'/-- u 'i JaMKS W. WodKK [2271] Rl'.V. JCJIIN MOORI' i OF \ Newtown, Long Island, :.OMi'. Oi' lliSr. lH'.bCKNDAN i' COMl-ILUIJ BV JAMES V\^ Moore, L,AFAVKTTii CuLLliCii. bv rut CMIilllCAl. 1-UB1,1S111N(_. COMPANY, ilv.'\illJ iViAK It) ISO-* LJ^: Cui'VKlCllT, 19 I'^l'^ coiupilation is founded ii[)oii the work done by Jauies Riker, Jr., \ ',i —^ ,1;,^/, in liis Annals of Newtown, i.Ss2; the liarly Settlers of Trenton and : J I.-...;.,.. 1,,, j)j-. Cooley, ibSj; upon various articles by Charles B. cretary of the New York Genealogical and Biographi- cal Society, and upon a manuscript hi.lory by Frederick Schol/er, ol Philadelphia. Datts ha\c bct-n verified, as fur as possible, by reference to the original documents, and many additions, from sources at that time inaccessible to the above writers, have been made. New lines have been introduced, and special attention has been paid to descent on the female side. In the latter case, where lines aie not brought down to date, suihcient data are noted to identify the persons named. Cheerful aid has been given by so many persons that it would be invidious to specify particular ones, and impossible to name them all here. Public records, as well as private, have been examined, and their contents utilized. In a work of this character errors are inevitable, but frequent verifications by different persons, it is hoped, have presented serious discrepancies. The compiler will be glad lu receive corrections and addition^. J. W. M. I.ii/uyiUe College. A HINT ON DATES THE Diiti h in Newtown reckoned tune acccjrding to )iC7i' style. The month of March, old style, commenced ten day:j earHer than by the nav style ; on aud after March i, 1700, eleven days earlier. On vSeptember 3, 1752, the iihl style ended, and the next day was called 14th, twin style. Kikcr, in hi.s Annals, always begins the year with January. OLD STYLE. Belore 17 ,2 Ihe year bcyau Marcb 23tli. March, . ISt Month, Al'KII,, 2nd Month, May, . 3rd Month, JUXE, . 4lh Month, Jlly, . 5tli Month, August, 6lh Month, .SlU'TEMiiUR, . 71I1 Month, OcTOliliK, Sth Month, NOVKMBKU yth Month, DECEMBliK, . 10th Month, January, . nth Month, Fkhkuaky, . ijlh Month, NLW STYLE. Tlie yeai 175J bcyaii January ist. . January. FyiiKUARY. Makcii. Al'KIL. , May. June. . July. August. . Skpticmuer. octobicr. NoVHMUER. l)i;ci,iMi;uR. ^% V' n.khni'. /)*'' l,(».\(; ISI.AMI. :n lit. } <^ 'I..-: >^^:^ ir;.:::; ■*""^r/?/i>.:^t:,.-'''^--^~'#,.A«:: -fry o#^^ ^ r< ' ,-.<><;. ^-'-: r«'- X-*-"^; •• ■•■••■;<-' .^^^v." ,• /'■>iV* '', • 1 . > -^ :.'jv-i ■■.■■',. A----..^: '"■'ry* ^,.^^iv;i,.Jii;■^i■'^,^ „ -^v ^' .^ ■ ulA VIM' «■» ,,*»-'- ' \. C^ »-' •--;=■> 'r^'^ ■;"::- '■.'^■^-' ■'■.' I.„. -^— ~-::^'^,;: ....«---^- ^•■o." >-r.^.A;,:v :V.;;^%.^,-:;i?>^ ' . . •-; v-^-;^'^ -^ " 'f (> (( K I. V x INTRODUCTION 'ji?^^^-?!-^/^-^, Ill"' FAMILY Ob" MOORlvi= is wide-spread. la whalevcr '^'''vr*^^''-^Mfc-- Ci'^'-K ^^''^ '■'^'^ name is spelled, the Ivnglish families are said lu VVi'K „ JI I '(^..' have their orijjiii in Thomas de More, whose name is ^^ \ H IV>v enrolled in the ancient list taken at the embarkation at -■^; I r-■^^i ^'^ ''•'"''^''>'' ""der William the Conqueror, in io'J6. ^J^i^^ ;^".'/^\ 'y]\ Thomas de More's name also appears iu the list of those ^-^.il^.-iyV'^,"/-^-;^ who survived the battle of Hastings, fought on October 14, of the same ^ear, in which bailie he held a comni.ind. The name has diflerent forms: de la More, de More, More, Mora (Lalinizid form), Moir, Moor, Moore, Muir, Mure, the last two iu Scotlan ■\ bailor on the ship of lieiidrick Hiubon, ii'o'_;. in .' '.' '.,''' d.iicJ >J(Aembe: if;, iDji; r;;prinleti ni "Documents relatiii;.^ U ilie Cw! >::;ai vL-l.iy ...f il.e Sc.Ut oi Ncv, "^'ork," I, .jj, in reiereiice lo the tui.;:; will': .•>;'a!!!, is il.v- sigpiirre o) Jchai) lU; Mi. or. I'LllulV;. .Mu .N;.ti.-li,a r.HK .. |.lll.;i-iir. •i.liy, .Muiui 6 INTRODUCTION Rev. J'iliii Moore and his desceiidauts invariably use the double o and final e. No signature has been discovered by the compiler spelled otherwise, allhongh in the body of legal instruments it has been spelled More, Moore, Moor, often two or tluL-e ways in the same document. Difliculties have been met in investigating early colonial records from the frequent change of the German Mohr to Moore. Families occupying contiguous plantations, in New Jersey particularly, frequently spoke dif- ferent languages, although bearing the same name. One valuable work on the gen- ealogy of a section of New Jersey has included some of the descendants of Rev. John Moore among the Germans. These descendants are really of pure Knglish stock. As to ll.c meaning of the name, various conjectures have been made. In Northumberland and Cumberland Counties, in England, there were lands calk-d "The Moor," and their occupants were called " de la Moor." If the family is of „ , I'rench origin, de la Moore would suggest th.it their ancestors I he M c a n i 11 i" . . ut tKi: N ni ■ came originally from Morocco, the country oi the Moors. 1 he assumption of the Saracen's head as a crest would also suggest this origin, but it was not uncommon to select a symbol for the family crest as a play on the name. The Moor's head would naturally present itself as appropriate. Other families, of whose origin there could be no doubt, used the same sign, and it was a frequent indication of a house of entertainment. If the name is of Anglo- Saxon origin, it may be derived from marc or inotc, greater in any way, or lioin 7nor, a hill, meaning in one case, grc.it, tall, large, and by an extension of meaning, chief, mighty, great, and in the other ca^e, an inhabitant of the hillb. But all these conjectures have little value on account of ilie great antiquity of the name. In looking into the history of the Scotch family, it is well to avoid the error of supposing that the suffix more, as in Angus Moie, Fergus More, McCallum More, is a surname. It has no other significance in these names than in Ben More, Loch More, Gleiimore, and simply means great. Kent County is claimed by the family as the original English home of the ancestors of Rev. John Moore. The compiler of this genealogy has not enleieil into an investigation of this subject. The purlieu!. ir family claimed* liad its Kent County E.ii!. headquarters from lauu to \^\\ at Bcueiidcn, Kent County. loiid,lhiiUrit!lii.>l ' ' '^ ^ iiamc of 11, c Ai.. Wyatt's rebellion against Oueen Mary and l^hilip, of Spain, had J ^o h n^'j.i'o a^T I, many adherents in Kent. Many residents were banished or removed to Ireland. In 1554 John More sold his place at Beneuden, and with his sons removed to Ireland. The following, condensed from Burke's Pi;erage, will help to follow the argument of Mr. Moore : Thuuia.s Moi>rei, Esq., of Benemk-M, Kent County, married and liad John-, Etij., who married Marj^.-iiL-t, daughter and heir of Jolin Hreiit, Ksq., and widow of John Derin{j, ICbij., of Suneiideii. Sir Hdward^, the eldest son, and Sir Thomas^ (of Croghan), settled 111 Jielaud in the reign of Oueeii Klizalieth, the former receiving the Aljl.ey of IV^llifunl, in Couiily bmith, uiarrieil Mihhed, daughter and co-heir of Nichola?. Clilfoid, hlsq., of Chan, Kent CcniMt}, hy wlioin he liad Sir Hdward^, Kl., eldest acjn, of Mellilont. Jlember ol t'ailiametit for Diingarvon, 1613, created Haion Moore of Mellifoiit, July 20, 1616, Vi.M'ount Moore of Di.iglieda, Iv-hniary 7, 1621, married Mary, daughter of Sir Ucury Colley, Kt. of Cabtle Cail/erry, County KiMaie, and dieerc several at Soulhamptoii who came fiom Iielaiitl, nearly all linylishmeii, and probably Thomas llalsey aiul Richard Barret, called kinsman of Halsey's .son Uaiiiel, were of the nuiiiljer, as well as Hugh Celstou, Nalhauiel Uomiuy and John Kelly. "1 The genealogy of the Loftus family shows the relationshii) attcnipttd to Ix; estahlished. Edward Loftus', J of Swineshead, County York, had two buns, Robert' and Rev. Adam", Archbishop of Armaijli, January 20, J 562-3, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, 1578, and Lord Chancellor of Ireland, who died April 5, 1605, aged 72 years. Robert'' had a son Adam', who was Lord Chancellor of Ireland, 1619, and Vi.scouut Loftus of Ely, 1622. Arthur^ grandson of Adam', died November 6, 1735, without male i.ssue, leaving a daughter Jane', who married Charles Moore, Lord Moore, Earl of Drogheda. Rev. Adam Loftus', who died in 1605, married Jane I'urby, l)y whom he iiad twenty children, thirteen of whom survived, five .sous and eight daughters. Of the daughters, Alice' married Vi.scount Charles Moore; Dorothy', Sir Juim Mooie', who died 1633, of Croghan (Sir Thomas\ John', Esq., Thomas' j ; Catharine', Arthur Bostique, who had a daughter Margaret. The family of Loflus was also connected with the faimly of Gorges (George, Gorgas). Robert Gorges, D.C.L., married Jane Loftus. He was Secretary to Henry (^omwell. His descendants still live in Ireland. He had a sister Elizabeth, who died in 1668.S Sir William Gcrge', Knight, of Wra.xall, married .ind had a son Robert", of IJatcumbe, in County Somerset, who married Ami Wel^b, of Batcombe, and hrj i'.du.ird^ Mary', wift .f John Moore, Heiny', living in 1623, Christian', Joyce', Aiiu', Margaret'. Robert George came to New i'jigland, as Governor, in 1623.^ =!■ Sir Arthur Gorges, Chel.sea, knighted in 1597, died 1625; married, as second wife. Lady Eli/.abeth, daughter of Henry, I'Uirl of Lincoln, by which • I'ilsl liuok of KtreurJs, 17. t Cll.iili> n. .\it,i.rc. I llurkc's I't'Li iKt. I N. 1:. M-c-i. N.VIX, ii. •• .X. K. Kct . vV, io. 6' INTRODUCTION marriage Sir Arthur hccainc possessed of the house of Sir Thoiuas Moore, which in 1619 he conveyed to Lionel, l.uid Cranlcld.'*' Riker, in his " Annals of Newtown,"! assigns the arms of the Kent County laniil)' to Rev. John Moore. Burke, in his "General Armoury," gives tlie arms of about one hundred and fifty families of the name of Moore. The heraldic description of the family arms of the Newtown Moores is : A r m a o 1 I he Moore Kariiily Per fcsse indented or and a/, three mullets in chief gu. Crest: Out of a ducal coronet or, a Moor's head ppr. wreathed about the temples ar and az. Motto: Fortis cadere, cedere non potest.]: In gathering materials for this book the compiler has been surprised at the uiianir.'.ity displayed by all branches of the family in claims as to their origin in Kent. M.uiy copies of arms have been sent to him from diiferenl br:inchcs in dilfereiit states, and Irom collateritl families, and they all agree. Napkins, with the arms woven in, seals, large i)ictures in colors, are in the possession of various uiembers of the family, some with liislories, but the majority simply labeli-il heirlooms. The inmiediate family ol Rev. John Moore remained at Newtown, witli the exception of Joseph', who settled at Southampton, Long Island. His grandsons took part in the great movement which resulted in the establishment of new U i s t ribujion of States. The sons of John' removed to New Jersey, John' appearing tliiiB^ev. Johii at Chesterlreld, Burlington County, as early as 1695. Thomas'' Mwofu » l-aiiiily probably removed to some place in New Jersey, but his identity has not been established. There were Moores of the name of Thomas at IClizabeth- tovvn and at Woodbridge. The sons of Captain Gershom' removed to New Jersey. Of the sons of Captain SamueP, some remained on Long Island, others .settled in Trenton, Maidenhead and Hopewell townships, in Hunterdon County, N. J., Nathaniel' appearing at Queen.-^lown (Pennington) in 1708. Of the New Jersey families r.i.iny went to the South and West, but every effort to discover the connectini-; links between them has lailcd. As will appear in the genealogy given later, sonie of the families tlisappear at the fourth and others at the fifth geut'ration. The h'renoh and Indian Wars will account lor the former, ami the Revolution for the hitter. In 1740 there was a movement of jjopulation from Hunter.ion County, New Jersey, towards the Southwest, under the leadership of Col. Boiden, alter whom Boidentown, N. J., was named. At Ilarbourtown, near J.umbcitvillc. N. J., there is a graveyard in which, th.'-re are many of the Moore name buritil. The people in the inmiediate vicinity have no knowledge of these families, and there Ins been discovered no w;iy of identifying them. We do know, however, that "The subject has interest, as no doubt it was the prime cause of the se])ara- tion of West Virginia from Virginia at a critical lime in our iiationa! historv. The same families aided largely in making Ohio a free stale Irom 17,S5 .nid later, and keeping Kentucky and Tennessee practically in the Union in 1.SO1. 'i^licrc seems to have been a prominent family of Moores in Ani'.\ell."g Some of the family, after the Freijcli W^u', rciuovcd to the Wc: t Indies. The de^centlants of Samuel' (Saunie!', Caj)!. Samuel') cannot Ije located, aUiiou.u.li they Wire residents of New York City. Aliei the revolutU'U some oi liie name removed to Nova Scotia, others settled "the(jcneste Countiy," uih.r:- removei.1 * IJt.iki-'s k'-suU.. ol Rtr><';irclic-s, 97->s. t Ann. lis ot .\\-\vluwu. .W7- i 'riu- l»i:ivf ni:in may (all but o;innut yii Ui. \ I'loc. N J. Ih^t. Soc., lh';4. 71 INTRODUCTION 9 to Ohio, and from thence, carried by the stream of emigration, spread over the far West and South. The war between the States caused another distribution, and descendants are found everywhere. The history of the Church of New England is the history of the Colonies. Ministers with their congregations were the founders of the Colonies. In 1636 Thomas Hooker and his congregation came to build Hartford ; the Dorchester The Moore congregation migrated to Windsor, Ct.; the Watertown congrega- Family and tion came to Wethersfield, Ct.; Southold was founded by the the Church Ngv^' Haven Colon}-, and Southampton bj- colonists from Lynn. In some colonies none but church members could vote and hold office. New Haven was an example. The magistrates were "the pillars of the Church." When New Haven was annexed to Connecticut many of its inhabitants removed to Newark, N. J., and founded that town, 1665-7. Connecticut was more liberal in her views, and allowed non-church members to vote and hold office.* In the matter of church government in New England, in early times the Independents or Congregationalists were pre-eminent, but later many Presbyterians came from Great Britain to escape religious persecution, and mingled with the early settlers. The Church of Newtown, Long Island, was not distinct from the town, and Rev. John Moore, its first minister, who was "permitted to preach in New England," was an Independent. The people of Newtown were "mostly Independents," although there were "many other Inhabitants, Presbyterians," who were "not able to maintain a Presbyterian preacher."! Rev. Mr. Urquhart, in a letter dated as late as July 4, 1705, says that "the Inhabitants of this county (Queens), are generally ludepen''*." It is certain that up to the time of Mr. Pumroy's call, Februarj- 18, 1709, ordained November 30, 1709, close intercourse was maintained with the Congre- gational Church of New England, and that all ecclesiastical business was transacted by the inhabitants in public town meeting. It was not until September 13, 1715, when Mr. Pumroy made application to the Presbytery of Philadelphia for admis- sion, that the church of this persuasion began in Newtown. Indeed, the distinctive feature of its church government was not established until June 28, 1724, when Content Titus, Samuel Coe and James Renne were made ruling elders. It seems to have been about this time that the Moore family divided in their ecclesiastical relations — a step of tremendous importance, made evident sixty years later, at the beginning of the revolution. Injudicious methods pursued by the authorities, which the people resented, prevented the establishment of the Church of England in the province of New York for many years. Lord Cornbury, in 1702, ordered that Domine Freeman be not called to the Dutch churches at Kings; summoned the church wardens of Jamaica, all non-conformists, to appear before him, among whom were Thomas Willet, John Coe, Content Titus, Joseph Sackett ; directed the rioters, that is, dissenters, there to be prosecuted ; commissioned Rev. Mr. Honyman to be minister of that place ; ordered the sheriff to eject Mr. Hubbard from the parson- age, and put in Rev. Mr. Urquhart ; directed the minister's money to be paid to the latter ; ordered a public tax to be levied for the support of the minister ; and finally fined the church wardens and vestrymen of Jamaica for refusing to obey his orders, March 31, 1705. J This "true nursing father to our infaucy here," ♦ The Dutch and Quaker Colonies in .\merica, John Fiske. II t Documentary History of New York, III, 107. { Documentary History of New York, III, 143, 201-2-4-5-6-7. lo INTRODUCTION would not tolerate "The Inhabitants of this County (who) are generally Indepcn'*, and what are not so are either Qtiakers or of no professed Religion at all, the generality averse to the discipline of our holy mother, the Church of England, and enraged to see her Ministry established among them."* The governor commissioned Rev. Mr. Goodhue to be Presbyterian minister of Jamaica, forbid Rev. Mr. Hubbard to preach in the church at Jamaica, and declared that it belonged to the Episcopalians. This "noble patron of the Church" failed in his efforts to force Episcopacy upon the people. The stormy pastorate of Rev. Thomas Poyerf followed, and it was under the ministrations of Rev. Thomas Colgan that the Church of England commenced to flourish. In 1733 a deed was drawn up for a part of the town lot for the location of a church, signed by ninety freeholders. Joseph Moore secured these signatures. In 1735 work was commenced upon the building, and five years passed before it was completely finished and furnished. The distribution of the pews gives the names of the prominent members : "James Hazard, Esq., ou the right band as you go in at the door, number one\ Joseph Moore, number /?fo; William Sackett, number ////rr; Benjamin Moore, numbery'tiz^r; Richard Alsop, wwmhftx five ; this in the first quarter. The second quarter is the northeast corner of the house: Joseph Sackett, Esq., his seat is number one; John McDonnaugh and Charles Palmer and Thomas Morrell's seat is number two\ Samuel Washburn and Sanmel Moore Younger's seat is number three; Samuel Hallett Juu's seat is number /ywr; Captain Samuel Moore's seat is number 7?jr. The third quarter is the north nor' west part of the house; William Moses Hallett's seat is number one; John Hallelt's seat is number two; Thomas Hallett's seat is number three; Jacob Blackwell's seat is number yb«>-; Joseph Hallett, Esq., his seat is number fii'e. There's no more seats nor ground taken up in the church." In 1761 Newtown wished to have its own minister, apart from Jamaica and Flushing, and ou September 2, of that year, petitioned Lieut. Governor Colden, in Council, to grant them an act of incorporation by which they might be empowered to call a clergyman. This petition was signed by thirty-four members of the communion. They were : X James Hazard. Charles Palmer. Joseph Hallett. Richard Alsop. William Sackett, 3d. Samuel Hallett. William Sackett. Thomas Sackett. John Greenoak. Samuel Moore. Samuel Renne. Richard Hallett. Jacob Blackwell. Samuel Culver. William Hallett. William Hazard. Robert Morrell. John McDonnaugh. Jacob Hallett. William Weyraan. Robert Hallett. Richard Alsop, 4th. William Hallett, Jun. Samuel Washburn. John Moore. James Hallett. Nathaniel Moore. John Moore, Jun. Thomas Hallett. Samuel Moore, 3d. Samuel Moore, Jun. Samuel Hallett, Jun. Nathaniel Moore. Thomas Morrell, Jun. In the letters patent, James Hazard and Richard Alsop were appointed wardens; Samuel Moore, Jacob Blackwell, William Hazard, Jacob Hallett, Richard Alsop 4th, and William Sackett 3d, vestrymen, to serve till the annual election should occur. This was the origin of the separate existence of St. James's Church. The emigrants from Long Island to New Jersey carried with them the idea of the church and schoolhouse. A deed§ dated March 18, 1698-9, recites the conveyance of one hundred acres of land by Gov. Basse and Thomas Revell, "for the erecting of a meeting-house and for burying ground and school house" to "Ralph Hunt, John Bainbridge, Johannes Lawrenson, William Hixson, John » Letters of Kev. lirquhart and John Thomas; IJocunientary History of New York, III 209 t S.iinuel Moore, Jr., and Chanty, his wife, baptized August 6. 1713, at HeU Gate. Rev. Thomas Foyer's Regi.ster. ■" J Riker's Annals, 249. \ N. J. Archives, 1st Series, 5S1. .Xppendii L. INTRODUCTION ii Bryerly, Samuel Hunt, Theopbiliis Phillips, Jonathan Davis, Thomas Smith, J.isper Smith, Thomas Coleman, Benjamin Hardin, William Akers, Robert L,anneu, Philip Phillips, Joshua Audris, Samuel Davis, Ehiathau Davis, Enoch Andris, Cornelius Audris, James Price, John Runian, Thomas Runian, Hezekiah Bonhani, Benjamin Maple, Lawrence Updike, Joseph Sackelt and Edward Hunt," "inhabitants of the said township aforesaid ; i.e.. Maidenhead and parts adjacent." Many of these names represent Newtown families. It is supposed that the first meeting house was erected at what is now Lawreuceville. Rev. Jedediah Andrews, of the First Presbyterian Church, of Philadelphia, administered the rite of baptism at Maidenhead, N. J., in 1713 and 1714.* Rev. Robert Orr, the first pastor, was installed October 20, 17 15. The present churches of Ewing, Pennington and Trenton were in Hopewell Township, that of Lawrenceville was in Maidenhead.! The Hopewell Church is suggested in two deeds, dated April 20, 1703.5: The ground is about three miles from Trenton (Old Church). The Episcopalians occupied this site and sold the land in 1838. About 1709 the Hopewell Presby- terians took measures for the erection of a church within three miles of the one just mentioned. After the formation of the township of Trenton (1719-20), it was called the "Trenton First Church," and when Ewing Township was formed was named "The Ewing Church." The destruction of one of two ancient white oaks in the Ewing churchyard, June 3, 1852, suggested to Mrs. Esther Rodman Mcllvaiue the following lines, addressed to her grandchildren : Thou veneraVjle oak, the churchyard tree. With deep regret th)- broken form we see ; Two hundred years or more the storms thou braved Unharmed, while round thy head the tempest raved. A faithful guard through ail that time thou kept, Above the throng that 'neath thy shadow slept; The wild tornado's breath hath o'er thee past, And prostrate on the earth thou liest at last. In time remote two white oaks had their birth, Destined for many an age to grace the earth ; And here they stood wlien our forefathers came, To build an altar to their Maker's name. lien from afar — perchance beyond the deep, This place they chose, their Sabbath rest to keep. They built an altar of materials rude, Vnhewed the stone, and roughly dressed the wood ; 'Twas blessed of Him, whose promised dwelling place Is where His people meet to seek His grace. Once in three weeks the stated pastor came. With gracious message in his Master's name ; Reciprocated all the greetings kind. Rejoiced in health and peace his flock to find. The morning service o'er, beneath your shade They ate their bread, and kind inquiries made — How fared it with the brother pioneers. What were their prospects, what their hopes and fears? What news from home — afar bej'oud the sea? l-'ight Hampden, Cromwell, still for liberty. Or to his kingdom is King Charles restored ? Has promised, but again to break his word? Has Scotland sheathed the sword, or does she still For conscience sake oppose her sovereign's will? Worship the faithful still in caves and dens. In forest deep, or wild secluded glens? For Wales who strikes to put oppression down, Who nobly dares to wear a martyr's crown? One to the other thus the tidings bore. Of clime and kindred they would see no more. • Records of the First Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia. t History of the Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Rev. John Hall. D.D. t Deed Book AAA, 105, 114, Department of State, Trenton, N. J. 12 INTRODUCTION That duty done, once more to praise and pray, The church they entered — thus they spent the day. They sought religion first, man's greatest good. The path the fathers trod the sons pursued. Their children to the Lord in covenant given, They placed their feet in paths that led to Heaven. By precept and example, trained the youth In all the ways of honesty and truth. None cau.sed their parents or their country shame, Of them no record shows a felon's name. When war's dark storm across the country came. Bravely they faced it in their Maker's name ; With patriots' zeal their country's battle fought, Gained for posterity the boon they sought. That duty done, they left the camp and plain. And homeward turned to till their fields again. Time levels all ; the old church passed away — It .served a holy purpose in its day ; And faithful men a new foundation laid, Offeriugs of patient toil and substance made. Well wrought, the building rose by careful hands. Memorial of their zeal the church now stands ; And to this people, long the Lord hath given, Grace, foo<= ^^"''<''^- f™"> ""-"^ ->' ^V"P«''-^ ^^^^^^^ t Riker's .Annals, 17S. INTRODUCTION ' // At a meeting held April 3, 1775, to elect a representative to a convention to be held in New York City, April 20, to choose delegates to another General Congress, May 10, at Philadelphia, Captain Samuel Moore is one of one hundred freeholders who elected Colonel Jacob Blackwell deputj' from Newtown. Every other town in Queens County voted against deputies. A comparison of the names signed to various documents will show how completely the division among families had become. Voting against deputies finally resulted in the Provincial Congress summon- ing the inhabitants of the counties to appear before them, by committee. This action being of no avail, a direct summons of twenty-six persons, charged as leaders, was made. No attention being paid to the summons, December 21, the convention resolved that those who had voted against deputies had been guilty of a breach of the General Association, and ordered their names to be made public in printed hand bills. A list of the names was sent to the Continental Congress, at Philadelphia, with a request for advice and assistance. January 3, 1776, the Continental Congress, at Philadelphia, took the following action : "Whereas, a majority of the inhabitants of Queens county, in the colouy of New- York, being incapable of resolving to live and die freemen, and being more disposed to quit their liberties than part with the little proportion of their property that may be necessary to defend them, have deserted the American cause, by refusing to send deputies as usual to the conven- tion of that colony ; and avowing by a public declaration, or unmanly design of remaining inactive spectators of the present contest, vainly flattering themselves, perhaps, that should Providence declare for our enemies, they may purchase their mercy and favor at an easy rate ; and on the other hand, if the war should terminate in favor of .America, that then they may enjoy, without expense of blood or treasure, all the blessings resulting from that liberty which they in the day of trial had .abandoned, and in defence of which, many of their more virtuous neighbors and countrymen had nobly died ; and although the want of public si)irit observable in these men rather excites pit}' than alarm, there being little danger to apprehend either from their prowess or example, yet it being reasonable that those who refuse to defend their country should be excluded from its protection and prevented from doing injury :* Reiolvcd, That Colonel Nathaniel Heard, of Woodbridge, in the Colony of New Jersey, taking with him five or si.x hundred Minute Men, under discreet officers, do march to the western part of Queens County, and that Colonel Waterbury, of Stamford, in the Colony of Connecticut, with the like number of Minute Men. march to the eastern part of the said County ; that they confer together, and endeavour to enter the said County on the same day ; that tliey proceed to disarm every person in the said County, who voted against sending Deputies to the said Convention, and cause them to deliver up their arms and ammunition on oath, and that they take and confine in safe custody, till further orders, all such as refuse compliance. That they apprehend and secure, till further orders, the persons named as prin- cipal men among the disaffected in the said County, in a summons for their appearance before the Convention of New York, issued the I2th of December last ; viz.: of Newtown, Nathaniel Moore, John Moore, Sr., Samuel Hallett, John Moore, Jr., William Weyman, John Shoals, Jeronms Rapalje, and others. f And all such other persons who shall be found in arms, or who shall oppose the carrying the above Resolutions into effect, as the said Colonel Heard or Colonel Waterbury ma}' think prudent to detain. Resolved, That it be recommended to the said Colonel Heard and Colonel Waterbury, to execute the business intrusted to them by the foregoing Resolutions, with all possible despatch, secrecy, order, and humanity. Resolved, That the Committee of Safety of the Colony of Pennsylvania be requested to furnish Colonel Heard with two hundred pounds of Gunpowder. Resolved, That the sum of five hundred dollars be forthwith transmitted, with certified copies of these Resolutions, to each of them, the said Colonel Heard and Colonel Waterbury, and that they, on their return, report to this Congress a true state of their expenditure and proceedings. "t Colonel Heard left Woodbridge, N. J., January 17, and was joined at New York by Sterling's battalion of about three hundred. He crcssed at Horn's Hook, near Hell Gate, on the 19th, and proceeded to Newtown, Jamaica, Hempstead, Jericho and Norwich to Oyster Bay, collecting arms, taking the declaration of the inhabitants, and arresting the principal men. No opposition was offered. * Onderdonk's Revohition.iry luciclents of yueeus County, 43-4. t Others in Jamaica. Flushing, tlenipste.'id. and Ov.ster Rav. t .\niericau Archives, 4lh Series, IV, 1775-6, 16,11, 163,1. i8 INTRODUCTION The following oath was administered : " We, the subscribers, in the presence of Almighty God, do most solemnly and sincerely swear, that the fire-arms, side-arms, powder and lead, we respectivelj' delivered up to Col. Heard and his party, or by them taken from us, are all that belong to us, or in our possessiou or power ; and that we have not destroyed, concealed or otherwise disposed of any of our said arms or ammunition, in order to evade or obstruct the execution of Col. Heard's orders from the Continental Congress, for disarming the inhabitants of Queens county, who are disaffected to the opposition now making in America against Ministerial Tyranny."* Seven of the principal men having left their homes, only nineteen were arrested. These were sent to Philadelphia to appear before the Continental Congress, the action of which is appended : "The Committee appointed to confer with Colonel Heard returned, and laid before Congress a list of the names of nineteen persons taken into custody by Colonel Heard, by order of Congress, and brought to Philadelphia ; also, two oatlis, taken by a number of the inhabit- ants of Long Island, one upon delivering up their arms, and the other respecting their future conduct. The names of the prisoners are Benjamin Whitehead, Joseph French, John Polhemus, Nathaniel Moor, Samuel Hallet, William Weyman, John Shoals, John Willet, Gilbert Vau Wyck, Daniel Kissani, Jacob Mott, Gabriel G. Ludlow, Charles Hicks, Samuel Martin, Samuel Clowes, Thomas .Smith, George Weeks, David Brooks, John Townsend. Ordi'red, That the said nineteen Prisoners be sent to New York, and delivered to the Order of the Convention of that Colony, who are requested to confine or secure the said persons, until an inquiry be had by the Convention into their conduct, and report thereof made to this Congress. Ordered, That the Committee confer with Col. Heard about the mode of sending them.f February 6, 1776." In New York they were placed under guard of Colonel Lasher, at a house of their own selection and at their own expense. The following petition from the persons arrested by Colonel Heard was presented to the Provincial Congress, but action was postponed : "A Petition of John Willett, and fourteen other persons, praying to be relieved from their present confinement, was read. Debates arose thereon. Thereupon the question was put, whether the same should be taken into consideration immediately, and carried by a majority ; but being late, the same is deferred till to-morrow. "To the Honourable The Provincial Congress for the Colony of New York, convened in the City of New York. Whereas your Petitioners, on the 12th instant, presented a Petition to this honourable body, praying to be admitted to return to their respective families, upon parole of honour, but have been so unhappy as not to have heard anything relative to that matter, as yet, and are still in close confinement to the great prejudice of themselves and families ; they therefore humbly entreat this honourable body to take their case into consideration, and grant them such relief as to this honourable House may seem meet. And your Petitioners will ever pray. John Willet. Daniel Kissam. John Polhenms. Benjamin Whitehead. John Shoals. Charles Hicks. Thomas Smith. Sanuiel Hallett. Samuel Martin. William Wayman. Gilbert Vau Wvck. David Brooks. Nathaniel Moore. John Townsend. Joseph French. City of New York, Feb. 15th, 1776. "j The petition was considered later, and action taken as here indicated : "The Congress took into consideration the Petition of John Willett, and others, Inhabitants of Queens County, now under guard in this Citv. Thereupon, on motion made. Resolved, That the said John Willett, Benjamin Whitehead, Thomas Smith, William Weyman, Nathaniel Moore, Daniel Ki.ssam, John Shoals, Samuel Hallett, Gilbeit Van Wyck, John Townsend, John Polhemus, Charles Hicks, Sanmel Martin and David Brooks, be released from their confinement, upon their giving sufficient security for their appearance, when required, bi-lore this or any future Congress or Committee of Safety of this Colony ; and, also, that they will in the mean time deport themselves peaceably, and I'nake no opposition to the measures of this or the Continental Congress, nor instigate' others thereunto; and in their paving all e.xpenses occasioned by their confinement. Thereupon, a draft of an Obligation, to be given with security by the said John Willett, and the other prisoners above mentioned, was read and approved of, and is in the words following, to wit : 'Know all men by these presents: That we ... of Queens County on Na.ssau-Island, • Omlerdonk's Revolutionarv Incidents of Queens County 46 t American Archives, 4tli Scries, IV, 1663. J American Archives, 4th Series, V, 269. INTRODUCTION 19 in the Province of New York, are held of and firmly bound unto ... in the sum of five hun- dred Pounds, lawful money of New York ; for the payment whereof we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals ; dated this . . . day of . . . in the jear of our Lord 1776.' The condition of this Obligation is such, that if the above bounden . . . shall well and truly appear before this present or any future Proviucial Congress or Comnuttee of Safety of this Colony within six days after he shall have been summoned, or within six days after a notification for that purpose shall liave been left at his last place of abode, and then and there abide by and observe all such orders and directions as shall be then and there enjoined him ; and in the meantime, if he shall behave himself peaceably, and make no opposition to the measures of the Continental Congress of the United Colonies, or of the Provincial Congress of this Colony of New York, nor instigate others so to do, then this obligation to be void ; but on failure of any or either of the above conditions, to be and remain in full force. Sealed and delivered in the presence of . . . Ordered, That the said Draft be delivered to the said John Willett and others; that they be informed they may prepare copies thereof; and that when they have given such Bonds, respectively, with security, they will be permitted to go at large. Ordered, That one of the Secretaries be authorized to go down to the said John Willett, and the other persons under guard with hira and receive from them their respective Bonds, duly executed with sufficient securities ; and discharging the pay and expenses of the giiard, the said Secretary do give them certificates of their being permitted to go at large ; and that they be thereupon permitted to go at large."* The Congress made sure that the prisoners should pay their own expenses. Colonel Lasher being sent for, attended. He was requested to make out an account of the pay and subsistance of the several guards, who have been on duty, guarding the Prisoners from Queens County, and was requested to attend and receive the money from the Prisoners before they are discharged.! Congress had appointed May 17, 1776, as a day of fasting and prayer for the success of the patriotic cause. On that day, what was supposed to be the King's standard, was seen flying from the premises of John Moore, Jr. The story is best toid by the official record of Congress. "A letter from the Committee of Newtown, dated yesterday, was read and filed. They therein inform that, on complaint of several of the inhabitants of Newtown against John Moore, Jun., of a fresh insult to the United Colonies, by hoisting, or suffering to be hoisted, on his ground a large Flag in imitation of the King's Standard ; and as he had refused to give sufficient satisfaction to the Committee, that they have sent him down to this Congress for examination, together with a Plag, under a guard, by Captain Abraham Renisen. Captain .\braham Remsen, with the said Flag, and John Moore, Jun., the prisoner, were brought in. John Moore, Jun., examined, says: 'That it was a parcel of School lioys who go to school in Newtown, who hoisted colours on his field ; that he first saw them on a small, and afterwards on a high, pole of fifteen or twenty feet ; that he does not know whose colours they are, and why they were put up ; that he first saw them hoisted on a fast-day ; that the boys told him they got the colours of a lad from New York, now in Newtown, whose name is Moore ; that he ordered them down on the fast-day, but not afterwards ; that as children put them up, he did not imagine that men would take notice of it ; that he has not signed the General Association ;} that it was not offered him to sign ; that he knew where the Association was one day ; that no person ever advised him to have the Flag taken down ; that it was flying in his yard when the gentlemen of the Committee came for him yesterday ; and they took it down ; that it has been up .some days and down on other days ; that he lives near the school ; that Thomas Walton's son lodges with him ; that there are two sons of Mr. Le Roy, two of Thomas White, and one of Mr. Mathews, and others, about sixteen or seventeen in number; that he does not recollect what is in the Association. Being asked if he would defend the United Colonies by force of arms, answered that he did not choose to fight, and never meant to fight if he could avoid it, and would avoid it as long as he coiUd.' Captain Abraham Renisen withdrew with his prisoner, and the Congress took the same into consideration. On motion of Mr. Morris, Ordered, That John Moore, Jun., be kept in this town a prisoner upon his parole, until the Congress shall make further order concerning him. Captain Remsen and John Moore, Jr., were called in. The said John Moore, Jun., in Congress gave his promise parole to abide and Tarry in the City of New York, and attend at the City-Hall from day to day, ready to obey the call or direction of this Congress, and not to depart the City without leave. He was thereupon permitted to go at large. * American Arctiives. 4tli series. V. 27^vi. t American Arcliives, :}th Series. V, 276. I Cannot find ; fur form see Ondeidonk'.s Revolutionary luciflents ot Queens County, 30. 20 INTRODUCTION A draft of a Letter to the Committee of Newtown, returning them thanks for their vigilance, was read, and approved of and is in the words following, to wit : ' Gentlemen : I am directed by the Congress to return you the thanks of this Congress for your zeal manifested in the securing John Moore, Juu., and sending him to this city.' With the warmest wishes for success upon every effort you shall make in the great and glorious cause of freedom, I have the honour to be, gentlemen, your most obedient and humble servant. To the Chairman and I\Ieviberi of the Committee of Neivtown : Ordered, That a copy of the said letter be signed by the President and transmitted., "* After Queens County came into possession of the British, the leading Whigs having been thrown into prison, their property seized and practical conquest effected, many united with the loyalists in a petitionf to the King's Commissioners, that the county might be restored to royal favor. This petition was signed by 1293 persons, among whom were Stephen Moore, Jos. Moore, John Moore, Jacob Moore, Sam'l Moore, Sr., John Moore, Jr., Ja's Moore, Lambert Moore, Nathan'l Moore, Nathan'l Moore, Jr., Benj. Moore, Samuel Moore, David Moore. The petition is dated "21st October, 1776." On April 28, 1779, upon the withdrawal of Col. Sterling, from Newtown, an address was presented to him, worded as follows :t "The inhabitants of Newtown beg leave to make their hearty and grateful acknowl- edgements to Col. Sterling, and the oflficers of the 42d regiment, for their very equitable, polite and friendly conduct during their winter stay among them : they will ever entertain an affectionate esteem and regard for them, and will never forget that they have been treated with all the justice and cordiality due to fellow subjects and citizens. They, at the same time, request the favor of Col. Sterling to return their sincere thanks to the regiment in general, for their regular, orderly and honorable behavior, so conformable to the true character of gentlemen and soldiers. They part with the 42d regiment with regret, and wish them glory and success. April 28, '79." Among the 93 signers of the address were John Moore, Jr., James, Samuel, Sr., Jacob, Sam'l 3d, John, David, Samuel, Jr., Nathan'l, Nathaniel, Jr. After embarkation, § Colonel Sterling indited the following reply, dated on board the Nestor transport. May ist: ''Gentlemen : It gives me a very sensible pleasure to find the orderly and good behavior of the 42d regmient, under my command, during their winter quarters in Newtown, has drawn so honorable an acknowledgement from the inhabitants of that district. It has ever been my wish and study to protect the peaceable subject to the utmost of my power, at a time when the civil law, owing to this unhappy rebellion, is suspended from giving that protection so enviable and so much to be wished for, by every one who has tasted the sweets of it. I beg to assure the inhabitants of Newtown of every protection in my power as a soldier, and of every good wish as a fellow-citizen, for their welfare and happiness." "Newtown** was a prey to depredation, alarm and cruelty for the space of seven long years. The civil courts were suspended, and martial law prevailed, as crime emanated to a great extent from the soldiery. When peace came, and the British army withdrew from Long Island, tho.se who had been loyal to the King were subjected to all sorts of cruel treatment, and they were glad to enter into banishment from their country. The condition of New Jersey at the commencement of the Revolution was not different from that of Long Island. The .same division of .sentiment existed, and the same hardships were suffered by both parties. Long Island, after the defeat of Washington, at the battle so named, was continuously under the domi- nation of the British for seven years. Apart from the attacks of American whale- boatmen and forage parties, little was known personally of the war. But with •American Archives. 4II1 Series, VI. 1776 134^-4 t American Archives; also Oiiderdoi.k's Kevilutionarv Incidents of Qneeus County 117 tOnderdonk's Revolnl.onary Incidents of OneensConntv lu ecus ..ouuiy, 117. ? Riker's Annals, 205. " ." ■ Jt- •* Riker's Annals of Newtown. 215- INTRODUCTION zi New Jersey the case was entirely difiFerent. After the evacuation of New York, November 8, 1776, the American Army retreated across New Jersey, too weak to make a stand at any point, and so completely bereft of all means of defense, as to be without a single entrenching tool. The patriot cause was at its lowest ebb, aud in this supreme moment many faltered and repeated the fatal error of their friends on Long Island under similar conditions, when they subscribed to a declaration of submission to royal authority. Very man}', some high in the councils of the patriots, renounced their adhesion and sought safety under the proclamation of Lord Howe. New Jersey was the seat of war for several years. "Her losses, both of men and property, in proportion to the population and wealth of the State, was greater than of any other of the thirteen States."* The plantations of the Moores, of Hopewell, Maidenhead and Princeton, resounded to the tread of hostile armies, aud while the men were a part of the military forces, the women were subjected to all the hardships of the strife.! The bitterness between the loyalists and those who espoused the patriot cause was often a matter of church affiliation. The Church of England, with its prayers for the King, represented the royal cause, aud the Presbyterian Church, which expressed its views without equivocation or softness, stood for the other. Party spirit ran so high that an expression of it against the Presbyterians repre- sented the cause of the party. The sawing off of the steeple of the Presbyterian Church, of Newtown, by some young loyalists, illustrates the condition of public feeling. In New Jersey, the Moores of Hunterdon County were, so far as ascertained, all Presbyterians, and lined up on the side of liberty and independence. The family strife, therefore, did not exist as at Newtown, L. I. At the close of the Revolution, the mistaken policy of banishment and confiscation, protested against by many of the most uncompromising patriots, was carried out to the bitter end. Eighty years later a better civilization recoiled from the application of the same methods to the defeated South. When the peace of 1782 was made known, "that portion of the inhabitants who from honest motives but false views had been led to take a decided stand and active part in support of royal authority, were sunk in the depths of despondency at the utter prostration of their hopes." When it is remembered that the help of these people would have been invaluable in rebuilding the governmental fabric, nothing but regret can be expressed that wiser counsels did not prevail. At the fall of Cornwallis, October 19, 1781, four hundred and seventy-one heads of families associated to settle on lands granted to loyalists in Nova Scotia. J: The town they founded was called Sheldon. On April 27, 1783, six thousand refugees sailed on a fleet of eighteen vessels. September 29, 17S3, the fleet^i for Nova Scotia of thirty sail put to sea. Later many returned and were received by the Whigs with compassion, at least, although for a hundred years the name of Tor^' was one of opprobrium, and perhaps is still among a certain class. The true history of the Revolution is yet to be written. When it is, men will be ready to admire the sturdy pride of the Loyalist, who in the midst of calumny, persecution, confiscation aud death, stood by his oath of fealty to his King. The patriot who believed that the solution of • Barber's History of New Jersey. t For atrocities at Peunytowu (Peunington), N. J., see Narrative and Critical History of America, VI, 372. \ Haliburton. II. 192. g Gaiue, 22 INTRODUCTION the knotty question could only be by the sword, will receive no less honor for his firmness in poverty, sickness, in the winter's camp at Valley Forge, or the summer's battlefield of Monmouth. The outrages of both sides will not be forgotten, but excused on the ground of human frailty, aud the history will be true, and therefore none such as has yet been written. The history of the organization of the New Jersey Militia in the Revolution is interesting, particularly that of the "Minute Men," about whose existence many have no knowledge, it being a common belief that "Minute Men" were limited to New England. "On June 3, 1775,* a plan for regulating the militia of the Colony " was passed in the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, at Trenton. August 16, 1775, the plan was amended, and 'MiuuteMen' were ordered to be furnished by the different Counties. ' These companies of militia called " Minute Men" were held in constant readiuess, on the shortest notice, to march to any place where assistance might be required, for the defence of this or any neighboring Colony.' They were to continue in service four months, and they had precedence of rank over the "Common Militia" of the Province. On the 31st of August, 1775, it is noted that the " Minute Men " were directed to adopt for their uniform, hunting frocks, as near as may be to the uniform of riflemen in Continental service. In case of an alarm, the " Minute Men " were directed to repair immediately to their Captains' residences, and he was to march his company instantly, to oppose the enemy." In Hunterdon County alone there were eight companies. Probably many of the family whose names are given below were "Minute Men" before they became members of the companies named. The following is not an exhaustive list of descendants of Rev. John Moore who served in the war for independence, in New Jersey, but what it is may be depended upon for accuracy. First Regiment, Hunterdon County, N. J. Col. Isaac Smith, Esq.f Capt. John Mott's Company : Israel Moore^ (Benjamin*, Josephs, Capt. Samuel^, Rev. Johni); also. Wagoner. Jesse Moores (Sackett*, Joseph^, Capt. Samuel-, Rev. Johni). Sackett Moores, (Sackett*, Joseph^, Capt. Samuel-, Rev. Johui). Samuel MooreS (Capt. John*, Nathaniel^, Capt. Samuel^, Rev. Johni); also. Minute Man. John Moores (Capt. John*, Nathaniel^, Capt. Samuel^, Rev. Johni); promoted Ser- geant, September 29, 1777. Capt. Henrv Phillips's Company : William Moore^ (? Capt. John*). Nathan Moore, Sergeant. Capt. Tucker's Company : James Moore (Joseph). Philip Moore« (Thomass, Gershom*, GershomS, Gershom^, Rev. John'). William Moore* (? Capt. John*, Nathaniel^, Capt. Samuel-', Rev. John'). Henry Moore, Corporal. Capt. Philip Phillips's Company : John Moore* (Capt. John*). Capt. John Hunt's Company : Elijahl Moores (Samuel*, Nathaniel^, Capt. Samuel-', Rev. John'); also, Capt. Joseph Bloomfield's Company, Third Battalion, First Establishment, Continental Ipendix VIII. ** .\i>i)endix IX. 28 GENEALOGY Moore, had any house or lot in the village. The subject of the Dutch Governor's selling or giving guns to the Indians became soon a serious item, and an element of complaint and dispute. The settlers on the west end of Long Island wanted guns* for themselves. After receiving loo, they were permitted by order from Amster- dam, on April 1 1 , 1 650, to have 1 00 more, to be distributed among tlie people under the care of Jacob Coweuhoven, Captain of the Burghers Guard (i N. Y. Hist. Doc. 397). On November 3, 1650, it was complainedf that "the Ertglish of Gravesend, among others, had, with the Director's cofisent, given the Indians of Canarse some stamped guns," "in payment for their land." The Indians came with the guns, on November 6, to Cowenhoven's house, who complained of it to the Fiscal and to Mr. Montague, who also had seen the guns, but without any result. From all the circumstances, it appears that John Moore, at this period, dis- turbed at the east end of Long Island by the murder of Halsey's wife and other Indian difficulties, left Southampton, and took, or attempted to take, Rev. Mr. Fordham's placet at Hempstead, then under Dutch rule, Peter Stuyvesant, Governor. The next record we have of John Moore on Long Island is by a letter written at Hempstead, dated September 25, 1651, found in Holland, and copied with spelling corrected, in the second volume of N. Y. Colonial (Holland) Docu- ments, p. 156, as follows: "The Magistrates of Heemstede'i to ttie Directors at Amsterdam. "Honorable and Right IVorship/ul. "After tendering our love, humble service, and due reverence, we have taken the liberty to inform your Honors that we have received your friendly and acceptable letters dated Amsterdam, 21st March i65r, by which we learn your Honors' care, attention, and favor towards us ; and howbeit we do not deserve such, neither the favors received nor those proffered, whereof although unworthy, yet shall we exert ourselves to be and remain your Honors honest, loving and faithful friends and subjects, as your Honors were pleased formerly to name and style us ; being anxious to obey your commands, according to the rules of righteousness, beyond wliich we are certain your Honors will neither ask nor order. In regard to those who have been malignant or malevolent towards our respected Governor and government, we hope that your Honors will not include us among them, as we have not countenanced nor assisted them nor their complaints or designs. And as we have found the Governor to be an honorable, upright and wise person, of courteous demeanor towards us at all times, in all places, and on all required occasions, we request that we may have him to respect and encourage as far as in our humble power and means lies, as your Honors' President and our very dear Governor. In opposition to those who are contrarily inclined, we say: ' Dieu et mon droit; Honi soit qui mal y pense.' Evil be to him who evil thinks. Hoping that he will endeavor to patronize and protect those who are honest and upright, which is a wholesome principle or fundamental, together with their honest affairs, according to the will of God ; we cannot do less than humbly and earnestly thank your Honors for bearing in mind to provide us with powder and lead ; requesting in like manner your annual supplement thereof, and we shall endeavor honestly to satisfy you with such pay as we shall receive. But we cannot forego subndtting to your Honors one sad grievance or hardship, which is the more painful to us because of your diligence and care to prevent it, and its direful consequences, notwithstanding which our grievances re- main unredressed. We mean the daily and public sale to the Indians of powder and lead, many men making such a practise of this trade that they cannot live without this desper- ate traffic. Thus it is probable that those Indians will in a short time be the destruction both of the Dutch and English, as such practise renders them powerful and merciless; so that unless a supernatural power keep them under, neither nation will be able to resist them. Moreover, since our last letters to your Honors, wherein we sought a reform in this matter, these Indians have been guilty of various insolences; hundreds of them coming on the Island, have killed our cattle and carried them off to their own plantations to feast on them. They have also carried the meat to the Manhattans, and sold it there to the Dutch in place of venison. They have driven out of the pasture, through the swamps, our re- maining and surviving cattle, over our standing corn, so that we have this summer been damaged to the extent of more than a thousand guilders. 'Tis a matter of small moment in their eyes to kill a good ox, merely for the horns to carry powder in. Sometimes they slay a man, sometimes a woman ; plunder the houses ; purloin our guns ; pry into our affairs ; endeavor to drown the people ; strip the children in the fields and woods ; prowl abroad with masks or visors ; slaughter our hogs ; and when we demand satisfaction chal- lenge us to fight, boasting of their great number of men and guns. All this proceeds from * Appendix X. t .Appendix XI. \ Apiieiidi.x XII. ? I'arts of the modern towns of Hempstead, North Hempstead and Jamaica were then called Hempsted tC. n. Moore). GENEALOGY 29 the daih' supply of powder, lead and muskets or guns by the Jlouhaens and Dutch trade. So that if your Honors will not remedy this intolerable plague and that soon — for we dr«ad a heavier misfortune, namely, their barbarous or cruel insurrection — we shall be obliged, though disinclined, to abandon our dwellings and your Honors' jurisdiction. And it sorely roils our English blood that we should be slaves and raise corn and cattle too, for ludian vagabonds; that our wives should be so terrified, our children ill-treated, our substance wasted and endangered, and that all this occurs whilst our hands are tied, and those of our enemies are at liberty and strengthened by their daily supplies and stores. W'e trust your Honors will seriously consider that in case we suffer wrong, the property of your own nation will therefore, in like manner, suffer should this barbarous and inhuman race be encouraged and strengthened. We .seek the welfare and prosperity of the Dutch ; but it is not to be endured that they should obtain their incomes or profits in this way, to the ruin and destruction of themselves and us, and the extirpation of both our races. Where- fore the humble Petitioners pray us to request your Honors' attention, with all possible ex- pedition, to the reformation of the aforesaid, if our lives are dear and precious to you, which otherwise will be cut short, yea, probably before your Honors will hear again from us. Our Governor would most willingly redress these grave abuses, but he finds it to be a matter beyond his power, and a matter of great difficulty, as the madness is so general among traders. And whereas j-our Honors have been pleased to intimate in your letters that neither the Governor nor any other person should so trade on pain of your displeasure and indignation, we take the liberty to inform your Honors, inasmuch as dissatisfaction may arise from misunderstanding, that we have never accused our Governor in this matter ; and we do not now accuse him, but on the contrary defend him before your Honors, and say that we hope and believe he would redress it were it in his power, approving the propositions and applications of our remaining and esteemed friends, who hold dear the public good. "We have still a further request to make, viz., that your Honors would be pleased to send over some servant men, who are here as precious as gold both in regard to our work and to our protection, as matters stand at present, or shall hereafter fare with us, on con- dition that your Honors will plea.se to order us to be provided with goods on somewhat more reasonable terms, which could easily be done, and the traders still make a good profit and gain ; for at present we are forced to buy supplies at excessive prices el.sewhere, when- ever liquors are all out and consumed on the Manhattans. We shall do our best to make due returns in produce, the proceeds of our servants labor, viz., in corn, beef, pork and but- ter, tobacco, staves and such like wares in exchange for such merchandise as we shall receive. "We beg your Honors' pardon for having so long detained you, but thank you most "sincerely for all received benefits; regarding the difficulties already experienced and still "to be apprehended, we are necessitated to request your Honors' assistance together with "the reformation thereof, if it possibly be, in accordance with our request, which is the "cause of our writing so much. Herewith we desist from troubling your Honors any "further; but wishing you all honor and prosperity, and that the Father of Mercy may be "pleased to show mercy to you who are so good to his people. (Signed) "Youi" Honors' servants in all dutifulness and good opportunity. " Heemslede, September 25tli, 1651, new style." (Signatures of magistrates not copied.) "This is a true copy, agreeing with the original, which l,Joh7i Moore, Minister of the "church of Hee>nslede do attest."* Tliis letter was noticed by the present writer in the fourth volume of the Record, pp. 131, 133, etc. It was pronounced "full of historical description," and as depicting truly " the consequences of such a political blunder as that in which the Dutch Governor was engaged ;" viz., arming the Indians, and taking sides, or preparing to do so, with the supporters of Charles II., after the conquest of Ireland, and after the battle of Dunbar, and hazarding a conte.st with Cromwell, then in the height of his authority and glory. Repeated readings of the letter only add to the opinion of its character and importance. Other events, such as the battle of Worcester, in England, on September 3, 1651, a few days before the date of the letter, greatly overshadowed this small and remote affair. The letter, it seems, was written in English, to be read and forwarded by the Governor. This duplicate may have been copied, certified, and sent by other hands. It was disre- garded. The Dutch were afterward encountered at sea, and overthrown by Crom- well. The Indian forays occurred as foretold by the letter. t *A letter from the Roval Archivist at the Hague sav.s that " aU the original letters addressed to the Directors of Trades, Occidental, are destroyed ■ t Kor another letter, from f.raveseild, .see .Xpii. XIII, XIV. r JO GENEALOGY It may be supposed that Mr. Moore bad left his wife at Southampton and re- turned there temporarily. On November 7, 1651, a bond at Southampton, signed by John Cooper, had for a witness "John Moore." It may have been witnessed at Hempstead. In 1652 he was at Hempstead. Mr. Armitage residing there had a son Man- assah at the new college in Massachusetts and married a second wife. There was due to Mr. Armitage before this date ;{|^ioo, on two bonds which, as he said, he intended to give to his son, so that his new wife should not have all, at his decease. "M'. Moore and M"^. Wood," probably Jonas Wood, "being in town," Hemp- stead, a deed of gift was executed in their presence. A dispute occurred about this in 1659, which serves to preserve a record for us, and then the wife of Jeremy Wood stated the date of the deed, "about seven years past." This gives us the date 1652.* In April of that year, 1652, the Directors at Amsterdam wrote to New York, "In order that you may be the more fully a.ssured of our good intention, we do hereby consent that the Commonalty yonder shall have liberty to repair to the coast of Angola, Africa, & transport thence as many negroes as they will make use of for the cultivation of their lands," &c. In that year, according to Riker's Newtown, leave was given by Gov. Stuyvesant for a new town of Englishmen, at first called Middelburg and those from New England were "joined by some respectable indi- " viduals from Heemstede or Hempstead," "among whom were Robert Coe and "Richard Gildersleeve ;" and from Hempstead "came the proposed pastor of the " new settlement the Rev. John Moore, of whose previous history nothing" (he said) "had been learned, except that he had been the clergyman of the church at "Heemstede." The summer of 1652 witnessed the first harvest. On 29th April, 1653, the English settlers, terrified by reports of Indian hostilities, sailed for Stam- ford. The war, under Cromwell, between English and Dutch occurred. The English generally retired from it, eastwardl}\ News of peace arrived at New York on July 16, 1654, or before; and attempts at a settlement of the new town were again renewed. To what place or region Mr. Moore wentf we are not informed, but have the impression that he was seeking a regular ordination and that he went to Europe, and possibly to Ireland, but perhaps to Barbadoes, and returned after the war was over. The death of his father-in-law (Howell), in 1655, might call him east on Long Island, but we have seen no mark of his being at Southampton. The following from Virginia, dated "17 Nov., 1656, Copie of A Letter sent to Mr. Moore a minister in New England," has been discovered by the compiler, which may help to explain the whereabouts of Mr. Moore at this time : Mr. Moore Sr : after saluts please to take notice we are informed by Capt: fraii : Eiiiporor yt at his being at ye niannadust bee treated with you Concerning your Coming over hether amongst vs & yt you weare unwilling to come at such uncertaintie, or without ye knowl- edge or good Liking of those yt you weare to Come amongst, & further yt you weare pleased to p'mise him, not otherwise to dispose of your selfe, till you heard from him there fore we vnderwritten in ye behalf of ye whole, gladly Jmbrasing such an oppertunity to Engage ourselues, yt vpon your arrivall heere for ye maintenance of yor selfe & family to allow vnto you ye yearly quantity of (blank) tobo : & Corne & also to p'uide for yor psent enter- tainment vpon arrival & Convenient habitacon & Continuance amongst vs to the Content of yo'selfe & credit of vs vpon whonie at an Jnuitacon you haue throwne yor selfe & for ye transportacon of yor selfe & family wee haue taken full & sufficient Course with Capt: Rich: whiting & to all ye p'misses wee vnderwritten haue subscribed. (No signatures.)? In 1655 and 1656 the settlers of Middelburg sought to observe publicly some religious worship, and in the absence of Mr. Moore, the schoolmaster Mr. Rich- ard Mills, or some other person, read for those in attendance ; and doubtless there were prayers and singing. •Appendix XV. t Notice Rev. Joshua Hobart's voyage to Barbadoes and of many others to England, including clergymen. 1 Manhattans, i. e., New York. i. N. E. Hist. & Gen. Reg., Vol. XLVII. GENEALOGY j/ These proceedings led to the following action : ( 1656) 15 January In Council present the Hon. Director General Petrus Stuyvesant Mr. Nicasius de Sille Lamontagne and the fiscal Cornelius van Tienhoven. The petition written below of the Ministers of the Gospel of this City of Amsterdam being read the following apostil is given. Concerning the conventicles and the preaching by unqualified persons ; against this placards exist — as to the last part of the request the petitioners are invited to go and visit the village of Middelborch to inquire with the advice of the Magistrates and some of the most qualified persons for a proper person to give stich lectures as desired which being done tlieir petition shall receive further attention. Done in Council on the day as above and was signed Petrus Stuyvest Nicasius de Sille Lamontagne.* In the Dutch follows a cop}- of the original petition, of which the following is a translation : To the Hon. Director General and Council of New Netherland : Reuionstate with due reverence the Ministers of this City that they have been informed by several persons residing at Middelborch within the jurisdiction of this Province that since the departure and in the absence of Mr. Moore before a Minister of the Gospel in that place some inhabitants of said place and unqualified persons have undertaken to hold conventicles and meetings and assume the duties of a preacher from which nothing can be expected but discord confusion and disorder in church and government not only in that place but also as a bad example for others within this province. They solicit therefore that measures may be taken in this matter by your Hon.'s authority and that during the absence of Mr. Moore some qualified person be provisionally appointed to read on Sunday the Bible and some other edifying orthodox author and some of the religious forms in usage among the inhabitants of said place till your Honor shall make further arrangements &c. Signed. JOHANNIS MEGAPOLENSIS Samuei, Drisius Mr. Riker continues the histor}' of Rev. John Moore in his Annals of New- town, in substance, as follows : Governor Peter Stuyvesant having refused to give a patent to Middelburg,tthe inhabitants determined to buy the soil from the Indians. They entered into negotiations with Rowerowestco and Pomwaukon sachems, and a deed was subscribed April 12, 1656. This act is worthy to be remembered in connection with the policy of William Penn, and reflects great honor on those who were willing to do justice to the Indians, a policy entirely different from that pursued by the Dutch. The "purchasers"! are given in the Annals of Newtown, and third on the list is John Moore, £2 os od. The two pounds entitled him to forty acres. The total purchase money was ^68 16s 40', divided among fifty-five purchasers. The Indian deed of 1666J5 is the only one extant. Rev. John Moore returned to Middelburg to resume his ofiBcial duties, and " in a publique meeting," Jan. 22, 1657, the inhabitants presented him with the title to the town house.** Objection was made to the procedure by some of the inhabitants, as appears from the following remonstrance which was sent to the Director General : To THE Honorable Governor : Worthy Sir; We whose names are underwritten, desire to make our humble requests known in respect to the house builded here by the town of Middelburg for public use for a minister for continuance, which some of the town hath given away to Mr. Moore for his own property, and his after him ; wherein we think we are wronged, and the town left des- titute, if Mr. Moore please to leave us, or if he should die, for we know men are mortal; then we are to seek both for minister and house to entertain him into ; therefore we do * Translation of a document, N. Y. Col. Mss., 6, 216-17. ! Named after the capital of Zeeland in the Netherlands. Appendix XVI. ."Vppendix XVII. ** Where the residence of Dr. Booth now stands at Elrahurst. the first town house was built by Thomas Reed and used as church and residence by Rev. John Moore. The grounds surrounding it contained ten or fifteen acres. Rev. John died here. There is a tradition that this house forms a part of that now occupied by Mr. George Garretson. The 250th anniversary of the first church of Newtown was celebrated October 26th-November 2nd, 1902. 32 GENEALOGY humbly entreat that your honor -would be pleased to take it into consideration, and judge the equity of the thing, and the damage that may ensue. Thus leaving you to God and his grace, we rest. John Burrodghes Thomas Cornish John Layton Nicholas Carter Jan. 22d, 1657. Robert Pudington Samuel Toe Francis Svvaine Governor Stuj'vesant decided against the action of the "publique meeting." A few months later Rev. John Moore died, and it appears that his family was al- lowed to occupy the house for nearly five years. In the meantime Francis Doughty, son of Rev. Francis Doughty, had married the widow Moore. The following memorial to the Governor will explain itself: Whereas, God hath been pleased of late years to deprive us of Middelburg on Long Island, of the public means of grace and salvation and also of the education of our children in scholastic discipline, the way to true happiness : but yet God having in mercy at last provided for us a help meet for the discipline and education of our children, and, by the same person, help in the Sabbath exercises, we therefore, who never gave, nor consented to the giving of the housing and lands built and fenced in, and also dedicated for the use of the public dispensation of God's word unto us, do humbly entreat your honorable lordship that this our said schoolmaster, Richard Mills by name, may be by your lordship possessed of the said housing and lands, for his use and ours also, for our children's education and the Sabbath exercise, the which God doth require, and we have need of for us and our chil- dren. As the housing now stands it is like to go all to wreck and ruin, the fences are falling down, the house and barn decaying and wanteth repair, and Francis Doughty doth not re- pair it, nor the town as it stands between him and them, we will not repair it, and by this means it is like to come to nothing in a short time, and so we, and your lordship also, shall be disappointed ; therefore our humble request to your lordship is, that this our school- master, and at present our soul's help in dispensing God's word to us and our children every Lord's day, may be settled in it, to enjoy it without any molestation from Francis Doughty or any of his, for so long time as our God shall be pleased to continue him amongst us, or to provide another for us. Thus knowing that your lordship is as willing to further our souls' good as our bodies' we rest your lordships humble petitioners. Thomas Hunt Mary Ryder Francis Swaine John Barker — James Bradish John Lauronson James Lauronson Thomas Cornish Nicholas Carter Samuel Toe The Gov^ernor replied : These presents do require and order Francis Doughty, and whoever it may concern, to give and grant unto the present school master, Mr. Richard Mills, a quiet possession of the said house and land ; it being with our knowledge, consent and help, built for the public use of the ministry, and therefore may not, cannot be given and transported for a private heritage. But if he or his wife hath to demand anj' remainder of means or salary of her deceased husband, Mr. John Moore, late minister of the aforementioned town, it is ordered, and these presents do order the magistrates and inhabitants of the said town to give unto the heirs what is due them. Done in Amsterdam, in New Netherland, this i8th of February, 1661.* P. Stuvvesant. On March 4, 1665, by a decree of the Hempstead Assembly, the town house was surrendered to Mrs. Doughty as relict of the Rev. John Moore, f and in 1672, after the building of the Presbyterian Church, Content Titus, who had married Elizabeth, the daughter of Rev. John Moore, bought the property, which he occu- pied until his death in 1730. This property afterward belonged to St. James's Episcopal Church. The reason for the remonstrance against the action of the "publique meeting" would be interesting to know. Riker supposes that the re- monstrants were Presbyterians. If this were the case, another argument against the supposition of recent date that Rev. John Moore was a Presbyterian, and not an Independent, would be presented. The only evidence of his denominational connection so far as known, now in existence, is the following extract from the ♦ Mr. Richeart Mils These presents doth Declare, that we have granted unto the Bearers Mr. Doughty or his assignes to take & to bringc away the Dunge, Trees, and other things planted & left uppon the house lot of the deceased Minister John Moor, given under My hand this 20 of April, An. 1661. — Copy of a docu- ment in N. Y. Col. Mss.. g, 586 (original in English.) t Riker's Annals, p. 75. GENEALOGY 33 letter of Jno. Megapolensis and Samuel Drisius to the Classis of Amsterdam, dated August 5, 1657: "At Middleburgh, called alias Newtown they are mostly Independents, and have a man of the same persuasion there named Johannis Moor, who preaches there well, but administers no sacraments, because (as he says) he was permitted in New England to preach but not author- ized to administer sacraments, and he has thus continued now for many years. In this village are also many other Inhabitants, presbyterians, but they are uot able to maintain a Presby- terian Preacher, whilst we know not that an\- of this sect are to be found among the English in N Engld, among whom there are preachers."* Soon after Rev. John Moore's death, the people petitioned the Director Gen- eral for another minister, "fearing that some of the inhabitants may be led away by the intrusion of Quakers and other heretics." Thirty years after, the town awarded eighty acres of land to his children in consideration of his services. f We are indebted to Mr. J. H. Innes for the discovery of the following docu- ment, which shows, as he says, the poverty and privations against which the iSrst settlers had to contend, and which are not duly appreciated. 23 May.t Appeared John Laurents", residing at Middelbourch on Long Island, made known that some money was due to him by Mr. [Moore] deceased, before Minister in the aforesaid village, exhibited an inventory of some clothes left by the said Minister and re- quested that the same be sold at public auction to obtain his payment from it. The request having been heard, the following order to the Magistrates of Middelbourch was given him : The Magistrates of the village of Middelborch are requested and ordered to deliver to the bearer of this letter, John Laureuson, the goods mentioned in the enclosed inventory, or any other goods which belonged to Mr. [Moore] to be sold here at public auction to the highest bidder for the behoof of those who will be found to have a claim to it. Adj. ut § A curious instance of an effort to defratid a dead man's family is annexed.** 5th Febr 1658 Fort Amsterdam in N. Netherlands George Doed : for John Marchall (for the recovery of a note of hand) by a letter dated 15th Oct. 1657 signed John Marchall and in the margin Richard Mils Eduart Weedeu. Also the aforesaid John Marchall demanded by said power of Attoney from Mr. More who died in September last 150 guilders on an obligation dated 10 Sept. 1656 signed John More and as witnesses Nathaniel Hazard & John Rodes. Appeared Franceys Doughty hafing married the widow of Mr. More who showed the signature of Mr. More which resembles in no way the signature under the said note of hand and declared therefore the said note to be false ; of the witnesses whose hands are signed to the aforesaid obligation the one is in Jamaica; appeared the other viz: Nathaniel Hazard and declared that the signature has been placed tjiere in bad faith (fraudulently) as such an obligation was never transacted in his presence and was ready to confirm this declara- tion by oath. Done in Fort Amsterdam in N Netherland Adj. ut supra To my knowledge C. V. Rower Secretary yiargatet HoWelV, the wife of Rev. John Moore, was the daughter of Edward Howell', the first American of the name. He was bom about the year 1600, in Marsh Gibbon, Buckinghamshire, England. She was baptized November 24, 1622. • Doc. Hist. N. Y., Ill, 107. t Riker's Annals. I " It is by no means a singular case ; Anna, wife of William Quick, in New Amsterdam, an English woman, surrendered, after her husband's death, to pay his debts, not only their pitiful stock of furniture and everything belonging to her husband, but also a part of her own clothing, though, as she states in her petition, she had 'no place to lay her head.'" ^ Translation of a document m N. Y. Col. Mss.. 9. 618. The name Moore is omitted in the original. ** Translation of a portion of a document, N. Y. Col. Mss., 8, 727. J 34 GENEALOGY O/l Q^" ^ /y .^ 9^0^ * disposed of considerable estates in Bucking- U9. + Report of N. Y. State Historian, Colonial Series, II, .^81. t Report of N. Y. State Historian, Colonial .Series, 11,389. 3 Report of N. Y. State Historian, Colonial Series, 406. •• Report of N. Y. State Historian, Colonial Series, 407. 46 GENEALOGY admonish the inhabitants to instruct their children and servants in matters of rehgion and the laws of thecountry, and to bring up their children and apprentices in some honest and lawful calling or employment. They made all assessments or rates, which usually consisted of three, namely, the minister's rate, the town rate, and the country rate, the latter for the support of the general government. They also appointed, from time to time, two persons to be inspectors of pipestaves, a common article of manufacture and export at that day ; and they were likewise empowered to appoint a sealer of weights and measures, and a public packer or inspector of meat and fish, barreled for exportation. Any one of the Overseers might act as Constable, if the latter was indisposed, or on any emergency, pro- vided he carried with him the staff of the office. From among the Overseers, the Constable selected the jurors who attended the courts of session and assize. And in all matters, such as the disposing, building upon, planting, and the like, of their lands and woods, granting of lots, election of officers, assessing of rates, &c., a majority of the Overseers, with the consent of the Constable, were empowered to ordain such ' peculiar constitutions ' as were necessary for the welfare of the town, provided they were not of a criminal nature, and the penalties did not exceed twenty shillings for one offence, and were not repugnant to the public laws, and were confirmed by the Court of Sessions."* In September, 1666, the number of Overseers was reduced to four, any two of them, with the Constable, being empowered to hold town courts. ' ' The province of New York had long suffered grievances of a very seri- ous character, arising from the undue authority vested in the chief magistrate of the colony, and the popular feeling upon this subject now exhibited itself in the form of a petition to the Duke of York, asking for such a modification of the government as would secure to the people a share in public legislation. His Royal Highness prudently assented, and Col. Thomas Dougan arrived at New York in August, 1683, with a governor's commission and special instructions to convene a popular legislative assembly. ' ' The founders of Newtown brought with them to the wilds of America the essence of democracy. Deeply imbued with a spirit of independence, we behold them constantly struggling to inhale a purer liberty than the political atmosphere of either the Dutch or English administrations afforded. It was with no ordinary sensations of delight therefore that they received the warrant of the high sheriff, dated September 29th, authorizing them to join in electing deputies to the pro- posed assembly. The freeholders met on October ist, and appointed Capt. Rich- ard Betts, Samuel Moore, Robert Blackwell and Jonathan Hazard to go to Gravesend the next day, and unite with committees from the several towns of the riding, in the choice of delegates to the said assembly, which was to convene at New York on the 17th of the same month. ' ' The meeting of this legislature, which consisted of the governor and coun- cil, and seventeen members chosen by the people, marked an era of the triumph of popular rights in this colony of no mean estimate. Its transcendent act was the adoption of a " charter of liberties," which provided for the holding of a gen- eral assembly triennially, at least, the members of which (Queen's County being entitled to two) were to be chosen by the major vote of the freeholders, so under- stood by the laws of England, which bod}', with the concurrence of the governor and council, was to enact all public laws, and without its consent no tax, tallage, as- sessment, custom, loan, benevolence or imposition whatever, could be levied on any of his Majesty's subjects in the province. It, moreover, conceded in all cases the right of fair trial by a jury of twelve, and in addition toother wholesome specifica- tions, provided that no person professing faith in God by Jesus Christ, should be in any way molested or called in question for any difference in opinion or matter of religious concernment, who did not actually disturb the civil peace of the prov- ince. ♦Annals of Newtown, 68. GENEALOGY 47 "Other changes which were thought necessary to the welfare of the country were instituted. The ridings were aboUshed and the province divided into coun- ties, Newtown being included in Queen's County, which still remains as then or- ganized. In these, full provision was made for sustaining the demands of justice ; the Court of Sessions was to meet twice a year, and the Court of Oyer and Term- iner annually. And in each town a primitive tribunal entitled the commissioners' court was ordered to be held on the first Wednesday in every month, ' for the hearing and determining of small causes, and cases of debt and trespass, to the value of forty shillings or under,' taking the place of the Overseers' Court. The form of town government was further modified by the introduction of the office of assessor and supervisor, the latter to have the supervision of the public affairs and expenditures of the town. Of these, two of each continued to be annually chosen in Newtown for some years after. The laws establishing these offices and the Court of Commissioners was passed on November ist. ' ' On the publication of these laws, the people of Newtown testified their high gratification by seasonable measures to carry them into effect. On January 15, 1684, they elected Jonathan Hazard, Gershom Moore, and Samuel Moore, ' com- missioners to sit as a town court, to try all causes of difference between man and man, as shall come before them.' Two days after, the commissioners appeared before Justice Elias Doughty,* and took the oath of office, at which time also, Theophilus Phillipst was chosen clerk of the court and marshal. By a law passed November 4, 16S5, the jurisdiction of this court was extended to cau.ses of ^5, or under, and to be in force seven years and no longer, but before the expiration of this period, the court of commissioners had ceased to exist." Samuel Moore held the oflSce of Commissioner of the Town Court from January 15, 1684-85 ; 1686-S7 ; 16S8-89. He was also elected Supervisor Feb- ruary 28, 1684; January 27, 1687 ; June 27, 1691. " The expectations of an enlightened liberty, awakened in 1683, had ended in fell disappointment, the course of events having fully proved that the advances then made towards a popular government were designed merely to conciliate pub- lic feeling. After the third annual assembly these popular bodies were expressly prohibited by the Duke of York, J who, having ascended the throne of England, under the title of James II, disclosed his true character in his endeavor to estab- lish an arbitrary government here, and introduce the Roman Catholic religion among the Protestant inhabitants of New York by the appointment of papists to the principal offices of trust and influence. The state of things in Europe clothed these designs with terror. There the sword of persecution was unsheathed. England still bled under its stroke, and Louis XIV had but just revoked the edict of Nantes, whereby the Protestants of France were again subjected to prison and the stake, or .sought security in flight, a considerable number of these exiled Huguenots seeking a home in this province. With these facts fresh in mind, and the Victims of papal intolerance before their eyes, the intelligent people became greatly alarmed for the safety of their country and religion. ' ' Such was the gloomy posture of affairs at New York, in 1 689, when the pub- lic mind was suddenly and happily relieved by the news of the abdication of James II and the succession of William and Mary, who were Protestants, to the throne of England. The citizens of New York, regarding with suspicion the minions of King James, who yet held the reins of the provincial government, and incited by a report, then current, that the Catholics intended to rise aud massacre the Protes- tants, assembled in arms, on June 2nd, seized the fort, and placing at their head Capt. Jacob Leisler, a respected merchant, and commander of one of the train bands, undertook the government of the province, in the name of King William. § "The community at Newtown, having experienced like fears with the popu- *See Rev. Francis Doughty undtr Samuel Moore'. tSee Theophilus Phillips under Capt. John Moore*. JAppendix XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX. ^Appendix XXX. 48 GENEALOGY lace at New York, were no less rejoiced at the news of the revolution in England, and the fall of the unprincipled James ; while, for the most part, they heartilj' acquiesced in the popular movements just mentioned. At a meeting of part of the inhabitants, held on June nth, Capt. Richard Betts and lyieut. Samuel Moore were delegated to a convention to be held in the city, with instructions " to act as they should see cause for the good and benefit of the country." The town further resolved, June 15th, to provide and maintain two soldiers to strengthen the garrison at New York. They also sent delegates to Jamaica, for the purpose of electing two persons to represent the county in a Committee of Safety,* which it was proposed to form for the direction of public affairs at this critical juncture. One of the members of said committee, chosen for Queen's, was "loyal Mr. Samuel Edsall," of Newtown, who was thus stj'led because of his warm attach- ment to the cause of the revolution, and the leading part that he acted. " The Committee of Safety, having convened at New York on June 26th, ap- pointed Capt. Leisler commander-in-chief of the Province, and instituted such regulations as were deemed requisite to preserve the public peace and security, including sundry changes in the civil and militarj' departments. Pursuant to or- ders, the people of Newtown proceeded to a new election of town oflBcers, October 2d. Capt. Gershom Moore, Lieut. Samuel Moore, and Ensign Joseph Sackett were re-elected to their respective offices in the militia ; Samuel Edsall was ap- pointed Justice-of-the-Peace, and Content Titus, Jonathan Hazard and Jeremiah Burroughs were chosen Commissioners of the Town Court, of whom the last named was also appointed Town Clerk in the stead of Daniel Phillips. Benjamin vSeverens retained his place as Constable, being at this time Deputy Sheriif of Queen's County. Delegates to a County Committee for the choice of a sheriff, were also appointed, one of whom, John Coe, was chosen to fill that office, and was commissioned by Eeisler, on December 13th. " In the beginning of winter, despatches were received from the royal gov- ernment, in England, of such a nature as, in the opinion of the Committee of Safety, to warrant Capt. Eeisler in assuming the title of Lieutenant-Governor, which he accordingly did, and selected a couucil, who entered upon their office December nth, and of which Mr. Edsall was the member for Queen's Count}'. William and Mary were immediately proclaimed King and Queen at New York, t and in the several county towns, while the Lieutenant-Governor and Council ex- erted their energies to establish the authority of their new sovereign. " This, however, was not so easy a task ; for while the bitter opposition of the friends of the late King threatened to rend the province in sunder, the inroads of the French, on the northern frontiers, were creating the most lively apprehen- sions. To meet this twofold danger, Leisler sought to strengthen and increase the military force of the province. By his order the militia of Newtown, which, even in the spring of 1687, could muster ' 125 men, armed with firelocks,' was divided into two companies, of one of which the officers were Capt. Content Ti- tus, Lieut. Jeremiah Burroughs, and Ensign Robert Coe ; and of the other, Capt. Samuel Moore, J Lieut. Joseph Sackett, and Ensign Gershom Moore. § These were commissioned by Leisler, and were instructed to exercise their companies in arms, and maintain good order and discipline, the tactics then practiced in the town being, as expressed in a late return, ' distance, facings, doublings, counter marchings, wheelings and firings.' " Early in 1690, the alarming intelligence reached New York of the burning of Schenectady, and the cruel massacre of its inhabitants by the French army and their Indian allies, on the night of February 8th, and the people of Albany, apprehending a visit from the enemy, earnestly begged a reinforcement of troops for their protection. Sympathizing with his fellow-citizens in their peril, Gov. *"June II, 1689, it was voated and agreed that Capt. Richard Betts and Lieut. Samuel Moore go to the county- town to meet the deputys of other towns, to vote for two men out of the county to go to Yorke to act with the rest in the couiisil as a Committee of Safety." Records of Newton, I,. I. t Appendix XXXI. \ Commission issued, February ig, 1690 ; Documentary History of New York, II, 352. g Commission issued, February ig, 1690; Documentary History of New York, II, 352. GENEALOGY 4.9 Leisler, on February i6tb, despatched Mr. Edsall to Newtowu, with an order to Major Thomas Lawrence, who commanded all the forces of Queen's to expedite the raising of fifty men in said county for this service.* "As has been already hinted, Leisler and his coadjutors had experienced violent opposition from the friends of the late administration, who, though they pretended allegiance to William and Mary, denied the legality of the proceedings by which Capt. Leisler had been elevated to the chief seat of power. Albany had shown the most formidable array of opposition, but having yielded from appre- hension of a worse evil. Queen's County seemed now to be the chief seat of disaf- fection. Autumn of 1 690 found the rebel party there, ' without any provocation,' mustering in arms, and avowing their intentions to maintain their rebellion by violence. To quell this faction, Major Milborne was seut over to the island, October 2Sth, with a military force and instructions to prosecute the insurgents 'with all violence and act of hostility,' until they should be wholly subdued. At Newtown, the same day, a proclamation was issued, of which the following is a part : FOR.ISMUCH as there are many seditious persons, who without any provocation have taken up arms, and appeared in a rebellious manner against his Majesty's authority, within this county, called Queen's, upon Long Island, and under specious pretences have drawn aside, and caused certain numbers of his Majesty's liege subjects to abet with them, contrary to their allegiance and boundeu duty, and the peace of our lord the King, his crown and dignity, and the security and welfare of the good inhabitants thereof: — THESE are in his Majesty's name, to forbid, forewarn and advertise all persons within this province, that they in no wise aid, succor, comfort, abet, consent to, or anywise adhere unto the said rebels, or any of their associates, but upon notice hereof that all such who have unadvisedly been herein concerned, do forthwith withdraw from them, and return to their allegiance and respective habitations, where they shall be preserved in their rights and properties, and peaceable enjoyment thereof; as they will answer the contrary at their utmost perils. "Two da3's only had elapsed when news was received that ' the rebels had been forced to fly by the forces sent to suppress them.' In order that none of them might escape, Mr. Edsall and Capt. Williams were despatched by water, with volunteer troops, to scour Flushing Bay and Long Island Sound, examine all vessels, land and search suspected houses, and seize the person and papers of those guilty of rebellion. ' ' In this highly excited state of public feeling both parties anxiously awaited news from England. Leisler and his friends expected the royal approval, while their opponents, as heartily wishing for their condemnation, made strenuous ef- forts to accomplish this object, by means of highly exaggerated and false state- ments, which were transmitted to England to bias the royal mind against the peo- ple's governor. The disaffected persons in the towns of Hempstead, Jamaica, Flushing and Newtown, wrought up to the highest pitch of exasperation, con- vened a meeting on Nov. 7th, and addressed a memorial to their Majesty's secre- tary, complaining in the most vehement terms of Leister's proceedings, who they represent as having taken to himself the ' most wicked and poorest of the sons of men, the chief est of whom were Jacob Milborne and Samuel Edsall. These two base villains, with their collected rabble, in a barbarous and inhuman manner came over from New York to Long Island, and there did break open, plunder and destroy the houses and estates of their Majesty's subjects, in a most rude and bar- barous manner, not regarding age or sex, stripping our wives and daughters of their wearing apparel, carrying away all that was portable, shooting at and wounding divers poor Englishmen (some deemed mortal), and then went so far as to sequester our estates, giving no reasons for so doing, other than that we would not accept commissions from the pretended Lieutenant-Governor, for which a hundred and four of us are driven from our estates, men of the chiefest and best estate on Long Island.' "Leisler had gone too far. Intending all for good, his zeal to restore order in the province had led to an extremity of means, highly injudicious and fatal. His power now began to wane. Early in 1691 , Major Ingoldesby arrived with soldiers *Capt. Samuel Moore, commissioned February 19th, probably proceeded to Albany. so GENEALOG Y from England, and demanded possession of the fort, but showing no orders, Leis- ler refused to surrender it.* Ingoldesby besieged the fortress, and summoned the citizens to repair to his standard. He directed Capt. Samuel Moore, of Newtown, to publish his authority, and stand ready to aid him. On March 19th, Gov. Henry Sloughter arrived,! and a well-meant but unfortunate delay on the part of Leisler to deliver up tlie fort confirmed in the Governor's mind the report of his tyranny and usurpation. The enemies of Leisler, though few in number, embodied the aristocracy, and their representations had weight. They obtained his commit- ment on a charge of high treason, aud being, together with his son-in-law and secretary Jacob Milborne, in a summary manner tried and adjudged guilty, both were executed at New York on May i6th, following. ' So fell Capt. Leisler and Mr. Milborne,' says a writer of that day, ' men of known integrity, honesty, and loyalty, and by a pretended course of law, contrary to all law condemned, where their judges were, most of them, violent enemies of the happy revolution, and therefore resolved to revenge themselves on these gentlemen, who were the most early and zealous instruments of it, aud who had first expended great part of their estates, and then suffered martyrdom for King William and Queen Mary, their religion and laws.' Leisler' s council and other adherents, among whom were Samuel Edsall and John Coe, were imprisoned, but escaped with their lives. Mr. Edsall was tried and acquitted by the same court that convicted Leisler. t" The letter§ of Dr. Increase Mather to Gov. Dudley expresses the popular feeling in reference to this unfortunate matter : "Boston Jany 20. ' ' I aui afraid that the guilt of innocent blood is still crying in the ears of the Lord against you. I mean the blood of Leisler and Milburn. My Lord Bellamont said to me, that he was one of the Committee of Parliament who examined the matter; and that those men were not only murdered, but barbarously murdered. However the murdered men have been cleared by the King, Lords and Commons. It is out of my province to be a judge in things of this nature. Nevertheless, considering what the proper judges, who have had an impartial hearing of the case, have said, and what the gentlemen who drew up a bill for taking oflF the attainder from those poor men have written to me about it, I think you ought, for your family's sake, as well as your own, to lay that matter to heart, and consider whether you ought not to pray as Psalms, li, 14." The statement that the murdered men had been cleared by the King, Lords and Commons refers to the tardy justice indicated in An Act for Reversing the Attainder of Jacob Leisler and Others.** Whereas in the late happy revolution, the inhabitants of the province of New- York, in America, did in their general assembly, constitute and appoint Captain Jacob Leisler to be commander-in-chief of the said province, until their majesties pleasure should be known therein. Aud the said Jacob Leisler was afterwards confirmed in the said conmiand by his Majesty's letter, dated the thirtieth day of July, one thousand six hundred and eighty-nine; and the said Jacob Leisler having the administration of the said government of New-York, by virtue of the said power and authority so given and confirmed to him as aforesaid, and being in the exercise thereof, captain Richard Ingoldesby arriving in the said province, in the month of January, Anno Domini one thousand sis hundred and ninety, did without producing any legall authority, demand of the said Jacob Leisler the possession of the fort at New York ; but the said Jacob Leisler, pursuant to the trust in him reposed, refusing to surrender the said fort into the hands of the said Richard Ingoldesby, kept the possession thereof until the month of March then next following, at which lime colonel Henry Sloughter being constituted captain-general and governor-in-chief of the sd province, arrived there in the evening, and the said Jacob Leisler having notice thereof, that same night [though very late] took care to deliver the said fort to his order, which was done very early the next morning. And whereas the said Jacob Leisler, also Jacob Milbourne, Abraham Govemeur, and several others were arrainged in the Supreme Court of Judicature at New-York aforesaid, and convicted and attainted of high treason and felony, for not delivering the possession of the said fort to the said Richard Ingoldesby, and the said Jacob Leisler and Jacob Milborne were executed for the same. May it therefore please your most excellent majesty at the humble petition and request of Jacob Leisler, the son and heir of the said Jacob Leisler, deceased. * Appendix XXXII. t Appendix XXXIII. 1 Vide, The administration of Jacob I.eisler. a Chapter in American History by Charles F. Hoffman, pub- lished in Sparks' American Biography, XIII, 2d series, III, 1844. 8 Hist. Coll. Mass. Ill, printed in Documentary History of New York, II, 417. ** [6-7 Will, III, Anno 1695], printed in Documentary History of New York, 11, 435. GENEALOGY 51 Jacob Milborne, the son and heir of the said Jacob Milborne, deceased, and of the said Abraham Governeur, that it be declared and enacted, And be it enadeii, bj- the king's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal and commons in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, that the said several convictions, judgments and attainders of the said Jacob Leisler, deceased, Jacob Milborne, deceased, and the said Abraham Governeur, and every of them, be and are repealed, reversed, made and declared null and void to all intents, constructions and purposes whatsoever, as if no such convictions, judgments, or attainders, had ever been had or given ; and that no corruption of blood, or other penalties, or forfeitures of goods, chattels, lauds, tenements, hereditaments, be by the said convictions and attainders, or either of them, incurred, any law usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. Whichever side the partisan may take in this historic struggle, he can make no dispute as to the essential honesty of Leisler in his efforts for the enlargement of the people's rights. The English people of Long Island, with their afSliations with Massachusetts, instantly realized that his cause was that of the people, and took sides with him. If his cause had been successful the incident, instead of being a usurpation and an insurrection, would have been styled a revolution, and Leisler' s name would have been embalmed in the memory of all patriots. " Fun- damentally, he was right, for he struggled to procure enlarged liberties for the people."* The taking of the fort was merely an incident in the struggle, and if Leisler can be justified in the main proposition his action was necessary and logi- cal. The appointment of a " Committee of Safety " at this time seems to be the first instance in our history, and furnished the model for that important instru- ment in the people's hands of effecting later their complete liberty in the Revolu- tion of 1776. It should never be forgotten that Leisler called the first American Congress on May i, 1690, the forerunner of the Continental Congress. This act alone proves that the narrowness attributed to him did not exist. "Even as it is, even in spite of his blunders and his failure, in spite of the violence and fanaticism which stain his record, Leislert stands as one of the early representatives of ideas since recognized as wholesome and statesmanlike. Moreover, the name of the man who called together the first Congress of American colonies must al- ways be pronounced with respect."! The hurried execution of Leisler and Milbouru, before his appeal to the King could be heard, was inexcusable, and reveals the character of his opponents.§ Captain Samuel Moore took an active part in church work. We read, May 15. 1697, "That it is the desire of the town that Mr. John Morse to be ordained for to be ye paster and teacher of oner church according to ye trueth of the gospel, and also voted at ye same time above that, these men are under written chosen by the Town for to elect and carrie on the worke in referance to settlement of the menester in order to the act above. Capt. Beats, Content Titus, Samuel Moer, Charles Hallit, Joseph Sackit, Caleb Leverich, John Berrian, Mr. Eisel, Richard Bets, John Lawrence, John Coe, Edward Hunt, Jeremiah Burroughs, Jonathan Hazard." This record shows the vital connection between the town and the church. At the same meeting it was voted "That the town be at the charge to by a bell for the town of about ten pound price." The outcome of the action of May 15, 1697, is quaintly expressed in the following declaration on September 9th, following: ♦Historic Towns, New York, by Theodore Roosevelt, 62. t Gov. Leisler, in 16S9, purchased the land now occupied by New Rochelle, N. Y.. as a place of refuge for the persecuted Huguenots. JThc Dutch and Quaker Colonies, Fiske, II, 207. 'i For an attempt to picture the times of Leisler, see The Begum's Daughter, Edwin Lasseter Bynner. 52 GENEALOGY "Whereas, Mr. John Morse hath consented to be ordained to the worke of ye minestry at the solicitation of those persons deputed by the town to treat with him about that affair. It is their foer voted and agreed that we doe exsept him as our meuester to dispense to us in things speritall according to the mind of Christ and order of the gospell and wee doe and shall redely submit ouer selves to him in the Lord as such and to all his menesteriell dispensations and sperital administrations among us according to ye mind and will of God, as God shall assist and direct him from time, and at all times whether he shall continue amongst us in ye worke of the menestiry . ' ' In the latter part of his life Samuel Moore was a Justice, as indicated by the following :* Jamaica in Queens County ye 19th of April 1710. Wee underwritten Justices of the peace of our Sovereigne Lady the Queen for Queens County assigned in obedience to an order from the honourable the president & her Ma'ies Council of this province dated the 13'h inst. [to us directed] have Inquired upon oath into the matter of the Disturbance in the Church of Jamaica & doe find that Mr Justice Read has proceeded therein according to Law & that the Record he has made is a true Representation thereof We remaine Yor Honours most obed' Servants Tho: Willett John Marston Jo» Jackson Tho: Jones John Tredwell Wi: Cornell ^h/m^C Tho: Whitehead Endorsed, "A Lettr from y^ Justices of y« Peace for Queens County." Captain Samuel Moore died suddenly, so suddenly that he was unable to sign his name to his will. The will and subsequent legal proceedings are appended: In the name of God Amen, I, Samuel Moore of New Town in Queens County on Nassaw Island in the CoUoney of New York, being sick & weak in body but of Sound and perfect mind & memory, Blessed be ye Name of the Lord therefore calling to Remembrance ye uncertain Estate of this Transitory Life & that all flesh must yield unto Death when it shall please God to call : Doe make ordaine Constitute & Declare this my Last will & testament in manner and form as followeth That is to say first & principally I commend my precious & Immortal Soul into the mercyfull hands of God my Creator hopeing through the meritts Death and Passion of my Blessed Saviour and Redeemer Christ Jesus to have & Receive a full pardon & free Remis- sion of my manifold sins & to Inherit Everlasting life and my Body to the Earth from whence it was Taken to be Buried in such Decent & Christian manner as to my Executors hereafter named shall be thought meet & convenient and as touching such Temporall Estate which the Lord in mercy above my Desserts hath been pleased to Bestow upon me. I give. Devise and Dispose of the same as followeth — Imprimis, I give and Bequeath to my Dearly Beloved wife Mary Moore my Ten acre lott of Woodland be ye same More or Less During her widdowhood lying between ye land of Capt. Sacketts & the land of Jacob Reeder & Josiah Reader that was formerly to be freely by her occupyed, possessed & enjoyed without Impeachment of waste or without any hindrance, interruption or disturbance of any person or persons whatsoever and after my said wife's decease or when she shall marrj' I Doe will and order the said ten acres of land with the appurtenances unto my son Benjamin Moor his heirs & assigns for ever to his & their only proper use & behoof. Item. — Then I give & Bequeath to mj' Eldest son Samuel Moore vay cane Seal Broad Cloath Coat & Plush Bretches and the Remaining Part of my wearing apparrell I give and Bequeath Equally to my three sons Joseph Benjamin and Nathaniel Moore. Item. — Then I give & Bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Woodard two cows & six sheep. Item. — Then I will and order to my Grand Children hy name Samuel ye Son of my son Samuel, Joseph the son of my son Joseph, Samuel the son of my son Benjannn, Lambert & Moore Woodard the sons of my daughter Mary Woodard, Abigail the Daughter of my Daughter Margareet Protton, Samuel the son of my Daughter Elizabeth Hicks & Hannah the Daughter of my daughter Sarah Coe each twenty shillings Currant money of New York above- said to be raised and levyed out of my Estate Moveable & to be for the use & Behoof of my said Grand Children within one year after my Decease. * Documentary History of New York, III, 215. GENEALOGY 53 Item. — Then I give and bequeath all the rest of my moveable Estate of what nature kind quallity or condition soever the}* are or wherever the same or any part of them may be found unto my said Beloved wife Mary Moore during her naturall life va.y said wife Paying my lawfull debts and funerall charges within a convenient time after my Decease. Lastly I Doe nominate constitute and appoint my Beloved wife Mary Moore my whole & sole Executrix of this my last will & testament and I Doe Iiijoyne my sons Samuel Joseph & Benjamin Moore to aid & assist her in 5'e fuUfiUing & Executing the same according to )'e true Intent & meaning thereof In Wittuess Whereof I have hereunto sett m}- liand & seal the 25111 day of July in the third year of his Maj'ys Reigne Anno Dom. 1717. Signed Sealed Published & Declared by ye said Samuel Moore as his last will & Testament in presence of us the subscribers. (No subscribers.) These are Humbly to certifie to his Excellency Brigadeer Robt. Hunter Govornour of the province of New York that at a Speciall Meeting of John Jackson, Esqr Judge of the Court of Common please in Queens County, Joseph Sackett and John Smith, Esq^s Justices of the peace in ye same County assigned came Jonathan Fish of full age a person of good stand & creditt who being deposed upon the HoUy Evangelists of Almighty God did say that on ye twenty-fifth day of July last past Samuel Moor of New Town in Queens County, Gent., deceased, whose name is mentioned in the writing hereunto affixed being suddenly taken with sickness did request this deponaut to write his last will & testament & then gave him full instructions how to doe ye same. This Deponant saith that he immediately sett down in the same room & writt according to the said instructions the last will & testament of the said Sanmel Moor and that the same is contained in the said writing hereto annexed as aforesaid [excepting as hereafter is excepted] and was all written in the lifetime of the said Samuel but that as soon as it was written the said Samuel Moor dyed so that this Deponant had not time to read the same unto him & in reference to the above exception the said Deponaut saith that after ye death of the said Samuel he this Deponant read what he had so written cS: found that he had omitted to insert in the same writing in ye last paragraph save one these words. Then I will that after her decease [meaning his wife] that the above said moveable eitate that shall be left I will to my four Daughters Mary Woodard, Margarett Protten, Elizabeth Hicks & Hannah Johnson to be equally divided between them which said last words this deponant saith were also directed by the said Samuel to be put into his said last will & testament. He further saith that the said Samuel Moor att the same time of his making the same will & testament was of sound & perfect mind & memory and further saith not. Dated at Jamaica this nineteenth day of September in ye fourth year of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lord King George over great Brittn &c Annoye Dom. 1717. John Jackson, Judge. Joseph Sackett John Smith Justices. J. Smith, Clerk. Entered first day of October 1717, J. Smith, Clerk. Mary 'R^eed\ the wife of Capt. Samuel Moore^ was probably the daugh- ter of Thomas Reed', who built the house which was used by Rev. John Moore as church and parsonage. In 1655 he was one of those who held consultations at Middelburg in reference to Indian threats. His name appears on the " Indian rate" for ^. i. On October 3, 1662, he, with others, purchased Plunder's Neck from the Indian Chiefs Womatupa, Wonoxe and Powatahuman. The mother of Mary Reed was Elizabeth* . After her husband's death she married John Burroughs, who died 1678, aged 61 years. By her first hus- band she had children, Joseph Reed^ and John Reed^ both of whose names are on the Dongan charter, 1686, Mary Reed^ the wife of Capt. Samuel Moore, and Sarah Reed^; by her second husband she had an only son, John Burroughs-, d. 1655, d. 1699, who married Margaret Woodward" [Lambert", who m. Mary Moore' (Capt. Samuel', Rev. John')]. John Burroughs' had among other children, a son, John Burroughs', d. 1772, aet. 88 (will), who came to Ewing township. New Jersey, at the age of about twenty-one and bought a farm not far from the church, and adjoining the land of Judge William R. Mcllvaine. Elizabeth , the wife of John Burroughs', had a sister Hannah. Mary Moore, widow, appears in the record of the Presbyterian Church of Newtown, L. I., before 1725. • will of Elizabeth Burroughs, Newtown, L. I., dated November 25, 1678. Abstracts N. Y. Wills I, 56. 54^ G E N E A L O G Y Capt. Samuel Moore^ aud J^ary Reed had 36. li Captain Samuel^, b. Newtown, h. I., m. Apr. I, 1705, Charity Hallett^, (Capt. William^, Williami, 6. in England, 1616), b. Mar. 16, 16S5 ; lie (/.Jan. 3. 1758 (will). [44] 37. IIJosEphs, b. Dec. 11, 1679, Newtown, L. I., m. 1705 ±, I. Elizabeth Sackett* (Joseph^, Simon2,Sinioni),*. i6S3±, d. Sept. 1716; 1717, 2. Sarah .Sackett* (Joseph^, Simon2, Simoni), /,, 16S9, (I. Sept. 25, 1760, aet. 71; he d. sud- denly July 10, 1756, aet. 77 (will). [33S] 38. ||Benjamin3, 4. Newtown, L. I., in. Dec. 27, 1710, .\nna Sackett-* (Joseph^, Simon^, Simoni), b. 16S1, d. Sept. 30, 1757, aet. 66; he d. Mar. 22, 1750. [567] 39. II Nathaniels, b. Mar. 14, 16S7, New- town, L. I., m. Dec. I, 1713, Joanna Pruddens (Rev. John=, Rev. Peteri), b. Dec. 16, 1692, d. 176S; he d. Sept. 6, 1759 (will). [1069] 40. II Marys, m. Nathaniel Woodw-ard- (Lam- berti), b. , d. Oct. 24, 1744. [2946] 41. II Margarets, tn. John Prudden,' Jr. (Rev. John2, Rev. Peteri ), Newark, N. ].,b. Milford, Ct., 1672, d. Newark, N.J., I7i5± (will). [2974] 42. II Elizabeths, m.Isaac Hicks* (ThomasS, John2, Roberti). [3016] 43. II Sarahs, tn. Daniel Coe* (Samuels, John2, Roberti). [3041] 36. Capt. Samuel Moore' (Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Charity Halletf (Captain William', m. Sarah Woolsey (George), William'). Captain Samuel Moore" occupied the farm later owned by Samuel B. Townsend. The laud is described under Captain Samuel Moored [4] Charity Halletf was the daughter of Captain William Hallett' and Sarah Woolsey", his wife, daughter of George Woolsey', of Jamaica, L. I. William Hallett" occupied the part of his father's farm south of the road which later formed Greenoak, Welling, Main Streets and Newtown Avenue. He ser\'ed as Justice and was Captain of a foot company. His brother, Samuel Hallett, lived on the opposite side of the road. She was the sister of Sarah Hallett, who married Rev. George Phillips,* of Brookhaven, and of William Hallett who, with his wife Ruth and five children, was murdered January 24, 1708, by two slaves. The ca.se is remarkable on account of the dreadful tortures to which the murderers were put, and also on account of the law which was passed, entitled "An act for preventing the conspiracy of Slaves." She was the granddaughter of William Hallett' and , who was boru in Dorsetshire, England, in 1616, came to America, helped to found Greenwich, Ct., afterward removed to Long Island and bought a large propert)' at Hellgate. In 1655 his house at Hallett's Cove was destroyed by the Indians, after which he removed to Flushing. In 1656 he was appointed Sheriff, but on account of his entertaining Rev. William Wickenden from Rhode Island was deposed by Governor Stuj^'esant. On the revolt of lyong Island against the Dutch, Mr. Hallett naturally advocated the claims of Connecticut. He was sent as a delegate to the General Court of Con- necticut, and was appointed Commissioner for Flushing. He returned to Hell- gate and died there at the age of 90. Rev. Thomas Foyer's Register contains the record : "Samuel Moor, Jr., and Charity, his wife, baptised August 6, 17 13, at Hell Gate." Capt. Samuel Moore' and Charity Hallett had 44. IISamuel*, b. April 22, 1709, m. i. Sarah 45. ||ChariTY'', b. Feb. 19, 1713, m. Fitch. [89] Sarah', b. Dec. 25, 1714, m. Tuck- er, was dead before March 20, 1793 ; she d. July 24, 1800, at Shamokin, Pa., buried at Sunbury, Pa., Jul)- 26, 1800. [90] IISamuei.*, b. April 22, 1709, m. i. Sarah Moore' (Benjamin^, Capt. Sam- ueP, Rev. John',) his cousin, 1^. May 17, 1718, rf. March 2a, 1750; Dec. 6, 1755, 2. AnnaBetts.t rf. Nov. 23, 1760; hed. Dec. 11, 1767 (will) ; all buried in the Moore private graveyard at Newtown, L. I. [54], [570] 46. ♦ See under Capt. John Moore< [1069], t The name of the second wife is given in N. V. Marriages as Anna Belts, while Riker gives it Anna Bates. GENEALOGY 55 47. IIWlLLlAM*, b. Feb. 20, 1717, unmarried, d. 1752, at Newtown, L. I. (will). 48. |1Mar\'', b. July 15, 1719, m. Richard "Williams. [90a] 49. IIJoHN*, b. Dec. 23, 1721, m. Patience Moore' (Joseph' m. Sarah Sackett, Capt. SamueP, Rev. John'), b. Feb. 5, 1722 ; he d. March 7, 1S06, aet. 84. [91]. [347] 50. ||NATHANiEi.'',i. Aprils, 1723, m. Rebecca BlackwellH Widow Barnwell ) , ( Jacobs Robert'), b. June 5, 1723, d. June 6, 1790, aet. 67 ; he d. April 3, 1S02 ; both buried in the Moore private graveyard at Newtown, L. I. [237] 51. IIAdGUSTIne*, b. April 2.S, 1724, m. Mary Wammen (Mammon) ; he d. Dec. 17, 1767, atMorristown.N. J. (will). [337] 52. IIPELATIAh*, b. June 9, 1726, m. Nov. 12, 1764, (L), Joseph Titus*, (John', Con- tent", m. Elizabeth Moore, Robert') ; she d. Oct. 25, 1773, aet. 48 ; lived near Titusville, N.J. [3456] 53. II Elizabeth*, i^. aiay 17, 1729, m. Benja- min Moore* (Nathaniel'', Capt. Sam- ueP, Rev. John'), Pennington, N.J. ; she (/. Jan. 8, 1803. [1075], [2622] 44. Samuel Moore* (Capt. SamueP, Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Sarah Moore'' (Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') [570] and Anna "Betts. Samuel Moore* was for some years in the Commission of the Peace ; he was Clerk of Newtown for nine years. Nathaniel Moore* and Samuel Moore^ 3d, were the executors of the will of Samuel Moore', as indicated in the following deed : This Indenture, made the Seventeenth Day of Februarj-, in the Eighth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third, by the Grace of God over great Brittain, France and Ireland, King Defender of ye faith &c in the year of our lord Christ one Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty eight. Between Nathaniel Moore and Samuel Moore both of Newtown in Queens County on ye Island Nassau & Province of New York Two of the Executors of the Last Will & Testament of Samuel Moore Late of New Town Deceased of the one part and William Lawrence, Yeoman of the other part. Whereas, the said Samuel Moore the Testator aforesaid in an. April 9, 1752, Newtown, L. I., d. November 23, 1769. 93. IIDavid', 6. September 10, 1756, New- town, L.I.,m. May 24, 17S0, Jemima Hallett'' (Capt. Samuel', Joseph^, Capt. William-, William'), d. June 20, 1S45, aet. S6 ; he d. Januarj- 12, 1823, aet. 66 ; both are buried in the Moore private grave3'ard at Newtown, L. I. [104] 94. Jemima^, b. June 21, 1763, m. December II, 1780, (L), Jesse Fish. 91. Joseph Moore' and Sarah Moore^ had 95. Mary'', unmarried. „_ 96. Catharine", m. Benjamin Titus* ' (John', Content-', m. Elizabeth Moore*, Robert') ; hail children. [3449] ' 93. David Moore' (John', Capt. Sarauel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Jemima Hallett (Capt. Samuel', Joseph', Capt. William', William'). David Moore^ succeeded to his father's estate which later became the prop- erty of Samuel Hallett Moore. (See Capt. Samuel Moore'). He was elected As- sessor April 5, 1796, April 4, 1797, and April 3, 1798. Jemima Hallett'* was the daughter of Capt. Samuel Hallett*, a distin- guished loyalist who held** a captaincy in Delancey's Second Battalion in 1782, was retired on half pay in 1783, settled at St. John, New Brunswick, in 1783 and in 1784 received the grant of a city lot. In 1792 he was a member of the vestry of the Episcopal Church. He died at St. John previous to 1804. His first wife was Jemima Betts, daughter of Daniel. His second wife was Elizabeth Lamb (Wid- ow Wilson), daughter of John Lamb, and sister of General John Lamb, who * Original in the possession of Mrs. Chambers, of Trenton, N. J. + See [53] I From family bihle. § Mrs. chambers is authority for this record. ** Sabine's American Loyalists. 6o G E N E A L O G Y died in New Brunswick in 1804, aged 69 ; she was the granddaughter of Jos- eph Hallett', a magistrate, and his second wife, Mary, the widow of John Greenoak ; she was the great-granddaughter of William Hallett" and Sarah Wool- sey, and the great-great-granddaughter of William Hallett' and . [36] David Moore ^ and Jemima Hallett^ had 104. Patience*, l>. August 15, 17S1, c/. Januarj- i, 17S2 ; buried in the Moore graveyard, Newtown, L. I. 105. Susanna**, b. March 2S, 17S3, unmar- ried. 106. IIThomas*, b. June 12, 1784, ni. i. iSii Sarah Luj'ster'' (Capt. Cornelius^, m. Catharine Lawrence, Garret*, Elbert^, Cornelius-, PieterCornelisz'), b. March 20, 1795, d. January 5, 1819; 2. 1821 Anna Luyster (idem.), 1^. January 17, 1792, d. August 16, 1S27; he r/. Sept. 21, 1828. [114] 107. II ANN.\",i. March 16, 1786, m. Peter Luys- terii (Capt. Cornehus', Garret', El- bert', Cornelius', Pieter Cornelisz'), d. November 10, 1S68 ; she (/. Dec. II, 1S35, aet. 49; buried in the old grave3-ard at Newtown, L. I. [138] 108. Samuel Hali^ett", b. January 11, 17SS, unmarried, d. June 26, 1813 ; buried in Newtown, L. I., private burial yard. 109. Joseph*, b. May 15, 1790, m. Sarah Shute ; no children, no. IIDavid'', b. August 22, 1791, m. Maria Berrien BrinckerhofF' (George', El- bert^, George", Tunis*, Joris'', Abra- ham''', Joris'), 6. Blarch 30, 1795, rf. September 19, 1839 '' ^^ '^- June 29, 1862 ; both buried in private yard at Newtown, L. I. [139] 111. IIPaTIENCe'', b. December 30, 1793, m. Col. Edward Leverich'', 2d wife, ( William", John*, John', Caleb^ Rev. William'), b. December 3,1763, d. July 14, 1S35, aet. 71 years 6 months ; buried in the Presbyterian churchyard, Newtown, I,. I. [209] 112. 1ISar.\h*, b. November 12, 1796, m. Peter Luyster (see Anna Moore' above) ; she d. September 30, 1882, aet. 86 ; buried in the old yard at Newtown, L. L [138] 113. ilJoHN*, h. Sept. 26, 1798, m. Martha Ann Man waring (Gurdon, of New Loudon, Conn., m. Anna Adams, of Boston, Mass. ), 6. May 9, 1803, d. June 7, 185S ; he d. February 7, 1S66. [211] 11317. M.\RTHA*, b. April 26, 1800, unmarried, (/. August 21, 1824 ; buried in the pri- vate graveyard, Newtown, L. I. 113(5. Elbert Luyster*, b. Jan. 4, 1802, unmarried, d. Dec. 13, 1822. 106. Thomas Moore" (David^ John*, Capt. Samuel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John'), and Sarah Luyster" and Anna Luyster^ (Cornelius,^ Garret*, Elbert^ Cornelius', Pieter Corueli.sz'). Col. Thomas Moore'^ was Commissioner of Highways in 18 16, with Albert Luyster and John Lawrence. He was elected Assessor April 3, 1827, and April I, 1828. He built and owned the house now occupied by Mr. H. P. Titus at Steinway, L. I. Sarah Luyster* and Anna Luyster* were daughters of Cornelius Luyster^ and Catharine Lawrence (William), b. April 26, 1763, granddaughters of Garret Luyster,' a deacon of the Dutch Church, and Willemtie, daughter of Peter Wyckoff, great-granddaughters of Elbert Luyster,' a trustee of the Dutch Church, and Jacomina, daughter of Gerrit Couwenhoven (Gerret), great-great-grand- daughters of Cornelius Luyster,^ a magistrate, and Captain and Sarah Catharine Nevius, great-great-great-granddaughters of Pieter Cornelisz Luyster,' who came to America in 1656 and acquired property in Newtown, and Jannetie, daughter of Jan Snediker. Thomas Moore" and Sarah Luyster and Anna Luyster had 114. IIDavid', b. Nov. 2, 1813, m. May 13, he d. March 10, 1S79 ; both buried in St. James churchyard, Newtown, L. I- [130]. [139]' Catharine L'., b. 1812, d. in infancy. Samuel', b. 1817, d. in infancy. 115- IIDavid', b. Nov. 2, 1813, m. May 13, 1837, Elizabeth Denton Smith, i. June 29, 1816, d. Dec. 31, 1890; hed. Sept. 9, 1877. [121] II Cornelius Luvster', b. Feb. 26, 1816, Newtown, L. L, m. i. Dec. 8, 1S45, Mary.A.nnSyers( James, m.JaneDodd), b. April 21, 1S22, Orange, N. J., d. Sept. 22, 1S75 ; 2. Rebecca B. Moore ; 116. 117. 118. 119. Sarah Jane',*. 1824, unmarried,;/. 1864. Martha', b. 1825, d. March 1841. Anna', b. 1826, d. in infancy. GENEALOGY 6i 1 14. David Moore' (Thomas', David', John*, Capt. Samuel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Elizabeth Denton Smith. Da\nd Moore' was a lumber merchant in Newburgh, N. Y., for many years. David Moore' and Elizabeth Denton Smith had IIThomas Smith', b. Oct. 31, 1S42, New- burgh, N. Y., m. Oct. 17, iS65, Susan A. Smith, Baltimore, Md.; he d. April 1879 ; 2. Jan. 21, 1S92, Helen Louise Randall, b. Nov. 24, 1S61 ; he d. Feb. 17, 1S99. [126] 1,1899, aet. 57. [124] ' j23_ |JDAV1D^ h. Feb. 23, 1S45, m. Sept., II Homer R.amsdei.l'', b. Dec. 20, 1846, Newburgh, N. Y., m. April 7, 1874 I. Harriet Van Deventer, d. Jan. 29 1863, Jesse Macauley, d. June, 1890 ; he is living 313424 Rhodes Avenue, Chicago, 111. [12S] 121. Thomas Smith Moore" (David', Thomas', David', John*, Capt. SamueP, Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Susan A. Smith. Thomas S. Moore,* the well-known Brooklyn lawyer, died from heart trouble at his home, No. 91 Willow Street. Mr. Moore had been identified with the social, educational and philanthropic interests of Brooklyn. He was gradua- ted from the Har\-ard Lawrence Scientific School, with highest honors, in 1861. For a year afterward he assisted Professor Horsford in the department of chem- istry. He came to New York in 1862, and began the study of law with Judge William Fullerton. He made a specialty of estate and corporation practice, being a member of the firm of Moore, Wallace & Dudley. He was counsel for the Brooklyn City Railroad and for the Metropolitan Traction Company. He was Assistant District Attorney of Kings County under Thomas H. Rodman. In 1896 he was the regular Democratic candidate for Justice of the Supreme Court ; Mayor Van Wyck appointed him a member of the new East River Bridge Commis- sion; he was president of the Board of Regents of the Long Lsland College Hospital, and president of the New England Society of Brooklyn ; a director of The Nezn York Times and of the Fidelity and Casualty Company, of New York ; a trustee of the Polytechnic Institute, the Brooklyn Young Men's Christian Association, and of the Brooklyn Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, and coun- sel for the latter ; he was a member of the Century Association, the University Club, the Lawyers' Club and the Bar Association of Manhattan, the Hamilton, Brooklyn and Riding and Driving Club, of Brooklyn. Thomas Smith Moore" and Susan A. Smith had 124. Ethel', b. June 19, 1869, unmarried. ' 125. D.wiD Thomas', b. March 19, 1S72, i unmarried. 122. Homer Ramsdell Moore' (David', Thomas', David', John*, Capt. Samuel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Harriet Van DeVenter and Helen Louise "R^andall. H. Ramsdell Moore'* was a stock broker and lived at 309 West Eighty- eighth Street. He was educated at the Eagleswood Military Academy. He was a member of the Stock Exchange and of the firm Fames & Moore, of 30 Broad street. Mr. Moore was a member of the Union League Club. He was buried from All Angels' Church, Eight-first Street and West End Avenue. f * New York Tribune. April 2. 1899. t New York Tribune, Feb. 17, 1S99. 62 GENEALOGY Homer R.amsdell Moore' aud Harriet Van DeVenter and Helen Louise Randall had 126. Harriot Van Dkvbntkr', *. Jan. 29, I ***** 1879 ; class 1901, Amherst College. | 127. Hei,Kn Louise', d. July 24, 1894. 123. David Moore* and Jessie Macauley had 128. Charles Macauley', b. 1S68, m. November 1S94, Mamie Alice Sher- 129. Elizabeth Denton', b. August 1873, d. young. 115. Cornelius Luyster Moore' (Thomas^ David', John*, Capt. Samuer, Capt. Samuel", Rev. John') Mary jinn Syres and Rebecca B. Moore had 133. Catharine LAWRENCE^ b. Jan. 17, 1S54, m. Dec. 8, 1875, St. James' Church, Newtown, L. I., William Spencer Wood'', Sept. 2, 1851, d. Oct. 29, 1S83 ; no children. She lives at 1 1 15 Bush Street, San Francisco, Cal. 134. MARIANNA^ 1^. April 3, 185S, d. April 25, 1875- 130. LeGardE S'., b. Aug. 22, 1847, un- married, d. Oct. 4, 1873, on S. S. Hi- dalgo, and was buried at sea one hun- dred miles east of Gibraltar. 131. Thom.\s-, b. April 9, 1S49, unmarried, (/. Nov. 13, 1872. 132. IIDr. William Oliver", b. Dec. 3, 1851, Newtown, L. I., m. Oct. 24, i877,KatherineUuderhilI (Abraham, lawyer, N. Y. City), *. Oct. 31, 1851; lives at 42 E. 29tti St., N. Y. [136] 132. William Oliver Moore' (Cornelius Luyster', Thomas', David', John*, Capt. Samuel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Katharine Underhill. William Oliver Moore received his preparatory education at the Newtown Academy and from the Grammar School, Twenty-seventh Street, New York. He entered the College of the City of New York, but on account of ill health left during the Junior year, commenced the study of medicine in 1869 under Drs. Gouverneur M. Smith and Joseph W. Howe, New York, attended three courses of lectures at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, aud was graduated in 1S72. Dr. Moore was interne two years, 1872-'^ 3, at the Charity Hospital, New York ; in 1S73 was surgeou-iu-charge of the smallpox aud typhoid fever hospitals on Blackwell's Island, N. Y.; interne four years, i873-'77, at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, assistant surgeon from 1877 to 1887 ; was professor of diseases of the eye and ear. Medical Department of the University of Vermont, i883-'89 ; filled the same chair in the Woman's Medical College of the New York Infirmary, i887-'92 ; and at the New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, New York, since 1882. He is visiting ophthalmic surgeon to the Orphan Asylum of the Protestant Episcopal Church, New York City, since 1885 ; also Consult- ing Ophthalmic and Aural Surgeon, Flushing Hospital, Borough of Queens, N. Y. Dr. Moore was a charter member, in 1882, of the New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital and treasurer from 1882 to 1888. He is a permanent member of the Medical Society of the State of New York, a member of the Medical Society of the County of New York, of the New York Academy of Medicine, of the New York Ophthalmological Society, of the American Oph- thalmological Society, of the New York Physicians' Mutual Aid Association, of the Society of the Alumni of Charity Hospital, and of the Republican Club, New GENEALOGY 63 York. Dr. Moore wrote the "Joseph Mather Smith" prize essay of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, on ' ' The Physiological and Therapeutical Effects of Salicylic Acid and its Compounds," 1878 ; is the author of papers on " The Phy- siological and Therapeutical Effects of the Cocoa Leaf and its Alkaloid," 1888; " Gouty and Rheumatic Affections of the Eye," 1893 ; " The After-Treatment of Cataract," 1893; "Exophthalmic Goitre," 1813. He was editor oi\h&Post- Graduate for four years, i888-'92, " Herpes Zoster " being the article in Woods' " Handbook of the Medical Sciences," 1890, "Diabetic Affections of the Eye," 1894, " Diseases of the Eye Occurring in Affections of the Spinal Cord," 1895, etc. His practice has been, since 1877, devoted especially to ophthalmology and otology, at 83 Madison Avenue, New York City. On February 17, 1902, he was admitted to the bar of New York State as attorney and counselor-at-law. William Oliver Moore" and Katharine Underbill had 136. Lawrence Spenxer'', b. May 20, 1S78, New York City, d. October 12, 18S3, aet. 4>^ years. 137. WiLtlAM Undkrhill*, b May 35,1879, New York ; 1S99, Senior in Colum- bia University, Class 1900, Coll. ; 1902 Law ; veteran of Spanish-Amer- ican war. Corporal 71st Regt. N. Y. Vols. 107-112. Anna Moore* and Sarah Moore" (David', John', Capt. Samuel', Capt. Samuer, Rev. John') and Peter Luyster, Peter Luj'ster" was the brother of Sarah Luyster" and Anna Luyster*, who married Thomas Moore", the son of David Moore*. Anna Moore " and Sarah Moore", who married Peter L,uyster, were daughters of David Moore^ He was elected supervisor April 3, 1849. In 1843 he sold Luyster's Island, which had been his residence for many years. [112] Anna Moore" and Sarah Moore" and Peter Luyster had 138. Peter Luystek', m. Caroline J. , b. March 14, 1821, d. March 27, 1S96, aet. 75 ; he lives at Elmhurst, L. L 138a. Sarah Moore Luvstbr', d. Dec. 29, :8i9, aet. 5 months, 3 days. 138*. Sarah Patience Moore Luvster', d. June 6, 1832, aet. 7 months, 5 days. ***** 138. Peter Luyster' and Caroline J. had 138<:. Mary A. Luyster-, 1^. Dec. 9, 1847,;/. I 138^. Harriet Luvster^, Elmhurst, N. Y. March 28, 1893. | 138/-. Cornelius W. Luy,ster9, b. Feb. 27, 138^. Henry Luyster", m. , Brooklyn, I 1857, d. Aug. 5, 1890, aet. 33 yrs. N. Y. : one daughter. I 110. David Moore" (David\ John', Capt. Samuel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John'), and Maria "Berrien "Brinc'H.erhofP (George', Elbert", George', Tunis*, Joris', Abraham', Joris '). David Moore" resided in Brooklyn. Maria Berrien BriuckerhofP was the daughter of George Brinckerhoff', who married Rebecca, the daughter of Abraham Berrien, the granddaughter of El- bert", and Antie Storm, the great-granddaughter of George' and Catharine Her- ring (Elbert), the granddaughter of Abraham Lent, the great-great-grand- 64 GENEALOGY daughter of Tunis*, an elder of the Dutch Church and a Justice, who married Eliz- abeth Ryder, the great-great-great-granddaughter of Joris^ who joined the Flat- lands Church, and Annetie, daughter of Tunis Jansz Coevers (Gysbert Bogaert and Sarah Rapelye'^), the great-great-great-great-granddaughter of Abraham Jorisz', b. in Flushing in Holland 1632, d. 1714, an elder and magistrate in Flatlands and Aeltie, daughter of Jan Stryker, great-great-great-great-great-grand- daughter of Joris Dircksen', d. January 16, 1661, who came from Drent in the United Provinces in 1638, and his wife Susannah Dubbels. He was an elder in the Brooklyn Church. David Moore^ and Maria "Berrien "Brinckerhoff had 139. IIRebecca B.', h. March 12, 1816, m. Cornelius Luyster Moore, widower, of Newtown, L. I.; she d. December 4, 1891 ; no children. [[15] 140. ||MarTha Jemima', b. February 15, iSiS, m. Joseph H. Riker ; she d. August i5, 1886.* [149] 141. II James Lent', b. Feb. 10, 1820, m. March 7, 1843, Rachel Ann Ostran- der (Jonathan Bailey ui. Maria Brockway), Brooklyn, N. Y., b. November 16, 1825 ; he d. December 22, 1899.* [150] 142. Ann Eliza', b. March 29, 1822, (/.Feb. 3, i832-t 143. IIGEorge BrinckERHoff', b. Septem- ber 25, 1824, m. Caroline Bragaw ; he d. January, 8, 1892, Newtown, L. I.t [182] 144 IIJosephine a.', b. November 11, 1827, m. George Hathaway, b. August, 1826, Isle of Wight, d. August, 1881; shefl'. October 22, 1872.* [183] 145. Mary Jane', b. November 16, 1830, vay' and Samuel Lord Warrin had 185. Ralph Ogden Warrin", b. March 4, 1878. 186. Richard Halstead Warrin", b. March 20, 1879. 187. Elizabeth Lord Warrin", b. Feb- ruary 6, 1881. 188. Marjory Adele Warrin", b. Febru- ary 28, 1883, d. August 27, 1894. 189. Robert Warrin', b. November 16, 1885. 190. Dorothea Warrin," b. July 17, 1891. 146. Maria Louise Moore' (David*, David', John*, Capt. Samuel', Capt Samuel', Rev. John') and Richard HathaWap had 191 Maria Louise Hathaway*, b. Janu- ary 2, 1S58, (/. September 10, 1861. 192. IIJames Lent Moore H.^thaway*, b. November 15, 1864, m. June 5, 1895, Emma Tripp North, b. February 28, 1871. [194] 193. Martha Riker Hathaway*, b. Aug- ust 5, 1868, d. May 14, 1873. GENEALOGY 67 192. James Lent Moore Hathaway' and Emma Tripp North had 194. Maria Louise Hathaway', b. Octo- I 194a. Dorothy Grace Hathaway', b. ber 9, 1899. I January 3, 1903. 147. Susan Ann Moore' (Dav Samuel", Rev. John') and Jacob Mott 195. IISarah Moore Riker*. b. Jan. 21, 1861, m. April 20, i88o, Arthur L. Hines, b. April 16, 1859; 571 E. Erie Street, Paiuesville, O. [202] 196. George Moore Riker', b. May 28, 1862. 197. ||Wili,iam Edward Riker', h. Feb. 4, 1864, m. Oct. 7, 1891, Mary M. Ketcham (Valentine), Brooklyn, N. Y., b. Nov. 26, 1866, 976 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. [204] 19S. Henry Mott Riker", b. Aug. i, 1866, m. March 26, 1889, Nellie M. id', David\ John*, Capt. Samuel', Capt. Riker had Gibbons, b. March 23, 1871, Girvan, Scotland ; Brooklyn, N. Y. 199. Adei,bert Gage Riker", b. March 10, 1869, m. Sept. 6, 1S98, Ella Bow- han, b. Feb. 10, i85o. 200. Charles Cook Riker", b. Oct. 22, 1870, m. Caroline C. Hammer. 201. Cornelius Luyster Riker", b. Dec. 17, 1878. 20ia. Fred Hathaway' Riker", Brooklyn, N. Y. 195. Sarah Moore P».iKer" and Arthur L. Hines had 202. Mabel L. Hines'", *. April 12, 1885. | 203. Harry L. Hines'", b. Feb. 22, 1888. 197. William E,. RiKer and Mary M. Ketcham had 204. Grace Menonee Riker', b. April 11, 1893- 205. Eva Ketcham Riker', b. November 25, 1894- 206. Elsie Louisa Riker', b. August 28, 1896. 207. William E. Riker', Jr., b. August 17, 189S. 20S. Rodney Moore Riker', b. June 23, 1903- 111. Patience Moore'^ (David\ John', Capt. Samuel', Capt. Samuel^ Rev. John') and Co/. EdWard LeVerich' (Williani\ John*, John', Caleb', Rev. William*). Patience Moore" was Col. Leverich's second wife ; his first wife was Eliza- beth Palmer. She lived in the old Moore House at Bowery Bay, now owned by H. P. Titus, and built the house, in Newtown, now owned by Mr. E. B. Lansing. Col. Edward Leverich^ b. December 3, 1763, was the son of William^ b. October 5, 1723, and Dorothy Morse, daughter of Ephraim Morse and sister of Capt. E. Morse, of the French War. He was the half-brother of Amy Leverich, b. October 30, 1749, who married Samuel Moore'*. [63] Patience Moore^ and Col. EdWard LeVerich had 208. II Ann Leverich", m.JamesMilnor Peck, Flushing, L. l.;d. ; she . May 29, 1822, tn. Elizabeth Ann Sammis, b. De- cember 28, 1819, d. May 12, 1891, Cleveland, Ohio. [216] Gurdon Manwaring', b. February 24, 1824, d. April 5, 1825. IIVan ZandT MumfoRD', b. January 5, 1826, m. Elizabeth Williams (John 211. Samuel Hallett Moore' aohu^ David^ John*, Capt.SamueP, Capt. Samuel", Rev. John') and Elizabeth Ann Sammis had 216. 217. II Edward Young', m. Dec. 16, 1880, Jane Armistead Forsyth; of the firm of The Chisholm & Moore Mfg. Co., Cleveland, O. [223] IIVan Zandt Mumford", m. Dec. 18, 1879, Ida Louise Aldridge, d. June 5, 1893. [226] 218. Anna Manwaring'. 219. Sarah Elizabeth'. 220. Mary Sammis'. 221. Susan Hallett". 222. Imogen', d. in infancy. 216. Edward Young Moore* and Jane Armistead Forsyth had 223. Samuel Hallett'. j 225. Margaret'. 224. Jkannette Armistead'. j 217. Van Zandt Mumford Moore' and /da Louise Aldridge had 226. Helen Anna'. [ 228. Louise Mumford'. 227. Bessie Lewis'. | 213. Van Zandt Mumford Moore' (John*, David^ John*, Capt. Sam- uel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Elizabeth Williams (John H.) had 229. 230. 231. 232. Lizzie', m. Walter Kobbe; no children. Dudley Winthrop'. Edith", d. in childhood. Mumford', d. in childhood. 233. Elbert*, d. in childhood. 234. Alice', m. Edwin Richard. 235. Marguerite', m. Benjamin F. Cross ; no children. 214. Capt. E.lbert Luyster Moore' (John,* David\ John^ Capt. Sam- uel', Capt. Samuel", Rev. John') and Margaret Jl. Williams (Johu H.). " Died at New Orleans, on the 4th instant, Captain Elbert Luyster Moore, commanding ship Ravenswood, of New York, in the 28th year of his age. Thus has been stricken down, upon the very threshold of a future full of promise, a young man who, for intelligence in his profession and devoted zeal and energy in the performance of every trust which the responsibilities of his station involved, GENEALOGY 69 had few, if any, superiors. Those who knew him best will long cherish his memory."* Capt. Elbert Luyster Moore' and Margaret A. Williams had 236. ElberTa*, m. Augustus Sands ; no children. 50. Nathaniel Moore* (Capt. Samuel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Rebecca "BlaclcWelP (widow Barnwell), (Jacob^ Robert'). Nathaniel Moore succeeded to the paternal farm at Newtown, which after- ward became S. B. Townsend's. See Capt. Samuel Moorel [4] Rebecca BlackwelP was the daughter of Jacob BlackwelP, and his wife, Mary, the daughter of Capt. William Hallett^ the granddaughter of Robert Blackwell", who appeared first, as a merchant in Elizabeth, N. J., from which place, he removed to New York, in 1676. He lived on the island, which bears his name, in New York harbour. His second wife was Mary Manningham, and she was the mother of all his children except two, Robert* and Ann', who married Jacob Reeder. Robert^ removed to Hopewell, N. J., and his descendants, at that place, intermarried with those of Nathaniel Moore' (Capt. Samuel', Rev. John'). Nathaniel Moore* and Rebecca "BlackWell had 237. IIChariTV*, m. Daniel Hallett^ (Capt. Samuel', Joseph', Capt. William', William'), -, N. Y.), Hollis, L. I. (1897). [294] 289. IIMary Ellis Purdy', A. April 25, 1822, m. June7, i86o,David Purdy Rapelye, Newtown, L. I., b. Nov. 10, 1821, d. Feb. 6, 1890, Newtown, L. L; she d. , . [301] 290. Martha Purdy', b. April 25, 1822, d. young. 291. IISarah Dustan Purdy',*. March 30, 1824, m.Sept. 16, 1845, George Hall, Brookl}-u, b. Nov. 8, 1803, d. July 25, i860 ; she d. Dec. 8, 1888, Flush- ing, L. I. [302] 292. IIEliza Jane Purdy', b. Aug. 14, 1825, m. April 7, 1858, Cornelius Hyatt, Winfield, L. I., b. Oct. 10, 18— ; liv- ing at Elmhurst, L. I. (1897). [304] GENEALOGY 73 286. Maria Cornelia Purdy' (Rebecca Moore*, m. Cornelius Purdy, Nathaniel*, Nathaniel*, Capt. Samuel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Jed Frye (Jedediah). Jed Frye, sou of Jedediah and Rebecca (Famham) Frye, was born at Dracut, Mass., February 13, 1799. On both sides he was of old Merrimack Val- ley stock, his ancestors having settled in Massachusetts in 1638. After the usual countr}' boy's education, he entered his uncle's office at Salem, Mass., became partner, spent a year or so in South America, and in 1829 or 1830 started a branch business in New York. In 1851 he dissolved partnership with his uncle and con- tinued under his own name. For 40 years he was a merchant in New York and stood high among the business community for integrity and high character. Maria Cornelia Purdy' and Jed Frye had 293. Jed Frye*, b. August i, 1853, unmarried. Jed Frye* was educated in the public schools and graduated from the College of the Cityof New York, in 1872, with honors, member of ^ F^ and

