V ♦'•To' <^ ^v-^ '^^H^ 'i ':^^ % "oV^^w/ .^-^ ■^^. ..» *f.^** v«^ o • t. ^^ ♦ O « 'V.s'^ * • 4 o ^ V^ ^ r^^ • • • * "^:i. - w^ • * • <. *>- .-1 o ^- W-^ ♦ IsaHli^^iaS^iiSi^^i^it^ DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE -OF- S3 AND OTHER PROPERTIES S] -IN- ciBiNrTiE^-^nij i^-^i^"2'iLi-^iNrnD. §§§- :0:-§§§- Beautiful and Healthful Locations on the Chesa- peake Bay and its Tributaries — Finest Fish, Oysters and Game abound — Lands ADAPTED TO GrAIN AND GrASS, BUT ESPECIALLY TO FrUIT AND VEGE- TABLES — Hundreds of Splendid Prop- erties for Sale in Anne Arundel County, convenient to Kailroad and River Transportation, accessible to Annapolis, Baltimore and Washington Markets. -A- Hi S O Special Bargains in Sulnirban Town JJots, Village Properties and Small Truch; Poultry and Dairy Parnis near Annapolis city. JLoiv Hates for Travel and Freights to Settlers. SECOND RE VISED J^DXTIO S, QEOI^QE l*. ]\IEL^Ijl, ANNAPOLIS, MD, Pifli^iia^g^^i^i^iKiss^ DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF AND OTHER PROPERTIES • IX — §§§-:0:-§§§ Beautiful and Healthful Locations on the Chesa- peake Bay and its Tributaries — Finest Fish, Oysters and Game abound — Lands ADAPTED TO GrAIN AND GrASS, BUT ESPECIALLY TO FrUIT AND VeGE- r! tables — hundreds of Splendid Prop- erties FOR Sale in Anne Arundel County, convenient to Railroad AND River Transportation, accessible to Annapolis, Baltimore and Washington Markets. ^ H. s o 2.7 St "^5' ■ISpecinl Unrgains in Sitburbau Ton'n Lots, Village Properties find Stnnll Truck, Poiiltr;/ and Dairy Jt'arnis near Annapolis city. Jjow Rates for Travel and Freights to Settlers. SECOND REVISED EDITION, QEOI^QE 1'. J^ELVipl, ANNAPOLIS, MD, CON TENTS cr^y^s^^^c($K'^ Our Location— Annapolis— U. S. Naval Academy. - St, John's College— Summer Resorts -Oppor- tunity For Investments— Soil— Grass and Grain— Our Principal Crops— Climate- Healthfulness — Luxuries — Cost of Living— What We Offer — Clay Deposits— Schools— Churches— Mills— Proximity to Markets— Wages— Our Sub- urban Locations —Fruit and Truck Farming— Five Acre Oyster Farms free —Opportunities for Business— Titles— Our Method— When to Come— Prices and Brief Descriptions of Properties. ■:0: •NTERF.D ACCORDING TO ACT OF CONGRESS. IN THE VEAH 1890, BV QEORQE T MELVIN. IN THF OFFITE OF THE LIRRARIAN OF CnNORESS AT WASHINOTON V v^ CENTRAL MARYLAND. Our LrOcation. Our map includes an area of seventy miles in direct length by fifty in breadth. Its ex- treme northern point is the city of Baltimore, and Drum Point, at the mouth of the Patuxent river on Chesapeake bay, its extreme south- erly limit. Between these two points the line of the Drum Point railroad is designated, running through the length of Anne Arundel and Calvert counties. The city of Washington is along its western outline, while the Chesa- peake bay constitutes its eastern boundary. Parts of Baltimore, Howard, Montgomery, Charles and St. Mary^s counties, and all of Anne Arundel, Calvert and Prince George's counties are accurately laid down upon it, with all railroads, cities, towns, villages and water- courses that come within the area which it 4 Descriptive Catalogue of covers. The central and most attractive por- tion of this area is Anne Arundel county. The map makes a complete reiDresentation of the section of country we are advertising, and it is one of the most interesting localities in the United States. Send at once for our map, which will be mailed free. Annapolis. The city of Annapolis is the capital of Mary- land. It is also the county seat of Anne Arundel county. No healthier or more delight- ful town for residence can be found. We have here the State buildings. A bird's eye view of the locality to which we invite attention can be obtained from the balcony upon the dome of the State House. At our feet lies the quaint old city, its streets all radiating from this center like the spokes of a wheel. Directly in its rear is the fine brick building which is the home of our Governors. Then, next, Isold St Anne's P. E. Church, St. Mary's Catholic Church, the Methodist and German Lutheran Churches, the historic ^St. John's College, and the famous United States Naval Academy. Just beyond is the beautiful Severn river, and to the east lies the broad Chesapeake bay. And looking C/ieap Farm Lands. 5. in tlie direction of sun-set may be seen that attractive and picturesciue and healthful suburb, West Annapolis, lying immediately upon the Severn river, and within half a mile of the city. tJ. S* I^aval Academy. This is a national school to prepare young men for entering the Navy. The buildings are all capacious and costly. The cadets' quarters is a very large building; the armory, laboratory and steam engineering buildings, the observatory and library, are all points of interest. Hand- some rows of private residences for the use of the officers, &c., front upon broad and pleasant walks and terraces. The grounds are neatly kept, covering an area of over 100 acres, de- lightfully shaded and carpeted with a sward of closely shaven grass. In summer these grounds are thronged with visitors from every part of the world. The adjacent river is often dotted with United States vessels at anchor. St. Joliii's College Is a State institution and under superior management. Between one and two hundred students from the counties of Maryland and almost every State in the Union are gathered 6 Descriptine Catalogue (/ witliin its memorable lialls. The school of which St. John's is the outgrowth was estab- lished ill pursuance of a ^'Petitionary Act," passed by the Maryland Legislature in 1696. So St. Johns ranks among the oldest institu- tions of America. Surrounded by a beautiful campus off about 26 acres, with the advantage of United States military and naval officers, under the former of whom the boys are daily drilled, the college offers to all who come here superior advantages for attaining a thorough education. Suniiuer Resorts. Three miles out of Annapolis, by way of An- napolis and Bay Ridge Railroad, on a high point of land where the Severn river empties into the Chesapeake bay, is the beautiful sum- mer resort of Bay Ridge. Here are fine hotels, pavilions and all the attractions that make the heated season enjoyable to excursionists. And thousands of visitors daily throng the magnifi- cent park which is laid off here, bathe in the salt water, or sail upon the lake. Excursions come here by rail and steamer from Baltimore and Washington every day of the season. Severn Park, a beautiful and well-shaded Cheax) Farm Lands. 