.0^ AO* A A ^ 'o . . * G^ "^ -n-o^ .0^ .'tnL' V- ^^ A^ ^"^^fA^^ '"^o. .^^ :'i ..^^-v. A ^0^ :^o^ ^ ^>P-:i \* J • • A^"^-^ V ^ c" '• I ■« ^0' ^°-n*-. -J t I IV i>e:x OF PERSONS AND PLACES MENTION Kr> IX Hutchinson's Massachusetts, (Last Edition of Yolu.mfs I. axl> IL, Bostox, 1795, AM) OXLY EdITIOX OK ^'oL. IlL, LOXDOX, 1828.) MADE BY J. WINGATE THORNTON HISTORIOGRAPHER, AND SOMEWHAT CORRECTED BY CHARLES L. AVOODWARD, BOOK PEDDLER. nSTEVT" "X'OE.K:, 1879_ /I fb^ W'^'^ IDNTIDBIX:- Aaron I. 324 Ale^iimdria . . .III. 31,1 Ahbingdon III. 9 37. 5fi At.bot.. .11. 46, 48, 49 Alford I. 56 Abenak;is..I. 404 II.i AIkoikiuih.-; .. I. 409, 1.50,156,237.340 I 41.5,419 11.1.57 i Abenaqiiis..!. 85. 130, Alleine I. 23 131 Allen.. I. 107.127, 160,: Abenqiiid II. 90 204. 207, 248. 2.50, .\bercroiubie..III. 47. 283, 317, 334. 364 68,70. 75 II. 14. 20. 61. 146, Abergiiiiaiis ....I. 17. 167.351 111.269 404, 407 Allerton . . .II. 408, 411 Abousett I. 15 Alniaiiza..II. 1.50.248 Acadia...!. 10. 34. 93, Almsburv. .11. MO. 135 120. 121. 122, 123, Alsop . . .' 1.143 125, 126. 128, 157, Amarascoggiii. . . I. .52 160, 17.5. 190, 236,|Amarescoo;giii..II. 284 a52, 365 II. 68. 81,|Amascoggin. . . .1. 358 87. 93. 96, 105, 106. II. 274 109, 134. 13.5, 150, Ama.-;econti....II. 284 160, 167, 168, 169, Ambovna 1.166 180, 181, 384 III. Anieri'scoggin ..I. 404 2. 3. 12. 13, 19, 39 Ames I. 89, 107 Acamenticus I. .35, Amesburj' I. 287 163, 164 Amherst... III. 73,74, Adams. . I. 17, 21 II. 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 82, 251 ! 103 Adams, John III. Amiens I. 21 293, 296, 297, 338,Amoskeag 1.407 374, 396 Amsterdam. . I. 11, 35, Adams. Samuel... III. 327 11.405 130, 1.38, 148, 201, Aucaster II. 324 2:n, 264, 276, 385. Aiidover.. ..II. 34. 40. 293, 394, 296, 297, 41,43.44,100,285 400. 403, 413. 430, Andros..!. 91,96. 160, 4;32, 446, 452, 489, 164, 293, 297, 312. .502 - -.^ --- -- Addington I. 337, 340. 365. II. 69, 82, 124, 19: Arlington I. 135 183, 190, 407 II. Armstrong II. 203 141,414 III. 86 96. III. 39 166 Arnold ...1. 133, .317, Barre III. 321 454 Barrington I 42 Arowsick ..I. 311 II. 111 II. 141, 195. 198, 236, 339, 244, 231, 359 346, 3.54, 368 Bartholomew .11. Arnndel I. 54, 440 440, 441, 444 II. 375 Bartlett I. 207 Addison III. 326 .\gamaug. . I. 263, 264 Agawam I. 95. 96. 115, 407 316-319. 332, 334, 336, 328, 330-332. 335, 337, 339-341, 343. 315, 346, 348, 349. 353. 360. 363 II. 31. 65. 106-109, 136, 161. 189, 193, 196, 2&3, 414, 423 Ashley III. 35tBastide II. 374 Ashton Pliillips I. Bates I. 143 245 Bathurst T. 302 Ashiirst.. ..I. 160. 346, 1 Baulston I. 454 347. 349, :353. 360- Bayard .. I. 317, ai3, 362.365.464-165 II. 344 III. 115 14. 75. 83, 83, 103,, Bay Vert. .. .II. 19,38 115,117, 118, 122,,riaxter. ...I. 148, 149, 140, 141. 147, 159, 317, 447. II. 36, 29, 169, 170, 191, 192, 57, 198 195 iBeach I. 173 Aslebee II. 47lBean II. 279 Aspinwall I. 70, 73,!Beaulas8in II. 92 399 [Beau Sejour III. Astwood 1. 399j 32,38 Athertou . . I. 115, 131,'Becancour II. 101, 134 '. 131,337,3.38 Atkins I. 29;Beckford. ...III. 226 Atkinson.. 11. 386 III.lBedfordshire. . . .1. 24 3 iBegoir II. 238 Attleborough. . 11. .358'Belcher . . I. 272. 323, Attmiks 111.272; 340 II. 190. 195, Auchmiity ... II. 323,! 197, 202, 227,318, 360 III. 401 Augur I. 244 Aurania I. 50, 150, i 1.59 ! Austin 1. 180 Awasequan I. 132 Babington I. 154 Bellamont I. 160, Backhouse I. 369 161 II. 82, 83. 84, 320, 323, 329, .330, 331, 334, 335, ;i37, 338-340, 342, ;i44, .347, 349-351, 355-3t>0 III. .56, 63, 152, 174, 301 Ahauton I. 156 Angier I. 160: Ailsbury II. 21 Anglesey. .. I. 279, 280| Aires I. 1.54 Anguilla III. 162; Aiscough I. 179 Annapolis-royal II. Ais-la-Chapelle. ...II. 167,180, 190, 218. 104 III. xi. 251, 363. 364, 365, Albany I. 50. 1.50, 383-5 III. 31 375, 313, :«4 II. 73. Annesley I. 379 74. 113. 136. 137. 120, Annuwekin I. 1.56 131. 156.158, 1.59,162. Antego I. 448 168. 175. 177. 274. Anthonv 1.1.56 381 III. 20, 33, 25. Anticos'ta I. 356 30. 37, 38, 47, 48, 49, Anthrum II. 85 .50. 56, 74, 82 Apannow I. 253 Albert I. 328 Apequinah I. 367 Alborow I. 317 Appleton . . I. 3:^2. 272, Alby III. 5 302,.336 11.30,31, Alcock I. 344, 359 69, 1.51. 153. 287 Alcot II. 21, 70 Aquidneck..I. 72,118 Alden..I. 358 II. 50, Aresagunticooks... .1. 