Class Book Author Title Imprint ' .•I i -'■■V ■, I ' I ■ ■ ; — Guide Book TO THE Tiled Pavement IN THE Capitol of Pen nsy lvania .' : ■ •'■■ Guide Book TO The Tiled Pavement IN THE Capitol of Pennsylvania BY Henry C. Mercer. Each mosaic in the pavement is numbered with a number stamped upon one of the square red background tiles close to the bottom sides or top of the mosaic. And each picture in this Guide Book is num- bered to correspond with the number of the mosaic it illustrates. The numbers are not set in numerical sequence. To find the description of a given mosaic in the Guide Book first observe its stamped number on the pavement then turn to the page indicated for this number in the numerical reference list of the mosaics on pages i and 2. A number of the mosaics have been repeatedly duplicated. A few have been numbered by mistake with numbers duplicated on other mosaics, or by numbers stamped within the limits of the mosaics themselves. These can be identified by their illustrations. Several mosaics whose numbers may or may not appear have been concealed under candelabra and other objects. Notice. The sequence of the ■ pictures in the Guide Book follows the chronological sequence of the mosaics on the pavement. In order to follow the mosaics in chronological sequence, ap- proach the Capitol in front, and enter it, not at the main middle doorway, but at the left wing entrance. Follow the mosaics across the areas of pavement by way of this entrance proceeding inwards and from left to right. The words right and left applied to aieas of pavement in this Guide Book refer in direction to corridors, lobbies and vestibules situated to the right or left hand of an individual entering the Capitol by the main (middle) front entrance. Price 25 Cents. Preface. The pavement, intended to contrast in its rough texture aud dominant red color with the smooth white marble walls of the Cap- itol, consists of upwards of four hundred plaques or mosaics, made of colored burned clay, set irregularly without borderings, against a background of small hand-made and widely-jointed red tiles. The patterns are made of large clay units, the outlines of which often help to delineate the design, as in the case of stained glass windows where pieces of glass, of varying size and shape, are set together with bands of lead, just as these units are set together with rather broad joints of cement. Varying considerably in size, but generally not more than five feet in diameter, or gauged so as to focus the human eye at a distance of five or six feet, the mosaics may stand for mere patches of har- monious color to the individual who rapidly walks across them, while it is only to him who pauses and studies them carefully that their full significance gradually appears. What the observer sees is less a picture than a decoration. The drawing is simplified so as to satisfy the clay process. The colors of men, animals and objects are fantastic and not realistic. The skies may be red, the water black, the trees yellow. Yet, though the result may please the eye and adorn the floor, the mosaics are intended to be not only thus decorative, but significant, reasonably expressing, within the limits of the craft which produced them, facts and events in the history of Pennsylvania and the life of its inhabitants. Beginning at the north (left) vestibule with the Indian making fire, chipping arrow heads, paddling his boat, smoking tobacco, culti- vating Indian corn, with typical inscriptions from his rock carvings and examples of his implements in stone, we pass to the European colonists felling the forest and building the log cabin, spinning, weav- ing, and cooking in the open fire, and to thoughts of the mining of coal, iron and petroleum. Thence, by way of great resultant develop- ments in the form of blast furnaces, oil wells, locomotive engines, manufactures, and the manipulation of iron, we reach the symbols of today in the telegraph, trolley and automobile. To preserve contin- ually the memory of the forest from which the State takes its name, the leaves of trees and the forms of reptiles, birds and animals fre- quently appear. Historical events are not omitted, but take a minor place. It is the life of the people that is sought to be expressed; the building of a commonwealth economically great, by the individual work of thousands of hands, rather than by wars and legislatures; the successful toil, the energy and self reliance of a number of Euro- peans, who, taking possession of a rich aud fertile region, dis- possessed a weaker race, removed an all-pervading forest, contended with the forces of nature, constructed a government, and dug up and utilized the riches of the soil, Numerical Reference List. 1 Numbers here set in numerical sequence to the left of the mosaic names, correspond with mosaic numbers stamped in the pavement. Numbers to the right of the mosaic names, refer to the pa.yes in this Guide Book containing illustrated descriptions of the mosaics per- taining to their stamped numbers. No. Name Page ! No Name Page No. 1 Oak Leaves 22 2 The Axe 23 3 Sour Gum 28 4 Log House 22 5 Felling the Forest . 23 6 Orchard Oriole ... 24 7 Red-eyed Vireo ... 24 8 Hickory 24 9 Pioneer Rifleman . . 24 10 Beaver 25 11 Shovel Plow .... 25 12 Grey Squirrel ... 24 18 Sickle 25, 94 14 Song Sparrow . . . 26 15 Hickory 27 16 Beehive 25 17 Dutch Scvthe ... 26 18 Baltimore Oriole . . 27 19 Cardinal Bird ... 26 20 Sour Gum ..... 26 21 SharpeningScythe. 27 22 Opossum 28 23 Scarlet Tanager . . 27 24 Beaver 80 25 Indian Walk .... 28 26 Blackbird 29 27 Catbird .28 28 Grey Squirrel ... 28 29 Dinner Horn .... 29 30 Sour Gum 29 31 Woodpecker .... 30 32 Hickory 29 33 Gristmill 30 34 Robin 80 35 Grey Squirrel ... 30 36 Woodpecker .... 30 37 Spinning Flax ... 31 38 Tin Lantern .... 31 39 Sour Gum 31 40 Wild Duck 31 41 Orchard Oriole . . . 32 42 Clearing the Forest 32 43 Catbird 32 44 Hawk 33 45 Klk 83 46 Chimney Swallow . 32 47 Splitting Shingles . 33 48 Woodpecker .... 34 49 Cardinal Bird ... 33 50 Vireo 34 51 Screech Owl .... 35 52 Dipping Caudles . . 34 53 Oak Leaves .... 33 54 Sugar Maple .... 35 55 The Flail 35 56 Redbud 34 57 Sour Gum 34 58 Cooking Applebutter 35 60 Stove Plate 36 61 Shovel Plow .... 86 62 Spud 36 63 Catching Terrapin . 87 64 Lard Lamp .... 37 65 Sour Gum 37 66 Wild Duck 88 67 Paring Apples ... 38 68 Open Fire Frying . 38 69 Candlestick "... 39 70 Song Sparrow ... 38 71 Carpenter's Hatchet 40 72 Husking Corn ... 40 73 Stove Plate . . . ■ • 40 74 Kingfisher 41 75 Swingling Flax . . 41 76 Mortar and Pestle . 42 77 Making Bricks ... 42 78 Wyoming Massacre 40 79 Heron 48 80 Tinder Box 39 81 Pounding Hominy . 39 Name Page 82 lluid Lamp .... 39 82 Grasshopper ... 54 83 Bear Trap 48 84 Gridiron 43 85 Quail 44 85 Skunk - . 54 86 Oak Leaves .... 3 88 Domestic Turkey . 44 89 Milking the Cow . 45 90 Washington Cross- ing the Delaware 46 91 Elk 48 92 Butterfly 44 93 Apples 79 94 House Fly 44 95 Black Bear . . . . 4(i 95 Grasshopper .... 53 96 Couestoga Wagon . 45 97 Penn's Treaty ... 42 98 Bat 42 99 Pine Cones .... 45 100 Dragon Flv .... 41 101 Wooden Plow ... 56 102 Making Farm Fence 41 103 Locust 41 105 Oysters 53 106 Cider Flagon . . . 48 107 Locomotive Engine 57 108 Flax Reel 54 109 The Spud 47 110 Cherries 45 111 Oysters 54 112 Dutch Oven .... 55 114 Flying Squirrel . . 56 115 Black Bear .... 56 116 Spinning Wool . . 48 117 Oil Well 49 118 Forging a Chain . . 48 119 Pine Cones .... 47 119% Keystone .... 51 120 Flax Brake .... 47 121 Loon 49 122 Germantown Seal . 49 123 Steel Plate .... 46 124 Oak Leaves .... 47 125 Skunk 50 126 Grapes 50 127 Liberty Bell .... 50 129 Coal Dealer's Wagou 49 130 Wild Duck .... 50 131 Coal Miner .... 49 132 Moose| 48 183 Snapping Turtle . . 59 134 Conestoga Wagon . 60 135 Bat 60 136 Churning Butter . . 57 1 37 Letitia House . . . 56 138 Woodpecker ... 57 189 Keystone 55 140 Squirrel 55 141 Barn Owl 70 142 Skunk 57 143 Sickle 60 144 Opossum 58 145 Woman Baking . . 59 146 Cherries 7 147 Man Using Frow . 59 148 Dog 58 149 Grapes 59 150 Loon 59 152 Wild Cat 66 153 House Pump ... 67 154 Chicken Cock ... 68 155 German School . . 68 156 Oysters 68 157 Loon 66 158 Keystone 66 159 Bumblebee .... 80 160 Barrack 69 101 Chickens 67 162 Moth 69 163 Shelling Corn ... Ii8 164 Type Setter .... 69 165 Porcupine 71 166 Cricket 71 167 The Pine 70 168 Skillet 71 169 Opossum .... 67 170 The Oak 72 171 Wild Duck .... 71 172 Snapping Turtle . 66 174 Cherries Ii'.» 175 House Flv . . . . 67 176 Grasshopper ... 70 177 Quail 78 178 Blast Furnace ... 71 180 Franklin's Kite . . 79 181 Wild Turkey ... SI 182 Seal of Penna. . . 72 183 Stage Coach .... 72 184 Butterflv 711 185 Death of Tammany 81 186 Snapping Turtle . 46 187 The Elm 72 188 Clover Stripper . . S2 189 Fitch's Steamboat . 78 190 The Flail 85 191 Felling the Forest . 80 192 Chimney Swallow . 71 192 Pears .' 81 193 Cherries 73 194 The Pine 79 195 Blue Jav SO 196 Oak Leaves .... SI 197 Seal of Penna. . . 70 198 Pears 79 200 Seal of Pnila. . . . s2 201 Husking Corn . . . S4 202 Crow 84 203 Shoemaker .... 84 204 House of Steel . . 88 205 Wolf 82 206 Shad 86 207 Fall of the Forest . 83 209 School In S6 210 School Out .... S3 211 Seal of Bucks Co. . 74 212 The Sower . ... 86 214 Steel Plate .... 82 215 Heckewaelder . . 54 216 Factories 88 218 Plover 85 219 Red Bird 86 220 Apples 86 222 Grapes 88 225 Seal of Penna ... 87 226 The Pine 88 227 Pears 84 231 Indian Hoeing Corn 8 237 Crow 21 240 Mask of Owl Man . 5 241 Banner Stone ... 9 242 Indian Knife ... 3 243 Ceremonial Stone . 9 244 Stone Spade .... 4 245 Indian Pipe .... 3 246 Indian Net Sinker . 4 247 Indian Spear ... 4 248 Arrowhead .... 3 249 Indian Making Fire 4 250 Making Arrowheads 251 Buttonwood .... 6 252 Black Bear .... 5 253 The Linden .... 6 254 Opossum ' r ; 255 Indian Corn .... 8 256 Rattlesnake .... 7 257 Mask Amulet ... 3 258 Sweet Gum .... 6 260 Indian Gorget . . 7 Numerical Reference List. No. 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 270 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 288 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 Name Page ' No Catalpa 7 Paddling Canoe . . 9 Indian Pipe .... 8 Grinding Corn . . (i Indian Amulet . . S Stone Axe .... 3 Arrowhead .... 7 Heckewaelder . . 10 Wolf ....... 10 Ceremonial Stone . 12 River of Fire . . . 15 Indian Gorget . . 9 Arrowhead .... 10 Indian Pipe .... 10 The Linden .... 5 Spider 13 Making Canoe . . 10 Indian Shooting . 11 Indian Smoking . 12 Indian Pipe .... 13 Arrowhead .... 13 Indian Celt .... 14 Grooved Axe ... 11 Ceremonial Stone . 12 Catalpa 11 Redbud 12 Grooved Stone Axe 10 Indian Tubular Pipe 11 The Elm 13 Pine Cones .... 14 Arrowhead .... 9 Indian Drill ... 11 Arrowhead .... 13 Arrowhead .... 14 Spearhead .... 14 Massacre of Indians 13 Indian Carving . . 20 Mason and Dixon . 87 Reaping Machine . 87 Skating 85 Declaration of In- dependence ... 88 Trotting Horse . . 90 Photographer ... 91 Fitch's Steamboat . 91 The Telephone . . 89 Buttonwood .... 89 Hoeing Corn ... 89 The Elm 87 Sweet Gum ... . 90 Seal of Phila. ... 91 Conch Horn . . . . • 88 Potter at the Wheel 88 Name Casting Iron . . Playing Marbles Sunfish Blue Jav Quail Wild Turkey Wild Cat .... Indian Brooch . Quarrying Jasper Rattlesnake . . . Primitive Smokin Basket Maker . . Wampum Belt . Tortoise Hawk or Eagle . Spider Potter Terrapin . Indian Brooch . Robin Rattlesnake . . . Indian Carvings Indian Carving . White Children . Red Fox Raccoon Rattlesnake . . . Human Head . . Indian Drawing Indian Drawing The Telegraph Bullfrog .... Indian Drawing Weasel .... Muskrat .... Locust Turtle Carapace Porcupine . . . Muskrat .... Trolley Car . . Franklin's Press Automobile . . Mole Grain F'levator Sheep Shad Coal Breaker . Pioneer Rifleman Flying Squirrel Plover Dragon Fly . . Potter Terrapin Rattlesnake . . Gasometer . . Page 52 89 85 20 15 19 15 15 16 19 gl8 20 18 19 20 17 78 22 74 22 21 19 17 16 16 IS 17 14 62 52 ](i 21 21 90 IS 62 20 17 93 92 91 94 90 90 93 91 55 92 9:5 92 93 92 93 No. MOSAIC Name Pag* 370 Muskrat 52 Rabbit Potter Terrapin Battleship . . . Shad Rattlesnake . . Anns of Peuna. Iron Miner . . Iron Miner . . Gettysburg . . North and South Well Sweep . Blue Jay . . . Stephen C. Foster Baltimore Oriole Kittens Butterfly 52 Oil Well 63 Cricket 61 Typewriter .... 64 Gettysburg .... 94 Chicken 51 Shoeing the Horse 62 Redbud (il Boy Rolling Hoop . 63 Sheep 63 Rabbit 64 Turtle Carapace . . 65 Crab 65 Fox 51 Death of Braddock 62 Weasel 52 Washington Cross- ing the Delaware . 94 Rabbit 76 Rattlesnake .... 76 Mole 77 Crab 77 Box Tortoise ... 78 Weasel 76 Indian Carving . . 77 Indian Carvings . 75 Indian Rock Carving 77 Raccoon 78 Indian Turtle ... 76 Eel 75 Bullfrog 71 Indian Panther . . 7S Grasshopper ... 76 Song Sparrow ... 75 Indian Carving . . 75 Kingfisher .... 74 Left Vestibule. 3 Arrowhead. 248. The Indian quarried jasper in the Lehigh hills at Vera Cruz, Macun- gie and Wieder's Run. At Macungie he excavat- ed pits, sometimes 19 feet deep, digging over and disturbing several acres of the earth to this depth with stone spades and pointed poles, often cracking the native rock with fire's built upon it, to obtain the raw material for the point of his all-important arrow. Indian Grooved Stone Axe. 268. The cutting edge of the 248 pebble or other hard stone, formed into the required axe shape by pecking with another stone and rubbing smooth, is necessarily dull. Hence to cut down a tree with one of these axes mounted upon a twisted withe, the In- dian first charred the lower trunk with fires built around the base of the tree. 268 Ceremonial Mask Amulet. 257. One of the masks, grotesque, frightful, diabolic, worn in ceremonies by priests of the Lenni Lenape or Del- aware Indians, is here represented from an original of wood two or three inches long, with human face carefully carved and polished, furnished with Venetian glass-bead eyes, and consequently made after contact with white men. Still pre- served in Philadelphia, the amulet was presented to the family of its present owner by Tedyuscung, the Delaware 257 chief. Oak Leaves. 86. Long lived, colossal, durable, with color-producing bark, hard wood and sawdust highly valued by the carpenter, the slow- growing oak, familiar in Europe and Asia, is unknown in Australia and tropical Africa. In various American forms, as the black, red, pin, white and swamp oak, it ennobles the forests of America in the north temperate zone. The familiar ashen-barked white oak was the frequently named land mark in old deeds. .. ;. !-■ 86 Indian Knife. 242. The mosaic shows one of the small, acutely pointed triangles of jasper or flak- able stone sharpened into chisel shape at the broad end, used by Indians unmounted for pocket knife, chisel, needle, punch and scraper. Indian Pipe. 245. Hav- ing invented the process of smok- ing crumbled tobacco leaves, alwa)^s largely mixed with osier 24-2 cornel inner bark, or bearberry leaves, or other herbs, the Indian made tobacco pipes of clay, bonfire baked, or carved from the soapstone quarried along the Delaware or Potomac, or from the celebrated red pipestone or catlinite imported from the ancient Indian quarry in Missouri. 245 Left Outer Corridor. 246 Grooved Indian Net Sinker. 246. A pebble encircled with a shallow groove, was tied by Indians to the fish net woven of cords twisted from Indian hemp (Apocynitin cannabium) and other vegetable fibre, as a sinker. Indian Making Kire. 249. Twirl the two- foot-long spindle, not twice as thick as a lead pencil (of cedar, buckeye, grease wood or slippery elm), upon the edge of the hearth stick, about a foot long or less, and two or more inches broad, (of cedar, pine, yucca or slippery elm), so that the charred dust thus frayed up by the twirling runs over the hearth's edge down a notch previously cut, upon some dry surface, and until the smoking dust pile glows with an internal spark. Then touch the em- ber with tree fungus, called punk, and blow the latter when aglow against vegetable fibre ( arbor vitce frayed and scorched, cedar, or inner birch bark) for a flame in from eight to fifty seconds. Make your first experiments in a museum with origi- nal fire sticks, tested and well dried, or your ill-chosen woods and tinder will fail you when you seek to mas- ter the primeval craft of the Lenni Lenape, Choctaw, Cherokee, Apa- che, Ute, Zuni, Shoshone, Billmla or Klamath. The fire which it takes the Aino of Japan thus an hour and a half to make, has been produced by the dexterous Pueblo in a few seconds. But when you thus twirl the potent spindle after the fashion of the Masked Priest in the Mayan Codex Trojano, get two or three friends to help 3"ou, seizing the fire stick by turns, and after throwing water on the wood, with united desperate effort, make, if you can, the sacred fire of Zuni. Indian Stone Spade. 244. Having killed and dried a number of trees by "blazing" them, so as to admit sunlight into the forest, the In- . dian corn planter scratched holes in the primeval loam, working either with sharp charred sticks, or flat stones about six inches wide and one inch thick, chipped into the form of spades as represent- ed in the mosaic. Indian Spear. 247. Certain early Spanish travelers having noted the use of spears by North American Indians, we may infer that many of the chipped stone blades longer than 'l l /2 inches, and often found 247 249 244 Left Outer Corridor. 5 277 creamy summer flowers bees, with its large heartshaped leaves and dense shade, glorifies the Pennsylvanian forest. in buried hoards of more than one hun- dred pieces, might have been gummed and lashed to the ends of poles by Indians as spears. The Linden. 277. ( Tilia ameri- cana. ) Tracing its ancestry to the fossil trees of Arctic tertiary times, the noble linden or bass wood, with its inner fibrous bark or bast fit for basket making, gave its name (line or lind for linden) to the celebrated Swedish botanist, Carl L,inne, or as Latinized, Linnaeus. The massive no- ble tree, with its ruby winter buds and beloved by 252 The Black Bear. 252. (Ursus americanus.) With dog and gun, man finds a bloody amusement in rapidly exterminating the honey- loving, ant- fish- root-eating, veg- etarian and carnivorous black bear. Glossy black, brown-cheeked, dog- fearing, harmless (unless with cubs or in self-defense), the tree-climbing, hibernating animal was reverenced, almost worshipped, yet hunted and eaten by Indians in the primeval for- est. Close kin to the brown bear of Europe, the once abundant black bear in vain retires to inaccessible places to escape the relentless and untiring hatred of his human pursuer. Mask of the Owl Man. 240. The mosaic illustrates one of the cere- monial, horrible, human masks, sym- bolizing ideas of birds, animals, reptiles, or the forces of nature, .worn by Indian Priests and sometimes described by travelers, but rarely found by archaeolo- gists, as recently were many such in the wood-preserving mud of an East Florida swamp. The miniature wooden origi- nal, about three inches long, well 240 carved and polished, with convex silver discs for eyes, was given to the family of its possessor by Tedyuscung, the Eenni Lenape Chief. TheOpossum. 254. {Didelpliys virginiana.) Sluggish, easily caught, persimmo n-loving, prehensile-tailed, death-counterfeiting, related to the mar- supial kangaroo of Australia, prolific, and carrying its four to twelve young in a. breast pouch, the opossum, defying ex- termination by man, and hurting his human enemy by blood-sucking the lat- ter's table chickens, is here represented as climbing through the branches of a tree. 254 Left Outer Corridor. 253 Xhe Linden. 253. ( Tilia ameri- caua.) Tracing its ancestry to the fossil trees of Arctic tertiary times, the noble linden or basswood with its inner fibrous bark or bast fit for basket making, gave its name (line or liud for linden) to the celebrated Swedish botanist, Carl Linne, or as Latinized, Linnaeus. The massive noble tree, with its ruby winter buds and creamy summer flowers beloved by bees, with its large heartshaped leaves and dense shade, glorifies the Pennsylvanian forest. Indian Making Spear Blades. 250. After the manner of most primitive peoples in the Stone Age, the Indian begins to make the stone blade by chipping a flakable mass of natural jasper as only he can chip it, into a leaf -shaped pattern, by means of hammering with a quartzite pebble. Seated near one of the nat- ural outcrops of jasper in the Lehigh hills, the master craftsman, whether Delaware, Nanticoke, Iroquois or Sus- quehannock, until about the year 1G50, with a skill never equaled by civilized peoples, made blades large or small, thin or thick, for use as arrow points, spearheads, knives, scrapers or perforators. 250 Sweet Gum. 258. {Liquidambar styracifln.a.') The lofty, erect, sweet gum, with its burrlike, brown winter fruit, winglets of corky bark skewered through its branchlets like the scales of an alligator, called liquid-ambar and alligator wood, is not so resinous as its Asiatic cousins producing the storax gum. With its five- pointed leaves of unsurpassable beauty, it outvies the foliage of maple trees in the flaming glory of its autumn color. 258 Button wood. 251. {Platanus occi- dentalis. ) The huge sycamore tree, seventy to one hundred feet high, with conspic- uous scaly bark, is decorated over win- ter with brown button-shaped fruit. Massive limbed, with open shade, early bared in autumn, and with scaly bark glittering white green and gray along the river, the tree was the farmer's choice of old to shade the spring house. Indian Grinding Corn. 266. In a stone dish hollowed by pecking with another stone, by means of the precious and laboriously made slim stone cylinder, the pestle, the Indian woman pulverized grains of maize, dry or fire parched, into a meal, mixable 251 with mashed boiled pumpkins, beans or chestnuts, and baked, with dried venison or huckleberries, on a hot Left Outer Corridor. 269 stone, or in oak bark embers, thus origin- ating the " johnny," "hoe" and "ash" cake of the imitative Virginia negro. Arrowhead. 269. Although the irregular and eccen- tric unchipped stone flakes of the Easter Islanders and pre- historic Japanese were not known in 266 America, there was a great variety of f o r m in the points of Indian arrows, chief of which may be noted the barbed, as here shown, for lacerating a wound, and the unbarbed which would pull out easily. Cherries. 146. {Cerasus.) Rival of the strawberry, beloved of boys and birds, associated with the flavor of cherry bounce and pie, the delicious European fruit, in its best known forms of pie, ox- heart, or black cherry, when freshly im- ported, and grown by the log cabin of the pioneer, may have been seen by the Indian before his expiilsion from Penn- sylvania. 146 The Pennsylvanian must thank the horticulture of his European ancestors for this fair fruit of early summer, brought to Europe by Lucullus the Roman epicure, from Cerasus of Asiatic Pontus. Cultivated for centuries in France England and Germany, the cherry tree, if in Pennsylvania degen- erating in fruit, has not failed in the magnificence of its white bloom, which, gladdening the roadsides when the meadow lark sings his spring song, only yields to those blossoms which the Japa- nese wonder at on April seventh. Indian Picture of the Rat« 256 tlesnake. 256 only but throughout the world, the serpent, hated, worshipped and feared, pervades in thought and shape the religious symbolism of primitive peoples. Here, it is the malignant head with open jaws, surrounded by a scaled coil of the deadly rattlesnake ( Crotalus horri- drts), as scratched by a mound-building Indian upon a breast plate of shell, that the mosaic reproduces. Not in America 260 Indian Gorget. 260. One of the thin tablets of slate or shale, generally smooth and oblong, perforated with two holes, frequently found at Indian village sites, and in mounds; or when in graves, generally near the breast of the skeleton, and called gorgets, though the early travelers do not describe them in use. Catalpa. 263. {Catalpa catalpa.) Native of the warmer forests of the Gulf vStates, transplanted from the South to the Penn- sylvanian woods, the large-leaved, heavily white-flowered candle tree, Left Outer Corridor; 263 or Indian bean, or catalpa, as the Cherokees called it, has escaped from cultivation in the North, to scatter its winged seeds and shine with its white and purple-tinted flowers in shady woods and along the banks of streams. Indian Corn. 255. Cultivated universally in the New World, pro- tected from winter death by continual care, cooked by the Indians in many prehistoric ways not yet imitated, propagated far north of its Mexican birthplace, the world-wide, the prolific and super-nourishing maize {Zea mays) the beautiful, or Indian corn, achieves a popularity as great in the eyes of civilized as of savage man. Civilization may not thank the Indian for his great gift, but the discoverers brought maize in triumph to Spain , and because no European carved or painted design shows the plant before Columbus, be- cause literature fails to mention it, this so-called gukurutz of Turkey, the grano turko of Italy, masking its American origin in Oriental names, testifies to the agriculture of the Indian. As excessively eaten by man in I,ombardy (under the familiar name of polenta) and cause of the disease called pelegra, waving its green fronds in Turkey, gladdening the plains of Asia and the clearings of the Congo, whether indigenous to darkest Africa or not, the plant may justly be regarded as one of the Indian's greatest gifts to the civilized world. 255 Indian Pipe. 265. The mo- saic shows a remarkably worked black stone nearly a foot long, carved by Indians with immense pains for use as a tobacco pipe. The specimen, suggesting in form the tail of an eel, belongs to the large class of pre- columbian Indian or Mound Builder pipes of clay or carved stone, made in animal and grotesque patterns or as straight tubes, and illustrating the origin of the now widespread habit of tobacco smoking by man. This class of pipes is easily distinguished from another class of small well burned clay pipes, often of Dutch make, and often found at Indian village sites, sold by Europeans (by about 1650) to the Indians, after the former had learned from the latter how to smoke tobacco and make pipes. 265 Indian Amulet. 267. Stones three or four inches long, carved into highly con- ventionalized forms of fP® 267 231 animals, reptiles, or very frequently birds, though not noticed in native use by early travelers, are continually found in Indian mounds and at village sites and called amulets for want of a better name. Indian Hoeing: Corn. 231. Sparsely grown or still barren and forest encompassed areas, called by farmers "Indian fields" in Pennsylvania, and still existing in original timber land, probably show aboriginal "clear- Left Outer Corridor. 293 ings," where having destroyed trees by blazing, and hacked them down with stone axes after charring the trunks, the Indians planted corn. The mosaic shows an Indian woman digging around the growing maize plant with an unhafted stone hoe. Arrowhead. 293* These stone points for the wooden shafts of the Indian's arrows, have been found in Pennsylvania almost everywhere, and con- stitute the chief relics of the stone age. 243 Indian Ceremonial Stone. 243. Carved by Indians at immense pains by means of pecking, sand rubbing and polishing, and perfor- ated with hollow reed drill and wet sand. A mul- titude of little stones, three or four inches long like this, found in ancient mounds and village sites, having been unnoticed and unexplained by early missionaries and travelers who might have observed them in use by the Indians, have been ignorantly called "ceremonial" stones by the modern archaeologist. Indian Paddling- Canoe. 