Book > AS- / ^ Z '{r Extract from the Report of the Congressional Joint Committee on Reclassification of Salaries • WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1920 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS The Commission makes th« f ollowiiag: recommendations, in the con- fident belief that their adoption will bring about and hereafter maintain conditions of " uniform and equitable pay for the same- character of employment," and will secure for the Government the maximum return in loyal and efficient personal service for the com- pensation paid. These recommendations are more fully stated and are discussed in Chapters III, IV, and V of this report. For the immediate attainment of uniformity and equity in pay for the same character of employment the Commission recommends (see Ch. Ill) : 1. That the Congress adopt the classification of positions set forth in Part II. 2. That the Congress adopt the schedules of compensation set. forth in Part II for the respective classes of positions. 3. That the Congress authorize the Civil Service Commission to take over the Reclassification Commission's records and keep them current, pending action on the above recommendations. 4. That the Congress direct an existing agency (hereinafter re- ferred to as the "Classification Agency"), logically and preferably the Civil Service Commission, to make a final allocation of indi- vidual positions to the classes set forth in the recommended plan of classification. 5. That the Congress authorize and provide for the adjustment of the rates of pay of individual positions and employees to bring them, beginning July 1, 1920, into conformity with the schedules of compensation prescribed for the respective classes into which the respective positions have been classified. For the future maintenance of uniformity and equity in pay the Commission recommends (see Ch. Ill) : 6. That permanent administration of the classification and sched- ules of compensation be delegated by law to an existing independent ■agency of the Government (to be termed hereinafter the " Classifi- '■■ation Agency"), logically and preferably the Civil Service Com- mission. 7. That the Classification Agency periodically recommend to the Congress additions to, or amendments of, the classification. 8. That the Classification Agency recommend to the Congress new schedules of compensation for new classes of positions, or ciiaiiges, if 22 - ••• r EECLASSinCATION' COMMISSIOlSr REPORT — ^PAET I. 2S deemed desirable, in the established schedules for existing clas,ses, recommended schedules for new classes to apply until acted upon by the Congress and then to become effective in the form approved by the Congress. 9. That new or additional positions that it is proposed to create be first classified by the Classification Agency. 10. That estimates^ appropriations, and payments for personal services be made under the title of the class and in accordance with the schedule of pay applying to the class which the Classification Agency certifies as applicable to the position in which such services are to be or have been rendered. 11. That the pay of individual employees be regulated on a basis of efficiency and length of service in the class in which their respec- tive positions are classified, according to the schedule of compensa- tion applying to the class. For the attaiimient of uniformity in the regulation of all factors having an indirect bearing on rates of pay and for the improvement and standardization of working conditions, the commission recom- mends (see Ch. IV) : 12. That the Classification Agency recommend to the Congress from time to time those measures that it deems necessary to the improve- ment and the standardization of working conditions and terms of employment. 13. That the Congress prescribe standard minimum working hours for each group of employees, together with uniform rules for the compensation of overtime work for those employees for whom the compensation schedules provide for pay at an hourly rate, and for additional compensation for all night work. 14. That the Congress provide that after January 1, 1^21, (a) all employees be granted annual leave at the rate of 2^ days per month, not to be taken rnitil earned, and not more than 30 days to be taken in any one calendar year; and (5) that all employees be granted sick leave at the rate of 10 days per year, not more than 60 days to be taken in any one calendar year. For the securing of the maximum return in efficient personal serv- ice for the Government's pay-roll expenditures the Commission rec- ommends (see Ch. V) : 15. That the Congress undertake a systematic examination of the functions now being exercised, the organization now in effect, and the methods of procedure in use in the several departments and inde- pendent establishments making up the Washington service, in order that unnecessary work, duplicated work, improperly allocated work, 24 RECLASSIFICATION COMMISSION EEPORT — PART I. instances of poor organization, and expensive or inefficient methods of conducting business may be discoA'ered and eliminated. 16. That the Congress provide for a comprehensive and uniform emplo3'ment policy to be administered by a central personnel agencj^, logically and preferably the Civil Service Commission, and to include the standardization of rates of compensation and Avorking conditions and the selection, development, and retention of an efficient personnel ; and that an advisory council be established to advise the Civil Service Commission on matters coming under the jurisdiction of the latter, and to arrange for the formation of personnel committees in the various departments. 17. (a) That all positions hereafter be filled by the appointment of those best fitted to perform the duties as determined by the central personnel agency through the most effective methods of test and investigation; and {b) that no permanent appointment to the service be made except on certificate by the central personnel agency that the employee has satisfactorily passed his probationary period. 18. That the central personnel agency be empowered to undertake, in cooperation with the departments, measures for the training of employees for increased usefulness in the service. 19. That the central personnel agency be authorized and directed, after consultation with the heads of departments, to arrange for the installation of efficiency rating sj^stems in the various Government establishments; and that the appropriate administrative officers be required to rate all employees under their direction in accordance Avitli these sj^stems and under such rules and regulations as the central personnel agency may prescribe. 20. That hereafter employees be increased in pay not oftener than once a year and only within the limits of the range set for their class of positions and on the basis of ascertained efficiency of the required standard, to be set by the central j)ersonnel agency; and tliat failure to maintain such standard after advancement to a given rate shall subject the emploj-ee to reduction to a lower salary rate in the same class. 21. That Avhen vacancies in the higher classes are not filled by transfer or reinstatement they be filled by promotion of properly qualified employees as determined by competitive civil-service ex- amination; and that open competitiA'e examinations for the filling of such vacancies be held only when three such eligibles can not be secured from those already in the service. 22. That employees Avho fail to attain a fair standard of efficiency as prescribed by the central personnel agency be removed from the service, after suitable opportunity for appeal to the personnel agency. RECLASSIFICATION COMMISSION REPORT PART 1. 25 23. That employees who, by reason of their age or disability re- sulting from their service, are unable to render service of a fair standard of efficiency be retired under an actuarially sound pension plan. 24. That transfers, layoffs, reinstatements, demotions, dismissals, suspensions, and other employment processes be regulated in accord- ance with a uniform employment policy and in conformity with the spirit of the above recommendations; and that employees have the right to appeal to the central personnel agency in all matters coming under its jurisdiction. RECLASSIFICATION" COMMISSION" REPOET — PART I. 143 its possession relating to any subject of investigation by the com- mission. Sec. 20. Whenever a duty is imposed upon the commission by the provisions of this Title, it may make such rules and regulations, not inconsistent herewith, as it may deem necessary with respect thereto. TITLE II. Teachers. Sec. 200. "Wlien used in this Title— The term " classification of 1920 " means Part II of the report of the Congressional Joint Commission on Reclassification of Salaries, submitted to Congress in pursuance of section 9 of the Act entitled " An Act making appropriations for the legislative, executive and judicial expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, and for other purposes," approved March 1, 1919, as adopted and as may be amended. The term " board " means the Board of Education of the District of Columbia, created by the Act entitled "An Act to fix and regulate the salaries of teachers, school officers, and other employees of the Board of Education of the District of Columbia," approved June 20, 1906, as amended. The term " position " means any office or employment whether oc- cupied or vacant under the jurisdiction of the board, the duties of which include the conduct of regular classes of instruction in the public schools or the supervision of such instruction. The term " teacher " means any person temporarily or permanently in a position. The term " class " means a group of all positions for which the same qualifications and duties are prescribed. The term " compensation " means any salary, wage, fee, allowance or other emolument paid to a teacher for service in a position. Sec. 201. The class of every position shall be designated and the rate of compensation of a teacher shall be fixed in accordance with the classification of 1920, in the manner hereinafter provided: Provided^ That the specifications of duties for a class shall not affect (1) the power of the board to control and direct, within the specified duties of a class or related duties, the work of a teacher, or (2) the specific supervisory powers or duties prescribed by or in accordance Avith law for any teacher within any class. Sec. 202. (a) The board shall, as soon as practicable, under such rules and regulations as it may establish, place each position of each teacher in a class in accordance with the duties of such position and determine in accordance with paragraph (d) of section 5 of this Act the rate of compensation at which such teacher shall be paid. Such teachers shall be classified in such classes and shall be paid at such rates of compensation. (b) Each teacher shall, in addition to the compensation received by him for his period of service between June 30, 1920, and the date when his rate of compensation is determined as provided in para- graph (a) of this section, receive for such period the difference, if any, between such compensation and the compensation at the rate finally determined by the board. 