ISAAC SHELBY ,&*$ \ % /fert; FACSIMILE OF SHELBY'S HANDWRITING * * * I have lodged a letter in my father's hands for you with some papers for you, which dont forget to ask him for. I have also left in his hands hard money to pay you what you advanced for me Going to the Assembly Thflt the Great Parent of Nature may always Guard & Protect you hapilythro this perplexing world, is the sineeer wish of Your Truly affectionate friend fare well Isaac Shelby Col. Jos. Martin HISTORIC SULLIVAN A History of Sullivan County, Tennessee with brief Biographies of the Makers of History BY OLIVER TAYLOR BRISTOL, TENN. THE KING PRINTING CO. {Le Rot Press) 1909 Copyright 1909 by OLIVER TAYLOR n i SEP 16 1909 DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF THE FRONTIERWOMEN OF TENNESSEE AND TO A DESCENDANT OF THOSE WOMEN MY MOTHER " Speak of me as I am; nothing extenuate, nor set down aught in malice " Othello— Act V, Scene 2. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The author here acknowledges his gratitude for the many- courtesies extended him during the preparation of this history. Below is a list of some of those, from whom has been received valuable assistance, in the way of suggestions and data: B. L. Dulaney, J. Fain Ander- son, E. A. Warren, L. H. Denny, Wm. St. John, C. H. Slack, John B. Brownlow, W. G. Rutledge, George T. Hammer, J. McK. Phipps, J. M. Salts, N. J. Phillips, Robert Pile, J. E. Arrants, Guy DeVault and the Wis- consin Historical Society. A grateful recognition is also extended to the many others who have furnished bits of information, making this work possible. The original painting of the Battle of King's Mountain hangs in the lobby of the Imperial hotel, Knoxville, Tennessee, and I am greatly indebted to the artist, James Wallace, and to the owner, R. W. Fair, for permission to use a copy of same. Special acknowledgment is due Col. Sam L. King and Claude R. Taylor for reviewing manuscript. INTRODUCTION. For a long time an impelling influence hung about me that finally pulsed into an idea that something should be done to preserve the history of Sullivan County. It was a rich mine of undeveloped memories. In my talks with our old people I found those memories falling into deplorable and pathetic decay. The written records of the county had been burned during the battle of Blount - ville in 1863. With a limited experience and other limited essentials I dared not permit myself to give existence to an effort so rash as the writing of a history, for well I knew it meant the tyranny of merciless truths. The beginning was a store of boyhood recollections — a green spot in all our lives — of the traditions and legends and stories told in front of back-log fires. I thought by linking these with the accepted and more substantial facts I might be able to furnish a chain strong enough to carry us to another generation where some one better equipped could bring our chronicles to a more fruitful completion. Encouraged by this I decided to call what- ever my pen should bring forth, "Folk-lore of Sullivan County." But when I submitted this title with my in- tentions to a consulting friend, rather expecting ap- proval, he looked at the floor for a while and then passively inquired: "let me see, now, which one of the Lores is that?" This provocation is my apology for giving you a history of Sullivan County. It will be seen I have devoted more space to Isaac Shelby than to any of his compatriots. This, of course, is because he made his home in Sullivan, was identified viii Historic Sullivan. with its interests and his followers were Sullivan County men. The names and fame of Sevier and Campbell and their associates are secure and I would in no way detract from them. But confined as I am to the limits of one county my entries cannot cover the ground of a general history. I have not allowed myself to enter into the regretful controversy which took place in regard to Col. Camp- bell's position during the battle of King's Mountain. Posterity has accorded him the place he so valiantly won during his brief but thrilling career and is not in sympathy with the censure visited upon any of the men who followed him. The secret of the affair, I believe, is that none of the men who went through that campaign ever dreamed their exploits would go sounding down the centuries or even beyond the mountains that encircled them like a barrier from the world without. They did not look for the glory of arms nor booty after the battle, but made an aggressive defense of their homes and firesides. When, in after years, the survivors saw that this battle would be included in the list of decisive battles of the world's great wars, a species of envy crept into their bosoms and some felt they had not been dealt with fairly in the bestowal of praise. Col. Shelby's feelings in the affair were no doubt aggravated by his traducers in Kentucky. He had removed there and in 1792 was a candidate for Governor. His opponents tried to defeat him with reports discrediting his valiant services in behalf of his country, even going so far as to create a doubt that he commanded a regiment at King's Mountain. This resulted in a breezy correspondence between Shelby and his old time friend and companion, John Sevier. And, while the revival of Campbell's tardiness was one of the topics, it has never occurred to me that the origin of Shelby's attack upon him was to question Introduction. ix Campbell's bravery, but rather to sustain his own claims that he was one of the commanders and at the fore when the fighting was hottest. But whatever the faults of these men may have been, and no one denies that they had faults, this generation will allow no censure now and should those old warriors of the wood come forth in line review a grateful nation would grant them any wish — every man of them. For space devoted to a review of the life of "Raccoon" John Smith apologies will hardly be necessary. While little heard of at the present time, still I regard him as the rarest human product that ever sprung from the soil of Sullivan County. Born in a log cabin in Holston Valley — a poor boy and one of a large family he lived a knock-about life in his early days and had but five months school training during his entire career. He was tried by the severest tests of time; he was scourged by a living death, but with a masterful courage and unwaver- ing devotion to the call of duty he arose to a rank that made him a power throughout great portions of Kentucky, Tennessee and the Middle West. He was a full measure man and you will be glad to know more about him. At the close of my work, when I reviewed what I had written, there came sounding back to me one ringing regret — that I could not devote more space to the many worthy families of Sullivan County. I have dwelt in their midst all my life. Their ancestors were good people ; they lived peaceful lives; they broke no laws; they bade their neighbors good night and good morning and God- speed. But there are no deeds of extreme self-denial to their credit; they dared nothing; they dreamed their lives away. History is for posterity and that posterity prefers the valor of war to the virtues of peace ; it clamors for those scenes of conflict where battle shreds make burial shrouds. It has always seemed to me an unkind decree of fate that what is best in life is often deepest buried in forgetfulness, x Historic Sullivan. while some cruel act that jangles us rolls on down the years, gathering a little moss of sympathy here and there to soften the harsh places. By and by it reaches a people who, wanting to remember and ready to forgive, exalt the deed as one of heroic daring until it finally puts on the burnished armor of the ages. And so our "village Hampdens" and our "mute inglorious Miltons" must rest in one long silent sepulcher. They pass from view like a shadow on the dial of a day. In the preparation of this work I had much assistance in the way of suggestion and advice — some caustic it is true, but all evidently kindly intended, certainly in such a spirit received — and, what was available, appropriated. But had I attempted to reconcile all the various opinions advanced as to how this book should be written I might still be struggling over the mastery of any kind of con- struction. And this I have learned and this I am pre- pared to say: it is much easier to sit down in a circle of friends and talk history than to sit down by one's self and try to record history. I rejoice that it has been my privilege to give this work, with whatever merit it may have, to posterity as an expression of the love I have for my native county and state, the sentiments and traditions of whose people have been such an inspiration and the deeds of whose heroes I have always adored. Oliver Taylor. Trinkle's Valley, Sullivan County, Tennessee, August, 1909. CONTENTS. I. — Before the Pioneer IL— The Cherokees 1 1 1 .—Pioneers— Explorers— First Settlers IV.— The Cavalcade .... V.— The Frontierwoman VI. — Coming of the Shelbys . VII.— A Few Days Full of Trouble VIII.— The Battle of the Great Kanawha IX.— "Spirit of 75" X.— The Transylvania Trust XL— Battle of Island Flats . XII.— Christian Campaign XIIL— The Treaty of Long Island XIV.— The Shelby Campaign . XV.— Donelson's Voyage XVI.— Sullivan County XVIL— King's Mountain Campaign XVIIL— The State of Franklin . XIX.— Blountville XX.— Industries .... XXL— Official Life . XXIL— The Church XXIIL— War Times— Tennessee Valor XXIV.— Travelw ays— Transmission of Mes- sages .... XXV.— The Boundary Line XXVI. — Hunters of the Holston XXVIL— The Old Field School . XXVIIL— Slavery Days . XXIX.— Agriculture XXX.— The Removal XXXL— The Newspaper— Politics 1 5 20 24 28 33 39 45 51 53 59 64 68 73 75 89 100 109 137 151 160 176 203 224 239 248 262 272 281 286 296 xii Contents. XXXII.- -Bristol . 312 XXXIII.- -Odds and Ends . 318 XXXIV.- -The Last Leaf— Passing of Old INDEX Families . 323 . 325 BIOGRAPHIES. Adair, John . 98 Anderson, Joseph R 305 Blount, Wm 120 Brown, Abel J 254 Caldwell, George A 308 Claiborne, W. C. C 157 Dulaney, Elkanah R 218 Gaines, Edmund Pendleton 195 Gregg, Nathan 200 Ketron, Joseph H 268 King, James 149 Martin, Joseph 17 McClellan, George R 237 Netherland, John 292 Rhea, John 221 Smith, "Raccoon" John 166 Snapp, James P 279 Sullivan, John 85 Tadlock, James D 258 Ward, Nancy 57 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FACING PAGE Isaac Shelby Frontispiece Facsimile of Shelby's handwriting Opposite Frontispiece The Cherokee Country 4 Type op Tennessee Frontierwoman . . 28 When Shelby kept store at Sapling Grove . 34 Facsimile of original muster-roll of the first volunteer company to leave sullivan County 44 Long Island 58 Rachel Donelson 74 John Sullivan 84 Map of Sullivan County (1836) ... 88 Battle of King's Mountain .... 100 William Blount 120 Blountville 136 James King 148 W. C. C. Claiborne 156 "Raccoon" John Smith 166 Edmund Pendleton Gaines .... 194 Nathan Gregg 200 William R. Dulaney 218 John Rhea 220 George R. McClellan 236 Abel J. Brown 254 James D. Tadlock 258 Old Field School-teacher's contract . . 262 Joseph H. Ketron 268 John Ross 286 John Netherland 292 John Slack 296 Joseph R. Anderson 304 George A. Caldwell 308 Historic Spots 320 CHAPTER I. BEFORE THE PIONEER. The South is a land of sentiment. Our forefathers leaned upon it and were guided by it and we are not so far removed from the frontier as to make us forget them. Sullivan is still a young county. The father of today will tell you — "I have heard my father say that his father" — and there the story ends. Our white life is but four generations old. There are two eras in the life of any country — one look- ing forward, the other looking backward. There was a time in the history of Sullivan County when our fore- fathers yearned for the day when they would be free from the ever-present dangers, the surprise attack, the fire- brand, the massacre — all kept them in a state of alarm and they longed for the peace that would bring safety and happiness. They rarely recorded the stirring tragedies'of those days. They did not even try to remem- ber them — they tried to forget them. What made history for us meant horror for them. They blinded their eyes and deafened their ears to scenes and sounds and kept many sorrowful experiences from their children, thus cheering them on their way. They did not know they were making history — they came here to make a quiet living. They preferred the wild freedom of the forest to the political and religious persecutions of their old homes. The spirit of independ- ence led them here. The uberous years came on. Today the descendants of those people are prosperous nothing disturbs their happiness, all are safe. But, in the midst of thrift and luxury, they are looking backward. They feel they owe a debt to some one somewhere in the long ago and reaching back through the stretch of the fast 2 Historic Sullivan. receding century they are trying to restore scraps of records that tell of those people and of those times. Now and then the faded and musty fragments of an old manu- script is recovered and the owner treasures it as would a prodigal that bit of parchment bequeathing him a rich legacy, unexpected and undeserved. There are those who go beyond the one hundred and thirty-five years of our settlement's life and seek to learn something of the people who antedate the pioneer. Concerning this, two theories are advanced. One, that this section was an unbroken forest, containing no villages or permanent habitations; that it was held in reserve by Indians as a hunting ground. 1 The other, that in the midst of this forest were sun-places, plains along the river and creek bottoms covered with cane brakes that needed only the torch to transform them into fertile farm lands; that the wigwam and hut were here and the spiral smoke of campfires ascended throughout the valleys. The latter is more plausable on account of the various relics that have been found throughout the county. This book was printed over an Indian grave. On an adjacent lot have been found, not only perfect arrow heads, but others in various stages of the making, and an abundance of flint chips indicating they were made upon the spot. There have also been found, in various excavations for buildings in this vicinity, pieces of Indian pottery, beads and bones that were in a sufficient state of preservation to be recognized as belonging to a pre- historic race; mussel and periwinkle shells that showed contact with fire, and it is known the Indians esteemed these for food, as coast tribes did the oyster and the crab. OTHER RELIC DISCOVERIES. On the Rutledge farm, one and a half miles east of Blountville, are two excavations that have always been lit is a common but mistaken notion that Indians had regular battle grounds. Indians fought by stealth and surprise. Before the Pioneer. 3 considered flint mines out of which the local tribes secured material for their arrow-heads and other weapons. A representative of the Department of Ethnology 2 in his researches throughout the county, among other things, found at Beidleman's mill on the Holston a mound containing copper implements of Indian make. The various tribes, on their hunting and trading 3 expedi- tions, were in the habit of exchanging wares, which accounts for copper being in this section. At Benjamin Wexler's, on the top of a near-by knob, the representative found two graves containing the same kind of material as that found at Beidleman's. Cyrus Thomas, 4 one of the chiefs of the Department, that pertaining to Indian mounds, instructed the agent to go to the Shipley farm, near Cawood ford on the Holston and examine a large mound reported found there. Upon opening it twelve skeletons were found. These skeletons were in a sitting posture. One sat in the center while the eleven others were in a circle around it — all facing the center as if in council. Over each skeleton had been erected a crude vault of large river bowlders. The mound had the usual accompaniment of charcoal and ashes and corn found in all Indian graves. Lying beside the center skeleton were two large steotite pipes, such fine specimens of the kind as to attract much inquiry. They are now on exhibition at the Smithsonian Institution, the fifth annual report giving an illustration and description. At the John Morrell farm, in the adjoining county of Carter, is a field of ashes, in such evident quantity that 2J. W. Emmert. 3It was customary, and still is, to a limited extent in the West, for large parties, sometimes a whole band or a village, to make long visits to other tribes, dancing, feasting and trading. Regular trade routes crossed the continent and inter-tribal commerce was as constant and well organized a part of Indian life as is our own railroad traffic today. — Mooney's Myths of the Cherokee, p. 235. 4Cyrus Thomas is a Sullivan County man and formerly lived at Kingsport. In his youth he clerked in the Netherland store; later he taught school near the Ross place. In his young manhood he went to Illinois and there married the sister of Gen. John A. Logan. He became connected with his present work many years ago and is today (1908), although about eighty years of age, still in the service. 4 Historic Sullivan. would require all the timber in the neighborhood to make an equal sized heap. This indicates a permanent village or a camp of long and constant use. Dr. Thomas Walker, in his journal, says he found unoccupied Indian cabins of substantial structure when exploring this country in 1748.' The Cherokees were the aborigines of Tennessee, or perhaps should be described as the tribe of Indians in possession of this land when the first white people came here. Their warlike deeds, their fierce, revengeful spirit, the massacres they perpetrated have been described by many historians. This work will, therefore, describe the interior of their nation — explaining their religion, super- stitions, their myths, their games and hunts; how they loved and how they worshipped, how they were influenced, how they lived in peaceful times. CHAPTER II. THE CHEROKEES. The Cherokees are the mountain red men of the South. Their original boundary included the northern parts of Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Western North Caro- lina, nearly all of Tennessee and Kentucky, Southwest Virginia and part of West Virginia. They were con- sidered the most important and most intellectual tribe and, excepting perhaps the Iroquois, the most powerful. They numbered about twenty -five thousand. Their boundary line, which to an Indian was seldom plainly defined, was always in dispute and tribal aggressions occasioned many wars. In Virginia, the Powhatans and Monacans contended against the Cherokees for territory. They were held in check in North and South Carolina by the Tuscarora and Catawba. The Creeks would have none of them in North Georgia. To the west, the Chicasaw and Shawano, along the lower Tennessee and Cumberland, repeatedly hurled their forces against them, and the bold and ferocious Iroquois denied them any pass way to the North. The Cherokees were the first to feel the onward march of the white man and little by little, either by war, treaty, or by purchase, were pushed back until, by their final cession, they were huddled together in small portions of Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. The Cherokees, though generally supposed to be, were not migratory, except on hunting and trading voyages and in wars. They were an agricultural people, cultivating orchards and large fields of corn and potatoes. Their nation comprised more than fifty towns, the capital, Echota, being situated near what is now Tellico, Tennessee. The name which this tribe knew itself by was Yun-wi-ya or Ani-yun-wiya, meaning "principal people," which 6 Historic Sullivan. they considered themselves. The name Cherokee has no meaning in the tribe's language 1 and is either a cor- rupted name or a nickname. A dialect name in the tribe is Tsar-i-ga, meaning "cave people," because they were mountain dwellers among the cave regions. The English corrupted this name into Cherokee and the Spanish into Chaloque. Linguists declare the dialect of the East Tennessee Cherokee is the softest and most musical of this tribe's musical language religion of the cherokees. There is a general impression the Indians worshipped one god called the "Great Spirit." This impression is supported by discoveries among the contents of graves where, along with the dead, are deposited evidences of a belief in the immortality of the soul. The dead pony and the broken bow are lain upon the departed warrior's grave — mute testimony of the service they will render him in the "happy hunting ground." According, however, to A-yun-inior "Swimmer," 2 the keeper of the traditions of his race, many gods were worshipped by the Cherokees — they had no idea of heaven or hell or the hereafter — all their invocations were made for temporal use and addressed to tangible gods. The most important of their animal gods are the rabbit, squirrel, dog, hawk, terrapin and rattlesnake. The "Long Person," meaning river, is addressed on all occasions, no ceremony being complete without it. In plant life the chief god, ginseng or "sang," is called IMooney. 2Mooney is the most convincing authority on Indian history I have examined . He appears to have been satisfied to hide behind a salary. ' 'Swimmer" is a dis- covery of his and from whom most of the myth material was secured. The author mourned the Indian's death, declaring "he was buried like a true Cherokee_ on the elope of a forest-clad mountain. Peace to his ashes and sorrow to his going, for with him perished half the traditions of a people." During the Civil War, "Swim- mer" was second sergeant in a company with Thomas' Legion. He was born in 1835 and was sixty-five years old at his death. James Keelan, known as the "hero of the Strawberry Plains bridge, ' ' was rescued by this company after he had been left for dead. The Cherokees. 7 "Little Man" on account of its appearance. Digging it, the Indian passed by the first three plants selecting the fourth. 3 One form of prayer is addressed to the "Red -headed woman with hair hanging to the ground, ' ' but it is not clear just what the entreaty is or what the response. The rattlesnake, deer and ginseng form a weird trinity. To kill the first would cause the other two to disappear from the wood. The deer is the most prized of animal food. The Cherokee regarded the snake with reverential fear and, unless compelled, would never kill one. If he did kill one in self-defense he immediately sought the service of a priest to appease the spirit of the snake lest the relatives of the deceased should come and avenge the death. If an Indian dreamed of being bitten by a snake he is treated in the same manner as if he had been bitten. When an Indian is bitten by a snake, in addition to singing a formula, tobacco juice is rubbed on the wound, the patient going round four times and always turning toward the left because the snake, in coiling, turns toward the right. The reversal of movement means uncoiling it. When a snake is killed the head is chopped off and buried an arm's length underground and the body is placed in a hollow log to hide it from the view of other snakes and to prevent a long wet spell. 4 The Indians also spared a wolf, venerating it as the hunter and watch dog. In the animal myths the rabbit figures most prominently and is called the mischief maker, being also considered malicious. A broth made of him and sprinkled along a path where a runner is to make a race confuses him and causes him to become timid. The aid of the beaver, on account of his well-known 3The numbers 4 and 7 are talismanic in the Indian lore. 4 is especially sacred in ceremonial observances and in medicine. 4Probably the origin of the habit, among superstitious whites, of hanging a dead snake on a fence or tree to bring rain during a drouth. 8 Historic Sullivan. gnawing capacity, is invoked in behalf of teething children. Animals are represented as speaking and have their councils and meeting-houses. At one of their councils the discussion arose as to what should be done with Man, the arch enemy. All favored destroying him except the little ground squirrel who, being so small, unnoticed and therefore unharmed by man, now took occasion to defend him. This act so enraged the polar bear, who was presiding, that he reached over and scratched the little squirrel on the back, leaving the claw marks to this day. In this lore other marks and peculiarities of appearance are accounted for. BIRD MYTHS. The eagle is the sacred bird of the Indian and is featured in their religious observances. Its beautiful tail feathers, much prized for head ornaments, often brought as much as a horse. None but a professional eagle-killer dared to kill an eagle. There were ceremonials to go through. The eagle-killer prayed four days then killed a deer, exposing the fresh meat, while he hid himself, awaiting the eagle. On killing one he allowed it to remain four days to permit the parasites to leave it. The feathers were then secured and a dance arranged in honor. In reporting the capture of an eagle to the tribe the eagle-killer would not, out of fear, speak the name of the eagle but would say "a snow bird has died." 5 The buzzard is the doctor. On account of feasting upon the dead it is supposed to be immune from disease. A small quantity of its flesh eaten or a broth of it used as a wash is believed to be a sure cure for small pox and was used among the eastern Cherokees during the epidemic of 1866. A buzzard feather hung on the door will keep 5There is a similar superstition on the stage. At the rehearsal of a new play the last line is often not spoken until the night of the first performance, other words being substituted. A spectator, at a rehearsal once, not knowing this, was startled, when at the close of a thrilling curtain climax, the star shouted ' "Three beers, please." — N. O. Pacayne. The Cherokees. 9 out witches, they believe, and in the application of medi- cine to wounds the quill of a buzzard feather is employed, medicine being blown through it. The owl and all night calling birds are believed to be ghosts or witches and their cry is considered a sign of coming danger. A child's eye bathed with water in which an owl feather has been dipped will cause the child to stay awake all night. The wren is the stork of the Indian tribe because he is always slipping in and around homes and hears what is going on. He carries the news of a birth. When an Indian wishes to know the sex of a child he inquires, "is it a bow or (meal) sifter?" INSECT MYTHS. The Cherokees anticipated the germ or microbe theory long before its scientific discovery. They claimed all human ailments of a lurking, insidious nature were caused by insects and because thousands of them were constantly being killed by man they entered slyly, destroying the human system out of revenge. The Cherokees believe all cruelties are punished in this life, if not upon the one doing the deed, upon some relative or upon a future generation of his kindred. The cricket is the barber and also on account of its singing qualities plays an important part in various ways. Children slow of speech have their tongues scratched with the claw of a cricket to make them sing and even eloquent. Older persons are treated likewise, but with less effect. The moth that flutters around the light, the Cherokee says, "is going to bed." It is invoked by the healer in "fire diseases, including sore eyes and frost bite." The spring lizzard is the rain-maker. The large crawfish is used to scratch the hand of a child to give it a strong grip. 10 Historic Sullivan. When a jarfly sings, they say "the jarfly has brought the beans," his song being taken as a sign that beans are ripe. During an eclipse they believe a great frog swallows the sun and at such times fire guns, beat drums and make other loud noises to frighten the frog away. MEDICAL HERBS. The Indian's idea of medicine is very crude. Their reputed knowledge of the medicinal value of herbs has been exploded by scientific test. Out of twenty plants tested only five had the curative virtue Indians attributed to them, while the remainder were of questionable value or even injurious. A decoction of cockleburs is recommended for for- getfulness because nothing sticks like a bur. In rheumatism a patient is forbidden to eat or even touch a squirrel, a buffalo, a cat or any animal that "humps" because the one suffering often assumes the attitude described. The ball player, in like manner, is not allowed to eat frog legs because the bones of the frog are brittle and easily broken. CHEROKEE COURTSHIP. In courtship, like death, all people are brought to a common level. Although the way of making love may be clothed, by different nations, in different forms of speech — all mean the same. The Cherokees have a regular formula for making love as they have for making medicine. How near like the love-making of civilized nations may be seen. White to an Indian is the symbol of happiness as blue is the symbol of sorrow. 6 When, in the following formula, the lover speaks of "white woman" he means "happy woman." 6Perhaps the origin of "the blues." The Cherokees. 11 The Indian lover tried to make the one he loved appear as lonely and miserable without him as he could, at the same time extolling his own merits and debasing these of all rivals. She should never be lonely with him — the term loneliness being the most abject state a person could get into, according to the Indian view of it. Lone- liness to a dusky maiden meant about the same as poverty to a white maiden contemplating marriage. 7 " Ku ! Listen ! In Alahiyi you repose, 0, Terrible Woman, you have drawn near to hearken. There in Elahiyi you are at rest, White Woman. No one is lonely when with you. You are most beautiful. Instantly and at once you have rendered me a white man. No one is ever lonely when with me. Now you have made the path white for me. It shall never be dreary. Now you have put me into it. It shall never become blue. You have brought down to me from above the white road. There in mid-earth (mid-surface) you have placed me. I shall stand erect upon the earth. No one is ever lonely when with me. I am very handsome. You have put me into the white house. I shall be in it as it moves about and no one with me shall ever be lonely. Verily, I shall never become blue. Instantly you have caused it to be so with me. "And now there in Elahiyi you have rendered the woman blue. Now you have made the path blue for her. Let her be completely veiled in loneliness. Put her into the blue road. And now bring her down. Place her stand- ing upon the earth. Where her feet are now and where- ever she may go, let loneliness leave its mark upon her. Let her be marked out for loneliness where she stands. "Ha! I belong to the (Wolf) ( + +) clan, that one alone which was allotted into for you. No one is ever lonely with me. I am handsome. Let her put her soul 7Poverty does not seem to have played any part among the earlier Indians — all had an equal chance and there was considerable thrift among them. 12 Historic Sullivan. the very center of my soul, never to turn away. Grant that in the midst of men she shall never think of them. I belong to the one clan alone which was allotted for you when the seven clans were established. "Where (other) men live it is lonely. They are very loathsome. The common polecat has made them so like himself that they are fit only for his company. The common oppossum has made them so like himself that they are fit only to be with him. They are very loathsome. Even the crow has made him so like himself that they are fit only for his company. They are very loathsome. The miserable rain-crow has made them so like himself that they are fit only to be with him. "The seven clans all alike make one feel very lonely in their company. They are not even good looking. They go about clothed with mere refuse. But I — I was ordained to be a white man. I stand with my face toward the Sun Land. No one is ever lonely with me. I am very handsome. I shall certainly never become blue. I am covered by the everlasting white house wherever I go. No one is ever lonely with me. Your soul has come into the very center of my soul, never to turn away. I — (Gatigwanasti,) (0 0) — I take your soul. Sge!" The reader of history is inclined to regard the Indian merely as a warrior, a hunter of scalps, a cruel slayer of women and children, but Indian literature has a charm of simplicity peculiar. Their legends, stories and folk- lore are not surpassed in any language and have been borrowed from, many times. 8 In relating a story, the one telling it always begins by saying, "and this is what the old man told me when I was a boy." 8Joel Chandler Harris is supposed to have created his "Uncle Remus" out of the Southern negro; in reality he simply supplied the Indian lore with the more familiar dialect. "Brer Rabbit" is the same mischievous fellow the Indian story tellers delighted their children with during the long winter days around their wigwam fires. There are instances where writers have paraphrased the original text. The Cherokees 13 the rabbit and the tar wolf. "Once there was such a long spell of dry weather that there was no more water in the creeks and springs, and the animals held a council to see what to do about it. They decided to dig a well, and all agreed to help except the Rabbit, who was a lazy fellow, and said, 'I don't need to dig for water. The dew on the grass is enough for me.' The others did not like this, but they went to work together and dug the well. "They noticed that the Rabbit kept slick and lively, although it was still dry weather and the water was getting low in the well. They said, 'That tricky Rabbit steals our water at night,' so they made a wolf of pine gum and tar and set it up by the well to scare the thief. That night the Rabbit came, as he had been coming every night, to drink enough to last him all the next day. He saw the queer black thing by the well and said, 'Who's there?' but the tar wolf said nothing. He came nearer, but the wolf never moved, so he grew braver and said, 'Get out of my way or I'll strike you.' Still the wolf never moved and the Rabbit came up and struck it with his paw, but the gum held his foot and he stuck fast. Now he was angry and said, 'Let me go or I'll kick you.' Still the wolf said nothing. Then the Rabbit struck again with his hind foot, so hard that it was caught in the gum and he could not move, and there he stuck until the animals came for water in the morning. When they found who the thief was they had great sport over him for a while and then got ready to kill him, but as soon as he was unfastened from the tar wolf he managed to get away." WHY THE MOLE LIVES UNDERGROUND. "A man was in love with a woman who disliked him and would have nothing to do with him. He tried every way to win her favor, but to no purpose, until at last he grew discouraged and made himself sick thinking over it. The Mole came along, and finding him in such low condi- 14 Historic Sullivan. tion asked what was the trouble. The man told him the whole story, and when he had finished the Mole said: 'I can help you, so that she will not only like you, but will come to you of her own will.' So that night the Mole burrowed his way underground to where the girl was in bed asleep and took out her heart. He came back by the same way and gave the heart to the man, who could not see it even when it was put into his hand. 'There,' said the Mole, 'swallow it, and she will be drawn to come and can not keep away.' The man swallowed the heart, and when the girl woke up she somehow thought at once of him, and felt a strange desire to be with him, as though she must go to him at once. She wondered and could not understand it, because she had always disliked him before, but at last the feeling grew so strong that she was compelled to go herself to the man and tell him she loved him and wanted to be his wife. And so they were married, but all the magicians who had known them both were surprised and wondered how it had come about. When they found that it was the work of the Mole, whom they had always before thought too insignificant for their notice, they were very jealous and threatened to kill him, so that he hid himself under the ground and has never since dared to come up to the surface." HOW THE PARTRIDGE GOT HIS WHISTLE. "In the old days the Terrapin had a fine whistle, but the Partridge had none. The Terrapin was constantly going about whistling and showing his whistle to the other animals until the Partridge became jealous, so one day, when they met the Partridge asked leave to try it. The Terrapin was afraid to risk it at first, suspect- ing some trick, but the Partridge said, 'I'll give it back right away, and if you are afraid you can stay with me while I practice.' So the terrapin let him have the whistle and the Partridge walked around blowing on it The Cherokees. 15 in fine fashion. 'How does it sound with me?' asked the Partridge. '0, you do very well,' said the Terrapin, walking along. 'Now, how do you like it,' said the Partridge, running ahead and whistling a little faster. 'That's fine,' answered the Terrapin, hurrying to keep up, 'but don't run so fast.' 'And now, how do you like this?' called the Partridge, and with that he spread his wings, gave one long whistle, and flew to the top of a tree, leaving the poor Terrapin to look after him from the ground. The Terrapin never recovered his whistle, and from that, and the loss of his scalp, which the Turkey stole from him, he grew ashamed to be seen, and ever since he shuts himself up in his box when any one comes near him." THE BRIDE FROM THE SOUTH, "The North went traveling, and after going far and meeting many different tribes he finally fell in love with the daughter of the South and wanted to marry her. The girl was willing, but her parents objected and said, 'Ever since you came the weather has been cold, and if you stay here we may all freeze to death.' The North pleaded hard, and said that if they would let him have their daughter he would take her back to his own country, so at last they consented. They were married and he took his bride to his own country, and when she arrived there she found the people all living in ice houses. "The next day, when the sun rose, the houses began to leak, and as it began to climb higher they began to melt, and it grew warmer and warmer, until finally the people came to the young husband and told him he must send his young wife home again, or the weather would get so warm that the whole settlement would be melted. He loved his wife and held out as long as he could, but as the sun grew hotter the people were more urgent, and at last he had to send her home to her parents. 