F 474 .S2 V9 1915 Copy 1 SAiNrLOim H^" &5«2»»^v M m -41 'eciict. and Virginia Ave., and walking 4 blocks west. CATHEDRAL (3F ST. LOUIS (Largest in America) (New)- LindeU and Newstead Aves. OUve-Maryland line CITY ART MUSEUM-Located in Forest Park. Reached via Market bt car to Tamm Ave., walking north through the park. Or by Ohve-University or Union lines to De BaU- viere Ave. and walking south through the Park. CITY HALL AND MUNICIPAL COURTS BUILDING— Be- tween 12th. 14th, Market and Clark. Reached via Market and Laclede lines. CITY H(DSPITAL— Lafayette Ave. to Carroll and 14th to CJrat- tan. Bellefontaine and Tower Grove lines. ^°^SEUM— Jefferson Ave. from Washington to Locust. Page ^°^h^c."?V»^^-^^"Y'!" .Broadway, Fourth, Market and lines Reached via Broadway and Market St. car CREVE COEUR LAKE-12 miles west of city. Take OUve- S"oifve.D:,rar Une"''" '" ^''^' ^°^"^ ^^"^^ ^"' ^* -<» "^"IJs^^R^^h^d Va'^r-St^lL^' ^'''''' ^^-'^ -<^ ^--^ ^^^TOWE^'r "r^^ reservoir. PARK AND WATER Ave R.^^^^h"^"",? ""f • Louisiana, Lafayette and Russell Ave. Keached via Grand and Fourth lines Obve-Delmar line to end. (Amusement Park ) EADS BRIDGE— Approach at Third and Washington. Reached via Page, Park, Compton, Broadway and Fourth St Unes FAIRGROUND SWIMMING POOL (Largest Open Air swim- Gr^f /Tff"" world)--Grand and Natural BrwJ^^ Roa^ Grand, Jefferson, Vandeventer and Natural Bridge Unes ^^^o?k^,^„''/7'!JI^^VI?, "°=-^ ^"^ Engine Companies; 16 Hook and Ladder; 2 Water Towers, and 3 Salvage Corps m different parts of city. (Most efficient in America ) FOREST PARK (1381 Acres)-Between Kingshighway Blvd •'°m'""u^°?''' PI^^,^ ^^'- ^"<1 Linden Blvd. Reached ^^arket, Laclede, Olive (Maryland) or Olive (University) ^°^aJI^Be?5iS5 S'J.""M1.^k^t^i^e!""^^--* Park)-Sublette ^'^^i^rf pTr^ ^H^T^. ^'° Acres)-Between Mississippi, Mis- souri. Park and Lafayette Aves. Reached via Tower Grove. Park, Compton and Fourth St. lines. "rove, JEFFERSON BARRACKS-Situated on the west bank of the Mississippi River and S miles south of the city Reached via Broadway line or the Iron Mountain railway '''^*='''*' ft"B I9;9I5 JEFFERSON MEMORIAL-Situated in Forest Park near Lmdell Blvd. Reached via Olive (Universit^) line '^^^dlly^lSfd^lT^^"^''^^^ ^"^^ '^''^^- ^-»»'^ via ^'^bi'.!!!^^, "IGHLANDS-16 miles southwest of city on chesterlin^."""" "' (^^''""e -"1 Bathing.) ^an MERAMEC RIVER-Manchester Hne to end, or Frisco and Missouri Pacific local trains to Valley Part MERCANTILE LIBRARY-Southwest Cor. Broadway and ird H^ol^am?nTl1nL^.°" ^°'="^* ^^ ^"^^''^ ^^ «-'«^-' "^^Swafunf^^^^^^ ^-* ^' ^^-y ^*- beached via '*^nS"st,''''l' EXCHANGE-Between Third, Pine and Chest- nut Sts. Reached via Broadway line, walking 2 blocks east Chesmrst' °' "^"""^ '" ""^' ''^^•^■"^ ^ "--^ "« "n MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY-Situated in the Tef ferson Memorial Bldg. •' ^ MUNICIPAL FREE BRIDGE-Broadway and Chouteau Reached via Broadway, Fourth, Seventh anT Cass toef ^''^in^^^Ji^v^^i'^' Acres)_Between Broadway. Floris- aftn2?;.t'ifni^""^ ^^^- ^^^^^^'^ ^- ^-^^-y -<^ ''°^Onn^fr^n^-^^tr^-^^°^'*''« '«^g«t Mail Work shop.) Opposite Union StaUon at 18th and Clark. "aop./ PUBLIC LIBRARY (Central)-Between Olive. Locust. I3th and 14th Sts. Reached via OUve and Hodiamont^es ^^ wo^H y ^R^^"'^^^F BLDG.-(Largest office buUding in world.) Between 6th and 7th, Olive and Locust Ste RESIDENCE DISTRICT (Most Beautiful in America)-Lo- cated m western part of city. ^ SHAW'S GARDEN (SO Acres)-(Largest Botanical Garden in n?H t? B«ween Tower (Jrove, Kingshighway, Magnolia Old Manchester Road and Shaw Ave. Reached via Vande venter and Chouteau lines. ^^- T ?"c! 1^9^^ YARDS-(Located in East St Louis.) Take Stock Yards car at Eads Bridge. ST. LOUIS UNIVERSITY-Grand and West* Pine Blvd Reached via Grand and Olive lines. SUNSET INN-(The show place of natural scenery.) Gravois Koad, near Kennerly, in St. Louis County. Reached via automobile only. TOWER GROVE PARK (267 Acres)-Between Grand, Kings- highway, Arsenal and Magnolia. Reached via Grand and Tower Grove lines. UNION STATION— Between 18th and 20th on Market St (One of largest in world.) WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY-Located directly west of the northwest end of Forest Park. (Reached via Olive (Univer- sity) line. WATER TOWERS— Old Water Tower, located at 2021 Easi Grand Ave. Reached via Grand and Bellefontaine lines New Water Tower— Blair Ave. and Bissel St. Reached via Bellefontaine line to 20th and Bissel Sts. and walk 2 blocks east. WATER WORKS (New)— Located in extreme northern por- tion of the city on the river front. Reached via Broadway line to northern terminus. Walk 3 blocks east to Muoiiti^ P'l Railway, which I'adc direct. Historical Saint Louis By Miss Idress Head 'J = • HISTORICAL DATA. : Saint Louis was founded in the spring of 1764, by Pierre L>acledo LIguest, a Frenchman, ^ to whom and his associates the Spanish Gov- . ernment had given a monnpolv of the trade with the Indians, and his stepson. AuKuste Chou- ' teau. He chose this point because of its ad vantag.ous position— naming it Saint L,ouls In honor of Ixjuis XV. of I'rance, and his patron saint. Luclede landed at the foot of what is now Walnut t^lreet. For many years Saint I>ouis was called "Pain court." a nickname applied to it in derision, because of the scarcity of bread, due to the disinclination to farming among the French. In 1804 when Louisiana was ceded to the United States, there were only two American families In the town. There were onlv three streets at this time. La Rue Rovale (Main), La Rue de TEgllsc rChurch Street), now Second, and La Rue des Grannes (Barn Street), now Tliird, and most of the 18if houses comprising the town were built along the lirst two. Saint Louis was incorporated as a town in No- vember. 1809, with a population of about 1,800, and as a city in December, 1S2J. with a popula- tion of 4.800. and covering an area of 3S3 acres. Now it embraces 40.000 acres, with a frontage on ihe Mississippi River of 20 miles, and a pop- ulation of over 750,000. For many years after the cession, the nearest post-office was Cahokia. III., where the mall arrived once a month, but In 1808. a post-office was established at Saint Louis, with Rufus Eas- ton as postmaster. The first record of unusually high water at Saint Louis was in 1766. the next 1785— called "L'Annee des Grand Eaux" (the vear of great waters)— equalled only by that of 1844. 1851, 1858, and possibly 1903, the last being In 1908. The first steamboat, "The General Pike," ar- rived In Saint I^ouis in 1817, and" landed near the foot of Market Street, commanded by Cap- tain Jacob Reed. The first paving with stone on edge was done by William Deckers in 1S18, on Market between Main and the leveo. OLD SHOT TOWER. In 1S44. Ferdinand Kennett began the erection of a shot tower on Elm. between Main and Sec- ond Streets. At an elevation of 170 feet it fell, destroying several buildings. The material was then collected and a new site selected on Lewis, between Bates and Smith Streets, and the tower completed in 1847 at a height of 176 feet. For many years this was a most profitabla business, but later was entirelv abandoned. OLD COURT HOUSE. Built in lS3;i on Clusinul and Market, be- tween Fourth and Fifth Streets. The site was presented by Judge J. B. C. Lucas and Colonel Augusto Chouteau. The building is in the form of a Greek cross and of Doric order of architec- ture. From the summit of its imposing dome a magnKiient view of the busy section of the city Is ol)tained. The stranger is well repaid for the necessary labor of climbing the long wind- ing stairway, by this bird's-eye view. The mag- nificent frescoes In lunette of the dome were by Carl Wimar In 1862, a Saint Louis artist of note, and restorfd In 1004 by Edmund H WuerpuL CITY HALL. Located on U'a.shington Square, the City Hall Park, between Tw.-lfth. Thirteenth. Market and Clark Avenue. Competitive designs were sub- mitted for this building in 1892 by many ar- Thls building is also made historic by the slave sales that took place on Its steps durlnK the Civil War. And, too. on this site was located the whip- plng poai of Saint IjouIs in early times. chltccts, and the award made to George R. Mann, of St. Joseph. Missouri. Several years ytere spent In completing it. The exterior re- sembles in mass French Hotels de Viile, with pinnacles, dormers, etc.. executed with very mixed details. The silhouette, however, is quite Imposing. The interior, finished by A. B. Groves, have the walls of the Mayor's suite and other important rooms decorated by a St. Louis painter, F. L. Stoddard. In the Mayor's suite are mural decorations significant of the early history of St. I_,ouis and Missouri. In the great central court of the liuilding he has painted a series portraying Indian subjects Directly west of the City Hall la located the new Municipal Courts Building, acknowledged as being the foremost for its purposes In the country. THE BIG MOUND. At one time this mound at the northeast cor- ner of Mound and Broadway was one of the most striking and remarkable features of the landscape of Saint I.,ouls, and of the most remarkable archaeological remains in America, and with other surrounding smaller mounds, gave the town the title of "Mound City." This mound was about 30 feet in height and 150 feet In length. It was cut down in 1SC9 and many fiuman remains were found at different depths below the surface. The French called it "La Grange de Terre" (earth barn), and a number of thim had homes built on it. It covering that time several blocks. An attempt was made at one time to use It as a public garden, with a pavilion on the elevated ground In the center, but because of the refusal of one man to do his part, the scheme fell through, and one of the city's most Interesting monuments was de- stroyed. MEMORIAL TABLETS. One of the mcniorable Incidents in St. Louis history was the visit of the great Indian chief of the Ottawas, Pontiac. In 1769, He came t( visit his friend, St. Anse de Brllerlve. then gov nor, and was received with great honor. Dur I,- his stay he went to Cahokia and was there iirdered by an Indian, whom an Englishman .il.cd to kill him. His body was brought to Saint Louis and burled here, but In after years the location of his grave was unknown. In 1900 the St. Louis chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution erected a handsome memorial tablet to his memory In the great hallway of the Southern Hotel, at Fourth and Walnut Streets, near the location of his grave. In Septpmb< r, 1906. the one luindredlh anni- versary of the return of the Lewis and Clark expedition up tlie Missouri through the Wist, Ihe first, and in many respects, the great,ocusts Streets, and fronting on Olive, a sunken garden being one of the attractive features. It Is construct- the ed of gray granite — Cass Gilbert, of New Tcl architect. The style of architecture is of t early period of Italian Renaissance, a type of architecture which Is peculiarly simple In Its form, and reUes upon its proportions and upon the refinement of Its detail for its beauty. The building consists of a basement, main story and an upper story. The design of the main story is that of a great simple arcade which Is carried consistently around the three principal fronts of the building. Inscription tablets are located in the lower third of these arches where- on the names of those most eminent in literature can be placed. The main entrance Is in the center of the Olive Street front, and consists of three large arches with bronze gates. This en- trance Is reached by a verj- broad flight of granite steps and is adorned by sculpture. In- side of this main entrance is a vaulted hallway leading to the delivery room, while at the right and left of this hallway are located the periodi- cal room and the art history room. The deliv- ery room is the great feature of the Interior of the building. It is about fifty feet wide, about one hundred and nineteen feet long and thirty-six feet high. There are other branch libraries located In various parts of the city, such as the Barr Branch, Cabanne Branch. Carondelet Branch, Crunden Branch. DIvoll Branch, Soulard Branch and the Municipal Reference Branch. THE MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. This building, costing $2,000,000. Is one of the handsomest for this purpose in the world, front- ing 23.1 feft on Third Street ami 1S7 feet on Pine and Chestnut streets. It is built In modern Italian style, of Warrensburg (Missouri) lime- stone, Doric portico, emblematic figures sculp- tured in relief — the grand doorways and grand stairway of American walnut, with decorations of several varieties of hard woods, give the Interior an appearance of magnificence and architectural beauty. Occupying the full length of the building above the first floor is Exchange Hall, one hundred feet wide, two hundred and twenty-six in length, and seventy-nine feet high. The ceiling Is frescoed and adorned with panels, within which are graceful figures sym- bolical of the nations of the world. A gal- ery supported by rich brackets encircles the Great Hall, to which visitors are admitted. McDowell college. Afterwards called ■■The Old Gratiot Street Prison," located on Ei.i?hth and Gratiot Streets, was built by Dr. J. N. McDowell, for the ac- commodiation of the faculty and students of the Missouri Medical College. It was seized during the Civil War by the military authori- ties and converted into a prison for political offenders and military prisoners, and from 1862 to 1S65 many thousand men and women were' imprisoned within its walls, not only confederate prisoners, but guerrillas, bushwhackers, bridge burners, rebel mail curriers, spies, federal de- serters, robbers, murderers and criminals of every kind, as well as men of high official po- sition, including senators, legislators and army officers. (Destroyed.) STOCKADE AND FORT. In 177!l. during the Revolution, because of a report that the commandant at Mackinac was planning an attack on Saint Louis, a stockade was built to defend the town, made of upright posts set in two rows and filled In with earth. This defense completely surrounded the town, although extending only to Fourth Street, which was then woods. It had three openings for egress, to the ■■commons" and ■'Common Field. ■' and at either extremity was a fort commanded by cannon. In the following year. 17S0. occurred the attack by the British and Indians, known as l.^.\niiee du Grand Coup (year of the great blow). This attack led to the erection of new for- tifications. Beginning at Second Street, was a stone tower, and westwardly of it where Broad- way and Cherry Street intersect, a stone "Bas- tion." between which was another stone fort; to these were added a half-dozen square or cir- HISTORICAL ST. LOUIS— Continued. ^RTlar stone fortresses 40 feet in diameter and -0 feet high, connected with a high and stout stockade of cedar posts. These were kept sup- plied with ammunitions of war and well manned. One of them, the Old Tower, the Spanish tort, and the oldest fortllicatioii in the place, at about Walnut and Fourth Streets, afterwards served as court house and Jail. (Destroyed.) COLISEUM. The corner-stone of the new Coliseum, at Washington and Jefferson Avenues, was laid August J-'. moS, by Mr. August Sclilafly, presi- dent of the Saint Louis Coliseum Company. This building, costing $;iOO.OoO, has a seating capacity of fourteen thousand, and can readily care for twenty thousand if necessary. It is two hundred and eight by two hundred and ninety-ono feet, and three stories in height, with fifty thousand square feet of lloor space in the arena, and an additional ten thousand square feet In the basement. It is built of mottled granite brick, with terra cotta and stone trim- mings — Renaissance in design. The Interior gal- leries and balconies are constructed of rein- forced concrete, possibly the first interior work of the kind in the country, making the build- ing entirely fireproof, except the roof, whicli is lined with wood for the acoustic properties. The interior decoration consists principally of deco- rative lights, to which especial attention was given. The main entrance is on Washington Avenue, and two others on Jefferson Avenue. The approaches and steps are of granite, the main entrance being treated in terra cottii, the ornamentations in rather elaborate design, opening into a lobby walled with Itaii.an mar- ble, and decorated with ornamental pl.ister — the floor also of Imported marbles. From this lobby, on either side, broad stairways lead to the up- per balconies. These balconies are equipped with folding opera chairs of five-ply mahogany with steel frames set In concrete. All the ex- posed surfaces of the interior are of face brick, mortar Joints pointed. The arena has a sec- tional removable ilnor of hard maple. The Coliseum is centrally located, and is de- signed for such gatherings as horse shows, trade exhibits, agricultural expositions, indoor cir- cuses, balls, carnivals and musical and dramatic entertainments upon the larger scales. The site is historic, covering the famous Uh- rig's caves. These caves, thirty-five feet be- low the surface, in solid rock, were used by Mr. Uhrig for the storage of beer, hence the name. Afterwards, on this spot, the first sum- mer garden of modern type w.is established in Saint Louis, in the sixties, by Chris Nunce. a German, and the name Uhrig's Cave was still retained. The place was conducted upon popu- lar lines, and soon became a popular resort. A stage was erected and concerts given twice a week. In 1S7G "Pat Short." the veteran man- ager of the Olympic Theater, took charge of Vhrig's Cave, and was the first to introduce high-class concerts and opera to an open air audience In Saint Louis. Possibly few know that Saint lyouis is the original home of the summer gardens in America. The first open- air resort, opened by private enterprise, was the Vauxhall gardens, on the west side of Fourth Street, between Plum and Poplar Streets, and surrounded one of the oldest brick residences in the city, owned by Thomas C. Biddlck. As early as 1S23 this was a great place of public resort, belnjr tised on the Fourth of July and other similar occasions. It Is thought these natural caves under the Coliseum may be utilized as a rathskeller. If proper ventilation can be provided for. A summer garden was opened this season in the Coliseum— thus reviving the first use of this spot for that purpose. UNION STATION, The largest In the world, covers 11 acres, ex- tending from Kighteenth to Twentieth Streets, fronting on Market and extending back to Clark. All trains into and out of Saint Louis arrive and depart at Union Station. The grand central hall has a floor area of S.SflO square feet, the Midway is 60G feet by 50 feet, the train shed 630 feet by 60fi feet. The power house covers an area of twenty acres. The building is Romanesque, by Theo. C L>ink. the decorations b.v l.ouls V. Millet. The new Post-Office is built near Union Sta- tion, at Seventeenth and Eighteenth and Wal- nut to Elm. covering three-fourths of a block. One million four hundred and twenty-five thou- .sand dollars were appropriated for this purpose. It is acknowledced n.s beins; the foremost and best equipped post-office in the United Stales. UNIVERSITIES. Saint Louis University, founded In 1823, makes it the oldest university in the city. In 1829 It was located on the west side of Ninth Street, between Washington and Lucas Avenue, but about 1S87. with St. Francis Xavier's Church, was changed to Grand Avenue. The Saint Louis University, with its parochial resi- dence, bouse of studies for its sclioiastics, and the henutiful church of St. Francis Xavier (the college church), one of the finest examples of Gothic arrhilecture In America, form a group of buildings rarely equalled In any city of any country. Washington University, standing on an impos- ing elevation west of Forest Park, consisting of Pleven buildings, constructed of the best red Missouri granite, in Collegiate Tudor Gothic style (Cape & .'^tewardson. architects), cover- ing lin acres, Rnedeker has well said. "Cer- t.'ilnly the most successful and appropriate group of collegiate buildings In the New World." SCENIC POINTS NEAR ST. LOUIS. Crcve Ciieur Lake. al)o\it l.Tj miles from Pel- mar Garden, was formerly the bed of the Mis- souri River. This magnificent lake, sever. I miles In length, lies at the foot of a high elu of surpassing artistic beauty. Through pi - turesque woodlands. Interspersed witti rustic seats and bridges, a scenic railway winds .arounJ the top of this cliff, and Into the ravines, glviii- one an entrancing view. Boat riding Is alh. provided for, where one may spend a dellghti'iil evening. Meramec T-TlKhlnnds. about 20 miles from the city, attracts many who wish to get away from the noise and rloseni'ss of the city, and spi'nd an enjoyable ovenini,' In the country air Here one may dine at the Meramec Highlands Inn, and later enjoy the famed scenery along the Mer.amec River. Jefferson Rarrarks. named In honor of Thom- as Jefferson, whose death occurred Just previous to the first occupation of the site by General Stephen W. Kearney, to whom belongs the honor of being the first immediate commander of troops, occupying this military post ndfer Saint Louis in 1.S26, is located about ten miles below Saint Louis on the Iron Mountain Railroad. A tablet will soon be placed here as a monument to the Revolutionary soldiers burled in Missouri. This monument Is In memory of Miss Louisa Daiton ^vho located these graves. CHURCHES, The Old Cathedral (Catholic) is one of the historic structures of the city, and a monument to the pioneer Catholic settlers. It is on Walnut and Second Streets, and murks the spot where was built the first church uf logs in SuInt Louis. Father Gibault celebrated the first mass. Through Bishop Rosatl, who was a classmate of (Jregory XVI.. this church obtained favors which no other church has In the world, except the Basilicas in Rome. One of the most note- worthy favors granted by the Pope was an indulgence which is only granted to pilgrims visiting the seven Roman Basilicas. By special induit this indulgence may be gained by visit- ing the three altars in the Saint Louis Cathe- dral, though no other cathedral or church is so privileged. Clirisis Church Cathedral (Episcopal) at the corner of Thirteenth and Locust, claims a cer- tain interest as the mother church and cathe- dral of the Diocese of Missouri, and is the first parish of the Protestant Hpiscopal Church founded west of the Mississippi. Tlie old ar- ticles of association, yellow with age, still hang in the Chapter room, .^mong the signers of this paper was Governor Clark, explorer of the great W.St: Riddick. member of the Territorial Council: Governor McNair, and William H. Ash- ley. Lieutenant-tJovernor of Missouri; Thomas Benton, and other prominent men. In this church, one of the finest parish churches of tlie continent, are a number of memorial win- dows, among them one to George Rogers Clark. The great organ Is a memorial to Silas Bent, rector In 1S63, and whose father signed the first town charter. Rock Church (St. Alphonsus) on Grand Ave- nue, is another of the church buildings of nota in the city. A group of buildings on Kingshlghway, in- cluding several churches, are well worth visit- ing. .