m. R.U.307MT.C. Oo{< ^'r i *d 4 JJ570 Compiled and Edited by Robert D. Mowry, Second Lieutenant Personnel Officer, R. U, 307, M. T. C. toy Iraiwie PK 9 1920 INTRODUCTORY THIS l)ook is an attempt to give perma- nent record to some of the experiences that will ever live in the memories of those who served their country in Repair Unit No. 307 of the Motor Transport Corps. Arriving in France only seven days be- fore the cessation of hostilities, their direct contribution to the victory of the Allied Arms was, of course, negligible. The task to which they were assigned far from the firing line was not such as would inspire men to the heroism of brave adven- ture, but a no less difficult one, in the grease and sweat of machine shops or along the muddy roadways of France, all demanding grim effort and patient self- sacrificing endeavor on the part of every man, without hope of D.S.C.'s or Croix de Guerre. The function of the Motor Transport Corps is to keep the wheels of the Ameri- can Army in motion, so that it can move quickly and effectively, and keep con- stantly in touch with its bases of supply. The first Unit of American Motor Trans- portation landed in France in May of 1917. Between that time and close of the war, it was organized and equipped with more than seventy thousand vehicles of all kinds, and was functioning not only on the front lines, but in every nook and corner of France where it was necessary to cari-v men and supplies. It has made possible the loading and unloading of all vessels and trains and carried every week to the Army of the Advance thousands of tons of supplies. The American Army could, in fact, have played no conspicuous part in the war liaer of the tents and covered our camp- ing area w itli several inciu's of w ater. This resulted in our securing collapsible cots, which helped niateriallv to increase our comfort. REPAIR UNIT 307, MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS In a few (lavs the order was fiiveii to move to Prejjaration Camp in Holaliird, anrl we were pleased with the prospect of Itetter shelter and food. It was, moreover, another step nearer the time of our de- parture to join the comrades across the sea. Here we were quartered in tents, with board floors, facing dry company streets, and had easv access to hath houses equipped with hot showers and facilities for washing clothes. However, there was l)ut little time for the enjoyment of these luxuries, for between daily inspections and hustling in the crating shop, we had plenty to keep us busy. Every available man was detailed to dutv at the big shop, where the much needed trucks were made readv for shi|)ment across the dee]). About this time our supply officer made his ap])earance, and we were issued over- seas" clothing. The pliysical examinations and daily inspections of person were made and the few found unfit for overseas serv- ice promptly transferred to other units. It seemed the fates had conspired to make our stav at Holabird an unpleasant one, for, in addition to our being placed on night shifts in the crating shop, the world-wide epidemic of Spanish influenza reached Holabird, and the camp was im- mediately ({uarantined. At one time more tlian 35 per cent of our men were on sick report, and the Grim Reaper claimed twenty-five of our boys. During the three weeks of the quarantine we were kept busy both mentally and physically; mentally in our desire and apparent failure to obey the hundred and one orders issued daily by the armv of young officers assigned to us, and physically by the demands made on us by the Camp C. O. that we maintain the usual output of trucks in spite of the depletion of our ranks through sickness. Three-0-Seven claims credit for putting across an important piece of work at this time, for it was admitted on all sides that without our help the crating shop would have practically ceased to operate. At the end of the third week the epidemic was well under control, and rumors of our imminent departure for overseas were again afloat. With the apparent purpose of verifying these rumors, an order was issued to turn in all khaki and fatigue clothes. A few days later when we were reissued these clothes our hopes fell and we despaired of ever seeing the other side. At the ap- pointed hour we gathered before the supply sergeant's tents which were well fortified with huge bundles of shirts, breeches, shoes, etc. There was a mad scramble, and many a time was Charlie seen to make his exit with Chester's breeches and the third commandment vio- lated. The svipply sergeant's job at that time was far from being a bed of roses. At last came the order to move, and on the morning of October 16th we were given an early breakfast and made our first acquaintance with Messrs. Bully Beef and Hard Tack. At 9 o'clock, with full packs, we marched to the station at Colgate Creek, the splen- did Holabird Band escorting us to the tunes of "Good-bye, Broadway," "Over There," etc. As we passed through the gate many of us, no doubt, recalled vividly our associations with the camp which wei-e soon to be forgotten in the excitement of the days to come. We were loaded in three sections, the first leaving at 10:20 a. m., the second at 11 and the third at 12 noon. The journey to Camp Merritt, New Jersey, was made over the B. & O. and the Central of New Jersey railroads. The faithful RED CROSS met the train at "Philly" and dispensed apples, cigarettes and chocolate bars to the boys. At mid- night the three sections had reached their destination, and the men were quickly- assigned to barracks, where they found no fault with spring cots and soft mattresses REPAIR UNIT 30 MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS ready for use. Reveille routed everv one out at 6:30: a good breakfast was served, and all inunediately fell in love with the camp, which was aniplv provided with many home comforts well calculated to leave with us pleasant memories of the land we were soon to leave. A builfilng was found suitable for the workers at Headquarters, who were soon hard at work j)oundinp; out an enormous nundjcr of overseas" records. Nearly every one expected to stay in camp at least a week, but earlv in the dav word was re- ceived that we would board the transport the followini;; night. Well, boys, you re- member what happened. The office force settled down to an all night's grind to get twelve copies of the passenger lists anrl service records in proper shape for the inspectors, while the men were being put through their final inspections of clothing and equipment. What a disappointment to us all when Col. "Terror" lined us up for the final ''once over." He gave one look we shall never forget and then proceeded to criti- cise, jerking a button from the coat of Mike Walsh and a sleeve from the shirt of Ike Rashewskv. Do vou remember the disheartened look on our officers when he fiiudly ordered us to return to quarters and get properly equipped? We well remember the events of the next few hours. At taps we were all ready for a good night's rest, but rest at this stage of our journev was onlv a dream. Some had just crawled into their 3x6 when the order was given that everv man must have his hair cut. Anyone boasting a ])air of shears or clijtpers was about to become a full-fledged barber. Many a man was awakened from sweet slumbers to find himself sitting on a G. I. can with his curly locks partly shorn by the company's temporarv barber, who in civilian life might have been a blacksmith's helper or a shoe salesman. At last the job was done, but not until dawn had begun to break on the eastern horizon. The day that followed was an- other of hustle and ins|)ection. for we were to march to the first ]>oi!it of embarkation shortlv after midnight. Cuming Down tin- Palli^ailrs On the morning of October 19. promptlv at 2 o'clock, the unit began its wearv hike over the hills to the Pallisades and then flown this precipitous slope, sliding rather than marching to Alpine Landing on the Hudson River. Tired feet and aching backs made us realize more than ever before that "War is H — ." Along the way numy fresh from convalescent wards fell out of ranks from sheer exhaustion and were picked up bv and>ulances in the rear of the column. REPAIR UNIT 307 MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS At the landing we boarfled a ferry, beinf; packed in with several other units so closely that few were able to sit down. Shortly after daybreak we docked at the 57th street pier of the Italian Navigation Company, where sweet-faced ladies in Red Cross bonnets served us hot coffee and rolls. Major Couclinian, our commanding offi- cer, who had j)receded us some hours before to make the necessary arrangements for our embarkation, was at the dock to greet us. We were soon surrounded by a swarm of embarkation officials and the task of checking out the 1,200 men com- menced. Before 10 o'clock all were as- signed to quarters on the H. M. T. "Gram- pian," a 10,000-ton ship owned by the Allan Line in conjunction with the Ca- nadian Pacific Steamship Comjtany. In addition to the men of our own unit she carried 600 colored inen belonging to a labor battalion. These men afforded us considerable amusement on the way across. We lay at the pier until 9 o'clock the following morning, when we cast off and steamed down the river, every deck crowded with soldiers eager to catch a last glimpse of the home land and to bid fare- well to the old Liberty Girl as we passed her on our way down the harbor. We lay at anchor off Sandy Hook until 2 o'clock in the afternoon when the last ship making up the convoy arrived. Our convoy consisted of sixteen troop and cargo ships in addition to an escort of two battleships, one cruiser and two destroyers. There were 45,000 troops in the entire convoy, of which the "Gram- pian" was the flagship. During the first twelve houi-s of the trip we were piloted by observation balloons and aeroplanes scanning the water for subs. The convoy sailed an indirect route across the Atlantic, each ship following a course by day so that accurate observations of the course could not be made bv submarines. Major Couchman was made command- ing officer of troops on the "Grampian'' and established headquarters in the music room on the main deck. From this office all orders were issued governing the disci- pline, entertainment and duties of the men on board. CH ONT Tmi JUST LOVE'.V LlEl'Tf NANT \ <% LET HEKi m i\n. I I SINK 5EA 51CK IN MV LIFE Life preservers, made like heavily padded, sleeveless smoking jackets, with Elizabethan collars, were issued to all on board and required to be worn at all times except in bed or at the table. It has been requested that the soft pedal be used in speaking of the provender as the Eng- lish marmalade, tea and curry soup were a predominant part of the daily menu and did not readily make friends with our empty and seasick "tummies." Guards were stationed at thirty-three posts in various parts of the ship, which made work for over a hundred men each day. Daily fire and life boat drills were held, at which the several