16 Historic Sullivan. "The people said that she had been born in the South and nourished all her life upon food that grew in the same climate, her whole nature was warm and unfit for the North." There is a popular idea that the Indians had no humor. THE TWO OLD MEN. "Two old men went hunting. One had an eye drawn down and was called Uk-kwunagita, 'Eye-drawn -down.' The other had an arm twisted out of shape and was called Uk-kusuntsuti, 'Bent -bow-shape.' They killed a deer and cooked the meat in a pot. The second old man dipped a piece of bread into the soup and smacked his lips as he ate. 'Is it good?' said the first old man. Said the other, 'Hayu! uk-kwunagi'sti — Yes, sir! It will draw down one's eye.' "Thought the first old man to himself, 'He means me.' So he dipped a piece of bread into the pot, and smacked his lips as he tasted it. 'Do you find it good?' said the other old man. Said his comrade, 'Hayu! uk-ku'suntsuteti — Yes, sir! It will twist up one's arm.' Thought the second old man, 'He means me;' so he got very angry and struck the first old man, and then they fought until each killed the other." Joseph Martin a biography Joseph Martin was one of the leading frontiermen of Sullivan County, and was one of the county's most useful men when it was in the greatest need. He was born in Albemarle county, Virginia, in 1740. His early school- ing was neglected through his own incorrigible nature, that would bear no restraint. Among his early associates were Gen. Thomas Sumter and Col. Benjamin Cleveland, the latter a hero of King's Mountain. Martin, when a boy of sixteen, ran away from home and joined the army. He led a roving, hunter's life for many years, as did so many who afterwards became border he- roes. It was the school of experience in which they train- ' ed. He became associated with Dr. Thomas Walker in his explorations and in one of these expeditions visited Powell's Valley, where he decided to locate. Here he raised a large crop of corn in 1769. During the Indian raids of 1774 he commanded a fort on the frontier and was also a leader of scouts. When Henderson and his Transylvania Company pur- chased the immense tracts of land from the Cherokees, Martin was made their agent in Powell's Valley. He was captain of a company, with Christian, against the Chero- kees in 1776. In '1777 he was appointed, by Gov. Patrick Henry, Indian agent and took up his residence on Long Island. Here he lived until 1789. Martin was a man physically well proportioned, being six feet tall and weighing two hundred pounds. On one occasion he was returning with two companions to the Holston settlement when the party was waylaid by two Indians who suddenly emerged from a cave. One of the men was shot and the Indian who committed the murder retreated into the cave. Martin crawled into the cave, 18 Historic Sullivan killed the Indian and dragged him out. 1 While Martin was a brave and almost reckless Indian fighter he was also an Indian pacifier. It was as a diplo- mat he rendered his most brilliant service to the country. His treaties were lasting, for the Cherokees had great confidence in him. At one time, while visiting the Cherokee country, he came into contact with the British agent and so powerful was his sway that he had the agent expelled. His influence with the Cherokees was largely due to his having been adopted by that tribe — he had married Betsy Ward, the beautiful daughter of Nancy Ward, although at the time he had a lawful wife. This act he always tried to explain to his children, who were chagrined by it, by saying it was to further his influences in bringing about treaties. His white wife, although a woman of refine- ment, would never let her children speak disrespectfully about their father on account of the morganatic alliance. And although Gen. Martin, after the death of his first wife, married a woman of some distinction, he still lived with his Indian wife, the second wife also countenancing the union. He was associated with Isaac Shelby and John Donel- son in formulating the treaty of 1783 at Long Island and was also one of the leading figures in the treaty of Hope- well (S. C.) in 1785. He came near being the territorial governor of the Territory South of the Ohio, and Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry and others used their influence with Washington, who was then President (1790), to have him appointed, but the office falling to a North Carolina man, William Blount was appointed. These two men worked together harmoniously. It was through such diplomatic influence that the Indians were kept inactive and the Kings Moun- tain campaign was made possible. 1 Draper MSS. Notes 32. Joseph Martin 19 In a military way Martin rose to the rank of Brigadier- General. He retired from service in 1789, returned to Virginia and resided in Henry County. 2 Here he engaged in poli- tics, was elected to the legislature and became Madison's right hand man. His last public service, of interest, was to run the boun- dary line between Tennessee and Virginia in 1800. He died at his home in Henry County, December 18, 1808. 2Martinsville ii now the county seat of Henry County. CHAPTER III. THE PIONEERS — EXPLORERS— FIRST SETTLERS. In 1759 Col. William Byrd was ordered by the Governor of Virginia to collect a number of men and proceed to the relief of Fort Loudon. This fort, the first built on Tennessee soil, was erected in 1756 by Gen. Andrew Lewis, about thirty miles below Knoxville. For a long time it enjoyed the undisturbed friendship of the Indians, by whose permission it was built, but in 1760 it was suffering the terrors of an Indian siege. A weaker race is always suspicious and jealous of a superior race. This is nowhere better illustrated than among the red and white races of America. The latter were never guarded enough in their treatment of the Indians nor careful enough with their pledges of peace, often violating treaties which had been made, in con- sequence of which they suffered much from the reckless barbarity of their own irresponsible men. Some of the Indians had been murdered on their return from the North and their kinsmen now sought to avenge these deeds and, as was unfortunately, but often the case, their vengeance was visited upon the most defenseless and innocent. A life for a life, they cared not whom, was their religion and law. On his way to relieve the fort Byrd built another one at New River and called it Fort Chiswell, in honor of his friend, John Chiswell, who was operating the lead mines of that vicinity. His men became dissatisfied with the conduct of the campaign and on arriving at Stalnaker's 1 Byrd resigned and Col. Stephen was put INear Marion, Va. The Pioneers— Explorers — First Settlers. 21 in charge, with a young and ambitious sub-officer, Henry Timberlake, who was also an expert surveyor. From Stalnaker's they proceeded to Long Island and there erected a large and substantial fort, naming it Fort Robinson. 2 On August 8th, 1760, Fort Loudon 's fate was sealed by surrender and then treacherous massacre. When Fort Robinson was completed the Indians, four hundred in number, headed by Chief Oconostota, arrived and sued for peace — no doubt fearing punish- ment for their crime at Fort Loudon. A treaty was entered into November 16, 1761, 3 on the completion of which the chief requested that one of the garrison accompany him to his nation as a pledge of good faith. Timberlake agreed to go. Not long after Fort Robinson was completed the country began to be settled. The first pioneers, however, did not come with the purpose of settling here. Those who ventured this far came in straggling bands, as hunters or, as in the case of Daniel Boone and his party, bound for a section beyond this. But all who happened along the fertile valleys of the Holston went back with glowing tales of the country and what there was here for those who had the courage to make it a home. Stephen Holston paddled his canoe down far enough to give the river its name. 4 2Summers' Southwest Virginia. 3This I believe is the first treaty made in Sullivan — historians, generally seemed to have overlooked it. Timberlake in his memoirs describes his reception in the Cherokee nation in a very dramatic manner. Several hundred savages painted in a picturesque manner met him on his entrance into their towns and among other friendly acts to show how welcome he was, an expert knife-thrower hurled a sabre which buried itself in the ground within two inches of his foot. They then escorted him into the council chamber where his reception was concluded in the presence of a large number of warriors. He staid in the nation several months, then took several chiefs on a visit to England but, having no credentials to show who he was or what there for, was treated rather cooly, at which,he returned disgusted. 4The Indians called this river Cherokee and Coot-cla as far down as the mouth of French Broad. Then it took the name of Hogoheege. 22 Historic Sullivan coming of boone. The Boone trail struck Sullivan County at George's Gap, named for James George, 5 one of the Boone party, thence down through Shady valley, near what is now called Fish Dam. Here a skirmish took place with the Indians and a log fort was erected, James George remaining in charge. This spot is still known, by some, as "fort hill." Boone evidently followed the course of the Holston river. On a farm near Emmett Station on the Virginia and Southwestern railroad, two workmen, Ben Webb and Ed Scalf, who were clearing a tract of new ground in 1893, dug up a copper kettle in which a sapling about three inches in diameter was growing. The men paid little attention to the vessel beyond a few speculations as to how it come to be buried there. Afterwards some one discovered the inscription "D. Boone 1760" carved under the rim. This at once placed a premium upon its value, in their eyes, and it is still held at a high price. 6 Boone spent but little time in Sullivan on his first trip to Cumberland Gap. The first account of permanent settlers was of those 5James George was a man of great physical strength. Tests of strength were common in the early days and challenges frequent. Those old warriors that were fearless in battle were almost desperate in brawls. One day George sent for the old pioneer doctor, Elkanah Dulaney, and told him he had sent for him to pull all his teeth. The doctor protested, saying, George's teeth were too sound to be pulled, whereupon the latter replied: " If you don't pull 'em I'll bite Blevins' ear or nose off the very next fight we get into." The law against biting and maim- ing was more strictly enforced then than now and meant a penitentiary term. The doctor humored the inevitable and extracted all his teeth. The George family keep these teeth in a pearl case as heirlooms and molar evidence of a mighty strength. The family is also remarkable for its longevity as were many of the families whose ancestors lived out-door lives. Dr. John George, now in his eighty-fifth year, is a son of James George and says the latter died in his ninety-sixth year, when the former was but a few months old. These two lives reach back one hundred and eighty-one years, making the elder twenty-three years of age when accompanying Boone. 6 I have seen this kettle and while all such evidences, like it and the famous beech tree, are more or less apochryphal and, while I am not so moved by the emotional surprises of relic dicoveries as to accept everything as absolute proof, at the same time I do not belong to the ultra-sceptic class who will accept nothing circumstantial. I am ready to believe the carving on the tree and also on the kettle is genuine and the work of the same man. These evidences are along the line of the trail and deserve some consideration and may have some providential value. The Pioneers— Expolrers— First Settlers. 23 who came here in 1765. In the spring of this year John Sharp, Thomas Sharp and Thomas Henderson came from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, cleared some land and raised a crop of corn on the farm once owned by D. 0. King in Holston Valley. In the fall at harvest time they improvised cribs of poles and put up their corn. They then returned to their homes in Pennsylvania, and in the spring of 1766, came back with their families only to find their previous season's crop almost totally destroyed by the wild animals that roamed at will during their absence. They settled upon three different tracts of land — the one later owned by King, another once owned by Gen. John R. Delaney, and the third, formerly the property of Ireson Longacre. These farms were about five miles apart and were all bordering upon the Holston river. In the spring of 1767, two years after the first settlers made their homes in the county, Jacob Womack built a fort two miles east of Bluff City on the land once owned by Sam Miller. Andrew Crockett brought his famly from Ireland in 1769 and forted at Womack 's during Indian raids. It was here Margaret Crockett was born November 20, 1770, and is supposed to be the first white child born in Sulli- van County. These Crocketts were the ancestors of Davy Crockett. 7 " 8 Following these people came a large number of others of wider experience and wealth — men whose names were destined to illume the pages of history, give strength to the community, and to make possible lasting peace upon the border. TDeery MSS. 8Limestone, the reputed birth place of Davy Crocket, has no absolute proof of this birth claim. • His first biographer stated it and those following fell in line with the idea. Sullivan was the home of his ancestors and while there is no record, so far known, of his birth in this county, it is more than probable he was born here. . . Among the county records at Abingdon, Va., is a will of David Crockett's and this is witnessed by Sudivan County men — among them Congressman McClel- lan. This Crockett was an ancestor of Davy Crockett CHAPTER IV. THE CAVALCADE. It is a wise yet sometimes strange provision that what is most needed and most beneficial is most plentiful. The stage coach with all of its attendant grandeur is gone, but the old wagon that carried our forefathers over the mountains and along the little rough trail remains. There is less change in the make of this vehicle than of any mode of conveyance yet introduced. The man who first designed this wagon's bed evidently gave it to the world complete, for there seems to have been no change in it for a century. It is built after the manner of an ancient battle ship, galley shape — a dip in the middle and the rear built much higher than the front. The high back was evidently intended as a precaution against robbers as well as protection against a lurking foe. These beds, 1 with their contents placed against the sides, have often been laid seige to and big battles have been fought from within their reinforced sides and rear. When going into camp travelers would place their wagons in a circle for protection. The tar bucket and one dog were tied to the rear axle while the remainder of the pack followed. Early in the day the dogs following would give chase to wild game, much to the discomfiture of the dog that was tied to the axle, but toward the close of the day's march all of them were content to follow close, being fagged out. The lead horse, and sometimes others, had bells on them. These seemed to add cheer to all the caravan. When the horses were hitched and the bells began to tinkle the dogs leaped in delight that the day's journey was to begin again. 1 Wagons with these beds are still known as "North Carolina wagons" — the first travelers from that state used them, and the name clings to this day. The Cavalcade. 25 Check lines were unknown in the early days and were not introduced until the eighteenth century was far ad- vanced. The team was guided by the rider who rode the lead horse. The cattle were nearly always driven behind the wagons. Bells were tied to them too and, unless in case of men outriders, the horses with the packs followed the wagons also. Very often young children were placed upon the horses and carried, one on either side, in large baskets — papoose style. The pack saddle was made out of limbs of trees that forked at the proper angle, much in shape like the wish- bone of a chicken. Two of these having been cut the proper length and the prongs being rounded to fit the animal's back, short boards were placed across, fastened with wooden pegs and the saddle was complete. A good fork was not always to be found and any tree that had one was carefully noted. 2 AROUND THE CAMP FIRE. Should the cavalcade meet a traveler going in the oppo- site direction — which, however, did not often occur — after the surprise greetings they plied him with questions: "Can we reach by night?" or "how far is it to meadows?" and like interrogatories, their aim being always to reach a suitable camping spot before sundown, one near a spring and grazing. The pioneers had a peculiar knowledge of the country just as in some unaccountable way they had of events. News traveled with almost incredible swiftness, considering their means of transmission. Stopping for the night, the horses were unhitched, the bell-horse and bell-cow being tethered, while the remainder of the herd was allowed to forage at will. Then the men of the party built a fire and the 2So highly prized were these saddle forks that on one occasion an old minister, preaching to his flock in a grove and seeing one of the coveted limbs in a nearby tree, without stopping -his sermon, said, in a sing-song tone, 'brethren -I see a fork in yonder tree." — Williams. 26 Historic Sullivan. women began the cooking. A skillet or frying pan, coffee pot, minus the coffee and a kettle in most cases com- pleted the vessel list. Meat was very often cooked upon the coals, while the corn meal was either boiled as mush or made into "johnny-cake." 3 Sometimes when baked in the ashes it was called "ash-cake." When a stampede of stock occurred during the night, generally caused by prowling wild animals or Indians, they were with difficulty corralled the next day. 4 It often took hours to do this, and in some instances the Indians stole the horses and made away with them. When the cavalcade found a suitable place to settle down for a home there was great relief that the journey was over and a new life begun. While the log cabin was being erected, temporary shelters were made by standing poles slant-wise and thatching them thickly with pine boughs. The bed and other furniture of the home was simple and crude. A dogwood sapling, with a strong fork at the proper height from the floor, was used as a post for a bedstead. One end was fastened to the joist and the other end let into the floor by an auger hole. Hickory withes laid across were used as slats, while elm bark held them in place. Other household effects were made in the same crude fashion. Their hand-made baskets and other wickerwork, however, excelled the manufactured article. Thus did the borderers make their first appearance to people the solitary places and continue, in a settled way, the half gypsy life of these wanderers in the wilderness. 3" Johnny-cake" is a corruption of "journey cake," this name being given because it was baked in a hurry. — Phelan. _4"0ver night we are now at the trouble of hobbling them out and often of leading them a mile or two to a convenient place for forage, and then in the morning we are some hours in finding them again because they are apt to Btray a great way from the place where they were turned out. Now and then, too, they are lost for a whole day together, and are frequently so weak and jaded that the company must be still several days, near some meadow or highland pond to recruit them." — Col. William Byrd 's Journal, 1733, page 71. The Cavalcade 27 Thus those determined men, rough handed and hope- ful, slowly transformed the wild life into a self-sustaining State. In the train of these forerunners came others. The white covers of the wagons went over the undulating surface of the country like sails over heavy seas— now up — now down. Scarcely had one turned the hill when far in the distance could be seen another coming. The echo of the advance trumpeter was caught by those following and an unbroken chain of sound reached from the new settlement far back into the midst of the old — back to Londonderry and the Boyne! and heralded the creation of a new civilization in the far wilds of the frontier. CHAPTER V. THE FRONTIER WOMAN. In the annals of all countries there is no age nor race that has given to the world more sterling valor than that displayed by the frontier woman of Tennessee. She shared with the men all the dangers of the wilderness, with all its toils. She came with the first settlers and bore with fortitude the privations of a forest cabin. No other border life of recent times, in our territories, presents such a wonderful growth and change from wild backwoods to the dignity of a state in twenty six-years. To her presence more than any one influence, to her moral worth and example is due the high rank attained and the end achieved in so short a time. She did not wait for the clearing and the building of the cabin and the planting of the crops — she went along and helped do these things. She rocked the cradle in the home — she swung the cradle in the field. She spun the flax and carded the wool and made the clothing for the family. She has gone to the aid of a sick neighbor and returned to find her own home in ashes. When rumors of Indian raids reached the settlements she went into the fort prepared to do a man's part should the exigency of the hour demand. In such a test of courage she stood, gun in hand, beside the dead body of the man who had fallen, the victim of a besieger's bullet. And still the mother's thoughtful care over her children never left her. She trained them at her knee. The frontier woman of Sullivan never lacked for courage nor opportunities to prove it. There was a peculiar trait which seemed to be born in the children of that day, or which mothers had taught TYPE OF TENNESSEE FRONTIERWOMAN "Aunt" BETSY CARLTON (right) Her daughter, "Aunt" POLLY HAWK (left) The Frontier Woman. 29 them — to make no show of fear nor make alarm — much like the young of birds, which, at a call, seek the cover of the wing. It was a "hush" of caution rather than of fear. TESTS OF COURAGE. Once the men of Holston settlement were called to Shelby's station, an Indian raid being expected. Should the Indians come from an unexpected quarter, as they often did and as was the case in this instance, it left unprotected a large number of families. A Mrs. Roberts living at King's Mill, on Reedy creek, whose husband had responded to the call, heard the Indians were coming by their home. Gathering up her three children, a bundle and a weapon, whose service would ill avail, she started for the station and had gone but a short distance when she was made aware of the approach of the savages. Stepping aside from the path and crouching beneath the undergrowth, the Indians came by within a few feet of her and even stopped as if suspicious of a presence. The children at once under- stood the meaning of her cautious warning, nestling close and keeping very still. After the savages had passed on she gathered up her little family and trudged along, arriving at the fort the next day. About this time there was a still more remarkable example of the "hush" habit, in the Snodgrass settle- ment near Blountville. The Indians made their appear- ance in the neighborhood during the absence of the men of the homes. The women, being warned in time, took their children and sought refuge by digging out a place under a large haystack. Small babes were among them yet no sound disclosed their whereabouts. They instinc- tively fell into the hush that had previously marked the behavior of the others. On coming out they found moccasin tracks all about the place. 30 Historic Sullivan. The lofty regard and admiration for these women was almost idolatrous and is best told in the tributes paid them by the men of their times. The country's esteem was no more sought by these fearless and rugged frontier men than were the approval and praise of their own women. When the term of enlistment in their country's service was over, the men would hasten to their homes and lay what laurels they had won at the feet of those women, craving no richer reward than their approbation. Thus, in part, wrote Col. Fleming, to his wife, from the battlefield. 1 My Dearest Nancy: * * * * that you & Lenny are daily in my thoughts you need not doubt but as much as I love & Regard you both I can not Allow myself to wish me with you till the expedition is finished know- ing it would sink me in your esteem & that you would despise a wretch that could desert an honorable Cause, a Cause undertaken for the good of his Country in general, and more immediately for the Protection of his Family as included amongst the Frontier settlers let thoughts like these Animate you and support your Spirits and remember my Dr Girl that the Divine Being is Omnipresent as well as Omnipotent. * * * I have heard of sympathizing thoughts possessing the breasts of Two Distant Lovers if there is anything in this fond Opinion you must know what passess in my breast at present and not accuse this letter of coldness. * * More I need not say nor would it be prudent to commit more to paper. Nor did this admiring fealty confine itself to any one age — youth and maturity alike paid her the tribute of their tenderest solicitude. In the days when the scalp- ing knife and the tomahawk showed no respect for sex or age regular reports were sent in of the condition of each settlement. From one of these comes this pathetic example of youthful courage and maternal love: " * * * The boy that was scalped is dead 2 he was an extraordi- lSeptember, 1774, Kanahwa Expedition. 2Manuscript letter. Col. Arthur Campbell to Col. Wm. Preston, Oct. 6, 1774. The Frontier Woman. 31 nary example of patience and resolution to his last, frequently lamenting 'he was not able to fight enough for to save his mammy'." 3 From such women came the men who won for Tennes- see the name of "Volunteer." She left them the heritage of a rugged simplicity, integrity and valor, and an unswerv- ing loyalty and love for any place she called her home. For her these men have gone down through the untrav- eled ways and wrested a place for civilization from a savage hold; for her they have stood in the open and faced the charge, through the long stretch of desert sands and under suns that had no shade; for her they fill icy sepulchers in the far North country; for her they lie beneath unmarked mounds all over the waste plains of the West ;for her they have crossed the deep and in strange climes met death with a dauntless courage that told of their fidelity in foreign lands; and for her they stand ready today to answer to the call of their country, remem- bering what she taught them at her knee — the sacredness of duty. In the homes throughout Sullivan County are old pictures hanging upon the walls and under the folds of old albums are faded types of a time that is gone. Once those pictures were looked upon and laughed at — the old lace cap and the tie and the strangely made dress were so quaint, so far away from custom, so out of fashion 3Colonel Arthur Campbell accustomed to the cruelties and hardships of frontie 1 " life, happening in the neighborhood, went to see this boy and wrote to Col. Preston, a portion, only, of his letter being preserved. "Upon whose first appearance, my little hero ran off, his Uncle called, he knew his voice and turned and ran to him rejoiced; his Uncle questioned him and he returned sensible answers. Showed his murdered parents and sisters, his Brother is not found, and I suppose is captivated. He received but one Blow with a Tomhake on the back of the Head, which cut thro his scull, but it is general ly believed his brains is safe, as he continues to talk sensibly and being an active wise Boy, what he relates is Credited. For my part I don't know as I ever had tenderer feelings of compassion, for anyone of the human species. I have sent for him, and employed an Old Man that has some Skill to attend him. I wish I could get Doctr Loyd to him. If he cannot come please try if the Doctor could not send me up some medicines with directions. I have been to tedious and circumstantial in relating the little hero's story, but as it seems to be a singular instance I am persuaded you won't be displeased with it." (Draper MSS.) Letter quoted in note 3 was written previous to excerpt of letter referred to io note 2. 32 Historic Sullivan. with the times. But as the years went by they became the shrine to which the eyes of homage turned, and now no possession is more cherished or more revered. "Let them take my furniture and all my household goods, but leave me my pictures — I love them best of all," said an old gray haired woman when threatened with a foreclosure on her home. They were her deeds of inherit- ance from out of the dead past — more treasured than lands or herds or princely dwelling places. They were the ties that bound her to those vanishing years when martyrdom made possible the civilization of today. "Times are not what they used to be," they tell us, and the alarmist deplores the lack of chivalry in our men and the decadence of old fashioned virtues in our women. But time's pendulum never swung so far out that it did not come back again. Those old pictures are still hanging upon the walls — those old faces are still peering out of the past. In our direst need of them, and when the time most calls for them, their kindly old eyes will rekindle the knightly bearing of our men and restore to the hearth- stone, that old abandoned altar, around which hovered the holiest womanhood. CHAPTER VI. COMING OF THE SHELBYS. The energetic, enthusiastic and safety life in the lower Holston settlements began with the arrival of the Shelbys. Evan Shelby's father, who also was Evan Shelby, came from Wales and located in Frederick county, Maryland, at a place called North Mountain. Evan, Jr., was then a small boy. Here he grew up and married Letitia Cox, by whom he had five sons and one daughter. His wife died in 1777 and is buried at Charlottesville, Virginia. Isaac Shelby, the most eminent of the name, was born in Maryland. Evan, the father of Isaac, had seen considerable military service before coming to Holston, having fought in many Indian battles. He had the title of Captain. How he was regarded at his old home may be seen by the following letter from Gen. William Thompson, bearing the address, "Carlisle, 6th July, 1775." It was written to Capt. Shelby and the manuscript bears many mutilations. "Had General Washington been certain that you could have joined the army at Boston without first seeing your family [you] would have been appointed Lieut. Colo, [of the] Rifle Battalion and an express sent. * * * but you being so the general concluded it [not — ] ble for you to take the field before seeing your family. * * * I leave for Boston on Monday night." In 1771 Shelby brought his family to the Holston country, settling at Sapling Grove, or what is now Bristol, Tennessee. Here he built a fort which was known as "Shelby's 34 Historic Sullivan. Station." It was quite commodious, many hundreds being forted there at times during Indian raids. 1 This fort or station was located on what is now Seventh street, on the hill overlooking Beaver creek, between Andersen and Locust streets. Shelby's military services will be reviewed in another chapter and the same statement applies to his sons. Their lives in peaceful times, domestic and political, will be disposed of in this chapter. The Shelbys kept a store at their fort. On the fac- simile of a leaf from the store ledger will be seen the names of some of their distinguished customers — the Seviers, James Robertson and Daniel Boone. It is also interesting on account of the price of different com- modities at that time. Evan Shelby has been described as a man of command- ing appearance, stout and stern. A scrap of an old ledger, dated Staunton, Va. Nov. 22, 1773, has some amusing entries to the account of Shelby, made no doubt on a trading visit : £ Nov. 22 To 1 Bowl tody. . . To 3 gal oats Nov. 23 brk. To 1 Mug Cider... To 1 Bowl Bumbo To 6 diets To Club in Wine . . 1 3 1 3 14 2 6 6 1 10* The Seviers had been induced by Shelby to locate in the Holston settlements. John Sevier was out here on a trading expedition in 1772 and attended a horse race at the Watauga Old Field. While there he witnesed the 1"I find four hundred forted at Shelby's Station." — Col. Wm. Preston letter, 1776. TT lis £7^^^A^J|W^2^ ; ^ ^ fr # ■ ■ .-Sri*. ■_ ■<■'* /O n */1i/ys,\ J fefsZ\ is . fi „ #-„ £ C >% 00/4 y^y (rfcn J~y/£/*^ P .. /3 ... /. H •^ 'to./ £+,2 ./up* ^ 2/v fj^~3> _ - ^.. i* '• ■"' 'A ,W.^>./» ^ . — - ' • ' £• " •'> -;> « U&y'jp+.^./s - - ._- — ■* - ^ " *" ■ ff/>- /■- » - *. WHEN SHELBY KEPT STORE AT SAPLING GROVE Coming op the Shelbys. 35 theft of a horse by a burly fellow named Shoate. 2 The horse belonged to a stranger, but the thief pretended he won the animal in a bet. Sevier was about to leave, disgusted, when the senior Shelby said to him, "Never mind these rascals, they'll soon take poplar," — meaning take a canoe and get out of the country. The Seviers came out next year and located at Key wood, about six miles from the Shelbys', but afterwards removed to Washington county. In 1779 this part of Virginia was found to be in North Carolina and the division threw Evan Shelby's estate into what was, the following year, Sullivan County. Gov. Caswell at once appointed him Brigadier- General — the first to receive such military rank on the Western waters. Late in life he married Isabella Elliot, the records showing that she required one-third of his estate to be deeded to her before marriage. She survived him and married again — one Dromgoole, who later tried to satisfy a spite of some sort by desecrating Shelby's grave, for which he was severely punished. The Shelbys gave the name "Travelers Rest" to their home, indicating a hospitable people. Evan Shelby was seventy-four years of age when he died in 1794. He was buried in Bristol, Tennessee, on the lot now occupied by the Lutheran church, (1908) on the corner of Fifth and Shelby streets. At the time of his burial seven massive oaks grew there — a fit resting place for this pioneer and soldier. Commerce, with little sympathy or sentiment, decreed the oaks must be cut down to make way for a street. Apparently not satisfied with the old general's restless career, the caretakers carted his remains about from place to place. They were first removed in 1872 and for a while lay in the Tennessee calaboose for safe keeping — preparatory to put- 2Shoate became notorious as a horse-thief and was killed about 1779. — Draper MSS. 36 Historic Sullivan. ting them away in the cemetery. 3 Some one, probably realizing the unfitness of this repository, transferred them to the postoffice. Then for a while they lay in the ceme- tery, the tomb being at the entrance, but later they were taken up again and given, it is hoped, their final resting place. Shelby's bones have been moved five times. There was some protest on the part of Tennessee in re- gard to the last removal as it placed him in Virginia, but this transfer was made, perhaps, with no intention to State claims as the section where he now lies is de- voted principally to old soldiers. Isaac Shelby, whose career in a military way will be fully described in other chapters, was a herder of cattle for a few years after his arrival at Sapling Grove. He also became a surveyor, which seemed to be the leading profession on the frontier because, no doubt, the most needed. Nearly all the leading military men were surveyors and the state showed her appreciation of their services by allotting them certain tracts of land. Isaac Shelby, after the battle of King's Mountain, married Susanna Hart, daughter of Nathaniel Hart, who was one of the principal stockholders in the Richard Henderson Transylvania purchase. He was married in 3This delay was no doubt occasioned by the preparations that were being made to re-inter, with civic ceremonies. Judge A. S. Deaderick, a lineal descendant was present and presided. The re-interment took place in May, 1S96. In 1899, the Evan Shelby Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, at Owensboro, Kentucky, sent four shrubs with the request that they be planted at the four corners of Shelby's grave. Accordingly the Ladies' Memorial Association, on Memorial Day, June 1st, planted them with the following sentiments: Tree No. 1. — Mrs. J. F. Hicks. "He who meets death for his country thus buys immortality." Tree No. 2. — Mrs. E. T. Jones. "Here rests a hero. The idols of to-day push the heroes of yesterday out of recollection and will in turn be supplanted by his successors to-morrow." Tree No. 3. — Mrs. J. C. Anderson. "Strong and great a hero sleeps here." Tree No. 4.- — Mrs. W. C. Carrington. "Here sleeps, until awakened at the grand reveille of God, a link between two centuries — a soldier, a veteran and a hero.' ' Members of the D. A. R. have been zealous in their efforts to secure a monument for Evan Shelby. They have written many letters and have contributed largely to the press of this section and Kentucky. It seems the recognition ia about to come in a suitable monument from the Government — Congressman Brownlow having introduced a bill including such a provision. At present his remains lie beneath a simple iron, coffin-shaped slab with the inscription: 'General Evan Shelby Born 1720 Age 74" Coming of the Shelbys. 