f PS "3503 Glass . _ Book Copyright^ I COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. Songs for Jill Seasons and Other Poems* Best wishes ol the season to each and every one i May the fairest gifts attend thee till the day of time is done. Flow thy lives as smoothly as the tide of Heavenly love, And sweetest songs be given to the King of Kings above. By Cora (K. Bass. Lowell, Mass. The Lawler Printing Company. 1901. THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Two Copies Received DEC. 28 1901 COPVRIQHT ENTRY |class CU XXc. n COPY ii — I Copyright by CORA C. BASS. 1901. 1 PREFA CE. Thanks are due to The New York Observer, Ziorfs Herald, The Stan- dard, Boston Transcript, Portland Transcript, New England Home Magazine and others. I would also take this oppo?'tunity of expressing my gratitude to the many friends who gave so kindly a welcome to my first book of poems. CORA C. BASS. CONTENTS. ■Songs For All Seasons 1 Bravely Do and Bravely Bear 1 The Waves of Chance 2 Precious Seed 3 Ours Is The Choice 3 The Sum of Life 4 Build 4 The Perfect Song- 5 Sunshine 5 "'It Is God's Way" 6 Time 6 May 7 Man and The Mist 8 The Flowers 9 Recompense 9 The Way 10 A Song- 10 The Missing Ship 11 Tranquility 12 No Duty Is Too Difficult To Do 12 "Old Year, Adieu" 13 Washing-ton 14 Comrades IS Character 16 What Is There To Be Thankful For? i7 Life's Temple 18 What Do We Owe Our Friends ? 19 Memorial Day 20 Our City 23 Night 24 Little W ide- Awake 25 Try To Help Another 26 Independence 27 Contrasted Lives. 29 The Way Will Open 29 Spring 30 CONTENTS. Victoria 31 Freedom's Son 31 Our River 33 Sunset 33 Memorial Poem 34 Blessed Was The Name She Bore 37 Content - 38 Violet 39 " Longest Lanes Must Have a Turning " 39 Is There Not Something We Can Do ? 40 Sunny Days 41 Bunker Hill 42 Doing 43 For Feeble Hands 43 Little Can't-Wait 44 Make It a Pleasure 46 If We Had Lived When First The Pilgrims Came 47 Mumma. "Ang Me 'Tocking Up 47 Our Joy Is Measured By What We Do 48 Thanksgiving 49 Transmuted 49 Christmas Gifts 49 What He Wanted 50 A Hero 51 Baby's Christmas 52 Lovely May 53 The Chimes 53 Well May I Laugh 54 Santa 's Coming 55 To-day and To-morrow 55 Commendation 55 Tried and True 57 Sunny Skies 58 Not a Day 59 Things Done 60 The Word 60 Fear Not 61 The Law Of The Present. Obey 61 Christmas Eve 62 In The Mirror 63 Living For Others 63 The Book of Time 63 CONTENTS. Who Is This So Loved Of Yore? 64 Christmas Thoughts 65 Beauty Of The Soul 66 Brighter Hours 66 W tiling To Serve 67 Banners Waving. . . : 67 Can Y.m See a Littie Face ? "68 The Baby's Palm ( 6') No Blessing Ever Comes By Chance 6') The Mayflower 70 The Best We Can 71 Something To Look Forward To 72 Christmas 72 The Brightness We Have Learned To Share 73 Ring Busy Bells 74 The River-Of-Life 76 Singing Songs For Jesus 77 Anchor Me Safe 78 Shin.- Out 78 Whatever Changes Time May Bring 79 Looking To Jesus 80 I Neither Faint Nor Fear 80 Easter-Tide 82 However High The Aim 82 He Giveth His Beloved Sleep 83 As We Are 83 Can The Willing Hands Be Weary ? 84 The Message So Sweet 85 Service 85 Risen To-day 86 Another's Place 86 The Window Of Life 88 Thou Art Mine 89 The Merry Bells 90 Follow Jesus 90 The Bright Side 91 We Shall Meet Again 92 The Empty Life 92 A Living Lord 93 •' Have Fellowship One With Another " 94 Following Jesus 94 CONTENTS. The Christian's Hope 95 Coming' Once More 95 The Present 97 Be Faithful 97 Why Will Ye Die 98 The Testing- Time 99 Light 99 If a Work is Worth the Doing 100 Take Thy Stand 102 Father, Accept Our Thanks 102 Songs for Jill Seasons, SONGS FOR ALL SEASONS. Songs for all seasons, thrice welcome, And grateful they are to the ear; The rhythmical ring - of each measure As the voice of the wood-thrush is clear. We hear the first note of the springtime, And quickly our hearts are attune With melodies pulsing around us, Till Winter, himself, is as June. Songs for all seasons, we love them, The harmonies borne on the breeze. We love the deep tones of the billows, The brisk, busy, hum of the bees. The harvesting songs they are pleasant, The scent of the harvest, how sweet! Yet never a song of the seasons With winter's own song can compete. BRAVELY DO AND BRAVELY BEAR. I will bravely do and bravely bear Whatever God may send, Well knowing He will ease my care And His true child defend. I will bravely do and bravely bear, Yea, strive to do my best, Whether the way be dark or fair, And leave to Him the rest. THE WAVES OF CHANCE, Buffeted by the waves of chance, Uncertain what to do, We sail the sea of circumstance A voyage ever new. The beacon light too often hid, On which we could rely, Can Hope betray us? God forbid ! The haven still is nigh. Buffeted by the waves of chance, Without the compass — choice, Neglecting when we should advance The one directing voice; Bewildered by the blinding spray We fail to count the cost, And court the dangers of delay When reckonings are lost. Buffeted by the waves of chance, Rejecting what is best, We scan the billows' wild expanse An eager, ceaseless quest. The faithful pilot we have missed, No fault of his, our own ; It means destruction to desist, — We battle on alone. Buffeted by the waves of chance, Not knowing where to land, We need a keen, unerring glance, A firm, a steadfast hand. The ship of life triumphant glides Past doubt's delusive reef, And joyfully at anchor rides In yon fair bay — Belief. PRECIOUS SEED, If no one planted precious seed How barren all the land would be, North and south and east and west, Never plenty, never rest ; For a harvest rich and free, Vain to plead. Be ready, all along the way, To seek the motive power of life ; Free to sow, to garner in, Love its sure reward will win. Undismayed by doubt or strife, Work away. If each man did the best he could In winter as in summer time; By pleasure's side, on sorrow's brink, His life chain forging link by link ; Easy it would be to climb, Doing good. OURS IS THE CHOICE- Most gracious choice ! What is a soul without a voice? A noble thought develops noble deeds, Words give thought freedom, words are wings, Deft carriers of mysterious things Too glorious to behold ; They bear swift witness to our needs And make the true heart bold, To mirror forth in language quaint. The image fancy cannot paint. THE SUM OF LIFE. Day by day the weeks go by, Month by month the swift years fly, Hour by hour we work, we live, Love and labor, gain and give. Taking blessings as they come, In ihe total find life's sum ; Bind as in a volume vast, Read the future by the past. Only reaching heights sublime, Willing step by step to climb ; Wealth to which a soul succeeds Is to what the present leads. BUILD, How much can we hope to win, while we merely sit and plan ? It is better far to build, just building the best we can. And pleasant it is to build though the building itself is small, Though many a builder fail and many a building fall. It is ever the willing hands are sure to accomplish most ; It is ever the truthful lips are least inclined to boast; It is ever the loving heart, is the safest heart to trust;' Let us build because we may, and not because we must. THE PERFECT SONG. Shall we not gladly sing the song A fainting heart to cheer? Although the path is dark and long Some saving help is near. There is no hill so hard to climb We may not reach the top ; It were a needless waste of time To stop. Shall we not gladly sing the song To speed men on their way, And swell the throng, the happy throng, Swift pressing on to-day ? Which would we choose, to bravely sing The while we do our best, Or to an idle fancy cling And rest? In the refrain of one sweet song Each silent voice we miss. A song to make the feeble strong, A song to breathe of bliss. The song which while robed seraphs hold All other songs above ; The perfect song, the new, the old, Of Love. SUNSHINE. There is plenty of sunshine in the world To brighten the darkest days ; Are we sailing on with our colors furled, Or spread to the cheering rays? Are we sailing on with downcast eyes, Or eyes on the gleaming goal ? Safe is the trip of the ship of the skies Though the waves of the clouds rough roll. "IT IS GOD'S WAY." Rest, kindly heart, content to say "It is God's way, His will be done." Thrice blessed thought, With bliss enwrought, For Freedom's son. Rest, kingly soul, inspired to say "It is God's way, His will be done." While nations weep And vigil keep, Thy course is run. Rest, martyr, lo! we hear thee say "It is God's way, His will be done." "Nearer to Thee," Oh, tender plea, The crown is won. TIME. When there is urgent need for haste Can we move slow? Let precious moments run to waste A chance forego? Achievement's dizzy heights alone Stand forth sublime; There is no penance to atone For loss of time. MAY, From southern climes, O swiftly wing thy way And pour thy symphonies in cadence sweet Upon the air. 