\mong these, the Second Baptist Church, of brick, and First Church of Christ (Scientict), are b.v Mauran. Russell & Garden; St. John's (M. E. Church S. ), developed in classic sim- plicity neither pure Greek nor pure Roman, but belonging to the Italian Renaissance of the fif- teenth century, a style used by some of the fin- est churches in the world. Is ideal. The ornamentation chosen for the columns In the great northern and eastern facades are of the chaste Ionic type. The corner-stone was laid in liioi. Temple Israel, a magnificent build- ing of stone, has recently been completed. The Tu.scan Lodge (Masonic), by Albert Groves, representing Greek Doric style, and the Racquet Club, are also in this group of artistic buildings. On Union, near Delmar. is another group — the Pilgrim Congregational Church, New High .'irhool. and William Clark School. Ubrar>' and Artistic Guild. Near here, on Delmar and Clara, the Central Presbyterian Church, by Mariner & LeReaume. Two memorial windows of great artistic beauty have recently been unveiled in this church In memory of the late A. P. Shap- lelgh and wife. Each window has .almost a doz- en figures. They are In the mosaic style, each window containing fully 7.000 pieces. POINTS OF INTEREST It is impossible to give all of the many points of interest in and around St. Louis, but the following are a few of the important ones. Any police officer or hotel clerk will tell you how to reach them, or ask at Bureau of Information at Union Station. Coliseum. Courthouse. Forest Park. Eads Bridge. Stock Yards. Union Station. Union Market. Custom House. Moolah Temple. Municipal Bridge. Mississippi River. Merchants Bridge. St. Xavier's Church. City Hall and Park. St. Louis University. Kingshighway Viaduct. Washington University. Central Public Library. Horse and Mule Market. McKinley Electric Bridge. Municipal Courts Building. Mounds of Mound Builders. Railway Exchange Building. Art Museum in Forest Park. Clubs on Lindell Boulevard. Postoffice (Country's Model). Central Y. W. C. A., on Locust Grain Pit of Merchants Exchange. Brown Shoe Co. (The White House). Old Cathedral, at Second and Walnut. Jefferson Memorial and Public Museum. America's Greatest Cathedral, on Lindell. Groups of Churches on Union Boulevard. Theater District, Grand Ave. and Olive St. Groups of Hospitals on Delmar Boulevard. Meramec Highlands, reached by Trolley Line. World's Greatest Fur Market, on Second St. Manual Training School, on Union Boulevard. Famous Residence Places Around Forest Park. America's Leading Wool Market, on Second St. Headquarters Roberts, Johnson & Rand Shoe Co. Magnificent Protestant Churches on Kingshighway. Immense Hotels and Apartments on Kingshighway. World's Model School Buildings, on Union Boulevard. Theater Districts on Kingshighway and on Hamilton. Groups of Hospitals on the East Side of Forest Park. Vandervoort's, Grand-Leader, Famous-Barr, Nugents' Schaper's Department Stores. and Sunset Inn. O'Fallon Park. Meramec River. Delmar Garden. Lemp's Brewery. Creve Coeur Lake. Jefferson Barracks. Tower Grove Park. Zoo in Forest Park. Chain of Rocks Park. Forest Park Highlands. Anheuser-Busch Brewery. Armories on Grand Avenue. Municipal Waterworks Plant. Theater Districts in Wellston. Campus of St. Louis University. Fire Alarm Service in City Hall. Aviation Field, at Kinloch Park. Montesano Mineral Springs Park. Produce Market on Third Street. O'Fallon Park, in North St. Louis. Shaw's Garden, Finest in America. Reservoir Park, on Grand Avenue. Stadium of Washington University. Railroad Yards in Mill Creek Valley. Carondelet Park, in South St. Louis. Model Factory Districts in Wellston. City Hospital, on Lafayette Avenue. Central Y. M. C. A., on Grand Avenue. Ranken Trade School, on Cook Avenue. City Workhouse, 4200 South Broadway. City Insane Asylum, on Arsenal Street. Campus of Christian Brothers College. Public Swimming Pool in Fairgrounds Park. Fire Brick and Clay Factories in Cheltenham. Christ Church Cathedral, one of the oldest in city. Cricket, Tennis and Golf Grounds in Forest Park. Cupples' Commercial Station, at Seventh and Spruce. United States Powder Depot, near Jefferson Barracks. Missouri River at St. Charles, reached by Trolley Line. United States Marine Hospital, at 3700 South Broadway. Country Clubs and Residence Places in St. Louis County. Baseball Parks of American, National and Federal Leagues. Huge Bird Cage in Forest Park, and thousands of other inter- esting places and buildings. Transforming Station, Hydro-Electric Power Transmission Line, from Keokuk Bam, Sixty-fifth and Page. St. Louis' Basic Rock Is St. Louis' Business Written by Roy B. Simpson. St. Louis is Superior As a Convention City By Justin A. Runyan, Secty.-Mgr. St. Louis Conventions Bureau. Nearly every city has something about which to boast Some boast about their beautiful parks. Others set them- selves up as ideal home cities. Others talk of their institutions of learning, their points of historical interest, their manufac- tures. St. Louis has all these things in abundance — parks, drives, and boulevards as beautiful as any other city in America. We can point with pride to our 140 great educational institu- tutions, including our wonderful public school system. We can claim, in all truth and sincerity, that St. Louis leads the world in many different lines of manufacture and that sh« is the greatest distributing point for many other lines. We like to talk about these things. We ought to talk about them in our homes, schools, churches, on the street, on the railway trains, and elsewhere. It is the best way for the true St. Louis spirit to express itself. But the biggest thing in St. Louis — the rock on which this city is founded— IS ST. LOUIS BUSINESS. St. Louis business methods are different from those of any other large city. Nowhere on earth has the true spirit of democracy been developed and applied to business as it has in our great manufacturing and wholesale establishments. An example is Washington Avenue, the greatest wholesale street in the world. The big houses of this thoroughfare are visited several times a year by tens of thousands of retail mer- chants from all parts of the United States. Whether the merchant's purchases amount to $100 of $10,000, he feels a part ownership in the concern that enjoys his patronage. There are few private offices on Washington Avenue, no lackeys in uniform to receive your card and make you wait. You are received and served by men who are real human beings, and if they happen to be millionaires you would never know it. With this great army of retail merchants come the wives and daughters to St. Louis to do their shopping in our big depcirt- ment stores where this same spirit of commercial democracy prevails. The buyer for a retail store who visits St. Louis for the first time is amazed and delighted at his treatment. He meets enthusiastic men. They give him a square deal. The visitor then understands why St. Louis business has been the biggest factor in building this city. He knows the reason why St. Louis wins and holds the trade of merchants everywhere. Our parks, our wonderful system of education, our public buildings and beautiful homes are all very necessary adjuncts to a great city, yet they are but the fruits of business. St. Louis is a solid, substantial city. It has fewer failures in proportion to the number of institutions than any other large city. This is a big thing to say — it is something worth talk- ing about. St. Louis is a great market place as well as an ideal place in which to live. To our Friends and Delegates who attend Conventions: The Conventions Bureau of St. Louis cordially invites you to hold your next convention in St. Louis — St. Louis, the Cen- tral Convention City, "Where Men Do Things" and Hospital- ity is our slogan. This word brings to you a hint of Southern Hospitality — simply a foretaste of the cordiality with which you will be re- ceived if you decide to hold your next convention in St. Louis. Because of geographical location and because railroads center here, St. Louis Conventions produce the maximum attendance with the minimum average cost to delegates. This means successful meetings. Almost all trains run to St. Louis, and no trains run through St. Louis. When ready to leave St Louis your train is always there — no waiting. Fifty million persons can leave home in the evening and land in St. Louis the next morning. If you will look at the map you will see that St. Louis is between the center of popu- lation and the geographical center of the United States. St. Louis has twenty-four trunk line railroads radiating in every direction. Anyone located on a trunk line can reach St. Louis without changing cars or change of trains. RECEPTION AND HOSPITALITY. I St. Louis entertained the greatest exposition the world has ever seen — the World's Fair in 1904. May 27th, to June 1, 1914, inclusive will remain memorable days in the history of St. Louis, for dtiring these days "The Pageant and Masque," the greatly conceived and most gor- geous Panorama Exposition, was given in Forest Park under the sunshine and the rain, with the moon and her sister twink- ling stars vying with the arts of man and electricity in mak- ing it one of the most magnificent spectacles ever produced. This is simply a sample of what St. Louis is in position to do. We can accomodate conventions large in number, or small in number, and the smaller ones are just as welcome and will be given the same attention as the larger. The St. Louis Conven- tions Bureau is for the purpose of arranging for the comfort of our visitors, and every energy is extended to the end that those who visit St. Louis will carry away with them pleasant recollections of the hospitality we have accorded them. HOTEL RATES NEVER RAISED. St. Louis can provide adequate headquarters to accommo- date 10,000 as easily as gatherings with a smaller number of delegates. The new fire-proof Coliseum will seat 10,000 persons com- fortably and with standing room can accommodate 15,000. It is a magnificent building of concrete, steel and glass construc- tion and has remarkable acoustic properties for large assem- blages. It is located conveniently to hotels and Union Station. The First Regiment Armory and the Odeon both offer excel- lent accommodations for conventions of several thousand dele- gates, and are within short rides of the downtown district. The auditoriums of theatres are also available and hotels have assembly rooms which can accommodate from 50 to 2,000 dele- gates. Besides, there are a large number of smaller audi- •riums, conveniently located, which can be used if the occasion mands. St. Louis hotels never raise their rates, which are governed by location and serwe rendered. St. Louis hotels have facili- ties to accommodate comfortably and at reasonable rates over 100,000 people. "Places to Eat" range from magnificent hotel cafes and restaurants de luxe to modest dairy lunch rooms, which offer a variety of cuisine equal to that to be found in any city. One may obtain the daintiest viands and the rarest wines and perfect service at moderate prices. TO SUM UP. St. Louis the Fourth City, a Beautiful City, a Cordial City, an Instructive City, an Important City, one you ought to see and know, and we will be glad to "Show You." The Keys of the City are yours. Shopping in St. Louis; A Great Retail Center By K. F. Niemoeller, Mgr. Associated Retailers. St Louis, the "Fourth City," is unrivaled in the size of its retail section and the opportunities it affords for purchasing at retail. St. Louis maintains five great department stores, one of which is housed in the largest building devoted to store pur- poses in the world. It has fifteen specialty stores devoted exclusively to women's ready-to-wear. It has twelve devoted exclusively to men's clothing and fur- nishings and many other specialty furnishing goods stores. It has twenty large furniture stores and piano houses. It has five great jewelry stores, one of which particularly has a world-wide reputation. It has more than a score of specialty shoe houses for both men and women. It has many "Shops,"— millinery, corset, glove, etc.,— de- voted exclusively to the sale of the finest goods, many of which are world-noted trademarked lines. It has three large markets for the distribution of food- stuffs and three great chains of grocery and market stores covering the entire city in advantageous locations. It is not a "one street" city in its retail activities, but boasts four great main thoroughfares— with connecting streets, its entire reUil section proper embraces the vast area of eighty city blocks. A great number of these many stores maintain offices in the eastern manufacturing and importing centers and some even have offices in foreign countries. Merchandise is as- sembled from every part of the world. Not alone the City of St. Louis benefits by these many stores and their aggressive methods. The citizens of bordering states and especially those to the south even to Oklahoma, Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee and Kentucky look upon St'. Louis as their natural buying center, thousands yearly making trips solely to shop in St. Louis. St. Louis Public Schools: Wherein They Excel By Ben S. Blewett, Supt. of Instruction. The St. Louis Public Schools are organized and conducted upon the principle that every citizen is entitled to that kind of training which will make his life most useful to the community and happiest to himself. Upon this basis it has been neces- sary to establish many kinds of schools and courses of instruc- tion so that every person, whether youth or adult, may secure those ooportunities which he desires and should have. Kindergartens are maintained in all elementary schools, and children are admitted to them at five years of age. The course of eight grades above the kindergarten aims pri- marily to give all boys and giris of the city the most essential trammg for lives as useful citizens which can be imparted before their fourteenth year. The chief emphasis of all of the activities of the grade schools is placed on the inculcaUon of right habits, the development of moral character, and the implanting of high ideals. The High Schools of the city offer a wide selection of courses to suit the needs of many classes of students. Young men and young women may secure full preparation for college and profession schools or they may secure training for in- dustrial pursuits or other vocations. For those who cannot afford a four years' course, one and two year courses are offered in shop and commercial work. For young people who must work during the day but who are ambitious for further training, nineteen Evening Schools were conducted during the current year; four of these were High Schools for white students, two were schools for colored students (one of them offering high school courses), and the other were schools of grammar grades. The total cost of these Evening Schools for the year was over §80,000.00. In the training of her teachers, St. Louis occupies a posirion unexcelled in this country. Since 1904 the Harris Teachers' CoUege has been maintained to provide efficient teachers for the white grade schools, and the results in improved teaching fully justify the expense of the institution. The Board of Education has invested in grounds and build- mgs over sixteen and a half million dollars. The expenditures for the current year wUl run over four and a quarter million dollars, two and a half millions of which will have been expended for the salaries of teachers. The average cost for mstructing each pupil in the grades for the previous year was $38.49 and in the high schools $103.42. To carry on this large work of the schools required the services of 2,200 teachers during the day, about 250 in the evening, and for the summer session over 400 teachers. The enrollment in the day schools for the current year wiU doubt- less be very nearly 100,000 by the end of the term, while tV.ere were 18,242 students enrolled in the Evening Schools during the term just closed, and in the summer session there were 12,940 pupils. The proper care of the health of the school children has, for some years, been recognized by the Board of Education as one of its proper duties. In addition to looking after the health of pupils and the the hygiene and sanitation of the school room conditions, this department endeavors, through the advice of the inspectors and personal visits of the nurses, to get parents to provide needed medical attention for their children. F»OSX Rales oi Postage, Classilicalion, Insurance and C.O.D. Features, Wrapping, Etc. MISSOVRI. \flftoi, \nKlii Bunlll »<•« apply Clayton ouN, Mi*., C'reve foe "ulH. HI., ,,e„«„„ followlne FerKiixon l-lnrlNNnnt JotTerNO Kin h Klrkonnd MachonH Maple^vood >«rnianily Old Ori-hni Olivrtte Orrhnrdfar rinnd lll<- lliirrackn ratKi IMne Portn Galley I'nrk ViKUN WfllNton W«-Ht VUon ILLINOIS. Alton nrthnlto CnNcyvlllr. (fntcrvllU- .^tntloD Chautauqua I>upo ICaMt MIoii KaNt Carimdrlet Kdfceniont KlHBb I''edrrnl Oodfrey riraflon firanitr City Lovejoy tfndUitn Mllch<-ll Sloro Nami-okl National Stock \t Poait StalllnicM I'pper Alton Venice Wanila Wood river RATES OF F08T.AUE: (R) Parcels wciElilnc 4 ounces or less, except books, seeds, plant8,ctc.. 1 cent for encli o,inc< (b) Parcels weliihinir R ounces or less contaUilns books, seeds, cuttlnBS, bulbs, roots, scion • friiclion thereof, any distance. nd plants, 1 cent for each 2 ounces or fraction thereof, resardless of distance, (c) Parcels welRhini; more than 8 ounces containing books, seeds, plants, etc.. parcels of miscellaneous printed matter welKhlng more than 4 pounds, and all other parcels of fourth-class matter weighing more than 4 ounces are chargeable, according to distance or zone at tbe pound rates shown In the following table, a fraction of pound being considered a full pound. WelKlit ii poDndii. Ist ITp to 50 miles. The St Louis Zones are indicated on map shown on opposite page. -:- -:- 4th 300 to SOO miles. eth 1.000 to l.Wfl miles. 7th 1.400 to l.SOO miles. .44 .no .57 .6.1 .71 .81 .56 .7.1 .91 :lcrcbaniK 'iVuat — Grand and Gra- Hnnk — Boatmen's Bank BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES American Trnat Co. — Broadway and Locust. linden llnnk — K200 N. Broadway. ilnnkcra' 'i'rual -Cor Broadway and Olive. llonfmcn'a llnnk — Broadway and Olive llrcmen llnnk -:1600 N. Broadway. llrond»n.\ SiivlnKa Truat — 2000 N. Broadway. Ilrondtiny llnnk — 1701 ,«;. Broadway. Cnaa \veiiiic llnnk — Pifteinth nnd Cass. Onfrnl NnllonnI llnnk— 3ii5 N. Seventh. I'hlpiM'ivn llnnk— 3Sol S. Broadway. <'h<>ntrau Truat Co — 1000 Chouteau Av. City Truat Co.— 1132 Washington. I'nmmonwealth Truat — Now American Trust Fed<-rnl Itcaerve Building. Ftslcrul TruMt Co— Title Guarant.-e Building. I'>anklln llnnk— Cor. 4th and .Morgan. flrnvola Bnuk — Seibert and Gravois Av. Germun-.Vmerlcnn Bnnk — 4th and Franklin. German Suvlnga Inatilutlon — Broadway and Pine. Grnnd Ave. llnnk— Grand and Olive. Gunrdinn Truat Co. — Now .\nierjcan Trust Co. Unrria Truat * SnvlUKN Bank — 411 OliVc i^. Hodlamout llnnk — 6143 Bartnier Av. InternutlonnI Hank — Cor. 4th and Olive. Jeft'erNon Bnnk- 2601 Franklin Av. Jeireraon-tlrnvola Truat — 2600 S. Jefferson. Lnclcde Truai Co. — 6 S. Jefferson Av. Lafnyetl*' Hnnk— t^or. Broadwo.v and Park. Leniny Ferry llnnk — 233 Lemay Ferry Rd, Lowell ilnnk — .". ) .\. Broadway. Mnncheater Bank — Chouteau and Manchester. Mnplewood Bank — Marshall and Manchester. Slerhnnica American .Nntionai Bank — Broad- way and Locust. Meramcc Truat Cf I- l:. Kinsey. „ , 'ultllc I tilltles— Jas. A. Hooke. StreetH and Sewers — Chas. M. uhllc Welfare— Emil N. Tolkacz. ilillc Safety — Chas. E. Swingley. BRIDGES liadH BrldKc — Srd ami Washington Av. Mercliant'K BridRe — Eoot of Ferry St. McKinlev HridKe — Foot ot Salisbury St. Free UrldKv — Foot of Chouteau Av. RAILROAD STATIONS Union Station— 18th and Market. McKinlev— 3.")00 N. Broadway. McKinlej— 12th and Lucas Av. South Brondwnv — 8000 S. Broadway. Vandeventer Ave.— 3900 West. Tower Orovc— 4400 West. , „, ^. , „ Waabincton .We.—Main and Washington. Delmar— BOOO l>flmar A v. .411 Street Cars Running through East St. Louis start on .•id and Washington -Vv. PUBLIC BATH HOUSES X„. 1— lOth St. between Carr and Biddle. No. S — 7th and Soulard St. Xo. 3— 23rd and Ol^allon. LEADING BOWLING ALLEYS Delniar-Ruclid Alleys-Langan-Taylor Bulld- oJ^-foto-Olive BowlInK AHeyi^3939 Olive St. De Soto fine Bowline Alleys— 708% Pine St. De Soto-Vcrnon Alleyi.— 5305 Vernon .\. Orand-Arxcunl DowllnB Alleys— Orand and .■\rsenal. Grand Central— 6th and Market. Grand Bowline Alley— Gth and Pine I'alace Bowline Alleys— 2200 Franklin Av. Plnnimer's St. L. Alleys— 902 Washington Av. Iloval BowllnB .Vlleys — 110 N. 6th St. Tower Grove Ble Alleys- -3549 Arsenal St. Washlneton Bowline Alleys— 8th and Wash- ington Av. _^ . ^ Werder, .VIbert J.— 2316 Critten. -Dr. J. J. Houwink. 3821 West- \etberlandM- minster PI. ,„ . „ . Norway — J. «. Borreson. 2801 Benton. Panama- E. B. Filslnger. 8u3 Washington: I'ersin— Milton C. .Seropyan. 400 Washington. Spain— James Arbuckle, 314 N. 4th St. Sweden— John T. Nelson, 1415 Pierce Bldg. Swltz-erland- John J. Meyer, 2006 S. 13th St. Vcneiuela— James .\rbuckle, :S14 N. 4th. PUBLIC PARKS STEAMBOAT LINES Columbian F.xcurslon Co.— Foot of Locust St. b?«m«ad J „e Line-Foot of Washington Av. Baele Packet Co. — Foot of \ine St. I.ee Line— Foot of Olive St „ . , „„ St. liouis a Tennessee River Pacltet I o. — St. I.otiis & Hambure Packet Co.— Foot of Streci^fus Packet Co.— Foot of Washington. Principal Parks, Ball Grounds and Summer Gardens -Vmerlcan Leaeue — Baseball. Benton Park — 14 acres. Carondelet Park — 180 acres. Chain of Rocks i»ark — 6 acres. Comiiton Heservoir Park — 40 acres. •Delmar Garden. Falreround Park — 132 acres. Federal Lcneu«^Baseball. Forest I'ark — 1,381 acres. ♦Forest Park Hiehlands. Lafayette Park — 30 acres. National Leaeue — Baseball. O'Fallon Park — 158 acres. Shaw's Garden — 50 acres. St. Louis Park — 14 acres. Tower Grove Park— 267 acres. FERRIES Foot of N. Market St. Foot of Carr St. Foot of Spruce St. Foot of Sidney St. Foot of Davis (Carondelet). ' Summer Gardens — Vaudeville and other amusements. NEWSPAPERS .Amerika—( morning) — 18 S. 6th St. Arbelter Xeltune (weekly)— 966 Chouteau Av. Censor— FuUerton Building. Globe-Democrat — (morning) — 6th and Fine. Labor — 966 fliouteau Av. Mirror— Syndicate Trust Building. Post-Dlspatcb- (evening)- 212 N. Broadway. Rennbllc — (morning)- 700 Olive St. St. Louis Daily Record— Fullerton Building. St. Louis Star — (evening)- 12th and Olive. Times— (evening)— Chestnut and Broadway. Westllchr Post— (morning)— 100 N. Broad BASEBALL PARKS AND RACE TRACKS American Lcaeue Park (Sportmans)— Grand and Sullivan. 18th. Jefferson. Grand. Athletic Park- North Market and Garrison. Christian Brothers Park— 5000 Easton Ay. Empire Base Hall Park— Tamm. Market St. Federal Leaene Park — Grand and Laclede Fischer's Base Ball Park— 5800 N. Broadway. Ilelns' Base Ball Grounds — Opposite Calvary Cemetfi-\' Knehlers' Base Ball Park— 6200 N. Broadway, Kulaee Base Ball Park— S. E. Cor of New- stt-.Td find Penrose. Lee and Taylor lines. Vanion's Base Ball Park- 8600 S. Broadway Maxwellton Track — St. Charles Rock Road. St. Charles line. , ^ , National Leaeue Park— Vandeventer and Natural Bridge Rd. Vandeventer. Lee. ISth, Jefferson and Natural Bridge line.) South Side Base Ball Park— Gravols Rd. and Bamberger Av. , „ » »t trr «» KInlocb Aviation Field— In County N. W. of city. Hodiamont. CAFES AND RESTAURANTS Beers Cafe — N. W. Cor. Grand and Olive. Blue Grass— 4038-4044 Olive St. Buckineham— Kingshighway and Pine St. iallerntn — Hamilton and Delmar. Capri Inn— Delmar, east of Euclid. CIcardi's — Euclid and Delmar Avs. I'^anst's — Broadway and Elm St. , .„ ^ Grand-Leader— Sixth floor. Sixth and Wash- ington Av. , ,, , , Hamilton — Hamilton and Maple Avs. Jailer's — 206-208-210 N. Ninth St. Lnclede — Sixth and Chestnut Sts. LippCs— Cor. Eighth and Olive Sts. Marouettc — Eighteenth and Washington. McTaeue's— Cor. Ninth and Olive Sts. Nueent's — Broadway and Washington Av. i'latt's- 415 Washington Av. St. Lonis Lunch Boom— 325 Locust St. Terminal— Cnion Station. The Marvland— N. W. Cor. Ninth and Pine. Vnlon Dairy Co. Cafe — Washington and Jef- ferson. J «,. c.. Vandervoort's-Tenth and 01i^|,.Sts. Wasblneton- Washington and Kmgshighwa> West End— Vandeventer Av. and West Belle Wo'hier Grand— 105-107 N. Sixth St. American Lcaeue B. B — Grand and Dodler. .Athletic — North Market and Garrison Av. Benton — Jefferson and Arsenal St. Carneeie Place — Utah, Cor. Indiana Av. Carondelet — Colorado. Cor. Kansas St. Cnrr — Wash. Carr. loth St. Chain of Rocks — Rivervlew Drive. Clifton — Simpson :uul Bowman. Columhin — Carr, Wash, 10th and 11th Sts. Compton Hill — Grand and Lafayette Avs. Dakota — Michigan .\v. and Dakota St. Delmar — Delmar and City Limits. De Soto — O'Fallon. Division. 22d and 23d St8. Kclipse Garden — Primm and Michigan -W. i^niplre B. B. — 6411 Clayton Av. Falreronnd — Grand and Natural Bridge Rd. Federal Leaeue B. B. — Grand and Laclede. Fisher's — 8561 North Broadway. Forest Park — Kingshighway and Lindell Bl. Forest Park Hiehlands — Berthold and Sub- lette Av. Fountain — Bay.ard and Fount.ain. Gamble — Gamble and Dayton St. Gast Garden — 8509 N. Broadway. Gravols — Louisiana and I'otomac. Handlan's — Grand and Lacleile .\v. Harlem B. B. — Carrie, cor. Quida Av. Hyde — 20th and .Salisbury Sts. Jackson Place — 11th and North Market St9. Kaiser's — 4413 Dewey St. Kenricb Garden — Vandeventer and Lindell IvIauamann'H — 8805 S. Broadway. Kuebler's B. B. — Prescott, cor. Pope At. Kulaee's B. B. — 4314 N. Newstead Av. Laclede — Iowa and Osage Sts. Lafayette — Mississij.pi and Park Av. Lemp'8 — 13th and I'tah Sts. Lvon — Broadway and Utah St. MannloDs — 8614 S. Broadway. Marlon I'laee — Warren and 11th St. Mullanphy — 11th and MuUanphy St. National Leaeue B. B. — Vandeventer and Nat- ural Bridge Rd. O'Fallon — Florissant and .\delaide Av. Priester's — Grand and Mcramec St. Riverside Park — Fassen to Dover. Robinson Field B. B. — Natural Bridge Rd. and Vandeventer Av. deventer Av. Schoenlau's Garden — Now Stuhlmann's Grove. Shaw's Garden — Flora and Tower Grove At. South St. Louis Square — Broadway and Schlr- mer St. Sportsman's Park — Grand and Sullivan A v. St. Louts — 21st and Benton St. Stuhlninun's (Jrovc — 5810 Gravois Av. Suburban Garden — Irving av. and North Mar- ket St. , „ Tower Grove — Grand and Arsenal St. West I3nd Heiebts — 6900 Clayton Av. Ycatman Square — North Market and Lefling- well Av. BUREAU OF INFORMATION 'Vnloa Station Bureau of Information— 18th and Market St., located in the main waiting' room of depot. FOREIGN CONSULS Areentlne Republic— Gus. V. Brecht, 1201 Cass .\v. Austrla-Huneary — Ferdinand Diehm. 309 N. 7th St. Beleium- Marc .Seguin, 119 N. 7th St. Brazil — Alphonso De Figueiredo, 400 S. Broadway. Chile — F. Ernst Cramer. Shenandoah & Lemp Colombia, S. .A. — James Arbuckle, 314 N. 4th. Costa Rica- Ernst B. Filslnger, 923 Wash- ington Av. Cul>a— Ramon L. Bonachea, 122 N. 7th St. Denmark— Peter Ibsen. 912 Olive St. F.cnador — Ernst B. Filsinger, 923 Washington France — Marc Seguin, 119 N. 7th St. German Empire — Max von Loehr, Laclede Great Britain — C. L. M. Plerson, New Bank of Commerce Bldg. „ „ ~.. Greece— Hector M. E. Pasmezoglu, 302 Chest- nut St. ., _ Guatemala, Nicaraeua and Hondnraa — L. D. Kingsland. 