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. three bears over to the Buffalo creek, but did not kill any of them. One night I heard a noise out in the woods resembling some- what the crying of a child, and I imitated the noise as well as I could, and the noise in the woods was repeated at intervals and came nearer and nearer ; I supposed it to be a panther, and concluded it was not best to call him up too close, and there- fore stopped imitating him. Marshall 1). Scoby. Marshall D. Scoby was born Feb. 5, 1846, in Ashford, Catta- raugus county; his father's name was Alexander Scoby; his mother's maiden name was Sarepta Boss ; his grandfather, Samuel Scoby, died in Springville in 1872, aged ninety-three years. Marshall has been farmer, and in the flour and feed business, clerk and salesman and hotel keeper. Dec. i, 1874, he purchased the Sandusky House, in the Village of Sandusky, Cattaraugus county, and has conducted the same successfully since that time. Sept. 23, 1874, he was married to Miss Adella Thomas, of Yorkshire. They have two children : Edna J., and Lottie L. Edwin A. Scott. Edwin A. Scott was born on Townsend Hill in this town, Dec. 26, 1858. His father's name was William J. Scott; his mother's maiden name was Hannah Parsell. He attended school at the Springville academy, Hamburg and Forestville ; he studied law in the office of C. C. Severance, Springville ; he taught school on Townsend Hill and in Waterville. He was married to Miss Mary Stowell, of Ashford, Sept. 17, 1879, '^''"^ is at present practicing law in Springville, N. Y. Heury M. Scott. Henry M. Scott was born in this town, Oct. 16, 1851. His father's name was Phineas Scott, and his mother's maiden name was Hannah E. E. Smith, daughter of James Smith, of Chau- tauqua county. In 1867 he went West and remained one sea- son in Wisconsin and Minnesota ; he also spent two years in Buffalo ; the rest of his life has been spent in this town. He BIOC.RAPHICAL SKKTCHKS. 4/5 owns a farm on Townscnd hill, but his occupation at present is selling marble for a firm in East Aurora. He was married in the year 1871 to Miss Loraine Smith, dautrjiter of William Smith. Their children are : F'loyd, born April 25, 1873. Bianca, born Nov. 19, 1879. Laiisoii A. Staiibro. Lanson A. Stanbro, son of Henry C. and Catharine Griffith Stanbro, was born in Concord in 1842, where he has since lived ; by occupation he is a farmer; he enlisted in August, 1862, in Company C, One Hundred and Sixteenth regiment New York State volunteers. At the siege of Port Hudson, June 14, 1863, he lost an arm, and the subsequent September he was dis- charged from the service for reasonable disabilit}'. He was married April 10, 1862, to Thyrsa Bryant. They have five children : Catharine E., born in March, 1863; married William Land. Julius, born April 3, 1865 ; died May 2, 1883. Frank, born in January, 1867. Alice, born in September. 1872. Clark, born in June, 1877. Labau AV. Smith. Laban W. Smith, son of William Smith, Jr., was born in Concord, March 8, 1835. He was married March 27, 1862 to Mary Pingry, daughter of Ezekiel Pingry, of Yorkshire, Cattar augus county, N. Y., an early pioneer in this vicinity. Mr. Smith has always been a resident of his native town and is a farmer by occupation ; he is at present a member of the board of education in Springville. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have had five children, viz.: Wallace, born June 17, 1865. Alice and Albert, twins, born March 10, 1868. Albent died June 16, 1869. Herbert, born Sept. 27, 1874. Isidora, born Oct. 13, 1876. 476 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Clark C. Sibley. In 1816, Abijah, Benjamin and Orrin Sibley, brothers, came to Concord from Willington, Connecticut, where they were born, and bought land of the Holland Company on lots sixty- three and fifty-five, range six, township seven. Here they lived many years. Benjamin died at Sheboygan, Wisconsin, about 1850. Orrin lives in Boston, N. Y. Abijah, father of Clark C. Sibley, was born Nov. i, 1788. He married Lucy Mercy in 18 16. He always lived where he first located until his death on June 3, 1856. His wife died March 19, 1859 > they had a family of seven children as follows : Adaline and Edwin, twins, born Oct. 4, 1816 ; died 1880. Joseph, born Dec. 19, 1817; died March 7, 1864. Anson D., born July 2, 1819 ; died April, 1875. William A., born May 3, 1822; died Jan. 17, 1867. Clark C, born July 19, 1828, Lucian G., born July 12, 1834. Clark C. Sibley was married Oct. I, 185 1, to Sally M. Fris- bee, by whom he had six children, viz.: Sarah, born July 19, 1852; married Morris P. Baker. Carlton, born Jan. 2, 1854; married Mattie Gardner. Charles L., born July 17, 1855 ; married Adda Wilcox. Anson, born March 16, 1857 • married Emma Hancock. Clark E., born May 14, 1864. Orrin, born Feb. 12, [868. Mrs. Sibley died Jan. 9, 1869, and Mr. Sibley was married a second time Nov. 12, 1873, to Miss Ella L.Smith, by whom he has three children, viz.: Bessie, born July 13, 1875. Earl, born Sept. 26, 1877. May, born May i, 1881. With the exception of three years spent in Sardinia, Mr. Sibley has always been a resident of Concord ; he moved from the homestead farm to East Concord, in 1869. Benjauiiii Sibley. Benjamin Siblc)- came to this town in 1816, in compan}- with his brothers Abijah and Orrin, and his brother-in-law, Joshua BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 477 Agard. Thc\' all settled on farms joining each other ; Benja- min, Abijah aiul Joshua on lot sixty-three, and Orrin on lot fifty-five. In early times, this place was called the "Sibley settlement," from the three brothers. Me lived here about thirt)"-t\vo years, and cleared up a farm, after which he sold out and moved to Sheboygan county, Wis., where he died May i6, 1849. Anna, his wife, died March 10, 1876, at Sheboygan Falls, aged seventy-two. Benjamin Sibley was a good neighbor, a good citizen and an excellent man. The)'^ reared a family of six children : Jonathan, the oldest, married Louisa Hatch, of Boston ; he died at Pentwater, Mich., March, 1875, in his sixtieth year. Mary Ann married VV. H. Prentice, of Aurora. She is still living, at Shebo}'gan Falls, Wis. Amanda married John Shadbolt, and died at La Crosse, Wis., March 23, 1882, aged sixty years. Juliet married John Gardinier, and lives in Waupaca county. Wis. Charles is now living at Lind, Waupaca count}% Wis. His first wife was Hattie Eels; his second, Ellen Crippen ; third, Mar\- Rice ; fourth, Mrs. Anna French. Clark married Martha Monroe, and is li\ing at Waldo, She- boygan county, Wis. John Oiirdiuier. John Gardinier lived in this town when a young man for a number of years. He married Juliet Sibley, daughter of Benjamin Sibley. A few years after he mo\ed to Waupaca county, Wisconsin, where he now resides. He is a farmer and stock-raiser and has been Sheriff of Waupaca county several years. Eight children were born to them : Lucas, the eldest, was killed b\- liglitning June 23d, 1858, aged ten years. Julia, married Dr. Levi H. Pelton. of Sheboygan I'^alls. Anna, died in Concord, Feb. 16, 1853. Charley, lives in Lind. Wis. May, married Pldward Jeffers and is li\ing in Ikiffalo, N. V. 478 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Morgan L., died Oct. 21st, i860. John, Jr., died March 11, 1877. Hattie, is living with her parents at Lynd, Waupaca county, Wisconsin. Epaphras Steele. The Steeles are of EngHsh descent, In 1861, one George Steele emigrated from Essex, England, to Cambridge, Mass. He and his brother John soon after settled in Hartford, Conn., where Epaphras Steele's father, Jonathan Steele, was born. He died in Boston, N. Y., aged ninety-four years. Epaphras Steele removed in 1806 from Hartford, where he was born Dec. 12, 1792, to central New York, where he resided in Cayuga and Onondaga counties until 18 19, when he settled upon new land in the east part of Boston, N. Y., where he became familiar with pioneer life in its roughest forms. He had a good educa- tion for those days and was highly respected by the; commu- nity in which he lived, as is shown by the fact that he was thirteen times elected Supervisor of Boston. He was also Cap- tain of militia many years. While a resident of Boston he became a member of the Free Will Baptist Church in that town. In 1846 he moved to East Concord, where he lived until his death, in 1876. He was married Feb. 15, "1819 to Dimmis Blakeslee, from Massachusetts. The Blakeslees were originally of Scotch-Irish origin. They had a family of five children, all living, married and having families as follows: Emily, married George Bridge and resides in Colden. They have two daughters: Mary, married a man named Smith, and Emily, married Edwin Isintrout. Eliza, married Burroughs Norton ; lives at East Concord : have one son living: Herbert, married Mary Fuller, and one daughter, Ellen. Esther, married Michael Hollister; lives at East Concord; have one son : Byron, married Carrie Johnson. James, married Sarah FitzPatrick ; they have one son and one daughter. James L., was a Lieutenant in the ist Regiment Oregon Vol- unteers, serving three and one-half years, his Regiment doing service in guarding the Oregon frontier. Here he became also somewhat famous as hunter of elk, panthers and bears. BIOGRAIMIICAL SKETCHES. 479 Rev. John C. Steele, now of Dale, N. Y., married Carrie (Griffith ; they have two daughters. Mr. Steele is a minister in the Free Will Baptist Church. (icorge Shiiltiis. George .Shultiis. brother of David, came to tin's wilderness soon after he did. He settled on lot nineteen, township six, range six. clearing up his farm as soon as possible, where he built and conducted a distillery. When the road from Wil- liam Warner's place to the I'otter place, along the Eighteen-mile creek was laid out he had the contract for cutting it out and for building the bridges. He also was one of the parties that built the Bloomfield mill and at one time was part owner and manager of an iron foundry in the village of Springville. He was the father of nine children : Ann, the eldest, is dead. Leonora, married a man b}- the name of Hulbert. and li\'es in Minnesota. Chaunce}-, is dead. Jerome is dead. George, is now living in Minnesota. Jane, married A. Lambert, and lives in Illinois. Perr\', Elmer and Ward, are now living in Springville. George Shultes died Jan. 20, 1870. Jouatliau Spauldiug-. Jonathan Spaulding came to this town from Lancaster, Coos county, N. H. His wife's maiden name was Abigail Meader. The}- started from Lancaster Aug. 8, 18 15, and arrived at Con- cord Oct. 9, 1815 ; they stopped about ten days at Bloomfield, Ontario county. They came with horses and w^agon, and were six weeks traveling on the road. For about two years after they arrived here, times were extremely hard, and it was very difficult to get enough to eat. Money would not buy provisions because nobody had anything to sell. At one time, Mr. Spaul- ding's family lived six weeks on pudding and molasses, with nothing else to eat. At another time, the}- procured a piece of pork, and Mrs. Spaulding abstained from eating any of it herself, and did not allow the children to ha\-e any of it, 48o BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. although they were all very hungry, but saved it all for her hus- band so as to give him strength to chop. They had seven children, who were all born before they came to this town : Sally, the oldest, married a Mr. Kibbie. Daniel, the second child, in company with his sister Sally and her husband, and Mr. Kibbie, Sr., went over to the Alle- gany river and built an ark or boat, and lived in it through the Winter, and in the Spring floated down the Allegany, Ohio and Mississippi rivers to Alabama, where they all died soon after with the yellow fever, except one child. Jonathan Jr., was born in 1800, married Mary B. Higgins, and died in this town Oct. 30, 1845. Abigail married Samuel Fairbanks, and died in Ashford about 1870. Joseph Meader. Adaline married Nathaniel M. Jones, of Boston, and died about 1852. John T. G. married Minerva Spaulding, and died at Wood- ward's Hollow, April i, 1874, aged sixty-four years. Joseph Meaclei* Spaulding. Joseph Meader Spaulding was born in New Hampshire, Sept. 19, 1803, and came to this town with his parents in 18 15 He was married to Betsy Wilson, June 17, 1832. He always lived on the old farm which his father cleared up, from the time he came here until his death, except two years, during which time he went to Ashford Hollow and bought a saw-mill and grist- mill, and built a store, and in company with his brother-in-law, Daniel Wilson, he carried on business for two years, and then returned to his farm in Concord. He had three children : George W^ Abel A., born Dec. 28, 1834, and died Dec. 27, 1852, aged eighteen years. Mary J., born May 25, 1838; married Otis Davis in 1859, and lives in New Auburn, Sibley county, Minn. Mr. Spaulding died April 22, 1871, aged sixty-seven years, seven months and two days. hio(;kapiiical sketciiks. 481 His wife, Betsy Wilson, was born in the Town of Putney. Windham county, Vt., and died in Concord, April 25, 1876, aged sixty-eight years, five months and sixteen days. George W. Spaiilding'. George W. Spaulding was born in Concord, July 21, 1833. He has lived on the old homestead all his life except five years — two years he served as clerk for Alanson King at Ashford Hollow, after which he bought Robbins & Cronkhite's grocery store in Springville, in which he carried on business for three years, when he sold out to Drake & Stanbro ; he then taught school four Winters, and lived at home with his father Sum- mers. He was married to Orcelia O. Washburn, Jan. i, 1861 ; she was born in North Collins in 1844. Since his marriage he has conducted the old homestead farm. He has five children : Allie M., born May 3, 1863. Howard M., born Nov. 8, 1866. Aba L., born June 20, 1869. Bertha, born April 17, 1873. Ralph Hoyt, born Sept. 19, 1875. David Shultus. David Shultus was born in Kinderhook, Columbia county. N. N. Y., March 4, 1779; was one of the first settlers in this town ; and moved here in 1810; he settled on lot twenty-two, township six, range six, near what is now called " The Shul- tus Bridge." He was a successful farmer and reared a large family of children. When he first came here, and for many years after, the forests were filled with bears, panthers, wolves and other wild beasts, with which he had many an exciting adventure. His children were : Flliza married J. Reynolds; he is dead and she is living in Buffalo. Emeline married Griffin Wiley, and died in Cattaraugus, about 1848. Adeline married Jacob Siebold ; she died in Buffalo, about 1878. Washington is supposed to be living in Arizona. 482 BIOCiRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Wellington married Jennette Grossman ; died about i860, in the West. Julia Ann married S. H. McEwen ; died in Springville, Dec. 5, 1845. Harrison was shot by an Indian in North-west Wisconsin, about 1865. Charles died at sea, about 1850. David Shultus died June 7, 1859, ^iged eighty years. Lucy, his wife, died Jan. 16, 1848. Amos Staubro. The Stanbros are of English descent. Amos Stanbro was born at Hopkinton, R. I., July 6, 1791. He lived in the New England States until the Spring of 1825, when he came to Concord, where he resided until his death, which occurred Jan. 20, 1864. The first year or two after coming to Concord Mr. Stanbro lived where Frederick Clark now resides ; he then bought land on lot fifty-one, range six, township seven, where he lived until his death. Mr. Stanbro was a good neighbor and a good citizen ; he was an active, industrious and energetic farmer, and acquired quite a large property by hard work and good management ; he sometimes held town offices, and he also served as Captain in the militia. He married Hannah Wilcox at Stonington, Conn., where Mrs. Stanbro was born ; she died April 3. 1846 ; Mrs. Stanbro was a good woman. Eleven children were born to them, as follows (the four old- est were born in New England) : Mary Ann, married Orley Perkins ; died Oct. 9, 1858. Luc)', married Sanford Mayo ; lives in Springville, Emeline, married Philip Ferrin ; lives in Springville. Eliza, married Robert Yates ; lives at East Concord. Charles C, married Aurelia Wilcox ; lives at East Concord. Horace, died Sept. 25, 1853, aged twenty-five years. Wilber H., married Harriet L. Cranston ; lives in Spring- ville. Jane M., died Nov. 22, 1855, aged twenty-two years. Almon W., married Helen Weeden ; lives in Buffalo. Clorinda, died Sept. 18, 1859, aged twenty-one years. BIOdRArillCAI, SKKTCIIKS. 483 Ursula, died Aug. 30, 1859, aged eighteen years and eight months. Mr. Stanbro was married a second time about 1850 to Mrs. Amy Greene, by whom he had four children : Loraine, married A. D. Jones ; Hves in Springville. Estelle, married Henry Curtis; Hves at East Concord. Warren H., Hves West. May, married W. D. Jones, Hves in Springville. Alinon W. Stanbro. Almon W. Stanbro, son of Amos Stanbro, was born in Con- cord April 6, 1S35 ; he obtained his education in the common schools and in the Springville academy; he taught school, both common anci select ; he studied law and was admitted to the bar and practiced his profession in Springville and in Buffalo. He held the ofifice of Justice of the Peace in Concord for sev- eral years, and was elected Supervisor of the town for the year 1867, and also for the year 1869. He married Helen Weeden, daughter of Jabez Weeden. They have one son living, and they had a daughter who died young. Mr. Stanbro now re- sides in Dakota. " Governor " William Sniitli. " Gov." William Smith came from Vermont to this town in the Spring of 18 10, and moved into an empty log house that he found standing on lot four on the farm where Harrison Pin- grey now lives. The " Governor" selected land down on the Cattaraugus creek on lots fifty-six and fifty-seven, where S. E. Tefft now lives ; here he built a log house and did some chop- ping and in the Fall he moved his family down. The " Gov- ernor " was physically a strong man and a good worker, and in a few years had quite large improvements. While he lived here the bears and wolves were thick and committed many depredations on his sheep and hogs. On one occasion a bear came and was trying to get a hog out of the pen. The " Gov- ernor" not being at home. Mrs. Smith and the hired man went out and succeeded in driving him off and saved the hog. In 1816 or 1817 he sold out that place to Stephen Williams for cash down, receiving his pay in sih'er, of which there was nearh- 4^4 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. one-half bushel. He then located on lot forty nine, where Frederick Clark now lives ; while he lived here his son Stephen died. He lived here a few years and cleared up a number of acres of land ; he sold out to Varney Ingals, and located on the south part of said lot forty-nine ; he staid there a few years and then moved to lot forty-one, by the big spring, where he lived a number of years ; after this he lived on the Catta- raugus creek at Ashford Hollow, and on lot forty-five. Sharp street. Of his five children, Stephen, William and Calvin died in this town. Deborah married Samuel Wilcox and died Nov. 15, 1850, in Concord , aged fifty years and five months. Sally, married Clement Carney and moved to Michigan. "Governor" William Smith died Oct. 9, 1857, aged eight}' years. Hannah, his wife, died Dec. 29, 1853. Calvin Sinitli. Calvin Smith was born in Vermont Sept. 30, 1803. His father came to this town in the Spring of 1810; he lived that Summer on lot four, where Harrison Pingrey now resides, and his children, William, Calvin and Deborah, attended school to Annie Richmond, which was the first school ever taught in this town. As chopping was the principal business at that time. 3'oung Calvin and his brother became experts, and when onl\- fourteen or fifteen \'ears of age, besides aiding their father, took many jobs of the settlers ; they chopped a great deal of the timber where the Village of Springville now stands. When about twenty years of age he bought his time of his father and located on the north part of lot forty-two, on Sharp street. March 12, 1826, he was married to Harriet Mayo, and a few \-ears after mo\ed to the northeast part of lot forty-three; here he cleared up the farm where his son Stephen R. now lives, where he lived twenty-five or thirty years ; he then moved to the central part of lot fifty, now owned by David S. Ingals ; afterwards he bought land on the west part of lot forty-one, where he resided at the time of his death. He was a good neiohbor, a good citizen and an honest man, and acquired a y K. \ CALVIN SMITH. 486 BIOGRAl^HICAI, SKETCHES. good property by hard and honest toil ; he was a worthy mem- ber of the Free Baptist church, and contributed liberally to the fund for building" the house of worship for that denomination in Springville. They reared a large family of children, as follows : Cynthia, born Jan. 20, 1827; married Abram Patch; died Jan. 28, 1863. Malvina, born Sept. 18, 1828; married Archibald Preston; lives in Yorkshire. Stephen R., born June 27, 1830; married Mary Guardinier ; lives in Concord. Lucy Ann, born Dec. 23, 1832 ; married A. J. Backus ; lives at North East, Pa. Jeremy, born March 3, 1836; married Mariam Palmer; lives in Springville. Calvin C, born Sept. 27, 1838; married Josephine P'lem- mings ; lives in Springville. Lorinda, born Dec. 29, 1840. died Oct. 28, 1842. Celinda, born Nov. 6, 1842 ; married Yates Guardinier; live in Concord. Philena M., born Dec. 2, 1855; married Murray Chandler; live in Concord. Zelia M., born May 17, 1859 ! married John H. Melvin ; live in Springville. .James Stratton. James Stratton settled on Townsend hill in 181 1. His wife's maiden name was Betsey Wheeler ; they lived here a few years and then removed to Little Valley, Cattaraugus county. They were among the very first settlers in that town. The\- reared a famih' of children and lived to a good old age. Charles C. Staubro. Charles C. Stanbro was born in Concord in 1826, and has resided there ever since. He obtained his education in a com- mon school on Townsend Hill and in the Springville Academy. He afterwards taught several terms of school, both common and select. He has been a farmer and cheese-maker, and has kept a general store for several years in East Concord. He never preached for pay, but formerly occupied the pulpit at HIOCRAI'IIU AI, SKKTCIIKS. 4S7 times aiul docs so still, especial!)- 011 funeral occasions, where his serxices are ah\a\-s acceptable and satisfactory to his audience. He has been twice elected Justice of the Peace, which ofTfice he now holds. TIm' Towiisoiid Family. Jonathan Townsend, from whom Townsend Hill takes its name, was born in 1765, in New Salem, Franklin county, Mass. His father's name was Jonathan Townsend, and his mother's maideii name was Huldah Newton. When he became of a<^e, he married, accumulated property, and owned a farm in Massa- chusetts. He came to this town and purchased land in 1810; he mo\'ed part of his famil}' here in 18 ) I, and the remaining portion in 1812. He came into town on the Genesee road, and had to cut it out part of the weiy. He was about .forty-five years of age when he came ; had a large family and more prop- erty than the new settlers had generally. He built a frame house on the southeast part of lot four, township seven, range seven, on the spot where the frame part of R. F. Williams's house now stands. In 1 8 16, he built a grist mill on Smith brook, on the south part of lot eighteen, township seven, range seven, in what is now called Wheeler Hollow. It was located about eighty rods below the Wheeler mills. This mill did quite a good business and frequently had to be run night and day to accommodate its customers, who sometimes came quite long distances. He also built a distillery afterwards on the same lot, in the \icin- it}- of the mill. In 1 8 19, he commenced keeping hotel. In those days, the mail route and main traveled road from Spring\-ille to Buffalo was over Townsend Hill. In 1822, he built a two-stor>' brick house, in front of and con- nected with his frame one. This was the first brick house built in town. The upper story contained a hall, which in those early days was a new and rather desirable thing to ha\e. Here for many years the town meetings were held, and the voters old and young, met to elect town ofificers ; here the town ofificers met to transact business for the town ; here the voters of the vicinity voted at the Fall election. 488 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. For ten or fifteen years succeeding 1815, Jonathan Town- send undoubtedly did more business than any other man in this town. Besides his farming operations, he run a hotel and blacksmith shop on Townsend Hill, and built and run a grist mill, blacksmith shop and, in part, a distillery in Wheeler Hol- low. In 1835, Mr. Townsend sold his farm to the great land specu- lator, Alanson Palmer, of Buffalo. He removed from this town and purchased and settled on a lot of wild land in the Town of Collins, a mile and a half or two miles west of Wood- ward's Hollow. He died in the Town of Collins, Oct. 21, 1838, aged about seventy-three years. Mr. Townsend was twice married. His first wife, Mary Has- kell, died in Massachusetts, at the age of twenty-four years, leaving two children. Olive Finney, his second wife, came here in 1812, and shared the privations and hardships of the pioneers, and lived until June 4, 1862, when she died in this town at the house of her daughter, Mrs. Alanson Wheeler, aged about ninety-three years. Three of their eleven children are still Jiving: Huldah, El- vira and Hosea W. Their children were : Sally, born June i, 1785. Jonathan, born May 15, 1787. Uzial, born Nov. 2, 1790. Suel, born Jan. 27, 1793. Olive, born July 7, 1795. Huldah, born Dec. 15, 1797. Noah, born Feb. 12, 1801. Elvira, born Aug. 30, 1803. Hosea W., born March 30, 1807. Diadamia, born May 13, 18 10. Adin, born Aug. 16, 1813. Jonathan Townsend, Jr., married Betsy Davis, in Massachu- setts ; he died in this town, June, 1857, aged seventy years ; she died in this town, June 1868, aged seventy-seven years ; no children. BIOC.RAI'IIICAL SKETCHES. 489 Uzial Townscnd married I'atty Wheeler in Massachusetts. They came to this town in 181 1, and were here one Winter be- fore the rest of the family came. They located on Townsend Hill, and lived there about twenty-five years, when they removed from town. They lived on the reservation near Buf- falo several years, where she died in 1846. About twenty-five years ago, he went to Illinois with his son, Gilbert W. Town- send, where he died Aug. 13, 1864, aged seventy-four years. He left one son and several grandchildren. He was a farmer. Suel Townsend married Polly Wheeler. He was a miller and blacksmith, and lived in Wheeler Hollow. He died fift}' years ago ; they raised two sons. Olive Townsend married Kendall Johnson, of Collins. He lived near Mansfield. She died in 1826, aged thirty-one years; she left five children. Huldah Townsend married Enoch Sinclair in 1816, in this town. He was a farmer and shoemaker, and lived on Town- send Hill ; they left this town and moved to McHenry county, 111., in 1845, ^"d, in 1864, removed from there to Hampton, Franklin county, Iowa, where he died in 1873 ^g^d eighty- three years ; but she is still living, at the age of eighty-six years. There were seven children in their family. Noah Townsend married Acsah Wheeler, daughter of Ben- jamin Wheeler, deceased. He was a farmer and shoemaker, and lived on the farm where his widow now resides, on Town- send Hill. He sometimes held town offices ; could ha\e held more but declined. He was an intelligent and respected citi- zen. There are six children in the famil)-. He died in 1853, aged fifty-two years. Elvira Townsend married William Owen ; she has not lived in Concord for more than fifty years ; she now resides in Crawford county, Penn. She has one son ; her husband is dead. Hosea W. Townsend lesides in Bufla'.o ; has six children ; is seventy-six years old. 490 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Diadamia Townsend married Alanson Wheeler. The\" both died in March, 1883. Adin Townsend married Electa Alichell ; he died in 1844, aged thirty-one years; he left four children. Asa K. Taber. Asa R. Taber was born in the year 1833, in the Town of New Bedford. Mass; came to the Town of Eden, Erie county, N. Y., and settled in Springville in 1857; occupation a merchant ; was married in 1857, to Laurette X. Taber, daughter of Camden S. Lake. He received the greater part of his education at the Springville Academy. His father's name was Asa Taber; his mother's maiden name was Sarah Washburn ; his grandfather's name was Joseph Taber ; his grandmother's maiden name was Rebecca Mason ; his mother was of French and his father of Welsh descent. All settled at an early day in the old Town of Dartmouth, Bristol county, Mass. His grandfather Lettice Washburn was a soldier in the Revolutionary' war, and his uncle Lettice Wash- burn was a clergyman and Chaplain in the War of the Rebel- lion. Benjamin C. Trevitt'.s Statement. My father mo\-ed to this town in 181 7, from Bennington count}-, Vt.; Joseph Hanchett had settled on the place where I now live before the War; my father bought him out for four hundred dollars, and he moved to Ohio. M}- uncle, Channing Tre\-itt, settled where the Wheeler brothers are, about 181 1, and built the first mill there in 18 12 or 1813; he was pressed into the service of the Go\ernment with his team to draw cannon from Buffalo to Erie at the time Commodore Perry was fitting out his fleet there, and was taken sick and died soon after he returned home. Jonathan Townsend built his grist-mill in 18 16. Jonathan Spaulding mo\-ed here in 1815, and Asa Philip in 1817. My sister Electa taught school one Summer in Cooper's barn : I think it was the first school taught in the district. Mrs. Persons taught two Summers in her own house. William Owen BIOGRArHIcAI, SKETCHES. 49I tauL^lit two Winters; ] think Sinclcar tauglit one, then Da\'id Bensley, and then a man by the name of Judson. My father, Benjamin Trevitt, died in this town in 1857, aged about seventy.six years; my mother died in this town in 1835. aged fifty-nine. Electa married Daniel Philips, and died in 1825, aged twenty- four. Asa R. married Poll}- McLen ; she died : he lives in East Hamburg. Amanda died in 1 851, aged forty-three years. Acsah married P'lecher Fairbanks. Hiram C. married Jane Cooper; he died in 1845, aged thirt)'- three years. Benjamin C. Trevitt's Family. Benjamin C. Tre\'itt married Martha Olcott. Their children are: Amelia, married Frank Hoffman ; he died ; she lives at her father's. Electa Ann, married George Davis, and resides in the town of Aurora. Viola, married William Woodward, lives at Woodward Hol- low. Alfred lives at his father's. Milton lives at his father's ; married Leona Adams. Hattie S., married Adelbert Tyrer ; lives in this town. Benjamin C. Trevitt died April 3, 1883, aged seventy-nine years, six months and sixteen days. Roswell Olcott. Roswell Olcott came to this town in 18 17 from Pompey, Onondaga county, and settled on lot twenty, township seven, range seven. He afterwards lived on the Cattaraugus creek near Fryes. He moved to McHenry county, 111., about 1847 He was constable and collector in this town for several years. Mr. Olcott died in Illinois in 1876. His children were : Mary Ann — she is dead. Martha, married Benjamin Trevitt, and li\-es in this town. Lebus died in consequence of a wound received in the army. Acta L., Carlos and Fanny are married and live West. 492 BIOC.RAFHICAL SKETCHES. Mrs. L. H. Tvvichel's Statement. My father, Asa Philips, came out here intending to go out farther West. He brought for Mr. Townsend's people and others who came from the same place in Massachusetts that he did, let- ters from their friends in the East, and Mr. Townsend and others persuaded him to locate here, which he did. He bought of Nicholas Armstead one hundred acres of land, with a few acres improved, the frame of a saw-mill up but no house. Father's family moved here in 1817, from New Salem, Mass.; came with two yoke of oxen, a span of horses and two cows. They started on the first day of October and arrived here on the last day of the month. We first moved into a small log school-house that stood on top of the hill, west of George Spalding's house on his land. We remained there six weeks, when they wanted school to commence and we moved into Mr. Townsend's black- smith shop in Wheeler Hollow. Sometime in the Winter father got a frame up, planked it, shingled part of the roof, laid down loose boards for a floor, and we moved into it without any doors or windows. A fireplace was built up as high as the mantel-piece, and was used so till next Summer; the smoke went up and out free and unconfined by any chimney. Next Summer he bought brick of Samuel Cooper and finished up the chimney, and finished sJiingling the housei. The settlers in that part of the town when we came were, Frederick Wood, Thomas Magee, James Russel, Ambrose Cram, Jonathan Spaulding, Enoch Sinclair, Carey Clements, Roswell Alcott, Ephraim Barker, Samuel Cooper, Mr. Mitchell, Joseph Herrick, Sen., Asa Herrick, William Herrick, Samuel Eaton, Samuel Sampson, Emery Sampson, Daniel Persons, Benjamin Trevitt. John Andrews, James Tyrer and the Thompsons. Sally Spaulding married Isaac Kibbie, and they, with old Mr. Kibbie and his wife and Daniel Spaulding, eldest son of Jonathan Spaulding, went over to the Alleghany river and built what they called an ark, and lived in it during the Winter, and in the Spring floated down the Alleghany and Ohio rivers, and went to the far South, and before a year had passed word came that they had all died with the fever except one child. I remember that I was up at Mr. Spaulding's soon after and saw HIOGRArillCAL SKETCHES. 495 Mrs. Spauldin^ crjnnt; for the death of her children far away in a strange hind. The big swamp west of our place was a great resort for bears and wolves. I have often laid and listened to the prolonged bowlings of the wolves out there in the night time. Our cows frecjuently went into the swamp and the boys, when they went after them, would sometimes send the dog in to bring them out. One time they sent the dog into the swamp, but instead of bringing out the cows he drove out a large bear. The boys were frightened and started to run ; one of them could not get along very fast, and the others tried to assist him up a tree but could not succeed ; they screamed and the bear changed his course and did not molest them. The Thompson children once found a small cub asleep beside a log, and Unice took it in her apron and carried it to the house, and made a pet of it. It would follow the children around and play with them like a young dog. It was very mischievous also. One day while the family were all out of the house, he crawled up the ladder and found a tub of molas- ses sitting up stairs, and being very fond of sweets he tried to get some, and tipped over the tub ; the chamber floor was loose boards, and when the family returned they found the molasses mostly on the furniture and floor below. The cub had to die. Some of the school teachers who taught in our district in early times were Electa Trevitt, Sally Spaulding, Enoch Sinclair, William F. Owen, David Bensley, Mr. Sweetland, Rebecca Canfield, Wells Brooks, Morris Fosdick, Cephas R. Leland, Dudly O. Stephens, Robert G. Flint, Elzra Chaffee, Elam Booth, Mr. Gilbert, Henry Ackley, John G. House, Jonathan Briggs, Laura Ann Carr, Mary Gardner, Laban A. Needham, Mariam Twichel. William Twichel, Catharine Southworth, Mary Ann Sampson, Warren Fisher, A. C. Adams, Mr. Pierce, Emo- gene Smith. Asa, died Nov. 13, 1842, aged seventy-one years, eight months. Rhoda, his wife, died October, 1842, aged seventy-one years, nine months. Rhoda Herrick, daughter of Asa Philips, died in 1832, aged thirty-two. 494 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Mary Chase, daughter of Asa PhiHps, died in 1874, in Little Valley. Arba, married Anna Russcl ; died in Ohio in 1844. Susanna, married Johnson Chase ; lives in Machias. Marcus, married Asenath Herrick ; lives in Ohio. Hannah, married Lemuel H. Twichel ; lives in Concord. Asa, married Sarah Ann Petton ; he lives in Lockport, N. Y. Amos, died in 1831, aged twenty years. Sarah married Samuel Stevens, and lives in this town. Lemuel H. Twichel. My father came from Massachusetts to Madison county, this state ; remained a few years, then came to this town. My brother. Royal and I, came here in 1821 with an ox-team, two cows and ten sheep, and had but five dollars in money. We paid our way mostly by selling wooden dippers that we made before we started. Next year father and the rest of the family came. We lived the first year in the Stratton house on the lower part of the Fay farm, on the Genesee road. My father bought of Mr. McLen, the land known as the Heacock farm, on lot thirteen, township seven, range seven, and now owned by N. B. Moore. We moved on to it and lived there eight or nine years. Sold the farm to Calvin Blake and bought land on lot fifteen, township seven, range seven, near the creek road to Boston, and moved onto it. Besides working at farming my father made spinning wheels for spinning linen and wool. Also made rakes, sometimes made cabinet ware, &c. My father's name was Lemuel Twichel, my mother's maiden name was Esther Seaver. Father died in this town October 2, 1856, aged eighty-two years ; mother died in this town August 7, 1870, aged about ninety- two. Their children were: Royal, born 1801 ; married Ruth Field. She died. He is also dead. Lemuel H., born Dec. 31, 1804; married Hannah Phillips, lives in this town. Joseph S., born Oct. 8, 1806. Lives in Boston. Adaline, born Feb. 24, 1809; married Moses Leonard, and died about 1873, in this town. BIOflRAI'HICAL SKETCHES. 495 Lucy, born March, i8i i; married Franklin Twichel ; he died. She Hves in Boston. Mariam. born Jan., 1813; married L. A. Needham. Lives in this town. Enos, born Dec. 1814; married EHza Jones. He was killed by the fall of a tree in Otto. William, born Dec. 1816; married Mary Winship ; she died. He died in the Fall of 1865. Li 1823, I helped cut out the Genesee road, four rods wide, from Mr. F'errens on East, towards Griffith's Corners. The road had been traveled some years but was only cut wide enough for teams to pass through. One time when we lived on the Heacox farm, Joseph and I found three bears, three-fourths of a mile north-east of our house, in their den, under the roots of a tree which was turned up in such a way as to form a suitable place for them. I went for the gun but I had but one charge of powder. I could see the old bear's white teeth as she growled in the dim light of the den, and I took sight accordingly and fired and killed her. Joseph went up to Mr. Ashman's for help, and Mr. Ashman and Mr. Briggs, father of Erasmus Briggs, came down. One of the bears came out and tried to escape but Mr. Briggs shot and killed him. All three were killed. We let Mr. Benjamin Fay have the skins, and Mrs. Fay made some muffs, capes. &c. Some of those articles are in existence, now after the lapse of over fifty years. I moved down on the Eighteen-mile creek, near the \'alley road to Boston, in 1826, and commenced building a saw-mill that Fall. I lived there about thirt)- years, manufactured lum- ber and carried on farming; kept dairy part of the time. I moved to Little Valley, staid one year, came back, located two miles south-west of Springville ; lived there till Spring of 1865 and then moved to Vaughn street where I now reside. Lem- uel H. Twichel's children were : Marcus E., born Oct. 2, 1839; died in 1855. Erastus, born Aug. 22, 1841 ; married Francis Garlock, of Auburn. Lives in Burdet, Schuyler county ; is a Presbyterian clergyman. 496 KIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES Esther, born June, 1846; married Albert Bement. Lives in Colden, Boston. Lucy, born, May 14, 1848 ; married D. W. Bensley. Lives in Springville. Asa, born March 7, 1850; married Carrie Palmer. Lives in Concord. Lemuel H. Twichel died June 30, 1881, aged seventy-six years, six months. Lewis Trevitt's Statement. Lewis Trevitt is now living on his farm in the north-\\'est part of the town on the road, over Townsend Hill to Boston. He has lived on that farm about sixty-five years and he is over ninety years of age. He says : " I was born September 10, 1790. I came to this country in 1810 ; I was about twenty years old and unmarried. I worked before the war in Boston part of the time, and part of the time in Concord. I had a job of winrowing forty acres of tim- ber for Captain Hanchet who lived on the south part of the farm that Benjamin C. Trevitt now owns and occupies. I also chopped a job for Samuel C"ooper, who then lived on the G. Spaulding farm. The chopping I did was down on the flat, on the south part of the farm. When I came, there was no saw- mill, grist mill, grocery store or hotel, in town. The settlers in the north-west part of the town, before or during the war, were John Ures who lived on the farm I now own, on the west side of the road north of my house. He died before the close of the war. His wife was sister to Ben- jamin Fay, and afterwards married Joseph Yaw, of Springville. Jessie Putnam also lived on this farm, north of my house, on the east side of the road. He and his wife afterwards lived and died on the Heacockfarm, lot thirty-eight, township seven, range i^even, west of Adams'. Isaiah Pike was here a single man. Lyman Drake and family lived down on the creek, near the town line. May Barrett lived about a mile north-west of my place, and Mr. Killom down at the foot of the hill, New- Boston. In the early days provisions were very scarce and it was sometimes very difficult for people to get enough to eat. 1 TilOGRAI'HICAL SKETCHES. 497 During the war many of the settlers were called out to serve as soldiers on the Niagara Frontier. I remember one time .several of us had been called out, and were walking down to Buff- alo ; among the number was Smith Russell, who was a marks- man. A hawk was discovered sitting on a tree a long distance off and one of the company said to Smith, if he would shoot that hawk he would eat it. Smith drew up his rifle and tired and killed the hawk, but the other man failed to perform his part of the contract. I returned to Vermont before the war closed and married Sarepta Matthews, and not long after the close of the war, returned and located on the farm where I now reside, and have lived here ever since. Wolves used to frequently kill the early settler's sheep. They killed, or mangled in a shocking manner, thirty of mine at one time. It was a pitiful sight to see the poor animals mangled, bleeding and dying. They killed six for John An- drews, all he had. A bear came and took a fat hog out of Captain Hanchett's pen and carried him off. When the Erie Canal was being built, I took two yoke of oxen and went down and worked on the deep cut this side of Lockport, until I got the ague, then came home and was sick all Winter. Next Summer I had the bilious fever and was sick a long time. My brother, Channing Trevitt, built a saw- mill on the place where the Wheeler Brother's mill now is, about 1813. I think the first school in this district was taught by Nehemiah Waters, in a building that stood on land that I now own. My father, Benjamin C Trevitt, was born in New- port, R. I., March 10, 1749. My mother, Phcebe Carter, was born in New Haven, April 10, 1750. Their children were: Polly, born May 19, 1778; married Erastus Spaulding ; died 1862, aged eighty-four years. Benjamin, born March 17, 1788 ; died Jan. 4, 1857. aged sev- enty-five years, nine months and eighteen clays. Channing, born July 22, 1782; died Sept. 13, 1813, aged thirtj'-one years. Sally, born May 27, 1783 ; married Levi I3. Vaiioe and Family. Samuel D. Vance was born in Quebec, Canada, Jan. 14, 1841 • he resided in the Dominion until seven \-ears of age, when he went to Boston, Mass., to reside with his uncle, with whom he remained one year. He came to Concord in the year 1849; ^^^ has resided in this town ever since with the exception of the year 1871 and a portion of 1872, when he went to LaCrosse liIOC;RAriIICAL SKETCHES. 505 county, Wis., hoping thereby to improve his health which had become seriously impaired ; change of climate having produced the desired effect, he returned to Concord in the Spring of 1873, and purchased what is usually known as the Sprague farm, situated midwa)- between East Concord and Glenw(K)d, on which he now resides ; he also owns the sawmill heretofore under the management of .S. Clark, which is situated near his present residence. He was married Jan. i, 1 863, to Julia A. Wilcox. They have two children : Cora M. Nellie M. Isaac A'o.sburgli'.s Stateineut. My father, Henry J. V^osburgh. first came to this town from Kinderhook, Columbia county, this state, in the year 1822 ; that portion of this town lying north of East Concord was at that time an unbroken wilderness. He first worked land on shares near the present residence of Luzerne Eaton and improved the leisure time he was afforded in chopping and clearing on the farm where I now reside, which he purchased of the Holland Land Company. He also built the house in which I now reside, which was the first frame house built in this vicinity. After a four years' stay in Concord he removed to Columbia county, where I was born Oct. 11, 1830. About the year 1831 he returned to Concord and took possession of his farm which had been rented during his absence. We came into town by the way of Boston, the Colden road being then a thing of the future. He assisted in laying out the roads of this vicinity. He was, after the year 1831, a perma- nent resident of Concord, until his death, which occurred Sept. 25, 1877. My earlier life was spent in this town and was un- eventful save an occasional rafting voyage down the Alleghany and Ohio rivers. In the year 1852 I went to California and engaged in mining where I remained nearly four years, when I returned to Concord and worked my father's farm six seasons. I then purchased land located one-half mile north-west of East Concord, where I resided until the Spring of 1879, ^^'hen I bought a portion of the old homestead, one mile north-east of 5o6 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. East Concord, where I now reside. I was married April iQthy 1857, to Miss Anna Smith. My children are : Carrie A., Ella A., James M., Allie L., Ida M., Effie J., Thomas C, Jessie and Myrtie. Harrison Vaiitlerlip's Statement. My father came to Concord from Vermont previous to the year 1840. His name is Truman Vanderlip and mother's maiden name was Caroline Presson. He first settled at Spring- ville, from there he removed to a farm located about midway between Woodward's Hollow and New Oregon, where I was born July 12, 1840; this in turn, was soon disposed of, when father removed to New Oregon. Two years later he bought what was known as the Ford farm, located on lot thirty-nine, township seven, range seven. In 1853 he removed to Boston Corners. In the Spring of i860 I went to Illinois. In the year 1861 I enlisted in the 25th Illinois Infantry; I participated in ten of the most severe engagements of our civil war, conspicuous among which were Pea Ridge, Stone River, Lookout Mountain and Mission Ridge. After the latter fight Ave were sent to the relief of Burnside and raised the siege of Knoxsville, Tennesee. I was with Sherman during his famous march to the sea as far as Atlanta, Ga., when my term of enlist- ment expired Aug. 4, 1864. I was mustered out of service at Springfield, Illinois, Sept. 7, 1864; from there I went to the Pikes' Peak country, Colorado ; I remained in Colorado during the Winter of 1864 and 1865 inclusive, when I returned to Illinois, where I remained during the summer of 1865 and came back to Boston during the ensuing Winter. I was married Nov. 2d, 1868, to Mary L. Jones of Boston. We resided in that town until the Spring of 1876, when I came to Concord and bought what is commonly known as the Wheelock farm, at Waterville, on which I now reside. Our children were four in number, three of whom are still living, viz : lola M., Nellie M. and Harrison L. My father, Truman Vanderlip, lives in Michigan. My brother Loren lives in Iowa. My brother John S. lives in Denver, Col. My brother Henry lives in Iowa. lUOCRAPHICAI, SKETCUKS. 507 Mary S. lives in Michigan. Jenny lives in Iowa. Truman, Jr. and Caroline live in Michigan. James Vaunata. James Vannata was born Feb. 13, 1842, in the Town of Con- •cord, and is by occupation a farmer ; was married Veh. 25, 1863, to Miss Alice A. Wells, who was born June 13, 1846. She was the daughter of As^ Wells ; her mother's maiden name was Gertrude Widrig, who was born in Herkimer county, N. Y., June 14, 1809; was married to Asa Wells,. Jan. 19, 1840, and died Aug. 20, 1875. Asa Wells was born in Rutland county, Vt., July 6, 1798; came to the Town of Concord in 1816, and lived here until the timeof his death, which occurred July 30, 1864. Their children were; Josephine S.. born Sept. 3, 1841. Clark C, born Sept. 10, 1844. Alice A., born June 13, 1846. Newell G., born April 6, 1848 ; died March 6, 1863. James E., born March 5, 1868. Elmer A., born June 23, 1870. Alice S., born July 8, 1876. Wells, born May 26, 1879. Peter Van Valkenbiirgh. Peter Van Valkenburgh was born Oct. 16, 1820, in Columbia county, N. Y,, and came to Concord in 1836; is a farmer; was married Sept. 22, 1842, to Miss Almira A. Austin, daughter of Luther Austin ; she was born Oct. 12, 1823 ; his father's name was Richard Van Valkenburgh ; his mother's maiden name was Polly DeVoe. His father came to Ashford, Cattaraugus county, in 1837 ; next year he removed to Springville, remained there several years and then moved to Troy, N. Y., and lived there until the time of his death, which occurred in October, 1868 ; his mother still lives at Troy. His wife's father, Luther Austin, came to Concord in 1816; was married October, 1818 ; he served in the army in the war of 18 12 as a soldier, and sub- sequently received a land warrant, and, had he lived a few 508 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. years longer, would have been entitled to a pension. He died in 1858. There children were : William A., born July 29, 1843. Herman D., born May 27, 1846. Rosalia S., born May 19, 1848; died Oct. 7, 1862. Horatio G., born May 29, 1852; died Oct. 14, 1862. Charles H., born April 9, 1854. Mary A., born Oct. 30, 1856. Johnnie R., born Feb. 11, i860; died Oct. 24', 1862. Emily E., born May 23, 1863. Jennie C, born Oct. 21, 1868. John Van Pelt. John Van Pelt was for many years an active business man in Springville. He carried on a general store and also built and managed a distillery and ashery. He also bought cattle and drove them to the eastern market. He had several chil- dren, the oldest of whom, William Van Pelt, is a physician and lives in Williamsville, N. Y., where he has a large practice and is a respected citizen. Augustus A'anuatta. Philip Vannatta, father of the subject of this sketch, was born in . He was married in 1829 to Miss Cath- rine Spoors, of Cortland county, N. Y. They had nine chil- dren, viz : David, born in 1830, lives in Vandalia, Cattaraugus county, N. Y. Maria, born in 1832, married C. B. Parkinson and lives in Collins. Nicholas, born in 1833. Elias, born in 1835, was killed in the battle of P'air Oaks. Phillip, born in 1837, '^^'^•^1 i" 1854. William, born in 1839, served through the civil war and lives in Canadaigua, N. Y. James Augusta, married Austin Balls and lives in Cattarau- gus county. Augustus, was born in 1843, in the Town of Concord, where he has ever since resided. He is unmarried and owns a BIOGRAl'IIICAL SKETCHES. 509 farm near Morton's Corners, where he lives and cares for his a^ed parents. Byron Wells. Byron Wells was born in 1817, in the Town of Sardinia ; came to Concord in 1821 ; occupation a farmer. Was married July 12, 1855, to Mary Ann Dodge, who died June, 1861. Subsequently was married to Mary Munsell, who died March 6, 1870, and was married to ijis present wife, Sarah Sherman, April 5, 1 87 1. His father's name was Charles C. Wells, and lived in Buffalo at the beginning of the War of 181 2 ; was in the military service and taken prisoner at the time Buffalo was burned. He was taken to Montreal and kept a prisoner until exchanged, and remained in the service until the close of the war. Subsequently he was married and settled in Buffalo — himself and wife being two of the eight members of the first Methodist church in Buffalo. This church was organized by the late Gleazen Fillmore, then a young man, who, when he came to Buffalo, met a minister of another denomination, who told him that one minister was enough for the place. After the church organization, they were deprived of a place of wor- ship and went to work and constructed a church edifice, in six weeks ready for occupation (probabl)- not quite as expensive as the Delaware Avenue church of this day). After living in Buf- falo three years, he removed to the Town of Sardinia and sub- sequently removed to Concord, where they continued to reside until the time of his death. Among the relics of "ye olden times " in the Wells family is an account book, once the property of Capt. Levi Wells, great- grandfather of Byron Wells, which contains the account of money paid by Captain Wells to the offlcers and soldiers of the Colonial army. The first date or entry is May ye iBth, 1775. Pasted inside the cover of the book is a commission issued to " First-Lieut. Levi Wells, dated March 24th, 1760, in the thirty- third year of the reign of his majesty King George the Second, by order of Thomas Fitch, Captain-General and Governorin- chief of his majesty's English Colony of Connecticut, in New England, in America." It also appears from this book that Levi Wells served as Captain and Paymaster subsequently in the Continental Army during the Revolution. 510 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Family record : Frank S., born May 30, 1857. Mary A., born June 5, 1861. Jennie E., born Aug. 18, 1867. Jessie M., born Nov. i, 1869. Mary A. Wells died April 15, 1883, aged twenty-one years and ten months. Mrs. Wells died March 29, 1885, aged eighty-five years and nine months, and five days. Colony of ) ^, ,, r- ^ /• ^ • Thomas Pitch, Eso., Connecticut. ) ' ^ < Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief, in and over his majesty's English Colony of Connecticut, in New England, in America. To Levi Wells, Gent., greeting — By virtue of the power and authority to me given, in and by the Royal CHARTER, to the Governor and Company of the said Colony, under the Great Seal of England. I do by these pres- ents, reposing especial trust and confidence in your Loyalty, ■Courage and Good Conduct, constitute and appoint you, the said Levi Wells, to be First Lieutenant of the second company of a Regiment of Foot, raised within the Colony, to proceed and co-operate with a body of the King's British forces, and under the supreme command of his majesty's Commander- in-Chief; in America, against Canada, in order to reduce Mon- treal and all other posts of the French in those parts, and fur- ther to annoy the enemy in such manner as his majesty's Coin- mander-in-Chief, of which regiment Nathan Whitinc, Esq., is Colonel. You are, therefore, carefully and diligently to dis- charge the dut)- of a Lieutenant in leading, ordering and exer- cising said company in arms, both inferior officers and soldiers in the service aforesaid, and to keep them in good order and discipline ; hereby commanding them to obey \'ou as their Lieutenant, and yourself to obser\'e and follow such orders and instructions as you shall from time to time receive from me, or the Commander-in-Chief of said Colony, for the time-being, or other of your superior officers, according to the rules and dis- cipline of war, pursuant to the trust reposed in you. Given under my hand and the public seal of the said Colony, bi()(;ra!'hical sketches. 511 at Norwalk, the twenty-fourth day of March, in the thirty-third year of the rei<^n of his majesty Kiny GEORGE the Second, Ainioqiic Domini 1760. By His Honor's conuiiand. THOS. FITCH. (}K()K(;e Wviil.vs, Secretary. William Waite. WilHam Waite, born in the Town of Alexander, Genesee county, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1830 ; is a farmer and came to Concord in 1834; his father's name is Weston Waite; liis mother's maiden name was Cahsta Snow. Wilham Waite was married in 1852, to Sarah Mayo, daughter of Hiram Mayo, who wasone of the old settlers. She died in 187 1. Two of Mayo's sons, Sam- uel A. Mayo and John H. Mayo, enlisted in the army Aug. ii 1862, both w^ere wounded at the battle of Donaldsonville and died soon after. Mr. and Mrs. William Waite have four children, vaz : Henry E., born Aug. 24, 1850. William W., born July 21, 1854. Elmer M., born March i, 1859. Luzerne C, born Nov. 10, 1862. Mrs. Sarah A. Waite died July 19, 1882, aged fifty years. William J. Wiley. William J. Wiley was born in Concord, April i, 1831 ; his wife, Lucretia Vosburg, was born in Kinderhook, Columbia county, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1831 ; her father came to Concord in. 1856; his father's name was David Wiley, he came to Concord in 1813; lived in the town until his death, which occurred June 9, 1879 ! '"''•'^ mother's maiden name was Alyda Vosburg, she is still living, aged seventy-nine years. W^illiam J. Wiley was married Aug. 2, 1865, to Lucretia Vosburgh. His wife's father, Matthew Vosburg, who now lives on the old " Saxe " farm, one and one-half miles east of Springville, fell and injured him- self on the 15th day of March last, and is seriously ill. His eighty-third birthday occurred on the previous day. Her mother was sevent}'-threc years of age Jan. 13, 1882. Their children were : William V., born Nov. 13, 1857. 512 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Thomas S., born Dec. 23, 1859. Alyda J., born Nov 20, 1862 ; died in September, 1863. Nelson E., born Sept. 15, 1867. Carlos Waite. Carlos Waite was born in Concord, in the year 1840; his father's name is Weston Waite and was born in Washington county, in 1802 ; his mother's maiden name was Calista Snow, she was born in Connecticut in 1804; he learned the profession of a dentist and commenced business in 186S, in Springville, and has carried it on to the present time. He enlisted in the One hundred and sixteenth Regiment, N. Y. Vol., Aug. 11, 1862, E. P. Chapin, Colonel, and served till the close of the war. He was" at Port Hudson, in the Red River expedition, at Winchester and Fisher's Hill, and in the Shenandoah Valle)' in 1864. He was married in 1862 to Miss Augusta Wilcox. Their children were Allie, Ralph and Angle, who died at the age of two years. Allie is married to David Hernden, of Bennington, W)'oming county, N. Y. William H. AVarner. Mr. V\"arner was a son of Samuel Warner and Mary (San- ders) Warner. He was born in Collins, N. V.. in 1840 and came to Concord in 1867, where he engaged in farming until 1 88 1, when he removed to Springville. His maternal grand- father, Joseph Sanders, was a soldier of the war of 1812. Mr. Warner entered the army as a private, July 20, 1861. In 1864, he was promoted to Captain, which position he held until he was mustered out of the, service July i, 1865. He has three times represented the Town of Concord on the Board of Supervisors, 1878, '79 and '80. He was married in 1866 to Adeline L. Scoby, who was born in Ashford, N. Y., in 1840. They have four children living: ^ M. Alice, born in 1867. Fred S., born in 1873. Glenn S., born in 1871. William 11.. born in 1881. HIOGRArintAI. SKETCIIKS. 513 .Tohii K. Wriffht. John Fl. Wright was born in the town of Durham, Greene count)', N. Y., April 2, 1808. His father's name was Ambrose Wright and his mother's maiden name was EHzabeth Patterson, He resided with his parents in his native town until he had attained his twenty-third year, when he went to Canada and purchased land situated at or near Niagara Falls. Here he resided between seven and eight years. During that time the Patriot war occurred, in which he participated. In the year 1839 he disposed of his farm ])roperty in the dominion and returned to New York State and located in the town of Boston, on "West Hill," where he resided until the year 1850, when he came to Concord and purchased of Levi Vaughn one hundred acres of land, located at East Concord, where he resided until his death, which occurred Feb. 26, 1883. He was married July 5th, 1831, to Betsey Buehntr. Their children are : Mary J. and Peter B Samuel Warner. Samuel Warner was a son of Roswell Warner and Lorain Randall. His grandfather, Plinj' Warner, came from England and was one of the first settlers in Massachusetts. Mr. Warner was born in the year 1808, in Barneston, Mass. He came to Collins in 1830 and to Concord in 1868, where he now resides. He was married in 1829 to Mary Sanders, who was born in Vermont in 1810 and died in Collins in 1864. The}' had a famil)' of eight children : Hannah M., born Jidy, 1829 ; married in 1853 to Arthur White ; died. 1875. Ezra N., born Feb., 183 1 : married in 1852 to Lucy A. Pratt; died, 1863. Mary J., born Oct., 1833 ; married in 1858 to H. V. Hicks; died, 1859. Sumner C, born Jan., 1836; married in 1856 to Jeanette Mun- ger ; died in 1865. Cynthia P., born Oct., 1838; married in 1865 to Albert H. Cary. William H., bornjul)-, 1840: married in 1866 to Adalin L. Scob)'. 