264. With skillful twisting stroke of the wooden paddle, the Indian propels his light, keelless, nail and pegless, equi-ended boat, made of large strips of the wonderful bark of the paper birch tree, {Betula papyri/era), sewn upon a wooden frame with root fibre threads, and gummed together. The Banner Stone. 241. Found in Indian village sites, graves and mounds, from three to sixincheslong, transversely pierced, and worked by pecking, grinding and rubbing into two wing like projections, the mysterious stone here represented, be- longs to a type of relics of the vanished Indian and Mound Builder, frequently found, but not having been explained by observation of the early travelers, called Banner Stone for want of a better name. 264 241 Indian Ceremonial Gorget. 274. Thin tablet of shale or slate, generally perfora- ted with two or more holes for suspension. Sometimes notched up- on the edges but very rare- 274 ly decorated. Frequently found in Pennsylvania at the sites of Indian villages, or when at Indian graves, close to the breast of the skeleton. The Len- ape Stone found in Bucks County, inscribed with a rude picture rep- resenting the sun, moon, stars and lightning, and a conflict between Indians and the extinct hairy mam- moth ( Elephas primigen his ) , elab- orately carved on its reverse with symbolic figures, inadequately studied or ignored by archaeologists, outvies in archaeological interest all such stones pre viously found. 271 10 Left Outer Corridor. /Wolfl 271. {Cams occidental! s.) Hunting in winter packs, run- ning down foxes and smaller animals, or destroying the larger disabled elk or moose, howling, burrowing, always hungry, tamed by savages, and part ancestor of the friendly dog, the American gray wolf, de- vourer of sick bison and bison calves and do- mestic cattle, has been more easily driven off and exterminated than his fierce cousin of northern Europe. 289 Indian Grooved Stone Axe. 289. The stone axes of prehistoric Europe were perforated for the insertion of handles. A few grooved hammers or axes of stone have been found in Italy, and they occur in Aus- tralia, but the American Indian seems peculiar in having universally made these implements and mounted them by binding with rawhide thongs, handles of wyths, or doubled or perfor- ated sticks, around and about the grooves worked upon the stone. 276 Indian Pipe. 276. The mosaic shows a remarkably worked black stone carved by In- dians with much pains for use as a tobacco pipe. The specimen belongs to the large class of precolumbian Indian or Mound Builder pipes of clay or carved stone, made sometimes in animal and grotesque patterns, or as straight tubes, and illustrates the origin of the now widespread habit of tobacco smoking by man. This class of pipes is easily distinguished from an- other class of small well burned clay pipes, often of Dutch make, and often found at Indian village sites, sold by Europeans (by about 1650) to the Indians, after the former had learned from the latter how to smoke tobacco and make pipes. Ilecltewaelder Preaching to the Indians. 270. The Moravian missionar}', min- ister of Christ's peace and brothei'hood among Indians, venerable, noble, beloved, up- holding a friendship for the red man equal to that proclaimed by Penn, but which long out- lived the latter's transmutation into race hatred among the rul- ing colonists, here preaches to the Lenape, after a common fashion, standing upon a stump in the partly cleared woods. Arrowhead. 275. The Indians sometimes pounded malleable native copper into arrowheads, but otherwise ignor- ant of metal working, they, like most primitive peoples, chipped flakable stones to suit their The gunflint makers 270 275 purpose of the last century, until recently surviving at Brand on in Sussex in England, working the flint with iron hammers, illustrate in a coarse and clumsy manner, the high skill of the prehistoric blade chipper, which no modern imitator has been able to equal. Indian Making: Dugout Cance. 279. Having felled by charring and hacking its base, a tree, the Indian seated astride the log, cuts out with a grooved stone axe the charred areas of successive fires built upon the wood and restricted by the appli- Left Outer Corridor. 11 cation of water and clay, into the de- sired hollow boat. Indian 294. The Drill. mosaic shows one of the small narrow acute angled tri- angles of jasper or other flakable stone, sharpened at the broad end and anciently used by the Indians unhafted as pocket knife, needle, chisel, punch a n d scraper. 294 279 Indian Tubular Tobacco Pipe. 290. Perforate a stone six to eight inches long at immense pains, by bow drilling it from both ends with a hollow reed helped by sand and water. Enlarge the hole at one end or both. Rub round and polish the whole tube, and you produce ;is the Indian produced it, one of the earliest forms of tobacco pipes, through which as seen in prehistoric manuscripts of Yucatan, the masked Indian priest in certain ceremonies blew the smoke of odoriferous herbs to the four world quarters. Indian Shooting- with the Bow and Arrow. 280. A few primitive races of the world were probably ignorant of the bow as the great weapon of war and chase. The kneel- ing Indian propels a deadly point of chipped jasper (an arrowhead), lashed and glued to the end of a stick ( the arrow) , by the spring of a deer 290 thong or gut drawn backward from a flexible stick (the bow); thus using the greatest of all war and hunting weapons ever developed by primitive man, yet unknown to the Australians who used the boomerang instead. Grooved Indian Axe. 285. The stone axes of prehistoric Europe were per- forated for the insertion of han- dles. A few grooved hammers or axes of stone have been found in Italy and they occur in Aus- tralia, but the American Indian seems pe- c u 1 i ar in having uni- versally made these implements and mounted them by binding with rawhide thongs, handles of withes, or doubled or perforated sticks, around and about the grooves worked upon the stone. Catalpa. 288. {Catalpa catalpa.) Native of the warmer forests of the Gulf States, trans- planted from the South to the Pennsylvanian woods, the large-leaved, heavily white-flowered 28 5 candle tree, or Indian bean, or catalpa as the 280 12 Left Outer Corridor. 288 Cherokees called it, has escaped from cultivation in the North, to scatter its winged seeds and shine with its white and purple tinted flowers in shady woods and along the banks of streams. Indian Smoking Tobacco. 281. {Nicotiana tabacum.) In small doses and always combined with a large i proportion of aromatic leaves such as j those of the bearberry, or the fine dried and powdered inner bark of the osier cornel (Cornus stolon if era), or other herbs, but never pure, the Indian smoked the dried leaves of tobacco. [Nicoiiana tabacum.) If the Chinese 286 did not indirectly learn the strange art, from the Indians' immemorial practice, the latter certainly through Nicot, Haw- kins and Raleigh, taught it to Spain, France, England, Holland and Germany, and even to the conservative Moham- medan, who did not mention the practice in "The Thousand and One Nights." Indian Ceremonial Sto ne. 286. C a r v ed by Indians at immense pains by means of pecking, sand rub- bing and polishing, I and perforated with hollow reed drill and 281 wet sand. ' A multi- tude of little stones three or four inches long like this, found in ancient mounds and village sites, having been unnoticed and unexplained by early missionaries and travelers who might have observed them in use by Indians, have been ignorantly called ceremonial stones by the modern archaeologist. Redbttd. 288. (Cercis canadensis.) Where a wild van- guard of southern redbud or Judas trees grow in the Susquehanna woods, stand beneath the yet leafless boughs gleaming in crimson blossoms, and while the bees hum and the spring zephyr brings memories of the far away southern forests, forget even the snowy shad bush and the white vernal glory of the matchless dogwood. Indian Ceremonial Stone. 272. Thin tablet of shale or slate, gener- ally perforated with two or more holes for suspension, sometimes notched upon the edges, but very rarely decorated. Frequentl y found in Pennsylvania at the sites of Indian villages, or when at Indian graves, close to the breast of the skeleton. The Lenape stone found in Bucks County, inscribed with a rude picture representing the sun, moon, stars, and lightning, and a conflict between Indians and the extinct hairy mammoth {Elephas priwigenius), and elaborately „ T p carved on its reverse side with symbolic figures, in- 288 Left Outer Corridor. 13 278 Indians by 'Whites. dead, and his friendship for the Indian transmuted in- to a tide of race hatred which the pious Moravian strives in vain to stem. Then in 1763 a Scotch-Irish band of borderers known as the Paxton Boys, shocked the colony by murdering at Conestoga and in Lancaster Jail several defenseless Con- estoga Indians, Christianized by the Moravians. adequately studied or ignored by archaeologists, outvies in- archaeological interest all such stones previously found. The Spider. 278. Type of nature's mystic power, first instructor of man in weaving, aerial rope-maker, sinister, in- domitable, potent, transmitter of the primeval fire of the Cher- okee across the "World Water" on his gossamer web, the spider encircled by the lines of his masterful skein is here shown as carved by an Indian upon a brooch of shell. Massacre of Friendly 298. William Penn is long since 298 Triangular Indian Arrowhead. 283. Out of about one hundred typical forms of chipped stone arrowheads, produced by the aboriginal in- habitants of the new world from Behring Straits to Patagonia, one of the conspicuous shapes is that of the acute angled triangle, frequently found in eastern Pennsylvania and rare if not unknown to prehistoric Europe. 283 Arrowhead. 295. The Indians sometimes pounded malleable native copper into arrowheads, but otherwise ignorant of metal working, they like most primitive peoples, chipped fiakable stones to suit their purpose. 295 The Elm. 291. ( Ulmus americana. ) Less conspicuous and beloved for village shade than in New England, the American white or water elm of Pennsylvania, often vase shaped in the outline of its plumed branches, loves water courses and escapes the barbarism of Pennsylvania German village tree-topping, in moist woods. The most noted tiee of its kind in Pennsyl- vania, venerated as shading the celebrated treaty of Penn with the Indians at Ken- sington in 1082, and protected from fire- wood hunters by the British General Siui- coe's sentry in the Revolution, blew down in 1810 at an age of 283 years. Indian Pipe. 282. Having invented 291 the process of smoking crumbled tobacco i& Left Outer Corridor. 282 leaves, always largely mixed with osier cornel inner bark or bearberry leaves or other herbs, the Indian made for the purpose pipes of clay and baked them in bonfires, or pipes carved from the soapstone quarried along the Delaware or Potomac, or cut from the celebrated red pipe-stone or catlinite im- ported from the ancient Indian quarry in Missouri. Indian Celt. 284. Though the grooved stone axe of the ancient Americans is generally unknown in prehistoric Europe, the celt, a wedge- shaped stone implement six inches or more long, formed by pecking and polishing, gummed and tied transeversely or longitudinally with withe or raw hide into its handle of wood, or held loose in the human hand, was common to both hemispheres, and served the savage of ancient America or Europe as knife, scraper, chisel, wedge, hatchet, gouge, crusher and grinder. Arrowhead. 296. The ancient Egyptians and Scandinavians and the Mexicans, possessing fine grained flint or volcanic glass called obsidian, 284 were probably more skillful in the art of stone blade chipping than the northern Indians of eastern "North America, who were seen to produce their stone blades in various ways: by percussion, by flaking with pebble hammers, by leverage, or by direct pressure with deer antlers or bone points. 296 Spearhead. 297. shaped stone blades were mounted on short wooden handles as knives, and many were used un- mounted; others again, as the illustrations of early Spanish explorers show, were fastened upon the ends of poles and used as spears by Indians Many large leaf- 297 Pine Cones. 292. Represented. by about 39 related species in the United States, shallow rooted, evergreen, highly valued for its white wood distilled for turpentine and pitch, darkening the Rocky Mountain slopes or sandy seacoast, whisper- ing in varied teolian tones, and as the white pine {Finns strobns) rivalling in beauty the cedar of Lebanon or the deodar of India, the pine tree rapidly destroyed by American axe and movable saw, awaits its last chance of preserva- tion as a tree domesticated for ornament. Indian Rock Picture. 340. Man, bird or demon, made probably by Delaware, Iroquois or Susquehannock Indians, by peck- ing with sharp hard stones upon 292 the face of a large water-worn boulder known as Big Indian Rock, in niid-Susquehanna at Safe Harbor, cut near a group of thunderbirds, symbolic eagles, animals. Left Lobby. is bird tracks and a human head, on the east face of the rock. Quail. 3I9« {Ortyx virgin- ianus.) Prolific, ground-nesting, non-migratory, gathering in winter coveys, preserved by game laws, ris- ing for the sportsman with explosive whirring of wings, cheering summer with his lively " bob white " note how did the now meadow -loving quail subsist in the earlier days meadowless forests? Indian Brooch Inscribed With a Cross Symbol. 322. Whether derived from thoughts of the four points of direction, from primitive exorcisms, from the worship of reproductive forces or otherwise, the cross used as a symbolic decorative form far antedating the discovery of America by Columbus, is sometimes shown in the handiwork of the Indian. Here the mosaic reproduces the native 319 design scratched upon a shell gorget. Wild Cat. 3«i. {Lynx rufus.) Yellow- ish brown, short tailed, with hair tufts on ears, spotted with dark brown or black, scaring its prey with a wild scream, sleep- ing in hollow trees, caves or rock shelters, destroy- ing young birds ir the nest, mincing catnip, wal- lowing in strong scented herbs, stalking rabbits and grouse in the twilight of dawn or eve, unearth- ing mice or watching at 322 squirrel holes, the wild cat springs from ambush or overhead bough upon his larger prey. This relative of the domestic cat, lion, tiger, leopard, and fossil American sabre-toothed smilo- don, has been driven by his old enemy the Pennsylvanian farmer to the few remaining forest, fastnesses of the Al- leghenies. The River of Kire. 273. The iridescent scum floating on the furface of Oil Creek, long afterwards precious as petroleum, then soaked up by the savage as a lotion, is 321 here set on fire by Indians in the seventeenth century, according to an old account, in honor of a visit of Canadian Jesuit priests, who stand upon the bank admiring the spectacle. 16 Left Lobby. 273 Indian Quarrying Jasper. 323. With crow bar made of a young tree burned down, charred at the end, and hacked to a point with a stone axe, the Indian quarryman pries a mass of jasper, cracked by fire, from the native ledge, as at Dur- ham in Bucks County, at Macungie, and at Vera Cruz in Lehigh County with its 250 prehistoric digg ngs, where he thus worked at the bottom of pits eighteen feet deep. Red Fox. 336. ( Vilifies fulviis. ) Sly, stealthy, slit-eyed, night hunting, cleanly, devourer of birds, chickens, mice, moles, squirrels, fish, beetles, or fruit, less swift than his European cousin, whether as the red fox of the north or the grey fox of the south, the celebrated animal, either burrowing in the earth or living in rocks and hollow trees, is re- spected and hated by man. Driven into nets or dug out for extermination until about 1650 in Britain, the fox began to alure the red-coated hunter and his hounds by the end of the 17th century. Thenceforward, partially protected as a target for sport, glorified by his destroyer in the fun of pictures, horns, hounds, redcoats, Irish reels, club rooms and balls, he becomes the type of the national sport of Eng- land trans- ferred to America. 323 who has sylvania The Raccoon. 337. {Procyon lotor. ) Cousin to the bear, hibernating in winter, feeding on shellfish, mussels, birds, turtle eggs, insects, nuts, fruits, frogs and corn, soaking its food in water, this gray-brown animal with white- striped tail, dwelling in trees, hunting at night, and a good swimmer, is easily tamable as a pet by man, not exterminated him in Penn- 336 Bullfrog - . 343. {Ratio, caiesbiana.) Prolific, laying thousands of eggs in warm water, which pass from tadpole to frog in early summer days, making summer nights echo with his deep bel- lowing, feeding upon insects, snails and reptiles, the bullfrog has rathe in- creased than diminished in numbers 337 Left Lobby. 17 the destruction of the great 343 since forest, Indian Symbol of the Hu- man Head. 339. As a probable representation of the head of a man with protruding scalp lock, the mosaic shows one of the many figures, here in outline but generally in full intaglio, Indians with hard sharp stones on the east face of Big Indian Rock in the Susque- hanna rap- id s at Safe Harbor. The Muskrat. 350. {Fiber zibethicus. ) The amphibious prolific muskrat, inhabiting lakes and streams, invading cultivated lands, threatening dams and canals, destroying the water- lily and lotus where they had flourished before, defies man's effort to dig him out and exterminate him, and increases rather than disappears before the same civiliza- 339 350 tion which, in exterminating the blood- letting mink which had filled the musk- rats' galleries with blood in the past, has withdrawn from the life struggle the mnskrat's worst enemy. Indian Drawing; of the Spider. 330. Aerial rope-maker and weaver, poisonous, indomitable, po- tent, the spider has commanded the venerating attention of the savage. Here the mosaic reproduces a drawing by the Indian who, conventionalizing the outline of the insect with great skill, scratches it upon the concave face of a shell, used as a breast plate or gorget. White Children Res- cued toy Indians. 335. For a time Penn's roseate dream of loving brotherhood between European and savage, typified 330 by the famous treaty of the great elm, seemed realized. Not yet overreached by the land purchase known as the Indian Walk, still uninjured, unangered, unsuspecting, the red men with no wrongs to revenge, mingled kindly with the foreigner. Early in the eighteenth \ century, two little white children named 335 18 Left Lobby. 325 liam Penn by the Lenni Lenape Indians, at the famous treaty under the elm tree at Shackamaxon (the Kensington north suburb of Philadelphia), in 1682. Several thousand multi-colored fragments of unio or elam shell, about one-quarter inch in diameter and one-half inch long, were longitud- inally pierced by Indians at great pains with stone Chapman, lost in the forest near Wrightstown, Bucks County, were kindly rescued by Indians and re- stored to their distressed parents. Primitive Tobacco Smoking, 325« Not probably until in ceremonies and exorcisms, the smoke of odoriferous herbs had thus been blown by Indian priests to the four world quarters through tubes of stone or clay, would sopor- ific tobacco be preferred to other plants, or as kinnikimiick, when mixed with bearberry leaves or osier cornel under bark, be smoked for pleasure by the Indian inventor of smoking. Treaty Wampum Belt. 327. Great belt of purple black and white shell-beads, representing an Indian shaking hands with a hatted European, reasonably be- lieved to have been given to Wil- 327 or bone drills. More precious than gold to the red man as "wampum," "peg," "slawant," "beak," or "ro- noak," sometimes passing as monev ou strings, or used as seals to sol- emnize the acts of men. or at animal sacrifices, and as symbolic of war (where white meant faith, black meant battle, and red meant blood), in the form of beads, they were strung on vegetable fibre threads in- terwoven with animal thongs so as to form a belt. Locust. 347. ( Cicada septem decim. ) With summer song as fa- miliar to the country boy as the "knee-deep" of frogs in early spring, hatched from twig deposited eggs to crawl downwards antlike into the ground, buried for seventeen years or less as an eyeless grub, the misnamed insect is related to many varieties of cicada ( not locust ) in the old and new world, but neither to the grassbopperlike insect of the biblical Egyptian plague, the pest of modern north Africa, nor to the food eaten by St. John the Baptist. Rattlesnake. 338. {Crotalus horridus.) Less poisonous than the cobra of India, or the fer de lance of Martinique, devourer of small rodents, the deadly rattlesnake where he survives in the Appa- lachians from New Hampshire to Florida, is justly dreaded by man. 347 Left Lobby. 19 (33& Continued) About four feet long, sluggish, coiling, rattling, reluctantly strik- ing, the brown or blackish yellow diaper-striped snake was i: voided and venerated by Indians and white men, and but very rarely conciliated by snake loving moun- taineers who dare to pick up the fanged reptile in their hands. "Wild Turkey. 320. (Meleagris gallopavo.) While the colonist and farmer readily gives a place in the farm yard to the domesticated turkey, tamed for him by ancient Mexicans and cliff- dwelling Indians, he rapidly extermin- ates the wild bird which Franklin had wished to use as a national emblem. •A native of America, the domestic turkey called Welsch Hahn in Ger- many, spread into Europe so soon after Columbus's discovery as to be painted in the barn yard scenes of Italy, by the painter Bassano early in the sixteenth century. Rattlesnake as Pictured toy Indians. 324. The head with open mouth of the fearful rattle- snake ( Crotalushorridus), surrounded by a coil of the scaly body ending in its rattle, 324 328 320 highly conventionalized after the manner of other designs found in Indian mounds, and upon wooden masks excavated in Florida. The mosaic here reproduces a carv- ing deeply scratched upon a breast plate of shell by the mound building Indians. Indian Rock Carving. 334. One of nearly 200 other animal figures, probably a bear, pecked with a sharp stone by Indians against the side of Little In- dian Rock in the Sus- quehanna rapids at Safe Har- bor. 334 Tortoise. 328. Celebrated in white man's story and legend, vener- ated as an emblem of wisdom by the Indian, the sluggish unwieldy reptile, heavily armored above and below by carapace and plastron, resists without much effort the attack of many 20 318 329 Left Lobby. enemies; sometimes defying the tearing of the eagle's beak and talons as when, if legend be true, a bird of prey high in the air, killed the Greek poet Aeschylus by dropping a tortoise upon his head. The Blue Jay. 318. ( Cyanura cris- tata.) The trumpet cry of the blue jay startles the quiet woods while his wings flash azure through the leaf shadows, as upon his omnivorous search for food he seizes the autumnal chestnut, or in spring devours young birds and steals bird eggs, no less remorse- lessly than the ornithologist multiplies his skins for the cabinet, or the lady distorts his blue stuffed form, glass eyed, upon her hat. The Hawk or Eagle. 329. Rep- resented by many species, caricatured by the bird stuffer, "taken" and retaken by the ornithologist, nailed to the barnside by the farmer who hates him, the hawk or his eagle brother was yet admiringly adopted as a national emblem b)' aristocrat, king and dem- ocrat, stamped upon the "almighty dollar," and glorified in stone carvings by the savage Indian as the genius of thunder. Devourer of birds, frogs, rodents and reptiles, and of the flesh foods appropriated by man, soaring above clouds in mastery of the gift of flight, darting like light- ning upon his prey, the wonderful bird, less wary than the crow, proclaims by his existence a victory hard won in a never ending struggle with his human enemy. Indian Basket Maker. 326. Only less important to primitive man than the plastic clay uten- sil, is the basket as here plaited by an Indian woman in one of many masterful plaits. Sometimes water- tight, decorated with con- ventionalized and artistic- ally balanced patterns, the Indian basket was usually superior in make and dec- oration to the wares of 326 civilized peoples. Indian Rock Carving. 299. One of the animal figures, probably a panther, pecked by Indians by pounding with a sharp stone against the smooth, freshet-worn, eastern side of a large boulder known as Big Indian Rock", in the middle of the rapids of the Susquehanna at Safe Harbor. Porcupine. 349. {Erethizon dorsatus. ) The largest carnivore hardly 299 Left Lobby. 21 349 (349 Continued) dares attack the irritating ball of arrows which constitutes the bristling defensive armor of the porcupine, who by a slash of the tail may defeat his attacking enemy with a suddenly in- jected mouth-paralyzing volley of his sometimes deadly barbed quills. Tree climbing, greedy of salt, devouring the inner bark of elm, basswood and hemlock trees for food, the non-hiber- nating animal who nests in a hollow tree, was hunted by Indians for food and for his quills valued as decora- tions for moccasin, belt and pouch. Indian Rock Picture. 344. Thunderbird with Forked Tail. One of about twenty figures of men, animals and their tracks, reptiles, birds and demonic symbols, pecked with stones by Indians upon the sides of Big Indian Rock, near the much more profusely inscribed fellow boulder, Little Indian Rock, in mid-Susquehanna at Safe Harbor. The grinding of driftwood in freshets slowly erases these wierd and sinister symbols of a vanished race, placed in the midst of roaring and dangerous rapids. Indian Rock Carvings. 333. Two figures representing the human form, carved by Indians, together with a large 344 number of pictures of animals, birds and their tracks, and reptiles, upon the faces of two large boulders known as Big and little Indian Rocks, in the middle of the rapids of the Susquehanna at Safe Harbor. 333 The Crow. 237. ( Corvus ameri- canus. ) Not from his striking color and figure, his anatomy or his habits, accord- ing to the bird book, might the non- migrating, incomparably sagacious, grain- eating crow claim distinction, but rather from the fact that he stands supreme among birds as victorious in an eternal life struggle against the human maxim, man-condemned but man-practiced, that might makes right. Marshalled in de- structive flocks, guided, guarded and generalled, scouting, watching, ventur- ing, despising the scare-crow, evading trap and poison, guaging gun range as it extends, the ever-present crow, defying the northern winter, despoils the human 237 spoiler from the exact stand- point of the latter. 345 The Weasel. 345. (Putoriits vulgaris.) Some- times turning all ' white in winter, brown-backed, keen- 22 Left Lobby. 331 scented, night-hunting, wholesale de- stroyer and blood-sucker of rats, mice, moles, frogs, birds and chickens. Indian Brooch Inscribed with a Cross Symbol. 331. Here the mosaic reproduces a native de- sign scratched upon a gorget or breast plate of mussel shell. Whether it is de- rived from the four points of direction, from primitive demon worship, or from ceremonies based upon the blowing of the winds, the handiwork of the Indian, produced at a time antedating the dis- covery of America by Columbus, some- times to the great surprise of early travelers, showed as iu the case illustrated, the pattern of the Christian Cross. Rattlesnake as Pictured toy Indians. 