37 Kentucky, the Harts having removed there from North Carolina to take charge of their vast estate. This may have had something to do with Shelby adopting the state as his home. It is said, however, that when Miss Hart and he parted, at the time she left for her new home in Kentucky, they parted in a tiff, he declaring he would not follow her. Afterwards he began to pay court to another young lady not far from his own home, but she, knowing of his former attachment, promptly told him it was his duty to go to Kentucky and he went. His married life was a happy one. He was honored many times during his rugged career, both in a military and political way. He was Kentucky's first ^yernor, in 1792, and was called to fill the same position in 1812, during the second war with England. He distinguished himself at the battle of the Thames, with Gen. Harrison, in recognition of which Congress awarded him a medal. Monroe offered him a seat in his cabinet, as Secretary of War, but he declined on account of old age. DEATH OF ISAAC SHELBY He died in 1826. The morning before his death he rode over to see his son Isaac, returning before dinner. He ate a hearty meal, then walked up to the gate in front of his house, came back, sat down with his wife and entered into a cheerful conversation with her. There was a lull in the talk — she heard him draw a long breath, his head falling back — he was dead. The old man had frequently expressed a wish that, when he died, no one but his wife should be present. His singular wish was gratified. He was buried upon the spot where he pitched his first tent in Kentucky. This also was his wish and for fear it might be forgotten he marked the place himself. 4 4Niles, Ky., Register Sept. 9, 1826. Draper Collection. 38 Historic Sullivan. shelby and sevier Both men were ambitions and both desired to control, yet each arrived at conclusions or results in different ways. If a campaign was on Shelby might be found bending over a rough-sketch map, planning and scheming with his associates, while Sevier, all unmindful of any impending crisis, might be found at a barbecue or horse race. Yet in the execution of military maneuvers there was little difference — both were brilliant and dashing for men of any time. Sevier's strategy was as impromptu as his personality was impulsive. Shelby was slow to plan, but once his plan was formed he was quick of execution and determined. Sevier's rapid movements and quick decisions could not have been more accurate had they been more closely studied. In religion Shelby was prayerful and formally devout, while Sevier allied himself with no church during his life and it might be said his religion was: "write me as one who loves his fellow man." Arriving in opposite ways at the same results and each anxious to achieve distinction of the same kind, no state was big enough for both men. While the friendship between the two had never been tried in the gross test of controversy, Shelby clearly saw that to submit their claims to the people at large Sevier with his winning ways could out-class him. So he determined not to chance a possible defeat, preferring to risk his prospects in another field. He left the state of his adoption to found a new one in the Kentucky country, where he was able to satisfy his aspirations for leadership. CHAPTER VII. A FEW DAYS FULL OF TROUBLE. The muster-master, when ordered to enlist men for urgent military duty, did not always find it an easy task. This was especialiy true on the extreme border where families were most exposed to the incursions of the roving bands of Indians and renegades. It was not always from lack of courage they were difficult to enroll for distant campaigns, but because self protection was their first consideration. In localities where the inhabitants had better means of defense and were not so apt to be the victims of a surprise, the men were usually anxious to go. The following is one of the best examples of the difficulties sometimes encountered in the formation of a company. They are excerpts from letters of Maj. James Robertson 1 who had charge of the erection of stockades in Culber- son Valley and are selected because they deal directly and describe in a consecutive way, covering but a brief period from the issuance of the order till the men were in motion. Besides there is a sincerity of purpose and a oneness of interest and intention so serious as to be amusing. The Major's despair at the outset is an extreme contrast to his exultation over the completion of his company. His gratitude is expressed in such language as might, with little change, be mistaken for a testimonial to the effiicacy of some wonder-working remedy, the use of which resulted in recovery from a dire affliction. This correspondence passed between Maj. James Robertson and Col. William Preston: 2 INot the Tennessee pioneer. 2Selected from the Draper collection. 40 Historic Sullivan. Tuesday night July 19th 1774 Sir — Since I received, your Letter I have been Continually on Horse Back amongst the People. I will get 18 or 20 men ready to Start Thursday Evening or friday morning, for My Soul I Could not get them to March Sooner and to Leave them Behind I never Expected to See them untill the new Draft again and Scare then. I am in Hopes there will be no Great Danger untill we get there. I am Sir Your Servant James Robertson There is always an unsettled commotion about a stock- ade. The uncertain stay of the men kept the commandant uneasy and on the lookout for new recruits and provisions — a labor then full of disappointment and provoking. Wednesday morning 20th July 1774 Sir — Since I Reed, your letter I have not had an Hours Rest I am Sure. I have with A Great Deal of Both Good words and Bad ones Prevail'd on the following Persons to march with me Thursday. * * I thought to Got them marched to day but it was not in my power Some had Grain to put up and to leave them would [n] ot do for I would Scarcely Ever See Them again. I am your Servant. James Robertson N. B. This last news I Expect is no more than Some of the Usual Alarms. But if they are about I am in hopes we will be there time Enough for them. Pray Sir if Possible Procure me a Quire of Paper as I cannot get one Sheet. He announces signs of Indians — and foreshadows his troubles in collecting a company for the Kanawha ex- pedition. Fort Dunmore 26th July 1774 * * * Onless you Send Some men down the Case will be Bad So that I must stay with not more than Six men unless I kill part and tye the Other I Expect we will have a war amongst our Selves without that of the Indians, these men tells me there are fresh signs of Indians Seen Every Morning about the plantation of Forbes, Sir Both men and Ammunition will be much wanted about this place verry Soon as I Expect a Large Body of Indians Emediately. I Shall Stand by A Few Days Full of Trouble. 41 the Place Agreeable to my Orders if Death Should be my Fate I am Sir yours James Robertson N. B. the men I got to day I Station Here as the Setlers here was under the Necessity of moving I have made them up Ten Soldiers and they Seem Satisfy 'd A diversity of news — Indian forays — completion of fort — the lack of provisions and ammunition. There was a constant call for "more powder and lead" in those days. Fort Btrd 28th July 1774 Dr. Sir — we will have our Fort Genteely finished this week, we have 25 private at this Place I have ten at old Billey wood's. I would be glad to have Some more men and Ammun[i]tion if it was not So good, it would do to keep the fort, there is signs of the Indians here Every morning and I Expect they will give us a Salute when they Assemble their party altogether if I had Some more men I Could turn out with a party which I would be Extreamly fond of. I have sent out the Scouts this morning and to Continue out three days unless they See much signs of Indians. I am Dr. Sir your Hbl. Servant James Robertson N. B. there is a good many of the men in this place will go with me to the Shany's [Shawnee] towns Tom Masdin is Sick and wants to go home. Harry Thomson Set off yesterday with Some men. I could not Prevail on him to Stay a few days, untill the men would Come out, as he Said his Business was So Urgent at Court. Sir as I [am] on Duty here and has no Chance to Raise A Company for the present Expdn. Please to give my Comlmts. to Old Will In[g] les & with a Litle of your own assistance I hope you Can Engage us Some men I am yrs. J. R. More rumors of Indian outrages — call for men and ammunition. Culbersons 1st August 1774 Sir — About three hours agoe John Draper Came here with thirteen men, which makes our Number 33 or thereabouts this minet I got flying news of the Indians Shooting at one of Arbuckles Centery's on mudy Creek, they say Likewise that they Atacted one of Kelley's Yesterday about half a mile from that Fort where they Tomhak'd 42 Historic Sullivan. Kelley and Cut him Vastly, but the men from the fort heard the noise and Ran to their Assistance and drove the Indans off before they Either Kill'd or Sculp'd Kelley they took his Daughter Prisoner it is Said; but the Certainty of any of the news I Canot Assert * * * as to my Going in Sir its Impossible Unless we give up this place Intirely for the men Swairs the minet I set off they Will Start Likewise, and Indeed I cannot leave the Compy. as I See, for there is no one that Can keep any Accts. or do any thing towards Geting Provisions for the Compny. Which is Realy Vastly hard to get I was in hopes there would be some flower fr[om] M. Thomsons for us before now the Place must Undoubtedly Bre[ak] up Unless we Get Some Amunition. * * we have finished our fort and I think not a dispiseable one. I have been out Raiseing a House for to hold Provisions and Amunition but I am Afraid the Place wont be Over Stocked with Either, in haste, as the one Cant be Possibly got, and the Other People Seems Easey About furnishing us with. * * * James Robertson N. B. I am afraid 111 be far behinn about my Corny, for the Shany Expdn. as I am confined here Saturday 6th August 1774 Culbersons Sir — I suppose you heard of the Indians Killing Kelley on mudy Creek, we heard Some Flying accts of it, but not the perticulars, * * * Sir you must know the Great Necessity I have to be in, to try to make up my Compy. and make Ready as well as these men that goes with me. I would been in Sooner but by no means Could Leave the men for several reasons, and the Day I set off I Am Sure they will be Along, and Against we get in it will be three weeks and Some A month, as Long as one party I believe Can Well Stay. Sir I am Your Hble. Servant James Robertson N. B. we have not Seen the Signs of any Indians Since I Came here. Pray Sir Send down Some Flower and Powder and Lead if Possible, Let it be Good or Bad. Announces the offer of gruesome reward. Culbersons 11th August 1774 Sir — I was Expecting Orders to Gone Home to Seen Some What About my Affairs. I have a good deal to do before I Can Start to the Expedition Which I would by no means miss if I can Possibly make out to go. * * * the men Seems Resolute for a Sculp or two, and I have Offered £b for the first Indians hand that will be brought in A Few Days Full of Trouble. 43 to the fort by any of the Compy * * * they left a War Club at one of the wasted Plantations well made and mark'd with two Letters I G (well made) * * * Sir I dare say you have a Good Deal of Trouble Geting hands to us, and I am Sure I have a Vaste Deal of Trouble in Keeping them in Tune as they are a Distracted Enough party I assure you my Complmts. to your famyly and Sir I Heartyly wish you Luck from your most Obd S. James Robertson N. B. I have a Severe Spell of a Great Cold and the worst tooth Ache that ever was Jas. Robertson More trouble in enlistments — lets out the secret cause of dissatisfaction among the men — the "Gent" who makes mutiny. Culbersons 12th August 1774 Sir — This morning Our Scouts met with a Couple of Poor Little Boys between this and Blue Stone one A Son of John McGriffs the Other a Son of Widow Snydoes at Burks fort, that made their Escapes from the Indians Last Tuesday night about midnight away * * * Sir Unless you keep your own Side of the mountains well Guarded there them Stragling little partys will do Abundance of Damage where People is Gathered in forts there Ought to be men under Pay Just Ready on any Occasion these Small partys passes Scouts and Companys with out Possibly being Discovered if my Life and Honour and the Lives of all my Relations & the Lives of all my well wishers was at Stake I Can do no more then I have, or is Ever Willing to do. #*******! j^j j^ thought of Seting home next monday but I wont Atempt it untill I See if we Can Rub up these Yalow Dogs A Little I suppose my helpless famyly is in Great fear, and Indeed not with out Reason. Perhaps I look on you to be in a Dangerouser Station there than we are here and would advise you to keep a party constantly on their Watch, as there is white men amongst them they Undoubtedly know men of the Best Circumstance and that is what they Generaly Aim at Dea Sir I am Your most Hbl. Servant James Robertson " N. B. Sir I have been in the Greatest misery Ever any felow was in, Since Last monday with A pain in my Jaw one of my Eyes Has been Shut up Ever Since and has hardly Either Eat or Slept I Declare. J. R. 44 Historic Sullivan. Sir — I thought to been at your House friday or Saturday but Cannot be there untill Sunday night or monday. I have been through the whole Company and meets with poor Success though picked up Some. I Gather them Altogether Saturday and Pretends to make A Draft by your Orders I tell them, and dont want to Concern with any that has famylys, but Only these Hulking younge dogs that Can be well Spar'd. if you please give me a Line or two to Back me I would be glad you would desire the Oncers in Capt. Cloyd's and Capt. Taylers Compy. to Stir up Some Backward Scoundr[els] in their Companys to turn Out or Else force them for no Honour nor Intreateys will move them. I Could Stay untill the midle of next week and Overtake the Army before they go to the falls. Perhaps you have Seen Some what of Capt. Woods, or heard what number he has to Joyn us I am Sir Your Obedt. Servant James Robertson 1st of Sfepbr. 1774 N. B. I have had more uneasyness this Eight days Amongst these Deels Buckeys then I have had this three years there is some procarious Gent, amongst us who makes some mutiny amongst the men as they want Compns. Completion of company — "off for the levels." Rich Creek 15th Septbr 1774 Sir — we are Stop'd a day to Get what Beeves and Catties We Can Pick up. Capt. woods and his Party is Joynd me Which makes our number of the Whole 55 the Soldiers I had at Mr. Woods Desird Discharges from me which I have given them, though they are willing to Inlist again, if you See Cause. I have sent you an Acct. of their time Likewise finding their Pro- visions for the time Mitchel Clay 51 days on Duty found his own Provisions Zekil Clay 51 days found his Provisions David Clay 51 days found Do Richd. Blankenship 44 days Do P. S. I must be for Ever Obliged to all my good friends for assist- ing me in Getting my Compy made up as I thought it was meerely Impossible to do it in the time and I am sure there is not Such an Other Compny for the Quaintyty of men belonging to the Whole Dr. Sir I wish you Every thing that Would make you happy. I am your Obedt. Servant James Robertson Rich Creek 16th Sept. 1774 N. B. We are just starting for the Levels. J. R. rv. &*,£. '*J0& t /sr^^t?;, &'**„ '&%*?, y J Ao : 'Jwfe^^ ^ [ - 'T ill ii .j-^a^-i.. r tyfj — -* , Facsimile of original muster-roll of the first volunteer company to leave Sullivan County CHAPTER VIII. THE BATTLE OF THE GREAT KANAWHA. After the arrival of the Shelbys on the Holston there was peace along the border until 1774. Outside of a few small straggling bands of Indians, who were prowling about and stealing, the country was uneasily quiet. The neighborhood gossips, who loafed about the store kept by the Shelbys, were now startled by the rumors of a threatened invasion. The family of Logan, the Indian chief, had been murdered and his allies were seeking revenge — the Shawanoes and other tribes were on the war path. They had already killed eleven people in the settlements of Fincastle. 1 In March, 1774, Col. William Preston had asked Evan Shelby to accept a captaincy in what was then Fincastle county. His acceptance and enlistment of the IThe family of John Roberts, at Kings's Mill, including himself, wife and several children were killed and scalped. The oldest son was taken prisoner while one little boy lived several days after being tomahawked and scalped. He is the one noted in Chapter V. Logan was the perpetrator of this massacre. The father of Logan was a Frenctiman, who, being captured when a child, was adopted into the Oneida tribe and became a powerful chief among the Susquehanna Indians. Logan's mother was a Cayuga, hence this was his tribe. His Indian name was Tach-nech-darus, meaning branching oak of the forest. He took the name of Logan from James Logan, secretary of the province. During the French and Indian war he remained neutral and took refuge in Philadelphia. For this he was compelled to leave his old home and, about 1772, settled in Ohio. Here in his town, on Yellow Creek, April 30, 1774, his people were massacred. Logan swore to have revenge — that he would never stop killing until he had satisfied his thirst for blood. He made four raids, sparing none who came within his grasp — men, women and children he slew with savage cruelty. His acts brought on the Dunmore war, culminating in the battle on the Great Kanawha. When the chiefs were summoned before Dunmore to discuss terms of peace, Logan failed to appear. Dunmore sent for him and received a reply, saying he was a warrior, not a maker of peace, and at the same time delivered what is conceded the most eloquent speech in savage his- tory. It is familiar to most readers and runs as follows: "I appeal to any white man to say if ever he entered Logan's cabin hungry and he gave him not meat; if ever he came cold and naked and he clothed him not? During the course of the last long and bloody war, Logan remained idle in his camp, an advocate for peace. Such was my love for the whites that my countrymen pointed as I passed and said, 'Logan is the friend of the white man.' I had even thought to have lived with you, but for the injuries of one man. Colonel Cresap, the last spring, in cold blood and unprovoked, murdered all the relations of Logan not even sparing my women and children. There runs not a drop of my blood in the veins of any living creature. This called on me for revenge. I have sought it. I have killed many. I have fully glutted my vengeance. For my country I rejoice at the beams of peace; but do not harbor a thought that mine is the joy of fear. Logan never felt fear. He will not turn on his heel to save his life. Who is there to mourn for Logan? Not one.'" 46 Historic Sullivan. men he took with him was the first move that introduced the now famous Tennessee "Volunteer." Because of his dread of their warriors, the northwest Indian held in perpetual grudge Southwest Virginia and upper East Tennessee. What the Indians declared were encroachments upon their lands were merely the journeys made by hunters and surveyors in Kentucky and Ohio. Daniel Boone and Michael Stoner were sent to warn the surveyors and settlers of the peril that was impending. In 1773 these parties were threatened by Cornstalk, and his war bands became numerous and dangerous to the settlements. In September, 1774, Lord Dunmore, who was then the Royal Governor of Virginia, made a call for troops to punish the Indians and, as they were headed by Logan and Cornstalk and other brave chiefs of a like determined character, the mission was one of vast importance. Dunmore decided to take the field in person. He delegated Gen. Andrew Lewis to take charge of the Augusta and Fincastle troops. Accordingly, Lewis re- quested Col. William Preston, the county lieutenant, 2 to summon his men for the campaign. The people of this section, in view of the alarm, were all forted and prepared for defense. Gen. Lewis' command was divided into four parts under Cols. William Christian, John Field, William Fleming and his brother Col. Charles Lewis. Christian had charge of the Fincastle troops which included those from Holston. In this regiment was a company com- manded by Evan Shelby, his son Isaac being lieutenant, while James, another son, was also a member. Col. Christian was detained on the route on account of the slow arrival of his men and provisions. 2A county lieutenant was the highest ranking officer in the county and carried with it the title of colonel. Isaac Shelby was our first county lieutenant. The Battle of the Great Kanawha. 47 Capts. Shelby and Russel, with their companies, pushed on. Christian was to bring up the rear and, being sorely vexed by delays, declared, "I would not for all I'm worth be behind in crossing the Ohio and lending assistance." Upon the arrival of Col. Fleming at Camp Union he found Capts. Shelby and Russel, with part of their com- panies, already there. "The Holston men were the advance guard of civiliza- tion on the farthest border yet pushed out into the Western wilderness, out of which the States of Kentucky and Tennessee were in due time to be carved." 3 Military discipline was not as rigid on this expedition as it had been on other like occasions. The men were disposed to do as they pleased. There was considerable grumbling about the meat, some claiming partiality was shown, as a part of them got good beef while the others got bad. The dissatisfied ones would slip out of camp and hunt for game. This, however, had the advan- tage of affording picket service as otherwise no pickets were sent out. It was due to a hunting party that the whole army was not surprised and set upon when they arrived in camp on the Great Kanawha. James Shelby had fallen sick and his father sent James Robertson and Valentine Sevier 4 out, early on the morning of October the 10th, "to perch a turkey for him" when they ran into "five acres of Indians" about a mile from camp. These Indians were moving on the camp. Robertson and Sevier fired at the party and succeeded in checking their movements. The two men then hastened back and gave the alarm. The drums beat to arms. 3Thwaite and Kellogg's "Dunmore's War." 4Two others, Joseph Hughey of Shelby's Company and James Mooney, were also out hunting — the former was killed and the latter rushed into camp with the report, and later was killed in the battle. 48 Historic Sullivan. The Battle. Instantly the men rolled out of their blankets and, knowing what it meant, prepared for battle. The Indians soon rallied from the surprise of the fire from the two hunters and came on, their battle line extending one mile and a quarter. Gen. Lewis ordered out two companies — three hundred men — under Charles Lewis and Fleming, to meet the enemy. When about half a mile away these companies encountered the Indians and the men remaining in camp were aroused by the thundering report of hundreds of guns. Two hundred more men under Col. Field were rushed to the spot. At the very opening of the battle Col. Charles Lewis was mortally wounded, Col. Fleming was disabled 5 and Col. Field was slain shortly after his arrival. The command now fell to Capt. Evan Shelby, Gen. Andrew Lewis having remained behind to superintend the fortifying of the camp. The two lines of battle, at times, came so close together that the commands of the officers of one side could be heard by the other. The men were even close enough to jeer at each other. The Indians made fun of the fife music, "don't whistle now," they shouted and invited our men to come over and learn how to shoot. The chiefs showed daring courage in the conduct of the battle, moving along the lines encourag- ing their braves to "lie low, shoot well, be brave." Prev- ious to the battle they had stationed squaws and Indian boys along the banks of the Ohio and Kanawha, well armed, to shoot our men should they try to escape by 5 ROUGH SURGERY AT PT. PLEASANT " I received three balls in the left Line two Struck my left arm below the Elbow broke both the bones & I find one of them is lodged in my arm a third entered my breast about three Inches below my left Nipple and is lodged some where in the Chest, on finding myself effectually disabled I quitted the field, when I came to be drest, I found my Lungs forced through the wound in my breast as long as one of my fingers. Watkins Attempted to reduce them ineffectually, he got some part returned but not the whole, being in considerable pain, sometime afterward I got the whole returned by the Assistance of one of my Own Attendants since which I thank the Almighty I have been in a surprising state of ease." — Col. Fleming's letter to William Bowyer. The Battle of the Great Kanawha. 49 swimming the river. These were shouting in savage ex- pectancy "drive the white dogs in." Isaac Shelby, who assumed command of his father's company, repulsed a flank movement of the Indians and in turn assisted by James Stewart and George Mathews out -flanked the enemy. Their red foes began to retreat, but on reaching safer ground, where they could hide be- hind fallen logs, made another stand, again re- treating however. The battle had lasted seven hours and outside of a little skirmishing was nearing its end. During the night the Indians, although apparently defiant and threatening a renewal on the morrow with two thousand reinforcements, retreated, carrying away as many of their dead and wounded as were within reach. Those they were unable to carry away they scalped rather than permit them to be thus abused by the whites. There were many heroic hand to hand encounters during the action and many examples of individual bravery shown. 6 It was a sanguinary contest — one of the most stubbornly waged that had been fought up to that time — result- ing in seventy-five of the whites being killed with one hundred and forty wounded. Their only surgeon, Col. Fleming, being wounded almost to death and unable to render any assistance, the distress and suffering among the wounded was pitiable. 7 A stockade was erected and garrisoned with a com- pany under the command of Isaac Shelby. He remained 6Ramsey gives credit to John Sawyers, one of Shelby's men, for making a des- perate charge with "a few others" and dislodging the enemy from a dangerous advantage. 7 As an example of distress and diversion the following is taken from Newal's Journal dated Oct. 21, Camp, on Point Pleasant, Parole — Dumfrise: "The guard as usual. The Revelie to Beat before daybreak, the lines to turn out under arms & have their arms examined by officers of their Companies, the men for work to parade as soon as possible & compleat the breast work. At point pleasant was a stockaade just built to secure the wounded men, who are dieing daily & most shocking sight to see their wounds. Alex. McKee caught a cat fish that weighs 57 M lbs." S. Newal. 50 Historic Sullivan. here nine months, when the place was abandoned and the stockade destroyed by order of Lord Dunmore. While Sullivan County and, for that matter, what was afterwards the State of Tennessee had but a few more than fifty men in this battle, the burden of the day rested upon them, and there, was the beginning of a series of daring adventures in which she has achieved victories by the unyielding struggle of her stalwart soldiery. CHAPTER IX. "spirit op 75." When the news spread over the country of the condi- tion of affairs in the East, and especially about Boston, the people of Botetourt, and Sullivan was once a part of Botetourt, were not slow to respond with their sympa- pathies to the distress of their countrymen and stood prepared to back them up with a bold defense. How quickly the conditions change and how easily the maps take on different hues. Allies become adver- saries, political upheavals lift the oppressed above the sceptered sway and cover the oppressor with the grime of defeat. To-day the king lashes his subjects into groveling sub- mission, to-morrow he mixes his pottage with the peas- antry. To-day Andrew Lewis is marching under the orders of Lord Dunmore against the stronghold of the Indians on the Great Kanawha, to-morrow he is driving his Lordship from the State of Virginia. The colonists had petitioned the throne in vain — their petitions had been spurned, tossed aside as unworthy of consideration or regarded as rebellious and seditious. It was during these tense times "the hunter on the Alleghany" arose to cheer his brother across the border. No other declaration of independence surpasses in fer- vor and loyal patriotism the Declaration from the Free- holders of Botetourt. 1 To Col. Andrew Lewis, and Mr. John Boyer. Gentlemen. For your past service you have our thanks, and we presume it is all the reward you desire. And as we have again committed to you IThere is no date to this declaration. It appeared in London along with other documents during the year 1775. It was published in "The Remembrancer or Impartial Repository," 1776, and I am indebted to the courtesy of Hon. Daniel Trigg, of Abingdon, Va., for a copy. 52 Historic Sullivan. the greatest trust we can confer (that of appearing for us in the great council of the colony) we think it expedient you hear our sentiments at this important juncture. And first, we require you to represent us with hearts replete with the most grateful and loyal veneration for the race of Brunswick; for they have been truly our fathers, and at the same time the most dutiful affection for our Sovereign, of whose honest heart we cannot entertain any diffidence; but sorry we are to add, that in his councils we can no longer confide; a set of miscreants, unworthy to administer the laws of Britain's empire, have been per- mitted impiously to sway. How unjustly, cruelly, and tyrannically, they have invaded our rights, we need not now put you in mind. We only say, and we assert it with pride, that the subjects of Britain are one; and when the honest man of Boston who has broke no law, has his property wrested from him, the hunter on the Allegany must take the alarm, and, as a freeman of America, he will fly to his representa- tives, and thus instruct them: Gentlemen, my gun, my tomahawk, my life I desire you to render to the honour of my king and country; but my liberty to range these woods on the same terms my father has done, is not mine to give up; it was not purchased by me, and purchased it was; it is entailed on my son, and the tenure is sacred. Watch over it, gentlemen, for to him it must descend inviolated, if my arms can defend it; but if not, if wicked power is permitted to prevail against me, the original purchase was blood, and mine shall seal the surrender. That our countrymen and the world may know our disposition, we chuse that this be published. And we have one bequest to add, that is that the sons of freedom who appeared for us in Philadelphia, will accept our most ardent, grateful acknowledgements; and we hereby plight them our faith, that we will religiously observe their resolutions, and obey their instructions, in contempt of power and temporary interest; and should the measures they have wisely calculated for our relief fail, we will stand prepared for every contingency. We are, Gentlemen, Your dutiful, &c. The Freeholders op Botetourt. ^ \ ""\ S ^ >" CHAPTER X. THE TRANSYLVANIA TRUST. Sullivan County was interested in the first great trust in America. The transaction known as the Henderson Purchase, made by the Transylvania Company — in the business parlance of to-day — was a trust. Daniel Boone, whose name stands for a type of rugged integrity, was agent for this company. It was through the ambitious generosity of Col. Richard Henderson, who had wealth, that Boone was able to indulge his bent for discovery. Henderson was Boone's Maecenas. On his return from a hunting and exploring trip he outlined such- tempting possibilities in the beautiful land that Henderson at once had visions of vast wealth, and what was still more alluring, the sway of power. Although, in a memorial to Congress, the company avowed their wish "to be considered by the colonies as brethren in the same great cause of liberty and man- kind," they entertained hopes of a little republic of their own. Henderson associated with him other men of wealth — David Hart, Nathaniel Hart, James Hogg, John Williams, Leonard H. Bullock, John Luttrell, Thomas Hart and William Johnson. With Nathaniel Hart, Henderson, in the fall of 1774, made a trip to the Cherokee country to negotiate with the Indians for the purchase of their lands. On their return they were accompanied by Chief Carpenter, who had been selected by the tribe as their representative to examine the merchandise they were to receive in exchange for the land. On going back the envoy rendered a favorable report and a final treaty, proposed by Oconostota, was to be framed at Watauga in March, 1775. Accordingly twelve hundred of the Cherokees, headed by Oconostota, Carpenter and 54 Historic Sullivan. The Raven, were there to celebrate the transfer. It took several days to come to an agreement, and during the time there was much feasting. No intoxicating drinks were allowed, but many beeves were barbecued. The principal opposition to the sale of these lands was made by Dragging Canoe, who argued eloquently for retaining the lands of his ancient people. He was finally persuaded, however, and the treaty was concluded by the payment of £10,000, in our money about $50,000. This was a fabulous sum for that day, since, at the time of the Revolution, there was but one millionaire in this country. 1 There were two deeds made for this land — one was called the "Path Deed" and the other the "Great Grant." In the former the boundary was: "All that territory or parcel of land beginning on the Holtson river where the course of Powell's mountain strikes the same; thence up said river, as it meanders, to where the Virginia line crosses same; thence westward along the line run by Donaldson, etc., to a point six English miles eastward of Long Island in the said Holston river; thence a direct course toward the mouth of the Great Kanawha until it reaches the top ridge of Powell's mountain; thence westwardly along the said ridge to the beginning." The other deed, among other descriptions, had this: "All that tract, territory or parcel of land situated, lying and being in North America." It embraced about all of Kentucky and had the marks of a mighty trust. OTHER TRANSFERS. At this treaty meeting the Watauga Association, which was holding lands on an eight-year lease, now sought a deed for these lands and, upon the payment of £2,000, secured it. The store of Parker and Carter, two merchants living lliobert Morris. The Transylvania Trust 55 in Carter's Valley — later a part of Sullivan, until cut off for Hawkins County — had their store robbed during the passing of the Indians to the treaty grounds and a claim was put in to indemnify them for the loss. This was agreed upon and for a further small consideration a deed was made to them embracing land lying between "Cloud Creek and Chimney Top mountain of Beech Creek." THE LITTLE REPUBLIC. The Henderson Company built Boonesborough and es- tablished a land office there. Joseph Martin was also agent for this company, having disposal of lands in Powell's Valley. Special inducements — gifts of large tracts of land — were offered to the first settlers. There was some attempt at organized government and the "Legislature of Transylvania" met at Boonesborough in 1775. The little republic was short-lived — Henderson became dis- gusted with his associates, called them "a set of scoun- drels" and retired from the scene. Virginia and North Carolina declared the purchase illegal, but, as a recognition of Henderson's work in peopling the West, he was given two hundred thousand acres of land. Long and tedious litigation resulted. The committee, appointed by Congress to consider the memorial, decided the purchase was illegal — that "attempts to monopolize lands were dangerous and injurious to society." 2 Many men of note became involved. Among them Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson, who the company declared, wanted stock in the deal, but were denied. Henry and Jefferson claimed the company wanted them to take shares, which they declined. Among the many troubles of the Transylvania Com- pany was a peculiar lav/suit with William Cocke. At 2The exelusiveness of this monopoly was much in its working like trusts of today. Isaac Shelby, in his deposition during the trial, said Oconostota, at the Long Island Treaty in 1776, told him that he was wary of signing papers since his trade with Henderson, as the latter tied him up so he " couldn't catch a crawfish on the land." (Shelby's MSS. Deposition.) 56 Historic Sullivan. one time Henderson had Boone and his company quar- tered in Kentucky. Fearing they would leave before he wished and not daring to go there himself, "with tears in his eyes" he appealed to a group of men and offered any one, who would take a message to Boone, twenty thousand acres of land. Cocke, being one of the number, agreed to go for ten thousand acres and made the journey of one hundred miles without mishap. Through one excuse or another, payment was put off from time to time until after Henderson's death, whereupon Cocke, seeing no immediate prospect of a settlement, brought suit through his attorney, John Rhea of Sullivan County, for his claim. 