144 RECLASSIFICATION COMMISSION BEPOET — PART I. Sec. 203. (a) Whenever the creation of new positions is made necessary under hiAV, and an appropriation is made therefor, such positions shall be classified by the board as far as possible Avithin the existing classes; but if any additional classes are necessary as a result thereof, the board may by order establish such additional classes and classify therein such new positions and shall prescribe the qualifications, duties, and rates of compensation for such addi- tional classes. (b) In the case of an additional class created in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section, the rates of compensation therefor shall bear a proper relation to the rates of compensation prescribed for classes reasonably comparable as to qualifications and duties with such additional class. (c) Any order issued in accordance with this section shall be transmitted by the board, as soon as practicable, to both Houses of Congress, and shall be in full force and effect until and except as altered, amended, or repealed by law. (d) The board may recommend to Congress that existing classes be divided, combined, altered, or abolished, and that rates of com- pensation for existing classes be changed. Sec. 204. (a) In each class there shall be such minimum, inter- mediate, and maximum rates of compensation as are prescribed in the classification of 1920, or as provided in section 203. No teacher shall receive compensation from the municipal government of the District of Columbia at less than the minimum or more than the maximum rate of compensation so prescribed for the class in which his posi- tion is placed. Upon appointment to a position in a class, a teacher shall be paid at the minimum rate prescribed for such class. (b) The different rates of compensation prescribed for a class are based uj)on efficiency in the performance of the duties prescribed for such class. The maximum rate of compensation prescribed for such class shall be payable only when a teacher in such class per- forms the duties thereof with the maximum degree of efficiency, as determined in accordance with paragraph (a) of section 205. No teacher shall be paid an increased rate of compensation prescribed for the class in which his position is placed unless, in the judgment of the board, his efficiency rating and length of service, as provided in section 205, justify an increase to the next higher rate prescribed for such class. The rate of compensation of a teacher shall not be increased more frequently than once each year. (c) The rate of compensation of a teacher shall be decreased whenever he fails to maintain the standard of efficiency prescribed for teachers within the same class to whom the"same rate of com- pensation is paid, except as provided in subdivision (3) of para- graph (a) of section 205. Sec. 205. (a) The board shall establish a uniform system of efficiency rating, which shall set forth (1) the standard of efficiency which must be maintained by teachers within the same class to whom the same rate of compensation is paid and below which no teacher may fall without being paid such lower rate of compensation prescribed for such class to which his efficiency rating entitles him; (2) the higher standard of efficiency of a teacher which, in the judg- ment of the board, Avill entitle him to receive annually compensa- RECLASSiriCATIOIT COMMISSIOlsr REPORT — PART I. 145 tion at the next higher rate prescribed for the chiss in which his position is phiced; (3) the standard of efficiency for a class below which no teacher maj- fall without being dismissed for inefficiency. (b) The board shall establish rules and regulations for rating, in accordance with such system, the efficiency of each teacher. Such current ratings for each class shall be open to inspection during regular office hours by any teacher in such class. (c) At least one copy of each current rating made in accordance with the system established under paragraph (a) of this section shall be kept on file with the board. Sec. 2O6. Any party to a grievance, dispute, or controversy con- cerning a matter over which the board is given jurisdiction by this Title may. complain to the board. The board shall, upon the filing of such complaint, give adequate notice and afford a'n adequate oppor- tunity for any interested party to be heard in connection therewith, under such rules and regulations as the board may establish, and shall render its decision on the issues involved. Sec. 207. The right of any person to be appointed to a position shall not be denied or abridged on account of sex. Sec. 208. Whenever a dut}^ is imposed upon the board by the pro- visions of this Title it may make such rules and regulations, not in- consistent herewith, as it may deem necessary with respect thereto. TITLE III. Sec. 300. Nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to make permanent any temporary appointment under existing law. Sec. 301,, Section 7 of the Act entitled "An Act making appropria- tions to supply deficiencies in appropriations for the fiscal year 1912 and for prior years, and for other purposes," approved August 26, 1912; section 7 of the Act entitled "An Act makmg appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the Govern- ment for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1914, and for other pur- poses," approved March 4, 1913; and section 7 of the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies on ap- propriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1918, and prior fiscal years, on account of war expenses, and for other purposes," approved October 6, 1917, are hereby repealed so far as they relate to the pay- ment of compensation to employees or teachers within this Act. Sec. 302. This Act shall supplement, so far as possible, all existing laws and shall not be construed to repeal any law or part thereof unless such law or part thereof is directly in conflict herewith. 164919°— 20— PT 1 X RECLASSIFICATION COMMISSIOlvr REPORT PART II. &87 PUBLIC SCHOOLS, DISTRICT OE COLUMBIA- ADMINISTRATION, GENERAL Title of Class : SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Specifications of Class Duties: Under the Board of Education, as educational director of the school sys- tem of tlie District of Columbia, to organize and direct instruction in iue schools along lines of advanced educational policy ; and to act as the admini.stfa- tive officer of the school system. Qualifications : Graduation with a degree from an institution of recognized standing, with special training in the science of education, methods of teaching, and educa- tional values; at least three years' graduate work; not less than five years' experience as an Assistant Superinte'ndent or its equivalent; marked adminis- trative ability ; exceptional ability in dealing with the public ; ability to make public addresses. Principal Lines of Promotion From: First Assistant Superintendent of Schools; Division School Superia- tendent; Director of Special Schools; Director of Extension Schools; Pria- cipal, Normal School; Principal, High School. Compensation for Class Annual: $9000 Title of Class : FIRST ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Specifications of Class Duties: Under direction of the Superintendent of Schools, to exercise educational and administrative supervision over the work in not less than five high schools, with an average enrollment of 500 pupils each, and in not less than nine elementary school divisions ; to act for the Superintendent in his absence ; and to perform other related work. Qualifications : Graduation with a degree from an institution of recognized standing, with special training in the science of education, methods of teaching and educational values; one year's graduate work, or its equivalent; not less than five years' successful experience in teaching, part of which shall have been in responsible administrative work ; proven administrative ability ; force and good address. Principal Lines of Promotion From : Principal, Normal School; Principal, High School; Division School Superintendent ; Senior Director of Elementary Instruction ; Principal, Ele- mentary Schools; Teaching Principal, Elementary Schools; Head of De- partment, High School; Director of Extension Schools; Director of Special Subject : Junior Director of Home Economics ; Director of Home Economics ; Senior Director of Home Economics ; Director of Manual Training ; Senior Director of Manual Training ; Director of Special Schools ; To : Superintendent of Schools. Compensation for Class Annual: $5000 588 KECLASSIFIOATION COMMISSION EEPORT — PAET II. Title of Class : SECOND ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Specifications of Class Duties: I'nder direction of the Superintendent of Schools, to have educational and