o,. *.. ^oV .-^%r.-- /\ \^.° /% '^^P-- o > ^oV^ ■=*'•-••/ V'-3^\«*'^ %.'^-'\°' *, ^■"= X.^* .-aev "*-.*^ .•!. ^^ John and Kesia Holmes, Apr. 19, 1763. p.r.i.* "^ Ma^^-^" ■ John and Susanna Comings, Nov. 28, 1792. Joseph and Sarah Savell, Sept. i, 1748. p.R.l* Mary f and Nat. Clark, Nov. 24, 1757. p.r.i.* Mehetabel and Jeremiah Rhoads (int. Rhodes), Jan. 14, 1779. Natha[nie]l Jr. and Mary Clark of Dedham, June 25, 1767. Nathaniel and Mrs. Polly Johnson of Walpole, int. Dec. 11, 1824. Foley and Josiah Blake of Walpole, int. Aug. 16, 1805. Rebeccah and Solomon Coming, Oct. 7, 1762. p.r.i.* Ruth and Job Estey, Nov. 8, 1781. * Intention not recorded, t Written over Sarah. 86 SHARON MARRIAGES. Coney, Sam[ue]ll and Rebecah Guild, Jan. 28, 1742. p.r.i.* Sarah and Aaron Guild, Jan. i, 1752. p.r.i.* Thomas and Naomi Gould, int. Aug. 10, 1782. William Jr. and Rebecca BuUard Jr. of Dedham, int. Jan. 12, 1771. COOK, Jacob and Rachel Gilmore of Wrentham, int. Nov. 11, 1775- Jacob and Esther Endicott, June 3, 1777. COOLEDGE (see Coolidge), Mary and Josiah Hodges, Nov. 6, 1744. P.R.I. * COOLIDGE (see Cooledge), Sophia of Framingham and Dr. Daniel Stone, int. Jan. 30, 1813. COPELAND (see Copland), Bette Jr. of Bridg[e]water and Clifford Belcher Jr., int. Oct. 20, 1770. Rhoda of Easton and Aaron Gay, int. Dec. 31, 1836. COPLAND (see Copeland) , Isaac of Canton and Nancy M. Cobb, Oct. 7, 1821. Nancy M. (int. Copeland) and Asaph Tracy of Raynham, Apr. 28,1835. COPP, Rachel and Ezekiel Pierce, Oct. 25, 1753. p.r.i.* Patience and Ezekiel Peirce, Feb. 9, 1758. p.r.i.* COPS, Samuel Jr. of Walpole and Hannah Pitte, Nov. 10, 1800.* COSTE, Lazare of Walpole and Nancy Gilbert, int. Mar. 23, 181 1. COVILL, Lydia and Nicolas Harris, Feb. 27, 1747. p.r.i.* Priscella and Ebenezer Robins, Jan. i, 1747- p.R.l* Rebecah and W[illia]m Pitten, Aug. 17, 1749. p.r.i.* CO WELL, David L. of Milton and Hannah Gay, Sept. 27, 1840. WiUiam W. of Wrentham and Abby E. Gould, d. of Willard and Abigail, a. 21, Sept. 22, 1844. CRANE, Friend of Canton and Abba Smith, July 4, 1826. Mehetable of Stoughton and David Southland, Nov. 13, 1771.* CREHORE, Hannah of Walpole, N.H. and Samuel Johnson, int. June 30, 1821. CROWLEY, Irena of Mansfield and Daniel Hodges Jr., int. May 8, 1829. CUMINGS (see Coming, Comings, Commings, Cummings), Ruth and W[iUiam] Hewins, Nov. 27, 1759. p.r.i.* Susannah and Sam[ue]l Holmes, Dec. 2, 1762. p.r.i.* * Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. 8/ CUMMINGS (see Coming, Comings, Commings, Cumings), On and \VT;iIliam] Richards, Nov. 14, 1758. p.r.i.* CURTIS, Alonzo of Westminster and Mary B. Lothrop, int. Nov. 29, 1849. Calven and Bethuh Foristall (int. Bethiah Forister) of Belling- ham, Apr. 25, 1796. At Bellingham. Elizabeth (d. of Rev. Philip, p.r.i.) and Capt. Nath[anie]l Curtis of Boston, Dec. 5, 1770. Elizabeth and James E. Andrews, int. June 18, 1836. Francies and Mary Billing, Dec. 31, 1795. Francis and Lydia Gilbert 2d, Nov. 20, 1799. Hannah (d. of Rev. Philip, p.r.i.) and James Porter of Danvers, Nov. 9, 1777. Lyman and Henrietta M. Boyden of Walpole, int. May i, 1841. Mary (d. of Rev. Philip, p.r.i.) and George Ferguson (int. Jr.) of Easton, Dec. 15, 1774- Nath[anie]l Capt. of Boston and Elizabeth Curtis (d. of Rev. Philip, P.R.I.), Dec. 5, 1770. Oliver and Elizabeth Savel, int. Nov. 20, 1790. Philip (int. Jr.) and Abigail Johnson of Stoughton, June 23, 1785. At Stoughton. Rufus and Cynthia Morse, June 25, 1826. Rufus and Louisa Morey, Oct. 10, 1836. Susanna and Daniel Coney of Shutesbury, Nov. 14, 1776. GUSHING, Elpalet L., s. of Adam, a. 25, of Hingham and Julia A. Johnson, d. of Nathan and Hannah, Nov. 29, 1849. DAMON, Bethiah of Western and James Tolman, int. Feb. 6, 1808. DANEY, Capt. Daniel and Catherine Judd, both of Canton, June 4, 1816.* DASSANCE, Julia Ann of Foxborough and Benjamin F. Hodges, int. May 30, 1835. Martin and Elizabeth Atherton of Stoughton, Oct. 26, 1786. At Foxboro. DAVIS, Elizabeth of Canton and Ebenezer Everett, int. Sept. 20, 1836. Harriet, d. of Joshua, a. 48, and Jonathan Snow, widower, s. of Jona[than], a. 59, of Bri[d]gewater, Dec. 28, 1846. DAY, Comfort of Mansfield and Loney Pain, int. Oct. i, 1774. DEAN, Angeline of Middleboro and Samuel N. Snow, int. Sept. 30,1843- ^ . * Intention not recorded. 88 SHARON MARRIAGES. Dean, Asahel, widower, s. of Abijah and Polly, a. 35, of Fox- borough and Lucy Hodges, d. of Benj[ami]n and Hannah, a. 28, Nov. 19, 1846. Benja[min] and Mary Witherton, Jan. 26, 1749. p.r.i.* Dianna B. and George W. Drake, int. May 28, 1842. Hannah of Taunton and Isaac Smith, int. Mar. 4, 1836. Isaac of Mansfield and Elizabeth Randal, int. Oct. 16, 1773. Louisa of Taunton and Simeon Dean, int. Sept. 20, 1839. Otis and Augusta Dunbar, Jan. 4, 1848. Simeon and Louisa Dean of Taunton, int. Sept. 20, 1839. WilHam of Mansfield and Abigail Harlow, June i, 1786. DE MARASQUELLE, Lewis and Polly Wimble, Dec. 23, 1779. P.R.I. DENTON, Annie A. L. of Boston and Lewis Richards, int. July 7, 1838. DEWING, Eunice L. and George W. Gay, int. Sept. 25, 1841. DICKERMAN, Ebenezer and Lydia Gould, Apr. 23, 1747. p.r.i.* Elizabeth, d. of Samuel and Rebecca, a. 32, of Dedham, and Samuel Gooch, s. of Ebenezer and Sarah of Milton, a. 25, Oct. 10, 1848.* Hannah and Enoch Talbot (int. Talbott), Apr. 20, 1807. Louise (int. Lois) of Easton and Joseph Morse (int. Jr.), May 13, 1798. At Easton. DONALDSON, Sarah and Capt. Friend Drake, int. Apr. 18, 1835. DOW, Maria B. and Joel Bullard, May 21, 1836. DRAKE, Abiel (int. Abial) and Charity Hewit (int. Huet), Aug. 22 177 1. Abiel Jr. and Clarrity Records of Bridgewater, int. Mar. 6, 1789. Abner and Margaret (int. Margrat) Hendley, Nov. 27, 1798. Andrew of Boston and Elizabeth Capen, May 25, 1810. Andrew and Lucy T. Gray of Sandwich, Oct. 27, 1833. Archippus and Mary Holmes of Stoughton, int. Dec. 12, 1778. Asahel S. and Patience P. Gannett, Apr. 22, 1836. Asahel S., widower, s. of Ziba and Mary, a. 38, and Mary E. Johnson, d. of Otis and Ednor, a. 21, Nov. 6, 1848. Bathsheba and Phihp Briton of Easton, int. May 8, 1779. Benjamin and Polly Selee (int. Silley) of Easton (int. Mansfield), July 16, 1798. At Easton. Calvin and Betsey Perry, Oct. 29, 182 1. Charlotte Ann and Martin Willis of Easton, int. Aug. 21, 1836. Chloe M. and William Comsett of Canton, int. Mar. 18, 1826. * Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. 89 Drake, Cyrus and Mehetabel McMullen (int. McMuUin), Sept. 9, 1787. David and Hannah Waters, Sept. 18, 1788. At Stoughton. Edward of Easton and Emeline Washburn, int. May 30, 1835. Elias and Polly Harlow, Nov. 25, 1784. Elijah and Charlotte Cobb, int. May 6, 1815. Elizabeth and Elbridge G. Knowles of Norton, Nov. 30, 1837. Eunice and Oliver Bird, June 14, 1787. Fanny and Phineas Drake of Easton, Jan. 16, 1803. Friend, Capt., and Sarah Swift, Mar. 8, 1828. Friend, Capt., and Sarah Donaldson, int. Apr. 18, 1835. George and Rebecca Kingman, Mar. 3, 1799. George and Fanny Harden of Mansfield, int. Jan. 6, 1816. George W. and Dianna B. Dean, int. May 28, 1842. Hannah and George Tucker, int. Feb. 18, 1792. Hannah and Jedediah Atherton of Stoughton, Apr. 29, 1799. Hannah, d. of Ziba and Isaac Smith of Stoughton, Dec. 5, 1822. C.R.I. Hannah and Hilliard E. Kingman of Mansfield, May 8, 1836. Hannah M. of Stoughton and Lieut. Hiram Leonard, int. Mar. 17, 1827. Harriet N. and John P. Thompson, int. May i, 1839. Hartford and Lavina Drake, int. Apr. 27, 1825. Henry of Stoughton and Mary Richards, int. Nov. 2, 1833. Jeremy, Capn., of Dorchester and Abigail Billings, d. of Jesse Billings, Nov. 14, 1822. c.R.i. Jesse of Boston and Catharine Wade, int. Dec. 19, 181 2. Joanna and Ebenezer Tisdale, int. Apr. 30, 1774. John Jr. and Hannah Tisdale, Dec. 9, 1773. John of Boston and Hannah Morse, Jan. 25, 1802. Julian and Jason Morse of Foxborough, July i, 1832. c.R.i. Lavina and Hartford Drake, int. Apr. 27, 1825. Lemuel and Rhoda Randell of Easton, Nov. 22, 1798. At Easton. Lemuel and Sylvia Ford, int. Nov. 5, 1827. Lucinda and John Mears, Jan. 16, 1826. Lucy, d. of Calvin, a. 19, and Charles Hewins, s. of Joel, a. 25, Oct. 31, 1844. Luther and Catherine Holms (int. Catharine Holmes), May 23, 1816. Lyman and Mary Ann Ha}^vard of North Bridgewater, Apr. 25, 1841. Mary (int. Jr.) and Ezekiel Kieth of Easton, Aug. 18, 1771. Mehitable (int. Mehitabel) and John Packard of Stoughton, Mar. I, 1801. 90 SHARON MARRIAGES. Drake, Melzer (int. Milzar), and Chloe Morse, Apr. 7, 1785. At Stoughton. Nancy and David White Jr., int. Oct. 29, 1791. Newell and Sally White, int. Apr. i, 1817. Nath[anie]l and Rhoda Briton of Easton, int. Aug. 29, 1796. Oliver and Ruth Drake, Oct. 31, 1779. Phebe and George A. Weld, int. May 28, 1842. Phineas of Easton and Fanny Drake, Jan. 16, 1803, Polly of Foxboro and Jeremiah Fuller, July 24, 1793. At Foxboro. Rachel and Andrew Kill Patrick of Easton, int. Jan. 18, 1793. Rachel of Easton and Oliver Johnson, int. July 27, 1811. Relief (int. Releif) and Jeremiah Hodges of Mansfield, Mar. 25, 1798. Rhoada (int. Rhoda) and William Strobridg, Oct. 11, 1801. Ruth and Oliver Drake, Oct. 31, 1779. Sarah and Joseph White, June 26, 1760. p.r.i.* Spencer and Betsey Hewins, Feb. i, 1798. (At Dedham dup.) Susan (int. Susanna) and George Sally of Foxborough, Dec. 12, 1819. Theodore and Abigal Turner of Easton, int. May 3, 1806. Theodore and Charity (int. Charety) Hewit, Mar. 27, 1807. Tisdale and Polly Richards, int. Jan. 8, 1825. Tisdale Esq. and Nancy Lucretia Lothrop, Nov. 11, 1830. Vesty and Solomon Stone of Easton, int. Aug. 30, 1823. William and Susanna Harlow, May 6, 1783. Zebiah and Benjamin Wilber (int. Wilbore) of Mansfield, Sept. 18, 1788. At Stoughton. Ziba and Mary Smith of Easton, May 3, 1798. At Easton. Zilph and Ebenezer Lovel, Apr. 5, 1778. DRAPER, Ira Jr. of Westown and Nancy Bullard, Dec. — , 1809. (int. Dec. 2). DUDLEY, Sarah A. of Canton and John H. Bullard, Nov. 27, 1828. DUFF, John of Louisville, Ky. and Keziah Cobb, int. Jan. 26, 1838. DUNBAR, Abigail S. and Sussel (int. Russell) C. Benson, Dec. i, 1836. Augusta and Otis Dean, Jan. 4, 1848. Curtis S. of Easton and Ann Tisdale, int. Mar. 4, 1833. Dorothy of Canton and Joseph Hewins Jr., int. May 15, 1802. John and Esther Boyden, Mar. 28, 1765. p.r.i.* ♦ Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. 9 1 Dunbar, Maria Ann and Benjamin F. Harlow, Oct. 6, 1841. Sarah J. and Joel P. Hewins, Apr. 17, 1842. Tyle of Bridgewater and John Capen, int. Mar. 4, 1807. DYER, Lucy and Job Lewis, int. May i, 1802. EAMES (int. Ames), Jane and Levi Stuart of Sterling, Jan. 22, 1818. EARL, Elisha of Walpole and Judith Estey, int. Apr. 16, 183 1. EASTMAN, Rev. Lucius R. and Sarah Ann Belden of Amherst, int. Nov. 28, 1837. EASTY (see Estey, Estie, Esty), (int. Estey), Hannah and Ellis Johnson, Apr. 13, 1817. Samuel (int. Estey) and Ehzabeth Hartshorn of Walpole, Feb. 8, 1797. At Walpole. EATON, Jabez of Middleborough and Mary Hixson, Feb. 3, 1785. EDDY, EHas and Mary Savel, Dec. 26, 1782. ELIOT, George C. of East Bridg[e]water and Hannah Tolman, Sept. 17, 1837. ELLIS, Deliverence and Gilead Morse, Oct. 7, 1762.* Isaac of Dedham and Emily Stone, Oct. 15, 1838. Joseph and Phyle Boyden of Walpole, Jan. i, 1783.* Warren of Boston and Sena Hewins, Apr. 28, 1829. Warren of Boston and Sarah Pittee, Nov. 29, 1832. c.R.i. EMERY, John D. P. and Susan H. Morey, Dec. 25, 1849. At Providence.* Lucy S. of Raynham and Edward Brown, int. Jan. 13, 1849. ENDICOTT, Esther and Jacob Cook, June 3, ^777- ESTEY (see Easty, Estie, Esty), Bathsheba and Jacob French, Apr. 13, 1777. Charles, s. of S,am[ue]l and Elizabeth, a. 41, and Hannah Gould, d. of Luke and Elizabeth, a. 32, Jan. 4, 1849. Ebenezer and Lucy Fuller of Stoughton, Jan. 12, 1775. Lienor and Josiah Johnson, Nov. 18, 1802. Elijah and Harriot E. Hixon, Nov. 14, 1841. Elizabeth and Aaron Fisher, Nov. 6, 1788. Fanny, d. of Jeremiah and Judith, a. 26, and Jesse Gay, s. of Jason and Polly, a. 26, Sept. 16, 1846. Hannah and Warren Capen, int. Aug. 17, 1839. ♦ Intention not recorded. 92 SHARON MARRIAGES. EsTEY, Jeremiah and Judith French, int. Mar. 19, 1808. Jeremiah Jr. and Mary Frances Sprague of Marshfield, int. Mar. 22, 1845. Joanna (int. Joanah Estie) and John Bird, Apr. 10, 1771. Job and Ruth Coney, Nov. 8, 1781. Judith and EHsha Earl of Walpole, int. Apr. 16, 1831. Keziah (int. Keziah H.) and Luther Clapp, May 31, 1843. Lem[ue]ll and Hannah Belcher, Aug. 30, 1792. Mehetabel and Joseph Coming (int. Comings), Dec. 11, 1783. Nabby W. and John Hunt of Charleston, int. Oct. 26, 1828. Olive and Whiting Hewins of Boston, int. Mar. i, 1817. Unity and Ehjah Johnson, July 5, 1781. ESTIE (see Easty, Estey, Esty) , Ebenezer and Hephsiba Callever of Milton, int. Sept. 28, 1765. Lidia (int. Lydia) and Ephraim Payson, Jan. 14, 1773. Sarah and Noah Johnson, Sept. 22, 1772. Solomon and Hannah Leonard of Stoughton, Dec. 14, 1769, ESTON, James F. of No. Providence, R.I. and Lucy Vose of Easton, Apr. 5, 1838.* ESTY (see Easty, Estey, Estie), (int. Estey), Aaron and Meridith (int. Meredith) Leonard (int. Jr.) of Stoughton, Jan. 2, 1772. Abigail (int. Estey), d. of Jeremiah, a. 33, and Warren Capen, widower, s. of Lemuel, a. 31, Apr. 28, 1846. Benj[amin] and Jo[ha]nnah Amsbury, Apr. 4, 175 1. p.r.i.* John and Abigail Gould, Dec. 28, 1762. p.r.i.* Lucy (int. Estey) and Luther Gay, Mar. 28, 1803. Mary and Gay, Apr. 16, 1765. p.r.i.* EVENS, Joseph of Dorchester and Ama (int. Amey) Payson, Apr. 28, 1766. , EVERENDON, Mary and Ebenezer Capen Jr., int. June 2, 1786. EVERET (see Everett), Abigail and Elijah Hawse, Oct. 2, 1760. P.R.I. * Catherine and Micah Allen, Oct. 24, 1764. p.r.i.* Desire of Dedham and John Holmes, int. Apr. 12, 1777. Edward and Hannah Leonard of Mansfield, int. Nov. 24, 1781. Hanah (int. Hannah) and Benja[min] Raynolds, Nov. 6, 1794. Hannah and Nathan Clark, Aug. 5, 1760. p.r.i.* John and Isabel Hodges of Stoughton, Dec. 9, 1773. Oliver and Susanna Capen, Nov. 15, 1773. EVERETT (see Everet), Abigail and Joseph Bicknell, Apr. 11, 1819. * Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. 93 Everett, Ebenezer and Elizabeth Davis of Canton, int. Sept. 20, 1836. Edward and Mary Capen, Nov. 21, 177 1. Elizabeth and Sam[ue]ll Randall, Dec. 20, 1770. Elizabeth and Ebenezer Tisdale, May 9, 1809. Hannah and Elijah Borden Jr. of Walpole, int. Mar. 20, 1805. Hannah (int. Everet) and John Smith, Nov. 22, 1808. Leanord and Almira Kimball of Bradford, int. Apr. 22, 1815. Susanne (int. Susanna Everett 2d) and Nathaniel Kimball of Goffstown, N.H., Apr. 18, 1813. EVERSON, Anna and Benjamin Gannett, Aug. 2, 1781. (Aug. 20, 1781. P.R.I.) (int. Aug. II, 1781.) FADDEN, Nathaniel of Canton and Lovine Wood, int. Nov. 15, 1826. FAIRBANKS, Abagail (int. Abigail) and Thomas Kollock, July 2, 1795. Benjamin (int. Jr.) and Sophia Leonard of Mansfield, Nov. 13, 1787. At Mansfield. Benjamin and Hannah Morse, int. Oct. 28, 1815. David and Polly BiUings, Sept. 21, 1809. Hannah of Dedham and Capt. Benjamin Bishop, int. June 10, 1833. James of Dedham and Roxana Gay, int. Aug. 5, 1830. Jeremiah and Unity Fisher of Walpole, Jan. i, 1794. At Walpole. Sophia and Benjamin Ide, June 4, 1818. Unity and David Allen of Walpole, Apr. 16, 1806. FALES, Danforth and Mrs. Elizabeth Gould, int. Aug.. 25, 182 1. Harriet N. of Dedham and Benjamin P. Fuller, int. Dec. 23, 1843. Jonathan and Betsey Savel of Dedham, Jan. 3, 1793. At Dedham. FARRINGTON, Doly W. of Foxborough and Levi White, int. Mar. 5, 1814. Phebe and Ezekiel Peirce, Feb. 5, 1761. p.r.i.* Rachal (int. Rachel) of Walpole and Samuel White, Apr. 4, 1787. At Walpole. FAVOR (see Favour), Mrs. Ruth of Francistown, N.H. and Capt. Benjamin Rhoads, int. May 9, 1840. FAVOUR (see Favor), (int. Favor), Reuben of Greenfield, N.H. and Olive Johnson, Aug. 22, 1825. FELCH, Isaac and Rachel Brown, Nov. 27, 1786. * Intention not recorded. 94 SHARON MARRIAGES. FENNO, Elizabeth C. of Braintree and Samuel Gould Fuller, int. Feb. i8, 1842. FERGUSON, George (int. Jr.) of Easton and Mary Curtis, (d. of Rev. Philip, p.r.i.), Dec. 15, 1774. FIELD, Albert of Norton and Abigail Hewins, June 7, 18 18. James and Mary Woodcock, Apr. 25, 1765. p.r.i.* Thomas M. of Quincy and Esther Fuller, int. Mar. 27, 1820, FINCH, Julia A. and Hock Hills, int. July 6, 1848. FISHER, Aaron and Elizabeth Estey, Nov. 6, 1788. Asa of Dedham and Rebecca Holmes, int. Aug. 21, 1824. Betsey and Salmon Cobb Jr. of Mansfield, int. Nov. g, 1822. Betsey B. of Dedham and Lewis Gould, int. Dec. 3, 1828. Betsy and Jason Wight, of Dedham, int. Mar. 25, 1820. David Jr. and Mehetabel Hewins 2d, Nov. 20, 1781. David 2d and Nancey Chandler, int. Jan. 27, 1810. Eben[eze]r and Nancy Morse, Jan. 7, 1796. Ebenezer 2d and Salley Johnson, Mar. 2, 18 12. Elijah of Stoughton and Susanna Hixson, Jan. i, 1788. Esther of Wrentham and Joseph Randall, int. , 1766. Ezekiel of Stoughton and Experience Blackman, July 8, 1778. Increase (int. of Francistown, N.H.) and Eunice Johnson, Nov. 14, 1819. Jacob and Sarah Hodges, Oct. 7, 1773. Jacob and Elisabeth (int. Elizebeth) Brooks of Stoughton, Dec. 3, 1794. Katharine and John Smith, Sept. 28, 1802. Lewis of Roxbury and Polly (int. Molley) Randall, Apr. 27, 1797. P.R.I. Lucy and John Morse, Oct. 30, 1792. Lucy of Dedham and Simon Gould, int. July 10, 1824. Lucy E., d. of Newell and Betsey, a. 21, and Benjamin V. Leach, s. of Thomas and Susan, a. 32, of Braintree, Sept. i, 1847. Maria E., d. of Increase and Eunice, a. 24, and Edwin W. Clarke, s. of Etheridge and Abigail, a. 24, of Foxborough, Dec. 23, 1845. Mary 2d and Jonanthan (int. Jonathan) Billing Jr., Dec. 10, 1781. Mary and Gilead Morse, Apr. 26, 1787. Mary and Oliver Gay of Dedham, int. Feb. 8, 1806. Nancy, Mrs., and Simon Gould, int. Feb. 22, 1820. Nat and Hannah Baker, Apr. 22, 1763. p.r.i.* Oliver of Dedham and Sarah BilHng, int. June 8, 1780. * Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. 95 Fisher, Rebeccah (int. Rebeckah) and Nath[anie]l Morse Jr., Apr. 27, 1796. Sarah and Horace Clapp, July 8, 1835. Seth and Hannah Hewms, June 30, 1785. Susan and Asa Howe of Boston, int. Nov. 30, 1812. Thomas of Francistown and Lucy BuUard, Oct. 24, 1785. Unity of Walpole and Jeremiah Fairbanks, Jan. i, 1794. At Walpole. FOBES, George T. of Easton and Mary A. Morse, int. June 7, 1845. FORD, Sylvia and Lemuel Drake, int. Nov. 5, 1827. FORIST (see Forrest), Eunice and Abiel Brintnell of Mansfield, int. Oct. 9, 1773. FORISTALL, Bethuh (int. Bethiah'Forister) of Bellingham and Calven Curtis, Apr. 25, 1796. x^t Bellingham. FORREST (see Forist), Cloe (int. Chloe) and Nath[anie]l Commings, Nov. 15, 1770. David and Abigail Morse of Stoughton, July 7, 1774. George and Esther Nichols, Apr. 30, 1755. p.r.i.* Isaiah and Eunice Leonard of Taunton, int. Sept. 30, 1769. John and Susannah Perry, Feb. 16, 1761. p.r.i.