514 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Alfred S.,born Oct., 1843; married in 1864 to Louisa Col- burn. James L., born Aug., 1846; married in 1868 to Mary Rolfe. Mr. Warner's children were all born in Collins, N. Y. David J. AVilcox, Esq. Mr. Wilcox's father, Elihu Wilcox, was a Vermonter of Puritan stock, as was his mother also. They came from Ver- mont to Leon Cattaraugus county, N. Y., in 1827, being some of the earliest settlers of that town. Here the subject of this sketch was born Oct. 27, 1848. He attended school eight terms at Chamberlain Listitute, Randolph, N. Y., after which, during the years 1872 and 1873, he was three terms at the Fredonia State Normal School, and the three succeeding years at Cornell University. Li 1877 he began the study of law with King & Montgomery, at Ithaca, N. Y. He remained there one year and then entered the Albany Law School, graduating with the class of 1878. He was admitted to the bar as Attorney and Counselor, at Buffalo, June 14, 1878, and began the practice of law in Spring- ville, N. Y., the subsequent December. Before entering the legal profession he taught school eight terms and during the year 1873 was President of the Cattarau- gus county Teachers' Association. In 1878 he was Clerk of the apportionment committee of the State Assembly. Mr. Wilcox was married in 1878, to Miss Happie Stowell, daughter of Charles Stowell, Esq., of Ashford, N. Y. She is a graduate of Chamberlain Institute and P^emale College. Mr. Wilcox was elected to the State Legislature in the Fall of 1882. P. H. Warner. Mr. Warner's father, Milo Warner, was born in Ira, Vermont, about 1790; was married to Lucina Sikes, about 1812 and moved to Strykersville, Wyoming county, N. Y., in the winter of 1813, with two yoke of oxen. He resided on the land he first took up until his death, in his eighty-second year. He organized the Congregational Church at Strykersville and served as a soldier on the Niagara frontier. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 515 He had a family of eleven children, nine of whom arc now living and married — five brothers and four sisters. Two of the brothers are graduates of Yale College. One sister, Mrs. Mor- ril, was educated at LeRoy Seminary, taught twelve years in Packard Institute, Brooklyn, and has since traveled in Europe two years. Philetoii H. WariKT Was born in Strykersville, Wyoming county, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1822. He taught school eleven terms in his native town and Concord. Was married in 1845, to Allathea H. Mann. They came to Springville in 1847, and engaged '" t^^*-' millinery trade, which the)^ continued until 1867, when they retired from busi- ness. Mrs. Warner was a daughter of Nathan M. Mann, Esq., one of the most prominent and respected citizens of Aurora and Wales at an early day. He was for many years Supervisor from the town of Wale? and was a personal friend of Millard Filmore. He had a family of ten children — three sistjrs and one brother only are living : George Mann, resides at Aigora, Iowa. Mrs. Alice Sanders, of Sheridan, Mich., (she is now, 1881, Vice-President of the Michigan State Bee-keepers' Association). Mrs. Fanny Eddy, of Aurora and Mrs. Warner. William Mann, one of the brothers, who died in Buffalo, Oct. 31, i8^'o, aged forty-four years, was a very enterprising and suc- cessful business man. He was for several years extensively engaged in the drug business in Buffalo. At the time of his death he was conducting the business at the Black Hills, where he was also engaged in mining. Edward Wyatt. Edward Wyatt was born in Somersetshire, England, July 31, 1844. His father's name was Joseph Wyatt ; his mother's maiden name was Martha Light. When fifteen years of age, Mr. Wyatt was apprenticed to a wheelwright. In 1865 he was married to Sarah Jane Davey. He came to the United States in 1869 for the benefit of his health ; his first year was spent 4n the Michigan pineries. The ne.xt year he sent to England 5l6 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. for his family, and located on Townsend Hill, where he has ever since been engaged in farming. Their children were : Edwin, born in England. Joseph, born in England. Arthur P., born and died in England. George and Frank. Mcses White. Moses White came from Connecticut to this town about i8i i, and located on lot eighteen, township six, range six, by the " Cattaraugus creek. He remained about twenty-five years, and then removed to Jamestown, Chautauqua county. His first wife's name was Tuttle ; his second wife Sally Cheeny. Their children were : Daniel, who died in Tennessee. Almira, Hiram, Frederick, John and Welles, all of whom are supposed to be living. Joel White. Joel White, brother of Moses, Truman and Frances, came to this town from Connecticut, and located in Springville. He was the first wagon-maker in the town of Concord. His wife's maiden name was Phoebe Blakesly. They had no children. He removed to Ohio many years ago, and died there about [872. Frederick White. Frederick White, younger brother of the others, came to this town with his parents. He married Malvina Albro, and removed from here to Cincinnati, Ohio, where his wife died. He was a soldier in the Mexican war, and is supposed to be dead. Joliii AVells. John Wells was born Dec. 25, 1807, in the town of Sharon, Schoharie county, N. Y., came to Concord April 19, 1816 ; is a farmer. He was married Jan. 24, 1836 to Laura E. Ballou, who w^as born in Tinnemouth, Vt., April 10, 181 7. His father's name was Azzan Wells ; his mother's maiden name was Anna Turner. John Wells has lived in Concord sixty-six years, and if he inOCJRAl'IIKAl, SKKTCIIES, 51/ was given to story-tclling he could tell much of the trials and hardships endured by the early settlers of the present thriving and wealthy portion of the Holland Purchase, then a wilderness, inhabited largely by wild animals. He tells only one bear story : " They had a pig and a pig pen, and a bear came for the pig. The famih', armed with fire-brands, shovels, pitch- forks and other implements, made a vigorous attack on his bearship and put him to flight, and the pig was saved. Family record : William J., was born April 24. 1838; was married July, 1863, to Calista Wilson ; is a farmer. John B., was born March 2, 1840: married March, 1864, to Annie Pierce. James F.. was born May 16, 1842 : married in 1866 to Emma Blakeley. Cornelia O., born August 18, 185 i : died Nov. 23, 1852. Ambrose Wriglit. P'ather of Edwin Wright, was born at Saj-brook, Conn., Oct. 2, 1773. He came of Revolutionary stock, his father serving in the Continental army, during the struggle for American Independence. After reaching the years of manhood he was united in marriage to Miss Betsy Pattison, who was born in the town of Barrington, Conn., June 12, 1779. Soon after this event he migrated to the town of Durham, Greene county, N. v., and was one of the early pioneers of that place. He loca- ted on the very farm that proved ever after to be his home. Here he devoted his energies to the improvement of his own surroundings, and the building up of every cause that tended to better the condition of his fellow beings. He was a man of generous and liberal views and for a few years he permitted the Presb}'terian Society of his town to occupy his dwelling upon the Sabbath for religious meeting. Under these circumstances he too became convinced of the truths of Christianity, and soon after he united with the M. E. Church and for over forty years he was an active, zealous lay-member and class-leader in that church. Mrs. Wright died April 4, 1835, aged fifty-five years, nine months and twent}--two days. He survived her -518 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. nearly sixteen years, dying January 12, 185 1, aged seventy- seven years, four months and sixteen days. Thirteen children were the fruits of this union, viz : Phila, born March 12, 1795. Caroline, born Sept. 5, 1797. James, born Oct. 29, 1799. Patterson, born Sept. 4, 1801. Wealthy, born Nov. 19, 1803. Ambrose, born Jan. 19, 1806. John Ely, born April 2, 1808. Mary Jane, born June 20, 18 10. William Clinton, born Aug. 25, 181 2. Zelia Diana, born Jan. 6, 1815. Edwin, born March 11, 18 17. Betsy, born May 12, 18 19. Ezra, born Oct. 27, 1821. Edwin Wright. Son of Ambrose and Betsy Patterson Wright, was born in the town of Durham, Greene county, N. Y., March 11,1817. In the year 1835 he was married to Miss Catherine Schultes, and in the year 1840, the young couple migrated to the town of Boston, Erie county, N. Y. After a residence there of four years, Mr. Wright and family came to the town of Concord, and this has been their home ever since. He owned and con- ducted a farm for several years at East Concord. And he was engaged for a while in trade in Springville, but for many years past he has been engaged in agricultural pursuits. He is a public spirited citizen, and takes an active interest in the political affairs of the town and the county. He is an agreeable associate and companion, and lives to enjoy the soci- ety of his friends and the comforts of his pleasant home. Six children have been born to them, viz: Ezra, born July 19, 1836; died Sept. 24, 1852. Isabella, born Aug. 17, 1842; died Dec. 30, i86(. Edna, born Aug, 25, 1847; married C. R. Wadsworth. Edwin, born Aug. 25, 1850; died Dec 4, 1855. Ida M., born July 27, 1854. Ward, born Oct. 6, 1858; died Jan. 28, 1863. li BIOCKAPHICAL SKETCHES. 519 Daiiiol Shultiis. Was born in the town of Rincbec, Dutchess county, N. Y.,. Dec. 26, 1786, and consequently is in the ninety-eighth year of his age. February 10, 1810, he was united in marriage to Miss Isabella Griffin, who was born in Rensselaerville, Albany county,. N. Y., Dec. 2, 1793, and died in Springville, April 26, 1881, after a wedded life of seventy-one years and two months. Nearly forty-two years ago they came to this town and up to^ within two or three years, this venerable couple had been active and useful members of Mr. Edwin Wright's home ; but death called the venerable wife, and now the aged and devoted hus- band only awaits the summons that will unite him again with the bride of his \-outh. Isaac Woodward. Isaac Woodward's father, Levi Woodward, came in 181 1 to what is now North Collins, and located one and one-half miles south of Shirly postoffice. He came from W^arren county, N. Y., where he was born in 1788 ; he moved to Woodward Hol- low in 1849, where he died in 1876. He was married in 1812 to Hannah Southwick. They had eleven children : Eliza M., James Roberts, William, Isaac, Josiah. L)'dia M., Jesse Taft, George, Stephen, Joseph, Job, Phcebe, Jane M., Chandler Briggs and James. They are all living but W'illiam, who died in 1862, and Job, who died in 1882. Those living reside in some part of the West, except James, in Pennsylvania, and Isaac and Lydia, in Woodward Hollow\ Isaac Woodward was born Sept. 19, 18 16, in what is now North Collins. He came to Woodward Hollow in 1842. Dur- ing the administration of Franklin Pierce a postofifice was insti- tuted at the Hollow, and Mr. Woodward appointed Postmaster, wdiich position he has since held with the exception of about six years. Mr. Woodward was married in 1840 to Emeline Morehouse, who was born in Warren county, N. Y., in 1820. They have three sons and three daughters : William, Jennie M., P^red. Warner, Philo, Josiah, Melissa M.,. Henry Fathy and P^lorence M. Forest Matthews. 520 BIOCiKAPHICAL SKETCHES. All reside near the Hollow except William, now a resident of Dakota, and Florence, who resides in Collins. The three sons all serv^ed in the Union arm)'. Mr. Woodward has served two terms as Justice of the Peace and has been Assessor. George W. Weeden. George W. Weeden, son of William Weeden, was born May 26, 1832, in a log house standing" on the same spot where his present residence now stands in Springville; this is the home- stead farm where Mr. Weeden has always lived. He was mar- ried in 1854 to Cornelia Stone, by whom he had one son : Willis L., born Nov. 22, 1855. He was married a second time, in 1863, to Jane Eaton, who was born Aug. 7, 1837. Mr. Weeden has been Assessor of Concord one term, and also Assessor and Trustee in Springville four years. His son, Willis L., graduated at Griflfith institute in 1878, and at Hamilton college in 1882. Mr. W. L. Weeden is Principal of the Leonardsville Union School and Academy, the duties of which he discharges with credit and ability, and he has won by his gentlemanly and scholarl)' deportment the cordial support of the entire com- munity where he is teaching. Willard Weecleu. Mr. Weeden was born in Rutland county, Vt., July i, 1792. When the war of 181 2 began he enlisted in the service and was sent to the Niagara frontier, where he took part in the battles of Lundy's Lane, Chippewa, Queenston Heights, and was at Buffalo while its ruini^ were yet smouldering from the effects of the torch applied by the British and Indians. One morning after he had stood sentinel all night, for a very trivial offense he was struck with a sword by one of his superior of^- cers. Deeming himself grossl\- misused he thought as did Hamlet : " Who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes." in(M;KAriii(Ai. skktciiks. 521 And he decided, "rather than bear those ills we have, to fly- to others that we know not of." He became a deserter and made his way southward from Buf- falo into the almost unbroken wilderness which stretched south- ward to Olean, then called Olean Point. A reward was offered for his capture, and when he reached Hamburg he and two fellow deserters were overtaken and captured. And while stopping at a hotel on their return Mr. Weeden escaped the vigilance of the sentinel, and being a swift runner he secreted himself in the forest before he could be recaptured. Hunger would some- times compel him to ask for food at the scattered log cabins of the pioneers ; he was at one time about to stop at a cabin what is now Boston, when the woman came out, who recognized his true character, with a loaf of bread, which she gave to him and admonished him to exercise caution in his movements, as a large party were in pursuit of him, her husband among the number. He acted upon the advice. Several days afterwards he took dinner at a Mr. Plumb's, who had settled in the Chafee neighborhood near .Sjiringville. on land which Mr. Weeden afterwards located on. From Mr. Plumb's he made his way eastward up the Cattaraugus creek, when near the vicinity where George Richmond, Sr.. grandfather of Nelson Rich- mond, of Springville, had located ; he climbed a bluff to get a better view of his surroundings ; looking down on to the flat at his feet, he saw Mr. Richmond's clearing and Mr. Richmond engaged at work, and recognized him at once as a man he had known well in W-rmont, but he dare not make himself known for fear of being apprehended. He continued eastward along the creek until he struck the Indian trail leading from Olean Point to Buffalo; he took this and directed his steps south- ward ; after several days he came in companv- with a per- son dressed in full uniform ; the\- became boon companions, but each said nothing to the other of their past life ; doubtless they both thought as did Hamlet when he said to his friend Horatio : , " Nor shall ^ou do mine e ir that violence. To mak; it truster of your own report Against yourself." Reaching Olean they bought a boat in company and rowed 522 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. •down the river to some point in Ohio where they sold their boat for a quart of rum which they drank and then separated. Mr. Weeden remained in Ohio until a proclamation was issued declaring deserters free from further molestation, when he returned to Vermont, where he was married in 1815, to Amy Chafee, by whom he had three children : John W., who died young. Deliza J., married Elikum Shultes. Alzina S., married Peter Widrig. Early in the Spring of 18 17, Mr. Weeden loaded his family and all his effect.-^ on an ox sled and started for Concord. He found good sleighing all the way. After a year's pioneering he located on lot thirteen, township six, range six. In 1830 he moved into a log-house on the premises now owned by George Weeden, where he lived until his death. His first w^ife died in 1822, at the age of twenty-four and he was married a second time to Anna Paine, in 1827, by whom he had one son, George W. Weeden. She died Oct. 28, 1878, aged seventy-three years. Mr. Weeden died March 18, 1867. As before mentioned, Mr. Weeden brought all his effects when he came to Concord upon an ox sled ; he added to his meagre foundation until at the time of his death he had prop- erty probably worth $30,000. Mr. W^eeden was for a number of years Captain of militia. Willaid White. Mr. White's father, Nehemiah White, was born in Vermont, Aug. 6, 1775, where he died Sept. 27, 1816; he was a farmer by occupation. Willard White was born in Vermont, June 24, 1806 ; he came to Zoar, in Collins, when fifteen years of age; he resided there and in East Otto, until 1863, when he moved to Springville, where he lived until his death, July 16, 1882. Mr. White had five brothers, all of whom died in Vermont, and four sisters ; two are still living, (1882): Mrs. Sophia Pine, who resides near Binghamton, N. Y. Mrs. Cynthia Wilber, of Danby, Vermont. hio(;rai'I1ical skhtciiks. 523: Mr. White was married Nov. 25, 1827, to Mary Cox. They had four daughters : Cynthia, born Au<^. 30. 1828; married in 1852 to Leonard Utley. Lorinda, born Oct. 8, 1830; married in 1865 to Clark Wells. Lucinda, born March 6, 1833; married in 1852 to Daniel W> Ticknor. Lucy J., born March 8, 1837; married in 1868 to Lorenza Cook. Willard White died July 15, 1882, aged seventy-six years and two months. William Wilcox. William Wilcox, son of Samuel and Deborah (Smith) Wilcox,, was born in the town of Sardinia, Sept. 8, 1826, but the family soon moved to Concord and after some shifts located on the east part of lot forty-four, township seven, range six, which he (William) now owns and occupies. He was married to Miss Avina Barker in 1854. Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox are both mem- bers of the Free Baptist Church, Mrs. Wilcox having joined that church in 1854 and retained her membership ever since. The}- have five children, v\/, : Jennie A., born Feb. 23, 1846; died Dec. 18, 1874. Octavia A., born Oct. 18, 1857: died Dec 29, 1875. Etta Ann, born June 2, 1864. F'rank W., born March 28, 1869. Samuel J,, born ^Larch 8, 1871. Matthew Weber. Matthew Weber was born in the town of h^-ankfort, Herki- mer county, \. y , Dec. 4, 1818 ; came to the town of Ashford,. Cattaraugus count)-, in 1836; is a farmer. Was married in 1841 to Betsey Hemstreet. He has lived in Concord about twent)' years. His fatlier's name was Jacob Weber; his mother's maiden name was Margaret Williams He .'^ays : "At the beginning of the rex-olulionai}- war m}- grandfather, John Weber, was in the Continental arm\-, and at an early period in the war was killed with hisi)arty by Indians in ambush. After killing grandfather the same band of Indians went to his house- and drove urandmother, with the famil\- of seven children, out 524 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. of the house ; they allowed grandmother to go into the cellar to get a loaf of bread. She got the bread and a kettle and some meal in the kettle and they went to the woods and staid that night and next morning their cow came to them and they had milk. The Indians took all that was of use and burned the Jiouse. Grandmother and the children were taken to Fort Herkimer, near Little Falls." They had four children : Ellen Elizabeth, born Nov. 8, 1842. Ann Eliza, born May 22, 1843 ^ married Sept. 24, 1868 to A. W. Ferrin ; died Feb. 14, 1872. Blanchard B., born April 16, 1848 ; married Dec. 28, 1868 to Phalena L. Ferrin. Lucretia N., born May 4, 1865 ; died April 28, 1865. The Wheeler Family. The Wheelers came here in the Spring of 18 16, and Joshua Sr. died nine years after. The\' located at the foot of Town- send Hill. The children of Joshua Sr., were : Benjamin, who married Sally Perry, and died May 19, i860, aged eighty-two ; his wife died Feb. 16, 1865, aged eighty years. Joshua died man)' years ago. Pliny married Martha King, and is now living in Little Val- ley, Cattaraugus county. Silas is living in Little Valley, Cattaraugus county. Clarissa married a man by the name of Collar. Betsy married James Stratton ; is dead. Patty married LTzial Townsend ; is dead. Polly married Suel Townsend ; is dead. Fanny married John Gould and is living West. Hittia married John Loomis ; is dead. The children of Benjamin Sr. were : Acsah married Noah Townsend, and li\es on Townsend Hill. Alanson married Diademia Townsend ; both died in the Spring of 1883. Mary married Allan Drake and lives in Milwaukee. Sally married Hosea Townsend, and died soon after her mar. riaee. bio(;kafiiical sketches. 525 Samuel married Hannah Flemmings; after her death, he married Sarah Ashman and Hves in this town. Betsy married N. A. Godard, and died Nov. 17, 1845, aged thirty-two years. Benjamin Jr. married first Sally Yaw ; after her death he mar- ried Mary Childs, and lives in Concord. Porter lives in Springville. Almeda lives in Springville. John B. Wells. John B. Wells, son of J. T. Wells was born March i, 1840, in Concord, of which town he has always been a resident ; his occupation is farming. He was married March i, 1863, to An- nis M. Pierce. They have six children, viz.: George M., born June i, 1864. Maggie L., born July 28. 1865. Ida, born Jan. 8, 1868. James E., born Aug. 17, 1871. Leslie J., born June i, 1873. John, born Aug. 20, 1878. Saimiel Wheeler. Samuel Wheeler was born in Massachusetts, July 12, 18 10. Came to this town with his parents in 18 16; has resided in town since that time ; is a farmer and mechanic. He was married Nov. 14, 1833, to Hannah Flemmings. Their children living are : Maryette, born 1835; married Horace Wilson ; lives in Min- nesota. l^enjamin, born 1838. Samuel, born 1840; lives in this town. His wife died and he afterwards married Sarah A. Ashman, in 1842. Their children are: Albert T., born 1844. Sarah A., born 1848: married, in 1866, to Harvey Richard- son ; lives in Aurora. Helen M.. born in 1850; married, in 1875, to G. W. Wilson ; lives in this town. 526 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Alma S., born in 1853 ; married in 1876, to W. H. Tichenor ; lives in Springville. AmaziahA. married Dolly Waite ; lives in Concord. Ellen T. Hiiram Wickham. Huram Wickham was born in Montgomery county, N. Y.,. Aug. 30, 1865. He learned the trade of carpenter and joiner, and came to the Town of Collins in 1825 ; here he followed his trade for several years. But for the last thirty years his atten- tion has been directed more or less to farming. In 1833, he was united in marriage to Miss Louise Irish, and three children were born to them, viz : Marinda, born Nov. 25, 1833. Chauncy L., born Aug. 11, 1839. Matilda, born July 2, 1848. In his younger days, Mr. Wickham had a great taste for hunting, and he relates the incidents of a squirrel hunt that took place in Collins in 1830. Two sides were chosen, coi\sisting of eight hunters on a side, and the party that scored the most points by producing the tails of the game secured, were de- clared the victors. Timothy Clark was one of the captains and his brother William the other. The men who were with Tim- othy were as follows : Hiram Wickham, Ralph Cohley, Ben- jamin Albro, Howard Albro and three others. Those who were with William Clark were: Jake Palmer, Rufus Col- burn and five others, making eight on a side. About 4 o'clock P. M. the hunters came in and the scores counted up, and it was found that Timothy Clark's side were victorious by over one hundred counts, and the day's sport wound up by an o.ld fashioned game of base ball, in which Timothy Clark's men again came off victorious. He was also one of those who engaged in the great wolf hunt of 1830. In the Spring of 1880 Mr. Wickham sold his farm in Collins and bought the old Morton homestead at Morton's Corners. Here he and his venerable companion expected to pass the evening of their life together, but man proposes and fate dis- poses. Mr. Wickham was taken sick in the Fall of 1882, which resulted in death a few weeks after. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 52/ Samuel Wheeler, Jr. Samuel Wheeler, Jr., son of Samuel and Hannah Wheeler, was born Jan. 25, 1840, in Concord, where he has since resided. At present he is proprietor of a blacksmith shop at Morton's Corners. Mr. Wheeler at a very early age displayed rare tal- ents for the mechanical arts, and though he never learned a trade, yet there is scarcely anything but what he can construct out of wood or metal. His shop is a model of neatness and convenience ; the most of his tools being the work of his own hands. He was married April 25, 1863, to Miss Caroline Bea- sor, daughter of Christian Beasor. They have one child ; Alta F.. born Jan. 19, 1877. Frank AVeismaiitle. Frank Weismantle was born in Bavaria in 1842. His father's name was George Weismantle ; his mother's maiden name was Margaret K. . He came to this country in the year 1861. In the year 1865 he went in company with his brother Peter, and they carried on the blacksmithing business together for nine years. In 1874 he built the shop No. ii Mechanic street, where he has since conducted the business alone. In 1865 he was married to Miss Mary M. Fox. Their children were : George F. Frederick William, who died, aged one year. Edward, who died in 1877, aged seven years. Lottie, Clara, Frankie S., John. AVilliain AVriiiht. William Wright was born in Vermont in the year 1767, and came here in the .Spring of 1814 and settled on lot thirty-four, township seven, range six, where Mr. Bloodgood lives. He lived there until 1827 and then moved to lot twenty-nine, where Abram Gardenier now lives. He sold out to .Vbram Gardenier in 1837 ^^^^ went to Sardinia to live with his son Reuben. They all went away from this town about forty years ago, most of them going West. William Wright died in Sardinia in 1841 ; his wife died in 1839; they were buried in the old ceme- tery in Springville. 528 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. William Wright's children were : Oliver, dead. Reuben, lives in Fredonia, N. Y., aged eigty-two. Rebecca, dead. Stanbury, lives in Morrison, Col., aged seventy-eight. Charles, dead. Stephen, dead. Mary lives at Gardner, 111., aged seventy. Sally, dead. John A. Wilson. John A. Wilson was born in Brattleboro, Vt.. in 1805. He married Miss Rebecca Minott, who was born in Brattleboro. in 1810. About 1835, they moved to Ashford, Cattaraugus county, N. Y., and settled there. In 1849, the)- removed to Concord, where he has since resided. They had ten children : Warren W. married Susan Metcalf, and lives in Bath, Steu- ben county, N. Y. Horace married Mariette Wheeler, and lives in Minneapolis, Minn. Mary married Augustus Chafee, and lives in Springville. John married Carrie Bull, and died in Bath, Steuben county, N. Y. George married Hattie Moore ; she died, and he married Helen Wheeler; he lives in Concord. Charlie married Hattie Blanchard, and lives in Gicncoe. Minn, Wallace married Mollie Blossom, and lives in Buffalo. Sophia married Edward Bement, and lives in Springville. Ella married Alonzo Hadley, and lives in Springville. Ida married Henry Severance and lives in Springville. Mrs. Wilson died in Concord in 1876. Mr. Wilson is now living with his son Cieorge, in Concord. The Wadswoith Family. William Wadsworth came from England in 1632, and settled in Hartford, Conn., 1635, and died there in 1675. Capt. Joseph Wadsworth, son of William, preserved the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 529 Charter of Connecticut in the historic oak, Oct. 31, 1687. He died in 1729. Sergt. Jonathan Wadsworth, son of Joseph, died 1739. Capt. Jonathan Wadsworth, Jr., was killed at the Battle of Saratoga, Sept. 19, 1777. Henry Wadsworth, son of Jonathan, died Oct. 13, 1821. Richard W'adsworth, son of Henry, married Ann McLean. They moved from Connecticut to Canandaigua, and from there moved to Buffalo in 181 5, and to Springville in 1833. He was a cabinet-maker by trade. Richard Wadsworth died April i, 1861 ; his wife died Oct. 15, 1859. Their children were: Walter, Henry T., Anna Maria, Fred- erick, John B., Cornelius, Richard. Walter, brother of H. T. Wadsworth, lives in Dixon, 111. His sister, Anna Maria, lives in Dixon, 111. Frederick lives in Vicksburg, Miss. John B. was born in Buffalo Dec. 25, 1823; was brought up in Buffalo and Springville ; was in California and Oregon sev- eral years ; was Commissary-General in the forces raised in Oregon to fight the Indians ; was sutler to the army at Wash- ington and other places, in the War of the Rebellion. He accu- mulated a good property ; he traveled extensively in foreign countries, and he came to the home of his youth to die and rest by the side of his parents. His respect for his ancestors incited him to provide for the erection of the fine and costly family monument which stands in the rural cemetery in Spring- ville. Cornelius died in Illinois. Richard lives in Red Oak, Iowa, and is prosperously engaged in trade. H. T. Wadsworth and Family. Henry T. Wadsworth was born in Canandaigua, Nov, 6, 1813. His boyhood days were spent in Buffalo; he came to Spring- ville with his parents in the Spring of 1833 ; he was then about twenty years of age ; he has lived in this town since that time. He carried on the harness business in Springville successfully for forty years. In 1855, he purchased a farm on lots thirty-three and thirty- four, township six, range six — a mile east of Springville, on 23 530 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. which he resided. He now resides at his pleasant home on East hill in Springville. In 1843, he married Louisa Jones. They have four children : Charles R., Morris, Helen and Louisa. Charles R. Wadsworth was born in Springville, Sept. 27, 1845. I'l 1862, "63, '64, he was with his uncle, John B. Wads- worth, who was engaged in the business of sutler to the army in Washington and elsewhere. He now, and for several years past, has carried on the harness business in Springville. He has also built and owns several dwelling houses in the village. He married Edna, daughter of Edwin Wright. They have two daughters : Mary and Lena. Morris, son of H. T. Wadsworth, was born in Springville, July 25, 1849. He attended school at Springville Academy, and Eastman's Commercial College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. For several years, he held the position of salesman for Richmond & Co., of Springville. In 1873, hs went West, and is now doing an extensive busi- ness in company with his uncle, Richard Wadsworth, in Red Oak, Iowa. Williaii» J. Wiley. W^illiam J. Wiley was born in Concord April i, 1831. His wife, Lucretia Vosburgh, was born in Kinderhook, Columbia county, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1831 ; her father came to Congord in 1856. His father's name was David Wiley; he came to Con- cord in 1813 ; lived in the town until his death, which occurred June 9, 1879; ^^i^ mother's maiden name was Alyda Vosburgh ; she is still living, aged seventy-nine years. William J. Wiley was married Aug. 2, 1856, to Lucretia Vos- burgh. Mrs. Wiley's father, Matthew Vosburgh, who now lives on the old " Saxe " farm, one and one-half miles east of Spring- ville, fell and injured himself on the 15th day of March last and is seriously ill ; his eighty-third birthday occurred on the preceding day. Her mother was seventy-three years of age Jan. 13, 1882. Family record : William W, born Nov. 13, 1857. BIOORArmCAl, SKETCHES. 53 1 Thomas S.. born Dec. 23, 1859. Alyda J., born Nov. 20, 1862; died in September, 1863. Nelson R., born Sept. 15, 1867, Ira C. Woodward. The Woodwards are of English origin. Benedict Wood- ward, grandfather of Ira C, was born in the eastern part of New York, Feb. i, 1756, and died there Dec. 20, 181 3. His wife, Elizabeth, was born July 15, 1763, and died Sept. 14, 1841. Ira, father of Ira C, was born in New Lebanon, Columbia county, N. Y., March 28, 1795. He married Anna Carr in 1817; about 1830, he removed to Concord — Horton Hill — he lived there about ten years, and then moved into Concord Valley, where he died Aug. 23, 1863. His wife died April 26, 1869. They had a family of nine children : Eliza A., born Nov. 8, 1819; married Joseph C. Whiting; died May 29, 1 870. Ordelia, born Sept. 11, 1821 ; died Aug. 5, 1837, on the ocean on his way to California. Benedict C, born Aug. 21, 1823 ; married Mary A. Potter; died April 14, 1852. Amanda M., born June 26, 1845 ; died Oct. 23, 1841. William L., born Dec. 25. 1827; married Harriet li. Rector. Fred L., born Aug. 8, 1830; died Oct. 27, 1850. Ambrose K., born Aug. 9, 1835 ; married Mary J. Jones. Nelson V. B.. born Sept. 27, 1837; married Anna Zwipp ; died May 30, 1872. Ira C, born May 3, 1847 '■> married Viola A. Briggs. Ira C. Woodward was born in Concord, N. Y., he remained on his father's farm until sixteen years of age, when he went to Buffalo and entered the paper warehouse of V. B. Nelson. In 1868, he entered into partnership with Charles Baker and con- ducted the paper business under the firm name of Baker & Woodward He sold out his interest and engaged as traveling agent in selling furniture, which business he has since followed. He now represents large firms in New York, Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati and Grand Rapids, and is one of the most success- ful salesmen on the road. 532 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. In 1883, he removed to Springville, where he now resides, several years previous to which he Hved at Boston, Erie county, where he was engaged in mercantile business, under the firm name of Woodward & Churchill, Mr, and Mrs, Woodward have one daughter, Mattie I., born Aug. 12, 1871. Joseph Yaw^. Joseph Yaw came to this town with Samuel Cochran, and took up land in what is now the village of Springville. Coch- ran took one hundred acres on the south part of lot two and Yaw took all the remainder. Soon after he married the widow of John Ures. His house stood where Miss Goddard's now stands. Here he lived about twenty years and cleared up a farm He died in 1829. The widow went to Minnesota many years after and died there. They had four children : Sally, married Benjamin Wheeler and died soon after. Aurelia, went to Minnesota and died there. Marietta, is married ; lives in Minnesota. Joseph, enlisted in the army during the Rebellion and was killed. Peter Ziniiner. Mr. Zimmer was born in Sardinia March 5, 1838, where he lived until 1876, when he removed to Concord, where he has since resided. He has been farmer, carpenter and the owner of saw mills in Sardinia and Concord. He was a soldier in the Rebellion, enlisting Aug. 1 1. 1862, in Company C, One Hundred and Sixteenth regiment, New York State volunteers ; first went into camp at Fort Chapin, near Baltimore ; from there his regiment was transferred on board the steamship Atlantic for Ship Island, but on account of sick- ness he was left ofi at Fortress Monroe, where he remained in the hospital two months, at the expiration of which time he sailed to join his regiment ; at the mouth of the Mississippi his ship lay in quarantine sixty days ; he met his regiment at Baton Rouge in April, 1863. He participated in every action in which his regiment took part throughout the war, being i?io(;rai'hi( Ai. sKi:r( HKS. 533 wounded in the last one, Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 1864. He was mustered out of the service June 8, 1865. Mr. Zimnier was married June 14, 1866, to Miss Mary K. Brink. One dau<;hter livini^ : Hattie A., horn Feb. 28, 1868. Au!:^usta, born in 1878: died in November, 1880. Stjitoiiiout of Mrs. I'^liza t*<\vnul 500 262 2420 500 450 650 920 262 695 255 315 745 573 548 NAMES OF PERSONS BUYING LAND TOWNSHIP SIX, RANGE EIGHT— Coniinufd. Name. Samuel D. Green Joshua Palmerton . . . . William L. Mosher. . . Amasa Bates William C. Cross Abel Colburn Sam. Gunnand James Sampson Reuben Parkinson . . . . Martin Potter Sylvenus Cook Adam Ballard David White David Wilber Amherst Hopkins. . . . Abel Hallack *Arnold King John Thornton *Smith Bartlett Smith Bartlett Worcester Holcomb. . Michael Bader *Ezra Southwick John Colburn Elisha Roberts Martin Perrin Thomas B. Sowle . . . . Hosea White ^Stephen Southwick. . Zoeth Allen David Grannis, Jr. . . . Allen King. . . George ¥. King John Griffith Charles Peters John Conklin John M. Potter David Strang Daniel Potter Joseph Waldren Dorous Pain Stephen Sowle 823 823 824 823 823 823 823 823 823 824 824 824 824 825 825 835 828 829 830 826 826 826 826 827 828 828 829 828 828 828 828 828 829 829 829 829 829 829 829 829 829 April 24 Aug. 14 Aug. 30 Oct. 20. Sept. 22 Sept. 22 July 22. April 2 1 Feb. 15 Mar. 24 May II Nov. 13 Feb. 13 June 14 June 14 Feb. 20. Dec. 5 . Jan. 3. . Nov. 8. June 15 Sept. I . Nov. 10 Nov. 22 April 27 Mar. 14 Mar. 14 Oct. 15. April 24 June 18 Dec. 5 . Dec. 24. Dec. 24 Jan. 9.. Jan. 9.. Jan. 15. Feb. 16 July 17. Oct. 13. Oct. 19. Nov. 16 Nov. 30 pt 1 61 j 120 w pt 1 50 . . . 66 Ptl48 1 58 e pt 1 41 . . w pt 1 40 . . pt 1 40 . . . . pt 1 40. . . . pt 1 40 . . . . e pt 1 40 . . . n-e pt 1 31. pt I41.... pt 1 46 n-w pt 1 42. ptl 52.... s-w pt 1 52 s-e pt 1 43 . n-e pt 1 46. ptl58.... n pt 1 58. . n-e pt 1 18. pt 1 29.. . . e pt 1 51.. n-e pt 1 29 . ptl 51.... pt I23.... n-w pt 1 23 s pt 1 34 . . pt I23.... n-w pt 1 22 pt 1 46 ptl 33 pt I33 pt I35 ptl 35 ptl 59 pt 1 29 s-w pt 1 43 . . Ptl56 s-w pt 1 61 . . wpt 1 56. . . n-e pt 1 23. . 190 87 50 50 50 80 65 100 200 96 50 50 73 60 50 44 50 50 100 100 55 91 50 184 55 59 79 28 42 139 28 50 50 50 50 60 63 89 FROM rilK HOLLAND COMPANY. TOWNSHIP SIX, RANGE EIGHT— Con/inueJ. 549 Name. Warren Foster * A very Knight Ezra Bull Horace Palmer Ira Waterman Nathaniel Sisson Joel Phillips Sylvester Pierce Harriet Lindsley Ralph Plumb Ralph Plumb Ralph Plumb Andrew Hopkins Elisha Hopkins Joel Smith David Wilber Daniel Lee Peter Cook Timothy Smith Charles S. Straw Curtis F. Camp Hiram Hazard Samuel E. Day Joseph Plumb John S. Dean Elisha B. Page Howard Albee Benjamin P. Wells. . . William Palmerton . . . Garritt Polhamus Henry D. Barnhart .. . William S. Herrick. . . *William S. Herrick. . *Abner Taft William Potter Philander H. Crandall Hiram Hunt Eli Heath Christian Parkinson.. . Philip Guile Stephen Wilber Date 829 829 829 829 829 829 830 830 830 828 829 829 830 830 830 830 830 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 832 832 834 829 834 834 834 834 834 831 836 823 817 Dec. 3 . . Dec. 3 . . Dec. 21 . Dec. 25. Julyi;.. Dec. 31 . Jan. 4. .. Jan. 6. . . May 7.. . Mar. 29.. Nov. 18. Dec. 30 . Aug. 28. Aug. 28. Sept. 15 . Sept. 22, Nov. 30. Jan. 17. . Feb. 16 , Mar. 31 , April 18, May 16. June 21 . May 30. , Sept. 26 Oct. 29. Dec. 6 . Dec. 15 Mar. 9 . Oct. ly. Feb. 19., June II June 6. Aug. 7. Sept. 18 Sept. 20 Dec. 5 . Jan. 28. Aug. 24 Dec. 31. Feb. 7.. Land. Acres. Price pt 152.... pt I53.... s-e pt I 43 . s-w pt I 67 n-w pt 1 43 pt 1 68 . . . pt I30. .. n-e pt 1 54 w pt I41 & pt I 42 . s-e pt 1 46. I25 n-e pt 1 13 w pt 1 66. ptl58... ept 1 57. pt I57... pt 1 30. . . n-e pt 1 55 n-e pt 1 1 1 s ptli3. pt 1 29. . ept 1 65 . pt 166.. pt 1 1 1 & 1 pt 166.. pt 1 66 . . pt 1 63 . . pt 1 21 . . pt 166, . pt 1 20. . pt 1 10. . e pt 1 64 pt 1 65 . . e pt 1 10 ptl65.. pt 1 57.. pt I9... pt I 64 . . n-w pt 1 n pt 1 61 w p 1 43 20 50 97 73 50 90 65 50 50 252 147 135 123 50 50 50 50 50 62 20 105 61 75 50 920 50 100 57 80 50 10 200 lOI 100 75 100 50 120 60 50 82 140 212 407 312 212 382 276 212 212 [1008 I 594 ; 573 ! 369 ! 200 200 I 200 ] 200 200 248 80 420 244 300 200 i 253 I 200 I 400 I 268 379 200 396 800 i 429 ! 300 225 400 200 480 210 212 348 630 550 NAMES OF I'KRSONS HUVINC LAND TOWNSHIP SIX. RANGE EIGHT— Coniinuecf. Name. Aui^Listus Smith . . . . John R. Smith John Wilber Michael Bader Wilham S. Hcrrick. Truman Paine John R. Smith Job Irish John J. Harrington. George F. King.. . . Timothy Clark Sylvenus Cook Adam Ballard Harvey Hunt Datk. Sept. 25 May 28. Feb. 22. May 5.. Nov. 16 Dec. 12. Apr. 28. June 23. May 19. May 24. Apr. 29. Jan. 30.. Nov. 30. Nov. 22. Land. ptlsi. s-e pt 1 59 pt I42. . pt I56.. pt 1 57- • ptl 57.. e pt 1 59. pt 1 59. . w pt 1 65 e pt 1 66. pt 1 40 . . pt I30.. w pt 1 18 pt 1 1 8 . . Ac kes.IPrice 30 50 148 162 212 50 200 75 300 37 148 SO 200 70 280 84 336 49 196 75 218 50 : 277 5u I 212 60 ! 255 TOWNSHIP SEVEN. [-lANGE EIGHT. David Woodward David Woodward David Woodward Warren Foster. David Lawton . Jacob Taylor. . Henry Tucker. Abram Tucker. Stephen Twining Thomas Stewardson & Co John Goodell John Arnold Robert Riley James Goodell James Goodell Daniel Healy John Goodell Sidney Smith George Lomax 814, June 18 815, May 23 815, May 23 815, Sept. 19 813, Dec. 15 6 16, June 6. 5 1 6, Nov. 29 810, Nov. I . 811. May 22 809, Oct. 4.. 815, Nov. 7. 816, Mar. 5. 816, Oct. 25. 811, April 2. 811, May 7.. 819, Mar. 19 815, Nov. 7. 833. Aug. 21 832, April 30 n-e pt 1 37, s-e pt 1 33. n-w pt 1 33 w pt 1 41.. s-e pt 1 41 . n-e pt 1 41. n pt 1 49. . s-e pt 1 49 . ( s-w pt 1 I ( &sptl58 ' w pt 1 I . e pt 1 1 . . pt' 1 1 . . . . w pt lot 9 e pt 1 9 . . w pt 1 17. e pt 1 17. pt 1 1 7 . . . pt 1 17... 359 1077 100 350 80 181 100 130 129 100 150 120 72 200 177 60 150 91 50 280 678 300 520 580 209 459 336 524 562 450 3^4 550 486 300 562 364 200 FROM TIM-; HOLLAND COMl'AXV. TOWNSHIP SEVEN, RANGE SEVEN. 551 Namk. William H. Loveland Levi Canfield John Arnold Rut us Col burn Isaac Hunt Dennison C. Pierce. . Charles Pierce Date. 1831, Mar. 2. 1831, Mar. 2. 1 8^1 6, Mar. 5. 1S37, June 7. 1838, Dec. 10 1 84 1, Nov. I . 1 841, Nov, I . Land. s-w pt 1 49 s-e pt 1 49 w pt 1 57. pt l49- •• w pt 1 65, pt 1 65 . . . pt 1 65 . . . AcRKS. Price 50 50 120 100 80 50 65 200 200 450 400 240 250 325 TOWNSHIP SIX, RANGE SEVEN. Samuel Nichols. . . . John Hinman Peter Pratt Stephen Peters Samuel Hill Isaac Belote John Polle)^ Joseph Bartlett . . . . David Beverh' John Millis .' Timothy Clark Henry Kimball . . . . Jonathan Irish, Jr. . Wilbur Irish Wilbur Irish Joshua Pickens Austin Graham . . . . William Clark David Wilbur Peter Pratt James B. Parkinson Aver)' Knight Truman Colburn . . . Nathaniel Knight. . Nathaniel Knight . . Avery Knight Abel Colburn Erastus Colburn . . . Nehemiah Heath . . John C. Adams. . . . 809 810 811 814 815 815 814 816 817 816 817 815 817 817 823 819 820 821 822 815 824 823 823 823 823 823 823 823 823 824 May 2 July3- Sept. 6 Dec. 8 Apri Mar. Oct. Jan. Dec. June 4. July 16 Nov. 21 Sept. 13 Sept. 25 April 19 Sept. 28 Mar. 24 Nov. 9. April 25 June 24 Feb. 12 May 14. Aug. I 4 Feb. 15. Mar. 3.. April 19 Sept. 2 . Sept. 23 Oct. 29. July 12. 21 13 10 23 5 1 32 I31 ^37 I35 w pt 1 38. I 33 & 34- s pt 1 30 . ept 1 38. w pt 1 52 e pt 1 75 . pt 1 85 . . . w pt 1 76 pt 1 76. . . pt 1 76. . . n-\v pt 1 75 s pt 1 85 . w pt 1 74. n-e pt 1 6; pt 1 65 . . ."^ \v pt 1 65. pt I52... s-e pt 1 84 s-w pt 1 84 s-w pt 1 75 s-e pt 1 84 pt I75... w pt 1 64. pt 1 64 . . . pt 1 65 . . . s-e pt 1 65 140 i 182 I 193 I 143 : 100 i 278 125 104 I 100 175 120 ! 150 100 65 I 39 I 100 120 100 50 100 50 ' 49 60 no 50 40 50 50 50 90 420 546 627 536 375 1042 437 416 500 700 600 525 500 341 156 500 600 350 200 350 200 196 240 440 200 160 200 200 200 360- 552 NAMES OF PERSONS BUYING LAND TOWNSHIP SIX. RANGE S^WE^i— Continued. Name. Date. Morgan Leak 1 826, 1826, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1828, 1829, David Heath George C. Tripp. . Job Howland Daniel Pratt Jehial Hill Wells Ji. Atwood . William Beebe j 1829, Jasper Tabor I 1829, John J. Borst | 1829, Enos Woodward 1831, 1831, 1832, 1832, William Crandall . Samuel Merrill .... Titus Roberts Joshua Pike | 1835, Austin Fuller 1835, Joshua Pike 1835, Isaac Brown 1837, Gilbert Salnave j 1837, Na haniel Knight . . . . | 1837, Francis Knight j 1838, Jason Hopkins i 1839, Aug. 14 Feb. 3.., Dec. 21 , Jan. 13.. June 18. Aug. 22. Feb. 20. Aug. 21 . Nov, 10. Dec. 3. . May 31. Aug. 23. Jan. 26 . . Nov. 19. Aug. 4.. Sept. 1 1 . Oct. 27. . April 5. . June 30. July 5-- Mar. 2 . . F"eb. 20. Land. Acres. Price pt I64 pt I52.... n-e pt 1 64 . e pt lot 76. pt I 32 n-w pt 1 38 n-e pt 1 30. , s-w pt 1 94 e pt 1 52. . Ptl85 \Y pt 1 63. . , n pt 1 85. . . e pt 1 74. .. n-w pt 1 94. pt 1 92 Pti 74 s-e pt 1 92 . . s-w pt 1 93 . n pt 1 b'4 . . . pt 1 63 pt 1 14 pt I93 100 160 90 70 42 50 50 50 76 75 50 57 100 50 25 100 50 50 50 50 84 50 400 640 270 297 90 200 200 200 306 200 228 400 200 100 400 150 187 200 200 200 TOWNSHIP SEVEN. RANGE SIX. William Ballou Charles Boutwell Peter Pratt Phineas Orr Sylvenus Bates, Jr. . . Huram Wickham . . . . John D. Beverley. . . . Jonas Howe Stukely Hudson Nehemiah Reynolds.. Abram Hodges William Stephenson. . John T. Johnson Daniel Newel Norman Reynolds. . . William Stephenson. . Henry W. Palmerton. 1828, Sept. 22. 1819, Sept. 7. . 1 8 19, May 3 . . 1827, Feb. 21 . . 1842, Jan. 15 . . 1839, Mar. 13.; 1830, Jan. 6. . . 1836, Dec. 30.1 1830, Dec. 30.! 1842, Jan. 15. .j 1842, Jan. 15.. i 1829, Jan. 4. . . ! 1830, Jan. 6. . . t 1842, Jan. 15 . .j 1842, Jan. 15. .! 1836, Dec. 8. .1 1829, Jan. 7. . . t w pt 1 34. . . 1 ?>7 e pt 1 32. . . 1 30 s-e pt 1 65 . . pt 1 14 w pt 1 52. . . w pt 1 65 . . . pt 1 65 w pt 1 64 . . . Ptl76 pt I75 s-w pt 1 74. pt 1 76 s-w pt 1 75 . t pt 1 75... s-w pt 1 15. 100 193 100 I 12 90 55 100 100 50 50 90 60 60 75 50 40 50 400 916 350 519 495 21 1 425 727 293 275 500 228 255 412 275 233 212 FROM TllK HOI. LAND COMPANY. TOWNSHIP SnVEN. RANGE Sl"^— Continued. 553 Name. Date. William Skeggs ' 1828, Sept. 4. Orton J. Knight 1837, April 28 Jason Hopkins ! 1839, Feb. 20 Edward Vail , 1837, Dec. 12 Francis Matthews. . . . 1842, Jan. 15 . William Warner 183.S. Oct. 18. Moses Blakeley 1842, Nov. 3. Joseph Jenkins 1842, Jan. 25 . Edward Brown 1838, Oct. 22. Land. Acres Price s-e pt 1 I 5 . . 50 183 Pt 1 15 135 77^ pt 1 93 50 200 pt 1 52 1 10 674 pt 1 64 50 280 s-w pt 1 94. 50 317 pt I92 : 25 128 pt 1 74 60 219 n-w pt 1 93. 45 182 Copy ov the Assessment Roll of the Town of Col llns for the year 1 823, township seven, rancie eight. Name. Land. Da\\d Conger w pt 1 33 Josj^jh Woodward William Sisson. . . . William Sisson. . . , David Healy George Southwick Gilbert Bardon. . . John Sherman . . . , James Goodal. n-e pt 1 33 n-e pt 1 49 n-e pt 1 29, in N. C . w pt 1 1 7 I25 s-e ptl 33 e pt 1 33 n pt 1 9 Kendall Johnson s pt 1 9 Jacob Taylor .s-eptsls49&4i & 1 70' VVillink & Co i ptl 17 IAckes. 179 Val. $ 627 98 254 54 233 l| 97 2461' 59 147 , 347 II35 i 40 100 3« 95 '74 7^7 196 597 141 352 1 Tax. I 95 3 67 I 13 8 73 77 73 5 88 4 63 2 71 TOWNSHIP SIX. RANGE EIGHT. John Mack ! s pt 1 68 1 123 Philander Hanford . . . | m pt 1 68 1 24 Mo.ses Kimball | n-w pt 1 60 ■ 59 Benjamin Godfrey . . . . ! w pt 1 67 99 n pts ls62, 68&69,^■ Jacob Taylor 1 70T. &V. together 785 J ulius Perry m pt 1 69 99 356 328 127 207 2 74 2 52 99 I 60 7589 58 43 260 2 00 554 copy OF EARLY ASSESSMENT ROLL. TOWNSHIP SIX. RANGE EIGHT— Continued. Name. Jonathan Sowle n-e pt 1 60. Hopkins m pt 1 52 Land. lACRES. 95 48 58 95 80 97 Smith Bartlett ! .s-w pt 1 58 116 Asa Lapham ; n-e pt 1 52 . Augustus Smith w pt 1 5 i . . Augustus Smith s-w pt 1 6l Joel Matison j s-e pt 1 52 Smith Bartlett Luke Crandall Luke Crandall .... Christian Parkerson John Blancher. . . . , Jonah H. Smith . . . , David Pound Benajah Hallock . . Powell Hallock . . . , William Sisson . . . . Lemuel Sisson .... Peter Gile Sylvanus Strang. . . Elisha Roberts. . . . Philip Gile John R. Smith .... John Blancher. ... Asa Smith David Wilber John Wilber Oliver Reese Allen Kins Daniel I^rindle Joseph Kibbe Joseph Lapham .... Joel Phillips Job Irish Nathaniel Ballard.. . Harry Dairy Adolphus Albee. . . . Benjamin Albee, Jr. James B. Parkinson. Sylvanus Parkinson Robert McNeal m pt 1 40 m pt 1 67 1 50 m pt 1 64 ! 137 m pt 1 56 ! 15 s-e pt 1 58 60 n pt 1 54 i 97 m pt 1 54 j 63 w pt I53 195 m pt 1 5 2 46 n-w pt 1 52 ' 47 s-w pt 1 60 j 81 s-e pt 1 60 48 n-w pt 1 59 j 6S s-w pt 1 59 I 29 s-e pt 1 61 I 39 n pt 1 61 200 s pt 1 69 1 119 m ptl 53 j 42 n-w pt 1 1 113 n-w pt 1 1 93 m pt 1 42 [ 46 e pt 1 43 128 .s-w pt 1 43, n-e pt 1. 34, w pt 1 35 e pt 1 I4&s-e pt 1 23. m pt 1 43 m pt 1 33& w pt 1 22. w pt 1 30 m pt 1 30 e pt 1 19 mpt 1 55 s-e pt 1 63 n-e pt 1 62 e pt 1 39 126 184 48 464 96 96 142 48 56 46 60 m pt 1 39 j 140 73 Val. Tax. $259 120 167 362 200 242 379 125 , 450 37 120 264 202 891 137 130 100 120 170 72 97 513 297 105 367 232 115 320 368 420 120 1265 242 267 395 128 160 124 150 550 182 > 95 93 I 29 4 32 1 87 5 41 3 86 93 2 03 I 55 6 85 I 65 I 00 I 77 92 I 31 D3 74 3 94 2 28 80 2 82 1 78 89 2 40 83 23 92 72 86 06 04 98 23 95 15 24 40 COrV OK KAKI.V ASSESSMKNT ROM- TOWNSHIP SIX, RANGE EIGHT— Con/inue^/. 55S Namk. Land. Reuben Parkinson . Arnold King Arnold King Joseph Peters William Mosier. . . . Joseph Wood Daniel Burbank. . . Nathan King Stephen Wilber . . . Ezra Nichols William O'Brien . . Joshua Palmerton . Aaron Lindsley. ... James Nichols Amasa Bates Sylvanus Bates. . . . Samuel Hill William O'Brien . . Piathaway . . . Darius Crandall . . . . John J. Harrington. . Luke Crandall Benjamin Albee Charles Barden Timothy Clark John Gibbons Isaac Wickam \\ arren Tanner Martin Potter John C. Adams John Griffith Hadwin Arnold Eli Lapham John Horton Gabriel .Strang William Parmerton.. Stephen Lapham . . . . Stephen Lapham . . . . W^illiam Lapham . . . Archelaus Harwood., Sylvanus Cook Hosea Stewart m pt I 40 s-w pt 1 42 n-wpt 1 35 e pt 1 48 m pt 1 48 w pt 1 48 e pt 1 49 m pt 1 49 w pt 1 49 m pt 1 50 n-e pt 1 50 m pt I 50 e pt I32 \^- pt 1 3 1 n-e pt 1 8 1 s-e pt 1 3 1 e pt 1 9 s-e pt 1 62 m pt 1 48 m pt 1 56 s-e pt 1 56 m pt 1 56 e pt 1 64 n-\v pt 1 63 ^' pt 1 47 ^-^ pt\ 55 m pt 1 47 v\- pt 1 47 e pt 1 40 m pt 1 4^ n-w pt 1 24 s pt 1 34 & n c pt 1 23 m pt 1 44 n-\v pt 1 44 ^-^' pt 1 53 '■ e pt 1 44 s pt 1 44 n pt 1 45 M^t 1 45 ■... . n pt I 46 s pt 1 54 n pt 1 37 ACKES Val. 120 4S 95 259 64 160 97 320 56 158 62 164 124 314 97 505 117 576 122 339 19 75 115 524 235 1334 145 39« 126 552 96 340 77 192 69 2CO 47 94 44 130 92 260 20 50 96 340 155 410 100 280 108 288 103 275 97 260 75 187 57 155 258 685 254 720 49 144 49 135 69 150 43 107 182 546 143 740 217 I 130 128 320 114 294 7' 240 Tax. 93 2 00 1 23 2 46 I 21 1 26 2 44 3 89 4 44 2 61 59 4 03 10 28 3 06 1 94 2 62 I 48 I 54 72 I 00 1 9Q 38 2 61 3 16 2 16 2 22 2 1 2 2 00 I 45 I 18 5 27 5 53 I 1 1 I 04 1 16 82 4 36 5 70 8 68 2 46 12 26 556 COPV OF EARLY ASSESSMENT ROLL. TOWNSHIP SIX, RANGE EIGHT— Continued. Name. Land. John Strang Sabina Adams Isaac Aldrich Chancey Mammord.. Parker Dailey Joseph McMillon. . . . Ralph Plumb Ralph Plumb Turner Aldrich Turner Aldrich David Brand Enos Southwick Tibbet Sowle Tibbet Sowle Daniel Hunt Isaac Allen Oliver Harris Erastus Harris Solomon Dunham . . . Eseck Harris P. L. Pratt Luman H. Pitcher . . . Noah Scovell Eron Thatcher Enoch Palmer Alvin Bugbee Archelanus Harwood. Amasa L. Chafee Chafee & Bugbee.. . . Ralph Plumb Ralph Plumb Ralph Plumb Sarbat & Bugbee. . . Jonathan O. Irish . . . . Willink & Co Willink & Co Willink & Co Willink & Co Willink &Co Wiilink & Co Willink & Co Willink & Co m pt 1 37 ! m ptl37 |s-w pt 1 37 m pt 1 36 m pt 1 36 s-w pt 1 36 mptl37 w pt 1 38 s-e pt 1 36 , ■ npt I35 I25 w pt 1 24 e pt 1 24 n-vv pt 1 23 s-vv pt 23 m pt.l 22 w pt 1 20 m pt 1 20 m pt 1 20 e pt 1 10 m pt 1 10 1 38 — village lot. 1 22^village lot . 1 37 — village lot . 1 16 — village lot. 1 4 — village lot. . . \ 1 5 — village lot . . I 1 49, village lots. . Acres i Val. Tax. 1 3, village lot 1 48, village lot . . . . 1 60, village lot ... . 1 59, village lot . . . . m pt Its 76 & 55 w pt 1 9 e pt 1 42 w pt 1 50 e pt 1 51 n-c pt 1 65 w pt 1 56 1S7 n pt 1 58 63 66 69 H 54 i 40 10 57 100 130 121 9' 49 59 106 48 49 78 60 120 100 220 141 66 244 61 163 342 130 288 295 633 115 55 200 220 80 807 250 334 300 280 120 147 300 100 100 195 130 333 30 15 10 15 15 15 20 59 40 150 25 15 246 550 352 165 610 152 407 855 ^20 14 27 87 89 43 54 69 62 21 92 2 57 2 31 2 15 92 1 13 2 31 77 77 I 51 I 00 I 56 12 15 12 12 12 15 39 31 16 19 12 90 23 72 27 70 18 3 13 6 60 2 46 Cf^PY OF EARl.V ASSKSSMKNT ROLL. TOWNSHIP SIX, RANGE EIGHT— ConiinueJ. 557 Namf. Willink& Co Willink & Co Willink & Co Willink & Co Land. e pt I 59. n pt 1 61 I65 1 66 Acres. Val. 220 $540 202 515 359 897 349 872 Tax. k 24 3 88 6 91 6 72 TOWNSHIP SIX, RANGE SEVEN. J. T. Johnson Austin Graham John Millis Nathaniel Knight . . . . Avery Knight Wilber Irish Wilber Irish Truman Colburn William Skeggs Jonathan O. Irish . . . . Henry Kimball Henry W. Palmertcn. William Beckwith . . . . William Clark Samuel Hill John Boutwell, Jr. . . . Charles Boutwell Charles Boutwell Silas Cook William Cook William Ballou Daniel Pratt Daniel Pratt Daniel & Peter Pratt . Daniel & Peter Pratt . Peter Pratt Peter Pratt Elijah Campbell Elias Bowen Phineas Orr David Beverly James B. Perkinson . . Willink & Co Willink & Co s-w pt 1 74 n-w pt 1 74 e pt 1 75 m & .s-w pt 1 75 . . m pt 1 75 n-w pt 1 75 m pt 1 76 s-w pt 1 84 .s-e pt 1 85 m pt 1 76 w pt 1 76 s-w pt 1 85 e pt 1 65 n-e pt 1 65 w pt 1 38 w pt 1 37 e pt 1 38 t-'Pt 1 37 wptl35 e pt 1 35 pt 1 34 e pt 1 32 e pt 30 w pt 1 33 e pt 1 2 1 e pt 1 35 w pt 1 32 ^^■ pt 1 3 1 n-e pt 1 3 1 s-e pt 1 3 1 & n pt 1 30 w pt 1 5 2 w pt 1 65 n pt 1 30 1 -.6 60 154 59 150 ' 49 190 165 565 i 55 137 i 35 87 ; 20 68 56 140 47 126 '• 97 240 144 400 48 124 ; 48 120 96 224 98 330 1 53 175 ; 102 268 135 365 18 45 117 373 146 460 96 380 60 150 1 59 150 96 240 5« 327 39 97 80 276 60 150 • 75 424 96 270 98 259 1 1 10 275 118 315 19 16 47 35 05 67 52 I 08 97 I 85 3 08 95 92 54 36 06 2 81 35 2 87 3 54 92 15 15 84 51 74 13 16 27 08 98 12 43 558 COPY OF EARLY ASSESSMENT ROLL. TOWNSHIP SIX. RANGE SEVEN— Coniinm-d. Name. Land, Willink & Co 1 50 Willink &Co 1 51 Willink & Co e pt 1 52 Willink & Co Willink & Co.... ., Willink & Co Willink & Co Willink & Co, Willink & Co, Willink & Co, Willink & Co. Willink & Co. Willink & Co Willink & Co. 63 1 64 .s-e pt 1 65 e pt 1 74 . e pt 1 76. 1 83 pt I 84. .. n pt 1 85. 1 92 •93 1 94 Acres. Val. 232 $ 580 220 550 186 465 4C9 1022 37» 927 133 332 285 712 70 175 392 980 281 700 132 330 i 3«7 967 , 336 840 361 902 Tax. 47 24 58 86 14 2 55 5 49 1 35 7 55 5 39 2 53 7 44 6 47 6 94 TOWNSHIP SEVEN, RANGE SEVEN. Willink & Co i I65 Willink & Co 1 49 Willink & Co i 1 57 367 917 358 892 380 950 7 06 6 90 7 32 The Assessors for the year that the above tax was levied were Nathaniel Knight, John Stancliff, Jr., and John Arnold. Luke Crandall was Collector. The total valuation of the town as shown by the assessment roll was $74,019; the valuation of the real estate was $71,451 ; personal property, $2,568; tax. $705 ; Collectors' fees were $20.69. The above figures refer to the present Town of Collins. North Collins and Collins were then one town. The following are the names of the Supervisors who signed the assessment roll: James Green. Morton Crosby. Stephen White. Ebenezer Holmes. James W. Grififin. Oziel Smith. Edmund Badger. Lemuel Wasson, James Aldrich. Simeon Fillmore. John Twining. Thomas M. Barret. John Boyer. TOWN OF CON'CORI) ])I\ II )i:i-). 559 •COPY OF THE ACT CRKATING THE TOWNS OF COLLINS ANlJ SARDINIA. An Act to di\ idc the Town of Concord, in the County of Niagara. Passed March i6, 1821. Section i. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly, That from and after the Jhirty-first day of March, instant, all that part of the Town of Concord, in the County of Niagara, comprehending township No. 7, in the eighth range, and all that part of town- ship No. 6 in the eighth range lying within the County of Niagara together with three tiers of lots on the west side of township number sexen in the seventh range, and three tiers of lots on the west side of township number six, in the seventh range, within the County of Niagara, of the Holland company, shall be and is hereby erected into a separate town by the name of Collins, and that the first town meeting shall be held at the dwelling house of George Southwick in said town. Section 2. And be it further enacted that from and after the Thirt}'-first day of March, instant, all that part of the said Town of Concord comprehending township number seven in the fifth range and three tiers of lots on the east side of township num- ber seven in the sixth range, and all those parts of township number six in the sixth range of the Holland company's lands h-ing within the County of Niagara, shall be and is hereby erected into a separate town by the name of Sardinia, and the first town meeting shall be held at the dwelling house of Giles Briggs, in said town, and that all the remaining part of the Town of Concord shall be and remain a separate town by the name of Concord, and that the next town meeting shall be held at the dwelling house of Harry Sears in said town. Section 3. And be it further enacted that as soon as maybe after the Thirt)'-first day of March, instant, the Supervisors and Overseers of the aforesaid towns shall by notice to be given by the Supervisor and Overseers of the Poor of the Town of Con- cord, meet together at the dwelling house of Harry Sears, in said town and apportion the poor maintained b)' the said Town of Concord and the poor mone\' belonging to the same previous 560 TOWN MEETING RESOLUTIONS. to the division thereof agreeably to the last tax list, and that each of the said towns shall forever respectively support their own poor. SUBSEQUENT ACT DEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE TOWN OF COLLINS — REVISED STATUTES, VOLUME 3, TITLE 4, PAGE 114. The Town of Collins shall contain all that part of said county comprising township number seven, in the eighth range of townships in the Holland company's purchase, together with all that part of township number six in the same range included within the bounds of the county, and also three tiers of lots off from the west side of township number seven in the seventh range, and off from the west side of that part of township num- ber six in the last range included within the bounds of the county, and also that part of the Cattaraugus Indian Reserva- tion which is included within the bounds of the county. EXTRACTS FROM THE RESOLUTIONS PASSED AT COLLINS TOWN MEETINGS DURING THE FIR.ST YEARS OF THE TOWN. The first year, 1820, it was Reso/ved, That the Collector have but three per cent for col- lecting taxes. Rcso/vcd, That hogs and sheep shall not run as free com- moners. Risoh'cd, That all rams running at large from the loth of September to the loth of November be forfeited to the captor. Resolved, That horses shall not be free commoners. Resolved, That oivncrs of stud horses shall pay a fine of one dollar if found at liberty for more than twenty-four hours at one time. Resolved, That the names of Nathaniel Knight and John Grififith be sent to the Council of Appointment to be commis- sioned as Magistrates. Resolved, That the next annual town meeting be held at the house of John Lawton on the first Tuesday of April next. In 1822 it was Resolved, That the Collector have but three per. cent, for col- lecting taxes the ensuing year. TOWN MKK'IIXC, KKSOl.riloNS. 561 Ri'soh'id, That John Lawton shall serve as a Commissioner to meet the committee from Concord and Sardinia to settle with Harry Sears, Collector. Risohid, That this meetini^ be adj(nirned to meet the first Tuesday of April next at the house of John Lawton. In 1823 it was Kcso/vcd, That a fine of ten dollars be imposed upon any per- son that shall suffer what is called a Canada thistle to go to seed on his improved lands after notice from any person. Rcsflhtd, That Inspectors of common school shall have no fees for their services. Rcsohi'd, That all the money collected or to be collected from Frederick Richmond, late Supervisor of the original Town of Concord, shall be added to the poor fund of the Town of Collins. In 1824 it was Rcso/vcd, That this meeting be adjourned until the first Tuesday of March next, at the dwelling house of Smith Bart- lett. NOTK. — The time of holding the annual town meeting of Collins changed to the first Tuesday in March by an act of the Legislature of the state, passed Feb. 6, 1824. In 1824 it was Resolved, That double the amount of money be raised from the town that we receive from the state for the use of schools. Resolved, That a bounty of ten dollars be given on full-grown wolves and five dollars for whelps killed within the Town of Collins. Resolved, That the Collector's fees shall be three per cent. In 1826 it was Resolved, That the next annual town meeting be held at the house of William Sisson. In 1827 it was Resolved, That orderly, neat cattle have free use of the com- mons from the 1st of March to the 1st of November. Resolved, That a bounty of twent>'-five dollars be gi\en for each full grown wolf and twehe dollars and fifty cents for each whelp caught in the Town of Collins. 