'Tis done, and at thy feet Forget-me-nots soft nestle in the spray Fresh scattered by the dew-drops in their play: Ay, even over echo's proud retreat, Monadnoc, lies thy handiwork complete; All hail thee, gentle queen, — benignant May! May, brilliant May, with arbutus adorned; Fairer than life itself when hope prevails; Thy minstrels pipe in peace from yon blue pond, Where water-lilies spread their airy sails, And feathered songsters wake the wood beyond With notes more ringing sweet than nightingale's. For what is England's silver-throated bird The heart of free America to thrill; When robin's merry strain, the lark's wild trill, Fall on the fainting faith like some fond word From lips beloved, that other days have heard, — Which spurred the lagging feet to climb the hill, That ere the "sweet note" fell forgot their will And marveled — what the feeble steps deterred. Then, as on zephyr wing the summons came, It cheered the soul triumphant on its way; It fanned the "spark celestial" to a flame Which shimmered through the night's bewildered gray To glow about the One All-Blessed Name, And write in lines of gold: "Hail! Bonny May!" MAN AND THE MIST. He cannot sweep away the mist However he may toil, Content to weary years persist It would his efforts foil. There is a place of vision clear Where earth and sky are blending, Impelling- him to persevere, From height to height ascending. How good it is when man can rise Above the mist-hung valley, He must, who on his worth relies, To his own rescue rally. He murmurs not at rocks ahead But vaulting lightly o'er them, Will triumph over foemen dread Or better yet ignore them. Not seeking to the mist dispel Thus precious moments wasting, He marvels not that others fell While upward, onward, hasting. He hears the sound on ev'ry hand Of people vainly shouting, But knowing where he soon may stand Gives not a thought to doubting. He pushes on with heart athrill; Though weaker souls may taunt him, Succeed he must, succeed he will, No obstacle can daunt him. There is a place for all who climb He cannot fail to find it, The mist must veil a truth sublime For there's the sun behind it. THE FLOWERS. Weary and ill, Fair messengers and sweet They healthful thoughts and gracious hopes entreat, Fragrant out breathings from some balmy hill, Fresh from their sky-domed, leafy bowers, Thrice blessed flowers! Oppressive walls Instinctively expand. And sunny fields unfold on either hand, As singing rills repeat the blithe bird calls. We walk in breezy woodland bowers, Seeing the flowers. The burdened brain Submissive to their spell Is quick to heed the gentle tale they tell : No baby blossom ever blooms in vain. Borne from their dreamy, dewy bowers; Cherish the flowers. RECOMPENSE After the shadows, sunshine; Quiet after the pain ; Light for the mountain passes And for the desert rain. After the shadows, sunshine, After the failure, success; Never a pleasure is taken But something: is given to bless. 10 THE WAY. The way may be rough, And our footsteps may falter, Though foeman rebuff, The right cannot alter; As upward we climb Each trouble outbraving, More sweet and sublime Is the boon we are craving. The way may be long, And the day may be dreary; The world is not wrong Because we are weary. A cloud may annoy, But soon shall we read it By light of the joy And the peace that succeed it. A SONG. A song makes merry music 'mid the hills, Like laughing rills. On heaven's bright sea its echo lingers long r Love is a song. A quenchless melody given to inspire The fainting heart with bold, ambitious fire; Springing from out the life, As pain is born of strife. A sweet conception of the joy to be, Delightful, free. Gladly our lips take up the winsome strain And make the meaning of its birthright plain. 11 THE MISSING SHIP, Any news yet of the missing - ship? Any news yet? we say; A household word on every lip, The name of that ship to-day: The name of the ship who left her dock In the blush of the early morn, Has she struck, unknown, on some cruel rock With never a voice to warn? Any news yet of the missing ship? Any news yet? we cry; We speak her name with a trembling lip, To her aid we fain would fly. Adrift at mercy of wind and wave; Storm spent on a desolate shore: — May there be one guardian hand to save, 'Mid the billows rush and roar. Any news yet of the missing ship? Any news yet? we sigh; We speak her name with a timid lip, And pray for a kind reply. For life and death in a moment blend, Who ever the captain may be; We never can tell how a trip will end, When a ship puts out to sea. 12 TRANQUILITY. We well may keep a tranquil mind Whatever changes meeting - , The world is happier we find For ev'ry pleasant greeting-. How easy then to work away At each new problem set us, For even on the darkest day Some gleam of hope has met us. There is no hill so hard to climb, We may not reach the summit ; There is no task, but patience, time, Will grandly overcome it. We cannot look for light in vain, Behold it all around us; Perplexing paths shall be made plain, When victory has crowned us. NO DUTY IS TOO DIFFICULT TO DO. Attentive to the work the will requires The hand achieves the task the heart desires No duty is too difficult to do, The end in view. The end in view, if hope, or love, it be; Content, when it can set a brother free ; Or bid him move rejoicing on his way The while 'tis day. Attentive to the work the will requires, The hand perfects the task the heart desires, No duty is too difficult to do, The end in view. 13 " OLD YEAR, ADIEU." A happy measure smites the ear. It pealeth full, it pealeth clear; And at the "witching hour" of night, Awakes a rapture of delight. Across the land, across the sea, The merry strain is borne along ; While even seraphs bend the knee Before the majesty of song. Old Year — alas, we cannot stay Thy eager footsteps for a day ; Thy work is done, and thou shalt go, A rival is at hand we know. Across the land, across the sea, The merry strain is borne along; Ah! surely it is bliss to flee Upon the pinions of a song. Hark ! — clear and strong and full and free, I hear the bells saluting thee; They seem to say "Old Year, adieu" — And "halleluiah" to the New. Across the land, across the sea, The merry peal is borne along, And all the world must happy be To hear the oft-repeated song. 14 WASHINGTON. 'Twas Christmas eve, the enemy his vigilance for once relaxed ; Well might such gusts of angry sleet the keenest zeal have overtaxed. The ice thronged Deleware ran bleak, but friendly, to the distant bay, While to and fro upon his beat the sentry took his patient way. A gallant force full often tried was swiftly plying mattock, spade, While those who first should stem the tide, moved calmly forth as on parade. They met in silence, halted, marched, the merest motion a command, A raging river rolled before; the "Lion" hungered near at hand. The watchfires gleaming through the mist seemed saying: — Courage! men, good cheer. None may suppose while bright we burn, that not a soldier lingers near. The hero faced a bank of gloom, it spoke security, success. He saw the country free and felt a glow of holy hap- piness. Within the measure of a breath he saw the revolution o'er, He saw Mount Vernon smile in peace above the blue Potomac's shore. 15 But happy times were yet to come, a grim invader walked the land, Oh that he might by one dread blow bid yonder Hessian horde disband. The frost lay white upon his brow, the blizzard raved, he heeded not, No hand but God's should stand between his army and the goal it sought. And so he crossed the Delaware, a lesser man had quailed to view, He crossed it, for full well he knew how brave his men although how few. The boat was faithful to its trust, it bore him slowly, surely, o'er; And scorned to heed the groaning mass that pressed upon it more and more. So victor crowned, at early morn, through Trenton's smoke hung streets he passed, Like one, who after weary days, has caught a glimpse of home at last. He passed in triumph, passed to find, though other battles loomed before, That monarchy, could not again, in this free land her loss restore. COMRADES. Comrades, yea comrades in war and comrades in peace, Comrades when bugles were sounding a blessed re- lease; 16 Comrades when bullets were whistling and death rode in sight, Comrades 'mid battle and conquest and comrades to-night. Comrades when many a river ran red with blood, Comrades when war swept us on with the force of a flood; Comrades when charging the fortress each fain would be first; Comrades where thickest and fiercest the hissing shells burst. Comrades, even as in the great conflicts of yore, Comrades with danger behind us and danger before; Comrades when tempests of sorrow were shrouding the sky, Comrades to suffer and conquer, or suffer and die. CHARACTER. Armed with reason, braced by knowledge, Surely such a one is king; Ready in his honest manhood For whatever fate may bring. Public spirited, courageous, Gauging chances at their best; Let his character commend him, Time will gladly do the rest. 17 WHAT IS THERE TO BE THANKFUL FOR? "What is there to be thankful for?" I think I hear you say: Hope is a happy counsellor When clouds hang- dull and gray; The sky is dark, the way is long, The hours move sad and slow; A fitting time for one sweet song To set the