* Molley and Benja[min] Witherell Jr. of Norton, int. Aug. 31, 1767. FORSTER (see Foster), Mary of Walp[ole] and William Rhoads, int. July — , 1766. FOSTER (see Forster), Cyrus and Jerusha Randall of Easton, int. Sept. 30, 1819. Hannah Capen of Dorchester and Elkanah Hewins, Feb. 16, 1803. Rachel M. and James G. McMaron, both of Easton, May 5, 1844-* FREEMAN, Ebenezer of Foxborough and Polly Morse, Apr. 12, 1800. Emily of Mansfield and Samuel C. Smith, int. Mar. 28, 1839. Lewis and Nancy Kelton, int. May 7, 1825. FRENCH, Bathsheba and Matthias Puffer, May 18, 1790. Edward and Judith Bullard 2d, Nov. i, 1781. Edward and Mary Hewins, Oct. 28, 182 1. Jacob and Bathsheba Estey, Apr. 13, 1777. James and Anna Fuller, int. Apr. 6, 18 15. * Intention not recorded. g6 SHARON MARRIAGES. French, Jonas of Boston and Sally Jones, int. Oct. 14, 1819. Judith and Jeremiah Estey, int. Mar. 19, 1808. Mary and Caleb Johnson Jr., int. Sept. 9, 1805. Mary and Jason Gay, Apr. 22, 181 1. FROST, Samuel of Wrentham and Sarah Rhoads (int. Rhodes), Oct. 6, 1777. FULLER, Alden Jr. of Mansfield and Ann (int. Anna) C. Smith, May 12, 1833. Anna and James French, int. Apr. 6, 1815. Barzillai (int. Fullar) and Betsey Tisdall, Nov. 11, 1792. Benjamin P. and Harriet N. Fales of Dedham, int. Dec. 23, 1843. Betsey of Easton and Oliver Lothrop, int. Sept. 14, 1829. Deborah and E[beneze]r White of Dedham, May 16, 1771. Deborah, Mrs., and Joseph Hewins Esq., Oct. 6, 1772. Eben[eze]r and Esther Johnson, Dec. 15, 1793. Ebenezer and Elizabeth Pette of Walpole, int. June 7, 1800. Esther and Thomas M. Field of Quincy, int. Mar. 27, 1820. Experience and Josiah Blackman, Nov. 29, 1759. P.R.i.* Hannah and Isaiah Tolman, Sept. 12, 1745. p.r.i.* Hannah of Easton and Reuben Harlow, Mar. 20, 1791. At Easton. Harrison of Mansfield and Mary T. Morse, Sept. 17, 1832. c.R.i. Jeremiah and Polly Drake of Foxboro, July 24, 1793. At Foxboro. Lemuel and Ruth Tisdale, Mar. 12, 1767. Lemuel and Hannah Billing of Stoughton, int. Aug. 26, 1775. Lemuel N., Dea., and Louisa A. Bolcom, Apr. 27, 1842. Lucy of Stoughton and Ebenezer Estey, Jan. 12, 1775. M. A[u]gustus (int. Augustin) of Wrentham and Rachel Clark, July 7, 1796. At Foxboro. Mary and Noah Woodward, Sept. 27, 1764. p.r.i.* Nancy and Elijah Clark, int. July 21, 1809. Nathan and Lucy Mears, Apr. 18, 1819. Otis and Catherine Hewins, June 22, 1826. Rebecah and PhiHp Withington, Oct. 19, 1762. p.r.i.* Rufus And Hannah Billings (int. Billing), Mar. 3, 1785. At Stoughton. Ruth (int. Rutha) and Isaac Leonard (int. Leanord) of Easton, Dec. 15, 1796. At Easton. Samuel G. of Dedham and Peggy Gould, int. Apr. 6, 1816. Samuel Gould and EUzabeth C. Fenno of Braintree, int. Feb. 18, 1842. • Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. 97 Fuller, Warren and Eliza B. Smith of Northampton, int. Aug. 14, 1830. FULLERTON (int. Fullarton), William of North Bridgewater and Mary Johnson, July 28, 1832. c.r.i. GANNETT, Benjamin and Anna Everson, Aug. 2, 1781. (Aug. 20, 1781. P.R.I.) (Int. Aug. II, 1781.) Benjamin Jr. and Deborah Sampson of Stoughton, Apr. 7, 1785. At Stoughton. Benjamin and Martha Jane Gay of Stoughton, int. July 14, 1848. Earl, s. of Earl B., a. 21, of Stoughton and Susan Gay,d. of John, a. 21, of Canton, June 24, 1844. Earl Bradford and Mary Clark 2d, int. Sept. 26, 1812. Hannah and Edmund Quincy (int. Jr.), Apr. 30, 1767. Joseph and Abigail Cobb 2d of Norton, Feb. i, 1781. At Norton. Joseph and Sarah White of Mansfield, int. Sept. 27, 1804. Mary and Stephen Hawse, June 6, 1781. Mary and Barzilla Monk of Stoughton, int. Oct. 11, 1834. Patience and Seth Gay of Roxbury, July 6, 1812. Patience P. and Asahel S. Drake, Apr. 22, 1836. Polly and Jetson (int. Jitson) Gilbert, Mar. 17, 1808. Rhoda C, d. of Earl B., a. 24, and Elijah W. Monk, s. of Elijah, a. 29, of Stoughton, Nov. 24, 1844. GARDNER, Isaac of Dansvill and Susan Johnson, Oct. 11, 1818. GAY, and Mary Esty, Apr. 16, 1765. p.r.i.* Aaron and Rhoda Copeland of Easton, int. Dec. 31, 1836. Abigail and Oliver Bullard, Mar. 16, 1786. Abigail, also Naby, of Dedham and Joseph Billings, int. Mar. 31, 1810. Abigail G. and Amos Hewitt of Canton, int. Dec. 27, 1835. Abigail G. d. of Jason and Mary, a. 30, and Charles Stevens, s. of James, a. 32, Sept. 13, 1846. Ann S. and Warren Holmes, Oct. 23, 1836. Asa of Stoughton and Sarah Ormsbee, int. Apr. 11, 1789. Azubah and Oliver Morse (int. Jr.) of Dedham, Apr. 20, 1803. Betsey and Lavitt Hewins, Feb. 16, 1801. Eliza, d. of Thaddeus and Charlotte, a. 47, and Sidney Perkins, widower, s. of Zado[c]k and Hannah, a. 49, of No. Bridge- water, Sept. 24, 1848. Elizabeth and John H. Ray of Cumberland, R.I., int. Feb. 7, 1845. George W. and Eunice L. Dewing, int. Sept. 25, 1841. * Intention not recorded. 98 SHARON MARRIAGES. Gay, Hannah and Benjamin Rhoads, int. Nov. 9, 1805. Hannah and David L. Cowell of Milton, Sept. 27, 1840. Harriet (int. Hiariet) and Rev. Charles Boyter, May. 22, 1826. Harriet E. and Rounseville Williams, Nov. 17, 1844. Ichabod of Dedham and Mary Gould, int. June 28, 1766. Jabez K. and Mary D. Bliss of Rehoboth, int. Dec. 15, 1848. Jason and Mary French, Apr. 22, 181 1. Jesse, Col., of Dedham and Mary Lawrence, int. Dec. 19, 1840. Jesse, s. of Jason and Polly, a. 26, and Fanny Estey, d. of Jere- miah and Judith, a. 26, Sept. 16, 1846. Lemuel (int. Jr.) of Dedham and Eunice Tolman, Sept. 19, 1830. Lois and Oliver Bird, June 24, 1782. Lucy and Hartford Morse of Roxbury, Apr. 30, 181 2. Luther and Lucy Esty (int. Estey), Mar. 28, 1803. Martha Jane of Stoughton and Benjamin Gannett, int. July 14, 1848. Mary, d. of Aaron and James Lenfest of Boston, Apr. 24, 1846. At Wrentham. Mary E., d. of Jason and Mary, a. 24, and Nathaniel N. Sumner, s. of Nath[anie]l and Betsey, a. 25, of Dedham, Sept. 5, 1847. Olive and Elijah Hewins Jr., May 8, 1809. Oliver of Dedham and Mary Fisher, int. Feb. 8, 1806. Roxana and James Fairbanks of Dedham, int. Aug. 5, 1830. Seth of Roxbury and Patience Gannett, July 6, 1812. Susan, d. of John, a. 21, of Canton, and Earl Gannett, s. of Earl B., a. 21, of Stoughton, June 24, 1844. Timothy and Susanna Morse (int. 3rd), Apr. 19, 1807. Warren and Olive Hewins, June 21, 1843. Wilber of Walpole and Cynthia Johnson, Jan. i, 1826. William H. and Harriot Mann of Walpole, int. Feb. 19, 1842. WiUiam S. and Betsey Harlow, Dec. 2, 1835. GILBERT, Almira and Asahel Smith, int. Dec. 21, 1839. Harriet and William V. Thompson of Mendon, int. Nov. 2, 1837- Jetson (int. Jitson) and Polly Gannett, Mar. 17, 1808. Lucy and Jedediah Talbott (int. Tallbott) of Dedham, June 26, 1807. Lydia 2d and Francis Curtis, Nov. 20, 1799. Marcy and Eliphalet Morse, Mar. 3, 1785. Nancy and Lazare Coste of Walpole, int. Mar. 23, 181 1. Solomon Jr. and Lucy Harris of Fitchburg, int. Oct. 5, 1776. GILLETT, Ozias of Canton and Hitty B. Lothrop, Feb. 13, 1828. SHARON MARRIAGES. 99 GILMAN, Benjamin M. and Betsey D. Smith, Oct. 12, 1834. Betsey D., Mrs., and Leonard Burbank of Taunton, int. Mar. 12, 1840. GILMORE, Rachel of Wrentham and Jacob Cook, int. Nov. 11, 1775- GLOVER, Elijah and Maria Pittee, Nov. 21, 1826. Eliza and VVillard Morse, July 3, 1827. Elizabeth of Stoughton and Samuel Bird Jr., int. Nov. 24, 1773. Harriet and Mace Hixon, Apr. 13, 1832. c.r.i. Nancy and Henry Whiting of No. Bridgewater, int. Aug. 11, 1832. Thomas and Abigail (int. Abigal) Hewins, July 10, 1806. GOOCH, Samuel, s. of Ebenezer and Sarah, a. 25, of Milton, and Elizabeth Dickerman, d. of Samuel and Rebecca, a. 32, of Dedham, Oct. 10, 1848.* GOODRIDGE, Sewall of Boston and Rachel Allen, int. Nov. 30, 1805. GORDON, Maria of Boston and Andrew McMillin, int. Oct. 7, 1848. GORE, Jeremiah of Boston and Hannah Richards, Feb. 18, 1773. GOULD, Abby E., d. of Willard and Abigail, a. 21, and William W. Cowell of Wrentham, Sept. 22, 1844. Abigal and John Esty, Dec. 28, 1762. p.r.i.* Anna and Benjamin Roads, July 9, 1747. P.R.I.* Anna and Joseph Hewins Jr., Dec. 10, 1772. Daniel and Hannah Hixson, Nov. 15, 1773. Elizabeth, Mrs., and Danforth Fales, int. Aug. 25, 182 1. Ezra and Lois Smith, July 5, 1780. Hannah and Jacob Guild Jr., of Boston, int. Nov. 3, 1808. Hannah, d. of Luke and EHzabeth, a. 32, and Charles Estey, s. of Sam[ue]l and Elizabeth, a. 41, Jan. 4, 1849. Jacob and Unity Holmes, Oct. 4, 1764. p.r.i.* Jeremiah Jr. and Mary Putnum of Western, int. Sept. 20, 1777. Jeremiah and Mary Capen, Apr. 17, 1828. Kizia and W[illiam] Bacon, Oct. 13, 1763. p.r.i.* Lewis and Betsey B. Fisher of Dedham, int. Dec. 3, 1828. Lucy and Barzella (int. Barzilla) Lisbon of Canton, Feb. 13, 1813. Luke and Elizabeth Withington, int. Mar. 12, 18 14. Lydia and Ebenezer Dickerman, Apr. 23, i747- p.R.l* Mary and Ichabod Gay of Dedham, int. June 28, 1766, * Intention not recorded. 100 SHARON MARRIAGES. Gould, Mehitable (int. Mrs. Mehetabel) and William Pitte (int. Pettee) of Walpole, Feb. 26, 1793. At Walpole. Nancy and Seth Nason of Boston, Dec. 28, 1800. Naomi and Thomas Coney, int. Aug. 10, 1782. Nath[anie]ll and Elizabeth Kollock, July 23, 1792. Oliver and Sarah Thompson of Walpole, int. Jan. 19, 1782. Peggy and Samuel G. Fuller of Dedham, int. Apr. 6, 1816. Priscilla and Jacob Smith of Dedham, int. Mar. i, 1783. Sam[ue]ll Jr. and Katharine Pond of Wrentham, int. Nov. 6, 1779. Simon and Hannah Sumner of Dedham, Dec. 28, 1790, At Dedham. Simon and Mrs. Nancy Fisher, int. Feb. 22, 1820. Simon and Lucy Fisher of Dedham, int. July 10, 1824. Willard and Abigail Clap, int. July 13, 1822. GRAY (see Grey), Lucy T. of Sandwich and Andrew Drake, Oct. 27,1833. GREATRAIKES (int. Greatbraks), Bridget and (int. Dr.), Joshua Wood, Jan. 17, 1782. At Foxboro. GREEN (see Greene), Linsford of Wrentham and Judith Ingraham, June i, 1801. GREENE (see Green), Ann M. and Charles Mann, int. Feb. 9, 1839. GREENLEAF, Sabrina of Starks, Me. and Elon Richards, int. Aug. 14, 1847- GREY (see Gray), Martha and Charles Cobb, July —,1813. (int. July I.) GROVER, Gideon of Norton and Rachel Pain, int. Jan. 6, 1770. Simeon of Mansfield and Selly Paine of Foxborough, Oct. 11, 1798.* Zina of Mansfield and Eunice Clark, Nov. 29, 1798. GUILD, Aaron and Sarah Coney, Jan. i, 1752'. p.r.i.* Elizabeth and Job Swift Jr., Apr. 5, 1779. Jacob Jr. of Boston and Hannah Gould, int. Nov. 3, 1808. Joseph Jr. of Walpole and Chloe Pittee, Mar. 28, 1833. Nath[anie]ll of Walpole and Anna Rhoads (int. Rhodes), Sept. 4, 1777. Nathaniel of Dedham and Sybel Hewins, int. Aug. 27, 1820. Rebecah and Sam[ue]ll Coney, Jan. 28, 1742. p.r.i.* Sarah and Jonathan Billing Jr., Nov. i, 1748. p.r.i.* Susannah and Ezra Marsh, May 7, 1765. p.r.i.* * Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. lOI GUNN, Clarissa of Barre and Charles Talbot, Aug. 14, 1836. GURNEY, Leander P. of Abington and Harriot A. Conant of Bridgewater, July 10, 1836* HADEN (see Hayden), (int. Hayden), Molley and John Rhoads, Mar. 14, 1789. HALLy Caleb of Walpole and Marey Rhoads, int. July 9, 1806. Dolly and Seth Hall, both of Raynham, Sept. 18, 1836.* Elizabeth of Canton and Seth Hewins, (int. Dec. 14, 1832). Emily A. of Boston and John Wiswall, int. May 3, 1846. Seth and Dolly Hall, both of Raynham, Sept. 18, 1836.* HAM, William of Hallowell and Rebeccah Hewins, int. May 25, 1814. HAMILTON, Emily and Timothy Smith, both of Franklin, May 12, 1842.* HAMMOND, Benjamin of Newtown and Ruth Hewins, July 4, 1804. HANFORD, Levi O. of Kortright, N.Y. and Judith S. Hodges, int. Nov. 4, 1848. HARADON, Mary W. of Smithfield, R.I. and Edwin L. Smith, int. June 3, 1848. HARDEN, EUsha of Wrentham and Ruth Hewins, int. Sept. 15, 1770. Fanny of Mansfield and George Drake, int. Jan. 6, 1816. HARLOW, Abigail and William Dean of Mansfield, June i, 1786. Abigail and Joseph Tolman, Feb. 2, 1808. Asa and Elizabeth Rhoads, Feb. 12, 1781. Benjamin and Abigail Hobbs, July 11, 1744. p.r.i.* Benja[min] and Ruth Brown, Oct. 31, 1792. Benjamin F. and Maria Ann Dunbar, Oct. 6, 1841. Betsey, Mrs., and Benjamin Richards, int. Sept. 10, 1825. Betsey and WiUiam S. Gay, Dec. 2, 1835. Clarecy and Uriah Johnson, Apr. 7, 1803. Ebenezer and Mary Johnson, Feb. 10, 1788. Hannah and Sam[ue]ll Hixson, Oct. 30, 1766. Hannah and Samuel Monk, int. July 5, 1800. Mathew and Mehittabel Bird, May 3, 1801. Obed and Hannah BuUard, Oct. — , 1809, (int. Sept. 23). * Intention not recorded. 102 SHARON MARRIAGES. Harlow, Otis and Betsy Tolman, May 25, 1806. Polly and Elias Drake, Nov. 25, 1784. Polly and Alpheus Bird of Foxborough, int. Oct. 6, 181 9. Reuben and Hannah Fuller of Easton, Mar. 20, 1791. At Easton. Ruth and Edward Tisdale, Apr. 6, 1775. Ruthe and Lemuel Blackman Jr. of Dorchester, int. Feb. 17, 1810. Susanna and William Drake, May 6, 1783. HARRIS, Lucy of Fitchburg and Solomon Gilbert Jr., int. Oct. 5. 1776. Nicolas and Lydia Covill, Feb. 27, 1747. p.r.i.* Theophilus C. of Stoughton and Mary Belcher, July 4, 1839. HARTSHORN, Elizabeth of Walpole and Samuel Easty (int. Estey), Feb. 8, 1797. At Walpole. Keziah of Roxbury and Joseph Hewins Jr., int. Mar. 2, 181 1. Sarah of Wrentham and Nehemiah Carpenter, int. Apr. 10, 1773. Warren of Roxbury and Hannah Billings, int. Nov. 16, 1805. HA WES (see Haws, Hawse), Emily E. and Solomon Talbot, Nov. 26, 1843. Mary of Walpole and Dr. Daniel Stone, int. Nov. 22, 1823. HAWS (see Hawes, Hawse), Obadiah and Tabitha Richardson, both of Stoug[hton], May 10, 1750. p.r.i.* John and Amey Morgan, Dec. — , 1743. P.R.i.* HAWSE (see Haws, Hawes), Abigail and Jacob Hewins, Dec. 16, 1773- Benjamin and Mary Sumner of Dedham, mt. Oct. 14, 1775. Elijah and Abigail Everet, Oct. 2, 1760. p.r.i.* Jacob and Elisabeth Hewins, Feb. 7, 1764. p.r.i.* Jonathan and Lucy Tower, Feb. (12, p.r.i.), 1776. Patience and Jeremiah Richards, July 31, 1775. Stephen and Mary Gannett, June 6, 1781. HAYDEN (see Haden), Lewis of Stoughton and Lucy Johnson, int. Feb. 15, 1812. HAY WARD, Mary Ann of No. Bridgewater and Lyman Drake, Apr. 25, 1841. HEALD, William C. and Sarah A. Petingill of Canton, int. Dec. 31, 1841. HELEY, Huldah of Wrentham and Increase Pond, int. Feb. 10 1770. * Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. IO3 HENDLEY, Margaret (int. Margrat) and Abner Drake, Nov. 27, 1798. HENSHAW, Naby F. of Milton and George Howard, int. Nov. 9, 1815. HEWINS, Aaron and Mary Ann Waters, Sept. 17, 1835. (Sept. 27, C.R.I.) Abigail (int. Abigal) and Thomas Glover, July 10, 1806. Abigail and Albert Field of Norton, June 7, 1818. Adaline and Daniel Pettee Jr., int. Mar. 29, 1828. Amasa and Esther Kollick (int. KoUock), July 25, 1791. Ann T. and Lyman Southworth, Mar. 23, 183 1. c.R.i. Anna and John Savel (int. Savels), Oct. 4, 1795. Anna and Sam[uel] Swift, May 18, 1797. P.R.i. Benjamin and Sarah Bacon, Feb. 12, 1747. p.r.i.* Benja[min] Jr. and Anna Rhoads, Dec. 10, 1772. Benjamin Jr. and Hannah Monk, June i, 1809. Betsey and Spencer Drake, Feb. i, 1798. (At Dedham dup.) Betsey and Isaac Stowell of Randolph, Mar. 22, 1832. Catherine and Otis Fuller, June 22, 1826. Charles, s. of Joel, a. 25, and Lucy Drake, d. of Calvin, a. 19, Oct. 31, 1844. Clifford and Eunice Savel, May 31, 1801. Daniel L. and Annette Pettee of Foxborough, int. Sept. 12, 1835. David and Hannah Capen, int. Nov. 9, 1798. Deborah, Mrs., and Joshua Clap Esq. of Walpole, Oct. 19, 1790. Ebenezer Jr. and Anna Richards, Dec. 19,1798. (At Dedham dup.) Ebenezer and Mrs. Mehitable Pettee of Foxborough, int. May 2, 1833- Eleanor and Harvey Johnson, Nov. 25, 1832. c.R.i. Elijah and Lois Whiting of Wrentham, int. June 19, 1773. Elijah, Dr., and Irene Balch (int. Baulch) of Dedham, Sept. 20, 1797. At Dedham. Elijah Jr. and Olive Gay, May 8, 1809. Elisabeth and Jacob Hawse, Feb. 7, 1764. p.r.i.* Elizabeth and Joseph Hewins 3rd, Nov. 20, 1809. Elkanah and Hannah Capen Foster of Dorchester, Feb. 16, 1803. Elmira C. and Hiram Jones of Dedham, int. May 7, 1824. Emily and Horace M. Lesuer of Medfield, Oct. 30, 1836. Enoch (int. Enuch) and Sarah Hewins, Dec. 18, 1766. Enoch (int. Jr.) and Hannah Kingsbury, Apr. 24, 1792. Eunice and William Tolman Jr., July 18, 1798. Eunice and Ziba Monk, Oct. 11, 1841. * Intention not recorded. I04 SHARON MARRIAGES. Hewins, Experiance (int. Experience) and Josiah Johnson, June 20, 1808. Fanny and Rev. Thomas Barrett of West Springfield, May i, 1823. Frances and Macey Tisdale of Boston, Nov. 30, 1812. Hannah and Elkanah Hixson, Apr. 30, 1766. Hannah and Jacob Billing, June 30, 1777. Hannah and Seth Fisher, June 30, 1785. Hannah, d. of Benja[mi]n and Hannah, a. 34, and Edward Willis, widower, s. of Alba, a. 37, of Easton, Nov. 24, 1844. Hitte and Marcus Quincy, Apr. 14, 1799. Increase and Sarah Tolemen (int. Tolmon), Dec. 15, 1796. Jacob and Damaris Bird, Mar. i, 1749. P.R.i.* Jacob and Abigail Hawse, Dec. 16, 1773. Jacob Jr. and Hannah Alger of Bridg[e]water, int. Jan. 6, 1776. Jacob, Dr., and Ruth Armstrong, Oct. 17, 1781. Jacob, Dr., and Mary Payson, June 4, 1801. Joel and Polly Plimton, int. Apr. 3, 1815. Joel P. and Sarah J. Dunbar, Apr. 17, 1842. John and Ruth Hewins, Jan. 8, 1783. Joseph Esq. and Mrs. Deborah Fuller, Oct. 6, 1772. Joseph Jr. and Anna Gould, Dec. 10, 1772. Joseph Jr. and Dorothy Dunbar of Canton, int. May 15, 1802. Joseph 3rd and Elizabeth Hewins, Nov. 20, 1809. Joseph Jr. and Keziah Hartshorn of Roxbury, int. Mar. 2, 18 11. Lavitt and Betsey Gay, Feb. 16, 1801. Leavitt, Dea., and Mrs. Sabary Richardson, Oct. 31, 1819. Leavitt Jr. and Lucy Holmes, Apr. 16, 1826. Leavitt Jr. and Julia Ann Carpenter, (int. Feb. 21, 1833). Lemuel D. and Patty (int. Pattey) Hewins, Feb. 26, 1818. Lovina and Joel Andrews of Dedham, Dec. 5, 1822. Lucy T. and Nathaniel G. Piper of Boston, Mar. 2, 1835. Lyman and Emily P. Morey, Apr. 19, 1838. Marcy and James Billing, Aug. 4, 1791. Martha, d. of Lem[ue]l D. and Patty, a. 30, and Elbridge Clapp, s. of Samuel and Abigail, a. 29, Sept. 6, 1849. Mary and Sam[ue]ll Lovett, Aug. 2, 1750. p.r.i.* Mary and Joshua Swift, June 14, 1769. Mary and Edward French, Oct. 28, 1821. Mary and George W. Johnson of Roxbury, Dec. 24, 1843. Mary, d. of Joel and Polly, a. 27, and William R. Mann, s. of Geo[rge] H. and Rhoda, a. 25, June 7, 1849. Mehetabel 2d and David Fisher Jr., Nov. 20, 1781. * Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. IO5 Hewins, Mehitable and John Holmes, Oct. 18, 1750. p.r.i.* Mehitable (int. Mehetabel) and Nathaniel Bradshaw, Nov. 2, 1786. Nabby and William W. Pickernell of Canton, Apr. 15, 1830. Olive and Josiah Johnson Jr., Nov. 29, 1827. Olive and Warren Gay, June 21, 1843. Patty (int. Pattey) and Lemuel D. Hewins, Feb. 26, 1818. Rebecca and William Ham of Hallowell, int. May 25, 1814. Roxey and BiUings Richards, int. Oct. 7, 1826. Roxey and Daniel Pittee (int. Pettee), Nov. 25, 1838. Ruth and EHsha Harden of Wrentham, int. Sept. 15, 1770. Ruth and John Hewins, Jan. 8, 1783. Ruth and Benjamin Hammond of Newtown, July 4, 1804. Ruth (int. Ruthe) and Jacob Hixson 2d, Nov. 4, 1807. Sarah and Enoch (int. Enuch) Hewins, Dec. 18, 1766. Sarah and John Tolman of Stoughton, int. Dec. 13, 1777. Sarah and Sam[ue]ll Thompson 2d, July 5, 1781. Sarah and Samuel Pittee of Stoughton, May 31, 1832. c.R.i. Sena and Warren Ellis of Boston, Apr. 28, 1829. Seth and Elizabeth Hall of Canton, (int. Dec. 14, 1832). Susan C. and Elijah H. Shepard (int. Jr.) of Mansfield, June 6, 1837. Susanna and Sam[ue]ll Holmes Jr., Sept. 29, 1785. Susanna and Jeremiah Richards Jr., Dec. i, 1808. Sybel and Nathaniel Guild of Dedham, int. Aug. 27, 1820. Whiting of Boston and Olive Estey, int. Mar. i, 1817. WpUiam] and Ruth Cumings, Nov. 27, 1759. p.r.i.* Zebiah and Charles B. Swift of Sandwich, int. Sept. 9, 1829. HEWIT (see Hewitt), (int. Huet), Charity and Abiel (int. Abial), Drake, Aug. 22, 1771. Charity (int. Charety) and Theodore Drake, Mar. 27, 1807. HEWITT (see Hewit), Amos of Canton and Abigail G. Gay, int. Dec. 27, 1835. Amos of Canton and Sally Ann Washburn, June 23, 1836. HILL (see Hills), James and Hannah Sewell, both of Boston, Jan. 26, 1772.