administrative supervision over the work in not less than two high schools, witli an average enrollment of 500 pupils each, and in not less than four elpmentary school divisions ; and to perform other related work. Qualifications: Graduation with a degree from an institution of recognized standing, with special training in the science of education, methods of teaching and educa- tional values; one year's graduate work, or its equivalent; not less than five years' successful experience in teaching, part of which shall have been in responsible administrative work ; proven administrative ability ; force, and good address. Principal Lines of Promotion From : Principal, Normal School ; Principal, High School ; Division School Superintendent; Director of Elementary Instruction; Principal, Elementary Schools ; Teaching Principal, Elementary Schools ; Head of Department, High School; Director of Special Subject; Junior Director of Home Eco- nomics ; Director of Home Economics ; Senior Director of Home Economics ; Director of Manual Training ; Senior Director of Manual Training. Compensation for Class Annual: $4000 Title of Class : MEMBER OF EXAMINING BOARD Specifications of Class Duties: To prepare questions for the examination of applicants for teachers' positions &m\ to conduct the examinations; to rate the examination papers and report on eligibility ; to prepare circulars of information ; to interview applicants ; to answer inquiries by correspondence ; to compile educational data ; and to per- iorui other related woi-k. Qualifications: Graduation with a degree from an institution of recognized standing, or its equivalent as represented by graduation from an accredited normal school, and by not less than five years' experience in high school teaching; at least one year's graduate work in current experimental psj'Chology ; not less than five years' additional experience in teaching, demonstrating marked ability; prefer- ably some experience as Head of a Department ; and proven administrative ability. Principal Lines of Promotion From: Head Teacher, High School; Head of Department, High School; Teacher, High School. Compensation for Class Annual : $2500-$2650-$2SOO-$2950-$3100-$3250 Title of Class : JUNIOR DIRECTOR OF KINDERGARTENS Specifications of Class Duties: To have charge of the standardization of the work of less than 50 kinder- gartens; to visit kindergartens; to confer with kindergarten teachers; to hold regular conferences for kindergarten teachers for discussion of the problems SECLASSIFICATION" COMMISSION EEPORT PART II. 589 and needs of the service ; to advise with supervising principals on the rating of teachers by them ; to recommend assignments, appointments, promotions, and transfers of teachers ; to recommend the selection of buildings in which kinder- gartens shall be placed ; and to perform other related work. Qualifications: Graduation Avith a degree from an institution of recognized standing, with spe- cial training in the science of education, methods of teaching, educational values, and in kindergarten work ; one shear's graduate work ; not less than five years' successful experience in teaching in a kindergarten; sympathetic understanding of little children and ability to inspire teachers; and proven administrative ability. Principal Lines of Promotion From : Senior Teacher, Normal School (Kindergarten) ; Kindergartner. Compensation for Class Annual : $1900-.$205{)-$2200-?235O-$2500-$2650 Title of Class : DIRECTOR OF KINDERGARTENS Specifications of Class Duties : To have charge of the standardization of the work in 50 or more kindergar- tens; to visit kindergartens; to confer with kindergarten teachers; to hold regular conferences of kindergarten teachers for the discussion of the problems and needs of the service ; to advise with supervising principals in the rating of teachers by them ; to recommend assignments, appointments, promotions, aiul transfers of teachers ; to recommend the selection of buildings in which kinder- gartens shall be placed ; to recommend the purchase of kindergarten supplies for all kindergartens ; and to perform other related Avork. Qualifications : Graduation with a degree from an institution of recognized standing, with special training in the science of education, methods of teaching, educational values, and in kindergarten work ; at least one year's graduate work ; not less than live years' siiccessful experience in teaching in a kindergarten ; sympa- tlietic understanding of little children and ability to inspire teachers ; and proven administrative ability. Principal Lines of Promotion From : Senior Teacher, Normal School ; Kindergartner. Compensation for Class Annual : $2200-^235a-$2500-$2650-$2800-$29.50 Title or Class : ASSISTANT TO DIRECTOR OF ELEMENTARY INSTRUCTION Specifications of Class Duties: Under the supervision of a Director of Elementary Instruction, to supervise the work of a designated group of elementary teachers ; to observe their work and make constructive criticisms; to test classes; to examine plan books; to give ilemonstration lessons in the class room; to confer with and advise teachers; (o attend teachers' meetings; to report to Director on visits made; to perform incidental clerical Avork and other related Avork as required. Qualifications: Graduation from an accredited normal school, Avith special training in the science of education, methods of teaching and educational values; at least on© 590 ItECLASSIFICATIOW COMMISSION REPORT PABT H. year's graduate work; not less than three years' experience in teaching in elementary grades; sympathetic understanding of children and ability to inspire teachers. Principal Lines of Promotion From : Model Teacher ; Coaching Teacher ; Teaclier, Elementary Schools. To: Director of Elementary Instruction; Senior Director of Elementary In- struction; Teacher, Normal School, Compensation for Class Annual : $1650-$1SOO-$1950-$2100 Name of Gkoup of Classes : DIRECTOR OF ELEMENTARY INSTRUCTION Titles of TypicJlL Classes in Group : Director of Elementary Instruction — Primary Director of Elementary Instruction — Intermediate Specifications of Classes in Group Duties : To have charge of the standardization of the ^York in the primary grades or in the intermediate grades Involving supervision over less than 300 classes; to hold teachers' meetings; to visit classrooms and to confer with teachers; to have general administrative supervision of the work in such grades ; to advise with supervising principals concerning the rating of teachers by them ; to recommend appointments, promotions, and transfers; to recommend for pur- chase textbooks and general supplies ; and to perform other related work. Common Qualifications : Graduation with a degree from an institution of recognized standing, with special training in the science of education, methods of teaching and educa- tional values ; at least one year's graduate work ; not less than five years' suc- cessful experience in teaching; sympathetic understanding of children and ability to inspire teachers ; and prpven administrative ability. Special Qualifications : For each class in the group, special training and experience in teaching in griides indicated by the title of that class. Principal Lines of Promotion From : Model Teacher ; Teacher, Normal School ; Assistant to Director of Ele- mentary Instruction; Teacher, Elementai-y Schools; Principal, Elementary Schools; Teaching Principal, Elementary Schools; Coaching Teacher. To : Second Assistant Superintendent of Schools. Compensation for Classes in Group , Annual : ,$2200-$2350-.?2500-.$26.50-$2800-2950 Name of Group of Classes : SENIOR DIRECTOR OF ELEMENTARY INSTRUCTION Titles of Typical Classes in Group : Senior Director of Elementary Instruction — Primary Senior Director of Elementary Instruction — Intermediate Specifications of Classes in Group Duties: To have charge of the standardization of the work in the primary grades or In the intermediate grades, involving supervision over 300 or more cla&ses ; to hold teachers' meetings; to visit classrooms and to confer with teachers; to ' RECLASSIEICATIOIfr COMMISSION^ EEPOET— PART II. 501 have geuoral administrative supervision of the worlc in such grades ; to advtso with supervising principals concerning the rating of teachers by them ; to recoi«- mend appointments, promotions, and transfers ; to recommend for purchase text- boolvs and general supplies ; and to perform other related work. Common Qualifications: Graduation with a degree from an institution of recognized standing, with special training In the science of education, methods of teaching and educational values ; at least one year's graduate work ; not less than five years' successful experience in teaching; sympathetic understanding of children and ability to inspire teachers ; and proven administrative ability. Special Qualifications: For each class in the group, special training and experience in the teaclihif*; indicated by the title of that class. Principal Lines of Promotion From: Model Teacher; Teacher, Normal School; Assistant to Director of Eie- mentary Instruction; Teacher, Elementary Schools; Principal, Elementary Schools ; Teaching Principal, Elementary Scliools. To : First Assistant Superintendent of Schools. Compensation for Classes in Group Annual: $2500-$2650-$2SOO-$2950-$3100-$3250 Name of Group of Classes : DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL SUBJECT Titles of Typical Classes in Gsoup: Director of Special Subject — Drawing Director of Special Subject — Physical Training Director of Special Subject — Music Specifications of Classes in Group Duties : To have charge of the standardization of instruction in a special subject m less than 500 classes; to direct the corps of special te-achexs v.iio supervise t!iL> instruction in the subject given by the classroom teacher ; to plan courses <>t' study, arrange programs for teachers in the respective departments, and ho!d conferences; to rate teachers and certify to their pay rolls; to prepare exami- nation questions for applicants for