heart aglow. A fitting time for one sweet song To echo far and wide, The sky is dark, the way is long, My strength is sorely tried. Though dark the sky and long the way, I'll keep love's armor bright. Still singing, through the night, the day, I know God's will is right. How oft the eager pulse must thrill To robin's liquid note; A merry tune, the May-buds trill 'Neath winter's shielding coat. There sounds a gracious hymn of praise From ev'ry living thing; Because the sun refuse its rays Can I refuse to sing? Can I refuse to sing when some Might find the timid strain More powerful than trump or drum, And swell the glad refrain? Lo, Christ has made me free to rise From man's forlorn estate, To look beyond the stormy skies And see the pearly gate. 18 What is there to be thankful for? A will that would obey; A soul that stands as conqueror, And this, that I may pray. Lo, Christ has made me free to rise From man's forlorn estate, I look beyond the stormy skies And see the pearly gate. LIFE'S TEMPLE. How shall we plan life's temple? With a height divine, Wherein rare workmanship and worth combine; Or low and rambling, that the prisoned soul May trace no semblance of the wondrous whole, To which its hopes so eagerly aspire? We can but fashion what we most admire. How shall we plan life's temple ? By design complete. Which on the world's highway we fain would meet; Then ere Night dons her star-encrusted veil To silent journey over hill and dale, The dream of youth, at least, may proudly stand — An ideal structure in an ideal land. How shall we build life's temple? Build it stone on stone And ever build, no part abides alone. We labor vainly if we fail to know A firm foundation though 'tis builded slow, Is built to stand, when hearts are bold to dare And bound to conquer as to do and bear. 19 WHAT DO WE OWE OUR FRIENDS? What do we owe our friends? We owe them love, not fear, Love that the closer clings when storms are near; Love that shall speak in eye, in voice, in hand, And steadfast stand. What dp we owe our friends but loyalty and trust? Forever faithful, sympathetic, just; A peerless comforter, and shield and guide, Whate'er betide. What do we owe our friends? The kinship of good deeds, A soul responsive to their deepest needs, To share life's burdens all the weary way, And watch, and pray. What do we owe our friends? The patience which forbears; And fond communion 'mid their joys, their cares; A gracious spirit firm to do its best, Nor doubt, nor rest. What do we owe our friends? Kind thoughts and pleasant cheer Born of affection tender and sincere, And ready service, the efficient seal Of earnest zeal. What do we owe our friends ? We owe them love, not fear, Love that the closer clings when storms are near, Love that shall speak in eye, in voice, in hand, And steadfast stand. 20 MEMORIAL DAY. [Dedicated to the G. A. R. Read at Hunting-ton Hall. With muffled drum, with banners furled, with mar- tial step and slow, Oh, gather by the sacred dust, the dust that lies below; Oh, gather by the sacred dust of comrades loyal, true, Wave over them thy benison, the red, the white, the blue. May this fair Union stand complete, a monument divine To those who sacrificed their lives at freedom's holy shrine; Upon each thirtieth of May with solemn tread we come, And pay them tender tribute to the throbbing of the drum. We marched with them, we fought with them, our bed the sullen sod, With not a star above us and without a hope, save God; 'Mid cannon's roar, the halt, the dash, the victory, retreat, We saw them falling 'round us as the sickle fells the wheat. Oh, dark the days that followed fast on Baltimore, Bull Run, Beneath the torrid fierceness of a blazing southern sun; 21 With Butler in his bold campaigns, with Sherman by the sea, We shoulder stood to shoulder in the battle of the free. And ever through the living past there flows a tender vein, To stir the heart and open wounds that bleed and bleed again, As tearful eyes and empty arms to death itself appealed, Alas for those who sadly knelt on Desolation's field! Oh, there are many lonely lie beneath the rev'rent blue, But they will not be missing from the final grand review; Let wives and mothers gather near, and little chil- dren weep Above the dreary pillows where the martyred heroes sleep. The martyred heroes; yonder shaft of granite guards a spot, The sepulchre of comrades that can never be forgot; While pride endures, and nations thrive, and patriots survive Must Lowell keep the mem'ry of her own great loss alive. She scatters garlands o'er her dead and softly tolls the bells, But for her martyred heroes are the precious immor- telles. 22 Oh, Ladd and Whitney, side by side, in peaceful silence rest, Among- the fairest jewels that adorn Columbia's breast. We cannot think of them as lost, for moving- on and on The soul shall rise triumphant on the resurrection morn; Upon the angel wings of prayer let thought sublime ascend Until we feel the grandeur that the dying compre- hend. With muffled drum, with banners furled, with mar- tial step and slow, Oh, gather by the sacred dust, the dust that lies below ; And mingle with the breath of flowers that sigh above the brave, The note of lamentation, like an echo from the grave. The laurel wreath, the tearful eye and Honor's fair- est crown Are drops in life's great ocean to the price that they laid down. Hush! listen to the sacred dirge, it swells, — it sobs, — it dies: Until we see them marching, inarching home beyond the skies. 23 OUR CITY. Turn backward the close written pages, Close written with deeds breathing- praise, A secret attracting- the sages, The fruitful reward of our gaze. Yes, turn back the close written pages, in gratitude seeking the clue; Be thankful to find it and wonder to such a fair record review. Her history daily unfolding, Through life of the daughter, the son, From models the moments are molding The fame of our city is won. Her rapid development shows us, the Merrimack's run to the sea Has not been more true to its mission than she to her promise will be. How patiently Labor has striven, Bespeaking the boon of success; The loom and the spindle once given Have proven as guerdons to bless. The fields boldly trodden by red men, in league with each meadow and hill, Where lingered the good Wannalancit, now answer to Industry's will. While yet a mere village came duly Determined and far seeing men, So skillfully wrought they, so truly, The present was plain to them, then. They planned with a clear sighted vision, their eyes on futurity bent, Ambitious to build to their utmost, that none might have cause to lament. 24 The hand-maiden Knowledge beside them Led Genius, twin-brother of Art; A blessing- could not be denied them, Each steadfastly doing his part. The summons of Lincoln stood honored as soon as the summons was heard, And later when Cuba was calling how many went forth at the word. Adversity's forces defying The County, the Country, the State ( >n Lowell are wise in relying Till tempests of trouble abate. Rejoice in the marvellous brightness illuming the glorious past, Prosperity's presence will grandly the scope of the future forecast. NIGHT. The mellow moonbeams glint along- the waves, Beyond the inky blur yon frowning height Full oft impresses on the tranquil deep. What eagle glances pierce the veil of gloom ! Each galaxy of light proclaims a town, Instinct with life, as childhood is with joy. Afar, like some dim phantom of the hour, A liner speeds majestic on her way; While beaconward a schooner lies at ease, A graceful shadow on a silvered sea. 25 LITTLE WIDE-AWAKE. Would j-ou see a winsome fairy with her baby eyes alight, As she wrestles with the problem: "Oh, will Santy come to-nig"ht?" Mischief beaming' in the glances where the dainty dimples hide, 'Mid a wealth of wiles bewitching at the merry Christmas tide. Twice her eager ears have heard, Sounds as if the yule log stirred; Thrice the reindeer bells have rung Since the twilight hour was young. From her rosy lips and fingers honey-sweet caresses fall, Like a tender benediction on the loving hearts of all; And with each exultant jingle from the bus}' street below Hark the joyful proclamation: — "He is coming now, I know." Singing blithely as a wren: — "Peace on earth, good will to men." Wafted on the strain so sweet, Surely earth and heaven meet. How she warms and glows and sparkles, like a precious human gem, Till she kneels beside the chimney at the setting of P. M. With her gentle face uplifted and the drooping lashes wet, Whispering the fond petition which she never can forsret: — 26 For the lonely and the sad That the morrow may be glad, And that Kris herself will bless With just one benign caress. Hurry, darling, let us go to the magic realm of sleep, It is over there, you know, we may hear a love-bird peep; Hang the stocking up in state where Saint Nicholas must see, Then away to fair dreamland on the fast express with me. Happy Little Wide-Awake, Santy comes and no mistake; But she misses half the bliss Of his pleasant smile and kiss. TRY TO HELP ANOTHER. Try to help another whether friend or foe, And the sweet soul-sunshine shall the brighter glow; Try to help another fainting by the way, Lo! the night of sorrow turneth into day. Try to help another, be he small or great, Try to help him onward ere it is too late; Try to help him onward, try to help him up, Add a heav'nly flavor to his bitter cup. 27 INDEPENDENCE. Dimly was the magnitude of the vast result foreseen When England smote America on Lexington's fair green. A just retaliation of the most unrighteous blow, The hand of the oppressor set the nation's heart aglow. There was burning indignation, it swept the out- raged land, The blood of murdered brothers grew too urgent to withstand. Responsive to the message men were quickened by the news, Confronting vital issues little need to stop and choose. The spirit of the people sympathized with those who bore The burden of the battle and the sword was sheathed no more. For how could those who suffered be content to bend the knee To tyranny? 