* Joses and Mary Clark, May 29, 1777. HILLS (see Hill), Hock and Julia A. Finch, int. July 6, 1848. HIXON (see Hixson), Albert G. and Eliza P. Billings, Oct. 11, 1840. Asa of Medway and Mrs. Fanny Rhoads, int. Apr. 19, 1833. * Intention not recorded I06 SHARON MARRIAGES. HixoN, Charles (int. Hixson), s. of Richard, a. 32, and Sarah E. Morse, d. of Lewis, a. 18, Apr. 28, 1845. Charles D. and Mary Richards, int. Mar. 14, 1840. Harriot E. and Elijah Estey, Nov. 14, 1841. Mace and Harriet Glover, Apr. 13, 1832. c.R.i. Martha and Jodediah Adams (int. Admas), of Stoughton, Nov. 28, 183 1. C.R.I, (int. Martha W.) Mary (int. Hixson) and Zelotes Thresher (int. Thrasher) of Ta[u]nton, Aug. 2, 1795. Richard (int. Hixson) and Hannah WiUiams of Easton, Apr. 28, 1799. At Easton. Zilpha (int. Zilpah Hixson) and Nath[anie]l Withington, Oct. 7, 1795- HIXSON (see Hixon), Elkanah and Hannah Hewins, Apr. 30, 1766. Elkanah and Abigail Rogers, Apr. 4, 1774. Hannah and Daniel Gould, Nov. 15, 1773. Hannah M. and Quincy Adams of Sandusky O., int. Sept. 30, 1837- Jacob and Sarah Wodsworth of Stoughton, int. Nov, 28, 1772. Jacob of Stoughton and Hannah Savels (int. Savel), Mar. 30, 1802. Jacob 2d and Ruth (int. Ruthe) Hewins, Nov. 4, 1807. Jeremiah and Lois Kenney of Stoughton, June 2, 1788. At Stoughton. John and Sarah Bird, Apr. 9, 1744. p.r.i.* Mary and Lemuel Capen, int. Apr. 9, 1766. Mary and Jabez Eaton of Middleborough, Feb. 3, 1785. Olive and Isaac Johnson Jr., Mar. 16, 1786. Richard Jr. and Mary Stickney of Stoughton, Dec. 2, 1767. Sam[ue]ll and Hannah Harlow, Oct. 30, 1766. Sam[ue]ll and Mary White of Stoughton, int. Dec. 29, 1770. Samuel D. of Stoughton and Fanny Reynolds (int. Raynolds), Oct. — , 1813, (int. Oct. 9). Sarah F., d. of Richard and Hannah, and Cyrus Littlefield of Stoughton, Sept. 14, 1847. Susanna and Elijah Fisher of Stoughton, Jan. i, 1788. Unity and Peter Thayer of Stoughton, Dec. 3, 1794. HOBBS, Abigail and Benjamin Harlow, July 11, 1744. p.r.i.* HODGES, Alfred and Jerusha Comey of Foxborough, int. Sept. 22, 1838. * Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. lO/ Hodges, Anne and Amos Barden of Walpole, int. May 25, 1822. Benjamin Jr. and Hannah Talbot (int. Talbott), Nov. 10, 181 1. Benjamin and Susanna Sumner of Foxborough, Dec. 24, 1838. Benjamin F. and Julia Ann Dassance of Foxborough, int. May 30, 1835. Daniel (int. Hodgers) and Naby Richards, Dec. 30, 1800. Daniel Jr. and Irena Crowley of Mansfield, int. May 8, 1829. Elizabeth and Asa Talbot of Dedham, Apr. 15, 1840. At Wrentham. Emeline and Stephen L. Boyden of Foxborough, July 11, 1839. Esther (int. Hodgers) and Moses Richards, Nov. 24, 1779. Esther A. and Warren Talbot, int. Sept. 26, 1828. Hannah and Thomas BilUngs of Canton, Apr. 17, 1806. Isabel of Stoughton and John Everet, Dec. 9, 1773. Jeremiah of Mansfield and Relief (int. Releif) Drake, Mar. 25, 1798. Joseph and Nancey Hodges, Oct. 24, 1808. Josiah and Mary Cooled ge, Nov. 6, 1744. p.r.i.* Judith S. and Levi O. Hanford of Kortright, N.Y., int. Nov. 4, 1848. Lucy, d. of Benja[mi]n and Hannah, a. 28, and Asahel Dean, widower, s. of Abijah and Polly, a. 35, of Foxborough, Nov. 19, 1846. Mary and Job Shearman of Foxborough, int. Oct. '9, 1841. Nancey and Joseph Hodges, Oct. 24, 1808. Rachel and Solomon Richards, Apr. 7, 1803. Ruth A. and Solomon Sherman of Foxboro, int. Nov. 17, 1843. Sarah and Jacob Fisher, Oct. 7, 1773. Sewall and Saley Billings of Canton, int. Aug. 23, 1805. HODGKIN, Sally of Lewiston, Me. and Joseph C. Blake, int. Nov. 7, 1846. HOLBROOK, William P., widower, s. of Nehemiah and Sarah, a. 30, of Braintree and Fanny E. Richards, d. of Eliakim and Fanny, Jan. 2, 1848. HOLLAND, Stephen and Sarah Stone, Jan. 9, 1746. p.r.i.* HOLLIS, Enoch of Randolph and Louisa Belcher, Mar. 25, 1841. Mary Jane, d. of Enoch, a. 22 (int. of Canton) and Philip Welch, s. of James, a. 30, Jan. 26, 1846. HOLMES (see Holms), Ann Maria and Edwin Armsby of Canton, int. Apr. 14, 1833. * Intention not recorded. I08 SHARON MARRIAGES. Holmes, Ann M., Mrs., d. of Robert and Rosanna McCurdy, and Benjamin Rhoades (int. Rhoads) Jr., May 28, 1844. Benjamin and Martha Talbot (int. Tolbut) of Stoughton, Nov. 6, 1796. At Stoughton, (Canton dup.). Benjamin and Sarah Morse, Feb. 11, 1802. Charles and Clarissa Johnson, int. Dec. 12, 1829. Charles (int. Dea.) and Caroline (int. E.) Smith, Jan. 11, 1836. Esther of Middleborough and John Morse Jr., int. Dec. 15, 182 1. George and Rachel Allen, Oct. 25, 1781. Hannah and Benjamin Bullard, Jan. 30, 1783. Hannah and Samuel Clapp Jr. of Pawtucket, R.I., Apr. 24, 1828. Hannah and Warren Talbot, Dec. 18, 1842. , Jacob and Betsey Southworth of Stoughton, int. Feb. 19, 1802. Jacob and Catharine Caswell of Middleborough, int. Aug. 9, 1823. Jesse of Stoughton and Amelia S. Cobb, d. of Jonathan and Sybil, May 17, 1849. Joel of Canton and Mary H. Morey of Deer Island, Me., July 31, 1831.* John and Mehitable Hewins, Oct. 18, 1750. p.r.i.*. John Jr. of Stoughton and Hannah Badlam, int. Mar. 25, 1769. John Jr. and Esther Rhoads of Dedham, int. Mar. 19, 1774. John and Desire Everet of Dedham, int. Apr. 12, 1777. John 2d of Stoughton and Abigail Johnson, int. June 7, 1814. Joseph of Stoughton and Emeline A. Smith, Apr. 2, 1838. Kesia and John Coney, Apr. 19, 1763. p.r.i.* Lois and Joel Wight of Dedham, int. Aug. 20, 1805. Loring and Hannah Blackwell of Sandwich, int. Feb. 17, 1826. Lucy and Obed Johnson, Apr. 26, 1787. Lucy and Joshua Whittemore, int. Sept. 2, 18 15. Lucy and Leavitt Hewins Jr., Apr. 16, 1826. Luther and Hannah Richards, July 5, 1818. Luther of Stoughton and Harriet Billings, Jan. 19, 1834. Mary of Stoughton and Archippus Drake, int. Dec. 12, 1778. Mary and Luther Morse, Feb. i, 1798. Nath[anie]ll Jr. and Hannah Smith, Apr. 3, 1751. p.R.i.* Olive and Joseph Whittemore. At Dedham. Olive and Samuel Whittemore, int. July 19, 1783. Oliver (int. Holms) and Lucy Billing, Aug. 10, 1800. Rachel and Gurdon A. Lead better of Boston, int. Nov. 4, 181 5. Rebecca and Asa Fisher of Dedham, int. Aug. 21, 1824. Sam[ue]l and Susannah Cumings, Dec. 2, 1762. p.r.i.* Sam[ue]ll and Abigail Tilden (widow, p.r.i.) of Stoughton, Sept. 7, 1780. * Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. lOQ Holmes, Sam[ue]ll Jr. and Susanna Hewins, Sept. 29, 1785. Sam[ue]ll Jr. and Hannah Morse, Oct. 27, 1791. Sebel and Jonathan Cobb, int. Oct. 20, 1798. Unity and Jacob Gould, Oct. 4, 1764. p.r.i.* Warren and Ann S. Gay, Oct. 23, 1836. William and Sibel (int. Sebel) Smith, Nov. 30, 1778. William and Nancy Heath Bisby of Boston, int. Oct. 20, 1809. Zebulon and Abigail Savel, Nov. 17, 1757. p.r.i.* Zebulun Jr. and Rachel Thompson, Dec. 17, 1782. HOLMS (see Holmes), Catherine (int. Catharine Holmes) and Luther Drake, May 23, 1816. Dene and David Baker of Dedham, int. Nov. 23, 1805. HOOPER, Rachel and Zebina Lyon, Aug. 28, 1783. HORTON, Sam[ue]l H. of Canton and Polly Richards, d. of Jere[mia]h, Apr. 10, 1823. c.r.i. Sarah and Calvin Pratt, int. Nov. 15, 1834. HOW (see Howe), Isaac Jr. of Dorchester and Frances Randell, Dec. 17, 1799. Col. Jacob (int. Howe) of Haverhill and Mary C. Norton, May 25, 1830. HOWARD, Abigail (int. Abby), d. of George, a. 21, and Sumner C. Palmer, a. 25, of Foxborough, Dec. 6, 1844. Angeline, d. of George, a. 27, and WiUiam B. King, s. of Benjamin, a. 30, of Mansfield, Nov. 27, 1845. Caleb of West Bridg[e]water and Nancy F. Talbot, int. July 16, 1825. George and Naby F. Henshaw of Milton, int. Nov. 9, 18 15. George F., s. of George and Abigail F., a. 28, and Lavinia Wyman, d. of Benjamin and Sarah R., a. 20, of Easton, Jan. 21, 1849. Joshua of Bridgewater and Priscilla Capen, Dec. 12, 1776. Rebecca and Charles Johnson, int. Mar. 9, 1839. Ruby (int. Rubi) and Ebenez[e]r Bird, June 3, 1779. HOWE (see How), Asa of Boston and Susan Fisher, int. Nov. 30, 1812. HOYT, Dr. John of Natick and Emeline (int. Emeline C.) Billings, Dec. 25, 1842. HUBBARD, Priscilla and Matthias Puffer, June 24, 1779. HUNT, John of Charleston and Nabby W. Estey, int. Oct. 26, 1828. ♦ Intention not recorded. no SHARON MARRIAGES. IDE, Benjamin and Mary Kollock, Oct. 27, 1785. Benjamin and Sophia Fairbanks, June 4, 1818. Cha[rle]s, Capt., and Mary Billings, d. of Jos., July 17, 1823. C.R.I. Mary 2d and Fisher Adams of Franklin, Sept. 21, 1809. INGRAHAM (see Ingram), Benja[min] and Abigail Rhoads, Apr. 3, 1766. Abigail and Samuel Payson of Stoughton, Mar. 29, 1784. At Stoughton. Chloe and Daniel Page of Walpole, int. Aug. 31, 1815. Joseph and Prudence Adams of Northbridge, int. May 12, 1795. Judith and Linsford Green of Wrentham, June i, 1801. Lois and John Mathewson of S[c]ituate, R.I., int. Feb. 12, 1803. Miriam and William Tiffeny of Norton, int. July 5, 1766. INGRAM (see Ingraham), Judith and Benjamin Carril, Feb. 7, 1760. P.R.I.* Mary and Jonathan Clark, Jan. 11, 1764. p.r.i.* INMAN, Asenath and Gilbert Lothrop, int. Sept. 10, 1836. JACKSON, Dexter of Attelborough and Chloe Lawrance, int. Dec. 22, 1815. Dexter of Randolph and Mrs. Fanny Rhoads, int. Feb. 25, 1833. JOHNSON, Abigail of Stoughton and PhiHp Curtis (int. Jr.), June 23, 1785. At Stoughton. Abigail and John Holmes 2d of Stoughton, int. June 7, 1814. Addison H., s. of Hobbs and Sally, a. 22, and Ednor (int. Ednar) F. Johnson, d. of Otis, a. 22, May 20, 1846. Adeliza A. and Charles Winship of Dover, N.H., Jan. i, 1844. Albert and Lois Lawrence, Aug. 3, 1834. Albert and Matilda Buckman of Hanover, N.H., Dec. 27, 1841. Anna and Stilman P. Morse, int. Sept. 21, 1822. Benja[min] 2d and Charlotta Morse, July i, 1784. Caleb and Judith Tuckir, Mar. 30, 1749. p.r.i.* Caleb Jr. and Elizabeth Pribble of Walpole, May 20, 1773. Caleb Jr. and Mary French, int. Sept. 9, 1805. Charles and Rebecca Howard, int. Mar. 9, 1839. Clarissa and Charles Holmes, int. Dec. 12, 1829. Cynthia and Wilber Gay of Walpole, Jan. i, 1826. Daniel and Rebecca (int. Rebeckah) BiUing, Feb. 8, 1798. (At Dedham dup.) Daniel and Mrs. Sophia M. Johnson, Jan. 14, 1844. David and Jerusha Buck of Easton, Apr. 6, 1794. * Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. Ill Johnson, Ednor (int. Ednar) F., d. of Otis, a. 22, and Addison H. Johnson, s. of Hobbs and Sally, a. 22, May 20, 1846. Elijah and Unity Estey, July 5, 1781. Elizabeth and Ebenezer Capen of Dedham, int. Nov. 13, 1820. Elizabeth C. of Canton and Jonathan R. Swan of Providence, Sept. 29, 1835. At Canton.* Ellis and Hannah Easty (int. Estey), Apr. 13, 1817. Ellis and Mrs. Lydia Jones of Stoughton, Mar. 7, 1833. Elvira and William L. Shepard, Apr. i, 1832. Esther and Eben[eze]r Fuller, Dec. 15, 1793. Eunice and Increase Fisher (int. of Francistown, N.H.), Nov. 14, 1819. Fally and Edmund Low of Stoughton, int. Sept. 10, 1825. Fanny and Eliakim Richards of Dedham, int. May 29, 1824. George W. of Roxbury and Mary Hewins, Dec. 24, 1843. Hannah and Joshua Johnson Jr., Sept. 14, 1780. Hannah 3rd and Nathaniel Vinal of Boston, Sept. 5, 1810. Hannah (int. E.) and Gilbert S. May of Roxbury, Apr. 19, 1838. Hannah, Mrs., and Apollos Skinner of Mansfield, int. Nov. 5, 1846. Harvey and Eleanor Hewins, Nov. 25, 1832. c.R.i. Hobbs and Sally Bullard, int. Apr. 11, 1818. Isaac Jr. and Olive Hixson, Mar. 16, 1786. Jesse and Amey Young, Dec. 25, 1826. Jireh and Marcy Johnson, int. Apr. 9, 1791. John and Sarah Swift, Mar. 13, 1755. p.r.i.* Joshua Jr. and Hannah Johnson, Sept. 14, 1780. Josiah and Elenor Estey, Nov. 18, 1802. Josiah and Experiance (int. Experience) Hewins, June 20, 1808. Josiah Jr. and Olive Hewins, Nov. 29, 1827. Judith and Thompson Maxwell (Maxfield, p.r.i.), Nov. 16, 1786. Julia A.,d. of Nathan and Hannah, and Elpalet L. Gushing, s. of Adam, a. 25, of Hingham, Nov. 29, 1849. Laura C. and George R. Mann, June 6, 1843. Lewis and Mary Sumner of Dedham, int. Aug. 9, 1805. Lewis M. and Sophia M. White, int. July 20, 1832. Lucy and Lewis Hayden of Stoughton, int. Feb. 15, 1812. Lucy and Mace Kingman of Easton, Aug. 29, 1827. Lydia and Joseph White, Feb. 10, 1785. Marcy and Jireh Johnson, int. Apr. 9, 1791. Mary and Henry Payson, Nov. 3, 1766. Mary and Ebenezer Harlow, Feb. 10, 1788. Mary and William FuUerton (int. Fullarton) of North Bridge- water, July 28, 1832. C.R.I. * Intention not recorded. 112 SHARON MARRIAGES. Johnson, Mary E., d. of Otis and Ednor, a. 21, and'Asahel S. Drake, widower, s. of Ziba and Mary, a. 38, Nov. 6, 1848. Mary Howard, d. of Obed and Lydia, a. 20, and Edwin Richards, s. of Jer[emia]h and Susanna, a. 28, Dec. 11, 1848. Mercy (int. Marcy) and Elijah Capen, May 22, 1789. Mercy (int. Marcy) and Alphas (int. Alpheus) Bliss of Stoughton, May II, 1817. Nathan and Hannah W. Morse, int. Mar. 6, 1824. Noah and Sarah Estie, Sept. 22, 1772. Obed and Lucy Holmes, Apr. 26, 1787. Obed Jr. and Lydia Packard of Foxborough, int. Mar. 12, 1825. Olive and Reuben Favour (int. Favor) of Greenfield, N.H., Aug. 22, 1825. Oliver and Rachel Drake of Easton, int. July 27, 181 1. Otis and Martha (int. Martha Martin) Kent, Nov. 26, 1837. Polly, Mrs., of Walpole and Nathaniel Coney, int. Dec. 11, 1824. Rowenna C. and Erastus Richards, Oct. 13, 1836. Ruth and Joshua Whittemore, Apr. 2, 1793. Salley and Ebenezer Fisher 2d, Mar. 2, 1812. Samuel and Hannah Crehore of Walpole, N.H., int. June 30, 1821. Sarah and Philip Willis, Dec. 3, 1789. At Stoughton. Sarah and Jabez Talbot of Stoughton, Apr. 14, 183 1. Sophia M., Mrs., and Daniel Johnson, Jan. 14, 1844. Susan and Isaac Gardner of Dansvill, Oct. 11, 1818. Uriah and Clarecy Harlow, Apr. 7, 1803. Uriah and Relief Bennett of Canton, int. Nov. 7, 1829. JONES, Charles Jr., a. 31, of Stoughton and Louisa Tolman, d. of William and Mary, a. 22, Nov. 19, 1848. Florinda and Bradford Baker, June 30, 1844. Hiram of Dedham and Elmira C. Hewins, int. May 7, 1824. Hiram of Canton and Lucy L. White, July 28, 1839. Lydia, Mrs., of Stoughton and Ellis Johnson, Mar. 7, 1833. Ransel (int. Ransle) Jr. and Lydia Barrows, May 12, 1816. Sally and Jonas French of Boston, int. Oct. 14, 1819. JORDAN (see Jorden), Jacob and Hannah Quincy, int. Aug. 28, 1790. JORDEN (see Jordan), Salley of Stoughton and David Clark of Francistown, May 31, 18 17.* Susanna of Stoughton and Benjamin Estey Payson, int. Sept. 21, 1805. • Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. 113 JUDD, Catherine and Capt. Daniel Daney, both of Canton, June 4, 1816.* KEEN, Eliza M. and James M. Richards, int. Mar. 23, 1833. KEITH (see Kieth), Harriot of Walpole and Benjamin Rhoads, int. Jan. 10, 1817. Mary and Zebulun Kinsley of Easton, int. Dec. 13, 1783. KELTON, Jane and Cha[rle]s Woodcock, Nov. 27, 1823. c.r.i. Nancy and Lewis Freeman, int. May 7, 1825. KENDALL, Thomas and Ruth Waters of Sutton, July 8, 1784. At Sutton.* KENNEY, Eunice of Stoughton and Nathaniel Starns, int. May 13, 1769. Lois of Stoughton and Jeremiah Hixson, June 2, 1788. At Stoughton. KENT, Martha (int. Martha Martin) and Otis Johnson, Nov. 26, 1837. KIETH (see Keith), David 2d of Easton and Susanah Kingman, int. June 19, 1770. Ezekiel of Easton and Mary Drake (int. Jr.), Aug. 18, 177 1. KILLPATRICK, Andrew of Easton and Rachel Drake, int. Jan. 18, 1793. KIMBALL, Almira of Bradford and Leanord Everett, int. Apr. 22, 1815. Mary of Bradford and Rev. Jonathan Whitaker, Apr. 22, 1799. At Bradford. Nathaniel of Goffstown, N.H. and Susanne Everet (int. Susanna Everett 2d), Apr. 18, 1813. KING, William of Easton and Susanna Tisdale, int. Apr. 5, 1841. William B., s. of Benjamin, a. 30, of Mansfield and Angeline Howard, d. of George, a. 27, Nov. 27, 1845. KINGMAN, Eunice (d. of wd. Kingman, p.r.i.) and David Wetherby (int. Weatherbee) of Lunenburgh, Feb. 23, 1778. Hilliard E. of Mansfield and Hannah Drake, May 8, 1836. Mace of Easton and Lucy Johnson, Aug. 29, 1827. Mary and Ephraim Carey of Bridgewater, int. Apr. 29, 1784. Rebecca and George Drake, Mar. 3, 1799. Susanah and David Kieth 2d of Easton, int. June 19, 1770. * Intention not recorded. 114 SHARON MARRIAGES. KINGSBURY, Ann Elizabeth of Foxborough and Joseph Billings, int. Jan. i8, 1834. Hannah and Enoch Hewins (int. Jr.), Apr. 24, 1792. Moses of Dedham and Cynthe Rhoads, int. Feb. 27, 1801. Sibbel (int. Sibel) and Joseph Billing, Apr. 26, 1796. Susanna and Ephriam Rider of Orrington, int. Sept. 21, 181 1. KINSLEY, Zebulun of Easton and Mary Keith, int. Dec. 13, 1783. KNAPP (see Nap). KNOWLES, Elbridge G. of Norton and Elizabeth Drake, Nov. 30, 1837. KOLLICK (see KoUock), Hannah and Aaron Richards, int. June 5, 1802. Esther (int. Kollock) and Amasa Hewins, July 25, 1791. KOLLOCK (see Kollick), Elizabeth and Nath[anie]ll Gould, July 23, 1792. Mary and Benjamin Ide, Oct. 27, 1785. Royall and Mary Randall, June 3, 1751. p.r.i.* Sarah of Canton and Francis Batchelder of Cambridge, May 18, 1826. C.R.I.* Thomas and Abagail (int. Abigail), Fairbanks, July 2, 1795. Zebiah and Nathaniel Adams of Franklin, Oct, 20, 1790. LATHROP (see Lothrop), (int. Lothrop), Darius and Nancy Richards, Nov. 27, 1804. Gilbert and Hitta Billings, int. Dec. 2, 1809. Hannah Bradf (int. Hannah Bradford Lothrop) and Jonathan Belcher, Oct. 31, 1802. LAWRANCE (see Lawrence), Chloe and Dexter Jackson of Attelborough, int. Dec. 22, 1815. LAWRENCE (see Lawrance), Ellis and Sally Turner of Dedham, int. Dec. 10, 1808. Eliphaz of Wrentham and Susanna Clark, June 2, 1808. Lois and Albert Johnson, Aug. 3, 1834. Mary and Col. Jesse Gay of Dedham, int. Dec. 19, 1840. LEACH, Benjamin V.,s. of Thomas and Susan, a. 32, of Braintree, and Lucy E. Fisher, d. of Newell and Betsey, a. 21, Sept. i, 1847. LEADBETTER, Gurdon A. of Boston and Rachel Holmes, int. Nov. 4, 1815. * Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. 115 LEALAND, Hannah of HoIIiston and William Clark, int. Apr. 28, 1770. LEANORD (see Leonard), George and Fanny Leonard, int. Aug. 14, 1814. Nehemiah (int. Jr.) of Boston and Sibbel Smith, Nov. 28, 1816. LENFEST, James of Boston and Mary Gay, d. of Aaron, Apr. 24, 1846. At Wrentham. LEONARD (see Leanord), Benjamin S. and Esther L. Smith of Wrentham, int. May 30, 1840. Eunice of Taunton and Isaiah Forrest, int. Sept. 30, 1769. Fanny and George Leanord, int. Aug. 14, 1814. Gilbert Bradford, s. of Nath[anie]l and Nancy, a. 20, of Easton and Elizabeth Frazier Bryant, d. of Frazier and Betsey, a. 14, May 30, 1845. Hannah of Stoughton and Solomon Estie, Dec. 14, 1769. Hannah of Mansfield and Edward Everet, int. Nov. 24, 1781. Hiram, Lieut., and Hannah M. Drake of Stoughton, int. Mar. 17, 1827. Isaac (int. Leanord) of Easton and Ruth (int. Rutha) Fuller, Dec. 15, 1796. At Easton. Jacob of Stoughton and Molley Billing, Apr. 17, 1766. Jerusha of Stoughton and Ebenezer Capen, int. Nov. 16, 1771. Mariah (int. Maria), d. of Nath[anie]l and Susan, and Benj[ami]n BuUard, widower, s. of Benjamin and Hannah, Sept. 5, 1847. Meridith (int. Meredith Jr.) of Stoughton and Aaron Esty (int. Estey), Jan. 2, 1772. Nath[anie]l and Susanna Savel (int. Savels), Nov. 8, 1795. Nathaniel Jr. and Hannah Thompson, Oct. 31, 1841. Polly (int. Molle) of Foxboro and Lewis BuUard, Apr. 5, 1797. At Foxboro. Polly of Norton and Jacob Smith, int. Apr. i, 1805. Sophia of Mansfield and Benjamin Fairbanks (int. Jr.), Nov. 13, 1787. At Mansfield. Walley and Anna Richards, Oct. 28, 1779. LESUER, Horace M. of Medfield and Emily Hewins, Oct. 30, 1836. LEWIS, Aaron of Dedham and Sarah White, Sept. 24, 1772. Abel and Rebecah (int. Rebeckah) Wallis of Canton, Oct. 15, 1806. (Black.) Asa of Francistown and Mary White, Oct. 24, 1775. Job and Lucy Dyer, int. May i, 1802. John of Walpole and Fanny Smith, int. Oct. 29, 1814. Il6 SHARON MARRIAGES. Lewis, Mary (Sarah, p.r.i.) and Thomas Clark, Sept. lo, 1775. William and Abigail Swift, Feb. 17, 1774. LINCOLN (see Lincon, Linkon), Jacob of Easton and Policy Wood, int. Jan. 2, 1808. Phebe of Easton and Sanford Billings, int. Apr. 6, 1836. LINCON (see Lincoln, Linkon), (int. Lincoln), William and Polly- White, Sept. 21, 1806. LINKON (see Lincoln, Lincon), Desire of Taunton and Joseph Wood, Nov. 23, 1772. LISBON, Barzella (int. Barzilla) of Canton and Lucy Gould, Feb. 13, 1813. LITTLEFIELD, Cyrus of Stoughton and Sarah F. Hixson, d. of Richard and Hannah, Sept. 14, 1847. Rachel of Easton and Ansel A. Smith, int. Aug. 17, 1839. Susan of Easton and Lemuel Capen, int. Sept. 10, 1836. LOCHLIN, John A. and Fanny Witherell, Sept. 11, 1837. LONGER, Jannet (int. Jannett) and Nathan Allen, Apr. 4, 1816. LORING, Lucy and Jonathan Billing Jr., int. Mar. 30, 1776. LOTHROP, Darius R. and Fanny H. Belden of Amherst, int. July 3, 1841. Gilbert and Aseneth Inman, int. Sept. 10, 1836. Hitty B. and Ozias Gillett of Canton, Feb. 13, 1828. Mary B. and Alonzo Curtis of Westminster, int. Nov. 29, 1849. Nancy Lucretia and Tisdale Drake Esq., Nov. 11, 1830. Oliver and Betsey Fuller of Easton, int. Sept. 14, 1829. LOVEL, Ebenezer and Zilph Drake, Apr. 5, 1778. Mary and Benjamin White (int. Jr.), Feb. 2, 1775. Sam[ue]l and Mary Smith, July 3, 1760. p.r.i.