fticks. Tongs, L,ow Draws, Saddle and Bridle J Negro Wench named Pegg 25 00 In the Old Houfe Pewter o 17 o Looking Glass 05° Two Tables 030 /:■ s. d. Three Stacks of Wheat 55 Bl at 4s per Bufhel II o o Stack of Hay and Stalks 200 33 sheep at 7s ea 11 n o Twelve bufhels of Wheat in Bam at 4s pr Bl 2 80 Oatsin Ditto 3 1° o Hay in Ditto 4 10 o Rie in Ditto i 10 o Flax and Straw &c 050 Forks, Rakes, Riddles, Fann, &c i 8 o Old Sleigh o 15 o II 18 o 24 o 21 8 o Stack of Hay I 10 o Stack of Hay at the Old place 200 Stack of Hay I 10 o 500 Two Ploughs and Harrowes I 15 o Griudftone 040 Gears, Hoes, Axes, &c 3 o o Waggon 500 Stillards 076 Weavers Loom and Tackling 2 10 o Turnips i 5 o 14 I 6 Seventeen Acres of Wheat and Rie in the Ground at 15s pa 12 15 o Old Cafks in the Chambers 070 Indian Corn 800 Baggs o 16 o Buckwheat o 12 o Old Boots, Sithe and Cradle 076 Two Bufhels Flax Seed 080 Salt 040 10 14 6 36 15 o In the Ketchen Two Brafs Kettles 3 o o Tea Kettle o 10 o Three Iron potts and a Skillet one Wooden Ware o 12 o Odd things on the Shelves 050 Negroes Bed and Furniture i 5 o Bake Iron 070 Lumber 070 6 17 o In the Cellars Two Barrels Cyder Royal 2 10 o Tallow 060 Calks, Cyder and Water Cyder 400 Barrel and some Spirits 2 00 Old Tubbs I o o 9 16 o GENEALOGY 8i £■ s. d. Five Chairs 050 Bed and Furniture and Trundle Bed Do 5 00 Spinning Wheels, Red Cheft, Saddle Baggs o 15 o Yarn i 10 o Sheep Sheers and Lanthorn 030 8 18 o In the New House A feather Bed and Furniture S o o Large Oval Table i 50 Side Saddle and Bridle i 10 o 10 15 o Cafe and Bottles, Desk and tongs o l6 o In the Linter A Feather Bed and Furniture 5 00 Apples and a pair of Tongs, &c 050 Negro Man named Cutf. 70 00 Book Debts 46 19 l\ 196 I ^\ Bought Over 202 12 o Totall 398 13 ^\ The above is all the goods, chattels and Personal Estate of the above named Joseph Moore, Decea , as shown to us amounting in the whole to three hundred aud Ninety-eight pounds thirteen Shillings and Seven pence half penny. John Wklling, ^^T^n /?%^^f-2,,^^ John Welling and John Moore appraisers of the within Inventory being sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God did depose that the Goods & Chattels Rights & Credits Set down & Specified in the within Inventory were by them appraised according to their just and True Respective rates & Values after the best of their judgment and understanding, and that they appraised all Things that were brought to their View for appraisement. Sworn the nth day of Feb., 1760, John Welling, Theo Severns, Surro. Joseph Moore, one of the Executors of the last will & Testament of Joseph Moore De- ceased being Sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, did Depose that the within Writing Contains a True and perfect Inventor)- of all and Singular the Goods & Chattels rights & credits of the said Deceased w ch have Come to his hands or possession or to the hands or possession of any other Persou or persons for their use of the said Executor. Joseph Moore. Sworn the nth day of February, 1760, before me Theo. Severns, Surro. The settlement of the estate contains so many names of old residents of New Jersey that it seems desirable to print it in full. The Account of Joseph Moore and Benj" Moore Executors of all and Singular the Goods and Chattels of Joseph Moore of Hopewell in the County of Hunterdon in the Western Division of the Province of New Jersey late Deceas'd as well of and for such and so much of the same Goods and Chattels as came to their hands as of and for his payments and Disburse- ments of the Same as followeth,'z';> — The said Accomptants chargeth themselves with all and Singular the Goods ^ £, s. d. and Chattels of the said Deceas'd Specified in an Inveutory thereof made and exhibited into the Registry of the Prerogative Court of the Province I g w of New Jersey amounting as by the said Inventory to the Sum of Three / 39 3 172 Hundred and Ninety Eight Pounds thirteen Shillings and Seven pence ' halfpenny. The Accomptants desireth allowance of certain Debts due by the said Deceas'd at his Death which the Accomptants hath since paid and Discharged as followeth : No. £. s. d. 1 To Josiah Beakes for a coffin as pr Receipt 200 2 To Nathan Beakes as do 241 3 To Theophilus Severns, Esqr do 250 4 To Josiah Ellis in Part of Accot do i 10 o 5 To Helena Moore (Widow) do 45 10 o 6 To Sister Phebe Moore do 13 10 o 7 To William Muirhead do 050 82 GENEALOGY £. s. d. 8 To Thomas Cain aspr Receipt o 14 o 9 To John Allen do 078 10 To Joseph Moore* (of Pennington)* do 2 10 o 11 To Stephen Moore do 10 o o 12 To Josiah Ellis in part of Accot do 300 13 To Samuel Tucker do I 15 9 14 To Jemima Ely do 290 15 To Richd Palmers (Order) do 076 16 To Alexander Gutherie as pr Receipt 099 17 To Capt John Moore do o 10 3 18 To Esther Mochel do o 10 o 19 To Theops Severn Esqr ■ Charges onDr do 020 20 To Richa Palmer do o 12 o 21 To Sam' Furman do 076 22 To Joseph Tindal do 213 23 To Conrad Kotts do o 13 o 24 To Mary Henry do 3 15 o 25 To Isaac Reeder do 4 10 o 26 To paid Josiah Ellis do 4 13 7 27 To paid Jacob Blackwell Bond 15 13 o 28 To John Guild Receipt I 16 9 29 To John Cuming do 044 30 To John Burroughs do 17 6 10 31 To Obadiah Howell do 3 17 o 32 To Samuel Alburtus Bond 35 12 o To Weavers Loom, Tackling &c., Horse and Negroe Man: gave me by the last \ g Will and Testament of my Deceas'd Father famounting aspr Appraisement / 33 To John Welling aspr Bond 26 I o 34 To Abram Skirm Receipt 12 3 9 35 To John Morselis do o 7 11 36 To Joseph Brown do 012 37 To Cornelius Rappalie Exec of John Wikoff Bond 71 19 6 £■ s. d. To Comissn of Exec, the sum of 398 13 7^at7/6 27 18 I'/i 38 To Joseph Woolsey aspr Receipt 088 39 To Andrew Titus do 2 5 7 40 To Robert Spence do i 10 o 41 To Stephen Baldvdn do 260 42 To Joseph Green do o 14 4 43 To Saml Henry pr Order of Doer Ralph Norton's 1 o t Wife Mercy, in full for his bill / '^ 'o o To Book Debts Insolvent 14 7 S 436 4 47* By Cash for Quit's Est 7 15 Joseph Moore and Benjamin Moore Executors of the last Will and Testament of Joseph Moore Dec'd being Sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God did Depose that they have well and Truly administered all and singular the Goods & Chattels & Credits of the said De. ceased and that the vpithin accot is Just & True as to the Charge and Discharge thereof. Sworn before me Feb. 14, 1760, Thbos Severns, Surro. T^'ler^T^^'''^^ 'f/^(yarf * Son of Nathaniel^, b. Dec. 4, 1732, d. 1804. t On record in New York. GENEALOGY 83 Joseph Moore* and Helena had 427. IIStephen', d. March 14, 1799, at Flushing, L. I.; buried at Newtown, L. I. 418. IIJoseph', m. Joanna ; he d. 1804 (will) ; no children. 429. IIDaniel', m. Douglass {?); he was dead in 1802 (will of Joseph''). [435] 430. John' was alive 1802 (will of Joseph*). 431. Job',* m. July 13, 176S, (L), Deborah Stillwell (?); he was alive in 1802 (will of Joseph'). 432. IICapt. James', *. 1752, m. i. Rebecca d. 1792 ; 2. Abigail d. 1847; he d. November 29, 1832, aet. 80 ; youngest son (will of Jo- seph*). 433. Phebe', m. Hutchison, eldest daughter ; was alive in 1802. 434. Elizabeth', b. 1740, youngest daugh- ter, under 18 in 1757; ""' mentioned in brother Joseph's will, 1802. 427. Stephen Moore' (Joseph*, Joseph*, Capt. Samuel', Rev. John'). There is evidence that Stephen Moore' was a business man and followed the water. Several letters in the possession of Mrs. J. S. Chambers, of Trenton, give valuable information as to his relations. One letter dated New York, February 20, 1786, Staten Island, another dated February 23, 1786, Staten Island, were written by J. C. Dongant to Stephen Moore, one about farm work, the other about " the schooner. " Another letter written from Jamaica, Long Island, June 26, 1789, by Abraham Skinner to Stephen Moore ; he wants him to come over to see him about his business. It is directed to Stephen Moore near Trenton. Another letter from J. C. Dongan, Newtown, Long Island, October 18, 1790, about the farm business. Another letter directed to Stephen Moore at Mr. John Dongan's, near Deeker's Ferry, Staten Island, Jamaica, November 6, 1787, reads : Sir : I saw Mr. Robert Moore a few days since, and he says send for him to come to Jamaica, L. I., to attend court in the prosecution of a demand against the Executor of Samuel Sackett. Signed. Abraham Skinner. J A letter to Abraham Skinner, from near Trenton, from W. Cook, October 5, 1791, says that Stephen Moore has applied to him respecting his suit against the executor of Sackett, and that if Skinner will send him the papers or an extract of them he will endeavor to put them in a situation to be tried at the first oppor- tunity. Signed, W. Cook. A letter from David Moore^ (John*, Samuel', Capt. SamueP), Newtown, Hell Gate Neck, March 8, 1795, directed to Joseph Moore, Hopewell, New Jersey, a brother of Stephen Moore (Joseph and Helena), informs him that Stephen has fallen sick in the township of Flushing at the house of Mr. Edmund Willetts. Signed, " From your friend David Moore." Another letter from David Moore, dated March 26, 1799, to Joseph Moore, Hopewell, informs him that his brother Stephen died the 14th of March at Flush- ing, at the house of Mrs. Comwell and Mrs. Willetts, sister of Ned Willetts, where he had the greatest care and attention. He was buried at Newtown, amongst his relations. Signed, David Moore. 428. Joseph Moore' (Joseph*, m. Helena , Joseph', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Joanna . Joseph Moore' died in 1804, without children. In his will he mentions his "aged mother" and directs that after his wife, Joanna, is provided for, the re- mainder of the estate, two years after his death, shall be sold and the money put • Job Moore was made guardian of Helena Moore, 4.4, 1786. t J. C. Dongan, m. Patience Moore^ (John*, m. Hannah Whitehead). J Abraham S]cinner was Clerk of the Court. 84- GENEALOGY out at Interest, one-third of the latter going to the widow, and the remaining two-thirds, after taking out sufficient to support his mother, to be equally divided between his brothers and sister, John, Job, James, and Phebe Hutchinson. If my brother James have no children, his share shall be equally divided among the children of ' ' my deceased brother, Daniel Moore. ' ' The above brother James was alive in 1804, for he signed the paper when probated. There was a James Moore who died intestate, 2.14, 1801, who could not be the person mentioned in the above will. The following inventory is of interest : December 12, 1776. An Inventory of Cattle & Sheep taken from Joseph Moore by some of the British troops. 4 Milch Cows. 3 three year Old Heiffers at 5^, los pr Head 24 o o 3 yearling Bulls at 2^, 10s pr Head 16 10 o 1 two year Old Heiflfer 7 10 I Bull four years old 300 one Yoke of Fat Oxen 700 8 Sheep at 12 pr Head 25 o o /87 16 429. Daniel Moore' (Joseph*, m. Helena , Joseph', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Dougtass ? Joseph Moore', brother of Daniel Moore^ in his will, dated 1802 and pro- bated 1 804, says, if James should die without issue, his part shall be divided among the children of Daniel Moore, deceased. Daniel Moore' and Douglas? had 435. Daniel Dodglas", m. Mary , d. 1851 (will); he ^. 1839, Bloomsbury, Mercer County, N. J., intestate. [436] 435. Daniel Douglas Moore' and Mary had 436. Mary Ann'. 437. Henrietta', m. Daniel Hale. 438. Samuel L.', not named in mother's will, 1851. 439. Elizabeth', m. Moses Woodward. 440. John Henry'. 441. Edward T.', m. Ellen L. ; will 1864-1885 ; mentions "my children." 442. Charles E.' 432. Capt. James Moore' (Jos and "B^ebecca and Abigail .eph*, Joseph', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') Capt. James Moore's record cannot be better given than by the inscription on his tombstone at Princeton : ' ' In memory of Capt. James Moore who died at Princeton, November 29th, 1832, aet. 80 years. " Capt. Moore enjoyed in a high degree the confidence and esteem of his townsmen. In his country's struggle for independence, he was an active and effi- cient officer in the militia of his native State. At the time of his death, and many years before, he was Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church of Princeton. " He was trustee of the Presbyterian Church from 1786 to 1831. He attended upon the Council of Safety and executed the requests and orders of that body in Princeton. ' ' 'M.^ims.^lm ^111 w%«>« 70..--- . . « "l*--.. -^'^^A*^ .erf --. f\a'' "- .: - -g'^V f^(^i-^ '*>r A« ^oHWO"^" j!i<3.1ll.e «?,| ^c.-?t-m«>.T*%'k, :BtiT>s\ GENEALOGY 85 " Defence of the college was not long persisted in. Captain James Moore, of the Princeton militia, with a few others, burst open one of the doors and de- manded the surrender of the troops within. They complied, and, with a few in- valids, were made prisoners. The greater number of their fellow soldiers were already on their retreat towards New Brunswick. Washington, after despatching a detachment under Major Kelly of the Pennsylvania militia to break the bridge over Stony Brook, to retard the advance of Cornwallis, followed up the fleeing enemy as far as Kingston."* 342. Abigail Moore* (Joseph", Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Samuel Washburnf had 443. E1.IZABETH Washburn*. | 444. Hannah Washburn'. 343. SacKett Moore* (Joseph', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John')and /Ijbi^'ai/ Moore^ (Nathaniel', m. Joanna Prudden, Capt. Samuel^ Rev. John'). Sackett Moore' settled on the Scotch Road near Trenton, N. J. One mile from Trenton, on the Pennington Road, the Scotch Road branches ofiF to the left and for about two and a quarter miles goes northwest, after which it bends to the northeast for a little distance, and thence its course is a little west of north. The road which leads from McKonkey's Ferry runs east of north, and one and one- fourth miles from the river it crosses the River Road at the Bear Tavern, eight miles from Trenton ; two miles farther it crosses the Scotch Road, seven miles from Trenton. J Sackett Moore' and Abigail Moore^ had 445. NATHANIBI.^ b. Dec. 8, 1741, m. Mary Mershon ; he d. September 30, 1781; no children. 446. Capt. Joseph*, b. August 14, 1744, unmarried, d. March 20, 1803. 447. Joanna*, 6. July 17, 1747, m. Andrew Smith (? Anclrew) ; she d. June i, 1823. 448. IIJesse', d. April 14, 1750, m. June 4, 1772, (L), St. Michael's and Zion Church, Philadelphia, i. Susannah Lawrence, 6. October 8, 1751, d. March 10, 1814 ; January 19, 1S15, 2. Hannah Woodward (Daniel), b. April 12, 1789, (/. April 9, 1875 (will); he d. July 8, 1839, aet. 89 (will). 449. IISackeTT*, Jr., A. January 7, 1754, m. Elizabeth Clifford, b. November 6, 1768, d. November 28, 1830 ; he d. July 29, 1820. [450] 448. Jesse Moore^ (Sackett', Joseph', Capt. Samuer, Rev. John') and Susannah LaWrence and Hannah Woodward (Daniel). Jesse Moore was a member of Capt. John Mott's company, First Regiment, Hunterdon County, N. J., in the War of the Revolution. He was a trustee of the First Presbyterian Church, of Hopewell, at Pennington. He had no children by either wife. Hannah Woodward Moore, in her will, speaks of Hannah Maria Taylor, her adopted daughter. The latter was her great niece, daughter of her niece, Eliza Ann Taylor, wife of Burroughs Taylor. The family Bible of Jesse Moore is in the possession of Hannah Maria Taylor. * The Battle of Princeton, James C. Moffat, D.D., in the Princeton Book. 342. t Samuel Washburn and Samuel Moore. Younger, had the tame pew at Newtown. t Barber's New Jersey Historical Collection, 29J. 86 GENEALOG Y 449. Sackett Moore\ Jr., (Sackett*. Joseph', Capt. Samuel, Rev. John') and Elizabeth Clifford. Sackett Moore'* was a soldier during the Revolution in Capt. John Mott's Co., First Regiment, Hunterdon County, N. J. Some of the ClifiFords are buried at Solesbury, below Lambertville, on the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware River. SacKett Moore', Jr., and Elizabeth Clifford had 450. IIAbigaii.*, d. August 20, 1794, m. May II, 1814, Joseph Scudder Hart* (Na- thaniel*, Josiah'^ Ralph'), b. Sep- tember 14, 1788, d. March 9, 1866 ; she d. August 3, 1879. [45 1 ] 450. Abigail Moore* and Joseph Scudder Hart* had 45J. IISackbtt Moork Hart', b. November 4, 1824, m. May 22, 1844, Mary P. Blackwell, d. December 16, 1825, d. October 15 1899; he d. , Har- bourtown, N.J. [457] 451. IINathaniel Hart', 6. April 24, 1816, m. Jane Atchley (Jesse, m. Jane ) ; he d. March 25, 1881. [453] 451. Nathaniel Hart' (Abigail Moore' m. Joseph Scudder Hart, Sackett', Jr., Sackett', Joseph', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Jane jitchley had 453. Mary Hart«, *. April 23, 1839, m. J. 455. J. Scddder Hart^, A. Jan.5, 1847, m. - •■" '" ~ " ■—••-- Willhanna Scudder (William, m. 454- Mary Hart*, b. April 23, 1839, m. J. Smith Scudder, Scudder's Fall, Mer- cer Co., N. J. EwzABETH Hart*, b. July 24, 1844, m. Wallace Buckman, Fallsington, Bucks Co., Penna. Mary , Scudder's Falls). 456. Emma Hart*, b. Oct. 4, 1849, m. Aaron Cook, Lawrenceville, N. J. 452. Sackett Moore Hart' (Abigail Moore', m. Joseph Scudder Hart, Sackett', Jr., Sackett*, Joseph', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Mary P. 'Bladoaell had 457. E1.1ZABETH Moore Hart", b. Dec. 6, 1847, m. Dec. 6, 1870, William Har- rison Muirhead, b. Sept. 15, 1841 ; she d. . 458. Livingston Hart', i. June 11, 1846, d. June 8, 1847. 459. George Hart«, b. March 22, 1849, ™- Sept. I, 1875, Harriet W. Betz, b. Sept. I, 1857 ; he . March 20, 1818, m. February 2, 1848, Frederick Dress- ier, of Philadelphia ; she d. January 15, 1882. [521] January 14, 1894. [523] • From the Bible of Benjamin and Rebecca Moore. GENEALOGY 93 503- 504. IISarah Ann', b. September 5, 1825, m. April 6, 1848, Charles S. Moulder, Philadelphia, b. April 19, 1827, d. June I, 1884 ; she d. — —. [527] IIBknjamin Fish', b. May 24, 1828, m. December 6, 1866, Clorinda Wales, East Randolph, Mass. [531]. 505. IIGeorgiana Augusta', b. February 12, 1831, m. August 22, 1848, John Townsend, N. Y., d. January 7, 1852 ; she d. . [534] 506. Catharine Jane', b. February 15, 1842, d. September lo, 1834. 498. Abner Scudder Moore' and Susan Dole* had 507. Mary Seuna Moore", b. March 28, 1845. 508. Susan Caroline"*, b. May 15, 1847, d. January 2, 1850. 509. WHUAM*, b. October 2, 1850, d. Octo- ber 19, 1850. 510. Benjamin", b. September 25, 1851, d. September 7, 1853. Sii. Elizabeth Chase", b. July 27, 1853, d. January, 1854. 512. Henry', A. December 28, 1854, d. Jan- uary 2, 1856. 513. IIArThdr", d. February 4, 1856, m. Oc- tober 29, 1884, Helen Rhodes Ban- croft (Thomas F., Lynn, Mass.) [516] 514. Ella Chase," b. February 17, 1859, <^- May ID, 1859. 515. Gertrude Silvers', b. January 26, 1865. 513. Arthur Moore' and Helen Rhodes "Bancroft had 516. William Bancroft',*. Dec. 26, 1885. 517. Arthur Scudder', A.Oct. 24, 1887, d. June 24, 1902. 518. Harold R.^ b. March 22, 1889, d. Nov. 27, 1889. 519. Ethel Louisa', *. April 19, 1891. 520. Helen Catharine', A. July 28, 1894, 499. Caroline Moore' and Frederick Dressier had 521. Charles Dressler'. I 522. Emma Dressler", I wright. m. Isaac Himmil- 502. Israel Sackett Moore' and Hester Ann Knox had 523. Alexander", m. Anna Lane. j 525. William". 524. Mary*, m. Joseph Waitle. 526. Lizzie', m. William Brown. 503. Sarah Ann Moore' and Charles S. Moulderf had 527. Charles B. Moulder", b. April 26, 1849, m. Lillie Lane. 528. Benjamin Moore Moulder", b. Nov. 12, 1850, unmarried, d. June 12, 1876. 529. Sarah Moulder", b. May 21, 1852, unmarried, d. Dec. 8, 1879. 530. Augustine Moulder", b. Sept. 25, 1S67. 504. Benjamin Fish Moore' and Clorinda Walesl had 531. William Ivins", b. March 3, 1870, d. July 17, 1870. 532. Alice", b. March 29, 1872, d. Sept. 17, 1872. 533. Maria Wales", b. Jan. 28, 1874, d. Sept. 7, 1874. 505. Georgiana Augusta Moore' and John ToWnsend had 534. IIKaTE Townsend", b. July 28, 1S49, 535. m. December 13, 1877, Joseph Lin- gard Bryan, Philadelphia. [536] II Maria Durell Townsend", b. June 2, 1852, m. March 5, 1S74, Edward J. Ross. [538] • From Mary Selina Moore. t Information from Mrs. Sarah Ann Moulder. t Information from Benjamin Fish Moore. 94 GENEALOGY 534. Kate Townsend' Sixxd Joseph L. "Bryan had 536. Joseph Valentine Bryan', b. July I 537. Harold Townsend Bryan', b. May 17, 1879. I 8, 1883. 535. Maria Durell Townsend* and EdWard J, Ross had 538. Fanny Hutchings Ross', b. Decem- ber 24, 1875. 539. LiDA Cram Ross', b. October 25, 1880. 540. Edward Jackson Ross', Jr., b. Octo- ber, 22, 1883. 476. William Israel Moore' (William Sackett^ Benjamin*, Joseph', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John'), and Widota) Mary Scott. William Israel Moore* removed to Danville, 111., soon after 1830, where he was a merchant and owned a farm of three thousand acres. He was Ensign, Fayette Volunteer Company, First Battalion, Third Regiment, Hunterdon Brigade, March 18, 1826, commissioned by Gov. Isaac H. Williamson. 346. Elizabeth Moore* (Joseph', Capt. Samuel^ Rev. John') and Joseph Baldtain' (Elnathan', John', John'). Joseph Baldwin*, was of Newark, N. J., the son of Elnathan', born at New- ark, N. J., 1687, removed to Hopewell Township 1708 (will 1739*), and Keziah Frudden, daughter of Rev. John Prudden, the grandson of John^ who settled at Newark, 1666, born at Milford, Ct. ,i640±, and , the great-grandson of John', of Milford, Conn., 1638-9, owner of original lot, number 13, and buried there July 21, 1681. Elizabeth Moore* and Joseph "Baldwin had 541. Nathaniel Baldwin^ I 543. Jemima Baldwin'. 542. Elizabeth BALDWIN^ I 348. Capt. Samuel Moore* (Joseph', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Abigail Field'^ (Robert*, m. Elizabeth Hicks, Ehiathan', Robert', Robert'). Captain Samuel Moore* was a Whig and a member of the Newtown, E- I., Committee during the Revolution ; he remained at Newtown after the British came. Abigail Field' was of the family of De la Field or Delafield of the Vosges Mountains in France, which settled in England. She was the daughter of Robert*, 6. May 12, 1698, and Elizabeth Hicks, the granddaughter of Elnathan' and , the great-granddaughter of Robert', who was a land-owner of Newtown as early as 1670 and was Overseer April, 1672, August, 1673, November, 1674- 1675, April, 1678-1680, and , the great-great-granddaughter of Robert', a patentee of Flushing in 1645. Capt. Samuel Moore* and jibigail Field had 544. II Major Robert'*, b. 1758, unmarried, d. Feb., 1843, in 86tii year. 545. IIS.\RAH*, m. Samuel Blackwell*( Jacob', Jacob^, Robert'), b. 1769, d. Nov. 27, 1832, aet. 73; she d. . [546] * Department of State, Trcuton, Hunterdon County Wills, 4, 175. Witnesses, Nathaniel Moore, Enoch Armitage, Edward Hart. GENEALOGY pj 544. Major Robert Moore' (Capt. Samuel*, Joseph', Capt. Samuel*, Rev. John'). Major Robert Moore' was Assessor at Newtown, 1786, 1796- 1805, was Overseer of the Poor 1794, 1797, and Commissioner of Highways in 1818. In 1785 Robert Moore bought of John Moore, Sr., of Newtown, two tracts of land in Train's Meadow, sixteen acres with two houses, and twenty-three acres with an orchard, for eleven hundred and forty pounds. He joined the Presbyterian Church in 1799. 545. Sarah Moore* (Capt. Samuel', Joseph', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Samuel 'Btac%WelV (Jacob', m. Lydia Hallett (Joseph), Jacob", m. Mary Hallett (Capt. William), Robert', m. Mary Manningham). Samuel Blackwell' was the son of Jacob' by Lydia Hallett, his second wife. Jacob', before the French and Indian War, was a Captain in the Newtown militia and afterward became Colonel. He was a prominent Whig in the Revolution ; his estates were confiscated by the British ; he was a member of the Provincial Convention ; he was a grandson of Jacob Blackwell' and great-grandson of Rob- ert'. Blackwell's Island belonged to the Blackwell family. Sarah Moore'' and Samuel "Blackwell had 546. IISarah Blackwell", m. Captain Stephen Field, b. October i, 1774, d. April 15, 1828 ; she d. . [547] 546. Sarah Blackweir (Sarah Moore', m. Samuel Blackwell, Capt. Sam- uel*, Joseph', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Cajof. Stephen Field' (Stephen', m. Helena Whitehead, Robert*, m. Elizabeth Hicks, Elnathan', Robert', Robert"). Capt. Stephen Field' was the son of Stephen' and Helena Whitehead (Thomas), the grandson of Robert* and Elizabeth Hicks, the great-grandson of Elnathan', and great-great-grandson of Robert', the great-great-great-grandson of Robert'. See Capt. Samuel Moore* (Joseph'). Sarah Blackweir and Capt. Stephen Field had 547. Abigail Field'. 550. Robert M. Field', rf. New York City. 548. Helen Field', m. Cornelius Luyster. 551. Stephen Field'. 549. Sarah Maria Field'. 552. Cornelia Field'. 350. Nathaniel Moore* (Joseph', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Joanna Hall had 553. Nathaniel', m. Elizabeth Thompson ; I 554. SARAH^ m. Benjamin Waite. no children. 351. Phebe Moore* (Joseph', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Foster BurroWes* (Thomas', Thomas', of Hopewell, Edward', of Jamaica, L. I.). Foster Burrowes* was son of Thomas' and , grandson of Thomas', of Hopewell, and , and great-grandson of Edward', of Jamaica, L. I., and . Phebe Moore and Foster BurroWes had 555. Nathaniel Burrowes*, m. 1790, I. Elizabeth Stout (David); 2. Maria Coleman, Lawrence, N. J. [556] 96 GENEALOG Y 555. Nathaniel Coleman had 556. II Eliza Ellen Burrowes", m. Stacy Potts* ; she d. Trenton, N. J. [560] 557. Mary Bdrrowes", m. Joseph Fox. 558. (Son) Burro WES®. 559. II Rev. George Burrowes®, D.D., m. 1. Eleanor Parker (Chariest, of Burrowes'* and Elizabeth Stout and Maria Trenton, N. J.); 2. Matilda Shatwell (George, m. Charlotte Grove), of Manchester, England. George Shatwell was one of the first to in- troduce modern machinery in his cotton mill ; he d. April 19, 1894 ; no children. 556. £liza £llen Burrowes' (Nathaniel Burrowes^ m. Maria Coleman, Phebe Moore*, m. Foster Burrowes, Joseph', m. Sarah Sackett, Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Judge Stacy Potts* (William', Stacy', Thomas'). Stacy Potts* was editor of the Emporium of Trenton, N. J., was a lawyer and Judge of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, was elder of the First Presbyterian Church, of Trenton, was at times delegate to the General Assembly. He was the son of William' and Mary Gardiner (Theophilus), of Philadelphia, the grandson of Stacy^ who removed from Trenton to Harrisburg, Pa., returned to Trenton, was Mayor for many years and a prominent Friend, and Esther Pan- coast (John), of Bucks County, the great-grandson of Thomas', J who lived at "White Hill." £,liza Ellen Burrowes* and Judge Stacy Potts had 560. IIMary Potts', m. Andrew R. Titus. [3639] 561. Ellen Potts', m. i. Vandergrift, Trenton ; 2. Rev. F. R. Harbaugh, Philadelphia. 562. Gardiner L. Potts', d. , aet. 21. 563. IIStacy Gardiner Potts', *. Harris- burg, 1800, d. April 9, 1865. [566a] 564. Anna Potts', m. Dr. Helm, of Sing Sing, N. Y. 565. Potts', d. in infancy. 566. Potts', d. in infancy. 563. Stacy Gardiner Potts' (Eliza Ellen Burrowes^ m. Judge Stacy Potts, Nathaniel Burrowes^, m. Maria Coleman, Phebe Moore*, m. Foster Burrowes, Joseph', m. Sarah Sackett, Captain Samuel^ Rev. John'). Stacey Gardiner Potts' was a lawyer of Trenton, N. J., a trustee of Lafay- ette College, 1843-46, editor, member of the New Jersey Legislature, 1828-9, Clerk of the Court of Chancery, New Jersey, Judge of the Supreme Coiu-f of New Jersey, 1852-9, and author. § Stacy Gardiner Potts' and had 566a. Stacy Gardiner Potts, Jr., d. 1858, Trenton, N. J. 559. George Burrowes" (Nathaniel Burrowes^ m. Maria Coleman, Phebe Moore*, m. Foster Burrowes, Joseph', m. Sarah Sackett, Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Helen Parker (Charles) and Matilda ShatWell (George, m. Charlotte Grove). Rev. George Burrowes, D.D., was born in Trenton, N. J., April 3, 1811. He received his classical education at the school of Mr. James Hamilton, after- • Stacy Potts, m. i. Eliza Ann Burrowes (Nathaniel); 2. Cornelia Howe, daughter of Rev. Dr. Howe, ot New Brunswick ; 3. Hannah Moore. t Brother of Gov. Parker of New Jersey. I He was probably son of Thomas Stacy', who came to Burlington in the " Shield," 1670. i " The Men of I^afayette," Coffin. GENEALOGY 97 wards Professor of Mathematics in the University of Nashville, Tenn.; for three }-ears he took charge of an Academy at Allentown, N. J., and in November, 1830, entered the Junior class in the College of New Jersey, where he graduated in 1832. In the fall of that year he commenced the study of theology in Princeton Seminary, but for some months he also acted as a tutor in the college, and completed his theo- logical course in the fall of 1835. In July, 1836, he became pastor of the West Nottingham Church, and what is now Port Deposit Church, at the same time taking charge of the West Nottingham Academy. His pastorate here was greatly blessed by numerous additions to the church. He became Professor of lyatin and Greek in Lafayette College in 1850, and filled the chair until March, 1855, when, much broken in health, for four years, he recruited his strength as a country pastor in Newtown, Pa. In June, 1859, he went to California with a commission from the Board of Education to lay the foundation of a Presbyterian college on the Pacific Coast, a work in which he was eminently successful. In 1865-9 his name again appeared on the catalogues of Lafayette College as Professor of Biblical Instruc- tion. Returning to California, he took an active part in the organization, in 187 1, of the San Francisco Theological Seminary, in which he was, from its opening, the Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament Literature. In 1853 tie published his Commentary on the Song of Solomon, and three years later, "Octorara," a poem.* 38. Benjamin Moore' (Capt. Samuel\ Rev. John') and Jlnna Sackett* (Joseph', Simon', Simon'). Benjamin Moore' came into possession of the property, near Newtown vil- lage, previously owned by his grandfather, Rev. John Moore, and which later became the residence of John Jacob Moore". Where Broadway, in Newtown vil- lage, turns towards the southwest and becomes the Hallett Cove Road, there is an old house, built between 1734 and 1738, still standing, called " the Witte house." This is the homestead of a branch of the Moore family. Before this the field belonged to Joseph Sackett and then to his son. Rev. Samuel Sackett. Opposite the Witte house is the land of Lieut. Samuel Moore*, son of Benjamin Moore'. The latter, who owned the land on the Shell Road, conveyed to his son, Lieut. Samuel*, the northwestern half of the cleared land and meadow and half the young orchard. Samuel* built a house on this lot, and died in 1788. The farm, after his death, became the property of Jacob Moore', brother of Bishop Moore, who married in succession Hannah and Elizabeth Waters. After Jacob Moore's death the property was di\nded among the Walker, Innes, John Jacob Moore estates and Locust Grove. Some of the property was owned by John Penfold. Bishop Moore was born here, and Hannah Moore, wife of Capt. Daniel Sackett Moore. In 1715, Benjamin Moore' was sergeant in Capt. Daniel Stevenson's company of militia. f See Capt. Samuel Moore.' [4] Anna Sackett* was the daughter of Joseph Sackett' and Elizabeth Betts. Her two sisters, Elizabeth* and Sarah*, married Joseph Moore'. [37], [338] Benjamin Moore' and Anna Sackett had 567. IlLiEUT. Samuel*, 6. December 5, 1711, m. Sarah Fish' (John\ m. Elizabeth Hallett (William), Nathan^ Jona- than'), d. June 17,1796, aet. 79; he d. April 7, 1788; both were buried in the old graveyard at Newtown, L. I. . [576] • The Men of Lafayette, Coffin. t N. Y. State Historian's Report, I, 1897. 568. IIMary*, 6. June 10, 1714, m. James Renne',2d (James', m. Sarah Hazard' ( Jonathan', Thomas'), d. 1774 (will); she d. ; lived at New- town, L. I. [685] 98 GENEALOG Y 569. IIAnna*, b. November 5, 1715, m. Thomas Hallett* (Joseph*, Capt.Wil- liam^ William'), b. May 10, 1714, d. August 12, 1779 ; she d. . [689] Sarah*, b. May 17, 1718, m. Samuel Moore* (Samuel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John'); she d. March 22, 1750. [44] Dr. Benjamin*, b. March 23, 1720, unmarried, d. I745±, in the West Indies; was a physician. 572. John*, b. June 28, 1723, d. in infancy. 570- 571 573. II Elizabeth*, b. January 10, 1725, m. William Hazard* (Judge James', Jonathan*, Thomas'), d. August 25, 1773, aet. 58;sherf. • [723] 574. IIPatibnce*, b. Oct. 18, 1727, m. Joseph Lawrence* (John', of Newtown, L. I., Capt. John*, of Newtown, Maj. Thomas'), b. March 21, 1723, d. Jan- uary 28, 1793 ; she d. . [727] 575. II John*, b. July 5, 1730, m.May 2, 1752, Hannah Whitehead* (Thomas', Major DanieP, Daniel'), d. August 4, 1772, in 44th year ; he d. October 18, 1827, in gSth year ; both were buried in the old graveyard at New- town, L. I. [763] 567. Lieut. Samuel Moore* (Benjamin', Capt. Samuel^ Rev. John') and Sarah Fish' (John', Nathan', Jonathan'). Sarah Fish* was the daughter of John' and Elizabeth Hallett* (William', William'), the granddaughter of Nathan Fish', of Newtown, and , the great-granddaughter of Jonathan', d. 1663, and Mary . [9], [338], [472] Elizabeth Hallett' was the daughter of Capt. William Hallett' and Sarah Woolsey* (George', d. Yarmouth, England, came to New Amsterdam 1623, m. Rebecca , Benj'amin', of England, Thomas'). Lieut. Samuel Moore* and Sarah Fish had 576. 577- IISarah', b. May, 1744, Newtown, L. I., m. Thomas Barrow ; she d. Oct. 5, 1805 ; no children. Patience', b. April, 1746, m. David Titus ; she d. Sept. 1790. S78. ||Jacob\ m. April 11, 1779, (L), i. Han- nah Waters* (Talman*, Daniel', An- thony^, Anthony'), b. March 31, 1757, d. Nov. 3, 1779 ; June 2, 1781, 2. Elizabeth Waters* ( *, Daniel', Anthony^, Anthony'), cousin of first wife, d. Sept. 8, 1817 ; he d. July 22, 1825, aet. 74. [582] II Right Rev. Bishop BBNJAMIN^S.TD., b. Oct. 5, 1748, Newtown, L. I., m. April 20, 1778, Charity Clarke (Maj. 579- Thomas, m. Mary Stillwell), b. June 28, 1747, (/. Dec. 4, 1838 ; he d. Feb. 27, 1816, Greenwich village, now a part of New York City. [589] 580. ||Dr. William', b. Jan. 17, 1754, m. Feb. 4, 1782, Jane Fish* (Nathaniel', m. Jane Berrien (Peter), Nathan', Jonathan'), b. 1757; he d. April 22, 1824 (will). [618] 581. IIJudith', m. 1781, Rev. Thomas Lam- bert Moore* (Thomas', John^, Hon. John', privy council, N. Y.), brother of Bishop Richard Channiug Moore, of Va., b. in N. Y. City, Feb. 23, 1758, d. Feb. 20, 1799 ' s^^ '^^ Oct. 18, 1834. [679] 576. Sarah Moore'* (Lieut. Samuel*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Thomas "BarroW. Thomas Barrow was a vestryman of Trinity Church. He and Dr. William Moore^ had a burial vault in common, as shown in the will of the latter. 578. Jacob Moore' (Lieut. Samuel*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Hannah Waters^ (Talman*, Daniel', Anthony', Anthony') and Eliza" beth Waters' ( *, Daniel', Anthony', Anthony'). Jacob Moore' inherited his father's farm at Newtown. [4], [38] The following extract from a book written by John Davis, a traveling Eng- lishman, throws a pleasant light over the past : " Farmer Jacob Moore, brother to Bishop Moore of New York (I love to G E N E A L O G Y 99 give their names and kindred) always entertained me with a hearty welcome. Every one acknowledged his daughter was charming. "A maiden never bold ; Of spirit so still and quiet that her motion Blush' d at itself. ' ' Indeed the manners of the whole family were worthy of the Golden Age." Hannah (Joanna) Waters' was the daughter of Talman*, b. September 30, 1726, m. June 10, 1752, Mary Lawrence, the granddaughter of Daniel', and , the great-granddaughter of Anthony^ and , and the great- great-granddaughter of Anthony', born at the head of the Vleigh, " town of Flushing," and Elizabeth Waters\ the second wife of Jacob Moore^ was a cousin of the first wife. Jacob Moore^ and //anna^ Waters and Elizabeth Water shad ***** I 22, 1813, Jane Rapelye' (John*, 582. IIHannah'', 6. Oct. 7, 17S2, m. Capt. George*, John', Jons', DanieP, Joris Daniel Sackett Moore" (John', m. Jansen de Rapelie'); he rf. April 19, Hannah Whitehead, Benjamin', 1856. [585] Capt. SamueP, Rev. John'), «. June ; 584. jqhx Shoals", d. April 17, 1787, un- 17. 1768, rf. Sept. 20, 1828; she d. ' married, d. March 7, 180S ; buried June 8, 1862. [770] beside his parents in the old ceme- 583. IIBenjamin", 6. Dec. 7, 17S4, m. June | tery at Newtown, L. I. 583. Benjamin Moore' (Jacob*, Lieut. Samuel*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Jane 'B^apelye' (John^ George\ John\ Joris', Daniel^ Joris Jansen de Rapalie'). Benjamin Moore'* became owner of part of the property of his father-in- law, John Rapelye, near the ancient burial-ground. It is now occupied by Lemma Ann Moore'. Jane Rapelye' was the daughter of John' and Lemma Boice, the grand- daughter of George^ who after the Revolution settled at Communipaw, and Mary Bloom (Bernard), of Newtown, the great-granddaughter of John' and Maria Lent (Abraham), the great-great-granddaughter of Joris Rapalye', "lieutenant of his Majesty's forces," and Agnes Berrien (Cornelius), the great-great-great-grand- daughter of Daniel^ an elder of the Brooklyn Church, and Sarah Klock (Abra- ham), the great-great-great-great-granddaughter of Joris Jansen de Rapalie', one of the proscribed Huguenots " from Rochelle in France," who came in 1623, in the " Unity " and settled at Fort Orange (Albany). In 1626 he removed to New Amsterdam ; in 1637 he bought a tract of land in what is now Brooklyn. His wife was Catalyntie Trico (Joris). Benjamin Moore' and Jane "R^apelye had 585. Mary Jane', b. April 20, 1814, un- ■ 587. Jacob John', b. May 23, 1822, unmar- married, d. January, 1889. ried ; living 1900. 5S6. Elizabeth W.', b. March 2, 1818, un- 588. Lemma Ann', b. January 12, 1827, un- married, d. December 14, 1898. | married ; living 1900. 579. Right Reverend Bishop Benjamin Moore', S. T, D., (Lieut. Samuel', Benjamin', Capt. Samuer, Rev. John') and Charity Clarke (Major Thomas, m. Mary Stillwell). "Benjamin Moore* was born at Newtown, Long Island, on the i6th of October, 1748. This rare historic interest, therefore, belongs to his life, that its L.cfC. loo GENEALOGY childhood and youth were spent in our colonial days, while his manhood and age were devoted to religious service in our republic. In the critical years of transi- tion from the old to the new order, the country had no greater need than that of a pure, able, and earnest clergy in its metropolitan city. The supply of leaders with radical ideas was larger than the nation required. The men who were es- pecially wanted were those who hadlearned from the past, and were conservatively busy in the present, commanding universal re-spect and building foundations quietly. A man for his time was found when Mr. Moore began his ministry in New York, two years before the Declaration of Independence. " His earlier history, therefore, becomes a matter of interesting inquiry. He had an elder brother, who inherited the paternal estate at Newtown, and whose descendants continue to live on the property to this day. Another brother, William, studied medicine, and became one of the most eminent physicians of New York, in the early part of the century. " Benjamin was sent to school at New Haven, where he had the advantages for instruction that surrounded Yale College. But preferring to become a student of King's College (now Columbia), he removed to New York and was fitted for it in a preparatory school. lyittle thought had he on the day when he was admit- ted as a Freshman, that he should become one of the most honored presidents of the institution he was entering, and that his college should then bear a new name in a new nation. " After his graduation," (in 1768) says Dr. Berriau, " hestudied theology at Newtown, under the direction of Dr. Samuel Auchmuty, rector of Trinity Church, and for several years he taught L,atin and Greek to the sons of gentle- men in New York. He went to England in May, 1774, was ordained deacon on Friday, June 24, in the chapel of the Episcopal palace at Fulham, by Richard Terrick, Bishop of L,oudon, and priest, on Wednesday, June 29, 1774, in the same place and by the same bishop. "Returning from England, he was appointed, with the Rev. John Bowden (afterward Dr. Bowden, of Columbia College), an assistant minister of Trinity Church, Dr. Auchmuty being rector and afterward Dr. Inglis, since Bishop of Nova Scotia. "At the beginning of Mr. Moore's ministry, the first Trinity Church (much larger and more imposing than the second) was still standing, and .so re- mained until it was swept away in the conflagration which destroyed that part of the city in September, 1776. Built in 1696, and twice enlarged, its dimensions were now one hundred and forty-six feet in length, by seventy-two in width, and its spire was one hundred and eighty feet high. Two chapels belonged to the parish, St. George's, built in 1752, and St. Paul's, in 1766. As yet, there was no St. John's chapel. That was erected in 1807. ' ' Through all those trying years, when the enemies of the church were many, and the site of its chief sanctuary was marked by a blackened ruin, the young assistant persevered in his work, until, twelve years later, in 1788, he saw a new Trinity Church completed, though smaller than the old edifice. Dr. Berrian says of his entire ministry in the pari.sh : ' His popularity was unbounded, and his labors most extensive, so that in the period of thirty-five years, he celebrated" 3,578 marriages, and baptized 3,064 children and adults.' " Not only was he considered a man of learning, but of much power as a preacher. ' His voice, though not strong, was so clear and musical that every syllable could be heard in the most remote part of the church.' His words were reinforced by the life which the people knew so well, and so thoroughly revered. Gentleness, kindness, simplicity, and a personal interest in his parishoners, to- gether with great consistency, were his characteristics. Even in middle life there was something venerable in his appearance ; and very familiar to New Yorkers were his intellectual head, plain-parted hair, tall, thin and slightly bending figure, and the blending in his manner of gentleness and courtesy. He was called apos- tolic. Theologically, he was a high-Churchman for his day. Kt. Kiev, llisiioi' B. MdORK, S.T.I). 1748-1816. [579] GENEALOGY lOI " Bishop Provoost resigned the rectorship of Trinity Church in 1800 and Dr. Moore at once succeeded him in the parish, and afterwards in the diocese. On the 5th of September, iSoi, he was unanimously elected Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the State of New York. He was so manifestly the man for the place that his election .seemed to be spontaneous. A few days afterward, September 11, 1801, he was consecrated in St. Michael's Church, Trenton, New Jersey, by Bishop White, of Pennsylvania, Bishop Claggett, of Maryland, and Bishop Jarvis, of Connecticut. ' ' During his episcopate Bishop Moore remained rector of Trinity Church, the two positions in those days being ordinarily held by the same person. Such an arrangement was the more practicable, because the confirmation visitations were so much fewer then than now. The list of parishes in the entire State of New York entitled to representation in the Convention of 1804, is as follows : In New York City, Trinity Church and its three chapels ; Church du St. Esprit, St. Mark's in the Bowery, and Chri.st Church; and beyond New York City single par- ishes in the following places : New Rochelle, Catskill, Newtown and Flushing, Yonkers, Brooklyn (St. Ann's), Hudson, Staten Island, Rye, Bedford, Albany, Poughkeepsie (Rev. Philander Chase, rector), Fishkill, Hempstead, New Stam- ford, East Chester, West Chester, besides stations in Orange and Otsego Counties. These parishes were served by twenty-eight clergy. " The extent of the annual visitations is given by Bishop Moore himself. At the Diocesan Convention of iSoS he makes the following report : 'Since the last meeting of the convention (exclusive of the four congregations which are more immediately committed to my pastoral care as rector of Trinity Church), I have visited the following churches for the purpose of administering the holy rite of confirmation : Christ Church, New York ; St. Ann's, Brooklyn ; St. Andrew's, Staten Island ; Trinity Church, New Rochelle ; St. Peter's, West Chester ; St. Paul's, East Chester ; St. Mark's, Bowery; St. John's, Yonkers. In the before- mentioned period of time, six hundred and ninety-two persons have been con- firmed. We have ten young gentlemen who have signified their intention of ap- plying for admission into Holy Orders.' "In 1809, the bishop reports : ' During the last year I have administered the holy rite of confirmation in the following churches : Grace Church, Jamaica ; St. James', Newtown ; St. George's, Flushing ; St. Michael's, Bloomingdale ; Trinity Church, New York ; Christ Church, Hudson ; St. Peter's, Albany ; St. Paul's, Troy; Trinity Church, Lansingburgh; St. George's, Schenectady ; Episcopal congregation in the Lutheran Church, Athens ; St. Luke's, Catskill. In the course of these visitations I have confirmed three hundred and four persons.' "It will be observed that though these confirmations were occasional, the classes were large. The extent of the bishop's duties as rector maj' be inferred from the fact that in 1804 there were in Trinity parish 1,000 communicants, 115 marriages, 378 baptisms, and 400 funerals. "Bishop Moore's episcopate was marked by the steady growth of the dio- cese. Christ Church, New York City, was received into union with the conven- tion in 1802, St. James', Goshen, in 1803, and the Church du St. Esprit was con- secrated ; St Paul's, Claverack and Warwick, was received in 1804, St. Stephen's, New York City, and the Church at Athens, and Coxsackie in 1806, and St. Michael's, Bloomingdale, in 1807. The year 1810 was very fruitful. On the i8th of March a young man of excellent promise was ordained deacon in St. John's Chapel. His name was William Berrian. Who could say that he would not some day become rector of Trinity parish itself. On the 22d of March, Zion's Lutheran Church, in Mott Street, conformed toour communion, and its Pastor, Ralph Willis- ton, was ordained on the following day. On the 17th of May the new St. James' Church, Hamilton Square, five miles distant from the city, among the country seats of prominent churchmen, was consecrated ; also on the gth of June, Trinity Church, Geneva, July 8th, Christ Church, Cooperstown, and October 17, St. Matthew's, Bedford. "During all these j'ears of diocesan work, the Rev. Mr. Hobart, of Trinity Church, afterward Bishop Hobart, was the active and most efficient helper of 102 GENEALOG Y Bishop Moore ; and by his co-operation the Protestant Episcopal Theological So- ciety was established in 1806, and became the germ of the General Theological Seminary. The Bible and Common Prayer Book Society was also established in 1809. "In February, 181 1, the bishop was attacked by paralysis, and called a special convention in May, for the purpose of electing an assistant bishop. Dr. Hobart was chosen, and after his consecration performed all the duties of the dio- cese. Bishop Moore withdrew into the sacred retirement of an invalid, where his bearing is said to have been saintly ; and he fell asleep on the 27th of February, 18 16, in the sixty-sixth year of his age. " During his episcopate a question arose with regard to his jurisdiction, but it was one into which he did not enter, and it does not form a part of his history. ' ' Bishop Hobart preached his funeral sermon, in which he said : ' He lives in the memory of his virtues. He was unafiFected in his temper, in his actions, in his every look and gesture. Simplicity, which throws such a charm over talents, such a lustre over station, and even a celestial loveliness over piety itself, gave its coloring to the talents, the station, and the piety of our venerable father. " ' People of the congregation ! You have not forgotten that voice of sweet- ness and melody, yet of gravity and solemnity, with which he excited while he chastened your devotion ; nor that evangelical eloquence, gentle as the dew of Hermon.' "* It may not be amiss to present an account of the ordination of Mr. Richard Channing Mooref and Mr. Joseph G. C. Bend, as it seems to have been novel at that time. " On Sunday last, J in St. George's Chapel, in this city, Mr. Richard C. Moore and Mr. Joseph G. J. Bend were ordained deacons of the Episcopal Church by the Right Rev. Samuel Provoost, D.D., Bishop of said church in this State. These gentlemen, according to the usages of the Church, are ordained Deacons, with special permission to preach, and it is requisite that the}' should continue Deacons for some time, previous to their admission to the order of Priesthood. The Chapel was unusually crowded, the ceremonies of Episcopal ordination being novel§ in America, The solemnity of the occasion, the great good conduct which was observed through every part of it, and an excellent sermon, delivered by the Rev. Benjamin Moore with an admired diction and eloquence peculiar to him, made a pleasing impression upon the audience. We cannot on this occasion, but with pleasure reflect that the Protestant Episcopal Church, in these States, is now perfectly organized and in full enjoyment of each spiritual privilege (in common with other denominations), requisite to its preservation and prosperity." Benjamin Moore^ received the degree of A.B. from King's College, 1768, and A. M. later ; in 1775 he served as president />w tempore ; in 1784 he became Professor of Rhetoric and Logic, and held the chair for three years ; in 1789 he received the degree of S. T. D.; from 1787 to 1802 he was Regent of the Univer- sity of New York ; he became President of King's College in 1801 and continued in the ofiBce until 1812 ; he was trustee from 1802-1813 ; he was Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church, N. Y., from 1801 until his death, 1816. He was the first Secretary of the ' ' Corporation for the Relief of Widows and Children of Clergymen of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of New York," founded September 29, 1769. In 1782 he was Deputy Chaplain of the hospital staff and was stationed in New York City ; at the same time he was Assistant Rector. • Cornelius B. Smith in Centennial History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of N. Y., 1785-1885, pub. 1886. + See Judith Moore.' [581] I New York Daily Advertiser, July 17, 1787. I Bishop Seabury ordained John Howe, of Virginia, at Hempstead, L. I., Nov. 3, 1785.— New York Packet, November 10, 1785. GENEALOG Y 103 \ Mr. Moore opened the meetings of the Provincial Congress with prayer in the early days of excitement preceding the Revolution. Bishop Moore adminis- tered the communion to Alexander Hamilton after the duel with Aaron Burr, and was one of the assistants at the inauguration of George Washington as President.* The events attending the death of Hamilton are best given in Bishop Moore's own words : ' ' Upon my entering the room and approaching his bed, with the utmost calmness and composure he said : ' My dear sir you perceive my unfortunate sit- uation, and no doubt have been made acquainted with the circumstances which led to it. It is my desire to receive the communion at your hands. I hope you will not conceive there is any impropriety in my request.' He added, ' It has been for some time past the wish of my heart, and it was my intention to take an early opportunity of uniting myself to the Church by the reception of that holy ordinance.' I observed to him that he must be very sensible of the delicate and trj'ing situation in which I was then placed ; that, however desirous I might be to afford consolation to a fellow mortal in distress, still it was my duty as a min- ister of the Gospel to hold up the law of God as paramount to all other laws and that, therefore, under the influence of such sentiments I must unequivocally con- demn the practice which had brought him to his present unhappy condition. He acknowledged the propriety of these sentiments, and declared he viewed the late transaction with sorrow and contrition. I then asked him : ' Should it please God to restore you to health, sir, will you never be again engaged in a similar trans- action, and will you employ your influence in society to discountenance this bar- barous custom ? ' His answer was, ' That, sir, is my deliberate intention.' I pro- ceeded to converse with him on the subject of his receiving the communion, and told him that with respect to the qualifications of those who wished to become partakers of that holy ordinance my inquiries could not be made in language more expressive than that which was used by our Church — ' Do you sincerely repent of your sins past? Have you a lively faith in God's mercy through Christ, with a thankful remembrance of the death of Christ ? And are you disposed to live in love and charity with all men?' He lifted up his hands and said : ' With the utmost sincerity of heart I can answer those questions in the affirmative. I have no ill will against Colonel Burr. I met him with a fixed resolution to do him no harm. I forgive him all that happened.' I then observed to him that the ter- rors of the divine law were to be announced to the obdurate and impenitent, but that the consolations of the Gospel were to be offered to the humble and contrite heart, that I had no reason to doubt his sincerity and would proceed immediately to gratify his wishes. The communion was then administered, which he received with great devotion, and his heart afterward appeared to be perfectly at rest. I saw him again this (that) morning, when with his last faltering words he ex- pressed a strong confidence in the mercy of God through the intercession of the Redeemer. I remained with him until 2 o'clock this (that) afternoon, when death closed the awful scene. He expired without a struggle and almost with- out a groan." The following are catalogued in the library of the New York Historical Society : Sermon occasioned by the death of Samuel Auchmuty, delivered 9 March, 1777. Sermon delivered 15 July, 1787, at the first ordination held by Samuel Provoost. Additions to the membership of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the city of N. Y. occ. by the app. to Wm. Linn's ser. on the character of Simon, the sorcerer, 1793. Pastoral letter, iSoi. Charge delivered 5 Oct., 1802, to the convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in N. Y., .S03. Sermon delivered before the convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the U. S. A., in N. Y., 12 Sept., 1804. Sermon from Mat. 3: ij.S., N. Y., 1806. * Clarence Cook, Century Magazine, December, 1S97. /o/ GENEALOGY Near the Rector Street side of Trinity grounds in New York can be seen " G. Bend's Vault," which covers the remains of " Bishop Benjamin Moore and Charity, his wife." In the church itself is a recumbent effigy of the Bishop in marble. Charity Clarke was the daughter of Major Thomas Clarke*, a retired of- ficer of the British Army, born August ii, 1692. Major Clarke bought a tract of land extending from what is now Nine- teenth Street to Twenty-fourth Street, and from the Hudson River to what is now Eighth Avenue. Here he built a handsome house about 1750 and called it " Chelsea," after the famous hospital near London. The house was burned down during the last illness of its owner, and he nearly perished in the flames. His widow rebuilt it. The house and a large portion of the land were left to her daughter Charityf. In 1745 Major Clarke married Mary Stillwell. By this mar- riage there were four children — Mary, who married Richard Vassal, Charity, Maria Theresa, and Clement. Maria Theresa married Viscount Barrington, cousin of Theodosia Bartow, wife of Col. Burr, who was first married to General Prevost, a British officer. Mary was Lady Holland. It is said that Lady Aflic was a rel- ative of Charity Clarke's, J Bishop Benjamin Moore'^and Charity Clarke had 589. IIProf. Clement Clarke*^, ^. July 15, 1779, m. November 20, 1813, Cath- arine EHzabeth Taylor, cfy April 4, 1830 ; he if. July 10, 1863, at his sum- mer residence at Newport, R. I.; his remains rest in a vault in St. Luke's Church. Hudson St., New York. [590] 589. Prof. Clement ClarRe Moore' uel\ Benjamin*, Capt. Samuer', Rev. John') Taylor. (Bishop Benjamin^ Lieut. Sam- and Catharine Elizabeth 'T WAS the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse ; The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there ; The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads ; And Mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap, Had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap, When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash. Tore open the shutters and threw up tlie sash. The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow, Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear. But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer, With a little old driver, so lively and quick. I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick. More rapid than eagles his coursers they came, And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name : " Now, Dasher! now. Dancer! now, Pt ancer And Vixen! On, Comet ! on, Cupid ! on, Donder and Blitzen ! To the top of the porch ! to the top of the wall ! Now dash away ! dash away ! dash away all !" As dn,' leaves that before the wild hmn'cane fly. When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky ; So up to the house-top the coursers they flew, With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too. And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof, The prancing and pawing of each little hoof- As I drew in my head, and was turning around, Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound. He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot, And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot ; A bundle of toys he had flung on his back, And he look'd like a pedlar just opening his pack. His eyes— how they twinkl'd ! his dimples how merry I His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry I His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow. And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow ; The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth. And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath ; He had a broad face and a little round belly. That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly. He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf, And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself ; A wink ofhis eye and a twist of his head Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread ; He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work. And fiird all the stockings ; then turned with a jerk, And laying his finger aside of his nose. And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose ; He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, And away they all flew like the down of a thistle. But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight, " Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night.^''^ " Happy the man who can add even a single leaf to the evergreen garland of the poetry of home — the verse that children love, and that wakens even in older * will in Surrogate's office, New York, dated November 6. 1770, proved July 28, 1778. t " The Night before Christmas." the Poem and its History, William S. Pelletreau, A.M. X From Miss Maria Theresa Moore, Stamford, Conn. g " Poems by Clement C. Moore, LL.D.;" New York, Bartlett & Welford. 1844. FROM THE PORTRAIT FROM LIFE PAINTED FOR HIS CHILDREN. ENGRAVED BY J. W. EVANS. Ci.RMENT C. Moore. 1779-1S63. [5^9] [Co;jyright l)y The CentLiry Co.] GENEALOGY 105 hearts cheerful memories of childhood ! Such, at least, if no higher, has been the lot of the late Dr. Clement C. Moore, the author of ' A Visit from St. Nicholas,' which has now been a household friend of American children for nearly seventy- five years, and promises to be dear to them for many and many a year to come. "Dr. Moore belongs to the group of minor singers whose right to be remem- bered rests on a very small amount of verse achieved. There are poets who hold their place, and will long hold it, in every anthology by right of two or three poems ; others who are known but by one ; and others, again, who live but by a single line, or at most hy a couplet in some poem, all the rest of which is forgot- ten. In the case of Dr. Moore, nothing he has written is likely to survive except the ' Visit from St. Nicholas ' ; and this lives, not by right of poetry, but by its innocent realism and its direct appeal to the matter-of-fact imagination of child- hood. For children — and this is as true of girls as it is of boys — rarely love poetry, and they tolerate verse only when it pleases their infant years with jingle, or when, grown older, its rhymes and ' ordered lines' dress up some narrative that has at least the look of being 'true.' Even then they are apt to wonder why the story could not have been as well told in plain prose. " Mr. William S. Pelletreau, in the interesting account of Dr. Moore's life which he has just published, tells us that the 'Visit from St. Nicholas' was written in 1822 as a Christmas present for his children ; and that a young lady* \'isiting the family copied it into her album, and sent it, unknown to Dr. Moore, to the editor of the Troy Sentinel, who printed it, without the author's name, in the issue of that journal for December 23, 1823. From the newspaper it found its way to the school-readers, and speedily became a great favorite with children all over the country. " Mr. Pelletreau tells us that Dr. Moore was at first annoyed by the appear- ance of the poem in print, as he had not intended it for the public, and thought it a mere trifle with but slight literary merit. No doubt it was with some mis- givings that, twenty years later, he gave it a place in the volume of his collected poems. With the proverbial blindness of writers, he probably thought this play- ful sally, written to please his youngsters at their Christmas merry-making far in- ferior to its all-forgotten companions, of which he says in his preface : ' Some of them have cost me much time and thought, and I have composed them all as carefully and correctly as I could.' " But, alas ! for the self-esteem of poets, immortalities and oblivions are not distributed on their own terms. They take much pains to please their peers among the learned and the cultivated, who ' scarce allow them half an eye ' ; while some flower chance-dropped from their hands is picked up by a child in passing, and, to their surprise, — sometimes, it maybe, to their disdain, — they find that out of the mouths of babes and sucklings their praise has been ordained. The bright-eyed procession of children — most beautiful, most precious of all the beautiful and precious things in our world — has kept Dr. Moore's unconsidered trifle alive for all these years ; and it has earned its right to live by the clearness of its conception and the directness with which the story is told. It is a true piece of Dutch painting in verse, and it is not surprising that it should have been trans- lated into painting so many times. For nothing is left to the copyist's fancy ; he has but to trace the poet's lines with his pencil. And, trifle as it is, it has a fair claim to originality as a conception. Dr. Moore's St. Nicholas has become the accepted personification of this kindly purveyor of toys and playthings ; and this particular avatar is one in which, so far as we know, the benevolent saint never appeared before. His German prototype is, by comparison, a somewhat stolid and formal personage, who goes through his task of distributing gifts somewhat in the spirit of an expressman delivering his parcels, or of a schoolmaster giving out prizes at commencement. Dr. Moore's St. Nicholas, on the other hand, has animal spirits in plenty, and a most contagious love of fun ; and the children are in love with him as soon as they set eyes on him. Many a child must have won- dered how the saint contrived to get round to so many houses in a single night ; but no story-teller before Dr. Moore ever let him into the .=ecret. That he should have come in a sleigh was likely enough, but a sleigh drawn by reindeer is a fancy * Eldest daughter of Rev. Dr. David Butler, of St. Paul's Church, Troy. io6 GENEALOGY as unexpected as it is pretty. The invention of most story-tellers would have got no further than horses. An added touch of reality is the ' ashes and soot ' on the fur coat of St. Nicholas. The conventional German saint is always miracu- lously clean, when, to the amazement of the children, he comes walking out of the chimney. ' Comes,' do we say ? How can he long continue to come out of the chimney in houses where gas-logs, asbestos rag-bags, steam-radiators, and furnace-registers have usurped the life-giving hearth, the center of the home life, the heart of hospitality ? " While the Widow Clarke occupied ' Chelsea Farm ' her house was seized by the British on the stormy uprising of the ' rebels ' ; and, like every other householder, she was obliged to accept whatever military guard might be quar- tered upon her. Many of these householders left their dwellings to the tender mercies of the enemy and fled ; but Mrs. Clarke was advised to remain, and she was fortunate in her enforced guest, who proved to be a gallant officer and a courteous gentleman, who spared her goods and treated her and her daughters with consideration. "It was in this house that Bishop Moore's only child was born — a son, who was named after his mother's only brother, Clement Clarke. After receiving the elements of his education from his father, he entered Columbia College, and was graduated in 1798. He was fitted for the ministry, but he never took orders; and continuing to live in his father's house, he devoted himself to Oriental and classical studies, and employed his leisure in writing verse, not for profit or pub- lication, but to lighten his severer labors and amuse his children and his friends. His first printed venture was made in 1806, as the anonymous contributor to the book of a friend, which also appeared anonymously — a dingy little volume 'on gray paper with blunt type,' printed for E. Sargeant, at No. 39 Wall Street, opposite the United States Bank — ' A New Translation, with Notes, of the Third Satire of Juvenal, to which are added Miscellaneous Poems, Original and Trans- lated.' It would seem as if the authors were a little afraid of the sound of their own voices ; for in the only copy we have been able to find of this book, the names of the translator and his friend are written with ink on the title-page by some one in the secret, but have been obstinately erased, and are to be read only by those who have learned from R. W. Griswold's ' Poets of America ' what the names must be. By applying this X-ray to the inky blot, the names are clearly to be read of John Duer and Clement C. Moore. " The introduction written by Moore for his friend's translation is apropos of nothing in that translation, but simply serves as a hook on which to hang cer- tain animadversions, as .severe as the constitutional good nature of the writer would permit, on a group of lackadaisical poets and poetasters of the town, who, as Mr. Moore and his friend thought, were having too much their own way. The verse they criticized was certainly worthless alike in form and matter ; but it must be said that neither the new translator of Juvenal nor the author of the poems that accompanied it (who was acknowledged, in a note, to be the writer of the in- troduction) was by right entitled to be too severe on the disciples of Laura Ma- tilda and the Delia Cruscans. " Thirty-eight years later, in 1844, Messrs. Bartlett and Welford (how much pleasure is associated with those names in the mind of once young book-loving New Yorkers), published ' Poems by Clement C. Moore, LL.D.,' and in this volume were found, among others, all the verses signed ' L,. ' that had appeared in Mr. Duer's book. Here was ' A Visit From St. Nicholas,' in the company of verses so perfunctory, written in a style so different, so artificial and tame, so empty of matter, that it would be difficult to believe them written by the same hand, were it not that in 'A Trip to Saratoga,' with which the volume opens, there is a distinctly natural tone in the narrative style, and the same is found in the ' Lines to Southey,' with which the volume closes. But the ' Trip to Sara- toga ' has little to recommend it beyond proving that Dr. Moore could tell a plain tale in plain words, when he was so inclined, or when he was reallj' moved to write. The ' Lines to Southey ' were written but never sent, after reading the dedication by that poet of ' A Tale of Paraguay ' to his daughter, Edith May ^o^ {-Ixt/mijM'vtfnt bAfu/^^mcoi, Allien uU tlic^Ji the. jkiiiA-ie. 0^ u fAtulu^.1e. nd mantra .M /«, ^h^^k.^, c^,nc^ !! j,\ ^,tn^/ <«/l', aJU*.<p. uff (Am juncii > tu (A« C^f, vf tita wuU ' ^Vov/. ciu^it uuru^ c/ uAi c< h/d/an i -u -n ■ m^ v.* /-M », »* 7 > (Prof. Clement Clarke , Bishop Benja- 593. Mary ClarKe Moore J . i' j min', Lieut. Samuel*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. JJohn') and Dr. John "Doughty Ogden had 599. Catharine Elizabeth Ogden', b, July 5, 1843, d. Nov. 19, i860. 600. Clement Moore Ogden'*, b. Feb. 24, 1845, d. Nov. 11, 1S47. ***** 601. IIMargaret Van Cortlandt Ogden*, b. Sept. 7, 1849, m. Jan. 4, 1899, Francis Mac Nutt. 602. II Francis Ludlow Ogden', b. Sept. 26, 1850, m. Gertrude Ford-Jones. [605] 603. Mary Moore Ogden*, b. Oct. 31, 1851, m. June, 1896, Gardiner Sher- man. 604. Louis de Luze Ogden', b. June 21, 1857, d. Feb. 6, 1862. 601. Margaret Van Cortlandt Ogden* (Mary Clarke Moore', m. Dr, John Doughty Ogden, Prof. Clement Clarke^ Bishop Benjamin^ Eieut. Samuel*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel^ Rev. John^) and Francis MacNutt. "Francis MacNutt was born at Richmond, Ind. The MacNutts are of Scotch descent, and the founder of the family in this country was one Sir Alexander MacNutt, who settled in Virginia in 1728. When the French were expelled from Acadia (Nova Scotia), he obtained grants of a large section of land in that prov- ince from George II. He colonized this grant with Scotch and Irish settlers, and founded the town of Shelbourne. The family remained in Nova Scotia until John MacNutt returned to Virginia in 1821. The family, with the exception of Mr. MacNutt's father, sided with the Confederacy in the War of the Rebellion, and was almost obliterated. Mr. MacNutt's father served with an Ohio regiment, and was mustered out with the rank of captain at the close of the war. " Francis MacNutt received his education at Phillips Exeter Academy, the Harvard Law School and at Hanover, Germany, where he was first tutored by the Abbe Fischer, who had accompanied the ill-fated Maximilian to Mexico as Confes- sor and Chaplain, and later at the Polytechnique. After finishing his education he went to London, where he formed the acquaintance of Cardinal Manning, in whose household he lived for over a year. At this period he inclined toward the priesthood, and for the purpose of fitting him for that, Cardinal Manning obtained his admission to the Accademia Ecclesiastica at Rome. Residence of Clement C. Moore in which "The Night before Christmas" Was Written. [Copyright iSq;, by G. \V. Dillingham Co., Publishers.] GENEALOGY log "At this time Mr. MacNutt was appointed a Privy Chamberiain by Leo XIII. He remained a student to within two months of his ordination, when his mind changed, and he shortly afterward returned to this country. " In the first year of the Harrison Administration he was appointed Secre- tary of the Legation at Constantinople, Solomen Hirsch, of Oregon, being Minis- ter. He remained in Turkey until 1892, when he exchanged with the Secretary at Madrid, arriving at that city in May, when the resignation of General E. Burd Grubb as Minister made MacNutt Acting Charge d' Affaires until the arrival of General Grubb' s successor. Colonel A. Louden Snowden, in October. Mr. Mac- Nutt remained attached to the Spanish Mission until July 1893. " He then returned to America, and remained here until the war between China and Japan drew him to the latter country, where he witnessed the mobili- zation of the army, the departure and return of the fleet and the reception of the news of the victories. He was returning to this country, when at Cairo, in Egypt, he made the acquaintance of Djemil Pacha, first cousin of the Khedive and later his brother-in-law through marriage with the Princess Munet. "This Prince, the richest of the Egyptian dynasty, was then only nineteen years old, and almost wholly unused to European customs. Knives and forks were unknown upon his table, and his manners in the drawing-room were of the most primitive character. Mr. MacNutt became the master of his household and taught him the English language and English manners. He spent two years in the house- hold of the Prince and in traveling to and fro through the country and visiting the various estates of the Prince. "Prince Djemil, besides the palace Monoumira, in Cairo, had a great country place across the Nile known as Boulac-da-Krur, the gardens of which are famous for the finest blood oranges and strawberries in Egypt. He also owned a great cotton estate in the delta of the Nile. Their time was principally spent between these three palaces. Mr. MacNutt could never break the Prince of his habit of eating with his fingers, and often in the club or when dining with friends, when the inclination overtook him, the prince would turn back his cuffs and return to the habits of primitive man to the consternation of those present. "After Djemil Pacha's marriage, Mr. MacNutt returned to this country, where he has since remained."* 602. Frances Ludlow Ogden' (Mary Clarke Moore', m. Dr. John D. Ogden, Prof. Clement C.\ Bishop Be^jamin^ Lieut. Samuel*, Benjamin^ Capt. Samuel", Rev. John') and Gertrude Ford=Jones had 605. Ogden', d. in infancy. | 606. Ci,hmbnt Moorb Ogdbn", b. 1S95. 603. Mary Moore Ogden* (Mary Clarke Moore', m. Dr. John Doughty Ogden, Prof. Clement Clarke^ Bishop Benjamin^ Lieut. Samuel*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Gardiner Sherman had 603(7. Jessie Gordon Sherman'. 592. Benjamin Moore' (Prof. Clement Clarke', Bishop Benjamin^ Lieut. Samuel*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Elizabeth Sing had 607. IIClement Clarke*, b. September ig, 609. Elizabeth', b. September 23, 1856, d. 1843, m. July 28, 1879, Laura M. \ August 23, 1861. Williams; 57 E. 54th street, N. Y, [611] 608. IIC.\3imir de Rham', b. June 28, 1851, m. May 30, 1877, Harriet Francis Surges, Sing Sing, N. Y. [616] 610. Katharine Theresa', b. September 29, 1862. • Condensed from New York Tribune, 1899. no GENEALOGY 607. Clement Clarke Moore' (Benjamin', Prof. Clement Clarke', Bishop Benjamin^ L,ieut. Samuel', Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Laura M. Williams had 6ii. Mary Elizabeth', i. Oct. 26, 1879, rf. May 26, 1883. 612. Clement Clarke", b. Feb. 23, 1881, May 18, 1883. 613. William Scoville', b. Aug. 6, 1882. 614. Barrington", d. Sept. 25, 1883. 615. Benjamin'. 608. Casimir de R.ham Moore' (Benjamin', Prof. Clement C, Bishop Benjamin\ Lieut. Samuel*, Benjamin', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Harriet Frances "Burges". Casimer de Rham Moore received the degree of A.B. at Columbia College in 1873, his A.M. in 1876, LL.B. 1875 ; 109 E. 36th Street, New York. Casimir de Rham Moore^ and Harriet Frances Burges'haA 616. Benjamin Bdrges', b. March 29, I 617. Grace Arnold", b. April 13, 1887. 1878. I 594. Clement Moore' (Prof. Clement Clarke', Bishop Benjamin', Lieut. Samuel*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel*, Rev. John') received the degree of A. M., at Columbia College, class of 1842, was counselor-at-law. 596. William Taylor Moore' (Prof. Clement Clarke', Bishop Benjamin', Lieut. Samuel*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Lucretia Post (Henry C.) and Katherine E. Robinson.* William Taylor Moore' died on Wednesday in Paris from a fracture of the base of the skull, sustained through being knocked down and run over by a car- riage in the Champs Elysees last Sunday. He is survived by his wife, who was with him in Paris, where he had lived most of the time for forty years. He was a graduate of Columbia College, 1844. His apartments in Paris were notably handsome, and were filled with many rare specimens of bric-a-brac, etc. , of which he was an assiduous collector. His body will probably be buried beside that of his first wife, in France, where she died many years ago. A large amount of real estate and personal property, comprising the entire estate, is left to his widow, Katherine E. Moore, f 580. Dr. William Moore' (Lieut. Samuel', Benjamin', Captain Samuel', Rev. John') and Jane Fish* (Nathaniel', m. Jane Berrien (Peter), Nathan^ Jonathan') . Dr. William Moore' was a physician. "This ornament! of the profession and of Christianity, was born at Newtown, L. L, in 1754. He received the rudi- ments of a classical education under the tuition of his elder brother, afterwards Bishop Moore, and President of Columbia College. He attended the lectures on medicine delivered by Drs. Clossey and Samuel Bard. "In 1778 he went to London, and thence to Edinburgh, and in 1780 gradu- ated Doctor of Medicine, when he delivered a dissertation on the Bile. * N. Y. Gen. and Biog. Rec, XII, 118, call» her Katharine Elizabeth Hudson. t N. Y. Tribune, July, 1899. I Thompson's History of Lon^ Island. Dr. William Moore. 1754-1824. [580] Copy of an oil painting in possession of Mr. Charles de Rham [630]. GENEALOGY iii " For more tlian forty years he continued unremittingly engaged in the ar- duous duties of an extensive practice, particularly in midwifery, estimating his number of cases at about three thousand. His medical papers may be found in the America?^ Medical and Philosophical Register, the New York Medical Repos- itory and the New York Medical and Physical Journal. For many years Dr. Moore was President of the Medical Society of the County of New York, and an upright and vigilant Trustee of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. On his death the college recorded their testimony of his pre-eminent worth. He was Trustee of Columbia College from 1790 until his death, and chairman in 1823. " Dr. John W. Francis, at that time Professor of Obstetrics in the college, in his lecture to the class, remarked of this estimable man, as follows : ' Before I conclude,' says he, ' permit me to pay my feeble tribute of homage and respect to the memory of the late Dr. Moore, recently called from among us by the fiat of Providence : a bright exemplar of the virtues and the important qualifications demanded of the practitioner in that department of the profession, the duties of which I have attempted to exhibit. I am persuaded that I do not allow feelings of personal friendship to prevail over the deci.sions of the severest scrutiny, when I assert that no member of our profession has exhibited in his life and conduct, a more beautiful example of the dignity and benignant lustre of the medical character. " 'Honored for many years with his friendship, and admitted to the privi- lege of his conversation, I was early taught to look upon him with a respect and veneration which all my subsequent acquaintance only served to strengthen and confirm. Thousands among us can testify to the mildness and urbanity of his manners, to his tender and watchful regard for the suffering patient and sympa- thizing attendants, to his warm-hearted benevolence of feeling, and devotedness to the good of all whom his eminent attainments, or the lesson of a pure and un- spotted life could profit, to his strictness of moral principle and uniform devotion to the sacred obligations of religion. " ' It was but a few months ago that the governors of this institution were honored with his co-operation and enlightened by his counsels. How great their loss has been, can only be known to those who were acquainted with the liber- ality of his views, and his freedom from every mean and selfish bias. ' ' ' Dr. Moore rose to his great eminence by the force of personal and pro- fessional merit. A liberal education had prepared him to commence with advan- tage his medical pursuits, and amid the toil and cares of his laborious career, he ever continued to recur with ardor and delight to those classical studies, in which he had been imbued in his j'outh. Seldom, indeed, has it happened that the two professions were adorned with such attainments and such private excellence, as were exhibited in the instances of Dr. Moore and his brother Benjamin, the late pious and venerable bishop of the church. While we cherish their worth, let the regret at our bereavement give place to a noble emulation of their pure virtue and active benevolence.' " That he was among the most eminent and useful men of which the annals of medicine can boast, is fully established by the disinterested observations of his able, learned and scientific contemporary, and his name adds one more to the already extended list of great and good men, in almost every department of useful knowledge which graces the history of Long Island." Dr. Moore was a vestryman of Trinity Church. The following extract from a letter from Miss Maria Theresa Moore, his grand- daughter, gives a pleasant picture of family life : " Aug. 29, 1899. Thank you for the pleasure you've given me by that account of my grandfather (Dr. Wm. Moore). I remember the dear old gentleman coming in often, with his knee-breeches, and boots, with a little tassel on each, which we children always investigated, and our Christmas visit to him and grandmother, when each child received a present. This custom was carried on by my uncle, N. F. Moore, whilst in Columbia College, and after he left New York and lived with Uncle William at Garrison, he sent to each 112 GENEALOGY niece and god-child $io in gold." Miss Moore, of Stamford, Conn., has a silver spoon marked W. M.— William and Jane Moore. T. Dr. William Moore^ in his will, dated August 21, 1810, probated April 17, 1824, ordered his executors to purchase half of the vault of his brother-in-law, Thomas Barrow ; leaves during her life to his wife, Jane, the property at the corner of Nassau and Liberty Streets, rented by Robert Hill ; to his son, Nathan- iel F. Moore, his folio Bible and his miniature by Carbonora and his mother's, by Sharpless, his profile picture by Sharpless to his daughter, Maria Theresa. Jane Fish* was the daughter of Nathaniel Fish', of Newtown, and Jane Berrien, the daughter of Peter Berrien, who married Elizabeth Edsall (Peter Jan- sen (Cornells Jansen, m. Janet Stryker, Jan Stryker, m. 1652, Lambertgi San- benny)), the granddaughter of Nathan' and , the great-granddaughter of Jonathan' and Mary . Dr. William Moore* and Jane Fish had 622. Benjamin", b. November 8, 1789, d. January 7, 1791. 623. ||Benjamin", b. August 19, 1791, rf. Feb- ruary 17, 1832. 624. Susannah", b. April 27, 1793, d. Au- 618. II President Nathaniel Fish", b. De- cember 25, 1782, unmarried, d. April 27, 1872. 619. IIMaria Theresa', b. December 30, 1784, m. Henry Casimir de Rham(J. Wilhelm Christophe, b. 1743), Yvir- den on Lake Neuchatel, Switzer- land, b. July 15, 1785, d. October — , 1873 ; she d. March 22, 1855. [627] 620. ||Dr. Samuel W.", *. October 11, 1786, m. November 17, 1813, Emily Con- stable' (William^ m. Anna White (Townsend),of Philadelphia, John'), *. in England, July 4, 1795 or 6, d. June 14, 1844 ; he d. August 26, 1854. [644] 621. IIJane", b. February 15, 1788, m. Henry Major, merchant of Londonderry, Ireland, b. Tully Brislaw, near Lon- donderry, 1779; she d. March 17, 1841. [671] gust 17, 1814. 625. IIWiluam", b. September 13, 1797, m. Margaret Gouverneur (Samuel, m. Mary Phillipse), b. June 10, 1809, Carmel, Putnam Co., N. Y., lived in " The Grange " opposite West Point, near Garrison's, d. January II, 1892 ; h.ed. July 15, 1885, at Gar- rison's on Hudson ; no children. 626. IISarah Ann^, b. September 10, 1799, m. April 11, 1844, Dr. Edward Hodges (Archelaus), b. July 20, 1796, Bristol, England, d. Septem- ber I, 1867, I5ristol, England ; she d. July 12, 1S61 ; no children. 618. President Nathaniel Fish Moore" (Dr. William', m. Jane Fish, Lieut. Samuel*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel^ Rev. John'). Nathaniel F. Moore,* A.M., LL.D., clergyman, born in Newtown, I,. I., December 25, 1782 ; died in the highlands of the Hudson, April 27, 1872 ; was graduated at Columbia in 1802, studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1805, and practised for a few years. In 18 17 he was appointed Adjunct Professor of Greek and Latin in Columbia, and in 1820 was made professor, holding this chair until 1835, when he went to Europe. On his return, in 1837, he was made libra- rian, and in 1839 again went to Europe, traveling also in the Orient. In 1842 he was made President of Columbia, which office he held until 1849, when he re- signed and retired to private life. He was a Trustee of Columbia from 1842 till 1851, and received the degree of LL.D. from that institution in 1825. His pub- lications are " Remarks on the Pronunciation of the Greek Language," in reply to a pamphlet by John Pickering (New York, 1819) ; "Ancient Mineralogy," (1834, new edition, 1859) ; " Lectures on the Greek Language and Literature," (1835) ; and an " Historical Sketch of Columbia College" (1849), besides pam- phlets and essays. It is mentioned in a memoir of William Betts, LL.D., that in 1858 Dr. * Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography. PrksidknT Nathaniki. F. Moore. 17.S2-1S72. [61S] Taken in iS6y. GENEALOGY ^13 Nathaniel F. Moore, ex-President of Columbia College, had executed a fine pho- tograph of his friend.* In 1809 he was Lieutenant of the Fourth Regiment and Captain in iSio.f 619. Maria Theresa Moore' (Dr. William', m. Jane Fish, Lieut. Sam- uel*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Henry Casimir de Rham (J. Wilhelm Christophe). Maria Theresa Moore^ was named after Maria Theresa Clarke, the sister of Bishop Moore's wife, who married Viscount Barrington. Maria Theresa Moore' and Henry Casimir de 'R.ham had 627 William Moore de Rham', d. 1S16, d. June 10, 1834 ; student in Colum- bia College. 628. Hensy Casimir de Rham', Jr., d. 1818, d. May 9, 1840. 629. Julia Antoinette de Rham', b. May 13, 1820, d. February 3, 1893. 630. II Charles David de Rham', b. Octo- ber 20, 1822, m. May 30, 1849, Laura F. Schmidt- (John Wilhelm', 6. in Germany, September 11, 1781, d. 1865, m. Eliza Ann Bache' (Paul Bache-, m. Helena Lispenard^, An- thony^, m. Sarah Barclay, Leonard', m. Alice Rutgersi (Anthony), The- odore Bache', m. Anna Dorothea Barclay), f>. June 24, 1828, in N. Y., d. May 5, 1S99 ; he lives at No. 24 5thAve.,N. Y. [631] 630. Charles David de R.ham' (Maria Theresa Moore', m. Henr}' Cas- imir de Rham, Dr.William\ Lieut. Samuel*, Benjamin', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Laura F. Schmidf (John W.', m. Eliza Ann Bache' (Paul', Theodore'). Charles David de Rham was a member of the old firm of de Rham & Moore, bankers. Mrs. de Rham,§ who was born in New York, was a daughter of John W. Schmidt and of Eliza Ann Bache. Her father, who died in 1865, for many years was Consul-General at New York, for Prussia, Saxonj^ and Baden. Mr. and Mrs. de Rham were one of the first couples married in Grace Church, Broadway and Tenth Street. They were to have celebrated their golden wedding on May 30th. In recent years neither took any active part in social affairs, spending their win- ters at their home, at Fifth Avenue and Ninth Street, which has been occupied by them for more than forty years, and the summers at " Giez," their country home at Cold Spring-on-the-Hudson. Mrs. de Rham's funeral took place at the Church of the Ascension, Fifth Avenue and Tenth Street. Charles David de R.ham' and Laura F. Schmidt had June 6, 631. IIEliza de Rham", 6. July 18, 1850, m. April 26, 1876, John Jay Pierrepont' (Henry E.^, m. Anna Maria Jay** (Peter), Hezekiah B.', m. Anna Con- stable), b. Rye, N. Y., September 3, 1849 ; she d. October 17, 1879. I636], [644], [821] 632. Henry Casimir de Rham', b. July 29, 1852, d. July 10, 1853. 633. IICharlES de Rham", b. January 30, 1854, m. April 13, 1880, Emily Hone Foster (Frederick G.), b. 1856. [637]. 634. IIHenry Casimir de Rham", b. Au- gust 12, 1855, m. April 28, 1887, i. Anna T. Warren (G. B. Warren, Troy, N. Y.), b. October 18, 1863, d. November 7, 1894 ; April 23, 1896, 2. Georgiana L. Berrymanft (Charles H.), b. June 28, 1869. [642] 635. William de Rham', b. April 3, 1857, unmarried, d. January 29, 1S81, Pau, France. • N. Y. Genealogical Record. t Report of N. Y. State Historian. I Rev. Thomas Barclay married a sister of Alice Rutgers. i New York Tribune. May 6. 1899. ** Henry E. Pierrepont and Anna Maria Jay had John Jay Pierrepont who married Hliza de Rham, Dr. William Augustus Pierrepont. rf. January 6, 1902, aet. 46 ; Henry E. Pierrepont and two daughters. [S21] tt Sister of Mrs. LoriUard Spencer. 114. GENEALOGY 631. Eliza de R^ham' (Charles David de Rham', Maria Theresa Moore', m. Henry Casimir de Rham, Dr. William\ Lieut. Samuel*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and John Jay Pierreponf (Henry E.', m. Anna Maria Jay' (Peter A.',* John', Chief Justice of U. S.), HezekiahB.', m. Anna Constable' (William^ John'). John Jay Pierrepont was a member of the firm of Pierrepont Bros. & Co. £.liza de R-ham' and John Jay Pierrepont had 636. John Jay Pierrepont', d. 1879, in infancy. 633. Charles de R.hain' (Charles David de Rham', Maria Theresa Moore', m. Henry Casimir de Rham, Dr. William^ Lieut. Samuel*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Emily Hone Foster had 640. Charles de Rham", b. April 27, 1888, 641. GiRAUD Foster de Rham^ b. Dec. 637. Henrv Casimir de Rham', b. Feb. 2, 1S82. 638. Frederic Foster de Rham', b. June 18, 1883. 639. Laura de Rham', b. Jan. 22, 1887. 12, 1896. 641a. (Daughter) DE Rham', b. Dec. 31, 1902. 634. Henry Casimir de Rham' (Charles David de Rham', Maria Theresa Moore', m. Henry Casimir de Rham, Dr. William^ Lieut. Samuel*, Ben- jamin', Capt. Samuer, Rev. John') and jinna T. Warren and Georgianna L. "Berryman had 643a. (Daughter) de Rham', b. Feb. 12, 1903. 642. Casimir de Rham', b. August 4, 1897. 643. William de Rham', b. September 27, 1901. 620. Dr. Samuel W. Moore' (Dr. William', Lieut. Samuel*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuer, Rev. John') and Emily Constable"" (William', m. Anna White (Townsend, m. Anna Renaudet), John', m. Jane Kerin). The mantle of the distinguished father fell appropriately upon the son, Samuel W. Moore, f and the honor and dignity of the family were preserved and transmitted. Dr. Moore was the typical physician, earnest, sympathetic, equal to emergency and having a genius for mechanics which was often used in surgical cases. He was successful in his practice and had the respect and love of his pa- tients. After his wife's death he spent his leisure in modeling in clay and pro- duced some very creditable busts of his wife and father. He lived in Warren Street, afterward at Broadway and Spring Streets. His portrait may be found in the New York Hospital. He was a vestryman of Grace Church. The annexed tribute to his memory by Dr. C. R. Oilman, of New York, shows the feelings of his professional brethren. The life of a practicing physician is very rarely one of startling adventures or striking events. His duties, though important as the value of life itself, are chiefly performed in the privacy of the sick-room ; and, of consequence, the man- ner in which he performs them is known only to the small circles of loving friends who gather around the bed of the sick or the dying. * Peter A. Jay was the brother of William Jay, who married Augusta McVickar (Anna Moore, m. John Mc- Vickar). [785] t The W. was added to his name to distinguish him from another Dr. Samuel Moore in New York City. ' ^\ ^ ^fl ^1 V \ Dk. Samuki, W. Moore. 17S6-1S54. [620] GENEALOGY 115 Such a life, it may seem, presents but a barren field to the biographer. Bid him chronicle the victories of the warriors, the triumphs of the statesman, and he will devote to the task all his most brilliant powers, and do it with pride and pleasure. But to trace the every-day life of one who has ' ' pursued the noise- less tenor of his way " in that obscurity which necessarily and very properly shrouds most of the labors of the physician, whose path has been from sick bed to sick bed, and whose contests have been only with the great enemj', death — this, to the ambitious biographer, may seem to be an ungrateful task. But it is not, or at least ought not to be, an ungenial labor, to speak of a life devoted to the service of humanity, spent in the unostentatious performance of varied and im- portant duties. Especially should the task of tracing such a course be grateful when the duties of the man have been performed in the spirit of a Christian. Such a task I have imposed upon myself, in attempting to write a biograph- ical sketch of the life and character of Samuel W. Moore, M.D., whose recent removal from among us, while it has plunged a bereaved family into deep afHic- tion, has spread throughout a large circle of loving friends and strongly attached patients, a deep and abiding sorrow " that they shall see his face no more forever." Samuel \V. Moore was born in New York City, nth October, 17S6, the son of Dr. William Moore, long one of our most highly esteemed and successful practitioners. From early childhood his constitution was frail, and the delicacy of his bodily organization was equalled by the gentleness of his temper and the kindhness of his feelings. Such an one might seem to be unfitted to bear the grave responsibilities and act amid the appalling dangers which so often beset the physician's path, but this I believe is not so ; and the success of Dr. Moore adds another to the list of those physicians whose lives prove that it is not so. The truth seems to be that a strong sense of moral duty will so nen,'e the heart and strengthen the hand, that the most acute sensibility will only make its possessor more eager to relieve those sufferings by which his compassion is so strongly excited. Dr. Moore re- ceived his early intellectual training from Mr. Samuel Rudd, and entered Colum- bia College at the age of sixteen j'ears, in 1802. His connection with Columbia College was probably rendered more pleasant and profitable by the fact that his uncle, Benjamin Moore, D.D., Bishop of New York, was then President of the in- stitution. Several of his classmates still survive among us, and we noticed two of them among the sorrowing friends who assembled at his funeral. He graduated in regular course in 1806, and immediately commenced the study of medicine un- der the guidance of his father, attending lectures in the medical department of Columbia College, in which Dr. Wright Post then taught anatomy. Dr. Richard Bailey surgery, Dr. Hammersley theory and practice of physic, Dr. J. R. B. Rodgers midwifery, and Dr. David Hosack botany. From those distinguished teachers he received, in 1810, the degree of Doctor of Medicine, and immediately entered into full practice, taking a share of the large business of his father. This arrangement continued until 1824, when the elder Dr. Moore died, having prac- ticed physic forty-four years. His son now took his place among the prominent physicians of New York, with a large circle of patients, and a still larger one of friends ; for such was the unaffected kindness of his heart, and such the graceful amenity of his manners, that few became his patients without remaining ever his attached friends. With his professional brethren his position was peculiarly pleasant. A thorough medical education, and a large measure of well-improved experience, gave to his opinions deserved weight, and insured him, as a physician, a strong hold on the confidence of physicians, while his conduct, on all occasions so perfectly upright, his manner so dignified yet so gentle, gave him as a man the highest place in their regard. To quarrel with such a man was simply impossible and to distrust him seemed not so much a wrong as a folly. Of him it can truly be said, that after a successful career of more than forty years, and that in times of many professional contests, he made many friends, and not one single enemy in his own profession. Oh, si sic omnesf In 1824 he was appointed one of the physicians of the New York Hospital. For this situation he had moral qualifica- tions which are more important, and alas, more rare, than professional skill. His ii6 GENEALOGY conscientiousness insured to the poorest and most degraded of his pauper pa- tients a full measure of his attention, while his amiability and benevolence made him the friend of poor and rich alike. In 1828 he was compelled, by failing health, to retire from a position which he was so well fitted to adorn. In 1828, Dr. Moore was appointed Trustee of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, and continued, from that period to the end of his life, to take an earnest interest in the prosperity of that institution. At the time of his death he was the senior member of the board. In 1849, on the reappearance of the cholera. Dr. Moore, in conjunction with his friends, Dr. Joseph M. Smith and Dr. John B. Beck, was appointed medical counselors to the Committee of the Sanitary Board of Health. To the duties of this position, made more onerous by the fact that his associate. Dr. Beck, was soon, by the state of his health, disabled from taking his share of them, Dr. Moore devoted all his energies ; and the report published by the committee affords most satisfactory evidence of the ability and faithfulness with which this important public duty was performed. For several years, the health of Dr. Moore, never very robust, had been gradually declining, and he felt himself obliged to contract the sphere of his professional labor. Still he was unwil- ling entirely to give up the practice of his profession, and very many of his old friends were still more unwilling to be given up. In March last he met with an accident which, though not immediately followed by grave symptoms, caused, as afterwards appeared, eflfusion of blood into the cavity of the arachnoid. He continued to visit a few friends, and his venerable form was still seen at church ; till in July paralysis very gradually supervened, and on the 26th of August, 1854, " Gently as an infant to his sleep, Went he to death " — Dr. Moore married, in 1813, Emily, daughter of William Constable, Esq., by whom he had thirteen children, ten of whom yet survive to give unto God most " hearty thanks for the good example of him who, having finished his course in faith, doth now rest from his labors." The following resolutions show in what esteem he was held : At a meeting of the Board of Health held on the 3d day of October, 1849, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That the thanks of the Board of Health are eminently due and are hereby tendered to its Medical Counsel, Doctors Moore, Smith and Beck, to the resident physician, Dr. Geer, and to the Health Commissioner, Dr. Morris, for their vigilant, constant and untiring exertions in behalf of and for the preservation of the health of the city, and their efficient aid rendered to this Board during the summer last passed, a summer characterized throughout the prevalence of the cholera with a fearful mortality, imposing great unusual hazard, labor and responsibility upon the medical gentlemen above named. J. H. Chambers, To Dr. Samuel W. Moore.* Secry. NEW YORK ACADEMY OF MEDICINE. New York, September 8, 1854. Sir : At the monthly meeting of the New York Academy of Medicine the following res- olutions were adopted : Resolved, That this Academy has learned with profound regret, of the decease of Dr. Samuel W. Moore, late Fellow of this Academy. Resolved, That in the decease of Dr. Moore the medical profession has lost a high- minded and honorable practitioner, who, during a long and successful career of practice sus- tained the dignity of the profession, while by his devotion to its interests, his kind feeling to- wards his professional brethren, no less than by the purity of his life, he has left an example ■worthy of all imitation. Resolved, That the Recording Secretary be instructed to convey to the afflicted family of the deceased our sincere condolence on this mournful event, and that these resolutions be recorded upon the minutes. Respectfully, Sam'L. a. Purdy, Recording Secretary. At a special meeting of the Trustees of the College of Physicians and Surgeons in the City of N. York held at the College on Friday evening, September 22nd, 1854, the following resolutions were passed : * Dr. Samuel W. Moore lived at 43 Warren street, Broadway and Spring, Broadway, first door below Ninth, 152 Fourteenth Street. GENEALOGY 117 Resolved, That the Board of Trustees have heard with deep regret of the decease of their Senior fellow member, Samuel W. Moore, M.D., whereby the College has lost one of its oldest and most valued supporters. Resolved, That in common with the medical profession of this city and a numerous circle of attached friends, the Trustees entertain for their deceased friend and colleague senti- ments of sincere respect and affectionate regards. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be communicated to the family of the de- ceased with the expression of the heartfelt sympathy of the Trustees in their bereavement. GURDON Buck, M.D., New York, September 30, 1854. Registrar. My Dear Sir : New York, Dec. 1854. As every evidence of the respect and esteem entertained for your good father is grati- fying to me, I take pleasure in complying with the Registrar's request to transmit to you the enclosed resolutions adopted at a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of which your father was the senior member. With my best regards for your sisters and yourself, I remain Truly Yours, RiCHD Hoffman. William C. Woore, 14th Street [No. 152]. Dr. Samuel Moore's record is partly given in the following : 1810, he was surgeon's mate of the Fourth Regiment. April 6, 1815, appointed Surgeon of the Ssth Regiment of Infantry of the State of New York by Gov. Daniel I). Tompkins. June 7, 1817, elected a member of the American Academy of Fine .\rts ; John Trumbull, President, Al. Robertson, Secretary. Nov. 10, 1820, appointed Hospital Surgeon of the 3d Division of Infantry of the State of New York by Gov. De Witt Clinton. Nov. 13, 1S20, Col. John T. Jones by Edmund Kortright, Adjutant, thanks •' Dr. Moore for the constant attention to the duties of his office during the many years he has served in the staff of the 85th Regiment." In consequence of the promotion of Dr. Moore to the Medical Staff of the 3d Division of Infantry, Dr. J. Van Rensselaer will do duty. Feb. 6. 1821, elected Fellow of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the University of the State of New York. John W. Francis, M. D., Registrar. April 10, 1821, appointed Trustee of the College of Physicians and Surgeons in the City of New York by the "Regents of the University at their last meeting," "in the place of William Moore, M. D., who has resigned his seat as Trustee in said College." Gideon Hawley, Secre- tary of the Regents of the University. June I, 1824, elected, by the Governors of the New York Hospital, Physician for ensu- ing year. At the same meeting Dr. Valentine Mott was elected Surgeon. June II, 1824, at the Anniversary Meeting of the Nevi' York Literary and Philosophical Society, elected to the council with Gen. Morton, Prof. McVickar, Dr. V. Mott, Rev. Dr. Wain- wright. Prof. Griscomb, P. Hone, Esq., H. Wheaton, Esq., W. Gracie, Esq., Dr. A. H. Stevens, Rev. Dr. Turner. The President was De Witt Clinton, LL.D., the Vice-Presidents, David Hosack, M. D., F. R. S., S. L. Mitchell, M. D., etc. Prof J. Renwick ; the Corresponding Sec- retaries were J. W. Francis, M. D., Jer. Van Rensselaer, M. D.; the Recording Secretaries, P. S. Townsend, M. D., J. B. Stevenson, M. D.; the Curators Gen. A. Fleming, J. M. Pendleton, M. D.; the Treasurer, H. Brevoort, Jr., Esq. Aug. 31, 1824, elected a Resident Member of the New York Horticultural Society. David Hosack, President; Levi H. Clark, Recording Secretary. The Stated Meetings were held at the New York Institution. Feb. 28, 1829, elected "Member for Life of the 'Aux ' New York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society." Floyd Smith, Treasurer. Sept. 1 , 1 829, elected a member of the Society of the New York Hospital. Peter Augus- tus Jay, President ; Robert I. Murray, Sec'ry. April 21, 1831, notified that he had been elected Consulting Physician to the N. Y. Dispensary, to supply the place left vacant by the death of Dr. Watts. Signed, James F. De Peyster. Emily Constable'* belonged to the Constable family which lived near Dub- lin, Ireland. They originally came from Yorkshire in England and bore the same arms as the Yorkshire family. •William Constable 2 (John') and jjnna White (Townsend, m. Ann Rcnaudet) had EurettaS m. James McVickar* (Anna Moore', m. John McVickar, JohnV Benjamins, Capt. Samuel=, Rev. John'), Matilda", m, Edward C. McVickar« (.\nna Moore', m. John McVickar, John<, Benjamin^, Capt. SamueP, Rev. John'), William', m. Mary Eliza McVickar" (Anna Moore', m, John McVickar, John*, Benjamin^. Capt. SamueK Rev. John'), EmilyS, m. Dr. Samuel W. Moore« (Dr. William*. Lieut. .Samuel*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel^. Rev. John'), John", m. Susan Livingston, Harriet', m. James Duane, settled in Franklin County, N. Y., Anna', m. Hezekiah B. Pierrepont. 1°-"] zi8 GENEALOG Y Thomas Constable lived at lyOggan in the Manor of Wingfield, County Wex- ford, Ireland. His great-grandson wrote that he was a descendant of one of the judges of King Charles I. In the list of the Long Parliament was Sir William Constable, Baronet (regicide* instead of Benson, the jobber, and in preference to Deerlove '42, Knaresborough, a " recruiter," not an original member). Thomas Constable and his wife had a son William, born 1693, who married 1716, Elizabeth Owen, of a Welsh family. William Constable and Elizabeth Owen, his wife, had a son John', born in Dublin, Ireland, the first to come to America. Remarried Jane Kerin, the daugh- ter of William Kerin and his wife Jane Ewer, of Dublin. John Constable was Lieutenant and Surgeon in the Colonial Army in 1762-5. He died at Schenec- tady, N. Y. , in 1785, aged 75, and was buried at St. Paul's, New York City. John Constable' and Elizabeth Owen had a son, William^ Emily Constable' was the daughter of William Constable^ born in Dublin, January i, 1751, who was Aide to General Lafayette, an honorary member of the Society of the Cincinnati, a partner of Gouverneur Morris and an intimate friend of Lafayette, Hamilton, Jay, and Washington. He was the principal owner of the " Macomb purchase." He died in New York in 1803 and was buried in St. Paul's churchyard. William Constable presented a fine portrait head of Washington by Stuart to General Hamilton ; a head of William Constablef, by Stuart, is at Con- stable Hall, N. Y. Amongst the treasures of the family are letters from Gov. Morris, Lafayette, and Robert Morris. He married, February 28, 1782, Anna White, daughter of Townsend White and his wife, Anna Renaudet (m. July 13, 1741), of Philadelphia, who was one of the Queens of Beauty at the Meschianza ball. May 18, 1778. She was a schoolmate and intimate friend of Martha Dan- dridge, afterward Martha Custis, and later the wife of Washington. A bracelet con- taining a miniature of Washington is still in existence which was presented by Martha Custis. Her sister Sarah married March 17, 1767, Moore Furman, of New Jersey, who was prominent in the Revolution and a friend of Washington. See Gershom Moore*. [11] Dr. Samuel Moore" and Emily Constable had Foster, of Boston, Mass.); she d. July 29, 1859. [669] S.iMUEL Clement', b. November ii, 1829, unmarried, . March 26, 1770, unmarried, d. July 20, 1796, Jamaica. 730. IICapt. Andrew Rikbr', A. September 21, 1771, m. Margaret Moore* {Na- thaniel, Nathaniel*, Capt. Samuel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') ; he d. October 17, 1817, aet. 46. [256] 731. II Recorder Richard Riker", b. Sep- tember 9, 1773, m. April 23, 1807, Jennet Phoenix (Daniel, Esq.,) ; he d. September 26, 1842, in 70th year. [738] 732. IIAbraham Riker*, b. May 24, 1776, m. Hannah Pierson ; he d. August 25, 1821 — accidentally drowned in the East River. [749] m. John Lawrence 734. IISamuel Riker', b. March 3, 1780, m. ; he d. September 17, 1811, of consumption ; no children. 735. Jane Margaret Riker", b. April 4, 1782, m. I. John Tom; 2. Dr. William James McNeven. 736. Anna Elvira Riker", b. May i, 1785, m. Dr. Dow Ditmars. 737. IIJoHN L. Riker", b. April 9, 1787, m. I. Maria Smith (Sylvanus, Esq., of North Hempstead); 2. Lavinia Smith (Sylvanus, Esq.). [75»] 731. R.ichard RiKer' (Anna Lawrence", m. Samuel Riker, Esq., Pa- tience Moore*, m. Joseph Lawrence, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Jennet Phoenix (Daniel). Recorder Richard Riker" was educated principally under Dr. Witherspoon at Princeton, N. J. In 1791 he entered the office of the elder Jones and in 1795 was admitted to the bar. He became District Attorney in 1802; in 1815 he became Recorder, which office he held with short intermissions until 1837. " Of the emi- nent talents and profound judicial knowledge of the late Recorder little need be said ; they are both extensively known and universally acknowledged. The able manner with which he presided for so long a period in the Court of Sessions in New York, and the extraordinary qualities he displayed in the discharge of his onerous and important duties, are conclusive evidence of his great attainments and high moral worth." His memory has been perpetuated in Halleck's poem, "Our Recorder," which was the term by which he was affectionately known for years after his long incumbency of that office had ceased. He was a second in the duel between DeWitt Clinton and Swartwout, and afterward fought a duel with the latter himself, and was wounded in the leg. Jennet Phoenix was the daughter of Daniel Phoenix, Treasurer of the City of New York. Richard R.iker' and Jennet Phoenix had sea ; she d. February, 1901 ; lived at 121 E. 36th St., New York. [744] 738. 739- Daniel P. Riker', d. April 30, 1868, aet. 61 ; Columbia College, class 1826; Counselor-at-law. Anna Exceen Riker,' b. April 13, 1809, m. Samuel Spring^, M.D. (Rev. Gardiner'); she rf. January 22, 1896, aet. 87 years. 740 IIElizabeth Platt Riker', b. October 4, 1810, m. 1836, Dr. Edward Spring^ (Rev. Gardiner', of the Old Brick Presbyterian Church), d. 1850, at 741. Jennet Riker', b. October2i, 1816, m. June, 1839, Harris Wilson ; she d. October 1900. 742. IIJOHN Hancock Riker', b. July 4, 1818, m. September i, 1858, Ann Brevoort ; he d. January 26, 1894. [747] > [935] 743. Rebecca P. Riker', b. February 19, 1822, d. March 4, 1868. 740. E,Iizabeth Platt RiKer' (Richard", Anna Lawrence", m. Samuel Riker, Patience Moore*, m. Joseph Lawrence, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. ]ohn') and Dr. Edward Spring" (Rev. Gardiner'). GENEALOGY 131 In the days of her father the Recorder was as important a functionary as the Mayor, and when Lafayette visited this country in 1824 many of the duties of receiving him fell to Recorder Riker. With her sister, Mrs. Spring, who was then a mere child, accompanied her father when he received Gen. Lafayette at the Battery and she was present as a member of his party at the ball given him in Castle Garden. Before Lafayette's return to France, he said he would like to meet the Recorder's relatives, and to give him this opportunity, a great reception was held at the Riker residence, at which Mrs. Spring was present and was made much of by the General. With her father, who was an intimate friend of Gov. Clinton, Mrs. Spring made the inaugural trip through the Erie Canal as a member of the Governor's christening party. Mrs. Spring lived for many years at her father's country home, "Arch Brook," on the site of which is now the new power house of the Manhattan Elevated. Dr. Edward Spring' was the son of Rev. Gardiner Spring', D.D., LL.D., who was born at Newburyport, February 24, 1785, was graduated from Yale College, 1805, Andover Theological Seminary, pastor of the Brick Presbyterian Church of New York City for over fifty years, trustee of Lafayette College 1853-61, and chairman of the Board of Trustees of Columbia College, 1858-9. He received D.D. from Hamilton College, 1809, and LL.D. from Lafayette College, 1853. He -wrote a life of Samuel J. Mills, " The Sabbath a Blessing to Man," etc. He died 1873- Elizabeth Piatt Riker' and ©r. EdWard Spring had 744. Susan B. Spring', unmarrieil, (/.June 1 745. Preston Spring'*. 25, 1901, aet. 62, Stroudsburg, Pa. | 746. Edward Spring*, Norfolk, Conn. 742. John HancocK RiKer' (Richard Riker', Anna Lawrence^ m. Sam- uel Riker, Patience Moore*, m. Joseph Lawrence, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel", Rev. John'j and ^nn "BreVoort. John Hancock Riker' was a member of the class of 1835, Columbia College. John Hancock Riker' and jinn "BreVoort had 747. IIRichard Riker", b. July 6, 1865, in. June 5, 1888, Elizabeth Anna Moore' (Daniel Sackett', ni. Margaret Law- rence Moore, John Jacob*, Daniel Sackett*, John*, Benjamin', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John'), d. June 5, 1890 ; he d. August 2, 1896. [748], [935] 747. R-ichard R.iker' and Elizabeth Anna Moore had 748. Margaret M. Riker'', i. March 11, 1SS9. [935] 732. Abraham Riker' (Anna Lawrence', m. Samuel Riker, Esq., Pa- tience Moore*, m. Joseph Lawrence, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel", Rev. John') and Hannah Pierson". Abraham Riker remained on the paternal farm ; in 18 12 he was Captain of Marines under his brother, Capt Andrew. Abraham Riker" and Hannah Pierson had 748a. Hannah'. | 750. Mary B. Riker'. 749. Alpheus B. Riker'. I 75'- Abriana Riker'. 132 GENEALOGY 734- Samuel RiKer' (Anna Lawrence', m. Samuel Riker, Esq., Patience Moore*, m. Joseph Lawrence, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel, Rev. John'). Samuel Riker'' was educated at Columbia College, class of 1799. He prac- ticed law in New York for ten years. 737. John L. Riker" (Anna Lawrence', m. Samuel Riker, Esq., Patience Moore*, ni. Joseph Lawrence, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel\ Rev. John') and Marta Smith and LaVinia Smith. John L. Riker' was educated at Erasmus Hall, L. I. At 16 he entered his brother Richard's office and studied law for five years. He then commenced the practice in New York City. He resided at Newtown, L. L, on his father's prop- erty. John L. RiKer" and Maria Smith and LaVinia Smith had 752. Henry Riker'. 758. Richard Riker'. 753- Sylvanus Smith Riker'. 759- Daniei, S. Riker'. 754- Mary A. Riker'. 760. Jane Riker'. 755- LAVINIA RIKBR'. 761. William J. Riker'. 756. John Riker'. 762. Julia L. Riker'. 757- Samuel Riker'. 728. Dr. l^ichard Lawrence* (Patience Moore*, m. Joseph Lawrence, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Mary Moore^ (John*, m. Hannah Whitehead, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel^ Rev. John'). Dr. Richard Lawrence' completed his medical education in Edinburgh. Upon his return he married and settled in Newtown, where he practiced his pro- fession. 575. John Moore* (Benjamin', Capt. Samuel^ Rev. John') and Hannah Whitehead* (Thomas', m. Hannah Sackett, Major DanieP, Daniel'). John Moore* remained on the homestead, which belonged originally to the Rev. John'. It is still in the possession of the family. He here entertained the Duke of Clarence, afterward William IV, King of England, who came over about 178 1 as a midshipman in a British man-of-war under Admiral Howe. He was persuaded by the Admiral to let his youngest son, Daniel Sackett Moore, go back with him as a midshipman. The latter did not like the service and returned home. [4] Hannah Whitehead* was the daughter of Thomas' and Hannah Sackett (Joseph*, m. Hannah Alsop, Joseph', Simon^ Simon'), the granddaughter of Maj. Daniel', who removed from Newtown to Jamaica, was Justice for Queen's County from 1689 to 1693, was Representative for Queeus in the Assembly from 1691 to 1705, and was recommended for the Council in 1 700/1, and Abigail Stevenson (Thomas), the great-granddaughter of Daniel Whythead', one of the purchasers of Smithtown, L. I., 1650, a magistrate of Hempstead in 1652, a patentee of New- town, 1652, Overseer of Newtown, April, 1666 to November, 1666, November 1666 to April, 1668, and . GENEALOGY 133 John Moore' and Hannah Whitehead had 763. Ei.izabeTh\ b. April 23, 1753, unmar- ried, d. August 25, 1827. 764. [IJames', b. July 24, 1754, m. Elizabeth Hallett' (Capt. Samuel', Joseph', Captain William^ William' ), d. 1808; he d. February 25, 1799, aet. 44 ; both buried in the old graveyard, Newtown, L. I. [772] 765. Daniel*, b. July 19, 1756, d. Septem- ber 25, 1761. 766. II Anna', b. March 11, 1761, m. John McVickar (John), d. 1812 ; she rf. April 3, 1833. [777] Patience*, b. November 9, 1762, m. January 21, 1784, John Charlton Dongau, d. February 2, 1802, aet. 39 ; she d. May 29, 1833, at Newtown, L. I. [848] Mary*, b. March 19, 1764, m. i. Dr. Richard Lawrence* (Joseph*, John', Capt. John-, Maj. Thomas'), b. March 3, 1764, d. July 26, 1S04; 2. William Stewart ; she d. June 15, 1836; no children. [728] 767 768. 769. IJBENJAMIN*, b. Januarj- 25, 1766, m. (Nancy) Anne Hogeboom', Claver- ack, N. Y. (Stephen', Jeremiah', Killian'), b. July 22, 1774, d. April 14, 1844, aet. 6g, 8, 22 ; he d. Sep- tember 20, 1828.* [S50] 770. IICapt. Daniel Sackett*, b. June 17, 1768, m. I. Hannah Titus (David); 2. Hannah Moore* (Jacob*, Lieut. Samuel*, Benjamin', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John'); he d. September 20, 1828. [923] 771. ||Abigail*, b. January 11, 1770, m. Oc- tober 31 , 1790, Capt. Thomas Farmar, called Billopp* (Col. Christopher Farmar, called Billopp*, Thomas Farmar, called Billopp', Anne Bil- lopp-', m. Thomas Farmar, Christo- pher Billopp', Royal Navy), b. Feb- ruary 10, 1767, d. July 21, 1806, Puerto Cabello, Ven.; she d. No- vember 22, 1836; buried in the Wyatt lot in St. Paul's churchyard, Balti- more, Md. [965] 764. James Moore* (John', m. Hannah Whitehead, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Elizabeth Halletf (Capi. Samuel', Joseph', Capt. William\ William'). Elizabeth Hallett'^ was sister of Jemima Hallett', who married David Moore*. [93]. James Moore'' and Elizabeth Hallett had 772. Maria". 773. Eliza«. 774. Jane^ 775- 776. John". Hannah*. 766. Anna Moore° (John', Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and John McVickar (John). About i8o6,t the first ladies of New York City began to discover that there was a great field open for their aid in relieving suffering and misery, and they commenced to band together in organizing societies. The first was the Orphan Asylum. It was founded in March, 1806. Mrs. McVickar was one of the trus- tees, and associated with her were Mrs. Bethune, Mrs. Fairlie, and other leading ladies. They appealed to the public, and started off with the bold declaration, that no institution so much merited the aid of the well-inclined as this — to feed and clothe the infant bereft of father and mother. They said: "We believe charity in this country consists more in finding employment for the needy, than in supporting them in idleness." " Pity, I own, to the distrest is due ; But when the afflicted may themselves relieve, The fault's their own if they will suffer on." The next year a society was started for the " Relief of Poor Widows," of which also Mrs. McVickar was a first manager. In the estimate of her character! it is not easy to say how much was due to natural temperament, how much to the early operation of religious principles. • November 28, 1829, M. M. Moore say*, t old Merchants of New York. X Newspaper clipping. 134 GENEALOG V Neither is it necessary, for in her both unquestionably concurred to form a char- acter so peculiarly blameless, that they who knew her best and longest can now recall to mind no one word or action, through the varied events of a long life and the trying duties of all its social relations, which did not seem marked by a sense, both of Christian duty and of native kindness. Her religion was truly that of the heart ; it entered into all the daily duties of life, and under its abiding influences was she formed to that unpretending truth of character, that single-mindedness of heart and intention, that unruffled sweetness of temper, that spirit of quiet yet active benevolence, and that constant reference of every religious question to re- ligious principles by which her life and conversation were so peculiarly dis- tinguished. John McVickar was a merchant of New York.* He was born in Ireland and came to America in 1786 at about the age of seventeen. He was among the founders of the St. Patrick Society in 1792. At that time Mr. McVickar was established and doing a leading business, under his own name, at 27 Queen Street (Pearl). He commenced in this city in Maiden L,ane, No. 39, before 1786. In 1793 he was elected a director in the Bank of New York, and continued to be re- elected annually until 1810. In 1795 he was made a director of the Mutual Insur- ance Company. At the same time he was a director in the United Insurance Company, of which his friend Nicholas Low was president, and so was until 1809. At that time he lived in 228 Pearl Street, his old place, and kept his placeof busi- ness at 2 Burling Slip. He was Vice-President of the St. Patrick's Societyin 1797. In 1798 Nathan, his brother, got here, and the firm was John and Nathan Mc- Vickar. In 1801 the style was changed to John McVickar & Co. John moved from 228 Pearl Street to 231 Broadway, and Nathan went to housekeeping in the house John left. In all this time John had continued a director in the Bank of New York. In that year he was elected a vestryman of Trinity Church, and held it until he died in 1812. In 1805 John McVickar became one of the directors of the Western & Northern Coal Co. In 1809 John took into partnership his son James and a Mr. Stewart, and the firm was "John McVickar, Son & Stewart," at the old stand, No. 2 Burling Slip. But both sou, and John the father, lived at 231 Broadway, while the old Nathan lived at 20 Dey Street. In 1810 Mr. John McVickar moved to No. 6 Vesey Street. I think he gave up business in 181 1, to his brother Nathan, and the firm was McVickar & Stewart until 181 2. In that year John McVickar died. His widow removed from No. 6 Vesey Street back to the old No. 231 Broadway. The firm dissolved and Nathan resided at 24 White Street. Among the leading traits of the character of John McVickar may be noted that nice sense of commercial honor which gives to the merchant his highest dig- nity and leads to the noblest use of wealth. He was marked accordingly by gen- erous aid to deserving young merchants in trouble, so much so that it became a common speech on Change, in disastrous times, " Well, who is McVickar going to help to-day ? " In building churches and aiding the clergy he was always prom- inent. t On the " Dongan Domain," Staten Island, he both gave the land and built the church. Of this large Domain coming down from Dong, an the first Governor of the Province, one legal claim still remains to the heirs of McVickar, viz. , the original reservation to the Lord of the Manor, of ' ' all ponds, water courses and mines," such reservation being expressly named and provided for in all the early deeds. At his late seat at Bloomingdale he was one of the original founders of St. Michael's Church, and during the occurrence of the yellow fever in the city, he provided for the family of Rev. Dr. Hobart, his clergyman, a .safe country retreat. As a merchant he was marked by sound judgment and large views. In ad- dition to his regular business of importation he was a large ship owner, and one of the earliest in the direct trade with China from the port of New York. His favorite ship " Betsy," Captain Carberry, was familiarly known. * old Merchants of New York, 2d series. t Trinity Chapel on the north side of staten Island, St. Michael's. Bloomingdale, St. James's, New York, St. Paul's, Constableville, N. Y., owe their origin, in whole or in part, to him and his wife. GENEALOGY 135 Though himself without classical education, he highly valued it for his sons, and prized and patronized the best schools. One, Archibald, enjoyed the farther advantage of an English University training, and all in turn had the benefit of a European visit for health or pleasure. In 1804, he revisited, for the second and last time, his native land, accom- panied by his son John, born in America, a circumstance which, in the days of alien laws in England, led to a singular controversy with government, the of- fice refusing to regard the father as alien, and McVickar insisting that as an American citizen he was an alien, and demanding that he should be included in all the penalties and restrictions that rested on such — a proof of patriotism, we may add, more unquestionable than many that now pass for such. In his visit to Ireland, so familiar was his name and reputation in commer- cial circles that it was jokingly propo.sed that the Lord Lieutenant .should con- fer on him the dignity of knighthood, as a benefactor to Ireland. Old John McVickar had a country .seat out at Bloomingdale, where he used to spend a great deal of his time in summer, after he retired from business, and while he lived at No. 6 Vesey Street. That was a large mansion. The old merchant, John, was one of the most sterling men in the city. His firm did a general commission business, receiving vessels and cargoes from all parts of the West Indies, as well as from Europe. In addition, his house dealt heavily in Irish goods. John McVickar & Co. were the heaviest importers of Irish linen into the New York market. Every vessel from Belfast brought them heavy invoices. They never sold less than a case of their linens. The store of old John, where he did business so many years, was on the right hand side of Burling Slip as you go from Pearl to Water. It was about in the rear of where a bank is now located. In these times we can form no idea of the vastness of the Irish linen trade sixty years ago. It was all old-fashioned made, spun and wove by hand in Ireland, and, of course, there was no machinery as now. It was the great article of trade. Here we had no such goods. The highest of our manu- factures then was old " tow cloth." We had no cotton or woolen goods made here. No sattinets, and the numerous fabrics of American manufacture were made in a thousand factories. So for this small village in the olden times, Irish linen was a great article of trade. All the buyers used to go to old John himself, or if not in, to the brother, Nathan. Clerks were not deemed the right persons to buy of. The buyer thought, of course, he could get better bargains of the principals, and their say, too, as to prices, was final, while with the clerks it was not. Old John was not above his business. Sometimes, he would take out his watch and look at it. "I am to meet the Board of Directors at the Bank, won't brother Nathan do?" If brother Nathan would not do, although such an answer was rare, then brother John would do the selling until the customer was satisfied, for he regarded good sales as one great element of success in the career of a leading merchant, and he was always the salesman when at home. He was rather tall, somewhat sharp-fea- tured, and looked like a foreigner. An early portrait of him, supposed to be by Copley, gives the impression of a fine and resolute will, yet gentle heart. Anna Moore' and John McVickar had 777- 778. 779- IIJAMES McVick.ar", 111. I. Euretta Con- stable' (William-, John'); 2. Catha- rine Biicknor, widow of Nathan Mc- Vickar, his uncle ; he d. 1835. [786] IIArchibald McVickar*, ni. Catharine Livingston^ (Judge Brockholst', Willianv', Phillp^ Robert'); he m 1795 to 1 80 1, after which he retired from public life ; he was the grandson of Pierre', of Rye, N. Y., born in New York, 1704, died at Fishkill, N. Y., 1777, n- and Mary Van Cortland, daughter of Jacobus Van Cortland and Eva Pli. great-grandson of Augustus^ of New York City, born at La Rochelle, France, 1665, died at New York, 1751, merchant, came to America 1685, the great- j, real: - grandson of Pierre', of Bristol, England, born in France, died at Bristol, a Huguenot, who fled from France to England, 1685. Augusta McVicKar" and Judge William Jap had 837. Anna Jay^ m. Rev. Lewis p. W. Balch. 840. II John Jav', b. 1817, m. Eleanor 838. Maria Banyer Jay', tn. John F. But- Kingsland Field -hed. . [842] terworth. 841. Adgusta Jay', in. Henry E. Pellew, 839. Sarah Louise Jay', m. Dr. Alexander Washington, D. C. M. Bruen. GENEALOGY 14^^ 840. John Jay' (Augusta McVickar", m. Judge William Jay, Anna Moore', m. John McVickar, John', Benjamin', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Eleanor Kingsland Field- John Jay' was graduated from Columbia College in 1836, and admitted to the bar in 1839. He had the intense vitality of his race, and was a prominent figure in New York life for sixty years. He was the bitter foe of slavery, a tire- less philanthropist, and a leader of the civil-service movement. He served as United States Minister to Austria in 1869. A fluent writer, he contributed hun- dreds of timely articles to the American press. In 1854 he organized the meetings at the Broadway Tabernacle that re- sulted in the State Convention at Saratoga on August 10, and in the dissolution of the Whig and the formation of the Republican party at Syracuse, 27th Sep- tember, 1855. He was president of the Union League Club in 1866 and 1877. He was appointed Republican member of the State Civil Service Commission by President Cleveland. He was active in the early history of the American Geograph- ical and Statistical Society, was Manager and Corresponding Secretary of the New York Historical Society, was first President of the Huguenot Society, organized in 1855 in New York.* John Jay' and Eleanor Kingsland Field had 842. Eleanor J AY", m. Henry G. Chapman. 843. AuGrST.\ J.AV*, in. Edmund Randolph Robinson. 844. Mary J.\y', m. William Henry Schief- felin. 845. Anna Jay", m. Lieut. -Gen. Vou Schweintz. 846. II William Jav", b. 1S41, in. Lucy Oelrichs. [847] 846. William Jay" (Minister John Jay', Augusta McVickar^ m. Judge Wil- liam Jay, Anna Moore,* m, John McVickar, John*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Lucy Oelrichs, William Jay" who is best known as Col. William, son of the Minister to Aus- tria, volunteered at the breaking out of the rebellion, and served throughout the great conflict, making an enviable record for gallantry and fidelity. But to him war was a matter of duty, and not of pleasure and profit. With the coming of peace, he resigned, entered the bar, and rose rapidly to a high rank in the profession. He was graduated from Columbia in 1859, and the Columbia Law School in 1867. He married Lucy Oelrichs, by whom he has one surviving daughter. To Col. Jay, New York owes largely the development of the old-time sport of coaching, he having been the President of the Coaching Club from 1876 to 1896. He is a mem- ber of the vestry of Trinity Church, and it is worthy of note that a Jay has been either a churchwarden or vestryman of that church since its foundation in 1697. William Jay" and Lucy Oelrichs had 847. Eleanor Jay'. 767. Patience Moore' (John', Benjamin', Capt. Samuel", Rev. John') and John Charlton Dongan. John Charlton Dongan^ a cousin of Gov. Thomas Dongan, was Regent of the University in 1784. Patience Moore' and John Charlton Dongan had 848. John Charlton Dongan*, Jr.,^. Sep- temberiS, 1786, d. October 22, 1798. 849. ThomasCharlesBradish Dongan*, b. February 25, 1789, d. November 21, 1789. • Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography and New York Evening Post. T4.6 GENEALOG Y 769. Benjamin Moore* (John*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Nancy Hogeboom*, of Claverack, N. Y. (Stephen', Jeremiah^ Killian'). Nancy Hogeboom' was the daughter of Stephen', born August 15, 1744, died April 2, 1814, who married November 24, 1763, Hellitje MuUer, died March ID, 1812, aged 74 years, 3 months, 13 days, several times elected to the New York Assembly, was a State Senator in 1805, and a member of the Constitutional As- sembly in 1801, the granddaughter of Jeremiah', born April 5, 1712, in Holland, who came to this country with his father and settled in Claverack, N. Y., mar- ried November 11, 1741, Janita Van Allen, of Kinderhook, born November 1720, who owned a large farm in Claverack, the great-granddaughter of Killian', who came to America from Holland and settled at Claverack, at that time a part of Rensselaerwick, now in Columbia County, N. Y. The Hogebooms were promi- nent people, the eldest son of Killian being Colonel of a regiment of troops. Benjamin Moore* and JWancp Hogeboom had 850. ||Anna Maria*', d. 1794, m. July 2, 1813, Jacob A. Hart, Troy, N. Y. ; she d. December 26, iS57,aet. 63. [859] 851. II Hkttv Eliza", 6. August 20, 1797, m. September 11, 1822, Rev. Frederick T. Tiffany, Cooperstown, N. Y., d. September 2, 1863; she d. . [879] 852. Jane Christina", 6. March 6, i798,m. Horatio G. Adams, Claverack, N.Y.. d. August 17, 1896, aet. 93 ; she d. March 31, 1884 ; no children. 853. Catharine Patience'', unmarried, d- December 25, 1S79, ^c'. 79. 854. Harriet Louisa', m. John A. La Bagh, N. Y.; she d. October 25, 1867, aet. 62 ; no children. 855. IIJAME3 Sackett", 6. May 6, 1800, Cox- sackie, Greene Count v, N. Y., m. March i, 1835, Martha M. A. Tarver* (Elisha^ Billison'), Clinton, Jones County, Ga., b. there November 3, 1815, d. July 22, 1890, Lee County, Ala.; hed. March 24, 1S79, Lee Coun- ty ; both buried at Columbus, Ga. [881] 856. II Richard Lawrence", m Travers, Virginia ; he d. December 23, 1848, aet. 46 [912] 857. Charlotte Augusta", unmarried, d. March 2, 1874, aet. 67. 858. IIEURETTA McVickar", m. October 13, 1836, Augustus Fleming, Hudson, N. Y., d. October 25, 1846 ; she d. December 4, 1851, aet. 41. [914] 850. Anna Maria Moore" (Benjamin*, John*, Benjamin,' Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Jacob A. Hart had 859- 860. IIPhoebe B. Hart', d. 1814, m. 1837, George G. Pomero}', i. 1787, (/. 1892, whose mother was a sister of James Fenimore Cooper ; she (/.November 26, 1878. [S62] IIWiLLiAM E. Hart', m. i. Harriett Morrell; 2. Sarah Solomon; 3. Eliza- beth Johnson. [S67] 861. ilEuzA MooRE Hart', 6. 1824, m. Amos K. Hadley, 6. 1812, d. 1900, Speaker of the House of Assembl3', N. Y.; she d. January 26, 1894. [875] 859. Phoebe B. Hart' (Anna Maria Moore^ m. Jacob A. Hart, Benjamin', John*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and George C. "Pomeroy had 862. 863. 864. Isaac Hart Pomeroy*, b. July 27, 1838, d. August 9, 1838. Helen Pomeroy*, b. September 16, 1840, unmarried, living in Coopers- town, N. Y. Theodore KEESE Pombroy*, *. May 7, 1842, d. January 4, 1845. 865. Phoebe Hart Pomeroy*, b. August 3, 1844, unmarried, living in Coop- erstown, N. Y. 866. Anna Eliza Pomeroy', b. July 26, 1846, d. 1850. 860. William E. Hart' (Anna Maria Moore', m. Jacob A. Hart, Benja- min', John*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Harriett Morrell and Sarah Solomon and Elizabeth Johnson had 867. Aline Hart', m. Issahl Duel? 868. Carroll Hart*. 869. Frank Hart*. GENEALOGY 147 ***** I 872. Walter Hart*. 870. Oscar Hart*. 873. Charles Hart'. 871. Edward Hart^ 874. Ethel Hart*. 861. Eliza Moore Hart' (Anna Maria Moore', m. Jacob A. Hart, Benja- min°, John*, Benjamin", Capt. Samuel", Rev. John') and Amos K. Hadleyhad 875. Amos Hadlev**, (/. . I 877. Anna Hadley*, Cooperstown, N. Y. 876. William HADLE\•^ d. . I S78. John Wool Hadley', d. . 851. Hetty Eliza Moore" (Benjamin', John*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuer, Rev. John') and "R^eV. Frederick T. Tiff any had 879. William R. Tiffany', b. August 23, I 880. Anna Moore Tiffany', h. February 1827. I 18, 1829, d. October 29, 1901. 855. James Sackett Moore'^ (Benjamin^ m. Nancy Hogeboom, John*, Benjamin', Capt. SamiieP, Rev. John') and Martha M. Ji. TarVer' (EHsha', m. Maria L. Sanders, Billisou', m. Selah ). James Sackett Moore" went to New Orleans in 1831, and thence to Colum- bus, Ga., in 1S32. He followed merchandising in Columbus, where he was a member of the firm of Moore & Tarver, and afterwards in Girard, Ala., opposite Columbus, where he was also Postmaster for several years. In 1858 he removed to Auburn, Lee County, Ala., where he engaged in the hotel business until 1866, when he removed to Motts Mill, Lee County, Ala., engaging in agriculture until his death. He took part in the Indian War of 1836-37, as a member of the Colum- bus Guard. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Martha M. A. Tar^^er was born in Clinton, Jones County, Georgia, No- vember 5, 1815, and moved to Columbus, Ga., in 1830, with her parents, Elisha and Maria L. (Sanders) Tarver. Her grandparents, Billison Tarver, died De- cember 23, 1817, and Selah Tarver died May, 1808. Her father, born December 27, 1787, died March 18, i860, and her mother, born August 6, 1793, died Sep- tember 9, 1 85 1. Her father was one of the oldest settlers of Columbus, which was laid out in 1829, and he arrived the following year and was elected one of its Commission- ers for 1832. She was the oldest of nine children, a member of the Methodist Church, and died July 22, 1890, at Motts Mill, Lee County, Ala. James SacKett Moore" and Martha M. A. TarVer had 881. Anna Waria', b. November 21, 1835, d. May 25, 1S36. 882. IIMontague Montgomery', A. October 14, 1837, Columbus, Ga., in. June 26, „„, ,, „ , , . „ 1869, Sarah E. Peabodv, b. October ! 886. Mary Eliza', b. January 19, 1S45, 885. Douglas Crittenden', b. November 5, 1842, Girard, Ala., d. (killed) Au- gust 14, 1861, while on his way to Virginia with Columbus Volunteers. 4, 1840, Columbus, Ga. [892] 883. Tiffany T.', b. August 13, 1839, Rus- sell County, Ala., unmarried, d. De- cember 25, 1S85, Columbus, Ga. 884. II James Benjamin', b. December 23, 1840, Girard, .Ala., m. March 25, 1864, Dora P. Yonge, in Columbus, Ga.; living in Cameron, Texas. [897] Girard, Ala., d. August 14, 1864, Auburn, Ala. 887. II George Taylor', b. April 28, 1S47, Girard, Ala,, m. January 9, 1879, in St. Louis, Mo., Alice Maurice Brooks, b. May i, 1851, Nashville, Tenn. (La- fayette, m. Emma , April 10, 1888, Gatesville, Texas); living in Gatesville, Texas. [907] 1^8 GENEALOG Y 888. Harriet Maria', *. September 3, 1849, Girard, d. May 10, 1852, Girard. Edward Emmktt', b. October 25, 1851, Girard, d. November i, 1852, Girard. 890. William Alexander', *. June 14, 1854, Girard, d. June 27, 1861, Au- burn. 891. Martha Louisa', b. March 22, 1858, Girard, d. September 10, 1866, Au- burn. 882. Montague Montgomery Moore' (James Sackett', Benjamin", John', Benjamin', Capt. Samuer, Rev. John") and Sarah E. Peabodp had S94. LULA DoTEN», b. July 6, 1S75. 892. James Montague*, b. September 12, 1870, m. September 5, 1896, Birdie Blanche Thomas. 893. Mary Peabody', i^. January 4, 1873. 895. John Peabodv', b. November 6, 1878. 896. Ethel Tarver*, b. April 2, 1881. 884. James Benjamin Moore' (James Sackett^ Benjamin', John* Benjamin^ Capt. Samuel', Rev. John") and Dora P. Yonge. James Benjamin Moore' sen-ed from 1861-1865 in the lyth Regiment, Georgia Volunteers and rose to the rank of Major. In 1865 he removed to Cam- eron, Texas, and now resides there. 897. 898. 899. 900. James Benjamin Moore' and Dora V, Yonge had 901. Henry Yonge*, b. January 1875- IIMONTAGUE James*, i. March 28, 1S66, ra. Mary Meagher. [904] Mary Alice*, b. January 28, 1869. Carrie Antoinette*, b. March 19, 1871, m. May 11, 1897, John B. Po- teet. Clara Lula*, b. April 8, 1873, d. Au- gust 6, 1873. 23. 902. George Tiffany*, b. July 24, 1878. 903. Annie*, b. January 6, 1880, d. Febru- ary 15, 1886. 897. Montague James Moore' (James Benjamin', James Sackett', Ben- jamin\ John*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Mary Meagher had 904. Montague M.», b. August 14, 1888. I 906. Mamie", *. August 18, 1892. 905. Meagher',!^. September 25, 1890. I 887. George Taylor Moore' (James Sackett', Benjamin', John*, Benja- min', Capt. Samuer, Rev. John") and A lice Maurice "Broolcs (Lafayette, m. Emma ). George Taylor Moore' served with John H. Morgan's Cavalry in the Civil War. 907. 908. 909. George Taylor Moore' and Alice Maurice "Brooks had Emma Martha*, *. September 3, 1880, 910. Lulu Montgomery*, 5. November 17, (/. October 30, 1881, Dallas, Texas. 1885, Gatesville, Texas. Alice Helen*, iJ. April 25, 1882, St. 911. Ralph Gilder*, b. June 30, 1887, Louis, Mo. George Hiram*, b. February 20, 1884, Waco, Texas. Gatesville, Texas. 856. Richard Lawrence Moore" (Benjamin^ Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and TraVers had 912. II Marion', m. Capt. Johnson of United States Navy. [913] John*, Benjamin,' GENEALOGY 14.9 912. Marion Moore' (Richard Law^ence^ Benjamin', John*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Capt, Johnson had 913. Virginia Johnson*. 858. Euretta McVicKar Moore" (Beujamin^ John*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Augustus Fleming had 914. Augustus Fleming', 6. March 21, 1S38, d. February 27, 1839. 91J. Anna Moore Fleming', d. April 18, 1839, d. November 18, 1841. 916. llGiLBERT Robertson Fleming', i. September 3, 1840, m. October 2, 91S. James Fleming', b. March 12, 1843, unmarried ; lives near Hudson, N. Y., perhaps at Claverack. 919. Henry Barclay Fleming', ^. Janu- ary 4, 1845; lives at Claverack, N. Y. 920. IjAuGUSTUS Fleming', b. August 14, 1881, at La Plata, Mo., Marcella | 1846, m. , d. December Emma Oliver; 612 E. 12th St., Kan- sas City, Mo. [921] 917. Ludlow Fleming', b. November 16, 1841, m. I. ; 2. . 13, 1888. 916. Gilbert Robertson Fleniing' (Euretta McVickar Moore', m. Augu.stus Fleming, BeIljami^^ John', Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Marcella Emma Oliver had 921. Oliver Fleming", b. October 3, 1882, d. February 6, 1886. 920. Augustus Fleniing' (Euretta McVickar Moore^ m. Augustus Fleming, Benjamin*, John', Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and had 922. (Daughter) Fleming*, m. . 770. Capt. Daniel SacRett Moore' (John*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuel*, Rev. John') and Hannah Titus (David) and Hannah Moore" (Jacob', Lieut. Samuel', Benjamin', Captain Samuel', Rev. John'). Capt. Daniel Sackett Moore', after his trip to England under Admiral Howe, followed the sea and was for many years a successful shipmaster. He owned the paternal residence near Newtown village. The Philadelphia Post, Oc- tober 10, 1 77 1, speaks of a difference as great as that between crab-apples and Newtown pippins. The far-famed Newtown pippin, which, ' ' when perfectly ma- tured, is considered by some the finest apple in our country," was first cultivated in an orchard near Newtown village by one of the Moore family. Last winter (1851) they sold in England at five cents each, or $20 a barrel, wholesale.* Tra- dition says that the orchard belonged to D. S. Moore. Daniel Sackett Moore paid a visit to his relatives in Kent County, England, and brought home the coat of arms which now hangs on the walls of the ' ' Old House " at Newtown (Elmhurst), Long Island. Daniel SacRett Moore' and Hannah Titus and Hannah Moore had 923. Elizabeth^, b. April 6, 1805, m. Jacob Palmer Leverich' (Col. Edward', m. Elizabeth Palmer (Jacob), William^, John', John", Caleb^ Rev. William' ); she d. August 16, 1876 ; no children. 924. IIJOHN Jacob', b. September 29, 1806, m. December 8, 1835, Catharine Van Mater Johnson, Brooklyn, 1^. 1810, d. November 17, 1847, aet. 37 years, 9 months; he d. June 14, 1879. [93i] * Annals of Newtown, Rikcr. 15° GENEALOG Y 925. IIWlLLlAM Stewart', b. January 15, 1S08, m. November 21, 1838, Mary Browu Marshall, b. August 11, 1819, d. October 5, 1870; he d. May 24, 1879- [947] 926. IISarah Ann', b. October 5, 1S09, m. Henry Barclay, d. March 21, 1865 ; she d. September 3, 1873. [949] 927. Mary*, b. June 4, 181 i,m. 1839, Charles H. Judson, b. September 2, 1801, d. September 14, 1880 ; she d. Octo- ber 22, 1882 ; no children. 928. IIJames', b. July 27, 1813, m. June 27, 1840, Elizabeth Anna Lawrence' (Jo- seph*, m. Mary Sackett, Jonathan*, John', Capt. John^ Major Thomas'), b. April 23, 1814, d. February 23, 1863; he d. February 20, 1863. [964] 929. Frances", b. July 27, 1815, unmarried, d. July 27, 1887 ; lived in Newtown homestead. 930. Benjamin', b. April 14, 1826, unmar- ried, d. March 24, 1881. 