94, 104, 408, 412 ! 404 Alder8ey..I. 16. 17, gljArgall I. 120 Alexander I. 121,lArgonaute n. ,384 253,253 lArgyle II. 3341 Bacon II. 56 Bahama I. 21, 92, 94, 352 II. 75 III. 48 Bailey I 388 96, 103, 105-108, 111, 112, 114, 119, 125, 136, 301, 300 III. 313 3, 374, Bellamy II. 302 BelMower I. 185 Bailis n. 321 Bellingham I. 44. Baker 11. 35 Ball III. 5 Ballard II. 39,40, 43,46 Baltimore I. 51, 382 45, 90. 91, 95, 107, 136, 138, 143, 169, 174, 177, 193, 211, 215, 333, 236, 2.38, 347, 248, 386, 444 Bence I. Ill Banks I. 85 Bendall I. 73 Barbadoes I., vii. Benighton I. 100 92, 102. 141, 179, 180, Bennett I. 179 194, 198, 223. 302,; II. -337 327, 356, 377, 448 Bentivoglio. ...II. 415 II. 37. 103. 260. 261, Berkley I. 67. 147 394. 313. 314, 397 II. 144 Barker II. 44. 45, Bermudas I. 80, 46, 133 120, 179, 277, 302. Barnard.... II. 43, 46.1 303,448 II. 4il 63 Bernard... I. 444 III. Bamardiston...I. Ill' 81, 82, 83, 86, 95, Bamet 1.476 104, 147, 156, 166, Barnstable.. ..I. 1(H\ 167, 183, 221, 285, 336, 238, 346, 249, 351, 353, 256, 262, 280, 288, 393, 206, 319, 333, 395, 405, 463, 488. 497 Berwick ...1. 278, 358, 359 II. 95, 133. 156, 172, 182. 269, 275, 277, 279, 286 Best I. 10 Bever .111. 73 Beverly....!. 14 11. 34. 37 Bibber ...II. 33 Biddeford . . . . I. 207 Bigot ...II. 80 Billerica....II. 34, 86 Billingsgate. ...I. 313 Billington .... II. 408. 413 Billio 11. 115 Bilney II. 438 Bird I. 237 Birden I. 108 Birmingham III. 25 Bishop I. 184, 187 II. 51, 146, 435 Bissell....!!. 184, 186 Bitteridge II. 408 Blackford II. 80 Blackhouse I. 23 Blackistow I. 42, 111 Blackmail I. .326 Blackpoiiit....]. 244, 278,311 II. 277 Black Rock.... 1 1. 348 Blackstone 1. 15, 26, 30 Blackwell 1. 310 Bladen.... II. .330,344 III. 119, 313. Blaithwait I. 160, 303, 306, .309. 318, i 321, 3:^2, B61, 364| II. 72, 82, 96, 115,1 140 j Blanchard II. 46l Blandford II. 331 ! Blandy III. 379; Blankald II. 410 Blin II. 351, 268' Blinman I. 191 Block-Island .... I. 59 II. Ill Bloody-Point...!. 101 Blower I. 364 Blurton I!!., iv. Bolingbroke. ..II. 170 Bollan....II..391 III. 8. 53, 108, 317, 336 Bolton II. 334 Bomasecn II. 247 Bomazeen II. 80, 81, 84, 85, 149, 173, 281, 383 Bonaventure. . .II. 105 Bond I. 340, 377 Borland II. 142- 147 Borneo II. nO Boticawen I. 128 II. 20 III. 39, 74 Bosch II. 369 Boston I. 33, 35, 37, 37, 40, 44, 45,1 104, 106, 110, 113, IH, 122, 130, 160,1 162, 187, 323, 259, 268, 331, 376, 377, 408 II 52. 56, 61, 66, 67, 69-71. 73-78, 81. 84. 86, 87, 91. 94- 98, 100, 130,134, 136.; 141, 142, 149, 151.1 1.59. 161. IIU, 173,: 174-177. 181. 183, 188. 189. 190, 196, i 197. 300, 303, 20.5,1 327; 341, 343, 347, ' 267-269. 274, 376, 377, 284, 285, 287, 292. 295, 300, 31.5- 318, .332, 3.34. 337, 338, 341, 35i; 358. 364, 368, 373, 375, 377, 380-384, .386, 388. 389, 390, 410, 411. 439, 437. 444 III., v., vii., xiii. 3, 8. 9. 15, 33. 25, 27. 32, 36-38, 40, 43, 44, 48, 50, 53, 59, 62, 63, 68, 70, 74, 80. 81. 86, 88, 89, 101,' 104-107, 112, 113, 11.5-117, 119. 120, 13:3. 125, 127, 129, 130, 133, 136-1.38, 143, 146, 147, 161, 163, 166, 169, 180. 182. 183, 186, 188, 189. 190, 199, 200, 303; 203, 205, 206- 210, 212, 214-210. 231, 223, 225, 227, 231, 236, 337, 241, 243, 244, 253, 254. 256-258, 260-262,1 264, 370, 374, 376, 377, 280-283, 288, 290, 392, 205, 298, 300, .303, 305, 307, 312, 316, 337, 329, 332, 334, 335, 337- 339, 841, 347, 349,! 3.55, 357, 376. 383,1 384, 388, 392-.394,' 396, 404, 407, 416.; 419, 436, 439, 430,1 433, 433, 435, 438,! 140, 441. 4.57-409, 488, 489, 492, 504. 508, .509, 515-519, 523, 534, 538, 530, 532-535. Boston. England. . .II. 4M Boteler 11. 160 Boucher III. 374 Bouladrie .... II. 373- 375 Bourgeois II. 92 Bonriemaquc III. Bourn I. 156 II. 379, 413 Bowdoin III. 156, -.i-ZS, 334, 245, 278, 393, 294, 348, 374, 4-28, 446 Bowers III. 3.39, 393, 3.38, 396. 41)0 Boyle I. 155, 334, 465 Boylston II. 247, 250 III. 358 Bradbury. . III. 396 Braddock . ..III. 31-: 33, 38. 56 Bradford I. 190. 191, 273. 317. 369; ..II. 59; 187, 248, 350, 354, 398, 306, 317, 337, 366. 374. 387, :i88. 470 II. 69, 86. 124, 196. 408, 434, 444 III. 338. 506 II. 20. 31, 13.5, 136.:Bruillon U. 135 359. 404. 407, 408, Brunswick ... .II. 251 410-414.416-420 III. Brusierus I. 444 393 (See Brewster) Bradish II. 110. Biickow I. 264 III, 113 Biilfinch II. 146 Bradstreet I. 33,;Bulklev I. 24, 68. 