7 plateau on the Severn river, and over-looking Chesapeake bay, is located within the town limits ol AVest Annapolis, and under, its police control. It is expected that in the near future this delightful resort will be dotted with Sum- mer cottages, and attract thousands of pleasure and health seekers. This point is noted for fine fishing and bathing. Round Bay is located upon the Severn river a few miles from Annapolis. It is a beautiful sheet of water, dotted with islands and bor- dered by bold and strikingly wooded shores. The A. & B. Short Line and the B. & E. S. railroads run special trains to these beau- tiful resorts. Bathing and boating houses afford entertainment, while pavilions and restaurants offer rest and refreshment. Opportunity for Investments. Anne Arundel county, though lying right near Baltimore and Washington, is less known to the outside world than the great West. It has never been advertised. The farming is largely in the old ruts. Much of the country is yet in woods, but the new railroads are bring- ing it to public notice very rapidly. With all points convenient to salt water navigation, to- 8 Descrijjthe Catcdogitt of getlier with tlie numerous railroads, this section must develop. N^o better opening for invest- ments in real estate can he found anywhere. Soil. The soil varies from clay and clay loam to sandy. It is mostly high, dry and fertile. Some of it has been farmed to exhaustion with tobacco, but it is very kind and easily and readily made productive. Half the lime and manure that is required to keep up the lime stone valleys of Pennsylvania will improve and make this land exceedingly rich. In fact, it is very productive now. Grass and Grain. The country for miles is almost entirely de- voted to the growth of vegetables and small fruits, and the dairy and poultry business. Many of the farms grow two, and some even three crops in a season. The land is strong and fertile, or it would not continue to yield, for this constant cropping gives it no time to lie in grass. Hence, visitors from grain and grass growing sections will be struck with the ab- sence of grass fields. Ckea'p Farm Lands. Our Principal Crops. Our soil is adapted to tlie growth of grain and grass, but espe«ially profitable in the raising of vegetables, peaches, berries and other fruits. The early vegetables and berries of Anne Arundel are particularly popular in the city markets. The soil is peculiarly adapted to their rapid and early growth and perfect devel- opment. Our proximity to the salt water of the Chesapeake bay and its tributaries is a protec- tion against frosts, early and late, so that large and remunerative crops are raised here, when other less favored sections fail to produce as good results. Climate. The climate is equal to any in the world. Our summers are not oppressive, owing to the fact that the cool bay breezes temper the at- mosphere and reduce the heat. On the other hand we are free from the extreme cold weather of the Northern States. In this respect, the contiguity of large bodies of salt water mod- erates the temperature. We have some winter days that the thermometer gets below zero. Frequently, however, the winter passes without touching that point. 10 t>escrl'ptim Catalogue of Healttifuliie^s. We have no local causes to make the country unheal thful. There are no bodies of stagnant water. Our streams are swiftly running waters and our larger water-courses are very salt. The country is free from malarial trouble, and the climate is favorable to those disposed to throat or lung affections ; in short, this is pre-emi- nently a healthful climate. Luxuries. The salt water luxuries of crabs, superior food fish and fine oysters, together with water fowl of various sorts, give residents of Anne Arundel an enviable variety, contributing both to the health and the economy of their living. Farmers whose places run to the water often bed oysters for market and home consumption. Indeed, no farms in the county are too remote from salt water to procure these luxuries in abundance, and with very little cost. Xlie Cost of Lriviug: Here is very moderate. Our j)e(^P^6) while hospitable, are not extravagant in their tastes or mode of living. There are a number of good stores in Annapolis and elsewhere in the county. cheap Farm Lands. 11 although there are openings for others. Every- thing can be purchased as cheaply in this sec- tion as in almost any other. ^Wliat We Offer. Bargains in grain and grass farms. Bargains in fruit and truck farms. Bargains in beautiful and healthful building sites. Bargains in village and suburban lots. Bargains in properties upon salt water. Bargains in locations convenient to city mar- kets. Bargains in cheap lands and desirable homes. Bargains for farmers. Bargains in town and city properties. Bargains in brick clay. Openings for merchants, mechanics and man- ufacturers. Several extensive tracts suitable for colonies, on railroads and shelled wagon roads; with fine saltwater privileges; on bold navigable water; remarkable openings for manufacturers, and splendid chances for neighbors to buy prop- erties together and locate side by side. 1 2 Descriptwe Catalogue of Clay Deposits. We have some very fiiie and extensive beds of brick clay on railroads, and upon navigable waters, right near the city of Annapolis. These are very valuable and ought to be immediately seen and developed. With the opportunity to get large Government contracts from the U. S. Naval Academy, here offered, there is a fortune in the business for capitalists and those who know how to work it. Scliools. The public school system of this State is one of the finest in America. Numerous school houses are located at such points in the districts as are most convenient to the people. These are open to all about ten months in the year ; they are well taught and largely attended. Cliurclies Of almost all denominations are scattered over every district of the county, and cordially welcome all to attendance upon their services. Mills The fine water powers which occur every few miles through this section afford mill sites Cheap Farm Lands. 