332. The head with open mouth of the fearful rattlesnake (Cro- talus hom'dus), surrounded by a coil of the scaly body ending in its rattle, highly conventionalized after the manner of other designs found in Indian mounds, and upon wooden masks ex- cavated in Florida. The mosaic here reproduces a carving deeply scratched upon a breast plate of shell by the mound building In- dians. Oak Leaves. 1. Long lived, colossal, durable, highly valued for wood, bark and sawdust, represented by 332 a multitude of varieties, as red, black, swamp, willow, chest- nut and pin oak, or as the fa- miliar ashen-barked white oak frequently marking the land boundaries in old deeds, the oak though unknown in Australia and tropical Africa, ennobles the for- ests of Europe, Asia and America in the north temperate zone. The I*ogf House. 4. Build a rectangle of heavy logs as in the mosaic, notched at the ends to fit closely, with wattled chimney smeared with clay. Saw out doors and windows and roof with bark or shingles hand- split with frow and club. Caulk with g- ass and clay and you have the original house of the settler, copied from ancient forest houses in Europe. Still built in wild regions < f th~ App ilachians and the west, and surviving eastward as landmarks refilling a w.iish< j d human past as for- cibly as co the ruined castles of Europe. s Left Corridor. 23 stood Sour Gum. 3. (Ayssa syl- vatica.) The mosaic shows the leaves of the sour gum tree familiar in northern and southern States as the pepperidge and tupelo. Lofty, tough, fine-leaved, flashing scarletin autumn, and heavily fruited 'with blue berries once beloved of the now vanished wild pigeon and other birds. Often the hollow trunked harbor of "coon" and ''possum." the tree furnished cylindrical hollow trunk sections which sometimes lined the spring to 3 make the water "taste sweet," or in the old orchard or barn as "bee-gum" (beehive) or "salt (salt box) for cattle feed. Xlie Axe and Its Ancestor. 2. The American pioneer having brought with him from England, France or Germany, the long bitted ( bladed ) short polled axe of his ancestors (to the left in the mo- saic), soon put the pre- viously little used instru- ment to immense and unheard of use in forest felling, and after 1730 modified the wabbling tool into a more square, compact, and effective wedge, by weighting and enlarging the pollordriv- ing part, and shortening and lightening the cut- ting wedge or blade. Thus the country blacksmith after 1730 produced a "pitching" (tree felling) axe indigenous to the United States, (to the * right in the mosaic), and unknown except by American exportation, in other countries where as against the overbalancing American poll, the bits or blades of old world axes always outweigh their polls. Felling the Forest. 5. Neither steam car, trolley, auto- mobile, coal or iron mine oil or gas well, probably worked the terrestrial change suddenly produced when the white colonist with resounding blows of the long-bitted axes of his ancestors, first dissipated the im- memorial tree shade of the great forest. The ancient red American retired or per- ished. As houses, cities and villages rose, the chimney swallow nested in its first chimney, the purple martin in its first man-made toy-house, and the wren in a man-prepared calabash. The quail and lark left the forest for open fields of man-planted grass, and the crow first robbed the farmer's corn. The prolific muskrat liberated by fanner's trap from his mink enemy overpopulated the banks of mill ponds. The housefly first buzzed h: the log horse-stable, and the e European house rat overran the region, while the watercress of the old world invaded springs newly sunlit, and a hundred new European flowers sprang up by freshly cleared roads. 24 Left Corridor. 8 Hickory. 8. {Hicoriaovata.) Among the pignut, mocker and bitter nut family of hickories, is the lofty shellbark with its delicate nuts prized and stored by Indians and white men, with its immense, combustible, long-burning bark scales, furnishing the fockle or fish- ing torch of the rural fisherman, and the similar night light of the cave exploring Indian, who has scattered the floor of Wyandotte cave in Indiana with the burnt ends of his hickory bark torches. The celebrated shellbark tree famed for its elastic wood, furnished to the pioneer the axe handles, first straight, later curved, which gave spring to the deadly stroke of his forest-destroying axe. Red-Eyed Vireo. 7. ( Virco olivaceus. ) One of the tireless little songsters, feeding on insects, staining his white throat with pokeberries. blackberries and mulberries, and devoted foster par- ent to the foundling: cowbird. 6 Orchard Oriole. 6. {Icterus spurius.) Where the red earthen pots dry on fence palings, where the buttonwood tree overhangs the spring, or where by the old smoke house the west wind scatters apple blossoms, the orchard oriole richly feathered in orange and black hangs his swinging nest; and the question arises how and where did he live and love when orchards did not exist, when the vast sun darkening forest shadow was everywhere, and when no bird's eye had yet seen the life of the farm. Pioneer Rifleman. 9. A marksman of deadly aim from continual shooting at Indians and animals, the Pennsylvanian pioneer, armed at first with a transatlantic gun, barreled with spiral bore to make the fiving leaden bullet rotate, (Edward Marshall the Indian walker's rifle 1737-50 made at Rothenburg, Germany) began making his own "Lancaster" and "Kentucky" rifles at Reading, Lancaster, and elsewhere, by the end of the ISth century. Though subject to speedy annihilation in a bayonet charge, and denied a place in European armies by Napoleon, or- ganized bands of these deadly, slow- firing, Indian fighters, with raccoon caps, buckskin shirts, and fringed leggings, did great service in frontier battles and at New Orleans, in 1815, where the riflemen lying behind cotton bales and supplied by boys with continually reloaded extra rifles, destroyed at a distance the British Army, killed its general, and won the battle in a few minutes. Grey Squirrel. 12. (Sciurus carolinensis.) Having survived the Left Corridor. 25 12 (12 Continued) enmity of the farmer who shoots and eats the squirrel or imprisons him in a tin cage and treadmill, the animal finds peace in the city park and town grove, where city chil- dren tame and feed him. Shovel Plow. II. After a very ancient model minus plowshare and mould boaid, surviving from Roman times and still used for plowing out potatoes. The settler scratched newly cleared land with wha- niight be called the blade of a shovel fast tened vertically to a plow frame (the shovel plow), thus tearing the fibrous tangle, shal- low or deep, or skipping it, while escap- . ing upset with easy plow jumps, where the coulter of a normal plow might lock under roots. Beaver. IO. {Castor Jiber.) While the prolific subterranean muskrat de- livered from his terrible enemy the mink, multiplies in the midst of civilization, # the sensitive beaver instantly shrinks from contact with the human invader who has almost exterminated him in Pennsylvania. The story of his match- U less skill becomes a half -forgotten school- boy's fable, and common knowledge no longer testifies to the fact that the animal resembling j£8^hfc^ •'**• ! an enormous heavy-tailed muskrat, gnaws '^ w#M M down trees so as to lock them across streams, 12^51 ' thereby forming driftwood dams with suffi- cient water for his island village. Bee-Hive. l6. A small dome-shaped straw basket about eighteen inches high, made of spiral rye straw strands, string-bound and perforated midway with wooden skewers, upon which the bees built their comb, was 1 q constructed, together with the more primitive hives of hollow logs, as a bee house, by the Pennsylvanian colonist who finding no honeybees in pre-columbian America, brought with him the honeybee from Europe. These yellow domes gleaming under the apple trees of the Pennsyl- vanian farm, or as pictured upon the State shield of Utah, seen in use in Bucks county in 1897, and for sale at Chester, England, in 1900, necessitated through lack of extra honey compart- ment the cruel drugging, often killing of the bees with sulphur smoke, to get the honey. Reaping: With the Sickle. 16 13. Lean forward and seizing a large bunch of wheat or rye with the left hand, cut the stalks near the ground by drawing the keen serrated narrow sickle blade across them from left to right. Then as the mosaic shows, you reap as your ancestors did from Egyptian times until about 1820, when at the advent of the European grain cradle, or the Ilainault scythe (dispensing with stalk grasping), and 26 Left Corridor, (X3 Continued) finally the reaping machine, the greatest craft of husbandry changed suddenly and forever. Song- Sparrow. 14. {Melospiza melodia.) Below the ripples where the mill stream lingers by bridge or eddy, and where the jetty water beetles dart upon the odoriferous pool, the song sparrow, seizing a branch of hazel or the topmost fresh-leaved spray of willow, out vieing all his kindred, stirs the heart with his sweetest keynote of spring. 13 mm m^& 14 The Dutch Scythe. 17. Hold- ing the instrument b> its much twisted handle, you stoop little as you mow with the ancestral scythe of Germany, now 1908 superseded in Pennsylvania by the Anglo- American hard steel so-called English scythe. To sharpen the Dutch scythe, hammer (dengle) thin with the dengle hammer, its broad malleable blade held close with the left hand tipon a wrought iron wedge-shaped little anvil (ambus) driven into a log or stump. Then whet the scythe with a sandstone whetstone soaked in vinegar, carried in a cow's horn hooked at your leathern belt. Thus came of old the familiar evening noise of tinkling hammers (dengeln), where the breeze scented with new-mown hay drew through the slatted corncrib, where by hanging saw and pig's grease, the axe wedged the log, and the worn grindstone and wood-horse rested on the fragrant chip floor of the ancient wood-house. Sour Gum. 20. ( Nyssa sylvatica. ) The mosaic shows the leaves of the sour gum tree, familiar in northern and south- ern states as the pepperidge and tupelo. 1 j Lofty, tough, fine-leaved, flashing scarlet in autumn, heavily fruited with blue berries once beloved of the now van- ished wild pigeon and other birds, often the hollow-trunked harbor of "coon" and "possum," the gum tree furnished cylindrical hollow trunk sections which sometimes lined the spring to make the water ' 'tast e sweet' ' or stood in the old orchard or barn as "bee-gum" (bee- hive ) or ' 'salt gum ' ' (salt box) for cattle feed. ««. 20 Cardinal Bird. 19. ( Cardinalis cardin- 19 alis.) Crested, vivid scarlet, heavy-billed, active, Left Corridor. 27 nonmigratory, named from the scarlet robe of the Catholic high priest, most conspicuous of songsters, lurking in summer in chosen wet bramble thickets, or flashing hope and warmth into the drab woods of winter, the cardinal bird, rich in song, is often seen imprisoned for life in a small cage. Baltimore Oriole. 18. {Icterus galbula.) Gleaming black and orange through the summer bougbs of hickory, apple, oak and maple, named indirectly after the Irish town Baltimore through the heraldic colors of Lord Baltimore founder of Maryland, destroyer of in- sects, brilliant musician, migrating in winter to Mexico, the magnificent "hanging" bird in nest building gladly seizes upon once unknown strings, rags and lint of the modern white American, minus which the oriole must have built his hanging pouch-like nest of vege- table fibre and twigs, in the shadows of the great forest, with greater trouble than now where the swaying maple boughs welcome him by the farm or spring house. Sharpening the Dutch Scythe, 21. The broad mal- leable blade of the Dutch scythe " Dengle sense" of ancient German pattern, was hammered sharp upon an iron wedge anvil driven into a stump. The farmer then whetted it with a vinegar- soaked sandstone hone carried in a cow's horn hooked to his belt. On the other hand the hard steel English scythe, which now supersedes the German instrument, is never hammered and only whetted. Shellbark Hickory. 15. {Hic- oria ovata. ) Among the pignut, mocker, and bitternut family of hickories, the lofty shellbark with its delicate nuts prized and stored by Indians and white men, with its immense combustible, long burning bark scales, furnished the fockle or fishing torch of the rural fisherman, and the similar night light of the cave exploring Indian who has scattered the floor of Wyan- dotte cave in Indiana with the burnt ends of his hickory bark torches. The celebrated shellbark tree, famed for its elastic wood, furnished to the pioneer the axe handles, first straight, later curved, 15 which gave spring to the deadly stroke of his forest destroying axe. Scarlet Tan age r. 23. (Piranga erythromelas.) One man in a thousand, carefully listening while the robins are singing, recog- nizes the mellow reedlike notes of the tanager in the high oak grove. The kindlier twentieth century stu- dent or egg-hunting boy, looking skyward where the young leaves 21 23 28 Left Corridor. tremble in the zephyrs of spring, sees daylight through the bird's loosely woven nest holding blue eggs spotted with purple. But every eye must see, every voice exclaim, when the magnificent tanager, in intense scarlet, black-winged and black-tailed, flashes his tropical splendor against the green world of early summer. Opossum. 22. {Didclphis virgin- iana.) Sluggish, sleepy, helpless, death- feigning, fruit, insect, and chicken-eat- ing, hunted and eaten with delight by the American, slave and free, continually caught and killed by the farmer, the cele- brated, prolific, American marsupial, ghastly in hair and skin, unknown in Europe, and related to the Australian kangaroo, continuing to rear about thirty- six young per year, in three litters, in its extraordinary breast pouch, survives its human enemy, and still harbors unsus- pected close to the farmer's henroost and haystack or in his hollow apple tree. 22 Indian Walk. 25. So as *o buy from the Delaware Indians, by agree- ment with Richard and Thomas Penn, as much new laud as a man could go over in a day and a half, Edward Marshall, in 1737, starting at a chestnut tree in Wrightstown, Bucks county, walked or ran, by way of a previously blazed path, to the neighborhood of Mauch Chunk, including by a surveyor's ruse, (to the disgust of the Indians), an enormous un- expected tract for the buyers, in the re- quired time. The Indians refusing to vacate the land and being driven out by intrigue, revenged themselves afterwards upon Marshall and his family and upon Pennsylvania thirty-nine years later at the massacre of Wyoming. 25 Grey Squirrel. 28. {Sciurus carolinensis.) Having survived the en- mity of the farmer, who shoots and eats the squirrel, or imprisons him in a tin cage and treadmill, the animal finds peace in the city park and town grove, where city children tame and feed him. Catbird. 27. {Galcoscoptes caro- linensis.) The slate-colored, black-polled 28 catbird, haunting blackberry bushes, thickets and shrubbery, eating rasp- berries, strawberries, blackberries, mulberries, cherries, grapes, spice and pokeberries, nesting with four greenish -blue unspotted eggs in a heavy twig nest, is familiar near the Pennsylvanian farmhouse and or- chard from April to November. One hundred persons know well the mewing catlike note of the bird to one who recosrnizes his full enthusi- 27 Left Corridor. 29 astic May song varied with imitations of other bird notes. Swamp Blackbird. 26. {Agelaius phcenicetts.) Lovable and never to be forgotten, the dramatic swamp blackbird, with jet-black uni- form shoulder strapped in fiery scarlet, rivals the gay butterfly in the sun- beams of swampy meadows, as by bulrush, wild rose and calamus, clutching the reed stalk, he sounds his mellow love call to the summer wind. t lie Dinner A little before noon, 26 Blowing Horn. 29. while the steam of boiling pot and frying pan rises from the kitchen fire, stand without the door, and blow by lip vibra- tion, a straight mouthpieced tin horn about five feet long. The far reaching sound calls the farmer to dinner from the fields. Disused in Eastern Pennsylvania about 1840. Its older rival the conch shell {Strombus gigas) still (1908) blown to open lock by canal boatmen on the Delaware and Lehigh Canal, and was blown to call to dinner in Buckingham, Bucks county, in 1897. Like the two former horns, the cow's horn, still sold (1907) in Charleston, South Carolina, for foxhunting, was also sounded by vibra- 29 tiou of the lips. Shellbark Hickory. 32. {Hicoria I ovata. ) Among the pignut, mocker, and bitter nut family of hickories, the lofty shellbark, with its delicate nuts prized and stored by Indians and white men, with its immense, com- bustible, long-burning bark scales, furnished the fockle or fishing torch of the rural fisher- man, and the similar night light of the cave- exploring Indian. ( who has scattered the floor of Wyandotte cave in Indiana with the burnt ends of his hickory bark torches). The celebrated shellbark tree, famed for its elastic wood, furnished to the pioneer the axe handles, first straight, later curved, which gave spring to the deadly stroke of his forest destroying axe. 32 Sour Gum. 30. 30 ( Nyssa sylvatica. ) The mosaic shows the leaves of the sour gum tree familiar in northern and southern states as the pepperidge and tupelo. Lofty, tough, fine-leaved, flashing scarlet in autumn, heavily fruited with blue berries once beloved of the now vanished wild pigeon and other birds, often the hollow- trunked harbor of "coon" and "possum," the gum tree furnished cylindrical hollow trunk sections which often lined the spring to make the water "taste sweet," or stood in the old orchard or barn as "bee-gum" (beehive) or "salt gum " (salt box) for cattle feed. 30 Left Corridor. Red-Headed Woodpecker. 31. {Jle/anerpes erytluoccphalus.) Yuu must search among the painted birds of the tropics for a rival to this magnificent insect hunter, who startles the silent woods wilh sudden resonant drumming upon dead tree limbs, or darting i 11 red black and white through summer leafage, protests in his thrilling life, against the farmer who would shoot him because he eats cherries, the untaught boy who de- stroys him for fun, or the woman who wears his distorted skin or wings upon her hat. Gristmill. 33. Grain -grin ding by 31 random blows or rubs of stone upon stone or wood, was succeeded by the quern mill, namely an ancient hand mill in which a stone disk, perforated in its centre for the insertion of grain, and pivoted upon a larger rimmed disk be- neath it, was made to revolve on the latter by a handle inserted near the cir- cumference. As the primeval food-pro- ducing flour mill of Christendom, the quern survives in remote parts of Europe, and as a paint grinder (1897) among Pennsylvania German potters. Enlarged querns ground by wind or water, dating from remote European antiquity, formed the flour and grist mills of Eastern Penn- sylvania until, upon the introduction about 1890 of the Austrian method of 33 36 squeezing and crushing the grains, between various sized rollers equipped with sieves, grain came to be ground in cities and the roadside mill yielded to the factory. The Red-Headed Wood- pecker. 36. ( Melanerpes erythroceph- alus.) The sight of the brilliant bird with scarlet head, white breast and wings, and black body, gamboling upon the old "worm fence," drumming upon the dead tree top, or startling the woods with cheerful trumpet, might well recompense advancing humanity for all the corn and apples that the bird may eat between his insect feasts. Grey Squirrel. 35. {Sciurus carol in en sis.) Having sur- vived the enmity of the farmer who shoots and eats the squirrel or imprisons him in a tin cage and tread- mill, the animal finds peace in the city park and town grove, where city children tame and feed him. Robin. 34. (Jfcrn/a migratoria.') A few boys in the year 1908 begin to feel that when on the fairest morn of May, the redbreast perched among apple blos- soms, wafts his love song upon the spring breeze, the sight and sound are worth all the cherries the bird may afterwards eat. But an older human generation had to be influenced to cease robin killing by opening the insect-filled stomach of the 35 Left Corridor. 31 (34 Cotithiued) songster to reassure that of the man. Robins eat insects and insects eat fruit, therefore robins help man to eat more fruit. Spinning: Flax. 37. The flax fibre after being cleaned and dusted from the stalk, broken and scutched, and scratched into strings, hetcheled, is wound into a lump upon a forked stick, the distaff, from which the woman draws and forms it with her right hand, feeding it . with her left fingers, upon the whirling spindle 34 which further twists and spools it into threads coarse or fine, for the subsequent home weaving of shirts, towels, under and outer clothing and household linen. Slowly developed in Europe from an Asiatic original by the 17th century, broughj; thence by colonists to America, and discontinued about 1820 to '40, this once all important, omnipresent footrun machine, antedating the factory, and announcing woman's work, was prob- ably preceded here as in Europe by the primeval hand distaff and spindle whorl which still survives in remote corners of the world. 37 Wild Duck. 40. Everywhere pursued by sportsmen, represented by ^^^^^ many species whether nesting in Pen 11- B^jm» >J^jj*^gcjsgj3 sylvania or the far north, migrating at j pfr j^j^^^^jpy*^ railroad speed high in the air. in Y- |F4( ( shaped flocks, lured by wooden decovs, stalked from blinds, retrieved when dying in the water, by so-called Ches- apeake Bay dogs bred from a Labrador original in 1807, courting death or danger whenever in season he lights for food or rest on pond, river or bay, the wild duck out classes in the typical form of the celery-eating cauvasback, all lauded products of the American kitchen. 40 Sour Gum. The mosaic shows the leaves gum tree, familiar in vatica. of the sour northern and southern states as the pepperidge and tupelo. L,ofty, tough, fine-leaved, flashing scarlet in au- tumn, heavily fruited with blue berries once beloved of the now vanished wild pigeon and other birds, often the hollow-trunked har- bor of "coon" and "possum," the gum tree furnished cylindrical hol- low trunk sections which often lined the spring to make the water " taste sweet," or stood in the old orchard or barn as "bee gum" (beehive) or "salt gum" (salt box) for cattle feed. \Nyssa 39 Tin Lantern. 38. A conical-roofed cylinder of tin plate, with handle ring and candle socket, and without glass windows or reflector, was the universal farm lantern of the Eastern United States, and well known in England and Ireland, from the early eighteenth century until about 1840. A similar form, probably of brass, used in 32 Left Corridor. (38 Continued) the middle ages, but not common till the invention of tin plate in England in 1670 made the tin lantern possible. Lights and shadows flicker through its punctured glass- less sides as through the brazen network of the mosque lamps of the Mohammedan orient. Hide the tin lantern under your coat 011 the way to the barn of a windy night or out it goes. Seen in use at Connellsville in Fayette County in 1890. Catbird. 43. (Galeoscoptes carolin- ensis. ) The slate-colored, black-polled cat- bird, haunting blackberry bushes, thickets and shrubbery, eating raspberries, straw- berries, blackberries, mulberries, cherries, grapes, spice and pokeberries, nesting with four greenish-blue unspotted eggs in a heavy twig nest, is familiar near the Pennsylvanian farmhouse and orchard from April to No- vember. One hundred persons know well the mewing catlike note of the bird, to one, who recognizes his full enthusiastic May song varied with imitations of other bird notes. Clearing: the Forest. 42. The mosaic shows in Latin, the words LABOR VINCIT SYLVAM Translated — Labor conquers the for- est, referring to the work of thous- ands of human hands, in felling that part of the primeval forest named after William Penn, in rolling and burning logs and brush, in digging out roots, and in plowing and plant- ing the virgin earth. Thus it hap- pens that particles of charcoal can be found in nearly every square foot of Pennsvlvanian soil. 38 43 42 had Orchard Oriole. 41. [Icterus spicrius. ) Where the red earthen pots dry on fence palings, where the button - wood tree overhangs the spring, or where by the old smokehouse, the west wind scatters apple blossoms, the or- chard oriole, richly feathered in orange and black, hangs his swinging nest; and the question arises, how and where did he live and love when orchards did not exist, when the vast sun-darkening forest shadow was even^where, and when no bird's eye vet seen the the life of the farm ? Chimney Swallow. 46. [Chcctura pelagica.) Continually on the wing, moving at the rate of a mile a minute, skimming the pond's brim, dipping under water, or darting close to the meadow grass, master in the matchless j^ift of flight, the short-tailed, long-winged, dusky, chimney swallow must have ceased gluing his nest of twigs to the 46 41 Left Corridor. 33 walls of caves and hollow trees, and resorted to the previously un- known farmhouse chimneys, about 1720. When (1860-'90) the farmer substituted a small stone flue for the old chimney, or capped the latter with a terra cotta tube, the bird turned (18S0) to the houses of the rich, where large chimneys were revived. The Elk. 45. {Cervus cana- densis.) Yellow-bodied, with brown head and mane, an immense deer, with huge antlers shed and regrown yearly, wallowing in mud, or standing 111 water to escape summer flies, herd- ing in season, called "Wapiti" by the Iroquois Indians, and miscalled elk by whites, the animal is glorified in scores of geographical names upon the American map. He was exterminated by sportsmen and gunners in Pennsyl- vania about 1850. Hawk. 44. With secret ad- miration, the farmer nails to his barn side the feathered carcass of the fierce, soaring chicken robber, his master in the supreme physical gift of flight, demon- strating by continued existence, the bird's victory in a never ending struggle with the human gunner. Cousin to the eagle, one of a race admired more than the gentler lower creatures, by patriots, statesmen, legislatures, kings, aristocrats and democrats, the bird typifies strangely the unchristian aspirations of democratic America, republican France, autocratic Russia, and imperial Germany and Austria, stamping now the "almighty dollar" with patriotic suggestion, as it once called to duty the legions of Rome or the warriors of Napoleon. 45 44 Splitting: Shingles. 47. Before the days of lumber mills, sections of oak logs were split into shingles by pounding with a club, upon an L-shaped knife, the frow Then a man sitting astride a homemade device, the shaving horse, and clamping the shingles by foot pressure upon a lever, trimmed and smoothed them with a draw- ing knife. Oak Leaves. 53. Long lived, colossal, durable, highly valued for wood, bark and sawdust, represented by a multi- tude of varieties, as the red, black, swamp, wil- low, chest- nut and pin 4 1 oaks, or as the familiar ashen-barked white oak, frequently marking the land bound- aries in old deeds, the oak. though unknown in Australia and tropical Africa, ennobles the forests of Europe, Asia and America in the north tem- perate zone. Cardinal Bird. 49. ( Card- inalis cardinalis. ) Vivid scarlet, crested, heavy-billed, active, nonuii- 34 Left Corridor. (49 Continued) gratory, named from the scarlet robe of the Catholic high priest, most conspicuous of songsters lurking in summer in chosen wet bramble thickets, or flashing hope and warmth into the drab woods of winter, the cardinal bird, rich in song, is often seen imprisoned for life in a small cage. The Red-Headed Woodpecker. 