positions and to mark papers ; to addre;-;;? parent-teacher and other organizations ; by reading and study and attendauoe at conventions to keep informed as to advanced methods of instruction in tiie subject ; to be responsible for requisitions and for the care and distributimt of supplies ; and to perform other related work. Common Qualifications: Graduation with a degree from an institution of recognized standing, witii special training in the science of education, methods of teaching anfl educa- tional values ; one year's graduate work ; not less than live years' experi- ence in teaching ; and administrative ability. Special Qualifications: For each class in the group, special training and experience in teaching the .subject indicated by the title of that class. Principal Lines of Promotion From : Teacher, Normal School ; Teacher, High School ; Teacher, Elementary Schools; Special Teacher, Elementary Schools; Teacher, High Schoo^Or- chestral Music. To : First Assistant Superintendent of Schools ; Second As-sistant Superintend- ent of Schools. Compensation for Classes in Group Amuial : $22O0-?235O-$25OO-?265O-$28OO-$295O 592 RECLASSIFICATIOIs^ COMMISSION REPORT PART II. Name of Group of Classes : SENIOR DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL SUBJECT Titles of Typical Classes in Group : Senior Director of Special Subject — Drawing Senior Director of Special Subject — Physical Training Senior Director of Special Subject — Music Specifications of Classes in Group Duties: To have charge of the standardization of instruction in a special sub.lect in r.OO or more classes ; to direct the corps of special teachers who supervise the instruction in the subject, given by the classroom teacher; to plan courses of study, arrange programs for teachers in the respective departments, and hold eonfaj'ences; to rate teachers and certify to their pay rolls; to prepare ex- amination questions for applicants for positions and to marlj papers; to ad- dress parent-teacher and other organizations; by reading anr] study and attendance at conventions to keep informed as to advanced methods of instruc- tion in the subject ; to be responsible for requisitions and for the care and distribution of supplies; and to perform other related work. Common Qualifications: (Traduation with a degree from an institution of recognized standing, with si>eeial training in the science of education, methods of teaching and educational values; one year's graduate work; not less than five years' experience in teaching; and administrative ability. Special Qualifications: l-'or each class in the group, special training and experience in teaching the subject indicated by the title of that class. Principal Lines of Promotion From : Teacher, Normal School ; Teacher, High School ; Special Teacher, Ele- mentary Schools ; Teacher, High School — Orchestral Music. To: First Assistant Superintendent of Schools; Second Assistant Superin- tendent of Schools. Compensation for Classes in Group Annual : $2o00-$2650-$2800-.$2950-$3100-.$32.50 Name of Group of Classes : JUNIOR DIRECTOR OF HOME ECONOMICS TrTLEs of Typical Classes in Group : Junior Director of Home Economics — Domestic Art Junior Director of Home Economics — Domestic Science * Specifications of Classes in Group Duties: To have charge of the standardization of domestic art or domestic science involving supervision over special teachers giving direct instruction in the subject in less than 150 ; to plan courses of study, arrange programs lor teachers in the respective departments, and hold conferences ; to rate teachers and certify to their pay rolls ; to prepare examination questions for applicants for positions and to mark papers; to address parent-teacher and other organizations; by reading and study and attendance at conventions to keep informed as to advanced methods of instruction in the subject; to be responsible for requisitions and for the care and distribution of supplies; and to perform otlier related work. Common Qualifications; Graduation with a degree from an institution of recognized standing, with special training in the science of education, methods of teaching and educa- EECLASSiriGATION COMMISSION- REPORT — ^PART II. 593 tional values; one year's graduate work; uot less thau five years' experietice in teaching; and administrative ability. Special Qualifications: For each class in the group, special training and experience in teachiog the subject indicated by the title of that class. Principal Lines of Promotion From : Teacher, Normal School ; Teacher, High School ; Special Teacher, Ele- mentary Schools. To : First Assistant Superintendent of Schools ; Second Assistant Superintend- ent of Schools. Compensation for Classes in Group Annual : $1900-$2050-$2200-$2350-$2500-$2650 Name of Geoup of Classes : DIRECTOR OF HOME ECONOMICS Titles of Typical Classes in Gkoup : Director of Home Economics — Domestic Art Director of Home Economics — Domestic Science Specifications of Classes in Group Duties: To have charge of the standardization of domestic art or domestic science involving supervision over special teachers giving direct instruction on the subject in from 150 to 300 classes ; to plan courses of study, arrange programs for teachers in the respective departments, and hold conferences ; to rate teach- ers and certify to their pay rolls; to prepare examination questions for appli- cants for positions and to mark papers ; to address parent- teacher and other organizations ; by reading and study and attendance at conventions to keep informed as to advanced methods of instruction in the subject; to be re- .sponsible for requisitions and for the care and distribution of supplies ; and to perform other related v^ork. Common Qualifications: Graduation with a degree from an institution of recognized standing, with special training in the science of education, methods of teaching and educa- tional values ; one year's graduate work ; not less than five year's experi- ence in teaching ; and administrative ability. Special Qualifications: For each class in the group, special training and experience in teaching the subject indicated by the title of that class. Principal Lines, of Promotion From : Teacher, Normal School ; Teacher, High School ; Special Teacher, Elt^ mentary Schools. To : First Assistant Superintendent of Schools ; Second Assistant Superin- tendent of Schools. Compensation for Classes in Group Annual : $2200-$2350-?2500-$2650-$2SOO-$2950 Name of Geoup of Classes : SENIOR DIRECTOR OF HOME ECONOMICS Titles of Typical Classes in Geoup : Senior Director of Home Economics — Domestic Art Senior Director of Home Economics — Domestic Science Specifications of Classes in Group Duties: To have charge of the standardization of domestic art or domestic science involving supervision over special teachers giving direct instruction on the 164919°— 20— PT 2 38 694 KECLASSIFICATION COMMISSIO]^ EEPOBT — PAET II. subject to more than 300 classes ; to plan courses of study, arrange programs for teachers in the respective departments, and hold conferences ; to rate teachefs and certify to their payrolls; to prepare examination questions for applicants for positions and to mark papers ; to address parent-teacher and other organi- zations ; by reading and study and attendance at conventions to keep informed as to advanced methods of instruction in the subject; to be responsible for reqiiisitions and for the care and distribution of supplies; and to perform other related work. Common Qualifications : Graduation Avith a degree from an institution of recognized standing, with special training in the science of education, methods of teaching and educational values; one j-ear's graduate work; not less than five years experience in teaching ; and administrative ability. Special Qualifications: For each class in the group, special training and experience in teaching the subject indicated by the title of that class. Principal Lines of Promotion From : Teacher, Normal School ; Teacher, High School ; Special Teacher, Ele- mentary Schools. To: First Assistant Superintendent of Schools; Second Assistant Superin- tendent of Schools. Compensation for Classes in Group Annual : $2500-$2650-$2800-$2950-.$3100-$3250 Title of Class : DIRECTOR OF MANUAL TRAINING Specifications of Class Duties: To have charge of the standardization of instruction In manual training in less than 150 classes; to plan courses of study and to select or design equip- ment to be used in the shops ; to rate the manual training teachers ; to prepare estimates of appropriations needed for maintaining and extending^ the work of the manual training department; to prepare examination questions in shop subjects and mechanical drawing for teachers' examinations, and to correct and rate these papers ; to draw or approve requisitions for equipment and sup- plies for the grade, vocational, high and normal school manual training classes under his supervision; and to perform other related work. Qualifications: - Graduation with a degree from the technical course of an institution of recognized standing; special training in the science of education, methods of teaching, and educational values ; not less than five years' successful experience including administrative responsibility, in teaching manual training; and proven administrative ability. Principal Lines of Promotion Fi-oni : Teacher, High School — Manual Training ; Vocational Teacher, Ele- mentary Schools. To: First Assistant Superintendent of Schools; Second Assistant Superin- tendent of Schools. Compensation for Class AiHiual : $2200-$2350-$2500-$2650-?2800-$295(> Title of Class : SENIOR DIRECTOR OF MANUAL TRAINING Specifications of Class Duties: To have general supervision over the manual and vocational activities in both high and grade schools, and to act as consulting expert on technical questions RECLASSIFICATION COMMISSION REPORT — ^PART II. 595 for tbe entire scIigoI system ; to liave special charge of the standardization of instruction in manual training in 150 classes or more ; to plan courses