13 which are improved with mills. These fur- nish to our farmers all needed facilities for ob- taining flour, and our fine southern white corn meal which is so popular and in such great demand. Proximity to Markets. Being very near, too, to markets, fruits and vegetables go in fresh and in best condition, and by reason of this, command the highest prices. Many farmers carry in their own pro- ducts by sail vessels or wagons, and thus save cost of transportation. Our entire section of country has unparalleled advantages in the way of superior and readily accessible markets. A little to the west of us is the city of Washing- ton, where the highest prices are paid for those early vegetables which our truck farmers know so well how to raise. Then directly north of us, and within easy ride by cars or boats, is the city of Baltimore, which constantly calls for Anne Arundel products, and from which rail- roads carry the surplus to adjoining cities and States. The city of Annapolis, also, with a population of about 8,000, rapidly increasing, furnishes a fine market for those who engage in raising truck, vegetables, fruits, poultry, 14 Descriptive Catalogue of dairy products, etc. Many of tlie properties we offer are finely adapted to this business. Good farm labor can be hired at from 50 cts. to $1.00 per day. Abundant labor can always be procured from Baltimore city. Our Suburban IvOcations. We call particular attention to our West Annapolis town lots as investments offering fine building sites in full view of Annapolis city. Every inducement is here oft'ered to suburban home seekers, and persons looking for invest- ments in property which must greatly and rapidly enhance in value. For full particulars as to our suburban properties see descriptive circulars and plats, furnished on application. Early purchasers will of course secure the best locations and bargains. To the peeple of Annapolis city West Annapolis presents attrac- tions and advantages that invite consideration. Here they can buy lots and build homes at much less cost than in the city, and at the same time avoid heavy municipal taxation. Yet here they are only two minutes by rail and fif- teen minutes walk from the business centre of the city. The cost of riding to and from An- cheap Farm Lands. 15 napolis by railroad is about the same as ordi- nary street car fares. Here the children can run and grow healthy, instead of dwindling and dying in the foul air of the city. Here Annapolis business men can recreate and gather fresh vigor for their work. And here those connected with the Naval Academy will find a delightful place for residences. Health, economy, convenience and all the other charming surroundings of an attractive subur- ban home mark West Annapolis as a favored location and indicate tliat in a few years im- portant interests and extensive population must center here. Fruit aud Truck Faruiiiig^. The lands adjacent to West Annapolis are peculiarly suited for raising fruits and vegeta- bles. Proximity to the salt water so tempers the climate as to protect growing vegetation against the frosts of late spring and early fall. Jn consequence of this, truckers will find that they can prosecute their business here with less risk and greater profit than elsewhere in the same latitude. Besides, the contiguity to the city markets makes it possible to raise delicate table fruits and vegetables, with a quick trans- 16 .Descriptive Catalogue of fer from the hot beds and gardens to the tables of the consumers, commanding, tlierefore, high prices on account of their freshness and quality, and this at little cost of transportation. We offer many very desirable and fertile truck farms on advantageous terms in the vicinity of West Annapolis. Five Acre Oynter Karnis Free. Owners of lands bordering upon navigable waters have the privilege of using the same under- the laws of our State, for bedding and growing oysters and other shell fish within the lines of their own lands, or may locate and appropriate five acre farms of the waters ad- joining their lands, or elsewhere in this Slate, for the purpose of bedding and growing oysters and other shell fish; the principal cost of pro- curing this j)rivilege being the expense of the survey and the recording of the plat and de- scription, which is a matter of only a few dollars. This oyster farming privilege can only be availed of by residents of this State. One of these oyster farms, properly attended to, can be made very profitable. Chea'p Farm Lands. 17 Opportunities for Business. Our locality offers peculiar advantages for the establishment of the canning business. The surrounding country is prolific in producing iruits and vegetables ; while the railroads and adjacent water communications with the large cities provide abundant facilities for ship- ment. Paper mills, cotton and woolen mills, manufacturing establishments of almost every description will find here unsurpassed advan- tages. Anne Arundel county must grow. Mechanics will be in demand. A new popula- tion moving in will need houses and every requisite for comfort and convenience. Stores '.vin also be required. People will need dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, furniture and the many articles that are required in town and country homes. Start with the rush and thereby secure the first foothold. Establish yourselves in business here among the first, and grow up with the county. Titles Are good. The land records of the county are accurately kept and open to all. 18 Descriptim Catalogue of Our Illetliod. When persons apply for properties we desire to be informed as to what they want, kind of land, size of place, Avhether for grain, stock, fruit and fruit farming, whether on or near salt water, and what amount they desire to in- vest, etc. Having the facts before us, we can point out the places upon our lists that '^fill the bill," and approximate the wishes of our cus- tomers. Having selected such as appear most desirable, we next introduce purchasers to the owners of these properties. They can then get information fully and in detail, and make their own contracts if they so desire. We have no more interest in the sale of one farm than of another, and are in a position to give unbiased information. Wlieii to Come. Come at once. New railroad facilities have just been opened and brought into market en- tirely new sections of Anne Arundel county. The tide of immigration has hitherto been di- rected to other States, or to other parts of this State. The striking advantages to be found here have only recently been fully understood and brought to light. The first comers will Cheap Farm Lands. 19 get tlie best bargains, and we liave some re- markably cheap and desirable properties tliat will be rapidly disposed of. Come at once and you can buy what you want at low prices and on easy terms. Further Iii formation. If there are any other matters upon which our correspondents desire information, we shall be pleased to give it to them. Write us, in- closing stamp. 