* Zilpha (int. Zilpah) and Zebulon Warters (int. Warter) of Stoughton, Mar. 18, 1794. LOVETT, Sam[ue]ll and Mary Hewins, Aug. 2, 1750. p.r.i.* LOW, Edmund of Stoughton and Fally Johnson, int. Sept. 10, 1825. LYON (see Lyons), Celenia and Abraham Pribble Jr. of Wal- pole, Jan. 13, 1774. * Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. 11/ Lyon, Lemuell of Walpole and Lydia Perry of Stoughton, May lo, 1750. P.R.I.* Mary of Stoughton and Zephaniah Wood, Aug. 25, 1768. Ruth of Canton and Joseph Randeli, int. Aug. 30, 1800. Waitstill and Jireh Swift, July 31, 1769. Zebina and Rachel Hooper, Aug, 28, 1783. LYONS, Dr. Jerre of Colerain and Mary Richards, Oct. 21, 1790. MACINTOSH (see Mackintosh), Andrew and Meletiah Clark, int. Sept. 2, 1797. MACKINTOSH, Sarah of Stoughton and Joshua Whittemore, Sept. 19, 1782. MAN (see Mann), David and Anna Randal, Oct. 6, 1757. p.r.i.* Jemima (int. Mann) of Walpole and Ebenezer Bullard (int. Jr.), Jan. 20, 1785. At Walpole. MANLEY (int. Mandly), David and Silence Phillips of Easton, Feb. 26, 1797. At Easton. David and Sally Reaupeke (int. Reupeke), Nov. 23, 1808. Thomas and Experience Swift, Dec. — , 1759. p.r.i.* MANN (see Man), Charles and Ann M. Greene, int. Feb. 9, 1839. George R. and Laura C. Johnson, June 6, 1843. Harriot of Walpole and William H. Gay, int. Feb. 19, 1842. Joseph of Walpole and Mehetabel Billing, Oct. 6, 1782. William R., s. of Geo[rge] H. and Rhoda, a. 25, and Mary Hewins, d. of Joel and Polly, a. 27, June 7, 1849. MARASQUELLE (see De Marasquelle). MARSH, Ezra and Susannah Guild, May 7, 1765. p.r.i.* MARSHALL, Perez of No. Bridgewater and Elizabeth Tisdale, int. Nov. 28, 1838. W[illiam] and Phebe Welman, Jan. 14, 1762. p.r.i.* MARSTON, Joseph of Boston and Polly Thrasher, Sept. 16, 1819. MATHEWSON, John of S[c]ituate, R.I. and Lois Ingraham, int. Feb. 12, 1803. MAXOM, Adoniah and Keziah Benson of Wareham, Oct. 31, 1774. At Wareham.* MAXWELL (Maxfield p.r.i.), Thompson and Judith Johnson, Nov. 16, 1786. * Intention not recorded. Il8 SHARON MARRIAGES. MAY, Eleazer and Esther Wadsworth, Mar. 30, 1743. p.R.i.* Gilbert S. of Roxbury and Hannah (int. E.) Johnson, Apr. 19, 1838. Lydia of Dedham and Joel Smith, May 29, 1793. At Dedham. MAYBERY, WilHam of Easton and Sarah Allen, int. Jan. 2, 1790. McFADEN, Grace and Comfort Whyton, Aug. 24, 1758. p.r.i.* McKOY, Nell of Wear (int. Ware) and Mehitable (int. Mehetabel) Baker, Dec. 6, 1784. At Foxboro. McMAKINS, John H. of Easton and Emeline Clark, int. Oct. 18, 1839. McMARON, James G. and Rachel M. Foster, both of Easton, May 5, 1844.* McMILLIN (see McMullen), Andrew and Maria Gordon of Boston, int. Oct. 7, 1848. McMULLEN (see McMillin), (int. McMullin), Mehetabel and Cyrus Drake, Sept. 9, 1787. MEARS, Elijah and Esther White, int. Apr. 21, 182 1. John and Lucinda Drake, Jan. 16, 1826. Lucy and Nathan Fuller, Apr. 18, 1819. Martha L.,d. of John and Lucinda, a. 21, and Henry W. Ballou,s.of John and Catherine, a. 21,. of Newburyport, Nov. 28, 1848. Rebekah and Jared White, July 21, 1813. MESSER, George W. of Dedham and Nancy Capen, Mar. 28, 1831. C.R.I. MONK, Barzilla of Stoughton and Mary Gannett, int. Oct. 11, 1834. Caroline of Stoughton and Charles Stone, int. Dec. 17, 1837. Daniel and Hepzibah Cheney, Mar. i, 1831. c.r.i. Elijah W., s. of Elijah, a. 29, of Stoughton, and Rhoda C. Gannett, d. of Earl B. a. 24, Nov. 24, 1844. Hannah and Benjamin Hewins Jr., June i, 1809. Samuel and Hannah Harlow, int. July 5, 1800. Samuel and Almira Shepard of Canton, Feb. 3, 183 1. Samuel, Capt., of Stoughton and Betsey Clapp, int. Oct. 5, 1833. Stephen, s. of Lemuel, a. 23, of Stoughton, and Fidelia Smith, d. of Luther C, a. 20, May 20, 1846. Ziba and Eunice Hewins, Oct. 11, 1841. • Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. II9 MOORE, Marget of Stoughton and Supply Belcher, int. Apr. i, 1775- MOREY, Emily P. and Lyman Hewins, Apr. 19, 1838. Hannah C. and Nathan Cobb, Apr. 7, 1844. Louisa and Rufus Curtis, Oct. 10, 1836. Mary H. of Deer Island, Maine and Joel Holmes of Canton, July 31, 1831.* Statira G. C. and Daniel W. Brown, May 7, 1843. Susan H. and John D. P. Emery, Dec. 25, 1849, ^t Providence.* MORGAN, Amey and John Haws, Dec. — , 1743. p.r.i.* James and Waitstill Nightingale of Stoughton, int. Dec. 30, 1775. Margaret and Ephraim Payson Jr., May 9, 1745. p.r.i.* MORRILL, Abigail A. and Eben H. Blackman, widower, July 16, 1844. Zachariah and Eliza Ann B. Scribner of Otisfield, Me., int. Oct. 2, 1847. MORSE, Abigail of Stoughton and David Forrest, July 7, 1774. Abigail and Atherton Belcher of Stoughton, Nov. 11, 1787. Agness of Walpole and Elijah Morse, int. Jan. i, 1803. Amos and Irene Morse, int. Jan. 8, 1798. Ann H. and Abner Bird of Stoughton, int. Oct. 31, 1840. Anna, Mrs., and Calvin Smith of Stoughton, int. June 23, 1837. Anna, Mrs., and Timothy G. Smith, July i, 1838. Charlotta and Benja[min] Johnson 2d, July i, 1784. Chloe and Melzer (int. Milzar), Apr. 7, 1785. At Stoughton. Chloe and Friend Belcher, both of Foxborough, Jan. 21, 1802.* Cynthia and Rufus Curtis, June 25, 1826. D[anie]ll and Kizia Turner, Dec. 31, 1750. p.r.i.* David of Dedham and Sibel (int. Sibbel) Rhoades (int. Rhoads), Apr. 4, 1797. At Dedham. Elijah and Agness Morse of Walpole, int. Jan. i, 1803. Eliphalet and Marcy Gilbert, Mar. 3, 1785. Elisha and Johannah Rogers, Dec. 31, 1750. p.r.i.* Eliza, d. of Tyler and Eliza, a. 18, of Foxborough and Peter Post, s. of Daniel and Emeline, a. 22, Nov. 23, 1848. Gilead and Deliverence Ellis, Oct. 7, 1762.* Gilead and Mary Fisher, Apr. 26, 1787. Hannah and Benjamin Pitte, Feb. 8, 1753. p.r.i.* Hannah of Stoughton and Jacob Pain, int. Oct. 21, 1775. Hannah of Foxboro and Asa White, Apr. 4, 1779. At Foxboro.* • Intention not recorded. I20 SHARON MARRIAGES. Morse, Hannah and Sam[ue]ll Holmes Jr., Oct. 27, 1791. Hannah and John Drake of Boston, Jan. 25, 1802. Hannah and Benjamin Fairbanks, int. Oct. 28, 1815. Hannah W. and Nathan Johnson, int. Mar. 6, 1824. Hartford of Roxbury and Lucy Gay, Apr. 30, 181 2. Huldah and David Newland, July 13, 1774-* Irene and Amos Morse, int. Jan. 8, 1798. Jacob and Rhoda Allen of Foxborough, Nov. 21, 1808. Jason of Foxborough and Julian Drake, July i, 1832. c.r.i. John and Lucy Fisher, Oct. 30, 1792. John Jr. and Esther Holmes of Middleborough, int. Dec. 15, 1821. Joseph (int. Jr.) and Louise (int. Lois) Dickerman of Easton, May 13, 1798. At Easton. Josiah and Dorithy (int. Dorothy) Wood, Mar. 29, 1768. Lewis and Anna Pierce, int. Oct. 23, 1824. Lois (int. Loes) of Stoughton and David White (int. Whight), Dec. 19, 1765. Lois and Joshua Whittemore Jr., Apr. 5, 1785. Lucy and Leonard Billing, Nov. 6, 1792. Lucy and Josiah Wilkins of Boston, int. May 14, 1814. Luther and Mary Holmes, Feb. i, 1798. Luther and Betsey Wilbar of Easton, int. July 9, 1813. Maria, Mrs., and Jonathan Whitney, widower, of Milford, Apr. 22, 1844. Mary of Foxboro and Oliver Capen, Nov. 14, 1798. At Foxboro. Mary A. and George T. Fobes of Easton, int. June 7, 1845. Mary T. and Harrison Fuller of Mansfield, Sept. 17, 1832. c.R.i. Nancy and Eben[eze]r Fisher, Jan. 7, 1796. Nat. and Susannah Bacon, Mar. 30, 1758. p.r.i.* Nath[anie]l Jr. and Rebeccah (int. Rebeckah) Fisher, Apr. 27, 1796. Oliver (int. Jr.) of Dedham and Azubah Gay, Apr. 20, 1803. Phille and Abigail Coney, Jan. 31, 1774. Polly and Ebenezer Freeman of Foxborough, Apr. 12, 1800. Sally of Walpole and Parker Billings, int. Oct. 12, 1811, Sarah of Stoughton and Joseph Tiffany, int. May 17, 1775. Sarah and Benjamin Holmes, Feb. 11, 1802. Sarah and George A. Weld, int. June 19, 1847. Sarah E., d. of Lewis, a. 18, and Charles Hixon (int. Hixson), s. of Richard, a. 32, Apr. 28, 1845. Stilman P. and Anna Johnson, int. Sept. 21, 1822. * Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. 121 Morse, Susanna (int. 3d) and Timothy Gay, Apr. 19, 1807. Susannah and Josiah Talbot, Nov. 2, 1779. p.r.i. Walden and Hannah Brown of Medfield, May 27, 1790. At Franklin. Warren of Dedham and Abigail Barrows, int. Feb. 24, 1821. Willard and Eliza Glover, July 3, 1827. MORTEN, Nancy of Stoughton and Joseph White Jr., int. Apr- 14, 1810. NAP, Hannah of Taunton and Jonathan Sterns Jr., int. Aug. 29, 1767. NASON, John of Foxborough and Susanna Rhoads, int. May 14, 1783- Sarah and William Billing, Dec. 22, 1757. p.r.i.* Seth of Boston and Nancy Gould, Dec. 28, 1800. ' Thomas and Mary Campernall, June 13, 1749. p.r.i.* Thomas and Jemima Clark, Nov. 8, 1762. p.r.i.* NEWLAND, David and Huldah Morse, July 13, 1774*. NICHOLS, Benjamin Jr. of Haverhill and Mary Smith, int. July 23, 1836. Esther and George Forrest, Apr. 30, 1755. p.r.i.* NICKERSON, Nehemiah and Nancy W. Brown of Attleborough, int. Sept. 20, 1828. NIGHTINGALE, Waitstill of Stoughton and James Morgan, int. Dec. 30, 1775. NORTON, Mary C. and Col. Jacob How (i!it. Howe) of Haverhill, May 25, 1830. NOYCE (see Noyes, Noys), Esther (int. Jr.) and Joseph Turner of Dorchester, Nov. 3, 1774. NOYES (see Noyce, Noys), (int. Noyce), John and Ester (int. Esther) Cobb, Mar. 20, 1766. NOYS (see Noyce, Noyes), Sarah and Sam[ue]l Payson, Mar. 6, 1760. p.r.i.* OLIVER, John and Huldah Rhodes, Jan. 29, 1761. p.r.i.* Russell (int. Russel) and Abigail Puffer, Apr. 5, 1779. ORMSBEE (see Armsby, Amsbury), Sarah and Asa Gay of Stoughton, int. Apr. 11, 1789. * Intention not recorded. 122 SHARON MARRIAGES. Ormsbee, Will[ia]m and Jane Ripley (int. Jean Rippley) of Bridgewater, (July, p.r.i) 9, 1767, OZIER, Consider and Deliverance Rhoads, Aug. 30, 1765.* PACKARD, Barnabas of Easton and Sarah Willis, int. July 14, 1805. John of Stoughton and Mehitable (int. Mehitabel) Drake, Mar. I, 1801. Lydia of Foxborough and Obed Johnson Jr., int. Mar. 12, 1825. Samuel and (int. Mrs.) Eunice Smith, June 21, 1830. PAGE, Asa of Walpole and Susanah Rhoads, May 29, 1771. Daniel of Walpole and Chloe Ingraham, int. Aug. 31, 1815. Sarah of Walpole and Eben[eze]r Rhoads, int. , 1767. PAIN (see Paine), Elizabeth and Leavett (int. Levett) of Norton, Nov. 15, 1769. At Norton. Jacob and Hannah Morse of Stoughton, int. Oct. 21, 1775. Joseph and Mary Comee of Stoughton, int. Sept. 30, 1774- Lemuel and Rachel Carpenter, Dec. 22, 1774. Loney and Comfort Day of Mansfield, int. Oct. i, 1774. Rachel and Gideon Grover of Norton, int. Jan. 6, 1770. PAINE, James of Foxborough and Anna Richards, Jan. 15, 1784. Mary and Amos Boyden of Stoughton, Jan. 15, 1777. Sally of Foxborough and Simeon Grover of Mansfield, Oct. 11, 1798.* Zebadiah and Sarah Richardson, int. May 24, 1777. PALACEAR, Eliza and Reuben (int. Reubin) Tabor of Provi- dence, R.I., Apr., 20, 1806. PALMER, Sumner C, a. 25, of Foxborough and Abigail (int. Abby), Howard, d. of George, a. 21, Dec. 6, 1844. PARKER, Samuel of Wrentham and Susanna Clark, int. Jan. 3, 1807. PARKS, John of Dorchester and Susanna Swift, int. Aug. 22, 1815. PARTRIDGE, Warren and Elizabeth Billings, Nov. 20, 1836. PATTEN, Mary and Seth Boyden, Jan. 8, 1761. p.r.i.* Sarah and Jacob Boyden, Mar. 28, 1765. p.r.i.* PAYSON, Ama (int. Amey) and Joseph Evens of Dorchester, Apr. 28, 1766. * Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. 1 23 Payson, Benjamin Estey and Susanna Jordan of Stoughton, int. Sept. 21, 1805. Ephraim Jr. and Margaret Morgan, May 9, 1745. P.R.i.* Ephraim and Lidia (int. Lydia) Estie, Jan. 14, 1773. Henry and Mary Johnson, Nov. 3, 1766. Judith and Nehemiah Clark, Aug. 9, 1764. P.R.i.* Mary and Dr. Jacob Hewins, June 4, 1801. Nancy and Daniel Pittee, both of Foxborough, June 9, 18 18.* Sam[ue]l and Sarah Noys, Mar. 6, 1760. p.r.i.* Samuel of Stoughton and Abigail Ingraham, Mar. 29, 1784. At Stoughton. Susannah and Joshua Whittemore, July 5, 1759. p.r.i.* PEIRCE (see Pierce), Ezekiel and Patience Copp, Feb. 9, 1758. P.R.I.* Ezekiel and Phebe Farrington, Feb. 5, 1761. p.r.i.* Seth and Angelot Clark, Aug. 19, 1756. p.r.i.* PERKINS, Elisebeth (int. Eliza) of Bridgewater and Ebenezer Withington (int. Witherington), Dec. 7, 1797. At Bridge- water. James (int. Pickins) and Priscilla Pierce, May 25, 1818. Sidney of No. Bridgewater and Sarah Capen, int. Oct. 18, 182 1. Sidney, widower, s. of Zado[c]k and Hannah, a. 49, of No. Bridge- water, and Eliza Gay, d. of Thaddeus and Charlotte, a. 47, Sept. 24, 1848. PERRIGO, David of Wrentham and Hannah Baker, int. Sept. 20, 1823. PERRY, Betsey and Calvin Drake, Oct. 29, 182 1. Lydia of Stoughton and Lemuell Lyon of Walpole, May 10, 1750. P.R.I.* Susannah and John Forrest, Feb. 16, 1761. p.r.i.* PETINGILL (see Pettingal) , Sarah A. of Canton and William C. Heald, int. Dec. 31, 1841. PETTE (see Pettee, Pitte, Pittee, Pitten,), Elizabeth of Walpole and Ebenezer Fuller, int. June 7, 1800. PETTEE (see Pette, Pitte, Pittee, Pitten), Annette of Foxborough and Daniel L. Hewins, int. Sept. 12, 1835. Daniel Jr. and AdaHne Hewins, int. Mar. 29, 1828. Hannah, Mrs., of Dedham and Daniel Richards, May i, 1791. At Dedham. (int. Apr. 7, 1792.) Jarvis and Elizabeth Smith of Boston, Jan. 8, 1835. * Intention not recorded. 124 SHARON MARRIAGES. Pettee, Mehitable, Mrs., of Foxborough and Ebenezer Hewins, int. May 2, 1833. Seth of Boston and Amy Richards, int. Aug. 9, 1837. Susartna of Walpole and Jabez Richards, int. Sept. 11, 1790. PETTINGAL (see Petingill), Hannah and Josiah Wentworth, Oct. 25, 1753. P.R.I.* PHILBRICK, Michael and Jane W. Snow, Mar. 20, 1834. PITCHER, Chloe and Sam[ue]ll Capen, Aug. 22, 1775. Sarah and James Smith of Walpole, int. June 19, 1773. PHILLIPS, John and Mary Blancher, Sept. 22, 1747. p.r.i.* Mary of Mansfield and Dr. Samuel Bird, int. Mar. 14, 1780. Silence of Easton and David Manley (int. Mandly), Feb. 26, 1797. At Easton. PICKERNELL, William W. of Canton and Nabby Hewins, Apr. 15, 1830. PIERCE (see Peirce), Anna and Lewis Morse, int. Oct. 23, 1824. Ezekiel and Rachel Copp, Oct. 25, 1753. p.r.i.* Jesse of Easton and Experience Willis, int. Mar. 9, 181 1. Jesse, s. of Moses, a. 21, and Mary Jane Austin, d. of William, Nov. 4, 1845. " Priscilla and James Perkins (int. Pickins), May 25, 1818. PIKE, Jacob R. of Foxborough and Sarah Ann Britt, Dec. i, 1833- PIPER, Nathaniel G. of Boston and Lucy T. Hewins, Mar. 2, 1835- PITTE (see Pette, Pettee, Pittee, Pitten), Benjamin and Hannah Morse, Feb. 8, 1753. p.r.i.* Hannah and Samuel Cops Jr. of Walpole, Nov. 10, 1800.* Seth and Huldah Capen, Nov. 30, 1802. PITTEE (see Pette, Pettee, Pitte, Pitten), Dea. Benjamin and Mrs. Hannah Andrews of Dedham, June 28, 1798. At Dedham.* Chloe and Joseph Guild Jr. of Walpole, Mar. 28, 1833. Daniel and Saley Capen, July 7, 1805. Daniel and Nancy Payson, both of Foxborough, June 9, 1818.* Daniel (int. Pettee), and Roxey Hewins, Nov. 25, 1838. Lucy of Walpole and James Richards, int. Mar. 12, 1813. * Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. I25 PiTTEE, Maria and Elijah Glover, Nov. 21, 1826. Nancy of Dedham and Elijah Capen, Dec. — , 1805. Samuel of Stoughton and Sarah Hewins, May 31, 1832. c.R.i. Sarah and Warren Ellis of Boston, Nov. 29, 1832. c.r.i. William (int. Pettee) of Walpole and Mrs. Mehitable (int. Mehetabel) Gould, Feb. 26, 1793. At Walpole. PITTEN (see Pette, Pettee, Pitte, Pittee), William and Rebecah Covin, Aug. 17, 1749. P.R.I.* PLIMPTON (see Plimton, Plympton), Catharine and James Smith Jr. of Northampton, int. Dec. 9, 1820. George and Mary Tolman, Mar. 18, 1830. Harriet and Joseph Swan of Stoughton, int. Mar. 30, 1839. PLIMTON (see Plimpton, Plympton), Daniel and Lydia Shepard of Bostoi?, Nov. 10, 1807. Polly and Joel Hewins, int. Apr. 3, 1815. Ziba Jr. and Olive Smith of Northam[p]ton, int. Nov. 7, 1807. PLYMPTON (see Plimton, Plimpton), Lyman and Louisa Capen of Stoughton, int. Oct. 12, 1839. POND, Abijah of Wrentham and Lydia Rhoads, int. July 6, 1804. Increase and Huldah Heley of Wrentham, int. Feb. 10, 1770. Katharine of Wrentham and Sam[ue]ll Gould Jr., int. Nov. 6, 1779. Francis T. of Dedham and Lucy Tolman, May 27, 1832. c.r.i. Ursula of Wrentham and Joseph Brooks, Sept. 10, 1829. f POPE, Anna and Barney Richards, int. Nov. 14, 1807. Elijah of Stoughton and Joanna Tisdale, int. Aug. 3, 1802. Mille of Stoughton and Jonathan Belcher Jr., int. May 29, 1801. Relief of Stoughton and Thomas P. Richards, int. Nov. 5, 1803. William and Hannah Brown, Dec. 29, 1836. PORTER, Henry H. of Hahfax and Catherine Bullard, Apr. 12, 1832. James of Danvers and Hannah Curtis, (d. of Rev. Philip, p.r.i.), Nov. 9, 1777. POST, Peter, s. of Daniel and Emeline, a. 22, and Eliza Morse, d. of Tyler and Eliza, a. 18, of Foxborough, Nov. 23, 1848. POWERS, Nahum and Elanor Rhoads, int. May 23, 1816. PRATT, Calvin and Sarah Horton, int. Nov. 15, 1834. Cynthia and Benjamin Curtis Billings, int. Apr. 29, 1815. * Intention not recorded. 126 SHARON MARRIAGES. Pratt, Hannah, Mrs., of Mansfield and Timothy Billings (int. Billing), Jan. 9, 1785. At Mansfield. Joseph of Stoughton and Sarah Capen, Sept. 15, 1774. Sarah of Stoughton and Elijah Bird, Dec. 12, 1777. PRESBREY, Ann Jane and Shepard Pratt Briggs of Stoughton, Nov. 10, 1829. PRESCOTT, Jonathan and Betsey Richards, both of Dedham, Nov. 8, 1801.* PRIBBLE (see Prible), Abraham Jr. of Walpole and Celenia Lyon, Jan. 13, 1774. Celenia and Enoch Bird, int. Jan. 6, 1781. Elizabeth of Walpole and Caleb Johnson Jr., May 20, 1773. PRIBLE (see Pribble), Abraham and Elizabeth Roads, Mar. 14, 1749. P.R.I.* PRICE, Willi[a]m and Lusanah Capen, Nov. 3, 1766. PUFFER, Abigail and Russell (int. Russel), Oliver, Apr. 5, 1779. Benja[min] and Nancy Whitney of Roxbury, Oct. 20, 1778. Mat[thias] and Olive Bo[yden], Nov. 7, 1764. p.r.i.* Matthias and Priscilla Hubbard, June 24, 1779. Matthias and Bathsheba French, May 18, 1790. Miriam of Stoughton and Abijah Tisdale, int. Oct. 16, 1779. Rebekah and Joseph Smith 2d of Stoughton, Apr. 7, 1774. PUTNAM (see Putnum), William and Susan Briggs, Feb. 12, 1822. PUTNUM (see Putnam) , Mary of Western and Jeremiah Gould Jr., int. Sept. 20, 1777. QUINCY, Edmund (int. Jr.) and Hannah Gannett, Apr. 30, 1767. Hannah and Jacob Jordan, int. Aug. 28, 1790. Marcus and Hitte Hewins, Apr. 14, 1799. Roberd and Mary Cambel of Waltham, int. Apr. 27, 1805. RANDAL (see Randall, Randell) Anna and David Man, Oct. 6, 1757. P.R.I.* Benjamin and Molly (Patty, p.r.i.) Wares of Foxborough, July I, 1784. Elizabeth and Isaac Dean of Mansfield, int. Oct. 16, 1773. John and Prudee Clark, May 11, 1797. p.r.i. Polly (int. Molley Randall) and Lewis Fisher of Roxbury, Apr. 27, 1797. p.r.i. * Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. 