214 N. 6th St. Holland— G. H. Ten Broek, 717 Locust St. Italv — BrolettI .Messandro, 929 N. 7th St. Japan — Jas. E. Smith, V. P. Simmons Hdwe. Co., 9th and Spruce. Liberia— Hutchings Inge. 2645 LaTWton Av. I Mexican — Chemical Bldg. ^ CHURCHES BAPTIST. American Baptist — 514 N. Grand Av. Calvary — 2611 Davieson Av. Carondelet — 7317 Virginia Av. Compton Heiebts — 3639 Russell Av. Delmar .Ave.- 4300 Delmar .^v. Ebenezer, German — Utah. cor. Illinois Av. Euclid Ave Euclid and Page Avs. First German — 2629 Rauschenbach Av. First Italian— 1433 N. 10th St. Fourth — 13th and Sullivan .\v. Grand .\ve. — 2701 N. Grand Av. Imninnuel — 5838 Gates Av. Laclede — 3144 Laclede Av. I.afavctte Park- Mississippi and Lafayettf. Second— Kingshighway and McPherson Av Tabernacle — 7th and Shenandoah Av., it^* Washington Av. Tcrrv .Ave, — 5552 Terry Av. Third — Grand and Washington Av. Tower Grove — 4320 Norfolk Av. Water Tower — 2115 E. Grand Av. West Park — Easton and Hamilton AT. C.4THOLIC. Cathedral— Walnut, bet. 2d and Sf Sts. St. Louis Cathedral — Newstead and Maryland All Saints' — 5221 Maple Av. Annunciation — 6th and LaSalle St. Assumption — 9th and Sidney St. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION— Continued. (hurrb of Our Lady t'autovbonu (I'ullMh) — 327 Victor St. Cburch of Our Lady Help (Italian)— 1008 Wash St. Church of (he lilrHMed Sat'rnment — Kings- highway and Northland Av. Church of the Kplphany — 3218 Ivanhoe Av. Church of the Huly Cros* ((German) — 8115 Church Rd. Church of the Holy Ghoit (German) — Taylor and Garfield .\v. Cburch of the Holy Name uf Jeaua — 2041 E. Grand Av. Church of the Immaculate Conception — Xja- fayette and Longfellow Blvd. Church of the Nativity — 2255 Oriole Av. Cburch of the Sacred Heart — 25th and Uni- versity St. Cburch of the Visitation — Taylor and Evans Holy Aneela — St. Ange and LaSalle St. Holy Family— Oak Hill .Vv.. cor. Humphrey. Holy InnocentH — Brannon Av. and Keber PI. Holy Hoiiary — N'ewstead and Margrarette Av. Huly Trinity (Uermant — 14th and Mallinck- ri)dt .'^t. Holy Trinity (Slavliih)— 1205 Park Av. .Notre Uame — Kienlen Av. and Cote Brll- liante. Our liady of Good Council — 11th and Destre- han St. Our Lady of Mount Carmel — 8333 Hall's Ferry ltd. Our Lady of Perpetual Succor (German) — 20th and Linton Av. Our Lady of Sorron» — 5817 S. Kingshlghway. St. .Vicatba (Germnni — 9th and Utah Sts. St. .%Knea — Sidney and Salena St. St. Aloyalua — January and Magnolia Av. St. .\lpboniiu« (Itedemptorlst) — Grand and Cook Av. St. .\mbroiilua (Italian) — 2100 Cooper St. St. Ann'a— Page Av. and Whlttier St. St. .\nthony the Hermit (Syrian) — 615 South Broadway. St. .\nthony (German) — Meramec and Michi- gan Av. St. AuKuatlne (German) — Lismore, cor. He- bert St. St. Barbara (German) — 1363 Hamilton Av. St. Bernard'a^Oratlot. cor. Hawk Av. St. Bonlfncluii (German) — Michigan Av. and Schirmer St. St. BrldKct — Jefferson Av. and Carr St. St. Canlmlr'a — 8th. cor. Mullanphy St. St. Cecelia's (German) — 5300 Louisiana Av. .St. ( harlcH Borromeo (Italian) — ICwing Av. and Locust St. St. Columliklllc'H — Michigan Av and Davis St. Cronln'a — Boyle Av., cor. Swan Av. St. ISdnard'N — Clara and Maffltt Avs. St. l':ilxalieth'M (Colored) — Xl3 .N'. 14th St. St. KneclhcrCH — 4740 Carter Av. St. Francia de Salea (German) — Ohio Av., cor. Lynch St. St. Francis Xavler— Grand and LIndell BI. SI. HednlK's (I'ollsb) — 3212 Pulaski St. St. Henry's (German) — Hickory St., cor. Cal- ifornia Av. St. James — 1360 Tamm Av. St. John's — 16th and Chestnut St. St. John of \epomuk (Bohemian) — 11th and Soulard Sts. St. Joseph's (Croatln) — 1035 Chouteau Av. St. Joseph's (German) — 11th St., cor. Blddie. St. Lawrence O.Toole — 14th and O'Fallon St. St. Leo's — 23d and Mullanphy St. St. Llborio* (German) — North Market, cor. Hogen St. St. Malaehy's — Clark, cor. Ewlng Av. St. Marjcaret's — 3808 Flad Av. St. Mark's F.rnnKCllst — Page, cor. Academy St. Mary's (German) — 3d and Gratiot Sts. St. Mary's and St. Joseph's — Minnesota Av. and Iron St. St. Matthew's — Kennerlv A v.. cor. Sarah St. St. Michael's — 11th. cor. Clinton St. St. Nicholas (German) — 19th and Lucas Av. St. Patrick's — 6th and Riddle St. St. Peter and St. Paul (German) — Sth St., cor. Allen Av. St. Plus— 3530 T'tah St. St. Rose — Goodfellow. cor. Etzel At. St. Stanislaus ( Polish )— 20th St., bet. O'Fallon and Cass Av. St. Teresa's^2413 N. Grand A v. St. Thomas of Aqnln — Iowa Av.. cor. Osage. St. Mncent de I'aul's (German and F.nKllsb) — Park Av., cor. 9lh St. St. Wenceslana (Bohemian) — 3018 Oregon Av. CHRISTIAN. Advent — 25.^9 Fmerson Av. Clifton HelEbls— 6420 Marmaduke Av. Compton HelKhta — California, COr. St. 'Vin- cent Av. Dover Place — 701 Dover St. First Church — 3126 Locust St. Fourth < hureh — 1501 Penrose St. llnmlKon Av ^Hamllton. cor. Julian Av. Hammctt Place — Hammett Place, cor. Mar- cus A v. Maplewood — Hewitt Av., near Home Place. Overland Park — Woodson Ttd.. Overland Pk. Second JTinrrh — 11th Kt.. cor. Tyler St. Strodtman HelKbts — 2834 Genevieve Av. I'nion .\ve. — I'nion Bl., cor. Von Versen Av. Centennial (Colored) — 4299 Kennerly Av. CHRISTI.*X SCIENTIST. First Church — Westminster PI., cor. Kings- hiehway Blvd. Second ( hurcb — 4234 Washington Blvd. Third Church— 3524 Hussell Av. Fourth Church — 5569 Pago Blvd. CO.NGREGATIONAL. Bethlehem (Bohemian) — 1301 Allen Av. Church of the Covenant — .Maplewood Av. Cunipton Hill — CmiiiilDn and Lafayette Avs. Fair Av«». — Fair and Kossuth Avs. Fir -.'ten Deh Av. First (German) — Garlleld Av., cor. Spring Av. Fountain Park — .\ubert, cor. Fountain Av. Hope — Cote Brilliante, cor. Semple Av. Hyde Park — Bremen .\v., cor. Blair Av. Immanuel — 6801 Hancock Av. Memorial — \'lcloria. cor. Graham Av. Olive Branch— 22111 Sidney St. PIlKrIm — Union Blvd., cor. Kensington Av. Plymouth — 2407 Belle Glade .\v. Hel.er Place — 2735 Macklind Av. Swedish — Armstrong Av„ cor. Hickory St. United — Barrett St., cor. Thompson Av. F.NGLISH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN. Church of Our Redeemer — Oregon Av., cor i:tah St. Grace — Garrison, cor. St. Louis Av. Mount Calvary- S. IS. Cor. ITnion and Wells. Pllerlm — Florissant, cor. Pair Av. Recn Memorial — Kingswighway Bl., cor. Gil- son Av. Second — 2048 Alice Av. St. Mark's — Bell Av. cor. Cardinal At. GERM.'VN KV.\NGELICAL. Bethnnia — 23d and Wash St. Bethel (EuKllsh) — Garrison and Greer Avs. IletbcMda — HofTmeister and Dammert Av. Bethlehem — 5036 Shaw Av. Carondelet — 7129 Michigan Av. Christ — 7117 Manchester .\v. Church of Jesus — 12th and Victor Sts. Church of Our Redeemer — 6452 S. Kingshlgh- way Elieneier — 2921 McNair Av. Eden — Hamilton and Bartmer Av. F^mninus — Tower Grove and Chouteau Av. Frieden's — 19th St., cor. Newhouse Av, Imninnuel— Maple, cor. Euclid Av. Nnxnreth — 3530 Morganford Rd. Salem — Margaret ta, cor. Marcus Av. Salvntor — Plover Av.. cor. Thekla Av. St. .Andrew's — California, cor. Juniata St. St. James — 1507 R. College Av. St. Johannes — 14th and Madison Av. St. Luke's — Tennessee and Shenandoah Av. St. Mark's — 3d and Soulard Sts. St. Matthew's^Jefferson and Potomac St. St. Paul's Frieden's — 1224 Allen Av. St. Paul's— 1810 S. 9th St. St. Peter's — 4015 St. Louis Av. St. Stephanl — 8404 Hall's Ferry Rd. Trinity — 3129 Neosho St. ZIon — Benton and 25th St. GERMAN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN. Evanfcelleal Lutheran <»f 3Ilssonrl — Jefferson Av. and Winnebago St. Betbanin — 4100 Natural Bridge Rd. Bethlehem — 2227 Salisbury St. Christ— 3504 Caroline St. Church of the Holy Cross— Miami St.. Cor. Ohio A v. Chnrch of the Messiah — 3547 Pestalozzi St. Concordia — 7 24 7 Old Manchester Av. Ebenezer — 8419 Church Rd. Emmnus — Jefferson Av. and Armand St. Gethsemnne — Louisa, cor. Wachtel Av. Grace — 6334 Kaston Av. Grace Mission- 1609 Morgan St. Immanuel — 15th and Morgan Sts. Marcus — 4032 N. 22d St. St. John's — Morganford Rd. and Chippewa St. St. Luke's — Itaslca and Compton Av. St. .Mathew's — Gllmore and Harney Av. St. Paul's — Prairie .\v.. cor, Hutchinson. St. Peter's — Swan Av.. cor. Newstead Av. St. Trinity — 7416 Vermont A v. Swedish (ielhsemnne — 3116 St. Vincent Av. Trinity — 8th and Lafavette Av. Zlon — 2l8t and Benton St. HEBREW, ORTHODOX. B'Nal Anioona — Garrison, cor. Lucas Av. Ahawas, Aehlm Anshel Rumania — 1016 N. 19th St. Beth \hrnhnm — 14lh and Carr Sts. Beth Dnvld — ir.18 Belt A v. Ileth llsmrdroah HaKodnl — 1123 N. 11th St. Beth Israel -921 N 9th St. Brlth Shnlam^lin N. 14th St. ConKreKSlliin Beth Israel — 921 N. 9th St. Sbaarel 7.ndek — 4557 Cook Av. Sbeerllh Zfard — 1500 Wash St. Sherel Tbllllm — 13th and Carr St. Tyherla larael — 913 N. 19 th St. HEBREW REFOIt.MED. B'Nal-El — Flad Av., cor. Spring Av. Shaare-Emeth — Lindell Bl., cor. Vandeventer Temple Israel — Washington, cor. Kingshlgh- way BI. United Hebrew — Klngshlghway, cor. Morgan METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Bowman — Grand Av.. cor. Carter Av. Cboutenu I'lace — Maffltt and Warne Av. Carondelet — 7100 Virginia Av. F.den — 19th and Warren St. Elmbank ( German ) — 4433 Rlmbank Av. First Swedish — 1311 California Av. Fry Memorial — Clifton and Fllzabeth At. Harlem Place — Jaiiiicson, cor. Fyler Av. Lindell Av. — LIndell Bl. and Newstead Av. Maple .Av. — Belt Av., cor. Maple Av. Memorial (German) — Jefferson Av., cor. Ac- comac. -Nelson — Jefferson and Pestalozzi. Salem ((ierman) — Page Bl.. cor. Pendleton St. James — St. Ferdinand Av. and Pendleton. St. Luke's — Potomac St.. cor. Texas Av. Trinity — 10th and North Market St. Union — Garrison and Lucas Avs. Union Memorial (Colored) — 208 N. Lefflngwell AVaKner Memorial — Taylor and Gilson Av. AValnut Park — ICmma Av.. cor. Mimaka Av. Windsor Memorial — Hall's Ferry, cor. Church Rd. Zlon (German) — Virginia Av.. cor. Koein St. Zoar (German) — 4300 Gano Av. METHODIST EPISCOPAL, SOUTH. Cahanne — Bartmer, cor. Goodfellow Av. Carondelet — \'irginia Av., cor. Haven St. Centenary — 16th and Pine Sts. Christy Memorial — 4304 Neosho St. Grand Ave.. — Grand .\v.. cor. Connecticut St. Immanuel — 2115 McCausIand Av. KInedom House Mission — 1033 S. 8th St. Lafayette Park — Lafavette. cor. Misourl Av. Marvin -Sidney, cor. 12th St. Mount Auburn — North Market, cor. Hodla- niont Av. 0'Fnllf>n Park — Carter, cor. Red Bud Av. Scrugg's .Alemorlal — ^Cook and Spring Av. Shaw Av. — 4265 Shaw Av. St. John's — Kingshighway, cor. Washington St. Paul's — 1927 St. Louis A v. AVagoner Place — Wagner Place, cor. Lucky M. E. Church (South) — 1611 Pine St. NKAV JERUS.ALEM. Chnrch of the Divine Humanity — Spring At. and Dclmar Bl. Third Church of the New Jerusalem — St Louis and Rauschenbach Av. PRESBYTERIAN. Baden— 8451 Hall's Ferry Rd. Bethany Chapel — 5382 St. Louis Av. Carondelet— 6116 Michigan Av. Central — Delmar Bl.. cor. Clara Av. Church of the Covenant — 2540 N. Grand Av. Clifton Heights — Clifton and Columbia Av. Cole Brilllnnic — Marcus, cor. Labadle Av. Cook -Av. Trinity- Cook and Sarah. Curliy Memorial — Te.Nas .\v., cor. Utah St. First — Washington Bl., cor. Sarah St. First (German) — 10th and Rutger St. First Reformed — 4512 McMillan Av. Grace — Ridge and Clara .\vs. Grand Av — Grand and Washington BI. (ireeley Aleniorlal — Blair Av., cor. Warren St Harney llelghls— 2408 Geraldlne Av. Immanuel — Newstead Av. and Penrose St. KlnicsblKhnny — Kingshighway. cor. Cabann& Klnicslnnd Memorial — 6700 Page Bl. Larnyeltc Park — Missouri Av. and Albion PI. Lee Ave. — 3924 Lee Av. Mnrkbam Memorial — Julia and Menard St McCausIand Av — 2030 McCausIand Av. McPhcelers Memorial — Goode and Cote Bril- liante Av. North Covenant — St. Louis, cor. Warne Av. North Cnbanne— 6301 B.irtmer Av. Oak Hill— Connecticut St.. cor. Oak HIII At. Second — Taylor Av.. cor. Westminster Place. Second (German) — 4524 N 19th St. Trinity — Vernon, cor. Academy Av. ler Place — Spring and Russell Avs Ion Av. — ITnlon and Spalding Avs. Walnut Park— 2329 Robin Av. AVasblngton-Compton — Compton, cor. Wash- ington Av. AA'est — 5870 Mnple Av. AVlnnebaBo— 3715 Tennessee Av, Ilerea (Colored ) —301 5 Pine St. > Bethany (Colored)— 2309 Pine St. PRKSBVTBRIAN, UNITED. First United — Morgan St.. cor. Newstead At. Gibson Helichts — 4510 Arco Av. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION— ConUnued. Grand Av. — Forest Park BL, cor. Grand Av. Third I'nited — Cor. tSpalding and Union Avs. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL. All Saints — Garrison Av., cor. Locust St. Christ Church Cathedral — 13th St., cor. Lo- cust St. Church of St. Mary — Uldge and Hamilton Av. Church of the AuccnBion — Gates, cor. Good- tellow Av. Church uf the Good Shepherd — 2838 Salena. Church of the Holj Cuniuiunluu — Letflngwell and Washington Avs. Church uf the Holy Innocenta — Tholozan Av. and Morganford Rd. Church of the Itedeemer — Washingtoji Bl. and Euclid Av. Epiphany MlnHion — Boyle and Gllson Av. Grace — Marion Place, Warren, bet. 11th and 12th. Mount Calvary — De Tonty, nr. Grand Av. St. Allian'a Chapel — 4321 N. Grand Av. St. Andrew's — 1428 N. Garrison Av. St. AuBuntlne — Bruno Av., cor. Blendon PI. St. GeorKe'a Chapel — Olive St., cor. Pendleton St. John's — 3666 .Arsenal St. St. Matthew's — 6266 Wilson Av. St. Michael's and All Angels — Washington University. St. Paul's — 6500 Michigan Av. St. Peter's — Spring .\v. ""d Lindell Bl. St. Phillip's — Union Bl.. cor. Maple Av. St. Stephen's Mission — 520 Rutger St. St. Thomas Mission (Deaf) — 1210 Locust St. St. Timothy — 3220 Marcus Av. Trinity — 4005 Washington Bl. REFORMED. Maple Ave. Reformed Church — Maple and Clarendon Avs. Salem Reformed (German-English) — 14th and Sullivan Av. UNITARIAIV". Church of the Messiah — Union Bl. and Von Versen Av. Church of the Unity — Armstrong and Park MISCELL,.\NEOUS CHURCHES. Advent Christian — 2550 Emerson Av. .\frican MetbodiNt — 225 Bowen St. African M. E. — 607 E. Red Bud Av. American Christian Volunteers — 1450 Web- ster .\v. Children's Department — 1450 W^ebster At. Charltv Ilest and Old People's Home — 1450 Webster Av. Mission Hall — 721? S. Broadway. Helplne Hand Home for Girls — 7217 S. Broad- Free 'Employment Bureau — 7217 S. Broadway. Antlnch Uaptist (Colored)— 4211 North Mar- ApostoUc Faith Mission— 602 N. Lefflngwell Arlluston Chapel — 3425 .\rlington Av. A. M. E. y.iou (Colored) — 2625 Morgan St. Baden Corinthian Baptist (Colored) — 449 An- telope St. „ Bagneil M. E. (Colored) — 8375 N. Broadway Baptist Church :«llsslnu — 404 S. Main St. Bethel Baptist (Colored) — 710 S. 6th St. Bethel EnKllsh EvnnKelleal— 2935 Greer Av. Bethel Mlssl.in ( German)— 2219 N, Broadway. Bovie Memorial Center— 816 N. 11th St. Brich Sluiml lliincarlnn- 1221 Glasgow Av. Cnmpliell Chapel, Free Will — 2200 Scott Av. Caroudelet ilelKhts Mission — 7113 Eugenia Central Baptist (Colored) — 23d and Morgan Central Mission— SI6 N. llth St. Central Seventh Day Adventlsts — 816 N. New- stead Av. Chambers St. Baptists (Colored) — 10th and Chambers Sts. Chapel of St. Paul's — 3670 Potomac St. Christian Science Reading Rooms — 613 Lo- cust St. „ Christian Volunteers — 7217 South Broadway. Chnrch of God — 2929 Montgomery St. Church nf God— 2930 Olive St. Church of God — 13th and Benton St. Church of .lesus Christ — 4265 Easton Av. Compton Hill Baptist (Colored) — 3141 La Corlntbinn Baptist (Colored)— 1231 Wash St. Ebeneaier — 6117 Minerva Av. Chnrch of God — Meramec Highlands. El Belhel Baptist (Colored)— 638 E. Athlone Epivortb Settlement — 2200 Dickson St. Ethical Society of St. I,ouls. Sheldon Memorial — 3648 Washington Bl. Evan Church of Onr Redeemer — 6660 Gravols Evangelical Grace I-utheran Mission — 1600 Morgan St. . _ . „» Fifth Baptist (Colored)— 4115 Paptn St. First Baptist (Colored)— 1320 Clark Av. First Day Advent— 2559 Emerson Av. First Free Will (Colored) — 3932 Papin St. First German Spiritualist- 2101 Lynch St. First Italian Baptist— 701 Cass Av. First Spiritual .Association — 4151 Delmar Bl, Free Methodist — 3401 Morgan St. Free Thinkers — 20th and Dodier. Free Will Baptist — Jefferson and Scott Avs. Galilee Baptist (Colored) — 2514 N. Lefflng- well Av. German Baptist Mission — 5025 Morganford Rd. German Lutheran Mission — 625 S. 2d St. German .Mission and Sunday School — Arm- strong Av. and HicIoIle — llth and Chambers Presbvterlan Mission — 6804 Bleeck St. Quinn Chapel A. M. E.— 325 W. Bowen St. Reformed Presbyterian — 4512 McMillan Av. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- ter Day Saints, Rock Church — Glasgow Av. and Dickson St. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- ter Day Saints — 1918 Franklin Av. Riverside Mission — 409 S. 2d St. Salvation .Vrmy (Headquarters) — 122 N. 7th Semple Ave. Baptist Mission — 3311 Sempie Seventh Day Adventlst — 4 364 Cottage Av. Seventh Day Adventlst — Delmar Bl. and New- stead Av. Seventh Day Adventlst Mission — 4361 Cottage Slovac Evan. Luth. St. Lucas Congregation — 1921 S. 9th St. Socialist Sunday School, N. S.— 1832 Carr St. Society of Practical Christianity — 1324 Pesta- lozzi St. South Benton Mission— 6806 Bleeck St. Southern Mission — 1405 Morgan St. Spiritual Christian Union (Colored)— 2727 Lawton Av. Spruce St. Mission — 1513 Market St St. Anthony's Schrlne — 2122 Morgan St. St. Boniface Mission — 5642 Kennerly Av. St. James .V. M. E. — Pendleton and St. Ferdi- nand Av. St. James' Chapel M. E. (Colored) — 4212 Pa- pin St. St. John's Abble Mlssion^lSll Goode Av. St. John's .v. M. E. — 613 Red Bud Av. St. John's Free Will M. E. — 113 W. Eiler St. St. Louis Bible Hall — 3633 Finney Av. St. Louis City Rescue Mission — 616 Morgan St. Mark's ."V. M. E. /.Ion — 2730 Bernard St. St. Marv's Baptist (Colored) — 2132 Randolph St. Mary's Greek Catholic — Dolman and Hick- ory Sts. St. Michael the Archangel the Russian Or- thodox Greek Catholic — 1125 Hickory St. St. Paul's .\. M. E. — 15 N. Leffingwell Av. St. Peter's A. M. E. — Elliot Av. and Montgom- ery St. Tabernacle Baptist — Ewing and Washington Tabernacle Baptist Mission — 700 Shenandoah Temple of Spiritualism — 4151 Delmar Bl. Terrr Av. Baptist Station — 5552 Terry Av. Union Memorial M. E. (Colored) — 208 N. Lef- fingwell Av. Union Memorial Methodist — 1111 Wash St. Union Mission — 2629 Franklin Av. lighthouse Mission — Beaumont and Pine St. Jews' Christian Mission — 1420 Franklin Av. I'nion Mission Assn. — 294 7 Franklin Av. Vanguard Gospel Mission — 2927 Chouteau Av. Victor Street Mission — 315 Victor St. Voice From Canaan Mission — 2629 Franklin Volunteers of .America — 1610 Franklin Av. Washington Metropolitan 7,lon -A. M. E. — 2625 Morgan St. Wavman A. M. R. Mission — 1403 Morgan St. Weilston A. M. E. Mission- 6216 Wells A v. Zlon's Rellglo Literary Society — 1240 Glas- gow Av. CEMETERIES Bellefontaln^— Broadwa.v, Florissant and Mo- rin .\vs. Belhania — Easton .\v.. seven miles from city. Bethlehem — North Side Bittner St., near Wa- bash R. R. B'.\nl El (Hebrew) — Gravols Av., seven miles from city. Bremen (Saxon) — Bellefontaine Rd., six miles from city. Calvary — Broadway, Florissant and Calvary. Central — Bonhomme Rd., nine miles from city. Chesed Shel Amath— Cifflcr- 931 N. 9th St. County Farm (City Cemetery — Arsenal St., near Sublette .\v. Concordia Evangelical Lutheran — ^North side Bates St.. near Sixteenth St. Evangelical Friedens — North Broadway, seven miles miles from city. Father Dickson Cemetery .Assn. — 3818 La- clede Av. Fee Fee — Near St. Charles Rock Rd., nfteen miles from city. Greenwood — Hunt Road, near Easton Av. Holy Ghost — N. W. cor. Wyoming St. and Gra- vols Av. Iloly Trinity — South side Bircher St., near Florissant Av. Missouri Crematory— 3211 Sublette Av. Mount Hope^Lemaj- Ferry Rd. and Mt. Olive Rd. Broadway line to Mannion's Park and then Grand View line. Mount Olive (Catholic) — Slgerson's Farm. south of Carondelet. Mount Olive (Hebrew) — Olive St.. eight miles from city. Mount Sheerlth — Olive St., seven miles from city. National — Jefferson Barracks, ten miles south of cit.v. New Mount SInai — Gravois Av., eight miles from city. Oak Hill — Near Kirkwood. Odd Fellows' — .Jefferson Barracks Road, near Ordinance grounds. Park Lawn — Grand Av. and Lemay Ferry Rd. Broad wa.v line to Mannion's Park and then Grand View line to Grand View Station. Picker (Old) — South Side Arsenal St., near Gravois Av. Picker (New) — Gravois Av., near River des Peres. Salam — Natural Bridge road, seven miles from city. St. -Ann's — Natural Bridge road, eight miles from city. St. John's — ^Bellefontaine road, nine miles from city. St. Marcus Evangelical Lutheran (Old) — 6638 Gravois Av. St. Marcus Evangelical Lutheran (New) — Gravois Av., near city limits. Matthews — South side Bates St., nr. Gra- voi Av. Monica's (Catholic) — Olive Street Road. near Creve Coeur P. O. St. Paul's (Evangelical) — Gravois Av., near Wilmington Road. St. Peter — Hunt Road, between Easton Av. and Natural Bridge Road. St. Peter and St. Paul's — Gravois Av., south of Loughborough Av. Valhalla — St. Charles Rock Road. W'estern Evangelical Lutheran — Marcus and .\shland .\vs Wesleyan — Olive Street Road, four miles from city limits. Zlon's — St. Charles Rock Road, eight miles from city. DISPENSARIES American Medical College — Garrison & Law- ton Avs. Centenary Hospital — 2503 Cass Av. City Dispensary — llth and Market Sts. City Dispensary (Branch) — 3618 N. Broad- wav. Citv Dispensary (Branch)-— 4919 Easton At. City Dispensary (Branch) — 907 S. Vandeven- ter Av. Easton -At. Medical Clinic — 2825 Easton Av Evening Dispensary for Women — 1607 Wash. Good Samaritan — Jefferson .\v. and Dayton. IIolv Cross- 2fi01 N. llth St. Homoepathic Medical College — Jefterson and Howard St. Jewish Hospital — 901 Carr St. O'Fallon Dispensary — 1806 Locust St. St. John's Clinic — SI 2 N. 23rd St. St. Louis Children's Dispensary — 400 S. Jeffer- son .Av. St. Lools Obstetric — 1020 N. 18th St. St. Louis University — Grand .\v. and Caroline. sisters of St. Mary's — 1507 Chouteau Av. Washington University — 611 N. Jefferson Av. Wayman Clinic and Dispensary (Colored) — 1419 Morgan St. MISCELLAN EOUS INFORMATION-Continued. Phones: Forest 2010 Oelmar2924 y ,>« V,."?". .■^^.l ."•V '~^W J, t f ■ « '-m k^g*|g -W 1 ^-ini d^. ^fvfli ^ ELLEN OSBORN HOSPITAL 2600 N. TAYLOR AVENUE SAINT LOUIS HOSPITALS Alexlan UrothrrH — 3933 S. Broadway American Honpltal — 3449 Pine St. Anti-.Vnreutin .sanitnrluni— 6u3 N. Garrison Barnard Kree Sklu and Cani-er — Theresa and »\ ashineton Av. Darnell — Klngshlghway and Forest Park BL "';•'"■"''" ••"»Pl«nl and llunic for lucurablen— 3649 \ ista Av. Bethenda Maternity — 3649 Vista Av Centenary — 2945 Lawton Av. Chouteau Maternity Home — 1515 Chouteau ChrlNtlan — 294.i Lawton .\v. Christian, Mothera' and Bablea* Home — 2949 N. Kuclid Av. City HoNpltal — 14th and Carroll St. Clarli'a— 1713 N. Jefferson Av. Dodd'a HyKelan Home— 4.'lg Washington Bl. KvanKelleal UeaconeHM — 412.') W Bell Av Female Honplial (tlty>— N. S. Arsenal and Dal ton .\v. FrUeo— 4960 Laclede .\v. German Kvaneellral Lutheran — 3500 Ohio Av German iioMiiitnl— 21 46 Lafavette Av. Good Samaritan — 1217 N. .lefferson Av. Haley Kye A C'hiropoloKlcal Inf. — 4359 Taft Hyiieinn— 4.M8 W.-ishlngton Bl. infettlouH Hoiipltala (City)— Arsenal and Sulilitte Av. Jefl'ernon Hoxpital- 2604 Gamble St. Je»iNh HoHpltal — ."WI.I Dolmar Bl. JoMephlne Hoxpltnl — Grand and Henrietta St. Keeley Iniitltute — 2803 Loou.st St. Koeh, lioliert, lIoHpltal for ContaKlona Dia- eaneii — South of .lofTorson Barracks. Lenrleht \\ bitener — 4605 N. 20th St. Lnlbernn Hiinpltai — Ohio .\v. and Potomac St. Maternity Ho>pltal— 131 2 .N'. Grand Av. Mnyflrld Sanitarium — Taylor Av. and West Mel.ain Orthopedir Sanitarium— 915 Aubert MlKnourl llaptlHt Sanitarium— 91 9 N. Taylor MUiiouri fntlflc Hy. llonpltal— California Av. and Henrietta St. Mount St. ItiiHe — 9101 S. Broadwav. Mutual Honpltnl .tniin. of .Mo 3551 Pine St. Neal iimtltute Co.— 4310 Morgan St. NiKbt and Uny Camp — 9500 S. Broadway. Oaborn, I'.llen — 2800 N. Tavlor Av. I'rovldent ilonpltal- 2824 Lawton Av. Hebekah Ifoxpltai — Grand and Caroline St. Klconl lloNpllal — 803 N. Garrison .\v. Royal .\rrnnum ilonpltal Aniin. — 816 Olive SL SUtem of St. Mary — 9201 South Broadway. Skin and Canrer — 3427 Washington Av. St. .Ann'a Maternity— 5301 Page Bl. St. .*nlhony'ii— 3520 Chippewa St. St. John-K — 2228 Locust St. St. Jobn'H (\e«i — Kuclid and Park Vie St. Kllzabelh — Granite Cltv. St. LouU llnptlut— 2945 Franklin Av. St. I.oula (hlldren'a Free — Jefferson Av Adams .St. St. Lniilii iloapital Aaan. — Montgomery Bacon Sis. St. Loula Maternity Ilonpltal — 2621 Locust SL Bt. Loula Mullanphy — ^.Montgomery, cor con St. St. Louin faHtenr Iniitltute — 803 N. Garrison St. I.ouIh & San I'rnnplHi-o l(. II. Iloapllnl- 4960 Laclede Av. St. l.rf>uU SurKlral A GynaeeolOKiral — 403 N. Tavl.ir .\v. St. I.ukr'ii lloiipltal (F.pUeopal) — 5501 Delmar St. Mary-K Inflrmary- 1536 I'apin St. The iioDpitnl Saturday &. Sunday Aaaoeiatioa — Pl.r.w niile. IT. S. Marine Iloapital— Marine Av. and Miami Vanderherk'a Inflrmary — 2007 Park Av. WaahlnKton I'niveralty — Jefferson & Lucaa THE ELLEN OSBORN HOSPITAL finds It necessary to devote much of its mam building to maternity patients and is arranging the equipment for the "TWILIGHT TREATMENT" of such cases. No labor nor money is spared in preparation for giving the best service obtainable. Surgical and medical departments will be conducted same as usual The past year s work has been very gratifying. Physicians and t^atients express much sat- isfaction with the services received here. Write or telephone for further information to ELLEN M. OSBORN. M. D.. Res. Phys. MRS. W. H. BROWN . Supt. I'rInceHH— Grand A v. and Olive St Sam S. ShuI.ert— I2th and Locust Sta sfoor^r-n'-'"^'?'' ''"" Shenandoah.'