of study and to select or design equipment to be used in the shops; to rate manual train- ing teachers ; to prepare estimates of appropriations needed for maintaining and extending the work of the manual training department ; to prepare examination questions in shop subjects and mechanical drawing for teachers' examinations, and to correct and rate these papers ; to act on a committee to inspect furniture and school supplies ; to draw or approve requisitions for equipment and supplies for grade, vocational, high and normal school manual training classes ; and to perform other related work. Qualifications: Graduation with a degree fror^ the technical course of an institution of recog- nized standing ; special training in the science of education, methods of teaching, and educational values ; not less than five years' successful experience including administrative responsibility, in teaching manual training; and proven adminis- trative ability. Principal Lines of Promotion From : Teacher, High School — Manual Training; Vocational Teacher, Elemen- tary Schools. To : First Assistant Superintendent of Schools ; Second Assistant Superin- tendent of Schools. Compensation for Class Annual: $2500-$2650-$2800-$2950-$310(>-$3250 Title of Class : DIRECTOR OF PENMANSHIP Specifications of Class Duties: To have charge of the standardization of instruction in penmanship ; to give demonstration lessons in classrooms ; to hold teachers' meetings and to confer with teachers ; to give instruction in the theory, methods, and practice of writing to the student-teachers in the Wilson Normal School ; and to perform other related work. Qualifications: Graduation with a degree from an institution of recognized standing, or its equivalent as represented by gi'aduation from an accredited normal school and five years' high school teaching, with special training in the science of education, methods of teaching, and educational values ; at least one year's graduate study ; special training in penmanship; and not less than five years' additional expe- rience in teaching. Principal Lines of Promotion From: Teacher, Elementary Schools. Compensation for Class Annual : $2200^$2350-$2500-$2650-.$2800-$2950 Title of Class : DIRECTOR OF AMERICANIZATION WORK Specifications of Class Duties: To have charge of the standardization of the Americanization work of the schools ; to cooperate with Federal departments and civic organizations in standardizing Americanization work; to hold teachers' meetings; to visit classes and confer with teachers ; to advise concerning the rating of teachers ; to recommend appointments, promotions, and transfers ; to recommend the pur- chase of textbooks and general supplies ; and to perform other related work. 596 RECLASSIFICATION COMMISSIOIST REPORT — ^PART II. Qualifications: Graduation with a degree from an institution of recognized standing, with special training in the science of education, methods of teacliing, and educational vahies ; at least one year's graduate work ; not less than five years' experience in Americanization work ; special knowledge of civics, sociology, and American history ; tact and sympathy ; and proven administrative ability. Principal Lines of Promotion From : Americanization Teacher. Compensation for Class Annual: $2200-.$2350--$3300~$34o(>-$3600 EE(JLASSIFICATIO]Sr COMMISSION REPORT^ — PART II. 597 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL INSTRUCTION Title of Class : EINDERGARTNER Specifications of Class Duties : To be responsible for tbe instruction and educational cleA-elopment of pupils in the kindergarten ; to arrange material and programs for class work ; to attend teachers' meetings ; to hold mothers' meetings and confer with parents ; through reading and study, to keep informed concerning advanced methods of kindergarten and primary instruction ; to be responsible for clerical work, such as keeping records of attendance, vaccination cards, medical inspections, and inventories of supplies; to participate in civic and patriotic activities; and to perform related work as required. Qualifications : Graduation from the kindergarten department of an accredited normal school ; musical training ; thorough knowledge of child psychology, and sympa- thetic understanding of little children. Principal Lines of Promotion ■To: Teacher, Normal School (Kindergarten); Director of Kindergartens; Junior Director of Kindergartens. Compensation for Class Annual : $1200-$2100 ; promotions of $100 Title of Class : TEACHER, ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Specifications of Class Duties: To be responsible for the instruction and educational development of pupils in one of the classes of the elementary schools ; to prepare material and pro- grams for schoolroom activities ; to observe in model schools ; to attend teachers' meetings; to hold mothers' meetings and confer with parents; to assist in playground and building supervision ; to perform clerical work, such as keep- ing records of attendance, daily reports on school matters, vaccination cards, medical inspections, and inventories of supplies ; to participate in civic and patriotic activities ; through reading and study to keep informed as to advanced methods of primary instruction and educational theory ; and to perform re- la tetl work as required. Qualifications : Graduation from -an accredited normal school ; thorough knowledge of child psychology and sympathetic understanding of children. Principal Lines of Promotion To : Model Teacher ; Principal, Elementary Schools ; Teaching Principal, Ele- mentary Schools ; Assistant to Director of Elementary Instruction ; Director of Elementary Instruction ; Director of Penmanship ; Senior Director of Ele- mentary Instruction; Director of Special Subject; Teacher, High School; Junior Teacher, Normal School; Teacher, Normal School. Compensation for Class Annual : $1200-$1300-$1400-.$1 500-$1600-$1700-$1800-$1900-$2000-$2100 598 RECLASSIFICATIOlSr COMIVIISSION' REPORT — PART 11, Na5ik of Group of Classes : SPECIAL TEACHER, ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Titles or Typical Classes in Group : Special Teacher, Elementary Schools — Domestic Science , Special Teacher, Elementary Schools — Domestic Art Special Teacher, Elementary Schools — Physical Training Special Teacher, Elementary Schools — Drawing Specifications of Classes in Group Duties: To give class instruction in a special subject, or to give demonstration les- sons and supervise the teaching by the regular classroom teacher; to assist the Director to plan courses of study and schedules, and to assist in general office work connected with the department ; to prepare material for classroom work; to attend teachers' meetings and to participate in civic and patriotic activities ; through reading and study, to keep informed as to advanced methods of elementary instruction and educational theory ; and to perform related work as, required. Common Qualifications: Graduation from an accredited normal school and not less than one year's training in the special subject; or graduation from high school and not less^ than two years' training; preferably some teaching experience; and sympa- ' thetic understanding of children. Special Qualifications: For each class in the group, special training and experience in the field indi- cated by the title of that class. Principal Lines of Promotion To : Junior Director of Home Economics ; Director of Home Ecoaomies ; Senior Director of Home Economics; Senior Director of Special Subject; Director of Speciar Subject. Compensation f-$210O Title of Class : AMERICANIZATION TEACHER Specifications of Class Duties: To instruct adult foreigners, in classes or in their homes, in the Englisii language, common school subjects, and civics; to cooperate with various Fed^ eral and municipal agencies in efforts toward the general education, Ameri- canization, and social betterment of foreign-born citizens; to attend teachers' meetings ; through reading and study, to lieep informed as to advanced methods of teaching and educational theory ; to perform incidental clerical work ; to participate in civic and patriotic activities ; and to perform related work as required. Qualifications: Graduation from an accredited normal school; several years' experience ia teaching ; some knowledge of sociology ; a thorough knowledge of American his- tory and political theories; tact and sympathy. Principal Lines of Promotion To : Director of Americanization Work. Compensation for Class Annual: $12OO-$13OO-$14OO-$15OO-$16OO-$17OO-$18OO-$19OO-$2O0O-$21OO Title of Class : COACHING TEACHER Specifications of Class Duties: To give special instruction to backward pupils, and intensive Instruction to pupils who have been absent for an extended period or to those who hay,e en- tered from outside schools ; to attend teachers' meetings and mothers' meetings and confer with parents ; through reading and study, to keep informed as to ad- vanced methods of teaching and educational theory ; to perform incidental clerical work ; to a.ssist in playground and building supervision ; to participate in civic and patriotic activities ; and to perform related work as required. Qualifications : Graduation from an accredited normal school ; not less than one year's ex- perience in teaching; thorough knowledge of child psychology and sympathetic understanding of children ; tact and patience. Principal Lines of Promotion To : Principal, Elementary Schools ; Teaching Principal, Elementary Schools j Assistant to Director of Elementary Instruction ; Director of Elementary la- struction. Compensation for Class Annual: $120O-$130O-$-1400-$150O-$1600-$17O0-$1800-$190O-$2000-$210O 600 EECLASSIFICATION- COMMISSION" REPORT — PART II. Title of Class : ' - , MODEL TEACHER Specifications of Class Duties: To be responsible for the instruction and general educational development of pupils in a demonstration school, under the observation of teachers, in- eluding visiting their classes and testing them, offering constructive criticism, and reporting on their work to the Director of Elementary Instruction and the Division School Superintendent; to hold meetings of the teachers under his supervision; to attend teachers' meetings and mothers' meetings; to confer with parents ; to perform clerical work, such as keeping records of attendance, vaccination cards, records of medical inspection, and inventories of supplies; through reading and study, to keep informed as to advanced methods of teacliing and educational theory ; to participate in civic and patriotic activi- ties ; and to perform related work as required. Qualifications : Graduation from an accredited normal school; not less than one year's ex- perience in teaching, and proved ability as a superior teacher; sympathetic understanding of children and ability to inspire teachers; poise and good ad- dress. Principal Lines of Promotion From: Teacher, Elementary Schools. To : Director of Elementary Instruction ; Senior Director of Elementary In- struction ; Assistant to Director of Elementary Instruction ; Teacher, Normal School; Teaching Principal, Elementary Schools; Principal, Elementary Schools. Compensation for Class Annual : ?1200-$1300-$1400-$1500-$1600-$1700-$1800-.