12/ RANDALL (see Randal, Randell), Elizabeth (int. Elizabeth) and Isaac Bennet (int. Bennett) of Wrentham, Dec. 30, 1797. At Walpole. Jerusha of Easton and Cyrus Foster, int. Sept. 30, 1819. John F. and Nancy Richards, int. May 10, 1828. Joseph and Esther Fisher of Wrentham, int. , 1766. Mary and Royall Kollock, June 3, 1751. P.R.i.* Sam[ue]ll and Elizabeth Everett, Dec. 20, 1770. William of Easton and Unity Swift, May 26, 177 1. RANDELL (see Randal, Randall), Frances and Isaac How Jr. of Dorchester, Dec. 17, 1799. John and Nancy Richards, Nov. 7, 1803. Joseph and Ruth Lyon of Canton, int. Aug. 30, 1800. Rhoda of Easton and Lemuel Drake, Nov. 22, 1798. At Easton. Zepheniah Dr. (int. Randall) of Easton and Betsey Bullard, Apr. 22, 1817. RANSOM (int. Ranson), William, s. of Richard, a. 40, and Harriet Withington, d. of Nath[anie]l, a. 44, Nov. 25, 1844. RAY, John H. of Cumberland, R.I. and Elizabeth Gay, int. Feb. 7,1845- Lydia H. of Cumberland , R.I. and Rounseville Williams, int. Nov. II, 1848. RAYNOLDS (see Reynolds), Benja[min] and Hanah (int. Hannah) Everet, Nov. 6, 1794. Benjamin F., Lieut, and Elmira Whitney of Milford, int. Nov. 24, 1832. Benjamin F., Lieut, and Lucy Ann Whitney of Milford, int. July 1, 1837- Catherine (int. Katherine) and Enoch Talbut of Dedham, Oct. 18, 1795. REAUPEKE (see Reupeke), (int. Reupeke), Sally and David Manley, Nov. 23, 1808. RECORDS, Clarrity of Bridgewater and Abiel Drake Jr., int. Mar. 6, 1789. REED, Daniel and Mary Ann Richardson of Boston, int. Nov. 20, . '^47. Olive of Cummington*and Joseph Tolman, int. Oct. 31, 1840, REUPEKE (see Reaupeke), Betsy and Samuel Capen of Stoughton, Oct. 12, 1811. • Intention not recorded. 128 SHARON MARRIAGES. Reupeke, John and Sarah Clarke (int. Clark), Nov. i8, 1782. At Foxboro. Hannah and Jabez Talbott Jr. of Stoughton, int. May 28, 1813. REYNOLDS (see Raynolds), (int. Raynolds), Fanny and Samuel D. Hixson of Stoughton, Oct. — , 1813. (int. Oct. 9.) RHOADES (see Rhoads, Rhodes, Roads), (int. Rhoads), Benja- min Jr. and Mrs. Ann M. Holmes, d. of Robert and Rosanna McCurdy, May 28, 1844. Sibel (int. Sibbel Rhoads) and David Morse of Dedham, Apr. 4, 1797. At Dedham. RHOADS (see Rhoades, Rhodes, Roads), Abigail and Benja[min Ingraham, Apr. 3, 1766. Abigail and Israel Spear of Walpole, int. Oct. 28, 1843. Anna and Benja[min] Hewins Jr., Dec. 10, 1772. Anna (int. Rhodes) and Nath[anie]ll Guild of Walpole, Sept. 4, 1777. Amos and Zilpha Simonds of Walpole, int. May 6, 1816. Benjamin and Hannah Gay, int. Nov. 9, 1805. Benjamin and Harriot Keith of Walpole, int. Jan. 10, 1817. Benjamin, Capt., and Mrs. Ruth Favor of Francistown, N.H.,int. May 9, 1840. Gate and Abner Willett of Roxbury, int. Jan. i, 1814. Cynthe and Moses Kingsbury of Dedham, int. Feb. 27, 1801. Daniel (int. Rhodes) and Lydia Rhoads (int. Rhodes) of Ded- ham, Dec. 18, 1777. David (int. Rhodes) and Elizabeth Rhoads (int. Rhodes) of Walpole, Feb. 27, 1778. Deliverance and Consider Ozier, Aug. 30, 1765.* Eben[eze]r and Sarah Page of Walpole, int. , 1767. Elanor and Nahum Powers, int. May 23, 1816. Eleazer of Dedham and Seviah Bliss, int. Feb. 9, 1810. Elizabeth (int. Rhodes) of Walpole and David Rhoads (int. Rhodes), Feb. 27, 1778. Elizabeth and Asa Harlow, Feb. 12, 1781. Emeline and Isaac M. Richardson of New Bedford, Nov. 29, 1832. Esther of Dedham and John Holmes Jr., int. Mar. 19, 1774. Fanny, Mrs., and Dexter Jackson of Randolph, int. Feb. 25, 1833. Fanny, Mrs., and Asa Hixon of Medway, int. Apr. 19, 1833. Jemima of Dedham and Simeon Rhoads, int. Aug. i, 1769. Jemima and Thomas Clap of Dorchester, Mar. 7, 1791. Jeremiah (int. Rhodes) and Mehetabel Coney, Jan. 14, 1779. * Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. 1 29 Rhoads, John and Molley Haclen (int. Hayden), Mar. 14, 1789. Joseph Jr. and Mary Theabolt of Medfield, int. Oct. 16, 1773. Lydia (int. Rhodes) of Dedham and Daniel Rhoads (int. Rhodes), Dec. 18, 1777. Lydia and Abijah Pond of Wrentham, int. July 6, 1804. Marey and Caleb Hall of Walpole, int. July 9, 1806. Mary (int. Rhodes) and William Clap of Walpole, Dec. 6, 1781. Polly (int. Pooly) and Jonathan Cain of Dedham, Oct. 15, 1801. Reubin and Julita Clark of Wrentham, int. July 6, 1804. Sarah (int. Rhodes) and Samuel Frost of Wrentham, Oct. 6, 1777. Silence and Edward Brown of Boston, int. Sept. 27, 181 1. Simeon and Jemima Rhoads of Dedham, int. Aug. i, 1769. Susanah and Asa Page of Walpole, May 29, 1771. Susanna and John Nason of Foxborough, int. May 14, 1783. William and Mary Forster of Walp[ole], int. July — , 1766. William and Abigail (Sarah, p.r.i.) Thorp of Dedham, Oct. 14, 1773- Zebulun and Sarah Bishop of Cumberland, int. Oct. 9, 1779. RHODES, Huldah and John Oliver, Jan. 29, 1761. p.r.i.* Joseph and Naomi Titus of Wrentham, int. Aug. 31, 1776. Mehetabel and Amos Richardson, June 25, 1778. RICHARD (see Richards), (int. Richards) Daniel Jr. and Ann (int. Anna) Coney, Oct. 19, 1765. RICHARDS (see Richard), Aaron and Hannah Rollick, int. June 5, 1802, Albert and Helen Maria Bullard, int. Mar. 31, 1849. Amy and Seth Pettee of Boston, int. Aug. 9, 1837. Anna and Walley Leonard, Oct. 28, 1779. Anna and James Paine of Foxborough, Jan. 15, 1784. Anna and Ebenezer Hewins Jr. Dec. 19, 1798. (At Dedham dup.) Barney and Anna Pope, int. Nov. 14, 1807. Benjamin and Mary Belcher, Nov. 29, 1763. p.r.i.* Benj[ami]n Jr. and Ruthe (int. Rutha) Billing, Jan. 19, 1797. Benj[ami]n 2d and Mary Bell, Apr. 13, 1821. Benjamin and Mrs. Betsey Harlow, int. Sept. 10, 1825. Betsey (int. Elizebeth) and Thomas Shepard of Stoughton, Nov. 29, 1792. Betsey and Jonathan Prescott, both of Dedham, Nov. 8, 1801.* Billings and Roxey Hewins, int. Oct. 7, 1826. Caty and Joel Stowell (int. Stowel) of Dedham, Jan. 19, 1797. At Dedham. * Intention not recorded. 130 SHARON MARRIAGES. Richards, Charles and Elizabeth P. Smith, int. Mar. 19, 1825. Daniel and Mrs. Hannah Pettee of Dedham, May i, 1791. At Dedham. (int. Apr. 7, 1792). Edwin, s. of Jer[emia]h and Susanna, a. 28, and Mary Howard Johnson, d. of Obed and Lydia, a. 20, Dec. 11, 1848. Eliakim of Dedham and Fanny Johnson, int. May 29, 1824. Elisabeth and W[illiam] Withinton, May 5, 1763. p.r.i.* Elon and Sabrina Greenleaf of Starks, Me., int. Aug. 14, 1847. Erastus and Rowenna C. Johnson, Oct. 13, 1836. Esther and James Smith of Stoughton, May 27, 1830. Fanny E., d. of Eliakim and Fanny, and William P. Holbrook, widower, s. of Nehemiah and Sarah, a. 30, of Braintree, Jan. 2, 1848. Hannah and Jeremiah Gore of Boston, Feb. 18, 1773. Hannah and Andrew Capen of Stoughton, Apr. 16, 1789. Hannah and Luther Holmes, July 5, 1818. Ira W. of Canton and Mary A. Bullard, Mar. 14, 1843. Jabez and Susanna Pettee of Walpole, int. Sept. 11, 1790. Jabez and Polly Bird, int. Apr. 16, 1824. James and Lucy Pittee of Walpole, int. Mar. 12, 18 13. James M. and Eliza M. Keen, int. Mar. 23, 1833. Jeremiah and Patience Hawse, July 31, 1775. Jeremiah Jr. and Susanna Hewins, Dec. i, 1808. John and Mary Bird, Mar. 8, 1787. Lewis and Anna A. L. Denton of Boston, int. July 7, 1838. Lucy and Thomas E. Clark, int. Apr. 20, 1822. Mary and Edward Bridge Savel, Nov. 29, 1757. p.r.i.* Mary and Dr. Jerre Lyons of Colerain, Oct. 21, 1790. Mary and Henry Drake of Stoughton, int. Nov. 2, 1833. Mary and Charles D. Hixon, int. INIar. 14, 1840. Moses and Esther Hodges (int. Hodgers), Nov. 24, 1799. Moses Jr. and Mary H. Sumner of Dedham, int. Dec. 17, 1830. Naby and Daniel Hodges (int. Hodgers), Dec. 30, 1800. Nancy and John Randell, Nov. 7, 1S03. Nancy and Darius Lathrop (int. Lothrop), Nov. 27, 1804. Nancy and John F. Randall, int. May 10, 1828. Polly and Samuel H. Horton of Canton, int. Feb. 15, 1823. Polly, d. of Jere[mia]h, and Sam[ue]l H. Horton of Canton, Apr. 10, 1823. C.R.I. Polly and Tisdale Drake, int. Jan. 8, 1825. Samuel B. of Baltimore, Md. and Susan M. Talbot, Aug. 30, 1842. Sarah and Jonathan Belcher, Apr. 16, 1761. p.r.i.* Sarah and Samuel Waters, July 27, 1786. * Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. I3I Richards, Sarah Ann and Luther Southworth of Stoughton, May 16, 1841. Solomon and Rachel Hodges, Apr. 7, 1803. Susan and Thomas Capen, Oct. 12, 1837. Susanna and Elijah Briggs (int. Elijah Brig Jr.) of Norton, Oct. 8, 1795. (At Norton dup.) Thomas P. and Relief Pope of Stoughton, int. Nov. 5, 1803. Thomas P., Capt., and Betsey Bird of Stoughton, int. Jan. 5, 1822. Willard and Sylvia L. Wright of Boston, Feb. 29, 1844. W[illiam] and On Cummings, Nov, 14, 1758. p.r.i.* RICHARDSON, Amos and Mehetabel Rhodes, June 25, 1778. Isaac M. of New Bedford and Emeline Rhoads, Nov. 29, 1832. Jason of Wrentham and Lois Smith (int. 2d), Oct. 21, 1779. John and Dorothy Vining, Nov. 18, 1773. Mary Ann of Boston and Daniel Reed, int. Nov. 20, 1847. Sabary, Mrs., and Dea. Leavitt Hewins, Oct. 31, 1819. Sarah and Zebadiah Paine, int. May 24, 1777. Tabitha and Obadiah Haws, both of Stoug[hton], May 10, 1750. P.R.I. * RIDER, Ephraim of Orrington and Susanna Kingsbury, int. Sept. 21, 1811. Susan, Mrs., and Joseph Tiffany of Foxborough, int. Apr. 3, 1830. RING, Annis and Pompy Allen, Nov. 27, 1794. p.r.i. RIPLEY, Amanda of West Bridgewater and Edward Tisdale, int. Oct. 28, 1848. Jane (int. Jean Rippley) of Bridgewater and Wi[llia]m Ormsbee, (July, P.R.I.), 9, 1767. RIXFORD, Robert of Boston and Unice (int. Eunice) B. (int. Bowdoin) Billings, July 9, 1806. ROADS (see Rhoades, Rhoads, Rhodes), Benjamin and Anna Gould, July 9, 1747. P.R.I.* Elizabeth and Abraham Prible, Mar. 14, 1749. p.r.i.* Joseph and Sarah Barns, Dec. 10, 1747. p.r.i.* Sam[ue]l and Mrs. Thorp, July 18, 1749. p.r.i.* ROBBINS (see Robins), Elizabeth of Walpole and Richard Comings, int. Feb. 12, 1774. * Intention not recorded. 132 SHARON MAiLEUAGES. ROBBINSON (see Robinson), Joseph of Watertown and Patty White, Mar. 15, 1808. ROBINS (see Robbins), Ebenezer and Priscella Covill, Jan. i, 1747. P.R.I.* Ensign and Elisabeth Savel, Mar. 27, 1760. p.r.i.* Margaret and Isaiah Tolman, June 26, 1759. p.r.i.* ROBINSON (see Robbinson), (int. Robbinson), Seth and Rachel Braman of Norton, Jan. 22, 1776. At Norton. ROGERS, Abigail and Elkanah Hixson, Apr. 4, 1774. Hannah and Sam[ue]ll Tolman, Aug. 9, 1780. Johannah and Elisha Morse, Dec. 31, 1750. p.r.i.* Olive and Elijah Baker Jr., Feb. 24, 1779. SADLER, Robert and Michal Wilbur, int. Sept. 19, 1834. SALLY, George of Foxborough and Susan (int. Susanna) Drake, Dec. 12, 1819. SAMPSON (see Samson), Deborah of Stoughton and Benjamin Gannett Jr., Apr. 7, 1785. At Stoughton. Nemiah (int. Samson, Nehemiah) and Bathsheba Baker, Oct. i, 1789. At Stoughton. SAMSON (see Sampson), Bethiah of Bridg[e]water and Simeon White, int. May 3, 1808. SAVAGE, Hannah H. and Emery White, int. Oct. 29, 1848. Mary (so called) (int. Savey) and Uriah Atherton (int. Jr. of Stoughton), Jan. 12, 1767. p.r.i. Nathan and Remember Tupper, int. Jan. 11, 1777. Wiliam Jr. and Chloe Cobb, Nov. 3, 1774. William Jr. and Susanna Billing, June 9, 1801 WiUiam and Hannah L. Belcher, Aug. 30, 1827. SAVEL (see Savell, Savells, Savels), Abigail and Zebulon Holmes, Nov. 17, 1757. P.R.I.* Betsey of Dedham and Jonathan Fales, Jan. 3, 1793. At Dedham. Edward Bridge and Mary Richards, Nov. 29, 1757. p.r.i.* Elisabeth and Ensign Robins, Mar. 27, 1760. p.r.i.* Elizabeth and Oliver Curtis, int. Nov. 20, 1790. Eunice and Clifford Hewins, May 31, 1801. John (int. Savels), and Anna Hewins, Oct. 4, 1795. Mary and Elias Eddy, Dec. 26, 1782. Salley (int. Sarah Savels) and Dr. Sam[ue]ll Capen, Nov. 18, 1792. Susanna (int. Savels), and Nath[anie]l Leonard, Nov. 8, 1795. * Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. 133 SAVELL (see Savel, Savels, Savells), Mary and William Tolman, Nov. I, 1744. P.R.I.* Prudence of Dedham and Asa Clark, int. Nov. 25, 1769. Sarah and Joseph Coney, Sept. i, 1748. p.r.i.* SAVELLS (see Savel, Savell, Savels), Major John and Betsy Billings of Boston, int. Apr. 6, 181 1. SAVELS (see Savel, Savell, Savells), (int. Savel), Hannah and Jacob Hixson of Stoughton, Mar. 30, 1802. SCRIBNER, Eliza Ann B. of Otesfield,Me.and Zachariah Morrill, int. Oct. 2, 1847. SEBRA, Marilla of Yarmouth, Me. and Reuben Tolman, int. Sept. 15, 1849. SELEE (int. Silley), Polly of Easton (int. Mansfield) and Ben- jamin Drake, July 16, 1798. At Easton. SEWELL, Hannah and James Hill, both of Boston, Jan. 26, 1772. * SHEARMAN (see Sherman), Job of Foxborough and Mary Hodges, int. Oct. 9, 1841. SHELLY, Jon[a]than Jr. and Polly Cole of Norton, int. Mar. 26, 1794. SHEPARD (see Shephard), Almira of Canton and Samuel Monk, Feb. 3, 183 1. Elijah FL (int. Jr.) of Mansfield and Susan C. Hewins, June 6, 1837- Isaac of Canton and Amita Clark, May 6, 1802. Lydia of Boston and Daniel Plimton, Nov. 10, 1807. Susan B. and Capt. Asa Waters of Stoughton, int. Oct. 25, 1839. Thomas of Stoughton and Betsey (int. Elizebeth) Richards, Nov. 29, 1792. William L. and Elvira Johnson, Apr. i, 1832. SHEPHARD (see Shepard), (int. Shepard), Oliver of Stoughton and Susanna Baker, July 24, 1796. SHERMAN (see Shearman), Solomon of Foxboro and Ruth A, Hodges, int. Nov. 17, 1843. ^ ♦ Intention not recorded. 134 SHARON MARRIAGES. SIMMONS (see Simonds), Charity and Lewis Underwood, Aug. i, 1819. SIMONDS (see Simmons), Zilpha of Walpole and Amos Rhoads, int. May6, 1816. SKINNER, Apollos of Mansfield and Mrs. Hannah Johnson, int. Nov. 5, 1846. William S. and Nabby S. Capen, Dec. 5, 1834. SMITH, Abba and Friend Crane of Canton, July 4, 1826. Adriannah and Obadiah Brintnell of Mansfield, Nov. 25, 1847. Ann (int. Anna) C. and Alden Fuller Jr. of Mansfield, May 12, 1833- Andrew of Dedham and Lucy Blake, Apr. 11, 1793. At Dedham. Ansel A. and Rachel Littlefield of Easton,int. Aug. 17,1839. Asahel and Almira Gilbert, int. Dec. 21, 1839. Betsey D. and Benjamin M. Oilman, Oct. 12, 1834. Betsey K. and Dwight M. Snow, int. July 20, 1839. Calvin of Stoughton and Mrs. Anna Morse, int. June 23, 1837. Caroline (int. Caroline E.) and (int. Dea.) Charles Holmes, Jan. II, 1836. Edwin L. and Mary W. Haradon of Smithfield, R.I., int. June 3, 1848. Eliza B. of Northampton and Warren Fuller, int. Aug. 14, 1830. Elizabeth of Boston and Jarvis Pettee, Jan. 8, 1835. Elizabeth P. and Charles Richards, int. Mar. 19, 1825. Emeline A. and Joseph Holmes of Stoughton, Apr. 2, 1838. Emery N., s. of JacolD, and Lois T. Wiswall, Oct. 8, 1846. Ephraim and Ame Withington of Stoughton, Oct. 5, 1783.* Esther L. of Wrentham and Benjamin S. Leonard, int. May 30, 1840. Eunice (int. Mrs.) and Samuel Packard, June 21, 1830. Fanny and John Lewis of Walpole, int. Oct. 29, 1814. Fidelia, d. of Luther C, a. 20, and Stephen Monk, s. of Lemuel, a. 23, of Stoughton, May 20, 1846. Hannah and Nath[anie]ll Holmes Jr., Apr. 3, 1751. p.R.i.* Hannah and Eleazer Blackman, Jan. 6, 1790. At Stoughton. Harriot (int. Harriet) and Shadrach Thomas, Apr. 20, 1840. Isaac of Stoughton and Hannah Drake, d. of Ziba, Dec. 5, 1822. C.R.I. Isaac and Hannah Dean of Taunton, int. Mar. 4, 1836. Israel Jr. and Zipporah BuUard, Sept. 24, 1789. Jacob of Dedham and Priscilla Gould, int. Mar. i, 1783. * Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. 135 Smith, Jacob and Polly Leonard of Norton, int. Apr. i, 1805. James of Walpole and Sarah Pitcher, int. June 19, 1773. James Jr. of Northampton and Catharine Plimpton, int. Dec. 9, 1820. James of Stoughton and Esther Richards, May 27, 1830. Jesse Jr. of Stoughton and Priscilla Tisdale (int. Presila Tisdell), Oct. 17, 1797. At Stoughton. Joel and Lydia May of Dedham, May 29, 1793. At Dedham. John and Anna Capen, Nov. 27, 1799. John and Katharine Fisher, Sept. 28, 1802. John of Walpole and Anna Billings (int. Billing), June 19, 1803, John and Hannah Everett (int. Everet), Nov. 22, 1808. John 2d and Maria F. Cobb, int. Nov. 20, 183 1. John and Susan Thayer, Nov. 14, 1832. c.R.i. Joseph 2d of Stoughton and Rebekah Puffer, Apr. 7, 1774. Leffe (int. Zeffe) of Walpole and Hepzibah (int. Hephzibah) Clap, Nov. 20, 1783. Lewis and Sarah Bullard, Apr. 17, 1828. Lois (int. 2d) and Jason Richardson of Wrentham, Oct. 21, 1779. Lois and Ezra Gould, July 5, 1780. Mary and Sam[ue]l Lovel, July 3, 1760. p.r.i.* Mary of Walpole and Richard Billing, May 8, 1777. Mary of Easton and Ziba Drake, May 3, 1798. At Easton. Mary and Benjamin Nicholas Jr. of Haverhill, int. July 23, 1836, Nabby and Lemuel Capen of Boston, Jan. 25, 1802. Olive of Northam[p]ton and Ziba Plimton Jr., int. Nov. 7, 1807. Samuel C. and Emily Freeman of Mansfield, int. Mar. 28, 183.9. Sarah B., d. of Jacob and Polly, a. 32, and George Bliss, widower, s. of Abel and Lucy, a. 36, of Wrentham, Nov. 27, 1845. Sibbel and Nehemiah Leanord (int. Jr.) of Boston, Nov. 28, 1816. Sibel (int. Sebel) and William Holmes, Nov. 30, 1778. Timothy and Emily Hamilton, both of Frankhn, May 12, 1842.* Timothy G. and Mrs. Anna Morse, July i, 1838. Warren and Mary Ann Allen of Walpole, int. Jan. 9, 183 1. SNOW, Dwight M. and Betsey K. Smith, int. July 20, 1839. Jane W. and Michael Philbrick, Mar. 20, 1834. Jedediah of Easton and Olive Whittemore, Sept. 5, 1805. Jona[than], widower, s. of Jonathan, a. 59, of Bri[d]ge water, and Harriet Davis, d. of Joshua, a. 48, Dec. 28, 1846. Olive and William Tucker, Mar. 28, 1830.* Russel and Amelia A. Briggs of Middleborough, int. Feb. 28, 1846. Samuel N. and Angeline Dean of Middleboro, int. Sept. 30, 1843. * Intention not recorded. 136 SHARON MARRIAGES. SOUTHLAND, David and Mehetable Crane of Stoughton, Nov. 13, 1771.* SOUTHWORTH, Betsey of Stoughton and Jacob Holmes, int. Feb. 19, 1802. Luther of Stoughton and Sarah Ann Richards, May 16, 1841. Lyman and Ann T. Hewins, Mar. 23, 1831. c.r.i. SPAULDAING (see Spaulding), (int. Spaulding), Corodon of Bradford, N.H. (int. now res. in Sharon) and Mrs. Abigail Tolman, Apr. 20, 1836. SPAULDING (see Spauldaing), George W., s. of Warren and Sarah, a. 24, and Sarah Jane Tolman, d. of William and Mary, a. 19, Dec. 24, 1849. SPEAR, Elizabeth of Dorchester and John Bradshavi^, int. Sept. 24, 3»774- Israel of Walpole and Abigail Rhoads, int. Oct. 28, 1843. SPRAGUE, Mary Frances of Marshfield and Jeremiah Estey Jr., int. Mar. 22, 1845. STAGEY, Sam[ue]l and Elis[abe]th Woods, Dec. 8, 1755. p.r.i.* Seviah and Elijah Bliss, Nov. 16, 1800. STARNS (see Sterns), Nathaniel and Eunice Kenney of Stough- ton, int. May 13, 1769. Rachel and Silvanus Clark, int. Apr. 10,1766. STERNS (see Starns), Jonathan Jr. and Hannah Nap of Taun- ton, int. Aug. 29, 1767. STETSON, Laura A. of Stoughton and Warren Cobb, int. Dec. 9, 1848. STEVENS, Charles, s. of James, a. 32, and Abigail G. Gay, d. of Jason and Mary, a. 30, Sept. 13, 1846. STICKNEY, Mary of Stought,on and Richard Hixson Jr., Dec. 2, 1767. STONE, Avis of Stoughton and Jacob Thompson of Dorchester, Sept. 22, 1805.* Charles and Caroline Monk of Stoughton, int. Dec. 17, 1837. Daniel, Dr., and Kitty Bixby of Framingham, int. Nov. 6, 1802. Daniel, Dr., and Sophia Coolidge of Framingham, int. Jan. 30, 1813. Daniel, Dr., and Mary Hawes of Walpole, int. Nov. 22, 1823. * Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. 137 Stone, Emily and Isaac Ellis of Dedham, Oct. 15, 1838. Sarah and Stephen Holland, Jan. 9, 1746. p.r.i.