3 3Draper MSS. Nancy Ward a biography "That famous Indian woman" was Col. William Camp- bell's description of Nancy Ward, whose acts of friendly- mediation, and humane treatment of captives, endeared her to the whites in such a way that she is known as Ten- nessee's Pocahontas. Her father was a British officer named Ward and her mother a sister of Ata-kullakulla, leading chief of the Cherokees during their most troublesome times. The date of her birth is unknown. She resided at Echota, the capital of the Cherokee na- tion, where she was regarded as chief woman of the tribe, having such titles as "Beloved Woman" and "Pretty Woman." She decided the fate of captives. Oneofhermost benevolent acts was to save the life of Mrs. Bean after she had been condemned and tied to the stake, at the time the young boy, Moore, was burned. In many ways she showed her friendship for the whites, especially at the time of the contemplated raids upon the Holston and Watauga forts, in 1776. On the occasion of another Cherokee uprising in 1780 she shielded a number of traders and helped them to escape. It was out of consideration for her kind offices that the Indians did not suffer worse treatment when the whites invaded their nation. Echota was not burned on her account, and when her relatives once fell into the hands of an attacking force they were spared out of consideration for her. As chief woman of the tribe she was permitted to appear and speak in their solemn councils, and at those meetings her word was supreme. James Robertson once visited her on an errand of peace and afterwards described her as "queenly and command- 58 Historic Sullivan. ing," and said that her "house was furnished in accordance with her high dignity." Nancy Ward exerted her influence for the higher civil- ization and general betterment of her race and her kind acts were to influence her own people, to discourage sav- age warfare as much as they were done out of sympathy for the whites. In a domestic way, too, she was progressive, having introduced cows among the Arkansas Cherokees and her efforts along all lines of improvement and elevation of the race were commendable. The date of her death is unknown. o o CO o CO cc 0. ^ 0) CD tt! o I £ E £ ^ S £ o CD to c CD .c JZ id O ■a 3 h- H c W lO f 0. © CHAPTER XL BATTLE OF ISLAND FLATS. In June, before the battle of Island Flats, which took place August 20, 1776, Nancy Ward sent word to the Watauga and Fort Patrick settlements that the Indians, seven hundred strong, headed by Dragging Canoe and Abraham, two of their most desperate chiefs, were pre- paring to make a raid. Knowing her to be a friend of the whites the scouts that were sent out carried warnings and hurried the people of Carter's Valley into the stock- ades. There was a gathering of soldiers at Eaton's Station. This station was not a fort up to this time, but, upon the arrival of the refugees, rail fences were torn down and, along with other timbers, stacked into a sort of stockade. Several other companies, counting one hundred and seventy men, hastened there to protect them. Scouts were sent out and returning informed the officers a great body of Indians was approaching in the neighborhood of Long Island. At a consultation it was decided not to wait for the Indians to attack the fort, but to go out and meet them for, otherwise, they would perhaps go through the settlements murdering the defense- less people rather than attempt to fight an armed body of men behind a stockade. Accordingly, following the advice of William Cocke, 1 they came forth and prepared to meet the enemy. They reached Island Flats. Here the advance guard met about twenty Indians coming up the road toward the fort. These they fired into, 1A controversy took place sometime after the fight in regard to the conduct of Capt. William Cocke, some accusing him of cowardice as he happened to be cut off at one time from the main body of the troops and it was supposed he was retreat- ing. He wrote a reply, well prepared and at time^ emotional, in defense of his action and offered to suffer the pentilty if his comrades thought him guilty. He was court-martialed, but was only given about a year's suspension from service. 60 Historic Sullivan. dispersing them, after which they pursued them some distance. It was late in the afternoon when the main body of whites arrived, and it was thought best, in a council of officers, not to expect the enemy that day, but to return to the fort. They had gone nearly a mile on their return march when it was found the Indians were following in large numbers and in line of battle. The whites im- mediately prepared to meet them and also got into line, with some little confusion, however, and the delay was all but disastrous as the Indians came near flanking them. The battle lasted only a short time, but was fought with fury. During the engagement some individual heroism was shown. Lieut. Davis, seeing the Indians were trying to flank them, called out: "Boys, boys, we'll be sur- rounded, follow me," and leading his men off, formed them across the flat, to the ridge. Thus they checked the Indians' attempted coup and soon put them to flight. PERSONAL HEROISM. Alex Moore and another private, named Handly, seeing two of the savages in flight, agreed to pursue them, each designating the one he intended to attack. Moore was first to overtake his man and both he and the Indian fired at the same time — both missed. Moore then rushed up and struck the Indian with the butt of his gun, break- ing it off. They clinched. Moore, by his agility, was able to throw the Indian, but the Indian, owing to his greater size and strength, recovered. He then tried to tom- ahawk Moore who, seeing his intention, knocked the wea- pon from his hand. Handly, in the meantime, had fol- lowed his Indian who, when he found that he was unable to outrun his pursuer, turned and fired, he also missing. The Indian then stood still, presenting a brave front — received the ball from a deliberate aim and fell to the earth, Handly scalping him. Handly returned to aid Moore, whom he found still clinching with his Indian , Battle of Island Flats 61 / while the latter was slowly dragging him toward the tomahawk, which Moore, each time, would, with a hasty kick, place beyond his reach. This was kept up until the arrival of Handly, who dispatched the Indian. The Indians Were routed in this battle, "eighteen of their scalps being taken," while only four of the whites were wounded. It was supposed the Indians' losses were much larger as a great trail of blood was found. Of the whites wounded in this battle only one name is preserved. N. Logan was shot in the back of the neck with an arrow— guns and bows both being used. While it was not a great battle, the result served a great purpose. It strengthened the faith of the settlers in their powers of defense and made the foe distrust his own strength. OFFICIAL REPORT OF THE BATTLE OF ISLAND FLATS "On the 19th our scouts returned, and informed us that they had discovered where a great number of Indians were making into the set- tlements; upon which alarm, the few men stationed at Eaton's, com- pleted a breast-work sufficiently strong, with the assistance of what men were there, to have repelled a considerable number; sent expresses to the different stations and collected all the forces in one body, and the morning after about one hundred and seventy turned out in search of the enemy. We marched in two divisions, with flankers on each side and scouts before. Our scouts discovered upwards of twenty meeting us and fired on them. They returned the fire, but our men rushed on them with such violence that they were obliged to make a precipitate retreat. We took ten bundles and a good deal of plunder, and had great reason to think some of them were wounded. This small skirmish happened on ground very disadvantageous for our men to pursue, though it was with the greatest difficulty our officers could restrain their men. A council was held, and it was thought advisable to return, as we imagined there was a large party not far off. We accordingly returned, and had not marched more than a mile when a number, not inferior to ours, attacked us in the rear. Our men sustained the attack with great bravery and interpidity, immediately forming a line. The Indians endeavoured to surround us, but were prevented by the uncommon fortitude and vigilance of Capt. James Shelby, who took possession of an eminence that prevented their design. Our fine of battle extended about a quarter of a mile. We killed about thirteen on the spot, whom 62 Historic Sullivan. we found, and have the greatest reason to believe that we could have found a great many more, had we had time to search for them. There were streams of blood every way; and it was generally thought there was never so much execution done in so short a time on the frontier. Never did troops fight with greater calmness than ours did. The Indians attacked us with the greatest fury imaginable, and made the most vigorous efforts to surround us. Our spies really deserve the greatest applause. We took a great deal of plunder and many guns, and had only four men greatly wounded. The rest of the troops are in high spirits and eager for another engagement. We have the greatest reason to believe they are pouring in great numbers on us, and beg the assistance of our friends. James Thompson, John Campbell, James Shelby, William Cocke, William Buchanan, Thomas Madison. To Maj. Anthony Bledsoe, for him to be immediately sent to Col. Preston." The Indians taking part in the Island Flats fight were led by that savage chief, Dragging Canoe, the other divi- sion, under Abraham, attacking Watauga. Finding themselves unable to take this point they laid siege for three weeks, but with little success. They also sent warriors to Womack's fort. During this siege a Mrs. Bean and a youth named Moore were captured. On returning to their own towns the Indians burned the Moore boy. Mrs. Bean was con- demned to suffer a similar fate and was already tied to the stake, when Nancy Ward interceded and saved her life. SOUTH FORK SKIRMISH. Marauding parties of Indians continued to harass the settlers. They had a permanent camp in the neighbor- hood of Long Island, from which they would come forth and pounce down upon some unsuspecting settlement, killing and burning. Spies discovered their retreat at the mouth of the south fork of Holston river. One night previous to this a party of whites were driven into the Snod grass fort, near Abingdon. The next day recruits Batttle of Island Flats. 63 from the various forts met near the camp of these Indians and prepared to surround them, but before they were ready someone, suspecting the Indians heard them, fired into their camp, while the remainder rushed to the river and plunged in. Seven scalps were taken in this fight and out of twenty-five Indians discovered in camp only one returned to the settlement on Chicamauga. The rest were killed or drowned — the river being flushed at the time. 2 2During the Chicamauga campaign inquiries were made of the Indiana about this fight and they reported that there was but one survivor. — Snodgrass MSS. — Draper collection. CHAPTER XII. CHRISTIAN CAMPAIGN. At this period the southern Indians became more active and offensive than ever before. Chafing under the crush of defeat they were ready to form an alliance with any nation to retrieve their lost prestige, both as a military power and as landowners. In this way they thought to restore to themselves territory which they felt had been wrung from them in forced treaties. It was in this state of mind the British agents found them at the beginning of the Revolution. John Stuart, the British Superin- tendent of Southern Indian Affairs, approached these Indians with offers of aid in the way of ammunition, food and clothing, and promises of much loot. When these conditions were made known to the people of the Holston settlements, who had been the sufferers in so many Cherokee invasions, they decided to no longer attempt to carry on a war of defense, staying in their stockades at home, but to make an imposing display of arms on the Indians' own grounds and assume the offen- sive. Accordingly Col. William Christian was ordered to Long Island with a force of men. He was joined by reinforcements under Cols. Williams and Love, and Maj. Winston, of North Carolina, and all rendezvoused at Long Island in August. As an example of discipline while in camp there, the following is recorded in Christian's orderly book: $' f : For the Tryal of Capt. James Shelby for "giving^a false alarm by the report of his gun, Pleading guilty with a apology that "he supposed the powder to have been mostly out of the Gun and he only intended to squib her" — sorry — . Fined one weeks pay. Christian Campaign. 65 Andrew King, John Barker, James Bates and James Wilson were likewise fined for the same breach of deportment — one week. 1 Accompanying this expedition were two chaplains and a surgeon. The following is also from the orderly book: Camp Lady Ambler, Oct. 20, 1776. Patrick Vance appointed third surgeon with pay of assistant. 2 Wm. Cumins & Thos. Ray chaplains of first battalion. 3 Leaving the fort they crossed the island and camped the first night on the head waters of Lick creek, near Chimney Top mountain. Here they remained several days awaiting the arrival of reinforcements from Watauga. Altogether there were about two thousand men including wood choppers, pack drivers, and cattle drivers. Each soldier was supplied with a pound of powder and fifty bullets. There was one company of mounted riflemen, the remainder being infantry. lAlthough the promiscuous shooting of fire-arms is a breach of discipline, the temptation to violate this rule is prevalent in all organizations that carry weapons — whether for military or amusement purposes. It is punishable by fine or often more severe measures. On the frontier, where powder was scarce, it was all the more necessary to enforce these regulations. Col. William Preston had had charge of the issuance of all supp lies for many years and knowing how hard it was to secure ammunition, once cautioned Maj. Robertson:"* * * The destestable habit of wantonly firing Guns without any cause is also to be avoided, as it not only wastes ammunition which is very scarce but gives the Enemy notice where you are so that they will either take advantage of your Imprudence and surprise you or^Pass by the Company & ravage the country." ' '' 2Surgery and surgical instruments were of the most primitive kind on the early frontier. During the Christian campaign, while the men were quartered at Long Island, a Dr. Vance discovered a treatment for scalped persons. He bored holes in the skull in order to create a new flesh covering for the exposed bone . On being called away he taught James Robertson how to perform the operation. Frederick Calvit, a scalped patient, was brought in and Robertson had a chance to practice upon him — "he [Vance] bored a few holes himself, to show the manner of doing it." He further declares: 'I have found that a flat pointed, straight awl is the best instrument to bore with as the skull is thick and somewhat difficult to penetrate. When the awl is nearly through the instrument should be borne more lightly upon. The time to quit boring is when a reddish fluid appears on the point of the awl. I bore at first about one inch apart and as the flesh appears to rise in these holes I bore a number more between the first, etc. * * The scalped head cures slowly. It skins remarkably slow, generally taking two years." — Draper MS3 3A11 other authorities give but one 'preacher, Charles Cummings. This, however, is taken from Christian's MSS. orderly book and is conclusive. The names of course are spelled wrong. Instead of "Wm. Cummins and Thos. Ray," they ehoud be Charles Cummings and Joseph Rhea. Rhea was contemporary with Cummings. The variance in the spelling of proper names did not always indicate different persons any more than the extravagant use of capitals indicated illiteracy. Daniel Boone spelled his name Boon and also Boone, yet all antagonists who came in contact with him certified that he was one and the same person. 66 Historic Sullivan. Col. Christian kept spies constantly in advance of his troops, as the Indians had made the threat that no white man should cross the French Broad river. While in camp near the mouth of Lick creek, Alex Harlin, a trader among the Cherokees, came in and told Col. Christian that three thousand of the enemy awaited his arrival at the French Broad. But their camp was deserted on arrival of the white troops, although there were evidences that they had recently been there in large numbers. Another trader during the absence of Harlin addressed the Indians and advised them not to oppose the white man as he was made to rule over them and would enter their towns. 4 Christian allowed Harlin to go through the camp, as he desired their strength to be reported when he returned to the Indians. He also sent a very defiant message, saying he would not only cross the French Broad, but the Tennessee as well. Just before the army reached the river they were met by another trader with a flag of truce, but orders were given out not to pay any attention to him. Upon arrival at the river Col. Christian employed a piece of strategy similar to that afterwards executed by Gen. Washington at Trenton. He ordered the camp fires kindled and kept up so as to give the impression that he was going into permanent camp. At the same time, with one thousand of his men, he made the very difficult passage of the river — the men traveling by fours to support each other — and arrived safely on the other side, but found no enemy to meet him. In November he reached their towns which he also found abandoned. He remained in their nation two weeks and destroyed many of their towns and crops. At the request of the Indians, Christian agreed to a truce, which was to be followed by a treaty, 6 to be made at the Long Island during July 1777. He, however, burned the town of Tuskega, in which lived 4Ramsey. SSee Chapter XIII. Christian Campaign. 67 the warriors responsible for burning the boy Moore, captured at Watauga. Col. Christian returned to Long Island December 10th, and disbanded his men except a garrison of six hundred which he left in command of Evan Shelby and Anthony Bledsoe. It was on his return that the fort took the name Fort Patrick Henry 6 — one of Christian's officers naming it. 6Mooney is evidently in error in saying that Christian built Fort Patrick Henry. Fort Robinson was built in 1§61 by Col. Stephen and was afterwards renamed Patrick Henry. Perhaps, too,' it was remodeled. ^ CHAPTER XIII. THE TREATY OF LONG ISLAND. In accordance with Col. Christian's agreement to hold a treaty meeting with the Cherokees at Long Island, Govs. Patrick Henry of Virginia, and Caswell of North Carolina, appointed commissioners to represent the two states at this conference, which convened the latter part of June, 1777. The commissioners for Virginia were Col. William Preston, Col. William Christian and Col. Evan Shelby. Those for North Carolina were Waighstill Avery, William Sharpe, Robert Lanier and Joseph Winston. Col. Christian, accompanying the Indian chiefs, Ocon- ostota and others, arrived at the island on the thirtieth day of June. Two days later, July 2nd, just as the commissioners and Indians were becoming good-naturedly acquainted, with prospects of a tranquil settlement, a Cherokee warrior known as The Big Bullet, was mysteriously murdered. This so alarmed his people that they withdrew, suspecting treachery and massacre. The treaty thereby came near falling through. It took several days and much persistence, on the part of the representatives, to assure the Indians that they were in no way abettors of the crime, that they deplored the murder and should the slayer be found would be put to death. As further evidence of sincerity, they offered six hundred dollars reward for the arrest of the murderer. Finally the Indians consented to return to the treaty meeting. The Fourth of July came on and was duly observed, 1 this of course, being the first anniversary of the Declara- lHaywood. The Treaty of Long Island. 69 tion of Independence. There was much rejoicing and parade. It was explained to the Indians that these festivities were in celebration of promised release from the tyrannical oppression of Great Britain. As usual, at these treaty meetings, there were many "big talks" by the chiefs and much oratory on the part of the whites. These talks lasted several days. The Cherokees, by nature, are ceremonious and their vagaries had to be nursed to convince them of sincerity, especially since the cowardly murder of The Big Bullet, to whom they frequently referred. The commissioners, long experienced with savage customs and dispositions, were very deliberate and on all questions allowed them as much time as they desired. The speakers on both sides expressed great delight that a permanent peace was about to be established — a pro- fession no doubt sincerely uttered — however, the length of this amity was very uncertain as these agreements were often, on some flimsy pretext, violated by one side or the other. 2 The first article of treaty declared that: "Hostilities shall forever cease between the Cherokees and the people of North Carolina from this time forward and peace, friendship and confidence shall ensue." During the framing of the treaty, the commissioners requested the Indians to speak their sentiments without reserve, as they were not brought from their far homes to be taken advantage of nor to have forced upon them anything hurtful to their interests. Regret was expressed that The Lying Fish and Dragging Canoe were absent. The foremost cause of delay in arriving at a conclusion of the treaty was the Cherokees' objection to the pro- posed extension of the boundary line. In a speech on July 17th, The Old Tassel expressed surprise, saying 2The white settlers were more often the aggressors. Frontier law was either lax or summary and severe punishment was not usually visited upon the head of any white man for offense against an Indian. 70 Historic Sullivan. he had not expected overtures for land, but for peace. He asserted "if this and another house were packed full of goods they would not make satisfaction; the giving up of this territory would spoil the hunting grounds of my people. I hope you will consider this," he pleaded, "and pity me; you require a thing I cannot do." Finally, on July 2oth, a treaty was completed and The Raven, the spokesman of the Indians, expressed the wish that the boundary line between themselves and the whites be "as a wall to the skies," so that no one could pass it. With reluctance they yielded Long Island, 3 desiring to retain this strip of land on account of its being their ancient treaty place and where, since time out of mind, peace pacts had been made. So the present treaty contained the following protest memorandum: "The Tassel yesterday objected against giving up Great Island, opposite to Fort Henry, to any person or country whatsoever, except Col. Nathaniel Gist, for whom and themselves it was reserved by the Cherokees. The Raven did the same, this day, in behalf of his people and desired that Col. Gist might sit down upon it when he pleased as it belonged to him and them to hold good talks on." The more prominent articles of the treaty were: All white or negro prisoners, if any there be among the Cherokees, shall be given up immediately to the agent to be appointed for them; and all the horses, cattle and other property taken in the late war, from the people, shall be delivered up. That no white man shall reside in or pass in and out of the Overhill towns 4 without a certificate, signed by three justices of the peace, and should any be found with- SThere is still a claim among the Cherokees that Long Island was not ceded to the whites. 40verhill Cherokees — those living in the valleys as distinguished from the mountain dwellers. The Treaty of Long Island. 71 out these certificates should be delivered to the agent of the whites while the Cherokees could appropriate any effects of said person. Should any runaway negroes get into the Overhill towns they were to be secured until the owners call for them. That all white men authorized, by credentials, to pass through shall be protected ; that if any white man murder an Indian he is to be delivered up to a justice of the peace of the nearest county, tried and put to death according to law. And should an Indian murder a white man, said Indian is to be put to death in the presence of the agent or two justices of the peace. At the completion of the treaty the following boundary was agreed upon between the two parties; That the boundary line between the State of North Carolina and the said Over-hill Cherokees shall forever hereafter be and remain as follows, (to wit:) Beginning at a point in the dividing line which during the treaty hath been agreed upon between the said Over-hill Cherokees and the State of Virginia, where the line between that state and North Carolina (hereafter to be extended) shall cross or intersect the same, running thence a right line to the north bank of the Holston River at the mouth of Cloud's Creek, being the second creek below the Warrior's Ford, at the mouth of Carter's Valley, thence a right line to the highest point of a mountain called the High Rock or Chimney Top, from thence a right line to the mouth of Camp Creek, otherwise called McNama's Creek, on the south bank of Nolichucky River, about ten miles or thereabouts below the mouth of Great Limestone, be the same more or less, and from the mouth of Camp Creek aforsaid a south-east course into the mountains which divide the hunting grounds of the middle settlements from those of the Overhill Cherokees. To prevent any infringement of these peace terms, it was further agreed that no white man on any pretence, whatsoever, shall build, plant, improve, settle, hunt or drive stock below said boundary on pain of being driven off by the Indians and punished by the whites. And, 72 Historic Sullivan. "that no man shall carry a gun 6 in search of any cattle on pain of forfeiting said gun to the informer." In testimony, the following chiefs and commissioners signed: Waightstill Avery, (seal) William Sharpe, (seal) Robert Lanier, (seal) Joseph Winston, (seal) Oconostota, of Chota, his X mark, (seal) Rayetaeh or The Old Tassel, of Toquoe, bis X mark, (seal) Savanukeh or The Raven, of Chota, his X mark, (seal) Willanawaw, of Toquoe, his X mark, (seal) Ootosseteh, of Hiwassee, his X mark, (seal) Attusah or The Northward Warrior, of the mouth of Tellico River, his X mark, (seal) Ooskuah or Abram, of Chilhowee, his X mark, (seal) Rollowch or The Raven, from the mouth of Tellies River, his X mark, (seal) Toostooh, from the mouth of Tellies River, his X mark, (seal) Amotah or The Pigeon, of Natchey Creek, his X mark, (seal) Oostossetih or The Mankiller, of Wiwassee, his X mark, (seal) Tillehaweh or The Chestnut, of Tellies, his X mark, (seal) Quee lee kah, of Hiwassee, his X mark, (seal) Anna ke hu jah or The Girl, of Tuskega, his X mark, (seal) Annecekah, of Tuskega, his X mark, (seal) Ske ahtu kah, of Citico, his mark, (seal) Atta kulla kulla or The Little Carpenter, of Natchey Creek, his X mark, (seal) Ookoo nekah or The White Owl, of Natchey Creek, his X mark, (seal) Ka ta quilla or Pot Clay, of Chilhowee, his X mark, (seal) Tus ka sah or The Tarrapin, of Chiles tooch, his X mark, (seal) Sunne wauh, of Big Island town, his X mark, (seal) Witness: Jacob Womack, James Robins, John Reed, Isaac Bledsoe, Brice Martin, John Reed, John Kearns. Joseph Vann, Interpreter 5A gunsmith by agreement was to accompany th e chiefs, reside in their nation and do their repairing. CHAPTER XIV. THE SHELBY CAMPAIGN. In the spring of 1779, more than two years after the Christian campaign, Evan Shelby commanded an expedi- tion against the Chicamaugas. Their rendezvous was at Big Creek 1 where some time was spent in preparing boats for the first naval demon- stration in this section. So swiftly did they descend the river the Indians were taken completely by surprise. Shelby had nearly one thousand men with him. The first town he entered was Chicamauga, where lived Drag- ging Canoe and Big Fool, the two chiefs, with five hundred warriors, all of whom fled at the approach of the men. The town was burned and the Indians were pursued until they hid themselves in the fastnesses of the mountains. Capturing some of their straggling warriors the in- vaders sent them out to bring the chiefs in to a conference. The Chicamaugas were wary, however, and declined to come. After waiting some time our men destroyed their towns — twelve in number. They also destroyed great stores of corn, some of which had been hid in the cane brakes. They captured goods to the value of twenty thousand pounds sterling, or in our money, about one hundred thousand dollars. Shelby took one hundred and fifty horses, one hundred head of cattle and large quantities of deer skins, which an English trader had stored there. After completing this work they destroyed the vessels in which they descended the river and returned on foot. There was considerable suffering among the troops before they reached the settlements. On this expedition Shelby had the services of Capt. l"We rendezvoused at Long Island." — MSS. letter William Snodgrass. 74 Historic Sullivan. Montgomery, who opportunely arrived in search of men for George Rogers Clark. In the latter 's campaign Montgomery served with distinction. RACHEL DONELSON CHAPTER XV. donelson 's voyage. The Donelsons were prominent in the early history of Sullivan County. Stokeley Donelson was one of the first magistrates and helped to organize the county. Col. John Donelson was a prominent surveyor and was also instrumental in negotiating treaties with the Indians. His most important assignment in this work was in association with Gen. Joseph Martin and Col. Isaac Shelby in formulating a treaty at Long Island July 9th, 1783. 1 In the fall of 1779, Col. Donelson brought his family from Virginia and located in Sullivan, near Long Island, now Kingsport. Here he built boats — thirty in num- ber — preparatory to making a voyage down the Holston, with a view of settling on the Cumberland river, in Middle Tennessee. His daughter, Rachel Donelson, who afterwards became the wife of Andrew Jackson, 2 was then a girl thirteen years of age and accompanied the expedition. The start, owing to the time required in building the boats and also to a freeze-up following their completion, was not made until December 22, 1779. This feat of navigation was the most daring of any that had yet been made to settle the West. Down unknown rivers, over dangerous shoals and falls, through towns of hostile and treacherous Indians, these bold navigators pushed their way. The boats were all flat boats — one part roofed, Col. Donelson 's and Capt. Blackmore's being the largest. lAt these treaties it was customary to give the chiefs presents, in the nature of tips- 2Andrew Jackson at one time resided or boarded with the family of William Cobb in the "Forks" in Sullivan County. 76 Historic Sullivan i In the boat of Col. and J. Donelson, Jr., were about fifteen whites and thirty blacks. In Mrs. James Robert- son's 3 boat, ten — all told, about three hundred people. Haywood gives the following list of those who accom- panied Donelson: "Some of them who came with Col. Donelson, the whole of them not being recollected, were Robert Cartwright and family, Benjamin Porter and family, Mary Henry (a widow) and her family, Mary Purnell and her family, James Cain and his family, Isaac Neely and his family, John Cotton and his family, old Mr. Rounsever and his family, Jonathan Jennings and his family, William Crutchfield and his family, Jo- seph Renfroe and his family, James Renfroe and his family, Solomon Turpin and his family, old Mr. Johns and his family, Francis Armstong and his family, Isaac Lanier and his family, Daniel Dunham and his family, John Boyd and his family, John Montgomery and his family, John Cockrill and his family, John Donaldson and his family, John Caffrey and his family, John Don- aldson, Jr., and his family, Mrs. Robertson (the wife of Capt. James Robertson), John Blackmore and John Gibson." When camped at night theirfires, strung alongthe shore, made an impressive scene. Col. Donelson 's diary de- scribes the vogage. Journal of a voyage, intended by God's permission, in the good boat Adventure, from Fort Patrick Henry on Holston River, to the French Salt Springs on Cumberland River, kept by John Donaldson. December 22, 1779. — Took our departure from the fort and fell down the river to the mouth of Reedy Creek, where we were stopped by the fall of water, and most excessive hard frost; and after much delay and many difficulties we arrived at the mouth of Cloud's Creek, on Sun- day evening, the 20th of February, 1780, where we lay by until Sunday, 27th, when we took our departure with the sundry other vessels bound for the same voyage, and on the same day struck the Poor Valley Shoal, 3James Robertson, the husband of this Mrs. Robertson, had gone overland in company with Richard Henderson and others, bound for the same destination. Donelson's Voyage. 77 together with Mr. Boyd and Mr. Rounsifer, on which shoal we lay that afternoon and succeeding night in much distress. Monday, February 28th, 1780. — In the morning the water rising we got off the shoal, after landing thirty persons to lighten our boat. In attempting to land on an island, received some damage and lost sundry articles, and came to camp on the south shore, where we joined sundry other vessels also bound down. Tuesday, 29th. — Proceeded down the river and camped on the north shore, the afternoon and the following day proving rainy. Wednesday, March 1st. — Proceeded on and camped on the south shore, nothing happening that day remarkable. March 2d. — Rain about half the day; passed the mouth of French Broad River, and about 12 o'clock, Mr. Henry's boat being driven on the point of an island by the force of the current was sunk, the whole cargo much damaged and the crew's lives much endangered, which occasioned the whole fleet to put on shore and go to their assistance, but with much difficulty bailed her, in order to take in her cargo again. The same afternoon Reuben Harrison went out a hunting and did not return that night, though many guns were fired to fetch him. Friday, 3d. — Early in the morning fired a lour-pounder for the lost man, sent out sundry persons to search the woods for him, firing many guns that day and the succeeding night, but all without success, to the great grief of his parents and fellow travellers. Saturday, 4th. — Proceeded on our voyage, leaving old Mr. Harris- son with some other vessels to make further search for his lost son; about ten o'clock the same day found him a considerable distance down the river, where Mr. Ben. Belew took him on board his boat. At 3 o'clock, P. M., passed the mouth of Tennessee River, and camped on the south shore about ten miles below the mouth of Tennessee. Sunday, 5th. — Cast off and got under way before sunrise; 12 o'clock passed the mouth of Clinch; at 12 o'clock, M., came up with the Clinch River Company, whom we joined and camped, the evening prov- ing rainy. Monday, 6th. — Got under way before sunrise; the morning proving very foggy, many of the fleet were much bogged — about 10 o'clock lay by for them; when collected, proceeded down. Camped on the north shore, where Capt. Hutching's negro man died, being much frosted in his feet and legs, of which he dier 1 Tuesday, 7th. — Got under way very early, the day proving very windy, a S.S.W., and the river being high occasioned a high sea, inso- 78 Historic Sullivan. much that some of the smaller crafts were in danger; therefore came to, at the uppermost Chiccamauga Town, which was then evacuated, where we lay by that afternoon and camped that night. The wife of Ephraim Peyton was here delivered of a child. Mr. Peyton has gone through by land with Capt. Robinson. Wednesday, 8th. — Cast off at 10 o'clock, and proceeded down to an Indian village, which was inhabited, on the south side of the river; they insisted on us to "come ashore," called us brothers, and showed other signs of friendship, insomuch that Mr. John Caffrey and my son then on board took a canoe which I had in tow, and were crossing over to them, the rest of the fleet having landed on the opposite shore. After they had gone some distance, a half-breed, who called himself Archy Coody, with several other Indians, jumped into the canoe, met them, and ad- vised them to return to the boat, which they did, together with Coody and several canoes which left the shore and followed directly after him. They appeared to be friendly. After distributing some presents among them, with which they seemed much pleased, we observed a number of Indians on the other side embarking in their canoes, armed and painted with red and black. Coody immediately made signs to his companions, ordering them to quit the boat, which they did, himself and another Indian remaining with us and telling us to move off instantly. Coody, the half-breed, and his companion, sailed with us for some time, and telling us that we had passed all the towns and were out of danger, left us. But we had not gone far until we had come in sight of another town, situated likewise on the southside of the river, nearly opposite a small island. Here they again invited us to come on shore, called us brothers, and observing the boats standing off for the opposite channel, told us that "their side of the river was better for boats to pass." And here we must regret the unfortunate death of young Mr. Payne, on board Capt. Blackemore's boat, who was mortally wounded by reason of the boat running too near the northern shore opposite the town, where some of the enemy lay concealed, and the more tragical misfortune of poor Stuart, his family and friends to the number of twenty-eight per- sons. This man had embarked with us for the Western country, but his family being diseased with the small pox, it was agreed upon between him and the company that he should keep at some distance in the rear, for fear of the infection spreading, and he was warned each night when the encampment should take place by the sound of a horn. After we had passed the town, the Indians having now collected to a considerable number, observing his helpless situation, singled off from the rest of the fleet, intercepted him and killed and took prisoners the whole crew, to the great grief of the whole company, uncertain how soon they might share the same fate; their cries were distinctly heard by those boats in the rear. . Donelson's Voyage. 