Glass _ Book . ,£l^ Co THE LIFE AND TIMES OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON, BY S. J. BURR. H " The people of the United States, to preserve their liber- ties, must do their own voting and their own fighting." Harrison. NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY L.W.RANSOM, No. 156 Fulton Street. PHILADELPHIA, R. W. POMEROV, No. 3 MINOR STREET. 1840. Entered according to an Act of Congress, m the year 1840, by L. W . Ransom, in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. PREFACE. In presenting the " Life and Times of William Henry Harrison to the public, some explanation of the title may be necessary. We have christened our work Life and Times, to distinguish it from several other books already out upon the same subject. By " Times," we do not mean all the events of the country during the life of Harrison, but merely those with which he was immediately connected. In recording these, we have been governed solely by facts, and we leave these facts to speak for themselves. If he were not at this moment before the people for their suffrages as a candidate for a great and important station, we might have indulged in compliment and praise ; but we have no disposition, and disclaim all intention of making our history political. In our Appendix will be found many papers of great interest, connected with the life of General Harrison, and to which we invite attention. In preparing our work for publication, we have been greatly assisted by Butler's History of Kentucky; McAffee's History of the Late War; Hall's Life of Harrison, and Dawson's Life of Harrison. We have also used freely the Washington Mirror; Niles' Regis- ter; the Congressional Journals, and the Journals of the Legislatures of Ohio, Indiana, &c. j V4 PREFACE: We return our acknowledgments to several gentle- men who have kindly furnished us with much important information, among whom we must particularize, Gen- eral Leslie Combs, of Lexington, Kentucky, and our talented fellow-citizen, Rufus Dawes, Esq. To the latter, we are very largely indebted. INDEX. CHAPTER I. P(lg e. Birth, Parentage, and Education of William Henry Harrison — His first appointment by Washington. 9 CHAPTER II. Defeat of Harmer— St. Clair's defeat— Foreign Influence. 17 CHAPTER III. British influence— General Wayne appointed to the command of the Legion of the UnitedStates— Desertion 2G CHAPTER IV. Ensign Harrison reaches Fort Washington — Gains the applause of St. Clair— Is promoted to a Lieutenancy. -------34 CHAPTER V. Removal of the army to Greenville — Suicide of Big- Tree — Harrison inspires the troops— Occupation of Fort Massac— Preparations for an active campaign. 42 CHAPTER VI. Assault upon Fort Recovery— Little Turtle's opin- ion of General Wayne— Wayne's account of the battle of the 20th of August, 1794— His praise of Harrison. 5Q CHAPTER VII. Buckongahelas — Treaty concluded — Emigration renewed— Mr. Harrison placed in command of Fort Washington— French intrigues— Powers conferred upon Capt. Harrison— His marriage. 62 A* vi> INDEX. CHAPTER VIII. Pago. Mr. Harrison chosen delegate to Congress — Ap- pointed Governor of the new Territory of Indiana. 69 CHAPTER IX. British interference — The Governor's powers and duties — He declines fees for Indian licences — His popularity. 76 CHAPTER X. Conduct of Buckongahelas— Notice of Little Turtle. 85 CHAPTER XI. Governor Harrison's treatment of the Indians — His writings and speeches. ----- 92 CHAPTER XII. Notice of 01-li-wa-chi-ca and Tecumthe. - - 101 CHAPTER XIII. Tanner's account — Anecdote of the Dead Chief. - 110 CHAPTER XIV. Tecumthe visits Governor Harrison at Vincennes. 120 CHAPTER XV. Gathering of the Indians at Tippecanoe. - - 129 CHAPTER XVI. March of the army — Battle of Tippecanoe. - -133 CHAPTER XVII. Governor Harrison's conduct at the battle of Tip- pecanoe — His danger and his courage — Testi- mony — Opinion of President Madison — Trial and condemnation of the negro — His pardon — Harrison's letter on the subject— Return of the troops. 14? CHAPTER XVIII. The United States declare war against Great Britain — Dinner to General Harrison — His letter to the INDEX. Vii, Government— Governor Harrison appointed Major General by Brevet, by Governor Scott. - 159 CHAPTER XIX. Harrison relieves Fort Wayne — Successful expe- dition under Campbell — Harrison advises the building of a fleet. 171 CHAPTER XX. Attack on Fort Harrison— Massacre on the Pigeon Roost Fork — Winchester neglects to regard the instructions of General Harrison— Gallant action at Frenchtown — Massacre at the River Raisin — Conduct of the brave Madison— Harri- son's surprise at Winchester's conduct— Exer- tions of the former to reinforce the latter. - - 1S2 CHAPTER XXI. Camp Meigs— Landing of the British and Indians- Siege— The siege raised by the British. - - 196 CHAPTER XXII Second siege of Fort Meigs— Attack on Fort Ste- phenson— Orders to Croghan— His galhint de- fence of the Fort. 203 CHAPTER XXIII. Perry's battle— Surrender of the English fleet. - 213 CHAPTER XXIV. Battle of the Thames— Military skill of General Harrison— Death of Tecumthe— End of the war in Upper Canada. 220 CHAPTER XXV. Public rejoicings— Opinion of Simon Snyder— Democratic meeting at Harrowgate— Harrison's resignation— Perry's opinion. - - - - 227 v iii. INDEX, 4c, CHAPTER XXVI. Fqge. Harrison elected to Congress— Vote of thanks and a gold medal presented — Opinion of Colonel Johnson — Harrison's militia bill. ... 237 CHAPTER XXVII. General Harrison in Congress — In the Senate of Ohio — Censured for his vote upon the bill for the punishment of criminals — His letter on the sub- ject. 244 CHAPTER XXVIII. The Missouri restriction — Harrison a candidate for the presidency. ------- 252 CHAPTER XXIX. A retrospect of the acts and character of Harrison. 261 CONTENTS TO APPENDIX. Wayne and Campbell's Correspondence, - - 267 Mische.canocquah to Governor Harrison, - - 271 Mr. Eustis to General Harrison, - - - - 272 Colonel Johnson to General Harrison, - 273 Officers of the Army to the Public, - - - 275 Major Croghan's Card, 276 Indiana Legislature and General Harrison, - - 279 Communication on the Battle of Tippecanoe, - 280 Dinner to General Harrison, ... - 280 General Harrison's Modesty, ... - 2^1 Jefferson and Harrison, 282 Harrison's Letter to Bolivar, ... - 282 Extracts from the Address before the Hamilton County Agricultural Society, ... 294 General Harrison to Hon. Harmar Denny, - - 295 Harrison to the Editor of the Ohio Confederate, - 297 M. Chevalier's Notice of General Harrison, - - 300 LIFE AND TIMES OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. CHAPTER I. Birth, Parentage, and Education of William Henry Harrison, His first appointment by Washington. In the most strict sense of the word, every man belongs to his country, and the lives of all who have distinguished themselves, whether in the field or in the forum, should be carefully re- corded, and their acts minutely and faithfully engrossed ; as lessons of instruction and ex- amples for emulation to after generations. Under a republic, offices of trust, honor, and emolument, are open to all, and he who served his country in any manner whatever, retires from that service into private life, and mingles once more with those, who, for a short time, honored him with power. However worthy his deeds, no title of nobility follows him into his retirement; no privileged designation of mere sound descends to his son and his son's 10 LIFE AND TIMES son. The child may look back with conscious pride, to the whole life of his father, but he must still depend upon his own exertions, his own acts, and his own genius, for any distinc- tion shown to himself. It is one of the greatest blessings of our form of government, that we are not honored because our fathers were. Were it otherwise, how many silly coxcombs would we bend to, merely because their fathers were great men ] " Every man for himself," is a true Yankee motto, and should be that of every free people. This saying is quite com- mon, and is often perverted, but we apply it only in all honorable enterprise, and where ambition is governed solely by a desire for the general weal. Yet, when a man can proudly refer to the achievements of his fathers, it stimulates his mind to be worthy of such a parentage, and urges him to attempt a career as bright and glorious as that of his ancestry. There are few of our countrymen who can make such a retrospect with as much pleasure as the sub- ject of our present memoir, General William Henry Harrison. Descended from a long line of patriots, he would have proved recreant to the best blood OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON H in America, had he been less than they Thrown early into public life by the require- ment of a young and struggling country, his opportunities gave scope to his superior in- tellect, and step by step he rose in the estima- tion of the people, gathering fresh Jaurels at each advance, until there is barely room enough for another glorious chaplet upon his noble brow. William Henry Harrison, was born on the 9th day of February, 1773, at a place called Berkley, on the James River, about 25 miles below Richmond, in Charles City County, in the State of Virginia. He is a lineal descendant of that General Harrison, who bore a prominent part in the English civil wars, and who held an important com- mand in the armies of the Commonwealth. Benjamin Harrison, the father of William Henry, was a delegate to the Continental Congress, in 1774-5-6. It was between him and John Hancock, that the amicable con- tention took place respecting the Presidency of the Congress. Peyton Randolph, and Benjamin Harrison, were brothers-in-law, and upon the decease of the former, who was first President of Congress, it was the wish of the 12 LIFE AND TIMES Southern members that Mr. Harrison should be selected to fill the chair vacated by the death of his relative. He was fully informed of the various sectional prejudices existing at that momentous crisis, and exerted all his in- fluence in favor of his friendly rival, John Hancock. He reasoned with his colleagues upon the importance of conciliating the Northern feeling, and succeeded in obtaining for the Massachusetts member a unanimous vote. Waln, in his Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, says of Mr. Hancock : — " With a modesty not unnatural of his years, and a consciousness of the difficulty he might experience in filling a station of such high im- portance and responsibility, he hesitated to take the seat. Mr. Harrison was standing beside him, and with the ready good humour that he loved a joke, even in the Senate House, he seized the modest candidate in his athletic arms, and placed him in the presidential chair; then turning to some of the members around, he exclaimed, 'We will show mother Britain how little we care for her, by making a Massa- chusetts man our president, whom she has OF WIMLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 13 excluded from pardon by public proclama- tion."' Benjamin Harrison, afterward filled the executive chair of Virginia, at a time when the energies of the bold, prompt, and daring, were requisite to inspire his countrymen. With the example of such a father, William Henry Harrison would have been less than man had he not been brave and patriotic. His father was a patriot of the noblest class when it was death to be so known. He made his opinions public, with the gallows staring him in the face, and fled not from the enemy who watched, but to slay. When destruction hung over his country, he was by the side of his daring com- panions to breast and share with them the ruthless storm. When the sacred Declaration of Indepen- dence was passed, he joined the fathers of the Union, and signed that famous document. It was a solemn hour, and not a man placed his name to that paper, who did not expect deso- lation and death to wait upon the deed. So well convinced were all of imminent risk of the act, that when Charles Carroll signed, remark was made, u There go millions," the some one added, " but as there are many ot B 14 LIFE AND TIMES the niime he may escape by its not being known positively which it is." " Not so," re- plied the signer, and immediately added " of Carrollton." Hence it is that this name is ac- companied with his place of residence. Though well aware of the enormous danger incurred, not a man wavered in his purpose. When they pledged " our lives and fortunes, and our sacred honors," they knew the penalty, yet not a soul trembled for the consequences. William Henry Harrison was the third and youngest son, and though the father was poor in this world's goods, the son received a rich and noble inheritance — the legacy of a name surrounded by glorious achievements and connected with the first struggles of his country for freedom. To a soul filled with honor and burning to imitate the noble exam- ple, such legacy was all he asked — all he re- quired. Young Harrison was educated at Hampden, Sydney College, and afterward applied him- self diligently to the study of medicine. In his boyhood he had wished for some opportu- nity to serve his country, for he 11 had heard of battles, and longed To follow to the field some warlike lord." OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 15 He was about to graduate as a physician, when fresh reports of the daring deeds of his countrymen in the western wilds ; tales of mid- night murders in the new settlements, roused again the lambent desire to share the perils of his fellow-citizens and he resolved to join the frontier army; — not to spread plasters and sew up gashes, but as a soldier of liberty. His guardian was the celebrated Robert Morris, who so frequently relieved the Con- tinental army from his private fortune, and was the intimate friend of the immortal Wash- ington. Perceiving in young Harrison the germ of true greatness, Mr. Morris endeavored to persuade him from his purpose until he had the advantage of every scientific acquirement within reach, and it was supposed that the kindness of his nature and gentleness of man- ner, had fitted him peculiarly for the profes- sion which he had first adopted. The army then serving in the west under General St. Clair, had been raised for the express purpose of preventing the repeated outrages and barbarities committed by the In- dians, and the young student resolved to join this little band and serve his country where she most needed the gallantry of her sons,, 16 LIFE AND TIMES The opposition of his excellent guardian was not sufficient to deter him from his pur- pose, and as his design was approved by Washington, who had also been the warm friend of his father, he received from that no- ble warrior an ensijm's commission in the first regiment of United States Artillery, then sta- tioned at Fort Washington. Here commenced the public life of Harri- son, and long, active, and eventful has it been. Here under a daring and experienced soldier, the young officer began his glorious career. At the early age of nineteen he adopted the service of his country as his profession, and not contented with his uniform merely to ex- hibit it in the streets of a city, he repaired im- mediately to a dangerous position, to give the strength of his boyish arm to defend a frontier which may be said at that time, almost to have been in the possession of a ruthless, cruel, and vindictive foe. We cannot close this chapter without draw- ing a comparison between our boy soldier and Lafayette. The latter left his own country to aid a struggling people in obtaining and maintaining their freedom. The former re- linquished a peaceful profession in which his OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 17 talents would soon have rendered him inde- pendent, to share the dangers of a wilderness — the exposure to a cold and changeable cli- mate, and the tomahawks and scalping knives of a seulking midnight foe: and all this to as- sist men expecting night after night to be butchered in their sleep. Both heroes entered upon their arduous profession at nearly the same period of life — both triumphed, and both lived long to benefit mankind by their dazzling genius, their warlike enterprize and their pro- found counsel. CHAPTER II. The Indian wax — Hostile tribes — Defeat of Harmer — Organiza- tion of a new army under St. Clair — Advance of the same— St- Clair's defeat — State of the country — Parties in Con- gress — Foreign influence. In 1783 peace was concluded between Great Britain and the United States of America, yet our country was still the scene of war and bloodshed. During the revolu- tionary contest, most of the Indian tribes upon the frontier had been induced to take up arms in favor of Great Britain, and they now re- fused to lay down the hatchet, determined still B* X ■ 18 LIFE AND TIMES to continue their murders until the people of the United States should be driven from the western settlements. A few of the tribes entered into treaties of peace with this country, but those north and west of the Ohio persisted in maintaining their barbarous and devastating hostility. The incursions of the latter were principally directed against the people of west Penn- sylvania, and a few settlements which had been formed in the Northwestern Territory, or that portion of it which is now the state of Ohio. There were seven tribes at this time, who refused altogether to enter into a peace, and who persisted in their midnight murders upon the border. The principal of these were the Miamies, who occupied all of Indiana, a large part of Illinois, and a good tract of country west of the Scioto, in Ohio. They were a brave and warlike people, but ex- tremely obstinate. They hearkened but little even to their own chiefs, so that it can scarcely be supposed but they would be among the very last to abandon a war, to which they were daily urged by Englishmen, and while too, they could be supplied with guns and am munition from the British forts. OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 19 The Hurons occupied the southern shore of Lake Erie, and a more desperate set of dogs were not to be found through the whole region of the west. Again and again would they rally when driven back, and rarely was it that they abandoned the pursuit of a foe. The Hurons or Wyandots have been known to follow a beaten and retreating enemy for more than a week, and never rose the sun dur- ing the whole time, but his beams were dark- ened with the blood of mothers and babes. The Delawares having been driven from their beautiful flat-lands by the white settler, left Coaquanac * for the west, and gradually retired, until we find them, at the time of which we write, dwelling within the present limits of Ohio. This tribe had but little to complain of compared with many others. The land owned by the Delawares, or Leni Lenapes, had, to a great extent, been purchased and paid for. In the north of Ohio were the Shawnees, who had made their way from the extreme south, and are supposed to have been driven by some stronger tribe, from Georgia or Florida. ♦The Indian name of Philadelphia. 20 LIFE AND TIMES On the peninsula of Michigan were the Chippewas, the Ottowas, and the Poto- watomies. All these tribes, and some of them were at that time very large and numbered many thousands of warriors, were engaged in desperate contests with the whites, for the purpose of stopping forever the emigration of the early settlers to the west. " My mind and heart are upon that river," pointing to the Ohio, " may that river ever continue to run, and remain the boundary of lasting peace between the Americans, and the Indians on its opposite shore." This was the toast given by Cornflanter at the table ot Gen. Wayne, in March, 1793. We step a little in advance of our history to bring in this sentiment of a friendly chief, that our readers may be able to judge of the feel- ing at that time existing among the Indians, towards the white settlers. Assassination was the deed of every night, and though our revo- lutionary war closed in 1783, yet the Indians still committed their outrages, and were often assisted by the English ; who, though they did not as a nation war upon us, yet they had their men and officers mingled with and direct- ing the hostile tribes. OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 21 Mr. Hall in noticing this subject, says : — " From 1783 to 1790, it was estimated that 1500 men, women and children, had been kiJled or taken prisoners by the Indians upon the waters of the Ohio ; more than 2000 horses were stolen from the inhabitants ; houses had been burned, fields ravaged, boats plundered, and property destroyed to an un- known amount. Still the settlements grew, and the gallant pioneers sustained the war with undaunted spirit. The British, in de- fiance of a solemn treaty, continued to hold military posts within our acknowledged ter- ritory, to tamper with the tribes in our limits, and faithlessly to supply the munitions of war, to be used against a civilized people at peace with herself." The defeat of Brigadier General Harmer, a brave and skilful officer, and the total des- truction of his gallant army, by hordes of savages, filled the whole frontier with appre- hension and despair, whilst it inspired the In- dians with renewed confidence ; and flushed with victory, they extended their barbarities from town to town, and house to house, with the apparent determination to annihilate every settler on the border. 22 LIFE AND TIMES The inhabitants of the frontier called for a new army, which was raised and placed under the command of Major General St. Clair, a veteran of the revolution, who possessed the entire confidence of Washington. It was necessary that the arms of America should triumph over all her foes, whether foreign or domestic, that the country might be secure from rapine, murder and devastation, and that the young nation should be respected by the whole world. The new army marched to the seat of war, and the venerable commander exerted all his skill for the success of his hardy soldiers ; but unfortunate events occurred which were wholly unexpected, and the meritorious ef- forts of St. Clair, in behalf of his country, were only attended with defeat and destruc- tion. The army advanced slowly and cautiously toward the head waters of the Wabash, open- ing a road, and building forts at suitable dis- tances. By the first of November, 1791, St. Clair found himself in the midst of the In- dian country, and within fifteen miles of the Miami villages. On the 4th, about daylight, bis camp was suddenly attacked by an im- OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 23 mense body of savages, lead on by Meshe- cunnaqua, or the Little Turtle, a dis- tinguished chief and great warrior of the Miarnies, and Buckongehelas, first chief of the Delawares, aided by white auxiliaries from Canada. The assailants were well protected by the shelter of the trees and the frequent mounds of earth. They fired from the ground and were scarcely to be seen, except when the'y rose to spring from one shelter to another. They advanced rapidly in front, and upon either flank, up to the very mouths of the American field pieces. The militia occupying the front were dis- mayed by the impetuosity and violence of this unexpected attack, and falling back upon the regulars, threw them into confusion. In vain the officers endeavoured to rally and re-form their men ; their success was only partial. Twice were the Indians driven back by des- perate charges, but while they gave way at one point to the bayonets of our soldiers, from every other quarter they poured in a heavy and destructive fire upon the lines, uutil the whole army was thrown into the greatest con- fusion, and a most disorderly retreat ensued. 24 LIFE AND TIMES For several miles the Indians pursued their conquered foe, and the woods were literally strewed with the bleeding bodies of the dead and dying. The camp was completely de- serted, and was afterward plundered by the victors. The army suffered most cruelly. Of four- teen hundred men engaged, five hundred and thirty were killed, and three hundred and sixty wounded. Many of the latter died within a few days after the battle. Thirty officers were slain, and among them General Butler, a distinguished soldier of the revolutionary struggle. A series of terrible disasters had already rendered the war unpopular, and this last de- feat filled the whole country with distress, mourning, and apprehension. The impla- cable foe had gained success upon success, until, flushed with victory, he ventured still closer to the encampments and threatened to attack settlements still further east. The bleeding scalp, torn from the struggling and wounded victim, was flouted in the face of the American soldiery, and every species of in- sult offered to their dead and dying com- panions. OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 25 So great was the consternation spread throughout the country, that even the brave and daring shrunk from a contest fruitful only in labour, disaster, and defeat. Victory over such an enemy would bring but little glory ; and if conquered, excruciating tortures and horrid deaths were certain to await the van- quished. Parties for and against the further prosecu- tion of the war were forming through the land, and the two fatal expeditions had drained the treasury, and drawn largely from the resources of the country. In Congress parties pro and con also existed, and all the energy, coolness, and discrimination of the mighty intellect of our great Washington were required to crush the discontented factions, and to secure the permanency of those glo- rious institutions which had been established by seven years of toil, and the outpouring of oceans of patriotic blood. Had the war at that moment been given over, it is highly probable that England would have thrown her forces openly into the west- ern wilderness, and commenced another trial to reduce the free states. Though she could never have gained this object, she might have 26 LIFE AND TIMES possessed herself of an immense territory at the north-west, and retarded for many years the developement of the blessings of freedom, and the proof of that which was then con- sidered a mere assertion — " That man is ca- pable of self-government." CHAPTER III. British influence — General Wayne appointed to the command of the Legion of the United States — Desertion — Discipline and State of the New Army. The war with the north-western tribes was no longer a local matter, but had gradually risen in importance, until it became a national contest, jeoparding the free institutions of our new country. In the movements of the foe was seen the directino* influence of a more ex- perienced hand, and although Great Britain had abandoned as a government, efforts to re- cover the colonies, yet it was too clearly per- ceived that she did not restrain her subjects from co-operating with, aiding, advising, and leading the hostile bands of Indians. At his first interview with Mr. Adams, the OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 27 King of England expressed the following sentiment: — " I was the last to conform to the separa- tion ; but the separation having been made, I would be the first to meet the friendship of the United States as an independent power." The people did not join with their sovereign in this declaration, but continued to throw every obstacle that could be thought of in the way of the rising Republic. The frequent defeats rendered it imperative that the army should be placed under the com- mand of a military chief of well earned repu- tation ; a cautious, discreet, brave, and ener- getic soldier. The two most prominent at that period, were George Rogers Clark and Anthony: Wayne. They had both fought in the revolution ; held separate commands, and had planned and executed the most daring and successful enterprizes. The latter was known through the whole army, and in every quarter of the Union, as Mad Anthony, from his eventful fortunes and' daring adventures. The calculating mind of the discriminating Washington singled out Mad Anthony, to command the western army, and he at once received orders to that effect. Brigadier Gen* 28 LIFE AND TIMES erals James Wilkinson and Thomas Posey, distinguished revolutionary officers, were asso- ciated with General Wayne. In the Casket of 1830, published by Mr. Atkinson, in Philadelphia, we find an article upon the subject of the frontier war, written evidently by a person intimately acquainted with the subject. We copy below his account of the formation of Wayne's Legion, or '■* The Legion of the United States," by which name it was designated and known. " On the 25th of May, 1792, General Wayne having been furnished by the Secretary of War with the instructions of the President, in which it was emphatically expressed, that an- other defeat would be inexpressibly ruinous to the reputation of the government, took leave oi his family and friends, and repaired to Pitts- burgh, the place appointed for the rendezvous of the troops, and where he arrived in June. By the new organization, the army was to consist of one Major General, four Brigadier Generals, and their respective staffs ; the com- missioned officers, and five thousand one hun- dred and twenty non-commissioned officers and privates — the whole to be denominated ■ The Legion of the United States.