'Twere "better far to die or to be free." A noble deed is eloquent to noble deeds inspire, With broken ranks or columns massed we meet the foeman's fire. 'Twere better far to perish than to linger here a slave, God favored independence in the leader, true, he gave. In that dread hour both sad and sweet which hal- lowed Bunker Hill, The bud of freedom flourished in an atmosphere of will, 28 As Prescott faltered step by step down yonder rugged slope, His being conquered sorrow in a sudden rush of hope. While valiantly contending for the long defended field, He felt Columbia's future to her noble sons appealed. The effort was successful in the impulse many gained, To consecrate their powers to a cause so well main- tained. As Prescott faltered step by step down yonder rug- ged slope, His being conquered sorrow in a sudden rush of hope. In place of troops and smoking spires a peaceful city stood ; No foreign forces fettered her, she wrought for human good. The vessels raining shot and shell, gave way to ships of trade; No horde, with hostile purpose, dared the busy streets invade. A whisper of its presence would united wrath awake, Beware of idle sophistries, a nation's life at stake. The nation's life at stake, one word will rouse us from our rest, The patriot stands ready to submit to sternest test. What sacrifice is too severe when danger is at hand? The hero's arm is strong to strike for home and native land. 2 C > CONTRASTED LIVES. Successful men, Woo the diffusive fire And yet feel cold. What of the homeless, then. In pitiful attire, Poor, feeble, old ? Affluence weeps, A bird the weather kills, Great souls despair. Love willing vigil keeps, Till want all feeling chills, Frozen by care. Think not to choose, Or mere convenience seek, Some faint heart cheer. Who comfort could refuse, To weary ones and weak Perishing- near? THE WAY WILL OPEN. The way will open it is true If I but do my best, I'll do the things I find to do And leave to God the rest. Although the clouds are hanging low And all the way seems dark, I'll do the very best I know : — The dove was in the ark. 30 The way will open; Soul, be strong, And rise to do thy best. The shadows cannot last for long, There's roses in the west. What matter is the tempest's rage? I've but to do my part, 'Tis love alone that can assuage The tempest of the heart. The way will open it is true I've but to do my best, I'll do the things I find to do And leave to God the rest. SPRING, Bright-eyed goddess, — witching spring, — as thy am- ber tresses glow, Kindled to immortal flame Is the breath of honor, — fame. Well may poets hymn thy praise, — fancy flutter to and fro, — To a measure full and fleet, to a measure stately, slow ; Thence with heaven for an aim. Rushing on with glad acclaim : Hearken to the strain and know, blessed Beulah here below, Wake! The living notes prolong in a symphony of song, Floating on the perfumed air In the angel arms of prayer; Welcome goddess, spring divine; beauty visions 'round thee twine; Violets and blossoms sweet Nestle fondly at thy feet. 31 VICTORIA. When have men or nations seen A life, to rival England's queen? What vital interests compressed Within its span, what truths confessed, A long, a useful, noble reign. Maidenhood and age attain A broader meaning as we view, Her record, glorious as true. Each subject, brave to do his part, Found ready welcome to her heart. She, the soldier's work well done, Proclaimed the wounded hero "Son" ; A royal soul alone reveres, Worth, where ever it appears, As light must all the brighter shine. Springing from a source divine ; Benevolence, when simply shown, Will gracefully adorn a throne: The righteous wisdom of her aim, Glorifies Victoria's name. FREEDOM'S SON, Do you love him, Freedom's son, Great, Immortal Washington? Is your raptured soul athrill, At his majesty of will? Unsubdued by doubts and fears, Proudest of all proud careers, It was his to boldly climb Till his deeds stood forth sublime. 32 Can you see him, Freedom's son, Great, immortal. Washing-ton? See the armies he has led Up and on where heroes bled? Battle's brunt, the foeman's fire, Seem but given to inspire, Well his spirit might prevail For he could not, would not fail. Can yon see him, Freedom's son, Great, immortal, Washington? Face the ice-thronged Delaware Knowing death itself is there? Hark! the rasping, sharp as steel. How it throbs along the keel; Fog-enwrapped but firm he stands With the future in his hands. Can you see him, Freedom's son, Great, immortal, Washington? Called to crown a record fair In the Presidential chair. First of many bound to own This brave people's heart a throne, On the honor roll of fame Men must ever read his name. Can you see him, Freedom's son, Great, immortal, Washington? Surely we are wreathing now, Fadeless laurel for his brow. When we meet to speak his praise, Speak the wisdom of his ways, In a nation's life we view * * * Washington, the tried, the true. 33 OUR RIVER. Our river, thine and mine; With what intrepid haste it leaps the falls Glancing', dancing - , whirling - , purling, on Over the gleaming rocks, whose falchions keen Would rend for aye the glinting canopy Which spans the flood in rainbow-tinted folds. Anon the waters lift impulsive arms Toward yonder sun through bridal veils of mist. Never is man more moved than when he stands Gauging the force Omnipotence creates. SUNSET. See the cloudlets float to rest, At the portals of the west; How they glimmer, how they glance In a merry sunset dance. Beautiful and sweet and fair. As the spirit of a prayer; With what confidence they lie On the bosom of the sky. How they crown the brow of night With a wreath of ruddy light; Fair as any flower that blows In the twilight, pink and rose. Even so our earthly way, It will not be always gray; Soon we, too, shall float to rest — Past the portals of the west. 34 MEMORIAL POEM. [Dedicated to the G. A. R. and read at Hunting-ton Hall. J Oh, peaceful are the humble graves of fallen comrades far and near, In sweet communion with the gift we gladly offer year by year To those who knelt at Freedom's shrine in all the beauteous bloom of youth, And fell, a living sacrifice, upon the altar stone of truth. Though many of our brave marines are resting in the boundless deep, No band of brothers bending near, the stars eternal vigil keep; If we can never kneel and say "A noble comrade lies below," Upon the honor roll of fame his record shall the brighter glow. Where legions of the "great unknown'' beneath the dainty lilies sleep, Let little children softly come above the sacred dust to weep ; A solemn sweetness fills the hours when thus devoted to the dead Who fearless faced the cannon's mouth and for Col- umbia fought and bled. Oh, how we love to gather here upon each thirtieth of May, And dedicate our choicest thoughts to glorify the Soldiers' Day; 35 Beyond the worth of worldly store, or empty plaudits of renown, The broken shackles of the slave are jewels in the heavenly crown. To follow Butler's bold campaigns must every loyal heart inspire, As when he woke the gallant Sixth to kindle trea- son's funeral pyre, While Ladd and Whitney doomed to fall that dismal day at Baltimore Were eager with their dying breath to hail the stars and stripes once more. Athwart the face of Memory's page we watch the busy brush of Time Indorsing each heroic deed with one decisive word — "Sublime! " The voice of victory arose amid the ardor of the strife. And the patriots — these before me, had preserved a nation's life. Consult the dreary prison pen — the wounded heroes side by side, Who in the weary march of months were sadly wish- ing they had died; And marvel not that some are bowed as with a heavy weight of years, But give to them a gracious meed, of love and grati- tude, and tears. Behold the spires of Gettysburg, the waving- wheat, the orchard fair, How calm it was until the strength of hostile forces entered there, And then the awful rush and roar of surging armies, day by day, Of Sickles in the grim retreat, and Sedgwick as he stood at bay. Oh, how the waiting North rejo'ced when Hancock's sturd}' arm prevailed. Defeated in that last dread charge the flower of the South had failed; And we have welcomed here tonight the comrades who as conquerors stood, Whose hands thenceforth were closely 'linked in one eternal brotherhood. And while they mourned the tender ties which lay unheeded mid the slain, Yet not a man would dare proclaim that such as these had died in vain. < )h, beautiful, and bright, and fair, the glorious ban- ner of the free, A peerless synonym of right, of hope, of love, of lib- erty. And never shall a fold be rent, a color fade, a star be lost, For freedom sees its azure" field with gems of precious blood embossed ; We well may hush our hearts to hear the thrilling dirges sob and die, Until they almost seem to us like angel whispers floating b}'. 