- standard— ,th and Walnut St.s, A so" ■'o"olm'.':!'''—' "■"""■" ""'» Grand Avs. ^iiso ..00 smaller ones. Drondivay Club — 8605 S. Broadway. Uut-klngbam Club^Kingshighway and West Bl. v PI. and and It SL Ba- BuNlneMH Men'a League — Mercantile Library Building. Carondelet Motor Boat Club — Foot of Kraus. Century Boat Cluli — 5500 South Broadway. Central ItonluK Club — Foot of Palm St. City Club — 9th and Locust Sts. Civie League — 9th and Locust Sts. Columbian CIuli — 3909 I.indell Bl. Columbian .Vthletic Club — Thirteenth and Wyoming Sts. Comuierilal Cluli— 3633 Lindell Bl. Coneordia Club — 1440 Chouteau Av. h-Anierlcan Club— 1809 La Salle St Sunurt Inn— Gravois Rd.. south of Kirkwood. Toner Grove Skat Cluli— 3104-3106 S. Grand. Inion Club — 2354 Lafavette Av. InivprNnl i;.i[poi.ltlon— On St. Charles Road. I nivernliy Club— Grand and Washington Av. Wednenday Cluli — Westminster and Tavlor Wentern itoning CInli — 5000 S. Broadway Wonian'n Noonday Chili — 416 N. Sixth St. Voune Men'n ChriHtlan AiiHoclation — Grand and Franklin A v. Voung Women'a Chrlatlan Aaaoclation 1407 Locust St. Wentnood Country Club— Glendale, St. Louis Countv. Young Woman** Club — 3414 Morgan St. ASYLUMS AND HOMES Altenhelm, The— 5408 S. Broadwav Bethany Christian Home— 42o5 \ 11th St Central Birectory for .Nuraea— 5896 Dolmar Children'. Home Society-4427 Margaretta Chouteau ChrlMtlat < bri.itlau ttrphn.., ,.„me i , i >; ChrlHtInn \ oluutccrM Children— 132 ^Jri!i"i""' ","™S— 1515 Chouteau Av. "Id Peopie-H Home— 2821 Lawton. -951 N. Euclid Av. - N. Gar- rison .\v. * ^on'^ v.""'"" """"* '"•■ Women— 2737 Law- "X.V„'i\%I"?,V'V*ri7^"' N. Garrison Av. F!.»orlh'.LTl't'.i:'^ro"2?'B;i/Mv"- ^'■''"'^ ^- '^If "5_*'".!;"' "t""^"""" Home— 4125 W. Bell. Home — Garrison Father DunnC« .Nenabo ana Washington .\v *" Nru-Jal'^?',™! •;.■■»♦""•■>* Orpha„_4447 Asylum — Dcs Home — SL and School — 5501 Von THEATRES Jef- CLUB DIRECTORY Aero Club — 718 Locust St. AlKonqnin Golf Club — Jackson and Berry Rd., St. Louis County. Aacheabroedel Club— Musicians' Exchange, 3535 Pine St. Automobile Club— Planters Hotel. ....jcrlcnn — 7th and Market Sts. Collxeum — JilTerson and Washington firson or Page line. Columbia — 6th and St. Charles Sts. Fmpreaii — 3610 Olive St. Gnrrlek — Chestnut, bet. 5th and 8th. Gayety — Loiiist and 14th Sts. Grand Opera Ilouar — M.irkct St., bet. Broad way and 6th St. Hippodrome — 6th and Market Sts. KinK'a — KIngshlKhwav and Delmar Bl. Imperial — loih and Pine Sts. New Central — Grand and Lucas Avs. niympie — Broadway and Walnut Sts. Odeon — 1042 X. Grand Av. Park- Hamilton and Delmar. Natural Bridge Rd German Lutheran Orphan*' Peres, St. Louis County German ProteNtnnt Ornh.... ^ Charles Rock ltd """"»°» GirlM* InduMtrlul II Versen \\. GCard^aT""",."':" s"^??*^^-?^ N'- JefTerson Av. HepL^ibilh \';Vcu; Hfim^T: !,'-'^,-''''^'°" SL HollneH. chrl»,i„S l.c".:.^' ,,' "aTt'^o"; ''vv "3^2 ^"j.'.^^rs^r.tv-"" '"""- '"-'»e:^ a'Br'i^adwa^ •""'"*"*"" <«'" I^«1lea')_4431 InZi'trl'!.'; h"'""^ Girl— 2134 Morgan SL ir :ri",'„r';r«:';;:^ Vor:4"4h^?t^^^" «'■ I-lttle SIxterM of the Poor — 2209 Hphprt «» Little SNter of the IMor_3400 S Gra^d iv Ln heran Altenheim-1 906 Lafavette \v tanTcaT .(V;""""' ^""<-' Home_3856 Bo- *'"8"?Tocuft'"s? ^"""""'' O'Ph-n A.ylam^ mUk"!?.!*" """•«■ ""';!'"'"">url— 5337 Delmar BL McKinley Home ( N ur»e»)— 4215 Delmar B.. ml*'?i"''.."l "^,"" — Grand and Magnolia Av. MethodlHt KplMFopal Home for Girl* 3410 Home 1385 Maryland. Home (Boya) — 3533 La- llome Finder — 1427 Mar- More SI. nme— 3047 N. Taylor. vlum — Taylor and -3428 Methodint Orphu Methodint Orphu clede .\v. MlMHourl Childrrn'ii garetta Av. Mothera' and Babiet Mullanphy Orphan Marvland Av. Nazareth llomr — 371 S Morgan St. Neighborhood Houmc — 184 4 O'Fallon St. Non-Sectarian Olil I'eopie'a Hoint Franklin .\v. Nenaboyn' Home — 3010 Washington Av. Old Folkx' Sunxhine Home — 3422 Morgan St. Open Door Settlement — 1503 Hebert. IVnfecoxtal Training Home— 2829 Washing- ton .\v. BunHFll Home — 3217 Washlncton Av. Queen'H nauicbtrrx' Home — 111 N. 16th St. Salvation Army Home — 3023 Laclede Av Salvation Army (hlldren'a Home — 1243 N. Garrison Av Salvation Army InduNtrial Home — 15 N. 3d. Salvation Army KcKciie llomr — 3740 Marine. Sanitarium. The (CItyt — \rsenal St. and Macklind Av. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION— Continued. Shiloh R«acue Hume — 1237 Linden St. South Side Day KurMery— 1621 S. 10th St. St. Ann's \Vldawii' Home, Lyint;-ln Hunpltal and KonndllueM — Page and Union Bl. St. KranclH Orphanx .\Kylnm lOblatr Slaters) — Normandv. St. Louis County. St. Joxeph'M Female Meht Befuse — 2134 Mor- gan St. St. Joxeph's Male Orphan Asylum — 4701 South Grand Av. St. Louis Colored Orphans' Home 1316 Nat- ural Bridge Hd St. Louis I'rotestant Home for Nurses — 1704 Wash St. St. Louis Protestant Orphan Asylum — Web- ster Groves, St. Louis County. St. Louis Tralnlne School and Home for Nurses — 12LM Dillon St. St. Luke's Home for Nurses — 5501 Delmar Bl. St. Mary's Female Orphan .isylum — Kmerson and Harney Av. St. Patrick's Day Nursery — 1019 N. Sixth St. St. Vincent de Paul Teachers' Home — 922 Park Av. St. Vincent's Institution for the Insane — Nor- mandv, St, Louis County. Trained Nurses' Home — 5896 Delmar Bl. Vnder-.Vee Free Kiudergnrlen .Issociatlon.— 526 Rutger St. Vnder-ABe Free Klndersrarten .Vssoclation — 315 Victor St. I'nder-Ag:e Free Kindergarten Association — T021 S. 8th St. I'nder-Ase Free Kindergarten Association — 1506 S. 3d St. I'nder-.\Ke Free KindcrKnrten Association — 816 N. 11th St. Lnder-Ape Free Kindergarten Association — 2809 Washington .\v. AVashington Laiversity Nurses' Home — 2602 Locust St. Woman's Christian .\ss'n — 1814 Washington. Woman's Christian .\ss'n. Boarding for AVom- en — 1814 Washington .\v. Woman's Christian .*ss'n, Memorial Home — Grand and Magnolia Av. Woman's Christian .\ss'n, Blind Girls' Home — 5235 Pasre Bl. Woman's Christian .\ss'n. Travelers' .Md De- partment — 1814 Washington .\v. Woman's Christian Ass'n, Russell Home — 3217 W'ashington Av. Woman's Christian Home — 3434 Morgan St. Working Woman's Home — 2654 Locust St. Vonng Girls' Industrial Home — 21st, cor. Morgan St. SCHOOLS Academy of the Sacred Heart — Nebraska and Meramec. Academy of the Sacred Heart — Taylor and Maryland Av. Adams School — Norfolk and Tower Grove Av, .'\lahnma Av. School — .Maliama and Bates. Ames School — 14th and Hebert. Arlington ."School — 1615 Burd Av. .\shlnnd School — Newstead and San Francis- co A v. Baden School — Hall's Ferry Rd. and Newby Baonecker School — Montgomery and Leffing- well Av. Bates School — Spring and North Market. Benton School — Kingshighway and Terry. Berlitz School of Languages, The — Grand and LIndell Avs. Blair School — 2707 Rauschenbach Av. Blair School — Venice. Blow School — A'ireinia and Loughborough. Brvan Hill School — Gano and Florissant Av. Burd .\v. School — Burd and St. Louis Av. Cairns. -Vnna Sneed — Clayton and Oakland. Cnnterbnrv School — Canterbury and Tremont Cnronrtelct School — Minnesota and Hurck. Cnrr School — 15th and Carr. Cnrr l.nnc School — 23d and Carr St. Cathedral Hall — 3829 Washington Av. Ontrol High School— Grand and Windsor PI. Central High School Lunch Room — Grand and Windsor PI. Central Ward School — Evergreen and Ella. Charless School — 2226 Shenandoah Av. Chouteau School — Rwing and Rutger. City College of Law and Finance — Metropoli- tan Bldg. City College of Law and Finance — 322 North Grand A v. Clark School — Union and Fairmount Av. Clay School — 11th and Farrar. Clifton Heights School — Old Manchester and Clifton Av. Clinton School — Grattan and Hickory. Columbia School — Garrison and St. Louis. Cote Brilllante School — Cort and Cottage. Crow School— Bell and Channing Av. nelany School — 6138 Virginia Av. Des Peres School — Michigan and Iron Av. DesaUnes School— 1745 N. 12th St. School — Devonshire and Devonshire A' Macklind Av. Divoll School — Dayton and Glasgow Av. Douglas School — 11th and Howard. Dozicr .School — Goodfellow and Maple Av. Dumas School — 15th and Walnut. Duncan Av. School — Duncan and Euclid Av. Ends .\v. School — Ead.s and Texas Av. Eliot School — Florissant and Ferry. Emerson School — Page and Arlington. Fanning School — Grace and McDonald. Farragut School — Sullivan and Warne. Field School— 4458 Olive. Forest Park University — Clayton and Oak- land. Frnnklln School — 19th and Morgan. Fremont School — W'isconsin and Pestalozzi. Froebel School — Nebraska and Winnebago. Gallaudet School — Theresa and Henrietja. Gardeuville School — Gravels and Kingshigh- way. Garfield School — Jefferson and Wyoming. Garnett School — Bulwer near Adelaide Av. German School Society of St. Louis — Temple Bldg. Goodfellow Av. School — Goodfellow and Ken- nerl.v. Grant School — Pennsylvania and Crittenden. Gratiot School— Manchester Rd. and Billon. Gravols School — Gravois and Wyoming. Hamilton School — Hamilton and Westminster. Harney Heights School — Calvary and Harney. Harris School — Madison. Harrison School — Fair Av. and Green Lea. Harsock's Shorthand College — 1433 N. Tay- lor Av. Hempstead School— Hamilton and Minerva Henry, Patrick — 10th and O'Fallon. Hodgen School — California and Henrietta Av. Hosmer Hall — Louise McNair — 4296 Washing- ton av. Howard School — 23d and Benton. Humboldt School — 9th and Victor. Industrial School — Osage and Virginia Av. Irving School — 3829 N. 25th. Jackson School — Madison and Hogan. Jellerson School — 9th and Wash. John Marshall School — 4340 Lucky. Jones Commercial College — Dolph Bldg. Kingshlghway School — Euclid and Penrose. Kraft School — Kraft and Wise Av. Lafayette School — 9th and .Ann. Lenox Hall — 69th and Washington Bl. Lincoln School — 23d and Eugeni.a. Longfellow School — Ivanhoe and Smiley. 1,'Ouverture School — 2612 Papin. Lowell School — .Adelaide and Bellview. Lyon School — A'erniont and Koeln. Madison School — 7th and LaSalle. Mann School — Oak Hill and Juniata. Manual Training School — Von Versen, west of Union. Marquette School — McPherson and Warne Av. McKinley High School — Missouri and Russell Av. lUeramec School — Meramec and California Av. Mission Free School and Home of the Church of the Messiah — 369 N. Taylor Av. Missouri School for the Blind — 3815 Magnolia Av. Modern School of Languages — Grand and Lindell. Monroe School — Broadway and Winnebago. Monnt Pleasant School — Neosho and Nebras- ka. Neosho St. School- 4601 S. Grand Av. North Ward School — Welsmar Av., bet. Kien- len and Grove. Oak Hill School — Morganford and Bingham. O'Fallon School — 1409 N. ]5th. Peabody School — ISth and Carroll. Penrose School — 2824 Madison. Pestalozzi School — 7th and Barry. Pope School — Ewing and Laclede Av. Priuclpla, The— 5539 Page Bl. Rankin, David, Jr. — 4420 Cook Av. Riddick School — Evans and Whittier. Rock Spring School — Sarpy and Hawk. Roe School — Mitchell, near Prather. St. Louis Schools of Fine Arts — Skinker and Lindell. St. Louis School of Social Economy — 19th and Locust. St. Louis University — Grand and West Pine. St. Phllomena's Technical School — Union and Cabanne. School of Immaculate Heart — Normandy, Mo. Servian Orthodox Church and School — 722 Barry. Shaw School — Columbus and Macklind Av. Shenandoah Av. School — Shenandoah and Tennessee. Shepard School — Wisconsin and Potomac. Sherman School — 3936 Flad Av. Sigei FrauK School — .Allen and McNaIr Av. Simons School — 4 300 St. Louis Av. Sisters St. Engelhert School — 4746 Carter Av Soldan High School — Union and Kensington Special Schfi Special Scho Special South Ward School — Spencer pi. Special School No. 1 — 1421 S.' 11th. Special School No. 2 — 1350 N. Kingshigh wav. Special School No. S — 1907 Bremen Av. Special School -\o. 4 — 1721 Wash. Special School No. 5 — 3635 California Av. Special School .\o. 6 — 2834 Morgan. Special School No. 7—1540 S. Grand Av. Special School No. 9 — 2430 N, Grand Av. Special School No. IC^— 2322 Geraldine Av. il No. 11^1820 Victor. 1 No. 12— 1439 Blair Av. I — Klemm and De Tonty. Stoddard School — Ewing and Lucas Av. Sumner High School — Cottage and Pendleton Teachers' College — Park and Theresa. Walnut Park School — Oriole and Thekla. Washington School — Euclid and Fountain Welistcr School — llth and Clinton. Wheatley School — I'apin. near Bovle. Wyman School — 1601 S. Theresa Av. Yeatman High School — Garrison and Natur- al Bridge Rd. TURNER HALLS Columbia — Easton and Vandeventer. Concordia — Thirteenth and Arsenal Sts. Germania — Michigan and Robert Avs. North St. Louis — Twentieth and Salisbury Sta. Northwest — Easton and Vandeventer Avs. Rock Spring — Bovle and Chouteau .Avs. Olympic — Thirteenth and Monroe Sts. Sokol (Bohemian) — Ninth St. and Allen At. South St. Louis — Tenth and Carrrll Sts. Southwest — Ohio .Av. and Potomac St. St. Louis— 1508 Chouteau Av. Swiss-National — .Arsenal and Iowa A v. Tower Grove Turnverein — Grand and Juniata. ST. LOUIS HOTELS (Note — A. American plan. E, European plan.) Maryland Hotel. — N. W. Cor. Ninth nd Pine Sts. E, $1.00 up. American Hotel. — Seventh and Market Sts. E. $150 up. Marquette. — Eighteenth and Washington. E. $1.00 up. Planters' Hotel. — Fourth. Pine and Chestnut Sts. A. $3.00 up: E. $1.50 up. Hotel JelTerson. — Twelfth and Locust Sts. E. $1.50 up. Belcher Hotel.— N. Vf. Cor Fourth and Lu- cas, E, $1.00 up. Warwick Hotel — 15th and Locust. E, $1.50 up. Majestic Hotel — llth and Pine. E. $1.50 UP. The Buckingham. — Kingshlghway and Pine St E. $2.00 up. AVashlngton Hotel Kingshlghway and Washington Blvd. E. $2.00 up. The Blue Grass. — 4038-4040-4042-4044 Olive St. ad E. Hotel Barnum. — Sixth St. and Washington Ave. E. 75c up. Park Hotel. — 6600 Washington -Ave. E, 75c up. Hotel St. Louis. — 316 N. Fourth St. E. ,=iOc up. Hotel Beers. — Grand Ave. and Olive St E. $1.00 to $5.00. West End Hotel. — Vandeventer" .Ave. and West Belle. E, $1.50 up. Hamilton Hotel. — Hamilton and Maple Aves. E. $1.00 up. Terminal Hotel. — Union Station. E, $1.26 up. Laclede Hotel. — Sixth and Chestnut Sts. E. $1.00 up. Hotel Benton, — 819 Pine St. E. 75c up. The F.dlson. — 107 N. 18th St. E. 75c up. Hotel Roller.— Thirteenth and Olive Sts. E, $1.00 up. The Stratford. — Eighth and Pine Sts. E. $1.00 up. Hotel Princess. — Eighteenth and Chestnut. E, $1.00 up. The Wellington. — Pine, between Seventh and Eighth. E, 75c up. Baltimore Hotel. — Sixteenth and Market Sts. E, 75c up. Model Hotel. — 1505 Market St. E, $1.00 up. Schneider Hotel. — 1106-1108-1110 S. FourCi $.100 up: E. 50c up. Portland Hotel. — 1817 Market St. A. $1.50 up: E, 75c up. unt's Bachelor. — N. W. Cor. Compton and Lucas .Aves. E. $1 00 up. The McDannold. — 5017 Delmar. A. $1.50 up. New St. James Hotel. — Broadway and Wal- nut St. E, $1.00 up. Windermere Hotel. — Delmar and Clara Aves. A. $2.00. Regent Hotel. — N. E Cor. 14th and Chestnut. E, $1.00 up. Leiand Hotel. — 1414 Market St. — ^E. 76c up. Hotel Pontine. — 19th and Market Sts. E. 76c up. ' STRE ET G UIDE Showing the Most Convenient Way for Reaching Any Number on Any Street by Street Car — loo Numbers Are Allowed for Each Block. Streets running north and south are numbered from the dividing line, which is Market street from the river to Jefferson avenue, and Laclede avenue west of Jefferson. A street described as 500 W. would indicate that it was five blocks west of the Mississippi River. One de- scribed as 500 N. would indicate that it was five blocks north of Market street, or north of Laclede. One de- scribed as 500 S. would indicate that it was five blocks south of Market street. Following the description of the street location is the name of the car line that runs closest to the numbers given. *'A" street, now 39th Street. ABERDKKN PL.\CE, (Private) N. & S. 6500 W. & 1000 S. From Oakland to Berthold .\v.. Chouteau line. ABEKDBEN PLACE, E. to W. From Sklnker Road to City Limits, take Market Street car to Skinker Road and walk north. ABNER PL. N. & S. From 5355 Canton to Nat- ural Bridge road. Union Ave. line, walk two blocks west. ACADEMY AV. N. & S. 5100 W. from Delmar to Cote Brilllante, 700 to 1100. Olive-Del- mar or Hodiamont; 1100 to 1500, Page or Wellston lines. ACCOMAC. E. & W. 2200 S. From Jefferson to Hawthorne and from Klngshlgrhway to Manchester road, 2800 to 3100, Tower Grove line; 4900 to' 5000, Chouteau-Southampton line. ACME AV, N. & S., 5500 N. and 8528 W. From Emma av. north to Florissant av.. Just In- side of city limits. Union car. AD.AMS. E. & W. 400 S. From 21st St. to Ewing, and from Montrose to Ranken, 2100 to 2900. Laclede car. transfer S. on Jefferson line: 3000 to 3400, Market St. line. ADEL.AIDE .AV. E. & W. 5400 N. From Hall to Rosalie, 100 to 1000, Broadway line; 1000 to 2100 Bellefontalne line. ADELI.A AV. E. & W. 8600 S. From River des Peres to city limits, Broadway line, off at Catalan, go 5 blocks west. ADEL.I.NE. E. & W. 6100 W. From Sulphur to Knox. Manchester, off at Sulphur, go 6 blocks south. ADKIMS AV. 4532 S. 2 blocks east of Gravola Cherokee line. AG.N'ES. E. & W. 3500 N. From Blair to N. 21st St. Lee Av. line. AIL.ANTHtS. Now Maple place. See Maple place. AL.\B.4M.A .AV. 700 W., runs N. to S. From Itaska to River des Peres, 4700 S. to 8500 S. Bellefontalne line. ALASKA AV, 900 W., runs N. to S. From Osceola to River des Peres; 7500 S. to 8200 S. Bellefontalne line. ALBEKTA. E. & W. 3900 S. From Missouri to Jefferson; 2200 to 2300, Broadway line, and from Louisiana to Grand, 3400 to 3600, Grand line. ALBERTI.NE AV, E. & W. 8529 N. From Acme west to city limits; half block west of Goodfellow av. Union car. ALBION PL.ACE, E. & W. 1500 S. Missouri to Jefferson, 2300 to 2600 Park or Jefferson lines. ALCOTT AV. E. & W. 7700 N, Theodore to Bir(?her; 2500 to 2700. Union Av. car. off at KmiTSon, go 4 blocks west. ALniNE PL. E. & W, From Euclid to Kings- highway, one block north of Easton. Wells- ton line. ALEXANDER. N. & S. 4000 W. From Chip- pewa to Keokuk, 3800 to 4000 S. Cherokee line. ALFRED AV. N. & S. 4500 W. From Shenan- doah to Magnolia, 2500 to 2700. Chouteau- Southampton line; and from Arsenal to i'vl.r: :ioo« to 3300: Tower Grove line. ALGERNON AV. N. & S. 2000 W. From Warne to Harris, Bellefontalne line, off at 5400, go 2 block east. ALICE AV. E. & W. 2000 W. and 5300 N. From Warne to Rosalie. Bellefontalne line. ALLEMANIA ST. N. & S. From 7200 Gra- vols. Cherokee lino. ALLEN AV. E. & W. 2000 S. From Broad- way to Compton. 700 to 1200, Broadway line: 1200 to 1700, Cherokee line: 1700 to 2800, Bellefontalne line; 2900 to 3200, Comp- ton Heights line. ALLEN MARKET LANE. E. ft W. 2100 8. From 12th to 13th, Cherokee line. ALMA AV. E. & W. 6800 S., 4700 W. From Gravois to Kingshighway, Cherokee line. ALSACE AV. E. & W. 3600 N. From Marcus to Kingshlghway, 4700 to 4900: Marcus or Spring Av. lines. ALTMAN .\V. (Private.) N. from Calvary av. cast of Broadway. Broadway line. .4M.*XD.V, E. & W. 1900 S. From Sulphur to Knox. 6100 to 6200, Manchester, off at Sul- phur, go 3 blocks south. AMELIA AV. N. & S. 8000 N. tO Partridge Av. Union Av. line. AMERICA AV. N. & S. 6900 W. From Mit- chell to Glades Av. Manchester line to McC.ausI.-ind, walk 4 blocks north. AMHERST PL. (Private.) N. & S. 1200 N. 5970 west, between Plymouth and Page and between Hamilton and Hodiamont. Page Av. line. AMHERST TERR.4CE, N. & S. 1424 N. & 5932 W. Page line. .ANCHOR ST. N. & S. 7361 S. and 4800 W, 1 block east of Gravois av. Cherokee line. ANDERSON AV. E. & W. 4300 N. From New- stead to Euclid, 4300 to 4700 Taylor Av. line: 4700 to 4900, Spring Av. line, off at Euclid, go 6 blocks north. ANGELICA. E. & W. 4100 N. From Wharf to 25th St., 1 to 1000 Broadway line; 1000 to 2500. Bi'llefontaine line. ANGELRODT. E. & W. 3400 N. From Wharf to Br.inch. 1 to 1000, Broadway line; 1000 to 2600. Bellefontalne. ANN AV. E. & W. 2200 S. From Broadway to California, 700 to 900 Broadway line; 900 to 1300 Cherokee line: 1300 to 2200, Tower Grove line; 2200 to 2800, Jefferson line. ANN.4 ST. West from Mo. Pac. P.. R. to city limits. 2900 S. Manchester line. ANNETTA ST. S. to N. 8600 N. from Hornsby to Estella Ave. Broadwav through car. ANTELOPE. E. & W. 7800 N. From Broad- way E., 500 to 600, Broadwav. ARCADE AV. N. & S. 5600 W. From Maple to Hodiamont tracks. Hodiamont line. ARCH. N. & S. 700 W. From Humboldt to Aurora, Broadway line, off at 7200 N., go 2 blocks east. ARCO AV. E. & W. 1100 S. From Kings- highway to Manchester, 4200 to 4600, Chou- teau Av. line, go 2 blocks south. ARKANSAS AV. N. & S. 3500 W. From Shen- andoah to Osage, 2300 to 4000, Grand Av. line: go l block east. ARLINGTON AV. N. & S. 5400 W. From Page to Natural Bridge road, and from Brown to Hazel, and 7659 Thelka to Henrv. 1300 to 1500 Page line; 1500 to 1700, Wells- ton line; 1700 to 4200. Union car. go 1 block west. ARMAND. E. & W. 2300 S. From Jefferson to California, 2600 to 2800, Jefferson. ARMSTRONG AV. N. & S. 2200 W. From Chouteau to Park. 1000 to 1200, Manchester line: 1200 to 1500, Park line. ARNOLD PLACE, (Private.) E. to W. From 2474 N. Kingshlghway, running east, Belle- fontalne line. ARNOLDS PLACE, (Private.) S. to N. From 2175 Bircher St., running north; Bellefon- talne line. ARNOT AV. v.. to W. From 2337 E. Euc- lid Av. to Kingshlghway, 4900 west. First St., west of Florissant Av. Bellefontalne line. ARSENAL. E. & W. 3100 S. From Wharf to MrCausIand, 1 to 700 Broadway line; 700 to 2600, Cass line; 2600 to 3000, Jefferson line: 3000 to 6800. Tower Grove line ARTHI'R AV. K. it W. 3400 S. From Regal place to Sulphur. 5500 to 6000. Tower Grove line, go 3 blocks south: and from Ivanhoe to River dps Peres, Frisco Ry. 'train to Gratiot to Llndenwood. ARUNDEL PLACE, E. & W. fr«. .\. & S. 21'J W. From Franklin to Florida, 1100 to 16U0. Broadway. COLOGNE AV. E. & W. 5700 S. on Gravois A v., westward to 5400. Cherokee line. COLORADO AV. 800 W. runs N. to S. From Dover to Loughborough. 5800 S. to 6900 S., Bellefontaine line. COLl'.MBIA AV. E. & W. 2651 S. From Kingshlghway to Tamm. 4900 to 6300. Tower Grove line. COLIMBI.V BOITOM ROAD. (See RIvervlew Drive.) COLl'.MBI.V SCirARE. 1100 N. 1000 W. Carr to Biildle Sts.. Tenth to Eleventh St. Belle- fontaine. Lee. Natural Bridge, McKlnley Svstcm. COM.MERCIAL. N. & S. 50 W. From Angel- rodt to Franklin and from Washington .\v. to Elm. 1 N. to 3400 N. Broadway line: 1 S. to 200 S., 4th St. line. CO.MMONWEALTH AV. N. & S. 7300 W. and 3000 S. Mo. l"ac. or Frisco Uy. to Maple- wood or Manchester line, go south on Sut- ton Av. COMPTON AV. N. & S. 3200 W. From Eaa- ton to Bowen. 1 N. to 200 N., Laclede Av. line; 300 to 600 N., Olive St. lines; 500 to 800, Page lines; 900 to 1100, Hodiamont lines; 1200 to 1300, Wellston line; 1 S. to 200 S.. Laclede line; 300 to 800 S.. Market St. line; 1000 to 1300 S.. Chouteau line: 1400 to 2800, Compton Heights line: 2900 to 3200, Tower Grove line; 3200 to 3600, Cher- okee line: 3700 to 4000. 7lh St. line; 4100 to 6200. Bellefontaine line. CONCORD PL. N. & S. 8432 N. and 830 W. Hrondwav line. CONCORDIA AV. E. & W. 5700 S. and 4100 W. Eastward from Morganford road, Cher- okee line. CONDE. N. & S. 1900 W. From Linton to .Vilelal.le. r.2iiO lo 5400 N. Broailway. CONDIIT AV. North from Doddridge St.. 3 bloele Baliviere A v. to Slunker Koail. 57(iii to 7000. olive-Unlverslty or Clayton lines. DeJONG. See Greer Av. lieKAI.li. N. & .S. From 116 Soulard to Mar- ine Hospital tract. 1700 to 3600, Broadway line, go 3 blocks east. DELAWARE AV. N. & S. between Etzel and l\'ige v\v. Page or Hodiamont lines. DELMAR BLVD. E. & W. 700 N. From Grand to we.stern city limits, 3600 to 6900. Ollve- Delmar line. DELOR. E. & W. 4800 S. From Minnesota to Gravois, I to 300, Broadway line: 400 lo 3700, Bellefontaine line; 3700 to 4000. Cherokee line. DENNIS. N. & S. 3300 W. and 800 S. From riratiot to Papin. 800 to 900. Chouteau line. DrSOTO AV. S. & W. 5100 N. From Hall lo Penrose. 300 to 2100. BroadwiO' line: 2200 to 4200. Billcfontalnc line. DES PERES AV. N. & S From Forest Park to Wnhnsh tracks: 6000 W. Universltv. DrSOTO PLACE. 1300 North O'Fallon, Divi- sion. 22d and 23d Sts. Natural Bridge and Jpfferoon lines. STREET GUIDE— Continued. DBSTREHAN. E. & W. 3500 N. From Wharf to Florissant 1 to 900, Broadway line: 1000 to ISOO, Belief ontaine line: 1600 to 2000, Lee Av. line. OB TONTV. E. & W. 1727 S. From Grand to Spring. 3600 to 3800, Grand line 1300 to 4100, Park Av. line; 4200 to 4300, Vande- venter line. DEVLI\. N. & S. 6000 W. From West Park Av. to Sulphur. Manchester line. DEVOLSKY. N. & S. 2200 W. From Beauty Allev to Gushing, Tower Grove line. SRVU.NSHIRE AV. K. & W. 4600 S. From Kingshighway to Sulphur. 4900 to 5700, Chouteau-Southampton line, and from River des Peres to 7000 west, Frisco train to Shrewsbury. BEWEV AV. N. & S. 4300 S. 3700 west from Meramec to Eichelberger Av. Bellefon- taine line. DEXTER. E. & W. 100 S. From Compton to Montrose, .<000 to 3200. Market St. DICKSON. E. & W. 1400 N From Wharf to Broadway and from Webster to 22d St. 1 to 500. Broadway line: 2200 to 3100, Spring Av. line. DILLE\UERGER AV. E. & W. 1122 S. From Kraft Av. to Central Av. Manchester line. DILLON. N. & S. 1500 W. From Chouteau to Carroll, 1000 to 1500. Bellefontaine line. DIVISION. E. & W. 1223 N. From 17th St. to Jefterson. 