companies tried REPAIR UNIT 307 MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS to establisli new recorfls in assemblini; at their proper stations on deck. Two and tliree-qnarters minutes was the best time in which this was done. These drills, with the daily inspection for body vermin, served to break the monotony of the voyafje. To foil the lurking "U" boat, all port holes were closed at dusk, smoking on deck absolutely prohibited, and even wrist watches with luminous dials forbidden to be worn outside the cabins. Tlie vovajie lasted eleven days and owing to the zig-zag nature of our course, covered about 3,800 miles. During our few days of rough weather few of us were not visited with that queer sensation in the pit of the stomach commonly known as seasickness. The God Neptune had many devotees those days judging by the way men went to the rail. While few of us experienced the ])leasure of meeting or even getting a peep at the several Red Cross nurses on board the ship, perhaps it will not be out of place to mention that they gave pleasure to manv of the officers, who came to be known on l)oard ship as "lounge lizards." Several were cited by General Opinion for distinguished acts of bravery lor was it gallantrv? I in promenading the decks in their newly acquired riding boots and spurs. On the tenth day out word was passed that we would soon catch our first sight of land, and, sure enough, late in the afternoon we caught a glimpse tlirongli rain and mist of the rocky cliffs of Ireland. All that night we traveled close to land, guarded carefnllv bv British sub-chasers which had joined us on the previous day. Many lighthouses along the coast gave out their warning signals and winked and flirted with us through the night. At last the rolling of the sea began to subside and on the morning of the 31st we steamed slowly up the Mersey River and docked at a pier in Liverpool, Eng- land. There was no such welcome for us here as some had expected. The docks were filled with dirtv, ragged virchins, all begging for a penny or a bite to eat. Few males were in sight, except the old and the very young. That poor old England had suffered the loss of her man power was evident on everv side. We disem- barked at about 10 o'clock, but were held at the pier until after 5 p. m. before a train W liul I.C.I I « fr...n llio li.ial 1.. ll..- Iraiii, Liv.-rpdol. ti.i>laii.i schedule for transporting the men could l)e arranged. At last tiie command to fall in was given, and away we marched through the grimy streets of the world's busiest port to the railroad station, with a funnv English "Bobbv" on horseback leading the wav. REPAIR UNIT 307 MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS ^ Linma mm FOR AFTER LUma STOPS AT ms. LWEmOL //-/V- OfffBr JO 2: so (REP cross) SwmOH 10 G'AS mwERjaio 8:00 ROMSEr myt e:4o somMPTcnmyE 9:10 ffEERmtmS SERVED ftT PEHBY Route Traveled from laverfjool to Romsey Here we had our first introduction to the English compartment coach. Eight men, with full equipment, were assigned to each compartment. Sleeping accommodations were accordingly limited, ahhough \ ankee ingenuity was able to convert baggage racks into Pullman berths. By 7 p. m. we were spinning on our way to Romsev, a vil- lage in southern England. At Derby we made a stop and were served with delicious hot coffee a la United States, rolls and cake at the hands of sweet Red Cross lassies from home. Early in the morning of November 1st we detrained at RouLsey and marched two miles in a driz- zling rain to a so-called rest camp, con- ducted by the cordial ( ? ) Britishers. Romsey will be chiefly remembered, not for its rest camp, where we sought repose and found it not. but for the fleeting glimpse of rural England it afforded us on our way to France. About us here were pleasant pastures, fertile fields rich in verdure, rose gardens in bloom, daisies blooming by the roadside, laurel hedges, quaint old thatched-roof cottages and dig- nified, aristocratic manor houses, half hid in groves and shrubbery. Many of us were able to visit the famous Abbey of Romsey, the foundations of which were laid in 700 A. D., and to see there in the parish regis- ter in bold and characteristic lines the sig- nature of Kaiser Wilhelm inscribed on the occasion of his visit some vears before. We remained at Camp Woodley, as our location was called, onlv a little more than a day, and on the morning of the second marched again to the station and entrained for Southampton, arriving there at 9 a. m. No passes were issued permitting officers or men to leave the piers, so that we were unable to see anything of this interesting city. At the end of a tiresome day, spent in vain efforts to find excitement and some- thing to eat at the pier, the unit was split into tliree sections and made its passage across the channel on the ships Aborath, Prince George and Queen Alexandra. The trip across the channel was an uneventful one. We awoke the following morning in the harbor of Cherbourg, France. Here we dis- embarked after breakfast in a heavv down- A 5?' xf-« ^M^i-nrfir.-jrf^^ Jt''^ * ■^■^. ■■■ ■, *w«?fliiisiwi^iiS^^ V:»^^. * <^ An Old House at Romsey. Eiigia REPAIR UNIT 307 MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS pour of rain and stood on the dock witli full packs waiting for a long time instruc- tions as to where to go. At length Captain Sims accosted an officer, who appeared to be in authority, though he wore no insig- nia of rank to indicate it, and told him in the Texan vernacular what he thought of the way the debarkation was being han- dled. The air was blue. "Why in ," said Captain Sims, "don't you give us a guide or tell us where to go, instead of standing around looking at us like a ." The officer glared at our captain but took the calling in silence. It later de- veloped that he was a lieutenant-colonel, the commanding officer of the camp to wiiich we were assigned and the one before ^vhoni later our captain was to be smn- moned for reprimand on another matter. Finally after many delays we took up our four-mile hike over muddy streets and roads to another British rest camp. Old Glory was flung from many a window along tiie way, bidding us welcome to France. The smiling faces and alluring eyes of sweet mademoiselles beamed from doorways as we passed and tempted some of tlie more susceptible in our ranks to drop out. Swarms of French children fol- lowed us for short distances, displaying their meager but ])ractical knowledge of English in the phrases, "Gimme penny" DON'T MUBI(» If— WtVtO-.,.! ^ ^^^ l( Btf M jTiWHl fcl, !-^K^ and "Bullv beef." One French lad was heard to sing for our benefit, "Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here." At length we turned from tlie main road and entered a long avenue, bordered witii elms, leading to Chateau Tourlaville, the ancient residence of some titled family, now being used as a British military hospital. A few rods further we foinid our next rest camp. The reason for its being so named is still a mystery. A poorer location for a camp in which to rest can scarcely l)e imaKJned. Words cannot describe the f HEY THESE ! &ETOVEC!'! J You're on tv\Y I HEAD The Fainuiis Knglisli ('.ani[t ill Clieriiniirg, Fraiit'i* singular quality of the mud. Mess here was scant, indeed, consisting mostly of ill- cooked beans and hard bread. Our sleep- ing quarters were in small, round tents, to each of which ten men were assigned, so it was with some difficulty that we al! succeeded in keeping our feet within bovinds during the night. About 2 a. m. tlie seconn Julv 12th orders were received to prepare for embarkation. There was no time lost in making ready. AH sections except 1 to 4 in Grouj) A. who were sent to Romarantin sailed from St. Nazaire July 14th on the S. S. Sierra, arriving in New York on July 14tb. With few exceptions all men were dis- charged at Camp Dix, New York, on July 28. 1919. "H.-lrful ■ nl H.TO|ili"ii Piirk 701 12 REPAIR UNIT 307 MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS Where the Companies Were Stationed COMPANY A has made its home near Verneuil, a quaint little village on the edge of the celebrated Burgundy wine district. Here is located the largest machine shop erected hy the American Government in France. The first three Mechanical Repair Shop units to join the A. E. F. came to Verneuil under the com- mand of Colonel Hegeman in January, 1918. Langres and Sampigny have been the stations of Company B. The former is one of the most fascinating of all the walled cities of the old world. Built high on a rocky hilltop overlooking the valley of th^ Marne, its towers can he seen for many miles. It has a population of about ten thousand. Six gates, provided with draw- bridges, furnish access across the moats of the city. Many famous monuments and buildings record the history of this ancient place. Sampigny is the town from which General Pershing started his great drive of September, 1918. It is but a short distance from St. Mihiel, the scene of one of the greatest achievements in the history of American arms. The surrounding terrain bears the marks of some of the heaviest fighting of the four years of war. Nantes, the city of rivers, as its old name, Naimettes, signifies, is built on both banks of the Loire at its junction witli two small tributaries. It is the largest city in Brit- tany and the sixth in population in France. Its history reaches back prior to the Roman occupation of Gaul. It has been the scene of many political and religious intrigues and conflicts in the early annals of France. Its cathedral, begun in 1434 and only completed during the latter part of the last century, is one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture in the world. Other points of interest are the ancient Chateau, once the home of the cel- ebrated Anne of Brittany: the Theatre Municipal Graslin, the Hotel de ^ ille and three museums of science and art. The boys of Company D are indeed fortunate to have been assigned to duty in a city so ricli in interesting history and scenes. Tlie balance of the unit has been sta- tioned at St. Nazaire, a busy port on the Bay of Biscay, where the first American troops arrived in May, 1917. In and about the city are numerous U. S. army camps and hospitals which have quartered as Iiigh as one hundred thousand troops at one time. Since the signing of the armis- tice St. Nazaire has been made one of the four leading ports of embarkation. Changes of October 16, 1918— Left Camj) Holabird. October 16, 1918 Arrived at Camp Merritt. October 19, 1918— Left Camp Merritt. October 20, 1918— Left New York. October 31, 1918— Arrived at Liverpool, England, i board II. M. T. "Grampian." October 31, 1918— Left Liverpool, England, hy rail. Stations Overseas November 1, 1918— Arrived at Camp \^ oodley, Romsey, England. November 2, 1918— Left Camp Woodley, Romsey, Eng- land, by rail to Southampton. November 2, 1918— Left Southampton, England, on board H. M. T. "Queen Alexandra," "Prince George" and "Aborath." November 3, 1918— Arrived at Rest Camp No. 1, Cher- bours. France. 