: 179 5 U58 912 opy 1 62d Congress, ) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, j Document M Session. ) 1 No. 494. CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY COMMISSION. LETTEE FROM » c »- . - '■■ I THE SECRETARY OF STATE, WITHDRAWING HIS ESTIMATE FOR A NEW APPROPRIATION FOR EXPENSES INTERNATIONAL JOINT COMMISSION CONCERNING USE OF BOUNDARY WATERS BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND CAN- ADA AND RECOMMENDING THAT A PROVISION BE INCLUDED IN THE SUNDRY CIVIL APPROPRIATION BILL REAPPROPRIAT- ING UNEXPENDED BALANCES FROM FORMER APPROPRIATIONS. January 31, 1912. — Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Department of State, Washington., January 31^ 1912. The Speaker of the House of Representatives. Sir: In the estimates for this department for the fiscal year 1913 there was submitted an item of $75,000 for expenses of the Interna- tional Joint Commission established under the treaty between the United States and Great Britain concerning- the use of boundar}^ waters between the United States and Canada, and other purposes, signed Januar}^ 11, 1909. At the time this estimate was prepared the Cana- dian section of the commission had not been appointed and the com- mission was not organized. It was not possible, therefore, at that time to make an estimate of what the joint expenses of the commission would be or whether or not the unexpended balances of the appro- priation for the commission at the end of this fiscal year would be sufiicient to meet fixed charges of our section pf the commission and also to meet our half of the joint expenses. Since then the commis- sion has been organized and it has become manifest to the depart- ment that the unexpended balances of the appropriations heretofore made at the end of this fiscal year will be sufiicient to meet the ex- penses of the commission, including- one-half of the joint expenses during the ensuing fiscal year, if the same shall be made available for U/ f ' ^ CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY COMMISSION. that purpose. 1 therefore request to withdraw the estimate in ques- tion and recommend that there be included in the sundry civil act, in which the former approprifitions were made, a reappropriation of the balances in question and that the same be made available for the expenses of the commission, including our share of the joint expenses for the fiscal year 1913. I have the honor to be, sir. Your obedient servant, P. C. Knox. I UeRARV OF CONGRESS illllli 011528 377 7 !