1700 to 2400, Spring. DOCK. E. & W. 3200 N. From Wharf to nth St. 1 to 1100. Broadway line. DODDRIDGE. E. & W. 8500 N. on Broadway. Broadway to Maline Creek, Broadway line. DODIER. E. & W. 2900 N. From Spring to Wright, 1800 to 3700, 18th St. line; Spring Av. and Lee Av. line. DOLMAN. N. & S. 1732 W. From Chouteau to Shenandoah. 1000 to 1800. Bellefontaine line; 1900 to 3220, Cherokee line. DONOVAN AV. E. & W. 950 S. From New- stead east 1 block and N. & S. 3900 W. and 6400 S. From Watson road to Lough- borough. Cherokee line, off at Lough- borough, go 15 blocks n^est. DORCAS AV. E. & W. 2900 S. From Wharf to 9th St. 1 to 900, Broadway. DOUGLAS. E. & W. 4432 N From Broad- way east; 100 to 900. Broadway line. DOVER. E. & W. 5800 S. From Wharf to Grand. 1 E. to 300, Broadway line: 300 to 1100, Bellefontaine line. DOWLING PLACE. E. & W. 8300 N. From Broadway to Church road, Broadway line. DRESDEN AV. N. & S. 5800 S. on Gravols road. Cherokee line. DHDRY LANE. N. & a 8500 N. From Wa- bash Ry. to MacLaren, Broadway. DRYDEN AV. N. & S. 6401 N. Newstead Av. running south from Lee Av. about 300 feet. Taylor Av. line. DlCHOl'«liETTE. E. & W. 2300 S. From 2d. to Broadway. 200 to 400. Broadway line. DCKE. 5200 S. From Gravois to Christy. Cherokee line. DUNCAN AV. E. & W. 400 S. From V^nde- venter to Euclid Av. 3900 to 4900, Laclede Av. line. DUNNIC.A AV. 3839 S. From Louisiana to Gravois. 3400 to 3800, Grant line; 3800 to 4000, Cherokee line. E.\DS AV. E. & W. 1600 S. From Jefterson to Theresa. 2600 to 2700, Jefterson; 2800 to 3200. Compton Heights line; 3300 to 3400 Grand line. E.\GER RO.\D. E. & W. 1700 S. From Old Manchester road to Kingshighway, 4300 to 4900.. Chouteau-Southampton line. EDNA ST. N. E. from 1133 Hornsby Av. 8900 North. Broadway through line. E.VST G.\TE -VV. N. & S. 6339 W. and 600 N. Delmar line. EAST IOW.\. N. & S. 4100 S. east boundary of Laclede Park, Bellefontaine or Broad- way lines. E.*ST MICHIGAN. N. & S. 3100 W. and 4500 S. east boundary of Dakota Park. Belle- fontaine. go 2 blocks east. , EAST RAILRO.ID. N. & S. 7500 N. From Cal- vary to N. Broadway, 7500 to 7800, Broad- way line, go 2 blocks east. E.AST ROAD. N. & S. 5100 W. From Berth- hold to Manchester. 1100 to 1200. Man- chester line. EASTON AV. N.-W. 2800 W. and 1500 N. From Franklin to western city limits, 2800 to 6100. Wellston line. ECOFF AV. N. & S. 6800 W. From Manches- ter Av. to Old Manchester road, 2000 to 2700. Manchester line. EDELLA AV. 4044 north, 5800 west, running east from Goodfellow Av. Cass car line. EDMOND ALLEV. E. to W. From 1819 N. 9th to 10th St. Cherokee line. EDMUND AV. N. & S. 4300 W. Prom Clay- ton Av. south. Market line. EDN.A ST. S. to N. From Hornsby Av. 8601 N. to Estella 8633 iN. Broadway through car. EDWARD AV. f Private.) 5800 W. 4000 N. E. to W. From Goodfellow Av. Cass Av. car. EDWARDS. N. & S. 6300 W. From North- rup to Old Manchester Av., 1700 to 2300. Manchester line. EICHELBERGER. E. & W. 5300 S. From Wharf to River des Peres. 1 to 300, Broad- way; 400 to 3800, Bellefontaine; 3900 to 5000. Cherokee line: 5500 to 7000 and west, Frisco line to Shrewsbury, go 10 blocks south. EIGHTEENTH. N. & S. 1800 W. From North Market to South Broadway and from Os- ceola to Neosho. 1 N. to 2300 N., 18th St. line: 1 S. to 700 S. Park or Compton Heights lines: 900 to 1400. 4th St. line; 1600 to 2100. Tower Grove line; 2100 to 3400. Cherokee line; 3500 to 3600. Broadway line; 4400 to 4500, Bellefontaine line. EIGHTH ST. N. & S. 800 W. From Mound to Ann. 1 N. to 1700 N., Cherokee line; 1 S. to 2100 S., Cass line. EILER. E. & W. 5400 S. From Wharf to Virginia and from Alabama to 16th; 1 to 300. Broadway line: 400 to 3600, Bellefon- taine line. EITM.VN AV. E. & W. 2600 S. and 6000 W. From Sulphur to Simpson. 5900 to 6100, Tower Grove line; go 3 blocks north. BLENORE. N. & S. 5800 S. on Gravois road. Cherokee line. ELEVENTH. N. & S. 1100 W From Gano to Pestalozzi 1 N. to 500 N. Cherokee; 600 N. to 4200 N.. Bellefontaine; 4300 to 4800, Broadway line; 7 S. to 1400 S.. Bellefon- taine; 1400 to 2600, Cherokee; 2700 to 2800, Cass line. ELI.\S AV. W. From 8600 Broadway 1 block west, north of Hornsby Av. Broadway line. ELIZABETH AV. E. & W. 2300 S. From Cooper to Clifton. 5200 to 6200. Tower Grove line, go 5 blocks north, or Manches- ter car, go 7 blocks south. ELLA AV. E. & W. 1400 N. From Hodla- mont (6000) west. Hodiamont line. ELLEND.\LE AV. N. & S. 7100 W. From Old Manchester road to Rosalie, 2800 to 3000. Manchester line. ELLENDALE PL.ACE. 2700 South. 7100 S. From Ellendale Av. to Mo. Pac. Tracks, Maplewood-Manchester, Mo. Pac. R. R. ELLENWOOD AV. E. & W. from Wydown Boul. 6300 West. Clayton & Forest Park line. ELLIOT AV. N. & S. 2700 W. From Franklin to Hebert, 900 to 3100. Jefferson Av. line. 1 block west. ELW,\RD AV. E. & W. From 4000 N. Good- fellow Av. 1 block east. Cass Av. line. ELLWOOD. E. & W. 5900 S. From Wharf to Michigan, 1 to 300. Broadway line; 400 to 600, Bellefontaine line. ELM. E. & W. 200 S. From Wharf to 7th. 100 to 400, 4th St. line: 400 to 700, Broad- way line. ELMBANK AV. E. & W. 3400 N. and 4400 W. From Newstead to Taylor, 4300 to 4500, Cass or Taylor Av. lines. ELMER AV. E. & W. 6600 S. Schollmeyer to Tyrolean Av., Cherokee line. EMERSON AV. E. & W. 7800 N., in Elwood Park. 3 blocks S. W. of Florissant Av. Bellefontaine line transfer to Union Av. car. EMILIE. E. & W. 7200 W. and 3000 S. From Ellendale to Mo. Pac. Ry. Manchester line, 5 blocks south. EMILY. N. & S. 2100 W. From east Grand to Warne, 4700 to 5400. Bellefontaine line. EMMA AV. E. & W. 5500 N. From Mimlka to western city limits. Union Av. car, go 5 blocks west. EMMET. E. & W. 1835 S. From 9th to 14th Sts. 900 to 1400, Cherokee. ERA AV. E. & W From Florissant to Emma 8400 N, Bellefontaine line. ESPENSCHEID. E. & W. 8500 S. From Wharf »o Virginia. 1 to 400. Broadway line. ESPLANADE. E. & W. 320,0 S., and 7200 W. From River des Peres to Tennyson Square. Manchester line, go 10 blocks south. ESTELL.A AV. E. & W. from Newby St. to Halls Ferry road; 8640 N. 1133 W. Broad- way through car. ESTHER AV. N. & S. 6200 W. and 2300 S. From Elizabeth to Simpson, east of Clifton Heights Tower Grove line. ETHEL AV. E. & W. from McCausland Av., west to city limits; 6900 wrest and 1000. S. Market St. line. ETZEL AV. E. & W. 1300 N. From Page to western city limits. 5500 to 6200. Page or Hodiamont lines. ETZEL TERRACE. N. & S. 1300 N. and 6200 W. From Etzel Av. to western city limits Hodiamont line. EUCLID AV. N. & S. 4900 W. From Floris- sant Av. to 600 S. on Kingshighway. 1 N. to 800 N. Taylor Av. line; 700 N. to 1000, Hodiamont line; 1200 to 1400, Page Av. line; 1500 to 1700, Wellston line: 1800 to 2300, Spalding line; 2300 to 3300. Cass line; 3300 to 4200. Spring line: 4300 to 5100. Bellefon- taine line: 1 S. to 600 S. Taylor or Laclede lines. EUCLID PL.4CE. E. to W. From Walton Av. to Euclid j^v. between McPherson and Washington Boul. Taylor or University lines. EUCLID TERRACE. E. & W. From Euclid to Alley, 9u0 N. Hodiamont line. EUGENE AV. N. & S. 3700 W From Lough- borough to Koeln; 7000 to 7400, Bellefon- taine. EUGENIA. E. & W. 200 S. From 18th to Lefflngwell, 1800 to 2700, Market St. line. EUREK.l PL. (Private.) South from Fair- fax Av., 4350 W.. between Pendleton and Newstead, Page line. EVANS AV. E. & W. 1451 N. From Francis to Marcus, 3500 to 4600. Wellston line. EVELINE. E. & W. 5900 W. and 1900 S. From Sulphur to Knox. Manchester line, oft at Sulphur, go 4 blocks south. EVERGREEN PLACE. N. & S. 6900 W. From Manchester to Waldemar. Manchester line. EWING AV. N. & S. 2900 W. From Eas- ton to Park 1 N. to 200 N., Market St.; 300 to 500, Olive St. lines; 500 to 800, Page; 800 to 1000, Wellston line: 1 S. to 600 S. Market St. line: 700 to 1200, Chouteau line; 1400 to 1500, Compton Heights. FAIR AV. N. & S. 4151 W. From Labadle to Rosalie and from Hall to Carter, 300 to 2000, Broadway line: 2100 to 2200, Belle- fontaine: 3600 to 4300. Sarah St. line. P.\IUF.\X AV. E. & W. 1035 N. From Van- deventer to Taylor. 3900 to 4500, Pags lines. FAIR3IOUNT AV. See Gates Av. F.VIRVIEW AV. K. & W. 3443 S. From Grand to Gustlne. 3600 to 3800, Grand Av. line. FALL AV. N. & S. 3651 W. From North Market to St. Louis av. 2400 to 2500, Cass Av. line. F.AMOUS .W. E. & W. 2000 S. From Knox to Wilson. 6200 to 6400. Manchester line. FANNIE AV. E. & W. 8900 S. From River des Peres to Jefferson Barracks road, Broadway line, FARLIN AV. E. & W. 4100 N. From New- stead av. to Red Bud av. 4300, Tavlor Av. FARR.AGUT. E. & W. 4239 N. From 14th to 20th sts. 1400 to 2000. Bellefontaine line. FARRAR. E. & W. 3800 N. From Broad- way to Palm. 1 to 900. Broadway line; 1100 to 1600. Bellefontaine line: 2000 to 2500, Lee line. FASSEN. E. & W. 5500 S. From Wharf to Virginia, 1 to 300, Broadway line; 400 to 500, Bellefontaine line. PERN. N. & S. 7200 W. From Emllle to Rosalie. ^Manchester line. FERRY. E. & W. 4300 N. From Wharf to Grove. 1 to 1000, Broadway line; 1100 to 2700, Bellefontaine line. FIELD AV. N. & S. 3800 W. From Lough- borough to River des Peres. 7100 to 7400, Bellefontaine line. FIFTEE.NTH. N. & S. 1500 W. From Wright to Singleton and from Osceola to Eichel- berger. 1 N. to 800 N., Bellefontaine line; 900 to 1200, Spring Av. line: 1300 to 1800 N., Lee Av. line: 1 S. to 1000 S., Bellefon- t;iine line: 4500 to 5200. Bellefontaine line. FILLMORE. E. & W. 6000 S. From Wharf to Grand. 1 to 300, Broadway line; 400 to 3600, Bellefontaine line. FINKHAM. E. & W. 6000 S. From Kings- highway 4900 west. Cherokee line. FINNEY AV. E. & W. 1100 N. From Grand to Taylor. 3600 to 4500. Page lines. FIRST. N. & S. 100 W. From East Grand to Dorcas and from Guthrie to Marine, 4500 N. to 4100 S., Broadway line, or 1000 N. to 1000 S., 4th St. line. FIRST AV. (Private.) N. and S. from 6742 Wise av., west of Kraft street. Market line. FL.VD AV. E. & W. 2200 S. From Grand to Tower Grove av. 3600 to 4100. Compton Heights or Park Av. lines; 4200 to 4300. Vandeventer line. FLOR.A AV. E. & W. 2145- S. From Grand to Tower Grove av. 3600 to 4100, Comp- ton Heights or Park Av. lines; 4100 to 4300 Vandeventer line. FLORA COURT. E. from 2130 Grand av., about one-half block long. Grand Av. line. FLORIDA. E. & W. 1559 N. From Wharf to Broadway. 1 to 300, Broadway. FLORISSANT AV. N. & S. 2127 W. From Hebert to northern city limits, 2200 to 7600. Bellefontaine line; 7500 to 8500. Union Av. car. STREET GUIDE— Continued. FLOY AV. E. & W. 8500 N. Florissant to Emma. Bellefontalne line. FOLSOM AV. E. & W. 1529 S. From Grand to Tower Grove av. 3600 to 410U. Park Av. line; 4200 to 4300, Vandeventer line. FORDKV. N. & S. 500 W. From Thatcher to Antelope. 7700 N. to 7800, N. Broadway line. FOREST AV. N. & S. 6900 W. From Pla- teau to Manchester. 1800 to 2200. Man- chester line. FOREST r.VRK DOVILEVARD. E. & W. 200 S. From Grand av. to Kingshlghway; 3600 to 5000, Laclede Av. line. FOREST P.VRK TERRACE. (Continuation of Linden Boulevard.) E. and W. 200 N. From KinKslilKhway to Union, 5000 to 5300. OIlve-.Mar\ l.ind line. FOnsVTIIE not LEVA RD. E. & W. 101 N. 6200 W. From Sklnlcer to City Limits. FOSTER .VI.I.EV. N. & S. 550 W. From Biddle to O'Fallon: 1200 to 1300 N. Broad- way line. FOr.VTAlX AV. E. & W. 1100 N. From Walton to Kingshlghway. 4800 to 5000, Hoiliamont line. FOUNTAIN PARK. 1100 N. 4800 W. on Fountain av. from Bayard to Aubert av. Hodiamont or Wellston lines. F«>1 RTEE.NTH ST. N. & S. 1400 W. From Bisseli to Chouteau and Hickory to Geyer, also from Osage to Eichelberger. 1 N. to 900 N., Bellefontalne line; 1100 to 1200 Spring Av. line; 1300 to 2900, Lee Av. line; 3000 to 4200. Bellefontalne line; 4300 to 4400. Broadway line: 1 S. to 1000 S., Belle- fontalne line; 1400 to 1800. Tower Grove lln$: 4400 to 5200 S.. Bellefontalne. FOIRTH. N. & S. W. From Wash to Con- vent. 1000 N. to 1200 S.. 4th St. line. FOX PL.\CE. E. & W. 5500 S From Virginia to 6th. Bellefontalne line. FRANCIS. N. & S. 3500 W. From Easton to Cass. 1300 to 1400 Wellston. FR.\NKLIN AV. E. & W. 900 N. From Wharf to Grand. 1 to 2800, Wellston line; 2S0n to 3600, Hodiamont line. FREDERICK ST. N. & S. two blocks west of Broadway from 1018 Bittner St. south. Broadway line. KIIEM<»\T .\V. E. & W. 8800 N. and 600 W. From Broadway east, Broadway line. FRENCH AV. E. & W. 7000 S. From Grand to Eugene. 3600 to 3700. Bellefontalne line. FRENCH MARKET COl'RT. N. & S. 550 W. From Hickory to LaSalle. 1100 to 1200. Broadway line. FRIEDA .-W. E. & W., between Gravols av. and Morganford road, 5429 S. Cherokee line. FRISCO AV. N. & S. 6950 W. and 3300 E. From Scanlan to McCausland, Frisco trains to Gratiot Station. FRISCO PARK. E. to W. From 2133 Clifton avenue, south of Wilson avenue. Tower Grove line. FRI Ell AV. E. & W. 4750 N. From Good- fellow we.st to city limits. Union Av. car to terminus, then about 15 blocks south- west. PVLER AV. E. & W. 3300 S. From Mor- Kanford road to McCausland. 4900 to 6500, Towf-r Grove line, go 2 blocks south; 6600 to 6900, Frisco suh. trains to Gratiot. GAINE. E. & W. 2300 S. From .lelTerson to Devolsey. Tower Grove or Jeffer.son lines. GAI.LE. N. & S. 1800 W. From Emmet, 1800 S., Bellefontalne Une. GAMBLE. E. & W. 1200 N. From Jefferson to Garrison. 2600 to 3000. Jefferson or Spring lines. GAMOLETON PLACE. E. & W. 1200 N. From Noillamont to western city limits. 6000. Hodiamont or Page. GANNETT ST. 4300 West. East to West from 4S00. formerly Morganford Rd. Cher- okee car. GANO. E. & W. 4900 N. on Broadway. From From .Mississippi Hlver to Kossuth. 1 to 1500. Broiidwuv lines: 2000 to 4400, Belle- fontalne; 4100 to 4200, Lee. C.*RI>EN. E. & W. 3523 N. From 19th to 20th, L.'e line. GARDBNVILLE AV. N. & S. From 4774 Mlienz av.. running south 400 feet. Cher- okee line. GAKDENVII.LR AV. S. From Gravols av. Cher*)k<'e line. GARESCIIE IIOl'LEVAnn. N. & S. From Oriole av. to city limits. 8100 and (TSOO N., Union line. GARFIELD AV. E. A W. 1900 N. From Grand to Cora and from Kingshlghway to western city limits. 3600 to 6200. Wells- ton line, go 3 blocks north. GARNER AV. E. & W. 2160 S. Prom Kraft to Forest, 6800 to 6900. Manchester line. OARNIBR. N. & S. 4250 W. and 4300 8. From B«>ck to Chippewa. Cherokee line. GARRITT AV. 4400 S. N. & S. from Os- ceola St. to Delor. 4800 S. 3900 W.. Belle- fontalne line. G.ARRISON AV. N. & S. 3000 W. From Nat- ural Bridge road to Atlantic. 1 to 200 N. Laclede line; 300 to 500, Olive St. lines; 500 to 700, Page lines: 800 to 1000, Hodiamont lines: 1100 to 1200, Wellston line: 1400 to 2600, Spring line: 2700 to 2800, Cass line: 1 S. to 700 S., Market St. line. G.ARRISON COURT. E. & W. 51 S. and 2900 W. From Ewlng to Montrose. Market St. line. GARTH AV. E. & W. 8100 N. From Church road in Baden to Newby st. Broadway line. G.ASCON.ADE.. E. & W. 4100 S. From Wharf to Grand. 1 to 2700, Broadway line; 2700 to 3200, Bellefontalne line; 3300 to 3600, Grand Av. line. CAST PL.VCE. N. & S. From Hornsby av. south. 2 blocks: 1 block west of Broad- way. Broadway through car. GAY. E. & W. 815 N. From 12th to 14th sts. 1200 to 1400. Wellston or Hodiamont lines. GENEVIEVE AV. E. & W. 2600 W. and 7865 north. 1 block each way Lillian av. Un- ion Av. car. GER.ALDINE AV. E. & W. 7600 N. From Florissant to Bircher; 2200 to 2600. Unton Av. car. GERMANIA. S. from 7300 Gravols. Chero- kee line. GERTRIDE AV. E. & W. from Gravols av. to Morganford road, about 5600 south. Cherokee line. GEYER AV. E. & W. 2000 S. From Kos- ciusko to Louisiana. 1 to 700. Broadway line; 800 to 1700, Cherokee line: 1800 to 2800, Tower Grove line; 2900 to 3400, 4th St. line. GIBBONS. 4600 S. and 200 W. Parallel with and near Iron Mountain tracks, south of Neosho. Broadway line. GIBSON AV. E. & W. 1100 S. From Ken- tucky to Kingshlghway. 4200 to 4600. Market line. GIBSON ROAD. E. & W. 9500 N. near Water Works. From Columbia Bottom road west, Broadway line or Burlington's Allon BUb- urban. GILES AV. N. & S. 3700 W. From McDon- ald to Keokuk. 3400 to 3900, Grand Av. line. GILMORE AV. E. & W. 8034 N. From The- odore to Florissant. Union Av. car. GILSON AV. N. & S. From Eichelberger St., 4500 west, and 6300 south to Wilcox av. Cherokee car. GIMBLIN. E. & W. 8200 N. on Broadway. From Church road In Baden to Newby St., Broadway line. GIMIILIV IIOAD. E. & W. 8100 N. From Maline Creek to Hall's Ferry road. 1 to 800, Broadway line. GLADES AV. E. & W. 2000 S. From Kraft to McCausland. 6800 to 7000. Manchester line. GLASGOW AV. N. & S. 2900 W. From Eas- ton to Florissant. 1000 to 1200, Wellston; 1200 to 1400, Spring; 1500 to 2900, Cass: 3100 to 3900, Jefferson; 4000 to 4300, Grand Av. line. GLASGOW PLACE. E. & W. 1439 N. From Garrison to Webster. Spring line. GLBNDAI.E AV. E. & W. 11000 N. From Columbia Bottom road west. Broadway line or Burlington's Alton susurban train. GLENMORE AV. E. & W. 36no N. Good- ellow to Hamilton, Natural Bridge line. GOENER AV. S. from Kansas st. 2 blocks long. 1 block east of Gravols. Cherokee line. GOETHE AV. E. & W. From 6200 Gravols av. to 5600 S. Kingshlghway blv. Cherokee car. GOODE AV. N. & S. 4200 W. From Easton to Kennerly. 1500 to 2700. Wellston. GOODFELI.OW .\V. N. * S SSIlO W. From Delmar north to Wabash Ry. 70 Oto 1000, Ollve-D'lmar: 1000 to 1400. Page; 1400 to 2800, Wellston; 2900 to 4500, Cass; 2200 W to 2800 W., TTnion Av. car. GOODFELLOW PLACE. E. & W. 2600 N. From Union to Arlington. B200 to B400. Union Av. car. GRACE AV. N. & S. 3636 W. From Mc- lionaiii to Gravols. 3400 to 3600, C.rand. GRACE AV. (Private.) N. & S. 3446 W. From DeTontv to Shaw. Grand line. GRAHAM, N. & S. 6300 W. From Bartholdt to West Park Av. 1100 to 1400, Manches- ter line. GRAND AV. N. & S. 3600 W. (at I^clede av.) Frotn Florissant to River des Peres. 4400 N. to 4400 S.. Grand line; 4600 to 8200 S., Bcilefontalnp. GRAND AV. EAST. E. & W. 4600 N. From Wharf to Florissant av. 1 to 1600. Broad- wav: 1900 to 2200. Grand Av. GRAND-KINGSHIGHWAY. N. & S. From Grand and Meramec. 4300 South, to Kings- highway Southwest, 6400 South. Grand Av. or Belieontaine car. GRAND VIEW PLACE. N. & S. 1000 S. 6700 W. Manchester line. GR.ANT. .N.-W. 2131 N. From Warne to Harris; 5300 to 5600, Belieontaine line. GR.\.NT COURT. N. & S. 4103 to 1101 N. Page line. GR.ANVILLE PLACE. N. & S. 5550 W. From Minerva to Wells. Page line. GRAPE AV. E. & W. 8400 N. & 800 W. Broadway line GRATIOT. E. & W. 800 S. From Wharf to Boyle. 1 to 500. Broadway: 600 to 900, Cass; 1000 to UtoO. Tower Grove; 1300 to 1900. 4th St. line: 2000 to 3900. Chouteau Av. line; 3900 to 4200, Market St. line. GRATT.AN. N. & S. 1700 W. From Chou- teau 1(1 Lafayette. 1000 to 1700, Bellefon- talne line. GRAVOIS AV. S.-W. 1752 W. and 2100 S. From Russell av. to western city limits. 1800 to 2700. Bellefontalne line; 2800 to 3200. Tower Grove line; 3300 to 7500, Cher- okee line. GREENLEA PL.\CE. E. & W. 4239 N. From Warne to Harris. 4100 to 4200. Lee line. GREENWOOD. N. & S. 115 W. and 2600 N. From Warren to St. Louis av. 2600 to 2800. Broadway line. GREER AV. E. & W. 3100 N. From Glas- gow to 175 west of Clara Av., and from Goodfellow to Hamilton Av. 5800 to 5900. Cass Av. line: 3800 to 4100, Cass or Vande- venter lines. GREGG AV. N. & S. 6300 W. Lloyd to Man- chester avos., Manchester line. GROVE AV. (Private.) N. & S. 6300 W. and 2100 S. From Wilson av. to Clifton av. Tower Grove line. GROVE ST. N. & S. 3000 W. and 4000 N. From Bailey to Florissant. 4000 to 4300, Lee line. GROVER ST. (Private.) N. from North Mar- ket street, between Union and Arlington avs. Cass or I'nion Av. car. GRUNDY. E. & W. 6100 S. From Wharf to Michigan. 1 to 300, Broadway line: 300 to 600. Bellefontalne line. GUSTINE AV. N. & S. 3900 W. From Ar senal to Tholozan and from Chippewa to Keokuk, 3100 to 3300, Tower Grove line: 3400 to 3900. Cherokee. Gl'THRIE. E. & W. 3700 P. From Wharf to Kosciusko. 1 to 200, Broadwav. GYPSY. N. & S. 629 W. From Carrie to Morin and from Withers to Adelaide: 6300 to 6400 N. Broadway. HABSBI'RGER. E. & W 6800 S. and 4600 W. rOast from Gravols av. Cherokee line. HALL. N. & S. 21 W. From North Market to city limits 3400 to 9200. Broadwov. HALLIDAA- AV. E. & S. 2800 S. From Michigan to Grand. 3400 to 3600. Grand line. HALL'S FERRY AV. N. & S. 8300 N. From Broadway to northern city limits. Broad- way line. HALL'S PLACE. (Private.) K. & W. From Virginia av. 5400 south 600 west. Belle- fontalne. HAMBURG AV. E. & W. 7430 S. 4700 W. rOast from Gravols av., south of River des Peres. Cherokee line. HAMILTON AV. N. & S. 5900 W. From Del- mar to Kennerly. 700 to 1600, Hamilton Av. line: 1400 to 2700, Wellston. HAMILTON TERRACE. E. & W. From 1400 N. Hamilton av. to city limits. 5900 West, formerly Bertha av. Hodiamont or Hamil- ton Av. linos. HAMMETT PLACE. E. & W. 2425 N. From Marcus av. west; 4700 to 4900. Marcus line. HVMPTON AV. (formerly Sulphur). N. & S. From Nottingham to Bancroft. 5800 W. i300 S. Chouteau line. HANCOCK AV. E. & W. 3439 S From Wat- son road to River des Peres. 6900 to 7100. Frisco tralr to Llndenwood. HANNOVER AV. E. & W. 7500 S. 4700 W. East from Gravols nv. south of River des Peres. Cherokee line, HARLAN AV. (Formerly Isaiah.) E. A W.. about 8735 N. and 845 W. one block W. of Broadway. Broadwav through car HARNEY AV. N. & S. 2300 W. (on Calvary av.) From North Kingshlghway to Emer- son, and from Thrush to Tracy. 7000 to 8200, Union Av. line. HARPER, E. & W. 3800 N. From Glasgow to Grand. 2800 to 3600, Grand line or Cher- okee line. HARRIS AV. E. & W. 5600 N. From Hall to Penrose. 1 to 700. Broadway line; 2200 to 4300, Sarah St. line. HARTFORD. E. & W. 3123 S. From Louis- iana to Alfred, 3600 to 4400, Tower Grove line. STREET GUIDE— Continued. HAVESN. E. & W. 6700 S. From Wharf to Colorado. 1 to 300, Broadway line; 400 to 900, Bellefontaine line. HAWK AV. N. & S. 4000 W. From Clayton to Gratiot. 700 to 900. Market St. line. H.WVTHOIt.XB UOILKVARD. E. & W. 2200 S. and SOOO W. From its eastern to west- ern junction with Longfellow Boulevard, Compton Heights line. HAZblL. \V. E. & W. 4300 N. From Arling- ton av., west Union Av. car, off at Brown av.. go west and north. HEBER. N. & S. 239 W. and 4600 N. From Grand av., to John, from Gano to Prairie. 4600 to 5000, Broadway line. HEBERT. E. & W. 3200 N. From 10th to Prairie. 100 to 1400, Bellefontaine line; 1500 to 2000. Cherokee line: 2000 to 3800, 18th St. line. HEIDELBERG AV. In country, E. & W. From Gravois av. to Hlldesheim. 2 bloclLTH AV. E. & W. 4100 N. From Glas- gow to Taylor. 2900 to 4500, Lee line; 4600 to 5000, Spring line. KR.\FT. N. & S. 6700 W. From Wise to Manchester. 1200 to 2100, Manchester line. KK.Vl S. E. & W. 6800 S. From Water to Virginia. 1 to 300, Broadway line; 400 to 600. Bellefontaine line. KRV.M. N. & S. 3800 W. From Finney to Coolc, 1100 to 1200. Page line. L.IB.VUIE: av. E. & W. 3000 N. From Prairie to Clara. 3800 to 5000. Cass. L.V BK.VI.UE:. E. & W. 1900 N. From 2d to loth sts. 200 to 1000. Broadway. L,.\CL.KUB AV. E. & W. north and south di- viding line from Jefferson Av. west. From Jcffer.son to Kingshighway, 2600 to 5000, Laclede line. LACLKDE: park. 2700 W. 4100 S. W. Iowa av.; E. Iowa av.; N. Gasconade St.; S. Gas- conade St. Bellefontaine line. I.AF.VYETTE AV. E. & W. 1800 S. From Wharf to Grand. 1 to 600, Broadway line; 7uii to 1100, Cass line; 1200 to 2000, Tower Grove line; 2000 to 3600, 4th St. line; also from Old Manchester rd.. east one bloclt, Chouteau line. LAFLIN AV. N. & S. 3100 W. From Maga- zine to intersection of Garrison. 2400 to 2500, Spring Av. line. L.AKK .\V. N. & S. 5200 W. From Lindell to Pelmar, 200 to 700, Ollve-McPherson or Ollve-Delmar. L.\I,rrK .AV. E. & W. 8»00 N. From Par- tridge to western city limits. Union line. l.A.MIIUI.> .\V. N. & S. 4200 W. From Ken- nerly to Ashland. 2800 to 3100. Cass line. L.\.MI. E. & W. 2350 S. From 2d to Salena; 200 to 600. Broadway; 700 to lOoO, Cass; 1100 to 2000. Cherokee. 1.A.MOTTE AV. N. & S. From 3950 Duncan av. to Bernard st. Market x>r Vandeventer lines. L.VMMF.UER AV. N. & S. 4600 W. and 7500 S. Three blocks east of Gravois av., Chero- kee line. l,.\.\DSUO\VXE AV, E. & W. 4500 S. From Kingshighway to Sulphur and from River des Peres to city limits. 5000 to 5700. Chou- teau-Southampton line; 700 and west, Fris- co train to Shrewsbury. I.A.VHAM AV. E. & W. 2600 S. and 7100 W. From Mo. Pac. Ry. to city limits. 1 block north of Manchester av. 72J0 to 7300, Man- chester line. L.VSAI.LE ST. E. & W. 1100 S. From Wharf to Tiffany. 1 to 1800, 4th St. line; 1800 to 3800. Chouteau line. L.\rR V A\. 5100 N. and 5800 W. From Part- ridge to western city limits. Union Av. car. go 10 liiocit southwest. L,.\IKVLIE l«L.4rE. West from Euclid, 2 lilocks north of Natural Bridge rd. Nat- viral Bridge line. b.VLRKI.. N. & S. 5836 W. From Hodiamont line tracks to Maple and from Page to Min- erva. Hodiamont line. I-AWN AV. N. & S. 5100 W. From Oakland to Berthold av., about 200 feet west of Kinushighwav. Manchester or Taylor Av. lines. LAWRENCE. N. & S. 4000 W. From Park tn Botanical. 1500 to 2400. Park Av. line. LAWTON AV. E. & W. 100 N. From JefTer- snn to Grand. 2600 to 3500. Laclede line. LF".fJ*V riiACE. (Private.) South tn north. From 5345 Daggett av. Southampton caT to Kingshighway or Oak Hill Branch Mo. Pac. R. R. LEA PLACE. N. & S. 4150 W. and 4100 N. From Lee av. south. Lee Av. line. LEAni'R AV. N. & S. 5544 W. From Car- lyle to River des Peres. 1600 to 1700. Man- chester line. • LE\IIV AV. N. & S. From 2300 E. miclid av. to Kingahlchway. Bellefontaine line LE.