79 We still perceived them marching down the river in considerable bodies, keeping pace with us until the Cumberland Mountain withdrew them from our sight, when we were in hopes we had escaped them. We were now arrived at the place called the Whirl or Suck, where the river is compressed within less than half its common width above, by the Cumberland Mountain, which juts in on both sides. In passing through the upper part of these narrows, at a place described by Coody, which he termed the "boiling pot," a trivial accident had nearly ruined the expedition. One of the company, John Cotton, who was moving down in a large canoe, had attached it to Robert Cartwright's boat, into which he and his family had gone for safety. The canoe was here over- turned, and the little cargo lost. The company pitying his distress concluded to halt and assist him in recovering his property. They had landed on a northern shore on a level spot, and were going up to the place, when the Indians, to our astonishment, appeared immediately over us on the opposite cliffs, and commenced firing down upon us, which occasioned a precipitate retreat to the boats. We immediately moved off, the Indians lining the bluffs along continued their fire from the heights on our boats below, without doing any other injury than wounding four slightly. Jenning's boat is missing. We have now passed through the Whirl. The river widens with a placid and gentle current; and all the company appear to be in safety except the family of Jonathan Jennings, whose boat ran on a large rock, projecting out from the northern shore, and partly immersed in water immediately at the Whirl, where we were compelled to leave them, perhaps to be slaughtered by their merciless enemies. Continued to sail on that day and floated throughout the following night. Thursday, 9th. — Proceeded on our journey, nothing happened worthy attention today; floated till about midnight, and encamped on the northern shore. Friday, 10th. — This morning about 4 o'clock we were surprised by the cries of "help poor Jennings," at some distance in the rear. He had discovered us by our fires, and came up in the most wretched condition. He states, that as soon as the Indians discovered his situation they turned their whole attention to him, and kept up a most galling fire at his boat. He ordered his wife, a son nearly grown, a young man who accompanied them, and his negro man and woman, to throw all his goods into the river, to lighten his boat for the purpose of getting her off, himself returning their fire as well as he could, being a good soldier and an excellent marksman. But before they had accomplished their object, his son, the young man and the negro, jumped out of the boat and left them. He thinks the young man and the negro were wounded 80 Historic Sullivan. before they left the boat.* Mrs. Jennings, however, and the negro woman, succeeded in unloading the boat, but chiefly by the exertions of Mrs. Jennings, who got out of the boat and shoved her off, but was near falling a victim to her own intrepidity on account of the boat starting so suddenly as soon as loosened from the rock. Upon examination, he appears to have made a wonderful escape, for his boat is pierced in numberless places with buliets. It is to be remarked, that Mrs. Peyton, who was the night before delivered of an infant,which was unfortunately killed upon the hurry and confusion consequent upon such a disaster, assisted them, being frequently exposed to wet and cold then and after- wards, and that her health appears to be good at this time, and I think and hope she will do well. Their clothes were very much cut with bullets, especially Mrs. Jennings. Saturday, 11th. — Got under way after having distributed the family of Mrs. Jennings in the other boats. Rowed on quietly that day, and encamped for the night on the north shore. Sunday, 12th. — Set out, and after a few hour's sailing we heard the crowing of cocks, and soon came within view of the town; here they fired on us again without doing us any injury. After running until about 10 o'clock, came in sight of the Muscle Shoals. Halted on the northern shore at the appearance of the shoals, in order to search for the signs Capt. James Robertson was to make for us at that place. He set out from Holston early in the fall of 1779, was to proceed by the way of Kentucky to the Big Salt Lick on Cumber- land River, with several others in company, was to come across from the Big Salt Lick to the upper end of the shoals, there to make such signs that we might know that he had been there, and that it was practicable for us to go across by land. But to our great mortification we can find none — from which we conclude that it would not be prudent to make the attempt, and are determined, knowing ourselves to be in such imminent danger, to pursue our journey down the river. After trim- ming our boats in the best manner possible, we ran through the shoals before night. When we approached them they had a dreadful appear- ance to those who had never seen them before. The water being high made a terrible roaring, which could be heard at some distance among the drift-wood heaped frightfully upon the points of the islands, the *The negro was drowned. The son and the young man swam to the north side of the river, where they found and embarked in a canoe and floated down the river. The next day they were met by five canoes full of Indians, who took them prisoners and carried them to Chickamauga, where they killed and burned the young man. They knocked Jennings down and were about to kill him, but were prevented by the friendly mediation of Rogers, an Indian trader, who ransomed him with goods. Rogers had been taken prisoner by Sevier a short time before.and had been released; and^hat good office he requited by the ransom of Jennings. — Ramsey. | Donelson's Voyage 81 current running in every possible direction. Here we did not know how soon we should be dashed to pieces, and all our troubles ended at once. Our boats frequently dragged on the bottom, and appeared constantly in danger of striking. They warped as much as in a rough sea. But by the hand of Providence we are now preserved from this danger also. I know not the length of this wonderful shoal; it had been represented to me to be 25 or 30 miles. If so, we must have descended very rapidly, as indeed we did, for we passed it within about three hours. Came to, and camped on the northern shore, not far below the shoals, for the night. Monday, 13th. — Got under way early in the morning, and made'a good run that day. Tuesday, 14th. — Set out early. On this day two boats approach- ing too near the shore, were fired on by the Indians. Five of the crews were wounded, but not dangerously. Came to camp at night near the mouth of a creek. After kindling fires and preparing for rest, the com- pany was alarmed, on account of the incessant barking our dogs kept up; taking it for granted that the Indians were attempting to surprise us, we retreated precipitately to the boats; fell down the river about a mile and encamped on the other shore. In the morning I prevailed upon Mr. Caff rey and my son to cross below in a canoe, and return to the place; which they did, and found an African negro we had left in the hurry, asleep by one of the fires. The voyagers returned and collected their utensils which had been left. Wednesday, 15th. — Got under way and moved on peaceably the five following days, when we arrived at the mouth of the Tennessee on Monday, the 20th, and landed on the lower point immediately on the bank of the Ohio. Our situation here is truly disagreeable. The river is very high, and the current rapid, our boats not constructed for the purpose of stemming a rapid stream, our provisions exhausted, the crews almost worn down with hunger and fatigue, and know not what distance we have to go, or what time it will take us to our place of desti- nation. The scene is rendered still more melancholy, as several boats will not attempt to ascend the rapid current. Some intend to descend the Mississippi to Natchez; others are bound for the Illinois — among the rest my son-in-law and daughter. We now part, perhaps to meet no more, for I am determined to pursue my course, happen what will. Tuesday, 21st — Set out, and on this day laboured very hard and got but a little way; camped on the south bank of the Ohio. Passed the two following days as the former, suffering much from hunger and fatigue. 82 fK ^Historic Sullivan. Friday, 24th. — About 3 o'clock came to the mouth of a river which I thought was the Cumberland. Some of the company declared it could not be — it was so much smaller than was expected. But I never heard of any river running in between the Cumberland and Tennessee. It appears to flow with a gentle current. We determined, however, to make the trial, pushed up some distance and encamped for the night. Saturday, 25th. — Today we are much encouraged; the river grows wider; the current is very gentle, and we are now convinced it is the Cumberland. I have derived great assistance from a small square sail which was fixed up on the day we left the mouth of the river; and to prevent any ill-effects from sudden flaws of wind, a man was stationed at each of the lower corners of the sheet with, directions to give way whenever it was necessary. Sunday, 26th. — Got under way early; procured some buffalo-meat; though poor it was palatable. Monday, 27th. — Set out again; killed a swan, which was very delicious. Tuesday, 28th. — Set out very early this morning; killed some buffalo. Wednesday, 29th. — Proceeded up the river; gathered some herbs on the bottoms of Cumberland, which some of the company called Shawnee salad. Thursday, 30th. — Proceeded on our voyage. This day we killed some more buffalo. Friday, 31st. — Set out this day, and after running some distance, met with Col. Richard Henderson, who was running the line between Virginia and North Carolina. At this meeting we were much rejoiced. He gave us every information we wished, and further informed us that he had purchased a quantity of corn in Kentucky, to be shipped at the Falls of Ohio for the use of Cumberland settlement. We are now without bread, and are compelled to hunt the buffalo to preserve life. Worn out with fatigue, our progress at present is slow. Camped at night near the mouth of a little river, at which place and below there is a handsome bottom of rich land. Here we found a pair of hand-mill stones set up for grinding, but appeared not to have been used for a great length of time. Proceeded on quietly until the 12th of April, at which time we came to the mouth of a little river running in on the north side, by Moses Renfoe and his company called Red River, up which they intend to settle. Here they took leave of us. We proceeded up Cumberland, nothing happening material until the 23d, when we reached the first Donelson 's Voyage 83 settlement on the north side of the river, one mile and a half below the Big Salt Lick and called Eaton's Station, after a man of that name who with several other families, came through Kentucky and settled there. Monday, April 24th. — This day we arrived at our journey's end at the Big Salt Lick, where we had the pleasure of finding Capt. Robertson and his company. It is a source of satisfaction to us to be enabled to restore to him and others their families and friends, who were entrust- ed to our care, and who, sometime since, perhaps, despaired of ever meeting again. Though our prospects at present are dreary, we have found a few log cabins which have been built on a cedar bluff above the Lick, by Capt. Robertson and his company. After their arrival in the Cumberland settlements, there came a famine year and Col. Donelson, with his family temporarily removed to Kentucky. Here Rachel met and married Lewis Robards, a man of good family but, as was afterwards learned, of vile habits. After the death of Col. Donelson, who was killed by Indians, his widow returned to their former home on the Cumberland. Here Rachel and her husband often visited. When Andrew Jackson went to Nashville, he boarded with Mrs. Donelson, partly as a protection for her against the Indians. It was at this home that he met Mrs. Robards and it was evident to him she was unhappily married and was being mistreated by her husband. On account of this Jackson once remonstrated with Robards, at which the latter became jealous, accused his wife of undue intimacy with other men and threatened Jackson. The young couple returned to Kentucky, but in a short time, hearing of her unhappiness, through continued mistreatment, Samuel Donelson, one of her brothers, went to Kentucky and brought her back. The subsequent events, the divorce, her hasty mar- riage to Jackson and a second ceremony when the couple learned they were married before the legislature had annulled the marriage with Robards, are matters of familiar history. The scandal and gossip resulting 84 Historic Sullivan. from this mistake, innocently but carelessly made, caused Jackson's sensitive nature to resent, often with the dueling pistols. The prominence of the couple and Jackson's political ambitions caused his enemies to keep alive these rumors during the life of Mrs. Jackson. Jackson's attachment for her never waned. He was inconsolable at her death and no political burden ever bore down upon him as did the loss of his companion. His love for her during life and his increasing devotion to her memory are tributes to the strength and amiability of her character. He refused the gift of a costly sarcophagus 4 as his last resting place, preferring to be buried beside his wife, and the epitaph he had inscribed upon her tomb was a sincere intermingling of tenderness, grief and true devotion. Rachel Jackson was a type of Tennessee frontier- woman whose culture and refinement influenced the times. She died in 1828, aged sixty-one. 4This, sarcophagus tendered Jackson through Commodore Elliott, U. S. N., was brought from Palestine and had been previously prepared for King Servius. Jackson declined it and his reply is characteristic of his democratic simplicity. JOHN SULLIVAN John Sullivan, a biography. John Sullivan was born at Sommerworth, New Hamp- shire, February 17, 1740. His father was an exile from Ireland — a poor school teacher, but familiar with five languages — a man of considerable learning. The type and character of his mother may be inferred from her reply to the inquiry, "Why did you come to this country?" "I came here to raise governors," she replied. One son became Governor of New Hampshire and one Governor of Massachusetts, while a grandson became Governor of Elaine and still another grandson became a United States Senator. John Sullivan married at the age of twenty and became a lawyer. His dislike for England was born in him. The ancestral castles of his family in Ireland were leveled by that nation. He clearly saw the designs of the British when, while he was a member of the Congress in 1774, the King sent an order prohibiting the shipment of mili- tary stores to this country. Collecting a few men who sided with him he went, on December 13, 1774, to Fort William and Mary and enter- ed in broad daylight, through the fire of field pieces and musketry. He tore down the royal flag — the first occur- rence of this kind in American history — and carried off one hundred barrels of powder and many guns. These he towed up the river, cutting a channel through the ice, and deposited in the cellar of a church at Dover. 1 This act of rebellion against England preceded Concord and Lexington four months. The ire of the English monarch was aroused by these proceedings and conciliation was now impossible. The war was on. lThi8 ammunition was afterward used in the battle of Bunker Hill. 86 Historic Sullivan. Sullivan was the first congressman to be elected from New Hampshire, but his restless spirit was best suited for the field . While he was in the trenches around Boston, during the winter of 1773, he wrote to John Adams, urg- ing a declaration of independence. When he was a mem- ber of the Congress of 1774, he reported declarations of "rights and violations" which were afterward embodied in the immortal Declaration of Independence. In Congress, Sullivan had a congenial ally in John Rut- ledge, of South Carolina. The dashing Sullivan suited the spirit of the South. When the enemy had been driven from Boston he was assigned to the army in Canada. Montgomery had been killed in the attack on Quebec and after the death of Gen. Thane, Sullivan assumed command. Seeing the useless- ness of a stand against outnumbering forces he skillfully withdrew his little army, not even leaving a sick man behind. Seventeen days after his return from Canada, July 29, 1776, he was promoted to Major-General. He was captured in the battle of Long Island, (N. Y.) where he had to face an army that outnumbered him four to one and was commanded by such generals as Cornwal- lis, Clinton and Howe. He was shortly afterward exchanged and immediately joined Washington, his timely arrival and command of the right wing enabling the Commander-in-Chief to make that brilliant movement upon Trenton, the night he cross- ed the Delaware. Upon landing Sullivan sent word to Washington that the powder was wet. "Use the bayonet," came the quick reply. This suited the tempestuous nature of the Irish general. In the battle of Brand ywine he again commanded the right wing and his bravery drew forth the encomium of a staff officer of Stirling's: "his uniform bravery, coolness and intrepidity both in the heat of battle, rallying and John Sullivan. 87 forming his troops when broke from their ranks, appeared to me to be truly consistent with or rather exceeded any idea I had ever of the greatest soldier." He suffered with the army during their memorable win- ter at Valley Forge. In the spring he was sent to Rhode Island and put in command of ten thousand men, and in this campaign was thrown with Greene and La Fayette. "Nothing can give me more pleasure," wrote La Fayette in advance, "than to go under your orders and it is with the greatest happi- ness that I see my wishes on that point entirely satisfied . I both love and esteem you; therefore the moment we shall fight together will be extremely pleasant and agree- able to me." Sullivan fell back to Butt's Hill where, La Fayette says, was one of the most hotly contested actions during the war. The British made several attacks, but were repulsed each time and after the battle had lasted seven hours they retired, having lost one thousand men. An extended account of all of Gen. Sullivan's military exploits is not possible here. His last service on the field was in 1779, when he was sent against the Iroquois. They were the most defiant of the northern tribes and recently, at the instigation of Joseph Brant, John Butler and the British agents, had become very troublesome. With four brigades Gen. Sullivan marched against them and found them — fifteen hundred strong — well intrenched on a mountain side. By a well designed attack he put them to rout, 2 thus avenging the cruel "massacre of the Valley of Wyoming." Gen. Sullivan now resigned, giving as a reason his im- paired health and the impoverished condition of his fam- ily — they were destitute. "I have not clothes sufficient for another campaign," he wrote. 2It is coincident that in the same year the forces of Sullivan County and others, under Gen. Shelby, routed the most powerful of the southern tribes, and so these combined victories restored peace all along the border. 88 Historic Sullivan. Sullivan had bitter enemies in Congress, but Washing- ton valued his services and when the former left the army, wrote in part, "I flatter myself it is unnecessary for me to repeat to you how high a place you hold in my esteem, — ". He filled several offices in his state. In 1786 he was elected Governor, or as it was then called, President of the State. He was re-elected in 1787 and in 1789 was again chosen. He was made grand master of the Masons for the State of New Hampshire. Before the expiration of his last term as governor, Washington appointed him first judge of the United States district court of New Hampshire. It was while in this office he began to fail, both mentally and physically and, although incapacitated in many ways, Washington stead- fastly refused to remove him, proving his estimate of the man. Gen. Sullivan died January 23, 1795, in his fifty-fifth year. His life was characterized by a reckless dash and au- dacity — a little erratic perhaps, but arriving at ends that justified his hasty conclusions. He was as all men of his type— trustworthy, honest and sincere in the support of any movement that impressed him to be the right. 3 3Much of the data concerning Sullivan was secured from addresses delivered at the dedication of Sullivan's monument at Durham, Mass., September 27, 1894- CHAPTER XVI. SULLIVAN COUNTY. Sullivan County was erected in 1779. Previous to this date it was supposed to be in Virginia, and up to 1769 was a part of Augusta county, when it became Botertout county until 1772; then, that portion of her population dwelling upon the Mississippi river being too far away to reach the court house conveniently each month, the county was again divided and this portion became Fincastle county with the court house near Wytheville. The population on the extreme border were exempt from taxation and from work in keeping up the roads. It remained Fincastle until 1776, when Washington county was erected. In the year 1779 William Cocke, a versatile and variable genius, who afterwards became one of Tennessee's first United States Senators, refused to pay his taxes to the Virginia collector, claiming he did not live in Virginia, but in North Carolina. This refusal and his manner of doing it highly incensed the members of the county court of Washington county, Virginia, and they — in session October 20th, 1779, — entered the following order: On Complaint of the Sheriff against William Cocke for insulting and obstructing Alexander Donaldson [Donelson] Deputy Sheriff when collecting the Public Tax about the Thirtieth of September last and being Examined saith that being at a fourt on the North Side cf Holston River in Carter's Valley collecting the Public Tax the said William Cocke as he came to the door of the House in which said Sheriff was doing Business he said that there was the Sheriff of Virginia col- lecting the Tax and asked him what Right he had to collect Taxes there as it was in Carolina and never was in Virginia that he said the People were fools if they did pay him Public dues and that he dared him to serve any process whatever that the said Cocke undertook 90 Historic Sullivan. for the People upon which sundry people refused to pay their Tax and some that had paid wanted their Money Back again. Ordered that the Conduct of William Cocke Respecting his Obstructing Insult- ing and threatening the Sheriff in Execution of his office be represented to the Executive of Virginia. Ordered that William Cocke be found in this county that he be taken into Custody and caused to appear before the Justices at next Court to answer for his conduct for obstructing the sheriff in execution of his office. Court adjourned until Court in course. William Campbell. The next meeting of the court did not try William Cocke or at least no further record is found and it is doubtful if he was ever arrested. His act of revolt hastened a test survey — the Legislature of Virginia, the year previous, 1778, enacting a law providing for the extension of the boundary line between Virginia and North Carolina; the Legislature of the latter state con- curring in a similar act a year later — which resulted in a victory for William Cocke and in placing us in North Carolina. 1 It was with no little pride this same man sought further vindication when he boldly entered the presence of the court that had outlawed him and there caused to be entered the following order: June 20th, 1780. On motion William Cocke Gent, a citizen of the state of North Carolina it is ordered that his character be certified to the examiners that he is a person of Probity and Good Demeanor. The organization and naming of the new county now began. 2 If by the varied conveyances Sullivan County was tossed aside as a castaway, unclaimed, it has rebuked IThe Frye and Jefferson line ended at Steep Rock, in Johnson county. The line run in 1779 is known as the Henderson line. 2While it is often difficult to arrive at the origin of names, there is much to cause me to believe that the Rutledges had a large share in naming Sullivan County. Rutledge of South Carolina, a lineal relative of the family in this county, was a political ally of Gen. Sullivan's in the Continental Congress. This, added to the general 's recent military service, placed him in line for name commemoration. Sullivan County. 91 the poor fostering care of an uncertain parentage by spreading before the eyes of the world as glorious a page of achievement and valor, of statesmanship and man- hood and womanhood as can be found in any nation of any time. In the brief period of twenty-six years it arose from a rugged frontier colony to the dignity of a state. The original boundary of the county began at Steep Rock; thence along the dividing ridge that separates the waters of the Great Kanawha and Tennessee, to the head of Indian Creek; thence along the ridge that divides the waters of the Holston and Watauga; thence a direct line to the highest point of Chimney top mountain, at the Indian boundary. 3 Spencer county, or what was afterwards called and is still known as Hawkins, was cut off from Sullivan. The official organization of Sullivan County took place at the house of Moses Looney, February 7, 1780. The justices of the peace present were Issac Shelby, David Looney, Gilbert Christian, John Duncan, William Wallace, Samuel Smith, Henry Clark, Anthony Bledsoe, George Maxwell, John Anderson and Joseph Martin. 4 John Rhea was appointed clerk and Nathan Clark, sheriff. Issac Shelby exhibited a commission from Gov. Caswell, of North Carolina, dated November 19, 1779, appointing him Colonel-Commandant of the county. Other com- missions appointed Henry Clark, Lieutenant-Colonel, David Looney, first Major and John Shelby, second Major. 3Excepting a small portion, Sullivan County was not taken from Washington county, Tennessee, as is generally supposed. The former was a county long before the latter, but being regarded as a part of Virginia, had to take second place in the date of erection. So far as Tennessee is concerned, "Washington District," in 1777, bears the distinction of having first used the name of Washington in naming ■*R' 4Ramsey's list differs some from the above, yet I am inclined to accept this because it is taken from a complete copy of the court records I found at Madison, Wisconsin. 92 Historic Sullivan. In February, the following year, "Joseph Martin and Gilbert Christian are spoken of as majors." "William Cocke was admitted to practise law in February, 1782 — the first we have any record of in the county." "At the same time Anthony Bledsoe was appointed Lieutenant-Colonel [inserted note says 'must have been Kentucky'] in 1780." 5 For six years the county seat was in the neighborhood of Eaton's Station, or what we now call Eden's ridge. When Hawkins county was erected in 1786 it was found necessary to build a court-house at a more central location in the county, and a commission composed of Joseph Martin, James McNeil, John Duncan, Evan Shelby, Samuel Smith, William King and John Scott were named to select a site for the court house. Up to 1792, this commission had not reported, but in that year a tract of thirty acres, on the present site of Blountville, was conveyed to John Anderson, George Maxwell and Richard Gammon whereon was to be erected the county buildings. It took another set of commissioners, however, before the work was completed and in 1795 the following appear to have been selected : George Rutledge, James Gaines, John Shelby, Jr., John Anderson, Jr., David Terry and Joseph Wallace. The first court-house was built of logs and was, of it's kind, a massive structure. It was built on the south side of Main street nearly opposite to the present one (1909) . The jail was placed in the rear of the court-house. It was in the same year, 1795, Blountville became the county seat. About thirty years after the first court house was built in the town a brick one replaced it which served until 1853, when the present building was erected. The building, with its contents, was de- stroyed by fire during the battle in September, 1863 — the walls remained intact, however, and are still in 5From Draper MSS. notes. Sullivan County. 93 use. Three jails have been built to accompany the court-house — the first immediately in the rear of the building, the second on a lot adjoining, also in the rear and the third between the sites of the first and the second. The county records, for eighty years, from 1780 to 1860, were destroyed during the war between the states. 6 After the burning of the court-house the next meeting of the court, in October, was held at the "Female Insti- tute." The records make this undisturbed announcement of the most destructive fire that ever visited the county seat: State of Tennesse, 1 ,, , . , , , . „ Sullivan County Court. J Monda y mornin S. the 5th da y of 0ct - 1863 - Court met pursuant to adjournment (at the Female Institute within the corporation of said town of Blountville, the court house having been burned down by the Federals on the 22d day of September last, pending a battle fought over said town by the Federal and Con- federate forces.) Present, Henry W. Ewing, George Foust, James H. Gallaway, John G. King, G. W. Morton and R. P. Rhea, Esquires." The reorganization of this court took place in January, 1866, when all offices were declared vacant by reason of the occupants' sympathy with the Southern cause, and representatives of the Union sentiment were chosen to fill them. Considering the restoration of the court-house the following was enacted : "On motion of Wm. D. Blevins: "It is ordered by the court that there be Three Commissioners appointed to make Contracts with 6Some of the county records were destroyed previous to 1787, during the troubles of the Franklin movement, as were also those of Washington county. Sometimes the North Carolina party would be in possession of them and then again the "Franks" would secure them, and this alternating ownership resulted in their loss or perhaps destruction. The records of the land transfers remain intact, Frederick Sturm, then county registrar, for convenience, kept them at his home at the old Sturm hotel, and in this way the valuable documents were preserved. Our county records have always been carelessly kept. This is not due to the negligence of county officials so much as indifference on the part of county courts. No appropriation could be more judiciously made than one for the better security of our records Next to Washington county's, ours are the oldest in the state and their destruction would entail endless litigation. 94 Historic Sullivan. Brick Masons and House Joiners to make window and door frames and steps and cover the walls of the court house so as to secure the walls from the weather, and cover the building with shingles, and thereupon the court appointed W. W. James, Wm. Gammon and F. L. Baumgardner, Commissioners to contract for and superintend said work, and make their report to the January term of this court, sixteen Justices on the bench voting in the affirmative." James Hunt and John Lyle were the building con- tractors while Robert, Jacob and William Smith were the brick masons. The only court's organization that has been preserved complete is that of the Chancery and is given as follows: organization of chancery court.? May Term, 1852. At a court of Chancery begun and held at the court house in Blount- ville, first Thursday after third Monday, May, 1852, it being the 20th day of the month for the Chancery district, composed of the County of Sullivan there was present the Hon. Thos. L. Williams, Chancellor, etc. The following commission was produced to wit: William B. Campbell, Governor op the State of Tennessee. To all who shall see these presents. Greeting. Know ye that whereas Thos. L. Williams was on the 4th day of Nov., 1851, elected by the joint vote of both houses of the General Assembly of said state, a Chancellor for the Eastern division in the said state, for the term of 8 years from the first day of March, 1852. Now therefore I, Wm. B. Campbell, Governor, as aforsaid by virtue of the power and authority in me vested, do hereby commission the said Thomas L. Williams, a Chancellor, as aforsaid for the term aforsaid, hereby conferring on him all the powers, priviledges and emoluments to said office appertaining. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the great seal of the state to be affixed at the City of Nashville, the 1 5th day of December, 1851. By the Gov. Wm. B. Campbell. W. B. A. Ramsey, Secretary of State. 7These records were perhaps kept outside of the court house, hence they were not destroyed in the burning of the building. Sullivan County. 95 State of Tennessee, \ McMinn County. / Be it remembered that on the 18th day of Feby. 1852. '' ' The Hon. Thos. L. Williams, the person named in the within commission, Chancellor of Eastern Division and in due form of law took the oath prescribed by law, more effectually to prohibit dueling, an oath to support the constitution of the United States, an oath to support the constitution of the State of Tennessee and the oath of office as Chancellor. In testimony, whereof, I have hereunto set my hand the date above written. Chas. F. Keith, Judge of the 3rd Judicial District. George F. Gammon was thereupon appointed Clerk and M., 20th May, 1852, with the following bondmen, who bound themselves to the sum of $10,000, for his faithful discharge of office. Geo. F. Gammon, B. L. Dulaney, A. L. Gammon, John Flemming, James Gregg, M. Massengill, Robt. P. Rhea. The same bondmen also bound themselves for the following: $10,000 for honorably keeping the records and discharging the duties of said office. $500 that he (Gammon) shall well and truly collect and pay over into the public treasury all such taxes in law suits as may arise in said court. $1,000 to collect and pay into the public treasury all such fines and forfeitures as may arise. $10,000 to faithfullly account for and turn over all such sums of money as may come into his hand as special commissioner to sell property under decree of court. RE-DISTRICTING THE COUNTY. In 1835 the legislature, by an act, authorized the re-districting of the county. Prior to this time the dis- tricts were in military divisions with a justice of the peace in each division. In 1836 four commissioners were appointed to re-district the county: John R. Delaney, Thomas White, Daniel Branstutter and Nathan Bachman. There were fifteen districts while at present (1909) there are twenty-two. Prior to and for sometime after the Civil War the dis- tricts were known as precincts and took the name of the 96 Historic Sullivan. neighborhood or justice of the peace as follows: first district was Carmack's precinct; second, Paperville; third, Crumley's; fourth, Rhea's; fifth, Blountville; sixth, White's; seventh, Roller's; eighth, Spurgeon's; ninth, Fork's; tenth, Foust's; eleventh, Gott's; twelfth, Kingsport; thirteenth, Easley's; fourteenth, Bran- stutter's; fifteenth, Peoples'; sixteenth, Bluff City; sev- enteenth, Bristol; eighteenth, Yoakley's. REGULATES PRICES. At one time the county court undertook to regulate the prices of commodities. In this way we are privileged to make comparisons with the prevailing prices of to-day as well as to compare the prices that governed the fluctuat- ing money market that existed before, during and after the revolutionary period. These prices extended to beverages, staple goods and apparel. During 1777 the price of beverages was as follows: Ordered that Liquor be rated in this county for the ensuing year as followeth: Rum at 16 shillings and one pence per gallon. Rye Liquor, 8 shillings and one pence per gallon. Corn Liquor, 4 shillings and one pence per gallon. Quart Bowl of Rum Toddy made with Loafe Sugar, 2 shillings and one pence, with Brown, one shilling, six pence and so in proportion for a greater or lesser Quantity During 1780 quite a change in values took place and it marks not only a rise in the price of food stuffs, but a decline in the value of Continental currency. April, 1780. Ordered the Rates of Ordinaries be as follows (vis.): Wine, Nine Pounds the Quart. West Indian Rum, fifteen Pounds by the quart, Good Whiskey, seven Pounds four shillings. Rum Tody, by the quart, three Pounds, twelve shillings, good Beer, by the Quart, one Pound, sixteen shillings and so in proportion for a greater or lesser Quantity. Diets, warm Dinner, six pounds, cold, do, four pounds ten shil- lings. Warm Breakfast, four pounds, ten shillings. Cold, do, three pounds. Supper the same as breakfast. Lodging in clean Sheets, Sullivan County. 97 one pound, sixteen shillings. Provender Corn, by the gallon, six Pounds. Oats, four pounds, ten shillings. Good pasturage, one pound, sixteen shillings. g When the excitement and disturbance incident to the Revolution became settled and we had a monetary- system of our own, rates were more regular and the fol- lowing prices have a more familiar appearance. : Ordered that the following and no other shall be tavern rates in Sullivan County for the year 1795:9 Doll. Cent. For Breakfast 16 For Dinner 16 Wine or Rum for half pint 16 Cyder or Rum per quart 6£ Horse at hay or good fodder per night 12* Corn or Oats per Gall 8 For lodging good bed &c per night 8 Brandy per half pint 8 Whiskey for half pint 8£ Supper 16 8" Not worth a Continental dam" had its origin about this time. It is not a profane expression. A "dam" is an Indian coin of less value than one cent and a Continental one cent was next to worthless when it took six pounds, or about thirty dollars to buy a "warm dinner." 9A violation of this order meant a fine and the court records enumerate in- stances where violators were tried, especially for over-charging in the sale of intox- icants. John Adair, a biography. For several generations posterity has passed by the grave of John Adair and left it unremembered and un- marked. But for the annalist he might in a few more generations be forgotten. He was born in Ireland and emigrated to this country, settling in North Carolina. Afterward he removed to Sullivan County, then North Carolina where he became entry taker in 1779. He was one of Isaac Shel- by's associates and rendered that officer valuable aid in planning the King's Mountain expedition. It is described elsewhere how he gave the funds of the county to aid Shelby and Sevier in the execution of their project. In 1788 he was commissioner for furnishing supplies to the Cumberland Guard . In 1794, after Blount College had been established, he was chosen one of the trustees; he was a member of the constitutional convention in 1796, and was Presiden- tial elector for Hamilton district in 1796 and 1799. 1 He was one of the commissioners of Knoxville, 1797. The Cumberland Guard, for which he furnished supplies, acted as escort for travellers through the wilderness, to the Cumberland Plateau. In 1788 he located in the vicinity of what is now Knox- ville — North Carolina having, in recognition of his services, granted him a tract of six hundred and forty acres. This tract is about four and a half miles north of Knoxville, and there he erected a log house which was built after the manner of a block-house. It was known as Adair's ITennessee at first was divided into three districts: Washington, Hamilton and Mero. John Adair. 