48. (Melanerpes erytkrocephalus.) The sight of the brilliant bird, with scarlet head, white breast and wings, and black body, gamboling upon the old "worm fence," drumming upon the dead tree top, or startling the woods with cheerful trumpet, is worth in inspiration to advancing humanity, all the corn and apples that the woodpecker may eat between his insect feasts. Sour Gum. 57. {Nyssa sylvatica.) The mosaic shows the leaves of the sour gum tree, familiar in northern and southern states as the pepperidgeand tupelo. Lofty, tough, fine-leaved, flashing scarlet in autumn, heavily fruited with blue berries once be- loved of the now vanished wild pigeon and other birds, often the hollow-trunked harbor till 48 57 of "coon" and "possum," the gum tree furnished cylindrical hollow trunk sections which often lined the spring to make the water "taste sweet," or stood in the old orchard or barn, as "bee-gum" (bee-hive) or "salt gum" (salt-box) for cattle feed. Woman Dipping: Candles. 52. From a small six eight or ten- armed turnstile, the woman lifts off the suspended wooden disks, one by one, each hung with from twelve to thirty candle wicks, and immerses the wicks in tallow, melted over water in a large pot swung upon a wood fire. Where the autumnal wind blows cool b)' the sooty smokehouse or flagged out-kitchen, the grease hardens into candles as the disks go round. Red-Eyed "Vireo. 50. ( Vireo olivaceus. ) One of the tireless little g - songsters, feeding on insects, staining his white throat with pokeberries, black- 50 52 berries and mulberries, and de- voted foster parent to the found- ling cowbird. Redbud. 56. (Cercis can- adensis. ) Where a wild van- guard of southern redbud or Judas trees grow in the Susque- Left Corridor. 35 56 (56 Continued) hanna woods, stand beneath the yet leaf- less boughs gleaming in crimson blos- soms, and while the bees hum, and the spring zephyr brings memories of far away southern forests, forget even the snowy shad bush, and the white vernal glory of the matchless dogwood. Thrashing 'With the Flail. 55. After (in Roman times) the thrash- ing of grain by cattle-tread, by rolling of logs, or by the scratching of boards toothed with flint chips, the flail, a short staff swung upon a long one, invented in the middle ages, followed the pound- ing out of grain with a single stick. The flail in 1900 survived on small Pennsylvanian farms, where the rythmic strokes of several thrash- ers together, drummed the barn floor like the hoof echoes of a trot- ting horse upon a hard road. Sugar Maple. 54. {Acer saccharum.) In none of its vari- ously named forms of swamp, rock, red, silver, or transatlantic Nor- way, is the maple family so re- nowned as in the celebrated tree with warped bark ribs, known as the sugar maple {Acer saccharum. ) Having 55 54 perforated the bark with small holes, under-drained with little sheet iron troughs, catch the exuding sap in buckets, to be boiled and hardened as maple sugar, or liquified as maple syrup, nationally re- nowned as a sweetening for the hot but- tered buckwheat or griddle cake. Screech Owl. 51. . {Megascops asio. ) Red or grey, with feathered horn- like ears, feeding upon mice, beetles, moles, grasshoppers and small birds, nesting with four or five nearly round white eggs in a hollow tree, the screech owl, finding food and shelter where he may, re- mains over winter in Pennsyl- vania. Long after the milkers' lanterns have left the barn, and early risers have gone to bed, before the late April moon rises, and when all is silent at the farm save for the nightly stamp of the stabled horse, or the splash of falling water in the log trough, the quavering sin- ister hoot of the screech owl, frightens the wakened slum- berer with a world-old fear. Cooking; Apple But- ter. 58. After paring and cutting the apples, boil down the pieces in cider all night. 51 36 Left Corridor. (58 Continued) Let the whole able family stir by turn, with the perforated arm of a pole, as the mosaic shows, or with a cranked paddle, reducing the liquid to the con- sistency of a dark brown thick sauce. Thus you make the famous laid varreck or apple butter of the Pennsylvania Ger- man, derived from the less universal latwerge (fruit sauce) of Germany. The Oak. (Without num- ber.) Long lived, colossal, dur- able, highly valued for wood, (Without Number] 58 bark and sawdust, represented by a multitude of varieties, as the red, black, swamp, willow, chestnut and pin oak, or as the familiar ashen - barked white oak, frequently mark- ing the land boundaries in old deeds, the oak, though unknown in Aus- tralia and tropical Africa, ennobles the forests of Europe, Asia and America in the north temperate zone. The Spud. 62. With a small concave blade at the end of an iron rod hafted in a wooden handle, you push under and peel off the bark of the rock, black, swamp and chest- nut oak, or best of all, of the birch tree, for use in tanneries. This work now confined to lumber re- gions, or zones of tree-extermination by steam saws, was once common on eastern farms, while tree felling was still universal, and domestic tan- neries now extinct, always in need of bark, followed the sound of the axe. Plowing: "With the Shov- el Plow. 61. The plowman skips, scratches, or deeply furrows the newly cleared land, where among g2 stumps and fibres a plowshare would w-edge under horizontal roots. Thus he works with a plow, armed with a shovel-shaped, nearly vertical blade, still used in 1908 to turn out potatoes, and surviving through the middle ages from a Roman original. Stove Plate. 60. The mosaic shows the pattern of one of the five-plated iron "wall" or "jam))" stoves (J720-17G0) made to heat not cook, of five heavy cast-iron plates without stovepipe or door. Like a box the ancient 61 Left Corridor. 37 self -buried carapace of the terrapin, asleep for the winter. Then pull him out with a spoon-shaped fork on the reverse of the pole, and bag him. Thus the catcher exterminates rapidly, for sale at about three dollars per dozen, the fresh water terrapin ( Pseudomys rugosa ) , to resel 1 as meat of his famous edible cousin, the salt water terrapin {Malacoclemmys palustris), at five dol- lars per quart. Sour Gum. 65. ( Nyssa sylvatica. ) The mosaic shows the leaves of the sour gum tree, familiar in northern and south- ern states as the pepperidge and tupelo. Lofty, tough, fine-leaved, flashing scarlet in autumn, (60 Continued) stove protruded into the room it heated, and being fed by fuel inserted into it through a wall hole, emitted its smoke through the same orifice and backward into an adjoining fireplace. Here under the name of the iron master and a series of symbolic tulips, and above the date 1751, is the motto "DAS. LEBEN. JESU. WAS. EIN. LICHT." Translated— The life of Jesus what a light. Catching- Xerrapin. 63. Thrust an iron-pronged pole into the deep cold mud at the brook's eddy, until a dull vibration tells you of the fresh water 63 heavily fruited with blue berries once beloved of the now vanished wild pigeon and other birds, often the hollow- trunked harbor of "coon" and "possum," the gum tree furnished cylindrical hollow trunk sections which often lined the spring to make the water "taste sweet," or stood in the old orchard or barn as "bee-gum" (bee-hive) or "salt- o-um" (salt-box) for cattle feed. I^ard Lamp. 64. The char- acteristic lamp of the world from Roman times until the 19th cen- 65 tury, and generally used in farms, cabins and mills in Pennsylvania until 1820-'40. Easily traceable backward through the people's lamps of Italy, Germany, Russia, Turkey, France, the Azores, Spain and Scandinavia, to ancient times. Of sheet or wrought iron, brass, tin or copper, boat-shaped like the double-tray ed croosie of Scotland, or the synagogue lamp of Morocco, with long barbed and sometimes swiveled hook, the lamp was frequently adorned upon its hinged or pivoted lid, with a handle shaped after the chicken cock, in mem- ory, like many vanes (in shape) and water spigots (in name), of the turning of St. Peter at the cock's crowing. Thrust 64 38 Rotunda. the hooked prong into a beam, or catch its barb on a nail or log crevice. Then filling the vessel with lard (kept liquid in cold weather with a hot brick ), liquid animal fat, linseed or whale oil, light the twisted tow (later cotton) wick, laid along the Literal trough and so tilted as to allow the oil oozing from the flame to flow back into the lamp. By the light brighter than a candle, read after dark, work at the loom, or paint and varnish with vegetable colors and cherry gum liquified in whiskey, the "Fractur" manuscript. Thus in Oc- tober 1897 David Getter fried potatoes at night on the open hearth of his log cabin near Springtown, Bucks county, Pennsylvania. Frying - in the Open Kire. 68. Reaching a long-handled wrought iron pan, greased with lard or ham fat, over the glowing oak or hickory embers of the kitchen hearth, the farmer's wife fried "saus," ham, puddings, mush, scrapple, fish, all meats indeed, and pancakes, tossing the latter up the chimney to turn and catch them upside down. Disused with open fire cooking 1830-'50. M4F - j Paring Apples. 67- Turn- SrifSjf? . *"^i m S a srna ll crank which causes a skewered apple to revolve, you make the apple skin fly off in a long spiral as you press a spade- shaped, strap-fastened knife to the whirling fruit. Thus working in Pennsylvania until about 18G0, you anticipated the modern apple paring machine, and prepared the fruit for the neighborly "schnitzen" frolic, when a score of merry neighbors cut up the pared apples to be boiled in cider for apple butter. Before countrv steam mills superseded the practice, songs were sung in English, not German, among Pennsylvania Germans, who having abol- ished secular singing long ago, are at last 1908 perforce by the phonograph, strangely introduced to the ignohle song tune of the city concert hall. 68 67 'Wild Duck. 66. Everywhere pur- sued by sportsmen, represented by many species whether nesting in Pennsylvania or the far north, migrating at railroad speed high in air, in Y-shaped flocks, lured by wooden decoys, stalked from blinds, retrieved when dying in the water by so-called Chesapeake bay dogs bred from a Labrador original in 1807, courting death or danger whenever in season he lights for food or rest 011 pond, river, or bay, the wild duck out classes in the typical form of the celery fed canvas- back, all lauded products of the American kitchen. Song Sparrow. 70. {Melospiza nielodia.) Below the ripples where the mill stream lingers by bridge or edd} r , and the jett) T water beetles dart in circles over the odoriferous pool, the song g~ sparrow, seizing a branch of hazel, or K2f2£?8K5KI ■V;r4fc %L-JL$j 70 Rotunda. 3d (70 Continued) the topmost fresh-leaved spray of willow, outvieing all his kindred, stirs the heart with his sweetest keynote of spring. Candlestick. 69. A tube of sheet iron set upon a circular convex base, and provided with a movable socket raised or lowered in a slot, held the dipped or moulded candle, universal in the kitchen and farmhouse before the introduction of kero- sene. Thereafter used by farmers to scrape off the bristles from the scalded carcasses of hogs. Fluid L,attlp. 82. In this obsolete, short- lived pewter or glass lamp, with one, two or three small round wicks, the cradle light of many a man yet alive, and greatly in vogue between 1840 and '50, burned the so- called camphine, a fluid mixture of turpentine and alcohol. Keep the tube capped while not in use to save evaporation. If you lose the little pewter cap generally chained to the wick tube, replace it with a cock's spur. Pounding: Hominy. 81. Break and hull the grains of corn in a heavy wooden mortar hollowed from the trunk of a gum tree, by pounding with a bar of smith- 82 forged iron, or a wood-hafted iron wedge. Thus the colonial farmer worked in Penn- sylvania to prepare corn grains for subsequent boiling as hominy. Thus until 1880 negroes pounded hominy at Cambridge, Maryland. The colonial slave worked on a larger scale, as shown in the mosaic, with a heavier mortar and ponderous pestle sus- pended from the overbent springing top of a hickory sapling. Tinder Box. 80. Holding between the thumb and forefinger of the right hand a piece of imported gun flint (long quarried at Brandon in Suffolk, England), strike it di- agonally against a circlet of prop- erly tempered steel held in the left hand, so that a spark flies down- ward upon a dry scorched linen rag lying in a tin cup (the tinder box). When the spark instantly catches the rag, blow or touch it into a flame against the sulphur- tipped end of a match which will not otherwise ignite. Then with the burning match, light a candle socketed in the lid of the tinder box, and smother the smoul- dering rag with an inner tin lid dropped upon it. Thus you were master of the house of a winter's morning when the fires were out. 81 80 40 Rotunda. This was better than spinning a wheel against a flint fixed at the end of a steel trough, or pounding fire upon tinder by air compression through a metal cylinder (1815— 1820), or snapping a flintlock- tinder pistol. Disused with other light striking processes upon the invention of percussion matches about 1 830. massacre of Wyom- ing. 78. The Lenni Lenape (Delaware) Indians having been cheated in their opinion out of their old Delaware Valley home, by the Pennsylvaniau colonists at the "Indian walk" treaty in 17.°>7, revenged themselves in 1776 as leaders of a British raid, by capturing "Forty Fort" at Wyoming, and killing and scalping their defeated enemies and neighboring settlers. 78 The Carpenter's Hatchet. 7r. Two tools, the little hand axe and the claw hammer, served the carpenter un- til about 1800, to cut and pound wood, and to drive and pull wrought nails. When lath and plaster replaced ceiling beam, and wall panel, the hitherto unknown and incessant lath cutting and nailing required the invention of the American carpenter's hatchet 71 72 iron or wood, strapped to the mid fingers of the right hand, and project- ing between thumb and forefinger. Stove Plate. 73. The mosaic shows the pattern of one of the five- plated iron "wall" or "jamb" stoves (1720-1760) made to heat, not cook, of five heavy cast-iron plates, without stovepipe or door. Like a box, the ancient stove protruded into the room it heated, and fed by fuel inserted into it through a wall hole, emitted its smoke through the same orifice, and backward into an adjoining fireplace. Here under the name of the iron master and a series of symbolic tulips with an inferior side-notched nail pull upon the blade, which transformed the two older tools into one. HUSking: Corn. 72. No ma- chine having yet been invented to husk maize, the farmer having thrown the unbound shock of stalks, cleared from the "horse" stiffened stack, up 11 the ground, still (1908) kneels in the cold autumnal days, as his colonial ancestor did, upon the dry stalks, traring the husk from the ear by means of a peg of 73 Rotunda. 41 and above the date 1751, is the motto "DAS. LEBEN. JESU. WAS. EIN. LICHT." Translated. The life of Jesus what a light. Kingfisher. 74. ( CeryJe alcyon. ) The man with country boyhood, who learned to swim where still water runs deep in the "horse hole," or by the roaring breast of the old mill dam, can never forget the echoing trumpet of the kingfisher, as the restless, big- 74 headed, black-collared bird, fly- ing over the ripples and diving by pond lily, arum and calamus, sets going the wild echoes of woods, air and water. Swingling: Flax. 75. With the swingle or scutching knife (schwenk messer), a flattened club about 16 inches long of oak, the man knocks off loosened stalk shreds from the previously broken flax, held by handfuls across the end of an upright board. Disused 1830-'40. Locust. 103. ( Cicada septem de- cim. ) The hot July air thrills with the song of the cicada (improperly called locust after the European grasshopper-like 75 103 insect), sounding his abdominal drum, who having come out of the earth (in extra hosts on cer- tain years), climbs a few feet up a tree trunk, emerges from his translucent subterranean armor and takes wing. Making: the Farm Fence. 102. Three or four 100 102 split and sharpened rails inserted into perforated hewn posts, super- seded slowly the ' ' worm ' ' or " snake " fence made of split rails and poles piled zig-zag, or supple- mented the wall fence of loose or mortared stones where stones were plenty. Dragon Fly. xoo. Believed to be the "doctor" or feeder of the water snake, by the barefooted country boy, as the latter searches the hrook for bullfrogs, or lifts with skilled hand the unresisting half- hypnotized mullet "sucker" from his water hole under the bank. The dragon fly "snake feeder," 42 Rotunda. emerging from an early submarine life, to cast its shell and take wing vies with the butterfly as a charmer of children, and type of the fire, and energy of mid-summer. Making- Bricks. 77. The red- shirted, sun-browned brickmaker, scattering sand and splashing water, slams a mass of soft plastic clav into a brick-shaped sanded mould of wood or iron, open at top and bottom. This when so filled, the barefooted "off- bearer" seizes, carries off to dump on the clay drying floor, and brings back empty. Generally disused (1895) for the mechanical process of squeezing plastic clay slowly through a brick- shaped tube, and cutting off into bricks with wire. Medicine Mortar and 77 Pestle. 76. The apothecary's as- sistant pounded drugs in a white marble mortar with a stone, wood or porcelain pestle, thus justifying the device of a mortar and pestle carved in wood and often gilded, symbolizing the art of medicine, still - (1908) sometimes set above the pharmacy door as a sign. The mosaic, intended to express Pennsyl- vania's distinction in medicine, shows the Latin motto GLORIA CIVITATIS. Translated — Glory of the state. Bat. 98. ( Vespertilio.) Mar- velous, weird, night-seeing, alert after a day trance, hanging heads down- ward on wing claws, in cave, hol- low tree, open cellar, or ruined barn, sometimes for mother love weighted on the wing with clinging brood, the , __ fantastic bats enter after dark the open ' window of the shining bed- room, snuff the kitchen candle, chase twilight beetles over tree top and lawn, or as demons of the night breeze, tease the boy players of "kick-the-wicket" who once followed them shouting as in the old Maryland child's rhyme — "Leather-winged bat, fly under my hat And I'll give you a ham of 98 bacon." Peilll's Treaty. 97. As a noble-hearted leader of Christian Friends, seeking to mollify the stern rule of might makes right, by which advanced nations seize the waste lands of the world from their primitive owners, and by which Pennsylvania was granted him by the English Crown, William Penn desired to dispossess his Indian land owners by gifts and kindness rather than bv force. To his honor and glory stands the memory of a celebrated" treaty of friend- ship (broken afterwards in 1737 by his sons) with the Indian land owners, said to have been made by Penn under a large elm tree on the right Delaware River bank at Kensington above Philadelphia. In the midst of wharves, factories, ware-houses and a few ancient, Rotunda. 43 (97 Continued) smoke-blackened dwellings, a small marble monument now (1909hnarks the site where the "treaty tree," protected by the British garrison in 1776 as a venerable relic, blew down in 1810 at the age of 283 years. Heron. 79. Of many kinds, —p^r ,,-,,,,.. . long-legged, deliberate in flight, fish- Br-KBw i ^'^'*i'Ml#iBji mating, wading in mud and water, nest- b|V 4*1^ * Wr '"•> *" colonies on small tree tops, ^"taiviSf- a » 1 migrating in winter to the south, often magnificently plumed in blue, white or green, and inadequately protected by bird laws, the unfortunate heron 97 is still sacrificed (1900) in great num- bers, and, in spite of twenty years of Audubon societies, indignation meetings, bird lectures and leaflets, killed by women's agents for head or hat decoration. Cider Flag: 011. 106. A large wooden flagon, hooped and lidded, brought up cider from the cellar of a Saturday night, or in early apple season car- ried refreshment to the thirsty reapers, who toil- ed with grain cradle or sickle at wheat, rye or oats harvest, be- fore the days of the reaping ma- chine, yg Bear Trap. 83. The little steel trap of to-day, used by boys to catch musk- rats, reproduces the form of the large blacksmith-made apparatus, whose toothed jaws fly together at touch of spring, to clasp in deadly grip the leg, tail or muzzle, of wolf, bear, wild-cat, porcupine or other large wild animal. Gridiron. 84. Not over the flame of an evil-smelling, modern kero- sene stove, nor under the gas jets of the modern city hotel range, nor over the anthracite coal fire of an unlidded stove, but close above the glowing hickory embers of the old open hearth fire, hold the chop, steak or fish, upon a wrought iron grill sometimes fur- nished with channeled bars. Then as distinguished from penetrating the meat with hot water (boiling), penetrating it with hot fat (frying), penetrating it slowly with heated air in a confined oven (baking), or slowly with heated air radiated sideways from an open fire ( roasting), you suddenly sear the meat in the uprising heat, so as best to retain its flavor and juices, (broiling). Thus in the simplest and most scientific manner, you cook a dish to set before a king. Now, coal oil and gas cook stoves, permitting to the cook many idle makeshifts, have changed cookery. "Roast beef" being nearly always baked, no 106 83 44 Rotunda. (84 Continued) longer really exists, and the country cook who often soaks potatoes after boiling, to the consistency of soap or beeswax, having cast aside the gridiron, frequently boils the beefsteak or mutton chop in hot grease, that is to say, fries it. Quail. 85. (Colinus vir- giniantts.. ) Prolific, ground-nest- ing, nonniigratory, gathering in winter cov- eys, pre- served by game laws, rising for the sports- man with 04 explosive whirring of wings, cheering summer with his lively "bob- white" note, how did the now meadow-loving quail subsist in the earlier days of the great meadowless forest? Domestic Turkev. 88. The familiar 85 farmyard turkey of Christmas and Thanksgiving feasts in America, hav- ing been originally domesticated from its wild Mexican cousin {Meleagris mexicana), by prehistoric New Mexi- can cliff dwellers and Aztecs, went first to Europe with the Spaniards. Bred in the farmyards of Italy, England, Ger- many and France, and illustrated in the paintings of Bassano in the 16th cen- tury, the American turkey, called " welsch hahn " and " indianer " in Germany, ''dandon" in France, and miscalled after the Sultan's country in the land of its origin, came back to the new world by way of the old. 88 The Butterfly* 92* Through one of the most marvelous changes in nature, sometimes lasting over winter, by way of egg laid upon a twig, voracious leaf- eating skin-inolting caterpillar, pseudo- death as a grub-mummy wrapped in self- made coffin, long sleep, and resurrection, the sun-loving, honey-seeking, gorgeous butterfly, can- c e 1 i n g in winged beauty the caterpil- lar's harm. emerges upon the lap of s umiiier t outvie the fairest of her flowers. 92 94 House-Fly. 94. (Musca domes- tica.) The familiar, buzzing, warmth- loving, house-infesting, disease-spreading insect, grown in filth and garbage, particu- larly horse manure and decaying fruit, and Rotunda. 45 developed within a month through egg maggot and fly, was probably introduced from Europe with the horse, by the first settlers. ConestogaWagon. 96. Thei 96 the "prairie schooner," it bore the American emigrant and his family "Westward Ho." Pine Cones. 99. Sawed for boards, hard or soft, yellow or white, or scored for exuding resin, covering the northern hills and southern swamps, origin of pitch, the pine tree, in va- rious forms, but most distinctive as the beautiful white pine {.Pin us stro- bus), with its bare wing-like limbs feathered only at the ends, rivals in form the cedar of Lebanon or the deodar of India. Cut with the axe or movable saw, and floated down the stream in the form of trimmed logs, the tree seems to approach extermi- nation. inmense ponderous schooner- shaped wagon, of probable German descent, named from the site of its earliest make along the Conestoga Creek in Lancaster county, with home-spun linen cover stretched on wooden bows, and drawn by four to six walking horses often equipped with bells, trans- ported freight across the Alleghenies and south of New England lines of sea and lake transport, before railroads were built. In lighter form, a celebrated wagon of national type, as 99 Milking the Cow. 89. Universally important in the econ- omy of the American farm, of inestimable assistance to man as con- tributor for several thousand years, of beef, leather and milk, the cow everywhere proclaims the dependence upon European ancestry of the American, who having never domesticated and almost ex- terminated his own cow (the bison ), utilizes the European animal domesticated by his prehistoric ancestors in the stone as;e. 89 Cherries, no. {Prut/us cerasus.) Rival of the strawberry, beloved of boys and birds, associated with the flavor of cherry bounce and pie, the delicious European fruit, in its best known forms 110 46 Rotunda. of pie, oxheart, or black cherry, when freshly imported, and grown by the log cabin of the pioneer, may have been seen by the Indian before his expulsion from Pennsylvania. The Pennsvlvaniau must thank the horticulture of his European ancestors for this fair fruit of early summer, brought to Europe by L/Ucullus the Roman epicure, from Cerasus of Asiatic Pontus. Cultivated for centuries in France, England and Germany, the cherry tree, if in Pennsylvania degener- ating in fruit, has not failed in the magnificence of its white bloom, which, gladdening the roadsides when the meadow lark sings his spring song, only yields to those blossoms which the Japanese won- der at on April seventh. Pressing Steel Plate. 123. The modern iron-worker flattens a sheet of hot steel by sub- 123 jecting it to immense pressure un- der an hydraulic press. Snapping- Turtle. 186. ( Chelydra serpentina. ) Ferocious, carnivorous, devourer of frogs, tadpoles, and young ducks, only half- protected by his under shell, always fighting in self-defense, most active of the turtle tribe in Pennsylvania, inhabiting the muddy bottom of the mill pond, the snapping turtle, grand trophy of torchlight fisherman and wandering bov, sometimes caught with red flannel on a fishhook, is the origin of a celebrated "snap- per soup ' ' popular in country restaurants. -jog 'Washington Crossing Hfllimggft tne Delaware. 90. On .JS5 fll VB3r" chrislmas night 177(5, General WzJ£fJ&*^4&£&1 Washington led the American " * i ° l '' ■ "'^31 army secretly in flatboats, across the Delaware River just above the present (1908) bridge at Morris- ville, Bucks county, and surprising the Hessian army employed by the British, defeated them at Trenton r^,.,. -,^,\z ■ ^~*%*m ^ U< 1 captured their General Rahl. 90 Black Bear. 95. {Ursus americanus.) With dog and gun, man finds a bloody amusement in rapidly exterminating the honey- loving, ant, fish, and root-eating, vegetarian and carnivorous, black bear. Glossy-black, brown-cheeked, dog-fearing, harmless (unless with cubs or in self-defense), the tree- climbing, hibernating animal, was reverenced, almost worshipped, vet hunted and eaten bv Indians, in the 95 Rotunda. 