90, 105, 116. 130, 133, i 107,-191. 248. 281. 143. 149, 163. 168.; 297.-306,314.444 II. 171, 196, 201. 203,' 133 391 , 398. 3( W, 303. Bull 1 . 372 306. 310. 314, 317,iBullivant I. 317, 333, 337, 340. 342, 332. 334 II. 107 344, 346. 348. 3:54 364. 447 II. 30, 31. 46, 61, 69, 100, 101, 123, 436. 4.33 III. 71, 74, 75 Bragdon 1. 344 Brainford . . III. 83 Braintrec I. 110. 113, 408 III. 13 Brattle....!. 159, 160, 354, 356, 397, 303, 349 III. 51, 67, 234, 391 Braze n-licad... III. 80 Breading I. 335 Breda I. 194, 336 Breedan... .1. 198, 303. 306 Bremin II. 83 Brend !. 180 Breuton. .. 11. 74, 76, 83 Brereton I. 14. 33 Brest II. 97,381. 3»3 I!!. 34 Breton II. 71, 91, 317, -i-ia. 334, 384, 3:31, 367, 375. 379, 380, :383. 385, :}91, 395 II!. 1, 17, 61 Brewster I. 107, 187,444 !!. 408,410, 411 .!!. 201, Bunker's Hill III. 348 Burdett I. 84. 8.5. 103, 104 Burgess !!. 193. 193, 195 Burgis I. 17 Burke 1. 189 Burlington ...!!. :334 Burnet II. 393.394. 298, 300, :303, 304. :309, 317, :331, :333. :336. :339. 330, :333- 335, 362 Burridge II. 146 Burrill I. 31. 199 II. 213 Burroughs ...11. 40- 43, 57, .58. Burstowe I. 187 Burton I. 346 Butterfteld .. ..II. 149 Byfleld... II. 7H. 193. 213, 237, 3.50. 369. 333 Byron Ill . 43 Cabeck 1. 470 Cabot I. 9, 11 Cairnes I !. 303 Calamy II. 39 Caldwell.. ..III. 331 Caleb 1. 367 Calcf II. 56, 61 Calender... I. 43, 117 Calvin I. 189 Cambridtre I. 33, 36, 37, 38, 61, 89, 95, 96, 107, 108, 110, 113. 143, 154, 159, 161, 187, 191, 198, 301. 231, 3:36, 315. ;328, ;339, 349, 372, II. 22, 49, 170, 327, 341, 345, 335, 336, ;328, 333, 335, 398. 410, 431, III. ix. 105. 2.3:, 243. 28! . 282, 388, 391. :300- :305, :307, 348, 349, :369, 4 3, .507, 508, 51.5, 516, 521. 522, 534-526, 528-5:30, 533, 5:33, 5:34, 5:35, 537, 540. 542, .544 Bridger 203 Bridges ...1. 137, 140, 143 Bridgewater. . . I. 190 Bridgman II. 93 Brig Boston Packet, II. 379 Bright I. 17 Brinley II. :388 Briscoe I. 89, 377 Bristol.... I. 100, 101, 160, 194, 329. 245, 308, :360 II. 78, 136, 160, 173. 193, 300, :3.59 III. 459 Brocke I. 348 Brockholt 1. .317. 318. 331, .332, :349 Broinfield II. 351 Brooke I. 44,49, 65,88.100, 111, 43;3,!Camden III. 185 4:34 11.418,419 ;Can 1.178 Brookfield I. 265- Caimda I. :38, 93, 267 II. 164, 171 I 156, 157, 3:35, 375, Brookline....IU. 433| 312, 338, .3:39, 353. Browne....!. 19, 111,1 355-358, 406, 413, 413. 415-4ir. 422, 470, 471. II. 19, 21, 70, 71. 80. 8.5. 86, 9.3, 95-100, 109, 124, 126, 127, 128, 1.30-132, 134, 1.35. 141. 14.5, 148. 149, 150, 151. 156, 159-164. 167, 170, 173, 177, 178. 180-183. 188, 2.37, 266, 379. 299. .380. .3a3-386. 390. 398 III. 2, 3, 4. 13, .39, 42, 45, 49, 72; 75, 76, 82-84. 95, 10(J, 101, 354, 382 Candy II. 37 Canonicus I. 72, 130, 263, 405 Causo II. 71, 217. 218, 266, 276. 384- .366. 371, 372. 400, Canterbury II. 20. 144. 216. 324, 376. 379. 388, 409 Cape Ann .. ..I. 10, 14, 1.5, 18, 25, 99, 100 II. 196, 267, 278, 400 III. 283 Cape Blanc I. 1(X) Cape Clear II. 383 Cape Cod.... I. 10. 12, 34. 52, 100. 148, 151, 157, 275, 406 II. 302. 296, 373, 406, 111. 419, 440 Cape Fear I. 2.38 Cape Heniopen.I. 14(i Cape James.... II. 406 Cape Louis.... I. 100 Cape Nidduck.I. 311, 358 Cape Porpoise... I. 164 II. 277 Cape Sable I. .34 II. 105, 266, 268, .38.5, 386 III. 56 Capua II. 412 Carabesett II. 283 Careswell II. 410 Carew I. 10 Caribou II. 384 Carlisle I. .54 Carmarthen I. 3.50 Carolina. (North or South) I. 3.39, 362 II. 116. 396, 4t)2 III. 81. 118. 232. 361,32:i. 441 Carr I. 207.211, 225, 227-229, 3:32, 2.33, 4.59 III. 270, 272, 273 Carribees I. 179 II. 70 Carrier. ...II. 38-41. 47, 57 Carter I. 94 Carteret.... I. 216 II. 231, 30<) Carthagene.. .III. 326 Cartwright. . . . I. 211. 214. 225, 227. 229, 4.37, 459 II. 412 Car\'er I. 190 II. 408, 409. 41.3. 414 Cary.... II 49, 50, 393 Caryl II. 105 Casco I. 278, 297, I 311, .353,475 II. 21, 81,134,151,152,153, i 156, 182, 199, 251, i 387, 399, :384 III. 4, I 25, 26. 458 \ Castine....I. 32.5,326, t 330, 351 II. 89, 90. 120. 133. 167, 168,! 346, 383, 286 Castle-Island.... II... 1.38, 246, 388 III. 244, 250 jCastle William... II. 363 HI. 169, 207,1 214. 216. 