37 BLESSED WAS THE NAME SHE BORE. Wake! oh, nation; wake, and sing - ! Bid the "arch of heaven" ring - ; Praise, in sweet accord, our pride — Thirty summers Neptune's bride. Kearsarge, a hymn to thee Floateth over land and sea; Hark, the chorus! hear it soar — "Blessed was the name she bore." Volumes of heroic verse Shall thy victories rehearse; Well may rhythm swiftly chime To a measure full — sublime Kearsarge, a hymn to thee Floateth over land and sea; Hark, the chorus ! hear it soar — "Blessed was the name she bore." Though Roncador — reef of woe — Like a traitor laid thee low; As Aurora cleaves the sky, Rise! the "god of storms" defy. Kearsarge, a hymn to thee Floateth over laud and sea; Hark, the chorus ! hear it soar — "Blessed was the name she bore." Swift, as light along the hill, Fly ! Columbia's bosom thrill; Crucified by flood, by fire — Come, Futurity, inspire. Kearsarge, a hymn to thee Floateth over land and sea; Hark, the chorus! hear it soar — "Blessed was the name she bore." 38 Lo ! thy ashes softly lie 'Neath a tender southern sky; Yet on honor's tide ye sail, Like a ship before the g"ale. Kearsarge, a hymn to thee Floateth over land and sea; Hark, the chorus! hear it soar- "Blessed was the name she bore. CONTENT. Is there a place in the whole, wide, world Like the beautiful vale content; The fair, white, banner of peace unfurled As our hopes in one are blent By mutual glad consent. Is there a place the foe cannot reach, Stands the dark featured King 1 subdued? Is each prayer the Spirit would teach With gracious power imbued Are the thought rifts rainbow hued? Is there a place where the weary rest Knowing how well the past was meant? In sharing the birthright of the blest, Bliss of heaven to thee is lent Beautiful vale of content. 39 VIOLET. Violet tender and sweet clasped to the bosom of earth, Lift up thy bonny blue eye, happy the day of thy birth. Thine is a glorious lot, bearing- the word of the king - , Calling the world to rejoice breathing- of beauty and spring; Violet, tender and sweet. Violet tender and sweet plucked from the bosom of earth Lift up thy bonny blue eye, happy the day of thy birth. Close in thy petals of pearl, of beautiful amethyst cling, Presh with the balm of the wood the odorous essence of spring; Violet, tender and sweet. "LONGEST LANES MUST HAVE A TURNING." Shall we dare to be despondent, though the way is rough and cold ? "Longest lanes must have a turning," is a saying never old. Who would feebly faint or falter on life's journey? Day by day Grateful sunbeams softly greet us, through the heavy mists of gray; Blessed gifts the Great All-Father sends to cheer our earthly lot, And to whisper, sweetly, fondly, that we never are forgot. 40 Ay, 'tis hard when dreary trouble comes to pierce the faithful heart, And hope spreads her airy pinions as if eager to depart; Sickness, with its hand of iron — Justice, with a frowning- face, Wilfully conspire to crush us in a cruel, stern em- brace : Shall we bow beneath the burden, though it is so hard to bear, Or arise and do 'our utmost, boldly breaking from despair? Brothers, sisters, little children, — weak with hunger, bleeding feet, — Bravely meet the dusky foemen, make the victory com- plete. Many weep o'er thy misfortunes, — courage ! yet will come a friend; Do not sink upon the highway, surely this is not the end. Let us use our best endeavor, ever seeking out the light- "Longest lanes must have a turning," — one is even now in si°fht. IS THERE NOT SOMETHING WE CAN DO? Is there not something we can do, To smooth the rugged road? Men struggle onward, death in view, Each with his own great load. 41 Men struggle onward, weak of arm, But chivalrous of soul : Where is the hand to do them harm, Or keep them from the goal. What joy to honest worth assist, To move the stumbling stone; Good vantage ground is often missed When pressing on alone. To bring a burdened brother ease, Though long the way and rough; Or bid the storm of trouble cease, We cannot do enousrh. SUNNY DAYS. Of course we value sunny days And all of nature's pleasant ways, The merry birds, the balmy sky, The happy brooklet laughing by, With the clouds come darker hours, Good for us as for the flowers. How bright the meadow after rain ; How calm the heart is after pain. We owe indeed a wondrous debt To ev'ry trouble bravely met ; A debt that no one ever pays, Our thanks are for the sunny days. 42 BUNKER HILL, From Cambridge, through the solemn moving night, With firm determination to be free, Our fathers came, that this proud shaft might be Synonymous of liberty and right. Pale moonbeams strove to cast a languid light, Upon the patriot band and that true sea, Which once was bold to brew good English tea. Scarce hidden by a mask too frail for flight, Across ''The Neck" their fearless footsteps sped. Ere morning could the sullen east assail To mingle with her coining joy and dread, The fierce redoubt and breastwork marked a trail Of glory, up the path where Honor led, Those master spirits eager to prevail. A gallant sight and noble, did it quell, The squadron swan-like sweeping- to and fro, Upon the Mystic and the Charles? oh, no! The Britons captive to the subtle spell Yet read the meaning of its signal well. When from the •' Lively" came a sudden glow, Then swift the leaden hail fell blow on blow, Gage, governor, commander, heard the knell Of that first warning boom and wounded pride Spoke in his wrathful face, his hurried gait, As gazing o'er the smoothly flowing tide He felt his Own wise plan had come too late; But on an easy conquest still relied To claim those frowning heights, the town, the state* 43 DOING. Keep doing-, always doing-, Wishing-, dreaming - , what are they? Tempters idle steps pursuing, Foemen ambushing the way. Keep doing, bravely doing, Never falter, never fail, Day by day your strength renewing, Gird your armor on, prevail ! Keep doing, wisely doing, Working- upward as you may ; Human interest accruing Will a high percentage pay. Keep doing, boldly doing, Use the talents time may lend ; Right upholding-, self reviewing, The down-trodden truth defend. Keep doing, ever doing-, Trusting, when you cannot see ; Fearing not, a tempest brewing, Knowing what the end will be. FOR FEEBLE HANDS. It is not so much what we wish that counts, As the little we really achieve ; The duty we do to-day amounts To more than we ever perceive. There are ta-ks just fitted for feeble hands, For the feeble as well as the strong ; Be bold to stand where the right demands And bound to vanquish wrong. 44 LITTLE CAN'T-WAIT. Have you met her? Little Can't-Wait, she is sweet and bright and fair, With her sunny, floating, ringlets and bewitching baby air; Just a pretty bit of mischief all impatient now to know If St. Nicholas, dear fellow, by her tiny socks will go. Quite alone on Christmas evening, she has planned it out (o hide And is bound to capture Santy, brisk and jolly from his ride. Little Can't-Wait is so winsome as she lays this clever plot, That I toss her to the ceiling and caress her on the spot. But the darling, I've a notion, like a bird upon its nest In the cosy chimney corner will glide softly off to rest; And her brown eyes will not open till the rosy morn- ing light, When she'll wake to find Kris Cringle caught her napping in the night. Have you met her? Little Can't-Wait: met the witchery of eyes Where the halo of affection in its angel beauty lies? While I toss her to the ceiling and caress her sunny hair, She is deep in speculation, seeing Santy ev'ry where. 45 Hearing of his sturdy reindeer, rapidly they speed along - , We can barely catch the echo of his merry jest and song-; Of the bountiful attractions, of the season and the night, Of the pleasures and the pastimes such as give a child delight. Little Can't-Wait as I chatter hangs enraptured on the tale, With an interest in Santy that was never known to fail. Whereupon I whisper gaily and receive a roguish glance, Here's the story Kris will tell you if you give him half a chance. "Have you heard how little Can't-Wait, just a year ago to-day. Formed a clever plan, the mischief, and when twilight softly lay Over this fair scene around us, crept into a dainty nest, In the cosy chimney corner where the evening shadows rest. There, upon the faintest jingle of my sleigh bells drawing nigh To triumphant watch my fingers pile the tiny stock- ings high; And so certain was the conquest that the elf was bound to make, I was downright sorry, darling, to the pretty picture break. 