* The OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 29 legion to be divided into four sub-legions, each to consist of commissioned officers named, and one thousand two hundred and eighty non-commissioned officers and privates. The previous army having been nearly annihi- lated, a new one was to be recruited. Most of the experienced officers having been slain in the defeats of Harmer and St. Clair, or resigned their commissions, the labors of the commanding general were augmented to an extent which nothing but the most unwearied patience and ardent zeal could have perform- ed. Many of the officers, as well as of the soldiers, had yet to learn the rudiments of the profession. The organization of the troops, military tactics, discipline, &c, devolved so far upon the General, as to leave him scarcely time, without infinite labor, to keep up the correspondence incident to his station. His efforts were indefatigable, and it is impossible at the present day to form an adequate idea of the difficulties he had to encounter, the labors to perform, and the obstacles to sur- mount. So panic-struck was the whole coun- try at the repeated and bloody successes of the enemy, that an engagement with them was looked to as certain defeat. A perfect horror c* 30 LIFE AND TIMES seemed to seize the recruits, when marched from the rendezvous where they had enlisted, and their faces turned to join the enemy. In a letter to the Secretary of War, dated Pitts- burgh, 20th July, 1792, General Wayne says, * The detachment under Major Ashton ar- rived at this place on Monday ; Lieutenant Campbell's with Stores' dragoons, and Captain Faulkner's riflemen, on Tuesday, I am, however, sorry to inform you of the alarm- ing desertion that prevailed in Ashton's de- tachment, and Stokes' dragoons. Not less than fifty of the former, and seven of the lat- ter deserted on their march between Carlysle and Pittsburgh.' " Another fact will show the degree of ter ror that the name of Indian had inspired, and the extraordinary difficulties the general had to surmount, to introduce obedience, self-con- fidence, and courage. A letter to the Secre- tary of War, dated Pittsburgh, 10th of August, 1792, says, ' Desertions have been frequent and alarming. Two nights since, upon a re- port that a large body of Indians were close in our front, I ordered the troops to form for action, and rode along the line to inspire them with confidence, and gave a charge to those OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 31 in the redoubts which I had recently thrown up in our front, and on the right flank, to maintain their posts at any expense of blood, until I could gain the enemy's rear with the dragoons ; but such was the defect of the hu- man heart, that from excess of cowardice, one- third of the sentries deserted from their sta- tions, so as to leave the most accessible places unguarded.' " By the salutary measures adopted to in- troduce order and discipline, the army soon began to assume its proper character. The troops were daily exercised in all the evolu- tions necessary to render them efficient sol- diers, and more especially in those manceuvers proper in a campaign against savages. Firing at a mark was constantly practised, and re- wards given to the best marksmen. To in- spire emulation, the riflemen and infantry strove to excel, and the men soon attained to an accuracy that gave them confidence in their own prowess. On the artillery the gen- eral impressed the importance of that arm of the service. The dragoons he taught to rely on the broadsword, as all important to victory. The riflemen t were made to see how much success must depend on their coolness, quick- 32 LIFE AND TIMES and accuracy ; while the infantry were led to place entire confidence in the bayonet, as the certain and irresistible weapon, before which savages could not stand. The men were in- structed to charge in open order; and each to rely on himself, and to prepare for a per- sonal contest with the enemy. The confi- dence inspired, and the rapid improvement in discipline, are frequently mentioned with pleasure in the letters of the Commanding General, written during the autumn ; but the season was too far advanced before a reason- able force could be collected to warrant active operations. Such was the situation of the country — such the position of the army, and such the foe to be encountered at the time Ensign Harrison joined his regiment at Fort Wash- ington, which stood upon the site of the pre- sent beautiful city of Cincinnati, in Ohio. It was no holiday parade — no marching and counter-marching where none but friends are seen ; but it was active service againt an impla- cable assassin who stole upon his victim in the still hour of night, and murdered him as he slept unconscious of his danger. A majority of those the young Ensign associated with, OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 33 were like himself, raw recruits, and it was necessary to have constant drills for the pur- pose of instructing the soldiers and giving them confidence in themselves. The command was wisely placed by Washington in the hands of Mad Anthony, and the latter kept his men continually at work. The author was speaking but a few days since with a veteran who served under Gene- ral Wayne during the whole time he was in the west. In speaking of the daily exercises imposed upon the army, he saith, " Indeed, sir, the general kept us busy. We had a re- gular school of it, morning, noon and night, and Wayne did'nt give over till he thought we knew near about as much as he did. When he had to stop a bit, for, you know, it would not do for the soldiers to know more than their leader. The practising was all the time, and faith, sir, we weren't allowed to whisper in school, and hang the play we could take out of it, for you see there were no be- tween times." The few last words probably give the best idea that we could possibly have of Mad An- thony's character, and at the same time form as handsome a compliment as could be paid 34 LIFE AND TIMES him as a soldier. With him there were no 14 between times," he was constantly upon the alert, and always at his post. CHAPTER IV. Ensign Harrison reaches Fort Washington — Habits of the sol- diers — Harrison's temperance — His first service — Gains the applause of St. Clair— Is promoted to a lieutenancy — Wayne's position at Legionville — The Legion proceeds to Fort Washing- ton, where it is joined by Lieutenant Harfison. Ensign Harrison reached Fort Washing- ton directly after the defeat of General St. Clair, which we have already recorded. He arrived in time to witness the gathering in of the vanquished and disheartened troops at that post. But a short time before they had marched out in all the pride of conscious strength. They now returned, such of them as lived to return — a mutilated, spirit-broken, and disorganized body. Squads came flying before the enemy who yet lurked in their rear to goad and lash and torture the conquered victim. The savage foe exulting in recent victory ventured almost to the very gates of the fort, and closely watched for another opportunity to glut upon the blood of the soldiery, The OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON- 35 whole defence of the border was in the hands of a few, and they having nothing to look back upon but disaster and defeat. It was scarcely to be wondered at, that under these circumstances the way-worn soldier flew to his bottle for forgetfulness, and sought in other vices means to dispel the gloom that hung over his hopes. Intemperance and de- bauchery crept insensibly upon the officers as well as the privates ; and had our young Ensign possessed any inclination for his cup or his lass, he would inevitably have fallen a victim to one or both before he had been aware that the fatal clutch of the insidious monster was upon him. Public sentiment had not then pointed out intemperance as base and demoralizing, nei- ther was it considered at all wrong for a gen- tleman to indulge occasionally in the greatest inebriation. If any attempted to frown down the practice, he was silenced by an invitation to u drink a single drop," and having tasted that single drop, the moralist was too often left " perfectly happy" beneath the table as an example to all who should dare to disturb the rules of good-fellowship. The expense and privation of the army, and 36 LIFE AND TIMES the exclusion from those refining associations daily encountered at the firesides and in the parlors of the civilized, in a measure urged the young officers to frequent, and oftentimes, to alarming extents. The restraint of the fair, the beautiful, the virtuous and the accom- plished was not upon them, and they launched into excesses from which they would have shrunk in the quiet of their peaceful homes. Our young soldier had not entered upon his arduous profession with the mere intention of spending his time in drinking and idling. Far nobler were the sentiments he entertained of what should be the life of a soldier. He soon perceived that he was in a school where advancement depended upon his own bravery, and where he could not expect to gain the praise of his superiors except by regular habits and strict discipline. He saw the danger that beset him at a glance, and he had the good sense and solid resolution not to indulge in the vices of the garrison. In this determination he was supported by the advice of Generals St. Clair and. Wilkinson. He resisted all temptations thrown in his way, and thus early laid the foundation of those habits of strict soberness which he has retained through OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 37 his long and useful life, and by which he has been enabled to encounter all manner of hardships, and yet to enjoy a strong and vig- orous constitution. Soon after his arrival at Fort Washington it became necessary to dispatch a train of pack horses to Fort Hamilton, about thirty miles distant, upon the great Miami. This train was under the charge of a body of sol- diers from the fort, and the whole was placed under the command of our boy soldier. This was the first charge confided to his care. Though the distance was short, the state of the country and the thousands of savages peo- pling the whole forest, rendered the enterprize extremely perilous ; and constant exposure required uninterrupted watchfulness, and much more thought, attention and wisdom than can often be found in a lad not yet out of his teens. This service was performed with great credit to himself, and General St. Clair openly acknowledged his pleasure at the success of his young officer, bestowing upon him the warmest praise and commenda- tion. He rapidly gained the entire confidence of his officers, and in 1792, was promoted to the rank of lieutenant. 38 LIFE AND TIMES In May of the year last mentioned, General WAYNe repaired to Pittsburgh, for the purpose of organizing his army. The manner in which he proceeded and the arduous duties he required of his officers and privates, we have already mentioned in a preceding chap- ter. Such however was the state of the army that he did not consider his men sufficiently disciplined for a march until the 27th of Nov., of the same year. Having every thing prepared, upon that day he began to move his army, but when only twenty-two miles from Pittsburgh, and about seven miles above the mouth of Beaver river he stopped and encamped for the winter, on the Ohio. Here huts were erected for the whole force, the soldiers going into the com- fortable buildings first, and the commander and his officers remaining in tents until all the privates were accommodated in snug quarters. This position was strongly fortified and received the name of Legionville. With the enemy almost surrounding the place, the officers and men were obliged to be on the alert, and the most vigorous watchfulness was constantly observed. This act of Wayne has been generally OF "WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 39 passed over with too slight a notice, but we must here endeavour to do justice to the sa- gacious warrior. This army, as we have al- ready stated, was formed mostly of new re- cruits. Many had deserted before they reached the fort. Inexperience and dreadful tales of the blood-thirsty savages they were to en- counter, had made many of them timorous. Wayne disciplined them well before he left Pittsburgh, but he was not yet confident of their bravery before an enemy. He wished to instil into their minds a dependence upon self. If he had remained locked up at Pittsburgh during the winter, it is hardly probable that any thing would have occurred to call forth their energies. He wisely resolved to occupy a more exposed position, where an occasional brush, in which he knew that he must always be successful, would* inspire th-e soldiers with that confidence in themselves which he wished to establish, while it might serve to prove that the Indians were neither immortal nor invincible. Wayne had received instructions from Washington to conciliate the friendly tribes, and so soon as the army was fairly established at Legionville the commander-in-chief de- 40 LIFE AND TIMES spatched an invitation to Cornplanter and New Arrow, who were the principal chiefs of the Six Nations, to meet him at the garrison, In March, 1793, the chiefs came in, bringing with them Big Tree and old Guasutha. It was on this occasion that Cornplanter gave the toast respecting the Ohio river, which we have already quoted. The friendly In- dians desired a fixed boundary between the whites and themselves, and such wish ap- peared neither unnatural nor unreasonable, so far as the tribes themselves were concerned. If these chiefs determined that the Ohio should be the Rubicon, what could be expected from those resolved upon a bloody war ? A large territory north and west of that river, had been transferred to Government by treaties and honorable purchase ; Congress had guaranteed this property to the officers and soldiers of the revolution, and a large portion of it was already taken up by actual settlement. Yet the Indians were now in- structed by their British allies to demand the relinquishment and evacuation of all that beautiful country. The United States could not comply with the terms laid down by the chiefs, though the refusal produced an in- OF WrLLJAM HENRY HARRISON. 41 evitable and destructive war. The contest was not one for which the Americans could be censured, but was rendered unavoidable by the demands of the savages. It was ne- cessary on other grounds — to teach the Indian wisdom and to restrain his cruel propensities — to destroy forever the dangerous interference of a secret and insidious enemy in Europe, who, having been thoroughly scorched by his own imprudence, was now endeavoring to induce his rude and untutored ally to put his finger into the fire merely that there might be a proper sympathy between the two. In Wayne's despatches to government from Legionville, much more confidence was ex- pressed than had previously marked his com- munications from Pittsburgh. His severe dis- cipline had produced the desired effect, and he felt perfectly safe in his men. The govern- ment proposed the appointment of commis- sioners to treat with the Indians, to which the commander jocosely replied, that he desired to be present at the convention with twenty- five hundred of his commissioners, " with not a single Quaker among them." Adding that if such were the case, " I feel confident an honorable peace would be the result." D* 42 LIFE AND TIMES Having procured a suitable number of boats for the purpose, he broke up his garrison at Legionville on the 30th of April, 1793, and conveyed his army down the river to Fort Washington, where Lieutenant Harrison joined the legion. CHAPTER V. Peace Commissioners appointed and the army detained at Fort Washington — Removal of the Army to Greenville — Attack on a convoy of provisions — Possession taken of Fort Recovery — Harrison volunteers his services — Receives the public thanks of the Commander-in-chief- A veteran's opinion of Harrison — Suicide of Big- Tree— Harrison inspects the troops — Acts of Great Britain — Occupation of Fort Massac — Preparations for an active campaign. The Indians having expressed a desire for peace, the government appointed General Lincoln, Colonel Pickering, and Beverly Randolph, to meet the chiefs at Sandusky still earnestly desiring to treat the savages with mercy, and determined to give them every op- portunity for an amicable adjustment of the prevailing difficulties. In consequence of this movement, General Wayne was detained at Fort Washington. Another reason for the delay was the dif- ficulty in procuring reinforcements and sup- OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 43 plies, yet active preparations we.e continually being made for the approaching campaign. The General devoted the whole of his time to perfecting his troops in martial discipline, fully aware that the pending negociations would not terminate satisfactorily to the government. lie made great exertions to procure an ample supply of provisions, and to call in he aid of one thousand mounted volunteers from Ken- tucky. He left no measure untried which could in any way benefit the garrison, and though he was obliged to attend to much of the detail of the business in person, yet true to his country, he persevered in his exertions until he found his army in a state of comfort and security. He remained in his quarters until the 7th of October, when he commenced a march, and six days after took up a position on the south west branch of the Miami, six miles beyond Fort Jefferson, and eighty from Fort Wash ington. To this situation he gave the name of Greenville, and fortified it so as to render it perfectly secure and impregnable to any force which could possibly be brought against him in the wilderness. On the 17th, an attack was made upon a 44 LIFE AND TIMES convoy of provisions, consisting of ninety men, under Lieutenant Lowry and Ensign Boyd. The greater part of the escort fled on the first discharge, and these two officers, with thirteen others, non-commissioned officers and pri- vates, bravely fell after an obstinate resistance against a superior force. The Kentucky mounted volunteers reached Greenville shortly after this unfortunate oc- currence, but as their services were not likely to be required during the winder, they were di- rected to return. December 23d, a detachment of artillery and infantry, under the command of Major Burbeck, was despatched to take possession of the ground upon which St. Clair and his gallant army had been so terribly defeated on the 4th of November, two years before. Lieu- tenant Harrison, was not drafted for this ex- pedition, but longing for more active employ- ment, he volunteered for the service, and his assistance was accepted by the commander. The battle field was soon in the hands of the soldiers, notwithstanding the inclemency of the season, and a fortification was immedi- ately erected, to which the name of Fort Re- covery was given. The bones of the murder- OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 45 ed soldiers were carefully collected and inter- red with military honors. The same pieces of artillery lost on the fatal 4th of November, 1791, were recovered, and from their thunder belching mouths, three times three discharges were fired over the remains of the western heroes. Upon the return of the troops a general order was issued, thanking the officers and men for their " soldierly and exemplary good conduct during their late arduous tour of duty, and the cheerfulness with which they sur- mounted every difficulty." In the same order we find the following compliment to Lieuten- ant Harrison. " The Commander-in-chief also requests Major Mills, Captains De Butts and But- ler, Lieutenant Harrision, and Dr. Scott, to accept his best thanks for their voluntary aid and services on this occasion." When Mr. Harrison first entered the ser- vice, he was advised by his friends, and even by the new acquaintances he made at Fort Washington, to relinquish the idea of remain- ing where he would be constantly subject to the most fatiguing duties. The arguments urjred to induce him to retire were his extreme 4G LIFE AND TIMES youth, his early habits of study, his slight frame and delicate constitution. He had not the appearance of a warrior, or one who could embrace the rude life of a soldier of the wil- derness, without injury or ruin to his health. So well convinced were his associates of the impossibility of his undergoing the hardships of the service, that in a body they besought him to resign his commission. " I would as soon have thought of putting my wife in the service as this boy," writes an old soldier of St. Clair, who was at the fort when Mr. Harrison first made his appear- ance in the army. " But I have been out with him," continues the veteran, " and I find those smooth cheeks are on a wise head, and that slight frame is almost as tough as my own weather-beaten carcase." Modest and retiring, when objections were made to his form, he would only reply, " Try me." lie was tried. He was often tried, but never found wanting. His constitution har- dened with his life, and he was soon able to encounter as much fatigue and privation as any man in the fort, and the reader has al- ready perceived that the boy commanded the attention of men, and his courage, prowess OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 47 and talents were publicly and gratefully ac- knowledged by his commander. Shortly after the occupation of Fort Re- covery, a message was received by the Com- mander-in-chief from the Indians, proposing a negociation for the adjustment of all contro- versies ; and although Wayne was satisfied that the overture was only made with the in- tention of gaining time, yet, aware of the Presi- dent's desire to avoid the destruction of life, he felt himself obliged to acquiese in the measure and to open a treaty. lie only required of the Indians the return of all American cap- tives, and gave them thirty days to comply with this demand, and to forward their proposals. The flag was returned with this pacific mes- sage, and the distinguished warrior, Big Tree, of the Senecas, already mentioned, imme- diately committed suicide. He was friendly to our cause, and had been the intimate friend of General Butler, to whose manes he had sworn to sacrifice three victims. He could not endure the idea of a peace which would prevent him from performing his vow, and therefore, put a period to an existence no longer of any value to himself. This act created much surprise in the gar- 48 LIFE AND TIMES rison, though it was not withont its good effect. The soldiers well knew the cause of the me- lancholy deed, and it roused them to imitate the example of the uncultivated savage in his devoted friendship, though they did not aban- don themselves to such useless despair. They resolved to avenge upon the first opportunity, the merciless slaughter of the heroes who fell at St. Clair's defeat two years previous. This glance of the subject suggested itself im- mediately to the mind of Lieutenant Harri- son, and he made frequent reference to the friendship of Big Tree, for the purpose of in- spiring the men with similar feelings. His repeated appeals, and the strong light in which he placed the character of the Indian chief, soon wrought a complete change in the garrison, and made the soldiers eager for a battle, that a bloody sacrifice might be offered to the shades of their murdered brethren. Great Britain still manifested a hostile spirit against our country. She seized upon every opportunity to chastise her once rebellious colonies. Eer fleet broke in npon our com- merce and impressed our men. A speech of Lord Dorchester, calculated to influence and encourage the Indians, was freely circulated OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 49 among the tribes. She refused to evacuate the posts occupied by her army in the north-west, and even erected a fort at the rapids of the Miami. To increase the troubles, combinations were forming in Kentucky to invade Louisi- ana, and the governor of the latter had ad- vanced within our territory, and thrown up a fortification at the Chickasaw Bluffs. The Indians again refused to treat, and Wayne found it necessary to open a correspondence with the Governor of Kentucky, and to garri- son Fort Massac, on the Ohio, sixty miles above its confluence with the Mississippi. Active preparations were now recommenced, and the Commander-in-chief waited only the arrival of the mounted volunteers' from Ken- tucky, to begin his march toward the enemy. The soldiers had acquired confidence in them- selves, and their general knew he had no longer any thing to apprehend from a decided action. He expected that English soldiers led by their proper officers, would join the Indian forces in case of an engagement, but his own men were so well drilled and disciplined, that this thought produced no fear as to the result. E 50 LIFE AND TIMES CHAPTER VI. Assault upon Fort Recovery — The enemy repulsed — Erection of Fort Defiance — Wayne's overtures to the Indians rejected — Little Turtle's opinion of Gen. Wayne — Wayne's account of the battle of the 20th of August, 1794 — His praise of Har- rison- — The exposure of the aid-de-camp. An escort of riflemen and dragoons, under the command of Major M'Mahan, was at- tacked under the guns of Fort Recovery, and a general assault made upon that post, June 30th, 1794. A large force of British officers and soldiers* were mingled with the Indians in this engagement, aiding and directing the movements of the whole. The on- set was repeatedly renewed, and the as- sailants were as often driven back in disorder and confusion. The foe numbered about fifteen hundred men, and his loss is said to have been very great. The fight was obsti- nate, but the enemy was eventually com- pletely routed, and victory perched upon the star-splangled banner. In July, General Scott again joined the army, with his daring mounted volunteers from Kentucky, and on the 8th of August, General Wayne advanced about 70 miles be- OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 51 yond Greenville, and occupied a position at Grand Glaize, in the very midst of the hostile tribes. This movement was executed with the most consummate tact and the greatest rapidity ; and had not a soldier deserted and informed the English, the, surprise and defeat of the enemy must have immediately fol- lowed. In writing to the Secretary of War, Wayne expresses himself as having "gained posses- sion of the grand emporium of the hostile In- dians in the west, without loss of blood." The country was one of great beauty, and ex- hibited marks of high and extensive culti- vation. Having erected a fortress at the confluence of the Miami of the Lakes and the Au Glaize, which is called Fort Defiance, and being fully prepared for action at any moment, he resolved to give the Indians still another opportunity to abandon their hostilities. In mentioning this last effort for a conciliation, he expressed his expectation that the tribes would listen to his despatch. " But should war be their choice," said the gallant warrior, " that blood be upon their own heads. America shall no longer be insulted with impunity. 