\MINOT«»> nOl'LEVARD. N. & S. 7200 W. and 3300 S. M.inchester line, go 10 blocks south, or Frisco train to Linden wood. LEDI'C. E. & W. 1900 N. From Marcus west. 4700 to 4800, Marcus line. LEE AV. E. & W. 4129 N. and 2900 W. From Glasgow to Marcus, 3000 to 4500. Leo line LRKFINOWELL AV. N. & S. 2800 W. From Dodler to Randolph. 1 to 200 N.. Laclede; 300 to 500. Olive St. lines: 500 to 700. Page; .■^00 to 1000. Hodiamont line: 1100 to 1200 Well-don: 1400 to 2600. Si)ring line: 27»0 to 280(1. Cass: 1 S to 700 S.. Market St. Mne LEMORA AV. N. & S. 2300 W. From Good- fellow to Mimika. Bellefontaine line. LEMP AV. N. ft S. 1900 W. and 2200 8. From GravolB to Victor and from SIdne.v to Broadway; 2200 to 3400. Cherokee line: 3400 to 3600. Broadway line. LE.N'A AV, E. & W. From Goodfellow av. west. 5566 N.. 8500 W. Union line. LENOX .VV. E. & W. 371 N. and 4700 W. From Walton to Euclid. 4700 to 4900, Tay- lor line. LEOL.V .VV, N. & S. 6500 W. and 3100 S, From Arsenal to Scanlan, 3100 to 3200. Tower Grove line. LEDX.V .\V. N. & S. 5 blocks east of Gravois. 4600 S. and 3927 W. Cherokee line. LEOX.VRD AV. N. & S. 3300 W. From Eas- ton to Manchester. 1 N. to 200 N.. Laclede 300 to 500. Olive St. lines; 600 to 800. Page; 900 to 1000. Hodiamont lines; 1100 to 1300 N.. Wellston line: 1 S. to 100 S., Market St. line. LEONOR.A AV. N. & S. 8400 N. 2200 W. Belle- fontaine line. LESPERANXE. E. & W. 2000 S. From Wharf to Broadway. 1 to 400, Bioadway line. LEVKE. Entire Mississippi River front. Broadway line. LEWIS. N. & S. 1 W. and 1200 N. From Biddle to Florida. 1200 to 1600 N. Broad- way line. LEWIS PLACE. E. & W. 1000 N. and 4500 W. From Taylor to Walton, 4500 to 4700, Tay- lor or Page lines. LEXIXGTO.N AV. E. & W. 3500 N. and 3800 W. From Prairie to Newstead. 3900 to 4400, Spring line. LIBERTY ST. 4700 S. runs E. to W. From Compton to Virginia, Bellefontaine line. LIERMAN AV. 4000 S. runs E. to W. From Grand av. west. Grand Av. line. LILRURN AV. E. & W. From 2331 E. Eu- clid av. to Kingshighway. Bellefontaine or Union. LILLIAN AV. N. & S. 2500 W. and 7500 N. From Calvary to Thrush, 7200 to 7900, Un- ion car. LILLY AV. N. & S. 5500 W. From Manches- ter to Bischoff. 1400 to 2200, Manchester line. LIMIT AV. N. & S. 6900 W. In Benton Sta tion. Manchester line. LINCOLN AV. E. & W. 2600 N. From Spring to Sarah. 3800 to 4100, Vandeventer line. LINCOLN COlllT. N. & S. 4400 W. South from Maftitt to Alley. Taylor line. LINDELL AV. E. ,& W. 229 N. and 3400 W. From Channing to Grand, 3400 to 3500. 01ive_St. lines: also from Kingshighway to Skinker road. E. & W. from 5000 to 7000, Ollve-Universlty. « LINDELL BOl LEVARD. E. & W. 200 N. and 3600 W. From Grand to Kingshighway: 3500 to 5000, Olive-Maryland; 5100 to 5300 OUve-Unlversity or Union Av. LINDEN. E. & W. 719 N. From 12th to 13th 1200 to 1300. Park or Compton lleiKhts line. LINDENWOOD PLACE. K. & W. 3700 S. and 7000 W. From McCausland to River des Peres. 7000 to 7200, Frisco suburban trains to Linden wood. LI.NTON AV. S. W. 5200 N. (on Broadway) From Broadw-ay to Penrose. 700 to 2000 Broadway line; 2100 to 4300, Bellefontaine line. LISETTE AV. E. & W., running west from Kingshighway. Take Tower Grove car Kingshighway. LISMORE. N. & S. 2550 W. and 3110 N. From Sullivan to Hebert, 2900 to 3000, Jefferson line. LITTLE. N. & S. 5500 W. and 1800 S. From Lilly to Shnw. Manchester line. LITTLE'S PLACE, JR. See Cora Av. LLOYD AV. E, & W. 1460 S. From Tamm west. 6400. Manchester line. LOCIST. E. & W. 400 N. From Wharf to Theresa. 1 to 400, 4th St. line; 400 to 1300. Hodiamont line; 1400 to 3500, Olive St. or Page line. LOGAN. E. & W. From 8826 N. Broadway to Water Works conduit. Broadway line. LOMB.VRD. E. & W. 900 S. From Wharf to Broadway. 1 to 5ii0. 4th St. line. LONGFELLOW BOILEVARD. S.-W. 3100 W. and 2200 S. From Lafayette to Grand. Compton Heights line. L0IIF;:N7,. S.-W. ."i7no S. From Wharf to southern city limits. 1 to 600, Broadway line LORETTA, E. & W. 1600 S and 6000 W. From Sulphur to Billon. $000 to 6100, Man- chester line. LORRAINE AV, E. & W. 3500 N. Prom Marcus to Kingshighway. 4700 to GOOO. Spring or Marcus lines. LOTIS AV. E. & W. 1800 N. From Euclid to Kingshighway. 4900 to 5o00, Wellston line, go 3 biorks north, LOIOHBOROIGH AV. E. & W. 6900 S. From Water to Gravois. 1 to 400 Broad- way line; 500 to 4ono, Bellefontaine: 4300 to 5000, Cherokee lino. LOi;iS. E. & W. 7600 S. From Grand av. west. Bellefontaine line. LOUISA. E. & W. 2737 S. From Wharf to 2d. 1 to 200, Broadway llne^ LOUISIANA AV. N. & S. 3400 W. from Park to Russell and from Hawthorne to Kansas. 1500 to 4200, Grand line. LOtlSVILLE AV. .V. & S. 6400 W. and 1300 S. From Clayton road south. Market line. LOWELL, N. & S. 700 W. From Olmblin road North. 8500 N. to 8600 N., Broadway line. LOWRY. S.-W. 7100 W. and 2700 S. from Lanham to western city limits. Manchester line. LUCAS AV. E. & W. 700 N. From Wharf to Grand. 1 to 400, 4th St. line; 400 to 3600. Page line. Ll'CILLE AV, N. & W. 5400 N. and 5700 W. From Mimika to cit.v limits. Union Av. car, go 10 blocks southwest. LUCKY. E. & W. 1700 N. From Grand to Cora. 3600 to 4600, Wellston line, go 1 block north. tUCY, N. & S. 4336 W. From Oleathe to Tholozan. 3500 S., Chouteau-Southampton line, go east to Osceola. 4 blocks. LULU AV. N. & S. 4800 W. and 3400 N. From Ashland to Greer. 3500 to 3600, Cass line. (See Walton Place.) LUTHER AV. E. & W. 7000 N. From Hall to Broadwav. 200 to 800, Broadwav line. LVDIA AV. N. & S. about 8000 N. and 2000 W. Union Av. line. LY'NCH. E. & W. 2800 S. From Wharf to Gravois 1 to 700, Broadway line; 900 to 2700, Cass line. LY-QN. N. & S. 400 W. and 2800 S. From Lynch to Dorcas. 2800 to 2900, Broadway line. MACKLIND AV, N. & S. 5400 W. From For- est Park to Arsenal and from Nottingham to Bancroft. 1000 to 1200, Market line; 1200 to 2200, Manchester line; 2400 to 3100, Tower Grove line: 4300 to 4800, Chouteau- Southampton line. MADISON. E. & W. 2100 N. From Wharf to Webster. 1 to 800. Broadway line; 900 to 1300. Bellefontaine line; 1300 to 1700, Lee line; 1800 to 3100, Cass line. M.\EDEK AV. E. & W. 5100 S. From Wharf to Virginia. 1 to 500, Broadway line. M.\FFITT AV, E. & W. 2700 N. From Spring to Euclid and from Kingshighway to Nor- wood av. 3700 to 5800. Cass line MAGAZINE, E. to W. 1800 N. From Lef- flngwell to Bacon. 2800 to 3300. Cass lino MAG.\OLIA A\. !•:. & W. 2 700 S. From Gra- vois to Sublette and from Ecort to Mc- Causland and from Clifton to Tamm. 2737 to 3600. Tower Grove line: 3600 to 4100, Compton Heights line; 4200 to 4300. Vande- venter line; 4300 to 520n. Chouteau-South- ampton line: 5200 to 6400. Tower Grove line; 680O to 6900. Maplewood car. M.IGNOLI.V PL. E. & W. 2361 S. and 4000 W. 1 block south of Magnolia av. Park or Compton lines. MAIDEN L.\NE. E. & W. 1850 N. From' Ho- gan to Jefferson. 1900 to 2600, Cass. M.VIN. (See First St.) MALLINCKRODT. E. & W. 3600 N. From Hall to 25th st. 100 to 900. Broadway, line; 1100 to 1500, Bellefontaine line; 1900 to 2300, Lee line. MALT. E. & W. 6600 S. From Water to Col- orado. 1 to 300. Broadway line; 400 to 900, Bellefontaine line. M.\NCIIESTER AV. S.-W. 4100 W- From Sarah to city lilmts. 4100 to 7200, Man- chester line. M.VNHATT.tN AV. N. & S. 3300 S. and 7100 W. From Leamington to city limits, be- tween Mo. Pac. and Frisco Rys. Manches- ter line, go south 10 block or Mo. Pac. trains to Sutton. MAPLE .*V. E. & W. 1237 N. From Euclid to western city limits. 4900 to 6100, Page or Hodiamont lines. MAPLE PLACE. (Formerly Allanthus St.) N. from Hodiamont right-ofway to Maple av. 930 N. and 5962 W., Hodiamont line. M.VRCE.VC. E. & W. 8400 S. From Wharf to Ivorv. 1 to 800. Broadway. MARCrs AY'. N. & S. 4700 W. From Bell to Cook and from Page to Florissant. 1100 to 1200, Hodiamont line; 1200 to 1400, Page line; 1500 to 4000. Marcus line: 4000 to 4700, Bellefontaine line. MARDEL AV. E. & W. 3700 S. From Mc- Causland to River des Peres. 7000 to 7200 W.. Frisco Ry. to Linden wood. MARGARETT.V AV. E. & W. 4000 N. From Fair to Euclid and from Calvary to Union. 411(1(1 to 4900, Spring line. MARIA. N. & W. 51 W. and 4600 N. From East Grand av. to John. Broadway line. M.4I(IE. K. * W. 2900 S. From Ellendale av. west to Mo. Pac. Ry. 7000 to 7100. Man- chester line, or Mo. Pac. trains to Ellen- dale. _ MARINE AV. N. & S. 1924 W. From Broad- way (3624 S.) to Meramec. 3600 to 4100, Broadway line. MARION. E. & W. 1S31 S. From 1st to 11th, St. 1 to 700, Broadway; 800 to 1100, Chero- kee line. STREET GUIDE— Continued. MARION PLACE. E. & W. 1150 W. and 2550 N. From 11th to 12th sts. 1100 to 1200, Bolk-fontaine line. M/VUKBT. E. & \V. (North and south dlvid- uiB line.) From Wharf to Vandeventer av. 1 to 400. 4th St. line; 400 to 3900. Jlarltet St. line. MAKIvUT l"b.4CE. E. & W. 11 N. 2600 W. From Jefferson to Beaumont St., Market line. M.\I<.M.\DI'KE: av. E. & W. 2900 S. and 6500 W. From Tamm av. west to Frisco H)'. 6400 to 68o0, Tower Grove. M.VU.MCb: I'L.VCK. (Private.) N. from 4230A .\shland av. Cass or Spring. M.\U«lK'I"rK AV. E. & W. 3500 S. and 6500 W. Fioni Watson road to Frisco R.v. 6600 to 7100. Frisco train to Lindenwood. .M \I«TK1,I.A 1'1..\CL;. (Private.) E. & W. four l.loclis south of Gravois av. 7326 west, Clierol U AV. E. & W. 2iOO N. From Prairie to Marcus. 3Guo to 44uO, Cass line. ST. Kt:i S«tl AKU. E. & W. 7200 W. and 3300 S. From Leamington to Manliattan. Frisco suburban train to Llndenwood. ST. JUMi:!'!!. E. & W. 1235 S. From Broad- way to 6tli. Broadway line. ST. 1.01IS W. E. & \V. 2800 X. From Wliarf to Clara. 1 to 800, Broadway line; 000 to 2800, Chi.rol.\CE E. & W. 6900 W. In Clieltenham. i I'rivate street.) From Cut- ter av. east. Manchester line. STOI)0.\RI>. E. & W. 1100 N. From Jeffer- son to Glasgow. 2600 to 2900, Jefferson line. STU.VFFOIID AV. N. & S. about 2000 W.. about 81100 N. Union Av. line. STRI.NCiTIIWX ROAD. N. & S. 500 W. and S600 S. From Bates to Compton. Bellefon- taine line. STIRGEOX PLACE. 4500 N.. running about 300 feet N. from 1400 Bissell st. Broadway car. SIBLETTF, AV. N. & S. 5600 W. From Ber- thold to Pernod, 1100 to 2200. Manchester line; 2300 to 3400. Tower Grove. Sini'RBAX \V. E. & W. 1100 N. and 6200 W. From Hodlamont line tracks to west- ern city limits, and from Allanthus to Ho- dlamont. HniHamont lino. SimRRAV RAILWAY TRACKS, E. & W. From Goodfellow Av. to City Limits. Ho- diiinont line. SIUIRBA.X TERR.VCE. Western city limits N. & S. West side Ilodiamont line, be- tween Horton place and Bartmer av. Ho- dlamont line. SILLIVAN AV. E. & W. 3100 N. From 13th to Clay; 1300 to 2500, Cherokee line; 2600 to 3800, Cass line. SILLIVAX AV. (Private.) K. to W. from L.imlidln av. eastward. 3100 N. 4300 W. Cherokee and Cass Av. line. SI'LPHI K \\. N. & S. 5900 W. From Billon to Wll.son. and from Elisabeth to Arthur and Bancroft to Nottingham. 1400 to 2100, Manchester line; 2200 to 3400, Tower Grove: 4300 to 4800, rhouteau-.Southampton. SI MMIT PLA*^''" N- * S. 5100 S.. between Hill ?,..-.^ •'•*'*' *'•• one-half block west of Michigan av. Bellefontaine line I .XIV-ERSiTV E. & W. 2900 N From 22d to Grand. 2300 to 2900. ISih St line "''^^■^"t,?'^^' '-'^'OK^'- I^ & W. 3100 S. and .100 -n . In Greenwood. From River des Peres to city limits. Mo. Pac. trains to IMaplewood. I-PTOX. E. & W. 7400 S. From Wharf to .Michig.nn, and from Grand to Eugenia 1 to :.00. Broadway line: 300 to 3700, Belle- fontaine line. UTAH. v.. & W. 3300 S. From 9th to Grand and from Gustlne to Mnrganford road. 1 to 1300. Broadway line; 1400 lo 3600 Chero- kee line: 3700 to 4300, Tower Grove line UTAH PLACE. E. & W. 3300 S. From (3rlnd to Giistine. 3600 lo 3900. Grand VA"; ''''*<'''• N. & S. 1900 W. From Mc- jSulty south. Park or Compton Heights VALBXTIXE. E. & W. 500 S. From Wharf to Broadway. 1 to 500. 4th St. line. VAN niREN. N. & .S. 600 W. From Steins to Catalan 7600 S. to 8600 S. Broadway VANDRRRlRfiH AV. N. & S. 3533 W From Hawthorne to Arsenal. 2200 to 3100, Grand line; also 4th St. line. VANDEVENTER AV. N. & S. 3900 W. From Natural Bridge road to Kingshigh wav. 1 N to 3800 N., Vandeventer line: 1 S. to 1000 S Aandcvenler line: Chouteau lo Kings- highway. Chouteau-.Southampton line VANDEVENTER PLACE. E. & W., 950 N From Grand to Vandeventer av. Grand, Page or Vandeventer. V,*RRKLMAX AV. 4535 S. 1 block east ol Gravois. Cherokee line. VEH.A AV. (Private.) East to west from 6826 Florissant av. west about 1000 feet. Belle- fontaine line. VERMONT. 6300 S. Runs N. to S. From Virginia to Ivory. Bellefontaine line. VERNON AV. E. & W. 1200 N. From Wal- ton to lntersectl, \ m u> '^ ^ ^ — ' ■" CO 5 ^ » ^s. -* - so is! V— ^^■..> r^ • /"r'^c- ROOUC ,000 on Doll o ^i/i C3 ^ /^^ C3 Z^^, ---"> thy'^ "o HQJ //Sj\ * / ^^ )- 1^ ^ DOS t^^ g rn mO i'' FA *=> HH ' Q^\ mO /4\ CLASSIFIED BUSINESS GUIDE WHEN RENTING AUTOS, REMEMBER EXCELSIOR AUTO COMPANY RENT THE BEST ONLY The Best Packard Cars Only Both Limousines and Touring Cars KIN . CENTRAL B08 BELL. BOMONT 2088 219 N. CARDINAL AVENUE ABDOMINAL BELTS AND ELASTIC STOCKINGS ATTA C HCDCMin olive 459, central 4428 Ul I V r. llCndvni.L25rE«nSINTHESU$IKESS TRUSSES, ELASTIC STOCKINGS, ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS UCH SUPPORTS 309 Marmod-Jaccard BIdg. DAWSON I^*VAL1D SUPPLY CO.. 620-22 Pine St., Main 384. KEKSCHEL, OTTO F. 309 Mermo.l- Jaccard Bldg. Olive 459. Central 442S. ACCOUNTANTS AUDIT & BOND CO. OF AMERICA, 1601 3rd Nafl Bank BldK. Olive 456. POSEY-SniROERS & COMPANY, 406 Times Bldg. Olive 5S53. HYATT. J. W.. 557 Pierce Bldg. Olive 441. Central ACCOUNTANTS— CERTIFIED PUBLIC BOISSELIEK, R. W., 19S6-S7-S8 Railway Exchange Bids- Main 5:!7. Central 2207. POSEY-SCUROERS & CO., Times Bldg. Olive 6S53. ACTING AND FANCY DANCING BET.MONT Sl-HQML OP ACTING. Henneman Hall, 3723 Olive St. Llndell 1510. Delmar 2369. GARD.NEll ADVERTISING CO.. 10th Sts. Oli 291.5 nd I-o NELSON CHESMAN & CO., 1127-29 Pine St. Main 492. Central 3994. RUEBBL-TYLER ADVERTISING CO.. Rialto Bldg Olive 812. WESTERN ADVERTISING CO. Boatmen's Bank Bldg. Olive 370O. Central 2997. ADVERTISING NOVELTIES ST. LOUIS BUTTON CO., 413 Lucus Ave. Main 2902. Central 1478. ADVERTISING STICKERS ST. LOUIS STICKER CO.. 105 Pine St. Olive 1492. Central 4210. AGRICULTURAL IIVIPLEMENTS WT:BER implement & auto CO . 1900 Locust St. Threshing Machinery— Saw Mill Supplies. Bomont 2283. Central 6454. AIR COMPRESSORS FARRAR PUMP & MACHINERY CO., 318 Granite Bldg. Main 1355. Central 7173-R. AMBULANCES ROBERT. WM. J., 1003 Russell Ave. Grand 1941. Central 3497. AMUSEMENTS MOUND CITY PHOTOPLAY ■CO., Inc., 1015-26 Chemical Bldg. Olive 1634. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE AMERICAN ACTOMOP.ILE lXSrU.\.XCE CO.. 1663 Pierce Bldg. Olive 24'Xi Central 2;2(;. AUTOMOBILE MAGNETO REPAIRING HOFFMAN. S. G., 3932 Olive St. Llndell 980. AUTOMOBILE OILS MATTHEWS, GEO. T. & CO.. No. a) S. Main St. Main 2!-47. Central 2371. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING MODERN AUTO REPAIR & RECONSTRUCTION CO.. 4«01-3 Olive St. Forest 1290. Delmar 2052. Night Phone, Forest 1545. AUTOMOBILE RADIATOR REPAIRING McHENRY. THOa, & SON. 395S Easton Ave. Lln- dell 3521, Delmar 1929-L. AUTOMOBILE RENTING ACORN AUTO SERVICE & GARAGE, 3221 OUve St. Bomont 131. Central 842. AUTO RENTAL & REPAIR CO. A. A. McHenry, Mgr.. 3958 Easton Ave. Llndell 3521. Delmar 1923-I.. EXCELSIOR AUTO CO., 219 N. Cardinal Ave. Bomont 2088. Central 608. NATIONAL RIDING .VCADEMY. 1802-4 N. Grand Ave. Llndell 415. Central 6095. RELIABLE AUTO LIVERY CO.. 4130 OllV'e St. , Linden 26B9. Delmar 538. SCOTT, O. N.. 1525 Union Blvd. Forest 1207. Mon- roe 2103. Forest 7406. Delmar 555. ACORN AUTO SERVICE & GARAGE CO. BOMONT 131 Taxicabs and Touring Car For Hire. CARS WASHED AND POLISHED DAY OR NIGHT. 3221 OLIVE STREET CENTRAL 842 ADDRESSING '^^ ^nnn^Dsn^ ^- COMMERCIAL. LETTER Si ADDRESSING CO.. 518- 19 Granite Bldg. Fae-Simlle Letters. Addressing and Folding. Olive 624. ROSS-GOULD LIST & LETTER CO.. 9th and Locust St.". Olive 3603-2. Central 1591 H. STILWELL. 709 Pine St. Main 423.1. Central 1322. ADDRESSING MACHINES ADDRESSOGRAPH I'O. 2'I7 Fullerton Bldg. Olive 884. Central 1660 ELLIOTT ADDRESSING MACHINE CO. E. D. Leshln. Mgr. Gi)2 Commercial Blrg. OUve 5977. ADDRESSING AND MAILING H. STILWELL. 709 I'ino St. Main 4236. Central 1322. ADVERTISERS' PRINTING PERRIN-SMITH PRINTING CO. 217 Olive St. Main 1482. Central S2. ADVERTISING AGENTS D'ARCT ADVERTIi?INC, CO. International Life Bldg. Olive 62S1. Central 6747. Good Advertising Placed in Magazines, Newspapers, and Farm Papers All Over the World A LARfiE STAFF OF EXPERIENCED AND SUCCESSFUL SALES PROMOTION AND ADVERTISING SPECIALISTS UNDER THE DIRECTION OF ROY B. SIMPSON FISHER-STEINBRUEGGE ADV. CO. PHONE. MAIN 267 1627-31 Washington Ave. APPRAISERS LLOYD-THOMAS CO . THE 44S Pier«e Bldg. Main 3123. Central lOSl. APRONS AND JACKETS MARKS. MARCUS & SON, 703 Lucas Ave. Main 1446, ARCHBUILDER SHOES AND LASTS ARCHBUILL>ER SHOE & LAST CO.. ,518 N. Grand Ave. Archbullder Shoes Patented March 31, 1908, * and Shoes for all deformities. Llndell 2560. ARCHITECTS CHARLES H. DEITERING. 1320 Cent. Nafl Bk. Bldg. Olive 3619. GRUEN. WILLIAM H., Architect, 1101-2 Chemical Bldg. Main 554. Res.. 3542 Russell. Grand 30O4. Victor 21T7-L. HIRSHSTEIN. J. M., 945-6 Century Bldg. Olive 4162. Central 4398. KLIPSTEIN & RATHMANN. 1501 Chemical Bldg. Olive 124 Central 2022-L. LEE. THOS C 1410 Syndicate Trust Bldg. Olive 2170, Central 3595. PREISLER, E.. 918 Pine St. Olive 1218. , ART PETERS. MISS KATHARINE C, 212 Fidelity Bldg Grand and Franklin Aves. ART DEALERS BREY'S ART STORE at Nugents Main 1161. OUve 3900. Central 3200. ART GLASS UNIQUE ART GL.VSS CO.. W. P . Other Mgr.. 2107-9 Pine St. Bomont S9ii ARTIFICIAL LIMBS HANGER. J. E.. Inc.. 1912-14 Olivi- St. Bomont 250. ASBESTOS JOHNS-MANVILLE, H W.. CO.. BOl-o N. 3rd St. Main 384. Central 7220. ASH PITS HITMMEL MFG. CO., 3004 LaSallc St. Makers of Sheet Il-on Products Grand 3444. Victor I946-L, ASPHALT - ST. LOUIS ASPHALT CO.. 511 Walnut St. Main 2293. Central 2.54S. ASSAYERS ST. LOUIS SAMPl.I.MG & TESTING WORKS. 713 Clark Ave. Main 2317. ATTORNEY .\BLB. SIDNEY TIIOHNE. 304-5 Pierce Bldg. Olive 149, Central 119, AUTOGRAPHIC REGISTERS BURNS. W. S . .IR.. ',04-5 Granite Bldg Olive 4595. AUTOMOBILE BODIES McCABE-POWERS CARRIAGE CO . 1217 N. Broad- way. Main 4.510. Central 2743. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING MOTOR CAR SEffKIS!: HARDWARE AND AUTO SUPPLIES REPAIRING. PAINTING AND BODY BUILDING BELL SIDNEY. 1767 2201-15 PESTALOZZI ST. LEGUERRIER AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING CO 5020 Easton Ave. Forest 7042. MODERN AUTO REPAIR & RECONSTRUCTTON CO. 4601-3 Olive St, Forest 1290. Delmar 2051 Nignt Phone. Forest 1545. AUTOMOBILE SPRINGS JENKINS MANUFACTURING CO.. ll-M Chestnut St. OUve 4,515. Central 3766. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES MOTOR CAR REPAIR & SUPPLY CO.. 2200-15 Peslalozzi St. Sidney 1767. PHOENIX AUTOMOBILE SUPPLY CO.. Main Store. .3225 Locust St. Bomont 1975. Oentral 4686 PHOENIX AUTOMOBILE SUPPLY CO.. Branch. 6887 Delmar Blvd. Cabany 3550. AUTOMOBILE TIRE REPAIRING ALLEN TIRE CO.. 3152 Lindcll .\vo. Llndell 2»0. AUTOMOBILE TIRES KELLY-SPRINGFIELD TiREco. BOMONT 1464 CENTIU 7215 H. L. Smith, Mgr. 3221 Locust St., St. Louis ACME RUBBER MFG. CO.. 1122 Pine St. Olive 572. PAN.\MA EQUIPMENT CO.. 3912 Washington Blvd. Linriell 478. ST, LOUIS RUBBER & REPAIR CO.. W. Schmidt. Prop.. 310 manning Ave. Bomont 1404. ST. LOUIS TIRE & VULCANIZING CO.. 4142 Olive St. Llndell 2249. WEBER IMPLEMENT & AUTO CO.. 1900 Locust St. Bomont 2283. Central 6454. AUTOMOBILE AND CARRIAGE SPRINGS CHAMP SPRING CO.. 2117 Chouteau Ave. Main 2195. Victor 274-L. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY BELL OLIVE 3412 W. H. MENTE KINLOCH CENTRAL 1078-R BURLAP, BAGS, TWINE. SECOND-HAND BAGS A SPECIALTY IS SOUTH IVIAIIM STREET AUTOMOBILES BERRY. JOHN. AUTOMOBILE CO.. THE. 39M Washlnifton Blvd. Llndtll 211'5. Delmar 2301. fiENERAL MOTORS TRUCK CO.. 2307 Olive St. liomont 342. Central 1S7S. PARK AUTOMOBILE CO.. 5201 Delmar Ave. Mon- roe lliiO Delmar 1100. RArCH & LANO ST. LOUIS CO.. 3118 Locust St Bomonl S2. Central 5525. STANLEY MOTOR CAR CO., 5SS3-8o Delmar Blvd Cabany 333. Delmar 137. WEBER IMPLEMENT * AUTO CO.. 1900 Locust St. Bomont 2L"i3 Central HH. Mltchell-Hupmo- Mle-Lozier AWNINGS AND TENTS MORRISON TENT & AWNING CO.. 213-15 N. 3rd St. Main 2Si. Central 949. NATIONAL TENT & AWNINC, CO.. 1«5 S. Broad- way. Olive 5137. Central 4S52. BADGES ST. LOTIS BUTTON CO. tl3 Lucas Ave. Main 2902. Central H7S BAGS (BURLAP) MENTE. W. H.. 15 S Main St. Olive 3112. Central 107S-R. BAGS (SECOND HAND) MENTE, W H.. ir. S M.cin St. olive 3112. Central 107S-R. BAKERS— WHOLESALE LOOSE-'WTI.KS Hi.-Ji'llT CO.. i:.th an,l Clark Ave. ' "bakers "and "confectioners' supplies UNITED BAKERS SII'IM.Y CO.. Ill S. 11th St. Olive 2080. Central U2r, BANK FIXTURES ST. LOUIS BANK EQIII'MENT CO. Sll Walnut Oil 41^ BANK, STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES BLUMER CAB1.NET CO. 4215 N. Market St. Llndell 3071. BANKS OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH THE CHIPPEWA BANK 3801 S. BROADWAY BROADWAY SAVINCi.S TRUST CO.. Broadway anS Chambers St. Tyler !•«.'- Icntral 1522. CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK OF ST LOUIS. 7th and Olive Sl.s. Main 5iX0. Central 7216 CHIPPEWA BANK. 3S01 S. Broadway. Sidney 676. Vltlor 6. '5 MERCHANTS-LACLEDE N./CTIONAL BANK. 4th and olive Sts. Main 5465. Central 1693. ST. LOUIS UNION TRUST CO.. 4th and Locust. Main 3736. Central 3650. THIRD NATIONAL BANK. Broadway and Olive. criuthwefl corner. Main 3ff7«. Central 3618. WEST ST. LOUIS TRUST CO.. Easton and Sarah St. LIndell 462. D.lmar 1733. BARBERS CARLETON BARBER SHOP. Carleton Bide. Olive BARBERS' SUPPLIES KOKEN BARl'.EltS SUPPLY CO.. Sidney anil -^UPI'I.Y CO.. 18 8. Broadwif>- Main 1879. Central 4«I2. BICYCLES •<-ME MERCANTILE C<).. 211 N 12th SI. Central 'billboard ADVERTISING ■ ARCY AIiVEKTISINf; CO. 1 nl. rnatlonal Life nidK. Ollv.. -.JM c. i.iral r,7l7 BILLIARD TABLES ST LOUIS nlLLIARI) /i I'Oi'KKT BILLIARD TABLE CO, Jini .S. Broadway. Main 744. Cen- tral 1543. BILLIARDS GRAND BILLIARD & pool, PARLOR. N. Broadway. Olive EllO W. D. MAHANEY, 11211 c.nt. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Olive 3633. BROOMS WATER!?. JOICX. Manufacturer of Brooms and Brushes, 911 Biddle SI BURLAP BAGS MENTE, W. H.. 15 S Main St. (jilve 3112. Central 1078-R. BUSINESS COLLEGE BROWN'S BUSINESS roLLE<;E.S, Homo OfHce Vandevcnter and D.lmar Ave». Delmar Oil. Llndrll 2Kin BUTTER AND CHEESE HOFMANN BROS PRODUCE CO.. 7(K) N. 2nd St .Vain 34.tS Central 260 BUTTON MANUFACTURING BECKER BUTTON & SKIRT PLEATING CO., 704 .N. 9th St. Central t«7;i-li BUTTONS ST. IX)Uia BUTTf)N CO.. 413 Lucas Ave. Main 2902. CenlrnI 117s CABINET MAKERS BLUMER CABINET CO., 4215 N. .Market PI Lin dell .W71 ROTHl OTTO, 111 Olive St. Olive 1.5.13 CAKES LOOSE-WHILES niSCIlT CO.. I5lh and Clark Ave. Main 5030. Central V.ii CALENDARS RAMSAY CALENDAR * PRI.NTING CO. lUn Pine Mnin 121 CANDY MANUFACTURERS NATIONAL CANDY CO. General Offices 415 Pine St. NATIO-NAL <-.\NDV CO.. 415 Pin. St oiive W50. CAN MANUFACTURERS ST. LOUIS PAPER CA.V .S: TUBE Co, 3115-19 N Broadway. Tyler 118«. Central 1270. CARPENTER WORK KERCHEVAL, G A.. 4S66 Suburban Tracks PorcBt 995. Delmar S4'i CARPENTERS FOREST 895 DELMAR 3614-R G. A. KERCHEVAL CARPENTER AND BUILDER General Repairing and Cabinet Work 4866 SUBURBAN TRACKS ANDERSON, J. H. & CO.. 2S09 Eads Ave. Grand 2M3. Victor 1936-R. L. C. & J. P. CROSBY. 316 Olive St. (rear). Olive 4105 Central 3686-R. DOOLEY. F. X. 3005'4 Olive St. Bomont 632. Cen- tral 4.5S2-R. FEHRT. GUS. 162« Olive St (rear) Olive 753 KERCHEVAL. G A., 4866 Suburban Tracks. Forest 995. Delmar 949 ROTH. OTTO. HI Olive St. Olive 1.5;t3. CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS A. o;DONNELL. 519 N. Vandevcnter Ave. LIndell 1640. CARPET CLEANERS CARRIAGE BUILDERS McCABE-POWERS caRRIAi;e CO.. 1217 N Broad- way. Main 1510. Central 2743. CARRIAGES AND HEARSES WILLIAMS (-ARRIAC.E. HEARSK Ji C.\I! CO ISlh and Washington. Bomont 924 Central 599:;- L. CARRIAGES AND WAGONS McCABE-PoWERS cvhimagE iO. 1217 .N Broad- way Main 451e. C.-mral 271:1. CASH, PARCEL AND PNEUMATIC TUBE CARRIERS LAMSON CO.. THE. 709 Pine St. Olive 3662. Cen- tral 6317. CATERERS DORR & ZELLER CATERING CO.. 392i4 WashlnK- ton Blvd LIndell 772 and 377. Delmar 1808. LEONHARD CONFECTIONERY, 320 Market St .train 2322. Central 1128. SPECK CONFECTIONERY. 414-41G Market St. Main 1443. Central 2090. CEMENT CONTRACTING & SUPPLY CO. OF ST. LOUIS. .110 Odd Fellows- Bldg. Olive 1110. Central U8" INDEPENDENT LIME « CEMENT CO.. Vande- vcnter and Market LIndell 520. Delmar 520. CEMETERIES FATHER DICKSO.S- CEMETERY ASSOCIATION 320 Title Guaranty Bldg. Olive 47.55. VALHALLA CEMETERY. 701-2-3 Boatmen's Bank Bldg. Olive 44NO Central L'496. CHAIR MANUFACTURERS LOOEMAN. P H . CHAIR MFG. CO.. 2000 to 202*1 N. Main St Tvler Wi. C.ntral 4087 ST LOUIS CHAIR CO. SiV. .V Main St. Olive 23S7 Central 4247. CHANDELIERS CHEMISTS HINRICHS. CARL G. & GUSTAVUS. 4106 Shenan- doah Ave. Grand 792. ST. LOUIS SAMPLl.VO & TESTING WORKS. 713 Clark Ave Main 2.117. WIEDEMANN. H. B.. 1601-2-3-4 Chemlc.il Bldr. Main CHEMISTS, ANALYTICAL HINRICH. CARL fi. * GUSTAVL'S. 4106 Sh'-nan- doah Ave. Grand 79:'. ST. I.OniH SAMPLINfJ & TESTING WTIRKS "U Clark Ave. Main 2317. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHINA ST LOL'ig GI>ASS & QUKENSWARE CO., 7th and Market Sts. China, Glass, Queensware, Hotel and Restaurant Goods. Main 121S. Central 2811. CHINA AND GLASSWARE MENDING C C. MULJ5NER. 821 Clarendon Ave. Forest 8S90. CHIROPODISTS CARNAHAN-. JUSS ESTELLA, 942 Century Bldg. Olive 4933. TILLMAN. MISS M,. 