$1900-?2000-$2100 Title of Class : TEACHING PRINCIPAL, ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Specifications of Class Duties: To be responsible for the instruction and educational development of the pupils in an 8th grade class, and in addition, to act as administrative officer for the school; supervising the assembling and dismissing of pupils, and su- pervising recesses and playgrounds; to transmit regulations and notices; on occasions, to assist the class room teachers in handling cases of discipline, truancy, and tardiness; to perform clerical work, such as making requisitions, receiving, recording, and distributing books and supplies, and examining teachers' record books; to have supervision over the janitors, and general responsibility for the care and safety of the buildings, grounds, and school equipment ; and to perform other related work. Qualifications: Graduation with a degree from an institution of recognized standing, and five years' high school teaching; special training in the science of education, methods of teaching and educational values; not less than five years' ex- perience in elementary school teaching; and proven administrative ability. Principal Lines of Promotion . P'rom : Teacher, Elementary Schools ; Model Teacher ; Coaching Teacher. To: Division School Superintendent; Director of Elementary Instruction; Senior Director of Elementary Instruction; Director of Special Schools; Director of Extension Schools; First Assistant Superintendent of Schools; Second Assistant Superintendent of Schools. Compensation for Class A uima 1 : $1800-$1!}20 -$2040-?21C0^|22S0-$2400-$252O-.$2640-$2760-$2880 EECLASSIPICATION COMMISSION BEPOKT — PART II. 601 Title of Class : PRINCIPAL, ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Specifications of Class Duties: To act as administrative officer aud as educational superAdsor of a large elementary school building, or for a group of buildings, including supervision of the assembling and dismissing of pupils, of recesses and playgrounds, and of the transmitting of regulations and notices ; on occasions, to assist the class- room teachers in handling cases of discipline, truancy, and tardiness ; to assist in the rating of teachers ; to perform clerical work, such as making requisi- tions, receiving, recording, and distributing books and supplies, and examining teachers' record books ; to have supervision over the janitors, and general responsibility for the care and safety of the buildings and grounds ; and to perform other related work. Qualifications: Graduation with a degree from an institution of recognized standing, or its equivalent ; special training in the science of education, methods of teaching and educational values ; not less than five years' experience in elementary school teaching ; and proven administrative ability. Principal Lines of Promotion From : Teacher, Elementary Schools ; Model Teacher ; Coaching Teacher. To : Division School Superintendent ; Director of Elementary Instruction ; Senior Director of Elementary Instruction ; Director of Special Schools ; Director of Extension Schools; Fii'st Assistant Superintendent of Schools; _ Second Assistant Superintendent of Schools. Compensation for Class Annual: $26O0-$2750-$290O-$305O-$3200-$335a-$360O • . Title of Class : DIVISION SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT Specifications of Class Duties : As the educational supervisor of one of the divisions of the school system, under the direction of the Superintendent, to improve and standardize methods of instruction in conference with the Director of Kindergartens and the Direc- tors of Elementary Instruction ; as administrative officer, to organize the schools, to rate teachers in conference with these directors ; to advise teachers as to rules -and to be responsible for their enforcement ; and to perform other related work. Qualifications: Graduation with a degree from an institution of recognized standing, with special training in the science of education, methods of teaching and educa- tional values ; at least one year's graduate study ; not less than five years' experience in teaching in elementary schools ; five years' administrative ex- perience ; and proven administrative ability. Principal Lines of Promotion From : Principal, Elementary Schools ; Teaching Principal, Elementary Schools. To: First Assistant Superintendent of Schools; Second Assistant Superin- tendent of Schools ; Superintendent of Schools. Compensation for Class Annual : $3000-$3150-$3300-$3450-$3600 602 RECLASSIFICATION COMMIS&ION SEPO-KT PAET U, HIGH SCHOOL INSTRUOTION Name of Gkoup of Classes: TEACHER, HIGH SCHOOL Titles of Typical Classes in Gboup: Teacher, High School — Academic Subjects Teacher, High School — Scientific Subjects Teacher, High School— French Teacher, High School — Latin Teacher, High School — Domestic Science Teacher, High School — Music Specifications of Classes in Group Duties: To be responsible for classroom instruction iu one or more subjects in a higb school ; to have charge of a group of pupils, called a section, including keeping records, making out pupils' reports, correspondence or conference with parents, and handling cases of discipline; to have charge of study halls at stated periods ; to do clerical work incidental to the keeping of records of attendance and pupils' reports ; to attend teachers' meetings ; to participate in civic and patriotic activities ; and to perform related work as required. Common Qualifications: Graduation with a degree from an iuslitution of recognized stiinding, or its equivalent as represented by graduation from an accredited normal school and not less than five years' experience in high-school teaching; and sympathetic understanding of young people. Special Qualifications: For each class in the group, special training and experience in a given field, as indicated by the title of that class. Principal Lines of Promotion From : Teacher, Elementary Schools ; Special Teacher, Night School. To : Head Teacher, High School ; Head of Department, High School ; Assistant Principal, High School ; Principal, High School ; Member of Examining Board ; Junior Director of Home Economics ; Director of Home Economics ; Senior Director of Home Economics ; Senior Director of Special Subject ; Di- rector of Special Subject. Compensation for Classes in Group Annual : $150O-?27{X) ; promotions to $120 Name of Geoup of Classes : IPHIIi TEACHER, HIGH SCHOOL— MANull TRAINING Titles of Typical Classes in Gkoup: Teacher, High School— Art Metal Work Teacher, High School — Electricity Teacher, High School — Forge Shop Work Teacher, High School — Machine Shop Work Teacher, High School — Molding and Foundry Work Teacher, High School — Pattern Making Teacher, High School — Printing Specifications of Classes in Group Duties: To give Instruction in the theory and practice of one or more manual training subjects; to be responsible for the care and upkeep of the shop; to prepare IlECLA&.SIFICAl:i0]SrcOMMISSIOlsr BEPOET PART II. 603 material for classroom use; to make requisitions for equipmeat and supplies; to keep records of attendance and work ; and to perform related work as required. Common Qualifications: Graduation with a degj-ee from tlie technical course of an institution of rec- ognized standing; preferably some teaching experience; experience iu the trade, and ability to teach. Special Qualifications: For each class in the group, special training and experience iu a given sub- ject, as indicated by the title of that class. Principal Lines of Promotion From : Vocational Teacher, Elementary Schools. To : Director of Manual Training ; Senior Director of Manual Training. Compensation for Classes in Group Annual : $1500-$2700 ; promotions of $120 Title or Class : TEACHER, HIGH SCHOOL— ORCHESTRAL MUSIC Specifications of Class Duties: To give individual and class instruction on orchestral instruments ; to or- ganize school orchestras and conduct their rehearsals and performances; and ty perform related work as required. Qualifications : Graduation from high school, or, preferably, an accredited normal school ; n.