<3. ' o " " <9 'Vj y>^^ ^. >• * I': %^^ .0. I was ill Ihr Spin'/: on the Lord's Uaf, and lieard behind me a great voice as of a t mm pet, Sajing, I am j^lpha and Oaiega^ the flr-^t and the last. Rev. 1 : 10, 11. Copyrighted, 1880, By Mrs. E. H. Scheuck. Standard I'rint, nridijcj-ort, Cor. '^ <» LORD'S Day. / — y (^^-^\ By Mrs, E, H, Schenck, -<>, Tf tliou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath, fi-oin doiiiii' thy pleasure on my holy day ; and call the Sal)batli a deliglit, the holy of the Lord, honor- able ; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine oivn words : ^ Then shalt tiiou delight thyself in the Lord ; and I will eause thee to I'ide upon tlie high ])laces of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob, my father: for I the Lord hath spoken it. IsAiAii, 58: 1))-14. BuiixiKroRT, Conn. "^X :lit,* All the world shut out from sight, God aud angels drawing near, Calming every doubt and fear. In the gloom and chill of night Blooms the lily pure and white ; Silent stars perform His will ; Ocean speaks, the ^^ Peace be still f^'' Day of days ! forever })lest, lype of our eternal rest, f When life's toils shall all be o'er. Grief and deatli to know no more. * Ps. 42 :8 f Hel). 4:11. 16 God, Creator, Father, King, Worship, praise to thee we bring, Who on Sinai's height of old. Didst Redemption's scheme unfold. * Praise we Thee, Our Heaven-born ■ Prince, Who On Eastei ' Morn long since, All the eighth day's types fulfillec 7 God on Sinai's height had willed. t Holy Spirit, Heavenly Guide, Honoi', Praise with thee abide. Who to-day Heaven's gifts restored. In cloven tongues of fire ontponred. i * Exodus 31 :18. t Liviticus 23:10-14, and Numbers 28:26 St. John 20:1-19 26. S Liviticus 23:15-16, and Acts 2. 17 Triune Grod ! all praise to Tliee ! Holy, Holy, Trinity! =•== Saints on earth and Heaven adore, Laud and praise Tbee evermore ! o E. H. SciIENCK. * St. Jolin 5:7. C 32 89 MMiiiMllkl^HliiiMlHHIMi I II aaaiiMaimMi tHHmiMm ^^•^'\ ^^^-^ /\ \^.- /\ ^^'' /■% \1 <^^^ .^ j5^^ <*. ■^^ Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process ■ *■, Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide ^ • Treatment Date: Oct. 2009 *» ► r% i- -r- 4 o >. o'^'^si^^a • Treatment Date: Oct. 2009 ^j,^^ 0- -> %3;- ^o -^5* ^ PreservationTechnologies Qk aV »*'1tL''»' '*C> \^ **•<»* t* 4O A WORLD LEADER IN COLLECTIONS PRESERVATIOH * *■ ft 6^x5 " "^j. A*^" 111 Thomson Park Drive .c'' «*,3i^V -^ .■^ ^i^VMA^o "^Ir ^V CranberryTownship, PA 16066