47 primeval forest. Close kin to the brown bear of Europe, the once abundant black bear in vain retires to inaccessible places to escape the relentless and untiring hatred of his human pur- suer. The Spud. 109. With a round - bladed bark chisel, working like the man in the mosaic, the farmer stripped rock, black, swamp and chest- nut oak bark, or best of all birch bark, for the tanner. Discontinued as a common practice with the abandonment of coun- try tanneries about 1860. 109 scored for exuding resin, covering the northern hills and southern swamps, origin of pitch, the pine tree, in various forms, but most distinctive as the beau- tiful white pine (Pinus strobus), rivals the cedar of Lebanon or the deodar of India, with its bare wing-like limbs feathered only at the ends. Cut with the axe or movable saw, and floated down the stream in the form of trimmed logs, the tree seems to approach exter- mination. Pine Cones. 119. Sawed for boards, hard or soft, yellow or white, or 119 Flax Brake. 120. An apparatus of heavy oaken home make. Three hori- zontal oak knives connect cross beams on legs. Hinged over them, two similar knives, weighted by heavy oaken ends and a parallel b a r handle, dovetail be- tween the lower knives at 120 each blow of the upper frame, which the worker lifts and drops with a down thrust upon the rotted flax stalks laid across. This reduces the use- less stalk to fine splinters and chaff, which by a later opera- tion, scutching or swingling, is dusted away from the fibre. Discontinued 1840-'60. Oak Leayes. 124. (Quercus.) Long-lived, co- lossal, durable, with color- producing bark, hard wood and sawdust, highly valued by the carpenter, the slow growing oak, though familiar 124 48 Rotunda. 91 in Europe and Asia, is unknown in Australia and tropical Africa In various forms, as the black, red, pin, white, and swamp oak. it enno- bles the forests of Americain the north temperate zone. The familiar ashen- barked white oak was the frequently named land mark in old deeds. The Elk.. 91. I Cervus cana- densis.) Yellow-bodied, with brown head and mane, an immense deer, with huge antlers shed and regrown yearly, wallowing in mud, or standing in water to escape summer flies, herd- ing in season, "called "Wapiti" by the Iroquois Indians, and miscalled elk by whites, the animal is glorified in scores of geographical names upon the American map. He was extermi- nated by sportsmen and gunners in Pennsylvania about 1850. HlOOSe. X32. (Alces americanus.) Gigantic, reddish brown, heavy-lipped, small-eyed, armed with very broad palmate antlers, with long fore and short hind legs, and neck not adapted to grazing, the immense deerlike moose, known to the white man in the northern pine forests of Maine and Canada, feeds upon the leaves, buds, and bark, of trees or hillside bushes, or wades in the mud for the roots of the yellow pond lily. Hunters lure it to death with birch bark trumpets imi- tating the cow moose's call. Though probably absent in Pennsylvania in the colonial period, its bones foundiu Durham Cave, Bucks county, show that it ranged the Delaware Valley in earlier Indian times. Similar north European species nearly extinct. 132 Forging a Chain. *i8. The white-hot links of iron are welded around each other by ham- mer blows against the adjacent seg- ments, fluxed with borax at the right moment. 118 Spinning 'Wool. 116. By means of a short wooden rod, knobbed at the end, the woman sets the large wool wheel whirring, and this by a woolen strap, whirls the spindle, which winds on the thread as she measures it between thumb and forefinger of her left hand lu&lal 116 Rotunda. 49 spiration shippers. earliest grasping the carded roll of raw wool. Disused about 1830. Rare instances of use 1860-'80. Oil "Well. 117. When the nar- row bored petroleum pump hole, having become clogged at a great depth, is blasted, by dropping a pointed iron weight (go-devil) upon a dynamite car- tridge, the oil pressed upward by subter- ranean gas, bursts skyward in vapor above the derrick. Petroleum, used by Indians as a medical lubricant, or burned for sport when floating as an iridescent scum on Oil Creek, was applied about 1850 in western Pennsylvania as a world illumi- nant, revolutionizing all ancient lighting appliances. It had burned spontaneously at Baku on the Caspian Sea since prehistoric time, as an in- Parsee fire wor- Seal of Ciermanlown. 122. A three-petaled clover leaf is surrounded with . the Latin in- scription S I G- ILLUM GER- MANO POLI- TANUM, trans- lated, Seal of wealth. the 122 German Common- 121 The Loon. 121. ( Urinator imber. ) The remarkable bird walks with diffi- culty, rises to fly at a long angle with great effort, but dives like the otter to outstrip and catch the darting fish. When migrating to or from its northern nest, the loon halts to rest upon inland water, the farmer rushes for his gun. Coal Miner. 131. Mem- ber of a threatening army re- bellious against ancient econ- omic conditions, the modern coal miner, lamp in hat, crouches in the propped sub- terranean gallery, pumped free of water or fire damp, to dig with a pick axe, lumps of hard or soft (anthracite or bitum- inous) coal, from the deep strata of the Susquehanna, Le- high or Allegheny mines. Coal Dealer's Wagon. 129. With a loud hissing Rise, a load of anthracite coal ■ shot from the coal wagon's wdy, elevated upon cog-wheels, ■wn a long sheet iron trough, 131 50 Rotunda. (129 Continued) through a wall or pavement hole, into the cellar coal bin. Wild Duck. 130. Everywhere pursued by sportsmen, represented by many species, whether nest- ing in Pennsylvania or the far north, migrating at rail- road speed high in air, in Y-shaped flocks, lured by wooden decoys, stalked from blinds, retrieved when dying in the water by so-called 129 Chesapeake Bay dogs (bred from a Lab- rador original in 1807), courting death or danger, whenever in season he lights for food or rest on pond river or bay, the wild duck outclasses in the typical form of the celery fed canvasback, all lauded products of the American kitchen. liberty Bell. T27. A greatly val- ued national relic kept at the State House in Philadelphia. In size 12 by 4 feet, weighing 2080 pounds, with motto from Leviticus "Proclaim Liberty," and stamped with order of assembly, caster's '**" name, advertisement and date 1753. It rang at several crises in the Revolutionary War with England, tolled at national funerals, and was displayed at national exhibi- tions. It cracked tolling for Chie Justice Marshall, July 8th, 1835. Grapes. 126. The Euro- pean grape having produced wine for eighteen centuries, when trans- planted to the garden of the Penn- sylvaniau farmer and generally neglected, though remaining sweet and edible, so as to outrival the native fox and chicken grape, or flavor a home-brewed, sugared, acid beverage miscalled wine, whether deteriorated by soil, climate, or lack of skill, in spite of extensive efforts in California, New Jersey, New York, etc., no longer (1908) produces for the American the ancient drink of his European ancestors. Skunk. 125. {Mephitis put ida.) With long fur richly painted in black, white or brown, hiding by day in wood pile or ruined cellar, the nocturnal, chicken-killing skunk, celebrated and dreaded because of the pungent over- powering defensive liquor cast by it 126 Left Corridor. 51 (125 Continued) at its enemies, defies the efforts at its extermination. farmer's Keystone. 119X • Pennsyl- vania coming to be called the Keystone State from its geographical posi- tion upon the map, by newspapers in the nine- teenth cen- tury, the pattern of a keystone was used as an emblem of the state. 125 Chicken. 390. Probably descended from the wild chicken ( Gal lus ferrugineus ) of India, and domesticated by man in prehis- toric times, ever-present follower of human- ity, and contributor to its progress with flesh, feathers and eggs, the domestic chicken, unknown in 11 9% 390 whether as the red fox of the north, or as the grey fox of the south, the cele- brated animal, either burrowing in the earth, or living in rocks or hollow trees, is respected and hated by man. Driven into nets or dug out for ex- termination, until about 1650 in Britain, the fox began to allure the red-coated hunter and his hounds by the end of the 17th century. Thenceforward, protected as a target for sport, glori- fied by his destroyer in the fun of pictures, horns, hounds, redcoats, Irish reels, club rooms and balls, he becomes the type of the national sport of Eng- precolum- bian America, has been more indis- pensable to man than the food-produc- ing pig, if less so than the labor-con- tributing horse, the milk and leather- producing cow, and the wool-furnish- ing sheep. Fox. 399. ( Vulpes fulvus. ) Sly, stealthy, slit-eyed, night-hunting, cleanly, devourer of birds chickens mice moles squirrels fish beetles or fruit, less swift than his European cousin, 399 land transferred America. to 373 Battleship. 373. Heavy plates of steel ri vetted to- gether form the sides, water-tight compart- ments, gun rooms, tur- rets and decks, of the modern wood-fitted battleship, upon which the modern sailor, no longer concerned with tar ropes masts and sails, is drilled as a Kotunaa. 385 mechanic and gunner. The mosaic shows a battleship at anchor near a city wharf. The Butterfly. 385. Through one of the most marvelous changes in nature, sometimes lasting over winter, by way of egg laid upon a twig, voracious, leaf-eating, skin-molting caterpillar, pseudo-death as a grub mummv wrapped in self-made coffin, long sleep and resur- rection, the butterfly, cancelling in winged beauty the caterpillar's harm, emerges upon the lap of summer to out- vie the fairest of her flowers. The Muskrat. 370. (Fiber zibethicus.) The amphibious prolific muskrat, inhabiting lakes and streams, invading cultivated lands, threatening dams and canals, destroying the water lily and lotus where they had flourished before, defies man's efforts to dig him out and exterminate him, and increases rather than disappears before the same civilization which, in exterminating the blood-letting mink which had filled the water rats' galleries with blood in the past, has withdrawn from the life struggle the muskrat 's worst enemy. 370 Casting: Iron. 315. Blow a stream of air into a confined fire of coke or charcoal, piled upon lumps of iron ore mixed with pieces of lime stone. When the molten metal, beneath masses of floating slag, runs out a clay tap hole, ladle it into moulds made of stiff, fine-grained, ferrugineous (casting) sand, or let it run free by way of a long trough-shaped open sand furrow (the sow), into smaller side troughs (the pigs). Able to soften iron by heat and shape the soft spongy mass with a hammer, since the dawn of his- tory or at the end of the Bronze Age, man, though long previously familiar with bronze casting, has .only been able thus to melt the 31 g stubborn iron ore and cast it in moulds, since the 15th century. . Weasel. 401. (Putor- tus noveboracensis. ) Some- times turning all white in winter, brown-backed, keen- scented, night-hunting, whole- sale destroyer and blood sucker of rats, mice, moles, frogs, birds and chickens. The Telegraph. 342. By means of "creep- ers," namely steel prongs strapped to his feet and legs, nn? P Tfi,r an ' ar . med u^ a W ? re cutter ' has ^cended the smooth pole to splice a storm broken wire, and repair the mechanism of one of the greatest inventions of modern times. (Many original inven- 401 Rotunda. 53 381 (342 Continued) tors 1747-1887. Manv improving inventors 1837-1890. Systematized by Morse after 1837). Blue Jay. 381. {Cyanocitta cristata.) Beautiful tyrannical alarmist, omnivorous flesh and vegetable eater, egg-sucking, nest- ling eating, oppressor of other birds, and appropriator of half- built nests, the blue jay, hunting apples, pears, beechnuts, acorns, insects, cocoons, barberries, black- berries, etc., with startling cries flashes quick gleams of ultramarine Jirough the gray woods of autumn orthegreen leaves of summer. 342 The Grasshopper. 95. Sweet as the song of the meadow lark or scent of new mown hay, charming the recollection of thousands of human minds aged in the toil of cities, rises the universal memory of an infant form, hatless and barefoot, chasing the ever present grasshop- per, who with immense fascinating leaps, wins the race on the soft grass or prickly stubble fields of summer. The "grasshop- per war, ' ' an exterminating battle of an old Delaware and Susquehanna Valley myth, came, according to the farmer's wife's tale, from the overleaping by a grasshopper of a sinew boundary stretched be- tween two Indian camps. The chasing children of the rival tribes quarrel, and the squaws take their part; the braves intervene, and then a desperate resulting battle strews the river shores, as at Durham, or fills the mound, as at Connewago, with skulls. Oysters. 105. ( Ostrea virginiana. ) Ancient seaside heaps, "kitchen middens," of oyster and other shells, from Maine to Florida, and Alaska to California, prove that the Indians roasted and ate oysters for many centuries. Stewed, panned, roasted, raw, deviled, broiled, fried, steamed, boxed, or brazed, the American oyster, less highly flavored than its European cousin, raked from marine estuaries to be rapidly distributed by- railroads, soon became the familiar staple cf the city restaurant and barroom cook, and as stewed with milk, a national dish. Ovsters were gluttonously eaten raw on wagers in thefifties, at country eating 10 ° houses and old fashioned oyster suppers. Inland lanes and roads paved with their shells (1908) prove an im- Imense increase in their consumption. __J 95 54 Rotunda. 215 Heckewaelder Preaching. 215. The Moravian missionar) 7 , minister of Christ's peace and brotherhood among Indians, venerable, noble, beloved, uphold- ing a friendship for the red man, equal to and long outliving that proclaimed by Penn, here preaches to the Lenape after a common fashion, standing upon a stump in the partly cleared woods. Klax Reel. 108. From a standard set upon a tripod, four pegged arms turned horizontally to wind off flax thread into skeins from the spindle. Sometimes set upon a forked sap- ling and easil)' made at home without turning lathe. Disused with the spin- ning wheel about 1835. Skunk. 85. {Mephitis puiida.) With long fur richly painted in black white or brown, hiding by day in the wood pile or ruined cellar, the noc- turnal chicken-killing skunk, cele- brated and dreaded because of the pungent overpowing defensive liquor cast by it at its enemies, defies the farmer's efforts at its extermination. 108 The Crassh op per. 82. Sweet as the song of the meadow lark or scent of new mown hay, charm- ing the recollection of thousands of human minds aged in the toil of cities, rises the universal memory of an in- fant form, hatless and bare- foot, chasing the ever pres- ent grasshopper, who with immense fascinating leaps, wins the race on the soft grass or prickly stubble fields of summer. The "grasshopper war, " an exterminating battle of an old Delaware and Susquehanna myth, came according to the farm- er's wife's tale, from the overleaping by a grasshop- per of a sinew boundary stretched between two Indian camps. The chasing children of the rival tribes quarrel, braves intervene, and then a shores, as at Durham, or fills 82 and the squaws take their part. The desperate resulting battle strews the river the mound, as at Connewag-o, withskulls. Oysters. IXI. {Ostrea Virginian a.) Ancient seaside heaps "kitchen middens," of oyster and other shells, from Maine to Florida, and from Alaska to California, prove that Indians roasted and ate oysters for many centuries. Stewed, panned, roasted, raw, deviled, broiled, fried, steamed, boxed or brazed, the American oyster, less 111 inches. ~ Height about 9. Place in it the risen dough for bread, then set on the convex lid and bury the pot in the hot embers of the open fire. Lift on or off the coals by the hinged wrought iron handle, whose hooks slip in or out of the clasp holes against the rim. Dis- continued with open fire cooking about 1830-40. Still used by western camping parties, though but a meagre substitute for the bake oven of brick or clay. A rather uncommon farmyard relic in 1897. Handles and lids generally lost or the latter used as watering troughs for chickens. Rotunda. 5S (III Continued) highly flavored than its European cousin, raked from marine estuaries to be rapidly distributed by railroads, soon became the familiar staple of ihe city restaurant and barroom cook, and as stewed with milk, a national dish. Oysters were glutton- ously eaten raw on wagers in the fifties at country eating houses and old fashioned oyster suppers. Inland lanes and roads paved with their shells (1908) prove an immense increase in their consumption. Dutch Oven. ria. A cast iron lidded pot, usual diameter about 20 112 139 Keystone. 139. Pennsylvania com- ing to be called the Keystone State from its geographical position upon the map, by newspapers in the nineteenth century, the pattern of a keystone was since used as an emblem of the state. Pioneer Rifleman. 359* A marks- man of deadly aim from continual shooting at Indians and animals, the Pennsylvanian pioneer, armed at first with a transatlantic gun, barreled with a spiral bore to make the flying leaden bullet rotate, (rifle of Edward Marshall the Indian walker, made 1737-'50 at Rothenburg Germany), began making his own "Lancaster" and "Kentucky" rifles at Reading, Lancaster and elsewhere by the end of the 18th century. Though subject to speedy annihilation in a bayonet charge, and denied a place in European armies by Napoleon, organ- ized bands of these deadly slow firing Indian fighters, with coon skin caps buckskin shirts and fringed leggings did great service in frontier battles, and at New Orleans in 1815, where the riflemen, lying behind cotton bales and supplied by boys with continually reloaded extra rifles, destroyed at a distance the British army, killed its general, and won the battle in a few minutes. 359 Squirrel* 140. (Sciurus carotin ensis.) Having survived the enmity of the farmer, who shoots and eats the squirrel or im- prisons him in a tin cage and treadmill, the animal finds peace in. 56 V mm my. gyfr ' ^*tF~i jPBJrVl < Rotunda. (140 Continued) the city park and town grove, where children tame and feed him. Flying Squirrel. 1x4. {Sciur- opterus volans. ) Nocturnal, dwelling in large gnawed holes in dead trees old house cornices deserted garrets or summer houses, sometimes imprisoned in tin cages by the farmer's boy, the beautiful flying squirrel outvies in cele- brity many largeranimals, by flitting at night diagon- ally from tree to tree upon winglike extensions of its leg skin. 140 Wooden Plough. 101. Home- made plough, ironed by country black- smith, and set with a wooden mould board, probably universal in the Atlantic States before 1800. Sometimes protected with sheet iron or as on the eastern shore of Mary- land, with bull-fish skin nailed to the 114 mould board to save wear. Often rehandled with a cow's horn. Generally superseded by iron mould boards about 1810. Letitia House. I 37» Small brick house with white painted wood facings, built by William Penn in 1683, in a garden between Front, Second and 101 Market streets, and Black Horse Alley, Philadelphia. Penn's residence for about one- year; capitol of the Province until about 1700; given to his daughter I v etitia who sold it to William Eastman. Twice serving as an inn (Rising Sun and Wool Sack), and afterward neglected and nearly destroyed by modern city growth. In 1882 removed and re-erected at its present (1908) site in Fairmount Park. Black Bear. 115. ( Ursus amcricamts. ) With dog and gun, man finds a bloody amusement in rapidly exterminating the honey loving, ant fish and root eating, vegetarian and carnivor- ous black bear. Glossy black, brown-cheeked, d og- fearing, 137 harmless ( unless when with cubs or in self defense), the tree- climbing hibernating animal, was reverenced, almost worshipped, yet hunted and eaten by Indians in the primeval forest. Close kin to the brown bear of Europe, the once abundant black bear in vain Rotunda. 115 near Peekskill on the Hudson, and there (1907) sometimes attached to a (now factory-made, previously home- constructed) treadmill, worked by a dog (the dog-churn). Red-Headed Woodpeck- er. 138. {Melanerpes eryihroceph- alus.) You must search among the painted birds of the tropics for a rival to this magnificent insect hunter, who startles the silent woods with sudden resonant drumming upon dead tree limbs, or, darting in red black and white through summer leafage, pro- tests in his 57 (1x5 Continued) retires to inacces- sible places, to es- cape the relentless and untiring hatred of his human pur- suer. Churning Butter. 136. The woman works a vertical wooden piston, set upon cruciform splash- ing arms, and pro- jecting through a lid hole in the bar- rel-shaped churn hal f -filled with cream. Used in Eastern Pennsyl- vania until about 1850. Still in use 138 skunk, celebrated and dreaded because of the pungent over- powering defensive liquor cast by it at its enemies, defies the farmer's efforts at its exter- mination. The Locomotive En- gine. 107. For ten cen- turies preceding the date 1820, no such revolutionary change in the habits of man through his equipment with labor-saving devices, has occurred, as be- tween 1820 and the present time. More potently than electricity, lling life, ainst the ner- who would shoot him because he eats cher- ries, the 1111- ' \3Q taught boy who destroys him for fun, or the woman who wears his distorted skin or wings upon her hat. Skunk. 142. {Mephitis pulida.) With long fur richly painted in black white or brown, hiding by day in the wood pile or ruined cellar, the nocturnal chicken-killing- t42 58 Rotunda. (107 Continued) I gunpowder, printing.coal, iron or petroleum, the locomotive engine has probably worked to pro- duce this result. With its new rapid transfer of men and merchandise, cus- toms a thousand years old, tools, utensils, imple- ments, things home and hand made, vanished as if by magic. Largest type 107 of locomotive of Philadel- phia make (1902), heavier, stronger, and of broader wheel guage, than its European rival. The Dog:. X48. {Canis familiarts.) When first domesti- cated by the North American Indian, or prehistoric old world savage, the wolf or jackal lost its ferocity to become the affectionate dog, an epoch was marked in the history of man. And the thinker may associate with the dog another epoch in man's higher evolution, when as now (1909) the human conscience strangely awakes, to enter upon a memorable struggle. Many unselfish champions of mercy and love, rejecting the al- leged cure of their own dis- eases, arm themselves for a world wide conflict with ■xa.r thousands of modern doctors and students, who proclaiming advantage to the human race, cut open (with or without pain deadening drugs), disembowel, inocculate with disease, ( vivisect) the living dog to help their surgery or medicine, or illustrate facts (previously known or unknown) to their scholars. Friendly, fleet, intelligent, trained to a multitude of uses besides hunting birds and animals, carnivorous, clinging to filthy habits and food, often unselfish, faithful, devoted beyond compare, the dog has followed close upon the human wanderer from the darkness of pre- historic time. What more remarkable moment than when the highest human education, the loftiest Christianity, forgets its pride, and humbles its desires, to find inspiration in the friendship of a dog. 144 Opossum. 144. (Didelphys vir- gin! ana.) Sluggish, sleepj T , helpless, death feigning, fruit insect and chicken eating, hunted of old and eaten with delight by the American slave and free, continually caught and killed by the farmer, the celebrated prolific American marsupial, ghastly in hair and skin, un- known in Europe, and related to the Australian kangaroo, continuing to rear about 36 young per year in three litters in its extraordinary breast pouch, survives its human enemy, and still harbors unsuspected close to the farm- er's henroost and haystack, or in his hollow apple tree. 147 planted to the garden of the Pennsylvanian farmer, has been generally neglected. Though remaining sweet and edible, so as to outrival the native fox and chicken grape, or flavor a sugared acid home made wine, it has deteriorated, whether by soil, climate or lack of skill; and in spile of extensive efforts in Cali- fornia, New Jerse)' and New York, etc., no longer (1908) produces for the American the ancient drink of his European ancestors. Rotunda. 59 Man Using: Frow. X47. With an L-shaped knife blade held upon a cylindrical section of white oak trunk set on a chopping block, the man splits with the grain, thin sections off the piece, by blows of a short large-headed wooden club. These shingles thus split, and afterwards pared where necessary with a draw knife, roofed early houses and log cabins. Homemade shingles split and used at Wormansville, Buckscounty, 1896. Grapes. 149. The European grape having produced wine for eighteen cen- turies, trans- The itnber. ) Loon. 150. ( Urinator The remarkable bird walks 149 150 long-handled shovel of iron (the peel). Apple peach pump- kin huckleberry mince squash and and other forms of the familiar American pie, were developed from English original types, in these ovens. Snapping: Turtle. 133. {Chelydra serpentina.) Ferocious, carnivorous, devourer of frogs tad- poles and young ducks, only half- protected by his under shell, al- ways fighting in self-defense, most active of the turtle tribe in Penn- sylvania, inhabiting the muddy bottom of mill ponds, the snapping turtle, grand trophy of the torch light fisherman and wandering boy, sometimes caught with red flannel with difficulty, rises to fly at a long angle with great effort, but dives like the otter to outstrip and catch the darting fish. When the loon migrating to or from its northern nest, halts to rest upon inland water, the farmer rushes for his gun. Woman Baking:. 145. The brick fire chamber in a stone oven built against into or outside the house, and often opening into the kitchen fireplace, is heated with a wood fire. When the hot embers are raked out, and the oven cleaned with a damp swab, the bread loaves are pushed in or pulled out upon a wood or 145 so Rotunda. (133 Continued) on a fish hook, is the origin of a renowned "snapper soup" popular in country restaurants. Conestog-a Wagon. 134* The immense ponder- ous schooner-shaped wagon of probable German descent, named from the site of its earliest make along the Cones- toga Creek in Lancaster county, with homespun linen cover stretched on wooden bows; and drawn by four to 133 six walking horses, often equip- ped with bells, transported freight south of New England lines of sea and lake transport and across the Alleghenies, before railroads were built. In lighter form, a wagon of national type, cele- brated as the "prairie schooner," it bore the American emigrant and his family "Westward Ho." Reaping With the Sickle. 143. Lean forward and seizing a large bunch of wheat or rye with the left hand, • 134 cut the stalks near the ground by drawing the keen serrated narrow sickle blade across them from left to right. Then, as the mosaic shows, you reap as vour an- cestors did from Egyptian times until about 1820, when, at the advent of the old European grain cradle, and Hainault scythe (dispensing with stalk grasping), and finally the reaping ma- chine, the greatest craft of husbandry changed suddenly and forever. 