933- 924. John Jacob Moore' (Daniel Sackett', John', Benjamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Catharine Van Mater Johnson had 931. IIDaniei- Sackett', b. January 31, 1838, Newtown, L. I., m. October 4, 1866, Margaret Lawrence Moore' (James', Daniel Sackett*), his cousin, b. June 29, 1S41 ; he d. May 9, 189S, at Trenton, N. J., suddenly. [935]. [964] 932. John Jacob', b. February 28, 1840, d. March 22, 1S43. IIMaria Louisa', b. November 22, 1842, m. November, 18, 1868, Oliver Haz- ard Perry* (Christopher Grant', Com. Oliver Hazard", Christopher Ray- mond'), b. June 13, 1S42. [937] 934. IIGareTTa', b. September 13, 1844, m. September 28, 1870, Samuel Mere- dith Dickinson, b. June 25, 1839; Trenton, N. J. [941] 931. Daniel SacRett Moore' (John Jacob^ Daniel Sackett^ John*, Ben- jamin', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Margaret LaWrence Moore. Daniel Sackett Moore' was born at the old homestead of the Moore family at Newtown, Long Island, in 1838, and was graduated from Trinity College in 1864. Subsequently he became a member of the firm of Buckley & Moore, to- bacco merchants, which later did business under the name of Thompson, Moore & Co. At the time of his death he was the senior member of the firm of Moore & Calvi. Mr. Moore was a member of the Metropolitan and of the St. Nicholas Clubs, the St. Nicholas Society and the Downtown Association. The funeral was held at theChurchof the Heavenly Rest. The burial was in "Woodlawn."* Mrs. Moore is living at No. 100 57th St., New York. Daniel SacKett Moore' and Margaret Lawrence Moore had 935. IIElizabeth Anna", b. July 8, 1867, m. June 5, 1S88, Richard Riker (John Hancock, m. Ann Brevoort), b. July 6, 1865, d. August 2, 1896 ; she (/.Junes, 189O1 Seabright, N. J. [936]. [747] 935. 936. Elizabeth Anna Moore' and Richard RHi.er had Margaret Moore Riker, b. March II, i88q. 933. Maria Louisa Moore' (John Jacob', Daniel Sackett\ John*, Ben- jamin', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and OUVer Hazard 'Perry'' (Christopher Grant', Com. Oliver Hazard^ Christopher Raymond'). Oliver Hazard Perry lives in the " Old House " at Newtown, L. I. He is the son of Christopher Grant Perry', of Newport, R. I., born 1812, died 1854, and * New York Tribune and Trenton paper. GENEALOGY 75/ Frances Sergeant (living, 1900), born March 3, 1817, daughter of Thomas Sergeant, Judge of the Supreme Court, Pennsj'lvania, and great-granddaughter of Benjamin Franklin, grandson of Commodore Oliver H. Perry^ born 1785, died 1819, who defeated the British on Lake Erie, September 10, 1813, great-grandson of Christo- pher Raymond Perry', born December 4, 1761, who was on the " Mifflin " priva- teer, was three months in the prison ship "Jersey," but escaped. He was also descended from Rev. Jonathan Dickinson, first President of Princeton College. Maria Louisa Moore' and Oliver Hazard Perry had 937. Edmund PHRRv■^ b. March 25, 1871, 1 939. Oliver Hazard Perry', d. Novem- d. ]u\y 12, 1872. ber 19, 1883. 938. John Moore Perry*, (!i. July 7, 1880 ; 940. Franklin Perry\ 6. September 10, student at Princeton University. 1 18S7. 934. Garetta Moore' (John Jacob", Daniel Sacketl", John*, Benjamin', Capt. Samuer, Rev. John') and Samuel Meredith Dickinson. Samuel Meredith Dickinson, of Trent:r )'otk 7'tibunf] GENEALOGY 153 topher Farmar, called Billopp*, Thomas Farmar, called Billopp', Anne Billopp,' m. Thomas Farmar, Christopher Billopp', Royal Navy). Capt. Thomas Billopp* (Farmar) was a participant in the events described in the following article:* There was unveiled at the seaport of Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, a monu- ment to the memory of the Americans who died there in 1806 in the cause of Venezuelan independence. The erection of such a monument was first decreed two years ago by the State of Miranda, inspired by its President, General Andrade (now President of the Republic.) The Federal Government, promptly following this lead, decreed that an imposing monument should be put up at Puerto Cabello, the place where the little band of Americans met their death. This is the memorial which has just been finished and unveiled with impressive public ceremonies. Addresses on the subject of the aid which Americans rendered to Venezuela at that time, and of the cruel fate which several of them suffered for it, were deliv- ered by Dr. Alberto Smith, Venezuelan Minister of Public Works, and W. W. Rus.sell, Secretary of the United States Legation. The monument commemorates an affair, now nearly a century old, the story of which, although it is familiar in Venezuela as an incident in the country's history, is unknown to or forgotten by most Americans. Francisco Miranda, the Venezuelan patriot, to whose aid the Americans came, had many friends in this country, where he had served as a young man with the Continental Army in the Revolutionary War. In the year 1805 he thought he saw a favorable opportunity to strike a blow for his native country's independence by creating a revolution against the Spanish rule. Coming to New York, where he was fairly well known, he soon succeeded in interesting in his project a man of no less importance than the Surveyor of the Port, Colonel WiUiam Smith, who was a son-in-law of John Adams. Colonel Smith introduced Miranda to Samuel G. Ogden, a prosperous merchant of the city, and the three set to work with energy to organize an expe- dition to go to Venezuela. Mr. Ogden 's part consisted chiefly in the placing at Miranda's disposal of a good-sized ship, the Leander, or Leandro as it was usually called after Miranda received it. Two hundred men were then secured to sail on the vessel, under Miranda's command. These men were engaged in the most secret manner, and the information vouchsafed to them was of the vaguest kind. They simply knew that they were to go wherever Miranda led them, and it was rumored that the ex- pedition was in some way destined to attack the Spanish rule in South America, but nothing definite was known. These two hundred men, who thus volunteered in the dark, were, for the most part, steady, brave, efficient fellows, whodeserved a happier fate than they received. The Leandro was well fitted out for her war-like purposes. Besides the eighteen cannon which she mounted along her sides, in the old-fashioned way, she carried fifteen hundred muskets, a few rifles, three hundred pairs of pistols, forty cannon of different sizes, two hundred swords, twenty tons of ammunition, gun-carriages and other articles of the same military nature. Sailing from New York on February 2, 1806, with Thomas Lewis for her captain, the Leandro proceeded to the little port of Jacmel, on the south coast of Hayti, where she was to make further preparations. While here. Captain Lewis was sent to make arrangements for securing another vessel, the Emperador, and a crew, to join the expedition. Meanwhile Miranda was occupied in instructing his men in their coming duties. He disclosed to them the object of the voyage, and told them they were to form the nucleus of his " Colombian Army," which was to overthrow Spanish despotism in South America. Certain of the men were selected by him to be officers of different ranks, and commissions were written out on the spot. Captain Lewis returned from his mission, reporting that he could not get the Emperador, and a search was made for something to take her place. Two small schooners, the Baco and the Abeja, were secured, and the lit- tle fleet .set sail after a delay at Hayti of six weeks. • N. Y. Tribune, May 17, 1S99. 154 GENEALOGY On the 27th of April the three vessels laj' off the Venezuelan coast, near the town of Ocumare, not far from Puerto Cabello. In the distance, two Spanish coast-guard ships were visible, and trouble was at once anticipated. At midnight, signals were noticed passing between the fort at Puerto Cabello and the guard- ships. Capt. Lewis beat to quarters and kept his men at their guns until day- light, but there was no immediate attack. In the morning, the position of Mi- randa's vessels found the Leandro six or eight miles from shore, the Abeja further in, and the Baco nearest of all, being only about a mile from the land. The story of what happened that day is thus told by a man named Sherman, one of the Americans in the expedition. At about 9 o'clock in the morning, Powels, Donohue and two others, tempted by the beautiful aspect of the shore, took a boat and two sailors and went on shore to recruit themselves. In the cour.se of an hour the wind rose and we immediately saw the Spanish schooner bear down on the Baco. The men who ■were on shore, on ob.serving this, hastened to return to the ship, but on entering the boat were capsized by the violence of the waves. The schooner, now within cannon shot of the Baco, opened fire on her; in this situation the only recourse left to the Baco was to cut her cable and escape from the Spaniard. The Leandro and the Abeja came to her assistance. The Leandro opened fire on the Spanish ships, which replied. The Abeja received orders from the Leandro to approach the Baco in order soon to board the enemy, the Leandro on the starboard and the schooners on the larboard side. In conformity with this order, the Abeja ap- proached the Baco, who.se captain, Gaguer, obeyed the orders of Huddle. The two schooners together hoisted sail to execute this order, when, to the surprise of all, the Leandro was seen to tack aud flee. At the beginning we believed that this was a feint to deceive the Span- iards, but on seeing the ship steadily deserting us we lost all hope. Abandoned, and with only six cannon to defend ourselves, except a howitzer, which we threw into the water, we tried to follow the Leandro. The enemy pursued us. * * * * But the Baco, with the Spaniard on the weather .shore, changed her course and escaped; the enemy then followed up the Abeja, which could only sur- render without resistance, after several broadsides from the Spaniards. * * * * 'Th.Q. Spanish brigantine then went in pursuit of the Baco, which also surrendered. There is nothing left to be said concerning the conduct of the Leandro. The public has judged it and condemned it as cowardly and treacherous. If the Leandro had done her duty, and boarded the enemy, according to the orders given to the Abeja and by her to the Baco, victory would have been ours. So far as can be learned, the discreditable action of the Leandro has never been satisfactorily explained. It may have been that Miranda, put to the choice between .sacrificing his comrades without a struggle aud exposing himself, aud consequently his enterprise to great peril, deliberately chose the former as the less important evil, yet it is hard to believe that the man who had fought bravely in both the American and French revolutions would have shown thisovercaptious spirit. It is known that Miranda and the Leandro' s skipper, Captain Lewis, were on exceedingly bad terms, clashing repeatedly over their authority on the ship, and the responsibility for the retreat from the fight may belong as much to Lewis as to his chief. The Spaniards, having captured the two little vessels, with sixty men, proceeded to treat their prisoners with their usual cruelty. They were all tried for piracy ; ten of them, who held commi.ssions as ofiicers from Miranda, were hanged at Puerto Cabello, and the rest were sentenced to the chain-gang. The men killed, in whose memory the monument has been raised, were Captain Thomas Billopp, Lieutenant Francis Farquharson, Lieutenant Charles Johnson, Lieutenant Miles L- Hall, Gustave A. Bergutt, John Ferris, James Gardner, Thomas Donohue, Paul T. George, and one other whose name is missing. The titles of the last si .x are not given, but they probably held positions similar to those of second lieutenants. GENEALOGY 135 The sentence was executed on July 21, on the front of the castle. Before it began, Miranda's proclamation and one of his tri color flags were burned by the executioner. The hanging of the condemned men began at 6 o'clock in the morning, and was over shortly after noon. All the men died bravely, and most of them in silence. Bergutt turned as he was being led to the gallows and said : ' ' Our cause will not be long in triumphing. This flag which is being burned to-day will float victoriously over this very site." The fulfilment of the promise came in the year 1821, when Bolivar won independence for the Colombian federation. After being hanged, the ten men were beheaded. As a warning against future attempts like theirs, six of the heads were sent to Caraccas, two to La Guayra and two set up on poles at Puerto Cabello. As for Miranda, after several subsequent attempts to create a republic in Venezuela, all of which were failures, he died in a Spanish prison at Cadiz. To return for a moment to the New York end of Miranda's expedition, it is not to be supposed that Colonel Smith and Mr. Ogden escaped being brought to trial for their connection with the affair. Although it is believed that several other persons helped to furnish the money with which it was organized, they were manifestly the leaders, and they were promptly arrested. The charge against them was that they had helped to furnish munitions of war and thus foster an attack upon the dominions of a ruler with whom the United States was friendly and at peace — "to wit, His Majesty the King of Spain." It was at the time of Jefferson's presidency, and when political feeling ran high between Democrats and Federalists, and the trial created great public interest. The President removed Colonel Smith from his office of Surveyor of the Port of New York. This was regarded then as an extremely harsh measure, and at the trial the " tyranny " of it was put forth strongly by the defence. Popular sympathy was strongly with Smith and Ogden — it was only twenty-three years after the close of the Revolu- tion, and oppressed colonies were a powerful appeal — and the jury brought in a verdict of acquittal. The proceeding is of special interest, in that it was the first filibustering trial in this country.* Among those sentenced to imprisonment for ten years at Omoa was Lieut. John Moore, whose identity has not been discovered. It has been suggested that he was John Moore, son of James Moore and Elizabeth Hallett, the nephew of Abi- gail Moore, wife of Capt. Billopp. The following is an incomplete list of those who were sentenced to ten years' imprisonment at Omoa : John Edsell, New York; Henry IngersoU, Mass.; John Hayes, N. Y.; Peter Naulty, Ireland ; Daniel M'Kay, Ireland ; John M. Elliott, New York ; John T. O. Sullivan, escaped, New York ; David Heckle, New York ; John Moore, Lieut., New York ; John H. Sherman, escaped. New York; Bennett B. Negus, Philadelphia ; Thomas Gill, New York ; Robert Saunders, New York ; Maj. Jeremiah Powell, released, New York. The first monument was erected at Maracay, then the capital of Miranda, and unveiled September, 1898. An eagle surmounts the obelisk, and under it is a radiant star signifying the immortal life of the dead. On the base is the following : Capt. Thomas Donohue, Philadelphia, Lieut. Thomas Billopp, New York, Privates James Gardner, New York, Gustavus Burgutt, Poland, Charles Johnson, New York, Paul T. George, Portugal, Daniel Kemper, New York, Miles L. Hall, New York, John Ferris, New York, Sergeant Francis Farquharson. Worthy officers of Gen. Francisco Miranda were tlie.se heroes who offered their blood and life with Spartan courage as a sacrifice to the Independence • The foregoing article was e%-idently compiled from "The History of Don Francisco De Miranda's Attempt to Effect a Revolution in South America." In a series of letters by a gentleman who was an officer under that General to his friend in the United States, to which are annexed sketches of the life of Miranda, and Geo- graphical Notices of Caraccas. Thoughts tending to ambition, they do plot, unlikely wonder. Shak. Third Edition. Boston. Published by Edward Oliver, No. 70 State St., Boston. x.Sn. 156 GENEALOGY of Venezuela, the 21st day of July of 1806, in the City of Puerto Cabello. On the eastern and western bases are the coats of arms of Venezuela and the United States. On the southern base is "The Government of the State erected this monument in 1898." The monument is of granite 32 feet high with base 21 feet square. The second monument dedicated February 25, 1899, was erected at the ex- pense of the National Government of Venezuela, and cost about $50,000. It is an imposing and handsome structure in bronze, resting on a granite pedestal, and is sixty-five feet high. The front panel of the pedestal contains the coats of arms of the United States and Venezuela interwoven. On the rear there is a bronze crown of laurel, and on the east panel a bronze plate containing the names of the men in whose honor the monument was erected. The names on the tablet are Captains Thomas Donohue and Thomas Billopp, Lieutenants Gustavus A. Bergutt, Charles Johnson, Daniel Kemper, Miles L. Hall, Paul T. George, James Gard- ner and John Ferris, and Second Lieutenant Francis Farquharson. Capt. Thomas Billopp* (Farmar) was the son of Col. Christopher Billopp* (Farmar), born 1732, died 1827, at St. Johns, New Brunswick, and Willis. He was a gentleman of character and property, and a member of the House of Assembly. He commanded a corps of Loyalists, or of loyal militia, raised in the vicinity of New York City, and was actively employed in military duty. He was taken prisoner by the Whigs and confined in the jail at Burlington, New Jersey. Mr. Boudinot, the commissary of prisoners, in the warrant of commit- ment, directed that irons should be put on his hands and feet, that he should be chained to the floor of a close room, and that he should be fed on bread and water in retaliation for the cruel treatment of Leshier and Randal, two Whig ofiicers who had fallen into the hands of the royal troops. In 1782 Colonel Billopp was Superintendent of Police of Staten Island, where he lived and where he had an estate. His property, vi'hich was large, was confiscated under the Act of New York. At the old Billopp House*, which he erected. Lord Howe, as a commis- sioner of the mother-comitry, met Franklin, John Adams and Edward Rutledge, a Committee of Congress, in the hope of adjusting difiiculties, and of inducing the Colonies to return to their allegiance. During the war. Lord Howe, General Kuiphausen, Colonel Simcoe, and other ofiicers of rank in the royal service, were frequent guests of Colonel Billopp at this house. In 1783 he was one of the fifty- five petitioners for lands in Nova Scotia. He went to New Brunswick soon after, and for many years bore a prominent part in the administration of its affairs. He was a member of the House of Assembly and of the Council, and on the death of Governor Smytlie, in 1823, he claimed the Presidency of the Government, and is- sued his proclamation accordingly, but the Honorable Ward Chipman was a com- petitor for the station, and was sworn into office. His two sons settled in the city of New York, and were merchants. They were partners, and in business at the time of the yellow fever (1798), the one married, the other single. The unmar- ried brother (John) said to the other : " It is unnecessary that both should stay here. You have a family and your life is of more consequence than mine, go into the country until the sickness subsides." The married brother, the husband of Abigail Moore, retired from the city accordingly, while the other remained and was a victim of the fever. The survivor, whose name was Thomas, failed in bus- iness some time after, joined the expedition of the celebrated Miranda, and was appointed a captain ; he was taken prisoner by the Spaniards and executed, f Capt. Thomas Billopp' ( Farmar) was the grandson of Thomas Billopp' (Farmar), born 171 1, who married first Stelle, by whom he had no chil- dren, and second Sarah Leonard (S ), died about 1741, of New Jersey. The inscription on his tombstone is "Thomas Billopp, son of Thomas Farmar." He was the great-grandson of Anne Billopp\ who married Thomas Farmar. Her sister, Mary Billopp, married first. Rev. Mr. Brooke, who with Rev. Thor- * After careful research, I aiu convinced it was built in the year 1678 with the money obtained by the sale of the property recorded in Penn. Archives, 2d Series, Vol. V, page 702. Charles F. Billopp. + American Loyalists, Sabine. The Historic Rillopf House on Statkn Island To Rk Inci.uded in a New Park. [Copyright by .\>:/' i'ori- Tubune.] GENEALOGY 157 oughgood Moore was lost at sea, 1707, and second, Rev. William Skinner, of Perth Araboy, N. J. Capt. Thomas Billopp^ was the great-grandson of Christopher Billopp',* captain Royal Navy, born about 1650, died 1726, was the grandson of Christopher Billopp, of the town of Beverly, in Yorkshire, and the son of Christopher Billopp, of London. The Christopher, of London, is mentioned in Pepy's Diary as an employee of Sir Christopher Wren. Christopher Billopp' was, in 1671, made lieutenant in the Navy and ap- pointed to the " Portsmouth," thence to the " Bristol," thence to the command of the "Prudent Mary" (1673), on 3d February, 1674, was made captain of the "Rainbow." In 1674 " Major," later Sir Edmond Andros, was appointed Gov- ernor of New York. He raised a company of 100 men to take with him, the first soldiers ever raised in England for service in America. Andros was commissioned captain, Billopp a lieutenant. On page 221, Volume 3, of " The Documents Rela- ting to the Colonial History of New York," is to be found a copy of his commission, dated July 2, 1674, and signed James, Duke of York. Soon after Billopp arrived in New York he received a patent for 1 165 acres for land on the west end of Staten Island, which was followed shortly by another patent for 2000 acres contiguous to the first, in all 3165 acres, which " plantation " was known as " Bently Manor." In 1677 Andros appointed Billopp to command on the Delaware, headquar- ters at New Castle. In about a year he had difficulty with Andros, was recalled to New York, and " for talking against the Governor in a loud voice at the Cus- tom House" was requested to resign (167S). Billopp remained in America about a year and then was, on the 20th of July, 1680, appointed to the command of the " Os.sory," a shij) of 90 guns, " and was promoted the May following to the ' Victory,' a ' first-rate,' and on the death of Sir J. Ashby in the following month, Capt. Billopp was removed to the ' London,' the largest ship at that time in the English Navy." By his will dated April 25, 1724, he left a fine estate and perpetuated the Billopp name. He had no sons, his only children being two daughters, Mary and Anne. Anne married Thomas Farmar and had twelve children. In Capt. Billopp' s will " The Manor of Bently " was left to his daughter Mary during her life only, and at her death to her heirs male according to premogeniture, but should she die without such heirs, the property should be inherited by Christopher Farmar, the second son of his daugh- ter Anne, and to his heirs male ; failing such issue it was to descend in regular order to his brother in succession with like restrictions. They are all mentioned except the eldest, "Jasper," and the youngest, "John;" the latter was probably born after the will was drawn. Jasper was left the sum of ^20. Should there be no heir among the Farmars, the property was to go to his ' ' right " heirs, male, of the name of Billopp, " which name was to be assumed by such one of the Far- mars as might become his heir. The property, according to the terms of the will, went to the Farmars, Christopher being dead. Thomas, the third son, inherited and took the name of his maternal grandfather. The Farmar family is much older, as far as documentary evidence goes, and much more distinguished than the Billopp. Thomas Farmar and his wife Emmotte, the widow of Henry Wenman and the daughter of Mr. Hervey, of Herefordshire, are the first of the name of whom we now have any documentary evidence. The will of the said Thomas is dated September 9, 1485. Sir John Farmor was knighted in 1553, his sou Sir Ewingwas knighted in 1586, his son Sir Hatton Furmor knighted in 1603. Sir Hatton's son, Sir George, created Bart, 1641, and his son created Baron Leomenster in 1692. In the year 1 72 1 the then Baron Leomenster was created Earl of Pomfret and Pontepact. The title became extinct in 1867. Our line is from Robert Farmar, third son of Sir George and brother of Sir Hatton, who went to Ireland with Queen Elizabeth's * Capt. Christopher Billopp', R. N., m. Miss Farmar(?), d. \Ti-j. will dated April 25, 1724 ; they had Mary: and Anne^. Mary-, m. i. Rev. Mr. Brooke, lost at sea, 1707; 2. Rev. Wm. Skinner, Rector of St. Peter's, Perth Amhoy; she died about 1725, without children. Anne^, m. Thomas Farmar and had twelve children, among whom were Jasper', R. N., b. 1707, Christopher', d. young, Thomas', h. 1711, m. i. Miss Stelle, no children ; 2. .Sarah I,eonard (S ). New Jersey, rf, about 1741. Thomas', A. 1711. had seven children, the eldest, Col. Christopher Billopp'', *. 1732, rf. 1825. m. I. Miss Willis and had Capt. Thomas, m. Abigail Moore, John.rf. 1798, Elizabeth, m. Mr. Robinson, of New Brunswick, N. S , Sarah, m Harry Seaman, of N. Y., Catharine; 2. Jane Seaman, rf. 1802, of Staten Island, and had Kitty, ra. John Black, of Halifax, Jane, d. 1S36, ra. Hon. Wra. Black, of St. Johns. N. B., Louisa, m. John ■Wallace, Mary, m. Arch-Deacon Willis, of St. Johns, N. B., Anne. 158 GENEALOGY arm}' in which he was an officer of rank. For his services he received several large estates in the counties of Cork and Tipperary. He was killed in battle, leaving a son, Robert Fermour. This second Robert Farmour's second son, was Jaspar Far- mar, who married the eldest daughter of Anthony Gamble, of County Cork, and re- sided at Garrou- Kenny Fange in that county. Jasper's eldest sou was Major Jasper Farmar. When Oliver Cromwell carried his war into Ireland, among the Royalists opposed to him was the Farmar family, and few of the friends of the unfortunate King, Charles ist, suffered more in their estates than did Jasper Farmar and his sons. They were deprived of their lands and with what property they were able to carry with them were eveutually compelled to take refuge in England where they remained until after the restoration, when they received some compensation for their losses. That the family was not in a state of utter poverty may be de- duced from the following, taken from the Peftnsylvania Magazine of History ,Vo\\im& 8, page 336, where we iind the account of the arrival of the family in Philadelphia. " The ' Bristol Merchant,' John Stephens commander, arrived here the loth of 9th month, 1(385." The passengers named are as follows, viz., "Jasper Farmar, Senior, his family; Mary Farmar, widdow, Edward Farmar, Edward Batsford, Sarah Farmar, John Farmar, Katharine Farmar, Jasper Farmar, Junior's family ; Thomas Farmar, Katharine Farmar, widdow ; Elizabeth Farmar, Katharine Far- mar, Junior." The family brought with them twenty servants; their names are re- corded in the same article, piEige337. Some of these servants were the progenitors of some of the most prominent people in Pennsylvania. Both the Jaspers died on the voyage, which accounts for Mary and Katharine both being represented as widows. The will of Ja.sper, Sr. , is dated " 7 mo. 25, 1685," and was proved " 2d of nth mo., 1685." Letters of administration to the estate of Jasper, Jr., were issued 19th iith mo., 1685. From the same fertile source of information I find the following (Pennsylvania Magazine of History, Volume 4, page 354): " Mary Farmar, widow of Joseph Farmar, * * * settled on a tract of five thousand acres of land purchased from William Penn, embracing all of Farmar's or Whitemarsh Township, Philadelphia County, south of Skippack Road." Thomas Farmar, son of Jasper and Katharine Farmar, who could have been but a mere boy when he arrived in Philadelphia, is frequentlj' mentioned in letters from Penn to his agents. In 1701 Penn appointed him Sheriff of Philadel- phia (idem. Volume 3, page 211). The following year he resigned that office to return to England, probably to marry Anne Billopp. Anyhow the eldest son, Jasper, was born 1707. A certain Thomas Farmar lies buried in the chapel of Ummerton Church in Oxford.shire, where the tombs of others of his family are also found. This Thomas died in 1580, and his executors erected a raised monument of white mar- ble, whereon lies his effigy in armor and the effigy of his wife, and around the verge is the following Eatin inscription : " Thomae Farmar, armigero, viro animi magnitudine contra Hartes beueficentia erga Doctos admirabili-Domino hujus territorii benignissimo & Novae scholae Fundatori optimo in perpetuam sui suseg conjugis Brigittae paeminal lectissimae memoriam, ex Testamentoexecutores sui hoc monumentum flentes erexerunt-Obiit vero Anno Domini Millesimo quin- gentisimo Octogesimo die Augusti Octavo. " Arms : Argent a fess, .sable, between three lions heads, erased, gules. " Crest : Out of a Ducal coronet or, a cock's head issuing, gules, crested and wattled, or. " Motto : ' Hora e sempre.' "* Abigail Moore^ and Capt. Thomas "Billopp had 965. II Mary Lawrence Billopp*, b. July 1 1, 1793, Newtown, 1,. I., m. George Carr Gruudy ; she Nathaniel Moore' came to Hopewell Township, Hunterdon County. As these young men of Long Island started out to found a new state, it will not be amiss to give a rapid history of the territory they were to develop. March 12, 1664, Charles II, King of Great Britain, by royal charter*, made a grant of territory in America to his brother James, Duke of York. June 23, 1664, James conveyedf to John, Lord Berkley, and Sir George Carteret the portion which then for the first time was named New Caeserea or New Jersey, and which corresponds to the state of that name. March 18, 1673 John, Lord Berkley, sold what afterward became West Jersey to the Quaker, John Fenwicke, trustee for the Quaker, Ed- ward Billinge and others. February 9, 1674, John Fenwicke and Edward Bil- linge sold to William Peun, Gawen Lawry, Nicholas Lucas, the half of New Jer- sey. July I, 1676, New Jersey was divided into East Jersey and West Jersey, Sir George Carteret getting East Jersey and William Penn, Gawen Lawry, Nich- olas Lucas and Edward Billinge, West Jensey. This deed settled the line between the two parts of New Jersey. West Jersey was divided into one hundred parts and distributed among the proprietors, the portion called "the 30,000 acres," above the Falls of the Delaware (Trenton), becoming the property of Thomas Sadler and Edward Billinge. October 20, 1685, Dr. Daniel Coxe, of London, bought of Thomas 'Sadler and Edward Billinge the 30,000-acre tract which was the original township of Hopewell. March 30, 1688, t Dr. Daniel Coxe, through his agent, Adlord Bowde, bought the land from the Indians. March 4, 1691, Dr. Coxe, who owned twenty-two shares, conveyed the territory and government to the West Jersey Society. In 1707, Daniel Leeds§ made a resurvey of the Hope- well tract for Col. Coxe. January 21, 1709-10, by act of Provincial Assembly, Burlington County included Maidenhead, Hopewell and Aniwell. March 15, 17 1 3- 14, Hunterdon County was set off, making the Assunpink the southern boundary. " Old Hunterdon " included then the townships of Trenton, Ewing, Lawrence and Hopewell in Mercer County, and Morris, Sussex, Warren and Hun- terdon Counties. March 2, 1719-20, Hopewell Township was diminished on the south side by order of the Court. * Appendix. XX. t N. J. Archives, ist Series, I, 8, t Appendix, XXXVIII. g Appendix, XXXIX. GENEALOGY 165 March 2nd, 1719-20. Ordered by the Court that the bounds of Trenton be entered upon the record as followeth, ordered accordingly. Beginning at the landing on Delaware River in Nottingham, running up sd river to the mouth of Jacob's Creek, thence along said creek to a run called Jacob's run, thence up sd run to Thatcher's swamp, along a run that runs into Shabbakunk including Ralph Hart's planta- tion to the line that divides Hopewell from Maidenhead. Thence along sd line until it comes to the sd line of Mr. Trents and Thos Lamberts land, thence along sd line between Mr. Trents and Thomas Lamberts to Delaware River and so along sd river to the first mentioned station. On the i2th dayof July, 1697, Thomas Revell, agent of the West Jersey Society, sold to Johannes Lawrensou, of Maidenhead, 1050 acres of land.* On May 14, 1700, t Johannes Lawrenson conveyed his right to " Richbell Mott, of Hamstend bounds, upon the Island of Nassau in the Province of New York." Nathaniel Moore's first appearance on record is on November 11, 1708, when Mott sold out to John Cornwall, John Mott, Nathaniel Moore and Thomas Reed. The land actually amounted to thirteen hundred acres. The village of Pennington was built on this section of land, measuring about one mile and three- eighths from north to .south and from east to west, embracing about two square miles. In honor of Queen Anne it was called Queenstown. As early as 1747 it began to be called Pennington. The names Cornwall, Mott, Moore and Reed still exist in this part of New Jersey. Nathaniel Moore's mother's name was Reed and it is surmised that Thomas ReedJ was related to Nathaniel Moore. As far as the records show, there was nothing to disturb the serenity of these early settlers of New Jersey. The next record discovered of Nathaniel Moore shows that in 17 15 he was Lieutenant in the third company of New Jersey troops, the roster being at Albany N. Y.§ In an old account book kept by John Johnson, of Maidenhead, New Jersey, in 1722, the name of Nathaniel Moore appears. A copy of this book is in the possession of the New Jersey Historical Society. As late as 1722, the list** of taxables shows 138 men subject to taxation in Hopewell, N. J., 16 of whom were single. There were 11 slaves, 785 cattle and hor.ses and 480 sheep. Nathaniel Moore was taxed for 16 cattle and horses, 25 sheep, and 300 acres of land ; he was on the list of married men. In 1725 Nathaniel Moore was made a Justice, as is shown by the following, the original parchment being still in a good state of preservation in the Court House at Flemington, N. J.: GEORGE by the grace of God of great Britain, France, and Ireland KING defender of the Faith ; To our well beloved and faithful Daniel Coxe, Thomas Leonard, and James Trent, Esquires, KNOWYE that we have assigned, constituted and appointed and by these presents do assign, constitute and appoint you the said Daniel Coxe, Thomas Leonard and James Trent to be Judges or any one of you to be Judge of our County Court for holding of pleas for our County of Hunterdon in our Province of New Jersey in America, with authority to use and ex- ercise all powers and jurisdictions belonging to said Court ; and you the said Daniel Coxe, Thomas Leonard and James Trent, assisted with Joseph Stout, Jacob Doughty, Jasper Stnith, John Budd, Isaac Herring, Nathaniel Moore, John Daggworthy, and Joshua Anderson, Justices of the Peace in our said County or any two of them to hear, try & determine all causes and matters Civil, by Law cognizable in the said Court and to award execution thereon accordingly. IN TESTIMONY whereof we have caused the great seal of our said Province of New Jersey to be hereunto affixed. Witness our trusty and well beloved WILLIAM BURNETT, Esq., our Captain General and Governor in chief of our Provinces of New Jersey, New York, and terri- tories thereon depending in America and Vice-Admiral of the same, etc., at Fort George in New York, this twentieth day of September, in the Twelfth year of our reign, zt.; and in the year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and Twenty Five. • Appendix, XL. t Appendix, XLI. } Thomas Reed may have been a son of either John Reed or Joseph Reed, sons of Elizabeth Reed (widow), who married John Burroughs ; Elizabeth was the mother of Mary Reed, the wife of Capt. Samuel Moore^. § New York and New Jersey were combined under one government from 1702 to 1738. •* First Presbyterian Church of Hopewell at Pennington, N. J., 13, Dr. George Hale. i66 GENEALOGY The next record is of " March ye gth, 1725-6, agreed upon by the majority of the town to hold their town-meetings insuing at the new meeting house by John Smiths." This John Smith was a merchant in the village, and owned the lands adjoining the church lot east and south. There is a tradition that before a church was built, there was stated preaching in the schoolhouse which stood on the ground that is now the south part of the Pennington graveyard, known from time im- memorial as the schoolhouse lot.* This lot was conveyed by John Smith, for ten pounds, to Nathaniel Moore, William Cornwell, John Everitt, Ralph Hunt, Jona- than Furman, Reuben Armitage, and Stephen Baldwin. In 1731 it appears that the title to the land was imperfect, and the follow- ing document ushered in the great land suit which engaged the attention of the people and the Courts for several years : Whereas the subscribers whose names are hereunto affixed having purchased several considerable Tracts of land of one Thomas Revell an Agent of ye honourable Societie of West Jersey (and other the residentors therein) being part of the tract known by ye name of ye Thirty Thousand above ye falls of Delaware Lying in ye Township of Hopewell, county of Hunterdon and Western Division of New Jersey and of him received such conveyance as by virtue of the Commission of Agency in the behalf of ye Honourable Society are Deemed and esteemed in law Effectual till a more fezable title can be made appear and whereas there is now claim laid to our severall Tracts aforesaid by Colonel Cox under a pretence of being Chief Pro- prieter thereof whose right to us has not been made appear, Therefore not thinking ourselves not ye least obligated to surrender up our respective lands to the use of said Cox till more legall proprietorship can be made apparently by him appear we think it requesit on such a claim to stand a Tryal as ye law Tantely shall Direct. In order to which proceeding ye sd Cox by his attory has Ejected several of us from our prmises obliging us to an Issue and we subscribers thinking it a hardship to carry on this Suit by oue prticular person wherein so many is concerned we draw this instrument obliging each of us the subscribers our heirs Executors and administrators to ye each other in ye penal sum of fif Ten pounds currt money of this province to be paid by the defauter if he stand not to and abide by evry of ye clauses abovesaid and well and truly perform this Covenant, That is to say Each of the Subscribers oblige themselves to each other in the penalty exprest equivalent to the land ye possess (he possesses) to emburse so much money towards 3'e carr3'ing of this suit as the whole complement shall be found sufficient to defray the contingent charge of Trying this Title. In Testimony whereof we have hereunto set the hand this twenty Second of Aprill annogre Dominy 1731. Isaac Herrin, David Laroe, Nathaniel Moore, Jno. Field, Joseph Stout, John Fidler, Thomas Winder, Bartholom. Anderson, Thomas Houghton, Thomas Reed, John Parke, Jno. Blew, Tho. Curtis, George Woolsey, John Hixon, Jonathan Stout, Jno. Parke Junr, Joseph Price, •■p ^^ ^ . , William Cornell, Jno. I Hendnckson, Richard Smith, mark , -n/r i • Henry Oxley, James Melvin Ralph Hunt; J°"f P^' Houghton, William Crickfeld, 5f'PH.^"'i,'H'^ ■ John Titus, S °^'^^" Baldwin, Roger Parke, Junr, Daniel Gano, Benj. Drake, Jf^^- P^^^^- Robert Blackwell, ^■'f "'^i? Gano, Jonathan Furman, Jo^° ?°"S,liton, John Hunt, J°l^° Merrill, John Everitt, ^°g^'' P^^J^?- his Andrew Parke, Thos. — Evans, Jacob Knowles, mark Nehemiah Bonham, Thos. Smith, Benj. Merell, Ephraim Titus, Andrew Mershon. his John I Reed, mark • Appendix, XLII. GENEALOGY 167 Col. Coxe gained the suit, but many of the settlers remained on the land upon which the}' originally settled, having been compelled to pay for it the second time, as indicated by the following notice : Notice is hereby given, to all Persons settled on any Part of those two Tracts of Land commonly known by the Name of the 30,000 and 15,000 Acres, scituate in Hopewell and Mai- denhead in Hunterdon County, who have not purchased or leased of Daniel Coxe deceased, in his Life time, that they come and agree for the Lands whereof they are in Possession with Samuel Bustill of Burlington, or John Coxe of Trenton, two of the executors of the last Will of the said Daniel Coxe, who are empowered to sell the said Lands ; or that they quit their re- spective Possessions, or yield up the same to the Executors by the Tenth Day of November next, or they will be proceeded against according to Law.* In 1 73 1 the following subscription shows who were the prominent people in Hopewell : We hereunto subscribed inhabitants of Hopewell, in the county of Hunterdon, in the province of West Jersey, do promise and oblige ourselves, our executors and administrators, to pay or cause to be paid unto Nathaniel Moore, Philip Ringo and Thomas Reed, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, or to any one of them, the several sums of monej' that are to our names annexed, one-half at or before the first day of May next ensuing the date hereof, and the other half at or before the first day of May, in the year of our Lord 1731, the said money being in trust with the said Nathaniel Moore, Philip Ringo and Thomas Reed, to- ward the purchasing of a plantation to be a dwelling place at all times for such a gospel minister of the Presbyterian persuasion as shall be duly aud regularly called by the major part of the in- habitants of Hopewell, which compose the Presbyterian society in that town, but to be enjoyed by such a minister no longer than he continues to be such a lawful and regular minister to that society, and when the relation between such minister and that society shall cease, then the said plantation shall return to the said society, to be a dwelling place for the minister yt shall next be regularly called, to dwell on as aforesaid, and if the subscribers shall judge meet that if there be above one hundred acres purchased, that the said shall be set apart towards the founding of a Latin School upon the said plantation so purchased as above. Attached are the names of the subscribers : Timothy Titus, William Lawrence, Thomas Burrowes, Jr., John Branes, Cornelius An- derson, Benjamin Severance, Francis Vannoy, Jonathan Moore, Edmund Palmer, Alex- ander Scott, Edward Hunt, Thomas Hendrick, Robert Akers, Peter LaRue, John Fidler, Andrew Milbourn, Roger Woolverton, Benjamin Wilcocks, Johannes Hendrickson, Henry Oxley, Roger Parke, John Parke, Ralph Hunt, Joseph Hart, Abraham Anderson, Barth. Anderson, Joseph Price, Ephraim Titus, Robert Blackwell, Ralph Hunt, Jr., Richard Bryant, Jonathan Stout, Jonas Wood, Thomas Read, John Hunt, Jonathan Furman, Samuel Furman, John Car- penter, Samuel Hunt, Nathaniel Moore, George Woolsey, Jonathan Wright, Caleb Carman, Elnathan Baldwin. Although Justices were appointed as early as 1725, and perhaps earlier, the earliest record of the proceedings of the Justices and Freeholders is given in the following article : " Records of the Proceedings of the Justices and Freeholders of the County of Hunterdon on Public affairs Relating to said County, Beginning Sept. 7, 1 739-" Such is the inscription upon the outside cover of what is the earliest oflBcial record extant of the board of freeholders of this county. It is a leather- bound volume, and the inscription appears to have been written with a red-hot iron. It is possible that the records of their proceedings prior to 1739 were not preserved in any book, which supposition is rather strengthened by one of the first items entered in the above volume : " Order that there shall be a record Book provided for the said clerk of Ten Shillings Price at the expense of the county." The following is the account of the proceedings of the first session of the board, as found in the above-men- tioned volume. At a meeting of the Justices and Freeholders for the County of Hunterdon on the Seventh Day of September, 1739, at the Court-House in Trenton, Its agreed, ordered and di- rected as follows : first. That there be Twelve pounds allowed for the Chief Justice and the Ex- pense of the Special Commission for the Tryal of James Fitzgerald, now in Prison for Murder. Secondly, that the Sheriff set Workmen at work to do What is Necessary to be done to the Prison, according to the Account of What is Wanting, this Day Rendered to us and hereunto an- • N. J. Archives, 1704-1739 ; The Pennsylvania Gazette, September 20-27, 1739. i68 GENEALOGY nexed, having been Perused, be allowed and also be paid. It is Lastly agreed by and Between the said Justice and Freeholders that they meet again at the Court House in Trenton in orderto adjust all the Accounts Relating to said County on the first Monday in October next. Richard Green*, Nathaniel Hart*, John Price, Alexander Lockhart, Daniel Doughty* John Anderson, Nathaniel Moore,* F. Bowes, Michel Henrie, Peter Monford, Benjamin Stout*, Edward Rockhill, W. Morris, Jasper Smith*, Charles Clark.* The Board met in October, pursuant to adjournment, and there were present the fol- lowing : Justices, Joseph Stout, William Morris, Charles Clark, James Gould, Andrew Smith ;* Freeholders, Alexander Lockhart, Richard Green, Trenton ; Capt. John Anderson, John Price, Maidenhead ; Nathaniel Moore, Nathaniel Hart, Hopewell ; John Garrison, Benjamin Stout, Amwell ; Michael Henry, Peter Monfort, Reading ; Daniel Doughty, Bethlehem, t In the unfortunate division in the Presbj'terian Church, which culminated in 1741, it is surmised that Nathaniel Moore^ affiliated with the " New Side" party, for in the call to Rev. John Guild, August 15, 1739, his name does not appear, though he had previously been prominent in the church. The " New Side "party wished to hear Mr. James Davenport. Perhaps old associations had something to do with this desire, as Mr. Davenport was the son of Rev. John Davenport, of Stamford, and grandson of Rev. John Davenport, of the New Haven Colony. Rev. Peter Prudden was associated with Rev. John Davenport, and Nathaniel Moore's wife was the former's granddaughter and daughter of Rev. John Prudden, of Newark. In 1753 the name of Nathaniel Moore appears again in " A Duplicate for the Township of Hopewell. "J The following advertisement from an old newspaper is interesting. No evidence of .sale has been found : September, 1753. For sale Nathaniel Moore's Mills and plantation six miles above Trenton, 400 acres : apply to William Clayton or William Pidgeon, Trenton. The will of Nathaniel Moore, here given in full, was discovered in the De- partment of State, Trenton, N. J.: IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Nathaniel Moore of Hopewell in the County of Hunterdon and Western Division of the province of New jersey Yeoman Being in perfect health and Sound in mind and Memory praised be the Lord therefore DO make and Ordain this my Last will and Testament in Manner and (form ffollowing that is to Say First I Recommend my Soul to God that Gave it and my Body to be Buried in a Christian and Decent like manner ac- cording to the Discretion of my Executors hereinafter named IMPRIiSIIS I Give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife Joanna One Lott of Land Scittuate Lying and being in Newark in the province of East jersey Containing by Estimation Ten Acres which said Tract of Land was given to my said wife by her Father I also Give unto my said wife One riding horse which Came of the New England Mare, and One Third part of all my moveable Estate Except what is hereafter Excepted and Given to my ffour Sons & Daughter Abigail and my will IFurther is that She Shall have the best room and Linter in my now Dwelling house and ffull Liberty and use of the Kitchin and Cellar of ffruit in the Orchard, pasture for a Cow and Horse Garden the aforesaid Land and moveables I Give unto my said Wife her Heirs and .Assigns forever. I also ffurther Give unto my said Wife One third part of the profitts of the plantation I now live on Together with ffirewooil and One half of the Waggon So Long as She Shall Continue my Widow All which I Give unto my said wife in ffull of her Right of Dowerand no Otherwise and also a Negro Woman named Pegg ITEM I Give and Bequeath unto my Eldest Son John (he being already Invested with a part of my said Lands) a Certain Tract of Land Scittuate on the North Side of the plantation he now Lives on Except Sixty Acres Lying on the North Side of the Said Tract to be Divided by an East and w-est Line Contingent with his Northermost Line the whole Tract Containing by Estimation One hundred and forty Acres of Land as by the Deed or Draught may more ffully appear relation being thereunto had Together with my right and Title to the Same B^xcept as before Excepted and paying to two of Grand Daughters as Shall be hereafter named to him his heirs and Assigns forever ITEM I Give and bequeath unto my Youngest Son Benjamin the plantation I now Dwell on together with all the Buildings and Improvements in and to the Same belonging with all the Woods Underwoods Mines Minerals and all that is Apertaining to the said Tract and also One Other Tract of Land which I pur- chased of Ralph Hunt Scittuate in Hopewell Aforesaid Containing by Estimation fifty Acres I also Give unto him One half of the Waggon all which I Give unto my said Son Benjamin his * These family names appear in the subsequent genealo^. t Snell's History of Hunterdon and Somerset Counties of New Jersey, 194. J Appendix, XI,HI. GENEALOGY i6p Heirs and Assigns for Ever Except as before Excepted (and his ffurther paying to Two of my Grand Daughters as Shall be hereafter named ITEM I Give & bequeath unto my Son Samuel a Lott of Laud I purchased (of) Philip Phillips Scittuate in Queens Town (Otherwise Pennington ) adjoyning the Land of Benjamin Ketcham to him his heirs and Assigns forever ITEM I Give and bequeath unto my Two Daughters Abigail and Phebe all the above reserved Sixty Acres of Land adjoyning to aforesaid Son John's Land also Two Lotts of Land which I purchased of Philip Phillips being the Sixth and Seventh Lotts from Benjamin Kitchams Land and also Two Other Lotts one of which I purchased of Samuel Tucker and the Other of the Executors of William Cornell Deceased) all to be Equally Divided in Quantity and Quality between my Said Two Daughters To them their Heirs and Assigns for ever And I also ffurther Give to my said Two Daughters Abigail and Phebe all that the Remaining two thirdsof my moveable Estate after all my Just Debts ffuneral charges &c. and what is above and hereafter Excepted is first Taken out to be Equally Divided between them Share and Share alike ITEM I Give unto my four Sons nameh' John Samuel Joseph and Benjamin all my wearing apparell and my will is and I Order that my three Negroes namely London Cuff and Titus be Sold and the Money arising therefrom all to be Equally Divided between them Share and Share alike also I Give unto them One un- divided right in the Schoolhouse Lott in Pennington & One right in the Trenton Library to be Ordered as they Shall think most meet and proper ITEM I Give & bequeath unto my Two Grand Daughters Joanna and Sarah Daughters of Benjamin Temple and Sarah his wife Each the Sum of Fifty pounds procl. money when they Shall respectively arrive to the ffull age of Twenty One Years in Manner ffollowing that is to Say my Son John and Benjamin Shall Each pay the Sum of twenty five pounds as they Shall respectively arrive to the above Age but if it Should happen that Either or both of them Should Die before the}- arrive to the above Age then the said Sums I Give to my said Sons John and Benjamin ITEM I Give and bequeath unto m}' Grandson Nathaniel Son of John Moore and Kezia his wife my Gun ITEM I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Abigail One Negro Girl named Miriam Lastly I do hereby Appoint Ordaine and Constitute my well beloved wife Joanna and Sons John and Samuel joynt Executors of this my Last will and Testament hereby revoking and Making Void All ffonner will or Wills by me heretofore made Ratifying and Confirming this and No Other to be my Last will and Testament IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this First Day of July in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Eight [Seal] .J{^^H^- fc^/'" ^/.oA-. .v.-^f/-; -^--.t, j^^^i?-^ Covenant with John Pruddkn "To Keep a Schooi.e in ve Towne of roxhkrry," 1668. [Copyright by AV;f England Magazine, 1S95.] GENEALOGY lyi PETITION OF THE REVD MR PRUDDEN. To the Excellent Collonl Thomas Dongan Governour Comanderin Chief under his majesty over the province of New Yorke & its dependants The humble petition of John prudden quondam minister of Jemaica in Queens County upon Long Island Sheweth. That your humble petitioner having served the town of Jemaica in the work of the min- ister for the space & term of Ten years late past, hath suffered much wrong upon ye ac- count of a certain sallary engaged by ye inhabitants of ye said Town to be paid unto him yearly for his labour, yt a considerable part of his sallary is unjustly withheld from him through ye defect of severall Inhabitants denying to pay their proportion levied by yearly rates though no priviledg or advantage of my ministry hath been denyed to them. Wherefore your humble petitioner makes his application to your Excellency and Honourd Councill for Relief and Re- dress as you shall see meet ; not doubting of your Readines to doe what ever shall apear to be Rationall & just ; and cause it also to be done by others, but hopeing 3't your excellency to- gether with your Honored councill considering the circumstances of ye premisses will take the most effectuall care and order that what is due to 3-our petitioner by contract & agreement for ye time past may be honestly payed and performed to him (without trouble and constraint by course of Law which would be unpleasant and discomendable on all hands) your petitioner ■willingly submits to your pleasure therein being persuaded that your Excellency will not allow y' after your petitioner hath (to his disadvantage) served a people ten years upon ye account of a firm contract he should be defrauded and deprived of a considerable part of his reward en- gaged, nor necessitated to desert his calling and the coUony to prevent ye like abuse which would unavoidably carrj' some reflexion upon those in whose power it is & remaines to prevent or redres such wrongs. Your humble petitioner only requesteth further that if a considerabl numbr of the con- gregational! profession & perswasion should be desirous y' he would continue to be their min- ister and mamtain him at their own cost & charge by a voluntary contribution your Excellency & the Honored Council would pleas to give approbation thereunto which we hope will neither be offensive nor prejudiciall to any person or persons under ye Liberty granted by our graciovis Soveraign : your so doing will give encouragement unto us y' are settled in this province & an invitation to others or at least remove evill surmizals against ye government which too many in ye Neighbouring Collony are apt to entertain to the prejudice of his Majesties intrest in this province. Thus craving ye heavens assistance & direction to guide your consultations to y« glory of God & comou good your petitioner Remaines at your service. 16S8 John Prudden. CERTIFICATE. We whose names are subscribed doe testifie that the inhabitants and ffreeholders of Jemaica at a publick meeting call to treat with Mr John Prudden to be their minister June ye 19th 1676 did (after he had declared his judgment and proposed his terms) by a town act freely and firmly promis and engage to give unto Mr prudden the accomodations which he now possesseth and a yearly sallary of fourty pounds to be paid to him or his order so long as he should continue in ye Town imployed in ye work of ye ministry and his fire-wood brought home free as specified in ye town registry. Furthermore we doe testifie that Mr John prudden hath continued in this towne discharging the work of a minister according to the way of ye churches in New England the ffull term of ten years and more since the Town caled him & covenanted with him for his labour in ye ministrj-.* Nehemiah Smith. John Carpenter. It has been said that Rev. John Prudden was the first regular pastor of the first regularly organized Presbyterian Church in America. Considerable discus- sion has resulted but the matter seems to be a question of terms. Rev. John Moore was pastor at Newtown, L. I., in 1652, and a similar discussion has arisen in reference to him. Rev. James M. MacDonald, D.D., for many years pastor at Princeton, N. J., and a trustee of the Seminary there, says : " The Church of Jamaica is the oldest Presbyterian Churcht established by the English in America. It had been in existence some eight or ten years before Francis Makemie, styled the father of American Presbyterianism, arrived in Maryland." ALso from the same atithority : " And for the confirmation of this Agree- ment the town did voluntarily engage themselves at a town meeting held the 3d • Documentary History of New York. Ill, 194. etc. t The same claim is made for the Hempstead Church. IJ2 GENEALOGY of June (1672), that they would not obstruct or hinder but rather further the coming into a 'church way,' according to the rules of the Gospel in this town by Mr. Prudden and such as will join him.* The coming into a 'church way,' ac- cording to the rules of the Gospel, is language that cannot be mistaken; it must re- fer to the organization of a church. It proves that up to 3d June, 1672, there had been no regularly constituted Church of Christ in this place." While undoubtedly there were many Presbyterians among the Congrega- tionalists of New England it is exceedingly difficult to decide the question. The Newark settlement was Congregational, and Rev. John Prudden was pastor there as late as 1698. Rev. John Brooke was appointed by the Society for the Propaga- tion of the Gospel in Foreign Parts one of its missionaries in America. In his first report, August 20, 1705, he says: " There are five Independent Ministers in and about the places I preach at and the greatest part of the people are followers of them." The places he " preached at " were Elizabeth Town and Perth Amboy. The five Independent Ministers were Messrs. Harriman and Melyen, of Elizabeth Town, John Prudden, of Newark, Samuel Shepard, of Woodbridge and the minis- ter of Piscataway.t For some unexplained reason, in 1686, Rev. John Prudden deeded his prop- erty to Grace, the widow of his elder brother, Samuel. Grace Judson was the daughter of Lieut. Joseph Judson, of Stratford, Ct., and his wife, Sarah, daughter of John Porter, of Weathersfield. In 1689 he was chosen, by Jamaica, J Deputy to the Colonial Assembly of New York. At a town meeting held on the loth day of June, 1689 : Mr. Prudden & Nath> Denton, Sr., was chosen to go to York to meete with the rest of the deputis of the respective townes for to consider and advise one with another of what shall be for the good welfare and services of the contry and to act with the rest of the deputies in anj'thing that may tend thereunto and also if they will see cause to make any application to our Sovereign King & Queen for anything that may tend to the good of the whole Collony to act with them. By order of the Town per me Nathaniel Denton, Clerk. The proceedings of the people of Newark, N. J., in reference to their call of Mr. Prudden in 1692, are annexed : At a Newark, N. J., Town Meeting, August 23rd, 1692,?— It was consulted, consented, and unanimously agreed, that Mr. John Pruden should be called to be their Minister ; and in Case he should come and settle among them in that Work, they would freely and readily sub- mit themselves to him and to his Dispensations and Administrations, from Time to Time in the Discharge of his ministerial Office and Works, as God shall assist and direct him therein by his Word and Spirit, for their Spiritual Good and Edification. It also is consulted, voted, consented to, and agreed by the said Inhabitants then convened, for Mr. John Pruden's Encouragement to come and settle among them, and that he may the better attend upon the Work of the Min- istry as his Business, and for the more comfortable Sustainance of his Family in his Attendance therein ; that he shall have ^'50 p. annum, and his Fire Wood free ; to be paid yearly, accord- ing to several Contributions voluntarily subscribed by them, to Mr. Pruden or his Order, so long as he shall continue with them employed in the Ministry : this also voted. It is moreover voted and agreed, that Mr. Pruden shall have and hold such a Propriatie, and other Conveniences for his Accommodations in the Town, as shall be agreed upon between him and the Committee appointed to treat with him [viz) Mr. Ward, Mr. Johnson, John Curtis, Azariah Crane, Jasper Crane, Thomas Ludington, and Stephen Bond, nominated and impowered by the Town for that Purpose. August 23rd, 1692 — The Result of a Treaty between Mr. John Pruden and a Committee chosen, constituted, and impowered b}' the Inhabitants and Freeholders of Newark to act in their Behalf, is as followeth, (viz): It is concluded and agreed by the said Committee, that * church Recorda. t Hatfield's History of Elizabeth, N. J., 297. I History of the Jamaica Church, 70, 77. g Newark Town Records, 105. GENEALOGY 173 Mr. Pruden shall have and hold the accomo'dations purchased of Mrs. Falconer, for his own Propriatie, to him and his Heirs forever ; he paying or causing to be paid the two last Pay- ments indented for with Mrs. Falconer ; excepting only five Pounds which the town is to dis- charge besides what is already done, in prime Bill of Debt made to the s'd Mrs. Falconer — as Witness our Hands — subscribed, Mr. John Pruden. Committee for and in Behalf of themselves and their Neighbours — Mr. John Ward, Mr. Johnson, John Curtis, Azariah Crane, Jasper Crane, Thomas Ludington, Stephen Bond. Town Meeting, zSth October, 1692 — It was voted, whether the Charges for purchasing that Accom'odations that was Jlrs. Falckner's and the Charge of transporting Mr. John Pruden, should be equall}- levied on every person's Estate; and it was agreed with a unanimous Con- sent, that it should be so. 2ndly, It was also voted, that the Charge for the Pajment and Transport should be Charged by a Rate, according to our Agreement formerly made, that is by Heads, Lands, and Stock. 3rdly, It was voted that Mr. Johnson and Jasper Crane should give Mr. Pruden Pos- session of the Accom'odations that was purchased of Mrs. Falkoner. It was also voted, that Zachariah and Ephraim Burwell, for the South end of our Town, and Samuel Harrison and Nathaniel Ward for the North end, for to see after the bringing the Wood for Mr. Pruden ; and for to call out the People for that Purpose, when there is need for his Supply therein. Town Meeting, - - - 16 — Benjamin Baldwin, Jabez Rogers, William Camp and Seth Tompkins are chosen, to collect the Money that is gathered by the Subscriptions in New- ark, for the Maintainence of the Ministry in the year 1692. He accepted the call to Newark and left Jamaica, becoming pastor at the former place, August 23, 1692. On or before June 9, 1699, he resigned the New- ark pastorate. Town Meeting,* June 9th, 1699 — Item — the Revered Mr. Pruden and Mr. John Brown are chosen by vote, to return our Thanks to the Revered Counsel for their faithfull and painfull Services for our Settlement ; signifying we will take sufficient Care to defray the whole Charge of this their Journey and Trouble, till they return. Item — Capt. Curtis, Mr. Treat, Mr. Pierson, and Thomas Richards are chosen by a full vote, to return our Thanks to the Revered Mr. Pruden for his hitherto Services amongst us ; with a signification that We will speedily pay of our Arrears due to him by our particular Sub- scriptions : and by a full Vote we declare our Desire of his Continuance among us, and his Ser- vice at present in preaching the Word to us, till God shall favor us with some other Supply. Item — it is agreed and voted, that we will allow him for his further Ministry according to what he formerly had, in Proportion to the Time We have occasion to use him as a Minister. Item — it is voted, that all Persons, from 16 to 60 Years of Age, shall give to Mr. Pruden each of them one Load of Wood, for the Year ensuing, whether he serve the Town in the Min- istry another Year, or no. Item — Mr. Treat, Mr. Curtis, Jlr. Pierson, and Thomas Richards are chosen by Vote, to desire Mr. Pruden to carry on the Work of the Ministry with us, till God shall favour us with a Supply. After his resignation he devoted himself to teaching. Many of his scholars became prominent. In 1706 and after, he had for scholars Nat. and Sam. Dugles, David and Mary Ogden, Jos. and David Peck, John and Steph. Dod, The. and Eliph. Johnson, Nat. and Dan. Morris, Jos. and Steph. Harrison, Jos. and Phebe Brown, Sam. and Sim. Huntingdon, Ben. Pierson, John Plum, Eben Lyon, Dan. Lindley, and others, night and day. Casperus Schuyler and Gerardus Beekman entered for board and school in 1707. In 1702 he sent to the weaver at Flushing " linen warp and woolen heft to be wrought into curtains." In 17 12 John Conduit wove 31 yards of woolen cloth for him for i£ 3s 6d — 288 pounds of beef had from Jasper Crane, being worth 2£ 8s od.t A deed is still preserved in possession of a descendant of Abraham Kitchel, dated Mays, 1713. ^nd given by " John Prudden, quondam minister," con- veying a tract in Newark to Abraham Kitchel, of Newark. I •Newark Town Records, 113. ilS, 119, 127. t Collections of New Jersey Historical Society, VI, 149. I Collections of New Jersey Historical Society, 11, 19. 174 GENEALOGY Rev. John Prudden died in 1725, and was buried in the old burying ground at Newark. Over his remains was placed a slab inscribed : Here I^yes ye Body of ye Revd Mr John Prudden Minister of ye Gospell who departed this life DECBR IITH 1725, AGED 80 YRS. " Nor grace nor favour fill MY Reins, — L,OE room FOR YE THERE YET REMAINS" In 1748 his body was removed to the rear of the First Presbyterian Church. The original slab, having the above inscription, was placed in the walls of the First Presbyterian Church of Newark by Mr. William R. Ailing, one of the descendants of Rev. John Prudden, where it still remains. Joanna' was the granddaughter of /?er. Peter Prudden'* and his wife Joanna Boyse', He was born in Yorkshire, England, 1601, died at Milford, Ct., July 6, 1656. He preached in Yorkshire and Herefordshire and brought his congre- gation with him probably in the " Hector" or its consort the " Martin," landing at Boston June 26, 1637, with Rev. John Davenport, John Harvard, Samuel Eaton and other prominent Puritans. In March, 1638, he sailed from Boston and in April reached Quiunepiac, now New Haven, Conn., and assisted in laying the foundation of a Colony there. He preached his first sermon in the Colony at New Haven, iSth April, 1638, under a large spreading oak which stood near the present corner of George and College Streets, from the textf : "The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord and make His paths straight." In the summer of 1638 he preached at Weathersfield. In February, 1639, land for a new settlement was purchased from the Indians, and later Milford was founded. He was one of the " Seven Pillars of Wepauwang or Milford," and one of the Judges of the Colony, 1640, as shown below : The first general or town meeting of the planters was held November 20, 1639. It was then determined that the power of electing officers and persons to divide the land into lots and take order for the timber and manage the interests of the plantation should be in the church only. It was also agreed that they should guide theuLselves in all their doings by the written word of God as they had light from it. WiUiam Fowler, Esq., Edmund Tapp, Esq., Zachariah Whitman, Deacon John Atwood and Richard Miles were then chosen for Judges in all civil affairs and to try all causes between man and man as a Court, to punish any offences and sin against the commandments therein, till a body of laws shall be established they are to observe and apply themselves to the rule of the written word of God. This Court was to sit once in six weeks and was authorized to call a gen- eral meeting or Court of the planters, to examine witnesses upon oath and to pun- ish all misdemeanors. These five men were invested by the planters with powers in the place of magistry for the public good according to the tenor of the writing and agreement to that purpose. About twelve months after, November 24, 1640, Mr. John Sherman was chosen one of the Judges in the room of Mr. Miles. The next year the Rev. Mr. * Peter Prudden and Some of His Descendants, I,ilUan E. Prudden, 1901. t Matt, iii, 3. , . '• ^- * .. .„. ^rf ..-....^^1 ...n n./j,V ^/^ »»-**<> **»~/»i? «V^«'y# \>ru\if- ^Vts-w.^ ?■ ^ r ^ . ' ^^ , "/^ fCopyright. i*'i. by Lillian K. Priuldeii.I GENEALOGY 175 Prudden was elected one of them in the place of Mr. Atwood. The following May 27, 1641, Mr. Prudden excused himself from serving any longer in the capacity of Magistrate and Mr. Atwood was re-elected. "*= It was not until April 8, 1640, that Mr. Prudden was ordained pastor of the Milford Church. We have his own words for it, in his own handwriting, in which the early Milford records were kept. I, Peter Prudden, was called to the ofBce of pastor of this church and ordained at New Haven, by Zachariah Whitman, William Fowler, Edmund Tapp, designed by ye church to that work, Zachariah Whitman being the moderator for that meeting in a day of solemn humil- iation upon ye third Wednesday in April, 1640, being, I remember, ye i8th day of ye month. f The following tribute is paid to his memory by Cotton Mather :| That greatest of peace-makers, the Son of God, has assured us, " Blessed are the peace- makers, for they shall be called the children of God." I am sure then, 'tis a blessed child of God whose name is now before us ; (Prudden shall we call him ? or. Prudent ?), who, besides his other excellent qualities, was noted for a singular faculty to sweeten, compose and qualify exasperated spirits and stop or heal all contentions. Whence it was that his town of Milford enjoyed peace with truth all his days, notwithstanding some dispositions to variance, which afterwards broke forth among them. God had marvellously blessed his ministry in England, unto many about Herefordshire and near Wales, from whence, when he came into New England, there came therefore many considerable persons with him. At their arrival in this country, they were so mindful of their business here, that they gathered churches before they had erected houses for the churches to meet in. There were then two famous churches gathered at New Haven; gathered in two days, one following upon the other, Mr. Davenport's and Mr. Prudden's; and this with one singular circumstance, that a mighty barn was the place, wherein the duties of that solemnity were attended. Our glorious Lord Jesus Christ himself being bom in a stable and laid in one of those moveable and four- squared little vessels wherein they brought meat unto the cattle, it was the more allowable that a church, which is the mystical body of that Lord, should thus be bom in a barn. And in this translation, I behold our Lord, " with his fan in his hand, purging his floor, and gathering her wheat into the garner." That holy man, Mr. Philip Henry, being reproached by his persecutors that his meeting- place had been a barn, pleasantly answered, " No new thing, to turn a thrashing-floor into a temple." So did our Christians at New Haven. The next year Mr. Prudden, with his church, removed unto Milford, where he lived many years, an example of piety, gravit)', and boiling zeal, against the growing evils of the times. And though he had a numerous family, yet such was his discretion, that without much distraction, he pro\nded comfortably for them, notwithstanding the difEcult circumstances wherewith an infant plantation was incumbered. He continued an able and faithful servant of the churches, until about the fifty-sixth year of his own age, and the fifty-sixth of the present age, when his death was felt by the col- ony as the fall of a pillar which made the whole fabrick to shake. Like that of Piccart, now let our Prudden lie under this EPITAPH. Dogmate non tantus fuit Auditoribus Idem : Exemplo in Vita ; jam quoque morte, praeit. § Gov. Winthrop said of him : " He was useful in his place, and of much es- teem in the Colony." Mr. Prudden, with other settlers, left large estates in Eng- land. His posterity received the interest money and rent of this property for many years. On the occasion of the celebration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniver- sary of the founding of the town of Milford, Conn., on August 28th, 1889, there was dedicated a memorial bridge over the river at that point, in honor of its founders. One of the end stones on the south parapet is inscribed • A Statistical Account of the Township of Milford, hy Erastus Scranton, A.M., iu writing, and to be found in the Town Clerk's office, Milford, Ct. As authority it states " Facts gathered from authentic records and re- cited principally in words of those who related facts. " t Milford Church Records. \ Mather's Magnalia, I, 395-6. \ Less on opinion than example bent. His hearers followed whert their pattern went ; His holy death their brightest precedent. 1^6 GENEALOGY to the first pastor of the church, Rev. Peter Prudden. On August 25th, the two- hundred and fiftieth anniversay of the founding of the First Church of Christ, of Milford, Ct., a mural tablet was unveiled to the memory of Rev. Peter Prudden. In the Memorial Hall at Hartford, Conn., among the members of the early clerical fathers of Connecticut are selected three for special honors in a memorial window — Hooker, Davenport and Prudden. On his memorial tombstone at Milford, Ct., is inscribed: In Memoriam. Peter Prudden First Pastor in Milford. Obit 1656. The Voice of one Crying in the Wilderness, Prepare Ye the Way OF the Lord; Make His Paths Straight. Joanna Boyse^ was the daughter of Rev. John Boyse and his wife Johane , of Halifax, Yorkshire, England. Rev. John Boyse' died, as indicated by his will, about 1620, and his wife, Johane, about 1631, as shown by her will. One of Joanna Boyse's sisters was the wife of Rev. John Raynor, pastor of the Church of Plymouth, Mass., from 1637 to 1655, and later of Dover, N. H. Itis not known when she married Rev. Peter Prudden, but various indications point to about 1638, and that the marriage took place in this country. Her father was a man of estate. In her will, dated 1681, November 8th, she mentions two sons and five daughters, all of the name Prudden. She was one of four coheiresses to property in Edgton and Welburn. After the death of her husband she married, September 20, 167 1 , Capt. Thomas Willett,* died August 4, 1674, who was the first Mayor of New York. Later she became the wife of Rev. John Bishop, for fifty years pastor of the church at Stamford, Conn. Nathaniel Moore' and Joanna Prudden had 1069. IICapt. John', b. March 8, 1715, m. I. Keziah Phillips'' (Theophilus^ Theophilus*, Theophilus', Zeruba- bel'^ Rev. George\ of Watertown Mass.), Maidenhead, N. J., b. June 8, 1717; 2. Love Prout^ (Ebenezer', Ebenezer', Ebenezer^ Timothy', of Boston, Mass.), b. 1717, d. January 9, 1776, aet. 59 ; he d. September 3, 1768, Hopewell, N. J. (will). [1077] 1070. IIAbig.^il', b. May 24, 1717, m. i. Sackett Moore* (Joseph", Capt. Samuel'^ Rev. John'), her cousin, d. August 18, 1753, aet. 37 ; March 9, 1765, 2. Jonathan Smith'^ (Andrew'); she d. August 12, 1802. [343]. [445] 1071. Mary*, b. May 20, 1719. 1072. |ISamdEi<', b. February 6, 1720, tn. Rebecca Green^ (Richard^ Wil- liam'), Ewing, N. J., d. September 28, 1813 (will), aet. 87; he d. April 7, 1803 (will). [2346] 1073. IICapt. Joseph*, b. December 4, 1724, m. I. Christiana Green' (Richard^, William' ) ; 2. Mary Armitage' ( Reu- ben^ Enoch'), d. 1822, intes- tate ; he d. April 7, 1804. [2475] 1074. IISarah*, b. December 31, 1728, m. Benjamin Temple" (Abraham') 2d wife, d. 1777. [25S6] 1075. II Benjamin', A. November 19, 1732, m. Elizabeth Moore' (SamueP, Capt. SamueP, Rev. John'), of Newtown, L. I., his cousin, b. May 17, 1729, d. January 8, 1803 ; he d. November 9, 1813 ; buried in Ewing church- yard (will). [462], [2622] 1076. IIPhebe', b. August 6, 1735, m. Rich- ard Green^ (Richard*, William'), Ewing, N. J.,d. 1797 (will). [2645] • See Appendix. GENEALOGY 177 1069. Capt. John Moore' (Nathaniel', Capt. Samuer, Rev. John') and Keziah 'Phillips' (Theophilus', m. Elizabeth Belts' (Richard', Capt. Rich- ard';, Theophilus*, Theophilus'', m. Elizabeth Jessup (Edward, m. Elizabeth Burroughs), ZerubabeP, Rev. George', Christopher). Capt. John Moore* owned the farm which eventually became the property of his granddaughter, Rebecca, the daughter of his son Amos, who married Aaron Hart, Senior. In the troubles during, and .subsequent to, the French and Indian war, Capt. John Moore took part. The only record discovered, however, is the fol- lowing : State of New Jersey. OfiBce of Adjutant General. Trenton, July 23, 1895. It is Certified, That the records of this office show that JOHN MOORE, was enrolled March 26, 1762, as a Private in Colonel* Samuel Hunt's Company, Colonel* Samuel Hunt's Reg- iment, which was raised in the Province of New Jersey in 1762, for the FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. f SKAL OF 1 WILLIAM S. STRVKER. t ADJT. GEN. f Adjutant General. Whether his title was an official one, or only of courtesy, cannot be deter- mined from auy records known to be extant. In the inventory and settlement of the estate of Joseph Moore, Sr., of Hope- well, John Moore is styled Captain. The date of the discharge of the executors is February 14, 1760, two years before the date of the above certificate. The following is the will of Capt. John Moore : IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, the Tenth Day of February in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Plight I John Moore of Hopewell in the County of Hunterdon and province of West Jersey Yeoman ; being Sick and weak in Body but of Sound Mind and Memory thanks be given to God therefor calling to mind the Mortality of Body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die, do make and ordain this my last will and Testament ; that is to say principally and first of all, I give and Recommend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it ; and for my Body I commit it to the Earth to be Buried in a Chris- tian like and decent manner at the Discretion of my Executors And as to Such Worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I Give Devise and Dispose of the Same in the following manner and form IMPRIMIS it is my will and I hereby order all my Just Debts and funeral Charges be paid, as soon as conveniently may be after my Decease Item I Give and Bequeath unto my well beloved wife, Love, twenty pounds procl ; one Horse which soever she may Chuse, together with all the goods & Chattells that she bro't to me at the time of her Marriage, this is given in lieu of her right of Dower. Item it is my Will and I hereby order that mv son Nathaniel for and in Consideration of the Mony, which Ive already paid to- wards the purchase of the plantation he now lives upon Clear me of a fifty pound Bond in which I am his security to John Welling, by paying of the same, or giving, or giving other Satisfac- tory Security to'stl Welling, that theii my Executors delivered up to my sd son the Deed for the sd plantation, as also his bond of Indemnification which are now in my Custody Item I Give and Bequeath unto my son Theophilus forty acres of Land to be run of from the North side of the plantation on which I dwell, by a paralel line, the whole lenth of the Land, to him, his Heirs and Assigns forever ; I also give unto my sd son all my Cooper's tools, Willing and Requiring the sd Theophilus to pay unto Joanna Temple wife of John Temple twenty five pounds Procl. when she shall arrive at the age of twenty-one years Item I give and Bequeath unto my son John the new Shop adjoining to the old one together with my lathe and turning tools Item I give and Bequeath unto my son Amos all that part of my plantation lying on the north side of Jacobs Run Except the forty acres above mentioned, to him his heirs and assigns forever, Will- ing and Requiring him the sd Amos to pay unto Sarah daughter of Benjamin Temple twenty five pounds Procl. when she arrives at the age of twenty one )'ears, requiring him also to pay to his two Youngest Brothers :■!:. Saml and Joseph, to Each forty pounds when they Come Re- spectively to the age of twenty one years, I give likewise unto my sd son Amos two working Horses, one plough and Tackling, One Harrow, two Cows, Six Sheep. & four hogs; likewise tis my will & I hereby Order that my sd son .\inos, allow to his Sister Elizabeth the use of the back room in the northwest Corner of my Dwelling House, and also to find her bread and fire- vrood while she remains in a Single State Item I Give and Bequeath unto my son William all * The first company of a regiment was callecl the Colonel's company, the secouJ, the T.ieut. -Colonel's, rn 6 ; Indian corn 2^ 12 6 3 3 o A cubord and 2 chests 2£ ; 10 platters sum of them old 25 s ; 10 pots, flagon bassins and other pewter 25 s 4 lo o A great old brass kettle 35 5 ; a spitt and old & warming pan & churns II s 2 60 To 2 tramils, tongues, gridiron & peele 1 1 s To I iron kettle & 3 small iron pots 18 s 240 To 2 brass pans 2S s ; 2 little brass scellets ; a little kettle 2 lo o The negroes bedingand bedsted 20s ; 2 chests 2 seives, a cream pot 13s.. i 13 o 2 bags 4s ; an iron kettle 9s ; sadle, pillion & all old los I 03 o Three tables &c 30s and chayre ten shillings, to a negro woman 2o£.... 22 00 Plow and cart tackling and borrow &c 2 50 Sithes and grindston, 2 old axes & ye spade 15 s; the hay 50 s; a pr. of andirns 12s 3 17 o Forks, beetle & wedg ; i old matluk 5s; a small brass morter and lathern 6^6 o 11 6 To 4 pillow beers gs; a wicker chayre & sides 7s; ye lumber in ye house 5s I I o 98 18 6 The above inventor)- is taken and aprized by us according to money this tenth day of October 1687. Attest our hands. John Jefrys John Howell, Jun. Samuell Johnes At a Court of Session held at Southold October 19th, 1687, was by Martha Phillips, Relict to ye said Zerobabell Phillips, the aforesaid inventory presented with a petition to admin- ister thereupon without giving bond for the same, which was accordingly granted to Letter of Administration to administer thereon according to law. Abram Corey. John Howell, Clark. Keziah Phillips" was the great-great-great-gianddaughterof /?eK. George Phillips', sometimes called "the founder of Congregationalism in America," was born in Rainham, Norfolk County, England, in 1593, and died at Watertown, Mass., July i, 1644. He was originally minister of the established church* in Boxted, Essex County, England, was a non-conformist ; he received his B.A. at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, in 1613, and his A.M. in 1617. He left England, April 12, 1630, and came to America in the Arbella with Gov. Winthrop, arriving at Salem, Mass., June 12, 1630, and was one of the founders of Bay Colony. He became the first pastor of the Watertown Church July, 1630. At one time he was a member of the Governor's Council. It is said that " he was the first to bring about the institution of a representative government." He was the ancestor of a distinguished body of men, notably, of John Phillips, first Mayor of Boston, of Lieutenant-Governor Phillips, of Massachusetts, of Samuel and John Phillips, founders of the Phillips Academies at Exeter and Andover, of Edward, the beuetactor of Harvard, of Wendell, the great American orator, of Phillips Brooks, late Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Cotton Mather in his Magnaliaf thus eulogizes him : THE LIFE OF MR GEORGE PHILIPS. Vita Ministri est Censura et Cynosura. Not only the common sign-posts of every town, but also some famous orders of knight- hood in the most famous nations of Europe, have entertained us with traditions of a certain champion, bv the name of St. GEORGE dignified and distinguished. Now, whilst many do •with Calvin, 'reckon this notable St. George, with his brother, St. Kit, among the larvae and fables of the romantic monks, others from the honourable mention of him in so many liturgies, do think there might be such a man ; but then he must be no other, neither better nor worse, in • American Ancestry. VII, ilS. t Mather's Magnalia, I, 375. iS6 GENEALOGY the most probable opinion of Rainolds, than George the Arrian bishop of Alexandria, the an- tagonist and adversary of Athanasius ; of this memorable trooper, theArrians feigned miracles, and with certain disguises imposed the fame of him upon the orthodox. But the churches of New England being wholly unconcerned with any such a St. George, and wishing that they had been less concerned with many Quakers, whose chief apostles have been so many of them called Georges, but in effect so many dragons, there was one George who wasindeed among the first saints of New England ! and that e.xcellent man of our land was Mr. George Philips. He was born at Raymund,* in the county of Norfolk ; descended of honest parents, who were encouraged by his great proficiency at the grammar school to send him unto the uuiver- sitj', where his good invention, strong memory, and solid judgment, with the blessing of God upon all attained a degree of learning that may be called eminent. The diligent reading of the fathers, while he was yet himself among young men, was one of the things that gave a special ornament unto that skill in theology, whereto he attained ; but that which yet further fitted him to become a divine, was his being " made partaker of the divine nature," by the sanctifica- tiou of all his abilities for the service of God, in a true regeneration. Devoting himself to the work of the ministry, his employment befel him at Bosford, in Essex ; whereof he found much acceptance with good men ; as being a man " mighty in the scriptures." But his acquaintance with the writings and persons of some old non-conformists had instilled into him such principles about church-government, as were like to make him un- acceptable unto some who theu drove the world before them. Some of these principles he had intimated in his publick preaching, whereupon some of his unsatisfied hearers repaired unto old Mr. Rogers, of Dedham, with some intimations of their dissatisfaction. But Mr. Rogers, although he had not much studied the controversy, yet had so high a respect for Mr. Philips, that he said, he " believed Mr. Philips would preach nothing without some good evidence for it from the word of God, and therefore they should be willing to regard whatever Mr. Philips might, from that word, make evident unto them." And as for Mr. Philips, the more he was put upon the study and searching of the truth, in the matter controverted, the more he was confirmed in his own opinion of it. When the spirit of persecution did at length, with the extremest violence, urge a con- formity to ways and parts of divine worship, conscientiously scrupled by such persons as our Mr. Philips, he, with many more of his neighbors, entertained thoughts of transporting them- selves and their families into the deserts of America, to prosecute and propagate the glorious de- signs of the gospel, and spread the light of it in those " goings down of the sun," and being re- solved accordingly to accompany the excellent Mr. Wintbrop in that undertaking, he, with many other devout Christians, embarked for New England, where they arrived in the year 1630, through the good hand of God upon them. Here, quickly after his landing, he lost the desire of his eyes, in the death of his desirable consort, who, though an only child, had cheer- fully left her parents, to serve the Lord Jesus Christ with her husband in a terrible wilderness. At Salem she died, entering into the everlasting peace, and was very solemnlj' interred near the Right Honorable the Lady Arabella, the sister of the Earl of Lincoln, who also took New England in her way to heaven. Mr. Philips, with several gentlemen and other Christians, having chosen a place upon Charles River for a town, which they called Water-Town, they resolved that they would com- bine into a church-fellowship there, as their first work, and build the house of God before they could build many houses for themselves; thus they " .sought, first, the kingdom of God ! " And, indeed, Mr. Philips being better acquainted with the true church discipline than most of the ministers that came with him into the country, their proceedings about the gathering and ordering of their church, were methodical enough, though not made in all things a pattern for all the rest. Upon a day set apart for solemn fasting and prayer, the very next month after they came ashore, they entered into this holy covenant. "July 30, 1630. "We whose names are hereto subscribed, having through God's mercy escaped out of pollutions of the world, and been taken into the .society of his people, with all thankfulness do hereby both with heart and hand acknowledge, that his gracious goodness and fatherl}' care towards us, and for further and more full declaration thereof, to the present and future ages, have undertaken (for the promoting of his glory and the church's good, and the honour of our blessed Jesus, in our more full and free subjecting of our selves and ours, under his gracious gov- ernment, in the practice of, and obedience unto all his holy ordinances and orders, which he hath pleased to prescribe and impose upon us), a long and hazardous voyage from east to west from Old England in Europe, to New-England in America ; that we may walk before him, and 'serve him without fear in holiness and righteousness, all the days of our lives.' and being safely arrived here and thus far onwards peaceably preserved by his special providence, that we may bring forth our intentions into actions, and perfect our resolutions, in the beginnings of some just and meet executions ; we have separated the day above written from all other services, and dedicated it wholly to the Lord in divine employments, for a day of afiBicting our souls and humbling ourselves before the Lord, to seek him, and at his hands, a way to walk in, by fast- ing and prayer, that we might know what was good in his sight : and the Lord was intreated of us. "For in the end of that day, after the finishing of our publick duties, we do all, before we depart, solemnly and with all our hearts, personally, man by man for our selves and ours * Savage says St. Martins, Raynham. GENEALOGY 187 (charging them before Christ and his elect angels, even them that are not here with us this day, or are yet unborn, that they keep the promise unblameably and faithfully unto the coming of our Lord Jesus) promise, and enter into a sure covenant with the Lord our God, and before Him with one another, by oath and serious protestation made, to renounce all idolatry and su- perstition, will-worship, all human trarlitions and inventions whatsoever, in the worship of God ; and forsaking all evil wa3-s, do give our selves wholly unto the Lord Jesus, to do him faithful service, observing and keejiing all his statutes, commands and ordinances, in all mat- ters concerning our reformation ; his worship, administrations, ministry, and government ; and in the carriage of ourselves among ourselves and one towards another, as he hath prescribed in his holy word. Further swearing to cleave unto that alone, and the true sense and mean- ing thereof to the utmost of our power, as unto the most clear light and infallible rule, and all-sufScient canon, in all things that concern us in this our waj-. In witness of all, we do ex- animo, and in the presence of God, hereto set our names or marks, in the day and year above written." About forty men, whereof the first was that excellent Knight Sir Richard Saltonstal, then subscribed this instrument, in order unto their coalescence into a church-estate, which I have the more particularly recited, because it was one of the first ecclesiastical transactions of this nature managed in the colony. But in after time, they that joined unto the church, sub- scribed a form of the covenant, somewhat altered, with a " confession of faith " annexed unto it. A church of believers being thus gathered at Watertown, this reverend man continued for divers years among them, faithfully discharging the duties of his ministr}' to the "flock, whereof he was made the overseer ; " and as a " faithful steward giving to every one their meat in due season." Herein he demonstrated himself to be a real divine ; but not inanv thing more than in his most iutimate acquaintance with the divine oracles of the Scripture ; being full}' of Jerom's perswasion, Ama Scientiam Scripturarum, et Vitia Camis non amabis. He had so thoroughly perused and pondered them, that he was able on the sudden to turn unto any text, without the help of Concordances ; and they were so much his delight, that as it has been by some of his family affirmed, " he read overthe whole Bible sixtimes every year : " nevertheless he did use to say, "That every time he read the Bible, he observed or collected something, ■which he never did before." There was a famous prince of Transylvania, who found the time to read over the Bible no less than twenty-seven times. There was a famous King of Arragon, who read over the Bilile fourteen times, with Lj'ra's Connnentaries. A reli.gious person, who was a close prisoner in a dark dungeon, having a candle brought him, for the few minutes in the day when his poor meals were to be eaten, chose then to read a little of his Bible, and eat his necessary food when the caudle was gone. Yea, the Emperour Theodosius wrote out the New Testament with his own hand ; and Bonaventure did as much by the Old ; and some have, like Zuinglius and Beza, lodged vast paragraphs of it in the memories. Among such memora- ble students in the Scriptures, our Philips deserves to have some remembrance: who was fully of the opinion expressed bj- Luther, " If the letters of Princes are to be read three times over, surely then God's letters (as Gregory calls the Scriptures ) are to be read seven times thrice, yea seventy times seven, and, if it could be, a thousand times over ; " and he might say with Ridley, giving an account of how much of the Bible he had learnt by heart, "Though in time a great part of the study departed from me, yet the .sweet smell thereof, I trust, I shall carry with me to heaven." Indeed being well skilleil in the original tongues, he could see further into the Scriptures than most other men and thereby being "made wise unto salvation," he also be- came " a man of God, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." Hence also he became an able disputant, and ready upon all occasions to maintain what he delivered from the word of God, for which cause his hearers counted him, "the ir- refragable Doctor," though he were so humble and modest, as to be very averse unto disputa- tion, until driven thereto by extream necessity. One of his hearers after some conference with him about infant-baptism, and several points of church-discipline, obtained a copy of the argu- ments in writing for his further satisfaction. This copy the man sends over to England, which an Anabaptist there published with a pretended confutation ; whereby the truth lost nothing, for Mr. Philips hereupon published a judicious treatise, entitled, " A Vindication of Infant-Bap- tism," whereto there is added another, "Of the Church." This book was honorably received and mentioned, by the eminent assembly of London ministers ; and a preface full of honour was thereto prefixed l)y the famous Mr. Thomas Shepard ; notwithstanding the difference between him and Mr. Philips, upon one or two points, whereabout those two learned neighbors managed a controversy with so much reason, and yet candor and kindness, that if all theological con- troversies had been so handled, we need not so much wish, Liberari ab Implacabilibus Theolo- gorum Odiis. About fourteen years continued he in his ministry at Watertown, in which time his ministry was blessed for the conversion of many unto God, and for the edification and confir- mation of many that were converted. He was, indeed, "a good man, and full of faith, and of the Holy Ghost : and for that cause he was not only in publick. but in private also, very full of holy discourse on all occasions ; especially on the Lord's day at noon, the time intervening between the two exercises, he would spend in conferring with such of his good people as re- sorted unto his house, at such a rate as marvellously ministered grace unto the hearers ; not wanting any time then, as it seems, for any further preparations than what he had still afore- hand made for the publick sermons of the afternoon. He laboured under many bodily infirmities : but was especially liable unto the cholick, the extremity of one fit whereof,' was the wind which carried him afore it into the haven of eter- i88 GENEALOG Y nal rest, on July i, in the year 1644, much desired and lamented by his church at Watertown, who testified their affection to their deceased pastor by a special care to promote and perfect the education of his eldest son, whereof all the countr}', but especially the town of Rowly, have since reaped the benefit. EPETAPHIUM. Hie Jacet Georgius Philippi. Vir Incomparabilis, nisi Saniuelem genuisset. Tradition saj^s that the old house on the Watertown road, opposite the an- cient burial ground, was the residence of the Rev. George Phillips. This house has been somewhat modernized in its external appearance. According to the old style, the second story projected over the first, but that has been made into a mod- ern piazza. The interior retains many marks of its antiquity. By a record in "Prince's Annals," Mr. Phillips's first house was built in 1630, and this was probably his second house built on the parsonage lot. It stands back from the road, and still makes a very respectable appearance.* Rev. George Phillips's first wife, Elizabeth Sargeant, died shortly after his arrival in America. His second wife was probably the widow of Capt. Robert Weldon ; she died June 27, 1681. Keziah Phillips" was the great-great-great-great-granddaughter of CbristO" pher Phillips, whowashorn about 1560 and lived at St. Martin's, Raymund, Nor- folk County, England, neighbor of Sir Roger Townsend, Baronet, the ancestor of Elizabeth Townsend who was the third wife of Theophilus Phillips', " a gen- tleman of moderate fortune." Capt. John Moore* and Keziah Phillips and LoVe "Prout had 1077. 1078. 1079. 11 Nathan I EL*, b. 1735, Trenton, N. J., m. Eleanor Van Brunt, d. 1740 ±, d. September g, 179S ; bed. Novem- ber 4, 1798, intestate. [1087] ||ThEOPHII.us*, d. December 5, 1739, m. Rhoda Phillips (Justice John, of Pennington, N. J.), d. in Franklin Township, Somerset County, 1825, (will) ;hea'. 1805, Amwell, Hunter- don County, N. J., intestate. [1653] IISERGEANTt John*, d. June, 1746, Hopewell, N. J., m. December 22, 1774, Sarah Carpenter (Henry, of Ewing); he d. March 27, 1815, Hun- terdon County, N. J., aet. 69, in- testate. [1770] 1080. Elizabeth*, 6. 1751, unmarried, d. December 7, i8i8, aet. 67 (will). IIAmos*, m. August 22, 1769, [L], i. Ann Smith^ (Jonathan^, Andrew'), f>. 1746, d. August 27, 1777; March 23, 1790, 2. at the Second Presbyte- rian Church, Philadelphia, Dorothy loSi. Hutchinson, d. March, 1834 (will), aet. 86 ; he d. April 29, 1814, intes- tate. [2076] 1082. William*, m. August 22, 1778, [L], Mary Smith (Jonathan*, Andrew'); he (?) removed to Sussex County, N.J. 1083. IISamuel*, b. 1754, Hopewell, N.J. , m. September 27, 1781, Sarah Green* (Richard', ofEwing, N. J., Richard^ William'), by Rev. Elihu Spencer, pastor of the First Church of Tren- ton, 6. February 22, 1759, d. Jan- uary 15, 1S29, Eastou, Pa.; he d. March 9, 1799, Easton, Pa., intes- tate. [2112] 1084. II Keziah*, m. Titus. 1085. Sarah*, m. John Smith' (Jonathan', Andrew'). [2328] 1086. Joseph*, m. Palmer. * * « » « 1077. Nathaniel Moore' (Capt. John*, Justice Nathaniel', Capt Samuel', Rev. John') and Eleanor Van "Brunt. The following paper shows the associates of several of the sons of Capt. John Moore in 1769 : We the subscribers hereunto do Promise and Oblige ourselves to pay to Samuel Moore [1072] and Jeremiah Woolsey (or to either of them), both of Hopewell, in the County of Hun- * Ancient Houses, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, XXII, 65, ; t Hunt family Bible, Ohio. GENEALOGY 189 terdon, and Western Division of the Province of New Jersey, the sums of money as against our names affixed, on or before the first day of December next ensuing the date hereof ; the said sum or sums of Moneys being for the use and propriety of the Rev. Mr. John Guild as his Sti- pend or Sallery for preaching and attending on the Service of God, three Fourths of his time as heretofore has been usual and Customary at the Meeting house in Pennington. Given under our Hands, and dated this twelfth day of December in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Sixty-nine. *Ralph Hart, Joseph Moore, David Adair, Amos Moore, John Moore, Joseph Hart, John Welling, Jr., Theo's Bainbridge, Miss Ringoe, Nathaniel Moore, John Carpenter, Timothy Hunt, Moore Scott, Foster Burrowes, Henry Mershon, Jeremiah Woolsey, Ralph Hart, Nathan Moore, Stephen Burrowes, Andrew Muirheid, Asa'h Hunt, Wm. Bryant, William Burk, An- drew Hoff, Edward Cornell, Benjamin Titus, John Ketcham, Edward Hunt, Sr., Ephraim Titus, Job Burrowes, Stephen Burrowes, Jr., Wm. Campbell, George Huss, Theophilus Moore, Joseph Baldwin, Thomas Bald^vin, Robert Combes, Henry Baker, Noah Hart, Amos Hart, Matthias Baker. Jacob Ashton, Joseph Vankirk, Reuben Armitage, John Hart, (name torn out), Richard Hart, Martha Lanning, John Temple, Nathaniel Reed, Philip Roberts, Samuel Hart, Gershom Moore, Naomy Reed, Noah Hunt, Samuel Titus, Nathan Hunt, Edmund Herin, John Baker, Thomas Houghton, Lott, William Cornell, Josiah Hart, Timothy Smith, Simeon Phil- lips, Seth Field, Daniel Howell, John Akers, Joseph Titus, Edward Hunt, John Hunt, Robert Laning, Ralph Laning, John Titus, Benjamin Cornell, Joshua Bunn, James Hunt, Catherine Christopher, Thomas Blackwell, Joseph Burrowes, Job Sayer.t Nathaniel Moore* lived at a place six miles from Trenton and two from Pennington. During or after the Revolution he removed to Trenton, residing on Calhoun Street. | He owned Beatty's Ferry. Adjutant General Stryker later owned and occupied this property. During the war he was Sergeant^ of Capt. Hoppock's Company of the Third Regiment, Hunterdou County. The following loss** which he suffered is on record : No. 47. Inventor)- of the Loss and Damage Nathaniel Moore sustained by the Ameri- can Army in February 1777. 60 Bushels Wheat at 6s 18.00.00 yi T^on Clover Hay 2.00.00 Sworn to by Nathaniel Moore. 20.00.00 In the proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Societytt the following in- teresting letters are found : Mr. Beesley presented, with the Box, its history as written by his father-in-law, Mr. Amos C. Moore, in 1849, as follows : This Tobacco BoxJt formerly belonged to one of the Hessians captured by General Wash- ington at Trenton on the memorable morning of the 26th, December, 1776. After the battle, some of the Hessians were allotted to different families in the town, and among the rest eight of them were placed with my father, Nathaniel Moore, for whose kind treatment when tliey left, one of them presented him with this Tobacco Box, stating it was all he had to give and ex- pressed regret that he had nothing of more value to offer. It was received by him and kept as a memento until his death in 1798, since which time a period of fifty one years it has been in the possession of the subscriber, his son. My father kept the ferry at Lamberton for many years, during and after the Revolution, and I recollect when General Washington crossed the river on his way to New York, in 1789, to be inaugurated, my father had his ferry boat tastefully deco- rated with an arch of evergreens at each end. I was then a boy about thirteen years of age and immediately after crossing, he with a number of gentlemen and officers among whom were Generals Mifl3in, Proctor, Patterson, Col. Wray, Col. Hooper and General Philemon Dickinson mounted on horses and proceeded to Trenton Bridge on the Assanpink, where the grand civic arch was erected and where the matrons and their daughters dressed in white were in readiness to receive him. I had followed on after the cavalcade and as soon as the General came up to the arch he stopped his horse and remained uncovered until the ode was sung, when he acknowl- edged the compliment briefly and passed onward, the matrons and misses strewing his way with flowers. The words of the ode are a matter of history. I still have a distinct recollection of them. Dennisville, Cape May Co., March 21st, 1849. Amos C. Moore. * First name torn off. t History of the First Presbyterian Church of Hopewell, at Pennington, N. J., Rev. George Hale, D.D. t Adj. Gen. Stryker. 2 officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War, Stryker, 469. ** Trenton, N. J., Weekly True American, Nov. 22, 1895, original in State Department. Trenton, N. J. ++ Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society, X, 2, 74. tt The tobacco box is described in the Proceedings of the N. J. Historical Society. i^o GENEALOG Y Dr. Beesley says in addition : Mrs. Sarah Hand sister of Amos C. Moore, who signed the within paper, was one of the thirteen misses who were dressed in white and sung the ode and threw flowers in the path of Washington in liis passage over the Assanpink Bridge in 1789. She is still living at Cape May Court liouse with her son, Jonathan Hand, Esq., County Clerk, has a vivid recollection of the scene at the Assanpink, is now in her 87th year and is probably the only person living who was present upon that interesting and memorable occasion. Dennisville, January 31st, 1865. Maurice Beesley. Nathaniel Moore'' died intestate in 1798 and his son Cornelius was made administrator the same 3'ear on April 21. Nothing has been learned of Eleanor Van Brunt, except that Mrs. Sarah Ellen Husted says that her Grandmother Hand used to sing Dutch songs to her which she had learned of her mother, that Eleanor came to this country from Ger- many (Holland?) when she was twelve j'ears old and lived in Trenton until she married Nathaniel Moore. Nathaniel Moore'' and Eleanor Van "Brunt had 1087. 1088. 1089. IIKeziah'', f>. September 9, 1760, m. John Douglass; she d. at Goschen Creek, near Dennisville, Cape May County, N. J. [1096] lICORNELius'', b. October 26, 1762, m. July 20, 17S4, in Christ Church, Philadelphia, Sarah Hill (James, of Trenton, N. J.), b. March 27, 1768, d. May 15, 1856 ; he d. November S, 1820, Philadelphia, Pa. [1262] IIEsTHKR'', b. March 4, 1765, m. Jabez Ashmore ; removed to Ohio. [1316] 1090. IIJohn", b. August 4, 1767, m. March 6, 1791, in Gloria Dei Church, Phila- delphia, Pa., Hannah Price (Jo- seph, of Harbourtown, N.J. ) (/. 1835 ; he d. February 12, 1834, aet. 69, in Philadelphia, Pa. [1327] HENOCH^, b. at Trenton, N. J., December 27, 1768, m. January 10, 1796, Eliz- beth Harris (Barney C, 1745-1825), b. at Wilmington, Del., February 25, 1773, d. December 5, 1817 ; he d. October 7, 1822. [1381] 1091. 1092. Eliz.^beth", b. May 5,1771; remained at Trenton. 1093. David*^, b. June i, 1773 ; he d. July 23, 1813. 1094. IjAmos Coryell'^, b. March 19, 1776, m. November 2, 1805, i. Hannah Leaming (Christopher), widow of Capt. Rice, b. February 23, 1768, d. September i, 1835; May 6, 1837, 2. Phebe Ludlam, d. March 7, 1849 I he d. June 25, 1857, Dennisville, N.J. [1504] 1095. IISarah'*, b. July 22, 1778, m. 1795 (?), I. Stewart Wilson, d. October 2, 1798; July 25, 1802, 2. Jonathan Hand^, Sr., of Cape May Court House (Jonathan*, Shanigar*, Sham- gar'^ John'), b. November 15, 1780, d. April 2, 1834; she d. April 3, 1871, aet. 92 years, 8 months, 12 days. [1522] 1087. Keziah Moore' (Nathaniel Rev. John') and John Douglass had [IJoHN Douglass', m. Rachel Hewitt 1096. 1097 1098. 1099, [1104] IIWiLUAM Douglass', m. i. Mary Is- rard; 2. Deborah Hildreth; 3. Ach- sah Hand ; a shipbuilder. [1153] IIThomas Douglass', m. i. Rebecca Hand; 2. Eliza Stiles. [1207] IIJosEPH Douglass', m. . [12.6] , Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP 1 102. 1103. m. Harvey Shaw, m. Joseph Sarah Douglass', no children. [[Eleanor Douglass', Foster. [121 7] Ann Douglass', m. Anthony Smith. Keziah Douglass', m. Dicken- son ; no children. 1096. John Douglass' (Keziah Moore*, m. John Douglass, Nathaniel, Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Rachel HeWitt had 1104. HENOCH Douglass', m. . [ini] 1105. Eliza Douglass". 1 106. [[John Douglass", m. Cornelia Craw- ford. [1117] 1 107. IIShamgar Douglass", m. Clarissa Eldridge. 1 108. IJS.ARAH Douglass", m. Benjamin Springer. [11 39] 1109. ![R.\chel Douglass", m. Martin Clark. [1145] 1110. 11N.ATHANIEL Douglass", m. Emma Foster. [1151] GENEALOGY 191 1 104. ELnoch Douglass^ (John Douglass', Keziah Moore^ m. John Doug- lass, Nathanier, Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and had 1 1 11. Mary D0UGI.ASS'. 1112. Millie Douglass'. 1113. Sarah Douglass'. 1 1 14. Rachel Douglass'. 1115. Charles Douglass'. 11 16. Willie Douglass'. 1 106. John Douglass' (John Douglass', Keziah Moored m. John Doug- lass, Nathaniel'', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Cor= nelia Crataford had 1117. II Bell Douglass', m. Henry Corson. I 1118. IIElkazer Douglass', m. Josephine [1119] I Allen. [1123] 1117. Bell Douglass' and Henry Corson had 1119. Bessie Corson". | 1121. Berton Corson'". 1120. Cora Corson". | 1122. Harry Corson". 1 1 18. Eleazer Douglass' and Josephine jillen had 1123. Carrie Douglass". | 1124. John Douglass". 1107. Shamgar Douglass' (John Douglass', Keziah Moore*, m. John Douglass, Nathaniel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel"', Rev. John') and Clarissa Eldridge had 1128. Allen Douglass'. 1129. John Douglass'. 1 125. II Louis Douglass', m. Sallie Fidler. 1 126. IILeslie Douglass', m. Mary Hall. [1133] 1 127. II Annie Douglass', m. George El- dridge. [1136] 1 1 30. Shamgar Douglass'. 1 125. Louis Douglass' and Sallie Fidler had 1 131. Clara Douglass'". I 1132. Phoebe Douglass". 1 126. Leslie Douglass' and Mary Hall had 1 133. Percy Douglass". i 1135. Allen Douglass". 1134. Josephine Douglass'". I 1 127. Annie Douglass' and George Eldridge had 1136. Cora Eldridge". I 1138. Allen Eldridge". 1 137. Louis Eldridge'". I 1108. Sarah Douglass" (John Douglass', Keziah Moore", m. John Doug- lass, NathanieP, Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Ben= jamin Springer had 1139. Jesse Springer'. 1 1140. II Ben Springer', m. Mary Townsend. I [1141] ig2 GENEALOGY 1 140. Ben Springer' and fi/lary ToWnsend had 1141. Frank Springer'". i 1143. Marcus Springer'" 1 142. Mary Springer'". I 1144. Clara Springer'". 1109. Rachel Douglass' (John Douglass', Keziah Moore^ m. John Douglass, Nathaniel, Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Martin Clark had 1145. 11 John Clark", m. Lena Peacock. '•■"'■^ rnuiriivc-s [1 149] 1 146. Robert Clark". 1 147. Cora Clark' 1148. Rachel Clark". 1 145. John ClarK" and Lena Peacock had 1149. Mary Clark'". | 1150. John Clark'". 1110. Nathaniel Douglass" (John Douglass', Keziah Moore', m. John Douglass, Nathaniel, Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Emma Foster had 1151. Shamgar Dodglass". I 1152. Alwilda Douglass". 1097. William Douglass' (Keziah Moore', m. John Douglass, Nathan- iel^ Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Mary Isrard and Deborah Hildreth and Achsah Hand had 115S. IIREBECCA Douglass-, m. 1. Frank- lin Ivudlam; 2. Theodore Corson. [1176] 1159. IIDEBORAH Douglass', m. Thomas Say re. [1179] 1160. IIAnn Douglass', m. George Benizet. [1189] 1161. IIJOSEPH Douglass', m.Mary Garrison. [1192] 1 153. IIThomas Douglass". [1162] 1 154. Mary Douglass". 1155. IIWiLLiAM Douglass', m. Sophia Hildreth. [1174] 1 1 56. Judith Douglass', m. ; no children. 1157. Marsy Douglass', m. ; no children. 1 153. Thonias Douglass' (William Douglass', Keziah Moore^ m. John Douglass, Natha^iel^ Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and had 1162. IISamoel Douglass", m. Mary Ann 1165. Reeves Douglass". Kenan. [u68] 1166. Howard Douglass". ii6i. II Frank Douglass", m. . 1167. Mary Douglass". [1169] 1164. II Freeman Douglass", m. Josephine Schillenger. [1171] 1 162. Samuel Douglass' and M&ry jinn Kenan had 1 168. John Douglass'". 11 63. Frank Douglass' and had 1 169. Thomas Douglass'". | 1170. Augusta Douglass" GENEALOGY 1^3 1 1 64. Freeman Douglass" and Josephine SchiUenger had 1171. George Douglass'". I 1173. Hannah Dodgi.ass"'. 1172. Belford Dodglass". I 1155. William Douglass^ (William Douglass', Keziah Moore", m. John Douglass, Nathaniel*, Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Sophia Hildreth had 1174. IIWilliam', m. Eliza Gandy. [1175] 1 1 74. William Douglass' and Eliza Candy had 1175. Walter Douglass'". 1 158. Rebecca Douglass' and Franklin Ludlam and Theodore Corson had 1176. Emma Ludlam*. i 1178. Achsah Ludlam'. 1 1 77. Franklin Ludlam'. 1 ♦ » » ♦ » 1 159. Deborah Douglass' and Thomas Sayre had 1179. II Mary Sayre', m. Will Garrison. [1 183] 1 180. IIJERRY Sayre', m. Elizabeth Ivins. [1184] 1181. II Anna Sayrb*, m. James Shaw. [1188] 1 182. Willie Sayre*. 1179. Mary Sayre' and W^i7/ Garrison had 1183. Alice Garrison". 1 180. Jerry Sayre' and Elizabeth IVins had 1184. Charles Sayre'". I 1186. William Sayrk'°. 1185. Edith Sayre'". I 11S7. Elwood Sayre'". 1181. Anna Sayre' and Ja/ne5 J'^aW had 1 188. Walter Shaw'". 1 160. Ann Douglass" (WiUiam Douglass', Keziah Moore*, m. John Doug- lass, Nathaniel', Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Ceorge "Benizet had 1 189. Laura Benizet', m. Augustus I 11 90. II Ella Benizet', m. Charles Vanne- Howell. I man. [1191] 1 190. E.lla Benizet' and Charles Vanneman had 1191. Stanford Vanneman.'" 194- GENEALOGY 1161. Joseph Douglass" (William Douglass', Keziah Moore", m. Johu Douglass, Nathaniel^ Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Moi'y Garrison had 1 192. 11 Harry Douglass', m. Marion Wheaton. [1199] 1 193. IINelson Douglass', Mason. [1201] 1 194. Theresa Douglass". m. Adella 1 195. II Joseph Douglass', Stiles. [1204] 1 196. Eliza Douglass'. 1 197. Gideon Douglass'. 1198. AcHSAH Douglass'. m. Hannah 1192. Harry Douglass' and Afarion Wheaton had 1 199. Wheaton Douglass". | 1200. Branin Douglass'". 1193. Nelson Douglass' and ^de //a Ma^on had 1201. Granville Douglass". 1202. Isabel Theresa Douglass'". 1203. Gideon Douglass'". 1 195. Joseph Douglass' and Hannah Stiles had 1204. Charles Douglass'". 1205. Herbert Douglass". 1206. Olive Douglass" 1098. Thomas Douglass' (Keziah Moore", m. John Douglass, Nathan- ier, Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuef, Rev. John') and Rebecca Hand and Eliza Stites had 1212. Page Douglass'. 1207. Moore Douglass'. 1208. Amos Douglass'. 1209. Alexander Douglass'. 1 2 10. Douglass Douglass'. 12 11. Achsah Douglass'. 1 2 13. Recompense Douglass'. 1 214. Keziah Douglass'. 1215. Hannah Douglass'. 1099. Joseph Douglass' (Keziah Moore", m. John Douglass, Nathaniel\ Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel", Rev. John') and had 1216. Betsy Douglass'. 1101. Eleanor Douglass' (Keziah Moore', m. John Dotiglass, Nathan- iel*, Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel", Rev. John') and Joseph Foster had 1221. Lydia Foster'. 1217. IISarah Foster', m. David Steven- son. [1225] I2i8. IIConstanT Foster', m. Mary Lake. [1229] 1219. Harvey Foster'. 1220. Douglass Foster'. 1222. IIKeziah Moore Foster', m. Steel- man Robinson. [1236] 1223. IIHamilton Foster', m. . [1257] 1224. Joseph Foster'. 1217. Sarah Foster' (Eleanor Douglass',m. Joseph Foster, Keziah Moore", m. John Douglass, Nathaniel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. SamueF, Rev. John') and David Stevenson had 1225. II Eleanor Foster', m. William Scull. I 1226. Herbert Stevenson', unmarried. [1227] I GENEALOGY 195 1225. Eleanor Stevenson" and William Scull had 1227. Theodore ScuLL^". | 1228. Bkll Scull'". 1218. Constant Foster" (Eleanor Douglass', m. Joseph Foster, Keziah Moore^ m. John Douglass, Nathaniel", Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel^, Rev. John'} and Mart; Lake had 1229. IICharles Foster'', m. Clara Ludlam. [1232] 1230. II NiCHOL-^s Foster', m. Pauline Stites. [1235] 1 23 1. Ellen Foster". 1229. Charles Foster" and Clara Ludlam had 1232. Leslie Foster'". I 1234. Margaret Foster" 1233. Eddie Foster'". I 1230. Nicholas Foster' and Pauline Stites had 1235. Roy Foster'". 1222. Keziah Moore Foster" (Eleanor Douglass', m. Joseph Foster, Keziah Moore, '^ m. John Douglass, Nathaniel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Steelman "R^obinson had 1236. IISarah Ellen Robinson", m. Clem- ent Spence. [1239] 1237. Douglass Robinson', m. Jennie James ; no children. 123S. IIAdalaide Robinson', m. Samuel Earle. [1247.] 1236. Sarah Ellen Robinson' and Clement Spence had 1239. Abbie Spence'". 1242. Ralph Spence'". 1240. Louetta Spence'". 1243. Arlington Spence'". 1241. IJKEziAH Spence'", m. Clianning 1244. Vada Spence'". Shopshire. [1245] 1241. Keziah Spence'" and Channing Shopshire had 1245. Charles Augustus Shopshire". | 1246. Sarah Catharine Shopshire" 1238. Adalaide Robinson" and Samuel Earle had 1247. Lena Ray Earle'". 1248. Elmer E. Earle'". 1249. Reade Westcott Earle'". 1250. Evelyn Earle'". 1251. Curtis Earle'". 1252. Leslie Earle'". 1253. Irene Earle'". 1254. Charlotte Earle" 1255. Edith Earle'". 1256. Lewis Earle'". 1223. Hamilton Foster' (Eleanor Douglass', m. Joseph Foster, Keziah Moore", m. John Douglass, Nathaniel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and had 1257. Mary Ellen Foster'. 1258. Alice Foster'. 1259. Carrie Foster'. 1260. Frank Foster'. 1 261. Charles Foster'. ig6 GENEALOGY 1088. Cornelius Moore' (Nathaniel', m. Eleanor Van Brunt, Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Sarah Hill* (James). Cornelius Moore" was administrator of his father's estate in 179S. He owned a house and lot in Trenton, N. J., as indicated by a deed, dated September 15, 1800. General Stryker thinks this house and lot must have been somewhere between what is now the Masonic Temple and the corner of State and Willow Streets. Cornelius Moore'^ and Sarah Hill had 1265. ||Wll,UAM HiLl,', A.Jul)- 15, 1804, m. August 30, 1827, Hannah Davis in. Elizabeth , 1262. James', ifi. August 30, 1796, unmarried, (/.August 3, I S24,at Santiago de Cuba. 1263. IIDavid Parker', b. September 13, 1799, m. I. Mary Collins; 2. Ann Con- rad (Widow Ann Withrop); he d. February 1, 1866; he lived in Phil- adelphia, Pa. [1266] 1264. ||Chari,es', i^. October 17, 1802, m. i. Elizabeth Corry, of Trenton, N. J.; 2. Sarah Fleming ; he li. May 26, 1861. [I3°5] (Capt. - b. 1780, d. 1780, d. March 14, 1838, Lancaster County, Pa.), by Bishop White, at old Christ Church, Philadelphia, *. March 11, 1804, d. November 23, 1885, Philadelphia; he rf. July i, 1887; lived at 1610 Arch Street, Philadel- phia. [1309] 1263. David ParRer Moore' (Cornelius", Nathaniel, Capt. John*, Na- thaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Mary Collins and ^nn Conrad had 1272. II Albert", b. December 11, 1835, m. October 19, 1858, Edwina Raymond; Yeadon, Pa. [1297] 1273. William Crawford*, b. August 14, 1838, d. February 15, 1840. 1274. IIHannah*, b. October 31, 1840, m- Charles Jones ; she d. January 27, 1893. [1300] ***** 1268. 1266. IICORNELIOS', b. August 13, 1823, m. September i, 1844, i. Mary Hobbs; 2. Susan Reinbold ; he d. May 15, 1898. [1277] 1267. II John Collins", b. September 14,1825, m. Elizabeth Mason ; he d. April 16, 1875. [1294] Virginia Higbee", b. November i, 1S27, unmarried, d. June 27, 1903. IISarah", 4. July 26, 1831, m. July i, 1S69, Augustus Haedrich ; she (/. March 20, 1894. [1296] David", 4. December 3, 1829, d. Octo- ber 3, 1830. Lewis", b. December 11, 1833, d. Feb- ruary 2, 1834. 1269. 1270. 1271. 1275- 1276. Emeline C", b. June 10, 1852, m. Isaiah K. Clymer ; no children. Peter Conrad", b. May 19, 1854, m. April 10, 1872, Emily Haines. [1302] 1266. Cornelius Moore" (David Parker', Cornelius", Nathaniel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Mary Hobbs and Susan Reinbold. Cornelius Moore" was a member of the firm of C. Moore & Son, and pre- viously was associated with his father. He was an enthusiastic member of the Washington Grays Artillery Company . He was also a member of the Funeral Directors' Association. Cornelius Moore' and Mary Hobbs and Susan Reinbold had 1277. Mary C, b. March 12, 1849, m. June 4, 1872, Charles Martin, 1278. Annie H.", b. December 19, 1851, m. May 3, 1871, Charles Renouf. 1279. IIAlbert", b. May 8, 1854, m. Sep- tember 3, 1874, Annie Semans; No. 829 Vine St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1280. Marion', b. September 25, 1856. 1281. David', d. in infancy. 1282. Walter", d. in infancy. 1283. Virginia*, d. in infancy. 1284. Cornelia", d. in infancy. * * « * » * Mary Sumption, a sister of Sarah Hill, *. March lo, 1766, d. 1849. GENEALOGY 1279. Albert Moore' and Jinnie Semans had 197 12S5. IICORNELIUS", *. July 3, 1875, m. De- cember 3. 1894, May Forney. [1292] 1286. ilEDNA>°, *. June 20, 1880, m. April 18, 1897, Edgar Y. Thomas. [1293] 1287. May E.'°, b. August i, 1S81. 1288. Joe Earley"", b. September 27, 1883, d. April 5, 1886. 1289. A. Raymond'", b. May 17, 1885. 1290. Charles R.'", b. February i, 1887. ijgr. Helen W.'", b. August 26, 1892. 1285. Cornelius Moore" and May Forney had 1292. Herman Russell", b. July 5, 1S96. 1286. Edna Moore'" and Edgar Y. Thomas had 1293. Thomas". 1267. John Collins Moore' (David Parker', Cornelius', Nathaniel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Elizabeth Mason had 1294. Mary Virginia', m. Walter Conroy. I 1295. George', *. August 13, 1852, un- I married, d. January 9, 1890. 1269. Sarah Moore" (David Parker', Cornelius', Nathaniel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel*, Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Augustus Haedrich had 1296. Helen Haedrich', b. July 12, 1872; No. 3106 Baring Street, Philadel- phia. 1272. Albert Moore' (David Parker', Cornelius', Nathaniel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and EdWina Raymond had 1297. Edwina'. I 1299. Albert'. 1298. Julia'. I 1274. Hannah Moore' (David Parker', Cornelius', Nathaniel', Capt.John* Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Charles J ones had 1300. IIAnnie Conrad Jones', m. Thomas B. M'Clelland. [1301] 1300. Annie Conrad Jones^ and Thomas B. M'Clellandhad 1301. Wilfred M'Clelland'". 1276. Peter Conrad Moore' (David Parker', Cornelius,' Nathaniel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Emily Haines had 1302. Clarence Conrad', b. November 7. 1873- 1303. Eugene Clayton', b. December 5, 1875- 1304. Harold Livingston', b. January 7, 1880. ig8 GENEALOGY 1264. Charles Moore' (Cornelius*, Nathaniel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Elizabeth Corry and Sarah Fleming had 1305. Sarah'. 1306. Mary Jane", m. Ferdinand Madeira ; she d. April 12, 1903. 1307. Charlotte*. 1308. Margaret Ann*. 1265. William Hill Moore' (Cornelius^ NathanieP, Capt. John', Na- thaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Hannah DaVis. William Hill Moore' was one of the first to embark in the undertaking bus- iness in Philadelphia. He was successful and the business is still continued by his descendants. William Hill Moore' and Hannah DaVis had 1309. 11 Col. William Henry'*, b. October 15, 1828, m.July ir, 1848, I. Susan Canim (William), d. July 2, i860; 1887, 2. Susan Reinbold ; he d. July 28, 1903, at 440 South 43d Street, Philadelphia, Pa.; buried at Woodland Cemetery. 1310. Thomas B*. 1311. Emma', A.June 23, 1834, d. July 7. 1853 ; buried at Woodland Ceme- tery, Philadelphia, Pa. 1312. IIHannah", d. December 8, 1841, m. July 24, 1867, William Stover Heed (Joseph Cowell), l>. December 27, 1844. [1313] 1309. Col. William Henry Moore' (William Hill', Comehus', Na- thauieP, Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Susan Camm and Susan Reinbold. Col. William Henry Moore* served during the Civil War in Col. Frank Patterson's Seventeenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. Acting under special orders from Governor Olden, he afterward organized the Twelfth New Jersey Volunteers at Woodbury, and went out with them as Colonel. He accom- panied President Lincoln on his rides to and from the Soldiers' Home, and be- came his personal friend. He took part in many engagements, and so anxious was he to get into the heat of battle that several times General Sheridan had to call him back. It was then he was nicknamed " Reckless Moore." He was a member of George C. Meade Post, G. A. R., and for fifty- three years a member of Franklin Lodge, F. and A. M., No. 134.* Col. William Henry Moore* and Susan Camm and Susan Reinbold had 1309(1. (Son) MOORE'. 1312. Hannah Moore' (William Hill', Cornelius^ Nathaniel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and William S. Heed had 1313. Thomas Baxter Moork Hked^ I 1315. Hked». 1314. Heed'. I 1089. Esther Moore' (NathanieP, m. Eleanor Van Brunt, Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Jabez As hmore had 1316. Joseph Ashmore', d. January 30, 1782. 1317- John Ashmore', d. September 18, 1784. 1318. Charles Ashmore', d. November 17, 1786. 1319. Thomas Ashmore', b. November 3, 1788. • Newspaper clipping. GENEALOGY igg 1320. Nathaniei, Ashmore', b. July 19, 1790. 1321. David Ashmore',*^. August 19, 1793. 1322. Jabez Ashmork', b. March 28, 1796. 1323. HESTER Ashmore', b. July ii, 179S. 1324. Amos Ashmore', h. April 21, iSoo. 1325. Jacob Ashmore', b. March 24, 1803. 1326. Eliza Ashmore', b. July 20, 1805. 1090. John Moore" (NathanieP, m. Eleanor Van Brunt, Capt. John*, Natlianiel', Capt. Samuel", Rev. Johu') and Hannah "Price. The following sketch was written by Maj. John Moore Orr, of Leesburg, Loudoun Co., Va.: John Moore'' was rwy grandfather. He resided at No. 279 Race Street. I have but little personal knowledge of him prior to 1832. On the death of my mother, March 5, 1832, I again became one of his family and so continued un- til his death, February 12, 1834. Being then twelve years old, his character, bearing, and conduct made an indelible impression on my memory. John Moore was in partnership with Timothy Caldwell. In person he was of fine physique, of commanding presence, of strong frame and most active life, of untiring industry and of great accuracy in figures, and in fact, whatever he did he conscientiously did well and thoroughly. He was a model of genuine manhood. He was endowed with a broad, clear, strong mind, of sound practical judgment and having the courage of his carefully considered opinion as to what was right. He was often chosen to arbitrate disputes, and his awards were accepted or submit- ted to because of the confidence in his strict integrity and sound judgment and sa- gacity. If I am not mistaken, he was at one time a member of the City Councils. He had the confidence of all who knew him and he never betrayed it. His word was literally as good as his bond. He was bright and cheerful and his presence was a home happiness. The mutual bearing of himself and wife was beautiful. His help was always ready to be given to the needy and the deserving. He was just and charitable in thought aud word. He was a humane man, merciful to his beast. On one occasion he had to go out of town on a raw windy day, and finding that the top of his gig gathered the wind and made it hard for his horse, he put the top down and rode exposed to the cold. The consequence was a cold which developed into a throat affection which ended his life in 1834, in his 69th year. His wife survived him but a .short time, dying in 1835. They were buried beside each other in the lot fronting on Arch Street belonging to the Second Pres- byterian Church on which lot stood the Church "Session House." Their remains were afterward removed to Laurel Hill Cemetery or Woodlands. John Moore was at first an Epi.scopalian, but in later life he united with the Presbyterian de- nomination and was an active and consistent member and ruling elder in the Sec- ond Presbyterian Church. When the Rev. C. C. Cuyler, of New York State, was called to the pastorate of that congregation, he, by Mr. Moore's invitation, made his house his home, at 279 Race Street, until his family could come to Philadelphia and be settled in a residence. John Moore was a thorough Christian gentleman in every fiber of his being, an earnest, humble, cheerful Christian who loved his ' God with all his heart and mind and soul and strength and his neighbor as him- self. Love to God and man was the motive and guide of his life and conduct. The Rev. Dr. Ashbel Green, of Philadelphia, the Patriarch of the Presbyterians, was his warm and intimate friend. Dr. Green's words on the occasion of his death, in commemoration of his excellences, are a monument to his memory and an honor worth living or dying for. Mr. Moore's portrait* was painted by Ord or Conano (I forget which). It is life-like and shows that he was every inch a man and a good man. He died without shadow of spot or blemish on his name. His de- scendants may well be proud of having such an ancestor. • This portrait is at Mrs. Richards's at Narbeth, Pa. 200 GENEALOG Y John Moore" and Hannah "Price had 1327. IISarah Price', h. 1787, m. vSeptember 14, 1816, I. in Philadelphia, by Rev. Dr. J. J. Janeway, William Gray- son Orr' (Johii'^ Alexander'), of Vir- ginia; 1826, 2. Rev. Jared Dewing, Presbyterian minister, Dutchess Co., N. Y.; she d. March 5, 1832, Fishkill, New York. [1334] 1328. John Price', b. July 16, 1794, un- married, d. July 16, 1848. 1329. Samuel H.', unmarried, d. July 17, 1866. 1330. IIHannah', b. September 22, 1796, m. February 5, 1824, John Barker Ellison (James, m. Margaret ), Phila- delphia, b. February 5, 1794. <^- March 7, 1865 ; shea'. July 14, 1880. [1342] 1331. ||Maria', m. George Linck, Philadel- phia, b. January 15, 1786, d. Octo- ber, 1861 ; she d. January 21, 1875, Philadelphia; buried at Laurel Hill. [1377] 1332. li Elizabeth',* m. i. Anthony Finley, Philadelphia; 2. Xenophon May- nard.t Trenton, N. J., d. May 26, 1856 ; she d. April 17, 1874 ; no children. 1333. IISusan', b. December i, 1802, m. Sep- tember 22, 1835, Armitage Green, Trenton, N. J., by Rev. Cornelius C. Cuyler ; she d. April 16, 1883 ; no children. 1327. Sarah Price Moore' (John^ Nathaniel, Capt. John*, Nathaniel'. Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and William Crayson Orr' (John', m. Sii.san E. Grayson (Rev. Spence, ni. Monroe), Alexander', m. Dalrymple) and Rev. Jared DeWing. William Grayson Orr' was the son of JohnM who came to Virginia early in the eighteenth century, and Susan E. Grayson, the daughter of a colonial minister and his wife, — -Monroe, a relative of President Monroe. John' owned a tract in Prince William's County, Va., which he named, after his Scottish birthplace, " Waterside." He was Associate Ju.stice of the Eoudoun County Court. He was the grandson of Alexander Orr', of "Waterside," near Dumfries, Scotland, and Dalrymple, a near relative of the Earl of Steair, the head of the Dalrymple family. Sarah Price Moore' and William Grayson Orr and "R^eV. Jared DeWing had 1334. Benjamin Grayson Orr", b. March 16, i8i8, Washington, D. C, d. July 20, 1818, Bordentown, N.J. 1335- IIJOHN MooRE Orr", b. February 8, 1820, Loudoun County, Va., m. November 8, 1849, i. Orra Lee (Dr. George, relative of Gen. R. E. Lee, Virginia), b. 1828, d. March 17, 1336. 1875; January 31, 1877 , 2. Orra Virginia Preston (George W. ), b. August 1852. [1337] ***** Thomas Schofield Dewing" was an elder in Rev. Jared Dewing's church. 1335. John Moore Orr" (Sarah Price Moore', m. William Grayson Orr, John^ Nathaniel^ Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Orra Lee (Dr. George) and Orra Virginia "Preston (George W.). John Moore Orr" was left an orphan at the age of three years, and his mother returned from Virginia to Philadelphia. He then removed to Fishkill, N. Y. , and after the death of his mother came back to his grandfather's in Phila- delphia. He went to school to Joseph P. Engles, entered the University of Penn- * Portrait at Mrs. Richards's at Narbeth, Pa, t Xenophon T, Maynard's first wife was Hannah H. Collier (Jonathan, m. Jane ), b. November i6, 1806, Charle.stown, N. H., m. October 3. 1S3S, d. January 10, 1843. Trenton, N. J. X John Orr- and Susan E. Grayson had Alexander D.^, of Mason Co.. Kentucky, m Mary Ball, of Virginia, Benjamin Grayson^, m. . and had no children, Dr. John D-^, m. Lee (Col. Thomas, of Caton, Va.), William Grayson", m. Sarah Price Moore, Ann^. m, Hugh Montgomery Stuart, Eleanor^, m. Maj. Valentine Peers, Susan Elizabeth^, m. Levin Powell, of Middelburg, Va, GENEALOGY 201 sylvania in 1S34 and was graduated in 1S38. He joined the Engineer Corps on Survey and Construction of the N. Y. and Erie R. R. and rose to Division Su- perintendent in charge of the road from Otis Gap, Orange County, N. Y. , to Port Jervis. Later he made a survey for a railroad from Goshen to Albany. He went to Virginia in July, 1842, studied law with G. C. Powell and John Janney of Loudoun, entered the bar in 1846, resided in Middelburg and removed to Leesburg in 1856. He practiced in the United States Courts, the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virgiuia and the Courts of Loudoun and contiguous coun- ties, was Mayor of Leesburg fifteen years, until removed by military order, in 1866, Attorney, Justice, Vestryman, etc. In April, 1861, he volunteered as a Private in a Confederate Company and served in Virginia, Kentucky and Ten- nessee, till paroled in 1866, as Major. John Moore Orr' and Orra Lee and Orra Virginia Preston had 1337. Orr'. 1338. Orr'. 1339. Eliza Moore Orr', m. Morgan . 1340. George Lbe Orr'. 134 1. Preston Orr", d. in infancy. 1330- Hannah Moore' (John\ Nathaniel, Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and John "Barker Ellison (James, m. Margaret ). John Barker Ellisou, the founder of the widely known firm of John B. El- lison & Sons, was born in Philadelphia. Mr. ElHson received an excellent aca- demic education at the well-known Westtown School. His taste developing in the direction of mercantile pursuits, he became in early years a confidential clerk with Benjamin Warner, a prominent publisher and bookseller of this city. In 1823 he established himself in the woolen business at the S.E. corner of Second and Mar- ket Streets, thus inaugurating a mercantile house which eventually developed into one of the most extensive of the numerous commercial features of this city. In after years his two sons, William P. and Rodman B., were admitted into part- nership with him, and the firm became John B. Ellison & Sous. Under this name the business is still carried on. Members of the firm now comprise, in addition to those men, Henry Howard Ellison, William Rodman Ellison and John Barker Ellison, grandsons of the founder. The business of the house, established through the inflexible industry and unblemished integrity of John B. Elli.son, has attained extended proportions, with branch offices in New York, Boston, Chicago, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Baltimore, London and Montreal. The quarters at Nos. 22, 24 and 26 South Sixth Street, extending through to Decatur Street, were erected by the firm in 1 88 1. It is the oldest, and there is no wholesale woolen importing house in America more extensive in its operations. In addition to the great mer- cantile enterprise which he founded, Mr. Ellison was identified with several other institutions of high standing, of a financial as well as of a public character. Em- phatic in the interest which he took in the affairs of government, as well as of party development, he ardently espoused the principles of the Republican party when it came into power in 1861, and was its earnest supporter and believer in the success of the Government in the War of the Rebellion. Mr. Ellison was a member of the Society of Friends, as were his ancestors for over a century. He was retiring in his disposition, and in an individual and quiet way, largely given to charitable deeds. In early life he took an active interest in the Philadelphia Society for the establishment and support of charity schools, incorporated in 1801. He was treasurer of the Society from January 5, 1841 to January 3, i860, and at the time of his death, had been Chairman of the Board of Managers from January II, i860, and a member since January 6, 1829.* * North American, 1891. 202 GENEALOG Y Hannah Moore' and John "Baricer Ellison had 1342. 1343- II Elizabeth Moore Ellison", b. June 6, 1825, m. November 29, 1S45, Samuel Richards (Thomas, m. Ann Bartram (John ) ), d. August 15, 1818, (/. February 21, 1895; she vood' and Gertrude Mackey had Ellen Gcstin Orpwood" Brown. [1402^] m. Ross 14026. IJGrace Orpwood" m. Ellis Chapin. [1402^/] 1402a. Ellen Gustin Orpwood" and "B^oss "BroWn had i4o2i:. Walter Brown". 1402b. Grace Orpwood'" and Ellis Chapin had 1402^. William Chapin". 1403. Mary Elizabeth Orpwood' and John W. Tarbill had 1403^. John W. Tarbill'", b. November 5, 1876. 1404. Laura Orpw^ood' and Henry Schreiber had 1404a. George Walter Schreiber'", b. August 17, 1888. 1393. £.mmaline Moore' (Nathaniel', Enoch', Nathaniel', Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and William "Beck had 1407. Clarence Bkck'. | 1409. Edward Beck*. 1408. Ida Beck'. I 1410. Frank Beck', d. . 1396. Henry Moore" (Nathaniel', Enoch', Nathaniel', Capt. John*, Na^ thaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Priscilla C. Sharp had 1411 IEloise', b. August 3, i860, m. Austin H. Bates; Altoona, Pa. [1414] 1412. Mary', b. February 6, 1871. 1413. Katie', 6. August 31, 1863, (/.January, 1865. 1411. £,loise Moore' and Austin H, "Bates had 1414. Edna Bates'", b. May 29, 1883. 1415. Henry Moore Bates'", b. September 5. 1884. 1416. Kenneth AdsTEN Bates'", b. Janu- ary 15, 1 886. 1417. Rodman Haines Bates'", b. June 11, 1889. 1418. Mary Eloise Bates'", *. December 27, 1890. 1419. Eugene Percivai, Bates'", August 22, 1892. 1420. Margaret Bates'", b. July 17, 1894. 142 1. Dorothy Bates'", b. February 20, 1899. 2o8 GENEALOGY 1397. Margaretta Moore* (Nathaniel', Enoch*, Nathaniel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel", Rev. John') and^amesD. Cooding had Public Schools, lawyer, Dover, Del. [1426] 1424. James Gooding'. 1422. Nettie Gooding'', teacher; Chester town, Md. 1423. ||Wii.i,iAM Gooding", b. April 8, 1862, ni, Sallie Bowman Wright, b. Jan- uary 26, 1866; Ex-Principal Clayton 1425. Bkckie Gooding", d. . 1423. William Gooding' and Sallie B. Wright had 1426. William Lambert Gooding'", 6. ] 1428. Samuel Wright Gooding'", b. Feb- January 31, 1S94. I ruary 22, 1899. 1427. James Bowman Gooding'", d. April j 1429. Thomas Moore Gooding'", b. May 14, 1896. j 27, 1900. 1398. William Moore' (Nathaniel', Enoch^ Nathaniel', Capt. John', Nathaniel*, Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Electa Hunt had 1430. Mary Emma", teacher ; Baltimore, Md. 1384. Eliza Ann Moore' (Enoch', Nathaniel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuer, Rev. John') and Eli Heald had 1431. IIElizabeth Heald', m. Albert Fon- tayne. [1436] 1432. ||Mary Ann Heald', m. William P. Blackburn. [1440] 1433. Joseph Heald", unmarried, d. . 1434. II Edward W. Heald', m. Mary Pep- per; he d. . [1445] 1435. IICharles H. Heald", m. Mary E. Talley. [1447] 1431. E.lizabeth Heald' (Eliza Ann Moore', m. Eli Heald, Enoch^ Na= thaniel', Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuer, Rev. John') and Albert Fon= tayne had 1436. Ida Fontayne". j 1438. Albert Fontayne". 1437. Mary Frances Fontayne'. I 1439. Bertha Fontayne". 1432. Mary Ann Heald' (Eliza Ann Moore', m. Eli Heald, Enoch^ Na- thaniel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel", Rev. John') and William P. "Blackburn had 1440. Lizzie Blackburn", d. — 1441. William D. Blackburn". 1442. Edward Blackburn". 1443. Alice Blackburn". 1444. Fannie Blackburn". 1434. Edward M. Heald" (Eliza Ann Moore', m. Eli Heald, Enoch^ Na- thaniel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Mary Pep= per had 1445. Laura Heald". | 1446. Edith Heald". 1435. Charles H. Heald" (Eliza Ann Moore', m. Eli Heald, Enoch^ Na- thaniel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Mary E. TaU ley had 1447. Josephine Heald". 1448. William H. Heald"; Attorney-at- Law, Wilmington, Del.; Post-Mas- ter, 1901. 1449- Anna A.*, *. 1834. I450- Evan S.^ b. 1836. J45I- Keziah", b. 1837. 1452- Charles*, b. 1839. 1453- Elizabeth*, b. 1841 GENEALOGY 209 1385. Enoch Moore' (Enoch', Nathaniel, Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Hannah E. Smith had 1454. HENOCH*, Jr., b. 1S42, m. 1864, Annie M. Fields, *. 1844. [1456] 1455. Ella S.*, b. 1847, m. 1868, Abraham R. Woollaston. 1454. Enoch Moore% Jr., (Enoch', Enoch', Nathanier, Capt. John', Na- thaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Annie M. Fields had 1456. IIMabkllK R.', *. 1865, m. Robert W. i 1459- 1|EN0CH^ 3d, b. 1871, m. Rose E. Smith, d. 1890. [1463] ' Frank. [1467] 1457. IILlzziE B.', b. 1866, m. Frank C. 1460. ||Elsie M.», 4. 1872, m. Alfred Russell. Robb. [1464] i [1468I 1458. 1IGE0RGEB.», b. 1869, m. Edith Aydon. | M^i- Delaware', *. 1876, d. 1880. [1466] 1462. Daisy C.\ b. 1882. 1456. Mabelle R. Moore' and Robert W. Smith had 1463. R. Dayton Smith'", b. 1890. 1457. Lizzie B. Moore' and Franli. C. Robb had 1464. Helen E. Robb'", *. 1889. 1 1465- Elsie B. Robb'", b. 1892, d. 1892. 1458. George B. Moore' and Edith Aydonhad 1466. Edith M.'", *. 1894. 1459. Enoch Moore', 3d, and "R^ose E. Franfi. had 1467. Enoch'", 4th, b. 1896. 1460. Elsie M. Moore' and A If red 'R.usseU had 1468. A. Raymond Russell"', *. 1897. 1386. John Moore' (Enoch', Nathaniel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Ann ^gnes Magee had 1469. Alexander Harris*, b. October 22, 1830 ; lives in Wilmington, Del. 1470. II Elizabeth Jane*, b. October 25, 1832, m. Robert S. Hickman, 1^. March 15, 1829, d. November 11, 1867; she d. November 21, 1890. [1471] 1470. Elizabeth Jane Moore' (John', Enoch', Nathaniel', Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John") and R^obertS. Hickman had 1471. Charles Hickman', *. July 3, 1858, 1473. Bertha Hickman', 4. April 21, 1863, d. October, 1877. d. September 23, 1865. 1472. Anna Hickman', b. February 15, 1474. Robert Hickman', d. in infancy. i860, d. June 27, 1863. 2IO GENEALOGY 1387. Charles Moore' (Euoch', Nathaniel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuer, Rev. John'), and Sarah Ann "Bennett and Sallie "Pickels, Charles Moore' was sent to Philadelphia to learn bookbinding when 14 ; he returned to Wilmington and later went to Brandywine to learn shipbuilding ; in 1824 he was in the procession in honor of Lafayette ; he removed to Philadelphia and helped to build Girard' s last ship. For 40 years he served as Volunteer Chaplain at the New Castle County Almshouse, and this he regarded as the most useful part of his career. He compiled a manuscript history of the Moore family of Wilmington, Del. Gharles Moore' and Sarah Ann "Bennett and Sallie "Pickets IIAnn AdELIa', m. William H.Wright. [1483] Charles Harris'. Sarah Catharine", d. August 10 1844. had 1475. II Mary Elizabeth', m. George R. Townsend; Wilmington, Del. 1478. 1 [1481] 1479- 1476. Letiti A Harris", rf. Novembers, 1836. 1480. 1477- Enoch Bennett*, m. Emma L. Smith, Saulsbury, Md.; he d. June 21, 1880. 1475. Mary ELlizabeth Moore' (Charles', Enoch', Nathaniel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and George "B^. ToWnsend had 1481. Florence M. Townsend'. | 1482 Charles M. Townsend'. 1478. Ann Adelia Moore' (Charles', Enoch', Nathaniel', Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and William H. Wright had 1483. Ansley Newlin Wright'. | 1484. William Henry Wright'. 1388. Edward Moore' (Enoch', Nathanier, Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Mary Ji. Hoopes and Sarah E. Higgins had 1878; March i, 1881, 2. J. Hood Wright, b. November 2, 1836, d. November 4, 1894 ; 613 Fifth Ave- nue, N. Y. City. [1490] AJ. .u. .u. .u. .u. 1485. IIJOHN H.", b. October 23, 1835, m. 1862, Elizabeth Wilson, b. 1833, d. December 9, 1888. [1487] IIMary", b. March 23, 1837, m. April 8, 1856, I. J. Norris Robinson, b. January 8, 1831, d. September 13, i486. 