99 Station, and the stream running through it is still known as Adair's Creek. Adair and Gen. James White were contemporaries and friends. The latter founded Knox- ville in 1792. So far as known John Adair had one child — a daughter, Mary, who married Robert Christian, son of Gilbert Chris- tian of Sullivan County. This marriage no doubt took place at Christiansville or what is now Kingsport as the Christians were living there then. Maria, a daughter of this couple, lived with her grandparents at Adair's Station and there married John Smith, whose descendants live there to-day. This land still remains in the same family after having come direct from the State. John Adair died in 1827 and, with his wife, is buried on a knoll on the old tract — the exact location of the graves, however, is in doubt. 2 21 am indebted to C. M. McClung, Esq., and Judge E. T. Sanford, of Knoxville, for a great deal of the data concerning John Adair. CHAPTER XVII. king's mountain campaign. Between the years 1774 and 1780 there were restless times in the Holston settlements. These "over the moun- tain men" as the Eastern Carolina folk designated the inhabitants in the "back parts" of the state, or "back- woodsmen" as their enemies sneeringly called them, were following one campaign with another. These campaigns, however, were for the most part directed against their Indian foes, but the incursion of 1779, into the very heart of the Cherokee country, had par- tially silenced opposition. Up to 1780 these people had paid little attention to the struggle for independence. This year they were called upon a broader field of warfare. In order to best describe the King's Mountain cam- paign it will be necessary to recite some of the events that led up to it. King's Mountain is about sixteen miles long, running through portions of North and South Carolina. That part where the battle took place is in South Carolina, about one and a half miles from the North Carolina line. The year 1780 was a dark one for the cause of liberty; Charleston and Savannah had fallen, Georgia was subdued save a few bands of invincible patriots who were ready to fall in with anybody and fight to the death. So sure was Sir Henry Clinton that the whole southern territory would soon fall into the hands of the British that he left the management of the campaign to Lord Corn- wallis and returned to New York. • ^"///^ #f< 'lt0?42j\ //,;,>„/,, King's Mountain Campaign. 101 ferguson and tarleton. With Cornwallis were two brilliant officers, Ferguson and Tarleton — the former in his mode of warfare, much like our Mosby or Morgan or perhaps Forrest. Tarleton while a dashing cavalryman was also a very brutal officer — his men were plunderers, outraged women, hung all prisoners whom they suspected of being deserters and rarely offered any quarter to a foe, as in the case of Capt. Buford's command, which he routed and massacred. It was on this account "Buford" was first the password and later the slogan of the Americans at the battle of King's Mountain. Ferguson, at this time thirty-six years of age, was de- scribed as a man of medium height, slender build and very affable in his manner, more inclined to be courteous to a conquered foe than were most of his associate officers. He was a soldier without fear and was counted the best marksman, with pistol and rifle, in the British army. Such a nature easily filled up his ranks from the tory 1 element with which North Carolina was overrun. These two officers were ordered out through the interior to subdue what was left of the patriots. Seeing North Carolina threatened, Gen. Rutherford sent a requisition to Shelby and Sevier for one hundred men each to help defend the state from invasion. They were then the county lieutenants of Sullivan and Washington counties, respectively, and while the Watauga commonwealth lived under laws of its own, generally, it recognized any special order from the state to which it acknowledged allegiance. This was par- ticularly so in a military way as the officers received appointments and pay from that source. Sevier soon lit is hard for us, in this day, to realize the opprobrium attached to the word "tory" as applied to those who, during the Revolution, sympathised with the British side. The epithets "rebel" and "yankee" never reached the depths of derision of this word. It is of ignominious origin to begin with. Although, applied in England, to the court of James II, it was, even then a nickname or term of reproach being from the Irish robber word toree, meaning, give me, i. e. your money. 102 Historic Sullivan. got his men together, but, instead of one hundred, collected two hundred. Shelby was absent at the time survey- ing lands in Kentucky, but as soon as the message reached him its import whetted him and he hastened home, appealed to the chivalry of the pioneers and was soon on his way, crossing the rugged trail at the head of two hundred mounted riflemen. It was decided best, in view of a possible Indian invasion, for Sevier to remain to patrol the borders and watch the Cherokees. 2 Shelby proceeded to the camp of Col. McDowell, who had succeeded Gen. Rutherford. Here he was shortly detached, with additional militiamen and officers, and marched against a British fort held by Col. Patrick Moore. A peremptory demand for the surrender of the fort was refused, Moore declaring he would hold it to the last. A second demand accompanied by a threat from Shelby that he would turn his cannon (a thing he did not have) on the fort caused the garrison to surrender. This capture was followed in quick succession by varying victories at Musgrove's Mills and Cedar Springs. At the latter place, on the 8th of August, they encountered Ferguson's advance guard and dealt them a severe blow. CORNWALLIS AROUSED. Lord Cornwallis was now thoroughly aroused by the rapid and intrepid movements of the mountain men and ordered Col. Ferguson to go through these districts and line up and discipline the loyalists. So with his usual tact and persuasive manner he soon found himself at the head of two thousand men. But Shelby baffled every attempt Ferguson made to surprise and take his forces. They were preparing to march against Ninety-Six when a horseman dashed up, carrying a message, from 2Roosevelt's "Winning of the West." King's Mountain Campaign. 103 Gov. Caswell, apprising them that the southern grand army, under command of Gen. Gates, had been cut to pieces by Cornwallis on the field of Camden. The Gov- ernor urged Shelby to get his men out of the way as quickly as possible, for the general, flushed with victory, would improve the opportunity and try to catch him. Their withdrawal was hampered by the large number of prisoners they had captured, but they marched day and night without rest, finding out later they had been hotly pursued by Capt. DePeyster and several hundred mounted men. REFUGEES ON WATAUGA. Returning home to the Holston settlements they found it had become the mecca for refugees from all parts of the South. These Holston people were noted for their hospitality and never refused to share what they had with all who came among them. Not long after their return home Col. Ferguson, who had become irritated by their bold dashes, sent a message to Shelby saying, if the "back-water men" did not sur- render and espouse the cause of King George he would then come across the mountain and put them to the sword and burn their homes. It must be kept in mind this little settlement was con- fronted with another foe — the Indians — an attack by them was liable to be made any day, more especially since the British had made allies of them. Yet, in the face of these dangers, Shelby sent a message by his brother to Col. William Campbell of Virginia, requesting him to join him and, mounting his horse, hastened to the home of Sevier, about fifty miles away. He found Sevier in the midst of a jollification and barbecue. Himself a man of rather serious demeanor he spoke abruptly to his friend, telling him it was no time for fun-making, then explained to him his plans for a campaign, over which Sevier was as enthusiastic as he had a moment before been in the frolic. 104 Historic Sullivan. On returning home Shelby had a message from Col. Campbell declining to join him in the proposed expedition and saying he had raised a company and promised to assist in a movement to defend his own state against the invasion. Shelby sent a second and more urgent request and, at the same time, sent John Adair to intercede with Col. Arthur Campbell the ranking officer of the county. This concerted move had its effect — the appeal was so impressive that both Arthur and William Campbell entered patriotically into the campaign. Shelby's peti- tion to these men was in the nature of a pathetic descrip- tion of Col. McDowell's plight on being driven across the mountain and forced to refugee, away from his home and friends. As preparations were being pushed Shelby and Sevier saw another trouble confronting them — the lack of money to carry out their project. At this juncture, seeing no other way to get it, Sevier went to John Adair, the entry taker of Sullivan County, and suggested the use of the public funds for this purpose, offering his and Shelby's personal security for the return of the loan. Adair's reply was characteristic of the times. "Col. Sevier," said he, "I have no authority by law to make that dis- position of this money — it belongs to the impoverished treasury of North Carolina, but if the country is overrun by the British, our liberty is gone. Let the money go too — so take it." 3&4 The amount was nearly thirteen thous- and dollars. By agreement all met at Watauga, the rendezvous, September 26th. It was the largest gathering that had been seen in this part of the country up to that time, was very impressive and caused great excitement. Shelby and Sevier each were there with two hundred and forty men. Campbell arrived with two hundred which was 3Draper's "Kings Mountain." 4Shelby and Sevier paid back every dollar of this money. Shelby in return for his services and sacrifices of money received "six yards of middling broadcloth.' ' —Shelby MSS. King's Mountain Campaign. 105 afterwards increased to four hundred, Arthur Campbell ar- riving with two hundred more; and McDowell with a sufficient number to make, in all, more than one thous- and men ready to depart on the hunt for Ferguson. The men wore "fringed and tasseled hunting shirts, 5 girded in by bead-worked belts and the trappings of their horses were stained red and yellow. On their heads they wore caps of coon skin or mink skin with tails hanging down or else felt hats in each of which was thrust a buck tail or a sprig of evergreen. Every man carried a small- bore rifle, a tomahawk, and a scalping-knife. A very few of the officers had swords and there was not a bayonet nor a tent in the army." When preparations were completed for their departure this grim host stood in silence for a while, listening to the benediction of Rev. Samuel Doak. The route taken by this army was changed when it was found two of their number had deserted and gone to join Ferguson. It is said to have been the roughest march ever undertaken by an army of horsemen. At the foot of the mountain they fell in with Col. Williams of South Carolina and other officers. After rapid marching for several days, much of the time in the 5This description of a hunting shirt is from Roosevelt's " Winning of the West ,' who in turn gave credit to contemporary authority. It may compare with the gar- ment used in that campaign but we of this day do not recognize it as the description of the one which our forefathers have really brought down to the present generation. It was clumsily made, blouse fashion, reaching to the knees and, gathered up, was tied around the waist. In the fulth was often carried heavy burdens, as much as "a bushel of corn" at one time. I found Roosevelt the most painstaking of our historians — it was possible for him to be — because he was prepared to meet the expense of lengthy research , when in doubt about historical events concerning this section, he is "trumps." I kept him at my elbow as I did my Thesauras. There is no question, but that he regarded our section as the richest in the multiformity of historic lore of any in America. It was out of this field that he created that wonderful work, hi3 "Winning of the West" which probably is the best literary fruit of his productive pen. It is therefore to be regretted, in view of his thorough research and lofty aim, that he did not live a few years among the people whose ancestors he has undertaken to describe. He could then be more in sympathy with their sentiments — -I don't mean biased, as he is with the cowboys on the plains with whom he herded cattle, sat about the campfires and followed in hunts and jaunts. And so he has under- taken to tell the world about a people whose acquaintance he has formed in research, rather than through association and, like most of our northern annalists, more of a historical critic than a historical narrator — exact and exacting. I hardly ever read Roosevelt that I don't feel like putting on an overcoat — so many icicles on his adjectives. He reminds me of a great iceberg, beautifully chisled and chilly, that has lost its moorings in the frozen north and floated down here on our mild sea of sentiment, cited often, but stayed away from. 106 Historic Sullivan. rain, at which time they protected their guns with their hunting shirts, they decided to drop some of the horse- men as their slow movement impeded the progress. They had already dropped the cattle that were driven along and thereafter subsisted upon wild game, killed along the route, and the parched corn carried in their wallets. military courtesy. An unusual piece of military courtesy took place on this march. There was no recognized leading officer so Shelby suggested that one be selected and desired Campbell to assume command as it would take too long to send to headquarters for an officer. Campbell, on the other hand knowing that Shelby outranked him, requested him to serve as he had practically been in command up to that time. Shelby explained that, if a North Caro- linian served, it should be McDowell as he was senior officer and while he was regarded as brave and efficient he was too slow of action to put into execution orders necessary for the rapid movements of the men. Campbell thereupon assumed command, addressed the soldiers and requested all those who wished to withdraw to do so now and not wait until the battle. Not a man stepped from the ranks. It was found necessary, despite the enthusiasm of the men, to pick out the swiftest and less jaded of the horses with the least fatigued horsemen and the best guns and push on to catch Ferguson. The men were lined up and nine hundred and ten were selected while the remainder were asked to follow on as rapidly as they could. Some of the footmen, however, deter- mined not to be left behind, followed on foot, traveling almost as fast as the horsemen and arrived in time to take part in the battle. They were now hot on the trail of Ferguson. On the 6th of October, although a heavy rain was falling, they marched all night and came near the enemy the next day. King's Mountain Campaign. 107 When within about three miles of King's Mountain some of the men stopped at a farm house by the roadside to get some information. They were followed out by a young girl who inquired, "How many are there of you?" "Enough," was the reply, "to whip Ferguson if we can catch him." "He is on that mountain," she said, point- ing to an eminence now in sight. 6 While Ferguson had been apprised, by the two deserters, of the coming of the mountain men, he was not prepared for such rapid marching and did not know they were in the vicinity until they were making ready to ascend the mountain. From a roistering, loud shouting throng they had now become more subdued in conversation, not wishing to be discovered. When within about a quarter of a mile of the spur 7 of the mountain the order went round to "halt, dismount and tie horses — take off great coats and blankets and tie to saddles — fresh prime guns and every man to go into battle firmly resolving to fight until he dies." 8 It was a silent, grim and determined throng that now prepared to ascend — the troops having been disposed all around the mountain . The last orders were for every man to fight for himself, "to shout like hell and fight like devils." Ferguson had previously declared, "I hold a position God Almighty cannot drive me from," but when he viewed the coming of the Americans he was fearful of the result. The Americans charged up the mountain, but were repulsed with the bayonet, this weapon being used skill- fully by the British. But as soon as the men were driven down one side of the mountain the men on the other side would charge the heights, thus keeping the enemy alter- nately rushing from one side to the other. The Amer- icans were driven back a gocd many times, but would always rally and return. 6Draper's "King's Mountain." 7The battle was fought on a spur of the mountain, about sixty feet in height. 8Draper. 108 Historic Sullivan. Some of his men urged Ferguson to surrender, but he declared that he would never surrender to such a set of bandits as the "backwoodsmen" and so cut down the white flag that had been hoisted. He carried a whistle and wherever it sounded the battle was the fiercest. The mountain was "like a volcano" from the incessant firing and smoke of the guns. DEATH OF FERGUSON. In one of Ferguson's desperate charges he was recog- nized by the men of Shelby and Sevier — their guns turned on him and he was shot six or seven times, dying almost instantly. 9 Shortly after his death the white flag was raised, but some of the Holston men did not know what it meant and kept on firing, when Campbell rushed up and begged them, "for God's sake cease firing." The bat- tle began about three o'clock in the afternoon and lasted one hour and ten minutes. __ The effect of this battle was far-reaching. It caused Cornwallis to retreat and change his plans and, better than all, brightened the hopes of the despairing Ameri- cans everywhere. Thomas Jefferson pronounced it "the battle that turned the tide of the Revolution." 9There is an old Revolutionary relic, reputed to have been the gun that killed Ferguson, known as "Sweetlips," that periodically or spasmodically makes its appearance before a too credulous public. This gun may have been in the battle of King's Mountain, but there is absolutely no authority for saying that it killed Ferguson. Even if it should be the one, it is a gruesome relic — an ugly weapon that has the ban of human blood. The spectacle of a public speaker holding it up at the conclusion of a splendid historical discourse, was not a fitting close and the audience received the announcement, "here's the gun that did the work," with silence if not a shudder. And this protest is offered, not so much to refute a claim, as to rebuke the display of barbarous sentiment that belongs to guilotine days. Besides it is ungenerous, disrespectful. Ferguson, withal a partisan and a hard fighter, was a courageous officer and always humane to a fallen foe. Ferguson was shot many times and there have been many claims as to who killed him, each company of at least two regiments making a claim and no one, any more than another, with any authority. Sullivan comes along with a tradition that one of her soldiers did the slaying. In the arrangement of troops, it happened that Shelby's and Campbell's troops, got together during the action and, as there were neighbors and friends in each company, mingled freely. In this way Rutledge, of Shelby's forces, and Snodgrass of Campbell 's fought side by side, being neighbors at home. The latter had volun- teered under Campbell before the King's Mountain expedition was put on foot. An officer was seen to ride back and forth and dismount, as if looking for something, (had dropped a medal) when Snodgrass shouted to Rutledge, "there he is George, give him a buck load," meaning two loads, one on top of the other. This was done and upon this the tradition wa9 founded. CHAPTER XVIII. THE STATE OF FRANKLIN. At the close of the Revolution the United States found herself burdened by an enormous debt, and some of the creditors were not easily induced to temper their de- mands by promises and uncertain delays. Congress then, in order to hasten relief, passed a recommendation, asking those states, which owned them, to cede certain outlying or unused Western lands to make a common fund, and thus relieve the strain on the nation's credit. North Carolina was very generous in her surrender, in April, 1784, ceding practically all of what afterward be- came Tennessee, reserving control, however, pending its acceptance. Congress was allowed two years in which to accept this offer. The representatives of the four and only established counties in the territory ceded — Sullivan, Washington, Greene and Davidson, voted for the bill because North Carolina had almost ignored them in the distribution of service and funds and was of little aid to them. Their condition could not be made worse, so far as support was concerned, and they had no idea Congress, in its already crippled financial condition, would accept the offer as it would necessitate an additional outlay of funds in keeping the frontier protected. North Carolina and her "over the mountain men" were in continual discord over the conduct of the settlements — the latter charging that ample provision was not made for the sustenance of the military — pay was small, and that grudgingly given. The State retaliated with charges of extravagance, even insinuating that the accounts sent in were false. This was the condition of affairs the new settlement had to face — neglected by those in power, threatened all the time by Indian invasions, while criminal refugees sought 110 Historic Sullivan. their midst as a retreat. The only protection afforded them was in their self-constituted Regulators, who dis- pensed summary justice — and in this they were taking a step backward. A band of regulators, however good their intentions, either become hardened in crime or have imputed to them the acts of rash imprudence and rascality done by others. It was therefore determined that some better means of defense was necessary and a convention was called, at which deputies, representing the sentiment of the people, were to assemble and decide what further steps should be taken for self-protection. The convention met at Jonesboro, August 23rd, with the following deputies present: for Sullivan — Joseph Mar- tin, Gilbert Christian, William Cocke, John Manifee, Wil- liam Wallace, John Hall, Samuel Wilson, Stokely Don el- son and William Evans: for Washington — John Sevier, Charles Robertson, William Purphey, Joseph Wilson, John Irvin y /Samuel Houston, William Trimble, William Cox, Landori Carter, Hugh Henry, Christopher Taylor, John Chisholm, Samuel Doak, William Campbell, Benjamin Holland, John Bean, Samuel Williams and Richard White : for Greene — Daniel Kennedy, Alexander Outlaw, Joseph Gist, Samuel Weir, Asahel Rawlings, Joseph Bal- lard, John Manghon, John Murphy, David Campbell, Archibald Stone, Abraham Denton, Charles Robinson and Elisha Baker. Davidson county was not represented, being so far away the people were not especially interested. A committee, with John Sevier, president and Landon Carter, secretary, was appointed to consider the situation. While they were debating measures to be adopted a mem- ber produced the Declaration of Independence and drew a parallel between their condition and the condition of the colonists when they declared themselves free. Thereupon another member moved to declare the western colonies independent of North Carolina, which The State of Franklin. Ill motion was unanimously carried. Upon a vote as to whether or not they would establish a new state, a major- ity decided to do so — a strong minority, however, opposed it. This opposition was led by John Tipton, who became an active representative of North Carolina and the dis- turbing element of the Franklin move. Several names were submitted by which the new State should be known — among them Franklin, for Benjamin Franklin, and Frankland, meaning "land of the free." The former was chosen by a small majority. Both names have been handed down, which may have been through the influence of William Cocke, the chief penman and spokesman, who was in favor of the name Frankland and persisted in writing it that way. After reading the plans of organization, framed by Messrs. Cocke and Hardin, the deputies considered the calling of a new convention to form a constitution. The convention did not meet again until November. The Assembly of North Carolina was then in session at Newbern and repealed the act of cession, alleging that other States had not complied with their promises. This action was no doubt caused by the conduct of the Frank- lin movement. John Sevier, in view of the repeal, and as he had been appointed Brigadier-General by the same Assembly, concluded to "persue no further measure as to a new state," but his associates were not so easily pacified — they were determined to carry the project through. JOHN SEVIER, GOVERNOR. The next convention met at Jonesboro and again ap- pointed John Sevier, president and Landon Carter, secre- tary. A constitution was submitted, subject to ratifica- tion or rejection at some future meeting. At the first legislative assembly, March, 1785, Landon Carter was elected Speaker of the Senate and William Cage, of Sullivan, Speaker of the House of Commons. John Sevier was elected Governor. 112 Historic Sullivan. Among the laws enacted by that body was one parti- tioning Sullivan and Greene and forming Spencer county. The assembly of North Carolina later, disregarding this, erected the county of Hawkins, which name it now bears instead of Spencer. The Franklin Assembly also fixed the salaries of state officers. The governor's salary was fixed at two hundred pounds per annum, the supreme judges' at one hundred and fifty pounds per annum and the others in proportion. 1 The price of commodities was also fixed, and it is inter- esting to note the then prevailing prices compared with those of to-day. "Good, distilled Rye Whiskey" is quoted at two shillings and six pence per gallon, while "good, country made sugar" is quoted at one shilling per pound. One pound of sugar would then buy nearly half a gallon of whiskey, while to-day half a gallon of whis- key (as long as it lasts) will buy forty pounds of sugar. About this time the importance of the new State was made known to the old in a communication signed by the Governor and the Speakers of both houses. It wore the complexion of a dignified state paper. This caused Gov. Martin to issue a strong manifesto, in which he views at length the conditions in his own state and the country in general, and explains the tardiness in dealing with the Indians. He coaxes, cajoles and threatens — "By this rash act a precedent is formed for every district and every county of the State to claim the right of separation," and again, "that you tarnish not the laurels you have so gloriously won at Kings Mountain and elsewhere, in supporting the freedom and independence of the U. S., in being concerned in a black and traitorous revolt." He advises them to lit has been the custom of some historians to ridicule the Franklin com- monwealth for paying salaries in skins and the commodities of the times. Daniel Webster once twitted a congressman about paying the governor in fox skins, when in h OLD FIELD SCHOOL-TEACHER'S CONTRACT John Russell agrees to teach the children oi Holston Valley al Cawood's plan- tation? for twelve months and is to receive fifty cents per montt ifor each schola • Half of this salary is t„ be paid in "Good Bar Iron to be de , vered t ■" < J ' house." Also, "We the sd employers do agree to find sd Teach i '...',;,,,,- Washing &c." They also furnished firewood. He is to ins triut >' n r i Spiling, Reading, Writing And Arithmetic so far as his and then Capacitj Barnes George pays part of ins subscription in advance The , othe, subscrib- ers are John Boober (written in < lerman), James Blevins, Agatha* •"'"';■ ^ ,. Blevins, John Cawood, Sr., Sally Cawood, Sam ^^L.^rownlow ^^^fofc John Morrell, John Blevins. John Russell, Thomas Major*, KOD-n l ^^fci^SfS^ESS^SSfe Sffir-SS^y e«h patron is si o opposite their names. The Old Field School. 263 the farm or house was he popular and welcome in the community. Among the young boys where the master boarded it was considered a great honor to "sleep with teacher," and they would perform extra tasks under promise of this privilege. It was an honor unsought by the teacher, however, who foresaw that he would toss the early hours away in bread-crums or perhaps awake and find himself imbedded in a full-grown sweet potato, as the boys always carried a meal to bed with them. There were no text-books in the early schools. What- ever book "come handy" to the young student was used, and many a youth has received his rudimentary train- ing from Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, the Bible and other works familiar to all households. Sometimes the teacher would make his own text-books and teach therefrom. 1 These were often made in splendid imitation of print — easy to read and serviceable. In con- sequence of the various number of books used and the lack of uniformity, each pupil composed a class by him- self and the same rule governing the service at our tavern tables — first come, first served — applied to the wilderness schoolhouse. The pupil first to arrive in the morning was the first to receive attention whether he be a student of Bunyan or the Bible. As the years advanced so did the school life advance and a more regular system was introduced. The increase in the scholastic population made necessary the adoption of uniform text-books and the organization of classes. However, educational facilities of that period were still far behind those of today. A degree of advancement was not reached by grades, but a student's progress, beginning at his abecedarian days, advanced to words of two syllables like "b-a — ba- lAt the Johnson home on the Reedy creek road I was shown a copy of a text-book {used :by, George Wilhelm, an old pioneer teacher. It was an arithmetic. In the family Bibles during his visits, "boarding 'round' among his patrons, he made some attempt at rhyming verse, usually of a religious nature. 264 Historic Sullivan. k-e-r — ker, baker," until the reading period began, then he was promoted to "readers" first, second, third and on to the sixth. When these were completed the Latin and the Greek classics were taken up provided the teacher was himself advanced far enough to teach them. Then, too, there were the sciences, but at times these met with some protest. One mother objected seriously and wrote the teacher that she did not want her daughter to"ingage in fizziology" because she did not want her to "talk about her bones right before the boys." "FRIDAY EVENING." On Friday afternoons all recitations were abandoned and the time given over to composition and "speeches" or declamation. Each student alternated, offering a composition one week and a declamation the next. Among the girls these compositions usually took up some domestic economy or morals. The boys' discourses usually dwelt upon the sports, the seasons and now and then a deep theological thesis, which of course was copied . The declamations among the girls were tender selections like "Mary's Lamb," and "Death of the Sparrow," while the already "Busy Bee" put in some overtime. The boys exposed the hero, Casabianca, on the deck early in the year and had weekly conflagrations with him until the close of school. The "benighted boy" was delivered in such a rambling sort of way one could hardty tell which was Harry and which was the guide-post. The deaf old sexton might not have heard the curfew, but it split the ears of the groundlings at the old field school and no doubt is ringing in memories yet. The barque, the prince, the sad old king who "never smiled again" and Bingen had their devotees. In their oratory they had little regard for the season. "Young Norvell" was kept on the Grampian hills with his flocks without The Old Field School. 265 regard to temperature. "Come, come, the summer now is here" was often delivered in January, while "Old winter, alack, how icy and cold is he" was kept in a state of congealment during the warmest weeks of May. The more advanced students delivered selections of more ambitious range like Hayne's spirited defense of South Carolina, but rarely ever attempted Webster's studied and stately diction in reply. Some of the efforts were not altogether without merit and, "When the beams of the rising sun had guilded the lofty domes ot Carthage" was attempted — no matter how indifferently delivered — Regulus was sure of a respectful hearing. It was the inherited war spirit of the wilderness schoolboy that charged him with sympathetic listening interest. GAMES AND AMUSEMENTS. During the long school hours, which began at eight o'clock in the morning and continued until four in the afternoon, there were three intermissions— one, an hour at noon and two called recesses. The noon hour was for din- ner — the recess in the morning was at half past ten for fif- teen minutes and the recess in the afternoon was at three and for the same length of time. During these intermissions the old time games were played— marbles, quoits, prisoner's base, bull-pen, town-ball, cat-ball, fox and hounds and antne-over. Prisoner's base was a running game. Two sides were chosen, each selecting a base— the distance between them varying according to the space convenient, usually from thirty to fifty feet. To run around a base without being caught won a game. To be caught or tagged away from a base made a prisoner of the one caught, who was im- mediately taken to a place of detention 2 near the side 2For some reason the place of detention in prisoner s base was .called the "stink." "That's not fair, he's on the stink" and other complaints ^ heard throughout the games. It was one of those words that belonged to a boy s vocabu lary, whose etymology is best left unsolved. 266 Historic Sullivan. capturing him. He could be retaken by his own side or exchanged as a prisoner of war. Bull-pen was a sort of four-cornered ball game. The lucky ones on the four corners had the privilege of handling the ball. They tossed it to and fro and at an opportune time hit one of the boys in the pen. The corner men then retreated to a stand and the one who had been hit by the ball had a chance to secure a base by hitting one of the boys that occupied them. Antne-over, 3 a corruption perhaps of ante-over, was played over a building — usually the schoolhouse. The sides took positions opposite each other — the building between. The party holding the ball would shout "antne" — the ones opposite would respond , "over, "and the other again, "over she comes." If one of the party to whom the ball was thrown caught it the crowd then rushed around and captured, by hitting with the ball, one or more of the opposition. Town-ball was the forerunner of baseball. There were three bases and a home plate. Instead of tagging out a runner with the ball he was crossed out, the ball being thrown between him and the base. In other respects it was similar to the present popular and national game. Cat-ball was a timid game usually played by girls or small boys. It was a three-cornered game and a paddle instead of a bat was used to strike the ball. 3BOARD OF EDUCATION OF Sullivan County, Tennessee J. E. L. Seneker, Supt. Blountville, Tenn., December 14, 1908. Mr. Oliver Taylor, Bristol, Tenn. Dear Sir — Yes, I remember well that years ago children at school in the country played "Antne Over," "bull pen," "prisoner's base," "black man,"— "What will you do when you see the black man coming?" (Answer.) "Kill him and eat him." As to the etymology of the "Antne Over" I must say, I don't know. Perhaps it had its origin from the old verb ante which meant — "deposit your stake." This, you know, is required in games of chance. When ready to play the one holding the ball called out, "ante" or "antne" and they on the other side answered "over." Now this is only guessing on my part. Very truly, J. E. L. Seneker. The Old Field School. 267 There were other games that did not require so much activity, such as "mumbly-peg" (mumble the peg) and others. The games of the social life of the old field school were innocent, consisting of Tennessee Snap, Old Sister Phoebe, Twistification, Who's Got the Key, Weavely Wheat, London Bridge, Moll Brooks Come Out of My Orchard and others. Most of the games had a kissing penalty which rendered them very popular. The older people contented themselves with the old- fashioned dances and the shifting of feet was accompanied by a squeaky duet on the fiddles, painfully drawing out "Old Jimmy Sutton," "Sourwood Mountain," "Arkansaw Traveler," "Rosin the Bow," "Liza Jane" and "Cripple Creek." Joseph H. Ketron. A BIOGRAPHY. Every little boy has an ambition of some kind and it follows him all through life, however much he may be diverted from it. Joseph Ketron, when a little boy, longed to have Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. It was the biggest book he knew of and contained much wisdom. That yearning represented Ketron 's life — he wanted a library and he wanted learning, and more, he wanted to impart that learning to others. He got his dictionary and imposed upon himself the task of memoriz- ing one hundred words a day. He got a library— one of the choicest private libraries in the state. He got learning and became one of the pioneer educators in this section. But to attain these things he snuffed the candle at two o'clock in the morning, and he snuffed out many years of his life. Joseph H. Ketron was born near Bloomingdale, November 12, 1837, and died there November 1, 1901, lacking but eleven days of reaching his sixty-fourth year. With the little extra money he earned at the plow and with the hoe he attended the short sessions of an occasional school conducted near his home. But in the midst of his studies he was called to serve in the army during the Civil War. In the battle of Big Black River Bridge, near Vicksburg, May 17, 1862, he was shot in the thigh, which wound caused him much suffering at the time, his life being despaired of, and from which he suffered at times all his life. After the war he took up school work again, becoming principal of Reedy Creek Academy, at Arcadia, in August, 1864. There he taught nine years. Then, deciding to attend school again, he went to Wes- leyan University, at Athens, Tennessee, where he remained JOSEPH H. KETRON Joseph H. Ketron. 