307, 308,^ 312 Cataraqui..III. 4.3, 47' Caunbatant I. 252 Cawley II. 146 Cawleys I. Ill Caxon I. 16 Cavugas III. 43 Chadbourne... I. 101 Chaddock I 120. Chamberlain I. 85, 186, 283 Chambly II. 129 Champlain I. 51, 101, 121, 3.54, 409, 412, 415. 417 II. I 157, 177 III. 76, 82 iChaudiere I. 404 ; III. 19, 25 ;Chandler....II. 46," 47! ' HI. 31 Chapeau-rouge-bay. . . ; II. 365, 367. 373, 375 111. 62 ;Charles 1st.... II. 346 [Charles River.. I. 15- I 17, 26, 27, 105, 141, 191, 192, 210, 3.55, 1 408,417,474 II. 184, [ 186, 219 Charlestowu I. 17,' 26, 27,28,30,89, 110, 112, 116, 141, 16.5, 223, 313, .335, 340, 376, 384, 408 II. 19, 21, 22, 49, 62, 195, 296. 410. 430 HI. 369. 441 Charlevoix I. 38, 405, 416, 423 II. 68, 72. 73. 79. 80, 81. 85. 91, 92, 96. 97, 101, 129,130-133,141,150, i 151. 159. 163, 167. i 168, 177, 180, 236, 240, 279, .398 Charlton II. 20 Chartiers II. 1.33: Chase II. 237,238 Chatham. III. 171,419 Chauucey I. 161, 190, 191. 305, 306, 208, 237. 338 III. 3 91 Cheberrina I. 311 Checkley II. 158 Cheever II. 160 Chelmsford I. 95, 275 II. 149, 171 Chelsea I. 408 Chesley II. 277 Chester.... I. 23 II. 164, 176, 179, 385 Chibucto II. 203, 381-387 III. 2. 12, 13 Chibnctow 11. 97 Chickapi I. 48 Chicket7,i III. 6 20.3, 204, 217, 221,iEnslish. . . .II. 63, 408 230, 231. 262, 26.3,|Eiibn I. 112 272, 286-293. 297. Episcopius II. 407 299, 312. 328 330. Epps II. 265, 323 386 III. 4. 119. 174 Erskine 11. 388 Dun I. 154 Esopus I. 326 Desboroush....II. 24;DunbaT II. 340 Essex..!. 107,112.268 D'Estournelle..II. 3»4;Dunkirk II. .366, 11.27. .50.316 III. Detroit III. 77iDunuing. ...III. 4471 505 Devon II. 9. 4071 Dunstable. . I 426 II.IEsty 11.59 .1. 156 . II. 218 .III. 212. Etechemius I. 122 Euston II. 357 Exeter.. I. 74,100-103, 112, 234. 278, 283, 366. 31, i1 De Witt II. 3821 1^9- ^84, 299 Diamond II. 68 Dustan. . .II. 101. 102 Dickinson.... III. 374|Duiister. . ..I. 89, 161. Dieskau.. II. 374 III.! 208, 444 35.37,44 jDupuis II. 168 j 286,358 11.135,149 Digby I. 179lDuQue8ne.. III. 19, 156, 171, 182 UI. iv. Dimmock... .II. 1.54| 31, .33, 75 I xiv. Dixwell....I. 200. 20llDurand I. 147iEyre I. 340 Dock-square... II. 181 Durell. ..I. 15 II. 260. Eyton I. 108 Dod... .1.21,81,368] 278 Fairweather.. ..I. 336. Donahew. II. 369 Durham. .. I. 9,5, 246.' 340 Dongan..31~. 3.30, 332,1 286 11.108 Falkener. . . .II. 47, 59 349 IDut(:h(The)....I. 83. Falkland Islands. .UI. Donnell II. 21 Dorchester.. I. 16. 27, 44. 50, 95, 100. 108, 110, 112, 1-53. 262. 370, 371, 408 11.22. 117, 1.58, 433 Doten II. 408 Doughty I. 373 84. 86-88, 107. 108.: 42 119, "" " " 129, 146, 148. Falls River 11.39 1.59, 16.5-167, 189. Falmouth .. I. 244. 407 201. 211, 212, 216,1 11.164,275,287,299. 217, 229, 260. 280. | 324, 386 III. 4. 25, 290. 342. 447 II. 26. 153, 406, 407. 409. Faubord I. 187 411. 416, 417 Faneuil... ;..III. 425 Douglass.. I. 48, ICO.iDu Vignon I. 33S Faneuil Hall. .III. 125. 161, 191, 283. 286,lDuvivier..II. 364, 380 210,212,33.5,429 317, 320, 417, 424|Duxbury....I. 190 II.Farwell ...1.345 II. II. 11. 29, 52. 78, 411, 414. 415 I 285 203, 248, 2.50, 276, Dver..I. 183, 184, 186 Fance I. 322 374. 393, 408 Dyre I. 297. 298 Fazakerley .... II. 320 Dover.. I. 98. 100. 101, Fames II. 59, 87 1 Felt II. 277 104, 112, 234. 240, Eastham..I. 157, 190. Fenuer 1.4.54 278. 286, 373 II. 313,407 iFenwick. .1. 6.5. 97. 98, 1.35, 149, 156, 182, Easton 1.73.161' 120,145 11.160.184. 279 Eastown 11.284 185 Downing..!. 23, 107, i Eaton. .. .1. 17. 20. 21, Perrall III. 35 300. 444 II. 10, 80, 23, 81, 83, 89. 120, Feversham . . . . M. 164 3S6 III. 3 147-149. 167 II. 408 Field I. 109. 4.54 Drauon II. 164 Edgeremet I. 3,58 Fiennes.I. 65. Ill, 190 Draper 11.122 11.67.90 jFinch 11.261 Draughlwich...I. 172 Edmunds.. ..I. 440lPines I. 433 Drinker I. 208 Ed son III. 338 Fineux I. 393 Finlater 11.324, 216, 236. 227. 242, Fisher..!. 180,302, 303 256, 262, 307-309, Fisk II. 54, 55l 331, 357, 358 Fitch III. .50iGaldy II. 410 Five Nations... I. 312 Flanders II. 196 Fletcher... II. 50, 369, 379. 408 Flint... I. 106, 143. 219 Florida I. 428 Floyd.. I. 154 II. 140 Gallop I. 59, 271 Gardiner's Island. .II. Ill Gardner..!. 29, 35, 37. 271, 272, 274, II. 158, 408 111. 338 Gaspee II. 175 Flucker..III. 234, 333IGassiut;>?ley 1.244 Flypse I. 343lGatesEnd 1.95 Foche I. 22! Geary III. 400 Folger I. 38iGedney... 