20 Descriptive Catalogue of PRICES AND BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS. :0: The following List gives number, quantity and price, with brief description, of some of the properties we are offering for sale. Nos. 1 to 5, both inclusive f have recently been disposed of, No. O 440 Acres $7,000. J'\ W . II. This FiU'tn tvould be admirable for a colony of siae or eif/ht families. It is located Tn the Fourth District of Anne Arundel county, 4 miles from Hall's st'ition 100 acres Wood and Meadow, balance under cultiva- tion. Larg-e double lirick Mansion 40x4i, 2>^ story, with back 2 story Hrick, 3 Barns, Tenement House and Cabins for laborers. One-third cash, ba'ance in one and two years. iVo 7 192 A.cres $20 per Acre. I. W. N. This would suit a person desiring a salt, wattr location . Three miles to Railroad Station and School; bordering on naviga- ble saltwater; daily steamers in summer; 100 Peach Trees; Dwel- ling one-story^ 10x32, and addition 15x18 feor ; Ba-n, 40x4'l ; Corn and Meat House and o'her necessary out-building's; soil good and productive ; a fine and healthj^ location. No. 9 70 Acres $800. It. D. S. Tht' u-oott tmd timber trouhl mot-e than 2^fiy fhe en- tire ptrrclutsH monctf . Part of Locust Grove, in the Second District; good quality of poil ; all in wood; Ij^ miles from Camp Parole P. O., and 3>^ miles from Annapolis. No. 10 • 97 }i Acres $1800. tl, />. A'Hjeious to sell, and woidd (five tfrms to suit . Five miles from Annapolis; 4 fields; fencing good; two-story Dwelling large Barn and usual out buildings ; 2 miles from Crowns- ville ; one- half mi e to M. E., and :l miles to P. K. Church; 2 miles to IJailroad station; I mile to sail water; land produciive; 500 Peach Urees, Apples, Plums, Damsons and Grapes. Cheap Farm Lands. 21 ITo 12 112 Acres $1,500. tT. S. A. Would make an oxcellent Truck and Fruit Farm. In good neighborhood . Five miles from A.nnapolis; one mile to "^outh River; one mile to M. E., and three miles to P. E. Church; S'nall orcjhard, Apples. Plums and Pears; comfortable one-story dwelling-, co'itaining- 4 rooms Hnd kitchen; Corn-House, Granary, Barn, &c ; soil light loam and fertile. Wo. 13 165 Acres !8!2 500. F. S. II. This property can he reached from Annapoli.s by the Md . Steamboat to Chalk Foinf on West river. Light Poll, suitable for fruit culture; convenient to church<"s, schools, etc.; a cheap piece of property; >3 cash, balance in 1, 2 and 3 years. Nos. 14 and 15. Not now for Sale. No . 16 167 Acres $2,500. tl. W. A. In a thriving track, find vegetable growing section with plenty of railroad facilities. Equal distance from iJaltimore and Annapolis; one mile from Odenton station; one mile to Mill, School and Church; small dwel- ling and small Apple and Peach Orchards; soil loam and Vuings good crops. Nos. 17, 18 and lU hare be> n disposed of, and is not now in the mark't. No. 20... H7H Acres !B»2,'^00. J. W. DuB. This, and JVo. 2i. are being improved., and the price is probably more tlian that named. Forty minutes from Balti'nore; forty minutes from Washington; twenty minutes from Annapolis; land good; gently rolling; good house; half in Timothy and Clover; ordinary outbuildings; quite some fruit. No. 21 — Acres $4,500. At Millersville station; large Aople and Peach Orchards; large Lawn, well shaded; small house; large barn; land highly improved; made 40 tons of Timothy Hay this season; all kinds of small fruit in abundance; one-half mile road front; 20 acres tine timber. No. 22 100 Acres $2,500. HI. C. fi^ood farm for this price, pne neighborhood and is a pleasant home. Two-Story Dwelling, Barn and other necessary otit-buildings; 4>^ miles to Annapolis; two miles to railroad station; I mile to South Kiver. No. 23 176 Acres $2,500. t/. F. Fine i>roperty; land susceptible of high state of culti- vation; can be bought now very cJieap. One hundred and twenty-five acre* arable; School on the prem- ises; nine miles to Annapolis; one mile tc M. E., and % mile to P. E. Church; ".i^ miles 'O Kailroad station and to river; 200 Peach Trees; 200 Apple Trees; XOO Grape Vines and other fruit; &oil good clay loam. No. 24 lOO Acres $l,00l>. E. n. Accessible to city >narkrts and could br made a good farm . Cheap at the price ttsked . Half in woods ; 50 acres arable ; one -story Dwelling, out-buildings poor; four miles to Drum Point; 2>^ miles to salt water on Chesa- peake b «try, and close to churches, schools, mills, stores. 22 Descriptire CaUilogue of Xo. S5. yot tioir for sale. Ao. 26. Ja otso disposeft of. yo. 27 140 Acres $40 jyer acre. yir.s. S. While this propi-rty has been if^lected aud is iti a dilnpidated condition, it is .so beautifully located thnt it could vasili/ he tnudf a tnost attractire and caluahle property . 15.V) cash and bal- ance to suit purchaser. So. 33 1 lO Acres $4,501} W. II. M. A trell located property, county road on front and rear boundary . In goo<1 neiyhborhoftd . Anxious to sell. irj.1 icres arable, balance in wood and timber; 3000 young peach trees ; 125 good variety of apple trees : some quinces and rasp- berries ; large 2 story dwelling ; good fences : large and well arrang- ei bam: tenant house: land rolling and of medium clay loam: one-third cash, balance in 1 and 2 years; close to South River and near Chesapeake Bay ; a profluctive and desirable farm. \o. 36 ha.s hfCii d isposrd of. ood rouht not he houy/it from prt-.tt-nt nu-nt-r for S.'f.OOO. -Vo.37 90 Acrt-s »2.400. C. J. Land tfUMily improced, and location healthy: goo^l neigh- Itorhood . 75 acres arable ; soil sandy and clay loam in fair state of cultiva- tion; 2>^ story dwdlling and good out-butldings : healthy and Cheai? Farm Loju/Js. 23 pleasant neighborhood ; 8 miles from Annapolis : 8 miles to R. K- station- 1^' miles to South River: churches, schools and stores convenient: 500 peach trees; -Sl.OOD, balance in 1 and 2 years- Xo. 3S ^^3^ ^4.cres - .$^ per acre. S. V. B. Ocer IfH) ffet abfjce titiewat^r: ejrrellent neio1tl>or- Jioofl: healtJitj locatioit: in fart d*sirablf and ch^ap truck farm. New 2 «tory dwelling-, lar?e barn and other out-nuilding-? : excel- lent qualitv soil and very productive, adapted especially to truck- ino-- at railroad station and only a short d- stance from steamboat wharf on Severn River : over 100 ft. altitude and very healthy : convenient to churches, schools, stores, etc : >00 best variety peach trees on farm ; price *40 per acre, half cash, balance in reasonable time. Xo. 39 Jms been disposed of. yo. 40 30 Acres $1000. G. W. H". This is a jine salt a-ater locution for a person desir- ing to fartn oi/sters. 2 story dwelling, stables an i other oir-buildin?s : soil good natural quality and adapted to f rait and truck : some pears, peaches and apples ; beautifully located on Severn River : fish, oysters, crabs, abundant and wild ducks in season : 2=* miles to railroad station. 