269 a year and a half, studying and tutoring. In 1875-76 he attended the Illinois Wesleyan University, at Bloom- ington, Illinois, where he graduated with highest honors in his thirty-ninth year. After his graduation he spent one year teaching at New Market, Tennessee. Then he faced the temptation of good salaries— salaries big enough to have furnished a substantial living without much responsibility— but he chose to go back to his old home, where he built a school and endowed it with best endeavors that a good education and a willingness and love for work and the memories of the old place could inspire. He named the school after the best man he knew, Bishop Kingsley — Kingsley Seminary. It was dedicated August 6, 1877. He taught there for twenty-five years; until the end of his life. One thousand and four students attended the seminary during that time, and in his forty-one years of teaching he gave instructions to two thousand and ten boys and girls — young men and young women. Sixty young men prepared themselves for the ministry under his tutelage. First of all Joseph Ketron was a scholarly teacher. "You may be called to preach, but I was called to teach," said he to a young man one day. He slept in his library; he lived in his library. Being such a hard close student he was not considered by some a practical man, but a close study of his life and habits will disprove this. In botany he could explain the morphological and phaneroga- mic and then go out into his yard and intelligently culti- vate his flowers; he trimmed the wicks of the lamps of architecture, and v/ith a saw and a hammer and a jack- plane helped to build the house his parents lived in; he could write a song and sing it himself; he could teach the science of agriculture, the chemistry of the soil — how much potash, phosphoric acid or nitrogen was needed, and he could raise a good crop of potatoes and beans. 270 Historic Sullivan. He believed in few acres and intense culture and once made a test of an acre of corn, raising one hundred and five bushels. He could teach higher mathematics then go out and survey a tract of land — he was the surveyor of the neighborhood; he could tell you about metallurgy and then go into a blacksmith shop and make a horseshoe. As a versatile teacher Sullivan County has never had his superior. He would have made an efficient head of an industrial school. If you were to ask the students who were under his instruction at the seminary, what particular study Ketron excelled in, they would tell you all of them. He was a student all his life — he went to school to himself. He was a man of careful habits and taught his students how to save time. As an example — he always laid down his pen or pencil with the point toward him so it could be picked up again, ready for use, without being turned around. He was more than a teacher in the schoolroom — he was a living example. When twelve years old he professed religion at the Reedy creek camp-ground, and his was a devotional life. While always loyal to the denomination to which he belonged his Christianity was never crinkled by sectarian prejudice. When but a youth he was chosen superintendent of the Sunday-school at his home, which position he held all his life with the exception of the four years spent at college. He opened and closed the day's work at the seminary with religious lessons. When his body was borne to the grave it was followed by a procession of school-children, each carrying a bunc^ of flowers. One of his favorite songs was "Work for the Night [ s Coming." On the day of the night of his death he worked — disp os _ ing of his mail — he worked himself to death. Joseph H. Ketron. 271 For thirty years he kept a diary; a few days are given here: January 1, 1868: Snow six or eight inches deep.— Brother John married to-day to Miss Mary J. Agee.— I feel impressed with the shortness of time; if spared this year, I intend to try to improve it. — Lord help me. January 1, 1870: Surveyed a lot of land for Papa, planted some fruit trees, did a few other little jobs of work. — Read in the Bible and other books. — Drizzled rain a part of the day. January 1, 1871: Conducted a Sunday School Concert at Oak Grove — had a nice time — house was crowded — I gave a talk. — Com- pleted our "Twelve Lessons About Jesus." — Resolved to try to improve in knowledge and try to do right — Lord help me. January 26, 1887: To-day we celebrate my father and mother's 'Golden Wedding" — We had a pleasant time. — Cold day. CHAPTER XXVIII. SLAVERY DAYS. The contention of the negro that he has arrived at his present state of development during the last forty years is absurd — it has been nearer four hundred years. It must be remembered slaves did not remain savages in bondage. The length of time slavery has existed in any community of the South marks the time of the negro's translation from savagery to civilization and enlighten- ment. Being a race of imitators with good-natured en- dowments and diplomacy they soon absorbed the customs of the people among whom fate had cast them. Slavery is coexistent with the first settlements of Sullivan County. The earliest records we have — dating back to the last quarter of the seventeenth century — mention the purchase and exchange of slaves and more often the presence or possession of them. This, then, is evidence of their having had the benefit of over one hundred and twenty-five years in developing in this county alone over what they would have received had they remained in their original state. The Island road, named for Long Island, from Kings- port through Virginia, was one of the great thorough- fares of slave-trade, as was the Blountville road, to Jones- boro and back through Virginia. This explains why there were more slave- owners along these two roads than there were along the Reedy creek road, running between and parallel with them. Being thus brought into contact with the trade the temptation to buy slaves was greater. This also created rivalry of ownership among the buyers. Where one man owned ten slaves his neighbor would soon be in possession of twelve or fourteen. Literature controlling public sentiment has stamped the slave-trader with a stigma that would be hard to re- Slavery Days. 273 move and the ban reaches all of them alike, even to-day. To these men more than any other cause is due the reputed bad treatment of slaves. The slave trader usually had guaranty of the sale of a good many of his slaves before starting on a journey. Sometimes they were sold at auction — the age, tempera- ment, experience and strength governing the price. Buyers would examine the mouth and teeth of a slave as they would a horse. The price ranged from five hundred to fifteen hundred dollars. The number in a "drove" varied from six to twenty-five. The unruly ones and those likely to attempt escape were hand- cuffed in pairs while the females were carried in wagons. Next to the slave trader the negro boss of the planta- tion was the most dreaded and despised by the slaves. He was usually very tyrannical in the exercise of his brief authority and was harder on the laborers than his white owner might have been. A man's wealth was often estimated by the number of slaves he owned rather than by his acreage of land. The Cobb family at one time owned more than one hundred slaves, but this high mark of possession usually preceded a division. When the young people of the family married and went to their new homes they were given their favorite servants. There have been instances where a favorite daughter of the family would find it hard to make a selection, all of the old slaves wishing to accompany her. These separations were very affecting. The son of an owner of slaves was always provided with a body-servant who was considered his property. This servant was usually much older than his master. The selection for this position, in most cases, was the one who took the most interest in the young man and pleased him most, and the attachment between the two was very marked. The young master relied greatly on "uncle's" judgment and confided most of his affairs to him. He 274 Historic Sullivan. would often discard a hat or garment if the old negro coveted it. On many of his rambles "Uncle Jim" was his companion and, be it said to his memory, there are rare instances where these old servants exercised any baleful influence over the young men of the South. Many of those who enlisted for the war took their servants with them. They wanted to go and their pres- ence did much to cheer the Southern soldier — the young men knowing that should they be wounded they would be looked after, and if killed would not be left on the field of battle, but would be carried back and laid to rest in the shadow of the old home. The attachment between the "young missus" and her old black "mammy" was even more marked and cordial, she always looking after the girl's every want. Nothing made her prouder than to be keeper of the keys of the family larders, and while the old servant performed the work of a menial she was the real "boss" of the house- hold. The children knew her permission was equivalent to the consent of the rest of the family. This vesting of authority in her was simply an expres- sion of the love and confidence that all bore her. Should the young mistress make a journey of any length, her salutations, on her return, were not complete until "Aunt Mariah" had been greeted. In the sick chamber the old negro woman sat through the long night vigil, watching for any movement or sound that would indicate the condition of the patient. If death perchance occurred her grief was as uncontrollable as had been her joy over some pleasant surprise. And that feeling that once existed between the two races is sometimes in evidence today. The descendant of a slave owner will greet an old remnant of bondage days with a smile and frequently a donation. Not a great while ago, in Sullivan County, an old ex-slave lay dying. A descendant of his former master, hearing of his illness, hastened to his bedside. As his life was ebbing av/ay Slavery Days. 275 he expressed great concern lest there should be no place to bury him. "Don't worry Uncle Jake, " said the young man, "don't worry, if your own race can't find a place for you there's a little vacant spot in the cemetery by the side of father and mother — we'll bury you there." The race is not without its quaint humor and philos- ophy. An old street preacher touring through Sullivan took his stand on a street corner in Bristol. He had but recently arrived from Alabama. "I was preachin' in Birmingham de otha day," said he, "when dey axes me did I b'lieve a niggah was as good as a white man. I looks 'bout me kind o' slant wise an' I sees a passel of white folks an' I says no— but I b'lieves, gem 'men, dat a good niggah is better 'n a bad white man." Indian slaves 1 worked side by side with negro slaves and in this way the latter absorbed much of the humor and quaint folk-lore of the Indian, but the Indian being a conservator would have none of the negro. Slaves were often paid wages and were allowed a certain portion of time each week and a plot of ground to cultivate for their own profit. In this way many bought their freedom. While perhaps there were no manumission societies, slaves were accorded humane treatment in Sullivan County and a few owners liberated a portion of their slaves and sent them to Liberia. The reputed cruel treatment of slaves has been much magnified as far as this county is concerned, but of course we may have had a milder form of slavery than the corn and cotton countries. Some owners never even whipped their servants, while others did chastise the unruly ones when occasion demanded. A slave owner, living near the mouth of Beaver creek, once ordered a slave up a tree to saw off one of the limbs. After the slave had climbed the tree he realized the llndians often sold themselves into slavery to pay gambling debts. Indian prisoners of war were also frequently made slaves. 276 Historic Sullivan. predicament he would be placed in by sawing the limb off between himself and the trunk of the tree, and protested : "Why, massa, the limb will fall on me and break my neck." "Whose loss is it, suh!" replied the master. However, had a fatality been the result no one would have bemoaned the accident more than the master. From a commercial, if not a humane standpoint, great care was taken to guard the health of a slave and as no owner would care to cause the death of a thousand dollar horse neither would he indulge in projects that would imperil the life of a fifteen hundred dollar slave. In most cases the negro, with his talent for mimicry, would assume the style and speech, as near as possible, of the family to whom he belonged, always taking the name of his last owner. If the family laid great stress upon ancestry, the slave believed the ancestry was his own also and thereupon assumed, often ridiculously, a dignified air in dress and in the use of words. If the family was inclined to bluntness or combativeness the negro was often offensive or even dangerous. If the family was in but moderate circumstances and lacked prestige, the negro reflected it in a subdued look and did not care to discuss his family history. Prior to the war a traveler, passing through Blount- ville, accosted a spry and lofty- aired negro and inquired : "Who do you belong to uncle?" "I's a Rutledge, suh," with a toss of the head indicating his surprise that anyone should be in ignorance of his family identity. On meeting another the same inquiry was put and was answered with: "I b 'longs to de fambly, knows e'm?" in a tone that plainly showed he was ashamed of his master. Society had its factions and cliques, and the line of social intercourse was as distinctly drawn among the blacks as among the whites. A "corn field coon" could not keep pace with the coach driver — the "gem 'man" groom in waiting. Slavery Days. 277 Outside of Sullivan and one or two other counties the greater portion of East Tennessee fought for the Union. The influence of Johnson, Nelson, Brownlow and Maynard was supreme. But those men were not anti-slavery in sentiment— they were opposed to fighting under any other flag than that of the Union. Many of their followers— the mountain whites— did not despise slavery as an institution, but they opposed the bringing of slave labor into competition with their own, and they despised the aristocracy of the slave-owner. It was the desire of the poor whites to throw the slave upon his own resources and thereby diminish free labor and withdraw privileges from the servant that even the savant was not permitted to enjoy. On the other hand Sullivan had, with perhaps the exception of Greene county, the smallest number of slaves of any county in East Tennessee, in proportion to its population. In 1795 it had seven hundred and seventy-seven while Hawkins county, which had been made out of Sullivan, had two thousand, four hundred and seventy-two, 2 more than three times as many. The songs of slavery have become a part of our lyric literature. But no one save the old time negro, when awakened by the inspiring memories of cabin days, can sing them as they should be sung, with their weird appealing melodies. They are the songs of captivity and have a melancholy that is peculiarly and characteris- tically their own. Some of these songs became blended with the Indian chants and can now be heard where there are groups of negro laborers — especially on public works- using the pick and hammer. The strokes of these im- plements measure time for them. In a great majority of cases slaves belonged not only to the wealth but the culture of the land and in such homes they were taught to read and write and what is more- reverence. No people were, apparently, more reverential or more moved by spiritual influences. The negro had 2Tennessee Gazetteer. 278 Historic Sullivan. more opportunities than the poor white and reached higher social privileges during slavery days than has ever been permitted him since, because then he never abused those privileges. This social phase did not mean familiar contact, but there was a friendly understanding be- tween master and servant. On Sundays these slaves were expected to put on their best garments and attend church — a place being set apart for them, or in the more wealthy communities galleries were arranged for them. As in the slave days when the greatest bugbear to the negro and his greatest dread, next to the trader, was the boss of his own color who was in charge of a number of hands, so today the greatest menace to his advancement has been the bad advice coming from some of the leaders of his race, or, what is perhaps worse, from evil designing whites. This is more pronounced in the press of the Northwest where the race problem is alarmingly discussed. The authorities of Chicago undertook to control the anarchistic spirit, then creating disturbances there, and which resulted in the Haymarket riot, by dealing with the leading instigators, and the subsequent quiet that prevailed proved the wisdom of the procedure. That legislation intended to reach the "low and vic- ious" will find upon investigation that that element gives forth only the irresponsible echo of some sentiment expressed by others more intelligent. The race problem is agitating the minds of those who have to deal with it far less than it is the lookers on, and, while the country is sometimes racked with dread and shocked at the perpetration of crimes, the South holds herself in check by the recollection that the faithful old slave, in times that tried him, was the greatest safeguard of the sanctity of the Southern homes — and remembers, with increasing regard as the years go by, that the old "black mammy" rocked the cradle and helped to rear the courtliest race of white men and the proudest and purest race of white women the world has ever known. James P. Snapp. A BIOGRAPHY. James P. Snapp was born August 3, 1823, west of Blountville on the old Snapp place. His early youth was spent on the farm. During that time, however, he lost no opportunity to get an education and in con- sequence was, at the close of his school life, one of the best educated men in the county. He attended Jeffer- son Academy at Blountville and finished a college course at Emory and Henry, graduating in the class with Dr. A. J. Brown, 1847. Col. Snapp, after finishing school, taught for several years, between 1850-55, at the academy where his school life began. He then took up the study of law, which he finished, and, having an analytic, legal mind, would have made an able jurist but for the war diverting him from his chosen work. In April, 1861 he was made captain of Company C, organized at Blountville, which became a part of the Nineteenth Tennessee regiment, under Col. Pitts. Snapp 's company was in the battle of Shiloh and during that engagement occurred one of those incidents which appear ludicrous, even through the awfulness of battle. Two regiments of Federals, in the confusion, were taken by Col. Pitts' regiment, but he did not have enough men to hold them, and the enemy, recovering themselves and realizing the helplessness of the victor, were in turn preparing for a capture, when Pitts and his men saved themselves by slipping away. In the fall of 1862 Snapp was made a major. Col. Pitts afterward resigned and James G. Rose succeeded him as colonel while Maj. Snapp became lieutenant-colonel. He was in the siege of Vicksburg, the battles of Fishing Creek, Wild Cat, Kentucky and others of less severity. 280 Historic Sullivan. He attained the full rank of colonel before the end of the war. At the close of the war he returned to his farm, but later engaged in the mercantile business at Union, now Bluff City, and sold goods successfully for a number of years. Always well posted on current events he was often importuned to run for office, but he never entered ac- tively into politics. Although never wounded in battle his bravery was of the daring type and he made an efficient officer. He was a man of high moral character and his integrity tallied to a penny. Being a very candid man his out- spoken views engaged him in controversies that were not always amicably settled. Col. Snapp was a close Bible student and took great interest in Sunday-school work. The young men who were fortunate enough to be in his class received that instruction which can only be obtained from a discerning mind and a conscientious student. He was never married. During the last years of his life he retired to his farm west of Blountville and was much concerned in building up the farm interests of the county. ggHe died June 30, 1901. CHAPTER XXIX. AGRICULTURE. Sullivan County wheat took first prize over the world at the Vienna Exposition in 1872 1 and the bones of the swiftest horse of the racing days between 1845 and 1860 mouldered on a field at the old Fain farm, east of Blountville. Yet this is not a wheat county nor is it the habitat of the horse. Nature has always indicated in advance what her climate and her soil are best suited for. In consequence the bison with its bifurcated hoof made a path to the salt-licks and from under the cover of cliffs cropped the grass along beaten trails that led even to our mountain tops. But the horse with his flat hoof did not belong to our rugged, stony highways. He was running his wild life out over the spungy turf of some western prarie. 2 Likewise the wheat that was sown on our mountain- sides showed in every breeze that stirred its rivery ripples that it belonged to level culture — its original home being the rich bottoms of the river Nile. By the effect of these same breezes on the cornstalk and the shaggy growth of our trees we see that they are native and firmly rooted in the rocks and clay. Tennesseans are a race of destroyers. This de- destructive spirit has been inherited through generations from our forefathers, who indulged their inclination in battle. Being denied any other means of statisfying this craving to destroy, we of later days lay waste the land. When the first settlers cleared a piece of ground they 1 Allison's Historical Map. 2There is a tradition in the neighborhood of Kingsport that a wild horse found its way as far east as Bay's mountain. This horse in struggling for a foothold above the stream that ran along the mountain fell in and was drowned. It was a bay horse and in consequence of this incident the mountain was called Bay s mountain and the stream, Horse creek. 282 Historic Sullivan. worked it until its producing quality was well-nigh exhausted. They made no effort to restore the humus to the soil ; they cleared and tilled a new piece while the old tract rested and reacted. But they left here and there in these clearings sugar maples and nut-bearing trees. The former with their succulent sap, had they been spared, would have furnished a forest of wealth in the products of maple-sugar and syrup, as they do in Vermont and Ohio today. The generations that followed, with a better knowledge of the chemistry of the soil, but ignorant of forestry, found a readier and more remunerative profit in saw logs, and they cut the maple for its bird's-eye finish while the walnut found its way into the cabinet-shop and the wagon maker used the hickory. They little thought to replace this growth with its cultivated congener, such as the hardy pecan and English walnut. We have so abused the provident foresight of our ances- tors that legislative bodies are seeking the best way to preserve from wholesale destruction the forests of the Appalachian range, of which we form a part, while the government sends out a commission to study the social conditions and needs of farmers. Nature in this section is in the hands of a receiver. Then, too, our forefathers saw, in the tree growth of the fragrant wild crab-apple and the twining vines, a fruit country — and they planted orchards, and the vines with purple clusters climbed along the door of every cabin while the wild strawberry that grew on some far away hillside was served in delicious abundance. The orchards planted by that generation lasted one hundred years, and when they, in the natural course of their lifetime, gave out, the people gave up; they acted as though they believed that nature was traveling along with some political party and demanded a change. As time went by and the people became safe from sur- prise attacks there was much work to do, in reconstructing. Agriculture. 283 But the toil of those years was tempered by the neighborly interest each felt in the other. "Ill help you hoe today and you help me hay tomorrow." They communitised themselves. The work of the slow, plodding and laborious flail that bursted the heads of wheat, and the cloth which, shaken across the pile, winnowed it, did not dishearten them, for they saw jolly times ahead. The apple butter stirrings, corn shuckings and quiltings all found company and content. The wooden plow mould, with its iron point, tore up the earth for sixty years. 3 Then came the steel plow, and the flail was followed by the ground-hog thresher. As the implements became more labor-saving, new ideas sprang up and were advanced as to what method should be adopted to increase the yield and enlarge the profits. This was the beginning of the fair and grange. The first fair in the county was held at Blountville a few years before the Civil War. It was begun in a domestic way in the court-house and was conducted more in the nature of a bazaar. Products of the farm were exhibited, while the young women of the neighborhood, to whose interest was largely due the origin, brought their needle- work and dainty cooking, which no age has improved upon. The merchants, seeing wider commercial possibilities, enlarged upon this, organized a company and held the fair at the east end of the town, where a race track of oval shape was provided. 4 A pavilion sheltered the farm exhibits. These fairs continued up to the Civil War, when, like many other diversions, they yielded to the 3When we are inclined to laugh at the primitive methods of plowing employed by other countries, compare them with the plows used as late as 1840, when the steel plow was introduced here. 4The horse mentioned in the first of this chapter was the property of Gen. Stokes and was called Ariel. It ran the races from Richmond to New Orleans. So successful was it that through lack of competition it was ruled off the track. Not to be outdone Stokes had it dyed and entered it under a new name. Again it was successful and passed at many fairs without being detected. When the time came to remove the dve the hostler's instructions were to remove but half at a time, but, disregarding this, he removed it all, from the effects of which the horse died. 284 Historic Sullivan. stern demand of living. To this day the old field where the lairs were held is called the fair-ground. The next fair to be held was the Border Fair of Bristol, supposedly on the state line, and was the joint interest of Sullivan County, Tennessee, and Washington county, Virginia. Its first president was LB. Dunn. 5 It was an enterprise that was much appreciated by the county folk, both of the town and country — the best medium of agricultural social life we have had. It drew large crowds — usually lasted three days and the patronage both of entry and attendance made it successful in every way for a number of years. But these fairs can not be conducted successfully without the sympathy and cooperation of the farming element and attempts to revive them with- out their aid has proven unsuccessful. A fair was organized at Thomas' bridge, on Beaver creek, in 1891, by Jacob and Marshall Thomas. The fair consisted chiefly of horse-racing and was conducted for two years with varying success. The abandonment of the county fair, the camp-meetings and other assemblings — the bad roads, the withdrawal of the court from Blountville, the lack of the old time community spirit has done much to discourage farm life in Sullivan, and has driven much of its best energy to the thickly settled cities, while the lonesome day laborers strayed away to public works. The newspapers, that reached the people of the interior, told of great achieve- ments and progress beyond them while they remained the same, and the unknownness of places and people made country life only tolerable while the temptations to leave it were great. The old time swapping spirit is gone — swapping of good nature, swapping of labor, swapping of visits, swap- ping of products, and swapping of horses. 51. B. Dunn was president of the Border Fair for three years, from 1875-78. He was followed by J. M. Barker, 1879-82 ; George W. Kuhnert, 1882, for one year. There has been some racing since, but no organized Fair. Agriculture. 285 Sullivan County in its physical formation is one beauti- ful park. There is enough level land for culture; there are enough slopes, if carefully turfed, for grazing herds of cattle and flocks of sheep, 6 and enough broad limbed trees to shade them; there are enough clear cool springs for dairying, to make us famous for the products of this pursuit. Then, instead of the great loads of wheat wagon-hauled by the Dicksons and Rollers and Thomases, it would be more natural to see great herds of cattle and sheep — a better grade — driven by the Cartwrights and Hamiltons — not driven to slaughter, but to stock other sections not so favored as ours. The farmer of Sullivan county has never given agri- culture the dignity it deserves. The good roads, just beginning to reach these possi- bilities, will bring into the neglected farms new interests and carry out of them new products. Sullivan County is just putting on its agricultural overalls. 6Secretary Wilson said East Tennessee was the finest country for sheep raising he had ever seen. CHAPTER XXX. THE REMOVAL. The history of the Cherokee Indians is so intervolved with the history of the first settlers of our State that any- thing concerning that tribe interests our people. The removal, in 1838, of these Indians from their life- long homes surpasses in pathos any page of our national history. It is the blot on the Escutcheon. The cause of this removal was covetousness on the part of the white race — a longing for more land. The Indians were slowly, and almost for a song, ceding away their chosen land. Although the government in a treaty (1798) agreed to "continue the guarantee of the remainder of their country forever" the whites did not cease making inroads and encroaching upon the tribe's land. By a treaty made January 7, 1806 the Cherokees ceded the large tract be- tween Duck river and the Tennessee, which included Long Island in Sullivan County and embraced nearly seven thousand square miles. For this immense tract they received two thousand dollars per year for five years, a grist mill, a cotton gin and a life pension of one hundred dollars per year for the aged chief Black Fox. After anoth- er treaty, made on March 22, 1816, they declared they would never give up any more land. Gov. McMinn, of Tennessee, under instructions from Washington, was using his efforts to have the In- dians removed. At a council in November, 1818, he rep- resented to the chiefs it was no longer possible to protect them from the encroachments of the whites, that their lands would be taken, their stock stolen, their women abused, and their men made drunkards unless they re- moved to the allotted territory in the West. He concluded by offering them one hundred thousand dollars for their JOHN ROSS (Gu wisguwi) Last Chief of the Eastern Cherokees The Removal. 287 lands. They indignantly refused. He then doubled the sum, but the negotiations failed. A new civilization and a new form of government now sprung up — principally through the influence of John Ross, the last chief of the Eastern Cherokees. It became treason, punishable by death, for any one to sell lands without the consent of the council. Another Cherokee — Sequoya — distinguished himself about this time by inventing the Cherokee alphabet. He was the Cadmus of his race. It was easily learned and even without the aid of schools communication became more rapid and intelligent. Sequoya was granted a pen- sion by the government and was the only literary pen- sioner in the United States. The Sequoya trees of Cali- fornia are named in his honor. John Ross was made chief in 1828 and is the principal author of a constitution which was the first to govern an Indian tribe. He held the position of chief up to his death in 1866, being thirty-eight years the head of the nation. Their acquirements in the way of enlightenment seem- ed to avail them little. Georgia was pressing them for their lands and was resorting to all kinds of strategy — to secret schemes and open overtures, but all were met with firm refusal. "It is the final and unalterable determina- tion of this nation never again to cede one foot more of land." When, in 1827, the Cherokees adopted a constitution, the Georgia legislature passed a resolution affirming that the State "had the power and right to possess herself, by any means she might choose, of the lands in dispute and to extend over them her authority and laws." CAUSE OF REMOVAL. Up to 1815 all negotiations had been for land only. In this year a little Indian boy in his rambles along the Chestatee river brought a shining pebble, about the size of a small marble, to his mother. She carried it to the 288 Historic Sullivan. nearest settlement and sold it to a white man. It proved to be gold. The news spread and in four years this sec- tion was overrun with white prospectors. In 1828 gold was found on Ward creek — the end of Cherokee possession was near. In this same year Andrew Jackson was elected Presi- dent. He was an Indian fighter and an Indian hater. Although the Cherokees, six hundred strong, were among his greatest allies in his battle against the Creeks, he now turned against them and would offer them no sym- pathy nor aid. Junaluska, one of the bravest of the chiefs who accom- panied him, was heard to say, "If I had known that Jackson would drive us from our homes I would have killed him that day at the Horseshoe." When it was known the sympathy of Jackson was not enlisted for the Indian, depredations by the whites became general. Armed men went through the tribe, pillaging and burning. Laws were passed dispossessing the Indians of their homes without redress. Life became almost intolerable and property valueless to the Cherokee. He was not allowed to dig gold on his own land nor was his testimony permit- ted against any white man. He was helpless. The Su- preme Court and the laws of Georgia conflicted. Georgia defied the courts. The issue became a national one and party lines were drawn. 1 Such men as Henry Clay, Dan- iel Webster, Edward Everett, Wise of Virginia and Davy Crockett defended the Indian. Through all these trials Chief John Ross was very active in behalf of his people; so much so, he had, under threat, to seek refuge in Ten- nessee. He was later captured by the Georgia guard along with John Howard Payne, who was then stopping with Ross for the purpose of studying the Indian life. They were taken across the line into Georgia where Ross was held a prisoner for some time, but was finally released without explanation. ' lit is worthy of note that the two races, the Indian and the negro, have caused the bitterest controversies in our government. The Removal. 289 The treaty of 1835, wherein about four hundred out of seventeen thousand Cherokees ceded all their lands west of the Mississippi to the United States for five million dollars, and a portion of land in Indian Territory was rat- ified at New Echota. A man named Schermerhorn was the government representative. He purported to be a minister of the gospel, but, on account of his underhand dealing, had to be warned that nothing but "fair and open terms" would be acceptable. The removal was to take place two years from the date of the treaty. At the expiration of this time, however, only about two thousand of the Indians had left and it became evident that the removal would only be accomplished by force. Gen. Winfield Scott was given charge of these affairs with about seven thousand soldiers, four thousand of whom were volunteers. Sullivan County furnished her share and more wanted to go. Troops were sent to various points in the Cherokee country, where they erected stockades in which to hold the Indians after they were corralled. From these stock- ades squads of soldiers armed with rifles and bayonets were sent through the mountains to bring in all Indians that could be found. Men going along the road or found in their fields were seized, and squaws engaged in their domestic duties were taken, while children, all unmindful of the approaching seizure, were often caught at play and forced to go. There were instances when a family, on being taken, looked back and saw their old home burning — set on fire by rowdy camp-followers; some on mischief bent, some for purposes of theft, some out of revenge. These ruffians were so ruthless in their thefts they even dug into the graves of the dead to rob them of metal orna- ments. One old gray-haired Indian, when told he must go, called his family, including his grandchildren, about him and all knelt down and prayed in their own language. 