14 REPAIR UNIT 307 MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS November 5, 1918— Left Rest Camp No. 1, Cherbourg, France, by rail. November 6, 1918— Arrived at Camp No. 1, St. Nazaire, France. November 16, 1918— Arrived at Reception Park, Base Section No. 1, A. P. O. 701. Company A on detached service at Ver- neuil, France. Company B on detached service at Lan- gres, France. Company C on detached service at Pare de Means, France. Company D on detached service at Nantes, France. Section 8 (old Co. B) rejoined the I nit at St. Nazaire May 25, 1919 except those transferred into R. U. 308, Sections 1, 10 and 11 I old Companies C and D) on Mav 29th, 1919. Sections 13 and 14 ( old Co. A I remained at Verneuil, from which point they were returned to the U. S. Arrived in New York August 31st. Group '"A" (Sections 1. 2, 3 and 4) were transferred to Romarantin on June 26, 1919. Sailed from France Aug. 19th. Ar- rived, New York, Sept. 1, 1919. Groups B and C I Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11 and 12 I sailed from France July 14th, arriving in Hoboken Julv 23d. Discharged at Camp Dix on July 28th. ^^y '_j-..- ERSPtCIIKE " -Reception Iark 7oi "Base Section'i 15 REPAIR UNIT 30 MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS Major A. W. Couchman FOR the efficient organization of Repair Unit 307 and its successful trip from Camp Holabird to St. Nazaire officers and men join in acknowledging their debt to our beloved commanding officer, Major A. W. Couchman. And the same united voice expresses sincere regret that the unit was forced to lose his valued leadership so soon after reaching France. Major Couchman entered the service of the United States as an inspector in the Motor Transport Corps February 15, 1918. witli the commission of first lieutenant. Three months later he was assigned to Camp Holabird and jilaced in cliarge of the motor school about to be estaljlislied. He received his captaincy in August in recognition of his excellent administration of this school, which was not only the first of its kind in the army, but a great achieve- ment from every standpoint. It will go down in the annals of the M. T. C. as a notable testimony to the tireless energy and able service of Major Couchman. When the school was transferred to Fort Sheridan in September Captain Couchman was raised to the rank of major and given conunand of R. U. 307. December 9, 1918, he was relieved from duty with the unit to join the Army of Occupation, having his heaortation, and motor transportation came through with the goods, in spite of the fact that the Motor Transport .Service was from the start more handicapped in organization than anv other arm or branch of the service. The American Army could, in fait, have plaved no conspicuous j)art in tiic war had it not been for motor transportation, and motor lians|i()rtation woidd have been iii- cllVctivc biU tor the splendid organization Ix'bind motor transportation, known as the Motor Transport Service, or I later I Corps. At base ports, night and dav. motor trucks were carrving food, clothing, am- munition and everv conceivable kind of supplv from vessels to railroad trains and to warehouses, and from warehouses to encampments and to hospitals. Motor trucks were carrving siq)plies of all kinds overland from base ports into the Advance Section. Motor trucks were carrving everv conceivable kinply sergeant at Reception Park. "Everybody got two pairs of shoes?" Oh, boys, when shall we hear those sweet words again? The latest Latrine News is that we are booked to go back on that "Good Ship Grampian." Well, one good thing is that the bovs will have no trouble finding their bunks. Can you imagine someone saying to us when we get home, "Let's go abroad." Offi- cer, take him out. Those "Issue" underwear that Supply Sergeant Schneider is giving out these days nuist have been leftovers from the days of Sampson. Just fifty-five around the waist. What a difference. In the States we are all ducking the police for fear of getting a warrant, and over here everybody is yelling like h — for one. What's the idea, George? Major Martins' "Merry Makers" may be all right, but we would .sooner be back in the States seeing a few Tom and Jerry makers. What do vou say. Captain Havi- land? Philosopher Joe Morrissey from that big town of Toledo, Ohio, says: "Well, if I ever have to join the army again, me for the band, then I'll have something to blow about."' At ease, Joe. The mystery is solved. Everybody was wondering what brand of tobacco Art the Barber was using in his pipe. Well, he smokes F'ive Brothers, but three of the brothers must have died in the bowl of the ])ipe according to the odor. Sergeant Bob Matthews says: "Yes, the States have gone dryer than a China egg." A young buck, very much ii money, wrote home to his dad: "Roses are red, Violets are blue; Send me teu bucks And I'll think of you." And this was the answer: "Roses are red. Some are pink: Send you ten bucks, I don't think." d of 22 REPAIR IT NIT 307, MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS Prixate Deeley got first prize for being on the sick report the most times, but nevertheless he's generally first in line wlien that old bugle blows for mess. Glad that he has a good stomach anyway. As usual. Beans again for dinner. It's a good thing that they have changed the meals around here or they would have a few mess officers wearing wound strip<;s around the camp. Private Michael E. Walsh received first prize for the most comical dressed man at the masquerade the other evening, and the fiuiny pail of it was he did not even have ■\ mask on. Never mind, Mike, we all know that vou havj a nice, sad face. Edgar Whelan says: "This army life sure is tough. The other night I lay in my bunk dreaming that I was passing the Statue of Liberty, and just as we got to it the cook woke me up and told me I was on K. P." One nice thing about the "Frogs" over here is that they sure do wear some nice sad looking mustaches. How times do change. In the States we have the gold fish in the globes, and here we have them in the cans. Attention, mess sergeant! When we left the States everybody was full of patriotism, and now it seems that we all have the rheumatism. Doc, have vou any vacancies in Class C? Lieutenant Clarke says: "Well, boys, they may have some good acts at the Y. M. C. A., but you should see the "cognac" in the barracks. Jake Ellenstein received the good news from home that he has been elected presi- dent of the Irish National Society of America. Why not build a Statue of Liberty here and make the boys feel at home? There was a fellow named Swink Who was sorely addicted to drink. Said he : "Prohibition Will bring a condition I'll love very much, I don't think." Well, just as the Kaiser expected and prophesied more than a year ago, that Ger- man ships would be landing troops in New York. Well they are, but they don't liappen to be wearing those little round caps, eh? 23 REPAIR INIT 307, IMOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS ympathizing with Shep "DEAR DAD," he wrote, "I'm here in France And sharing in each Yank advance; We"re driving back the filthy Hun, The Heinies now are on the run. And I am well and strong tonight Excejtt for little things that bite. ''Do yon recall those happy days We sat before the log fire's blaze Within our little parlor, snug. With Shep asleep upon the rug. And heard the clock tick on the shelf, Except when Shep would scratch himself? "And there were times, with sudden zip. He'd bite himself vipon the hip. Then turn his head in manner queer To scratch himself behind the ear; Then, like the whirling of a gale, Get up and maiUv chase bis tail. "Well. Dad. 1 do not want to brag. But since in France I serve the flag, I'll say, in running down a flea, Shep never had a thing on me; In fact, I think I've learned to do Some twists our dog never knew. "We used to scold and put him out. We would not let him stay about When he began to thump the floor. But, Oh ! When I get home once more, I'll let Shep scratch the evening through. Because, you see, I've had 'em, too." — Edgar Guest. 26 REPAIR UNIT 307, MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS * J * i * i * t t t t The Motor Truck j * 1 * 3" -K 1 * " i i t * Oh, the genteel Tour Sedan, he's a slicker, spick an' span, J * An' he leads a life o' luxury an' ease! jf J Mr. Roadster-, he's a sport of the racy, reckless sort, ^. $ An' Miss 'Lectric, she's a lady, if you please! ^. * I'm related to their tribe, tho I ain't what you'd describe ^ -K As a slicker, or a sportin' Lucky Buck, jf * I'm the roughneck of the crew — I'm the coarse, uncouth Yahoo, 4- -K I'm the unaristocratic Motor Truck. >♦- i I'm the sturdy Son o' Toil, iu the grim an' grimy moil J i An' the bedlam o" the Busy Marts o" Trade. J i You kin pipe me off a mile by my rough and ready style, J i An' my hale and hearty hiccough on a grade. * J I can trundle heavy freight at a slow and steady gait — j^ J I'm the patient, ploddin' sort with pep an' pluck, ]^. ^1 But I gotta snort an' grunt when I do my toilin' stunt, 14. * 'Cause I'm just a plan, plebeian Motor Truck. jf * -K * * * ... . , * * When thev drill an' blast an' bore in the earth for oil an ore * -K ■ * * 'Twixt the mines an' mills I ply with precious loads, J * O'er the rugged mountain trails, I kin trundle with the mails, J * An' they tell me I'm a bear at buildin' roads. J jj From the peaceful countryside, where the farms an' fields abide, J j* I transport tremenjous stores o' market chvick; J * Oh, I'm burlev an' I'm tough, 'cause I'm built of solid stuff — J i I'm your bustlin', husky, hustlin' Motor Truck. J ? * X , if + To the farthermost advance, of our fightin' force in France, * ^t In the face of them inhuman, hellish Huns, * -tc To the front line trenches, fanned by the breeze from No Man's Land * ■tt I kin lug the ammunition an' the guns, J ♦ * I can trek with tons o' food, o'er them shell-torn stretches, strewed J X- -t« With the grim debris of battle, blood an' muck. J -K An' I'll do my bit unawed, by the everlivin' Gawd, * ■¥■ As a crashin', smashin' U. S. Army Truck. * J — C. Wiles Hallock. J * t * t * t * i * J 27 REPAIR I N I T 30 MOTOR TRA?sSPORT CORPS An Evening in M. T. C. Overhaul Park 706 I Using the Roster of Co. "F" I AFKW NIGHTS AGO we went over to the "Y" to see a niusicale. One usually goes to hear a niusicale but this time we went to see it and believe ine they or rather she, was worth seeing, too. I told the boys we OTTO get a seat in the front KOWE even thovigh we had to Ijribe an ofliier for we had the PRICE. Well, we sent QITGLEY out to scout around and lie returned shortly reporting the coast clear. He is some RADER any- way. We were just taking our seats next to the partition tliat divides the canteen from the auditorium, anH you, honey." She was no SINGER but could CH( t\\ - ELL and 1 liked the way she smiled. \^ ben she finished she told a joke about some ]>arsons she knew I which mailc me think she bad marriage on her mind I ami then recited some junk written by S(_]0 IT and some of O'SHEEL'S or maybe it was O. HENRYS. Then she said something about the old r. S. A. and it made me feel like stealing 2S REPAIR UNIT 307, MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS a froj; fishing l)oat, aiifl with a few picked friends start out across the Athuitic. I felt like a NEUMANN with this in my mind. The show was finally over and it seemed as though everyone in the hloom- ing place was trying to get out at once. The crowd would SCHWER from one side of the huilding to the other initil 1 felt sure rd be crushed. 