52 LIFE AND TIMES To an all powerful and just God, I therefore commit myself and my gallant army." The proposals were rejected, although Little Turtle, who had planned and led the attack at the defeat of St. Clair, urged his Indians to embrace the terms. In his ap- peal to them, he used the following language, in speaking of General Wayne : " We have beaten the enemy twice under separate commanders. We cannot expect the same good fortune to attend us always. The Americans are now led by a chief who never sleeps: — the night and the day arealike to him, and during all the time he has been marching upon our villages, notwithstanding the watchfulness of our young men, we have never been able to surprize him. Think well of it. There is something whispers me it would be prudent to listen to his offers of peace." The day after this speech was delivered, a splendid engagement' took place, which re- sulted in the complete overthrow of the enemy. As this battle was of the greatest importance, we give the official account transmitted to the Secretary of War by the commander-in- chief. OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 53 Head Quarters, ) Grand Glaize, 28th August, 1794. ] " Sir : — It is with infinite pleasure that I now announce to you the brilliant success of the federal army under my command, in a general action with the combined force of the hostile Indians, and a considerable number of the volunteers and militia of Detroit, on the 20th instant, on the banks of the Miami in the vicinity of the British post and garrison, at the foot of the rapids. " The army advanced from this place on the 15th instant, and arrived at Roche de Bout on the J 8th ; the 19th we were employed in making a temporary post for the reception of our stores and baggage, and in reconnoiter- iiig the position of the enemy, who were en- camped behind a thick bushy wood, and the British fort. " At 8 o'clock on the 20th, the army again advanced in columns, agreeably to the stand- ing order of march ; the legion on the right flank, covered by the Miami, — one brigade of mounted volunteers on the left, under Brigadier General Todd, and the other in the rear, un- der Brigadier General Barbee : — a select battalion of mounted volunteers moved in E* 54 LIFE AND TIMES front of the legion, commanded by Major Price, who was directed to keep sufficiently advanced — so as to give timely notice for the troops to form, in case of action — it being yet undetermined whether the Indians would decide for peace or war. After advancing about five miles, Major Price's corps received so severe a fire from the enemy, who were se- creted in the woods and high grass, as to com- pel them to retreat. ** The legion was immediately formed in two lines, principally in a close, thick wood, which extended for miles on our left ; and for a very considerable distance in front, the ground being covered with old fallen timber, probably occasioned by a tornado, which rendered it impracticable for cavalry to act with effect, and afforded the enemy the most favorable covert for their savage mode of warfare, they were formed in three lines within supporting distance of each other, and extending nearly two miles, at right angles with the river. " I soon discovered from the weight of the fire, and the extent of their lines, that the enemy were in full force in front, in posses- sion of their favorite ground, and endeavoring to turn our left flank. I therefore gave orders for the second line to advance, to support the OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 55 first, and directed Major General Scott to gain and turn the right flank of the savages, with the whole of the mounted volunteers, by a circuitous route ; at the same time I or- dered the front line to advance with trailed arms and rouse the Indians from their coverts at the point of the bayonet ; and when up, to deliver a close and well directed fire on their backs, followed by a brisk charge, so as not to give them time to load ngain. I also ordered Captain Miss. Campbell, who commanded the legionary cavalry, to turn the left flank of the enemy next the river, which af- forded a favorable field for that corps to act in. All these orders were obeyed with spirit and promptitude ; but such was the impetu- osity of the charge of the first line of in- fantry, that the Indians and Canadian militia and volunteers were driven from all their co- verts in so short a time, that although every exertion was used by the officers of the second line of the legion, and by Generals Scott, Todd and Barbee, of the mounted volun- teers, to gain their proper positions ; yet but a part of each could get up in season to par- ticipate in the action ; the enemy being driven, in the course of one hour, more than two 56 LIFE AND TIMES miles, through the thick woods already men- tioned, by less than one half their numbers. " From every account, the enemy amounted to two thousand combatants; the troops ac- tually engaged against them were short of nine hundred. This horde of savages, with their allies abandoned themselves to flight, and dis- persed with terror and dismay, leaving our victorious army in full and quiet possession of the field of battle, which terminated under the influence of the guns of the British garrison, as you will observe by the inclosed correspon- dence between Major Campbell, tbe com- mandant, and myself, upon the occasion. " The bravery and conduct of every officer belonging to the army, from the generals down to the ensigns, merit my highest approbation. There were, however, some whose rank and situation placed their conduct in a very con- spicuous point of view, and which I observed with pleasure and the most lively gratitude : among whom I beg leave to mention Brigadier General Wilkinson, and Colonel Hamtranck, the commandants of the right and left wings of the legion, whose brave example inspired the troops ; and to these I must add the names of my faithful and gallant aids-de-camp, Cap- OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 57 tains De Butts and T. Lewis, and Lieu- tenant Harrison, who, with the adjutant gen- eral, Major Mills, rendered the most essen- tial services by communicating my orders in every direction, and by their conduct and bravery exciting the troops to press for victory. Lieutenant Covington, upon whom the com- mand of the cavalry now devolved, cut down two savages with his own hand, and Lieu- tenant Webb one, in turning the enemy's left flank. " The wounds received by Captains Slough and Prior, and Lieutenants Campbell, Smith (an extra aid-de-camp to General Wilkinson) of the legionary infantry, and Captain Van Rensellaer, of the dragoons, and Captain Rawlins, Lieutenant M'Kenney, and Ensign Duncan, of the mounted volun- teers, bear an honorable testimony to their bravery and conduct. " Captains H. Lewis and Brock, with their companies of light infantry, had to sus- tain {in unequal fire for some time, which they supported with fortitude. In fact, every of- ficer and soldier who had an opportunity to come into action, displayed that true bravery which will always insure success. 58 LIFE AND TIMES " And here permit me to declare, that I never discoveied more true spirit and anxiety for action, than appeared to pervade the whole of the mounted volunteers ; and I am well persuaded that had the enemy maintained their favorite ground but for one half hour longer, they would have most severely felt the prowess of that corps. " But whilst [ pay this just tribute to the liv- ing I must not forget the gallant dead ; among whom we have to lament the early death of those worthy and brave officers, Captain Miss. Campbell of the dragoons, and Lieu- tenant Toavles of the light infantry of the legion, Avho fell in the first charge. " Inclosed is a particular return of the killed and wounded — the loss of the enemy was more than double that of the federal army. The woods were strewed for a con- siderable distance with the dead bodies of the Indians, and their white auxiliaries ; the lat- ter armed with British muskets and bayonets. " We remained three days and nights on the banks of the Miami, in front of the field of battle, during which all the houses and cornfields were consumed and destroyed for a considerable distance, both above and below OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON • 59 Fort Miami, as well as within pistol-shot of that garrison, who were compelled to remain tacit spectators of this general devastation and conflagration — among which were the bouses, stores and property of Colonel M'Kee, the British Indian Agent, and principal stimulator of the war now existing between the United States and the savages. " The army returned to this place on the 27th by easy marches, laying waste the vil- lages and cornfields for about fifty miles on each side of the Miami ; there remain yet a number of villages, and a great quantity of corn to be consumed or destroyed, upon Au Glaize and the Miami, which will be effected in the course of a few days. In the interim we shall improve Fort Defiance, and as soon as the escort returns witli the necessary sup- plies from Greenville and Fort Recovery, the army will proceed to the Miami villages, in order to accomplish the object of the cam- paign. " It is, however, not improbable that the enemy may make one more desperate effort against the army ; as it is said that a reinforce- ment was hourly expected at Fort Miami, from Niagara, as well as numerous tribes of Indians, 60 LIFE AND TIMES Jiving on the margins and lakes. This is a business rather to be wished for than dreaded, as long as the army remains in force. Their numbers will only tend to confuse the savages, and the victory will be more complete and decisive — and which may eventually insure a permanent and happy peace. " Under these impressions, I have the honor to be, " Your most obedient, " And very humble servant, " Anthony Wayne. " The Hon. Major-General Knox, ) Secretary of War." ) It will be seen by this communication of the Commander-in-chief, that the service in which Mr. Harrison had engaged was no child's play. Men were expected to do their duty, and they were thrown forward by their heroic general where they were compelled to rely upon their own prowess and bravery. The open fire and rapid charge were new and dan- gerous movements, originating with Mad Anthony, and he fully proved in this cam- paign that Ms was the true system of battling with the Indians. "While the savage was per- OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. ()1 mitted to stand quietly behind his tree, and load and fire in safety, every ball carried death ; but when an impetuous assault drove him from his shelter, and destroyed the power of using the rifle on which he depended altogether, or nearly so, he lost all hope and abandoned himself to a flight, oftentimes as dangerous as precipitate. In the ensrajrement recorded, Lieutenant Harrison acted as aid, in which employment he was constantly exposed, being despatched with orders to almost every quarter of the field, and frequently compelled to ride into the thickest of the battle, and before the incessant discharge of the enemy, to make his commu- nications to the officers, The Campaign of Wayne was an admirable school for a young and daring soldier, and through his whole life, our brave lieutenant gave continual evidence that he had profited by the lessons he there received. 62 LIFE AND TIMES CHAPTER VII. Conduct of Major Campbell-Survey of Fort Miami-Observation and conduct of Buckongahelas-He and the Turtle renounce the English-Negotiations opened-Treaty concluded-Effect produced in England by Wayne's victory-Emigration renew- ed-Mr. Harrison promoted to a Captaincy, and placed in com- mand of Fort Washington-French intrigues-Powers conferred upon Captain Harrison-His marriage. Immediately after the action recorded in the preceding chapter, the Commander-in- chief received a communication from Major Campbell, the British commandant of the Fort Miami, requesting to be informed, whether he was to consider the American army as enemies, being ignorant of any war existing between the King, his master, and the United States. The correspondence which ensued, and which the reader will find in the appendix to this volume, determined General Wayne to examine Fort Miami thoroughly, and if neces- sary, take it. He had authority for such a course in case the fort at all obstructed his operations, and his army was just in the right spirit for the enterprize. Flushed with the recent glorious victory, his men would have marched directly to the mouths of the British cannon, had he but given the word. He had OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. G3 » the sagacity to perceive that such an enterprize might again involve the States with Great Britain, and therefore concluded to take no notice of it unless lie found the measure ab- solutely necessary for the success of his cam- paign. The work was thoroughly examined. The general himself, accompanied by a troop of dragoons, approached within one hundred yards of the fort, where he halted a few mo- ments to survey the spot. Accompanied by his aids, De Butts and Harrison, he pre- sently moved slowly on toward the fortress. When within sixty yards of one of the bastions, the English gunners were seen leaning over the cannon, with lighted torches in their hands. One piece was brought to a recover, ready to fire. Harrison drew the attention of the general to the circumstance, remarking that he would be shot immediately. The general cooly replied, that the sentinel dare not fire. The next moment Wilkinson came up with his staff, at a hand gallop, and an officer was seen in the bastion, endeavoring to pre- vent the soldiers from firing. Wayne checked his horse, and slowly retired, followed by his G4 LIFE AND TIMES friends. Letter, No. III., in the appendix re- fers to this. The spirit of the Indians was much subdued by the battle, and they began to examine into the conduct of the British with the closest scrutiny. Dawson states that there were two compa- nies of British militia from Detroit, in the en- gagement, and yet the gates of Fort Miami were shut against the retreating Indians. The great war chief Buckongahelas was the first to observe this, and he immediately determined to abandon the English. He placed his tribes in canoes and proceeded up the river. Being requested so to do, he landed when near the British fort, and demanded of the officer, " what have you to say to me V being told that the commanding officer wished to speak with him, he replied, "then he may come here." " He will not do that, and you will not be permitted to pass unless you attend him," was the reply. " What shall prevent me?" demanded the daring savage. " These guns," was the reply, pointing to the English cannon. The answer of the chief was as severe as true, " I fear not your cannon," said he, " after suffering the Americans to OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. C-5 defile your spring without daring to fire on them, you cannot expect to frighten Buckon- gaiielas," and speaking to his men in his own language, he ordered the canoes to he pushed off, and passed the fort unmolested. From that hour he refused to have any com- munication with the British, and on his death bed in 1894, advised his tribe to rely upon the friendship of the United States. The Turtle also renounced the English and became the advocate of peace with the United States ; not from fear for he was a stranger to the feeling, but in consequence of the conduct of the British toward their de- feated allies. As we shall have occasion hereafter to speak more at large upon the character of this warrior, we leave his defence for the present. January 1st, 1795, the Indians opened a negociation for peace, agreeing to surrender all captives — to ratify all former treaties, and to comply with such general terms as should be imposed by General Wayne. They also gave hostages tor the faithful performance of their obligations. Shortly after, a treaty was finally concluded at Greenville, by which the Indians relin- (56 LIFE AND TIMES quished an immense territory to defray the expenses of the war and abandoned certain parts important to the United States. The news of Wayne's victory reaching England in Nov., 1794, enabled Mr. Jay to conclude most advantageously for our government, the negociation which had been long pending be- tween him and Lord Grenville. One im- portant stipulation in Jay's treaty, was the surrender to the United States of all the forts held and occupied by the British, in the north-west, within the jurisdiction of our gov- ernment. The settlers had now uninterupted possession of the disputed territory, and emi- gration rapidly progressed. Upon the close of the campaign, Mr. Har- rison was promoted to a captaincy, though still retaining his rank as aid-de-camp to General Wayne, and placed in command of Fort Washington, under circumstances which proved the confidence of the commander-in- chief, and the exalted opinion entertained by that officer for the integrity, intrepidity and discretion of his young pupil. The American troops, arms, ammunition and provisions, intended for the forts evacuated by the British, were to be sent to Captain Harrison j OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON- G7 and by him forwarded to their respective sta- tions. The French intrigues in Kentucky were still going forward for an invasion of Louisi- ana, and many wealthy and intelligent per- sons had already connected themselves with the proposed expedition. The object repre- sented to the Americans, and which they ear- nestly desired was the uninterrupted right to navigate the Mississippi, which the Spanish government at that time denied. General Wayne still kept up the correspondence with the governor of Kentucky, to which allusion lias already been made, and Captain Harri- son was instructed to keep the general advised of all movements toward the south, and to prevent the passage of the boats of the French agents over the river, laden with military stores. Discretionary powers of almost un- limited extent were also given to the young officer, to be used as circumstances might re- quire. " It is no slight evidence," says Hall in his memoir of Harrison, " of the prudence, ability and intelligence of Harrison, that at an early age, and with the rank only of Cap- tain, he was selected by the discriminating Waynb to discharge duties so important, and 68 LIFE AND TIMES to exercise a responsibility so delicate. It is enough to say, that in this, as well as on vari- ous subsequent trusts reposed in him through- out a long career, he honorably vindicated, by his fidelity and zeal, the choice of the ap- pointing power." At this time he was just turned of twenty- two years of age, and the talent, fortitude and wisdom of his youth increased with his years and marked every act of his eventful and glo- rious career. He remained at Fort Wash- ington discharging his arduous and compli- cated duties with boldness, punctuality and uncommon intelligence ; and while there mar- ried the daughter of John Cleves Svmmes, the founder of the Miami settlements. " She has been," says Hall, "the faithful com- panion of this distinguished patriot, during the various perils and vicissitudes of his eventful life, and still lives to witness the ma- turity of his fame, and the honors paid him by a grateful country." xjV WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. G9 CHAPTER VIII. Captain Harrison leaves the army, and is appointed Secretary of the North-western Territory— Condition of the country — Manner of selling public lands— Mr. Harrison chosen delegate to Congress — He is appointed chairman of a committee to in- vestigate the land laws— Reports a bill— The bill passed— The Territory divided, and Mr. Harrison appointed Governor of the new Territory of Indiana. On the death of General Wayne, which oc- curred in 1797, Captain Harrison left the army, and received his first civil appointment, as Secretary of the North-western Territory, and cx-ojjicio, Lieutenant Governor. We have gone with him through his early military ca- reer, and have seen him even at the age of eighteen, manfully battling with the enemies of his country, and exposing his life constantly and for years after in defence of the border settlements. We have now to view him in a new lijrht — he has in a measure doffed the sword and plume, and brought his mighty in- tellect to the civil service of his fellow- citizens. The early settlers of the western wilderness had trials, hardships and privations to endure almost incredible to us of the present day, and the beautiful garden spots now blooming in all the luxury of cultivation, give no idea of 70 LIFE AND TIMES the thorn and the oak, the bed of earth and the covering of clouds which were at that time the hourly companions of the hardy pioneers. The forest was their home, and the panther and the wolf, howled the night through, around their rude log tenements. Their food was the game of the woods, which they pro- cured by their rifles, and the only luxury they enjoyed may be said to have been the sleep of the weary. Beside these they still had to encounter the savages, and frequent murders were committed, of the most out- rageous character and in cool blood. All shared alike the privations and labor, and all lived alike in the rough log cabins. With Mad Anthony, one of the bravest and most daring soldiers, Mr. Harrison had learned the art of war. Among the hardiest set of men — men ready to buffet wind, wea- ther and the beasts of the forest — in a wild, uncultivated district, open to constant and sudden dangers, he commenced the study of civil improvement. He may truly be said, to have begun with the great west, and to have grown with it. He gathered instruction from his association with the farmers, soldiers and pioneers — listened to their wants, and did all in his power to serve and benefit them. OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 71 At that time the public lands were disposed of by the government, in tracts of four thou- sand acres, and an individual could not pur- chase less. The effect of this erroneous sys- tem was, in a measure to exclude actual set- tlers, while men of fortune could take up large tracts and enter upon splendid specula- tions by retailing their property in small farms. The men who generally settle a new country are extremely poor. They go forward with the rifle and axe, and clear their lands and provide food for their families. They are un- able to buy large estates, or were they pos- sessed of sufficient means of doing so, they do not want more than they can readily till. The governmental arrangement we have alluded to, greatly retarded the growth of the western country, and to protect settlers from the enormous exactions of the rich speculator, it became necessary to have new laws for the sale of lands, by which small farms could be purchased immediately from government at the stated prices. The year following, the North-eastern Ter- ritory entered upon the second grade of ter- ritorial government, and was entitled to repre- 72 LIFE AND TIMES sentation by a delegate in Congress. 31k. Harrison had been the first to point out to the people the embarrassment produced by the land law, and they now chose him as their first delegate. His associates in Congress were men of the first order of intellect, and he here again profited by words of instruction from the lips of the wise. Bayard, Gallatin and Mar- shall were men from whom the erudite could still gather knowledge, and the youthful dele- gate and intrepid soldier, ever ready to learn, listened with eagerness to their profound sug- gestions. He soon offered a resolution for the ap- pointment of a committee to investigate and report upon the existing manner of disposing of public lands. Of this committee, he was selected chairman, and " it is believed," says Hall, " this is the only instance in which that distinction has been conferred upon a territorial delegate." He shortly after, re- ported upon his resolution and also presented a bill, the main clause of which reduced the size of tracts from four thousand acres to al- ternate half and quarter sections ; or, al- ternate tracts of three hundred and twenty OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 73 and one hundred and sixty acres. This was for the express purpose of placing purchases within the immediate reach of the farmer and the actual settler. The report accompanying the bill gave a clear and distinct view of the true position of the population of his territory, and the great disadvantages under which the people labored. It gained for the new delegate a reputation unprecedented for so young a man, and upon his first appearance in the political arena. When the bill came up for discussion, it was violently attacked by Mr. Lee of Vir- ginia, and Mr. Cooper, of New York ; but the mover alone defended his project, and dis- closed a perfect knowledge of his subject. He examined the old system — pointed out its injurious effects — showed that the rich man was benefited by it, and that the poor must and did suffer. He stood before his country, upon the floor of the House of Representa- tives, the champion of the people — to defend them against the unwarrantable speculations of the wealthy, and to secure to them equal advantages with their rich neighbors. His eloquent argument had the desired effect, and the bill passed the House triumphantly. 74 LIFE AND TIMES The Senate however, refused to pass the bill, and committees of conference were ap- pointed — Mr. Gallatin and Mr. Harrison on the part of the House, and Mr. Ross and Mr. Brown on the part of the Senate. So great was the opposition now, that Mr. Har- rison was compelled to submit to a com- promise, by which the public lands were thereafter to be sold in alternate whole and half sections, or tracts of six hundred and forty and six hundred and twenty acres. In producing the report, Mr. Gallatin greatly assisted the western delegate, and as soon as the object was accomplished, Mr. Harrison gave his friend due credit for his valuable assistance. He wished to do so at once, but was prevented by the earnest re- quest of Mr. Gallatin himself. The bill became an act, and the people of the west have been, we may say, made by it. It is stated on good authority, that had the passage of the bill been delayed one year, a large portion of Ohio would have been sold off in four thousand acre tracts to capitalists, to the exclusion of the hardy settlers who have since placed that whole state in her present bright and happy condition. OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 75 Mr. Harrtson next offered a resolution changing' the manner of treating military land-warrants. A committee was appointed, and a proper bill introduced which became a law. Thus early in life we find Mr. Harrison contending manfully for the rights of the peo- ple and practising upon the noble principles laid down by his distinguished father: nor has the son ever for a single moment, lost sight of or neglected to follow the patriotic precepts and example of his honored parent. The success of the delegate was manifest throughout the whole north-western country, and may now be witnessed in the prosperity of millions of intelligent freemen. The part he took gained him great popularity, and the settlers at once forwarded an immense num- ber of petitions, requesting the President to appoint Mr. Harrison governor of the North- western Territory. He himself opposed the object of these petitions, being unwilling to permit his name to come in competition with that of his esteemed and venerable friend, St. Clair. About this time however, that which now is the State of Ohio, was created a territory by 76 LIFE AND TIMES itself, and the remainder of the North-western Territory received the name of Indiana, being erected into a separate government. Having served but one year in Congress, Mr Har- rison was, at the almost universal request of the inhabitants, appointed by the President, governor of the Territory of Indiana. Mr. Harrison early identified himself with the republican party ; — has been, at all times, the champion of the people, and a zealous advocate for the diffusion of the pure prin- ciples of democracy. His constant and in- defatigable exertions for the people of the west, procured for him that title which has been conferred by general consent — the Father of the North-Western Territory. CHAPTER IX. Situation of the Country — Stations — Massacre of a settler's family— British interference — The Governor's powers and du- ties — The Territory enters upon the second grade of govern- ment — The Governor recovers damages against a slanderer — His conduct upon the sale of the libeller's property — He de- clines fees for Indiana licenses — His pay as Indiana Commis- sioner—His popularity— Manner of doing public business. At the time Mr. Harrison received the ap- pointment of Governor of the Territory of Indiana, that country was under the first form OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 77 of territorial government, and almost un- limited power was vested in the executive. It was a vast domain including the whole ter- ritory of the United States beyond the Missis- sippi and Ohio, except that which is now the State of Ohio; and from J803 to 1805, the whole of upper Louisiana was also embraced under the jurisdiction of Governor Harrison. The people had no voice whatever in their own affairs. New institutions were to be formed, and all power was delegated to the territorial governor. The population was small, and widely scattered. There were but three settlements of any size in the whole ter- ritory — one at the falls of the Ohio, opposite Louisville, another at Vincennes, five hun- dred miles distant, and the third, the French towns on the Mississippi, extending from Kaskaskia to Cahokia, and two hundred miles from Vincennes. The intermediate country was the scene of constant difficulties between the Indians and the hunters. Robberies and barbarous mur- ders were almost daily occurrences, and very little security was enjoyed until the close of the war of 1812. In different quarters at- tacks were frequently made simultaneous^ G* Life and times and the most revolting barbarities practised* The only roads between the settlements were paths beaten by the Indians, and the only rest- ing places were log houses, surrounded by palisades, and called stations. We have one account of a man who was travelling west with his wife, two sons and a daughter. Hav- ing been detained by an accident, he was un- able to reach the station, and posting one of his sons as a guard, he encamped for the night* About midnight, the crack of a rifle roused the father, and seizing his gun, he was about to rush to the aid of his child, when a glimmering tomahawk flashed through the dim light, and buried itself in his body. The Indians had shot the sentry, and now butch- ered the whole family except the daughter, who was a beautiful girl about sixteen years of age. She was retained, and forced to be- come the wife of one of the Indian mur- derers. Two years after she effected her es- cape, and told the story of the massacre. This is but one case out of hundreds. The seat of government was at Vincennes, on the Wabash ; a town inhabited principally by French people. The British traders car- ried on an extensive and profitable business OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 79 With the Indians, and jealous of the increas- ing population of the new country, pains were taken to prejudice the minds of' the savages against our government. Tiie traders were stimulated to this proceeding by their home government, for England could not even yet reconcile the idea of the United States remain- ing a free country, and preparatory to another war, was anxious to enlist the savajre tribes in her favor. The Governor had all these evils to contend against, and on him chiefly devolved the adop- tion of such laws of the original states as were deemed necessary He also appointed all magistrates and other civil officers, and all militia officers below the grade of general. It remained with him also to divide the coun- try into counties and townships. He could pardon. He was the agent and representa- tive of the general government, and could confirm grants of land to a numerous class of individuals, having certain claims specified in the law. The application was made di- rectly to the Governor, and his signature was alone sufficient to confirm a title unquestion- able before any legal tribunal. Although this power was so susceptible of abuse ; such was 80 HFE AND TIMES the prudence of Governor Harrison, and such his scrupulous attention to the interests of the public, and delicate regard for his ho- nor, that his duty was discharged without a single suspicion of his integrity. Mr. Jefferson appointed Governor Har- rison, sole commissioner for treating with the Indians. Here his time was wholly occupied and he had the disbursement of large sums of money, appropriated by Congress for annui- ties to the tribes and for purchasing lands. He conducted this trust with great discreet- ness, and acquired an uncommon influence over the Indians. His administration is de- clared to have been nearly a succession of treaties,* by one of which he secured to the United States fifty one millions of acres of the richest country in the west, and the most valuable mineral region in the Union. The Territory entered upon the second grade of government in 1805, and by this the people were allowed a legislature. They elected members to the lower house, and this branch nominated ten persons, out of whom Congress chose five, who constituted the less numerous branch. * Hall. OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 81 Although this change deprived the governor of much power and patronage, yet he ear- nestly advocated the alteration, and felt greatly relieved when the new legislature assumed many of the enormous responsibilities, which previously had rested aloneupon the executive. Governor Harrison brought a suit against a person who had thrown out some malicious hints in reference to his negociations with the Indians. The charge was fresh — the tes- timony at hand, and a complete investigation was had before the Supreme Court. Two judges left the bench — one, a friend of the Governor, and the other of the defendant. The trial had not far advanced, when the defendant's council gave up the plea of jus- tification, and contended only for mitigation of damages. The jury in one hour, returned a verdict of four thousand dollars damages for the Governor. This was an enormous verdict for a new country. The defendant's property was sold, and bought in by the Governor's agent. Shortly after two thirds of the pro- perty were returned by the Governor to his slanderer, and the remainder was given to the orphans of some of the soldiers who had fallen in battle. 