562 TOWN MEETING RESOLUTIONS. In 1828 it was R('so/i'e(/, That the Collector shall have five per cent, for col- lecting taxes in this town. Resok'cd, That the authorities of this town be authorized to petition the Legislature to pass an act to authorize the town to raise a bounty not exceeding fifty dollars on wolves caught and killed in this town. In 1829 it was Rcsoh'cd, That the next annual town meeting be held at the house of John C. Adams. In 1830 it was Risohid, That a fence made of boards, logs or rails five feet high shall be considered a lawful fence. LOCAL NAMES IN THE TOWN OF COLLINS. "Zoar" is of scriptural origin, and is said to have been given by Ahaz Allen, one of the first settlers there. " Poverty Hill," another name, given by Jesse Frye, was conceived from the fact that in an early day he was the owner of a lot on which grew the huckleberry. This berry is of spon- taneous growth, and only found upon rocky, .sterile soil. When Frye was working upon his claim his attention was called to the huckleberry by one of his sons, who said, " Father I have always heard it said that huckleberries grew on very poor land." ''Yes," said the pioneer, ''this is 'Poverty hill,' and I shall sell this claim the first chance," and he never worked there another day, although the soil proved the very best for grazing and the growing of wheat. Gowanda first took the name of Aldrich's Mills ; then the name of Lodi, after one of Napoleon's famous battles in Italy. It is said to have been given by Ahaz Allen. " Bagdad " was named b}- Bcnard Cook, after an ancient city of Asia. A tub factor}^ gave the name of " Tub Town." " Taylor Hollow " took its name from Jacob Taylor. " Lawton Hollow " from John Lawton, who built mills there, and "Scrabble Hill" from the fact that the early settlers had to scrabble pretty hard to get a living. The name of the Town of Collins was said to be given in honor of Mrs. Turner Aldrich, whose maiden name was Collins. IIIK FIRST SKITLKR IN /OAK. 563 ZOAR. Zoar lies in the southeast corner of Collins, and the north- east corner of Otto, the valley being divided by the waters of the Cattaraugus. In its primeval state, this valley was beauti- ful, and when looked upon by the early pioneers from the sur- rounding hills, it caused in thein a feeling of wonder and sur- prise, as it appeared to them a new Canaan, and the)- entered into the valley as did the Israelites of old. with thoughts of rest and thanksgiving. In the Spring of 18 10, Joseph Adams, with a family con- sisting of a wife and three children, came b\' way of Boston, over Townsend Hill, down the transit with an ox sled, to near the Scob}' mills ; embarked his family and chattels in a large canoe, pushed out into the waters, turned the prow down stream, and landed his family in Zoar. He built a log house on the Otto side of the creek, covered it with elm bark, and this was the first house in Zoar, and he was \-irtually the first settler in Zoar, though a man by the name of Yaw, from Bos- ton, had slashed four acres, but remained only a short time. Peter Pratt and family, who were pioneers of Clarence, having come from Taunton, Mass., in 1806, to that town, were the next settlers, and I cheerfully allow m)- venerable friend, John Pratt, of Bagdad, to tell his story: " In the F'all of 1810, my father and brother, Luther, came out from Clarence and built a log house on the Derby lot (this is now part of the Emer\' Bond farm in Concord), and the next PY'bruary follow- ing, he moved his family out by way of Boston and over Townsend Hill, through by Uea. Russell's, to near the Chaffee school-house, thence across the Beech Plains and clown Will- iam's Hill, and followed blazed trees very near where the road is located to-day, until we reached father's cabin. The only settler we found on our way from Russell's, was William Smith, since known as the " Governor." We onh" remained here two months, when father sold his claim to brother Luther. Father bought of " Squire " I-'" rye, his articled claim of lot thirty-one, but the query was how to get his family into Zoar. He had built a double log house there and had departed from the accustomed mode of shingling, which was usuall\- done by 564 " JOHNNIE CAKES." peeling bark, but had rived out "shakes" of pine (shingles three feet long and not shaved), and nailed poles to the rafters, and those long shingles were nailed to them. We had a pun- cheon floor, and, upon the whole, our house was considered quite aristocratic for those days. As I said before, the query was how to get into Zoar. There was no road or trail across Frye Hill; but the Adam's boys, Bina and Wilson, by lashing two large canoes together, helped him out ; they floated his goods to our new home, while we picked our way over Frye Hill. That Summer, brother Peter was born. This was the second event of this kind in the Town of Collins. Then my father's house in Zoar, and brother Luther's house on the " Derby " lot, were the only houses on this side of the creek from Turner Aldrich's, near where Dr. Shugart's house now stands in Gowanda, until you reach "Governor" Smith's, on the old William's farm (now the Tefft tarm), some twelve miles distant' On the other side was Joseph Adams and Thadeus Austen, who canoed in the same way that we arrived. Father got a good burn on the Yaw slashing that Spring, and as we had a yoke of oxen we logged it off, planted it to corn and potatoes. It proved a good crop, and we had an abundance for the next Winter, such as it was. I am an old man now, of four score years, and I A\"ant to say something to m\' )'oung friends, A\ho think the\- are living very hard because they cannot have " new process " flour bread and pound cake every day. You never saw a "Johnny Cake" board and don't know what it is? Well I have, and must explain. Now the larger the family the greater the board. Our board was about two feet long and eight inches wide; this was split out of clean white ash, the surface was polished smooth, and it was read}- for use. It came into use every day, and I presume my dear old mother baked " Johnnie Cakes " enough on one of these during her lifetime, to cover a good-sized farm. The meal was mixed into stiff dough and firmly pressed upon the board, then set before the fire to bake until done. Sometimes we had baked l)otatoes, but they had no stoves to bake them in ; the}- used a low, flat-bottomed kettle with an iron lid, w hich thc\' placed A SCHOOL ORGANIZED. 565 in one corner of the Dutch fire place, and then Hterally buried it in coals. This kettle was also used to bake beans and bread. Potatoes were sometimes roasted in the coals, and sometimes boiled in the kettle hung over the log fire by a chain attached to the " lug pole." The first Summer w^e lived in Zoar, our milling was done at Taylor Hollow, and I was the mill-boy. Father went with nic the first time to show me the way, as it was an unbroken forest. We followed an Indian trail down the creek, and still kept the Indian path up over Poverty Hill to Aldrich's in Lodi, thence up Clay Hill and on to Taylor's mill. The way we then went it was nearly eleven miles, and I had to make it every week on horseback, with a grist of corn behind me, for there were twelve hungry mouths in my father's family to feed. Wild cats, bears and deer, were not an uncom- mon thing to be seen on my way, and, though never molested, still at times it was hard work for me to keep my hat on my head when I saw these creatures creeping through the under- brush." To show our modern belles and beaux the styles of those days, I must tell you that the first year of the war, I wore ■"nettle cloth " for shirts, and my pants were made of buck- skin. On the " Jockey lot " nettles grew abundant and thrifty; we mowed them down and let them la}% as you would flax, until the stalks become thoroughl)- rotten, then they were taken to the brake and then spun and woven as }'ou would flax ; most all the thread mother used the first year of the war was of this material. The next year others began to settle ; Jesse Frye came from Buffalo, bringing two young men with him. Samuel Cronch and Samuel Rose, whom he hired to assist him in building a log house on his lot. He returned to Buffalo and on the 20th of July he came back with his famih'. Soon after came Wood- ward Stevens, Ira Watterman, Simeon Watterman, Phineas Orr, Joseph Bartlet and Otis Wheelock. As there were several children now in the new settlement in need of education, a school was organized and Simeon Watterman was hired to teach it. The school was held in the west end of Peter Pratt's house ; from the Fr}'e famiK' there were four scholars, namely : Enoch, James, Mack and Bcts}' ; from the Pratt famih- five, 566 WAR \KSSKLS IN BUFFALO HARBOR, Daniel, John, Hopy, l^hilip and Susy; from the Adams family, two, Wilson and Electa; this was seventy-two years ago, and but four of these scholars are alive to-day ; little " Phil " is a gray-haired )'outh of eight)' ; Enoch and John are sober boys at eighty-tliree, while red-haired and fun-loving Mack is the same old six-pence in his eightieth year. The next year many events took place in the little settlements the war bugle had been sounded and all but two were subject to draft, " President " Adams and " Captain " Pratt, by reason of their age, were exempt from military duty. The " Captain " went back to Clarance, by the way of Buffalo, after an invalid daughter and his family, and was in Buffalo the day that the British war vessels, the Royal George and Queen Charlotte sailed up in front of Buffalo harbor and lay there all day. Not a pound of powder was there in the town to load a gun, and, had there been any disposition on the part of the Red Coats to have taken the place they could have done so without meet- ing with any resistance. The people were so filled with fear, that they betook them- selves to their cellars and remained there until these vessels had hoisted sail and passed out of sight up the lake. The bat- tle of the Raisen had been fought, and Mr. Pratt, in detailing some of the incidents that took place, spoke of three orphan children whom he found in Clarance, whose mother was dead and their father had been killed in that battle. Those children had in some way got back to Clarance from the west, and were homeless and without friends ; as soon as Adams heard this, tears came to his eyes, and he persuaded the Captain to return to Clarance immediately and bring those children back with him, which he did, and they ever afterwards found a kind home in the Adams family. The names of those children were Tan- ner. Polly, Hannah and James; Mr. Pratt would have willingly cared for these children, but he had already taken charge of three orphans, the children of Mrs. Cox, who died that Sum- mer — this was the daughter he moved from Clarance, and this was the first death in Zoar. She lies buried back on the rise of land under the hill, on the old Peter Pratt farm. As the season advanced, the war clouds grew darker and RKrRp:A'r of i?ina adams. 567 more threatening. Levies were made for new troops to pro- tect the borders. The men that were drafted in Zoar, were Bina Adams, Jesse Frye, Simeon Watterman, Luther Pratt and Ehsha Cox. These soldiers with their wives, sweet-hearts and friends, met at the liouse of Peter Pratt on the morning of their departure, and the final leave-taken was quite affecting, one incident in particular will show that humor will out, let the heart he ever so sad — Mrs. Frye hallooed after the " squire," as his fat form lessened in the distance, "that if wounded, she ne\'er \\anted to hear that he was hit in the back." (^ur school continued through the Winter, w^ith Otis Wheelock as teacher, with the addition of four new scholars, the three Tanner children, Polly, Hannah and James, and Eli Cox. The school was kept in a shanty, built by Mr. Pratt for his married daughter, Mrs. Cox, and then made vacant by her death. Nothing tran.spired that Winter worthy of note, until the news came of the burning of Buffalo, Bina Adams, when •ordered to retreat had done so, not making a halt until he reached Zoar. He came out by way of Williamsville. and then through to Yorkshire ; from there he followed the creek down to Zoar. Mr. Pratt tells of l^ina coming into school on his retreat, and the first words spoken by him were " Buffalo's burnt." School was out, and \\e did not wait to say "by your leave " to the teacher, but hurried home as fast as our legs would carr)^ us with the news, but Bina had been there before us and he not only told of the burning, but he told a great deal more besides that was interesting, he said " all that saved my scalp was that my legs did their duty," and that the " British had hired all the Senecas to scalp all the Americans ; and that they were on their way then with barbarous intent, and that we might expect a li\'ely time when the}' did come." The next day the settlers held a council at my father's, says Mr. Pratt, and it was decided that our safety lay beyond the " Genesee," and the settlers went so far as to dig pits to store their goods in ; Mr. Pratt tells that his father was the possessor of a horse, and that he prevailed upon the settlers, not to flee until he rode to some place and received something more definite. He set out to- \wards Buffalo, b\- wa\- of l\)unsend Hill. ;nul through by 568 HKiriSIl INVADERS liURX BUFFALO. Boston and Hamburg, when he arrived at the latter place he learned that the Seneca Indians, if anything, were more fright- ened than the whites, and that was needless : that they had hurriedly left the reservation and gone, bag and baggage, be- yond the " Genesee." The British invaders, with their hair-raising allies, after burn- ing Buffalo and killing several persons, had returned to their own country. * "- "•^' * '^ ■^" No longer does the tri weekly stage swing to and fro through this valley from the " Green " to " Lodi," as it used to, and Bill, the driver, is Old Bill now, if alive, but I suspect he has gone to the higher sphere and drives a golden chariot. He was as regular as vibrates the pendulum of a clock, and we used to know just when to look for his coming ; sometimes his coach would be loaded down, and then again it lumbered along empty, but it made no difference to him, he carried the mail and that was enough. Sometimes he brought us a letter directed to Zoar, one of those old-fashioned letters done up in itself and fastened with a blotch of red sealing wax. Flnvelopes had not been born, yet these were good letters, though the writers knew nothing of the spencerian system, or had never studied composition or the art of letter writing, but were full of loving kindness and told of an absent brother or sister, or friend in the far East or West, and they had been so long in coming- and the postage cost so much that they seemed riper and bet- ter than letters do now-a-days. ■'^" '■ '''^' -^ And no longer does the pomp of mimic war awake the echoes that dwell among these sleepy hills ; for the last " general training " was held years ago, and those were glorious days for old and young ; I never hear the drum beat but what they come back to me like the dim recollection of a bright and fading dream. "Hills "was the rendezvous, and we small fry looked weeks ahead for the coming of the peddler's cart and the plumed troop with eager expectation, for it was a season of sweet cider, pumkin pies and hard ginger-bread. With miserly care had our pennies been hoarded for these occasions- DKKDS (;i\i:.\ 15V llIK llol.l.AM) I < ).\1 1'A.W 569 COLLINS. TOWNSHIP SIX, RANGE EIGHT. Lot. Acres. Subdivision m pt Date ok Dk.kd. July 18. 1839.. Name. 9 Pardon C. Sherman. 9 84 ^ pt Oct. 20, 1843. . Jacob LeR.oy. 9 140 \v pt Oct. 13, 1855.. Abel Taft. 18 39 s-c i)t July 18, 1839. • Pardon C. Sherman. 18 119 C 111 & 111 . Oct. 20. 1843. . Jacob LeRov. 18 25 n-c pt . . . . Oct. 7, 1854. . . D. Beverly. ' 18 90 w pt April 4, 1839. • D. H. Chandler. 29 60 •^ pt July 18, 1839.. Pardon C. Sherman. 29 30 s-e pt Oct. 21, 1851 . . John D. Beverly. 26 15 s-w pt . . . . Oct. 21, 1851 . . Svlvanus Cook. 29 50 m pt July II, 1842. . F. L. &. T. Co. 29 50 e 111 pt . . . . April 2, 1855. . D. Beverly. 29 50 n-e pt . . . . Feb. 1 1, 1842 . J. D. Beverly. 29 50 n-\v pt. . . . Jan. 15, 1849. • C. B. Parkinson. 39 187 e pt Jan. 2, 1822. . . Sylvanus Parkinson. 39 50 e m pt . . . Feb. 15, 1828 . Sylvanus Parkinson. 39 H7 w m pt . . . Ncv. 6, 1830. . C. B. Parkinson. 39 50 w pt Feb. 15. 1828 . C. B. Parkinson. 47 103 ^^ pt Nov. 15. 1823- Tinioth}- Clark. 47 105 m pt Feb. 25, 1823 . Isaac Wickham. 47 100 w pt Mar. 5, 1819. . Warren Tanner. 55 100 s-e pt Feb. 5, 1829.. . John Gibbons. 55 31 e m pt . . . Nov. 9, 1831 . . H. Dailey, 55 30 n-c {)t .... April 4, 1839. . D. H. Chandler. 55 50 11 111 pt . . . Nov. 24. 1838. Isaac White. 55 100 w pt Mar. 19, 1819. John J. Harrington. 63 30 .s-e pt May 20, 1837. Adolphus Albee. 63 30 s-e 111 pt . . Jan. 7, 1829 . . Adol])hus Albee. 63 55 S 111 pt. . . . Jan. 4. 1839.. . Enoch Randall. 63 55 s-w pt . . . . Oct. I, 1835 .. . Stephen White. 63 50 n-e pt . . . . Feb. 1 1, 1842. . Charles D. Pierce. 63 57 n-e 111 pt . . Nov. 13, 1837. Howard Albee. 63 50 n-\v pt. . . . Nov. 19, 1838 . Morgan L. Bailey. 10 75 ^- pt Aug. 7, 1834.. Abner Taft. 10 105 e 111 pt. . . . Mar. 24, 1855 . Abraham Taft. 10 50 S 111 pt.. . . Nov. 3, 1845 . . John B. Peasley. 10 45 S-w pt . . . . Nov. 8, 1851. . William Barnhart. 10 45 n-w pt. . . . Nov. 8, 1851 . . Henry Button. 19 125 e pt Mar. 13, 1852.. Sylvanus Cook. 19 125 Ill pt Oct. 21, 1854.. Daniel Irish. 5/0 DEEDS GIVEN BV THE HOLLAND C()^^'A^V. TOWNSHIP SIX, RANGE EIGHT— Con/himui. Lot. Acres. IQ 61 19 61 30 50 30 74 30 50 30 100 1 30 50 30 50 40 80 40 sO 40 75 40 50 40 50 40 43 40 43 48 100 48 58 48 50 48 125 56 165 56 35 56 30 S6 50 56 63 64 lOI 64 140 64 60 64 60 20 63 20 80 20 60 20 80 , 20 50 ' 20 50 SI 100 i 31 6S 31 65 31 150 41 130 41 50 41 100 41 114 Subdivision. Date of Deed, Name. s-w pt. n-w pt s-e pt. . n-e pt . e m pt. m pt . . w ] m pt w pt . . e pt . . . e m pt. m pt . . s-w pt . n-w m . s-w pt . n-w pt. e pt. . . s m pt . n m pt w pt . . e pt . . . s m pt . n m pt. w m pt w pt. . e pt . . . m pt. . w m pt w pt . . e pt . . . s-e m pt n-e m pt m pt . . . w m pt. w pt . . . s-e pt . . em pt . n-e pt . . w pt . . . . s-e pt. . . n-e pt . . m pt . . . w pt . . . . Aug. 16, 1836 May 3, 1837.. Dec. 10, 1845. May 28, 1839 Jan. 30, 1839., April 4, 1839. July 17, 1835.. Dec. 4, 1844 . , May 28, 1839 ■ May 26, 1847., Oct. 13, 1846. . Oct. 13, 1846. , May 10, 1854., Oct. 13, 1846. . Nov. 17, 1836. Jan. 1 1, 1819. . Aug. 19, 1 83 1. Nov. 17, 1836. Sept. I, 1819. . Jan. 18, 1838. . Jan. 17, 1838. . Jan. 9, 1835 . . . Oct. 28, 1835. . Dec, 9, 1836 . . Mar. 27, 1833. Mar. 16, 1819.. Jan. 28. 1834. . Jan. 17, 1838. . Aug. 16, 1836. Mar. 18, 1840. Nov. 18, 1854.. Feb. 1 1, 1836.. Jan. 1 1, 1839. . Feb. 1 1, 1836.. Oct. 18, 1819. . July 7, 1830... June 2, 1835 . . Feb. 26, 1818.. Dec. 8, 1855.. • Dec. 29, 1837.. Feb. 1 1, 1842.. Sept. 13, 1845. Eli Page. Daniel Irish. S. Cook. Timothy Clark. Sylvanus Cook, Jr. D. A. Chandler. Joel Phillips. Erastus Harris. Martin Potter. T. J. Kerr. Betsey Robbins. Smith Phillips. J. A. Griffin. Sylvanus Cook. John C. Adams, Stephen Peter. W. L. Mosher. John C. Adams. Joseph Wood. John J. Harrington- John J. Harrington. Isaac White. John J. Harrington. Stephen White. W. S. Herrick. Luke Crandall. Eli Heath. John J. Harrington. Timothy Smith, Jr. Gideon Barnhart. S. Bates, Jr. William W. Holcomb. Joseph Plumb. Michael Barnhart. Sylvanus Bates. Sylvanus Cook. Oliver Harris, Jr. James Nichols, Jr. Albert Becker. Ralph Plumb. Jonathan Sowle. Jacob LeRoy. DKKDs (;i\i:\ i{\' riiK hoi.i.and c;().mi'.\.\v TOWNSHIP SIX. RANGE EIGHT— ConOnitei/. 571 Lot Acres., Subdivision. Datf. of Dekd. Mame. 49 123 49 100 49 120 57 60 57 roo 57 50 D/ -'5 57 50 57 :^7 57 30 65 75 ^5 100 6=; 100 65 84 y 1 11 i 940 21 100 21 80 21 80 21 100 32 362 42 100 42 40 42 50 42 1 10 42 96 50 120 50 50 50 100 50 32 50 3^ 5« 176 5« 50 5« 94 66 49 66 so 66 SO 66 50 13 123 13 143 13 50 22 122 e ])t m ])t . . . . \v pt . . . . e pt . . . . c m pt. . . S 111 pt.. . s-w pt . . . n 111 pt . . n-\v m pt ii-w pt . . . e pt e m pt . . w m pt . . \v pt . . . . both . . . c pt e m pt . . w m pt . . w pt . . . . N\- 1 e pt n-e pt . . . m pt . . . . s-vv pt . . . n-w pt . . e pt cm pt . . m pt . . . . s-w pt . . . n-w pt . . . •M^t m pt . . . . n pt. . . . e pt cm pt . . w m pt . . w pt . . . . e pt m pt. . . . w pt . . . . e pt July 5, 1826. . . Feb. 5. 1819 . . Feb. 7, 1817. . . May 24, 1842.. Dec. 30. 1836.. Nov. 5, 1855... Dec. 14, 1837. Feb. 19, 1842 . Sept. 17, 1853. Dec. 1 1, 1852.. Dec. 5, 1837,.. June 6, 1834 . . Sept. 21, 1835. D ecus, 1839.. July 14. 1837. Sept. 21, 1853. Dec. 14, 1837. Dec. 14, 1837. Dec. 29, 1837. May 25, 1 818. Dec. 26, 1839. Dec. 26, 1838. Feb. I. 1836.. July 15, 1819.. Nov. 15, 1830. Jan. 5, 1818. Oct. 18, 1 8 19 Mar. 9. 1825 July 1, 1839 Feb. 5, 1829 April 14, 1821 Jan. 3, 1829. . May 12, 1855. May 27, 1853. Oct. 20, 1853. . Dec. 28, 1838.. Oct. 3, 1850. . . Jan. 17, 1834. . Oct. 10, 1835. . Feb. 17, 1846.. Oct. 24, 1835.. Stephen Wilbur. Nathan Kint^. Stephen Wilbur. Stephen White. David Wilbur. G. F. Kin^. Stephen Wilbur. Joseph Potter. T. B. Payn. V. Heath. Jared C. King. William S. Herrick, William Potter. John J. Harrington. Joseph Plumb. Benjamin P. Wells. Benjamin P. Wells. Samuel Wells. Ralph Plumb. Aaron Lindsley. Benjamin Boyce. Samuel Warner. Benjamin Boyce. Arnold King. Benjamin Boyce. Joshua Palmerton. Joshua Palmerton. Ezra Nichols. Joshua Palmerton. S. Bartlett. Smith Bartlett. Smith Bartlett. S. and S. Harrington. Isaac Brown. Jacob LeRo)-. Smith Sherman. T. R. Stafford. Ralph Plumb. Ralph Plumb. Phineas Taft. Isaac Allen. 572 DEEDS GIVEN HV THE HOLLAND COMPANY. TOWNSHIP SIX, RANGE EIGHT— Coniim/ed. Lot. Acres. Subdivision. Date of Deed Name. 22 IIO m pt Nov. 7, 1834.. Isaac Allen. 22 no w pt Nov. 6, 1834. . Zoeth Allen. 33 354 July 3, 1820. .. Joseph Lapham. 43 73 s-e pt . . . . Feb. 20, 1835. Arnold King. 43 46 n-e pt . . . . Dec. 29, 1838. Gilbert P. Smith. 43 60 s m pt . . . Oct. 21, 1838. . Ralph Plumb. 43 50 n m pt . . . Dec. 29, 1839. Royal Strang. 43 50 s-w pt . . . . Dec. 31, 1836. Allen King. 43 90 n-w pt . . . . April 4, 1839. • D. C. Chandler. 51 100 e pt Nov. 10, 1826. Ezra Southwick. 51 30 em pt . . . Jan. 9, 1836. . Ezra Southwick, 51 50 em pt . . . May I, 1841 . . Caleb Tarbox. 51 30 w m pt . . . Sept. 25, 1832. John Randall. 51 30 w m pt . . . Dec. 31, 1836. Augustus Smith. 51 100 w pt Mar. II, 1818. Augustus Smith. 59 50 s-e pt . . . . May 28, 1827.. J. R. Smith. 59 50 n-e pt . . . . June 8, 1855. . Nancy Brace. 59 50 n-e m pt . . Dec. 27, 1833. Thomas J. Kerr. 59 70 n m pt . . . Nov. 10, 1846. Eli Rice. 59 100 w pt May 28, 1827. John Rice. 67 105 e pt Nov. 30, 1838. Charles E. Potter. 67 76 s m jjt . . . . Jan. 2, 1856. . . S. C. Schoonover. 67 30 n m pt . . . Nov. 9, 1850. . 0. Allen. 67 50 s-w pt . . . . May 27, 1839. Smith Bartlett. 67 100 n-H' pt . . . . Dec. 9, 1835.. Smith Sherman. 14 100 e pt Oct. 21, 1836. . Ralph Plumb. 14 ^37 \v pt Dec. 29, 1837. Jacob Becker. 23 67 s-e pt .... Dec. 9, 1845 . . Abraham Patch. 23 91 s-w pt . . . . June 13, 1835. Martin Perrin. 23 ^7 n-c pt . . . . Nov. 30, 1835. Ralph Plumb. 23 55 A\" m pt . . . April 24, 1828. Stephen Southwick. 34 184 s pt Oct. 6, 1835. . . Hosea White. 34 184 n pt Sept. 19, 1819. Abram Lapham. 44 190 s pt Sept. 7, 1 819.. Abram Lapham. 44 48 em pt . . . Jan. 9, 1837. . . Hunnewell Hathaway. 44 46 n-e pt . . . . Dec. 25, 1834. Warren Foster. 44 50 w m pt . . . July 29, 1820. E. Lapham. 44 50 n-A\- pt . . . Sept. 19, 1836. H. Hathaway. 52 50 -S-e pt . . . . Sept. 13, 1834. Elijah Pratt. 52 49 s m pt . . . Dec. 25, 1834. Warren Foster. 52 60 n-e pt . . . . June 6, 1822. . Asa Lapham. 52 50 s-w pt . . . . Dec. 13, 1830. Betsey Kinne. DEEDS (;IVE.\ I!V THE HOLLAND COMPANY. 573 TOWNSHIP SL\, RANGE EIGHT— Continue,/. Lot. Acres. Subdivision. I Date of Deed. 52 52 52 60 60 60 68 68 68 68 15 24 25 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 45 53 53 53 53 61 61 61 61 61 69 69 69 69 36) 37' 38J 46 54 54 54 Name. 50 47 50 50 I I I 161 124 65 65 100 169 223 135 50 50 28 42 28 29 397 65 42 29 200 60 40 60 60 82 100 60 60 140 423 389 100 134 50 Feb. 15, 1839. Aug. 22, 1831 . Feb. 12, 1829. May 28, 1827. Sept. 26, 1828. npt I Jan. 9, 1836. . . s pt { Nov. 10. 1835 • m pt I Dec. 10, 1836. n m pt . . J Sept. 28, 1836. npt j Nov. 27, 18 17. I Nov. I, 1832 Oct. 15, 1822 : Jan. 17, 1834 Jan. 6, 1837. Jan. I, 1840. June 7, 1838 n m pt . w m pt . n-w pt . s-e pt . . s-w pt s-e pt . n-e pt . 89 I s m pt n m pt. . . April 2, 1838 m pt \ Oct. 29, 1834 w m pt w pt . . s-e pt . . em pt . n pt . . . vv pt . . . s-e pt . . s-w pt . . e m pt. w m pt . n pt . . . . s pt . . . . s m pt . n m pt. n pt . . . . s pt . . . m pt . . n-\v pt , July 5, 1838 Feb. 20, 1835 Oct. 13, 1819 Nov. 16, 1835. Dec. 3, 1829 Oct. 6, 1835. June 6, 1 8 18 Oct. 6, 1835. Dec. 8, 1836 Aug. 7, 183s Dec. 20, 1838. Nov. 1 1, 1836. June 13, 1831. Sept. 6, 1834. . Nov. 1 1, 1836. May 22, 181 1.. Thomas J. Kerr. B. Halleck. John W'ilber. John Rice. William Sisson. Orton J. Knight. Smith Barton. Jolin Lawton. John Lawton. Jacob Taylor. Ahaz Allen. Enos Southwick. Ralph Plumb. Amos Pearson. David Goldshwait. \ Chester Howe and ( Amasa A. Chaffee. H. Hathaway. George F. King. James Lock. Arnold King. Stephen Lapham. - Orton J. Knight. Avery Knight. Avery Knight. David Pound. John W'ilbor. John W'ilbor. Thomas G. Kerr. Thomas Kerr. Smith Bartlett. Asa Lapham. Smith Bartlett. Smith Bartlett. Jacob Taylor. Aug. 2r. 1819. Turner Aldrich, Jan. 17. 1834.. Ralph Plumb. Jan. 18,1834.. Ralph Plumb. Feb. 20, 1837. Nathan Cass. Jan. 5, 1836. . . Hart Rice. 574 DKKDS (ilVKN l',\ IIIK HOLLAND (OMl'AW TOWNSHIP SLX, RANGE EIGHT— ro;iii>nm/. Lot Acres. 75 206 Subdivision. Date ok Deicd. Name. 62 62 s-c pt . . . . n pt Dec. 8, 1836.. Jan. 26, 1813. . John Vosburt^h. Jacob Ta\'lor. TOWNSHIP SEVEN, RAN(iE EIGHT. I 50 I 72 • 150 9 177 9 200 17 150 17 120 17 60 25 120 25 200 33 85 34 40 35 100 35 45 35 90 41 130 41 45 41 84 41 100 49 209 49 56 49 50 57 57 e pt m pt . . . . w pt . . . . e pt w pt . . . . e pt m pt . . . . w pt s-w pt . . . \v pt . . . . -s-e m pt . e m pt . . . n-e pt . . . s-w pt . . . n-w pt . . . s-e pt. . . . n-e pt . . . n m pt . . w pt . . . . s-e pt. . . . n-e pt . . . w pt . . . . lot Sept, June Feb. Feb. Mar. Jan. July Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Dec. Dec. Feb. Sept Nov, Oct. Sept May Aug, Oct. Oct. , 26, 1836. 28, 1836. 19, 1 8 16.. 23, 1S15.. 20, 181 8 . 23, 1821 . . 28, 1855.. 24, 1836 . 26, 1838.. 31. 1836 . 13, 1840. . 22, 1831 . . 7. 1835 ■■ 12, 1838 . 22, 1836.. . 5, 1821 . . 13, 1827, 21, 1836. , . 13, 1820 22, 1811 , 15, 1 82 1 24, 1809. 24, 1809. Oiiver Pcrr\-. Elisha Washburn. John Goodell. James Goodell. Kendall Johnson. S.M. Goodell and others. George Lenox. Daniel Healy. George Southvvick. Hudson Ansley. Hiram Pratt. Stephen Sisson . Elijah Pratt. George Sisson . Charles C. Sherman. Jacob Ta\'lor. R. C. Sherman . Nathaniel Sisson, Jr. John Lawton. Stephen Twining. William Sisson . Thomas Stewardson. Thomas Stewardson. TOWXSIHl' SIX, KAXCiK SEVEN. 63 50 63 250 63 50 ' 64 80 64 90 64 50 : 64 100 1 64 50 e pt Oct. 20, 1843. m pt July 18, 1839. w i)t April 20, 1839 s-e pt j July 18, 1839 n-e i)t . . . . i Dec. 21, 1826 m in j Jan. 15. 1842 w m pt . . . j Jan. i 5, 1842 w pt I Jan. I 5, 1842 Jacob Le Roy. P C. Sherman . William \\ Powers. P. C. Sherman. George C. Tripp. Erastus Colburn. Erastus Colburn. Nehemiah Reynold.s. DEKDS (;IVKN DV 11 IK HOLLAND COMrANN'. 575 TOWNSHIP SIX, RANGE SEVEN— CouiinueJ. Lot. ACRKS. 90 Subdivision. Date ok Dked. Name. 65 s-e pt 1 Jan. 15, 1842. . Sylvanus liites, Jr. 65 50 s-e m pt . . j May 11, 1837. David Tay. 65 50 e m pt . . . : Dec. 30, 1836. . Stukeley Hudson. 65 100 n-e pt . . . . Jan. 26, 1835. . William Clark. 65 100 w pt Nov. 4, 1836. . Jonas Howe. 50 232 w 1 Nov. 8, 1852. . Jesse Frye. 51 218 wl July 18, 1839. • P. C. Sherman. 52 76 ept Jan. 28, 1854.. Peter Beverly. 52 I 10 s m pt . . . . Dec. 12, 1837 . Edward Vail. 52 50 n m pt . . . Jan. 15, 1842. . Seba Nichols. 52 50 w m pt . . . Jan. 6, 1832. . . John D. Beverly. 52 100 w pt Oct. 6, 1836... John D. Beverly. 30 125 ept Jan. 7, 1839.. . H. U. Soper. 30 60 w pt July 18, 1839.. P. C. Sherman. 31 156 w 1 Nov. II, J841 . Phineas Orr. 32 118 w 1 June 2, 1S30. . Peter Pratt. 33 64 c pt Aug. 29, 1822. Peter Pratt. 33 70 w pt Oct. 29, 1853. . Michael C. Hufstater. 34 40 e pt Oct. 29, 1853.. Michael C. Hufstater. 34 100 w pt Jan. 15, 1836.. William Ballou. 35 143 ^v\ July I, 1838... Abram Van Tuyl. 37 93 ept July 18, 1839. • P. C. Sherman. 37 100 w pt April 20, 1839. William P. Powers. 3« 50 n-c pt . . . . May 12, 1855 . Joseph Bailey. 3H 50 n-w pt . ... Oct. 20, 1843.. Jacob Le Roy. 3« 50 s-w pt . . . . Dec. 6, 1837 . . Jehial Hill, 83 391 w 1 July 18, 1839. • P. C. Sherman. 84 53 s-e pt . . . . Sept. 24, 1834. Nathaniel Knight. 84 60 s-w pt . . . . Dec. I, 1836.. Tracy Burnap. 84 84 e m pt... . Mar. 10, 1 841 . Francis L. Knight. 84 40 ^\• m pt . . . Feb. 14, 1843.. Tracy Burnap. 84 54 n-w m pt . May 6, 1854 . . H. Wickham. 84 50 n pt Dec. 10, 1853. • Huram Wickham. 85 50 s-e pt July 4, 1835... William Skeggs. 85 50 s-w pt . . . . Feb. 8, 1833... H. W. Palmerston. 85 60 s m pt . . . . Jan. 6, 1842.. . H. W. Palmerston. 85 135 m pt April 28, 1837. Orton J. Knight. 85 57 n pt April 20, 1839. William P. Powers. 74 109 e pt April 20, 1839. W. P. Powers. 74 40 e m pt . . . May 20, 1842 . Nehemiah Reynolds. 74 60 e m pt. . . Jan. 25, 1842. . Joseph Jenkins. 74 87 m pt Nov. I, 1841 . . Hiram B. Clark. 5/6 DEEDS (ilVEN HV THE HOELAM) COMl'AXV TOWNSHIP SIX, RANGE S¥NY.^— Continued. Lot. Acres. 74 60 74 50 75 75 175 60 75 50 75 40 75 7^ 76 76 39 70 165 150 92 50 92 25 92 50 92 75 92 100 i 93 93 50 I 84 ' 93 70 93 21 93 50 93 15 I 94 74 94 1 10 94 30 94 30 94 50 94 40 94 30 Subdivision. s-w pt . . n-w pt . . e pt . . . s m pt . . s-v\' pt . . w m pt . n-w pt . . e pt . . . . m pt . . . w pt . . . s-e pt. . . s-e m pt e m pt . n-e pt . . \w m pt . s-c pt. . . s-c pt . . m pt . . . n-e ni pt s-w pt . . e in pt . s-c pt. . . n-w pt . . s-w m pt s m pt . . s-w pt . . n-e pt . . n ni pt . Date of Deed. Dec. 26, 1836 . July I, 1836. . . July 2, 1822 . . Jan. 4, 1829. . . Jan. 15, 1842 .. Dec. cS, 1836 . . Dec. 7, 1836 . . Feb. 26, 1839.. Jan. 15, 1842 .. Nov. 6, 1816. . Oct. 27,1835.. Nov. 3, 1842. . Nov. I, 1 841 . . May 25, 1839.. Nov. I, 1840. . Sept. 9, 1853. . Feb. 20, 1856.. Aug. 12, 1854. Jan. 20, 1855 . . Apr.5 or6, 1837 May 12, 1855 ■ Mar. 10, 1841 . Feb. 6. 1857 . . Oct. 27, 1835. . Oct. 23, 1848. . Oct. 1 8, 1838 . Jan. 15, 1855.. Mar. 15, 1853 ■ Name. John F. Johnson. Abraham V'an Tuyl. Nathaniel Knight. William Stevenson. Norman Reynolds. William Stevenson. Wilber Irish. William Skeggs. Daniel Newel. Henry Kimball. Joshua Pike. Moses Blakeley. Orin Randall. Jeremiah Richardson. Hiram Hazard. Jacob Burnap. J. A. Randall. David Roberts. E. Randall. Isaac Brown. S. and S. Harrington. William Crandall. G. T. and A. Potter. Lyman Steele. Norman Reynolds. William Warner. Joseph Baile)'. William A. Sibley. TOWNSHIP SEVEN, R.\NGE SEVEN. 49 160 s pt 1 1 April 1, i.''39. . D. H. Chandler. 49 150 e pt Mar. 31, 1842 . Alpheus Aldrich. 49 50 w m pt . . June 7, 1842. . Allurus Harris. 49 57 n-w pt . . . Sept. 13, 1845. Jacob Le Roy. ^7 64 n-e pt . . . Jan. 5, 1856. . . Lewis R. Giles. 57 53 s m pt . . June 16, 1848. Philander Pierce. S7 62 n m pt . . Jan. 6, 1855 .. . Oliver Briggs. 57 50 s-w pt . . . June 16, 1848 . N. K. Albee. 57 44 n-w pt . . . Mar. 31, 1855 . John Staff in. I'KRsoNs i:i.!;c ii;i) lo town of kicks. TOWNSHIP SEVEN. RANGE SEVES—CoMiinuc,/. 577 Lot. Aires. Subdivision. Date of Deed. Name. 65 65 65 65 65 65 80 70 ■0 25 30 w pt n-w m pt . S 111 pt . . . . n-c IT) pt . . n m pt . . . n ni pt . . . July 28. 1855.. Oct. 7. 1854.. . Sept. 25, 1854. Mar. I, 1855. . Oct. II, 1851.. Nov. I, 1841 . . Isaac Hunt. D. C. Pierce. Vernam Godfrey. John Staffin. William Briggs. A. D. Conger. NAMES OK I'KKSOXS WHO IIA\K KILKKD lOWN OKKICKS from the formation of the town ( 1821 ) up to the present date: 1821. Supervisor — John Law ton. Town Clerk — Stephen White. Assessors — Lemuel M. White. John Griffith, Luke Cr .n- dall. Jr. Commissioners of Hi^^hways — Levi Woodward, John Law- ton, Arnold Kino- Collector — Luke Crandall, Jr. 1S22. Supervisor — Henry Joslin. Town Clerk — Stephen White. Assessors — Levi Woodward, Stephen Hussey, John (jriffith. Commissioners of Hio;]iw.iys — John Lawton, Nathaniel King, Abram Gifford. Collector — Luke Crandall. Jr. 1823. Super\isor — Ste;)heii White. Town Clerk — Jo'.in Lawton. Assessors — Nathaniel White, John Arnold, John Stancliff, Jr. Commissioners of Highways — Jonathan O. Irish. Horace Lan- don, Phineas Orr. Collector — Luke Crandall, Jr. 578 PERS(^NS ELFXTED TO TOWN OFFICES. 1824. Supervisor— Nathaniel Knight. Town Clerk — Stephen White. Assessors — John Arnold, Soloman Dunham, Lemuel M. White. Commissioners of Highways — John Lawton, Horace Lan- don, Enos Southwick. Collector — Luke Crandall, Jr. 1825. Supervisor — Nathaniel Knight. Town Clerk — Stephen White. Assessors — John Arnold, Enos Southwick, Lemuel M. White". Commissioners of Highways — John Lawton, Soloman Dun- ham, Horace Landon. Collector — Luke Crandall, Jr. 1826. Supervisor — Nathaniel Knight. Town Clerk — Stephen White. Assessors — John Lawton, Horace Landon, Enos Southwick. Commissioners of Highways — John Lawton, Horace Lan- don, Soloman Dunham. Collector — Asher Avery. 1827. Supervisor — Nathaniel Knight. Town Clerk — Stephen White. Assessors — John Arnold, Enos Southwick, John Stancliff, Jr. Commissioners of Highways — John Lawton, Horace Lan- don, James Parkinson. Collector — Asher Avery. 1828. Supervisor — -Nathaniel Knight. Town Clerk — Stephen White. Assessors — John Arnold, John Stancliff, Jr., Enos Southwick. Commissioners of Highways — James Parkinson, Benjamin Hussey, Enos Southwick. Collector — Asher Avery. TERSOXS KI.KCIKI) \n loWN ol' KICKS. 579 1829. Supervisor — Nathaniel Kni. C. C. Torrence, 1879, '^O' '^^- William H. Parkinson, 1882. John T. Johnson, 1883. TOWN CLERKS. Zemri Howe, 1835, 37. Stephen White, 1836. Leman H. Pitcher, 1838, '39, '40, '41, '42, '43, '44. Thomas Russell, 1845. Benjamin W. Sherman, 1846, '47. E. W. Godfrey, 1848, '49, '50. George H. Hodges, 185 1, '53, "54, '55, '58. Paul H. White, 1852. William W. Russell, 1856, '57. Henry S. Steb- bins, 1859. S. C. Warner, i860, '61. Z. A. Bartlett, 1862, '64. '71, '73, '74. P. H. Perry, 1863. Joseph Mugridge, 1865, '66. Curtis I. Bates, 1867. L. H. De Wolf, 1868, '69. S. T. Knight, 1875, '76, '77. Plyn Holton, 1878, '79. A. W. Fish, 1880. M. B. Sherman, 1881, '82. David H. Davis, 1883. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Zimri Howe, 1835, '43, '55. John Sherman, 1836, '40. Humphry Smith, 1837. James Parkinson, 1838. Warren Tan- ner, 1 841. Nathaniel Frank, 1842, '46. Isaac Potter, 1844. I'KRSOXS EI.ECTKD TO lOWX OFl'ICES. 581 Harvey Hicks, 1845. Lcman H. Pitcher, 1845, '47> '5'- J^"- nin<;s B(nvcn. 1846. '48. Chas. C. Kirby, 1849. Benj. VV. Sherman, 1850, '54. L}'nian Clark, 1852. W'ilham Dickenson, 1850. Philip II. Perr)', 1853, '62, '64. '65, '69, '74, 'yj. Anson, Tanner, 1853, '57. John Wilber, 1853. Marcus Kartlett, 1856. E. W. Henry, 1857, '60, '64. Hiram Gibbons, 1858. S. W. Soule. 1859. J^^li" ^'- Allen, 1859. ^- B. Parkinson, 1862, '67. Samuel C. Warner, 1863. Arnold Chase, 18C6. \V. W. Rus- sell, 1866, '67, '71. William Peacock, 1868, '72, '80. Edward Vail, 1873. Erastus Harris, 1874. L. Van Ostrand, 1875,79- H. J. Brown. 187 .-. J . Knight, 1878. M. P. Kellogg 1881. H. A. Rej'nolds, 1878, '82. COI.LKCTORS. Asher Avery, 1835, '36, '^7, '38. '39. 40, '4i> 4^. 43. 44- 45, '46, '47. Piatt Rogers, 1848, '49. David Roberts, 1850. Nor- man Re}-nolds, 185 1, '52, '60. Ezra Bull, 1853, "54, '55, '56. Enoch Randall, 1857. George McMillan, 1858. Nathan F. King, 1859, '61. Arus Hall, 1862, '63. Rufus Washburn, 1864, '65. Benjamin Smith, 1866. Ransom G. King, 1867. Joseph A. Smith, 1868, '69. A. B. Pierce, 1870. Henry Statts, 1871. Adam Clark, 1872. James Matthews, 1873. J. G. Van Ostrand,. 1874. Milton B. Sherman, 1875, '76, '79, '80. Otis Wheeler, 1877. Edward E. White, 1878. Charles C. Clark, 1881. Eewis Soule, 1882. ASSESSORS. Stephen White, Nathaniel Knight, Lsaac Allen, 1835. John Arnold, Isaac Allen, Eemuel M. White, 1836. Nathaniel Rich- mond, Enos Southwick, Nathaniel Knight, 1837. Nathaniel Richmond, Enos Southwick, W'arren Tanner, 1838. Enos Southwick, William Herrick, John Stancliff, Nathaniel Rich- mond, 1839. Enos Southwick, Warren Tanner, Benjamin W. Sherman, Martial Judson, 1840. Enos Southwick, Martial Judson. B. W. Sherman, Warren Tanner, 1841. Enos South- wick, B. W. Sherman, Warren Tanner, Martial Judson, 1842. Constant Southwick, Enos Southwick, Warren Tanner, John Stancliff, 1843. Martial Judson, Constant Southwick, Warren Tanner, S. T. Munger, 1844. Enos Southwick, V. L. Knight Jennings Bowen, Horace Landon, 1845. Horace Landon, 582 PERSONS ELECTKI) TO TOWN OFFICES. Humphry Smith, Timothy Bigelow, 1846. Gideon Webster, 1847. Edwin P. Pahner, Giles Gifford, 1848. Giles Gifford, 1849. Samuel T. Munger, 1850. Francis L. Knight, 1851. Wilson Rodgers, 1852. Samuel T. Munger, Anson G. Conger, 1853. Norman Reynolds, Almon D. Conger, 1854. Almon D. Conger, 1855. Samuel T. Munger, 1856. Marcus Bartlett, 1857. Joseph Gifford, 1858. Samuel T. Munger, 1859. John E. Moss, i860. Almon D. Conger, 1861, Joshua Allen, George Sisson, 1862, '63, Almon D. Conger, 1864. Joshua Allen, 1865. Stephen A. Sisson, 1866. Almon D. Conger, 1867. John H. White, 1868. E. R. Harris, 1869. Almon D. Conger, 1870. J. H. White, 1871. E, R. Harris, 1872. John H. Johnson, 1873. Joshua Allen, 1874. George Sission, 1875. John H. Johnson, 1876. John H. White, 1877. S. B. Wash- burn, 1878. J. H. Johnson, 1879. J- H. White, 1880. S. B. Washburn, 1881. Joshua Allen, PVancis Brown, 1882. COMMISSIONERS OF HICHWAVS. Jehial Hill, Darius Crandall, George Davold, 1835. Jehiai Hill, George Davold, Darius Crandall, 1836. George Davold, Samuel Rodgers, Darius Crandall, 1837. Samuel Rodgers^ Jehial Hill, George Southwick, 1838. Jehial Hill, Samuel Rodgers, Darius Crandall, 1839 Jehial Hill, C. B. Parkinson George Davold, 1840. C. B. Parkinson, George Davold, Gid- eon Webster, 1841. C. B. Parkinson, George Davold, Gideon Webster, 1842. Daniel P. Wing, John Jennings, Gideon Web- ster, 1843. Joseph Sisson, Smith Bartlett, Gideon Webster. 1844. J. H. McMillen, Enoch Randall, Joseph Sisson, 1845. Humphry White, Enoch Randall, John Vosburg, 1846. John Vosburg, 1847. Elisha W\ashburn, 1848. Aaron Parker, 1849. J. H. McMillen, 1850. Stukely Hudson, 185 1. Rufus W. Stickney, 1 852. Barnard Cook, David Roberts, 1853. (None elected in 1854.) Elisha Washburn, 1855. '56. Jeremy Bart- lett, 1857, '58. Stukely Hudson,'! 859. James Mathews, i860, •61. R. N. Mo.ss, 1862. W. T. Popple, 1863. E.R.Harris, 1864, 65. R. W. Moss, 1866. C. B. Colburn, 1867. John E. Moss, 1868, '69. Seth F. Bartlett, 1870. J. E. Moss, 1871. Joseph H. Parmerton, 1872, 'yX).' J. B. Andrews, 1874, '75. TKRSONS Kl-KCTHK I' > 'lOWN OKKK KS 583 Charles Trunk, 1876. Daniel Wilber, 1877, '78. John Mathews, 1879. Jesse Frye, 1 880, '81. Joseph H. Parmerton, 1882, '83. LIST OF TOWN SU I'ERINTKNDKN TS OF SCHOOLS L\ COLLLNS,. DATING FROM 1 844. 1844 — John V. AWcn. 1845 — ^^ illson Rof^ers. 1846 — John F. Allen. 1847 — Samuel C Adams. o r Samuel C. Adams. 1S49 \ 1850 ( 185 I \ Samuel C. Adams. ^^52 ' William A.Sibley. 1853 * ^ \m I William A. Sibley. 1856— William A. Sibley. SCHOOLS. Our young people of the present time can but faintly pic- ture to themselves the contrast between our first district schools and those of the present day. Rude log buildings with bark roofs and puncheon floors, heated in Winter by a fire- place that occupied the entire end of the building, often con- stituted the" temple of knowledge" in pioneer times. Instead of our modern patent seats, benches rived from the trunk of some free-splitting ash or basswood were often used ; school books were scarce, the course of instruction very limited, and the methods of the pedagogue who presided meager and arbi- trar\'. Among the earh^ teachers in Collins were the following : TIIOSK WHO TAU(;HT fifty to SIXTY-FIVE YEARS AOO.. Simon Waterman, Leman H. Pitcher, Otis W'heelock, Jonathan O. Irish, John Adams, John C. Adams, Joseph Woodward, Stephen Parsells, Benjamin Waterman, Betsey Knight, Ruth Knight, Avery Knight, 584 EARLY TKACHKRS. Marie Luthers, Patience Parkinson, Almond Lindsley, Isaac Allen. Elsler Pratt, John Pratt. Frank Bsmont, Diadama Vosburg, Polly Russell, Philander Havens. Eliza Palmerton, E. N. F'rye. THOSE WHO TAUfiHr TinRrV-FI\'E TO FIFTV YEARS AGO. Caroline Beckwith. Lydia McMillain, Aurora Waterman, Augustus Hanchett. Eli Heath, Edward Vail, Sophronia Brewster. Mrs. Barnum, Isaac White. Alanson Clark, Elias Van Court, Henry Reynolds, Laura Rice, Alonzo Pierce, Lydia A. Sloan, Wilder Plsher, Aaron Fenton, Matilda Fritz, Philena Annis, James Mathews. S. W. Soule, Jonathan Briggs, Diadama Vosburg. Charles Woodward, Chester Howe, Thibbet Soule. Martha Nichols, William S. Herrick. Henry Reynolds, Fn. The Friends had a church organization in Collins and North Collins, at an early day, probably in 181 3 or '14. They had a log meeting house just o\'er the line in North Cc^llins, on Na- thaniel Sisson's land, and then another about half a mile south- east of Bagdad. The meeting house on Augustus Smith's land was built about 1840. The following list contains most of the names of the men and women, who were members of that church, to wit: Jona- than Southwick and wife, George Southwick, Abram Gifford and Lucy his wife, Rufus Gifford, Ezra Southwick and wife, Hugh McMillen and Lyda his wife, Benjamin Stowell and Hannah his wife, Stephen Sisson and wife, Perr}' Sisson and wife, Nathaniel Sisson and \\ife, Samuel Tucker and wife, Abram Tucker and Phebe his wife, John Strang and Elizabeth his wife, David Pound aiitl famih', Elisha Russell, Augustus Smith and Elizabeth his wife, William Sisson and Lydia his wife, Peter Potter and Rachel his wife. Lsaac .\llen and wife, Levi Tafft and wife, Jonathan Soule and Temperance his wife, Asa Lapman. Barnabus Robinson, Eli Lapham and Rachel his wife, Joshua Palmerton and Hannah his wife, Ezra Nichols and Sally his wife, Warren Tanner and Hannah his wife, Barak Smith and Mar\' his wife, Nathan Smith and Rachel his wife, Gilbert Smith and Lxxlia his wife, Addison COLLINS S()L|)li:U KLC'ORI). 589 Smith and Mary Jane his wife, Asa Smith and Lydia his wife, Joseph Lapham and .Ann liis wife, Haduin Arnold and wife, Turner Aldrich and wife, Isaac Wilber and wife, Ohver Keys and wife, Jacob Taj'lor, Mordica Sherman and wife, Henry Tucker and wife. Nehemiah Hull and wife, Powell Hallock, Benijah Hallock, Benjamin l^t)ice and wife, Lewis Varney and wife, Lorenzo Mabbitt, Daniel Sisson and wife, George Sisson and wife, Royal Strang, Edwin Mabbitt and wife and mother Hannah, William Palmer, Stephen White and wife, William O'Brian and Ann his wife, Daniel Healy and wife, David Lap- ham, Abram Lapham, Nathan Cass, Ambrose Haight (Judge Haight's grandfather), David Corbin, Amherst Hopkins, Eliza- beth Foster, Rhoda Tarbox. SOLDIER REC(3RD OF COLLINS. Collins has just reason to be proud of the part her sons performed in the War of the Rebellion. One hundred and fif- teen enrolled their names for the service, twent}'-six of whom were either killed in battle or died from other causes while in the service. Collins was represented in twelve different regi- ments. More than half of her soldiers were in the Sixty-fourth regiment New York State volunteers, Compan)' A., and the Tenth New York cavalry. The Sixty-fourth rjgimcnt was under command of Col. Thomas J. Parker, of Gowanda, and Avas in all of the principal battles in which the Army of the Potomac participated. The Tenth New York cavalry also did gallant service in the field. The Excelsior Brigade saw constant ser\Mce from ^'orkt()wn to Petersburg. The People's Ellsworth acted a prominent part in Vincent's brigade in occu- pying a position on Wolf hill at Gettysburg, and were in the other hard-fought battles of the army of the Potomac. Those who were members of the Second Mounted Rifles, the One Hundred and Sixteenth and One Hundred and Eight}'-seventh regiments, as well as those who were nearly or quite the sole representatives of their town in their regiments, acted no holi* .da)' part in the great rebellion. 590 COLLINS SDLDTER RECORD. The following is a list of those who entered the service : SLXTV-FOURTH RECIMENT NEW YORK VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, COMPANY A. Note. — A star indicates death in the service, and the person's name will be found at the close in a list of the dead. Capt. Rufus Washburn, Jr., Lieut. William W. Rus.sell, *Harrison Clark, *Foster B. Ross, Read F. Clark, Brev.-Maj. Arnold R. Chase, *Alexander Oglevie, James M. Wilco.x, Bethel W. Camp, Albert Cowdrey, John C. Hupfield, John Board way, Maj. D. W. Hurdley, John Hurdley, *Jacob Saunders, Lewis W. Henry. Theodore Tyrer, Ira B. Stewart, Hudson Ainsley, Noah Twoguns ( Indian i. Henr\- L. W'ilber, *Henry S. Young, *John G. Young, Benjamin H. Smith, Ezra Colburn, *George Palmer, Capt. Peter Boardwax', Lieut. John Tocpp. *\Villiam Burns, Daniel Allen, Michael Boardway, *Andrew Reagles, *Lawrence Reagles, James Walker, Lieut. William W. Roller, Orson Mclntire, Charles L. Mair, James M. Clark, Hiram Henry, George Howard. TENTH RECilMENT NEW YORK CAVALRY Joseph J. Mabbitt, Erastus Colburn, Joseph Matthews, George Rudd, Fred Tillintrhast, William Briggs, John Matthews, Daniel Warner, Charles Briggs, Lieut. William Potter, Ledr)- Sherman. Company A. "■^William H. Hathaway, Ransom G. King, John T. King. Edwin M. Page, Seret. Lewis A. Colburn. COLLINS SOLDI KK KKCORD. 591 Company />'• Corp. Frank W. Taylor, Lieut. Marion Smith, *Sergt. John W. \'ail. Company O. Lieut. James Matthews, *George B. Pratt, *Sergt. WilHam S. Lenox, Caleb J. Randall. Cotfipany H. Daniel Auwater. Company L. Eugene A. Colburn, Corp. David S. Morrell, Daniel Brown, *Kimball Persons, Lieut. Nelson Washburn. SECOND REOIMLNT MOUNTED RIFLES, COMI'AXV D. Eugene Haliday, Robert Wilber, Sergt. Edward M. P'arnsworth, George ¥. Vail, Orrin W. Sayles, *Wilber C. Perry, Tibbits Soule, Thomas Morrill, Luzerne Clark, Sidney Barnhart, Gilbert S. South wick, Morenca J. Bl.akely, Hiram Stage. SEVENTY-SECOND REGIMENT INFANTRY (Excelsior Brigade), COMPANY E. George \V. Baily, Richard Lindsley, George V. Smith, *James Wilber, Charles J. Wilber. Corp. Jesse Walker, "■p'rank Matthews, Ensign Skinner. FORTY-FOURTH RFCIMENT (People's Ellsworth) Co. A. Lieut. Erastus L. Harris, John C. Robbins, *01iver K. Irish, Frank Decker, George Persons. ONE HUNDRED AND EICHTY-SEVENTH RECIMENl" LXFANTRY, NEW YORK VOLUNTEERS. Capt. Geo. H. Hodges, Co. B, Corp. Millard F. Randall. Co. G, Franklin G. Hawkins, Co. G, George Pierce. 592 COLLINS SOLDIKR RECORD. ONE HUNDRKI) AND SIXTEENTH REGIMENT INEANTY NEW YORK VOLUNTEERS, COMPANY F. *Marshall Bickford, *Oscar Ralph, *Franklin B. Stewart, *WilHam Ferris, Cassius Grannis, George Auvvater, Joseph Doty, *Lieut. Charles Bowsk}' PROMISCUOUS. Franklin Foster, 9th N. Y. Cav , Co. G. Sergt. Edward J. Daggett, 21st Reg. Inf., Co. G. *Casper Levack, 49th Reg. Inf., Co. B. Noah Doty, Jr., 145th Reg. Inf., Co. A. Corp. John J. Brown, 13th N. Y. Cav., Co. C. Sergt. Jacob Levack, 49th Reg. Inf., Co. B. Sergt. John Levack, 49th Reg. Inf., Co. B. *John A. Wiesmantle, 49th Reg. Inf. LIST OF THOSE WHO WERE KILLED OR DIED IN THE SERVICE, Harrison Clark, killed in the battle of Fair Oaks June I, 1862, Foster B. Ross, contracted disease in the service ; died at home Jan. 24, 1863. Alexander Oglevie, killed in the battle of Fair Oaks June 5, 1862. Jacob Saunders, killed at Cold Harbor. Henry S. Young, died in the hospital Oct. 6, 1862. John G. Young, died in the hospital at David's Island. George Palmer, killed in the battle of Fair Oaks June 5, 1862. William Burns, killed in the battle of Auburn Hill. Andrew Reagles, killed at Coffee Hill. William H. Hathaway, died at Baltimore Aug. 5, 1862. Sergt. John \V. Vail, killed in the battle of Hanox'ertown, Va., May 28, 1864. George B. Pratt, died in Anderson\'ille prison. Sergt. William S. Lenox, killed at Bristow Station, Va., Oct, 14, 1863. Capt. Kimball Persons, killed at Travillion Station June 1 1, 1864. Wilber C. Perry, died in Andersonx'ille prison Sept. I, 1864, I COLLINS SOLDIER RECORD. 593 James W'ilbcr, died of wounds received June 4, 1862. Oliver K. Irish, killed at battle of Hanover Court House. Marshall Bickford, died in the hospital at Baton Rous^e in August, 1863. Oscar Ralph, died in the hospital at l^aton Rouge in May, 1863. Franklin B. Stewart, died in the hospital at Baton Rouge May 10, 1883. William Ferris, died at Cairo, 111., Oct. 2, 1863. Lieut. Charles Boursk)-, died of wounds in June 1863. Casper Levack, died in the hospital at Alexandria, Va., in the Fall of 1862. John A. W'iesmantle, killed in the Battle of the Wilderness. Frank Matthews, died at Camp Wool in April, 1862. Lawrence Reagles, killed at Auburn Hill, Oct. 13, 1863. LIST OF PERSONS NOW LIVIN(; WHO WERE RESIDENTS OF COLLINS SIXTY OR MORE YEARS AGO. David Wilber, John Wilber and wife, John Beverly, Elisha Washburn, Augustus Smith, Benjamin Albee, Isaac Hunt and wife, Mrs. Rachel Palmerton, Mr. Burnap, Huram Wickham, Aaron Lindsle}- and wife, Sylvanus Cook, Joseph H. Plumb, Mrs. Maria Stewart, Joshua Wilber, Lewis Hopkins, Samuel Lumbard, John Pratt, Philip Pratt, Mr. Hokum, Abram South- wick and wife, George Southwick, Mrs. Sylvenus Bates. TOWN ACCOUNT oF THE TOWN OF COLLINS FOR 183O. No. I, John Lawton $1725 No. 2. John Arnold 17 88 No. 3. R. Rogers 1 1 25 No. 4. E. Southwick 8 50 No. 5. Thos. Stancliff 62 N6. 6. A. Knight 10 00 No. 7. O. Hathaway 8 50 No. 8. Warren Tanner 24 25 No. 9. J. C. Adams 13 50 No. 10. John Stancliff 10 00 No. II. John Griffith 22 63 No. 12. Isaac Palmer 3 00 25 594 TOWN ACCOUNTS FOR 183O. N°-^3- (^ r TT- u ] Gabriel String $3000 XT ] Lorn. 01 Highways, ' t- t i No. 14. • ^ ^ .- E. Lapham 12 00 TVT - / Damages, \ ,,7 t^ , , _ No. 15. ' ^ ' \\ m. Parmcrton 5 50 No. 16. Stephen White 22 00 No. 17. Byron W. Pratt i 50 No. 18. Horace Langdon and John Griffith 4 00 No. 19. John Stancliff i 00 No. 20. Thomas B Soule 17 00 No. 21. L. M. White 18 00 No ■■7'y { ] Jurors' fee for 6 Jurors / - Com. ot Highways, - sworn m 3 cases, \ No. 23. ( \ Jurors fees not sworn.. 7 50 No. 24. Nathaniel Knight 1 3 45 Due the Treasury 8 63 Rejected Fees 3 97 Interest on Received Fees , 27 Roads and Bridges 250 00 Commissioners of Schools 100 65 Contingent 31 80 Collectors' Fees, 3 per cent 46 09 County Tax 852 00 Amount raised $1 584 24 COLLINS SOCIETIES. Collins Center has four secret societies or beneficiary orders, as follo\\'s : ODD FELLOWS. Friendship Lodge, reinstated in February, 1882. It has a membership of about seventy. The officers are as follows: Humphre)- Russell, N. G.; James Mathews, V. G.; Milton B. Sherman, Secretary ; Philander Pierce, Treasurer; Joseph Mugridge, Acting P. G. A. o. u. w. Lodge organized in February, 1877. Membership about fifty. Officers are as follows : A. S. Warner, M. W.; E. A. Bartlett. Recorder ; M. W. Bai- ley, Treasurer. COLLINS SOCIKTIKS. 595 R. T. OK r. Harvest Council No. 62. Number of charter members twenty ; present membership about fifty. The following is a list of the original ofificers : Edwin R. Harris, S. C; Butler Potter, V. C; Krastus B. Letson, P. C; David Empson, Chaplain ; Seth T. Bartlett, Secretary; Philander Pierce, Treasurer ; William Wilbur, Her- ald ; Joseph Kiefer. Guard ; Nathan Pierce, Sentinel. E. A. U. Eureka Union No. 76 ; instituted April 14, 1880. Charter members, twent^^ Present membership, thirty. The original officers were : George H. Hodges, Chancelor ; Joseph Mugridge, Advocate ; James Matthews. President ; Mrs. George Hodges, Vice-Presi- dent ; B. M. Briggs, Secretary; Edwin Mugridge, Acc't ; Ed- gar Shaw, Treasurer; Mrs. William Popple, Aux.; Mrs. James Matthews, Warden ; John Schneider, Watchman. JOHN MILLIS AND HIS CRIST OF WHKAT. Active out-door life and constant contact with nature in her rougher forms, often developed, in our pioneers, powers of endurance and herculean strength that would be hardly credited at the present time. John Millis was a good example of this fact. It was about the }'ear 1820 and Millis had been logging and chopping a few days for Samuel Tucker ; finishing his work on Saturday night he was paid with two bushels of wheat. His family being out of provisions when he left home he real- ized the necessity of transforming his bag of wheat into material for replenishing his pantry as soon as possible. Notwithstand- ing the next morning was the sabbath, he started with the wheat on his back, on foot, through the woods, to Tax'lor's mill, three miles distant. On reaching the mill the miller refused to grind on Sunday. Undaunted, he shouldered his grist and directed his steps towards Lawton's mill, farther on. At this mill the water was so low that grinding could not be done. The ne.xt mill to whicii he might appl)- was Townsend's mill, in Concord, k)cated in what is now known as Wheeler 596 WILD AXIMAI.S. Hollow. To reach this mill he would have to retrace his steps back home and then proceed five miles farther on. Millis was determined that his wheat should be flour before the dews of evening fell and to Townsend's mill he went, get- ting his grist ground and returning, making a distance of twenty- two miles traveled, carrying the two bushels of wheat the entire distance. WILD ANIMALS When the first settlers came to Collins, wild animals were quite numerous. Deer were very plenty, wolves made sad havoc with the sheep and a panther occasionally made his appearance. One of the latter-named animals came to the house of Joshua Palmerton one night and attacked his dog. The panther soon left and Mr. Palmerton going out found his dog alive, though bitten through by the savage teeth of the panther. Black bears abounded and annoyed the settlers by commit- ting depredations on their fields of corn. In the F'all of 1822 Nathaniel and Avery Knight and John T. Johnson, after hav- ing their corn fields badly mutilated by what appeared to be a company of three bears, set a dead-fall and caught two of them alive; the third one, escaping, was shot at and wounded, not captured. Two years after a bear was caught in a wolf-trap, but escaped by leaving one of his feet in the trap as an evi- dence of his capture. Fourteen years after, when it was sup- posed that the last bear had disappeared from town, a lonely Bruin was found snugly ensconced among the ledges on the banks of the Cattaraugus creek. After he was killed it was found that he was minus a foot, and a scar appeared on his shoulder ; evidently the same bear that evaded capture in the dead-fall sixteen years before, and amputated his foot in the wolf-trap. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF COLLINS CENTER FOR THE YEAR I 882 H. L. Atwood, physician. Bates & White, general store, Joseph Mugridge, general store. James Matthews, groceries and provisions. Milton H. Sherman, groceries and provisions. HUSINKSS DlkKCTORIKS. 597 H. A. Reynolds, groceries and provisions. N. Bolander, Jr., & Hro., custom mills. W. H. Parkinson, saw mill. E. L. Harris, saw mill. W. W. Baily, cider mill. M. J. King, pumps and planing mill. H. B. Wood, cooper and joiner. Albert A. King, furniture. John Haas, wagon maker. John Au water, wagon maker. Frank Gornikiswies, blacksmithing. Peter Schaus, blacksmithing. George Frink, blacksmithing. D. H. Davis, harness maker. Peter Bies, shoemaker. Adolphus Rothfus, shoemaker. Merrit A. Palmerton, meat market. J. C. Hupfeld, tailor. J. V. Cole, dentist. Smith Bartlett, hotel. GOWANDA BUSINESS DIRECTORY FOR THE YEAR I 882, OF THAT PORTION OF THE YILLAtlE LOCATED IN ERIE COUNTY. C. C. Torrance, law office. J. S. Shugert, physician. T. M. Kingsley, drugs and medicines. R. P. McMillian, groceries and provisions. A. R. Sellew & Co., Gowanda Agricultural Works. Romer Bros., axe factory. Torrence & White, flour and custom mill. L. P. Dean, lumber and planing mill. L. P. Bestrup. furniture. Joseph Straub, carriage manufactor}-. Chauncey M. Grannis, carriage manufactory. J. W. Dauber, carriage manufactory. E. V. Slait, hardware. D. E. Jacobs, jewelry. Peter Rink, boots and shoes. Peter Erback, shoemaker. 598 TI-IE PETERS FAMILY. G. E. Rooker, groceries and provisions. Michael Molls, meat market. Christian Stetzer, meat market. G. H. Henry, harness maker. Frank Taylor, Marble. Mrs. Delsell, millinery. Frank Briminsthol, billiards. A. F. Conger, Grand Central hotel. Aman Fischer, hotel and brewery. Henry Eagle, Farmers' hotel. In response to a request to give some information concerning the family of Stephen Peters, his eldest daughter wrote as fol- lows , Kennedy. Jan. 21, 1881. E. Brkics, Es(^).: Dear Sir: — Stephen Peters was the }'oungest of three boys ; his brothers' names were Joseph and John ; his sisters' names were Naomi, Lydia and Anna. When Stephen was eighteen years of age he left his home in Farmington, Ontario county, N. Y., for what was called the " Far West." I think it was in the Winter of 1810; took with him a sled loaded with pro- visions, clothing, and everything which was essential for such a journey ; hitched a yoke of oxen and left one bright morning in December, mother and sisters all in tears, thinking he would be killed by Indians. I think he found Joshua Palmerton some- where on the road ; have heard my father sa}- he and Joshua went together to buy their land ; they also kept bachelor's hall together; he used to say it was the worst hall he was ever in. The following winter he went back to Farmington, after his sister to keep house for him. Joshua also went to Bennington, Vt., after his sister Sarah to keep his house. After a while Stephen took Sarah awa\- from Joshua ; they were the first couple married in town ; it was then called Concord. Then Joshua went to V^ermont after a wife; her name was Hannah Nichols. I don't know when Stephen Wilbur did come ; think it was soon after Joshua and Stephen came. I understand they made the first brush heap near Collins Center. Some time after, Stephen's father, Benjamin Peters, was IHK I'KTKKS lAMIIA. 599 taken sick at the East and sent for father to come back and take the homei-tead by paying the heirs something. He let his brother Joseph have his farm in CoUins for his share ; took care of his father and mother the remainder of their days. In regard to my father's family : he raised three children by his first wife, \'iz.: Henry, born Oct, 14, 1813. Charles, born Aug. 12, 18 1 5. Cliarlotte, born Aug. 28. 18 17. My mother died with consumption, July 15, 1822. The next father married Tryphenia Ridwell ; she lived only one year four months. Then, after living a widower one year, father married Huldah Springer. By her he had six children, viz.: Sarah, born Oct. 29, 1828. Myron, born Jul)- 16, 1830. Eliza, born Aug. 6, 1832. Stephen, born Aug. 15, 1834. Julia, born Aug. 9, 1836. Silas, born Feb. 12, 1842. In 1843, father went to Iowa; took a span of horses and wagon ; his son Myron wentwdth him. He bought him a farm, put up a house, and got things ready for the rest of the family. They went down the Ohio river on a raft as far as Louisville ; took boat there to the Mississippi river, up that river as far as Bloomfield, Iowa; there father met them with team, and took them to his place in Yalton, Iowa. He died in 1847; two of the children died years before. The rest are living in the Western country— Colorado, Oregon, and Washington territory. I forgot to mention that after father crossed the Genesee river, in coming to Collins he had to make his own road part of the way. camp out nights, make his bed of hemlock boughs, start a fire with flint and steel, and chop down trees to browse his oxen on, which was their supper. Henry was married to Sarah Dearman, in 1841 ; died Oct. 16, 1845. Charles married Mar\' Ann Rice, in 1841 ; he lives m Cali- fornia. Charlotte married S. H. Sevmour. 6oO THE PETERS FAMILY. I remember the first term of school just east of Collins Cen- ter ; I went ; school was kept in a small log school-house on father's farm ; the teacher used to get asleep Monday morn- ings ; during one of her naps, I and another girl got into trou- ble ; result, the other girl got her hand bit and I took a whip- ping. At another time, she let the boys out ; they all went down to father's spring after water and forgot to come back ; after a long time I was sent after them ; when they came, she made them all stand half bent with their heads under the writing desk awhile ; they looked comical. Yours &c., Charlotte Seymour. At the earnest solicitation of the author of this work, I pen the following lines of recollections of the by-gone times of Col- lins and its inhabitants ; To think or write of times fifty or sixty years ago is like visiting dreamland, so indistinct and vapory do all things seem. Yet memory recalls some events very distinct and real, some of which may possibly be of some interest to the reader. Sixty years ago, Collins was a wilderness, with here and there a clearing. Log houses were universal ; wagons were few; roads primitive and almost impassable, crooking round hills and knolls, roots and through the mud. Little do the young of to-day know of the labor toil and hardships of the early settlers of this now flourishing Town of Collins. A few lines in regard to society as it then existed. The Quakers or Friends composed almost the entire popula- tion of the town ; no other meeting, no other society and no other associates : all was " thee and thou," and "yea and nay." But a more friendly society I belive never existed in this part of the world : no rich, no poor, no jarrings and contentions, strife or discord ; but one law ruled, and that law was the law of universal brotherh(K:)d. Thus society appears to me at that early date. To attend meeting seemed a pleasure as well as duty, for all went, and the log meeting-house was every day filled full of sober and dignified Quakers. Quiet reigned ; no noise to disturb the deep thoughts of the pious worshipers, but all were giving heed KECOLI.F.CriONS OF COLLINS. 6oi to the influence of the spirit, and anon some dijjjnitary arose, took off his hat (the hat was always worn in church), and the words came : first slow and measured, then more rapid, till the whole house resountled with the echoes of the speaker's thun- dering- tones, and then all was ai^ain still, silent and solemn, till perhaps a \-oice in the other part of the house arose, a few words said, and again silence reigned. After one hour's wor- ship, they began to shake hands and a universal shaking took place. Then all retired to their several homes, generally on foot. Such was a meeting in early times. Tibbitts Soule came to Collins I think in 1823, and located on lot twenty-four, township six, range eight, one mile east of Gowanda, amid a forest of as noble pines as could be found in Western New York, and died there in KS37, aged seventy-three years. His family consisted of five sons and two daughters, all of whom have passed away. Jonathan, the eldest, died in 1849. Stephen Soule died in 1880, at the ripe old age of eighty-one. Luther, the third son, settled at Pontiac, in the State of Michigan, in 1822, took up a large tract of land on which the city now stands ; built mills on the same, cleared up a farm, and soon after was taken sick with that fatal scourg-e of the new west, the fever, and died. Mrs. Lydia Ann Palmer- ton, of Collins Center, is the only one remaining of the family. Thomas B. Soule, the surveyor and teacher, settled on lot twenty-three, township six, range eight, and removed from there: in 1838, to the Town of Aurora, this county, and died there soon after, Charles E. Soule, now of Kansas, is his only son. Abram H. Soule, settled in Hamburg one and one-half miles north of the village, raised a large family. Hon. Oscar H, Soule, his eldest, now resides near the old homestead. Jona- than, the eldest son, came to this town some three or four years prior to his father's coming, and settled on lot sixty, township six, range eight, now known as the Peter Potter farm. Tib- bits, the father, was an exemplary and consistent Christian and before that fatal division among friends ; was at the head of society and truly did he merit the exalted position. Equal and exact justice seemed his ruling trait of character, and his 6o2 RECOI.LECTIONS (~»F COLLINS. counsel and advice was seldom gainsayed or laid aside ; Jona- than was an exception in the family, religion seemed to him his all in all. He began preaching young, first in sleep and afterwards in public, and continued to preach until his death in 1849. Not a flowery speaker, but a plain, straight-forward honest man ; he gained the confidence of all ; especially sought for in the trials of sickness and death, whose talk b}' the sick bed and to mourners, always seemed to heal the wounds of sorrow and cheer the drooping spirits. Such I believe to be an imperfect but true sketch of the prevailing traits of charac- ter of Jonathan Soule In 1828, came the division among friends, and from that date the society graduall}' lost its moral standing, till now but little remains save its name, and that too will soon be lost (I speak only of Collins). Riches came, pride of position took a strong hold of the many, and Quakerism was swallowed up in the vanities of this world. Now and then may be seen one of the old t}'pes with his low hat and straight coat, his kindly ways and simple habits, but he walks the street as one lost in thought ; he lives long ago ; the world knows him not, and he is only waiting for the summons that calls him to a more con- genial clime. A stranger amid his own ; a traveler in a strange land, for all things are to him new. The mighty engine goes howling through his own quiet fields. Religion once sacred, now a thing of traffic, a nonentity; no vitalit\', no heart, no life, nothing but a cold form, that kills the good (if there be anv) and builds a fabric rotten to the core, whose fate is cer- tain and destruction sure. This much of the ancient Quaker, once glorious, now gone, such (to me) appears the mind of the ancient Quaker. His ideas and ways of thought are not ours, and I leave him with the thoughtful reader to judge whether the old man's views are right or wrong. Permit me to give an illustration (^f the state of society, as it existed sixty years ago among the Quakers in Collins. It was customar)- in early times to cut and fit a few acres of the sturdy forest for a crop of wheat. Well, Jonathan .Soule had his fallow (some five acres) all read)- to log up, having had what was called a good burn, being bore the first apples my mother tasted in the country. M;- father wai always very successftd in his tree.plantn,,.and fruit cnlturc, and until he was more than three score and ten vears of age, I think ver>- few seasons passed that he chd o ■.