1.302,306, Forbes II. 165; 314,317,337 II. 2(„ Fordham I. 1071 21,37,38,50,51,119 Forett I. 1.51 Port Hill III. 254 Fort Richmond II. 269, 274, 281, 284 III. 5, 26 Port William Henry III. 55, .58, 61, 73. Fortescue II. 321 Foster..! 337,340 II. 20, 21, 35, 36. 38, 40. 47, 54, 59, 75, 124. 172 in. 400 Fox I. 185, 205 Poxcroft....!. 17, 3.33 Frairey I. 319 Pranckland I. 429 II. 358 Prancklyn I. Ill Franklin... III. 21, 24. 316, 361, :38.5, 393, 394, 416,-418, 454, 457. Freeman II. 412 French (The) -...!. 86, 88, 93, 120—122, 125. 146, 156—159. 235, Gee. ........ ...II. 203 Geneva II. 115 George.,!. 208, 3:^4, 336, 407, 410 Georgia.. .!!. 380 III. 23, 196 George Tavern . II. 241 Georgtown. ..II. 236 Germantown.. .III. 11 Germany III. 11 Gerrard I. Ill Gerrish...!!. 1.53 III. 234, 338 Gibbons..!. 101, 120, 122, 127, 132, 150, 181 Gibson I. 3281 Gibbs I. 160 Gilbert...!. 9. 10, 171. 473 III. 338, 397 Girling I. 49 Ghmville 11.27 Glasscocke II. 115 Gloucester 1. 110, 112 II. 196, 296 III. 503, 505. 506 Gospovt II. 132 Goss 1.23 Gould II. .33 Gourd on II. 133 Governeur II. 82 Governor's Island . . I. 120, 122 Gradaloupe...!!!. 100 Grafton...!. 156, 157, 269 11.357 Graham .... I. 317, 345 Grantham 11.324 Graves-end.. I. 15 II. 110 Gray.!!!. 224. 272, .396 Greene..!. 317 III. 258 Green Island.. II. 132 jGreenleaf..!!. 86 III. 2-34, 400 Green's Harbor.!. .373 IGreensmith..!. 62, 84 [ II. 23 Greenville... III. 109 110, 112, 135 iGrey H. 205 Gridley II. 376 Griggs 11.33 Grigson I. 83,120 Grimstone II. 404 Grindleton I. 187 Gross I. 313 Groton...!. 27511.23, 80. 81, 129, 135, 149, 278 254 Hanover n. 294, 331. III. 14, 103 Hanson II. 279 Hard wick.... III. 230 Harlakenden I. 44, 55, 89. II. 434-436. 440. 445 Harleston I. 209 Harley.. .1 42. II. 114, 171 Harlow I. 10 Harman....!. 3.59 !!. 172, 269, 273, 375, 279, 281-284 Harper I. 185 Harris II, 68, 95 Harrison. . .1. 147 II. 117 Hartford....!. 49. 71, 81, 83, 96, 111, 118- 120, 129, 149, 167, 171, 447 II. 22, 23, 61, 415,441 III. 68, 391 Hartwell III. .338 Harvard I. 81, 89, 107, 108, 143, 159- 101, 246, 259, 265, 291, 444, 445 Harvard College.. II. 146, 263. 276 III. 187, 281 Harwich III. 230 131, 132, 145, 150, 1.54—156. 160, 183, 276, 363, 372—374, 237, 277, 279, 280. Glover I. 160 310, 312, .331, .338, Godfrey... I. 178 II. 352, 353, 404, 406, i 196 III. 269 414, 419 II. 67-69, iGodolphin II. .324 71, 73, 79, 80, 84, 87— Gofle. . . .1. 17, 20, 21, 91, 93, 96, 97, 99, 104, 82, 152, 156, 197- 120, 124, 126, 127, ' 201, 223, 4.57 II. 23. 204 Gold I. 185, 208, 364, 366.1 326 376, .377,iGold.-mith... .1. 200 379, 380, 382. 383,|Good. . . .II. 30, 32, 41, 384, 398, 400, 406, : 54. 55 409 III. 1, 2, 16, 17. Goodalo I. 274 19—21, 25—27, 32, 35. Goodenow I. 373 39. 41—44, 47. 52. 62. Goodman !!. 408 76,84, 3.52— .354. 492,Goodwin. .1. Ill, 192. Frigate Nonesuch.. II.-j 207 11.24,27,29 75,76 iGookin..!. 128. 160, Frigate Rose... I. 306,1 176. 207, 229, 236, 3.34,347,352 II. 28:3 1 298,302 III. 2:il, .321 jGoram 1.274 Frontenac I. .3.54. 'Gordon II. IM 473 II. 80, 85, 93, 'Gorges.. I. 11. 13-16, 97-99 II!. 43.74.1 29, 35, 50, 51, .53, .54. 75 ..---. ..- .-. Frost...!. 244 II. 69, 95 ! Frye.. ..I!. .35,45,47,1 285 III. 52, 60 ! Fuller II. 408i Guiana I. 11 Harwood. . . .!. 16,23 Guerre I. 135!HaseIrigg. . .1. 44. Ill Guilford I. 83 Hassanaraisco...!. 157 Guinea III. 420!Hassanemisco. .1. 156 GuUock II. llOlHassanimisco..!. 269 Gurdon I. 42, 111 i Hatch II. 158 Gurnet's Nose.!!. 406 Hatchet Harbor....!. Haberdasher's Hall..! 199 II. 408 Hatfield..!. 267, 269, Had ley.... I. 200, 207,1 312 II. 103, 277 259, '267, 368, 275, i III. 230 300. 11.24 I Hathaway II. 27 Haines II. 430 Hatherlev II. 412 Hale I. 142, 248:Hathorne..I. 302, 375 II. 22, 27, 37, 56, 61, iHaugh I. 45, 63 392 ! Havana . ...III. 100 Halifax.... III. 12, 26,, Haverhill. . I. 112.287, 39.53, 55-56,61,74,! .359 I!. 21,80,101. 191, 199, 202, 203, 135, 1,57, 159, 343 206, 212, 216, 241,'Haviland III. 82 242. 332, 416 Havitree III. v Halket III. 32 Hawkes II. 37 Hall I. 46, 342 Hawkins I. 358 HI. 396, 431 Hawlaws I. 264 Halley II. 349 Hawley. . ..I. 407 III. Hallowell HI. 404 175, 264. 292. 293. 295 Hambden..,!!. 10.20 338, 3.58, 374. 391, Hamilton .... I. 51 , .54. .396, 400, 403 100, 101, 163, 178. 