143 Bat. 135. ( Vespertilio. ) Marvelous, weird, night-see- ing, alert after a day trance, hanging head downward on wing claws, in caves hollow trees open cellars or ruined barns, sometimes, for mother love, weighted on the wing with clinging brood, the fan- tastic bats enter the open window of the lamp lit bed- room, snuff the kitchen candle, chase twilight beetles over tree top and lawn, or as demons of the night breeze, tease the boy wicket," who followed them of old shouti'n child's rhyme — " Leather winged bat, flv under my hat And I'll give you a ham of bacon." fr^ 1 ^"®; 384 * Tr ? ns P la , nt ed from Europe as an inheritance from savage human ancestors who had domesticated it probably before 135 pi ay en of ' the ' kick-the- Marvland Cross Lobby to Rotunda. 61 r^W"* 384 the reconcilia tion of two survivors of the Civil War, once soldier enemies, now farmers, meeting after thirty years to shake hands on their old battlefield at Gettysburg, upon the noted reunion of surviving veterans in 1903. Gettysburg:. 378. A struggle be- tween citizens of the United States at (384 Continued) Egyptian times, everywhere familiar as a household pet, kept by man as a destroyer of rats and mice long before the Norway rat invaded England in the 16th century, or followed European discoverers to Amer- ica, the cat vies with the dog in human popularity. Reconciliation of IV ortli and South. 370. The mosaic represents 379 Gettysburg in I860, decided against the continued inconsistent existence of negro slavery in the liberty asserting United States, and against the division of the Republic into two nations. 378 Stephen Collins Poster. 382. The mosaic shows the first musi- cal bar of the song called " Old Folks at Home " often known as "The "Su- wannee River, " inscribed on the roof of a. riverside log cabin. The background is stamped with the initials S. C. F. standing for Stephen Collins Foster, most original song writer of the United States, born at Pittsburg in 1826, and principal originator of Anglo- African music. Author of "Old r**"V'^ 373 ! i4!Hlli§ii 382 Kentucky Home," "Old Uncle Ned," "Carry Me Back to Old Virginny," "Hard Times," "Nelly Bly," "Old Dog Tray," etc. The music of Foster, better remembered than his name, outvies in inspira- tion to Americans, the rep- utation of many founders warriors and statesmen. Shad. 373. {Clupea sapidissima.) Netted while 62 Cross Lobby to Rotunda. ascending in shoals eastern seaboard rivers in the spring to spawn, protected by law, lost in winter in the ocean's depth, the immensely prolific sensitive graceful shad, dying in captivity, or at the friction of nets, was fried in the long handled fry- ing pan, broiled on the gridiron by the open fire of the old farm kitchen, or roasted on a plank by the bonfire of the Delaware River fisherman. Indian Rock Picture. 341. Symbolizing the mystic forces of nature in a conglomerate shape of bird reptile and demon, as in the wild worship of many primitive peoples, this wierd outline, pecked with the points of hard sharp stones, two centuries ago at least, by In- dians, comprises one of a group of freshet- worn figures, on the east face of Big Indian Rock in the Susquehanna rapids 341 • at Safe Harbor. Drawing: "Water at the "Well Sweep. 380. By means of a balanced bucket bearing pole, weighted at the base and hinged upon a post, the woman, leaning against the wooden well curb, lowers the empty bucket, fastened upon a long stick, and lifts it again full from the well. An- cient apparatus in general use until 1840. Surviving (1909) in wilder mountain regions. Still common in 1907 near Cambridge, Maryland. Turtle Carapace. 348. Celebrated in white man's history and leg- end, venerated as an emblem of wisdom by the Indian, the slug- gish unwieldy turtle, heavily armored above and below by carapace and plastron, resists without much effort the attack of many enemies; sometimes defying the tearing of eagle's beak and talons, as when, if the legend be true, a bird of prey high in air, killed the Greek poet, Aeschylus by dropping a tortoise upon his head. 380 348 Death of General Brad- dock. 400. General Braddock fell at the defeat of his Colonial troops when openly charging ambushed French and Iroquois Indians, who shot their rifles from behind trees, at the battle of Great Meadows in 175(3. Shoeing: the Horse. 391. All horses in the new world, the wild prairie or pampas breeds Indian pony and Mexican mustang included, are of imported transatlantic stock, domesti- cated by old world savages in the stone age. The once abundant American horse, having perished in an unex- 400 Cross Lobby to Rotunda. - 63 (391 Continued) plained sudden manner, as his fossil bones show, in post-glacial times, was replaced by the European animal, chief historic trans- porter of man and merchandise, contributor of untold unthanked labor for many millen- iums before steam, and of inestimable help in human progress. Free-hoofed for soft ground by nature, but shod with iron shoes for stony soil since the dawn of civilization. Oil "Well. 386. When the narrow bored pump hole, having become clogged at a great depth, is blasted by dropping a pointed iron weight (go-devil) upon a dyna- mite cartridge, the oil pressed upward by subterranean 391 gas, bursts sky- ward in vapor above the derrick. Petrol- eum was used by Indians as a medical lubricant, or burned for sport as an iri- descent scum on Oil Creek, before its application in Western Pennsylvania as a world illuminaut revolutionized all ancient lighting appliances. It had burned spontaneously at Baku on the Caspian Sea since prehistoric time, giv- ing inspiration to the earliest Parsee fir e- worsh ippe r s . Rattlesnake. 374* ( Crotalus horridus. ) Less poisonous than the cobra of India, or the fer de lance of Martinique, devourer of small rodents, the deadly rattlesnake, where he sur- 386 vives in the Appalachians from New Hampshire to Florida, is justly dreaded by man. About four feet long, sluggish, coiling, rattling, reluctantly striking, the brown or blackish yellow diaper-striped snake was avoided and venerated by In- dians and white men, and but very rarely conciliated by snake loving mountaineers, who dare to pick up the fanged reptile in their hands. 374 Sheep. 394 before Columbus, domesticated by man in Europe at an unknown period in pre- historic time, the gentle timorous grass- eating wool-bearing sheep, as the princi- pal origin of woven clothes, has been of inestimable importance to man since the dawn of history. Spanish (merino), and English breeds (Cotswold, Liecestershire, Southdown, etc.), were brought to the United States in the 16th century and later. Variously mixed on the farm, and source of supply for housewife's wool wheel, the country loom, and farmer's homespun linsey-woolsey clothes, after the clearing of the forest. Boy Rolling: Hoop. 393. Al- ternating his sport with games of marbles, the village rather than coun- try boy, chases his rolling hoop (an Unknown in America 394 64 Vestibule to Rotunda. (393 Continued) iron or wooden barrel hoop, beaten with a stick) in 1908, as he chased it in France in 1348 (according to an il- luminated missal in the Bodlean Library of old Oxford). The ancient sport common (1908) in Britain, north and south Germany, Scandinavia, Italy and France. Typewriter. 388. Human handwriting with a pen rapidly dis- 393 appears from the transactions of com- merce after 1880 to be supplanted by the printed manuscript of the type- writer, developed from the inventions of Wheatstone and Foucault about 1855. Inked type dart against the sur- face of a revolving sheet of paper rapidly forming words, while the writer, as shown in the mosaic, plays with both hands upon the keyboard of the instrument. 388 376 Iron Miner. 376. Iron the master metal, marking when utilized by man after bronze, an epoch in human history, is here as an ore dug with a crow bar by the miner, from its native vein as some- times exposed upon the open hillside. Cricket. 387. The familiar black insect, proclaiming the wane of summer by the tinkling of his rubbed wings about mid- August, be- longs to a numerous family, greatly be- loved in the form of its celebrated representative the house cricket {Grillus domesticus), who finding nooks of winter shelter in- doors, sings undismayed near the open hearth of the old kitchen. Redbud. 392. {Cercis canaden- sis.) Where the southern redbud or Judas tree grows wild in the Susque- hanna woods stand be- neath the yet leafless boughs gleaming in crimson blossoms, and while the bees hum and the spring zephyr brings memories of southern forests, forget even the snowy shad bush, and the white vernal glory of the matchless dogwood. Rabbit. 396. {Lepus floridanus.) With brown cinnamon and gray fur, and 387 392 Vestibule to Rotunda. 65 396 (396 Continued) white under tail, very prolific, subsisting on roots and vegetables, burrowing, crouching till almost touched, very fleet, doubling to escape dogs, the rabbit de- fies extermination in spite of gunners in season, minks weasels crows and hawks. Hard is the heart which unmoved to pity, sees the terrified rabbit crouching in clear view by log or weed stalk, while the dogs bark and race in distant circles. The Arms of Pennsylvania. 375. Two rampant horses support a shield emblazoned with ship (commerce), wheat sheaf (agriculture), plow (agriculture), wreathed with Indian corn (agriculture), and lacking quartering for iron or petroleum. The whole ill de- signed in realistic spirit, a mis- conceived picture, rather than a conventionalized pattern. Turtle Carapace. 397. Celebrated in white man's his- tory and legend, venerated as an emblem of wisdom by the Indi- an, the sluggish unwieldy rep- tile, heavily armored above and below by carapace and plastron, resists without much effort the 375 attack of many enemies; some- times defying the tearing of eagle's beak and talons, as when, if the legend be true, a bird of prey high in air, killed the Greek poet Aeschylus by dropping a tortoise upon his head. Soft Shelled Crab. 398. (Cal- linectes hastatus. ) The maritime blue crab in its shell (hard shell), or having recently cast its shell in summer (soft shell), in- habits themuddy beaches of the Delaware Ches- apeake and At- 397 lantic tide water coasts. Deviled broiled fried hashed, dressed in many ways, it ranks like the terrapin oyster and canvasback duck as a boasted national dish. Baltimore Oriole. 383. terns galbula. ) Gleaming black orange through the summer boughs of hickory apple oak and maple, named after the Irish town Baltimore indirectly through the heraldic colors of Lord Baltimore founder of Maryland, de- stroyer of insects, brilliant musician, migrating in winter to Mexico, the magnificent "hanging bird," in nest building gladly seizes upon the strings rags and lint of the modern white 3Q3 American, minus which in the shadows 398 (/c- and 66 Right Corridor. of the great forest, the oriole must have built his hanging pouchlike nest with greater trouble of vegetable fibre and twigs. The Iron Miner. 377. Mighty medium of modern progress, iron the master metal, marking when utilized by man after bronze, an epoch in human history, is here dug by the miner with a pickaxe from its native vein. "Wildcat. X52. {Lyiwc rufus) Yel- lowish brown, short-tailed, with hair tufts on ears spotted with dark brown or black, scaring its prey with a wild scream, sleeping in hollow trees caves and rock shelters, 377 destroying young birds in the nest, mincing catnip, wallowing in strong scented herbs, stalk- ing rabbits and grouse in the twilight of dawn or eve, un- earthing mice or watching at squirrel holes, the wild cat springs from ambush or over- head bough upon his larger prey. This relative of the domestic cat lion tiger leopard and fossil American sabre-toothed smilo- 15Z don, has been driven by his old enemy the Pennsylvanian farmer to the few remaining forest fastnesses of the Alle- ghenies. Snapping; Turtle. 172. {Chelydra serpentina.) Ferocious, carnivorous, de- vourer of frogs tadpoles and young ducks, only half pro- tected by his under shell, al- ways fighting in self-defense, the snapping turtle, most 172 active of the turtle tribe in Pennsylvania, inhabits the muddy bottom of the mill-pond. Grand trophy of torch light fisherman and wandering boy, sometimes caught with red flannel on a fish hook, the fierce reptile is the origin of a renowned "snapper soup" popular in country restaurants. ^ Loon. 157. ( Urinator imber. ) The remarkable bird walks with diffi- culty, rises to fly at a long angle with great effort, but dives like the otter to outstrip and catch the darting fish. When migrating to or from its northern nest the loon halts to rest upon inland water, the farmer rushes for his gun. t 157 Keystone. 158* Pennsylvania coming to be called the Keystone State from its geographical position upon the map by Right Corridor. 67 158 old pump stands by wall, the innocent boy, coaxed of a frosty morning to hunt elbedritches (the furred goblin animal of the Penn- sylvania German myth), is fastened by the tip of his steaming tongue to the frosty iron, which he has been induced to lick. CllickenS. x6t. Descended from the wild chicken {Gal his ferrugineus) of India, and domesticated by Asiatic savages in unknown prehistoric time, the chicken, having long contributed to humanity's progress with eggs flesh (158 Continued) newspapers in the nineteenth century, the pattern of a keystone was since used as an emblem of the state. House Pump. 153. A stout log of sky-blue white oak, hand bored by means of a graduated series of long handled pod augers, plugged with a spout, and adjusted with a wrought iron handle. Having super- seded at the farm well, the balanced pole, the ancient windlass, balanced buckets, and hooked staff, the homemade pump was generally replaced about 1870-'90 by the light factory-made gaudily painted hand pump of similar mechanism. Where the the barn yard 161 Opossum. 169. 169 153 and feathers, has been artificially hatched by Arabs in Egypt since the middle ages, from eggs placed in earthen ovens, and daily turned, (the origin of the modern incubator). House Fly. 175. {Musca domestica). The familiar, buzzing, warmth-loving, house-infesting, dis- ease spreading insect, grown in filth garbage and horse manure, within a month, through egg, maggot, and fly, was probably introduced from Eu- rope with the horse, by first settlers. (Didelphis virgin- iana. ) Sluggish, sleepy, helpless, death-feigning, fruit insect and chicken eating, hunted of old and eaten with delight by the southern Amer- ican, slave and free. Often caught and kill- ed by the north- ern farmer, the celebrated prolific Ameri- can marsupial, ghastly in hair and skin, unknown in Europe, is related to the Australian kangaroo. It continues to rear about 36 young per year in three 175 68 Right Corridor. litters, in its extraordinary breast pouch, survives its human enemy, and still harbors unsuspected close to the farmer's henroost and hay- stack, or in his hollow apple tree. Shelling: Corn. 163. The man throws the husked ears of maize into a hopper set against a log bristling with short iron spikes. This revolving as he turns a crank, tears off the grain and casts away the cob. Homemade about 1800. Oysters. 156. {Oslrea virginiana.) Ancient seaside heaps "kitchen middens," of oyster and other shells, from Maine to Florida, and from. Alaska to California, prove that Indians roasted and ate oysters for many centuries. v Stewed, panned, roasted, deviled, broiled, fried, steamed, boxed, or brazed, the American oyster, less highly flavored than its Euro- pean cousin, raked from marine estuaries to be rapidly distributed by railroads, soon became the familiar staple of the city restaurant and bar- room cook, and, stewed with milk, a national dish. Oysters were glutton- ously eaten raw on wagers in the fifties at country eating houses and old fashioned oyster suppers. Inland lanes and roads paved with their shells (1908) prove an immense in- crease in their consumption. 163 German School. 155. When the English language became 155 156 compulsory in Pennsylvauian public schools in 1854, several old customs disappeared in the Ger- man speaking districts, such as the teaching of music by ancient notation inscribed in chalk upon the ceiling beams, instruction in illuminated writing (Fractur), or the punishment of children with the box brille, or leather horned (goats) spectacles. Vet the chil- dren taught in English, still (in 1!>0S) play at recess in German. Chicken Cock. 154. Domesticated by Eastern Asiatics from the jungle fowl {Callus fer- rugineus) more than a millenium B. C, graceful, many colored, red-combed, courageous, the barnyard cock, everywhere familiar companion of man in his migra- tions, head of a race vitalizing humanity with eggs flesh and feathers, herald of dark and dawn, has been patterned in Christen- dom as a vane to mark the wind's change since its crow marked Peter's denial, hence in shape or name (German balm, English cock) applied to the turning lids of ancient lamps, and modern valves or spigots. Since Homer's time, the bird has been as deeply interwoven with man's life literature and history as the horse or cow. 154 174 Right Corridor. 69 Cherries. 174. {Primus cer- asus.) Rival of the strawberry, be- loved of boys and birds; associated with the flavor of cherry bounce and pie, the delicious European fruit, in its best known forms of oxheart, pie cherry, or black cherry, when freshly imported, and grown by the log cabin of the pioneer, may have been seen by the Indian before his expulsion from Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvanian must thank the horticulture of his European ancestors for this fair fruit of early summer, brought to Europe by Lucullus the Roman epicure from Cerasus of Asiatic Pontus, to be cul- tivated for centuries in France Eng- land and Germany. If in Pennsyl- vania degenerating in flavor, it has not failed in the magnificence of its white blossoms, which gladdening the road sides when the meadow lark sings his spring song, only yield in beauty to those which the Japanese wonder at on April seventh. Type Setter. 164. The greater needs of knowledge justly destroyed a magnificent art, when printing, discovered about 1450, whether by Faust and Gutten- burg, or by others, (though despised by the bibliophiles of the 16th century, such as Cardinal Bembo who would not have a printed book in his library), superseded book making by hand. Henceforth the art, revolutionizing all human knowledge, of assembling block letters into words and sentences, clamping them together to ink them and press them on paper, continued with little change until immensely facili- tated in recent times through improve- ments upon man)- previous machines, by the invention (Lanston and Mergenthaler 1884), of casting the type from molten metal, while assembling them in immediate response to 164 a finger touch upon a key board like that of a typewriter. Barrack. 160. A movable roof clasping four posts, pried up or let down upon iron pegs at the four corners, covers the hay stack. Common 1908 in Pennsylvania. Almost unknown in .New England. 160 Moth. 162. ( Actias lima. ) Member of an immense prolific world- spread family, whether , harmless to man or destructive of his food and clothes, transformed like the butterfly through marvelous changes of life death and resurection, the nocturnal moth, hidden by day, becomes a 162 70 Right Corridor. household wonder of a summer night, as lured often to death by lamp glare through the open window, he flits ghost-like in velvet splendor to rest with wings spread flat upon the window sill or curtain. Peon's Seal of Pennsylvania. 197. Three ears of Indian corn dividing bunches of grapes, surrounded by the noble words TRUTH PEACE LOVE AND PLENTY, and encircled with flow- ers, symbolized the Christian ideals of George Fox and William Penn, which for a short time reflected a world-wide glory and promise upon the young commonwealth, and de- lighted the philosophers and philan- thropists of the age. Barn Owl. 141. [Sl.rix prat- incola. ) A very conspicuous yellow- brown owl staring blinking and bow- ing, when rarely seen in hollow tree 1Q7 deserted garret belfry or ruined barn hiding from the daylight. Destroyer of field mice and moles, never of birds chickens and pigeons, hence a help to the agricultur- alist, yet ruthlessly killed by man in boyish curiosity mis- guided sport woman's vanity or farmer's ignorance. The Grasshopper. 176. Sweet as the song of the meadow lark or scent of new mown hay, charming the recollection of thousands of human minds aged in the toil of cities, rises the universal memory of an infant form, **, hatless and barefoot, chasing the ever present grasshopper, who with immense fascin- ating leaps wins the race on the soft grass or prickly stubble fields of summer. The "grasshopper war, " an exterminating battle cele- brated in an old Delaware and Susquehanna myth, came, according to the farmr er's wife's tale, from the 176 over-leaping by a grasshopper of a sinew boundary stretched between two Indian camps. The chasing children of the rival tribes quarrel and the squaws take their part; the braves intervene, and then a desperate resulting battle strews the river shores, as at Duiham, or fills the mound as at Connewago, with skulls. The Pine. 167. Sawed for boards hard or soft, yellow or white, or scored for exuding resin, origin of 167 Right Corridor. 71 pitch, the pine tree covers the northern hills and southern swamps. Notable in various forms, but most distinctive as the beautiful white pine \Pinus strobus), rivaling the cedar of Lebanon or the Deodar of India with its bare winglike limbs feathered only at the ends. Cut with the axe or movable saw, and floated down the stream in the form of trimmed logs, the white pine seems to approach extermination in Pennsylvania. Cricket. 166. The familiar alack insect family, proclaiming in late August the wane of summer, by the tinkling of rubbed wings, is greatly beloved in the form of its celebrated representative the house cricket (Grill us ciomesticus), who finding nooks of winter shelter indoors sang un- dismayed near the open hearth of the old kitchen. Porcupine. 165. (Erethizon dor- 166 satus.) Rolled into a ball of poisonous barbed bristles destructive to the tongue and mouth of wolf or wild cat, the porcupine defends itself against ferocious enemies, far ex- ceeding it in strength. Tree climb- ing, greedy of salt, feeding upon the inner bark of elm, linden and hem- lock trees, sometimes gnawing the bones of cave-buried animals for food, the non-hibernating animal who nests in a hollow tree, was hunted by Indians for open fire roast- ing and for its quills valued as decor- .gg ations for belt pouch and moccasin. Skillet. 168. A large thin cup of hammered iron with long handle, is set upon its three legs in the hot embers of the old open kitchen fire. Stew in it meat or vegetables or baby's pap in water or milk. Generally disused with open fire cooking about 1840. Wild Duck. 171. Everywhere pursued by sportsmen, represented by many species whether nesting in Penn- sylvania or the far north, migrating at railroad speed high in air in Y-shaped flocks, lured by wooden decoys, stalked 168 from blinds, retrieved when dying in the water by so called Chesapeake Bay dogs (bred from a Labrador original in 1807), courting death or danger when- ever, in season, he lights for food or rest on pond river or bay, the wild duck out classes in the typical form of the celery fed canvasback, all lauded products of the American kitchen. Blast Furnace. 178. An iron tower, pumping air and shooting flames, solves the problem long unsolved, of melting masses of irqn ore mixed with coke and lime stone (smelting), or 1^1 remelting the product for casting. Until the middle ages, the smith, thus able from unknown antiquity to melt tin mixed with copper 72 Right Corridor. (178 Continued) (bronze), and cast it in moulds, could only soften, not melt, the iron mass of more or less pure ore, and hammer (forge) it into shape. The Oak. 170. (Ouercus.) Long lived, colossal, durable, highly valued for wood bark and sawdust, represented by a multitude of varieties as the red, black, swamp, willow, chestnut, and pin oak, or as the familiar ashen-barked white oak, frequently marking the land boundaries in old deeds, the oak, though 178 unknown in Australia and tropical Africa, ennobles the forests of Europe Asia and America in the north temperate zone. Stagecoach. 183. The 18th century Americanized English stage- coach, of generally square low form in Pennsylvania, or egg-shaped with side doors boot and top seats, since about 1800 of New England make, generally painted yellow, and swung 183 inscription WILLIAM PENN PRO- PRIETOR AND GOVERNOR OK PENNSYLVANIA. The Kim. 187. ( Ulmus amer- icamt. ) Less conspicuous and be- loved for village shade than in New England, the white, American, or water elm of Pennsylvania, often vase-shaped in the outline of its plumed branches, loves water courses, and escapes the barbarism of Pennsylvania German village tree-topping, in moist woods. The most noted tree of its kind in Penn- sylvania, venerated as shading the 170 on leather straps, became celebrated in the sixties on the Deadwood, and other overland stage routes of California and the far west. Surviving (1900) in remote corners of New England. Penn's Seal of Pennsylvania. 182. A shield with the arms of William Penn against a background adorned with scrolls and inscribed with the words MERCY JUSTICE, is bordered by the circular 182 Right Corridor. 73 (187 Continued) celebrated treat}- of Perm with the Indians at Kensington the north suburb of Phila- delphia, in 1682, and protected from fire- wood hunters by the British General Sim- coe's sentry in the Revolution, blew down in 1810 at an age of 283 years. Quail. 177. (Colinus virgin ianus.) Prolific, ground-nesting, nonmigratory, gathering in winter coveys, preserved by game laws, rising for the sportsman with explosive 137 whirring of wings, the quail cheers summer with his lively " bob white " note. How did the now meadow-loving bird subsist in the earlier days of the great meadowless forests? John Fitch's Steamboat. 189. The mosaic shows John Fitch experimenting in 1785 with his model steamboat on a pond near Hartsville in Bucks count}'. Boats having been propelled by crank paddle wheels turned by men or oxen since Roman times, and several attempts 177 189 lin and a committee engine having been made to move boats with im- perfect steam engines ( Blasco de Gary, Barcelona 1543, Den- nis Papin, Cassel 1707, De Juf- froy, Lyons 1783), the finished practical steamboat resulted from several attempts at the end of the 1 8th century to ap- ply the newly invented steam engine of Watt to the propul- sion of water vehicles. Rumsey, Virginia 1780, tried propulsion by water jets. After several ex- periments in steam propulsion by oar and paddle wheels be- tween 1785 and '90, and a screw propeller in 1796, John Fitch's idea was condemned by Frank- Symington having practically applied Watt's steamer on the Clyde Canal in 1802, was con- Robert Fulton after to a towin demned and discouraged by the canal company, being condemned by Napoleon's committee in 1803 at Paris, when proposing an invasion of England by steamboat, succeeded practically in applying Watt's engine to his paddle boat, the Clermont, (1807) on the Hudson, seventeen years after Fitch's oared steamboat (1790) had carried passengers from Philadelphia to Bristol, and nine years after the despairing suicide of Fitch at Bards- town Kentuckv in 1798. Cherries. X93. (Prunus cer- asus.) Rival of the strawberry, be- loved of boys and birds, associated with the flavor of cherry bounce and pie, the delicious European fruit in its best known forms of pie, oxheart, or black cherry, when freshly imported and grown by the log cabin of the |## 193 74 Right Corridor. pioneer, may have been seen by the Indian before his expulsion from Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvanian must thank the horticulture of his European ancestors for this fair fruit of early summer, brought to Europe b/ Lucullus the Roman epicure, from Cerasus of Asiatic Pontus, to be cultivated for centuries in France England and Germany; and which if in Pennsylvania degenerating in flavor, has not failed in the magnificence of its white blossoms. These gladden the road sides when the meadow lark sings his spring song, and only, yield in beauty to those which the Japan- ese wonder at on April seventh. Chimney Swallow. 