1 was mighty glad then that I had my dog tags for identifica- tion. 1 finally got outside. On the out- side 1 met the fellows who had enjoyed the company of the little "Y" girl all the even- ing and told them all about it. They asked me who I had picked for the rowing — you -see these fellows had been in the armv for a long time, and, as usual, were trying to "dodge" the detail. I put the kibosh on that and told them they would have to do the rowing as the idea was mine. Sort "a putting over this First Sergeant stuff. You see, they all said they couldn't RO WORTH a cent, which gave me a PAYN and tlie language I vised sort 'a left a dark BROWN taste in my mouth. It was now exactly 9:50 — only 10 min- utes before tajis and raining to beat the Inuid. 1 started out on a hop, skip and jump and landed unexpectedly in a ditch, declaring then ano.vle. Samuel B Company B Baltimore, Md 3410 Garrison Avenue Hoffman. Roger B Company I Frederick City. Md SJ 2 W. Patrick Street Rau.ser. Adam Company I Baltimore, Md 113 Hillen Street Ronan. John W Company I Baltimore, Md 351 Yale Avenue Shoemaker. Darrel E Company I Baltimore, Md 422 N, Madi.son Street Towns, John A Company A Hagerstown, Md. MASSACHISETTS Bedore, George E Company A Springfield, Ma.ss 241 Bernie Avenue Cross, Alston J Company H Ware, Mass R, F. D. No. 2 Davis. Edward B Company D Ballard Vale, Mass Center Street niBlasio, Ralph Company B Lowell, Mass 9 W. Ford Street Dosch, Albert E Company A Roslindale, Mass 19 Gilnian Street Dyett, Percy R Company A Boston. Mass 103 Mountfort Street Fickert. Alfred H Company I Middleboro, Mass 14 Montello Street Lemay, Emile A Company H l^owell. Mass 34 Ward Street Martin, John J Company E Middleboro, Mass 21 Webster Street Moulthrop, George Company F West Otis, Mass. Mulcahy, Aloysius P Company B .Springfield, Mass 22 Burr Street Muriihey, George F Company E Boston, Mass c/o Lafayette School O'Brien, Edward F Company B (""amb ridge. Mass 52 Xorrls Street O'Connell, Clarence E Company I Andover, Mass 95 Chestnut Street Shane, John Company B Boston, Mass 7 ,St. Charles Street MICHIGAN Adler, Carl S Company H Bay City. Mich 210 Dewitt Street Aimone, Peter Company H Iron Mountain, Mich 407 Norway Street Akerman, Loren O Company C Thompson ville, Benzie Co.. Mich. Allard, Thomas Company C Muskegon, Mich 173 W, Forest Avenue Ames, David Company H b urest Lake, Mich. Andrews, Harry B Company C Detroit, Mich 29 E. Columbia Avenue Anspaugh, Benj. F., Jr Company H Barry ton, Mich R. F. D, No. 2 Ashton. Frank W Company H Owosso. Jlich 628 Glenwood Avenue Ayres, Elgin J Company C Quincy, Mich. Blackmar. Lester E Company G [^ansing. Mich c/o West Side Fuel Co. Barager, John O Company A Grand Rapids, Mich. . .800 South lona Street Baker. Vern E Company C Lakevie w. Mich R. F. D. No. 1 Barr. John G Company C Detroit. Mich 2382 Jefferson Avenue. E. Barron, Edmund R Company C Gladstone, Mich R. F. D. No. 1 Bayne, James C Company C Detroit, Mich 245 Rathbone Street Benscoter, Walter Company C Evart, Mich R. F. D. No. 1 Benn, Jesse D Company C Tackson, Mich 709 Wild wood Avenue Blaisdell, Theodore O Company C .Saginaw. Mich 1318 S. Warren Avenue Bowman. Lawrence O Company C Menominee, Mich 502 Williams Avenue Brin. Arthur J Company C Bay City, Mich 710 Taylor Street Brink, Ernest K Company C Kent City, Mich. Brown, Henry H Company C Lansing, Mich 525 River Street Brown, LaA'erne Company C Tackson, Mich 1220 E. Ganson Street Brynolf. Verner H Company C Iron Mountain. Mich. ...714 Stephenson Ave. Brown, Howard Company F Saginaw, Mich 311 Mott Avenue Banninga, Herman P Company H Grand Rapids, Mich ... 737 K. Delaware Street Barr, Norman H Company H Flushing, Mich General Delivery Barron, Henry E Company H Gladstone, Mich R, F. D. No. 1 Bates. Fred Company H Lake View, Mich. Baxter. George W Company H Saginaw. Mich 1020 Cleveland Street Bell. George S Company H Kalamazoo, Mich 622 E. Reed Street Bettys. Frank Company H Lakevie w. Mich. Bigelow. Glenn A Company H Climax. Mich R. F. D. No. 25 Brinkman. Jos Company H Fremont. Mich R. F. D. No. 4 Bates. James C Company I Blanchard. Mich. Calleja, Charles A Company A Detroit, Mich 134 Fifth Street Calcatera, Jos. M Company A Detroit. Mich 562 St. Aubin Street Carmody, William M Company A Cheboygan, Mich R, F. D. No.' 3 Chappell. Tjouis B Company A Kalamazoo. Mich 532 Eleanor .Street Cones. Chester A Company A Detroit. Mich 105 Byron Avenue Creguer. Albert M Company A Cass City. Mich. Cummings. John E Company A Detroit. Mich 281 Myrtle Street Campbell. Donald D Company C Kalamazoo. Mich 1253 Krom Avenue Can field. Allan D Company C Cadillac. Mich 444 E. Chapin Street Choitz. Charles A Company D Menominee. Mich....R, F. D. No. 1, Box 19A Clark Alfred L Company D Swartz Creek. Mich. Cochrane. .1. W Company D Coldwater. Mich 97 Abbot Avenue Cox. Gu>' M Company D Iron River. Mich 200 Carnegie .\ venue Crowell. Edward L Company F Detroit. Mich 544 Grand River Avenue Chilson. Leland E Company G Lansing Mich 900 Beech Street Carmody, Joseph M Company G Cheboygan, Mich R. F. D. No. 1 Carlson. Edward C Company H Bay City. Mich 608 S. Dean Street Carr. Preston S Company H Detroit. Mich 16 Rohns Avenue Christopher. Perry W Company H Old Mission. Mich R. F. D. No. 1 Cross, Charles J Company H Kalamazoo, Mich 526 Ax tell Street Cook. Charles J Company I Van, Mich. Crandall. Charles F Company I Schoolcraft. Mich R. F. D. No. 3 Corey. Maurice V Company I Cere.sco. Mich R. F. D. No. 2 34 REPAIR UNIT 307, MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS MICHIGAN — Continued DeWitt. Harold F Company A J-l'"'?"'„^n'\och ""^' ''""°" ""'■"' Dion. Arthur J Company A Lake Louden Mich. Dodson. Dee Company A Stanton. Mich. Street Du?Hn Frank R Company A Holland Mich . . .16 I| 23>d Street Dy kma, Menno Company A Grand Rapids, Mich 95b Baxtei gii DeDre w. Peter Company D Grand Rapids. Mich -^^j.^^^^'l^venue Dame, Bert J Company I Grand Rapids, Mich 3-3 Tei^^^e '^^t^^^gt Daniels, Charles M Company I ^''"*' ..'^"^'J; ■ ■ • ' ' iii' W xiri A.ieusta Street Daniels! Karl M Company I Sault .f «■ Mane, Mich .... 81? AVBUsta | r Dittmer, Louis H Company I S*"^°,"b51'fr^« Mich R F. D. No. 1 Driel, Melvin Company I Grand Rapids, Mich Lead Street Duda, Charle.s R Company I gf i'T";? '"h •' '-VsV Leigh Street Dutil, Theodore Company I Flint. Mich R F D No. 3 Bstes L D Company D Hart. Mich ■■■■•■■ r V n Xo 2 KaH,-BertC... Company I S^f'u mIcIi '"' iisE'. •pai.n^er'i^^enu; Kllenstein, Jacob Company I nttro t' Mch 732 "'^ambers Avenue Fieldler, Gasil S Company A Detroit. Mich 'i- n ^^^^ Street Fletcher. Raymond A Company A Owasso, ""="■•■•■■■ Vi o" «„'mmpvville Wenue Frank, Edward J Company A ^.^rcurMi^h i 20 N Van Burt nStre"t ?;:j;;fl■■'•l?^a;^^^"f^^:::::::::;:::?^ml>tn^ E::::;:::::§rl^^ §S: ^^^.-.-.v^s^^n^^rAvlnue Fulsher. Theodore Company D Cooks. Mich Street Furbush, Eugene H Company D A P«"a. Mich H'l Ford, Robert I.. Company H r1"\^w ' M^ch 2011 Fiftieth Street Fone. Raymond J Company i. ..Bay C ity. Mich -"^i Garner. Orwell B Company A X^ff/nrt Mich • • -125 E. 9th Street Girard. Byron. ... Company A ^2ln,^PtVe Slich -'i'' W Cre.<^cent Street Gorman. Clifford H Company A. n t7nif Mich 796 Parker Avenue Galarneau. Victor Company D ,?fij°''' mm, R. F. D. No. 1 Sarrison'i'Robert ' W Company D P°".^\?f;y ^ Mi'ch ao'o F-%mp' Avlnue §i?^n^'^"^.*:::::::::::::::::::::c=^^|:::::::::|e^^^ Gingrich Roy B Company D Reed City. Mich i>- Giumone,' Joseph Sm'nlnv E Tansmg nfc^h 330 S. Hosmer Street grbbt.' CharVes N Company H k^^i^'^f •i^'l,'^ ^^ ^n°St??ng' Avenul ^ltrl'^.^TerJ 5; :::::::::::::: : ^^Z^:^ 1: :;:;;: : ■■.?^'^. S/. .■.■.■.■.•.■.■.•.■.^ Kishe? Avenue nl^nfsli Rav . Company A Ontonagoti. Mich. gavward. Harold B Company A Mason Mich 125 Hill Street Holland. Donald M S.'^J^any A Sani'st^e Mich 278 2nd Avenue Holmgreen. Axel T. >." r,''^nv D cVanrt Rankls Mich ....828 Nagold Street Hackenbruch Joseph J ^°" anv D clfumet Mich ... .4251 Eleventh Street Haller, Albert Ton tnv D Marquette Mich 345 E. Michigan Street Hansen, Carl _E, ^5^"^^"^ n ! ! ! ! ! ! M^skelon M ch 456 Grand_ Avenue ^^.:'^f.y- ::::::::::::::: :c m nj e: :::;:: : : ^gichiand kich ... .^^^. ^Z:y\^ui V,°%'li-S'i^^'r ^ •;■.: -.Company^::: ::;•:: :Eln-o!t: Mich 1580 Bums Avenue ;}SS;^,^^?.^F^.::::::::::::::::company^ S^^^;;tt%S'- seu Broadway Johnson. Walter G romn«nv i oltroU Mich ... .694 Sixteenth Street ^onel" Cla'^de" b" ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :Som^ln^ I ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Saglnaw.Tich . 902 N. Seventh Street Tackson Charles' K Company H Hubbard Lake. Mich. BS^'^Bi''^-::---:^^^^^ 1133 TMrd Avenue PS^^Ss^"^" ::::::?°=^^::::::::::^^alK^sif^ch p. o. box no. m iliS^iT '"#r^k- h: : ;::::;::;::;: -^^p^^ f ;:::;:: : : :g^.»diand county, Mich. K-iumnP Louis^ ::::::co;XnV i:;:;;:;:;:Grand R^p^s. Mich 691 stocking Avenue S ^e^J^ard k; : : company E ■■^if^S^r^'ufo^^'': 800 Holmes Avenue Kohel. John G Company E Grand Rapids, Mich 1235 Quarry Avenue Kosten. John Company B Saginaw, Mich 404 Court Street Rrause Paul Company b' .Detroit. Mich 253 McClellan Avenue Krug. Arthur K o^^ lal^t F Detroit Mich 1118 Junction Avenue Kubek. Felix-^ F.^ Company li ! ! ! ! ! ! i i iFebewaing Mich R. F. D. No. 1 Kurzer. Oscar A \_uiiiiJAiij -^ •= 35 REPAIR L ^ I 1 307, MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS MICHIGAN — Continued Kiiicli. Howard W . Company I Bay Citv. ilicli 1735 Tenth Street Knop. Emil Company I Detroit, ilieh 731 Montclair Avenue Loosemore. Georgre E Company A Skanee, Mich. Kavanaugh. Charles J Company B Saginaw. Mich 1300 S. Warren Avenue Lange. Xorbert J Company B Detroit, Mich 123 W. Bethune Street Laprad. Louis L Company B Monroe. Mich. Loetller, Otto C Company B Cheboygan. Mich 881 S. Main Street bucio. .Tohn C Company B Detroit. Mich. Lamb. Clarence R Company C Rockford. Mich R F D No ' LaMotte. Edmund R Company C Lake Linden. Mich. Lass. Martin F Company C (^rand Rapids. Mich. . .10fi7 Grandville Avenue Lick. Paul P Company C Benton Harbor. Mich.. Stewart Blk Flat \ Lindenmulder. Andy Comjiany C Detroit. Mich 13fi8 Trumbull Avenue Little. Charles R Company C Detroit. Mich t;ii9 Latavette Blvd Lougheed. Howard E Company C Pontiac. Mich liiii .