290 Historic Sullivan. Even the hardened hearts of the soldiers softened at this sight. Concluding the prayer they silently followed the soldiers. At one house which the soldiers surrounded, as was their custom to prevent escape, the woman of the home went to the door, called up the chickens to be fed for the last time, then, with her infant on her back and leading two other children, followed the men to her exile. All the Indians were not so submissive. An aged man called Tsali (Charley) was taken with his family and the families of his three sons. His wife, being too old to walk as fast as the soldiers desired, was prodded with bayonets to hurry her along. The old man could not control him- self. Talking in Cherokee to the others he quickly form- ed a plan to attack the soldiers at a given signal. This was done and each Indian grabbed the soldier nearest him — their guns were taken and one soldier was killed. The rest fled while the Indians escaped into the mountains. Many also escaped from the stockades and seeing it im- possible to secure all, Gen. Scott made a proposition through Col. Thomas, agreeing that if they would surren- der Charley and his party for punishment he would let the others alone until the courts could adjust the matter. Charley on hearing this came in of his own accord, accom- panied by his brother and sons. He offered himself a sacrifice for his nation. All were shot. Those fugitives that remained at large, unmolested, were the ancestors of the present tribe of the eastern Cher- okees. After having collected nearly seventeen thousand of the Cherokees the long journey began. Some went by river, but the great majority went overland. A delay of several months was occasioned by the extreme hot weath- er. The march was resumed in October and continued through the entire winter. It was a great cavalcade, requiring six hundred and forty-five wagons besides horses for riding. The course The Removal. 291 of the exiles was a trail of death — from ten to twenty- dying each day. Among them was the devoted wife of Chief Ross who had to be buried by the roadside. When the end came in March, 1839, over four thousand had died from the effects of the removal. It is hard for us now to harmonize our convictions with the events that transpired at this period, but the act re- calls that of William the Conqueror, who, to satisfy his passion for outdoor sport, demolished the homes and churches of the peasantry for thirty miles in New Forest, and offered no return for the loss. It befell that in a short while three of his house met violent accidental deaths in this forest. John Netherland. a biography. John Netherland was born in Powhatan county, Vir- ginia, September 20, 1808, but his parents removed to Sullivan County when he was an infant and settled at Kingsport. He had the advantage of a good education, being a pupil of Doak, under whom his academic course was completed in his fourteenth year — after this he had home training under Henry Hoss, an excellent scholar. He began the study of law in 1828 and was practising in 1829. Early in life he became interested in politics, and in 1833, when but twenty-five years old, was elected to the state senate from the district composed of Sullivan, Hawkins and Carter counties. While in this body he attained high rank among his colleagues. While he was a member, one of the leading questions of the day came up — that pertaining to the removal of the Indians from their eastern homes to the territory set apart for them beyond the Mississippi. In an eloquent speech, in which he appealed to the humane side, he took a stand against the removal. A revision of the state constitution in 1834, by which the eligible age of a state senator was placed at thirty, threw him out of the race. In 1835, however, he was elected to represent Sullivan County in the legislature. It was while serving as representative that he furnishes an example of high integrity in office. He refused to vote for a resolution, asking our senators to vote for the expunging clause, which referred to an act of censure passed upon Andrew Jackson. Sullivan County en- dorsed it in a primary and asked Netherland to vote for it, but rather than go against his principles he resigned his commission and returned to private life. KS ^ w^\ JOHN NETHERLAND John Netherland. 293 In 1848 he was elector for the state at large on the Taylor-Filmore ticket. In 1851 he was elected representative from Hawkins county. When in 1859 the Whig or what was then known as the "Opposition" party wanted a candidate for governor, Netherland was unanimously the choice of the conven- tion at Nashville. He accepted although he knew he had little chance of success. Isham G. Harris was his opponent and defeated him — Netherland, however, ran far ahead of his ticket. Along with Thomas A. R. Nelson and Andrew Johnson, Netherland took sides with the Union during the Civil War and while he suf- fered, as many others on both sides, he did not harbor hatred, but advised tolerance and good feeling when the battles were over. His last official act was as a member of the constitutional convention of 1870, although he was afterwards tendered a foreign mission by President Johnson, which he declined. It is more as a lawyer than as a politician that his memory will be preserved. He was one of the strongest advocates in this or any other state. During John Netherlands last days as a practicioner at the Blountville bar the venerable appearance of the man seemed to add weight to all said. Besides his legal knowledge he knew human nature. He was a well in- formed man, reading much and committing to memory — his favorite writings were the Bible and Robert Burns, from which he would often quote. No jury could resist his style of delivering a message to them. He would often make personal appeals to a juryman — "Bob , I remember, sir, when your father was cut to pieces in that sawmill " And while such methods may not conform to legal ethics, they influenced. He was especially forceful in criminal practise and the prisoner was well favored who secured him as counsel. When he was acting in a murder case — defending a prisoner 294 Historic Sullivan. — groups of men could be seen entering the court-house. The farmer found it possible to postpone his work, the business man left his counter, the carpenter his bench and even the school boy, always ready to rebel against listening to discourses of any kind, hurried to the court- room — all drawn thither by the report that "John Nether- land closes for the defense." He was once engaged to defend a young man charged with murder. There are two periods of life that appeal to any jury — youth and old age. He would often say, "I quote from the good book — the greatest of all books — the book upon which all human law is founded." This time he plead for mercy. He told the story of Absalom, the young man who mutinied, and how, despite the grave charge, the king plead for his life on account of his youth. "And David," said he in concluding, " 'numbered the people that were with him and set captains of thousands and captains of hundreds over them. And David sent forth a third part of the people under the hand of Joab and a third part under the hand of Abishai and a third part under the hand of Ittaii. And the king stood by the gate side and all the people came out by hundreds and by thousands. And the king commanded Joab and Abishai and Ittaii, saying, deal gently for my sake with the young man Absalom' — gentlemen of the jury, deal gently with the young man." But for his cheerful spirit, that never forsook him, his last days might have gone out in gloom. Himself a great sufferer from bodily affliction, his cup of sorrow was filled by the unhappy fate of his household. His favorite kinsman had passed from earth; his son and namesake, John, had died from pneumonia, the result of exposure in rescuing his father from drowning; his wife, the companion of his long life, was dead and his daughter, Molly, had been killed by being thrown from a runaway horse. And as the old jurist sat on his sunny porch one afternoon, his long stem pipe held in a palsied John Netherland. 295 hand, which, with his increasing emotion, tossed the ashes in his lap, he thus sorrowed. "Sam," he said to his companion, "old John's gone — and young John's gone — and Sarah's gone — and Molly's gone " CHAPTER XXXI. THE NEWSPAPER— POLITICS. John Slack was the Nestor of the press of upper East Tennessee. He was born in McMinn county, Tennessee, December 19, 1835, his family having removed from Fauquier county, Virginia. Orphaned during his infancy he and his two elder brothers were reared by a bachelor uncle. When seventeen years of age he was apprenticed to Sam. P. Ivans of the Athens, Tennessee, Post — remained with him for four years and then became a journeyman printer, working at various places in the South. In 1859 he went to Jonesboro and in partnership with Charles Byars established the Whig, which later became the Express, Byars selling out to Slack. While there he met Julia P. Holston, who was attending school, and was married to her in September, 1862. He moved to Bristol in 1865, bought out and revived the Bristol News. He was appointed post-master by Andrew Johnson, later going to Greeneville to manage and publish a paper in Johnson's interest. It was Union in politics. He was elected to the legislature from Sullivan County in 1869 — started the Bristol Courier in 1870. A more extended account of his newspaper connection is given later in this chapter. In 1885 he was appointed, by Cleveland, post-master at Bristol — was elected trustee of Sullivan County in 1894 and re-elected in 1896. In 1898 he was elected state senator, being in this office when he died, October 13, 1900. It would be hard to measure the influence and the worth to East Tennessee of a man like John Slack. He was a commoner and he came at a time when the times JOHN SLACK The Newspaper— Politics. 297 most needed him. The war was over, but there were wounds to heal. He was always conservative. Had he been of a discordant, jarring nature he could easily, through his paper, have kept alive the coals of controversy, which some one was always ready to fan into a blaze. But he sought to smooth down dissension and he tempered the times with sound advice. He differed from his associates in political sentiment, but he did not differ from them in their sorrow. Frank in the outward show of the inner self, he at times appeared brusque and rude in manner, but he was of kindly heart and envied no man a betterment. He craved no honor that carried with it only the glitter of parade. When Gen. William B. Bate was elected gov- ernor he invited the editor to become a member of his staff, the position adorning the holder with the title of colonel. His reply was characteristic — "I am too homely to be an ornament and too poor to be useful — please excuse me." In church work he was a balancing force. He was especially interested in the Sunday-school and the class- meeting — that love least where the faithful old souls gather and wring the heart of religion and sympathize with one another and sob away their sorrow. Here he was to be found and his best epitaph is the memory the survivors have of him. The secret of his influence with his fellow citizens lay in his confidence in them, which they rewarded with unquestioned confidence in him. One day a tall, swaying figure brushed into his office — his trousers stuffed into his boot tops. Slack was stand- ing at a case, setting up an editorial. "John," said the man, "I got your dun. Look-a-here John, I paid you that subscription last fall, don't you mind?" "Well," replied the editor, "if you say you paid it I'll take your word for it and scratch it off the books," and he did. He kept his accounts with his fellow men as he kept 298 Historic Sullivan. his accounts with his conscience. He was honest in purse and purpose. And standing on the rim of his rounded life and looking back over the circle of his years the path he left is not hard to find, and there are not so many divergences but that it may be safely followed. NEWSPAPERS. In the early days of the publishing business of Sullivan County the newspaper had a varied existence. The office generally occupied space not suited for any other active industry. The usual force consisted of two type- setters and the devil, who was general utility boy. In the event of breakdowns and delays the editor, who was nearly always a practical printer, set his editorials from memory. The old Washington hand press was then in use. The office towel was also in use and was never clean. The editor's sanctum was the loafing place of political students and those who wanted to read the dailies — it was a time when individuality was stamped upon the editorial columns. The querry was not "what does the Tribune have to say," but "what does Horace have to say?" — meaning Horace Greeley. The editor, too, was supposed to be a general informa- tion bureau and was expected to know everything from how to plant cucumbers in the sign to expounding inter- national law. For many years the county was content with the four-page weekly paper, and, while the business corner announced the subscription price "one dollar per annum, invariably in advance," few there were who — mindful that the editor was mortal, had wants and must eat — heeded the rule, and at the end of the year this sway of public opinion was glad to accept wood or vegetables or any kind of farm products in payment of delinquent subscriptions. One paper, in good-natured desperation, offered to take spring greens. The Newspaper— Politics. 299 With the advent of the railroads came the newspapers. In May, 1857, a stock company bought a press and A. K. Moore, a real estate agent, was made the first editor of the Bristol News. J. Austin Speery succeeded him in a short while and is still considered the pioneer editor of this section. Speery remained with the paper until 1862, when he went to Knoxville to take charge of the Knoxville Register. This paper refugeed in Bristol during the Civil War. The News press also printed the Presbyterian Witness, which was edited by Revs. A. Blackburn, J. M. McClain and James King. The Southern Advocate succeeded the News v/ith Rev. W. W. Neal, editor, and at the close of its brief career the State Line Gazette was started. W. L. Rice had re- cently sold some land with a view of going west when he was persuaded by Martin Coman to invest here and the result was the launching of the border paper. The Gazette began business with all the promise of prosperity. Coman made a soliciting trip through Wise, Russell and Lee counties, Virginia, securing five hundred dollars worth of subscriptions and job work. Rice made a busi- ness trip to Baltimore immediately after the war, when the East was seeking to renew trade with the South, and the way merchants took advertising space made his heart glad. He thereupon spent several hundred dollars for additional material to accommodate the visions of abundance that were heaping up. At the end of the first year Rice thought it was time some remittances were coming in to reimburse him for the money he was paying out to keep the paper alive. Statements were sent to Wise, Russell and Lee counties and in return counter statements were received of debts Coman had made before associating himself with the newspaper. To complete his experience the editor got into a controversy with George Gresham, of the Jones- boro Flag, and the bitter personalities threatened to bring the two men together; however, after Gresham 300 Historic Sullivan. and a party of friends came to Bristol with the intention of whipping Rice, they suddenly changed their minds and returned home without making any explanations. Rice sold out to W. W. Neal and not before he was ready to sell. He had sunk three thousand dollars in the enter- prise. In 1865 John Slack restored the old News, and in 1866 leased it to D. F. Bailey, who ran it for a year. It was then purchased by I. C. and Elbert Fowler, remain- ing the property of the former until his appointment as clerk of the Federal Court, at Abingdon, Virginia. A. C. Smith and M. T. Harrison then had charge of the paper until 1890, when it became a daily and Sam. C. W. Smith succeeded Harrison— the father and son ran it for eighteen years. It then became the property of a stock company with N. B. Remine, editor. John Slack founded the Bristol Courier in 1870. W. M. Burro w purchased it in 1876, but retained the editor, who a year later took charge again. It enjoyed a large job printing patronage, issuing college papers and the Holston Methodist. In 1880 an attempt was made to publish the Daily Courier but it was ephemeral— lasting only three weeks. In 1888 Charles H. Slack became connected with the business and the first permanent daily paper established in the county was launched September 15th of that year. The editorials were characterized by an independ- ence of thought, expressed in such terse style that they were quoted all over the state and the paper became an iconoclast in Tennessee journalism. With the ex- ception of about one year, during which publication was supended, it existed as the Daily Courier until merged with the Herald in February, 1907, becoming the Herald- Courier. C. H. Slack, John Slack, Munsey Slack, Jack Faw, Nat Dulaney, Jr., N. B. Remine and Herschel Dove have successively been managing editors of this paper. The Newspaper— Politics. 301 In 1896 the Daily Times was launched by Faw and Underwood. In 1898 this paper bought the Daily Courier and became the Times-Courier — John Slack, however, re- taining the Weekly Courier. In September, 1898, the Daily Tribune was started as a campaign paper, James A. Stone and John W. Price being the promoters, with Herschel Dove as associate editor. ^This paper was merged into the Times-Courier in December, same year. In 1900 a company bought the Tribune-Times-Courier and the paper again became the Daily Courier. The first daily paper published in the county was called the Daily Argus, the first copy appearing November 17, 1879. George T. Hammer and John T. Barnes were the proprietors, with W. F. Rhea, John Caldwell and Will Pepper editors at different times. It lived for three months and was the first penny daily ever printed in Tennessee. It declared in its first issue, "our aim shall be to live and let live and in order to live up to it or rather down to it we must run our business strictly on a cash and pay-down system." The subscription price was five cents per week. In 1873 William Burrow published the Souvenir, a literary journal, which for a time had the phenomenal circulation of five thousand, covering many states. It was run for two years. In 1879 William and Robert Burrow began the publi- cation of the Reporter, a weekly paper. In 1885 Thomas J. and Joseph H. Burrow took charge. This paper ran for two years and enjoyed the distinction of being the best condenser of news in the state. The Landmark was a Bluff City product, appearing in 1872— W. D. Pendleton, proprietor, and Maj. B. G. McDowell, editor. R. M. Dickey and Will V. Vance were also editors, the former in 1873 and the latter in 1874. This paper was moved to Blountville in 1878 and was the first paper to be published at the county capital. The Central Star followed it a few years later, fostered 302 Historic Sullivan, by Ben. L. Dulaney and N. J. Phillips. Phillips, coming into full possession, removed the paper to Newport, Tennessee. After sinking a discouraging amount of money the editor one day opined that he would as soon as not sink the whole outfit in the river, which ran back of the office. And such, sometimes, is the vexatious and uncertain existence of this kind of enterprise. Between the closing of 1906 and the beginning of 1907 there was an interregnum in the newspaper business of Sullivan. But this lapse was partly covered by the issuance, at Kingsport, of a weekly paper called The Zephyr, William Peltier being the promoter. The Sullivan County Developer is the latest offering from the press and began its existence at Bluff City in 1908, with W. D. Lyon, editor. With all the drawbacks in the way of office accommo- dations and the meager support the early editor derived from his paper there is no doubt of its influence. As a fashioner of sentiment it was most powerful because of extensive circulation. The men who conducted these old-time weekly papers uniformly gave sound advice and were conservative. Whatever radical opinions they may have had they did not find it expedient, in the face of limited means, to assert such views, and in all instances were builders of prosperity as well as of public opinion. POLITICS. Most of the newspapers of Sullivan have been political and the politics of the county has been democratic. The influence of Andrew Jackson still lives. The most exciting campaign was during the Polk and Clay candidacy for President. Polk being a Tennessean made the fight local as well as national. It was a color campaign — pokeberries and clay mud being the party emblems. One side would stain a fence or house with pokeberries and the other would would cover it with a The Newspaper— Politics. 303 daub of clay mud. In those days candidates always engaged in joint debate. It was not necessary to chal- lenge — it was understood. These joint discussions drew immense audiences and were consequently conducted in a grove or open-air pavilion. There being no great number of newspapers the people sought information from the political speakers and they usually obtained it, for these speakers, accustomed to public appearances and never knowing what inquiries might be made, became well informed men. During the Know-nothing campaign of 1855, in a speech at the Institute grove in Blountville, Andrew Johnson, for the edification and enlightenment of his audience as well as to the discomfiture of his opponent — Meredith P. Gentry — defined know-nothingism as "the little end of nothing whittled to a point." These speakers, too, often appealed to the sentiment of the audience and when lacking for a more suitable plea imposed upon prejudice. When Gen. Stokes and DeWitt Senter were opposing each other for governor they engaged in a discussion at Blountville. Stokes was the owner of Ariel, the famous race-horse. He appealed to the horse-breeding and agricultural spirit of his countrymen, "the bones of Ariel," said he, "are mouldering on Sullivan County soil." Replying to this Senter said : "I grant you it is a great honor to have the resting place of the fastest horse of the times, but gentlemen the bones of an ancestor of mine, who fought in the battle of King's Mountain, are sleeping in Sullivan, and what are the bones of the fastest horse in the world compared with the sacred dust of a man who fought for your liberties." That politics makes strange bedfellows is demonstrated in the following: When John Blair and John Tipton were running for congress in 1825 they had an engage- ment to speak in Blountville. After they had completed their discussion they went to the hotel and the proprietor 304 Historic Sullivan. unthoughtedly assigned both men to the same room. However opposed to each other's political views men in that day may have been they could accommodate personal inconveniences with singular inconsistency. When the two men retired Tipton described how he had been to Hawkins and fixed things to suit himself and thus, secure in his own contemplation, laughed himself to sleep. Blair then quietly dressed himself, slipped down stairs, ordered his horse, and when his antagonist awoke next morning the Hawkins affair was being fixed the other way. JOSEPH R. ANDERSON Joseph R. Anderson. A BIOGRAPHY. The true measurement of a man is not the much he amounts to while living, but more of the much he amounts to when dead. The name of Joseph R. Anderson grows in strength as the years go by. He had the elements of greatness. A man who can found a city can found a republic — the only difference — opportunity. He was born in Scott county, Virginia, October 25, 1819, and spent his youth on a farm. He went to school at the country log schoolhouse — his favorite study being mathematics. One day he sold a bushel of Irish potatoes, which he had raised, for fifty cents. This fifty cents was the first money he ever made and he kept it for three years. This act may indicate a miserly nature, but a miser he was not as his wealth was accumulated more through economy than selfish hoarding. In his fifteenth year he went to Blountville and became a clerk in the store of his uncle, Samuel Rhea, who paid him fifty dollars a year and board. He remained in this capac- ity for eight years, until 1842, part of the time being deputy post-master. During this time he had saved seven hundred and fifty dollars, and, borrowing one thousand dollars from his father and uncle, engaged in merchandising on his own account at Eden 's Ridge. Here he remained until March, 1844, paid back the five hundred dollars to his uncle and offered to return to his father the five hundred dollars he had borrowed from him, but his father would not take the money. Thirty years later he paid the note with interest and the money was divided among the heirs. 306 Historic Sullivan. In March, 1844, he bought a half interest in his uncle's store and remained at Blountville until 1853. He married Malinda King, daughter of Rev. James King, June 3, 1845. In September, 1853 he removed to Bristol and began selling goods in a brick store on the corner of Fourth and State streets. This store he con- ducted until 1860, when he also went into the banking business. The Civil War interfered with his plans and disjointed his business, but after the war he resumed both the mer- chantile and banking business. Later he disposed of his store to his son, John C. Anderson and his nephew, A. B. Carr and devoted himself to the banking business exclusively. Joseph R. Anderson was not a great banker nor was he a great financier. His methods lacked policy. He did not live in a day when captains of industry were co-evil with existing contradictions. A man who de- posited his money in the old Anderson bank deposited his morals with it. In all sincerity the banker reached out with a fatherly concern to his depositors. One day a patron of his bank went to the cashier and told him he wished to draw out some money — several hundred dollars. Seeing him there and knowing that he was dealing in futures, Anderson told him he could not have the money. "Do you mean to tell me that I can't draw out my own money?" "That's what I mean," said the banker, "you can't have it — you are gambling in futures." The man threatened the banker, but the banker stood firm, until finally convinced that, although he would be doing the depositor a great service in refusing, he had no legal right to do so. It is not for the money Anderson accummulated that he will be remembered. His fortune was small Joseph R. Anderson. 307 beside some that have been made by others since his time. And besides wealth is not worth. It was for his moral strength — his high standard of excellent, irreproachable, clean, every-day life. He was clean of person and clean of character. He was a healthy man and he had a healthy, wholesome religion. Early he espoused the cause of temperance and he never wavered. He believed that the preventive was better than the cure — that the best one could do with the man in the gutter was to reclaim him, and so he organized the Band of Hope — took little boys by the hand and led them away from temptation. It is significant of his foresight that a member of one of his boy bands led the forces in the temperance fight in Bristol in 1907. He was nominated for governor by the Prohibition party in 1888, but the news never reached him until too late — he was dying and his family never told him. When posterity sums up the work of the toilers who have struggled through the years, sometimes with little hope to cheer them; when they carry their riband wreaths to adorn the deserving, there will be a steady pilgrimage to his tomb. George A. Caldwell. A BIOGRAPHY. By the time a man deserves a title he does not have much need of one. In East Tennessee Dr. Caldwell was not near as big a man as George A. Caldwell. Gen. Washington was no greater than Washington — and as for Mr. Napoleon George A. Caldwell was born near New Market, Jefferson county, Tennessee, February 10, 1825, and died in Bristol, July 2, 1896, aged seventy-one years. He was educated at Maryville College and Union Theological Seminary, New York. His college life was not one of ease. He began his ministry at Athens, Tennessee, in 1852, and in April of that year married Margaret Brooks, daugh- ter of Gen. Joseph A. Brooks, of Knoxville. At the beginning of the Civil War the Southern Presby- terian church selected two missionaries. A church organi- zation in the army is not practicable on account of the uncertain movements of the men, and it was the duty of these missionaries to visit the various camps and have supervision over the chaplains. The church appointed Caldwell and B. M. Palmer, of New Orleans. The former was engaged chiefly with the armies of Johnson and Bragg and there was such a call upon his time that he did not get to see his family for four years. The section where Caldwell was living became strongly Union in sentiment and when he returned after the war was waited upon by sympathizers with the Union and warned to leave town before morning or he would be whip- ped. He went to the gun-rack, whereon an old gun had rested and rusted during the years of his absence; this he took down, cleaned up, fired two or three times to see if in good condition, and awaited his persecutors. They did not GEORGE A. CALDWELL George A. Caldwell. 309 come — they knew too well the meaning of these prepara- tions. He had perfect reliance on divine protection, but during these times it often took a gun to convince others. He left Athens and came to Bristol, arriving on a sec- tion hand-car with his gun across his knee. At Watauga, on this trip, he met some stragglers coming back from the war. They were returning to their homes, but had been met by bushwhackers. One wretched fellow, who had been beaten, escaped from his pursuers and fell exhausted at the feet of Caldwell, imploring him to save his life. He was helped into a box car, where the minister had his household goods, just as the men who were after him arrived. They demanded the escaped soldier, but Caldwell stood in the doorway, protecting him. The mob threatened his life if he did not give up the man, but he stood firm and told them calmly the man should not be molested. His firmness whipped them — they skulked away. Not long after he had taken charge of a Bristol church he had an appointment to preach in Hawkins county. The Sizemore band of outlaws sent him word that if he preached there he would be dealt with violently. Despite the threat he went and filled his engagement. He was a fearless man. He barely touched the raiment of the disappearing wilderness preacher and brought down to the present many of his characteristics— his bravery; his enthusiasm for a cause and his way of telling about it, with fervid eloquence — an orator with tears in his voice. There is one side of a preacher's life that is seldom seen by the general public — the cheerfulest part of him — his comradeship. It seems a mission of his to hide this, except when on jaunts or when in the company of his own cloth. There used to gather at the old Courier office, when it was lodged in the little checker-board front on Fourth street, a group of men consisting of Caldwell, Sullins, Munsey and Neal. That was the raconteur hour 310 Historic Sullivan. with them and they employed it to their content. Cald- well entering would often salute in rhyme: "Good morn- ing, Brother Neal, how do you feel?" "Not so well, sorry to tell, Brother Caldwell" came the rhyming reply. Munsey, gawky and green and hunting for words, would sweep the group with a broad grin — the same man who in after years swept vast audiences with his ethereal eloquence. And Sullins told tales. If there was any one trait in Caldwell's life that stood apart from the others it was his fearlessness. Once satis- fied that he was on the right side no power could move him; it mattered not if he stood alone — he would stand by his convictions. He italicized sin when he told about it, either from the pulpit or on the pavement, and, being outspoken in his beliefs, he made enemies, but no man ever disputed his power as an eloquent preacher. In 1874 he was a commissioner to the General Assembly at Columbus, Mississippi. This is the highest court of the Presbyterian church. The students of the theological seminary of Columbia, South Carolina, were protesting against an order issued by the faculty of that institution, compelling attendance upon Sunday services. Caldwell, as a member of the standing committee on theological seminaries, brought in a minority report together with Rev. L. H. Wilson. In the debate that followed, by his impassioned oratory and earnest pleadings in defense of the students, he won the distinction of being called "the Ajax of the Assembly." As a result two of the pro- fessors and some of the directors of the seminary resigned, while the students were vindicated in their stand for "liberty of conscience and right of private judgment", for it was decided that compulsory attend- ance was inexpedient if not unconstitutional. Caldwell said he preferred to preach to congregations in the country — that they were the more receptive and responsive. He dedicated many churches, among them Arcadia in 1872. George A. Caldwell. 311 He was sought all over East Tennessee as an evangelist and was a leading worker in the great revival in Knox- ville in 1874, when there were many hundreds of con- verions. He was liberal in his views with regard to other denomi- nations and was often accused by his own members as being "half Methodist." He served the church in Bristol actively for twenty- seven years — resigned in 1892, and was then chosen pastor emeritus, until his death four years later, making thirty-one years that he was connected with one church. He grew up with Bristol and was one of its best guides. He knew the citizens of all denominations; he spoke to them; he treated them as one family and his genial socia- ble nature made him not only the pastor of the Presby- terian church, but the pastor of the people. CHAPTER XXXII. BRISTOL. In the Sapling Grove tract there were, originally, nine- teen hundred and forty-six acres. It was surveyed and sold in 1749 to James Patten "in consideration of the ancient composition of 9£, 7s and 6d." It later became the property of John Buchanan, having been sold to him by William Campbell and William Preston, executors of James Patten, deceased. On February 11, 1773, Isaac Barker and Evan Shelby bought the tract tor "608£ current money of Virginia." Anthony Bledsoe, who had been living on the land, bought an adjoining piece, to which, on May 18, 1789, he added twelve hundred acres in three separate conveyances — one tract being located on the Island road. In the winter of 1809 James Shelby, the son of Isaac Shelby, visited Sapling Grove. His visit was for the pur- pose of seeing the home of his ancestors and making a trade. For some time James King had been in communi- cation with the Shelby heirs with a view to purchasing this section. James Shelby went from the home of King, with whom he had lodged, to visit friends and relatives in Abingdon, and while there wrote his father, urging him to dispose of the "distant property" — not to let the opportunity to sell go by. The Shelbys were anxious to sell and showed it, and James King was as anxious to buy, but assumed indifference, which made the young man more insistent that his father sell. The tract was finally sold to King for ten thousand dollars and thereafter was known as King's Meadows until it took the name of Bristol, nearly half a century later. The odor of fresh mortar and brick and building material impresses one that Bristol's history is now being Bristol. 313 made rather than has been made. But history begins where memory fails — twenty years makes history. When the news reached Blountville that a railroad was in contemplation, whose terminus would be King's Meadows, Joseph R. Anderson, with a business foresight that always went far ahead of his time, bought one hundred acres of land from his father-in-law, James King, and employed Henry Anderson, the county surveyor, to lay the tract off into lots and streets. This was in 1852. And that foresight reached still further when he viewed the ore-beds all about the place — he foresaw smoke rising from furnace stacks; he heard the rumbling of heavy trains carrying away the products of this section, and he called the new town Bristol, 1 after the manufacturing city of the same name in England. This tract of one hundred acres was bounded by a line following Beaver creek, from the railroad culvert to Main street; then running diagonally across the country to the railroad, about where King College now is; then along the railroad, back to the culvert. It also included a little plot lying east of the railroad, on both sides of Main street, embracing a portion of Second and Third streets. 1 While Bristol has undergone three changes in name, Bluff City not only takes first rank in the county but in the state for the number of names it has borne. It was first known as Shoate's Ford, named no doubt for Emanuel Shoate, whose name correctly spelled would perhaps he Cboate. At the beginning of the eighteenth century it took the name of Middletown and really became a town — the name was given because of its location between Abingdon and Jonesboro and between Blountville and Elizabethton. Lots were selling at a good price as early as 1805 — in that year one quarter-acre lot brought eighty-two dollars. Later the town took the name of Union — then at the beginning of the Civil War the citizens hurried from one extreme to honor the product of another, and called it Zollieoffer When the war was over the town resumed life as best it could under the name of Union. Then in 1S76 when prosperity began to filter through the clogged seive of past misfortunes it took the name of Bluff City. Kingsport holds next place for changes of name in the county. It began its career as the Island — then Big Island, Great Island and Long Island. Then when it became known as a good starting point for boatmen, a large number of boats were built there, and it took the name of Boatyard. When Gilbert Chris- tian purchased a large tract of land there and plotted it for a town it took the name of Christianville. When the lots were put on sale the first two purchasers were William King, of King's Iron-Works, and William King, of Abingdon, owner of the salt-works. These two men shipped such large quantities of the output of their forge and salt-wells that it was called Kings' Port. The fusion of