192. {Ch&tura pelagica. ) Continually on the wing, flying at the rate of a mile a minute, skimming the pond's brim, dipping under water, or darting 192 close to the meadow grass for insect prey, master in the matchless gift of flight, the short-tailed long-winged dusky chimney swallow (properly a swift) must have ceased gluing his nest of twigs to the walls of caves and hollow trees, and resorted to the previously unknown farm house chimneys about 1720. Penn's Seal of Bucks County. 211. A shield with three balls the arms of Penn, overshadowed by a tree, and inclosed by a leafy grapevine, is surrounded with the legend WILLIAM PENN PROPRI- ETOR AND GOVERNOR BUCKS. Lost and forgotten until 211 331 rediscovered stamped in wax upon an old deed in the Court House at Doylestown. Robin. 331. {Merula migratoria.) A few boys in the year 1908 beyin to feel that when on the fairest morn of May, the redbreast sings among the apple blossoms, the sight and sound are worth all the cherries the bird may after- wards eat. But an older human generation had to be influenced to cease robin killing b}- opening the insect-filled stomach of the songster to reassure that of the man. Robins eat in- sects, and insects eat fruit, therefore robins help man to eat more fruit. TheKingfisher. 420. (Ceryle alcyon.) The man with country boy- hood, who learned to swim where the still water runs deep in the "horse hole," or by the roaring breast of the old mill dam, can never forget the echoing trumpet of the kingfisher, as the restless big headed black collared bird, flashing, diving, perching, sets going the wild echoes of woods air and water. Bullfrog. 415. ( Ran a catcs- biana.) Prolific, laying thousands of eggs in warm water, which pass from tadpole to frog in early summer days, making summer night echo with his deep bellowing, feeding 420 Treasury Room. 75 415 on the Susquehanna. Indian Rock Carvings. 410. The mosaic shows a few of tile scattered figures of men ani- mals and bird tracks, which, together with forms of reptiles and demonic symbols, were made probably (415 Continued) upon insects snails and reptiles, the bullfrog has rather increased than di- minished in numbers since the destruc- tion of the great forest. Indian Carving. 419. One of the series of carvings referring to animals birds and reptiles, possibly a panther, pecked with sharp stones by Indians upon the side of a boulder, known as Little Indian Rock, at Safe Harbor 419 by Susquehannock, Delaware or Iroquois Indians, by pecking with hard sharp stones on the face of three large water- worn boulders in mid-Susquehanua at Safe Har- bor. The grinding of driftwood in freshets slowly erases these weird symbols of a vanished race placed in the midst of roaring and dangerous rapids. 41 Song Sparrow. 418. (Melospiza fasciata.) Below the ripples w-here the mill stream lin- gers by bridge or eddy, and where the jet black water beetles dart upon 414 418 the odoriferous pool, the song sparrow, seizing a branch of hazel, or top- most fresh-leaved spray of willow, outvieing all his kindred, stirs the heart with his sweetest keynote of spring. Eel. 4x4. {Angu- illa vulgaris. ) Living in water, burrowing in sub- marine mud, or travers- ing grnss fields, covered with a green scaleless skin, the slippery eel, defying the boy's hand 76 Treasury Room. clutch, bites at the flannel wrapped string of the fisherman "bobbing for eels," seizes the baited strings floated over night on shingles in the mill-dam, or, twisted upon the boy's fishing line, rises from the " horse hole " instead of the expected catfish. The Grasshopper. 417. Sweet as the song of the meadow lark, or scent of new mown hay, charming the recollection of thousands of human minds aged in the toil of cities, rises the universal mem- ory of an infant form, hat- less and barefoot, chasing the ever present grasshopper, "who with immense fascin- ating leaps wins the race on the soft grass or prickly stubble fields of summer. The "grasshopper war," an exterminating battle of an old Delaware and Susque- hanna Valley myth, came, according to the farmer's 417 wife's tale, from the over- leaping by a grasshopper of a sinew boundary stretched between two Indian camps. The chasing chil- dren of the rival tribes quarrel, and the squaws take their part, followed by the braves, till a desperate resulting battle strews the river shores, as at Durham, or fills the mound, as at Connewago, with skulls. Indian Turtle. 413. One of nearly two hundred carvings of birds, animals, their tracks and reptiles, pecked with sharp stones by Indians in precolumbian times, against the side of Little Indian Rock, in the Susquehanna rapids at Safe Harbor. The turtle is represented with extended legs, as tised for the Totemic badge of one of the three clans of the Lenni Lenape, or Delaware Indians. ' 41 3 "Weasel. 408. {Putorius noveboracensis. ) Sometimes turn- ing all white in winter, brown- backed, keen-scented, night-hunt- ing, wholesale destroyer and blood- sucker of rats mice frogs birds and chickens. Rabbit. 403. (Lep/is Jlori- danus.) With brown cinnamon 408 and grey fur, and white under tail, very prolific, subsisting on roots and vegetables, burrowing, crouching till al- most touched, very fleet, doubling to escape dogs, the rabbit defies extermina- tion in spite of gunners in season, minks weasels crows and hawks. Hard is the heart, which, unmoved to pity, sees the trembling rabbit crouching by a log or weed stalk, while the dogs bark and race in distant circles. Rattlesnake. 404. ( Crotalus horridus. ) Less poisonous than the cobra of India, or the fer de lance of Martinique, 403 Treasury Room. 77 404 (404 Continued) devourer of small rodents, the deadly rattlesnake, where he survives in the Ap- palachians from New Hampshire to Flor- ida, is justly dreaded by man. About four feet long, sluggish, coiling, rattling, re- luctantly striking, the brown or blackish yellow diaper-striped snake, was avoided and venerated by Indians and white men, and but very rarely conciliated by snake loving mountaineers, who dare to pick up the fanged reptile in their hands. Indian Rock Carving. 409. One of nearly 200 other figures, probably an elk, pecked with sharp stones by In- dians, agains't the sides of three boulders known as Little Indian Rock, Big Indian Rock, and a third unnamed stone, in the Sus- quehanna rapids at Safe Harbor. mole. 405. {Scalops aqua- tions. ) Devourer not of roots or plants, but of earth worms, with 409 gimlet nose, almost invisible min- ute eyes, glossy silver grey fur, and powerful hairless clawed hands, the mole wedges and delves a little tunnel close under the summer sod, or deeper under frost, where his heaps of excavated earth rise to the surface to mark his work. Not where the truckman grumbles at young vegetable roots dried by the uplift of these undermining tunnels, nor where the man with the lawn mower and rake artificializ- es nature in village o r suburb, but 405 where by the old "barn bridge" genera- tions of geese and sheep have pastured upon the venerable sod, may the observer mark with pleasure, ramifying lines of darker green shadows, penciled upon the turf, tracing the uuswelling vaults of the moles' galleries that settle back after 406 Soft Snelled Crab. 406. ( Cal- linecetes hastatus.) The maritime blue crab in its shell (hard shell), or having recently cast its shell in summer (soft shell), inhabits the muddy beaches of the Delaware Chesa- peake and Atlantic tide water coasts. Deviled, broiled, fried, hashed, dressed in many ways, it ranks, like the terra- pin ovste'r and canvas- back duck as a boasted national dish. Indian Rock Carving. 411. One of the animal 4.U figures pecked by 78 Treasury Room. Indians by pounding with sharp stones, against the smooth freshet- worn eastern side of a large boulder, known as Big Indian Rock, in the middle of the rapids of the Susquehanna at Safe Harbor. Box Tortoise. 407. ( Cistudo Carolina. ) Celebrated in white man's story and legend, venerated as an emblem of wisdom by the Indian, the sluggish un- wieldy reptile, heavily armored above and be- I low by carapace and I plastron, resists without I much effort, the attack of many enemies; some- times defying the tear- ing of the eagle's beak and talons, as when, if the legend be true, a bird of prey high in air, killed the Greek poet Aeschylus by dropping a tortoise upon his head. 407 The Raccoon. 412. {Pro- cyon lotor.) Cousin to the bear, hiber- nating in winter, feeding on shellfish mussels birds turtle eggs insects nuts fruits frogs and corn, soaking its food in water, this gray-brown animal with white-striped tail, dwelling in trees, hunting at night, and a good swimmer, is easily tamable as a pet by man, who has not exterminated him in Pennsylvania. Indian Panther. 416. One of the animal figures, probably a panther, pecked by Indians by pound- ing with sharp stones against the smooth, freshet-worn, eastern side of 412 a large boulder, known as Big Indian Rock, in the middle of the rapids of the Susquehanna at Safe Harbor. Potter Terra- pin. 330. (Pseti- dcmys rugosa.) Hav- ing learned to eat tor- toises in general from . the Indian, who con- tinually roasted them on open fires, the white man digs the hibernating red-bellied terrapin from the winter mud of fresh water streams, and, throw- ing him alive into boiling water, cleans cooks and eats him, eggs and all. Outranking for man's food, all national dishes, save the canvasback duck, the reptile is threatened with extermina- tion in Pennsylvania, where he is easily confused with the yet more esteemed salt water terra- pin (A/alacoclemmys palustris). from five to seven dollars per quart stir in fifty to seventy per cent, of \V 330 hen the meat of the latter sells at in Philadelphia, the vendor may the bones flesh and eggs of the Right Corridor. 79 93 " potter," whereupon few epicures can detect the cheat. Apples. 93. ( Mains. ) Originally pro- duced in Persia, the apple of the north temperate zone, now Americanized, may well contest its claim to be the greatest of the world's fruits, with the orange of the tropics. The Butterfly. 184. Through one of the most marvelous changes in nature, sometimes lasting over winter, by way of egg laid upon a twig, voracious leaf -eating, skin -molting caterpillar, pseudo-death as a grub-mummy wrapped in self-made coffin, long sleep and gorgeous resurrec- tion, the sun-loving, honey-seeking but- terfly, cancelling in winged beauty the caterpillar's harm, emerges upon the lap of summer, to outvie the fairest of her flowers. Franklin and the Kite. 180. Experimenting with electricity during a 184 thunder storm, in the fields near Phila- delphia in June 1752, Franklin drew an electric spark down a kite string at- tached to a key. A world-celebrated ex- periment, suggesting lightning rods, and foreshadowing the telegraph. XhePine. X9 4* Represented by about 39 related species in the United States, shallow rooted, evergreen,, highly valued for its wood, distilled for turpen- tine and pitch, darkening the Rocky mountain slopes or sandy seacoast, whis- pering in varied seolian tones, and as the white pine {Pinus strobits), rivaling in beauty the cedar of Lebanon or the Deodar of India, the tree in the form of ^qq the white pine rap- idly destroyed by axe and saw, awaits its last chance of preser- vation, as a tree kept for ornament. Pears. 198. (Pyrus communis.) Rival of the apple, and perhaps surpassing the peach and apricot, un- known in prehis- toric America, cultivated from the large wild native tree of Europe and Asia, dwarfed by grafting on the quince, the transatlantic pear has been a garden favorite since the days of Pliny and Virgil. Highly perfected in France and the Nether- lands, under glass or upon trellises, it has been generally neglected in Penn- sylvania, where it yet excels as the sweet yellow Bartlett, or the remark- able aromatic and unique Seckel. The latter, probably the most original fruit ever produced in the United States, ig3 originated in a pear tree, grown by 194 80 Right Corridor. chance before 1800 close within the confluence of the Delaware and Schuylkill Rivers. Brought to the world's attention by the land owner Lawrence Seckel. about 1800. Blew down in 1904. Bumble Bee. *59» [Bornbus vagans.) Indigenous to Amer- ica. Making hotiev-lined nests in small colonies underground, and when attacked by boys slashing shingle paddles bored with holes or leafy branches, defending its home to fhe death. Fertilizing flowers, carry- ing honey and wax as it hums in the sunbeams, buzzing for liberty against glass windows, or boring tunnels in the wood of old window sills, the American bee, undomesticated and unhived, like- his honey-producing cousin imported from Europe, remains wild to vie with the butterfly, locust and dragon-fly as one of the chief de- lights of summer's fairest days. 159 The Blue Jay. 195. ( Cyan- ocittd cristata. ) The trumpet cry of the blue jay startles the quiet woods, while his blue wings gleam through the leaf shadows, as upon his omnivorous search for food, he seizes the autumnal chestnut, or in spring, devours young birds and steals bird eggs no less remorselessly than the ornithologist multiplies his skins for the cabinet, or the lady distorts his stuffed form, glass-eyed, upon her hat. Beaver. 24. (Castor canadensis.) While 195 the prolific subterranean muskrat, delivered from his terrible enemy the mink, multi- plies in the midst of civilization, the sensi- tive beaver instantly shrinks from contact with the human invader, who has almost exterminated him in Pennsylvania. The story of his matchless skill becomes a half- forgotten school boy's fable, and common knowledge no longer testifies to the fact that the animal resembling an enormous heavy tailed muskrat, gnaws down trees so as to lock them across streams, thereby forming driftwood dams with sufficient water for his island village. 24 Felling the Forest. x«>r. Neither steam car trolley automobile coal or iron mine oil or gas well probably worked the terrestrial change, suddenly produced, when the white colonist, with resounding blows of the long bitted axes of his an- cestors, first dissipated the immemorial tree shade of the great forest. As the ancient red American retired or per-. ished, houses cities and villages rose. Then the chimney swallow nested in its first chimney, the purple martin in its first man-made toyhouse, and the wren in a man prepared calabash. The quail and lark left the forest for open fields of man- planted grass. The crow first robbed the farmer's corn, the prolific muskrat, liber- ated by farmer's trap from his mink enemy, overpopulated the banks of mill 191 Right Corridor. 81 ponds, the housefly first buzzed in the log horse stable, and the European house rat overran the region, while the watercress of the old world invaded springs newly sunlit, and a hundred new European flowers sprang up by freshly cleared roads. 'Wild Turkey. l8r. {Meleagris gallopavo.) The wild turkey approaches extermination in the Eastern United States, by modern North Americans who have sought to J domesticate no wild native creature. In the closely related form of its Mexican cousin, origin of our farmyard Christ- mas bird, it was domesticated by pre- historic New Mexican cliff dwellers and Aztecs, and went to Europe with the Spaniards. Bred in the farmyards of ] Italy; England, Germany and France, and illustrated in the paintings of Bas- sano in the 16th century, the turkey, called "welsch hahn" and "indianer" in 'Germany, "dandon" in France, and miscalled after the Sultan's coun- try in the land of its birth, came back to the new world by way of the old. 181 Oak Leaves. 196. ( Querais. ) Long lived, colossal, durable, with color- producing bark, and sawdust highly val- ued by the carpenter. The slow grow- ing oak, though unknown in Australia and tropical Africa, with varioiis Ameri- 185 warejlndians, < deposed in 1718 and succeeded by Chief Allumpees) ac- cording to local tradition, commit- ted suicide on the banks of Nesham- iny Creek about 1750, and was buried there upon territory which he himself had sold to Penn in 1683. A political society in New York adopted his name. Pears. 192. (Pyrus com- munis. ) Rival of the apple, and perhaps surpassing the peach and apricot, unknown in prehistoric America, cultivated from the large 196 can forms as the black, red, pin, white and swamp oak, ennobles the forests of Asia, Europe and America in the north temperate zone. The familiar ashen-barked white oak was the frequently named land mark in old deeds. The Death of Tammany. 185. A very old Indian said to be the celebrated Tammanend, head chief so-named of the Lenni Lenape (Dela- 192 82 Right Corridor. -wild native tree of Europe and Asia, dwarfed by grafting" on the quince, the transatlantic pear has been a garden favorite since the days of Pliny and Virgil. Highly perfected in France and the Nether- lands, under glass or upon trellises, it has been generally neglected in Pennsylvania, where it yet excels as the sweet yellow Bartlett, or the remarkable aromatic and unique Seckel. The latter probably the most original fruit ever produced in the United States, originated in a pear tree grown by chance before 1800, close within the confluence of the Delaware and Schuylkill ■ «» ■■ Rivers. Brought to the world's I^j|TPj ^MgKf^gJ'^'Vtm attention by the land owner Law- ** '*■ rence Seckel, about 1800. Bore fruit in 1885. It blew down in 1904. Clover Stripper. 188. The farmer by means of shafts, pulls a wooden comb projecting from a wheeled box, across the clover field, thus tearing off the ripe seed-filled tops, which, as they clog the teeth, a boy rakes into the box. Predecessor and type of all ^Bfer »W! 188 reaping machines, lacking only the transverse knives. Described as for reaping wheat or rye when drawn by oxen, by Pliny. Surviving in Ger- many and probably France through the middle ages. Brought to America and used among Pennsylvania Ger- mans until 1840. Seal of Philadelphia 1701. 200. A shield quartered with figures 200 of clasped human hands scales a wheat sheaf and a ship, is bordered by the circular inscription SEAL OF THE CITY OF PHILADEL- PHIA 1701. Rivetting: Steel Plate. 214. Two plates of wrought steel, perforated with superposed holes, are rolled in the grip of a powerful machine, which, dropping hot riv- ets into the adjusted orifices, squeezes flat (clinches) the ends above and below by heavy pressure. 214 Wolf. 205. (Cam's occiden- talis.) Hunting in winter packs, running down foxes and smaller animals, or destroying the larger dis- abled elk or moose, howling, bur- rowing, always hungry, tamed by savages, and part ancestor of the friendly "dog, the American gray wolf, devourer of sick bison, bison calves and domestic cattle, has been 205 Right Lobby. 83 222 more easily driven off and extermin- ated than his fierce cousin of north- ern Europe. Grapes. 333. The European grape, having produced wine for eigh- teen centuries, was transplanted to the garden of the Penusylvanian farmer and generally neglected. Though re- maining sweet and edible, so as to outrival the native fox and chicken grape, or flavor a home-brewed sugared acid wine, whether deteriorated by soil climate or lack of skill, in spite of extensive efforts in California New Jersey New York etc., the grape no longer (1908), produces for the American the ancient drink of his European ancestors. School Out. 2XO. With the inspiring hubbub that Eu- gene Aram heard, and less loud in country than in city, the pent up boys and girls, let loose from school recess, play leap frog, tag, prisoner's base, mar- bles, tipcat, catch ball, and jump rope, dig the gutter sand, mark play houses with rows of stones and flags of chicken feathers, or garnish the trunks of trees with wild flowers. 210 226 The Pine. 336. Sawed for boards, hard or soft, white or yellow, origin of pitch, scored for exuding resin, the pine tree covers the northern hills and southern swamps. In the distinctive form of the beautiful white pine [Pinus strobus), rivalling the cedar of Lebanon or the Deodar of India, with its bare winglike limbs feathered only at the ends, the valuable tree, cut with the axe or movable saw, and floated down stream in the form of trimmed logs, seems to approach extermination. Fall of the Primeval Forest. 207. The Latin inscription ARBORES CADUNT EMERGNT HOMINES, with its third word abbreviated, (translated, trees fall men rise), refers to the immense change worked upon man and nature, when one of the greatest forests of the globe first yielded its shadow to the sunlight. The House of Steel. 304. A fantastic serrated profile, as of castles and palaces, rises dream-like in the distance, where walls of immense height tower above 207 windy highways, narrow in proportion, as the mediaeval streets of old Europe. The vision fades as you ap- proach, and enter scaffolds of Pennsylvania!! steel, veneered with 84 Right Lobby. (204 Continued) »crusts of stone or brick, partitioned monotonously in fifteen or twenty con- gested layers (stories), of duplicated steam -heated pigeon holes (offices), where the modern American city, hav- ing overcrowded the earth, rises to the sky. Husking: Corn. 201. No ma- chine having yet been invented to husk maize, the farmer, having thrown the unbound shock of stalks, cleared from 204 the "horse" stiffened stack upon the ground, still (1908) kneels in the cold autumnal days as his colonial ancestor did, upon the dry stalks, tearing the husk from the ear by means of a peg of iron or wood strapped to the mid fingers of the right hand, and projecting between thumb and forefinger. 201 Shoemaker. 203. Befote the days of country stores or shoe factories, the itinerant farm-hand shoemaker lodging at the farm house, bringing leather from the country tannery, carrying his tools with him, and finding lasts in the garret, made shoes for the family. The Crew. 202. ( Corvus americanus. ) Not from his striking color and figure, his anatomy or his habits according to the bird book, might the nonmigrating, in- comparably sagacious, grain-eating crow claim distinction, but rather from the fact that he stands su- preme among birds, as victorious in an eternal life struggle against the human maxim, man-condemn- ed but man-practiced, that might makes right. Marshalled in de- structive flocks, guided, guarded and gen- eralled, scouting, watching, venturing, de- spising the scarecrow, evading trap and poison, guaging gun range as it extends, the ever-present crow, defying the northern winter, despoils the human spoiler, from the exact standpoint of the latter. Pears. 227. {Pyrus communis.) Rival of the apple, - and perhaps surpassing the peach and apricot, unknown in prehistoric America, cultivated from the large wild 202 203 Right Lobby. 85 227 1800. It blew down in (227 Continued) native tree of Europe and Asia, dwarfed by grafting on the quince, the trans- atlantic pear has been a garden favorite since the days of Pliny and Virgil. Highly perfected in France and the Netherlands, under glass or upon trel- lises, it has been generally neglected in Pennsylvania, where it yet excels as the sweet yellow Bartlett, or the remarkable aromatic and unique Seckel. The latter, probably the most original fruit ever produced in the United States, origin- ated in a pear tree grown by chance be- fore 1800, close within the confluence of the Delaware and Schuylkill Rivers. Brought to the world's attention by the land owner Lawrence Seckel, about 1904. The Sunfisli. 317. Where the meadow brook deepens under hazel bushes, or plunges into the the milldam's pool, or where sun- beams piercing the warped boards of the old byroad bridge, illumine the scented water, bare- footed children, with worm boxes poles strings pin hooks and puppy, peeping downward, be- hold the sunfish, akin to human- ity in its eyes, fanning itself with winglike fins, a translucent 190 317 golden shadow in an enchanted water world. Thrashing With the Flail. 190. With a heavy club, loosely tied (sometimes fastened with a hickory swivel) to the end of a staff, the farm- ers, by an ancient method sur- viving from Roman times, club the grain from the wheat stalks. The familiar measured drum- ming sound of flails on the barn floor, generally superseded by the whirr of thrashing machines worked by horse treadmills, about 1860. The flail still (1908) used occasionally for rye, the desirable straws of which are too much torn by the thrashing machine. Plover. 218. ( Aegialitis vocifera. ) Everywhere familiar with its cry of '"kill- deer," its sensational flutterings, and feign- ings of lameness along meadow or pond, the long-legged, red eye-lidded, white collared plover, unmindful of cow or horse, demon- strates its love for eggs nest or young, by mis- leading in vain chase the destructive boy or bounding puppy in the hatching days of spring. Skating. 302. The paintings of Ostade and Teniers show the sport of skating flourishing in Holland before the settlement of Pennsylvania. Introduced as a boyish sport by first settlers with metal 218 36 Right Lobby. 302 (302 Continued) skates and derived from earlier boys' prac- tice of propelling themselves across ice by thrusts of spiked staves, upon animals' shin bones strapped to the feet. Before 1856 very long steel projections of the skate runner curled back over the skater's toe. Apples. 220. {Malus.) Originally produced in Persia, the apple of the north temperate zone, now Americanized, may well contest its claim with the orange of the tropics to be the greatest of the world's fruits. Red-Bird. 219. (Cardinah's can di)ialis.) Vivid, scarlet-crested, heavy- billed, active, non-migrator}% named from the scarlet robe of the Catholic high ecclesiastic, most conspicuous of songsters, lurking in summer in chosen wet bramble thickets, or flashing 220 hope and warmth into the drab woods of winter, the cardinal bird, rich in song, is often seen im- prisoned for life in a small cage. School In. 209. Before 1830, many school masters from Scotland taught Pennsyl- vania's English speaking youth, in school houses of logs, or octagonal buildings with desks ranged 219 round the walls, and warmed by cast iron ("Dutch" warming, or later "ten-plate" warming and heating) stoves placed in the middle. The organizing of public schools with compulsory English instruc- tion in 1840, superseding the older German schools in the Pennsylvania German dis- tricts, ended the art of Frac- tur, or illuminated writing, and the punishment of the bocks brille (goats' spec- tacles), worn by bad boys when thrown at them by the teacher. Shad. 206. ( Clupea sap idiss ima.