4 miles to Annapolis : $60d ; enough fru:t for family use : 63 acres in cultivation, balance in chestnut, oak and other wood ; half cash, balance to suit purchaser- Xo.4'^ 140 S. Acres S'i.OOO E. W. S. yo doubt this property could be bought for less than the price named. Small dwelling; no outbuildings: so*l good quality, adapted to trucking ; 4 miles from Annapolis : close to railroad station and churches, schools and stores ; on Severn River ; fish, oysters, crabs, and game plentiful ; healthy location : terms cash or nearly so. yo. 43 has been recently .sold, and the pre.sent oirner has a eery hiyh appreciation of it. It adjoins JVo. .50. irhich is still for sale. Xo. 44 154% Ac^res $43 per acre. E. L. It. This is a light soil and Jit for early trucking. Good buildings : fertile soil, adapted to fruit and truck: close to V O . Mill«, churches schools, railroad station, and on Magothy River; salt water luxurie* abundant : healthy and good neighbor- hood ; half cash, balance in 1 and 2 years. yo. 46 '^00 Aere^ $10,000 J: E. B. This farm, on account of its rery eligible Uycation. trould make a fine suburban residence. Two-storv Dwelling and irood out-buildings, insured at ^8.500 : 12-5 acres arable, producinff fine fruit and truck, balance in chest- nut and pine woods ; on A- W. \- B. Railroad, ^ mile of Parole sta- tion and p. O-, onlv 2 miles by shelled road and in fu'lview of Annapolis; healthy and desirable home: terms. -? cish. balance t# suit purchaser. 24 Descriptive Catalogue of No. 47 SO .4.ere» ^4,000 S. G. F. I*ficnliat'lt/ aftapterl to the f/rowth of early vegetahles and f'riiitn. Small two-sfory dwelling: and out-buildiajrs ia fair order ; first- rate truckinR- land and in jrood state of cultivation; fltio peach orchard of 1500 tro'>s ; near (Chesapeake Bay and 1 mile from Ma^oihy river where the finest fish, oysters and erame are abundant ; conve- n ent to mills, churches, schools and stores ; pleasant neijrhborhood solid roads; daily communication by water or rail with Baltimore: 4 miles t(j Annapolis; }4 cash, balance to suit. Xo. 4f) 115 Acres ^Sf/iOO . Jt. (t- This and the nrrt foUotriin/, No. itO, arc pnr truck (/roivhtf/ farms. T/icf/ produce the best ivotermet: ns. Larjre dwellinj?. larg-e barn and other necessary buildin^rs ; soil lijrht loam and easily impi'oved ; small orchards ; 3 miles to An- napolis; X mile to salt wiater ; conveniently located ; terms, $1,500 cash, and balance on good time. Xo. no 224 Acres $8,000 Small dwelling- and 3 tenant houses, large barn and other out- building's; soii adapted to fruit and vei^etables ; small peach and apple orchard ; on South rivr. 8 miles from its mouth, also deep water, creek aid landings within a few hundred j'ards of the barn ; fish and (jysters plentiful ; a well located tract of land that would divide up into several fruit and truck farms ; $2,000 cash, and bal- ance on time. A«. 51 City Property ^3,500 K. H. Would he a very desirable residence fitr a person con- nected U'itJi ^aoal A.c,adeniy, beintj near main entrance. Fine 3 story pressed brick front dwelling with 2 story back build- ing, 11 rooms ano bath-room, all well-arranged with hot and cold water, located on MaryUi'i^l Avenue. Annapoi is, near entrance to Naval Academy ; assessecl at $;5,400, and insured for $4,(X>0 : bargain; $3,000 cash. No. 52 (15 Acres .$.{,000. R. Jj. This contnutnds a nKHjnipceut view of the Vhcsapeahe Hay, and is a charniint/ place for one desiriny snch a location. Its oirner is an^ioas to sell. 1)4 story dwelling..') rooms, another 2 story dwelling and out- buildings; soil clay loam, in good state of cultivation; Jt miles waterfront on Mill creek, m^ar the Chesapeake b«y ; 2}4 miles from Annapolit^, and otherwise finely located; exceptional advantaires for fishing, catching and bedding oysters, and shooting wild ducks: 1,800 peach trees and other choice fruits ; half cash. JVo. .'iS 1 10}i Acres $3^'>00. W G. ir. This and the fdloa-inr/, (iVtf. .'i4.) are In one owner- ship, ami n'ill be soltl on the most acconi tnodnti nf/ terms. Eight room dwelling, a large barn, tenant houses, necessary out- buildings, dwellings insured for $1,500; soil light loam and easily cultivated, adapted to fruits and vegetable'* ; good apple orchard : on Drum Point Railroad, station within 600 yards; convenient to schools, clmrches, etc.. $:i,.")Oi) cash, ami balantjo in one year No. 54 SO Acres $1,600. Dwelling, five rooms; blacksmith shop, tenant house and, necessary out-houses; kind of soil suited to fruit ; Drum Point Railrtmd sta- tion in 400 yards; well locateil in pleasant neighborhood ; terms easy. A',>. 56 :i02)4 Acres .$5.000. F. (>. fr. This property is to be sohl to close an estate. It • nyht to briny the price ashrd, bat less n'ill probably buy it . La ge 2 story iouses ; finely located in the town of Davidsonvillc, 10 miles south of Annapolis; also near this property store house and lot, good s and for business; both lots containing five acres in high state of cultivation ; fenced by osage orange hedge ; 400 young peach trees on place ; reasonable terms. No. 61 'i40 Acres 1^3,500. S S N., (deceased,) iVo*r in the hands of an adtninistrator. Small dwelling and out-houses; soil good natural quaility and adapted to grain and trucking: 13ij.miles from Crownsville on A. W. & B. Railroad; 7 miles fri ra Annapolis; conveniently located in a healthy and pleasant neighborhood ; enough fruit for family use half the land in oak, pine, hickory and chestnut woods; third cath balance in 1 and 2 years. No. 62 300 Acres. ^3,900. This tract is nearly all well set in wood and timber, mostly oak an 1 pine : located near lailroad, and offers a bargain. No. 63 300 Acres '^15,000. JB. R. It. 'lliis property oiiyht to he seen to he apprecinted. Large dwelling ; fine lawn and sh«de trees; 3 tenant houses; 4 houses for laborers ; 3 large barns and other out-buildings ; largo orchards; churches, schools and stores convenient; excellent neighborhood; insurance 110,000; assessment over $13,000 ; distance to two railroads, 7 miles ; to steamboat landing, 4 miles ; to Annap- olis, 10 miles ; to Baltimore, 30 miles , to Washington, 28 miles ; this tract would divide up very advantageously into tour truck farms. Nos. 64 to 71, inclusive, Jiave heen sold.. They tvere town, properties. No. 72 110 cres a> $5,000 n'm I*.S. A fine location for early and projitahie truckittg. Two-story dwelling nearly new, large barn and other necessary buildings, insured for $2,400; soil we 1 ad ipted to fruit and vege- tables ; 3,80u peach trees, mostly young, 100 apple trees, and other fruit; distance to Annapolis, 6 miles; to B.itimore, 30 miles; to Kobinson's Station, A. & B. Short Line rtailroad, 14 mile ; postotfice, K mile; K mile of Magothy river, where fish and oysters abound ; would make healthy and pleasant home. 26 Descriptive Catalogue of Xo. 73 70 Acres ^1,100. A.. S, This farm u-ill he sold very Joir, and on the easiest terms. Nearly new, 16x28, 2 storv dw \Ung and out-buildings ; land clay and sandy loam, with