82 LIFE AND TIMES So far from ever even attempting; to benefit himself, although he niijjht have done so with perfect justness and integrity in many in- stances, he refused every opportunity to profit by his own powers. Nay, farther : he even went so far as to sometimes refuse that which was his honest due under the laws, lest some one might accuse him wrongfully, or that the mere appearance might have an injurious ef- fect upon others. When appointed ex-officio Governor of upper Louisiana, he knew that the president earnestly wished to convince the inhabitants of the newly acquired territory of the corruption under which they had lived and the fairness and honor of our government ; and to aid the intentions of Mr. Jefferson, Governor Harrison declined receiving the fees for Indian licenses, which would have brought him at least two or three thousand dollars, and to which he was justly entitled by law. While acting as commissioner his com- pensation was six dollars a day and expenses, and it was left with himself to sny when he was acting under his commission, and when under that of superintendent ; and although he held the first commission for eleven years, OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. &3 and during that time negotiated no less jhan thirteen treaties, yet the whole charge made for such services in that time amounted only to about five thousand dollars. He also repeatedly refused to purchase pro- perty or to become interested in the purchases of others, though frequently solicited, and hav- ing constant opportunity to amass splendid fortunes.* The various addresses of Governor Har- rison to the legislature, show a remarkable clearness of perception and perspicuity of style. He never neglected the recommenda- tion of any measure which he considered ne- cessary to be adopted ; and never advised the passage of any act, without giving the most profound and convincing reasons for his ad- vocacy. To enable the public to judge of his abilities, several specimens of his writings are introduced in the appendix. The extensive and almost unlimited powers given to territorial governors, render it dif- ficult for them to maintain anything like popu- larity. The people are apt to become dis- satisfied with being ruled by a governor in - * See a letter from General Harrison, dated " North Bend, Oct. 18, 1839." in the appendix. . 84 LIFE AND TIMES whose appointment they have no choice. They become suspicious of his intentions and impatient under his authority. These feelings are particularly visible among the settlers of a new country. Men who make themselves — who hew their way through life, and by a natural independence and stubborn integrity are constantly accustomed to examine for themselves — are not often content to remain under an authority not of their own selection. This repugnance however, was never felt to- ward Governor Harrison. His manner was conciliating, and he always commanded re- spect, while he also engaged the warm affec- tions of the people. He used the extensive authority placed in his hands, with wisdom and discretion. In appointments to office under him, he always consulted the people and se- lected those who enjoyed the confidence of their fellow-citizens. To this principle he sacrificed even personal and political feeling — frequently appointing to office men in every way opposed to himself. During nearly the whole of his life he has been intrusted with immense sums of money, yet he so managed his accounts as never to have a large amount on hand, while he skill- OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 85 fully contrived to save the government the risk and expense of transporting money to the west, by transmitting to Washington drafts and receipts at the same time. CHAPTER X. Extract from the Governor's first message to the Indiana Legis- lature—The Governor's exertions in behalf of the Indians —Conduct of Buckongahelas— Notice of Little Turtle— His en- deavours to prevent the sale of liquor to his tribe— He Is in- oculated, and takes some matter to inoculate other Indians. Governor Harrison constantly endeavored to reconcile the Indians to their condition, and to supply as far as possible, their necessities. Measures were adopted by which their com- munications with the British were greatly abridged, and they were forced to procure from the Americans their arms and ammuni- tion. Large sums of money were appro- priated to their use by the United States, and agents were employed to instruct them in such acts of civilized life as they were capable of receiving. A law had been passed by Congress, to pre- vent the sale of spirituous liquors to the sav- ages, but it had not the desired effect, being H g(5 LIFE AND TIMES so open that constant evasions were made upon its tenor. In Governor Harrison's first mes- sage to the new legislature of the territory, in speaking upon this subject, he used the fol- lowing eloquent and feeling language : " The humane and benevolent intentions of the government, however, will forever be defeated, unless effectual measures be devised to prevent the sale of ardent spirits to those unhappy people. The law which has been passed by Congress for that purpose, has been found ineffectual, because its operation has been construed to relate to the Indian country exclusively. In calling your attention to this subject, gentlemen, I am persuaded that it is unnecessary to remind you, that the article of compact makes it your duty to attend to it. The interests of your constituents, the in- terests of the miserable Indians, and your own feelings, will sufficiently urge you to take it into your most serious consideration, and provide the remedy which is to save thousands of your fellow-creatures. You are witnesses to the abuses ; you have seen our towns crowded with furious and drunken savages, our streets flowing with their blood, their arms and clothing bartered for the liquor that de- OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 87 stroys them, and their miserable women and children enduring all the extremities of cold and hunger. So destructive has the progress of intemperance been among them, that whole villages have been swept away. A miserable remnant is all that remains to mark the names and situations of many numerous and warlike tribes. In the energetic language of one of their orators, it is a dreadful con- flagration, which spreads misery and devasta- tion throughout their country, and threatens the annihilation of the whole race. Is it then to be admitted as a political axiom, that the neighborhood of a civilized nation is incom- patible with the existence of savages? Are the blessings of our republican government only to be felt by ourselves? And are the natives of North America to experience the same fate with their brethren of the southern continent? It is with you, gentlemen, to di- vert from those children of nature the ruin that hanffs over them. Nor can I believe that the time will be considered mispent, which is devoted to an object so consistent with the spirit of Christianity and with the principles of republicanism." The Governor now exerted every power 88 I'IFE AND TIMES within bis reach to induce the Indians to re- main quiet, and in friendship with the United States. His philanthropic intentions were much assisted by the territorial legislature and by many personal friends, and he had the satis- faction for some time, of seeing the happiest re- sults flow from his benevolent designs. He sent out repeatedly for the chiefs of various tribes, and succeeded in concluding with many, treaties advantageous to the United States. This indeed, he had done while the territory was under his own immediate con- trol, and he continued his efforts to relieve and pacify the savages during the whole time he held his office. In 1803, a council of chiefs was held at Fort Wayne, for the purpose of ratifying a nego- tiation for land, which had been proposed at a former meeting at Vincennes. Buckonga- helas, the Delaware chief, of whom we have before spoken, was present at this coun- cil, and caused some trouble to the Governor. The Potawatamies and some of the Miamies boldly seconded the Executive in all his pro- positions, but the Dklawares and Siiawanees opposed every movement, and when the Vin- cennes transaction was alluded to, the latter OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 89 were filled with wrath and indignation. " The respected Buckongahelas," says Dawson, " so far forgot himself that lie interrupted the Governor, and declared with vehemence, that nothing that was done at Vincennes was bind- ing upon tlie Indians ; and that he had then with him a chief who had been present at the transfer made by the Piankishaws to the Delawares of all the country between the Ohio and White rivers, more than thirty years before. " The Shawanees went still further, and behaved with so much insolence, that the Go- vernor was obliged to tell them that they were undutiful and rebellious children, and that he would withdraw his protection from them un- til they had learned to behave themselves with more propriety. These chiefs immediately left the council house in a body.'* The Shawanees afterward submitted — the Governor put down all opposition and carried his point. Buckongahelas was as obstinate as ever, though at his death, which occurred the following yearyhe advised his tribe to de- sert the English and rely upon the friendship of the United States. He was a daring fellow, and had no mean opinion of himself. At the II* 90 LIFE AND TIMES council of Fort Mclntoch, when the American officers, and Indian chiefs had assembled, it was he, who, without deigning to notice any others, advanced to the General, and taking him by the hand, said, "I thank the Great Spirit for having this day brought together two such great warriors as Buckongahelas and General Clark," Many other hostile chiefs were through the wisdom and care of Governor Harrison, brought to consider the United States the go- vernment to which they should cling, and they abandoned forever all communication with the British. It was the Little Turtle who principally assisted at the council in 1803, and he ap- pears to have renounced all connection with the English soon after the treaty of Green- ville. He frequently visited Philadelphia and Washington after this, and having settled updn Eel River, about twenty miles from Fort Wayne, a comfortable house was erected for him, and he was furnished with every reason- able accommodation by the American govern- ment. The vice of intemperance raged with great fury among his people, and he was ex- ceedingly gratified with the course pursued OF WILLIAM HENRY IIARRISON 91 by Governor Harrison to prevent the sale of spirituous liquors to the Indians. He had seen hundreds of his best and bravest war- riors at one time, in war, surprised and mas- sacred in their cups, on the very ground where he had obtained his most signal victories. His pride could not brook the idea that his people should become beasts, and he took every measure in his power to stay the destruc- tion pouring over them. He argued and re- monstrated, but his influence with his tribes was much weakened. About the time of the council at Fort Wayne, lie went before the legislature of Kentucky, and made an appeal to them in person, through his friend and interpreter, Captain Wells. He also made a powerful address to the legislature of Ohio. He begged both to interfere to prevent the traders from selling liquor to his people. The traders he described forcibly : " They stripped the poor Indians," said he, " of skins, gun, blanket, everything, — while his squaw and the children dependant on him lay starving and shivering in his wigwam." He did all he could for his people, but his exertions were in a great degree useless. In 92 LIFE AND TIMES 1801, or 1802, while in Washington, at the so- licitation of the President, he and several of his warriors were inoculated. When he went home, he took a quantity of vaccine matter, and administered the potent remedy for the small-pox, in person. Soon after a deputa- tion from his tribe visited Washington to pro- cure more of the matter. Several other chiefs represented to Gover- nor Harrison the ruin which was desolating their towns through the influence of spiritous liquors. Early in this volume we represented the excesses of the American army at Fort Washington, when Mr. Harrison first joined the troops, and his own resolution to withstand all temptations to drink. He had a dreadful picture before, both among his countrymen and the tribes around the fort. He saw all the evils of this pernicious vice, and from that moment endeavored, not only to prohibit the sale of liquor to the Indians, but by advice and remonstrance to prevail upon the savages to abandon a custom, which carried with it nothing but disease, disgrace and death. For the purpose of showing his opinion on this subject in his own words, we copied the extract from his address to the legislature, in OP WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 93 the beginning of this chapter. The same in- veterate opposition to liquor lias marked the course of his life. CHAPTER XI. Governor Harrison's treatment of the Indians— His writings and speeches— Complimentary notices— Conduct of the hunters- Conduct of the British agents— The Governor's influence over the Indians— Attempt upon his life. In our appendix will be found several spe- cimens of Mr. Harrison's writings, and we refer to them with a conscious pride in the talent they display. They are variously se- lected, that the reader may make himself per- fectly acquainted with the sentiments of this distinguished man in the many and important situations he occupied. The whole tenor of his official communications exhibit the cul- tivated intellect, the reflecting mind, and the feelinjr heart. His constant anxietv to forward the interests of all who came under his juris- diction, and his unremitted exertions to ame- liorate the condition of the savage tribes, will forever redound to his honor and hand down his name to posterity witli love and veneration. He never refused to hear the complaints of the Indians, but met their chiefs with that dig- 94 LIFE AND TIMES nity and kindness which became li is station. He listened patiently to the story of their wrongs, and replied to them in language con- ciliating and endearing. He promised to do all in his power to gratify their reasonable demands, and he never broke his promise. Though many of the tribes behaved with treachery to him, yet he was always calm, moderate and forbearing. Bold, energetic and fearless in the field, he was nevertheless, as a civil magistrate humane and considerate. In speaking of his character, Mr. Hall uses the following complimentary language. " He did not neglect any of the various civil duties which were confided to his care. All the departments of the government were mod- elled under his direction ; and in his com- munications to the legislature, the various subjects of legislation were -freely discussed. His speeches were frank and manly ; and he writes with the ease, correctness and precision, of one who was accustomed to think with clearness, ami who possessed in a high degree the faculty of fluent expression. Few of our public documents will be found to be couched in better lanuua&e than those of Governor Harrison. OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 95 When first appointed Governor of the Ter- ritory of Indiana, Mr. Harrison openly de- clared his determination not to hold the station a moment longer than his administration should be satisfactory to the people ; and at their re- quest he received his successive re-appoint- ments from Presidents, Adams, Jefferson and Madison. The following were the senti- ments of the citizens of St Louis, when their connection with Indiana was about to ter- minate : — "To his Excellency William Henry Harrison, Go- vernor, and the honorahle the Judges of the Indiana Territory. " Gentlemen : "An arduous public service assigned you by the general government of the United States, is about to cease. The eve of the an- niversary of American Independence will close the scene ; and on that celebrated festival will be organized, under most auspicious cir- cumstances, a government for the Territory of Louisiana. Local situation and circumstances forbid the possibility of a permanent political connection. This change, however congenial to our wishes, will not take effect without a 96 LIFE AND TIMES respectful expression of sentiment to you, gentlemen, for your assiduity, attention, and disinterested punctuality, in the temporary administration of your government of Loui- siana. " St. Louis, July 2, 1805." Governor Harrison was presented with an address from the officers of the militia in the district of St. Louis, at the same time. The address concludes thus : " Accept, Sir, these sentiments as the pledge of our affectionate attachment to you, and to the magnanimous policy by which you have been guided. May the chief magistrate of the American nation duly estimate your worth and talents, and long keep you in a station where you have it in your power ta gain hearts by virtuous actions, and promul- gate laws among men who know how to res- pect you, and are acquainted with their own rights." At its first session the legislative council addressed him in the most flattering terms, while the house of Representatives returned their thanks to him for his opening speech ; using the following words : — " We discern the solicitude for the future happiness and OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 97 prosperity of the territory, which has uniformly been evinced by your past administration." Many other compliments were paid to Mr. Harrison, some of which we shall mention hereafter. Governor Harrison was surrounded by warlike tribes who were constantly fighting and quarrelling with the white settlers; while, as if to aggravate the troubles, hunters from Kentucky and Ohio were continually cross- in tr into Indiana and destroying the game of riirht belonging to the Indians. The deer, bear and buffalo, were killed, merely for their skins ; while the savages only took as many as were required for food. The Indians found their very living daily diminishing, with the prospect of soon being taken from them en- tirely by the promiscuous murder of the whites. Of this the savages complained most bitterly, and the Governor endeavored to prevent the incursions of the hunters. To this was added the conduct of the Brit- ish agents, who were continually prejudicing the minds of the Indians, and furnishing them with liquor. When Governor Harrison would give notice for -the meeting of a council, these agents would go immediately among the tribes 98 LIFE AND TIMES and endeavor to inflame tliem against the United States. In November, 1804, Colonel M'Kee, the English agent used the following lano-uane to some of the chiefs: — "My chil- dren, it is true that the Americans do not wish you to drink any spiritous liquors, and therefore have told their traders that they should not carry any liquor into your country. But, my children, they have no right to say that one of your father's traders, (meaning the* British traders,) should carry no liquor among his children. ***** "My children, your Father, King George, loves his red children, and wishes his red chil- dren supplied with every thing they want. He is not like the Americans, who are continual- ly blinding your eyes, and stopping your ears with good words, that taste sweet as sugar, while they get all your lands from you." By way of retaliation for the destruction of their game by the hunters, the Indians would kill the hogs and poultry of the settlers. The latter became incensed at this conduct, and frequently demanded to be led against the savages. With the general government in- sisting upon peace and forbearance, and the Indians inflamed by the British traders and OF WILLIAM IIENHY HARRISON. 09 committing constant depredations — the set- tlers suffering for the sins of the hunters, Governor Harrison was placed in a most trying situation. It is only to be wondered that, — under all these circumstances and the course which naturally devolved upon him, and which he discharged so faithfully, — he preserved his popularity at all. When the Indians came in to a council, they frequently brought several hundred war- riors, as if to intimidate the Governor; and they often behaved with so much insolence that he was obliged to send them away with- out effecting the objects of the meeting. They would come armed, and their orators would make the most inflammatory addresses to their warriors ; yet the Governor was never known to betray the slightest fear. With but a handful of friends, would he meet hosts of these warlike and uncultivated savajres — lis- len attentively to their appeals, and when the torrent of exciting native eloquence swell- ed to a dangerous height, with a calm dig- nity which never deserted him in his most perilous positions, he would with a few words spoken in a collected, though firm and deci- ded tone, allay instantly the rude whirlwind 100 LIFE AND TIMES of speech and bring down the uncouth savage from his flight of insolence and vituperation. Often, when almost alone, he had pereinp- torally dismissed hundreds of Indians, burning for his blood, telling them, " They were diso- bedient children, and that he would listen to them no longer." On one occasion, a plot was laid to assassi- nate him, but he was secretly informed of it just about the time that a council was to meet. He had but a few friends with him, and the Indians numbered over four hundred. Arm- ing a small guard, all he could raise at the moment, he stationed them in a concealed position, and with his friends, went to the council. Upon a preconcerted signal, a chief suddenly started up and flourished his toma- hawk to bury it in the head of the Governor. The latter rose at the same moment, and pla- cing his hand gently upon the uplifted arm of the savage, spoke a few words very calmly, which induced the Indian to suppose that his plan had been betrayed, and that Governor Harrison was fully prepared for any attempt that might be made upon him. " Be seated, my friend, be seated," said the Governor, in a tone of decision and authority. The chief OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 101 stood amazed for a few moments, while the eye of the Governor was fixed upon his, and the tribes only waited the signal for a general melee. The spirit of the haughty savage was soon curbed, and apologizing for the assault, he resumed his seat and the business of the council proceeded. Frequent attempts were made upon his life, but fortunately for his country they all proved abortive. CHAPTER XII. Notice of Ol-li-wa-chi-ca and Tecumthe — The religious princi- ples of the Prophet, and league of the brothers, for a concen- tration of the tribes. We are now about to introduce to the reader two noted Indian characters, who began about the year 1806 to disturb the whole frontier. They were brothers; the one being a prophet, and the other a brave, daring, and sagacious warrior, an eloquent orator, and an able com- mander. We allude to Ol-li-wa-chi-ca* and -i i * - - . in * By some, -we find the Prophet called Elskawatawa. Mr. Schoolcraft interprets this last to mean, " a fire that is moved from place to place." We also find his name written Olliway- shila, though not upon the best authority. Mr. Thatcher, in his I* 102 LIFE AND TIMES Tecumthe. They are said, upon good au- thority to have been members of the Kisho- poke tribe of the Shawanee nation.