46 It was pleasant to be welcomed by a most enticing- view, Of a dainty bit of muslin and a golden lock or two. As I crept up close and closer to the crimson curtained chair, Well, a secret's none in telling, some one, slyly kissed her there. When those baby eyes were blinking in the rosy morning light, They were just too late to see me as I bounded out of sight. " Little Can't-Wait shyly dimples, firm this Christmas eve to keep, And to not be caught " a-napping," even though she is asleep. MAKE IT A PLEASURE. Make it a pleasure, the task 3 T ou would shun, Joy beyond measure will follow "well done!' There is no trouble that cannot be eased, Bliss will redouble when others are pleased. Make it a pleasure to work while you may, Time is a treasure, the crown of to-day ; Hard is the waiting with nothing to do, Stand not debating but carry things through. Make it a pleasure to help people thrive, Man may not measure, he only may strive; There is no trouble that cannot be eased, Bliss will redouble when others are pleased. 47 IF WE HAD LIVED WHEN FIRST THE PILGRIMS CAME. If we had lived, when first the Pilgrims came, Founding- on a rock their future fame; Humbly would we celebrate the day Love alone can make care free and gay. If we had lived when Freedom's cause was young, Often would the heart be sorrow wrung; Yet when war and famine thinned our ranks Find its sweetest joy in giving thanks. If we had lived, no light on either hand, Trusting, when we could not understand ; Pressed by want and danger all the way Thankful would we then have been to-day. MUMMA 'ANG ME TOCKING UP. Mumma 'ang me 'rocking up, Want a yamb, a tilver tup, 'Orse, a tart, a dum, a s'ed An a nighty, nithe and wed. Me dus awsul want a dun Bang-a-banging, dus for fun ; An a 'teamer dat will say Toot-a-toot, toot, duss iss way. Wite a 'etter, mumma dear, Wite it bid so he can hear 'Tanty Taws, be thure an 'top. Divme a whole baby s'op. 48 All de doodies, oo ull know Yarf an kie, an soot, an blow ; Want an 'oop, a joll, a s'ate, 'Ots and 'ote of sings to ate ; Tanny, 'ugar, feennts, jum Tell him dat he mustest turn. Weed it mumma. so to see If oo said it dus like me. It ull do iss time I dess, Ceps me want a pwetty dwess, Thure the 'tocking don't forget Thign with love, from 'Ittle Pet. OUR JOY IS MEASURED BY WHAT WE DO, We bring to the Lord and we call it giving, It is merely paying a debt we owe. The life we from day to day are living Is broader, deeper, than man may know. While striving to walk in the path of duty, The way may be rugged and yet be plain. A thought may be true, conceal its beauty, We bury a bliss and sigh in vain, We work for the Lord, nor faint, nor falter, However perplexing the task may be; The promise is sure, it cannot alter, There's strength and enough for you and me. Consider the song the angels were singing That first glad Christmas the world ever knew. God needs the offering men are bringing Our joy is measured by what we do. 49 THANKSGIVING. Be grateful, oh my soul, while blessings I recount, Although I may not hope to tell the full amount; Encompassed oftentimes by pain, and fear, and doubt, Whence, daily, comes the strength, I could not do without? Be grateful, oh my soul, give thanks and be at peace, The night of grief shall pass, the din of strife shall cease. As there is not one heart its secret thoughts can hide. So I am not alone whatever may betide. Be grateful, oh my soul, for gratitude is sweet, One sympathizing friend can make my joy complete. For gifts of life and love shall I not offer praise? Knowing every week has seven thanksgiving days. TRANSMUTED. Bright bloom the roses of the eventide, Roses whose parted petals never fall; Transmuted, they in living light, Vibrate responsive to the heart of man, And man to God. CHRISTMAS GIFTS. I like to watch the Christmas gifts, so gaily they go * by, To win sweet words from sweeter lips, the love light to the eve. 50 The mother's face will beam with joy, the children dance with glee, When, as the evening' closes in, we gather round the tree. I like to watch the Christmas gifts, a father's willing hands Are bearing swiftly homeward for he always under- stands Just what will give most pleasure to the hearts he longs to please, Although he may not bring them, either wealth, or power, or ease. I like to watch the Christmas gifts, they gladly troop along, The plain, the proud, the practical, a merry, motley throng. It matters not how much they cost in money, none may miss, Giving at least one person some share of Christmas bliss. WHAT HE WANTED. "Mamma dear, I am so sleepy; will good Santy truly come With a bang-er-bang, a 'teamer, and a ball, a kite, a drum ? I just awesul want a rainbow for whenever papa's late, We could wave it from the window and he would not miss the gate. 51 It is snowing', now I wonder if 1 ask Kris Kringle nice, Would he carve a baby city from a tiny bit of ice? Have a lot of 'tores, and turches, and a sun, and moon, and 'tars, With the dearest, sweetest station, for my toot-er-toot- ing cars? Hang a 'tocking over yonder; clear the corner for the toys, Then just write a line to tell him I'm the very best of boys ; And, oh mamma, when you write it, write it bid so he can hear, For he didn't see our chimney as he hurried by last year ; Oh, I should be dreadful sorry if to-night he passed again, So be careful, mamma darling, and be sure and write it | plain. Pin it close beside the mantle where he cannot fail to see, Tissmas is so long in coming to a little chap like me. " A HERO. Every man's a hero who dares And forbears. Every man 's a hero who will stand Faithful to the interests at hand. Where so e'er its starry folds we see Ours shall be the banner of the free ; Gladly, boldly, battle for the right Day follows night. 52 BABY'S CHRISTMAS. Baby's face is in a glow, Baby's eyes are bright Oh, would you the reason know? Santa comes to-night. Santa Clans of whom she's heard, Heard but never met ; Santa Claus — a magic word, With what joy beset. Baby's heart is beating fast, Beating with delight; "Here is Santa ; come at last!" Is the darling right? Papa's feet are at the door Papa's arms are wide, Precious kisses, gems galore. Sweetest gifts provide. Baby journeys off to rest. Cuddled close and warm In the arms she loves the be>t. Safe from every stoim. And she has the strangest dream Seeing Santa stand, Chirping to his reindeer team, Trophies in his hand. But the wondrous part is this: — Santa's face appears Just like one she loves to kiss, Wreathed in smiles and tears. Brightest visions come to bless Baby's waking eyes, And her very looks confess All her glad surprise. 53 LOVELY MAY. A KnNDKAU. O lovely May, throw thy soft spell On mountain proud and smiling dell, The world is kneeling at thy shrine — Fond captive of thy moods divine, — And nations rise thy charms to tell. Where could we meet thy parallel? Who would thy witching arts repel? Who dares thy choicest gifis define, O lovely May? And Nature? — Ah, she loves thee well, For Hope and Youth beside thee dwell. Thy sister months with thee combine As lesser streamlets swell the Rhine. ' T were sin against thee to rebel, O lovely May. THE CHIMES. Hark to the voice of the joyful chimes Echoing on to fairer climes, Echoing on from hill to hill ; "Peace on earth, good will, good will ! : Hark to the song of prayer, of praise, Speeding along the world's highways, Echoing on from hill to hill : "Peace on earth, good will, good will ! 54 Hark to the melody sweet and clear Swiftly borne to the eager ear ; Echoing on from hill to hill : "Peace on earth, good will, good will ! : Hark to the carol of life, of love, Wafted down from the realms above. Echoing on from hill to hill : "Peace on earth, good will, good will ! ' WELL MAY I LAUGH, Well may I laugh when the earth is aglow With bountiful gifts love alone can bestow; The manifold works from the Father's own hand, But image the wealth of Immanuel's land. Well may I laugh when the sun is so bright, The mountains and valleys are bathing in light; The breezes of summer and winter's shrill blast, All telling of greatness and glory at last. Well may I laugh from pure gladness of heart, For in this fair world even I have a part; There is not a day but what something is done, Some good is accomplished, some victory won. Well may I laugh, it is pleasant to live, To love and to labor, to gain and to give; While never a pleasure in life can compare, With pleasures eternal that all men may share. 