some washed hiil-sides ; about 40 ac *^8 arable ba ance in wo ds : 100 p ach trce^J, 25 app e trees and 250 grai es; on navigab e wate'-, branch of t-evern river; f?ood place to farm ■ y-ters ; plenty of flsii ; wharf near by ; terms X cash, balance in 1 and 2 years' No. 76 100 AoreN 83,000. R.J. (J. Nice little farm; adapted to growth of fruit, ve(/e- tnhleSf &c.; good iniwstment. Two-Story dwelling', barn and other necessary building-s in good condition and insured for about $1,500; 8<^il clay loam, been limed and producing well; 800 young peach trees, and other fruit for family use : 3 miles from railroad station, and otherwise well lo- cato'1. and adapted te grass, truck and fruits; accommodating terms- No. 77 Town Property $73">. J". W. S. This is a cheajf property, and j>ersons desiring to invest in real estate should tiot miss this opportunity. Dwelling, five rooms, corner (>alvert and West streets, Annapolis, and out-houses. Also, two dwellings on Washington street; bar- gains in these properties. No . 79 175 Aeres $'i^SOQ. G, O. Good farm for trucking and adapted to grass; on county rond; a bargain. Two-story and attic dwelling and other buildings; improved clay loam soil; 100 acres arable, balance in woods; 125 young peach trees and other fruits ; convenient to churches, schools, mills, stores, etc., 3 miles from railroad station, and 8 miles from Annap- olis* on public road; good land #or trucking or growing grass; will be sold on easy terms. No. 80 3 Acres ^2,000. G.A.D. Jieautiful 2ylace on salt ivuter: good stand for store, very healthy and i)leasant • eighhorhood: Two 2-story dwelling houses, in good repair, and usual out-build- ings ; soil sandy loam; adapted to fruit and veg3tAhles; planted in -peaoh, apple and pear trees, damsons, plumbs, blackberries and raspberries* in addition to above, 3 acres of river are planted in oysters; property called "Bay View," right on South River and Lee's Wharf almost at the door; beautiful and healthful location for a residence, and excellent stand for store; terms accommodating No. 83 94 Aeres ^3,S00. U. T. Small dwelling and out-building ; soil sandy and clay sub-soil ; wharf and X mile water front on Magothy river, with plenty of oysters, flsh, etc; located convenient to schools, churches, stores, and 1)4 miles from railroad; ^ cash, balance in 1 and 2 years. No. 84 105 Acres .552,000. M. W II. No dwelling, but large barn; soil clay loam ; S mile from rail- road; IX miles from Severn Kiver ; 40 acres arable, balance in woods, about 200 cords, terms to suit. No. 85 127 Aeres 4$4,500. T. A. B. Overlooks M/i,000. D. O. G. Jh thiclily set in tvood and ti}nln-i\ mostly whitf o e on time. Jfo. 120 673 Acres '^l'J,000. Situated about 13 miles from Baltimore, on the old Annap<^lis road and fronting on Severn river, immodiately opposite Indian Land- ing {2 miles from Millevsville, on the A. W. cS: 15. Hailroad, and onlj' y miles to Annapolis by water ; about 2.50 acn s < f cleared In.nd the balance woodland; it is estimated there are four thousand cords of wood on the farm : the improvements consist of a frame dwelling and large frame barn with stabling attached ; the river-front is a fine fishing shore; this could be made one of the best market farms in the State ; the Drum Point Railroad will run a'ongside this farm ; it could easily be divided into 10 farms ; terms easy. No. 130 376 Ae7'es %3,500, Dwelling house, 3 barns, 2 quarters for laborers, and out-buildings; soil clay and loam, adapted to tobacco, grain, fi uit and truck ; con- venient to postoffice, church, school, store, railrcad, steamboat wharf, etc.; 3 miles to Patuxent river and 6 miles to Chesapeake bay ; terms as ma/ be desired. No. 136 Sno Acres $>30^000. This large tract of land will be sold in parcels to suit purchasers; extends to Severn River and is near the railroad ; about 12 miles of Ba.timore; good quality soil. No. 142 '^36 Acres ^'J,36<> liAJi. Is situated on the line of thti 11. A" 1} P. H. It.: lOO acres tn chestnut, oak and thntter, Indance under cultivation. Two story dwelling, barn and stabling ; soil fairlj' good ; about ;3(5 acres in culti\ai ion, balance in oik, cho-tmit and pine timbers, on line of Drum Point \ ailr( ad ; fine meadow of nearly 30 acres; and stream of running water ; terms to suit. No. 143 5ii Acres in Annapolis ^IS,0OO. I argo brick mansion, slate roof; 1"> rooms, hot and cold water and gas ; fine shade and ornamental trees ; house finished 'n hard wood; the most beautiful house in the city; the lot is large enough to allow the sale of a number of choice sites for building purposes without impairing the value of the mansion as a home, which is beautifully painted and papered throughout. No. 144 'JOO Acres $V,000. Tliis J'artn is almut 16 tniles front IVashinffton and 8 miles front Alexandria . Dwelling, barn and other out-buildinvs ; i ood soil; in Prince Cieorge county, 1»; miles from Washington and K miles from Ab x- andria. Cheap Farm Lands, 29 No. 145 . 200 Acres ^^,000. P. JT. T, This 2rt'02yerty Is about one mile from Bay Ridge, the finest resort on the Chesajyeake Bay. Small house anrl out-building-s .; lig-ht soil, adapted to vegetables: 4 miles to Annapolis ; K mile to South river ; otherwise well located; half cash, balance in I and 'i years. No. J 46 221) Acres 1^2,250. Dwelling, barn and out-houses ; soil fair quality : 3 miles from raih'oad, in Prince Georg-e county ; terms accommodating. No. ISO 117 Acr6s ^3,510. Ordinary buildings ; excellent qualitv soil, '-dopted to fruit and vegetables ; finely locate! on public road, X mile to railroad station; 13 miles from Haltimore; good neighb rhood ; terms to suit. No. 151 SO Acres ^l,SOO. Small dwelling and some out-buildings ; fine soil; 50 peach trees, and small ruit; good healthy location ; a out 13 miles from calti- more by railroad or public road ; third cash, balance on good time. :No. 160 186 Acres ^3,000. I). H. W. Fine location, and is well worth the ^trice ashed. Near Chestnut Grove, A. & B. Short Line railroad; good land for fruit and truck growing ; terms accommodating. 