* These two, and still another — Kumshaka, were the offspring of the same mother at the same birth. They were born, it is generally allowed, on the banks of the Scioto, near Chilicothe. Their father, a great Shawanee warrior, fell at the battle of Kenhawa. Their mother was a Cherokee. She was taken prisoner by the Shawanees, and adopted agreeably to the In- dian custom, by a family of that nation residing near the Miami of the Lakes. Hence some have considered her a Shawanee, while others supposed her to be a Creek. We put her down as a Cherokee, because Tecumthe him- self so informed a gentleman at Vincennes, and from the fact, that at an advanced age she migrated into the Cherokee country, and there died. Kumshaka is supposed to have Indian Biography, suggests that he may have assumed different names at different periods, and, from his character and pursuits, we are inclined to the same opinion. We adopt the one in the text as the name by which he is now generally designated. * "Shawanee," among the Delawares, means, the "south;" and this tribe came originally from that section of the country. Mr. Heckewelder was informed by several old Mohicans, that the Shawanees formerly lived in the neighborhood of Savannah, in Georgia, and in the Floridas. OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 103 died young, as he took no part with his bro- thers in their extensive operations. Some of the Shawanees have asserted, that Tecumtiie, at a very early age, was in an engagement with the Kentucky troops, and that he most ungallantly fled from the field, whilst his brother manfully stood his ground. Be that as it may, lie never shrunk after. His cowardly conduct upon this occasion, is attri- buted to his extreme youth. By the time he was twenty-five, (about the year 1795,) he had acquired a great reputation among the Indians as a bold and fearless warrior. He intercepted more boats of the whites upon the Ohio, and plundered more houses of the settlers, than any Indian of his age. He was a perfect wasp among the Kentucky pioneers, who frequently pursued him but were never so fortunate as to overtake him. Upon such occasions, he would retreat to the banks of his favorite Wa- bash, until the storm was hushed ; and when they were quietly returning to their domestic avocations, he would sweep like an over- charged torrent down upon the settlements. It is said that he never retained any of the plun- der for himself, but gave all to his followers, satisfied with the glory of his achievements as 104 LIFE AND TIMES bis only reward. In these irruptions upon the border towns, he was but schooling himself for the grand scenes which he afterward planned, and to a certain extent executed. The brothers conceived the project of uni- ting all the eastern tribes in a terrible war against the Americans. The two bavins; evi- dently agreed upon a system of operations, Ol-li-wa-chi-ca began in 1804, to inculcate among the Indians a reformed religion. In the course of his preaching it appears that be frequently changed the doctrines himself — those tenets that became unpopular among the disciples, were abandoned for more at- tractive and more fascinating principles. He began by explaining the inconsistency of the Indians in assuming the manners and dress of the whites — censured the introduction of spiritous liquors, and talked of the diseases, contentions and wars, produced by the con- tiguity of the residences of the white and red men. He showed the latter how fast their means of subsistence were diminishing, and how their territory was contracting daily. He then pictured to them the peaceful, happy, and contented lives of their forefathers. ^ Having by these appeals and declarations OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON- 105 produced a feeling in his favor, he next went on to convince them of his own commission from the Great Spirit. In this lie was obliged to bring others to his assistance, who vouched for the many wonderful miracles he had per- formed, and the benefits he was to confer on his followers. The tribes were to unite, and not fight any longer with each other. They were to wear skins as their forefathers had done, and to use no ardent spirits. Stealing, quarrelling, and many minor crimes, were strictly prohibited. And then they were told, that if they adhered permanently to these doctrines, the Great Spirit would bless them, and they should be entirely separated from the whites and live in harmony among themselves. The plan of the prophet was well calculated to make an impression upon the untutored savages, and was undoubtedly the suggestion of a strong and calculating mind. Some suppose that it originated entirely with Ol- li-wa-chi-ca, but there is much reason to suppose that Tecumthe had his share in drawing up the original plot. Others imagine that the two were directed and fjoverned in their pursuits by the English, but when we con- 106 LIFE AND TIMES aider the time at which the reformation, if we may so speak, begun; there is very little rea- son to conjecture that any others were con- cerned in the plan but the brothers them- selves. The reformation was promulgated at a time when a general peace prevailed, which had been produced by the victories of tbe brave army of Wayne ; and though the British traders influenced the Indians against the Americans, they would scarcely have ven- tured to advise the organization of tens of thousands of red warriors in a general and indiscriminate contest against the whites. The plan of uniting all the tribes against the whites was not however original with Te- cumthe and Ol-li-wa-chi-ca. Pontiac,* the Ottawa chief, many years before projected a similar concentration for the immediate ex- tinction of the British, aud so far succeeded in carrying out his views, that no less than nine English forts were captured by the In- dians almost upon one day. We have also seen it stated that Saguoaha, the Keeper- *. It has been stated by respectable authority, that this cele- brated individual was a member of the tribe of Sacks or Sa\v- Kies ; but there appears to us no sufficient reason for disputing the almost universal opinion which makes him an Ottawa.— Thatcher's Indian Biography. OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 107 Awake, or Red Jacket, us lie was called by the whites, first gave to Tecumtiie the idea of a general combination ; but from the cha- racter of that chief, and the part he took with the Americans, we do not place much reliance on this report.* Toward the close of the life of this great Indian orator, the author frequently visited his residence, and at one time almost daily, and held familiar intercourse with him. The only things which the good old chief appeared to regret as connected with the whites and In- dians, were the sale of liquor to his people and the attempts of the clergy to draw him from the religion of his fathers. For some years the success of the Prophet was quite doubtful, and his converts were few. His brother was, of course, the first to em- brace the new fangled doctrine, and shortly after some of his relations and intimate friends embraced the tenets. He now gained a great influence over his own tribe, and flattered the pride of the Shawanees by renewing an old tradition which made them the wisest, most in- telligent, and respectable people in the world. This we give in the language of an old Shawa- ■ See Vol. II. , of the work quoted in the above note. 108 LIFE AND TIMES nee chief, who spoke at the council at Fort Wayne, upon the subject, in 1803. Much of this speech was addressed directly to Go- vernor Harrison. With much native dignity, the venerable savage thus delivered him- self: — " The Master of Life who was himself an Indian, made the Shawanees before any others of the human race, and they sprang from his brain.* The Master of Life gave them all the knowledge which he himself possessed. He placed them upon the great island,t and all the other red people are descended from the Shawanees, he made the French and Eng- lish out of his breast. The Dutch he made out of his feet. As for your Long Knives| kind, he made them out his hands. All those inferior races of men he made white, and placed them beyond the great lake.§ " The Shawanees were masters of the con- tinent for many ages, using the knowledge whieh they had received from the Great Spirit, * There is a strong resemblance here to the mythological ac- count of the creation of Minerva. t The Continent of America. t The Americans, though at first the term was applied by the Indians to the Virginians and Kentuckians. $ The Atlantic Ocean OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 109 in such a manner as to be pleasing to him, and to secure their own happiness. In a great length of time however they became corrupt and the Master of Life told them he would take away from them the knowledge they possessed and give it to the white people ; to be restored when, by a return to good prin- ciples, they would deserve it. " Many years after that, they saw some- thing white approaching their shores. At fust they took it for a great bird, but they soon found it to be a monstrous canoe, filled with the very people who had got the knowledge which belonged to the Shawanees, but they usurped their lands also. They pretended, indeed, to have purchased their lands, but the very goods which they gave for them were more the property of the Indians than of the white people, because the knowledge which enabled them to manufacture these goods ac- tually belonged to the Shawanees. " But these things will now have an end. The Master of Life is about to restore to the Shawanees both their knowledge and their rights, and he will trample the Long Knives under his feet." The old chief who delivered the above was K 110 LIFE AND TIMES supposed to be in the British interest, and that his object was to prevent all negotiations. The Frophet used the tradition, and by it brought over thousands to his way of think- ing. The subject was a good one, and he turned it at once to his own purpose. CHAPTER XIII. Notice of the Prophet — Tanner's account— Murder of the chiefs — Anecdote of the Dead Chief. — The Prophet's message to Governor Harrison — The latter's conduct to the Indians — The Prophet visits the Governor at Vincennes. The success of an Indian Prophet depends principally upon his skill in deception, and Ol-li-wa-chi-ca had all the necessary cun- ning for beginning his career, though he does not seem to have possessed sufficient pene- tration for conducting operations after they had swelled to importance. Tanner says that while he was living at Great Wood River, a stranger from the Shawanees visited that sec- tion of the country forthe purpose of making proselytes. He told the Indians that they should not let the fire go out in their lodges — that they should not let their dogs live — they should not strike a man, woman, child or OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. Hi dog — they should not drink, steal, lie, or go against tlieir enemies, and that they must not use Hint or steel. Most of the Indians com- plied with all these injunctions, but Tanner for a long; time refused. " The Ojibbeway whom 1 have mentioned, " he continued, " re- mained sometime among the Indians in my neighborhood, and gained the attention of the principal men so effectually, that a time was appointed, and a lodge prepared for the solemn and public espousing of the doctrines of the Prophet. When the people, and I among them, were brought into the lodge, prepared fortius solemnity, we saw something carefully concealed under a blanket, in figure and di- mensions bearing some strong resemblance to the form of a man." * * * * " Four strings of mouldy and discolored beans were all the remaining visible insignia of this important mission. After a long har- angue, in which the prominent features of the new revelation were stated and urged upon the attention of all, the four strings of beans, which we were told were made of the flesh itself of the Prophet, were carried with much solemnity, to each man in the lodge, and he was expected to take hold of each string at 112 LIFE AND TIMES r the top, and draw them gently through his hands. This was called shaking hands with the Prophet, and was considered as solemnly engaging to obey his injuctions, and accept his mission as from the Supreme." It was along time before Tanner would kill liis dogs and give up his medicine bag, but at last he gave way with the rest and fol- lowed many, though not all, of the instruc- tions of the Prophet. The latter was opposed by many of the chiefs, and these he accused of witchcraft, and had them murdered by their own people. Teteboxti, a Delaware chief, eighty years of age, was condemned to the stake, but when the fire was about to be kin- dled, a young Indian stepped from the crowd, and with his tomahawk, put an end to the old man's existence. Billy Patterson an Indian who had re- sided many years among the whites, was con- demned to a similar death ; and died with a hymn book in his hand, singing and praying until his voice was hushed by the flames. Shateyaronraii, or Leather-Lips, a Wy- andot chief, was ordered to be murdered. The messengers found the old warrior, and they commenced digging his grave by the side OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON- ]J3 of his wigwam. Finding entreaty vain, lie dressed himself in his best war clothes — took a meal of venison, and knelt at the edge of his grave. He and his executioner prayed to- gether. The Indians withdrew to a short dis- tance, and seated themselves on the ground* " The old chief inclined forward, resting his face upon his hand, and his hand upon his knees. While thus seated, one of the young Indians came up and struck him twice with the tomahawk. For some time he lay sense- less upon the ground, the only remaining evi- dence of life being a faint respiration. The Indians all stood around in solemn silence. Finding him to breathe longer than they ex- pected, they called upon the whites (one or two of whom were spectators,) to take notice how hard he died ; pronounced him a wiz- ard, — ' no good,' — then struck him again, and terminated his existence."* These statements exhibit the great influ- ence which Ol-li-wa-chi-ca obtained over the western tribes. He took care to remove all the prominent men who were opposed to him, while his brother was actively engaged in stir- ring up the Indians to rise at once upon the * See Thatcher's Indian Biography K* 114 LIFE AND TIMES American settlements. Tecumthe made re- peated tours among the tribes, almost from one end of the continent to the other. He was received with respect wherever he went, and listened to with attention. He pictured to the councils the happiness of their ancestors, and compared their extensive possessions and unlimited enjoyments, with the present scarcity of game and contracted territory. He spoke of the warlike and independent character of their fathers, and exhibited their own pusillan- imity and degraded condition. The noble, free and upright habits of the one were compared with the profligacy, corruption and drunkenness of the other. Some he threatened ; others he persuaded. There was no argument which native intelligence could suggest, that he did not use to accomplish his design ; and to rivet whatever hold his reason- ing might have gained with his auditory, he boldly asserted that Ol-li-wa-chi-ca could prevent the bullets of the enemy from taking effect upon the body of an Indian ; — that he himself would fearlessly lead the attack, and they should see him rush unharmed into the thickest of the foe. The brothers even went so far as, (at one OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. , 1 1 ,"> lime,) to propose the murder of all the leading chiefs who had ever signed any treaties with the United States, by which any territory was relinquished ; and some of the old Winne- bago chiefs declared to an American scout, with tears in their eyes, that they had no longer any power over their people, every thing being managed exclusively by the warriors. To show still more forcibly the character of Tecumthe, we will give an anecdote from Dawson's Memoirs of Harrison. At a con- ference held at Vincennes, Tecumthe was present, and so also, a noted Potawatamie, called the Dead Chief, because he was deaf. Tecumthe, on that occasion, being charged bv Governor Harrison with hostile intentions against the Americans, he disclaimed the ac- cusation. The next day the Dead Chief called upon Governor Harrison, and asked, why he had not been required to confront Tecumthe. He said he would have willingly asserted the truth before all the Indians. The Shawanee having heard this, gave word to his brother to have the Dead Chief despatch- ed. The latter hearing of this, put on his war dress, painted himself, took his arms, and at once paddled his canoe directly to the 116 LIFE AND TIMES camp of Tecumthe. Mr. Baron, the Gov- ernor's interpreter, was in the tent of the Shawanee at the time the Dead Chief ar- rived. The latter upbraided Tecumthe for having given the order to have him assassin- ated — told him it was cowardly and unworthy a warrior. " But here I am : — come and kill me!" cried the old Indian. "You and your men can kill the white people's hogs, and call them bears, but you cannot face a warrior." He then went on to insult and provoke Te- cumthe ; called him the slave of the English, and a base dog. "During the whole time Tecumthe seemed not in the least to regard him, but continued to converse with Mr. Baron. Wearied at length with his useless efforts to draw out his adversary, he jjave the war-whoop of defiance, and paddled offin his canoe. There is reason," adds Mr. Dawson, " to believe that the order of Tecumthe was obeyed. The Dead Chief was no mure seen at Vinccnnes." During the year 1807, intelligence reached Governor Harrison of the movements of the savages, and particularly of the conduct of Ol-li-wa-chi-ca toward the chiefs of the vari- ous tribes. The Governor immediately sent OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 117 a message to the Shawanees noticing their measures, and reprehending them in the se- verest terms. He told the chiefs they were listening " to a fool that sneaks not the words of the Great Spirit, but the words of the devil." Most of the chiefs being absent, the Prophet dictated to the messenger the following reply to the Governor : — " Father: " I am sorry that you listen to the advice of bad birds. You have impeached me with having correspondence with the English, and with calling and sending for the Indians from the most distant parts of the country, ' to listen to a fool that speaks not the words of the Great Spirit, but the words of the devil.' " Father ! These impeachments I deny, and say they are not true. I never had a word with the English, and I never sent for any Indians. They came here themselves, to listen and hear the words of the Great Spirit. "Father! I wish you would not listen any more to the voice of bad birds; and you may rest assured that it is the least of our ideas to make disturbance ; and we will rather try to stop such proceedings than encourage them." 113 UFE AND TIMES Iii the spring of 1808, great numbers of Indians were in the vicinity of Fort Wayne. They had neglected their corn fields to listen to the Prophet, and were almost in a state of starvation. To prevent incursions upon the settlements, the Governor wisely ordered the agent at Fort Wayne to supply them with provisions from the public stores. Toward the beginning of summer, the Prophet selected a spot on the upper part of the Wabash, called Tippecanoe, as his future and permanent resi- dence. Thither he removed, and his disciples followed him. In July he sent word to the Governor that he was coming to see him, for the purpose of explaining how grossly he had been mis- represented. The next month he arrived at Vincennes, where he remained for two weeks. While here, he denied being in the British interest, and asserted that his sole object was to reclaim the Indians from their bad habits, and cause them to live in peace with all man- kind. He frequently addressed his disciples in presence of the Governor, and spoke con- stantly of the evils of war and spiritous liquors. When leaving Vincennes, he addressed the Governor, and declared that he did not wish OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. ] 19 the Indians to take up the tomahawk, either for the British or the Long Knives. In his address to the Legislature, in 1809, the Governor mentions the conduct of the Prophet, who had become dissatisfied with the treaty made at Fort Wayne, in the au- tumn of the preceding year. The Governor sent word to the Prophet, that he might come forward and exhibit any title he might have to the land transferred by the treaty, and if it was "found to be just and equitable, the lands would be restored, or an ample equivalent given for them." His brother met Governor Harrison, and claimed the land, because he said they belonged to all the tribes, and could not be parted with except by consent of a I J. This argument was too absurd to command any attention, and Tecumthe returned to the Wabash, in no very good humor. He now redoubled his exertions for the concentration of all the western tribes, but was extremely guarded in his efforts, to prevent the Governor from receiving any intimation of his proceed- ings. 120 LIFE AND TIMES CHAPTER XIV. Tecumthe visits Governor Harrison at Vincennes— His conduct- Speech— The Governor's reply — Tecumthe's insolence— He is dismissed— The Governor visits Tecumthe at his camp— The latter goes to the south. Tbe Governor sent word to Tecumthe not to bring more than thirty warriors with him to Vincennes in the summer of ]810, but he came with over three hundred, all completely armed. This numerous body guard created an unusual sensation in the town, and many supposed that the savages were about to com- mence a general war on the instant. The haughty chief gave as an excuse fortius aimed escort, that he believed there was treachery intended on the part of the whites. Seats were prepared in a large portico in front of the Governor's residence, but when Tecumthe came from his camp with about forty war- riors, he refused to enter the portico, and re- quested that the council might be held under the shade of a cluster of trees in front of the house. When the trouble of moving the seats was mentioned, he said it would only be " ne- OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 121 cessary to remove those intended for the whites. The red men are accustomed to sit upon the earth which is their mother, and we are always happy to recline upon her bosom. " This occurred on the 12th of August, and Tecumthe then delivered the following speech : — 11 What I am I have become by my own exertions ; and I would that I could make the red men as great as I picture them in mv mind, when I think of the Great Spirit, and his wish to render all his people noble and happy. Were such the case I would not come to General Harrison beseeching him to annul the treaty ; but I would say to him, ' Brother, you are at liberty to return to your own coun- try.' There was a time when the foot of the white man did not crush the fallen limbs in our paths. This country then belonged to all the red men. It was created for the red man and his children. We were all united, and the Great Spirit placed us here, and filled the land with fruit and game for our use. We were then happy. We are now made miserable by the white man, who is never contented, but asks us for more and more land. The white people have driven us from the great salt Jake. L 123 LIFE AND TIMES They follow us over the mountains as we retire to the setting sun. They would force us into the lakes, but we are determined to go no further. " The march of the white man must be stopped. The Indians must insist upon the original compact. The land belongs to all, and all must still own it. It was our fathers. We must give it to our children. It cannot be divided. " We have no right to sell, even to each other. How then can we sell it to strangers? Why should we, when they are never satisfied 1 The land is ours, and the white men have no right to take it from us. The Indians should they sell, can only do so wheu all the tribes are together, and when all consent. No sale is valid unless made by all. The late sale was made only by a few tribes, and it is there- fore nugatory." In his reply, Governor Harrison said, that M when the white people arrived on this con- tinent, they found the Miamies in the occupa- tion of all the country in the Wabash, and at that time the Shawanees were residents of Georgia, from which they were driven by the Creeks. The lands have been purchased OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 123 from the Miamies, who were the true and original owners of it. It is ridiculous to as- sert that all the Indians are one nation, for if such had been the intention of the Great Spirit, he would not have put six different tongues into their heads, but would have taught them all to speak one language. " The Miamies have found it to their in- terest to sell a part of their lands, and to re- ceive for them a further annuity, in addition to what they have long enjoyed; and the benefit of which they have experienced from the punctuality with which the seventeen fires* comply with their engagements : and the Shawanees have no right to come from a dis- tant country to control the Miamies in the dis- posal of their own property." The interpreter had no sooner finished, than Tecumthe bounded from the earth and cried, " It is false !" He gave a signal to his band, and every man leaped up, and seized his war club. The Governor was only at- tended by a few unarmed citizens, and his situation was now extremely perilous. The Governor's honorary guard of twelve soldiers, had been directed to occupy a shady place at * The seventeen United States. 124 LIFE AND TIMES some distance from the council. Retaining that admirable command over himself which never deserted him even under the most dan- gerous circumstances, the Governor laid his hand upon his sword, and directed his friends and suite to stand upon their guard. Te- cumthe addressed tbe Indians in a loud and fierce tone, and with impetuous gesticulation. Winnkmak, a friendly chief, cocked a pistol ; Major Floyd drew his dirk, and a Methodist minister, named Wjnans, ran to the residence of the Governor, seized a rifle, and prepared to protect the family. The action of the In- dians appeared preconcerted, and all expected a fierce and daring assault. The guard ap- proached with their pieces levelled, and would have fired had they not been checked by the Governor. After waiting a few moments to see what course the savages would pursue, the Gover- nor said to Tecumthe, in a calm, but firm and decided tone, that " he was a bad man — that he would have no further talk with him — that he must return now to his camp, and take his departure from the settlements imme- diately." It is said by those who were present, that OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 125 had the Governor betrayed the least fear or surprise, Tecumthe would have given theskr- II al for a general assault. There are good reasons for supposing that such was his real in- tention, but the authoritative manner of his antagonist completely subdued the savage ; and finding he could not intimidate, he called off his warriors and returned quietly to his encampment. The next morning the haughty chief apolo- gized for the insult, and desired that the coun- cil might be renewed. To this the Governor consented, taking the precaution to have two companies of militia under arms, to protect Vincennes. At this second meeting Tecum- the denied the intention of an attack, but said that he had been advised to the course he had pursued by two white men who had visited his residence a short time previous, and who told him that the people were opposed to the Governor, and were willing to give back the land. At this interview, the chief conduct- ed himself with perfect respect toward the Governor, but still insisted upon the argu- ments he had urged the previous day. He said he was determined to insist upon the old boundary. He was openly supported in this L* 126 LIFE AND TIMES resolution by several chiefs of five different tribes. The council ended by the Governor telling him that his words should be reported to the President. Still anxious to reconcile Tectjmthe, the Governor visited him the next day at his own camp. The chief had by this time been taught to respect his guest, and his proud spirit bent before his superior. Mr. Harrison was re- ceived with kindness and the most polite at- tention. Almost alone, he went in among many hundreds of rude warriors, but Tecum- the well knew that he must respect a man possessed of such true courage. He himself had been afraid to venture with forty warriors, to the Governor's house. The Governor was now in Tecumthe's shantee with but half a dozen attendants. They remained together for a long time, but the chief still adhered to all his previous grounds, with the most provoking obstinacy, and when the Governor told him that he felt confident the President would not agree to his proposals, he haughtily replied : — " Well, as the great chief is to determine the matter, I hope the Great Spirit will put sense enough in his head to induce him to di- OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 127 rect you to give up this land. It is true, he is so far off that he will not be injured by the war. He may sit still in his town, and drink his wine, while you and I have to fight it out." Soon after this Tecumthe withdrew to the Prophet's town, and a trader in whom Gover- nor Harrison had the utmost confidence, re- ported that the Prophet had at least a thou- sand souls under his control. But a few months more had passed, when further infor- mation reached Vincennes, that nearly one thousand warriors were assembled at Tippe- canoe — many of them from the northren tribes — and that a general combination was openly talked of. The Governorimmediately sent for a leading member of the Shaker So- ciety, (who had asserted that the Prophet was almost as good a Shaker as he was himself,) and endeavoured to prevail upon him to take a message to the prophet. In this message the Governor pictured the iisastrous consequences of a general war, and used the following expression : — u Brothers ! I am myself of the Long Knife fire. As soon as they hear my voice, you will see them pour- ing forth their swarms of hunting-shirt men, 128 MFE AND TIMES ns numerous as the mosquitoes on the shores of the Wabash. Brothers ! take care of their stings." . In answer to this, Tecumthe sent word that he would meet the