„, ,„ „,,,,,,,, a single tree, or . bush of some so t that Luld bear fruit. Writing to me when he was fi ft>-e„h ye s old. he said -I have planted some two or three hnnd,e■' ^^^J,' ':f; ^^ "", .1 1..." Tlif^ renV was. v\ e 1. no mailer II live to eat the apples. 1 he repi) wa». thee don't : somebody else will." ,,,:|Jr,.n from Father used to say that the best way to keep ^"f ' '"; stealing fruit was to give then, plent>- at home, and that par- ents were at fault who did not strive to do so. Though at firs, ncghbors were so scattered and far apart opportnmties were found for kn,dly offices towards each oth . M . mother always spoke in the warmest terms of he k ,1- ness anil pleasant ways to her. In speakmg of those early "mes. ".Aunt Susie." as every one called her, used to say, " I and ' we was all like sisters them days. Thou.dr m^■ mother w as so young when she began her house- keepingrshe 'took to her new home the best linen tablecloths and 6o8 RECOLLECTIONS OF COLLINS. towels of her own manufacture, coverlids and blankets of her own spinnin<^ and weaving. In all this work of the wheel and loom she was veryr skillful, and for many years all the wearing apparel as well as the bed- ding for her increasing family was home-made. Any financial success to which my father achieved was as much due to his wife's industry, frugality and economy as to his own out-door management. At first, there must have been some scarcity in the larder, but my mother possessed a peculiar knack to make her plainest dishes savory. Garden or wild herbs were made to serve for spices. " Greens " and wild berries were found in their season. The candles, the soap and almost everything used for food as well as clothing were home products. A substitute for soda was found in the lye made from cob-ashes, and if any one now has nicer short-cake or soda biscuits, more delicious butter or finer Linden honey " in the honey-comb," than was seen on m)- mother's table, may I be there to cat. Before my remembrance the days of scarcity had passed. Poultry, fresh mutton and veal, besides beef and pork, made variety through the year. Fruit was abundant and though canning was unknown, there were such changes of dried and preserved as left no lack. Of milk and cream, the food of all foods for children, and for the \\ant of which they grow up puny and small-boned, there was neither lack nor stint — neither of butter and cheese. One who was a boy in 1816, told the following in 1881 : " I went with an elder brother to lay a stick-chimney, the lower part of stones, for Mr. Allen. His wife was a little mite of a woman but she got us the best dinner I had ever seen, and it was always a mystery to me how she did it when every one had so little to do with." No doubt the lad's appetite was good sauce, but there are others who can testify to my mother's good dinners when she had a greater variety to select from, and to the open-handed, generous hospitality that characterized both of my parents, whether in the log-house or in the larger house next built. The friend, the wayfarer and the stranger found a welcome ; the homeless and the fugitive from slavery rejoiced to enter. RECOI.LKCTIONS OF COLLINS. 609 I never saw but one person turned from the door and he was an " old codger," in present parlance, a tramp. My father had ridden up on horse-back just in time to see tlie man enter the house. Finding it occupied only by women and children, he commenced to use profane and obscene language, which father, coming in quickh', oxerheard. Walking towards the man and making some significant gestures with his riding-whip, he said : " Thee sees that door; walk out of it." My father was not a small man, and he was strongly and well built. The fellow did not " stand upon his going." Medicinal herbs and roots were ahva}-s kept on hand for use, and the doctor was seldom seen. The next year after house-keeping began the first child was born, and nearly e\'er\- two years another was added to the family until the eighth and best beloved. Two sons and five daughters lived to marr}- and find homes of their own. The log-house which sheltered the young couple, held the family for more than a dozen years. True it was a little en- larged by a stoop which served for a dining-room in Summer and the chamber of an outside cheese-house made more room for beds ; but I have often marveled since how we were all made so happ}' and comfortable in such close quarters, though then we seemed to have room enough. Not least among the remembered pleasures are the Winter evenings spent around the great open fire-place. The making of those fires was a work of labor as well as skill. The late after- noon was the time for renewing, after the fire had been allowed to burn down. Then the andirons were pulled forward and all the brands, coals and ashes scraped from the chimney in a close heap. Out of doors a clevis, an iron instrument, shaped like a deep U, with sharp ends, was driven into the prepared back-log four to eight feet long and eighteen inches or two feet in diam- eter ; a chain was hooked into the clevis, the log hauled into the house and with the aid of a hand-spike rolled close to the chimney. On top of that a back-stick of smaller dimensions was placed, and frequently a third stick was added to the top of that. The andirons were put in place, a large, green fore-stick laid on, and the wood piled on cob-fashion most TO RPXT)LLKC'TI()\S oK COLLINS. unstintingly, the brands and coals ])ut under and the hearth swept with a sphnt broom. (3, those glorious fires I Children of the present da}- warm- ing their feet over a black hole in the floor or sitting b}' the most artistic base-burner, can have little idea of the pleasure and cheer that filled the room and glowed upon all its occu- pants. That great pile all aflame, the smoke and sparks float- ing up the wide-mouthed chimney, the pictures that came and went in the glowing coals, ever changing, ever renewing them- selves in brighter forms, were sights that never i)alled on the eyes of children. On the wide, stone-hearth we cracked our \\alnuts and but- ternuts or roasted our chestnuts in the embers. The great pewter platter flanked on either side by plates of the same metal, shone like burnished silver on the cupboard shelf as the}' were turned up edgewise, displaying their largest surfaces. Little need was there b\' that fire of lamp or candle to read the newspapers, of which there was one in the da}'s of my earliest remembrance. I cannot remember its name, but I know it was printed in Buffalo ; was Whig in politics, and was wonderfull}' entertaining from the President's message to the last advertisement in doggerel rhymes. During the first years of my father's residence in the coun- try he was captain of the militia compan}' of Collins, but his ideas of war and militar}' life altogether underwent a decided change, when his heart was renewed b}' grace, and he appre- hended the teaching of Christ. This change took place among a band of devoted Methodist people, though he never united with them, but joined the Friends and lived and died a mem- ber. The wife had been born of Quaker parents, and brought up a Friend. My father talked \-er}' little about his religious opinions, and was very charitable towards the opinions of others, saying, " He can't be wrong whose life is in the right." " By their fruits ye shall know them." His honest, upright dealing, his generous sympathy for the need}- and suffering- were among his strong characteristics. The willingness to suf- fer wrong rather than resent it, or even to defend his own RKCOl.I.KCrinNS OF C( )I.I.I.\S. 6l I ri<;hts was sonicthini;- rciiKirkablc. lie was the friend and counselor of peoj)le in very different circumstances and ranks in life. Tlie business man sought his opinion of crops, cattle and lands. Parties in domestic trouble came to him for coun- sel, while the )-oung entrusted him with their l4"ht to look upon, whatever it ina\' be to the actors. Indoors, cheese and bvitter-makinL;- went on : there were hired spinners and wea\'ers to make up the wool from tlie flock and workers to cook and spread the table for all. And besides these there were visitors, comers and Ljoers more in those times u hen e\er\' one traxelcd in his own con\-e}\'ince, than now. To partake in tliese labors, to plan and direct either in-doors or out made drafts upon nerve and brain. But I forbear to go on in what was but the common life of so man\^at that ]:)eriod. Towards the closing x-ears of m)' father's life I asked him to write out his early e.xperience. He said there was nothing worth writing ; there were no startling incidents, no important events, that he had merely gone on from da}- to da}- trying to do the best he could and that was all. Rut for some years before his death his trembling hand refused to guide the pen and rhe writing was carried on b}- my mother who kept up cjuite an extensi\-e correspondence with absent children, grandchildren and others. This with the culti\ation of flowers occupied much of her time. My parents lived to see great changes in their own and other lands, of which their fondness for reading kept them informed. They greatl}- rejoiced in all reforms for the benefit of mankind. Father said, "The world is growing better, this or that evil is being done away." Always interested in politics, he went to the polls until the last election day of his life, when four gener- ations cast in Rej:)ublican tickets. Rejoicing in all that brought peace and good-will to man- kind, my parents went down the hill of life and finished their course in 1879: carried to their graves from the same farm where had been their home sixty-four }-ears. Mother was eighty-four and father, who died two months later, near eighty- six. Ma}- those who remain cherish their memory and emulate their virtues. Mrs. D. C. A. St()1)I>.\ri). Isaac Allen, the subject of the above sketch, was born Aug. 26. 1793, in Uanby, Rutland count}-, Vt. His father, Zoeth 6i6 THE ALLEN FAMILY. Allen, served in the Revolutionary war. His mother was Jane Harper. He was married May 25, i8i5,to Lydia Bartlett, who was born in Cumberland, R. I., April 25, 1795. In June, 181 5, he came to Collins, then Concord, Niagara county. In July of the same year, he walked to Batavia, and took an article of 220 acres of land, on which he built a log" cabin. He then walked back to Vermont, and in the Winter of 1 8 16, moved his wife and goods with a wagon and two horses to his new home — the journey occupying twenty-three days' actual travel. In this home, their first child, Daniel, was born April 28, / ' -X '% m. ^^ 1^ ISAAC ALLEN. 1 8 17. He married Eleanor Wells, whom he survives. They had four children : Sarah Jane, who died at the age of fourteen years; Walter W. and Alice, who died April, 1881, and Leonard D., who moved to the State of Michigan, where he now lives. Mary Allen, born April 11, 1819, was married to Benjamin P. Wells, who survives her. They had three children : Isaac A., Arestene C, and Mary Josephine. Drucilla C. Allen, born June 18, 1821, married Rev. Ira Stod- dard. They went to the Province of Assam in India, as TIIK ALLEN FAMILY 6l7 missionaries, where they remained about nine years. They then returned and after a few years went back to their missionary Avork. Mrs. Stoddard stayed three years and Mr. Stoddard six years, their health not permitting;' them to remain Ioniser in that warm, unhealthy climate. They have three chiklren : Bertha, Klla and Ira J(>\-, all born in India. They now live in Pella, Iowa. Jane Allen born March 13, 1814. Died at about two years of age. Joshua Allen, born March 10, 1826; attended select school in Gowanda and Gowanda Union school ; was married to Eme- linc Etsler, daughter of Archibald Etsler. She was born in Liberty, Frederick county, Md., Nov. i, 1830. They have five children : Charles E., Myron H., R. Harper, Eva and Clara M. Mr. Allen is a dair\' farmer, lix'cs on the old homestead of three hundred acres ; has been Assessor ten }-ears. Westi-ikli), N. Y., Aug. 10, 1882. Erasnms Briggs, Esq. Dear Sir: — Agreeable to \'our rec]uest, I write to sa}- that my father, the late Ralph Plumb, was born in Sauquoit, Onei- da county, N. Y., in the \ear 1795, and was the si.xth child in 6l8 THE LATE RALPH i'LUMH. a family of seven sons and three daughters. His father, Joseph Plumb, with his mother Mary, came from Middletown, Conn., a short time previous to his birth, and were among the first settlers of Oneida county. His father died, I think, in 1807. and left him with four others, with their mother on a small farm, the older children having previously left home. My father was thus at twelve years old left with the care of out-door matters. He remained at home, working the farm Summers and attending school Winters, until fifteen or sixteen years old, when he entered a small country store in his native town as clerk. During the War of 18 12-15, Seth Grosvenor, of the firm of Grosvenor & Heacock, doing a general dry goods business in the then Village of Buffalo, while on his return from New York, stopped at New Hartford, near Utica, and there met my father and made a bargain with him to come to Buffalo and engage with the firm of which he, Grosvenor, was a member. After the close of the War, he established himself in trade on his own account in Buffalo, on the northeast corner of what is now Main and Seneca streets. After a successful year of business, he was induced by his older brother Joseph to leave Buffalo and go with him to Fredonia, where they went into the goods business- as partners. This was in 181 7. In 18 18, my father was married to Perthenia Hudson at the residence of her brother-in-law, Hon. Daniel G. Garnsey, in Fredonia. About a year later — 1819 — I was born at Akron, Ohio, where my father was temporarily attending to a branch of the firm's business there. Some time in 1821 or 1822, the business of J. & R. Plumb was closed up at Fredonia, and in March, 1823, my father came to the present village of Gowanda, then known as " Aldrich Mills." He purchased a lot of the Aldrichs, upon which a frame had been erected. This he fin- ished for a store with an addition for a residence ; while build- ing he occupied a small log house, which had been used for a cooper shop by the owner, John Strang, on the farm now owned by Dr. John F. Allen, opposite the old cemetery. The Summer or Fall of 1823, the first store of goods was opened on the lot on Perry street now owned bj' the heirs of Brazil Coon. At this time, the population consisted of the old man Turner TllK I.AIK RAI.l'll IMAM 15. 6ig Aldrich,, Turner Jr., Merrill and Isaac, sons. Subrina Adams, Horace Stewart and James West, sons-in-law, with their fami- lies, and a few others, amon^ whom were Wilson Adams, John Strang, Parker Dailey, ElncKMi Palmer, on the east side of the creek, and Thomas b^irnsworth, Dan Allen, Benjamin Water- nian. (iabriel Strani^, and Daniel Wheeler on the west side. The old man Aldrich had, previous to my father's coming, given each of his sons and daughters a farm. I should have previously stated that Turner Aldrich, Sr., came to this place about 1810, from the Connecticut valley, and purchased of the Holland Land company seven hundred acres of land, embrac- ing nearly all of the valley now included in the Village of Gowanda, on both sides of the Cattaraugus creek. Merrill had what is now known as the Slocum farm, on the west side ; Tur- ner Jr., the south part of lots thirty-six and thirty-seven ; Isaac, the central part of thirt}--eight fronting east on Buffalo street, his first house standing on the lot north and adjoining L. M. Pitcher's, and he after vvards built the brick and stone house now occupied by U. Ribbel. James West had the land oppo- site Isaac, known now as the old distillery lot on lot thirty-six ; .Subina Adams, the land immediately north of Isaac and West's ; Horace Stewart, the north part of lots thirty-seven and thirty- eight, now owned by his son Freeman. Uncle John Strang was located between Adam and Stewart's. Thomas Farnsworth settled on a small farm located between Merrill Aldrich and Dan Allen, his house standing near the railroad depot, fronting the creek. Gabriel Strang had the grove, and lived in a log house fronting the creek, near where Albert G. Barker's family reside. Benjamin Waterman had the farm now bearing his name, in the northwest part of the village, and built his first house of logs, near the mouth of Thatcher brook. Before m}' father's ccvming, the Aldrich's had built a brush ■dam near the present one, and erected a grist and saw-mill near where the axe factory is now located. The grist-mill was .a mere shell with one run of rock stone, without bolts, smut- ting or other appendages of a flouring mill. My father soon purchased the mill j^roperty and the contiguous land, so as to ■control the entire water power. He at once entered upon the M'ork of building a j)ermanent dam, the work of which is still 620 THE LATE RATJ'H I'LUMH. standing, digging the race, finishing the flouring mill, putting" in good machinery, with two run of French buhr stone. Zimri Howe, then a young man employed in a mill at Rochester, was hired to come on and take charge of the mill, which he con- tinued to do for nearly forty years. Soon Amasa L. Chafee and his brother-in-law Alvin Bugbee came on from Attica, and started a carding and cloth-dressing establishment near the ruins of the woolen factory which they run for some years, and then sold out to father and Asahel Camp, who subsequently built the woolen factory which was burned in the great fire of 1856. The present furnace and foundry owned by Sellew & Popple occupies the site of Vosburgh & Locke's blacksmith shop and Elisha and Thomas Henry's tub and pail factory. The first school-house was built on the site of Peter Rink's block, in 1824, and the first school opened in that year, taught by Noble VVeller. My education was commenced in that school at its opening, at the age of five j'ears. During the year 1823, religious meetings were held in the chamber of father's store, by traveling Methodist ministers. with an occasional sermon from a Congregational and Presby- terian minister. After the school-house was finished, in 1824, that was used on the Sabbath for religious meetings by the dif- ferent denominations for several years. The Methodists soon organized a church, and the Presbyterians another about two years later, I think in 1827, of which my father and mother be- came members ; both societies continued to occupy the school- house for their meetings until they both built churches, in 1834, the first Presbyterian church having been built on the site of their present one. The first was burned in 1842, and the present one was erected the same year. The Metho- dists built the one now occupied by the old society known as. the M. E. Church. The Baptists had an organization for a time, but they never built a church'. The F"ree Methodist society is a comparatively new organization which was effected mainly by the efforts of Titus Roberts, who paid most of the expenses of erecting their meeting-house. The old man Aldrich antl his son Turner sold the most of their lands to my father, as did James West; Isaac sold outta I III-: i.AlK RAl.l'lI I'l.LMI!. 621 various parties, and Merrill soon followed, all i^oing to Michi- gan, where they all died. My father, soon after starting his store, built an ashery where the ashes of the timber of the new settlement was made into pot ash and the black salts into pearl ash. This was a large business in the carl\- days. When the farmers were clearing their farms, and black salts the only thing at one time that would command cash; Later, he built a distillery to work up the coarse grain, which he was obliged to take for goods for years he received but little money for goods, but was obliged to take all kinds of produce, cattle and hogs. The coarse grains were worked into whisky and the refuse and slop fed to the stock. The wheat was floured and all sent to New York and Canada, where it was turned into money. His business was very laborious. For years, he was the first man up in the vil- lage and the last in bed. In addition to his own business he was the pack-horse for the whole community — doing much of the conveyancing, drawing of contracts, filling out applications for pensions and collecting pensions for most of the pensioners of the Revolution and War of 181 2. He was Supervisor of Collins for fifteen years, during which time he was several times chairman of the board, and Member of Assembly in 1835. Later, he was Sheriff of Erie county. From about 1842, to the time of his death, which occurred Feb. 7, 1865, the business was done in the name of R. Plumb & Son ; the last ten years of his life, he gave the most of his time to the improvement and management of his farms, the most of which were stocked with cows. At the time of his death, the firm owned, rented to tenants ten dairy farms, stocked with about four hundred and fifty cows. After my father's death, I sold the flouring mill to John H. White, who now owns and runs it in connection with C. C. Torrance. The saw mill, carding machine, planing mill, and the balance of the water power, with the land connected with it ; I sold to Ansel F. Conger later sales; sold my father's old residence to Mr. Conger, who has recently sold it to E. W. Henry. In the Spring of 1870, after having sold the most of my other village property, I sold my residence to C. C. Torrance, Esq., and removed to Buffalo, ■622 THE LATE RALI'H PLUMB. where I continued to reside until the Spring^ of 1873, when 1 came to .Westfield, where I now reside. The great fire occurred April 30, 1856, commencing;" in the tub and pail factory, on the east side of the creek, where Sellew & Popple's foundr)' is now located, communicating with the old furnace adjoining on the north, thence to the woolen fac- tory on the south, burning the buildings named and the factory boarding house, the old store formerly owned and occupied by R. Plumb & Son, the old grist mill, and the saw mill adjoin- ing, E. W. Henry's residence and store, the bridge crossing the Cattaraugus creek, all the buildings fronting on the square west of the bridge, including the two hotels known as the Mansion House and the Baker House, continuing up West Main street, as far as the brick and stone ofifice on the north side of the street, and on the south side as far as Delia Waterman's residence, thus destroying in its course, all the stores, hotels, and places of business in the village, except the Plumb block of stores on the east side of the creek, and the old Eagle tavern now occupied b)' Fisher, on the corner of Buffalo and Perry streets. The value of the property destroyed, buildings, goods, furniture, machinery, &c., was estimated at one hundred thous- and dollars, a small part of which was covered b}' insurance. The names of the owners of the property burned, were as fol- lows as near as I remember : On the Erie county side, furnace, A. E. Sellew & Co. ; pail and tub factory, ; woolen factory, Asahel Camp ; Plumb's store, Gideon Webster ; mills, R. Plumb & Son ; Henr}''s residence and store, li. W. Henry ; west side, or Cattaraugus side, stores : Porter Welch, Zimri W^arner, Dr. J. S. Shugart, Amasa L. Chaffee, A. R. Sellew, Charles Rollinson, H. N. Hooker, D. W. Brown, W. H. Sun- derlin, Leander Orr, Mr. Badger, Hiram Palmer, do not recollet all. Barker House, kept by Michael H. Barker: Mansion House, kept by Seley Blackney ; several machine shops, including Henry Dawnsons wagon shop and William Danber's black- smith shop; also the residences of H. Morgan, Ji^hn Pierce, and one built b}- Alfred Johnson. The first village name was ^' Lodi," after the one in Flurope. The present name " Gowan- da," was applied to the \alle\- b\- the Indians at an earl\- da)% .-ind signifies "a valle\' among the hills. J. H. Pr.UMH. nil-; I'l.iMi; iamiia'. 623 Joseph H. I'lunibwasniarriccl in tlic Cit\- of Buffalo, Aug. 10, 1842, to Lorctta J. Runisc)-, they have four children, three sons and one daughter, name and time of birth as follows: Ralph H., born Sept. 20, 1S45. Fayette R., born Ma\- 10, 1848. Kllen Josephine, born Feb. 10, 1851. (ieorge E., born April 13, 1862. Ralph H. riumb is a resident of Buffalo, engaged in the business of manufacturing carriage bolts, nuts, &c.. under the firm name of Plumb, Hurdick & Barnard. Fayette R. Plumb is engaged in the business of manufact- uring hammers, hatchets, edge tools. &c., in the City of Phila- delphia, and is of the firm of Yerkes & Plumb. E. Josephine Plumb is now the wife of William Dodman, of New York city, who is in the hardware business, of the firm of Dodman & Burke. George E. Plumb is a minor, and at present employed by Plumb, Burdick & Barnard, in Buffalo. Mrs. Pathenia Plumb, widow of Ralph Plumb, died at the residencj of her son, J. H. Plumb, in Westfield. N. Y., July 22, 18^2. aged eight}'-five years. About 1840, J. H. Plumb, was elected Colonel of the 169th Regiment, of the New York State Militia, with Samuel Bab- cock. Lieutenant-Colonel, and Mr. Willett, Major. A few years later a Brigadier-General was to be elected, and Mr. Plumb recjived a large majority of the votes cast for that ofificc, but being present he declined to accept the position on account of his youiili (rather an uncommon thing for a young man to do). He represented the Town of Collins on the Board of Super visors seven years, and was Member of Assembly in i860, and again in 1867. The Gowanda grist mill was built about 1847, ^^as sold to John H. White. May i, 1868, and in June the same year, White sold it to Torrance & Allen Clark, Torrance bought out Clark in 1867. Torrance sold to De Witt C. Hoover in 1879, and he run it about a year and sold to White & Torrance, who now own and run it. 624 THE FIRST FRAME HOUSE. FACTS AS TO HISTORY OF COLLINS AND VICINITV. Collins Center is situated principally on lot forty-eight, township six, range eight, and on the westerly part of the lot. In the year 18 10, Stephen Wilbur, Joshua Palmerton and Stephen Peters, built a cabin at Collins Center and went to keeping bachelor hall. Stephen Wilbur located and settled on the farm about a mile west of Collins Center, now owned and occupied by his grandson, Robert Wilbur. Peters located and settled on the hill just above the school house, about a half mile east of Collins Center, the shanty built and temporarily occupied by Wilber Palmerton and Peters being abandoned. Mr. Joseph Wood bought the westerly 125 acres of lot forty- eight, and took his deed from the Holland Land company Sept. I, 1 8 19. On that parcel subsequently grew up what has become Collins Center, though of late years it has been grow- ing easterly and westerly from it. Wood sold the east sixt)- acres of his farm soon after to Yeomans Merritt, and Merritt ■on the 17th day of June, 1822, sold out the same to John C. Adams. The latter was a blacksmith, and at once built his shop and commenced doing work for the settlers about him. That was undoubtedly the germ from which has grown the present thriving village, the shop serving as a magnet to draw business to itself and make its location a central point. Adams rented his farm and carried on his trade at Lodi, now Gowanda, in the years 1826 and 1827, but went back to his farm in 1828, and again started his business there. James Parkinson had purchased Wood's farm, and in 1828 built the dam and erected a saw mill there. A postoffice was established there in 1828; John C. Adams was made the postmaster, and the ofifice took the name of Col- lins Center, which name the village has since borne. About this time Parkinson built a fulling mill near his saw mill, and Mr. Daniel Shepardson, a retired, worn-out Metho- dist minister, bought a lot and built the first frame house in the village, the one now owned by Mrs. Perry. In 1829 Mr. Samuel Lake, then seemingly a man of middle life, though now a resident of Buffalo and still giving some OUKJINAl. INHAIU TANTS OK COI.I.INS. 625 attention to business, built a frame store for Harry H. Matte- son, now of Buffalo. Matteson moved into the store and opened trade Jan. I, 1830. The store built by Lake is a part of the store now occupied by Bates & White. Matteson con- tinued in business there about two years and then moved away. Adams then (juit liis blacksmithing, formed a {partnership with Nathaniel Kniijht and opened there a general country store, • Knight retiring from the partnership after about a year. About 1H35 Chauncey Bigelow, backed up by Phineas Spen- cer, of Lodi (now Gowanda), purchased the Matteson store and lot, and opened up a general country store, and in 1836 Adams sold out to Bigelow & Spencer his farm, and removed firsi; to Wayne count}', N. Y., and soon after to Kent. Ohio, where he died in 1847. Bigelow continued trade there several years, then removed to Wisconsin. His successors in trade in the Matteson store were Nathaniel F"rank, then Cornelius Smith, then Thomas Russell, then S. C. Adams and S. T. White, then S. T. White, S. T. White & Co., and Bates & White, which brings the old original store down to the present date. During this time and about 1848 George H. Hodges built his store. Mr. Mugridge built his store about 1848, and other places of business have since crept in to make the village what it now is. James Parkinson converted his saw mill over into a grist mill ; from that has merged a tannery, in its present shape. The original inhabitants of Collins Center, those who made up. the town when in its incipient stage, were the families of John C. Adams James Parkinson, Lemuel H. Wood, Jona- than Irish. Erastus B. Mack, Joseph B. Mack, Mr. Randall, William L. Mosier, Daniel Shepardson, Dr. Israel Congdon, Edmund P. Palmer and John B. Peasle\-. Of the Adams family, all sons : G. R. C, a farmer, resides at Galesburgh, Mich. Samuel C, an attorney, resides at Buffalo. Ezra C, a physician, resides at Alamo, Mich. Chauncey C, a farmer, resides at Riley Center, Kas. Of James Parkinson's family : George, a farmer, resides near Gowanda. Daniel, his oldest, is dead. 26 626 EARLY SETTLERS. E. B. and J. B. Mack moved West, and Joseph B. Mack resides at Kent, O. Randall was an old man, a revolutionary soldier and pen- sioner, and died long ago. Mosier had sons and daughters : Charles, the oldest, a farmer, resided in Collins until his death, which happened recently. His other sons died or went west and settled. .Shepardson sold out to Congdon and removed years ago. Dr. Congdon was the first physician of the place ; died there about 1845 ^nd left no children. Palmer carried on boot and slioe-m iking there for a number of years; now is a farmer in Evans, in this count}'. Peasley sold out to Palmer and located on what is known as the Breakers, on Cattaraugus creek ; died some years ago, leav^- ing daughters ; one a widow Beverly, now of Collins Center, and one, the wife of Mr. Seth Bartlett, just below Collins Center. Jonathan Irish died a long time ago. His eldest daughter was John B. Peasley's wife. (3ne of his daughters is Mrs. Tracy Burnap, of Collins. A son, Allen Irish, resides in Cat- taraugus county. Lemuel H. Wood had sons at Collins Center : Gabriel, Cor- nelius, John and Daniel T. John removed to Leon, Cattarau- gus county and died there. Gabriel and Cornelius married in Collins, but removed to Leon and both died there. John and Daniel T., both tanners, 'nolds, whose families are still residents of Collins Center and vicinity. But few farms of the town are still held by the earl}' pion- eers, or their descendants. EARLY SE'l TLF.RS. 627 Some of the exceptions arc as follows : Trac)' l^urnaj) still resides on the farm he cleared up from a dense forest. Isaac W. Tanner resides on the farm located and cleared up by his father, Warren Tanner. Timothy Clark's widow and famil)' occupy the farm he cleared up. The heirs of Geori^e Kint^" occu]))- the farm settled upon and cleared by their t^randfather. The grandson of Stephen Wilber owns his old homesiead. Ezra Nichols, lately deceased, remained upon his old home stead through his entire life. There are a very few of the original ])ioneers left. Augustus Smith, Col. Sylvanus Cook, John VVilber, David Wilber, Tracy Burnap, Elisha Wa.shburn and David Beverly, are all of them men who redeemed their farms from the native woods. Church-going, in the early days of the town, was under many difficulties. Under ordinar\' circumstances, " meetings" would be held at the cabin or house of some "settler." After school- houses had begun to be built services would frequently be held in them. Large gatherings, like Methodist quarterly-meetings, would be held in some barn, in moderate weather. The " Friends" were among the earliest to erect "meeting-houses" or churches. One was erected at an early date near Augustus Smith's, where one stands at present. The Methodist denomination had an early standing in the town, and in the eastern part of the town there was what is known as a " class," under the lead- ership of the late Nathaniel Knight, Esq., one of the early residents and pioneers, and in the early history of the town a man of very prcnninent standing. His class usually had meet- ings at what was known as the Re\'nolds school-house. At Collins Center was another class, under the leadership of John C. Adams. About 1832 c|uite a " revival" took place, under the labors of a Methodist minister by the name of Babcock. C. B. Parkinson, or " Burke" Parkinson as he was familiarly known, and Reuben Parkinson, his brother, were among the prominent accessions to the Methedist society at that time. As a result of the " revival " it \\as found that more room ^vas needed and must be had to accommodate the congregation, 628 THE FIRST CHURCH ERECTED. and after consultation it was agreed to build a church, not dis- tinctively Methodist, as general contributions for it had to be asked for. As in all like cases, the question of location be- came a serious one. Collins Center with its one store, its saw mill, its blacksmith shop, postofifice and four or five families, urged strongly that the " meeting house " should be located there. The class at the Reynolds school house, more modest than the Collins Center class, did not claim its location at that point, but urged a compromise. The question of reaching church services in those early days was a serious question. There were then no spring carriages, and but few of the set- tlers had horse teams and lumber wagons. The teams they did have were worked hard through the week, and needed rest over Sunday for the work of the coming week As a result the popular way of going to meeting was to go on foot. But three miles on a hot day, on foot, after a hard week's work, aside from the question of duty, was not pleasant to think of, and as a result a compromise was necessary and was had. The Parkinsons, living intermediate between the points, suggested their neighborhood as the suitable place for the church, and a Mr. Martin Potter, a good Presbyterian, whose wife was a sister of the Parkinsons, offered a lot for the site on the hill near " Burke " Parkinson's residence, and the same was accepted, the work begun, the foundations laid, the frame work built, the roof put on, the sides clapboarded, windows and doors put in, a rough floor laid and then the work stopped, the subscription exhausted and the fever heat for a new church cooled off. Temporary rough board seats were placed in the building, and occasionally it was used, generally for Methodist meetings, often for anti-slavery or other meetings of like character. The build- ing stood many years like a monument of mistaken zeal of the times when it was erected. Finally about 1844, Collins Center having made some little growth, and it being conceded on all hands that the church where it stood was but little better than a mockery, it was unanimously agreed that it ought to be removed to the Center. A big " bee " was made, the old church was lifted from its foundations, and placed on long log runners; all in the vicinity were there with their ox teams; they all hitched on, and the old church started on its CHURCH NfATTERS. 629 journey across lots, and after a two days' ride brought up and settled down for life, no doubt, on the little hill at Collins Cen- ter, which was first thought of as the place where it should have first been erected. Contributions were again called for, and the old church was worked ov^er finally into its present condition, and became the church of the Methodist-Episcopal society of Collins Center, with its modest little bell tower and more mod- est bell, which on Sunday mornings wakens the echoes of the modest little village, calling the people to religious services. Thus has been traced the history of the oldest " meeting house" of Collins, in the neighborhood of Collins Center. There was another meeting house, however, that was built that has passed away, and which, unless embalmed in history, will soon be for- gotten. Among the prominent religious denominations of the town in its early years was one known as the " Christians." The society was quite numerous and earnest and honest in their convictions. The main portion of the society lived easterly of Collins Center. One of its earliest ministers, in fact the princi- pal pillar of the church for years, was Elder Bartlett. He resided for years near the banks of the creek just southerly of the present Collins Center school house, and not far distant from where the old church whose history has just been given, was first erected. The Elder, as he is now remembered, was a man of large stature, finely formed, of iron constitution, zealous at all times in the interest of religion, and especially interested in building up his own church. As his society grew it outgrew the meager accommodations found in the dwellings of its members or of the school-houses that were occasionally utilized for church services. The members of the congregation and church being largely scattered, the question of a central point, with proper accommodations became of serious importance. At an early day in the history of the town the corners of the road near the late Timothy Clark's farm and the Uncle "Sam. Hazard" farm, now occupied by W. H. Perkinson, was deemed a central point ; and there had been erected a log school-house of ample pattern and pioneer accommodations. It had out- lived its usefulness, fallen down and been removed, but its 630 . EARLY SETTLERS. recollection as a central point remained in the minds of the people, many of whom had graduated from it with all of the instruction that in early days could be obtained from a back- woods school-house. It was determined to erect a church at this point for the " Christians" and one was erected ; a frame church, of respect- able proportions, quite comfortably finished and furnished. In it for many years the congregations gathered and held their services. As in individual lives so in church and state, there is no one permanent, continuous period of existence, and this church being no exception to the rule, its period of activity seemed to go down and out and its church, once so flourishing, has dis- appeared from off the face of the earth, leaving scarcely a trace to show where it once stood, and history now steps in to save its memory from utter forgetfulness. In latter years the Free Methodist church or society erected a church at Collins Center, which has escaped the ups and downs of its neighbor on the little hill across the little valley. It was built without orna- ment of tower or spire and has no bell, serving without the least pretense, the purposes of the society for which it was built, as a place for their religious services. Still another church was erected at Collins Center, b)'theUni- versalists. That, however, has been changed to other purposes. The old log school-house on the corner of the cross-roads, near the Timoth)- Clark farm has been mentioned. The cor- ners were in early days four corners instead of three, as now, and the school-house accommodated a very large extent of country the ^r^'j'-trict being very large. Its heating accommodation was very ample. It consisted of an open fire-place occupying one entire end of the house, with its large, rough, stone hearth, and freedom from mantel and jambs, its broad and open stick-chim- ney slanting from the chamber floor, offering an opportunity at night of studying astronomy by looking upwards through the chimney as the stars moved by on their travels. The seats con- sisted of what are known as slabs, the rounded side downwards with legs of split billets of wood inserted in auger holes to sup- port them. The desks consisted of a series of boards, one edge resting against the wall and slanting downwards. The desks EARLV SF/nr.KRS. 63 1 were continuous around the room and were for the older and more advanced classes. The seats in like manner, were con- tinuous, and the young man or young woman who wanted to change position from or to the desk, found the work attended with more or less embarrassment. The younger portion, those who were not old entjugh to write or cipher, were accommoda- ted on an inner tier of seats. Those nf)W living who had occa- sion to occupy them, still have vivid recollections of going to school. It was a seat upon a hard board, the feet dangling in the air, inches from the floor, with no back and no support for the feet, and through the long monotonous hours of the fore- noon and afternoon, relieved only by the few minutes of recess and the short exercises of reading and spelling, which constituted the sole labors of the little folks of the school. The text books consisted of Webster's spelling book, Murray's, or the old English reader, and Daboll's arithmetic. The step in reading from Webster's spelling book to Murray's reader, would be considered rather abrupt in these days, nevertheless, that is the way the}' did it then. There are many, no doubt^ of that day, who have no recollectioii of a transitive state be- tween the speller and reader, but recollect only the English reader, as their text book for reading. While the present gen- eration might not survive school privileges of that kind ; the young men and women of that day, felt especially blest if they could get a three months' schooling during the year, and grow up to manhood and womanhood, strong and healthy men and women, worthy to be the fathers and mothers of the present generation. Of arithmetic, in that early day, he or she who got as far as the Rule of Three, was deemed qualified for any of the ordinary business occupations of life. As to geography and grammar, they were deemed outside of and beyond the reach of acquirement in the early school history of the town. The introduction of these and other and higher branches into the schools, has been the wc^rk of the years that have gone by, each making its additions, until the schools of the town became what they are, equal to those of other portions of the state, which have been built up, no doubt, in like manner. The old school house on the Corners, when first built, accommodated all that portion of Collins, eastward of (and including) the 632 EARLY SETTLERS. residence of the late George F. King, and the school house was not over-crowded. The next school house to the eastward was at Morton's Corners. Lodi furnished the one on the west. The population of the town increasing, school houses soon began to be built. A small frame school house was built about 1829, in the Joshua Palmerton and Smith Bartlett school dis- trict, and stood at the present four corners, then three corners, between the Moses Conger and Ezra Nichols farms. About 1830 and 1 83 1, the people of that district indulged in the luxury of a man teacher, for summer school. A Mr. John Pratt, on account of ill-health, and for want of other occupa- tion, to which he could adapt himself, accepted the meager pit- tance that the farmers found themselves able to pay and taught "the young ideas how to shoot." In those days, and for years afterwards, the teacher " boarded around," the dollars and cents paid and received, was practically net gain. A frame school house was soon after built in the "Crandall " district, as it was called, and located near the site of the present cheese factory, just cast of Mr. John H. Johnson's, about a mile north of Collins Center. That district soon followed the example of the Palmerton district, and had the services of a man, Mr. Franklin Bement, for some two summers. The old log school- house on the hill at Clark and Hazard's corners, having served its day, it was determined to build a new school house, and one Avas built on a site obtained of Mr. Warren Tanner, near the present residence of Mr. Isaac Tanner. The first teacher of the school the Winter after the house was built was Howe, of Lodi, then studying law, afterwards Judge Howe, of Cattaraugus county. A Mr. Arnold Mann, an old bachelor, taught the school two Winters. Augustus Hanchett, then studying to be a physician, taught the school one Winter. Hanchett was afterwards admitted to practice, married a wife in Springville, and moved west. He was a man of superior natural abilities, coupled with other characteristics, that greatly neutralized them, and prevented him from reaching an emi- nence in his profession, to -which his friends believed he was fully entitled. Charles Woodward, who since then became a Methodist teacher, taught the school some two or more Winters. KARLV SKI'ir^EKS. 633 111 the early history of the town, its school matters were man- aged by three school commissioners and three school inspectors. Among those who served as Commissioners and Inspectors were John Lawton, John C. Adams, Dr. Noyes, Stephen White Leman II. Pitcher, John F. Allen and Edward Vail. The plan was changed to that of Town Superintendent ot Schools in about 1846, and Dr. John F. Allen became the Superintendent for the first year. The Town of Collins then comprised what is now^ Collins and North Collins, and had some twenty-five school houses located within the town, with more or less joint districts connected with other towns. Dr. Allen was succeeded as Town Superintendent by S. C. Adams, who continued in the of^ce some six years, until he was elected Supervisor of the town. Adams was succeeded as Superintendent by Dr. William A. Sibley, who held the ofifice until it was abolished, and super- ceded, in 1855, by the office of School Commissioner, including several towns in one Commissioner's district. Since then, S. W. Soule, of Collins, has served as School Commissioner. Among those engaged in the town as teachers, not before mentioned are the following : Eli Heath, Edward Vail, Harvey Hicks, S. W. Soule, Alanson King, S. C. Adams, Hosea S. Heath, Joseph O'Brien, Lewis Varney, Wilson Rogers, Erastus Harris, Charles C. Wilson, William H.Johnson, Ferdinand Taylor, Horatio Whittemore, David Woodward, Hiram Clark, Asahel Sloan, Clark Sibley, Joshua C. Ticknor, C. Vosburgh, Z. F. Parks, William Potter, George Richardson, Ahaz Paxon, William Pierce, A. T. Brown, Amos S. Willett. Among the lady teachers were : Ruth Knight, Jane White, Sarah Henry, Rhoda Smith, Ann Palmerton, Amanda Herrick, Ann Tifft, Laura D. Abbott, Lyman Clark, Joshua Allen, James Matthews. Lyman Wright, Alonzo B. Pierce, Lewis Rogers, Mariette Perry, Emily Brown, Esther Pratt, Mary W. Brown,. 634 FORMER LADV TEACHERS OF COLLINS. Julia E. Martin, Lydia Ferris, Ruth Blanchard, Eunice I'almerton, Sarah McMillen, E. L. Rogers, Mary Johnson, Sophia S. Clark, Lydia A. Sisson, Harriet A. Watson, Jane Arnold, Mary E. Jennings, Ellen Richmond, Elizabeth Wilson, Mary A. Clough, Apalonia Douglass, Polly Rogers, Maria Irish, Lydia McMillen, Phebe J. Wilcox, Caroline Etsler, Lydia Ferris, Hannah Warner, Mary Jane Warner, Emily Lewis, Amanda M, Avery, Martha Johnson, Paulina Wheeler, Julia A. Smith, Louisa A. White, Lucy Clough, Phebe McMillen, Betsy A. Hathaway. Mary E. Wiiber, Jane Arnold, Maria Conklin, Jerusha Pratt, Malinda Arnold, Emeline Palmerton, E. Jennings, Lucy B. Randall, Sarah Vail. Note. — The above communication was written at the request of the author by S. C. Adams, Esq., formerly of Collins, now of Buffalo. HIOCRAPHKAl. SKETCHES. 63: CHAPTER XVIII. FAMILY HISTORIES OF THE TOWN OF COLLINS, ETC. Hudson Aiusley. Hudson Ainsley, son of Joseph and Polly Ainsley, was born in Palmyra, Pike county, Penn., Sept. 20, 1799. He has been twice married — first to Matilda Davis, daughter of Gabriel and Matilda Davis, by whom he had three children, two sons and one daughter : Emily, born Dec. 8, iSii ; married William Davis. She died in North Collins, Jan. 4, 1875. Ira, born Dec. 8, 1823; married Emily White; lives in Aurora, 111. John, born, Feb. 20, 1827; married Harriet Wood, and lives, in the Town of Eden. In 1 83 1, he came to what is now North Collins, and located on a farm formerly owned by Frederic Smith, where he resided until 1838, when he removed to a farm in Collins known as the George South wick farm, at which place he has ever since resided. His first wife died Feb. 13, 1828. Oct. 17, 1830, he married Mary M. Heaton, daughter of Thomas and Rebecca rfeaton, by whom he had eight children : Joseph, born Sept. 29, 1831 ; married Harriet Jones, and resides in Gowanda. Laura E., born in 1833 ; married Leander Stafford, and resides in Perrysburg, N. Y. William, born Aug. 7, 1834 ; married Elmira Wood ; lives in North Collins. George, born Jan. 29, 1836; married Ella M. Rogers; lives with his father on the old homestead. Hudson and Heaton, twins, born Jan. 15, 1838. Heaton married Electa Hussey ; he died in North Collins, April 18, 1879. Hudson married Alzina Hanford, and lives at Sala- manca. 636 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Ann M,, born March 2, 1841 ; married Frank Moss and re- sides in Collins. Mary R., born May 21, 1844 '' is unmarried and lives with her father. Mr. Ainsley is one of the oldest inhabitants of the Town of Collins, being eighty-two years of age ; yet he is still a healthy robust old man, with physical and mental powers unimpaired. He has been an industrious farmer, and by well-directed efforts has acquired a competence which he now enjoys. He has been a skillful marksman and a successful hunter, especially when the country was almost an unbroken forest, and the haunts of wild beasts were more numerous than the habitations of man. One season he killed forty-four deer and many bears. He en- joyed with a keen relish the excitement and dangers of these sports. He has living nine children, sixteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren. His second wife died Jan. 8, 1871. Harley M. At wood, M. D. Dr. Atwood was born at Danby, Vt., in 1847. His father's name was Harley Atwood ; his mother's maiden name was Amelia Chase. When an infant, his parents removed to Provi- dence, R. I., where young Harley 's father became a wealthy shipping master; dying at Providence in 1857, In i860, the family removed to Collins, N. Y. Soon after, the do*ctor attended school at the Springville Academy one or two years. Inclining toward the medical profession, he en- tered the Buffalo Medical College, graduating from that insti- tution in 1872. The doctor soon had professional honors con- ferred upon him. He was appointed physician to the peniten- tiary in 1874 and '75, and was appointed post-mortem examiner for the county one year, and during the same three years he ■was examiner in lunacy. He commenced the practice of medi- cine at Collins Center, in 1877. The Doctor descended, on his mother's side, from English sea-faring people, among whom were traders and mariners of note. Some of them settled at Pawtucket, R. I., where one of them was a slave-holder and the first Baptist minister in the mOGRArillCAL SKETCHES. 637 place. The Doctor has two brothers, two sisters and one lialf- brother, as follows : Clarence, in mercantile business in Buffalo. Frank, salesman in Buffalo. Emma married Hiram Brown ; resides in Collins, Louise, at home. Half-brother Etlward I. Vail resides in Collins. Statement of Beiijainiii Albee, 2ucy, both of whom are dead. Clementine dying at twelve years old and Lucy while an infant. Matthew Beverly. Matthew Beverly, a brother <^f John Beverl)', was born in Collins in 1832, where he has since resided in the capacity of a farmer. He was married in 1857 to Mary Smith. They have two children ; Frank, born in 1859 '^'^*^^ Susan L., born in 1868. Bartlett Family. Smith Bartlett was born April 11, 1790, in Vermont ; mar- ried Sarah Allen, in 181 5, who was born Ma}- 16, 1796. They I lUOCiUAI'IllCAl, SKKTCHES. 643 came to Collins from Danby, V^t., in 18 15 and located on lot fifty-ei<^ht, where Mr. Bartlett commenced the tanning of leather in a very primitive manner. About 1828 he built a tan- nery on the same lot. In 1850 he moved on to lot fifty-seven, where, notwithstanding" his advanced age, he displa^'ed his usual energy and i)erseverance in modeling a farm from the wilderness. He died at this place Sept. 1 1, 1859 ! Mrs. Bartlett dying Aug. 9, 1 86 1. Mr. Bartlett's ancestry were related to Josiah Bartlett, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett reared a family of nine children, as follows : Z. Allen, born April 23, 1816; married, 1838, Ruth White; died Sept., 1874. Mary, born Jan. 14, 1817 ; married, 1835, John G. Pratt ; reside in North Collins. Jane, born Nov. 9, 1819; married, 1838, George Lawton ; died in Evans. Seth, born Jan. 4, 1822; married, 1847, Marietta O'Brien, 1849, Aurilla Peasly ; reside in Collins. John S., born Sept. 14, 1825; married, 185 1, Mary Kelley ; banker in Gowanda. Silva, born Jan. 29, 1828; died young. Richard, born Nov. 28, 1829; married, 1851, Phoebe Smith; reside in Pontiac, Mich. Silva, 2d, born May 7, 1832 ; married 1850, Elijah Willit,;. farmer in Collins. Sarah, born Sept. 24, 1834; married, 1854 Andrew Allen; died in 1876, in Michigan. Ann C) , born Oct. 26, 1837; married, 1864, George Taylor; reside in Collins. Seth T. Bartlett is a wealthy farmer of Collins. Up to twenty- three years of age he worked at tanning, carriage aad shoe- making. He has two daughters, Julia and Alice. Curtis I. Bates. Mr. Bates was born in Collins, in 1843. He was a son of Jacob Taylor Bates and his mother's maiden name was Mary Nichols. In the Fall of 1859, ^^'^ became a clerk with S. T. White, engaged in general mercantile trade at Collins Center. He remained until he became a member of the firm, now known as Bates & White. He was appointed Post-Master in 1872 and has occupied that position ever since. He was mar- ried in 1867 to Calista E. Briggs ; they have two children' Alton C. and Mary E. ■644 BIOGRyM'HICAL SKETCHES. r>aiiiel Brown. Daniel Brown, son of Isaac C. and Judith A. Hopkins Brown, was born Nov. 12, 1837, in Collins, where he has always resided, except five years residence in Allegany county. He was married to his present wife, Betsey C. Conger, in 1867. Mr. Brown was a union soldier and the manner in which he performed the duties of a soldier reflect great credit upon him. He often performed service that entitled him to promotion, but he preferred to remain a private. He enlisted Sept. 8, 1862, in Compan)- L, loth New York- Cavalry, and was mustered out of the service Aug. 5, 1864. He took part in all the battles in which his regiment partici- pated except those which occurred during the interval from May 2d to Nov. 27, when he was in the hospital sick with yel- low fever, besides the battles of Spottsylvania Court House, Bloody Run and the surrender of Appomattox Court House. At the last named place a lucky incident placed him in a posi- tion in which he overheard the terms of the capitulation between Generals Grant and Lee. Nathan M. Bailey. Nathan M. Bailey, son of Morgan L. and Marj' Ann Bailey, is a native of Collins and was born April 7, 1838. He was married Jan. i, 1862, to Esther Burke, daughter of Cortland and Ann Burke, of Collins. Shorth* after his marriage he moved on to his father's farm which he now owns and occupies. For the last two or three years he has also rented William A, Johnson's farm. The names of their children are : Ellis C., born Dec. 23, 1863 and died Sept. 24. 1865. Ella M., born April 20, 1S66. Preston L., born Feb. 4, 1868. Arthur W.. born Jan. 28, 1871. Alvin H., born Feb. 18, 1876. Cora E., born Feb. 3, 1880. As a farmer he is prudent and industrious, but has labored under pecuniary disadvantages, b\- being left at an early age with the care and responsibilit\- of his father's large and de- pendent family. His father, Morgan L., was born in 1804 ^"d passed his early life in Clarence, N. Y. In 1830 he removed to Collinsand bought a farm formerly owned by Charles Bar.ien. at which HKXJRArillCAI. SKKTCMKS. 645 place he resided to the time of liis death, wliich occurred March 16, 1850. He had a family of ten ciiildren : Maria, born May 6, 1833, and lives in Michi<^an. Emmons, born Jan. 24, 1835, and lives in Wisconsin. Nathan M.,born April 7, 1838. Eme- line, born Vch. 12, 1840, and li\es in Pennsylvania. Cynthia, born Au^. 17, 1843 and died in Collins in 1874. Minerva, born in 1845 and lives in Michii^an. Rosette J., born in 1847 ^^^ lives in Michigan, and Lucinda, Morgan and Monroe, who died young. Emily Borkor. Emil}- Becker, daughter of Austin and Maria Shav\-, was born in Danb\-, V't., Doc. 23, 1832. When young she remo\'ed with her people to Erie count}', N. \'., and also to Washington Township, Erie county, ]^i., and in 1846 removed to Collins, their present place of residence. In 1854 she married Jacob Becker, son of Isaac and Nancy Becker. The names of her children are as follows : Charlotte M., born Feb. 13, 1855 and died Dec. 3, 1871 Isaac, born Oct. 9, 1857, unmarried and lives with his parents Ella R., born April 28, 1859 ''^nd died May 31, 1859. Helen R., born April 22, 1872. Margaret liecker. Margaret Becker, daughter of IJr. Levi Goldsburrow, of Waverly, N. Y., was born in Waverly, Dec. 13, 1831. July 22, 1849, s^^'^ married John Becker, son of Isaac and Nancy Becker. The names of their children are as follows : Laura, born Oct. 3, 1855, and died April 17, 1861. Ettie, born Dec. 12, 1856; married Vird Button, and resides in Collins. Frank, born March 19, 1862, and died July i, 1865. Levi G.. born July 9, 1867. Charles, born Sept. 5, 1868. Clarence, born June 10, 1870. Savid Bartlett. Savid Bartlett was a machinist and edge-tool manufacturer. In 1810, he established himself in this business at Danby, Vt., and carried on the business there for nearly thirty years. In 1846, he removed with a large family to Collins, and com- menced the manufacture of sc\'thes, axes and hoes, near where 646 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Collins Station now is. Mr. Bartlett claims to have made the first cast-steel scythe in America. He had the reputation of being the best scythe manufacturer in the country. Mr. Bartlett died in 1856, his wife, Prussia Allen, dying in 1868. Of the children, six are now living: Marcus resides in Buffalo. Pliny married Susan Chase ; resides in Collins. Ruth married Albert Wilber. Smith is proprietor of the Collins Center Hotel. David A. resides at Tarport, Penn. Jeremy resides in Collins. Daniel T>. Barnliart. Daniel D. Barnhart, son of Stephen A. and Hester Barnhart, was born at Hoosic Falls, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1831. When three years of age, his people removed to Collins, where he resided until the Spring of 1854, when he went to California, and was there engaged in farming until the Fall of 1859, ^vhen he returned to Collins, where he has since resided, owning and occupying a farm located two miles northeast of Gowanda. Oct. 30, 1868, he married Sarah Pratt, widow of Cyrenius Pratt, and daughter of Jonathan and Temperance Soule, of Collins. He has no children. Cliaiincey Beckei'. Chauncey Becker, son of Isaac and Nancy Becker was born in Dansville, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1826. In about 1833, he came to Collins, where he has ever since resided, now owning and occu- pying a farm located three miles southwest of Collins Center. Oct. 2, 1852, he married Hannah Poland, daughter of Tru- man and Sally Poland. They have a family of two sons : Adelbert R., born Aug. 25, 1853; married Mary O'Brien, and lives with his father. Willis A., born March 24, i860. Sarah E. Beverly. Sarah E. Beverly, daughter of Henry and Rachel Palmer- ton, was born in Collins, March 14, 1829. In July, 1879, ^^^ married James F. Beverly. In July, 1879, ^^^^ purchased a farm of 107 acres, formerly owned by George Valentine, which place she now owns and occupies. Her father, Henry Palmer- ton, was born in the eastern part of New York, in 1794, and at lilOOKAl'lIlCAL SKlilt IlKS. 647 the a<;c of seventeen he came with his brother Joshua to what is now the town of Colhns, where he remained for one year when he returned to Vermont for two )-ears. DurinLj these two years he served as a soldier in the war of 1812, and was present at the burning of Buffalo, at which time he narrowly escaj)ed being killed. He and a companion, Calvin Car\', of Boston, Erie county, N. Y., were pursued by the Indians. Car}', being a large, hea\'\' man, became exhausted and was not able to keep up with Palmerton, who was encouraging him to run, when the Indians came up and Cary was killed but Palmerton succeeded in escaping. His widow, who still survives him, receives a government pension. In 1S14, he returned to Collins, and No\' 28, 1816, he married Rachel Albee, daughcer of Benjamin and Abigail Albee. Soon after his marriage he took an article of land in Collins where he resided to the time of his death, which occurred Sept. 9, 1870. They have four children : Julia Ann, born Jan. 15, 1819; married Medad Towilegar, and li\'es in Angola, Erie count}', N. Y. Warren A., born Dec. 4. 