~) Ascending eastern seaboard rivers in the spring to spawn, lost in winter in the ocean's depth, the sensitive graceful shad, dying in captivity, or at the 209 friction of nets, immensely prolific, migrating in shoals, pro- tected by law, netted in the spring, was fried in the long-handled frying pan, broiled on the gridiron by the open fire of the old farm kitchen, or roasted on a plank by the bonfire of the Delaware River fisherman. The Sower. 212. An open- mouthed bag hangs round the 206 sower's left shoulder, and his right Right Lobby. 87 (112 Continued) hand seizes and scatters the grain, in time measured with his steps, as he strides across the plowed harrowed and rolled field. Penn's Seal of Pennsyl- vania. 225. A shield with the arms of William Penn, against a back- ground adorned with scrolls, and in- scribed -with the words "MERCY 212 JUSTICE," is bordered by the circular inscription WILLIAM PENN PRO- PRIETOR AND GOVERNOR OF PENNSYLVANIA. 225 The Elm. 310. ( Ulmus americana. ) Less conspicuous and beloved for village shade than in New England, the white, American or water elm of Pennsylvania, often vase-shaped in the outline of its plumed branches, loves water courses and escapes the barbarism of Pennsylvania Ger- man village tree-topping, in moist woods. The most celebrated tree of its kind in Pennsylvania, venerated as shading the treaty of Penn with the Indians at Kensing- ton in 1682, and protected from firewood hunters by the British General Simcoe's sentry in the Revolution, blew down in 1810 31 at an age of 283 j-ears. Mason and Dixon's Line. 300. A series of marble posts inscribed each with a pair of small armorial shields, for William Penn and Lord Baltimore, (see specimens at Pennsylvania and Maryland Historical So- cieties), set five miles apart, and interplaced with less elaborate pillars, of which some still (1908) stand in place, marked the most celebrated boundary in the United States, surveyed by Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon between 1763 and 1767. The mosaic shows a negro workman setting one of the posts for the surveyors. Ever after regarded as dividing the territory customs and ideals of the north and south Atlantic States, dwelt upon during the Civil war in speech and story, baptizing the whole southern region with the name " Dixie," the celebrated boundary is often recalled by the words and music of two superlatively American songs, '' I'se Gwine to Dixie " by C. A. White, and the still better known " Way Down South in Dixie " by Daniel Emmett, ancestor of negro minstrels. Reaping" Machine. 301. A large steel comb combs the grain stalks, at the same time cutting thent by the cross horizontal 300 86 Right Lobby. 301 Factories. 2l6. Not archi- tecture of beauty for man or state, but a stern confusion of irregular roofs, windy galleries, soot-dimmed windows and smoky towers, black gigantic and significant, rises against the sky above the modern city, to mark the dominance of machinery over human hand labor since 1820. Who shall measure the meaning of the nightly flash and perpetual roar, upon which the strength wealth comfort hope ignorance errors cruelty pride and success of modern hu- manity slowly advances to nobler things. (30X Continued) slash of internal triangular double-edged knives. Devel- oped from various inventions in England and America by the middle of the 19th cen- tury, based upon the grain comb minus knives de- scribed by Pliny, and sur- viving in Pennsylvania as the "clover stripper" (see No. 188), the reaping ma- chine superseded the prime- val sickle, and the mediseval cradle scythe, about 1830. 216 303 es a ball of plastic clay to revolve on a wooden disk in- the table top, and to rise into bowl shape, at the pressure of his wet slippery fingers. Blowing the Conch Horn. 313. Farther than the jingle of mule bells on the tow path, and above the roar of the locked sluice, comes at evening the muffled far reaching mellow sound of the conch horn, a punctured shell of strombus gigans, blown by the lip vibration of the canal boatman, as the mule-towed boat approaches the lock. Reading the Declaration of Independence. 303. While the soldier, as seen in the mosaic, reads the Declaration of Independence, a statesman stands by him, tj-pifying the rival claims of war and states craft to the founding of the nation, and the soldier's denial, that in the revolution of 1776, the pen was mightier than the sword. Potter at the "Wheel. 314. Pushing with his bare foot a large wooden horizontal fly wheel, or stick strapped to a crank under the table, the seated potter, supplied with wooden scoop, wet leather, soaked cloth, water box, etc., caus- 314 Right Lobby. 89 313 1,313 Continued) Thus warned the dozing keeper opens the lock without loss of time, as the night end of the boatman's journey approaches. Still used (1908) on the Delaware and Lehigh canal. The Telephone. 307. The elec- tric signalling of messages on wires, from great dis- t a n c e s, was immensely en- larged in scope when man learned how to talk directly along wires at from one to three hundred miles distance. Telephone invented as a high development of the work of earlier inventors by Alexander Graham Bell 1874-1877. Hoeingf Corn. 309. Maize, which will not ripen in the cool summers of Eng- land and North Ger- many, grows freely in the hot August suns of Pennsylvania. You 307 helped the process by hoeing out the soil exhausting weeds, where be- tween the corn stalks, because of interplanted beans or pumpkins, you dared not let a horse drag a cultivator. Hasten the work while the thunder cloud rolls overhead promising the re- freshing help of summer rain. It was on the old field hoe with ferrule welded to blade, that a daub of plastered corn meal was baked into the negro's hoe cake over a bon fire. Boys Playing: Marbles* 316. With little balls of burnt clay or glass, called marbles, and nicknamed "commies," 309 "bullies," or "aggies," the bo} ? s shoot between thumb and forefinger (knuckles down) "bullies" and other marbles, in and out ot circles or ellipses, inscribed on the smooth trodden earth of town commons foot paths or school grounds, Thus trolling for first shot into the ring (common marbles), or shooting from the circumference (bully in the ring), or in or out of heel holes at a hand span's distance, contending in earnest "for keeps" as little gamblers, or "inlun," whether winning or "strapped," they play an ancient game probably 308 derived from 31 6 bowls, familiar in eastern Europe in the 13th century. Brought to America from Britain. Played in Oldenburg Germany, and in Silesia (kugeln) about 1880. Button-wood. 308. {Plalanus oc- cidental's. ) The huge sycamore tree, seventy to one hundred feet high, with conspicuous scaly bark, is decorated over winter with brown button-shaped fruit. Massive-limbed with open shade, early 90 Right Outer Corridor. bared in autumn, and with glittering bark spotted with green and gray, the tree was the farmer's choice of old to shade the spring house. The Muskrat. 34<>. {Fiber zibetliiais.) The amphibious prolific muskrat, inhabiting lakes and streams, invading cultivated lands, threatening dams and canals, destroying the water lily and lotus where they bar', flourished before, defies man's efforts to dig him out and ex- terminate him, and in- creases rather than disappears before the same civilization which, in exterminating the blood-letting mink, has withdrawn from his life struggle the muskrat's worst enemy. 346 304 Trotting: Horse. 304. As the chief attraction of state and county fairs, and the prime occasion of bets prizes and purses, carefully bred horses, driven by jockey drivers in light wagons or carts (sulkies), race on tracks at about 140. seconds per mile. The sport characteristic- ally American, in high favor about 1840-'80, now (1908) wanes in favor of horse races run, Ivy horses with mounted jockies. Sweet Gum. 311. {Liqnidambar styraciflua. The lofty erect sweet gum, with its burrlike brown winter fruit, wing- lets of corky bark skewered through its branches like the scales of an alligator, called liquid-ambar and alligator wood, is not so resinous as its Asiatic cousins, producing the storax gum. With its five-pointed leaves of unsurpassable beaut}-, it outvies the foliage of maple trees, in the flaming glory of its autumn color. 311 The Sheep. 356. No American an- imals or birds (save the dog and turkey trained by Indian or Eskimo), having been domesticated by white North Americans, and all other domesticated animals and birds now established in North America, having been tamed in the old world, not by civilized man, but by savages in the stone age, the sheep, contributor of wool clothing and mutton, and second only to the horse and cow as man's helper, Americanized by earliest settlers, came from Europe like the rest. Grain Elevator. 355. Over- arching the freight car on its track, and the ship in its dock, a lofty building re- ceives the world's food, as grain, lifted into its storage bins, on running straps armed with boxes, to drop it again through tubes into ship or car, for 355 further transfer or export. The L,atin 356 Right Outer Corridor. 91 inscription NATIONIS GRANARIA is trans- lated, granary of the nation. Coal Breaker. 358. Grim uncouth fantastic, black with smoke and dust, a wooden structure with lofty windowed gal- leries rises against the sky. Through it the anthracite coal, lifted in masses from the mines of the Lehigh and Susquehanna, is crushed and run through various sieves, for "egg," "stove," "chestnut," "pea," "rice," and "buckwheat" sizes, to fall from aloft into cars. Automobile. 353. When about 1900, the invention of light gasoline motor engines enabled the operation of road wagons by 358 mechanism at 20 miles or more per average hour, the now (1908) famous automobile appeared to rev- olutionize road traffic, im- prove highways, ease the toil of the horse, encroach upon the passenger trans- port of railroads, increase the personal contact of scattered individuals, and renew the city man's ac- quaintance with the country. 353 Camera and Photographer. 305* Photography the process rendered practical by Daguerre (1839) of staining the lights and shadows of natural objects in picture form upon sensitized glass, improved by reprinting from the glass picture upon sensitized paper, and developed by amateur experiments about 1885-1900, soon super- seded older hand methods of picture mak- ing and picture reproducing. Marking the downfall of wood and steel engraving, the process while destroying certain forms of art, offsets the loss in its contribution to human progress. Penn's Seal of Philadelphia. 312. The mosaic shows a group of con- ventionalized houses surrounded with the inscription WILLIAM PENN PRO- PRIETOR AND GOVERNOR PHILA- DELPHIA. Devised for William Penn about 1682. John Fitch's Steamboat. 306. The mosaic shows John Fitch's oared steam passenger boat plying on the Delaware River from Philadelphia to Bristol in 1790, seventeen years be- fore Fulton's "Clermont" succeeded upon the Hudson River, and six years before Symington's "Charlotte Dundas" towed canal boats on the Clyde Canal, yet 247 years after Blasco de Gary, 83 312 305 92 Right Outer Corridor. ■i-'ji 306 Continued) years after Dennis Papin, and 7 years after de Jouffroy. Many schoolboys in the United States have been erroneously taught that Robert Ful- ton invented the steam boat. See page 73. Franklin's Press. 352. Print- ing invented by the Chinese as a process of pressing sheets of paper, by rubbing with 352 306 a hand brush or cloth, against inked groups of assembled block letters. Reinvented by the Germans, Guttenburg and Faust, about 1450, and revolutionized by the Swiss- American Mergenthaler in 1895. Modern- izing and vastly transforming human thought since the 16th century, it em- ployed the labor of Benjamin Franklin in his earlier days. Dragon Fly. 362. Believed to be the "Doctor" or feeder of the water snake, by the barefooted country boy, as the latter searches the creek for bullfrogs, or lifts with skilled hand the unresisting half-hypnotized mullet ("sucker") from his water hole under the bank. The dragon fly in several closely related family forms as "snake feeder" or "mosquito hawk," emerging from an early submarine life to cast its shell and take wing, vies with the butterfly as a charmer of children and type of the fire and energy of mid summer. Rattlesnake. 366. ( Cro- lalus horridus. ) I^ess poisonous than the cobra of India, or the fer de lance of Martinique, de- vourer of small rodents, the deadly rattlesnake, where he sur- vives in the Appalachians from from New Hampshire to Florida, is justly dreaded by man. About four feet long, sluggish, coiling, rattling, re- luctantly striking, the brown or blackish- yellow diaper-striped snake, was avoided and venerated by Indians and white men, and but very rarely conciliated by snake-loving mountaineers, who dare to pick up the fanged reptile in their hands. 362 366 360 Flying Squirrel. 360. {Sciurop- icrus volans.) Nocturnal, dwelling in large gnawed holes in dead trees, old house cor- nices, deserted garrets, or summer houses, Right Outer Corridor. 93 369 sometimes imprisoned in tin cages by the farmer's boy, the beautiful flying squirrel outvies in celebrity many larger animals, by flitting at night diagonally from tree to tree upon winglike extensions of its leg skin. Gasometer. 369. A huge bolted sheet iron bottomless barrel-shaped vessel. floating by gas compression on a tank of water, and pressing illuminating gas through pipes into city and village houses. Since about 1830, illuminating gas, made from coal, has contended and still (1908) contends with electricity as a house and street light. Plover. 361. {Aegialitis vocifera.) Everywhere familiar with its cry of "kill- deer," its sensational flutteringsand feignings of lameness along meadow or pond, the plover, unmindful of cow or horse, demonstrates its love of eggs nest and young, by misleading in vain chase, the destructive boy or bounding puppy in the hatching days of spring. Potter Terrapin. 363. mgosa. Having learned to eat general from the Indian, who 361 iWotoj 363 {Pseudemys tortoises In continually roasted them on open fires, the white man digs the hibernating red-bellied native terrapin from the submarine mud of fresh water streams, and throwing him alive into boiling water, cleans cooks and eats him eggs and all. Outranking for man's food all national dishes save the can- vas-back duck, the reptile is threatened with extermination in Pennsylvania, where he is easily confused with the yet more esteemed salt water terrapin {Malacoclemmys palustris). When the meat of the latter sells for from five to seven dollars per quart in Phila- delphia, the vendor may stir in fifty or seventy five percent, of the bonesflesh and eggs of the "potter," whereupon few epicures can detect the cheat. Shad. 357. {Cluped sapidissima. ) Netted while ascending in shoals eastern seaboard rivers in the spring to spawn, pro- tected by law, lost in win- 357 ter in the ocean's depth, the immensely prolific sensitive graceful shad, dying in captivity or at the friction of nets, was fried in the long-handled frying pan, broiled on the gridiron by the open kitchen fire, or roasted on a plank, by the bonfire of the Delaware River fisherman. Trolley Car. 351. Made practical after several previous in- 351 ventions (Siemens and Halske, 94 Right Outer Corridor. Berlin 1879 and Van Depole and others about 1884), about 1885, run- ning on tracks generally placed on city streets or country turnpikes, by a current of electricity passing through a wheeled iron rod sprung against an overhead wire. Boxed or open, windowed, heated, rapid, light and easily stopped, carrying freight and passengers from place to place, the electric railway car or trolley, has resulted in an immense outstretching of city and town life into the country, a great disturbance of rural conditions, and the ready introduction of the secluded farmer to town and city. Iflole. 354* (Sea fops aquaticus.) Devourer, not of roots or plants, but of earth worms, with gimlet nose, al- most invisible minute eyes, glossy silver gray fur, and powerful hairless clawed hands, the mole wedges and delves a little tunnel close under the summer sod, or deeper under frost, where his rise to the sur- 354 heaps of excavated earth face to mark his work. Not where the truck- man grumbles at voung vegetable roots dried by the uplift of these undermining tunnels, nor where the man with the lawn mower and rake artificializes nature in village or graded suburb, but where by the old "barn bridge" geese and sheep pasture upon the ancient sod, may the observer mark with pleasure, the ramifying lines of darker green shadow, pen- cilled upon the turf, marking the upswelhng vaults of the moles' galleries that settle back after a rain. Gettysburg. 389. A struggle between citizens of the United States at Gettysburg in 1863, decided against the continued inconsistent ex- istence of negro slavery in the liberty asserting United States, and against the division of the Republic into two nations. 389 Reaping: With tne Sickle. 13. Lean forward and seizing a large bunch of wheat or rye with the left hand, cut the stalks near the ground, by drawing the keen serrated, narrow sickle blade across them from left to right. Then as the mosaic shows, you reap as your ancestors did from Egyptian times until about 1820, when at the advent of the European grain cradle or of the Hainault scythe (dispensing with stalk grasping), and finally the reaping machine, the greatest craft of husbandry changed suddenly and forever. 13 Washington Crossing the Delaware. 402. On Christmas night 1776, General Washington led the American army secretly in flatboats across the Delaware River, just above the present (1908) bridge at Morris- A.Q2. ville, Bucks county, and surprising the Hessian army employed by the British, defeated them at Trenton, and captured their General Rahl. Right Vestibule. 95 Rabbit. 371. (Lepus flori- danus. ) With brown cinnamon and gray fur, and white under tail, very prolific, subsisting on roots and vegetables, burrowing, crouching till almost touched, very fleet, doubling to escape dogs, the rabbit defies ex- termination, in spite of gunners in season, minks, weasels, crows and hawks. Hard is the heart which unmoved to pity, sees the terrified rabbit crouching by log or weed stalk, while the dogs bark and race in distant circles. 371 Potter Terrapin. 372. (Pseudemys rugosa. ) Having learned to eat tortoises in general from the Indian, who continually] roasted them on open fires, the white man digs the hibernating red-bellied terrapin from the fleep mud of fresh water streams, ind throwing him alive into boiling water, cleans cooks and eats him, eggs and all. Out- ranking as man's food, all na- tional dishes save the canvasback duck, the reptile is threatened with extermination in Pennsyl- vania, where he is easily confused with the yet more esteemed salt water terrapin {Malacoclemmys palus~ tris). When the meat of the latter sells at from five to seven dollars per quart in Philadelphia, the vendor may stir in from fifty to seventy- five per cent, of the bones flesh and eggs of the "potter", whereupon few epicures can detect the cheat. 372 INDEX. Page. Amulet, Indian 3, 8 Applebutter, Making 35 Apples 79, 86 Apples, Paring • . 38 Arms of Pennsylvania 65 Arrowheads 3, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14 Automobile 91 Axes 23 Axe. Stone 3, 10, 11 Bake Oven 59 Baking, Woman 59 Baltimore Oriole 27, 65 Banner Stone 9 Barn Owl 70 Barrack 69 Basket Maker 20 Bat 42, 60 Battleship 51 Bear 5, 46, 56 Bear Trap 43 Beaver 25, 80 Bee, Bumble 80 Beehive 25 Bell, Liberty 50 Belt, Indian Wampum 18 Blackbird 29 Blast Furnace 71 Blowing Horn 29, 88 Blue Jay 20, 53, 80 Bow, Indian Shooting With .... 11 Box, Tinder 39 Box Tortoise 19, 78 Boy Rolling Hoop 63 Braddock, General 62 Brake, Flax 47 Breaker, Coal 91 Brick Making 42 Brooch, Indian 15, 22 Bucks County Seal 74 Bullfrog 16, 74 Bumble Bee 80 Butter, Apple 35 Butter, Churning 57 Butterfly 44, 52, 79 Buttonwood 6, 89 Camera and Photographer 91 Canal Lock 88 Candles, Dipping 34 Candlestick 39 Canoe, Dugout 10 Canoe, Indian Making 10 Canoe, Indian Paddling 9 Carapace, Turtle 62, 65 Cardinal Bird 26, 33, 86 Carpenter's Hatchet 40 Car, Trolley 93 Carvings, Indian ... 19, 20, 21, 75, 77 Casting Iron 52 Catalpa 7, 11 Catbird '28, 32 Catching Terrapin 37 Cat, Wild 15, 66 Celt, Indian ••.... 14 Ceremonial Gorget 9 Ceremonial Mask 3, 5 Ceremonial Stone 9, 12 Chain, Forging 48 Cherries 7, 45, 69, 73 Chicken Cock 68 Chickens £1, 67 Children 17 Chimney Swallow 32, 74 Churning Butter 57 Cider Flagon 43 Clearing the Forest 32 Clover Stripper 82 Coach, Stage 72 Coal Breaker 91 Coal Dealer's Wagon 49 Coal Miner 49 Cock. Chicken 68 Conch Horn 88 Cones, Pine 14, 45, 47, 70, 79, 83 Conestoga Wagon 45, 60 Cooking Applebutter 35 Corn, Hoeing 89 Corn, Husking 40, 84 Corn, Indian 8 Corn, Indian Grinding 6 Page. Corn, Indian Hoeing 8 Corn, Shelling 68 Cow, Milking the 45 Crab 65, 77 Creek, Oil 15 Cricket 64, 71 Crow 21, 84 Death of Braddock 6^ Death of Tammany 81 Declaration of Independence ... 88 Delaware, Washington Crossing . 46, 94 Dinner Horn 29 Dipping Candles 34 Dixon and Mason 87 Dog 58 Dragon Flv 41, 92 Drawings/Indian 14, 17, 21, 62 Drill, Indian 11 Duck 31. 38, 50, 71 Dugout Canoe 10 Dutch Oven 55 Dutch Scythe 26, 27 Eagle 20 Eel 75 Elevator, Grain 90 Elk 33, 48 Elm 13, 72, 87 Engine, Locomotive 57 Factories 88 Fall of the Forest 83 Farm Fence, Making 41 Felling the Forest 23, 80 Fence, Farm 41 Fire, Indian Making 4 Fire. River of 15 Fire, Frying in Open 38 Fitch's Steamboat 73, 91 Flagon, Cider . ; 43 Flail ■■ ... 35, 85 Flax Brake 47 Flax Reel . 54 Flax Spinning 31 Flax Swingling 41 Fluid Lamp 39 Fly, Dragon 41 , 92 Fly, House 44, 67 Flying Squirrel 56, 92 Forest, Clearing the 32 Forest, Fall of the 83 Forest, Felling the 23, 80 Forging a Chain 48 Foster, Stephen Collins 61 Fox 16, 51 Franklin's Kite 79 Franklin's Press 92 Frow 59 Frying in Open tire 38 Furnace, Blast 71 Gasometer 93 German School 68 Germantown Seal 49 Gettysburg 61, 94 Gorget, Indian 7, 9 Grain Elevator 90 Grapes •■.... 50, 59, 83 Grasshopper 53, 54, 70, 76 Grey Squirrel 24, 28, 30, 55 Gridiron 43 Grinding Corn 6 Gristmill 30 Grooved Axe 3, 10, 11 Grooved Net Sinker 4 Gum, Sour. . . ■ • ■23,26,29,31,34,37 Gum, Sweet 6, 90 Hatchets 40 Hawk 20, 33 Head, Human 17 Heckewaelder 10, 54 Heron 43 Hickory 24, 27, 29 Hoeing Corn 8, 89 Hominy 39 Hoop, Boy Rolling 63 Horn, Conch 88 Horn, Dinner 29 Horse Shoeing 62 Horse Trotting 90 House Fly 44, 67 House, Letitia 56 INDEX. Page. House, Log ^2 House of Steel 83 House Pump 67 Human Head 17 Husking Corn 40, 84 Independence, Declaration of . . . 88 Indian Amulet 3, 8 Indian Arrowhead . . .3,7,9,10,13,14 Indian Axe 3, 10, 11 Indian Basket Maker 20 Indian Belt 18 Indian Brooch 15, 22 Indian Canoe 9 Indian Carvings .... 19, 20, 21, 75, 77 Indian Celt 14 Indian Corn 8 Indian Drawings 14, 17, 21, 62 Indian Drill 11 Indian Gorget 7, 9 Indian Grinding Corn 6 Indian Hoeing Corn 8 Indian Knife 3 Indian Making Canoe 10 Indian Making Fire 4 Indian Making Spearhead 6 Indian Mask 3, 5 Indian Net Sinker 4 Indian Paddling Canoe 9 Indian Panther 78 Indian Picture 7, 14, 21, 62 Indian Pipe 3. 8, 10, 11, 13 Indian Quarrying 16 Indian Rattlesnake 7, 19, 22 Indian Shooting With Bow 11 Indian Smoking 12, 18 Indian Stone Spade 4 Indian Tubular Pipe 11 Indian Turtle 76 Indian Walk 28 Indian Wampum Belt 18 Indians, Massacre of 13 Iron Casting 52 Iron Miner 64, 66 Jasper, Quarrying 16 Jay, Blue 20, 53, 80 Keystone ' • .. 51, 55, 66 Kingfisher 41, 74 Kite, Franklin's 79 Kittens 60 Knife, Indian 3 Lamp, Fluid 39 Lamp, Lard 37 Lantern 31 Lard Lamp 37 Leaves, Oak ... 3, 22, 33, 36, 47, 72, 81 Letitia House 56 Liberty Bell 50 Linden 5, 6 Lock, Canal 8S Lock, Open 88 Locomotive Engine 57 Locust 18, 41 Log House 22 Loon 49, 59, 66 Machine, Reaping 87 Making Baskets 20 Making Bricks 42 Making Canoe 10 Making Farm Fence 41 Making Fire 4 Making Spearheads 6 Man, Owl 5 Man Using Frow 59 Maple 35 Marbles, Playing 89 Mask Amulet 3 Mask, Indian 3, 5 Mask of the Owl Man 5 Mason and Dixon 87 Massacre of Indians 13 Massacre of Wyoming 40 Milking the Cow 45 Miner, Coal 49 Miner, Iron 61, 66 Mole 77, 94 Moose 43 Mortar and Pestle 42 Moth 69 Muskrat 17, 52, 90 Page. Netsinker, Indian 4 North and South 61 Oak Leaves . . . . 3, 22, 33, 36, 47, 72, 81 Oil Creek 15 Oil Well 49, 63 Open Fire Frying 38 Open Lock 88 Opossum 5, 28, 58, 67 Orchard Oriole 24, 32 Oriole, Baltimore 27, 65 Oriole, Orchard 24, 32 Oven, Bake 59 Oven, Dutch 55 Owl, Barn 70 Owl Man, Mask 5 Owl, Screech 35 Oysters • 53, 54, 68 Paddling Canoe . . • 9 Panther, Indian • ... 78 Paring Apples 38 Pears 79, 81, 84 Pennsylvania Arms 65 Pennsylvania Seal 70, 72, 87 Penn's Treaty 42 Pestle and Mortar 42 Philadelphia Seal 82, 91 Photographer 91 Picture, Indian 7, 14, 21, 62 Pine Cones 14,45,47,70,79, 83 Pioneer Rifleman 24, 55 Pipe, Indian 3, 8, 10, 11, 13 Pipe, Indian Tubular 11 Plate, Steel 46, 82 Plate, Stove 36, 40 Playing Marbles 89 Plover 85, 93 Plow, Shovel 25, 36 Plow, Wooden 56 Porcupine 20, 71 Potter at Wheel 88 Potter Terrapin 78, 93, 95 Pounding Hominy 39 Press, Franklin's 92 Primitive Smoking 12, 18 Pump 67 Quail 15, 44, 73 Quarrying Jasper 16 Ouarrying, Indian 16 Rabbit 64,76, 95 Raccoon 16, 78 Rattlesnake ... 7, 18, 19, 22, 63, 76, 92 Reaping Machine 87 Reaping With Sickle 25. 60, 94 Red Bird 116, 33, 86 Redbud 12, 34, 64 Red-eved Vireo 24, 34 Red Fox 16, 51 Reel, Flax 54 Rifleman 24, 55 River of Fire 15 Robin 30, 74 Rolling Hoop 63 Scarlet Tanager 27 School 68 School In 86 School Out 83 Screech Owl 35 Scythe 26, 27 Seal of Bucks County 74 Seal of Germantown 49 Seal of Pennsylvania 70, 72 87 Seal of Philadelphia 82, 91 Shad 61,86, 93 Sharpening Scvthe 27 Sheep ' 63, 90 Shelling Corn 68 Shingles, Splitting 33 Shoeing Horse 62 Shoemaker . 84 Shooting, Indian with Bow 11 Shovel Plow 25, 36 Sickle 25, 60, 94 Sinker, Indian Net 4 Skating 85 Skillet 71 Skunk 50, 54, 57 Smoking bv Indian 12, 18 Snapping Turtle 46, 59, 66 SourGum 23,26,29,31,34, 37 INDEX. Page. South and North 61 Sower 86 Spade, Indian Stone 4 Sparrow 26, 38, 75 Spearhead 4, 14 Spearhead, Indian Making 6 Spider 13, 17 Spinning Flax 31 Spinning Wool 48 Splitting Shingles 33 Spud 36, 47 Squirrel, Flying 56, 92 Squirrel, Grey 24, 28, 30, 55 Stage Coach 72 Steamboat 73, 91 Steel, House of 83 Steel Plate 46, 82 Stone Axe 3, 10, 11 Stone Ceremonial 9, 12 Stone Spade 4 Stove Plate . 36, 40 Stripper, Clover 82 Sunfish 85 Swallow 32, 74 Swamp Blackbiid 29 Sweep, Well 62 Sweet Gum 6, 90 Swingling Flax ... 41 Tammany 81 Tanager 27 Telegraph 52 Telephone 89 Terrapin 78, 93, 95 Terrapin, Catching 37 Thrashing with Flail 35,85 Tinder Box 39 Page. Tin Lantern 31 Tortoise 19, 78 Trap, Bear 43 Treaty of Penn 42 Trolley Car 93 Trotting Horse 90 Tubular Pipe 11 Turkey, Domestic 44 Turkey, Wild 19, 81 Turtle Carapace 62, 65 Turtle, Indian 76 Turtle, Snapping . ... 46, 59, 66 Type Setter 69 Typewriter 64 Vireo 24. 34 Wagon, Conestoga 45. 60 Wsgon, Coal Dealer's 49 Walk, Indian 28 Wampum Belt 18 Washington Crossing Delaware . 46. 94 Weasel 21,52, 7ti Well, Oil 49, 63 Well Sweep 62 Wheel, Potter at 88 Wheel, Wool 48 White Children 17 Wild Cat 15, 66 Wild Duck 31, 38. 50, 71 Wild Turkey ! 19, 81 Wolf 10, 82 Woman Baking 59 Wooden Plow 56 Woodpecker 30, 34, 57 Wool, Spinning 48 Wool Wheel 48 Wyoming Massacre 40 ERRATA Page 46, under No. 90. Page 94, under No. 402. For Morrisville Read Taylorsville mi 'r"v v' ■■.■■;■■■■■"■■■■ 0U312 033 8