>t less than two years' special training in music; additional training in orcliesti;!! and band Instruments and* experience in conducting; and not less than oneye;ir'-j experience in teaching. Principal Lines of Promotion To : Director of Special Subject ; Senior Director of Special Subject- Compensation for Class ^ Annual: $1200-$1300-$1400-$1500 Title of Class : MILITARY INSTRUCTOR, HIGH SCHOOL Specifications of Class Duties: To organize the high-school cadet corps ; to instruct the members of the corp^^ in military drill and military science, and in the principles and practice of iuiis- tary discipline; to prepare and conduct examinations for officers of tlie cridt't corps; to supervise or to instruct the corps in rifle practice; to have charge ;>l tho ordnance property; and to perform other related work. Qualifications: Graduation from high school ; experience in active military service and .some experience as a teacher ; knowledge of military procedure and equipment ; force ^nul ability to lead young men. Compensation for Class Arinaal: $1200-$1300-$1400-$1500 604 DECLASSIFICATION" COMMISSION REPORT PART II. Title of Class : SWOIMING INSTRUCTOR, HIGH SCHOOL Specifications of Class Duties: To give instniction- in elementary and advanced swimming ; to coach com- petitive swimming teams; to plan and conduct swimming meets; to conduct swimming and life-saving examinations ; and to perform related work as re- quired. Qualifications: Graduation from high school, or, preferably, from an accreditevl normal school ; special training in swimming and diving and in methods of resuscita- tion. Compensation for Class Annual: $1200-$1300-$1400-$1500. NAjfE OF Gboup of Classes : HEAD TEACHER, HIGH SCHOOL Title of Typical Class in Group : - Head Teacher — Mathematics Specifications of Classes in Group Duties: Under the direction of a Principal, High School, and of a Head of Department, to have general supervision over the instruction in a given subject in one high school; to give class room instruction in the subject; to have charge of a group of pupils, called a section, including keeping attendance records, making out pupils' reports, correspondence or conference with parents, and handling cases of discipline ; to have charge of study halls at stated periods ; to do incidental clerical work ; to attend teachers' meetings ; to participate in civic and patriotic activities ; and to perform related work as required. Common Qualifications: Graduation with a degree from an institution of recognized standing, or its equivalent as represented by graduation from an accredited normal school and by not less than five years' experience in high school teaching; at least one year's graduate study ; not less than three years' additional experience in teaching, demonstrating marked ability ; and proven administrative ability. Special Qualifications: • For each class in the group, special training and experience in a given field, as indicated by the title of that class. Principal Lines of Promotion From: Teacher, High School. - To : Head of Department, High School ; Assistant Principal, High School ; Member of Examining Board ; Principal, High School. Compensation for Classes in Group Annual : $2100-$2700; promotions of $420 Name of Group or Classes : HEAD OF DEPARTMENT, HIGH SCHOOL Titles of Typical Classes in Group : Head of Department, High School — English Head of Department, High School — Mathematics Head of Department, High School — History Head of Department, High School — Business Practice EECLASSIFICATIOlSr COMMISSION REPORT — ^PART 11. 605 Specifications of Classes in Group Duties: Under the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, and an Assistant Super- intendent, to have general supervision over the instruction in a given depart- ment of instruction, Avhen such department of instruction includes classes in two or more high schools ; to confer with principals and the teachers of the de- partment; to visit classes, criticise lessons, and prepare departmental tests for pupils ; to hold meetings and special conferences with teachers ; to advise with principals in the grading of teachers; to report to the Superintendent on the quality of instruction imparted by teachers ; to prepare questions in the field of the department for the use of the Board of Examiners in exam-ining appli- cants for teachers' positions ; to rate applicants' examination papers ; to give classroom instruction ; and to perform other related work. Common Qualifications: Graduation with a degree from an institution of recognized standing, or its equivalent as represented by graduation from an accredited normal school and by not less than five years' experience in high school teaching ; at least one year's graduate work ; not less than five years' additional experience in teaching, dem- onstrating marked ability ; and proven administrative ability. Special Qualifications: For each class in the group, special training and experience in the field indi- cated by the title of that class. Principal Lines of Promotion From : Teacher, High School ; Head Teacher, High School. To: First Assistant Superintendent of Schools; Second Assistant Superin- tendent of Schools; Principal, High School; Member of Examining Board. Compensation for Classes in Group Annual : $2100-3000 ; promotions of $150 Title of Class : ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL, HIGH SCHOOL Specifications of Class Duties : Under the direction of a Principal, High School, to assist in supervising and directing the teaching force, including visiting classes, criticising lessons, hold- ing meetings and special conferences, and grading teachers ; to adjust courses of study ; to assist in the management and control of pupils ; to act for the Principal in his absence ; and to perform related work as required. Qualifications : Graduation with a degree from an institution of recognized standing, or its equivalent as represented by graduation from an accredited normal school and by not less than five years' experience in high-school teaching; at least one year's graduate work in the science of education, methods of teaching, and educational values ; not less than three years' successful additional experi- ence in teaching in secondary schools ; and proven administrative ability. Principal Lines of Promotion From : Head Teacher, High School ; Teacher, High School. To : Principal, High School. Compensation for Class Annual : $2100-$3000 ; promotions of $150 606 RECLASSIFICATION COMMISSION REPORT — PART II. Title of Class : ■ PRINCIPAL, HIGH SCHOOL Specifications of Class Duties : To act as educational supervisor and administrative officer of a high school ; to adjust courses of study; to hold teachers' meetings and have conferences with teachers ; to rate teachers and recommend appointments ; to have authority- over all teachers, pupils and janitors in the building ; to be responsible for the care and safety of the building and equipment ; and to perform other related work. Qualifications: Graduation with a degree from an institution of recognized standing, or its equivalent as represented by graduation from an accredited normal school and by not less than five years' exj^erience in high school teaching ; at least one year's graduate work in the science of education, methods of teaching, and educational values; not less than five years' successful additional experience in teaching in secondary schools, including supervisory experience ; and proven administrative ability. Principal Lines of Promotion From : Assistant Principal, High School ; Head of Department, High School ; Head Teacher, High School ; Teacher, High School. To : First Assistant Superintendent of Schools ; Second Assistant Superintend- ent of Schools; Superintendent of Schools. Compensation for Class Annual : $3600-$4o00 ; promotions of $150 NORMAL SCI-IOOL INSTRUCTION Name of Geoup of Classes : JUNIOR TEACHER, NORMAL SCHOOL Titles of Typical Classes in Group : Junior Teacher, Normal School — Academic Subjects Junior Teacher, Normal School — Scientific Subjects Junior Teacher, Normal School — Domestic Science Junior Teacher, Normal School — Kindergarten Specifications of Classes in Group Duties: Under the direct supervision of a Normal School Teacher, to give instruction to student-teachers in one or more subjects, or to supervise the instruction given by student-teachers to pupils in the critic schools; to instruct student- teachers in educational principles and methods of teaching ; to attend teachers' meetings; to perform incidental clerical work and related work as required. Common Qualifications: Graduation from an accredited normal school and one year's graduate study or its equivalent; not less than three years' experience in elementary teach- ing, demonstrating unusual ability; broad knowledge of modern educational theory and practice ; and ability to inspire teachers. Special Qualifications: For each class in the group, special training and experience in the field required, as indicated by the title of that class. EECIASSIIICATIOK COMMlSSIOISr REPOET — ^PAET H. 607 Principal Lines of Promotion From : Teacher, Elementary Scliools. To : Teacher, Normal School. Compensation for Classes in Groitpi Annual: $1200-$1320-§14-10-1560 Name of Group of Classes r TEACHER, NORMAL SCHOOL Titles of Typical Classes in Group: Teacher, Normal School — Academic Subjects Teacher, Normal School — Scientific Subjects Teacher, Normal School — Domestic Science Teacher, Normal School — Physical Training Teacher, Normal School — Music Teacher, Normal School — Kindergarten Specifications of Classes in Groap Duties: To give instruction to student-teachers In one or more subjects, or to super- vise the instruction given by stuclent-teachers to papils in the critic schools; to instruct stuclent-teachers in educational principles and methods of teaching; to attend teachers' meetings ; to perform clerical Avork incidental to making re- ports of attendance and work ; to participate in civic and patriotic activities ; and to perform related work as rec^uired. Common Qualifications : Graduation with a degree from an institution of recognized standing, or its equivalent as represented by graduation from an accredited normal school and not less than five years' experience in teaching; special training in the science of education, methods of teaching, and educational values; not less than one year's graduate work or its equivalent ; broad knowledge of modern educational theory and practice ; and ability to inspire teachers. Special Qualifications: For each class in the group, special training and experience in the field re- quired, as indicated by the title of that class, ' Principal Lines of Promoties From : Teaclier, Elementary School ; Junior Teacher, Normal School ; Assistant to