1S20, and died Sept. 25, 1822. Sarah E., born March 14, 1829. Albert T., born Feb. 17, 1833, and died Nov. 19, 1852, and they also adopted a son, David Akins, who was born Sept. 18, 1822, and died in 1876. i\A. Sylvenus Cook. I was born in Richmond, Mass., Jan. 14, 1795. M}' father moved to Danby, f^utland county, Vermont. I came to thi;; county in February, 1814, cameto Hamburgh first, then to Collins, and finalh' located at Nichols' Corners, on the John Nichols place. In April, 1814, Jehiel Albee and I went from his father's house, near Collins Center, to Nichols Corners, in Concord, and built a log house or shanty on my lot and finished it all off and returned the same day. We used no boards, no nails and no shingles. When I located at Nichols Corners there was no other settler in that part of the town of Concord. The next settler was Nehemiah Paine, who located on the next lot west of mine, the same Spring and .^oon after I did. Jere- miah Richardson came in the Spring of 1815. He was not married then, but said he liad a wife picked out He sla}-ed 648 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. and chopped, and put up a house that Summer, and boarded with me most of the time. We frequently assisted each other by exchanging work. He went to Batavia in the Fall, and worked through the Winter and returned in the Spring. John Battles came about 181 5 and located on the Morton place. Mrs. Pike came about two years after I did. Simeon Holton came and settled on the lot south of me. Luke Simons came not many years after I did. Seymour Newel settled north of me, up toward Goodels. While I lived there I went to Townsend Hill to training, and sometimes to Springville to town-meet- ings. Four or five years after I came I sold out to Levi Nich- ols, father of John and Isaac Nichols, and I removed down below Bagdad in Collins. COMMISSION OF COL. SYLVANUS COOK, JR. TJic people of the State of Neiv York, to lo/uvn all these pres- ents shall eoiiie : Know ye, That pursuant to the Constitution and Laws of our State, we have appointed and constituted and by these presents do appoint and constitute Sylvanus Cook, Jr., Colonel of the 198th Regiment of Lifantry of our said State, (with rank from July 28, 1838), to hold the said ofifice in the manner specified in and by our said Constitution and Laws. In testimony whereof, we have caused our seal for mili- [l. S.] tary commissions to be hereunto afifixed. Witness, William L. Marcy, Esquire, Governor of our State, General and Commander-in-Chief of the militia, and Admiral of navy of the same, at our city of Albany, the 24th day of August, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight. Passed the Adjutant General's office. William L. Marcy. Allan MacDonald, Adjutant General. State of NE^Y York, ) Erie County, \ '"' I hereby certify that on the 3d day of September, A. D. 1838, the within-named Sylvanus Cook, Jr., personally appeared before me and took and subscribed the oath required by law to HlOC.KAI'IIICAl. SKKTCIIES. 649 qualify him to discharge the duties of the office to whicli he is commissioned. JKIIIEI. Hll.l,, Brig. Gen. 54th Brig. N. Y. S. Inf. Norman Cook. Mr, Cook's father, I'eter Cook, came to ColHns from Ver- mont, in 1825. lie was married at the residence of Hosea White, in Collins, in 1827, to Lydia White. He died in Ham- burg, in 1873, aged sixty six. His widow resides in Buffalo with her daughter, Mrs. Johnson. Norman Cook was born in Collins in 1 828, where he lived until nine years old, when his parents moved to Concord. He lived there until twenty-two years of age, when he returned to Collins, where he has since resided, a farmer. Mr. Cook was married in 1852 to Alzora Ashman, who died in 1854, leax'ing a daughter, Eva, who died in i87i,aged seven- teen. He was again married, in 1857, to C)'nthia Bartlett, by whom he has had two daughters: Helen and Clara; Helen died when three years old. Mr. Cook came onto his present farm of two hundred and three acres in 1862. John V. Cole. John V. Cole, son of Vincent M. and Julia Squires Cole, was born in Concord, N. Y., May 2, 1857. He attended school at the Springville Academy, and in 1879 studied dentistry with E. R. Vaughan, of Lancaster. In June, 1881, he established himself in the dentistry business at Collins Center. He was married in December, 1881. to Jennie E. Beverly. They ha\'e one child. Nicholas J. Coon. Mr. Coon was born in Otsego county, N. Y., July 26, 1815. He afterwards lived in Susquehanna county. Penn. He came to Zoar in Collins in 1846, where he has since lived. He has a family of three daughters and one son. He married Sarah Fitch, in Otsego county, a lineal grand- daughter of Capt. Isaac Da\'is, of Re\olutionary fame. Mary Fitch Coon has just reason to be proud of her ancestry. She was born Feb. 22, 181 1. in Hancock, N. H., and came to Otsego when ele\-en }'ears old. Her father, Noah h'itch, was a native 650 BIOCiRAPHICAL SKE'ICIIES. of Acton, Mass. He married Mary Davis, youngest child of Capt. Davis. History relates that Captain Davis was a gun- smith of Acton — which was a village near Concord and Lex- ington, Mass. He was Captain of the Acton company of Minute men, being at that time about thirty years of age — brave and thoughtful, and having a wife and four children, one of whom was afterwards the mother of Mrs. Coon. Captain Davis and his company led the way in the march to meet the British at Concord Bridge, exclaiming as he drew his sword, " I haven't a man that's afraid to go." At the first volley from the British he fell, shot through the heart, being the first one killed in the Revolutionary War. His remains now rest under the Bunker Hill monument. In the language of James Russell Lowell : " The Concord Bridge which Davis, when he came, Found was the bee-line traclc to Heaven and fame." Herbert Clark. Mr. Clark, son of Adam Clark and Margaret Bennet, was born June 14, ICS54, in Collins, N. Y. He has been a mercan- tile clerk in SpringviUe, Belfast, Allegany county, and Gowanda, N. Y. He is a druggist by occupation. He was married Oct. 28, 1878, to Lillian F. Emmett. James Colvin. Mr. Colvin was born in 1816. He is the second son in a fam- ily of four sons and one daughter; the daughter being the oldest. His father's name was John Colvin, his mother's maiden name was Lucy Frink. His grandfather, Luther Col- vin, settled in Danby, Vt., in 1765 ; he was a Quaker and a noted hunter and trapper. Mr. James Colvin married Lydia Gilbert. They resided in Vermont until February. 1873, when they moved to Missouri, remained there until December of the same year when they came to Collins and located on their pre.sent farm ; they have had nine children, viz : Lucy Ann, married Jared L. Cook ; reside in Danby, Vt.. Lucinda, married Wesley J. Leach; reside in Pawlet, Vt. David, married Ursula Kelly; reside in Collins, N. Y. Emma,, died at fourteen years of age. Nora, married J. C. Williams,. I lUOCkAI'HICAI. SKKICIIF.S. 65 I author of a history of Danby, Vt., wlierc the)- now reside. Merrit L., dead ; Noah, dead ; Henry, Willie, died }-()un<^f. Ahsoii a. Conger. Anson G. Coni^erwas born at Danby, Vt., on the 26th of Oct. 181 2, and was consequejitl)^ in the sixty-eighth year of his age at the time of his death, which occurred Feb. 12, 1880. He was born of Quaker parentage, his father, Noah Conger, having been a preacher in that denomination. When quite young he was left in the care of his father's family. He taught school in Vermont when a )'oung man and afterwards engaged in sup- plying district school libraries in this state with books. He was married to Miss Portia White, daughter of Isaac White, in September, 1845, '^''"-' then settled in Collins, where he resided until his death. He was Supervisor of Collins in 1859 ^^^^ i860 and again in 1878. In 1862 he represented his district in the Legislature, and in whatever body he appeared he made himself felt. He actix'ely engaged in business up to the time of his death, and was known for his shrewdness, industry and enterprise. Soon after taking up his residence in Collins, he entered upon the business of buying and selling lands and negotiating loans, and possessing a speculative turn of mind, together with a sound judgment, soon succeeded in accumulating a handsome fortune. Mr. Conger was a man of character and force and had the qualities of a leader. His brain was large and active and he was knf)wn as a man of quick antl am|)le resource. He was a man of gentle ([ualities. a kind husband and a most indulgent father. Mr. Conger had a son, J. Anson, who died in 1864. aged two years, and two daughters, Ella P. and Emma M., born repect- ively in 1853 and 1857. Ella P. was married in 1876 to Charles W. Goodyear. Esq., of Buffalo, where the\' now reside. They have a son and daughter, Anson C, born June 20, 1877 and Esther, born May 20, 1 88 1. Emma M. was married in 1880 to Charles W. Lap- ham, of Chicago. The}' ha\'e one son, Anson G., born JuK' 14, J 88 1. 652 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Noah Conger. Noah Conger, son of Almond D. and Sophronia Conger was born- in Collins April 26, 1841. He was married May 8, 186410 Mary Ann Heath, of Collins, N. Y. Shortly after his marriage he bought and occupied a farm situated one and a half miles north of Collins Center, and formerly known as the Stephen White farm, at which place he resided up to the time of his death, which occurred April 27, 1873. He was by nature a very ingenious mechanic, possessing a mind gifted with more than ordinary intellectual and originating power, which, with the limited means and opportunities afforded him, he had improved to the best advantage. As a farmer he was thrifty and industrious and commanded the respect of the community in which he was known. His widow still resides on the farm. He had a family of three children: Willie H., born Aug. 30, 1866 and died April ii,. 1870. Ada, born May 4, 1871 and died July 27, 1875. Almon N., born March 27, 1873. David B. Conger. Mr. Conger was born in North Collins in 1847. His father's name was Noel Conger; his mother's maiden name was Bet- sey Sherman. Mr. C. resided in his native town until twenty years of age, when he moved to Collins, where he now resides- on a farm of 160 acres. He was married in 1867 to Angeline: Foster. Joseph H. Conger. Mr. Conger is a brother of David B.; was born in North Col- lins in 1830; came to Collins in 1861, where he resides on a farm of 102)^ acres. He was married in 1853 to Amanda M. Foster. They have two sons : Burt M. and Charlie F. A daughter,. Elnora G., died when seven years old. Sally C. Clark. Sally C. Clark, daughter of Lewis and Serrepta Trevett, was born in Homer, Cortland county, N. Y., Sept. ii, 1814; while young she removed with her parents to the Town of Concord, where she resided till 1849, when she married Timothy Clark. HIOCRAI'IHCAL ski: TCI IKS. 653 of Collins, in which place she now lives; her husband died Aug. 7, 1873. She raised a family of fi\'e children : Florence, born Now 14, 1850; married Andrew W. Conger and resides in Collins. Fillmore, born July 14, 1852; died Dec. 3, 1873. Charles, born Oct. 25, 1855; married Jennie Canfield ; lives in Collins. Arthur, born March 21, 1857; mar- ried Antoinette Spaulding and resides on the old homestead. Douglass, born Sept. 21, i860, and lives in Collins. Tli«MMl<)r<' A. Caiifielcl. Mr. Canfield was a son of Sillick Canfield, who was born in Armenia, Dutchess county, N. Y. The following is Sillick Canfield's famih' record : I'AREXTS. Sillick Canfield, born Sept. 12, 1791 ; married Jan. 22, 18 14, to Susanna Tousy : died Sept. 20, 1865. Susanna Tousy, died March 4, 1857. CHILDREN. Orrin S., born Now 29, 1814; died Dec. 6, 1816. Orville S., born March 29, 18 16; married in 1841 to Sally Briggs ; resides in Minnesota. Lyman D., born April 28, 1818; died March 28, 1822. Jane E., born April 20, 1820; married in 1839 to Bijah Gray: died Feb. 5, 1844. Theodore A., born Feb. 13,, 1823; married in 1848 to Nancy S. Sampson. Newmon O., born Nov. 26, 1825 ; died July 8, 1829. Sarah A., born Feb. II. 1828: married in 1846 to A. G. Needham ; died Oct. 3, 1 85 I. Helen M. (twin), born Jan. i, 183 i ; married in 1851 to Warren Gates; resides in Minnesota. Fllen S. (twin), born Jan. I, 1831 ; married in 1848, to John Sampson; resides in Missouri. Cecelia, born June 21, 1834; died Sept. 26, 1855. Theodore A. Canfield was born in Concord. When three years old the family moved to Boston, and back to Concord again in 1833. Mr. Canfield moved to Collins in 1866, where he has since resided ; has alwa\-s been a farmer. The follow- ing is his family record : Florence, born in February, 1850; married in 1872 to Frank Hunt. Walters., born Dec. 31. 1852; married in 1876 to Ida ^54 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. May Potter. Jennie L., born Dec. 15, 1857; married in 1876 to Charles Clark. Mary A., born Aug. 7, i860. Mrs. Canfield was born Oct. 15, 1825. Craiirtell Family. Luke Crandell, Sr., a soldier of the Revolution, came to Col- lins from Vermont about 181 5, with three sons — Darius Wil- liam and Philander, another son, Luke, Jr., having come several years before and ser\'ed in the war of 18 12. They were promi- nent among the early pioneers of Collins. They all resided in Collins till their death, except Luke, Jr., who died in Illinois. William Crandell was born in Danby, Vt., in 1795, and died in 1 861 or 1862. He married Betsey Harrington, also a native of Vermont ; she died in 1855 o^' 1856. The}- had nine chil- dren, all living : Three of the sons, Watson, James and Delos, settled in Mis- souri. W'atson was a Major in the Union army, and was twice a prisoner in Libby prison. Jefferson lives in Collins and Phi- lander in Steuben county. There are four daughters : Rachel livee in Wisconsin. Phoebe in Illinois, Sophia in North Collins, and Olive, who married Hiram Stage in 1843, and resides at Collins Center. Mr. Stage served in the war of the rebellion. They liave four children : Three sons, living in Buffalo, and one daughter, Mrs. Flora Cooper, of Concord. Moses Conger. Mr. Conger was born in what is now North Collins, Feb. 12. 1826. He now resides on his farm near Collins. Mr. Conger has undoubtedly the largest herd of thorough-bred Ayrshire cattle in the southern towns of the county. At present ( 1881), he has thirty-four head. Mr. Conger was married in 1851, to Martha Wood. The}^ have one son, Lawton M., born April 5, 1865. Amasa L.. Chaffee. Amasa L. Chaffee, son of .Stephen Chaffee, was born in Rut- land, Vt., December, 1797. He had four brothers — Kingsley, James, Oliver and Ambrose, and three sisters — Lucy, Alzina II ni()(;RArnKAi, sKirrciiKs. 655 and Ruba. Stephen Chaffee moved to Cazenovia, Madison count)', N. v., when Amasa was three years old, and when he was some twelve or fifteen }-ears old they moved to Attica, N. Y. At the age of seventeen years, he enlisted in the War of 1812. At the close of the war, he learned the trade of wool carding and cloth dressing, and at the age of tuent\'-four he married Lydia W^ade, and moved to what is now Gowanda. in May, 1 82 1, carrying on the wool carding and cloth dressing business some ten years, building the first establishment of the kind in that ])lacc, it being cntircl}' new. He built the first frame house in that village having a brick chimney. He carried on the mercantile business from 1836 to Dec. 5, 1869, when he died, aged se\ ent\'-two \'ears. He held the office of Ju-tice of the Peace and Supervisor, and was also nominated for the office of Legislator and Con- gressman of his district. Mis wife died in Jul}', 1879, aged seventy-six years. WarrtMi X. Fish. Warren N. Fish, son of Royal and Harriet Fish, was born in Danby, V^t., Feb. 11, 1834. In 1847, ^^^ came with his parents to the Town of Hamburg, Erie county, N. V., and soon after removed to the Town of Rrant ; in 1851, he came to Collins, where he was engaged in farming until 1855, when he removed to Sauk county. Wis., where he remained for nine }'ears, being there emplo\'ed in farming, and, lasth', in 1864, again returned to Collins Center, where he now^ resides. His occupation has been various: Farm labor, photograph}', clerk in the store of Rates & White, and for several Winters taught school, and was also book-keeper and pa}'master for William A. Johnson. Mr. Fisk is a man of sound judgment and undoubted integ- rity. He is quiet and unobtrusive, contenting himself with his own concerns. April 15, 1855. he married Delia Harris, daughter of Esek and Susannah Harris of Collins. They have two children : Albert W., born Oct. 21, 1857, and Marion, born Sept. 3, 1869. Albert W. is a stenographer and is in the employ of I. L.Wood &Co. 656 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Ainaiid Fischer. Amand Fischer, son of Amand and Mary Fischer, is a native -of Germany and was born in 1848. In 1868, he came to America and engaged in teaching German for three years ; after which he became employed in the brewery business, and at the present time he owns and runs a brewery and hotel, situated in Gowanda, N. Y. In 1869, he married Isabelle Goldcamp, who was born in •Ohio in 1847. He has a family of three children : Mary, born in 1870. Sophia, born in 1872. Adele, born in 1874. William C iioUn. William C. Golm, son of John and Christian Golm, was born in Germany, March 22, 1855. He immigrated with his parents to America in the Fall of 1861. He resided with his parents at Aurora, Erie county, until 1876, when he came to Collins, where he has ever since resided, being engaged as a carpenter and builder, and is considered an excellent workman. While in Collins, he has been superintending workman in the build- ing of William A. Johnson's storehouse for cheese, situated at Collins Station, and also in the building of the dwelling-houses ■of George Potter and George Waite. He is now engaged in building a residence for himself at Collins Station. He is moral and industrious. He has improved his mind to the best advantage with the limited means and opportunities which he possessed. Aug. 3, 1 88 1, he was married to Ruth Joslin, daughter of Henry Joslin of North Collins. Joseph Griftord. Joseph Gifford, son of Philip and Charity Gifford, was born in Hartford, Washington county, N. Y., Feb. 13, 181 3. W'hen two years old he was taken to live with his uncle, with whom he resided until he was twenty-two years of age. October 12, 1834, he married Mary Ann Goodell, daughter of John and Ruth Goodell. In 1835, he came to Collins and located on one hundred acres of unimproved land, which was left to his HiO(;RAi'nicAi, ski; i( J IKS. 657 wife b\- her father, to which Mr. (iiffortl lias acUietl fifty acres, which tarm he still owns and occui)ies. His children are: Ruth C, born Vcb. 2, 1836, who is unmarried and lives with her father. Mary E.. born Feb. 2, 1839, who married Avery Kniy^ht, and died in Collins October 18, 1873. Lovinda and Melinda, who are twins, and were born July i, 1841. Melinda is a maiden lad}- and lives with her father. Lovinda married Martin Lewis, Jan. 13, 1863, and resides at Jamestown, X. \'. She has two chiklren ; Am\- G., born Oct. 12, 1S74. and (irace M., born April 6, 1878. Mar}' E. had one son, Irwin A., born April 6, 1870, who, since the death of his motlier, lives with his i;randfather. Isaac Hunt. Isaac Hunt, son of iJaniel and Merc)' Hunt, was born in Pittstown, Rensselaer county, X. Y., June 14, 1808. In 1817, he came with his parents to what is now the town of North Collins, and located near where Lawton's Station now is. When he was seventeen \-ears of age, he was bound out to Smith Rartlett, of whom he learned the trade of tanner and currier. In 1831, he married Diantha Albee, daughter of Ben- jamin and Abigail Albee. Shortly after his marriage he took an article for fift)- acres of land in Collins, upon which he built a tannery and followed his trade until 1852, when he went to California, where he was engaged as a merchant, keeping a miner's store. In 1854. he returned to his family in Collins, where he has since resided, being engaged in farming. Mr. Hunt is among the early settlers of Collins, and has encoun- tered all the obstacles and prixations necessarily experienced during the establishment of a home in an unsettled country. He came to Collins when it was but thinly settled, but he has had the pleasure of seeing the town become populous and sujiplieci with nearly all the needful ad\antages for domestic comfort. He is a quiet, industrious and unobtrusive man, con- tenting himself with his own affairs. When Mr. Hunt was a young man, w ild beasts were still to be found in Collins, espe- cially bears and wolves of w hich he tells many capital stories, one of which happened about hft\-fi\e years ago, is worthy of notice. One of his neighbors. Mr. Cadwcll, observed that his 658 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. corn was being destroyed, as he thought, by his neighbor's large black hogs, which were allowed to run at large. Mr. Cad- well told his neighbor of the ravages which his hogs were mak- ing in his corn field and that if he did not keep them out of his field he would shoot them. On going to his corn field a few days later he saw that the same ruin was still going on, whereupon he loaded his gun and told his son,, a boy of twelve years to go to the field, and if he saw his neighbor's hogs there to shoot them. The boy took his stand in the field, and after watching until near sunset, was about to go home when he heard the intruder crashing through the corn which \vas so tall as to prevent the boy seeing the animal until it came very close to him, when it arose upon its hind-feet upon which the boy fired, and without waiting to see the effect of his shot ran home and informed his father that he had shot the neighbor's largest black hog. On going to the field the}' found dead, not the neighbor's hog, but a very large black bear which had ravaged the corn. The names of his children are : Warren P., born March 23, 1832, and lives in Idaho. Ciar. issa, born June 2, 1836; married Reed Clark and resides in Collins. Benjamin F., born May 18, 1850; married Florence Canfield and resides with his father on the old homestead. The names of Benjamin's children are : Ira B , born in 1874, and Coridan ¥., born in 1877, and died in Sept. 1881. Plyii Holteii. Mr. Holten was born in Dorset, Bennington county, Vt., in 1832. He studied medicine two years but never practiced. He wasmarriedin 1858 to Francis A. Williams. In 1856 Mr. Holten engaged in mercantile pursuits at Danb}', Vt., which he con- tinued at that place for twenty years. He was Post-Master at the same place fourteen years and Justice of the Peace three terms. In 1876 he removed to Collins Center, N. Y., and engaged in trade at that place where he now resides. Mr. and Mrs. Holten have three children : Carrie F., Herbert P. and Lillie May. Nellie Gay, twin sister of Lillie May, died an infant. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 659 John Heiii. Mr. Hcin's ancestors were natives of Alsace, France, from which place his father, Clemens Hein, his mother, Elizabeth Beekman Hein, and his {grandfather, came to this country. His grandfather was a soldier of Napoleon. John was born in Aurora, N. Y., April 21, 1852. He fol- lowed the occupation of gardener in Hamburg, for three years. In I.S59 he became an employee of the Hon. A G. Conger and has continued in his service and that of his family since. Erastus L. Harris. Erastus L. Harris, son of Esek and Susanna Harris, is a native of (Collins and was born Jan. 4, 1871. He resided in Collins until 1854, at which time he went to California and there engaged in mining until the Fall of 1857, when he returned to Collins. In the F'all of 1858 he went to Iowa, where he bought land and engaged in farming until the breaking out of the late rebellion in the Spring of 1861, when he returned to Collins where he was chosen to represent the famous Ellsworth Regi- ment, the 44th New York Volunteers. On the 8th of August, 1861 he was mustered into service at Alban)' and joined the Army of the Potomac under General McClellan, in front of Washington, in November of the same year. While serving in this regiment he was appointed Corporal and Sergeant. He served in this regiment until No\-ember, 1863, at which time he was promoted to second Lieutenant in the ninth United States colored troops, and in the Spring of 1865 he was promoted to first Lieutenant, which position he occupied until the close of the war, when he resigned August, 1865. He was in all the battles in which his regiment was engaged, participating in the siege of Yorktown and the battles of Hanover Court House, Malvern Hill, second Bull Run, Antietam, Shepardstown F^ord, P'redericksburg, December, 1863, Chancelorsville, Middletown and Gettysburg. He was in the above-named battles while in the 44th Regiment. While Lieutenant in the United States colored troops he was engaged in the operations about Charles- ton until August, 1864, when he went to Virginia, and was here engaged in the siege of Petersburg, Strawberry Plains, besides numerous severe skirmishes, and was also in the lines 66o BIOGRArHICAL SKETCHES. before Richmond when that last stronghold of the rebellion surrendered and was among the first to enter it after its sur- render. At the close of the battle of Malvern Hill he was the only officer in his company who was not either killed or disabled, and for a short time after this battle he was in command of his compan}', and for his meritorious conduct in this battle he was mentioned in general orders by Gen. Daniel Butterfield, Brig- ade Commander, and recommended for promotion. In February, 1863, he was married to Emily A. Smith; daughter of Gilbert P. Smith, of Springdalc, Cedar county, Iowa, and Lydia Smith, then deceased. At the close of the war he returned to Collins. He has a famih- of five children : Howard L., born Oct. 22 1864. Earl W., born April 28, 1868. Alice, born March 13, 1871. Mary, born March 18, 1873. Gilbert P., born Nov. 12. 1875. Elizabeth Hudson. Elizabeth Hudson, daughter of Stephen and Mary Wilber, was born in Scipio, N. Y., Sep*. 25, 1810 ; when }'oung she came with her parents to what is now the Town of Collins Marcii 8, 1832; she married Stukeh' Hudson, who was born March 21, 18 12, and died in Collins in February, 1868. After the death of her husband Mrs. Hudson removed to Collins Center, where she now resides. She had but one son, Stephen, born Ma\' 23, 1834, and died in Collins Nov. 3, 1866. Stephen was twice married ; his second wife still survives him, and is now the wife of Charles Russell. Mrs. Hudson has three grandchildren : Grace, born March 11. 1859; married Herbert Reynolds and resides at Cc^llins Center. Elmer and Louisa, who live with their stepfather, Charles Russell. Orra L. C Huj»lies, Kscj. Mr. Hughes was born in York count}'. Pa., Oct. 14, 1836, of colored parents, and is a notable example of what indomitable perseverance and indefatigable energy will do for a person in the struggle for talent and position. Not onh' his color, but unpropitious circumstances and ad\'ersc surroundings, hav^e I!I()(;K.\!'1II> AI, SKI;|( IlKs. 661 S()UL;"lit to letter his success. Tlidt his struL;"L(lcs h;i\'e achieved for liini an eiU'iable |)ositioii in life is ex'ident from the respon- sible positions he has held and the auto^i^raph letters he has from men jirominc-nt in the ])o]iticsand literature of the nation. He began life as a farm laborer, then scliool teacher and printer. He has edited and published sexeral newspapers in different parts of the United States, has delivered lectures and always been foremost in movements tendinis" to the elevation of his race. He was at one time Superintentlent of I-lducation in Tennessee, and was appointed by President Hayes Consul to St. Marc, Ha}-ti, but never entered ui)on the duties of his office on account of the prex.dence of )'ellow fe\er at that ]jlace. He was admitted to the bar, and is now a lethal practitioner at Col- lins Center. i\('ll']it. John Knight was a nativ^e of Collins and was born in 1829. He married Silvia Ann White, daughter of Stephen and Sally White. He owned and occupied up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1880, a farm known as the Herrick farm. At about 1870, while riding on the New York and Erie Rail- road, the train was thrown from the track, by which he received injuries, from the efTects of which he never fully recovered and which ultimately resulted in his death. At the time of his accident he received a severe wound on the head from which his memory and intellect ever after seemed to be dazed. He raised but one son, Reuben, who married Miss Palmer- ton, daughter of Evans Palmerton of Michigan. Reuben occupies and works the old homestead. Monroe Kelley. Joseph Kelie}', Monroe's father, was born in 1807. in Danby, Rutland county, Vt. His wife's maiden name was Harriet Rudel, and she was born in Danb}' in 1 809. They came to Hamburgh, Erie ccninty, N. Y., in 1834. and to Collins in 1838, and now reside in Zoar. Their children are : P^rancis, born in I)anb>-, V^t., and married Abagail Bates, and is a farmer and lives in Zoar, Collins. Nanc\-, born in Danby, Vt., and married George Bates and lives in Otto, Cattaraugus county. Monroe Kelley was born in Plamburgh in 1835; came to Collins with his parents in 1838, where he has ever since resided. He married Rosaltha Babcock. He has been engaged in farming and has also followed the business of buying and lUOCKAl'lllCAI. SKKTCIIKS. 665 scllini;- stock to a consitlcrablc extent for several years past. He has no chiUlren. Delinca married Daniel Bridenbecker, and lives in Arcade, Wyominj^^ county, N. Y. Marxin married Alice Kelley, and lives in Collins. He is a farmer. Caleb KiiifAlit. Caleb Knio-ht is a son of Nathaniel Kni^dit. He was born in Collins Aug-. 8, 1828. He has been twice married. First to Fanny Matthews, second to Mary Rush, by whom he has two dauL^hters: Laura A. and Emma. In 1868 Mr. Knight removed to Effingham, Atchison county, Kansas, where he is engaged in farming. Kiii.&r Family, In the Spring of 181 1, Allan, Arnold and John King came in company with others from Danby, Vt., to Collins. They located on lot forty-nine, near Collins Center. They built a log-house and in the Fall, their father, Nathan King, and the rest of the family came. Allan, the oldest who was married then moved on to lot fifty-six, from there he moved to Zoar ; from Zoar on to the farm now owned by John Becker, in Col- lins, where he lived until his death in 1851. He married Rezina Thompson, who died in i860. They had eight children, as follows : Mariette, born April 27, 1812 ; married Sylvenus Bates, Jr.; Mr. Bates died April 7, 1874. Lydia, born Dec. 28, 181 3; died in 1855. Harlan, born Oct. 2, 181 5 ; married Phoebe Irish; he died in 185 I. Emily, born Jan. 6, 1818 ; died in 1822. William T., born Aug. 17, 1820; married Lucy Cook. Alvin J., born May 1 ] 1824; married Susan A. Southworth. Charlotte, born May 18, 1828; married George Southworth. Amanda, born April 18, 1832 : died in 1834. Mrs. Bates, the oldest, had two children : Melissa A., born in Nov., 1835; died Nov., 1872; she married Hiram Cook. Sarah W.,born in Dec, 1844; married Butler Potter. Arnold was married in Vermont to Candace Cook and had a large family of children. He died in Cattaraugus county about 1870. 666 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. John married Tryphenia Pratt. He died in one of the west- ern states about 1872. The father, Nathan King, died in ColHns in 1830, aged sev- enty-six. He married Mary Viol, who died in 1842, aged seventy-four. The following are the names of their children : Allan, married Rezina Thompson. John T., married Try- phena Pratt. George, married Betsey Hazard. Lydia, married Ira Waterman. Polly, married Adolphus Albee. Phila, mar- ried Edwin Farnsworth. Chloe, married Hiram Hazard. Ar- nold, married Candace Cook, Isaac, married Emily Allan. Jared, married Sarah Johnson. Charlotte, married Jared Can- field. Sally, married Thomas Farnsworth. Angelinc, married William Farnsworth. Henry Kouard. Mr. Konard was born in Mecklenberg. Germany, Jan. 21, 1843. He came from thereto Otto, N. Y., the December after he was twenty-three years old. He remained there six years then came to Collins. He has always been a farmer. He was mar- ried in 1865 to Kate Hahgolstone, who was born March 26,. 1833. They have had five children, viz: Mary and Minnie, born April 21, 1866. Henry, born March 5, 1869. Charles, born Aug. 5, 1871. Louise, born July 30,. 1875 ; died Aug. 15, 1881. Aaron Lindsey. Aaron Lindsey was born in Connecticut. He came to Madison county in this State and remained a few years. He came to Collins to look for land in 1809, and located on lot forty-two, township six, range eight, and moved his family on in March, 1810. His brother-in-law, Arad Howard, came with, him and located on the same lot. They had to cut their own road part of the way from Boston. , His children were : Almond, who married Rachel Smith.. Aaron, who married Tryphena Bates. Sally married Wright Jewel. Ira I., died young. Betsy married Jeremiah Smith. Moses married Hannah Bates. Norman married Lucretia Bates. Hiram married Sarah Johnson. Simeon married Mary Eaton- Lucy married Asa Patch. tf hi()(;rai'IIIca[, sketches. 667 Aaron Liiidsey, .Tr. Aaron Liiuisc}-, Jr., was born in the Town of Nelson, Mad- ison county, N. Y., April 19, 1807, '^'^^^^ ^^''^^ married to Try- phena l^ates, in the Town of Collins, Nov. 23, 1828. Tryphena Bates was born in Orant^e, Franklin county, Mass., Aug". 4, iSii. The}' have resided in Collins about seventy years. Their children were: Sylvia, born Nov. 30, 1829. Sylvenus, born Oct. 18, 1831. Daniel F., born Aug. 21, 1833. Orissa, born May 15, 1836. Richard C, born April 8, 1838. Luc}', born Jan. 9, 1842. Mary Loretta, born Sept. 20, 1846. Sylvia died Sept. 14, 1849. Orissa married William Barn- hart, and died Jul}- 28, 1 856. Daniel died in December, 1877. Richard married Malora Chafee, and died May 2, 1877. Syl- x'enus married Dorcas Bartlett, since died. Lucy married Albert Halcomb, and resides in Collins. Mary Loretta married Nathan Peasley, and resides in Collins. When Mrs. Tryphena Lindsey was a small girl four or five years old, her father, Syh'enus Bates lived at Taylor Hollow. One day she undertook to walk across the mill race there on a couple of poles, and fell into the water. David and John Wil- ber, then fourteen and sixteen years of age, happening to be at the mill, saw her fall in and ran and rescued her from drown- ing. This happened sixty-five years ago, and the ])arties are all still living in Collins. Georji*' Lenox. George Lenox, a native of Ireland, was born in 1 809. In about 1830, he came to America and bought a farm in Collins, situated three miles north of Collins Center, where he was en- gaged in farming, until the time of his death, which took place May 16, 1871. In 1832, he married Elizabeth Skeggs, daughter of William Skeggs. His widow survives him and resides at Collins Cen- ter. They raised a family of nine children : Jane, who married Rufus Washburn, and lives in North Col- lins. William S., who was a Sergeant in Company D, Tenth New York Cavalry, and died in 1862, at Alexandria, from the effects of a wound received at Bristol Station. George H.,who 668 BKXIRAI'IIICAL SKETCHES. was also a soldier of his country in the darkest days of her tri- als and dangers ; he died in a rebel prison ; his friends were unable to learn the particulars of his capture and death. Ljxlia M., who married Charles Potter, and lives in Collins. Francis, who married Lucy Washburn, and lives in Collins. Johanna, who married John Sherman, and resides in Collins. Chauncy B. and Selam, who own and occupy the old homestead, and Ellen, who married Charles Ottenbacher and lives in Collins. The Liiphaiii Family. Abram Lapham came to Collins in 1809, from Genesee county. He was formerly from Ames, Mass. He purchased in the vicinity of what is now known as Bagdad, one thousand acres of fine timber land. The next year his son Stephen came, who, in 18 14, built a saw-mill where the m^ll now stands at Bagdad. Stephen was married in Genesee county to Mar- garet Robinson. His brothers were John, Daniel, Savery and Ira. None of the family reside in Collins at present. Their descendants are living in Oakland county, Mich. Samuel Lumbard. Samuel Lumbard, an old and respected citizen of Collins^ was born in the Town of Wells, Rutland county, Vt., in 1820. He married Aurelia Hopkins and came to Collins in 1836. He owns and occupies a farm known as the Hopkins farm. He has one son : Albertus, who married Matilda Wickham, daughter of Hu- ram and Louisa Wickham. Albertus resides with his father and assists in working the farm. Mr. Lumbard has also an adopted daughter : Ida, who married Walter Canfield, and lives in Collins Center. John 3Iilli.s. John Millis and wife came to this country on foot, some three hundred miles. He brought a gun and pack upon his back and an axe in his hand, and she carried a child nearly two years old. Millis located some two hundred acres on lot sev- enty-five, township seven, range seven, which is now in the Town of Collins. The first night he built a fire by the side of J5|()(.KArilI(;A[, SKK'I'CHKS. 669 a tree, aiul witli tlic aid of his axe he constructed a shelter for his wife and child. The next day he set about preparinj^ a more substantial abode for his family. He built a cabin, but had no door, this necessarj' article was improx'ised out of hem- lock boughs. Mrs. Millis, when in after years she related these experiences, often spoke of the wolves. W'hen pressed with hunger the\' would often gather near the cabin, and nights would be weird and hideous by their bowlings. She tells of the boldness of one old she-wolf; her husband was away; she was performing her usual household duties; her child was about the cabin ; she raised her eyes to the door ; a sight was there that would shock the nerves of almost any one ; the ugly and gaunt form of an old slie-wolf stood peering in. She said " its eyes shone like balls of fire, and when it met her gaze it showed its cold, murderous teeth, then turned and slowly walked off." John Millis was a character that pertained to that period, and one would almost infer that nature, at the start, had de- signed him for the very position which he occupied. Of low stature, broad shoulders and possessed of the strength of an ox, he had a constitution that never wearied, a will that never yielded until the object sought . had been attained. Uncle David Wilber says that he has often met John with two bush- els of corn upon his back, which would be carried to Aldrich's mill at Lodi and would be returned to his home in meal the .same day, making the task in coming and going fully sixteen miles. He was a great chopper, and day in and day out, early and late, Summer or Winter might be heard the echo of John Millis' sturdy and telling blows, and they were truly telling, and the dense, heavy forest soon crept away from his cabin door and its place was supplanted by broad, fruitful fields. A large family of stalwart sons and daughters (thirteen in num- ber) who partook largely of their parent's industrious habits, lent their willing hands in aiding John Millis to clear his farm. Scarcely had a score of years gone by before he sold one-half of his cultivated claim to Esquire Nathaniel Knight, who gave as a consideration enough to secure a clear title to the other half; and he found the great aim of all his bitter toils and pri- vations accomi)lished. He held in fee-simple a deed to his 670 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. home, a home that \\'as bei^un that dismal April ni'jht by the side of a tree in that great wilderness with onl}- the compan- ionship of the wolf, whose weird howl often disturbed his slum- bers. A neat and tasty cottage had taken the place of the rude log structure, fruits and flowers grew, bloomed and ma- tured about its door, and ere this honest, industrious couple had attained the summit of life, -they were enabled to spend the remainder of their days in comparative ease. John gave up the making of black salts, and Mrs. Millis did not toil as busy and constant with her loom and distaff. Some thirty years ago Mrs. Millis died, and though this made a broken home and was a truly a great sorrow to the toil-worn pioneer, still he remained on the farm until all his large family of boys and girls had gone out into the world for themselves. The most of them had gone WY-st. Some twenty-five years ago he sold the old homestead and followed them ; then he had reached more than the allotted span of three score and ten, still he was hale and acti^'e. and devoted his time and means in establishing each of his children in a home; he ga\'e to each a deed of fifty acres of land and he passed his days in visiting alternately among them. Georg-e J. Motzger. George J. Metzger, son of George and Catharine Metzger, is a native of Germany, and was born Feb. 26, 1832.. In 1842 he came to America with his parents, and in 1852 he was married to Catharine .Scott, daughter of Robert and Lucina Scott, of North Collins. He is engaged in farming, owning a farm in North Collins, upon which his son Millard resides, and also one in Collins which he occupies. The names of his children are as follows : Millard G., born March 30, 1855, who married Kmma Al- drich and lives in North Collins. Caroline, born May 19, 1858, who married Ernest Valentine and lives in North Collins. Emma, who died young. Alice, born Aug. 11, 1861. John, born Jan. 18, 1863, Leonard, born May 15, 1864, and died March 15, 1866. Sylvester, born March 6, 1867, and died May 30, 1867. BHXIRAl'lIICAL SKETCHES. 67 I Saiiiiiel Ttiliiias*' Mmij;or. Samuel Talmagc Muiit^cr was born at Roxbury, Conn., Feb. 6, 1805, and in the year 1816, his father, Samuel Monger, removed to Warsaw, Wyoming county, and soon after bound out his son Samuel to his brother, Deacon John Munger of Warsaw to learn the trade of tanner and shoemakx-r. After his majority he carried on the shoe business at W^arsaw till the year 1829. In Jul}' he came to Gowanda, then Lodi, and engaged in the tanning and shoe business in connection with Nathaniel Frank, under the firm name of Frank & Munger. Subsequently Gideon Webster purchased the interest of Mr. Frank and the firm name became Munger & Webster, who for several years carried on — for those times — a large and success- ful business in which he achieved success. In 1839, ^^^- Mun- ger retired from mercantile business and engaged in farming, having purchased the farm of Thomas B. Sowle, one mile east of the village, where he continued to reside until 1853, when he purchased the farm and built the house where he died. In the fall of 1829, Mr. Munger returned to Warsaw and married, October i, Miss Cornelia Clark, daughter of Daniel Clark, Esq., of Pawlet, Vt., with whom he lived pleasantly until her death, June 19, 1852. In 1853, he married Eliza Haskell of Sandy Hill, N. Y., who survived him. Of his seven children, three sons died in infancy and William in Oct., 1863, at the age of twenty-five years, leaving a wife, Rachel, daughter of George Sisson, and a son. Milton H. Munger, now of Glens Falls, N. Y. Jennette, his only daughter, married Sumner C. W'arren, and after his death in Oct., 1865, was married to George Kirby, Jr., of New Bedford, Mass.. Oct., 1869, where she now resides. Charles, his eldest son, went to Kansas in 1868 and married Mary Walters of Effingham, Kan., where they now reside. Samuel Clark, his youngest child, succeeded to the homestead. In all the relations of life Mr. Munger hds acted well his part having been a kind husband and father and a good citizen. It is not too much to say that few if any shared more largely in the confidence and esteem of his neighbors and fellow- citizens. He died April 14, 1875, ^.ged seventy years, after a lingering illness, and his funeral was attended at his late residence, where 672 ki()(;rai>iii(AI skktches. a large number leathered to show resj^ect for the dead andsj'm- pathy for the Hving. Trul)' it may be said of him. " The remembrance of tlie just shall not pass away.'" »i allies Mattlu'w.s. Mr. Matthews' father, Francis Matthews, mo\'ed to Collins from Essex county, N. Y., (formerlx' from Vermont), in 1833, where he lived until his death. He married Roxena Aldrich. James Matthews was born in Irasburg, Orleans count}', Vt., Feb. 3, 1823 ; came to Essex county when fi\e \'ears old and from there to Collins with tiie family. Has always claimed a residence in Collins and North Collins since. In the .S])ring of 1849, Mr. Matthews went to Illinois, remained a } ear, then started for California and reached Salt Lake City in July, 1859; remained there until the subsequent Spring, teaching school during the Winter. In July, 1851, he reached California and was engaged in mining there until 1853, when he returned to Collins and engaged in lumbering until the Fall of 1861 when he enlisted, Sept. i6th, in Company D, Tenth N. Y. Ca\-alry. He participated in nearly every battle in which the Army of the Potomac took part. He was ne\-er wounded, sick, or excused irom duty a minute during his ser- vice. He was commissioned second Lieutenant Dec. 22, 1862, and first Lieutenant July 16, 1864. He was mustered out of service at Petersburg, Ya.. Nov. 22, 1864. At the close of the war he returned and engaged in farming in \orth Collins where he resided until 1880, when he moved to Collins Center, where he is now engaged in the general grocer\- trade. James H. McMillain. Mr. McMillain was born in Aug., 1806, in Onondaga count)-, N. Y., from which place he came to Gowanda in 1821, where he resided until his death Sept. 26, 1879, which was occasioned by the running awa\- of his horse in the streets of (Gowanda. Vov several \'ears afte-' coming to Gowanda Mr. McMil- lain was in the employ of the Plumbs who were exten- sive real estate owners and business men. Afterward he engaged in the grocery trade for hiniself which he continued until his death. His sons Robert and George continue the business. l!|()(iUArillC.\L SKKK'IIKS. (ij I Mr. McMilhiin was Constable, Collector and Deputy Sheriff t..r thirteen years in succession, and Supervisor of Collins in 1854 and 1 855. He received the appointment of Commissioner to locate and build the road throui;h the Cattarau<,ais Indian Reservation, which occupied a period of four years. He was married in 1832 to Clarissa Grannis, dau^ditcr of David Grannis. Of their children there are iivini;- Robert and (George, who are successfully conducting the grocery and pro- vision trade at Gowanda, and iM'ances, who married Henry Russell. Their great-grandfather, James McMillain, was a resident of Perthshire, Scotland. Their grandfather was the youngest son by the last wife of their great-grandfather, which last u ife was the sister of James Alexander, who figured in the war of the revolution in this country as Lord Stirling. He died in Phila- delphia before the war ended. The AicMillains who came to this country were Peter, Jane and Joseph. The latter was their •Tandfather. }ane was married in the old country to a man by The name of James Miller. They all first stopped in Provi- dence, R. 1. Joseph was married in Rhode Lsland to A\is Howen .md followed the sea some few years and afterwards moved to the State of New York, Town of Galway, Saratoga county. He was with James Alexander, or Lord Stirling, in his last sickness, in Philadelphia, but went home on business and Lord Stirling died in his absence and was buried before he returned. Mr. McMillain was appointed to superintend the construction of a road across the Lulian Reserv.ition from Lodi to the mouth of Cattaraugus Creek. The following extract from a letter ex- plains itself : HlM'l'Al.o, Sept. 22, 1843. James II. McMilUun, lisq. Dear Sir: — Having tra\eled the road across the hidian Reservati(Mi from Lodi to the mouth of the Cattaraugus Creek, it affords us great pleasure to say that it is wisely located and better constructed than any public road we have examined for many years. We think it as perfect as it could have been made 674 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. with the sum expended, and that the Superintendent of the work is well deserving the public thanks. Thomas L. \^()\'Yl, Judge of Eric county. Ira Cook, .fosepli Mugridge. Mr. Mugridge was born in Kent county, England, April 8, 1822. He came to America in 1833 and settled in Utica, N .Y.; removed to Buffalo in i84i,and became a member of the firm of Mugridge & Son ; he remained a member of the firm a short time. In 1852 he went to California and engaged in mining for about two years when he returned to BulTalo and engaged in business, where he remained until the Spring of 1864, when he came to Collins Center and entered into the mercantile trade which he still pursues. He has been Justice of the Peace and Town Clerk. Mr. Mugridge was married to his present wife in i860; her maiden name was Susanna Hill; they have one child, Edward C. Ezra Nichols. Mr. Nichols' ancestry can be traced back to the 17th century when three brothers emigrated from Wales and settled in Rhode Island. His father, James Nichols, was born in Rhode Island in 1768, and removed to Danby, Vt., in 1780, where Ezra the oldest of a family of eight, was born Jan. 19, 1795. He came to Collins in 1816 and located on lot fifty, where he lived until his death, Aug. 31, 1881. He was married June 6, 18 19 to Sarah Curtis, who died May 30, 1863, aged sixty-seven. They never had any children. By strict industry and perseverance he accumulated quite a large property. He was a man of exact honor and business integrity. It is said he never was in debt a dollar or paid a cent of interest during his life. Mr. Nichols was a Quaker, as were his ances- tors, and he was reared under rigid Quaker discipline. Charles E. Otteiibacher. Charles E. Ottenbacher, son of Charles and Sarah Otten- bacher, was born in North Collins, on the 21st of April, 1858. Jan. 29, 1878, he married Elli Lenox, daughter of George HiocRAi'HicAi. ski; ic I IKS. 675 and Eli/.abcth Lenox. Soon after his marria^^c, he purchased a farm formerly owned by GeorL^e Valentine, on which farm he now resides. He has no children. C. B. Parkinson. Mr. li. Brii^gs. Dear Sir ;— Vou requested me to write a short sketcii of my father's, C. B. Parkinson, life, to be published in your forth- coming; history of Collins. In reply, I would say tliat father, in company with his brothers, came to Collins in 1816. being then si.xteen years old, and from that time until a short time prex'ious to his tleath, he was actively engaged in helping to make Collins and the surrounding country what we now see it. The greater and earlier portion cjf his life was spent in building barns, bridges and mills; while later he turned his attention more or less to farming. He lived a temperate, peaceful and orderly life. I suppose that you. in canvassing this country for informa- tion, find a great many men and women who can say the same, \'iz.: "They passed a busy, toilsome and honest life," you find that they "acted well their part." The\^ are now passing rapidly away, and your efforts to perpetuate the memory of these old settlers should meet with the hearty support of their descendants. We scarce!}' realize the great work that they have accomplished so successfully. What are now fine farms was then a wilderness. Giant hemlocks, pines, beech and maples occupied the places where now we see orchards, barns farm houses and villages. They were resolute men who could hew out a ci\-ilization in so short a time and u'ith such limited means. Wolves were encountered in the woods, and the wolf of hunger in the house but their spirits never failed. Difficulties were encountered onl}- to be o\'ercome. Mills were to be built. The irons to be brought from Albanj' by teams — so they used but very few irons. Father's bill for blacksmithing on the Gowanda bridge was only .$18. The plows had wooden mold-boards ; the sleighs were shod with wood, and their houses were built of logs; their clothing of flax and wool made at home, carded, spun and woven. In 6/6 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Summer, they went barefooted and walked four and five miles to church or to " raisings " and " loggings." Then they had fun, and it was lively fun. After they had worked all day roll- ing the big logs into heaps to burn, and our mothers in the house had been quilting, a supper was prepared and eaten with relish ; then log heaps were set on fire for light and warmth^ and the deck was cleared for a" dance." If they had no fiddler some one would sing ; where there was a will to dance there was a way. The old log houses have vanished. The " logging fallows " have disappeared, and the old times have long since passed away, and with them passed many of the old folks. Their work has been well done, and we, their descendants, should feel a great pride in them. We have a great national pride in the Puritans, whose achievements did not much surpass the deeds of the Pioneers of the Holland Purchase. I hope your book will be a simple story of how our fathers and mothers lived, and of what they have done. It will be prized by us and the generations to come, and now, as these few remaining " old settlers " are silently and unostentatiously passing away, let us uncover and reverently bow to their " old fashions " as a record of a glorious past, and as the old gentle- man's eye lights up as he recites the "stories of the old times," let us tell him that we are proud of his achievements, and that his deeds shall not be forgotten, and after their footsteps are silent and that " old, old-fashioned " death has kindly helped them across the river, let us drop a tear over the grave of the "old pioneer." Very respectfully, W. H. Parkinson. Philip H. Perry. Philip H. Perry was born in Washington county, N. Y., April 26, 1816. His father, Philip Perry, was in the war of 18 1 2. Mr. Perry came to Erie county about 1823. When six- teen years of age he went to Gowaiida, where he learned the harness maker's and saddler's trade ; about 1845 he established himself in this business at Collins Center, and pursued it up to his death. Nov. 12, 1877.- liKXikAlilK AL SKKTCIIKS. 677 Mr. rcny was a man who always sou<;ht the best interests of the community in which he hved. lie was an ardent advo- cate of the temperance cause, and for many years occupied some position of public trust ; he was Postmaster at one time, and filled the office of Justice of the Peace twenty-five years in succession, and Justice of the Sessions one term, while Roswell VV. Burroughs was County Judge. He was married in 1839 to Mariette Perry, by whom he had one son, Wilber C, who per- ished in Andersonville prison ; and one daughter, Alice (i., who married A. R. Chase, and resides in Collins. Mr. Perry was married a second time, in 1865, to Elizabeth Willson, daughter of Gideon H. Willson. of Mansfield, Catta- raugus county, N. Y., by whom he had one daughter. May. Triiinaii B. Payne. Mr. Payne was born in 1797 in Essex county, N. Y., where he lived at the time of the war of 1812, in which he served as a soldier. He came to Collins in 1816 and located on lot forty- three. He remained four years ; then returned to Essex county and lived ten years, when he again returned to Collins and resided until his death, Sept. 30, 1872. He married Betsey Sampson in 1821 ; she was born in 1794 and died Feb. 18. i860. They had a family of nine children, viz.: Lucinda, born Sept. 13, 1824. Hamilton, born May 16, 1826; died in 1826. Rozilla, born July 30, 1827; married Al- vin Hopkins. Joseph, born May 11, 1829; married Wealthy Canadey. Emery, born Nov. 13, 1830; married Angeline Sin- gleton. Ira, born April 24, 1832 ; died in 1844.. Almeda, born March 12, 1834: died in 1839. Truman W., born Nov. 2, 1835 ; married Mary A. Mason. Amos G., born April 19, 1838; married Sarah A. Mason. Joseph Paluierton. Mr. Palmerton's ancestors were a long-lived New England people of English descent. His paternal grandfather was a Revolutionary soldier. Mr. P.'s father, Joshua Palmerton, was born in New England March 3. 1785; he came from Danby, Vt., in 1899 to Collins, from Farmington, Ontario county; he came in company with Stephen and Abram Lapham and 6/8 h[()(;raphk-ai. sketches. Stephen Peters. After inspecting and selecting lands, Mr. Palmerton and Peters returned to Batavia and articled their land. They went on foot, carrj'ing the articles necessary for the journey in knapsacks. Mr. Palmerton in 1809 selected lands on the west part of lot forty-eight, and Mr. Peters selected lands on the east part of the same lot, and they both took con- tracts for the same. In 18 10 Mr. Palmerton took a contract' for lands on the east part of lot fifty, on which he settled, and where he cleared up. improved and owned a fine farm, on which %'l< Joshua Pai.mkkion he lived from that time forward during the remainder of his life. He died July 12, 1870. He was married Jan. 26, 18 12, to Hannah Nichols, who was born Feb. 18, 1793, and died Dec. 19, 1870. He was a prominent member of the Society of Friends, or Quakers. He was what is known among them as a recommended minister, and for many years after coming to Collins he preached much, over a wide extent of country. He usually traveled on horseback, and was often sent for from long- distances to preach funeral sermons. He was a man of unlim- ited hospitality, his doors being always open. lUOCRAI'IIUAI. SKETCHES. 679 The followiiiL,^ is the faniil)- record of his cliilch-eii : Joel, born Sept. 4, KS14; died Au^. 2-], 181 5. Elisa (twin), born Sept. 12, 1816; married in 183910 Louis V'arney. Elisha (twin), born Sept. 12, 1816; married in 1843 to Lydia Ann Soule ; died Oct. 10, 1849. L>dia, born Dec. 8, i8l8; married in 1837 to Gilbert P. Smith; died Dec. 25, 1848. Joshua E., born Dec. 11, 1820; married in 1846 to Cliarity Bennet.. Phueba, born Sept. 13, 1822; married in 1847 to Chauncey Bal- lard. Joseph, born Oct. 8, 1824; married in 1854 to Ruth Mrs. Joshua Palmkrion. Allen. Eunice N., born May 5, 1827; married in 1851 to John J. Gurnsey; died Aug. 7, 1852. Hannah, born Oct. 16, 1829; died Dec. 27, 1848. James W., born Dec. 4, 1S31 ; married in 1854 to Henerette Roberts; died Oct. 3, 1859. M'^iiy- born April 4, 1836; married, first, in i860, to Daniel Johnson; sec- ond, in 1865, to Thomas G. Paxon. Joseph Palmerton was born in Collins, where he has always resided in the capacity of a farmer. He has been three times elected Commissioner of Highways of Collins. His wife, Ruth Allen, daughter of Isaac Allen, a prominent pioneer of Collins. They have three children : Durant A., Eunice A. and Frank. Durant is proprietor of 6n Family. Nathaniel .Sisson, Sr., was a Quaker who came from Dart- mouth, Mass., and settled in Cilens Falls, Warren count}', N. Y. From there his two sons, Stephen and Nathaniel, Jr., and son-in-law, Moses Tucker, started for Western New York in 1814. with their wives. Their outfit and mode of convey- ance consisted of a wagon and a single 3'oke of oxen. Arriv- ing at Buffalo, the}- followed the lake shore until Silver Creek was reached, when they struck out boldh' through the Indian Reserwition for what is now North Collins; they were three days wending their way through the wilds of the Reservation, their broad brims (the}' were Quakers) affording them a safe pass through the Indian country. Stephen located on lot fifty, where he always lived until his death, Aug. 17, 1869. Nathan- iel, Jr., and his brother-in-law. Tucker, located on lot forty-nine. The}' brought w ith them apple seeds, which the}' i:)lanted on their new possessions, and at the present writing (October, 1880,) ajiples are growing upon some of the identical trees which grew from those seeds. George Sisson was born in Collins in 181 7, where he has always resided. He was married in 1838 to Huldah Potter. They have had nine children, \iz.: Stephen L. Peter P., died in 1865. Rachel, married Wil- liam Munger; after his death she married Charles R. Eddy. Caroline, died in 1844. Reuben, George F., Annie H. Emma J., died in 1846. Ambrose D. George Si.sson, in company with James Wilber. Ansel F. Conger and Enoch Taylor built the first cheese factory in Erie county. Messrs. Sisson and Taylor went to Herkimer county and Rome to obtain information from the best dair}men of that section on the manufacture of cheese. In 1862 a factory 686 biuc;raphical sketches. was built on the north-east corner of lot sixty-one, Collins ; its dimensions were one hundred feet in length by thirty-three in width, consisting of a basement and two stones ; it was opened for the reception of milk May 5, 1863; it was called the Sisson factory. By the middle of the Summer, twenty-five cheese, weighing ioom Ellicottville, Mr. Vosburg moved to Gowanda about 1825, and engaged in blacksmithing, and also built a foundry and plow manufactory in compan)' with James Locke. He sold out his interests in Gowanda about 1837, and bought three hundred acres of land on Clear Creek in the west part of Collins, which has since been frequently designated as Tub Tow n, because of Mr. Vosburg's building, on his purchase, a tub factory and saw mill which he operated until the)' were destroyed by fire in 1849. Mr. Vosburg was for fourteen years Highway Commissioner in Collins, and many of the roads in that town were laid out under his supervision. He moved to Perr)'sburg in 1854, and resided there until his death in 1872. Mr. Vosburg had eight children as follows : Charles resides 696 hio(;kaphical sketches. in Waupaca, Wis. William resides in Gowanda. Laura resides in Gowanda. Frank resides in Waupaca, Wis.; hotel- keeper. Annette married Robert , and died in i860, in Perrysburg. Caroline married Frank Campbell ; resides at Perrysburg. Norton, half-brotlier of the others, resides at Gowanda. George L. Geors»<* \j» \osln\r^. George L. Vosburg is a son of the above-named. He was born in Collins — Tub Town — in 1838. Mr. Vosburg first commenced business at Gowanda as stage and liv^ery pro- prietor, and subsequently engaged in the hotel business, which he has since followed. He is at present, 1882, the genial land- lord of the Commercial Hotel at Gowanda. While a resident of Persia, Cattaraugus county ; he was for two )x^ars Deputy Sheriff under Cooper. Mr. Vosburg was married in 1859, ^o Eliza A. Campbell. They have two children : John C. and Nettie. Statement of David Wilder. My father, Stephen Wilber, came from Danby, Rutland county, V^t.. to .Scipio. Cayuga count)-, N. Y., in May, 1810. where the family remained until November. In June, 1810, my father and Joshua Palmerton followed an Indian trail through the woods from Ezekiel Cook's, in East Hamburg, to Turner Aldrich's, where Gowanda now is ; the)' had to lay in the woods one night. Turner Aldrich, Jacob Taylor, Aaron Lindsey, Arad Howard, (brother of Ethan Howard of Boston) and Stephen Lapham, on lot fortv'-five, at Bagdad, were here before he came. Stephen Peters came immediate!)' after my father and Pal- merton came ; he took land on the east j)art of lot fort)'-eight, township six, range eight. My father took land on the west part of lot forty nine and Palmerton on the east part of lot fifty, in same township and range. My father, Palmerton and Peters lived together and kept bachelor's hall that Summer. They chopped three acres of timber and jiut up a log-house or shant)- for each one. In the P'all father went to Ca)'uga county and brought his familv on as far as HambuiLr aiul lixed in one mO(;KAl'IIICAL SKKTCIIKS. 