194, 2.34, 2.35, 238. 241. ^5, 280-283, 285, 292, 294, 296, 297 II. 829, 241, 409, 418 Fundy....!. 127 III. Gorham III. 370 19 Gorton..!. 21, 47, 60, Furzer II. 201 72, 112-117. 140, 229, Gage m. 32, 77, 467,470 11.11 103, 199. 202, 214-iGo8nold..I. 9 II. 406'nancock's Wharf.III. Henchman. . .!!. 262, 97. II. 184 Hammond I. 302, 311. II. 85. 110, 164 Hampden...!. 22, 44, 65, 299, 347, 363 Hampshire I. 312, 11. 131. 380. III. 60, 127, 175, 264, 295 Hampton I. 74. 87, 105, 110, 112, 187, 286. II. 116 Hancock I. 445. HI. 189, 234, 254. 297, 346, 348, 3.56. 361, 391, 400, 401, 403, 489 Hawthorn I. 120, 127. 150, 163, 168, 190, 232, 340 II. 20, 21, 34, 35, 37, :i8, 47^9. 84, 94, 202 Hay I. Ill Hayman....II. 20, 21, 69 Haynes. ..I. 37, 39. 45, .55, 96, 119, 120 Hazard I. 130 II. 1)0 Heath.... II. 274, 286 III. ^i», 4M Heatkcoat....!!. 110 Hedges II. 144 8 264, 269 I 57, 408, 411 UI. 50; nendrick II. lls'Hopkinton I. 98 III. 30 iHorton I. 187 Henshaw II. 218 Hoiiguton I. 154 HI. 2:M !Hou!fatoiiic....I. 157 Hertel tie Roinillc. . . . | III. 339 II. 127. 157. 158, 163. i Howard I. 351 168 iHowe II. 54, 115 He\v.son I. 16' III. 70, 71 Hiacooiues.I. 151. 421 Howlaiul. .II. 408, 412 Hibbins....I. 9.5. 112 Howldon I. 454 143, 173 II. 122 Hovle I. Ill Hide I. 303 Hubbard .... I. v. 17, Hif;Kiiison..I. 17, 18.] 2.5,31,36,37,41,42. 1.^)0. 187. 248, 250. 374. 375. II. 37, 38. 146. 147, 160,212 Hildersham I. 18, 21.368, 369 Hill III. 292 Hilsboro Ill ]!).-). 198 Hilton.... I. 98, 100, 105. 106. II. 135, 171 Hincks II. 146 Hingliaiu I. 110, 1 12. 136, 408 44. 48, 54. 56, 58, 63- 65, 68, 70, 77. 85, 89. 93, 95, 101, 104. 107, 109, 112, 117, 120, 121, 128, 141, 142, 145, 147, 148, 1.59, 161,165,167.170.191, 232, 2.50, 253, 258, 261, 267, 272, 283, 297. til, 370, 377, 380, 424, 427, 444 II. 33, 136, 362. 407, 410. 411 III. 396 Hudibras I. 13 150, 157. 159, 254, 256, 312. 405, 428 II. 98. 158. 406, 471 III. 43 Hinklev I. 307, Hudson I. 11.12, 30t<, 313, 315, 317, i 50, 52, 84, 87. 148- 319, 321, 328. 365, 400 II. 20, 21. 70, 119, 141, 414. 422 Hinks . .1. 314, 317 Hispaniola. .. HI. 42 Huguenot I. 125 Hoar I. 108, 16l|Huit I. 378 II. 59 'Hull I. 112, 165, Hobart 1.160; 3.50. 11.381,404 Hobbs II. 34, 37,;Hulme I. 299 55, 59 Humphry .... 1 . 16, 17, Hobbv II. 1, 159, 165 Hobson III. 396 HockiuiT II. 418. 419 20, 21, 24, 31, 35, 65 92, 94. 305, 307. 365 373. 438, 444 Hurons I. 416 II. 157 Hodirdon I. 1.54 Husk III. 135 Hoglsland I. 322 Hutcliins I. 17 Hoi bourne.... III. .56 Hutchinson. . . I. 48, Holbrooke I. 302i 56. 57. 68. 70. 73. 75. Holden....!. 117.4451 108, 154, 177. 182, II. 3.56 184, 208, 263, 265, Holder ... I. 180 184 267. 278, 298. 302, Ilolioke . . . I. 98. 163 .306. 322, 328. 329. HI. 262 .340, 347. 358. 369, Holland... I. 11 42, 374. II. 11. 20, 21, 50. 67, 7 ~, 89, 107, .57. 66, 112, 124, 153. 111, 191, 201 11. 1,59, 185, 188-190, 404. 405, 408. 410. 202, 225, 245, 350, 411, 415 III. 161, 386, ,388, 389, 423- 3:h2 427. 429-432. III. Holliman.. ....1. 371 30, 66. 266 Hollis 1. 445iHutchinson,Thos.III. Iloluian I. 42, v. 3. 21, 50, 56,67, I. 1 Holmes.. II. 146 I Holt I. 360 11.! 28, 47, 144. 410 Hood III. 242 Hooke....I. 191. 363, 373. 374. II. 69 Hooker.. .1. 37. 38. 45, 46, 48, 49, 62. 68. 75, 82, 83, 98-l(K), 106, 108, 113. 122, 124, 142, 145. 159. 174, 175, 178, 194. 199, 253. 256, 257. 260, - 266-268, 270. 274, 276, 338, 391, 400. 418. 430, 458. 502 71. 81, 89. 96, 111. Hutt,amoiden...I. 252 112, 119, 17.5, 208, Iberville.... II. 68. 88. 378, 379, 414. 4.J7 89, 91, 96, 97. II. 441 Hay 11.324 Hooper II. 46 Ingertteld I. 244 Hopkinis ...I. 81, 98,|lngersoll IH. 3.5, 120, 147 11. 28,29,1 120,292 Ingoldsby II. 161 Ingolls II. 46,47 Ipswich.... I. 99, 10.5. 106, 110, 112, 161, 175. 232. 326. 327, 407 II. 278, 447 III. 369. 506. Ireland..I. 42,83, 175, 310, 357, 450 II. 116, 169, 173. 190. 268, 269 HI. 206, 207. 216 Irish. I. 331 Isle of Wight ..II. 83. 114, 115, 193. Iroquois ...I. 245, II. 72, 129-131, 163, 222, 223, 369. Isle of Eggs.... II. 180 Isle of Orleans I. 471, 477 Isle of Keyner I. 174 II. 415 Isleof Rhee I. 34 Isle of Sables I. 121 Isles of Shoals ^.I. 338. 359 II. 278 Jackson... II. 74. 116, 278 Jacobs... II. 41-43. .57 Jamaica I. 23, 83. 173, 175, 176. 