1485. John H. Moore' (Edward', Enoch', Nathaniel', Capt. John', Na- thaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Elizabeth Wilson had 1487. IJLENA F.', b. April 22, 1863, m. 1488. Elizabeth Wilson', b. January i, . [1489] 1872, m. October 7, 1903, William Hammond Remick, New York. 1487. Lena F. Moore' and — 1489. Elizabeth Moore'", b. June 8, 1894. had GENEALOGY 211 1486. Mary Moore' (Edward', Enoch', Nathaniel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and J. Norris Robinson and J. Hood Wright. J. Norris Robinson and J. Hood Wright were both members of the firm of Drexel & Company, bankers, Philadelphia, Pa. The J. Hood Wright Hospital in New York City is a memorial to the latter. The compiler is indebted to Mrs. Wright for valuable assistance in the compilation of the data of the Wilmington family. Mary Moore' and J, Norris Robinson and J. Hood Wright had 1490. IIWiLUAM Moore Robinson*, *. Jan- j 1493. Bertha Norris Robinson", i^. March uary 12, 1857, m. January iS, 1882, I 30, 1865, m. John N. Conyngham, Thusnekla Hessenbruch (Theophi- Wilkes-Barre, Pa. ; no children, lus). [1496] I 1494. JohnNorrisRobinson', A. March 12, ESTELLE ROBINSON^ b. October 22, 1867, d. July 8, 1867. 1495. IJEdward Moore Robinson', b. Sep- 1491. 1859, d. January 23, 1863. 1492. II May Estelle Robinson'', b. March 12, 1863, m. April 22, 1884, John Markle, M. E., Hazleton, Pa., b. December 15, 1858 ; no children. tember 20, 1868, m. January 10, 1893, Ailene I vers (Richard), b. Septem- ber I, 1870; Philadelphia, Pa. [1498] 1490. William Moore Robinson' and Thusnelda Hessenbruch had 1496. Mary Bertha Robinson'", A. Octo- | 1497. Thusnelda Wright Robinson'", A. ber 2, 1883, d. March 25, 1885. | May 2, 1SS6. 1492. May Estelle Robinson" and John Markle. John Markle is a graduate of Lafayette College, class of 1880, Mining En- gineering Department, a member of /J X fraternity, banker, coal operator, and a trustee of Lafayette College. 1495. E.dward Moore R^obinson' and Ailene IVers. Edward Moore Robinson' is connected with the banking firm of Drexel & Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Robinson has rendered material assistance in the publication of this book. E.dward Moore Robinson" and Jlilene IVers had 1498. Edward Ivers Robinson'", b. Feb- ruary 3, 1894. 1389. Mary Moore' (Enoch", Nathaniel', Capt. John*, Nathanier, Capt. Samuer, Rev. John') and Jonathan Zebley had 1499. Hannah Zebley'. 1502. (Son) Zebley'. 1500. Sallie Zebley'". 1503- (Son) Zebley', 1501. Edward M. Zebley'. 1094. Amos Coryell Moore' (Nathaniel\ m. Eleanor Van Brunt, Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel", Rev. John') and Hannah Learning (Chris- topher) and Phebe Ludlam. 212 GENEALOGY Amos Coryell Moore* was a Methodist minister aud traveled on a circuit in the lower part of New Jersey. Amos Coryell Moore" and Hannah Learning and "Phebe Ludlam had 1504. IISarah Leaming', 6. December 21, 1806, m. May 3, 1831, Dr. Maurice Beesley , "Up Wjgi^ ^<^ ^% ■^^ pm Washington's Rhci-.i-tion at Tki':nton. This reproduction of a crude steel engraving is interesting because it slicnvs what actually occurred when Washington was on his way to the inauguration ceremonies, which were to make him the first President of the United States. GENEALOGY 2^5 1531. Julia Ann R.oss' and Jlnthony "Benizet had 1538. II William Henry Harrison Beni- zet*, d. March 27, 1841, m. January 29, 1873, Lena Ware. [1542] 1539. Emma L. Benizet*, b. September 27, 1842. 1540. 1541- IIEdmund S. Benizet*, d. January 19, 1844, m. February 25, 1874, Mary H. Springer. [1543] Julia R. Benizet', d. November 12, 1850. 1538 1542 William Henry Harrison Benizef and Lena Ware had Walter S. Benizet'", 6. January 30, 1877. 1540 1543 E,dmund S. Benizet' and JMarp H. Springer had d. Januarj- 4, I 1544. Ralph A. Benizet 1875- Maude H. Benizet'", 6. January 18, 1883. 1532. Wilson Ross' (Eleanor Wilson', m. Thomas Ross, Sarah Moore', m. Stewart Wilson, Nathaniel', Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John") and EVeline Miller had 1545. IIMary E. Ross*, m. Elmer Lake. I 1546. Julia Ross'. [1547] I 1545. 1547- Mary E. Ross' and Elmer Lake had Dr. Wilson Lake'", m. Thompson ; no children. 1548. Evelyn Lake'". Anna 1549- 1550. Sadie Lake'", m. December 3, 1897, John S. Schellenger. Elmer Lake'". 1534. John Ross" (Eleanor Wilson', m. Thomas Ross, Sarah Moore', m. Stewart Wilson, Nathaniel", Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and "R^hoda Ludlam had 1551. IIEdmund L. Ross*, m. .\nna Lloyd. [1552] 1551. Edmund L. R.oss' and jinna Lloyd had 1552. Howard H. Ross'". I 1554. John H. Ross'". 1553- Bertha Ross'". I 1535. George Washington R.oss' (Eleanor Wilson', m. Thomas Ross, Sarah Moore^ m. Stewart Wilson, Nathaniel, Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Mary Smith and Eliza Holmes had 1555. Ida Ross*, d. . 1556. Ella Ross', d. . 1557. Ida Ross*, 2d, d. . 1558. II Hannah Ross* m. Winfield Border ; she d. . [1564] 1559. II Emma R. Ross*, m. Clarence Gal- lagher. [1566] 1560. Mary Ross*. 1561. Georgie Ross*. 1562. Dorcas Ross*. 1563. Clarence Ross*, d. in infancy. 2l6 GENEALOG Y 1558. Hannah Ross' and W infield Border had 1564. Clarence Border'". I 1565- George Border" 1559. Emma R.. Ross" and Clarence Gallagher had 1566. Gallagher". I 1567- Gallagher'". 1537. Ellen Moore Ross" (Eleanor Wilson', m. Thomas Ross, Sarah Moore", m. Stewart Wilson, Nathaniel, Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel", Rev. John') and Joseph Smith had 1568. IAnthony B. Smith^, m. February 9, 1882, Ray Garwood. [1570] 1569. Edmond Smith", d. at sea, Septem- ber 12, 1867. 1568. Anthony B. Smith' and Ray Garwood had 1570. Clarence Smith'". 1571. Garwood Smith'". 1524. Esther Hand' (Sarah Moore', m. Jonathan Hand, Nathaniel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Elijah Husted had 1572. IIElizabeth Husted*, b. September l 1574. Adalaide HusTEd', b. January 3, 3, 1837, ni. Elou Gwyn, b. April 4, 1841. 1815, d. June 10, 1890. [1577] i 1575. IIAnnabelLE Hdsted», b. December 1573. IISarah Ellen Husted", b. March , 13, 1842, m. Alexander McKean ; 24, 1S39, m. George Husted. j she d. April 9, 1872. [1580] [1578] j 1576. Albert Husted', b. December 17, 1844, d. November 28, 1865. 1572. Elizabeth Husted" (Esther Hand', m. Elijah Husted, Sarah Moore**, m. Jonathan Hand, Nathaniel^ Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel", Rev. John') and Elon GtlOyn had 1577. Mary Elizabeth Gwyn", b. June 15, 1877, (/. September 17, 1877. 1573. Sarah Ellen Husted" (Esther Hand', m. Elijah Husted, Sarah Moore*, m. Jonathan Hand, Nathaniel, Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and George Husted had 1578. George W. Husted", b. May 11, I 1579 i860, d. October 11, 1897. | Annabelle HusTKd", b. March 29, 1862. 1575. Annabelle Husted" (Esther Hand', m. Elijah Husted, Sarah Moore", m. Jonathan Hand, Nathaniel", Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Alexander McKean had 1582. Lizzie Husted McKean", b. Sep- 1580. Thomas McKean", b. October 2r, 1868, d. August 23, 1875. 1581. Morgan Weston McKean", A. Sep- tember 13, 1S71. tember 18, 1873. GENEALOGY 2 1 J 1525. Sarah Moore Hand" (Sarah Moore'', m. Jonathan Hand, Nathan- iel*, Capt. John*, Nathanier, Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and John !R.055 had 1586. IILewis Hand Ross", hi. Sophia Swain. [1609] 1587. IJEdward Ross*, m. Emuia Allen. [1612] 1588. IIJosEPHiNE Hand Ross", m. Joshua Hand Reeves. [1619] 1589. John Moore Ross*. 1583. IILydia Leaming Ross', m. Frank- | lin Whitaker. [1590] 1584. IIThomas Ross*, m. Matilda T. Con- ner. [1605] 1585. Franklin Moore Ross*, m. Annie Hallenbeck ; no children. 1583 1590- IIJ Lydia Leaming Ross^ and Frani(,Un Whitaker had 1591- 1592. 1593- Julia Ross Whitaker', ra. William 1 1594. Ross Hunt, [1597] I Lemuel Whitaker', m. Clara P. I 1595- Wheeler ; no children. Clarence Bartlett Whitaker', '596- unmarried. Harry Vandyke Whitaker', m. Balbinade Ceuras. [1598] li Frank Leaming Whitaker', m. Frank S. Kintzing. [1599] II Herbert Coleman Whitaker', m. Agnes Tweed. [i6oi] Cora Whitaker', m. Charles J. Yocum ; no children. 1590. Julia Ross WhitaKer' and William Ross Hunt had 1597. Jeannette Fallen Hunt'". 1593. Harry Van Dyke Whitaker' and "Balbina de Ceuras had 1598. Claudine Whitaker'". 1594. Frank Leaming Whitaker" and Frank S- Kintzing had 1599. Florence Leaming Whitaker'". | 1600. Marguerite Whitaker'". 1595. Herbert Coleman Whitaker" and Agnes Tweed had 1601. Norman T. Whitaker'". I 1603. Dorothea Whitaker'". 1602. Hazel Whitaker'". I 1604. Roland Whitaker'". 1584. Thomas Ross' (Sarah Moore Hand', m. John Ross, Sarah Moore", m. Jonathan Hand, Nathaniel, Capt. John', Nathaniel'', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Matilda T. Connor had 1605. HFrederick Connor Ross', m. Ella 1 1606. Lilian Benizet Ross'. Kiusler. [1608] I 1607. Franklin M. Ross'. 1605. Frederick Connor Ross' and Ella Kinsler had 1608. Garrett Motx Ross'". 1586. Lewis Hand Ross" (Sarah Moore Hand', m. John Ross, Sarah Moore*, m. Jonathan Hand, Nathaniel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Sophia 902, Robert Hartshorne Large. 1676. Virginia ReaKirt' ( Keziah Holcombe', m. Joseph Reakirt, Letitia Moore", m. Jacob Holcombe, Theophilus', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John', and Dr. James LatsOS. U. S. N., had 1681. ViRGiNi.i Reakirt Laws^, />. De- cember 21, 1S66. 1682. Paul W.^lTham L-\ws*, 6. Novem- ber 19, 1870, d. March 18, 1S73. 1683. Estelle Meircken* Laws*, />. May 19, 1872, m. May 14, 1896, George Gibson Colegate. 1654. Mary Moore" (Theophilus', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel,' Rev. John') and Samuel Holcombe* (Samuel', Samuel"', John'). Samuel Holcombe' and family came to New Brunswick, N. J., in 1810, from Mt. Airy. He lived on Water Street. He was a prosperous grain merchant. Mary Moore" and Samuel Holcombe had 1684. 1685. 1686. IIRhoda Moore Holcombe', 6. Janu- ary 18, 1795, m. Peter V. Pool ; she (/.August 2, 1S78, Brooklyn, N. Y. [1690] II Elizabeth Stillwell Holcombe', d. 1796, New Brunswick, N. J., m. Rev. .Stephen H. Meeker, b. October 17, 1799, Elizabeth, N. J., d. Febru- ary 2, 1876, Brooklyn, N. Y.; she d. December 30, 1850, Brooklyn, N. Y. [1695] ITheophilus Moore Holcombe', b. May 19, 1799, m. Catharine Neilson Farmer; he d. November 19, 1864. [1714] 16S7. 168S. 1689. Jane Maria Holcombe', b. 1804, unmarried, . CristiOold and Fielding had 1707. Frank Griswold". i * * » » » 1708. Henry L. Griswold", m. . I 1709. Minnie Fielding'. 1700. Catharine MeeRer' (Elizabeth Stillwell Holcombe', Mary Moore", m. Samuel Holcombe, Theopliilus', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John") and EdWard B. Coombs had 1710. Edward B. Coombs', Jr. | 1711. Samuel H. Coombs'. GENEALOG Y 223 1701. Susan W. MeeKer' (Elizabeth Still well Holcombe', ru. Rev. Stephen H. Meeker, Mary Moore', m. Samuel Holcombe, Theophilus', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and George 2). "Betts had 1712. Frederick Betts'. | 1713. Stephen M. Betts'. 1686. Theophilus Moore Holcombe' (Mary Moore', ra. Samuel Holcombe, Theophilus^ Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Catharine Neilson Farmer had 1714. Gertrude C. Holcombe*, (/. 1S25. j 1719. Samuel Holcombe", m. Ella Graut ; 1715. Mary Moore Holcombe", ni. : he ' 19, 1S68. Charles D. Deshler ; she (/. Septem- ! 1720. Hannah MuNRO Holcombe", unmar- ber 7, 1893. ried, d. 1S64. 1716. Hugh Munro Holcombe-, d. 1834, 1 1721. Theophilus Moore Holcombe", un- j'oung. ! married, d. 1862. 1717. Jane Farmer Holcombe*, unmar- ried. 1 7 18. Ferdinand Schureman Holcombe', m. Emma Bishop ; he d. December 24, 1885. 1722. Andrew Cojemans Holcombe", un- married, d. 1887. 1688. Cornelia A. Holcombe' (Mary Moore", m. Samuel Holcombe, Theophilus', Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Dr. Au- gustus F. "R,. Taylor (Dr. Augustus R.). Dr. Augustus F. R. Taylor was at one time Mayor of New BruiLswick. Cornelia A. Holcombe' aud ©r. Augustus F. R. Taylor had 1723. IJCatharine Neilson Taylor", m. I 1724. Mary Moore Taylor"; member of Loyal T. Ives ; she d. February 9, Jersey Blue Chapter D. A. R. 1901, New Brunswick, N. J.; no children. I 1723. Catharine Neilson Taylor" (Cornelia A. Holcombe', m. Dr. Augustus F. R. Taylor, Mary Moore', m. Samuel Holcombe, Theophilus^ Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Loyal T. IVes. Catharine Neilson Taylor" was of New Brunswick and always resided there. From early life she devoted much of her time to deeds of charity and not only took an active and leading part in the organized charities of the city, but gave most generously to many private enterprises. Her benevolences were wide-spread, and many families were made happy and comfortable through her kindly efforts. No appeal for aid to her went unheeded. She was a member of the Board of Managers of the Children's Industrial Home, of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A., and also took an active interest in the Wells Memorial Hospital. She was an attendant at the Episcopal Church of St. John the Evangelist.* 1689. Susan Jones Holcombe' (Mary Moore', m. Samuel Holcombe, Theophilu.s\ Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and George Plum MoUeson' (Elias*, Gilbert', ', Gilbert'). George Plum Molleson attended school at Baskingridge, N. J., graduated from Princeton, 1824, studied law aud became Master and Examiner in Chancery, November lo, 1837, and was active in politics as a Whig — was an ardent supporter • New Brunswick Daily Times. 224- GENEALOGY and warm personal friend of Henry Clay. He was three times elected to the Leg- islature and, declining reelection, was appointed Prosecutor of the Pleas for Mid- dlesex County on March 12, 1839, by Governor Pennington, and two years later Attorney-General of New Jersey, by the same Governor. During the three years in which he held this office, he acquitted him.self with great credit in the midst of unusually arduous and harassing circumstances. He was an active member of the First Presbyterian Church of New Brunswick, N. J., was superintendent of the Sabbath-school and ruling elder. He was unaffectedly religious, cordial, winning and popular with all classes. He was the eldest son of Elias Molleson, a mer- chant of New Brunswick, N. J., a ruling elder of the First Church, who was born October 28, 1782, went to New Brunswick in 1798, married November 25, 1802, Sally Plum, daughter of George Plum, and died September 5, 1831. He was the grandson of Gilbert Molleson, of Piscataway, N. J., who is said to descend from Gilbert Molleson, of London, merchant, one of the Scotch proprietors of East Jersey. Susan Jones Holcombe' and George Plum Molleson had 1725. t|ELl.\S Molleson", A. March I, 1833, I 1838, unmarried, d. January 14, m. September 15, 1869, Mary E. Fleming. [1730] 1726. IITheophii,us Moore Molleson*, b. August 29, 1835, m. 1877, Kiltie Barker, d. 1892 ; he d. December 14, 1889. [1732] 1727. Sarah Plum Molleson", d. May 9, 1889. 1728.11 George Plum Molleson", li. August 21, 1S40, m. 1875, Mary B. Roberts; he rf. December 31, 1S89. [1733] 1729. Samuel Holcombe Molleson", 6. January, 1843, unmarried, d. Sep- tember 12, 1889. 1725. Elias Molleson' (Susan Jones Holcombe', m. George Plum Molle- son, Mary Moore*, m. Samuel Holcombe, Theophilus^ Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Mary E. Fleming had 1730. Samuel Holcombe Molleson", b. I 1731. Susan Moore Molleson', *. June May 18, 1874. I I, 1889. 1726. Theophilus Moore Molleson" (Susan Jones Holcombe', m. George Plum Molleson, Mary Moore", m. Samuel Holcombe, Theophilus*, Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. SamueF, Rev. John') and Kittle Barker had 1732. Dean Chasb MollESOn', b. October 20, 1878; New York, 49 W. 44th Street. 1728. George Plum Molleson' (Susan Jones Holcombe', m. George Plum Molleson, Mary Moore^ m. Samuel Holcombe, Theophilus^ Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Mary B. Roberts had 1733. George Adrian Molleson", *. Oc- | 1734. Stanley Holcombe Molleson', b. tober 16, 1876. October 10, 1S78, graduate of Uni- versity of New York; studeut-at- law at Law School of U. N. Y. 1655. Keziah Moore" (Theophilus', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Sam- uel', Rev. John') and John Van CleVe Hart (Abner', John-', John') had 1735. Theodore Moore Hart', unmar- I 1736. IIDr. Alexander C. Hart', m. Mary ried, d. aet. 24; graduate of Prince- Clarke (Dr. Israel, of Clarkesville, ton, class 1828; lawyer. | N.J.) [1741] GENEALOGY 225 1737- 173S. ijCORNELIA \V. Hart', m. Judge John Oswald Thompson (John Wallace Thompsou, m. Jlargaretta A., widow of Capt. Oswald), Philadel- phia, b. 1S09, d. 1S66 ; she d. . [1751] John Hart', d., accident at School, aet. 14. 1739- IIFnEDERiCK Hart', in. , New York. [1761] 1740. IjTheophilus Phillips Moorb Hart', m. 1849, Jane French Ellis (Dr. John, of Jersey City). [1764] 1736. Dr. Alexander C. Hart' (Keziah Moore^ m. John Van Cleve Hart, Theophilus', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Mary Clarke (Dr. Israel). Dr. Alexander C- Hart' was a graduate of Princeton College, class of 1832 ; he lived in Philadelphia ; M.D. University of Pennsylvania, 1836. Dr. Alexander C. Hart' and Mary Clarke had 1741. Elizabeth Clarke Hart",;/, aet. 15. 1742. Cornelia F. Hart", d. 1893. 1743. ilJoHN Van Cleve Hart', m. Minnie Simonson, of New York, d. 1S92. [1-49] 1744. Theodore M. Hart", tn. Lizzie Rickey, of Philadelphia ; no chil- dren. 1745- 1746. 1747- 1748. M.\rgaret T. Hart*. Annie H. Hart*. Mary C. Hart*, d. in infancy. Fanny Hart*. 1743. John Van Cleve Harf (Dr. Alexander C. Hart', m. Mary Clarke, Keziah Moore", m. John Van Cleve Hart, Theophihis', Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel^ Rev. John') and Minnie Simonson had 1749. Alexander C. Hart'. | 1750. Eleanor Hart". 1737. Cornelia W. Hart' (Keziah Moore', m. John Van Cleve Hart, Theophilus\ Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John") and Judge Osts)ald Thompson (John Wallace, m. MargarettaA., widow of Capt. Oswald). Judge John Oswald Thompson was a graduate of Princeton College, class of 1828 ; Judge of Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia, Pa. Cornelia W. Hart' ^.wd Judge Oswald Thompson had 1751- 1752- Theodore Hart Thompson* 13 months. d. aet. Cornelia Hart Thompson*, m. 1871, EdwardSmith Kelly (Philip, m. Sarah Caroline ), f>. Au- gust 6, 1836, Philadelphia, Pa, , grad- uate of University of Pennsylvania, class 1856; lawyer by profession; 1528 Pine Street. 1753. IIHelenR. Thompson', m. 1869, Rev. James Hall Mason Knox, D.D., LL.D., of New York (Dr. John, m. Mason), fi. June 10, 1824, d. January 21, 1903. [1756] 1754. 1!JULIA W. Thompson", m. 1877, Dr. Oscar H. Allis; Philadelphia, 1604 Spruce Street. [1757] 1755- Oswald Thompson', d. aet. 15 months. 1753. Helen R.. Thompson' (Cornelia W.Hart', m. Judge Oswald Thompson, Keziah Moore^ m. John Van Cleve Hart', Theophilus\ Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuer, Rev. John') and H^eV. James Hall Mason Knox, ©.©., LL.7). Dr. James Hall Mason Knox, LLD., was born in New York. His father was Dr. John Knox, for more than forty years senior pastor of the Collegiate Reformed 226 GENEALOGY Dutch Church, of New York, and his mother was the daughter of Dr. John M. Mason, the eminent Presbyterian divine. He was graduated from Columbia College at the age of 17, and after a year's interval entered the theological seminary of the Dutch Reformed Church at New Brunswick, N. J., and was at the completion of his course ordained to the gospel ministry. Among other calls then received he accepted one from German Valley Church, of Newton Presbytery. He remained at German Valley five years, when he removed to Easton, in response to a call from the Reformed Dutch Church of this city, Classis of New Brunswick. He remained here two years and was then succeeded by Dr. C. H. Edgar. His next church was the First Presbyterian, of Germantown, Pa. .Second Presbytery of Philadelphia, now Pre.sbytery of Philadelphia North. There he spent sixteen years. It was during his stay at Bristol the first Mrs. Knox died. Dr. Knox afterward went to Bristol, Pa., leaving that charge at the end of ten years to accept, in November, 1883, the presidency of the faculty of Lafayette College, succeeding Dr. Cattell, whose work he successfully continued. This office he filled until his resignation in 1890. He then spent two years in Europe and soon after took up his residence in Baltimore. He became a trus- tee of Lafayette College in 1863. He filled many ofiices of trust in the Presbyterian Church, being known as an able counselor. He was specially interested in the effort to care for aged ministers, and personally superintended the starting of the Home at Perth Amboy where so many ministers and their wives have been comfortably provided for. For thirty-seven years an active trustee of Lafayette College, he rarely missed a meeting. It was perhaps twenty years ago that he interested the philanthropist, Daniel B. Fayerweather, in the college, this being accomplished through the kind intervention of Dr. Hitchcock, the acting president of the Union Theological Sem- inary. The beautiful structure standing between Martien and Powell Halls bears his name as a slight tribute to Mr. Fayerweather's generosity. The correspond- ing building at the western end of the campus bears the name of Dr. Knox. His own alma mater, Columbia College, recognized his worth in conferring on him the degree of Doctor of Divinity in 1861, and that of Doctor of Laws in 1885. Dr. Knox left the college with more students than when he began his pres- idency, and in a much better financial state. When he resigned his position as the head of Lafayette College, the Board of Trustees placed on record their high appreciation of him " as a Christian gen- tleman and bore witness that he had labored diligently, faithfully and earnestly to promote the best interests of the institution, and sincerely invoked the bless- ings of Almighty God upon him, in whatever position lie may hereafter be placed." Dr. Knox is well remembered for his impressive presence, his tall and graceful form, and his genial address. He was a specially graceful writer. Helen R. Thompson" and ReV. James Hall Mason Knox,* 'DT>.,LL.'D., had 1756. IIJAMES Hall Mason Knox'', Jr., b. May 20, 1872. 1756. James Hall Mason Knox', Jr. (Helen R. Thompson', m. Rev. James Hall Ma.son Knox, Corneha W. Hart', m. Judge Oswald Thompson, Keziah Moore^ m. John Van Cleve Hart, Theophilu,s', Capt. John*, Nathaniel*, Capt. Samuel'. Rev. John'). James Hall Mason Knox", Jr. , attended Lafayette College in the class of 1892, graduated at Yale, entered Johns Hopkins and received the degree of M.D. He is connected with the medical department of the University. ♦ Dr. Knox's first wife was Miss De Forest by whom he had Louise, the wife of Louis D. Tiffany, of New York. GENEALOGY 22-^ 1754. Julia W.Thompson' (Cornelia W. Hart', m. Judge Oswald Thompson, Keziah Moore^ m. John Van Cleve Hart, Theophilus', Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and ©r. Oscar H. jiUis, of Philadel- phia. Dr. Oscar H. Allis is a graduate of Lafayette College, class of 1864, of Jef- ferson Medical College, 1866, lecturer in the School of Anatomy, Philadelphia, Surgeon in Howard Hospital, inventor of surgical appliances.* Julia W. Thompson and Dr. Oscar H. Allis had 1757- 1758. Marv Elizabeth Allis', b. August 20, 1878. Oswald Thompson Allis^, b. Sep- tember 9, 1880. 1759- William Allis', A. 1SS2, r/. 1S82. 1760. Jdlia Allis", *. 1884, d. 18S4. 1739. FredericK Harf (Keziah Moore', m. John Van Cleve Hart, The- ophilus^ Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and had 1761. Albert Hart", d. in California. I 1763. Blanche Hart*. 1762. Theodore Hart". I 1740. Theophilus Phillips Moore Hart' (Keziah Moore*, m. John Van Cleve Hart, Theophilus*, Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Jane French Ellis had 1764. Henry Ellis Hart*. 1765. Oswald Thompson Hart*, d. aet. 15. 1766. Robert Roosevelt Hart*, d. aet. 1767. 6 months. Elizabeth Helen Hart*. 1768. IIAdele Thorne Hart*, m. i. Dr. John W. Greene, of New York, d. 1898; 2. September, 1900, Louia Casimir de Coppet. [1769] 1768. Adele Thorne Hart' (Theophilus Phillips Moore Hart', m. Jane French Ellis, Keziah Moore', m. John Van Cleve Hart, Theophilus', Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John") and Dr. John W. Greene and Louis Casimir de Coppet had 1769. Phillips Ellis Rollestone Greene'. » ♦ ♦ * * 1079. John Moore' (Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Sarah Carpenter (Henry, of Ewing, N. J.). John Moore* enlisted as a private in Capt. John Mott's Company, First Regiment, Hunterdon County, in the Revolution, and on Sept. 29, 1777, was promoted to a Sergeantry. Four hundred acres of land were surveyed for him in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, July i, 1784.! John Moore* and Sarah Carpenter had 1770. IICapT. Charles', b. 1774 at Trenton, N. J., m. I. Susan Byers; October 6, 1801, 2. at First Baptist Church, Philadelphia, Mary Coates* (Judge Lindsay', of Philadelphia, John^ Thomas'), i. in Philadelphia, Pa., 1772, d. April 12, 1846, at Batavia, Ohio, in 74th year; he d. June 13, 1844, Batavia, Ohio. [1774] 1771- ilJOHN Carpenter', m. February 13, 181 1, Elizabeth Howell Guild* (John', Rev. John', John' ), A.April 28, 1 791, d. 1849, at Hollidaysburg, Pa., and was buried in the old part of the Presbyterian graveyard ; he d. , at Trenton, N. J. [1932] ♦ Men of Lafayette. CofBn. t Pennsylvania Archives, 3d Series. XXVI, 129. 228 GENEALOGY 1772. Elizabeth', m. November 23, 1805, Rev. Asa Dunham. 1773. II Sarah', in. April 17, 1805, George Hunt, d. December 2, 1852; she rf. June I, 1855; removed to Clermont Count}', Ohio. [2022] 1770. Capt. Charles Moore' (John^ Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Susan'Bt;ers and J\Iart; Coates^ (Judge Lindsay', John', Thomas'). Capt. Charles Moore'*, after the death of his first wife, removed to Philadel- phia and engaged in silversmithing. He was captain of the Second Company, 84th Regiment, ist Brigade, ist Division of Pennsylvania Militia, in the War of 1812. In 1815 he removed to Clermont County, Ohio. Mary Coates was the daughter of Judge Lindsay Coates and Ruth Hughes, born November 16, 1743, whom he married May, 1765. Ruth Hughes was the daughter of John Hughes, Stamp Officer, who married, in 1738, Sarah Jones. John Hughes was the son of Hugh Hughes of Wales and Martha Jones of Lower Merion. Lindsay Coates was the executor of his father's will, John, proved 1776. His grandfather was Thomas Coates. Capt. Charles Moore" and Susan "Byers and Mary Coates had 1774. John', m. i. Eunice Goff; 2. Elizabeth Sellers. [1779] ***** 1775- IIRKbecca', d. April 13, 1807, m. May, 1824, I. Joseph Grant (Capt. John, Kennebunk, Me., Master of sloop George, lost in 1797, and brig Rainbow in 1800, by French spolia- tion), A.September 3, 1799, Kenne- bunk, Me., d. December 17, 1830, Batavia, Ohio, and was buried in the old Moore Cemetery; April 13, 1837, 2. Charles M. Smith, b. Feb- ruary 29, 1816, d. iSjo±, Washing- ton, D. C; she d. August 14, T849. [1883] 1776. II Charles Augustus', i^. June 24, 1810, Trenton, N. J., m. 1832, i. Hannah D. Lukens, d. 1836; 1837, 2. Susan Adamson, 6. 1801, d. 1872; he d. May 15, 1871, Batavia, Ohio. [■S37] 1777. IILiNDSAY Coates', i^. August 12, 1814, Maidenhead, N. J., m. April 22, 1838, I. EUzabeth Talley (John), d. 1820, Batavia, O., d. September 17, 1840; September 15, 1842, 2. Olivia M. Frazier, d. June 4, 1825, Batavia, O., d. October 4, 1875; he d. Feb- ruary 4, 1883, Batavia, O. [1850] 1778. IIMary Malvina', m. July 14, 1S28, David Chester Br5'an, London, O., d. 1869, Batavia, O.; she d. April i8, 1894, Brookston, Ind. [1924] 1779- 17S0. 1781 1782 1784. 1785. 1774. John Moore' (Capt. Charles^ m. Susan Byers, John', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Eunice Coff and Elizabeth Sellers had Lester G.', b. December 28, 1821, m. July 2, 1843, Eliza Rust ; he d. Au- gust 26, 1863. [1788] Charles Augustus", b. December 7, 1823, ra. December 15, 1844, i. Car- oline Parker; January 22, 1S63, 2. Sarah E. Malott, d. January 7, 1878; 3. Elmira Porter; 4. Hannah Peter- son ; he d. January 22, 1898. George". Susan'', ni. McVey. 1783. IIJENNIE", b. August I, 1830, m. Au- gust 10, 1854, Egbert T. Norton, rf. December 25, 1885. [1826] IJNORMAN B.-, b. December 25, 1S32, m. December 25, 1855, Theodosia McMillen, (/. May 9, 1S86; he d. December 22, 1889. [1829] IISarah Coates", d. May 2, 1836, m. November 5, 1857, Henry Beards- ley; she (/, September 8, 1899, Hamilton, Ohio. [1831] 1786. IIJOHN L.", *. March 12, 1838, m. March 20, 1861, Angie Boulware ; Batavia Ohio. [1833] ***** 1787. Perry*. GENEALOGY 22^ 1779. Lester G. Moore' (John', Capt. Charles', John', Capt. John', Na- thaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Eliza "R^ust. Lester G. Moore was a lieutenant in the Civil War. Lester G. Moore" and Eliza Rust had 1791 178S. William J.', b. February 15, 1848, m. May 16, 1872, Almira C. Kain. 1789. George P.", b. November 21, 1850, I 1792. m. I. Kate Murphy ; 2. Rose Homan. 1790. Edgar L.*, b. October 21, 1853, ti. 1793. December 25, 1873. Ella S.", 6. September 5, 1856, m. June 29, 1874, Julius F. Edwards. Kate R.', b. August 20, 1859, m. Sept. 16, 1878, I. William R. Fyffe; Elizabeth E.", b. May 8, 1862, m. No- vember g, 1883, Charles E. Dudley. 1780. Charles Augustus Moore' (John', Capt. Charles', John', Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Sainuel'*', Rev. John') and Caroline Parker and Sarah E. jyialott and Elmira Porter and Hannah Peterson had *. May 17, 1846, d. May 12, I * , » * * 1794. Clara 1S52. 1795. IIMarv Eunice", b. March 4, 1848, m. August 15, 1869, Joseph Homan, Batavia, O. [i8ii] 1796. Annie L.', b. December 4, 1850. m. May 30, 1870, Henry L. Traphagen. 1797. Olive', b. July 29, 1852, d. July i, 1853- 1798. iljENNlE N.', b. July 10, 1854, m. Octo- ber 19, 1876, Albert D. Bryan. [1818] 1799. Eva B.^, b. September 15, 1856, m. John Weeks ; she . Juue 20, 1861, d. December 12, 1882. 1784. Norman B. Moore' (John', Capt. Charles^ John^ Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Theodosia McMillen had 1829. Sarah", *. October 9, 1856, m. Feb- | 1S30. Frank W.»,*. September 30, 1859, rf. ruary 9, 1876, George E. Silcott. May 26, 1864. 1785, Sarah Goates Moore' (John', Capt. Charles^ John^ Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Henry "Beardsley had 183 1. Edward M. Beardsley', b. August 15, 1858, m. June 21, 1883, Maria A. Wilson; hed. March 28, 18S8. 1832. George Beardsley', b. February 2, 1863, d. April 21, 1895. 1786. John L. Moore" (John', Capt. Charles^ John^ Capt. John*, Na- thaniel', Capt. Samuer, Rev. John') jingie "BoulWare had 1833. Clifford K.', b. May 18, 1S63, d. May 3, 1890. 1834. Grace', b. November 16, 1866, m. January i, 1885, Clifford Kain. 1835. Ma.xwkll', b. March 2, 1870, m. Au- gust 22, 1899, Grace Hamilton. 1836. Carolyn', b. October 10, 18S0. 1776. Charles Augustus Moore' (Capt. Charles^ m. Mary Coates, John', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Hannah D. Lu%ens and Susan ^damson had 1S37. Harriet Caroline', /^.January 31, 1833, Batavia, Ohio, m. February i, 1858, John Kain, Batavia, O. ***** 1838. ||Benjamin Franklin'*, h. December 13, 1838, Batavia, O., m. October 24, 1867, Kate Dimmitt, Batavia, O. ; he d. July 20, 1S98, Washington, D. C. [1841] 1839- 1840. Mary Cornelia', b. January 15, 1841, Batavia, O. li Hannah Belle', b. November 17, 1843, Batavia, O., m. October 27, 1875, Benajah F. Cary; Hanford, Cal. [1848] 1838. Benjamin FranRlin Moore' (Charles A.', Capt. Charles", John', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Kate Dimmitt had 1841. Anna Myra', b. August 28, 1S69, d. June 6, 1870. 1842. Susanne a.', b. December 25, 1S70, Washington, D. C. 1S43. Fred D.', b. October 29, 1873,0'. July 9. 1875. 1844. Meda Brockvvay', b. March 23, 1875, Washington, D. C. 1845. Frank Dimmitt", b. December i, 1876. 1846. Julia Whipple", b. September 16, 1S78. 1S47. Emily Power", b. August 6, 18S5, d. April 15, 1891. GENEALOGY 231 1840. Hannah Belle Moore" (Charles A.', Capt. Charles^ John', Capt. John', Nalhanier, Captain Samuel', Rev. John') and "Benajah F. Cary had 1849. Francis Nichols Cary", b. October 1848. Charles Moore Cary", b. Septem- ber, 12, 1S76, Batavia, O. 28, 1878. 1777. Lindsay Coates Moore' Capt. John', Nathanier, Capt. Samuel', and Olivia M- Frazier had 1850. 11 Elizabeth Talley", b. January 24, 1840, Batavia, O., m. October 21, 1858, at" Moorfield," Judge Robert Alexander Johnston, Cincinnati, O., b. November 17, 1835, Clermont County, d. December 26, 1888 ; she d. October 27, 1888, Cincinnati, O. [1856] ***** 1851. IIMary Jane', b. July 28, 1843, m. Sep- tember 12, 1867, Batavia, O. .Charles Hay ward Blanchard, Milford, O.; Batavia, O., "Moorfield." [1868] 1852. IIEdward Charles', DD.S., *. De- cember 4, 1845, Batavia, O., m. Oc- (Capt. Charles", m. Mary Coates, John', Rev. John) and Elizabeth T alley 1853- 1854. 1855. tober 23, 1872, Laura Pigman (Americus Simpson), Nevp Rich- mond, C, b. July 25, 1852. [1872] II William Benedict*, 4. July 26, 1847, m. January 20, 1874, Marianna Ban- ister, Batavia, O.; Columbus, O. [1873] IIHarrv Lindsay', DD.S., b. July 27, 1853, m. October 21, 1879, Rowena Talley, New Richmond, O., related to his father's first wife ; he d. Jan- uary 2, 1890, Cincinnati, O. [1S80] II Morris Coates", b. January 30, 1859, m. October 3, 188S, Lotta S. Stagg, Batavia, O., b. February iS, 1863 ; Crestline, O. [1882] 1850. Elizabeth Talley Moore' (Lindsay Coates', Capt. Charle.s^ John', Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. SainueP, Rev. John') and Judge Robert yilexander Johnston. On tlie occasion of his death, the following action vs^as taken by the Cin- cinnati Bar : IN MEMORY OF ROBERT A. JOHNSTON. At a meeting of the members of the Hamilton County Bar, held December 31st, 18S8, the following report and resolutions were adopted : The Cincinnati Bar meet to-day to mourn the decease of one of its most worthy and hon- ored members, Judge Robert .1. Johnston. In the full vigor of life his career of usefulness and honor has ceased. His presence among us, his kindly greetings, will be known no more forever. We, his brethren of the Bar, can bear testimony to his uniform courtesy, on and off the bench, his kind and considerate bearing to both old and young of the Bar, his unpretending manner and his adherence at all times, to what he considered tlie right. He has closed an honored life, justly meriting and cordially receiving the approbation of his fellow men. He graduated at Hanover College and at the Cincinnati Law School. He commenced the practice of law in Cincinnati in 1857. In 1S64 he formed a partnership in the practice of law with his brother, John Johnston, and soon thereafter he volunteered in the hundred days service. Upon leaving the army he returned to the practice of his profession with his brother. In 1876 he was elected Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, which office he held two terms, or a period often years. The duties of his office as Judge he discharged with ability and integrity, to the satisfaction of the Bar and the community. By all he was regarded as a just, upright and impartial Judge. In 1887, at the close of his judicial term, he returned to the practice of law, with his brother, and was so engaged at the time of his death. Judge Johnston was happy in his married life. His wife was a woman possessed of those gifts and graces that make a husband's home attrac- tive and his family life a blessing and a joy — a woman of many acquirements and of rare men- tal gifts. She was a stay and support to her husband, in whose affairs she took an active inter- est, and she set for him the highest standard of honor and truth. To her wise counsel and lov- ing heart he ever turned for guidance, aid and support. The members of the Bar knew his worth. He was noble in his manhood. His associates respected and esteemed him — they loved him. Resolved, That the Bar, sorrowing at its own great loss, tenders to the family of Judge Johnston, its sympathy and condolence in their sad bereavement. Resolved, That a copy of these proceedings, expressing the feelings of the Bar for their deceased brother, be forwarded to his family and also spread upon the minutes of the Court of Common Pleas. Patrick Mallon, Aaron F. Perry, Thos. B. Paxton, William H. Puc.h, C. D. Robertson, Lewis W. Irwin, S. T. Crawford, Wm. L. Avery, Chairman, John S. Connor, Secretary, Committee. 232 GENEALOG Y Elizabeth Talley Moore Johnston had 1856 and Judge 'R.obert Alexander 1857- 1858. IICampbelIv Moore Johnston', />. Oc- tober 31, 1S59, Cincinnati, O., m. April 27, 18S7, Elizabeth Fishback Swing, Batavia, O. [1862] Lindsay Coates Johnston', b. No- vember 25, 1861, Cincinnati, O., d. December 8, 18S5, Dodge City, Kansas. 11 Elizabeth Chai,fant Johnston'', b. December 11, 1863, Cincinnati, O., m. November 12, 18S4, Harries C. Hulbert, Cincinnati, O. [1S63] 1859- i860. 1861. Thomas Sherlock Johnston*, 6. October 7, iS65, Cincinnati, O., d. October 13, 1891, Cincinnati, O. II Roberta Alexandria Johnston', b. October 3, 1872, Cincinnati, O., m. November 16, 1893, Harley J. Morrison. [1866] Robert Alexander Johnston', Jr., 3. October 15, 1874. 1856. Campbell Moore Johnston^ and Elizabeth Fishback Swing had 1S62. Campbell Swing Johnston'", 6. September 3, 1888, Batavia, O. 1858. E,lizabeth Chalfant Johnston' and Harries C. Hulbert had 1863. William Philander Hulbert'", b. 1865. Carolyn Bowne Hulbert'", b. Oc- September 2, 1885. tober 3, 1892. 1864. Lea Moore Hulbert'", <>. December 23, 1888, d. October 15, 1891. 1 860. Roberta Alexandria Johnston" and Harley J. Morrison had 1866. John Morrison'", b. April 14, 1896, Cincinnati, O. 1867. Robert Alexander Morrison'", b. December 12, 1S98, Cincinnati, O. 1851. Mary Jane Moore" (Lindsay Coates', Capt. Charles', John', Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel^ Rev. John') and Charles HayWard "Blanchard had 1868. LucRETiA Olivia Blanchard', b. August 5, 1869, St. Louis, Mo., d. February, 1887, Batavia, O. 1869. Elizabeth Fletcher Blanchard', b. May 17, 1872, St. Louis, Mo. 1870. 1871. Robert Moore Blanchard", b. Sep- tember 4, 1874, St. Louis, Mo. Mary Lindsay Blanchard", i. May 28, 1S80. 1852. E,dward Charles Moore' (Lindsay Coates', Capt. Charles', John\ Capt. John*, Nathaniel, Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Laura Pigman (Americus Simpson, m. Eliza Sanders). The Pigman family is related to those of Gen. Zachary Taylor and William Penn. Edward Charles Moore" and Laura Pigman had 1872. Lindsay Coate.s'", b. August 4, 1873, New Richmond, O., m. October 25, 1899, Laura Wilmoth, Paris, Ky.; Detroit, Mich. GENEALOGY 233 1853. William Benedict Moore" (Lindsay Coates', Capt. Charles' John', Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. "Banister had 1S73. Olivk H.wes', 6. December 27, 1874. 1874. Edvv.-vrd Clyde^, A. January 10, 1S77. 1875. William Benedict'', A. April 4, 1879, li. .^pril 18, 1879. 1876. Rovvena', b. March li, 1880. Samuel', Rev. John') and Mariartna 1877. Charles Hood', *. March 20, 1S83. 1878. Eliza Banister", b. November 8, 1885. 1879. Florence Marie", 6. July 17, 1888. 1854. Harry Lindsay Moore' (Lindsay Coates', Capt. Charle.s', John*, Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuer, Capt. John') and "R^oWena T alley had 1880. Olivk Hammond", b. Juue 10, 18S1. I 1881. Harriet Lucretia", b. March 28, I 1885. 1855. Morris Coates Moore' (Lindsay Coates', Capt. Charles', John', Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Lotta S. Stagg had 1882. Mary Pauline", b. November 7, 1890. 1775. Rebecca Moore' (Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev Charles M. Smith had 1883. IIJOHN Grant', b. May 22, 1825, Bata- via, O, m. January 6, 1853, Anna Maria Fishback (4th daughter of Judge Owen T.); still living at Ba- tavia, O. [1891] 1884. PCharlES Moore Grant', b. May 29, 1 828, Batavia, O., m. August 4, 1S53, Sallie .^nn Steadman, b. Au- gust 19, 1820, Harper's Ferry, Va. , d. October 3, 1892, Columbus, O. ['905] 1885. IIEdwin Rdthven Grant*, b. Decem- ber 3, 1830, Batavia, O., d. August I, 1871, Danville, 111. ***** 1886. 11 Henderson Smith', *. June 27, 1838, m. Laura Allison, Periutown, O., b. March 16, 1849 ; she now lives in Charles', m. Mary Coates, John', Capt. . John') and Joseph Grant and 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. Clinton, Iowa; he d. July 26, 18S9, Clinton, Iowa. [1913] HCollinsSmiTh", b. February 11, 1840, Batavia, O., m. December 22, 1870, I. Emma Kennedy, of Batavia, O., b. June 3, 1845, d. May 6, 1880; Au- gust 25, 1888, 2. Matilda E. Tamnia, of San Francisco, Cal., 4. December 7, 1849, St. Gallen, Switzerland. [1920] Thomas Smith', b. February 21, 1842, Batavia, O. Lindsay Smith', b. December 9, 1843, Batavia, O., d. August 30, i860. UMary Emma Smith', (6. , Batavia, O., m. I. ; J. •; Des Moines, Iowa. [1890a] 1883. John Grant" (Rebecca Moore', m. Joseph Grant, Capt. Charles', John^ Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Anna Fish- back. John Grant" served in the Mexican War, having volunteered in 1847 i" Capt. John W. Lowe's company, Second Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantrx , for five years. At the beginning of the Civil War in i860, he raised the first company in Clermont County, Ohio, called the Anderson Cadets. He received a captain's commission from Gov. Dennison. The company was afterward reorganized and elected J. A. Penn, captain. John Grant was contractor on government works up to the time the ' ' One 234 GENEALOG Y Hundred Daj's' Men " were called. He joined Capt. Dean's company, 153 Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served until the war closed. John Granf and Anna Maria FishbacH, had 1891. Mary Swing Grant", b. November 20, 1854; living ill Hutchinson, Kau. 1892. yjoSEPH Harmon Grant', b. Novem- ber 24, 1856, m. Myrtle Seltzer, of Turon, Kan., November 28, 1SS9; in the hiniber business in Brownwood, Tex. [1S98] 1893. Kadij AH Mahomet Rebecca Moork Grant", b., , Batavia, O. Au- gust 23, 1858 ; living in Hutchinson, Kan. , a teacher in the public schools. 1894. Manora Fishback Grant", b. July 21, i860, d. Decembers, 1864. 1895. William Lowe Grant", b. January 6, 1862; living in Galveston, Tex. 1896. li Harriet West Grant", b. March 26, 1863, m. Walter H. Bragg, Au- gust 23, 1888; living in La Junta, Col. [1902] 1897. John Fishback Grant", b. January 16, 1865; wholesale lumber mer- chant in Galveston, Texas. 1892. Joseph Harmon Granf and Myrtle Seltzer had 1900. Marie Grant'", b. January 5, 1894. 1898. Khadijah Grant'", b. March 19, 1891, Brownwood, Texas. 1899. Louise Grant'", b. July 25, 1892. 1901. Joseph Harmon Grant'", b. July 11, 1895. 1896. Harriet West Granf and Walter H. "Bragg had 1902. Mary Beth Bragg'", b. March 8, 1890. 1903. Philip Grant Bragg'", b. May 7, 1S94. 1904. Frank Grant Bragg'", b. November 24, 1897. 1884. Charles Moore Grant" (Rebecca Moore', m. Joseph Grant, Capt. Charles', John", Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Sallte Ann Steadman. Charles Moore Grant* volunteered in the Fifty-ninth Ohio Volunteer In- fantry, September 12, 1861, for three years, was taken prisoner at New Hope Church, Ga., then taken to Florence, near Charleston, S. C. , and died of starva- tion. He was Orderly Sergeant of the company at the time of his capture. Charles Moore Grant" and Sallte Ann Steadman had 1905. Charles Clifford Grant", (5. Feb- 1 1881,2. ; living in Boston, ruary 22, 1855; living in Colum- Mass. [1908] buB. O. 1^7. IIGlenn M. Grant", b. November 22, 1906. IIJohn Stanley Grant-', 6. March 17, i860, m. Emma Corzilus; living in 1857, m. I. Louise Thomas ; July 5, | Columbus, O. [1909] 1906. John Stanley Grant" and Louise Thomas and had Emerson Grant'", b. February 13, 1884, Columbus, O. 1907. Glenn M. Grant' and Emma Corzilus had 1909. Charles C. Grant" 1882, Columbus, O. 1910. Paul W. Grant" 1886. b. January 13, b. December 21, 1911. Marie E. Grant"*, b. July 21, 1892. 1912. Glenn R. Grant'", b. April 7, 1894. GENEALOGY 235 1885. E.dwin Ruthven Grant* (Rebecca Moore', m. Joseph Grant, Capt. Charles', John\ Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John") served in the Civil War, volunteering in the Eighth Missouri Volunteer Infantry at St. Louis. He was also in the gunboat service. 1886. Henderson Smith' (Rebecca Moore', m. Charles M. Smith, Capt. Charles*, John\ Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Laura jilUson. He enlisted in i86i in the three months' service, Company E, Twenty- second Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He was discharged, however, and reenlisted in the Fifty-ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, where he served three years and six months, and was in all the battles of the regiment. Henderson Smith* and Laura Allison had 1917 1913. Flora Rkbecc.\ Smith', b. October 24, 1874, Clinton, la. 1914. Bkulah K. Smith', b. January 9, 1877. 1915. Olive S. Smith', b. July 22, 1S78, d. August 4, 18S0. 1916. LiNDS-W MooRE Smith', b. Decem- ber 23, 18S0. Paul K. Smith', b. February 22, 18S3. 1918. Mark D. Smith', b. September 31, 1884. 1919. Henderson Smith', b. August 19, 18S6. 1887. Collins Smith* (Rebecca Moore', m. Charles M. Smith, Capt. Charles', John\ Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Emma Kennedy and Matilda E. Tamma. Collins Smith' enlisted in the Fifty-ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Sep- tember 10, 1861, and was mustered out of service November i, 1864, at Nash- ville, Tenn. Collins Smith' and Emma Kennedy and Matilda Tamma had 1920. Kenneth Kennedy Smith', b. Oc- tober 10, 1871, d. December 7, 1872. 1921. Jules Thomas Smith', b. Jlarch 29, 1874, d. July 23, 1874. 1922. Cora Smith', b. April 27, 1S90. 1923. Walter Smith', b. March 31, 1893. 1888. Thomas Smith' (Rebecca Moore', m. Charles M. Smith, Capt. Charles', Joh^^ Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') was mus- tered in the "One Hundred Days," May 2, 1864, mustered out August 19, 1S64, Company E, 137 Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He was accidentally shot at San Francisco, Cal. 1890. Mary E,mma Smith' ( Rebecca Moore', m. Charles M. Smith, Capt. Charles", Johir', Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John' J and and had i89ort. (daughter)'. 236 GENEALOG Y 1778. Mary Malvina Moore Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Marcei-LUS LE Roy Bryan*'; Lou- don, O. Amanda Francina Bryan', m. Bolds ; London, O. Charles Melancthon Bryan"; Hanford, Cal. Augustine Scudder Bryan*; Cin- cinnati, O. ' (Capt. CharleB^ m. Mary Coates, John', Rev. John') and Chester "Bryan had 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. Evaline Antoinette Bryan", m. Annacost ; Lafa3ette, Ind. 1929. Beulah CoaTRS Bryan*, m. Kewley; London, O. 1930. Rosabel Bryan", m. Peterson ; Point Pleasant, O. 1931. Learner Leeds Bryan'; London, O. 1771. John Carpenter Moore' (John', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Elizabeth HoWell Guild' (John', Rev. John', John'). Elizabeth Howell Guild* was the daughter of John', who died in 1825, aged 75, and his wife, Abigail, died 1818, aged 62, daughter of Daniel Howell, the granddaughter of Rev. John Guild", who was pastor of the Hopewell or Penning- ton Church for nearly fifty years, was a graduate of Harvard College, licensed to preach 1737, ordained and appointed over the Hopewell Church 1741. He suffered much from the British during the Revolution ; his wife was Charity Hunt, daughter of Ralph Hunt, of Stony Brook, and the great-granddaughter of John and Esther Guild, of Wrentham, Mass. John Carpenter Moore^ and Elizabeth HoWell Guild had 1934. I|CornELIa'', m. Rev. Daniel Miller. 1932- 1933- IIJOHN GuiLD^ ni. I. Elizabeth Lippin- cott, Philadelphia; 2. Martha Hutch- inson (widow). [1940] IIElizabeth Dunham', m. May 16, 1S31, Rev. John C. Diiy, German- town, Pa., b. October 10, 1S08, d. March 25, 1882, aet. 73 years, 5 months, 15 days, at Montvale, Ber- gen County, N. J.; she rf. [1963] [2001] 1935. |ISARAH',m. William Ward, Hollidays- burg. Pa.; she d. 1850, at HoUidays- burg. Pa. [2011] 1936. II Charles', m. Kate Heiniche. [2013] 1937. Abigail', d. young. 1938. Augustus', d. young. 1939. Edwin', d. young. 1932. John Guild Moore' (John Carpenter', John', Capt. John*, Nathan- iel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Elizabeth Lippincott and Martha Hutchinson had 1940. 1941. 1942. 1943- 1944. 1945- John Chambers', b. 1841, d. 1842. Elizabeth', b. 1843, d. 1852. Lansing", b. 1846, d. 1846. Mary C", b. 1847, d. 1850. Mary McKean', b. 1850, d. 1853. IILaura V.», b. 1853, m. 1873, G. Heber Hughes. [1949] 1946. 1947- 1948. IEdward G.', b. 1855, m. 1878, EHia- beth B. Snyder. [1952] IRaimondD.", b. 1858, m. 1888, Kate A. Mann; he d. 1896. [1959] IOlivia Smellie", 6. i860, m. 1886, John F. Fairlamb. [1961] 1945. Laura V. Moore' (John Guild', John Carpenter', John', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and G. Heber Hughes had 1949. Julia Olivia Hughes', b. 1875. I 1951. May Moore Hughes', b. 1880. 1950. McLean Lewis Hughes', 6. 1878. I 1946. E.dward G. Moore' (John Guild', John Carpenter', John', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Elizabeth B. Snyder had 1952. Edward G.', Jr., i. 1878. 1953. Edith Brooks', b. 1882. 1954. John Guild', b. 1884. 1955. George Heber', b. 1887. 1956. Harold', b. 1891. 1957. RoY». b. 1895. 1958. Laura V.', b. 1880, d. 1880. G E N E A L O G Y 237 1947. R.aitnond D. Moore' (John Guild', John Carpellter^ John\ Capt. John', Nathaniel\ Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Kate A . Mann had 1959. Mary', d. 18S9. | i960. Marguerite', b. 1895. 1948. Olivia S. Moore' (John Guild', John Carpente^^ John^ Capt. John', Nathaniel'. Capt. Samuel", Rev. John') and John F. Fairlamb had 1961. Martha Moore Fairlamb',*. 1887. | 1962. Marguerite F.^irlamb', A. 1892. 1933. Elizabeth Dunham Moore' (John Carpenter', John*, Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and ReV. Jacob C, Duy. Rev. Jacob C. Diiy was born in Germantown, Pa., where a street was named after his family. His grandfather came from Oberhausen, Germany, in 1750, was married in 1757 to Alice Keysey and settled in Germantown, where all of his children and grandchildren were born. Rev. Jacob was educated at Gettysburg. His first charge was at Friesburg, Salem County, N. J., where he was settled as pastor, September 22, 1S36. He left there between September and December, 1838. His second charge was at Zion's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Saddle River, Bergen County, N. J., where he settled October 10, 1838. closing his labors there June 6, 1847. He baptized here 248, confirmed 216, marrried92, and buried 117. His next charge was Churchtown, N. Y., June 15, 1847, which he left about December 25, 1852. He next went to New Germantown, N. J., October, 1853, leaving, 1872. The remaining j-ears of his life he spent at Montvale, N. J., without stated charge.* Elizabeth Dunham Moore' and 3<.ef . Jacob Dut/f had 1963. IIOlivia M. Dtrv', b. May 4, 1832, m. 1967. Charles DtlV, d. young. November 3, 1853, Dr. George 1968. [[Sarah E. Duv», A. April 4, 1841. m. Smillie, of New York; she d. No- January 15, 1865, Joseph C. Hank- vember 19, 1885. [1973] insou. [1991] 1964. Raimond Duv', b. June 7, 1S34, d. jggg [(Helen C. Dtjv', *. December 19, November 20, 1856. [ 1843, m. L. M. Levy, d. ; liv- 1965. [[Cornelia M. G. Dtiv', b. September | ing at Los Angeles, Cal. [1995] 13, 1835, m. April 24, 1856, John Y. I jg^o. Philip Melancthon Duv«, b. March Foster: living at No. 10 Stratford 30, 184s, unmarried, d. November Place, Newark, N. J. [1976] ig, 1868. 1966. IIHenrietta S. DtJY*, b. March i, jg^j. umary Duy", m. Henry Belcher. 1837, m. February 2, i860, Paul A. [1997] 1963. Olivia M. Diiy" (Elizabeth Dunham Moore', m. Rev. Jacob C. Diiy, John Car]icnter*', John", Capt. John', Nathaniel^ Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Dr. George Smillie had 1973. Frederick Smillie'. | 1975. Jessie Smillie'. 1974. Elizabeth Smillie'. I *Rev. M. Sheeleigh, Fort Washington, Pa. t After the death of his first wife, he m. March ii. 1851. Emaline Cl>y Rev. H. Boardman, D.D.), and had Clara S., *. December j8. 1S51, Fred A., *. August 14, 1855, Los Angeles, Cal., Robert M., *. December 12, 1859. GENEALOG V 1965. Cornelia M. G. Diiy" (Elizabeth Dunham Moore', m. Rev. Jacob C. Diiy, John Carpenter", John\ Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and John Y. Foster had iqye. Laura Foster'. 1980. DiJY Foster'. 1977- Raimond Foster". 1981. Helen Foster'. iqyS. Robert Foster'. 1982. Cornelia Foster' 1979- Harry Foster". 1983- Lester Foster'. 1966. Henrietta Diiy' (Elizabeth Dunham Moore', m. Rev. Jacob C. Diiy, John Carpenter", John^ Capt. John*, Nathaniel' Paul A. Davis, Jr., had 1984. Henrietta DAV^s'. 1988. 19S5. Seymour Davis'. 1989. 1986. Lulu Davis'. i990' 1987. William Davis". Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Paul Davis'. Laura Davis'. DuY Davis'. 1968. Sarah E. Diiy" (Elizabeth Dunham Moore', m. Rev. Jacob C. Diiy, John Carpenter", John', Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Joseph C. Hankinson had 1991. Joseph Hankinson'. I 1993. Florence Hankinson'. 1992. Henry Hankinson'. I 1994. Foster Hankinson'. 1969. Helen C. Diiy' (Elizabeth Dunham Moore', m. Rev. Jacob C. Diiy, John Carpenter", John\ Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and L. M. LeVy had 1995. Sydney Levy'. | 1996. Eugene Levt?'. 1971. Mary Diiy (Elizabeth Dunham Moore', m. Rev. Jacob C. Diiy, John Carpenter", John*, Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Henry "Belcher had 1997. Harbourn Belcher'. i 1999. Norman Belcher'. 1998. Anna Belcher'. | 2000. Henry Belcher*. 1934. Cornelius Moore' (John Carpenter", John^ Capt. John*, Nathan- iel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and ReV. Daniel Miller had 2001. Elizabeth Miller*, m. Joseph Abbey. 2002. II Mary Miller**, m. John Van Cleve. [2008] 2003. Sophia Miller*. 2004. Susan Miller*. 2005. John Miller*. 2006. Margaret Miller*, m. Charles Hillbom. 2007. Catharine Miller*. 2002. Mary Miller" (Cornelia Moore', m. Rev. Daniel Miller, John Car- penter", John^ Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and John Van CleVe had 2008. Henry Van Cleve'. I 2010. Cornelia Moore Van Cleve'. 2009. John Guild Van Cleve'. I GENEALOGY 239 1935. Sarah Moore' (John Carpente^^ John', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuer, Rev. John') and William Ward had 20II. Elizabeth Ward*. | 2012. Sarah Ward^ 1936. Charles Moore' (John Carpenter^ John^ Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Kate Heiniche had 2013. UEmma D.*, m. J. Monroe Reuck. I 2014. John*. [2016] I 2015. piARY E.®, rn. John Sutton. [2020] 2013. Emma D. Moore' (Charles', John Carpenter", John', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel", Rev. John') and J. Monroe "R^euck had 2016. Catharine Reuck". I 201S. George Reuck*. 2017. Harriet Reuck'. I 2019. Elizabeth Recck*. 2015. Mary E. Moore' (Charles', John Carpenter*, John', Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and John Sutton had 2020. Mary Sutton'. | 2021. John Sutton'. 1773. Sarah Moore' (John', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and George Hunt had 2022. Charles M. Hunt', *. January 11, 1806, d. October 2, 1820. ao»3. IILouiSA Hunt', b. October 15, 1808, in. Jesse Teal ; she d. March I, 1889. [2032] 1024. IIJesse Hunt', b. November 11, 1S12, m. Mary Ann Holter. [2037] 2025. Jonathan Hunt', b. December i, 1814, d. May 18, 1824. 2026. IIJOHN M. Hunt', b. June 6, 1816, m. October 27, 1841, Elizabeth Conk- lin; he d. 1900. [2042] 2027. 2028. 2029. 2030. 2031. IIGeorge W. Hunt', A. July 16, 1818, m. Adaline Dole. [2052] IISarah Hunt', b. January 19, 1819, m. William Hooker. [2058] IIJames Morris Hunt', b. December 16, 1821, m. Mary Ann Teal. [2067] 11 Elizabeth D. Hunt', b. February 29, 1824, m. Abram Hance. [2073] Mary Malvina Hunt', 6. March 23, 1828, d. March 21, 1845. 2023. Louisa Hunt' (Sarah Moore', m. George Hunt, John', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Jesse Teal had 2032. John Teal*. 2033. George Tkal"; Baldwin, Ohio. 2034. Elizabeth Teal*. 2035. Laura Teal*. 2036. William Teal*, m. Ada Spence; Perins' Mills, Ohio. 2024. Jesse Hunt' (Sarah Moore', m. George Hunt, John', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Mary Ann Holter had 2039. William Hunt*. 2037. Eliza Hunt*, m. i. John Lane; 2. Harvey Gates; Point Isabel, Ohio. 2038. John Hunt*, m. Tillie Rice; Olive Branch, O. 2040. Laura Hunt*; Olive Branch, O. 2041. Carrie Hunt*, m. Henry Sprague. 24-0 GENEALOGY 2026. John M. Hunt' (Sarah Moore', m. George Hunt, John', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Elizabeth Conklin had T. E. Scott; 2042. Sarah Hunt*, b. February 12, 1843, m. September 22, 1872, Franklin Bragdon; Withamsville, O. 2043. Charles M. Hdnt*, b. August 5, 1S44, m. December 31, 1868, MoUie L. Given; Climax, Kansas. 2044. Mary Hunt',*. September 25, 1846, d. October 14, 1846. 2045. Benjamin F. Hunt*, 6. August 11, 1847, d. March 21, 1866. 2046. Caroline R. Hunt", b. September 2, 1S49; Withamsville, O. 2047. Emma Hunt", d. November 13, 1S51, m. August 10, 1899, Tescott, Kansas. 2048. Clara B. Hunt*, b. September 7, 1854, m. May 22, 1878, W. B. Din- kleman ; Madisonville, Ohio. 2049. OlliE M. Hunt*, b. August 12, 1856, m. January 9, 1890, Frank Geason. 2050. William W. Hunt', b. November 7, 1759, ni. December 28, 1882, Addie Baker; Madisonville, O. 2051. Elmer E. Hunt", b. November 25, 1861, m. September 22, 1S92, Jessie Bettle ; Olive Branch, O. 2027. George W. Hunt' (Sarah Moore^ m. George Hunt, John\ Capt. John*, Nathaniel^ Capt. Samuer, Rev. John') and Adaline Dole had 2052. James M. Hunt*, m. Clara Montjar; Madisonville, O. 2053. Amelia Hunt\ m. Marion Reynolds. 2054. Edwin Hunt*, m. Maggie Baker; Dayton, O. 2055. George Hunt", m. Mazourie Tomp- kins. 2056. Charles Hunt". 2057. Cora Hunt", m. Rev. G. M. Shott; Scotch Plains, N. J. 2028. Sarah Hunt' (Sarah Moore^ m. George Hunt, Joh^^ Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel'', Rev. John') and William Hooker had JosiE Hooker', m. Joseph Smith ; Madisonville, O. Jesse Hooker'. Charles Hooker'. Annie Hooker', m. i. Edwin Teal; 2. Edwin Belden. 2058. 2059. George Hooker'. Mary Hooker', m. Edwin Morton. 2063. 2060. John Hooker', m. Annie Arnold. 2064. 2061. Sarah Hooker', m. Thomas Bing- ham. 2065. 2066. 2062. William Hooker', m. Clara Lang- don. 2029. James Morris Hunt' (Sarah Moore^ m. George Hunt, John', Capt. John*, Nathaniel, Capt. Samuel^ Rev. John') and Mary ^nn Teal had 2067. Mary Hunt', m. James Carpenter. 2068. Sarah Hunt', ra. David Carpenter. 2069. Louisa Hunt*. 2070. Jesse Hunt', m. Tina Walker. 2071. Samuel Hunt'. 2072. Eva Hunt'; Monterey, O. 2030. E.lizabeth D. Hunt' (Sarah Moore^ m. George Hunt, John', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and ^bram Hance had 2075. George Hance', m. Ada Carpenter; Owensville, O. 2073. 2074. Sarah Hance', m. William Hutch- inson. Bertha Hance', m. Reece Pate. 1081. Amos Moore^ (Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John") and Ann Smith' (Jonathan', Andrew') and Dorothy Hutchinson. Amos Moore's' name appears in the following document,* which was the result of the incorporation of the Hopewell Church : • Hale's First Presbyterian Church of Hopewell, N. J., 107. GENEALOGY 24.1 September 30, 17S6. A number of members of the First Presbyterian Church, of the Township of Hopewell, met at the Meeting House in Pennington and proceeded to elect Trustees for sd church, at which time and place the following men were chosen, viz : John Welling, Jr., John Smith, Esq., John P. Hunt, Amos Moore, Stephen Burrowes, Jr., Nathaniel Hart, Hezekiah S. Woodruff. Oct. 4th the abovesd Trustees met at Mr. Henrj' Baker's, in sd Township, at which time and place they each took and subscribed the oaths directed by an Act of Legislature made and provided for that purpose, and immediately proceeded to make choice of a President, when John Welling, Jr., was unanimously chosen to that ofBce. And at the same time drew a certifi- cate to certify the name of the church, which is as follows, viz : We, the Subscribers, being duly elected agreeably to a Law in that case made and pro- vided, do assume the name of The Trustees of the First Presbyterian Church of the Township of Hopewell, in the county of Hunterdon, in the state of New Jersey. Witness our hands and seals, this 4th day of October, 1786 : John Welling, Jr., John Smith, Esq., Stephen Burrowes, Jr., Amos Moore, John P. Hunt, Nathaniel Hart, Hezekiah S. Woodruff, which certificate was recorded, October 5, A. D., 17S6, in the Registrj- of Deeds, &c., for the County of Hunterdon, page 135. Four hundred acres of land were surveyed for Amos Moore, July i, 1784, in Northampton County, Penua.''^ Aim Smith' was the daughter of Jonathan Smith^ and his wife, Hixon, the granddaughter of Andrew Smith', a surveyor by profession. The naming! of this township (Hopewell) probably originated from the naming of his early pur- chase of land here, in date, so far as the records show, anterior to any other pur- chase for occupation. On the 20th of May, 1688, Cornelius Empson, of Brandy- wine Creek, sold to Andrew Smith two hundred acres, which tract the deed says: He, the said Empson, "doth enfeoff and confirm unto the said Andrew Smith heretofore laid forth in the county of Burlington aforesaid, and also settled upon, and by him, the said Andrew Smith, called and to be called, Hopewell." Amos Moore* and Ann Smith and Dorothy Hutchinson had 2076. IIRebecca", m. Aaron Hart (Joseph, Joseph), d. 1853, aet. 85; she d. 1826, aet. 54. [2077] 2076. Rebecca Moore' (Amos', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John") and Aaron Hart (Joseph, Joseph). Rebecca Moore' inherited the property which belonged to her grandfather, Capt. John Moore*. Aaron Hart was the son of Joseph, who died in 1794, and Frances, the daughter of Theophilus Phillips, the grandson of Joseph Hart, whose will is dated 1776, and . He and his brother John were the ancestors of the " White Harts." * Pennsylvania Archives, 3d scries, XXVI, 129. t Hale's First Presbyterian Church of Hopewell, N. J. a4-' GENEALOGY icrn. 2078. 2079. R.ebecca Moore' and Jlaron Hart had Amos Hart', d. 1826, aet. 33. II Ann Hart', m. James Burroughs^ (James*, Joseph', John^ John^ , John'), d. 1S69, aet. 78; she d. 1868 , aet. 72. [2082] IISmithHart', m.AnnScudder* (Rich- ard', Jedediah^, John*, Richard 2080. 208 1. Belts', John^ John''', Thomas'). [2091] II Aaron Hart', m. Rebecca Stout (Noah). [2102] IIGeorge Hart', m. i. Elizabeth Gra- ham; 2. Mary Graham (sister of Elizabeth); he (/. 1871. [2110] 2078. Ann Hart' (Rebecca Moore", m. Aaron Hart, Amos', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and James "Burroughs " (James^ Joseph\ John', John\ John'). James Burroughs' died 1869, aged 78, was the son of James^and Elizabeth Baldwin, the grandson of Joseph', died October 29, 1798, aged 73, and Martha Willetts, died November 7, 1808, aged 76, the great-grandson of John', who came to Ewing, N. J., when about twenty-one j'ears of age, and died 1772, aged 88, and , the great-great-grandson of John^ born 1665, died 1699, and Mar- garet Woodward, daughter of Lambert Woodward, the great-great-great-grand- son of John', who lived at Salem, Mass., in 1637, removed to Newtown, L. I., where he was prominent, and died 1678, aged 61, and his second wife Widow Elizabeth Reed, who was the mother of Mary Reed, the wife of Capt. Samuel Moore^ Ann Hart and James "Burroughs had 2082. 2083. IIAaron H. Burroughs', m. Cornelia Hendrickson* (Benjamin*, Benja- min\ William-, John'). [20S7] STEPHEN Burroughs", m. Sarah Schenck (Garret). 2084. Amos Burroughs", unmarried. 2085. Rebecca Ann BURRonGHS\ m. Wil- son Atchley. 2086. Mary Frances Burroughs''. 2082. Aaron H. Burroughs" (Ann Hart', m. James Burroughs, Re- becca Moore*, m. Aaron Hart, Amos^ Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Cornelia Hendricksotr' (Benjamin*, Benjamin', William', John'). Cornelia Hendrickson^ was the daughter of Benjamin', died January 28, 1829, aged 62, and Mary Hart, daughter of Titus Hart, and widow of Noah Stout, the granddaughter of Benjamin', of Ewing, born August 21, 1743, died January 24, 1832, aged 89, and Mercy, daughter of Ralph Jones, the great-grand- daughter of William', who removed to Sussex County, and his wife Joanna, sister of Jacob Reeder, the great-great-granddaughter of John' and . Aaron H. Burroughs" and Cornelia Hendridi.son had 2087. 2088. Edward M. Burroughs", m. Cor- nelia Hendrickson" (Elijah L.*, Timothy', Thomas', John', John'). IIGeorge Burroughs', m. Mary Cath- arine Moore* (Gershom', m. Lavinia 2089. Carhart, Amos-, m. Hannah Wood- mancy, Stephen', m. Martha (? Bur- roughs) ). [2090] Sarah BuRR0UGHs'^ m. William Yardley. 2088. George Burroughs' and Mary Catharine Moore had 2090. Henry S. Burroughs'", unmarried. GENEALOGY H3 2079. Smith Hart' (Rebecca Moore', m. Aarou Hart, Amos', Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and jinn Scudder^ (Richard', Jede- diah', John', Richard Betts', John', John', Thomas'). Ann Scudder'' was the daughter of Richard', an elder in the Ewing Church, ■who died 1S3S, aged 72, and Jemima Burroughs, died 1837, daughter of James, the granddaughter of Jedediah* and Anna Roberts, the great-granddaughter of John', who died May 10, 1748, aged 47, and Phebe, the daughter of Daniel Howell, the great-great-granddaughter of Richard Betts', who came to Ewing as early as 1709, and whose plantation was at Scudder's Falls on the Delaware, died March 14, 1754, aged 83, and Hannah Reeder, the great-great-great-granddaugh- ter of John', of Newtown, L. I., who married in 1669 Joanna, daughter of Capt. Richard Betts, the great-great-great-great-granddaughter of John', who moved from Salem toSouthold in 1651, to Huntingdon in 1657, and later of Newtown, and Mary, daughter of William and Dorothy, King the great-great-great-great-great- granddaughter of Thomas', of Salem, Mass., aud Elizabeth . Smith Hart' and jinn Scudder had 2094. Sarah HART^ m. Joseph Frisbie; Pennington, N. J. 2091. 2092. 2093. Joseph Scudder Hart-, m. Eliza- beth Neely ( John ) ; Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Rebecca Hart', m. John R. Hen- drickson (Timothy). ||Dr. Israel Hart', m. June 23, 1S52, Marie Josephine Tellier (Peter), by Rev. Charles F. Shaffer, of St. John's Lutheran Church, Easton, Pa. [209S] 2095. 2096. 2097. Alfred Hart-, m. Catharine Tellier (Peter), Easton, Pa. Margaret Hart". Frances H.\rt*, d. in infancy. 2093. Dr. Israel Hart' (Smith Hart', Rebecca Moore', m. Aaron Hart, Amos', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and JVIarie Jo- sephine Tellier (Peter). Dr. Israel Hart' was a student at Lafayette College, taking his A.M. in 1866. He received the degree of M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania, 1853 ; was Surgeon of Thirty-fifth New Jersey Regiment.* Dr. Israel Hart' and Marie Josephine Tellier had 2097a. ||Dr. Edgar Hart', 6. April 25, 1S56, Pennington, N. J., m. March 13, 1S79, Ida Valeria Mangan. [2097(!>] 2098. II J. Smith HART^ B.S.,*. July 9, 1858, Pennington, N. J., m. February 17, 1883, Dora Lanning. [2099] 2097a. Dr. Edgar Hart" (Dr. Israel Ha^t^ Smith Hart', Rebecca Moore', m. Aarou Hart, Amos', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John^) and Ida Valeria Mangan. Dr. Edgar Hart'^ M.D., attended the public schools of Pennington until he was twelve years old, and the Pennington Seminary until eighteen, at which latter age he entered Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania, with the class of 1874, remaining there two years, pursuing special courses in Latin and chemistry, preparatory to his professional studies. He was graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1879, at the University of Pennsylvania, and, returning to Pennington, has ever since practiced his profession in that town. He is Physician • Men of Lafayette, CofiBn. 2^^ GENEALOGY to the Pennington Seminary, Examining Physician for the Provident Life and Trust Company, and the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, both of Phila- delphia, and the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. Dr. £,dgar Hart' and Ida Valeria Mangan had 2097*. Grace Mangan Hart'". I 2o-. ", ^.^..^^•H..^^ :- <:.v..vvN<--.,- : ^ J^ ' "Z; ' ,■,-,■■, .^'^?,l^T,:v.T. r : : : ; '■J : r' i o i r< r 1 :a4=^ K^., ai., ■Ba.K — .v^ : : aa.- W«^ Q,^.. S„i— .^ : -■ J,N. "U.-i Qb^ B...K ■ W l>>if3f\l a^. l^c^^.^ =L *> ° mK ^n?'x°/ ? ^1 H— ^^^'— ^• v^i: 1 ij t ? :C..k K-.ii.- CV...V T.. ...,.- rn..K <..- CV...V-.-..*-.. :-b..v ».-^fi j«. ci-,'. J. : : 3.-. ^.'v — D..\ M«t": :„..,'.,.., ^_ : :.-■ 5„,_., ■--' ^-'s ' ^ s— 1 s.', 5»-» So J i: D o- 1 3 * JJctV .,»- : *!-= SV^» tf :^.- r ti..^.-.. Ko*. T,a.l ; : E. ..iK H.V lrn,il : * .- r a ^ S "C ■i p t f ;- i r t ; ? :* o 6o *; - : i 3^ ? ? rFITFfT f o I I I 1 L_1_J I »'■ :; :: ^" . . , , -< ■■. f ^ 5 : ; ^- ;-: f ^ * i r ^ r-rft,.v. ^ov. j.v, »:^^», :„ :ai.i.i.~Tl..dr. j.v- j:^^., ■ Sr^ :^.,. ^V,.y.., J.w, X*--t ' :(i,.i1<-V-» ; j^v, -»<.« ^<;,. t-n,-k.^.. ■ :c,. B,«r.i.,^. £ 5 p .^ 1 ^ t- t H \ a I /» ' t \ :v.'<. <;-L..^ ■'■^-*'v— = : tio*. y.^v-'^ 1.1 T-, a. .,._.: : Prt.. >V.V>f' j.k,-D<.t..-v: : T.... -W.M,' l'..,.'rti^».- r -• T-.*,. W.ilt- T,.,.-au.: ;cK,..v1,..w. *•'%■"••• = 3 :,W^.... J. c- -v-- : S : flao- >-•''-- H— S^-"-!"' : ^„ s-.vK c^.- B.-^u. : : 3.. I — »>v G». r-.-v- - M.tv "»->- ra-a t;«vt.-.. : j^v.. >v>.^,. i Sav- ■:=.., :j.i..ti.,v«^„ :ir«e^.. ; :j...^ fv..,. a-a c,.«.v..y. J.. *,,v-^' GENEALOGY 245 1083. Samuel Moore' (Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John") and Sarah Green' (Richard', Richard', William'). was left an orphan at the age of fourteen. In the stirring times of 1775 and 1776 he took an active part, and when the storm of war came he was a "Minute Man."* Samuel Moore", son of the Revolutionary soldier, has frequently told the compiler of this genealogy that his father had been called out seventeen times, when acting in the capacity of a "Minute Man." It is not known what the occasions were. Living as he did in the part of New Jersey swept by the ravages of war, these years must have been exciting. Upon the dissolution of the battalions of "Minute Men," Samuel Moore' joined Capt. John Mott's Company, First Regiment of Hunterdon County Militia. In 1781 he married his cousin, Sarah Green. One of the wedding presents on that occasion — • a pewter platter — was used and misused for many years in the family of Samuel Moore', the only son of this union. An old-fashioned iron platter with open- work raised border is also still in existence. This was the property of Sarah Green Moore. In 1782 they removed to the Forks of the Delaware.! He bought land on the south side of Northampton Street, and built a stone house, a part of which still stands. Easton as a residence could not have been very comfortable. The first house built in Easton was that of David Martin, in 1739 ; in 1752 there were only 11 families in the town, 40 persons; the Court House was finished in 1766; in 1763, there were 11 houses; in 1773, 69 houses; in 1782, when Samuel Moore arrived, there were 85; as late as 1795 there were only 150 houses. The Penns still held land in Easton in 1800, as may be seen by an examination of the old deeds in the possession of the family. In 1783 a census showed that there were 104 cows, 25 horses, about 200 sheep and perhaps 200 hogs. J The pigs were allowed to run abroad and wallow in the mud in the pond, on what is now North Third Street. The friends at Trenton spoke of the family as those who had gone to "The New Country." The houses were mostly log and only one story high; there was therefore naturally great surprise manifested when Samuel Moore built his "New Mansion" on Northampton Street. In those early times carpets were unknown and the floors were covered with clean white sand in which various designs were worked with a stick. The first "rag carpet" was laid, in Easton, in this old house, and it was the occasion of much delight and surprise to the neighboring housewives who had never seen one. The samples of cut glass, silverware and mahogany furniture which are prized as relics by their descendants show that the style of living of our ancestors was not nearly so simple as we are apt to imagine. In an old account book the following prices are noted in 1797 : One clock case cost ^n 5s, another, £-j, another, ^5 5s. A bedstead was billed 3t £5 5s ill 1795. a dining table at ^3, a chest of drawersat^5 15s, a bureau at ^5 5s and a coffin at £6. Samuel Moore was evidently a man of means. Besides building the stone house, he bought the Easton Ferry, the most valuable piece of property in this section. The Easton Ferry§ was established by David Martin, in 1735. In 1755 it was owned by Nathaniel Vernon. In 1762 it was the property * See page 22. t Easton, Pa. J Henry's History of the Lehigh Valley; Gen. Davis's History of Bucks County. § Appendix. 2^6 GENEALOGY of Daniel Broadhead and Lewis Gordon. In 1782 it was run by Jacob Able. It was worth 555 pounds. It was bought by Samuel Moore later.* It was run by his widow after his death, in 1799; the ferryman was Robert Youells. At some time it was the property of Moore & Green, as shown by charges in an old shop blotter. He also owned the Ferry Hotel. He also did an extensive business in building and cabinet-making and had many men on his pay-roll. Several pieces of cabinet work, made in his shop, are still in the family, among them a small walnut chest, on the back of the cover of an inner compartment of which is : " This box was made in the year 17S6," a small veneered box on the back of which is the name W. S. Kelley, who was a grandchild, an old-fashioned bureau, etc. Upon the opening up of the Genesee Countrj', Samuel Moore went there to see what the prospects were. Upon his return he announced that he had pur- chased land enough to make his whole family very wealthy. He walked up Northampton Street, and in a few minutes was stricken with apoplexy, and died at the southeast corner of Centre Square. This laud was said to be at Painted Post, N. Y., but after a thorough examination, no deed has been found. The following was discovered in the old clock — "Sam's Clock" — f which illustrates some of the land transactions of that day : To all people to whom these presents shall come Peter Faulkner of the borough of Easton in the count}' of Northampton and state of Pennsylvania, sendeth greeting. Know ye that for and in consideration of the sum of foar hundred and twenty six dollars and sixty seven cents of lawful money of the United States of America to him in hand paid by Samuel Moore of Easton aforesaid, at and before theensealingand delivery here of the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeofted released and confirmed, and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoft, release and confirm unto the said Samuel Moore, his heirs and assigns, four certain several tracts or parcels of land situate in the county of Alleghany, two of them adjoining Lake Erie the other two of them adjoining them in the Second Teer from the said Lake located in the names of Peter Faulkner, James Faulkner Robert Taggart and George Moody, each tract containing four hundred acres, to have and to hold the four several tracts or parcels of land and premises with the appurtenances unto the said Samuel Moore his heirs and assigns for ever subject to the payment of one dollar for each and every acre of the same to the Population Company, on the times, and in the manner by them appointed and regulated, and to the terms of improvement of the same agreeably to law, and the said Peter Faulkner, doth hereby for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators covenant promise grant and agree to and with the said Samuel Moore, his heirs and assigns, that he will warrant and defend the said several tracts or parcels of land with the appurtenances, unto him the said Samuel Moore, his heirs and assigns, subject as aforesaid and that he will, if necessary within three months from the date hereof procure from the said James Faulkner, Robert Taggert, and George Moody for the said tracts of land ( that is, for those in whose names they were severally located as before mentioned) Deeds Poll in due form of law acknowledged, for the more perfect assurance of the said lands premises, with appurtenances also subject as aforesaid. In witness whereof the said Peter Faulkner, hath hereunto set his hand and seal, the thirtieth day of August in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety sis. Sealed and delivered in the presence of us. P. Faulkner. W. Spering, Absalom Reeder. Northampton County ss. On the thirtieth day of August in the year of Our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety six, before me Henry Spering one of the justices of the Peace in and for the County of Northampton, personall)' appeared Peter Faulkner by whom the foregoing written instrument is executed, acknowledged the same to be his act and deed and desired that it might be recorded as such. Witness my hand and seal at the borough of Easton, the day and year aforesaid — . W. Spering. He had surveyed various tracts of land in Northampton County, 400 acres, July I, 1784, 400 acres. May 12, 1792, 400 acres, March 9, 1793, 400 acres, Feb- ruary II, 1794.1 In 1788 Samuel Moore paid a federal tax on "i cattle. "§ * John Green was ferryman in 1792. Condit's History of Easton. t Samuel Moore*^, 1794-1883. t Penua. Archives. 3d Series, XXVI, 134. g Penua. Archives. 3d Series, XIX, 291. 4 ^ Halh ok the Old Moork Plorsi; on East Northampton Strekt, Kaston, Pa., Buii.t bv Samuei. Moore'' [10S3] about 1782. GENEALOGY 247 In an old book* in the possession of the compiler, the births of the diflferent children of Samuel Moore and Sarah Green are given; some of the names are written by Samuel Moore himself and others by Rebecca who had received the book as a present from her father; written in a childish hand is "Becca Moore her book presented to her by her Father 1795;" she was twelve years old at that time. Just above at the top of the page is written in another hand ' 'Samuel Moore his book february 26 1783." This inscription has faded; just below in different ink, by a diflterent hand, is "his Book february 17S3." On the first page of the first fly-leaf are the following records : "Phebe Moore was born July the 7 1782." This was evidently written by the father and with the same ink he used to write his own name, which is rapidly losing its blackness; "Rebekah Moore was born September the 9 1783 ; Mary Moore was born iS November 1784; Elizabeth Moore was born July 17th 1786; Ann Moore was born December 15th 1787; Martha Moore was born 1789 October 3." Turning over the page we find the following additional records; " Samuel Moore was born September 28 1794; Sarah Moore was born 14 of May 1793; Sarah Green Moore was born November the 19 1797;" on the fly-leaf opposite the second title-page, which is "An Extract from the Works of Mr. Baxter, A2 'Sammual Moore and Sarah green was mar'd September the 27 17S1.' " Opposite the next page, which contains the title The Saints Everlasting Rest: A Treatise of the Blessed State of the Saints in Their Enjoyment of Go J in Glory. A3, there is written iu the same hand, which had written the record of the marriage, "Samuel Moore departed this life March the 9 1799." The birth record is repeated in the back part of the book in a childish hand; several of the children seem to have practiced writing on the fly-leaves, but the book being the property of Becca or Rebekah in fee, her writing predominates. On the last pages, the birth of Samuel is given as 1793 instead of 1794, which is a mistake ; Here "Sara Moore was born June the 22 1797;" "Abigail Moore was Born november 19 1798:" "Nancy Moore was born December 15 17S7," the year being underscored, no doubt to correct an error given on a previous page; this last record is in a new hand, feminine. A comparison of the record of the marriage and death of Samuel Moore with Sarah Moore's signature to a receipt in Mary Porter's Receipt Book, July 27, 1818, shows that the record is in her handwriting. Samuel Moore's signature in this book, which shows that he wrote a good hand, much resembling his sou's, agrees with the signature on the title-page of A Shop Blotter, in the possession of the compiler. This blotter was presented to the grandson by Mr. Benjamin F. Riegel, who was the administrator of the Green estates. Further on, Rebeka is still practicing writing, with this difference, that she now writes: "Miss Becca Moore: Rebekah lunes her friend," etc. The entries in the blotter are made in various hands, but the prices are filled in by another hand and a reference made to "book number 3." Some of the charges are transferred from "book number one" into this. Doctor Ledlie's begins in 1787, May 10. Most of the entries indicate that the workman who entered them was German. John Wormau is entered "John Vurman;" Pete Voight is "Peat fote"; "vider Nunkester" for Widow Nungessor; "Roberd" for Robert; "Tomtites" for Tom Titus; "a vinder fraim" for a window frame; "vite led" for white lead; " puten in ten lites of glass" for putting in ten lights of glass; "vife" for wife; "bois" for boys. There are entries from 1794 to 1799. • A Christian Library consisting of extracts from and abridgments of the choicest pieces of practical divinity which have been pulilished in the English tongue. In fifty volumes. By John Wesley. M.A. Late fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford. Vol. XXXVIL Burlington: Printed and sold by Isaac Collins. M.DCC.LXXIV. 2^8 GENEALOGY Some of the men who worked in the shop were John lunes, John Titus, Israel Butler, David , John Striker. Samuel Moore* took an active part in the affairs of the town. His name appears on the return of an election of Town Clerk, July 6, 1793. He was inter- ested in educational matters and was prominent in the establishment of Easton Union Academy. March 8, 1794, at a meeting of the inhabitants of Easton held in the old Court House, a committee consisting of Rev. Charles Solomon Frederick, the Lutheran minister, Rev. Christian Ludwig Becker of the Reformed Church, Samuel Sitgreaves, Peter Shuyder, John Barnet, John Herster, John Arndt, Samuel Moore, and Robert Traill were appointed to consider a plan for building a schoolhouse. This action resulted in the birth of the Easton Union Academy. He was a member of the first Board of Trustees. Messers. Sitgreaves, Moore, Barnet, Shnyder, and Shouse were constituted a committee to estimate the cost of a proper building for the institution. March 25, Messrs. Sitgreaves, Moore, and Shouse were appointed to prepare and report a plan for the building which they had estimated would cost .^702 ids. The building was soon after- wards built, the first story finished, and later the Academy was established. In 1794 he was drafted to take part in the " Whiskey Insurrection," but was compelled to send a substitute on account of family matters which could not be neglected. In the Office of Register of Wills in the Court House at Easton is the following record: Samuel Moore, John Green,* Administrator, Sureties, Robert Traill, Benjamin Green: 600 pounds, March 23, 1799. There is no inventory and no settlement. Samuel Moore having died without a will, the real estate was divided by the Orphans Court in 181 6. The division is recorded on a large parchment 23x36 inches, a copy having been made for each heir. Several of these parchments are still in the family. He was buried in the old Lutheran Church- yard, corner of Fourth and Ferry Streets, Easton. The inscriptions on the box tomb were: Sacred to thb Memory of Samuel Moore Who Departed This Life March 9, 1799 in the 45TH Year of His Age. Here Are Likewise Deposited the Remains of Sarah Moore Who Departed This Life Jan. 15, 1829, in the 70TH Year of Her Age. The grandson, J. W. Moore, removed the bodies and box tomb to the Easton Cemetery. The tomb, owing to a misunderstanding, was broken up and used as a foundation for the present monument. ^ J |, was the daughter of I^icbard Greetf and ^eLt>^^ uft'OrOyHi^ Phebe Moore' (Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John'). She and Samuel Moore' were married September 27, 1781. They were first cousins. I^ichard Green' lived at Ewing, N. J., and died in 1797. I^icbard Oreen^ was of Ewing, N. J., and died 1741; he married Mary Ely', daughter of George Ely\ of Trenton. The heirs of Richard Green, in 1798, manumitted their slaves, prior to any legislative action looking to their liberation. J • Brother of Sarah Greed, wife of Samuel Moore'. t Signature to a receipt dated 1818. tSnell's Hunterdon and Somerset Counties, 105; Book of Will§, 6, 432, Department of State, Trenton, N. J. i 1 (o' ^ = o GENEALOGY 24.9 WilliBm Green\ the father of Richard\ was born in England, came to this country at the age of twenty, and on Long Island met Joanna Reeder, who subsequently became his wife. He came to Ewing Township, N. J., about 1700. He bought 345 acres of Daniel Coxe, by deed dated 171 2, and in 17 17 built on it the first brick house in the township. He was the first Assessor of Hunterdon County and in 172 1 was Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. He was also a Justice. His tombstone, in Ewing Churchyard, records his death in 1722. His will* follows: In the Name of God Amen This Eleventh Day of January Anno Domini one Thousand Seven hundred and Twenty one; — I William Green of Trenton in the County of Hunterdon and Province of New Jersey Yeoman. Being in Perfect Mind & Memory Thanks be Given to God. But Calling to mind the Mortality of my Body and Knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Dav, Do make and Ordaine this to be my Last Will and Testament Viz' : Principally and first of all I Give and Recommend my Soul into the Hands of God who Gave it, and my Body I Recommend to the Dust to be Buried in Decent Christian Buriall at the Discretion of my Executors nothing Doubting but at the Generall Resurrection I shall Receive the same again by the might}- power of God. And as Touching such Worldly Estate as it, hath Pleased God to Bless in this Life, I Give Devise and Dispose of the same in the following manner and form vizt ; Imprimis I Give & Bequeath unto Joanna my Dearly Beloved Wife The Best Room in my new Dwelling House, and the Closit in the Seller, and one Third Part of the Improveable Land and Teniments Belonging to it Togather with one Third of the moveable Estate Goods and Chatties During the Terra of Naturall Life and in case of her Intermarrying During her Widdowhood: But if she marry Again my Will is that she have fifty Pounds Paid her by my Executors out of my moveable Estate on the Day of her marriage and that shee then Give up the Possession of the House and her thirds as aforesaid. Item — I Give and Bequeath unto my Well Beloved son Richard my Dwelling House and Plantation, That I now Live upon Excepting that part qt is Willed to his mother as aforesaid: And the whole of it at her Death or Intermarrying with all the Appurtenances to him and his Heirs and Assigns forever. Item — I Give unto my Well Beloved sons Joseph and — William That Houseand Plantation that I Bought of John Severans to them and their Heirs and assigns for ever. To be Equally Divided by them. They — Paying their Two Sisters Joanna and Sarah Fiveteen Pounds a Peice when They Either of them arrive to the .-^ge of Eighteen Years. Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Well Beloved Sons Benjamin John — Jerimiah and Isaac to Each Fourty Pounds when they Arrive to ye Age of Twenty one years. To them and their Heirs forever to be Paid by my Executors out of my Moveable Estate. Item I Give and Bequeath unto my — Well Beloved Daughters Esther and Mary to Each Fifteen Pounds to be Paid — by ni}- Executors out of my moveable Estate, To them and their Heirs forever Item my Will and Pleasure is that my four j-ounger sous shall be Put out to Learn such Trades as they shall Chuse when they shall Come to the age of Seventeen years and yt they be Learned to Read and Write Furthermore I Constitute make and ordaine my Well Beloved Sons Richard and Joseph my Executors to this my Last Will and Testament. And my Will is that after the aforesaid Devision and Payments be made, That all the Remaining Part of my move- able Estate Goods & Chatties be Equally Divided between my Two Executors afores. January 10, 1820, unmarried, d. 1862, from smallpox contracted at Camp Curtin; buried at Harrisburg, Pa. 2199. Leonidas Porter', went to the South- west and was never heard from. GENEALOGY 263 2115. Elizabeth Sarah Moore' (Samuel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and William "BecXettMott* (Edward', m. Sarah Beckett (Jarvis), Thomas\ m. Jane Stiles, John', m. Mary ). William Beckett Mott', born in the Parish of St. James, Westminster, England, was the son of Edward Mott', born 1753, died 1824, who served seven years in the Second Troop Life Guards and who married, in 1776, London, Eng- land, Sarah Beckett, born 1759, died 1S23, daughter of Jarvis Beckett, born 1723, died 1806, and Ann Levit, born 1723 ; he, with his two sons, William B', and Edward*, who settled in Pike County, Pa., came to America, June 18, 1798, and to Philadelphia in 1803,! the grandson of Thomas Mott", born 1716, died 1763, and Jane Stiles' (Nathaniel*, 1652-1731, James', 1623-1692, m. Mary , died 1703), the great-grandson of John Mott' and Mary . An old-fashioned, well preserved, stone in the Easton Cemetery bears the inscription : "In Memory of Mr. Gervis Beckbtt, Who Departed This Life December 23, 1S06, Aged S3 Years." He was born in the Parish of St. Abbott Mary, Kensington, England, in 1723, and at the age of 21 enlisted in the "Second Troop of Horse Guards," commanded for a time by Lord Amherst, and served as a "private gentleman" for forty-four years. The duty of the "Horse Guards" was to attend his Majesty, the King, on all official occasions, and they were responsible for his safety. At the age of 75 Mr. Beckett accompanied his son-in-law, Edward Mott (who had married his only daughter Sarah), to America, and at the beginning of this century, took up his abode with them in Easton, where he died. The death notice of the day reads : "Died — In this borough on the 23d ult. (Dec. 1806), in the 83d year of his age, Garvis Beckett, father-in-law to Edward Mott. He came to this country about six years ago to end his days in the affections of an only son and daughter; of whom may be said, there has departed this transitory life, for a better, a truly honest man." Whilst the grave of this patriotic Englishman is almost unknown, descendants of his in the sixth and seventh generations have for several years placed their floral tributes thereon, in remem- brance of his devotion to his native country and the one he adopted at so advanced an age. His son-in-law, Edward Mott, had likewise served in "His Majesty's Second Troop of Life Guards" for seven 5'ears and five months, and was the same Edward Mott on whom the townspeople of Easton gazed with awe in his gold- framed spectacles — the first seen in the borough — and whose family' has been referred to in a communication from one of his connections. % Elizabeth Sarah Moore' and William Beckett Mott had a2oi. IISarah Ann Mott', b. September 21, 1808, at Philadelphia, Pa., m. May 27, 1S29, by Rev. George Boyd, rec- tor of St. John's P. E. Church, Sam- uel DeWees Patterson-* ( Samuel", Samuel'), 6. June 7, 1807, d. Febru- ary 7, i860, Evansburg, Pa.; she d. July 12, 1853, at " Woodbourne," Schuylkill County; buried at Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia. [2207] I' Edward Thomas Mott', b. January 30, 1810?. at Easton, Pa., m. Anna Maria Roh, Charleston, S. C; he d. 185S. [2234] 2203. 2204. Elizabeth Catharine Mott', b. March I, 181 1,* at Easton, unmar- ried, d. July 18, 1S31, Philadelphia; buried in Ronaldsou's Cenieter}'. IIMary Moore Mott', b. October 29, 181 2, at Easton, Pa.,m. May 29, 1833, bv Rev. Thomas Pyne, Frederick Churchill, b. August 13, 181 1, d. March 6, 1857; she d. May 28, 1853, Cincinnati, O.; buried at Spring Grove Cemetery. [2239] • Manuscript of Mott Genealogy by Capt. Frederick Schober. t Will of Edward Mott^ in Register's Office, Philadelphia, 8, 215, 1824. I Ethan Allen Weaver, Easton Free Press. i Baptized St. John's Lutheran Church, Easton, Pa. 264. GENEALOG Y 2205. IIJANH Markrina Mott', b. March 20, 1S14, Greenwich, Warren Count}-, N. J., m. December 16, 1840, by Rev. Stephen A. Mealev, Samuel Schober* (Frederick^ Wilhelm Ig- natz'), Philadelphia, b. March 29, iSio, d. November 24, 1S90; she d. December 25, 1S53, Philadelphia; buried at Laurel Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. [224S] 2206. II Martha Moore Mott'*, b. December 25, 1S15, at Easton, Pa., m. Albert R. Foering' (Christian Frederick', Johu^ Christian Frederick'), d. 1888, Philadelphia; she d. October I, 1871; buried at Mt. Vernon Cem- etery, Philadelphia. [2257] 2201. Sarah Ann Mott' (Elizabeth Sarah Moore', m. William Beckett Mott, SamueP, Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuer, Rev. John') and Samuel DeWees Patterson" (SamueP, Samuer). Samuel DeWees Patterson' was apprenticed to James Winnard, publisher of the Norristown Register. He was of a studious turn of mind with strong inclinations to composition and versification. Some verses of his appeared in the Neiv England Farmer (Boston, Mass.), in 1824 and in the Register. In 1828 he became editor of the Register continuing until 1834. In 1833 he was Recorder of Deeds of Montgomery County. From 1S34 to 1S37 he edited and published the Pennsylvania Reporter 3.n^ -^di^ ^.■^'^omXtA. State Printer by Gov. Wolf. In 1837 President Van Buren appointed him United States Marshall for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, from which office he retired in 184 1. In 1839 Gov. David D. Porter appointed him Aide-de-Camp on his staff with rank of Colonel. From 1843 to 1848 he published the Saturday Evening Post (founded by Franklin, 1728), then in its zenith of prosperity as a family newspaper. It had among its contribu- tors Poe, Willis, Hawthorne, Longfellow, Cooper, Neal, G. P. R. James, Bayard Taylor, Mrs. Osgood, Mrs. Stephens, Mrs. Sigourney and Mary Howitt. Col. Patterson also frequently contributed to its columns. It was in the Post at this time that Bayard Taylor first contributed an account of foreign travels entitled "Views Afoot" and it was Col. Patterson's financial assistance which enabled him to make his first trip abroad, pleasant acknowledgment of which was made by Mr. Taylor in the first published volume of those letters (1846). In 1845, President Polk appointed him Naval Agent at Philadelphia which oflSce he held until 1848. About this time he was also associated with John W. Forney, Mifflin Parry, Joseph Neal and A. Boyd Hamilton in the publication of the Pennsylva7iian, the predecessor of the Philadelphia Press. From 1848 to 1850 he ■p\xh\\she.di Graham' s Magazine, but with its decline suffered severe financial losses. In 1 85 1, he removed to "Woodbourne" near Schuylkill Haven where he occupied a position with the Silver Creek Coal Mining Company. In 1855, or 1856 he removed to Evan.'^bnrg where he served as Justice and contributed to the local and city newspapers. Col. Patterson, as a political writer, wielded a pen, quiet, forcible and bold. His greatest accomplishments were in the field of literature, to which he gave much of his time. He contributed to journals and magazines already mentioned, and also to various "annuals" — The National Gleaner, Opal, Family Messenger, Casket, The Gift, The Fountaiyi, and to Godey's Ladies' National Magazine, Episcopal Recorder, Pennsylvajiian , Washington Union, etc.; of his poetical writings, the lines "My Mother" (1839), "The Little Straw Hat" (1844), "A Salt River Voyage" (1846), a political satire are among his best. Col. • Portrait in the possession of Mrs. E. A. Weaver. GENEALOGY 26^ Patterson was conspicuous for his scholarly attainments and refinement of manner. He was a very handsome man. He was an intimate friend and corre- spondent of President Buchanan, who frequently visited him and was godfather to two of his children. He was a friend to many struggling for literary recognition, sixty years ago, and was geuerous to a fault. He was a consistent Christian, a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church of which he long sen-ed as vestry- man. He was a Mason and an Odd Fellow and a member of the Hibernian Society of Philadelphia. Samuel DeWees Patterson' was the son of Samuel Patterson^ born Feb- ruary 6, 1769, came to America in 1798, with his brother John, from Belfast, Ireland, and settled near Norristown, Montgomery County, Pa. In 1807 he made application for naturalization, in 1806 he became landlord of Jefferson Inn in Norriton Township, 181 1 of an inn at Norristown, in 1812 was appointed County Commissioner, and in 1814 was elected to that office. In 181 2 he joined the Pennsylvania volunteers in the war against Great Britain and died at Norristown March 18, 1815. April 30, 1806, he was married to Mrs. Mary Weachter (widow) (1764-1825), daughter of Cornelius DeWees and Margaret Richards, descendants of old settlers of Germantown and the Welsh Tract of Chester County. He was the grandson of Samuel Patterson'.* Sarah Ann Mott' and Samuel DeWees "Patterson had 2207. (Son) P.^TTiiRSON*, b. April 21, 1S30, Norristown, Pa., d. April 21, 1830; buried in Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia. 2208. IIWILLIAM MoTT Patterson\A. April 22, 1831, Norristown, Pa., ni. August 25, 1853, bj- Rev. John Gray, Easton, Pa., Susan Burke Winter' (Peter'', Henry'), Easton, b. August 25, 1829, d, September 2, 1903: he d. August 26. 1875, Phillipsburg, N. J.; buried in Easton Cemetery. [2216] 2209. Samdel Sherwood Patterson', b. December 9, 1S32, Norristown, d. August II, 1833; buried in Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia. 2210. (Son) Patterson*, b. February 14, 1834, d. February 14, 1834, and buried at Harrisburg, Pa. 2211. IIDr.Samuel Davenport Patterson', b. March 20, 1835, Harrisburg, Pa., m. i86o,± I. Catharine Elizabeth Zimmerman, Lancaster, Pa.,(5. 1832, 2213. 2214. 2215. Germany, d. April 8, 1S69, Lancas- ter, Pa.; 2. June 4, 1S79, Philadel- phia, Sophie Virginia Heylmun (widow), O.Aprils, '836, Fredericks- burg, Va. (James Robert Jones, na- tive of Wales, and Sibylla Oden- welder, Easton, Pa.); lie d. No- vember 21, 1S96, Evansburg, and was buried in Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia. [2232] (Son) Patterson', i^. June 12, 1S36, d. June 12. 1S36, Harrisburg, Pa. (Daughter) Patterson', b. and d. at Philadelphia, July 2, 1838; buried in Ronaldson's Cemetery, Philadel- phia, in William B. Mott's lot. (Son ) Patterson', b. anAd. in Phil- adelphia, July 16, 1839; buried in Ronaldson's Cemetery, Philadel- phia. James Buchanan Patterson', b. January 18, 1S41, Philadelphia, d. September 19, 1844, Philadelphia; buried in Laurel Hill Ceineterv. 2208. William Mott Patterson' (Sarah Ann Mott', ra. Samuel DeWees Patterson, Elizabeth Sarah Moore^ m. William Beckett Mott, SamueP, Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and ySusan "Buri^e Winter^ (Peter^ Henry'). William Mott Patterson* was educated at private schools in Philadelphia and at Dr. Vanderveer's in Easton. In 1850-1, 1851-2, he attended the Colle,ge of Pharmacy, Philadelphia ; at the same time he was in the laboratory of Charles Ellis. He returned to Easton and Phillipsburg where he engaged in the drug business. As a j-oung man he was reporter on Forney's Spirit of the Times, • Coudensed from manuscript furnished by Mrs. Ethan Allen Weaver. 266 GENEALOGY Philadelphia, and interviewed Forrest and McCready at the time of the great excite- ment in 1849. He was at various times connected with the Easton (Pa.) Express and Free Press in reportorial and editorial work, and was editor of the Evenmg Mail of Phillipsburg, N. J., and at the time of his death was editor of the Warren Democrat. He was at various times. President of the Board of Health, School Commissioner, and President of the Board of Education when the Phillipsburg High School was organized. He was a Mason, and a member of the Presbyterian Church. Susan Burke Winter' was the daughter of Peter^* born at Martin's Creek, Pa., November 25, 1798, died at Easton, Pa., May 2, 1858, and Mary Davison^ 1 800-1 878 (John', 1 764-1 825, m. Christiana Richart), the granddaughter of Henry', born October 6, 1773, died May 5, 1849, and his first wife, Susan Bow- man (Peter, m. Barnes), born January 11, 1776, died May 30, 1834. Henry Winter' located in the vicinity of Martin's Creek, and was a charter member of the Presbyterian Church in 1809. In 1802 he was a Captain in the Eighth Regiment, Pennsylvania Mihtia, and its L,ieu tenant-Colonel iu 1807. From 181 1 to 1813 he was a member of the Pennsylvania Assembly, and a State Senator from 18 19 to to 1821 and from 1823 to 1825. On 17 January, 1825, he " presented in the State Senate the Memorial and Documents of a Committee of the Trustees of Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., for incorporation and aid." In 1828 he was a Presidential Elector and cast his vote for Andrew Jackson. He frequently presided at politi- cal and other celebrations, and was an active participant in State and local affairs in the early part of the last century. In his latter years he was a Justice of the Peace. William Mott Patterson* and Susan "BurXe Winter had 2218. IjElla Foerixg Patterson', b. De- cember 22, 1S59, m. November 3, 18S1, by Rev. Henry B. Towusend, Thomas Stone Pursel, Phillipsburg, N.J. [2225] 2219. Clara Devor Patterson'-', b. Octo- ber 29, 1S71, Phillipsburg, N. J. 2216. piARY Matilda Patterson', b. August 25, 1S54, Easton, Pa., m. by Rev. Henry B. Townsend, Phillips- burg, N. J., May 9, 1883, Ethan Allen Weaver, b. June 7, 1S5.3, Jacobsburg, Northampton County, Pa. [2221] 2217. Sarah Ann Patterson", b. June 12, 1S57, Phillipsburg, N. J. II William Comstock Patterson', b. April 21, 1874, m. Anna Faulstich, Easton, Pa. [2231] 2216. Mary Matilda Patterson' and Ethan JlUen Weaver. Mary Matilda Patterson'' was one of the early members of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and a charter member of the first Chapter established in Philadelphia (Philadelphia Chapter), and for two years a member of its Board of Managers ; member of the Pennsylvania Society of the Colonial Dames of America and of its Committees on Supplemental Claims, Rules, and Membership Register of 1901 ; member of the Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, Historical Society, and of the City History Club of Philadelphia. Ethan Allen Weaver was educated in the schools of Nazareth and Easton, Pa. , and under private tutors. He graduated at Lafayette College as Civil Engineer, 1874 ; Master of Science, 1877. Since 1877, he has been connected with the Engi- neering Department of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Philadelphia ; hecom- * Susan Winter^, sister of Peter^, who married Joseph Baird, was the grandmother of Mary Baird. wife of Hon. William Jennings Bryan, of Lincoln, Neb., the Democratic candidate for the Presidency of the United States in 1896 and 1900. GENEALOGY 267 piled and edited the Biographical Register of the Chi Phi Fraternity, 1890; Decennial Register of the Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution, 1898; "The Germantown Branch ' ' Descendants of Cornelius Weygandt in Weygandt Gene- alogy (Newburgh, N. Y., 1897); contribuior to Pennsjivam'a Magazine 0/ Nishuy and Biography, and to other historical and genealogical journals, and to the news- paper press ; member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania ; Pennsylvania- German Society ; Moravian Historical Society ; Historical Societies of Bucks and of Montgomery Counties, Pa.; City History Club of Philadelphia; American Folk-Lore Society; Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution and Secretary of the latter body since 1892. Mary Matilda Patterson* and Ethan Allen Weaver had Margaret Elizabeth Weaver'", b. May, 13, 1SS4, Phillipsburg, N. J. Kenneth Patterson Weaver'", 6. October 4. 1SS6, Philadelphia Pa., d. December 21, 1S92; buried in West Laurel Hill Cemetery. 2223. Gertrude Weaver"', 6. June 21 1890, Philadelphia, Pa. 2224. CoRNELirs Weygandt We.wer'", b. April II, 1S93, Philadelphia, Pa. 2218. E.lla Foering Patterson" and Thomas Stone Pursel had 2225. Clara Pcrsel'". 222S. Helen Pursel'". 2226. Ruth Pursel". d. in infancy. 2229. Thom.^s Pursel'". 2227. Mary Louise Pursel'". 2230. Philip Pursel'", rf. in infancy. 2220. William ComstocK Patterson' and Anna Faulstich had 2231. Ruth Patterson'". m. 2211. Dr. Samuel Davenport Patterson' (Sarah Ann Mott, Samuel DeWees Patterson, Elizabeth Sarah Moore^ m. William Beckett Mott, SamueP, Capt. John*, Xathauiel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Elizabeth Zimmerman and Sophie Virginia Heylmun (widow). Samuel Davenport Patterson* was educated at the Episcopal Academy, and the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, receiving his M.D in 1856. He practiced medicine at Milford, Pa., Bloomsbury, N. J., and during the civil war, served at different times in the army, 90th Pennsylvania "\"olunteer Infantry, in the Marine Corps and as Hospital Steward in Louisiana and Texas. After the war he became a journalist, becoming connected with newspapers in Philadelphia and Boston. He was a member of John A. Andrews Post, G. A. R., of Boston, Mass., and of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Samuel Davenport Patterson' and Elizabeth Zimmer^ man and Sophie Virginia Heylmun had 2232 Elmer Ellsworth PATTERSON^ 6. I July 16, 1S67, Philadelphia; gradu- 1S61, Philadelphia, d. in infancy. \ ate of Maryland Lyiug-in Asylum, 2233. M.^RIE D.^VENPORT P.^TTERSON', *. I Baltimore, Md., 1901. 2202. Edward Thomas Mott' (Elizabeth Sarah Moore^ m. William Beckett Mott, Samuel"', Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and ^nna Maria 1{.oh. 268 GENEALOGY Edward Thomas Mott' was an importer and dealer in china, glass and queensware in Philadelphia. In 1855 he received the Democratic nomination for Sheriff, but was defeated. Anna Maria Roh was a native of Charleston, South Carolina. During the Civil War, her property in that State was confiscated by the Confederacy. Edward Thomas Mott' and Jlnna Maria Roh had 2234. Anna Mott', unmarried, d. . 2235. Elizabeth Mott*, unmarried. J236. Rettie Roh Mott', unmarried, ci. December 24, 1898, Philadelphia, Pa. 2237. Mary Mott", unmarried. 3238. Edward Mott", b. April 27, 1851, d. April 27, 1852. 2204. Mary Moore Mott' (Elizabeth Sarah Moore", m. William Beckett Mott, Samuel^ Capt John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Fred- erick Churchill. Frederick Churchill served in the Mexican War as Commissary and Quar- termaster, with the rank of Major, of Gen. Lane's Indiana Division, with head- quarters at Pueblo, Mexico. Mary Moore Mott' and Frederick Churchill had 2241. li Caroline Laura Churchill', b. February 10, 1S38, Cincinnati, O., m. October 30, 1856, Albert Healy; 2239. II Elizabeth Sarah Ann Churchill", b. April 21, 1834, Cincinnati, O., m. May 15, 1856, Edward Franklin Spencer Benham, b. September 14, 1832, Watertown, Ct. [2243] 2240. William Mott Churchill', *. Feb- ruary 27, 1S36, Cincinnati, O., m. Carrie Frazier, Cincinnati, O.; hed. January 4, 1858; no children. Adrian, Michigan. [2246] 2242. Frederick Augustus Churchill', b. August 24, 1840, (/.July 24, 1S41, Cincinnati, O. 2239. Elizabeth Sarah Ann Churchill' (Mary Moore Mott', m. Frederick Churchill, Elizabeth Sarah Moore', m. William Beckett Mott, Samuel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and EdWard Franklin Spencer "Benham had 2243. Mary Churchill Benham», *. Janu- I 2245. Frederick Churchill Benham', ary 14, 1858; Cincinnati, Ohio. | b. June 20, 1869; Dayton, Ohio. 2244. LiNA Benham^, b. September 26, 1861 ; Adrian, Michigan. I 2241. Caroline Laura Churchill' (Mary Moore Mott', m. Frederick Churchill, Elizabeth Sarah Moore^ m. William Beckett Mott, Samuel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Albert Healy had 2245. Herbert Healy', *. January 23, I 2247. Frederick Churchill Healy', b. 1858; Cincinnati, Ohio. | February 28, 1859; Cincinnati, Ohio. 2205. Jane MarKrina Mott' (Elizabeth Sarah Moore', m. William Beckett Mott, Samuel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Samuel Schober' (Frederick', Wilhelm Ignatz'). Samuel Schober' was the son of Frederick', born 1783, died 1868, who came to Philadelphia, Pa., in 1805, and his wife, Catharine Knorr, born 1774, died 1846, GENEALOGY 269 the widow of John Foering', the grandson of Wilhelm Ignatz', of Wurtemberg, and his wife, Anna Mary Jaken. Jane MarKrina Mott' and Samuel Schober had 2J48. II Frederick Schober', d. October 6, 1S41, Philadelphia, Pa. 2249. Isadore Schober*, f>. August 9, 1843, d. May 21, 1845, Philadel- phia, Pa. 2250. Orville Schober', b. November iS, 1S45, unmarried, d. December 29, 1872, Philadelphia, Pa. 2251. Marion Rosalie Schober*, 6. Octo- ber 15, 1847, d. December 4, 1848, Philadelphia, Pa. 2252. II Eugene Clarence Schober*, d. February 8, 1S50, m. October 31, 1872, Minerva Catharine Hartzell, b. October 3, 1854; he d. February 18, 1883. [2254] 2253. Samuel Markrina Schober', d. December 25, 1853, ^- July 26, 1854, Philadelphia, Pa. 2248. Frederick Schober' (Jane Markrina Mott', m. Samuel Schober, Elizabeth Sarah Moore", m. William Beckett Mott, Samuel^ Capt. John', Nathan- iel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') Frederick Schober" was graduated at the Central High School of Philadel- phia. He entered the Engineer Corps of the United States Na^-^', June 23, 1863; 1863-64-65 United States Steamship Niagara, Commodore Thomas T. Craven, spe- cial service cruising in North Atlantic after privateers — Capture "Georgia" — Rebel ram "Stonewall" affair at Ferrol and Corunna — Belem-Fort at Lisbon, chase of the Chesapeake; 1866-67 United States Steamship Rhode Island, Capt. D. McN. Fairfax; home squadron, James M. Palmer, commanding; 1S67-68 Naval Station, League Island; 1868-69 United States Steamship Saginaw, Capt. R. W. Meade; Alaska exploring expedition: 1S69-70 United States Steamship Pensacola, Capt. Geo. Preble; Pacific Squadron, Admiral Thomas Turner; Coast of Mexico and Puget Sound; 1870-71 United States Steamship Resaca, Capt. Lewis, Pacific Squadron; South America and South Sea Islands. 1871-72, United States Steamship Resaca, Capt. Nathaniel Green, Pacific Squadron; Darien Ship Canal expedition, Capt. Thomas O. Selfridge, commanding; 1S72, Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., Depart- ment of Engineering; 1873, June 3, resigned; 1877, Private, Grand Armj' Battalion Twenty-First Regiment National Guards Pennsylvania, Col. Robert L. Orr, during railroad riots, not called into service ; 1892-95, Chief Clerk, Auditor-Gen- eral's Department, Harrisburg, Pa., during the term of Gen. D. McM. Gregg. Occupation, Engineer and Contractor. He is the author of the Mott, Moore, Schober, Foering and Wayne genealogies, is a member of the Loyal Legion and the Grand Army of the Republic. 2252. Eugene Clarence Schober rjane Markrina Mott", m. Samuel Schober, Elizabeth Sarah Moore'', m. William Beckett Mott, Samner, Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and J\IinerVa Catharine Hartzell had 2254. Eugene Clarence Schober^, *. I 2256. Maud Schober', b. July 8, 1877, d. July 10, 1S73, d. March 23, 1874. | July 12, 1877. 2255. Mary Minerva Schober'', 6. De- I cember 22, 1S75, d. March 22, 1877. I 2206. Martha Moore Mott' (Elizabeth Sarah Moore', m. William Beck- ett Mott, SamueP, Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Albert R. Foering' (Christian Frede^ick^ John', Christian Frederick'). 2J0 GENE A LOG Y Albert R. Foering' was the sou of Christian Frederick,' born February lo, 1799, and Rachel Ross, born 1797, daughter of Captain Ross, of Southwark, Philadelphia, the grandson of John Foering^ born about 1773, probably at New York, where his father was pastor of a Reformed Dutch Church, from March 21, 1772, until August 1775, and Catharine Knorr, born 1774 at Philadelphia, the great-grandson of Rev, ChristianFrederick', bornabout 1736 at Hanover, Germany, who came to New York with his mother, about 1743 and married, November 4, 1769, Margaret Miller, Germantown, Pa. He removed to Millstone, N. J., as indicated by the following : In the fall of 1774, the consistory renewed their invitation to Mr. Foering, and he accepted in the early part of October, 1774, and moved the following month. He states in a letter that the low Dutch language was rapidly passing away in Millstone, and that he was called to preach altogether in English. During the first eighteen months of his ministry, which brings us down to the Declaration of Independence, eighteen persons united with the church on profession of their faith; during the next three years down to his death, not a single one. The excitement, the party strife, and the frequent proximity of the armies seriously interfered with the religious services.* In the fall of 1778, after the battle of Freehold, Washington took up his winter quarters again at Middlebrook. About this time, Mr. Foering preached a very patriotic sermon, which led to the formation of a compan}' from his con- gregation. The British sent out a party to capture him, so as to prevent his efforts among his people. But, although sick in bed at the time, by his wife's help he started for a place of safety, probably to Washington's camp, and his wife returned into the house to her three children, the oldest but eight years of age. "In a very short time the enemy came up, and in their search for one, whom they stigmatized as 'that rebel Foering,' thrust their swords through every bed in the house." Mr. Foering leaving home sick and subjected to exposure in his flight, took a heavy cold, from which consumption resulted, and March 29, 1779, the first pastor of this church breathed his last. His body was deposited under the church in front of the sacred desk whence had issued the kindred lessons of religion and liberty, and his dust yet reposes beneath the second edifice. The congregation knew not where to look for another minister when a refugee preacher, Solomon Froeligh, appeared in their midst in the spring of 1780, one year after Mr. Foering 's death. t "It was on this month, or possibly on a similar one in December of the same year, as the Army of Liberty passed the parsonage (at Millstone), half clothed, unshod, and in want of food, that the patriotic Foering, collecting all the stores of his house, it being moreover, just after baking-time, and cutting the food into convenient portions, distributed them, as far as they would go, to the weary and hungry soldiers as they hurried on their way. On one of these occasions, as the army passed, they encamped for the night in the field directly south of the present parsonage, Washington himself sleeping in the northwest corner of the present homestead of John Van Doren."t Martha Moore Mott' and Albert "B^. Foering had§ 2257. Samuel DeWees Patterson Foer- ing', b. October 18, 1846, unmar- ried, d. March 23, 1S71, Philadel- phia, Pa. 2258. Salue Ann FoERING^ b. 1848, Philadelphia, Pa., d. . 2259. Amanda Ella Foering", b. 1851, Philadelphia, Pa., m. by Rev. Jo- seph D. Newlin, Rector of the Church of the Incarnation, Frank R. Stevenson; she d. 1897. 2260. Mary Jane Markrina Foering', *. 1853, Philadelphia, Pa., d. . 2261. Albert Frederick Alphonso Foering", b. 1859, Philadelphia, Pa., d. . * Snell's History of Hunterdon and Somerset Counties, N. J., 790. t Snell's History of Hunterdon and Somerset Counties, N. J. X Quoted in Snell's History of Hunterdon and Somerset Counties. N. J., from Historical Discourse, Centen- nial Anniversary of the Reformed Dutch Church of Millstone, N. J., by Rev. E. T. Corwin, D.D., 1866. § Foering Genealogy by Capt. Frederick Schober, The American Genealogist I, 5, 166. GENEALOGY 271 2116. Ann Moore' (SamueP, Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Thomas Kellet/" (Maj. John', Thomas', Thomas', Thomas'). Thomas Kelley was a merchant at Miltonville, Ohio, in 1832. After the death of Ann Moore he married again. Ann Moore' and Thomas Kelley had 2262. Thomas Kelley', unmarried; lived in northern Indiana. 3263. Rbv. Dr. Samuel Kelley', m. Parrot; Grand Prairie, Ind. 2264. II Sarah Kelley', b. at Philadelphia, Pa., m. Charles D. Black, Esq.; Louisville, Ky. (2266) 2265. ||Dr. John Kelley', i^. iSiS, a week previous to his mother's death, m. Cora Penn, New Orleans, a de- scendant of William Penn; he d. in New Orleans. (2266a) 2264. Sarah Kelley' (Ann Moore', m. Thomas Kelley, Samuel', Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Charles T>. "Black Sarah Kelley was educated at Cincinnati, Ohio. After the death of her mother and the remarriage of her father she removed to Louisville, Ky. , where she married Charles D. Black, a merchant. Her husband died after a few years. Sarah Kelley and Charles T>. "Black had 2266. Charles Anna Black'. 2265. Dr. John Kelley' (Ann Moore', m. Thomas Kelley, Samuel', Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel", Rev. John') and Cora "Penn. Dr. John Kelley' studied law and was admitted to practice in the Supreme Court; he died young with consumption*. Dr. John Kelley' and Cora "Penn had 2266a. Kelley*. | 2266*. Kelley^ 2117. Martha Moore' (Samuel', Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John'). Martha Moore' never married, although from letters still extant she had abundant offers. She occupied a large place in the social life of Easton. She was a woman of wealth and had large holdings of real estate, as shown in the Record- er's ofiBce. Late in life she lost all through the machinations of supposed friends. The attached letter gives an idea of the simplicity of life one hundred years ago, and shows the pleasant relations existing between the members of the English colony at the Forks of the Delaware : Easton, September 30, 1815. Dear Patty : I write to you by the command of my Mistress to request that you will have the good- ness to purchase for her two or three pieces of brown or half-bleached towelling, and have them put up with your goods to be sent to Easton. She priced them, as we passed through the City three weeks ago, at several shops, and was asked eleven pence a yard. I suppose you will have no diflSculty in finding some, but Susan recollects particularly that they saw it at a shop of a Mrs. Warner in Third Street between Market and Chestnut. I enclose a twenty-dollar bank note; and if it should not be enough will pay you the residue upon your return. But the devil is in it, if twenty dollars worth of towelling at eleven pence a yard will not be enough for the old Lady. We have returned from our excursion, sound and in good condition, all the bumps and jolts and lee-lurches over stones and in mud holes amongst the mountains and in the plains • From letters of Rebecca Moore Kelley. 2-^2 GENEALOGY notwithstanding. I expected a magnificent kiss from you on my return and am much disappointed to be obliged to wait for it until you come home, when I think you might give me two to pay me for the wear and tear of patience. Make my cordial salutations if you please to your amiable cousin Sarah; and tell her I am very much her admirer, and if I was a younger man should aspire to be something more. I have not seen since my return, and cannot therefore console you in the lingering hours of absence hy assuring you of his health and bloom and all that. Indeed we have so great an interest in the impatience to see him which will doubtless bring you the sooner back to Easton, that I should be malicious enough to preserve a profound silence about him even were it in my power to administer the aforesaid consolation to you — for although you love him, we lovejycK and are content, since it must be so, to owe your speedy return to any inducement, however little it may flatter ourselves. So come quickly. Dear Patty. I have no doubt that he is prodigiously impatient to see and to embrace you, and to exchange with you those tender vows and fascinating endearments which have so embellished the last ten or a dozen years of your mutual affection; and which I suppose you are afraid will vanish as the honey-moon wanes and are therefore determined that the sweet season of courtship shall be perennial. Adieu — I too love you dearly — and am, with equal devotion if not with equal ardour, Dear Patty, Your mo. ob. servt. Miss Patty Moore. S. Sitgreaves.* N. B. — The old Lady says, I am mad, and that ten dollars will be enough to send you — so ten dollars it is — Good Night Patty — go to bed soon — keep good hours and you will be sure to dream of those you love best. Late hours are terrible murderers of pleasant dreams — and when you shall have lived long enough to discover that dreams are always pleasanter than the realities of this scurvy existence of ours you will think it good economy to make as much of your dreams as }-ou possibly can. So Good Night, Patty ! Miss Patty Moore at Mr. John Moore's, Race Street, three doors above Seventh Street, North Side, Philadelphia. Mr. Juo. Cox. 2118. Samuel Moore" (Samuel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Elizabeth "Barnes Wamslet/' (James'). ^^ y.< ■ , .^ ^ xs twas the only son in a family of nine children. The fol- V. cy^C€^i^fC \co lowing notice (details have been added bj^ the compiler) ' appeared in the Easton papers at the time of his death; the writer was Reuben Kolb, Esq.: The venerable Samuel Moore departed this life at his residence on Spring Garden Street, below Second, last Monday evening, surrounded by his family, who had gathered about his bed- side tearfully awaiting his dissolution. Mr. Moore was the oldest native resident of Easton, having been born on September 28, 1794, in the old stone housed still standing on the south side of Northampton Street, near the Delaware bridge, § and was a frequent looker-on when the builders were constructing that ancient struc- ture, which now gives passenger communication across the Delaware. His father was Samuel Moore, who moved here from Trenton, N. J., in 1782. At that time nearly all the population of Easton was of German descent, and among the first English settlers who followed were the Greens, Reeders and Howells. Born when Washington was yet President, when Pennsylvania was largely a wilderness and Easton was scarcely more than a village, Mr. Moore had lived to cast seventeen Presidential votes, to see his native State increase from half a million to near four million souls, and his birthplace of 150 houses and a population of 800 to grow to * Hon. Samuel Sitgreaves, d. in Philadelphia, Pa., March i6. 1764, received a claesical education, was admitted to the bar 1783, removed to Easton 17S6, practiced law at Easton 17S6-1827, member of Pennsylvania Constitu- tional Convention 1790, Member of Congress 1794-179S, champion of Washington in the matter of Jay Treaty, Commissioner to England under the Jay Treaty iSoo, President of Easton Bank 1S15-27, Trustee of I^afayette College 1S26-7, m. i. Maria Angelina Kemper, 2. Francinia Allibone. Philadelphia, Pa., and died April 4, 1827. He was the son of William-, i. December 14, 1726, and Susanna Deshon, of Boston, Mass., and the grandson of 1 Sitgreaves who came to Philadelphia in 1729. t From a postal card, dated January 10, 1S33, when in his 89th year. I Half has been torn down. 1893 ; the flood of October, 1903, undermined the foundation and the remaining half has been ordered to be removed. g Replaced by a cantilever bridge, 1895. GENEALOGY 273 over fifteen times its size. Easton then held but one church, now there are sev- enteen. The Academy* on the hill on Second Street, which has given foundation for education to so many thousands of pupils, was then just building. No bridges crossed the Delaware or Lehigh, the post-oflBce had just been established, and the first newspaper and printing office was making first strides towards a livelihood, under Jacob Weygandt. Mr. Moore received his education at a subscription school in Easton, and later at a boarding school in Philadelphia, at Third and Market Streets. The following letter to his sister Mary from the city at that time, now in the possession of Capt Frederick Schober, of Philadelphia, will illustrate his advance at the age of thirteen : Philadelphia August 12th 1808 Dear Sister — I received your letter and am sorry of my not writing but you must excuse me I like the city very much and there is no appearance of the yellow Fever but I am very much in want of a pair of shoes I have not got scarcely any to wear William Potts comes here every night he is well and still continues at the jewellery business William received the money but it was not thought of I am very sorry to hear that uncle benjamin and his -wife is sick but I hope he will recover tell him that nobody come for screws he sent down with my respects to all enquiring friends and relations Mary Moore Samuel Moore Excuse my scratching A reading book is in the possession of his nephew, Augustus Kellogg Moore, of New York. On the title-page is the name, Samuel Moore, 180-. This was one of his school books: "Lessons in Elocution or a Selection of Pieces in Prose and Verse for the Improvement of Youth in Reading and Speaking." By William Scott. The Seventh American Edition. To Which Are Prefixed, Elements of Gesture, Illustrated by Four Elegant Copper-Plates ; and rules for expressing, with propriety, the various passions and emotions of the mind. Wilmington : Printed and sold by Peter Brynberg, M,D,CC,XCVII. Mr. Moore, in 1812, began business life as an apprentice to Thomas J. Rogers, who published the Northamptoyi Farmer, a small sheet, " in a one-story boarded log house on Northampton Street, between Second and Third." George Deshler bought out this establishment in 1815, and took young Moore into a partnership, which was maintained for two years. They issued the Spirit of Pennsylvania. The following notice is taken from the Spirit of Pttinsylvania, Friday, February 20, i8i8:t Notice. Those persons who are yet indebted to the late firm of Deshler & Moore either for subscription or advertising are earnestly requested to make payment. It is necessary that the affairs of the firm be speedily adjusted and settled. Those accounts, therefore, which remain unsettled on the ist day of March next, will be put in proper hands for collection. Samuel Moore Feb. 20. Geo. W. Deshler. He early gained a degree of patriotism, and his blood frequently boiled with the fire of youth in hearing of the deeds of valor of revolutionary times. Thus it was that he became a ready volunteer when his country needed aid in the War of 1812. When the news reached Easton that the British had taken Wash- ington, he was in the crowd which formed a citizens' meeting at the corner of Fourth and Northampton Streets, and was filled with a desire to take part in the strife. Hence, when, on the next day, a crier called for volunteers to form a rifle company, under Captain Abraham Horn, he filed into line behind the fife and • The Coion Academy. The new High School now occupies the site. t A copy of this paper was presented to the compiler by Mr. Charles Davis, Easton, Pa. *7# GENEALOGY drum and began a soldier's life, serving as Second Sergeant. The company was presented with a flag by Miss Beidelman, and then, on September 28, 1814, began its march for Philadelphia. A tag attached to the flag bears the following record : This flag was presented by Miss Rosanna Beidelman on behalf of the ladies of Easton, to Capt. Abraham Horn's Company of Volunteer Riflemen, 1st Co. ist Regt. Colonel Hum- phrey's in September 1 8 14, immediately after the burning of Washington City with this address— " Under this flag march to glory." The Ensign replied " I will mam," not " I be's the man," as stated in the " History of the Lehigh Valley." It was subsequently voted at a general meet- ing of the members of the Company, called for the purpose, to deposit the flag in The Easton Library in honor and remembrance of the patriotic donors. S. Moore. The flag which is deposited in the Easton Library is ninety-seven inches in length and fifty-five in breadth. The material throughout is heavy silk. The stripes are sewed over and over. The stars are sewed one on each side, so that both sides of the flag present the same appearance. The fly is indigo-blue in color and has upon it thirteen eight-pointed stars, each seven inches across from point to point. Twelve of the stars are arranged in a circle; the thirteenth is placed in the centre. The circumference of the circle passing through the centres of the stars has a diameter of forty inches. The stars are white. The union is made of thirteen stripes of silk, alternately red and white. There are seven red and six white stripes. The length of the stripes coincides with the length of the union. The dimensions of the union are thirty-four by twenty-eight inches. The whole is mounted upon a pole having a brass spear at its top. The red has faded out almost entirely; the blue remains as when first colored. The silk has become very rotten, and unless laid away in a safer place will soon go to pieces. The War of 18 12 was fought under the flag of fifteen stars and fifteen stripes*. The following letter was written from camp in 1814 : Phii,adei,phia, October 31st, 1814. Dear Sister : My fears are at length verified — we are obliged to march to Camp Dupont on Wednes- day morning next, which is said to be a healthy part of the country, well calculated and all prepared for our reception — the distance from this place is five and thirty miles — three days march. Heretofore, I placed but little confidence in the reports. In my last you will observe, however, my opinion of the present; it was so different and published in a manner through the camp that I could not forbear giving my real opinion, which has proved to be correct. I have however to regret stating to you even the truth, as, no doubt, had I informed you we were to march one month ago, we would have taken our jaunt to Bristol — this I for speaking truth. Since my last we drummed a fellow out of the regiment for desertion — such was the sentence of the court-martial. The manner it was done was as follows: the regiment was formed in double files, the rear ranks moved back ten paces, the prisoner was brought up with a file of men consisting of six, with sergeant Horn as commander of the guard, the rifles of the guard crossed in front and rear. On passing between the files, we came to a charge and the "Rogue's March," was beat by the music — through and in presence of at leastone thousand men. Yester- day we had a burying of one of the militia men who was left in the Hospital, at the time of their marching from Camp. Our company was here again highly honored, with the prefer- ence given them by the colonel. Twelve of our men were ordered to take the right, which was done with the greatest of pleasure; on reviewing the corps we came to a "reverse arms" marched with the dead march to the grave and deposited the corpse from whence it sprung and fired eight rounds and returned to camp with a quick step; I volunteered on this occasion — no sermon was preached. Contrary to my vpishes and expectations I have again received my trunk, I had every- thing necessary here for the campaign without it, and will be obliged to leave it with some {Kend. In yours, you stated something respecting Col. Horn, which be assured if taken from my letter was a great mistake as this was not the person I alluded to, it was Colonel Humphrey and not Horn that commanded the regiment at that time. Col. Horn has never had the com- mand since his arrival, and its my opinion if he had things would go much more regular. ' The Peansylvania Magazine of History, October 1895, J. W. Moore. GENEALOGY 275 Therefore if such reports, that is any injury to the reputation of him, please rectify the mistake, as nothing can be said in truth to the disgrace of the Lieutenant Colonel. This afternoon at two o'clock we came to the City for our knives and Hatchets and also for our Powder Horns; if we march, which there is now no doubt but that we shall, I shall write immediately after our arrival at camp Dupont. If you come to the City let me know and I shall endeavor to get a furlo; for the purpose of coming to the City and going to Bristol. I have been again promoted, to 2d Sergeant, our company is all well. Youmustexcuse me with these few lines, as I have been filling up muster rolls and inspection rolls these three days, so that it tires me to write — we expect to draw two months pay tomorrow, and we will also be inspected. My compliments to (all well) Euphoemia, my friends and acquaintance; tell Euphoemia her relations are all in perfect health and that I have not yet received any letter from either her or Abigail or Abijah. Your affectionate Brother S. Moore. N. B. X shall write tomorrow to Sarah if possible. Adieu till Dupont appears. His discharge is presen-ed in the War Department at Washington. The following is a copy : Camp Boileau Deer. 5th, 1814. I certify that Samuel Moore, second Sergeant of the First Companv, First Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteer Riflemen, Commanded by Colonel Thomas Humphreys has served a Tour of Three Months in my Company and is, hereby, by me honorably discharged, Abm. Horn Captn sd Compy. In 18 15 the prominent young men of the town organized a social body called "The Ugly Club." The requirements for admission were so made that the pain of rejection was palliated by the report of the Committee on Nomina- tions. A special committee was appointed to examine the applicant and if he was not desired they reported "that he was not ugly enough." The Club was organized December 15, 1S15, and exercised great influence in the social life of the town as is indicated by the correspondence in the newspaper by those who were not invited to the Club's balls. At a meeting held January 8th, 1816, to commemorate the battle of New Orleans, Samuel Moore proposed the toast ' 'The Joints of a Nelson dislocated by the superior skill of a Decatur." His name then disappears until December 15, 1820 when a member proposed the following toast: — "Samuel Moore, one of bur fraternity — Though separated from us by the prairies of the West, the wilds of Nature have not severed our affections." He was present again June 21, 1S22 at which meeting it is "Resolved, That a certificate of 'honorary membership' be given to Samuel Moore in consequence of his leaving his place of Nativity, the Borough of Easton." In 1 818 Mr. Moore and his sister Martha crossed the mountains of Pennsylvania on horseback and settled in Cincinnati, then a sniall town, where he remained four years. On his way to the West he wrote the following letter to Dr. Edmund Porter. There is evidence in old copies of the Spirit of Pennsylvariia that he acted as Legislative correspondent for that paper. Harrisburg, January 25th, 1818. Dear Sir : Since my arrival in this place I have had an opportunity of visiting the senate and house of Representatives, and have heard considerable debating, tho' not any lengthy speeches; to speak truth there are no speakers in the H. equal to Ross or Sitgreaves' Stewart, Douglass and Kelley are the principal on our side, Leile, Slaymaker &c on the opposition, tho* their influence does not extend beyond the bounds of party. Several important bills have lately been brought forward; one to tax the U. S. Bank, excited considerable interest, another to appropriate a specified sum (250,000$) for the erection of a state capital. This bill 2^6 GENEALOGY was originally brought forward by Dr. Leile, but owing to some defects, was submitted to a committee of one member from each county. A bill has also been reported for the erection of a new state prison, which it is thought will supercede the building of the capital. I board with Mr. Schock, at the same place with Leile, Lowry, Marks, Christie, French & Dyer — divided in politics. We have been much amused here with the appearance of several Chickasaw Indians in their natural uniform, \Vm. Colbett, and Michal Leile, so that you may suppose that our idle hours are not altogether lost. Findley is overrun with the numerous office holders and office hunters, which renders his situation by no means an enviable one. Rotation is the cry, but little practised, so far as you will perceive by the appointments already made. Colbett's business here is to obtain a law, or the passage of one, to relieve him of a fine of 5000 dollars, for a libel on Dr. Ruth— it is supposed the monej- will have to be paid with interest for about 1.5 years. Do please to request sister Sarah to forward ray boots & shoes (packed up) by the Lancaster mail to Lancaster — entered on the way bill & pay the costs to L. so that I can send our coachee driver to the stage oiSce at L. Excuse the shortness of this epistle, but expect to hear from me again occasionally. Write soon. My compliments &c. Past n — Good night. Yours in haste Saml Moore. P. S. How comes on your Election for Congress — let us hear every tittle of the news afloat. My candidate is here. I shall vote by prox}' if F. J. R. is the candidate, he is quite a worthy member. Moore. At Harrisburg he worked at the same case with Simon Cameron and later watched with great interest the successful business and political career of General Cameron. The journey took a month, and when they reached their destination a great sorrow awaited them. The daughter of Anu Moore Kelley tells the story in a letter to her Aunt Abigail, dated August ist, 1857 : "I recollect after we had been out here some two or three years that Uncle Samuel and Aunt Martha came out to see us, little dreaming of the sad blow that awaited them in the death of a loved sister. They little thought that the}' would never meet again when they parted in their native home. My father met them at the gate and the}' saw his tears. They knew something was the matter. After he had told them of his sad loss Aunt Martha fainted. They carried her into the house and put her on a bed. Oh ! that was a fearful blow for us children but He who ' tempers the wind to the shorn lamb' took us under his kind care and we found many friends and yet at the time we thought it hard to lose so devoted a parent. 'Tis true we had our trials, but who has not? but God blessed us, and we made many friends and kept them. Although we were blessed with plenty, and although we lived in perfect harmony, having everything almost of this world's goods to make us con- tented, still there was a void left in our midst which nothing could ever fill when our mother, our best friend, good counsellor, and bright example of all the virtues that adorn the female character, was taken from us and from all who loved her to a better and a happier home." Upon his departure to the West the following action was taken by the guards : At a meeting of the Guards on the 21st. Febr. 1S18 on motion Resolved that the thanks of the Easton Guards be tendered (thro' the Seal) to the late Ensign Samuel Moore for his soldierly and Gentlemanly conduct while holding said command and that he be admitted an honorary member of the Corps. A true extract from the Record. Peter S. Michler, Seer. On October 31, 1818, he bought of John Cummins and his wife, Alice, of Batavia, Ohio, lot No. 1 1 1 ( S A Y ) on the plot of the town of Batavia. The indenture is witnessed by George Hunt and Thomas Kelley; the latter was a brother-in-law. He then recrossed the mountains in the slow conveyances of that time and spent several years in thirteen different states going as far south as South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. He then returned to Easton. GENEALOGY 277 In 1824 he went with the Union guards to Philadelphia and took part in the reception to General Lafayette, and while there shook hands with the distin- guished Frenchman — an incident he well remembered and alwaj-s referred to with pride, being just thirtj- years of age on that day. Ou March 5th, 1825, he and William Beckett Mott went to Savannah, in company with a man by the name of Coe, to improve the working of the ochre mines of Edward Mott, and to farm part of the tract of land to help pay expenses. Mr. Mott remained but a short time and then returned to Philadelphia. The venture failed, owing to want of means to get the ore to market. Coe cleaned out the whole business and escaped to parts unknown, and Samuel Moore went to Milledgeville. Before 1S32 he was connected with the Belvidere Apollo. January 29, 1836, Governor Ritner appointed him Clerk of the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Clerk of the Court of Oyer and Ter- miner and Jail Delivery, for Northampton County. January 8, 1839, he was re- appointed- At that time Judges John Banks, Daniel Wagner and John Cooper were on the bench ; Rev. J. N. Brobst was recorder, Joseph Weaver, register, Hiram Yard, sheriff and Andrew H. Reeder, treasurer. In 1837 he was one of the founders of a Society, which did much good in Easton, for many years. This copy of a letter in the possession of Augustus K. Moore, New York, tells the story in his own words : Easton, Feb. i, 1S80. Mv De.\r Son : I am much obliged to you for the present of the box you sent, and in return, if you visit us on the 22d. Feb. (my mother's birth day) I will return the compliment, by the gift of a handsome gold headed cane, presented to me by "The Northampton Beneficial Society of the Borough of Easton" of which I was one of the founders and was elected Secretary for thirty eight years in succession ; which expended forty thousand dollars and over for weekly benefits of <3 pr. week in sickness of members and funeral expenses. Now, I desire you to take good care of it, and hand it down to the oldest son of your family and his successors, to the end of time, together with this letter. I am now in my eighty sixth year and cannot expect to remain much longer altho' my general health is excellent but my legs are giving out and I am advised by Dr. Green* to exercise them every day by taking a walk of two or three squares each day, three times. I have found great relief from the prescription and will continue it as long as I can walk. Anna is with us, Mr. Doty being out West hunting a place to settle. We are all well. Yours &c. S. Moore. December 17, 1839, he entered into a partnership with Mott, Schober & Co., Importers and Dealers in China, Glass and Queensware, of Philadelphia. E. T. Mott was a nephew and Samuel Schober married a niece. The firm name was S. Moore & Co.; the business which was entirely wholesale was first located on East Northampton Street. October i, 1851, the firm dissolved and the busi- ness was carried on by S. Moore alone, being now both wholesale and retail. The store and storehouse were on the lot extending from Northampton to Pine Street, now occupied by Abie's Opera House. The firm of Mott & Schober continued for many years, at length changing to Edward T. Mott, and unfortunately in 1857, was one of the first to go under in the frightful panic of that year, with lia- bilities of over a quarter of a million dollars. Samuel Moore was on the Philadel- phia firm's paper for a very large sum and the Easton business was closed out in 1857- In 1845 he took a part in the temperance agitation and became a Son of Temperance, February 27th. * Dr. Traill Green, his cousin. 