697 part of Rzckiel Cook's log-house through the Winter until the first of March. 181 1, when we moved to Collins. It took us three days to move from Hamburg to Collins : we staid the first night at Jesse Putnam's, who lived on part of the farm that Lewis Trevitt has since so long owned and occupied. We came by the way of W^oodvvard Hollow and the Genesee road. Besides father's family there were in the company Mrs. Luke Crandall, Allan King and wife, Arnold King, John King, Henry Palmerton, Jahiel Albee and John Williams. When Mrs. Crandall started from Vermont, her father, in accordance with olden custom, presented her with a bottle of rum, directing her not to uncork it until they reached "The Hill of Difficult}-." referring to Pilgrim's Progress. At Woodward's Hollow they had to chain the sleds to trees to get down safely. At the foot of the ascent on the other side Mrs. Crandall said : " Here is The Hill of Difficult}-; let us drink." and o})ened her bottle and presented it first to Mrs. Wilber. Any one \\-ho has beeii up that hill will appreciate her remark. We staid the second night at James T}'rer's, whose house or shanty stood on the Genesee road, on lot three, township seven, range eight, and was the first one we had seen since leaving Putnam's. The shant}' was so small that the whole company could not sleep inside, so Jehiel Albee proposed that he and the other young men should sleep up-stairs. Accordingly Jehiel Albee, John King, Arnold King, Henry Palmerton and John Willianis slept on top of the shant}'. There was no road and our progress through the woods was necessarily slow-, but on the afternoon of the third day we arrived at the house tliat father had built, which was located on the west j^art of lot forty- nine, some distance north of where the road runs now. Our house was built of logs and poles and the ends of some of them stuck out two feet beyond the others. There was no lumber and no nails used in its construction. The roof was made of bark and the first Summer we had no chimney, no ■doors, no windows, and the house was not muded. We built the fire against the side of the house until it burnt through. Father said that was the rule. In the P'all father built a stick- chimney, with a stone back, and cut window holes and made sash after his fashion and put in greased paper instead of glass 698 TUOCKAPHICAL SKETCHES. for window li<^hts ; he split and hewed out basswood plank or " Puncheons," for a floor below — had no floor above. My mother did most of her cooking out beside a stump during the warm weather that Summer. In my father's family there were then six children : David,. John, Paulina, Alma, George and Betsey. I was the oldest and was born Dec. 16, 1800. My father and mother and the six children, and all the household goods we had were brought from Vermont in one wagon load. Our table was a box that we brought some of our things in. I cannot remember whether father and mother had any chairs or not, but I know that we children had no chairs and after a little I made some stools for myself and the others. My father cleared off the first Spring about three acres for corn, half an acre for oats and one-fourth of an acre for potatoes. That Summer we chopped and cleared three acres and sowed it to Winter wheat. That Fall father went to Hamburg and bought one hundred apple trees and brought home two cherry trees in his pocket. We had a yoke of o.xen and two cows and a calf. We had no hay and we cut the heads of the oats off and gave them to HIOCRAIMIICAI. SKKTCIIES. 699 the calf, and the straw and corn-fodder we i^ave to the oxen and cows but the most of their Hving was browse. The first Summer after we came to Collins my father and mother and their six children, and Allen King and his wife, and Arnold King, and John King, two young, unmarried men, all lived in our small log-house, and how they all managed to live there I cannot tell. When we first came to Collins it was sixteen miles to the nearest grist-niill. We frecjuently got out of meal and then sometimes we would eat potatoes and milk several days and sometimes we would grind or pound corn into coarse meal in our "plumping mill." This consisted of a large log of the proper length, squared off at both ends and set upright and a ca\it}' made in the top in the shape of a round bottomed basket, and a spring-pole fastened to the corner of the house with a pestle attached and suspended over the cavity in the end of the log. Tile first grinding we had done at a grist-mill was at Boston. When father went to Boston to mill, he carried grists for the neighbors, and when .'\aron Lindsay went he also carried grists for the neighbors, and when Benjamin Albee went he also did the same. Once when father went to Boston to mill he had to stay over night; and he had no money, and he drew up wood for Mr. Butterworth with his team to pay for his keeping. Benjamin Albee located on the east part of lot* sixty-four, township six, range eight, in the Spring of 181 1, and Luke Crandall located on the middle part of the same lot the same year. Warren Tanner came and located on lot forty-seven same township and range, in 1811. Allen King located on lot fifty-six. and Nathan King, father of Allen, Arnold and John King, came in the Fall of 181 1 and settled on lot forty-nine. Abram Lapham came out in 1809 or 18 10, and bought lot forty-five at Bagdad and other lands in the vicinity, which lots were covered with nice pine and other valuable timber. Stephen Lapham, his son, settled there in 18 10 and built a saw-mill about 18 14. The first saw-mill built where R. L. Harris' mill now is, was built in 1824, by my brother John and myself. David Pound came in at an early day and located on lot fiftv-three, near Collins station. 700 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. In the war of 1S12 and 1815, Luke Crandall, Jehiel Albee^ Benjamin Albee, Darius Crandall, Rex Brown, David Nivers and Henry Palmerton and probably others, went from Collins to the Niagara frontier and served as soldiers. In the time of the war people were afraid of the Indians, and some of them left. Mr. Lindsay took his famih' out to Warsaw. Albee's family went away, he and his son Benjamin remained. I and my brother John dug holes in the ground to bury our iron ware. We had our other things loaded up to start, and had victuals cooked to take along, but father final!}- changed his mind and we remained. When I was eleven years old, I had to go out with my father and work, chopping and clearing land. My brother John and I worked clearing land bare-footed among the stubs and fire. Jacob Taylor built the first grist-mill at Ta\'lor Hollow in 1 81 2. John Hanford kept the first store in town at Taylor Hollow. One time, Kendall Johnson was at Hanford's store and wished to purchase a saw, but had not the money to pay for it, and Hanford refused to trust him. He went out into the field and stated the case to Taylor, and he picked up a flat stone and wrote on it an order for the saw, and Johnson went back and got it. Smith Bartlett ,was the first tanner and currier and shoe- maker. He came in about 181 5 and located on lot fifty-eight. Dr. McDaniels was the first ph}'sician in town. The first card- ing machine was at Gowanda, owned by Bugbee & Chaffee. James Parkinson built a saw-mill in the village of Collins Center about 1830. Samuel Lake built the first store at Collins Center about 1830. Harry Matthewson managed it. ISAAC WILBER'S family. Isaac Wilber, born Dec. 24, 1748 ; married Elizabeth Badgley and died July 27, 1835. Elizabeth Badgely, born Dec. 5, 1758 ; died Aug. 13, 1846. Stephen Wilber, born July 27, 1777, (son of Isaac); died Aug. 21, 1862. Mary King, his wife, born March 6, 1782 ; died Oct., 1866. Their children were : David, born Dec. 16, 1800. John, born Sept. 27, 1802. Paulina, born June 20, 1804; married Robert Arnold; died about 1875. Alma, born April 25, 1806; married Tompkins r.IOC.RAI'HICAI, SKKTCIIES. 7OI White. Gcori^c R.. born Auy;. 7, 180S ; married Jane Lapham ; died in 1867 in Wayne county, Michii^an. Elizabeth, born Sept. 25, 1810; married Stukcly Hudson. James, born Jan. 25, 1813; died Feb., 1815. Job, born Jan. 18, 1815, is dead. Daniel, born April 12, 1817; died Oct., 1826. Joshua, born June 19. 1819, lives in Dayton Cattaraugus count}-. Stephen, born July 14, 182 1, lives in northwest part of Michigan. Mary,. born July lO, 1820; died Oct. 22, r868. DAVID W I leer's family. David Wilbcr married Polly H. Russell, born 1808. Their children were : Daniel born May 31, 1830; married Hazard and lives in Collins. Lucy R., born May 22, 1835 ; married Thomas Russell, and lives in Farmington, Oakland county, Mich. Robert A., born July 12, 1844; married Eunice Allen and lives in Collins. John Wilber. John Wilber, son of Stephen W^ilber, was born Sept. 27, 1802, on North Hero Island, in Lake Champlain. He came to Collins with his parents in 181 1, where he has ever since resided a wealthy farmer and an energetic and capable man of busi- ness. He has resided on his present farm fifty-four years. Mr. Wilber is one of the few that remain, who have taken active part and witnessed the transformation from the unbroken wilderness to the beautiful farms and rural abodes that consti- tute the present town of Collins. Mr. Wilber was married in 1826 to Christiana Strang, whose paternal ancestors were long-lived and sturdy French Hugue- nots, who fled from France to England on account of religious persecution. From England some of them came to New York. Mrs. Wilber's father, John Strang, was born at Fort Ann, N. Y., where, when a young man, he was engaged in lum- bering. He came to Collins 181 2, where he resided until his death in Feb. 1879, at the remarkable age of 10 1 years and three months. Mr. and Mrs. W^ilber have reared a family of six children, viz : Emily, born Nov, 24, 1827; married William T. Popple and resides at Collins, Mary E., born April 18, 1839; married 702 BKJGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. William C. Potter and resides in Waupaca county, Wisconsin. Albert, born Feb. 28, 1832 ; married Ruth Bartlett and resides at Collins. James, born Feb. 20, 1835; married Lydia Chase, and resides at Collins. Paulina, born Aug. 16, 1840; married, first, Albert Bruce; second, PVank P.Johnson; died in 1879 i" Collins. Eugene, born Jan. 24, 1844; married Mar)' Barry and resides at Collins. J. H. White. John H. White was born in 1833, in the Town of Collins. His father's name was Hosea White; his mother's maiden name was Anna Keese. He was married in October, 1859; ^••'^ wife's maiden name was Martha Jane McMillan ; she was born Sept. 22, 1840, in the Town of Otto, Cattaraugus count}'. Their children are: Georgiana, born July 20, i860. Frankie E., born Nov. 28. 1861. Jesse Maud, born April 18, 1867. James H., born P'eb. 10. 1873. Ethel M., born May 16, 1877. Mr. White has always lived in Collins, except one year, when he lived on the Hadwin Arnold place in East Hamburg. He has always followed the business of farming, and now owns a large dairy, and in addition he has also been engaged in the milling business for several years. He owned and run the Gowanda mill in 1865, then sold it ; bought the mill in Bag- dad, in 1878, and sold it in 1880 ; again purchased theGowanda mill and sold one-half U) C. C. Torrance, and they are now ( 1882) running the same together. He formerly dealt quite largeh' in stock. He brought, for his father, the first mowing machine into Town of Collins, in 1853 or 1854. He brought the first Holstein cattle into Collins in 1879. ^^ ^'^'^^ ^^"^' ^^^ the Assessors of the Tow n of Collins for twelve )'ears. He was elected Supervisor in 1874 and also in 1875. Smith 13. Washhiirii. Mr. Washburn, son of Elisha Washburn and Frances Ballard, Avas born Sept. 21, 1834, in Collins, where he has resided most of the time. He traveled six years as salesman for a Cle\eland firm; he was also connected with William A. Johnson in first starting and operating the Marshfield factories. lie has been Assessor in Collins two terms. BIO(;RAriIK AI, SKETCHES. 7^3 Mr. Washburn was married Sept. 4, 1855. to Marinda Wick- ham, who was born in Collins, Nov. 25, 1S34. They have two children: Louisa F., born Dec. 18, 1857. George E., born June 10. 1864. Isaao A. Wells. Mr. Wells' grandfather, Rev. Asel Wells, was a Baptist minis- ter, and occasionally preached to the early settlers of Collins, to which place he came about 1826, with his son Benjamin Wells, father of Isaac A. Benjamin Wells, was bom in Halifax. Nova Scotia, in 1808 or 1809; came to Rochester, N. Y., when four years of age, and to Collins about 1826. where he set- tled on lot 21, on land bought from the Holland Land com- pan\-, where he lived until 1 876. when he sold his farm and moved to near Meadville. Pa. He married ^Lir\-. daughter of Isaac Allen. Isaac A. Wells was born in Collins, June 6, 1858, where he lived until 1867, when he moved to Persia, Cattaraugus county. N. v.. where he now resides in the capacity of a farmer. He was married in 1857. to Mar\- L. King, daughter of Jared King. They have two children : Jared U. and Cora. Elisha AVaslibiiru. Mr. Washburn was born Oct. 7, 1S07, in Wendell, Mass., came to Collins from there in 1821, driving a team through for Everett Fisher — twenty-eight days on the road. He chopped and cleared land — an acre in six days was about the progress he made in chopping. He was married in 1826, to Frances Ballard : they located on the farm of James Goodell. on lot nine, township seven, range eight. Collins. Mr. Goodell died in 1851. and they succeeded to the homestead where Mr. Washburn now lives, his wife hav- ing died in February, 1881. Mr. Washburn has held the office of Commissioner of High- ways several terms. He was Commissioner when the second Gowanda bridge was burned, and when the Zoar bridge across the Cattaraugus was built. About 1842. he built a saw-mill on the north branch of Clear Creek. Mr. Washburn has four children : Mary married George 704 HIOGRAPMK'Al, SKETCHES. Valentine, who died. Smith H. married Marinda Wickham. Rufus (2d} married Ruth Leno.\. Israel, twice married, first to Eliza E. Goodell,by whom he had one daughter. Dora; second time to Eliza Chafee, by whom he has three children: Jessie, Dean and Ira Verne. StepliJ^ii Tliorii Wliite. Mr. White's grandfather, Reuben White, was a leading- mem- ber of the Quaker Society ; he died in Collins at the age of seventy-two. His father, Isaac White, was born in Danb\-, Vt., in 1794. He married Hannah, daughter of Judge Thorn, of Granville, N. Y. He removed to Collins about 1833, his son Stephen Thorn, being then a }'Oung lad, ha\'ing been born in Danby, Vt., Sept. 28, 1826. He remained on his father's farm until 1858, when he engaged in mercantile business at Collins Center, which he pursued until his death, March 26, 1872 He was a man of honor and abilit)'. He was Postmaster most of the tmie while engaged in trade, and was Supervisor of Collins three years in succession — 1869, '70 and 71. Mr. White was married in 1853 to Eucy B. Randell, b}' whom he had three children : J. Herbert, w ho \\as for a time in compan\' with C. I. Bates at the old stand where his father had conducted business. Myra and Charles Car\-. Kob( It A. Wilbor. Robert A. Wilber, son of David and Polly Wilber, was born in Collins July 12, 1844, where he has ever since resided, now owning and occupying a farm formerly owned b\" Stephen Wil- ber. Sept. 4, 1866, he married lumice Allen, daughter of Ahaz and S}-l\'a Allen, of Collins. In 1865 he enlisted in the Second New \'ork volunteers, Compan}- (j. Mounted Rifle- jnen, and w as honorabl)' discharged at the close of the war. Steplioii B. AVhito. Stephen B. White, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Beckwith, is a native of Collins, and was born Nov. 15, 1848. His mother dying soon after his birth, he was adopted by his grandfather, Stephen White. March 20, 1867. he married Julia Puller, i!i< )(:irf»*' V. Waito. (jcor^e C. W'aite, son of Isaac and Mar\' Waite. was born in the Town of Eastern, Wasliin^ton count}', N. Y., in 1825. He has been twice married, first to Elizabeth Potter, daui^hter of Peter and Rachel Potter; second to Mar\- Lockwood, daugh- ter of Philo and Poll}- Lockwood. He came to Collins in 1850 and located on a farm formerly owned b\- George Lindsle)-. In 1871 he remo\ed to East Hamburg, and in 1877 he again removed to Collins and n(n\' owns and occupies the farm known as the George Lawton farm. He is a man of toil and industry and alwa\\s contents himself with his own concerns. By well- directed efforts he has acciuired a good property. He lias three children : Henr\-. born .April 4, 1861. Jennie, born Jul\- 19, 1877. Ra\-mond. born Aug. 16, 1879. Hosea White. Hosea White was born in the j'ear 1798. in the town of Mount Holly, Vermont. Plis father's name was also Hosea White. His mother's maiden name was Susanna Thompson. Hosea White, the second, father of John H. White, was married in this county to Anna Keese, March 12, 1825. He purchased of Hadwin Arnold the land on lot thirt\--four, township six, range eight, on which John H. now li\es. and cleared up and improved it and built the buildings and resided there until his death. He at one time kept hotel at the mouth of Cattarau- gus Creek for two years. Hosea White died in Collins June 2/, 1873, aged sevent>'-five years. Anna Keese White, his wife, died in Collins, June 3, i87i,aged sixt\'-four years. Their children were : Eliza Jane, who married Ransom Moss and died in Collins, Oct. 25, 1880. (Oliver H. married Nancy Bartlett and lives in Michigan; is a farmer. John H. Hannah Maud married 7o6 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Silas Taft and resides in Collins. Paulina died young. Phebe A. married Albert Southwick and lives at Silver Creek. Silas W. died March 30, 1865, in Collins, aged twenty years. Cyn- thia E. married Byron Kimball and died Oct, 6, 1873, in the town of Persia, Cattaraugus county. (;HNKRAL ills TORY OK NDRIll (OI.IJNS. 707 CHAPTKR XIX. NORTH COLLINS-GENERAL HISTORY. It was in May or June, in the year 1810, tliat Encxs South- wick, Abram Tucker and Stephen Sisson, passed throuy;h the village of Buffalo on their way to make a home. They were members of the Society of Friends and it is reasonable to infer that they were attracted to the settlement made b}' Jacob Tay- lor some three years previous, although they did not follow the Indian trail of their predecessor but took the more feasible route up the lake shore to the mouth of the Cattaraugus Creek and then struck out due east through an unbroken forest and brought up near Lawton Station, a mile and a half north of Taylor's settlement. Here they pitched their tents and made a beginning. The next Fall Nathaniel Sisson, a brother of Stephen, came. In the meantime James and Luther Tyrer, (brothers) from Franklin county, Mass., came and located (^n lot three, near Marshfield, some five miles east. These were the only white inhabitants that wintered in what is now known as North Collins, that year. In the Spring of 1811 Levi Wood- ward, Jonathan Southwick and Job Southwick joined the little settlement near Lawton Station and Sylvenus Bates made a claim on lot ten, near Marshfield. So coming with our subject up to 1812, we find the following settlers located in the Town of North Collins, viz : Abram Tucker, Ste})hen Sisson, Nathaniel Sisson, Samuel Tucker, Moses Tucker, Henry Tucker, Enos Southwick, Jona- than Southwick, (ieorge Southwick, Jr., James Tyrer, Luther Tyrer, John Strang, Stephen White, Stephen Twining, Noah Tripp, Hugh McMillen, Levi Woodward, S>l\enus Bates and Job Southwick, 7o8 NAMES OF PERSONS HUYINC. LAND NAMES OF PERSONS WHO PURCHASED LAND IN NORTH COL. LINS OF THE HOLLAND COMPANY, THE DATE OF PURCHASE, . THE QUANTITY OF LAND AND THE PRICE PAID. TOWNSHIP SEVEN, RANGE EIGHT. Land. Sylvanus Hussey. . . . Isaac Hathaway. ... Thomas Bills Moses Eddy George Southvvick. . , George Southwick. . . George Southwick . . , James Goodale James Goodale Nathaniel Sisson. . . . Stephen Sisson Stephen Sisson Abram Tucker Abraham Gifford.. . . Henry Tucker Henry Tucker Jonathan Townsend. Kendall Johnson. . . . Kendall Johnson. . . . Isaac Leggett Benjamin T. Leggett Levi Woodward Stephen Jenkins Stephen White Stephen White Stephen White Stephen White Gideon Lapham. . . . Noah Tripp Nathaniel Sisson, Jr. Nathaniel Sisson, Jr. Nathaniel Sisson, Jr. Elkanah Sherman . . . David Lawton Date. 1 , 1 Land. 1 Acres. 328 Price 1809, Oct. 10. . 1 62 . . $6;6 1809, May 18.. npt 1 58 &s ptl59---- 400 800 1809. Oct. 19.. m pt 1 61.. . 100 200 1809, Oct. 19. . n pt 1 61 100 200 1 8 10, Sept. 5. . 1 44 520 1 170 1 8 10, Aug. 4. . I42 316 711 181 1, June 10.. I35 .305 838 1810, Oct. I.. . e half 1 3. . . 161 402 181 1, March 6. w half 1 3 . . 162 44,S 1809, Nov. TO. n-w pt 1 50 & s-w pt 1 5 1 182 398 1809, Nov. 10. e pt 1 50. . . 216 432 1 8 10, Nov. II . Ptl 50 106 406 1 8 10, Nov. I . . s-w pt 1 ^ . 100 22s 1 8 10, Sept. 19. pt 1 61 & i 1 60 217 488 181 1, April 25 . n-w pt 1 5 1 . 182 363 1 8 14, Jan. 13.. s-w pt 1 34. 70 210 1811, April 30. e half I 18.. 169 464 181 1, May 7.. . s pt 1 10. . .. 100 275 18 18, Mar. 20. pt 1 10 60 315 18 II, June 10. n-wpt 1 34. 100 275 181 1, June 10. e pt 1 42 . . . 100 275 181 1, June 19. e pt 1 5 I . . . 102 280 181 1, Oct. 10.. spt 1 39... 100 300 181 1, Dec. 23 . w pt 1 42. . . 117 351 181 1, Dec. 23 . s pt 1 52... 150 450 1 8 14, Nov. 16. n-w pt 1 53. 60 195 1 8 16, Sept. 12. s pt 1 30. . . . 149 ^33 181 1, Dec. 5 . . e pt 1 54... 200 600 18 1 2, May 17.. s-w pt 1 54. ICO 300 1811, Dec. 4 . . pt 1 40 & 32. 350 1050 18 12, Sept. 19. n pt 1 52. . . 98 294 1819, Nov. II . s-e pt 1 50. . bo 230 1813. Nov. 8. . s pt 1 60 . . . 207 569 1819, Dec. 24. s-w pt 1 42.. 50 238 FROM IllK IIOI.IAND COMrANY. TOWNSHIP SEVEN, RANGE EIGHT— Coniinuet/. 7C9 Name. David Woodward John Woodward. William Oatis. . . Benjamin Cornell. Jesse Standi ff. . . . Willard Stancliff. Nathaniel Potter Hueh McMullen. Da IE Land Levi Parker Lemuel M. White. . . Lemuel M. White. . . Pardon Brown Pardon Brown Thomas Shrouds. . . . Lilly Stafford, Jr. . . . Lilly Stafford, Jr Lilly Stafford, Jr. . . . Benjamin H. Smith. Benjamin H. Smith. Daniel Hull, Jr.... Thomas Cole Edmund Tucker. . . Penderon Barton. . . Humphrey White. . Oliver Tripp Stephen Smith John Train Humphre}' Russell. Abner Bri^^gs Samuel Hall. Nathan Starks *John A. Lewis James Starks James Goodale James Goodale *Caleb Woodward . . Jonathan Woodward. Lewis Hall James Bray ton Jonas Bray ton 1815, May 23 1814. Nov. 16 1815, May 23. 181 5, Mar. 30 181 5, April 24.': 1815, April 24. 181 5, April 14. 1815, July 3. . .1 181 5, June 30. 181$, June 26 1817, Sept. 25. 1815, May 26.. 1816, Sept. 13. 1815, Oct. 20. . 181 5, Nov. 4. . 1816, Aug. 2. . 1816, Sept. 12. 1815, Oct. 20. . 1815, Oct. 20. . 1815, Nov. 28. 1815, Dec. 2. . 1815, Oct. 4. . . 1 816, May 7.. . 1816, March 23 1816, April I . . 1 8 16, April 3. . 1 8 16, April 30. 1816, Mar. 7.. . 1 8 16, Mar. 7 . . 1816, Oct. 19. . 1824, March 4. 1835, Oct. I... 1832, Dec. 1 1 . 1 8 10, Oct. I. . . 181 1, March 6. 1832, June 22. 1833, Aug. 20. 1842, Nov. 3. 1837, Nov. II . 1836, Aug. 18. Acres. w pt I 26. n-e pt I 53 e pt I 34 . , pt I53..., w pt 1 64. 1 63 w pt I 37... n pt I 59 & pt I 26. . . pt 1 31 m pt I 37 & s pt I 45 . . pt I 21 w pt I 40. . . n pt I 47. . . s pt 1 47 • • • e pt 1 36 . . . pt 1 51 PI36 e pt I 46. . . w pt 1 46. . . pt 1 59 w pt 1 55... n pt 1 30. . . w pt I 38. . . e pt I 37... w pt I 29. . . n pt 1 39 . . . n pt I 3 1 . . . I pt I 48 I s pt I 48 . . , ; W pt I 2. . . , |ptl 2 1 pt I 2 i e pt I 2 . . . ' e pt I 3 . . . : w pt 1 3... ; w pt I 4. .. pt I 4 pt 1 4 pt I4 s-e pt 1 4. . Price 125 60 160 242 200 316 100 2CXD 250 100 120 I 10 150 200 47 100 180 177 141 100 100 ICO 100 100 150 116 120 120 100 50 112^ 437 '95 560 786 70Q 1 106 325 700 S74 892 500 420 467 562 750 190 425 675 663 528 375 375 400 375 375 600 464 450 450 450 212 75 300 161 402^ 162 445 65 2iii 50 200 50 249 65i 278 75 319 JIO NAMES OF TERSOXS I5UYING LAND TOWNSHIP SEVEN', RANGE EIGHT— Cot!tt>/ucc^. Elias Twist John Grant Greenfield Bates Greenfield Bates John Jennings Barney McDonald.. . . Andres Demerle John Weeks Josiah Whittemore. . . Lemon Cole Adam Behringer David Shrouds Nathaniel A. Williams Carolus Ball Peter Bloch Jacob Bricks Nathan Wightman. . . George Young George Young Ambrose Schaller. . . . Kendall Johnson Kendall Johnson James Starks William Palmer William Culver James Starks Richard Willits Chad B. Clark Abraham Clark John L. Barden John L. Barden Caleb Woodward .... Nathan Hawlev Simon M. Hall Ephraim Darling John Kirby, Jr Erastus Clark Willard Slocum Asa Jennings Abraham Clark John G. Potter Adam Clark U.VIE. 828 833 833 833 825 820 837 817 836 816 816 836 833 834 834 834 834 833 842 811 818 824 833 829 827 835 833 836 833 817 835 835 835 835 816 830 818 822 823 June 13 . June 8. . Oct. 14. . Oct. 14. . Jan. 20. . July 14., Sept. 13. May 3. . , Aug. 18, Sept. 16. July 16. Sept. 16, Aug. 4., Oct. I... Oct. 6. . , Aug. 25. April 23, Jan. 2. . , Dec. 10 . June I.. , May 7. . . Nov. 20. March 8. Oct. 18., April 25 . Jan. 3.., Oct. 23. Nov. 21 , Oct. 27. . Oct. 10 . . Nov. 5 . . June 13, June 16. Sept. 15, Sept. 29, Sept. 23. Oct. 19. , Sept. 16. June 17. April 16. Nov. 16. Oct. I... Land. n i)t 1 pt 15 s-\\' pt 1 5 n pt 1 4 . s-w pt 1 I pt 16... s-e pt 1 6 n pt 1 6 . pt 16.. . n pt 1 7 . pt I7... s pt 1 7.. / • s pt 1 pt I7 pt 18 pt 1 8 pt 1 8 pt 1 8 pt 1 8 s pt 1 8 . s pt 1 10 pt 1 10. . n pt 1 10 pt 1 10. . pt I II.. pt 1 II.. n-e pt 1 II n-e pt 1 12 n-w pt 1 12 pt 1 12 pt 1 12 s-e pt 1 12 n pt 1 13 pt 1 13.. pt 1 13- • s pt 1 13 pt 1 i3.\ e pt 1 14 w pt 1 14 pt 1 14. . pt 1 14. . s pt 1 15. Acres. Price 150 590 100 400 50 162 81 344 .SO 212 64 262 58 246 100 500 SO 212 178 756 100 425 178 758 79 335 50 212 50 212 50 212 50 212 50 212 50 212 50 275 100 27s 60 315 125 531 ! 86 365 175 575 50 200 108 459 50 162 120 523 45 191 50 212 55 1 78 TOO 500 50 200 55 218 75 300 50 200 100 425 54 22y 100 500 100 425 72 306 FROM rill'. llol.l.ANI) (.OMPAW. TOVVN'SHIP SEVEN. RANGE EIGHT— C'^;///««.V. 711 Name. Date. Rcbckah Hamlin . . . Crampliin Tcwel . . . . John McDonald. . . . Batson McDonald . . . George Wit^htman.. *Rachael Conf^er. . . . William Smith George Barney David W. Hunt *Silas Kirby Teleg Tripp *Rachel Conger Abraham Conger. . . . Eli Barney Henry Holiday Henry Potter Erastus Clark Asa Jennings Samuel Bowen John H. King Charles De Vol! John Train John Train Wheeler Birdsley. . . . Samuel Brooks Aaron Parker Elijah Leach Cromwell Luther. . . . Nehemiah Heath. . . . Timothy Russell . . . . Joshua Pickins John P. Willit Aaron Hanson Amos S. Willit. . .. Asa B. Kinyon Henry Potter Nathaniel Smith . . . James Andrews. . . . Wheeler Birdsley . . John Perkins Joshua Perkins Lemuel M. White. . 1818. Nov. 3. . 1817, Dec. 26.. 181 7, Aug. 28. 1816, Aug. 8. . 1 8 16, July 12 . . 1829, May II.. 1829, July 6.. 1829, Jan. 15.. 1830, Jan. 4.... 1829, Apr. 25.. 1838, Jan. I . . . 1830, Feb. 4.. . 1838, June 16.. 1839, J^"- ^^- • 1816, July 25.. 1818, Jan. I.. . 1816, Oct. 14. . 18 1 8, April 14. 1823, June 5.. 1824, July 7... 1816, Oct. -J ... 1818, Feb. 20 . 1833, April 24. 1816, July 24 . 1 81 8, Apr. 29.. 1833, June 17. 1824, Sept. 21 . 1824, P^eb. 19 . 1820, Dec. 17 , 1824, Jan. 19.. 1823, Nov. 12., 1831, Oct. 28. . 1816, Nov. 14 1 83 1, July 22 ! 1827, Sept. 24 i 1832, April 30 1835, Oct. 15. 1816, July 25. 1816, July 24. 1824, Nov. 4. 1822, Dec. 21. 181 5, June 26 Land. Acres. Price Pt 1 '5 Pt 1 15 pt 1 15 n pt I 15... 1 16.... ;... n-w pt 1 18. s-w pt 1 18.. w ])t 1 19. . pt 1 19 e pt 1 19. . . pt 1 20 pt 1 20 pt 1 20 w pt 1 20 . . . e pt 1 2 1 . . . w pt 1 21... s pt 1 22. . . pt 1 22 n pt 1 22. . . s-w pt 1 23 . . e pt 1 2 3 ... . ptl 23 .\-., n-w pt 1 23 s pt 1 24 . . . pt 1 24 . . . . n pt 1 24. . ept 1 26. . . e pt 1 27 . . ptl 27.... pt 1 27. . . . w pt 1 27. . ept 1 28. . . w pt 1 28. . pt 1 28 pt 1 29. . . . pt 1 29. . . . e pt 1 29. . . pt I30 e pt 1 32.. . n-w pt I 36. s-w pt I 36 pt 1 37. . .. 100 50 100 342 100 69 50 7ii 200 70 50 48 100 150 104 100 100 130 80 100 TOO 79 150 100 66 93 lOI 75 100 75 80 200 TOO TOO 100 61 100 84 66 60 155 325 500 262 400 1368 300 240 200 286 600 297 150 206 648 600 520 450 500 558 340 450 500 335 600 500 280 279 428 318 425 318- 320 750 396 400 340 244 400 336 297 270 542 712 NAMES OF PERSONS HUVINC LAND TOWNSHIP SEVEN, RANGE ElGUl— Continued. Name. Date. Land. Acres. Price Thomas Russell 1828, Oct. I... |ptl38 50 200 John Whiting 1828, Oct. I... ptl38 50 200 Truman Reed 1829, July 18.. |ptl38 50 200 Moses Martin 1829, Aug. 22. i ept 1 38... 97 388 Jonathan Potter 1822, Feb. 22.. pt I39 100 4SO Matthew West 1 8 1 6, Sept. 14. 1 pt 1 40 104 442 George Southwick .... 1820, Aug. 5 . . I e pt 1 43 . . . . 200 766 Enos Southwick 1 820, Aug. 5 . . s-\\' pt 1 43 . . 48 184 Aaron Davis 1 8 16, Jan. 29. . i pt 1 45 100 375 Samuel Tucker 1 8 16, Julv 1. . . 1 n pt 1 45 . . . 153 612 John Boughton I S16. Oct. 7... 1 pt 1 47 95 427 Jedutham B. Taber. . . 1834, July 5... n pt 1 48 . . . 94 399 Marshall Judson 1827, Feb. I . . s-e pt 1 53.. 60 285 John T. Huson 1^33. Jan. 23. . |ptl53 50 212 William Sisson 1828, Dec. 22 . !ptl53 31 124 William Hulls 1828, Dec. 22.. 1 pt I53 50 200 Charles Wood . 1816, Jan. 20. . n-w pt 1 54. 66 247 Samuel Tucker 1816, Nov. I . . ' ept 1 55... ^55 1 147 Samuel Rogers 1817, April 15 . Ptl 56 100 500 Michael Rogers 1817, Feb. 5 . . e ptl 56 100 450 Seneca Corbin 1830, June 21 . pt 1 56 70 297 John Whiting 1830, Dec. 1 . . wpt 1 56. . . 64 274 *Donation for church purposes by Land Co 1823, Dec. 27. e pt 1 64 . . . . 100 TOWNSHIP SEVEN, RANCiE SEVEN. Ebcn'r & JoshuaHeath Solomon Heath Hosea E. Potter Moses Leonard Matthias Whitney Alexander Hopkins.. Robert Arnold Jirah Tunney, Jr John Lawton Thurston J. Goseline. Ebenezer Cheney. . . . *John Hall Josiah F. Coy • . . 1810, 1810. 1816, 1816, 1816, 1816, 1817, 18 1 7, 1819, 1830, 1831, 1H31, 1832, Sept. 1 1 Oct. 31. June 25 Oct. II. Oct. 16.. Oct. 16. . Nov. 1 1 . Nov. 12. June 29. Nov. 20. Jan. 7... Dec. 9 . . Oct. 22. . ptl 56 332 747 e pt 1 64 . . . 100 250 w pt 1 55. . . 2 CO 800 pt 1 64 100 450 e pt 1 67 100 450 pt I67 95 427 w pt 1 68. . . 100 500 spt 1 55 ... 100 500 pt I 68 . . . . 50 250 n pt 1 54--- 75 300 pt I54 125 500 s-w pt 1 60 . 40 149 e pt 1 58. . . 60 220 KROM 11 IF. HOLLAND COMPANY. TOWNSHIP SEVEN. RANGE SEVEN— Coniinur,/. Name. *Hcnry Hall, Jr Andrew Hall Cyrus Coy Samuel Heath. ...... *Asahel W. Field .... Jonathan Townsend . . David Harkness Jonathan Townsend. . ""Kendal Johnson .... "'■•'Jar\'is Thompson. . . . Rial Crouch ■^"Nicholas Feade Calvin Matterson James Cooper Matthew Grover Philip Bartholomew ami others John Shoe and Geori^e Smith '. . Mans & Boardwin . . . . Francis Mitchell Smith Scwartz "Flbenezer Chene)-.. . . Heman H. Annis *Jacob Tamerle Flveret Fisher Frederick Hoffman. . . ■-■•John Schneider Nicholas (jier Andrew Nenno Alexander Bettini^er. . Maj^dalena Hund Lansiny," Tooker Jacob HodLje Moore & West John Simon Samuel Burchill Crandall L. Hodges... Peter Thiel ' Milo Lewis .Abel Cushin5 841, Nov. I . 841, Nov. I . 840, Aug. 20 842, Nov. I . 841, Nov. r. 841, Nov. I . 837, Nov. 9- Lamj. Acres 837, April 26. pt 1 pt 1 66 3 1 s-w pt I 66. . I 66 w pt 1 51 . . ., 100 s-e pt 1 59. . 86 pt 1 60 80 pt 1 5 I 150 pt 1 5 I 50 ptl52 50 e pt 1 60. . . . 80 pt 1 59 50 s-w pt 1 50. . 100 n-w pt 1 70. . 25 n pt 1 72. . . 100 n-e pt 1 59. . 50 w pt 1 64. . . 100 pt 1 70 75 s-w pt 1 70. . 25 pt 1 7 1 63 ptl52..... 50 s pt 1 7 I . . . . 50 pt 1 62 50 w pt 1 60 & e pt 1 68 . . , 200 vv pt 1 69 . . . ! 1 50 e pt 1 62 . . . 98 pt 1 69 ! 50 w pt 1 62. . . 25 pt 1 62 50 pt 1 63 60 w pt 1 63 . . . 50 pt 1 62 78 ls6i & 53.. 713 e pt 1 50. . . 82 s-e pt 1 66. . 76 s pt 1 54. . . . 42 wptl56... 88 n-w pt 1 58. 50 sptl72.... 30 pt 1 67 45 pt 1 56 150 713 Prick 100 264 400 844 240 600 200 200 320 200 400 100 425 200 400 300 100 252 200 200 I 200 j 80a 562 392 I 200 [ 100 I 200 ' 240 200 312 2852 I 413 418 22 J 395 260 180 i 144 I 600 .714 DEEDS (;IVEN F.V THE HOLLAND COMPANY. NAMES OF PERSONS WHO HAVE TAKEN DEEDS OF THE HOL- LAND COMPANY L\ NORTH COLLINS — DATE OF PURCHASE, ETC. TOWNSHIP SEVEN. RANGE EIGHT. Lot. Acres. 2 75 2 IT2 2 SO 2 ICG 3 6o 3 50 3 5« 3 2 3 100 4 140 4 50 4 50 4 65 4 100 .5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 34 5 29 5 29 5 5« •6 5B 6 50 6 SO 6 64 6 SO 6 2S 6 25 7 79 7 50 7 50 7 20 7 31 .7 27 8 SO ^ 100 Subdivision. e pt . . . m pt . . w m pt w pt . . s-e pt. . n-e pt . n m pt s-w pt . n-w pt. s-e pt . s m pt . w m pt s-^v pt . n pt . . . s-e pt. . s-w pt . s m i)t . m pt . . m pt . . n m pt n m pt. n pt. . . s-e pt. . s-e m pt s-w pt.. m pt . . n m pt n m pt n pt. . . s pt . . . s m pt. m pt. . . e m pt w m pt w m pt s pt . . . s m pt. D.\TE OF DEKD. Jan. 27, Oct. I, Nov. 9, Mar. 14 Oct. 16, July 15, Dec 30, Dec. 30, Dec. 29, Sept. 17 Nov. 3, Jan. 1 1, June 22 Nov. 5, 184T . «35-- ^^37- , 1836 1837- 1822. 1835- 1836. 1837 , 1853 1842. 1851 . , 1832 1 841. July Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Dec. Nov. Nov. July Dec. Oct. Nov. Mar. Dec. Mar. Aug". Sept. Aug". Nov. Nov. Nov. Jan. Jan. 18, 1839. 14, 1833. 21, 1839. 5, 1839.. 7, ^838. 17, 1838 7, 1838. 7, 1838. 16, 1842. 24, 1838 24, 1834. 18, 1 83 1 12, 183S 26, 1838 12, 1838 4. 1836. 13, 1841 10, 1 84 1 20, 1839 20, 1839 20, 1840 I, 1842. . 1 , 1 842 . . Name. Harry Hall. John A. Lewis. John A. Lewis. Hiram Lewis. Henry Hall. John Arnold. Andrew Hall. Josiah Rice. James Starks. Wilham T. Popple. Lewis Hall John Goodell. Caleb Woodward. John Benedict Stuhli- millar. P. C. Sherman. G. Bates. Benjamin Turner. Andrew Regel. Lawrence Wolf. Jos. Anthony Geiger. Lawrence Wolf. Francis Geiger. Andrew De merle. George L. Unger. Jacob Huntzeiger. Josiah Whittemore. Martin Beach. Adam Messerle. Peter Koutzler. Nathaniel D. Williams. Louis Poullain. Anthony Kuhn. John Jennings. Jacob Ratzel. \\m. Haswell Schwert. Ambrose Schaller. (leorue Voung. I>Ki:i)S CIVKN HV IHF, HOI. I, AND C().MI'AN\'. TOWNSHIP SEVEN. RANGE EIGHT— Contimic^/. 7'5 Lot. 'Acres. Subdivisio.n. Date of Deed. Name. eech. Fllijah Leech. Noel Conger. Richard Willett. E. Russell. T. Russell W. R. Willett. John Pickins. Stephen H.Southwick John H. Paddleford. Joseph Manchester. Thomas Baker. DKKDs c;i\i;n r.N nii: Holland ('().mi'.\.\\'. TOWNSHIP SEVEN, RANGE FAGUT—0»i/i>iiuawton. 51 1 1 1 s-c pt Aug. 2, 1816. . Lilly Stafford. 51 100 n-e pt . . . . Aug. 2, 1816. . Levi Woodward. 51 132 s-w pt .... Feb. 22, 18 1 5 . John Lawton. 51 66 w m pt . . . Dec. 31, 1836 . Amos S.Willet. 51 66 n-w pt . . . . Dec. 26, 1836.. William Wilcox. 52 150 •'^Pt Jan. 24, 1817. . Stephen White. 52 98 n pt Feb. 7, 1821.. . Stephen White. 53 60 .s-e pt July 31, 1834.. Martial Judson. 53 31 .s-e m pt . . Dec. 20, 1837. Abijah Smith. 53 50 e m pt . . . Dec. 26, 1836. Nathaniel Sisson, Jr. 53 60 n-e pt . . . . July 31, 1834.. William Potter. 53 50 s-w pt . . . . Oct. 23, 1835. . Samuel Tucker. 53 50 w m pt . . . Nov. 8, 1833.. Samuel Tucker. 53 60 n-w pt . . . . Oct. 14, 1822 . William Potter. 54 200 '-pt Mar. 7, 1817 . . Nicholas Rowland. 54 100 s-w pt Mar. 28, 1820. Noah Tripp. 54 23 n m pt . . . April 22, 1838. Jesse Stanclift. 54 43 n-w pt . . . Sept. 5, 1838. . Ebenezer Smith. 55 55 s-e pt Oct. 12, 1835. . George C. Valentine. 55 55 s m pt . . . June 7, 1832 . . L. W. Se\'mour. 55 95 n-e pt Dec. 31,1836 or 1837 Andrew Davis. 55 50 n in pt . . . Jan. 12, 1836. . Reuben Stanclift. 55 50 s-w pt . . . . Dec. 21, 1836. Sherman & Hale. 55 50 n-w pt . . . . Dec. 21, 1836. Sherman & Hale. 56 100 ^'Pt Oct. 16. 1835. . John Davis. 56 100 m pt Oct. 10, 1837. • Dudley O. Stevens. 56 70 w m pt . . . Dec. 22, 1838. Stephen Smith. 56 64 w pt Dec. 31. 1836. John & Patterson Kerr, 58 336 l57&spt5 832 113 282 132 330 100 250 247 617 66 i6s 261 652 351 877 118 290 66 165 159 397 141 3^7 I 88 I 87 I 88 . :> JJ 5 4 23 I 01 9 49 3 80 2 39 I 07 I 16 1 12 2 13 2 88 I 90 I 97 2 04 I 98 I 13 94 r 51 2 39 90 4 56 7 28 6 75 4 29 5 89 4 06 6 41 2 18 2 54 I 93 4 75 I 20 ■> 02 6 75 24 I 20 3 06 2 52 COPY OF EAKiA' ASSESSMENT ROLL. TOWNSHIP SEVEN. RANGE EIGHT— Continued. 727 Name. Willink & Co . . . Willink & Co . . Willink & Co . . . Willink & Co . . . Willink & Co . . . Willink & Co . . . Willink & Co . . . Hiram Arnold . . Robert Arnold . , John Lewis John A. Lewis. . Orin Servis John Arnold . . . . Amos Stickney . . Samuel C. Sweet Edson Putnam . . Willink & Co . . . Willink & Co . . . Willink & Co . . . W' illink & Co . . . Willink &Co . . . Willink &Co . . . Willink & Co . . . Willink & Co . . . W' illink & Co . . . Willink & Co . .. Willink & Co . . . Willink & Co . . . Willink &Co . . . Willink &Co . . . Willink & Co . . . Willink & Co . . . W^illink & Co . . . Willink &Co ... Land. A( KEs. Val. Tax. 1 20 1 19 w pt 1 1 8 s pt 1 I 5 . w pt 1 14 1 I pt 1 12 pt 1 68 pt lots 67 and 68 m pt 1 67 m pt 1 67 e pt 1 67 .s-w pt 1 67 m pt 1 5 5 m pt I55 nptl 55 ■ 59 1 60 1 61 1 62 I63 w pt 1 64, 1 66 e pt 1 68 . 1 69 I/O I71 1 72 1 50 I51 153 153 154 158 405 33^ 169 72 54 284 403 lOD 66 93 49 50 102 47 98 98 345 381 355 355 415 146 320 205 318 315 349 294 333 341 359 340 334 340 1012 827 422 180 135 710 1007 260 162 236 102 100 ^22 130 263 250 862 952 887 887 1037 365 800 512 79=; 787 872 735 832 852 897 850 835 850 7 80 6 36 3 25 I 39 1 04 5 47 7 75 2 00 I 25 1 79 78 77 2 47 1 90 2 02 1 92 663 7 IT / JJ 6 83 6 83 7 98 2 81 6 16 95 13 06 71 5 66 6 40 35 91 54 42 54 The total valuation of the present Town of Nortli Collins (Collins and North Collins were at that time one town) accord- ing to the above assessment roll, was $61,437 ^ the valuation of the real estate was $61,121 ; personal property, S3 16; tax, $585 ; Collectors' fe:s, $17.16. 728 town officers of north collins. List of the Principal Town Officers of North Col- lins FROM THE Organization of the Town in 1853, UP TO the Present Time: supervisors. 1853 — Edwin \\\ Godfrey. 1868 — Daniel Allen. 1854— Edwin W. Godfrey. 1869 — Edwin \V. Godfrey. 1855 — Edwin \V. Godfrey. 1870 — Edwin W. Godfrey. 1856 — Lyman Clark. 1871 — Edwin \V. Godfrey. 1857 — Lyman Clark. 1872 — Michael Hunter. 1858— Charles C. Kirby. 1873— 1859 — Charles C. Kirby. 1874 — Michal Hunter. i860 — Charles C. Kirby. 1875 — Charles C. Kirby. 1861^ — Wilson Rogers. 1876 — James Matthews. 1862— Wilson Rogers. 1877 — Charles C. Kirb}'. 1863— Giles Clifford. 1878— Heman M. Blasdell. 1864— Giles Gifford. 1879— Heman M. Blasdell. 1865— Daniel Allen. 1880— Heman M. Blasdell. i86(^Thomas Russell. 1 881— Charles H. Wood. 1867— Daniel Allen. 1882— Charles H. Wood. 18S3— Jacob Staffen. TOWN CLERKS. 853— Paul H. White. 1868 -Andrew Hurley. 854 — Paul H.White. 1869 — Andrew Burley. 855 — Paul H.White. 1870 — Andrew Burley. 856 — Charles C. Kirby. 1871 — Andrew Burley. 857 — Charles C. Kirby. 1872 — Andrew Burle}'. 858— Paul H. White. 1873— 859 — Paul H. White. 1874 — Joseph Naber, Jr.. 860 — Michael Hunter. 1875 — Joseph Naber, Jr. 861 — Michael Hunter. 1876 — Andrew Burley. 862 — Michael Hunter. 1877 — Andrew Burley. 863 — F^rancis Leach. 1878 — Andrew Burle)-. 864 — Francis Leach. 1879 — Andrew Burle}'. 865 — Henry Beveir. 1880 — Andrew Burley. 866 — George Barringer. 1881 — Andrew Burley. 867 — George B;irringer. 1882 — Andrew Burley. 1S83 — Joseph Naber, Jr. TOWN OFIICKRS OF XORI'II CO], I. INS. 729 SUI'FRINIKXDKXTS OF SCHOOLS. 1853 — Willi. 1111 11. Train. 1855 — Stephen Williani Soulc. 1854— 1856 — Alon/.o H. Pierce. lUSTICES OF niK I'KACE. 1^53 • 854 856 «^57 858- 859 860 861 862 86:; 865. 866 867 868 1 Charles C. Kirb}'. Samuel 1 leath. f Thomas S. Hibbard. — Samuel Heath. -William A. Fish. — I.yman Clark. \ Charles C. Kirb}\ ( Matthew Brewer. —Michael Hunter. \ William A. Fish. I Matthew Brewer. —Ansel W. Stickney. — Charles C. Kirby. \ Michael Hunter. f Thomas Russell. — Thomas Russell. — .\nsel W. Stickne}-. — Francis Leach. John Potter. Da\id A. Avery. Ansel W. Stickney. 1869- 1 870- 1871- 1872- 1873- 1 874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879- 18.S0- 1881- 1882- 1883- -PTancis Feach. -Milton Roeller. -H. M. H ark n ess. -N. Lollman. Milton Roeller. Thomas S. Hibbard. Charles C. Kirb\-. Charles C. Kirby. Charles Stuhlmiller. N. Lollman. Charles H. Wood. T. S. Hibbard. Henry Joslin. Henr}- Joslin. Edwin W. Stanclift. Charles W'hitney. Clarence F. Lawton. -Perry T. Scott. E. B. Austin. Charles C. Kirb\-. 853 i .S54-; 856- 857- 858- 859-1 (jeorj^e Burnett. Giles (jifford. Sanuu;l Sweet. William Hathawa)'. Loren/o D. Palmer, ALirshall Judson, Fsaac A. Hale. ■Daniel Sisson. AVilliam T. Popple. -Henry Joslin. Fsaac A. Hale. Matthew Brewer. ASSESSORS. I 860- 1861- 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866- 1867 — Benjamin Salts. -Daniel Allen, Jr. \ Isaac A. Hale, I Daniel Sission. \ S. B. Patridge, I Lewis Rogers. — Olney P. Harkness. \ E. W. Stanclift. / John Staffin. —John Staffen. \ S. W. Lawton. / Nicholas Beaver. 730 TOWN OFFICERS OF NORTH COLLINS. 1868 \ Nathan Sisson. ( Henry Joslin. 1869 — Nicholas Beaver. 1871 — 1872— James Lenox. 1873- „ \ WilHam H. Willett. ^'^74 , jgaac Wilcox. 1875 — James Lenox. 1876 — Isaac Wilcox. 1877— William H. Willett. 1878— John Staffen. 1879— W. ^^- Taylor. 1880 — Edwin W. Stanclift. 1 88 1 — Nicholas Beaver. 1 882 — Peter Winter. 1883— H. S. Kirby. COMMISSIONERS OF HIGHWAYS. 1853 I 1854— 1855- 1856- 1857J 1858— 1859- 1860— 1861 — 1862— 1863— 1864 I 1865 ( William Smith, Benjamin Hussey. Benjamin Hussey. John J. Jennings, Rufus W. Stickney, Daniel Allen, Jr., Stephen Conger, Luther Landon, George P. Sipple. Stephen Conger. Luther Landon. Isaac Russell. Stephen Conger. Stephen Conger. Isaac Russell. 1866 1867 1868 1S69 1870 1871 1872 1873- 1874 — John Thiel. 1875 — John Thiel. 1876— Augustin Smith. 1877 — Jacob Staffen. 1878 — Jacob Staffen. 1879 — J. J. Pickens. 1880 — Jacob Staffen. 1 88 1— George H. White. 1882— H. S. Bebee. 1883— COLLECTORS. 1853 — Isaac Russell. 1854 — Isaac Russell. 1855 — Sherman Avery. 1856 — Sherman Avery. 1857 — Alanson Clark. 1858 — Joshua J. Pickens. 1859 — Joshua J. Pickens. i860 — Joshua J. Pickens. 1861— Elias A. Morgan. 1862 — Elias A. Morgan. 1863 — Daniel Allen, Jr. 1864 — Daniel Allen, Jr. 1865 — Isaac Wilcox. 1866— 1867 — Harvey J. Tucker. 1868— Michael Roeller. 1869— Milton Roeller. 1870 — Milton Roeller. SOCIKTIKS OF NDRTII COLLINS. 73 1 1871 — George H. Dana. 1878 — John Pflecger. 1872 — Thomas S. Hibbard. 1879 — Jolm Pflceger 1873 — 1880 — William Hyde. 1874 — Milton Rocllcr. 1S81 ^ Ij^j5 . 1882 • Paul J^antle. 1876 - Paul Bantle. 1883 \ 1877 ^ NoiK. — In 1S73, owing to a fenr of spreading small pox, no town meeiing was held, and the officers elected the previous year held over. NORTH COLLINS SOCIETIES. North Collins has eight secret societies or beneficiary orders, all with headquarters at North Collins x'illage, except a lodge of Good Templars at Lavvton's Station, and a Catholic order at Langford. The following statistics relate to the respective orders : A. O. U. W., NORTH COLLINS L0D(;E, NO. 96. Organized June 9, 1877 ; number of charter members, twenty- seven ; present membership, fifty. Original officers : — L. B. Shaw. P. M. W.; M. Hunter, M. \V.; W. H. Estes, Recorder; David Sherman, G. F".; E. H. P''oster, Financier ; E. S. Hibbard, Receiver; E. E. Ensign, O. \V.; James Huzzy, G.; Frank Russell, O.; Horace Wood, I. W. E. O. M. A., LINCOLN LODGE, NO. 87. Instituted Ma}' 8, 1879. Charter members, twcnt\--two ; ])resent membership, sixteen. Original officers : — Job Southwick, Jr., President ; George W. Spaulding, Vice President; A. F". Mason, Recording Secretary; Plllmore Rogers, Financial Secretar}- ; George Barringer, Treasurer; George Sucher, Chaplain; A. T. Huson, Conductor ; Hiram Pease, I. G.; Emmonds Hunter. O. G.; Enos S. Hibbard, Past Presi- dent. K. T. OF T., NORTH COLLINS COUNCIL. NO. J^. Instituted Now 17, 1879; charter members. thirt\' ; present membership, fifty-five; original officers: — S. H. Shaw, S. C; E. A. Morgan, V. C; E. W. Godfrey, P. C; A. W. F"ranklin, Chaplain ; E. G. Ellinwood, Secretary E. Ensign. Financial Secretar\- ; A. H. Welch. Treasurer; 732 SOCIETIES OF NORTH CoLLIXS. Warren Needham, Herald ; Joseph P. Barr, Guard ; Philip' Knopp, Sentinel. E. A. v., JEFFERSON UNION, NO. ■/$. Instituted April 12, i8So. Charter members, thirty ; present membership, fifty-three. Original officers : Michael Hunter, Chairman ; Stephen H. Shaw, Advocate ; Berton S. Partridge, President; Dora J. Baldwin, Vice-Presi- dent ; Adelia Sprague, Auxiliary ; George Barringer, Treasurer ; Edwin W. Godfrey, Secretary ; Dewitt E. Hibbard, Account- ant ; William G. Webber, Chaplain ; Lydia Hunter, Warden ; George W. Sallman, Sentinel ; Orange Sedwell, Watchman. (r. A. R., S. C. NOYES POST, NO. 22. Organized June 20, 1881. Charter members, sixteen ; pres- ent membership, thirty-three. Original officers : A. Hilliker, Commander ; E. S. Hibbard, S. V. C; Harvey Smith, J.V. C; Andrew Bearly, Adjutant; M. M. Speny, Ser- geant ; Isaac E. Stedwell. Chaplain ; Charles Beach, O. D.; John Robinson, O. G.; E. J. Foster, S. M.; George Davis,. Q. M. S.; Peter Bowers, Guard. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF GOOD TEMl'LARS, MC KILLOP LODGE, NO. 516. Organized June 29, 1882. Charter members, thirteen ; pres- ent membership, thirty-two. Original officers : A. W. Franklin, W. C. T.; Ida Ensign, W. V. T.; Miss M. Van Epps, W. C; W. W. Ransom. W. S. E. C; Hattie E. Burnham, W. A. S.; Herbert I. Burnham, W. T. S.; Eva Estes, W. Treasurer ; Cortney Brown, W. M.; Fanny Franklin, W. D. N.; Santford Bundy, W. I. G.; May Stanclift, W. O. G.;: Jennie Stanclift, W. R. H. S.; Lottie Rankin, W. L. H. S. I. O. OF G. T., LAWTON LODCIE. NO. 519. Organized July l, 1872. Charter members, thirty-eight. Original officers : Leroy Sherman, W. C. T.; Gladry Lawton, W. V. T.; Lucy Sherman, W. S.; G. O. Dillingham, W. F.; George Burgott, W. F. S.; George Taylor, W. C; Fred WiUett. W". M.; Fred Stage, W. S.; Marion Taylor, W. G.; Helen Sherman, W. A. S.; Mrs^ Carl WiUit, W. D. M.; Florence Lawton, \\\ R. S.;. NORTH COI.I.IXS SOI.DIKKS RECORD. 733 Eunice Palmcrton, W. S. S.; Uuran A. Palmcrton, V.. W. C. T.; Willie Law-ton. L. 1). C. M. H. A., MARTINS BRANCH, NO. 35. Ortjjanized May 25, 1879. Charter members, thirteen. Oric^i- nal officers were : — Jacob Staffen, President ; Paul Bantle. first Vice-President ; John Smith, second Vice-President ; George A. Sipplc, Record- ing Secretary ; Jolm Junker, Assistant Recording Secretary; Peter Hearye, Treasurer- Lewis Andres, MarshaL, George Schneider, Guard ; Fred Rider, Charles ThieJ, P^rank Johengen, Michael Hoepfinger and P'rank Menges, Trustees. NORTH COLLINS SOLDIERS' RECORD. The following is believed to be a nearly correct list of those from North Collins who serv^ed in the war of the Rebellion. Some names have perhaps been unavoidaibly omitted. North Collins was represented in thirty different regiments. More than half her soldiers, however, were in the following regiments : — Tenth New York cavalry. One Hundred and Sixteenth New York volunteers, P^orty-fourth (People's Ellsworth), Forty- ninth New York volunteers, and the Sixty-fourth New York volunteers. Of the gallant service which her soldier boys performed as members of these regiments it is needless to recount, as they have been well portrayed in regimental histories and other works, and form a permanent part of the brave and patri- otic deeds of the War. Doubtless the same may be said of the various other regiments, some of which had but a single repre- sentative from the town. " Up many a fortress wall They charged ; those Boys in Blue ; 'Mid surging smoke and volleyed ball, The bravest were the first to fall, To fall for me and you." Put what of those that fell ? " On Fame's eternal camping ground. Their silent tents are spread ; And glory guards with solemn sound The bivouac of the dead." 734 NORTH COLLINS SOLDIERS' RECORD. Noi'E. — A star placed opposite the name indicates death in the service, and the person's narae will be found at the close in a list of the dead. Allen, Daniel, Sergt. 64th N. Y. V. "Baker, Samuel K., loth N. Y. Cav. Barring, George, Corp. Lst Reg. N. Y. S. sharp shooters, 8th Co. Burleigh, Andrew, 116 N. Y. V., Co. A. Bar, Joseph P., " 900th Scott Cav." Brim, Adam, i i6th N. Y. V. Blakeley, Sylvester N., ii6th N. Y. N. Bettinger, Nicholas, 2d Mounted Rifles. -"Bennett, Ferdinand, 44th N. Y. V., Co. 7\. Brown, John S., 9th N. Y. Cav. Brown, David H., 9th N. Y. Cav. Buckmer, Henry, 155th N. Y. V. Beaver, Henry, 24th N. Y. Cav. Ballard, Joseph, 49th Battery. Ballard, Sebastian, 187th N. Y. V. -Cook, John, 1 1 6th N. Y. V. Cook, Adam, U. S. V. Army. Conger, George D., Corp. 44th N. Y. V. Clend, Ebenezer R., looth N. Y. V. Clark, William, Artillery. Cooper, John looth N. Y. V. Curtis. Charles H., i6oth N. Y. V. Doanc, William, loth N. Y. Cav. Davis, George H., ii6th N. Y. V., Co. K. Day, Nelson V., i6oth N. Y. V. Deyre, Henry, i6oth N. Y. V. Demerl}', Charles, 33d Batter)'. Dean, George. Fisher, Jacob, 28th N. Y. V. Foster, Oscar E., 2d Mounted Rifles. Fuller, Frank, 11 6th N. Y. V. Farnswick, William K., loth N. Y. Cav. Cuyger, Lawrence, 44th N. Y. V. Gearnie, Matthias, U. S. V. Army, Light Artillery. Gray, William F., 72d Reg. (Excelsior Brigade). ■'•"Harmatinger, John, ii6th N. Y. V. NORTH COLLINS SOLDIKRS' RLCORL). 735 Holcomb, I'ranklin. loth N. V. Cav. Hinman, Byron C, 13th N. Y. V, Huzzy, James, loth N. Y. Cav. llibbard, luios S., Sergt. loth N. Y. Cav., Co. D. Heltmcr, Jacob, Jr., "900th Scott Cav." Heltmyer, John, Corp. 97th Reg. Harmon, Godfrey, 21st N. Y. V. Hanson, John, U. S. Artiller}-. Hancs, William H. H., i6oth N. Y. V. ■^'•'Haberer, George, 33d Battery. Hanes, Clements, 15th Artillery. Hosford, Hiram ii6th N. Y. V. Jennings, Asa C, 44th N. Y. V. Johnson, John B., 155th X. Y. V. Konklin, John C, looth N. Y. V. *Leach, Stephen H., loth N. Y. Cav. Co. E. L}'nde, Thodore. Lynde, Myron, ii6th N. Y. V. Laveter, Stephen W. Lollman, Nicholas, 27th Light Battery. Lighe, Charles, i6oth N. Y. V. McCarty, Michael, i6th U. S. Cav. Miller, John, i6oth N. Y. V. Madison, John, i6oth N. Y. V. O'Connor, Patrick. i6oth N. Y. V. O'Brian, Daniel, i6oth N. Y. V. Prince, Leonartl, loth N. Y. V. Parker, Harrison, 44th N. Y. V. Pfleger, John, 10th N. Y. Cav. Co. E. *Palmer, Thomas, 64th N. Y. V. Pratt, Samuel W., 64th N. Y. V. Petrie, George, 19th U. S. Cav. Robinson, John, 83d Pa. Reg. Ro.ss, William, Corp. ii6th N. Y. V. Rogers, Samuel S., loth N. Y. Cav. Rogers, Jacob W'., loth N. Y. Cav. Rogers, William A., Sergt. 44th N. Y. V., Co. A. Russell, Isaac H., 44th N. Y. V., Co. A. Roeller, Milton. 736 NORTH COLLINS SOLDIERS' RECORD. Randall, Byron, " Sidnay's Reg." Randall, Hair}-, " Sidna}''s Reg." "Rogers, Jerome B., loth N. Y. Cav. Ritter, Francis, 49th N. Y. Inf. Sherman, Job B., i i6th N. Y. V., Co. K. *Smith, Chester, 44th N. Y. V. Smith, Egbert, Corp, ii6th N. Y. V., Co. A. Staffin, Peter. 44th N. Y. V. Staffin, Jacob, 90th N. Y. V. Smith, Marcus, loth N. Y. Cav. "Smith. Philip, U. S. V. Navy. Smith, William, i6oth N. Y. V. Stimpson, John, i6oth N. Y. V. Soloman, James, i6oth N. Y. V. Skinner, Nelson S., 12th N. Y. V. Stanclift, Edwin J., 10th N. Y. Cav., Co. E. Smith, Henry C, 44th N. Y. V., Co. A. Secrist, Jacob, 97th Reg. Smith, Augustin, 27th Battery. ''■\Shaller, Joseph, 15th Artillery. Saunders, James. Taylor, John, 19th U. S. Cav. Terhams, Gilliam, 12th N. Y. V. Uhls, Silfrey, loth N. Y. Cav. Uhls. Frank, loth N. Y. Cav. Wysinger, David, Corp. ii6th N. Y. V., Co. K. Willett, Homer B., ii6th N. Y. V., Co. A. "Whittemore, Hor^itio G., ii6th N. Y. V. Wolf, Frank, 11 6th N. Y. V. Wolf, Andrew, 11 6th N. Y. V. Walker, John, 94th N. Y. V. West, Francis, 49th N. Y. V. Warner, Reuben, 9th N. Y. Cav. Wood, Charles, looth N. Y. V. Way, Elijah, i6oth N. Y. V. '"Winter, John, "900th Scott Cav." Zahm, Jacob, U. S. V. armv. NOK'l'II (Ol.l.IXS SoI.DIilKS KiiCOKD. -^j [.isr OK IIIOSI'. WHO W KRK KII.I.Kl) OR I)Ii:i) [ X J 1 1 1-; SKRXICK. ]iakcr. Samuel K.. shot in the head and killed at tlie battle of the Wilderness. Bennett, PY'rdinand. killed b)- the burstin-^ of a shell at the battle of the Wilderness. Cook. John, shot in the head and killed at the battle of Win- chester. Harmatin^er, John, died in the hospital at Morj^ans, La. Haberer, Georije, died in the hospital near New York, Oct. 30. i died in the year 1866 a^^cd eighty years, was of Kn^rlish descent . In 1S2S, the family moved to Erie county, and settled m the Town of Collins (now North Collins), on lot forty-two, town- ship seven, ran^-e eight, and, in 1835, moved to the village now called Shirley, and engaged in the business of store and tavern- keei:)ing. In 1843, the subject of this sketch commenced for himself in the mercantile business at Shirley; in 1845, was a partner with Lemuel M. White. In 1846, he was married to Patience G. Sisson, daughter ot Joseph Sisson . Have had four children : Alice Rebecca who died in 1855 ; Charles Wentworth, Alice Jane and Carrie May. In 1847, was a partner with Paul H.White, and continued with him in the mercantilebusiness until 1855. In i845,was appointed and commissioned by Governor Wright, as Quartermaster of the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth regiment, N. Y. S. militia, and served in that capacity for four years. In 1849, was elected Justice of the Peace, held the office twenty-four years ; was elected Supervisor of North Collins in 1858, '59 and '60, and '75 and '-JT^ has -erved as Town Clerk, Overseer of the Poor and Collector, and as School District Clerk for thirty-four years in succession, and now holds the office of Notary Public. _ In 1867, was appointed Postmaster at Shirley, and held the office for thirteen years. In 1858, Mr. Kirby moved onto his farm and commenced farming, and has ever since continued in that business. In 1867, he built a cheese factory at Shirley, and engaged in the manufacture of cheese, after which he owned and occupied a number of factories in North Collins, Brant and Eden, and still continues the dairy and cheese-making business. .Tames Leu«x. Mr. Lenox's father, (ieorge Lenox, came to Collins from the North of Ireland, between 1825 and '30. He died in 1871. Mr. Lenox was born in Collins, April 16, 1834; has always lived in Collins and North Collins; is a farmer and has been 758 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Assessor in North Collins six years. He lost two brothers in the late War : William, a member of the Tenth New York Cavalry, com- pany D, was shot at Bristow Station, and George, who entered the service with an infantry regiment from Ohio, and was wounded and taken prisoner in Sherman's march to the sea; died of starvation in Libby prison. Mr. Lenox was married, in 1S54, to Ruth Washburne. They have three children : Sarah, born Dec. 8, 1858; married Sumner Taylor; resides in North Collins. Elwin, born Oct. 14, 1862. Francis, born Oct. 16, 1866. E. H. Lawtoii. Mr. Lawton was born in what is now North Collins, Jan. 31, 1829 : has alwa}'s been a resident of the town and engaged in farming, and for the past four or five years has been a mer- chant. He is also Postmaster and Station Agent at Lawton's Station. He is a son of John Lawton, an early pioneer of Collins, referred to in another part of tl-is work. Mr. Lawton was married in 1850 to Lydia M. Sisson, daugh- ter of W. M. Sisson. They have three children living, viz.: Clarence F., born Sept. 9, 1853 ; married in 1881 to S. Ella Sperry. Edwin G., born Aug. 29, 1857; died Juh- 17, 1864. Willie S., born May 29, i860. Florence, born Jan. 3, 1866. NiolioUjs LaAVinam. Nicholas Lawman, son of Baltz and Margaret Lawman, a native of Prussia, was born .Sept. 23, 1843, '^''"^' came to America in 1850. Li 1 87 1, he married Frances Dengel, who was born in PufTalo, Nov. 26, 1854. After marriage he followed farm- ing for several years, but now runs a meat uiarket at North Collins. Mr. Lawman is an acti\'e, industrious man, com- manding the respect of those with whom he associates. In 1872, he was elected Justice of the Peace, which ot^ce he held for eight years. His opportunities for an early education were very limited, but by applying" himself diligently to study, he acquired a good practical education. When twent}'-fi\'e \-ears of age he attended school at Collins Center and Gowanda, after lUOCRAIMIICAI. SKKTCIIKS. 759 which he taught school. He enlisted Dec. 26, 1863, under Captain John H. Eaton, in the Twenty-sexeiith New York Regi- ment, and was discharged June 22, 1865. He participated in the battles of the Wilderness, Cold Harbor and the siege of Petersburg. His grandfather was a soldier under Napoleon, and witnessed the burning of Moscow. The}- ha\'e four chil- dren, viz.: William G., born Oct. 4, 1873. Loui.sa, born No\-. 18. 1876. Mary J., born Oct. 14, 1878. Fred G., born July 9, 1880. Xelsoii Paliuor. Mr. Palmer's grandfather was from England. His father, William Palmer, came from Danby, Vt., and located on lot ten, range eight, North Collins, in the Spring of 1815, where he lived until his death in 1859. He took at first an ar:icle for one hundred acres, and afterward addeci to it by purchase. Nelson Palmer was an infant when his father came to Col- lins. He has lixed in the town most of the time since and has always been a farmer. He was married in i846to Emily Raid- win, daughter of Jeremiah Baldwin, one of the first settlers of I'Vedonia, N. Y. They ha\-e two children, viz.: Alanson, born April 30, 1848. Julia, born March 5, 1851. Siuith B. Pratt. Mr. Pratt's father, John G. Pratt, was born Aug. 2, 1813, in Macedon, N. Y., and came to Collins when twelve years of age where he had always resided until his death in March 20, 1869 He was one of Collins hardy and respected pioneers. He was married in 1835 to Mar)- Bartlett, daughter of Smith Bartlett. .Smith B. Pratt was born in North Collins, June 6, 1844, where he has always resided. Is a farmer. He was married in 1868, to Mary Foster. The}' ha\e one child, viz.: Jesse, born Dec. 19, 1874. Gilbert Pratt. Gilbert Pratt, son of Asa and Sarah Pratt, was born May 15, 1834. In 1868 he married Mary Orr, daughter of Leander and Alvira Orr. He ncnv owns and occupies the farm formerly owned b\- his father. He had a famil\- of five children, of 760 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. whom two died in infancy, the names of the remaining three are: W'ilhe, born August I, 1869; Lucy, born Aug. 18, 1874; George, born July i, 1877. Samuel W. Pratt. The Pratt famil\- were among the very earliest settlers' of Buffalo. Capt. Samuel Pratt and his family having come from Vermont and settled at Buffalo, then called New Amsterdam, in 1804. W'hen they arrived in Buffalo, Main street was not even fenced in. It was filled with stumps and only here and there on the present site of Buffalo were patches of clearing. Altogether there was not a dozen houses, and only a few of these were framed. There was mereh' a path or wagon track down the river to Black Rock. The terrace was an open spot covered with green turf, and was a favorite sporting place and play ground of the Indians. On this spot soon after coming, he built his log cabin. Captain Pratt and several of his sons became conversant with the Indian language. The Indians considered them their true friends and it is said Red Jacket frequently came to counsel with Pascal P. Pratt, a son of Cap- tain Pratt. After coming to Buffalo the Pratts became at once prominently identified with the interests of zhc place and ha\-e continued so up to the present time; having occupied various positions of public trust. Hiram Pratt, son of Captain Pratt? was mayor at one time and Samuel F. Pratt, a grandson of Cap- tain Pratt, was the first president of the Female Acadeni)'. Ben- jamin Wells Pratt, son of Captain Pratt, and father of Samuel \V. Pratt, was born Oct. 8, 1796. in Vermont, and was conse- quenth' eight }'ears of age when his father with his famih' mo\-ed to Buffalo. At tlie time Buffalo was burned, he was at Brattleboro, \'l., pursuing a couse of studies preparatory to entering college. The embarrassment which the burning of the embryo city brought upon the Pratt family, obliged him to give up his cherished plan of self-improvement. He returned to Buffalo where he married Fann\' Metcher in 1824, the \-ear following he took up his residence on a farm in Collins, where he lived till his death, aged se\-ent}--one \-ears. He had five children \iz. : .Samuel W., married Eunice K. Lord; Fied. bi()(;rapiiical sketches. 