262 II. 140.294.381,382, .397 III. 81, 350 James I. 27, 371 Jamieson II. 447 Janemo I. 132 Jansen I. 23 Japoneses I. 166 Jaque8....II. 282,283 Jeffreys fe 15 Jenkins.... I. 302, 327 Jephson I. .337 Jermayne I. 37 Jersey.... II. 175,293, 380. 381, 396 III. 20, 30. 31, 33, 56, 63, 81, 82, 135, 196, 199, 254, 481 Jethro I. 157 Job II. 283 John (Sagamore). ..I. 151, 156, 272, 410 II. 50 Johnson I. 17, 19, 20, 22, 25, 29, 31, 44. 68, 69, 91, 106, 115, 123, 128, 140, 196, 211. 238, 271, 273, 302, .306, 340, 366. 369, 370, 423, 432 II. 10. 22, 36. 47, 48, 374 111. 30, 31, 33, 35, 36, 44, 46, 77 Jones I. 141. 199, 283, 287 II. 22 Jordan II. 275 Josselvn...I. 10, 240, 243. 245. 393 Joyliffe....l7 334,340 II. 20, 21, 69 Juxon II. 192 Keaynes I. 160 Kebble II. 27 Keeling II. 56 Keith 11.250 Kellond...I. 199, 223, 233. 297 Kennebeck. ..I. 52, 99, 100, 293, 311. 326, 358, 404. II. 69, 72, 104, 105, 120, 124, 127. 1.34. 1.58. 172, 199, 204, 218, 236, 239, 251, 269, 273, 274. 277, 279. 281. 284, 286, 287. 339. 348, 418 HI. 3, 5. 19, 25, 26, 27. 85 Kennidy ... II. 276 Kensington.. .II. 144. 146 Kent... I. 83. 216 II. .324 III. 481 Kidd..II. 84 110, 111, 112 Kief t.. I. 149, 166, 170 Kiggins II. 94 Kilby....II. .351, 360, 391 King I. 186 King Charles I II. .346 King Charles II... II. 214, 262, 294, 359. 413 King George. U. 190. 262, 293, 355 King Henry I v.. I. 10 King Jame*. . . I. 10, II, 407 King Philip.... I. lU. 157, 171, 251-254, 256, 2.57, 258, 263. 274. 276-278. 308. 310, 312 II. 69, 132. 183, 359 Kingsmill..!. 185, 186 Kingston ....II. 1.56. 182. 277 King Street ...II. 181 III. 120, 124, 126. 2.59, 271. 272, 277, 285, 457 Kirk (of execrable memory) I. 127, 199, 223, ;W, 314, 316 Kitchen I. 385 Kittery....I. 163,244. 245, 278 II. 80. 85, 103. 164, 182, 262 Knap II. 2;j Knight I. 244,245 Knightly I. 65 Knock II. 277 KnoUes I. 104 Knowles . ..II. 386. 389, 390 ■ Kolben I. 415 Labrocree II. 67 Lacey. .II. 36, :iH. 39. 41. 57, 59 Laconia. . ..I. 101. 245 La Galleue....lll. 77 La Have 1.48. 121 La Hontan I. 355, 416 Lake...L lil.209, 311 Lake. George. .III. .35, 42. 70 Lake Iroquois.. I. 101 Lakeman II. 278 Lakin II. 80 Lamprey River. ... II. 135, 277 Lancashire II. 411 9 Lancaster..!. 266,274,: 318.273. 277. 288. 11. ion. 1.35 292. 315. 318. 319. LaPernure....!!. 157 344.347, 3.58. 380, Larkham. I. 103, 104.1 3S7, 289, 412, 413 373 III. xvi. 103 121, LaToiir....!. 67. 121-' 135, 2.58, 316, 346, 127 ' 396. 414, 431). 4:53. Laud 1. 84 440, 441 Laume L 24; Long IL 115 L.awrence . . I. 128. 193,|Long Island I. 83, 349 111. 27 ! 88, 129. 150. 171. 172. La\vson....n. 142-146' 189, 341, 342. 40.5. Laytou II. 83[ 447 II. 110, 116 Lechford...!. 31, 371,' III. 64 373, 376. 398 iLong Meadow II. Lechock River. ...III. i 129 13 Lord Halifax.. in. 15 Le Corne II. 385!Lord Lonsdale II. Ledea 1.186 324 282, 286, 296. :503. 314, 3.52. 3.53. 3R5, 397 II. 11,13.21.57, 201-203, 221, 22:J, 225, 229, 241. 278, 299. 343. 347. 348, 3.50 Main\variiig...III. 278 Makepeace" I. 98 Maktej)os I. 1.56 Malabar II. 406 ..IL 74 .11.267, Malaga . . Malagasli 268 Maiden I. 174 Malouines III. 42 Maltby 11.357 Manarnet I. 406 Manamoyet I. 313 Ledyte III. 5, Lord Loudoun IL, Manchester I. 194, Lee. ..I. 160 IIL 316,i 324 111.47,49,50,! 201,440 11.11 318,417 I 51, 55, 56, 61. 64, 68,iMandevUle I. Ill Leeds IL 82| 69 Manhadoes...I. 23, 46, Leet I. 83, 199:Lord Nottingham. . . I. 50, 119, 148, 16.5. 170, Leicester II. 410J 348 11.14,20 : 199,201, 211, 212, Leigh I. 64:Lorkin 1.-322 247 Leighton II. 218 Lothrop. . .1. 191, 268. Manhatas I. 452 Leisler....L 317, 342,! 317 11.21,430 Mansfield . I. 237 II. 343, 349, 354, 3.55 Louis 11.57. 1.54 III. 171 IL 82, 83, 10.3. 194 jLouisburg II. 183,;Maquas. . . .1. 170, 313. Leister IL 408; 218, 364, .368, 272,! 331 Lenox .... I. 51. 53, 54, .375. .376, 379. 380-! Maquoit I. 358 Leonard..III. 397, 4001 382, 384. 39ii, 400 Marblehead. . . .1. 277, Lestock...II. 382, .384! III. xi. 33-36, 4.5,1 278, 407 II. 296. Leusden I. 157 48, 52, 53, 61, 62, 68, 368, 379, 400 III. Leveret t. . . .1. 38, 108, 69, 73, 74. 78, 79, 80 j 231. 459 143. 159. 160. 162,Xovelace..I. 359 IL March. . I. 476 11.81, 166, 169, 175-178,' 161 ! 89,151-1.53 194. 201. 