\. Saginaw Street Lounds. Robert B Company C Sault Ste. Marie. Mich. .1000 Minneapolis St. Luthtr. Floyd A Company C Si.x Lakes. Mich Lynch. Walter () Company C Battle Creek. Mich 43 Harris Avenue Leonard. Orange W Company G Battle Creek. Mich 2«1 Hunter Street Leiger Carl L. Company H Lansing. Mich 421 Smith Avenue LescheLske. Paul H Company H Detroit, Mich 1195 Twentv-flfth Street Lieder. Edwin H Company H Detroit. Mich 294 Poplar Street Lloyd. John J Company H Detroit. Mich 131(i Vine wood Avenue LaBounty. Earl Compan.v I Tecumseh. Mich Lackner. Stephen Company I Calumet. Mich 11 Tenth Street Lake. Louis J Company I l.,ake City Mich Lewis, William E Company I Boyne Ci't.v. Mich 106 Water Street Mcf.rath, John T Company B Detroit. Mich 05 Hendrie Street H'^i^f '"■ 2"'?,'^''' ^' < ompany B Lansing, Mich 219 S. Grand Avenue McPhee. \V illiam Company B Detroit. Mich 2248 N'avv Avenue Miller, (.arland E Company B Morenci, Mich 822 Summit Street Miller. John A. Company B Lansing, Mich 1437 Michigan Avenue Magorien. -^ illiam F Company C Detroit, Mich 1159 Mt. Elliott Avenue Maher Daniel M .... Company C Detroit, Mich 101 Lawton Avenue Marschner. Cornelius J Company C Detroit. Mich 370 Field \venue Martin. Floyd Company E Indian River. Mich MaynartL .To.s. A (\)mpany E Detroit. Mich 1145 Gratiot Avenue Mason, William Company E Detroit. Mich 020 Cavalry Avenue Maupin. James A Company E St. Joseph, Mich ■'■'li/™ Main Street Mellor. Manfred L Company E Olivet. Mich r' F D No 3 Miller. Norwood M Company E Detroit. Mich 892 W. Kirbv Avenue Minarsky. Jacob Company E Detroit. Mich 240 Jefferson Avenue Mitchell. James A Company E Iron Mountain. Mich Uii5 Margaret Street Moorhead. George Company E Detroit. Mich 208 Linwood Avenue Moran. Horace D Company E Detroit. Mich 593 Artillery Avenue Mosher, RoUo G Company E Wayland Mich Mr.iiw. Cornelius Company E Grand Rapid.s. Mich 865 Grandville Ave Mudge. Lverett L Company E Cass City. Mich P. O. Box No 175 JIuIliken. Givel S Company E Kalamazoo. Mich 1411 Portage Street Mulzer. Edwin F Company E Grand Rapids. Mich 401 Allen Street Myers. ( harles W Company E Hillsdale. Mich R F D No 4 Meech. Floyd L c "ompany F Adrian. Mich 409 Merrick' Street McBride. Claire E Company F Harbor Springs. Mich. ?!i''^'f''- '^''?"K J- Company F Battle Creek. Mich 293 Kalamazoo Street Medbury. Kiel L Company H Hesperia. Mich R F D No 3 Moore. William E Company H Middleton. Mich. Nielson. Leander Company B Detroit. Mich Nelson. Nels O Comijany F Iron River. Mich R F D No 1 Newcomb. Harold Company F Reed Citv. Mich. Narovich. Maron K Company F Marquette. Mich 11 C N. Seventh Street Ness. Oswald Company F Frankfort. Mich R. F D No 1 Neuman. Paul G Company F Ionia. Mich 331 Pleasant Street Niewvk. Edward P Company F Grand Rapids. Mich 1121 Sigsbee Street Nothhelfer. Joseph L Company F Sagina\v. Mich 220 Walnut Street Nelson. Charles A Company I Northport. Mich R F D No 1 O'Neil. James H Company B Hubbardston. Mich. '';•". Gr'orge Comi)any F Iron River, Mich 424 X. Fifth Street O Dair. Harry H Company I . . . i iptroit. Mich 1103 E. Forest Avenue Papin. Fred L Company B Iron River. Mich 416 Fourth Street Parker. Fred Company B Swartz Creek. Mich. Paton. Robert Company B Detroit. Mich Ill Colfax Street Peck. Clarence E ("ompany B Detroit. Mich 454 Davison Avenue Pelland. Albert J Comiiany B Lake Linden. Mich Vetter Street Pickens. Frank P Company B Detroit. Mich 784 Loaraine Street Price. Otto B Company B Detroit. Mich 163 Hancock Ave.. E Prohuska. Joseph J Company B Menominee. Mich 1010 Catherine Street Parsons. Chas. E Company F Grand Rapids. Mich. .341 LaGrave Ave.. S. E. Pierson. Clyde C Company F Wavland. Mich. Preston. Harold A Company P Grand Raiiids. Mich in24 Jackson Street Pattec. Merton J Company F Curran. Mich. Pavn. Joseph Company F Hancock, Mich. Paulus. Joseph J Company H Petoskev. Mich 307 Grove Street Pyle. Raymond A Company H Detroit. Mich 538 St. Aubin Avenue Ouigley. Walter V Comiiany F Mt. Forest. Mich. Rancour. Fred ("ompany B Bay Citv. Mich 2317 Woodside Avenue Rosh. James L Company B Big Rapids, Mich 321 Madison Street Rettcll, Barney ("ompany B Mt. ("lemens. Mich Gen Del Rogers, Charles L (^ompany B Hancock, Mich 534 Hancock Avenue Rauschenberger. Paul T ("omiiany F Grand Rapids, Mich. .717 Turner Ave.. N. W. Raymond. Cleveland ('om)iany P Lapeer. Mich S. Main Street Richardson. Arvid Company F Reed City. Mich. Richey. Glen Company F Lansing. Mich 1702 S. Pennsvlvania Ave. Ridley. Harold A ("ompany P East Lansing, Mich. Roberts. Manley ("ompany F Galicn. Mich. 36 REPAIR UNIT 307 M O TOR TRANSPORT CORPS MICHIGAN — Continued Runvan, Alva Robbins, Floyd B Rhodes, Leland W Sabouriu, Albeit J Simpson. Edward M.... Smith, Walter Speier, William W Stapperfenne. George W Steffens, Walter E Schmidt, Robert A. . ('onipaTi>' F. . . . . Company H. . . . . Company I. . . . .Company B. . . . .Company B. . . . .Compan.v B. . . . .Company B. . . . .Company B. . . . .Company B. . . It iiu„^ ■ Company F. . . Scott, Lloyd G Company F. . . Scott, John Company F... Seckinger. Cyril Company F. . . Sherman, William S Company t . . . Scarlett. Evert J Company F. . . Siller. Guy C Company G. . . Sills, Robert W Company G. . . Smith, Leon S Company G. . . Smith. Chester C Company G. . . Smith. John S Company ^. . . Smith. Percy W Company G. . . Snvder. Alvah G Company G. . . Statsick. George H Company G. . . Stenelein. Walter H Company G. . . Sapp. Harry B Company I. . . Schmidt. Frank W Company I. . . Schwanz. Claude E Company I... Szvmanski. Stanslaw Company I. . . Tackoor. James S°""'^'\^' r?' ' ' Tackaberry. Earl ^ompa "> f> ■ • • Taylor. Wayne J C^O'""''"^ r ' ' ' Topham, Percy W Company G. . . Trumph, Jack J r °"'!i^!l J c" ' ' Vallev, Gordon X Company G. . . VanDerWal, Nicholas 'r,°"'Ppnv c" VerMarris, Martin Company G. . . Vivian. William G T^!"?,? ■ r' " ' A'ogt. Walter F ( ompany G. . . Volz. John A Company G. . . Vandrev. William C Company B. . Van Hoe. Harry R Company B. . Voetsch, Howard W 'r^°'"''»"'v r' ' Wallace. Ernest J Company B.. Warner. Harold V Company B. . Wiegand. Benjamin F ?°S!''an ■ B ' Williams, Archie E ( ompan\ c. . Woolston. Vern L Company B. . Wa^ar Rex n Company G. . wtfs^ .■ Will am e: : Company G. . wtUon. Wilbur G Company G ' Weeks. Wavne W Company G. . Westawav. Ernest Company G. . wtdenhoefer. Carl J 'coTvl"^' G ' Wieringa. Richard ?omnanv g' ' Wilson. Joseph. . . . . r^ Jna nv g' ' Williams. William G Company G. . .412 Mich . . . St. Johns, Mich , . Lansing. Mich . . . .\rtrian. Mich . . . .Alpena. Mich . . . .Flint. Mich. , . . . . Grand Rapids. . . lielroit. Mich . .Detroit, Mich . .Suttons Bav. Mich.. .Grand Rapids, Mich . .Hubbardston. Mich. . . Freemont. Mich .... ..East Jordan. Mich. . .Half Way. Mich. . . . .Mason. Mich. . .H.iugliton. Mich.... . .Detroit. Mich . .Wakefield. Mich. . .Lansing. Mich . , Saginaw. Mich . . Muskegon. Mich ... . . .Bvart. Mich. . .Caledonia. Mich. . .Saginaw. Mich . .Mecosta, Mich. ..Grand Rapids. Mich.... . .DeWitt, Mich . .Hamtramick. Mich . .Detroit. Mich , . .Detroit. Mich .Bentlev. Bay Co., Mich S. Pennsylvania Ave. 215 Maple Avenue. E. 712 Sable Street ' R. F. D. No. 1 ..839 S. Division Ave. . . . .854 Helen .Avenue 475 McClellan Avenue . R. F. D. No. 1 ...32 Straight Avenue . . .R. F. D. No. 4 R. F. D. No. 2 ''■.'.'.'.' P. O. Box 38 35 College Avenue .529 Humboldt Avenue 418 Adams Street . . .1316 N. Sixth Street 162 Montgomery Street .8115 Adams Street ..32 Straisht Avenue R. F. D. No. 3 Dili Holbrook Avenue 1574 Scotten Avenue . .87 Hanover Street W^ood, Rollo H. .Company G. Woodward. Marshall' p'. '. ! companv H ' westra. Henr_y :::::;::::: compt"^- y: : Company I. . , , , . Company I. Webster. R. R. Wen, Harry C Wickert, Walter J. Zeidler. Walter R. Zeiter. John A Zoellner. Fred J. . , . . Company I. . . .Company G. . . .Company G. . .Saginaw. Mich . .Bessemer. Mich. ..Traverse City Mich. ..Grand Rapids. Mich ..Grand Rapids. Mich . .Tshpeming. Mich .... . . Detroit. Mich . .Sebewaing. Mich. . . . .Bay City. Mich. . . . ..Kalamazoo. Mich.. . .Houghton. Mich. . . . . .Oak Grove. Mich. . .Grand Rapids. Mich ...Port Huron. Mich , . .Onsted. Mich . . .Brant. Mich ...South Boardman. Mich. . . .Detroit, Mich ...Traverse City. Mich... . . . Jackson. Mich . . . Detroit. Mich . . .Hancock. Mich . . .Muskegon. Mich . ..Sault Ste. Marie. Mich. . . . Kalamazoo. Mich . . .Muskegon. Mich . . .Cold water. Mich . . .Grand Rapids. Mich. . . . . .Detroit, Mich . . .Detroit. Mich . . . Escanaha. Mich .... . . .Detroit. Mich . . .Flint. Mich ...Grand Rapids. Mich 11 K; S. Jefferson Street R. F. D. No. 1 362 Diamond .Ave.. S. E. 120 Langdon Avenue 769 Michigan Street . . . .341 Fay Street R. F. D. No. 2 '....1814 Fourth Street ..520 Florence Street 128 Dacotah Street 1309 W. Fulton Street 1714 Tenth Street .R. F. r>. No. 2 . .R. F. D. No. 2 . . . 271 Porter Street 802 Webster Street . . .413 Orange Street . . .760 Baker Street 501 Franklin Avenue . . .248 Spring Street 502 Easterday Ave. 312 Henrietta Street ..305 Grand Avenue ..166 West Pearl Street 967 E. Fulton Avenue .600 Belvidere Avenue 368 Hunt Street 210 N. Mary Street 2352 Woodward Avenue . .1821 Jame Street .746 Bowery St.. N. W. MINNESOTA Gavlord. Herbert E Company P. . . Ciles John M Company D. . . Sanson, Ha?;-y- W ^""^"f "^ F' ' ' Henneberry, Edward E ?^°"'Pt"J 4 ' ' ' Henneberrv. Wm. F Company A. . . Lortelmacher. A. W r°"U'«"v f' ' ' Seater. Walter J "r- " 'i^"^,. w ' Stanford, Charles A , ■ ■ Company H. . . .St. Paul. Minn .North St. Paul. Minn. .Minneapolis. Minn.... .Duluth. Minn .Duluth. Minn .Fairfax. Minn. .Minneapolis. Jlinn... .Bluson. Jlinii .981 Pacific Street Box No. 213 3032 Polk Street .7 B. Fifth Street .7 E. Fifth Street .20 N. Tenth Street MISSOURI Bergesch. Fred. H. Corlev. Walter S. . . Hayn'er, Sidney L. . Kassing, Arthur H. .Company A. . Company D. .Company I. .Company B. . .St. Ii Xelson Street -mpany B Brooklyn, X. Y mpany C Ithaca, X. Y. Medina, X. Y 216 West Avenue a{unha^sei;?(?;;nrad; ;;;;;;; 'i'^;^^^ schohane, schoharieco.;;N; y: "~ onacci Eugene O ' ompany C Brooklyn, X. Y 1556 Putnam Avenu rande Dwi|ht F -n,^ .'J^ n ^""O"^' '^'"^' ^'°'''^' ^'- Y- -2364 LoriUard Plac rendecke, Felix c! -™' ?"? 9. Schenectady, X. Y 116 Wing Avenu Baker. Harry "u." rnmn^Jn^^ ^ ?V°°'^'yR' M- Y 394 Pine Street Barhyte, Tunis E ! ! ,' ! .' ! ! ! ComnaSv C Barton, Ralph E C ompany C B; B B Brendecke, Felix C. . Brusco. John Brandt. Homer H. . Blundell. Henry.... Bamberger, Kurt C Broderick, John R.. Bays. Louis B Blance. Joseph . Boehm, Charles . Duntley. Robert E... Denise. Harry R. . . , Dippold, George C. . Doyle. James A Edmunds. Carl W. Ernst. Walter H. Giordano. Peter ..' Glogoczewski, Stanley. Hanigan, Kenneth G' Hart, Thurman A Herbst, Albert H. . . Heuer. Fred W Hospers. Gerrit H....!.' Hunter. Harrison E Hilflker. William G. . . Holmes, Lloyd L Hemley, Jacob ' ' Jahaut, Albert ... Judge, Carl F Johnson. .Mbert J '. Jahr.sdoefer. Bernard j Jerome. Abraham Kelloy, Carl F. . . . Kieffer. Albinus j.....' Kelly, James W Kern, Ijouis ' ' ] Kress, Geo. F * " ' ' Kruger, Leo P. .... .....', Levine. Harry , ', Lieberman. Max .... Langelotti. James V ' Lewis, Edward H, . . I'ink. Howard C Lubell. Moe . . ' T-assonde, George H. ■ C ompany C Brooklyn, X. Y 2110 Avenue I ■ ■ -'ompany C. Xew York, X. Y 117 Elizabeth Street ...Company D Ontario, X. Y R F D Xo '5 ...