509 N. Broadway, Olive 4£«2, Central 11S8-L. CHIROPODISTS' FIXTURES AND SUPPLIES KOKBN BARBERS- SfPrLY CO., Sidney and Texas Ave. Sidney 431U. Victor 31El. CHURCH PEWS AMERICAN SEATING CO.. E. Y. Oftelle. Mgr., 9n Syndicate Trust BldB. Olive 1984. CIGARS FIRST CONSUL H.WAN.V CIGAR, VTm. A, Stickney Cigar Co,. 309 N 4th St. Main 3841. CIGARS, WHOLESALE WISE. EL.. SANTO CIGAR CO., 122 Olive St. Central 338. CIRCULAR LETTERS ROSS-GOI:LD LIST & LETTER CO., 9th and Lo- cust Sta. Olive .1603-2. Cnlral 1591. CITY SURVEYORS JOYCE SURVEYING CO., 620 Chestnut St. Main 116«. Central S-7S. CIVIL ENGINEERS BAXTER L. BROWN, 610 Mcrchants-Laclede Bldg. Main 556. CLEANERS AALCO LAUNDRY & CLEANING CO., 3700-2 Olive St. Lindell 1749. Delmar 1807. METROP01.ITA.N CLEANING & DYEING CO., 4!63 Olive St. Lindell 1713. Delmar 7S5. METROPOLITAN CI.E.\NING & DYEING CO.. 1033 N. Grand. Lindell 4208. CLEANERS AND DYERS ARa^DE CLEANI.NG CO.. 6897 Delmar Blvd. Cabanv 160. CORNM.\N. JOE. Suits Pressed 25 Cents. 207-9 N. 6th St. Olive 5146. Central 3957. FASHION DYEING & CLEANING CO.. 4232-4 Olive St. LIndi'll 4I11S, Delmar 528. PRICE BROS.. 3527 Easton Ave. Lindell 5674. SCHUCK CLEANING & DYEING CO.. 4110 Olive St. Lindell 4600. Delmar 142i STANDARD CLEANING & rTTEING CO.. 3441 Gravola Ave. Sidney 1627. Victor 700-L. CLEANING, PRESSING AND ALTERING ROSEN. L , Custom Tailor, 3539 Bell Ave. Lindell CLUB'S ENTERTAINMENT THOMPSON, A. A., Theatrical Exchange, 718-19 Navarre Bldg., 6th and Chestnut. Olive 1900. COAL ADMIRALTY SMOKELESS COAL, 1520 New Bank of Commerce Bldg. Olive 2398. Central 3184. BORDERS COAL CO., 1432 Syndicate Trust Bldg. Olive 1730. Central 6758. jrr oli\t; & staunton coal, co.. 1012 New Bank of Commerce Bldg. Main 4«48. Olive 1820. Central 2625. NORTHERN COAL CO . 1214 Syndicate Trust Bldg. Olive 3799. Central 2692. ST I.oriS COAL CO.. 1016 Syndicate Trust Bldg. Main 2315. Central 918. COAL BRIQUETTES— SMOKELESS ROMANN & nUSH PIG IRON .t COKE CO.. 1214- 1.5-16 Fullerton Bldg. Main 1436. Central 4149. COAL (RETAIL) INLAND VALLEY COAL CO.. Equitable Bldg.. .;u Locust St. Olive 2376. Central 270. COAL (WHOLESALE) irr..\ND VALLEY COAL CO.. Equitable Bldg., 611 Locust St. Olive 2376. Central 270. COFFEE (WHOLESALE) NOR^TNB COFKEE CO . 311 N. 2nd St. Olive 1146. Central 307. COLLATERAL LOANS BAVNE. HINE & CO.. 300 N. Broadway. Olive 6110. COLLECTIONS HENDERSON- ADJUSTMENT CO. 1312 Cent. Nat. Bk Bldg Olive 2243. Central 4439. COMMERCIAL PAPER BAVNE. HINE & CO. 300 N. Broadway. Olive .'.no, COMMISSION MERCHANTS BROWN. JOSHH. 501 Granite Bldg. Olive 395«. CONCRETE BURIAL VAULTS ZBAREN CONSTRUCTION CO.. 4S:^ Leduc St. Forest 1677. Delmar 1917. CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT LACLEDE STEEL CO.. 405 Merchants-Laclede Bldg. Olive 4669. CONCRETE TELEPHONE AND FENCE POST BASES ZB\REN CONSTRUCTION CO., 4820 LedUC St. Forest 1677. Delmar 1917. CONTRACTORS GRANER-MAHONEY CONTRACTING CO., Waln- wrlght Bldg Olive 36S6. Central 6310. GREWTC. JOHN. CONST CO. 947 Century Bldg. Olive .',737. Central 4394. McCORMACK. CHAS. B. & SON. 803 Columbia Bide. Main 4362 Central 702. ZBARRN CONSTRUCTION CO.. 4820 Leduc St. For.Bt 1677. Delmar 1917. CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY MtTRPHY MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT CO., 1410 N. Broadway. Tylar 1126-1127. COOPERAGE PESTEL COOPERAGE WORKS. 2838 Blamarck St. Sidney 1469. COOPERAGE, STOCK MILL SHOALS COOPERAGE CO., 1414 Syndicate Trust Bldg. Main 824. COPYRIGHTS HIGDON & LONGAN, «06 Central Nat'l Bank 'Bldg. Main 1806. Central 714. RALPH KALISH, 801-3, 300 N. Broadway. Olive 1766. COPYRIGHTS (NAMES, PICTURES, INFRINGEMENT SUITS) HUGH K. WIAGNER. 503 Fullerton Bldg. Main 4483. CORK SMITH. J. B. CORK CO.. 110 Walnut St. Main 357. Central 1315. CORNICE WORKS EUCLID FURNACE & CORNICE WORKS, Euclid and Suburban. Forest 995. POWERS & BOYD CORNICE & ROOFING CO.. 3614 Laclede Ove. Lindell 353. Delmar 1198. WEST END CORNICE WORKS. 5237 Delmar Blvd. Forest 2564. COSTUMERS GRIMM, OTTO. 14-16 N. 4th St. Olive 34«7. SCHMIDT. ROBT . 206 S. 4th St. Olive 682. Cen- tral 4W3-L. COSTUMERS AND WIGMAKERS SCHMIDT. ROBT., 206-208 S. 4th St. Olive 682. Central 4903-L. COTTON CHAS G MULLIGAN. 204 N. 3rd St. Main 4671. Central 4564-L. CRACKER MANUFACTURERS LOOSE- WILES BISCUIT CO . 15th and Clark Ave. Main 6030. Central 3120. CRACKERS, SODA LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO.. 15th and Clark Ave Main 5030. Central 3120. CRAYONS ADAMS, D. C. 125 Market St. Olive 4210. CRUSHERS AND PULVERIZERS WILLIAMS PATENT CRUSHER & PULVERIZER CO., Broadway and Montgomery. Tyler 443. Central 4063. _ _. , __ CUT GLASS DlTCKEm. E. F., SILVER CO.. 304 Equitable BldK Olive 4660. Central 684. CUT STONE CONTRACTORS INGALLS STONE CO., 514 Century Bldg., Olive 2n DAIRY CREAMERY SUPPLIES RILEY B. HAUK SUPPLY CO. 115-117 S. Main St. Olive 1S46. Central 2');5. DAIRY AND CREAMERY SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENTS BL^NKE MFG. & SUPPLY CO.. 214 Washington Ave Main 2045. Central 1112. DAIRY AND ICE CREAM SUPPLIES BLANKE MFG. & SUPPLY CO.. 3rd and -ntshlng- ton Main 2045. Central 1112. DANCING ACADEMY CLENDENEN DANCING ACADEMY. Cabaiine Arcade Bldg.. 6530-40 Vernon Av DECORATORS DISTRIBUTING T„ BCKOW. A. W., 4th Floor Benoist Bldg. Main 706. Exclusive Distributing Advertising Matter of Every Description, Delivering Samples. Let- ters. Books and Catalogues and Display Cards. Also Sign Tacking. Personal Supervision. DRAIN LAYER DOYLE, JOHN, Drain Layer, 4336 St. Louis Ave, Delmar 4136-X. DRESSMAKING TYRRELL. MRS. JESSIE. 412S McPhcrson Ave. Lindell 5605. DRIED FRUITS HOFMANN BROS. PRODUCE CO., 700 N. 2nd SL Main 3438. Central 266. DRUGGISTS (RETAIL) ASZMANN. A. F.. 3161 S, Spring Ave, Grand 1»4. Victor 1501. MEROPOLITAN PHARMACY, N. Emery Williams. 2nd Floor Metropolitan Bldg., N. E. corner Olive and Grand. Lindell 6400. Delmar 3154. SPECKART BROS.. Druggists. 3342 Franklin Av«., cor. Channing Ave. Bomont 618. Central 6948. SPECKART BROS.. Druggists. Natural Bridge and Fair Aves. Colfax 657. Delmar 446. STOERMER DRUG CO.. C. F. Miller. Mgr.. OllY* and Sarah Sts. Lindell lOSS. Delmar 2072. SWIFT DRUG CO. 3S62 OOlve St. Lindell 71. °"""dRY°GOODS (WHOLESALE) LIPPMAN, JOSEPH M., 919 N. 7th St. Olive 1771. Central 6149. DYEING AND CLEANING FASHION DYEING & CLEANING CO., 4232-4 011v« St. Lindell 4018. Delmar 528. STANDARD CLEANING & DYEING CO.. *M4 Gravols Ave. Sldnev 1627. Victor 700-L. DYNAMOS AND MOTORS FAIRBANKS. MORSE & CO.. Sth and Clark Ave. Main 3130. Central Tfi.'iO. ELASTIC STOCKINGS AND ABDOMINAL BELTS D.\WSON INVALID SUPPLY CO. 620-22 Pine St. Main 3S4. EGGS, POULTRY AND FISH BENEFIELD EGG & POULTRY CO.. 3901 LacUd* Ave. Lindell 979. ELECTRIC STEWART ELECTRIC CO., 107 N. 11th St. Ollv* 461. Central 566. ELECTRIC APPARATUS ELECTRIC CONTROLLER & MF<5. CO.. 940 Syn- dicate Trust Bldir. Olive 397. ELECTRIC (GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRS) HIORNBECK ELECTRIC CO.. 204 N. lOTh St. 01lv« .5322. Central 769, ELECTRIC COFFEE MILLS AND MEAT CHOPPERS HOB,\nT MFG. CO.. 911 N Broadway. Olive 2257. Cer al 2SS8. Forest 3307. The ALPHA DECORATING & PAINTING CO^ inc. Wall Paper Painting Artistic Decoration After EKluslve Oeslgnj A Spiclalty W. B. OWEN, Pre*. Phones: Grand 3449 Victor 941 GRAND and LAFAYETTE AVENUES DENTAL DEPOTS AND LABORATORIES THE PATTERSON-O'BRIEN CO.. 501-11 Frisco Bldg. Main 1606. Central 1606. DENTAL LABORATORIES DOYLE J. C.. DEINT.\L LABORATORIE^S CO.. 1110-17 Holland Bldg. Olive 4193. DENTISTS DILL DR. E. A., 4th Floor Mermod-Jaccard Bldg, Olive 3134. HUFFMAN DENTAL CO., S. E. corner Jefferson and Olive St. Bomont 1876, DENTISTS' AND PHYSICIANS' OFFICE COATS MARKS, MARCUS, & SON, 703 Lucas Ave. Main DETECTIVE AGENCY NANCE DETECTIVE AGENCY, 307 Central Nafl Bank Bldg. Olive 4791. Central 1169-L. ELECTRIC CONTRACTING AND REPAIRS BURKE, S.\ML J.. 1414 N Kingshishway. Forest ELECTRIC INSTRUMENTS PHILLIPS. Vi-it. A.. 923 Century BldK Olive 13«». ELECTRIC REPAIRING KERWIN. E. C. 8 N. 10th St, Central 34S1-L. ELECTRIC SIGNS BRILLIANT SIGN CO,. A.n S Sth St, Main 1»79. Central 3997. ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND '- GRANER-MAHONEY CO.NTRACTING CO.. Waln- wright Bldg. Olive 36S5. Central 6310 ELECTRIC AND GAS FIXTURES KRJ.M'SHAAR BRASS .MFG. CO, 1112 .Market St. Oil 709. Ce ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ART ELECTRIC CO.. 217 N. 2nd St. Olive 4164. Central 4861. WAGNER ELECTRIC MFG. CO.. 6400 Plymouth Ave, Cabanv 5O00, Delmar JIM, ELECTRICAL WIRING VAN NORT. E. C. ELEC. CO. 1100-2 Locust St. Main 899 Central 879. ELECTRICIANS MILLNER ELECTRIC & MFG. CO., 2119 N, Broa<- wav. Tyler 2093. Central 7869. ELECTROTYPERS BARNES-CROSBY CO , 1101 Locust St. Olive 2020, and OUT* 420 Mar- nl 21. CENTRAL ENGRAVING CO. Fourth Sts. Olive 4436. Central 3190-R. PROGRESSIVE ELECTROTYPING CO, ket St. Olive 766. Central 668. ELOCUTION NOEL, MISS BESSIE E, 4336 Olive St. Deh 33S0-J. ELOCUTION AND DRAMATIC ART MORSE SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION PUBLIC SPEAKING. DRAMATIC ART, VOICE, PHYSICAL-TRAINIlie LINDELL 4890 MUSICAL ART BLOB. OLIVE anil BOYLE BELMONT SCHOOL OF ACTING. Henneman Hall. .3723 Olive St. Lindell 1.510. Delmar 2369. MORSE SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION. Musical Art Bldg.. Olive and Boyle. Lindell 4SS0. -^ EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES * KOENIG LABOR AGENCY. 612 Walnut St. Main 2766. Central 2766. ST. LOU»S SCHOOL OP HOUSE KEEPING, 60« N. Vandeventer Ave. Lindell 1515. •- CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY GROCERIES, MEATS, VEGETABLES QUALITY, AT LOWEST PRICES IMI^^EME IN EVERY LOCALITY SEE PHONE DIRECTORY EMPLOYMENT AGENT (HOTELS, CLUBS AND RESTAURANTS) MOi;XD CITY EMrl.oYMENT OO . 508 Hous.r Bids.. COS Chestnut St OHv,. I3S6. Central 3u'>4 ENGINEERS ST. LOUIS aAMIM.I.NC & TESTING WORKS, 713 Clark Ave. Main J:117. ENGINES BALL. ENGINE CO . lii.<4 Hallway Exchanca Bide, Olive ues. ENGINES (CORLISS) HOOVEN-(i\VK.\.s-Hi;.\TS»l n73-R. ENGRAVERS Barnes-Crosby G>mpanjr engravers Commercial Pholoqraphers Arlisls.u^' CalaloqPlale-Mahers^ Central Engraving Co. FOURTH AND OLIVE STREETS CEKTRtL 3190-R OLIVE 4436 HALF TONES ZINC ETCHINGS SANDERS ENGRAVING CO.. 221 Olive St. Main 6070. Central 92. ENGRAVERS (WAX) PARKER ENGRAVING CO. 301 Olive St. Main 4336. ENVELOPE MANUFACTURERS ST. LOUIS ENVELOPE CO., 8th and Walnut Sts Olive 6a. Central 336. EXCELSIOR AND MATTRESS MAKERS- SUPPLIES BURKART. F. MFG. CO.. 4900 N. Ind St. Colfax »7L Central 12S6. EXPORTERS JUDSON FRT. FORWARDING CO., liOl Wright Bldg. Main UI^. Central 6009. EXPRESS ALWAYS AHEAD S.XI'HESS, Fred Kohler. Prop.. 2329 Olive St. Bomont 438. Central M93. BLUM. A. C. 313.'.-407 N. 16lh St. ruiv.- l':>92. Central 1481. STARR EXPRESS CO.. 1211 Chestnut St. Olive 6243 Central 5606-U VOLKE.STGS EXPRESS, 214 N. Ind St. Main 2613. Central 804. FACSIMILE LETTERS il!i:iJMH^-HH*H> ra^ CO.M.MBRC1AI. LETTER & ADDRESSING CO.. 618-19 Granite Bldg. Fac-Slmlle Ix'lterB. Ad- dremlng nn.l Folding, Olive 624. MISS A H. MYLER. 422 Roe Bldg. Olive 3«06. Central 2639. THE MILLBR CO., SI.') Pine St Olive 6406. R0.18-G0UI.D LIST A LETTER CO., 9th and Loeunl SI Ollvi- J(103-2 Central 1591 H. 8TILWELL. 709 Pine St., Main 4235. Central 1S22. MISS WHEATS LETTER OFFICE. 400 LaSalle Bldg. Main 3'I9I FAIRBANKS SCALES FAIRBANKS. MORSE A CO. Rth and Clark Ave Main 3130. Central 7680. FARM LANDS MORTON, a H.. & CO, 317 Title Guaranty Bldg ^aln 97& FEATHERS DREYFUS. 8. J., :04-« Wanhlngton Ave. Olive S-V. FEED CRUSHERS KELLOOO. n. C. CIO i;r;inlt. P.ldg. Main 2700. FIBRE OR PAPER CANS ST. LOUIS PAPER CA.N & TUBE CO. 3115-19 N. Broadway. Tyier llSfl Central 1270. FILES MOUND FILE CO. 710-712 Howard St. Tyler 307 Central 2715. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS PYRENE CO OK .MO.. 243 I'krce Bldg. Olive 0115. Central 2190. FISH PROCTER-CON.N'ELL FISH CO. 510-.M2 N Second St. Main 6S7. Central 310. FISH AND OYSTERS (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL) BOOTH FISHERIES CD, 409 Franklin Ave Olive 3782. Cnntral 1969. FLOORING (CORK TILE) KENNEDY. DAVID E. Inc., 921 Century Bldg. Olive 6116. Central fi79G-R. FLORISTS BOERM. J. W.. 4832 Delmar. Forest .16. KELLEY FLOR.\L CO.. 1805 OUve St. Bomont 92. Cntral 1249. ^^'E^ER. FRED C... 4326 Olive St. Llndell 689. Llndell 676. Delmar 2168. WEBER, FRED H.. Florist, Boyle and Maryland Aves. Llndell 21.i3. Delmar 76S. FORM LETTERS noss-nmn.D list * letter co . sth and Locust Sts. f>llvc 3i;W-2, CcntrRi ir,91. FORWARDING (FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC) JCD.SON FRT FORWARDING CO.. 1.^01 Wright BklK. Main 1245. Central 6009 FOUNDRY FACINGS AND SUPPLIES OBERMAYER. S. c.. THE. C. M. Barker. DIst. Msr.. ISlS-lo N. Broadwav. Tyler 239L FOUNDRY SUPPLIES FEDERAL FOUNDRY SUPPLY CO. THE, B12 MermotT-Jacrard Bldg. Olive 1367. FOUNTAIN PENS LIPIC. JOS.. PEN CO.. lOS N. Eighth St. Olive 5.360 FRESCO PAINTERS AND DECORATORS noEHRIG & JAC03Y WALL PAPER & DEC CO.. 1223 Olive St, Main 4S2. Central 617. FUNERAL DIRECTORS DON.N'ELLY. ARTHCR .1.. ;nst and Wn.vh St. Bo- FURNAc'e" CLEANING AND REPAIRING GROLL FURNACE CLEANING & REPAIRING CO.. 919-LT Ann Ave. Sidney 414. FURNACE MANUFACTURERS H. F. FIX HEATING & VENTILATING CO.. 1522 Olive St. Olive 5136. Central 2982. FURNACE REPAIRING ARCADE TINNING & SLATING CO.. 5355 Easton Ave. Forest 2S26. C. R. BETT& 5579 Easton Ave. Delmar 994 EUCLID FURNACE & CORNICTE WORKS, Euclid and Suburban. Forest 995. Mchenry. THOS.. & son. SXS Easton Ave. Lln- dell 3521. Delmar 1929-L. FURNACES BETZLER. J. & SONS HEATING & VEJNTILAT- ING CO., Overland Park. St. LouIb County, Mo. Clayton I.i9-X HOL.MAN, G., HEATING & VENTILATING CO.. 3429 Locust St. Bomont 1189 Central 8229-L HIIMMERT. WH.. FURNACE * SHEET METAL WORKERS. 4261 Ob-ar Ave. Colfax 1708. Central 3474. FURNITURE HELLRUNG & GRIMM. 904 Washington Ave Olive 4025. Central 7408. FURNITURE (OFFICE) BLOOD, CHAS. S., FURNITURE CO. Successors to Derby Desk Co., 709-11 Pine SL Olive 339 Central 339. FURNITURE (RETAIL) SCARRITT-CO.MSTOCK FURNITURE CO. 817- 19-21 Washington Ave Main 3115. Central 3116. FURS FI-NSTEN BROTHERS & CO.. 2nd and Elm Sts. Main 4315. ROOS. LBONHARD. FUR CO,. 8«7 Washington Ave.. Main 6377. TAYLOR. P. c.. pnTR CO. Main and Walnut Sts. Main 1483. FURS (RAW) NATIONAL FUR & WOciL I'O . 316 N Main St Olive X18 ROGERS FUR CO . Main an.l Locust Sts. OUve FURS AND FEATHERS SWIMMER. H.. SONS, Corn, r .Main and Elm Olive 1736 GARMENT MAKERS ENNEKINO. EDWARD. 113 N Eighth St. Olive GASOLINE LAMPS MELDRUAI x, i-o.. If.: N r.'tli j-;i Ollse I9-I; GILDING AND FINISHING OF PICTURE FRAMES AND PAINTINGS BRRTS ART STORE AT NUOH.NTS. Main 1161. Olive 390O c, ntriil 3Ji« GLUE MANUFACTURERS REARDON I7L1E M A NlFACTini NTi fO 1521-3* .V. Broadway. Tyler 26.S. Central 4023. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING AUG. F. STOCKMAN. 704 St Charl.s St. Olive 1416 Central 5066 GRAIN AND HAY (WHOLESALE) LANGENBERG BROS. & CO, CIS Merchants' Ex- change Bldg. .Main .'.60. Central 601, GRANITOID GRAHA.M GRANITOID CO., 5030 Page Ave, Forest L'21. Delmar 3.'G-L. ZBAREN CONSTRUCTION CO., 4820 LedUC St. Forest 1677. Delmar 1917. GRAPHITE FEDERAL GRAPHITE .MILL. THE. 512 Mermod- Jaccard Bldg olive 1367 GRAVEL ROOFERS ARCADE TINNI.VG & SLATI.NG CO. 53K Easton Ave. Forest 2^26. GROCERS (RETAIL) KESSLER. GEO. H . S12 .Market St. Olive 414. KROGER GROCERY & BAKI.VG CO.. Tlllany and Vista Ave. Grand 4100. Victor 2600. STUMPF. LOUIS, GROCER CO.. 1005-1007 N. Van- deventer Ave. Llndell 1136 Delmar 1939. GROCERS' SUNDRIES EDDY & EDDY MFG. CO.. Main and Market St. Main 45. Central 933. KELLOGG, R c 310 Granite Bldg. Main 2700. GROCERS (WHOLESALE COAST PRODUCTS CO. THE. 404-407 Granlts Bldg. Olive 39.S,V Central 4432. GODDARD GROCER CO.. 413-415 S. 7th St., Cup- plea Block. Olive ?41','.. Central 1S25-1S26 GUTTERING AND SPOUTING GROLL TIN & S .M. WKS . 919-21 Ann Ave. Sidney 414. GYMNASIUM BUSINESS MEN'S GYMNASIUM, 810 Olive St. Harry Cook. Mgr. Olive 294 HAIR DRESSING AND MANICURING HOFFELD. MISS NETTIE. 901 N Grand Ave. Central Y. M. C A. Bldg. Bomont 974 PRINCESS HAIR DRESS'INC, SHOP, 401 Princess Theatre B1<1e.. Grand and Olive St Llndell 5«9. HAIRDRESSERS' SUPPLIES KOKEN BARBERS' SI'PPI,Y CO. Sidney and Texas Ave. Sidney 4310. Victor 3161. HAIR GOODS KOKEN BARBERS' SUPPLY CO.. Sidney and Texas Ave. SIdnev 4310. Victor 316L HARDWARE SKELLETT. A. E, 4487 Delmar Ave. Forest 2731 Delmar 1674-R HARDWOOD FLOOR CONTRACTORS HERR. .lOHN, FLOOR CO.. 1818 Olive St. Bomont 943. Central 3262-L. HARNESS H. G. TOENISKOET'lElt. 1927 S. Broadway. Central 8072-L. HAT CLEANERS PEERLESS HAT WORKS. 718 N. Grand Ave. Llndell 6671. HATS THE GUERDAN HAT CO. 13 S. Broadway. Olive 221. Central 1319. HATS, CAPS AND GLOVES THE HATTERIE. 412 N. 7th St. Central 2!»o-L 802-4 Pine St.. Central :305-R HATS (WHOLESALE) GAUSS-LANGENBERG HAT CO., 414-420 N. i:th St. Main 600. Central 2164. HAULING, HEAVY i?CHMUCKE HEAVY HAULING CO.. T. W Cum- mlngs. Vlce-Pres. and Mgr., 22 S. lOlh St. Olive 1906 Central 1072. HAULING OF ALL KINDS CAHILL EXPRESS & TRANSFER CO. 109 Olive St. Olive 3220. Central 1157. HAULING, MOTOR ST. LOITIS .MOTOR TRANSPORTATION CO. 342» Llndell Ave, Llndell 528S. Central 4868 HEATING .SODEMAN.V HEAT /i- POWER CO., 1512-14 Clark Ave. Main 2!ia3, C.-nlral C023. STAR HBATING ft AMERICAN FIRE ESCaPH CO. 3911 Forest Park Blvd. Llmlill IIJS Del- hTaTING (STEAM AND HOT WATER) HAYES, .lOHN. s<»; .\ lltli Si OUv.- 5195 Cen- tral 5197-1, HOMEOPATHIC PHARMACIES LUYTIES HO-MEOPATIIIC PHAR.MACY CO. 31« N Broadway Main 41.'.. central 4045. MUN80N & CO.. 3nf. .Mark, t St Central 2«6« HORSE BEDDING 8T LOUIS SHAVINGS A SAWDUST CO. Chas. W. Meyer. 2219 nismar. k Sidney 634. Victor 613. HOSPITALS TirH ELLEN OSBORNE IIOSPITAU 2800 N Tay- lor Ave. Forest 2010. Delmar S24. NATIONAL MATURNITT HOSPITAL. »!» Easto» Ave Cntral 8(15-L. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY HOTEL AND RESTAURANT SUPPLIES MARKS. MARCCS & Snx, T')3 I.ur.is Ave. Main 1-146. HOTELS ALBEMARLE HOTEL. Westminster and Sarah. Linden SSSO. HOTEL ORESCENT. 2Sth and Locust. Boraont 2946. Central 1501. HOTEL STRATFORD. Sth and Pine. Rates Jl 00 LONE STAR HOTEL, Sl'2 I'ln St Ollv 5461 E 60c rp. MARYLAND HOTEL, Sth and Pine Sts. Olive 2S»). Central 34.'i4. METROrOLB HOTEL. 12th and Morgan. Olive 2690. Central 7135 NEW ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL. Broadway and Market E. ^c and Up. Olive 1039. Central 6911. NORMANDIE HOTEL. E 50c Up: A. S1.25 Up. Cor. There.«a and Franklin Ave Bomont 13S4. PONTI.XC HOTEL. Wth and Market. E. $1.00 Up. Bomont 9.^4 Central 719S. PORTLAND HOTEL, isl? Market St (A) $150. (E) 75<- Up Bomont lOK. Central 343S. REGAL HOTEL. 1909-11 Market St . Opposite Union Station Bomont 3230. Central 3194 WARWICK HOTEL, 15th and Locust Olive 6100 Central 789S. HOUSE FURNISHING WALKER ARMRTROXC, HOUSfE FURN. CO. 13n6 olive. Olive 4.".79. Central 5227-R. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS nCI'IRE & LANE. 4S:2 Suburban Tracks Forest 1?.11, Delmar 92S. HOUSE AND WINDOW CLEANING TMTED HOfSE & WINDOW CLEANING CO.. Navarre BIdg Main .S76 IMITATION TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS RORS-r;Oiri,D T-IST & LETTER CO.. 9th and Locust Sts. Olive 3G03-3. Central 1591 INCANDESCENT LAMPS WRIGHT CLIFFORD A . CO . THE. 7(B Olive St Olive 1021. Central 3763. INSURANCE COLUMBIAN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., 7th floor LaSalle Bldg Main 2533. Central 4830. ORRON D. EVANS INS. AGENCY CO. FIRE. TORNIDO, AUTOMOBILE AND ACCIDENT INSUMNCE 1 ESTABLISHED 1901 mCOBPOBATED 1913 | Olivs 4758 Pierce Bu Iding 1 ORRON D EVANS INSURANCE AGENCY CO.. (Inc.) Pierce Bldj. Olive 4758. HOME LIFE INSURANCE CO OF N. T, J. M. Bloodnorth, G(;n'l Mgr , 512-U Wright Bldg. Olive 3389. MISSOURI I^IFT: & ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO.. 501-507 Metropolitan Bldg Lindell 5400. Delmar INSURANCE (ACCIDENT AND HEALTH) <;r,FAT EASTERN CASU.\LTY CO. B. J. Reilly. i-,en-| Agt., 419 Title Guaranty Bldg. Olive 60S. INSURANCE (LIFE) ■ REYNOLDS. C A., Agt Barkers Life Co, 61S-19 Frisco Bldg. Main 440.=). INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS (ST. LOUIS COUNTY) DOHR. ALBERT P. with P.ink of Kirkwood. Klrkivood. Mo. Bf 11 IJJ KInloch .S75. INSURANCE ADJUSTERS, FIRE MANOSON. WEISS. HARDING & DO\\T3ALL \D.I CO.. I12';-S Pierce Bldg Olive 4855. Cen- tral 7.i.'i;. INSURANCE PRINTERS SKAER PRINTINO CO., 423 N. 2nd St. Main 2863. Central 1205. INTELLIGENCE OFFICES KOENIG LABOR AGENCY. 012 Walnut St. Main 2766. Central 2766. IRON WORKS '^OERSTER IRON WORKS. ISOS Pine St. Central 2S47-L. IRON AND STEEL \ri.EDE STEEL CO.. 405 .Merchants-Laclede Bldg. Olive 4069. JACKETS AND APRONS \BBOTT JACKET MFG. CO.. 903 Lucas Ave.. 3rd lloor. .Main 1209. Central 7.")3.i. Station 17. JEWELERS (RETAIL) ruETZ. HUBERT L. 921 S Vandeventer Ave. Grand 4075. KRITON. JULIUS JEWELRY' & GE.M CO., 121 N. 7th St. Olive 49. .MAUCH. HERM.\N. 507 Franklin Ave. Olive 3299. Central 4.'.09-L. BOBBINS JEWELRY CO.. Cth Floor Holland Bldg . 211 N. 7th St. Olive 554. Central 4566-R. JEWELERS (WHOLESALE) MARITX. .lEWET.RY MFC, CO.. 217 N. 6th St.. 4th floor. Olive 247. Central 2607. JEWELRY MANUFACTURING I.OTT BROS, JEWELRY MFG. CO.. 510 Loou.st St Olive U32. Central 3IS7-R. LABOR AGENTS K'OENIC. LABOR AGE.S'CY. 612 Walnut St. Main 2766. Central 2766. LACE CURTAIN CLEANING LADIES' FURNISHINGS LADIES' GARMENTS AND FANCY GOODS LADIES' TAILORING COLLEGE KEISTEUS LADIES' TAIl.oUl.VG COLLEGE CO., Cor. Vandevinter .^ve ami Olive St. LUCASE.N. E. Ladies- Tailoring College. N. E. Cor- ner Vandeventer and Olive. Lindell 5517. LADIES' TAILORS CAPLIN BROS LADIES' TAILORING CO.. 202-8 Mermod-Jaccard Bldg. Olive 3366. COHIN. D. L.. Ladies' Tailor. 6176 Delmar. Cabany 5094. MANGE. JACOB 709 711 Washington Ave. Olive 919. Central 215S OLEXINSKI. F.. Mu.sieal Art Bldg. Lindell 2484 LAUNDRIES AALCO LAUNDRY & CLEANING CO.. 3700-2 Olive St. Lindell 1749. Delmar 1807 WESTMINSTER LAUNDRY CO. 4115-17 Olive St Lindell 211. Delmar 2ii65. LAUNDRY DRYERS LAUNDRY DRYER & HEATING CO.. 1O06 Locust St. Main 5215. LAWYERS ABLE. SIDNEY THOR.VE, 304-5 Pierce Bldg. Olive 149, Central 149. FARRAR. CHRISTY M.. 1401 3rd National Bank Bldg. Olive 2660 Central 1064. HENDER.SON * HENDERSON. 1312 Cent. Nat. Bank Bldg. Olive 2243. Central 4439. .MOSELEY. ARTHUR G , 404 New Bank of Com- merce Bldg. Main 3020 Central 7630. KALISH. RALPH. 801-3 300 N. Broadway. Olive 1766 WAGNER, HUGH K.. 503 Fullerton Bldg. Main 44 S3 LEATHER GOODS (FANCY) ST LOUIS LEATHER GOODS CO.. 720 Olive St. Olive 4483. LEGAL ADJUSTERS MERCANTILE ADJUSTER CO. THE. 717 Locust St.. 4th floor. Main 2339. LETTERS PRA.NK. L S ADV. MFG. CO.. 701 Locust St. Olive 3162 Central 643I-R. ROSS-GOULD LIST & LETTER CO . 9th and Lo- cust Sts. Olive 3603-2 Central 1.591. LIFE INSURANCE AETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO . 7«5 Cent. Nat. Bk. Bldg. J. W. Estes. Mgr. Main 309. Central 4834 RUTH. J. B. Mgr. Manhattan Lite Ins Co.. 703 Mermod-Jaccard Bldg. Main 3709 LIME AND CEMENT CONTRACTING & SUPPLY CO. OP ST. LOUIS. 510 Odd Fellows' B'idg. Olive 1110. Central 1182. INDEPENDENT LIMB & CEMENT CO.. Vande- venter and Market Lindell 520, Delmar 520. LIQUOR DEALERS S5IMON. J. & SONS. 1201-.-!-.-, Franklin Ave. Main 4394. Central 2157. LISTS ROSS-GOULD LIST &• LETTER CO. Sth and Lo- cust Sts. Olive 3C03-2. Central 1591. LITHOGRAPHED AND PRINTING ADVERTISING FORBES LITHO MFC, CO.. THE. 1225 Syndicat- Trust Bldg Olive .516, LITHOGRAPHING FOERSTEL LITHOGRAPHING CO,. 320-22 Olive St. Main 4064. Central S4S. LOCK WORK AND GENERAL REPAIRING WERTZ. T.. 708 N. V.md.^venter Ave. Lindell 5095, LOCKSMITHS DOOLEY LOCKSMITHI.NG CO.. THE. 203 N. Jet- ferson Ave Bomont 1661. FT,ANERY. W. H . & CO.. 2312 Olive St. Bomont 1204-W. I KERWl.N. E. C. 8 N. 10th St. Central 3481-L. LODGES ODD FELLOWS GRAND LODGE. 701-2 I. O. O. F Bldg.. Sth and Olive Main 2348. Central 1116-L. LUMBER STEELE & HIBBARD LUMBER CO.. Hardwood Lumber and Mahogany. N. Broadway and Dock St. Tyler 487. Central 4049. LUNCH ROOM MASCHMEIERS CAFETERIA LUNCH ROOM. 416 N. Sth SI. Olive 1S93. MACHINE SHOPS VICTOR MACHl.NE WORKS. I,")ll N .Broadway. Tyler 151. WEST ST. LOUIS .MACHINE & TOOL CO.. 606 S. Vandeventer .We. Lindell 2433. Delmar 67. MACHINE TOOLS THOMPSON. C A . 400 Securitv Bldg. Olive 1576. MACHINERY FARRAR PUMP & MACHINERY' CO., Granlt* Bldg. Main 13.55. C.ntrai 717:i-R. HALL & BROWN WOOD WORKING MACHINE CO.. 1913 to 1933 N. Broadway. Tyler 3400. Cen- tral 6646. OLIVER MACHINERY CO.. A. S. Knrkjian. Mgr. 400-23 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Olive 4r.-<: MACHINERY FOUNDATIONS ^ GRANER-MAHONEY CONTRACTING CO., Waln- wrlght Bldg, Olive 3685, Central 6.310. MACHINERY (GRADING) WESTERN WHIEELED SCRAPER COMPANY. A. C. Esser. 1442 N. Broadway Tyler 816. MACHINERY (WOODWORKING) HALL & BROWN WOOD WORKING MACHINB CO . 1913 to 1933 N. Broadway. Tyler 3400. Cen- tral 6646, OLIVER MACHINERY CO . A S Kurkjian. Mgr., 400-23 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Olive 4658. MACHINISTS ESSMUELLER MILL FURNISHING CO., 1222 B. Sth St. Main 1230. Central 5135. MAGAZINES "THE AUTO REVIETW— .\UTO REVIEW PUB- LISHING CO. 203 Fris;. Ctntral 534S. ■ >i,D.M.