211, 234.!Lovell I. 385,Marchmont. . ..II. 324 24-, 245, 247, 261,|Lovewen. .II. 284, 2S5,Mareuil. . ..IL 162, 163 271, 279, 280, 291, jLow Countries. .. .ILiMargeson 11.408 397, 347, 349, 4.53 410,411.441 SMarie 1.135.127 II. 73, 15.3, 4.36, 437 |Ludlovv. .L 22, 27, 39,|Marlborough.. .1. 64. Leveridge..I. 103, 191| 45, 96. .385 156,375 II. 1.56. 171, Levett I. 14|Lumlev I. Ill 196 111.369,394 Lewis.. I. 137 II. 49, Lusher I. 197, 334, Marshall... . I. 271. 374 57. 134, 277 iLuther III. 11, 13 Marshfield. . . .II. 196. Leyden I. 11, 107jLyford I. 14' 408, 410 II. 196. 405, 406, 415 Lyman II. 135 Martha's Vineyard..I. Liberty Hall.. III. 191 Lynde.. I. 340 II. 30, 139, 1.51, 156. 1.57, Lidirett I. 334 21, 69, 327 407. 420, 428 II. 13 Lilbuni I. 22 Lyndliurst ....III. iii. Martin I. Ill II. Lilly I. 319 Lvun.. I. 21,24, 38, 88,' 23, 46. .54. 56, 164, Lincoln..!. 12. 21-2.3, 110, 112, 140, 373, 408 29, 379 III. 82, 392 407, 410 H. 213, 410 Martinico ... .1 1. 70. 71 Lincolnshire... II. 404 Lynn Village.. .. I. 113 III. 100 Lindall.. .II. 215, 235 Maccartney. .. .II. 1.50 Martyr 11.420 374 II. 17, 20, 28. Lisbon II. 98, 138 Maccarty I. 349 Maryland I. 50, .51.,82.115. Lisle I. 161 Macfarlane Ill 3 92,179,282,363 II. 119, lv>3, 135. 148, Litan II. 378 McGinnis III. 35 102, 116, 161, 381, 191. 19.5, 196, 1^47. Litde II. 323 Machias 11.14,90, 396,411 111.20.31,! 249. 276, 292. 422 Little C'ompron.. ..II.Mackhanders... .1.405 261,-375 I III. 177 359 Mackay.. IIL 216, 242 Mascarene II. 287. Mattakeesee ...1.313 Littlefield .1. 341 II. Mackenuie. .. .11. 116, 363 Mattaueaug 1.96 156 I 117 Mascouomco I. 2.5 Mattai)au. 1.37 Little Harbor... L 100 Mackintosh. .III. 126, Masham 1.42, 111 Mattaioag L 263 Littleton.. II. 26 III. 140 .Mashpee. ..I. 15(i. 1.57. Matthews. . L 179, 191. 81 Macni.sh 1.116 313,407 111. 368 373 11.162,164 Livermore II. .394 Madeira. .III. 108, 189. Maskanomet. . . .1. 2.53 Maudlin College. . . .1. Liverpool 11.381 202,488 Mason. .. I. 11. 13. 29, 108 Livingston IL 112, Madockawando I. .3.5. .50,51, .54, 76-78, Mauduit III. 105. 141,167-169,346 311,338,3.51 11.67. " Lloyd I. 1.54 72, 73 .50. 78. 117, 118, 131, 140, 144, 166, 167, 170, 308, 229, 2.34, 340, 243, 2.59, 276, 280, 292, 294, 300, 314, 3.54. 453 II. 68. 74, 83, 84, 87, 96, 98. 99. 103, 104.113,121, 125, 130, 144. 150. 159, 164. 177. 183. 184-187. 193. 217- 219, 231, 239, 232. 238. 240, 267, 268. 275, 276, 291, 293- 295, 300, 314, 319. .334. .325. .331, 333. 337, 340-345. 347- .349, 3.59-360. 363. 369,371.375.379 3f<2. 385, 391. 396, 400. 404, 408. 412-415. 417, 420, 422. 423 III. iii. 1.4.6. 7, 10. 13-17, 19, 2:), 25. 30. 32-34, 36, 43, 46, 49. 50, 51. 55, 65, 67, 69, 74, 78, 79, 81, 84, 85. 95-98. 102-104. 118. 128, 134, 135, 146, 164, 165, 168, 170, 172. 177. 178, 181. 196. 197, 209. 213, 354, 356 257, 261, 262-265, 299, 313, 315, 323. 330, 331, 340, .34.. 346. 3.50- 353. 358. 359, 364. 368. 371. 373. 380. 386, 391-393, 413, 415, 422, 481. 498, 517 Massasoit..!. 153,157, 252. 2.53. 406, 410, 420 Massey II. 170 Masterson I. 240 Mather. ..I. v. 44, 107. 108, 118, 138. 1.50. 1.57, 1.59, 160, 162. 16.5, 173, 197, 204- 208. 237, 248, 259. 265. 266. 373, 277, 315. 319. 320, 323, 327-330, 332, 334, 337. 339. 346-350. 35W-362. 365-367,373, Locke I. 364 Magdalen I. 160 Locker I. 349 III. 43 London .1. 10, 12. 16. Magnon II. 97 81, 107. 112. 154. 194 Maine.. I. 88, 106, 124, 100. 101. 14.5. 194. 108, 416, 417 2:32.334. 245. 274, Maverick. . ..I. 26, 27, 2?7, 280-286, 292,294. 30, 44. 1:37, 211, 212, 297, 314. :«7. :326 II. 22.5. 237, 232, 2.3:J. 11. 14. 2ii. 21. 70. 146, 369. :J92, 459 300, :342, US. 409 Mavoshen I. 9 IL 76. 110, 144. 170, 163, 164, 228. 234, Massachusetts. . I. 10, Mawtamps 1.267 188-190, 195, 202,! 338,345, 378, 281,' 14-16, 42, 44, 46, 49, Maydwell L 54 10 Mayhew. .1. 151, 15(5. 'Monmouth I. 300.|Natiiwanrmte. .II. 41" 420.421 111.123 I 350 iXaumkeaf;. .1. 15,16, Maynard I. 98'Mouomac. . . . II. 34:^! 18. 3.5, 52, 282. 283, Mayo I. 190. 206 Montague II. 250, 285. 40' Meautis 1.85 378 III. 416 Mede I. 143 Montcalm .... III. 74 Medfield I. 275 Montinicus. . . .II. 1.32 Medford .... I. 27, 110. Montreal . . .1. 3.54. 3.55 112.410 11.27 II. 71. 129, 149. 1.5^ V. y// \^^^^^^ %^^f.^T>^ X'^'m^.' ^;^ : . o V ^0- A A ^^^^ \* . I ' • ^ ^Pv. O o " o . *^