(ompany D Bronx, Xew York 424 174th ' s'treet ■■•' °";P''"y g N'ew York, X. Y 212 East 11th Street • • • Company H Hannibal, X. Y. ' ••'ompany I Cortland, X. Y 26 VanHoesen .(ompany I Xew York, X. Y 433 E. 51st Street Borrok, Max •„„!;oI,^ ? Schenectady, X. 1 393 Congress Street Bristol, M. R ::: -nmnJnJ^ 1 "^'''^^' "^'°'''^- ^'- ^' 1360 Boston Road Brown, James W .°™,' ^ I Canton Center, X. Y. Brown, James W Brown, William H Corney, William A. Casey, Jermiah, Jr. Cataldo. Dominick. Cicio. Edward Cutler. Willard B. . Contopidis. John... Chase, Kendrick E, Connors, William J Comforte, William J Cullum, Thos. L. . . . DeCicco, Frank. . ?^:S:^H^^I::::::::::::;::::^o=?E I'oI^lJoi;?: T Brooklyn. X. Y 844 Flatbush Avenue ••'°'"P^"'; f Xew York, N. Y 8 103rd Street ..(ompany A Sherrill, X. Y • .Company C Klmhurst, L. I.. X . .1 ompany C Brooklyn, X. Y • •( ompany C Brooklyn. X. Y... ..(ompany D .\uburn, X. Y. . . • •('ompany F Xew York, X. Y ..Company H Manlius. X. Y . .Company H Xorth Trov. N. Y • • (ompany I Xew York.' X. Y. . . • • '^ompany I Elmhurst. L. I.. X. Y (ompany D Kingston. X. Y . Plattsburg. X. Y -Xew York Citv. .Xorth Hudson. Essex Co • Rochester. X^. Y Company G Company 1. . (■ompany I Ve„. York. X. Y (ompany I \menia, X. Y. ( ompany B Lyndonville. N. Y Y 49 Queens Blvd. 102 (3old Street 143 Humboldt Street 11 Hollev Street 153 W. 106th Street ..327 Washington Avenue 801 First Avenue . .207 Grand Avenue ... .48 Judge Street R. F. D. Xo. 4 59 Peru Street 468 W. 144th Street X. Y. 40 Strohm Street .308 West 128th Street Ecker Leo H Company D.. Froitzheim. Ma'tVhew' 's: ! .' .' ! ! .' ! ' ' ' rompany i >'''k ^""'^r ^- "^' Farrington Tohn w 'ompany A .\uburn, X. Y. . , Ferderfr:""Franc?s^; [[[[[[y. vZpan? n ^'^"^ P"''"^' '^ Finkelstein. David ! ! ! ' Company D Fitzgerald. Francis C (ompany D, Fyala. John M Gibson. Howard A... Gaul, Harry Greenberg. 'isadore. . . Gebara. Josei>h .Company D. . . Company D. . .Company A . . . Company D. . .Company D. . . .Company F. . .Buffalo, X. Y 574 Genesee Street ....90 W. inSrd Street 59 Perrine Street ..28 Tarrytown Road 339 X. Genesee Street ...1725 Lincoln Place 75 Glen Street 'i' 18 Seymour Street .Ctica. X. Y. . .Brooklyn, X. Y. . .'Jlen Falls. X. Y . .Binghamton, X. . . .Company F . . .Company G. . . . . Company D. . . . . ('omi)any D.. . . .( 'ompany E. . , . .1 'ompany E. . . . .Company E ..Dunkirk. X. Y 411 Mullet Street ..Auburn, X. Y fi Chestnut Street ..Brooklyn. X. Y 230 Linden Street ■ Geneva. X. Y 51 Tillman Street ..Jamestown, X. Y 34 Victoria Street ..New Brighton. Staten Island. X. V •■^^'''^''^^^- ^- Y 324 Lodi Street • -Buffalo. X. Y 30 Woodlawn Avenue . .Roche.ster, X. Y 529 Conkev Avenue • -Jamaica, X. Y 48 Blance Place ■ „ Ontario, X. Y. Company H f """'•^,^4, ^ 84 Walnut Street Comnanv S h^'°".^\^- T,- IT Shuler Street (ompany H Constableville. X. Y R F D Xo 1 •ompany I Brooklyn. X. Y (ompany C Plattsburgh. X. Y 'ompany E Albany, X. Y. Company H Tarrvtown. X Y (ompany I Brooklyn. X. Y c ompany 1 Xew York, X Y (ompany A Rochester, X y' (ompany A Lake View, X Y I ompany E Xew York, X. Y. .Brooklyn. X. Y. . . . .Buffalo. X. Y .Lackawanna. N. Y. . . Brooklyn. X'. Y. . . . .Brooklyn. X'. Y .Xew York. N'. Y. . .Fort Edward. X. Y. .Mayfleld. Fulton Co .Brooklvn. X'. Y. . .Plattsburg, X. Y. . . .Comtiany E. . .Comiianv K. ..Company I. . .Company B. . .Company B. . .Company C. . . Company C. . . Comiiany C. . . Company C. . . C*omi>any I. 215 Lee .\ venue 93 Dak Street .161 S. Manning Boulevanl Sunnyside Avenue 882 Forest Avenue 359 Grand Street 205 W. 147th Street ....1913 Douglas Street .564 X'orthampton Street 407 Holland Avenue 1703 Park Place 189 S. Xinth Street 57 Kenmare Street X. Y. 178 Hooper Street . ... 36 ^lontcalm .\\-enue 38 REPAIR UNIT 307, MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS NEW YORK — Continued Lassonde. Wm. T Company I Plattsburg, N. Y 36 Montcalm Avenue Masci, Querino Company A Yonkers, N. Y 129 School Street Mafera, Leonard F Company B Xew York. N. Y 354 St. Anns Avenue Money. Joseph W Company B New York. N. Y 310 Court Street Makko. Joseph L. Company C Rensselaer, N. Y 1477 Third Street Melendez. Ceo. W Company E Bronx. New York, N. Y 676 Eagle Avenue Monahan. Thomas L Company E Auburn. N, Y 59 Garrow Street Morrissey. John J Company E Auburn, N. Y 166 Clark Street Muth, Paul J Company E Buffalo. N. Y 1266 Michigan Avenue MacDonald. Dillon C Company G Buffalo. N. Y 54 Whitney Place Martin. Frank B Company I Ithaca. N. Y 128 Farm Street Morgana. David Company I BulTalo. N. Y 854 Seventh Street Neville. Joseph M Company B New York, N. Y 920 Ninth Avenue Fenders. Paul F Company H Spencerport. N. Y. Prince. Gervase Company I Bambridge. N. Y. Quinn. John J Company B Syracuse, N. Y 137 Gifford Street Quinn. Edward Company F Brooklyn, N. Y 53 Clifton Place Roseniierg-, Isidore Company P New York, N, Y 34 Attorney Street Rosenblatt. Robert Company F New York, N. Y 286 E. Third Street Raustein, William P Company I Valley .Stream, N. Y Corona Avenue Roe <"lyde !•; Company F Otego. N. Y R. F. D. No. 4 Sann Charles, jv Company B Albany, N. Y 60 First Street Schuman. George F Company B famaica. N. Y 1528 Van Wyck Avenue Stabbe. Benjamin Company B Brooklyn. N. Y 39 Delmonico Place Steuerwald. Albert H Company B Buffalo. N. Y 184 Winslow Avenue Stovan .John Company B New York. N. Y 423 St. Ann's Avenue Sfireudis' James!! Company C New York. N. Y 16 Roosevelt Street Schwartz Gerald .1 Company F Dunkirk, N. Y 53 E. Fourth Street Sweenev.' Vincent A Company P Spencerport. N. Y. Shilling'er Ira B Company F West Lebanon, N, Y, Singer Louis S Company G Brooklyn. N. Y 598 Bedford Avenue Smith Arthur G Company G Auburn. N. Y 42 Pulton Street Snow, Harry A Company G r^ockport, N. Y 74 S. Niagara Street Sullivan Prank L Company G Bingham ton, N. Y 131 Leroy Street Schuler Roland . . ! Company H \lbion. N. Y R. F. D. No. 3 Shea Edward H Company H Baldwinsville. N. Y R. P. D. No 5 Steve Cyrus P Company H Buffalo. N. Y 192 Dodge Street Saracena J. . ! ! ! Company I Brooklyn. N. Y 1311 Gates Avenue Shapiro. Julius Company I Schenectady, N. Y 526 S. Center Street Santangelo. M. ! ! ! ! Company I New York. N. Y 19 Prince Street Tromblv James' "p Company G 'Menn Falls. N. Y 156 Boulevard Till Frank B ! ! ! ! Company B Oneida. N. Y 18 Chappell Street Vog't Clarence W Company B Rochester, N. Y 969 N. Clinton Street Ventimiglia, Frank !!!!.,! Company I New York, N. Y 142 Forsyth Street Ward Harold H Company G Woodmere, Long Island, N. Y. Wells Everett. .!!!!!!!! Company G North White Lake, N. Y. Wildner Fred g! Company G .\uburn. N. Y 132 York Street Wingender George C Company G Bronx. N. Y 812 E. 169th Street Winters. Charles G Company G Nassau. N. Y. Witt Harry Company G Hudson Palls, N. Y 20 Mechanic Street Wickham. Neison J! ! Company H Albion. N. Y R. P. D. No. 2 Wurster. Henry J Company I Brooklyn. N. Y 296 Snydam Street Whiteman. .larvis S !!... .Company B Ghent. Colombia Co.. N. Y. Yacone. Aniedeo.! ..!!!!!!!! Company A Hudson. N. Y 333 State Street NORTH DAKOTA Rifenberg. Elmer W Company I Jamestown. N. Dak. OHIO Almroth. Edward A Company C Toledo. O 1153 Palmwood Avenue Alexander. Richard D Company H New Paris. Ohio. Alexander. Duane W Company I .\kron. Ohio 1234 Fourth Avenue Bond. Marian G Company A Marian. Ohio 135 Fairground Street Ballreich. Carl A Company C Tiffin. O 193 Ohio Avenue Beale. George S Company C Ravenna. O R. P. D. No. 5 Bargmann. Raymond F Company H Napoleon. 508 Avon Place Blair. Samuel C Company H Akron. O 273 Arch Street Brackin. William C Company H Dell Rov. Ohio N. Ohio Street Branson. James C Company H Lima. Ohio 517 W. Spring Street Brown. Archie Company H Deshler. Ohio. Buxton. George L Company H Minerva. Stark Co.. Ohio. Byrns. Edward A Company H Gallon. Ohio 541 Union Street Bippus. Alfred P Company E Toledo. O 147 Princeton Drive Bowers. Donald Company C Lima. O R. F. D. No. 7 Betteridge. N. E Company I Wooster. Ohio. Cassidv, Chas. J Company A Cleveland. O 3401 West 95th Street Chapman. Donald B Company C Painesville. 326 E. Erie Street Durfee. Allan A Compan'y H Cincinnati. Ohio 504 W. Eighth Street Daugherty. Donald I Company I Pindlay. Ohio 407 Crystal Avenue Dipman. Fred C Company I Martin. Ohio. Eyler. Wilbur L Company A Lima. Ohio 815 E. Franklin Street Eaton, Ray R Company I AVaterville, Ohio. Edgington. Benj. H Company I Patterson. O. Eversole, Benj. H Company H Columbus Grove, Ohio R. P. D. No. 2 Fletcher. Charle.s L Company D Lucas. O. Prv. Budge B Company D Benton. Holmes County. Ohio. Fahndrich. Albert Companv G Cleveland. Ohio 2176 W. 67th Street Giebenrath. Louis Company D .\kron. O 277 W. Cedar Street Girard. Louis F Companv D -\lliance. O East Broadway Greer. Percy A Company D Mt. Vernon. O 712 N. Main Street Haskins. Gary L Company A Toledo. Ohio 530 Virginia Street Headley. William J Company A Prospect. Ohio. 39 REPAIR UNIT 307, MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS OHIO — Continued Hertlemiie, Lon J Company A Ottawa, Ohio. Hoover. Floyd W Company A Akron. Ohio .17 W. Thornton Street Horn. Albert Henry Company A Monroeville. Ohio. Harter. Forest L, Company I Sandusky. Ohio SOI Hancock Street Hellman, Fred M Company E Toledo, O 1156 South Avenue Jack.son. Ralph Company H Mt. Vernon Ohio K. F. D. No. 7 Keller. Ernest B Company A Fremont. Ohio R. F. D. No. 1 Kette. Frank L> Company E Marion. 344 Hane Avenue Kenaga. John W Company E Findlay. O 102 Vi S. Main Street Kerschner. John Company E Tiffin. O 30 Jack.son Street Kopije. Paul W <"ompany E Ualion. O 201 S. Union Street Kramer. Wm. J Company E Toledo. O 946 Griffin Street Krause. George N Company H Toieao. Ohio .515 Colburn Street Leonard. Glen B Company B Attica. Ohio R. F. D. No. 2 Ijewis. Graham H Company B London. O 202 K. High Street Luoma. John R C^ompany C Fairport Harbor. O 420 Sixth Street Mills. Leo B Company B Akron. O 327 Wheeler Street Musser. Lonnie A Company B Wa.\'nesfield. Ohio. McUermott. George H ('ompany F New Philadelphia. O. McCullough. Lawrence J Company H Oakwood. Ohio R. F. D. No. 4 McHugh. Sylvester C Company I Cleveland. Ohio 2238 W. 41st Street Morrissey. Joseph J Company I Toledo. Ohio 708 Indiana Avenue .Volan. Bernard C Company F Lima. 1011 E. London Street Parsons. Ward Company F Kenton. O R. F. I>. No. 7 IM'ice. (Iratton M Comjjan.v F Melniore. O. Powell. Ira B Company H .\kron. Ohio CO E. Talmadge Avenue tjuigley. Dean H Company F Vermillion, O. Raymond. Carl R Company A Helena. Ohio. Kausch. Fred H Company F Toledo. O 1413 CoUingwood Avenue Keinhard. Martin J Company F Delaware, O 259 E. Williams Street Rinta. Edward Company F Fairport Harbor. O 307 Seventh Street Itowe. Clyde E Company F Otego, N. Y R. F. D. No. 4 Solinski. Ignatius Company A Cleveland. Ohio 3804 E. 71st Street Steimer. Victor F Company B Findlav. Ohio 431 Center Street Short. Albert H Company G Toledo. Ohio c/o Banting Machine Co. Shull. Rutherford B Company G Mansfield. Ohio 60 Harker Street Seitz. Preston B Company H Ottawa. Ohio R. F. D. No. 3 Smith. Howard B Comiiany I Elyria. Ohio 99 Highland Court Tabbert. Harvey O Company G Graytown. Ohio. Tnterbrink. Jos. F Company B Ottawa. O R. F. D. No. 2 Vadas Charles. Jr Company B E. Toledo. O Bo.x. 127, R. F. D. No. 1 Vallen. Earl J Company H t:oplev. Ohio P. O. Box No. 86 Wagner. James D Company B Utica. Ohio R. F. D. No. 2 Wohlgamuth. John W Company B Bettsville. O. Volbrecht. John W Company G Vew Hampshire. Ohio. Wagenknecht. Jos. W Company G Toledo. O 623 Page Street Weekley, Mason Company A I'aldwell. Ohio. Yoesting. Samuel W Company A Bellefontaine, Ohio. Zapf. Willard A Company I ..