2j8 GENEALOGY April 5, 1849, the agitation, started and continued by Dr. Traill Green, re- sulted in the establishment of the Easton Cemeterj' Company. Samuel Moore was a charter member. At a meeting of the Town Council of the Borough of Easton held at their Hall the First day of July A.D. 1853 Samuel Moore was duly elected a member of the said Town Council to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Jefiersou K. Heckman to serve until the next an- nual meeting. First day of July A.D. 1853. ^^- Johnson Town Clerk. The year 1855 was an eventful one for the Masonic Fraternity in Pennsyl- vania. The great Temple on Chestnut Street was dedicated and Samuel Moore took a part in the exercises. It was at this time that Edmund Porter, his nephew, presented him with a silver-headed cane. Old Independence Hall in Philadelphia had just passed through the hands of the "restorers" and a piece of the wood of the original building was made into canes. The cane is a part of the old wood. On the silver head is the following inscription : "Presented to Samuel Moore by Edmund Porter, September 26th, 1855." On four panels on the sides of the head are the words, one in each panel, "Virtue Liberty And Independence." This cane which was highly prized by him, on account of its many suggestions of his family, his Society, and the early history of his country, was presented by him to his son James W. Moore'. April 27, 1859 he was commissioned Justice of the Peace for Bushkill Ward by Governor W. F. Parker, April 14, 1S64 by Governor A. G. Curtin, April 14, 1869 by Governor J. W. Geary, and April 14, 1874 by Governor J. F. Hartranft. He held the office for twenty years, retiring in 1879 with the full con- fidence of the entire community. He was Chief Burgess of his native town for four years, during the troublous period of the Civil War, and had the support of the best people in the community. He was a member of the Masonic Fraternity and of the order of Odd Fellows. He was an earnest advocate and friend of the Public School System and used his influence in its development. Augustus K. Moore, of New York, has a copy of the Northampton Whig, of Tuesday, December 4, 1832, containing the following notice : Married — At Asbury, on Tuesday last, by the Rev. Mr. Castner, Mr. Samuel Moore, printer, of this place, to Miss Elizabeth Warmsley, of Mansfield tsp. Warren County, N. J. His successes and the confidence imposed in him he has always attributed to the good influences of this faithful. Christian woman, who, for over fifty years, has been his constant companion, the sharer of his joys and sorrow, the great help of his life. The Free Press readers will remember the interesting account of their golden wedding, published some months ago in these columns. This death is the first in the family for forty years, and it was the result of the gradual giving away of the system. In his illness he was patient, submissive, meek. On Friday last he lay down to sleep and so rested with scarcely a movement until summoned into the presence of his Maker. He was liberal and progressive in everything — in politics a Whig and later a Republican; he believed in the Father- hood of God and knew that a father loves his children and is just. He claimed individual freedom of interpretation of the Scriptures. His family, in America, was founded in 1642 by an "Independent" minister, some of whose descendants became prominent in the Episcopal Church, others in the Presbyterian, some Old GENEALOGY zyg School, some New School. His mother had a pew in each of the three churches in Easton, Presbyterian, Lutheran and Episcopal. He joined no church until late in life and then cast his lot with the Methodist Episcopal. His wife was the daughter of a member of the Church of England, who became a Methodist, a granddaughter of one of the founders of the First Methodist Episcopal Church in Warren County, New Jersey, and the niece of a celebrated Methodist preacher, known from New York to Virginia, the Rev. John Potts. These were all Quakers originally, who later took an active part in the movement inaugurated by John Wesley. He says ' 'to this denomination am I indebted for the change in my course of life. " He became a trustee of the Church and forwarded its interests, caring nothing for the slurs cast upon him, for he himself had been "violent in my (his) opposition to this sect." In his home-life he was a model father. He used to tell us of the difference between the latter days and the old ones ; how drinking was the habit of every one ; how liquor was kept on the sideboard at which visitors were expected to partake ; how a refusal was regarded as an insult ; how the stately men and women of those days danced the minuet ; he would illustrate to his children, by going through the dance, and to his grandchildren, even after he was over seventy-five. He was filled with the history of the past and his children were familiar with the details of the Revolution of 1812-1S14 and the Mexican War. Later he was intensely interested in the Civil War. The wars of Napoleon were familiar to us, for he was conversant with them, being a contemporary. When he took us on his knee, he thrilled our youthful hearts with the deeds of daring of our ancestors and taught us a true patriotism which was not the go.spel of selfishness but of altruism. The old revolutionary songs from Yankee Doodle through a list, a long one, were the hymns he sung to quiet us, leaving the religious ones to the sweeter and more musical voice of our mother. The children grew up and never knew the time when they learned history. On Sunday, the sweetest day in the whole week, when the writer was just able to reach up and take his little finger, at a certain time of day, we walked abroad ; the boy talked ; the father talked ; he pointed out the glories of our scenery ; we breathed the pure air, and the week was too long before the return of the next Sunday. A rainy day was a calamity which was truly wept over. During the childhood of the compiler a picture of George Washington and a companion picture of Martha Washington were shown to him by his mother on occasions of special goodness on his part. They were carefully wrapped in tissue paper and kept in a locked bureau drawer. They were given to Augustus Kel- logg Moore, "the eldest son of the eldest son," by Samuel Moore^ These pic- tures were in the family for years. Mr. Bradley, a dealer in old engravings in New York, gives the following description and comment. George Washington, Esq. Bust, head to left, oval, in a rectangle. Mezzotints. Height, ii"'is inches. Width, 10 inches. Wooley pinxit et sculpsit. Published at the Shakespeare Gallery, No. 11 Park, N. York. Extremely rare. .\ copy of the Stuart head. Wooley engraved, iu the same style, a portrait of Mrs. Washington as a companion print. There are only three or four other copies in existence — one in Philadelphia, perhaps three in Boston. The following letters written to his nephew, Frederick Schober, recall the stirring events of the Civil War. 28o GENEALOGY Easton, Penna., September 28, 1864. My Dear Nephew : This being my birth day, I have concluded to devote a portion of it in writing to you. I am this day " three score years and ten," the allotted age of man, having been born in the troublous days of the whiskey insurrection of Peunsylvania, and may perhaps die in the great rebellion. I sometimes think I have seen the best days of the republic. My father was born and reared near Trenton, N. J., was brought up on a farm, but subsequently learned the car- penter's trade. He belonged to a company of Minute Men in the Revolution, and was out fre- quently at the call of his commanders. He married and settled in this place in 1783, and in 1794 was drafted, but provided a substitute, in consequence of my expected birth. In 1S14 I volunteered, and served a tour of three mouths in the War of 181 2. Thus you see I am an old soldier, the son of a soldier — but am sorry to say, that I have no representative in the army or navy to battle for our Union — but, thank God, other branches of the family have supplied the deficiency— and among them is my great-nephew, Frederick Schober, 3d Asst. Engineer. Now Fred, you have position, look up, work your way forward, obey all orders whether right or wrong in your estimation, be attentive and vigilant in the execution of your duties, and advance- ment is sure to follow. It is an honorable position, a stepping stone, and it depends upon you whether 3'ou go up or down. But I was ordered to write about the war and our elections. First, then the War is going on admirably and successfully. You have, doubtless, heard of the capture, by Admiral Farragut, " lashed to the mast-head, "of the Forts at Mobile, and his entering the inner harbour. General Sherman has captured Atlanta and General Sheridan has cleared Early out of the Shenandoah Valley, after two successful battles, in which he captured some twenty six guns, with caissons complete, and over six thousand prisoners, besides the killed and wounded. He is still in pursuit towards Lynchburg ; Early's army is said to be completely demoralized, scat- tered in every direction. We have the ofhcial accounts of the above battlts ; they are true, and great rejoicing has taken place over them. Grant still has a tight grip on Petersburg and Rich- mond, and is being reinforced by thousands upon thousands, the draft being enforced in the Copperhead Counties and districts, where they would do nothing for their country, whilst the Republican districts have filled up their quotas by volunteering generally. Philadelphia is nearly out, or will be in a day or two. My good old native town has a surplus for three years, and the cities and towns generally have filled their quotas of the last c.ill for five hundred thousand men. The deficiency is in the country Democratic districts. By reference to the map you will find the rebellion is now confined to a small space in comparison to what it was at its commencement. By the capture of Lynchburg, Va., the last remaining railroad for sup- plying the rebel army at Richmond will be cut oS, and Richmond must fall, fall beyond all doubt ; it is a mere matter of time to save life ; Grant could capture the place at any time, at the sacrifice of thousands of lives, but will not do it. He will play Vicksburg over again. This is an excellent trait in his character. You will perhaps wonder who General Sheridan is. He was general of Cavalrj^ and made several successful raids to and around the rebel army, near Richmond. After the defeat of General Wallace, the ill success of General Hunter and the dilatory movements of General Couch, who each commanded a department, and were independent of each other, General Grant came on from Richmond, and had the three consolidated, and placed Sheridan in full command. This cured the clashing and resulted in brilliant victories to our armies. He, like Grant and Sherman, is not like McClellan, who would gain a victory, squat down, and give the enemy time to recuperate and strengthen themselves ; No ! they strike, gain, strike again, pursue and strike, pursue, demoralize, or destroy their enemy. We have reports of Farragut's gun- boats passing the bar, or obstructions in the harbour of Mobile, having the city at his command, and that it had surrendered unconditionally, but this wants confirmation. I believe, however, it will soon take place, if it has not already. The enemy by the accounts in their papers, from the reports of officers and men taken prisoners, are very much depressed and say " that the re- bellion is played out." I suppose that you have heard of the arrival of your prize, the Georgia, in the United States. We thought you might probably- be on board of her, but was not disap- pointed at your not being on hand. It is the universal opinion that she will be condemned ; if so why you, the "3d As" will come in for a share of the prize money ! Good for the Niagara, hope you will catch every piratical rebel craft on the ocean, and divide the spoil, and every good union " land lubber" would cry "good" and cheer you and fire big guns — [swivels are our big guns] — whilst the " Copper heads" would declare it " un-con-sti-tu-tion-al"; an instru- ment ninety nine out of everj' hundred never reail. .As to the election, our men are confident of success in the State, and talk of gains in Congress. They, the leaders, are working day and night. But you know this district is copper to the back bone, and we do not think of a change, yet we have meetings and speeches every night in the public .Square, whilst the opposite party hold theirs at their head quarters. We keep in view the Presidential election, where every vote will count. The soldiers in camp will now be allowed to vote, of which, the great body will vote for Lincoln and Johnson. The Democrats were opposed to their voting and cast their ballots against them, at the election held in August for the purpose of deciding that question. We beat them bj- a large majority. A number of the states have amended their Constitutions in a similar manner ; N. Jersey, I believe, is the only State that repudiates its patriotic soldiery in this respect. This question has strengthened the Union Party greatly. The Democratic platform goes for " an immediate suspension of hos- tilities," and nominated Gen. McClellan for President, who makes a platform for himself, in his letter of acceptance, and Pendleton of Ohio, for Vice President, who was a peace man, of the GENEALOGY 281 Vallandingham stripe, and voted in the last Congress against all and every measure for the sup- port of the war for putting down the rebellion. This combination of oil and water raised a beautiful quarrel in the ranks of the part\-, and several of the Peace party papers, came down on the General like an avalanche for a time, but at length knocked under ! Not so with the armv, where McClellau possessed some popularity ; they declare that he is joined to their enemies and the foes of the Union, and will not support him. I have given you this outline of partv affairs, which bv the wav, I am extremely sorry exists in our counlr\- at this time, a time of rebellion and war— without knowing your sentiments, but presume you as an officer under government will " stand by the flag," and further that you will, as I did when young, adopt, stick to, and carry out the patriotic sentiments of the gallant Commodore Decatur, in the War of 1812, [at which time parties were as bitter as they are now] which was — " Our Country- right or wrong." That is our country [union if }-ou please] first, last, under all circumstances, and forever. There vou have mv sentiments in a nut shell — adopted in my youth from the im- mortal Decatur. I care not who is President — I %vill support the government against all enemies, in time of war whether foreign or domestic. As an old whig, and much as the party were opposed to the war with Mexico, yet after the first battle the party in Congress and out supported the administration— voting supplies for the army and navy with one exception, I mean Tom Corwiu, who was finally forced into the harness, and could and did rejoice at the success of our arms— but it not so now. The falsely named democratic party make no public demonstrations, no cheers, no rejoicing for our victories but oppose every measure for the sup- port of government, the armv or navy, and do all they can to cripple, if not destroy the efforts of government to restore the' Union ;' but all their efforts will fail ; Grant is within four miles of Richmond, now fighting, and we expect daily, yea, hourly to hear of its capture. Sheridan's successes have been greater than we anticipated when I commenced this letter. We hear October 3rd that his capture of Staunton terminated in a vast destruction of stores and material of the enemy. Earlv's armv is broken up and demoralized, some in the mountains, others scattered, and deserters are coming in by hundreds, Sherman strengthening Atlanta, as a mili- tary depot of supplies. The governor of Georgia, and Vice President Stephens, it is said, have proposed to withdraw the State of Georgia from the Confederacy. The Governor [B ?] has already withdrawn the militia, 15000 from Hood's command, and Jeff Davis has gone on to Macon to see what's up ! These things look ominous, turn out as they may. Fremont has backed down and supports Lincoln. Blair has been retired from the position of Postmaster General, and Denison of Ohio succeeds him ; Blair supports Lincoln. There has been powerful strength added to the Union Party lately, eminent men who have been life long Democrats, but their patriotism has triumphed over party feeling—" Country first, party afterwards" is their motto ; put down the rebellion ; we never will conquer it by divisions in the North say they. I have now written, perhaps, a great deal too much, and will close by saying, there is not the least doubt of Lincoln's reelection at this time, but it will depend in a great measure upon the success of our arms. If Grant is successful it will give him a tremendous majority if unsuccessful, it may be doubtful. The armies are strengthened by thousands daily, the last draft of 500,000 is pouring in and filling up the ranks, nearly all volunteers or substitutes. I suppose, Libby, James and your father will give you all the family news, and as it has devolved on me to give you the political — you see I have pitched into it. Excuse errors, and believe me to be Your friend and aff'ectionate old Uncle S. Moore. E.^STON, January 9th, 1S65. My De.\r Nephew : It appears that the duty assigned to me by the governess of the family is to keep you advised of the militarv and political events of our once peaceful and happy country ; but all my arguments as to your" obtaining the news by the papers, are of no avail : the constant reply is "Father you miist write, he will be so glad to hear from you! " &c., &c. Well then, as to military operations ; we have been nearly everywhere successful. The army of the Potomac still holds Richmond, with the largest army the Rebels have, under Lee, in check, whilst General Sherman has passed thro' from Atlanta to Savannah, captured it, with an immense amount of cotton [say 33,000 bales in store, and probably as much more within his lines], cannon, military stores, &c., &c. Hardee's army escaped. It is expected that his ne.\-t move will be to Charleston ; if so it must fall, together with Augusta and Jlacon. The people of Savannah received him with open arms, held a public meeting, the Mayor presiding and " knocked under," unanimously. Hood has been defeated, pursued and his army nearly de- stroyed at Nashville, Tenn., by General Thomas, and it is doubtful whether the Rebel powers at Richmond can recuperate him. His losses are estimated at 20,000 men. Sheridan remains in the Shenandoah Valley keeping a sharp look out, well prepared for any emergency. The vear 1S64 has closed very favourably for our good old Union— " in the triil by battle " — it being the third stage our country is passing through— first, the establishment of our inde- pendence, second, sustaining it against foreign powers and lastly, against internal traitors, and all not only by arms, but what is equally glorious, by the ballot box. But more of this here- after. The combined attack of Admiral Porter, %vith an immense fleet and General Butler commanding the army, on Wilmington, N. C, has been a failure. Wilmingtim is a strong place, and so situated that it was considered by outsiders almost impossible to take it, but on this subject, you can obtain more information 'aboard ship than I can give you. The failure. 282 GENEALOGY however, is said to be due to a want of co-operation between the commanders — but "thinks I to myself — Wilmington will soon find "an army in the rear" as well as Charleston, via Savannah. The expedition under Gen. Banks to Texas was also a failure, from what cause has not been made public. It is now undergoing an investigation before the Committee on the War ia Congress. The capture of the in a neutral Brazilian port, has incited much newspaper discussion as well at home as abroad. The London Times as usual blows the bellows for the nobility of England, and the aristocratic rebel party of America. That pirate was run into and sunk. The whole thing will amount to nothing. Simmes has according to rebel accounts arrived at Mobile. As to political matters, since the election, there is not one word said between the parties, no excitement, the opponents of the "administration" knocked under like men, but still insist on their being good Union Men; but how to reconcile the matter I never could see. It would be something like a ship's crew under our dear old flag at sea, far out, saying, we love our country and flag but we will throw our commander and all the oflScers overboard, and let her drift. There is now no doubt of the Constitution of the United States being amended, so as to pro- hibit slavery, put a duty on exports, and perhaps some other amendments, if not at the present, the next session will be sure. There are now but eight members. Democrats of course, required to make up the three fourths requirement, and one of them was to make a speech in favor of it today. A measure of this kind would remove the danger for the future. The only remaining danger I apprehend for the future, is "the corruption of the people;" for it seems to me that the scramble for office, and money, money, money ! is so great, that it has been dangerous to our Republican institutions; if not already, it will be. There are thousands totally incompetent, hankering for office constantly, who claim it, for their adherence to party only, ignoring their duties to their country, their flag, and their God. My dear nephew, you are a young man. You have made the first step for yourself up the ladder [or rattlings you would call it, I suppose] of life, and as you reach upwards cling to principle, study it, adhere to it, and do nothing in violation of your better judgment, that you may regret in after years. I expect that James and Libby advise you of all family matters. I shall therefore say nothing about them. For myself, I am still at my post, administering justice, in good health, but pretty far advanced in years, but, God willing, would like to live to see our country restored to peace and harmon}', our Union preserved, and our beloved flag respected wherever it floats. I am very respectfully Your affectionate Uncle 8. Moore. Easton, August 15, 1864. Dear Nephew : I am pressed into the service to say something about the war, and to give you my opinion on the subject. Of course my opinion must be founded on reports either official or supposed reliable. Now the facts are, that from all the information we have, the rebellion is reduced to two armies, one at Richmond and Petersburg, the other at Atlanta, both of which are closely watched. The defeat or capture of either is fatal to the enemy, for they have brought their whole strength into the field, whilst ours is not yet fully developed. The last call of 500,000 men, which will produce all and more than the Government requires, has depressed them very much. This information I bad from General Heckman, who has lately been ex- changed at Charleston, in a conversation with him yesterday. He is a native of Easton, a gallant boy, was out in the Mexican War, commanded a Company of three months men at the outbreak of the rebellion, was appointed Major of the 9th New Jersey, promoted for gallantry to the command of the Regiment, and finally received a star as Brigadier General, was captured in a fog at Bermuda Hundred, under Butler, sent to Libby, thence to Charleston, to be placed under the fire of our guns, with other ofticers, and upon our Government following suit and placing an equal number of Rebel Officers in the same position, an exchange was effected. He further states that there is a strong Union feeling, and desire for our success, even in Charles- ton, but it is necessarily suppressed, the government being a military despotism. They force their men into the service without pay, and levy on the property of the citizen whenever wanted for public use without even receipting for it. Their men, at least many of them, have not been paid for the last eighteen months. General Seymour, who was a Lieutenant at the bombard- ment of Fort Sumpter, and stationed there for some time under Anderson, had an extensive acquaintance at Charleston, and thro' him all the Officers obtained extensive private informa- tion, which, with the facts we have a full knowledge of, induces the idea and belief that the re- bellion is about played out, if no serious disaster should happen to Grant or Sherman's Armies who are still successful. You will probably see the account of the Rebel raid into Pennsylvania and the wanton destruction by fire of the beautiful town of Chambersburg. Two hundred and fifty houses, the heart of the place was destroyed, and some fifteen hundred citizens left house- less, without even a change of apparel, having nothing but what they had on. There's Southern chivalrv for you, Fred ! if you have a chance, blow them all to Hades. We are all awaiting the news from Mobile. Farragut has such a knack of gutting the rebels out, that we expect there will be nothing left of them bv the time he gets thro' with them. The Richmond papers acknowledge the loss of three out of four of their iron clads, one of which we captured, ready for use. By the way, if our army had been conducted with the same skill displayed by GENEALOGY 283 our naval officers, the war would have been ended long since ; but discipline on shore was a new thing, and our men and officers had all to learn, like Frederick the Great, from the enemy ; and fight on, until they discovered they could beat them man for man, and outgeneral the best of their able generals. I, however, have never been deceived in the rebellion. I was sure there would be hard fighting; for both are Americans and " when Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war" — and it has turned out so. I did not believe in putting an end to the war in "thirty," "sixty" or "ninety days" — but believed religiously that it would put an end to slavery on this continent forever — and further that the Almighty has raised up "Old Abe," from a rail splitter and Mississippi boatman to the Presidency for the purpose, just as he raised up Moses to lead the children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt. And I further believe that God has not raised up this nation, and blessed it with ci\-il and religious liberty, made it an asylum for the oppressed of all nations, placed it under His own control, without Prince or Potentate, Emperor or Pope, to intervene between Him and us, will permit its destruction, by division, but hold it one and indivisible, as a beacon light to the oppressed of all nations, in- viting them to self government, and ci\'il and religious liberty. Depend upon it our Union will be restored, in His own good time ; there will not be a slave on the continent ; all men will be free, and our countrj' will be purified, restored, and strengthened — the greatest power under the canopy of Heaven ! Yours &c S. Moore. Elizabeth Barnes Wamsley' was the daughter of James Wamsley' and his wife Sarah Potts. James Wamsley^ was born September 29, 17S0, in County Fermanagh, Ireland. He was a member of the Church of England, came to Philadelphia, and later settled at Mansfield, Hunterdon County, N. J. He there joined the Methodist Episcopal Church, and became a licen.sed exhorter. He was a man of intellect. He died in 1863 or 1S65. His father was financial agent of Lord Cole in Ireland. Sarah Potts' married James Wamsley' in iSio, when in her eighteenth year. She was born May 23, 1792 at Kingwood, N. J., died May 26, 1883 at Tobyhanua, Penna., and was buried at Washington, N. J. She was the daughter of Joseph Potts* and his wife Sarab Mott^. An old sampler which belonged to Sarah Potts Wamsley, iu the possession of the compiler, has initials S. M., E. M., W. M., R. M., G. M., L. M. for Solomon Mott, Elizabeth Mott, William Mott, Ruth Mott, Gershom Mott, Lucy Mott. Joseph Potts* and his wife Sarah Mott were licensed* to marry June 2, 1781. After their marriage they removed from Kingwood, N. J., to Brass Castle in (now) Warren County, N. J. He was a farmer and owned a tannery. He died in 1823; his will is dated February 21, 1820 and was proved July 11, 1823. f He left eight children. He was the son of John Potts' and his wife Mercy King. Joseph Potts and his family were among the founders of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Washington, N. J., the first church in Warren County, 1824. John PottS^ owned and lived on a farm at Kingwood, N. J. He was a neighbor of Daniel Potts, a native of Bristol Township, Penna. In 1797, he went on the refunding bond of Rebecca (Emley) Potts, widow of Daniel. His pocket- book, still in existence, has worked on it in silk, "John Potts 1768." Thomas Maxwell Potts, an authority on the genealogy of the numerous families of the name Potts, thinks that he was the son of Thomas Potts^ Jr., and his wife Susanna . Thomas Potts', Jr., of Bristol Township, Philadelphia County, was born 17 1 3 and died 1751. He married, iu 1732, Susaaaa , who after his death married Job Comptonj. * N. J. Marriages. + On record, Belvidere, N. J. t Pennsylvania Marriages. 284. GENEALOGY Thomas Potts\ Senr., the father of Thomas', Jr., was called " Thomas Potts, Miller," " Thomas Potts, the Quaker Preacher. " He was in Pennsylvania in i6S6,married Jud/fA Smith in 171 2, and died in 17 19. His widow married Thomas Sharp and died in 1749. Thomas was the only son. He was a resident of Bristol Township, Philadelphia County. He seems to have come to Pennsylvania, from Wales, it is supposed from Llangirrig or Llanidloes, in Montgomeryshire. He was a miller by occupation, and was a party to numerous land conveyances, owning lands and mills in Bristol Township and in New Jersey. In 9 mo. 11, 1686 he was witness to the marriage of John Austin and Jane Potts ; 10 mo. 5, 1692 he buys 150 acres on the west bank of the Schuylkill from John Blunstenalty . 2 mo. 2, 1695 sells the same to David Hugh ; he built two water corn mills on a branch of Frankford Creek not far from Germantown, known as " Potts' s Mills ;" 4 mo. 28, 1699 he bought 100 acres in Bristol Township of Jacob Shumaker ; Sept. 6, 1705 he bought another tract from the same ; 29, gber, 1705 Herfert Papen of Germantown conv^eys land to Thomas Potts, Sen. and others; 1706 he sells one fourth interest in Potts' s Mills, etc., to Everard Bolton ; other transac- tions with George Gray ; Oct. 2, 1707 he conveys his interest to the others, in the transaction of 29, 9ber 1705 ; 12 mo. 20, 1709 he and David Potts witnesses the will of William Howell of Cheltenham Township; Oct. 8, 171 1 the same tract conveyed to Thomas Potts, Sr., and others, trustees of Friends of Meeting House lot: Dec. 26, 1717 bought 100 acres of William Dilworth ; Sept. 2, 1718 buys two small tracts of Joshua Fincher ; he and wife Judith deed lot to Joshua Fincher. He was a member of the Society of Friends and attached to the German- town Preparative Meeting, which was under the care of the Abington Monthly Meeting. From the minutes of Abington Monthly Meeting and other sources, it appears that, from about 1705 to the end of his life, he devoted himself very largely to the duties of a public Friend or religious minister, traveling and visiting Friends in the service of Truth, in Maryland, Virginia, New England, the West Indies, England, Ireland, and other places. He was undoubtedly a man of rare worth and exemplary character. William Penn calls him "honest Thomas Potts," and an estimate of his character may be gathered from the Penn and Logan Correspondence*. Sarah Mott\f the wife of Joseph Potts*, was born in Kingwood, N. J., the daughter of Solomon Mott* and his wife Elizabeth Emley. * came from the Province of New Yorkt . and bought land in Kingwood, near Quakertown, May 14, 1760, presumably about the time of his marriage. He and Elizabeth Emley were witnesses, at the marriage of Benjamin Cauby, 5, 10, i752.§ Solomon and Elizabeth Mott witnessed the marriage of Samuel Large and Elizabeth Myers, November 18, 1762. Dr. Race has a receipt from Dr. Aaron Forman, reading, "May 11, 1771, received of Mr. John Emley in behalf of Solomon Mott five pounds ten shillings in full by me, April 7, 26, 1774." Dr. James Willson has charges in his day book against Solomon "Moot." Dr. Race has a deed, dated January i, 1797, from Rebecca Potts to Joseph King, for 2093-^ acres, which she inherited from her brother, John Emley, and which he had bought March i, 1791, of Solomon • The Potts Family, by Thomas Maxwell Potts. t Edward D. Harris, Esq., of New Yort City, is compiling a Genealogy of the Mott family. I Deed in the collection of Dr. Race, Pittstown, N. J., dated May 14, 1760. g Kingwood Records. RARITAN TSP. KINCWOOD TSP. / I DELAWARE TSP. Map of thk Strktti.e Purchase Made i-rom Original Dkkds. Compiled bv J. \V. Moore. GENEALOGY 285 Mott deceased. The will of Elisha Emley was proved by aflSrmation of Solomon Mott, 4th of May, 1761; he was a witness to the same, loth April, 1761. Gersbom Motf, the father of Solomon', was born in Hempstead, L. I., and removed to Kakiat, New Hempstead, Orange County, N. Y., now Ramapo, Rock- land County. His wife was Rutb , perhaps Ruth Seaman. His will was proved March 2, 1759."^ Charles Motf, the father of Gershom', was born at Hempstead in 1676 and died in 1740. In 1709 he bought a mill of John Robinson; in 17 14 he was Sur\-eyor of Highways, Cowneck. His wife's name was Elizabeth , married about 1695. Adam Mott\ the father of CharIes^ was of Essex, England, born 1619, died 1686, and on May 10, June 6, 1644, and October 23, 1645, was a witness at New Amsterdam. April 23, 1645, the Dutch government granted him twenty- five morgans of land on Mespath Kill; May 17, 1657, he was chosen townsman of Hempstead; February 4, 1663, he signed an agreement of peaceable intercourse between the Dutch and Enghsh; in August, 1663, he stands third in value of property on the assessment listt. His first wife was Jane Hulett, his second, whom he married in 1667, was Elizabeth Redman, called Richbell. The latter was the mother of Charles Mott'. Elizabeth Redmatf was the daughter of Redman^ and Ann Parsons' ( Parsons', m. Margaret ). She had sisters, Mary Redman, who mar- ried James Mott, and Ann Redman. After the death of her husband she mar- ried John Richbell, by whom she had no children. Her own children were called Richbell. Ann Parsons Redman Richbell's willj is dated 1700. Mercy King', born June 4, 1738, at Kiugwood, N. J., the wife of John Potts', was the daughter of Willam King and his wife, Abigail Doughty. She was a witness at the marriage of Benjamin Canby, 5, 10, 1752. William King', born April i, 1714, at Kiugwood, 13, 8, 1752, removed to the Chesterfield Monthly Meeting^ with his wife, both being members of the So- ciety of Friends. He married Abigail Doughty about 1737. Joseph King-, Senr., the father of William', was born in Flushing, L. I., in 1683, and died in Hunterdon County, N. J., December 10, 1761. He, with the rest of his father's family, came to Nottingham, Burhngton County, N. J., in 1699. He removed to Piscataway, Middlesex County, but in 1729 purchased 954 acres of Mary Tomkins, on the south bank of the Raritan River, in what is now Franklin Township, Hunterdon County, and removed there. In 1733 he built a grist mill about four miles from the Friends' Meeting House. He was one of the first trustees of the Meeting property, was appointed Elder in Kingwood Monthly Meeting 14, 10 mo., 1744, and Overseer 12, 7 mo., 1745. His wife was Marcia Nicholson. A MEMORIAL OF THE TIME OF DEATH AND BURIAL OF JOSEPH KING, SENIOR. Our antient Friend Joseph King departed this life the loth. Day of the 12th. Month 1761. In the Seventy eight year of his age, and was Inter'd in Friends Burying Ground at * Surrogate's Ofl5ce, N. Y. t Life of Gen. Gershom Mott. by his daughter. t Ann Richbell, Gentlewoman, West Chester County, N. Y., April I, 1700. Children: Elizabeth, Ann; Grandchildren : Anna Gidnev, Mary Williams, Mar*' Mott, James Mott, Adam Mott ; Sons-in-law ; Col. James Mott. Col. Stephen Cortlandt ; Granddaughters : Anna, Mary, Grace, Elizabeth, Jane; Benjamiu Collier; Ex- ecutors : Col, Caleb Heathcote, Richbell Mott, Lieut. John Hort ju- g Kingwood Records. gS6 GENEALOGY Kingwood the Eleventh day of the Same Month. He was not, as could be perceived, attended by any Violent illness, and he departed quietly as one going to Sleep. He was esteem'd amongst us, to be an Honest Sober Innocent well minded man, a good & Inoffensive Neighbor, well beloved of Friends & Others, for which reasons he was appointed an Elder amongst us before the Select-meeting was settled here, and for the Same reasons hath been continued an Elder amongst us ever Since until his Death, and we doubt not, but that he has gone to Eternal rest.* Harmanus King^, the father of Joseph King^, left England to escape re- ligious persecution and went to Holland. In 1676 he arrived in America with a colony of Friends. In i683t he is found on the Flushing tax list for 5 acres of meadow, i horse, 3 cows, i swine, ^oo-04s-03p. 1685, 10 mo., he subscribes i s to the Quarterly Collection of Flushing Monthly Meeting. 1698 his name is in the census list, "Harman Kinge and Mary his wife John, Joseph, Benj. ffrancis. Toby i". 1699 7th of 5th mo. he asks through Thomas Hager for certificate from Flushing M. M.J 1699 i mo. 7 he gets certificate from Flushing M. M. to Chesterfield M. M. N. J.§ harmanas King ffrom our Monthly Meeting at flushing on Long Island the seventh day of ye flSrst mo. 1699. Deare ffriends wee dearly saint 3'ou in the truth and hereby sertefie that Harmanas King Lived amongst us and belonged to our Meeting and hee moving into your parts to Live requested of us a sertificate of his Conversation which was sober and orderly walking according to bis profession in much simplisitti and have Left a good report behind him having made prouff of his Love to truth according to his capasity by an Inosent conversation and as such wee desire hee may bee Received amongst you hoping that hee will continew in ye sam nearness to truth and its fFolowors signed by order and on behalf of our said Meeting.** Sam Bown. He settled in Nottingham, Burlington Co., N. J. He died in 1727, as shown by his will. He and his wife, Mary , witnessed the marriage of Richard Willits and Abigail Bowen at Flushing, L. 1. 1 He also witnessed the marriage of John Delavall and Hannah Lloyd. Marc /a Nic/io/son' and Joseph King', 6 mo., 7, 1707, passed Chesterfield Monthly Meeting the first time ; 7 mo., 4, 1707, they passed the second time. Both her parents were dead. She became prominent later in the Kingwood Monthly Meeting. She was born 13, 12, 1687, the daughter of George Nicholson and his wife Hannah . George Nicholson\ the father of Marcia', was born in England, as is in- dicated by the following : GEORGE NICHOLSON'S CERTIFICATE. tt These are to certifye the Truth concerning our ffriend and Brother George Nicholsson ye bearer hereof. That hee hath byn reputed and taken by us that are his neighbours ye mem- bers of yt Mo. Meeting where hee hath dwelt upwards of 4 years to be a man that hath Looved ye Truth ever since hee knew it and alsoe a man of a good conversation amongst us and further wee declare that hee lakes his intended voyage wth his wife & children in ye unity of firiends in these parts. This (from ye Meeting of Gaynsborough the 13th day of ye 4th Mo. 1677. Wm. Garland John Smith Joseph Pope Peeter Gayler Tho. Marcom Matthew Jackson John Wresle Henry Svmson Will Payne Will Peacock Thomas Wrestle Robt Ashton Vincent Brownelowe * Kingwood Records. t Documentary History of New York. I Flushing M. M. Records. g ChesterSeld M. M. Records. ** Chesterfield Records of Friends, N. J. tt Chesterfield M. M. Records of Friends. N. GENEALOGY 287 George Nicholson's will, dated 5 ino., 16, 16S9, proved ffebruary 15, 1695, is preserved iu the Department of State, Trenton, X. J., in BurHngton County box. He mentions "My dear wife Hannah; son George, to whom he wills the planta- tion I first took up of 200 acres, my youngest son Joseph this homestead after my wife's death, my eldest daughter Rebeckah and my daughter Marcy, and young- est daughter Sarah." The witnesses are Thomas ffolke, Roger Parke. The ex- ecutors are Samuel Jennings, Perciffal Towle, ffrancis Davenport ; probated ffeb- ruary 15, 1695. Elizabeth Emley^, the wife of Solomon Mott*, was the daughter of John Emley•^ Senr., and his wife Sarah Lawrence. John £fn7e'>'", Senr., son of William Emley' and his second wife Mary , was born March 15, 1691, lived in early life on a tract of 200 acres at Crosswicks (Jacobstown), removed to Kingwood, now Franklin Township, Hunterdon County, in 1728, and died April i, 1761. In 1732, he built astone house, on a farm of 400 acres, which was torn down in 1831. He bought 1537^; acres in the Strettle Tract as is indicated in a deed entitled " Deed between John Owen of London, Kingdom of Great Britain, and Robert Strettell late of the parish of St. Mary Magdalen Bermondsey, County of Surrey, Kingdom of Great Britain, now of Philadelphia in the Province of Pennsylvania, attorney to and for the said John Owen, of the one part, and John Emley of the Township of Bethlehem, in the County of Hunterdon and Western Division of the Pro\-ince of New Jersey on the other part, for the consideration of five hundred and twenty-two pounds of good and lawful money to him in hand paid or secured to be paid, 1537^^ acres, a part of a tract of 5000 acres situated in West New Jersey." Dated the first day of March, 1737.* In 1738, i746-'54, he was a member of the Colonial Assembly.f In 1752, he was a trustee of Kingwood Monthly Meeting. He married, June 25, 1719, SaraA Lawrence who died January 17, 1742, the daughter of Elisha Lawrence and his wife Lucy Stout. John Emiey's will dated September 7, 1758, proved May 4, 1761, is on record at Trenton, t On a crude stone in Kingwood Burying Ground is the inscription : " J. E., 1761, A 70." born§ atTorworth, Parish of Blythe, County Nottingham, England, No- vember, 1648, was an educated man, conversant with five languages and a surveyor by profession. In 1676 he was a resident of Mansfield, and was fined ^23 for attending a meet- ing of Friends in Blythe. Having been selected as one of the three commissioners to act in behalf of the West Jersey Society, he arrived in New York, 14th, 6 mo., 1677, in the Kent. He returned to England for his family and sailed from Hull in Yorkshire, 10 March (Dec), 167S, in the Shield, Capt. Towes, bringing his wife Ruth, son William, two men servants and two women servants. Mary was born in mid-ocean. • Book of Deeds, West Jersey E. 390, Department of State, Trenton, N. J. t X. J. Archives. I Liber. 10, 544. 'i Family Bible. 288 GENEALOGY The following deeds are ou record in the Department of State, Trenton, N. J. : One Conveyance or Deed bearing date the loth of September 1677 made by Katamas Sekappie Peanto alias Enequete Rennowighwan I-arkicbon Indian Sackaniarkers to Thomas Ollive Daniell Wills John Pennford Benjamin Scott Joseph Hemsley Robert Stacy William Emley & Thomas fiblke that tract of land h'eing along the River Dellaware from & betweene the Midstreame of Rankokus Creeke Northward &c., &c,, for the consideration of fforty Six ffadome of Duffelds Thirty Blankitts One Hundred & Fifty pound of powder c&c, &c.* One deed bearing date the 27th of September, 1677, made by Mohocksey Eatamickho Apperinges Indians to John Kinsey, Thomas Ollive, Daniell Wills, John Pennford, Benjamin Scott, Joseph Hemsley, Robert Stacy, William Emley and Thomas ffolke of that tract of land from and between the mid streame of Oldmans Creek &c., &c., for the consideration of thirty Matchcoats, twenty Gunns, thirty Kettles & one great one Thirty paire of Hose, &c., &c.t One Conveyance or Deed bearing date the loth of October, 1677 made by Ahtahkones Nauhoosing Okaniskhon Weskeakitt Perheatus Kekroppamant Indian Sackamakers to Joseph Helmsley Robert Stacy William Emley Thomas ffolke Thomas Ollive Daniel Wills John Penn- ford & Benjamin Scott that Tract of Land lyeing along the River Dellaware from & betweene the Midstreame of Ranrokus Creek to the Southward &c., &c., for the consideration of fforty Six ffadome of Duffelds Thirty Blankitts One Hundred and ffifty pound of powder Thirty Gunns Thirty Kettles & Thirty kettles more instead of Wampam Thirty Axes, &c., &c.* Deed between William Emley of Nottingham, Burlington Co., and Eliakim Higgins of the County aforesaid, forty acres of laud where said Higgins now inhabiteth. Dated the 23rd day of December, 1692.! He located about 2000 acres for himself at the Falls and at Crosswicks in Burlington County. The last survey made by him was of the old plantation, now the site of Bordentown, in April, 1704. Maps still in existence show that he was a fine penman and draftsman. He was one of the Representatives of West Jersey in 1682, and in 1684 was a Member of the Governor's Council. § In 1685 he was a trustee of Chesterfield Montlil}' Meeting property. January 8, 1686/7, he made the award as arbitrator in re the boundary line between East Jerse}' and \\'est Jersey; December 23, 1692, he bought land of Eliakim Higgins. "William Emley was Burj'ed in ffriends Burying Place att the ffalls in the Township of Nottingham the 24th of the 2d mo. called Aprill in the year 1704." His will was proved June 6, 1704. He divided his property among his children John, Ruth, Sarah, Elizabeth, and Samuel, Mar}' (Haywood), William, and wife Mary (second wife), who was born in 1660, married in Cheshire, England, 1690, and died March 31, 1728. Abigail Doughty', born lo, 3, 1716, the wife of William King', was the daughter of Jacob Doughty' and his wife Amy Whitehead, the granddaughter of Elias Doughty and Sarah , his wife, and the great-granddaughter of Rev. Francis Doughty' and Bridget ( ? ) Stone. Jacob Doughty^ reraoved from Flushing, L. I., to New Jersej-. February 4, 1711, hewasa "Marchant of Crosswicks, N.J."** On ist, 2 mo. 1714, Chester- field Monthly Meeting accepted his certificate from Flushing. In 1 7 16 he was a member of the General Assembly for Burlington County. He signed the address from Council and Assembly to the King on the defeat of the Scotch Rebellion May 25, I7i6.tt In 1717 he was Justice for the County of Burlington. tJ April 19, 1718, Wm. Stevenson, of Burlington County, sold to Jacob Doughty, of the same county, 1 100 acres in Hunterdon County. March 19, 1721, he was one of the three presiding judges at the Court of Common *I,iber B. Part i, 4. i Liber B, Part i, 3. J; Liber B, Part 2, 426. ^ Raura's Trenton. ** So styled in a deed given by Marmaduke Horsman to Jacob Doughty. tt N. J. Archives, IV, 253. Xt N. J. Archives, IV, »83, 370; V, 135. GENEALOGY 289 Pleas at Quarter Sessions at Burlington. In 1721, he presented a certificate to Burlington Monthly Meeting. In 1724, he was Judge of the Court of Common Pleas.* February 13, 1724, Edward Fisher and John Hancock and wife sold to Jacob Doughty 422 acres at Bermuda in Burlington County. September 24, 1725, he was Assistant Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Hunterdon County. An indenture made 29 day of September, 1729, shows that Jacob Doughty sold 2512 acres to Edward Burling, of N. Y.t In 1730, he was a Justice of Hunterdon County. In 1733, his certificate was returned to Chesterfield Monthly Meeting. He was a "Minister among Friends." March 30, 1733, he deeded to Trustees Samuel Large, Samuel Willson, John Stevenson, Edward Richbell, and Joseph King four acres for the use of the Meeting House of Bethlehem Monthly Meeting, after- ward called Kingwood. His will is dated July 2, 1737. Elias Doughty', the father of Jacob Dough ty^ was born about 1635 and died about 1690. His name is on the list of residents of Newtown, 1655-6. February 16, 1666, he was one of the patentees of Flushing, also March 14, 1685. About 1658, he married Sarah^ — ,who died in 1726. In 1672, he was appointed one of the arbitrators in the matter of the boundarj' between Newtown and Bush wick. + He appears on the Flushing tax list of 1675 for "i negereo, 12 landes, 20 madoes, 12 cowes, 3 to yere oldes, 4 swine, 40 shepe." In 1680, Elias Doughty was to have 200 acres between Hempstead and Jamaica on which to settle his children. § In 16S3. he is taxed for 3 males, 30 upland, 20 meadow, 4 oxen, 8 cows, S 3-year, 9 2-}'ear, 3 i-year, 3 swine, 40 sheep or 00-19-03. November 25, 16S6, he is on the Dongan charter. He was a Justice of Queens County in 1693.** In 1688, Elias Doughty gave deeds of gift to sons Francis, Charles, Elias, Jacob, Benj.imin and William not of age. In the Census of Flushing, 1698, "Sarah Doughty, sons Benjamin and William, servant Sarah and Negros Okee and Mary" appear. Rev. Francis Doughty\ the iatheroi Elias Doughty^ is said to have been a member of the family of Doughtys or Doutys, of Escher, in Surry, and Boston, in Lincolnshire, England. 1+ He was the son of a brewer in Bristol, England, and the brother-in-law of Governor Stone, of Maryland. t| Francis Doughty, sometime Vicar of Sodbury, was silenced for non-conformity. §§ He settled at Cohassit, or Taunton, Mass., in 1639, from which place and province he was driven by perse- cution for saying that "Abraham's children should have been baptized." He sought refuge with his wife and children in the Island of Aquetneck, now Rhode Island, in Narragansett Bay. In 1641, he removed to Long Island "in order to enjoy freedom of conscience" under the Dutch. He was the predecessor of Rev. John Moore at Hempstead. In March 28, 1642, Director- General Kieft issued the following patent for 13,332 acres at Mespat, which embraced nearly the whole of the town of Newtown. The much disputed patent follows : We Willem Kieft, Director-general, and Council of New Netherland, for and in behalf of the High and Mighty Lords, the Lords States General of the United Netherland Provinces, • See deed of John Moore^, p. 36. t Liber D of Deeds. 4S0-1. Department of State. Trenton. N. J. t Riker's .\nnals of Newtown. § Long Island Genealogies. ** Colonial Documents, IV, 27. t+ Riker's AnnaU of Newtown. It Ttie Jerseyman, February, 1899, 34, Note. U Flint's Early Long Island. 290 GENEALOGY his Highness the Prince of Orange, as well as the Most Noble Lords, the Lords Directors of the General Privileged West India Company; to all those who shall see these Letters, Make Known, that We have given and grante' 25, 1665 (our calendar year), was made the First Indian Purchase!; the deed was from Popomora, chief of Neversink Indians, to James Hubbard, John Bowne, John Tilton, Jr., Richard Stout, William Goulding, Samuel Spicer, all of Gravesend. At the second sale, April 7, 1665, and at the third sale, January 5, 1665 (legal year), Richard Stout was also a buyer. The Proprietor's Records at Perth Amboy give the lands of Richard Stout and his various children. April S, 1665, he, with others, received from Governor Nicolls the Monmouth patent. § At Middletown he was one of the original members of the Baptist Church, 1667 ; he, with six others, was appointed at Shrewsbury, December 14, 1667, to receive monies from different inhabitants. He was a member of a court held at Portland Point, December 28, 1669. October, 1671, he was nominated Deputy to the Gen- eral Assembly at Elizabeth Town in place of William Lawrence, declined. He acted as juryman at Middletown, November 21, 1676. Richard Stout signed the Remonstrance of the Inhabitants of East Jersej' to the King against the acts of the Proprietors, asking for the appointment of a competent Governor in 1700.** He died in 1705 ; his will is on record at Trenton, N. J.; inventory, October 20, 1705, of personal property, was ^64 oS 00. John Stout, of Nottingham, England, was his father. Penelope Van Princes, vet-hent, came from Holland. The vessel bring- ing her and her husband was wrecked about 1640 near Sandy Hook. Herhusband was killed by the Indians. She was wounded and left for dead on the beach. A friendly Indian secreted her in a hollow tree where she remained three days. He carried her to New York. She there met Richard Stout whom she married per- haps between 1643 and 1645 and removed to New Jersey and settled Middle- town. She lived to be over a hundred years old. ft • The Jerseyman, February. iSg8. 2. f Thompson's Long Island; Monmouth Patent, J Albany, N. V., Liber, III, i. g N. J. Archives. I, 44. ** N. J. Archives, 11, 327. tt Smith's History of New Jersey ; The Story of Penelope Stout, by Thomas Hale Streets, Surgeon, U. S. N. 2g6 GENEALOGY Samuel Moore" and Elizabeth "Barnes WamsJephad 2268. 2267. IISamuel SiTGREAves', J. March 29, 1834, Eastou, Pa., m. July 8, 1856, Abigail Townley Smith (David), Elizabeth, N. J., by Rev. J.O. Win- ner, f). May I, 1834, d. January 27, 1902; Elizabeth, N. J. [2273] ||Marth.\', b. March 28, 1836, Easton, Pa., m. November 13, 1S55, Rev. Edward Townsend, of Royal Oak, Maryland, by Rev. William Bishop, at Eastou, Pa. ; she d. June 13, 1S94, at Good Will Parsonage, Chester County Pa. [22S7] S.4.R.\H Green', b. December 22, 1838, (/. April 13, 1840, Easton, Pa. piARY Elizabeth Mott', b. Septem- ber 22, 1841, Easton, Pa., m. May 2269. 2270. 2271. 2272. 17, 1866, bv Rev. Edward Townsend, William H. Cornell" (Elijah B.', EHjah\ Elijah', Stephen', Stephen', Samuel^ Thomas'), Ithaca, N. Y., b. at Ithaca, N. Y., July 3, 1838, Buffalo, N. Y. [2305] IIJames W.',* b. June 14, 1844, Easton; Pa., m. July 30, 1S74, Rachel Phil- lips Flannery''(Rev. James'-, of Phil- adelphia, Michael'), by Rev. W. C. Cattell, D.D., atPottstown, Pa. !|Ann,\', ^. June 25, 1S50, Easton, Pa.,m October 2, 1873, Lucieu Wilson Doty (Edmund S., Dr. Ezra), Mifflin, Juniata County, b. July 18, 184S; Greensburg, Pa. [2312] 2267. Samuel Sitgreaves Moore' (Samuer, Samuel', Capt. John*, Nathaniel^ Capt. Samuel", Rev. John'} and jibigail TotOnley Smith (David). Samuel Sitgreaves Moore' was educated at Dr. \'anderveer's school in Eas- ton, Pa. When a boy he learned telegraphy, and was in the Easton office. Eater in life, he introduced the sj'stem of running trains by telegraph, on the Central Railroad of New Jersey, and was the first Superintendent of the Central Railroad Telegraph, with headquarters at Elizabeth, N. J. He was an expert accountant, and for ten years was connected with the National State Bank at Elizabeth as Notary, etc. He was Collector for the County of Union in 1875-6, Overseer of the Poor of Elizabeth four years. Postmaster at Elizabeth under the Harrison admin- istration, and for over twenty-five years a member of the Union County Republi- can Committee ; also the Republican Committee of the city of Elizabeth. He was appointed Keeper of the State Prison at Trenton, April 22, 1896, and con- tinued there until 1902. Samuel Sitgreaves Moore' and jibigail ToWnlep Smith had 2273- 2274. 2275. 2276. Lewis Oakley", b. January 18, 1858, d. August 22, 1S59, Elizabeth, N. J. Effis EckerSOn\ b. July 30, 1S59, d. August 16, 1859, Elizabeth, N. J. Augustus Kellogg*, b. June 27, 1861, Elizabeth, N. J., ni. May 6, 1S97, Maude Irene Schober' (SamueP,t m. Hannah A. Clevenger, Freder- ick-, Wilhelm Ignatz'), Philadel- phia, Pa., b. March 28, 1866; New York City. IIEllen Lloyd*, b. ]u\y 12, 1S63, m. November 20, 1883, James IngersoU Leeds ( Daniel W. ), Elizabeth, N. J., b. December 25, 1857, (/. ; Eliz- abeth N. J. [2283] 2277. II Thomas Galloway*, i. December 12, 1864, m. December 30, 1884, Mary Edna Haus (Luther T.),b. Septem- ber 30, 1S66; Elizabeth, N. J. [2286] 227S. Elizabeth*, b. April 11, 1865, d. De- cember, 1S65, Elizabeth, N. J. 2279. Caroline jMeyer*, b. May 6, 1S68, d. August 20, 186S, Elizabeth, N. J. 2280. Harry Townsend*, b. November 23, 1869, rf. July 8, 1871, Elizabeth, N.J. 2281. Charlotte Boyd Davenport*, b. March 23, 1S75, d. July 29, 1875, Elizabeth, N.J. 2282. Catharine Eckerson*, b. December 6, 1S76; Elizabeth, N.J. 2276. E,llen Lloyd Moore" (Samuel Sitgreaves', Samuer, SamueP, Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and James Ingersoll Leeds had • Middle letter inserted, "when a boy at school, to distinguish from another James J\Ioore. + Samuel Schober, m. September 3, 1S60, 2. Hannah A. Clevenger (Henry, m. Jane Bailey), Burlington, N. GENEALOGY 2283. Russell Davenport Leeds'',*. Sep- tember 26, 1884: Elizabeth, N. J. 22S4. Shepherd Elliot Leeds", b. Novem- ber 29, 1SS6; Elizabeth. N. J. 297 22S5. John Ke.^n Leeds', h. December 3, 1888: Elizabeth, N. J. 2277. Thomas Galloway Moore" (Samuel Sitgreaves', Samuel', Sam- ueP, Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and J^ary Edna Haus had 2286. S.^muel Sitgre.wes', d. July 12, 1885, d. April 17, 1903, Elizabeth, N.J. 2268. Martha Moore' (Samuel", Samuer, Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and ReV. EdWard ToWnsend. Martha Moore's religious life was of a deeply spiritual character. She combined a poetic nature with a thoroughly practical example. The Creator and religion were to her the foundation, corner-stone, and capstone of existence. In all her Christian experience she was never heard to express a doubt or fear as to the providences of God. When symptoms of an incurable maladj' were revealed to her by the late Dr. Agnew, with the confidence and simplicity of a child she set about arranging temporal matters for the end which was inevitably near. There was no need for a spiritual preparation save in the closer communion with the God whom for over forty j'ears she had served. The strong light of a Chris- tian life dispelled the shadows and illumined the weary hours when disease was making its terrible inroads. Of a timid and shrinking nature, she developed, when brought in contact with the world or when .stern uecessit)- called it forth, a marvelous strength. Hers were not wear}- hands which were folded in the long rest; only those who are left know the eager, tireless heart and mind which guided husband and children over the rugged places, smoothed the sick pillow, or poured upon aching hearts the balm of a deep sympathy. To her there was always a bright side to every sorrow. Many remember her for the cheery smile which beamed through what was to them impenetrable shadow which surrounded them and encouraged them to take heart of grace. Her mind was a storehouse of scriptural passages, but as the death angel hovered lower and j-et lower over the household, she repeated more frequently than all else Psalm cxxi, while her favorite hymn, "How Firm a Foundation, Ye Saints of the Lord," passed her lips again and again in triumphant expression. "How firm a foundation," tested in the joyousness and through the tender, loving, care-burdened years of wifehood and motherhood, then when the shadows of life commenced to lengthen she laid aside all earthly ties without a murmur and stepped out into the eteruitj' of God with a halo of unutterable glory about her face. Who shall say what scenes were revealed to her mortal vision as the Builder of the "firm foundation" called back to heaven this saint of the Lord'''. Edward Townsend was born at Royal Oak, Maryland. He was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church and had various charges in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware. He was a member of the Philadelphia Conference. * christian Advocate, N. V.. October 4. 1S94. 298 GENEALOG V Martha Moore' and ReV. EdWard ToWnsend had 2287. 11 Elizabeth Moore Townsend*, b. February 4, 1857, Easton, Pa., m. April 13, 1S82, Charles Howard Scherraerhorn, by Rev. Edward Townsend, assisted by Rev. S. H. Hoover, Easton, Pa., b. June 26, 1854, Burlington, N. J.; Philadel- phia, Pa. [2294] 2288. II Mary Cottingham Townsend^, b. May 7, 1858, Easton, Pa., m. April 21, 1S87, Jerome Samuel Rush, b. May 8, 1858, Fegleysville, Pa.; Ocean City, N. J. [2297] 2289. Henry Samuel Townsend", b. March 8, i860, Frankford, Md., d. November i, 1S61. 2290. II Anne Rowena Townsend'', b. Sep- tember 7, 1S61, Federalsburg, Md., m. November 19, 1884, William Henry Carey, 5. June 19, 1857, Phil- adelphia, Pa.; Media, Pa. [2298] 2291. IIHerbert L. Townsend', b. February 26, 1S65, Canadensis, Pa., m. Decem- ber I, 1892, I. Emma Cora Older- slaw, b. December 25, 1868, Ran- cocas, N. J., d. April 21, 1896; No- vember 22, 1899, 2. AdaL. B. Allen (James); Mt. Holly, N. J. [2303] 2292. Jennie Lovet Townsend', b. Octo- ber 29, 1871, Marshalton, Pa., d. April 27, 1872. 2293. Edward Cornell Townsend', b. May 19, 1877, Langhorne, Pa., m. ; in the South. 2287. Elizabeth Moore Townsend' (Martha Moore', m. Rev. Ed- ward Townsend, Samuer, SamueP, Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Charles HoWard Schermerhorn had 2294. 2295. Helen Schermerhorn", b. June 20, 1SS4; Philadelphia, Pa. M.ARiON Schermerhorn', b. Octo- ber 14, 1SS7; Philadelphia, Pa. 2296. Charles Howard Schermerhorn', Jr., b. May 13, 1893; Philadelphia, Pa. 2288. Mary Cottingham Townsend* (Martha Moore', m. Rev. Ed- ward Townsend, Samuer, Samuel", Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Jerome Samuel Rush had 2297. Townsend Harold Rush", b. Feb- ruary 10, 18S8, Berwyn, Pa., d. Feb- ruary 10, 1S88, Berwyn, Pa. 2290. Anne Rowena Townsend' (Martha Moore', m. Rev. Edward Town.send, Samuel", SamueP, Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and William Henry Carey had 229S. William Henry Carey'*, Jr.,*. Oc- 2301. Howard Maitland Carey', 3. No- tober 19, 1885; Media, Pa. vember 1, 1891. 2299. Hermon Hoeckley Carey', b. May 2302. Edward Townsend Carey', b. 8, 1S87. March 26, 1893, d. August 8, 1S93. 2300. Frances Rowena Carey', b. Octo- ber 17, 1SS9, d. June 4, 1890. 2291. Herbert L. Tow^nsend' (Martha Moore', m. Rev. Edward Town- send, Samuel^ Samuel", Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Emma Cora Older slaW and Ada L.'B. Allen had 2304 2303- Helen May Townsend', h. March 30, 1S94, Philadelphia, Pa. Marion Emma Townsend', b. April 10, 1S96, Burlington, N. J. 2270. Mary Elizabeth Mott Moore' (Samuel^ SamueP, Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and William Harrison Cornell^ (Elijah B.', Elijah', Elijah', Stephen*, Stephen', Samuel', Thomas'). GENEALOGY 299 William Harrison Cornell' was the son of Elijah B.', born 1808, died Septem- ber 5, 18S9, and Betsy Ann Burdick, born 1813, died August 17, 1887, the grand- son of Elijah", of Westchester and Ithaca, N. Y., born at Swansea, Massachusetts, October, 1771, died 1862, and Eunice Barnard, daughter of Capt. Reuben and Phebe Coleman, born 1808, died 1857, the great-grandson of Elijah^ of Swansea, and Sarah Miller, daughter of Benjamin and Mehitable , married December 4, 1769, the great-great-grandson of Stephen' and Ruth Pierce, married 17 19, the great-great-great-grandson of Stephen' and Hannah , of Swansea, the great- great-great-great-grandson of Samue? and Deborah , of Dartmouth, the great-great-great-great-great-grandson of Thomas', born 1565, of Essex County, England, and Cornell's Neck, died 1655. He served in Companj^ D., 129th Regiment of Pennsylvania \'olunteers, Capt. Herbert Thomas, Col. Frick, and in the Thirty-eighth Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Militia, in the Civil War. Mary £,lizabeth Mott Moore' and William Harrison Cor= nell had J305. II Helen Moore Cornell\ b. May 7, 1867, Easton, Pa., m. May 10. 1S93, by Rev. \V. P. Stevenson, William Kibbee Archbolil t Charles Weslev), Titus\-ille, Pa., b. June, 1S66; Syra- cuse, N. Y. [2307] 2306. Edward Bvrdick CoR^•ELL^ b. March 19, 1871, d. August 2S, 1S71. 2305. Helen Moore Corneir fMary Elizabeth Mott Moore', m. William Harrison Cornell, Samuel'', Samuer, Capt. John*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel^ Rev. John') and William Kibbee yirchbold (Charles Wesley) had 2307. Carolyn Dana ARCHB0LD^ b. May 1 March 9, 1S9S, Roseville, Newark, 25, 1S96, Brookline, Boston, Mass. N. J. 2308. Elizabeth Cornell Archbold', b. 2310. Helen Katharine Archbold', b. May 25, 1896, Brookline, Boston, June 20. 1900, Buffalo, N. Y. ^^^^®- 2311. Charles Wesley', (^. Julv iS, 1902, 2309. William Cornell Archbold'^ b. Syracuse, N. Y. 2271, James W. Moore' (Samuer, Samuer, Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and "B^achel "Phillips Flannerif (Rev. James"', Michael'). James W. Moore', of Easton, Pa., was born there, June 14, 1844 : he was a graduate of the Easton High School, ^'aledictorian, 1S60 : Lafayette College, Latin Salutatorian, 1864 ; A.M., 1S67 ; M.D., L'niver.sity of Pennsylvania, 1S69; Mem- ber of the Faculty of Lafayette College since January 8, 1866 : Tutor, 1866-8 ; Adjunct Professor, 1868-1872 ; Professor of Mechanics and Experimental Philos- ophy since 1872 ; Dean of the Pardee School of Science. The Departments of Physics and Electrical Engineering were organized under his direction, and the equipment of the laboratories was accomplished by him. He was a member of the American Philosophical Society, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow of the American Academy of Medicine, Member of Pennsylvania State Medical Societv- and on its Legislative Conmiittee, for four years, which succeeded in having passed the Medical Examiner's Bill, Ex- President of the Northampton County Medical Society ; Conferee of the Liter- national Congress of Electricians, Philadelphia, 1SS4, Chicago, 1893 '• Memljer of 300 GENEALOGY the Sons of the Revolution, Historian General of the Founders and Patriots of America, 1607-1657, Member ol

and Marj- Hough (Jesse), the granddaughter of John'', an elder in the Ewing Church, died 1779, aged 52, and Naomi Hart (Joseph), who died 1803, aged 67, the great-granddaughter of David", died October 24, 1775, aged 70, and Mary Baker, who died January 15, 1786, aged 79, the great-great-granddaughter of Daniel', who died April 25, 1732, aged 52, and his wife, "the sister of Ebenezer Prout's wife," who died September 26, 1760, aged 76. Imlay Moore' and Amanda HoWell and Rebecca "BrearJep had 24S9. Joseph Ho^VELL^ m. Mary Carr. 2490. Mary'; No. 177 Greenwood Avenue, Trenton, N. J. 2484. Charles Moore' (Joseph^ m. Sarah B. Phillips, Ensign Ely', Capt. Joseph*, Nathaniel'', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Lpdia jinn HoiaelV (Joseph*, John', David', Daniel'). Charles Moore', a member of a family long identified with Hopewell, was a merchant in Trenton, carried on the flour and linseed oil business, and was a member of the firm of machinists, I. and C. Moore. He built the Ziegenfuss flour mill in 1835. Lydia Ann Howell was the daughter of Joseph Howell, a wealthy plantation owner and tanner of Fallsington, Bucks County. To those who knew her best, Mrs. Moore was the embodiment of a generous though unosten- tatious charity. Quick to relieve the wants of the needy, she used her wealth for the good of this city. Of agreeable personality, well informed and genial in disposition, her home by her presence was made peculiarly attractive.* Lydia Ann Howell was a sister of Amanda Howell who married Imlay Moore'. Charles Moore' and Lydia Ann HoWell had 2491. IICOL. EcKFORD-, m. Anna Temple I 2492. Charles'. (William); Trenton, N. J. [2493] I 2491. Col. E.cKford Moore' (Charles', Joseph^ Ensign Ely', Capt. Jo- seph*, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel\ Rev. John') and jinna Temple (William) had 2493. Helen Brunner', d. November 2, 1S99, aet. 25, Trenton, N. J. 2485. Ely Moore' (Joseph', Ensign Ely', Joseph*, Nathaniel', Capt. Sam uel', Rev. John') and Juliet Ann Hill had 2494. Sarah Elizabeth". 2495. Jesse*. 2496. Mary Jane*. 2497. Joseph H.* 2498. IJFranklin Van Dyke"; Hopewell^ N. J. [2499] * Trenton Newspaper. GENEALOGY 2498. FranKlin VandyRe Moore' and had 2499. Julia'. 315 2476. Capt. Moses Moore' (Capt. Joseph*, m. Christiana Green, Na- thaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Elizabeth Van CleVe (Chrein- yonce', John', Benjamin', John') and Coryell (Abraham) and JSIary Coryell (Abraham). Capt. Moses Moore^ resided at Newton, Sussex County, N. J. He was First Lieutenant, First Regiment, Capt. John Hunt's Company, May 10, 1777. Elizabeth Van Cleve' was the daughter of Chreinyonce* and Penelope Phil- lips (Philip), of Lawrence, N. J., the granddaughter of John'*, who married, first Sarah Couvenhoven, second Neeltie Van Marter (Chreynjans), moved to Law- rence, N. J., and died there 1772, aged 72, the great-granddaughter of Benjamin' and Hendricke Sutphen, the great-great-granddaughter of John' and Engeltie, his wife, who came from Amsterdam, Holland, and settled at New Utrecht, of which he was a patentee. [2669] . Capt. Moses Moore^ and Elizabeth Van CleVe and Coryell and Mary Coryell had 2500. I, Col. V.\n CLEVE^ m. 1S04. Bath- 2502. CHoN. Ely'^, (^. July 4, 1798, Hunter- sheba Lucas; he d. November 11, don Countv, N. J., m. i. Emma 1S24, aet.44. [2504] Contant '(Gilbert), N. Y.; 2. ♦ » * » * (-n-idow) Clara Baker; he = ard Green' (Richard' William'*) had 2645. 2646. 2647. 2648. 2649. 2650. 2651. II William R. Grken^ m. Elizabeth Burroughs* (James', Johu', John'-, John'), b. January 12, 175S, d. 1842, aet. 84; he d. 181S. [2657] IINaThaniel GREEN^ m. Sarah Howell* ( DanieP, Daniel-, Daniel' ) ; he d. September 25, 1831, aet. 75. [2695] II Richard Green*, m. i. Martha Howell (Christopher); 2. ; Pennsj'lvania. [2731] HENOCH Green* m. Davis, Phila- delphia; he d. 1S56, Trenton, N. J. [2735] IIJOHN Green*, d. October 17, 1766, near Trenton, N. J., m. February 2, 1790, Rhoda Howell* (Daniel'', Daniel'-, Daniel'), />. near Trenton, N. J., December 14, 1766, d. Sep- tember 14, i839;he(/. March 9, 1S54, Easton, Pa.; both buried in First Presb3-terian Churchyard, Easton, Pa. [2739] Samuel Green*, unmarried. IIBenjamin Green*, d. July 14, 1773, m. I. Elizabeth Traill (Robert), 2652. 2653. 2654. 2655- 2656. 6. February 10, 1777, d. April 25, 1817; 2. Hannah Johnson, b. De- cember 31, 1767, (/. October 5, 1S34; he d. November 19, 1S55, aet. 82. [2S18] IIJoSEPH Green*, m. i. Julia Hiling; 2. . [290S] I:George Green*, m. Henrietta Hiling, widow of Bertram Galbraith. [2909] II Rebecca Green*, m. William B. Green* (Benjamin'', Benjamin^, William'), d. Januar}' 13, 1837, aet. 75; she (/. May 4, 1817, aet. 52. [2918] 1:Sarah Green*, b. February 22, 1759, m. September 27, 1781, Samuel Moore^ (Capt. John*, NathanieP, Capt. Samuel', Rev. John'), b. 1754, rf. March 9, 1799, Easton, Pa.; she (/. January 15, 1829, Easton, Pa. [10S3], [2 II 2] IIMary Green*, m. Daniel Stilhvell; Zanesville, O. 2645. William R.. Green' (Phebe Moore*, m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Elizabeth "Burroughs^ (James*, John', Joh^^ John'). Elizabeth Burroughs^ was the daughter of James*, who died 17S4, aged 49, and his wife Mary Jones, who died 179S, aged 63, the granddaughter of John', who came to Ewing Township, New Jersey, when about twenty-one and , the great-granddaughter of John^ born 1665, died 1699, ^^'^ Margaret, daughter of Lambert Woodward, the great-great-granddaughter of John' and widow Elizabeth Reed. [2078] William R. Green' and Elizabeth Burroughs had 2657. IISamdel GrEBn", m. Sarah Scudder' (Jedediah", John*, Richard B.*, Johu^, Jolin^, Thomas'); he d. ]an- uarj' 30, 1812, aet. 31. [2660] 2658. IIJames B. Green", m. Catharine An- thony" (William'-, George'), d. May 25, 1866, aet. So; he d. October 23, 1847, aet. 63. [2667] 2659. Nancy Green", m. Joseph Green. 2657. Samuel Green*^ (William R. Green^ m. Ehzabeth Burroughs, Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Sarah Scudder' (Jedediah^ John^ Richard', John', John', Thomas'). Sarah Scudder' was the daughter of Jedediah'' and his wife Anna Roberts. [2079] Saniuel Green*" and Sarah Scudder had 2662. 2660. IIJEDEDIAH Green', m. Rachel Pax- ton. [2663] 2661 Ira Green'; went to New Orleans and was never heard from. IIEphraim Green', m. Mary Bassett, Philadelphia, Pa.; Quincy, 111. [2664] * See page 9. GENEALOGY 323 2660. Jedediah Green' (Samuel Green', m. Sarah Scudder, William R. Green", m. Eli/.abeth Burroughs, Phebe Moore*, m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and "B^achel VaxtOJl had 2663. Mary Green*. 2662. E.phraim Green" (Samuel Green^ m. Sarah Scudder, William R. Green'', m. Elizabeth Burrough.s, Phebe Moore*, m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Mary "Bassett had 2664. Fr.\nces Green*. | 2666. Lewis Green*. 2665. Henry Green*. I 2658. James B. Green' (William R. Green^ m. Elizabeth Burroughs, Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Catharine Anthony^ (William', George'). James B. Green was a trustee of Ewing Church. Catharine Anthony' was the daughter of William', who died 1831, aged 66, and his wife Martha, the daughter of Alexander Biles, of Maidenhead, N. J., the granddaughter of George', a native of Strasburg, Germany, who settled in Pennsylvania and his wife Catharine . 2667. 2668. 2669. 2670. James B. Green* and Catharine Anthony had 2671. I Nancy Green", m. John Scudder" (Elias", Daniel'"', John'", Richard*, John", John-, Thomas'), d. 1840 from an accident. [2675] ItWiLLiAM A. Green", m. Eliza Roberts' (Ephraim", Edmund^, Thomas' 1; he d. 1853. [2681] il Martha Green', m. John Van Cleve" (Benjamin*, Ishi'', Chrein- vonce' John', Benjamin-, John' ), d. 186S, aet. 56; she d. . Ij Alexander B. Green', m. i. Mary Ann Chambers^' (Clark*, Col. David', Alexander*. John' ), rf. May 4, 184S, aet. 34; 2. Jane Rice, Trenton; 3. Mary Cook (Daniel); 4. Clementine Da\-is, d. Columbia, Va.;hed. . [2685] Elizabeth Green', m. i. Theodore Johnson; 2. Thomas Cain; Phila- delphia, Pa. [26SS] 2672. IIJaMES B. Green', m. i. Deborah Moore' (Cornelius^ Nathan'), d. August 14, 1S55, aet. 34; 2. Maria Van Cleve' ( Benjamin'', Ishi*, Chreinyonce*, John', Benjamin*, John'), d. 1877, aet. 59:3. Eleanor Van Cleve, widow of Ephraim Woolsey. [2692] 2673. Catharine Green', m. Harvey Johnson; Pennsylvania. 2674. Edward Green', m. Catharine Sager (John), Trenton, N. J.; Sydney, Ohio. 2667. Nancy Green' (James B. G^een^ William R. Green', Phebe Moore*, ni. Richard Green, Nathaniel", Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and John Scudder' (Ehas', Daniel^ John^ Richard B.*, John', John^ Thomas'). John Scudder' was the son of Elias', a trustee of the Ewing Church, died June 20, iSii, and his wife, Sarah Smith (Jasper), died 1858, aged 84, thegrand- son of Daniel'^, born August 6, 1736, a trustee of Ewing Church, died iSii, aged 75, and Mary Snowden, of Burlington County, died 1798, aged 60. He was the brother of Jedediah". [2079] Nancy Green' and John Scudder had 2675. Alfred Scitdder', d. 1827. 2676. Sarah Scudder', m. Jesse Cook; she d. 1858. 2677. .\lexander Scudder". d. in infancy. 2678. Catharine Scudder*, m. Jesse Cook (2d wife). 2679. John Scudder-, m. Moore. 2680. William Scudder*, d. from an accident. 324 GENEALOGY 2668. William A. Green' (James B. Green', William R. Green', Phebe Moore*, m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel\ Rev. John') and Eliza IK.oberts'^ (Ephraim', Edmund', Thomas'). William A. Green' lived and died at Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Eliza Roberts* was the daughter of Ephraim' and Mary Hart (Nathaniel), the granddaughter of Edmund^ who was elder, trustee and deacon of the Pen- nington Presbyterian Church, married, September i8, 1778, i. Mercy Moore, died 1814, 2. Elizabeth Hamilton, died 1817, 3. Elizabeth Stillwell, died 1824, the great-granddaughter of Thomas', who, before 1727, left Long Island and settled in Hopewell, N. J. William A. Green' and Eliza li^oberts had 2681. Alfred Green^ I 26S3 Mary Green", m. Richard Jones. a682. Ephraim GREEN^ m. Skirm. I 2684. Augusta Green', m. Dye. 2669. Martha Green' (James B. Green', William R. Green^ Phebe Moore*, m. Richard Green, Nathaniel^ Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and John Van CleVe' (Benjamin', Ishi', Chreinyonce', John', Benjamin^ John'). John Van Cleve' was a trustee and elder of Ewing Church. He was a member of the State Legislature. He was the son of Benjamin' and Elizabeth Roberts (Edmund), the grandson of Ishi', died 1827, and Mary Hart (Josiah), the great-grandson of Chreinyonce* and Penelope Phillips (Philip), the great- great-grandson of John'. [2476] 2670. Alexander B. Green' (James B. Green', William R. Green', Phebe Moore*, m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel^ Rev. John') and Mary ^nn Chambers'" (Clark*, Col. David', Alexander*, John') and Jane Rice and Mary Coo"^ and Clementine DaVis. Alexander B. Green' was a merchant of Trenton, N. J., and later a resi- dent of Ewing, a member of the State Legislature, and an elder of Ewing Church. Mary Ann Chambers' was the daughter of Clark' and Mary Guild (John), the granddaughter of Col. David', died 1S42, Colonel of the Third Hunterdon (N. J.) Regiment in 1776, and of the Second Regiment in 1777, which he com- manded until the close of the Revolution, and Ruth Clark (Daniel), the great- granddaughter of Alexander^ born in Ireland in 1716, died at Trenton, N. J., September 16, 1798, was trustee of the First Presbyterian Church of Trenton for forty-two years and treasurer for thirty years, and Rose Crage, the great-great- granddaughter of John'. Alexander B. Green' and Mary Jinn Chambers and Jane Rice and Mary Cook and Clementine DaVis had 26S5. Louisa Green*, m. Harvey Fisk, New- York banker, of Fisk & Hatch, son of Rev. Joel Fisk, Congregationalist Clergyman, who J. 1856, aet. 60, and Clarinda Chapman, d. 1878, aet. 78; buried in Ewing Churchyard; she d. 2686. Alexander Green', d. aet. 23, bat- tle of Monocacy Bridge, Fourteenth New Jersey Volunteers, Lieut. -Col. Caldwell, commanding. 2687. Mary Green*. GENEALOGY 325 2671. E.lizabeth Green' (James B. Green*, William R. Green', Phebe Moore*, m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel^ Rev. John') and TheO' dore Johnson and Thomas Cain had 2688. Thomas Johnson* 2689. Jennie Johnson*. 2690. Cassie Johnson'. 2691. James Johnson' 2672. James B. Green' (James B. Green', William R. Green\ Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. SanuieP, Rev. John') and ©eiora^ Moore' (Cornelius', Nathan') and Maria Van CleVe' (Benjamin*, Ishi\ Chrein- yonce*, John', Benjamin^ John') and Eleanor Van CleVe (widow of Ephraim Woolsey). James B. Green was a trustee of Ewing Church. Deborah Moore' was the daughter of Cornelius', died November 19, 1853, aged 56, and his wife, Rachel Swan, who died July 23, 1850, aged 53, the grand- daughter of Nathan' and his wife Naomi . No relationship has been dis- covered between this family and the descendants of Rev. John Moore. James B. Green' and "Deborah Moore and Maria Van CleVe and Eleanor Van CleVe had 2692. Theodore Green', d. September 19, 1864, aet. 20, battle of Winchester, Lieutenant, Co, I, Fourteenth Reg- iment, New Jersey Volunteers. 2693- 2694. Albert Green', rf. in childhood. John Green', (George). m. Marion Potts 2646. Nathaniel Green' (Phebe Moore*, m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and J'ara/J /fott^e//' (Daniel', Daniel', Daniel'). Sarah Howell*, who married Nathaniel Green', was the sister of Rhoda Howell', who married John Green, of Easton, Pa., the brother of Nathaniel Green', the daughter of Daniel' and Mary Green (William), the granddaughter of Daniel' and Abigail Clark (Charles), the great-granddaughter of Daniel', who died April 25, 1732. Nathaniel Green' and Sarah HoWell had ^695. IIArmitage Green", m. i.Anna Maria Williams, of Freehold (Daniel); 2. Susan Moore' (John", Nathaniel', Capt. John', Nathaniel', Capt. Sam- uel, Rev. John'); he d. July 19, 1854; a merchant of Trenton, N . J. [1333]. [2699] 2696. iJMARY Green', m. Major John How- ell* (John', DanieP, Daniel'), d. 1855, aet. 56; she d. . [2717] 2697. Ann Green', m. Bradley Atwood; Memphis, Tenn. 2698. John Green', unmarried, d. January 14, 1827. 2695. Armitage Green" (Nathaniel Green', m. Sarah Howell, Phebe Moore*, m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Anna Maria Williams and Susan Moore (John*, Nathaniel', Capt. John', Na- thaniel', Capt. Samuel' Rev. John') had 2699. IIAUGUSTUS Green', m. Eliza Ann Green* (John', Joseph', Benjamin', William'); Illinois. [2702] 2700. .Amanda Green', d. in infancy. 2701. IINaThaniei. Green', m. Charlotte Storms; a lawyer, Pekin, 111. [2712] » « * « ♦ J26 GENEALOGY 2699. Augustus Green' (Armitage Green", Nathaniel Green\ Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel^ Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Eliza jinn Creeri" (John*, Joseph', Benjamin^ William') had 2702. Frederick A. Green". 2707. Nathaniel Green 2703- Francis O. Green". 2708. Stephen Green". 2704. Elizabeth Green". 2709. John G. Green". 2705. Louisa Green". 2710. Isabella Green". 2706. Robert Green". 2711. Augusta Green". 2701. Nathaniel Green' (Armitage Green", Nathaniel Green^ Phebe Moore*, m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel, Rev. John') and Char* Jotte Storms had 2712. Lily Green". 2713. Theodore Green". 2714. Frederick Green" 2715. Douglass Green". 2716. Don Morse Green". 2696. Mary Green" (Nathaniel Greeu^ m. Sarah Howell, Phebe Moore*, m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel", Rev. John') and Maj. John HotaelV (John', Daniel, Daniel'). Major John Howell* was an elder in the Ewing Church till his death in 1855, aged 56. He was the son of John', an elder in the Ewing Church, died 1823, aged 74, and Mary Guild (Rev. John), the grandson of DanieP and Abigail Clark, and the great-grandson of Daniel'. Mary Green" and Maj. John Hob) ell had 2717. Edw.ard Howell', rf. in childhood. , m, Phebe Jones* (John*, Benjamin', 271S. li Bradley Atwood Howell', m. i. Julia Heudrickson* (Benjamin', Benjamin", William^, John'); 2. Arabella Morgan. [2721] 2719. IITheodore Sitgreaves Howell', Joshua'^, John'). [2722] 2720. li Sarah Ann Howell', m. October 14, 1S52, Alfred Muirhead* (John Guild', George', Andrew-, John' ), 4. August 6, 1S31, d. May 25, iS75;she d. . [2724] 2718. Bradley Atwood Howell' (Mary Green", m. Maj. John Howell, Nathaniel Green^ m. Sarah Howell, Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Julia H endrickson' (Benjamin*, Benjamin', William', John') and Arabella Morgan had ***** I 2721. Charles Howell". 2719. Theodore Sitgreaves Howell' (Mary Green", m. Maj. John Howell, Nathaniel Green*, m. Sarah Howell, Phebe Moore*, m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Phebe Jones' (John*, Benjamin', Joshua', John'). Phebe Jones' was the daughter of John*, died September 23, 1868, aged 82, and Mary Green (William), died March 2, 1858, aged 70, the granddaughter of Benjamin', died 1820, aged 60, and Catharine Anderson (Joshua), died 1833, aged 69, the great-granddaughter of Joshua' and Prudence Scudder (John), the great-granddaughter of John' and Katharine . Theodore Sitgreaves How^ell' and Phebe Jones had 2722. Mary Howell". | 2723. Alfred Howell". GENEALOGY 327 2720. Sarah Ann Ho well' (Marj- Green', m. Maj. John Howell, Na- thaniel Green', m. Sarah Howell, Phebe Moore*, m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuer, Rev. John') and Alfred Muirhead' (John Guild', George', Andrew^, John'). Alfred Muirhead^ was the son of John Guild', an elder and trustee of Pennington Church, and Elizabeth Howell (Daniel), the grandson of George', a trustee of the Pennington Church, and Charit}' Guild (Rev. John), the great- grandson of Andrew" and Elizabeth Waters (Jonathan), the great-great-grandson of John', born in Glasgow, who came to Long Island, and Rebecca Bailey. Sarah Ann Howeir and jilfred Muirhead had 2724. John Guild Moirhead\ b. Febru- 1 2727. ||Anna MriRHE.^D*, b. June 13, 1864, ary 6, 1S54. 1 m. June 28, 1SS3, Albert Brewer; 2725 Sarah Muirhead\ *. March 19, i she d. March 27, 1890, Tiffin, Ohio. 1857, d. April 7, 1857, Ewing, X. J. [2730] 2726 George Muirhead-. *. February 272S. Henry Perkins Muirhead", *. 21, 1859, m. September 19. 1S94', 1 May 16, 1867, m. July 11, 1885, Jennie Alberta Metz: Tiffin, Ohio. Mamie M. West. 2729. Lillian Muirhead'. 2727. Anna Muirhead and /l/jber< "BreWer had 2730. Florence Brewer'. 2647. R-ichard Green' (Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John'; and Martha HoWelF (Christopher', Christopher') and . Martha Howell^ was the daughter of Christopher, died 1802, and Joanna Green' (William^ married Lydia Armitage (Enoch), William'), the granddaugh- ter of Christopher', died April 25, 1779, aged 90, and Johanna, who came from Long Island and settled in Ewing Township, N. J., at an early date. R-ichard Green' and Martha HoWell and had 2731. Marth.\ Green', m. Charles Reeder' , 2732. Elv Green'' (John', Isaac', John-, John') d. 1861, aet. 78; buried at Lawrence- ville, N. J. 2733. Mary Green"^. 2734. Elizabeth Green*. 2648. Enoch Green'' (Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel", Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and DaVis had 3735. David Green'', m. Fanny Carman; I 2737. Sarah Green", m. Thomas Hamil- Trenton, N. J. " ton. 2736. Susan Green*^, m. Caleb Carman. I 2738. RIaria Green", m. Samuel Tucker. 2649. John Green^ (Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John'j and Rhoda HoWeJV (Daniel', Daniel', Daniel'). Rhoda Howell' was the daughter of Daniel' and Mary Green' (William", marriedLydia Armitage (Enoch), William', m. Joanna Reeder), the granddaughter of Danier, died 1763, aged 46, and Abigail Clarke, daughter of Charles Clarke, who 3'S GENEALOGY died 1785, aged 69, the great-granddaughter of Daniel', died April 25, 1732, aged 52, and May , died September 26, 1760, aged 76. Daniel Howell' came to Ewing, New Jersey, from Long Island. 2739- 2740. J74I. 2742. John Green' and Rhoda HoWell [2646] had HENOCH Grekn*, b. March 21, 1791, Easton, Pa., m. January 30, 1817, I. Mary Bidleman (George), b. Octo- ber 3, 1794, d. January 2, 1842; June 17, 1844, 2. Catharine Ten Eyck, of Princeton, N. J., b. Octo- ber 16, iSoo, d. March 24, 1862; he d. March 28, 1856, New York; buried in First Presbyterian Church- yard, Easton, Pa. [2746] Lydia Green', b. May 28, 1794, Easton, Pa., unmarried, d. Novem- ber 10, 1866, Easton, Pa. IIElizabeth Green', b. April 18, 1797, Easton, Pa., m. June 18, 1817, David W. Deshler, Easton, Pa.; she d. August 3, 1827, Columbus, Ohio. [2774] IIRiCHARD Green', b. March 2, 1799, Easton, Pa., m. July 17, 1S27, Sarah Maswell Sherrerd (Samuel), of New Jerse}', b. September 18, 1803, d. September 27, 1883; he d. August 5, 1846, Easton, Pa. [2787] 2743. Daniel Howell Green', b. April 15, 1801, Easton, Pa. ; left home and was never heard from. 2744. II Charles Green', b. October 10, 1803, Easton, Pa., m. October ig, 1826, I. Eliza Maxwell' (John Sloane', Robert^, John'), of New Jersey, b. July 11, 1807, d. August 23, 1836; December 29, 1836, 2. Mary Lattimore {n€e Gumpert), b. January 22, 1802, d. April 27, 1893; he d. December j, 1854, Easton, Pa. [2792] 2745. llWiLLiAM Green', b. July ii, 1806, Easton, Pa., m. April 18, , i. Elizabeth Bidleman (Henry), d. April 17, 1809, d. February II, 183 1 ; September 4, 1834, 2. Jane Maxwell Sherrerd (Samuel), of New Jersey, by Rev. John Gray, b. Sep- tember II, 181 1, d. December 7, 1883; he d. November 6, 1882, Easton, Pa. [2797] 2739. E,noch Green' (John Green', Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel", Rev. John') and Mary "Bidleman (George) and Catharine Ten Eyck. Enoch Green* started business in Easton and later transferred it to Greens' Bridge, Greenwich Township, Warren County, New Jersey. He was interested in lumber, milling and coal, was a director of the Easton Bank, an elder of the Presbyterian Church, and a trustee of Lafayette College from 1835 to 1851. Enoch Green' and Mary "Bidleman and Catharine Ten Eyck had 2746. ,1 Ellen Green', m. Whitfield S. Johnson; Sussex County, N. J. [2753] 2747. George B. Green', b. June iS, 1818, m. AnnS. Disbrow, d. May 22, 1887; her/. November 6, 1888, Jersey City, N. J.; both buried in the Easton Cemetery. 2748. piARY Green', b. August 3, 1821, m. March 2, 1842, George D. Woodruff, b. May 31, 1813, at Drakeville, N. J., d. December 27, 188S, East Orange, N. J.; she d. Januarv 31, 188S, East Orange, N.J. ■[2748a] 2749. IIJOHN Green', b. March 14, 1823, Greenwich, N. J., m. , d. 1S98, aet. 75, South Bethlehem, Pa. [2749a] 2750- IIJosEPH B. Green', b. December 18, 1825, ni. , d. September 28, 1886, Camden, N. J. [2750a] 2751- liJuDGE Henry Green', b. August 29, 1828, Greenwich, N. J., m. Ann Hulshizer, A. October II, i82y;he d. August 16, 1900. [2760] 2752. IIMargaret Green', b. December 28, 1830, m. July 22, 1856, Henry Johnson, lawyer; Muncy, Pa. [2752a] 2746. Ellen Green' (Enoch Green', John Green', Phebe Moore*, m. Rich- ard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Whitfield S. John- son. GENEALOGY 329 Whitfield S. Johnson was a lawyer and was Secretary of State of New Jersey. 2753- a7S4. 3755- 2756. 2757- Ellen Green' and Whitfield S. Johnson had Majiy Margarktta Johnson'*. Emily Eliza Johnson*. Laura Catharine Johnson'. Elizabeth Bidlkman Johnson' II William Mindrkd Johnson', 2758. 2759- December 2, 1847, m. Maria Eliza- beth White (William, m. Hannah Haines); lawyer Hackensack, N. J. [2757. December 4, 18S1, East Orange, X. J. 2768. Henry A. Potter', Jr., ^. June 18, 18S3, East Orange, N. J. 2768a. Frederic Wii.l.\rd Potter", b. August 24, 1SS5, East Orange, N. J. 27685. Kenneth Potter', d. September 27, 1887, East Orange, N. J., d. Julv 23, 1889. 2768^. Douglass Potter", 6. August 21, 1S90, East Orange, X.J. 2768^/. Katharine Cameron Potter", 6. May 16, 1S93, East Orange, X. J. 2768^. Thomas Potter", 6. December 14, 1894, East Orange, X. J. 2762. Frederick Green" (Judge Henry Green', Enoch Green^ John Green^ Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel^ Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Mary Wagener (JohnO.). Frederick Green' was a graduate of Lafayette College, class of 1880, a member of Z ^ fraternity, and was admitted to the bar, Octobers, 1883. He is a practicing lawyer in Easton, Pa. Frederick Green and Mary Wagener had 2769. Henry Green-', *. January 13, 18S8. I 2770. John Wagener Green", (^. Septem- I ber 25, 1SS9. 2763. Ada Green" (Judge Henry Green', Enoch Greeu^ John Green^ Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and William Lesley Sheaf er. William Lesley Sheafer, M.S., was a graduate of Lafayette College, class of 1878, Latin Scientific Department, a post-graduate in chemistry, a member of AK E fraternity, a member of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, a trustee of Lafayette College, and a coal operator. Ada Green' and William Lesley Sheafer had 2771. Lesley Green Sheafer", A. 1889. I 2772. Clinton Whitcomb Sheafer", h. I 1S92. m. 2752. Margaret Green' (Enoch Green'', John Green', Phebe Moore Richard Green, Natbauiel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Henry Johnson had 332 GENEALOGY 2752rt. 11 Rebecca J. Johnson*, m. Charles Lose; Williatnsport, Pa.; City Su- perintendent of Schools. [2752a d] 2752^. MaryG. Johnson" ;Williarnsport, Pa. 2752c. Ida J. Johnson*, m. J. B. Baldwin, New Orleans, coiner. United States Mint. 2752(2'. Ladra L. Johnson"; Paris, France; artist. 27521?. Hei,en G. Johnson'; Williamsport, Pa. 2752/. Anna H. Johnson", m. Emerson Col- lins, lawyer; Williamsport, Pa. 2752^. Margaret G. Johnson", m. Herman L. Collins, financial editor of the Philadelphia Press; she d. . 2-js'^h. Edith B. Johnson", d. . 2752a. Rebecca J. Johnson' and Charles Lose had 2752^ b. Henry J. Lose'. 2752rt c. James Lose'. 2752a d. Charles Lose". 27520 if. Phoebe S. Lose'. 2752a/. Margaret G. Lose'. 2752a £■. Edith B. Lose'. 2752a h. John J. Lose', d. 2741. Elizabeth Green* (JohnGreen^ Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel", Rev. John') and DaVid W. Deshler. David W. Deshler removed to Ohio, shortly after his marriage. His de- scendants are located at Columbus, Ohio. 2774- 2775- E.lizabeth Green' and DaVid W. Deshler had John Green Deshler', b. Decem- ber 10, iSiS, m. ; he d. October, 1S76; no children. IjCharles Green Deshler', b. 1S24, m. ; hed. 1881. [2777] 2776. 11 William Green Deshler', b. May 24, 1S27; Columbus, Ohio. [2781] 2775. Charles Green Deshler' (Elizabeth Green', m. David W. Deshler, John Green*, Phebe Moore*, m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Sam- uel\ Rev. John') and had 2777. ii William K. Deshler', m. 277S. Frank W. Deshler*. [2777a] 2779. Elizabeth Deshler*, m. C. G. Ma- lone; Bay City, Mich. 2780. Maria Louise Deshler*. 2777. William K. Deshler' (Charles Green Deshler', Elizabeth Green', m. David W. Deshler, John Greeu\ Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel, Rev. John') and had 2777a. David W. Deshler', b. October 10, 1S72, m. November, 1S99. 2777$. IJKate Deshler', b. October 28, 1876, m. November 22, 1898, Worthing- ton E. Babcock. [2777^ f] 2777b. Kate Deshler' and Worthington E. "BabcocXh&d. 2777A c. George N. Babcock'", b. April 22, 1901. 2776. William Green Deshler' (Elizabeth Green', m. David W. Deshler, John Green\ Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Sam- uel, Rev. John') and had GENEALOGY 333 2781. IIJOHN Green Deshler*, b. Decern- 1 2784. ber 9, 1S52, m. . [2781a] 2782. Kate Deshler", b. September 24, J 2785. 1S54, d. September 24, 18S7. , 2783. IIMary Deshler', b. June 15, 1861, j 27S6. m. R. S. Warner. [27830] [[Elizabeth Deshler', b. July 7, 1S75, m. Daniel H. Sowers. [2784rt] Louise Deshler', b. December 18, 1878. Helen Deshler', b. September 25, 18S5. 2781. John Green Deshler' (William Greeen Deshler', Elizabeth Greeu'', m. David W. Deshler, John GreeIl^ Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel", Rev. John') and had i-]%\b. Martha Green DESHLER^ b. March 2781a. II Ann Eliza Deshler', b. June 9 1877, m. William D. Hamilton. [2781a a] 31. 1879- 2781a. Ann Eliza Deshler' and William D. Hamilton had 2781a a. John Deshler Hamilton'-', d. I 2781a b. .\nn Eliza Hamilton"', b. Febru- . I ary 28, 1902. 2783. Mary Deshler' (William Green Deshler, Elizabeth Green^ m. David W. Deshler, John Green', Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel, Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and "R^. S. Warner had 2783a. William D. Warner', b. August 8, | 2783A. Randolph S. Warner', Jr., b. Jan- 1SS6. I uary 18, 1892. 2784. £.lizabeth Deshler' (William Green Deshler', Elizabeth Green', m. David W. Deshler, John Green', Phebe Moore*, m. Richard Greeu, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuer, Rev. John") and Daniel H. SoWers had 2784a. Daniel Deshler Sowers', b. June 8, 1900. 2742. Richard Green' (John Green', Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel", Rev. John') and tSarah MaxWell Sherrerd. Richard Green' was a business man of Easton, Pa., and trustee of Lafay- ette College, 1845-6. Richard Green' and Sarah MaxWell Sherrerd had 2789 2787. IISamukl Sherrerd Green', b. July 13, 1829, Greenwich, N. J., m. No- veniber6, 1S55, Mary Littlejohn; he rf. October 30, 1868, San Luis Obispo, Cal.; farmer and miner. [27870] [[William S. Green', b. August 10, 1831, Warren County, N. J., m. March 10. 1853, Mary Catharine Kinsey; Wayne, Pa. [27880] 2788. 2790. 2791. Edward Dunham Green', b. Au- gust 18, 1833, ni. December 9, 1854, Henrietta McNeal; Philadelphia, Pa. [2789a] Anna Maria Robeson Green', 6. May 30, 1836, m. April 8, 1862, Ben- jamin F. Riegel; she cf. May 20, 1S84. Easton, Pa. [2790a] Emily Green', b. October 17, 1844; Wayne, Pa. 2787. Saniuel Sherrerd Green' (Richard Green', John Green', Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel' Littlejohn had 2787a. [[Henrv Green', b. January 27, 1862, m. Avile. [2787a a] 2787*. [[Ann Green", b. April 21, 1864, m. June 22, 1S78, Peter de Soto. [2787^ b] Capt. Samuel", Rev. John'j and Mary 2787c. Edward Sherrerd Green", b. Jan- uary 17, 1S67. 2787a'. Florinda Green", b. .\pril 10, 1869. 334 GENEALOGY 2787a. Henry Green* (Samuel Sherrerd Green', Richard Green', John Green*, Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel" Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and A Vile had 2787a a. Green'. I 2787a c. Green*. 2787a *. Green'. I 27873 d. Green'. 2787b. Ann Green" (Samuel Sherrerd Green', Richard Green", John Green', Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and "Peter de Soto had 2787A b. Carmelita de Soto', b. April 20, 18S0. 27876 c. Louisa DE Soto', d. March 11, 1S83. 27876 d. Mary Jose de Soto', b. July 29, 1886. 27876 e. Mary Anne de Soto', b. Septem- ber 6, 1890. 27876/. Peter de Soto', Jr., 6. February 10, 1S94. 2788. William S. Green' (Richard Green", John Green^ Phebe Moore*, m. Richard Green, Nathaniel\ Capt. SamueF, Rev. John') and Mart; Catha- rine Kinsey had 27883. Minnie Lodise Green**, 6. July 12, 1S56, d. September 16, 1863. 27886. II May Maxwell Green', 6. May 3, 1858, m. Samuel Lynd Fox; Rad- nor, Pa. [27886 c] 2788c. Frank Green", 6. June 5, i860, d. June 19, 1S60. 27883'. William Howell Green', 6. Jan- uary 5, 1862, d. March, 1862. 27881?. Herbert Kinsey Green', 6. May 21, 1S65, (/. March 12, 1870. 2788/. Bessie Sherrerd Green", 6. April 20, 1S67, m. January 2, 1896, Charles Francis Nassau, M.D. 2788b. May Maxwell Green' (William S. Green', Richard Green', John Green" Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Samuel Lynd Fox had 27886 c. Marguerite Fox', 6. March 15, | 27S86 d. William Lynd Fox", 6. February 18S2. I 28, 1884. 2789. Hdward Dunham Green' (Richard Green^ John Green', Phebe Moore*, m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Henrh etta McJ^eal had 2789a. 11 Evelyn Green", 6. September ii, 1S55, m. November 14, 1877, Frank E. Shoener; Shamokin, Pa. [2789a a] 27896. Dora Green", 6. May 30, i860. 2789(r. II Richard Stanley Green", 6. De- cember 9, 1863, m. October i, 1887, Florence N. Posey. [2789^ rf] 27S9. 1S19, Easton, Pa., m. Sarah Muirhead' (William*, m. .Amy Housel, Jona- than', Andrew^ John'); buried in Easton Cemetery. [2837] William Clark', m. Susan Clifton. [2841] 2828. Jasper Clark'; Bushnell, 111. 2829. M.ARTHA Clark', d. aet. 5 years. 2S30. May Clark', d. aet. 3 years. 2825. Elizabeth Green ClarR' (, Maria Green^ m. Enoch Clark, Ben- jamin Green', Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Jo^n MaxtaelV (William', John', John')* had 2831. IIMarv Ellen Maxwell', b. August 10, 1844, m, January 28, 1869, Wil- liam Henry Ingham; Philadelphia, Pa. [2831(1] 2832. Emily Robeson Maxwell*, *• Jan- uary 30, 1847, d. January 21, 1848. 2832a. William Maxwell', b. December 30, 1849, d. April 6, 1850. 2S33. IIJoHN Maxwell-, b. May 27, 1S51, m. June I, 1882, Susannah Meixsell Pomp. [2834] 2831. Mary Ellen Maxwell' and William Henry Ingham had 2831a. Elizabeth Howell Ingham', b. February i8, 1870. 2831*. Harriet Clifford Ingham', b. October 6, 1S71, 2831C. Caroline Sinnickson Ingham', b. January 27, 1875, d. February 19, 1875- 2S3i(/. Howard Maxwell Ingham', *. .\pril 14, 1877. 2831^. Robert Maxwell Ingham', b. De- cember 13, 1S81. John Maxweir and Susannah Meixsell Pomp had 2835. Charles Pomp Maxwell', *. March 13, 1887. 2836. John Maxwell', b. July 12, 1893. 2833. 2834. John Clifford Maxwell', b. No- vember II, 1883, d. March 9, 1890. 2826. Benjamin Green ClarK' (Maria Green\ m. Enoch Clark, Ben- jamin Green', Phebe Moore*, m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Sarah Muirhead" (William*, Jonathan', Andrew', John'). Benjamin Green Clark' was a prominent business man in New York City. He was a trustee of Lafayette College in 1874. Sarah Muirhead' was the daughter of William* and his wife Amy Housel, • Maxwell Family, H. D. Maxwell. 34-0 GENEALOGY of Easton, Pa., the granddaughter of Jonathan", a Sergeant of the Third Regi- ment of Hunterdon County, N. J., in 1777, and his wife Mar}- Lott (Richard), who died 1837, aged 83, his wife dying in 18 17, aged 57, the great-granddaughter of Andrew', who bought a farm near Harbourtown, N. J., in 1745, and died in 1794, aged 77, and his wife Elizabeth Waters (Jonathan), who died 1771, aged 49, the great-great-granddaughter of John', born in Glasgow, Scotland, came to America, to Long Island, where he married, November 22, 1706, Rebecca Bailey, died December 25, 1759, and removed to Hopewell, N. J. He was an elder and trustee of the Presbyterian Church of Hopewell at Pennington. In 171 3/4, he was appointed the first High Sheriff of Burlington County, then including Hun- terdon. He died 1725. Benjamin Green ClarK' and Sarah JVluirhead had 2837. II Mary Clark*, m. Frank Thomsou' (Alexander*. ArchibaltP, Alexan- der' ) , b. July 5, 184 1 , Chambersburg, Pa., d. June 5, 1899, at Merion, Pa.; she d. June, 1S87. [2838] 2837. Mary ClarK* (Benjamin Green Clark', Maria Green^ m. Enoch Clark, Benjamin Green^ Phebe Moore*, m. Richard Green, NathanieP, Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Frank Thomson* (Alexander', Archibald\ Alexander'). Frank Thomson* was of Scotch descent. His great-grandfather, Alexan- der Thomson, one of the first settlers in the Cumberland Valley, emigrated from Greenock with his wife and twelve children in 1771, and settled on a farm near Chambersburg, which he called Corkerhill, after the name of his ancestral home. Frank Thomson's father, Alexander Thomson, represented his district in Congress from 1824 to 1826, was President-Judge of the X\'Ith Judicial Dis- trict of Pennsylvania for many years, and filled a professorship in the law school connected with Marshall College. Frank Thomson's classical education was received at the Chambersburg Academy. He saw in the practical work of the railroad an attractive and promising field of action, and when seventeen years old he entered the Altoona shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad for instruction. A four years' course of training in this great school of applied science made him a mechanical engineer who could build a locomotive through every stage from the crude iron to the finished engine on the rails, while it also fitted him to operate as engineman the product of his own skill. Colonel Scott had been appointed, by President Lincoln, Assistant Secretary of War, and placed in charge of all matters relating to the transportation of troops and supplies, and he called Frank Thomson to his aid as chief assistant. Mr. Thomson took the field immediately, the scene of his operations being the South and the upper Southwest, where he constructed railroads and bridges, repaired those which had been damaged by the exigencies of war, and directed the trans- portation of troops and the forwarding of supplies to the front. The signal success of his efforts in this dangerous undertaking not only received fitting recognition from the War Department, but marked him as a railroad man of rare promise. At the conclusion of active hostilities in this territory he was relieved from military duty, and in June, 1864, was appointed Superintendent of the East- ern Division of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, which occupied his time until March, 1873. In March, 1873, he was made Superintendent of Motive Power of the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Altoona. On July i, 1874, he relinquished this post * Condensed from N. Y. Tribune, June 6, 1899. GENEALOGY 341 to become General Manager of the Pennsylvania Railroad system east of Pitts- burg and Erie. As General Manager he introduced a number of reforms in the management, administration and maintenance of the road. The standard track and solid road- bed owe their existence to his efforts, and the system of track inspection and the award of prizes for the best sections of track were instituted by him. The adoption of a superior standard of equipment, the building of picturesque stations and the ornamentation of grounds, the use of the block-signal system and other safety appliances, were all distinctive features of his management. He was also in- strumental in developing that high grade of discipline for which the Pennsylvania Railroad is noted. On October i, 1882, Mr. Thom.son became Second Vice-President, and on October 27, 1S88, was advanced to the post of First Vice-President. On February 3, 1897, Mr. Thomson was elected President of the Pennsyl- vania Railroad Company, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of George B. Roberts. In this office he displayed the same energy and ability which had always characterized him, introducing many improvements and keeping the road at a high standard of efficiency. Mr. Thomson's duties as the manager of a great railway required so much of his time that he was never identified with many other public institutions. A notable exception, however, is the Equitable Life Assurance Society, of which he was a director. The social side of Mr. Thomson's life was quite as comprehensive as its business counterpart. He was a patron of art, literature and music, and his handsome home, at Corkerhill, near Merion Station, Philadelphia, isenriched with many examples of artists in painting and sculpture whose works are as valuable as they are rare. At this mansion, with the assistance of his daughter. Miss Anne Thomson, he dispensed a quiet but notable hospitality, to which his wide acquaint- ance, both in this country and abroad, contributed the presence of many men and women eminent iu the higher walks of life. His famous "cabin," located in his grounds, uniquely decorated with the spoils of the cha.se, was often the scene of quiet entertainment, while his finely appointed hou.se was given over to the more elaborate social functions. Mr. Thomson was a lover of out-of-door sport. He was an ardent angler, a hunter of much merit, and generally selected for his holidays the season when he might indulge his taste for the fascination of the rod or gun. He was a mem- ber of the Philadelphia Club, the Union Club of New York, and other prominent clubs in both cities. Mary ClarK'and Frank Thomson* had 2838. .-^NNA Thomson'. | 2840. Cl.^rk Thomson'. 2839. Frank G. Thomson". I 2827. William ClarR' ( Maria Green", m. Enoch Clark, Benjamin Green', Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Susan Clifton had 2841. ijlDA Clark", m. Jonathan Moore Harris, b. December 3, 1851 ; grad- uate of Lafayette College, class of 1S71; she d. . 2S42. Elizabeth Clark*, d. Ida ClarR' and Jonathan Moore Harris had 2843. David Harris'. • Frank Thomson was the brother of Dr.Winiam Thomson, the eminent Ophthalmic Surgeon of Philadelphia. 342 GENEALOGY 2820. Elizabeth Green' (Benjamin Green', Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and John SteWart (Hon. Thomas). John Stewart, born September 27, 1796, died April 13, 1885, was the son of Hon. Thomas Stewart, at one time associate of Hon. Theodore Frelinghuysen on the judicial bench. He was educated in the Greenwich School, N. J., and in the old academy in Easton under Rev. David Bishop. He entered the store of Burke & Mixsell, on North Fourth Street as clerk, and afterward went into the general merchandise business for himself. In 1835, he and others established a wire mill at South Easton. He was President of the First National Bank of Eas- ton and elder in the Brainerd Presbyterian Church.* E.lizabeth Green* and John SteWart had 2844. 11 Edward Farmer Stewart', *. Oc- tober 16, 1819, Easton, Pa., m. Mar- garet Runkle (Adam D. (1799- 1873), m. Margaret Kennedy), d. January 19, 1902; her/. . [2853] 3845. II Ellen Stewart', b. March 23, 1822, m. Prof. James Moffat, Princeton, N. J., d. ; shed. July 15, 1849, Oxford, Ohio. [2861] 2846. IIMary Stewart', b. July 15, 1824, m. Francis Marion Wells, d. ; she d. . [2868] 2847. llWiLUAM Green Stewart', 6. March 8, 1827, m. I. Helen Hill Pollock, b. January 20, 1827, d. ; 2. Ella . [2S68/] 2848. IICharlesF. Stewart', b. March 21, 1830, m. October 20, 1858, Anna Eliza Chidsey (Russell), b. November 9, 1838. [2869] 2849. II Elizabeth Stewart', b. May 5, 1832, m. November 14, 1854, Thomas L. McKeen (Thomas), b. October I, 1832, South Easton, Pa. [2872] 2850. Anna Stewart', b. November 2, 1834, d. November 25, 1848. 2851. II Emily Stewart', b. September 6, 1837, m. Samuel L. Fisler, b. Glou- cester County, N. J. [2S82] 2852. II Clement Stewart', b. November 25, 1842, m. June 27, 1867, Harriet HeistDrinkhouse (Samuel). [2886] 2844. Edward Farmer Stewart' (Elizabeth Green', m. John Stewart, Benjamin Green', Phebe Moore*, m. Richard Green, Nathaniel\ Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Margaret V^unkle (Adam D.). Edward Farmer Stewart was a graduate of Lafayette College, class of 1839, was admitted to the bar in 1842, became a student at Princeton Theological Seminary, was licensed by Newton Presbyterj' in 1845, a member of the Easton School Board, member of the American Philological Society, candidate for Con- gress, Eleventh District of Pennsylvania, 1854, President of the First National Bank, of Easton, Pa., and elder in the Dutch Reformed Church. Edward Farmer Stew^art' and Margaret "R^unkle had 2853. IILaura Stewart% m. 1S74, Dr. I 2854. ||Ella Stewart', m. Rev. Henry Henry Daniel Lachenour. [2855] | Mason Baum. [2S5S] 2853. Laura Stew^art' and Dr. Henry D, Lachenour had 2855. Margaret Lachenour", m. Fred 2857. Henry Lachenour'. Nesbitt. 2856. IILaura Lachenour', m. Frank Ormsby. [2856a] 2856. Laura Lachenour' and Frank Ormsby had 2856a. Frank. Gratacap Ormsby'", *.June 21, 1903. • Cope's Prominent Citizens of Easton, Pa. GENEALOGY 343 2854. E.lla Stewart' and ReV. Henry Mason Baum had 2858. STEWAKT Baum'. | 2S60. Arthur Baum^ 2859. Edith Baum'. I 2845. £.llen Stewart' (Elizabeth Green*, m. John Stewart, Benjamin Green', Phebe Moore*, m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel", Rev. John') and Prof, James Clement Moffat. Rev. James Clement Moffat, D.D., was born in Scotland, came to America^ graduated at Princeton College in 1835, was tutor at Princeton 1837-1839, Pro- fessor of Latin and Greek in Lafayette College 1839-1841, Professor of Latin and Modern Historj' in Miami University 1S41, Professor of Church History in Princeton Theological Seminary 1861-1888, and authorof ".Esthetics," "Life of Chalmers," " Comparative View of Religions," etc. Ellen Stew^art' and ReV. James Clement Moffat had j86i. IIEdward Stewart Moffat, b. Jan- cember 25, 1S39), b. September 23, uary 5, 1844, Oxford, O., m. Octo- 1845 ; he B K, 2898. Charles Boutcher Green", M.E., 2899. 2900. d. August II, 1865, Easton, Pa.; graduate of Lafayette College 1886; chemist; member of K 4'. Edward Hart Green"*. Juliette H. Green', 6. June 17, 1871, d. May 9, 1872. 2822. Dr. Traill Green' (Benjamin Green^ m. Elizabeth Traill, Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Harriet Moore' (Loammi', David'*, Daniel', Joseph', Joseph', Rev. John'). Traill Green', M.D. LL.D., was educated at Easton Union Academy and Dr. Vanderveer's Miner\-a Academy. He commenced his medical studies under Dr. Joseph K. Swift, of Easton, "an eminent physician and surgeon and a highly cultivated gentleman," entered the University of Pennsylvania, and aftertwofull courses enrolled himself under Dr. J. K. Mitchell, Professor of Medicine in Chap- man's Institute, graduating from the University with the degree of M.D. in 1835. After graduation he was appointed physician of the Fifth Street Dispensary, Philadelphia. He returned to Easton in 1836. In 1837 he was appointed Profes- sor of Chemistry in Lafayette College. In 1 84 1 he accepted a call from Marshall College, as Professor of the Natural Sciences, and remained thereuntil 1848 when S^8 GENEALOGY he returned to Easton, and in 1849 was reappointed to the chair of Chemistry in Lafayette College. He was alive to all the interests of the town and prepared the way for many refonns by public lectures. He was the first President of the Board of Directors of the Easton Cemetery Company and continued so until his death, was a charter member of the Easton Gas Company, and Director from 1850, founder of the Northampton County Medical Society, one of the founders of the American Academy of Medicine, 1876, one of the first members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1S51, of which he continued a mem- ber and fellow until his death. In Lafayette College he was at various times Pro- fessor of Chemistry, Trustee, Acting President, Chairman of the Building Commit- tee, a member of the Prudential Committee, Dean and general adviser. He built and presented to the College its Astronomical Observatory and after his death, his books and valuable cabinet of minerals. He fought, to a successful issue, the admission of women medical students into the clinics at the hospitals of Philadel- phia 1868-9, iiito the County Medical Society, into the State Medical Society, into the American Medical Society, and into the women's wards of the State Insane Hospitals. He was conspicuously engaged in the work of temperance, and was prominent in the Law and Order Society. He served on the State Medical Board of Pennsylvania in 1861 and 1862. He was a member of the Board of Control of Easton from August 15, 1856 until April 3, 1866, and its President from 1858 until 1866. He was trustee of the Insane Hospital at Harrisburg for twenty- four years, and in 1868 the Legislature appointed him one of the Commissioners to build a new Insane Hospital at Danville. He was a voluminous writer, con- tributing many valuable articles to medical and other journals. He was an elder in the Presbyterian Church. He devoted his whole life to the good of others. "For he was a good man, full of the Holy Ghost and of faith." * Dr. Traill Green*^ and Harriet Moore had 2901. Eliz.^beth Green', d. July 2,1846, d. January 25, 1849. 2902. IIEll.-v Green', ft. December 11, 1S49, m. May 19, 1S81, Dr. Charles Mcln- tire ; Easton, Pa. 2903. Clar.\ Green', d. April 2, 1S52, d. May 17, 1S53. 2904. Frances Green', b. July 3, 1855, unmarried, d. November 25, 1896. 2905. Robert Traill Green', d. June 15, 1857, d. September 16, 1857. 2906. II Dr. Edgar Moore Green', b. Sep- tember 20, 1862, m. June 8, 1898, Mary Brodhead' (Edward L.\ Wil- liam A.'), b. March 31, 1876. [2907] 2902. E,lla Green' (Dr. Traill Green', m. Harriet Moore' (Loammi', David\ Daniel*, Joseph', Joseph^ Rev. John'), Benjamin Green\ Phebe Moore*, m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Dr, Charles Mclntire. Dr. Charles Mclntire, A.M., M.D., born August 30, 1847, Philadelphia, was a graduate of Lafayette College 1868, with honorary oration, of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, Medical Department, 1873, Assistant in Chemistry in Lafayette College 186S-72, Adjunct Professor of Chemistry 1872-4, Medical Director of Physical Training 1884-8, Lecturer on Hygiene 1882. He was Secretary of the Northampton County Medical Society for many years. Secretary of the American Academy of Medicine and its President, editor of various medical publications and author of numerous articles on scientific and medical subjects. * Biographical sketch, by J. W. Moore, in Memorial Volume published from Proceedings of the Medical Society of Northampton County, June 18, 1897. GENEALOGY 3i9 2906. Dr. £.dgar Moore Green' (Dr. Traill Green', m. Harriet Moore' (Loammi', David', Daniel', Joseph', Joseph', Rev. John'), Benjamin Green', Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and ]\lary 'Brodhea(P (Edward L.', William A.'). Edgar Moore Green',* A.M., M.D., was graduated from Lafayette College, class of 1S83, was Junior orator, took the Mathematical prize. Early English Text Society prize, Astronomical prize, was Honorarj* Astronomical orator, member of ^ X ¥'' fraternity, graduated, M.D., from University of Pennsylvania, class of 1886, taking prize for highest average standing in class and Medical News prize for thesis. He was one of the editors of the Lehigh Valley Medical Magazine , 1 890, Vice-President of Philadelphia Alumni Association of Lafayette College, member of Pennsylvania State Medical Society, and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; in active practice. Dr. Edgar Moore Green' and Mary "Brodhead had 2907. Elizabeth Traill Green-, b. June 2S, 1901, Easton, Pa. 2652. Joseph Green' (Phebe Moore*, m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Julia Hiling and had J908. Green', m. Mr. Hays. | * * * » ♦ 2653. George Green' (Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Henrietta Hiling had 2909. Charles Green*, d. aet. 26. 2910. II George Green*, m. Wharton of Morrisville, N. J.; Missouri. [2912] 291 1. Henrietta Green*, i. June 19, 1816, d. May 23, 1887 ; buried in the Easton Cemetery. 2910. George Green" (George Green', Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and — Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, — Wharton had 2912. Green 29i,V Green 2914. Green 2916. 2917. • Green' ■ Green'. ■ Green'. 2654. Rebecca Green' (Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and William B. Green* (Benjamin', Benjamin', William') had 2918. IISamuel B. Grken"*, m. I. Elizabeth Cook' (Jonathan'^ Anthony') ; 2. Lydia Green' (Joseph', Joseph^ William'). [2925] 2919. Enoch Green*, m. ; re- moved to Illinois. 2920. IIAbijah Green*, m. moved to Kentucky. 2921. William Green*, n Philadelphia, Pa. [2932] 2922. IJREBECCA Green*, m. William Hen- drickson* ( Israel', Benjamin', Wil- liam^ John'), d. Julv, 1S81 ; she d. ■ [2933] 2923. Ely Green*, m. Deborah Green^ (Joseph', Benjamin'', Benjamin^, William'), his cousin. 2924. Marv Green*, m. i. Montgomery Phillips; 2. Peter Van Zandt. « The compiler is indebted to Dr. Green for the use of his abstracts pertaining to the Moore and collateral families from the New York Genealogical Record and the New England Genealogical Register SSO GENEALOGY 2918. Samuel B. Green' (Rebecca Green', m. William B. Green, Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel' beth Cook' (Jonathan', Anthony') William') had 2925. HMary Green', m. William Reed' (Asa*, Israel', Joseph', William'); she d. June 29, 1S49, aet. 37. [2929] 2926. IIJONATHAN Green', m. Elizabeth Hart* (Elias', Enoch', Elijah', Jo- siah', Ralph'). [2930] , Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and EUZO' and Lydia Green'^ (Joseph', Joseph', 2927. IIArmitage Green', m. Jane Green' ( David', James Cummings*, Joseph', Benjamin', William'). [2931] 2928. Mary Elizabeth Green'. 2925. Mary Green' and William Reed had 2929. Sarah Elizabeth Reed', m. John Riley. 2926. Jonathan Green' and Elizabeth Hart had 2930. Lydia Green*, m. William Morris. 2927. Armitage Green' and Jane Green had 2931. Ella Green*, m. Samuel Atchley. 2920. Abijah Green' (Rebecca Green', m. William B. Green, Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel^ Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and had 2932. (Daughter) GrEEn'. 2922. R.ebecca Green' (Rebecca Green', m. William B. Green, Phebe Moore', m. Richard Green, Nathaniel', Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and William Hendrickson^ (Israel*, Benjamin', William', John') had 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938 2939 Elizabeth Hendrickson', m. Ed- ward Hepburn. Rachel Hendrickson', m. George Fox Crozier. Charles Hendrickson', d. aet. 20. Richard Hendrickson', m. Eliza- beth Leigh ; moved to Illinois. Montgomery Hendrickson', m. Virginia Howell (Lott). Marcia Hendrickson', d. aet. 19. Israel Hendrickson', m. Annie Rulon. 2940. William G. Hendrickson', m. Licia Rotes. 2941. Louise Hendrickson'. 2942. Virginia Hendrickson'. 2943. David Hendrickson'. 2944. George Hendrickson', d. in in- fancy. 2945. Wesley Hendrickson', m. Rebecca Leigh. 40. Mary Moore' (Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Nathaniel Wood- Ward (Lambert). Nathaniel Woodward' was the son of Lambert Woodward', who made his residence in Newtown, L. I., in 1666. He died about 1690, and left a daughter Margaret, who married John Burroughs, Lambert, who died unmarried, and GENEALOGY 351 Nathaniel Woodward's name appears on Nathaniel, who married Mary Moore', the Dongan Charter, 1686. Mary Moore' and ]^athaniel Woodward had 2948, 2946. 11 Lambert Moore Woodward', m. , d. early in the Revolu- tion. [2950] 2947. II Moore Woodward', m. 1735 Sarah Coe' (SamueP, Capt. John^ Rob- ert'). [43], [2955] Joseph Woodward', m. 1736, Tem- perance Fish. [2958a] 2949. IIAbig.ui. Woodward', m. February 9. 17 M. Benjamin Coe' (Jonathan', Capt John^ Robert'), d. April 12, 1743; she rf. -. [2961] 2946. Lambert Moore Woodward' (Mary Moore', Woodward, Samuel', Rev. John') and . m. Nathaniel 2950. 2951- Lambert Moore Woodward succeeded to the paternal farm at Newtown, L,. I. Lambert Moore Woodward* and had 2952 ]|Capt. Nathaniel Woodward^ m. Mary Lawrence' (Jonathan', of Rockland County, Jonathan-, Maj. Thomas, of Xewtown) the widow of Samuel Belts. Thomas Woodward', m. Sarah Hunt, the widow of John Bur- roughs'. 2953- 2954. Gilbert Woodward' ; after the French War, he removed to Santa Cruz, W. I., where he died. Lambert Woodward' ; Whig in Revolution. Philip Woodward'. 2950. Capt. Nathaniel Woodward' (Lambert Moore Woodward', Mary Moore', m. Nathaniel Woodward, Capt. Samuel^ Rev. John') and Mart; Lawrence* (Jonathan', Jonathan', Maj. Thomas'). Capt. Nathaniel Woodward^ was in the patriot army in the Revolution. He was one of the persons who made complaint of the " fresh insult " ofiFered to the United Colonies when a supposed King's standard was seen floating from a pole on the property of John Moore, Jr., at Newtown, about May 27, 1776.* 2947. Moore Woodward' f Mary Moore', m. Nathaniel Woodward, Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Sarah Coe' (Samtiel', Capt. John', Robert'). Sarah Coe' was the daughter of Samuel Coe', an elder of the Presbyterian Church, of Newtown, and a trustee of the town, and his wife, Margaret, daugh- ter of John Van Zandt, whom he married in 1712. He removed, in 1734, to New Hempstead (Ramapo), where he died in 1742, as appears from his will, dated May II, 1741, proved October 30, 1742. She was the granddaughter of Capt. John Coe', who was born in 1626, and was prominent in Newtown affairs. He was the first owner of the mill on Flushing Creek, which afterward became Ra- pelje's. She was the great-granddaughter of Robert Coe', who came from Suffolk County, England, toWatertown, Mass., and May 29, 1635, went to Weathersfield, Conn., with Rev. Richard Denton's party. Later he was at Stamford, at New- town, L. L, 1652, and finally settled at Jamaica, L. I. Moore Woodward' and Sarah Coe had 2955- 2956. Samuel Woodward'. Nathaniel Woodward'. 2957. John Woodward'. 2958. Oliver Woodward'. * Sec Introduction. 352 GENEALOGY 2948. Joseph Woodward' (Mary Moore', m. Nathaniel Woodward, Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and Temperance Fish had 2958a. II Woodward^ m. . [2959] 2958a. Wood^^ard" (Joseph Woodward*, Mary Moore', m. Nathaniel Woodward, Capt.Samuel\ Rev. John') and had 2959. Joseph Woodward^; New Utrecht. I 2960. Ann N. Woodward*, m. i. I Alsop ; 2. Raymond. 2949. Abigail Woodward* (Mary Moore^ m. Nathaniel Woodward, Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and "Benjamin Coe' (Jonathan', Capt. John', Robert'). Benjamin Coe* was the son of Jonathan Coe\ who died about 1750. He was the grandson of Capt. John Coe', and great-grandson of Robert Coe'. [2955] Abigail Woodw^ard' and "Benjamin Coe had 2961. J0NATH.\N Coe*, a patriot, d . in im- prisonment at Flatbush during the Revolution. 2962. IIBenjamin Coe*, b. 1741, m. i. Phebe Horton (Rev. Simon); 2. Elizabeth Edsall (Philip); he d. March 9, 1S21, Soth year. [2963] 2962. Judge Benjamin Coe* (Abigail Woodward*, m. Benjamin Coe, Mary Moore^ m. Nathaniel Woodward, Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and "Phebe Horton (Rev. Simon; and Elizabeth Edsall (Philip, Esq.). Judge Benjamin Coe** participated in the early revolutionary movements on Long Island. Without education, but possessed of excellent natural abilities, Mr. Coe rose to political eminence, enjoyed the ofiBce of judge, and a seat in the State Senate. He was, withal, a man of piety, and mighty in the Scriptures. At the age of twenty-five he became a member, and soon after an elder of the Presbyterian Church at Newtown, of which he continued through life a chief and most zealous supporter. He difed March 9, 1821, aged eighty years. Phebe Hortonf was the daughter of Rev. Simon Horton, who came from Boston to New Jersey in 1727, graduated at Princeton in 1731, settled in East Jersey in 1735, and removed from thence to Newtown, L. I., in 1746. Here he labored assiduously, and with the respect and approbation of his people, for a pe- riod of forty years, and died 1786, at the age of 76. It appears, by the recordsof the Presbyterian Church in the United States, that in 1738, the Presbytery of Long Island was united with that of East Jersey, and Mr. Horton, probably in that way, became acquainted with the leading men of this congregation, which opened the door for his settlement, at Newtown, at a subsequent period. Benjamin Coe* and Phebe Horton and Elizabeth Edsall had 2966. Elizabeth Coe", m. Thomas Betts. 2967. Mary Coe*. 2968. IIBenjamin Cok", d. June ir, 1784, m. Catharine Nostrand (John) ; he d. August 17, 1S17. [2972] 2969. Sar.ah Coe", d. unmarried. 2970. Frances Coe*. 2971. Susan Coe*. 2963. .'Vbigail Coe*, m. Hon. James Burt ; Warwick, N. Y. 2964. Grover Coe*, d. July 2, 1764, m. Mary Van Arsdale (Rev. Jacob) ; merchant, Springfield, N. J. * * * ^^ * 2965. Samuel Coe*, d. young. 2965a. Phebe Coe*, m. Aaron Furman. * Rilcer's Annals of Newtown, t Thompson's Long Island. GENEALOGY 353 2868. Benjamin Coe' (Benjamin Coe', m. Elizabeth Edsall, Abigail Woodward*, m. Benjamin Coe, Mary Moore\ m. Nathaniel Woodward, Capt. Samuel', Rev John') and Catharine Nostrand had 2972. Benjamin Coe'. | 2973- Cornelia Coe', m. Abram Meserole. 41. Margaret Moore' (Capt. Samuel', Rev. John') and John Prudden', Jr. (Rev. John^ Rev. Peter'). Rev. John Pruddeu', of Jamaica, L. I., and Newark, N. J., had a daughter and son who married a son and daughter of Capt. Samuel Moore', of Newtown, L. I., Joanna Prudden, who married Nathaniel Moore' and removed to Hopewell, N. J., and John Prudden, Jr., above named, who married Margaret Moore' and lived in Newark, N. J.* The will of John Prudden', Jr., is in Essex Box, 1711-1723, Department of State, Trenton, N. J. There is a copy in Liber 2, folio 11. Mr. William R. Ail- ing, of Newark, N. J., has a will on parchment which differs somewhat from the Trenton one.t The Trenton will is here reproduced : The last will and testament of John Prudden junr I John Prudden junrof Newark in the county of Essex and province of New Jersey being about fourty years of age And now by the holy providence of God laid upon a bed of sickness brought yery Low And daily expecting my change and dissolution I being yet sound in mind of good understanding and perfect memory Doe make constitute, ordain and declare this to (be) Last Will and Testament. And in the name of God Amen First of all I commit my soul imortall unto God who gave it to glorifye him and to be glorified by him forever as for my frail and corruptable body made of the dust I (will) and ap- point a decent and christian buriall in hope of a glorious resurrection to ( eternall ) Life through Jesus Christ my blessed Redeemer and only Savior who I verily believe blead and was delivered to death for my offenses and raised again for mj- justification that when this mortall shall be clothed with immortality I may both in soul and body together glorifie and enjoy him fforever Amen 2dly and as for my temporal estate and goods which it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I give and bequeath unto my dear and lo\-ing wife that now is Margaret Prudden by Name and her two daughters Born by her unto me Namely Abigail and Joanna Prudden comitting the care trust management and improvement of what estate personal or real I have now in posses- sion .And that shall any manner of ways belong unto me for her and their support and comfort during her life or Remarriage peaceably and quietly without opposition and controule of any person under anj- pretense whatsoever but if she shall see cause to remarry then her Third part shall be set out to her and the children's part (secured) for them untill they shall come of age and marry with her ( consent) which shall iirst happen, moreover I will that if my daughters viz. Abigail and Joanna live to be married they shall then receive and be put in possession of their third part of my estate respectively if (one ) dye before marriage the other sister surviving shall inherit ( and if it ) shall so happen by the allwise providence of God that both of them dye before (marriage) and without lawful issue that then my lands shall fall to my loving and only brother Joseph Prudden by name according to this my will and testament. Lastly I Doe make and constitute my loving wife that now is Margaret by name sole executriss of my last will and testament to do and perform all things according to my mind herein signified as near as may be done and in full confermation of this as my last will and testament I have set my hand and seal herewith this eleventh day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hun- dred and twelve. John Prudden his scale Signed and sealed in the presence of us James Nuttman J. Arents. By his excellency Robert Hunter Esq Captain Generalle Governor in chief in and over the pro\ndences of New Jersey New York and all the several tracts of land depending thereon in America and vice admiral of the seas &c. On the back of the will the following memoranda are written : Memorandum that on ye 27th of Aprill 1715, Margarit Prudden Executrix of ye last will and Testamt of John Pruden deed, came to me Thomas Gordon Surrogate and took oath well and truly to Execute ye Same. Jurat anno vt die Supra diet. Coram me Thomas Gordon Surrogate. • See page 170. t On deposit at Washington's Headquarters, Morristown. N. J. 354- GENEALOGY Memorandum yt on ye 27d of Aprill anno 1715 James Nutman and Jacob Arents ye here- unto Subscribing witnesses Came Before me Thomas Gordon Surrogate and being solemnly sworn on ye holy Evangelists of Almighty God did depose that they did See ye within named Testator John Pnidden Sign Seall publish and Declare the within written Instrumt to be his last will and Testamt and at ye Same Time he was of Sound mind and memory to the best of their and each of their understanding. Jurat anno vt die Supra diet. Coram me. Thomas Gordon Surrogate. The inventory taken by David Ogden and Joseph Baldwin, April 27, 17 15 is in the same box. On the parchment in the possession of Mr. William R. Ailing is the fol- lowing : To all to whom these presents shall come greeting Know ye that on the twenty seventh day of April Anno Domini 1715 the last will and testament of John Pruden junr was proved before Thomas Gorden Esq being thereto suffi- ciently authorized and appointed and is approved and allowed of by me having whilst he lived and at the time of his death goods chattels and credits in divers places within the province by means whereof the full disposition of all and singular the said goods chattels and credits and the granting administration of the same also the having of accounts and reckonings, and the final discharge and dismission of the same unto me solely and not unto any other inferior judge are manifestly known to belong and the administration of the all and singular the said goods chattels and credits and by last will and testament in any manner of wayes concerning was granted unto Margaret Pruden sole executrix in the said last will and testament named (chiefly) of well and truly administering the same and of making a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the said goods, chattels and credits and exhibiting the same unto the (secretary afst) on or before the twenty-seventh day July next and of rendering a just and true account (which) (thereat) she shall be lawfully required having first solemnly sworn to the truth thereof. In testimony whereto I have caused the prerogative scale to be hereunto affixed this twenty seventh day of April in the first year of her majesty's reign Anno Domini 1718. In the records of Newark, N. J., the following is found : Town Meeting Apriel ye 28th, 1714, The Names of ye Persons Concerned in ye Sd. Common Line, with their proportion of fence annexed to their Names Successively, beginning at ye bound Creek and Thence Runing Northwardly to ye Main River Mr. Prudden and ye Widow Margaret Pruden i ch. 65 links. 2974. Margaret Moore' and John Prudden, Jr., had IIAbigail Prudden*, b. 1704, m. Dea- con Samuel Ailing* (Samuel', 2d, SamueF, ist, m. Elizabeth Winston, Roger', m. Mary Nash), Newark, N. J., b. 1698, d. February 6, 1793, aet. 95; she (/. September 18, 1758, aet. 54. [2976] 2975- Joanna Prudden*, unmarried. 2974. Abigail Prudden' (Margaret Moore^ m. John Prudden, Jr., Capt. SamueP, Rev. John') and Deacon Samuel filing** (SamueP, Samuel', Roger') had 2976. IIJohn Alling*, b. I723±, m. Martha Crane, d. 1795; he . 1709, Bridgehampton, L. I., ni. Anne Sayre* (Capt. Dan- iel', Daniel', Thomas'), />■ 170S, d. July 8, 17S7, aet. 78 ; he d. May 10, 1791, aet. 82, Bridgehampton, L. I., buried at Bull's Head, [3051]. 3050. Caleb' ; there was a Caleb Moore in Cumberland County, N. J. David', (?) m. 1743, Elizabeth Rolf, Morristown*, N. J. 3048. Daniel Moore' (Joseph', Jr., Joseph', Rev. John') and Anne Sayre' (Capt. Danier, Daniel', Thomas'). Daniel Moore' resided at Southampton, L. I. His cattle were marked with "earmark slope under left ear, half penny on same, slope over right," January 22, 1752.1 The inscription on his tombstone is as follows : In Memory of Mr. Daniel Moore, who Departed This Life May id, 1791, IN THE 83 Year of His Age. Anne Sayre' was the daughter of Capt. Daniel', of Sagg, born 1666, died May II, 1748, and Sarah , his wife, born 1667, died May 15, 1733, the grand- daughter of Daniel", of North End, later of Bridgehampton, who died 1707, and who married i. Hannah Foster (Christopher), 2. Sarah , the great-grand- daughter of Thomas', a native of Bedfordshire, England, born i590±, died 1670. In 1638 he owned 60 acres at Lynn, Mass. He was one of the eight original " undertakers " of Southampton, coming therein May or June, 1640, The in- scription on her tombstone is : In Memory of Anne, Wife of Daniel Moore, who Departed This Life July THE 8th, 1787, IN THE 79 YeAR OF HER AgE. 3051- 3052. Daniel Moore' and Jlnne Sayre had ||DANIEL^ Jr. IIStephen^, b. 1737, m. April 21, 1761, 3053- 3054. 3055- 3056. Eunice Ford (Samuel, Sr. , brother of Col. Jacob Ford, Sr., m. Sarah Baldwin), b. April 3, 1743; she d. March 8, iSoS. the widow of John Scott; he d. January 19, 1777, aet. 39, Speedwell, N. J. (will) [3060] ||David\ m. March 30, 1769, i. Bethia Cutler (Uriah) ; 2. ;joined First Presbyterian Church, Morris- town, N. J., July 18, 1773. [3074] IISlLAS^; settled in MorrisCounty, N. J. [3148] Henry*. J IIDeacon Joseph^, b. April 4, 1745, m. September 25, 1766, i. Abigail Fitch (William, m. Mary Paine, a 3057- 3058. 3059- descendant of Rev. James Fitch, Norwich, Conn., 1622-1702),^. June 23, 1745, (/. .-^pril 5, 17S5; Novem- ber 2, 17S5, 2. Hannah Shepard (Josiah, m. Rebecca Bacon, a de- scendant of Ralph Shepard, Con- cord, Mass., 1603-1693), b. .\pril 29, 1759, d. September 5, 1841; he d. January 29. 1823, aet. 78; Canter- bury, Conn. [3151] Hannah*, m. 1767, i. Timothy Lo- se}-; 2. Aaron Bigelow; removed to Ohio; had children. Elizabeth*, m. December 14, 1779, Matthew Pierson ; remained on Long Island. [3203] Ann.\*, m. Pellice: removed to New England. ♦ Morristown, N. J., Records, t Southampton, L- I., Records. J Authority, W. S. Pelletreau. 36o GENEALOGY 3051. Daniel Moore', Jr. (Daniel', Joseph', Joseph', Rev. John'). The records of Southampton give " Daniel Moor, Jr., earmark slope under right ear, half penny upon same, slope on left ear, half penny under same, Jan- uary 22, 1752." This shows that he was a resident of the town in 1752. In 1776 Daniel Moore* had sons, Henry, Joseph, Daniel, living in Bridgehampton. Henry is on the records with 2 males, 3 females ; Joseph, 3 males, 4 females ; Daniel, 2 males, 3 females. Rev. Lsaac Todd [3066] in his letters, in reference to the genealogy of Daniel's family, does not mention Henry. He says : " David (a slip of the pen for Daniel) went to Albany, or near there, and settled. He had several children. One or more of these settled in Cherry Valley. One or two of the sons of David (meaning Daniel) were Presbyterian clergymen. A Daniel Mooref went to Albany and had twelve children ; one lived at Monticello, about four miles from Cherry Valley ; two were Baptist ministers, Joseph and Lucas. This Daniel Moore and wife Elsie had a daughter, Eunice Moore, born Jan- uary 22, 1765, at Knowlton, Warren County, N. J.,t who married, November 10, 1784, Obadiah Beardsley, born June 18, 1763, died November 15, 1841 ; she died 1811. 3052. Stephen Moore' (Daniel*, Joseph', Joseph', Rev. John') and Eunice Ford (Samuel, Sr.). Stephen Moore' was a fuller by trade. He owned a fulling mill at Speed- well, N. J. He removed to Mendham, N. J., and owned a forge there. Stephen Moore' and Eunice Ford had II Eunice*, b. i77o±, m. Robert Todd ; adopted by Isaac Tompkins. [3066] IISamdkl'', b. 1773, m. 1. Elizabeth Reeves (Nathan); 2. Polly Ayres; he (/. March 12, 1847, aet. 74 (will); adopted by his uncle, James Ford. [3069] 3064. E,unice Moore' (Stephen', Daniel*, Joseph', Joseph', Rev. John') and Robert Todd had 3060. Hannah'', b. ij6i, m. Davis Vail. 3064. 3061. Sarah'', m. February 13, 17S5, Na- thaniel Tingley. 3065. 1 3062. Betsy", ni. Jackson Ayres. 3063. Phoebe", b. Southampton, L. I.,? m. Abraham Hedges. 3066. II Rev. Isaac Todd', b. December 2, 1797, New Vernon, N. J., m. , d. April 12, 1885, Holman- ville, N. J. [306S] 3067. Harriet Todd' 3066. R.ev. Isaac Todd' (Eunice Moore', m. Robert Todd, Stephen', Daniel*, Joseph', Joseph^ Rev. John') and . Rev. Isaac Todd' was graduated from Hamilton College, N. Y., in the class of 1827, at Princeton Theological Seminary after three years of study, was ordained by Presbytery of Susquehanna September 19, 1833, was stated supply at Gibson, Pa., 1831-1832, Northumberland and Tunkhannock 1833-1835, Windham, Braintrim, Canton, and Orwell 1836-1837, Troy 1839, pastor 1842- • W. S. PeHetreau. t Mrs. M. A. B. Maynard, Utica, N. Y. I Appendix. § Morristown, N. J.. Records. GENEALOGY 361 1851, Milford 1853-1861, and at Holmanville, N. J., 1861-1885 ; resided at Lake- wood, N. J. He furnished most of the information in reference to the New Jersey families of this branch, in letters written to Mrs. Susan Baldwin in 1883. Rev. Isaac Todd' and had 3068. |;Rev. Francis Makemie Todd*. 3068. Rev. Francis MaRemie Todd' (Rev. Isaac Todd', Eunice Moore^ m. Robert Todd, Stephen', Daniel*, Joseph^ Joseph', Rev. John'). Rev. Francis Makemie Todd' was bom at Troy, Pa., August 4, 1839, graduated at Lafayette College in 1863, after which he went into business. Heat- tended Princeton Theological Seminary three years and was graduated in the class of 1875. He was ordained by the Presbytery of Washington City, October 27, 1878, was stated supply at Manassas, Va., and First Church, Prince William and Clifton 1878-88, pastor at Manassas 1888-91, stated supply at Monroeton, Pa., 1 89 1, pastor 1892, and stated supply at Greenwood 1893. 3065. Samuel Moore' (Stephen*, Daniel', Joseph', Joseph', Rev. John') and Elizabeth TK.eeVes and Polly Ayres had 3072 3069. Stephen', b. August 23, 1799. 3070. Ira', b. May 12, 1801, m. February 25, 1828, Joanna Leonard, New York. 3071. JDLIA Ford', b. July 4, 1803, m. Byram ; removed to Ohio. 3073- Mary Ann', b. September 5, 1805, m. October 22, 1S28, John Hall, Denville, N. J.; she d. March 20, 1830, aet. 24. William Harrison', b. December 20, 1812. 3053. David Moore' (Daniel*, Joseph', Joseph', Rev. John') and Bethia Cutler had 3074. Rachel^, 6. April 29, 1771. 3075. Phoebe*, b. August 10, 1772, m. An- thony Cosart. 3076. IlLOAMMi^, b. March 22, 1776, near Rockaway, Morris County, N. J.,m. March 30, 1799, Huldah Byram (Naphthali), b. November 19, 1779; a lineal descendant of John Alden of the Mayflower; d. October 18, i860, aet. 81, Easton, Pa.; he d. June 25, 1841, aet. 65. [3080] 3077. Nathaniel^, m. Samuel De Groat. 3078. Daniel". 3079. IIHannah", m. — N.J. [3146] Cooper, Denville, 3076. Loammi Moore' (David', and Huldah "Byram (Naphthali) had 3080. ySARAH Ann', b. October 22, 1800, Morristown, N. J., m. October 22, 1822, I. Silas Pierson' (Benjamin^ Elijah'), b. January 17, 1790, d. Oc- tober 24, 1824 ; November 10, 1829, 2. Rev. Daniel Young, d. Augusts, 1881 ; she d. . [3093]. 3081. IINaphthali Byram', *. June 23, 1802, Morristown, N. J., m. September 6, 1827, Eliza Washington Woolfolk ; he d. October 22, 1S75, Augusta, Ga. [3103] 3082. ySuSAN Maria', b. January 20, 1804, Morristown, N. J., m. May 4, 1S31, Daniel*, Joseph', Joseph', Rev. John') Caleb Dodd Baldwin* ( Ichabod', David*, Benjamin'', Benjamin', Jo- seph'), b. June 15, 1795, Bloomfield, N. J., d. February 4, 1868; she d. August 31, 1S92, Easton, Pa. [3108] 3083. Phoebe Bethia', ist, b. August 27, 1805, Morristown, N. J., d. May 10, 1806, Morristown, N. J. 3084. |] Phoebe Bethia', 2nd, b. April 13, 1S07, Morristown, N. J., m. July 9, 1833, I. Rev. F. A. Rauch, d. JIarch 2, 1841 ; July 17, 1844, 2. John P. Hiester, M.D., d. June 20, 1846, Reading, Pa. 362 GENEALOGY 3085. Henry Southard', b. September 5, 1808, Morristown, N. J., d. October 31, 1809, Morristown, N. J. 3086. ||Abby Elizabeth', b. April 29, 1810, Morristown, N. J., m. May 18, 1842, I. Rev. Andrew S. Young, d. Feb- ruary 14, 1S48 ; March, 1851, 2. Professor James H. CofEn. Lafayette College, (/. February, 1873 ; she d. December 9, 1880, Easton, Pa. [3127] 3087. Amy Sophia', ist, b. August 14, 1812, Morristown, N. J., d. October 5, 1S13, Morristown, N. J. 3088. Henry Augustus', b. September 4, 1814, Morristown, N. J., d. Decem- ber I, 1817, Morristown, N. J. 3090. 3091. 3089. Amy Sophia', 2nd, b. August 14, 1816, Morristown, N. J., d. Novem- ber 16, 1820, Morristown, N. J. il William Henry', b. September 21, 1818, Morristown, N. J., m. August 7, 1844, Anna Jane Eaton (Widow Irwin), Cincinnati, O.; he d. Janu- ary 8, 1895, Cincinnati, O. [3130] il Harriet', b. July 29, 1820, Morris- town, N. J., m. April II, 1844, Traill GreeuS M.D., LL.D. ( Benja- min*, Phebe Moore*, m. Richard Green, Nathaniel^ Capt. Samuel', Rev. John'), b. May 25, 1813, Eas- ton, Pa., d. April 29, 1897, Easton, Pa. [2822], [2901] 3092. James Edgar', b. July 28, 1823, Mor- ristown, N. J., unmarried, d. June 7, 1S44, Cincinnati, O. 3080. Sarah Ann Moore' (Xoammi*, David*, Daniel', Joseph', Joseph', Rev. Johu') and Silas PiersoTl^ (Benjamin', Elijah') and ReV. Daniel Young had 3093. IIDelia PIERSON^ m. Daniel R. Cly- mer. [3094] 3093. Delia Pierson" (Sarah Ann Moore', m. Silas Pierson, Loammi', David^ Daniel', Joseph', Joseph^ Rev. John') and Daniel R, Clymer had 3094. Maria Clymer", d. young. 1 3096. Lillik Clymer', d. young. 3095. UAnna Clymhr', m. i. Edward [ 3097. Robert Clymer', a', young. Brooke; 2. Rev. Randolph H. Mc- j 3098. Clvmer". Kim, Washington, D. C. [3099] I 3095. Anna Clymer' and EdWard 'Brooke had 3099. ||Anna Brooke'", m. Blair Lee; Wash- ington, D. C. [309912] 3100. Robert E. Brooke'". 3101. George Clymkr Brookh"'. 3102. Frederick Brooke'". 3099. Anna B pooRe" and "Blair Lee had 3099a. — 3099*. — -LEE". - LEE". 3099^-. - Lee". 3081. Naphthali Byram Moore' (Loammi', David', Daniel', Joseph', Joseph", Rev. John') and Eliza Washington Woolfotk. had 3106. William", d. young. 3107. Mary', m. Capt. William H.Warren; she d. ; Augusta, Ga. 3103- 3104- 3105- Virginia', m. Rev. Samuel Pinker- ton. Russellwood', d. young. Anna', m. James Edmondson. GENEALOGY 363 3082. Susan Maria Moore' (Loammf, David", Daniel', Joseph^ Jo- seph', Rev. John') and Caleb Dodd "Baldwin" (Ichabod°, David*, Benjamin', Benjamin^ Joseph')* had 3108. IIJosHPHiNE Waldo Baldwin", b. No- vember 21, 1832, ni. May 18, 1854, William Samuel Marx, d , Al- lentown, Pa.; Easton, Pa. [31 15] Francis H. Baldwin", d. June 9, 1S34, unmarried ; Cincinnati, O. Susan Elizabeth Baldwin', b. De- cember 2, 1836, d. June 21, 1850. IICh.arloTTE Allen Baldwin", b. No- vember 18, 1838, m. June 15, 1862, Dr. Richard Halsted Ward; Troy, N. Y. [3120] 3109- 3110. 3III- 3112. 3113- 3114. Henry Moore Baldwin', b. April II, 1840, Lieutenant of Fifth Uni- ted States Artillery, d. November 8, 1864, Winchester, Va., from wounds received in the battle of Cedar Creek. Frederick Augustus Rauch Bald- win'*, b. February 7, 1842, Bloom- field, N. J., m. Fannie Hutchius ; Allentown, Pa. [3124] James Edgar Baldwin', d. young. 3108. Josephine Baldwin' (Susan Maria Moore', m. Caleb Dodd Bald- win, Loammi^ David\ Daniel*, Joseph', Joseph^ Rev. John') and William S, Marx had 31 18. Henry Forster Marx', A.M., (J. July 28, 1865, graduate of Lafayette Col- lege 1885, took March prize, philo- logical oration ; tutor there 1885-7; at Johns Hopkins 1887-g; Librarian of Easton Library 1902. 3115- 3116. 3"7- Marion Dale Marx'. Frank BALDU^N Marx'. IIWilliam Bvram Marx', m. Decem- ber 27, 1888, Eliza Wilson Fox (Edward J.). [31 19] 3117. William Byram Marx', and Eliza Wilson Fox had 31 19. Edward John Fox Marx", b. Au- gust 23, 1892. 3111. Charlotte Baldwin' (Susan Maria Moore', m. Caleb Dodd Bald- win, Loammi", David\ Daniel', Joseph', Joseph^ Rev. John') and J)r, 2^. Hal' sted Ward had 3120. Harry Ward'. i 3122. Caroline Ward'. 3121. Alice Wakd'. | 3123. Richard Ward'. 3113. Frederick Augustus Rauch Baldwin" (Susan Maria Moore', m. Caleb Dodd Baldwin, Loammi'*, ,David^ Daniel*, Joseph', Joseph', Rev. John') and Fannie Hutchins. Frederick Augustus Rauch Baldwin", A.M., was a graduate of Lafayette College, class of 1861, was admitted to the bar of Lehigh County, August 8, 1863, was a private in the Fifth Pennsylvania Militia 1862, graduate of Law Depart- ment of Harvard College 1864, and has continued in practice in Allentown, Pa., since then. He is a member of the order of The Founders and Patriots of America. FredericK Augustus Rauch Baldwin" and Fannie Hutch= ins had 3124. Henry Lathrop Baldwin'. 3125. Howard Baldwin'. 3126. Alden Baldwin'. 3126(7. Traill Green Baldwin'. ' Baldwin Genealogy. 