* Solomon of Easton and Vesty Drake, int. Aug. 30, 1823. STOWELL, Isaac of Randolph and Betsey Hewins, Mar. 22, 1832. Joel (int. Stowel) of Dedham and Caty Richards, Jan. 19, 1797. At Dedham. STRATTON, Harrison of Foxborough and Hannah Talbot, int. Nov. 16, 1832. STROBRIDG, William and Rhoada (int. Rhoda) Drake, Oct. II, 1801. * STUART, Levi of Sterling and Jane Eames (int. Ames), Jan. 22, 1818. SUMNER, Hannah of Dedham and Simon Gould, Dec. 28, 1790. At Dedham. Harriot (int. Harriet) and Thomas J. Bagley of Walpole, May 4, 1831. Mary of Dedham and Benjamin Hawse, int. Oct. 14, 1775. Mary of Dedham and Lewis Johnson, int. Aug. 9, 1805. Mary and John (int. John E.) Boyden of Dedham, Sept. 27, 1832. Mary H. of Dedham and Moses Richards Jr., int. Dec. 17, 1830. Nathaniel N., s. of Nath[anie]l and Betsey, a. 25, of Dedham and Mary E. Gay, d. of Jason and Mary, a. 24, Sept. 5, 1847. Susanna of Foxborough and Benjamin Hodges, Dec. 24, 1838. SWAN, Joseph of Stoughton and Harriet Plimpton, int. Mar. 30, 1839. Jonathan R. of Providence and Elizabeth C. Johnson of Canton, Sept. 29, 1835. At Canton.* SWEETSER, Moses Jr. of So. Reading and Mrs. Sarah Ann Bacon, Jan. i, 1843. SWIFT, Abigail and William Lewis, Feb. 17, 1774. Charles B. of Sandwich and Zebiah Hewins, int. Sept. 9, 1829. Experience and Thomas Manley, Dec. — , 1759. p.r.i.* Jireh and Waitstill Lyon, July 31, 1769. Job Jr. and Rebecah Commings (int. Rebekah Comings), Sept. 14, 1768. Job Jr. and Elizabeth Guild, Apr. 5, 1779. • Intention not recorded. 138 SHARON MARRIAGES. Swift, Joshua and Mary Hewins, June 14, 1769. Lusanna and Nat. Capen, Jan. 4, 1759. p.r.i.* Mary and William Tolman, May 21, 18 18. Sam[uel] and Anna Hewins, May 18, 1797. p.R.i. Sarah and John Johnson, Mar. 13, 1755. P.R.i.* Sarah and Capt. Friend Drake, Mar. 8, 1828. Susanna and John Parks of Dorchester, int. Aug. 22, 1815. Unity and William Randall of Easton, May 26, 1771. TABOR, Reuben (int. Reubin) of Providence, R. I. and Eliza Palacear, Apr. 20, 1806. TALBOT (see Talbott, Talbut), Asa of Dedham and Elizabeth Hodges, Apr. 15, 1840. At Wrentham. Charles and Clarissa Gunn of Barre, Aug. 14, 1836. Enoch (int. Talbott) and Hannah Dickerman, Apr. 20, 1807. Hannah (int. Talbott) and Benjamin Hodges Jr., Nov. 10, 181 1, Hannah and Harrison Stratton of Foxborough, int. Nov. 16, 1832. Jabez of Stoughton and Sarah Johnson, Apr. 14, 183 1. Jerusha and Jonathan Capen, Nov. 20, 1746. p.r.i.* Josiah and Susannah Morse, Nov. 2, 1779. p.R.i. Martha (int. Tolbut) of Stoughton and Benjamin Holmes, Nov. 6, 1796. At Stoughton, (Canton dup.). Mary A. and Seth Colburn of Dedham, May 17, 1837. Nancy E., d. of Josiah and Champion W. Clarke (int. Clark) of Philadelphia, Aug. 28, 1845. Nancy F. and Caleb Howard of West Bridg[e]\vater, int. July 16, 1825. Nathaniel and Almira Belcher, Sept. 14, 1830. Solomon and Emily E. Hawes, Nov. 26, 1843. Susan M. and Samuel B. Richards of Baltimore, Md., Aug. 30, 1842. Warren and Esther A. Hodges, int. Sept. 26, 1828. Warren and Hannah Holmes, Dec. 18, 1842. TALBOTT (see Talbot, Talbut), Betsey and Isarel Tisdale, int. Nov. 5, 1814. Jabez Jr. of Stoughton and Hannah Reupeke, int. May 28, 1813. Jedediah (int. Tallbott) of Dedham and Lucy Gilbert, June 26, 1807. Susanna and Isarel Tisdale, Dec. i, 1801. TALBUT (see Talbot, Talbott), Enoch of Dedham and Catherine (int. Katharine) Raynolds, Oct. 18, 1795. • Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. 1 39 THAYER, Peter of Stoughton and Unity Hixson, Dec. 3, 1794. Peter of Randolph and Susanna Williams, Dec. 6, 1807. Susan and John Smith, Nov. 14, 1832. c.r.i. THEABOLT, Mary of Medfield and Joseph Rhoads Jr., int. Oct. 16, 1773. THOMAS, Nancy of Hanson and Silas Bullard Jr., int. July 7, 1827. Shadrach and Harriot (int. Harriet) Smith, Apr. 20, 1840. THOMPSON, Hannah and Nathaniel Leonard Jr., Oct. 31, 1841. John P. and Harriet N. Drake, int. May i, 1839. Jacob of Dorchester and Avis Stone of Stoughton, Sept. 22, 1805.* Luther of Walpole and Beulah White, Aug. 8, 1786. Rachel and Zebulun Holmes Jr., Dec. 17, 1782. Ralph, Capt., and Mary Billing, Dec. 23, 1784. Sam[ue]ll 2d and Sarah Hewins, July 5, 1781. Sarah of Walpole and Oliver Gould, int. Jan. 19, 1782. William V. of Mendon and Harriet Gilbert, int. Nov. 2, 1837. THORP, Mrs. and Sam[ue]ll Roads, July 18, 1749. p.r.i.* Abigail (Sarah, p.r.i.) of Dedham and William Rhoads, Oct. 14, 1773- THRASHER (see Thresher), Eerily and Joseph Marston of Boston, Sept. 16, 1819. y^ THRESHER (see Thrasher), (int. Thrasher) Zelotes of Ta[u]nton and Mary Hixon (int. Hixson), Aug. 2, 1795. TIFFANY (see Tiffeny), Joseph and Sarah Morse of Stoughton, int. May 17, 1775. Joseph of Foxborough and Mrs. Susan Rider, int. Apr. 3, 1830. Rufus and Salley White, int. July 13, 181 1. TIFFENY (see Tiffany), William of Norton and Miriam Ingraham, int. July 5, 1766. TILDEN, Abigail (widow, p.r.i.) of Stoughton and Sam[ue]ll Holmes, Sept. 7, 1780. William M. of Marshfield and Emily J. Clapp, Nov. 8, 1842. TISDALE (see Tisdall), Abijah and Miriam Puffer of Stoughton, int. Oct. 16, 1779. Abijah and Harriet G. Williamson of Canton, int. July 7, 1848. • Intention not recorded. I40 SHAHON MARRIAGES. TiSDALE, Ann and Curtis S. Dunbar of Easton, int. Mar. 4, 1833. Ebenezer and Joanna Drake, int. Apr. 30, 1774. Ebenezer and Elizabeth Everett, May 9, 1809. Edward and Ruth Harlow, Apr. 6, 1775. Edward and Amanda Ripley of West Bridgewater, int. Oct. 28, 1848. Elizabeth, Missis, and Samuel Tolman Jr. of Stoughton, int. Mar. 7, 1818. Elizabeth and Perez Marshall of North Bridgewater, int. Nov. 28, 1838. Hannah and John Drake Jr., Dec. 9, 1773. Isarel and Susanna Talbott, Dec. i, 1801. Isarel and Betsey Talbott, int. Nov. 5, 1814. Joanna and Elijah Pope of Stoughton, int. Aug. 3, 1802. Josiah and Susan P. Bisbee of Easton, int. Mar. 12, 1842. Macey of Boston and Frances Hewins, Nov. 30, 181 2. Priscilla and Elijah Capen Jr., May 25, 1774. Priscilla (int. Tisdell, Presila) and Jesse Smith Jr. of Stoughton, Oct. 17, 1797. At Stoughton. Ruth and Lemuel Fuller, Mar. 12, 1767. Ruth and Elijah Atherton of Stoughton, int. Mar. 27, 1803. Susanna and William King of Easton, int. Apr. 5, 1841. TISDALL (see Tisdale), Betsey and Barzillai Fuller (int. FuUar), Nov. II, 1792. TITUS, Naomi of Wrenthara and Joseph Rhodes, int. Aug. 31, 1776. TOLEMEN (see Tolman), (int. Tolmon), Sarah and Increase Hewins, Dec. 15, 1796. TOLMAN (see Tolemen), Mrs. Abigail and Corodon Spauldaing (int. Spaulding) of Bradford, N.H. (int. now res. in Sharon), Apr. 20, 1836. Betsey and Jonathan Billings Jr., Mar. 8, 1827. Betsy and Otis Harlow, May 25, 1806. Esther and Thomas Tolman of Stoughton, Nov. 4, 1784. Eunice and Lemuel Gay (int. Jr.) of Dedham, Sept. 19, 1830. Fanny and William M. Allen of Mansfield, int. Nov. 9, 1834. Hannah and George C. Eliot of East Bridg[e]vvater, Sept. 17, 1837. Isaiah and Hannah Fuller, Sept. 12, 1745. p.r.i.* Isaiah and Margaret Robins, June 26, 1759. p.r.i.* James and Bethiah Damon of Western, int. Feb. 6, 1808. John of Stoughton and Sarah Hewins, int. Dec. 13, 1777. * Intentioa not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. I4I ToLMAN, Joseph and Abigail Harlow, Feb. 2, 1808. Joseph and Olive Reed of Cummington, int. Oct. 31, 1840. Louisa, d. of William and Mary, a. 22, and Charles Jones Jr., a. 31, of Stoughton, Nov. 19, 1848. Lucy and Francis T. Pond of Dedham, May 27, 1832. c.R.i. Mary and George Plimpton, Mar. 18, 1830. Reuben and Marilla Sebra of Yarmouth, Me., int. Sept. 15, 1849. Sam[ue]ll and Hannah Rogers, Aug. 9, 1780. Samuel Jr. of Stoughton and Missis Elizabeth Tisdale, int. Mar. 7, 1818. Sarah Jane, d. of William and Mary, a. 19, and George W. Spauld- ing, s. of Warren and Sarah, a. 24, Dec. 24, 1849. Spencer and Hannah Clark of Foxborough, May 22, 1806. Susan W. and Lewis C. Bullard, May i, 1836. Thomas of Stoughton and Esther Tolman, Nov. 4, 1784. William and Mary Savell, Nov. i, 1744. P.R.i.* William Jr. and Eunice Hewins, July 18, 1798. WiUiam and Mary Swift, May 21, 18 18. TOWER, Lucy and Jonathan Hawse, Feb. (12, p.r.i.), 1776. TRACY, Asaph of Raynham and Nancy Copland (int. Copeland), Apr. 28, 1835. TRIBOU, William of Bridgewater and Ama Belcher, Nov. 24, 1784. TUCKER (see Tuckir), George and Hannah Drake, int. Feb. 18, .1792. William and Olive Snow, Mar. 28, 1830.* TUCKIR (see Tucker), Judith and Caleb Johnson, Mar. 30, 1749. P.R.I.* TUPPER, Mary and Eleazor Blackman, Jan. 20, 1764. p.r.i.* Remember and Jer[emia]h Willis, Oct. 4, 1742. p.r.i.* Remember and Nathan Savage, int. Jan. 11, 1777. Ruben and Hannah White, Nov. 21, 1771. Simeon and Anna Capen, Aug. 13, 1754. p.r.i.* TURNER, Abagail of Bridg[e]water and Nehemiah White, int. Sept. II, 1802. Abigal of Easton and Theodore Drake, int. May 3, i8o6. Joseph of Dorchester and Esther Noyce (int. Jr.), Nov. 3, 1774. Kizia and D[anie]ll Morse, Dec. 31, 1750. p.r.i.* Sally of Dedham and Ellis Lawrence, int. Dec. 10, 1808. * Intention not recorded. 142 SHARON MARRIAGES. TUTTLE, Levi and Huldah Allen of Stoughton, Aug. 22, 1775. TWOGOOD, Anna of Providence and Levett Billing, int. Feb. 8, 1777. UNDERWOOD, Lewis and Charity Simmons, Aug. i, 1819. VINAL, Nathaniel of Boston and Hannah Johnson, 3d, Sept. 5, 1810. VINICA, Daniel of Milton and Lydia Willis, int. Mar. 30, 1804. VINING, Dorothy and John Richardson, Nov. 18, 1773. VOSE, Lucy of Easton and James F. Eston of No. Providence, R.L, Apr. 5, 1838. WADE, Catherine and Jesse Drake of Boston, int. Dec. 19, 1812. Elizabeth, Mrs., (int. Waid) and Simeon White, June i, 1797. At Foxboro. Ira of Middleborough and Elizabeth White, July 23, 1789. At Stoughton. WADSWORTH (see Wodsworth), Esther and Eleazer May, Mar. 30, 1743. P.R.I. * WALLIS, Rebecah (int. Rebeckah) of Canton and Abel Lewis, Oct. 15, 1806. (Black.) WARES, Anna of Foxborough and Enoch Billing, int. Jan. 13, 1781. Molley (Patty, p.r.i.) of Foxborough and Benjamin Randal, July I, 1784. WARTERS (see Waters), (int. Warter), Zebulon of Stoughton and Zilpha (int. Zilpah) Lovel, Mar. 18, 1794. WASHBURN, EmeHne and Edward Drake of Easton, int. May 30, 1835- Sally Ann and Stilman Bacon, int. Mar. 25, 1826. Sally Ann and Amos Hewitt of Canton, June 23, 1836. WATERS (see Warters), Capt. Asa of Stoughton and Susan B. Shepard, int. Oct. 25, 1839. Caroline D. and Sanford Billings, Oct. 23, 1833. Hannah and David Drake, Sept. 18, 1788. At Stoughton. Mary Ann and Aaron Hewins, Sept. 17, 1835. * Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. 143 Waters, Nancy and Thompson Allen, Sept. 21, 1817. Ruth of Sutton and Thomas Kendall, July 8, 1784. At Sutton.* Samuel and Sarah Richards, July 27, 1786. William B. and Eunice Bullard, int. June 23, 1827. WEATHERBEE (see Wetherby). WELCH, Philip, s. of James, a. 30, and Mary Jane Hollis, d. of Enoch, a. 22 (int. of Canton), Jan. 26, 1846. WELD, George A. and Phebe Drake, int. May 28, 1842. George A. and Sarah Morse, int. June 19, 1847. Horace O. and Nancy M. Britton of Stoughton, int. Jan. 6, 1844. WELMAN, Phebe and W[illiam] Marshall, Jan. 14, 1762. p.r.i.* WENTWORTH, Hannah of Stoughton and Joshua Whittemore, int. July 10, 1779. Josiah and Hannah Pettingal, Oct. 25, 1753. p.r.i.* Lemuel and Susanna Whittemore, Dec. 25, 1781. WETHERBY (int. Weatherbee), David of Lunenburgh and Eunice Kingman (d. of wd. Kingman, p.r.i.), Feb. 23, 1778. WHEELER, Nancy and Enos White, int. Dec. 20, 1816. Nancy and Jared White, Jan. 9, 181 7.* WHITAKER, Rev. Jonathan and Mary Kimball of Bradford, Apr. 22, 1799. At Bradford. WHITE (see Wight, Wright), Alden of Boston and Betsey Bullard, Aug. 16, 1832. Asa and Hannah Morse of Foxboro, Apr. 4, 1797. At Foxboro.* Benjamin (int. Jr.) and Mary Lovel, Feb. 2, 1775. Beulah and Luther Thompson of Walpole, Aug. 8, 1786. Charlotte and John Baker Jr. both of Roxbury, Feb. 4, 1798.* David (int. Whight) and Lois (int. Loes) Morse of Stoughton, Dec. 19, 1765. David Jr. and Nancy Drake, int. Oct. 29, 1791. E[beneze]r of Dedham and Deborah Fuller, May 16, 1771. Elizabeth of Dedham and Nathaniel Comings, Apr. 27, 1775. Elizabeth and Ira Wade of Middleborough, July 23, 1789. At Stoughton. Emery and Hannah H. Savage, int. Oct. 29, 1848. Enos and Nancy Wheeler, int. Dec. 20, 1816. Esther and Elijah Mears, int. Apr. 21, 182 1. Hannah and Ruben Tupper, Nov. 21, 1771. * Intention not recorded. 144 SHARON MARRIAGES. White, Jared and Rebekah Meats, July 21, 1813. Jared and Nancy Wheeler, Jan. 9, 1817.* Joseph and Sarah Drake, June 26, 1760. p.r.i.* Joseph and Lydia Johnson, Feb. 10, 1785. Joseph Jr. and Nancy Morten of Stoughton, int. Apr. 14, 18 10. Levi and Mella Capen, July 18, 1785. Levi and Doly W. Farrington of Foxborough, int. Mar. 5, 1814. Lewis and Mrs. Nancy White of Canton, int. Mar. 25, 183 1. Lucy L. and Hiram Jones of Canton, July 28, 1839. Mary of Stoughton and Sam[ue]ll Hixson, int. Dec. 29, 1770. Mary and Asa Lewis of Francistown, Oct. 24, 1775. Mehetable and Amos Childs of Wilton, Oct. 14, 1812. Moses and Susanna Allen, Oct. 2, 1780. Nancy, Mrs., of Canton and Lewis White, int. Mar. 25, 1831. Nehemiah and Abagail Turner of Bridg[e]\vater, int. Sept. 11, 1802. Patty and Joseph Robbinson of Watertown, Mar. 15, 1808. Polly and WiUiam Lincon (int. Lincoln), Sept. 21, 1806. Ruth of Dedham and John Comings, int. Jan. 27, 1776. Salley and Rufus Tiffany, int. July 13, 181 1. Sally and Newell Drake, int. Apr. i, 181 7. Samuel and Rachal (int. Rachel) Farrington of Walpole, Apr. 4, 1787. At Walpole. Sarah, wijl. of Stoughton and Lieut. Timothy Bacon of Natick, July 5, 1759- P-R.i.* Sarah and Aaron Lewis of Dedham, Sept. 24, 1772. Sarah of Mansiield and Joseph Gannett, int. Sept. 27, 1804. Simeon and Mrs. Elizabeth Wade (int. Waid), June i, 1797. At Foxboro. Simeon and Bethiah Samson of Bridgwater, int. May 3, 1808. Sophia M. and Lewis M. Johnson, int. July 20, 1832. WHITING, Henry of No. Bridgewater and Nancy Glover, int. , Aug. II, 1832. Lois of Wrentham and Elijah Hewins, int. June 19, 1773. WHITNEY, Elmira of Milford and Lieut. Benjamin F. Raynolds, int. Nov. 24, 1832. Jonathan, widower, of Milford and Mrs. Maria Morse, Apr. 22, 1844. Lucy Ann of Milford and Lieut. Benjamin F. Raynolds, int. July 7, 1837. * Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. 1 45 Whitney, Nancy of Roxbury and Benja[min] Puffer, Oct. 20, 1778. Tho[ma]5 and Mehitable Bacon, Nov. 12, 1761. p.r.i.* WHITTEMORE, Joseph and Olive Holmes. At Dedham. Joshua and Susannah Payson, July 5, 1759. p.r.i.* Joshua and Hannah Wentworth of Stoughton, int. July 10, 1779. Joshua and Sarah Mackintosh of Stoughton, Sept. 19, 1782. Joshua Jr. and Lois Morse, Apr. 5, 1785. Joshua and Ruth Johnson, Apr. 2, 1793. Joshua and Lucy Holmes, int. Sept. 2, 1815. Olive and Jedediah Snow of Easton, Sept. 5, 1805. Oliver H. and Frances M. Bullard of Roxbury, int. Oct. 15, 1842. Samuel and Olive Holmes, int. July 19, 1783. Sarah Ann and Barnabas D. Capen, int. Nov. 23, 1839. Susanna and Lemuel Wentworth, Dec. 25, 1781. WHYTON, Comfort and Grace McFaden, Aug. 24, 1758. p.r.i.* WIGHT, Jason of Dedham and Betsy Fisher, int. Mar. 25, ♦820. Joel of Dedham and Lois Holmes, int. Aug. 20, 1805. WILBAR (see Wilber, Wilbur), Betsey of Easton and Luther Morse, int. July 9, 1813. Joseph of Easton and Elizabeth Capen, int. Mar. 22, 1820. WILBER (see Wibar, Wilbur), (int. Wilbore), Benjamin of Mansfield and Zebiah Drake, Sept. 18, 1788. At Stoughton. Michal and James E. Andrews, int. Sept. 5, 1839. Molley of Stoughton and Seme Burr, int. Mar. 3, 1792. WILBUR (see Wilbar, Wilber), Michal and Robert Sadler, int. Sept. 19, 1834. Wheeler of Stoughton and Hepza M. Cobb, int. Nov. 6, 1824. WILKINS, Josiah of Boston and Lucy Morse, int. May 14, 1814. WILLETT, Abner of Roxbury and Cate Rhoads, int. Jan. i, 1814. WILLIAMS, Hannah of Easton and Richard Hixon (int. Hixson), Apr. 28, 1799. At Easton. Rounseville and Harriet E. Gay, Nov. 17, 1844. Rounseville and Lydia H. Ray of Cumberland, R.I., int. Nov. 11, 1848. Susanna and Peter Thayer of Randolph, Dec. 6, 1807. * Intention not recorded. 146 SHARON MARRIAGES. WILLIAMSON, Harriet G. of Canton and Abijah Tisdale, int. July 7, 1848. WILLIS, Diany and Barnabus Buck of Easton, int. Feb. 3, 1808. Edward, widower, s. of Alba, a. 37, of Easton and Hannah Hewins, d. of Benj[ami]n and Hannah, a. 34, Nov. 24, 1844. Elizabeth and Ezekiel Capen Jr., July 28, 1805. Experience and Jesse Pierce of Easton, int. Mar. 9, 181 1. Jer[emia]h and Remember Tupper, Oct. 4, 1742. p.r.i.* Lydia and Daniel Vinica of Milton, int. Mar. 30, 1804. Martin of Easton and Charlotte Ann Drake, int. Aug. 21, 1836. Martin of Foxborough and Eliza Cobb, int. Mar. 26, 1839. Mary and Lewis Billings, int. Mar. 7, 181 7. Philip and Sarah Johnson, Dec. 3, 1789. At Stoughton. Rachel and Thomas Butler of Easton, int. Feb. 19, 1774. Sarah and Barnabas Packard of Easton, int. July 14, 1805. WIMBLE, Polly and Lewis de Marasquelle, Dec. 2t,, 1779. P.R.I. WINSHIP, Charles of Dover, N.H. and Adeliza A. Johnson, Jan. I, 1844. WISWALL, John and Emily A. Hall of Boston, int. May 3, 1846. Lois T. and Emery N. Smith, s. of Jacob, Oct. 8, 1846. WITHERELL, Benja[min] Jr. of Norton and Molley Forrest, int. Aug. 31, 1767. Fanny and John A. Lochlin, Sept. 11, 1837. WITHERTON (see Withington, Withinton), Mary and Benja- [min] Dean, Jan. 26, 1749. p.R.i. WITHINGTON (see Witherton, Withinton), Ame of Stoughton and Ephraim Smith, Oct. 5, 1783.* Ebenezer (int. Witherington) and Elisebeth (int. Eliza) Perkins of Bridgewater, Dec. 7, 1797. At Bridgewater. Elizabeth and William -Withington Jr., int. Nov. 9, 1805. Elizabeth and Luke Gould, int. Mar. 12, 1814. Harriet, d. of Nath[anie]l, a. 44, and WilHam Ransom (int.Ranson), s. of Richard, a. 40, Nov. 25, 1844. Moses W. and (int. Mrs.) Sarah A. Wright (int. Wight), May i, 1835- Nath[anie]l and Zilpha Hixon (int. Zilpah Hixson), Oct. 7, 1795. PhiHp and Rebecah Fuller, Oct. 19, 1762. P.R.i.* WilHam Jr. and Elizabeth Withington, int. Nov. 9, 1805. * Intention not recorded. SHARON MARRIAGES. 147 WITHINTON (see Witherton, Withington) ,W[iIliam] and Elisa- beth Richards, May 5, 1763. p.r.i.* WODSWORTH, Sarah of Stoughton and Jacob Hixson, int. Nov. 28, 1772. WOOD (see Woods), Dorithy (int. Dorothy) and Josiah Morse, Mar. 29, 1768. Joseph and Desire Linkon of Taunton, int. Nov. 23, 1772. Joseph 2d, and Mercy Bacon of Dedham, int. Nov. 22, 1777. Joshua (int. Dr.) and Bridget Greatraikes (int. Greatbraks), Jan. 17, 1782. At Foxboro. Lovine and Nathaniel Fadden of Canton, int. Nov. 15, 1826. Mary Ann and Samuel Wood, int. Sept. 22, 1826. Polley and Jacob Lincoln of Easton, int. Jan. 2, 1808. Samuel and Mary Ann Wood, int. Sept. 22, 1828. Zephaniah and Mary Lyon of Stoughton, Aug. 25, 1768. WOODCOCK, Cha[rle]s and Jane Kelton, Nov. 27, 1823. c.r.i. Mary and James Field, Apr. 25, 1765. p.r.i.* WOODS (see Wood), Elis[abe]th and Sam[ue]l Stacey, Dec. 8, 1755. P.R.I.* WOODWARD, Noah and Mary Fuller, Sept. 27, 1764. p.r.i.* WRIGHT (see White, Wight), (int. Wight), Mrs. Sarah A. and Moses W. Withington, May i, 1835. Sylvia L. of Boston and Willard Richards, Feb. 29, 1844. WYMAN, Lavinia, d. of Benjamin and Sarah R., a. 20, of Easton and George F. Howard, s. of George and Abigail F., a. 28, Jan. 21, 1849. YOUNG, Amey and Jesse Johnson, Dec. 25, 1826. * Intention not recorded. SHARON DEATHS. SHARON DEATHS. To THE YEAR 185O. ADAMS, Quincy Maria, only s. of Quincy and Hannah, Nov. 11, 1845, a. 15 m. G.R. Quincy, s. of Dr. Peter of Stoughton, Mar. 18, 1849, at Oquanka, III., a. 36 y. G.R. ALLEN (see Allin), , d. of widow, , bur. Alar. 10, 1790. P.R.I. Mica [Micah dup.], s. of Mica [Micah dup.] and Catherine, May 19, 1766. ALLIN (see Allen), , ch. of Mr. , bur. Jan. 6, 1765. P.R.I. ■ , Mrs., w. of George, bur. Apr. 23, 1773. p.r.i. AMES, Priscilla, d. Sept. 14, 1849, ^- 27 y., drowned. Unm. ANDREWS, Eliza (Elizabeth (g.r.)), w. of James (James E. (G.R.)), July 27, 1838, a. 36 y. Joel, Oct. 20, 1827, a. 29 y. (Sabrina (g.r.)), d. of James (James E. and Elizabeth (g.r.)), Nov. (2, G.R.), 1838, (a. 4 m. 14 d., g.r.). ATHERTON, , ch. of , bur. Apr. 6, 1775. p.r.i. BACON, Daniel, June 16, 1764, in his 41st y. g.r. David, Dec. 6, 1776. Experience, w. of William, Feb. 21, 1775, in her 84th year. William, Feb. 11, 1776, in his 82d y. (Capt., p.r.i.) BAKER, , ch. of E., bur. Oct. 15, 1764. p.r.i. , ch. of William, Feb. 13, 1835. Aaron Blake, s. of Phineas and Alzada, Nov. 10, 1841, a. 8 y. Abigail, wid. of John, May 15, 1840, a. 70 y. Abigail, d. of Phineas and Alzada, Nov. 14, 1841, a. 3 y. E , bur. Oct, 15, 1764. P.R.I. Elijah, Nov. 8, 1802, in his 83rd y. Hannah, wid. of Elijah, Apr. 6, 1806, in her 80th y. John, May 22, 1834. (a. 69 y., g.r.) Lavine, d. of John and Abigail, Sept. 19, 1830, in her 17th y. Lucy, wid. of , Sept. 24, 1846, a. 67 y. Inflammation of bowels. 