761 married Eliza Stratton, resides at Titusvillc, Pa. ; Esther, mar- ried George Sherman, resides at Marietta, C). ; Jcrusha, married Wallace French aiul is now dead; h'ann)-, married Nathan Sisson, resides at Marietta, O. They were all born in Collins except Samuel W., the eldest, who was born in Buffalo, Oct. 8 1826, he was married Jan. 5, 1858, and has always been a resi- dent of Collins. He enlisted in October, 1861, in Co. A. 64th N. V. v., and served three years. He was wounded May 10, 1864, at the battle of the Wilderness by a shot in the right thigh, rendering him unfit for further service during the war. He had six children, viz. : John W., born Nov. 4, 1858, is a teacher; Frederick L., born April 10, i860, died Feb. 3, 1862; Robert M., born Dec. 5, 1865; Ettie L., born Feb. 4. 1868; George E., born Feb. 22, 1871 ; Fannie, born June 30, 1874, dead. Fillmore Rogers. Mr. Roger's grandfather, Richard Rogers, came from Ver- mont about 1825 and located on lot thirty-one. North Collins, where he resided until his death, about 1850. His son and father of Fillmore Rogers, Hon. Wilson Rogers, was born in Vermont in 1813, and came to Collins with the family. He received a common school education and taught school twenty- six terms, fourteen of which were in one district, No. 22, North Collins, known as the Roger school-house. He was supervisor of his town during the year, and Member of Assembly from the 5th district during the year 1859. He was also assessor of internal revenue at the time of his death. Mr. Rogers was a strong advocate of temperance and took an active part in movements of that kind. He was married in 1833 to Sally Ann Avery. They had four sons and one daughter, viz.: Thomas, who enlisted from Iowa and died near Vicksburg from exposure; William, was the first one to enlist from North Col- lins. He enlisted in the 44th N. Y., Ellsworth zouaves, now resides near Bradford, Pa. ; Avery, died when a child ; Clara, married Millard Hunter, resides in North Collins. Fillmore Rogers was born Nov. 22, 1834, on the farm he now owns in North Collins. Mr. Rogers was engaged in farming thirteen years in his native town and then entered the mercantile busi- ness at North Collins in 1869, and has continued it ever since, at 762 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. that place and Shirly — now at Shirly. He was married in 1855 to PLunice Pratt, daughter of Groten Pratt. They have four children, viz. : Emily A., born Aug. I, 1856, married Charles Stewart; M)'ron, born Jan. 22, 1858; Jennie AI., born Dec. 2, 1864; Nellie M., born April 2, 1868. . ' Abel P. Sweet. Abel P. Sweet, son of Samuel C. and Hannah Sweet, was born Sept. 20, 1833, in North Collins, where he has ever since resided, now owning and occup}'ing a farm situated two miles north of New Oregon. In P'eb., 1854, he manied Mary J. Jefferson, daughter of Hiram and Matilda Jefferson, of Con- cord. He has a family of five children, viz.: Ella M., born May 20, 1856; married Jerome Partridge and resides in Boston, N. Y. Cora A., born Feb. 1 1, 1858 ; married Pearl Partridge and resides in North Collins. Hattie M., born Oct. 8, 1863. Arthur VV.. born Dec. 28, 1871. Blanch J., born I-^eb. II, 1875. Three childred died young. His father Samuel C. Sweet came from Otsego county, N. Y., to North Collins in 18 17, where he resided until his death, May 20, 1863. His mother died May 2, 1871. The grandfather of Abel was Rufus Sweet. His great grandfather, Job Sweet lived in Rhode Island, where he acquired the reputation of being the best bone setter of the state. Mr. Sweet was one of a family of ten children, as follows: Gilbert C, born March 15, 1818 ; married Abigail H. Presson. Sylvester D., born March, 1820; married Julia P^iirbanks and died in 1876 in Humphrey, Cattaraugus county. Susan, born 1822 ; married William H. Crandall and died in 1843. Mary A., born June 8, 1824; unmarried and resides with her brother Abel. Rufus, born 1826; died young. Eliza M., born 1830; married P'ranklin Holton and resides in Evans. James J., born Aug. 22, 1835 ; married Mary E. Horton and resides in Boston, N, Y. R. J. Stewart, M. D. Dr. Stewart was born in Dundee, Scotland, Jan. 23, 1821. His father was Scotch and a soldier having served fifty }'ears in the British ami)'. He held the position of Brevet Major. inoCKAl'IIICAI. ski: TCI IKS. 763 His mother was of English descent. From Dundee, the Stew- art family moved to the town of Portsmt)uth, Hampshire, England, where at sixteen years of age \H:)ung Stewart com- commenced the study of medicine, with a pri\-ate practitioner. After studying two and a half years he entered the medical school of the London hosi)ital, where he remained two and a half years, taking two full courses of lectures and graduating in 1844. In Sept., 1845, he landed in the United States and came to North Collins, then Collins, and located as a practicing physician of the regular school. He has ever since resided in North Collins and practiced his profession and is consequently one of the oldest resident physicians of the town. Dr. Stewart was married in Collins in 1849 ^o Diana Eggle. ston. They have two children living, viz.: Charles, born Sept. 16, 1850; married Emily A. Rogers, daughter of Filmore Rogers ; is a farmer residing in North Collins. Emily, born Feb. 22, 1852 ; married Egbert Foster and resides in North Collins. Reuben C. Sherman. Mr. Sherman was born in Taylor's Hollow, town of Collins, April 24, 1826. Has resided in North Collins most of the time. Has resided in Evans and Hamburg. Ls a thrifty farmer, and had previously followed the occupation of carpenter and joiner. His father, Job Sherman, born in 1793, came from New Bedford, Mass., in 1831, and located on lot forty-one or thirty-three, Collins. He died in Michigan in 1867. Mr. Sher- man was married in March 15, 1854, to Phoebe J. Tucker, born March 15, 1833; daughter of Elijah Tucker, who was born in Queensbury, N. Y., in 1807, and came to Collins with his father, Moses Tucker, in 18 13, and located on lot forty-nine. Mr. Tucker is one of the oldest living pioneers of Collins. He was for four years Captain of militia. He had six children, four of whom are now living, viz.: Moses Tucker, resides in North Collins. Chloe M. married George Van Every, and resides in Grand Rapids, Mich. Elijah P. resides in Grand Rapids, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman have six children, all born in North Collins, viz.: 764 IJIOfJRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Luc}-. born Sept. 26, 1856. Leroy, born March 21. i860. Elihu, born Sept. 17, 1865. Arthur born April 22, 1868, and died Dec. 28, 1878. May, born Dec. 25, 1870. AlHe, born Jan. 20. 1875. 3Irs. Kachol H. Sinitli. Mrs. Rachel H. Smith, daughter of Daniel and Susanna Healy, was born Dec. 24, 1815. Her father, Daniel Healy, was born in 1777 in Connecticut ; lived some time in Rhode Island, came to Danby, Vt., where he married Lucy Kell}' ; they had four children : Joseph, Lydia, Anna and Samuel, of whom only Samuel is now li\'ing. After the death of his first wife he married Susanna Spauld- ing, and soon removed to Eastern New York. They had four children : Lucy, Rachel, Hannah and Mary, with whom they came to Collins, then Concord, in the Winter of 1819-20, and he engaged in tanning, currying and shoemaking, in connection with farming on sixty acres of wild land. His family, in com- mon with all new settlers, endured man\' pri\'ations, among which was scarcit}' of school privileges. Mrs. Smith sa\'s : I \vas four years of age when we moved into our unfinished i8.\24 log house; we could look up through the opening left in the slab roof for the escape of smoke, and see the tree tops, and for some years mother would not allow us to go out of sight of the house for fear of bears, which infested the woods and sometimes destroyed sheep, &c. Of course improvements were made; the floor, which had lain loose, was fastened down with wooden pins; a chimney built of stone as far as the first story, and from that up c^f split hemlock sticks, and plastered inside with clay ; in time the slab roof was replaced by shin- gles, and the woods gave way to cleared fields. The forests also abounded with deer, and the Lidians used to come and build their rude camps near us, to hunt, and they often came to ask for salt or some trifle which the\' did not have. Sometimes they brought whole families, and the Indian box's would slide down hill in our fields on sleds made o( a .stri[) of basswood bark turned smooth side down, tapered at one entl, to which a striuLi' of the bark was attached and held lUOCRAl'IlK Al, SKi:'l( IIKS. 765 by the bo)- stanclint;- on liis primitix'c sled to form n cur\e. On these tliey would glide o\'er and throiiL;h the snow till their track became too slipper}', when they woidd make a new I'oad. Daniel and Susanna }{eai\- both died in the earh* i)art of KS44; he was about sixt)--three and she sixty-two years of age. (^f the four daughters, Lucy and Hannah died unmarried. William Smith, husband of Mrs. Rachel H. Smith, and son of David and I'hebe Smith, was bcirn in Macedon, \\'a\'ne count}-, X. v., Oct. 31, 1807; he came to North Collins; then Collins. In 1838 he married Mary Healy, who died in 1841, leax'ing a son, Robert, who died in 1842. In March, 1842, he married Rachel Healy; they began housekeeping in a log house and had a log barn. The}- had seven children : Chester, M}-ra, Albert L., Herbert, Chloe, Annie and Susie. Chester enlisted in Septemb&r, 1862, in Compan}- A , Forty- fourth New York volunteers, and was killed in the battle of Gettysburg, Jul}- 2, 1863, and was buried in the National cem- etery at Gettysburg. Albert L. died in October, 1864. Her- bert married Rosie Clark; has one son, is a farmer. Myra married S. Clay Torrance, a farmer; has four children. Chloe married E. Ellis Twining, a farmer and teacher. Annie mar- ried Charles J. Ellis, a dentist; has three children. Susie mar- ried J. Ouinc}- Tucker, a farmer; she died in Januar}-, 1883, leaving one child. The daughters had all been teachers before marriage. William Smith died in March, 1870. He was a farmer, and his widow, Rachel H. Smith, still occupies the homestead, a fine farm of about 165 acres. fToIin Stalicn. His father, Adam Staffen, emigrated from Sarrlouis, Prussia, about 1840. He sailed with his family from Havre, France, and w-as fifty-three days on the vo}'age to New York. He was among the fir.st Germans to locate in North Collins, and was -among the foremost to erect the first church at Langford, in 1841. He always lived in North Collins until his death in .November, 1869. aged sixty-five years. His wife, whose maiden 768 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. elected Supervisor of his town. He was married in 1869 to- Lorania Goodel, daughter of John Goodel, an early settler of North Collins, who came in 1820. Mr. Wood has two daughters : Mabel, born Oct. 9, 1871 ; W. Lorania, born March 13, 1880^ 1 1 IS TORY (M-" SARDINIA. 769 CHAPTER XXI. SARDINIA— GENERAL HISTORY, ETC. Among the names prominently identified with the early his- tory of this town are thoie of George Richmond and Ezra Nott. The former with a family consisting of a wife and six children, settled on lots twenty-nine and thirty, near the Cat- taraugus Creek, in the south-west corner of the present Town of Sardinia, sometime in the Spring or Summer of 1809, and the old homctead is to-day still in the possession of a grand- daughter. While abDut the same time Ezra Nott, a young, unmarried man took of the Holland Company the east part of lot eighteen and the west part of lot ten, upon which he com- menced work that Summer. The following year (18 10) Giles Briggs and Elihu Rice came from Rhode Island and the former settled on lot three, the latter on lot two. Briggs was a mar- ried man and Rice was single. So following our subject up to the Spring of 18 14, we find in addition to the four settlers and their families above mentioned, the following settlers located in the town : On the east and north, near the Railroad Junction, were Jacob Wilson. Benjamin W^ilson and Daniel Hall. On the Genesee road, beside Nott, were Sumner Warren, Henry Godfrey, Mr. Merriam and Mr. Cartright. And where Sardinia Village is Abel Abbey had located. On lot thirty-four, or what is now known as the " Olin place," lived the Wilcox famil)-. On lot thirty-five or the " Carney place," lived a man by the name of Woolsey, while at the foot of the hill, on the creek road that leads from Sardinia to Springville, lived Ezekiel Smith, and farther down John Johnson, while still farther down on lot sixty-four were John and Jeremiah Wilcox, two young un. married men ; next on the same lot Morton Crosby. Then came " Comodore" Rogers, John Godding, Charles Wells and Richmonds. West from the latter, on same road, Dennis Riley and Bethuel Bishop. On lot fifty-seven, about 768 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. elected Supervisor of his to\\n. He was married in 1869 to- Lorania Goodel, daughter of John Goodel, an early settler of North Collins, who came in 1820. Mr. Wood has two daughters : Mabel, born Oct. 9, 1871 ; W. Lorania, born March 13, 1880^ HISTORY OF SARDINIA. 769 CHAPTER XXI. SARDINIA-GENERAL HISTORY, ETC. Among the names prominently identified with the early his- tory of this town are thoie of George Richmond and Ezra Nott. The former with a family consisting of a wife and six children, settled on lots t\venty-nin2 and thirty, near the Cat- taraugus Creek, in the south-west corner of the present Town of Sardinia, sometime in the Spring or Summer of 1809, '^'^^-^ the old homctead is to-day still in the possession of a grand- daughter. Wnile abnit the same time Ezra Nott, a young, unmarried man took of the Holland Company the east part of lot eighteen and the west part of lot ten, upon which he com- menced work that Summer. The following year (18 10) Giles Briggs and Elihu Rice came from Rhode Island and the former settled on lot three, the latter on lot two. Briggs was a mar- ried man and Rice was single. So following our subject up to the Spring of 18 14, we find in addition to the four settlers and their families above mentioned, the following settlers located in the town : On the east and north, near the Railroad J unction, were Jacob Wilson, Benjamin Wilson and Daniel Hall. On the Genesee road, beside Nott, were Sumner Warren, Henry Godfrey, Mr. Merriam and Mr. Cartright. And where Sardinia Village is Abel Abbey had located. On lot thirty-four, or what is now known as the " Olin place," lived the Wilcox family. On lot thirty-five or the " Carney place," lived a man b}' the name of Woolse)\ while at the foot of the hill, on the creek road that leads from Sardinia to Springville, lived Ezekiel Smith, and farther down John Johnson, while still farther down on lot sixty-four were John and Jeremiah Wilcox, two young un- married men ; ne.xt on the same lot Morton Crosby. Then came " Comodore" Rogers, John Godding, Charles Wells and Richmonds. West from the latter, on same road, Dennis Riley and Bethuel Bishop. On lot fifty-seven, about 770 FIRST SETTLERS OF SAKDIXLV. half a mile north of the " Hake's Bridge," hved the Sears family and Horace Rider, and on lot forty-t .vo lived Ezekiel Hardy. There might have bsen others that had settled in the more remote parts of the town, but the names given are all that the author has been able to ascertain. IVAME OF ONE OR MORE OF THE FIRS I SETTLERS ON EACH OF THE SEVERAL HJTS IN SARDINIA : T(^WNSHIP SEVEN, RANGE FIVE, Lot 2, Elihu Rice and Joseph Rice ; lot 3, Giles Briggs and David Calkins; lot 4, Benjamin Wilson; lot 5, Daniel Hall; lot 6, Erastus Graves and Hezekiah Colb}' ; lot 7, Varney Childs ; ; lot 10, Ezra Nott ; lot 11, H. God- frey, J. Wilson; lot 12, Henry Bovven ; lot 13, Elihu Graves; lot 14, George Brown; lot 15, Jamjs Bond, Benjamin SI}-; lot 17, Sumner Warren; lot 18, Giles Briggs and others; lot 19, Merriam and Cartright ; lot 22, Ezekiel Ballard ; lot 23, John Dake ; lot 25, Sumner Warren; lot 26, Reuben Long; lot 27, Henry Godfrey ; lot 28, Ephraim Briggs & Sons: lot 29, Ste- phen Pratt; lot 38. L. B. Keth, E. Graves; lot 31. Thomas Ryan ; lot 33, Richard Smith, A. Carpenter, S. Carpenter; lot 34, Oliver Wilcox; lot 35, Mr. Woolsey; lot 36, Pollard Stone, James Goodrich ; lot 37, Mann & Freeman ; lot 38, Andrew Shedd, Warren Fay, Joseph Gillson ; lot 39, A. Briggs, R. Goff ; lot 40, Samuel Russell; lot 41, Warren Wilcox ; lot 42, Ezekiel Hardy; lot 43, Samuel Butler, Josiah Goodrich; lot 44, Flint T. Keth, Mr. Tuttle ; lot 45, Almon Jewett ; lot 46, A. C. Tiffany; lot 47, David Bigelow ; lot 48, Obadiah Mathewson ; lot 49, Isiac Smith ; lot 50, P. Chamberlin, P. Snyder; lot 51, Samuel Sheppard ; lot 52, Jonathan Thomas, Thomas Ward Josiah Tiioaipson ; lot 53, Edward Scott ; lot 54, J. Thompson Martindale ; lot 55, Thomas McGuire, William Loree, R. Rutledge; lot 59, John Weller, Alvah Wilson: lot 57, Horace Rider; lot 58. Reuben Rider; lot 59, Richard Sheppard, Thos. N. Hopkins ; lot 62, E. Scott, lot 63, Roswell Frisbee ; lot 64, John Wilcox. EARLY SETTLERS ()F SARDINIA. 78 r TOWXSHII' SEVEN, RANCiE SL\. Lot I, Harry Scars; lot 2, Robert Hopkins, J. Wiiks ; lot 5^ P.Pierce; lot 7, J. H. Vosburg, F.Osborne; lot 8, Stephen Wright; lot 9. Henry Thomas, Daniel Pierce; lot 10, Norman Bond; lot 11, Nathaniel Brown and brothers; lot 12, Edward Cram and Mr. Rosebrook^ ; lot 15, John Van Dusen ; lot 17. Jonas Perhann ; lot 18, Abram Stark's, " Jack " Vaw ; lot 17, W. P. Smith ; lot 20, James Flemmini;s, Major Wells; lot 22, Stephen Pratt. roWXSIIIl' SIX. RAXGE SIX. Lots 26 and 27. Bethuel Bishop; 28, Dennis Riley; lots 29 and 30, George Richmond ; lot 31, Charles Wells ; lot 32, John Godding ; lot 34, Nemiah Rogers. TOWXSHIP SIX, RAXCE IIVE. Lot 64, Morton Crosby, John Wilcox ; bt 56, John Johnson ; lot 48, Mr. Bishop; lot 40, R. Smith. THE NAMES OF THOSE WHO PURCHASED LAND BV COxXTRACT OF THE HOLLAND COMPANY IN THE TOWN OF SARDINIA— THE DATE OF PURCHASE, ETC. TOWNSHIP SEVEN. RANGE FIVE. Name. Sumner Warren William S. Warren.. William S. Warren . . William and Sumner Warren Sumner Warren William and Sumner Warren William and Sumner Warren Ira Paine Ebenezer Warren. . . . Ezra Nott Porter Wright.. , Timothy Paine. , Sumner Warren , Daie. 1809, Aug. 1809, Aug. 1809, Aug. 1809, Aug. 1809, Aug. 1809, Aug. 1809, Aug. 18 10, Aug. 1809, Aug. 1809, Aug. 1809, Aug. 1809, Aug. 1809, Aug. Land. Acr's 14. 14. 14. w }4 \ is. s pt 1 25 . Is 4 & I 2 . 14. 1 17 14. 14. 14 •4. 13 1 2 Price. 1 80 $360 OQ 325' 568 75 7261 1270 50 441 369 771 75 738 00 15 s j/^ lot 47.. 14. w pt 1 19. . . 14. !e pt 1 18 & w pt 1 10. 14. e % I27... 14. jm pt 1 19. . . 19. |e pt 1 19. . . 5561I 1 12 00 35ij ^14 25 166I 373 50 176 00 259 519 00 216 432 00 189' 378 00 100 200 00 NAMES OK l'i:;^S<)XS HUVINC; LAND TOWN-SHIP SEVF.X, RANGE FIVE— C< ';///«//.•- 7 . . . Apr. 9 . . , May 28 . , May 28 . , June 6. . . i half 1 28. . . n pt 1 25 . . . . [ 26 . , \v pt 1 II... . e half 1 10. . , e pt 1 II... , vv pt 1 9 . . . . -pt I9 MJt 1 6 . . . . w pt 1 I ■; . . . ^ pt 1 13.... \v pt 1 S7- ■ \v pt 1 27. . . n pt 1 28. . . 1 64 : pt 1 64. . . . 3t 1 56 Jt 1 48 . . . . J pt 1 -:,6. . . n-e pt 1 40. . pt 1 18..... s-w pt 1 33 . pt I33 optl yy... n-wpt 1 33. e pt 1 34 . . . n pt 1 13. . . . e pt 1 ^y. . . s pt 1 42 . . . s pt 1 29. . . w pt 1 50. . . ' w pt 1 34. . . eptl 58.... w pt 1 36. . . w pt 1 41. . . e pt 1 3 3 . . . s pt 1 20 . . . pt 1 20 \v pt 1 56, e pt 52 &pt 1 20 167 198 317 50 •13 319 177 184 100 100 100 140 108 167 217 108 66 89 TOO ^4 5C IOC 100 ?o6 674 100 170 TOO TOO i6g ICXD 169 looi 100 150 100 100 100; 292 00 346 00 634 oo 100 CO 310 00 S77 00 531 55^ 275 ^7S -V5 420 00 297 00 459 00 596 00 286 00 264 00 267 00 300 00 00 00 00 00 00 i>2 ^7S 325 00 50 00 00 50 50 669 202 300 00 5 10 00 300 00 325 00 600 00 375 00 ^33 75 375 00 400 00 600 00 400 00 400 00 400 CO f Bought of Mr. Crosby. Deed. 35011400 00 OF rilK IK )1.I..\.M> (OMI'AW. TOWNSHIP SrVEN, RANGE ¥lVE—Conthnie,f. m N'ami; Datk. Land. Acu's; Pkke. Ezekicl Ballard. . . . Kzckicl Ballard \ Samuel Shepherd.. . . Henr_\- SiU'der Philip Cram Suell Butler John Butler John W. (ioodrich... Tcrrence IMcGuire. . . Terrence McCniire. . . Josiah Thompson.. . . Josiah Thomp.son.. . . Stephen & John Pratt James Bond John W'eller Obediah Matteson. . . Benjamin Saunders.. Robert Rut ledge. . . . James Bradshaw Uavid Bigelow David Bigelow Abner Colby Clark C. Carpenter. . . Da\id }. Conkling. . . Roswell G off.. .... .. Flint T. Keith. Josiah Goodrich Alv-ah Wilson Samuel P'risbee 1829, 1829, 18 18 18 18 iS 18 18 18 18 18; 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 |!« I18 118 :i8 !i8.8. Jan. 6. . . Aug. 26. Nov. iS. Nov. I I . Sept. 5. . Oct. 5.. . Oct. 5. . . Aug. 8 . . Ma)^ 1 . . . Mays... Mar. 20. Oct. 24.. Apr. 2S. Mar. 5.. Mav 12. . May 14 . June 20. June 16. Aug. 25. Nov. 12. Jan 31.. Nov. t . . . Oct. 27. . Nov. 14. Nov, Dec. Dec. Apr. Ma\- 24. '7 • 1 1 . 8 .. 1 . . Isaac Smith 1818. Ma\- 15 , William Loree 1818, Apr. 16 , Andrew W. Shedd. . . 11818, June 6.. Warren Fay |i8i8, June 6. Thomas Ward I1818, Aug. 25 William Howe {1818, Aug. 25 Avery C. Tiffany 181 8, Oct. 3. . Edward Scott , 1818, Nov. 4. Stephen Pratt 18 18, Nov. 4. Benoni Tuttle 18 18, Oct. 19. Job Thomas, Jr i8r8, Oct. 19. Thomas Mann ,1818, July 25. s-e pt 1 2 1.. pt 1 22 . . . . e pt I 31... n-\\- pt I 42 . n-e pt 1 42 . pt I 4.1 w pt I 43.. . pt 1 36 s pt 1 56 ■ n pt 1 55. . . s pt 1 54. . . . pt 1 5^ n pt 1 29. . . pts 1 15. ... pt 1 56 • pt 1 48 pts 1 3 3 . • • • pt I 55 s jjt 1 30. . . n pt 1 47 . . . n-w pt 1 39 . pt 16 pt 1 6 pt 1 5 1 s pL 1 39.. . pt 1 44 e pt 1 43 • • • : n pt 1 56. . . n-e & n-w pt 1 (^3 s ptl 49. .. spt 1 55... n pt 1 38 . . . spt 1 3«.. pt 1 52 s pt 1 53. .. Ipts 1 46. . . . Ipts 1 62 wpt I35... e pt 1 44. . . pt I44 ptl 37.... 40 lOOj I23I 123 100, lOOi 1 001 120^ 120! 125 o - 166 200 100 100 250 100 100 166 147 ;6 60: 100 160 30 ■35i 146 200; 100' 146; 140, 1 18; 100. '1/1 200 200 100 119 60 100 160 00 200 00 425 00 522 75 492 00 425 00 425 00 400 00 570 00 570 00 531 25 100 00 747 00 830 00 475 00 00 o 475 '17 . 475 00 475 CO 788 698 25 380 00 300 00 475 00 760 00 250 00 643 63 693 50 950 00 475 00 693 50 630 00 531 00 475 00 555 75 950 CO 950 00 475 00 5''^5 25 300 00 475 00 774 NAMES OF PERSONS BUYING LAND TOWNSHIP SEVEN. RANGE Yl\Y.— Contit!Ufd. Name. Amasa Freeman. . . . Peter Snyder Amos Gould Amos Dan Job Thomas. Jr. . . . James Sherwood . . . Giles Briggs Francis Eaton Daniel Ashley Andrew Crocker. . . Almon Jewett Elijah Smith Reuben Hudson . . . Jonathan Headley. . Aquilla Pingry Andrew Crocker. . . Horace Rider Richard Sheppard. . Peter Hauver Benjamin Wilson. . . Allen Briggs Josiah Goodrich . . . . Nathaniel Simons. . Jonathan Thomas. . Thomas N. Hopkins David Stickney. . . . Jonathan Cook Philemon Pierce . . . James Marston George Snyder Esek Briggs Esek Briggs Alanson Rogers. . . . Charles Sears Leland Crocker. . . . Andrew Crocker... Benoni Hudson .... Elihu Rice Pollard Stone Benjamin Odell. . . . Date Land. 8i8 819 819 819 819 819 819 819 820 820 821 825 825 827 828 828 828 828 828 829 829 829 829 829 829 829 829 829 830 830 830 832 830 830 830 831 831 831 831 831 July 25., Jan. 3.. , Oct. 15. . June 12 June I . . April 21 . Aug. 16. May 4.. . Oct. 19. . Oct. 14.. Oct. 29. . July;... Dec. 23.. Jan. 24. . March 6. Aug. 26. Aug. 26. Sept. 16. Oct. 29. . Jan. 6.. . Jan. 15.. Feb. 9. . . Feb. 25.. Mar. 10 . April 8.. June 2 . . Aug. 20. Oct. 22. . Jan 27.. Jan 27. . Nov. 22. July 3... Dec. 7.. Dec. 28.. Dec. 28.. Feb. 26.. May 3.. June 17. Sept. 10. Sept. 20. 49 pts 1 37. e pt 1 59 s pt 1 14 pt 154-. ptl 51.. Ptl35-- n-w pt 1 lo & n-e pt 1 1 8 s-w pt 1 9 w pt 1 59 e pt 1 36. n pt 1-45. pt I49. n-e pt 1 n pt 1 6 n-w pt 1 ptl 25 ptl 25 ptl 59 s-e pt 1 pt 1 21 n-e pt pt 1 20 pt 1 20 w pt 1 pt I59 ptl 38 n pt 1 22 pt 1 58 s-e pt 1 ptl 33 pt 1 47 n pt 1 20. pt 1 50 s-e pt 1 pt 1 38 ptl 35 s-e pt 1 20 pt I9 s w pt 1 45 n-e & n-w pts 1 21 Acr's 39 51 33 42 Price. 21 I 1002 100 100 100 60 75 109 119 100 192 75 50 100 50 90 100 48 145 25 TOO 100 50 40 47 131 80 TOO 100 78 78 50 81 100 50 100 67 50 69 150 171 2S 475 00 475 OQ 475 oa 285 00 35 6 00 453 00 509 00 475 768 ZZ7 00 212 00 627 00 oa 00 22 ^ S82 00 00 402 oa 192 oa 542 oa 100 oa 400 oa 400 oa 200 oa 160 oa 188 oa 526 oa 320 oa 375 00 400 oo 331 GO 331 oa 200 oa 326 00 400 oo 208 oo 416 oo 270 oo 200 oa 296 oa 525 oa 684 oa FROM llll': in HI. AM) (OMI'ANV. TOWNSHIP SEVEN, RANGE FIVE— Co>i/i,iuc B31 832 >^33 H35 «35 «35 835 830 ^37 ^39 «35 830 8^0 832 ^37 ^33 ^35 ^3S 811 8is 815 810 816 816 816 817 819 818 820, 824 82G) 828^ 830 830 830 Oct. 5.. . Nov. II. Nov. 23 . Dec. I 5 . March 5 . Aug. 29. Feb. 27. . Feb 27. . June 15. Sept. 5.. June 29. March 13 Jan. 26. . Now 10. Dec 6... Sept. 22. P"eb. 22.. Dec. 8. . Mar. II.. Nov. 27. Oct. 28.. Nov. 6. . April 9. . April 9. . April 9. . June c) . . Aug. i 2 . Aug. 21 . June 23. Jan. 6 . . Aug. 24. Oct. lO. . June 29. Sept. 9. . Aug. 30. Jan. 25. . P'eb 4. . Feb 3.. Land. s-e pt 1 45 !s pt 1 23 . Ipt 1 2V ■ . ipt I23. .. 'S-W pt 1 i: in pt 1 2^. pt I23. .. Ipt 1 23. . . ept I57.. \\n 1 48 . . . 'pt 1 60. . . pt 1 41 ... 'pt 143- • ■ pt I36... IS pt 1 54.. n-w pt 1 29 j)t 1 56 w pt 1 58. pt I44. . . s-e pt 1 2 1 pt I35... e pt 1 1 . . e pt 1 II. w J)t 1 II. s pt 1 17.. n pt 1 9 . . pt I9 e pt 1 12 pt 1 17. . e i)t 1 9 . pt 1 I I . . Is 14 15 22 2:^.. .'.. . e pt 1 2. . pt 1 18. . . s-w pt 1 I. pt Is 14 15 Ipt 1 15 Ipt 123 'Ack's ii6i 5c! 50: 5C! 100: 50' 50 50: 5o| ICO lOOi 501 100 50 100 56 59 401 67- 160! looi IOC 150, IOO| lOO; IOC 7C 0.1 Price. 466 CO 2CO 00 2CO 00 2C/0 00 400 00 225 00 150 CO 2CO 00 200 00 4CO 00 400 00 200 00 607 22 ^ 269 00 260 CO CO CO 5-/ 00 224 00 278 00 204 00 243 CO 480 CO 375 00 375 00 600 00 600 CO 400 00 400 00 500 CO 350 00 3 M CO 1 22c 3929 00 IOC 400 00 50 200 00 5c 200 CO 303} 1 288 00 50' 200 00 IOC 425 CO- *Deed. 'J']^ DEEDS^GIVEX BY THE HOLLAND COMIWSX . TOWNSHIP SEVEN, RANGE YW^E— Continued. Name. Date. Land. Acr's Price. John Vosburg 1830, Jan. 26.. pt I23 2 12 oa Jonas Perham 1 83 1, July I . . pt 1 17 116 464 OQ Joseph Wilkes 1 83 1, June 7-- pt 1 2 SO 200 00 Norman Bond 1 83 1, Apri I26. e pt 1 10. . . 200 800 00 Joseph Thurber 1 83 1, Apri I26. e pt 1 18... so 200 00 John Van Pelt 1833, Feb. 26. 1 21 374 1589 OQ William Smith 1834, Dec. 18. n-wpt 1 23.. 68 270 ca Mahties Kelsie 1835, July 10.. pt 1 15 SO 200 00 Martin Keller 1835, Oct. s... pt 1 16 120 480 OQ Philemon Pierce 1837, Oct. 8.. e pt 1 5 . . . . 8S 300 OQ John M. Bull 1837, May s-w pt 1 19.. 100 400 OQ James Flemings 1837, Nov. i.v pt 1 20 44 178 00 Major Wells 1837, Nov. 13 • n-e pt 1 20. . 44 178 00 William Park 1837. Feb. 2L. n pt I 14 & s pt 1 15.... 200 105 I OQ Asa Carv 1838, Sept. 1839, Feb. 18 n pt 1 24. . . pt 1 15 & n 100 405 00 Nathan Follett 2S. pt 1 22 . . . . 100 600 00 Elijah Wheelock .... 1839, Jan 8... pt I 12 100 400 00 Truman Starks 1839, Jan. 2. .. w pt' 1 10. . . SO 200 00 Lewis Reed 1 84 1, Nov. I . . pt 1 20 25 125 oa NAMES OF PERSONS WHO HAVE TAKEN DEEDS OF THE HOL_ L.^ND COMPANY IN SARDINIA, DATE OF PURCHASE, ETC. TOWNSHIP SEVEN, RANGE SIX. Lot. Acres. 4 319 ' s 85 5 64 { 6 319 7 324 8 321 9 170 9 70 9 75 9 75 1 10 200 10 129 Name. July 18, 1839 . e pt Dec. 8, 1837 . . m pt ! July 18, 1839, July 18, 1839. July 18, 1839, s-e pt June 16, 1845 ■ n-e pt.... July 18, 1839, s-w pt . . . . Mar. i, 1839. • n-w pt . . . . Feb. i, 1839 • ■ e pt April i, 1839 .. w pt July 18, 1839.. P. C. Sherman. Philemon Pierce. James Edington. P. C. Sherman. P. C. Sherman. P. C. Sherman. George N. Williams. P. C. Sherman. Charles Wilder. Phineas Scott. William P. Powers. P. C. Sherman. DHKDS (IIVF.N I'.V Till". HOLLAND (OMl'ANV. nJ TOWNSHIP SEVEN, RANGE %\^—Conlinued. Lot. Acrks. Suhdivision. Date ok Di:f.I). Name. 1 1 1 1 12 12 12 13 H 15 15 15 15 i6 i6 17 17 17 i8 i8 i8 i8 i8 19 19 20 20 20 21 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 26 27 27 ^7 28 :>8 120 e pt I July 18, 1839.. 266 w pt Feb. 28, 1837.. 150 cpt Jan. 8. 1839. . . 100 m pt Jan. 7, i8^o .. . 127 \v pt luly iS, 1839. . 381 Alio-. 23, 1838. ^50 s-w pt. . . . June 2. 1S38. . 215 m.\;s-ept. Mar. 31, 1843. 200 s pt Feb. 21. 1831 . 50 s m pt. . . April i, 1839. . 50 m pt Feb. 4. 1830 . . 50 n m pt. . . Mar. 31, 1843 • 155 s pt July 18, 1839.. 50 11 pt July 18, 1839.. 150 s pt Oct. I, 1838... 116 m pt April i, 1839. . 100 n pt Jan. 18, 1837.. 50 e pt Vpril I, 1837. . 54 e m pt . . . July 18, 1839. . -j-j m pt Oct. I. 1838. . . 100 w m pt. . . Feb. 21, 1838 . 100 w pt. ... July !, 1838.. . 268 n & s-e pt . J uly 1 8, 1 839. . 100 s-w pt Dec 29, 1840 . 44 n-e pt April 2, 1838.. 44 n pt ! April 2, 1838. 267 n-w & s pt.s J uly 1 8, 1 839. . 314 April 1, 1839.. 25 1 s pt April I, 1839.. 100 npt Mar. 31. 1843 . 150 e pt April 1. 1839.. 136 .s-w pt July 18, 1839.. 68 n-w pt Oct. 20, 1 843 . . 279 s pt July 18. 1839.. 100 npt Sept. 18, 1838. 129 w 1 Feb. 18. 1 814.. 87 si Oct. 20, 1843.. 20 n-e 1 Nov. 12, 1836. SO n-w 1 Dec. 2 1, 1833 )■] el )une 20, >837. -j-j w 1 Oct. I, 1838... P. C. Sherman. S. S. Fllsworth. Klijah Wheelock. Flijah Wheelock. P. C. Sherman. Chauncey B. Dunbar, John Van Pelt. H. J. Redfield. William Park. D. H. Chandler. Anna Vandusen. H. J. Redfield. P. C. Sherman. P. C. Sherman. Simeon Cumminowers. Stukeley Hudson. F. B. Marvin P. C. Sherman. P. C Sherman. Jesse Randall. Charles Sears. DKKDS CIVKN 1!\' JIIK ilollAXD CnMV.WW 781 TOWNSHIP SEVEN. RANGE Fl\'E—Coii/ijiucc/. Loi. ACKKS. SUHIJIVISION. Date ok DiiEU. 1 Name. 33 30 n-e ni pt . . Jan. 28, 1836. . Chancey Hastings. 33 48 n m pt . . . June 30, 1841 . Hiram Hutting. 33 100 s-m pt .... Alar. 30, 1842 . Alba Carpenter. 33 50 \v m pt . . . Oct 24, 1829. . Isaac Smith. 33 50 s-w i)t .... Oct. I, 1838.. . Simeon Cummings. 33 33 n-w m pt . Feb. 16, 1839. • B. Hudson 33 33 n-\v pt . ... Feb. 16, 1839 • J. \V. Fegles. 34 100 ^' pt Sept. 25, 1832. M R. 01 in 34 30 m pt Oct. 4, 1837... M. R. Olin 34 139 \v pt Oct. 4, 1837.. . Barnabas Carney. 35 100 ^' pt Feb. 14, 1839.. Thomas Carney. 35 67 s m pt. . . . Oct. 28, 1835. . Chancey Hastings. 35 50 n m pt. . . Mar. 20, 1823. First Baptist Society of Sardinia. 35 75 m pt Oct. 27, 1834.. Chancey Hastings. 35 100 w pt Aug 9, 1834.. George Bunn. 36 32 s-e pt Mar. 14, 1839 . Flisha Hudson. 36 60 .s-e m pt . . . Mar. 14, 1839 • Silvenus W. Hudsc^n. 36 50 n-e pt . . . . Sept. 24,1 835. Stephen Wait. 36 50 e m pt . . . Jan. 9, 1837. . . Daniel P. Shedd. 36 50 w m pt . . . Jan 22, 1831 . . William Putman. 36 50 \v m pt . . . Nov. 10, 1835 . Levinus Cornwell. 35 80 \v pt April 26, 1849. Ashwell and H. D. Cornwell. 36 20 s-\\- pt . . . . Mar. 29, 1856.. H. D. Cornwell. 37 75 s-e pt Dec. 22, 1830. Stephen Wait. 37 25 n-e pr . . . . Nov. 30, 1836 . A. and Ira Briggs. 37 100 e m pt. . . . Oct. 5, 1820 . . Dut}' Briggs. 37 21 1 \\" pt Oct I, 1S38 . . Simeon Cummings 38 120 M^t April 20, 1839. William P. Powers. 38 .So w m pt . . . Oct. I, 1844.. . Julius R. Fuller. 38 60 e m pt. . . . Aug. 31, 1832. A . W. Shedd . 38 100 n m pt . . . Aug. 31, 1842. Joseph Ballard. 38 40 n pt Apr. 20, 1839. \\'illiam P. Powers. 39 100 s pt Dec. 23, 1854 . William Hyde. 39 100 n-e pt . . . . Apr. 20, 1839. William P. Powers. 39 147 n-w m pt . . July 18,1845.. A. VanGuilder. 40 416 July 18, 18^9.. P. C. Sherman. 41 . 50 s-e pt July 18, 1839.. P. C. Sherman. 41 50 s m pt. . . . 1 Aug. 4. 1852. . J. H. Ladoit. 41 55 n-e pt . . . . Jul)- I, 1842. . . George Bigelow. 41 47 n m i)t . . . : Nov. 14, 1843 ■ B. Carney. 782 DEEDS CIVEX BY THE HOLLAND COMPANY, TOWNSHIP SEVEN, RANGE YIVE— Continued. Lot. Acres. Subdivision. Date of Deed. Name. 41 150 w pt Jan. 18, 1836. . Samuel S. Ellsworth. 42 50 s-e pt Jan. 24, 1837.. George Snyder. 42 123 n-e pt . . . . Aug. 29, 1833. Hor. Rider. 42 50 s-w pt . . . . Dec. 22, 1836. . Ezekiel Hard}^ 4^ 123 n-w pt . . . . Jan. 24,1835.. Hor. Rider. 43 135 e pt Oct. I, 1838. . . Simeon Cummings. 43 100 m pt Jan. 26, 1837.. Josiah Andrews. 43 100 w pt Jan. 18, 1838. . John Butler. 44 119 ept Dec. 20, 1837. Joseph Long. 44 60 m pt Dec. 28. 1838. Charles Long. 44 150 w pt Aug. 20, 1829. Sewell Butler. 45 116 s-e pt Sept. 6, 1855. . Josiah Andrews. 45 75 n pt Mar. 15, 1839. Almon F. Jewett . 45 150 s-w pt .... July 18, 1838. . Pollard Stone. 46 71 s-e pt July 18, 1839.. P. C. Sherman. 46 60 s-w pt . . . . Oct. 14, 1837.. Luther Putman. 46 200 n pt Jan. 12, 1839. • F . B. Marvin. 46 100 m pt Oct. 2, 1856.. . Sewell Butler. 47 100 s pt April 20, 1839. William P. Powers. 47 '^3 n-e pt . . . . Aug. 6, 1840. . George Bigelow. 47 83 n-w pt ... June 19, 1849. Stephen Carney. 48 100 s pt Nov. 22, 1833. Obadiah Matteson . 48 100 m pt ¥th. 5, 1849.. . G. N. Cutler. 48 129 n pt July 18, 1839.. P. C. Sherman. 49 100 s pt Jan. 14, 1842. . George Marsh, Jr. 49 50 s m pt . . . Oct. I, 1838. . . Simeon Cummings. 49 118 n-e pt . . . . July 18, 1839.. P. C. Sherman. 49 40 w m pt . . . Feb. 19, 1839 • Jonathan Pingrey. 49 50 n-w pt . . . . Feb. 19, 1839 • William Pingre}'. 50 100 e pt Oct. 4, 1838. . . Simeon Cummings. 50 50 s m pt. . . . Nov. 12, 1835 • Noah Johnson. 50 100 e m pt . . . April 20. 1839. VV. P. Powers. 50 58 s-w m pt . . July 18, 1839.. P. C. Sherman . 50 40 w m pt . . . Feb. 19, 1839.. William Lafferty. 50 60 w pt Feb. 19. 1839.. Jacob M. Marston. 51 lOO e pt Feb. 14, 1834.. Samuel Sheppard. 51 100 e m pt . . . Oct. I, 1838. . .1 Simeon Cummings. 51 60 w m i)t . . . April 28. 1855. Fred West . 51 50 w m pt . . . Nov. 22, 1823. First Congregational Society of Sardinia. 51 47 w pt Aug. 29. 1S36. William Willson. 52 250 e pt Aug. 24, 1838. Bela H . Colcgrove. DKKDS (ilVKX U\ TI IK lloLLAND (OMl'AXY. 783 TOWNSHIP SEVEN, RANGE VIVE— Con/inucii. Lot. AcKKS, 5« SiMsnivisioN W [Jt Daik ok Dkko. Namk. S2 Sept. 27, 1834. Josiah Ihompson . S2 25 w pt Sept. 28, 1837. Josiah Thompson . 53 267 M)t Au<:^. 23, 1838. C. B. Dunbar. 5^ 25 n m })t . . . Mar. 15, 1839. John B. Ho.smer. ^^ 75 n pt Nov. 30, 1835. Edward Scott . S4 65 M^t Oct. 27, 1835.. Horace Clark. S4 160 m pt Jan. 26, 1839. • Josiah Andrews. S4 131 n pt July 18, 1839.. P . C. Sherman . ss 146 ^Pt Aug. 23. 1838. C. B. Dunbar. ^^ 220 11 pt Oct. I, 1838... Simeon Cummings. S6 120 s pt June 16, 1845 . George N. Williams. S6 100 m pt Mar. 21, 1837. Caleb Butler, Jr. =;6 146 n pt Aug. 23, 1838. C. B. Dunbar. 57 16s m pt Julv 18, 18^9.. B.C. Sherman . 57 140 w i)t Dec. 28, 1837 • Jonathan Pingrey. 5cS 100 t-- pt Oct. 7, 1833... Reuben Rider. 58 60 c m pt . . . Jan 8, 1834. . . William Pingrey. 58 '50 m pt Dec. 28, 1837 . Dudley Hopkins. 58 ^6 w pt Dec. 8, 1837 . . Robert Hopkins. 5Q 50 e pt Sept. 16, 1828. Richmond Sheppard. SQ 95 c m pt . . . Mar. 7. 1834 . . Richmond Sheppard . 5q 80 s m pt . . . Mar. 12, 1835 . D. & J. M. Hopkins. 59 51 n 111 pt . . . Mar. 12, 1835. T. N. Hopkins. 5Q 100 w pt Oct. I. 1838.. . Simeon Cummings. 60 100 e pt June 20, 1837. William Thomas. 60 100 m pt Dec 28, 1837. . Nehemiah Hopkins. 60 172 w pt July 18, 1839.. P. C. Sherman. 61 394 Sept. 15, 1842. Lansing Tooker. 62 100 c pt Oct. I, 1838 .. Simeon Cummings. 62 lOS Ill pt Jan. 12, 1839.. F. B. Marvin. 62 184 w pt July 18, 1839.. P . C . Sherman . 63 209 ■M^t July 18, 1839.. P . C . Sherman . 6^. 2uO n pt fan. 12, 1839. • Fred. B. Marvin. 64 412 e pt luly 18, 1839.. P . C . Sherman . 64 50 \v pt June 27, 1857. Michael Shea. 7^4 RECOLLECTIONS OF SARDINIA. EARLY REMINLSCEXCES OF SARDINIA, AS RELATED BV THE LATE GENERAL NOTT, AND GIVEX THE COMPILER BV MR. S. H. NOTT, A S)N, TOGETHER WITH HIS OWX RE- COLLECTIONS OF THOSE TIMES. n the Spring of 1809, the Holland Land company engaged Uncle Sumner Warren to open a wagon road from the Eastern limits of the town, beginning on lot three and extending six miles west, to lot sixty. The survey had been previously made and marked by blazing the trees along the route. This road was afterward called "The old Genesee Road," and Uncle's duty was to cut the timber and clear it off wide enough to allow a wagon to safely pass along without hindrance from these obstacles, and no grading was done. Early in June, 1809, Uncle began his work with a part}- of four to assist him . The party consisted of Sumner Warren, Jabez Warren, Asa Warren and myself. Our headquarters were at Aurora, and Monday morning we left that little ham- let armed with axes, handspikes and sufificient provisions to sustain us two weeks. Our tools and commissary were stowed into a cart improvised out of the forward wheels of a wagon. Bread and baked pork and beans were to be chiefly our daily rations, while our shelter was to be improvised wherever night overtook us. All being in readiness, Uncle's oxen were hitched to the cart and we took our way southward ; after the first two miles we were compelled to cut our way through an unbroken wil- derness. Uncle would act as pilot ; two of us would handle the axes, while the other would fetch up the rear with the o.xen and cart . This would appear to man\- now-a-da)s as almost an impossibilit}', to undertake to cut their wa\' through the forests, yet we did and made nearly twelve miles the first day, camping out that night on lot forty-seven, in the Town of Sar- dinia, now owned by J. D. Carney, better known as the Cap- tain Bigelow place. We pitched our tents, the blue heavens o'er us, and built our camp-fire right where the orchard now stands, and this was nearly three-quarters of a century ago. We made our beds upon the ground and passed a very comfort- able night, for our exertions that day had given us all a keen RECOI.LKCTIONS oF SARDINIA. 785 relish for rest. The iie.xt morning-, all were up with the sun, and after a hearty breakfast of bread, pork and beans, we broke camp and proceeded on our way. About eleven o'clock that day, we struck the line survey one mile west of Cole^rove's cor- ners ; there we remained that day, doing our first work. The ne.xt morning, we supplied ourselves with two days' rations, and set out for the east end of the line, with the intent of work- ing westward . At that day and time of year, we found camp life very agree- able. The woods abounded in game and the little streams were filled with the most delicious of all the finn\- tribe — the speckled trout. The game law was unknown, and wc were not always compelled to confine ourselves to prepared rations. We progressed nicely with our work, and the following Sab- bath was ob.served as a day of rest ; although that night one of the boys caught a splendid string of trout out of the little brook that runs across lot three, and we enjoyed them for din- ner. On the second Saturday out we all returned to Aurora, to re- plenish our stock of provisions, which was getting rather low. The following Monday, all returned with the exception of my- self. I was taken down with the mumps and tarried at home until the next Saturday, when I started back for the camp with fifty pounds of provisions across one shoulder and a six- teen-pound rifle across the other. I had no difificult}' to find the camp of the party, but it was unoccupied, and where the boys had gone I did not know. In looking around 1 found a piece of birch bark, that had this written across the smooth surface with a sharpened stick : " Stay here until we return." I had made up my mind to do as bidden, for I was somewhat tired, having' traveled nearly twenty miles. In stepping to the cart my eyes fell upon another piece of bark with this legend written upon it : " Follow the trail west until you overtake us." I heeded this and came upon them just as they had got ready for supper. After doing this meal ample justice, and being informed that there was a "deer-lick" on the little brook just west of us, I again shouldered my rifle and set out for it; I found that the Indians had constructed a " bough house " or blind, where the hunter could watch the 31 786 RECOLLECTIONS OF SARDINIA. " lick " and himself not be seen. I took possession, but my vigil was short and richly rewarded, for just as the sun was sinking beneath the western horizon I shot the largest buck I ever saw. It was but a short distance from the camp, and the report of my rifle brought the rest of my companions to the rescue, and we had that " monarch of the forest " dressed and in camp. The next day (Sunday) was spent in "jerking" the venison, which, happily for us all, would be a change from salt pork. That day we had a venison pot-pie for dinner. At that day this kind of game was so abundant and tame in the forests- that often they would come and feed with our oxen when turned loose for rest and food at noon time. Our camp cooking utensils consisted of one bake kettle, one tea kettle that was used for a two-fold purpose, that of boiling water and then brewing the tea, and a skillet or frying pan. Each one was supplied \\'ith a tin cup and plate and knife and fork. There was no washing dishes, for each one took care of his own. The following day (Monday) we finished the job, and then we turned back to where we had made our claims. On the 27th day of June, 1809, at about 11 o'clock A. M., on lot nineteen, near the road just south of the house of Newell Hosmer, I made my first brush heap, and on the same day Uncle Sumner and the boys, after partaking of dinner, went east to Rice's Corners, near the brook, and went to chopping on his claim. INCIDENTS IN THE WAR OF l8l2. Father was often called to the " lines," as he termed it. '\ith- out a moment's' warning. Like Cincinnatus of old, he would leave the plow standing in the furrow, or the crops of hay and grain would be left suffering for the Avant of a gleaner. Just east of the barn there grew six acres of winter wheat, ripe for the sickle. Upon three successive Saturdays had father come home to care for those who looked to him for protection, and to secure the crop tiiat was to bread them through the long, bleak winter, and as many Sabbaths had he been called back to the field of duty. Even in those early days the Sabbaths were observed with Puritan strictness. Religious meetings were held in the log school house, or, weather permitting, in the woods RECOLLECTIONS OF SARI)IXL\. 787 just below where the Baptist church now stands. Two ser- mons each Sabbath were customary, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon Upon one occasion mother says, " after the morning sermon she saw all the people wending their way homeward, and she concluded that the preacher was sick. Awhile after she, having occasion to go to the door, was greatly surprised to see the meeting folks reaping the wheat. Soon one of the reapers visited the house for water, and she re- quested him to return after performing his intended mission. In the meantime she secured the fatling of the flock, and when he presented himself she enjoined secresy and bade him dress it. This was quickly done, and by the time he had the lamb prepared she had the old stone o\'en ready to give it a warm reception. About the time the reapers were gathering the last sheaves mother visited the field 10 thank the men for their kindness, and she also requested them to come to the house as she had a little work to do that required united strength. This they cheerfully promised. After assembling at the house mother came to the door and requested them to step just back of the house. Some seized hand-spikes, while others levied upon the wood pile for instruments for assistance, and then went bounding around the corner of the old log house. Imag- ine their surprise, for instead of some ugly knotted log, mother had fixed a table beneath some trees, and had as bountiful a spread of goodies as the land afforded, with the fat lamb in the center done beautifull}* brown. The cheers from those honest- hearted men fairly made the dishes on the table tremble as they gathered around the board. This little incident in after )-ears Avas the connecting link in procuring my venerable mother her pension." On page two hundred and eighty one, of Mr. Johnson's history, will be found a reference to the battle of Conjockety Creek. As I have often heard my father relate the scenes there, I will give them as he related them one night, while we were boiling sap or making sugar. " In the afternoon we dis- covered the British coming over to Squaw Island. We antici- pated their movements, and that afternoon we took up all the planks (we suppose meaning planks of bridge) and brought them on this side, cut oak timber and hewed it on two sides, 788 RECOLLECTIONS OF SARDINIA. then built breast works in front of the string pieces (meaning, we presume, that the fort was built in front of the bridge, that they had stripped of planks, and that the fortifications were to prevent the British from crossing the creek, which the}- had to do to lay siege to the village — Ed.) higher than our heads. Turned a wing on each side of the bank of the creek about breast high. Loop holes were cut that would just admit the muzzle of a gun, ranging with the stringers, and we could also bring a cross fire from the wings. After dark our spies dis- covered the British landing down the ri\'er. Morgan's men were stationed at the breast works ; I, with my men, about one hundred — fifty or sixty rods below — guarding the road, we w^ere in the woods just back from the road. About lo o'clock firing commenced : could hear the British officer say : ' rush on my brave boys ; ' could hear one after another tumble into the water. They imagined they were firing too low, order was given to elevate their guns. Soon the bullets went whizzing through the limbs over our heads, they would cut off quite large limbs. At about ii o'clock. Green, the Yorktown hero, as he was called, stood by my side with his drum. A stray buckshot struck me here (pointing to the place where he was wounded) father carried that shot to his grave, at the same time another struck the lower hoop of Green's drum, cutting it nearly in two, and badly shattering the shell. Green was a volunteer, although he had been in the regular service during the Revolution, and played upon this drum at the surrender of Cornvvallis at Yorktown. (This drum came into my possession nearly fifty years ago, and I have it now just as it came out of that battle). About 3 o'clock I- received orders to go to Mor- gan's relief, soon after we got in position the firing ceased. No negroes were ever blacker than Morgan's men, with the burnt powder, as we discovered when daylight came. The famous drummers, the Streeter brothers, John, Tom and Elia?, were with Morgan during the battle. Between Elias and Morgan there had been some misunderstanding. After passing that night Elias stepped up to Morgan, raised his hat with his left hand as he grasped Morgan with his right, giving it a hearty shake, saying with much feeling, ' the old sore is all healed now.' The next morning our breast works were found to be RECOLLKCTIOXS OF SARDINIA. 789 one mass of lead. The trees back of the battery were all seared and cut up by the balls. The night was exceedingly dark." A FOURTH OF JULY PARTY IX 1811. THE FIRST OXF I\ SARDINIA OR THE ORKJIXAF TOWX OF COXCORD, AT RICHMOND'S — GOIX(; WITH OXFX AND SLEDS — AXOTHER FOURTH OF JULY I'ARl'V SEVENTY YEARS LATER. The Richmond famiK- and the Richmond farm and tax'ern were well known to the settlers hereabouts, but many changes have taken place and some explanations are necessary. The Richmond famih' came here from Vermont in 1809, and located on lots twenty-nine and thirty, township six, range six, which lots are bounded south by the Cattaraugus creek. Their house was built of logs and stood down near the creek, and as there were no saw-mills in this region in 1809, it consequently was built without lumber. The roof was of bark, and the floor was split oat of basswood logs and hewed and fitted down. The old Richmond place is now in the southwest corner of the town of Sardinia. In 181 1 it was in the town of Willink and in Niagara county. At that time there were about fifteen fam- ilies in the present town of Sardinia, located mostly along the Cattaraugus creek, and on or near the Genesee road, east of Colgrove's Corners. At that time in the present town of Con- cord there were about twenty families, located mosth' along the Cattaraugus, on Townscnd hill, and in Springville. The number either on the Cattaraugus or on Townsend hill was greater at that time than it was in the present village corpora- tion. In the present town of Collins there were then about fifteen families and they were located mostly at or near Collins Center, in Zoar, Gowanda, and Taylor Hollow. A majority of the early settlers were young married people whose children were few and young, but in the Richmond family there were grown up sons and daughters. The father's name w^as George, and he was about forty-five years of age. The oldest child Frederick was twenty-three or twenty-four years old — then there was Anna, Betsey, George, Jr., Louisa and Sallv. 790 RECOLLECTIONS OF SARDINIA. In 1811 the few roads here were cut out only wide enough for teams to pass through, and they generally wound hither and thither wherever they could get along most conveniently, without regard to lot lines or points of compass. All the settlers owned and used sleds, for they could make them, them- selves, and could get through the v/oods easier with them than with wagons. Only a few of the earliest settlers owned wagons. They came to this 4th of July party in 181 1, with oxen and sleds, some of them came at least ten miles. On the 4th of July, 181 1, Fiddler's Green was unknown to fame and unnamed. There were no fiddlers here then, and no green — that was be- fore the event of the boss fiddler, David Leroy. David Ben- sley, Truman Bensley and Mortimer Arnold had not yet ar- rived. Tom Jennings, the fiddling shoemaker, had not yet put in appearance. On the 4th of July, 1811, there was not a grist mill, nor a saw mill, nor a store, nor a grocery, nor a school- house, nor a meeting house, nor a lawyer, nor a doctor, nor a preacher, nor a post-of^ce, nor a mail route, nor a newspaper taken in the four towns whereof we write. There was only one paper published west of the Genesee river, and that was a small sheet at Batavia. At that 4th of July party in 181 1, there were present besides the Richmond family, Morton Crosby and wife, Christopher Douglass and wife, David Shultes and wife, Bethuel Bishop and wife, John Godding and wife, James Hinman, Sr., and wife, Elijah Parmenter and wife, Giles Briggs and wife, John Johnson and wife (from Arcade), Luther Thompson and wife, Nehemiah Rodgers and wife, Capt. Charles Wells (his family was not here), George Shultus, unmarried, William Shultus, young bachelor, Dennis Riley, young bachelor, two other mar- ried couples from a distance, names not remembered, John Wilcox, a large boy or young man, and Miss Lovina Johnson. The fiddler on that occasion was John Haskell, a brother of Jonathan Townsend's first wife. He had arrived from Massa- chusetts that Spring and was rusticating on Townsend Hill. John was patriotic and liberal, and held himself in readiness at all times when called upon, to " lay down the shovel and de hoe, and take up the fiddle and de bow," and go and play for a 4th of Jul)- part}' for a moderate compensation. '" '^' ''■' RECOLLECTIONS OF SARUINLA. 79I Some may feel disposed to doubt whether all the persons named above would attend a 4th of July dance, but the fact that they were there is obtained from an eye witness, and while it is not claimed that they all danced, yet under the cir- cumstances it was the most natural and reasonable thint^ in the world for them to wish to assemble together on tiiat national holiday and visit and have a good social time. Some of them lived miles away from any neighbors, in the lonely forest where for days, and perhaps weeks they saw no persons except mem- bers of their own household. And there were then no religious meetings, and no political meetings and no public gathering of any kind, except log raising, and no newspapers to read. Let us in imagination move back the hands of time just seventy years, and remand the countr)- and the people here,, back to their then condition. We are supposed to be young men and stopping here. The morning of the 4th of July, 181 1, has come. We have heard of the party down at Richmond's and have concluded to attend. We have no horses and we start on foot, through the woods, up the East Hill and on to where Harrison Pingry now lives ; there is the first house and James Hinman lives there His wife is ready and he is hitch- ing up his cattle to go. We pass on through the forest and the next house we come to is Bethuel Bishop's, located on the top of the "breakers" where a few apple trees still stand, halfway between the railroad and the wagon road, (railroads have not been invented yet, but all the roads hereabouts are narrow- gauge). Mr. Bishop and his wife are going to walk down. We pass down the breakers, down the hill, out onto the flats, and then near the banks of the " raging Cattaraugus," we arrive at Richmond's house and tavern. Capt. Charles Wells lives next east of Richmond's, John Godding on the next lot east of him, and Commodore Rogers on the next lot further east. They live near by and all walked down. John Johnson comes down from Arcade with his oxen ; Giles Briggs from Rice's Corners, in the east part of Sardinia, and another couple living further east came down with their steers and sled ; David Shultus and Christopher Douglass came up from near the Shultus bridge (that is to be); Elijah Parmenter comes up seven miles from 792 RFXOLLECTIONS OF SARDINIA. down towards Frye's ; Morton Crosby comes down from his place a mile or two above. Some of them were acquainted with each other " down east " and they meet each other with cordial and heart-felt greetings. About 4 o'clock P. M., they form on for a dance. The}' do not dance round dances, but form in lines and " face their partners." They do not dance the Spanish dance, nor the Maznrka, nor the Schottische, nor the Zingarilla, nor any other of those dances with jaw-breaking names, but they dance those good old-fashioned down-country figures, such as the Monnie Musk, Opera Reel, Crooked S, &c. They have no "calling," but " dance to the music." John Haskell has tuned up his fiddle and " rosined the bow." All is ready and the Opera Reel is the dance — the music strikes ?// and they strike /;/, the first couple pass down the outside and back again, then join hands and lead the center and back again, cast off next couple and right and left first four, first couple balance and swing partners. The first couple is Geo. Richmond, Sen. and wife ; he is older than the others but dances well. That couple that comes to the head is Morton Crosby and wife ; he is a strong and pow- erful man but dances well. Now comes to the head George Shultus ; he is tall and slini and not as heavy as the others, but dances prett\' well. Now look at that couple see how lightly they move, how supple they are, that is young Dennis Riley and his partner is Anna Richmond ; Dennis is as limber as an eel and Anna dances as nice as any ''school marm." Now look, see, that small, nervous man that comes to the front now, is Christopher Douglas ; watch him, he is excited, see him shave it down, see him put in the double-shuffle. Look at those two large boys, or young men over there ; see them watch the dancers ; see how eager they look, and how anxious to have a hand (or foot) in the dance. One of them is George Rich- mond, Jr,, (not 0//?- George, but his father), and the other one is John Wilcox. That small, eleven-year-old bo}- is Pearl Crosby, and that little nine-year-old girl is Lucy Crosb\-, and mentally she is taking notes, and they will be printed seventy years afterwards. Over yonder sits Capt. Charles Wells, Mr. Hin- man, Mr. Bishop, Mr. Parmenter and others, and converse of the past and the prospects of the future. And thus while some RFXOLLECTIONS OF SARDIXFA. 793 of them dance, others converse and visit, and <^// stay and enjoy themselves till " daylight doth appear." All of that goodly company that attended that Fourth of July party that Rich- mond had in i8ii, have undoubtedly passed away, except the two children mentioned above. Most of them lived and died in this vicinity. Some of them were afterwards promoted to responsible positions. John Haskell, the pioneer fiddler of those parts, afterwards lived in Collins a few years and from there went west where he died. Dennis Riley was a Captain and served on the Niagara frontier in the war of 1812-15 ; he moved away after a few years. Morton Crosby served in that war, and afterwards held the office of Justice of the Peace and Supervisor. Frederick Richmond served in that war, was an officer, and was wounded, afterwards was a Justice of the Peace, Supervisor and Brigadier- General. Christopher Douglas was the first Justice of the Peace hereabouts, and was side Judge and sat on the bench when the " three Thayers" were tried for murder in Buffalo in 1825; he moved west nearly fifty years ago; twenty-three years ago he was farming and keeping hotel in Wisconsin. Seventy years after there was another Fourth of July party in Sardinia. First. This last party was not held at the house of George Richmond on the Cattaraugus creek, but at the house of George Andrews in Sardinia village. Second. The first dance was in the lower and only story of a lo'T-house with puncheon floor and bark roof. The last dance was in the third story of a framed house with matched pine floor and Mansard roof. Third. They went to the first party through the forest, on foot or on ox sleds. They went to the last party in buggies, carriages and railroad cars. Fourth. The musicians at the first party was oncX^zw Yankee, sitting in the corner by the big Dutch fire-place. At the last party there were six Germans, both fat and lean, sitting in a row on the elevated platform. Fifth. At the first party the music was made with a single 794 soldiers' record. fiddle. At the last party they had first fiddle, second fiddle, cornet, clarionet, trombone and bass viol. Sixth. At the first party only eight or ten couples could dance at a time, and only a dozen couples did dance at all. At the last party ten times that number could dance at a time, and more than two hundred and twenty-five c/zV/ dance in all. Seventh. At the first part}- the attendants were mostly youngerly married people. At the last part}' the}' were mostly young and unmarried. Eighth. At the first part} they danced old-fashioned dances only, without calling. At the last party they had calling and danced old-fashioned figures, quadrilles, fancy dances, etc. Ninth. The bill of fare at the first party has not come down to us, and of that we are not prepared to speak. But at the last party the refreshments were excellent and abundant; and were prepared and served in a proper and satisfactory manner. Tenth. Seventy years hence there will undoubtedly again be a Fourth of July party in Sardinia, but at whose house it will be, or who will make the music, or who w ill participate in the dance, or who will be there to report, this deponent sayeth not. SARDINIA SOLDIERS' RECORD. When disunion threatened the supremacy of the "old flag," '• Flag of the free hearts, hope and liome. By angel hands to valor given" — Sardinia sent out a goodly number of her sons to protect the welfare of the nation. She was represented in twenty-eight different regiments, although over one-third (33) of her soldiers were in Companies C, F and D, of the i i6th New York Volun- teers, The service which this regiment performed is perhaps sufficiently familiar to the reader to need no relating here. Many other regiments in which Sardinia was represented also took an active part in the Rebellion. The following list was compiled from a record in the Town Clerk's office, prepared in 1865, for the bureau of military record : soldiers' record. 795 Note. — A star placed opposite a name indicates death in the service, and the person's name will be fo.nd at the ilose in a list of the dead. Andrews, Judson, i i6th N. Y. V., Co. C. Baker, Joshua, Serg't, i loth N. V. V., Co. F. Baker, Amander, 8th N. Y. Cav. Baker, RusselL 5th N. Y. V. Baker, David, drummer, i6oth N. Y. V. *Beasor, Peter, 21st N. Y. V. *Bond, Harrison, i i6th N. Y. V., Co. F. Clark, Edwin, loth N. Y. Cav. Case, John, 140th N. Y. V. Crocker, Thomas B., 44th N. Y. V., Co. H. Champiin, James H., Cor., 44th N. Y. V., Co. H. Clair, Conrad, ii6th N. Y. V., Co. C. *Childs, Henry, 94th N. Y. Inf. "Crosby, Morton, 24th N. Y. Battery. ■"Crosby, David, ii6th N. Y. V., Co.F. Davis, Byron, i i6th N. Y. V., Co. F. Davis, LeRoy \V., ii6th N. Y. V. Davis, Cyrus, 9th N. Y. Cav. Davis, , Eddy, William, 14th N. Y. Heavy Artillery. Eddy, Veloral, Cor., 44th N. Y. V. Eddy, A. C, 44th N. Y. V. Eddengton, Charles, ii6th N. Y. V., Co. C. Ellis, Richard, Freeman, Samuel, 78th N. Y. V. Furman Silas, 169th Pa. Inf., Co. C. *Furman, Ebenezer, ii6th N. Y. V., Co. C. Fuller, James D., i i6th N. Y. V., Co, C. Goodspeed, George C. Gill, Wallace, Serg't., 44th N. Y. V., Co. H. *Gill, Carlton. 90th N. Y. Inf. Guyger, Ignots, ii6th N. Y. V., Co. I. Hopkins, Emory C, ii6th N. Y. V., Co. F. Hooker, Charles, i i6th N. Y. V., Co. F. Hover. Jonathan, i88th N. Y. V. James, Edwin, ii6th N. Y. V., Co. C. Joslyn, Frederick, ii6th N. Y. V., Co. C. 796 soldiers" record. Joslyn, Willis VV.. 104th N. V. V.. Co. C. *Judd, George H., 4th N. V. V. Kingsle)-. Jacob, 78th N. Y. V. King, Philemon, ii6th N. Y. V., Co, F. King, Chauncey, icoth N. Y. V., Co. A. Nichols, Ira, ii6th N. Y. V., Co. F. *Newton, Charles E.. 105th N. Y. V. Nichols, Reuben, "Scott's 900th'" Cav. Orr, George W., musician, 44th N. Y. V., Co. H. Owens, David, ii6th N. Y. V., Co. C. Pingrey, Edwin R., Ii6th N. Y. V., Co. C. Pingrey, Robert H., ii6th N. Y. V., Co. F. Pollitt, William, ii6th N. Y. V., Co. I. Reynolds, Madison, Ser. ii6th N. Y. V., Co. F. -"Rogers, Harry, 11 6th N.Y.V.,Co.F. Runyan, Elbert, 11 6th N.Y.V., Co.F\ Stokes, James N., 185th N.Y.V., Co.H. Stokes, Chauncey G., 187th N.Y.V., Co.E. '-^Shultes, Stephen D., 54th N.Y Cav. Sillenay James, 1 1 6th N.Y.V., Co.C. Starkweather, Wallace, looth N.Y.V., Co. A. Thomas, C. H., 5th N.Y.V. Cav. *Thomas, Santford, 11 6th N.Y.V., Co. I. Thomas, Andrew J., i i6th N. Y. V., Co. F. Titus, Thomas J., 78th N. Y V., Co. G. Van Slyke, "William, Lieut. 11 6th N. Y. V., Co.C. Wilkes, Abram, 121st N. Y. V. Wiser, John, ii6th N. Y. V., Co. C. White, Dennis, i i6th N. Y. V., Co. C. Wilber, Ebcnezer, 72d N. Y.V. Wilber, Clark, looth N. Y. V. Weatherlow, John, 28th N.Y.V., Co. I. White, Theodore, looth N.Y.V., Co. A. Weatherlow, John F., 28th N. Y. V., Co. P\ Zimmer, Peter, i 15th N. Y. V., Co. C. SOLDIKKS KKCOKI) — ISAl'lIST ClirKCII. 797 LIST OF 'riiosr: who \\va' 1839- Supervisor — George Bigelow. Town Clerk — Henry Bowen. Justices of the Peace — PVed Ci'ary, Elias Rogers. Assessors — David Hall, Andrew W. Shedd, Mathew R. Olin. Commissioners of Highways — John W. Forgles, John Wilson, George Richmond, Jr. Collector — Horace Bailey. TOWN OFFICERS. 