3^4 GENEALOGY 3084. Phoebe Bethia Moore' fLoammi", David', Daniel', Joseph', Jo- seph^ Rev. John') and 'R.eV. Frederick Augustus "Kauch. Ph.D., D.D. and Dr. John V. Hiester. Rev. Frederick Augustus Rauch,* Ph.D., D.D., Professor of German in Lafayette College 1833-8, was born in Kirchbracht, Hesse Darmstadt, July 27, 1806; he was graduated from the University of Marburg 1827, Professor in Geis- sen and Heidelberg 1829-31, first President of Marshall College from 1835 until his death, March 2, 1841 ; he was author of " De Sophoclis Electra," " De Resur- rectione Mortuorum," "Psychology," "The Inner Life," and "Commentary on Goethe's P'aust." 3086. Abby Elizabeth Moore' (Loammi", David', Daniel', Joseph', Joseph', Rev. John') and ReV. JlndreW Young and "Prof. James H. Coffin. Professor James H. CofiSn,* LL.D., was born in Williamsburg, Mass., ou the 6th of September, 1806. He graduated at Amherst College in 1828, and the year following, established, at Greenfield, Mass., the Fellenberg Manual Labor Institution, which for eight years continued to be one of the rarely successful in- stances of this system in our country. He afterwards became the principal of the Ogdensburg, N. Y. , Academy, and in 1839, a member of the faculty of Williams College. In 1846 he became Profes.sor of Mathematics in Lafayette College, where he remained till his death, February 6, 1873. Professor Coffin was au eminent scholar, a diligent and fruitful worker in mathematics and the .sciences, particularly in the department of Meteorology. His work in this field he carried on from the time of his graduation, even in the midst of his constant labors as an educator. He was fitted for it by the best gifts of heart and head. He was a man of clear, strong, and candid mind, of scrupulous integrity of character, of consci- entious regard for accurac}' in the execution of his work, and above all, a lover of the truth for its own sake. His great work, "The Winds of the Globe," almost completed at the time of his death, was finished by his son, and published under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institution in 1876. Abby Elizabeth Moore' and !R.ef . A ndreW Young and Prof, James H. Coffin had 3127- IIJAMES Edgar Young', A.M., b. Trappe, October 26, 1844, m. Annie E. Hulick, Easton, Pa.; he d. Feb- ruary 6, 1876. [3129] I 3128. Hbnry Coffin*, i/. in infancy. 3127. James Edgar Young" and .Annie E. Hulick. James Edgar Young' was a graduate of Lafayette College, of the class of 1863; he taught 1863-4, was in the Fifth Pennsylvania Militia in 1863, civil en- gineer on the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, and in the manu- facturing business 1874-6. James E,dgar Young" and Annie E. Hulick had 3129. Ruth Young", d. . 3090. William Henry Moore' (Loammi^ David', Daniel', Joseph', Joseph', Rev. John') and Anna Jane Eaton had 3130- IIJames Edgar", b. May 26, 1845, m. September 19, 1872, Harriett John- son ; Cincinnati, O. [3136] 3131. WiLr.iAM Eaton', b. February 27, 1848; Springfield, 111. 3132. Harriett', b. October 2, 1850, d. March 14, 1851. 3133. Mary Keys", (5. January 21, 1852; San Antonio, Texas. 3134. Francis Byram", b. October 14, 1854, tn. Tlianksgiving Day, 1878, Linnie Costamagna; Cincinnati, O. 3135. Anna Virginia', b. May 10, 1857; Springfield, 111. • Men of Lafayette, Coffin. GENEALOGY 365 3130. James £.dgar Moore' (William Henry', Loammi^ David^ Dan- iel', Joseph', Joseph', Rev. John') and Harriett Johnson had 3136. 3137- 3138. 3139- Abigail Allen', b. May 4, 1873. Anna Eaton", b. March 13, 1875, m. February 18, 1896, John Dalton De Witt. Nicholas Byram', b. April 17, 1877, d. September, 1878. Grace Elizabeth', b. April 19, 1880. 3140. Ralph Emerson', b. April 22, 1882. 3 14 1. James Edgar', b. August 11, 1884. 3142. William Harding', b. December 18, 18S6. 3143. Ruth Standish', b. July 22, 1889. 3144. Lois Alden', b. December 16, 1891. 3145. Harriett BIay', b. May 24, 1894. 3079. Hannah Moore" (David^ Daniel*, Joseph', Joseph', Rev. John') and Cooper had 3146. Stephen Cooper'. I 3i47- David Cooper'. 3054. Silas Moore' (Daniel*, Joseph', Joseph', Rev. John') and had 3148. Stephen^. 3150- 3149. Cephas*. Nancv'^, m. Dickerson; Crown Point, N. Y.; some of her children settled in Vermont. 3056. Deacon Joseph Moore' (Daniel*, Joseph', Joseph', Rev. John') and Abigail Fitch (William) and Hannah Shepard (Josiah). Deacon Joseph Moore' was a patriot refugee from Southampton to Canter- bury, Connecticut, in 1776. He lost all his property and was so poor in conse- quence that he was excused from paying his pole tax.* He lived at Sag Harbor earlier, but remained at Canterbury, where he died and was buried. His house is still standing. His tombstone is in a good state of preservation. Deacon Joseph Moore' and Abigail Fitch and Hannah Shepardl^ had 3151. Mary", *. October iS, 1767, Sag Har- bor, L. I., d. November 27, 1770. 3152. IIElizabeTH*, b. February 20, 1769, Sag Harbor, L. I., m. Simon Shep- ard, b. May 16. 1764, d. .-August 2, 1847; she d. April 7, 1S41, buriedat Scotland, Conn. [316S] 3153. IIAnna*^, b. .A.pril 27, 1770, Sag Harbor, L. I., m. January 14, 17S9, Timothy Shepard, b. June 18, 1764, d. Octo- ber 5, 1847, Canterbury, Conn.; she d. March 25, 1854. [3195] 3154. Clarissa*, b. December 21, i77i,Sag Harbor, L. I., ni. Simon Sliepard (David, m. Phebe Cady); she d. March 6, i860. 3155. Daniel*, b. December 4, 1773, Sag Harbor, L. I. 3156. Li'Cy", b. April 25, 1775, d. April 28, 1775, Sag Harbor, L. I. 3157. William Fitch*, i^. April 30, 1776, Sag Harbor, L. I. 3158. Joseph*, Jr., b. January 24, 1778, d. January 30, 1779, Canterbury, Conn. 3159. Lrcv*, b. .^pril 22, 17S0, Canterbury, Conn., m. John Gordon, M.D.; she d. after 1854. 3160. Joseph'', Jr., b. January 18, 1783, Can- terbury, Conn., d. November 11, 1803, in West Indies. ***** 3161. Abig.\il*, b. November 13, 1786, Canterbury, Conn., d. February 18, 1818. 3162. Ebenezer*, b. July 30, 1788, Canter- bury, Conn., d. October 21, 1788. 3163. Hiram*, b. February 28, 1790, Can- terbury, Conn., d. July 20, 1790. 3164. Mar\'*, 2d, b. January 26, 1792, Can- terbury, Conn., d. December 10, 1796, Canterbury, Conn. 3165. Sally'*, b. December 15, 1793, Canter- burj-, Conn., ni. William Child. 3166. Esther*, b. October 31, 1796, Canter- bury, Conn., m. Sylvanus Shepard; she (/. April 7, 1858. 3167. Hannah*, b. November 30, 1798, Canterbury, Conn. • Revolutionary Incidents of Suffolk County, Onderdonk, 1091. t Dr. William H. Shepard [3^02] furnished these records. S66 GENEALOGY 3152. Elizabeth Moore' (Joseph', Dauiel*. Joseph^ Joseph', Rev. John") and Simon Shepard had 3168. Joseph Shepard', b. October 5, 179J, d. young. 3169. Eunice Shep.\rd', b. April 28, 1794. 3170. [IWiLLiAM Shepard', *. June 18, 1796, d. June 5, 1878, m. August 26, 181S, Martha Gallup, (/.July 2, 1858, aet. 65. [3176] 3171. JARED Shepard', b. July 19, 1798, d. young. 3172. Hiram Shepard', b. January 22, 1801, d. young. 3173. Chester Shepard', b. September 3, 1803, m. Mary Fox ; Hampton, Conn.; his children resided at Mid- dletown. Conn. 3174. Chauncey Shepard', b. May 28, 1806, m. Abby Tingley ; East Or- ange, N. J. 3175. James Fitch Shepard', b. June 2, 1810 ; Toledo, Ohio. 3170. William Shepard' (Elizabeth Moore", m. Simon Shepard, Joseph', Daniel*, Joseph', Joseph^ Rev. John') and Martha Gallup had 3176. II Elizabeth Moore Shepard", b. De- cember 17, 1819, m. William M. Johnson,^. October 14, 1865. [31S5] 3177. Lucy G.", i^. April 13, 1821, m. Sam- uel Palmer. 3178. Martha M.', b. January 27, 1S23, m. William M. Potter, d. July 3, 1877. 3179. Abby Y.*, b. June 26, 1S25, m. Capt. William Hall. 3180. Hannah", b. April 30, 1827, m. Wal- ter Palmer; Plainfield, Conn. 3181. 31S2. 3183- 3184. Margaret', b. August 20, 1829, d. October 13, 1843. Susan Huntington Shepard', b. June 20, 1831, m. July 31, 1854, Olney Dodge. [3191] Simon Shepard", 3rd, b. August 7, 1833; Brooklyn, Conn. WiLUAM Shepard', b. November 27, 1835; Plainfield, Conn. 3176. Elizabeth Moore Shepard' and William M, Johns on "i^SiA 3185. Harriet Johnson'', m. John John- 3188. Anne Johnson', m. George Read ; son ; Pomfret, Conn. Boston, Mass. 3186. Hiram Johnson", m. Susan Cole; 3189. Isaac Johnson', rf. young. Norwich, Conn. 31^0. MaryH. Johnson', m. H.V. Lathrop; 3187. William Johnson', Jr. Danielson, Conn. 3182. Susan Huntington Shepard* and Olney Dodge had 3191- 3192- Susan E. Dodge', b. July 31. 1855, m. April 22, 1886, David D. Earle. Mary A. Dodge', b. October 13, i860, m. November 23, 1882, Frank H. Tillinghast. 3193- 3194- John Gallup Dodge', b. October 29, 1S67, m. Lottie Lester. Charles Olney Dodge', b. January 18, 1S72. 3153. Anna Moore** (Joseph^ Daniel', Joseph', Joseph, Rev. John') and Timothy Shepard' (Squire', Samuel*, Isaac', Isaac^ Ralph'). Timothy Shepard** was the son of Squire Shepard^ born February 14, 1735, married December 26, 1758, died October 29, 1822, and his wife Sarah Pierce, born April 24, 1736, died March, 1835, the grandson of Samuel', born April 2, 1711, married January 20, 1731, died 1793, and Mary Spalding, born October 12, 1711, the great-grandson of Isaac Shepard', Jr., born 1668, died January 23, 1747/8, and Hannah Spalding, the great-great-grandson of Isaac^ born June 20, 1639, married December 10, 1667, died February 12, 1676, and Mary Smedley, GENEALOGY 367 bom June 7, 1648, died about 1699, the great-great-great-grandson of Ralph', bom 1603, married in England, died September 11, 1693, and Thankslord , born in England. Anna Moore' and Timothy Shepard had 3198. 3195. Daniel Moore Shepard', b. Febru- arys, 1790. ™- April, 1S13. 3196. Pierce Shepard', h. October 9, 1792, m. October 2, 1815, Esther Cleve- land, d. March 3, 1832. 3197. llTiMOTHY Shepard', Jr., (5. June 13, 1797, m. January 4, 1825, Elizabeth Vail, b. November 30, 1S03, d. Feb- ruary 15, 18S1; he d. December 20, 1S90; 1790 removed from Cauter- burv, Conn., to Royalton, Vt.; 1803 to Potsdam, N. Y. [3201] Nancy Shepard', b. July 24, 1795, m. December 25, 1817, Harvey Tambling. 3199. Harry Fitch Shepard', b. Novem- ber 16, 1800, m. , March, 1833. 3200. Lewis Morris Shepard', b. May 28, 1S07, d. September 9, 1S09. 3200a. Lewis Morris Shepard', b. April 23, 1810, m. • , January 31, 1839 ; Royalton, Vt. 3197. Timothy Shepard', Jr. (Anna Moore', m. Timothy Shepard, Joseph', Daniel*, Joseph', Joseph', Rev. John') and Elizabeth Kai7 had 3201. ]|Dr. Charles H. Shepard', b. Sep- tember 28, 1S25, m. November 2, 1856, Mary Elizabeth Coan, b. Oc- tober 29, 1829, d. June 14, 1866; he came to New York in 1840. [3202] 3201. Dr. Charles H. Shepard* (Timothy Shepard', Anna Moore', m. Timothy Shepard. Joseph^ Daniel', Joseph^ Joseph^ Rev. John') and Mary Elizabeth Coan had 3202. Dr. William H. Shepard', b. April II, 1S63, m. , October 14, 1891; physician, Brooklyn, N. Y. 3058. Elizabeth Moore' (Daniel', Joseph' Matthew Vierson had Joseph^ Rev. John') and 3203. — — Pierson', m. Mr. Beglow; she came from Long Island to New Jersey and after marriage removed to Ohio. 3204. Hiram Pierson". 3205. II Elizabeth Pierson", m. Halsey Tappan ; had four children living in 1848 ; was then a widow, living at Montgomery, Orange County, N. Y. [3208] 3206. II(Densy) Prudence Pierson', m. David Sanford ; in 1848 was a widow, living at Bull's Head, Long Island. [3212] 3207. Silas Pierson*, m. ; had ten children, of whom five were living in 1848. 3205. £.lizabeth Pierson' (EHzabeth Moore*, m. Matthew Pierson, Daniel', Joseph', Joseph^ Rev. John') and Halsey Tappan had 3208. Tappan'. I 3210. Tappan'. 3209. Tappan'. I 3211. Tappan'. 3206. Prudence Pierson' (Elizabeth Moore*, m. Matthew Pierson, Dan- iel', Joseph', Joseph^ Rev. John') and DaVid Sanford had 3212. Hiram Sanford'. | 3213. || Lavin a Sanford', m. William Crow- I ell ; lived at Sag Habor in 1848. j6S GENEALOGY 3043. E,lizabeth Moore' (Joseph', Rev. John') and Ezekiel Sand- ford'* (Ezekier, Robert'). Ezekiel Sandford', of Bridgehampton, or Water Mill, L. I., was the son of Ezekiel', bom March 13, 1648, who received fifteen acres of land in Bridgehamp- ton, in 1678, and died 1714, and Hannah , his wife, the grandson of Robert', who, in 1645, was at Hartford, Conn., and died in June, 1676, and Ann Adams (Jeremy), his wife, who died in 1682. Elizabeth Moore' and Ezekiel Sandford\ had 3214. lIEzKKiEi. Sandford', m. November I, 1738, Widow Phebe Higgins, of Elizabeth, N. J. [3220] 3215. Sarah Sandford*, tn. Hedges. 3216. Abigail Sandford', m. Sayre. 3217. Phebe Sandford', m. Jessup. 3218. ySYLVANDS Sandford', b. 1743, m. , d. February 22, 1778. [3233] 3219. IIDavid Sandford', m. . [3234] 3214. Ezekiel Sandford' (Elizabeth Moore', m. Ezekiel Sandford, Jo- seph', Rev. John') and Widots) Phebe Higgins had 3220. IIJAMES Sandford*, A. 1779, m. Sarah , b. 1789. [3223]. 3221. II Hiram Sandford', b. 1784, m. , d. April 12, 1865 ; Sag, L. I. [3232] 3222. Isaac Sandford*; a rich farmer of Illinois. 3220. James Sandf ord^(Ezekiel Sandford*, Elizabeth Moore', m. Ezekiel Sandford, Joseph', Rev. John') and Sarah had 3223. Benjamin F. Sandford', b. 1821. 3225. John A. Sandford*. 3224. IIJ AMES Lawrence Sandford',;!!. 1823, m. Nancy ; Bridgehampton, L.I. [3226] 3224. Jatnes Lawrence Sandford' (James Sandford*, Ezekiel Sand- ford', Elizabeth Moore', m. Ezekiel Sandford, Joseph', Rev. John') and Nancy had 3226. Helen a. Sandford', b. 1846. 3227. Caroline E. Sandford', b. 1848. 3228. Jambs A. Sandford', b. 1850. 3229. Nathan L. Sandford', b. 1854. 3230. John R. Sandford', b. 1858. 3231. Henry L. Sandford', b. 1863. 3221. Hiram Sandford' (Ezekiel Sandford', Elizabeth Moore', m. Eze- kiel Sandford, Joseph', Rev. John') and had 3232. Esther Sandford', b. 1817, m. Heury Rogers. 3218. Sylvanus Sandford' (Ezekiel Sandford'f) and had 3333. Charles Samdford*. * Howell's Southampton, L. I. t Ezekiel Sandford* married, after the death of Elizabeth Moore, Dorcas , Some of the children here given may belong to her. GENEALOGY 369 3219. David Sandford' (Ezekiel Sandford'*) and had 3234. Lewis Sandford'. | 3235. Zachariah Sandford'. 3044. Sarah Moore' (Joseph^ Rev. John") and ^bial Cook' (Abial', Ellis'). Abial Cook' was the son of Abiaf, born 1663, after the death of his father; he left a will ; he was the grandson of Ellis', who was on the Southampton list in 1644; as early as 1659 he removed to Mecox.and in 1690, his widow, Martha Cooper (John, of Southampton), exchanged theSouthampton house for oneat Water Mill, then called Mill Neck, belonging to Thomas Stephens, who had married, October 20, 1675, Elizabeth Cook'. Sar&h Moore' and Abial Cook hadt 3239. Phebe Cook*. 3240. Susanna Cook*. 3241. Zebui-on Cook*. 3242. Samuel Cook*. 3243. Ele.muel Cook*. 3244. Abigail Cook*. 3245. Anne Cook*. 3236. 3237- 3238 IIEllis Cook', b. 1703, ? m. 1740, Mary Williams (John, of Watermill); re- moved to Hanover, N. J., about 1747- [3246] Matthew Cook*. II Abial Cook*, m. ; Upper Freehold, N. J. [3353] 3236. Ellis CooK* (Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Joseph', Rev. John') and Mary Williams (?) had 3246. yWiLLiAMS Cook', m. i. ; 2 • [3251] 3247. IICOL. Ellis Cook', b. 1732, m. Mar garet G. Cocker, d. April 7, 1797 Hanover, Morris County, N. J. [3263] 3248. IIJONATHAN Cook', m. . [3336] 3249. IIEpaphras Cook', b. January 20, 1738, m. , d. April 13, 1809; Livingston, N. J. [3342] 3250. IIJOHN Cook'. [3347] 3246. Williams Cook' (ElHsCook*, Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Joseph', Rev. John') and and had 3253. Calvin Cook'. 3251. IIElus Cook', m. Isabella . [3256] 3252. Williams Cook*. 3254. (Daughter) Cook', Troy, N. Y. 3255. (Daughter) Cook', Troy, N. Y. 3251. Ellis CooK' (Williams Cook^ Ellis Cook', Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Joseph', Rev. John') and Isabella had 3256. IISamuel Cook', m. ; Ver- j 3257. Sarah Cook', m. Cyrus Ball. mont. [3259] I 3258. Martha Cook', m. Cyrus Ball. 3256. Samuel Cooh' (Ellis Cook", Williams Cook', Ellis Cook*, Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Joseph', Rev. John') and had 3259. ||MartindaleCook», m. . I 3260. ||James Cook*, m. . [3262] [3261] I • See note under Elizabeth Moore' and Ezekiel Sandford. [3214] t Will. 370 GENEALOGY 3259. Martindale CooK' and 3261. Raymond Cook' ; Hoboken, N. J. had 3260. James Cook' and 3262. Raymond Cook', ; Hoboken, N. J. had 3247. Col. Ellis CooK' (Ellis Cook*, Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Jo- seph', Rev. John') and Martha G. Codger had 3263. IIZkbulon Cook", b. March 22, 1755, tn. Mary Jones, d. December 12, 1810; Hanover, N. J. [3271] 3264 IIJAMES Cook", b. March 25, 1760, m. I. Elizabeth P. Condit; 2. Ruth Pier- son; Sucasunna, Morris County, N.J. [3313] 3265. IIJabkz Cook", tn. ; Auburn, N. Y. [3323] 3266. 3267. 3268. 3269. 3270. I Dr. Ambrose Cook', m. ; Bound Brook, N. J. [3324] Margaret Cook", m. W. Kitchell. Matilda Cook", m. David Plum. RuLETTA Cook". Dr. George Whitfield Cook'; Hud- son, N. Y. 3263. Zebulon CooK' (Col. Ellis Cook', Ellis Cook*, Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Joseph^ Rev. John') and Mary Jones had 3271 IIEllisCook', *. January 26, 1784, m. . [3278] 3272. IIJoHN Cook', 6. September 28, 1786, m. , d. February 12, 1863 ; Hanover, N. J. [3287] 3273. IIJABEZ Cook', b. September 12, 1789, m. ; Newark, N. J. [3312] 3274- 3275- 3276. 3277- Clarissa Cook', b. April 4, 1776. Margaret G. Cook', b. January 20, 1779- Mary Cook', b. 1781. PhebeCook', b. August 12, 1792. 3271. Ellis CooK' (Zebulon Cook*, Col. Ellis Cook', Ellis Cook*, Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Joseph*, Rev. John') and had 3279 3278. IIJabez Cook', b. i8ii,m. ; Newark, N. J. [3281] 3280. LiNDSLEY G. Cook*, b. January, 1818, m. . [3283] JEANNETTE COOK^ 3278. J&bez CooK' and 3281. William Cook'. 3279. Lindsley G. CooK' and 3283. Henry Cook*. 3284. Charles Cook'. had I 3282. Horace Cook'. 3285. 3286. -had Edward Cook'. Frank Cook'. 3272. John CooK' (Zebulon Cook», Col. Ellis Cook', EUis Cook*, Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Joseph', Rev. John') and had 3287. Isaac M. Cook', b. October 3, 1813, 3290. John H. Cook', b. January 26, 1823. (/.June 15, 1841, Alabama. 3291. Matthias M. Cook', *. March 17, 3288. II David T. Cook', b. October 18, 1815. 1825. m. ; Hanover, N. J. 3292. Sarah M. Cook'. L3294J ,2g, Joanna Cook'. 3289. [|Prof. George H. Cook', 6. January 5, 1818, m. ; Rutgers Col- lege, New Brunswick, N.J. [3301] GENEALOGY 371 3288. David T. CooK' and - [3298] had 3294- 3295- IIISAAC Cook', m. [IGkorge Cook'. [3299] 3294. Isaac CooR' and 3298. Cook'". 3295. George CooR* and 3299. Cook"'. 3196. Samuel Cook'; Mandarin, Fl«. 3297. Sarah Cook'. had had I 3300. Cook" 3289. Prof. George H. CooR' (John Cook', Zebulon Cock', Col. Ellis Cook', Ellis Cook', Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Joseph', Rev. John') and had 3301. IIPadlCook', b. September 13, 1847, m. April 28, 1875, Esther M. Gurley; Lansingburg, N. Y. [3307] 3302. Sarah Cook', b. October 13, 1849. 3303. John W. Cook', b. Angust 27, 1852. 3304. Emma W. Cook', b. 1854. 3305. Anna B. Cook', b. 1857. 3306. Robert A. Cook', b. April 7, 1861. 3301. Paul CooR' and Esther M. Gurley had 3307. William G. Cook'", b. April 3, 1876. 3308. Sarah W. Cook'", b. April 20, 1878. 3309. Margaret C. Cook'", b. March 23, 1880. 3310. Georgb H. Cook'", b. July 2, 1883. 331 1. Mary Cook'", b. July 8, 1885, d. August 7, 1885. 3273. Jabez CooR' (Zebulon Cook^ Col. Ellis Cook', Ellis Cook*, Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Joseph', Rev. John') and had 3312. Edward Cook*. 3264. James CooR' (Col. Ellis Cook', Ellis Cook', Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Joseph^ Rev. John') and Elizabeth P. Condit and "R^uth Pierson had 3313- II Dr. Silas Cook', b. December 25, 1791, m. 1816, Mary Hyndshaw (James) ; Hackettstown, N. J. [3314] 3313. Dr. Silas CooR' (James Cook', Col. Ellis Cook', Ellis Cook*, Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Joseph', Rev. John') and Mary HyndshaW had 3314 3315 James H. Cook", d. 1880, Easton, Pa. Dr. LE^as C. CooK^ *. i8i8, d. 1874; Hackettstown, N. J. 3316. ||Dr. Silas C. Cook«, m. , d. 1864, Easton, Pa. [3319] 3317. Dr. John S. Cook"; Hackettstown, N.J. 3318. Dr. Joseph S. Cook*, b. March 26, 1830; Washington, N. J. 3316. Dr. Silas C. CooR' (Dr. Silas Cook', James Cook«, Col. Ellis Cook', Ellis Cook*, Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Joseph', Rev. John') and had 372 GENEALOGY 3319. IIROTH Cook', m. James Madison Por- ter, Jr., Easton, Pa., b. March 6, 1833, d. August 2, 1879; Hacketts- town, N. J. [3322] 3320. Martha Cook". 3321. Silas C. Cook', Jr., A.M., b. Decem- ber II, 1824, Easton, Pa., left La- fayette College in Junior year and graduated at Princeton College 1845, admitted to the bar at Easton 1848, d. October 17, 1865. 3319. Ruth Cooh' (Dr. Silas C. Cook', Dr. Silas Cook', James Cook', Col. Ellis Cook^ Ellis Cook*, Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Joseph', Rev. John') and James Modison "Porter". Jr. (James Madison', Col. Andrew'). James Madison Porter', Jr., A.M., graduated at Lafayette College in 1852, was admitted to the bar in 1855, and was District Attorney 1869. He was the son of Judge James Madison Porter^ LL.D., to whom more than to any one person Lafayette College owes its origin ; he was born near Norristown, Pa., January 6, 1793. His early education was carefully conducted up to his preparation for the Junior class, with the intention of entering the College of New Jersey, at Prince- ton. This purpose, however, he abandoned, and read law in Reading, Pa., with his brother, then President-Judge of the Third District, and was admitted to the bar April 23, 1813. He first located in Philadelphia, remaining till 1818, after which, until his death, he resided in Easton. In a few years he stood at the head of the bar in legal and forensic ability, although still comparatively a young man. In 1837-38 he was one of the foremost members of the convention for revising the Constitution of Pennsylvania. He was President-Judge of the Twelfth Judicial District from June, 1839, till July, 1840. Under President Tyler's administration, he was for some time a member of his Cabinet as Secretary of War. In 1849, he was elected a member of the State Legislature. In the spring of 1853, he was elected President-Judge of the Twenty-second District, but on account of ill health he was obliged to resign early in 1855. From this time he pursued the practice oflaw until his death, November 11, 1862. In 1843, he received from Marshall College the degree of Doctor of Laws. He was for twenty-five years President of the Board of Trustees of Lafayette College, and for many years, also. Professor of Jurisprudence and Political Economy. His reputation as a man of great learning and eminent legal ability drew many young men whose names appear in the cata- logues of that period as students of law. James Madison Porter', Jr., was the grandson of Colonel Andrew Porter',* who served through the whole of the Revolution, and at its close was Colonel of the Fourth or Pennsylvania Regiment of Artillery. He was engaged for several years in scientific commissions connected with running the lines between New York and Pennsylvania. In 1809, he was appointed Surveyor-General of Penn- sylvania. His wife was EHzabeth Parker. R^uth CooR* and James Madison Porter, Jr., had 3322. IIJAMKS Madison Porter'", 3rd, b. May 10, 1864, m. Mary Virginia Drake ; Easton, Pa. [3322i] 3322a. Eliza Michlkr Porter'", m. Ross Hall Skillern, Philadelphia, Pa. 3322. James Madison Porter'", 3d (Ruth Cook', m. James Madison Porter, Jr. , Dr. Silas C. Cook', Dr. Silas Cook', James Cook', Col. Ellis Cook^ Ellis Cook', Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Joseph", Rev. John') and Mart; Vir= ginia Drake. * Professor James Madison Porter has the minutes of a court martial, at Valley Forge, of which Col. Porter was clerk. GENEALOGY 373 James Madison Porter'", 3d, C.E., was a graduate of Lafayette College in 1886, Assistant Engineer of Lehigh Valley Railroad, Engineer for Tippett & Wood Company 1 887-1 890, member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Asso- ciate Member of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, Instructor in Civil Engineering, Lafayette College, January to June, 1890, Adjunct Professor June, 1890, Professor of Civil Engineering 189 , contributor of articles to Engi- neering News. He was engineer of the iron bridge across the Delaware River at Easton, Pa. The Department of Civil Engineering has been brought to its pres- ent eflSciency by him. James Madison Porter", 3d, and Mary Virginia Drake had 33224. James Madison Porter", 4th. 3265. Jabez CooK' (Col. Ellis Cook', Ellis Cook*, Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Joseph^ Rev. John') and had 3323. George Whitefield Cook'. 3266. Dr. Ambrose CooR' (Col m. Abial Cook, Joseph', Rev. John') and 3324. Maria Cook'. 3325. IIROBERT Cook', m. ; Holm- dell, N. J. [3332] 3326. Edward Cook'. 3327. Dr. George Wheeler Cook'; Hud- son, N. J. Ellis Cook', Ellis Cook*, Sarah Moore", had 3328. 3329- 333°- 3331- Dr. Richard Cook'. John Cook'. Theresa A. Cook'. Aletheia B. Cook'. 3325. Dr. Kobert CooK' (Ambrose Cook^ Col. Ellis Cook', Ellis Cook*, Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Joseph', Rev. John') and had 3332. Dr. Henry G. Cook** 3333. Ambrose Cook'. 3334. Robert W. Cook' Holmdell, N. J. 3335. Sarah E. Cook*. 3248. Jonathan Cook' (Ellis Cook*, Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Jo- seph^ Rev. John' ) and had 3336. Jonathan Cook*. | 3337. 11Wii,i,iamsCook«, m. . [3338] 3337. Williams CooK' (Jonathan Cook', Ellis Cook', Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Joseph', Rev. John') and had 3338. IIBenjamin Cook', m. Hanover, N. J. [3341] 3339. Elizabeth Cook'. 3340. Jane Cook'. 3338. Benjamin Cook' and 3341. Williams Cook*. 3341a. Cook'. had 33416. Cook*. 334i'^- Cook'. 374. GENEALOGY 3249. Epaphras CooR' (Ellis Cook', Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Joseph^ Rev. John') and had 3342. II Peter Cook', b. 1768, m. — d. April II, 1841. [3344] 3343. II Abraham Cook', b. February ii, 1782, m. , d. March 11, 1825- [3343] 3342. Peter CooK' (Epaphras Cook^ Ellis Cook', Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Joseph', Rev. John") and had 3344. James H. Cook'. | 3345. George Cook'. 3343. Abraham CooK^ (Epaphras Cook\ Ellis Cook*, Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Joseph^ Rev. John') and had 3346. AsHBEL Cook'. | 3346a. James Cook'. 3250. John CooK' (Ellis Cook', Sarah Moore,' m. Abial Cook, Joseph', Rev. John') and had 3347. IISiLAS Cook'; Montville, N. J. [3348] 3347. Silas Cook' (John Cook', Ellis Cook', Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Joseph% Rev. John') and had 3350. Silas Cook'. 3348. IjFrederick Cook', m. . [3352] 3349. Charles Cook'. 3351. Isaac Cook'. 3348. FredericK CooR' and had 3352. Albert S. Cook'; California. 3238. Abial CooR* (Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Joseph', Rev. John') and had 3356. Frances Cook*. 3353. IIAbial Cook*, b. November 15, 1723, m. Mary Thompson. [3361] 3354- Nathaniel Cook*, b. April 10, 1728; Saratoga, N. Y. 3355. Sarah Cook*. 3357 3358 3359 3360 Susanna Cook*. Mary Cook*. Phkbb Moore*. Abigail Cook*. 3353. Abial CooR' (Abial Cook', Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Joseph', Rev. John') and Mary Thompson had 3363. Nathaniel Cook'. 3361. William Cook', b. February 26, 1769. 3362. IISamuel Cook', b. January 30, 1775, m. ; Holmdell, N. J. [3367a] 3364. Sarah Cook'. 3365. Susanna Cook'. 3366. Hannah Cook'. 3367. Elizabeth Cook'. 3362. Samuel CooR* (Abial Cook', Abial Cook', Sarah Moore', m. Abial Cook, Joseph', Rev. John') and had 3367a. William B. Cook', d. in Illinois and left children. GENEALOGY 375 6. Elizabeth Moore' (Rev. John') and Content Titus' (Robert', Silius, died 1637, married Constantia , died 1667). Robert Titus, the immigrant, embarked from London 3d April, 1635. The passenger list, preserved in the public record office, London, contains the follow- ing entr>': " Theis underwritten names are to be transported to New England imbarqued in ye Hopewell, Mr. Wm. Bundle. The parties have brought certifi- cate from the Minister and Justices of the Peace that they are no Subsidy men, they have taken the oath AUeg. and Supremacie." Here follow between twenty and thirty names, some from Essex, some from Derbyshire, Herts and Cambridge. Among them are these names: Robert Titus, Husbandman of St. Katherines, aged 35 ; Hannah Titus, Uxor, age 31; Jo Titus, age 8; Edmond Titus, age 5. After the arrival of Robert Titus and his family in Boston, in the summer of 1635, land was granted to him in what is now the town of Brookline, near Muddy River, adjoining Boston. Here they remained two or three years, when they removed to Weymouth, about nine miles to the southeast. Their land is described in the records of the town of Weymouth, and was located in the present village of North Weymouth, not far from the place of the unfortunate settlement made by Captain Weston, in September, 1622. In the spring of 1644 Robert Titus, in company with about foity families, including the minister of Weymouth, Rev. Samuel Newman, removed to the town of Rehobeth, ju.st east of Providence, Rhode Island. While at Rehobeth, he was often entrusted by the freeman with offices of confidence. He was Commissioner from Rehobeth to the Court of Plym- outh in the years 1648-9, and in 1650 and in 1654. He had some trouble with the authorities because he harbored Abner Ordway and family, they being of "evil fame." This probably signified that they were Quakers. In 1654, on the " 23d of 3d month," Robert Titus sold his property at Rehobeth to Robert Jones, of Nantasket, and removed to Long Island. Edmond, his .second .son, had been in Hempstead since about 1650. John, the eldest, remained in Rehobeth, North Purchase, now Attlebore. His other children went with him to Long Island. His sous, Samuel, Abiel and Content were freeholders in Huntington, Long Island, in 1666. Robert Titus died before his wife. Her will was dated at Hun- tington, 14th of May, 1672, and proved 28th May, 1679. She gives to her son Content, her house and all her lands, he paying his brother John ten pounds. She adds : "And also I give to my son John my mare, and to my son Edmond I give a horse, and to my son Samuel a browne cow and a yearlen stear, and I give to my son Samuel's wife my warming pan, and to my son Abiall's wife my smoothing iron, and to my son Content's wife my skimmer, and for what remnantes I have of serge and cloth, my will is that it be equally divided among all my children, and to my dafter Susane I give my sarg hoode, and for all the rest of the estate within the house and without it I give to my sun Abiall and Content to be equally divided between them two, and to this my will.* " I set my hand in the presence of Richard Williams. the H mark of Thomas Skidmore. Hana Titus." Robert Titust had six children — John, Edmond, both born in England, Samuel, Susanna, Abiel, Content. Content Titus' was born at Weymouth, Mass., 28th March, 1643. He was a landholder in Huntington, Long Island in 1666, and in Newtown in 1672. In 1675 he was taxed for i male, 20 land, i horse, 2 oxen, 3 cows, i 3-yr, 2 2-yr, 2 i-yr, 10 sheep, I swine. He was active in church and state, was Overseer April, 1679 to 1681, Commissioner of the Town Court 1686-1690, Supervisor 1 686, As- sessor 1686, 1693 was a Captain]: in the war against the Indians, and became an elder of the Presbyterian Church in 1724 at the ageofSo. Hedied 17th January, * will and inventory recorded in New York Surrogate's office. Liber L., 454. t The Titus family in America by Rev. Anson Titus, Jr., of Weymouth, Mass., in New York Genealogical Record, XII, 93. : Report of New York State Historian, Colonial Series, I, 1897, 499, 500, 376 GENEALOGY 1730, aged 87. His gravestone, which was in the southwest corner of the ancient burial place at Newtown, L. I., has been removed to the First Presbyterian Church ground (1901). Elizabeth Moore'* and Capt. Content Titus^ had 3368. 3369- Robert Titus' ; removed to New Castle County, Del., in 1731. IISiLAS Titus', m. 17x5, Sarah Hunt' ( Edward', Ralph' ) ; he (/. November 2, 1748. [3375] 3370. IIJoHN Titos', m. Rebecca , d. 1762; he d. 1761. [3446] 3371. IITlMOTHY Titus', m. Mary ; he rf. about 1757 (will). [3798] 3372- 3373- 3374. Hannah Titus', unmarried. IIPhebe Titus', m. Jonathan Hunt* (Edward*, Ralph'), who came to Trenton Township not long after 1700. [3834] Abigail Titus', m. George Fumits. He was a trustee of the town and 3369. Silas Titus' (Elizabeth Moore', m. Content Titus, Rev. John') and Sarah Hunt. Silas Titus' remained at Newtown, L. I. an elder of the Presbyterian Church. Silas Titus' and Sarah Hunt had 3375. IIEphraim Titus', 6. 1696, m. Mary 3376- 3377- 3378. IJEPHRAiM Titus', 6. 1696, m. Mary Armitage' (Enoch^ John', York- shire, England), d. 1755, aet. 74; he d. 1789, aet. 93. [3380] 3379- Edward Titus*. John Titus'. Sarah Titus'. Susanna Titus'. 3375. E,phraim Titus* (Silas Titus', Elizabeth Moore', m. Content Titus, Rev. John') and Mary jirmitage.X Ephraim Titus* was an early settler of Hopewell Township, N. J. He came as early as 1722. He was an elder of the Presbyterian Church. E,phraim Titus' and Mary jirmitage had 3380. IIMartha Titus', m. Henry Woolsey' 3383- Lydia (?) TiTUS'. 3384. IjRuTH Titus', b. 1737, m. William Phillips' (William^ Joseph'), *. 3381. 3382. II Martha Titus', m. Henry Woolsey' (George', George', George'); she d. — — -; Pennington, N. J. [3385] Hannah Titus'. Priscilla Titus'. May 21, 1736, d. December 8, 1778; she d. 1818, aet. 81. [3388] 3380. Martha Titus' (Ephraim Titus*, Silas Titus', Elizabeth Moore', m. Content Titus, Rev. John') and Henry Woolsey had 3385. II Martha Wooi.^kv", m. Philip Van Cleve' (Chreinyonce', John', Benja- min', Johannes Van Cleaf), «. Susan Bowne'. 3606. Reubea Titus' (Solomon Elizabeth Moore', m. Content Titus, Rev. pher and Charity Hart and Phebe 3621. Lewis Johnson Titus', b. February , 10, 1817, m. Mary Holcombe (Emley). 3622. Daniel Christopher Titus', b. July 8, 18 19, m. I. Gertrude Mc- Lenahan; 2. Isabella Wiley (David). 3623. !l Enoch .\rmitage Titus', 6. Sep- j tember 17, 1821, m. Elizabeth I Blackwell (Peter). [3791] 3624. IjGeorge Lanning Titus', 6. June I, 1824, m. Susan Blackwell (Peter). [3792] Titus', Samuel Titus', John Titus', . John') and Catharine Christo- Golden had 3625. 3626. 3627- 3628. William H. Titus', b. January 23, 1827, d. March 4, 1841. Reuben Titus', b. August 5, 1829, m. Abigail Waters. Benjamin Ogan Titus', b. October 13, 1831, m. Emma Hobensack. * * * * * John Guild Titus', b. April 10, 1836, m. Emma Burroughs (Westley). 3607. Abijah Titus' (Solomon Titus', Samuel Titus', John Titus', Eliza- beth Moore", m. Content Titus, Rev. John') and Eliza Grey had 3629. Elizabeth Titus', m. Vermule. j 3632. Hannah Titus', m. Baynor. 3630. Sarah Titus', d. young. j 3633. George Titus', d. in childhood. 3631. Juliet Titus', rf. young. I 3579b. Samuel Titus' (Samuel Titus', John Titus', Elizabeth Moore', m. Content Titus, Rev. John") and had 3634. Asa Titus'. 3580. Benjamin Titus' (Samuel Titus', John Titus', Elizabeth Moore', m. Content Titus, Rev. John') and ^nna Lee had 386 GENEALOGY 3635. IIRandall Titus', m. Jane Hoagland. [3647] 3636. II David Titus", m. Phebe Ann Van Cleve' (Joseph M.», Col. John*, Chreinyonce*, John', Benjamin^, John'). [3653] 3637. IIFuRMAN Titus", m. Mary Drake. [3657] 3638. LiscoMB R. TiTus", m. Ida H. Schanck ; he d. May 3, 1873, aet. 69 ; merchant of Trenton. 3639. 11 Andrew Titus", m. 1. Mary Eliza- beth Potts (Judge Stacy) ; 2. Juliet Phillips (Henry D.S Theophilus', John", Theophilus*, Theophilus*, Theophilus'', ZerubabeP, Rev. George') ; deacon in First Church of Trenton. [3658]. 3640. 3641. 3642- 3643- 3644- 3645- 3646. IIBenjamin Wesi,EY TiTDS", m. Eliza- beth Titus' (Joseph", UrieP, Joseph', John', Content^, Robert' ) ; deacon in First Church of Trenton ; mer- chant of Trenton. [3668] IINathaniel Titus", m. Emeline Johnson. [3675] Eliza Titus", m. Lewis Drake. Mary Titus", m. Williamson Updike. Louisa Titus", na. Byard Drake. Sarah Titus", d. young. Stephen Titus", d. young. 3635. R.andall Titus' (Benjamin Titus^ Samuel Titus*, John Titus', Elizabeth Moore", m. Content Titus, Rev. John') and Jane Hoagland had 3647. Harmon Titus', m. Lydia Updike. 3648. Jane Titus', m. John Van Middle- worth. 3649. Benjamin Titus', m. Mary Cunning- ham. 3650. Stryker Titus', m. Mary Cox. 3651. LiscoMB Titus', died in the West. 3652. Mary Ann Titus', m. Stryker Hoag- land. 365212. Ida Titus', m. Jacob Stryker. 3652*. Wesley Titus'. 3652^. Andrew Titus'. 3636. David Titus' (Benjamin Titus', Samuel Titus*, John Titus', Eliza- beth Moore', m. Content Titus, Rev. John') and Phebe A. Van CleVe had 3653. Charity Titus', m. Oakland West. 3654. Joseph Titus', m. Caroline Hunt. 3655. James Livingston Titus', m. Har- riet Hatch. 3656. Andrew Titus', m. Jennie Cunning- ham. 3637. Furman Titus' (Benjamin Titus^ Samuel Titus*, John Titus', Elizabeth Moore^ m. Content Titus, Rev. John') and Mart; Drake had 3657. Adelaide Titus', m. Blackwell. 3639. Andrew Titus' (Benjamin Titus*, Samuel Titus', John Titu.s', Elizabeth Moore', m. Content Titus, Rev. John') and Mary Elizabeth PottS and Juliet Phillips had 3658. Ella Titus', d. in infancy. * * * 3659- Cora Titus', m. Henry Van Cleve. 3664. Henry Titus'. 3660. Stacy Titus', d. in infancy. 3665. Mary Titus'. 3661. William Titus', m. . 3666. Maggie Titus'. 3662. Gardiner Titus', m. . 3667. Andrew Titus 3663. Jennie Titus'. 3640. Benjamin Wesley Titus' (Benjamin Titus', Samuel Titus*, John Titus', Elizabeth Moore', m. Content Titus, Rev. John') and Elizabeth Titus had GENEALOGY 3S7 3668. Fernando Wood Titus', d. in child- hood. 3669. Edward Titus', d. aet. 19. 3670. Rev. Albert C. Titus', m. Mary Whitehead. 3671. Anna Titus', m. Frank H. Lalor. 3672. Sarah Titus', m. Lewis W. Scott; lawyer, Trenton, N. J. 3673- John Welling Titus'. 3674. Chandler W. Titus', d. in infancy. 3674a. Howard Titus', m. Sarah Gladding. 3641. Nathaniel Titus' (Benjamin Titus', Samuel Titus', John Titus', Elizabeth Moore", m. Content Titus, Rev. John') and Emeline Johnson had 3675. Elizabeth Titus', m. Archibald Up- dike. 3676. Johnson Titus', m. Mary Updike. 3677. Furman Titus', d. young man. 3678. Harvey Titus', d. young. 3679. Wesley Titus', m. Harriet Mapps. 3680. Ida Titus'. 3681. Emma Titus'. 3580. Enos Titus' (Samuel Titus*, John Titus', Elizabeth Moore', m. Content Titus, Rev. John') and J^ary 'R.eed and Elizabeth Hill had 3682. 36S3. 3684. Rebecca Titus*, m. Henry Black- well. Charles G. Titus', m. Charlotte Valentine. Stephen H. Titus', m. i. Rachel Parkes; 2. Isaruah Hunt; lived near Hopewell Church. 3685. Maria Titus", m. Joseph Bunn. 3656. Ruth .Ann Titus', m. Asher Howell* (John^ David', Daniel'). 3657. Adaline .\manda Titus', m. Samuel H. Burroughs' ( Edmund*, Joseph*, John", John^ John'). 3450. John Titus* (John Titus', Elizabeth Moore', m. Content Titus, Rev. John') and had 3690. Mary Titus'*, m. Amos Hoagland. 3688. Rebecca Titus*, m. Simeon Phillips' (William^ Joseph'). 3689. Hannah Titus*, m. Stillwell. 3691. Anne Titus*, m. Ege. 3453. Rebecca Titus' (John Titus', Elizabeth Moore', m. Titus, Rev. John') and Uhomas "BlackWell had 3691a. John Blackwell*. I 36914. Benjamin Blackwell*. Content 3454. Mary Titus* (John Titus', John') and Josiah Hart had II Elijah Hart*, m. Keziah Hunt (Ed- ward). [3700] Rebecca Hart*, b. July 19, 1741, m. Thomas Wilson. II Andrew Hart*, m. Elizabeth Ege (Andrew) ; he ' of Long Island, I. 119. 4^10 A P P E N D I X XXII. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF CONNECTICUT, MAY 12, 1664. " Whereas his majestic hath bin Graciously pleased to confirm unto this Colony By charter all that part of his dominions in New England, Bounded as in the sayd charter is ex- prest w'h the islands adjoining. This court doth declare that they clayme Long Island for one of those adjoining islands exprest in the charter, except a precedent right doth appeare approved By his Majestie. This court doth desire and request the Worshipfull Govr Mr. Math, Allyn, Mr. Wyllys and Captain Young to goe over to Long Island, and to settle the English planta- tions on the Island under this government, according to instructions given them. The afore- said committee are here Authorized to errect and constitute Quarter courtes or appoynt other fitt persons for the Keeping of court for the Administration of Justice, that all cases may be tryed according to lawe (life, limbe, and banishment excepted) and to doe there endeavors so to settle matters that the people may be both Civilly, peaceably and religiously Governed in the English plantations, so as they maj' win the heathen to the knowledge of or Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, By their sober and religious conversation, as his Majestie or Lord the King requires, in his gracious letters pattents, graunted to his subjects here in this colony, and in cases of crimes of a capitall nature, they are to have liberty to take the opportunity of the courts of Fairfield or Hartford ; the like liberty they have in case of reveiwe; they may also give oath to those that are accepted by this court as freemen on the Island, and to doe what else they judg may conduce for the good of the colony."* XXIII. NICOLL'S CALL FOR CONVENTION, 1665.! "Whereas, the Inhabitants of Long Island have for a long time groan'd under many grievous inconveniences and discouragemts ^ occasioned partly from their Subjection, partly from their opposition, to a forreigne Power, in which distracted condition, few or no Lawes could be put in due Execution; Bounds and Titles to Lands disputed, civill Libertyes inter- rupted, and, from this Generall confusion, private dissentions and animosityes have too much prevaid'd against neighborly Love and Christian Charity. To the preventing of the future growth of the like Evills, his Maj'y (as a signall grace and honour to his subjects upon Long Island) hath at his ovvne charge reduc't the forraigne power to his obedience, and by Patent, hath invested His Royall Highuesse the Duke of York, with full and absolute Power, in and over all and every the particular Tracts of Land mentioned, wch said Powers by commission from His Royall Highnesse the Duke of York, I am deputed to put in Execution. In discharge therefore, of my Trust and Duty, to settle good and Known Laws within this Government, for the future, and receive yor best advice and informacon in a genaU meeting; I have thought fitt to Publish unto you. that upon the last day of this present ffebruary, at Hempstead upon Long Island, shall be a gena'l meeting, which is to consist of Deputyes chosen by the Major part of the firee- meu onl)'; which is to be understood of all Persons Rated according to their Estates, whether English or Dutch, with'" your severall Townes and Precincts, whereof you are to make Publi- cation to the Inhabitants foure dayes before yo" proceed to an Election, appointing a certain day for that purpose. You are further to impart to the Inhabitants from mee.That I doe heart- ily recommend to them the Choice of the most Sober, able and discrete Persons, without parti- ality or faction, the fruite and benefitt whereof, will return to themselves, in a full and perfect composure of all controversies, and y^ propagation of true Religion amongst us. They are alsoe required to bring w'h them a Draught of each Towne Liniitts, or such writings as are nec- essary to evidence the Bounds and Limitts, as well as the right by which they challenge such Bounds and Limitts, by Grant and Purchase, or both. As alsoe to give notice of meeting to the Sachems of the Indians, whose presence may in some cases be necessary. Lastly I doe require you to assemble your Inhabitants and read this Letter to them, and then and there to nominate a day for the Election of two Deputyes from your Towne, who are to bring a certificate of their Election [w'h full power to conclude any cause or matter relating to their Several Townes] to meet at Hempstead upon the last day of ffebruary, where [God willing] I shall expect them." "Your assured ffriend, Richard Nicoll." " Fort James, New York, Feb, 8, 1665." DUKE'S LAWS CONVENTION. The convention met at the time appointed, consisting of the following deputies : New Utrecht : — Jaques Cortelleau, Younger Hope. Gravesend : — James Hubbard, John Bowne. Flatlands : — Elbert Elbertson, Roeloffe Martense. Flalbush : — John Striker, Hendrick Gucksen. Bushwick : — John Stealman, Guisbert Tunis, Brooklyn : — Hendrick Lubbertsen, John Evertsen. • Thompson's History of Long Island. I. 114. t Thompson's History of Long Island, I, 131. APPENDIX 4.11 Newtown : — Richard Belts,* John Coe.* Flushing : — Elias Doughty,* Richard Cornhill. Jamaica : — Daniel Denton, Thomas Benedict. Hempstead : — John Hicks,* Robert Jackson. Oyster Bay : — ^John Underhill, Mathias Harvey. Huntington :— Jonas Wood, John Ketcham. Brookhaven : — Daniel Lane, Roger Barton. Southold : — William Wells, John Youngs. Southampton : — Thomas Topping, John Howell.* Easthampton : — Thomas Baker, John Stretton. Westchester : — Edward Jessup,* John Quimby. XXIV. ANALYSIS OF THE "DUKE'S LA\VS."t All actions of debt, account, slander, and actions on the case concerning debts and accounts are to be tried in the jurisdiction where the cause of action arose. Debts and tres- passes under five pounds to be arbitrated, and if either party refuse, the justice to choose arbi- trators, whose award to be final. .\U actions or cases from five to twenty pounds to be tried at the sessions, from whence there should be no appeal. Any person falsely pretending greater damages or debts than are due, to vex his adversary, to pay treble damages. If the action be entered, and the parties compromise it, yet the agreement is to be entered by the clerk of the court. Upon the death of any person, the constable and two overseers to repair to the house of deceased, to inquire after the manner of the death, and whether he left any last will or testa- ment. But no administration to !)e granted, except to the widow or child, until the third ses- sion after the party's death. The surplus of the personal estate to be divided as follows : one third to the widow, and the other two-thirds among the children, except that the eldest son shall have a double portion. All amercements and fines, not expressly regulated by law, to be imposed at the discretion of the court. No justice of the peace, who hath set upon or voted in any cause, to have any voice in the court to which appeal is made. Parties appealing, to give security ; and in criminal cases they shall also give security for good behavior until the matter is decided. No arrest to be made oil the Sabbath, or day of humiliation for the death of Charles the First, of blessed memory, or the anniversary of the restoration of Charles the Second, ex- cept of rioters, felons, and p'ersons escaped out of prison. Persons necessarily attending courts, to be exempt from arrest. All arrests, writs, warrants and proclamations to be in the name of his majesty. All assessments to be made bv the constable and eight overseers of the parish, proportionable to the estates of the inhabitants, and justices of the peace to be exempt from assessments during their continuance in office, payments to the church only excepted. Persons of known ability when imprisoned, to pay for their support, till the second day of the next ses- sion after their arrest, and longer if there be a concealment of property. To rebuke an officer with foul words, so that he depart through fear without doing his office, shall be taken for an assault. A servant or workman convicted of assaulting his master or dame, to be imprisoned. No foreigner or stranger to have attachment against an inhabitant without giving security for costs. No justice of the peace, sheriff, constable or clerk of the court while in office, to be at- torney in any case, unless assigned by the court on request. No christian to be kept in bond slavery or captivity, except persons adjudged thereto by authority, or such as have willingly sold or shall sell themselves. Every town to set out its bounds within twelve months after they are granted, and once in three years the ancientest town shall give notice to the neighbor- ing towns to go the bounds betwixt their towns, and to renew their marks ; the time for pre- ambulation to be betwixt the 20th and last of February, under the penalty of five pounds for neglect thereof ; and owners of adjoining lands to go the bounds betwixt their lands once a year, if requested, under penalty of ten shillings. No person to follow the business of brewing beer for sale, but those skilled 'in the art. The name and sirname of every inhabitant in the several parishes to be registered ; and the minister or town clerk shall truly and plainly record all marriages, births, and burials in a book to be provided by the church-wardens. No body to be buried, except in public places, and in the presence of three or four of the neighbors, one of whom shall be an overseer of the parish. Persons punishable with death, are those who shall in any wise deny the true God and his attributes ; those who commit any %vilful and premedi- tatedmurder ; he who slays another with a sword or dagger, that hath not any weapon to de- fend himself; those who 'lay in wait ; poisoning, or any other such wicked conspiracy ; lymg with anv brute beast [and the beast to be burned] ; man-stealing; taking away life by false and malicious testimony ; denying his majesty's right and title to his crown or dominions ; treacherouslv conspiring or publicly attempting to invade or surprise any town or fort within this government, or resisting the king's authority by arms ; children above the age of 16, and of sufficient understanding, smiting their natural father or mother, unless thereto provoked or forced in self defence. Married persons committing adultery with a married man or woman, or any single person having carnal connection with a married man or woman, both to be grievouslv fined and punished, as the governor and council, or court of assize shall think meet, • See Genealogy. t Thompson's History of Long Island, T, 132. ^12 APPENDIX not extending to life or member. Any man lying with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both to be put to death, except he or she be under 14, or be forced. Cattle and hogs to be marked with the public mark of the town and the private mark of the owner; and horned beasts to be marked upon the horn. Every cause of ^'5 or uuder to pay a tax of 2s. 6d.; if /'lo, 5s.; from ^10 to £10, los.; and for every £\o more, 2s. 6d. Whereas the public worship of God is much discredited for the want of painful and able ministers to instruct the people in the true religion, and for want of convenient places capable to receive any assembly of people in a decent manner, for celebrating God's holy ordi- nances, ordered that a church shall be built in the most convenient part of each parish, capable to receive and accommodate 200 persons. To prevent scandalous and ignorant pretenders to the ministry from intruding themselves as teachers, no minister shall be admitted to officiate within the government, but such as shall produce testimonials to the governor, that he received ordination either from some protestant bishop or ministers within some part of his majesty's dominions, or the dominions of any foreign prince of the reformed religion ; upon which testi- monials the governor shall induct the said minister into the parish that shall make presentation of him. Jlinisters of every church to preach every Sunday, and pray for the King, (jueen, Duke of York and the roj'al family ; and to marry persons after legal publication or license. No person to be molested, fined or imprisoned, for differing in judgment in matters of religion, who profess Christianity. Church-wardens to report twice a year of all profaneness, sabbath breaking, fornication, adultery, and all such abominable sins. No person employed about the bed of any man, woman or child, as surgeon, midwife, physician or other person, shall exercise or put in practice any art contrary to the known rules of the art in each mystery or occupation. Courts of sessions to beheld three times a year, and continue three days. The constable to whip or punish any one, when no other officer is appointed to do it. All sales and alienations of property, to be by deed or last will and testament. No condemned person to be executed within four days after condemnation, and the person executed to be buried near the place of execution. A woman causelessly absenting herself from her husband, and refusing to return, shall forfeit her dower. Every parish minister is enjoined to pray and preach on the anniver- sary of the deliverance from the gunpower treason, Nov. 5, 1605 ; on the 30 Jan., to manifest detestation of the barbarous murder of Charles I. in 1649 ; and on the 29th of May, the birth day of Charles II. of blessed memory. If any person commit fornication with any single woman, they shall both be punished, either by enjoining marriage or corporal punishment, at the discretion of the court. Persons guilty of perjury to stand in the pillory three several court days, and render double damages to any party injured thereby. Apprentices and servants absenting themselves from their masters without leave, to serve double the time of such absence. Every town to have a marking or flesh-brand for horses. No ox, cow, or such like cattle, to be killed for sale or for private use without notice given thereof to the town registrar. No person to be a common victualler, or keeper of a cook-shop or house of entertainment, without a certificate of his good behavior from the constable and two overseers of the parish ; nor suffer an\' one to drink excessively in their houses after nine o'clock at night under the penalty of two shillings and six-pence. No pur- chase of land from the Indians shall be valid without a license from the governor, and the pur- chaser shall bring the sachem or right owner before him, to confess satisfaction. No one to sell, give, or barter, directly or indirectly, any gun, powder, bullet, shot, or any vessel of bur- den, or row-boat [canoes excepted] with any Indian, without permission of the governor, under his hand and seal : nor sell, truck, barter, give or deliver any strong liquor to an Indian, under penalt)- of forty shillings for one pint, and in proportion for any greater or lesser quantity ; ex- cept in case of sudden extremity, and then, not exceeding two drams. To be father, brother, uncle, nephew, or cousin-german to an}' party in a trial, shall exempt a juror from serving, if objection be made before he is sworn, but not afterwards. No person to reveal the dissenting vote of a juror on arbitration, under the penalty of ten shillings. Every town, at its own expense, shall provide a pair of stocks for offenders, and a pound for cattle, besides prisons and pillories in places where courts of sessions are held. The value of an Indian coat, to be given to any one who shall bring the head of a wolf to any constable upon Long Island, provided it be killed upon the island. The court of sessions in each county shall take the proof of wills, which, with the wills, are to be transmitted to the " office of records " at New York, when the executors shall receive a copy thereof, with a certificate of its being allowed, attested under the seal of office. The town marks for horses upon Long Island shall be as follows : for Easthampton, A ; Southampton, B ; Southold, C ; Seatalcot, D ; Huntington, E ; Oyster Bay, F; Hempstead, G; Jamaica, H ; Flushing, I ; Newtown, L; Bushwick, M; Brooklyn, N ; Flatbush, O ; Flatlands, P ; New Utrecht, Q ; Gravesend, R. At this early period the present town of Riverhead was included in Southold, and the town of North Hempstead, in Hempstead. XXV. CONGRATULATION UPON THE ENACTMENT OF THE DUKE'S LAWS.* " March i, 1665. " To his Royal Highness the Duke of York : " We the deputies elected from the several towns upon Long Island, assembled at Hempstead in general meeting, by authority derived from your royal Highness under the Hon- ♦ Thompson's History of Long Island, I, 136. A P P E N D I X 413 orable Colonell Nicolls as deputy governor, do most humbly and thankfully acknowledge to your royal Highness the great honor and satisfaction we receive in our dependence upon your royal Highness, according to the tenor of his sacred Majesty's patent, granted the 12th day of March, 1664 ; wherein we acknowledge ourselves, our heirs and successors for ever, to be com- prised to all intents and purposes, as therein is more at large expressed. And we do publicly and unanimously declare our cheerful submission to all such laws, statutes, and ordinances, which are or shall be made bj- virtue of authority from your royal Highness, your heirs and suc- cessors for ever : As also that we will maintain, uphold, and defend, to the utmost of our power and peril of us, our heirs and successors for ever, all the rights, title, and interest, granted by his sacred Majesty to your royal Highness, against all pretensions or invasions, foreign and do- mestic; we being already well assured that in so doing we perform our duty of allegiance to his Majesty, as freeborn subjects of the kingdom of England, inhabiting in these his Majesty's do- minions. We do farther beseech your royal Highness to accept of this address, as the first fruits in this general meeting, for a memorial and record against us, our heirs and successors, when we, or any of them, shall fail in our duties. Lastly, we beseech your royal Highness to take our poverties and necessities, in this wilderness country, into speedy consideration; that, by constant supplies of trade, and your royal Highne.ss's more particular countenance of grace to us, and protection of us, we may daily more and more be encouraged to bestow our labors to the improvement of these his Majesty's western dominions, under your roj-al Highness; for whose health, long life, and eternal happiness, we shall ever pray, as in duty bound." XXVI. DUKE OF YORK TO LIEUTENANT BROCKHOLES.* [New York Entriei, CL/.jS.] Newmarkett, 2S March [1682]. Lieutenant Brockholes. Since my arrivall here I have had an acct of ye result of divers meetings of my Comrs touching ye state of affayres at New Yorke, but untiil I come to London [wch i doubt will not be till this ship is sailed], I cannot perfect those resolucons w^h I shall take thereupon; only for ys prsent, in confirmacon of wt my Secy lately wrote to you I send ys to tell you that I intend to establish such a forme of governem' at New Yorke as shall have all ye advan- tages & privileges to ye inhabitants & traders there, wch His Mats other plantacons in .\merica doe enjoy, particularly in ye chooseing of an .•\ssembly, and in all other things as nere as may be agreable to ye laws of England. But y" I shall expect y' the Countrey of New Yorke and its Dependencyes shall provide some certaine fonds for ye necessary support of ye goveniemt and garrison, and for dischargeing ye arreares w^h are or shal be incurred since ye obstruccons yt have latelv beene to the collection of ye publique revenue there. Wherefore you are to use all dilligence to induce ye people there of best note and estates, to dispose y"' selves and their friends to a cheerfull complyance in this point, and you may assure y™ y' wt soever shal be thus raysed, shal be applyed to those publique uses. For I seeke ye connnon good and protection of ye countrey and ye increase of their trade, before my advantages to my selfe in ys matter. By the next shipping I intend you shall heare further from mee. I am &e. ToL' Brockholes &c XXVII. DUKE OF YORK TO GOVERNOR ANDROS.t [yew y'ork Entries, CLl, 17.] First yn. touching Generall Asseniblyes weh ye people there seeme desirous of in imitacon of their neighbour Colonies, I thinke you have done well to discourage any mocon of y' kind, both as being not at all comprehended in yor Instructions nor indeed consistent wth ye forme of governmt already established, nor necessary' for ye ease or redress of any greivance vt mav happen, since yt may be as easily obtained, by any peticon or other addresse to you at their Generall Assizes [well is once a yeare] where the same persons [as Justices] are usually present, who in all probability would be theire Representatives if another constitucon were allowed. (April 6, 1675. ) XXVIII. OBSERVACONS UPON THE CHARTER OF NEW YORK.t [.Vni' york Papers, f. iSS.] Charter. That the Inhabitants of New York shall be governed by and according to the Laws of England. Observation. This Priviledge is not granted to any of His Mats Plantations where the Act of Habeas Corpus and all such other Bills do not take Place. • N. Y. Colonial Documents, III. 317. t N. Y. Colonial Documents. III. 230. I New York Colonial Documents, III, 357. 414 A P P E N D I X Chart. Obs. Char. Obs. Char. Obs. Charter. Observation. Char. Obs. Char. Obs. Char. Obs. Sheriflfs and other Officers of Justice to be appointed with like power as in Eng- land. This is not so distinctly granted or practiced in any other Plantation. That the Supream Legislative Authority shall remain in the Governor, Councill and the People mett in a GenH Assembly. The words The People met in a General Assembly are not used in any other Con- stitution in America; But only the Words General Assembly. The Exercise of the Chief Magistracy and Administration of the governm* shall be in the Gov assisted by a Councill; with whose advice and consent he shall and may govern and rule the said Province according to the laws established. If this oblige and restrain the Gov from doing anything without the Councill it is a greater restraint than any other Gov is subject to. That according to the usage and practice of the kingdom of England there shall be a sessions of a Generall Assembly to be called to meet once in 3 Years or oftner. This is an Obligation upon the government greater than has been ever agreed to in any other Plantation. And the grant of such a privilege has been rejected elsewhere, notwithstanding a Revenue offered to induce it. Which Representatiues of the Province with the Governor and his Councill shall be the supream and only legislatiue power of the said Province. Whether this does not abridge the Acts of Parliament that maybe made concern- ing New York. That all Bills agreed upon by the said Representatiues shall be presented by them to the Governor and Councill for the time being for their Approbation and Consent. This seems to take away from the Governor and Councill the power of framing Laws as in other Plantations. Which Bills so approved shall be deemed a Law for the spaceof two years unless the Lord Proprietor shall signify his dissent within that time. That in case the Lord Proprietor shall confirm the Laws within that time, they shall con- tinue in force uutill repealed by the Assembly. That in Case of Dissent or Determination of two years they shall be voyd. This Term of years does abridge the King's power, and has been thought incon- venient in other Plantations, and is different from Colonel Dungan's Instruc- tions. No person shall be admitted to sitt in the Assembly untill he hath taken the Oaths of .Allegiance and Fidelity to the Lord Proprietor. This nmst be altered at present. And by his submission and peaceable behaviour hath demonstrated his affection to the Government. This seems to be restrained by what follows. That the Assembly shall with the Consent of the Governor judge of undue elec- tions, and of the Qualifications of the Representatiues; And with the like con- sent to purge their house, and expell any member as they shall see occasion. This may be inconvenient, and is not practiced in some other Plantations. That the forfeiture for not niaking due Entries shall be applyed, one third to the Lord Proprietor, one third to the Governor and one third to the Informer. The application to the Govr is unusuall. That all Christians shall enjoy Liberty of Conscience, so they do not disturb the peace. This is practised in the Proprieties. That every publick Minister upon Long Island shall be maintained according to subscriptions: That all Contracts made in New York for the maintenance of the severall ministers shall be made good. This is agreeable to the Practice of New England, but not of his Ma's other Plantations. Observations upon the Charter of New York. Read 3 Mar. 1684/5. XXIX. INSTRUCTIONS TO GOVERNOR DONGAN.* \New York Entries, /, loS.} Instructions to our Trusty and wbcbel^ Thomas Dongan Esq' Our General and Govr IN Chief in and over our Province of New York and the Territorys DEPENDING thereon IN AMERICA. GiVEN AT OUR CoURT AT Windsor this 29"! day of May 1686 in ve second YE.\R OF Our Reign. With these our Instructions you will receive our Commission under Our Great Seal of England, constituting you our Captain General and Govr in Chief of Our Province of New York and the Territorys depending thereon in America. Chart. Obs. Chart. Obs. Chart. Obs. Char. Obs. Char. Obs. Char. Obs. Endorsed. * New York Colonial Documents, III, 369. APPENDIX 415 1. Whereupon you are forthwith to call together the members of our Council for that our Pro\'ince, by name Anthony Brokholes, Frederick Philips, Stephanus van Courtland, Lucas Santen, John Spragg, Jervas Baxter, and John Young Esquires. 2. At which meeting after having published in usual manner Our said Letters Patents constituting you Our Captain General & Govr in Chief of our said Province & Territorys. 3. You shall take care j-Cself and alsoe administer to each of y* members of ye Council as well the Oath of Allegiance, as y^ Oath for the due execution of their places and Trusts. 4. And you are to communicate unto Our said Council, from time to time, such & soe many of our Instructions as you shall find convenient for our ser\'ice to bee imparted unto them. 5. And Our further will and pleasure is that the members of our Council shall & may have & enjoy freedom of Debate & Vote in all things to bee debated of in Council. 6. And altho, by our Comission aforesaid we haue thought fit to direct that any Three of our Counselors make a Quorum ; It is nevertheless Our will & pleasure that you doe not act with a Quorum of less than Five Members unless in case of necessity. 7. And that wee may bee always informed of the names of persons fit to supply y* vacancys of Our Council in New York. 8. You are to transmit unto us & to ye Lords of our Privy Council appointed a Com- mittee of Trade & flforeign Plantations, with all convenient speed, the names and characters of six persons Inhabitants of Our said Province and Territorys, whom you shall esteem the best qualified for that Trust. And soe from time to time when any of them shall dye, depart out of our said Colony or become otherwise unfit, You are to supply y first number of six persons by nominating others to us in their stead. 9. And you are from time to time to send us & our Committee of Trade & Plantations ye names & qualitys of any members by you put into Our said Council by ye first conveniency after }-or soe doing. 10. And in the choice and nomination of the members of our Council as also of the Principal Officers, Judges, .\ssistants, Justices & Sherifs, you are always to take care that they bee men of estate and abilitys and not necessitous people or much in debt, & that they bee persons well affected to Our Government. 11. You are not to suspend ye members of Our Council without good and sufficient cause. And in case of suspension of any of them, you are forthwith to transmit unto us & to our Committee for Trade & fforeign Plantations yo'r reasons for soe doing, together with ye charges & proofs against the said persons, & their Answer thereunto. 12. .^ud whereas wee have been presented with a Bill or Charter passed in ye late Assembly of New York, containing several ffranchises, privileges, & Immunitys mentioned to be granted to the Inhabitants of our s'l province. You are to Declare Our Will & pleasure that ye said Bill or Charter of Franchises bee forthwith repealed & disallowed, as ye same is hereby Repealed, determined & made void. But you are nevertheless with our said Council to con- tinue the Dutys & Impositions therein mentioned to bee raised untill you shall with the con- sent of the Coimcil settle such Taxes and Impositions as shall be sufficient for ye support of our Governmt of New York. XXX. A DECLARATION OF THE INHABITANTS SOUDJERS.* Belonging under the Skverali- Companies of thb Train Band of New Yorke. We declare that notwithstanding our severall pressures and griviences thes many years under a wicked arbitrarie Power execissed by our Late popish govemr Co" Dongan & severall of his wicked Creaturs and Pensionaris specialy now under Lieutenant Governi" Nicolson we were Resolved to Expect with great patience our Redemption from England Expecting to haue parte of that Blessed and glorious Deliverance Procured under God by his Royall heighness \Vm Henry Prince of Orange but when we Challenged our Libertie, propertie and ye Laws we were Cajoled and Terrified out of our Reason but at Last some being Threatned by ye said Lieutenant Governr Nicolson and a Pistoll Presented against the Corporall and sayd to ye Lieu- tenant Cuyler that he would sett ye Citty one fyer for doeing our Loyall duty we haue thought fitt for our Conservation and fear to be Lyableto answer for ye Lyfe of every Protestant that might haue perished and every house burnt or distroyed If we had Remained Longer In Secur- ity and alsoe seing daly aryve from severall parts Officers and Souldjers who ware Inter- tained by ye said Lieutenant governor Nicolson In ye ffort besides his severall Souldjers of which few there were a number of papists Contrary to the Law of England by which new Com- mers some of ye burgers being threatned of some deseigne against them In few days we thought delay Dangerous so we haue auimosly Resolved to Live no Longer in such a Danger but to secure the ffort Better which we haue under God with success without Resistance and Blood- shed Eflfected and we declare to be Entirely and Openly Opposed to papists and their Religion and therefore Expecting Orders from England we shall keep and guard surely and faithfully the said ffort In ye Behalf of ye Power that now governeth In England to surrender to ye Per- son of ye Protestant Religion'that shall be nominated or sent by ye Power abouesaid, these are our most sincere Intentions that we are glad to manifest as well to ye Power [abouesaid] that God lies Plaised to submit us to, as to other persons to avoid there Reproches that they could otherwise unjustly Lay upon ye abovesaid Inhabitants. New Yorke the Last day off May 1689. * Documentar>' History of New York, II, 10. ^i6 APPENDIX XXXI. LEISLER'S DECLARATION IN FAVOUR OF KING WILLIAM AND QUEEN MARY.* Whereas our intention tended only but to the preservation of the protestant religion, and the fort of this City, to the end that we may avoid and prevent the rash judgment of the world, in so just a design, we have thought fitt to let every body know by these public procla- mation, that till the safe aryvell of the ships that weeexpect every day from his royall Highness the prince of Orange with orders for the government of this country in the behalf of such person as the said royal highness had chosen and honoured with the charge of a governor, that as soon as the bearer of the said orders shall have let us see his power, then and without any delay we shall execute the said orders punctually ; declaring that we do intend to submit and obey, not only the said orders, but also the bearer thereof committed for the execution of the same. In witness whereof we have signed these presents, the 3d of June i68g. XXXII. LEISLER'S PROTEST AGAINST MAJOR INGOLDESBY.t By the Lieut Govenor &c. For as much as Major Richard Ingoldesby without producing any order from his Majesties King William or Col' Sloughter hath demanded possession of this his Majesties fort not being satisfied with the accommodations of this City for himself and the forces under his command being twice tendered unto him, untill such orders shall arrive, as also your Petitioner Said Major Ingoldesby hath presumeth to issue forth a mandate under his hand and seal at arms bearing date the 30*11—1690 in New York, directed to Captain Sara' Moore an inhabitant of this province on Long Island willing and requiring him [by virtue of a commission from their majesties King William & Queen Marj' to the said Major] in obedience to their said Majeststhat they aid & assist us in all things & matters concerning to & in fulfilling the said commission & that You and ever}' one of yo do aid show & are ready at all times, & with speed to assist nie in all things, for the compassing & overcoming of, all yet Stand in opposition against their majesties, said Command, & that you cause these things to be published & made manifest with all speed as may be & that we shall deem & account of all such yet Stand in opposition, to be rebels against their said Majesties &c — which is of dangerous consequence to this their Majesties said province & the peace of their subjects therein — I do by & with the Consent of my Council, military officers & others, the good inhabitants of this Province for & in behalfe of our Sovereiglm Lord & Lady — King William & Queen Mary — the Peace of their Crown & dignity, & the safety of this their said Province, here- by declare & solemnly protest against the proceedings of the said Major & all his accomplices for whatsoever bloodshed or damages, shall or may ensue thereupon, & do further forbid him the said Major Ingoldesby, to commit any hostile act against his Majesties fort City or ports of the said Province at his utmost perils, give under my hand & seal at fort William this 31 January 1690 — & in the a^year of their Majesties Reighn. XXXIII. LEISLER TO GOV. SLOUGHTER. t Fort William March the 20, 1690-1. May it please your Excellency — This his Majesty's fort being besieged by Major Ingoldesby so farre that not a boat could depart, nor Persons conveyed out of the same with- out to be in danger of their Lives which hath occasioned that I could not be so happy as to send a messinger to give me the certainty of Your excellency's Safe arrival & an account of what was published, of which I am ignorant still but the Joy I had by a full assurance from Ensign Stoll of your Excellenc)''s arrival has been something troubled by the detencon of Ye two my Messengers, I see very well the stroke of my enemies who are wishing to cause me some mistakes at the End of the Loyalty I owe to my gracious King & Queen & by such ways to Blatt out all my faithfuU service till now but I hope have care to commit such an error, having by my duty & faithfulnesse being vigerous to them. Please only to Signify & order the Major in releasing me from his Majesties fort delivering him only his Majesties Arms with all the Stores &that he may act as he ought with a person who shall give Your excellency an exact account of all his actions & conduct, who is with all the request, Your Excellency's Most Humble Servt- Jacob Leisler. XXXIV. NICOLL'S CHARTER. Richard Nicoll, Esq., Governor-General under his Royal Highness James, Duke of York and Albany, and of all his Territories in America; To all to whom these presents shall * Documentary History of N. Y., II, 4. t Documentary History of N. Y., II, 321. \ Documentary History of N. Y., II. 359. APPENDIX 417 come, sendeth greeting: WHEREAS, there is a certain town in the West Riding of Yorkshire, upon Long Island, situated and lying on the north-west of the said island, commonly called and known by the name of New Towne, now in the tenure or occupation of several freeholders and inhabitants, who having heretofore made lawful purchase of the lands thereunto belong- ing have likewise manured and improved a considerable part thereof, and settled a competent number of families thereupon; Now for a confirmation unto the said freeholders and inhabitants in their enjoyment and possession of the premises, KNOW YE, that by virtue of the commission and authority given unto me by his Royal Highness, I have ratified, confirmed, and granted, and by these presents do ratify, confirm, and grant unto Capt, Richard Belts, Justice of the peace, Capt. Thomas Lawrence, Capt. John Coe, John Burroughes, Ralph Hunt, Daniel Whitehead, and Burger Joost, as patentees for and on the behalf of themselves and their associates, the freeholders and inhabitants of the said town, their heirs, successors and assigns, all that tract of land which already hath been, or that hereafter shall be purchased for and on the behalf of the said town, whether from the native Indian proprietors, or otherwise, within the bounds and Imiits hereafter set forth and exprest, vizt, — That is to say, to be bounded east by Flushing creek; north by the Sound; south by Jamaicaline, which runson thesouth sideofthe hills; and west by Mespat Creek or Kills; from the wcstemiost branch thereof to extend upon a south line to the south side of the hills; from whence to run eastward along the said south side of the hills till it meet with the south line, which comes from the head of Flushing creek aforementioned; all which said tract of land within the bounds and limits aforesaid, and all or any plantation thereupon, from henceforth are to belong and appurtain to the said town ; to- gether with all havens, harbors, creeks, waters, rivers, lakes, fishing, hawking, hunting, and fowling, and all other profits, commodities, emoluments, hereditaments to the said land and premises within the limits ami bounds aforementioned and described, belonging or in any wise appurtaining; and also one-third part of a certain neck of meadow ground called Seller Neck, as it is now laid out and described, lying within the limits of Jamaica, and to have free egress and regress, with liberty of cutting and felling of timber or trees for fencing, and as occasion serves, to make one or more highways through the upland belonging to Jamaica aforesaid, to pass to their said meadow at Seller Neck, or any other meadow to them appertaining to the south; to Have and to Hold all and singular the said lands, hereditaments and premises, with their and every of their appurtenances and of every part and parcel thereof to the said patentees and their associates, their heirs, successors and assigns, to the proper use and behoof of the said patentees and their associates, their heirs, successors and assigns, forever ; Moreover, I do hereby ratify, confirm and grant unto the said patentees and their associates, their heirs, successors and assigns, all the privileges of a town in this government, and that the place of their present habitation shall continue and retain the name of New Towne, by which name and title it shall be distinguished in all bargains and sales, deeds, records and writings; the said patentees and their associates, their heirs, successors and assigns, rendering and pay- ing such duties and acknowledgments as now or hereafter shall be constituted and established by the laws of this government, under the obedienee of his Royal Highness, his heirs and successors. Given under my hand and seal, at Fort James, in New York, on the Island of Manhattans, the 6th day of March in the igtli year of the reign of our sovereign lord Charles the Second, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, and in the year of our Lord God, 1666. [1667 New Style.] RICHARD NICOLL. [Seal.] XXXV. DONGAN'S CHARTER. Thomas Dongan, Captain-General, Governor and Vice-Admiral of New York and its dependencies, under his Majesty James the Second, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the F'aith, Supreme Lord and Proprietor of the colony and province of New York and its dependencies in America, &c. To all to whom these Pres- ents shall come, greeting; Whereas theHonorable Richard Nicoll. Esq. formerly governor of this province, upon application to him made by the inhabitants of Newtown, on Long Island, in the year of our Lord sixteen hundred sixty-six, did grant unto them a liberty or licence under his hand, bearing date the three and twentieth day of June, in the same year, therein authorizing and empowering them to make what purchase they should think fit of the lands situate between Mespat Kills and the head of Flushing creek, on Long Island, aforesaid, and which tract of land the said inhabitants long before had been and then were settling and improving ; And Whereas the inhabitants of Newtown, in pursuance of the said licence, in the same year, did, in due form of law, purchase of and from the Indian natives all the said tract of land situate be- tween Mespat Kills and Flushing creek aforesaid, together with all and singular the appurte- nances to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining, to hold unto the said inhabitants of Newtown, their heirs and assigns for ever, as in and by the said recited licence, and a certain deed or writing under the hand and seal of Pomwaukon. the Indian owner of the said tract of land and premises, bearing date the 9th day of July, in the said year of our Lord, sixteen hun- dred sixty-six; And Whereas the said Richard Nicoll, upon farther application made to him by the .said inhabitants of Newtown, in consideration of the premises, and for divers other good causes and valuable considerations, by virtue of the power and authority in him then being be force of his commission from and under his said Majesty, then his Royal Highness, James, Duky 4i8 APPENDIX of York and Albany, &c., did, in and by a certain patent under his hand and seal, bearing date the sixth day of March, sixteen hundred sixty-six, grant and assure to Capt. Richard Betts, Capt. Thomas Lawrence, Capt. John Coe, John Burroughes, Ralph Hunt, Daniel Whitehead, and Burger Joost, as patentees for and on behalf of themselves and their associates, the freeholders and inhabitants of Newtown aforesaid, their heirs, successors and assigns, all that the said tract of land herein mentioned to have been purchased from the Indian natives as aforesaid, bounded on the east by Flushing creek and a line to be drawn from the head thereof due south, extend- ing to the south side of the hills; on the north by the Sound; on the west by the said Mespat creek or kills, and a line to be drawn from the most westerly branch thereof due south, extend- ing unto the south side of the said hills; and on the south by a straight line to be drawn from the south point of the said west line, alongst the south side of the said hills, until it meets with the said east Hue forementioned to extend from the head of Flushing creek as aforesaid, as also all that one third part of a certain neck of meadow called Seller Neck, situate, lying and being within the bounds of Jamaica, upon the south side of Long Island, as also liberty to cut what timber within the bounds of Jamaica aforesaid they should have occasion for, for the fencing of the said neck, and to make and lay out to themselves what highway or highways they should think fit, for their free and convenient egress and regress, to or from the aforesaid neck or parcel of meadow, together with all and singular the havens, harbors, creeks, quarries, woods, meadows, pastures, marshes, waters, rivers, lakes, fishing, hawking, hunting, and fowling, profits, commodities, emoluments, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the said tract of land and premises belonging or in anywise appertaining, To Hold unto the said patentees and their associates, their heirs, successors, and assigns for ever, at and under such duties and acknowl- edgements as then were or thereafter should be established by the laws of this government under the obedience of his Royal Highness, his heirs and successors; and further, in and b}' the said patent the said Richard Nicoll did ratify, confirm and grant unto the said patentees, their associates, their heirs, successors and assigns, all the privileges belonging to any town within this government; and that the place of their habitation continue and retain the name of New- town, by which name and style to be distinguished and known in all bargains, sales, deeds rec- ords, and writings whatsoever, as in and by the said patent remaining upon record, relation being thereunto had, may more fully and at large appear; And Whereas the said patentees and the present freeholders and inhabitants of the said town of Newtown, hereafter named, have, according to the custom and practice of this province, made several divisions, allotments, dis- tinct settlements and improvements of several pieces and parcels of the above recited tract of land within the limits above recited, at their own proper cost and charge; And Whereas the present inhabitants and freeholders have made application unto me by William Lawrence, Joseph Sackett, John Way, and Content Titus, persons deputed by them, for a more full and ample confirmation of the above said tract or parcel of land and premises contained in the afore- said patent; Now, for a confirmation unto the present freeholders and inhabitants of the said town of Newtown, their heirs and assigns, in the quiet and peaceable possession and enjoyment of the aforesaid tract of land and premises. Know Ye, that I, the said Thomas Dongan, in con- sideration of the premises, and for divers other good and lawful. considerations, by virtue of the commission and authority in me now being, from and under his said Majesty, and power in me residing, I have ratified, confirmed and granted, and b}' these presents do ratify, confirm and grant unto Captain Richard Betts, Thomas Stevenson, Gershom Moore, Jonathan Hazard, Sam- uel Moore, Daniel Bloomfield, Caleb Leverich, Edward Stevenson, Jo.seph Sackett, Samuel Scudder, Robert Field, Sen., Thomas Wandell, John Ketcham, Thomas Pettit, John Way, Rob- ert Field, Jun., Jonathan Strickland, John Smith, Josias Furman, Sen., George Wood, Sen., Nathan Fish, Edward Hunt, Jeremiah Burroughs, Richard Betts, Thomas Betts, John Scudder, Jun., Jonathan Stevenson, Thomas Case, John Alburtus, James Way, Cornells Jansen, Abram Joris, John Coe, Samuel Fish, Joseph Burroughs, William Osborn, John Burroughs, Thomas Robinson, Jane Hays, Jacob Reeder, John Reeder, Richard Owen, Wouter Gysbertsen, John Pettit, Thomas Morrell, John Roberts, Isaac Swinton, Elias Doughty, Thomas Lawrence, William Lawrence, John Lawrence, William Hallett, Sen., William Hallett, Jun., Samuel Hallett, Hen- drick Martensen, Robert Blackwell, John Parcel!, William Parcel!, Joris Stevensen, Thomas Parcel!, Steven Jorissen, John Bockhout, Engeltie Burger, Thomas Skillman, John Woollston- croftes, Jan Jansen Fyn, Jane Rider, Peter Bockhout, Johannes Lourensse, RichardAlsop, John AUene, John Denman, John Rose!!, Hendrick Barent Smith, Henry Mayle, Sen., Henry Mayle, Jun., Joseph Reed, John Reed, Josepli Pliillips, Theophilus Phillips, Roelof Pietersen, Benjamin Severens, Gershom Hazard, Anthony Gleane, Jacol^ Leonardsen vander Grift, Luke Depaw, Francis Way, John Wilson, Nathaniel Pettit, Moses Pettit, John Furman, Stoffel Van Laer, Samuel Ketcliam, John Ramsden, Rynier Willemsen, Abraham Rycke, Jan Harcksen, Philip Ketcham, Benjamin Cornish, Francis Comljs, Isaac Gray, Josias Furman, Jun., Henry Sawtell, Thomas Etlierington, Content Titus, Laml)ert Woodward, Nathaniel Woodward, Joseph Reeder, Jeremiah Reeder, John Bull, John Fish, John Moore, Thomas Morrell Jun., tlie present free- holders and inhabitants of the said towm of Newtown, their heirs, successors and assigns for ever, all and singular the before recited tracts, neck and parcels of land and meadows men- tioned and set forth limited and bounded as aforesaid, by tlie afore recited patent together with all and singular a certain neck or parcel of land called Plunder's Neck, situate likewise on the south side of Long Island, having on the east Jamaica limits, on the west a small brook, as also all and singular the houses messuages, tenements, fencings, buildings, garden, or- chards, trees, woods, underwoods, pastures, feedings, common of pastures, meadows, marshes, lakes, ponds, creeks, harbors, rivers, rivulets, brooks, streams, easements, and highway or highways, as also all and singular the islands, mines, and minerals [royal mines only excepted], APPENDIX 419 fishing, hawking, hunting, and fowling, and all other franchises, profits, commodities emolu- ments, hereditaments, and privileges whatever to the said tracts of land, meadow, and premises belonging or in any wise appertaining; To Have And To Hold all and singular the said tracts of land and premises with their and every of their appurtenances to the several and respective uses following, and to and for no other use, intent and purposes whatsoever, that is to say, as for and concerning all and singular the several and respective parcels of land and meadow [part of the granted premises], in an\- wise taken up and appropriated by virtue of the said before recited deed or patent, before the day of the date hereof, unto the said Capt. Richard Betts, Thomas Stevenson (names repeated), the said several and respective present inhabitants and freehold- ers of the said town of Newtown, to their several respective uses and behoofs, and to the use and behoof, of their several and respective heirs and assigns, for ever; and as for and concerning all and everj' such parcel or parcels, tract or tracts of laud and meadow, remainder of the granted premises, not yet taken up or appropriated to any particular person or persons, by Ndrtue of the before recited deed or patent, before the day of the date hereof, to the use and behoof of the said Capt. Richard Betts, Thomas Stevenson (names repeated to Isaac Swinton), their heirs and assigns, for ever, in proportion to their respective purchases thereof made as tenants in common, without any let, hindrance, or molestation, to be had or reserved upon pretence of joint tenancy or survivorship, any thing herein contained to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding, and I do ratify, confirm and grant unto the inhabitants and freeholders of the said town, all the priv- ileges belonging to any town within this government, and I do also give and grant for and in behalf of his said Majesty, his heirs and successors, free and lawful power, ability and authority, that they or any of them, anj' messuages, tenements, lends, meadows, feedings, pastures, woods, underwoods, rents, reversions, ser\-ices, and other hereditaments whatsoever, within the said Queens county, which they hold of his said Majesty, his heirs and successors, unto the aforesaid freeholders and inhabitants of the town of Newtown, shall and may give, grant, sell, bargain, alien, enfeoff, and confirm, to be holden of his most sacred Majesty, his heirs and suc- cessors, in free and common socage, according to the tenure, of East Greenwich, in the county of Kent, in his Majesty's kingdom of England; yielding rendering and paying therefore, yearly and everv year from henceforth, unto our sovereign lord the King his heirs, successors and assigns, or his or their receiver, commissionated or empowered to receive the same, on the five and twentieth daj- of March, yearly, for ever, the chief, or quit rent of three pound four shill- ings, current money, of this province of New-York, in full of all rents, or former reserved rents, ser\-ices or acknowledgments and demands whatsoever. In Testimony Whereof, I have caused these presents to be entered upon record in the secretary's office of this province, and the seal of the said province to be hereunto affixed, this 25th day of November, Anno Dom. sixteen hun- dred eighty-six, and in the second year of his Majesty's reign. Thomas Dongan. [Seal.] XXXVI. SHERIFFS OF LONG ISLAND.* The following persons held the office of high sheriff of Long Island, from 1665 to 16S3, ■when the ridings were abolished, and Yorkshire was divided into counties as now existing: — 1665 to 1669, William Wells; 1669 to 1672, Robert Coe;t 1672 to 1675, John Manning; 1675 to 1676, Sylvester Salisbury; 1676 to 1679, Thomas Willett;t 1679 to 1681, Richard Betts;t 16S1 to 16S3, John Youngs. XXXVII. ISLAND OF NASSAU. I April, 10, 1693, the name of Long Island was changed to the "Island of Nassau," an alteration which arose from political vanity, and was neither popular, or generally adopted. The act, although it is believed never, explicitly repealed, was suffered to become obsolete by disuse. The words of this act are as follows: — "Be it Enacted by the Governor, and Council, and Representatives, convened in General Assembly, and b\- the authoritj' of the same. That the Island comnionly called and known by the Name of Long Island, shall from henceforth be called the Island of Nassau; and that after the Publication hereof, all their Majesties loving Subjects are hereby required, in all Grants, Patents, Deeds, Conveyances, Bargains of Sale, Bills, Bonds, Records, and other Instru- ments in Writing, that shall hereafter be made, granted, conveyed, bargained, sold, and executed, for or concerning the said Island, or any Part or Place, within the same, or in any County thereof, to call and denominate the said Island in all such deeds and Escripts, as aforesaid, the Island of Nassau; any Thing contained in any former Act to the Contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding. ' ' * Thompson's History* of Long Island. I, 188. t See Genealogy', J Thompson's History of Long Island, I, 170. 420 APPENDIX XXXVIII. INDIAN DEED TO DANIEL COXE, MARCH 30, 1688. To all people to whom this prsent writing shall come, Hoham, Teplaopamun, Mehekighue, Capernonickon, Nahusing, Mehkaekan and Shawonne, Indian Sachimachersand owners of the following tract of land in the Province of West Jersey, send greeting. Know ye that the said Indian Sachiniachers and owners of the Tract of land hereinafter mentioned for and in consideration of one hundred fathoms of wampum, Tenne stript Dutch DufiFulds, Tenne broad steawelwater matchroles sixty matchroles. Thirty Gunns, Twenty Kettles, Twenty shirts, fforty pair of stockings. Eight}' Hatchetts, two half Anchors of powder, one hundred knives, one hundred and twenty barres of lead, sixty pounds of shott, one Anchor of Rumme, Two Barrels of Beere, Three pounds of Readlead, Three hundred pipes. Three hundred needles, and Three Anchors of tobacco, by Adlord Bowde now of Burlington, mrchant and within ye Province of West Jersey aforesd at and before the sealing and delivery hereof for and on the behalfe of Dauiell Coxe, Esqr Goyrnor of the said Province to them the said Indian Sachimachers and owners in hand paid whereof and where%vith they doe hereby acknowledge themselves fully contented & satisfy'd. Have granted bargained and sold, alyened, enfeoffed and confirmed, and by these presents do fully clearly and absolutely grant, bargain and sell, aleyu, enfeoffe and confirm unto the said Adlord Bowde, for and to the only proper use & behoofe of the said Daniel Coxe and his Heirs & Assigns forever, All that and those tract and tracts of land beginning at a white oak markt on fouer sides being on the South South west side of Shabbicunck Creek by the roadside leading to New York three miles from the Delaware River or three miles from Hugh Stannylands, from thence running north by the land of Thomas Budd to a white popular and a Beeche tree upon the head of Shabbicuncke creek on fouer sides and from thence to a small hickery standing by a black oak markt by the line of Thomas Budd aforesaid, from thence to a gumme tree standing by the side of Stony Brook by a lyme tree, from thence along the line of Thomas Budd aforesaid to a line of markt trees running west north west to one white and one black oake marked on fouer sides a little above Menapenasson, and from thence by a direct line west and by north to the mouth of a creek called Laocoton running into Dellaware River about Atecokin's wigwam, and soe to run down the side of Dellaware river to a line of markt trees lying two miles above the ffalls mill, and from thence running East to the white oake on the south west side of Shabbacunke Creek aforesaid. And also all and every the mines miueralls woods fEshings hawkings, huntings, and fowlings. And all & every the Rivers, Rivuletts, Creekes, Isles, Islands, Lakes, Ponds, Marshes, Swamps, Meadows, ffeedings, Pasturings, profitts, commodities & appurtenances whatsoever to the said granted tracts of land or any part thereof belonging or in any wise appertaining. And also all the estate. Right, Tytle, Interest, possession, pperty, claim and demand whatsoever of them the said Indian Sachimachers & owners or any of them in Lawe & Equity & either of them of in or into the said granted prmises or any pte or psel thereof, and the reversion & reversions, Remaind'" and Remaind" of the same and every pte thereof. To have & to hold to the said Adlord Bowde his Heirs & Assigns forever. And the said Indian Sachimachers and owners doe for themselves and every of them & for their and every of their Heires & successors, convenant promise and agree to and with the said Adlord Bowde his heirs & Assignes by these presents. That it shall & may be lawful to and for the said Daniel Coxe his heirs & Assignes forever hereafter peacably & quietly to have hold and enjoy the said granted & bargained tracts of land & every pte & peel thereof to & for the uses aforesaid without any lawful! lett molestation or disturbance of them the said Indian Sachimachers & owners or any of them or of their Heirs or successors or of from or bj' any other prson or prsons whatsoever clayming or which shall or may clayme any estate Right, title. Interest, Inheritance or pperty of in or out of the said granted & bargained premises or any pte or pcell thereof by from or under them or any of them or by or through their or any of their meanes, assent consent tytle, privity pcurement. In witness whereof the said Indian Sachimachers and owners have hereunto sett their hands & affixed their seals [according to the English Anot- ], the Thirtieth day of the month called March in the year one thousand six hundred and eighty eight Annoque R. R. Jacobi Sedi Angt & Quarter. Signed Sealed, & delivered in ye p'"sence of Thomas Budd, Hoham, Henry Greenland, Teplaopamun, Thomas Bowman, Meroppe, Willm Biddle, Junr. Weweenoling, John Wills, Interpreter. Lummusecon, Pleeze, Meheekissue, Copenakoniskou, Nehuoing, Neheekan, Shawsuna. APPENDIX 4^21 XXXIX. "RE-SURVEY OF HOPEWELL TRACT FOR COL. COX, 31000." * September, 1707. Resurveyed then for Coll, Daniel Cox, his tract of land called Hopewell, beginning at the upper corner of the same by the river Delaware, at a white oak corner in the low land, and runs thence East South East fourty chain to a markt maple and hickory for a corner, then east three hundred and one chain to a white oak for a corner, then north by west one hundred and sixty five chain to a white oak corner, then East two hundred sixty four chain to a white oak corner, then North one hundred sixty four chain to a white oake tiien again East two hundred and fourty chains to a white oak corner in a line called the Scotch line, or line of partition be- tween East and West Jersey, then along the said line neare South South West four miles and thirty two chains to a white oak corner in the line of Jlaidenhead Indian purchase, then alonge the said line, south west and south south west to the head of a creek called little Shabbaconck, then south west to a brooke called Great Shabbakonk, then down by the same fivety sixchaine to a tree markt for a corner on the south west side thereof, the south west eighty two chain to a hickery comer to land surveyed to Thomas Hutchinson, then by the same North West two hundred eighty five chaines to a hickery corner by the land surveyed to Pope and Wetherill, then bounded by the same by a line North East seventy three chains and East by South fourty nine chaine, and South Eleaven chaine and East by South fivety sis chaine, and North by East one hundred and three chaines and a halfe, and west sixty fovu- chains, and South West by West one hundred and ninety eight chaine to a hickery corner at the River Dellawar aforesaid, and so bounded up by the said river to the first mentioned corner containing one and thirty thousand acres besides allowances for highwayes. Resurveyed by me, Daniel Leeds. XL. JOHANNIS LAWRENSON ONE THOUSAND % FIFTY ACRES OF SOCI- ETIE'S LAND FROM THOMAS REVELL.f 1697, July 12. This Indenture made ye Twelfth day of July in ye yeare of o' Lord according to English Acct one Thousand six hundred ninety (SJ Seaven Betweene Thomas Revell of ye Towne @ Countv of Burlington in ye Province of West New Jersey of ye one pt (m;', Johannis Lawrenson op dick of Maiden head within ye County of Burlington (5' Pvince aforesd yeoman of ye other Pte Witnesseth that whereas ye sd Thomas Revell by vertue of one deed of Conveyance dated ye Sixteenth day of May Anno 1695 And made from Jeremiah Basse }'e then Agent for ye Honhle : ye West New Jersey Society in England vnto ye sd Thomas Revell he ye sd Thomas Revell is seized in iTee of (5', in Twenty-four thousand Acres of ye sd Societie's land within ye sd Province of West New Jersey in Trust to ye end (ni, intent that by vertue thereof ye sd Thomas Revell might be enabled to sell ;nj dispose of ye sd Tract of land or any pt or pcell thereof to such pson or psons as should purchase ye same as by ye same deeds may appeare now these prsents witnesse that in poursuance of ye sd Trust to ye sd Thomas Revell Comitted as afores'l @ for in Consid'acon of ye sume of one hundred ^,five pounds of Curr' Silver money within ye sd Province of West Jersey to him ye sd Thomas Revell by ye sd Johannis Lawrenson op dick at or before ye sealing or delivry hereof for ( Surveyed forth of that tract of land belonging to ye sd Society above ye flails of Delaware in ye Province of West Jersey afores'i called ye Thirty Thousand Acres according to ye Methods there used Togeather with all @ every ye mines mineralls woods fishings hawkings huntings (^' fowlings Cn\ all other prfitts Com- odities hereditamls(»} appurtencs whatsoevr to ye sd One Thousand Ov. fifty Acres of land be- longing or in any wise apperteyning And also all ye estate right tytle interest use Trust pos- session (['. perty "Clayme (\ grant to @ with ye sd Johannis Lawrenson op Dick his heires f?i, Assignes by these prsents in manner following, that is to say, that he, ye said Thomas Revell for ( notwithstand- ing any Act matter or thing by him done to ye Contrary by vertue of ye power to him given as aforesd hath good right full power Ov, lawful! authority to grant bargaine sell (i^> confirnie ye sd One Thousand (iv, fifty Acres of land @ granted p^nusses with ye appurteniics unto ye sd Jo- hannis Lawrenson op Dick his heires @ Assigns forever according to ye tenor true intent @ meaning of these prsents And also that he ye sd Thomas Revell hath not wittingly or willingly Comitted suffered or done any Act matter or thing whatsoev"" whereby or by reason whereof ye sd granted (J) bargained prmisses or any pt or pcell thereof is are shall or ma}' be charged burthened or incumbred in any by the charges estate or otherwise howsoeV (other than ye Quitt rents thereout issuing unto o^ Soveigne Lord ye King his heires or Successors (rn }'e Arrears thereof if any be ) And further that he ye sd Thomas Revell (5> ye sd West Jersey Society their Successors Agents assigns or some of them shall (J) will at all (a; ever}- time (ir. times here- after during ye terme (S) space of seaven yeares next ensuing ye date hereof at ye request Cost & Charges of ye sd Johannis Lawrenson op Dick his heires or assigns make doe (Tr execute or cause or pcure to be made done or executed such further (Jo, other lawfuU Act %, Acts thing @ things Conveyance ("l assurance whatsoevr for ye further better more full clear @ pfect convey- ing confirming @ assuring ye sd one Thousand (ii}, fifty Acres of land (r^\ granted prmises with ye appurteniics (jji, every or any Pt or Pcell thereof unto ye sd Johannis Lawrenson op Dick his heires & Assignes foreV according to ye purport true intent (ni meaning of these prsents As by him ye sd Johannis Lawrenson op Dick his heires or assignes shall be reasonably required soe as ye pson or psons to whom such request shall be made be not compelled or compellable to goe from ye place of his or their abodd for ye making doeing or executing thereof @, soe as such further assurance Containe noe further covenants or warranty then only according to ye tenor of these prsents. In witness whereof ye sd Ptie first abovnamed to this prsent Indenture hath sett his hand (Sv Seale ye day @ yeare first abovewritten 1697. Tho : Revell with a Seale [LS] Sealed @ deliyred in ye prsence of Christop Wetherill Samll ffurnis Nath : Westland of ye Gov^nors Councill. XLI. DEED OF JOHANNIS LAWRENSON TO RICHBELE MOTT, MAY 14, 1700.* This Indenture made the flfourteenth day of May in ye Year of our Lord according to English Accot One thousand & Seven hundred Between Johannes Lawrenson of Maidenhead in the County of Burlington, within 3'e Province of West New Jersey Yeom of the one part And Richbell Mott of Hamstend bounds in Queens County upon the Island of Nassau in the Prov- ince of New York Yeom of the other part Wittnesseth that ye sd Johannes Lawrenson for & in consideraton of the Sunie of Two hundred pounds of currt. Silver money within ye Province of West New Jersey to him in hand pd. by ye sd Richbell Mott at & before the Sealing & de- livery hereof the receipt whereof he the sd Johannes Lawrenson doth hereby acknowledge & thereof & of every pt & pcell thereof doth acquitt exonerate relase & discharge, the sd Richbell Mott his hres Exrs. & Admrs. & ever}' of them forever by these prsents hath granted bargained & sold, aliened enfeoffed & confirmed & by these prsents doth fully cleerly & absolutely grant bargain & sell, alien enfeoff & confirm unto ye sd Richbell Mott his hres & Assignes forever One thousand & flSfty Acres of Land lyeing & being within that Tract of Land called the Soci- eties Tract of Land called the Thirty thousand acres above the ffalls of Delaware in the sd Prov- ince of West Jersey, And were late purchased by ye sd Johannes Lawrenson of Thomas Revell, as Agent or Tnistee for ye Honoble ; of West New Jersey Society in England by vertue of In- denture of bargain & Sale bearing date ye 12th. day of July Anno 1697, as by ye same Deed fully appears, all wch : sd granted or mentioned to be granted 1050 acres of Land was late laid forth & Surveyed to & for ye sd Johannes Lawrenson & is butted & bounded as followeth (viz) Begining at a Birch, standing on ye South side Stony-brook, & goes thence down ye sd brook South West by South five & twenty chains, more, near ye same course, three & twenty chains, & South East by East fiive & twenty chains, and East South East, fiifteen chains, & on the several small coarses of ye sd brook downwards still to two crooked Oak Trees standing near ye brook, and there marked for a comer, thence into ye Wood South South West one & fifty chains to a Post for a corner, thence West one hundred & five chains to another corner, thence North One hundred & ten chains to a White Oak corner Thence East fiifty eight chains to a Small Run, thence East along ye sd Runn downward twenty two chains, thence departing from ye sd Runn due East still twenty two chains more, to ye first menconed Station Surveyed by Wm. Emley for One thousand & one hundred Acres, ffifty acres whereof being for high waies, & is now in the Possession of ye sd Johannes Lawrenson or of his Assignes Together with all & every ye Mines Minerals Woods ffishings hawking Huntings & ffowlings, and all other Prof- itts commodities hereditamts & apptences whatsoever to ye sd granted & bargained premisses belonging or in any wise apptaining & also all the Estate right title interest possession/)/ claime & demand whatsoever of him ye sd Johannes Lawrenson as well in Law as in Equty of, * Liber B, Part 3 of Deeds, 691. OflBce of the Secretary of State, Trenton, N. J. APPENDIX 4^23 in or unto the sd granted & bargained Pmisses or any pt or pcell thereof, And j'e Reverson & Reversons Remainder & Remainders of the same & of every part thereof Together wth ve Origi- nal Deed of & for, the sd granted Tract of Land, So made & executed from ve sd Tho's Revell on the behalfe of ye Society aforesd to ye sd Johannes Lawrenson as aforesd To have & to hold ye sd granted & bargained One thousand & ffifty acres of Land with ye Apptences unto ye sd Richbell Mott his hres & Assignes for ever, to ye only// use & behoof of him ye sd Richbell Mott, his hres & Assignes for evermore And ye sd Johannes Lawrenson for himself his hres Exrs & Admrs doth Covent. promise & grant to & with ye sd Richbell Jlott his hres & Assignes by these presents in manner & form following that is to say, That he ye sd Johannes Lawren- son at ye time of ye Sealing & delivery hereof, is rightfully'^: lawfully seized in a good clear & indefeazible Estate of Inheritance in ffee simple of & in the sd granted & bargained Tract of Land & premisses wth : ye Apptences & every pt & pcell thereof, 6c hath good right full power & lawfull Authority to grant bargain Sell, & confirm ye same & everv pt is; pcelf thereof wth : the Apptences unto ye sd Richbell Mott his hres & Assignes for ever, in manner 6c form as herein is mentioned & expressed And also that he ye sd Johannes Lawrenson, hath not wit- tingly or willingly permitted suffered or done any act matter or thing whatsoever whereby or by reason whereof ye sd granted & bargained premisses or any part or pcell thereof, is are shall or may be charged burthened or incimibred in any title charge Estate or otherwise howsoever (other then ye Quitt rents thereout issueing unto our Sovereigne Ld the King& his hres &Suc- cessois & the Arrears thereof if any be) And further yt he ye sd Johannes Lawrenson & his hres shall & will at all & every time or times hereafter dureing ye terme & Space of Seven Years next ensueing the date hereof at ye request cost & charge of ye sd Richbell Mott his hres or Assignes make do or execute, or cause to be made done & executed such further & other lawfull Act & Acts things & things Conveyances & assurances whatsoever for ye further better more full clear & perfect conveying confirming & assureing ye sd Tract of Land & granted & bargained premisses & every or any part or pcell thereof with the apptences unto ye sd Richbell Mott his hres & Assignes for ever according to ye Laws & Constitution of ye sd Province of West NewJTersey & the tenour true intent & meaning of these presents As by him ye sd Rich- bell Mott his hres or Assignes or his or their Council learned in ye Law shall be reasonably re- quired or advised So as ye Person or Persons, to whom such request shall be made be not com- pelled or compellable to have or go further then tO}-e Town of Burlington aforesd for ye making doing or executing thereof & So as such further Assurance contained no further Covents. or Warranty then against him ye sd Johannes Lawrenson his hres & all & every other Person or Persons claimeing or to claime by from or under him, them, or any of them In Wittness whereof ye sd Johannes Lawrenson to this present Indre hath sett his hand & Seal the day & year first above written 1700 Johannes Lawrense & a Seal the mark 1^ of Catrina LTpdyck En- dorsed Sealed & delivered in ye Presents of Thos Potts Andrew Buytenhuysen x his mark Tho: Revell of ye Govrs. Council. XLII. RALPH HUNT & JOHN BAINBRIDGE &C : DEED OF HUNDRED ACRES OF SOCIETIE'S LAND FROM GOVR BASSE ® THO: REVELL FOR PUBLICK USES.* March 18, 1698,9. To all People to whom these prsents shall come the Honli'e : Jeremiah Basse Esq<" Goyr- nor of ye Provinces of East (n) West Jersey (5, Thomas Revell of yeTowneCJ; County of Burling- ton in ye Province of West New Jersej- Gent (Agents for ye Honi'l^ ^ ye West New Jersey Society in England send Greeting) Know yee that wee ye sfl Jeremiah Basse ((!\ Tho: Revell (as Agent as afores'l for ye acconimodion (S', sers'ice of ye Inhabitants of j-e Township of Maiden head within ye Liberties or precincts of j'e sd County of Burlington (Si ye Inhabitants near adjacent (being purchasers of ye sd Societie's Lands there) for ye Erecting of a Meeting house (Si for burying ground @, school house (Si Land sutable for the same © for (Si in considracon of fiive Shillings to them ye sd Agents or one of them in hand paid for ye use of ye sd Society by Ralph Hunt (n) John Bainbridge of Maiden head aforesd as well for themselves as by ye appointment @ on ye behalfe of ye rest of ye Inhabitants of same Township at or before sealing hereof whereof (Si wherewith ye sd agents do hereby acknowledge themselves fully satisfied (S; paid on behalfe aforesd They ye sd Jeremiah Basse (Si Tho: Revell have given granted (Si sold alyened enfeefFed Q}, confirmed and by these prsents on behalfe of ye aforesd Societj' do fully @ absolutely Give grant @ sell alyen enfeofie (S, confirme untoye sd Ralph Hunt(Si Jno Bainbridge (5) to Johannis Lawrenson Wm. Hixson Jno Byerley, SaniH Hunt Theoph: Phillips Jonathan Davis Tho: Smith Jasp: Smith Tho: Coleman Benjamin Hardin Wm: Akers Rob' Lannen Philip Phillips Joshua Andns Sam'l: Davis Elnathan Davis Enoch Andris Cornelius Andris James Price John Runnian Tho: Runnian Hezekiah Bonham Benja: Maple Laurence Opdike Joseph Sackett @ Edward Hunt all of Maiden head aforesd one hundred acres of land allready taken up laid forth (Si surveyed within ye sd .Societie's Tract of land above ye ffalls Comonly called ye fifteene thousand acres in ye Township of Maiden head aforesd for ye use aforesd Togeather with all & every ye wa5'seasmts pfits comodities hereditam's appurtenn's toyesd one hundred acres of land belonging or appertaining and all ye estate right Tytle interest possession pperty clayme (S, de- mand whatsoevr as well as ye sd Jeremiah Basse (Sj Tho: Revell (as Agents aforesd as of ye ♦ West Jersey Deeds, Liber B., Part 2, Folio 655, Trenton, N. J. ^2i APPENDIX sd Society in Law @ equity @ either of them in or unto ye s.• Catharine. Son : Henry. Brothcr-in-laiu : Charles Dun,-ee. Nepheiv : Benjamin Moore, sou of late brother Benjamin. Sisters: Catharine, Elizabeth, Mary. (See Benj. Moore, 1771-84.) Hope Moore, Quaker physician, Elizabeth Town, N. J., witness to will of Jane McFar- land, late of N. Y. City, now of Elizabeth Town, N. J., 6th day, 5th month, 1775, May 25, 1775. * John Moore>, Esq.. settled at Barbadoes in the reign of Charles II., removed to Jamaica where he left two sons and two /laughters; SamneP. the younger, m. Elizabeth Lowe by whom he had Henry", who m. Catharina Maria Long, daughter of Samuel Long, Esq.. Chief Justice of Jamaica. She was the sister of Edward Long. Judge of the Court of Vice-Admiralty and author of the History of Jamaica. Henry Moore' was Lieutenant- Governor of Jamaica from 1756-62/ except one year. He returned to England and was nutde Baron, Jan. 29 1764, and appointed Governor'of New York. He died 11 Sept., 1769 and left a son, Sir Juo. H. Moore, who died without issue 17R0. Arms : Ermine, three greyhounds courant sa. Crest : A Moorcock holding in the beak a branch of heather ppr. The family is supposed to be originally from Leicestershire. Documentary History of N. Y., VIII, 524. 428 APPENDIX JACKMAN More, bonds of Jackman More, &c., will of John Du Morrissey, N. Y. City, " but now in Barbados," Mar. 9, 1721, Mar 15, 1721. Jacob MoURE, executor of will of Johan Yury Eligh, Beverkil, Ulster Co., Dec. 6, 1780, Sept. 2, 1783, JACUP MoR, witness to will of Johan George Launert, Witenkley's Kil, North end of Dutchess Co., farmer, May 14, 1768, Aug. 15, 176S, German. James More, husband of Elizabeth Little, will of Thomas Little, yeoman, Corrj'S- brook, Albany Co., Mar. 19, 1771, June 13, 1785. James Moore, Aug. 29, 1739, date of letters, Surrogate's Court, Suffolk Co., L. I., Riverhead. James Moor, Great White Creek, N. Y., 11, 3, 17S2 ; probated in Charlotte Co., 1783, Apr. 10. Wife: Margaret. Wife' s Son and Daughter (hy {oT\n Dec. 29/97. Philipp Henrich More, of Rinebeck Prect., Dutchess Co., blacksmith, witness to will of Hans Joerg Mueller, Apr. 16, 1764, Sept. 28, 1768. Philipp Hendrickson Mohr, farmer, Rynbeck Prect., Dutchess County, May 2, 1774, Oct. 2, 1774. Wife: Ariel. Children: Philipp, Christian, Petrus, John, Jacob, Nicholas, An- dries, Catharine. Executors: Sons, Philipp, Petrus, John. Witnesses: Johannes Klum, far- mer, Johannes Miller, Philipp I. Livingston. (Seal. ) Robert MORE,t Southampton, Suffolk County, yeoman, Sept. 9, 1753, Oct. 26, 1753. Wife : [Mary]. Children: Son Henry and other children not named but all under age. Exec- utors : Wife, Capt. Theophilus Howell. Robert Moore, executor of will of Joseph Davis, Beekman's Prect., Dutchess County, 22, 5, 1781, Feb. 27, 1782. • John Moore, Judith Livingston, Oct. l6, 1773 (L). t Contributed by Mr. Fernow, Albany, N. Y. 4.30 APPENDIX Samuei, Moore, Newtown, L. I., July25, 1717, Oct. i, 1717. Will on record at Jamaica, L. I., C. 77; given in full page 52. SamuKI. Moore [44], Newtown, L. I., Dec. 5, 1767, , 1768. Sons: Samuel [54], Vernon [55], Thomas [56], Richard [62]. Daughters : Amy [57], Hannah [58], Sarah [60], Elizabeth [61], all under age and unmarried. Brother: Nathaniel [50]. Executors: Brother Nathaniel and sons Samuel and Thomas. Samuel Moore, N. Y. City, Dec. 5, 1831, , 1832. Wife : Margaret. Children: Archibald Maclay, Samuel S., Jacob; youngest, Margaret Jane, Sarah. Executors: Sons Samuel and Jacob. Samuel J. Moore, grocer, New York, Apr. 19, 1832, , 1832. Wife: Clarissa. Chil- dren: James V., minor, Stephen Henry, minor. Executors : Wife and brothers Lawrence J., and Abraham J. Samuel W. Moore [620], physician, N. Y. City, May 16, 1854, , 1S54. Wife : Deceased. Children: William C. [646], Henry C. [647], Samuel C. [651], John W. [649], Benja- min [652], Theodore [653], Richard [656] (under age), Maria Theresa [645], Jane [655], Anna VanRensselaer [650]. Executors : Brother William [625], and son William C. Samuel Moore,* merchant, N. Y. City, dated 16 Sept., 1675. Wife: Naomi. t Whole estate left to wife. Seth Moore, Province of New York, dated March 22, 1765. Sisters: Jane Martha, Esther Ann, Rachel. Brothers: Isaac, William, Moses. Brothers and sisters live in Ballyline, near Londonderry. Thomas Moore, witness to will of William Murray, mariner, N. Y. City, May 14, 1763. Thomas Moore, Southold, L, L, probated Sept. 9, 1767. Wife : Hannah. So7is: Thomas (eldest), Calvin. Daughters: Hannah, Mary. Grandson: Hazerd Luther Moore (underage). Executors: Sons Thomas and Calvin. Witness: Micah Moore. Thomas Moore [56], Newtown, L. I., dated Jan. 3, 1768. Mother-in-law :% Anne Moore. Brothers : Samuel [54], Vernon [55], Richard [62]. Sisters : Amy [57], Hannah [58], Sarah [60], Elizabeth [61]. uncle: Samuel Moore. Executors : Uncle Samuel Moore and brother Vernon. Vernon Moore [55], Province of New York, May 4, 1771, , 1772. Brothers and Sisters: Samuel (Samuel 3d) [54], Richard [62], Amiah (Amy?) [57], Hannah [58], Sarah [60], Elizabeth [61], Jane Hardenburg. Executors : ^ohn Moore, Jr., Samuel Moore (son), Cornelius Berrian. William Mohr, witness to will of Hans Joerg Mueller, Dutchess Co., April 16, 1764, Sept. 28, 1768. William Moore, witness to will of Jacob Pratt, of Beekman's Prect., Dutchess Co., Dec. 6, 1781, June 28, 1782. William Moore, witness to will of Joseph Davis, of Beekman's Prect., Dutchess Co., 22d day, 5th month, 1787, Feb. 27, 17S2. William Moore [47], Newtown, L. I., dated Feb. 29, 1752. Father: Samuel Moore [36]. Brothers: Samuel [44], John [49], Augustine [51]. Sisters: Charity Fitch [45], Sarah Tucker [46], Mary Williams [48], Peletiah [52], Elizabeth [53]. Executor: Brother Na- thaniel [50]. W. Moore, witness to will of Aaron Mattison, Serg. ist V. S. Regt. Gen. Harmar's, Feb. 9, 1789, Sept. 7, 1790. William Moore, witness to will of John Roomer, New Harlem, Out Ward, N. Y. City, April 5, 1749, April 7, 1787. NEW JERSEY. § Aaron Moore, Cumberland Co., 40, 369; 6, 4, 1803, Int. Administratrix : Orpha Moore. Aaron Moore, Sr., Deerfield, Cumberland Co., 28, 165; 5, 27, 1782, Apr. 20, 1786. Wife: Sarah. Children: Daniel, Aaron, Elijah, John, Stephen, Enoch, Hannah. To son Dan- iel I give my three Acre Lots of Bank Meadow in the Township of Hopewell within the Bank called Holmes Bank ; also I give Daniel my Cedar Swamp on Morris River. Executors : Wife and son Daniel. Witnesses: William Garrison, Ruth (x her mark) Garrison, and Ephraim Lum- mis. • See article on Deputy-Governor John Berry, of New Jersey, and his family, by Thomas Henry Edsall, in N. Y. Genealogical and Biographical Record. XV, No. 2, 49, Apr., 1884. t Widow Naomi Moore, m. 1676, Samuel Edsall. Her son Samuel Moore m. Sarah Smith, Sept. 14, 1705. Samuel Moore, m. Naomi , and had Frances, b. July 15, 1670. and Edward, b. July 5. 1674. In New Eng- land Genealogical and Biographical Register, 1901, 37S. he is made the son of Jeremy Moore, of New England; evidently au error. X Step-mother(?): Anna Betts Moore. I OflSce of the Secretary of State, Trenton, N. J. Abstracted by Miss A. M. North, Trenton, N. J. A P P E N D I X 431 Aaron Moore, Jr., Amwell, Hunterdon Co., intestate, 1S32; date of appraisement, 3, 8, 1832. Administrators: Amos Moore, John Smith. Appraisers: Israel Wilson and Benjamin W.Dennis. (See Elizabeth Moore's will, 1837.) Aaron Moore [463], Ewing, Mercer Co., i, 9, 1850, intestate. Administrators: Sarah Moore, Uriel B. Titus. Appraisement: $11,426.92, by John Jones and Josiah Hart. Aaron Moore, Camden Co., 3, 2, 1877, intestate. Administrator : Isaac W. Nichol- son. Appraisement : 15,151.68, by John C. Shreve and Amos E. Kaighn. Aaron B. Moore, Southampton, Burlington Co., 3, 9, 1873, 4, 30, 1877. Wife : Achsah. Children : Mary A., wife of Thos. Polhemus, .Alfred, Adelaid, Samuel, Rebecca, William Hosea, Ann, Mark, Orlanda, John, Vincent. His farm called " Quakeson" " Viuecomb Pas- ture Lands." Witnesses: Samuel Norcross and Frank Earl. Executors : Wife Achsah and friend Franklin W. Earl. Abel Moore, Medford, Burlington Co., i, 29, 185S, 4, 3, 1S63. Wife : Elizabeth. Children: Granville W., Cyrus, John, George, Barclay, Anna Prickett (deceased), Elizabeth. Grandchildren : Barclay, Martha, and Ann Eliza, children of daughter Anna Prickett (deceased). Witnesses : Stacy C. Stiles, Wm. R. Armstrong, and Cyrus Moore. Executors: Wife Elizabeth and sons Granville W., and Cyrus. By inventory, wife and son Granville W. Moore were de- ceased. Inventory dated 7, 14, iSSo. When will was probated all the executors were li\'ing and affirmed, being Quakers. Abigail Moore, Rahway Township, Essex Co., 3, 3, 1S21, 4, 10, 1821. Sisters: Han- nah Moore, my sisters. Executor: My friend Isaac Moore. Witnesses : John Maun, Samuel Moore, Charles White. Abigail Moork [2354], Pennington, Hunterdon Co., 4. 18, 1S31, 4, 3, 1S33. Nephew: George Smith. Legatees: Rebecca Hendrickson, Mary and Samuel, children of William and Rebecca Green ; daughter of Caleb Smith Green of Lawrence Township ; to Pen- nington Academy, |5,ooo for a fund for the education of poor children in that district forever. Executors: Henry W. Green, of Trenton, Joseph Bunn, of Pennington. Witnesses: G. R. Corwine, John M. Vankirk, Absalom T. Blackly. Abigail Moore, Hammonton, Atlantic Co., 11, i, 1882, i, 29, 1894. Children : Russell, Martin, Amelia, Florence Baker, Rosabella Bailey, Ellen Evans. Grandchildren : Bertie and Charles Asher, children of Martin Moore. Executor: Son Russell. Witnesses: William F. Bassett, Lizzie C. Bassett. Abraham Moork,* Greenwich Township, Sussex Co., 25, 259; 7, 5, 1782, Int. .-Idmin- istrators : Michael Moore, Samuel Moore. Appraisement : /'103 3 10, by Obediah Campbell, Isaac Dewit. Abraham Moore, Amwell, Hunterdon, 7, 25; July 24, 181S, Int. Administrators: Anne Moore, Asher Stout. Appraisers : Jacob Johnson, Gideon Ewing. Abraham S. Moore, Hackensack, Bergen Co., 3, 7, 1829, 5, 22, 1829. Wife: Mary. Children : Catharine, wife of John D. Bogart, and Sanmel. Witnesses : John T. Banta, Abrm. Ridney, Isaac Anderson. Executors : Wife Mary, son Samuel A., son-in-law John D. Bogert. Residence, English neighborhood, Hackensack Township. .•\bsalom Moore, t Ewing Township, MercerCo., 11, 6, 1856, i, 28, 1857. Wife: Eliza Ann. Children : Cornelius V., Sarah, wife of Amos Acres, Caroline B., Naomi, minor. Witnesses: Archibald Green, Daniel S. Green. Executor: Son Cornelius V. Acker Moore, Delaware Township. Hunterdon Co., 5,2, 1883, i, 14, 1885. Wife: Phebe. Children : George, John M., JIary Robinson. Witnesses : Gideon Moore, William Sutton. Executors : Sons John M. and George. Adeline H. Moore, Newark, Essex Co., 8, 2, 1873, 9, 21, 188S. Children : Sarah M. Welsh, Harriet A. Harrison, Emma E. Grandchild : Adeline Maria, daughter of my daughter Sarah M. Welsh. Sister: Maria Williams. Brolhers-in-lazv : George D. G. Moore, Amos Williams. Witnesses: John R. Scattergood, James D. Cleaver, Jr. Executor: Brother-in-law George D. G. Moore. Albert Moore, Cumberland Co., 12, 17, 1874, Int. Widow : Hannah Moore, of Mill- ville. Adniinistrator: Joseph K. Moore. Appraisement : $332.97. Alfred Moore, N. Y. City, County and State, 3, 6, 1872, 9, 27, 1878. Wije: Margaret Gertrude. Child: Kate Gertrude. Witnesses: Orlanda P. Smith, 519 W. 23d St., N. Y. City, James Harris, 246 W. 22d Street, N. Y. City. Executors: Wife Margaret Gertrude. Real estate in N. Y, City, Yonkers, West Chester Co., N. Y'. Probated in Essex Co., Geo. D. G. Moore, Surrogate. • Abraham Moore^ (Johni). b. 1719 in County Antrim, Ireland ; came to Sussex County, N. J., in 1750, with children Michael, John. James, Abraham and a daughter. He died 1782. Michael moved to Northumberland County. Penna., in 1790. t .\bsalom Moore, son of Nathan, d. Dec. 31. 1S56, aet. 5S, m. Eliza Ann Pierson. d. Feb. 2, 1S61, aet. 54. Chil- dren : Sarah, m, Amos Akers and d. 1861. aet. 35 ; Cornelius, d. Sept. 2. 1S63. aet. 34, m. Mary Moore and had a son Charles ; Naomi, m. Henry Thompson. Cooley's Early Settlers of Trenton aiid Ewing. 432 APPENDIX Alexander Moore, inn keeper, New Brunswick, D. 28; 5, 27, 1741, 3, 21, 1742/3. JVi/e: Elizabeth. Children: Mary, William, George, James, John, Alexander, Henry, wit- nesses: Fran. Costigan, Jan De Witte, Thos. Harding. Executors: My friends Alexander Henry, Wni. Ouke, wife Elizabeth. Alexander Moore, Deerfield, Cumberland Co., 7, 31; n, 13, 1750, administrator of John Rocli. Bondsma?!: Samuel Leek. Alexander Moore, Jr., Cumberland, 28, 484; 9, 29, 1779. Accounting of estate of John White as administrator of Alexander Moore, Jr. Estate of John White, late an Aid-de-Camp to Major Gen' Sullivan. Inventory, /S96 6s 3d. (See will of Alexander Moore, 1787.) Alexander Moore, Hopewell, Cumberland Co., 29, 154; 5, 2, 1783, 5, 8, 1787. IVi/e: . Children: Ann, wife of Dr. Isaac Harris, Sarah, wife of John White (deceased), Al- exander. Daughter-in-law: Sarah, wife of Alexander. Grandchildren: Alexander, William and Samuel (twins), Sarah, children of Dr. Isaac Harris and Ann, his wife; Alexander White, William White, John Moore White, children of Alexander Moore and Sarah, his wife. Nephew : Edward Wood. Witnesses : Wm. McKay, David Potter, Natha'l Miller. Executors: Friends Maskell Ewing, Jonathan Bowen. Son-in-law: Dr. Isaac Harris. G uardians of Alex. White, Wm. White, John Moore White: Rev. Wm. Schenk, of Pittsgrove, Salem Co.; Mr. John Byard, merchant, of Phila.; Jos. Bloomfield, Attomey-at-law, of Burlington. Alexander Moore. Will of Isaac Harris,* physician, Pittsgrove, Salem Co., Nov. 7, 1807, May 6, 1808. Wife: Nancy. Wife's Father: Alexander Moore, Esquire. Children: Alexander, Israel, James, Isaac, William and Samuel (twins — see will of Alexander Moore), Benjamin, Mary Booth, Hannah Choate, Nancy Harris, Sarah Laycock (deceased). Grand- children : Harriet, Nancy, Isaac, Elizabeth, children of daughter Sarah Laj-cock (deceased). Grandson: Isaac Booth. To trustees of Presbyterian Church, of Pittsgrove, Salem Co., |ioo. Executors : Son Isaac Harris, friends John Moore White,t John Stratton, Eleazer Mayhew. Witnesses : Samuel Dare, Samuel Nelson, Jeremiah Foster. Alexander Moore, Cohansey, Cumberland Co., 3, 26, 1863, Int. Administrator : David B. Moore. Appraisement : I19.31. Appraisers : James Stiles, Joseph Moore. Alexander Moore, New Brunswick, Middlesex Co., 10, 3, 1857, 6, 12, 1863. Wife : Cornelia S. Children : Henry B. Moore (deceased), Letitia F. Randolph, Mary, wife of William H. Hayes, of New York City. Jane Eliza, wife of Joseph Brokaw, of New York City. Grandchild: Mary L. Moore, daughter of son Henry B. (deceased). Executrix: Cornelia S. Moore. Witnesses : William H. Leupp, George H. Stout, David Fitz Randolph. Alice Moore, t Trenton, Hunterdon Co., 12, 4, 1824, 9, 19, 1825. Daughter: Sarah Scott. § £'-rcrK/t)r.- Cornelius F. Moore. No executor named in will. Witnesses : William C. Howell, James Kirkpatrick. Allen Moore, Evesham, Burlington Co., 7, 24, 1828, Int. Administrators : Joseph Rogers, Isaac Fenimore. Appraisement : $748.2,0, by Samuel Fenimore, Zebedee M. Wills. Allen Moore, Salem Co., 3, 7, 1899, Int. Wife: Martha E.Moore. Administrators : Joshua Moore, I. Newton Moore. Appraisement : J466.89, by George Homer, Edwin Colson. Aline G. Moore, Union Co., 5, 14, 1875, Int. Adtninistratrix : Charity O. Moore.** Appraisement : j(2,6oo, by Thomas I. Nicholl, Isaac G. .\ngus. Amelia Moore, Hammonton, Atlantic Co., S, 15, 1S90, Int. Administrator: Russell Moore. Appraisement : $8,668.61. Appraisers : William F. Bassett, E. S. Packard. Amos Moore [ioSi], Hopewell Township, Hunterdon, Co., 5, 7, 1814, 5, 10, 1814, Int. Administrators: Aaron Hart, Charles Welling. Appraisement: 16,999.91. Appraisers: Israel Moore, Edmund Burroughs. Amo.s Moore, ttLambertville, Hunterdon Co., June 10, 185S, Sept. 23, 1S58. Wife : . Children: Stephen B., Gershom, Amos, Eliza, Mary Ann, Eleanor. Executors : Stephen B., Gershom, Amos. Witnesses: Jos. R. Wert, Abraham Cray, Chas. A. Skillman. AMO.S Moore, H Lambertville, Hunterdon Co., 10, 13, 1S70, Int. Administrators: Esther Moore, Gershom Moore. Appraisement : 5^5,392.63, by Henry Matthews, Harrison Carver. Hotelkeeper for inventory :nentions 39 Bed-rooms, Ladies' Parlor, Bar and Reading Rooms, Dining Room, &c. Amy Moore, Cumberland Co,, 39, 122 ; 5, 30, 1800, administrator of Joseph Moore. Bondsman : Azariah Moore. Appraisement : 5827.04, by Seeley Fithian, David Moore, 5, 29, 1800. * Dr. Isaac Harris, in list of members of First Presbyterian Church , New Brunswick. 17S6. t Attorney of Salem Co., 1792. J She belonged to the Nathan Moore family. g Charles Moore. Alice Moore {records of Rev. Wm. Frazer). ** Signs Mrs. Charity O. Moore. tt Amos Moore- (Stephen^), m. Hannah Woodmancy. See Stephen Moore and Martha Burroughs. It Amos Moore^ (Amos-, m. Hannah Woodmancy, Stephen^), m. Esther . APPENDIX ^33 Amy L. Moore, City of Plainfield, Union Co., 3, 2, 1890, 3, 15, 1890. Legatees : Isaac ■Wilson, Evaline Wilson, of Vineland, N. J., Joseph Bogart, Alice Bogart, near Nyack, N. Y., Emeline Smith, of Kiugsland, Bergen Co., N. J. Executor: Walter L. Hetfield, of Plainfield, N. J. Witnesses : Rebecca P. Page, Mrs. Sarah A. Northup. Frame dwelling and lot No. 98, East Front Street, Plainfield, to Isaac Wilson, House and lot on northeast side of Washington Street, Plainfield, to Joseph Bogart. Another house and lot on northeast side of Washington Street, Plainfield, to Alice Bogart. My brick store northeast corner of Front and Washington Streets, with building and lot where I now reside, to Emeline Smith. Andrew Moore, Bethlehem, Hunterdon Co., 12, 21, 1843,6, 27, 1S46. IVi/e : . Children : Anna McDaniel, Elizabeth Creiger, Mary Lunger, Catharine Walters, Julia Miller, Susanna Vaneter (deceased). Grciudcliildreii: Jane, Caroline, Stephen, Elenar, Andrew, chil- dren of daughter Susanna Vaneter. is.rffw/orji.- Sons-in-law Abraham Lunger, Andrew Mil- ler. Witnesses: Catharine McKinney, John R. Moor, Lewis Young. Appraisement: $2,418.99, 6, 8, 1846. Appraisers: Jacob Dremer, Lewis Young. Andreas Mohr,* Newark, Essex Co., 12, 8, 1871, 4, iS, 1881. Wife : Margaretta. To St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Belmont avenue, Newark, |ioo for reading of masses. Executrix : Wife Margaretta. Witnesses : Frederick W. Ricord, Daniel Lauck. Ann Moore, Delaware, Hunterdon Co., 12, 13, 1876, Int. Administrators : Emma Bush, George T. Bush. Appraisement : J129.75, by Jacob K. Wilson, Jacob L. Green. Ann Moore, Middlesex Co. , 4, 26, 1873, 10, 29, 1880. Children: Franklin, Ellis F., Martha Ann Harned. Grandchildren: Laurence, son of Ellis F. Moore; William L., Franklin, Martha Ann, children of daughter Martha Ann Harned. Executor: Franklin Moore. Wit- nesses: A. A. Edgar and Thos. H. Morris, of Woodbridge, N. J. Anna Moore, widow, Elizabeth Township, Essex Co., 4, 11, iSii, 4, 22, 1811. Mother: Abigail Willis. Sister: Elizabeth Vanderhoven. Nephews: Daniel, Isaac, Matthias, sons of sister Elizabeth Vanderhoven. My Adopted Daughter: Elizabeth Freeman. Anna daughter of Elizabeth Freeman. Infant daughter of Elizabeth Freeman (yet un- named). To Eliza .A.nna, daughter of Nancy Duvall, six silver teaspoons, marked A. W. M., &c. Brother Joseph Willis' children. Nieces: Children of sister Elizabeth Vanderhoven. To John Willis, son of Isaac. Witnesses: Oliver Hatfield, J. M. Howell, Abraham Rosette. Executor: Dr. David S. Craig. Appraisement: $1,274.81. Appraisers: J. M. Howell, Ste- phen Burrows. Anna Moore, Raritan, Hunterdon Co., i, 6, 1853, Int. Administrator: Jonas Moore. Appraisement : 1:109.87'^, by George W. Risler, William R. Risler. Anna Moore, Delaware Township, Hunterdon Co., 4, 14, 1873, i, 5, 1880. Sisters : Rachel, wife of John Dilts, Margaret, wife of Ozias Parks. Heirs 0/ Mary Hoppock (de- ceased) : wife of Henry Hoppock. Brother William Moore's (deceased) legal heirs. Wit- tiesses : Wm. R. Bearder, George H. Hoppock. Executor : My friend John D. Hoppock. Anne Moore, widow of Dr. Jacob Moore, Somerset Co., 12, 22; 5, 13, 1764, 8, 6, 1764. Children : ]a.coh, Martin, Anne Griggs, Abigail Larrison. Grandchildren: Daniel Griggs, two children, Anne, daughter of son Jacob. Witnesses: Stephen Warne, Gilbert Barton, Jos. Carson. Executors: Son Jacob, friend Hendrick Cruser. (See will of Jacob.) Anthony M. Moore, Essex Co., 11, 10, 1854, intestate. Administrator: Francis E. Terrill. Appraisement : $i,2P5-1^)i- Appraisers : Amos Terrill, Thomas Marsh, Jr. Archibald Moore, Kingwood, Hunterdon Co., 7, 3, 1850, 7, 22, 1850. Wife : Mary. Nepheiu: Archibald, son of Thomas Moor. Witnesses: Moses Roberson, George Eichlin, Gar- ner A. Thatcher. Executors : Brother Jacob, brother-in-law Jno. V. Thatcher. Asa Moore, Harrison Township, Gloucester Co., 8, 26, 1851, 8, 3, 1852. iri/e : Han- nah. Children : Benjamin L., Hannah Horner, Elizabeth Ann. Witnesses: Samuel C. French, Jacob Moore, Samuel E. Moore. Executors : Benjamin L. Moore, George Horner. Asa Moore, Hopewell Township, Mercer Co., i, 18, 1856, 5, 4, 1858. Wi/e: Pemielia Moore. Step-son : Daniel B. Ege. Wife's Aunt: Hannah Hunt. My brothers and sisters. Witnesses : John B. Bowlby, Isaac C. Baker, Anna P. Baker. Executors : My friend Henry Baker, wife Pemielia. Appraisement says Asa Moore, of Delaware Township, Hunterdon Co. Asa Moore, Delaware Township, Hunterdon Co., 6, 21, 1877, 10, 24, 1885. Wife : Mary. Children: Catharine Johnson, wife of Jacob, Gideon, Lemuel White, Susan Cronce. Witnesses : Wm. H. Schenck, Henry A. Fluck. Executor: Son Gideon. Asher Moore, Hammonton, Atlantic Co., 11,3, 1875, n, 26, 1875. Wife : Abigail. Children: Amelia Florence, Baker, Rosabelle Bailey, Ellen Erons, Russell, Martin. Witnesses: Wm. F. Bassett, Lizzie C. Bassett. Executor : Son Russell. Rev. Asher Moore, t Easton, Northampton Co., Pa., 5, o, 1885, 5, 21, 1891. Probated in Atlantic Co. Children: Ivliza F., Mary R. Witnesses: C. C. Field, Wm. Gibson Field. Executriccs : Daughters Eliza F'., Mary R. * In index it is .Andrew More. t Minister of Universalist Church. 434 A P P E N D I X Atlantic Moore, MuUica Hill, Harrison Township, Gloucester Co., i, 29, 1877, 4, 19, 1S82. Sister: Rebecca, Lydia Haines, Sibilla Iredell, Priscilla French, Hannah Haines. Brothers: Thomas, Samuel. Nephews and Nieces : Samuel M. Haines, Samuel Iredell, and children of above brothers and sisters. Witnesses: Aaron Bortou, James Benezet, Joseph Jones. Executors : Nephews Samuel M. Haines, Samuel Iredell. (See Rebecca Moore, 1880-2.) Augustine Moore,* Morristown, Morris Co., i, 93; 12, 27, 1765, 11, 30, 1767. Wife : Mary. Brother: John. Nephews: Augustine Moore, son of brother John, Augustine Williams, son of sister Mary, Augustine Moore Tooker, sou of sister Sarah, Augu.stine Moore, son of sister Elizabeth. Witnesses: Timothy Johnes,t Samuel Tuthill, Thomas Budd. Ex'ecutrix : Wife Mary. Augustine Moore [2624], Hopewell, 5, 19, 1805, i, 15, 1810. Wife : Sarah. Father: ■ Nephezvs : Benjamin Moore, Benjamin Woodward. Says iu bequest to his wife Sarah Moore " land I purchased of Richd Ketcham & Andrew Morgan situated in Township of Hope- well, on West side of road leading from Pennington to Trenton and bounded by lands of my father, John Vankirk & Nathaniel Temple, 20 acres. Witnesses : Nathl M'Till, Nathaniel Temple, Samuel Moore. Executors: John Carpenter, Stephen Burrowes, wife Sarah. (See Sarah, 1S39.) Augustus O. Moore, West Orange, Essex Co., 4, o, 1865, 6, 20, 1S65. Wife : Harriet Cornelia. Children: Maria Lucretia, Hillard Augustus. Witnesses: William Green, Jr., Maria H. Gilmore. Executors: Wife Harriet Cornelia, friends David Ely Green, Henry B. Blackwell. Augustus Moore, Bernards, Somerset Co. (died i, 30, 1874), 12, 27, 1873, 2, 9, 1874. Wife: Almira G. Witnesses : James Doty, Robert C. Bishop. Executrix : Wife Almira G. Azariah Moore, t Stow Creek, Cumberland Co., 8, 6, 1804, 9, 23, 1818. Sisters : Bath- sheba Hannah (will of 1835-40), Martha Moore. James, David, Martha, three youngest chil- dren of sister Bathsheba Hannah. Brothers: John and Joseph (both lately deceased), both had children. Apprentice : John Hepner. Sarah Cob, living in family. Witnesses : Jacoh W^sX, Abel Sheppard, Sanmel West. Executors : Lewis and John, sons of John More. Witnesses of Codicil : Jonathan Davis, Jr., James Tomlinson, Ebenezer Davis. Land in Greenwich and Hopewell Township and in Salem Co. Barclay Moore. City of Camden, Camden Co., 12, 10, 1884, 11, 24, 1888. Sister: Elmira Moore, of city of Camden. fr/7««j«.- J. J. Burleigh, Ira D. Batten. Executor: George N. Gregg, of city of Camden. Bathsheba Moorb. Will? of Bathsheba Hannah, Greenwich Township, Cumberland Co., 7, 20, 1835, 3, 23, 1840. Child : Martha Tomlinson. Grandchild : Martha Pierson. Witnesses : Reuben Hunt, James B. Hunt. Executor : James Tomlinson. Benjamin Moore, Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., A. 193; 8, 22, 1720. Robert Gilchrist and John Mutrie chosen guardians by Benjamin Moore, son of John, late of Woodbridge. Benjamin Moore, Evesham, 2, 320 ; 3, 26, 1726, administrator of his son John, of Bur- lington. Appraisement : ;f lOO 11 o, by Thomas Wilkins, William Newberry. Benjamin Moores, Woodbridge, B. 179; 5, 9, 1730, 12, 14, 1730. Wife : Sarah. Brothers : John, Robert. Sisters: . /F//?/«.j«.- John Moobrey, Samuel Moores, Moses Rolfe. Exec- utors: Wife Sarah, brothers John and Robert. Benjamin Moore, Evesham, Burlington Co., 7,521:6,10, 1753, 12, 12, 1754. Children: Sarah, wife of Thomas Eayre, Elizabeth, wife of John Collins, Benjamin, Joseph, Thomas, Samuel. Gra>idchildren: Joseph and Hannah, children of Jacob Hewlings (deceased). Wit- nesses: James Lippincott, Quaker, John Durr, Jr., Benj. Bispham. Executors: Sons Benjamin and Thomas. Benjamin Moore,** Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., G. 6; 11, 20, 1758, Int., shopkeeper. Administrators: Wm. Edgar, Joseph Moore. Benjamin Moore [344], Trenton Township, Hunterdon Co., 30, 2S6; i, 24, 1790, 7, 13, 1790. Children : Israel, William Sackett, Sarah. Grandchildren : Aaron Moore. Wit- nesses: Joseph Moore, Elizabeth Clifford, William Campbell. Executors: Israel Moore, Wm. Sackett Moore. Benjamin Moorb, tt Evesham, 35, 432; 7, 31, 1782, i, 5, 1796. Wife: Mary. Children: John, Benjamin, Joshua, Bethuel, Elizabeth. Brother: Joseph. Witnesses : Enoch Evana, Quaker, Wm. Evans, Samuel Allinson. Executors : John Moore, Bethuel Moore. A codicil, 3, 19, 17S3, mentions wife (deceased). Benjamin Moore, Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., 2, 9, 1806, 3, 19, 1806. Wife : Eliza- beth. Children : Oliver, John, to be put to trades ; two daughters, says all my children, sons * Augustine Moore, Esq., d. 17 Dec, 1767, aet. 44. Morristown, N. J., Records. t See Wicke's Medical Men of N. J. t See Moores in the Revolution. g See N. J. Marriages, Preston Hannah, Bathsheba Moore. •* Benjamin^ (John^, Samueli). tt Benjamin^ (Benjamin^). APPENDIX 435 and daughters. Witnesses : Joseph Crowell, William Martin, John O. Jaques. Executors : Brother Henry and John Crowell. Benjamin Moore, Woolwich Township, Gloucester Co., 2, 15, 1S09, 2, 28, 1809. IVife: Hannah. Children: Josiah, Chalkley, Jacob, Benjamin, Asa, Mary, Rachel, Rebecca, Hannah, Elizabeth. Witnesses : Kindal Coles, Thomas Coles, Jr., Enoch Allen, Jr. Execu- tors: Sons Josiah, Chalkley.* Benj.\min Moore [344], Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., 40, 550; 3, 11, 1811, 7, 21, 1815. Children : Elizabeth, wife of William S. Moore, Sally, wife of Daniel Woodward. Grandchil- dren: Benjamin Woodward, Hannah Woodward, Polly Woodward. Benj., and Wm. Israel, chil- dren of Wm. S. Moore. Sally, wife of Charles Moore. Witnesses : Nathaniel Temple, Enoch Green, Charles Ewing. Executor: Son-in-law William S. Moore. Benj.\min Moore, Warren Township, Somerset Co., 5, 10, 1831, 2, 15, 1836. Wife: Eunice. Children: Isaac B., John, William, Else, wife of Ephraim Cockafar, Ann, wife of Henry Rhinehart, Sarah, widow of John Smalley, Rachel, wife of James Lawler, Keziah, wife of John Waldron, Mary, wife of John Coon, Eliza, Rhoda (deceased). Grandchildren : Benj., son of son Isaac Moore, David Smalley, Keziah Titus, and children of daughter Rhoda (de- ceased). Witnesses : John W. Faurate, William Petty, Andrew Smalley. EA-ecutors : Son Isaac B., son-in-law Archibald Coddington. BENJAMIN Moore, Evesham, Burlington Co., 12,4, 1844, Int. Administrator: Benja- min Deacon. Appraisement : $85.25, by Samuel Fenimore, Eward B. Thomas. Benjamin F. Moore, Fairfield Township, Cumberland Co., 7, 4, 1854, 8, 14, 1854. Wife: Amanda!,. " Our children." Witnesses : Nathaniel Howell, Jr., Leonard Lawrence. Executor : Ephraim H. Whitecar. Benjamin P. Moore, Bergen Co., 11, 25, 1S73, Int. Administrator: Jacob J. Dema- rest. Appraisement : $1,688.90, by William De Nolf, George W. Wheeler. Benjamin Moore, Somerset Co., 4, 29, 1879, Int. Administrator : Jacob J. Giddes. Appraisement : $2,189.30, by Jonathan H. Moore, George C. Owen. Bethuei, MoORE.t 40, 350; 5, 9, 1803, guardian of Charles, child of Deborah Austin, late of Burlington Co. Bethuel Moore, Evesham, Burlington Co., 4, 16, 1818,3, 15, 1S31. Wife: Mary. Children: Allen, Bethuel (deceased ), Kelurah Hewlings, Sarah Rogers, Martha I'-ennimore, Jane Eldridge, Amasa (deceased). Grandchildren : }oih.