Governor in eighteen days, "-to wash away all those bad stories." He arrived on the 27th of July, 1811, with three hundred men. At the council he appeared with two hundred warriors all armed, while the Governor was at the head of a full troop of dragoons, armed but dismounted. A rain coming on, the meeting adjourned to the next day, when the business proceeded. The Governor demanded that two Potawa- tamie murderers who were at Tippecanoe, should be given up. " It is not right," said Tecumthe, '* to punish these people. They ought to be forgiven, as well as those who have recently murdered my people at the Il- linois. The whites should follow my example in forgiving; I have forgiven the Ottawas and the Osages." He wished matters to remain as they were, until he could return from a v^sit which he was about to make to the south- ern Indians ; then, he said, he would go to Washington himself, and settle all their dif- ficulties with the President. " In the mean- OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 129 while," he said, " I will despatch messengers to all the neighboring tribes, (who are wholly under my control,) to prevent further mis- chief." When he had concluded, he offered the Governor a quantity of wampum in atone- ment for the murders. The present was re- fused with an indignant reply, and the coun- cil broke up. Tecumthe returned to Tippe- canoe, and shortly after, attended by only a few followers, commenced his journey to the south. CHAPTER XV. Conduct of the Prophet— Gathering of the Indians at Tippeca- noe— The Governor receives orde s to march against the Indians — Volunteers flock to his standard — March of the army. Great skill of the commander in choosing routes, crossing Pine Creek, oyd, which claim however was resisted by all the army, and by none more strenuously than Colonel Boyd's corps itself. A drum-head court marshal was called to try the negro prisoner already men- tioned, and Colonel Boyd was appointed president. The prisoner was convicted of deserting to the enemy, under circumstances from which it was concluded that he had re- turned to the camp for the purpose of assas- sinating the Governor. He was sentenced to suffer death. The sentence was approved, and he was to be executed in one hour, but the troops could not be called from their labor to witness his death. We are not writing a defence of Harrison. He requires nothing of the kind. We are giving a fair and unprejudiced account of his life from facts, and we leave the facts to speak for themselves. In a letter to Governor Scott of Kentucky, in speaking of the negro, Mr. Harrison thus writes : — " The fact was that I began to pity him, and could not screw myself up to the point of giving the fatal order. If he had been out of OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 155 niv sight he would have heen executed ; but when he was first taken, General Weils and Colonel Owen, who were old Indian fighters, as we had no irons to put on him, had secured him after the Indian fashion. This is done by throwing a person on his back, splitting a lojr and cutting notches in it to receive the ankles, then replacing the severed parts, and compressing them together with forks, driven over the loir into the ground. The arms are extended and tied to stakes secured in the same maimer. The situation of a person thus placed, is as uneasy as can possibly be conceived. The poor wretch thus confined lay before my lire, his face receiving the rain that occasionally fell, and his eyes constantly turned upon me, as if imploring mercy. I could not withstand the appeal, and I deter- mined to give him another chance for his life. I had all the commissioned officers assembled, and told them that his fate depended upon them. Some were for executing him, and I believe that a majority would have been against him, but for the interference of the gallant Snelling. " Brave comrades," said he, " let us save him. The wretch deserves to die ; but as our commander, whose life was 156 LIFE AND TIMES more particularly his object, is willing to spare him, let us also forgive him. I hope, at least, that every officer of the 4th regiment will be on the side of mercy." Snelling prevailed ; and Ben was brought to this place, where he was discharged." " During the time of the contest," says McAffee, "the Prophet kept himself secure on an adjacent eminence, singing a war-song. He had told his followers that the Great Spirit would render the army of the Ameri- cans unsuccessful, and that their bullets would not hurt the Indians, who would have light, while their enemies would be involved in darkness. Soon after the battle commenced, he was informed that his men were falling He told them to fight on, it would soon be as he predicted, and he began to sing louder." At the time of the battle, Tecumthe was still at the south, and when he returned was much exasperated, surprised, and mortified at the conduct of the Prophet. He saw at once that he must take a decided stand, and he did so, in favor of the English. The defeat of the Indians had in a measure, opened their eyes with respect to the power of the Prophet. The blow had been struck OP WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. ]57 too soon. Tecumthe was not yet ready. He had not enlisted all he wished. The opposing forces at the battle are stated by one authority to have been about equal — by another, it is said the Indians out numbered the Americans, by at least two hundred. The enemy never showed more courage. Thirty-eight warriors were left dead upon the field, and many more only lived to reach the town. The number of their wounded has never been accurately ascertained. The Americans had about fifty killed, and nearly one hundred wounded, out of eight hundred troops engaged. Tecumthe and his brother, were seen for the last time previous to their joining the Bri- tish, at Fort Wayne. Tecumthe then told the commander that he was going to Maiden, "to receive from the British twelve horse-loads of ammunition for the use of his people at Tippecanoe." A letter from the commander said that the Prophet arrived there on the 12th of July, 1812, with one hundred Winnebagoes and Kickapoos and had completely duped the Indian agent with professions of friend- ship. While here a message came from Te- cumthe advising his brother to unite the In- dians as soon as possible for a decisive blow O 158 LIFE AND TIMES upon Vincennes, and send the women and children beyond the Mississippi. The next day Ol-li-wa-chi-ca sent a reply, and the messengers stole the commander's horses to carry them forward. The whole of the day of the battle was oc- curred in fortifying the camp : burying the dead, and assisting the wounded. On the 8th, the town was reconnoitered. It was well fortified, but totally deserted. A large quan- tity of corn ; all the household utensils and some guns and ammunition were found. Some dead bodies were discovered in the houses, and quite a number half buried in the gullies. On the 9th, the army prepared to return. Every wagon was required to transport the wounded. The Governor ex- plained to the officers the necessity of de- stroying the baggage, and set the example by ordering all his own camp furniture to be broken and burned. At the block house on the Wabash the wounded were placed in boats, while the rest of the army continued their way to Vincennes, by land. In December, several chiefs came to Vincen- nes to settle all difficulties, and in March, others came from all the tribes but the Shawanees. OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 159 CHAPTER XVIII. Little Turtle writes to Governor Harrison— Arrival of Deputies- Council at Mississinniway— Another at Maiden— Conduct of the British and Indians— the United States declare war against Great Britain-Dinner to Harrison— His letter to the Govern- ment—Governor Harrison appointed Major General by Brevet by Governor Scott— Winchester appointed to the command, and Harrison appointed Brigadiei General— Troops induced to march through General Harrison's advice. On the 25th of January, 1812, the Little Turtle, previously mentioned, wrote to Gov- ernor Harrison, from Fort Wayne. This was in answer to a message sent to the Miami and Eel-River Indians. The Turtle regret- ted the hattle of Tippecanoe, yet thought it would " be the means of making the peace which ought to exist, respected." He stated that all the Prophet's followers, except two camps of his own tribe had left him. That Tecumthe had just joined him with only eiijht men — that the Indians would visit Vincen- nes whenever requested by the Governor — and that he (the Turtle) would inform the Gov- ernor of all the movements of the Indians. Unfortunately the services of the Turtle were cut short about six months after. He died at Fort Wayne, July 1-1, 1812, and was buried 1G0 LIFE AND TIMES with the honors of war. 1 lis disease was re- ported " gout," by the army surgeon. In February, eighty deputies, from all the tribes engaged in the late troubles, except the Shawanees, reached Fort Harrison, on their way to Vincennes. In consequence of a pri- vate notice of a design upon his person, the Governor sent a messenger to meet them, and demand the reason of their coming in so larjje a body. On their arrival they delivered up their arms, and evinced the subdued spirit of men taught to honor the genius and power of him with whom they came to treat. Many of the protestations now made, were all deceptions, as we find most of the same men meeting a war council of the British, in May following, at Mississinniway, and di- rectly after, again at Maiden, at which last, Elliot, the Indian agent, and the British commanding officer were present. At the first, the Wyandots began, censuring the Shawanees for their late conduct. Tecumtiie replied, and said that he too was very sorry for the affair on the Wabash, but that all dif- ficulties with Governor Harrison had been satisfactorily arranged. He also stated, that had he been at home, the battle would never OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 1G1 have been fought. He then in turn, censured the Potawatamies. The latter replied, call- ing the Prophet and his followers, " vaga- bond," Tecumthe was answering, this, when lie was stopped by theDelawares, who wished to proclaim peace throughout the land. The council was rather for peace. At the subse- quent meeting at Maiden, Elliot asked the Wyandots if they had not advised the tribes to remain neutral "? To this, Walk-in-the- water made a spirited reply, throwing up to the English, their conduct at Fort Miami, in 1794, and concluding thus : — " We say again, we do not wish to have any thing to do with the war. Fight your own battles, but let us, your red children, enjoy peace." The speaker was interrupted by Elliot, who told him he would hear no more " Amer- can talk." Round-Head then came forward and took hold of the wampum of Elliot. Te- cumthe and Ol-li-wa-ciii-ca followed, but the Wyandots left the council, and re-crossed the river to Brovvnstown. The Brownstown Wyan- dots were subsequently forced to ally them- selves with the British. June 18th, 1812, war was declared against Great Britain by the United States. The O* 162 LIFE AND TIMES western governors entered with great spirit upon preparations of defence for their res- pective states. In expectation of a war, the English had inflamed the minds of the Indians, and their barbarities now became more fre- quent and more alarming. The settlers de- serted their farms and fled to Vincennes with their families, to the .protection of Governor Harrison. The war was popular, and they all were ready to take the field, if required. In this excitement — when the rich and the poor, the learned and the unlearned, were flocking to the defence of their country ; all with one voice, called for Governor Harrison to lead them against their enemies, and to his hand confided their families, honor and pro- perty. The Governor of Kentucky requested a conference, and Mr. Harrison repaired im- mediately to Frankfort. The former received his friend at the head of the militia, with the firing of cannon and the acclamations of the populace. All the citizens rushed forward to meet him, and to shake the hero by the hand. He remained several days at Frankfort, wholly occupied with maturing plans for the defence of the country. While in Kentucky, a public OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 1G3 . dinner was given to him at Lexington, at which lie delivered his opinion in an eloquent speech. The company was composed of ar- dent friends of the war, and he was urged to commit his sentiments to writing and address them to the Secretary of War. To this he ob- jected, until assured by Mr. Clay, one of the persons present, that such a letter would be Well received by the government. The fol- lowing is an extract from the letter alluded to, which was writen, August 10th : — " If it were certain that General Hull would be able, even with the reinforcement which is now about to be sent to him, to re- duce Maiden and retake Macinac, there would he no necessity of sending other troops in that direction. But I greatly fear that the cap- ture of Macinac will give such eclat to the British and Indian arms, that the northern tribes will pour down in swarms upon Detroit, oblige General Hull to act entirely upon the defensive and meet, and perhaps overpower, the convoys and reinforcements which may be sent him. It appears to me, indeed, highly pro- bable that the large detachment which is now destined for his relief, under Colonel Wells, will have to fight its way. I rely greatly upon 164 LIFE AND TIMES the valor of those troops, but it is possible that the event may be adverse to us, and if it is, Detroit must fall, and with it every hope of re-establishing our affairs in that quarter until the next year." * * * " There are other considerations which strongly recommend the adoption of this measure. I mean the situa- tion of Chicago, which must be in danger, and if it is not well supplied with provisions, the danger must be imminent." This letter was prophetic. Macinac had already fallen. Five days after Chicago was taken, and a few days after that, Detroit fell into the hands of the enemy. The surrender of Hull, left the whole frontier exposed. Twelve hundred militia were embodied in Ohio, to march under Brigadier General Tup- per to the assistance of Hull. Kentucky had organized 5,500 men. Most of these were volunteers — young gentlemen of talent and fine prospects, farmers and mechanics of standing and character. Colonels Allen and Hardin, eminent lawyers ; Major Madison state auditor ; Colonels Scott and Lkwts, experienced Indian fighters ; Captain Simp- son, formerly speaker of the House of Rep- resentatives of Kentucky ; the Rev. Samuel OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 1<).> Shannon, who had served as a lieutenant dur- in advantage of the errors of the enemy. The Indians behaved much better — they rushed upon the mounted men in the fiercest despera- tion. Tecumthe pressed eagerly into the heart of the contest, encouraging his warriors with his voice, and throwing his tomahawk in deadly fury. Suddenly the cry of command which had urged them on, was hushed. The haughty chief had fallen.* His men now fled, leaving thirty three dead on the field, most of whom were found near Tecumthe. He was killed in that part of the line, where Colonel Johnson was wounded, and by some it is supposed that he fell by the hand of the Colonel himself. Thus ended the battle. The whole army * The grave in which Tecumseh's remains were deposited by the Indians after the return of the American army, is still visible near the borders of a willow marsh, on the north line of the battle- ground, with a large fallen oak-tree lying beside. The willow and wild rose are thick around it, but the mound itself is cleared of shrubbery, and is said to owe its good condition to the occa- sional visits of his countrymen. — Western Paper. Thus repose, in solitude and silence, the ashes of the Indian Bonaparte. In truth have they " Left him alone in his glory." Thatcher' 1 s Indian Biography. The British government granted a pension to his widow and family. The Prophet was supplied in like manner until his death, which took place a few years since. 226 LIFE AND TIMES of the enemy was captured, except a few that galloped off with General Proctor. He had promised to deliver Harrison and his men when taken, to the tomahawk and scalping knife. He now trembled for the fate of his own worthless person should he fall into the hands of the Americans. The loss of the British was 18 killed and 26 wounded. Prisoners taken, 600. Our loss was about the same in killed and wounded. Our army numbered less than 2,500, nearly all of whom were militia. The enemy had 845 regulars and 2,000 Indians in the field. This brilliant victory* following so close upon Perry's glorious battle, closed the war in that quarter, and rescued the whole north- western frontier from the barbarities of the savages. There was a general rejoicing throughout the country, and even the enemies of Harrison now openly acknowledged that lie was a truly great man. * The victory of Harrison was such as would have secured to a Roman General, in the best days of the republic, the honors of a triumph. He put an end to the war in the uppermost Canada. - The Honorable Langdon Cheves. OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 227 CHAPTER XXV. Kentucky Volunteers disbanded— Harrison goes to Sackett's Harbor— Public rejoicings— Opinion of Sirnon Snyder— Demo- cratic meeting at Harrowgate— Harrison's resignation— Perry's opinion of Harrison — Same by General McArthur. All the artillery and military stores of the British army fell into the hands of the Ameri- can troops. Among the former were three beautiful brass field pieces, which had been taken during the revolutionary war, and which were recovered by the English at the dastardly surrender of General Hull. During the pur- suit of Proctor all Harrison's jbasrgage was carried in a valise, and his bed was a sinole blanket fastened over his saddle. This last he gave to Colonel Evans, a wounded British officer. On the night after the battle of the Thames, he invited thirty-five British officers (prisoners of war,) to sup with, and all he had to place before them was fresh roast beef, without either bread or salt. This was the fare of the army, and he would never have better food than his soldiers. On the return of the troops, the Kentucky volunteers were dismissed at Detroit, and the British Indians sent to General Harrison, to 228 LIFE AND TIMES ask for peace. An armistice was granted, that the general government might have time to consider the terms. On the 22d of October, General Harrison and suite, and Commodore Perry, arrived at Erie, in the Ariel, from Detroit. They were received by the inhabitants with rapture — with the thunder of cannon, illuminations, and every demonstration of joy as the de- liverers of the frontier. Perry went to New- port, Rhode Island. General PIarrison, with about 1,500 troops went on the next day, and reached Black Rock on the 24th. Commo- dore Barclay, the commander of the late English fleet, accompanied Harrison and Perry.* On Harrison's arrival at Fort Niagara, preparations were making for an expedition against Burlington Heights. These were arrested by an order from the Secretary of War, who was then upon the frontier, for Harrison to bring his troops to Sackett's Harbor. At the latter place he left his men and proceeded forthwith to Washington, by the way of New York and Philadelphia. The account of the victory of the Thames had preceded the hero, and he was met with pub- * Nile's Roister, Vol. V. OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 229 lie rejoicings and hearty congratulations in every town on his route. From Niles's Reg- ister of November, 1813, we make the follow- ing extract : — " Harrison's Victory. — There was a gene- ral illumination in Philadelphia on the even- ing of the 27th ult., by recommendation of the mayor, such expressions of joy being pro- hibited by law, without his permission. Many of the public buildings in New York were illuminated in great style. The bells were rung and salutes from all the forts, from the navy yard and the flotilla. Such demonstra- tions of joy have been exhibited in almost every town and village we have heard from.' 1 Again, in the same volume, Niles says : — - * Harrison's victory has been celebrated in Washington, Alexandria, Wilmington, (Del.) Philadelphia, and New York, by brilliant illu- minations. In the latter, by recommendation of the constituted authorities." * * " From St. Louis, we have satisfactory ac- counts of the measures that have been taken to meet and punish the Indians in that quar- ter. But it is probable that Harrison's vic- tory has given peace to all the western country. The news of it will fly like wild fire amon U a B 230 LIFE AND TIMES the savage tribes, and point out the necessity of submission" The author perfectly remembers the illu- mination in Philadelphia. The people were then all hurrahing for the Hero of the Thames, (though he had not yet reached that city,) except a few tories who were opposed to the war and would have cheerfully given back the whole country to the yoke of Great Britain. A crowd paraded the streets on the night of the celebration, and the windows of almost every tenanted house were brilliantly lighted. Bands of music, accompanied the immense concourse, and appropriate national airs were performed. The houses of a few well known tories were visited by the patriotic assemblage, and three awful groans given be- fore the door of each, while the musicians played the Dead March to some, and the Rogue's March to others. The excellent Simon Snyder, then gover- nor of Pennsylvania, in his message to the Legislature at the following session, (Decem- ber 10th, 1813,) used the following lan- guage :— " The blessings of thousands of women and children, rescued from the scalping knife of OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 231 the ruthless savage of the wilderness, and from the still more savage Proctor, rest on Harrison and his gallant army."* These are but a few of the notices of the victory. The papers of the day were filled with compliments to the hero, and we might occupy a much larger book than this, before we could give one half of the applause gen- erously heaped upon his head at the time, and for years after. Before this, it was well known that Harrison would never abandon a battle until victory crowned his efforts. When it was understood that he was about to invade Canada, the whole country rang with the tidings, and all felt convinced that he would conquer. There expectations were fully real- ized. Among the proceedings of a celebration of the Fourth of July, in 1813, held at Harrow- gate near Frankford, Philadelphia county, (Penn.)by the "Democratic Young Men," the following regular toast will be found. The President of the dinner was the staunch old democrat Jonathan B. Smith, Es=q. : and Dr. Joel B. Sutherland was the Secretary. The Dr. likewise delivered the oration in the ^ ■■■ ■■ - ■ ■—- - — ■ ■■-■ ' — * Pennsylvania Legislative Documents. 232 LIFE AND TIMES morning at the Uniyersalist Church in Lom- bard street. It will be borne in mind that this toast was drank before General Harrison gained the victory of the Thames : — " General William Henrv Harrison — the Washington of the West — we look for- ward to his speedily avenging the barbarities of Tecumthe and his inhuman allies the Bri- tish," 1 gun 9 cheers.* The reader has already seen how soon this prophetic sentiment was realized. The toast had scarcely travelled to the frontier, when Harrison had taken the whole British army, and the hostile Indians were bending at his feet, suing for peace. When General Harrison reached Wash- ington, he was urged by the President to has- ten to Cincinnati, to superintend measures then in anticipation. At this time, General John Armstrong was Secretary of War. He was notorious for his attempts to stir up a mutiny in the army of the revolution, in 1783, when it was about to be disbanded. From some prejudice conceived against him, in the plan of the campaign of 1814, submitted to » ■■ ■ ■— — ' i -■ i — _■ . i - .i .i i i .. i ■ ■ -— i ' — — 'i ■ * The whole proceedings- may be found in the Weekly Aurora published in Philadelphia, in 1813. op william henry Harrison. 233 the President by the Secretary, Genera] Har- rison was confined to the command of the 8th military district, which included only the western states. " A major general who was in the prime of life — who had fought with reputation under Wayne — who had signa- lized his name and character in the memorable and well contested events at Tippecanoe and Fort Meigs ; and who had, by a bloodless victory on the Thames, achieved by the sug- gestions of his masterly genius, given peace to a widely extended frontier ; restored an im- portant territory to our government, and ac- quired possession of the greater portion of Upper Canada, was thus directed to remain in a district at no one point of which was there more than a regiment stationed." * * "In the meantime the Secretary had ven- tured on the very indelicate and outrageous proceeding of not only designating a subor- dinate officer for a particular service, within the district, but of transmitting the order di- rectly to him to take a certain portion of the troops, without consulting the commanding officer of the immediate post or district. His order of the 25th of April to Major Holmes, was not less insulting to the commanding gen- U* / 234 LIFE AND TIMES eral, than it was conducive to every species of insubordination. The command of a major general was not even nominal, if a secretary, at a distance of one thousand miles, were permitted thus to interfere in the internal con- cerns of his district. 44 This course was evidently intended as a source of mortification to General Harrison, when contrasted with the unlimited powers confided to him in the campaigns of 1812-13. On the receipt, therefore, of the notification from the War Department, of the order of the 25th of April, General Harrison instantly addressed a letter of resignation to the Secre- tary, and a notification of it to the President. As soon as Governor Shelby heard of the resignation of General Harrison, he lost no time in addressing the President in his usual forcible terms, to prevent his acceptance of it ; but unfortunately for the public interest the President was on a visit to Virginia, to which place the letters from General Harri- son and Governor Shelby were forwarded, and that of the latter was not received until after Secretary Armstrong, without the pre- vious consent of the President, had assumed to himself the high prerogative of accepting OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 235 the resignation. The President expressed his great regret that the letter of Governor Shel- by had not been received earlier, as in that case the valuable services of General Harri- son would have been preserved to the nation in the ensuing campaign."* In 1813, Commodore Perry wrote to Gen- eral Harrison — " You know what has been my opinion as to the future Commander-in- chief of the army. I pride myself not a lit- tle, I assure you, on seeing my predictions so near being verified ; yes, my dear friend, I expect to hail you as the chief who is to re- deem the honor of our arms in the North." At a skirmish with the Indians at Chatham, before the battle of the Thames, Perry re- monstrated with Harrison upon his exposure, when the latter replied, that '* it was necessary that a general should set an example." In 1814, General McArthur wrote to Gen- eral Harrison ; — " You, sir, stand the highest with the militia of this state of any general in the service, and I am confident that no man can fight them to so great an advantage ; and I think their extreme solicitude may be the means of calling you to this frontier 1 ' * Dawson's Life of Harrison. 236 LIFE AND TIMES On being asked bow he gained the control and confidence of the militia, he replied — " By treating them with affection and kindness — by always recollecting that they were my fellow-citizens, whose feelings I was bound to respect, and by sharing on every occasion the hardships which they were obliged to un- dergo." Here ended General Harrison's brilliant and glorious military career. For nearly a quarter of a century he had been a promi- nent actor in the battles of his country — had lead his countrymen through every danger, and in the language of the present Vice Pres- ident of the United States, " had never sus- tained a defeat." When he could no lonjrer serve his country in the field, he gave up his command and retired to private life.