151 152 SHARON DEATHS. Baker, Mary Tucker, d. of John and Abigal, Oct. 17, 1808, in her 3dy. Stephen, s. of John and Abigal, Oct. 7, 1802. BANISTER, Mrs. , Feb. 3, 1833. BARDEN, Charles (Charles H. (g.r.)), s. of Amos and Ann (Anna H. (g.r.)), Sept. 20, 1848, a. 24 y., b. at Walpole. Unm. Dysentery. BARRETT, Marcia, w. of Rev. Thomas, June 12, 1822, a. 28 y. BELCHER, Inf. ch. of Jer[emiah], bur. Oct. 13, 1757. p.r.i. , ch. of Jere[miah], bur. Dec. 5, 1763. p.r.i. , ch. of Mr. , bur. May 4, 1770. p.r.i. , ch. of Jere[miah] Jr., bur. July 31, 1775. p.r.i. Atherton, Jan. 30, 1825, a. 62 y. Betty, d. of Clifford and Betty, Aug. 25, 1775 (in her 4th y., G.R.). Betty, wid. of Clififord, Aug. 26, 1775. Cliflford, Apr. 26, 1773, in his 63rd. y. g.r. Chfford, s. of CHfiford and Betty, Aug. 12, 1775 (in his 3rd y., g.r.) Clifford, Aug. 15, 1775 (in his 30th y., g.r.). Edward, Insign, Mar. 16, 1744, in his 77th y. g.r. Hannah (Hannah B. (g.r.)) wid. of Jona[than] (Oct. 24, 1848, a. 75 y.). At Easton. Jeremiah, Aug. 7, 1775. (In his 74th y., g.r.) Jonathan, May 14, 1802. (a. 72 y., g.r.) Jonathan, Nov. 7, 1842, a. 71 y. Joseph, Mar. 12, 1822, a. 45 y. c.r.i. Love, d. of Clififord and Mehitable, Sept. 25, 1744, a. 11 w. g.r. Mary, wid. of Ensign Edward, Mar. 5, 1752, in her 77th y. g.r. Mary, d. of Jonathan and Sarah, May i, 1770. Mary, w. of Jeremiah, July 21, 1775. (In her 76th y., g.r.) Mehitable, d. of Supply and Margaret, Sept. 20, 1785, in her 12th mo. g.r. Meletiah, d. of Jonathan and Sarah, Aug. 8, 1775. Preserve, s. of Clifford and Mehitable, Oct. 22, 1744, a. 20 d. g.r. Samuel, s. of Clifford and Mehitable, July 16, 1741, a. 18 d. g.r. Samuel, s. of Clifford and Betty, Aug. 22, 1775. (a. 7 m. less 2 d., G.R.) Sarah, d. of Jeremiah and Mary, Aug. 18, 1776, in her i8th y. G.R. Sarah, d. of Jeremiah and Amie, Feb. 18, 1779. Sarah, wid. of Jonathan, June 8, 1814, a. 75 y. G.R. Thodore, s. of Jeremiah and Ama, Aug. 29, 1775. SHARON DEATHS. 153 BICKNELL, Abigail, w. of Joseph, Apr. 15, 1831. Albert, s. of Joseph and Abigail, Oct. 25, 1827, a. 6 y. Joseph, Oct. 21, 1831, a. 48 y. BILLING (see Billings), , ch. of Ebe[neze]r, bur. June 4, 1750. P.R.I. — , ch. of Eb[eneze]r, bur. Feb. 20, 1755. P.R.i. , ch. of Beriah, bur. Oct. 17, 1778. p.r.i. Beriah (Billings (g.r.)), Jan. 5, 1792. (In her 50th y., g.r.) Hannah, 2d. w. of Capt. Samuel, Jan. 10, 1774, in her 64th y. g.r. Hannah, w. of Timothy, Feb. 2, 1790. Jonathan, of Stoughton, May 18, 1763, in his 83rd y. G.R. Mary, wid. of Capt. William, Mar. 13, 1830, in her 84th y. Samuel, Capt., Feb. 26, 1782, in his 91st y. Samuel, 3rd., Mar. 19, 1834, a. 82 y. 11 m. G.R. Sarah, w. of Capn. Samuel, Oct. 21, 1732, in her 44th y. G.R. Sarah, w. of Lieut. Benja[min], Dec. 15, 1789. Spencer, Apr. 9, 1799, in his 40th y. g.r. Timothy, Nov. 29, 1790. BILLINGS (see Billing), , ch. of Eben[eze]r, bur. June 12, 1758. P.R.I. , w. of Benj[ami]n, bur. May 24, 1764. p.r.i. , ch. of W[illiam], bur. Aug. 23, 1764. p.r.i. , ch. of E[beneze]r, bur. Mar. — , 1774. p.r.i. , ch. of Elijah, , 1775. p.r.i. , Mrs., w. of Jo., bur. Oct. 5, 1778. p.r.i. , inf. ch. of Capt. , bur. Nov. 18, 1782. p.r.i. , ch. of Sam[ue]l, bur. Jan. 5, 1786. p.r.i. , ch. of Nathaniel, bur. Dec. 20, 1787. p.r.i. , ch. of Jon. Jr., bur. Apr. 7, 1790. p.r.i. Angeline, d. of Dudley and Achsah, Nov. 27, 1821, a. 3 m. g.r. Anna, d. of Beriah and Anna, Oct. 17, 1777, in her nth y. G.R. Anna, w. of Beriah, Nov. 22, 1807, a. 65 y. G.R. Benjamin C. (Curtis, c.r.i.), Aug. 6, 183 1, a. 44 y. Beriah, Feb. 5, 1736, in his 44th y. G.R. Bezaleel, bur. Apr. 29, 1778. p.r.i. Brintnall, s. of Beriah and Anna, Mar. 29, 1790, in his 17th y. G.K. Caroline D., w. of Sanford, Oct. 17, 1834, a. 32 y. Ebenezer, Capn., Jan. 25, 1717-8, in his 63rd y. g.r. Ebenezer, Capt., Oct. 27, 1758, in his 82d. y. g.r. Elijah (Capt., G.R.), Mar. 28 (31, g.r.), 1810, a. 60 y. Elkanah, Jan. , 1845, ^- 60 y. g.r. Esther, d. of Lewis and Mary, Aug. 6, 1827, a. 7 y. (6 y. 10 m. 13 d., g.r.) 154 SHARON DEATHS. Billings, Hannah, wid. of Samuel, Aug. 31, 1844, in her 85th y., G.R. Hartford, s. of Jonathan, Nov. 30, 1823, a. 40 y. Huldah, wid. of Capt. Elijah, Sept. 27, 1842, a. 91 y. Jerusha, w. of Capt. Ebenezer, Feb. 2, 1751, in her 68th y. G.R. Jesse, s. of William and Mary, Dec. 16, 1846, a. 74 y. (75, G.R.) Paralysis. Jona., Nov. 30, 1823, a. 40 y. c.r.i. Jonathan, Nov. 2, 1827, a. 78 y. Joseph, Mar. 22, 1825, in his 56th y. Kezia, w. of Maj. Samuel Billings, Jan. 23, 1795, in his 75th y. G.R. Livit, ch. of Samuell, bur. Apr. 29, 1750. p.r.i. Louisa, d. of Joseph, and Sybil, Jan. 20, 1810, a. 2 y. 10 m. 25 d. G.R. Mary, wid. of Jona[than], Sept. 23, 1846, a. 81 y. Oliver, s. of W[illiam], bur. June 2, 1762. p.r.i. Sibel (Sybil (g.r.)), d. of Joseph, deceased, and Sibel, Aug. 15, 1833, in her 33rd y. Susanna, d. of Nathaniel and Mariam, Jan. 6, 1807, in her 21st y. W , May — , 1777. P.R.I. William (Capt., G.R.), Feb. 18, 1816, a. 73 y. Sybil, w. of Joseph, Dec. 26, 1808, in her 38th y- G.R. BIRD, , ch. of Dn., bur. Apr. 8, 1770. p.r.i. , d. of Dn., bur. Sept. 20, 1775. p.r.i. , s. of Dn., bur. Sept. 29, 1775. P.R.i. , ch. of E[beneze]r, bur. July 17, 1782. p.r.i. , ch. of Sam[ue]l Jr., bur. June i, 1784. p.r.i. , ch. of Sam[ue]l Jr., bur. June 14, 1784. p.r.i. — , ch. of Oliver, bur. Nov. 20, 1787. p.r.i. Anna, w. of Deacon Sam[ue]ll, Dec. 16, 1779. Isaac, Jan. 16, 1820, a. 58 y. Mary, d. of Sam[ue]ll and Anna, July 12, 1764. (Twin, p.r.i.) Sam[ue]l, bur. Jan. 30, 1779. P.R.i. Samuel, Deacon, Jan. 15, 1787, in his 6ist y. Sarah, d. of Sam[ue]ll and Anna, Dec. 7, 1770. BISHOP, Mrs. , 1831. c.r.i. BIXBY, Nancy Stone, Mar. 3, 18 12, in her 33d y. Sarah, wid. of (Joseph of Framingham, G.R.), Apr. 18, 18 14, in her 70th y. BLACKMAN, widow, bur. Apr. 16, 1749. p.r.i. , ch. of Jo Black[man], bur. Mar. 26, 1774. p.R.i. SHARON DEATHS. 1 55 Blackman, Josiah, bet. 1741 and 1747. p.r.i. Josiah, bur. Sept. 8, 1776. p.r.i. Mary Jane, only ch. of James, a. 2 y., bur. in Canton, Sept. 12, 1849. C.R.2. BLAISDELL, Orason, June 4, 1849, a. 31 y. g.r. BLAKE, Solomon, July 21, 1836. BLISS, Alpheus, Dec. — , 1825, a. 9 y. c.r.i. BOYDEN, Mrs., bur. June 4, 1760. p.r.i. Preston, May 9, 1822. c.R.3. BRADSHAW, , s. of Mr. , bur. Oct. 6, 1776. p.r.i. , Mr., bur. Aug. 14, 1783. p.r.i. Eunice, d. of Nathaniel and Mehitable, July 11, 1818, in her 22d y. G.R. Mehetabel, Mar. 19, 1810, a. 54 y. g.r. Mehitable (Mehetable (g.r.)), d. of Nathaniel and Mehitable, Dec. 2 (Dec. i, g.r., c.r.i.), 1817, in her 26th y. (27th y., G.R.). Nathaniel Jr., June 5, 1828, a. 41 y. Parkman, bur. Oct. 17, 1781. p.r.i. Sarah, Jan. 5, 1819. BRETT (see Britt), Lydia, wid. of , Oct. 21, 1846, a. 70 y. Apoplexy. BRITT (see Brett) (Brett (g.r.)). Silence (d.of Daniel and Lydia, G.R.), (d. of widow), Nov. 10, 1835 (a. 27 y., g.r.). BRITTON, Freelove, w. of Zachariah, Dec. 3, 1814 (in her 77th y., G.R.), (Britton (g.r.)) Zachariah, Mar. 9, 1836, in his 88th y. g.r. BROWN, Samuel, Nov. 30, 1790. BRUMLEY, James A. H. from Conn., Nov. 4, 1840, a. 32 y. BUFFINTON, , ch. of , a. i m., Jan. 22, 1824. c.r.i. BULLARD (see BuUars), Mr. , bur. Nov. — , 1773. p.r.i. , ch. of Mrs. , bur. , 1778. p.r.i. , ch. of Silas, Dec. — , 1819. c.r.i. , inf. ch. of Benjamin Jr., Oct. 1825. c.r.i. , ch. of Silas Jr. and Nancy, Oct. 21, 1846. Marasmus. Benj[ami]n, Oct. 21, 1778. p.r.i. Benjamin, Apr. 4, 1838, a. 80 y. (79 y. g.r.) 156 SHARON DEATHS. BuLLARD, Benjamin Dexter, s. of Benjamin and Mary, Jan. 20, 1830, a. 2 y. 5 m. II d., b. in Plymouth. Ebenezer, Mar. 4, 1801. Hannah, wid. of Benja[min], Jan. 10, 1849, d. of John and Hittee Holmes, a. 88 y. Old Age. Lucy, July 29, 1820, a. 18 y. c.r.i. Mary, d. of Benjamin and Judith, Sept. 7, 1773. Mary, d. of Silas and Betsey, Aug. 24, 1823, a. 17 y. Mary Dickson, w. of Benja[min], Mar. 9, 1835, a. 31 y., b. in Plymouth. Consumption. BULLARS (see Bullard), , ch. of Joel and Maria B., Aug. 15, 1838, a. 18 m. BURBANK, Mrs. , Feb. 18, 1824, a. 20 y. c.r.i. (Albert L. (g.r.)), s. of Leonard and Betsey, Feb. 5 (4, g.r), 1843, a. 9 m. Fanny, d. of , Sept. — , 1825, a. 9 y. c.r.i. CAPEN, , s. of Eben[ezer], bur. July 18, 1755. p.R.i. , d. of Elisabeth, bur. , 1759. p.r.i. , ch. of Nat., bur. July 8, 1764. p.r.i. , ch. of Eze., bur. Dec. — , 1777. p.r.i. , ch. of Eze[kiel], bur. Apr. 5, 1785. p.r.i. , d. of Lemuel, Aug. 19, 1786, a. i y. p.r.i. , w. of Sam[ue]l, bur. May 18, 1787. p.r.i. Abigail, Sept. 13, 1769, a. 40 y. g.r. Anna, Mar. 17, 1817. c.R.3. Anna (Anna S., G.R.), d. of John and Tiley (Tyla (g.r.)), Apr. 26 (27, G.R.), 1819, in her 12th y, Betsey Johnson, w. of Eben Capen, Sept. 2, 1847, a. 57 Y- ^.R. Damaris, d. of Elijah and Elizabeth, June 28, 1769, (in her 24th y. G.R.). Ebenezer, Jan. 4, 1787, in his 7 2d y. Elijah, bet. 1741 and 1747. p.R.i. Elijah Jr., s. of Elijah and Elizabeth, Dec. 8, 1774, (in his 26th y., G.R.). Elijah, s. of Lemuel and Mary, Aug. 4, 1777. Elijah, s. of Elijah and Nancy, Aug. 15, 1815, in his 55th y. Ehsabeth, bur. June 28, 1760. p.r.i. Elizabeth, Nov. 13, 1760, a. 44 y. g.r. Elizabeth, w. of Elijah Jr., May 5, 1773, (in her 25th y., g.r.). Elizabeth, w. of Elijah, Feb. 10, 1787. Elizabeth, wid. of Ezekiel Jr., Apr. 17, 1836, (a. 73 y., g.r). Ezekiel Jr., Mar. 17 (7, g.r.), 1816, in his 50th y. Ezekiel, Feb. 16, 1836 in his 91st y. SHARON DEATHS. I 57 Capen, George E., s. of John and Tiley, Feb. 26, 1848, a. 21 y., drowned. Hannah, w. of Warren, June 14, 1845, a- 28 y. (29, g.r.), (d, of Jere Estey, C.R.2). Typhus Fever. Hannah A., d. of Warren and Hannah, June 27, 1843, ^- 3 7- (2 y. 10 m. 21 d. g.r). Irene, w. of WiUiam, Oct. 29, 1815 (Oct. 28, 1815, g.r.), in her 45th y. Irene, d. of William and Irene, Mar. 20, 1816, in her nth y. g.r. Jerusha, wid. (Ebenezer (g.r.)), Apr. i, 1816, a. 8^ y. Lemuel, s. of Lemuel and Mary, Aug. 26, 1770. Lemuel, Capt., Nov. 26, 1805, a. 59 y. g.r. Lemuel, Mar. i, 1820, in his 47th y. Lemuel, Aug. 8, 1843, a. 31 y. Mary, wid. of Capt. Lemuel, Sept. 13, 1821, a. 73 y. Mary, w. of Ezekiel, Jan. 15, 1829, (a. 83 y., c.R.i.). Mercy (Marcy (g.r.)), wid. of Elijah, July 16, 1829, in her 94th y. (84 y., c.R.i.) Nancy, w. of Maj. Elijah, Dec. 16, 1821, (in her 38th y., G.R.). Nat[hanie]l, bur. June 25, 1765. p.r.i. Phebe, w. of David, feb. 27, 1822. c.R.3. Sally, d. of Dr. and Sarah, Nov. i, 1797, a. 10 m. g.r. Susan, d. of Lemuel and Susan, July 16, 1844, a- 2 y. Marasmus. Susannah, d. of Eben[eze]r, bur. Mar. 25, 1750. p.r.i. CARPENTER, , inf. ch. of James, June 18, 1826. c.R.i. , w. of Lewis, Aug. 19, 1832, a. 53 y. , s. of Shepard and Mary, May 19, 1849, ^- ^ ^^ Alden, s. of James and , Aug. 8, 1837, ^- ^5 "^• Lewis, s. of Caleb and Lucy, May 19, 1844, a. 62 y. 11 m. 5 d., b. at Seekonk. Widower. Delirium Tremens. CLAP (see Clapp), Horace, s. of Samuel and Abigal, Feb. 5 (3, G.R.), 1809 (a. I y. 7 m., g.r.). Jane, d. of Samuel and Abigal, Feb. 3, 1809. (a. 3 y., g.r.) Reuben, July 16, 1795, a. 22 y. g.r. Rhoda (Clapp (g.r.)), wid. of Timothy, Dec. 5, 1815. (a. 76 y., G.R.) Timothy, Aug. 18, 181 1, a. 78 y. g.r. CLAPP (see Clap), Elvira, d. of Reuben and Lucy, Sept. 18, 1828, a. I y. 5 m. g.r. Keziah, w. of Luther, INIar. 20, 1847, ^- 3° Y- Consumption. 158 SHARON DEATHS. Clapp, Lucy, w. of Reuben (Esq., c.R.2), Dec. — (Nov. 23, g.r.), 1846, a. 527. (51, G.R.) (52, c.R.2.) Strangulated Hernia. Reuben J., s. of Reuben and Lucy, Nov. 15, 1847, ^- 28 y. (26 y., G.R.) Consumption. Samuel, Feb. 18, 1846, at Boston, a. 76 y. Md. CLARK, , ch. of Nehemiah, bur. June 11, 1765. p.r.i. , ch. of Nathaniel, bur. June 12, 1766. p.r.i. , ch. of N , Sept. 21, 1775. P.R.I. , s. of Nathan, bur. Dec. 30, 1775. p.r.i. , s. of Asa, bur. Oct. — , 1776. p.r.i. , ch. of Silvanus, bur. Feb. — , 1778. p.r.i. , ch. of Marcus, Dec. — , 1823. c.r.i. Amasa, s. of Asa and Prudence, Oct. 9, 1777. Asa, Dec. 20, 1808, in his 63rd y. Chloe, Dec. 17, 1837. Elijah, Aug. 22, 1821, a. 35 y. Elizabeth, Mrs., Nov. 8, 1825. (a. 68 y., c.r.i.) Etheridge, s. of Nathan and Hannah, June 16, 1766, in his 4th y. G.R. Ichebud, Sept. 20, 1805, in his 89th y. Jo., bur. May 18, 1769. p.r.i. Judith, wid. of , Aug. 21, 1786, in her 47th y. Luther, s. of Nehemiah and Judith, Jan. 17, 1774. Mary, wid. of Thomas, Aug. 5, 1833, a. 77 y. (In her 79th y., G.R.) Nehemiah, July 12, 1775. Rachel, wid. of Sylvanus, Dec. 31, 1822, a. 79 y. (In her 77th y., G.R.) Sarah, w. of Ichabod, Apr. 7, 1792, in her 78th y. Silvanus, Apr. 27, 1807, in his 64th y. g.r. Spencer, s. of Nathaniel and Mary, Sept. 19, 1775, in his 3rd y. G.R. Thomas, Feb. 19, 1804, in his 69th y. g.r. COBB, Jonathan, July 16, 1797, a. 81 y. g.r. Jonathan, July 10, 1845, a. 75 y. Md. Dropsy. Lemuel, s. of Jona[than] and Sybil, Nov. 24, 1848, a. 35 y. Consumption. Mercy, Mrs., Mar. 23, 1843, a. 75 y. Sibel, d. of Jonathan and Sibel, Feb. 8, 1805, in her 2d y. g.r. William H., Jan. 30, 1841, in New Orleans, a. 36 y. g.r. COMINGS (see Commings, Cummings, Cummins), , ch. of Jos-h, bur. July 12, 1796. SHARON DEATHS. 1 59 COMMINGS (see Comings, Cummin gs, Cummins), Chloe, w. of Nath[anie]ll, Mar. i6, 1773. CONEY, , ch. of Sam[ue]ll, bur. July 19, 1754. p.r.i. , d. of Jo., bur. Aug. 10, 1775. p.r.i. , ch. of Nat., bur. Sept. 18, 1775. p.r.i. , ch. of Nat., Oct. 31, 1777. P.R.I. , widow of , bur. Nov. 30, 1796. p.r.i. , w. of Nathaniel, June 9, 1822. (a. 46 y., c.r.i.) David, s. of Sam[ue]I, Mar. 21, 1761. p.r.i. Eleanor, d. of John and Kezia, Mar. 12, 1788, in her 23rd y. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Sarah, Aug. 9, 1775, (in her 22d y., G.R.) Hannah, d. of Joseph and Sarah, Oct. 19, 1778, (in her i8th y. G.R.) John, bur. Mar. 12, 1797. p.r.i. Joseph, Jan. 3, 1805, a. 81 y. g.r. Keziah, wid. of John, Feb. 11, 1818, in her 76th y. Lucy, Miss, Apr. 16, 1849, a. 69 y. Erysipelas. Mary, wid. of Nathaniel, Apr. 20, 1826, in her 80th y. -Mehitabel, w. of William, 14, 1777. g.r. Nathan, s. of W[illiam], Apr. 7, 1752. p.r.i. Nathaniel, Feb. 13, 1779, in his 74th y. g.r. Thomas, s. of Nathaniel and Abigail, May 16, 1749, in his 35th y. g.r. Thomas, July 12, 1821, a. 74 y. COOK, , w. of Jacob, bur. Sept. 5, 1775. p.r.i. COPELAND, Mrs. Bettey, w. of Jonathan of Bridgewater, Sept. 5, 1775, in her 70th y. g.r. Isaac, Jan. 15, 1827, a. 36 y. g.r. CRANE, Seth of Conn., Apr. 19, 1834, a. 19 y. CUMMINGS (see Comings, Commings, Cummins), Joseph, June 5, 1849, a. 94 y. widower and pensioner. Old Age. Mehetabel (Cummins (g.r.)), w. of Lt. Joseph, Feb. 8, 1826, in her 63 rd y. Oliver, s. of Lieut. Joseph, May 16, 1826, in his 40th y. CUMMINS (see Comings, Commings, Cummings), Fanny, d. of Lieut. Joseph and Mehitabel, July 26, 1796, a. 2 y. 6 m. G.R. Hitty, d. of Lieut. Joseph, July 11, 1796, a. 5 y. g.r. Joseph, Oct. 4, 1805, a. 21 y. g.r. Joseph, 2d, s. of Joseph and Mehitable, Feb. 4, 181 1, a. 2 y. 7 m. g.r. l6o SHARON DEATHS. Cummins, Otis, Apr. 13, 1833, in his 36th y. g.r. Sally, d. of Lieut. Joseph and Mehitabel, Oct. 27, 1805, in her 17th y. G.R. Samuel, s. of Lieut. Joseph and Mehitabel, Jan. 13, 1802, a. i y. 2 m. G.R. Samuel, Dec. 11, 1804, in his 97th y. g.r. Susanna, wid. of Samuel, Jan. 14, 1812, a. 98 y. g.r. CURTIS, , ch. of Eliza, Sept. 15, 1821. c.r.i. , ch. of Rufus, Nov. 24, 1827. C.R.I. Abigail, w. of Philip, Aug. 9, 1833, a. 77 y. Calvin, Oct. 4, 1842, a. 80 y. (79, g.r.). Cynthia, w. of Rufus, Jan. 16, 1833, (a. 31 y., g.r). Elizabeth, w. of Rev. Philip, May 29, 1752, (a. 31 y., G.R.). Elizabeth, wid. of Rev. Philip, Mar. 11, 1823, a. 91 y. John, Sept. 21, 1830, at sea, a. 27 y. g.r. Nancy, gr. dr. of Rev. Philip, bur. June 17, 1784. p.r.i. Obediah (s. of Rev. Philip, p.r.i), Dec. 26, 1796, a. 4 y., g.r. Phihp, Rev., Nov. 22, 1797, in his 8ist y. and 55th y. of his ministry. Philip Jr., Aug. 20, 1825, in Boston, a. 39 y. g.r. Philip, s. of Philip and Elizabeth, Nov. 12, 1844, a. 89 y. Widower. Old Age. Polly, w. of Francis, Nov. 13, 1796, in her 22d y. Sabrina (Sabrina F.,g.r.), d. of Calvin and Bethiah, May 9, 1828, a. 13 y. Samuel, s. of Rev. Philip and Elizabeth, Jan. 22, 1746, (in his 9th m. G.R.). Willard, May 19, 1791, a. i m, 19 d. g.r. DAY, Seth, Jan. 16, 1829, a. 42 y. DEBERIKS (see Devrix), Mr. , bur. May 6, 1760. p.r.i. DEVEREUX, William, Mar. 19, 1785. DEVRIX (see Deberiks), Abigal, wid. of William, Oct. 20, 1818, in her 95th y. DRAKE, , ch. of Jo., bur. Sept. 10, 1775. p.r.i. , ch. of Abial, bur. July 27, 1778. p.r.i. , ch. of , Oct. 8, 1822. C.R.I. , ch. of Dan[ie]l, Oct. 11, 1822, a. 4 y. c.r.i. , wid. of , a. 70 y., Apr. 18, 1823. c.r.i. , ch. of Benj[ami]n, Jan. 5, 1832, a. 9 m. ; w. of Newell, Dec. 19, 1834, a. 45y. SHARON DEATHS. l6l Drake, , ch. of Henry and Mary, Apr. lo, 1836. Abiel, Nov. 13, 1824, a. 90 y. Amasa, s. of Francis and Hannah, Aug. 9, 1813, a. 2 y. 7 m. g.r. Andrew, Apr. 19, 1843, i" Boston, a. 67 y. g.r. Archippus, June 19, 1826, a. 73 y. Azel, Jan. 6, 1842, a. 43 y. Bathsheba, Mrs., Mar. 23, 1841 (1843, G-R-)> a. 93 y. Cena; d. of George and Fanny, Feb. 4, 1824, in her 4th y., G.R. Charity, w. of Abiel (Abial (g.r.)). May 10, 1822, a. 76 y. Charles, s. of Luther and Catharine, Oct. 11, 1822, a. 8 m. Chloe, w. of Melzar, Mar. 7, 1848. David, Mar. 20, 1829, a. 72 y. Elijah, June 21, 1841, a. 58 y. Emily, d. of Lyman and Mary A., June 16, 1847, a. 2 y. 9 m. 20 d. Esther, d. of Nathan and Jane* Aug. 30, 1803. Esther, d. of Lemuel and (Rhoda (g.r.)), Nov. — (26 g.r.), 1833, (in her 27th y. g.r.). Fanny, Mrs., of Mansfield, aged 64 y., bur. at Mansfield, Sept. 10, 1849. C.R.2. Frederick, s. of Elijah and Charlotte, Feb. 18, 1840, a. 18 y. Hannah, d. of Melzar and Chloe, June 27, 1795. Hannah, d. of Melzar and Chloe, Sept. 27, 1796. Hannah, w. of Francis, May 10^ 1815, in her 27th y. g.r. Hannah, d. of Francis and Hannah, Feb. 4, 1816, a. 3 y. less 15 d. G.R. Hannah, w. of David, July 13, 1817. Hannah (Hannah Irene (g.r.)), d. of Capt. Friend and (Sally (g.r.)). May 3, 1843, a. 2 y. Hannah, d. of Asahel S. and Patience, Oct. 21, 1843, ^- 4 7- Harriot, d. of W[illia]m Jr., Dec. 28, 1831, a. 15 y. Horace, s. of Capt. Friend and Sarah, June 29, 1839, a. 4 y. Irene, d. of Melzar, deceased, and Chloe, Aug. n, 1837, a. 29 y. Jason, s. of Lemuel and (Rhoda (g.r.)), Aug., 1824, in his 24th y. (Sept. 3, 1821, G.R.). Joel, s. of Melzar and Chloe, Apr. 29, 1798. John, Dec. 6, 1808, in his 60th y. Joseph, Feb. 8, 1810, (in his 73d y., g.r.). Lemuel, July 19, 1833, a. 54 y. Md. Consumption. Lucy, d. of Luther and Catharine, Oct. 10, 1822, a. 4 y. Lyman, s. of Lemuel and , Oct. 5, 1844, a. 27 y., (25, dup.) Mary, w. of Archippus, Mar. 11, 1816, in her 57th y. Mary, d. of Ziba and Mary, Apr. 10, 1832. Melzar, s. of Joseph 3rd, Jan. 10, 1812. l62 SHARON DEATHS. Drake, Moses, s. of Nathan and Jane, Aug. ii, 1790. Nabby, w. of Jeremy, June 15, 1833, in her 33d y. Polly, w. of Tisdale, Feb. 18, 1826, a. 28 y. Rebecca, w. of George (Joseph (g.r.)), June 5 (6, g.r.), 1815, in her 38th y. Rhoda, d. of Rhoda and Lemuel, Sept. 11, 1820, a. 2 y. 4 m. G.R. Rhoda, w. of Lemuel, June 18, 1824, a. 45 y. (1821, a. 46 y. G.R.). Rhoda, w. of Nathaniel, Jan. (20 g.r.), 1832, (a. 55 y. g.r.). Ruth, wid. of Joseph, Feb. 8 (10, g.r.), 1814, (in her 75th y., G.R.). Sally, d. of William and Merida, Aug. 6, 1841, a. 16 y. Sarah, w. of Cap. Friend, July 15, 1834, in her 26th y. Susan, d. of William and Merede, Nov. 30, 1839, a. 21 y, W , bet. 1741 and 1747. p.R.i. William, s. of William and Merede, Feb. 21, 1836, in his 15th y. William, Aug. 29, 1842, a. 53 y. DUNAKIN, , d. of John and Rebecca, June 20, 1847, a. 9 m. DUNBAR, Mrs. , mother of Amasa, Aug. 23, 1838, a. 95 y. , ch. of Seth, Dec. 23, 1843, ^- 4 Y- Theopholus (Theophilus (g.r.)) C, s. of Amasa and , Sept. 6, 1847. At Trenton, N.J., a. 21 y. EASTY (see Estey, Estie, Esty), , ch. of Jer., Dec. 15, 1823. C.R.I. EATON, , ch. of Mr. , bur. Apr. 19, 1788. p.r.i. ELLIS, Caroline E., d. of Warren and Sarah, Dec. 22, 1845, ^-5 7- 6 m. G.R. Edward, Feb. 21, 1842, a. 84 y. (83, g.r.). Mary Frances, d. of Warren and Sarah, May 16, 1836, a. 13 m. 23 d. G.R. Sena, w. of Warren, July 3, 183 1, a. 34 y. ELLSWORTH, Roxanna, Dec. 18, 1836. g.r. ESTEY (see Easty, Estie, Esty), , ch. of Jer., Nov. — , 1827. C.R.I. Aaron, Aug. 30, 1774. Adeline, d. of Lieut. Samuel, deceased, and Elizabeth, June 12, 1840, in her 26th y. Benjamin, Dea., June 9, 1781. SHARON DEATHS. 