Director of Elementary Instruction ; Kindergartner ; Model Teacher. To : Director of Special Subject ; Senior Director of Special Subject ; Senior Teacher, Normal School ; Director of Elementary Instruction ; Senior Di- rector of Elementary Instruction; Jmiior Director of Home Economies; Director of Home Economics ; Senior Director of Home Economics ; Princi- pal, Normal School. Compensation for Classes in Group Annual: $1650-$17TO-$lS90-$201(}-$2130-$2250-?2370-$24=30-$26-10-$2730 608 RECLASSiriCATION COMMISSIOIT REPORT PART II. Name of Groxtp of Classes : SENIOR TEACHER, NORMAL SCHOOL Titles of Typical Classes in Groi-p : Senior Teacher, Normal School Senior Teacher, Normal School — Kindergarten Senior Teacher, Normal School — Manual Training Specifications of Classes in Group Duties: To perforin the duties of a Normal School Teacher, and, in addition, to assist the Principal by acting for him in his absence, by taking cliaige of faculty committees, by taking cliarge of school actiAities, or by performing other special administrative work as assigned. Common Qualifications: Graduation with a degree from an institution of recognized standing, or its equivalent as represented by graduation from an accredited normal school and by not less than five years' teaching experience; at least two years' graduate work ; not less than five years' additional experience in teaching ; continued study of general educational theory as evidenced by examination ; and ability to inspire teachers. Special Qualifications: For each class in the group, special training and experience in a given field as indicated by the title of that class. Principal Lines of Promotion From : Teacher, Normal School. To : Principal, Normal School ; Director of Kindergarten ; Junior Director of Kindergartens. Compensation for Classes in Group Annual: $1650-$1770-$lS90-$2010-$2130-$2250-)i;2370-$2490-$2610-$2730 Title of Class : PRINCIPAL, NORMAL SCHOOL Specifications of Class Duties: To act as educational supervisor and administratiA'e officer of a normal school; to adjust courses of study and to provide for adequate observation and practice work for the student-teachers; to hold teachers' meetings and have conferences with teachers; to rate teachers and recommend appointments; to have authority over all teachers, pupils, and janitors in the building; to be responsible for the care of the building and equipment; and to perform other related work. Qualifications: Graduation with a degree from an institution of recognized standing, with special training in the science of education, methods of teaching, and educa- tional values ; at least one year's graduate study ; not less than five years' addi- tional experience in teaching in elementary schools and five years' suc- cessful teaching in a normal school, including supervisory experience; broad knowledge of modern educational theories and practice; marked adminis- trative ability, leadership, and good address. Principal Lines of Promotion From : Senior Teacher, Normal School ; Teacher, Normal School ; To : First ■ Assistant Superintendent of Schools ; Superintendent of Schools ; Second Assistant Superintendent of Schools. Compensation for Class Annual : $2600-$2750--$2900-$3050-$3200-$335(>-$3500 RECLASSIFICATION COMMISSION REPORT— PART II. 609 SPECIAL SCHOOLS INSTRUCTION Title of Class : TEACHER, ATYPICAL SCHOOLS Specifications of Class Duties^ To be responsible for the instruction and general educational development of mentally deficient children in the elementary schools; to prepare material and programs for school-room activities ; to observe in model schools ; to attend teachers' meetings ; to hold mothers' meetings and confer with parents ; through reading and study, to keep informed as to advanced methods of teaching and educational theory ; to assist in playground and building supervision ; to per- form clerical work, such as keeping records of attendance, vaccination cards, medical inspections, inventory and supplies ; to participate in civic and patriotic activities ; and to perform related work as required. Qualifications: Graduation from an accredited normal school ; not less than one year's ex- perience in teaching; special knowledge of child psychology, and of methods of teaching subnormal children ; unusual tact, sympathy, and patience. Compensation for Class Annual : $1200-^1300-$1400-$150(>-$1600-$1706-$1800-$1900-$20{)<>-$2100 Title of Class : TEACHER, OPEN-AIR AND TUBERCULOSIS SCHOOLS Specifications of Class Duties : To be responsible for the instruction and general educational and physical development of children in the tuberculosis and other open-air schools ; to at- tend teachers' meetings and mothers' meetings and to confer with parents; to perform incidental clerical work ; to assist in playground and building super- vision ; to participate in civic and patriotic activities ; through reading and study to keep informed as to advanced methods of teaching and educational theory ; and to perform related work as required. Qualifications: Graduation from an accredited normal school ; not less than one year's ex- perience in teaching; knowledge of child hygiene, nursing, and dietetics; un- usual tact, patience, and sympathy. Compensation for Class Annual : $1200-$1300-$1400-$1500-$160()-$1700-$1800-$1900-$2000-$2100 Title of Class : TEACHER, UNGRADED SCHOOLS Specifications of Class Duties: To be responsible for the instruction and general educational development of truant and delinquent children in the ungraded schools; to attend teachers' meetings and mothers' meetings and confer with parents ; to perform incidental clerical work ; to assist in playground and building supervision ; to participate in civic and patriotic activities; through reading and study to keep informed as to advanced methods of teaching and educational theory; and tp perform re- lated work as required. 164919°— 20— pt 2 39 610 KECLASSIFICATION COMMISSIOT^ EEPORT PAKT II. Qualifications: Graduation from an accredited normal school ; not less than one year's ex- perience in teaching ; special knowledge of psychology ; unusual tact, sympathy and patience ; and marked ability to control children. Compensation for Class Annual: $12OO-$13OO-$14OO-$15OO-$16OO-$170G-P8OO-$19OO-$2OOO-$21OO TiTLK OF Class : TEACHER, NIGHT SCHOOL Specifications of Class Duties: To be responsible for the instruction and educational development of an ele- mentary or high school class of pupils in the night schools ; to prepare material and programs for classroom work ; to confer with parents and pupils ; to per- form clerical work, such as keeping records of attendance, and making reports on school matters ; and ta perform related work as rectiiired. Qualifications: Graduation from an accredited normal school ; and preferably one yeai."^s experience in teaching. Principal Lines of Promotion To: Principal, Night School. Compensation for Class Per night : $3.50 Name of Group of Classes : SPECIAL TEACHER, NIGHT SCHOOL Titles of Typical Classes in Geoup : Special Teacher, Night Schools — ^Domestic SrfeitGe Special Teacher, Night Schools — Manual Training Special Teacher, Night Schools — Skilled Trades Special Teacher, Night Schools — Physical Training Specifications of Classes in Group Duties : To give instruction in the night schools in some special subject or trade; to prepare material for classroom work; to confer with parents and pupils; to perform clerical work, such as keeping records of attendance and making reports on school matters ; and to perform related work as required. Common Qualifications: Graduation from high school, or, preferably, from an accredited normal school ; and some experience in teaching. Special Qualifications: For each class in the group, special training and experience in the field indi- cated by the title of the class. Principal Lines of Promotion To : Teacher, High School. Compensatitm for Classes in Groap" Per night : $3.50 BECLASSIFICATIOlSr COMMISSION EEPORT — -PART II. 611 Title of Class : PRINCIPAL, NIGHT SCHOOL* Specifications of Class Duties: To act as educational director and administrative officer of a niglit school center ; to arrange scliedules ; to observe classroom instruction and advise teach- ers as to metliods of teaching ; to arrange schedules ; to maintain discipline ; to confer with teachers and supervisory officials ; to have supervision over the jan- itors and general responsibility for the care and safety of the building during the night school sessions ; and to perform' other related work. Qualifications : Graduation with a degree from an institution of recognized standing or its equivalent ; and not less than one year's experience in teaching, preferably in- cluding some supervisory experience. Principal Lines of Promotion From : Teacher, Night School. To : Director of Extension Schools. Compensation for Class Per night (1-5 teachers) : $4.00 Per night (6-10 teachers) : $5.00 Per night (over 10 teachers) : $6.00 OTHER CLASSES IN THE EDUCATIONAL SERVICE Najie of Group of Classes : INSTITUTIONAL TEACHER (VOCATIONAL) Titles of Typical Classes in Group: Institutional Teacher (Blacksmithing) Institutional Teacher (Bricklaying) Institutional Teacher (Brick Making) Institutional Teacher (Broom Making) Institutional Teacher (Carpentry) Institutional Teacher (Cement Work and Construction) Institutional Teacher (Cooking) Institutional Teacher (Domestic Science) Institutional Teacher (Farming) * Institutional Teacher (Floriculture) Institutional Teacher (Landscape Gardening) Institutional Teacher (Laundering) Institutional Teacher (Lumbering) Institutional Teacher (Painting) Institutional Teacher, (Plumbing) Institutional Teacher (Printing) Institutional Teacher (Sawmill Operating) Institutional Teacher (Sewing) Institutional Teacher (Shoemaking) Institutional Teacher (Tailoring) Institutional Teacher (Woodworking) Specifications of Classes in Group Duties: Under supervision, to instruct inmates of a charitable or correctional Institu- tion in an industry or trade ; to make repairs and supervise maintenance work