5fo. 161 19.3 Acres ^3,«00. F. V. R. Is on S. L. R. R., about 15 miles from Annajyolis and 12 miles from Baltimore; fine view of Chesaj>ea>. S. Fine farm, in good neighborhood, all necessary out-buildings. Seventy-five acres arable, balance in first-rat« white and red oak; buildings ordinary ; 4 miles f om steamboat landing, and well and conveniently located. No. 172 200 Acres ^S.OOO. First-class fruit and truck and truck farm: oh navigable water, plenty of fish and oysters. Most desirable farm on ('urtis creek, bold navigable salt WMter and good wharf on f rm; 9 miles by boat to Balti ore; finedweiling and out-buildings of every description, all in good repair; 10 acres in strawberries, 10 KCros in raspberries and 10 acres in blackberries \}i acres in grape-*; 400 pe-ich trees and 100 apple trees; all ruit of choicest varieties; hour and a half urive to Bal imoro by good road; 9 miles lo railroad station; bargain is here jtfered. Terms to suit. 30 • Descriptive Catalogue of No. 183 112 ACRES |4,500. H. T. Would nirlce good trucJiiiu/ f'at'tn; ovKfloohs Mn{jotJty river. One story dweilint? and outbuildings; wharf on Magothy river,and X mile water front; soil liffht loam: 1 m le to Robinson's Store; ITiK) peach trees; half cash and balance in 1 and 2 years. No. 184 113 ACRES $2,500. H. S. C. Urutn J'olnt R. R. runa within 300 yards of the land; toys in tn/uare shape. Five room dwelling, nearly new, cost over $1,500; small barn, meat and hen house; soil clay and sand loam; conveniently located; about % acres arable and balance in chestnut and pine timber; terms, }i cash and balance to suit purchaser. No. 185 260 ACRES $12,500. W. T, R. Tfiis is one o/'the finest fttnns on the Severn river; fruit unsurpassed; a bargain. This U a choice farm on Severn river, and adjacent to the Short Line Kallroad. It is one of the most valuable fruit farms in Anne Arundel county; terms easy No. 186 200 ACRES |6,500. H. S. M. Situated on the beautiful Miles river; a splendid op- portunity for a go-tihend farmer. On Miles river; first class grain and grass farm; 43 acres in wood and timber; 6 room dwelling, stable and other outbuildings; half cash, balance in 5 or 6 years. No. 187 129^ ACRES $3,000. T. H. A. Xiee neighborhood; 20 miles fro tn Bal hnorc. Two story dwelling, out of repair, and some out-buildings : soil clav and sandy loam; close to scnool, church and store; S mile to railroad station, and I mile from Severn river; in good neighborhood; has 2000 peach trees; would grow good timothy and clover; terms accommodating. No. 188 40i ACRES $3,000. R. F, This farm is in a high state of cultivation, and is worth more than the price ashed. Nearly new dwelling. 20x45; carriage house and workshop 20x30; barn, stables and wagon shed, 25x30; land well fenced; 4X acres i:i timber, and balance in cultivation; 800 peach tre s, 150 apple trees. flOO grapes, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, etc.; all of which are choice varieties; finely located, 2 miles from Queenstown, \>i miles from steamboat wharves. V mile of Chesapeake Bay, where fish and oysters abound; terms, half cash. No. 189 109 ACRES $2,000. A cheap farm, situated in Harford county, near railroad ; also valuable mill property that could l)e bought with the farm. No. 190 200 ACRES $10,000. This, and 10 1 arc tiro of the best farms in the cicinit y of West river; they are highly cultivated, aud in first-class ucighttor- hoods. In hljrh state of cultivation, on West river, IS miles from (Jales- ville; tf room dwelling, two tenement houses and other ho us^s for Cheap Farm Lands. 31 farm hands, also large barn, stables and other outbuildings, 1,000 peach trees; land lies level and produces large crops of wheat, corn, tobacco, etc; terms easy. No. 191 200 ACRES $12,000. tT. I. The land in this farm is of a superior quality, and very valuable. All in cultivation; large brick dwelling, 11 rooms, (cost $7,000 to build), in fine condition; ample outbuildings; farm well fenced; adapted to wheat, corn and hay, excellent etock farm; very pleasant neighborhood; in all particulars a desirable farm; terms easy. No. 192. VILLAGE PROPERTY $1,200. W. It. I'leasant, health ftil neighborhood; fine business stand. Two story dwelling, kitchen and ^ome outbuildings; wheelwright and blacksmith shop? ; excellent stanl for business; wheelwright and blacksmith tools go with the property ; apples, p ars, cherries, grapes, etc., plenty for family ; 1 rale from Shipley station, and otherwise finely located; half cash. No. 193 160 ACRES $16,000. J". M.S. TJiis and tlie follou'ln^, No. 194, are magnificently located properties, and very chenjy at the prices named. All arable and in fine state of cultivation but about 10 acres, which is in woods; soil rich, heavj' clay, and adapted to gi^am and grass, and produce fruits profitably ; nearly 80 acres in timothy, growing about 2 tons to the acre; 2,400 young peach trees and 1,400 older; 500 early Richmond cherry trees; )i mile from Humphrey's station. No. 194 100 ACRES $9,000. 65 acres arable, balance in woods; soil clay, and fine grass lands and wheat; tenement house; this and abov^e are in sight of Baltimore city. No. 195 160 ACRES $4,500. Dr. T. a. H. One of the owners, of this farm is a physician, and his large practice requires film lo reside a considerable dis- tance from the property , otherwise they tvould not sell. Large hay or tobacco barn; nO flcres heavy dark loam and clay, adapted to wheat, corn and grass, balance go< d loam sol; finely located on South river; beautiful building sites overlooking the water and the city of Annapolis; one-third cash, and balance easy. No. 196 3i ACRES $1,600. E. IS. Jj. This property icould be an admirable one for a pJiysician, as the neigliborhood is very much in need of a doctor. Eleven room frame dwelling, porches, cellar, etc., in good order, and necessary out- buildings; fine qualiiy dark loam; adapted to fruit, truck, etc., close to mills, schools, churches and stores, and otherwise well located; on West river, and pienty of choice oysters, fish and game; steamboat landing near : peaches, pears, apples and cherries for family use; will exchange for good Baltimore city prop- erty; is leasehold property, 99 years, renewable forever, $65 a year, original cost over $.'),000. No. 197 204i ACRES $1,500. I. t/". I. T7ie price natned is low, but possibly less would buy the property . One and a half story dwelling, tobacco barn and corn house; soil sandy, rather poor; near postoffice, and otherwise well located; some 32 Descriptive Catalogue of fruit for family use: 3 miles from Millersville; terms, one-third cash, and balance in 2 and 4 years. No. 198 26 ACRES |900. T. H. G. A person looh-inf/ for a smolt triirh farm will finft here n rur^pargaiti. Good size twostory dwelling in fair condition, good barns, stables and corn house; red loam soil; three miles tD Annapolis by road, and two miles by water ; on Weems' creek and in full view of Severn river; small orchards of pear«, apples, etc: terms reasonable. No. 199 40 ACRES !