* * If General Harrison had not been a disinterested and high- minded man— if he could have sacrificed his sense of duty to pecuniary considerations, he might have remained with his family, enjoying his high rank, and its emoluments, and reposing upon his laurels ; but he disdained command, or the reception of pay for services which he was not permitted to perform, and cheerfully retired to private life when he could no longer be use- ful in the field. — Judge Hall. OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. Stf CHAPTER XXVI. Harrison elected to Congress— Vote of thanks and a gold medal presented — Opinion of Colonel Johnson— Harrison's militia bill. In 1SJ4, General Harrison was appointed, with Governor Shelby and General Cass, to treat with the western Indians ; and after the peace with Great Britain, 1815, he was placed at the head of another commission, associated with General Mc Arthur and the Hon. John Graham. Under both these appointments, satisfactory treaties were concluded — the for- mer at Greenville, and the latter at Detroit. In 1816, he was elected to fill a vacancy in the House of Representatives in Congress, occasioned by the resignation of the Hon. John McLean, and also for two years suc- ceeding. There were six candidates, and he re- ceived one thousand majority overall. At this session, a resolution was introduced, present- ing the thanks of Congress, and directing med- als to be struck, to he given to General Harrison and Governor Shelby. When the resolution came before the Senate, Mr. Lacock moved to strike out the name of General Harrison, and the motion was carried — Yeas 13, Nays 11.* x IN lies' Register. 238 LIFE AND TIMES About the same time, one of the contractors of the army, whose profits had been dimin- ished by the integrity of Harrison, charged him with improper conduct while command- ing the army. The General demanded an in- vestigation, and it was while this was pending that Mr. Lacock made the ungenerous mo- tion, which gave a blow to the intrepid hero most unjust, and which he felt to be unmerited. Yet, disgraceful as was this procedure, in his own words, " his respect for Congress would not permit him to impugn its motives."* This magnanimity under such stinging cir- cumstances cannot be too highly extolled. But we must let facts speak for themselves, and when we have given them, we shall leave the reader to make up his own mind who was honored and applauded, and who disgraced and contemned. The following is extracted from the Journal of the House of Represen- tatives, Thursday, January 23, 1817 : — * General Harrison, in a letter upon the subject of Mr. Lacock's motion, dated July 16, 1816, used the following language : — 'A vote of the Senate of the United States has attached to my name a disgrace which I am fully convinced no time or no effort of mine will ever be able to efface. Their censure is indeed ne- gative, but it is not on that account the less severe. Could a, vote positively expressing my unworthiness, attach tome more obliuuy than one which declares that I am the only man of the OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 239 " Mr. Johnson of Kentucky,* from the com- mittee to which was referred the letter and re- port of the acting Secretary of War, on the application of General William H. Harri- son respecting his expenditures of public money while commanding the north-western army, made a report thereon, stating that the committee are unanimously of opinion that General Harrison stands above suspicion as to his having had any pecuniary or improper connexion with the officers of the commissa- riat for the supply of his army ; that he did not wantonly or improperly interfere with the army which I commanded, who did not deserve the thanks of the nation. Could anything but cowardice or treason justify this ex- cessive rigor ! — and yet it is not pretended that I am guilty of either. What then is my crime, and what the reasons upon which the vote of the Senate was justified .' Why an investiga- tion before the House of Representatives was pending, solicited by myself and some one or more persons, had impressed every member of Congress to whom I was unknown, with the belief that I deserved no merit for the success of the compaign, and that I was forced against my inclination to pursue the British army. My respect for the first branch of the Legislature of my country, will not permit me to impugn its motives. I am bound to believe that the majority at least acted from correct principles ; but on a subject so important to an individual ; upon a vote which was to attach disgrace to his character, which will follow him to his grave, and which will cause the blush to raise upon the cheek of his children, should they not have paused?" * Colonel Richard M. Johnson, who was chairman of the com- mittee appointed at the request of General Harrison, to investi- gate the charge against him. 240 LIFE AND TIMES rights of the contractors ; and that in his whole conduct, as the commander of the said army, he was governed by a laudable zeal for and devotion to, the public service and inter- est ; which said report was read and con- sidered. Colonel Johnson again stated that General Harrison "stood above suspicion, and was in his measures governed by a proper zeal and devotion to the public interest." Mr. Hul- bert, also on the committee, stated, that he had been prejudiced against General Harri- son, but that the investigation had satisfied him that the accusation was false and cruel. " In a word," said Mr. II., " I feel myself au- thorized to say, that every member of the committee is fully satisfied, that the conduct of General Harrison, in relation to the sub- ject matter of this inquiry, has been that of a brave, honest, and honorable man ; and that, instead of deserving censure, he merits the thanks and applause of his country." On the 24th of March, 1818, Mr. Dick- erson brought the subject again before the Senate. In his introductory remarks, the mover said, there was an objection to a sim- ilar resolution offered two years before, and that OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 241 was, the investigation then pending before the House. Nothing could be done until the com- mittee of investigation had reported, and no report was made until the 23d of January, 1817. The session terminating soon after, left no opportunity for the passage of the resolution. Mr. Dickerson then offered the following : — '•''Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Ame- rica, in Congress assembled, That the thanks of Congress be, and they are hereby, present- ed to Major General William Henry Har- rison and Isaac Shelby, late Governor of Kentucky, and through them to the officers and men under their command, for their gal- lantry and good conduct in defeating the combined British and Indian forces under Major General Proctor, on the Thames, in Upper Canada, on the 5th of October, 1813, capturing the British army with the baggage, camp equipage and artillery ; and that the President of the United States be requested to cause two gold medals to be struck, emblema- tical of this triumph, and presented to General Harrison and Isaac Shelby, late Governor of Kentucky.' 1 V 242 LIFE AND TIMES Mr. DickeRson then spoke at some length upon the subject. One objection to the pas- sage of the first resolution in 1816, was, that it was charged that Harrison would not have followed Proctor had it not been for Gov- ernor Shelby. In alluding to this, Mr. Dick- erson said : — " Shelby, generous as he is brave, disclaims this exclusive merit, and in h. letter, which I beg leave to read, denies, in the most positive terms, having used the language ascribed to him : and he gives to General Harrison the highest praise for his promptitude and vigilance in pursuing Proc- tor ; for the skill with which he arranged his troops for meeting the enemy, and for his dis- tinguished bravery during the battle. " He states that the duties of General Har- rison, as Commander-in-chief of the north- western army, were in the highest degree arduous ; and that such was the zeal and fidelity with which they were performed, they could not have been committed to better hands. Of these particulars no one could know better: no one would judge better than Governor Shelby. I have many other docu- ments and papers to show that Governor Shelby was not mistaken in the statements OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 243 he has made, and which I will read, if any douht should be expressed upon this subject. I trust, however, that no such doubt will be entertained, and am confident that honorable gentlemen will feel a pleasure in awarding to General Harrison that testimony of applause, which a sense of duty induced them formerly to withhold." The resolution passed the Senate unani- mously on the 30th of March, and the same day went through three readings in the House, and passed, with only one dissentient voice.* General Harrison had gained his battles by the militia, and his own skill in training and manoeuvring them. The adoption of an efficient militia system was one object which induced him to accept the nomination for Congress. Another was the relief of the sol diers who served in the two wars. He soon reported a militia bill and an explanatory re port.t The plan was highly approved by * See Journals of the Senate and House of Representat. for 16 IS. t#The plan proposed in the Report, and supported by Mr. II. , was that of the ancient republics, which mingled military in- struction with the ordinary education of youth, commencing with the elementary military duties at the primary schools, and ending with the higher tactics at the colleges. The expenso was to be borne by the United States ; but to obviate the objec- 244 LIFE AND TIMES Mr. Monroe and Mr. Crawford. The lat- ter, doubting the constitutionality of such a system, drew up an amendment to the con- stitution to embrace it; but, having just fin- ished a war, the members were tired of mili- tary details, and refused to adopt a plan which would have silenced all disputes about situations in the military college, and by which the children of the rich and poor would have received the same education. The Gen- eral supported his bill with a speech, and Mr. Williams, of North Carolina, afterward said, in alluding to it, " The gentleman from Ohio has depicted the dangers of a standing army to a government like ours, in a strain of elo- quence such as has rarely been witnessed in this House." CHAPTER XXVII. General Harrison in Congress — In the Senate of Ohio — Censure for his vote upon the bill for the punishment of criminals — His letter on the subject. In 1818, General Harrison introduced % in the House a resolution in honor of the memo- tion of the increase of patronage which it would give to the general government, the instructo'rs were to be appointed by the states respectively. — Judge Hall OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON'. 2 15 ry of Kosciusko, and made a classic and touching speed). He was an ardent advocate for the acknowledgment of the independence of the South American republic. Upon the resolution to censure General Jackson for his conduct during the Seminole war, General Harrison delivered an eloquent address to the House. While he disapproved of one act, he applauded the patriotism of the hero of New Orleans, and gave him full and open credit for his many good deeds.* In 1S19, General Harrison was elected a member of the Senate of Ohio. Here he served two years, devoting all the energies of * General Harrison concluded his remarks, thus— " If I he resolu- tions pass, I would address him" (General Jackson) " thus : ' In the performance of a sacred duty imposed by their construction of the constitution, the representatives of the people have found it necessary to disappiove a single act of your brilliant career; they have done it in the full conviction that the hero who has guarded her rights in the field, will bow with reverence to the civil institutions of his country — that he has admitted as his creed, that the character of the soldier can never he complete without eternal reference to the character of the citizen. Your country has done for you all that a country can do for the most favored of her sons. The age of deification is past ; it was an age of tyranny and barbarism : the adoration of man should be addressed to his Creator alone. You have been feasted in the Pritanes of the cities. Your statue shall be placed in the capltoi, and your name be found in the songs of the virgins. Go, gallant chief, and bear with you the gratitude of your country. Go, under the full conviction, that as her glory is identified with yours, she 2 46 LIFE AND TIMES his gigantic mind to hi? public duties ; and du- ring this time, as an elector for president and vice-president, he voted for James Monroe and Daniel D. Tompkins. He was subsequently chosen an elector, and voted for Henry Clay. During the time he was in the Senate of Ohio, a bill was introduced for the punish- ment of offences against the state. It con- tained a clause by which persons fined for criminal offences, were to be apprenticed to respectable citizens for sufficient sums to pay the fines. In this shape it passed the House almost unanimously. In the Senate a motion was made and carried to strike out the clause alluded to, and General Harrison, with 11 other senators,* voted to retain the clause, has nothing more dear to her but her laws, nothing more sacred but her constitution. Even an unintentional error shall be sanc- tified to her service. It will teach posterity that the government which could disapprove the conduct of a Marcellus, will have the fortitude to crush the vices of a Marius.' These sentiments, sir, lead to results in which all must unite. General Jackson will still live in the hearts of his fellow-citizens, and the constitution of your country will be immortal." * Among those who voted for the law beside General Harrison, ■were Eli Baldwin, Esq., who was the administration candidate for the gubernatorial chair of Ohio, in 1836, and the Hon. Thomas Morris, one of the present administration senators from Ohio in Congress, and all the members of the Ohio House of Repre- sentatives from the county of Hamilton. See Journals of tht Senate and House of Representatives, of Ohio, OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 247 *' as the most mild and human mode of deal- in" 1 with the offenders for whose cases it was intended." In the Hamilton (Butler County, Ohio) Intelligencer, of December 15th, 1821, a writer endeavored to misrepresent the vote of the minority of the Senate, and to lead the reader to imagine that persons imprisoned for mere debt, were to be treated as criminals, and so apprenticed. When the article in the Intelligencer fell under the eye of General Harrison, he immediately wrote the following letter to the editor, and it appeared in his pa- per of December of 31st, 18*21. "Sir: In your paper of the loth instant, I observed a most violent attack upon eleven other members of the late Senate and myself, for a supposed vote given at the last session for the passage ot a law to ' sell debtors in certain cases.' If such had been our conduct I acknowledge that we should not only de- serve the censure which the writer has be- stowed on us, but the execration of every honest man in society. An act of that kind is not only opposed to the principles of justice and humanity, but would be a palpable viola- tion of the constitution of the State, which 248 LIFE AND TIMES every legislator is sworn to support ; and sanctioned by a House of Representatives and 12 Senators, it would indicate a state of de- pravity which would fill every patriotic bosom with the most alarming anticipations. But the fact is, that no such proposition was ever made in the legislature or even thought of. The act to which the writer alludes has no> more relation to the collection of ' debts' than it has to the discovery of longitude. It, was an act for the punishment of offences against the State, and that part of which has so deeply Mounded the feelings of your correspondent, was passed by the House of Representatives and voted for by the 12 senators under the im- pression that it was the most mild and human mode of dealing with the offenders for whose cases it was intended. It was adopted by the House of Representatives as a part of the general system of criminal law, which was then undergoing a complete revision and amendment ; the necessity of this is evinced by the following facts : — For several years past, it had become apparent that the Peniten- tiary system was becoming more and more burdensome at every session ; a large appro- priation was called for to meet the excess of OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 249 expenditure above the receipts of the establish- ment. In the commencement of the ses- sion of 1820, the deficit amounted to near $20,000. This growing evil required the immediate interposition of some vigorous legislative mea- sure ; two were recommended as being likely to produce the effect ; — first, placing the insti- tution under better management, and se- condly, lessening the number of convicts who were sentenced for short periods and whose labor was found of course to be most unpro- ductive. In pursuance of the latter principle, thefts to the amount of $50, or upwards, were subjected to punishment in the Penitentiary, instead of $10 which was the former mini- mun sum — this was easily done. But the great difficulty remained to determine what should be the punishment of those numerous larcenies below the sum of $50. By some, whipping was proposed, by others punishment by hard labor in the county jails, and by others it was thought best to make them work on the highways. To all these, there appeared insuperable ob- jections: fine and imprisonment was adopted by the House of Representatives as the only 250 LIFE AND TIMES alternative, and as it was well known these vexatious pilferings were generally perpetrated by the most worthless vagabonds in society, it was added that when they could not pay the fines and costs which are always part of the sentence and punishment, that their services should be sold out to any person who would pay their fine and costs for them. This was the clause which was passed, as I believe, by a unanimous vote of the House, and stricken out in the Senate in opposition of the 12 who have been denominated. A little further trou- ble in examining the journals would have shown your correspondent that this was considered as a substitute for whipping, which was lost in the Senate, and in the House by a small majority, after being once passed. I think, Mr. Editor, I have said enough to show that this obnoxious law would not have applied to ' unfortunate debtors of C4 years,* but to infamous offenders, who depredate upon the property of their fellow-citizens, and who by the constitution of the State as well as the principle of existing laws, were subject to in- voluntary servitude. I must confess I had no very sanguine expectations of beneficial ef- OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 251 feet from this measure, as it would apply to convicts who had attained the a<*e of matu- rity. But I had supposed that a woman or a youth who, convicted of an offence, and re- mained in jail for the payment of the fine and costs imposed, might with great advantage he transferred to the residence of some decent, virtuous, private family, whose precept and example would gently lead them back to the paths of virtue. I would appeal to the candor of your correspondent to say whether if there were an individual confined under the circumstances I have mentioned, for whose fate he was interested, he would not gladly see him transferred, from the filthy inclosure of a jail, and the still more filthy inhabitants, to the comfortable mansion of some virtuous citizen, whose admonitions would check his vicious propensities and whose authority over him would be no more than is exercised over thousands of apprentices in our country; and those bound servants whieh are tolerated in our, as well as every other State in the Union. Far from advocating the abominable prin- ciples attributed to me by your correspondent, I think that imprisonment for debt, under any circumstances but that where fraud is alleged, 252 LIFE AND TIMES is at war with the best principles of our con- stitution, and ought to be abolished. I am, Sir, your humble servant, WM. H. HARRISON. North Bend, 22d December, 1821. CHAPTER XXVIII. The Missouri restriction— Harrison elected United States Sena- tor—Public acts— Appointed Minister to Colombia — Treatment upon his recall— Is a. Candidate for the Presidency in 1836 — again nominated in 1839. for the same office. In 1822, General Harrison was a candi- date for Congress, but lost his election in con- sequence of having voted against the Missouri restriction. In February, 1819, when he was a member of the House of Representatives, a law was passed authorizing the Missouri Territory to form a state constitution. General James Tallmadge, then a mem- ber from New York, moved the following amendment : — " Provided, that the further introduction of Slavery or involuntary ser- vitude be prohibited, (in the new state,) ex- cept for the punishment of crimes, whereof the party shall have been fully convicted." 2d. " That all children born within said OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 053 state after the admission thereof into the Union, shall be free at the age of 2 > years." " On these amendments," says Niles, " a long and spirited debate ensued. The south- ern and most of the western members warmly- opposed these amendments, as having a direct tendency to break up the compact of the Union between the states, and destroy that provision in the federal constitution, which secures slave property to those states that choose to hold it. General Harrison voted against any restriction on the new state, but it was carried in the House, yeas 87, nays 78." The Senate struck out these respective clauses, and the convention of Missouri was left free and unshackled in the formation of the state constitution. The next year, when the state of Missouri applied for admission into the Union, as a slave state, the same restric- tion was again attempted, but finally, through the matchless abilities and exertions of Henry Clay, she was admitted into the Union, free of restriction. It was the wish of General Harrison to leave the Missouri convention as free as the constitution of the United States would allow, W 254 LIFE AND TIMES and to put no restrictions upon the new state which had not been placed on others. His vote was in accordance with his strict con- struction of the federal constitution, and his earnest desire to put Missouri on an equality with her older sisters of the Union. When he was defeated in 1822, the National Intelli- gencer, (Oct. 30, 1822,) used the following language : — " A friend informs us, which we are sorry to learn, that General Harrison was opposed, as a friend to the general government, but particularly on account of his adherence to* that principle of the constitution which se- cures to the people of the south their pre-exist- ing .rights." In 1824, General Harrison was elected to the Senate of the United States, and, as chairman of the military committee,* intro- duced a bill to prevent desertion in the army. His plan was to raise the character of the of- ficers and to hold out inducements to soldiers to perform their duties. He likewise brought forward a bill to decrease the duty on salt, it being a necessary of life. He supported the bill to confer cadet appointments, at West r * In place of General Jackson, who had resigned OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 255 Point, on the sons of those who had bravely fallen in their country's service. His exertions in favor of pensions to old soldiers will never be forgotten. "With all his masterly powers he supported the bill intro- duced by the excellent Bloomfield, and which was the means of rescuing many a de- serving and brave man from want and ne- glect. In 1828, General Harrison was appointed minister plenipotentiary to the Republic of Colombia. He embarked immediately and arrived at IMaracavbo, on the 22d of Decern- ber, and thence proceeded to Bogota. He found every thing in confusion, and Bolivar much inclined to favor the military party which wished to confer upon him a dictator- ship. To this the more democratic of the people were strongly opposed, and they event- ually succeeded in their views. The plain appearance and republican manners of the minister, led to his being suspected, by a people ever jealous, of favoring the demo- cratic party, and subjected him to many petty persecutions from the aristocracy, against which he gallantly sustained himself. One of Jackson's first acts upon taking the Presi- 256 LIFE AND TIMES dential chair, was to recall General Harrison. Before his return however, and after he had taken his leave as minister, he addressed a letter to the Colombian hero, as a personal friend. This document, replete with wisdom, goodness and patriotism, will be found in our appendix, and should be carefully read and studied. It breathes the purest principles and minutely describes the truly great man. In his recall he was treated with great rude- ness, though it does not appear that the gov- ernment was at fault. The sloop of war, Natchez sailed from New York, in June, 1829, and carried out his successor, and her commander, Captain Claxton, was ordered to stop at a certain port for the purpose of taking General Harrison on board.* He had been previously notified that the vessel would be at Carthagena at a certain time, and he was to hold himself in readiness to return by her. He waited at the port for a long time, but the sloop of war did not make her appearance, although at the Island of Cur- racoa, only 200 miles distant, the Captain had been informed that General Harrison was waiting at Carthagena with intense anxiety, * The Globe of 1836. OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 257 and that he was in extremely bad health.* In consequence of negligence lie was detained in a foreign country three months, subjected to expense, sickness and mortification. He returned in a private vessel, and, we under- stand, at his own expense. Upon ascertaining the facts, the then Secre- tary of the Navy, was willing and urgent to pur- sue the course of justice in the premises, but as General Harrison had been the only suf- ferer, he would not consent to it, and the Se- cretary yielded to his particular request to for- give and forget. In this manner has General Harrison always met the slights of those who could not appreciate the nobility of a heart devoted wholly to his country and his coun- try's good. lie now retired to his farm at North Bend, and devoted himself to the cultivation of his property ; living in the plain style of our old republican farmers, and enjoying the truest happiness in the bosom of an affectionate wife, and the young and lovely smiles of his children. His farm on the Ohio river contains very superior corn ground, and some years since, " ■ ■ n il. r * Washington Mirror. w* 258 LIFE AND TIMES when corn was low, he established a distillery, in order to convert his surplus into an article more portable and profitable. He soon, how- ever, perceived the injurious effects resulting from such manufactories, and abolished his distillery ; thus setting a bright and useful ex- ample to those around him, sacrificing his own pecuniary interest to the good of the com- munity, In his address to the Hamilton County Agricultural Society, delivered June 16, 1831, he alluded to this subject in a neat and feeling manner, concluding thus : — " I speak more freely of the practice of convert- ing the material of ' the staff of life' (and for which so many human beings yearly perish) into an article which is so destructive of health and happiness, because in that way I have sinned myself ; but in that way I shall sin no more.'' ' In the same address, he drew the picture of a tarmer in glowing and vivid colors. In the portraiture of a hero returning from the field of glory to the humble retirement of a farm, we see General Harrison conspicu- ously, though unconsciously shadowed forth. An extract embracing this sketch, may be found in the appendix. At this time, he was OP WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 259 still at his plough, earning his daily bread by the sweat of his brow, nor was he visited by the politics of the country until in 1836, when he was taken up by a portion of the states and run in opposition to Martin Van Buren, for the Presidency. There were several can- didates in the field against the present execu- tive at the same time. At the east, Daniel Webster stood prominent; — at the south, Judge White ; — in most of the middle and western states, General Harrison was the candiate. It can scarcely be said that there was any concentrated action among the op- position, nor was he taken up until within a few months of the election, and yet he re- ceived seventy-two electoral votes. On the 4th of December, 1839, a full National Whig Convention assembled at Har risburgh, Pennsylvania, and of that body, he received the unanimous vote when nominated as the candidate of the party for the Presi- dency. Some months previous to this, he had been nominated as the candidate of the anti- masons, and in reply to the notification of the selection, he addressed a letter to the Hon. Harmer Denny, in which he expressed at length his views of the character and extent 260 LIFE AND TIMES of the power vested by the constitution in the President. In his reply to the communica- tion of the committee of the convention of 4th of December, he referred to this let- ter to Mr. Denny, and one also written to the Hon. Sherrod Williams. We have not room for these documents, but have made ex tracts from the former, which will be found in the appendix, and to which the attention of the reader is directed. We have still another object in selecting but one of his letters on this subject. We are writing a his- torical, and not a political book. We do not omit other letters because they have any elec- tioneering paragraphs, but that we may not, even in appearance, lean to the one side or the other. Our politics are known — we have made no secret of them, yet we disclaim all party prejudice in the present work. We speak of the public acts of General Harrison — of the great powers conferred on him by Jefferson, Adams and Madison. We have endeavored to exhibit without prejudice the manner in which he discharged all trusts re- posed in him, and feel confident that our work cannot be called political. He is now before the people as a candidate OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 20 1 for the Presidency, and this we record as history. For his views of what should he the conduct of the President of the United States, we again refer to the extracts from his letter to the Hon. Harmer Denny. He expressly says, that he thinks a President should not serve more than one term, and in his letter to the committee of the Harrisburgh Convention, repeats his declaration, that, should he be elected, he would " under no circumstances consent to be a candidate for a second term.