\xa.,s,o\\ ol son Bethuel Moore (deceased), Martha, daughter of sou Allen Moore, Martha Hewlings, Bethuel Hewlings, and children of sou Aniasa Moore (deceased), Bethuel, son of Abraham Haines. Daughter-in-law: Agnes Moore. i My wife's granddaughter Mary Ann Mason. Witnesses: Obadiah Engle, Joshua Roberts, Benjamin H. Lippincott. Executors : Son Allen, my friends Joseph Haines (called Carpenter), Bethuel Haines. First codicil, 6, 26, 1S22 ; Grandchildren : Samuel F., Bethuel F., Sarah F., and Amasa Allen, children of son Amasa (deceased). Witnesses : Seth Matlack, Obadiah Engle, Benjamin H. Lippincott. Second codicil, 7, 26, 1828 : Son : Allen (deceased). Daughter-in-laii.' : Ann, widow of son Allen (deceased). Grandchildren: Ridgeway, son of Allen (deceased), other children but no names given. Two executors being deceased, he ap- pointed: Executors: Son-in-law Isaac Fennimore, friend Benj. H. Lippincott. Witnesses: Jane Lee, Amos Sharp, Samuel Fennimore. Third codicil, 9, 23, 1829 : Grandchildren : Mar- tha and William, children of daughter Sarah Rogers. Great-grandchildren : Child of William Rogers, son of daughter Sarah, child of Samuel F. Moore, son of son Amasa (deceased). Witnesses: Jane Lee, Solomon Mason, Jr., Sanmel Fennimore. In will, mentions land on new road from Slade Bridge to F'ostertown or Lumbertown; land near Catoxen Pond and at Turtle Creek; land below Lumberton Road, adjoining Stacy Moore's land. Beulah S. Moore, Village of Medford, Burlington Co., i, — , 1881, 7, 18, 1887. Hus- band: Mark§ (deceased). Sister: Rachel V. Nieces: Elizabeth, wife of John Cox, 3 large, silver spoons, marked R. L. ; Mary W., wife of Wm. Asay, i pair butter knives, marked B. S. M.; Hope Ann Wallace, 6 silver teaspoons, marked B. C; Mary Elizabeth Atkinson, bal- ance of my silver, &c. Nieces and Nephews of my husband, Mark (deceased): Mary Filizabeth Moore, Daniel W. Moore, Henrietta Norj-, Samuel Conrow, Amanda M. Leeds, Hannah \. Oli- phant, Maria L. Matlack. Also the children of Aaron and Hosea Moore (deceased). To trustees of" Eldridge's Burying Ground." Witnesses : William Reily, R. S. Braddock. Executors : Charles Stokes, J. Franklin Peacock. Mentions her house and lot in village of Medford, where she resided. Also house and lot on road leading from Medford to Oliphant's Mills, oc- cupied by Daniel W. Moore, to whom she leaves it. BOSTIAN Moore, Newton, Sussex Co., 11, 476; 9, 23, 1763, Int. Administrator: John ■Woolverton. Caleb Moore, Amwell, Hunterdon Co., 11, 28, 1833, i, 31, 1835. Wife : Jane. Chil- dren: Sarah Ann, Wilson F. Grandchildren: Children of Wilson F. Moore. Jl'itnesses: Sol- • See Chalkley, 1836. t Bethuel Moore^ {Benjamin^, Benjamin')- I Step-daughter (?). g See Mark, 1.S79, ^36 APPENDIX omon Holcombe, Cornelius Wilson, Abraham D.Wilson. Executors : Wife Jane, John S. Wilson. Caleb A. Moore, Cumberland Co., 8, 3, 1846, Int. Administrator : Belford E. Davis. Appraisement : II125.32, by Reuben Davis, Joseph A. Bowen. Catharine Moore, Trenton, Hunterdon Co., i, 12, 1S22, 3, 6, 1824. Niece: Esther Moore. Nepheivs: Cornelius F. and Absalom, children of C. F. Moore, Nathan, Catharine. Brother: Nathan Moore. Witnesses: Edward S. Mcllvain, Joseph HofF, Jr. Executors: Smith Titus [3514], Cornelius F. Moore. Catharine Moore, Washington Tovpnship, Burlington Co., 10, 30, 1841, 11, 26, 1841. Grandson: Levi M. Shinn. Witnesses: Mary White, Isaac Prickett, Job Bishop. Executors: Job Bishop, Jonathan Haines. Catharine L. Moore, Wall Township, Monmouth Co., 10, 7, 1885, Int. Administra- tor: William S. Appraisement: J686.12, by Jacob Leuppie, Henry C. Bennett. Chalkley Moore,* Woolwich Township, Gloucester Co., 7, 23, 1831, 12, 28, 1836. Wife: Mary. Brother: Jacob. A^ieces : Mary Colson, house where I lived at Mullica Hill. Keturah, daughter of Jacob Moore. Nephews: Jacob, son of Jacob Moore, Samuel E. Moore. Witnesses: Jonathan Colson, Thomas Iredell, Isaac Pine. Executors : Wife Mary, nephew Samuel E. Moore. Charles Moore, Burlington Co., 37, 70; 11, 4, 1797. Job Jones, guardian of Charles, son of Thomas Moore. Charles Moore, Burlington Co., 39, 305; 6, 2, 1801. Joseph Moore, guardian of Charles, son of Eber Moore. Charles Moore, Newton Township, Gloucester Co., 9, 8, 1828, Int. Administratrix: Sarah Ann Moore. Appraisement : J356.50, by Josiah E. Coles, Cyrus Moore, Jr. Charles Moore, Burlington Co., 4, 2, 1829, 4, 21, 1829. Child: Burr; all my children. Witnesses : E. B. Woolston, W. Eayre, Richard Hornor. Executor : Samuel Dob- bins. Charles W. Moore, Warren Township, Somerset Co., 10, 21, 1S71, Int. Adminis- trators: Sarah A. (the widow), Lewis C. Moore. Appraisement: 14,090.89, by Israel J. Coon, David D. Smalley. Charles Moore [24S4], Trenton, Mercer Co., i, 15, 1872, Int. Administrator: Eseck Howell, Eckford Moore. Appraisement : 158,960.00, by Peter Crozer, Amos Sickel. Charles F. Moore, residence, 45 Bridge St., Lambertville, Hunterdon Co., i, 12, 1877, 8, I, 1S77. Wife: Mary C. Witnesses : Jacob J. Lair, George M. Shamalia. Executrix : Mary C. Moore. Charles B. Moore, Ewing, Mercer Co., 12,9, 1881, Int. Administrator : ]oseph Moore. Appraisement: 13,429.00. Harrison Thompson, George R. Cook. Charles E. MoORK, Somerset Co., 12,7, 1888. Administrator: Charles B. Moore. Appraisement : $10,716.15, by Alexander Bayles, Abram S. Myrick. Charles V. Moore, Stillwater, Sussex Co., 7, 3, 1890, 3, 22, 1892. Wife: Louisa E. Moore. Witnesses: J. S. Opdyke, Thamer Snover. Executrix : Wife. Charles C. Moore, Mount Laurel Township, Burlington Co., 11,9, 1893, Int. Ad- ministrators: J. Foster Coles, Carrie S. Buzby. Appraisetnent: $1,534.26, by John Buzby, Ezra E. Darnell. Charles a. Moore, Bermuda Township, Somerset Co., 12, 7, 1S97, Int. Adminis- tratrix : Abbie (the widow). Appraisement: $5,273.20, bj- James H. McCollum, Parmenas C. Henry. Clara F. Moore, Ridgefield, Bergen Co., 5, 20, 1882, 4, 3, 1889. Husband : William A. Witnesses: Francis A. Doyle, 47 Berkeley Place, Brooklyn, N. Y., Lizzie H. Daily, 24 West 56th Street, N. Y. Executor : Husband Wm. A. Cornelius Moore, Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., 8, 28, 1811, Int. Administrator : Uriel Titus [3456]. Appraisement : $74.00, by Levi Knowles [3743], Samuel Fidler. Cornelius Moore [1088], Hunterdon Co., 11, 15, 1820, Int. Administrator: Sarah Moore. Appraisement : $137.00, by Joseph B. Green, Elijah Green. Cornelius V. MooREt, Ewing, Mercer Co., 9, 15, 1863, Int. Administrator : Mary P. Moore. Appraisement : $4,810.62, by James B. Green, Samuel Prior. CvRUS MoORE, Evesham, Burlington Co., i, 21, 1841, 8, 24, 1842. Children : Uriah, John, Joseph, Abel, Cyrus, Charles (deceased). Patience Wilkins, Eliza Engle (deceased), Re- becca, Martha Decon, Mary, wife of Nathan Buzby. Grandchildren : Charles Moore, • See Benjamin, 1809. t Cornelius V. Moore^ (Absalom^, Nathan'), m. Mary P. Moore, had a son Charles. APPENDIX 437 son of son Charles (deceased), Mary, Cyrus, children of daughter Eliza Engle (deceased). Land bordering on Rancocas Creek ; Stacy Moore's, now Stacy Stiles' land, Amasa Engle's land. Witnesses : Isaac Fenimore, Samuel Fenimore, Benjamin H. Lippiucott. Executors : Sons Abel, Cyrus. Cyrus Moore, Lumberton, Burlington Co., i, 20, 1862, 12, 27, 1S80. IVi/e: Elizabeth R. C////'-/«-/(ir<' .• Julia M. Moore, wife of her son Edwin C. In the codicil she makes void her bequests to the three women men- tioned in will and gives their portion to daughter-in-law Julia M. Moore. Witnesses : John J. German, N. V. Young. Executor : Edwin C. Moore. Deborah Ann Moore, Cranford Township, Union Co., i, 25, 1892, 12, 6, 1S99. Hus- band : Michael. Witnesses : Marx Riepel, Frances Gardner. Executors: None. * Her name was Elizabeth Moores, but she signs her name Eliza Moores at end of her will. She leaves $100 to her nephew Samuel above, and his father Daniel Britain Moores speaks of it in his will, t See Morristown Records. J For Rachel Haden see Morristown Records. I See Siney, 18S6. A P P E N D I X 4JP Dki-PHINE Moore, Bernards, Somerset Co., 5, 5, 1892, 5, 31, 1892. Sisler: Rachel A. Witnesses: James Doty, Mary I-;. Doty. Executrix : Sister Rachel A. Dickinson Moore, Fairfield Township, Cumberland Co., 3,9,1843, Int. Adminis- trator : John P. Moore. Appraisement : if 356. 44, by Leonard Lawrence, William Westcott. Dickinson MOORH, Cumberland Co., 5, 14, 1864, Int. Adtninislrators : Lydia Ann (the widow), James M. Newcomb. Appraisement : 18,080.97, by Enos S. Gaudy, B. Rush Bateman. Dorothy Moore [ioSi], Hopewell Township, Hunterdon Co. Executor: William A. Benjamin. Appraisement : April 3rd, 1834, |555.I7>^, by John A. Weart, Charles Welling. No will here on Hunterdon Index. EbBR Moore, Burlington Co., 30, 57; 4, 3, 1788, Int. Administrator : Joseph Moore. EdminsTER Moore, Somerset Co., 22, 248; 5, 2, 1780, 9, 11, 1780. IVi/e : Catharine. Children: Joseph, Gershom, John, Levi, Reuben, Jesse, Enoch, Amey Coon, Rachel, Lydia. Witnesses: Jacob Smalley, David Ruckraan. Executors : Catharine Moor, David Smalley. Edward Moore, weaver, Deptford, Gloucester Co., 17,84; lo, 13, 1774, 10, 21, 1774. Children : Jane Hamilton, Margaret Ward, Elizabeth. Grandchildren : Mark and Eliza- beth, children of Jane Hamilton. Witnesses: Joseph Jones, Sarah Jones, Rachel Seeds. Exec- utors: Sou Alexander Hamilton,* Isaac Stephens, Quaker. Edward Moore, Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., 11, 8, 1812, 12, 24, 1812. Wife: Rachel. Children: Clayton. t Brother: Isaac. Witnesses: Nathaniel H. Bennett, David S. Miller, Uzal C. Marsh. Executors : Brother Isaac, friend and relation, Henry Moore. Edward Moore, Bridge Town, Middlesex Co., 8, 22, 1819, 3, 19, 1822. Children : Thomas, Isaac, Edward (deceased). Grandchildren : Meriam, Clayton, Caroline Eliza, chil- dren of son Edward (deceased). Witnesses: Nathan Shotwell, Isaac Willson, Joseph Shotwell. Executors : Henry Moore, Jr., son Isaac. Edward M. Moore, Woolwich Township, Gloucester Co. ,3, 16, 1866, Int. Admin- istrator: Joel Locke. Widow: Mary Moore. Appraisement : $90.85, by Enoch E. Locke, Wm. B. Gleason. Edward L. Moore, Gloucester Co., 4, 2, 1S69, Int. Administrators: Elizabeth Moore, John James. Appraisement: 14,010.23, by Ephraim Waters, Henry C. Garrison. Edward C. Moore, Newton, Sussex Co., 11, 25, 1874, 3, 20, 1S77. Wife: Catharine P. Moore. ".All my children." Witnesses: Daniel L. Anderson, Henry Rinker. Executrix: Wife Catharine P. Edward Moore, Trenton, Mercer Co., 2, 23, 1882, 3, 7, 1882. Wife: Sarah. Daughter: Mary Mullen. Granddaughter: Sarah, daughter of daughter Mary Mullen, ll'itnesses : '^ohn Cahill, Martin Fallon. Executors: Charles C. Hill, wife Sarah. Edward Moore, Mercer Co., 3, 11, 1882, Int. Administrators: Sarah Moore, Charles C. Hill. Appraisement: :J774.58, by John Cahill, John Haggerty. Edward T. Moore, Elizabeth, Union Co., 4, 28, 1864, 10, 21, 1885. Wife: Ellen L. " My children." Witnesses: C. H. Waterbury, Louis E. Braun. Executrix: Wife Ellen L. Edward C. Moore, Passaic Co., 12, 5, 1896, 3, 3, 1897. Wife: Jennie. Children: Jennie Louise, Harriet S. Witnesses: Thomas M. Moore, Louise Appelbaum. Executrix: Wife Jennie. Elenor Moore, Deerfield, Cumberland Co., 9, 9, 181S, Int. Administrator: William Moore, Jr. Appraisement: #554.76, by Hosea Moore, Jonathan Smith. Elijah Moore, Cumberland Co., 11, 7, 1863, Int. Administrator: David Veal. Ap- praisetnent: 13,464.87, by Bacon B. and Mordecai Hutchinson. Inventory says #3,400 in hands of Dr. Joseph Moore. Eliphalet Moore, Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., 6, 14, 1828, i, 24, 1829. Wife: Mar- garet. Child: Frazee. Grandson : Eliphalet, son of son Frazee. Sister: Hannah Sofield. Nephews: Obadiah, John, and Enoch, sons of sister Hannah Sofield. " Sister Phebe and her grandchildren." Witnesses: Adam Lee, Thomas Lee, Jr., Isaac Campbell. Executors: Rob- ert Lee, Andrew Miller, Henry R. Lee. Ei,iZA C. Moore, Woolwich Township, Gloucester Co., 12, 12, 1839, Int. Administra- tor: Samuel H. Weatherby. Appraisement: #346.65, by Jonathan Colson, Edward Iredell. Eliza Moore, Hackensack, Bergen Co., 9, 8, 1854, 2, 11, 1863. Children: Eliza, Louisa, Helena, Jane Ann, Mary, John, Benjamin, Edward, Charles. Daughier-in-law: Mary Moore, widow of son Lewis. Grandchildren: Eliza Zabriskie, three children of daughter-in-law Mary Moore. Witnesses: George B. Brown, Ichabod Cleaveland. Executors: Abraham O. Zabriskie, of Jersey City, William S. Banta, of Hackensack. * Alexander Hamilton his zon-in-law, proven by probate. t There is a will of Clayton Moore in Court House, at Easton, Pa., 1852. 44-0 A P P E N D I X Eliza Moore, Bergen Co., 2, 27, 1865, Int. Executor: Wm. S. Banta. Eliza Ann Moore, Hunterdon Co., 8, 2, 1S73, Int. Administrator: John S. Drake. Appraisement: I390.90, by Wm. H. Drake, Daniel S. Stout. Eliza Moore, Trenton, Mercer Co., 6, 15, 1878, 6, g, 1880. Z^ro/Acr- Wm. I. Moore. Nieces: Caroline H. Dressier, Sarah A. Moulder, Georgianna Townsend, Emma M. Chambers, To Ewing Presbyterian Church |ioo, to keep the following graves in order, all in above church, yard, and my own grave: My paternal grandfather, Benjamin, my paternal grandmother, Mary- my maternal grandfather, Benjamin, my maternal grandmother, Elizabeth, my father, William Sackett, my mother, Elizabeth, my brother, Charles. Witnesses: John S. Chambers, Jr., Thomas S. Chambers. Executor : Benjamin F. Chambers. Elizabeth Moore, Rahway, Essex Co., i, 4, 1809, Int. Administrator: Andrew El- ston, Samuel Marsh. Appraisement : J162.56, by Nathan Marsh, Abraham Lufberry. Eliz.\beth Moore* [1080], Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., July 9, 1803, Jan. 7, 1819. Sis- ters : Keziah Titus, Sarah, wife of John Smith, each one-half of estate, except ^5. Niece: Elizabeth, daughter of brother William. In case of death of either of my sisters, her share to be equally divided among her daughters. Executors : Brother Amos and above-mentioned John S. Smith. U'ittiesscs: Hezekiah Young, John Welling. Inventory: $427.87, Dec. 21, 1818. Appraisers : Jesse Moore, John Welling. (See will of Henry Moore, 1826.) Elizabeth Moore, widow of Daniel Moore, Am well Township, Hunterdon Co., Aug. 19, 1818, Aug. 5, 1819. Sons: Giddeon, David, SoUamon. Daughters: Hanah Poulson, Mary Lawshe, Sarah Frail, Judith Tise, Rhoda Moore, Ann Moore, Agnes Case. Executors: Son Giddeon, son-iu-law Israel Poulson. Witnesses: David Moore, James Berry, West Brewer. Elizabeth Moore, Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., 8, 1, 1827, 12, 29, 1827. Children : Margaret, Elizabeth, Jane (now Jane Wolf). Witnesses : Robert Lee, Henry R. Lee. Execu- trices : M3' three daughters, Margaret, Elizabeth, Jane Wolf. Elizabeth MoORSS,t Rahway, Essex Co., 7, 25, 1S33, 4, iS, 1834. To Samuel, son of Daniel B. Moores, Jioo. Charity, Harry, Phillip, three children of Samuel Moore "|iooto be divided between them." Elizabeth, Elias Brittaiu, children of Samuel and Margaret Moore. Elizabeth M., daughter of Wm. and Jane Wolf. Witnesses: Samuel Oliver, Washington B. Oliver. Executors : Samuel Moore, James Moore, Daniel B. Moore. Elizabeth MooreJ (widow), Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., July 15, 1837, Aug. 26, 1837. Daughter: Rebecca Moore ; All my wearing apparel and household goods, together with residue of my estate, to be paid at age of 18 or marriage. In case of said daughter's death, estate to be equally divided between testator's brothers and sisters or their heirs. Executor : Brother John Smith. Witnesses : John S. .\tchley, Joseph Titus. Inventory taken Aug. 26, 1837, #989 57/2- States she " was widow of Aaron Moore (deceased)." Appraisers: Joseph Titus, Jeremiah Hoff. Elizabeth Moore, widow of George Moore, Tewksbury, Hunterdon Co., 8, 12, 1848, 9, 12, 1859. Children: William M. Auble, residing in Western New York, Maria B., wife of John Melick, of Somerset Co., Jane, wife of John Rhinehart, Hunterdon Co., Eliza Ann, wife of Jos. Everitte, Hunterdou Co. Witnesses : John Honeyman, R. M. Honeyman, Jane Lane. Executors : Three sons-in-law, John Melick, John Rhinehart, Joseph Everitte. Elizabeth R. Moore, 2, 14, 1878, 3, 8, 1878. Nepheiv : Granville Moore. To Mar- tha Prickett; my brothers. Witnesses: Cyrus S. Moore, Mary M. Wilkius, George Jliddleton. Administrators : John Moore, Samuel R. Moore. Elizabeth Moore, City of New Brunswick, Middlesex Co., 7, 20, 1881, 3, 13, 1882. Children: Bartholemew, Catharine Ward, Annie (deceased). Grandchildren: John William Hollenbeck, son of daughter Annie Moore (deceased), children of son Bartholemew, children of daughter Catharine Ward. Witnesses: Charles S. Cowenhoven, James A. Broadwell, George C. Towle. Executors : Son Bartholemew, daughter Catharine Ward. Elizabeth E. Moore, Atlantic Highlands, Monmouth Co., 4, 24, 1893, Int. Admin- istrator: William B. Moore. Appraisement: $3,918.42, by Rutsen Snyder, James P. Hopping. Elizabeth Moore, Fort Lee Hill, Bergen Co., 12, 13, iS58, 3, 2, 1898. Adopted Daughter: Harriet A., wife of Frederick Creamer, all her property and residence on Fort Lee Hill. Witnesses: Maurice FitzGerald, -Abraham Carleck. Executor: Frederick Creamer. Ellen Moore, Palisade Township, Bergen Co., 5, 27, 1S86, codicil, 6, 7, 1889, 3, 14, 1895. Brothers and Sisters: Henry, Ann, Jane, Maria. Legatee: Dr. John I. Haring. Wit- nesses: Margaret Demarest, Isaac D. Demarest. Executor: Friend Dr. John I. Haring. Codi- cil, Sophie, wife of cousin Henry H. Ferdon, with whom I now reside. Elmer Moore, City of Camden, Camden Co., 3, 31, 1881, 5, 28, 1881. Wife: MaryE. Moore ; " My children." Witnesses: E. A. Armstrong, Geo. R. Greene. Executors: Friends Charles B. Coles, James Freeman, both of Camden. • Elizabeth Moore' (Capt. John*. Nathaniel', Capt. SamueP, Rev. Johni). t Signs her will Eliza Moores and is called so in probate, t See Rebecca Moore, 1813 ; Aaron Moore, Jr., 1832. APPENDIX 441 Elmer Moore, village of Shiloh, Cumberland Co., 11, 6, 1890, Int. Widow : Kitty B. (see will). Adntinistrator: Theodore F. Davis. Appraisetnent: 13,316.85, by William A. Hummel, Thomas Ewing. Elnathan Moore,* Franklin, Somerset Co., 4, 30, 1S57, 6, 4, 1857. Wi/e : Mary R. Children: John R., Hart, Charles B., William R.'s (deceased) children, Hannah M.'s (deceased) children. Witnesses: Peter Cortelyou, John D. Fount, Abraml. Cortelyou. Executors : Sons Hart and Charles B. Elwood Moore, Burlington Co., 9, 12, 1883, 10, 29, 1S83. Children: Rachel Anah, Elizabeth .■^nn Clark, Henry G., Mary E., -Amanda C, Joseph B., Benjamin H. Witnesses: Job Evans, Isaac C. Heritage. Executor: Son Benjamin H. Elv Moore, Elijah Moore, etc. Will of William Green, Jr., Trenton, Oct. 24, 1754, Dec. 19, 1754. Brother Richard, eldest sister Rebecca's three sons Richard, William and Elijah Moore, youngest sister Christian's three sons Ely, Moses and Ephraim Jloore. Hezekiah, son of Benjamin Green, of Trenton, Hezekiah's elder brother Joseph. Mother: Mary Green. Brother: George. Executors: Mother Mary Green, brother Richard. Witnesses: Cha. Clark, Benjamin Clark, John Moore. Ely Moore [2475], Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., 11, 4, 1813, 9, 3, i8i4,Int. Administra- tor : Joseph Moore (one of the administrators, does not name the other or others). Appraise- ment: I147.50, by Isaac Golden, David Hunt. Eli Moore, Evesham, Burlington Co., 4, 23, 1838, Int. Administrators: Isaac Leeds, Rachel V. Moore. Appraisement: 11,320.79, by Benjamin Buckman, John Leeds, Jr. Ely Moore [24S5], Hopewell, Mercer Co., 9, 24, 1863, 10, 9. 1863. Wife: Juliet Ann. My Four Children: Sarah Elizabeth, Marj- Jane, Joseph H., Franklin Van Dyke, minors. Wit- nesses: Thomas P. Moore, David S. Hill. ' Executors: Brothers Imlay and Charles, of Trenton. Elza Moore (free man of color). West ,\mwell, Hunterdon Co., 3, 14, 1866, 5, 14, 1866. Wife: Araminta. Brother: Prime Moore. Witnesses: Edmund B. Dungan, Levi H. Sharp. Executor: Nelson V. Young. Enoch Moore,! Borough of Elizabeth, Essex Co., F. 294; i, la, 1755, 11, 22, 1755, codicil dated 10, 6, 1755. Wife: Grace ( Brotherton). Children: John, Enoch, James, Sam- uel, Frances, Grace, Hope. Brother: Daniel. Witnesses: John Vail (Quaker), Samuel Marsh (Quaker), .\nn Moore. Executors: Wife Grace, nephew Joseph Moore. Kinsman: Joseph Shotwell. Enoch Moore. t G. 8',; 6, 19, 1759. Administration granted to Henry Davis, empow- ering him, by the widow of Enoch Moore, late of Elizabethtown, to receive the dues to her son Enoch Moore, late a soldier (decease^, by Saml Bellerjeau, Charles Cain. Joseph Moore, Rahway, Essex Co., 3, i, 1813, Int. Administrator : John Stansbury (one of the administrators). Appraisement: J548.66, 7, 30, 1812, by John Mann, Joseph Oliver. Joseph Moore, Evesham, Burlington Co., 8, 4, 1821, 12, 13, 1826. Wife: Marj-. Chil- dren : Mary, Eliza, Nancy, wife of Abel Haines, Rebecca, wife of Isaac Leeds, Priscilla, wife of Samuel Burrough, Rachel, wife of Charles Haines, Hannah, wife of Charles French, Joseph H., Hewlings (deceased). Grandchildren : Lydia, Mary Ann, Elizabeth, and Rebecca, children of son Hewlings (deceased). Witnesses : Aaron Engle, Isaac Haines, Jacob Leeds. Executors : Son Joseph H., sons-in-law Abel Haines and Samuel Burrough. Joseph Moore, Upper Penns Neck, Salem Co., 7, 14, 1827, Int. Administrator: Jon- athan Moore. Appraisement : $1,4,53.55, by Job Bevis, Arthur H. Green. Joseph Moore, Jr., mentioned in inventory, against whom deceased had an account. Joseph L. Moore, Amwell, Hunterdon Co., 9, 17, 1828, 12, 9, 1828. Father : John. Mother: Hannah. Sisters : Mary Gray, Elizabeth. John Gray, nephew, probablj', for J50 is to be put to interest until he is 21, and books are left to him in care of his father and mother and to be given to him when they see proper. Witnesses : Benjamin Johnson, William Moore, Jr., Joseph Housel. Executor: Wm. Bishop. (See will of Stephen.) Joseph Moore, Northampton Township, Burlington Co., 2, 2, 1836, Int. Administra- tor : Zebedee M. Wills. Appraisement : $2,880.23, by Samuel Dobbins, Thomas Ballinger. Joseph Moore, Upper Penns Neck, Salem Co., 3, 8, 1837, 9, 28, 1837. Children : Re- becca, Samuel, Joseph, and Mary Ann (my two youngest). Witnesses: John K. Louderback, Henry Katts, Job Bevis. Executor : Friend James S. Springer. Joseph Moore [2479], Hopewell, Mercer Co., 6, 26, 1852, Int. Administrators: Imlah Moore [2483], Charles Moore [2484], Ely Moore [2485], and Wm. A. Greene [2377]. Appraise- ment: $8,663.21, by George Woolsey, Samuel H. Stout. Joseph Moore, Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., 11, 9, 1854, Int. Administrators: Thomas C. Moore, David P. Merrick. Appraisement: $1,572.64, by Benjamin F. Vail, Stewart Crowell. Joseph T. Moore, Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., 12, 12, 1854, Int. Administrators : Smith Coddington, Benjamin B. Miller, Appraisement : $459.35, by Stewart Crowell, Joel Clarkson. Claimants to Articles: Jos. T. Moore, estate of Elizabeth Moore, John Moore, Eliza Woodfield, James Woodfield. Joseph T. Moore, Township of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., 6, 11, 1853, 5, 8, 1857. To James Woodfield and his wife the house where he lives. To Smith Coddington, of Woodbridge. To Eliza Woodfield, now living with me, the house where I live. Witnesses : Carlos P. Houghton, Jonathan Moore. Executor: Smith Coddington. Joseph Moore, West Orange, Essex Co., 10, 31,1865, 12, 4, 1865. Wife: Amalia. Child: Henry. Witnesses: Lewis Condit, Peter Deck, Joseph Edwards. Executor : Son licnTy. Joseph J. Moore, city of Camden, Camden Co., 10, 10, 1874, Int. Administrator: Mary C. Moore. Appraisement : $537.84, by John Cooper, Joseph M. Kaighn. Joseph H. Moore, Greenwich Township, Gloucester Co., 3, 14, 1870 ; 10, 12, 1S80, codicil, II, 12, 1875. Wife: Elizabeth. Children: Burwood, Joseph A., Mary M. Haines, Hannah F. Ford, Elizabeth H. French, ZillahH. Adams, Anna K. B., Sarah C, Abigail, Jane L. Witnesses: Jos. B. Livezey, Wm. Haines. Executors: Sons Burwood, Joseph A. (alive). Executors to Codicil: Son Joseph A. (alive), son-in-law David S. Adams. Witnesses to Codicil: Hannah Ann Haines, William Haines. Joseph Moore, Cumberland Co., i, 4, 1889, Int. Administrator: Samuel F. Moore. Appraisement : $868.14, by Robert Newton, Joseph Burt. APPENDIX 4S5 Joseph K. Moore, MilK-ille, Cumberland Co., 3, 2j, 1885, 11, 12, 1892. Children: Joseph, Jr., Freeman (deceased), Elizabeth Tatman, Mary S., wife of Thomas Guise, Martha Hughes (deceased). Grandchildren: Albert and Mortimer Hughes, children of daughter Martha (deceased), Caroline and Joseph Moore, children of son Freeman (deceased). Witnesses: Thomas Whitaker, James H. Nixon. Executors: Son Joseph, George B. Langley. Joseph Moore, Essex Co., 8, 7, 1893, Int. Administrator: Joseph H. Moore. Ap- praisement: Ji, 101.55, by Theodore Sandford, Peter M. Van Riper. Joshua Moore, Morris Co., 38, 484; i, 3, 1799, Int. Administratrix: Barsheba.* Appraisemeyit: /"185 11 9, by Josiah Hall, Silas Hatheway. Joshua Moore, Upper Alloways, Salem Co., 4, 22, 1828, 6, 17, 1S2S. Children: Israel, Jacob, Tamion Smith (deceased), Sarah Finlaw, Cyntha Shaw. Grandchildren: David Moore, son of son Israel, Ephraini, Joshua and Jacob Moore, sons of son Jacob, Rachel, Sarah, Hanna, Maria and Clerriso Smith, daughters of daughter Tamson. Witnesses: Renel Bonham, William Bowen, Peter Smith. Executor: Peter T. Shaw. Joshua Moore, Greenwich Township, Gloucester Co., 10, 21, iSss.Int. Administrator: Charles French. Appraisement: I649.65, by Stacy Hazelton, Peter Mounce. Joshua R. Moore, Willingboro, Burlington Co., 9, 6, 1868, 10, 16, 186S. Wife: Ellen D.t Children: Elizabeth A., Josephine D. Witnesses: Joseph Satterthwait, Arthur Engle. Executors : Ellen D. Moore, Joseph R. Deacon. JosiAH Moore, Woolwich Township, Gloucester Co. , 10, 7, 1823, Int. Administrators: Chalkley Moore, Isaac Pine. Appraisement : 13,807.97, by George Tatem, John Atkinson. Josiah W. Moore, Delaware Township, Camden Co., i, 31, 1881, 3, 11, 1881. Wife: Hannah F. " Children of my present wife, children of my first wife." Witnesses: Ann H. Peacock, Charles F. Redman, Elijah Coleman. Executrix: Wife Hannah F. Julia J. Moore, Trenton, Mercer Co., 5, 19, 1896, 3, 30, 1897. Daughter : Carrie Swain. Granddaughters : Maggie Swain, Julia J. Swain. Witnesses: J. R. Gaskill, Jos. L. Watson. Executor : Brother-in-law Joseph S. Mount. JUSTINA MELROSEt JIOORE, Newark, Essex Co., 8, 29, 1883, 10, 7, 1887. Husband : George D. G. Witnesses : Joseph Ward, Jr., 255 Mt. Pleasant Ave., Newark, N. J., Wm.Linn Allen, 742 Broad St., Newark, N. J., Edward S. Allen, 742 Broad St., Newark, N. J. Execu- tor: Husband George D. G. Kkturah Moore, Harrison Township, Gloucester Co., 9, 24, 1851, 4, 5.. 'Syo- Sisters: Rebecca, .Atlantic, Lydia Haines, Hannah Haines. Witnesses: Rebecca L. Haines, Samuel P. Haines, Thomas Sailer. Executor : Samuel M. Haines. Kitty B. Moore, widow of Elmer Moore,? Hopewell Township, Cumberland Co., 2, 2, 1892, 7, 13, 1892. Children: Lewis H., furniture, etc., then the following pictures : Henry Brown and family in a group and Elmer Moores in a gilt frame ; Etta ai. Tomlinson, " The Family Record,"' which is framed, large and small silver spoons, and quilt called " Prairie Flower," and the familv buryal lot in Shiloh graveyard. Grandchildren : Carrie R., Nellie S., Joseph M., and Charles D.^ children of Etta and Sam' Tomlinson. Sisters : Sarah Ott, Ruth West (deceased). Son-in-law : Samuel Tomlinson. Witnesses: Theodore F. Davis, Lucy C. Bowen. Executors : Daughter Etta M. Tomlinson, son-in-law Samuel Tomlinson. Lawrence Moore, Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., 8, i, 1864, 9, 2, 1864. Wife: Ann. Children : Lawrence, Franklin, Ellis F., Martha .\nn Harned. Witnesses : Jotham Codding- ton, Alexander A. Edgar. Executors : Wife Ann, son Franklin. Lawrence L. Moore, Township of North Brunswick, Middlesex Co., 6, 3, 1889, 10, 29, 1894. Wife: Catherine E. Son: Howard. Daughters: Cornelia Ann, Eaden, Mary T. Spratford. Witnesses: Conrad Kohtleff, Phillip Klein. LEVT Moore, Hunterdon Co., 16, 506 ; 10, 15, 1778, Int. Administrator: Jacob Jen- nings. Lewis Moore, Rocky Hill, Somerset Co., C. 144; i. I7, 1736/7, 2, 13, 1736. Wife : Margaret. Sons: Lewis, John, William. Witnesses : ]^XT'\e'Bro\\■er, Joseph Knox, John Ber- rien. Executors : Alexander Moore, Gershom Shippey, John Corle. (See will Alexander Moore, see will of Dr. Jacob Moore, of Rocky Hill; also Anne Moore.) Lewis Moore, Hackensack, Bergen Co., N. J., 5, 31, 1840, 6, 20, 1S43, codicil 12, 15, 1840. Wife. (No name) household goods to use, etc. Colored servants Betty and Harriet each $50. " All my children," those under age. Sons: Edward, Lewis, Michael. Executors: Sons Lewis and Michael. Witnesses : Jos. Burnet, Sarah Westervelt, Abr. Westervelt. Witnesses: Abr. Westervelt, Sarah Westervelt, Jacob Smith (?). Inventory of Lewis Moore, late of ♦ S« New Jersey Marriages. t Lives on Southard St , Trenton, N. J. Her daughter Elizabeth m. Bailey and had two children. is deceased. They are Friends. I Husband's will so states. § See Elmer Moore, 1890. 456 APPENDIX Township of New Barbadoes, Bergen Co. (deceased), June i, 1843, 115,382.04, by Henry W. Banta, James B, Cleveland, appraisers. Mentions these children : Lewis, John, Edward, Wil- liam, Benjamin. In will the testator makes son Michael executor with son Lewis. On probate Lewis does not appear and Michael Price Moore is duly sworn as executor, Dec. 7, 1S43, and certifies this is a true inventory, and signs himself M. Price Moore. A third paper in same box: Petition of W. Price Moore, executor of Lewis Moore, asking Gov. Pennington permission to produce his father's (Lewis Moore) will to probate in New York, because much of his, Lewis Moore's estate, was situated there. Oct. 19, 1843 petition was granted and the will sent to J. Dickinson Miller, counsel for Michael Price Moore. On back of petition is written " Re- turned above-named will Dec. 11, 1843." Will probated in Surrogate's Office, County of New York, Nov. 10, 1S43. David B. Ogdeu, Surrogate. Lewis Moore, Hopewell Township, Cumberland Co., i, 7, 1852, Int. Administrator: Elmer Moore, Theophilus P. Davis. Appraisement: ^1,040.48, by Reuben Fithian, Daniel M. Woodniflf. In inventory the following were in debt to him: Jeremy Davis, Richard Jones, Horace B. Davis, Belford M. Bonham. Lewis Moore, Sussex Co., 9, 20, 1853, Int. Adiuinistrafor : Susan Moore. Ap- praisement: /1,05s. 88, by John M. Greacen, John C. Rorick. Louisa E. Moore, widow of Charles V. Moore, Stillwater, Sussex Co. (died i, 24, 1893), I, II, 1S93, 2, 6, 1893. Childreji : Frank W., Emmet T., Carrie C, wife of Edgar Nugent. Witnesses: David B. Hetzel, John R. Halstead. Executors : Brother William P. Coursen, son Emmet T. Louisa Moore, New Barbadoes, Bergen Co., 12, 13, 1893. Administrator: William L' Moore. Appraisement : 30,889.21, by J. Zabriskie Ackerson, Clarence Mabie. Love Moore,* Trenton, Hunterdon Co., 17, 323; 4, 10, 1772. Father : Ebenezer Prout. John son of Phebe Scudder (deceased). Nephews and Nieces : Ebenezer Rose, my sister's son, Elizabeth Rose, Deborah, wife of Daniel Howell, Patience, wife of Henry Baker. The will calls these three Ebenezer's sisters. Great-nieces : Elizabeth and Mary, chil- dren of Daniel Howell. Executors: Nephew Ebenezer Rose, friend John Mott.t Witnesses: Robert Lanning, Daniel Howell, Ralph Lanning. LvDiA A. Moore [2484], Trenton, Mercer Co., 7, 20, 1894, 3, 14, 189S. Sons : Eckford [2491], Charles [2492]. Granddaughter: Helen B. Moore [2493], daughter of son Eckford. Brother; Eseck Howell. Daughter-in-taiv: Annie S. Moore, wife of son Eckford. Witnesses: C- Hilson, C. V. C. Murphy, Trenton, N. J. Executor: William S. Gummere. Margaret Moore, Hunterdon box of wills, 1801, Feb. 14, 1801. Filed with Stephen Moore's administrator's bond is a paper in which Margaret Moore, widow of James Moore, con- sents that Steven Moore shall be administrator. Witness: Nathaniel Hunt. Margaret Moore, Franklin Township, Somerset Co., 4,6, 1888, Int. Administratrix: Martha J. Moore. Appraisement: $525.77, by Peter J. Staats, Nelson Blackford. Maria Moore, Union Township, Union Co., i, 6, 1894, 10,9, 1895. Husband : Wil- liam M. Moore (deceased). Children : William E., E. Pierson, Sarah E., Abbie D. Crane. Witnesses: Robert E. Chetwood, S. Elizabeth Chandler. Executor: Son William E. Mark Moore, Medford, Burlington Co., 3, 8, 1872, 9, i, 1879. Wife: Beulah S. Brother: Hosea (deceased). Niece: Mary Elizabeth Moore, daughter of brother Hosea (de- ceased). "Nieces and Nephews." Witnesses: William Reily, William Dyer. Executrix: Wife Beulah S. (see Beulah S., 1887). Martha Moore, Greenwich Township, Cumberland Co., 6, 14, 1828, 10, 13, 1830. Sister: Bathsheba Hannah. Niece: Martha Tomlinson. Witnesses: Dalymore Harris, Jane Beesley. Executor: Charles Hannah, of Salem Co. Martin Moore, Camden Co., i, 22, 1878, Int. Administrator : Russell Moore (af- firmed). Appraisement: 11,133.53, by Salmon Giddings, Eben E. Frye. Mary Moore, Hunterdon Co., residence not given, but witnesses "affirmed at Trenton the 31st day of October, 1795;" 36, 166; 2, 3, 1775, 11, 2, 1775. Children: Mary Cannon. Grandchildren: Grace Cannon, Mary Cane; "her daughter Mary Cane. " Son-in-hno : Wm. Birthless, his wife and children. Witnesses : Wm. Baker, John Rickey, Oke Hendrickson. Administrator: Joseph Bond, Nov. 2d, 1795. In Hunterdon box, 1795, wherein is above Mary Moore's will, is also administration of Wm. Cannon, of Nottingham on estate of Mary Cannon, late of Hunterdon Co., dated Oct. 31st, 1795. Mary Moore, t Lower Alloway Creek, Salem Co., Int. Administrator: Robert Moore. Division by Salem Orphans' Court (first Book, 72), June 1791, gives her children, Hannah and Robert Moore. Jonathan Hildreth andjuhanah his wife; Wm. Sayre and Susana his wife; Sol- omon Dubois and Ann his wife. George Grier and Rebecca his wife. Report of commission- ers appointed. * The second wife of Capt. John Moore. + John Mott. probably Capt. John Mott, of Revolutionary' fame. J Salem County Clerk's Office. A P P E N D I X 457 Mary Moore, 38, 414; 7, 4, 1799. John Wood, guardian of John Williams and Mary, children of William Moore, late of Salem Co. Mary Moore [1073], Hunterdon Co., 6, 21, 1S22, lut. Admiiiiitrator: Enoch Armi- tage. Appraisement: %iiTi..ii^, by Joseph Moore, Reuben Van Kirk. (See will of Joseph, 1891.) Mary' Moore, Evesham, Burlington Co., 3, 22, 1S43, 6, 28, 1S48. Husband: Bethuel (deceased). Children: Isaac Mason, Solomon Mason, James Mason, Alice Haines (deceased), Mary Woolman (deceased). Grandchildren: Emeline, Mason, Franklin and Joel, children of daughter .\lice Haines (deceased), William and Amanda, children of son James Mason (de- ceased 1, Eliza, Mary Lidia, Jane Ann, John, Solomon and Alice, children of son Solomon Mason (deceased), Samuel, Alice, John, James and Frances, children of son Isaac Mason and first wife Henrietta. Granddaughters: Mary Ann, Mary Henrietta, Alice Anna and Martha, daughters of Mary Ann Mason. Witnesses: Benjamin Roberts, Elnathan Roberts, Nathan E. Crispin. Executors: Friend Josiah Evans, son Solomon Mason. M.\RY Moore [435], Bloomsbury, Mercer Co., widow of Daniel D. Moore, of Blooms- bury, 6, 15, 1841, 7, 29, 1851. Children: Mary Ann, Henrietta, wife of Daniel Hale, Elizabeth, wife of Moses Woodward, John Henry, Edward T., Charles E. Witnesses: P. Carman, Charles Burroughs, Henry W. Green. Executors : Sons Edward T. and Charles E. Administrator : Robert L. Hutchinson. (See Daniel Douglas Moore.) Mary Moore, Woolwich Township, Gloucester Co., 7, 3, 1S43, 3, 23, 1854. Son: Sam- uel E. No relationship given for the following : Charles S. Moore, Sarah, wife of Charles S. Moore, Marv Ann Moore, 6 silver spoons marked M., etc., Abigail Eufemea Moore, silver sugar tongs, etc., Caroline Moore, Anna Jane Moore, Benjamin J. Moore, Thomas Weatherby Moore, Eufeniea Moore, 5 silver teaspoons marked M. E. Witnesses : Asa Moore, John S. Heaton, Henry Saul. Executors : Thomas Sailer. Mary Moore, widow of Samuel Moore, Morris Township, Morris Co., 10, i, 1851, 3, 23i 1854- Children: Stephen, July, wife of Byram Pierson. Grandchildren : Mary, Hannah, Cv'nthea Ann, Heddyjane, Sarah Elizabeth,' daughters of July and Byram Pierson. "July Moore married Bvram Pierson May, 1S23, and removed, with her husband, to Ohio, in June following. He died in 1836, leaving the above five daughters." Witnesses: Stephen Conger, of Randolph, Morris Co., Joseph J. Ayres, of Rockaway, Morris Co. Executor : Friend Jona- than Thompson. Mary Moore, New Barbadoes, Bergen Co., 5, 25, 1868, 7, 27, 186S. Sisters: Eliza, Louisa. Brothers: Lewis, Benjamin. Nephezvs: Alexander and William Moore, sons of brother Lewis. Nieces: Mary, Sarah Louisa, Eliza Ann, Helen Moore, daughters of brother Benjamin. Eliza, wife of George Zabriskie. Cousin Augustis Price. Friend Mrs. R. R. Paul- ison. Mary M., daughter of John A. Boyd (deceased). Adie, daughter of cousin George Augustus Price. Christ Church, Hackensack, $300. Executor: Friend Garret Ackerson, Jr. Witnesses: Abraham D. Campbell and William Storm, both of Hackensack, N. J. The family burying ground, but does not locate. Inventory taken July 20, 1869, by C. L. Blauvelt and W. S. Banta, $24,284.38. Mary Moore Millham, Lawrence Township, Mercer Co., 5, 20, 1S77, 9, 13, 1877. Husband: William Moore. Witnesses: Eward J. Gerard, William Henry Edge. No executor. Administrator : William Moore. Mary Moore (colored), Washington, Bergen Co., 4,22, 1S79, Int. Administrator: Samuel Moore (colored). Appraisement: I129.S2', by Abraham D. Campbell and Garret R. Hering. Mary Ann Moore [468], Ewing Township, Mercer Co., 8, 24, 1875, 10, 23, 18S0. Brother-in-lazv: Benjamin F. Hendrickson. Witnesses: G. D. W. Vroom, Jacob Hendrickson. Executor : Brother-in-law Benj. P. Hendrickson. Mary Moore, Frenchtown, Hunterdon Co., 9, 13, 18S1, 10, 10, iSSi. Jacob C. Hawk, Caroline M. Hawk. (Leaves all her property to these two, but gives no relationship.) Wit- nesses: Edwin Beidelman, George Hays, William T. Srope. Executor: Jacob C. Hawk. M\RY Moore, Andover Township, Sussex Co., 10, 28, 18S2, Int. Administrator: Wil- liam G. Northrup. Appraisement : I8.s2.37, by Jacob Norihrup, Moses W. Northrup. Mary Ann Moore (3d St.), Frenchtown, Hunterdon Co., 8, 27, 1884, 9, 24, 1888. Niece ■ Mary Ann Stout. Brother: Laurence Snider (deceased). Child of Elwood S. Stout. Tacob Clark Peter Snider (Holland), Peter Sinclair (Milford), Sarah Snider, Margaret Snider, Peter Snider (Trenton), John Snider (Spring Mills), Amy Sinclair, Catharine Vanderbelt. Witnesses- Joseph Allen, Theodore Warren Holcombe. Executor: Silas M. Wolfinger. Leaves a bond and mortgage (made bv David O. Hager and Ann E., his wife 4, l, 1871) to Mary Ann Stout during her life. Also her pen.sion from U. S. Gov. To Holland Presby. Church f too, and part is to keep in repair her brother Laurence Snider's grave. After death of Mary Ann Stout the household goods to be sold and proceeds paid to Catharine Vanderbelt. Mary B Moore, City of Woodbury, Gloucester Co., 6, 2, 1891, Int. Administrator: William M. Carter. Appraisement: $2,305.66, by Charies C. Jessup, Daniel J. Packer. 4.58 APPENDIX Mary A. Moore, Railway, Union Co., 9, 23, 1891, Int. Administratrix : Sophie R. Tappen. Appraisement : $831.06, b}- James H. Durand, Christopher D. Marsh. Mary H. Moore, Mercer Co., 2, 24, 1892, Int. Administrators ; L. W. Hartwell, D. P. Voorhees. Appraisement : $30,491. 91, by L,evi H. Reed, Daniel W. Stout. Mary P. Moore,* Trenton, Mercer Co., 8, 31, 1891, i, 9, 1894. So>i: Charles P. Sis- ter-in-law ; Naomi C. Thompson. Nephew: Alfred Ackers. Elizabeth Forrest. Witnesses : Alfred W. Packer, lives in Trenton, N. J., Charles H. Fox. Executors : Israel Howell, Wil- liam W. Howell. Mary E. Moore, North Plainfield, Somerset Co., j, 26, 1S94, 10, 29, 1894. Husband : John D. Mrs. Grace L- Arbunkle. To Methodist Episcopal Chapel on Somerset St. and Warren Mission Chapel, her estate after her husband's decease. Witnesses : Edward A. Vermeule, Thomas H. Finney, both of N. Plainfield, N. J. Executor: Brother-in-law William H. Combs. Mary Moore, Warren Township, Somerset Co., 5, 22, 1890, 6, 25, 1898. Husband: Jonathan H., during his lifetime to have income of $2,000. Mt. Bethel Baptist Church. Sisters: Sarah F. Haynes, Catharine Van Dyke (deceased). Nephews: Lewis M.,John C.,and James C, children of sister Catharine Van Dyke (deceased). Grand-niece: Marj', daughter of nephew Lewis M. Van Dyke. Witnesses : W. R. Coddington, Plainfield, Union Co., N. J., John H. Jackson, 12S Duer St., North Plainfield, N. J. Executor : Lewis M. Coddington. Mary A. Moore, Franklin Township, Somerset Co., 8, 16, i8g8, Int. Administrator: Henry P. Cortelyou. Appraisement : 13,806.98, by Peter Cortelyou, John H. Stoothoff. Matthew Moore, t Sr., Woodbridge, E.J.; 5 (May), 6, 1689, 3 (March), 26, 1692. Wife: Sarah. Children: William, James, Matthew, John, Samuel. Executrix: Wife Sarah. Overseers: My friends John Bishop and Noah Bishop. Witnesses: Daniel Robins (x his mark), Daniel Robins, Jr., Agnes A. Zanes, John Bishop. MaThevv Moore, t carpenter, Woodbridge, B. 390; 2, 24, T732/3, 4, 5, 1733. Children: Nehemiah, Elizabeth, Sarah Skinner. Grandchild: Mathew Skinner. Witnesses: Samuel Lockhart, Thomas Jackson, Elizabeth Dyer. Executors: Samuel, son of James Moore (de- ceased), Robert, son of John Moore (deceased). MaThew MoorES (Taylor), Hanover, Morris Co., 19, 464; 7, 3, 1776, 7, 10, 1777, 7, 14, 1777. Wife: Sarah. Childreti : Robert, Philip, Phineas, Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah, An- nie; mentions child unborn. Witnesses: Asa Ritchel, Eunice Poland, Ephraim Price. Exec- utors : Enoch Beach, Eles Cook. Matthew Moore, Mannington Township, Salem Co., 9, 5, 1S28, Int..- Administrator: Benjamin Franklin. Appraisement : t^yi-oa, by Henry Freas, Joseph Bassett. Michael Moore, Woodbridge, F. 517; 3, 25, 1758, Int. Admiiiistrator: Jonathan Frazee. The widow resigned her rights. Michael Moore, Bergen Co., H. 530; 9, 12, 1765, and John Christeen of the same place, desired by the nearest relations of deceased to have letters of administration on estate of Major John Berry (deceased), of Bergen County, whose will is dated May 16, 1712 and probated February 8th, 1714. John Berry's will follows, and he leaves Samuel Moore and John Edsall as advisors to his daughter Francena Lawrence and her husband Thomas Lawrence, who were executors. MiLCAH Martha Moore, city of Burlington, Burlington Co., 4, 11, 1827, 9, 3, 1829, widow of Dr. Charles Moore, late of Township and County of Montgomery, Penna. To Rich- ard Moore, Henry Moore, Deborah Jackson, Rachael Morris. To child of Margaret, widow of Daniel Jones ; to child of Mary Heston ; to child of Hannah Roberts. Money for edu- cational purposes among friends of Gwinedd, Montgomery County, Pa. Friend Dr. Joseph PaiTish and nephew Daniel B. Smith, $500 for Friends' Insane Asylum near Philadelphia. Deb- orah Hicks ; Malcolm McCleod ; Margaret Jones and her sister Martha; Deborah Hicks Mun- del; Jane C. Neckervis; Mary S. Barber; Cadwalader Dickinson ; Frederic Coster ; friends Samuel Enilen, William Allison, George Vaux, Thomas Stewardson. Niece: Margaret M. Smith. Grandnepheiu : John D., son of nephew Wm. H. Wells. Nephews: Richard Hill Morris, William H. Wells, Wm. Hills Wells. Rachel Wells; children of Gideon Wells; children of Marv Morris (deceased) ; Margaret, wife of Isaac Collins, of New York ; Daniel B. Smith, Margaret M. Smith ; Margaret Hills ; Rachel Stewardson ; John I. Smith, Jr., Morris Smith ; children of Richard M. Smith (deceased). William Henry Morris, Edmund Morris, Charles Morris and Anna Morris. Witnesses : Nthaaniel Coleman, Rowland Jones, Robert Thomas. Executors : Friends Samuel Emlen, of Burlington, George Vaux, of Philadelphia. Codicil dated 2, 4, 1828, revokes bequest to Insane Asylum and gives that amount to George D. Jones, of city of Philadelphia, cabinet-maker, son of Daniel Jones (deceased), formerly of Mont- gomery Township, Pa. Probated 9, 3, 1829. • Cornelius V. Moore^ (.\bsalom2, Nathan^) m. Mary P. Moore and had son Charles P. See Cooley'a Early Settlers of Trenton and Ewing. 1 Book of Deeds. D. 335. J John who d. 1716, James who d. 1733, and Mathew who d. 1732 were brothers. APPENDIX 459 Moses Moore, Deerfield, Cumberland Co., 8, 39; r, 30, 1754, Int., dated at Burlington. Administyalrix : Elizabeth widow of Moses Moore. Bondsman : Aaron Moore, farmer, of Hopewell, same county. Appyaise»ie>it : /194 5 5, by William Stratton, John Jerman, Jr. Moses Moore, Deerfield, Cumberland Co., 36, 99; i, 21, 17S5, 12, 4, 1795. IVife: Mary. Children: Joel, Sarah, Mary. U'itnesses: Fithian Stratton, Josiah Parvin, Holmes Parvin. Executors: Wife Mary, son Joel. Moses Moore, Lower .\lloways Creeek, Salem Co., 3, 19, 1814,4,4, 1814. Wife: Eleanor. Children: William, George. Witnesses: David Bradway, William Corlis, Barzillai Jefferis, Executrix: Wife Eleanor. Moses Moore, Warren Township, Somerset Co., 12, 10, 1831, Int. Adi)iinistrator: Squire Terrill. Appraisement : $324.25, by Wm. Titus, Mahlon Smalley. Nancy Moore, Sussex Co., 8, 24, 1866, Int. Administrator: Christopher Roof. Ap- praisement : 120.25, by Joseph Hill, Stephen H. Roof. NATH.4.N Moore [16], Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., 39, 253; i, 10, 1798, 5, 2, 1801. Child: Daughter Phebe Christopher all my personal estate. Grandchildren : Isaac I'arker (says to my friend Isaac Parker "my grandson'' who lives with me), Nathan Christopher, Jesse Christopher, Daniel Christopher, Barnes Christopher, Elias Christopher. Executor: Friend Stephen Bur- rowes, of Hopewell Township. Witnesses: Edmond Roberts, Eliza Van Cleve, Benjamin Van Cleve. Nathan Moore*, Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., 2, 11, 1828, Int. Administrator: Cor- nelius Moore. Appraisement : I124.85, by Wm. Howell, Walter Harbourt. Nathaniel Moore, Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., 10, 12; 7, i, 1758, 9, 13, 1759. Will given in full on page 168. Nathaniel Moore [445], Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., 23, 269; 3, 20, 1776, 10, 13, 1781. Wife: Pollv (Marv Mershont). Brothers: Jesse, Joseph, Sackett. Sister: Johanna. Wit- nesses: John aiur'head, Jonathan Murhead, Neill M'Gill. ^'.vcrtt/frj .• Wife Polly, brothers Jesse and Joseph Moore, bachelors. Nathaniel Moore, carpenter, Trenton, Hunterdon Co., 32, 368; i, 24, 1791, 5, 2, 1791. Wife: Barsheba. Children: David (minor), Edward Engleton Moore, Sarah (minor). Brother: Gersham. Brother-in-lazc : David Coleman. Witnesses: Edward Ingleton, George Holeconibe, Ebenezer Cowell, Jr.t Executors : Brother Gersham, brother-in-law David Coleman. Nathaniel Moore [1077], Burlington Co., 38, 139; 12, 11, 1798, Int. Administrator: Cornelius Moore [1088]. Nathaniel Moore, Bridgetou, Deerfield Township, Cumberland Co., 9, 4, 1832, Int. Administrator: Lewis McBride. Appraisement: 5170.62^^, by William Bevan, James Hood. Nicholas Moore. Will of John Holmes, of Monmouth River, Salem Co., West Jer- sey, Gent., Jan. 7, 17034, Feb. 4, 17034. To my son-in-law Nicholas Moore, i gold ring sett w'l' diamonds and one Silver Seale (which was his father's) if he lives to ye age of 21 yeares. My Brother-in-law Sam' Hedge Senr. to be trustee with my son John until my two daughters are of years to chuse their own guardian. Nicholas Moore, cordwainer, Penn's Neck, Salem Co., 3, 17; 9, i, 172S. Children: Samuel, John, Mary. Mentions an estate in dispute called "the manor of Moreland" in Penn's Neck, Prov. of Penna. His goods were at many different houses. Witnesses: Earick Skeer, Michael Flood, John Handson. Executors: John Wetherill, John Huse. To son Samuel, "a Certaine Silver Seal the impression a Crown and three Lyons, and four Cross Ears, Being in the house of John Mountson in Mainington." To daughter Mary, " a Certaine Silver Seal Which Was her Mothers, the Impression a'Wounded Heart in the House of John Mountson aforesaid." Nicholas Moore, of Union Street, Newark, Essex Co., 3, 29, 1S65, 8, 12, 1865. Wife: Ann (deceased). Child: Ellen McGruder, of New Haven. Cousins: Martin Flinn, Ann, daughter of Martin Flinn. fi ,000 for building an altar in St. James' Roman Catholic Church in Newark, and f 600 for the construction of two side windows in same, one to contain my name, the other that of my deceased wife Ann Moore. $400 to St. Mary's Orphan Asylum in Newark. Balance of my estate to found an Orphan Asylum in Newark to be called St. James' Roman Catholic Asylum; also a hospital for sick and infirm persons. Witnesses: V . McGenis, Michael Phillips. Executors: Theodore Runyon, Mayor of Newark, Rev. John M. Gervais, pastor St. James' Roman Catholic Church. Noah Moore, Lafayette Township, Sussex Co., 5, 11, 1S55, 8. 3'. i^SS- Wife: Mary. Children: William; Hannahetta, Emeline, Harriet C, all unmarried. Witnesses: Thomas N. McCarter, Moses B. Northrup, Moses Ackerson. Executors: Son William, friend Mark Rorick. Patience Moore,? Evesham, Burlington Co., widow of Joseph Moore (will), 33, 548 ; • Nathan^ had Cornelius-. t Henry Mershon, planter, Hunterdon, was naturalized Aug. 16, 1733. I Hall's Trenton First Church, 233, Thomas Coleman is on deed of 1698; Ebenezer Cowell. g New Jersey Marriages. ^6o APPENDIX 8, 4, 1791, 5, 7, 1795- Children: Cyrus, Patience Watiey. Witnesses : Mary Sharp, Chalkly Rakestraw, William Woolman. Executor : Son Cyrus. Patrick Moore, husbandman, Mannington, Salem Co., 17, 97; 10, 7, 1774, 11, 18, 1774. Child: Elwell.* Grandcliildren : William Moore, Lurane (granddaughter), Eliza- beth (Elwell's daughter), Jeremiah Moore (brother of above grandson William). Witnesses : Wm. Harvey, James Bond, Michael Jordan. Executor : John Dickinson, of AUoways Creek, Salem Co. Peter Moore, Amwell, Hunterdon Co., 34, 206; 12, 2.8, 1791, 5, i, 1797. Chitdren: Henry (eldest), Jacob. Joseph, Peter, Isaac, Samuel, Ann (wife of Joseph Hains), Susannah (wife of Abraham Lawshe), Mary (wife of Isaac Laurew. Executors: Sons Henry, Jacob, Peter. Witnesses : John Covenhoven, Andrew Toone, John Lambert. (See Isaac's will, 1797.) Peter Moore, Amwell, Hunterdon Co., 3, 14, 1836, 10, 5, 1836. Sister and Brothers : Mary Larowe, Joseph, Jacob (deceased), Samuel, Ann Haines (deceased), Henry (deceased), Susan Lawshe. Nephews and Nieces : Isaac, Upheme, wife of Peter Taylor, Lydia Lake, Nancy Dilts, Richd Haines, Sarah Hatfield, children of sister Ann Haines (deceased); Catha- rine Snedeker (deceased), Keziah Smith, Marj- Snedeker, daughters of brother Henry (de- ceased). Grand Nieces and Nephews : John and Joseph, sons of Isaac Haines ; to children of Catharine Snedeker (deceased), daughter of brother Henry (deceased). To Jacob and Isaac, sons of Isaac Snedeker. Witnesses: Cornelius Q. Fisher, Mark Larew, William Kimbel. Ex- ecutors : Nephew Isaac Haines, neighbor James J. Fisher. Family graveyard near Gideon Moore's. Peter C. Moore, Township of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., residence Adam St., Lees- ville, lomo., 24th, 1853, 12, 6, 1S53. Wife : Harriet. Witnesses: John A. Jaques, Jesse Hughes. Executors : Wife Harriet, brother John E. Peter Moore, Middletown, Monmouth Co., 2, 9, 1881, 8, 22, iSSi. Wife : Mary Children: John, Peter. Witnesses: Derrick G. Campbell, Edwd F. Taylor. Executor: Friend Rev. J. J. Oconnor. Peter D. Moore, Washington, Bergen Co., 10, 26, 1896. 9, 29, 189S. Wife: Elizabeth. Children: Albert V., Peter E., John W., Margaret A., wife of John C. Van Saun, Elizabeth V., wife of John H. L. Deniarest. Witnesses : Malcom H. Angell, Harry I. Angell. Executors : Wife Elizabeth, sons Albert V., Peter E., John W. Pheby Moore, Hillsborough, Somerset Co., 8, 6, 1842, 4, 2, 1846. Niece : Margaret, wife of Dr. William McKissack. Witnesses: Simon WyckofT, Joseph Polhemus. Executor: Dr. William McKissack. Phebe C. Moore, Cedarville, Cumberland Co., 7, 25, 1848, 2, 17, 1852. Brothers : Benjamin F., Daniel. " Sisters and sisters-in-law." Ann Scott (late Ann Rose) f 100, no re- lationship given. Old School Presby. Church at Cedarville J50. Witnesses : Elmer O. Bate- man, William Moore, D. Wilson Moore. Executor: Brother Daniel. Phebe Ann Moore, Harrington, Bergen Co., 7, 21, 1871, Int. Administrator : Jacob S. Moore. Appraisement : J482 ; ^300 in Seaman's Saving Bank. Appraisers: Jacob N. Har- ing, B. W. Ferdon. Phebe Moore, Baskingridge, Bernards Township, Somerset Co., 8, 15, 1873, 8, 25, 1884. Husband: Jonathan (deceased). Chitdren: Delphine, Rachel. Witnesses: John C. Rankin, Sr., John H. Anderson. Executrices : Daughters Delphine, Rachel. Philip Moore, Newark, Essex Co., 2, 21, 1884, 7, 25, 1884. Wife : Martha. Child: Isaac. Grandson: Charles Henry. Witnesses: Geo. D. G. Moore, Thomas J. Pritchard. Ex- ecutors : John J. Young, Daniel Dodd. Priscilla Moore, Nottingham Township, Burlington Co., 5, 7, 1810, 9, 24, 1810. Children: William, James, Gilbert, Hilenah Hartman, Nancy Robins, Elizabeth, wife of Rich- ard Pierce, Harriot Gorden. Son : William Gorden (really son-in-law or son by former mar- riage). Witnesses : Benjamin Longstreth, Samuel Fowler, Stephen Verree. Executors: Sam- uel I. Bunting, son William Gorden. Inventory taken Sept. 13, 1810, j;8i.4o><, by Nathan Midelleton, Samuel Fowler. (See Gershom Moore. ) Rachel Moore, Rahway, Essex Co., 8, 17, 1844, i, 2, 1849. Children: Mary (de- ceased), wife of Samuel R. Marsh, of New Brunswick, Ann, widow of Frederick H. Freeman (deceased), Martha Van Derhoven (widow). Nephews: Thomas Henry and Augustus, children of daughter Mary Marsh. Witnesses : S. Abernethy, David P. Merrick, Jackson Freeman. Executors : Daughters Martha Van Derhoven, Ann Freeman, friend Josiah Willson, Jr. In- ventory says Rachel Moore, late of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co. Rachel G. Moore, Gloucester Co., 12,6, 1870, Int. Administrator: Benjamin G. Pancoast. Appraisement : 17,454.32, by Aaron Borton, Aaron K. Pancoast. Randolph L. Moore, Rahway, Union Co., 4, 4, 1879, Int. Administrator : Gilbert R. Lindsay, Jr. Appraisement : 11,652.20, by Augustus T. Jennings, John T. Hankins. • New Jersey Marriages. APPENDIX 461 Randolph H. Moore, Trenton, Mercer Co., 6, 10, 1890, i, 16, 1894. Wi/e : Sarah J. Witnesses: Charles Whitehead, William M. Lanuing. Executrix: Wife Sarah J. (See Sarah J. Moore, 1899.) Reading Moore, Fleniington, Hunterdon Co., 4, 28, 1885, 10, 13, 1S87. Legatees: Caroline D., wife of Reading M. Dilts; Sarah, widow of Asa Reed; Stella, daughter of Sarah Reed; Reading M., son of Ann Hoppock; John, Joseph, Sarah Ent, Anna German, children of Chas, Hoppock; John, George, Mary Rol)inson, children of Acker Moore; Harrison, James, Jonathan, Daniel, Ann Hoppock, Amelia Wilson, children of Wm. Dilts; Edwin, son of Siah Moore (deceased); Anjeline Gordon; Catharina, Melissa, Elizabeth, children of Jacob Thatcher (deceased); Urania J., wife of Andrew R. Dilts. Executor: Andrew R. Dilts. Witnesses: John B. Hopewell, John L. Connet. Rebecca Moore, Salem Co., 40, 2S1; 12, 6, 1S02. George Grier, guardian of Rebecca, child of Robert Moore. Rebecca Moore [1072], Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., 9, 5, 1813, 11, 5, 1813. Children: Phebe Green [2351], Mary [2352], wife of Jonathan Smith, Joanna [2355], Abigail [2354], Hannah Quick [2353], Samuel [2349]. Witnesses: IsxaeHldirXe, John Jones, John Carpenter. Executors: Son Samuel, daughter Phebe Green. Rebecca Moore, MuUica Hill, Harrison Township, Gloucester Co., 12, i, 1880, 4, 19, 1882. Brothers and Sisters: Thomas Moore (deceased), Lydia Haines (deceased), Siliilla Haines (deceased), Samuel Moore (deceased), Priscilla French (deceased), Hannah Haines (deceased), .Atlantic Moore. Nieces and Nephews: Samuel Iredell and children of sisters and brothers (deceased). Witnesses : James Benezet, F. A. Campbell. Executors : Nephew Sam- uel Iredell, friend Aaron Borton. Rebecca Y. Moore, Delaware Township, Hunterdon Co., 8, 25, 1S73, 8, 17, 1882. Children : Peter Sutphin Moore, f/ncles: Derrick A. Sutphin, Peter Young, Jeremiah Young. Aunts: Catharine,* wife of Judiah Kuhl, Elizabeth, widow of Ralph Bellis (deceased). Cousin: Mary, wife of Jacob Dilts. Witnesses: John T. Bird, A. V. Van Fleet. Executor: Friend Jacob Dilts. Rebecca H. Moore, Bridgeton, Cumlierland Co., 12, 29, 1887, i, 24, 18S8. Brother: Robert C. Holmes. Harry Stanton, son of my deceased husband's half-brother, David Stanton. Witnesses: Lydia W. Avres, Sarah D. Jones. Executor: Friend George W. Baily, of Wenouah, N. J. Rebecca Moore, Newark, Essex Co., 4, 12, 18S6, 9, 9, 1891. To my friend Rev. Wil- liam J. R. Taylor, D.D., of Newark. Witnesses : John W. Taylor and Anizi D. Taylor, both of Newark, N. J., Edwin A. Rayner, Bloomfield, N.J. Executor: Rev. Wm. J. R.Taylor. Rescaric Moore, Township East Windsor, Middlesex Co., 4, 27, 1830, 5. 8, 1835. Wi/e: Sarah. Children: Henry A., Mary Smith, E'lizabeth, Sarah, Margaret, Hannah. Wit- nesses : Joseph Wilson, Reuben King, Abijah Davis. Executor: Son Henry A. (See Sarah, 1837; also Sarah, 1820.) Rhoda Moore [1078], E'ranklin Township, Somerset Co., i, 11, 1S25, 4, 25, 1825. Children: Lettitia Holcomb [1653] (eldest) $1,500 in hands of Robert Letson ; Kirsiah Hart [1655], ;fi,4oo in hands of Samuel Holcomb. Son-in-law: John Hart. Witnesses: George Williams, John Anderson. Executor : Son-in-law John Hart. Rhoda Ann Moore, Elizabeth, Union Co., 9, 24, 1858, i, 7, 1868. A/other: Maria. Witnesses: F. B. diet wood, Sarah E. Moore. Exeat trix: Mother Maria. Rhoda E. Moore, Westfield Township, Union Co., 5, 7, 1S88, 12, 26, 1889. Sisters: Phebe A. Esterbrook, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Isabella Campbell, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Brother: Jloses Nichols, of Newburgh, N. Y. Nieces and A^ephews: Isaac F. Nichols, of New York City, John W.Nichols, of Meridan, Conn., Edward M. Nichols, of Newburgh, N. Y,, FUizabeth Nich- ols, of Newburgh, N. Y., Elizabeth Nichols, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Elizabeth Snead, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Rhoda Baker, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Adelaide F. Dupignac, of New York City, Anna Grant, of Torrington, Conn. Friend: Sarah Van Ness, of Plainfield, N. J. Friend and Former Ser- vant: Sarah Kitchener. Witnesses: Anna M. Clark, of Westfield, N. J., Sarah Teater. Execu- tor: James O. Clark, of Westfield, N. J. Rhoda Moore, city of Plainfield, Union Co., 3, 7, 1889, 6, 13, 1894. Children : Isaac T., Lewis H., Mary B. Witnesses : William M. Stillman, James Grant Voorhees. Executors: Three children, Isaac T., Lewis H., Mary B. Richard Moore, Lower Alloways Creek, Salem Co., 17, 490; 3, 5, 1775, 4, 15, 1785. Wife: Mary. Children: I'atrick, Robert, " all my children " (" unborn child " ). Executors: Wife and Patrick. Witnesses: Andrew Yorke, David Stretel, Peter Stretel, Clark Smith, Peter Fitzpatrick. Witnesses to Interlineations: Andrew Yorke, Barnabas McHenery, Edward Han- cock. Richard Moore, guardian, 40, 281; 12, 6, 1802. Jonathan Hildreth, guardian of Richard, child of Robert Moore, late of Salem Co. • See Paul Kiihl, witness to will of William Moore, Township Amwell, 1815. ^62 APPENDIX Richard Moore, Gloucester Co., 7, 7, 1829, Int. Administrator: James R. Brown. Appraisement : $679.45, by Job Brown, Esq., Jesse Smith. Groceries and other store goods in a store in Philadelphia. Book accounts against many persons. Richard Moore, Lower Alloways Creek, Salem Co., 9, 9, 1840, Int. Administrator: Josiah Thompson. Appraisement: $394.00, by Dalymore Harris, Mark Bradway. Richard More, Township Elsinboro, Salem Co., 10, 4, 1876, 3, 24, 1877. Wife: Mahalah. t7H7(/.- Mary Kelley. W7/««i«.- Edward M. Bilderback, William Patterson. Ex- ecutrix : Wife Mahalah. Robert Moore, Mannington, Salem Co., "Salem Files," i, 19, 1748/9. Administra- trix: Jane Brown. Appraisement: £% 19 o, by Thomas Haynes. Robert Moore, Salem Co., 37, 151; 7, i, 1797, Int. Administratrix: Rebecca Moore. No Inventory. Robert Moore, Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., i, 20, 1808, 10, 19, 1818. Wife: Eliza- beth. Children: Sarah Brant, Anna Freeman, Merion Terrel, Margaret, Elizabeth, Jane, Thomas, Samuel, Daniel Brittin. Witnesses: Richard Bird, Samuel Jaques, Edward Moore, Jr. Executors : Brother Daniel Moores, sons Thomas and Samuel. Robert Moore, Hampton, Sussex Co., 8, 29, 1866, Int. Administratrix : Mary Moore. Appraisonenl : $661.23, by Daniel S. Anderson, Oakley P. Pellet. Robert Moore, City of Paterson, Passaic Co., 12, 20, 1895, 6, 15, 1896. Wife: Ellen. Child : Ann, wife of Patrick J. Hynes. Witnesses: William McNulty, Patrick J. Hynes. Ex- ecutor : Patrick J. Hynes. Robert M. Moore, Elizabeth, Union Co., 8, 31, 1896, 2, 23, 1S97. Wife : Virginia. Children: Edgar B., Mary, Carrie. Witnesses: Harry C. Farraud, Edward P. Baker. Exec- ntors : Wife Virginia, son Edgar B., brother Benjamin. RoSANNAH Moore, widow of Samuel Moore, Mannington, Salem Co., 40, 535; 10, 4, 1788, proved 10, 31, 1793, probated 5, 3, 1814. Children : David, Rachel Clunney. Grand- children : John Moore, Joseph Moore, David More, Samuel Moore Carty. She mentions her daughter Elizabeth's children. Witnesses: Samuell Morgan, Joseph Graves. Executors : Son David, Joseph Graves. Rynear Moore, Franklin Township, Somerset Co., 2, 20, 1826, 4, 19, 1826. Wife: Pheby. Child: Idah. Grandchildren: Henry Moore, John, Catherine, Eliza. Witnesses: Peter Voorhees, Garret Polhemus, Joseph A. Suydam. Executors : Daughter Idah, friend Simon Wyckoff. Sackett (Seaket) Moore [343]. Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., 8, 15 ; 12, 6, 1753, Int. Witnesses : John Welling, Thomas Buildwin. Administrators : Benjamin Moore, John Moore [1069]. Abigail, the widow, in her renunciation says ; "My brother John Moore, my brother- in-law Benj. Moore. Sackett Moore [449], Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., 8, 21, 1820, Int. Administrator: Josephs. Hart [450]. Appraisement : $2,090.96, by Israel Moore [460], Edmund Burroughs. Samuel Moore, Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., 3, 4, 1679. Appointed administrator of estate of Henry Jaques, Jr., of Woodbridge (deceased), about May last, and whose widow Sam' Moore has since married. He is also to have care of her three children. Samuel Moore and NaTHL FiTzrandolph, Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., 5, 10, 1683. Appointed guardians of James and Anna, children of James Bollen, late of Woodbridge, Mid- dlesex Co., late secretary of the province of East New Jersey. Also appointed admrs of estate of James Bollen. Samuel Moore, yeoman, Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., E. N. J., E.J. Deeds, B. 421 ," II, 13, 1683, 4, 17, 1688. Wife: Hannah. Children: Samuel (eldest), when 21 (his mother- in-law, my wife), Thomas, John, Enoch, Hannah, Elizabeth (from her mother-in-law, my wife), Francis, when 18, Sarah. Executors: Brothers-in-law Samuel Dennis, Sanmel Haile, son-in- law John Blumfield. Witnesses: John Pike, John Bishop, Samuel Haile, John Blumfield, John Ilsly, Ephraim Andrise, Israeli Thornehill, Ezekiell Blumfield, Jonathan Bishop, Matthew Moore, his mark x. The executors refuse to serve and advise that one of the creditors be ap- pointed, B. 471. Samuel Moore,* Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., 3, 25, 1703, 4mo, 2, 1703. Wife: Sarah. Children: Samuell (eldest son), Jonathan, Mary, Rachel, all minors. Brothers: Thomas, John, Enoch. Brother-in-laiv : Stephen Tutle. To Mr. Sam' Hale I give 6 acres of my 45 acres of salt marsh at ye great salt pond at Raritan. Executrix : Wife. Witnesses : John Bishop, Stephen Tuttle, John Moore, Sani'l Shepard. Samuel Moore. Will of John Harrison, Gent., t Perth Amboy, Middlesex Co., 3, 2, 1723/4, 6, 14, 1725. " .Sister Mary, wife of Samuel Moore." » East Jersey Deeds, H. 138. t East Jersey Deeds, A. 330. APPENDIX 463 Samuel Moore,* Middlesex Co., E. 232; 12, 31, 1748, Int., administrator of William Britten, intestate. Sarah Britton, administratrix. (See Britton will.) Samuel Moore, merchant, Woodbridge, E. 529 ; 5, 3, 1750, 6, i, 1751, 40 years old. Wife: Mary. Children : Joseph, Edward, Isaac, John (next to youngest), Samuel (youngest). Brother: Enoch. Witnesses : Robart Moores, Michael Moore, Isaac Prall, Nugient Kelly. Executors: Wife and brother Enoch, mariner, of Essex Co. Robert Moore's land adjoined his. Samuel Moore, Woodbridge, F. 35S ; 5, 31, 1756. Administratrix : Experience, widow of Samuel Moores, yeoman. Samuel Moore, Piles Grove, Salem Co., 9, 100; 10, 29, 1754, , 1758. Wife: Ro- sannah. Children: Not named. Witnesses: Brick Urander, Aaron Silver (Quaker), Mary Barber (Quaker). Executrix : Wife Rosannah. Samuel Moore, Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., 10, iiS ; 10, 5, 1759, 10, 16, 1759. Wife: No name given. Children: Benjamin (eldest son), Jonathan. Brother: Henry. Sister: Mary. Uncle : ]onM.\a.n Moore. Witnesses : Benj. Stout, John Hart, John Ballard. Executors: Brother Henry, Hezikiah Stout. Probate granted to "Brethren" Henry Moore and Hezekiah Stout. Samuel Moores, Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., H. 159; 7, 3, 1762, Int. Administrator: John Moores. Experience, the widow, made administratrix 5, i, 1756 ; she dying, Wm. Kent, a creditor, appointed administrator 2, 8, 1759; he also dying, administration granted to John Moore at above date (1762). Samuel Moore, Bergen, H. 625 ; 7, 15, 1766. Citation: Samuel and Michael Moore named executors in will of Samuel Moore, but will is not proved because not witnessed. Samuel Moore, Sr., Middlesex Co., 24, 307; 7, 18, 1783, Int. Administrator : Sam- uel Moore, Jr. No inventory. Samuel Moore, 29, 224; 4, 4, 1786. Guardian of Fanny and Rachel Moore. Jacob Moore was made guardian of Helena same day. Samuel Moore, Evesham, Burlington Co., 28, 34 ; i, 19, 17S5, 8, 8, 1786. Wife : . Children: Edmond, . Witnesses: Solomon Gaskill, Eber Moore, Isaac Conrow. Executors : Caleb .Austin, Jacob Austin. Samuel Moore, Morris Co., 36, 96; 5, 28, 1795. Administrator: Enoch Conger, Jr. Appraisement: ^69 6 9, by Philip Morris, Abraham Day. Samuel INIoore, [1072], Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., i, 21, 1790, 4, 28, 1804. Wife: Re- becca. Children: William, Richard (deceased), he evidently was eldest son, for William received, it says, what was his at brother Richard's death, Samuel, Rebecca, Joanna, Abigail, Hannah, Phebe, Mary. Brother-in-lazv: William Green, calls him son William's uncle William Green. Witnesses: Nathaniel Temple, Benjamin Moore, Augustine Moore, Daniel Woodard. Execu- tors: Daughter Rebecca, Jr., wife Rebecca, Sr., son Samuel. Samuel Moore, English Neighborhood, 6, 30, 1S03, 4, 8, 1806. Children: Laurence, and my sons and daughters. Grandchildien: Jacob Vreeland and other grandchildren. ff7^- «tfiif.r.- Jacob Moore, BarnetNauget, John Day. Executors: Son Laurence, son-in-law Abra- ham Day. Samuel Moore, Hackensack, Bergen Co., 5, 22, 1810, 9, i, 1810. Wife : Sarah. Children: lohn, Abram, William, Fanny. Witnesses: Henry Polhemus, Benjamin Westervelt, John Myer. Executors : Sons .\bram and William. Dr. S.\muEL Moore ShuTE, Bridgeton, Cumberland Co., 8, 30, 1816, 9, 2, 1816. Wife: Hannah. Brothers: Enoch, my military Apparel and my certificate of membership of the Cincinnatti ; David. Brother-in-lan' : Jeremiah Dubois. Friends: Elizabeth Elmer, all the plate which belonged to her sister and marked with her initials, William Elmer. Executors : Wife Hannah, friend William Elmer. Witnesses : David Lupton, Ephraim Buck, Elam V. May hew. Samuel Moore [2349], Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., 2, 5, 1814, 8, 16, 1826. Brothersand Sisters: Elijah (deceased), William, Joanna, Abigail, Phebe, Mary Smith (Jonathan), Hannah Quick. Nephe'cs: Samuel M. Quick, Gershom C. Quick, Elijah Green, Elijah Moore. M'it- nesses: Levi Ketcham, John Carpenter, Henry Simmons, Jr. Executors : Brother-in-law Titus Quick, of Aniwell, Israel Hart, of Hopewell, Enoch Ketcham, of Hopewell. Shares in Trenton Library, books on mathematics, mensuration, &c.. Gunter's scales and tools in my shop, house and lot in Trenton Township purchased of Charles Green adjoining lands of Joseph Green and now in tenure of Daniel Woodard, to be sold. Samuel Moore, Galloway, Gloucester Co., 8, 6, 1829, Int. Administratrix: Phebe Moore. Appraisement: I317.00 by William Wescoat, Joseph Wiltse. Samuel Moore, [3065], Morris Township, Morris Co., 12, 31, 1846, 3, 12, 1847. Wife: Mary. Children: William H., Ira, Stephen. U itnesses : Ezra Scott, Amos Prudden, Stephen Guerin. Executors: Son Ira, friend Jonathan Thompson. * N. Y. Marriages, 1738, March 29, Samuel Moore, Martha Brittin. 464 APPENDIX Samuel Moore, Boonton Township, Morris Co., 9, 4, 1858, 3, 31, 1859. Wife : Eliza- beth. Child: Samuel. Witnesses : John Grimes, Paul Glover, both of Boonton. Executrix: Wife Elizabeth. SamuelMoore (Quaker), Woodbridge Township, Middlesex Co., 4,3, 1858, probated in Union Co. , 11,21, i860. Wife: Margaret. Children: Prince G., Elizabeth, Charity G. Earl (deceased), William S., Harvey S., Samuel L., Philip D., Elias B. Grandchildreji: Chil- dren of daughter Charity G. Earl (deceased). Witnesses: Joseph Shotwell, Sr., Margaret E. Shotwell, Frances E. Shotwell, all affirmed. Executors: Sons PrinceG. (affirmed), Samuel L., John H. Shotwell (affirmed). SamuEI, Moore, Salem Co., 7, 23, 1867, Int. Administrators: Allen Moore (affirmed), William Moore (affirmed). Appraisement : ^6,758.93, by Samuel Borton (Quaker), Jacob Somers. Thomas B. Moore, Allen Moore, Samuel Moore mentioned in inventory against whom the deceased held notes. Samuel S. Moore, Washington Township, Bergen Co., 12, 12, 1883, 1,30, 1884. Granddaughter: Julietta Moore. Legatees: Ralph D. Haring, Garret R. Hering. Witnesses: John H. Mence, Albert D. Bogert. Executor: Garret R. Hering. Samuel Moore, Gloucester Co., i, 31, 1885, Int. Administrators: HannahA. Moore, George L. Moore. Appraisement: ^4,912.87, by George Horner, Stacy Hazelton. Samuel L. Moore, city of Elizabeth, Union Co., 4, 24, 1879, 3, 17, 1894. Wife: Frances A. Witnesses: Patrick H. Gilhooly, Philip Mohr. Executrix: Wife Frances. Samuel Moore, Morris Township, Morris Co., 11, 16, 1896, Int. Administrator: Stephen Breese. Appraisement : J394.12, by George H. Baird, David L. Fox. Sarah Moore. Will of Ezekiel Woodruff, Elizabeth, Essex Co., 5, 26,1801, i, 18, 1802. Wife : Sarah. Children : Sarah Moore, Polly Davis, Hannah Ogden Woodruff, Mary Ann Woodruff, Maria Woodruff, Ezekiel, Silas, Aaron, Luther. Grandchild: Mary Ballard Passle. Brother : Jesse Woodruff. Witnesses : John Hendricks, Michael Woodruff, John Zelutt. Executors: Brother Jesse Woodruff, friend Jeremiah Ballard. Sarah Moore, wife of Rescarick Moore, daughter of Ann Wilson, East Windsor, Mid- dlesex Co., 3, 17, 1819, 6, 29, 1820. Granddaughters : Mary Smith, Elizabeth Mount, Sarah Taylor, Margaret and Hannah, children of Eskarich Moore. Grandson : Henry Moore, |;:oo. Great-grandchildren : Tule and Elizabeth, children of Peter Smith, each I50. Daughters : Sarah, wife of Eskarich Moore, Elizabeth (?). Grandchildren : Nancy Skenk, Jioo, Rachel Wolly, $100, Isaac Plutchinson, a horse bought at vendue of Isaac Hutchinson. Wit- nesses: Jacob Fisher, David Fisher, Margaret (her x mark) Mason. Executors: Daughter Sarah Moore, son-in-law Eskarich Moore. (See Rescarick, 1835.) S.arah Moore, East Windsor, Middlesex Co., 3, 20, 1S37, 4, 14, 1837. Children: Elizabeth, Sarah, Margaret, Hannah M., Henry. Witnesses: Selah Gulick, Jefferson Wright. Executrix: Daughter Hannah M. (See Rescarick Moore, 1835,) Sarah Moore, Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., 5, 28, 1832, 5, 15, 1839. Sisters : Catharine, Hannah Dumont. Niece : Elizabeth Beekman. Nephew : Aaron Moore. Augustine M. Vankirk, Frances Vankirk (no relationship given). To trustees of First Presby- terian congregation in Hopewell, I40. Witnesses: Aaron Hart, Joseph H. Phillips. Executor: Nephew Aaron Moore [463]. Sarah E. Moore, wife of Henry S. Moore, Raritan, Hunterdon Co., 2, 3, 1866. Mother: Ann Hope. Brother: Runyon Hope. Sisters: Margaret Jane Hope, &c. Nieces: Emma F. Trimmer, Mary Ann Hope, Josephine Shepherd, Ella Shepherd. Witnesses : C. W. Larison, A. H. Landis, Joseph C. Sutphin. Executor: Brother Runyon Hope. Sarah Moore, Delaware Township, Hunterdon Co., 8, 19, 1850, 8, 4, 1873. Brothers: Peter Hoppock, John Hoppock. Henry, Amos, Mahala, children of brother John Hoppock. Brother Peter Hoppock's three children. John, George, Mary, Amos, children of Acker Moore. Ann Wagoner, daughter of Amos Hoppock; Mary, wife of Peter Hoppock; Charlotte Snider; Levi .Slack; William M. C. Manners. Executor: Acker Moore. Witnesses: Jacob F. Buchanan, William Lawshe. Sarah Ann Moore, Lambertville, Hunterdon Co., 4, i, 1878, 8, 7, 1S78. Grand- nephew: Richard H. Moore (deceased). Sallie M., daughter of Richard H. Moore (when 21); Mary E. Dilley; Elizabeth G. Tomlinson; C. Farley, son of Allen G. Moore (when 21); Allen H. Moore; Leah W. Moore; Mary L., daughter of W. W. Wilson; Dr. Theodore H. Studdiford. Uncle: Cornelius Wilson. Witnesses: Gershom Lambert, John H. Johnson, Willie W. Robin- son. Executor: Theodore H. Studdiford, M.D. She leaves I50 to the Barber graveyard to keep in repair the graves of her father's famil)' and her grave, the money to be placed in the hands of Jonathan H. Hoppock or any other interested person for that purpose. Sarah Moore, New Barbadoes, Bergen Co., 5, 26, 1880, Int. Administrator : Corne- lius H. Moore. Appraisement : $3,400.00, by Samuel E. De Groot, Cornelius J. Van Saun. Sarah Moore, Ewing, Mercer Co., 3, 15, 1881, Int. Administrator : Benjamin F. Hendrickson. Appraisement: 1411.92, by Jacob Hendrickson, Joseph T. Hart. APPENDIX 4.65 Sarah Moore, Hillsborough, Somerset Co., 6, 6, 18S8, 7, 17, 1888. Niece: May Hall, 6 silver table spoons and 9 tea spoons marked P. P. L., and also china; to Spencer Moore, silver plated ware and knife box; to Amelia Young, i dozen silver tea spoons and 2 dessert spoons, S. L.; to Annie Wright; to MoUie Wright; to Joseph A., son of Jonah Low, fjoo and watch; to Amelia, wife of Peter W. Young, 12,300, &c.; to Nettie Young. Witnesses: Gilbert Lane, Catharine A. Van Nest. Executor: Friend Calvin Corle. Sarah E. Moore, widow, Morris Town, Morris Co., 8, 13, 1888, 5, 15, 1S89. Child: Sarah E., wife of Luther M. Baird, of Morristown. Grandchildren : Children of daughter Sarah E. Baird. Witnesses: George T, Werts, Morristown, N. J., Frank Rodler. Executrix: Daughter Sarah E. Baird. Sarah J.Moore, Trenton, Mercer Co., 2, 3, 1899, Int. Administrator : Edwin A. Moore. Appraisement : j?268.6o, by James Seckerson, William Jaynes. (See Randolph H. Moore. ) Silas Moore, Hanover, Morris Co., 19, 143; 9, 17, 1776, 7,8, 1777. Wife : Mary. Children: " Sons and daughters." Witnesses: David Moore, John Huntington. Executors : Clysby Cobb, James Luni. SiNEY Moore, Ridgefield, Bergen Co., 2, 10, 1873, 7,26, 1S86. Sister: Magdelena Van Der Beck. Nieces: Elizabeth Demarest, Jane Bogert, Anna Vanderbeck, Anna Maria Brinkerhoff, Elizabeth Van Buskirk. A'ephgws : James B. Terhune, Michael Terhune, John Vanderbeck, David Vanderbeck, Jacob Vanderbeck. Witnesses : Joseph B. Miller. Jacob H. De Mott. Executors : Nephew-in-law John A. Demarest, nephew James B. Terhune. (See David, 1888.) Stacy Moore, Southampton, Burlington Co., 12, 19, 1848, 2, 26, 1S49. Children : Joshua R., William, Elizabeth Buzby, Hannah E. Haines. Grandchildren : Stacy F. Haines, Rachel R. Haines. Son-in-law : Arthur Haines. Witnesses : William Thomas, Israel AUo- ways, Job Brooks. Executors : Son Joshua R., son-in-law Arthur Haines. Stephen Moore, Greenwich, Cumberland Co., 8, 158; 4, 17, 1755, Int. Administra- tor : Francis Brewster. Appraisement : £<) (> 10. Stephen Moore [3052], Morris Co., 19, 209; 11, 6, 1776, i, 27, 1777. Wife: Eunice. Children: "Male and female," Samuel. Sister: Hannah Losey. Witnesses: Malm M'Coury (Mecurey), David Mott, Hannah Dunn. Administratrix : Eunice Moore. Philip Lindley and Ebenezar Condict were appointed executors but did not serve. Stephen Moore, Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., Nov. 28, 1828, Nov. 18, 1829. Wife: Elizabeth. Children : Amos, Sarah, wife of William Smith, Rachel. Grandchildren: Bur- roughs Moore, Stephen Moore, Thomas Moore, Aaron Moore, whose mother was Elizabeth Moore, Rachel Jloore. Daughter-in-la't': Elizabeth Moore. Mother-in-lazv: Margaret Moore. Executors: Son Amos, son-in-law William Smith. Witnesses: Benjamin Burroughs, Charles Scudder, Aaron Moore. Inventory taken Nov. 16, 1829, $2,067.09. Appraisers: Aaron Moore, Benj. Burroughs. Stephen Moore, Ewing, Hunterdon Co., 5, 23, 1834, 9, 3, 1834. Brother: Thomas R. Wi/e: }ane. Son: Moses. H-'itnesses : ]onathan Large, David L. Titus, Samuel H. Lake. Executors : Brother Thomas R., friend Aaron Moore. STEPHEN B. MoORE, Lambertville, Hunterdon Co., 11, 24, 1876, 1,8,1877. Wife: Sarah Ann. Children: Stephen B., daughter Jose F. Witnesses: N. V. Young, John U. Hunt. Executrix : Sarah Ann Moore. STEPHEN MooRE, Woodbury, Gloucester Co., 3, 16, 1885, 10, 12, 1887. Wife : Sarah A. B. " My heirs share and share alike. " Witnesses: George W. Cattell, J. Frank Wilson. Executors : Brother-in-law Adon W. Cattell, friend Samuel Franklin. STEPHEN A. Moore, Hope Township, Warren Co., no date on will, 6, 5, 1888. Chil- cLren: " My three children." Witnesses: George Wildrick, Samuel Wildrick. Executors: William A. Moore, William G. Folkner. Susan MoORE, Village of Liberty Corner, Somerset Co., 3, 27, 1894, 5, 10, 1897. Chil- dren: Eugene, James G., David B., Minerva L., Gussie. Witnesses : Peter Layton, William B. Sanders. E.recutor : Son James G. Theophiix'S MooRE [1078], Amwell, Hunterdon Co., 7,15, 1805, Int. Administra- tors : Samuel Holcombe, Jr., Jacob Holcombe, Jr., Keziah Moore. Appraisemoit : 17,884.68, by Derrick Hogeland, Lott Phillips. Thomas Moore, Elizabethtown, Essex Co., i, 204; 4, 6, 1708, 6, 10, 1708. Wife : Re- becca. Children: Gershom, Thomas, Rebecca. Witnesses : Ebenezer (his x mark) Parsons, Sam'l (his X mark) Bond, Isabel (her x mark) Jones. Executors: Wife Rebecca, Nathaniel Wade,* of W'oodbridge, Middlesex Co. Thomas Moores, Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., F. 1; 10, 6, 1751, 10, 22, 1751. Wife : Rachel. Children: Says my four daughters: Marion (5. Oct. 21, 1735), Anabel {b. Mar. 3, * Nathaniel Wafle was minister of Woodbridge in 1710, when he and his church joined the Presbytery of Phila. Hatfield's Elizabeth Town, 330. 466 APPENDIX 1736/7), Mary, Sarah. John, Mary, and Hope not named in will. Witnesses: Daniel Moores, Charles Toms, Richard Frances, David Donham. Executors : Wife and wife's brother Daniel Moore. Thomas Moore, Northampton,* Burlington Co., 13, 82 ; 4, 20, 1765, 6, 16, 1767. IVi/e: Miriam. Children: Samuel (see a will, 1789, Bordentown), Job, Thomas, Rebecca, Hannah, Catharine, Miriam, Sarah. Witnesses: Benjamin Moore (Quaker), Francis Venicombe (Qua- ker), Isaac Evens. Executors: Wife and Job. Thomas Moore, Evesham, Burlington Co., 25, 98; 10, 6, 1783, Int. Administrators : Elizabeth (widow of Thomas Moore), Samuel Cooper. Bondsmen: Thomas Cooper, Northamp- ton, Samuel Moore, Evesham. Thomas Moore, Bergen Co., 27, 489 ; 7, 25, 1785, Int. Administrator : Isaac Verva- len, Jr. Appraisement : 6, 30, 1785, ^200 00 o, by John Benson, John Mauritius Goetschins. Sam' T. Moore and Jacob T. Moore, of Bergen Co., applied for guardianship of their sister Helena, under fourteen, and Jacob T. Moore was made guardian, Bergen Orphans Court, March Term, 1786. Also for guardianship of Fanny and Rachel, daughters of Thomas Moore ; Samuel T. Moore was appointed their guardian, April 4th, 1786. Thomas Moore, Bordentown, Burlington Co., 32, 68; 11, 30, 1789, 8, 24, 1790. Wife: Lydie. Children : James, John, Thomas. Father-in-law : John Taylor. Witnesses : John Thorn, Thomas Thorn, Charles Burtun (m. the widow, see Chesterfield Records). Executors: Wife Lydia and father-in-law John Taylor. " - Thomas Moore, John Moore, guardian, 34, 408 ; 9, 15, 1792. Thomas Moore [15], Maidenhead, Hunterdon Co., 33,296; 12,21, 1781,3, 28, 1793. Wife: U-^ther. Children: Philip, John, Greshom, Elizabeth, Mercy. Witnesses: Nathan Moore, Philip Roberts, Benjamin Slack. Executors: Wife Esther, sous Philip and John. (See will of Greshom Moore, 1722. ) Thomas Moore, Burlington Co., 37, 67 ; 2, 24, 1797, Int. Administratrix : Lucretia Moore. Thomas Moore, Cumberland Co., 3, 2, 1808, i, 12, 1814, Int. Administrator : Wil- liam Moore, who deposes to the inventory i, 12, 1814, six years after its date. Appraisement : $369.61!,-. Thomas Moore, Upper Freehold, Monmouth Co., 5, 20, 1820, 7, 29, 1S23. Wife: Mary. Child: Thomas. Grandchildren: Children or heirs of my son Thomas. iV('/>.4<'a'.- Henry Moore. Witnesses: Samuel Curtis, John Harker, William Shinn. Executor: Friend Benjamin Shinn. Thomas Moore, Bedminster, Somerset Co., 10, 11, 1833, 2,8, 1834. Sister : Sa.x!i\i., wife of Thomas Whiteford, of the town of Alcestes, Warwickshire, England. Friends : Chris- tian EofF $200, Aletta, wife of Christian Eoff, $100. To Abraham, son of Squire Parrot, ;j20o. Catharine, wife of Levi Holden, Jioo. Witnesses : W. W. Hedges, S. F. Woodhull, G. A. Vroom. Executor : Levi Holden (my friend). Thomas S. Moore, New Barbadoes, Bergen Co., 3, 26, 1834, Int. Administrator: William T. Moore. Appraisement : Not computed, by Peter Fredericks, John D. Day. Thomas J. Moore, HacKensack, Bergen Co., 9, 6, 1852, 9, 24, 1852. Wife: Sarry (written Larry). CTi/A/rt-;;.- Jacob T., Henry, Anna, Jane, Maria, Ellen. ;F/i'«ii R. Jtd^ar and had Earl". Burrowes Moore' and Elizabeth Reed had Anna Maria*, b. Apr. 21, 1820 ; Alfred', b. May 2, 1821; Rev. Ambrose Y.', D.D., b. Feb. 8. 1823, Treasurer of Hanover College, Hanover, Ind.; Martha Jane*, b. Aug. II, 1826; Edward T.', b. Oct. 30, 182S; Robert H.', b. Mar. 21, 1831. Charles Meredith Moore' and Harriet Lewis had Emily'; Lorenz' ; Theodore'; Hannah'; Parthenia*; Harriet'; Andrew'; Stephen' ; Libby' ; Meredith'. Andrew Young Moore' and Elizabeth Baldy had Parthenia* ; Peter B.«; Oriando Hurlev' m. ; Henrietta'; Oliver Kidwell*. b. 1834, d. 1879, m. Mar- tha Elder Kidder, b. 1838, d. 1882; Stephen Baldv' ; Oscar C; John' d. in infancy or child- hood. Orlando Hurley^Moore' and had Allen Young*; Jessie* m. H. C. Loveridge. Jessie Moore* and //. C. Loveridge had Sallie" ; Horace Livingston*'. Oliver Kidwell Moore* and Martha Elder Kidder had Katharine Scott*, b. 1865, m. Mar., 1891, Thomas Chalmers Um- sted, d. Oct. 2^, 1900, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Florence V},b. 1870, m. 1893, Harry Vander Weydan. Katharine Sco'tt Moore* and Thomas Chalmers Umsled had Thomas Scott^ b. 1892. Florence V. Moore* and Harry Van der Wevden had Mona", b. 1894; Harry^ b. 1S95; Eryk", b. 1897 ; Katharina Scott«, b. 1*898 ; Florence Heleue*, b. July 26, 1900, at Montieth-sur-Mer, France. Maria Moore' and Stephen Kelsey had .Armitage' ; Will' ; Louise Knosp' m. Knox ; Jennie Walton*. Armitage G. Moore' and Amanda S. Phillips had Nellie* m. Jackson, 1908 Sheri- dan Road, Evanston, 111. * See Andrew Moore, Lancaster Co. t Andrew Young had Hezekiah, William, Andrew, Titus, Parthenia, Jerusha, Penelope, Abby, Susan. 478 APPENDIX John I. Moore, New York. John I. Moore\ b. June 6, 1746, m. March 28, 1772,* Mary Van Dyke, b. Oct. 3, 1756, and had Mary', b. Jan. 6, 1774; Abner', b. May 27, 1775; Esther', b. Nov. 28, 1776; John I.', b. Dec. 18, 1777; Samuel^ b. Aug. 16, 1779, m. Ann Stires and had Ann^ who TXi.Edivard Hope and had Amelia A.* ni. Edmund Diiggs^Jr., who had Annie D.* m. Wright F. Lewis, Jr. (Catharine), daughter of John I. Moore and Margaret Jones Bales, March 12, 1770. (Old Record.) John Moork, Somerset County, N. J. John Moore", t d- 1833 (will, 5, 20, 1833, 4, 23, 1S33), and had Isaac', b. 1752, Somerset Co., N. J., m. (i) Sarah Smalley (John, Warren Township, same county), (2) Lydia Bedell (Moses) granddaughter of David Littell, pri- vate and minute man during Revolution, made freeholder April 24, 1790. Isaac Moore' and Sarah Smalley and Lydia Bedell had David'^ m. Betsey Boyle; Daniel' m. Rolph; Rachel' m. Garret Vreeland; Mary' m. James Marshall, lived in Paterson, N. J., 1816, widow died and was buried at Lacon, Marshall Co., 111.; John' m. Chloe Tucker; Tabitha' m. John Lyon; Sarah' m. Samuel Evans * * ; Isaac' m. Mary Davis; Moses', d. 1828 (?), m. Phebe French; (Betsy) Elizabeth' m. Daniel Parker, was widow in 1833; Samuel' m. Mary Ludlow; Ruth' m. Garret Brown; Nancy' m. Robert Anderson; Rhoda' m. Reuben Smalley; William' m. Eleanor Falls; Susan' m. William Stevens. Mary Moore' and Javies Marshall had twelve children, among whom were Elizabeth* m. Henry Crane, N. J.; Rachel* m. William Walker; Garrett*; Sarah*^ b. 1804, d. in Peoria, 111., Dec, 1871, m. William Hadley (an Englishman), of New Jersey in Paterson, and removed to Ohio and then to Illinois in 1836; James*, b. in Paterson, N. J., after- ward of Newark, N. J., mentioned in Biographical Encyclopaedia of Successful Men of New Jer- sey; Daniel*, Paterson, N. J., d. 1891 or 1892. Sarah Marshall' and IVilliain Hadley had Wil- liam Wiggins^; James Marshall", b. Oct. 20, 1833, at Lebanon, Ohio, m. Oct. 20, 1S60, at Peoria, 111., Margaret Widenham' (William- m. Charlotte Benden, Richard', of Castle Wideiiham, County Cork, Ireland), who had Clara Widenham**, b. Lacon, Marshall Co., 111., m. Sept. 6, 1888, W. H. Wait, University of Michigan, and Edwin Marshall**, h. in Peoria, Peoria Co., 111., Oct. 14, 1872. John Moore, Lebanon Township, Hunterdon County, N. J. John Moore* and Eliza- beth Brookins, of England, had Robert', (J.Oct 11, 1764, d. Aug. 8, 1808, m. Oct. 11, 1794, Margaret Swartz (Jacob), b. May 2, 1776, d. Jan. n, 1854, lived in Lebanon Township, Hun- terdon Co., N. J., removed to Luzerne Co., Pa., before 1800; John' removed to Canada ; Daniel' removed to Ohio ; Cornelius' settled in Reading, Pa.; Lawrence' m. Simms; Sally'. Robert Moore' and Margaret Swartz had Elizabeth', b. Oct. 7, 1795; William', b. Oct 28, 1797; Mary' b. March 15, 1801 ; John Robert', b. Nov. 29, 1803, d. April 17, 1863, m. April 10, 1830, Sarah Bodle (Daniel), b. July 24, 1806, d. Nov. 12, 1869, and had Samintha*, b. Jan. i, 1831, Robert', 5..\ug. 23, 1834, Susan*, b. June 27, 1836, d. 3, 5, 1880, Daniel B.*, b. Oct. 29, 1839, John*, d. April 21, 1842, m. Sept. 27, 1867, Algenette Merritt, Kenawee, 111., Sarah*, b. July 31, 1846; Anna', b. Dec. 9, 1806; Robert', Jr., b. Feb. 11, 1809. John Moore' and Algenette Merritt had N. M.*, b. Oct. 19, 1869; J. R.^ b. July i, 1871; L. A.\ b. Dec. 19, 1875; N. B.^ b. Aug. 29, 1884. John Moore, New York City. John Moore' came from London 1848, and d. 1897 in New York; he had a son John Moore', of the firm of John Moore & Co. , carriages, harness and horse goods, 59 Warren Street, N. Y. Joseph Moore, J New Jersey. Joseph Moore', b. June 4, 1754, m. 1773, Rebecca Fos- ter, b. June I, 1755, settled in Hampshire Co., Va., and in 1790, in company with several other families, went down the Ohio River on a flat-boat, landing in Mason Co., Ky., at a point now known as Maysville, bought land in the same count}-, but in iSoo removed to Adams Co.. Ohio, and had Sarah', b. July 18, 1774; Nathaniel', b. March 25, 1776; Aaron', i. Feb. 21, 1778; Mary', b. May 23, 1780, m. Abram Watson; John Skillman', b. Aug. 3, 1782, d. in Illinois, July i6, 1843; Foster', b. May 10, 1785; Jemima', b. June 19, 17S7, probably (/. young; Col. Joseph', b. Feb. 13, 1790; Foreman', i. June 20, 1792; Rebecca' (record indistinct); Burroughs' (record indistinct), m. Eliza Rodgers, removed to Texas. It is stated Aaron' had a son Joseph', b. Jan. i, 1798, and the same record gives the names of Michael', b. June 30, 1799, and of Jemima', b. Sept. 6, i8or, who are his children, perhaps. Foster' had Rebecca Foster', b. Feb. 21, 1810. Col. Joseph' had Burroughs', b. Scioto Co., C)hio, May 31, 1S15. Foreman' had Joseph Burroughs', Manchester, Ohio, probably the oldest one of the famil)' now living. John Skillman' ni. Nancy Edwards (b. in Virginia, April 12, 1784, d. in Iroquois Co., III., July 5, 1853), and had born to them in Adams Co., Ohio, Jesse', h. Aug. 21, 1804, d, March 25, 1S90, Sheldon, 111.; Joseph', b. Nov. 28, 1805, d. Dec. 29, 1805, Adams Co., Ohio; Foster', b. Dec. 10, 1806, d. Oct. 31, i8S5, Sheldon, 111.; Sanniel', h. Sept. 12, 1808, d. Oct. 31, 1808, Adams Co., Ohio; William Skillman', b. Dec. 20, 1S09, d. May 3, 1898, Watseka, 111. ; Foreman', b. Feb. 24, 1812, d. July 6, 1870, Iroquois Co., 111.; Rebecca', b. Jan. 19, 18:4; John Burroughs', b. April 13, iSi6, d. Nov. 19, 1870, Iroquois Co., 111.; Aaron', b. March 28, 1818, d. Nov. 3, 1S96, Kansas; Catherine', b. Feb. i, 1820, .\ Frank', Allen*, William*; Harriet Jane*, b. April 11, 1838, Watseka, 111., m. Morrell ; Nancy A.*, b. Nov. 23, 1839, Watseka, 111., m. Hogananti had Rosy*, Hattie* in. Dewey; Vilinda*, b. Feb. 11, 1S42, ra. Xewloii Beal, Remington, Ind., and had Jennie*, Charles Grant*, Gertrude*, Ida*, Stella*, Floy*, William* * * ; Alvaro*; Mordecai'; Sanford*; Florence*; Mary*; Hester*. Foreman Moore^ m. Fleming and had Peter', d. at Foster, Bates Co., Mo., m. Myra McConnellandhad Sidnev*, Dicev*, Lula*, John*, Haruian*, Nellie*; Jane', Watseka, l\\.,m. Jesse Zicmzcalt and had Edna*; Emma', Watseka, 111., in. William ;?'«/ and had Clyde"; Ruth', Watseka, 111., m. Thomas ;r«/ and had Ray*; Frank', Watseka, 111.; Ollie' in. Phil Simmons; Ella'; Hattie*, Milford, 111., m. Otto. Rebecca Moore' m. Micajah Stanley, b. Feb. 2, 1810, d. April iS, 1888, and had Jane*, Watseka, 111., m. Taliaferro; Louisa'; Minerva*; Joseph'; Mark', Watseka, 111., m. — ; Dicey', Watseka, 111., m. Warren; Lydia' m. Willoughby; John'. John B. Moore'' m. Sarah Fleming and had Joseph', b. Aug. 5, 1842; Mica- jah Stanley*, d. in the army 186-; William'; Martha Ann' ni. Barton Bishop, Sheldon, 111., and had Edward*, Frank*, Virgie*, Harry*, John*, Arthur*, Benjamin*, Martha*; Fleming Russell' m. Trotter, Milford, 111., and had 'Lena*; Zuinglish Valentine'. Aaron Moore' in. Sarah , Aniericus, Kansas, and had Warren', Colorado; Willis*; Mark' d. ; Samuel*; Mette'; Ramie*. Americus, Kansas; John', Aniericus, Kansas; Lois', Portage, Ohio, m. Saylor; Frank'; Oscar*. Catharine Moore' m. 5'in««<'/ Fleming and had Nancy* m. Haynes; James B.*; Jennie* d. , m. Julien; Mattie* m. Whitbeck; Wesley* d. , m. ; Frank*. Joseph Moore'm. Ann , Streator, 111., and had Jesse*, Streator, 111.; Louis', Streator, 111.; Sarah Jane'; Alice*; Emniett', Streator, 111. Mary Moore' m. John Crozvl , Sheldon, 111., and had George* m. ; Julia' d. ; Mattie' va. James Hoagland, Sheldon, 111., and had John*; Frank' m. , Indiana; Ella' d. , m. Joseph W. Sargent and had Earl- ing*, Mildred*, Ray*. Nancy Moore' m. Reuben Carman and had Melissa', Hume, Bates Co., Mo., m. ■ McConnell; Lucy', Hume, Bates Co., Mo., m. Perkins; John*; Rosa*, Hume, Bates Co., Mo. JosiAH MooRE, Flemington, N. J. Josiah Moore', b. Apr. 23, 1749, m. Mary Lake, b. Dec. 19, 1749, and had Jonathan^ b. Jan. 3, 1772; Rhoda^ b. Feb. 13, 1774; Elizabeth^ b. Dec. 5, 1775; Abraham', b. May 3, 177S; Sarah^ A. July 16, ; Elizabeth', b. June 7, 1782; Elna- than'\ b. Sept. 24, 1784, rf.' May ^, 1857, aet. 73 (will), at Ten Mile Run, Franklin Tsp., buried at Kingston, m. Dec. 5, 1808 '(L), Mary Ruiikle, *. Sept. 20, 1779, d. Oct. 26, 1871, aet. 92, at New Brunswick, N. J., buried at Kingston, N. J., hotel keeper at Flemington, N. J.; Ann^ 1^. Nov. 24, 1786; Isaac-', b. Apr. i, 1789; Josiah^ b. July 22, 1790; Rachael", b. May 31, 1794. El- nathan Moore'^ and Mary Runkle had Hon. Charles B.', b. Jan. 6, 1S22, m. Margaret Tilberg, State Senator, Somerset Co., N. J.; William Runkle', b. Oct. 28, 1810, d. May 21, 1856 (will), Flemington, N. J., m. June 12, 1839(1) Ann Wallison d. Feb. 3, 1847, at Flemington, N. J., (2) Catharine Wallison d. Nov. 18, iS52,andliad Edwin', Mary', Joseph'; Austin Grey', 6. Apr. 5, 1816, unmarried, d. Sept. 9, 1832, at New Hope; Hannah Maria', b. Aug. 21, 1S09, d. , m. Isaac Stout. Rocky Hill, d. Sept. 5, 1851, and had John*, Helen', Mary'; Hart', b. Apr. 5, 1816, living at Mattewan, m. Phebe Ann Quick, d. Feb. 5, 1845, kept County Hotel, at Somerville, N. J.; John R.', Kingston, N. J. Hon. C. B. Moore' and Margaret Tilberg had William' m. '. and had a daughter* who m. Samuel H. Dayis, Brooklyn, N. Y., Denver; Addie', Kingston, N. J.; Sarah* d. ; Edwin* m. Mary Cortelyou, d. . Lewis Moore, Rocky Hill, N.J. Lewis Moore^* ni. Margaret , was at Rocky Hill, N. J., early in 1700, and had Lewis^ d. at Charleston, S. C; Johir d. at Bombay, E. I., about 1750; William-, b. 1730, ;/. 1795, Westchester Co., N. Y., buried in St. Peter's Churchyard, East Chester, N. V., master of a ship, m. Dec. 29, 1760, (i) Mary Bogart, (2) . • This family claims descent from Rev. John Moore. There are many facts pointing that way but no docu- mentary evidence has connected it with him so far. ^8o APPENDIX "Dressed in a suit of black velvet, Captain William Moore led a company of Foresters on horse- back, representing Christopher Columbus." The family came from Newtown, Long Island, and a branch settled in Rocky Hill. He was an ardent lover of everything that appertained to his country's welfare in those days.* There is a copy of a deed in the register's office for house and lot in Cliff St. from Wm. Moore and wife Mary. William Moore* and Mary Bogart and had John W.' d. 184-, m. May 4, 1793, Mary Weaver* (William'' m. Jane , Samuel'), b. April 15, , d. i860; Judge Lewis', b. 1767, d. 1843, Hackensack, N. J., m. Elizabeth Price (Michael, lessee of old Park Theatre), d. i860 ; Leah-' m. Mar. 22, 1780 (L), Col. Joel Stone, N. Y., of British Army, removed to Nova Scotia. Judge Lewis Moore' and Elizabeth Price had Eliza', b. 1799, d. if'79, m. Cornelius Scott Blauvelt, M.D., and had Eliza Moore* who m. George J. N. Zabriskie, and had George" m. Sarah Forrest Gray, Albert Romeyn*, Cornelius"; LewisS b. 1800, d. 1840, m. Mary Fine Nichol; Mary*, b. 1802, unmarried; John L.', i. 1804, d. 1889, m. Martha Burtis Amory; Louisa', b. 1806, unmarried; Helena C. P.*, b. 1807, m. George Fair &nA had George-', William', Lewis Moore'^; Michael P.\ b. 1809, unmarried; William M. P.*, b. 181 1, unmarried; Benjamin P.*, b. 1813, m. Hannah Cooper ; Edward P.', b. 1815, unmarried; Jane Ann',*. 1821, unmarried ; George Henry', b. 1823, unmarried ; Charles', 6. 1826, unmarried. Lewis Moore' and Mary Fine Nichol had Lewis', unmarried, d. in Africa ; William Nichol', b. 1832, m. and had William Nichol", Joliet, 111.; Alexander* m. and had Myra", Maria", Alexander", Neenah, Wis. John L. Moore* and Martha Burtis Amory had Rev. Dr. Wm. Lewis', b. 1833, m. Hannah English, rf. Feb. 5, 1903, 30 W. 72dSt.,N. Y. City; James Amory', b. 1835, m. Anna Baxter, no ch. Rev. Wm. Lewis Moore*, D.D.,t and Hannah English had Mary Elizabeth", b. 1859, m. S. A. Cruikshank ; John L.", b. i860, d. in infancy ; William Lewis", b. 1862, d. 1878; James Amory", b. 1864, d. in infancy; Rev. Henry M'Knight", b. 1864, m. Emilie Suydam and had Henry McKnight', James Suydam', Phila., Pa.; Helen Louise", b. 1870. Mary Elizabeth Moore" and S. A. Cruikshank had Leila Moore'; Cecil Moore'; Helen Moore'. Ben- jamin P. Moore' and Hannah Cooper had Sarah Louise', b. Jan. 2, 1837, m. S. J. Zabriskie, M.D.; John Cooper', b. Aug. 20, 1842, d. Dec. 7, 1865 ; Lewis', b. Dec. 2, 1844, m. Sarah A. Tyson ; Eliza Ann', b. May 25, 1847, m. D. H. Van Orden ; Mary', b. Feb. 23, 1851, m. H. C. Banta ; Helen', b. Dec. 3, 1858, m. G. W. Bickell. Nathaniel Moore, Goshen, Pa. Nathaniel Moore' d. at Goshen, Pa., m. Nov. 20, 1753. t Hannah (Hunt) Collins, widow of Henry Collins, of Goshen, Pa., and had Joseph', b. 1754, d. 1799, West Chester, Pa., m. 1780, Sarah Jefferis (Emmor m. Elizabeth), physician; Thomas^ b. 1755; Emmor^§ b. jmo., 7, 1761, d. Nov. 9, 1810, aet. 50, Eastern Ohio, m. Hannah Woodward (Naylem. Lydia Brinton), rf. Sept. 17, 1832, aet. 73; Benjamin'; Nathaniel^ Em- mor Moore' and Hannah Woodward had Thomas'', b. Apr. 8, 1782, d. May 13, 1837, aet. 52, Ohio, m. and had Johnson', Freedom'; Lydia", b. Nov. 18, 1783; Emmor', b. Aug. 13, 1785; William'', b. Dec. 7, 1787 ; Nathaniel, b Jan. 25, 1789, d. Feb. 26, 1861, aet. 73, Ohio, m. and had Hiram*, John', Henry*, Lucy', Cornelia*; Joseph^ b. June 7, 1792, m. (?), physician; Phebe', b. Apr. 21, 1794, m. Cummings (?), Ohio; Benjamin', b. Oct. 27, 1796; John", b. Jan. 13, 1798, physician, New York ; Caleb', b. Apr. 7, 1801, d. in 111.; EH', b. Apr. 9, 1803 ; Brinton', b. Feb., 1806, d. Feb. 23, 1847. Peter Moore, New Jersey. Peter Moore' had Peter'; Richard'', b. N. J., 1797, had ' who had Joseph A.', Atlantic, Ohio; Joseph'; Taylor'; Jane'; Sarah'; Rachel'. Richard More, Salem, Mass. Richard More'** (Moore, Mower), of Salem, 1638, had Samuel', bp. First Church, 1642 ; Thomas', bp. First Church, 1642 ; Caleb', bp. 1643 ; Joshua', bp. 1646; Richard', bp. 1647; Susanna', bp. 1649; Christian', bp. 1651; Mary', bp. 1661. Robert Moore, tt Philadelphia, Pa. Robert Moore' came to America from the Isle of Man and had William', b. probably in Philadelphia about 1735, became President of Pennsyl- vania, and had Elizabeth', m. Marquis de Marbois, French charge d'affaires in this country, who negotiated the treaty for the sale of Louisiana to the United States. Samson Moore, ChesterCo., Pa. Samson Moore'tJ was a taxable in Chester Co., Pa., 1753-1758, 1760, 1762-3, bought land at East Nottingham, May 23, 1770, which was sold by his widow Phoebe, in 1 779, and had John Moore' who served in same company as his brother; William • N. Y. Tribune, Oct. 10, 1S99. Federal Pageant of July 23, 178S, James Amory Moore. t I trace from Lewis Moore, of Rocky Hill, N. J., by a paper bearing date 1772. It consists of three affidavits by as many persons who knew Lewis Moore and his family. These are attested by the then Mayor of the City of New York and by the then Governor of the Province of New York, to which are attached the seals of both city and province. The seal seat you is a copy of one my grandfather owned and which after his death caine into the possession of one of ray uncles. He died amongstrangersand the original has been lost. I have a min- iature portrait of John Moore, of Bombay, date about 1770, also one of his brother William Moore, dated 1777, and one of John W., a son of William, about 1818. (The seal is like the one on the cover of this book. J. W. M.) X Penna. Archives, German Reformed Church. Phila., Pa. 3 Tradition— Emmor Moore's father (possibly Emtuor himself) kept store near the Brandywine, in Pennsyl- vania, and was well off. He failed on account of the depreciation of Continental money. Emmor. and possibly his father, removed to Westmoreland Co. One child was born there, John, and possibly all were. The family afterward removed to Eastern Ohio and Emmor died there 1810. During the battle of Brandywine 16 wounded soldiers were carried to Emmor Moore's father's house. •* His will, dated Nov., 1668. mentions John (who receives a double portion), Thomas, "if he be alive and de- mand the same," the .sum of 5 Ehillings. Samuel i;3, John having 2/3, etc. Writer supposes his wife was Eliza- beth Wilde, of Salem. Calls himself Richard Moore, of Lin (l,yixa) .—Boston Transcript. tt See Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography. Jt From L- Brace Moore, Treas. Norton Tin Plate and Can Co., Baltimore, Md. APPENDIX 481 Moored b. Feb. 15, 1758, E. Nottingham, Chester Co., Pa., m. Dorcas Carr (Kerr) " a Scotch girl," b. Aug. 28, 1764, was in Capt. Jos. Gardner's Co., 2d Battalion, commanded by Col. Evan Evans ; Mary Moored Samuel Moore, Bergen Co., N. J. In 1669, "Mark Noble and Samuel Moore, of Bar- badoes, merchants," bought lots in Bergen.* Samuel Moore' m. Naomi (after his death she m., 1676, Samuel Edsall) and had Samuel'^ m. Sept. 14, 1705, Sarah Smith (Lieut. Michael m. Francina Berry (Maj. John ni. Francina )). Samuel Moore^ and Sarah Smith had Mi- chaeP, bp. June 28, 1706. John Smith (uncle) and Francina Lawrence (grandmother); Naomy-*, bp. May 24, 1708, Francis Moore (uncle) and Charity Edsall (aunt); SamueP.tbp. Oct. 4, 1712, Maj. Thomas Lawrence (grandmother's husband) and Anna Lawrence ; MirhaeF, bp. Feb. 20, 1 7 15, Richard Edsall ( uncle's brother) and Deborah Lawrence(wife of Uncle John Smith); John', bp. June 10, 1717, Maj. Thomas Lawrence and wife; Francis-^ bp. July 5, 1719, Arie Pie- terse de Groot and Laroe ; Edward', bp. Aug., 1722, J Philip Rerton and Naomy Moore (cousin). t Theodosius Moore, Bridgewater, Mass. Theodosius Moore'** m. June 30, 1725, Sarah Prior (John), (she ra. 1738, Josiah Hayward) and had Thomas', b. 1726, m. 1746, Mary Hamlin; John', b. 1731. Thomas Moore' and Mary Hamlin had Mary', b. 1746; Sarah', h. 1750 ; Sarah', b. 1751; Isaac', b. 1753; Thomas', b. 1756; Samuel', b. 1758; Betty', b. 1760; Theodosius', b. 1763; Betty', 6. 1767; Sarah', i. 1769. (Catharine Moore m. 1759, James Bradley; Ann Moore m. (i) Joseph Prior, (2) James Allen. ) Thomas JIoore, Southold, L. I. Thomas', b. before 1600, d. before 1636, m. Ann , who survived him, widow and children at Salem, Mass., in 1636, was there in 1668, and had Thomas', b. about 1615/6; Mary', m. Joseph Grafton of Salem; (perh.) Joseph-'; (perh.) John'; (perh.) Ann'. Thomas', (!i. about 1615 6 in England, d. 1691, before 1636, m. ( l ) Martha ■youngs (Rev. Christopher, vicar of Reydon. Suffolk Co., Eng.), b. about 1613, (2) Katharine (Westcott ?), widow of Thomas Doxy and of Daniel Lane, in 1636 with his wife at Salem, in 1651 removed to Southold, L. I., and had Thomas'; Mercy' or Martha, bp. Oct. 21, 1639, m. John Seaman; Benjamin', bp. Aug. 2, 1640, m. Anne Hampton; Nathaniel', bp. July 3, 1642, m. Sarah Jackson; Hannah', bp. Dec. 29, 1644, m. Richard Symons; Elizabeth', bp. Aug. 31, 1647, m. Simon Glover; Jonathan', bp. June 3, 1649, m. Mary Herbert; Mary', bp. Dec. 15, 1656; Sarah' tn. Simon Glover. Thomas', bp. Oct. 21, 1639, d. about 1711, about 1662 m. Mary (probably daughterof John Herbert ), and had Thomas'; Nathaniel*, A. about 1665, m.(prob. ) Patience Mahew; Samuel', b. about 1674, died unmarried; Martha', b. about 1675, m. John Peck; Eliza'; (prob.) John', b. about 1676. Thomas', b. Jan. 8, 1663, d. Dec. 30, 1738, in 1695 ni. Jane (prob. daughter of John Mott, of Hempstead), and had Mary', ^. 1696, m. Silvanus Davis; Rachel*, b. 1698; Eliza- beth"', b. 1699, m. David Cleves; Phebe*, b. 1701, m. Alsop Paine; Deborah*, b. 1703; Thomas*; James*, b. 1708; Joshua*, A. 1710; David*, i. 1713, m. HepsibahWilniot; Samuel*, b. 1717, m. Rachel Landon; Henry*, b. 1719, m. ( i ) Temperance Conklin, (2) Patience Youngs, (3) Mary ; John*; Lydia*, b. 1722. "Thomas*, b. April 10, 1706, d. May 16, 1767, m. Nov. 30, 1732, Hannah Conkling and had Thomas", b. 1733 ; Luther", b. 1741, m. Mary Hazard ; Calvini^, b. 1744, m. Margaret King; Hannah* m. Rev. John Starrs; Mary", b. 1747, ni. Silvester Lester; daughter", d- 1737; Jonathan". Thomas", b. Oct., 1733, d. Aug. 6, 1803, m. Sept. 17, 1755, Mary Vail, (Jeremiah), and had Thomas', b. 1756, m. Elizabeth Wickham; Jonathan', ij. 1759, unmar- ried; Benjamin', b. 1761, m. Matzey Tuthill; Jane', b. 1763, m. Rev. Joseph Hazard; Hannah', b. 1766, m. Samuel Billard; Mary', b. 1770, m. Eleazar Hutchinson; Elizabeth', b. 1772, m. (i) James Bailey, (2) David Fanning; Luther', i. 1774, unmarried ; Jeremiah' (i), b. 1776, un- married ; Jeremiah' (2), b. 1779, d. January 21, 1837. Da-vid Moore*, b. Nov. 25, 1713, d. June 18, 1789, m. Jan., 1733 (i) Hepsibah Wilmot, b. April 6, 1715, Jamaica, L. I., (2) Sarah Coleman (Joshua). David Moore removed from Long Island and settled near Goshen, Orange Co., N. \., on the Otterkill on the Hanitonburgh road leading from Goshen to New- burgh. He and Samuel Wickham bought of Wm. Smith, of New York, 1000 acres — lot 35 in Minisink Angle. Middletown, N. Y., is partly situated on this tract. David Moore* and Hep- sibah Wilmot and Sarah Coleman had David", b. Dec. 9, 1734, d. Aug. 4. 1805, aet. 71, m. April 2, 1764, Mary Mapes (William and an aunt of Erastus and ISnos Mapes), b. Oct. 29, 1738, d. May 29, 1820; Hepzibah", b. Dec. 12, 1736; Mary", i. July 7, 1739, (/.Aug. 6, 181 1, aet. 72; Bulah", b. Oct. 2, 1741, d. July 30, 1807; Deborah", b. Jan. 17, 1744; Wilmot", b. May, 28, 1746; John", b. Oct. 26, 1748; Daniel", b. Aug. 26, 1751; Walter", b. Nov. 4, 1754, d. May 6, 1768 * *. David Moore" and Mary Mapes had William', b. Feb. 28, 1766, il/oor^, Sarah Reed and John Burroughs until he is of age ;" leaves to sister Hannah a serge-lined coat and my petticoat " I leave to mj- daughters Mary Moore and Sarah Reed my wearing clothes." All remainder to my .sons Joseph Reed and John Reed. Makes her son-in-law, Samuel Moore, of Newtown, executor. Dated Nov. 25, 1678. iVitnesses: Nicholas Edes and Jona- than Howard. Liber I, 224, N. Y. Wills. Jt John Burroughs', *. 1617, m. (i) Jesup, (2) Widow Elizabeth Reed, d. Aug. 1678, aet. 61, was at Salem 1637, will in New York. APPENDIX 487 m. Jonathan Stout, Rebecca*, Charity'; Stephen-* m. (i) Martha Moore, (2) Sarah Hart (widow of Timothy Temple and sister of John Hart, signer of the Declaration of Independence) and had Hannah* m. Andrew Titus (John), Mercy* m. Henry Mershon, Eunice* m. Ebenezer Rose * * , Maj. Stephen* who m. Hannah Carpenter (John) and had Harriet* who m. Ralph H. Smith and had Stephen B. Smith', Sarah* m. Andrew Reeder, Lawrence, N. J.; Eden' m. and had Thomas', Eden*; John' settled inAmwell, N. J.; Hannah'; Charity' m. Zebulon Stout. Doughty Family. Rev. Francis Doughty' and Bridget (?) Stone had Francis* m. after 1657, Margaret Howell, widow of Rev. John Moore'; Charles^; Elias'^*m, Sarah and had Frances', Charles-', b. 1667, who m. i68S± Elizabeth Jackson, b. i668±, d. before 1758 and had Martha' m. Samuel Hicks, Elias', Jacob' m. Amy Whitehead, Benjamin', William' ; Jacob", Flushing, L. I.; Mary* m. 1645 (i) Dr. Adriaen Van der Donck who d. iS.sst, {2) Hugh O'Neal, Patuxent, Maryland. Jacob Doughty'! and Amy Whitehead had Abigail', b. 15, 2mo., 1697; Mary', b. 17, 2mo., 1699, m. 12, gmo. 1717, John Jones, Phila. Co.; Sarah*, b. 19, iimo., 1701, m. 1724, Joshua Humpries; Ame', (^. 30, 4nio., 1702, m. 18, 4mo., 1719, Samuel Stockton; Daniel', b. 17, lomo., 1703, m. 1729, Ann Stevenson; Debra', b. 23,6mo., 1705; Elizabeth', b. 17, imo., 1707; Ester', 6. 17, 8mo., 1708; Ann', b. 10, Smo., 1710; Hannah*, b. 10, 2mo., 1712; Abigail', *. Oct. 3, 1716, m. 1737, William King. Sarah Doughty, of Flushing, an Antientwid- dow dyed the 1726; Josiah Doughty, of Flushing, dyed 1732-3 ; Sarah Doughty dyed; Charle's Doughty, of flushing, dyed 7 m., 1735; Mary Doughty, of flushing, dyed 27d., gm., 1738; Frances Doughty, of Flushing, d. 2id. of 12m., 1741; Elias Doughty, Deceased ist dy of ye I2th mo., 174(3 or 4); Phebe Doughty, dau. of ffrancis Doughty, dec. ye — dy of ye 7th mo., 1747 ; John Doughty;/. 31, i2nio., 1757; Elizabeth Doughty, widow of Charles Doughty and mother of above John d. — , i mo., 1758, aet. 90 yrs. Ely Family. The emigrant ancestor of this family was Nathaniel Ely, who died at Springfield, Dec. 25, 1675. He probably came to this country in 1634. The late Col. Chester gives strong reasons for believing that Nathaniel, of Springfield, -n-as a son of Rev. Nathaniel Ely and grandson of Rev. George Elv, vicar of Teuterden in Kent, from 1571 to 1615. He gives the families of both Rev. George FHyand his son Nathaniel. Nathaniel, son of the latter, was probably born in 1602. Col. Chester says: "I cannot in my own mind resist the conviction that he was identical with the Nathaniel Ely \vho appeared in New England about 1634. Of course, there is no absolute proof, but this group of facts is strongly suggestive. "§ ' Ely Family, of Trenton. Joshua Ely', 16S5, came to Trenton, N. J., d. 1702, m. (i) — ^, (2) 1699, Rachel Lee, and had Joshua*, b. in England; George*, b. in England, 1682, d. 1750, m. 1703, Jane Pettet (Nathaniel); John*, b. on the voyage; Hugh*; Elizabeth*; Sarah*, b. 169S * * ; Benjamin*, b. 1700 ; Ruth*, b. 1700. George Ely* and Jane Pettet had Joshua', b. Mar. 16, 1704, whom. Elizabeth Bell (Wm.), d. July 15, 1783, and had seven ch., re- moved to Solebury Tsp., Pa., Mar. 25, 1738; George', *. 1706, m. (i) Mary , d. 1736, (2) Sarah Lambert (widow of Emanuel Coryell), and had three ch. by first wife; Joseph', un- married,^. 1776, in Amwell Tsp., N.J.; Mary' m. Richard Green, who ^. 1741; Sarah.' m. John Dagworthy; Rebecca' m. Dec. 11, 1743, Eliakim .-Anderson, and had five ch.; 'm. Price, d. before her father, and had George*. Joshua Ely' and Elizabeth Bell had Joshua*, b. Apr. 16, 1730, d. May i, 1805, m. Elizabeth Hughes (Matthew), Nov. 22, 1758, Buckingham, M. M ; George*; John*; Hugh'; Sarah'; Jane'. Emley Family. Thomas Emvley, of Helmedon, King's Sutton Northampton, Esq., purchased the manor of Helmedon-Netherby of John Fountayne, Esq., in 1563.** His manor was also known as Cope's Manor, having been for many descents in that family. In 1579 he bought the estate of .Abbots Stockinsft and then owned or subsequently purchased the estate of Cope's Stockins in the same parish of Helmedon. Thomas Emvley, Esq., d. in 1608, seized of the Manor and of the above and other estates, leaving Maximilian Emyley, his son and heir, then of full age.|j Mr. Baker compiled the annexed pedigree from Herald's Visitations and the parish register of Helmedon. Arms?? : Sa a wild man statant wreathed about the loins and temples holding with both hands a tree eradicated all ppr. Crest : a demi wild man as in the arms holding with both hands a club over right shoulder all ppr. Motto: Honestum praetulit utili.*** Thomas Emvlev'.ttt Helmedon, Esq., d. Mar. 29, 1608, m. Joyce Godwin (Dr. Thomas, Bishop of Bath and Wells ) d. Jlay 17, 1722, and had Maximilian*, Helmedon, Esq., bp. Dec. • Long Island Genealogies by Bunker gives four sons. t Col. Doc, I, 532. I From New Y-ork. Chesterfield, N. J., and Burlington, N. J., M.M. Records. I Book Notices, p. 234, N. E. His. & Gen. Reg.. Vol. XL, 18S6. ** Halton Mss. Fin. Tron., 5, Eliz. W Halton Mss. Fin., 21-22, Elii. Jt Cesc. 6, Jac. Pg.. 2N., 119. Consult Baker, T. 628, and Bridges, T. 173. ?3 Burke's Armory Ed., 1878. «*• Master John de Kraele was vicar of Stene in North .\mpton 134Q (Joh. de Emmele, clericus Aug., 1349) and the Rev. John Emley was rector of Nassington. same county, 1502 (Dom. Joh. Emley, Pbr. 16, Sept., 1502). See Bridge's Hist, of Northampton, II, 1791. W! Emlev-Emlen Family. These families probably had the same source, from Helmedon, and they proba- bly were from the West Riding of York or Scotland. Thomas Emlin, the learned and persecuted Arian divine and author who was *, at Stamford, Lincolnshire, 1663, was perhaps of this family of Helmedon, d. 1743. A family surnamed Emlen flourished in West Jersey at an early period. 488 APPENDIX 2, 15S3, bur. Sept. 22, 1636, m. Elizabeth Waleston (John, RisHp, Co. Middlesex), b. July 15, 1657; Edward-, bp. Aug. 6, 1586, bur. May 22, 1614/5; Judith^; Mary^; AbigaiP; Anne^; Joyce^ Maxiniiliau Hmyley' and Elizabeth Waleston had Thomas^, Helmedon, Esq., bp. Apr. 29, J604, bur. Aug. 19, 1657, ra. Joan ; John^, bp. July 17, 1613 ; Edward^, bp. Apr. 20, 1617, bur. June, 1649 (?j; Timothy^, Helmedon, Esq., bp. June 17, 1620, bur. Sept. 5, 1685, m. Anne , and had ch.; Elizabeth^; Joyce''; Judith^; Mary''; Martha-\ Thomas Emyley^ Esq., Helmedon, and Joan had Maximilian*, bp. June 26, 1639; Thomas*, bp. July 23, 1640, bur. Apr. 18, 1646; Herbert*, bp. Nov. 19, 1646; Edward*, bp. July 18, 1648 ; Joyce* ; Elizabeth*; Sarah*; Mary*. Dionysius Emyley, Helmedon, Gent., brother of Thomas Emyley, and had Charles, bp. Feb. 18, 1578/9; Pane, bp. Nov. 16, 1581, m. Mary Allen, July 6, 1607, and had ch.; Theophilus, bp. Sept. 30, 15S3 ; Edward, bp. Aug. 6, 15S6 ; Thomas, bp. Dec. 29, 15S9 ; Dio- nysius, bp. Mar. 11, 1593/4. Eniley Family of New Jersey. William Eniley\*d. Nov., 1648, d. April 24, 1704, m. (i) Jan. 13, 1674, Ruth ■, b. i650±:, Lincolnshire, England, ^y. July 9, 1688, aet. 39,^2) 1690, Mary , b. 1660, Cheshire, England, d. March 31, 1728, bur. in Riverside Cemetery, Trenton, N. J., and had William'M b. Nov. 14, 1675, d. 1732, m. 1726 Abigail Borden (of Indian extrac- tion 1/4), by Magistrate in Burlington Co., surveyor, specimen of work in Cazaman's Princeton; Mary''', b. 3, 3, 1678, on the Atlantic,:!: m. June 4, 1703, John Heywood, Philadelphia; Thomas^, b. 2, 3, i6Si,t living 1704 (see will); John'^, b. Aug. 11, 1686, d. Oct. 14, 1687; Sarah^ b. July 6, 1688, d. July 13, 168S. bur. at Nottingham; Ruth^ b, Jan. 8, 1682, d. in childhood * * ; John^, Sr. (seep. 287); Sarah'*, b. 1693; SaniueP,<^. 1694 (will proved April S, 17S4); Elizabeth*'^; Ruth'^ ni. Abner Rodgers.g William Emley^ and Abigail Borden had Ruth^, b. 1727; Thomas^, Sr., b. 1732, Nottingham, m. Elizabeth Wordell d. Dec. 20, 1803, farmer, both buried in Friends' Ground at Ameytown, near Jacobstown, N. J.; William^, b. 1733; ^, b. 1746 (name torn from old bible). Thomas Emley'^ and Elizabeth Wordell had Sarah*, b. i2mo., 4, 1754, d, iimo., 29, 1810. m. lomo., 17, 1774, Samuel Ellis Cox (John m. Abigail Ellis, Moorestown); William* m. Catharine Runnells; Thomas*, Jr., m. Fanny Stevens; Peter* m. Rebecca Wood- ward; Margaret* m. John Antrim; Mary*, killed by lightning. Sarah Emle>'* and Satnuel Cox had Phel^e^, b. 9mo., 2, 1775, m. Joshua Baker, Bristol, Pa.; Elizabeth^, b. 5nio., 7, 1780, m. Wager Hull, N. Y.; Samuel^, N.Y., b. 6nio., 7, 1784, m. Mary Brown. John Emley''^, Sr.,**and Sarah Lawrence had William^, tt b. Aug. 17, 1720,^. I75i,ttm.i747± Rebecca Wright^ § (Samuel); Elisha^, b. May 13, 1722, d. April 12, 1761 (will**"* dated 10, 4mo., 1761 ), m. Ann Atkinson, who later m. Richard Holcombe; Eucy^, b. March 8, 1724, m. Reading; Mary^, ip and had John*, Elias*, Charles*m. Rounsavell, d. at Palmyra, N. Y., aet. 93, who had Watsun F.*, Hiram* m. p-annie Opdyke, who had Charles', Elvira' m. Elijah Metier, Sarah A.' m. William Cave; Watson* m. Watson; Jonathan', unmarried, bur. at St. Thomas' Church; Mary' m. R(jbert Little (Thomas m. Esther Christy who came from Ireland). Eliza- beth Furman* and Nicholas Pickel had Hon. Jonathan* m. May 12, 1821, Hannah Besson, held township and county offices, was a member of Legislature, and had Hon. lialtis*, member of Legislature and Land Agent of Lehigh Valley Railroad Co., Samuel*, George W.*, Collector for Alexandria Tsp., Mary A.* m. John Alpaugh, Rachel* m. Jordan Stover, Deborah*m. George W. Weller, Jennie* m. (i) Henry Cole, (2) A. Lambert Conover; John Pickel* m. Mar. 28, 1813, Sarah Little (John, Sen.) and had Joseph* who m. Kerziah Mathews, Frenchtown, N. J., and had Hannah M.' m. John Smith, Mary K.' who m. William T. Stires and had Viola*. Mary Furman' and Robert Little who purchased and lived on a tract of 400 acres of land in Bethle- hem, now Union Township, near Mount Salem, had Sarah* m. Nov. 24, 1808, Garret Lare and had G. Dilts*, Maria* m. George Williamson, Asbury, N. J., Martha* m. Ingham Coryell, Lam- bertville, N. J., Elizabeth* d. young, Rachel* who m. Dr. L. C. Osman and had Dr. Charles J.', Washington, D. C, Maggie', Washington, D. C; William*, unmarried, d. near Mt. vSalem; Josiah* m. Eliza Dilley and had Elizabeth*, John*, Uhltown, N. Y. ; Andrew*, unmarried, d. at the Little homestead; Martha*, unmarried, d. young; John* m. Elizabeth Wilson (Andrew), Jutland, N. J., and had Andrew Wilson*, Samuel*. Esther* m. Sanmel H. Smith, John*, Grandin, N. J.; Elizabeth*; Furman* m. F;rminah Dalrymple and had child*, who d. young; Robert Whitfield*, unmarried; Watson* m. Elizabeth Fielil(Col. William, WilUanisport), Le Roi, Coffee Co., Kan.; Deborah* m. Cornelius B. Sheets, Mt. Salem, and had Mary C.*, Sarah E*. m. Enoch Williams; Mary* m. Mahlon Swarer (Suwarrow) and had Wat.son F.*, who m. Josephine Brown, Blooniington, III., and had Edna' m. George Gage, Dwight, 111., Samuel* m. Brown, Caldwell, Kan., Margaret B*., Somerville, N. J., Martha* who m. Dr. Charles F. Baylor a\\A had Anne' who m. Geori^e M. Boivlby and had Marguerite", Georgianna', Fur- man Little,' Harriet Rockhill'; * (/. in infancy. HoLCOMBE Famit^y. John Holcorabe'J was bom at Tiverton, England, between 1675 and 1680, came to America about 1700 and in 1705 was aresidentof Abington Tsp., Philadelphia Co., Nov. 16, 1706 bought a tract of 350 acres of land in Amwell Tsp., Hunterdon Co., N. J.,of Richard Wilson of Bucks Co., Pa., m. Elizabeth Woollrish, at Abington Meeting, 2mo., 28, 1707, and had John^ d. young; Grace'-' m. Philips Calvin; Samuel'^, b. 1711, d. 8mo., 26, 1769, m. Eleanor Barber (/. 6mo., 2, 1793; Mary'" m. Samuel Furman; Julian-' ni. Howell; Richard^, b. 1726, m. (i) Mary Harvey, ( 2) Ann Atkinson, widow of Elisha Emley.? Samuel Holcombe' and Eleanor Barber had John\ b. 2mo., 16, 1739, m. Mary Green; Jacob', b. i2mo., 7, 1741, m. Rachel Hyde ; Phebe-', b. lomo., 21, 1743, m. Henry Lott ; Samuel", 1^. 3mo., 18, 1745, d. 2mo., 6, 1S17, m. (i) Mary Stillwell (widow Stevenson), (2) gmo., 17, 17S1, vSarah Emley;| George', b. 4mo., 9, 1747, ra. Achsah Knowles; Elijah', b. gmo., 23, 1750, m. Nancy Brittain; Richard', b. i2mo., 3, 1752, m. Hannah Emiey;? Thomas', b. iimo., 19, 1754, m. (i) Leah Deremes, (2) Mary T. Holcombe ; Elizabeth', b. lomo., 14, 1758, m. John Bellis. Samuel Holcombe' and * Penna. Magazine, July, '96. t Snell's Hunterdon and Somerset Counties. t From the late Mrs. Katharine A. Crook, I^arabertville, N. \ See Emley Family. A P P E N D I X i9i Mary Stillwell and Sarah Emiey had Samuel', b. 7mo., 26, 1769, d. 12, 17, 183S, m. 1794, Mary Moore ; George', b. 1770, unmarried, d. 2, 13, 1845 * * ; Mary', unmarried ; Robert', b. 3mo. , 24, 1783; Capt. Elisha', b. imo., 26, 1785, unmarried; Atkinson', b. 17S6; Thomas A.', b. 5mo., 4, 1787; Solomon', b. lomc, 4, 1789; Lewis', *. 3mo., 7, 1794; Hannah', b. 3mo., 26, 1798. HuBBKRT Family. Hubbert' and had Christian^ m. Margarett Walker and had Beujamiu^ who had Mary Ann' m. Hodgson, 22d and Green Sts., Phila., whose son Lieut. Hodgson, a graduate of West Point, was killed with Gen. Custer ; Joseph' m. and had John'; John'; Dorothea' ni. (i) Nonnator, (2) Peter Lehr, Walnut St., Phila., (3) ■; Mary' m. Benjamin Yeager ; Elizabeth', b. Oct. 2, 1785. bp. Oct. 22, 1785, m.' John Macdonald. William- m. and had John'; William' ; Juliana' m. Stratton ; Betsey'; '. King F.4MILY. Hannanus King' m. Mary , d. 1727 (will ), had these and others perhaps: John-; Joseph-', Senr., b. 1684, d. 10, i2mo., 1761, m. 1707, Marcia Nicholson (George), last mention of her inKingwood Records is 13, 11, 1755; Benjamin^; Francis-; Thomas"; Mary'^ m- French (will Sept. i, 1726, Mar. 14, 1727, Lib. 2, 501). Joseph King', Senr., and Mar- cia Nicholson had Joseph', Jr., b. Mar. 9, 1712, m. Mary — — ; William', h. .Apr. i, 1714, m. 1739, Abigail Doughty (Jacob) ; Hannah', b. Nov. 7, 1717. Joseph King' and Mary had (all born at Amwell, N. J.*) Mary', b. 3, 3mo., 1738, m. 8, 4mo., 1752, David Marsh ; Mercy*, b. 26, lomo., 1739, m. i2.2mo., 1760 i, John Stevenson, A. Jan. 22, 1732, (/. Apr. 12, 1812; Jane', iJ. 29, lomo., 1741; George', b. 21, lomo., 1743, m. 1771, ; Anne', b. 28, 2mo., 1746, d. 24, 8mo., 1759, N. S., bur.at Kingwood; Hannah', A. 10, smo., 1748; Nathan*, 6. 3,5mo., 1750, O. S., m. 19, 3mo., 1771, Sarah Moore (Joseph, the minister) d. 15, 5mo., 1825; Alice Maris', b. 28, 9mo., 1752. William King' and Abigail Doughty had Mercy', b. 6rao., 4, 1738, m. "John Potts, 1768"; Amy*, b. lomo., 12, 1739, m. 3, 17, 1764, John Stockton ; Ann', b. Feb. 29, 1740; Joseph', b. Apr. 20, 1746, O.S., d. 1834 (will), m. (i) Nov. 16, 177S, Sarah Wilson, (2) .A.nne Large (widow of Isaac Lundy), (3) Sarah Scott (widow of Doughty Stockton ),( will 1830), (Robert Emley was guardian of Joseph, June 6, 1764 (Dr. Race) ) and had William Large^, b. Feb. 12, 17S9, d. May, 1869, m. Dec. 2, 1810, Elizabeth Large (Samuel), b. July 28, lySi^.d. Oct. 2, 1862. William Large King* and Elizabeth Large had Anne" ; Mary L." m. Maj.-Geu. George W. Taylor ; Jo- seph'; Sarah Schenck"; Eliza'' ni. Hon. James P. Hofiinan.t L.^WREXCE Family, Monmouth Co., N.J. William Lawrence', Sr,, d. 1703 (will at Trenton, BK i, 56, Dec. 3, 1701), May 22, 1704, m. (i).Hannah , 1693, (2) Elizabeth Scud- der (John), Newtown, L. L, and widow of John .'\lburtis, eldest sou of Peter Caesar Alburtis, a Venetian, who m. 1642, in North .\merica, Judith Janse Meyne, of New Amsterdam. John Al- burtis d. Apr., 1691, aet. 48. William Lawrence', Sr., and Hannah and Elizabeth Scndder had William-, Jr., 1^. 1658, d. 1750, m. June 24, 1686, Ruth Gibbons (Richard), settled at Mid- dletown, N. J.; James'-, b. 1660, m. Mehitable Alburtis (his step-sister) d. 1730, received by will part of farm at Hop River, removed To Crosswicks, N. J.; Benjamin', b. 1664, d. 1755; Elisha', b. Feb. 17, 1666, d. April 25, 1724 (see p. 29-5, will. A, 292, Trenton, N. J.), m. Jan. 12, 1691/2, Lucy Stout d. 1732 ; Dr. John-, b. i56S, m. Rachel d. 1719, and had Dr. John', b. Jan. 28, 1708 9, m. Mary Hartshorne d. June 19, 1795 ; Joseph^ b. 1670, m. Oct. 18, 1712, Rachel, widow of David Curtis, t d. 1743, will June 23, 1739, May 12, 1743, settled on land at Manasquan Beach, which he inherited ; Hannah- m. (i) Joscpli Grover d. 1689, (2) Nathaniel Leonard and had Hannah' m. James Seabrook, James', Deborah', Mary', Elizabeth', Susannah', Rebecca' (all Grovers). William Lawrence'-, Jr., and Ruth Gibbons had William', b. Nov. 5, 168S, m. Mercy Hartshorne ; Elizabeth', b. Dec. 3, 1690, m. 1716-1718, William Hartshorne i/. .'^pr. iS, 1751 ; Robert', b. Sept. 25, 1692 ; Richanl', b. July n, 1694, m. Alice d. 1726 ; John', b. Aug. 22, 1696; Mary', b. Dec. 28, l6g8 ; Hannah' m. 1729, Obadiah Herbert; Thonia.s', unmarried, d. 1726. Elisha Lawrence- and Lucy Stout had Elisha', b. Aug. 5, 1701, m. Elizabeth Brown (Dr. John) d. March 7, 179c, Son of Liberty 1766; John', 6. Jan. 28, 1708/9, d. June 19, 1795, aet. 86, m. Mary Hartshorne (William), b. May I, 1714, (/. Feb. 19, 1782, was Justice, Loyalist, con- fined in Burlington jail 9 months during Revolution, surveyor, ran line between East and West Jersey ; Joseph'; Elizabeth' m. John Salter d. 1741; Sarah' m. June 25, 1719, John Emley ? d. Jan. 17, 1742; Hannah', b. 1695 6, m. Judge Richard Salter, June 23, 1721, d. 1763, while still a member of Council ; Rebecca' m. (?) .-Varoii Watson ; William' . about 1675, d. 1740 I (will Feb. 10, 1740, Mar. 11, I74i)m. about 1695, Elizabeth , Cowneck, N. Y., rf. during his life, he owned land in Cacayas orKakiat(New Hempstead) Orange County, N. Y.; Adam' d. 17389, m. Jan. 5, 1731/2 Phebe Willets. Charles Mott'tand Elizabeth had Charles't, b. about 1696, was dead in 1748, m. before 1729, Deborah ; settled on father's tract at Kakiat; Gershom', *. about 1698, (/. 1758/9 (will, Aug. 7, 1758, Mar. 2, 1759), New Hempstead (Ramapo), OrangeCounty, N. Y., m. before 1736, Ruth ; Jacob' d. 1737, no ch.; .\mo.s' rf. 1745, noch,; Adam' m. Elizabeth Smith, Cowneck, three sons surviving in 1748; John', living 1748, son Benjamin then surviving; Benjamin' ', Eleanor Sickels, 1792, Dec. i. Moor, Jane, John Anderson, 1765, Dec. 8. Moore, Jemima, Samuel Abbot, 1794, Apr. 23. John, Mary Weaver, 1793, May 4. John, bricklayer, Mary Van Dike, spinster, 1772, Mar. 28. James P., Jane McChesny, 1809, Mar. 4. Mary, Duncan McDonald, 1796, Jan. 25. Maria, Tobias Van Zandt, Jr., 1793, Feb. 14. Easthampton, L. /., Record-, bv Rev. Nathaniel H uniting. More, Mr. Joseph, of Mecox, Mrs. Ruth Harris, 1704, Oct. 26. Joseph, Jr., of Bridgehampton, Hannah Diament, of East , 1705/6, June 17. From Suffolk Gazette. Moore, In N. Y., Henry B., formerly of Bridgehampton, Miss Lydia Finch, of New York, 1808, July 2. Robert, formerly of this place. Miss Sally Seezy, of Patchogue, 1809, Apr. 8. PENNSYLVANIA, t Moore, Allen, Hannah Gray, 1775, Aug. 7. Anne, Charles Lindsay, 1771, June 8. Anne, Christopher Rue, 1769, Mar. 21. Anne, Oswald Eve, 1744, June 2. Ann, Thomas Davick. 1774, July 28. Anthony, Mary Caswell, 1763, Mar. 24. Bartholomew, Elizabeth Warner, 1764, Feb. 18. Charles, Martha Lawrence, 1764, Oct. 25. Charles, Martha Lawrence, 1764, Nov. 10. Moor, Edward, Patience Hayes, 1760, Oct. 9. • Records of First and Second Presbyterian Church, N. Y. ; N. Y. Gen. and Biog, Record, April, t Pennsylvania Marriages, Archives, 2d series, 11, '77. 504 A P P E N D I X Moore, Edward, Elizabeth Ramsower, 1771, Dec. 14. Edward, Sarah Salisbury, 1773, Nov. 29. Eleanor, Peter Stepheus, 1773, Aug. 24. Elizabeth, Charles Grugh, 1772, Apr. 17. Elizabeth, Isaac Comley, 1775, July i. Elizabeth, Matthew Pratt, 1760, Aug. 26. Elizabeth, Robert Carson, 1769, Mar. 2. Elizabeth, Thomas Evans, 1767, May 4. Elizabeth, William Church, 1763, Feb. i. Elizabeth, William Gabb, 1767, Aug. 11. Frances, Edward Sanders, 176S, Feb. 27. George, Rebecca Dobbins, 1765, July 18. Henry, Hannah Jones, 1772, June 17. Henry, Hannah May, 176S, Mar. i. Hester, William Potts, 1764, Apr. 7. Jathial, 1744, Dec. — . Jesse, Susannah Lawrence, 1772, June 4. John, 1744, Oct. — . John, Jennet Herring, 1747, Dec. — . John, Olive Wells, 1772, May 27. John, Rebecca Kenny, 1764, Dec. 3. Joseph, Mary Kirkpatrick, 1764, Dec. 21. Margaret, Arthur Marshall, 1773, Sept. 16. Margaret, Gibbs Jones, 1775, June 15. Margaret, John Roach, 1776, June 4. Margaret, Joshua Ward, 1771, July 27. Margaret, Thomas Sivil, 1760, Oct. 21. Margaret, William Salsbury, 1760, Dec. II. Martha, John Edwards, 1771, Aug. 8. Martha, Samuel Chapman, 1747, Dec. — . Mary, Adam Crisp, 1776, Jan. 13. Mary, George Haetton, 1760, Aug. 11. Mary, James Delayo, 1747, Way — . Mary, John Rees, 1768, June 25. Mary, William Johnson, 1767, Nov. 27. Matthew, Ann Duff, 1763, Apr. 16. Nathan, Elizabeth Traygo, 1763, July 26. Ralph, Mary Dark, 1763, Nov. 28. Rebecca, John Lindsey, 1761, Apr. 18. Robert, Mary Dawson, 1761, Dec. 30. Salatial, Esther Williams, 1744, Dec. 11. Samuel, Martha Ritchey, 1768, Apr. 23. Sarah, Richard Davis, 1771, June 6. Sarah, Thomas Bateman, 1769, Apr. 20. Thomas, Jane McDonald, 1771, Sept. 23. William, Christiana Harding, 1764, Oct. 26. William, Elizabeth Ball, 1769, Jan. 12. William, Elizabeth Cox, 1767, Mar. 25. William, Elizabeth McFee, 1765, June 8. William, Mary Crager, 1774, Oct. 15. Christ Church, Philadelphia. Moor, Ann, Thomas Leech, 1722, July 31. Charles, Mary Plunket, 1738, Sept. 4. Moore, Abel, Hannah Hibbard, 1756, Jan. 21. Allen, Ann Johnson, 1759. -"Vug. 22. Ann, Thomas Watson, 1790, Nov. ?. Ann, Jonathan Humphreys, 1758, Oct. 13. Anne, Oswald Eve, 1744, June 2. Charles, Rebecca Pratt, 1756, Dec. 11. Charles, Martha Lawrence, 1764, Nov. 10. Cornelius, Sarah Hill, 1784, Julj' 20. Edward, Patience Hayes, 1760, Oct. 9. Edward, ]\L-irgaret Partridge, 1770, Aug. 30. Eleanor, Phillip Brown, 17S1, Oct. 4. FUiza, John Mullen, 1800, Aug. 27. Eliza, Richard Willing, 1S04, Feb. i. Eliz., Charles Goff, 1772, April 17. Elizabeth, James Dundas, 1758, May 11. Eliz., Joseph Vogdes, 1800, Feb. 6. Esther, William Potts, 1764, Apr. 10. Frances, Edward Saunders, 1768, Feb. 27. Moore, George, Rebecca Dobbins, 1765, June 18. Grace, James Jordan, 1759, Aug. 23. Hannah, John Dorsey, 1801, Dec. 10. James, Ann Richards, 1786, Oct. 26. James, Sarah Delany, 1787, Oct. 18. James, Rebecca Izer, 1799, Feb. 23. James Hamilton, Sarah Omensetter, i8o2,Aug. a8, Jane, Jonathan Kemster, 1717, Mar. 3. Jane, William Loughton, 1759, Dec. i. Jemima, George Johnson, 17S7, Jan. 21. John, Sarah Prefontaine, 1761, Sept. 14. John, Mary Scott, 1797, June 17. John, Eliz. Ledru, 1801, July 26. John, Rebecca Henry, 1764, Dec. 3. John, Ann O'Neal, 1757, Dec. 14. Joseph, Mary Richardson, 1761, Apr. 8. Joseph, Mary Kirkpatrick, 1764, Dec. 21. Margaret, Arthur Marshall, 1773, Sept. 16. Margaret, Aaron Duffey, 1800, May 5. Margaret, Thomas Smel, 1760, Oct. 20. Margaret, Peter Andrain, 1781, Feb. 20. Martha, Angel Elkin, 1797, Jan. 14. Martha, Samuel Chapman, 1747, Dec. 24. Mary, James Matthews, 1796, Dec. i. Mary, Joseph Burgess, 1782, Dec. 19. Mary, John Biddle, 1782, Jan. 9. Mary, George Hutton, 1760, Aug. 11. Mary, Peter Cooper, 1769, May 3. Mary, Benjamin Meal, 1767, Mar. 3. Mary, James Delap, 1747, May 2. Rachel, David Rees, 1754, Apr. 11. Ralph, Mary Dark, 1763, Nov. 28. Richard, Mary Hancock, 1749, Feb. 27. Robert, Mary Dawson, 1761, Dec. 13. Samuel, Mary Taggart, 1797, May 20. Samuel, Abigail Eves, 1740, Dec. 6. Sarah, Job Cobourn, 1750, May 26. Stephen, Jane Martin, 1782, June 23. Major Thos. Lloyd, Sarah Hamper, 1782, Nov. 14. Thomas, Frances Hanson, 1787, Dec. 20. Thomas, Jane McDonald, 1771, Sept. 24. Thomas, Ann Duche, 1784, Sept. 16. Thomas, Ann Shean, 1794, Dec. 4. William, Mary Connelly, 1798, Jan. 20. William, Rachel Wright, 175S, Aug. 16. William, Elizabeth Cox, 1767, Mar. 25. More, John, Eliz. Bowen, 17S6, Sept. 23. Swedes' Church, Philadelphia. Moor, Isaac, Maria Elizab. Frank, 1795, Oct. 27. John, Marget Oldenbrooks, 1790, Apr. i. Manny, Michael Dulinty, 1752, Nov. 12. Moore, Ann, Charles Lindsa}-, 1771, June 10. Christopher, Catherine Wenttinger, 1778, July 14. Elizabeth, Patrick Bradley, 1772, Apr. 22. Elizabeth, Robert Innes, 1767, Oct. 23. Frances, Henry Pratt, 1778, June 22. Francis, Mary McDougan, 1794, .-^ug. 14. Hanna, Pattens Savage, 1792, Aug. 20. Hannah, Joseph Borden, 1780, Mav 10. Henry Allen, Marget Brown, 1794, Oct. 29. Hugh, Rachel Thomas, 1755, Oct. 16. John, Hannah Smith, 1779, Aug. 11. Joshua, Mary Fulton, 1758, Apr. 2. Mathew, Ann Duff, 1763, Apr. 17. Nathan, Elizabeth Trayge, 1763, July 26. Peter, Jeany Murtland, 1783, Feb. 6. Phebe, Hugh Loyd, 1796, June 23. Rachel, Henry Gray, 1753, Se])t. i. Robert, Mary Wilson, 1785, Jan. 15. Sarah, Peter Fritz, 1780, July 17. _ Susanna, Christopher Smith, I75i,july5. .4 P P E N D I X 505 MOORH, Susanna, Joseph Miles, 1754, Sept. 14. More, Catherine, Benjamin RowUns, 17S9, Nov. 28. Catherine, Chnstopher Lockart, 1779, June 6. Catherine, Joseph Hunt, i79i,Jan. 28. Catherine, Thomas Moines, 1788, Mar, 10. David, Hannah Fislier, 1799, Jan. 13. Elizabeth, Joseph Govier, 1774, Sept. i. Francis, Catherine Slaughter, 1792, Apr. 21. Frances, John Hamilton, 1779, ]"^.v '• Frances, Thomas Ferris, 1780, Jan. 29. Hugh, Elizabeth Roads, 1769, Sept. 2. James, Nancy Justice, 179J, Dec. 2. Jane, Robert Barber, 1747, Sept. 16. John, Hanna Price, 1791, Mar. 6. John, Johannah Wright, 1800, Feb. 9. John, Priscilla Stintnets, 1791, Nov. 29. Judy, Joseph Siles, 1752, May 18. Margarett, Thomas Geen, 1771, Nov. 16. Margret, Charles Miller, 1800, Dec. i. Mary, Daniel Strang, 1791, July 17. Mary, John Litham, 1799, Jan. 17. Mary, John Thomson, 1777, March 7, Mary, Patrick McConal, 1778, Aug. 28. Mary, Richard Woodward, 1780, Jan. 8. Mary, Thomas Flannigan, 1799, -Vug. I. Mordecai, Sarah Bartim, 1789, Nov. 3. Prudence, Joseph McMin, 1758, Nov. 8. Rachel, John Gandy, 1761, Feb. 27. Robert, Sarah Halloway, 1758, Nov. 6. Samuel, Else Butler, 1776, May 12. Samuel, Mary Hamilton, 1771, Jan. 20. William, Margret Judge, 1793, Mar. 8. William, Susannah Cops, 1769, Aug. 9. William, Susannah McDaniel, 1774, Aug. 29. Mores, William, Eleanor Morrow, 1776, May 20. First Presbyterian Church, Carlisle, Pa. Moore, Alexander, Mary Brice, 1792, May 23. Jane, Adam Green, 1795, May 11. Nancy, Samuel Galbreath, 1798, Jan. 9. Polly, William Baker, 1801, July 30. Rebecca, John Cummins, 1804, Mar. 29. 5^ Paul's Episcopal Church, Chester, Pa. Moore, John, Prudence Broydon 1730/1, Jan. 17. Reformed Church, Falkner Swamp, Pa. Moor, George, Barbara Langbein, 17S4, May 9. Lutheran Church, Neiv Hanover, Pa. MOHR, Conrad, Margaret Kohler, 1747, July 14. Hanna, John Brotzman, 1804, Dec. 25. Jacob, Elizabeth Fruy, 1795, Apr. 5. Moore, Henry, Hanna Jones, 1772, June 25. Henry, Hanna May, 1768, Mar. 3. More, John, Catherine, Wyand, 1807, Nov. 29. Mary, Philip Berlinger, 1804, Dec. 25. German Reformed Church, Philadelphia, Pa. Moore, Cath., Geo. Rechern, 1801, Feb. 26. Eve, Archibald Steward, 1779, May 3. Joh., Sarah Witherstein, 1801, Oct. 25. Nathaniel, Hannah Collins, 1753, Nov. 20. More, James, Eleanor , 1795, May 31. Margareth, .'Abraham Eberhard, 1797, Apr. 20. Rachel, Henry Titter, 1753, Nov. — . Sarah, David Sharpless, 1774, Dec. 17. First Baptist Church, Philadelphia, Pa. Moore, Anne, John Jackson, 1789, Dec. 31. Anne, James Molony, 1794, Oct. 23. Moore, Anne, Christophel Rue, 1769, March 25. Charles, Mary Coates, 1801, Oct. 6. Dugle, Mary Davis, 1794, May 8. Elizabeth, Levi Springer, 1797, Nov. 5. Elizabeth, William Church, 1763, Feb. 3. Hannah, Ashley Bowen, 1794, Nov. 9. Isaac, Miriam Wells, 1799, .^pr. i. John, Hannah Elliot, 1796, Jan. 21. Joshua John, Elizabeth Massey, 1795, Apr. 7. Jonathan, Sarah Thompson, 1791, Sept. 3. Martha, John Edwards, 177 1, Aug. 9. Mary, Arthur Vanse, 1791, Apr. 13. Mary, Samuel Blair, 1794, Aug. 7. Prudence, Daniel Jeniser Adams, 1802, Dec. 10. Sarah, Richard Davis, 177 1, June 6. William, Mary Prodly, 1792, Aug. 30. William, Sarah Christie, 1799, Jan. 27. William, Rachel Wood, 1783, Jan. 2. Paxtang and Derry Churches, Pa. Moork, Anna, Thomas Smith, 1793, Mar. 7. Frances, James Russell, 1796, June 7. W'illiam, Boyd, 1779, Sept. 14. Moravian Church, Lititz, Pa. More, Wilhelm, Elizabeth Graff, 1799, Nov. 9. St. fames' P. E. Church, Perkiomen, Pa. Moore, Ann, George Booth, 1806, June 23. Elisha, Mary Hunter, 1799, June 20. Michael, Mary Coulston, 1806, Mar. 12. Thomas, Barbara Liniger, 1794, June 12. Abinglon Presbyterian Church. Moore, Ann, Samuel Brown, 1745, Mar. 14. Buckingham I\tonthly Meeting. Moore, Isaac, Elizabeth Kinsey, 1797, 4, 5. Jane, John Brannin, I7.';8, 11, 29. Miranda, Edward Blackfan, 1804, 5, 16. Sarah, Daniel Strawhen, 1808, i, 14. Wrightstown Monthly Meeting. Moore, James, Mary Atkinson, 1764, lo, 3. Third Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Pa. MoORE, Abraham, Fanny Carr, 1794, Dec. 23. George, Mary Elliot, 1792, Jan. 11. James, Ruth Moore, 17S7, Oct. 6. John, Sarah W'ilkinson, 1786, Nov. 14. John, Hannah Everett, 17S9, May 2. John, Elizabeth Maxwell, 1789, Nov. 3. Rachel, Peter Moutier, 1789, July 3. Ruth, James Moore, 1787, Oct. 6. Second Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Pa. Moore, Amos, Dorothy Hutchison, 1790, Mar. 23. Asher, Mary Hill, 1812, Oct. 31. Elizabeth, Robert Morton, 1808, Sept. 15. Joseph, Sarah Jeffries, 1780, Jan. i. Marj', John Linton, 1792, Mar. 22. Mary, John McKenzie, 1797, Jan. 19. Matthew, Sarah McDowel, 1776, Aug. 31. Moses, Mary Vanleer, 1783, Dec. 4. Rebecca, Ober, 1796, Nov. 5. Thomas, Mary Rees, 1806, Jan. 10. First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Pa. Moor, Bridget, Edward Plaisted, 1746, i, 12. Jean, Andrew Rogers (L), 1730, 10, 19. 5o6 APPENDIX Moor, John, Mary Anne Eliot, 1735, 12, 23. John, Mary Siddon, 1728, 11, 4. Susanna, Stanley Feruey, 1705, 11, 15. MOOKE, Ann, James Kilpatrick, 1740, 7, 29. David, Martha Carswell, 1740, 5, 9. Henry, Sarah Thomas (L), 1737, 5, 18. Jane, John Steen (L), 1734, 9, 29. John, Margaret McCracken, 1744, 5, 24. Salathiel, Esther Williams (L), 1744, 10, 11. Salathiel, Mary GoUengham, 1743, 11, 30. Philadelphia Monthly Meeting. Moore, Elizabeth, Michael Walton, 1709, 2, 29. Richard, Margaret Preston, 1709, 3, 27. Sarah, John Large, 1709, 8, 28. St. MicbaeVs and Zion Lutheran Church. Moor, Maria, Samuel Turner, 1754, May 19. Moore, Deborah, Peter Wanger, 1755, Feb. i. Jesse, Susanna Lawrence (L), 1772, June 4. John, Mary Turner, J 768, Feb. 6. John, Olive Wells (L), 1772, May 28. Margaret (L), Joshua Ward, 1771, July 23. Sarah (L), Thomas Bateman, 1769, Apr. 20. William, Alice Beannoore, 1764, Mar. 11. William, Elizabeth Ball (L), 1769, Jan. 12. More, Sarah, Benjamin Elliot (widower), 1772, July 13. Moore, Allen, Hannah Grey (L), 1775, Aug. 7. Ann (L), Thomas Dewick, 1774, July 28. Charity, Joseph Warner, 1772, Dec. i. Eleanor (L), Peter Stephens, 1773, Aug. 24. Elizabeth (L), Isaac Comley (widower), 1775, July I. Elizabeth, Francis Knox, 1777, Feb. 25. Hannah (L), George Welsh (mariner), 1780, Nov. 24. Martha (L), John Redman (merchant), 1781, Sept. 29. Mary (L), Adam Crisp, 1776, Jan. 13. Mary (L), Samuel Oliver, 1772, Dec. 3. Moor, George, Elizabeth Weisert, 17S6, Jan. 27. John, Betsey Sommersett (L), 1784, June 18. Margareta (L), Alexander Sterret, 1783, June 20. MOHR, Catherine (widow), Martin Weyland (wid- ower), 178S, Jan. 20. MooRE, Amos, Catherine Bernhard, 1796, Dec. i. Elizabeth, Adam Wentz, 1789, Sept. 13. James (widower), Tacy Irvine, 1796, Sept. 16. John, Hannah Allen, 1791, Dec. 8. John, Hatty Day, 1796, Oct. 16. Moor, James (widower), Jane Cramer (widow), 1798, Nov. 13. Moore, Samuel, Catherine Taylor, 1800, Feb. 16. Mohr, Liddy, Jacob Rotter, 1794, Aug. 22. Philippina Eliz., William Preston, 1794, May 12. St. Paul's Church, P. E., Philadelphia. Moor, Margaret, Gibbs Jones, 1775, June 15. Tryphena, Joseph Richards, 1774, Sept. 29. William, Elizabeth Batho, 1777, June 13. William, Mary Crager, 1774, Oct. 15. Moore, Ann, William Bright, 17S6, Aug. 31. Anthony, Mary Caswell, 1763, Mar. 24. Earth., Eliz. Warner, 1764, Feb. 18. Charles, Margaret Carroll, 1792, Sept. 8. Elizabeth, Matthew Pratt, 1760, Aug. 26. Hannah, Jacob Fritz, 1784, Sept. 27. Hannah, John Lethan, 17S6, June 23. James, Mary Rowland, 1803, Feb. 3. John, Lucy Black, 1785, Feb. 11. Margaret, William Salisbury, 1760, Dec. 12. Mary, Richard Stewart, 1796, Aug. 10. Rebecca, Robert Thomas, 1793, Nov. 21. Samuel, Susannah Shaw, 1787, Sept. 27. Sarah, Joseph Butterworth, 1792, June 13. Sarah, Patrick Smith, 1792, Nov. — .* Sarah, Samuel Price, 1804, Dec. 20. Susanna, Robert Young, 1759, Nov. 4. Susannah, Marcus Read, 1794, Dec. 4. Sydney, Peter Allen, 1790, Sept. 20. William, Elizabeth McFee, 1765, June 8. William, Sarah Roney, 1793, Sept. 3. Quakertown Monthly Meeting. Hannah, Thomas Gary, Jr., 17S7, 9, 20. James, Rebekah Birdsall, 1782, 8, 13. First Reformed Church, Easton, Pa. Moore, Hannah, Jacob Woodring, 1825, Oct. 9. Robert, Maria Folmer, 1807, May 19. Evangelical Church of St. John, Easton, Pa. MooRK, Cornelius, Ann Gano, 1S27, Dec. 22. John, Hannah Matilda Moser, 1831, Aug. 13. Levi B., Mary Ann Shoemaker, 1840, Dec. I. More ?, Peter, Mary Ann Schmidt, 1834, May 4. Moore, Peter, Mary Dehart, 1824, July 28. Rebecca, Samuel Kelly, 1804, Julys. Sarah, Seneca Updike, 1820, Aug. 15. Thomas, Sarah St. Clair, 1836, Jan. 20±. William, Lydia Lippincott, 1813, July 25. Moore, Abigail, Abigail, Ann, Anne, Anne, Anne, Bathsheba, Christian, Dorcas, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Hunterdon, Hunterdon, Cumberland, Perth Amboy, Cumberland, Middlesex, Burlington, Somerset, Burlington, Piles Grove, NEW JERSEY, t Jonathan Smith, Samuel Fithian, John Hoffman, Isaac Harris, Lawrence Earle, James Perrine, Preston Hanna, Joseph Piedmore, Morgan Trent, Benj. Piedmore, John Collins, Wm. Riddel, John Mason, Jacob Paullin, Joseph Potts, Jacob Titus, Wm. Alley, Hunterdon, 1765, Cumberland, 1750, Hunterdon, 1776, Salem, 1772, Bergen, 1762, Staten Island, 1748. Cumberland, 1777. Perth Amboy, 1746/ Cumberland, 1762, Middlesex, 1739. Gloucester, 1737, Somerset, 1750. Burlington, 1761, Piles Grove, 1763, Bordentown, 1769, Penna., 1777, N.J., 1779. Mar. 9. Oct. 25. Feb. 6. Aug. 27. Dec. 14. Nov. 19. , Sept. 6. '7, Mar. 9. , June 9. I, Sept. I. Feb. 27. Oct. 29. May 21. Nov. 7. Dec. 28. July 24. Apr. 8. * Note.— Sarah, Patrick Smith; Jacob Grace, Margaret his wife, and Elizabeth, his sister, testify before Justice Rust that the above ■were married by Mr. Stringer about a month after the British army evacuated the city, November, 1792. t Department of State. Trenton. APPENDIX 507 Elizabeth, Wm. Oppie, Somerset, 1781, Oct. 27. Frances, Thomas Brown, Woodliridge, 1746, Feb. 12. Grace, Woodbridge, Jon. Inslee, Jr., Woodbridge, 1742, Nov. 23. Grace, Essex, Joseph De Camp, Middlesex, 1761, Dec. 16. Hannah, Middlesex, John Moore, Essex, 1773. Oct. S. Isabell, Woodbridge, Stephen Carmen, Woodbridge, 1748, Aug. 16. Jane, Burlington, Francis Hickman, Burlington, 1742, Nov. 3. Judith, Cumberland, Joseph Ryly, Cumberland, 1774, May 26. Lelitia, Burlington, John Edwards, Burlington, 1756, Aug. 17. Marcy, Elnathan Ware, Greenwich, 1760, Apr. 30. Margaret, Monmouth, Thomas How, Monmouth, 1737, May 14. Margaret, Jno. Van Emburgh, Middlesex, 1779. Apr. 17. Margaret, Salem, Michael Harp, Salem, 1747, Apr. 3. Martha, Essex, Jno. Dennes, Essex, 1748, Jan. 21. Mary, Mansfield, Jno. Shores, Mansfield, 1747, Feb. 9. Mary, Burlington, Joshua Quicksall, Burlington, 1734, Dec. 13. Mary, Greenwich, Wm. Waithman, Greenwich, 1763, May 22. Mary, Middlesex, Robert Hude, Middlesex, 1746, Aug. 6. Mary, Middlesex, Joseph Kar, Middlesex, 1763, Nov. 16. Mary, Evesham, Stephen Sarish, Evesham, 1767, Feb. 26. Moor, Mary, Woodbridge, Daniel Noe, Woodbridge, 1741, Mar. 17. Moore, Mary, Saral. F. Parker, Middlesex, 1769, Feb. 25. Mary, AUoway Creek, Saml. Ray, Alloway Creek, 1769, Nov. 7. Mary, Bergen, Wm. Blakeney, Bergen, 1771, Mar. 21. Mary, Elisha Moore," Hunterdon, 1779, Nov. 25. Mary, Burlington, Michael Mick, Burlington, 1783, Dec. 4- Massey, Edmund Roberts, Maidenhead, 1778, Sept. 18. Mercy, Thomas Burrows, Hunterdon, 1733, Aug. 9. Mercy, Godfrey Chamberlin, Hunterdon, 1779, Aug. 17. Patience, Burlington, John Waney, Burlington, 1775. Sept. 22. Pelatiah, Joseph Titus, Hopewell, 1764, Nov. 12. Phebe, Barrent Christopher, Hunterdon, 1763, Dec. 13. Phebe, Aaron Butcher, Cumberland, 1778, Apr. 2. Rachel, Cumberland, Moses Mulford, Cumberland, 1758, Apr. 25. Rachel, Deerfield, Daniel Ogden, Deerfield, 1768, July 5. Rebecca, Joshua Ballinger, Burlington, 1788, Nov. 17. Sarah, Burlington, Wm. Stone, Burlington, 1741, May 10. Sarah, Gloucester, Clement Dickson, Gloucester, 1760, July 13. Sarah, Bergen, David Day, Bergen, 1767, Nov. II. Sarah, John Smith, Hunterdon, 1768, Jan. 13. Sarah, Jost. Shaits, Alloway Creek, 1773, Mar. 9. Sarah, Hunterdon, Daniel Woodward, Somerset, 1784, Feb. 26. Valaria, Burlington, Joseph Conarro, Burlington, 1761, Oct. 3. Abijah, Hunterdon, Hannah Brown, 1780, Aug. 25. Amos, Hunterdon, Anne Smith, (Job, security), 1769, Aug. 22. Andrew, Monmouth, Sarah Brown, Monmouth, 1772, Jan. 18. Benjamin, Burlington, Sarah Bowen, 1788, Nov. 17. Moor, Ben].,Jr., Burlington, Rebecca Fenniraore, Burlington, 17-50, Oct. 27. Moore, Daniel, Hunterdon, Hannah Johnston, (Job, security). 1768, Sept. 3. Daniel, Middlesex, Agnes Brown, Middlesex, 1747, Dec. 2. David, Salem, Lyddy Richman, Salem, 1771, Dec. 4. Edward, Salem, Martha Thompson, Salem, 1746, Nov. 10. Edward, Salera, Mary Sanderlin, Salem, 1764, Feb. 7. Elisha, Hunterdon, Mary Moore, 1779, Nov. 25. Elwell, Salera, Margaret Ashton, Salem, 1765, Apr. 9. Elwell, Salem, Rebecca Miller, Salem, 1771, June iS. Enoch, Cumberland, Mary Ware, Cumberland, 1752, Apr. i5. Enoch, Cumberland, Rachel Hutson, Cumberland, 1762, Nov. 22. Hampton, Cumberland, Mary Westcott, 1783, Apr. 17. Henry, Middlesex, Mary Dudin, 1747, May 27. James, Burlington, Sarah Ridgway, Burlington, 1730, Dec. I. James, Jr., Sussex, Jane Miller, Sussex, 1779, Feb. 10. Job, Burlington, Mary Lippincott, Burlington, 1766, Nov. 26. Job, Trenton, Deborah Stillwell, 1768, July 13. John, Staten Island, Mary Stillwell, Staten Island, 1758, Mar. 13. John, Middlesex, Mary Fraze, Essex, 1751, Nov. 13. John, Salem, Ann Powell, Salem, 1772, Feb. 8. John, Hunterdon, Hannah Wortman, 1772, July 22. John, Essex, Hannah Moore, Middlesex, 1773, Oct. 8. John, Burlington, Bathsheba Ballinger, 1777, May I. John, Hunterdon, Sarah Pinkerton,* 1783, Jan. 22. • John Phillips, Maidenhead, security; Benj. Van Cleve, witness. So8 APPENDIX Jonathan, Jonathan, Joseph, Joshua, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Mordica, Moses, Robert, Samuel, Samuel, Stephen, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, William, William, Middlesex, Middlesex, Burlington, Phila., Middlesex, Bergen, Middlesex, Burlington, Burlington, Middlesex, Hunterdon, Hunterdon, Salem, Bergen, Cape May, Burlington, Salem, Salem, Salem, Hunterdon, Catherine Ryne, Mary Stone, Mary Hewlings, Rachel Dilks, Posthumous Frazer, Martha Perlee, Cornelia Lydekka, Rachel Dunn, Alice Walker, Martha Cornell, Jemima Wood, Elizabeth Rockport, Sarah Green, Martha Burrows, Jean Tuff, Mary Fordon, Catharineah Beenson, Lucretia Haines, Elizabeth Ford, Judith Hamilton, Sarah Hamilton, Mary Smith, Middlesex, Middlesex, Burlington, Gloucester, Middlesex, Staten Island, Bergen, Middlesex, Burlington, Burlington, Ewing, Salem, Bergen, Gloucester, Salem, Salem, 1746, 1761, 1783, 1750, 1740, 1750. 1764, 1756, 1731, 1783, 1761, 1759. 1781, 1781, 1730, 1748, 1740, 1783, 1732. 1769, 1770, 1778, May 17. Aug. 12. May 12. Dec. 31. Dec. 31. Nov. 12. Feb. 3, May 25. Jan. 17. Feb. 25. Dec. 21. Jan. 24. Sept. 24. Feb. 13. Apr. 15. Apr. 22. May 15. July 29. Jan. 17. May 6. Mar. 17. Aug. 22. Record of Rev. Win. Frazer, St. Thomas's Church of Alexandria, St. Andrews' s at Ringoes and Musconetcong at Mansfield, Sussex Co. Amwell, 1783, May 24. 1780. Amwell, 1780, June 29. Amwell, 1786, Dec. 19. Amwell, 1788, Mar. 4. Hopewell, 1777, Oct. 25. Amwell, 1789, June II. Amwell, 1781, Feb. 15. MOORB, Abraham, Ann, Ann, Anna, Charles, Elisha, Joseph, Stephen, Amwell, Amwell, Hopewell, Hopewell, Ann Lawshe, Wni. Acker, Jos. Haines, Jos. Hoppock, Alice Moore, Mary Moore, Hannah Landess, Martha Burroughs, MoORB, Asa (Stephen), Asa, Daniel, David, Elizabeth, Elnathan, Hannah, Gideon, Jesse, Jesse, Keziah, John (Henry) John C, Mary, Mary, Michael, Samuel, William, Elias, MoORB, Christiana, Flemington Marriages, Court House, Flemington, N.J. Fannie Reed, Catharine Gulick, Eliza Hudnit, Sarah Snyder, Henry Maxwell, Mary Runkle, Israel Poulson, Catherine York, Nancy Motsbey, Hannah Lowdeslater, Israel Smith, Hannah Trout, Priscilla Ely, Charles Beatty, Henry Hoppock, Jane Lewis, Phebe Parker, Hannah Scott, Cicily Biggs, Sussex County Man-iages, Clerk's Office, Newton. Penna., John Williams, Penna., Amwell, Amwell, Amwell, Kingwood, Trenton, Amwell, Amwell, Amwell, Hopewell, Kingwood, Amwell, Amwell, Kingwood, Amwell, Trenton, Amwell, Amwell, Amwell, Hopewell, m. in Flemington, James (Mary Woods Josiah, Luceena, William, Daniel, MORB, Andrew, MoORB, Benjamin, Isaac, James (James) Joanna, John, Samuel, Sarah, Sussex, Sussex, Hunterdon, Sussex, at my house in Frankford, Sussex Co., Zachariah Price. Elizabeth Herrenton, Sussex, Jonathan Parker, Nancy Cooley, Rebecca Cafifrey, Sussex, Hunterdon, Sussex, 1805, Oct. 12. 1811, Jan. 27. 1815, Aug. 26. 1805, Oct. 7. 1808, Dec. 5. 1797, June 25. 1797, Feb. 12. 1800, Jan. 16. 1802, Oct. 4. 1799, Aug. 24. 1796, Mar. 17. 1813, Apr. 7. 1811, June 12. 1812, Aug. 9. 1796, Feb. 7. 1810, Mar. 8. i8oi, Jan. 18. 1804, May 3. (Eze Cole, J. P.) 1804, Dec. 2. (John Maxwell, Justice.) 1801, Oct. II. (Josiah Swayze, J. P.) 1801, Oct. II. (Josiah Swayze, J. P.) 1800, Jan. 6. (John Maxwell, Justice.) 1773, Jan. I. (Lewis Jordan, J. P.) Kingwood Monthly Meeting, Hunterdon Co. Sadsbury, Ruth Birdsall, 1765, 9, 5, Approx. Kingwood, 1790, 9, 9, " Kingwood, Buckingham, 1796, 3, 9, " Sadsbury, Lancaster Co., Pa.,Rebecka Birdsall (Jacob), Amwell, Hunterdon Co., 1782, 13,8. Rahway & Plainfield, Jeremiah Wilson, 1792, 9, 8, Kingwood, Hannah Copeland, Rahway & Plainfield, 1783, 13, 2, Approx. Kingwood, 1781, 10, 11, " Kingwood, Nathan King, 1771, 14, 2, " A P P E N D I X 509 MOORB, Naomy, Joanna, Hackensack, Moor, Fransoeys, Samuel, Annaetjen, Francentjen (widow), Hackensack, HOORE, Franzina, Maria, Samuel , ( New York ) , Moore, Mary, Rachel, Moore, Rhoda, Moor, Sarah, Samuel, Anny, Moore, Marja D., (widow), Moor, (widow). Moore, Margaret, Mary Ann, More, Rachel, Hackensack. John Christien, Hackensack, Johannes Dey, Jannetje Larens, Hesther Lezier, Hackensack, Jan De Groot, Sjeems Moor, Joannes De Groot, Wilkelmue Lie, Sarah Smidt, Bergen, Piscaiaway Baptist Church. James FitzRandolph, Hugh Dunn, Scotch Plains Baptist Church. William Pool, Schraalenburg Church. David Day, Marytje De Groot, Erel Loreuse, Barent Kool (widower), James Lee, Essex Co., Clerk's Record. John Thomas Tenison (or Jenison), John Thomas Tenison (or Jenison), William More, at Caldwell. Moore, Polly, Bridgetown, Lyons Parni Church. Phibbe Shemash (farmer), Second River Church. Bridgetown, Moore, Moore, Dalle, Dennys Prys, Esther, Britton, born in Dublin, Id., 1733, .'