^1,500 ^. J>. S. Is n tiice little triirh- fa mt in a jileasarit neigfibor- hood . One story dwelling with four rooms: stabl* s, carriage house and other (outbuildings; soil light, but naturally good; about 3 miles to Annapolis, and in good neighborhood; at B si's Gate station, on A., W. & B, K. K,; ie nice little trucking farm: also. 15 acres of wood and timber will be sold with it, if desired, for :?3 (i additi nal; terms cash. No. 200 231 ACRES $4,500. G. C TJte owner is au old, weiitthy (fentleinan irho is sellimj off to get ottt of business. This farm ran he hoaf/ht very cheap. A farm contwiuing l'31 acr- s. in the Kecond District of Anne A un- del county, adjoining the land of R. 1>. W' odward. deceased; about 60 acres in fine timber, suitable for cross-ties and other purposes; the land is peculiarly adapted for tobacco and cnrn and small fruits can be raised in abundance; one mile and a half from Millersville; and the Drum Point railroad pa*!ses immediately by it; the situa- tiiu high and health}'; buildings fair; and schools and churches m the neighborhooJ; will be sold for less than half its cost and value, and upon accomaiodat ng terms; it has on it a new barn, corn-house and stable; dwelling small, but comfortable: the tenant will show it to anj' party wishing to examine ir. No. 201 98 ACRP:S $1,400. Mrs. F'. C. It. The owner is very anxious to sell. Situated near Robinson's station, on the Short Line railroad: 65 acres clear, and balance woo'Uand: land good, building ordinary. No. 202 226 ACRES $16,000. If. JC. S. This is a fine projierty, and is one of the he.st locali- ties on the Eastern Shore for oyster and frnit canning. On L'hoptank river, (wcComptes bay,) about 6 miles below Cam- bridge; wharf on farm, and the farm (G.*rden of E''en,1 adjoins Traver's wharf, at which the Md. Steamboat Company's boats stop txv ice daily. "J" In re is a flue asparagus bed on the place; pears, peaches and a fine vineyard: the land is excellent; some 'M acres in vvooaland. The house is large and substantial, and many out-houses stables, ice-house, ^c; there are ihree tenant houses on the place. It is t-e'ween Oxford and Lambridtre, and a first rate place lor a canning estab ishmeni and store; the river is full of oysters and the shore is considered one of the best crabbing grounds in the State vne-half cash, and for balance long time if desiied. No. 2 3 260 ACRES |2,000. T. II. D. T/iis property is in an crcellcnt neighhorhtntd , and as the oirner iris/tes to aisjutse of it, purchasers could make their own terms Situate In the 1st election district, known as "VVoodland," 150 acres arable, in 4 fields; balance wood and timber, principally pine, Cheap Farm Lands. 33 oak, hickory and cedar; soil kind; 3>i miles from Davidsonville, con- venient to churches, schools, etc.; one-thii*d cash, balance in 1 and 3 years. No. 204 150 ACRES $8,000. Mrs. Jj. S. One of tJie finest fartus In the lower section of this county, and is vei'y cheap at price asked. About 3 miles from Fair Haven, and 2 miles ^rom the B. & D P. railroad; brick house in thoroug^h repair; 3 tenant houses, one new; barn and necessary outbuilding-s; one of the finest tobacco farms in Southiern Mai'yland ; well watered ; convenient to ehurches and schools. Terms reasonable. No. 205 155 ACRES $7,750. O. T. C. Ihis is a fine dairy farm, and is a good investment . Four miles from Annapolis, two miles from station and mill; scow landing for sailing vessels on adjoining farm: soil clay loam, clav sub-soil; 100 acres arable, 55 in wood and timber, principally oak, chestnut and pine; would make splendid dairy farm; pasture and water for 25 cows Frame dwell -ng six rooms; necessary outbuild- ings; location healthy. Hos. 206 to 213, iuclusitie., has been disposed of. No. 214 250 ACRES $ . J. €. B. Iftwuer deNirotis of sellliiif, and will give all time required by piiroliaNer. Near Kutland P. U„ and adjoins the 1 mds of the late Stephen Beard; owner anxious to dispose of the same; will sell at bargain and on long time. No. 215 208 ACRES $3,500. A.R. Good farm and cheap home. 3 mile•^ from Mullikin's station. Pope Creek branch B. & P. R, R , adjoining the village of Queen Anne, in Prince Geo. co., Md. Good neighborhood, well wooded and watered; soil fei-tile; good barn and 2 tenant houses; terms easy. Xos. 216 and 217 have been disposed of. No. 218 City Property $2,500. Miss M. W. H Fine city residence, on one of the prom- Ine ^t thorougrhfares of Annapolis. Dwelling in Annapolis. No. 92 Duke of Gloucester street, 3 stories and attic, with 8 large rooms, sfate roof, 45 feet front- one-third of purchase money cash, balance in 1 and 2 years No. 219 150 ACRES $ . W. F. F. This farm is situated on the river and is well adapted to oyster farming^. Located on the Patuxent river, near its mouth; soil fine, and in a good state of cultivation; improvements consist of barns, dwelling, good chestnut rail fences; there is attached to t a fine creek for bedding and raising oyters and fish; convenient to schools, churches, stores, steamboat landings, postoffioe, &c.: young peach orchard of three hundrel trees; terms liberal. ' ^ '^ No. 220 50 ACRES ! $1,200. I*. S$. Good location for blacksmith and wheelwrig;ht. Situated near Elvaion or Chestnut Grove; 35 acres arable, in 5 fields; balance wood and timber, principally chestnut and pine; two story frame dwelling, 5 rooms, small stable and other outbuildings; One-third cash, balance in 1 and 2 years. 34 Descriptive Catalogve of No. 221 50 ACRES *1 ,500. J. S. J. Nttuated in Soutliern itiarylnnci, and well north the price aNked. Situated in St, Mary's county, on St. .Jerome's creek; fine oysters; beautiful view of Chesapeake bay; good dwelling- house, barn and othf;r necessary outbuil jin^s; a pretty situation. No. 222 1485 ACRES $ . W. D. ThiM farm in situated in Western Maryland, amid Nome of the tineNt mountain scenery in ilie coun- try. situated immediately on the B- & O. R. K., within one mile of Oakland, Garrett county, Md.; it is a natural grass soil, and of the most nutritious grasses, such as timothy, blue grass, red, and white clover, &c.; fine dwelling; title perfect; land underlaid with coal; 50.00 J to 60,UOU white oak ties could be cut from woodland. No. 223 200 ACRP:S $ . (ir. T. M. One <»t the bent fruit srrouini:- Nections of tbis NtAte. A bonanza for truck fnrmerA. Over 3(X) acres fine land— in 3 or 4 truck farms— almost surrounded by navigable water; railroad running through it; less than a mile from Annapolis city, an excellent market; large vineyard and apple orchard. No. 224 lOSi ACRES i^3,500. W. I. Thi<« farm has been waII cultiva eil an0 acres of the land arable; balanco in wood, principally pine and oak; soil, good loam; fencing in fair condition; has 3000 peach trees. 300 apple trees, pears, cherries, plums, English walnuts, etc. Terms . one-third cash, balance in five years. MB 92 r>' - ^0'^ ■v<» » • ^ Cr DOBBS BROS. ^ViC^ »* LIBRARV BIMOINQ - > "*bv*' ""^ WAR 81 '"^ \ ST^GUSTINE , "^ '•'•*' hO" -^ - • • • V