\.v. .MEI^VIN & CO., N. E. Cor. Maple and Fiodiaiiioiil. Oabany 516. Delmar IH-L. ■ WKS MOVIXC & BXPRE.SS CO., 3806-8 Evans .\vr- D.lmar HH-R. UuVAL MOVINX. & STORAGE CO. 1S20 N. Taylor. fj.m p. r loail. Forvst 6"ln. Delniilr S(i7-R. WAONKR BROS. MOVINC A STORAGE CO.. ;;01-3-r. S. J.-rterson. Bonionl 1.".69 (Vntral l.iSl MOVING PICTURE ACTING AND VAUDE- VILLE TRAINING BELMuNT SCHOm, OF AiTIMl II. iin. man Hall. 37^3 Ollvo St. l.lndtll lilu. D.lmar :;369. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES I.I■;AR^• THEATRE Sll'l'l-Y CO. Sam Loars. Prop.. .V)9 Chestnut St. Olive 212. Central -1971. MULTIGRAPHED LETTERS MILLER I'O. THE. ill.". Pino St. (illvt- 5106. ROSS-GOrLD LIST .<■ LETTER CO., 9th and lo- cust St». Olive 3i;tC-2. Ccnlral 1.V.11. MUSIC -HATTINGER PIAN'O & lllSIC CO., THE. 910 Olive St. Main 210s MUSIC CONSERVATORIES REETVIOVEN CONSERVATOR V OF MISIC. The Brothers Ep..iHin. 1.'-"." Olive St. Forest lOIS. WELTNER CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. 3«2'l-:2 Finney .We. Lln.l.U 4.>l.i. MUSIC PRINTING STARK Mt'SIC PRINTINC, & PL'BLISHING CO 3S1S La.-l.-d... t.ln.l. II -Ih''.) MUSIC PUBLISHERS NEEDir.\.M Ml'SIC III. .(..i; .Miirki't St. Olive <.'.9.'> MUSIC SCHOOLS I.ATAL. EliWAHD .1 . 112'.i X Grand Ave. Instru- ments rurnish.il frc.-. Llndell 5212-R. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PLAOHT. JO.S.. & BRO.. 113 S. Broadway. Ollvf 1185. PLACHT. TONY J.. MUSIC STORE. 1001 Pine St Olive 1078. SHATTINGER PIANO & MVSIC CO., THE. 910 Olive St. Main 240S. NEWSPAPERS ••AUTO REVIEW — AUTO REVIEW PUBLISHING CO.. 203 PrlBco BldK. Olive 3551. D'ARCY ADVERTISING CO. International Life BIdp. Ollvi- S:M. Central 6747. MIDLAND PUBLISHING CO.. SOlii Pine St. Olive 2301. NICKEL PLATING xruSICK^S PLATING WORKS. T'7-719 .Market St Main 1530. Central 43. NOTARIES PUBLIC HAWLEY. SARAH M. Lobby Commercial Bide. 214 N. «th St. Main 4215 Re.s. 46SOa Laclede Ave. Monroe 77. NOVELTIES TEST NOVELTY en. .iJ IMne St Olive 11.TO NOVELTY WORK LASWBLL MFG. CO.. 3otl N. Commercial St. NURSES CENTRlAL DIRECTORY' OF .NURSES, 5896 Delmar Blvd. Cabany 3129. Delmar lOfl. NUTS. EATON fH'T & MERCANTILE CO.. 121 Market St. • 'live 464.i. OCULISTS AND OPTICIANS itlTZ. DR. G., 609 N. Broadway. Olive 2111 Central :527. Lindell 1365 OSTEOPATH DR. MARY ALICE CREHORE 4237 OLIVE STREET 9 to I. 2 to 4, and by Appointment SAID ABOUT BELL DIRECTORY ADVERTISING '•Our ad* la your Olrictory has brought us more business tlian 111 llie other advertising wa have done put together." AUTOMATIC PIANO CO. NATIONAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY CO. ALBERT von HOFFMANN. Pras't. FRISCO BLDG. olive za-. olive »51 ST. LOUIS OFFICE FIXTURES BLUMER CABINET CO.. 4215 N. Market St. Llndell 3071. ST. LOUIS BANK EQUIPMENT CO., 811 Walnut St. Olive 41S8. OFFICE SUPPLY ALLEY. C. WALTER. 10| N. 3r.l St. Olive 1241. OFFICE TOWEL SERVICE BARRERE SERVICE CO., Tow.l .Supplies. 819 N. Lefllnswell. Itoniont :r,: Ciunil ICSJ-L. OIL BURNERS ST. LOUIS TAVOniTIO KKUUSENE OIL BURN- ER, THE, 1229 Marli.t St. iiUm- .M:*. OIL ENGINES FAIRBANKS. MORSE .<• Co Slli and Clark Ave. Main 3130. Central Tiiso OIL (LUBRICATING) THE MOUND CITV OIL & sri'l'LY COMPANY. ■Mi N, Coinm.relal St. Main 1SI«. Ci-ntral 708. OIL AND GAS MILL SUPPLIES CONTINENTAL Sll'I'LV CO.. THE. 9th Floor, 3rd NafI Bank BldK olive 5"2,-. OPERA CHAIRS AMERICAN SEATING CO. E V. Oftelle, Mgr., 927 Syndleat.- Trust BklB Ollv.. lUsl LEARS THEATRE SCl'PLY CO. Sam Lears. Prop. Wf.l Chi'..itiult St Olive 212. Central 4971. OPTICAL GOODS (MANUFACTURERS) WESTEH.V ol'Tln.M. MFG. CO.. 70:;-n Holland Bids. Olive 1112 Central lS)f9. OPTICAL GOODS (WHOLESALE) NATIONAL OI'TIC.M, CO.. Inc., 507 to :.10 Holland Bldg. Central 'iMfi OPTICIANS GRUMME OPTIC.XL CO.. AUG.. 612 Pine Si. Cen- tral 2S33 ERKER BROS OPTICAL CO., 608 Olive St. Main 3421 Central 3643. WESTERN OPTICAL MFC, CO., 703-11 Holland Bldg. Olive 4412 Central 1SS9. OPTOMETRISTS DAWSON INVALID SUPPLY CO.. 620-22 Pine St. GRUMME OPTICAL CO.. AUG., 612 Pine St. Cen- tral 1833 INDEPENDENT PHOTO & OPTICAL CO., MS N. 6th S?t. Olive 1423 Central 1980. WESTERN OPTICAL CO.. 1002 GUve St. Main 17S3. Central 1502, OSTEOPATHS BECKHAM, DR. JAMES J.. Chemical Biag. Olive 2321 CREHORE. DR. MART ALICE, 4237 Olive St. Llndell 1365. ECKERT. W. H.. D. O. M. D, 706-7-8-9 Century Bldg. Olive 19S2. Central 4320. EDW.^RDS, DR. JAMES D, 753 Century Bldg. Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat. Olive 6323. Grand 4783. EDWARDS. DR. ALFRED. 656 Century Bldg. Main 412. EDWARDS. DR EMMA H., 7ES Century Bldg. Olive 5.T23. Grand 4783. O S MILLER. D. O., 603 Century Bldg. Ollvo .5395. WAGELEY. DR. c. C, 603 Century Bldg. Olive 5395. Cahany 195-M. WEBER. DR. CAROLINE L.. 70« Century Bldg. Olive 1982. Central 4320. OSTRICH FEATHERS DREYPUS. S. J . 701-1'. WashlnKton Ave. Olive 8.87 PBCKHAM'S PLEATING & OSTRICH FEATHER RENOVATING CO^ 616 WashinKton Av.'. M:iin OSTRICH FEATHERS DYED AND CLEANED DREYFUS, S. J.. 701-6 Washlnclnn Ave. Olive Si". PACKING, STEAM (■RANDALL PACKING CO.MP.\NV. 201 N. Com- mercial St Main 1808. Central 798. PAINT CLEANING UNITED HOUSE * WINDOW CLIOANINO CO., Navarre BUIk. Main 876. PAINT, GLASS AND HARDWARE DALY PAINT fc i;L.\.'~'S CO, r.21 N Vandevcnter Ave. Llnd.ll li'.iO. PAINT MANUFACTURERS MOUND CITY PAINT & COLOR CO.. lUb and Mullannhy Sti. Tyl.r 3200. Central 3325. PIIEiAn- FAUST PAINT MFG. CO.. 1008 Pino St. Main 489. Central 6300. Charles Latta Painting Go. ^ FOREST 7180 904BayarclAve.T;.SS DOEI.L.VER PAINTING CO. 107 .V. 12th St Olive llt;9. Central 31s9. LATTA. CHAS.. PAINTING CO., 904 Bayard Ave, Forest 7180. Delmar 36I4-R. LOWIS. JOSH. PAINTING CO., 1905 Locust St. Bomont 918. Central 4209. PAINTERS (HOUSE AND SIGN) CLARK PAI.VTING CO.. A. C... 1957 ArllnKton Ave. Forest 381. D.-lniar 31fil-L. MAGUIRE ,t LANE. 4S22 Suburban Traeks. Forest 1951. Delmar 928. PAPER BOXES HOLMAN PAPER BOX CO.. sth and Chouteau Av.-. Main 2148 Centl-al 146. ST. LOUIS LAHEL WORKS. 925 N 11th St. Olive 1158. Cnlral 11.58. STl'MPENHk\<;EN. J.. CORRUGATED PAPER BOX CO.. SueocHsor to H W FInke Corrugated Box Mfi,-. Co.. 18 N. 3r(I Si. Olljr 2205. PAPER (BUILDING AND ROOFING) FORD .MEG CO. 1136 N. 3r.l St . Corner BIddle. Olive 2ii!-l, C.-iural 71S9. PAPER OR FIBRE CANS ST LOUIS' PAPER CAN & TUBE CO.. 3U6-19 N. Broadway. Tyler llSo. Central 1270. PAPER (WASTE) FEDERAL PAPER STOCK CO., 1816 N. Main St. Tyler 204. Central 4816. PATENT ATTORNEYS FISHER. ADAM E. .501-505 Granite Bldg. Olive 4595. Washington offtee, 210-212 McGIII Bldg. PATENTS FLETCHER. HERBERT O.. Patents. 321 Interna- tional Life Bldg. Main 1086. Central 401. HIGDO.N * LONGAN. 60« Central Nafl Bank Bldg. Main 1806. Central 714. KALISH. RALPH. SOl-3. 300 N Broadway. Olive 1766, KNIGHT BROTHERS PATENTS. 321 International Life BldK. Main 1086. Central 401. PENNINGTON. G A., 806 New Bank of Commerce Bide. Olive 146. WAGNER. HUGH K.. 503 Fullerton Bldg. Main 44S3, PATENTS, INVENTIONS, SPECIALTIES FISHER. ADA.M. MKG. CO.. S. W. Cor. 4th and Market Sis Olive 4.i96. PATTERN MAKERS BODINE PATTERN COMPANY. 817 Market St, Olive r.SH. Central 669. PATTERN SHOP MACHINERY OLIVER MAilll.VEUV CO.. A S Kurkilan. Mgr.. 400-23 Ranl< .if Commerce BLIt-. Ollv.. 4.'.,'.S, PATTERN AND MODEL MAKERS REMMERS PATTER.N CO . Sll .V. Ninth St. Ollvo 5676. Central fl.TO. PAWNBROKERS JAEGER LOAN & JEWELUY CO, 2621 Olive St. Bomont 3011 PENMAN AND ENGROSSER GOSHER, HE.VRY D, 920 Century Uldg Olive 1585. PERFUMES HOPPINGER & ROTH CO . 217 N. 2nd St. Central 4361. . PHOTO STUDIO PIOS PHyrO STUDIO. 1310 Olive St Olive 3483. PHOTOGRAPHERS GERHARD SISTERS, 3622-4 Olive St. Llndell 2247-997, KAJIWAUA. T.. 810 Olive St. Main 4327. K.\UT .'rruDIO. 1208 Russell Ave. Sidney 2007. RAGU. THEoDOR. Klngshlghway and Page Ave Fore.m 8310. .SCHT\nNG. GLENN D., 618a N. Taylor, near Del- mar. Forest 5422. WHITING. SID PHOTOGRAPHER. Grand an.i Wnsliliik'l.in Lln.l.U 201S-. PHOTOGRAPHERS' COMMERCIAL SANDERS A. W. CO. 23 M.rmodJiieear.l ni.U Ollv.- 1V..S. (•.■ntral .'.389. PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS INDEPENDENT PHOTO & OPTICAL CO.. 213 N 6lh SI Ollv.- 1423. Central 1980. ERKER BROS. OPTICAL CO., 008 Olive St. Main 3121. C.-ntral .SCHILLER. W Central 2110. & CO.. 6 S. Broadway. Main 773 MOTORISTS READ THE OTORISTS ONTHLY ACAZINE ST. I.OI IS and IHIUM MIINti TKRRITOKV CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY wTk^: PLASTERING AND \Y^ A TUCK POINTING CO. Wm. E. WOKER Pros. Ball, Cabany 168 Job Plastering Tuck Pointing and Cblmney Work S711 Easton Ave. St. I_ouls, fVlo. PHYSICIANS TERMAN. r>K C M. lHI-5 Syndicate Trust .ig. Olive XA1 Central 1373. PIANO SCHOOL '.;1IRP., MISS FI.OREXi'E E., Musical Art aJg. Boyle Ave anil Ollv.- St. PIANO TUNERS ve. LIndell 1444. PIANO TUNERS AND REPAIRING TRADE I.INOTTPEJ CO.. 204 N. Third St.. Gay Bldg. Olive 707. Central 110«. VAN DyKE-aiVEN.-i. Central aSO. PAPIN & TONTRI'P P.B\L ESTATE CS ' nut St. Main aess. Central 874. B.\KEWELL. EDWARD U. WC N. 7th St. JAKOB. FRED .1 , 106 N 7th St 0"vc Res., 1059a Forest Ave. Benton 829-W. REAL ESTATE LOANS HlANSON, ROBERT. CI7 Wainwright Bldg. REAL ESTATE REPAIRS HEAL ESTATE REPAIR CO.. 58J6 Finney Llndell la:'6. ■' :'h?!jt- Oilv« FRNF^T R RO^FN pianos toned and repaired players installed in old pianos l-llX,i 1 l-llj 1 l\.a AXV/ 1^1.^11 25 YEARS IN BUSINESS LINDELL 1444 DELMAR 932L 3800 FINKEY AVE. .MERKEl.. W. G.. :;i'l2 Arsenal .St. .Sidney 4M1. PIANOS FIEI.D-LIPPMAN PIANO STORES. 1114 Olive St. t)llve 6900 Central 6900. PIANOS AND PLAYER PIANOS ■rONRiiV riA.VO en. lluO Olive St, Main 2611 PICTURE FRAMING (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL) BRETS ART STORE at Nugents. Main 1161. Olive 3*t00 Centrni 3''00 PICTURES AND FRAMES BRF.TS ART STnuE at -NuKenls. Main 1161. Olive PIPE^FITTINGS AND VALVES N.VTIONAL TIHE lU . 161S Third Nafl Bank Bldg Main 3B0 Centrni 1153. PIPE, WROUGHT NATIONAL Ti;«B CO. 161S Third Nat'l Bank Bldg. Main 360 Central 1153. PLASTER CONTRACTING & SlI'PLY CO. OP ST. LOUIS. 610 Odd Fellows' Ulilg. Olive 1110. Central 1182. PLATING WORKS MUSICKS PLATING WORKS, 717-719 Market St. Main 1530. Central 43. STOCKMAN. AT'G. F. 704 St. Charles St. Olive 141C. Central 5066. PRINTERS' MACHINERY ST. LOUIS ELECTROTYPE FDY. CO.. 214-10 Pine St. Main 24S. Central S.-j2. J. H. DANIEL PRINTING MACHINE CO. 114 Olive St Olive 37ri9. Central 161.3. PRINTING AND LITHOGRAPHIC INKS THE AI'LT & WICORG CO., 322 N. 3rd St. Main 6.33. Central 1119. PRODUCE HOFMANN BROS. PRODUCE CO.. 700 N. 2nd St. Main 3438. Central 266 PUBLICATIONS "THE AUTO REVIEW"'— AUTO REVIETW PUB- LISHING CO.. 203 Frisco Bldg. Olive 3.151. CATHOLIC XATL MAGAZINE. Home & Country Pub. Co< 419 Granite Bldg. Olive 5976. OFFICIAL SPORTMANS GUIDE, 2037 Railway E.tchange Bldg. Olive B77S. PUBLICITY AGENTS D'ARCY' ADVERTISING CO.. International Life Bldg. Olive 5'2,si. Central 6747. PUMPING MACHINERY FAIRBANKS. MORSE & CO., Sth and Clark Ave. Main 3130. Central 7680 FARRAR PUMP .t MACHINERY CO., 31S Granite Bldg. Main 13.i5. Central 7173-R. PUMPS (DEEP WELL) FARRAR PUMP & MACHINERY CO., 318 Gran- ite Bklg. Main 1355. Central 7173-R. REAL ESTATE (ST. LOUIS COUNTY) DOUR. ALBERT F. with Hank of Kirkwjol Kirkwood. Mo Bell 122. Kinloch S7,i REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS COOK, ISAAC T., 1412 ri,emi,al Bldg. Main 2'J98. Central 1036 REFRIGERATORS "'cVmrafSoo^^ '^°- '^ ^'' ^"^ ^'^ *""" ^'• '''^i\'*'^,'i'^,'^ SCALE & FIXTURE CO., 404 N. 3rd at. Main 2177. Central 5767 REGISTERS BURNS, ■W. S.. .Tr . 501-5 Granite BUlg Olive 4.-,9.S REINFORCED CONCRETE BERGEND.VHLKNIGHT CO., 71S Wainwrlght HMk 1192 REINFORCED STEEL CONCRETE BARS L.XCLEDE STEEL CO.. 40:, Merchanta-Laclede Bldg. Olive 4669. RESTAURANTS ANSCHUDTZ MISSION INN, Grand and Magnolia Aves. Grand 579. Victor \mi. CLEAN GOOD MEALS AT THE PIONEEJl. 15o and Up, 805 Market St RIDING ACADEMY $T»M PUMPS OUR BUSINESS IS PUMPS GAS AND OIL ENGINES, POWER EQUIPMENT. OUR Mono IS: "NIL NISI BONUM." NOTHING UNLESS GOOD. HOOKER STEAM PUMP WORKS, FARRAR PUMP & MACHINERY CO. PHONES: \ ""liUiS'ns-R 31 8 GRANITE BLDG., ST. LOUIS, MO. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS PLAYER PIANOS FIELD-LIPPMAN PIANO STORES, 1114 Olive St. Olive 69(10. Central 6900 PLUMBERS FLYNN PLUMBING CO.. Reclstered, 1523 Marcus Ave Forest 5.'65 Delmar 769. HAFF.VER * YOU.NG PLUMBING CO.. 6539 Eas- lon Ave Fonst I:;B7 Delmar 1S62-L. ETTINOER. EDWIN. PLT-MBING ro., 3533-35 Eas- ton Ave. Llndell 2)ss Central 5'231. POLISHES LIGHTNING CLEANER. WRAY & CO.. I.'i2; Vic- tor .S't .sitln.v .T!;4 PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHERS SCHI.IEPMVNN EI.IZAnETM. 369 Boyle Ave. near .Maryland I. 'n. 1.11 isjfi Colfax 1434-J. POSTER PRINTERS NATION \L P'^INTIVG & EN(TRAVINO CO., 7th and Elm St« Main 1146 (^.ntral 45.57. POULTRY AND BEE SUPPLIES BIJANKE MFC, & si-ppLY CO. 3rd and Wash- ington. Main 2'" 15 Central 1112 PRINTERS AMERICAN PRINTING Co. 29 S. 4th St. Olive BBCICTOLD PRINTING «- BOOK MFG CO, 210 Pine SI Main 36 Central 2.578. BROBNING PRINTING CO.. 415 Granite Bldg Central 4339-L INLAND PRINTERV. 29 S. 4th St. Olive 3569. NIXON-.IONES PRINTING CO* 215 Pine St. Main 297 Central S25 PERRIN-SMITH PRINTING CO., 217 Olive St Main 1482 Central 82. H. J REUTER PRINTING CO. 312-18 Olive St Olive .3i)r,n Central 4179-R THE REYNOLDS & REYNOLDS CO. (E. J. Sen- netteL 1.500 Central Nat'l Bank Bldg. Olive 1021-1(122. Central .3765 ^ SKAER PRINTING COMPANY, 423 N 2nd SI V.^\\\ 2"i<:3 Central 1205, QUARRIES THE CASPER STOLLE QUARRY & CONTRACT- ING CO.. Cahokla Bldg.. E St. Louis, HI. Bridge 1420. St. Clair 12i-R RADIATOR SHIELDS SODEMANN HDAT & POWER CO., 1512-14 Clark Ave. Main 2903, Central 6fi25. RAILROADS CHICAGO & ALTON R. R., City Ticket Office. Carletnn Bklt- . 6th and Olive. W H. Abel. Asst. Traffic Passenger Mgr. Olive 2.520. Central 195. RAILWAY SUPPLIES FAIRBANKS, MORSE * CO , Slh and Clark Ave. Main 3130 Central 70S0. THOMPSON. C A.. 4iV) Seeurltv BUiir Olive 1576. RAZOR MANUFACTURING SHITMATE RAZOR CO. THE. 609-10-11-12 Eciult- able Bldg Mi in '^ 1) RAZOR SHARPENERS, EXPERTS VELVET RAZOR BL.vnR CO. Grand and Olive. REAL ESTATE ARCHSHOBFER & GILK REAL E.STATE CO.. Wl Mermod-Jaccard Bldg. Olive 3268. Central 4712. BAKER. CHAS. A . Webster Park and Other Web- ster Property. Wriu-ht Bldg. Olive 3322. CORNET & ZEIBIG. H.-al Estate. 719 Chestnut St. Main 4-60 C. ntral .53 DANIEL REALTY & BLDG. CO.. 6206 Delmar Ave. City and Sub Property. Cabanv 21-JO. Delmar 213. DOWNMAN. JOHN B., 617 Wainwrlght Bldg. Main 257 EPSTEIN. J. I., 617 Chestnut St. Main 2162.' Cen- tral 49 GREER REAL ESTATE & INVESTMENT CO, 317 Fullerton Bldg Main 218.5. Central 1W4 KEMPI.AND. GEORGE. 106 N. 7th St. Olive 5.".E MOTT. F. W.. REALTY CO.. THE. 617 Wain- wrlght Bldg. Main 2B7. South lOS. MURRAY WM. ,L. REALTY CO.. 19 N. 7th St. Main 2151. Central 15'',7. ROACH AND FLY TRAPS WRIGHT. CLIFFORD A . CO.. THE. 705 Olive St Olive 102L Central :i7f5 "■ c ..1.. ROOF REPAIRING ARCADE TINNING i; .SLATING CO., ax, Easton Ave. Forest 2S2G ROOFERS TONES ROOFING CO . 4032 Easton Ave. Llndell 1154 Delmar 95(I-R. MACMAHON ROOFING CO., 4118 Evans Ave. 1 indell .3010 Delmar 1950 ROOFERS' KETTLES AND BUCKETS HUMMEL .MFG, CO. 3001 La .Salle St. Makers of Sheet Iron Produ-tx Grand 3114 Victor l'J46-L ROOFING MATERIALS FORD MFG. CO. li;6 x 3rd St.. Corner Biddle 0\\\-^ -JiiM C. ntral Tlsfl ROPE (WIRE, MANILA AND SISAL) A. LESCHEN ,«• SONS uor"C CO. 914-9:1; N. First St. Main 371': C ■.•.:.! :',.:M RUBBER GOODS ACJIB RUBBER MFG CO., 1123 Pino St. Olive .572. MANHATTAN RUBBER JIFG CO. THE, 113 N 2nd St. Main I'OT^ Centr I <17 RUBBER TIRES KELLY-SPRTNGFIELD TIRE CO.. 3221 Loeust St. Bomont 1164 Delmar 19S3 ACME RUBBER MFG. CO . 1122 Pine St. Olive 67» RULERS (PAPER) THE HIGH ART RULING k BINDING CO.. 3flfl- 302 N. Third St. Olive ?r.7 Central 3767. SADDLERY HOMANN. WM . SADDLERY CO.. 716-lS N 4th St. Main 2500. Central 2377-11. SAFES HOWE SCALE CO.. 409 N. 4th St. Main 26.17. Central 1003. LOWRIE WALL SAFE CO.. 1215 Syndicate Trust Plds. Olive 6S7. Central 6S,-. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY SIDNEY 414 GROLL TIN & S. M. WORKS ANN AVE, AT IOth ST. GUTTERINQ, SPOUTINQ, SKYLIGHTS, CORNICES, METAL ROOFING, METAL CEILINGS, RADIATOR SHIELDS, FURNACE REPAIRING, ETC. LET US <(auVTUIUf« lU TUC I lUC AC • TiyurBfl SPECIAL DESIGNS IN COPPER, ESTIMATE ON YOUR WORK All I I niNU IN I HC LINC Uf A IIIIRCit TIN AND GALVANIZED IRON SALT ST. I-OUIS SAI.T lO. R.iom 41.', No. 810 OUvb SU Olive UK. Ccntnil SJil. SAWDUST ST. LOUIS SHAVINGS & SAWDUST CO., Chas. Wl Meyer, 2-.'l» Bismarck. Sidney S31. Victor SIS. SAWS OHLE.V. JAMES. A SONS SAW J.TFQ. CO., W. D. Quinn. Mgr.. :'31.'9 Olive St. Bomont 43S. Central 6693. SCALE REPAIRERS MUELLER. HUGO. 209 S. Broadway. Main 344, Central 1543. SCALES HOWE SCALE CO.. 409 N. 4th St. Main 2437. Cntral 1003. STANDARD SCALE & FIXTURE CO., 4M N. 3r.i St. Main n77. Ontr.il S767. SCALP TREATMENT OARNTAHAN. MISS ESTELLA. 942 Century Bide. Olive 4935. SCHOOL DESKS AMERICAN SEATING. CO.. E. Y. Oftclle, Mur , »I7 Syndlcat.- Trust Bl.lu. Ollvp 1984. SCHOOL SUPPLIES AMERICAN ni.ArKIlOARD CO.. 33 Gay Bldg. Olive 47S3. Central 6-,ST. SCHOOLS MODERN SCHOOL OP LANGUAGES. Corner Grand Ave :.n.l l.lndell Blvd. LIndell IML SHEET METAL WORKERS HfMMERT. W.\I . FURNACE & SHEET SIETAL CO.. 4281 Obear Ave. Onlfni 170S. Central 3474. SHOEMAKER WM. SCHNEIDER, shoemaker BELL PHOME, IINDELI 3292 FOOTWEAR FOR DEFORMED FEET A SPECIALTY 309 N. GRAND AVE. ST. LOUIS, MO. SCHNEIDER. WM.. Custom Shoemaker. 309 N. Grand Ave. LIndell yS2. SHOE POLISHES EZETAN SHOE POLISH MFO. CO., 3838 S. Broad- way. Sidney 4011. SHOE REPAIRING WBTNKR. H. BOSTON SHOE HBPAIRING CO. .r.ll Bell Ave l.lnd.n .ICvo SHOE AND LASTS MAKERS KLEHAMMER, OEOROE. 41"J Olive St. LIndell 313a SHOES (RETAIL) AMES SHOE CO. 410 N. 01 h St. Main 608. Central ROSENBACH ".ciHOES." 4lh Floor Mermod-Jac- card BIdK Olive 42^7. SHOES (WHOLESALE) JOHANSEN BROS SHOE CO, Specialty Manufae- turem. Women'n. fhll.Iren'" Shoes. 3SJ4-SS50 La- rledp Ave LIndell 431.'. Delmnr 1794. ROBLBE-WAS.S SHOE CO. IMW-1I).12 Waahlnrton Ave. Olive 6090. Central 509. SIGNS BRILLIANT SIGN CO.. 4.'0 N. 8th St. Main 1976. Central 3997. DOBLLNER PAINTING CO.. 107 N. 12th SL Olive n«?^ Central 3489. MAOUTRB A LANE, 48:3 Suburban Tracks. Forril IWl. Delmar 92H. SIGNS AND PAINTING (ALL BRANCHES) SCHMIDT. JOHN B. SIGN CO. 1113 I'lne St. Main 1194. (Antral 317. SILVERWARE (WHOLESALE) DUNKER. E. I-.. SILVER tu., oUl Equitable Bldg. Ollvo 4660. Central 684. SKIRT PLEATING BBCKBR BUTTON & SKIHT PLEATING CO.. 704 N. 9th St. Central 4(j;3-R. SLATE ROOFERS ARCADE TINNING & SLATING CO., 5365 Easton Ave. Forest 2826. SMELTING AMERICAN ZINC LEAD & S.MELTINS CO» 1O05- 13 Pierce Bldg. Olive 578. SOAP COLEMIAN. H. H.. 706 Fullerton Bldg. Main 2937. Central 6325. HOPFINGER & ROTH CO., 37 N. 2nd St. Central 4SG1. SPRINGS (AUXILIARY VEHICLE AND SPECIALTIES) , FALKJJNHAINER & CO. :!1.1 Carr St. Main 6331. STEAM PUMPS FARRAR PUMP & MACHINERY CO.. 318 Granite Bldg. Main 13.T5. Ontral 7173-R. STEEL MANUFACTURERS LACLEDE STF.EL CO.. iK Mer< hanU-Laclede Bldg. Olive 1669. STENOGRAPHERS SARAH M. HAWLEY. Lobby Commercial Bldg.. 214 N. 6th St. Main 4215. Res., 45S0a Laclede. Alonroe 77. STORAGE THE J. BBOWN STORAGE CO., 3446 LIndell. LIndell 188. Central 631S. WAGNER BROS. MOVING & STORAGE CO., SOl- 3-6 Jefferson Bomont l.'.C!!. Central 155L STORAGE BATTERIES ELECTRIC STORAGE BATTERY CO., 12a» Ful- lerton BldK. Main 272.S. Central 921. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES BLUMKR CABINET CO.. 4215 N. Market St. LIndell 3071. ST. LOrlS BANK EQUIPMENT CO, 811 Walnut St. Olive 418,S. STOVE REPAIRS BRAUER, A. G., SUPPLY CO.. 319 N. 3rd St. Main 1762. Central 1151. STREET CAR ADVERTISING D'ARCY ADVERTISING CO.. International Life Bldir. Olive Wlil. Central 6747. WESTERN ADVERTISING CO. Boatmen's Bank Bide Olive 3700. Central 21)97. SURGICAL AND HOSPITAL SUPPLIES ALBAN. C. W.. SURGICAL INSTRUMENT?, 3563 Olive Pt LIndell 267. Central 4257. THE PATTERSON O'BRIEN CO.. 601-11 FriBCO Bldg. Main IfiOfl, Central 1606. SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS SPRENONETHER. W. F.. 205 Ozark Bldg., 10th and Pine. Olive 408. SWEEPING COMPOUNDS DUST KING CO. 119 Market St Central 1084-L. TAGS ANIT LABELS .SCHARF TAG & LABEL CO. THE. 1012 Fuller- ton Bldg. Olive %¥» TAILORS EVERYTHING, ANYTHING IN THE TAILORING LINE HIGH CLASS CLEANING and DYEING WorkOallad for and Dctivarad H. F. AXELBAUM MUiT 447t SMI SUBUIBAR TUCKS AXELBAUM, H. F., 6807 Suburban Tracku. Cabany 4473. BELL TAILORING CO., 939 N. Sarah St. LIndell 4701. CAPLIN BROS 1>ADIES' TAILORING CO.. 2«2-3 Mcrmod-Jarcard Bids. Olive 33« KASAL. JOHN, MERCHANT TAILOR, 'X^Mi Co- lumtdn Bldg. Olive 1033. KONERT, lU & SON, 914 Market St. Central 1163-1.. PETERSON-BOCKBI.MANN TUILORINn CO., 310 Commonwealth Trust Bldg. Olive 5518. T. SHUCART. 4«.'!7 Delmnr. Forest 1710. .STALLONE. OASPER. TAILOR, 91.. 4lh and I-ocuit. Main 3736. Central SCO. WEST ST. LOUIS Tlir.sT CO, Easton and 9arah St. LIndell 462 Delmar 17:13. TUCK POINTERS WOKER, WM E "11 Enston Ave. Cabany 16«. TYPE FOUNDRIES AMERICAN TYPE FOlNUKItS CO , 9th and Wal- nut Sts. Main 2r)-,1 Cntral 108 BARNHARDT BROTIIRRS * SPINDI.Sm. 401 3 N TYPEWRiT'E"R "ribbons, CARBONS AND SUPPLIES CRO'W^.' RIBBON * CAHBON MFG. CO.. 811-5 Century Bldg Main 1526 Central 4J7T-R. MODERN TYPHTWRITRR RIIPPI.Y CO., 31& FuU lerton Bldg. Main 6|n6 Central 72T. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY X TYPEWRITERS ACME MERCANTILE CO.. 211 N. lUlh :Sl. C.nlriU 644t;-L. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES UNDERWOOD TVPKWIUTER CO., llr.-K N. Stli St. Main r,-.'0. Cintrul iioO TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS FRANK, L. W.. ADV. MFG. CO.. 7198 Delmar 2339. ROEHRIG & .TACOBY WALL PAPER & DEC CO . 1223 Olive St. Main 4S2. Central 617. WALL PAPER (WHOLESALE) ROEHHIG & .I.VCOBV WALL P.\PER & DEC. CO.. 12'.1 Olive St Main 4V>. Central 617. WALL PAPER AND DECORATORS REINH.XRDT BKOTMERS, 1921 S. Broadway. Sidney 5G1 WASHING MACHINES UTAHNA DEVELOPMENT CO.. 606-12 S. Broad- fay. Main 2304. WASTE PAPER FEDERAL PAPER STOCK CO. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR WASTE PAPER iriEB 204 CENTRAL 4816 1814-1816 N. MAIN STREET WATCHMAKERS, SWISS, AND OPTICIANS VIETA JEWBLliy .t OPTICAL CO.. K72 Olive Llndell 'lOS-'. I'entral 5I5S-R. WEATHER STRIPS CHAMBEHLIN METAL WEATHER STRIP CO.. 4->30 Olive .SI. Llndell 249 Uelmar S69. MONVRCH .M1:T.\L weather strip CO.. 4121 ' Fori-st Pari, niv.l. I. in. I. 11 312" D.-lmar 4S5. WEATHER STRIPS (METAL) KUHLMANN .MRTAL weather STRIP CO.. 2115 Olive Hom.ml C:'.7, c, nlral 6002. WELL DRILLING MACHINERY AND TOOLS FARRAR PUMP >«t MACHINERY CO.. 318 Granlt* BldB. Main 13.35 Central il73-R. CONTINENTAL SUPPLY CO. THE, 9th Floor, Srd NafI Bank Bklg. Olive 5025. WINDOW CLEANERS UNITED HOUSE & WINDOW i -LEANING CO., Navarre BUlK Main S70 , _, WINES AND LIQUORS (WHOLESALE) BARDENHRIER. JOHN. WINE & LIQUt)R CO.. 212-14 Market St. Main lOMi Central 109S. WIRE ROPE A LESCHEN & SONS ROPE CO., 911-926 N. First St. Main 37.-.2 Central 3311, WOMAN'S EXCHANGE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE 533 N. Grand Ave. Hum- boldt Bids Lind.ll 342. WOOD ENGRAVERS U. S. ENGRAVING CO . C T Jennema Bill Oliv WOODWORKING MACHINERY HALL & BROWN WOOD WORKING MACHINE CO.. 1913 in irC'i N. Broadway. Tyler 3400. WOOLENS AND TAILORS' TRIMMINGS HAIICK. F B. CLOTH CO.. U3 N. Broadway. Olive .3179 Central 2616. SCHMIDT. O R. N W. Cor. 7th and Locust. ADVERTISING IN THE BELL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 'NOT AN EXPENSE AN INVESTMENT" Official Owl Car Time Table Bfllefontalno— Primm 81.-11:48 12:00. 12:15, 12-30, 1:15, 2:00, 2:45, 3:30, 4:15, 5:00. Olive St— 12:35. 12:45, 1:00. 1:15. 2:00. 2:45. 3:30, 415. 5:00. 5:45. Robin Av.— 11:38. 12:00, 12:30, 1:15. 2:00, 2:45. 3:30. 4:15. 5:00. 5.20. Olive St.— 12:15, 12:35, 1:05. 1:50, 2:35. 3:20, 4;05. 4:50, 5:35, 6:00. Brofidway— Catalan— 12:00. 12:15 12:30. 1:00, 1 30 200. 2:30. 3:00. 3:30. 4:00. 4:30: 5:00. Olive St.— 12:38, 12:53, 1:08, 1:38 2:08, 2:38, 308. 3:38, 4:08, 4:38, B.08: Baden— 12:00, 12:15. 12:45, 1:15, 1:45, 2:15, 2.45, 3:15 3:45. 4:15. 4:45. 5:15. Olive St.— 12:37, 12:52, 1:22, 1-52. 2:22, 2:52. 3:22, 3:52. 4:22, 4:52. 5:22. raHH— Belt Av.— 12:00. 12:30 1:30, 2:30. 3:30. 4-30 5:00. Olive St.— 12:37. 1:07. 2:07. 3:07. 4-07. 5:07. Jefferson— 12:05. 12:20. 12:40, I'OO 1:30, 2:30, 3:30. 4:30, 5:20. Olive St.— 13:2i5, 12:43. 1:03, 1:23, 1:53, 2:53, 3:53, 4:53. (hrrokee— Spring Av.— 12:00, 12:45 1:38. 2:23, :i08. 3:53, 4:38, 5:23. Olive St.— 12:22. 1:07, 1-58, 2:43, 3:28. 4:13, 4:58. 5:43. River Des Peres— 11:45. 12:00. 12:30. 1:15, 2:00. 2:45. 3-30 4:15, 5:00. 5:27. Olive St.— 12:36. 12:51, 1:15! 2:00. 2:45, 3:30, 4:15, 5:00, 5:45. Chouteau — Soutliampton — 12:25, 1:05, 1:45, •'■25 305, 3:45, 4:25, 5:00. 5:45. Manchester and Chouteau— 12:45. 1:25. 2:05, 2:45, 3:25, 4:05. 4:45, 5:25. iorapton— Tower Grove Park— 11:28. 12:00, 1:00. 2:00. 3:00. 4:00. 5:12. Third and Wash- ington— 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 5:55. RlKhteenth St.— Prairie Av.— 12:00, 12:30, 1:30, 2:30. 3:30, 4:30, 5:12. Fourth and Pine — 12:00. 12:15. 12:30, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00. 5:00, 5:45. Fourth St. — Broadway and Franklin — 12:03. 1218 12:33, 1:00. 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 6:'90, Arsenal St.— 12:00. 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30. 5:26. Gran