\kron. Ohio 271 W. ilarket Street OREGON Michel. Sylvain M "Company I Prince ville. Oregon 314 Main Street Mack, Glen Company I Portland, Ore 542 N. Union Avenue PENNSYLVANIA Alexander. Preston B Company A Willow Hill. Pennsylvania. .\dams. George L Company C Girard\-ille. Pa Main -Street .\ustin. Thomas E Company C Pittsburgh. Pa 2135 Sarah Street Allen. George W Company H E. .Stroudsburg. Pa 121 Ride way Street Andei'son. Leroy M Company H Aspinw.Hll. Pa Free port Avenue Axthelm. Clarence H Comi)any H Pittsburgh. Pa 1304 Lancaster Avenue Baehr. Emil L Company A Philadelphia. Pa 1238 Pt. Breeze Avenue Ball. John R Company A South Connellsville. Pa. Bastyr. Chas. J Company A Pittsburgh. Pa. . .501 S. Chestnut Street. N. S. Baughman. David C Company A Pittsburgh. Pa 7336 Bennett Street Blunt. William J Company A Pittsburgh. Pa 13 Brush ton Avenue Branker. Nathan D Company A Scranton. Pa 313 Halstead Street Bredl. Joseph W Company A Pittsburgh. Pa 910 Peralta Street Brown. Leo J Company A Plymouth. Pa. Burgess. Robert H Company A Hazleton. Pa 515 W. Diamond Street Durkart. Roy A Company A .N'ewville, Pa. Byrne. William F Company A Gallitzin. Pa. Bell, .\lfred M Company C Black Lick. Pa. Bigler. Raymond H Company C Pittsburgh. Pa 711 Keeling Street Block. Anthony Company C Pittsburgh. Pa 804 East Street. N. S. Bold. Leroy E Company C Scranton. Pa 634 River Street Bolster, Calvin L Company C Pittsburgh. Pa 3108 Ophir Street. N. S. Booth. Raymond Company C Blossburg. Pa. Brady. Raymond J Company C Houtzdale. Clearfield Co.. Pa. Brant. Ephriani S Company C lohnstown. Pa 556 Park Avenue Brooke. Clifford K Company C I'Jrie. I'a 2720 Rasberrv Street Bruml)erg. Roy E Company C Cartwright. Elk Co.. Pa. Burk. Fred W Company C lohnstown. Pa 247 Tioga Street Bush. Claude Company C Pocono T^ake. Pa. Bauer. Raymond F Company D Pittsburgh. Pa 724 E. Ohio Street Briggs. .Andrew J Company F Greenville. Ala. Barnhart. Oscar S Company H Waynesburg. Pa R. F. D. No. 1 Beehler. Clyde L Company H Bartonsville. Monroe Co.. Pa. Bell. Anthony W.. Jr Company H Union town. Pa 116 Connes villa Street Bennett. Leonard T Comi)any H lermvn. Pa Jefferson Avenue Berger. Louis P Company H Pittsburgh. Pa 2100 Bedford Avenue Best. Frederick J Company H Pittsburgh. Pa 2019 Carson Street 40 REPAIR UNIT 307, MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS PENNSYLVANIA — Continued Biecierman. David Company H Pitcairn, Pa 345 Kenny Avenue Birkner. Georg-e E Company H Carnegie. Pa 650 Liberty Avenue Blacl'mond I*^ Compan Knowlson. Thomas H Compan Kohl. Arnold J Compan Kebil. Paul B Compan Keith. James W Compan Kelly. Michael B Compan Kennedy. James J Compan Knapp. Iceland S Compan Kiihn. .Sylvester A Compan Klinkel. Jacob Compan Krum. Edgar T Compan Ijambing. Albert F Compan Leinbach. Roy W Compan Little. Joseph P Compan Tjosienecki. Waddie S Compan Law. Adam R Compan Lebo. Howard A Compan Levan. Mahlon H Compan Lipinski. Stanley J Compan I.,ittle. Harry R Compan r.,opata, George J Compan Loughney. Walter J Compan Lunz. Joseph M Compan May. Wilbert R Compan Martin. Elmer W Compan Mc'^lurg. Harold L Compan Metz. Alfred H Company Miller. Lawrence J Compan: Moline. Clarence W Compan; Mackle. James A Compan Madden. William R Compan Martin. John H Compan Mealev. William T Compan Meitzler. Charles P Compan Minnaugh. Joseph A Compan Murrav. William J Compan Myers. William H Compan Murphv. Alvin E Compan: McCloskey. Joseph O Compan McCullev. Percv S Compan McGinlev. Ralph S Compan McMaster. Amos Compan McGrath. Thomas Compan Mevers. Elmer B Compan McLaughlin. John Compan Moeller, Joseph J Compan Moran. Thomas P Compan Markovioh. John C Compan McGuire. James L Compan Miller. Herman J Compan Matthews. Robert J Compan McAuvic, Donald E Compan Xeubrand. Frederick Compan Xachlis. Morris Compan Xiedhammer. Benson R Compan nmnger. Albert C Compan ntt. John P Compan Ovler. Xorbert L Compan Orner. Raymond R Compan Cirasky. Stanley Compan O'Kane. Edward R Compan O'Shell. Curtis Compan Penrod. Isaac R Compan Phillips. John W Compan Primus. I'aul M Compan Proff. William Compan Phillips. Charles Compan Price. Alva C Compan Pearce. James Compan Pederson. Helge Compan Peters. Rov S Compan Petrv. Albert A Compan Patterson. Samuel W Compan; Packer. Harry W Compan Reese. Rvan W Compan D Banksville. Pa 1139 Chappel Avenue D Lebanon, Pa 220 Lehman Street E Bridgeville. Pa R. F. D. Xo. 1 E Ramev. Pa. E Wilkes-Barre. Pa 199 X. Main Street E Hershev. Pa. E Pittsburgh, Pa 129 Sixth Street E Plains. Pa 17 Cook Street E Philadelphia. Pa 4715 Sarge Street E Clarks Mill. Penn. E Murdockville. Pa. E Philadelphia. Pa 2615 S. Juniper Street H Scranton. Pa 1069 Meade Avenue H Pittsburgh. Pa 2551 Church Avenue A Star Route. Oil City. Pa. E Dunmore. Pa 403 Chestnut Street H Pittsburgh. Pa 309 Southern Avenue B Philadelphia. Pa 1155 S. Sixteenth Street A Meadville. Pa 838 Water Street B Shamokin. Pa 18 X. 2nd Street B Pittsburgh. Pa 965 Berkshire Avenue B Reading. Pa 201 N. Xinth Street E Fairfield. Pa Main Street E t'niontown. Pa 18 Summit Avenue E Miners Mills. Pa 30 E. Main Street E Dunmore. Pa 527 Chestnut Street E Parsons. Pa 121 Oliver .Street E Pittsburgh. Pa 321 38th Street H Scranton. Pa 124 S. Lincoln Avenue I Pittsburgh. Pa 1340 Illinois Avenue B Etna. Pa 97 Wilson Street B Honesdale. Pa 217 Park Street B Pottsville. Pa Xew Street B Blossburg. Pa. C Ford Citv. Armstrong Co.. Pa. C Harrisburg. Pa 1602 Market Street H .\llentown. Pa 382 Auburn Street I Pittsburgh. Pa 845 Progress Street I Evans City. Pa. I Jermyn. Pa Chestnut Street I .Jermvn. Pa Lackawanna Street I Pittsburgh. Pa 1111 East Street, X. S. A Irwin. Pa. B Wa>-nesburg. Pa. . . .3065 M'ashington Street B Green\'ille. Pa 24 X. Second Street B Callerv. Pa. B Etna. Pa 23 Catherine Street B Kane. Pa 531 .Tanewa\' Street C Philadeliihia. Pa 1618 X. Second Street C Pittsburgh. Pa 177 Plvmoulh Street E Mill vale. Pa 121 Howard Street R Girardville. Pa 27 Ogden Street E Allentown. Pa 832 Green Street B Harrisburg. Pa 624 Race Street E Pittsburgh, Pa 5323 Holmes Street E Pittsburgh, Pa 5703 Rural Avenue F Altoona, Pa 909 First Avenue F Pittsburgh. Pa 3144 Chartiers Avenue F Ramey. Pa. F Jermvn. Pa Washington Avenue F X'ew Bethlehem. Pa. F Philadelphia. Pa 2020 Columbia Avenue G Iennersto\\-n. Pa. H Scranton. Pa 206 School Street H Pittsburgh. Pa 1109 Sarah Street H Scranton. Pa 508 Wales Street I Houtzdale. Pa. I Pittsburgh. Pa 2417 Carson Street. S. S. I Pittsburgh. Pa 385 Fingal Street I Pittsburgh. Pa 223 X. Fairmont Avenue I Scranton. Pa 1404 Ijinden Street B Pittsburgh. Pa 560 Winfield Street F Wilkes-Barre. Pa 306 R. Market Street F Pittsburgh. Pa 163 Mavflower Street B Pittsburgh. Pa 933 Itin Street B Pittsburgh. Pa 1002 Beaver .\venue B Gettysburg. Pa 131 E. Middle Street F Allentown. Pa 309 Boyer Street F Penn Station. Pa P. O. Box 199 F Pittsburgh. Pa 7003 Hamilton Avenue F Altoona. Pa 918 Howard Avenue B Windber. Pa R. F. D. Xo. 1 B Glassport. P.'i 731 Michigan .Avenue C Reading. Pa 422 S. Sixteenth Street C Philadelphia. Pa 1701 X. Ma.scher Street F Xew Bethlehem. Pa R. F. D. Xo. 2 F Drv Run. Pa. F Pittsburgh. Pa 361 Gross Street F Pittsburgh. Pa 904 Blackadore Avenue F Harrisburg, Pa 140 Hoerner Street F York, Pa 121 X'. Belvidere Avenue F Beaver Falls. Pa 2607 Seventh Street H Turtle Creek. Pa Monorieville Avenue B Braddock. Pa 1109 Kirkpatrick Ave.. X. 42 REPAIR UNIT 307, MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS PENNSYLVANIA — Continued Riggle. Clias. J Company B Tarentum, Pa 625 Roup Street Roach, Harry R Company B Mt. Morris. Pa R. P. D. Xo. 1 Rowland, Thomas W Company B Philadelphia, Pa 2074 Ridge Avenue Richards. Edward Company C Classport. Pa 731 Michigan Avenue Rader, Elmer G • Company F Pittsburgh, Pa 1100 East Street, N. S. Reedy. Ray B Company P Lewisburg-, Pa R. F. D. No. 3 Richards. Charles Company F Cresson. Pa. Robinson. Harrison G Company F Pittsburgh, Pa 16 Arnold Street Rosenkrans. Lynn B Company F Elbon. Pa. Rupp. Lincoln Company F Annville, Pa 15 W. Sheridan Avenue Rounds. Earl D Company H Scranton. Pa 435 Madison Avenue Rawshewsky, Isaac Company I Coal Ridge. Pa 323 MotTit Street Ivoworth. Joseph F Comi)any F Pitcairn. Pa Broadway Supplee. Harry E Company G Wilkes-Barre. Pa 261 Oarrish Street Schaefer. Walter W Company B Pittsburgh. Pa 707 E. Ohio Street. X. S. Schohe. Edward H Company B Pittsburgh, Pa 1102 Carson Street Seal, Wilfred F Company B Washington, Pa 226 N. Main Street Shaw. Howard F Company B Pittsburgh. Pa 5423 Kentucky Avenue .She id y. Edwin C Company B Werners ville. Pa. Shevlin. Harry V Company B Pittsburgh. Pa G Elliott Street Small. Byron W Company B Chambersburg. Pa R. F. D. No. 1 Speraw. Paul B Company B .\nnville. Pa 39 Railroad Street Stodart. James B Company B Madera. Pa. Sutter. William H Company B Pittsburgh, Pa 1033 Vinial Street, N. S. Scheller. Edwin J Company C Pittsburgh. Pa 637 Whittier Street Schneider. Joseph J Company F Pittsburgh. Pa 429 North Avenue Scheldt. Louis Company F Pittsburgh. Pa 2300 Carson Street Schwer. Raymond Company F Sharpsburgh. Pa 210 Seventeenth Street Scott. Thomas B Company F Pittston. Pa 187 Rock Street Sedlock. George J Company F Barnesboro. Pa. Seifried. Leo C Company F Pittsburgh. Pa 1310 Diana Street Seymore. Henry Company F Gallitzin. Pa 305 Cleveland Street Shepler. William H Company F Harrisburg. Pa 1813 North Street Shaffer. Asa C Compan.v F Confluence, Pa. Sheldon. Benjamin T Company F Inkerman. Pa 88 Main Street Showdise. .Joseph A Conipany G Silver Creek. Pa. Sirlin. Simon A Company G Millvale. Pa 217 North Avenue Smith. Millard G Company G Kennerdell. Pa. Speeler. Joseph J Company G Pittsburgh. Pa 2604 Arlington Avenue Sponsler. Philip H Company G Everett. Pa. Springer. Robert G Company G West Newton. Pa. Stewart. Royal E Company G Greenville. Pa 25 Louisa Avenue .Swanson. Theodore A Company G Elbon. Elk Co.. Pa. Syriopullos. Bill M Company G McKeesport. Pa c/o Star Restaurant Siglin. Morris E Company H Allen town. Pa 728 Chew Street Schrope. Edgar A Company 1 Hegins. Pa . Stevens. David Conipany I Pittsburgh. Pa 2444 W^adsworth Street Thurn. Walter H Company B Pitcairn. Pa. Thomas. Benjamin Company G Scranton. Pa 443 N. Decker Court Thompson. John P Company G Pittsburgh. Pa 7641 Mulford Avenue Tiernan. Thomas J Company G Altoona. Pa 1317 Seventeenth Street Trimble. Fred Company G Kane. Pa 721 Tionesta Avenue Troetschel. Walter M Company H Pittsburgh. Pa 349 Canfleld Street Telep. Stephen A Company I Mayfield. Pa Lackawanna Street Verba. John Company G Portage. Cambria Co., Pa. Vincent. George F Company H Philadelphia. Pa 1829 