*' The opinions and deeds of every candidate for so important an office as that of chief magistrate of this great republic, should be ever known and examined by the people. With this sentiment constantly before us, have we written this book, and the reader must judge how closely we have adhered to the guide adopted. CHAPTER XXIX. A retrospect of the acts and character of Harrison. William Henry Harrison entered the service of his country when quite a boy. He 2G2 LIFE AND TIMES went immediately to the west where soldiers were wanted. He fought bravely by the side of Wayne, and secured the repeated ap- plause of his commander. When scarcely a man, he was made commander of Fort Wash- ington, an exposed post, and charged with the care of transmitting arms and provisions to forts more advanced. He was appointed the first Governor of Indiana, and remained in that situation until called to the command of the north-western army. During the cam- paigns of 1812, 1813, he was constantly in service, and devoted his best and greatest energies to his country. He followed the British into Canada and captured the whole army of Proctor. He was then hailed as the Washington of the west, and on his journey to the capitol, was greeted with the most enthusiastic rejoicings. On his way, a public dinner was given him at Tammany Hall, New York, under the direction of the Republican General Committee, at which 300 persons sat down. The venerable patriot, Colonel Rutgers, presided, assisted by four vice presidents. Subsequently, as member of Congress, member of the Ohio Legislature, and minister OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 263 to Colombia, lie was still more distinguished than as a warrior ; — his civil exertions for his country even exceeded his glory in the field. He was always with the people, and in favor of placing as much power as possible directly in their hands. " When hii;h in civil office, he never forgot his responsibility to the people, nor abused the great powers with which he was intrusted. When placed at the head of the army, he was neither violent nor arbitrary. He never rashly exposed the lives of his men in battle, for the selfish purpose of winning laurels to deck his own brow. He never crushed others, that he might stride into power him- self. He never set aside the laws of his country, nor insulted the majesty of the people in the persons of their officers. He was a brave soldier, without being a violent man ; an accomplished leader, without in- ordinate ambition ; a conqueror, without for- getting the precepts of justice and mercy."* Retired to private life, he lived and still lives as a plain, republican farmer. Some years since he was appointed clerk of the Hamilton County Court, and he still fills that office. ^ ' ■ ' ■■-■■■■■■!■ ■ ■■--,.. - _ | ■ | . ,1 . —..., — . .^ * Judge Hall. 264 LIFE AND TIMES He was also chosen President of the Hamil- ton County Agricultural Society, which station he occupied with great credit to himself, and benefit to the association. A gentleman who wrote recently to the au- thor, describes General Harrison as being daily engaged in the labor of his farm, and attending personally to the fulfilment of a contract he had made to deliver a large quan- tity of stone for a public work in the neigh- borhood. He is remarkable for his true Vir- ginian hospitality, and his table, instead of being covered with exciting wines, is well supplied with the best cider. Before closing this, our last chapter, we must refer to one circumstance, which has been denied by some of his friends, though there certainly was no necessity for such de- nial. We allude to his reception at Philadel- phia, in 1838. Thousands and tens of thou- sands crowded Chesnut street wharf upon his arrival, and greeted him with continual cheer- ing as he landed. He stepped into the ba- rouche, but the crowd pressed forward so im- petuously, that the horses became frightened and reared frequently. A rush was made to un- harness the animals, when the General spoke OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 2(55 to several, and endeavored to prevent it ; but the team was soon unmanageable, and it be- came necessary to take them oiF. A rope was brought, and attached to the carriage, by which the people drew it to the Marsha!) House. This act was the spontaneous burst of ten thousand grateful hearts. Pennsylva- nians fought under the hero, and they loved him. We speak particularly on this point, because we were an eye-witness of all that passed. Had the horses behaved well and gently, the barouche would not have been dragged through the street by the people. Some years since a bill was brought for- ward in Congress, for the relief of J. C Harrison, when Colonel Richard M. John- son, of Kentucky, spoke on the subject. We conclude our labors with the following extract from this speech of the Colonel: — " One of the securities is General William Henry Harrison — and who is Gen. Harri- son? The son of one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, who spent the greater part of his large fortune, in redeeming the pledge he then gave of his ' fortune, life, and sacred honor,' to secure the liberties of his country. x 266 LIFE AND TIMES " Of the career of Gen. Harrison I need not speak — the history of the west is his his- tory. For forty years he has been identified with its interests, its perils, and its hopes. Honored and beloved in the walks of peace, and distinguished by his ability in the councils of his country, he has been yet more illus- triously distinguished in the field. " During the late war, he was longer in ac- tive service than any other general officer ; — he was perhaps oftenerin action than anyone of them, and never sustained a defeat.''''* * See Journals of the House of Representatives for 1S3I- Also, many points stated in this chapter, will be found fully sub* stantiated by various articles in the appendix. APPENDIX. Correspondence between General Wayne and Major Campbell. I. Miamis River, Aug. 21, 1794. Sir, An army of the United States of America, said to lie under your command, having taken post on the banks of the Miamis, for upwards of the last twenty-four hours, almost within the reach of the guns of this fort, being a post belonging to His Majesty the King of Great Bri- tain, occupied by His Majesty's troops, and which I have the honor to command, it becomes me to inform myself, as speedily as possible, in what light I am to view your making such near approaches to this gar- rison. I have no hesitation on my part to say, that I know of no war existing between (Jreat Britain and America. I have the honor to be, &c. WILLIAM CAMPBELL, Major 24th Reg't, commanding a British post on the banks of the Miamis. To Major General Wayne, &c. &c. II. Camp on the Banks of thk Miamis, August 21, 17> seared by the repetition of crime, that the agonies of Ins murdered victims might become music to his soul, and the drippings of his scaffold afford "blood enough to swim in." History is lull of such examples. From this disgusting picture, permit me to call the attention of your Excellency to one of a different char- acter. It exhibits you as tkv. constitutional Chief Ma- gistrate of a free people. Giving to their representatives the influence of your great name and talents, t«> reform the abuses which, m a long reign of tyranny and mis- rule, have fastened upon every branch of the adminis- tration. The army, and its swarm of olhcers, reduced within the limits of real usefulness, placed on the fron- tiers, and no longer permitted to control public opinion, and be the terror of the peaceful citizen. l>v the re- moval of this incubus from the treasury, and the estab- lishment of order, responsibility, and economy, in the expenditures of the government, it would soon be ena- bled to dispense with the odious monopolies, and the duty of the Alcavala, which have operated with so malign an effect upon commerce and agriculture, and, indeed, upon the revenues which they were intended to augment. No longer oppressed by these shackles, industry would everywhere revive: the farmer and the artisan, cheered by the prospect of ample reward for their labor, would redouble tbeir exertions: foreigners, with their capital and skill in the arts, would crowd hither, to enjoy the advantages which could scarcely, elsewhere, be found: and Colombia would soon exhibit the reality of the beautiful fiction of Fenelon — Salentum rising from misery and oppression, to prosperity and happiness, under "the councils and direction of the con- cealed goddess. What objections can be urged against this course ? Can any one, acquainted with the circumstances of the country, doubt its success, in restoring and maintaining tranquillity? The people would certainly not revolt against themselves; and none of the chiefs who are 292 APPENDIX. supposed to be factiously inclined, would think of op- posing the strength of the nation, when directed by your talents and authority. But it is said, that the want of intelligence amongst the people unfits them for the gov- ernment. Is it not right, however, that the experiment should be fairly tried? I have already said, that this has not been done. For myself, I do not hesitate to declare my firm belief, that it will succeed. The people of Colombia possess many traits, suitable for a repub- lican government. A more orderly, forbearing, and well-disposed people are rrOwhere to be met with. In- deed, it may safely be asserted, that their faults and vices are attributable to the cursed government to which they have been so long subjected, and to the intolerant character of the religion, whilst their virtues are all their own. But, admitting their present want of intelligence, no one has ever doubted their capacity to acquire know- ledge, and under the strong motives which exist, to ob- tain it, supported by the influence of your Excellency, it would soon be obtained. To yourself, the advantage would be as great as to the country ; like acts of mercy, the blessings would be reciprocal ; your personal happiness secured, and your fame elevated to a height which would leave but a sin- gle competition in the estimation of posterity. In be- stowing the palm of merit, the world has become wiser than formerly. The successful warrior is no longer regarded as entitled to the first place in the temple of fame. Talents of this kind have become too common, and too often used for mischievous purposes, to be regarded as they once were. In this enlightened age, the mere hero of the field, and the successful leader of armies, may, for the moment, attract attention. But it will be such as is bestowed upon the passing meteor, whose blaze is no longer remembered, when it is no longer seen, To be esteemed eminently great, it is necessary to be eminently good. The qualities of the hero and the general must be devoted to the advantage of mankind, before he will be permitted to assume the title of their benefactor; and the station which he will hold in their regard and affections will depend, not upon the number and the splendor of his victories, but APPENDIX. 293 upon the results and the use lie may make of the influ- ence he acquires from them. If the fame of our Washington depended upon his military achievements, would the common consent of the world allow him the pre-eminence he possesses? The victories at Trenton, Monmouth, and York, bril- liant as they were, exhibiting, as they certainly did, the highest grade of military talents, are scarcely thought of. The source of the veneration and esteem which is en- tertained for his character, by every description of poli- ticians — the monarchist and aristocrat. ,is well as the republican, is to be found in his undeviating and exclu- sive devotedness to the interest of his country. No selfish consideration was ever suffered to intrude itself into his mind. For his country he conquered ; and the unrivalled and increasing prosperity of that country is constantly adding fresh glory to his name. General; the course which he pursued is open to you. and it depends upon yourself to attain the eminence which he has reached before you. To the eyes of military men, the laurels you won on the fields of Vargas, Bayaca, and Carebobo, will be for ever green; but will that content yon I Are you will- ing that your name should descend to posterity, amongst the mass of those whose fame has been derived from shedding human blood, without a single advantage to the human race? Or, shall it be united to that of Wash- ington, as the founder and the father of a great and happy people? The choice is before you. The friends of liberty throughout the world, and the people of the United States in particular, are waiting your decision with intense anxiety. Alexander toiled and conquered to attain the applause of the Athenians; will you regard as nothing the opinions of a nation which has evinced its superiority over that celebrated people, in the science most useful to man, by having carried into actual prac- tice a system of government, of which the wisest Athe- nians had but a glimpse in theory, and considered as a blessing never to be realized, however ardently to be desired? The place wich you are to occupy in their esteem depends upon yourself. Farewell. W. H. HARRISON. 294 APPENDIX. Extracts from the address delivered before the Ham- ilton County Agricultural Society, by General Harri- son, June 16, 1831. " The encouragement of agriculture, gentlemen, would be praiseworthy in any country ; in our own it is peculiarly so. Not only to multiply the means and en- joyment of life, but as giving greater stability and se- curity to our political institutions. In all ages and in all countries, it has been observed, that the cultiva- tors of the soil, are those who are least willing to part with their rights, and submit themselves to the will of a master. I have no doubt also, that a taste for agricultural pursuits, is the best means of disciplin- ing the ambition of those daring spirits, who occa- sionally spring up in the world, for good or for evil, to defend or destroy the liberties of their fellow-men, as the principles received from education or circumstances may tend. As long as the leaders of the Roman armies were taken from the plough, to the plough they were willing to return. Never in the character of General, forgetting the duties of the citizen, and ever ready to exchange the sword and the triumphal purple, for the homely vestments of the husbandman. The history of this far-famed republic is full of in- stances of this kind ; but none more remarkable than our own age and country have produced. The fascinations of power and the trappings of command, were as much despised, and the enjoyment of rural scenes, and rural employments as highly prized by our Washington, as by Cincinnatus or Regulus. At the close of his glorious military career, he says, ' I am pre- paring to return to that domestic retirement which it is well known I left with the deepest regret, and for which I have not ceased to sigh through a long and painful absence. Your efforts, gentlemen, to diffuse a taste for agricul- ture amongst men of all descriptions and professions, may produce results more important even than increas- ing the means of subsistence, and the enjoyment of life. APPENDIX. 095 » It may cause some future conqueror for his country, to end his career " Guiltless of his country's blood.-' To the heart cheering prospect of flocks and herds feeding on unrivalled pastures, fields of grain, exhiting the scriptural proof that the seed had been cast on good ground — how often is the eye of the philanthropic tra- veller disgusted with the dark, unsightly manufactories of a certain poison — poison to the body and the soul. A modern /Eneas or Ulyssses might mistake them for entrances into the Infernal Regions; nor would they greatly err. But unlike those passages which conducted the Grecian and Trojan heroes on their pious errands, the scenes to which these conduct the unhappy wretch who shall enter them are those, exclusively, of misery and woe. No relief to the sad picture ; no Tartarus there, no Elysium here. It is all Tartarian darkness, and not unfrequently Tartarian crime. I speak more freely of the practice of converting the material of die " stall" of life" (and for which so many human beings yearly perish) into an article which is so destructive of health and happiness, because in that way I have sinned myself; but in that way I shall sin no more." — See page 258. General Harrison to Hon. Harmar Denny. North Bend, Dec, 2, 1838. Dear Sir, As it is probable that you have by this time returned to Pittsburgh, 1 do myself the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter from Philadelphia, containing the proceedings of the National Democratic Anti-masonic Convention, which lately convened in that city. With feelings of the deepest gratitude, I read the resolution unanimously adopted, nominating me as a candidate for the President of the United States. This is the second time that I have received from that patriotic party, of which you yourself are a distinguished member, the 29(5 APPENDIX. highest evidence of confidence that can be given to a citizen of our republic. I would attempt to describe my sense of the obligations I owe them, if I were not convinced that any language which I could command would fall far short of what I really feel. If, however, the wishes of the conventiou should be realized, and if I should second their efforts, I shall have it in my power to manifest my gratitude in a manner more acceptable to those whom you represent, than by any professions of it which I could at this time make; I mean by exert- ing my utmost efforts to carry out the principles set forth in their resolutions, by arresting the progress of the measures "destructive to the prosperity of the peo- ple, and tending to the subversion of their liberties, ' and substituting for them those sound democratic re- publican doctrines, npon which the administration of Jefferson and Madison were conducted. Among the principles proper to be adopted by any executive sincerely desirous to restore the administration to its original simplicity and purity, I deem the follow- ing to be of prominent importance. I. To confine his service to a single term. II. To disclaim all right of control over the public treasure, with the exception of such part of it as may be appropriated by law, to carry on the public services, and that to be applied precisely as the law may direct, and drawn from the treasury agreeably to the long esta- blished forms of that department. III. That he should never attempt to influence the elections, either by the people or the state legislatures, nor suffer the federal officers under his control to take any other part in them than by giving their own votes when they possess the right of voting. IV. That in the exercise of the veto power, he should limit his rejection of bills to, 1st, Such as are, in his opinion, unconstitutional ; 2d, Such as tend to encroach on the rights of the states or individuals; 3d, Such as involving deep interests, may, in his opinion, require more mature deliberation or reference to the will of the people, to be ascertained at the succeeding elections. V. That he should never suffer the influence of his of- fice to be used for purposes of a purely party character- APPENDIX. 297 VI. That in removals from office of those who hold their appointments during the pleasure of the Executive, the cause of such removal should be stated if requested, to the Senate, at the time the nomination of a successor is made. And last, but not least in importance, VII. That he should not suffer the executive depart- ment of the government to become the source of legis- lation: but leave the whole business of making laws for the Union to the department to which the Constitution has exclusively assigned it, until they have assumed that perfected shape, where and when alone the opinions of the Executive may be heard." * The question may perhaps be ashed of me, what se- curity 1 have in my power to otTer, if the majority of the American people should select me for their chief magis- trate, that I would adopt the principles which'] have herein laid down as those upon which niv administra- tion would be conducted ; I could only answer. by refer ring to my conduct, and the disposition manifested in the discharge of the duties of several import nit offices, which have heretofore been conferred upon me. 1 1 the power placed in my hands has, on even a single occa- sion, been used for any purpose other than that for which it was given, or retained longer than was ne< sary to accomplish the objects designated by those from whom the trusts were received, I will acknowledge that either will constitute a sufficient reason for discrediting any promise I may make, under the circumstances in which I am now placed. I am, dear sir, truly yours, W. H. HARRISON To the Hon. Harmar Denny. General Harrison to the Editor of the Ohio Confederate. North Bkni>. Oct 18, 1839. Dear Sir, — The article you wrote in reply to some abusive remarks made upon me by the editors of two 298 APPENDIX. of the Ohio newspapers, is still going the rounds of publication in the journals of the Atlantic cities. It is at least once a week brought to my notice, and yet I have delayed to execute the intention I formed when I first saw it, to express in a letter to you, my deep sense of gratitude for the exalted terms in which you have been pleased to speak of me, and my admiration of the generosity and nobleness of soul which prompted you to become my defender, under the circumstances in which you stand in relation to those by whom I was as- sailed. I can give no other reason for the delay than the apprehension that I should not be able properly to express my feelings on an occasion where they had been so strongly excited. They are, I trust, such as ' they ought to be, and such as a heart like yours will readily believe to exist in the bosom of another who owes a debt of gratitude that he despairs of ever being able to repay. But, however, highly I may value the approbation, coming from a source the purity of which no one can doubt, candor obliges me to say that you have done me more than justice, in attributing to me uncommon merit in my disinterested management of the public funds submitted to my control, and in the execution of the important powers with which I have been clothed, at different times, by the Government of the United States. As it regards the first, how could I act otherwise, considering the tutorage I received in my youth, and which is common to all brought up in the part of the country from which we both came ? There were cir- cumstances in my situation, too, which would have rendered the guilt of any dereliction of duty in me of deeper dye than in most of the other public officers. I allude to the great confidence (manifested by the ex- traordinary powers conferred upon me) reposed in me by the great statesmen and patriots under whom it was my good fortune to act. Take a sample or two ; I was Governor of Indiana, (at that time it.comprised what is now Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin,) ex- officio Superintendent of Indian Affairs, and by the Constitution (the ordinance) vested with the power to appoint all the officers (under the first grade,) and to APPENDIX O99 lay off counties and fix seats of justice. Under the second, a complete control over the Legislature I was, moreover, vested by Congress with the complete con- trol over the public domain at Vmcennes, and in the Illinois country, for the settlement of all the claim- to land made by the "French and British governmen by courts or commandants claiming the rights to make such grants, the whole of the land so granted, <>i as much thereof as might appear to me to be reasonable and just." With these great powers in my hand. Presi- dent Jefferson, in 1804, sent me a commission constitu- ting me sole commissioner for treating with all the northwestern tribes, with the power to draw for any money I might think necessary for the accomplishment of the objects committed to me. My compensation was fixed at $6 per diem and my expenses, when I acting as commissioner, but I was entirely left to m\ self to determine when I should be considered as acting under this commission, or the ordinary one of superin- tendent. I have no means near me of ascertaining the whole amount of compensation I charged for the thirteen treaties I negotiated, in the course of the eleven years that I acted under the commission ; I am persuaded however, that it did not exceed $4,000 — at most $5,000. As soon as Louisiana was acquired, I was made by a law of Congress, (at the suggestion of Mr. Jefferson.) ex-officio Governor of " Upper Louisiana." [do not positively know, his motive for this singular arrange- ment. But I do not know, that he had it much at heart to convince the inhabitants of the newly acquired terri- tory of the great difference between our Government and the corrupt one they had so long suffered under. Under this impression, I declined receiving the fee to which I was entitled by law, although those for Indian licenses would have brought me two or three thousand dollars, and refused to purchase any property, although I was tempted by the proprietor (A. Choteau) of three fourths of St. Louis and all the adjoining lands, with an individual moiety for assisting him to buildup the town. In the war of 1811, and that which commenced in 1812, I received almost a carte blanche as to appoint- 300 APPENDIX. ments, organization of the army, expenditures, &c. Was it possible for me to bring dishonor upon the ad- ministration of these distinguished men, by using their unlimited confidence for any other purpose than that for which it was given ? " I have only room to add that I am, most truly, yours. WILLIAM H. HARRISON. Mr. Milder, Editor of the Ohio Confederate." The Opinion of a Foreigner. — M. Chevalier hav- ing encountered General Harrison at Cincinnati, in one of his letters, the following comment: — " I had observed at the hotel table a man about the medium height, stout and muscular, and about the age of sixty years, yet with the active step and lively air of youth. I had been struck with his open and cheerful expression, the amenity of his open and certain air of command, which appeared through his plain dress. "That is" said my friend, " General Harrison, Clerk of the Cincinnati Court of Common Pleas." — "What! General Harrison of the Tippecanoe and the Thames?" " The same ; the ex-general, the conqueror of Tecum- seh and Proctor ; the avenger of our disasters on the Raisin and Detroit ; the ex-governor of the Territory of Indiana, the ex-senator in Congress, the ex minister of the United States to one of the South American Re- Eublics. He has grown old in the service of his country, e has passed twenty years of his life in those fierce wars with the Indians in which there is less glory to be won, but more dangers to be encountered than at Ti- voli and Austerlitz. He is now poor, with a numerous family, neglected by the Federal Government, although yet vigorous, because he had the independence to think for himself. As the opposition is in the majority here, his friends have bethought themselves of coming to his relief by removing the Clerk of Common Pleas, who was a Jackson man, and giving him the place, which is a lucrative one, as a sort of retiring pension. 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