805 1 840. Supervisor — Bela H. Colgrove. Town Clerk — Zaccheus W. Fuller. Justice of the Peace — ^David Stickney. Assessors — Klihu Rice, Fred Richmond, Benjamin Saunders, Commissioners of Highways — Horace Rider, Seth Kings- ley, George Decker. Collector — Benjamin Johnson. 1841. Supervisor — Bela H. Colgrove. Town Clerk — Z. W. Fuller. Justice of the Peace — Obediah J. Green. Assessors— Seth Pomeroy, Roswell Frisby, Fred Richmond. Commissioners of Highways — Horace Rider, George Decker,. Seth Kingsley. Collector — Benjamin Johnson. 1842. Supervisor — Fred Richmond. Town Clerk — Z. W. Fuller. Justices of the Peace — David Stickney, Jr., to fill vacancy, Moses R. Wheeler. Assessors — Roswell Frisbee, Stephen Wait, Thomas Hopkins. Commissioners of Highways — Eli Long, Josiah Andrews Chancy C. Furman. Collector — Hiram Crosb)\ 1843. Supervisor — George Bigelow. Town Clerk— Z. W. Fuller. Justice of the Peace — Fred Crary. Assessors — Daniel Hall, Mathew R. Olin, Dudley Hopkins. Commissioners of Highways — Joseph J. Hakes, Eli Long, Suel Butler. Collector — Hiram Crosby. 1844. Supervisor — Fred Richmond. Town Clerk — A. C. Needham. 804 TOWN OFFICERS. Justice of the Peace — A. C. Needham. Assessors — Roswell Frisbee, William Pingre)', Samuel Weatheiiow. Commissioners of High\\a}-s — J. J. Hakes, Charles Morse, Thomas Hopkins. Collector —Alfred Briggs. Town Superintendent of Common Schools —Reynolds Til- linghast. 1845- Supervisor — -Bela H. Colgrove. Town Clerk — Joseph Candee. Justice of the Peace — O. J. Green. Assessors — Roswell Frisbee, Horace Rider, Robert Hopkins. Commissioners of Highways — Orson D. Simons, Charles Morse, Joseph J. Hakes. Collector — Nehcmiah Hopkins. Superintendent of Common Schools -R. Tillinghast. 1846. Supervisor — B. H. Colgrove. Town Clerk — Joseph Candee. Justice of the Peace— Amasa Porter. Assessors — Nathan S. Parks, Robert Hopkins, Caleb Cutter. Commissioners of Highways— O. D. Simons, Anson D. Sib- ley, Joseph J. Hakes. Collector — Ira Briggs. Superintendent of Common Schools — R. Tillinghast. 1847. Supervisor — Thomas Hopkins. Town Clerk — Joseph Candee. Justices of the Peace — To fill vacanc}', Alfred Briggs ; long term, Chauncey Pond. Assessors — Horace Rider, James Hopkins. Commissioner of Highways — Warren Andrews. Collector — Charles Long. Superintendent of Common Schools — Edwin Kingsley. '1()W\ OFFICKKS. 805 1848. "Supervisor— Thomas Ho[)kins. Town Clerk— Joseph Candee. Justices of the Peace— H. Crosby, Benjamin Johnson. Assessors — N. S. Parks, James Hopkins. RHhu Rice. Hii^hway Commissioners — Anson 1). Sibley, Hiram Crosby, Stephen Carney. Collector — W'ilber Tillin^hast. 1849. Supervisor — Joseph Candee. Town Clerk — Welcome Andrews. Justice of tile Peace —Roderick Simons. Assessor — -James Hopkins. Commissioner of Hit^hways — Hiram Crosby. Collector — N. Hopkins. Superintendent (^f Common Schools — none elected. 1850. Supervisor — Henry Bowen. Town Clerk — Andrew J. Adams. Justice of the Peace — Seth Kingsley. Assessor — Elihu Rice (three years). Commissioner of Highways- -Stephen Carney (three years). Collector — Phineas Golden. Superintendent of Common Schools- -Alfred R. Bowen (two years). 1851. Supervisor — Joseph Candee. Town Clerk — A. J. Adam.s. Justice of the Peace — O. J. Green. Assessor — Abram South. Commissioner of Highways — Philemon Pierce. Collector — Orson D. Simons. Superintendent of Common Schools — none elected. 1852. Supervisor — Joseph Candee. Town Clerk — Clinton Col -yi en c 5 C u rt (C 1— i H ca < H Ballard. Misael Bowen, Henry Bo wen, Henry Rovven, Henry Bigelow, George Bigelow, George (personal). Bosworth, John Bosworth, R. S Bowen, Nathaniel Blakelex', Stephen Blakeley, David Ballou, Levitt Brewster, William Barns, Hannah Curtis, Joseph Cutting, Hiram Cornwell, Levinus Carney, Elisha Carney, Barnabas Carney, Barnabas Carney, Barnabas Carpenter, Alba Crosby, Parley Crosby, Hiram Crosby, Hiram Crosby, San ford Crosby, Charlotte Colwell, James Chamberlain, Phineas Crocker, Andrew Crary, Frederick Crary, Frederick Clark, Horace Clark, Horace Clark, H. & D Child, Jacob Child, Samuel 14 7 12 7 13 7 21 26 7 7 18 7 19 27 7 6 9 18 7 7 17 29 7 6 49 56 7 6 y:> 7 25 7 35 7 34 7 42 7 41 7 33 48 33 7 6 I 7 I 35 7 6 10 7 50 7 25 28 7 6 20 6 54 7 17 7 17 7 7 7 7 / 50 97 49 40 1 1 5 30 5 178 i 6 18 6 70 6 87 6 115 6 i s 28 5 60 5 70 5 46 5 99 5 137 5 15 5 45 5 49 5 13 6 18 6 30 6 38 6 32 6 99 D 49 5 80 6 7* 6 I 5 62 5 50 D 3 5 30 5 24 ; 150 752 379 175 275! 350! 365 1035 72 310 436 520 20 84 410 509 360 545 775 75 250 310 150 80 149 165 170 531 246 495 405 20 348 340 40 100 82 I 62 8 12 4 09 I 89 6 75 94 18 78 35 70 62 91 4 43 5 40 3 89 5 88 8 37 81 2 70 3 35 I 62 86 I 58 I 78 1 84 5 7Z 2 65 5 34 4 37 22 3 76 3 67 43 I 08 89 Si4 THE TAX PAVERS. TAXABLE INHABITANTS— C^w/Zm?/^./. Names of Taxable Inhabitants. •^ Colby, Winthrop ' 7 Colby, Giles , 7 Child, Hazen i 15 Crocker, Oscar F 15 Crawford, Franklin 23 Colby, Marvin 23 Child, Henry 23 Child, Henry 15 Conner, John 13 Conner, John 21 Carpenter, Lorenzo P 17 Carpenter, Lorenzo P 26 Colby, Ezekiel 23 Cornwell, Willis VV 17 Cornwell, Willis W 36 Collins, Thomas 17 Carney, Stephen 47 Carney, Stephen 36 Cheney, 48 Cutler, G. N 56 Cutler, Caleb 56 Colgrove, Bela H 52 Col<^rove, l-5ela H 3 Corbin, Hiram 22 Cotrel, John 22 Capwell, John G 20 Cook, Jonathan 4 Cook, Jonathan 6 Cook, Jonathan ' 43 Cook Jonathan 44 Cook, Jonathan 45 Dustin, Moses 7 Dake, John 23 Dawley, Albert 13 Dimmons, Truman 47 Davis, Manley 12 Davis, Jerome 57 c 1 nl 1 3 ' ^■■' ^ en __ QJ rt U < H 7 5 90 7 5 40 7 5 25 7 5 93 7 5 35 7 5 48 7 5 7 7 r 8 7 5 4 1 7 5 20 1 7 5 i 7 5 3 4 7 5 48 7 5 57 7 5 20 7 5 .•5 7 5 150 7 20 7 5 98 7 5 98 7 5 98 7 5 250 7 5 3 6 7 27 6 7 98 7 5 59 7 5 98 7 5 6r 7 4 97 7 4 50 7 4 130 7 5 65 7 5 41 6 7 74 7 5 60 6 7 30 7 5 49 5 285 135 75 350 140 217 58 28 16 60 80 140 217 427 100 1 10 745 100 309 304 492 1215 375 1 1 1 349 414 788 370 366 150 625 225 153 222 190 90 157 \ 3 07 I 45 81 3 78 1 51 2 35 63 30 17 63 86 1 51 2 35 4 67 I 08 I 19 8 04 I 08 3 34 3 28 5 31 13 12 4 05 I 20 3 77 4 47 8 51 4 00 3 95 1 62 6 75 2 43 1 65 2 40 2 05 97 I 70 THK TAX I'AVKRS. TAXABLE INHABITANTS— C';///;//^v/. 815 Names of Taxaiu.e Inhauitanis. Edington, James. . . . Eldridge, William . . . EldridL,^e, H olden. . . . Eldridge, H olden. . . . Ellis, Francis Ferrin. Francis Frisbee, Roswell.... Ferrin, Francis Ferrin, Francis Firman, C. C Firman, George Firman, George Fairchild, Horace. . . . Farington, S. D Farington, S. D Freeman, Amasa. . . . Fegies, John W Ganfield, Isaac Gibson, Parley Gibson, Parley Green & Candee . . . Green & Candee .... Green & Candee .... Gleason, Cyrenus. . . Goodspeed, Oliver. . Goodrich, Josiah . . . Goodspeed, Oliver. . Goodemoote, John . Goodemoote, Harr\' Goodspeed, Prince. . Gates, Labac Graves, Erastus Hickes, Chancey. . . . Hardy, Ezekiel Hardy, Perry E Hardy, Perry E Hopkins, Robert . . . =^ 3 47 55 47 29 13 22 13 13 14 22 1 1 19 6 14 37 2 59 20 21 i 17 j 18 ; 26 I is! '7 ! 20 ; 9 1 26 I 28 I 25 ' 30 30 26 42 50 49 / 6 I 6 i 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 i 7 I 7 7 7 I 7 I 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 7 6 7 6 7 7 7 7 / 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 5 5 r 5 7 7 r- 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 6 ^ 50 'S 48 49 49 74 24 47 229 80 30 38 80 84 25 147 6 25 21 78 8 , 1 17 87 49 100 96 9 50 75 30 40 59 49 106 150 154 157 '57 100 222 676 166 687 255 105 114 240 422 75 638 150 90 74 264 22c 275 200 850 263 454 340 560 303 100 365 262 155 256 181 186 730 I 62 I 66 I 70 I 70 1 08 2 40 7 30 1 79 7 41 2 75 I 13 1 23 2 59 4 56 81 6 89 1 62 97 80 2 85 2 43 2 97 2 16 9 18 2 86 4 90 3 67 6 05 3 27 1 08 3 94 2 83 1 67 2 76 1 95 2 00 7 88 8i6 THE TAX PAYERS, TAXABLE INU ABIT ANTS— Coniinued. Names of Taxable iNHAiiiTANTs. 1 o , 1 '-' o o ni c ^ C-. rt •a ^ W in > c« o OJ u O J H Di < 27 59 6o 59 56 5 1 1 Hopkins, Robert , 58 Hopkins, Dudley Hurd, Burlin Hopkins, James M Hopkins, Nehemiah Hopkins, Thomas N.. . . Hopkins, Thomas j 19 Hopkins, Thomas | 43 Hill, Laura Hall, Daniel Hall. Daniel.., -. Hall, William 6 Hall, William i 14 Holmes, Thomas 10 Hastings, Chancey 18 Hastings, Chancey ' 35 Hastings, Chancey | 35 Hastings, Chancey { 17 Hudson, William ^6 Hudson, Silas W | ^6 Hubbard, Frederick 26 Hosmer, John B 19 Hosmer, John B | 53 Hopkins, Hannah | 26 Hauver, Peter j 28 Hauver, Peter I 37 Hauver, Peter 36 Hauver, Philip > 37 Hudson, H euben | 29 Hyde, William 1 38 Hudson, Samuel 20 Hardy, Stephen 46 Johnson, Benjamin 55 Jewett, Almond V 45 Johnson, Mordecai 56 J ohnson, Richard : 56 Jones, Daniel C , 18 7 t 5 i 7 ■^ 6 6 ! 7 5 i 7 5 ! 7 5 7 5 7 5 i 7 5 7 5 i 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 r* I 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 i 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 ^ 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 / ^ 56 126 100 130 172 50 76 50 116 345 55 48 48 53 60 75 i 4 32 60 94i 59 J. 4 80 49 50 23 60 98 50 55 116 70 36 JO 5 $ 264 $ 2 85 600 6 45 613 6 46 600 6 48 676 7 30 290 3 13 475 5 13 220 2 38 464 5 07 2465 27 70 355 3 «3 290 3 13 208 2 25 463 5 00 1 105 15 72 465 5 02 340 3 67 50 54 i3« I 49 280 3 02 40 43 550 5 99 266 2 87 40 43 610 6 59 270 2 92 220 2 38 107 I 16 370 447 260 220 514 410 133 152 75 4 00 4 83 2 81 2 38 5 55 4 43 I 43 I 64 81 11 li; TAX TAVKKS. 817 TAXABLE INHABITANTS— rV/iZ/M/^iY/. Namks ok Taxahle Inhabitants. Kietsby, Martin . . . . Kietslcy, Andrew . . Kinder, Jacob Kingsly, Fanny Kin^^sley, Seth Kietli, Luke Kimball, John . . . • . Lafferty, Daniel. . . . Long, Eli Long Eli Ledoit, James Long, Joseph Long, Joseph Long, Charles Long, Reuben Long, Reuben Longmaid, William. Morse, Charles. . . . Morse, Charles Madison, Obediah.. . McCoy, John Madison, George. . . . McKeen, David . . . . Marston, James Marston, James C. . . Mar.ston, Levi Marsii, George Marsh, George, Jr. . . Nott, Ezra Nott, Ezra Needham, Daniel. . . Nichols, Clark Nichols. Clark Nichols, Caleb Nichols, Caleb Nichols, Amos Norton, Ichabod . . . 32 15 15 16 23 22 30 7 -> -» JO 25 18 48 26 44 36 26 ^6 23 48 21 61 17 50 50 49 49 10 18 18 :> 9 10 27 10 c cfl tn ^ a. 'Z J= c Ofi c «5 as >< .TJ a H 05 < H i- 7 6 49 162 I 75 7 6 40 120 I 30 7 6 48 222 2 40 7 5 48 261 2 82 7 5 170 905 9 77 7 S 50 175 I 89 7 5 73 322 3 48 7 5 39 234 2 74 7 5 1 4 '•5 I ,24 7 5 1 4 '13 I 24 6 S 86 355 3 83 7 5 29 260 2 81 7 5 119 590 6 37 7 5 50 230 2 48 7 5 60 5>o 5 51 7 5 SO 225 2 43 7 5 If 60 65 7 6 98 472 5 10 7 6 50 150 I 62 7 S 95 460 4 97 7 6 72 246 2 65 7 6 50 155 I 67 7 5 ii 4. 100 1 08 7 5 48 250 2 70 7 S 1 1 100 1 08 7 5 59 256 2 76 7 5 36 189 2 04 7 89 411 4 44 7 3 113 868 9 38 7 5 46 230 2 48 7 .S 94 709 7 62 7 5 1 12 876 9 37 7 5 96 384 4 '4 7 5 180 1255 13 55 7 S 31 164 I 77 7 5 95 640 6 91 7 6 49 188 2 03 8i8 THE TAX r.VVERS. TAXABLE INHABITANTS— Continued. Names of Taxable Inhabitants. «) o J C o o as £ Q, H c^ v . > tn so c «; ni O o Oj u O J H i:*^ < H Norton, Joseph i Olin, Mathew R Olin, Mathew R Pierce, Philemon Peckham, Audley Feasor, Adam Feasor, Adam Feasor, Peter Feasor, Christian Feasor, Christian Park, William Park, William Park, William, (personal). . . Fomeroy, Seth Plucker, Daniel Flucker, Levi Parmenter, Amos B Porter, Amasa Putnam, William Putnam. William Feavee, Israel Pond, Chauncey Pond, Chauncey Pingry, Eleanor Fingry, \\' illiam Pingry, Aquilla Parker, L. W. & S. Barton. Putnam, Williard Runion, Drucilla Russell, Mr Rogers, Elias Rouse, Simeon Rice, Joseph Rice, Joseph Rice, Elihu Rice, Elihu Russell, William lO 7 6 34 7 5 33 7 5 5 7 6 S 7 6 i 24 7 6 i6 7 6 24 7 6 i 24 7 6 24 7 5 15 7 6 14 7 6 13 7 5 15 7 5 15 7 5 15 7 5 15 7 5 i8 7 5 i6 7 5 25 7 5 SI 6 6 9 7 6 57 7 5 5« 7 5 49 7 5 I? 7 6 41 7 5 48 6 5 40 7 5 13 7 5 10 7 5 2 7 5 9 / 5 2 7 5 42 7 4 54 7 6 99 126 32 98 50 32 74 32 32 62 99 99 45 42 44 52 15 60 50 1 4 69 70 138 78 48 50 59 i 180 ! 100 98 4 200 67 295 20 150 S 416 7998 185 259 150 II I 222 1 1 1 1 1 1 186 566 332 100 2;2 126 132 176 95 485 350 60 386 245 523 538 242 200 i75 900 300 628 120 1620 400 1920 100 7CO iS 4 49 j 8 62 '• I 99 2 88 I 62 1 20 2 40 I 20 1 20 2 00 6 II 3 58 1 08 2 72 1 36 I 42 I 90 1 02 5 23 3 78 65 4 16 2 64 5 65 5 81 2 61 2 16 I 89 9 72 3 24 6 78 I 30 17 50 4 32 20 04 I 08 7 56 THK TAX I'AVKKS. TAXABLE INHABITANTS -Contitnud. 819 Names of Taxaulk Iniiabhants. Reed, Lewis . Reed, Daniel Randal, James Rider, Reuben Rider, Horace Rider. Horace Rider, Horace Richmond, Frederick Richmond, George.. . Richmond, George.. . Richmond, George.. . Reed, William 20 20 20 12 58 42 25 18 29 30 27 64 Rogers, Philena 33 Rogers, Alanson 5° Rogers, Alanson 49 Reynolds, Ira ^7 Randal. Jesse 33 Randal, Lewis 40 Rosier, Alonzo 5^ Rosier, Charles 57 Sears, Charles 25 Smith, Isaac 33 Smith, Richard 33 Snyder, George 4^ Snyder, George 42 Snyder, Peter 5^ Starks, Abraham '8 Simons, Roderick | 53 Simons, Orson D | 3 Simons, Jonathan 1 H Simons, Jonathan 23 Scott. John 1 15 Streeter, Elias 23 Simons, Nathaniel i 20 Simons, Nathaniel j 53 Shedd, Daniel ? j 9^ Strong, Henry ' '7 o H 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 / 7 7 c _^ a — ' « r-- in 4J "rt es U Oi < ^ 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 5 6 5 5 6 5 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3/ v? 25 i 25 ; 30 I 99 I 244 232 I 5 123 I 53 58 i 50 i 50 98 29 I 96 j 64 21 70 70 149 39 28 55 34 ! 59 148 50 49 50 2^ 50 3 38 50. 21; 1 1 1 75 70 90 660 1 140 1542 150 695 610 335 240 150 442 101 484 383 200 265 255 lOCO 3 CO 175 235 220 177 742 2 CO 369 175 40 / ^ 150 250 2CO 50 1600 I 20 Si 76 97 13 I '> 1\ 1- 0' 16 65 I 62 7 50 6 59 3 61 2 59 I 62 4 77 I 09 r Ty :> -- 4 13 2 16 2 86 2 75 10 80 3 24 I 89 2 53 2 38 I 91 8 01 2 16 3 99 ) 89 43 I 89 I 62 2 70 2 16 1 '/ 54 17 28 820 THE TAX PAVERS. TAXABLE I NHABITANTS— C^«//«w^^. Names of Taxable Inhabitants. Strong, Henry Strong, Henry Shedd, Andrew W Shedd, Benjamin Stickney, David Speas, Henry Spencer, Asaph Spencer, Asaph Stafford, Stuckley Scott, Ed\yard Scott, Edward Shepherd, Richard Shepherd, Samuel Stone, FrankHn Smith, Wilham P Smith, William P Sibley, Anson D Thompson, Josiah Thomas, William Thomas, William Tillinghast, Gideon W. . . . Thompson, Andrew Tillinghast, B. W Thurber, Allen Thurber, Seymour Thomas, Joseph Thomas, James Vandusen, John Vandusen, John Wilson, Benjamin. Jr W'ilson, Benjamin, Jr Wilson, Benjamin, Jr Wilson, Benjamin Jr Wilson, Benjamin, Jr., per sonalty Wilson, Benjamin, Jr lo 35 38 39 29 24 20 24 53 62 59 51 55 19 27 H 52 60 51 47 14 26 32 17 15 8 4 12 1 1 1 1 C ctf D rt > bO e farm where he first bought, and it still remains in the hands of his descendants. The favorite book of his wife was the Bible. Her greatest earthly interest was her children, and those she knew to be needy were never turned empty away. Mr. Rice was identified with several societies, notably the temperance society, joining the first one organised in his vicinity and remaining faithful to his pledge through life. He was also a pioneer in the anti- slavery movement, and long before the Rebellion, predicted that the slave-holders, by their aggressions, would bring on a war which would end in the overthrow of slavery. rice's corners. Giles Briggs started a tavern on the north side of the road, near the southwest corner of lot three. He was one of those jolly, genial men, fond of sport and good horses. The tavern was built of logs, and had two rooms below, a stone chimney in the middle, with a wide, open fire-place for each room, and a pantry or bar on one side of the chimney. In 18 14, Giles Briggs gave place to David Calkins, who was afterward the trusty miller in Bump's mill, afterward known as Hurd\'ille, near Arcade station. He was for several years Justice of the Peace in the Town of China. About the year 18 1 8, Samuel Hawkins and his father came into possession, with a small lot of goods, and engaged Capt. Andrew Crocker to put up the upright of the building for a store and tavern. It is now the farm-house of the Nichols estate. They did not complete the building. In 1820, Mr. Hawkins and wife deeded the farm to Reuben Nichols, late of Rhode Island, and in 1821 Nichols gave his son Clark 119 acres. After the transfer to Nichols, Deacon Stukely Hudson took possession of the tavern until he moved to his farm, opposite Andrew Shedd. About 1821 or 1822, he put up a cooper shop nK^C.KArilUAl. SKETCHES. 837 and for several )-cars did ciuitc a business in supplying ashcries with potash barrels. After the Deacon left, the lo--house was never a-am used as '' Reuben Nichols was a widower; his son Clark was single. Geonxe Brown and family occupied the house a short tinne with them" and then moved on to a place about a mile south of Protection. David Stickney, a man of varied abilities, being a pettifo-crer, horse-dealer and musician; moved in with his wife •md tw^daughters. Mrs. Stickney kept the house untd Clark Nichols married Miss Howell, in 1826. A frame house was erected about this time and the old log-house, after being a tarrying-place for transient families for a time, entirely disap- peared. . • n D Reuben Nichols received a pension for services m the Revo- lution He enjoved relating amusing anecdotes and had a remarkable memory of events. He and his son Clark, by industry and economy, increased their landed possessions to about four hundred acres, most of which is still m the pos- session of their descendants. Clark Nichols was an intelligent and energetic farmer, with exact business habits. He died at about eighty years of age. Amon- the events that deserve notice at the log-tavern, was the birth'of Wray Briggs, in 1811, the f^rst white child born in the Town of Sardinia. There also was the birth-place of Hannah Calkins, a very estimable ladv, now the wife of Dr. Henry Shepard, of Iowa. There too, Rebecca and Mary Brown, girls then in their teens 'boast of taking as much comfort as if they had lived in a palace, in dressing up and walking out with and taking care of Uvo very small children that belonged over the way. There General Nott, when Justice of the Peace, united Jehial Backus and Nancy Stickney in marriage, and there the children of the neighborhood enjoyed themselves turning the quill-wheel and win'ding the bobbins for Susan Colby and Mrs. How, a couple of weavers on hand-looms. THE LOG SCHOOL-HOUSE. In the Spring of 1818, "Uncle Daniel Hall," the man that whipped to death with beech sticks the wolf he had caught in a 838 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. trap, started out one morning with axe and square and other tools, to put up a school-house. He was joined by enough of the neighbors to cut the logs and put up the body of a log- house, about twenty-four by t\vent\'-six feet, the same day. The site selected was about one hundred and eight rods north of Rice's corners and near the north-west corner of the Nichols' farm and just south of the second pond-hole north of the cor- ners. The door and entry were on the south side, near the east end. A large stone chimney was next, fronting west, and in the north-east corner was a closet for the children's dinners, hats and over-clothes. The other sides had each a small win- dow and a shelf for writing and holding books and slates, and for scholars to lean against, and a stout hemlock slab on legs served for seats. Three smaller slabs near the center of the room nearly completed the outfit. On one of the lower benches were cut drawings for three- men-Morris, fox and geese, checkers, &c. Of course these games afforded amusement and disciplined the mind to con- centration of thought ; but the fact is undeniable that the children that took most interest in games took the least interest in books. Under the floor was a hole three or four feet square where unruly children were sometimes dropped by taking up a short board. The terrors of darkness, or internal spunk some times made it a difficult matter to keep the child's head below the floor. It once required the weight of the teacher and two of the largest girls to keep a girl, ElviraCook, from putting her head through the floor. That was an episode that relieved the school-room of monotony while it lasted. That girl afterwards made the trip across the continent without the aid of railroads and made crack-shots with a revolver. She became the wife of Capt. U. P. Munro. The old school-house was sometimes used as a temporary res- idence by families seeking homes; some one of whom doubt- less, dug the hole under the floor, in which to store vegetables. A levy was made upon the pond for amusement both in Sum- mer and Winter. To wade in the water and climb the trees, some of which still remain, to hunt for bird's nests, to stone frogs, and catch blood-suckers and let them suck the blood from the foot until they became bloated and sluggish, were r.IOGRArillCAL SKETCHES. 839 some of the sports of the Summer. Sliding- on the ,ce n w" ter was a favorite pastime, though not a boy n. schoo had 'air of skates. The nearest appr<,ach to them was a hand- slid One-old-cat. two-old-eat, base-ball, with stumps for bases were favorite sports. Sometimes when the teacher was absen for dinner (the teacher boarded around,, the benches would be pJt out of the way, and some ,.rl with a good yo>ce would s.ng 1- Monnie Musk," "Molly put the Kettle on 'Lake Ene or " The Girl I Left Behind Me," the sets would form and shake out reels, jigs and French fours, with enthusiastic if not with graceful mcn-ements. Anna Hall or her sister Sally, Caroline and Tane Eaton furnished the music. In the Summer season, the Indians from near Buffalo, m their travels to Canadea, Allegany county, would pass the school house in squads of from two or three to forty Of course they were a terror to the children, and the female teach- ers always seemed to breathe easier after they had passed Our school book, " The American Preceptor," gave account of Indian atrocity and the prowess of Mrs. Dustan in braining her captors when they were asleep, and of the man who, when attacked by the Indians, fought them from his house, while his family sought shelter elsewhere, and when they came too close mounted his horse with the intention of taking one of his children and escaping, but could make no choice so stayed with them and defended them. all. The Indians seldom carried anything except a rifle and tomahawk. The squaws often carried a large pack on their backs, or a papoose lashed o a board with all but the little fellow's head and neck covered by the blanket. This gave the little follow the appearance o standing up in his mother's blanket, with a good view of all that passed. Every stout, burly, copper-faced old fellow was believed by the children to be the old Chief, Shongo. He and his band used to make a halt near the site of the Cherry 1 avern, both before and after it was built. One of the teachers once told us " There goes the old white woman." She was .not as stout-built as the squaws, but carried a pack. Her face^ was well-bronzed, but had none of the Indian features. This was the cause of the teacher's recognizing her. After school the scholars had the satisfaction of learning that the teacher was 840 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. right, as the band stopped at the Cherry Tavern, and it was reported as an important event that the " old white woman " was along. The old school house was used for prayer and conference meetings, and some of the best ministerial talent of that time was reverently listened to there b)- crowded congregations. Among the preachers were Elder Harmon, of Aurora, Elder Carr, of Boston, Elder Baker, Elder Andrus. Elder Pratt, Elder Metcalf, Eliab Going and Deacon Colb)', of the Baptist church, and Priest, Ingals and L}-man of the Presbyterian church. Methodist prayer and conference meetings were held there at an early day. Old Father Mann, the shouter, with his staff, would make it a ^\•ide-awake time ; nor would P'ather Benoni Hudson, Alba Briggs or Stephen W'aite allow a meeting to grow dull. They were men of irreproachable character, and exerted a salutary influence. Miss Betsy Doane is said to have taught the first school in the log school house. Miss Eunice Shedd, now Mrs. Hubbard of Arcade, taught several terms. She was a seamstress and was a very useful member of society. Miss Miranda Powell, now Mrs. Charles Sears, taught during one summer ; also Miss Charlotte Nott, sister of Gen. Ezra Nott, and Widow Case, a member of the Humphrey family of Humphrey Hollow, in the Town of Sheldon, and Miss Lucy Bigelow, now Widow Carney. She was the last female that taught in the log house. Elihu Rice was the first male teacher and taught two Winter terms. The next teacher was Pardon Jewell, of Franklinville, then Isaac Humphrey, afterward Associate Judge of Erie county. Andrew Shedd taught two Winters, Dr. Shedd one Winter, then Dr. Berymin Osgood, afterward Judge of Probate in St. Joseph county, Michigan. John Lancton followed. He had formerly attended the school several terms as pupil. He afterward became Elder Lancton of the Methodist Episcopal church. Lot eleven was taken up by one of the Warrens, Henry Godfrey, who married a daughter of Col. Jabez W'arren, built a log house near the south- .vest corner of the lot, just west of the burying-ground, and north of the tansy bed in the road. By the way, it may be safely said that every tansy bed marks the place of a pioneer's cabin. Tans\' bitters was the early lilOCRAl'lIirAL SKKTCIIKS. H^ settler's panacea, but the temperance reform drove from the cabin the essential ingredient, and "patent medicine" f^ndmg it vacant has taken possession to stay. It was in the log house put up by Cxodfrc)- that Major Rice and (iiles Hriggs spent their first night on their arrival in town in 1810. In 181 1, Jacob Wilson, who was familiarly known as Uncle Jacob, bought the claim on lot eleven and built the inevitable log hut of Uiat dav by the road near the pine tree that now stands in front of John Weatherlow's house. The log house gave way to the red frame house about 1823. Mr. VVilson possessed those characteristics so essential to a successful farmer. He died on his farm in 1832 To show the scarcity of money in those days, I will relate an incident. Mr. Wilson one year raised four hundred bushels of grain of various kinds, for which he received but thirty cents in money, and that was from a traveler who stopped, took dinner, fed hi's horse, and paid thirty cents for a bag of oats to take with him. (3ne of the first enterprises undertaken on " Hardpan or West hill, was to bargain with Uncle Jacob for the forward wheels of a wagon, to be converted into the rolling stock of a cart, which afterwards became famous as the nine partner cart. Flint Keith, Sewell Butler, John Butler, Allan Stevens, Samuel Shepard, Jonathan Thomas, Joseph Thomas, Thomas Ward and David Conklin agreed to cut the timber on an acre of land ready for logging for the wheels, which they did, and returned home five miles the same day. When one of the stockholders had used the cart, he left it in the road for any other one to hitch to. In the year 1824, Mr. Wilson executed a deed to the mhabi- tants of the Town of Sardinia of two acres of land as a com- mon place to inter the dead, which is the present burying- ground. Lewis Wilson sold the farm to Samuel Weatherlow in 1834, and it has since been known as the Weatherlow farm. Lewis Wilson also sold to Weatherlow fifty acres of the north part of lot three, which is now in the possession of his daughter, the widow Simons. It was about 1824, that Leacon John Colby shot the two ^42 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. year-old bear that John Houvee, who worked for Wilson, chased from the ground now occupied by Newton's hop yard, up a tree north of Newton's house. John had never seen a bear, and made considerable sport by telling the Deacon he had run a wolf up a tree. It took three balls from the Deacon's rifle to induce his bearship to leave the tree. A portion of the meat was given to the neighbors. It was sweet and acceptable, but what was smoked in the Deacon's log house stone chimney was delicious. Francis Eaton came in possession of the east 1 13 acres of lot ten in 181 1. Eaton was stalwart in form and had great muscu- lar power, and was very energetic. He was a carpenter and put up many of the farm houses and barns that were built in the east part of the town previous to 1824. He took pride in hav- ing every part of the frame work an exact fit, and the hand that did not work to the line would hear the gruff voice of the "General" (a nick-name) without delay. Ponderous rocks at the corners and points of greatest pressure, formed the under- pining. Walls for underpining were hardly thought of in those days, but timbers ten b}^ twelve, or twelve by twelve, or twelve by fourteen, were not unusual, as the fram.es still stand- ing attest. The sills were usually put in place in the forenoon or the day before the raising. Men were invited for miles around, for the heavy timbers used required a corresponding amount of bone and muscle, and all responded to the call, for each in turn might require help. When the timbers for the bents were put in place, the " General " called for the pikes to be put in place ; next for two sturdy, careful hands, with iron bars or levers, to hold the foot of the posts. " Now men to your places." Hold! Hold I some called out, bring carding works and tub factory ; A. J. Adams, carriage factoiy ; George Strong, carriage factory ; S. R. Smith &Co., six cheese factories; Julian Simons, cheese factory ; B. Ferrington, can- ning factory at Protection ; N. Bolander, grist mill ; Charles Spencer, steam saw-miil ; Bement, steam saw-mill ; John Goodemote, saw-milk BLACKSMITHS. A. J. McArthur, Henry Stokes, W. Robinson, James Mulvey,. at Chaffee, Fitzpatrick Brothers, Prattham. SALOONS. Hopkins & Holmes, billiard saloon ; E. Goodrich, saloon. In reviewing the old town book of Sardinia of an earh' date, we find a few records that may be of interest to the present generation. In 1822, the town voted to pay a bounty of $5 on ever)- full-grown wolf and one dollar and fifty cents on every whelp caught and killed within the bounds of the town ; and it was then resolved that yoked hogs should be free com- moners, and the same year it was voted to pay Giles Briggs for RECOLLECTIONS OF SARDINIA. 849 four gallons of whisky, for the use of said town. Now this paragraph needs explanations for we would not have the reader suppose that the Town of Sardinia was addicted to its cups in its youth. It was the custom when a new road was to be opened to make a " road bee," and invite them far and near, and the whisky was handed around as a tonic to the road build- ers. In 1828, the bounty on wolves was raised to $10 for every full-grown wolf caught and killed within the bounds of said town, provided the wolf killed " was brought bodily, hide and hair, before the Supervisor of said town." For the first few years after the town Avas organized the town meetings were held at the house of Giles Briggs. Said house was located on the Welcome Andrews place, just west of Col- grov^e's Corners. In 1828, it was voted that the next annual town meeting should be held at the house of Chancy Hast- ings. In 1839 ^'""^^ 1840, the place of holding said meetings was changed to the house of Joseph Rice. In 1841 and 1842 it was again changed to the house of Norman Bond on the middle road. Then in 1843 to the house of Erastus Wright ; 1844, ^t the house of Rufus Wilkes; 1845, at the old Sardinia Valley House, on the creek kept by Pearly Crosby. Since that time, or for nearly fort}' years, the place of holding the town meetine has been at Sardinia village. Tlie Aiulrews Family. EIOGRArillCAL SKETCIIKS. 85 I CHAPTER XXII. FAMILY HISTORIES OF THE TOWN OF SARDINIA. Josiah AiidrcAVS. Josiah .'Vndrcws was boni in Coventry, R. I., July (S, 1 7. Baker. Joshua D. Baker served as a soldier in the One Hundred and Sixteenth regiment three years during the late Rebellion. He was in several battles and was a Sergeant when he came home. He went to Texas and then to Arizona. He returned in the Winter of i 1879. Halsey S., born in Sardinia, Nov. 12, 1862, lives with his father. Mr. Johnson is a farmer and owns and occupies a very con- venient and desirable farm of two hundred and seventeen acres near Sardinia village. Keubcii Long-. Reuben Long was born in Coventry, Conn., March 29, 1764. In the Spring of 1816 he and his son Silas came to Sardinia and bought one hundred acres of land of Mr. Persons of (jcn- eseo, at six dollars per acre. In the following September, Mr. Long having previousl}^ returned to Connecticut, the family came on. Their mode of conveyance consisting of two yoke of oxen with a horse hitched ahead and tw one-horse wagons. They came via Albany, Cayuga Lake and Geneseo to Sardinia- where Mr. Long li\ed until his death, .April 27, 1:46. His wife. mocRArmcAL skktciies. 869 Ksthcr Hini;haiii. was born April 12, 1776, and died Jan. 26, 1851. Mr. Lontj's father's name was Lemuel Lon<^ ; his m(,)ther's maiden name was Martha Brewster. Two of Reuben Long's brothers. Rufus and Josej)h, were killed in the Revolutionary war. Famih' Record: Silas, born March 3, 1796, in Connecticut; went west in 1817; his friends do not know \\hether he is alive or not. Eli, born h'eb. 4, 1798. unmarried, died Dec. 8, 1856, in Sardinia. Patty, born No\'. 23, 1799; married Joseph McClure in 1823. who died Sept. 1873 ; she died recently in Sardinia. ICrastus, born Oct. 17, 1802; married Hannaii Putnam; he died April 10, 1809, '" Michigan. Esther, born May 2, 1805; married Luke Smith; died Sept. 10, 1876, at Arcade. Joseph, born May 26, 1807 ; married Angeline Jewett and li\'es in Sardinia. Nancy, born Dec. 9, 1809; married Lu- zerne Hunt and lives In Sardinia. Melinda, born Oct. 28, 181 1, unmarried; died April 19, 1865. Lemuel, born Oct,. 29, 1813 ; married Jane Shumaker ; lives in Iowa. Charles, born Oct. 9, 1816; li\-es in Sardinia. Charles Loiii»'. Mr. Long was born Oct. 9, 18 16, in Sardinia, where he has always resided. He was married in 1846 to Cordelia West, who was born March 22, 1818, in Tompkins count}', N. Y. Mr. Long's occupation is that of farmer. He owned the Sardinia grist-mill from 1858 to about 1869, when he sold it to Nicholas Bolander. He also owned the saw-mill north of the village at one time. They have five children : Ada Eliza, born in 1846; married Judson Carney: resides in Sardinia. Edgar, born in 1848; married Mar\- Winston ; resides at North Branch, Minn., where he went about 1868. He taught school at first and sub- sequently engaged in trade: he is now largely engaged in lum- bering and is an extensive owner of timbered land. Ida, born in 1852; married Albert Hawkins; resides in Sardinia. Eu- gene, born 1857; resides in Minnesota. Frank, born in 1861 ; lives at home. Joseph Lona. Joseph Long was born in 1807, in Coventry, Conn., and came to Sardinia with his father's family in 1816; his occupation is 8/0 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. that of a farmer, He married Mary A. Jewett, who was born March, 1820. in Cayuga county. N. Y. They had a family of nine children : Reuben E., born Dec. 20, 1840 ; married about 1861 to Eliza Truesdale. Melissa, born March 15, 1842, Levi O., born Sept. 17, 1844; married Nov. 14, 1872 to Libbie Golden. Josephine W., born March 15, 1846; married Nov. 27, 1873 to Clark Ferrin. Georgiana E., born June 21, 1850; married Jan. i, 1872 to Clark Ferrin ; died Sept. 10, 1872. Silas A., born April I/' 1853 ; married April 15, 1875 to Emma Lake. Lemuel A., born March 12, 1855; married Jan. 21, 1876 to Julia Robbins. Luella, born April 22, 1862; married Dec. 24, 1879 ^o Nelson Ferrin. Maryette, born July 12. 1853; died Aug. 12, 1869. Charles D. Madison. Mr. Madison's grandfather's name was Eason Madison. His father, Obediah Madison, was born May 29, 1790 ; was married July 7, 1816 to Martha Hull, who was born May 28, 1789, and died July 22, 1873. He died Sept. i, 1857. They had three children : Charles D , born Dec. 20, 1820; married Aug. 29, 1845 to Diana Briggs, who was born Oct. 23, 1826. Louisa, born Dec. 23, 1822; married Wilber Tillinghast. Irene S., born July 2, 1830; married E. H, Stickney. Mr. Madison says: " My father came to Sardinia with his family in the Winter of 18 18 and '19, from Benington, Vt.,with oxen and sled, located on the south part of lot forty-eight on one hundred acres where he lived until his death. The plage called Madison's corners was named after him." Li speaking of wild animals at an early day he says : " Sexton Bigelow was over at John VVeller's, sitting in the door, and as he looked over to the north, on the rise of land, he saw some kind of ani- mal and asked "whose black hogs those were?" Weller looked and saw three bears, and started in pursuit with his dog but no gun. The dog attacked the bears and the old she bear turning upon Weller he escaped by catching hold of the limbs of a friendly tree and swinging himself up out of her reach. The bears then went away, but the neighbors rallied in pursuit and shot all three. BIOCRAPIIICAL SKKTCHES. 87 I Oil anotlicr ()ccasit)n I remember m)' sister and I were out wliere mother was milkini^; the wolves commenced howHng near by, and we were sent to the house for safety." Charles D. Madison has had four children : Martha Jane, married Austin Stickney, of Holland. Edt^ar, married Eldith Wells. Ida, died yount;". Clara, married M. Frank Cottrell. Aldeii J. McArtlmr. Mr. McArthur was a son of John McArthur, a prominent business man of Buffalo, where he died in 1828. He was born June 4, 1824, in Holland, N. Y. At the death of his father he went to live with his uncle, Moses McArthur, a prominent citi- zen of Holland, who for thirty-si.K years in succession (one year excepted) held the ofifice of Supervisor in Holland and . Wales. At fourteen years of age Mr. McArthur came to Sardinia and became an apprentice of Zacheus W. Fuller, at the axe- makers' and blacksmiths' trade. Since 1844 he has carried on the blacksmith business at the " Upper Corners," Sardinia. Mr. McArthur has been Deputy Sheriff two terms, one under Sheriff Dorsey and one under Sheriff Cleveland. He was married in 1847 to Florilla Risley, of Fredonia. They have one daughter : Ellen, who married James Cook, of Sardinia, in 1872. Curtis Newton. Mr. Newton's father, Ethan Newton, was born Oct 4, 1779, in Stonington, R. I. He was a soldier of the war of 18 12, and took part in the battle of Sackett's Harbor. His father, Isaac Newton, was a soldier of the Revolution. His occupation was that of millwright, carpenter and joiner. He was twice mar- ried ; first in 1802 to Hannah Ellis, who died in Jefferson county, N. Y., about 1818 ; second time to Thirza Wood, in 1824, who died May 26, 1859, aged sixty years. Mr. Newton had seven children by his first wife and six b}- his second : FAMILY RECORD. John, died when seven years old. Oris, at about the same 8/2 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. age in 1843. Orlando, came to Sardinia about 1832; after- wards he moved to Michigan where he died in 1843. Susana, married Jonathan B. Thomas in 1827 and died in Michigan in 1876. Elhs, was born in Jefferson county, N. Y., and married Catherine Gates, who died in 1877; Mr. Newton is still living at Sardinia, N. Y. P. C, who was a married man and born in 1 8 16. Henry, born in 1818 ; married Mary Hudson ; he died soon after being discharged from the United States service in 1862. Curtis, born in 1825 ; married in 1856 to Lucretia Ab- bott, of Concord. Hannah, born April 2, 1827. Lucy, born in 1829; married in 1855 to Sanford Thomas ; sh-^i is a widow now and resides in Michigan. George, born in 1832 ; died in 1844. Elvira, born in 1836; married in 1857 to Hanford West, . who resides in Sard-nia. Cornelia, born in 1838 ; lives in Sar- dinia. Curtis Newton was born in Jefferson county, N. Y., and came to the town of Sardinia in 1849. ^Y occupation he is a farmer. For a time he was the proprietor of the Newton cheese factory. He had six children, viz.: George, born Oct. 7, 1856; died June 12, 1858 ; Charles, born Aug. 5, 1858; died in 1866. Guy, born Sept. 5, 1862; John, born Aug. 18, 1864. Lillie, born May 12, 1869; Charles, born March 13, 1871. Caleb Nichols. Caleb Nichols was born about 1783 in Coventry, R. I.; came to Sardinia in 181 5 ; died March 27, 1870; his wife's name was Sophia Collins; was born Dec. 8, 1799, i" Cayuga county, N. Y.; she died June i, 1856. His father's name was Reuben Nichols; came from Rhode Island; died July 20, 1840. His mother died in Rhode Island. fWMIEV RECORD. Dates of births of some of the family are wanting. Stephen, married Harriet Irish ; lives at Arcade. Hannah, lives in Sardinia. William, lives in Sardinia. Mary, married Abram Smith; died Dec. 19, 1866. Caleb, married Eunice Smith; not living. Sarah, married William Long; died in 1875. James, died in 1874. Nancy, married Delias Giles and HKx; RAPiiicAi. sKirrciiKS. 783 died in 1880. Arvilla, barn Sjpt. 5, 1S35 ; died May 12, 1870 ; John, born Scj^t. 5, 1837. Harrison, born in October, 1840; married Hattie Rudd. Harriet, born Au^. i, 1842; married Monroe Withereil, of Arcade; died in 1872. eJolin Nichols. Mr. Nichols was born in Sardinia Sept. 5, 1837, where he now resides; he is a farmer; was married Feb. 28, 1858, to Helen Kimball, who was born in Holland, N. Y., April 7, 1838. They have two children: Fred and Kate. Mr. Nichols' maternal grandfather was a soldier of the Revo- lution, and he had four cousins in the Union arm\' during the Rebellion, one of whom, B)'ron, froze to death, Dec. 31, 1864, while on picket duty; another, Horace, died the next day af- ter his return from the army, and another. Se}'mour, was killed at Fort Donaldson. John Ostrander. John Ostrander was one of a family of thirteen children, nine boys and four girls. He was born in 18 16 in Montgomery county, N. Y., from which place he came to Sardinia in 185 i. His father, Solomon Ostrander. came to East Concord about the same time. Mr. Ostrander is a farmer; he was married first to Rachael (jraft in 1852, and a second time in 1870 to Kate Odell, by whom he has three daughters: Rachael, Maggie and Emilie. Mr. Ostrander died in the Spring of 1883, since the above was written. William Park. William Park was born in 1791, in Genevva, Seneca county, N. Y.; came to Boston in 1808, and to Sardinia in 1836; was a farmer; was married in 181 7 to Rachel Strong, who was born in Northampton, Mass., in 1793 ; moved to Plattsburg about 1810 ; came to Bcston from Steuben county; he died Aug. 28, 1878 ; his wife lives in Sardinia ; his father's name was Squire Park; his mother's maiden name was Lucy Strong. William Park was in the war of 181 2, and his widow draws a 8/4 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. pension. Mrs. Park's father, Nathan Strong, was a soldier all through the Revolutionary war. Amy Lee was the wife of Nathan Strong. FAMILY RECORD. Celestia A., born Jul}' 17, 1 81 8; married Roswell Frisbee ; died in Pennsylvania in 1870. Nathan A., born July 4, 1820; mar- ried Ruth Frisbee, who died, and he married Catherine Peck- ham ; he lives in Wisconsin. Lucy Ann, born Sept. 4, 1822; married Anson Sibley; she died in April, 1874. Amy S., born Feb. 16, 1825 ; married Norman H. Hubbard; lives in Steuben county. Belinda, born May 13, 1827; married James Dawley, who died in 1858, and she was married to George Payne, who died in 1878. Laura M., born Oct. 19, 1829; married Addison Wheelock ; lives in Sardinia. James C, born May 22, 1832; married to Ann Reed, who died in 1863, and he married Lottie Perigo ; he lives in Wisconsin. William, born Ma}' 28, 1838; married Adelaide Green ; is a dentist and lives in Fredonia, N. Y. Beliurta P. Payne. Mrs. Belinda P. Payne, daughter of William and Rachel Park, was born May 13, 1827, in Boston, Erie county, N. Y.; came to Sardinia in 1836; was first married to James Dawle}', in 1 85 I, who died in 1858. Ir\-ing, their only child, born May 13, 1852, and was married to Ellen Wood Feb. 2, 1871, in Sardinia, where they now reside. They have one child : Burt L., born Oct. 18, 1873. Mrs. Dawley was married a second time, Aug. 16, 1866, to George Payne, who died in Canada in 1878. Mrs. Pa}'ne is now living in Sardinia. John Pre.ster. John Prester, son of Conrad and Elizabeth Prester, is a native of Germany, and was born June 15, 1822. In the Sum- mer of 1847, he came to America and resided in Buffalo for three years, after which he lived for a short time in the Towns of West Seneca and Aurora, after which he came to Sardinia at which place he now resides. HloiiRArillCAI. SKKITIIES. 8/5 In 1847, li^ married Elizabeth Peapart, a native of Germany, and who died June 10, 1873. He has a family of four children, nanieh- : Henr\', born Jan. 7, 1849, '^'''<^^ resides in Sardinia. William, born Feb. 21, 1851 ; George, born Sept. 19, 1855 ; I-ouis. born March 13, 1862, and two daughters, who died young. Klihii Kice. Elihu Rice, jDrominently connected with the history, growth and prosperity of Sardinia, was born in Coventry, R. I., Feb. 27, 1785, and came to Sardinia when twent}'-five years of age, and took the whole of lot two (500 acres). He subsequently sold a part of this to his brother Joseph. He was married Dec. 5, 1 8 16, at Canandaigua, N. Y., to Miss Elizabeth B. Nott. His father, Joseph Rice, was a soldier of the Revolution, and Elihu, the subject of this sketch, took an active part in the war of 181 2 and 181 5. At one time he was in command of Fort Schlosser on the Niagara frontier. FAMILY RECORD. Cyrus, born Nov. 24, 18 17, resides in Sardinia; Edwin, born Feb. 2, 1820, and lives in Sardinia; Mary, born July i, 1822 ; married Harlow Boyd, is a widow and lives in Rushford ; Delos, born April 22, 1825, married Francina McClure and lives in Sardinia; Alfred, born May 3, 1829, lives on the old homestead; Martha, born July 21, 1829; married George \V. Orr ; she died Feb. 24, 1881 ; Charlotte, born Sept. 30, 1831 ; died Aug. 17, 1836; Malinda, born Feb. 13, 1838 ; married J. B. Gordon and li\'es in Rushford. COPY OF MILFIWRY COMMISSION GRANTED TO ELIHU RICE BY DE WITT CLINTON. The people of the State of New York, by the grace of God free and independent : To all to zvhoni all these presents shall conie, greeting : Kno\Y ye, That we liave nominated, constituted and appointed, and b}- these presents do nominate, constitute and appoint Elihu Rice, Brigade Major and Inspector of the Fifty- fourth Brigade of Infantrx' of our state. Hereby giYing and granting unto him all and singular, the powers and authorities 876 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. to the said office by law belonging or appertaining. To have and to hold the said office, together with the fees, profits and advantages to the same belonging, for and during the term limited by the Constitution and Laws of our said state. In testimony whereof, We have caused these, our letters to be made patent, and the great seal of our said state to be hereunto affixed. Witness, De Witt Clinton, Esq., Governor, General and Commander-in-Chief of [l. S.] all the Militia, and Admiral of the Navy of our said state (with the consent of our Senate), at our city of Albany, the third day of February, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and twenty- seven, and in the fifty-first year of our Independence. De Witt Clinton. Passed the Secretary's office the 9th day of February, 1827. Archibald Campbell, Department Secretary. Erie County, ss : I hereby certify that on the 20th day of /\pril, 1827, the within-named Elihu Rice personally appeared before me and took and subscribed the oath required by law to qualify him to discharge the duties of the office to which he is within com- missioned. Frederick Richmond, Brig. Gen. Forty-seventh Brig. Inf., N. Y. S. Militia. Horace Rider. Horace Rider was born May i, 1789, and came to the Town of Sardinia in 181 1, and located one hundred and forty acres of land on west part of lot fifty-seven, township seven, range five. He afterwards located on lot twenty-five, near Sardinia village. He cleared up a large farm and furnished it with good, substantial buildings. In 1840 he erected a fine brick residence, that even to-day, stands second to none in town as a farm building. He also built and conducted a saw-mill for a term of years, besides overseeing the multifold duties of a large farm. A man of rare business tact, energ}' and perseverance. He also participated in the struggles of the war of 181 2 and 1815, on the Niagara frontier. On Feb. 19, 1815 he was united in marriage to Miss Catharine Wilkes, who was the mother of a family of nine children, viz : HIOGKAl'llICAL SKK'ICIIKS. .S// Nancy, born Aug. 27, 1816 ; married Nelson Nourse and died in 1866; he died in 1879. William, born Sept. 11, 1818; mar- ried Clotira Tildeii ; li\es in \'orkshire. Amanda, born Jan. 22, 1820; married Jonathan Calkins; died in Maryland. Aba- gail, born June 2, 1822; married James Hopkins; lives on the old homestead. Almira, born June 2, 1824; married (ist) Suel Pingrey, (2d), George Burlingame ; lives in Little Valley. Oretta, born April 30, 1826; married James Fitch; lives in Yorkshire Center. James, born June 3, 1828; married Alary Long; lives in Bradford, Pa. Julia, born June 8, 1830; married Thaddeus Cutting; died June 9, 1854. Electa, born March 8, 1832; mar- ried George Andrews, proprietor of Sardinia Hotel. Hortense, born Jan. 8, 1836; married Joel House; lives in Yorkshire. Mr. Rider died Jan. 5. 1850 and Mrs. Rider July I, 1870. Reuben Rider. Was born in Dutchess county, N. Y., April 25, 1792. In 1812, with a capital consisting of five dollars and an axe, he set out on foot for the Holland Purchase and located on lot fifty-eight in the Town of Sardinia. Upon this lot he spent the energies of his life clearing up a farm and making a pleasant home. Jn 1819 he was united in marriage to Miss Jemima Pingrey who is still li\"ing. The}' liad nine children, viz: Jerome B., Mahala, Clarissa, Addison, Joel Cj., Eleanor, Har- riet, Abigail and Reuben C. Mr. Rider died July 24, 1864. Reuben C. Rider. Reuben C. Rider, son. of Reuben Rider, was born Juh" 1 1, 1843, oil the homestead farm, where he has always lived. He was married in 1870 to Luc\' J. Shultus. They have two daughters: Iva, born Dec. 6, 1874 anil Erma, born Oct. 11, 1879- .Jerome B. Ri f .,„a i.vcs near Gales- C:::^" M^,o O marr,ed; .s a hardware merchant at G lesbrn 'h, M.ch. Sarah A. married a Mr. Towne a farmer and hves' near Galesburgh, Mich. George, marr.ed ; .s Post- master at Galesburgh, M.ch. Sann,el Gary Adams has four ehddrcn ..ng . John U un married ; one of the firm of Young Logwood & C^rcs.des at Buffalo, N. Y. Hannah M., marr.ed Mr. A. I.. R' "'^"^ ^ farmer and resides ..ear Galesburgh, M.ch. Harr.et A., un- mlTrLd and resides w.th her father at Buffalo. Carr.e, u.,mar- married and resides with her father at Buffalo. EraC Adams has three children l.vhrg : Charles C. mar ..ied a merchant, and res.des at Alamo, Mich. F-^" ---" ■> co..,mercial traveler, and res.des at Plamwell, M.ch. Ala, unmarried, and resides with her father at Alamo. Charles Chauncey Adams has four eh.kh^en '-'"'S^ I'°;^' unmarried, and resides w.th her father at R''^ Cent r Kan Id i married a farmer and lives near Riley Cente.. Ctta mar- ncd a farmer and lives near R.ley Center. Charles C, unma,- ried and resides with his father. John Brooks. Tohn Brooks was a son of Nathaniel Brooks and Lucy ,R chards) Brooks of Connecticut. The family consisted of ^mjah. Jesse, John, Theophilus, Roxana, Polly, Hannah and -lohn was born in Connecticut, Apnl ^^ 1790 ; married Lydia Booth, daughter of Isaac and EHzabeth Booth March .1 1816. The family of John and Lydia consisted o Luc> Tohn Jr Elizabeth. Diantha, Nathaniel, Belinda, Lyd.a and Andrew J., of whom four only are now living, viz.: Lucy L., Diantha, Nathaniel and Andrew J. The oldest, now Lucy Gould, is living at Emmettsburg, Iowa, with her son, J. E. King, merchant, and former Sheriff of Palo Alto county, Iowa. Eliza- beth Diantha Aldrich lives at Boston with her daughter, Rox- -ini Pierce Nathaniel lives at Colden village; has four 894 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. daughters, all married, and two sons (medical students). Belinda Taber died at Elma, Nov. 28, 1870, leaving four sons and three daughters. Lydia Hall died at Wales Center, April 20, 1873, leaving three daughters. Andrew J. Brooks. Andrew J. Brooks, son of John and Lydia Brooks, was born in Concord, Aug. 5, 1832; attended school at Springville Academy in 1849 and '50 ; attended lectures at the Albany Medical college in 1856 and 1858, at which college he gradu- ated, and located at Marilla, Erie county, N. Y., in 1859, where he has since practiced. He was married in 1863, to Melvina A. Clark, and has a family of three boys and two girls. The oldest son, R. E. Brooks, is now teaching school on Townsend Hill, where his grandfather taught nearly sixty years ago. John Brooks died at his home in Colden, Erie county, June 7, 185^, was at one time Colonel; also held the office of side Judge. He was a member of Living Stone Lodge of F. and A, M.. of Colden, N. Y., from its first organization until re- moved to the Grand Lodge above. Mrs. Lydia Brooks died at the home of her daughter Lydia B. Hall, at Wales Center, N. Y., April loth, 1870. Of their children John, Jr. and John, Jr. (son), died in infancy. Lucy has two sons by her second husband ; one is a farmer in Iowa, and one an editor in Minnesota. Diantha has one son and one daughter. A. H. Briggs, M. 1>. Dr. Briggs' father,- Joseph B. Briggs, was born in Woodstock, Vermont, and came to this county in 1828. His ancestors are traceable to the New England Puritans. The doctor's mother was the oldest daughter of Col. Cyrenus Wilber, who repre- sented the county in the Assembly of 1838. Dr. Briggs was born Sept. 9, 1842, in Lancaster, Erie county, N. Y. He attended school at the Batavia Union School, Aurora Academy and Genesee Wesleyan College, at Lima, N. Y. In 1868 he commenced the study of medicine with Dr. Samuel Potter, of Lancaster ; was with him three years and three months. Attended during that time three full courses of BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 895 lectures at the Buffalo Medical College, graduating Feb. 20, 1871 ; commenced practice in Buffalo May i, 1871. Dr. Brigg.s was the first post-mortem examiner in the county. Ho held that office over three years. He was for one year District Physician for the 2d District of Buffalo. For two years, 1880 and '81, he was Health Officer of the city. During 1 88 1 he established a system of inspection of emigrants in transit, which has since been adopted throughout most of the northern states. In 1881 he was appointed First Grand Medi- cal Examiner of the A. O. U. W., for New York state, which position he still occupies. He is also Sergeant of the 65th Regiment of National Guard. Dr. Briggs was married in 1863, to Meckre Baker, daughter •of Dr. Baker, of Andover, N. Y. They have one son and one daughter. Greorg'e W. Briggs. Mr. Briggs was born in Collins, in 1850, where he lived until he was twenty-two years of age. Has taught school eleven terms. Was seven years in the employ of William A. Johnson, a cheese manufacturer. Became a resident of East Hamburg in 1881 ; was elected Justice of the Peace of that town in 1882. Is now Deputy Sheriff on Sheriff Koch's staff, Mr. Briggs was married in 1875 to Orcelia A. Pike. They have had two children: Nora M., born Dec. 8, 1876; died Aug. 8, 1880, and Norman E., born in Concord Aug. 3, 1879. Harrison T. Foster. Harrison T. Foster, son of Talcott and Lucy I'oster, was born in Byron, Genesee county, N. Y., June 20, 1827. His father was a native of Massachusetts ; his mother of Connecti- cut. He was the only child of a second marriage on the part of both parents, but had several half brothers and sisters. His father died when he was seven years of age, and with the aid of his mother he nianaged the farm until he was eigh teen ; mean- while he had formed the acquaintance of Miss Clarissa Strick- land whom he married September, 1846. Taking his amiable young wife and his mother he at once removed to Michigan, but before the ne.xt Autumn tiiey were all attacked with 896 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. malarial fever; the mother died, and as soon ashimseh^and wife were able to travel they returned to their native town. The following year he purchased sixty acres of land in Alden (now Marilla), about a half mile west of what is now Marilla village, on which he constructed a rude dwelling into which he moved and commenced logging and clearing his land. This he followed for about three years. About this time an accident occurred which changed the whole course of Mr. Foster's life. A yoke of oxen, the only team he possessed and for which he was owing, broke loose from their moorings and filled themselves with corn to such an extent that one of them died and the other was rendered valueless, Mr. Foster was in debt for his land, having made but partial payments on his purchase. He was unable to buy a team, and make payment on his land. In this crisis of his affairs Joshua Axtel, the keeper of a small grocery in' the Village of Marilla, offered to purchase the land ; a bargain was made, Mr. Foster taking in payment the grocery store and stock of goods, valued at five hundred dollars, an eighty acre lot in Wisconsin and a mortgage of $300 on land in the Town of Darien. Failing to sell his grocery stock, he formed a copartnership with Charles Walker, who had a small stock of dry goods and groceries in the village. They built a small store with their own hands, and moved into it in May, 1852. The following July he bought Mr. Walker's interest, and carried on the business himself two years. He then sold to Jonathan B. Bass ; and the following year was spent in settling accounts and lumbering. Having become familiar with and liking the mercantile busi- ness, Mr. Foster availed himself of the first opportunity of re-entering it. In September, 1855, he formed a partnership with Jefferson H. Brooks, and bought the store opposite the Spring hotel in Marilla. This partnership continued until Jan- uary, 1865, when Mr. Foster bought Mr. Brooks' interest, and formed a partnership with Henry D. Harrington, who had been a clerk in the store for the previous five years. In 1873, G. C. Mouchow was taken into the firm, which con- tinued until 1878, when Mr. Foster bought out Mr. Harring- ton and formed a partnership with Mr. Mouchow, which con- tinues to the present time, 1883, under the firm name of H. T. HIOCIKAPHICAL SKETCMIiS. 897 Foster & Co. The firm with its different partners, was ahvays successful, never made an assignment, was never sued at law, and is doint:^ a profitable business at present. In addition to his mercantile business, Mr. Foster has been an active politician. He was first elected Supervisor of his town in 1S60, and held that office five years in succession, and then after one year he was elected two years in succession, then declined being a candidate. But in 1881, a sharp contest aris- ing between the City of Buffalo and the towns of Erie county in regard to equalization, the towns saw the necessity of send- ing men of experience and ability to represent them on the board, and Mr. Foster was again elected. He has been- for the last three years, and is now, a member of the board. He has held the office of Postmaster for the last twenty-three years with the exception of two years; was Justice of the Peace four years, and during the war he was made a member of the com- mittee to superintend the raising of volunteers and paying bounties. These duties he performed with so much energy and abilitN' that not a man in his jurisdiction was forced into the army by draft. Mr. Foster's first wife died in 1870; he subsequently married Mrs. Lord, daughter of George W. Carpenter, one of the first settlers on the Indian Reservation. At the time of her mar- riage with Mr. Foster Mrs. Lord had two daughters, Mary and Estelle. Mary married William H. Johnson in 1873 ; died in 1874, leaving an infant boy. Estelle married Everett L. Hedges, of Marilla, in 1882 ; died in 1883, leaving an infant girl. Both of these children arc living with Mr. Foster as his own. Mr. Foster is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, having united therewith in 1870. He is now fifty-six )'ears of age, hale and hearty, healthy and happy. William Field. William Field, son of Solomon Field, came to Concord from Madison county in 18 10, with his father, with whom he resided during his minority, and assisted in improving his farm on 898 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, Townsend hill. Mr. Field. was twice married, first to Miss Mary E. Briggs in 1827, by whom he had seven children: Marvin W., Mary L., Emily, Charles, Perry, Sally and Man- ley. Second to Mrs. Jane Briggs, by whom he had two children : Ellen F. and Ida F. Mary L. married David Needham and lives in LaCrosse county. Wis.: they have had two children. Emily married Austin Agard ; lives in Missouri. Charles, died in Buffalo. Perry, died at his sister's in LaCrosse county, by disease con- tracted in the army. Sally lives in Iowa. Manley lives in Buffalo. Marvin W. Field. Marvin W. Field, son of William and Mary E. Field, was born in Concord, Erie county, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1828. He has been twice married, first to Miss Malissa Ann Agard, who was born in Concord, April 4th, 1839, by whom he had one child, which died in infancy; second, to Mrs. Hannah A. Hill, Oct. II, 1870, who died at East Hamburg Nov. 5, 1883. Mr. Field is by trade a carpenter, which calling he has fol- lowed several years, but is now a successful horticulturist and fruit-grower in East Hamburg. Allen Drake. Allen Drake was a son of John and Dorcas Drake, who came to what is now Concord in 18 10, and settled on lot fifty. Mr. Drake had a family of four children : John, who died many years ago ; Angeline, who went west and married a man by the name of Williams ; Sarah Ann, who also went west and married, and Allen the subject of this sketch. Allen Drake married Mary Wheeler, daughter of Benjamin Wheeler, by whom he had nine children : Whitney A., born Jan. 28, 1827; died Oct. 18, 1846. Sam- son P., born June 29, 183 1 ; died Aug. 10, 1855. Caroline, wife of Samson P., died Jan. 9, 1864. Benjamin A., born Dec. 6, 1843; died Sept. 19, 1855. Mary O., married Marcus Scott and lives in Chautauqua county. Harvey W., married and is BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 899 a prosperous druggist in Milwaukee. Almantha. John R,, married, is a partner with his brother in Milwaukee. Henry T. Angie. William \V. Hniniiion