E. Cambria Street Wall. Arthur J Company B Pittsburgh. Pa 915 James Street Williams. Maurice Company B Scranton. Pa 740 Dix Court Williams. Palmer B Company B .Scranton. Pa 352 X. Garfield Avenue Williamson. Arthur W Company B Gallitzin. Pa 310 Forest Street Wagner. Regis W Company G Pittsburgh. Pa 7124 Upland Street Walker. George A Company G Re w City. Pa. ■Walsh. Michael A Company G Plains. Pa 61 Henry Street Walsh. Martin P Company G .Scranton. Pa 523 Luzerne Street Wehn. Arthur M Company G Tohnstown. Pa 34 Clover Street Weissert, John A Company G Mars. Penn. W^ert. Harry B Company G Dun more. Pa Ill S. Blakely Street Whalen. Joseph B Company G Pittston. Pa 400 S. Main Street Wick. James W Company G Parkers Landing. Pa. Wilson. John A Company G Etna. Pa 7 Vilsack .Street Wilson. Robert Company G Madera. Pa. Winter. Edward H Company G Carrick. Pa 2706 Church Avenue Wolfe. Joseph. Jr Company G Scranton. Pa 427 Colfax Avenue Wolfe. Herbert Company G Scranton. Pa 427 Colfax Avenue Walsh. Michael E Company 1 Jessup. Pa Clarkston -Street West Cornelius A Company I Pittsburgh. Pa 634 Rising Main Street Whalen. Edgar W Company I Inkerman. Pa 56 Main Street Wise. Walter F Company I Evans City, Pa. Yerdon. Archie I., Company G Bradford. Pa 264 Main Street Yochelowitz. Max B Company G Ashley. Pa 105 Main Street KInkand. William P Company G Pittsburgh. Pa 7520 Bennett Street TENNESSEE Bray. Vernon H Company I Tackson. Tenn 315 Long Street Savage. William T Company B Ripley. Tenn. TEXAS Towns. John A Company B Marshall. Tex 604 Poplar Street UTAH Jensen. Wilford E Company I Salt Lake Citv. Utah 140 Lucy Avenue Manea, Seth L Company B Salt Lake City. Utah. .627 W. First South St. 43 REPAIR UNIT 307, MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS VERMONT A.shton. Jlillard W Company A Franklin. Vermont. Andrus. Krnest S Company C Rutland. Vt .57 Lincoln Avenue Aseltime. Maurice A (Company H I'^nosburg- Palls. Vt. Bassett, Robert C Company A Barre. Vt 24 Jeffer.son Street Beauregard. Jerome F Company A Burling:ton, Vt \0\-> X. Winooski Street Bemis. Carl E Company A Jonesville. Vt. Benedict. Geo. H Company A Benning:ton. Vt 22 Xortli Street Bo wen. Berton E Company A Bellow Falls. Vt 56 Atkinson Street Brackett. Roger A Company A Brattleboro. Vt 1 North Street Beaupre. Raymond O Company C Burlington. Vt 12 Hickok Place Bombard, William M Company C Willi.ston. Vt. Bostwick. Frederick A Company C St. Albans. Vt 24 Edward Street Bridge. Ellis C Company C Morrisville. Vt. Budd. Arthur J Company C Knosburg Falls. Vt. Burns. Chester R Company C St. Johnsbury, Vt Bushy. George W Company C Swanton. Vt P. O. Box 532 Baird. Clyde L Company H Waitsfield. Vt. Biiodeau. Daniel R Company H Graniteville. Vt. Brackett. Grover S Company H Bellows Falls, Vt 24 Pine Street Brown. Conrad V Company H Bristol. Vt East Street Churchill. Richard W Company A Barre, Vt R. F. D. Xo. 3 Campbell. Robert .1 Company C i^nosburg Falls. Vt. Carroll. Arthur C Company C Barre. Vt 40 Beacon St., P. O. Box 205 Chamberlain, Lewis W Company C East Rvegate, Vt. Charland, Homer G Company C St. Albans, Vt 21 Hovt Street Clark, Forest P Company D Chittenden, Vt. Clark, Hugh E Company D Bennington, Vt. Clark. Earl Company I St. .Tohnsbury. Vt 50 Eastern Avenue Fredette. Eugene R Company D shelburne. Vt. Humphreys. William J Company I Burlington. Vt 375 S. Union Street LaBatt. Francis C Company C East Arlington. Vt. Landman. Casper W Company C South Londonderry, Vt. Moljean. Clifford M Company B Xewport. Vt 25 Prospect Street McDonald. Robert H Company H Barre. Vt 67 John Street Mitchell. Ray W Company H Bnosburg Falls, Vt Box 157 Nash, Lyman A Company I Jericho, Vt. I'artch, Rayniond Company P New Haven, Vt. Sheldon. Reginald H Company B West Rupert, Vt. Shores, Earl Ij Company B Essex f^enter, A't. Sisco. Carroll W Comiiany B Brandon. Vt. Smith, Casper L Company B Waitsfield. Vt. Solari, Floyd G Company B Center Rutland, Vt Box X^o. 144 Stiff. Lewis C Company B Brattleboro. Vt 60 Birge Street Seymour. Arthur .T Company P Island Pond. Vt. Shedd. Emerson W Company F Franklvn. A't. Sheldon. Henry Company P West Rupert. Vt. Shephard. Mel wood S Company F Bristol. Vt. Smith. Henry G Company G Putney. Vt. Staple ton. James H Company G Bellows Falls. Vt 45 Laurel Avenue Sullivan. Stephen E Company G St. Albans. Vt 16 Edward Street Theriault. Arthur C Company A Monlpelier. Vt 3 Franklin Street Thayer. George W Company B Waterbury, Vt. Trombley. George T Company B Shorehan, Vt R, F. D. X'o. 1 Tomasi. Frank Company G Mont pel ier. Vt 18 Main Street Whitcomh. Elmer T Company B Hvde Park. Vt. Wilder. Lyle J Company B Middlesex. A't R. P. D. X'o. 1 Williams. Milton B Company B Barre. A't 38 Pearl Street AVaterman. Carl D Company G Barre. A't 236 Washington Street A\'heatle\-. c.ordnn S Comjjany G Essex Junction. A't. Wheaton, Thaddeus B Company G \'ewbur\ . A't. Ward. Hector .1 Company I ^-last Arlington. A't. Wildung. Prank H Company I Richford. A't 8 Farrar Street VIRGINIA A damson. John Q fompany I Roanoke. Va 505 Fifteenth Avenue Motley, B. L Pompany I r>anville. Va 821 Paxton Avenue Swanson. Georg'e W Company O rornwall, Va Ct2 Riverside Drive WASHINGTON Adams. Prank P Company A Seattle. Washington 216 Union Street Barrette. Arthur Company I Seattle. Wash 204 X^ First Avenue Brewer. G. E Company I Seattle. Wash 2521 W. Ninth Avenue Golden. Thos. S Company A Spokane. Wa.sh 624 E. 22nd Street Hassler Herbert E Company E Cheney, Wash R. P. D. X'o. 2 LaMontague. .Tames W Company I Seattle, Wash 1908 Terry Avenue Mo ran. T^oarn M Company B Snohomish. Wash 215 Warren Street Marier. Prank J Company I Spokane. Wash 1117 E. Liberty Avenue Richards. Elmer E Company I El ma. Wash R. P. D. No. 2 Savage Roscoe E Company B Everett. Wash 2614 Hoyt Avenue Schneider. Frederick J Company I Spokane. Wash 1620 W. Sixth Avenue WEST VIRGINIA Adams, Hubert S Company C Speni'er. Roan County, W. Va. Amick. Rydle H Company C Snow Hill, W. A'a. Barnes, Jesse B Company A Holoomb. W. Va. Barnhouse. Thomas H Company B Middlebourne. Tyler Co., W. Va. Bailey. Robert A Company C Charleston. W. Va 1324 Seventh Avenue Blackburn, John "W Company C Huntingrton. W. Va 511 Third Avenue Boon, Charles W Company C Kindside. Monroe Co.. W. Va. Bowers. Roy W Company C Martinsburgr. ^'. Va R. V. D. Xo. 3 Burgress. Joseph R Company C Klk View. Kanawha Co., W. A"a. 44 REPAIR UNIT 307 AIOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS WEST VIRGINIA — Continued Burkett. William M Company Blumberg, Benj. J Company Brammer. Oliver Company Cackley. William H Company Cook, Alonzo M Company Cross, James B Company Childress, Theodore J Company Camper, Ruby K Company Dye, Cyril W Company Dotson, Harry G Company Davidson, Charles R Company Dolan, James E Company I">ougrlas, John P Company Dye, Oral W Company Dooley, Henry B Company Kye. John W Company Ewing-, W. R Company Pekiner, Harvey B Company B'ullen, Harry M Company Fleming, John C Company Gallaher, Ray M Company Gore, Jesse A Company Gates, Harry G Company Heinselman. Wm. H <'ompany Hill, Carl I Company Honaker. Chas. W Company Hockenberry, Albert L. Company .Johnson, John M Company Kimble, Elmer W Company Kramer, Willie C Company Kirby, Harry L Company Ijovenstein. Hubert S Company Lehman. Otto P Company Liggett, Joseph L Com pan Lutman. Harry E Compan Michael. Lyle Compan Moore, Alva Compan JMoore, William L Compan Morgan, Charles R Compan Myers, Charles A Compan McClure. Alfia M Compan: McKown. Evan Compan McCormick. William J Compan Nichols. Loyd H Compan Norman. William Compan Otey. James H Compan_ Powell. Claud W Company Pase, William I Compan Pettigrew. Harry A Compan_ Pickens, Russel H Company Ravenscroft, Ira L Company Rhodes. James L Compan Robinson, Hai-old G Compan Ryan. Clarence N Company .Saunders. Roy W Compan Sayre, Glen W Compan Sayre. Moss M Compan Seaman, Winnie Compan Searls- William Compan: Sias, Melvin Compan Siple. Oden D Compan Smith, Clarence Compan Stickel. Ralph B Compan Shaffer. Luke P Compan Steele, Willie C Compan Summerfield, Wm. P Compan Varner. Ralph C Compan Wentz. Allen B Compan Watkins. Howard A Compan Watson. Fred J Compan Wilson. Jess G Compan .317 Tennessee Avenue .R. P. D. No. 1 .R. . R. D. No. 1 D. No. 6 C Charleston. W. Va 1522 Seventh Avenue H Montgomery, W. Va. I Becklev, W. Va. C Millpoint. W. Va. 3 > Baileysville. W. Va. n Martinburg. W. Va.. E Spring Hill. W. Va. H Pratt. W. Va. A Looneville. W. Va. B St. Marvs, W. Va. D Bluefleld. W. Va .. . . D Ross Center, W. Va. D Charleston. W. Va lllfi Piedmont Road J* Looneyville, W. Va. H Kccles. W. Va. A New. W. Va. n Elk view. W. A'a D Parkersburg. W. Va . D Ronceford. W. Va. H Kearne\'sville. W. Va. n (.'oalton. W. Va. n Hinton. W. Va 116 Reservoir Street r> Buffalo, W. Va R. F. D. No. 1 E Washington. W. Va. E Charleston, W. Va lf)23 Seventh Avenue E Confidence, W. Va. H Vlartinsburg. W. Va 905 N. Queen Street E Berkeley Springs, W. Va. A Keyser, W. Va 315 N. Water Street I Barton. W. Va. E Huntington. W. Va 1917 Ninth Avenue B Elkins. W. Va 103 John Street C Helvetia. W. Va. C Wardensville. Hardy Co, W. Va. C Berkeley Springs, Morgan Co., W. Va. E Medley, W. Va, E F31m Grove, W, Va 108 Gamble Avenue E Charleston, W. Va R. P. D. No. 3, Box 35 E Grafton, W. Va 551 W. Main Street E Clendenin. W. Va P. O. Box No. 35 F Yawkey. W. Va. F Spencer. W. Va. F Whiteville. W. Va. B Pluss. Vf. Va. P Warwood, W. Va 2519 Hess Avenue F Acme, W. Va. B Ravenswood. W. Va R. F. D. No. 1 F Thomas. W. Va. F Summersville, W. Va. H Dekalb. W. Va. B Keyser. W. Va 284 S. Main Street D Wheeling. W. Va 1321 McCoUoch Street P Dunbar. W. Va. P Huntington, W. Va 625 Sixteenth Street B Clarksburg. W, Va 210 Milford Street B Sweet Springs. W. Va. B Sweet Springs. W. Va. E Parkersburg. W. Va 611 Depot Street P Chebovgan, W. Va. G Yates. W. Va. G Cass. W. Va. G Parkersburg. W, Va. G Spencer. Roane Co.. W. H Thomas. W. Va. H .\damston. W. Va. H Gatewood. "W. Va. G Clarksburg. W. Va 947 West Pike Street E Huntingdon. W. Va . . . .R. F. D. No. 2. Box 150 G New England. W. A'a R. F. D. No. 2 G Thomas. W. Va. G Ona, Cabell Co.. W. A'a. Va. .R. P. D. No. 3 R. P. D. No. 31 . .R. P. D, No. 1, Box 30 ...7020 Madison Court WISCONSIN Anderson, Arthur B Company I Bristol, Wis Dagnon, Williain A Company D Ly nxville. Wis . . . Hoffman. Gustave F Company T Racine. Wis Keleher, Daniel H Company H Lodi, Wis. Leupold. Adolph W Company H Oshkosh. Wis 620 Eleventh Street Lewis. Arthur W Company B Mnw.aukee. T\'is 1188 Haves Avenue Schmidt. Julius Company P Milwaukee. Wis 778 Grove Street DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Pekete. Andrew M Company I Washington, D. C 3732 Ranawha Street CANADA Brennan. Arthur E Company H Toronto. Canada 564 Gladstone Avenue Gay. Mansel H Company D Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. . . .298 Second Street Smith, Henry J Company B Queb.?c Can Rock Island Street SCOTLAND Stuart, Walter. Company G ("hapeltown. Banffshire. Scotland. 45 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS* 020 933 374 LIBRftRV OF CONGRESS 020 933 374 • HolUnger Corp. pH8.5 N