\ug. 25 living at Second River, born in Ireland, living at Second River. Middlesex Co., Clerk's Record. Daniel Lanning, Rebecca Mount, First Presbyterian Church, Morristown. N. J. Moore, Mr. , Abigail, Rockaway, Catharine d. May 19, 1845, aet. 25, Cecelia d. July 3, 1768, aet. 68, Damoras, David, David,* David, Eliza Jane, Hannah, Hannah, Ira (? Samuel), New York, Loammi (David), Naomi, Samuel, Rockaway, Samuel (? Stephen), Samuel (? Stephen), Samuel, Stephen, Moor, MOORE; Moor, Moore, 1728, 1726, 1696, 1736, 1738, 1739, 1731. 1738, 1705, Nov. 17. June 12. May 23. Feb. II, Aug. 12. Jan. 20. April I. Sept. 2. Sept. 14. 1765, Apr. 21. 1758, Aug. 18. 1759, May 17. 1767, Nov. 12. 1760, Feb. 10. 1762, Nov. 14. 1767, Aug. 14. 1761, Sept. 24. 1798, Nov. I. 1797, Jan. 21. 1796, April. 1796, Oct. 16. Joanna Prudden (Rev. John), Joseph Coe, Rockaway, Charles M., Timothv Tuttle, Jacob Hall (?Seth), Rachel Haden, Elizabeth RoflF,t Bathia Cutler (Uriah), William L. , Samuel Martin, Timothy Loce (Losey), Joanna Leonard, Huldah Byram (Naphthali), John Vandine, Zippora (Conger) Johnson (wid.), (? Jonathan), Elizabeth Reeve (Nathan), ? Mar>-, Sarah Ann d. Dec. 7, 1885, Eunice Ford (Samuel), Thomas, George, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Mi. Holly, N.J. Martha Shinn, Mary Woodrufif, 1798, Oct. 8. 1795, Mar. II. 1762, Sept. 12. 1724. 1771, Dec. 19. 1777, Sept. 4. 1743, Apr. 13. 1769, Mar. 30. 1766, Aug. 31. 1767, June 15. 1826, Feb. 25. 1799, Mar. 30. 1758, Jan. 1791, Nov. 27. 1790, Mar. 10. 1761, Apr. 21. 1821, Oct. 28. 1825, Juue 21. • Had a child baptized Aug. 10, 1746; Joseph Moore bad Joseph baptized 1744, and in 1749, Joseph Steven. t (') Afterward m. Jeremiah Gard, 176J. 5IO A P P E N D I X Chesterfield Monthly Meeting, N.J. Moore, Alexander witnessed marriage of Abraham Skirm and Elizabeth Fowler, 1750, 3mo., 24. Francis witnessed marriage of Samuel Taylor, 1686, 2mo., 14. Francis signed Anthony Woodward's certificate, 1686, i2mo., 14. John witnessed marriage of Robert Field and Mary, daughter of Samuel Taylor, 1722, 2mo., 12.* St. Marfs Church, ■\ Burlington, N.J., Rev.Jonathatt Odell, Pastor. Moore, William, Margaret Kerr, 1775, May 18. Burlington, M. M. Records.X Mary Stokes, Mary Allen, Ann Bishop, Patience Woohnan, Abraham Lippincott, Miriam Ridgway, Moor, Benjamin, MOORK, Benjamin, Jr., James, Moor, Joseph, Moore, Rebecca, Thomas, 1693, 2d pass. 1754, lomo., 7, 2d pass. 1744, 2d pass. 1738, certificate. 1768, II, 7, 2d pass. 1742, 2d pass. BAPTISMAL RECORDS. First Reformed Church, Easton, Pa. Moore, Sarah, b. Jan. 8, 1812, baptized Jan. 23, 1812, daughter of Robert and Mary, the parents being sponsors. St. John's Lutheran Church, Easton, Pa. Moore, Maria Drinkhouse, b. June 13, 1832, daughter of John and Matilda. Samuel, b. Apr. 26, 1812, son of Robert and Mary. Six Mile Rui. Church. More, Moor, More, Hendrik ; Wife: Yda ; Child: Rynire ; 1758, Apr. 16. Heudrik ; Wife : Ida ; Child: Johannis ; 1754, Nov. 3. Reynere ; Wife : Catrina ; Child : Jan Roozen ; 1782, Jan. 6. Reynere ; Wife: Catrena ; Child: Ida; 1785, May 8. LIII. TOWN OFFICERS OF NEWTOWN, L. I. OVERSEERS. Mar., 1665-Apr. 1666, Gershom Moore. Apr., 1668-1670, Gershom Moore. Apr., 1671-1673, Gershom Moore. 1675-1677, Gershom Moore. Apr., 1677-1679, Samuel Moore, Gershom Moore. Apr., 1681-1683, Samuel Moore. COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN COURT. 1684-1685, Gershom Moore, Samuel Moore. 1686-1687, Samuel Moore. 1688-1689, Samuel Moore. 1684, Feb. 28, Samuel Moore. 1759, Apr. 3, Samuel Moore. SUPERVISORS. 16S7, Jan. 27, Samuel Moore. i6gi, June 27, Capt. Samuel Moore. TOWN CLERKS. ASSESSORS. 1768, Apr. 5, Samuel Moore, 3d. 1696, Apr. 17, Gershom Moore. 1796, May 7, 1704, Feb. 2, Gershom Moore. 1797. Apr. 4, 1705, Apr. 3, Samuel Moore, Jr. 1798, Apr. 3, 1707, Apr. I, Joseph Moore. 1799, Apr. 2, 1709, Apr. 5, Joseph Moore. 1800, Apr. I, 1734, Apr. 2, Sanmel Moore, Jr. 1803, Apr. 5, 1742, Apr. 2, William Moore, son of Samuel'. 1804, Apr. 3, 1747, Apr. 7, William Moore, son of Samuel'. 1805, Apr. 2, 1752, Apr. 7, Samuel Moore, son of Benjamin. 1809, Apr. 4, 1760, Apr. I, Nathaniel Moore, Jr. 1818, Apr. 7, 1761, Apr. 7, Samuel Moore, Jr. 1819, Apr. 6, 1765, Apr. 1, John Moore, Jr. 1820, Apr. 4, 1786, Apr. 4, Robert Moore. 1821, Apr. 3, 1796, Apr. 5, David Moore. 1827, Apr. 3, 1828, Apr. 1, Robert Moore. David Moore, Robert Moore. David Moore, Robert Moore. Robert Moore. Robert Moore. Robert Moore. Robert Moore. Robert Moore. Edward Moore. Edward Moore. Edward Moore. Edward Moore. Daniel S. Moore, Benjamin Moore. Thomas Moore. Thomas Moore. ♦ Samuel Taylor, son of Samuel, m. t First Book Church Records, 52. X Friends in Burlington. A. M. Gummere. I 1716. A P P E N D I X 5" CONSTABLES. 1675, Samuel Moore. 1679, Apr. 3, Lieut. Gershom Moore. 1700, Dec. 17, Gershom Moore. COMMISSIONERS OF HIGHWAYS. 1703, Mar. 24, Gershom Moore. 1709, Apr. 5, Samuel Moore. 1720, Apr. 5, Joseph Moore. 1722, Apr. 3, Gershom Moore. 1761, .\pr. 7, Samuel Moore, Jr. 1768, Apr. 5, Samuel Moore. 1771, Apr. 2, Samuel Moore, Sr. 1772, Apr. 7, Nathaniel Moore, Sr., Samuel Moore, Sr. 1777, Apr. I, John Moore, Jr. 1778, Apr. 7, John Moore, Jr. 1780, Apr. 4, John Moore, Jr. 1783, Apr. 1, Nathaniel Moore, Sr., 1796, Apr. 5, Jacob Moore. 1806, Apr. I, Jacob Moore. 1808, Apr. 5, Jacob Moore. 1S16, Apr. 2, Thomas Moore. 1818, Apr. 7, Robert Moore. John Moore, Jr. OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. 1793, Apr. 2, Jacob Moore. 1794, Sept. 16, Robert Moore in place of Farrington. 1797, Apr. 4, Robert Moore. 1801, Apr. 7, Nathaniel Moore, Jr. 1808, .\pr. 5, Nathaniel Moore. 1814, Apr. 5, Edward Moore. 1815, Apr. 4, Edward Moore. 1821, Apr. 3, Benjamin Moore. 1825, Apr. 5, Benjamin Moore. Gershom Moore. John Moore. COMMISSIONERS OF COMMON SCHOOLS. 1826, Apr. 4, Benjamin Moore. 1831, Mar. I, Benjamin Moore. FREEHOLDERS OF NEWTOWN. 1666, Dec. 4. Samuel Moore. Thomas Moore (Southold, Newtown, Elizabeth, N. J.). LIV. SOME EARLY ARRIVALS IN AMERICA.* Alden, John, Mayflower, 1620, New Plymouth, m. Pri.sci!la Mullins and had eleven children. Biggs, Elizabeth, 10, Virginia, Speedwell, of London, from Gravesend, May 28, 1635. Mrs, Biggs, Richard Biggs and sons William, Thomas, Richard, living at West and Shirlow Hundred, Va., February 16, 1623. Philip, 6mo., same as Elizabeth. Richard Biggs, West and Sherley Hundred, 41, Sivann, August, 1610. Sarah, wife of Richard, 35, Marigold, May, 1618. Thomas, 13, New England, Blessing. Thomas, James City, Va., dead, February 16, 1623. William, "convicted rebel," Barbadoes, 16S5. Doty, Edward, Mayflotver, 1620, New Plymouth. DODGHTIE, Ann, living at Flourdirn Hundred, Va., February 16, 1623. Ann, wife of Thomas Doughtie, arrived in the Mamaluke, 1621. Thomas, arrived in the Marigold 1619, living at Flourdirn Hundred, Va. Thomas, Martin's Hundred, Va. Thomas, 26, came in the Abigail, living at Martin's Hundred, 1624. HiCKES, Robert, Fortune, November 11, 1621. Margaret and her children, wife of Robert Hicks, Ann and Little James; Ann arrived in latter part of June, the Little James a week or ten days later. Moor George, ticket granted to Symon Ryder, a servant belonging to, in ship Vineyard, for Virginia, March 3; 1678- Moore, Alee, Barbadoes, Register of Parish of Christ Church, 1680 (?). Dorothy, baptized November 3, 1678, daughter of Richard Moore, Parish of St. John's, Barbadoes. Henry, The Sommer Islands, Council of the Assembly, August 23, 1673, ^'^o April 14, 1679. Joseph, The Sommer Islands, April 14, 1679. Leonard, College Land, Va., came in Bona Nova ; muster taken January 23, 1624. Richard, see Dorothy. Robert, Parish of Christ Church, Barbadoes, 1680 (?). Thomas, "convicted rebel," Monmouth's Rebellion, 1685, Barbadoes. More, Alexander, 24, HopC7vell, Barbadoes, February 17, 1634. Ellen, Mavflower, 1620, New Plymouth, "was put to him— Mr. Edward Winslow," died during first season. Elizabeth, Virginia, Abigail, 1622, probably wife of John, who came in Bona Nova, 1620. Elizabeth, 30, New England, Abigail, June 17, 1635. • The Original Lists of Persons of Quality, etc., who went from Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1600-1700. Edited by John Camden Hotten. 5« A P P E N D I X MORB, MOIBR, MORB, MORY, Mors, MOTT, M0i- 99 Bloomfield, Sarah 75 William 73 Blue. Rebecca 397 BLfNSTENALTY. Johu 284 • Blythe. Rev. Joseph W 313 Board of Education 97 BOGAERT, Gysbert 64 BOGGS, Elizabeth 394 Rev. John 394 Mary J 394 BoiCE, Lemma 99 Holds, 236 Bolivar, Simon 122 Bolton, Everard 2S4 Bond, Richard 392 Robert 7. 26 Stephen 172 Walter 330 Bonham, Hezekiah 11 Nehemiah 166 BoNSALL, Caroline Bartram ... 253 Booker. Timothy 182 Borden, Colonel 8 Border, Clarence 216 Georce 216 Win field 2:6 Boss, Widow Jane 3^ BosTOCK (Bostique) Ann .... 7 Arthur 6, 26 Letitia 17 Margaret 6 Boston Port Bill 16 BosTW^CK, Edward B I20 BOUDINOT, Elias 144 Mr 156 Boulwake, Angie 230 BorxcHER, Caleb 348 Caroline S 347 BowDE. Adlord 164 BowDEN, Rev. John 100 67 BowEN, Abigail 2S6 Bowes, F 168 BowHAN, Ella 67 Bowker, Alice 244 Bowler, 218 Bowman, Ella M 383 Samuel 382 Col. Samuel 383 BoWN, Sam 2B6 Bowne, Ann E 385 Daniel 384-5 Ella J 65-6 Ethel 66 John 295 Samuel 385 Sarah 385 Susan 3S5 Wesley 385 Boyd, Rev. George 263 BOYSE, Joanna fjoane) .... 174-6 Rev. John 176 BozoRTH. Charles F 219 John 218-9 Brace, LiHie 394 Brace, Lulu 394 William H 393-4 Bradish, James 32 BRADLEY, J. B 207 Joseph P., U. S. Sup. Court 355 Sarah 345 Bragaw, Caroline 64-6 Isaac 13 Bragdon, Franklin 240 Bragg, Frank Grant 234 Mary Beth 234 Philip Grant 234 Walter H 254 Branes, John 167 Bread. Allen 25 Bre.\rley, Benjamin 313 David 313 John 313 Gen. Joseph 313 Rebecca 313 Brent, John, Esq 6 Brevoort, Ann 130-1 H.. Jr 117 Brewer, Albert 327 Florence 327 Bridges, Robert 26-7 Briggs. Joseph 129 Brinckerhoff, Anna 142 Ann S 70 Catharine R . . 70 Elbert 63 Grace B . . . . 70 George .... 63, 70 George Berrien . 70 Isaac 142 Joris 64 Maria Berrien . 60-3, 70 Pelatiah .... 70 Tunis 64 Bries, Cornelius 42 Eritton, Jonathan 261 Brobst. Rev T. N 277 Broadhead, Daniel 246 Brockway, Maria 64 Mary A 65 Broderwick. Thomas 181 Brodhead, Edward L ■ • • - 34^-9 Mar\- 348 William \ . . . . 348 Brooke, Anna 362 Edward 362 Frederick 362 George C 362 George W 163 Rev. John 172 Mary B 163 Rev 156 Robert E 362 Brooks. Alice Maurice .... 147-8 David 18 Phillips 185 Brown, Charles H 336 Daniel 336 George C 66 Toseph 82, 173 Marv A 335 Phebe 173 Ross 307 Walter 207 William 93 William D 3.^5 William J 336 Brownelowe, Vincent 286 Bruce. Dr. Archibald 259 King Robert 5 Brottghton. Sa. Sh 43 Brukn, Dr. Alexander M .... 144 Brush, Widow 391 Bryan, Albert D 229 Alexander 294 Amanda Francina . . . 236 Augustine Scudder . . . 236 Beulah Coates 236 Charles Melancthon . . . 236 David Chester 228 Evaline Antoinette . . . 236 Harold Townsend .... 94 Joseph Lingard .... 93-4 Joseph Valentine .... 94 Learner Leeds 236 Marcellus LeRoy .... 236 Marie .\ 229 Rosabel 236 Bry.\nt, Richard 167 William 189 Bryerly, John 11 Buch, Mana 220 Buchanan, President 265 Buck, Dr. Gurdon 117 family of 68 Buckhout, Peter P 181-2 BucKMAN, Wallace 86 Bccknor. Catharine 135-6 William Goelet .... 136 Budd, John 165 Bullock, David C 220 Bundic, William 375 Butvn, Joseph 387 Joshua 1S9 Sarah 31S, 384 Burges, Harriet Frances . . 109. no Burgoyne, General 137 BuRGDTT, Gustavus 155 BuRK, William 189 BuRKE. Lillie Runkle 344 Burling, Edward 289 Burnet, Abigail 355 Dr. William 355 Burnett, Gov. William . . . 165. 293 Burr, Aaron 104, 119 Theodosia 119 Burroughs, Aaron H 242 Amos 242 Ann 128 Anna 128 Benjamin 128 Catharine . . 77-8, 128 Edward M 243 Eliza 379 Elizabeth . 53, 184, 309- 322 Elizabeth Reid . . 128 Emma .... 385, 391 George 242 George Wyckoff . . 128 Hannah 250 Henry K 128 Henry S 242 James . 77, 88, 243, 322 Jemima 243 Jeremiah . 42-S, 51, . . 8S, 1S4. 250, 308 Joanna 308 John . 32, 53, 82-8, 127-8, 184. 242, . . 351, 322, 350-1 Joseph . . . 127-8, 242 Joseph H 128 Lydia 128 Mary Frances . . . 242 Oliver S 128 Rebecca Ann . . . 242 Samuel H 387 Sarah . 88, 128, 242, 383 Stephen 241-2 Thomas .... 128, 312 Wesley 391 William Howe . . 128 BtmROWES, Edward 95 Eliza Ellen 96 Foster. ... 76, 95, 189 Rev. George . . 96, 312 Hannah ... 53. 250, 378 Job 189 Joseph 189 Mary 96 Nathaniel 95-6 Stephen 189 Maj. Stephen .... 378 Thomas 95, 167 Burt, Hon. Tames 352 BuRWELL, Ephraim 173 Zachariah 173 Butler, Rev. Dr. David 105 Butterworth. John F 144 Business Concerns : Atlantic Trust Co . 71 Buckley & Moore . 150 Burke & Mixsell . . 342 Camden & Phila. Ferry Co ... . 89 Chisholin & Moore Mfg. Co.. The . . 68 Delaware Fire Co . 89 de Rham & Moore 123-4 Eames & Moore . . 61 Easton Gas Co . . . 34S Ellison, John B. & Sons 201 Fisk & Hatch .... 324 Gouverneur & Kem- ble 125 Si6 GENERAL INDEX Business Concerns: Harris & Woodcock 206 Hill, Fish, & Abbe . 89 Jackson Glass Works 202 I^aflin & Rand Pow- der Co 71 Major, Gillespie & Co 123 Marshall, M o r a n , Williams & Mc- Vickar 139 McVickar, H. & Co . 140 McVickar. John&Co 134 McVickar, John, Son & Stewart ... 134 McVickar & Stewart 134 Merchants' Tra ns- portation Co . . 91 Moore & Calvi ... 150 Moore, C. & Co . . . 196 Moore & Green . . 246 Moore. S. & Co . . . 277 Moore & Tarver . . 147 Mott & Schober . . 277 Mott, Schober & Co 277 Mntual Ivife Insur- ance Co 244 Orn & Co 259 PierrepontBros.&'Co 114 Provident L, i f e & Trust Co .... 244 Reynals & Co ... 258 Ste'wart & Co . . . . 344 Thomas Iron Co . . 345 Thompson, Moore & Co 150 Trenton Delaware Bridge Co ... . 89 Trenton Gas I«ight Co 91 Trenton Savings Fund Society . . 89 Union Fire Co . . . 91 Union Line Stage & Steamboat Co . 89 United Insurance Co.. N. Y . . . . 134 Warren Foundry & Machine Co . . . 345 Western & Northern Coal Co 134 Byers. Susan 227 Byram. Huldah 361 Naphthali 361 Cady, Phebe 365 Cain, Cornelia 385 Nathaniel 384 Sarah 384 Thomas 82, 323 Caldwell, Timothy 199 Lieut. -Col 324 Callender, Ann 122 Calver, Samuel 10 Calvert, Secy 293 Calvinism 13 Calvitt, 394 Cameron, Dolores 254 Joseph 254 Walter 254 Camm, Susan 198 Camp, William 173 Campbell, William 189 Camps : Boileau 275 Curtin 262 Meade 92 Voorhees 92 WetheriU 92 Canby, Benjamin 285 Carbonora X12 Carey, Edward T 298 Frances R 298 Hermon H 29S Howard M 298 William H 298 Carhart, Lavinia 242 Carle, Captain 213 Israel 307 Carman, Caleb 167, 327 Fanny 327 Carnan, Catharine Risteau . 159, 163 Capt. Christopher ... 159 Carpenter, Ada 240 Catharine 87 David 240 Carpenter, James 240 John . . 87, 167, 170-8, 1S9, 321 Sarah . . . 188, 227, 321 Carson, Elizabeth 162 Carter. Nicholas 32 Carteret, Sir George 164 Cary, Benajah F 230-1 Charles Moore 231 Francis N 231 Case, Mary 45 Thomas 45 Casteau, Elizabeth 252 Cattell. Rev. W. C 226, 296 Cavalry Corps, Army of Potomac 378 Cemeteries : Baptist 252 Cypress Hill .... 64 Easton . . 252, 262-5, 278, 304-5. 337. 348-9 Episcopal, Newtown, L- I 69 Ewing . . 76, 88, 176, 319. 320-1-4 First Church. Trenton 1 1 First Presbyterian, Easton 322-8 Friends' Burying Ground, Falls of the Delaware . . . 288 Laurel Hill, Phila 199 200. 263-4-5 Moore, private, New- town, L. I - ■ 64-9, 228 Mt. Olivet, Maspeth, L. I . . 64 Mt. Vernon, Phila . . 264 Old Grave Yard, New- town, L. I ... 97-8-9 Pennington, N. J . . 13 Presbyterian, HoUi- daysburg, Pa . . . 227 Rising Sun, Phila . . 303 Ronaldson's, Phila 252, 263-5 Spring Grove .... 263 St. James', Newtown 60 St. Paul's, Baltimore 133 Woodland, Phila . . 198 Wood lawn 150 Ceuras, Balbina de 217 Chalice, Trinity Church, N. Y . . 141 Chalm.^s, Stephen 181 Chamberlain, 389 Chamberlain of Scotland .... 5 Chambers, Alexander 91 Benjamin Fish . . 91-2 Clark 324 Col. David 324 J. H 116 John 91, 324 John Story ... 89, 90-1 Mrs. J.S 58.83 Mary Ann 323-4 Thomas Stryker . 91-2 Wilson 319 Chanler. John Armstrong . . . 120 Chapin, Ellis 207 William 207 Chapman, Clarinda 324 Henry G 145 Chard, Thornton 152 Charles I 6, 118, 158 II 29, 43, 164 Chauncy, H 252 Cheeskman, Rev. Lewis .... 8g Sarah P 89, 92 Chelsea Square 107 Chidsey, Andrew D 345-6 Anna Eliza 342-5 Caleb 345 Harold 346 Helen S 346 Isaac 345 Russell 342 Russell Smith 345 Samuel 345 Thomas McK 346 Child, William 365 Chilton, Maiy 159 Chipman, Hon. Ward 156 Christopher, Barnes 39 Catharine . 1S9, 384-5 Charity 36 Charles 39 Daniel 39 Elias 39 Christopher, Jesse John 39 Mary 384 Nathan 39 Church : All Angels', N. Y . . . 61 American Chapel, Paris 139 Broadway Tabernacle . 145 Brooklyn 64, 99 Christ : Cooperstown, N. Y . . loi Hudson. N. Y .... loi Milford, Conn .... 175 New York 101-9 Philadelphia .... 190-6 Red Hook, N. Y ... 120 Dutch Reformed ... 9, 270, 357 Bushwick, N. Y . . . . 226 Collegiate, N. Y . . . . 225 Easton, Pa . . . 226, 342-5 of England 9, 10, 21, 283 Hwing 393 First Baptist. Phila 227 First Methodist Episcopal, Washington. N. J 279 Flatlands' 64 Gloria Dei, Phila .... 190. 303 Grace : Jamaica loi New York 113 Incarnation, of the, Savannah 270 Lambertville — of New England 9 Plymouth. Mass 176 Port Deposit 97 Presbyterian : Brainerd. Easton, Pa . 342-5 Brick, N. Y 130-1 Hempstead 12 Hopewell {at Penning- ton, N. J.) . II, 12, 236, .......... 340, 389 Jamaica, L- I 12 Lawrenceville, N. J . . iSo " New Side " 12 Newtown, L. I . 12, 121, 352 Princeton, N.J 84 Independent, Savan- nah, Ga 128 Presbyterian, First: Easton 32S Germantown 226 Morristown, N. J . . , . 75 New Brunswick, N. J . 224 Pennington . . 85. 88, 240-1 Philadelphia . . 11, 127, 302 Trenton, N. J . 89, 91-6, 188 Presbyterian, Second : Philadelphia 199 Trenton, N. J 1S8 Presb>'terian, Fourth : Trenton. N. J 205 Presbvterian, Fifth : Trenton, N. J 91 St. Andrew's : Stamford, Ct . . . . 120, 176 Staten Island loi St. Ann's • Brooklyn loi, 142 St. Barnabas : Irvington, N. Y .... 139 du St. Esprit : N. Y loi St. George's : Flushing lor Hempstead 126 New York (chapel) . 100, 159 Schenectady loi St. James' : Goshen loi Hamilton Square. N. Y loi Hyde Park, N. Y . . . . 138 Newtown. L. I . . 32, 75, 127 St. John, The Evangelist, New Brunswick, N. J 223 St. John's : Yonkers no Philadelphia 263 Lutheran, Easton, Pa 243. 252 Methodist Episc opal, Philadelphia 300 St. Luke's : Catskill loi New York 104 St. Mark's : New York loi, 120 GENERAL INDEX 517 Church : St. Matthew's : Bedford loi St. Michael's : Bloomingdalc loi New York 134 Trenton 100 St. Michael's and Zion, Phila- delphia 85 St. Paul's : Baltimore 159 Claverack loi East Chester loi Elm Grove, Va 121 New York 100, 118 Troy I0I-5 St. Peter's : Albany loi New York 107 Westchester . . . 101,161 St. Philip's : Garrison's in the High- lands 124-6 St. Stephen's : N. Y" 101 Trinity : Easton. Pa 143, 252 Geneva lor Lansingburgh loi Methodist Episcopal, Phila 302 New Rochelle loi New York . 98, loi-n, 134-8 Holy Trinity : Harlem 136 Philadelphia 136 Ummerlon Oxfordshire, Eng 15S Watertown 1S5 West Nottingham 97 Zion's Evangelical Lutheran, N. J 237 Zion's Lutheran, N. Y . . . . loi Churchill, Caroline Laura . . . 26S Elizabeth Sarah Ann 268 Frederick . . 256, 263-8 Frederick Augustus 268 Lina 268 Lieutenant 294 William Mott .... 268 Churchyards (See Cemeteries). Claggett. Bishop loi Clarence, Duke of 40. 132 Clark, Abigail 325 Andrew 87 Benjamin G 339, 34° Charles 77, 16S, 339 Cora 192 Daniel 324, 339 Elizabeth 341 Elizabeth Green 339 Enoch S 33^ Ida 341 Jasper 339 John 192 Levi H 117 Margaret G 346-7 Martha 339 Martin 190 Mary 192, 340 May 339 Rachel 192 Rev. Dr 121 Robert 192 Ruth .324 William 339, 341 Clarke, Abigail 327 Charity 98, 104 Clement 104 Maria Theresa . . 104, 113-9 Maj. Thomas .... 98, 104 Mary 104 Mr 159 Widow 106 Clay, Henry 224 Clesbin, Mary 354-5 Cleveland. Esther 367 Clevenger. Hannah A .... 396 Clifford, Elizabeth 85-6 Nicholas 6 Clinton, Gov. DeWitt . . 41. ii7. 130-1, 141 Sir Henry 2j, 70 Clifton, Susan 34* Closset, Dr 110 Clowes, Samuel 18, 41 Club : Brooklyn 61 Club: Calumet 144 Engineers', Phila 144 Engineers', St. Louis . . . 144 Hamilton 61 Lawyers' 61 Metropolitan 150 Pelham Golf 144 Republican 62 Morristown 139 Riding and Driving ... 61 St. Nicholas 150 The Ugly 275 Union 61 Union League 61, 145 University of Penna . . . 144 Clymer, Anna 362 Daniel R 362 Isaiah K 196 Lillie 362 Maria 362 Robert 362 CoAN, Mary Elizabeth 367 COATES, John 227 Judge Lindsay 227 Marj' 227-8 Thomas 227 Cock, Dr. Thomas — Cocker. Margaret G 369 CoE, Abigail 353 Benjamin 351-2-3 Cornelia 352 Daniel 54, 356-7 David 43 Elizabeth 352 iamily 357 Frances 352 Orover 352 Hannah 357 John 9, 42. 50-1 Capt. John 351-2-7 Jonathan 42, 351-2 Marv 352 Pheoe 352 Robert 30, 42-8, 352 Samuel 9, 351-2 Sarah 52, 351-3 Susan 352 Coevers, Annetie 64 Tunis Jansz 64 Coffin, Henry 364 Prof. James H . . . . 362-4 Coggswell, Mason F 259 CoiT, family of 68 CoLDEN. Lieut. -Gov 10 Cole, Lord 283 CoLEGATE. George Gibson .... 221 Coleman. Maria 95-6 Phebe 399 Thomas 11 CoLGAN, Rev. Thomas 10 Colleges (see Educational Institu- tions). Colley, Sir Henry 6 Collins, Emerson 332 Frank A 67 Herman L 332 Mary 196 Colt, Stockton Beekman .... 152 Commission, East River Bridge . 61 Commissioner of Town Court, Du- ties of 37. 47 Commissions, King's 20 Committee of Correspondence, Newtown 71 Committee of Safety 48 CoMPTON, Job 283 CONANO 199 CONDIT, Elizabeth P 37o-i Conduit, John 173 CoNGAD. Joanna 355 Mary 354 Congress, Continental 18 Provincial . . 17, 18, 22, 103 CONKLIN. Elizabeth 239, 240 Conner, Kate 391 Matilda T 217 Conover, Garret 78 Margaret 78 Conrad, Ann 196 CoNROY, Walter 197 Constable, Duties of 44-5 Constable, Ann 142 Anna .... 113, 138, 143 Casirair 142-3 Elizabeth 143 Emily . . . 112-4-7, 136 Constable, Euretta 135-6 Howard 143 James 142-3 Jennie 14a John iiS, 142-3 Matilda 135, 140 Stevenson .... 142-3 Thomas iiS William, family of . . 117-8, 136, 142-3, 152 Sir William, Baronet 118 William Henry . . . 140 Contant, Emma 315 Gilbert 315 CONYNGHAM. Johu N 211 Cook, Abial 358, 369, 374 Abigail 369, 374 Abraham 374 Albert S 374 Aletheia 373 Ambrose 373 Dr. Ambrose 370, 373 Anna B 371 Anne 369 Anthony 350 Ashbell 374 Benjamin 373 Calvin 369 Charles 70, 3704 Clarence 103 Clarissa 370 Daniel • .... 323 David T 370-1 Edward 370-1-3 Elemuel 369 Eliza W 143 Elizabeth .... 350, 369, 373-4 Elhs 358.369. 370 Col. Ellis 369, 370 Emma W 371 Mrs. Emma 86 Epaphras 369, 374 E. Rosseau 393 Frances 374 Frank 370 Frederick 374 Oeorge 371-4 Prof. George H 370-1 Dr. George W 370-3 Hannah 374 Henr>' 370 Dr. Henry G 373 Horace 370 Isaac 371-4 Isaac M 370 Jabez 370-1-3 James .... 369. 370-1-4. 393 James H 371-4 Jane 373 Jeannette 370 Jesse 323 Joanna 370 John 369, 370-3 John H 370 Dr. John S 371 John W 371 Jonathan 350, 369, 373 Dr. Joseph S 371 Dr. Lewis C 371 Lindley G 370 Lydia 349 Margaret 79, 370 Margaret C 371 Margaret G 370 Maria 373 Martha 369, 372 Martindale 369, 370 Mar>- 323, 370-1-4. 393 Mathew 369 Mathias M 370 Matilda 370 Minnie 393 Nathaniel 374 Paul 371 Peter 374 Phebe 369, 370-4 Raymond 370 Dr. Richard 373 Robert 373 Robert A 371 Robert W 373 Rnletta 370 Ruth 372 Samuel 369. 371-4 Sarah 357. 369. 37i-4 Sarah E 373 Sarah M 370 5iS GENERAL INDEX Cook, Sarah W 371 Silas 374 Dr. Silas 371 Silas c 372 Dr. Silas C 371 Susanna 369, 374 Theresa A 373 W 83 William 79, 369, 370-4 William B 374 William G 371 Williams 373 Wineah 39 Zebulon 369, 370 Coombs, Edward B 222 Samuel H 222 Combes. Robert 189 Convention. Penna. Constitutional 330 Cooper, ibi David 365 John 30, 277, 369 Martha 369 Mr 7. 26 Stephen 365 Thomas 358 Copley 135 CoRLlES, Elizabeth 309 Timothy 309 Corn BURY, Governor 9, 42 CORNELL, 222 Benjamin 189 Edward 189 Edward B 299 Elijah B 299 Helen M 299 John 319 Martha 319, 320 Mr 44 Samuel 299 Thomas 2y9 William .... 52, 166, 189 William H . . . . 296, 299 Cornish. Thomas 32 Cornwall, John 165 CORNWALLIS 21 CORNWELL, William 166 CoRRY, Elizabeth 196-8 Corson. Berlon 190 Bessie 191 Cora 191 Harry 191 Henry 191 Theodore 192-3 CORTELYOu, Elizabeth 57 CORTLANDT, Philip 87 Cory, Bertha 256 Carl 256 Charles D 255 Clifford 256 Edward 256 Edward Moore 255-6 Elmer 256 George 256 Georgie Maggie 256 Joseph 255 Josie 256 Laura 255-6 Lee 256 Louis 256 Lucius 255 Mabel 256 Mary 256 May 256 Reeder H 255 Sadie 255 Sam 256 Samuel 254-5 Susan 255-6 William H 255 Coryell, Abraham 313-5 Bingham H 346-7 Clement S 347 Margaret B 347 Mary 313-5 CORRY, Elizabeth 196-S CORWINE, Cornelius 392 George 392 Gideon R 392 Phebe .392 Rebecca 392 CORZiLUS. Emma 234 CoSART, Anthony 361 COSTAMAGNA, Liunie 364 CoDGHTRY, Bella 317 Eloise 317 John 316 Lillian 317 Council of Safety 84 Country Seats : Arch Brook 131 Beekman. Tarrytown, N. Y . 123 Bentlv Manor 157 Brooklyn Heights, Washing- ton's Headquarters .... 119 Chelsea 104-6 Cherry Hill 392 Chestnut Grove 293 Constable Hall 118, 142 Corkerhill 34i Giez 113 Grange, The 119 Greenbush 119 Island Hall 122 Liberty Hall 137 Livingston Manor 137 Locust Grove 97 Moorfield 231 Oak Hill 70 Stratlev Hall 162 Thornfiekl 152 Walnut Grove 293 Waterside 200 White Hill 96 Wingfield, Manor of — - Woodbourne 263 Woodlawn 126 Court of Chancery 96 General, o'f Massachusetts 26 U. S. Supreme 96, 137 CouTHONi, Gertrude 161 COUWENHOVFN, Gerrit 60 Capt. Jacob . . 28 Jacomina ... 60 Sarah 315 CowDlN, Carrie W 329 COWLES, Elizabeth 222 Frank 222 Henry D 222 William H 222 Cox, Jno 272 Mar\' 386 Col, (Dr.) 164-5-7, 249 COZZENS, 126 Crage, Rose 9', 324 Crane, Azariah 172 Jasper 172-3 Martha 354 Cranfeld, Lord 8 Craven, Com. Thomas T .... 269 Crawford. Cornelia 191 Cresse, Adalaide 219 Millie 2ig Crtckfeld, William 166 Croghan 7 Croghan, George 159 Mary Angelica . . 159, 161 Cromwell 27 Henrv 7 Oliver 158 Croskey, Elizabeth A 389 Cross, Benjamin F 68 Crowell, William 367 CrrFF, a negro 160 Culver. Samuel 127 CUMING. John 82 CUMlvnNGS, Lieut. A. B 221 Cunningham, Jennie 386 Mary 386 Curtin. Gov. A. G 278 Curtis, Captain 173 John 172 Thomas 166 William B 306 CusTis, Martha 118 Cutler. Bethia 359, 361 tiriah 359 Cuyler, Rev. C C . . . . 199, 200, 205 D. Daggworthy, John 165 Dale, Fannie 345 Dalrympi.e, 200 D.ANDRiDGF. Martha 118 Daponte, Signor 125 Darraw, Hannah 253 William 253 Dates, a hint on 4 Davenport, Francis 287 James 168 Rev. James 12 Rev. John 174 176 David II 5 Davinson, Elizabeth 306 John 386 Davis Charles 378 Clara A 66 Clara E 65 Clementine 323 Diiv 238 Eliza 378 Elnathan n Ephraim 378 Fulke 7 George 378 Hannah 196-8 Henrietta 238 Israel 382 John 76, 98 Jonathan 11 Joseph 37B Laura 238 Lulu 238 Paul 238 Paul A 237-8 Phebe 382 Samuel 11 Seymour 238 William 238 322, 377 Davison, John 39, 266 Mary 266 Dayton, Josephine 65 Dean, Captain 234 Dechert, Robert P 304 Decision of Lord Cornbury ... 4a Deeds : Emley, William (i) . . . . 288 Moore, Benjamin (4) ... 86 John (3) 356 Samuel {2) 40 Samuel {4) 55 Samuel (6) 246 DE Coppet, Louis 227 DE Forest, Miss 236 DE Groat, Samuel 361 DE Peyster, James F 117 Nicholas 151 William Moore Dongan 152 DE Rapalie, Joris Jansen .... 99 DE Rham, Charles 113-4 Charles David .... 113 Eliza 1 13-4 Frederick Foster ... 114 Geraud Foster .... 114 Henry Casimir . . 112-3-4 Julia Antoinette ... 113 J. Wilhelm Chris- tophe 112 Laura 114 Mrs 113 William 113-4 William Moore .... 113 DE SOTO, Carmelita 334 Louisa 334 Mary Anne 334 Mary Jose 334 Peter 334 DE Wees, Cornelius 265 DE Witt, John D 365 Delancey 59 Delavall, John 2S6 Demarest, Anna 379, 380 Deming (Diamond, Dimon) Han- nah 358-9 James 358 Thomas 358 Denton, Nathaniel 172 Rev. Richard 351 Dering, John, Esq 6 Deshler, Ann E 333 Charles D 223 David W 328, 332 Elizabeth 332-3 Frank W 332 George W 273 Helen 333 John G 333 Kate 332-3 Louise 333 Maria Louise 332 Martha G 333 Mary 333 William G 332 William K 332 Devereux, John 138 Walter 138 Dewing, Rev. Jared 200 Thomas Schofield . . . 200 GENERAL INDEX 519 Di Zeriga, Anna i3i Augustus 121 Francis 12a FrancibCO 121 George Theodore . . lai Diary, Pepy's 157 Dicker. Katie 255-6 DicKENSOx, 190 DiCKERMAN, Hannah 345 DICKERSON, 365 Dickinson, Frances Moore . . . 151 John Moore 151 Kev. Jonathan .... 151 Lynford McCall ... 151 Philemon 151 Gen. Philemon . 151, 189 Sackett Moore .... 151 Samuel Meredith . 150-1 Walter Meredith . . 151 Dill, Mar\- 162 DiLWORTH. William 284 DiMMiTT, Kate . 230 Dinah, a negro girl 178 DlNKLAGEN, Mr 29! DiRCKEN. Joris 64 Directors at Amsterdam 14 DiSBROW. Ann S 32S Dispensary, Fifth St 347 N. Y 117 DiTMARS. Dr. Dow 130 Dixon. Dr 337 DjEMiL, Pacha 109 DOD, John 173 Stephen 173 DoDD, Jane 60 Dodge, Charles O 3^ John G 366 Marv A 366 Olney 366 Susan E 366 Dole, Adaliue 239, 240 Paul 9^ Susan 92-3 Domesday Book 5 DoMiNY. Nathaniel 7 Donahue, Capt. Thomas .... 155 Dongan Domain, Slaten Island . 134 DONGAN, Governor 42-3-6 John Charlton . 83, 133, 145 Thomas Charles Bra- dish 145 Doty, Catharine Nelson 304 Edmund S 304 Ezra 304 Helen 304 Lucien W . . . . 296, 303-4 Doughty (Douthy). Abigail . . 2S5-8 Benjamin 2S9 Charles 2S9 Daniel 16S EUas 47. 28S-9 Rev. Francis 25, 32, 42. 28S-9, 291 Jacob . ... 165, 288-9 Sarah 2S9 William 2S9 DOUGLASS, Achsah 194 Alexander 194 Allen 191 Alwilda 192 Amos 194 Ann 190-2-3 Annie 191 Augusta 192 Belford 193 Bell 191 Betsey 194 Branin 194 Carrie 191 Charles 191-4 Clara 191 Deborah 192-3 Douglass 194 Eleanor 190 Eleazer 191 Eliza 190-4 Enoch 190-1 Frank 192 Freeman 192-3 George 193 Gideon 194 Granville 194 Hannah 193-4 Harry 194 Herbert 194 Howard 192 Isabel Theresa . ... 194 Douglass, John 190-1 Joseph 190-2-4 Judith 192 Keziah 190-4 Leslie 191 Louis 191 Marsy 192 Mar\' 191-2 Millie 191 Moore 194 Nathaniel 190-2 Nelson 194 Olive 194 Page 194 Rachel 190-1-2 Rebecca 192-3 Recompense 194 Reeves 192 Samuel 192 Sarah 190-1 Shamgar .... 190-1-2 Theresa 194 Thomas 190-2-4 Walter 193 Wheaton 194 William 190-2-3 Willie 191 83-4 Drake, Benjamin 166 Bvard W> Hannah 392 Lewis 386 Marv 3S6 Marv V 372 DressleR, Charles 93 Emma 93 Frederick 92-3 Drinkhouse, Harriet H 342 Samuel 342 DRisrus. Samuel 3i~3 Drogheda, Earl of 7 DuBBELS, Susannah 64 Di-bois. Catharine 77 Dudley, Charles E 229 Governor 50 Duel, Is^ahl ■ 146 DuoLES, Nathaniel 173 Samuel i73 Duke's Laws 44. 184 Dunham. Rev. Asa 22S DupONT. Admiral 151 Dutch 13 DiiY. Charles 237 Cornelia M. G 237-8 Helen C 237 Henrietta 238 Henrietta S 237 Rev. Jacob C 236-7 John 237 Mar\' 237 Olh-ia M 237 Raimond 237 Sarah E 237 Phil'pMelancthon 237 Dye. Louise 3^4 324 Earl. Rev. Cornelius 337 Earle, Charlotte 19.S Curtis 195 David D 3^ Edith 19.S Elmer E i95 Evelyn 195 Irene 195 Lena Ray 195 Leslie 195 Lewis IPS Reade Westcott iQS Samuel i95 Eastman, Judge 74 Mary 74 Easton Ferry 245 Hasten Library 3^3 Eaton, Anna J 362-4 Samuel . . 174 Edgar. Dr. C. H 226 Edmondsox, Tames 362 Edsall, Elizabeth 112, 352 Mr 49 Philip 352 Ruth 57. 69 Samuel 48, 50 Edsrll. John 155 Educational Institutions : Accaderaia Ecclesiastica . . . 108 Educational Institutions : Alexandria Theological Semi- nary 122 Amherst College ..... 62, 364 Andover Theological Semi- nary 131 Central High School, Phila . 269 Cincinnati Law School .... Cincinnati, University ol . . . 395 Columbia University (Colum- bia College, King's College) ti3, 100-2-6-7, no-i-2-5> 120- 3-6, 130-1-5-6-7-S-9 (Law), 140-4-5, 159, lio, 222-6, 342 (Mines), 345 (Law) Eagleswood Military Academy 61 Hastou Higli School 342 Kaston Union Academy . 248, 273 Ecole des Mines, Paris .... 140 Edinburgh, University of . 132-8 Emanuel College, Cambridge, England 56 Episcopal Academy, Phila . . 143 Erasmus Hall. L. I 132 General Theological Semi- nary, N. Y . . 102-7, i2i-S-g, 136 Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. England .... 185 G ra ni ma r Sch ool , 27! h St . , N. Y 62 Gross Medical College .... 395 Hamilton College .... 131, 360 Hanover College 231 Har\'ard University, 26, 90 (Law), loS (Law), M7. 236. - 363 (Law) Jefferson Medical College . . ........... 227, 343. 378 Johns Hopkins University 226,363,395 Kenyon College 90, 136 Lafayette College, q6, 131, 211, 220-6-7, 245. 266, 303, 330-1-3- 8-9. 341-2-4-5-6-7-8-9,361-2-3, 372-3. 380 Latin School 13 Lawrence Scientific School . 61 Marshall College . . . . 340-7,372 Miami University 342-4 Minerva Academy (Dr. Van- derveer's) 262, 296, 347 Nashville, University of . . . 97 Naval Academy 269 Newtown Academy 62 New York, Collegeof City of 62. 73 New York Medical College . . 393 New York Post-Graduate Med- ical School 62 New York, University of. 102, 224 Old Bowery Public School . . 64 Pennington Seminary . . 2^3, 312 University of Pennsylvania 90-2, 136, 143, 200, 225. 243, 331, 344-6-7-8-9. 395 Peterhouse College, Cam- bridge. England 137 Pharmacy, Collegeof. . 265,335 Philips. Exeter Academy . . . 108 Physicians and Surgeons, Col- lege of 62-3,111-6 Polyclinic, Philadelphia . . . 395 Polytechnique 108 Princeton Theological Semi- nary 97, 342, 360-1 Princeton University, 72,92-7, U7~9. 140-2, 151, 162, 225, 342-3-6, 352, 372-8, 392 Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti- tute, Troy 91, 121-2 Rutger's Seminary 222 San Francisco Theological Seminary 97 Starling College 20 St. John's College 122 St. Stephen's College, Annan- dale 122, 138 Tennessee. University of . . . 395 Trenton Academy .... 91, 151 Trinity College . . . 138, 140, 150 Trinity College, Dublin, Ire- land 142 Tuscorora Academy 303 Union Law School 342 Union Theological Seminary 226 Vermont, t'niversityof(Med.) 62 West Nottingham Academy . 97 West Point 395 ^20 GENERAL INDEX Educational Institutions ; Williams College 364 Women's Medical College of N. Y 62 Yale University 100, 131, 140-4, 226 Education and Moore family . . 12 Edward, the Black Prince . . . 356 Edward I 5 Edwards, Julius F 229 Ege, — 387 Elizabeth 387 Hannah 379 Jacob 387 Egleston, Au^sta McVickar . 141 Major 140 Prof. Thomas .... 140 EiSEL, Mr 51 Elder, Francis Wyatt 161 George Howard .... 160-1 Eldridgk, Allen 191 Clarissa 190-1 Cora 191 George 191 Ivouis 191 Elizabeth, Queen 5 Ely, George 248, 350, 306 Jemima 82 Joshua 250 Mary 248, 350. 306 Viscount 6 Elliott, John M 155 Ellis, Anna Moore 204 George W 202-4 Jane French 225-7 Dr. John 225 Josiah 8:-2. 169 Ellison, Anna Biddle 203 Edith Rodman 203 Elizabeth Moore .... 202 Elizabeth Parrish . . 203-4 Evelyn 203 Gertrude 203 Henry Howard .... 203 John Barker . . 200, 301-2-3 Margaret 202-4 Maria 2C3 Norman 203 Richard Thomas . . . . 203 Rodman Barker . . . 202-3 Rodman W. Carlisle . . 203 William P 302 William Rodman . . . 203 Elmer's, Lieut., Journal .... 2a Elseffer, John H 120 Elton, Revel 36 Emlet, Elizabeth 2S4-7-8 John 2S4-8 John.Sr 387 Mary 287-8 Ruth 287-8 Samuel 288 Sarah 288 William 387-8 Emmotte, Miss 157 Emory, Elizabeth 395 Empson, Cornelius 241 Endecott, John 26-7 Engles, Joseph P 200 Episcopalians 10 Errickson, Debbie 218-9 Euretta (Eweretta) 130 EJvANS, Mary Dorrance 202 Thomas 166 Everitt, John 166 Mary 382 Ewer, Jane 118 EwiNG, Rev. Dr. John 302 Expedition, Miranda's 154 r. Pagan, Evy 335 Fairbairn, Rev. Dr 121 Fairlamb, John F 236-7 Marguerite 237 Martha Moore .... 237 Falconer, Mrs 173 Fairfax. Capt. D. McN 269 Fairlie, Mrs 133 Farley, 311 Farmar (Farmer, Farmor, Furmor), Catharine Neilson 157, 231-3 Sir Hatton 157 Sir John 157 Robert 157 Farmar (Farmer, Farmor, Furmor). Thomas 133, 153 (called Billopp) Capt. Thomas 152-6 Farnham, Rebecca 73 Farquharson, Francis 155 Faulkner, James 246 Peter 246 Faulstich. Anna 267 Fayerweather, Daniel B . . . 226 Feinour, Mrs 257 Fell, Chas. E 321 Fenton, Samuel 36 Fenwicke, John 164 Ferris, John 155 Ferry, Beatty's 1S9 House 246 McKonkey's 85 Fickhardt, Dr 259 Fiuler, John 166-7 Sallie 191 Field, Abigail 76, 94, 95 Benjamin 35-6 Cornelia 95 Eleanor Kingsland . . . 144-8 Elnathan 94-5 Experience 35 Helen 95 John 166 Robert 94-5 Robert M 95 Sarah Maria 95 Seth 189 Stephen 95 Capt. Stephen 95 Fielding. 222 Fields, Annie M 209 Fiester, 378 Fincher, Joshua 2S4 FiNLEY, Anthony 200-4 Fischer, Abbe loS Maria I^uise 159 Fish, Asa 78 Asa Israel 89, 90 Augustine Hallett . . . . 89, 92 Benjamin ... 76-S-9, 88, 89 Clementina Elizabeth . . . S9 Eliza 79 Elizabeth 76-9 Emily Augusta 90 Emma Maria . . . . S9, 90, 91 Frances Maria 90 Henry S 90 Israel 78 Jane 98, 110-3 Jesse 59 John 76-7, 98 Jonathan 35. 53. S9, 90 Joseph 76 Mary 35-6, 79 Nathan 76-9, 89, 98 Nathaniel 77. 112 Peter 78 Rebecca 76 Rebecca Ann 89 Rev. Reeder M 76 Robert L. Stevens 89 Samuel 76 Sarah 97-8 Temperance 351-2 William Sackett 89 FiSHBACH, Anna Maria 233-4 Judge Owen T . . . . 233 Fisher, Edward 289 Jacob J 396 FiSK, Harvey 324 Rev. Joel . . 324 FiSLER, Emily 346 Frank 346 Dr. Harry C 346 Laura 346 Samuel L 342-6 Fitch, Abigail 359, 365 Charity 58 Rev. James 359 William 359 William Moore 57 54-7 Fitzgerald, James 167 Flag carried by Capt. Horn's Com- pany 274 Flannery, Rev. James 300 Mary 300 Michael 300 Rachel P . . . . 296-9, 300 William 300 Fleming, Gen. A 117 Fleming, Anna Moore 149 Augustus 146-9 Gilbert Robertson . . , 149 Henry Barclay 149 James 149 Ludlow 149 Mary E 224 Sarah 196-8 Flora, a negro girl 178 Floyd-Jones. Chauncy 74 Ella 74 Fanny 74 Fred 74 Jeannie 74 William 74 Flowers, 254 Foering, Albert Frederick Al- phonso 270 Albert R . . . . 264-9, 270 Amanda Ella 270 Christian 270 Rev. Christian Fred- erick 270 John 269, 270 Mary Jane Markrina . 270 Sallie Ann 270 Samuel DeWees Patter- son 270 FOLKE, Thomas 287-8 FoLWELL, Elsie Maynard .... 204 Rachel 308 Robert Linck .... 204 Thomas 308 Thomas Graham . . . 204 FONTAYNE, Albert 208 Bertha 208 Ida 2o3 Mary Frances .... 208 Ford, Collin 254 Eunice 359. 360 Col. Jacob 359 James 360 Samuel, Sr 359 William 254 FoRD-JONES, Gertrude 108-9 FoRDHAM, Rev. Robert 27-8 FORGENY, 384 FORKER, Helen 308 Forman, Ann 379, 380 John F 379 Forney, May 197 John W 264 Forsyth, Jane Armistead . ... 68 Fort Columbus 13S Foster, Albert W 219 Alice 195 Carrie 195 Charles 195, 218 Charles E 319 Charles H 318-9 Christopher 359 Clement 218-9 Constant 194 Cornelia 238 Douglass 194 Diiy 238 Eafl 219 Eddie 195 Edwin 218-9 Edwin Dorsey 219 Eleanor 194 Ellen 195 Emma 190-2, 218 Emily Hone 113-4 Evaline 21S-9 Frank 195 Frederick G 113 George P 218 Hamilton 194-5 Hannah 359 Harry 238 Harvey 194 Helen 238 Henderson 219 Henry 214-8 Henry H 219 John 218 John Y 237-8 Joseph 190-4 Keziah Moore 194 Laura 238 Leslie 195, 338 Lewis 219 Lydia 194 Margaret 195 Mary KUen 195 Mary Jane 218 GENERAL INDEX 521 Foster, Nicholas ...•■... 195 Rachel 2iS^ Raimond 238 Robert 238 Roy 195. 219 Sarah 194 William H 21S William Linwood . . 21S-9 FoWLHR, Anna Moore 65 William 174-5 W. M 6s Fox, Edward J 363 Eliza W 363 George 45 John 96 Mary 3* Samuel L 334 Francis, Dr. John W 117 Francois, Judith 144 Frank, Rose E 209 Franklin, Benjamin 151-6 Franklin Lodge, F. & A. M., No. ■ 134 19S Fraternities, College : Chi Phi 267 Delta Kappa Epsilon . . 300, 346 Delta Phi 121 Phi Bet« Kappa 300, 304 Phi Gamma Delta 73 Phi Kappa Psi 304. 349 Sigma Chi 331 Theta Delta Chi 344 Zeta Psi 346 Frazee, Jotham 321 Frazier, Olivia M 228, 231 Frederick, Rev. Cbas. Solomon 24S Freeman, Domine 9 Frelinghuvskn, Hon. Theodore 342 French, Daniel 253 Joseph 18 French War 15 Friends of Kingwood, N.J . ... 15 Frisbie, Joseph 243 Froeligh, Rev. Solomon .... 270 Frye, Jed 41. 72-3 Fullerton, Judge William ... 61 Fulmer, Ellen H 395 William 395 Fxtrman, Aaron 352 Elizabeth 392 John 250, 391 Jonathan 39, 166-7 Joseph 390 Moore 118 Richard 39 Samuel 82, 167 Sarah 3S4, 392-3 FuRNiss, George 376 Fyffe, William R 229 Fyn, Jacob 42 G. Gagner, Captain 154 Gaither, Mary Ridgely .... 160 Galbraith, Bertram 322 Gallagher, Clarence 216 Gallup. Martha 366 Gamble, Anthony 158 Gano. Daniel 166 Francis 166 Gardiner, I,yon 27 Mary 96 Theophilus 96 Gardner, James 155 Garland, William 286 Garretson, George 31 James 390 Garrison, Alice 193 John 168 Mary 192-4 Will 193 Garwood, Ray 216 Gates, Harvey 239 Gayler, Peeter 286 Geary, Gov. J. W 278 Geason, Frank 240 Gbdney, Eleazer 70 John 70 Joshua 70 Martha 69, 70 Gelston, Hugh 7 George, Duke of Buckingham . 44 Paul T 158 Gibbons, Nellie M 67 GiBBS, Elizabeth 336 Gibson, Rev. Dr 121 GiFF, Andrew 183 GiLDERSLEEVE, Richard . , . . 30 Gill, Thomas 155 Oilman, Dr. C. R 114 Girard, Stephen 206 Given, MoUie 1, 240 Gladding, .Sarah 3S7 Glenn, Frances 389 GoDWiSE, D., Esq 260 GOELET, Miss 136 Peter 136 GoFF, Eunice 228 Golden, Mary 384 Phebe 384 Goldsmith, Phebe 65 Goodhue, Rev. Mr 10 Gooding, Beckie 208 James 208 James Bowman .... 208 James D 206-8 Nettie 2o3 Samuel Wright .... 20S Thomas Moore .... 208 William 208 William Lambert . . . 20S Gordon, Dr. j:ohn 365 Lewis 246 Thomas 293, 353 Gorges (George, Gorgas), Sir Arthur 7 Ann 7 Christian 7 Edward 7 Elizabeth 7 Henry 7 Margaret 7 Mar>' 7 Robert, Governor of New England 7 Sir William 7 Gorsline, Anna 68 Sarah 67 Peter 67-8 Gosmer, John 7, 26-7 GouGH, Mr 2q6 Gould, James 16S Goulding, William 295 Gouverneur, Margaret . 112, 124-5 Samuel 125 Governfur, Abraham 50-1 Gracie, W 117 Graham, August 41 Elizabeth 242-4 Mary 242-4 Grand Army of the Republic . . 269 Grant, Charles Clifford 234 Charles Moore .... 233-4 Edwin Ruthven . . . 233-s Ella 223 Emerson 234 Glenn M 234 Glenn R 234 Harriet West 234 John 233-4 Capt. John 228 John Fishbach 234 John Stanley 234 Joseph 228, 233 Joseph Harmon 234 Louise 234 Kadijah Mahomet Re- becca Moore 234 Khadijah 234 Manora Fishbach .... 234 Marie 234 Marie E »34 Mary Swing 234 Pauf W 234 Sabilla 338 William Lowe 234 Zebulon 57 Graves, Evelyn Wyatt 160 Harriet L 336 John 45 Rosewell 160 Rosewell Elizabeth . . 160 Sophia Anna 160 William 45 Graveyards (see Cemeteries). Gray, George 284 Rev. John 265 Gray'SON, Alexander 200 John 200 Susan E 200 Green, Ahijah 349 Ada 330 Albert .325 Green, Alexander 324 Alexander B 323-4 Alfred 324 Alice 336 Alice M 336 Alice R 335 Amanda 325 Ann 333 Anna 308 Anna M. R 333-5 Annie Laurie 336 Armitage . . 200-5-6, 325, 350 Rev. Dr. Ashbel 199 Augusta 324-6 Augustus 325-6 Benjamin . 248-9, 257, 322, 338 Bessie S 334 Blanche 334 Caroline 330 Catharine 307, 323 Charles . 128, 32S, 335-6, 349 Charles B 347 Christiana 176 Clara 348 Clarence 337 Daniel H 32S David 327 Don Morse 326 Dora 334 Douglass 326 Dr. Edgar Moore . . . 348-9 Edward 323 Edward D 333-4 Edward H 347 Edward S 333 Eliza Ann 326 Eliza J 336 Elizabeth . . 323-5-6-7-S, 332-6-S, 342-8 Elizabeth D 335-6 Elizabeth Traill .... 349 Ella 34S, 350 Ellen 328-9 Ely 327, 349 Emily 307, 333-7 Enoch . . . 307, 322-7-8, 349 Ephraini 322-3-4 Esther 249 Evelyn 334 Florence 308 Florinda 333 Frances .... 323, 330, 348 Francis O 326 Francis X 337 Frank 334 Frederick . . 308, 326, 3301 Frederick A 326 Frederick S 337 George 322, 349 George B 328 Hannah 307 Helen 336 Helen L 336-7 Henrietta 349 Judge Henry .... 328, 330 Henr>- . . . 30S, 323, 331-.3-4 Henr>' P 307-8 Herbert K 334 Howard W 337 Howell 335-6 Ira 322 Isaac 249 Isabella 326 James B 322-3-5, 390 James H 347 Jane 350 Jane H 347 Jane S 33S Jedediah 322-3 Jeremiah 249 Jessie F 336 Joanna 249 John . . . 248-9, 257, 307, 322-5-8, 330-8, 347 John G 326 John S 337 Dr. John T 347 John W 331 Jonathan 350, 388 Joseph ... 82, 249, 30S, 322 Joseph B 328-330 Juliette R 347 Kate S 347 Laura 330 Lewis 307, 323 Lily 326 Louisa 324-6 522 GENERAL INDEX Green, Louisa A 337 LycUa . . . 307, 32S, 349. 350 Margaret .... 308, 328, 331 Maria 327, 339 Martha 323-4-7. 39° Mary . . 307-8-9, 322-3-4-5- 7-8-9. 349. 350 Mary Clark 337 Marv Elizabeth 350 Mary M 335-6 May Maxrwell 334 Maxwell 308 Minnie Louise 334 Miriam K 337 Nancy 322-3 Nathaniel 322-5-6 Capt. Nathaniel 269 Phebe 307 Raymond 334 Rebecca . . 176, 306-7-S, 322. 349. 350 Reeder 30S Richard . 168, 176, *48-9, 306-7, 322-7-8, 333 Richard S 334 Robert 326 Robert F 336 Robert T 338. 348 Samuel 307, 322 Samuel B 350 Samuel K 337 Samuel S 333 Sarah . . 188, 244-8,307-8, 322-7 Sarah S 337 Stephen 326 Susan 327 Theodore 325-6 Theodore H 337 Traill 338 Dr. Traill . . . 338, 347, 362 William . . 249, 306-7-8, . - - 322-S, 335-6-7. 349, 389 William A . 307, 313, 323, 349 William H 334-7 William R 322 William S 333-4 Greene, Dr. John W 227 Phillips Ellis RoUestone 227 Greenfield. Dr. John 37 Greenoak, John 10, 60 Gregg, Gen. D. McM 269 Israel 252, 253-4-6 Jane H 254-5 Sarah Moore 254 Gre&o, Catharine Louise .... 122 Gret, Eliza 384 Isaac 41 Nicholas 260 Griffith. Joseph 336 Grinow, John 259 Griscomb, Professor 117 Griswold, Andrew D 222 Frank 222 Henry L 222 Minnie Fielding . . 222 R. W ic6 Grotz, Elizabeth 338 Jacob 33S Grove, Charlotte 96 Elizabeth 308 397 Grover, Sarah 308 Grtjbb, Gen. E. Burd 109 Grundy, Byrom 159 Frances Wyatt .... 159 George Carr 158-9 Thomas Billopp .... 159 Guild, Abigail 236 Charity 327 Elizabeth Howell . . 227, 336 Esther 236. 308 John 82, 227, 236 Rev. Johu . . 168, iSg, 236, 327 Mercy 39. 324 Phebe 3S7 GUMPERT, Mary 328 Gdrley, Esther M 371 GoTHERiE, Alexander 82 GwYN, Elon 216 Mary Elizabeth 216 H« Hadley, Amos K 146-7 Anna 147 John Wool 147 William 147 Haedrich, Augustus 197 Helen i97 Haight, Rev. Benjamin 139 Haines, Etuily 196-7 Hale, Daniel 84 Hall. Anna . 162 Daniel Sprigg .... 159, 162 Francis Billopp 162 Francis Winslow 162 George 72 George Purdy 73 Joanna 76 John 361 Katharine Elizabeth ... 73 Mary igi Miles L 158 Capt. William . . ... 366 William Edward Wyatt . 162 Hallenbf.ck. Annie 217 Hallett, Anna M 128 Benjamin 127 Charles 51 Charity 54 Daniel 69 Elizabeth .... 69, 98, 133 Elizabeth W 128 Hannah 127 Jacob 10 James 10. 75 Jemima 59,60-9 John 10, 127-9 John Willett 128 Joseph . . 10, 13,60, 95, 127 Lydia 95, 127-9 Mary 69, 95, 127-9 Nancy 129 Patience M 129 Richard 10 Robert 10 Ruth 54 Samuel . 10, 13. 17, 18. - ■ . 41,54-5-7-9. 75 (Maj.l Sarah 54-7, 129 Stephen 75 Thomas :o, 98, 127 William . . 10. 40-1, S4. 60-4-9, 75- 95-8 Halon, Captain 213 Halsey, Abram 357 Daniel 7 Mr 28 Sarah 35-357 Thomas 7. 27. 3.s8 Hamilton, A. Boyd 264 Alexander .... 103, 137 Captain 91 Elizabeth 324 General 118 Grace 230 Sarah 355 Thomas 337 Hammer, Caroline C 67 Hammersley, Dr 115 Hance, Abram 239 Bertha 240 Sarah 240 Hancock. Charles 219 John 38g Nettie 219 Owen 3i8-g Walter 219 Hand, Aaron 214 Achsah 190-2 Esther 214-6 John 7. 214 John Moore 214 Jonathan 190, 213-4-9 Julia 219 Laura Weston 219 Milliceut 218-9 Morgan 219 Rebecca 190-4, 2:4-8 Sarah Moore .... 190, 214-9 Shamgar 214 Winfield Scott 219 Hankinsox, Florence 238 Foster 238 Henry 238 Toseph 238 Joseph C 237-8 Hanson, Catharine Purdy . . . 65-6 Harck.s, Jacobus 42 Hardenrurg. Jane 57 Hardin, Benjamin n Harmensen, Grietie 71 Hendrlck 71 Harriman, Rev 172 Harris. Barney C 206 David 341 Elizabeth 190, 206 Jonathan Moore .... 341 Harrison, Joseph 173 Rev. Dr 121 Samuel 173 Stephen 173 Hart, Aaron 177, 241-4 Abigail 390 Abner 220, 383-8-9 Adam 388-9 Adele Thorne 227 Albert 227 Dr. Alexander C aas Alfred 243 Aline 146 Amanda 391 Amos 76-7, 189, 242-4, 388, 391 Andrew 387-8-9 Ann 343 Anna 388 Annie H 225 Asa 77. 388 Asher 306-7 Asher R 319 Augustus 244 Betsy 388 "Black Harts'* 77 Blanche 227 Carrie A 212 Carroll 146 Catharine 383 Charity 384 Charles 147, 244 Chauncey I^ 244 Cornelia F 225 Cornelia W 225 Daniel 388, 391 Dr. Edgar 243-4 Edward 39, 147, 312 Capt. Edward 73 Eleanor 225 Hlias 307, 350, 388 Eliza 391 Eliza Moore 146-7 Elizabeth . 86, 244, 350, 3S7-S-9 Elizabeth Clarke 225 Elizabeth Helen 227 Elizabeth Moore 86 Elijah . . . 305, 350, 387-8, 393 Enoch 350, 388, 391 Esther 390 Ethel 147 Fanny 225 Frances 243-4 Frank 146 Frederick 225-7 George 86, 242-4 Grace Mangan 244 Hannah 38S Harold L 244 Henry Ellis 227 Dr. Israel 224. 343 Jacob A 146 John . 42, 86, 189, 220-5. 251, 312. 383-9 John, Signer of Declara- tion of Independence . 312 John H 391 J. Smith 243-4 John Van Cleve .... 220-4-5 Joseph . . 77, 167, 189, 241-4 314. 388-9 Joseph Scudder . . 86, 243, 389 Josiah . 86-8, 189, 351, 379, 387-9 Laura 388 Livingston 86 Lois ■ 307 Mabel G 3IX Margaret 243 Margaret T 225 Mana 389 Marie Louise ' ' 244 Mary . . 59.76,86-7,242. - ■ - 319. 324. 387-8-9, 390-1-2 Mary Ann 244 Mary C 225 Mary R 388 Moore 391 Naomi 314 Nathaniel . 86, t68, 241. 324. 3B7-9 Noah 1S9, 244, 390 Oscar 147 Oswald Thompson .... 227 GENERAL INDEX 523 Hart. Paul B 244 Phebe 77-368 Pkilip 38S Phoebe B 14& Ralph . 38-9. 77(Maj.). 86, 165, 1S9. 311, 350. 379 Rebecca 243, 387-8, 390 Richard 1S9, 319 Robert Roosevelt 227 Sackett Moore 86 Samuel 1S9, 3^9, 390 Sarah 243-4, 387-8. 390 Sarah L 338. 347 Siineon 3S8 Smith 242-3 Theodore 227 Theodore Moore 224-5 Theophilus Phillips Moore 225-7 Titus 242, 387. 390-1 Walter I47 " White Harts " . . . . 77.241 William 319, 389 William E 146 Wilson 389 Winifred Le Bar 244 Hartranft. Gov, J. F 27K Hartzell. Minerva Catharine . 269 Harvard. John 174 Hask:ell, Amory Lawrence ... 72 Jonathan Amorj' ... 72 Margaret Riker ... 72 Mar>- Riker 72 Hastings, Battle of 5 Hatch. Harriet 380 Hathaway, David Moore .... 66 Dorothy Grace ... 67 George 64-6 George Edward* . . 66 James Lent Moore . 66-7 Maria Louise . . . 66-7 Martha Riker. . . 66 Mary Moore .... 66 Richard 64-6 Sarah EUeu .... 66 Haus, Mary Edna 297 Haviland, William 57 Hawley, Gideon 117 Haxall. Clara 159 Hay, James 310 Margaretta 309 Hayes. John I55 Rev. Stephen 355 Haywood, Mary 288 Hazard, Judge James 129 Jonathan . 44-6-7-S, 51, 127-9, 183 Morris 129 Nathaniel 33 Robert 129 Sarah 97. 127 Thomas 129 William 10, 98, 129 Head, Moors 6 Saracen's 6 Heald, Charles H 208 Edith 208 Edward M 208 Eli 206-8 Elizabeth 208 Joseph 208 Josephine 208 Laura aoS Mary Ann 208 Healy, Albert 268 Frederick Churchill . . . 268 Herbert 268 Heard. Col. Nathaniel 17-S Heathcote, Caleb 42 Hererton. Rev. Edward . . . 382-3 Heckle, David 155 HECKMAN, Jeflferson K 278 Robert 209 Hedges. Abraham 360 Heed, Thomas Baxter Moore . . 19S William Stover 198 19S Hegeman. Daniel 129 Heiniche, Kate 236-9 Helm, Dr 96 Hemphill, Alexander 30S Evelyn 218 Hemphill, Howard Beverly ... 218 Ross 218 Hempstead Parish 126 Hemslev. Joseph 2S8 Hendrick, Thomas 167 Henderson, Clemina 218-9 Hendrickson. Anna L 394 Benjamin . . 242, 390 Benjamin F . . . ^88 Charles 350 Cornelia . . 242, 394 David 350 Elijah L . . . . 393-4 Elizabeth .... 350 Frances 394 George 350 Israel 350 John 166 John R 243 Julia 326 Louise 350 Marcia 350 Matilda 391 Montgomery. . . 350 Rachel 350 Richard 350 Timothy 243 \'irginia 350 Wesley 350 William . . . 349, 350 William G . . . . 350 Henrie, Michel 16S Henry III 5 Earl of Lincoln 7 Marv 82 Philip 175 Samuel 82 Hepburn, Harriet S 381 Herin, Edmund 189 Herring, Catharine 63 Elbert 63 Isaac 165-6 Herrick. James 184 Martha 184 William P 35 Herster, John 248 Hervey. Mr 157 Hessenbruch, Theophilus ... 211 Thusnelda .... 211 Hewitt, Rachel 190 Heylman, Sophie Virginia . . 267-8 Hickman, Anna 209 Bertha 209 Charles 209 Robert 209 Robert S 209 Hicks, Benjamin 356 Charles iS. 356 Edward 356 Elizabeth ... .53, 94-5. 35^ Ellis 356 Gilbert 356 Gilbert W 356 Henry 356 Judge Isaac 54, 356 Isaiah 35^ James 356 John 356 Joseph 356 Joseph R 356 Margaret 356 Mary 356 Robert 356 Samuel 356 Sarah 356 Thomas 56, 35^ Whitehead 56 William 356 Hiester, Dr. J. P 361 HiGGiNS, Eliakim 288 Widow Phebe 368 Sarah E 206, 210 Highway, King's 38 Hildreth, Deborah 190-2 Sophia 192-3 Thomas 7i 26 HiLiNG, Henrietta 322, 341 Julia . 322 Hill, Baker 388 Benjamin Stout 313 Elizabeth 384 James 19° Hill, Juliet Ann 313 Robert II2 Sarah 190-6 Hillborn. Charles 238 Himmilwright, Isaac 93 Hines. Arthur L 67 Harry L 67 Mabel L 67 HiRscH, Solomon 109 Hitchcock, Dr 226 HixoN, 241. 311 HixsoN, John 58, 166 William 10 Hoagland, Amos 387 Jane 386 John 70 Stryker 3S6 Susan (Widow) . . , 320 Hobart, Bishop 13S Rev. Joshua 30 HOBBS. Mary 196 Hobensack, Emma 385 HoBERT. Rev. Dr 134 HOCKENBrRG. Johu 77 Hodges, Dr. Edward .... 112, 125 HODGSKIN, James B 382 HoFF, Andrew 189, 304 Anna 77 Austin Percy 305 Charles Stanley 305 Clarence S 305 Cornelius 313-7 Edna 305 Elizabeth 313. 3S3 Dr. John 252, 304 John Norwood "^05 J. P, M 304 Mary 389 Nancy 338 Patience 391 I eter 304 Sarah EM 304 Scudder 77 Thomas 304 377 Hoffman, Carrie 310 Lena 310 Lewis 310 Richard 117 William 310 Hogeboom, Anne 133 Jeremiah 146 Killian . 146 Nancy 133, 146 Stephen 145 HoLCOMBE, Andrew Cojemans . . 223 Cornelia A 221-3 Elizabeth Stillwell . 221-2 Emley 385 Ferdinand Schure- man 223 Gertrude C 223 Hannah Munro . . . 223 Hugh Munro .... 223 Jacob 220 Jane Farmer .... 223 Jane Maria 221 Keziah 220-1 Maria 220 Mary 381 Mar>' Moore 223 Mattie R 377 Rhoda Moore .... 221 Samuel 220-1-3 Su?an Jones .... 221-3 Theophilus Moore . 221-3 Holland Lady 104 HOLLiDAY. Anna 163 HoLLiNGswoRTH. Sophic Louise 159 HoLLiNSHFAD, Mary 217-8 HoLME.s. Eliza 214-5 Holt, Betsey 345 Mr 16 Holter. Mary Ann 239 HOLTHinsKN^ Mary Charlton iiS, 120 HOMAN, Belle 229 Bessie 229 Frank 229 Harry S 229 Joseph 229 Mary E 229 Ralph 229 *i84. George Edward Hathaway and Amy F. Weaver had 184a. Edward F., b. February 21, 1888; 184b. Wal- ter Ernest, b. February 17. 1S91 ; 184c. Maude Emily, b. August 12, 1895, d. Apnl 12, 1S99 ; i84d. Dorothy Grace, b. April 16, 1891. 5^4 GENERAL INDEX Hone, Philip 107, 117 HONYMAN, Rev. Mr 9 Hooker, Mr 257 Thomas 9 William 239 176 Hooper, Colonel 189 HoopKS.MaryA 206,210 Hoover, Rev. S. H 298 Hopewell, Origin of name .... 241 Hopewell Presbytery 11 Hopkins, General 382 Mar>' 382 HoPLER, Phebe J 329 HoppocK, Captain 23, i8g HOPSON, Rev 121 Horn, Capt. Abraham 274 George 337 Mary F 337 HORNBLOWER, Chief Justice Jo- seph C 355 HORNE, Fred 318 Helen 318 Joseph 318 Judson 318 Mary 318 HORTON, Phebe 352 Rev. Simon 352 HORSFORD, Professor 61 Widow 319 HosacK, Dr. David 115, 259 Hospital : Blackwell's Island 62 Blockley 92 Charity, N.Y 62 Flushing 62 Howard 227 J. Hood Wright 211 Woman's. Kensington .... 203 IvOng Island College 61 New York 115 Philadelphia Dispensary and Charity 92 Hough, Jesse 314 Mary 314 Houghton, John 166 Thomas .... 166, 189 HOUSEL, Amy 339 House of Assembly, N. J 89 The House of Mercy 119 Houses, Old : Billopp 156 Beekman Mansion . 123 Bowery Bay .... 64 Easton, Pa 245 Newtown, t,. I . 67, M9. 150 The Witte 97 Howard. William 41 Howe, Admiral 132 Daniel 256 Joseph W 62 I,ora 21, 40, 156 Mr 7 Howell, Abigail 76-8, 89 Agnes 34 Albert 311 Albert Jones 311 Alfred 326 Alice 34 Amanda 313 Anne 34 Annie 311 Arthur 34 Asher 387 Augustus 193 Bradley Atwood .... 326 Catharine F 382 Cecil 34 Charles 326 Christopher .... 249, 322 Clarence 311 Daniel . . 78, 90-2, 189, 243-9. 3M, 322-5-7 David 314 Edward 23, 27, 33-4-5,311, 326 Elisha, Jr 358 Elizabeth 327 Emmeline 89, 90 family, arms of ... . 34 Florence 311 Francis 34 Henry 34 Horace 311 Isabel 34 Jane 34 Joane 34 Howell, John .... 34, 184, 314, 383 Dr. John 89 Maj. John 325 Joseph 314 Joshua 78, 90 I^emuel 357 I^etitia 385 Lydia Ann 314 Margaret 25, 33-4-5 Margery 34 Martha 322 Mary 311, 326, 3S8 Mary Elizabeth .... 311 Major 184 Maude 34 Obadiah 82 Peter 90-2 Phebe 92, 243 Rhode 322-7 Richard 34 Major Richard 213 Roxaleue Orm 151 Sarah 322-5 Sarah Ann 326-7 Theodore Sitgreaves 309, 326 Theophilus 358 William 34, 41, 284 HoWLAND, Hiram B 330 HOYT, Roswell 121 Susan Quiutard 121 Hubbard, family of 68 James 295 Rev. Mr 10 Hubbert, Christian 303 Elizabeth 301-3 William 303 Huddle, 154 Hudson, Hendrick 5 Katharine Elizabeth . 110 Huff, Mr 58 Hughes, Hugh 228 Julia Olivia 236 May Moore 236 Mclyeau I^ewis .... 236 Ruth 228 Samuel F 321 Hulbert, Carolyn Bowne .... 231 Harries C 232 l,ea Moore 232 William Philander . . 232 Hulick, Annie E 3^4 Hulshizer, Ann 328 Humphrey, — - 377 Humphreys. Colonel .... 213,274 Hunt, Abigail 394 Abijah 393-4 Alethia 393 Amelia 240 Dr. Andrew M4 Ann loJ Anna 393 Anna M 395 Annie I 396 Asa'h 189 Augustus 396 Benjamin 392-3-6 Benjamin F 240 BlackwcU 397 Caroline 386, 392-3-4 Caroline R 240 Carrie 239 Catharine 396-7 Charity 236 Charles 240, 393-4 Dr, Charles 396 Charles M 239, 240 Dr. Cicero 396 Clara B 240 Cora . 240 Cornelia 320, 393 Daniel 394 David 394 David W 396 Edith 393 Edward . . 11, 42, 51, 167, 183-9. 376^. 391-2 Edwin 240 Eleanor 396-7 Electa 206-S Elias S 393 Elijah 384 Eliza 239, 393-7 Elizabeth 392-3-4-6-7 Elizabeth D 239 Elmer E 240 Emma 240, 396 Eva 240 Hukt, Ezekiel 397 Fanny 383 Frances M 396 George . . . 228, 240, 257, 276 George N 396 George W 239, 240 Guild 381 Hannah 392-3-4 Harriet 397 Harv-ey 396 Helen Eloise 310 Henry 392 Henry S 394-5 Howard A 396 Israel 392-4 Isaruah 387 Jan« ■ 393 Jane F 396 James Morris . . 1S9, 239, 240, 393-6 Jeannctte Palleo 217 Jemima 397 Jeremiah 394-6 Jesse 239, 240, 394-6 Joab 392-3 Joanna 308 John . . 166-7, 189, 239, 379, „ ■ ■ ■ 392-3-4 Capt. John 22, 313-5 Dr. John 394 John Guild .... 310, 379, 381 John M 239, 240 John P 241, 379 John R 393 John S 309. 381 Jonathan . . 239, 376, 392-3-4-7 Jonathan A 395 Joshua 381 K-eziah 387, 392-7 I^aura 239 Lewis 396 Louisa 239, 240, 396 Louisa C 393-4 Margaret 393-6 Mana 396-7 Martha A 397 Mary 240, 392-4-6 Mary C 394 Mary Malvina 239 Mary K 396 Mary N 393 Nathan 1S9 Nathaniel 320 Noah 189 Oliver 392-3 Ollie M 240 Phebe 392-7 Pierson 393 Ralph . 10, 166-7-8, 182, 236, 311.376-9.393 Randolph S 393 Rebecca 394 Reuben 394-6 Richard 392-3-4-6 Robert 311, 381 Robert I 396 Sallie W 396 Samuel . . 11, 23, 167, 177, 181, 240, 381-2 Samuel F 392-3 Sarah . . 127, 239, 240, 256, 351. 376, 392-6 Silhman 393 Theodore 393 Theophilus 305 Thomas 32 Timothy 189, 392 Varnel 392-3 Wesley 394 Westley 384 Widow 311 Willah 392 William 239, 240 William Ross 217 William W 240 Wilson 379, 381 Hunter, Governor 53. 293 Huntingdon, Sam 173 Huss, George 189 Husted, Adalaide 216 Albert 219 Annabelle 216 Elijah 214-6 Elizabeth 216 George 216 George W 216 Sarah EUen .... 190, 216 GENERAL INDEX 525 Huston, Luther P 255-6 HUTCHixs, Fannie 363 Hutchinson, Dorothy . . . 188, 240 Martha 236 William 240 Hutchison, 83 Hyatt, Annie 74 Clifford 74 Cornelius 72*4 Hannah 74 John Bowne 74, 128 Malcomb 74 Rebecca Moore 74 Hyndshaw, Mary 371 X. IMLAY, Peter 36 Independents 9» lo Indian, free-born 14 INGERSOLL, Henry 155 Ingham. Caroline S 339 Elizabeth Howell ... 339 Harriet C 339 Howard M 339 Robert M 339 William H 339 INGLIS. Dr 100 INGOLDESBY 49. 5° INNBS, J. H 33 Rebecka 247 97 Inventories : Moore, Joseph {4) . . 79 Phillips, Theophilus (4) 181 Phillips, Zerubabel (2) 184-5 Iredell. Annie 396 Robert 396 Irving, George 74 iRviTN. Widow 362 IRWIME. Juliana Galbraith , . . . 121 William Callender ... 121 ISRARD. Mary 190-2 IVERS. Ailene 211 Richard 211 Ives. Loyal T 223 IviNS, Elizabeth 193 J. Jackson, John 52-3 John Clews 71 Mary 71 Matthew 286 JADWIN. Martha 57 Jaken, Anna Mary 269 James, Duke of Lennox 44 Duke of York 43. J64 Rev. Thomas 35S Janeway, Dr. J. J 200 JANNEY. John 201 JANSEN Cornelis 69 jARVis, Bishop lor Jay. Anna 144-5 Anna Maria 113 Augusta 144-5 Augustus 144 Eleanor 145 John 137. 144-5 Mary 145 Mana Banyer 144 Peter Augustus . . . . 113,114-7 Pierre 144 Sarah Louise 144 William <44-5 Judge William, 136 Jeffries, David 307 JEFFRYS, John 184 Jennings, Samuel 287 JESSUP, Edward 127, 182 Elizabeth 182-4 Jewell, Ira 313 John, King 5 Lord Berkley 164 King of England 5 JOHNES, Samuel 184 Johnson, Anna H 33' Anne 366 Cassie 325 Catharine Van Mater 149. 150 Charles 155 Edith B 332 Elizabeth 146 Elizabeth B 329 Johnson, Eliphalet 173 Ellen G 329 Emeline 386 Emily E 329 George W 329 Hannah 53, 322. 338 Harriett 364-5-6 Harvey 323 Helen G 332 Henry 331 Hiram 366 Ida J 332 Isaac 366 James 325 Jennie 325 John 38, 165, 378 Laura C 329 Laura L 332 Margaret G . . . , 329. 332 MaryG 332 MaryH 366 Mary M 329 Mr 172 Philip 278 Rebecca 378, 3S3 Rebecca J 332 Theodore .... 173, 323-5 Thomas 325 Virginia 149 Walter W 329 Whitfield S 328-9 William 366 William K 329 William M . . . . 329, 366 357 Johnston. Campbell Moore ... 232 Campbell Swing , . . 232 Elizabeth Chalfant . 232 Lindsay Coates ... 232 Judge Robert Alexan- der 231-2 Roberta Alexandria . 232 Thomas Sherlock . . 232 Jones. Alfred 309 Alfred Barnes 311 Amos A 310 Amos S 309 Annie Conrad 197 AufTUsta 309 Benjamin 307, -;26 Charles 68, 196-7 Clarence 309 Cornelia 309 Edmund R 309 Elinor J 310 Enoch G 309 Henrietta 309, 310, 381 James Robert 265 John 307.309. 310 Col. John T 117 J. Lamar 309 Joshua 307-9,326 Lydia 309, 310 Margaretta 309 Martha 228 Mary .... 88, 159, 310-1, 370 Mary Ellen 310 Mercy 242 Oscar 310 Phebe 326 Phebe Rebecca 309 Richard 309 Samuel A 309-11 Samuel R 309 Sarah 310 Thomas 52 William 309 JORisz, Abraham 64 Journal of the Dutch Embassy to Maryland 293 Joy, Harriet L 73 William C 73 JUDSON. Charles H 150 Grace 172 June, Oscar F 229 K. Kain, Almira C 229 Clifford 230 John 230 Kebney, William 311 Kelley (Kelly) Ann Moore . 276 David 253 Eliza 254 Flora 254 George 254 Kelley (Kelly), Hannah ... 258 John. 7, 85, 252-4 (Maj.). ■ 271 (Dr.) Katie 254 Louise 310 Martha 254 Mary 254 Rebecca 257 Rufus 310 Samuel . . 252-4-6, 271 (Rev.) Sarah 271 Thomas .... 253-7, 271-6 William 252-4 (Dr.) Hon. William D . . . 253-7 William S 258 Kelsey, Frederic 222 Kemper, Daniel 155 Kenan, Mary Ann 192 Kendall, Hannah 212 S. Eugene 212 Kennedy, Daniel M 255 Emma 233-5 Freda 255 Josie 255 Mary Louise 255 Nellie 255 Robert 255 Kerin, Jane 118 William ir8, 136 Ketcham, Abigail 378 Amy 384 Benjamin 169 John 189 Levi 378 Mary M 67 Richard 384 Samuel 306 391 Kewley 236 Keysey. Alice .'237 Kieft, Director-General . . 289, 356 King of Scotland 5 King, Dorothy 92, 243 Harmanus 280 Joseph 284, 28S-9 Mercy 92, 243 Mary 283-5 Rittie 139 William 92, 243, 285-8 Kingman, Frederick 379 Helen 379, 380 Kinney, Emma M 337 Kinsey, Amelia P 337 Catharine 333 John 28S KiNSLER, Ella 217 KiRKPATRicK, Morris 345 William 169 KissAM, Daniel 18 KiTCHEL, Abraham 173 KITCHELL, W 370 Klock, Abraham 99 Sarah 99 Kneeland, Effie 139 Eliza .... 139, 159, 163 George 139 John 139 Kniphausen, General 156 Knoelaugh. Eliza 254 Knorr. Catharine 268, 270 Knowles, Abigail 389 Eliza 389 Fannie 389 Jacob 166 James R 389 Julia 389 Levi 389 Lizzie 389 Mary 389 Nathaniel 389 Gen. Oliver 389 Ralph 3S9 Sarah 389 William B 389 Knox, Hester Ann 92-3 Dr. John 225 Dr. J. H. Mason 220 Rev. Dr. J. H. Mason . . 225 KoLB, Reuben. Esq 272 KOLYKR, James H 70 Johannes 70 Sarah Ann 70 KOONS. Frances I 337 KORTRiGHT, Edmund 117 KOTTS, Conrad 82 Krewson, Henry 390 Letitia 389, 390 $26 GENERAL INDEX Krewson, Mary Ann 390 KUGLKR, Annie E 337 Rev. J. B 337 La Bagh, John A 146 IvACHENOUR, Henry 342 Dr. Henry D . . . . 342 Laura 342 Margaret .... 342 Lafayettk, General . . 118, 210, 277, 301 Lake, Charles K 310 Helen 3^0 Jesse 310 Lally, Arthur 207 Lalor, Frank H 387 Lamb, Elizabeth 59 Gen. John 59 Lambert, Anna M 389 Frances 126 Thomas 165, i8i La Montagne, Nicasius de Sille 31 Land for School-house 13 Landis, Augustus S 220 Cornelia 220 David C 220 Helen 220 Dr. Joseph 220 Josephine 220 Letitia Holcombe .... 220 Maria Porter 220 Mary Louisa 220 Lakey. Dr. James Lane, John 239 Langdon, Clara 240 Lanning (Laning, Lannen), Andrew I 377 Angeline 7^ Dora - . . 243-4 Elijah 7S Henry 3°? John 320 Martha 189 Mary Frances 7S Ralph 189 Robert n, 181-9 Lansing, E. B 67 308 Lardner, Admiral James . ... 221 Margaret 221 Large, Robert Hartshorne ... 221 Samuel 2S4-9 La Rue (Larowe, Large), David 166 Israel 3" Marv 3" Elizabeth 31, 78-9 Ellen 321 Peter 167 311 Lasher, Colonel 18 Lattimoke, Mary 328, 335 Laubach, Abraham 337 Mary 337 William 337 Law, Dr. John S 128 Lawrence(Laurence), Anna, 56, 129 Benjamin 394 Daniel 42 Elisha 287, 393 Elizabeth Anna 150 Isaph^ne 135, 142 Isaph^ne C 142 Dr. Jacob 259 James W 294 John . 13, 42, 51. 60, 129, 130, 142 Jonathan 42, 357 Joseph 70, 98, 129 Lucy 293 Mary 99. 35^ Dr. Richard 129, 132-3 Sarah 287, 293 Susannah 85 Capt. Thomas 42 Maj. Thomas . . 49, 129, 142, 351 ■William . 42-3-4, 55. M2, 167, 394-5 Lawrenson (Lawronson, Loro- son), Hannah 129 James 129 Johannes 10. 37. 165 John 32-3 Lawry, Gawen 164 Laws, Estelle Meircken 221 Dr. James 221 Laws, Paul Waltham 221 Virginia Reakirt 221 Layton. John 32 Leaming, Hannah 190, 211-2 Sarah 212 Ledlie, Dr 247 Lee Anna 384-5 Benjamin 384 Ellen 384 Dr. George 200 Mary 255, 256 Orra 200 Rachel 250 Richard Henry I43 Gen. Robert E 200 Leech, Eliza 302 Sarah 302 Leeds, Daniel 164 James IngersoU 296 John Kean 297 Russell D 297 Shepherd E 297 Lefferts. Isabel 329 Legion of Honor, France 140 Legislature. New Jersey 96 Leisler, Capt. Jacob . . 47-8-9, 51, 129 Lemon, Sarah 381 Lent, Abraham 63, 99 Maria 99 Mary 142 Leo XIII 109 Leomenster, Baron 157 Leonard, Joanna 361 Sarah 156 Thomas 165 Le Roy, Mr 19 LEfiHiER. 156 Lester, Lottie 366 Tent 308 Letter to Amsterdam, Rev. John Moore's 28 Leverich, Amy 50-6, 67 Ann 67 Caleb 51-6 Carrie Duncan .... 75 Charles D 74 Col. Edward .... 60-7 Jacob Palmer .... 149 Matilda G 75 Mr 45 Sarah 67 Rev. William ... 56, 67 Levtt, Ann 263 Levy, Eugene 23S L. M 237-8 Mr 257 Sydney 238 Lewis. Captain 153, 269 Lilly. Dr. Samuel 381 LiNCK, George 200-4 Maria Moore 204 Susan Moore 204 Lincoln, Earl of 7 Lincoln. President 198 LiNDER, Charles G 218 LiNDLEY, Daniel 173 Linen trade in America 135 Ling. Matthew 43 Linn, William 103 Lionel 8 LiPPARD, Daniel B 302 LiPPiNCOTT, Beniamin Wood . . 142 Elizabeth 236 Rebecca 39 Sarah C 142 LiSPENARD, Anthony 113 Helena 113 Leonard 113 LiTTLRjOHN, Mary 333 Livingston, Catharine . . 135-7.142 Henry Brockholst . 137 Rev John . . . . 137 Philip 137 Robert 137 Sarah Van Brugh . . 144 Serena E 159 Gov. William . . 137, 144 Lloyd, Anna 215 Hannah 286 Localities : Abbotsford 139 Adrian 269 Alabama 370 Albanv . 48, 119, 129, 137, 165, . ' 316, 3^ Alexandria 260 AUentown, N. J 97 Localities : Allentowu, Pa . . . 258, 335, 363 AUoona 340 Amsterdam 31, 315 Amwell 8, 164, 1S8, 318 Ancrum, Scotland .... 137 Annandale 310 Annapolis 269 Antonio 364 Antrim, Ireland 91 Astoria, L.I 70-1,142 Assanpink 164, 189, 190 Atlantic City 202-4 Attlebore 375 Auburn, Ala 147 Auburn, N. Y 370 Augusta, Ga 361-2 Australia 120 Austria 145 Aylesbury 34 Baltimore . . 133, 158-9, 201-8, 267 Baskingridge 223 Batavia . . 227-8-9, 230-1-2-3 252, 276 Batcombe, Somerset Co . . 7 Bedfordshire 359 Belfast 135, 265 Belentopen, Ireland .... 91 Belvidere . . 212, 277, 310-5, 379 Benenden 6 Bergen Co 236 Bergen Point, N. J . . . 121, 335 Berkshire 5 Bermuda 289 Berryville, Va 121 Bethlehem. South 328 Bethlehem Tsp 287 Beverly, Yorkshire 157 Birmingham, N. J .... 76,87 Bitton, Parish of 5 Blackwell's Island 95 Bloomfield 361 Bloomsbury, Mercer Co., N.J 84 Bloomsbury, N. J . . 84, 267, 310 Bloomingdale, N. Y . . . 71,134 Bordentown, N. J . . . . 8, 200 Boston, . . 25, 36, 72, 119, 129, 178, 184, 201, 234, 258, 264-7, ■ • 299, 352 Boston, Lincolnshire .... 289 Bound Brook, N. J 370 Bowery Bay 64-7 Boxted 185 Braintrim 360 Brandywine 206, 241 Branford, Ct 27 Brass Castle 283 Bridgehampton . 26, 358, 360-8-9 Bridgeton, N. J 383 Bristol, England . 112, 126, 144. 159 Bristol, Pa 226 Bristol Tsp 283 Brookhaven 129 Brookline 299, 375 Brooklyn, Ct 365 Brooklyn Heights 143 Brooklyn, N. Y . . 63-4-5-7, . . 72-3, 119, 149, 212, 221, 383 Brown wood 234 Bucks Co . . . 96, 243, 253, 313-4 Buffalo 299 Bull's Head 359 Burlington . . 8, 36, 164. 250, . . . 285-7-8, 295-8, 323, 380 Bushnell 339 Bushwick 289 Butler Co 76, 253 Buttermilk Falls . . . 338, 367 Byram 361 Cadiz 155 Cairo 109 California 335 Cambridge ... 26, 137, 184, 375 Camden 301, 330 Cameron, Tex 147-8 Canterbury 359, 365-7 Canton 120, 360 Cape Cod 76 Cape May 190, 214 Caraccas, Yen 122, 155 Carmel, N. Y iia Cazenovia, N. Y 152 Cecilton 301 Cedar Creek 363 Chambersburg 340 Charleston 263-8 GENERAL INDEX 527 localities : Chart, Kent Co 6 Chelsea 7 Cherry Valley 360 Cheshire, England 7 Chester Co 265, 300 Chesterfield. N. J 8 Chiavari, Italy 122 Chicago 61, 201. 299, 331 China 134 Churchtown . . . - 237 Cincinnati . 12S, 201, 231-2-6, . . . 252-4, 262-3-4-8, 275, 392 Circleville, O 206 Clarkesville 224 Claverack 133. M6-9 Clayton 208 Clermont Co 228, 231 Cleveland, O 68 Clifton 361 Climax 240 Clinton. Ga i4^7 Cohassit (Taunton) .... 289 Cold Spring - on - the - Hud- son 113 Columbia 323 Columbus . 146-7. 231-3-4. 328, 332 Communipaw 99 Connecticut . 37, 43. ^82, 320, 345. 359 Constableville 140-2-3 Constantinople 109 Cooperstown, N. Y . 66, 89, 142-6, 152 Cork 158 Cornell's Neck 299 Corona, L- I 75 Coshocton 306 Coven try viUe 300 Cowneck 285 Coxsackie 146 Cranbury, N. J 91. 392 Cream Ridge 379 Crestline 231 Cripplegate 184 Croghan. Ireland 6 Crosswicks 287-8 Cumberland Valley . 6, 340, 359 Dallas . 148 Danielson, Conn 366 Danville ... 88, 94, 233, 348, 361 Dartmouth 299 Dauphin Co 259 Dayton 240, 268 Decker's Ferrj', S. I . . . . 83 Delaware 297-8 Denmark 122 Dennisville 190 Denver. Col 66 Denville 361 Derbyshire 375 Des Moines 233 Detroit 232 Dodge City 232 Dorchester 9 Dover. N. H 56, 176 Dracut. Mass 72-3 Drakeville 328 Drent, United ProTinces . . 64 Dublin iiS, 142 Dumfries, Scotland 200 Dunham, Eng 250 Dutchess Co 200 Duxbury 56, 356 Easthampton 7, 359 East Haven 345 East Jersty .... 164, 292-3, 352 Easton Ferry 245 Easton. Pa . . 143, 188, 226, 243-5-7-8, 251-2-6-8-9, 260-1-2- 3-6, 271-2, 298-9, 304-5, 322-5- 8, 330-1-3-7-8-9. 340-2-3-4-5-6- . . 7-8-9. 361-2-3-4, 371-2-3, 395-6 Easton, South 344-6-7 East Randolph, Mass ... 93 East River 130 Edgfield, S. C 121 Edgton 176 Edinburgh 132-S Egypt 109 Elaland 5 Elizabeth . 8, 69, 76, 137, 172, 295-6-7 Elkton 301 Elmhurst, L. I. (see New- town). England . . 119, 120-2-7, 144. 249, 251, 263, 285-6, 299. 308, . ■ 312-3-9, 337. 356-7-9. 367. 377 Localities : English Kills 251 Escher 289 Essex Co .... 65, 285, 299, 375 Europe 120 Evansburg 263 Ewing . . II, 53.77-8-9,90-2, 164, 176, 227, 242-S-9, 308-9, 310-1, 322-8, 339 Exeter, Mass 250 Fairfield, Ct 118, 129 Falls of the Delaware (see Trenton). Fallsington, Pa ... . 86, 313-4 Fayette Tsp 304 Federalshurg 298 Fegleysville 298 Fermanagh Co 283 Fishkill 144, 200 Flatbush 57 Flemington 260, 395 Flushing . . 67. 71-2, 83, 94, 127-9. 289, 292, 356 Flushing. Holland 64 Forks of the Delaware (see Easton). Fort Columbus 138 Fort George, N. Y 165 Fort Orange (Albany) . . . 99 Foxon 345 France 144 Frankford, Md 298 Franklin 163, 188, 287 Fredericksburg 265 Freehold, Upper 369 Frenchtown 259, 261-2 Friesburg 237 Fulham 100 Galveston 234 Garrison-on-the-Hudson 112, 124 Gatesville. Tex 147-8 Geissen 364 Genesee Country, The . . . . 8 Geneva 222 Germantown . 226, 236-7, 252, 265, 303 German Valley 226 Germany 113 Gettysburg 237 Gibraltar 62 Gibson 360 Girard 147-8 Girvan. Scotland 67 Glasgow 327, 340 Glen Cove 74 Glenmore 312 Gloucester Co 76-7, 342 Gloucestershire 5 Governor's Island 138 Grand Prairie 271 Gravesend 14, 128, 295 Greenbush 119, 122 Greene Co 146 Greenfield 364 Green's Bridge 328 Greensburg 296, 304 Greenville, S. C 92 Greenwich ... 54, 328, 338, 342 Greenwich Village 98 Guadaloupe 122 Hackensack 329 Hackettstown 371-2 Haddam, Ct 25S-9 Halifax 176 Hallett's Cove 55,75 Hamilton .... 72, 228, 252-3-4 Hamme 34 Hanford 230-6 Hanover, Germany . . loS, 270 Hanover, N. J 369 Harbourtown, N. J . .8, 86, 190,310, 340 Hardwick 34 Harper's Ferry 233 Harrisburg, Pa . 96, 262-5-9, 275-6, 301, 348 Hartford 9, 176, 258, 368 Hastings 43, 39i Hatboro 301, 396 Haverhill, Mass 92 Haverstraw. N. Y 65 Hazletou 211 Heidelberg 364 Hempstead (Heemstede, Hamstead) . . 28-9, 30, 44, . . . 126, 132, 165, 289, 294, 375 Hempstead Parish 126 Hempstead Swamp .... 250 Herefordshire 157, 178 Localities : Hellgate 17, 54 Hell Gate Neck 13,83-6 Hemel-Hempstead 180 Herts 375 Hesse Darmstadt 364 Highlands of Scotland . . . 303 Highlands-on-the-Hudson , 126 Hoboken 370 Hollidaysburg 220-7 Hollis. i,. I 72-3 Holmanville 360-1 Holland . . 13,119,146,295, 309, 315 Holmdell 373-4 Hopewell . 8, 11-3, 21, 69, 75- 6-8,83-5,94-5, 164-5-7. 176-7. 1S8, 236, 240-1, 250, 304-7, 311- ... 2-4, 324, 340, 376-7-8, 387 Horn's Hook 17 Horse Neck 294 Hudson 146-9, 370-3 Hummelstown 259 Hunterdon Co . 8, 21, 79, 164- 7, 188. 220-7, 245-9. 283-8.310.340 Huntingdon 56, 92, 375 Hutchinson 234 Hyde Park 138 Illinois . . 325, 349, 350, 364, 374 Imlaystown, N. J 294 Indiana 330 Indianapolis 207 Ingham's Springs, Pa . . . 77 Ipswich 357 Ireland . . . . 5, 6, 133, 155-8, 300 Irvington 136-9 Island of Aquetneck (R. I.) 289 Island, Luyster's 63 Island of Nassau 165 Island of St. Bartholomew 259, 260 Isle of Wight 64 Ithaca. N. Y 296-9 Ivirden, Switzerland .... 112 Jacmel 153 Jacob's Creek (Run) . . 165, 178 Jacobstown 287 Jackson 257 Jamaica . g, 10, 48, 52, 73, 83, . 95. 132, 170, 2S9, 294. 308. 351-7 James River, Va 294 Jericho 17 Jersey City 225, 318 Jonesborough, Texas .... 71 Juniata Co 304 Kakiat 285 Kansas 315 Kansas City, Mo 149 Kent Co., England . 5. 6. 7. 123, 149. 214 Kentucky 8, 201, 349 Kildare Co 6 Kinderhook 146 Kingsbridge ....... 69 Kingwood 283-5-7-g Kirchbracht 364 Kirk Burton Parish .... 312 Knowlton 360 Knoxville 395 Lafayette, Ind 236 La Guayra 155 Lakewood 361 La Plata, Mo 149 La Rochelle 144 Lambertville, N. J . . 8, 86, 381 Lancaster . . . 162, 196, 265, 276 Langhorne ...*'•.. 298 Lansingburg, N. Y 371 Lawrence . 11, 72,86, 95, 164, 180, 315-6, 339 Lebanon 3:0 Lecompton 315 Lehigh Co 363 Lee Co . 146 Leesburg 199, 201 Lewisburgh, Pa 76 Ligeate 312 Livingston, N. J 369 London . . 56, 108, no, 126, . 141, 201. 236, 287, 337, 356, 375 Londonderry. Ireland ... 112 Long Island . 40-1-9, 78, 90-1, 142, 165, 2S9, 324-7, 339, 340, 359. 367. 375 Los Angelos 335 Loudoun Co., Va 200 Louisville. Ky . . . 152, 271, 338 Lynn, Mass . 9, 25, 76, 92-3, 358-9 5'S GENERAL INDEX Localities : Lyons Falls 142 Madison Co 121 Madisonville 240 Madrid 109 Maidenhead (Lawrence), N. J . 8, II, 13, 21, 38, 127, 164, 176, 181, 323 Maidstone 7 Maiuaroneck 70 Manassas 36 Manchester, England ... 96 Manchester, Nova Scotia . . 158 Mandarin, Fla 371 Mansfield 252, 278, 283-7 Maracay 155 Marburg 364 Marcus Hook 301 Marion Co 330 Marsh 34 Marsh Gibbon 33 Marshalton 298 Martin's Creek 266 Maryland 170 Maspeth 64-5, 70 Massachusetts . 88, 127, 155, 184, 299. 319. 351-9 Matawan 90 Mauricetown 206 Mecoi 358, 369 Media 298 Mellifont 6 Mendham 360 MercerCo 311 Merijn Station 382 Merrimack Valley 73 Mespat 289, 292 Mespat Kills 285, 294 Mexico 382, 396 Michigan 118 Middlebrook 270 Middelburg, L. I. (see New- town, L. I.). Middelburg, Va 201 Middletown, Ct 366 Middletown, N. J 294-5 Middlesex Co 259 Mifflin 296, 304 Milford, Ct . . . . 54, 94, 170-4-5 Milford, Del 301 Milford, N. J 361 Milford, Pa 267 Mill Neck 369 Milledgeville 277 Millstone 270 Miltonville 252-6, 271 Mississippi 254, 394 Missouri 349 Mobile. Ala 70, 159 Monmouth . . . 22-3, 293, 307, 383 Monroe Co 338 Monroeton 361 Morris Co. . . 164, 359, 361-9, 370 Morristown, N. J . . 55, 139, 318, 338. 359. 361-2 Morrisville 349 Montgomery Co ... . 264, 367 Monticello 360 Montreal 201 Montvale 236-7 Montville, N. J 374 Morocco 6 Mt. Airy 220 Mt. Holly 298 Motfs Mill, Ga 147 Muddy River 37s Muncy 328 Nantasket 375 Nashville 147, ^35 Nassau, Island of (see I^ng Island). Natchez 253 Nice, France 139 Netherlands 12,292 New Amsterdam (see New York). New Brunswick, N. J . . 69, . 85, 220-1-2-3-4-6, 305, 316-7, 370 New Castle 210, 377 New England . . 7, 8, 68, 359, 375 New Foundland 71 New Haven ... 9, 100, 168, 174 New Hempstead .... 285, 351 New Hope Church, Ga . . . 234 New Jersey . . 5.8,10,118, ■37, 144, 156, 164, 315. 328- 9. 359. 360-1-7 New Orleans . . 68, 147, 253, 271 Localities : New Richmond 231 New Rochelle 51 New Dlrecht 315,352 New York . . 8, 14. 20, 47-9, 50, 62-7-8, 71-2-3-5. 95-8s. 107, 1 10-1-3-4-8, 120-3-5-9, 130-3-4- 5-6-7-8-9, 140-3-4-5, 152-3-6-9, 201, 224-5-7, 237, 258-9, 285, 290-5. 315-6, 334. 341. 361-7 372.394 Newark, Del 301 Newark, N. J . .9, 94, 172-3- 4. 237. 299, 304-5, 329, 336, 354-5. 370-9 Newburgh, N. Y 61 Newburyport 131 Newport, R. I 104, 256 Newton, N. J 258 Newtown, L. I . . 9. 13, 20, 30-3-5-6-7, 40-1-3-6, 52-3-4-5-6- 7-9, 60-2-3-4-9, 70-1-2-3-4-5-6, 83-9, 92-4-5-7-8-9, 110-2, 124-7- 9, 132-3, 142-9, 150-8-9, 176, 180-2-3-4, 242-3, 250-1, 289, 394-5. 308, 315, 350-1-2-3, 377- 8, 391 Newtown, Pa 97, 396 Norfolk 6, 131, 18S, 250 Norristown 264-5, 372 Norriton Tsp 262 Northampton Co . .6, 220, 241-6 Northmoor 5 North Salem 120 Northumberland 6, 360 Northwood 3,30 Norwich 359, 366 Nottingham 285, 295 Nottinghamshire 250 Nova Caesarea (see New Jersey). Nova Scotia . 8, 15, ai, 100-8, 156 Nyack, N. Y 118, 120 Oakhill 70 Oberhausen, Germany ... 237 Ocean City 298 Ogdensburg 364 Ohio . 8, 9, 77, 252, 306, 332, . 344, 361-7. 396 Olive Branch 239, 240 Orange 60 Orange Co 285 Orange, East . . 328-9, 331, 366-7 Orkney Islands 338 Ormarga, 111 92 Orwell 360 Orwigsburg 301 Otis Gap 201 Owensville 240 Oxford, O 342 Oxfordshire 5 Oyster Bay, L. I 17, 56 Painesville, O 64-7 Painted Post 246 Paris .... 72, 108, no, 162, 332 Parish of Blythe 2S7 Parish of St. James 263 Passaic Co 329 Paterson, K. J 379 Pau. France 113 Pekin 325 Pelham Manor 72 Pennington, N. J . 8, 12, 58, 85, 164-5, 189, 243- 306, 311-2- . 3-8, 320-1, 340, 376-8-9, 392, 397 Penn's Neck 308 Pennsylvania . 243, 296, 300- .... 8-9, 313-4,' 322-3, 361, 372 Penn Yan, Pa 121-2 Perintown 233 Perins' Mills, O 239 Perth Araboy . . 157, 172, 226, 295 Peterborough 121 Petersburg, Va 152 Philadelphia . 17, 88-9, 92-3- 6. 112-8, 121-2, 142-3-4, 155-8, 188-9, 190-6-7-8-9, 200-2-3-5-6, 210-1, 220-5-7, 237, 244, 253-4- 7-8, 262-3-4-5-7-9. 270-.3-4-7> 283-7, 296-8-9, 300-1-2-9, 311, 323. 3.10-3-8-9, 347-9. 361, 372, .396 Phillipsburg 265-6-7, 345 Phoenixville 301 Pike Co 263 Piscataway 172, 124, 285 Pittsburgh 253 Plainfield, Conn 366 Plainfield, N. J 67, 3" Localities : Plunder's Neck 180 Plymouth 176 Point Pleasant, O 236 Poland 155 Pomfret, Conn 366 Poor Bowery 75 Porchester Castle 5 Port Jervis 201 Portlester, County Meath . 6 Pottstown 296, 301-2 Pottsville 330 Poughkeepsie 309 Princeton, N. J . 21, 84, 130-7, 171. 391-2 Prince George's County, Md 159 Prince William 361 Prince William's Co., Va . . 200 Puerto Cabello, Ven . 133, 153-6 Pueblo, Mex 268 Queen's Co . . . . 17,20,289,294 Quecustown (see Pennington). Quincy . 322 Quinnepiac (see New Haven). Radnor 334 Rainham 182-5 Ramapo (see New Hemp- stead). Rancocas 298 Raymund 188 Rayville 337 Reading 361 Red Hook 120-1 Rehobeth 375 Rensselaerwick 146 Rhode Island 121-9 Richmond, Ind 108 Richmond, Va 159 Ridgefield, Ct 137 Ringoes. N. J 395-6 River Road 85 Rockaway 361 Rock Harbor 253 Rockland Co 285 Romulus, N. Y 391 Roseville 299 Rotterdam 137 Rowallan 5 Roxbury 170 Royal Oak, Md 296 Royalton, Vt 367 Saddle River 237 Sagg 359 Sag Harbor 365-8 Salem . . 56, 70-3-5-6-7, 88, 92, . . 127, 185, 242-3, 251-2-8-9, 319 Sandajr 338 Sandwich on Cape Cod . . 56, 76 Sandy Hook 295 Sanford's Point 71 San Francisco .... 62, 235, 344 San Luis Obispo 333 Santa Cruz, W. I 57 Santiago de Cuba 196 Saratoga 119 Saulsbury 210 Savannah. . . .128,162,277,313 Saybrook 259 Schenectady 48 Scotch Plains 240 Scotland ... 5, 65, 338, 340-3, 365 Sckuylkill Co 263 Schuylkill Haven 264 Scranton 343, 379 Scudder's Falls, N. J . . . . 86 Seabright ...... 71-2, 150 Seneca Co., N. Y 391 Shabbakunk 165 Shamokin, Pa 54-8 Sheffield, Eng 184 Shelbourne 108 Sheldon 21 Shell Road 97 Shippingport 253 Short Hills 151-2 Shrewsbury 295 Sing Sing, N. Y 9*. '09 Sittingbourne Parish, Va . . 292 Smith's Meadow 183 Smithtown 132 Sodbury 289 Solebury, Pa 86 Somerset Co 188, 395 Somersetshire 251 Sonora, Cal 380 South America . . . .73. 153. 258 Southampton . 7, 9, 25-6-8, .... 164. 295, 357-8-9. 360-5-9 GENERAL INDEX 529 l/)calities : South Carolina 268 Southold .... 9, 25, 92> '29, 243 South Oyster Bay 74 South Ronaldsay 338 Southwart 270, 356 Spain 5. '3". '44 Speedwell 359 Springfield . . .75, 258, 352, 3*4 Staffordshire, Eng 7' Stamford, Ct . . . . 112-8-9, 120-1, 16S, 176, 351 Stanstete. Kent Co 214 Staten Island 83, 156 St. Croix, W. I 127 St. Domingo 70 Steinway, L. I 60-4 Stepney 184 St. Gallen. Switzerland . . 233 St. James' Parish 252 St. John, N. B .... 59, 69, 156 St. Katherines ...... 375 St. Lawrence Co 120 Stony Brook, N. J 85 St. Louis 144-8, 201, 232 St. Martin's 188 St. Mary Magdalen B e r - mondsey 287 Stroudsburg 131. 301 St. Paul. Minn 65, 337 St. Valery 5 Sucasunna 37o Suffolk Co 184, 357 Summers 120 Sussex Co . . 164, 188, 242-4. 31s. 329 Surrey Co 2S7-9 Swamp, Thatcher's .... 165 Swansea 299 Swineshead, Co. York ... 7 Sydney 323 Syracuse 145. 299 Tarrvtown 123 Taunton, Eng "2 "Taunton, Mass 289 Tavlorsville 307 Tennessee 8, 201 Tescott 240 Texas 3^4. 383 Ticonderoga 137 Tiffin 327 Tipperary Co 158. 300 Tippetfs Neck 69 Titusville . . 252, 299, 378-9, 380-2, 392 Tobyhanna 2S3 Toledo, O 366 Tompkins Co 391 Torworth 287 Towanda 346 Train's Meadow 95 Trenton . 8, 59, 76, 83-5-7-8-9. 90-1-6, 127, 146. 150-1, 164-7, 177-8, 188-9, 190^, 200-5, 213. 227, 245-8, 287, 295-6, 306-7-9, 311-4, 322-3-4-5, 353, 377-8, 382-6, 393 Trenton Falls 143 Trenton Ferry 127 Trenton Junction .... 309-12 Troy, N. Y . . 91, 146, 361-3-9 Trumansville, N. Y .... 391 Tully Brislau 112 Tunkhannock 360 Turkey 109 Union Co., Pa 76 Utica 143 Valley Forge 143 Varick, N. Y 361 Venezuela 155-6 Vernonburg, Ga 128 Vicksburg 257 Village Green 301 Virginia 8, 146, 200, 361 Vleigh 99 Vogaes Mountains 94 Waco 148 Wakake 293 Wales 129 Warren Co . . 164, 278, 328, 360 Warwick 352 Washington, D. C . 137, I44, 200-6, 228, 231, 253, 303, 316, 361-2, 377 Washington, N. J . 28:5, 312, 371 Water Mill (see Bndge- hampton). Watertown . . 9, 176, 184-5-7, 351 I/}Calities : Watton 34 Wayne 333 Weathersfield .... 9, 174, 351-9 Wedon 34 Wepauwing (seeMilford). Westchester . , 69, 120-2, 144, 161, 184, 299 West Indies . 8, 99, 135, 258-9, 290, 365 West Jersey 164 Westminster 252, 263 West Riding of Yorkshire . 312 West Virginia 8 Wexford Co., Ire 118 Weymouth 375 Weymouth, North 375 Whitechurch 34 Whitemarsh Tsp 158 Wilmington . 190, 206-8, 210, 300. 321 Williamsburg 364 Williamsport 315, 332 Wilkes-Barre 211, 382-3 Winchester 363 Windham 360 Windsor, Ct 9 Winfield, L- I 72-4 Wisconsin 315 Withamsville 240 Woodbridge 8, 172 Woodbury 19S Woodside, L. I 74 Worcester 29 Worcester Cove 170 Wraxall 7 Wrentham 236 Yarmouth, Eng 98 Yeadon 196 Y'orkshire . 6, 174-6, 180-4, 287, 376 Yvirden, Switzerland . . . 112 Zanesville 322 LocKHART, Alexander 168 LOFTUS. Rev. Adam 6-7 Alice 6 Arthur 7 Catharine 7 Dorothy 7 Edward 7 Jane 7 Robert 7 Long, Herodeas 356 LONGSTRETH, Anna Petit .... 122 Mary Elizabeth . . 143 LooPER, Commander 291 Lord Chancellor of Ireland . . 7 LoRosON (see Lawrenson). Lose, Charles 332 Edith B 332 Henry J 332 James 332 John J 332 Margaret G 332 Phoebe S 332 LOSEY, Timothy 359 LOTT, Elizabeth 339 Mary 340 Richard 340 189 LOVELACE, Governor 184 LoviTT, Henry 380 Low, Nicholas 134 LOWE, Capt. John W 233 Lowth, Bishop of 126 Loyalists 15 Maryland 13 Loyal Legion 269 Lucas, Bathsheba 315 Nicholas 164 LuDiNGTON, Thomas 172 LtJDLAM, Achsah 193 Emma 193 Franklin 192-3 Phebe 190, 211-2 Rhoda 214 LCDLOW, Clara S 395 Dr. David H 395 Henrietta 396 Maj. Henry H 395 Dr. Jacob R 395 Gabriel G 18 LUKENS, Hannah D 228,230 LUYSTER, Albert 60 Anna 60-3 Caroline J 63 Cornelius 60, 95 Cornelius Moore ... 60 Cornelius W 63 LCYSTER, Harriet 63 Henry 63 Mary A 63 Peter 60-3 Sarah 60-3, 128 Sarah Moore 63 Sarah Patience Moore 63 Lyhubst, Elizabeth Jane .... 6s Lyon, Eben 173 M. Macauley, Jessie 67 MacDannaugh, John 82 Macdonald, Elizabeth 30a Hannah 302 Rev. James M., D.D 171 John 301-a Margarett Hubbert 301 Sophia 30a William 302-3 MacFarlane, Annie L 336 Duncan 336 Howell G 336 Jennie J 336 Mary B 336 Mackev, Gertrude 207 MacNutt, Francis 108 Macomb purchase 118 Madeir.4, Ferdinand 198 Magee, Ann Agnes 206 James J 90 Magistrates of Hempstead .... 14 Magruder, Virginia 163 Major, Alexander 123 Emily Moore 123 Henry 112, 123 Jane 123 Maria Theresa 123 Sarah 123 Susan Mary 123 William Henry 123 Makemie, Francis 171 Malibran, Madam 125 Malott, Sarah E 228 Mammon, Mary 55. 75 Mangan, Ida Valeria 243-4 Mann, Harriet 346 Kate A 236-9 Levi 346 Manning, Cardinal 108 Manningham. Mary 69-95 MaNWARING, Ann 60 Gurdon 68 Martha Ann .... 68 Maple, Benjamin 11 Mapps, Harriet 387 Marchall, John 33 Marcom, Thomas 286 Markle, John ail Marshall, Mary Brown 150 William G 377 Marston, Ellen Winslow .... 162 John 52 Martin, Charles 196 David 245 Edward 120 Rev.Dr 302 Richard 120 Samuel 18 Marvel, Louisa 321 Mars, Edward J. F 363 Frank B 363 Henry F 363 James E 363 Marion D 363 William B 363 William S 363 Mary-, Queen 6 Mason, Elizabeth 197 Dr. John M 226 Nancy 382 Masonic Temple, Dedication of , 278 Master, Forage 23 Wagon 23 Matchner, Margret 302 Mather, Cotton 175, 185 Dr. Increase 50 Mathews, Ada 244 Caroline 309 Burroughs 244 Francis S 2U Liverton 306 Mr 19 Maximilian, Emperor 108 Maxwell, Charles P 339 Eliza 328, 335 Emily Robeson ... 339 S30 GENERAL INDEX Maxwkll, Johu 313.328,339 John C 339 John Sloane 328 Mary Ellen 339 Robert 328 William 339 Mayer, Rev. Gustavus 121 Elizabeth Potter .... 121 Maynard, Xenophon J . . . . 200-4 Mayor of New York, first .... 176 McAllister, Archibald 159 G. Washington . . 159 Richard 159 Rosella R . . 159, i6a McAlpine, Alexander 378 Meta 378 McCartney. Anna R 342 McCartney, Hon. Washington . 342 McCarty, Mary Elizabeth . . . 203 McCauley, Jesse 61 McClelland, Dr 88 Thomas B 197 Wilfred 197 McClure, Jean 162 Mary 378 McCrha, A. J 396 McDonald, Kate Estella . . . 335-6 William K 151 McDonnaugh, John 10 McIlvaine. Esther Rodman ... n Judge William R . . 53 McIntire, Dr. Charles 348 McKay, Daniel 155 McKean. Alexander 216 Liizie Husted 216 Morgan Weston .... 216 Thomas 216 McKechnie, Alexander Aitken . 65 Alexander Rankin 65 McKee, Louis Coughtry 317 Louis H 317 McKken, Emily S 345 Fannie 345 Helen E 345 James 345 John S 345 Lizzie 345 Mar>' W 345 Thomas 342 Thomas L 342-5 McKelway, Margaret 378 Dr. John 378 McKenney, Rose S 316 McKiM, Rev. R. H 362 McLenahan, Gertrude 385 McMiLLKN, Theodosia .... 228, 230 McNeal. Henrietta 333 McNeven, Dr. William James . 130 McNinch, Rev 312 McNdlty, Mr 139 McPherson, 381 McVey, 228 McVickar. Anna 139 Anna Moore .... 133 Archibald . . 135-7-8, 142 Augusta .... 136 140-4 Dr. Benjamin . 135, 140-3 Brockholst Living- ston 138 Edward 136 Edward Corp . . 135, 140 Euretta 136, 140 Fanny 139 Henry 135, 140 Rev. Henry 139 Harry W 139 James 135-6 John 133-4. ^8 Dr. John Augustus . 136 Prof John .... 117, 159 Rev. John .... 135-8-9 Lawrence 142 Mary 139 Mary Eliza . . . 136, 142 Mary Stewart .... 136 Nathan 135 Samuel Bard .... 139 Sarah 139 Susan 138-9 William 136 Rev. William Augus- tus 139 William Bard .... 139 William H 136 Bishop William Neil- son 136 Meade, George C. Post G. A. R. 198 Capt. R. W ....... 269 Meagher, Mary 148 Mealey, Rev. Stephen A .... 264 Meeker, Catharine 222 Cornelia 222 Frank 222 Julia Waterbury .... 222 Mary Elizabeth .... 222 Samuel 222 Susan W 222-3 Rev. Stephen H . . . 221-a Megapolensis, Johannis . . . 31-3 Meigs, Julia 221-2 Meirchen, Estelle 221 Mellows, Christian 36.250 Melvin. James 166 Melyen, Rev 172 Men, Minute 17, 22, 2^4 Merell, Benjamin 166 Merril, Charles 384 Merrill, John 166 Mershon, Andrew 166 Eleanor 397 Hannah 308 Harrison 397 Henry 179, 189 Lewis 397 Mary 85 Ralph 396-7 Sarah 381 Valeria 394 Meserole, Abram 352 Metz, Jennie Alberta 327 Mezzotints of George Washington and Martha Washington .... 279 Michler, Peter S 276 Mifflin, General 189 Milborne, Jacob 49, 50-1 Milbourn, Andrew 167 Miles. Richard 32 Militia, N. J 22, 85 Military organizations : 2d Battalion, DeLaucey's ... 69 5th Battalion, Northampton Co 338 ist Battalion. Salem 253 2d Battalion, Salem 253 Battalion, Sterling's 17 Cadets, Anderson 233 Easton Guards 276 Fayette Volunteer Co 94 First N. J. Cavalry 378 First Regiment. Hunterdon Co.. N. I . . 22, 85, 227, 244, 313-5 First New York 123 First Penna. Volunteers . ■ . 395 First Pennsylvania Volunteer Riflemen 275 Second N. J 324 Second Ohio V. Inf 233 Second Troop Life Guards . . 263 3d Co. N. J. Troops 165 Third Hunterdon Co., N. J. . 23, 189, 324, 340 Fourth N. J. U. S. Vols. Inf. . 92 Fourth N. Y 118 Fourth or Penna. Regt. of Ar- tillery 372 Fifth Penna. Militia .... 345, 363 Indiana Division, Gen. Lane's 268 Seventh N. J 91 Seventh N. Y. N. G 73 Eighth Missouri Vol. Inf . . . Eighth Penna. Militia .... 266 Twelfth N. Y. Vols 198 Fourteenth N. J. Vols .... 324 Seventeenth Georgia Vol. . . 148 Seventeenth Penna. Vol ... 198 Tweutv-first N. J 380 Twenty-first Penna. N. G. . . 269 Twenty-second Ohio Vol. Inf. 235 Twenty-ninth Georgia . . .163 Thirty-fifth N. J 243 Thirty-eighth Penna. Mil. . . 346 Forty-second. Col. Sterling . . 20 Fifty-ninth Ohio Vol. Inf . . 234-5 Eighty-fourth Penna. Mil. . . 228 Eighty-fifth N.Y 117 One hundred and first. N. Y . 234 One hundred and fifty-third Ohio Vol. Inf 234 Washington Grays Artillery Company 196 Miller, Benjamin 299 Rev. Daniel 23^^ Eleanor 203 Elizabeth 238 Ewing L 203 Rev. Frank E 337 Miller, George 184 George MacCulloch . . 139 Haunah N 202-3 John 238 Margaret 238, 270 Mary 238 Miss 139 Sarah 299 Sophia 238 Susan 238 Mills, James 294 Mr 13 Richard 302-3 Samuel J 131 Mills, Potts's 284 Milton. Margaretta Duncan . 121-2 William Tailor . . . . 121-2 Miner, Henry 382 Mary , 382 Samuel 382 Theodore 381 Dr. Thomas 259 Miranda, General 153 Miranda's Expedition if 4 Miranda, State of 153 Miriam, a negro 169 Mitchell, Edward Moore . . . . 152 Dr. J. K 347 Dr. S. L 117 Mitchellson, Edward 26-7 MiZE, Rev. Robert Herbert ... 121 Mochel. Esther 82 Moffat, Constance K 344 Douglass M 344 Edward Stewart . . . 343-4 Eleanor S 344 Elizabeth 343 Ethel M 344 Prof. James Clement 341-3 Keith D 344 Maxwell C 344 MoLLESOX, Dean Chase 224 Elias 221-4 George Adrian . . . 224 George Plum . . . 221-3-4 Gilbert 221 Samuel Holcombe . . 224 Sarah Plum ..... 224 Stanley Holcombe . . 224 Susan Moore .... 224 Theophilus Moore . . 224 MoNFORD, Peter 168 Monroe, President 200 Montagne, Mr 28 Montgomery, Matilda 382 Major William . 383 Monthly Meetings : Abington 284 Bethlehem 289 Burlington 289 Chesterfield 285-6-8-9 Flushing 286 Gaynsborough. Eug 286 Germantown Preparative . . 2S4 Kingwood 15, 285-6-7 Montjar, Clara 240 Moody, George 246 Moore (Moor, Moors, More, Mor, Mora, Mooar, Mooers, MoiR, Mooer, Muir, Mure MOHR) 5, 6, Moor, de 5 Moor, de la 6 More de 5 Family of Arms of 8 Church and 9 Distribution of 8 Meaning of name 6 Origin of name 5 Social life of 13 Slavery and 14 Variations in spelling name , 5 Wars and I5i 23 More, suffix meaning great. Angus 6 Ben 6 Fergus ... 6 Glen 6 Loch 6 McCallum 6 Moore, Aaron 88, 305 Abby E 362-4 Abigail . 52, 357; (3) 318; (4)76, 85, 169, 176. 306; (5) 133. 156-9. 306, 312; (6) 86,152, 252,304-9,365; (7) 236 GENERAL INDEX 531 HooRB. Abigail A 365 Moore, Abner Scudder 92-3 Adam 5 Albert 196-7 Albert L 229 Albert Randell 65 Alexander 93 Alexander Harris .... 209 Alice 68, 93 Alice Camilla 65 Alice Helen 148 Amos , . . 177, 188-9, *40-i-2 Amos C .... 189,190,211-2 Amy 56 Amy S 362 Angeline 57 Ann 88, 252, 271 Ann Adelia 209, 210 Ann Eliza 64, 206-7 Ann Eloise 126 Anna . (4) 76, 98, 127 ; (5) 133. 359 ; (6) 57. 60, 63, 365-7; (7) 60, 118,296.303: (8^362 Anna Constable . . . 118,122 Anna E 365 Anna Manwaring .... 68 Anna Maria 57. 146-7 Anna Myra . 230 Anna V 364 Annie 148 Annie H 196 Annie I, 229 A. Raymond 197 Archibald Ray 65 Arthur 93 Arthur Scudder 93 Augusta Laudis 220 Augustine . 58 ; (4) 55, 75; (5) 59. 7,S, 321 Augustus 236 Augustus K 296 Baron 6 Harrington 110 Ben H 229 Benjamin 10-4-5, 20, 36, 40, 52-3-8, S2-7i (3) 54. 97; (4) 76, 86-7, 9S, i68-g, 176. 320; (5) 23. 40, 97-8. 99. 115. 133-S. 145; (6) 88, 99. 112. 123, 92, 150; (7) 108-9,118; (8) 93; (9) no Benjamin Burges .... lie Benjamin Fish 93 Benjamin Franklin . . . 230 Bessie Lewis 68 Betsy 360 Beulah 229 Caleb 357-9 Caroline 93, 239 Caroline H 92 Caroline Meyer 296 Carolyn 230 Carrie Antoinette .... 148 Casirair de Rham . . 109, no Catharine . 379; (6) 59; (7) 57. 60, 313 Catharine Eckerson ... 296 Catharine Eliza 88 Catharine Jane 93 Catharine Lawrence. . 62 Catharine Patience ... 146 Catharine Purdy 66 Cephas 365 Charles . . 6, 7, 256; (6) 88, 306-7, 227-8; (7) 84, 196-8, 206, 210, 236-9. 313-4; (8) 209, 314 Charles Augustus . . 228-9, 230 Charles B 25 Charles Harris 210 Charles Hood 233 Charles L 57 Charles R i97 Charles Truslow 65-7 Charity 10, 54-7. 69 Charity Elizabeth . . . . loS Charlotte 198 Charlotte Boyd Daven- port 296 Clara 206, 229 Clara Lula 148 Clarence Conrad 197 Clarissa 3^5 Clement 108, no Clement Clarke. . 104-7-9. "O Clifford K 230 Contant 316 Cornelia 196, 236 MooRE, Cornelius . 190; (2) 232; (6) 57, 190-6; (7) 57. 238; (8) 196; (10) 197 Cornelius B 57 Cornelius Luyster .... 62-4 Coryell 3^5 Daisy C 209 Daniel . {4) 33S. 357; (S) 56. ■ S3-4. 133, 359, 360; (6) 361-5 Daniel Douglas 84 Daniel Sackett. Capt . (5) . . . 97-9, 132-3, iii9:(7) 150 David . 20. 69, 357; (4) 359; (5) 41, 59, 60-3, 83, 338, 359. 361: (6) 60-3-4, 190; , . . (7) 60-1. 206; (8) 61-2, 196 David Parker 196 David Thomas 61 Deborah 323-5 Delawarr 209 Douglas Crittenden ... 147 Dudley Winthrop .... 68 Ebenezer 3^5 Col. Eckford 314 Edgar Brinckerhoflf . . 65-6 Edgar L 228 Edith 68 Edith Brooks 236 Edith M 209 Edith Randell 65 Edmund Pendleton . . . 118 Edna 197 Edward 57, 210-6 Sir p;dward 6 Edward Charles . . . .231-2 Edward Clyde 233 Edward Emmett .... 148 Edward G 236 Edward T 84 Edward Young 68 Edwin 236 Edwina 197 Effie Eckerson 296 Elbert 68 Elbert Luyster 60, (Capt.) 68 Elberta 69 Eleanor Von Brettou . . 122 Eli 22 Elijah 22, 306 Elisha 33 Eliza 88, 133 Eliza Ann 206-8, 307 Eliza Banister 233 Eliza J 70-4 Elizabeth 32, 58-9, 90, 377; (2) 35. 375; (3) 54. 35^8; (4) 55-8, 76.94-8. 129, 176, 320; (5) 83-7-S, 133, 188, 312, 321. 359; (6) 39, 88, 149, 190, 228, 244, 313, 365-6; 17) 57. 84. 2oo-4» 313; (8) 109, 209, 236. 296; {10) 210 Elizabeth Anna . . . 131, 150 Elizabeth Chase 93 Elizabeth Denton .... 62 Elizabeth Dunham . . . 236-7 Elizabeth E 229 Elizabeth Frances .... lao Elizabeth Jane 209 Elizabeth May 229 Elizabeth, of Rowallan . 5 Elizabeth Sarah . . . 252, 263 Elizabeth Talley 231 Elizabeth W 99 Elizabeth Wilson .... 210 Ella Chase 93 Ella S 209, 228 Ellen Lloyd 296 Ellen Weber 121 Elliott Gerard 66 Eloise 207 Elsie M 209 Ely . . . .313-4-6, (Hon.) 315 EmelineC 196 Emily 108 Emily Constable 121 Emily Power 230 Emma 198, 316-7 Emma Augusta 65-6 p;mma D 239 p::mma Martha 148 PZmmaline 206-7 Enoch 190, 206-7 Enoch Bennett 210 Dr. Ephraim 3^3 Esther 190-8, 365 Ethel 61 Ethel Louisa 93 Ethel Tarver 148 Etta P 229 Eugene Clayton 197 Eunice 360 Euretta McVickar . . . 146-9 Eva B 229 Evan S 209 Evelyn Brockway .... 65 Fanny 313 Florence 229 Florence Marie 233 Frances 150 Francis Byram 364 Rev. Francis Van Rensse- laer i2i-a Frank Dimmitt 230 Frank W 230 Franklin B 314 Frazier 321 Fred D 230 Foster Van Rensselaer . 122 Garetta 150-1 George 197, 228 George B 209 George Brinckerhoff . . 64-6 George Heber 236 George Hiram 148 George P 229 George Taylor 147-8 George Tiffany 148 Georgiaua Augusta . 93 Gershom . . 23, 36-7-S-9, 47-8, iS9;(Capt.)(2)8, 15, 35-7. 41-8, 76 ; (3) 37. 242 : (4) 38-9 Gertrude 317 Gertrude Silvers .... 93 Glen Van Rensselaer . . 122 Grace 230 Grace Adell 66 Grace Arnold no Grace E 365 Gurdon Manwaring . 68 Hannah . 140-9; (5) 52-6, 306, 312 321, 359 ; (6) 99, 133. 360-5 ; (7) 200-1-2, 317; (S) 196-7-8 Hannah Belle 230-1 Harold 236 Harold Livingston . . . 197 Harold R 93 Harriet .... 33S, 348, 361-4 Harriet Caroline .... 230 Harriet Louisa 146 Harriet Lucretia .... 233 Harriet Maria 148 Harriett M 365 Harriot Van Deventer 62 Harry Lindsay .... 231-3 Harry Townsend .... 296 Helen 316-7 Helen Anna 68 Helen Brunner ..... 314 Helen Catharine .... 93 Helen Haedrich 197 Helen Josephine .... 65 Helen Louise 62 Helen W 197 Helena 76, 81 Henrietta 84 Henry . . 5, 22. 38, 40, 57. 93. 206, 359 Henry A 362 Henry Casimir . . , 118,120 Henry S 362 Henry Seaman 65 Henry Yonge 148 Herbert Luyster .... 65-6 Herman Russell .... 197 Hetty Eliza 14^7 Hiram 365 Homer Ramsdell .... 6i Ida Louise 65 Imlay 313 Imogen 68 Ira 361 Israel 22. 87 Israel Sackett 92-3 Jacob ... 20, 83 in note read instead of Job, 97-8-9 James . . 20-2-3. 69 ; (5) .... 133; (6) 150; (7) 196 Capt. James . . 23, S3-4-5. 91 James Benjamin . . . 147-8 James Duane 121 James E 362-4-5 532 GENERAL INDEX Moore, James Edgar 365 James Elbert 64-8 James K 229 James Lawrence .... 56 James Lent 64-5 James Montague .... 148 James Sackett .... 146-7 James W 396-9 Jane 112-8, 123, 133 Jane Armistead 68 Jane Christina 146 Jane Eliza 5T Jemima 59. 7^ Jennie 228, 230 Jennie N 229 Jesse 22, 85, 321 Joanna 85, 306 Job 83 in note should be Jacob Joe Earley 197 Johan 5 John . 5, 7, 10. 14-5-6-7-9. 20-3-6-7-8-9, 30-8, 155, 189, 351; (i)(Rev.)6, 8. 9. 14. 35-6, 32-5. 171 ; (2) 6, 8, 351 f3) 35-6; {4) 40, 55-9. 75-6, 9^, 129. 133-3. 168-9 (Capt.)82, 176-7; (5) 22, 83, 188, 227. 327 ; (6) 39, 60-8, 133, 190-9, 200, 272, 306; (7) 35, 206, 228; (8) 239 John, Capt. U. S. N . . . 148 John Carpenter . . . 227, 236 John Chambers 236 John Collins 196-7 John Constable lai John Guild 236 John H 210 John Henry 84 John Jacob (6) 40, 97, 149, 150 John L 228, 230 John Peabody 148 John Price 200 John Shoals 99 Rev. John Wells . . 118, lao Jonathan ... 15, 37, 40. 167 Joseph . 10-13-4-5, 20, 40-1, 52-3, 81-9, 91, 177, 189, 338.377; (2) 35. 357; (3) 41, 54. 75-6. 97, 358 ; (4) 75-6-9. 81-2-3-4, 169, 178, 359 (Capt.) 176, 312 ; (5) 59. 82-3-5-7. 188, 359, 365: (6) 60, 313. 365 ; (8) 65, 314; (9)65 Joseph Howell 314 Joseph W 70 Josephine A 64-6 Judith 98, 126 Julia 197, 315 Juha F 361 Julia Whipple 230 Katharine Theresa . . . 109 Katharine Van Cortlandt 108 Katie 207 Kate R 229 Keziah . 179; (5) 188. 244; (6) 190, 220-4; (7) 206; (8) 209 Lambert 20 Lansing 236 Laura Naomi 66 Laura V 236 Lawrence Spencer ... 63 Le Garde S 62 Lemma Ann 99 I*ena F 210 Lester G 228 Leroy Goldsmith .... 65 Letitia 220 Letita Harris 210 Lewis 196 Lewis Oakley 296 Lillian Randell 65 Lindsay Coates . . 228, 231-2 Lizzie B 209 Loammi 338, 361 Lois A 365 Lord 7 Louis Bayard 121 Louise Mumford .... 68 ^"fy^- 365 Lula Doten 148 Lula Montgomery ... 148 Mabellc R 209 Mamie 148 Margaret . 32 ; <3) 54. 353; {6)70. 130; {9) 68 Margaret Ann 198 Moore, Margaret Ellen 206 Margaret Elliott .... 108 Margaret Lawrence . . . 150 Margaret Tolman .... 121 Margaretta 208 Marguerite 68. 237 Maria . . (6) 79, 88-9, 133; (7) 200-4 Maria Elizabeth .... 92 Maria Louise .... 64-6, 150 Maria Theresa . (6) 112-3; (7) n8-9 Maria Theresa Barring- ton 108 Maria Wales 93 Marianna 62, 151 Marie Hotcombe .... 220 Marion 148, 196 Marjorie Eloise 66 Martha 378; (4) 76; (5) 38-9; (6) 60, 252, 371 ; (7) 60, 296-7-8 ; (8) 206 Martha A 57 Martha Jemima 64 Martha Louisa 148 Martha Riker 65 Mary . . 35-9, 40. 52-3, 69 ; (3) 53-4. 350-1-8 ; (4) 38, 55-9. 76,97, 127, 176; (5> 39. 69, 129, 132-3. 306-11 ; (6) 59. 88, 150, 220-1, 252- 8-9. 262, 306-7, 365 ; (7) 206. 316; (8) 93, 210, . . ... . 314 ; (9) 207. 237 Mary Alice 148 Mary Ann 84-8,361- Mary Bragaw 65 Mary C 196, 236 Mary Catharine 242 Mary Clarke 108 Mary Cornelia 230 Mary E 239 Mary Eliza 147 Mary Elizabeth . . . 110, 210 Mary Elizabeth Mott . . 296 Mary Emma 208 Mary Eunice 229 Mary Jane . . (7) 64, 99 ; . . (8) 66, 198, 206, 231-2, 314 Mary Keys 364 Mary MaWina .... 228, 236 Mary McKean 236 Mary Peabody 148 Mary Randell 65 Mary Sammis 68 Mary Selina 93 Mary Virginia 197 Maxwell 230 May E 197 Meagher 148 Meda Brockway 230 Mercy 39. 324 Minnie 317 Montague James .... 148 Montague Montgomery 147-8 Morris Coates 231-3 Moses . . (5) 22, (Capt.) 313-5 Mr 30 Mumford 68 Nancy 365 Naphthali B 361-2 Nathan . . 22, 38-9, 189, 323-5 Nathaniel . 10-5-6-7. 18, 20- 3. 36. 52-6-8. 189; (3) 8, 35, 54. 69, i64» 176; (4) 41, 55. 76 ; (5) 23. 69, 70, 85, 95, 164-9. 188-9, 190 ; (6) 306. 361 : (7) 206 ; (8) 206 Nathaniel Fish .... iii-a Nicholas B 365 Norman B 228, 230 Olive 229 Olive Hammond 233 Olive Hayes 233 Olivia Smellie 236-7 Patience . 83 ; (4) 55-9. 7°- 6,98, 129; (5)98,133. M5; (6) 60-7 Pelatiah 55-3, 378 Perry 228 Peter Conrad 196-7 Phebe . 81; (4) 76,95. 169, 176. 248-9; (5) 83, 306- 7 ; (6) 39. 252, 360-1 ; (7) 307 Philip 22, 39 Phoebe A 65 MoORB, Phoebe Bethia 361 Rachel 361 Raimond D 236-7 Ralph E 365 Ralph Gilder 148 Rebecca . (5) 75, 306 ; (6) 41. 70-2, 241. 252-6, 306 ; (7) 228, 233 Rebecca B 60-2-4 Rebecca J 57 " Reckless Moore" ... 198 Reginald 5 Richard 5, 56-7. 306 Richard Channing ... 102 Richard Channing (Bishop) 98, 126 Dr. Richard Hoffman 118, 1*3 Richard Lawrence . . . 146-8 Richard P 57 Robert .... 83, (Maj.) 94-5-. Rowena 233 Roy 236 Russellwood 362 Ruth 357-8 Ruth S 365 Samuel . 14-6. 20, 52 ; (2) 8. 10-5-6-7, 20. 35-7, 40-1-2- 3-4-6-7-8, 50-1-2-3-4. 64, 127. 242; (3) 10-3. 41. 54- 5. 75. 85 ; (4) 8, 10-4, 38, 40, 54-5. 71. 97-8, 119. 168- 9, 176. 188, 244, 306 ; (5) 10-6. 20-2, 56. 67. 188, 345, 252. 306. 322 ; (6) 56, 70. 256. 272, 360-1 ; (7) 60 Samuel Clement 118 Samuel Hallett . (6) 59, ^ ■ ■ ■ 60. 75 ; (7) 68 Samuel H 200 Samuel L 84 Samuel Sitgreaves . . . 396-7 Dr. Samuel W (6) 112-4. 136 Sackett (4) 76, 85-7, 90. 176; ^ • (5)22.85-6 Sally 365 Sarah .89. 251, 357; (3) 54, 356-7-8, 369: (4) 54-5-8, 76. 98, 176, 319; (5) 56-9. 87. 94-5-8, 188, 305, 321; (6) 60-3, 88. 190, 213. 228, 306, 313-5. 360; (7) 51. 236-9, 307. 315; (8) 196-7-8; (9) 230 Sarah Ann . . 93, 112, 135. 142. 150-2, 361 Sarah Blackwell 95 Sarah Catharine 210 Sarah Coates 228. 231 Sarah Elizabeth ... 68, 314 Sarah Green . . . 252, 296, 304 Sarah Helen 64 Sarah Leaming 212 Sarah Jane 60 Sarah Jemima 88 Sarah Lambert 126 Silas 220; (5) 359, 365 Stephen . . 20, 242; (5) 23, „ 82-3, 359. 360-1-5 Strong Vernon . (6) 57; (7) 57 Susan ... (7) 118, 200-s, ^ 325; (8) 228 Susan Ann 64-7 Susan Caroline 93 Susan Hallett 68 Susan Maria 361-3 Susanna 60, 112 SusanneA 230 Theodore 118, 121-2-3 Theodore Clement ... 122 Theophilus . . 179. 188-9. ^ao Sir Thomas 5, 6, 8 Thomas . 5. 36-8 ; (3) 8. 35 ; (5) 39. 56 : (6) 60-2, ^^ 1261(7)313; (8)62 Thomas B 198 Thomas G 296-7 Dr. Thomas Johnson . . 220 Rev. Thomas Lambert 98, 136 Thomas Smith 61 Rev. Thoroughgood . . , 157 Tiffany T 147 Col. Van Cleve 315 Van Zandt Mumford . . 68 Vernon 56-7 Virginia .... 57, 88, 196. 362 Viginia Higbee 196 Viscount 6 GENERAL INDEX 533 MooRB, Walter 196, 229 Walter Barre 65 Wilbur Edward 66 William . 35. 87, 100, 111- 2 ; (4)55-8; (5) 22. 98. 110, 188, 344, 300 ; (6) 56. 112, 124 ; (7) 206 ; (8) .... 93, 206-8, 362; (9) 93 William Alexander ... 148 William Bates ■ . . . . 57 William Bancroft .... 93 William Benedict . . . 231-3 William Berrien 57 William C 92 W^illiam Constable . 118,120-1 William Crawford .... 196 William E 3^4 William F 365 William Harding .... 365 William Harrison .... 361 William Henry .... 362-4 Col William Henry . . 198 William Hill 196 William Israel .... 88, 94 William Ivins 93 William J 229 Dr. William Oliver ... 62 William Sackett . . 87-8, 321 William Scoville no William Stewart .... 150-1 William Taylor . . . 108, no William Underbill ... 63 74 Moor's Head, the 6 Morgan, Abigail 321 Arabella 326 201 MORRELL, Harriet 146 Robert 10 Thomas 10 Morris. Daniel 173 Gouverneur 118 Mr . 19 Nathaniel 173 Robert 118 W 168 William 350 Morrison, HarleyJ 232 John 232 Robert Alexander . . 232 Morse, Dorothy 67 Capt. E 67 John 52 MoRSELis, lohn 82 Morton, Edwin 240 Gen 117 Mott, Adam a8s Anna 268 Charles 285 Edward Thomas . 263-7-8, 279 Elizabeth 268 Elizabeth Catharine ... 263 Gershom 285 Jacob 18 Jane Markrina 264-8 John 165, 263 Capt. John 22, 86-7 Martha Moore 264-9 Mary 268 Mary Moore 263-8 Rettie Roh 268 Richbell 165 Sarah 284 Sarah Ann 263-4 Solomon . 284 Thomas 263 Dr. Valentine 117. 259 William Beckett . . . 252, 263 Moulder, Augustine 93 Benjamin Moore ... 93 Charles B 93 Charles S 93 Sarah 93 Mur>GE, William 170 MuiRHEAD, Andrew . 189, 327, 340, 392 Anna 3^7 Alfred 327 EHxabeth 381 George 327 Henry P 327 John 327. 340 John G 327 Jonathan 340 Lillian 32? Sarah 327, 339 William 81, 339 William Harrison . . 86 MULFORD.John 7 Muller, Hellitje 146 MuNET, Princess 109 Mure, Adam, see Moore. Murphy, Kate 229 Murray, Robert I 117 Myers. Elizabeth 284 Myster, Louise 337 N. Nash, Mary 354 Stephen P 139 Nassau, Dr. Charles F 334 National Guard 91 Naulty. Peter 155 Neal, Joseph 264 Neeley, Letitia 393 Neely, Elizabeth 243 John 243 Negus, Bennett B 155 Neilson, Charlotte 136 Nelson, Sibe 70 Nesbitt, Fred 342 Nevins, Sarah Catharine .... 60 Newhall, Alice 162 Donald 162 Henry G 162 Lila 162 Newlin. Rev. Joseph D 270 Newman, Rev. Samuel 375 Newspapers &c. : American, Trenton True . . . 260 Athenaeum, N. Y 13S Casket 264 Congregationalist 9 Emporium, Trenton 96 Express. Easton 266 Farmer, New tlugland .... 264 Farmer, Northampton .... 273 The Fountain 264 Gazette, Rivington's 16 The Gift 264 Gleaner, The National .... 264 Gr.iduate, Post 63 Journal of Medicine, New England 260 Journal, N. Y. Medical and Physical 11 1 Journal, Warren 315 Recorder, The American Med- ical 260 Recorder, Episcopal 264 Register. American Medical and Philosophical iii Register, Norristown .... 264 Reporter, N. Y. Medical . . . 260 Reporter, Pennsylvania . . . 264 Repository, N. Y. Medical . . iii Magazine,Godey's Ladies* Na- tional 264 Magazine, Graham's 264 Magazine, Harper's 14 Magazine of History and Bi- ography, Pennsylvania . . 267 Magazine, Lehigh Valley Med- ical 349 Messenger, Family 264 News, Engineering 373 Opal 264 Pennsylvanian 262 Post, N- Y. Evening 315 Post, Philadelphia 149 Post, Saturday Evening . . . 264 Press, Free 266, 27S Press, Philadelphia. . . . 264, 332 Sentinel, The Easton 266 Spirit of Pennsylvania . . 260, 273 Spirit of the Times 265 Times. N. Y 61 Trades Union, N. Y. National 315 Union, Washington 264 Whig. Northampton 278 N. J., Condition of, at beginning of Revolution 20 New Side 168 New Style 4 Newtown pippin 149 Newtown, L. I., Townhouse ... 13 Nichols, Mathias 170 NicOLL, Governor, etc . 37, 4a-3-4- 295 Nicholson, George 286-7 Hannah 287 Marcia 285-6-7 Rebeclcah 287 Sarah 287 Noel, Margaret Elizabeth . . . 159 Norris, Fanny 160-1 NORRIS, Francis Wyatt 161 George Somerville . 159, 160 Hannah Gaither .... 160 Henry Franklin .... 160 Jessie 161 Jessie Somerville .... 160 Joseph Couthoni .... 161 Katharine I 162 Katharine Isabella . . . 160 Margaret Allis 161 Mary Gordon 160 Richard Horton .... 160-1 Susan Voss 160 Whitton Evans 161 William Allis 161 William Wyatt 160 North, Abigail 392-4 Emma Tripp 67 Norton, Delia M 230 Egbert T 228, 230 Henry M 230 Mr 355 Dr. Ralph 82 Walter M 230 Norwood. Frances Alecia .... 304 NosTRAND, Catharine 352 o. Odell, Richard 27 Odenwelder, Sibylla 265 Oelrichs, Lucy 145 Ogden, Catharine Elizabeth . . . 108 Clement Moore 10S-9 David 173, 354 Elizabeth Morris .... 203 Francis Ludlow ..... 108-9 Dr, John Doughty .... 108 I^ouis de Lnze 108 Margaret Van Cortlandt 108 Mary 173 Mary Moore 108 Samuel G 153 Olderslaw, Emma C 298 Old style 4 Olive, Thomas 288 Oliver, Marcella Emma .... 149 Olssen, Rev. Dr 121 O'Mara, Bridget 300 Ord. 199 Ormsbv, Frank 342 Frank Gratacap .... 342 Orpwood, Ellen Gustin 207 Emma 207 Grace 207 Lucy 207 Mary Elizabeth . . . 207 Thomas 206-7 William Hagany . . . 207 Orr, Alexander 200 Benjamin Grayson aoo Eliza Moore 201 George Lee 201 John 200 John Moore aoo Preston 201 Rev. Robert, ix William Grayson aoo OsBORN, Dr. Samuel 259. Osten, Minnie 335 OSTRANDER, Rachel Ann .... 64 OsvpALD, Captain 225. Overseers, duties of 45-6 Overzee, Mr 293 Owen, Elizabeth 118 John 287 OXLEY, Henry 166 P. Paine, Mary 359 Palmer, Charles 10 Edmund 167 Elizabeth 67 James M 269 Richard 82 Samuel 366 Walter 366 188 Pancoast, Esther 96 John 96 Papkn, Herfert 284 Parckll, William 42 Parke, Andrew 166 John 166-7 Jose 166 Roger 166-7, 287 Parker, Caroline 228 Clara May 9a "->, 53-t GENERAL INDEX Parker, Edith M 337 Elizabeth 372 George H 337 Governor 96, 151 Isaac 39 Capt. Lewis 88, 90 Gov. W. F 278 3<8 Parkes, Rachel 387 Parrott, James 70 271 Parsons, sir Lawrence 7 Richard 7 Sir William 7 Parry, Mifflin 264 Pate, Reece 240 Patent, Kieffs Patten, Hannah 218 Paterson, Major-General .... 140 Patterson, Clara Devor .... 266 Ella Foering .... 266 Elmer Ellsworth . 267 General 189 James Buchanan . . 266 Marie Davenport . . 267 Mary Matilda . . . 266 Ruth 267 Samuel 265 Samuel DeWees 262-4-6-7 Samuel Sherwood . 265 Sarah Ann 266 Judge William ... 137 William Comstock . 266 William Mott . . . a6s Patton, Dr 259 Paul, Col. Charles R 152 Charlotte 379 Theodore 379 Paxton, Rachel 323 Payne, Will 286 Peabody, Sarah E 147-* Peacock, Will 286 Peck, Catharine 320 David 173 Edward 67 James Milnor 67 Joseph 173 Sarah 67 Talcott 67 Peerage, Burke's 6 Pegg, a negro woman 168 Pblletreau, W. S 105 Pellew, Henry E 144 Pellice, 359 Pendleton, Anna P 398 Hon, George H . . 396 Dr. J. M 117 Hon. Nathaniel G . 396 Penn, Capt. J. A 233 Cora 271 William . 31, 164, 232, 271, 284 Pennford, John 288 Pennington, Governor . . 224-8,355 Pennington Road 85 Pepy's Diary 157 Pepper, Henry I 206 Mary 208 Perrine. Abbie 377 Lewis 307 Mary 307 Perry, Christopher Grant ... 150 Edmund 151 Franklin 151 John Moore 151 Com. Oliver H . . . . 119,151 Oliver Hazard ... 40, 150-1 Person, Job 358 Peters, 33" Peterson, Hannah 228 236 Petition to Lord Cornbury .... 42 Pettey, Edward 358 Pettit, Jane 350 John 250 Mary 35 Nathaniel 350 Thomas 36, 250 Phelps, Thaddeus 136 Philip of Spain 6 Phillips, Aaron 77-8 Abbie 77 Abigail 179 Alice 255 Amos 78 Andrew 320 Ann Elizabeth 77 Anna 78 Annie 78 Phillips, Annie E 78 Bert 78 Caroline 78 Catharine 377 Charity 78 Charles 377 Charles T 377 Christopher 182-8 Cornelia 77 Daniel 48 David 77-8, 377 Edmund 388 Edward 78 Elijah 377 Elizabeth .... 77, 179, 377 Elmer 78 EmmaB 378 Enoch 377 Ephraim 377-8 Eva 144 Francei 181, 241 Frances E 378 Frank 78 Frederick 78 Capt. Frederick .... 125 Rev. George . 54, 18s, 377, 386 George 185, 378 George E 378 Hannah 181 Harriet 77-8 Harriett 311 Helen 378 Capt. Henry 22 Henry G 78 Hezekiah 179 Horace 77-8 Isaac 377 Isabella 78, 378 Israel 77-8, 3>i James 78, 3>5 Jane M 377 J. Walter 378 John . 77, 179, 185, 313, 377 Capt. John 23, 377 John S 377 John Smith 77 John V 377 Joseph 77, 181, 376 Joseph M 377 Juliet 386 Keziah 176-7 Letitia 77 Levinia 77 Lieutenant-Governor . 185 Lillie 78 Liscomb 77 Livingston 78 Louisa 77 McAlpine 378 Mahala 320 Margaret 77 Maria 77 Martha 377 Mary . 78, 112. 124, 179, 181, 377-8, 381-2-5 Mary A. B 378 Millie 377 Montgomery 349 Penelope 315, 324 Peter 338 Capt. Philip 22 Philip ... II, 169, 181, 324 Rebecca Ann 77 Rhoda 188, 220 Robert H. C 378 Ruth 377 Samuel 78, 185 Sarah 77-8, 377, 388 Sarah B 313 Sarah E 378 Sarah Virginia .... 77 Scudder 78 Simeon 189, 387-8 Sylvester 77 T'heophilus . 11,47,178, 180-2, 241, 377, 386 Thomas .... 76-7, 313, 377 Virginia 78 Wendell 185 Wesley 77 William . . 78, 179, 181, 317. 376-7 William E 378 William R 377 Dr. William W. L ... 378 Zerubabel . . 184, 377. 386 Phoenix, Daniel 130 Phoenix, Jennet 130 Piatt, Dr. William F 259 PicKELS, Sallie 210 Pierce, Sarah 366 Pierrepont, Hezekiah B. . . 113, 14a John Jay 113-4 Julia E 142-3 Pierson, Abraham 25-^7 Achsah 392-3 Benjamin 173, 361 David 357 Delia 36a Elijah 361 Elizabeth 367 Hannah 130-I Henry 7, 27 Hiram 367 Matthew 359, 367 Mr 173 Capt Philetus 35 Prudence 367 Ruth 370-1 Silas 361-2-7 Theophilus ...'•■ 357 321 Pietersen, Roelof 42 PiGMAN, Americus Simpson ... 231 Laura 231-2 Pillars, the seven of Milford . . . 174 PiNKERTON, Rev. Samuel .... 362 Pippin, the Newtown 40 Platt, Henry 389 Rev 121 Plum, David 370 George 224 John 173 Sally 224 Poem on destruction of two oaks in Ewing Churchyard 11 Poictiers, battlefield of 356 POLHEMUS, John 18 Pollock, Helen Hill 342 POMEROY, Anna Eliza 146 George G 146 Helen 146 Isaac Hart 146 Phoebe Hart 146 Theodore Keese . . . 146 Porafret and Pontepact 157 POMP, Susannah M 339 POOL, Austin Meigs 222 John 221 Mary 221 Peter V 221 Samuel Holcombe .... 221-2 William Bayard 221 POPE, Joseph 286 PORCHER, 220 PORTER, Col. Andrew 372 Gov. D. D 264 Edmund 262 Dr. Edmund 252-8 Eleanor 220 Eliza M 372 Elmira 228 John 172 James Madison (Judge) 372. (Jr) 372 (3d) 372, (4th) 372 Leonidas 262 Thomas 220 Prof. Thomas C 220 Thomas Miner 262 PoRTEUS, Bishop 126 POSEY, Florence N 334 Post, Henry C 108, no Lucretia I08, no William 43 Dr. Wright IIS Potter, Douglass 331 Florence 331 Frederic W 331 Henry A 330-1 Katharine C 331 Kenneth 331 Margaret 331 Thomas 331 Victoria 255 William M 366 Potts, Ann 96 David 284 Ellen 96 Gardiner L 96 Jane 284 John a83 Rev. John (Appendix) . . 279 Joseph J83 Mary 96 GENERAL INDEX 535 Potts. Mary Elizabeth 386 Sarah a83 Stacy 96 Judge Stacy 386 Stacy Gardiner 96 Thomas 96, a83 Thomas, Sr., "Honest Thomas" 284 Thomas Maxwell 283 William 96 Potts's Mills 284 Powatahuman 53 Powell, G. C Joi Jeremiah 155 POYER, Rev. Thomas 10, 54 Praa, Peter 4» Praul. Ahram 318 Presbyterians 9 Presbyterj' of Philadelphia .... 9 PRESTON.'George W 200 Orra Virginia 200 Sarah 90 Prevost, General 104 Price. Hannah 190-9 James 11 John 168 Joseph 166-7 377 Primmer, Isaac 77 Proclamation 49 Proctor, General 189 James Howe . . . . 72 John Riker 72 Mary Jackson .... 72 Col Thomas 303 Thomas Emerson . . 72 Prout. Ebenezer 78, 314 Love 176-8 Provoost, Bishop 100-2 Provost, Colonel 382 Eugene 382-3 Prudden (Prodden, Protten), Abigail 353-4 Grace 172 Joanna . 54, 88, 164-8, 170-6, 353-4 Rev. John ... 94, 168, 170, 353 John, Jr 54. 353 Keziah 94 Margarett 53 Rev. Peter .... 168, 174, 353 Samuel 172 PUDINGTON, Robert 32 PULLEN, Eugene H 221 PUMROY, Mr 9 Purby, Jane 7 PURDY, Anna Mary 73 Charles Moore 73 Cornelius 70-2 David John 72-3 David Suydam 73 Eliza Jane 72-4 Elizabeth L. H 73 Lydia Louise 73 Maria Cornelia 72-3 Martha 72 Mary Ellis 72-3 Mr 41 Samuel H 116 Sarah Dustan 72-3 Violet 73 Wybert 73 Puksel, Clara 267 Helen 267 Mary Louisa 267 Philip 267 Ruth 267 Thomas 267 Thomas Stone 267 Pyne, Rev. Thomas 263 Q. Quakers lo Quebec Bill, The i6 QUICK, Anna 33 Carrie 312 Esther 312 Fannv 312 Gershom C 312 Mar>- 312 Samuel M 311 Titus 312 William 33. 300-12 R. Race. Dr. Henry 284 Railroads : Camden and Atlantic .... 202 Railroads : Camden and Amboy 89 Hudson River 120 New York and Erie 201 Pennsylvania 90, 266 Philadelphia and Reading . . 202 Philadelphia and Trenton . . 90 Randal, 156 Randall, Helen I,ouise 61 Marion 121 Randell. Eliza A 65 Eliza A. R 65 Rapelye (Rappalie, Rapalje) Anna Maria 128 Annie 73 Cornelius 82 Daniel 99 David Purdy 72-3 George 99 Jane 99 Jeromus 17 John 99 Joris 99 Lavinia 65 Sarah 64 Sarah Jane 128 Rapp, Ellen P 304 Joseph 304 Sarah Ann 304 Rauch, Rev. F. A 361, 364 Raymond. Edwina 196-7 Raynor, Rev. John 176 Rea, Horace V, 229 Reakert, Cornelia 'WoodhuU Hart 221 Edwin Landis 221 Edwin Lardner .... 221 Joseph 220-1 Lardner 221 Mary Wilmer 221 Theodore 221 Virginia 221 Reception, Washington's, at Tren- ton 213 Redfern. S. Edward 220 Redman, Elizabeth 385 Reed (Read, Reid), Asa .... 350 Bowes 178 Charles 169 Elizabeth- 127, 322 (widow) 242, 251 Israel 350 John 53. 166 Joseph 53. 350 Mr. Justice 52 Mary . 35, 40, 53, 127. 242, 251. 384 Naomi 189 Nathaniel 189 Rebecca 78, 90 Susanna 384 Thomas 53, 165-6-7 William 249, 350 Reeder, Alfred 309 Amos 308 Andrew H 277 Charles 327 Hannah 92 Isaac 308 Joanna . 242-g, 450, 306, 327 Jacob 69, 242 John 250, 308 Virginia 307-8 Reeves, Elizabeth 360-1 Emilie Bertha 218 John Warren 218 Joshua Hand 217-8 Nathan 360 Reinbold, Susan 196-8 Remsen. Capt. Abraham .... 19 Renaudet, Anna 118 Rknne, Hannah 127 James 7. 97, 1*7 Margaret 127 Mary 127 Sarah 10, 127 Renwick, Prof. J 117 Republican Party, formation of . 145 Reuck, Catharine 239 Elizabeth 239 George 239 Harriet 239 J. Monroe 239 Revell. Thomas 10, 165, 250 Reynolds. George 316 G, U 316 Marion 240 Rice, Captain 190 Rice, Caroline Abigail 305 Ellen Leuora 305 Helen Christina 305 Jane 323 Joseph Williams 304-5 Tillie 239 Rich. Fanny 160 Richard. Edwin 68 Richards, Annabelle Elliott . . 202 Benjamin Wood ... 143 E. Bartram 202 Elizabeth Ellison . . 202 Margaret 265 Mary 202 Meta Ellison 202 Natalie 202 Samuel aoa Samuel Bartram . . . 202 Sarah 20a Sarah I^ippincott . . 142-3 Thomas 173, 202 Thomas John 202 William 143 Winifred 202 Richart. Christiana 266 Richardson, Jno 36 Lydia 218-9 Rev. Mr 205 RICHBELL, Ann 385 Edward 289 John 285 Ridgeway, Colonel 308 RiEGBL, Benjamin F 333-5 Lizzie Malvin 335 RiGHTER, John 302 RiKER (RyCKEN, DE RYCKE, RY- der), Abraham .... 55, 71, 130-1 Abriana 131 Adelbert Gage 67 Alpheus B 131 Capt. Andrew .... 70-1, 130 Ann Exceen 130 Anna Elvira 130 Anna L 71 Audrey Townsend ... 72 Charles Cook 67 Charles Lawrence .... 72 Cornelius Luyster .... 67 Daniel P 130 Daniel S 132 Elizabeth Piatt 130 Elsie Louisa 67 Eva Ketcham 67 Frances Townsend ... 72 Fred Hathaway 67 Grace 69 Grace Meuonee 67 Grace Moore 67 Hannah 131 Henry 132 Henry IngersoU 72 Henry Laurens 71 Henry Mott 67 Jacob Mott 64-7 James Laurence 71 Jane 132 Jane Margaret 130 Jennet 130 John 132 John Hancock 130-1 John Jackson 71 John L 130-a John Lawrence ... 13, 71-5 Joseph H 64 Julia L 132 Lavinia 72 Li%'inia 132 Margaret Moore . 72, 131, 150 Margaret S 71 Martha Jackson ..... 72 Martha Moore 71 Mary 32, 72 Mary A 132 Mary B 131 Mary Moore 64 Mr 43 Nathaniel Moore .... 71 Patience L 130 Rebecca P 130 Richard 57, (Recorder) 130-1-2, 150 Rodney Moore 67 Samuel .... 71-2, 129, 130-2 Sarah Moore 67 Sylvaiius Smith ... 72, 132 William Edward .... 67 William J 132 William L 70 536 GENERAL INDEX RiNQO, Philip 167 RiNGOE, Miss 189 Riser, J. W 207 Risk. Dr. William Henry .... 329 RiTNER, Governor 277 RiTTER, Susan 255 RiTTENHOUSE, WilUam 315 Roach, Charles H 128 RoBB, Elsie B 209 Frank C 209 Helen E 209 ROBBINS, Job 388 Robert, High Steward of Scot- land 5 II. King 5 Edith 74 James 74 John 74 Marj' 74 Philip 74 Philip R 74 William Floyd .... 74 Roberts, Anna 243, 323 Edraund . . . .39, 321-4, 3S9 Eliza 323-4, 389 Elizabeth 390 Ephraira 324, 389 Margaret 321 Mary 388 Mary B 224 Nathaniel .■^89 Philip 189 Samuel 389-390 Robertson. Al 117 Robinson, Adalaide 195 Bertha Norris .... an Douglass 195 Edmund Randolph . 145 Edward Ivers .... 211 Edward Moore . . . 211 Estelle 211 John 2S5 J. Norris 210-1 Katherine E . . . 108, no Mary Bertha 211 May Estelle 211 Sarah Ellen 195 Steelmau 195 Thusnelda Wright. . 211 William Moore . . . 211 ROBisoN, William 74 RocKHiLL, Edward 168 RODGERS, Dr. J. R. B 115 Rodman, Mary 356 Thomas H 61 Rogers, Jabez 173 Rev. Joshua M 252 William 27, 382 RoH, Anna Maria 263-7-8 Rolf, Elizabeth 359 ROLOFSON, Widow 37 Rose, ICbenezer 178 Rev. John T 152 Ross, Alice 218 Bertha 215 Captain 270 Clarence 215 Dorcas 215 Edmund Lee 214-5 Edward 217-8 Edward Jackson 93-4 Emma R 215-6 Ella ....■■ 215 Ellen Moore 214-6 Eva 218 Fanny Hutchings 94 Frank 21& Franklin Moore 217 Frederick Connor 217 Garrett Mott 217 George Washington .... 214 Georgie 215 Hannah 215-6 Howard H 215 Ida 215 James S 216-S John 214-7-8 John H 215 John Moore 217 Josephine Hand 217-8 Julia 215-8 Julia Ann 214-5 Lida Cram 94 Lilian Benizet 217 Lewis Hand 217 Lydia Leaming 217 Mary 215 Ross, Mar>' E 215 Rachel 270 Sarah 214 Thomas 214-7 William Allen 218 Wilson 214 Rowley, Anna 229 Clara 229 Florence 229 George B 229 Harry 229 John Clark 229 Marigold 229 Nellie M 229 Royal Archivist, 29 RUDD, Samuel 115 RUNIAN, John 11 Thomas 11 RuNKLE, Adam D 342 Frances 385 RosH, Jerome S 298 Townsend H 298 Russell, Alfred 209 A. Raymond 209 W. W 153 Rutgers, Alice 113 Anthony 113 RUTLEDGE, Edward 156 Rust. Eliza 228 Rdyver. C. V 33 Ryder. Elizabeth 64 Ryerson, Andrew B 70 S. Sackett, Anna 54i 97 Captain 52 Daniel 40 Elizabeth .... 54. 75, 97 Joseph . 9, 10, II, 42-8. 51-3. 75. 97 Patience 129. 142 Rev. Samuel 97 Sarah 54. 75. 97 Simon 75 Thomas 10 William 10, 56 Sadler, Thomas 164 Safety. Committee of 48,338 Sager, Catharine 323 John 323 Salter, Mary 394 Saltonstall, family of ... . 68 Sammis. Elizabeth Ann 68 Sampler, Sarah Potts's 283 Sanberry, Lambertge 112 Sanders, Eliza 232 Maria L 147 Sandford (Sanford). Abigail . 368 Benjamin F 368 Caroline E 368 Charles 368 David 367-8-9 Elizabeth 357 Esther 368 Ezekiel 358. 368 Helen A 368 Henry L 368 Hiram 367-8 Isaac 368 James 368 James L 368 John A 368 John R 368 Levina 367 Lewis 369 Nathan L 368 Phebe 368 Robert 358, 368 Sarah 368 Sylvanus 368 Thomas 260 Zechariah 369 Sands, Augustus 68 Sargeant, Elizabeth 188 Saunders, Robert 155 Sayre, Anna 193 Anne 359 Charles 193 Daniel 359 Edith 193 Elwood 193 Jerry 193 Job 27, 189 Mar>' 193 Thomas 192-3, 359 William 193 Willie 193 Scellex, Jacob 358 ScHANCK, Ida H 385 Scbeets. Henry 302 Schellinger, John S 215 Schermehhorn, Charles H . . . 298 Helen 298 Marion .... 298 Schenck, Garret 242 Ida 394 John 244 Rev. Noah H 396 Sarah 241 Schieffelin, William Henry . . 145 Schillinger. Josephine . . . 192-3 Schmidt, John Wilhelm .... 113 Laura F 113 Schober, Eugene Clarence . . . 269 Frederick . . . 268-9, ^73 Irene Maude 296 Isadore 269 Marion Rosalie .... 269 Mary Minerva .... 269 Maud 269 Orville 269 Samuel 264-8 Samuel Markrina . . . 269 Wilhelm Ignatz .... 269 ScHOCKOY, Elizabeth 302 Schoolhouse lot in Pennington, N.J 169 Schoolmaster, first, at Newtown, L. I 13 Schools, free 13, 261 Schreiber, George Walter . . . 207 Henry 207 Schroeder, Gilliat 72 Henry 72 Henry A 72 Henry H 72 Selina Richards . . 72 Schuyler, Alida 137 Casperus 173 Philip Pietersen . . . 137 Science, Handbook of Medical, Woods' 63 Scotch Road 79. 85 Scott, Alexander 167 Benjamin 288 C. Edward Maurice . . . 212 John 359 Lewis W 387 Widow Mary 88 Moore 189, 391 T. E 240 Sir Walter 139 Walter 212 SCUDDER, Abigail 387 Abner 88, 9a Alexander 323 Alfred 323 Ann 242-J Anna 380 Catharine 323 Charles 379, 380 Daniel 92, 323 Edward 380 Elias 323 Elizabeth . . . 294, 307, 380 EUa 380 Hervey 380 Jededi^ah ... 88, 242, 322-3 Jemima 88 John ... 92, 242, 294, 323-6 Joseph 3S0 J. Smith 86 Lilian 380 Louise Augustine . . 308 Margaret 380 Prudence 309, 326 Rebecca . . 88, pa, 387, 390 Richard 242 Richard Belts 242 Sarah . . . 322-3, 3S0, 392-3 Sarah A 380 Thomas 92, 242 Uriel T 380 Willhanna 86 William . . 86, 307, 323, 380 Scull, Nicholas 122 Seabury. Bishop 102 Seals 8 Seaman, Dr. V 259 Seats (See Country). Seitz, Mathilda 345 Selfridgk, Capt. Thomas O . . . 269 Sellers, Elizabeth 228 Seltzer, Myrtle 234 GENERAL INDEX 537 Semams. Annie 196-7 Sergeant, Frances 15: Thomas 151 Servis. l,ucy 394 Severens ^Severance, Sevbr- ANS), Benjamin 48, 167 John 249 Theophilus 81-2 Sexton, Elizabeth 377 Ruth 377 Shaffbuch, Elizabeth 338 Shaffer. Rev. Charles F . . . . 243 Shallcross, Lewis 389 Sharp, PrisciUa 206 Sarah 316 Sharpless, iia Shatwell, George 96 Matilda 96 Shaw, Harvey 190 James 193 Walter 193 Sheafer, Clinton W 331 I^esley G 331 William I* 3301 Sheaff, Mary 359 Shepard, Abby Y 366 Dr. Charles H 367 Chauncey 366 Chester 366 Daniel M 367 David 365 Elizabeth M 366 Eunice 366 Hannah 359, 365-6 Harry F 367 Hiram 366 Isaac 366 James F 366 Jared 366 Joseph 366 Josiah 359 Lewis M 367 Lucy G 366 Margaret 366 Martha M 366 Nancy 367 Pierce 367 Ralph 359 Rev 172 Simon 365-6 Squire 366 Susan H 366 Sylvaiius 365 Timothy 367 William 366 Dr. William H .... 367 Sherman. Gardiner 108 John 174 John H 155 Mamie Alice 62 &HBRRERD, Jane Maxwell .... 328 Samuel 328 Sarah M 328, 333 Shbwbll, Elizabeth 347 Joseph 347 Robert 347 ShipeS, Emily 77-8 Ships : Abeja 153 Ann 356 Arabella 185 Baco 153 Betsy 134 Bristol 157 Bristol Merchant 158 Chesapeake 269 Dale 151 Despatch 253 The Enterprise 253 Fortune 159 Georgia 269 Hector 174 Hidalgo 62 Hopewell 375 James 56 Jersey 151 Kent 287 Leandro 153 London 157 Martha 13 Martin 174 Mary Ann 70 Mayflower 159, 361 Mifflin 151 Nestor 20 Niagara 269 Ossory 157 Pensacola 269 Ships : Portsmouth 157 Prudent Mary 157 Rainbow 157 Raveuswood 68 Reiaca 269 Rhode Island 269 Saginaw 369 Saratoga 71 Shield 287 Stonewall 269 Unity ■ ■ Victory 157 Yorktown 70 Z line 122 Shnyder, Peter 248 Shoals, John 17-8 Shober, Rev 121 Shoener, Frank E 334 Shopshire, Channing .... 195 Charles Augustus . 195 Sarah Catharine . . 195 Shott. Rev. G. M 240 Shreve. Elizabeth H 89, 90 Capt. H. M 253 Ralph 89 Shumaker. Jacob 284 Shute, Helen 336 Sarah 60 SiCKBL, Mayor gi Simcoe, Colonel 156 SiMONSON, Jeremiah 7a Minnie 225 SiMPKlNSON, Eva 254 Henry 254 John 254 Lizzie 254 SiNGj Mary Elizabeth 108-9 Sinking Fund 91 SiTGREAVES, Hou. Samucl . 248, 27a Skidmore, Jeannie 294 Skjllern, Ross Hall 372 Skjllmaw, Catharine 396 Thomas .... 13, 42, 392 Skinner, Abraham 83 Alfred Newton .... 255 Cornelia 255 Cory 255 Daniel 254-5 Frank Erwin 255 George 255 George Cah-in 255 Horace 355 James B 255 Jane 257 John Calvin 254-5 John Gregg 255 Katharine 255 Mary Rebecca 255 Sarah Moore 255 Walter Moore 255 Rev. William 157 William Harvey . . . 355 Skjrm, Abram 79. 82, 390 A«a F 79 Charles Henry 79 Elizabeth 79, 390 Emily Maria 79 Margaret 79, 390 324 Slack, Eleanor 320 Leona H 90 Mary 78 Richard 78 William B 90 Slavery on Long Island 14 in New Jersey 15 Sloane, Priscilla Dixon 152 Smedley, Mary 366 Smillie, Elizabeth 237 Frederick 237 Dr. George 237 Jessie 237 Smith, Ann 188, 240-1 Anna 77. 305 Dr. Alberto 153 Abigail 305, 345 Abigail Townley ..... 296 Anderson 77 Andrew . 85, 168, 240-1, 311, 3S7 Anthony 190 Anthony B 216 Benjamin 390 Beulah K 235 Captain 293 Charles M 228, 233 Clarence 216 Collins 233-5 Smith, Cora 235 David 296 Edraond 216 Eleanor Jones 74 Elizabeth Denton .... 60-1 Emily 206 Emma L 210 Flora Rebecca 235 Floyd 117 Garwood 216 George 305 G- W 305 Gouvemeur M 62 Hannah 339 Hannah E 206-9 Henderson 233-5 Henry 74 J 41 Jane 305 Jasper . 11, 165-8. 182. 323. 334 John . 53, 79, 166, 1S8, 240, , ^ 286, 305, 317 John R 391 Jonathan . 176, 240-1-4, 305- ■ 6,311,381 Joseph 214, 240 Dr. Joseph M 116 Judith 284 Jules Thomas 235 Keturah 305, 388 Kenneth Kennedy .... 235 Lavinia 130-2 Lindsay 233 Lindsay Moore 235 Maria 130-2 Mark D 235 Mary . 77-8, 188. 214-5, 233- 5. 244. 381-3. 391 Nehemiah 171, 305 Olive S 235 Paul K 235 Phebe 305 Ralph 166 R. Dayton 209 Richard 77, 166 Robert W 209 Ruth 392-3 Samuel 311 Sarah . . 79, 305, 317, 323, 377-8 Sidney Tangiers 74 Susan A 61 Sylvanus 130 Thomas. . . 11, 18, 166, 233-5 Timothy 189 Walter 235 Widow 127 Col. William 153 — - 30s. 381 Smythe, Governor 156 Snediker. Jan 60 Jannetie 60 Sneath. Rev. Richard 302 Sneed, Francis 307 Sneider, John 41 Snow, H.N 260 Snowden, Col, A. Louden .... Mary 92, 323 Snyder. Elizabeth B 236 Society : Academy of Medicine, N. Y 62 Alumni of Charity Hos- pital 62 American Academy of Fine Arts 117 American Academy of Medicine 348 American Bible 144 American, of Civil Engi- neers 143, 373 American Polk Lore . . . 267 American Geographical and Statistical 145 American Institute of Architects 143 American Institute of Mining Engineers . 342, 373 American Medical .... 348 American Philosophical . 342 Beneficial, of Easton, the Northampton 277 Bible and Common Prayer Book, N. v.. 102, 138, aux 117 Corporation for the Relief of Widows and Children of Clergymen of the Protestant Episcopal Church, State of N. Y . . 102 53S GENERAL INDEX Society : Choral, Nyack 120 Chemical and Patholog- ical, Denver 396 Cincinnati 118 City Mission 138 Colonial Dames 266 German, of Penna .... 267 Hibernian 265 Historical, N. Y 137 Historical, Moravian . . . 267 Historical, Penna 266 Horticultural, N. Y . ... J17 Hospital, N. Y 117 Huguenot 145 Library, N. Y 137 Medical, Univ. of Penna. 260 Medical, Connecticut . . . 259 Medical, County of N. Y . 111 Medical, Hunterdon Co. . 395 Medical, District, of the County of Hunterdon, formation of 260 Medical Institution of the State of New York . . . 259 Medical, State of N. Y . . 62 Medical, Nurthanipton Co. 348 Medical, Somerset Co . . 395 Medical, St. Bartholomew's 260 New England 61 N. Y. Hospitals 139 Ophthalmological, N. Y . 62 American Ophthalmolog- ical 62 Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts .... 126 Promoting Religion and Learning 138 Relief of Poor Widows, N. Y 133 Sons of the Revolution 151, 267 Smithsonian Institution . 140 St. George's, N. Y . . . . 125 St. Nicholas 150 St. Patrick's 134 Tract 13S Trenton Saving Fund . . 91 Solomon, Sarah 146 Sovereign. Sarah 76 Sowers. Daniel D 333 Daniel H 333 Spalding, Mary 366 Sparks, Hickman W 206 Spaulding, Lelian 218 Spemce, Abbie 195 Arlington 195 Clement 195 Keziah 195 Louetta 195 Ralph 195 Robert 82 Vada 195 Spencer, Rev. Elihu 188 Mrs. Lorillard .... 113 Spering. W 246 Spice, Ada J 73 SpiCER, Samuel 295 Spoons, Silver 321 Sprague, Henry 239 Spring, Edward 131 Dr. Edward 130-1 Rev. Gardiner .... 130-1 Preston 131 Dr. Samuel 130 Susan B 131 Springer, Benjamin 190-1 Clara 192 Jesse 191 Marcus 192 Mary 192 Mary H , 215 Stacy, Robert 288 Stagg, Lotta S 231-3 Stair, Earl of 200 Stanborough, Alice 214 Josiah 214 Mr 7, 26 Standing Committee of Diocese of N. Y 138 State Civil Service Commission . 148 St. Clair, Gen. Arthur 137 Steadman. Sallie Ann 233 Stephens, John 15B, 289 Thomas 369 Stevens, Dr. A. H 117 396 Stevenson, Abigail .... 132, 395 BC 255 Stevenson, Capt. Daniel . 38, 40, 97 Edward 42, 295 Eleanor Foster ... 194 Frank R 270 Herbert 194 Dr. J. B 117 Jonathan 295 Thomas ... 42, 132, 295 William 288 Stewart, Anna 342-5 Charles F 343-4-5 Clarence D 346 Clarence P 344 Clement ...... 342-6 Edward F 342 Elizabeth 342 Ella 342 Ellen 342 Emily 342-6 Emily S 346 Frank Wells 344 Helen 344 John 338, 342-5 Laura 342 Marie 346-7 Mar\' 342-4 Ralph T 346-7 Rodney L 346 Russell C 345 Hon. Thomas .... 342 William 133 William G 342-4 Stiles, Eliza 190-4 Hannah 194 Jane 263 Nathaniel 263 Stillwell. Augusta 389 Charity 317 Daniel 322 Deborah 83 Elizabeth 324 Mary 98, 104 John 317 Phebe 317 Sarah 317 387 Stock Exchange 61 Stokes, Walter Watson 143 Stone. Bridget 2S8 Storm, Antie 63 Storms, Charlotte 325-6 Story, Elizabeth 91 Stout, Aaron 384 Benjamin 168 Daniel 384 David 95 Elizabeth 95-6, 390 Gideon 311 Henry 390 John 295, 384, 390 Jonathan 166-7, 39° Joseph 166-8 Lucy 293-5 Maria 390 Mary 392-4 Noah 242, 390-2 Rebecca 242-4, 390 Richard 295 Sarah 390 Theophilus 388, 392 Titus 390 391 Stov, Margaretta L 302 Willi Ann 302 Strettel, Robert 287 Stringer. Rev. John 302 Strong, Charlotte Remsen ... 72 James Remsen 72 Margaret Lawrence . . 72 Stryker, Aeltie 64 Adjutant General . 177, 189, 196 Jacob 386 Jan 57, 64-9. 112 Janet 112 Jaunetie 57. 69 Stuyvesant, Anna 144 Governor . . 13, 28, 30-1-2, 43. 54, 144. 291-4 Sullivan, John TO 155 Sumption, Mary 196 Surles, Carrie 379 Survey, Capt- Samuel Moore (2) . 41 SussDORFF, Elsie Purdy .... 74 Louis Albert 74 Ralph Hyatt 74 Sutphen, Hendricke 315 Sutphen, Mary Etta 377 Sutton, John 239 Mary 239 SuvDAM, Elizabeth 72 Sarah 221 Swain, Sophia 217 SWAINE, Francis '. 32 Swamp. Hempstead 37 Swan, Margaret 244 Rachel 325 Swartwout. 130 Swift, Edward 347 Dr. Joseph K 347 Mary 34y Swing, Elizabeth Fishback ... 232 Syers, Mary Ann 60-2 Symonds. Henry 25 Symson, Henry 286 Synod of Phila 312 T. Taggart, Robert 246 Talley, Elizabeth 228, 231 John 228 Mary E 208 Rowena 231-3 Tambling, Harvey 367 Tamma, Matilda E 233-5 Tapp. Edmund 174-5 Tappan, Halsey 367 Tarbill, John W 207 Tarvhr, Billison 147 Elisha 147 Martha M. A 146-7 Taylor, Dr. Augustus F. R . . 221-3 Bayard 264 Benjamin 89 Burroughs 85 Catharine Elizabeth . . 104 Catharine Neilson . . . 223 Eliza Ann 85 George 251 Hannah Maria . . . 85,307 John B 307 Laura B 310 Lydia 89 Mary Moore 223 Samuel 36, 310 Gen. Zachary 232 Teal, Edwin 240 Elizabeth 239 George 239 Jesse 239 John 239 Laura 239 Mary Ann 239 William 239 Tellier, Catharine 243 Marie Josephine .... 243 Peter 243 Temple, Abigail 319 Abraham 319 Ann 314 Anna 320 Asher 319 Aurelia 320 Benjamin . 161, 176, 319, 320 Charlotte 320 Cornelia 320 Elizabeth 319 Frances 319, 320 George 320 Hannah 320 Israel 320 Joanna 77, 169, 319 John 189, 319, 320 Jesse 320 Mary 320 Mary Eliza 320 Nathaniel 319, 320 Phebe 320 Return 3S8 Sarah 169, 319, 320 Susan 320 Timothy 319, 320 William 3:9, 320 Ten Eyck, Catharine 328 Tennant, Col. Bryce 253 Henriette 253 Terrick, Richard 100 Thatcher, Henrietta 395 Thomas, Edgar Y 197 Eusebia 397 Dr. John 394-7 Louise 235 Margaret 306, 356 197 GENERAL INDEX 539 Thomas, Emma Sophia 202 Thomson, Alexander 340 Anna 341 Archibald 340 Clark 341 Frank 340-1 Frank G 341 Rebecca 253 Dr. William 341 Rev. William 337 Thompson, Anna 215 Charles, Esq 213 Elizabeth 95 Jean Newbold .... 204 Judge John Oswald . 235 John Wallace .... 225 Juha W 227 Mar>- 374 Paul 203-4 Rodman Ellison ... 204 Thorwaldsen 125 Tiffany, Anna Moore 147 Rev. Frederick T . . . 146-7 George Peabody .... 163 Louis D 226 William R 147 TlLLlNGHAST, Frank H 366 TiLTON, Amanda 380 John, Jr 295 William 380 TiNDAL, Joseph 82 TiNGLEY, Abby 366 Nathaniel 360 Titus, Aaron 383 Abiel 375 Abigail 376, 382 Abijah 384-5 Adelaide 386 Admline A 387 Rev. Albert C 387 Amanda 384 Andrew 82, 17B, 380-1-2-3-4- 6, 390 Andrew R 96 Angeline 384 Anne 380-7 Asa 383-5 Azariah 384 Benjamin 59, 189, 379, 384-6, 391 Benjamin O 3S5 Benjamin W 379, 386 Burroughs 383 Charity 318, 386 Chandler W 387 Charles 381-2-3 Charles G 387 Caroline 384 Caroline E 382 Catharine 383-4 Capt. Content 9, 15, 32-5 48, 51. 250, 375-6 Cornelius 391 Cora 386, 390 David 98, 386 David L 318 Daniel C 385 Dennis 391 Sdmond 375 Edward 376, 387 Eliza 3S6 Elizabeth . . 379, 381-5-6-7, 391 Ella 386 Ellet H 382 Emma 387 Enoch 382-4, 391 Enoch A 385 Enos 384-6-7 Ephraim 166-7, '89, 376 Frank 380 Fernando W 387 Frederick 385 Furman 3S4-6-7 Gardiner 386 George 3S3-5, 391 George L 385 George W 381 Hannah . . 133, 149, 375-6-9, 381-S-7-8, 391 Harrison 386 Han-ey 3S7 Henry 381-6 Henrj- Birdsall 65 Henry P 41, 60-4-7 Capt. Henry T 382 Howard 387 Helen C 382 Ida 386-7 James t, 386 Titus, Jane 3S6, 391-2 Jemima 379, 384, 391 Jennie 386 Jesse 381-2 Joab 384 John . 166, 189, 376-8-9, 381-2-3-4 John G 385. 391 John W 387 Johnson 383-^-7 Jonathan 381 Joseph . 55, 76, 189, 305, 318, 375-8-9. 380-1-5-6 Julia E 382 Juliet 385 Lewis J 385 Liscomb R 386 Livingston 318 Lott 38» Louisa 384-6, 394 Lydia 376 Maggie 386 Margaret 379. 380 Margaret A 379 Maria 384-7 Marian Ann 382 Martha 376, 381 Mary . . 379, 381-2-3-4-5-6-7, 391 Mary Ann 3S1-6 Mary Jane 384 Nathaniel 384-6-7 Nathaniel R 317, 384-5 Negro, a 169 Noah 382-4 Penelope 385 Phebe 376, 381, 391-2 Philip 379, 3S2, 391 Priscilla 376 Randall 3S6 Rebecca 379, 381-5-7 Reuben 384-5. 39' Robert 375-6 Ruth 376-7 Ruth Ann 387 Samuel . . . 189, 375-8-9. 381-4-5 Samuel H 381 Sarah 380-3-5-6-7-8, 391 Sarah M 382-3 Silas 376 Silius 375 Smith 3S1-3 Solomon 383-4 Stacy 386 Stephen 381-2-3-4-7 Stryker 386 Susan 379. 384-5 Susanna 375-6. 391-2 Syrach 42 Tennis 42 Timothy . 167, 376, (Capt) 391 Theodocia 382 Theodore 382-4 Theodore F 381 Thomas 379 Urie 3S4 Driel 379 Uriel B 380 Wesley 3S6-7 William 384-5-6 William H 385 William J 381 William L 377 l88 Tobacco box presented to Nathan- iel Moore by Hessian prisoner 189 Todd, Rev. F. M 361 Harriet 360 Rev. Isaac 360 Robert 360 Toe, Samuel 32 ToLAN, Hugh .... 302 Tom, John 130 ToMKiNS, Mary 285 ToMLiNSoN, Ella 136 Tompkins, Gov. Daniel D . . . . 117 Isaac 360 Seth 173 TooKER, Augustine Moore .... 75 Tory party 15 TOWES, Captain 287 ToWLE, Perciffal 287 TowNSEND, Annie Rowena . . . 297 Charles M 210 Rev. Edward . . . 296-7-8 Edward C 298 Elizabeth 182 Elizabeth M 29S Flora May 212 Florence M 210 TowNSEND, Francis Mortimer . . 72 Frank 212 George R 210 Georgiana 87 Hannah 294 Helen M 298 Henry S 298 Herbert L 297 Jennie L 298 Jeremiah H 212 John 18, 93 Kate 93-4 Maria Durell .... 93-4 Marion E 298 Mary 191 Mar>' C 298 Dr. P. S 117 Sir Roger, Bart . . 1S2-8 S. B 41, 54. 69 Traill, Elizabeth 322, 338 Robert 248, 322, 338 Thomas 338 Train's Meadow 95 Traphagen, Henry L 229 Travers, Fanny 316 146 Tredwell, John 52 Treat, Mr 173 Trent, James 165 Mr ,65 Trenton, Battle of 87 Ferry 127 Library 169 Trico, Catalyntee 99 Joris 99 Trumbull, John 117 TucKBR, Augustine 58 Augustine Moore .... 58 Captain 22, 39 Samuel 82, 169, 327 54-8 Turner, Elizabeth 70 John 70 Rev. Dr 117 TuTTlLL, William 129—'' 'Twas the night before Christmas 104 Tweed, Agnes 217 U. Dlman, Julien Stevens 152 Underbill. Capt. John 292 Katharine 62-3 Updike, Archibald 387 Gisbert 294 Lawrence 11 Lydia 386 Mary 387-8 Williamson 386 Urquhart, Rev 9 Uytendalle, Eliza M 122 V. Vail, Elizabeth 367 Valentine. Charlotte 387 Valley Forge Court Martial . . . 372 Van Alst, Andrew 42 George 42 John 42 Van Allen. Janita 146 Van Arsdale, Rev. Jacob .... 352 Mary 352 Van Bright, 305, 317 Van Brugh. Catharine 137 Van Brunt. Eleanor 188, 190 Van Buvtenhuysen, Jan Gerrits 71 Van Camp, Catharine M . . . . 338 James 384 Van Cleve, Alexander G . . . . 391 Ann 3S4, 390 Anne 306 Augustus 31S Benjamin . . 79, 318, 390 Charity 319 Chreiuyonce . . 305. 3>5-7, 324 Christiana 317 Cornelia Moore . . . 238 Cornelius 306 Rev . Crook Stevenson 31*9 Eleanor .... 323-5, 390 Eliza 319, 390 Elizabeth . . . 313-5-7-8 Ely 305. 317 Harriet 307, 390 Henry 238, 386 Henry J 390 5io GENERAL INDEX Van Cleve, Henry W 376 Ishi 387, 390 James 390 James G 79. 390 Jane 306, 390 John . . . 338, 315-9, 323-4, 390 Col. John 313 John S 391 John Stevenson . . . 318 Joseph 317-9 Joshua B 319 Maria 323-5. 390 Martha 317, 377 Mary 319 Nancy 317 Noah 390 Penelope 317-9 Phebe Ann . . . 318. 386 Philip 376 Rachel 306 Samuel 317 Samuel E 319 Sarah . 306, 312-8, 389, 390 Wesley 319 William G 391 Van Cortland, Jacobus 144 Mary 144 Van Dam, Rip 42 Van Deventer, Harriet 61 Van der Donck, Adriaen .... 292 Vandergrift, 96 Vanderveer, John 394 Vandervoort, Peter 128 Van Doren, John 270 Van Dyke, Simpson 384 Vangilder, William 219 Van Hardenbergh, Arnoldus . 291 Van Harlingen, Martin . . . . 3S0 Van Kirk, Cornelius 306 Joseph 189 Van Luyt, Jan 71 Tryutie 71 Van Marter, Chreyjans .... 315 Neeltie 315 Van Middleworth, John .... 386 Vanneman, Charles 193 Stanford 193 Vannoy. Francis 167 Van Pelt, I^uther 78 Van Princes, Penelope 395 VanRensbelaer, Alida 137 Francis . 118-9, 122 Dr. Jeremiah 117-8 Rev. Nicholas 137 Van TiENHOVEN, Cornelius . 31,290 Van Wyck, Gilbert 18 Mayor 61 Van Zandt, John 351 Margaret 351 Peter 349 Vassal, Richard 104 Vaughn, Richard 26a Venable, Mrs. Louise 152 Nathaniel E 152 Vernon, Nathaniel 245 Violet, a negro woman 179 Visit from St. Nicholas, a . . . . 104 Von Aehr. Captain 303 Von Bretton, Baroness 122 Von Schweintz, Lieut. -General 145 VoORHiES, Theodore D 335 78 ■w. Wagner, Daniel 277 Mary 330-1 Wainwright, Rev. Dr 117 Waite, Benjamin 95 Waitle, Joseph 93 Walbaum, Alice Elizabeth ... 203 Eveline Charlotte . . 203 Jacqueline 203 William Henry Her- man Mark 203 Wales, Clorinda 93 Walker, Ellen Frances .... 202 Frederick A 91 Margarett 303 Tina 240 74 Wall, Euphemia 252, 275 Walton, Thomas 19 Wammon. Mary 75 Wamsley, Elizabeth Barnes 252,383 James 283 War: I8i2-I4 23 War: French 15 French and Indian ... 8, 177 Mexican 23 Revolutionary 15 Spanish-American ... 23, 63 Ward, Alice 363 Caroline 363 Elizabeth 239 Harry 363 Mr 172 Richard 363 Dr. R. H 363 Sarah 239 William 236-9 Ware, Lena 215 Warford, Harriet 391 Warner, Benjamin 201 Charles 57 Jane 57 Mrs 271 Randolph, S., Jr ... 333 William D 333 Warren, Anna T 113-4 G. B 113 Capt. William H ... 362 Warrin, Dorothea 66 Elizabeth Lord .... 66 Marjory Adele 66 Ralph Ogden 66 Richard Halstead ... 66 Robert 66 Samuel Lord 66 WASHBtTRN, Elizabeth 85 Hannah 85 Samuel .... 10, 76, 85 Washington, George . 20-3, 87, 137. 144, 189. 213, 270, 293 John 292 Martha 137 Waters, Anthony 99 Daniel 99 Elizabeth . . . 97-8, 327, 340 Hannah 97-8-9 John 317 Jonathan 327, 340 Sarah 317 Talman 99 William 127 Waterbury, Colonel 17 Watts, Dr 117 Way, Hannah 56, 351 James 44, 351 John 42, 56 Wayman, William 18 Wayne, Gen. Anthony 303 Weachter, Mrs. Mary 265 Weaver, Amy F 66 Cornelius Weygandt . 267 Ethan Allen 267 Gertrude 267 Joseph 277 Kenneth Patterson . . 267 Margaret Elizabeth . . 267 Webb, Ann 7 Nathaniel 307 Weber, Frances i3i Frances H 118, 120 William 118 Rev. William 120 Welburn 176 Wkldon, Capt. Robert 188 Weed, Caroline Heloise 65 Weeden, Eduart 33 Weeks, George 18 John 329 Weiss, Alexander 335 Alexander D 335 Charles G 335 Camillas A 335 Donald 336 Frank 335-6 Frederick B 335 George Alexander .... 335 Laura M 335 May 335 Robert F 335 Thomas 335-6 Viola 335 Welling, Bessie 309, 379 Charles 309 Elias 390 Enoch G 308 Elizabeth 309 Emily 309 Fanny 380 Frederick 380 Welling, Isaac H 379, 380 Jarcd 380 John . . . 81-2, 189, 241, 307-8. 379 John C 379 John P 379 Joseph T 379, 380 LeRoy H 309 Louis S 309 Margaret 380 Samuel 309 Wells, Anna 344 Edward 344 Francis M 344 John 344 Mabel 344 Mr 41 Wenham, Thomas 43 Wenman, Henry 157 Wessel's Creek 184 West. Oakland 386 Wetherby, Isaac 393 Wetherell, Samuel 143 Weyman, William 10, 17-8 Wharton, 349 Wheaton, H 117 Judith S 214-9 Marion 194 Wheeler, Clara P 217 Kate 229 Wheir, Mary Passmore 206 Whilhy, Anna Beekman . . 118, 123 Richard 118 Whiskey Insurrection 248 Whitaker, Cora 217 Clarence Bartlett . . 217 Claudine 217 Dorothea 217 Frank Learning . . 217 Franklin 217 Florence Leaming . 217 Herbert Coleman . . 217 Harry Vandyke . . 217 Julia Ross 217 Lemuel 217 Marguerite 217 Norman T 217 Roland 217 White, Abraham 79 Ann 184 Anna 118 Bishop 101, 196 Elizabeth 79 Edward F 335 Edward Russell 335 Helen M 335 James 79 Job 79 John 79t 184 Mary Elizabeth 329 Mrs 119 Thomas 19 William 118, 329 Whitehead (Whythead) Amy 288, 394 Benjamin 18 Daniel. . . .38,41,132,394-5 Hannah 98, 129,133-3 Helena 95 Mary 387 Mercy 37 Thomas 52, 132 Whitenack, Henry 388 Whitlock. Henry Hull 74 Whitman, Zachariah 174-5 "Who's Afraid" 123 WicKENDEN, Rev. William ... 54 Wiggins, Theodore P 331 WiKOFF, John 82 Wilder, Addie 254 Charles 254 Horace 254 Rollin 254 Wiley, Isabella 385 WiLLCocK, Richard 39 WiLLEMSE, Johannes 128 Peter 128 Willem 128 Willetts (Willett, Willet) Edmund 83 Elizabeth 127-8 John 18 Martha 242 Ned 83 Richard 286 Thomas 9. 52, 176 William, King 294 the Conqueror 5, 43 GENERAL INDEX 541 \ViUiaiu, IV, of Ku>;laud . . .40, 13^ rtiiU M^ry 4.), 50 Liic Micut, rriucc of (J:aii,;e 12 Williams, Amu. Maria 325 AUKUatlUC 7S Captuiu 49 FiuiiCCb K 74 Laura ftl loy, 110 I.ruiiidas Polk .... 74 Mar^,arcl A 68 M'lry 5*i. 3^t» f claliah ii>, b7 kicliuid 5»,-li, 09 VlLMAMioN, G.>v. liuac H . . . 1/5 Mary 3C9 W'lhemiua .... 396 >V:i,i.i.i, Rev. Thomu*. 34 W'lLulbTON, Kev. Kaiph loi Will:* : Grccii, WilUara fi) 249 Mooic. Gcishoiu (4) 36 Moore, John (3) 36 Moore, Capt. John (4) . . . . 177 Moutc. jo-,::pll (j) J57 Moore, Nathaniel (3) .... 168 MiKjic, ^'ifuh O 351 Mooic, Capt. ^s.iiuucl (2). . . 52 Mouic, Dr. William (5) ... 113 rhillip;*, Thcopliiliia (;i) . . . 183 rhillips, Theophilub (4) . . . iSo i-hillip;., Thcupluhin (.-,) ... 17S I'm.Kkn. Join, (jj 353 Titus, ilauuah 374 Wills, Daniel zbS Dr George 344 WiLMoru, I.,auia 233 WiL.soN fVV:LUSON), Caihariiic . 304 hJi.iiior 314 iilizaoelL .... Co, 310, 245 iij.'. rii 430 Vi^K*l 3*>4 Dr. panics J84 I.^ttf: 313 M;i,r.:i X 3^o b.t::.i*;:l 2ii{i Stew.irl i.^, 2i,v4 Thiomi:3 ^iy Widow . 59 3i3 WxNDfiK. 'i'houiaa 166 W'liJ.N, I.ydis K. S 303 *V»'lNiLOW, Guv. Kiiwaid 15,9 Kcv, lidward 1.^9 Jolin 159 Maigarct 356 Mary I^6-9 Winston, Kli/^abttb 354 Ko^'Cl \SA WmxER. Utriiry 206 I'ctrr 366 Sii^^au ilurke ^0^-6 WiNiUKOi'. Governor .... 175, 1.-15 AVoL", Govciuai 204 Wonialupa 53 Wouc-xe 5j W'ooL;, Oeoiiic 43, 183 Joij;iS 30, 107 William Spencer 62 WooiiKN, t;ii£a 345 Wooi>HULL, Deborah 129, 143 Richard :2y, 143 WOOULAKU, iiUSaU 32I WoouMANCY, Hannah 242 W00DK.UFF, Anna G 339 Catharine T 339 lidmuud D 3^1^ Frank 329 Frcdern t 329 George D . . . . 32tt-9, 510 Gcortie O 329 Harriet 390 Henry G 329 Ht^eklah S . . . 241 Hiraiu 3«>i Kuiharuie 329 M-»ry G 329 rhileiuoil 329 Sophia 329 Warren 339 William H 330 WoOMsKV, Ann Eli^a 385 Benjauiiu 93 Ephraim '^''^5, 3^0 George . . 54, 9ij, 166-7, 376 HaLaali 381 Henry 376 Jeremiah 1B8-9 Joseph 82 Martha 376 Mary 307 Sarah >4. 'y^ Thoiaas ytl WOODWAHO (WOODAKL'), AnU . . 331 Ann N 352 Abi^jail 351-2 Alexander 321 Andrew R 3.^1 Benjamin 32r Benjamin M 321 Daniel 321 I'iizabctn 311 bmma 32I Gilbcit 351 Hannah 8*;, 321 Hannah M 32] Jane 32^ John 351 Joseph 3.SI-2 Lambert . . db, 242, 322, 3^0-1 I,ambcjt M 351 Ma.^aret 53, ba, -42,321-2,350 Martha 321 Maiv 53. i-i Moo.c 3SI Mo.sca 84 Isaihaaici .... 41, 54, ■'50-1 Oliver 3>i, 3^1 t*hilip 351 Sanmel 351 Sar..h 306-7. 321 tiarah Kliiabclh .... 321 Thom.i!. -^51 WOOLKoLiC, Kli/-* W ..... . 5f.l-2 WoOLLAsfoN, AbrahauJ K . . , . iog Worce:>ter, battle ui 39 WOKLtY, D 2,S", WiLAY, Colonel i^'i WkhSLE, Jolin 2o;i WKKSTLt. Thomas .jMo Wajoax, Ansley Ncwiiu .^lO Clara 152 J. Hood 2iLK| Jonathan 167 Sallic B 208 William Heury .... 310 Wyandanlc ^7 Wyatt's itcbellion 5, 6 WVAxr, Arthur Richard 160 Charles Uandiicld . 139. I5>J. if'?-3 Chri3t>plier Alleyu . 100-1-2 Rev. Chii'jtophcr Billopp 159. 161 Christ'jph;:r B 162 <;om^ I'a 162 Kdward Wiuslow . . 159. 163 *'"""" ii9 Frances 163 Iraiices Billonp 161 Jaujrs i^^-y Janus lio'siey Nowrl . . 160 ''.-'m H' it,9 j'jiiu Mc^'i', kar ..... 163 Katiiurirtr l.-idbella . 159, 161-2 Jj'ii . 164 Mary llvingston ... i6o-I Mary Auj^u^ta 1S9 Merrill i' 163 Kaii.ju I'tachain .... 163 RoscllK k. Mc\ltl',tcr . . 162 Sophie L,oult-e Holhuyi.- vvurth :6q St George Croghan . . . i&i Sf-rena 161 Thomas i6c Rev. Thomaa James . 159, 160 William Edward . 15,9, 161-1 Rev. William Kdivurd . 158-9 WyCKOKF lWVivOl-1-), George . . Jwa ilcfidr.Lk \x6 Rrv !l'..trv H 3S0 I^i-'i^ viS Feu-- 6j ^';..ier Clacsjt 1^8 i^-ii«h 138 V. iitiam H 379, 5!-:o ftlarg.irel .\ jSo 3^4 Y. Va^u, lliiani 377 YAKDi.Ky. ^ViiliJin 243 Ycadon 196 YocUb, Charles J 217 VONGK. Dora P 1-178 York, Daiic of 43-6,1:7,157 YoUiELLS, Kobeit :^46 VouNG, Abigail 3^4 Kcv. Andrew S . . . . 3i 364 Wiliiam 77 Y.jUi«K ^iieuS Chri'^tiau A:i..ocia- !tiju, ll;C'oklyi) tii t. Z.tZiio, Miss 142 Ziiiii-EV, Udward M 211 Hannah 211 Jonathan 211 Sallic 211 Zimmkm.ma;4, Caiharine Klua- beth i-'i KUzabcth j.^1 179 92 ^c oiiTi: ^'-, ii w/^- ■"V «""«/;?^,», m^- I- '♦, *'% ■1: --ff i-i » mm'' ^^m^. ^:S:'-^y.^v ^;^ s ■ #f- W:' ■^■*/ij^P" -i' ^^^^■l 1^ *J % o ^ w iK^«r? '■i? yi%' -fciSS:*^' ** -y .♦^"V, ° , <^ .A ^ . » Si ti ■■•'^,'%./ • •-•a A ■\ ^r'> ■'■. '*o',\-»*A^\^«c^.>, ^ •^'"^:?^^»-%!V"'^*.o^oo-.> ■^ ^*i?iz;^-?,%/-- ''^orjo'' '* 9«' £;- -J-. - ,.., V*-*'' o^^\. « o,\^«.. *>^.*- JV"-^""' c^ *^ " " ■ii^i^^W^'. ^-v-w--,- .^^f?X%,'%^ (•* f ifi f I *?> ■ ■?> * O N ^ <(?-°^ ^ o./' =^^\ A,0. "