55 SANTA'S COMING. Listen darling-, Santa 's coming, Hark the reindeer at the door Hear the carol he is humming, Sweeter, clearer, than before. Look what treasures he is bringing Dainty trifles, works of art, While the music of his singing Is as nectar to the heart. Listen, darling, Santa's coming I Hush! his feet are at the door; Hear the carol he is humming Now the busy day is o'er. Hurry, dearest, run to meet him, He must never wait outside When your merry face can greet him. Rosy cheeked and eager ej^ed. Listen, darling, Santa 's coming! He is with us, at the door; Hear the carol he is humming, Bid him welcome home once more. Throw your loving arms around him, Call him by his own true name For a daughter's love has found him Prince of Santas just the same. TODAY AND TOMORROW. Let us be brave, to-day, to-day, And ne'er content to borrow, From lovely things that blithely stray Adown a fair to-morrow. 56 To-day is ours for what we will And victory is waiting-, If we but press from hill to hill No jot of strength abating. What though these willing hands are weak, And brightest paths are dreary; The heights will not be always bleak, The feet not always weary. Let us be glad, to-day, to-day, And ne'er content to borrow, From lovely things that blithely stray Adown a fair to-morrow. COMMENDATION. Shall we stand blindly commending person or place? Wide is the margin that lies between feeling and face, Life is steadily tending to joy or despair, What for the bliss of the future, will not a soul dare? Daily we seek to move forward fast as we can Giving kind thought to the welfare of each brother man, Though the bright sunshine is hidden, clouds will uproll Bidding the glory of heaven transfigure the soul. 57 TRIED AND TRUE. Loyal freemen, tried and true, Gallantly they stand, With the sacrifice in view Battling' for our land Battling - for her highest good, Battling for her life; Even as their fathers stood Ready for the strife. Where the smoke of c nflict clung Like a dreary pall, There was work for old and young Work for one and all. Work that stirred the nation's heart For the cannon's boom Heralded the hero's part In rebellion's doom. At the front 'mid shot and shell, Marching side by side; How the dead and wounded fell, Soldiers true and tried. Fathers, brothers, husbands, sons, Harkened to one voice, Freedom, speaking through her guns. Bidding men rejoice. Listen to the widow's moan, Children, too, must weep; What to them can e'er atone For the watch they keep? 58 Far away by lonely graves Fragant lilies bloom; There our starry banner waves O'er the soldier's tomb. But the living, down the years Steadily they come, Listen to the ringing cheers, To the throbbing drum. To the dirges wailing by On the willing breeze, How they swell and sob and die, Over such as these. Clear above that martial tread, Sounds a bugle sweet, Telling how thej' fought and bled; Praising work complete. Hail ! ye comrades, honor crowned, Moving on abreast, To the final camping ground And eternal rest. SUNNY SKIES, Who would have them always so? Clouds must come and tempests blow. We would sing a doleful tune Were there not a rose in June, See the willing drops come down Chatter! patter! till the brown Barren hill tops are as bright As the stars that gem the night. 59 NOT A DAY. There is not a day, There is not an hour, But carries away Or offers us power. Which is the better The winner or loser? To fortune a debtor, Or fortune's wise user? To other men's view, Though steadily striving. How little we do Unless we are thriving. The quaint artist Time Close student of Duty, Is a master sublime In painting soul beauty. We may not improve On what he has shown us, But forward must move Or he will disown us. The higher we stand For prizes contending, The more rigid demand For delicate blending-. 60 THINGS DONE. Things done, Behind us are cast, Find one To no purpose made fast. What we cannot undo May occasion regret; Traitor or true We never forget. Things done Belong to the past, Out run By a momentum vast. It is well to recall The importance of each, Knowing they all Had lessons to teach. Things done Are easily classed, May none Ever hold us aghast. Let us blessings impart As upward we press ; Where beats the heart A foe to success ? THE WORD. A lamp unto my feet Illuming life's dull way, Though sternest tempests beat A lamp unto my feet, 61 It makes my joy complete As sunbeams crown the day A lamp unto my feet Illuming- life's dull way. The light of this great world And of the world to come ; With rays of glory pearled, The light of this great world, Love's banner fair unfurled Mid labor's busy hum, The light of this great world And of the world to come. FEAR NOT. Fear not though dangers dread assail thee Stand ever as a hero mid the fray ; Well may the skill of eye and arm avail thee To keep the foe at bay. Fear not, though dark the way and dreary, The legions of the enemy shall flee; When thou art sore oppressed and worn and weary, Thy Lord takes thought of thee. THE LAW OF THE PRESENT, OBEY. The law of the present obey, To-morrow every one knows Before we can catch it goes; Nothing compares with to-day. Strive as we may. 62 Be hopeful, and happy and brave, Whatever the moments may bring'; When given to sighing, sing, Wait not for life boat to save, Walk on the wave. CHRISTMAS EVE. Only a tiny stocking hung in the fire light warm, Only a weary pilgrim breasting the tide of the storm; Only an anxious watcher piercing the heart of the gloom ; < >nly a prayerful whisper breaking the calm of the room. Time creeps slowly forward while the swirling snow flakes fall Upon field, and hill, and highway, and night enfolds them all ; But hark ! a voice is shouting, then a welcome step draws near, And the angel: — Joy, has banished the ghosts of doubt, of fear. Only a sleep3' fairy who trembles to behold A b host of precious trophies with a wonderment un- told, But the treasure highest valued, the pure, the perfect prize Is love, the true love beaming - from her own dear father's eyes. 63 IN THE MIRROR. In the mirror what do I see? Velvety brown e3'es peeping- at me. Long silken tresses glinting like gold, Cheeks like the roses ere they unfold. Hush ! but a moment, do not say no ; Look at the elf that is charming me so. Just a wee darling who to me flies Saying: "Oh, tate me! tate or me ties. LIVING FOR OTHERS. Living for others, living for self, Good of the few or worldly pelf, Giving to all with lavish hand Of the humble gifts at our command ; Which is the best to save or share Whether the day be dark or fair: — To save or share the little we get, Though storms prevail and foes beset ? Though kingdoms fall and wars increase, The heart is filled with joy and peace, Willing to strive with word and deed To help some fainting soul succeed. THE BOOK OF TIME. The Book-of-Time, each page a year. With every word a hope or fear, Thereon impressed in lines of light Would bid us read its truths aright, 64 The Book-of-Time a volume vast, The royal record of a past Wherein a century 's a day, Before eternity's broad sway. The Book-of-Time 'tis bound in gold, This mammoth book no man can hold ; And angel fingers wield the pen That writeth of the deeds of men. The Book-of-Time transcribed shall lie As open as the fair blue sky ; Many a loving heart shall find How wise it was in being kind. WHO IS THIS SO LOVED OF YORE? Who is this so loved of yore Shyly tapping at the door? Striking off the icy chain That the earth may thrive again. Wooing violets in the dale To their faces fair unveil ; Bidding all the world rejoice In the music of her voice. See the farmer grasp the plough, 'Tis the day of sowing now ; Hark the robin's happy call Keeping house by yon gray wall ; Hear the brooklet's note of glee Dancing to the eager sea Read the message of the King In the hand of Lovely Spring. 65 CHRISTMAS THOUGHTS. Christmas thoughts how pure and sweet, Christmas joys how fair ! Oh, the mysteries, we meet, Smiles are everywhere. Gifts are found in cosy nooks Never sought before, Precious gems in toys and books Hide behind the door. Pleasant wishes finely wrought In the simplest way, Into trophies Santa brought In his magic sleigh ; Hid the tender heart expand At a treasure found, Fashioned by affection's hand And by mercy crowned. Christmas thoughts they give delight While with care we cope, Brightening the darkest night With the star of hope. ( )h, when earth friends are so dear. Earthly joys so sweet, Then indeed is heaven near, Life itself complete. Christmas thoughts what jewels rare, On the soul's white shrine; Beautiful beyond compare, Sent by Love Divine. But the greatest gift of all Comes that happy day When we hear the Saviour call : — "Trust me and obey." 66 BEAUTY OF THE SOUL. Beauty offers every day, Gifts to cheer us on our way; Blessed treasures from above Free as heaven, fair as love. Cast in beauty's purest mold All things great and good behold, Which eternally will bide, Earthly stay, Jehovah's pride. Watch the wise bird, mark the nest, Builded slow, and sure and best ; Builded low or builded high, Winds will vainly whistle by. See the wayward without care How they fickle fortune dare, Shattered homes and blighted hopes Hurl them down life's rugged slopes. Seek the promise of the hour, Nurture to its fullest flower ; As we train the vine of youth So will bloom the bud of truth. Note the lily in the shade Pining for the sunny glade ; What in all hereafter years Will avail the too late tears? BRIGHTER HOURS. Heavy though the rain drops fall And the claps ring long and loud. Brighter hours will come to all As the sunlight gilds the cloud. 67 WILLING TO SERVE. Willing to serve if serve I may, Willing- to serve mid twilight gray ; Willing- to serve with heart and hand Obeying the Divine command. Willing to serve with weary feet, Willing to serve, to serve is sweet, Willing to serve for well I know The prize my Master will bestow. BANNERS WAVING. Flags a-waving, trumpets blowing Tides of feeling, ebbing, flowing. " On to battle ! on to glory ! " Tell again the wondrous story. Patriotism brightly burning, Tempered by a wise discerning. Town and State together crying: — "On to Richmond ! time is flying!" Fateful summons, who could falter? Laying all on Freedom's altar, "Forward! March! proclaimed the nation, Why, the words were an ovation. Bugles tarnished, banners tattered, Bullet scarred and bruised and battered. Home they came with martial bearing, Home to cheer the hearts despairing; Home to children, wives and mothers, Home the living. (But the others.) On they came and eyes were tearful, Many eager, many fearful; 68 Banners waving, drums a-beating-, Happy hearts, a happy meeting. And hearts "too sad to be alive;*' Oh, thus it was in sixty-five. Flags a-waving, bugles blowing, Honor's meed to worth bestowing. Laurel wreathes and roses blending, With the lily's breath ascending; Offer tribute true and tender, Tribute to each brave defender For his country's future caring, Firm! heroic! noble! daring! Soldiers, sailors, freemen listen Till thy cheeks with feeling glisten; By the banner waving o'er thee, Must Columbia adore thee. CAN YOU SEE A LITTLE FACE? Can you see a little face, Just the type of witching grace, As a darling clasps your knee With a gesture honey sweet, Lisping love in dimpled glee Till the sum of life's complete? Is she happy as a lark From the rosy dawn till dark? And when twilight folds the world Close within her calm embrace, Is the night with gladness pearled By the light of that dear face? 69 Does she whisper, as her eyes Bid the drowsy curtains rise : "Wake me sure, to Santa see" And ; [a shy aside is this, ] "I'll be truly dood, if he, Lets me give him just a kiss. " Do the dimpled fingers cling, Close and closer while you sing Praises to the Savior's name? Telling of the happy hour When a precious gift he came, Prince of love, and peace and power, THE BABY'S PALM. A work of art is the baby's arm And fairer yet is the shell-pink palm; But beautiful truth no honest toil, Can ever that dainty surface soil : Each cross it carries, each blow for right, Will serve to make it, and keep it, white. NO BLESSING EVER COMES BY CHANCE. No blessing ever comes by chance, No work is ever quite in vain; The keenest effort must enhance The value of the prize we gain. A kindly act more than we think May serve to brighten trouble's brink; A gentle word in sorrow's ear, Is strong the fainting heart to cheer. 70 THE MAYFLOWER. [1620.] Happ3% thrice happy, the Puritan maid Leaving the fort and the grim palisade; Leaving the bay where the good ship was fast To find, her head bending low to the blast, Just a pink and white hood In the wind-driven wood. Then smiling and blushing With eagerness flushing, So swiftly she hurried Young Robin was flurried And as he his pinions to Boreas tossed, The dear little pink-hooded stranger was lost. Sadder but wiser our Puritan maid Quickly her footsteps, impetuous, staid Scarce had she lost it, another was seen Looking its best in a garment of green, With a pink and white hood; For a moment she stood With heart lighter beating, At such a sweet meeting. As kneeling she found it Where Nature had gowned it What visions of promise marched up the bleak slope, To crown that May blossom, the blossom of hope. 71 THE BEST WE CAN. When things don't go to please vis Is it wisdom to despair? With a friend at hand who sees us, And will make the shadows fair? Shall we let our courage falter, Fail to sympathize with man? Fortune's ways are bound to alter If we do the best we can. The light is often hidden Yet our feet are safely shod, While we do as we are bidden Putting perfect trust in God. He will lead His children ever, As he has since time began, And will strengthen each endeavor, When we do the best we can. The rugged way, but certain, Is a blissful way to tread; Care is ready like a curtain, To obstruct the path ahead. Clouds will come, no use repining - . Yonder trial, joy outran, Brightly still the sun is shining, We must do the best we can. If things don't go to please us There is little need to fret, Shall a trifle more to tease us, Make us gratitude forget? Needless then to stand debating; Love will any chasm span; Winning is a way of stating: — "We have done the best we can." SOMETHING TO LOOK FORWARD TO. Something- to look forward to, the healthful soul de- mands, The world stands ready to provide good work for willing hands, Not only is there room for those most competent to climb, But ev'ry man to-day may claim some gift from busy Time. Something to look forward to, some duty noblj 7 done, Some little helpful deed to mark the path from sun to sun ; We cannot fear to freely face each mile stone that we meet, When loving actions daily tend to make our lives com- plete. Something to look forward to, our dearest claims allowed, Though trouble frowns upon the way, we look be- yond the cloud ; As rainbow brightness has the power to darker shades subdue, The light shall surely shine for those who will the right pursue. CHRISTMAS. Christmas is here and joy is ours, Christmas, the time of songs and flowers, Flowers of kindness, songs of cheer, The gala season of all the year. 73 Christmas is here and e3 r es are bright. Homes are happy, and hearts are light, Hands are open and man is blest, This golden season of sweet unrest. Christmas is here and "peace — good will! Echoes along from hill to hill ; Gifts are read}' and hope is strong, This grateful season of joy and song. THE BRIGHTNESS WE HAVE LEARNED TO SHARE. Divide a blessing and behold Its worth increased a hundred fold, A kindly deed, a word of cheer, Will scatter sunshine far and near. By telling only what is good, Truth cannot be misunderstood ; The brightness we have learned to share May make the darkest pathway fair. Glad tidings of whatever kind The closer human friendships bind; An echo of a joyful song A hundred eager lips prolong. Intent to honor's rights maintain, No upward effort is in vain ; It is not sacrifice to give The happiness that helps men live. 74 RING BUSY BELLS, Ring- busy bells, across the night, Ring in the tender morning light ; Let merry measures wake the noon And sunset echo back the tune. Ambitious who shall lead the van Of quick rejoicing, boy and man, And maid and matron mingle tears With joyful chimes and ringing cheers. Remember Concord, Bunker Hill, They bid the pulses leap and thrill And still athwart the storied past The present has new meaning cast. 'Tis midnight and the solemn hush Is shattered by a sudden gush, A swaying turbulence of sound That on the startled ear rebounds. Ring-, happ3 7 bells, for as you ring- Sweet memories about you cling ; Again we independent stand, Deliverers of this dear land. The signal boom triumphant comes 'Mid clashing bells and throbbing drums, As eager bon-fires naming high Imprint their glory on the sky. We hear the words of Washington, We praise his work and cry "Well done!' And when we closer look we see Our pride, the father of the free. 75 While briefly glancing down the years Behold a host of grand careers. They gave us knowledge, virtue, land And arts which every year expand. We honor Ldncoln, steadfast, true, Type of what one good man can do ; He loosed the shackels of the slave: Preserve the liberty he gave. The grim destruction of the Maine Was not a source of grief in vain. The sadness of her loss was meant To bring to Cuba's heart content. O'er restless miles of ocean vast Columbia's brave sons have passed, Till other nations love to view Our flag, the red, the white, the blue. Philippines, to patriot eyes, A trust, but never more a prize ; McKinley's noble work shall live : We fight, we conquer, we forgive. To crown a stricken race's release, Welcome the blessed boon of peace. Whatever gifts our homes may bless, May we no distant homes oppress. 76 THE RIVER-OF-LIFE. The river-of-life must smoothly flow, By the hills of hope, its breast aglow With the cheering light that softly streams, From golden heights in the land of dreams. The river-of-life will gently glide On its ceaseless mission far and wide, Its forceful current so true and deep It will not pause at the vale-of-sleep. The river-of-life runs gaily down By the shining gates of pleasure-town And carries our truant thoughts away On the moment-freighted boat: — To-day. The river-of-life, how fair it lies, On the soul's white map before our ejcs ; It ripples on from the land we see Into the beautiful land To-Be. Singing Songs for 3esu$. Singing songs for iilesus, singing while me mnv, Singing in the darkness, singing in tlje d