1 63 EsTEY, Eben[eze]r, bur. Apr. 19, 1778. p.r.i. Eliza, d. of Samuel and Elizabeth, Dec. i, 1799 (a. 3 m., g.r.). Elizabeth, d. of Lieut. Samuel, deceased, and Elizabeth, Aug. 18, 1834, a. 29 y. Emmeline, d. of (Lieut, g.r.) Samuel and Elezabeth, Sept. 21, 181 1, in her 3rd y. Frederic A. (Augustus, c.r.2.), s. of Elijah and Harriet E., Sept. 21, 1849, a. I y. 5 m. 8 d. Dysentery. George, May 21, 1834, in his 34th y. Hannah, wid. of (Lemuel (g.r.)), Jan. 14, 1848, a. 80 v. (81. c R 2 ^ Old Age. '' Jacob, Lieut., May 29, 1790, in his 59th y. Jer[emia]h Edward (Edward Jeremiah, g.r.), s. of Jeremiah and Mary Frances, Jan. 29, 1848, a. 3 m. Scrofula. John (Esty (g.r.)), Nov. 28, 1811, (Nov. 27, 1811, in his 78th y., G.R.). Lemuel, s. of Lemuel and Hannah, May 16, 1799, a. 16 m. Lemuel (3rd., g.r.), s. of Lemuel and Hannah, Nov. 9, 1802, a. 16 d. (18 d., G.R.) Lemuel, Nov. 10, 1834, a. 73 y. Mary, d. of Ebenezer and Martha, Apr. 13, 1769, in her 23rd y. G.R. Mary, wid. of Jacob, Oct. 22, 1810, a. 80 y. Oliver, s. of Lieut. Samuel, deceased, and Elizabeth, Dec. 8 (9, G.R.), 1834, in his 32d y. Rebecca, wid. of , Feb. 13, 1780. Samuel, Dec. 23, 1779 (abt. six weeks after his wife, p.r.i.). Samuel, s. of Lieut. Samuel and Elizabeth, Sept. 18, 1822, a. 24 y. (d. in Prov., c.r.i.) Samuel, Lieut., (Esty (g.r.)), Feb. 25, 1826, in his 60th y. Thomas, s. of Samuel and Elizabeth, Apr. 2, 1816, a. 4 y. William, s. of George, deceased, and Elizabeth, Apr. 18, 1836, a. 3 y- ESTIE (see Easty, Estey, Esty), Mehetable, w. of Jacob, June 16, 1770. ESTY (see Easty, Estey, Estie), Mrs. , May i, 1750. P.R.I. ', widow, bur. Apr. 18, 1752. p.r.i. , ch. of Peletiah, bur. Feb. 19, 1755. p.r.i. , d. of John, drowned, Sept. 6, 1782. p.r.i. ■, ch. of Lem[uel], bur. Nov. — , 1796. p.r.i. Benj[ami]n, Mar. 20, 1750. p.r.i. Ebenezer, Apr. 10, 1769, in his 64th y. g.r 1 64 SHARON DEATHS. EsTY, Ebenezer, s. of Job, Mar. 23, 1786, a. i y. p.R.i. Elisabeth, bur. May 19, 1764. p.r.i. Eliza, Sept. 16, 1799, a. 3 m. g.r. Elizabeth, w. of Lieut. Samuel, Sept. 11, 1846, a. 74 y. g.r. Elizabeth B., w. of George, Aug. 28, 1847, at Dorchester, a. 46 y. G.R. Hannah, , 1778. p.R.i. Jacob, Apr. — , 1777. p.R.i. Jacob, Lieut., May 29, 1796, in his 59th y. g.r. Lizer, d. of Ebenezer and Martha, Apr. 17, 1799, in her 23rd y. g.r. Martha, w. of Ebenezer, Nov. 17, 1764, in her 48th y. g.r. Meredith, w. of Aaron, July 11, 1772, in her 26th y. g.r. Patience, bur. July 29, 1778. p.r.i. Ruth, d. of Job, Mar. 22, 1786, a. 2 y. p.r.i. EVERET (see Everett), , ch. of Edward, bur. Jan. — , 1782. p.r.i. . , ch. of Dea., bur. July — , 1794. p.R-i- Edward , [1806 ?]. Hannah (Everett (g.r.)), wid. of , Jan. 21, 1786, in her 79th y. Jason, s. of John and Mary, June 10, 1773. Joseph (Everett (g.r.)), Feb. 16, 1774 (Feb. 17, 1774, in his 71st y., G.R.). Joseph, s. of Oliver and Susannah, May 18, 1794, in his 4th y. G.R. Mary, w. of John, June 18, 1773. Mary, w. of Edward, Apr. 24, 1781. EVERETT (sse Everet), , w. of Metcalf, Apr. 14, 1837. Betsey, July 26, 1817. Elizabeth, w. of Benjamin, Feb. 8, 1774, in her 29th y. g.r. James, Nov. 11, 1815, in his 40th y. G.R. Oliver, Dea., July 28, 1827, a. 78 y. (77, g.r.) Susanna (Susannah (g.r.)), wid. of Dea. Oliver, Sept. 10, 1842, at Stoughton, a. 91 y. FAIRBANKS (see Farebanks), Benjamin Jr., Nov. 6 (26, g.r.), 1806 (a. 41 y., G.R.). Benjamin, Dea., Aug. 23 (24, g.r.), 1825, a. 35 y. George, Jan. 8, 1830 (a. 24 y., c.r.i.). Hannah, w. of Dea. Benjamin, Aug. 15, 1824, a. 29 y. g.r. Hannah, d. of Dea. Benjamin, deceased, and (Hannah, g.r.) — , 1836. (Nov. 8, 1836, a. 19 y., g.r.) SHARON DEATHS. 1 65 Fairbanks, Jeremiah, Mar. 31, 1803, ^- 3^ y. g.r. Sophia, wid. of Benjamin Jr., Jan. i, 1815. (a. 54 y., g.r.) FALES, Betsey, d. of Jonathan, Aug. 27, 1827, a. 20 y. Elizabeth, w. of Danforth, Oct. 5, 1844, a. 60 y., b. m Canton. Paralysis. Jonathan, Mar. 8, 1829, a. 76 y. FAREBANKS (see Fairbanks), ch. of Mr. , Oct. 26, 1778. P.R.I. FELCH, Mr. , bur. May — , 1790. p.r.i. Ebenezer, Mar. 20, 1790. Jese, s. of Isaac and Rachel, July 9, 1792. Mary, w. of Ebenezer, June 26, 1786, a. 78 y. FIELD, James, bur. Sept. 15, 1761. p.r.i. FISHER, , ch. of D , Mar. 11, 1775. p.r.i. , s. of Mr. , bur. , 1777. p.r.i. , ch. of , bur. May 12, 1790. p.r.i. Abigail, w. of Lieut. David, Jan. 30, 1813, in her 75th y. g.r. David, Lieut., Aug. 16, 1821, in his 80th y. g.r. Ebenezer, Apr. 16, 1816, a. 50 y. Elizabeth, w. of Jacob, May 31, 1773. Elizabeth, wid. of Jacob, May 30, 1825, a. 83 y. Hannah, d. of Jacob and Mary, Oct. 19, 1849, ^- 5^ y- Typhus Fever. Jacob, May 31, 1811. Jacob, Sept. 8, 1842, a. 66 y. Mary, wid. of Jacob, Dec. 8, 1848, a. 71 y. Consumption. Sarah, w. of Jacob, Nov. 20, 1792, in her 38th y. FLING, Mrs. , mother of Benj[ami]n Johnson's wife, July i, 1837, a. 90 y. Christopher, Jan. 27, 1828, a. 59 y. c.r.i. FREEMAN, James Brown, s. of Lewis and Nancy, Aug. 8, 1834, " a. 5 w. FRENCH, , w. of James, Sept. i, 181 7. c.r.i. Abigail, d. of Edward and Judith, Aug. 19, 1814, a. 20 y. Anna, d. of James, deceased, and Anna, May 18, 1819, in her 3rd y. Edward Jr., Dec. 20, 181 1, in his 26th y. g.r. Edward, Aug. 26, 1845, ^- 84 y. Pensioner. Old x\ge. Hannah, d. of Edward, Feb. 4, 1822, a. 30 y. (31 y. c.r.i.) Jacob, Feb. 2, 1788. 1 66 SHARON DEATHS. French, James, (May 7, c.r.i.), 1818. Phinehas, Aug. 17, 1819. c.r.i. FULLER, Daniel, s. of Lemuel and Ruth, Aug. 24, 1773. Ebenezer, Dea., Apr. 17, 1837, a. 68 y. Esther, w. of Ebenezer, Mar. 30, 1799, in her 28th y. g.r. Eunice, d. of Barzillai and Betsey, Sept. 14, 1808, in her 7th y. G.R. Hannah, w. of Dea. Jeremiah, July 11, 1745, in her 43rd y. g.r. Hannah, wid. of Lemuel, Sept. 5 (6, G.R.), 1835, a. 91 y. Hannah, d. of Samuel G., July 22, 1836, a. 15 y. Jarvis, s. of Barzillai and Betsey, Nov. — , 1795, a. 6 m. G.R. Jeremiah, Dea., May 13, 1772 [in his 76th y., g.r.]. Lemuel, Sept. 5, 1815, a. 71 y. g.r. Peggy, w. of Samuel Guild, May 13, 1844, a. 53 y. i m. 9 d. Consumption. Ruth, w. of Lemuel, Apr. 21 (22, g.r.), 1775 (in her 29th y., g.r.). Ruth, Mrs., Mar. 26, 1826, in her 26th y. g.r. Seth, s. of Hannah and [Dea. Jeremiah], tet. 1741 and 1747. p.R.i. GANNETT, , ch. of Earl, Mar. 13, 1821. c.r.i. Abigal, w. of Joseph, Jan. 26, 1804, in her 43d y. Anna, wid. of Benjamin, Feb. 22, 1817, in her 77th y. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Mary, Feb. 13, 1757. Benjamin, June 29, 1813, in his 87th y. Benjamin, Jan. 9, 1837, in his 80th y. Bettee, d. of Benjamin and Mary, Jan. 28, 1772. Deborah, w. of Benjamin, Apr. 29, 1827, in her 68th y. Earl B. (Capt., g.r.), s. of Benjamin and Deborah, June 9, 1845, a. 59 y. 7 m. I d. Md. Hemorrhage. Jonathan, s. of Benjamin and Mary, Sept. 7, 1778, in his 17th y. G.R. Jonathan, s. of Joseph and Abigal, Dec. 17, 1803, in his 22d y. Mary, w. of Benjamin, Apr. 7, 1781 (in her 52d y., g.r.). Warren, s. of Benjamin and Mary, Sept. 10, 1778, in his 5th y. G.R. Warren, Nov. 14, 1807, in his 25th y. GAY, , ch. of Sol[omo]n, Feb. — , 1794. p.r.i. , ch. of Jason, Jan. 14, 1821. c.r.i. , ch. of Jason, May 2, 1822, a. i w. c.r.i. , wid. of Solomon, July 19, 1824. c.r.i. Aaron, Sept. 25, 1839, a. 63 y. Aaron, s. of Aaron and , June 29, 1845, a. 28 y. Con- sumption. SHARON DEATHS. 1 6/ Gay, Eunice, d. of Seth, deceased and Patience, Nov. 13, 1838, a. 12 y. (11 y., g.r.) Henry Harrison, s. of George W. and Eunice L., Aug. 6, 1843, a. 2 w. 2 d. Henry Lamertine, s. of George W. and Eunice L., Sept. 21, 1849, a. I y. Dysentery. Jason, s. of Solomon and Abigail, Mar. 4, 1845, 3- 74 X- (74 X* 6 m., G.R.). Md. Asthma. Lucy, wid. of Luther, Nov. 28, 1835, a. 56 y. Luther, Dec. 31, 1831, a. 55 y. Sarah, w. of Aaron, Feb. 14, 1836, a. 57 y. Seth, July 6, 1829, at Stockbridge, Vt., a. 44 y. g.r. Solomon, June 8, 1823, a. 82 y. Warren, s. of Seth and Eunice, June 23, 1847, a. 31 y. Inflam- mation of bowels. GIBBS, Mary B., wid. of John C. and d. of Zebulon and Rachel Holmes, May 6, 1849, '^- 47 Y- g.r. GILBERT, Mrs., bur. June 6, 1755. p.r.i. , ch. of Solomon, bur. Feb. i, 1758. p.r.i. , ch. of Sol[omon], bur. Dec. 15, 1761. p.r.i. , Mr., Apr. 5, 1763. p.r.i. , twin children of , bur. Mar. 30, 1772. , ch. of Sol[omon], bur. Oct. 11, 1783. p.r.i. , ch. of Solomon, bur. July 9, 1788. p.r.i. Lydia, d. of Solomon, May 12, 1761. p.r.i. Massah, bur. June 29, 1755. p.r.i. Miram (Myron (g.r.)), s. of Judson and Polly, Aug. 31 (30, G.R, and C.R.), 1827, a. 19 y. Samuel Harris, Dec. 23, 1813 (Dec. 22, 1812, g.r.), a. 37 y. Solomon, , 1798. p.r.i. GLOVER, Abigail, w. of Thomas, Nov. 8, 1844, a. 67 y. Typhus fever. Davis, Aug. 12, 1848, a. 26 y. g.r. Elijah, s. of Thomas, Apr. 3, 1838, a. 41 y. Elmira M., Jan. 20, 1776, a. 11 y. 8 m. 27 d. g.r. Eunice, w. of Thomas, Jan. i, 1806, a. 42 y. g.r. Eunice, Miss, Mar. 15, 1848, a. 63 y. g.r. James, s. of Thomas and Abigail, May 2 (3, g.r.), 1830, a. 15 y. Maria, w. of Elijah, Feb. 9, 1834, in her 31st y. Polly, d. of Thomas and Eunice, Feb. 12, 1827, a. 32 y. (31, G.R.). Sukey, d. of Thomas, Feb. 23, 1823, a. 32 y. (29 y., c.R.i.). Thomas, widower, July 10, 1845, ^- ^7 y- Old Age. 1 68 SHARON DEATHS. GOULD, , w. of Simon, May 7, 1818. c.r.i. Chester, s. of Ezra, deceased (and Louis (g.r.)), Dec. 7, 1823, a. 29 y. Elizabeth, wid. of Nath[anie]l Esq., deceased, Feb. i, 1837, a. 70 y. Ezra, s. of Ezra and Lois, Apr. i, 1787. (a. 5 y., g.r.) Ezra, s. of Ezra and Lois (Louis (g.r.)), Mar. 14 (Mar. 15, g.r.), 1796 (a. 5 y., G.R.). Ezra, Oct. 13, 1819, a. 64 y. g.r. Jeremiah, Lieut., Apr. 16, 1779 (in his 71st y., g.r.). Keziah (Kezia (g.r.)), wid. (Jeremiah (g.r.)), Feb. 5, 1804 (in her 8ist y., G.R. Lois, Mrs. (Louis (g.r.)), (wid., c.r.i.), Apr. 15, 1824 (a. 78 y., g.r.) Lois, w. of Ezra, June 26, 1837, a. 79 y. g.r. Lucy, d. of Ezra and Lois (Louis (g.r.)). May 5 (May 8, g.r.), 1799 (a. 9 d., G.R.). Luke, Sept. 2, 1818, a. ^t, y. g.r. Nancy, wid. of Simon, Mar. 22, 1832, in her 64th y. Nathaniel Esq., Feb. 11, 1832, a. 66 y. Simon, Jan. 4, 1823, a. 58 y. Simon, May 3, 1833, a. 40 y. Soloman, , i775- p-R-I- Willard, Nov. 10, 1834, in his 43rd y. Zipporah, Mrs., Jan. 27, 1843, ^- §4 Y- GRAHL, Emeline (Abby Emeline, d. of Henry and Jane of Boston, G.R.), Jan. 10, 1847, a. 15 y. Typhus fever. Jane, wid. (of Henry (g.r.)). May 27, 1849, a. 51 y. (49 Y-, G.R.), b. in England. Consumption. GROVER, Eunice, w. of Zina, May 6, 1802, in her 23rd y. g.r. GUILD, , two ch. of Moses, bur. beginning of Feb., 1771. P.R.I. Anna, w. of Nathaniel (formerly w. of Benjamin Rhoads, G.R.). Nov. 28, 1797 (in her 75th y., g.r.). GURFY, Mary, June — , 1828, a. 32 y., b. Ireland, c.r.i. HAMMOND, Polly, Oct. 27, 1830. Ruth, wid. of Benjamin, Jan. 18, 1832, a. 92 y. HANCOCK (Lieut., g.r.), Nathan, April 15, 1819, in his 70th y. Susanna, wid. of Nathan, Dec. 23, 1833 (in her 77th y., g.r.). HARLOW, , ch. of Mr. , bur. Mar. 9, 1762. p.r.i. , d. of Mat., Feb. 19, 1786, a. 5 y. p.r.i. SHARON DEATHS. 1 69 Harlow, , ch. of Matthew, bur. Feb. 5, 1793. p.r.i. Abigal, w. of Benjamin, Apr. 3, 1752, in her 24th y. g.r. Asa, Nov. 23, 1794 (in his 41st y., G.R.). Asa, s. of Asa and Elezabeth, Mar. 6, 1797 (in his i6th y., g.r.), (s. of widow Harlow, p.r.i.). Benjamin, Apr. 13, 1825, in his 66th y. g.r. Betsey, d. of Otis and Betsey, Oct. 15 (16, g.r.), 1811, (a. 14 m., G.R.). Bety, d. of Asa and Ehzabeth, Nov. 19, 1794, (in her 9th y., g.r.). Daniel, s. of Asa and Elizabeth, Dec, 12, 1794 (in his 4th y. g.r.). Jeremiah, s. of Asa and Elizabeth, Apr. 20, 1796, (in his 3rd y. G.R.). (Lydia (g.r.)), wid. of Matthew H., Apr. 7, 1829, a. 79 y. Mary, w. of Ebenezer, Ajjr. 20, 1842, a. 77 y. Mathew H., (Oct. 22, 1809, in his 60th y. g.r.). Nathan, Jan. 26, 1840. Otis, Mar. 2, 1816, in his 32d y. Otis Tolman, s. of Otis and Betsy, Sept. 19, 1810 (Aug. 19, g.r.), in his 2d y. (9 m., g.r.). Rhoda, d. of Ebenezer and Mary, June 3, 1803, a. i y. 20 d. G.R. Ruth, w. of Benjamin, Feb. 7, 1792. Ruth, d. of Asa and Elizabeth, Apr. 15, 1796, (in her 8th y. g.r.). HA WES (see Haws, Hawse), Ehjah, Oct. 8, 1769, in his 36th y. G.R. Elijah, s. of Elijah and Abigail, Nov. 9, 1769, in his 7th y. g.r. Joseph, s. of Stephen and Sarah, May 5, 1794, in his 29th y. g.r. Sarah, June 4, 1782, in her 68th y. g.r. Silence, d. of Elijah and Abigail, Jan. 7, 1770, in her 5th m., g.r. (wid. Hawse, p.r.i.). HAWS (see Hawes, Hawse), widow, May 16, 1756. p.r.i. HAWSE (see Hawes, Haws), Elizabeth, w. of Benja[min], Feb. 8, 1774. Joseph, May 5, 1774. Stephen, Apr. 26, 1774 (in his 67th y., g.r.). HEWINS, , ch. of Jacob, , 1775. p.r.i. , Dn., bur. Dec. 23, 1781. p.r.i. , ch. of Elkanah, July 2, 1819. c.R.i. , ch. of Leavitt and Julia Ann, Apr. 23, 1836, a. i d. Abigail, w. of Dea. Jacob, June 26 (27 g.r.), 1781, (in her 41st y. G.R.). Amasa, Lieut., Jan. 10, 1812, in his 46th y. g.r. I/O SHASON DEATHS. Hewins, Ann, Nov. 5, 1849. Anna, wid. of Benj[ami]n, Nov. 29, 1828, in her 78th y. Anna, w. of Ebenezer, May 28, 183 1, in her 55th y. (Mar., G.R.). Anna, Mrs., Nov. 19, 1832, a. ;^^ y. g.r. Benja[min], Aug. 15, 1792, in his 66th y. Benjamin, Nov. 18, 1826, in his 80th y. Betsey, w. of Dea. Leavitt, June 2, 1819, in her 37th y. g.r. Catherine, w. of (Joseph (g.r.)), Sept. 30, 1771, (a. 67 y. g.r.). Clifford, July 31, 1819, a. 45 y. g.r. Damaris, w. of Jacob, Aug. 12, 1773, (a. 54 y., g.r.). Damaris, d. of Dea. Jacob and Damaris, Dec. 28, 1777, in her 29th y. G.R. David, Mar. (19, g.r.), 1816, a. 47 y. (48, g.r.), Ebenezer, July 22, 1751, in his 45th y. g.r. Ebenezer, Lieut., July 29, 1775, in his 45th y. G.R. Ebenezer (Lieut., g.r.). May 8, 1806, in his 75th y. Elijah, Dr., May 21, 1827, a. 80 y. Elijah, June 23, 1847, a. 31 y. g.r. Elijah Whiting, s. of Elijah Jr. and Olive, Nov. 14, 1811, in his 2d y. (a. 15 m. g.r.). Enoch, Lieut., Feb. 7, 1808, in his 54th y. g.r. Enoch, Lieut., Aug. 10, 1821, a. 80 y. Enoch, s. of Philip and Lucy, Oct. 18, 1822, a. 6 m. Enoch Esq., Sept. 15, 1835, ^- ^^ Y- Esther, wid. of Lieut. Amasa, Apr. 23, 1822, (in her 54th y. G.R.). Eunice, wid. of Clifford, July 8, 1840, a. 70 y. (69 y. g.r.). Ezra, s. of Benjamin and Anna (drowned, g.r.), July 2, 1804, (in his 17th y., G.R.). George, s. of Otis, Dec. 2, 1843, ^- 20 m. Hannah, d. of Dea. Joseph and , Mar. 4, 1758, in her 55th y. G.R. Hannah, w. of Jacob Jr., Feb. 5, 1803. Hannah, w. of David, Mar. 27, 1815, a. 44 y. g.r. Hannah, w. of Benjamin, (formerly w. of Samuel Monk, G.R.), Dec. 6, 1838, a. 65 y. (65 y. 3 m. i d., g.r.). Howard, s. of Philip, deceased, and Lucy, Jan. 22, 1828, a. 13 y. Increase, Capt., Sept. 26, 1822, a. 53 y. Irena, w. of Dr. Elijah, June 17, 1815, in her 63rd y. g.r. Jacob, Dea., July 20, 1803 (in his 75th y. g.r.). James, s. of Joseph Jr. and Anna, Dec. 22, 1781, in his 4th y. John, June 21, 1807. Joseph, Elder, Feb. 24, 1755, in his 87th y. g.r. SHARON DEATHS. I/I Hewins, Joseph, s. of Dea. Jacob and Damans, Apr. 15, 1784 (1783, in his 2ist y., g.r.) (1784. p.r.i.) Joseph Esq. [Dea., p.r.i.], Jan. 22, 1786, in his 85th y. Joseph Esq., Dec. 15, 1813, a. 68 y. Judith, wid. of Lieut. Ebenezer, May i, 1755, in her 45th y. g.r. Lemuel F., Oct. 20, 1844, a. 23^ y. g.r. Lois, w. of Dr. Elijah, June 24, 1795, in her 51st y. Lois, d. of Dr. Elijah, deceased, and Lois, Dec. 9, 1837, in her 64th y. Lorenzo, s. of Benj[ami]n Jr. and Sarah Ann, July 22, 1842, a. 3 y. (3 y. 3 m. 26 d., g.r.). (Lucy Belcher (g.r.)), d. of Aaron and Mary Ann, Feb. 16 (17, G.R.), 1843, a. 3 y. (2 y. 5 m. 21 d., g.r.). Lucy, d. of Joseph and Anna, Feb. 14, 1791, in her nth y, Lucy, d. of Jacob and Hannah, Oct. 31, 1816, in her 24th y. Lucy, d. of Ebenezer and Anna, Mar. 29, 1831, in her 28th y. Lucy, w. of Leavitt Jr., Oct. 16, 183 1, a. 28 y. Marcy, w. of Lieut. Ebenezer, Sept. 12, 1820, a 81 y. g.r. Mary, d. of Samuel and Sarah, June 22, 1765, a. 7 y. g.r. Mary Ann, d. of Aaron and Mary Ann, Sept. 27, 1846, a. 2 y. 4 m. 28 d. g.r. Mary B., d. of Aaron and Mary Ann, Sept. 28, 1846, a. 2 y. 5 m. Dropsy on brain. Mehitable, w. of Joseph, Sept, 14, 1733, a. 63 y. g.r. Molly, wid. of , Feb. 17, 1824, a. 84 y. c.r.i. Philip, Sept. 20, 1827, a. 51 y. Rebeckah, d. of William and Ruth, May 31, 1790, in her 22d y. Ruth, w. of Dea. Jacob, June 16 (17, g.r.), 1787, (in her 47th y.,G.R.). Ruth, w. of William and late w. of Benj. Hammond, Jan. 18, 1832, a. 92 y. 5 m. g.r. Sam[ue]l, Dr., bur. Apr. 18, 1794. p.r.i. Samuel, Nov. 26, 1834, in his 66th y. Sarah, w. of Benjamin, July 13, 1775, in her 50th y. Sarah, w. of (Lieut., g.r.) Enoch, Feb. 15, 1803, (in her 54th y. G.R.). Sarah, Miss, Aug. 13, 1820, a. 49 y. Sarah, wid. of Dr. Samuel, Apr. 15, 1838, in her 94th y. Sebel, d. of Enoch and Sarah, Apr. 4, 1784. Warren (Warren H., g.r.), s. of Leavitt Jr. and Lucy, deceased, Apr. 15, 1832, a. I y. (i y. 5 d. g.r.). William, Mar. 4, 1802 (a. 67 y., g.r.). William Augustian, s. of Elkanah and Hannah, Oct. 27, 1817. 172 SHARON DEATHS. HENSHAW, Sela, d. of Ebenezer, Nov. — , 1833, a. 18 y. HILL, Mrs. , July 28, 1780. p.r.i. , Dn., bur. June 3, 1792. p.r.i. HIXON (see Hixson), Frances Maria, d. of Samuel D. and Fanny, Mar. 2, 1841, a. 18 y. (16 y., G.R.). HIXSON (see Hixon), , w. of Sam[ue]l, bur. Sept. 15, 1770. P.R.I. , ch. of Lieut. , bur. Sept. 17, 1778. p.r.i. Augustus (Hixson (g.r.)), s. of (Capt., g.r.), Richard and Hannah, Aug. 18, 1845, a. 26 y. 7 m. Consumption. Elizabeth, Jan. i, 1807, in her 77th y. Hannah, wid. of Jacob, May 19, 1840, a. 83 y. John, Ensign, May 13, 1751, in his 6ist y. g.r. Lemuel, Sept. 5, 1776, a. 20 m. g.r. . Mehitable, w. of John, May 17, 1743, in her 50th y, g.r. Richard, Lieut., Feb. 18, 1776. Richard, Lieut., Sept. 6, 1778, in his 49th y. g.r. Sally (Sarah W., g.r.), d. of Capt. Richard and Hannah, Oct. 7, 1821, a. 5 y. (5 y. 9 m., g.r.) Sarah, wid. of (Ensign John, g.r.), Nov. 4, 1769, (a. 84 y., g.r.). HOBBS, Hannah, w. of Matthew, Oct. 25, 1733, in her 40th y. G.R. Hannah, wid. of , Sept. 3, 1784. Matthew, Jan. 12, 1762, in his 7 2d y. g.r. HODGES, Mr. , , 1798. p.r.i. , ch. of Sarah, Sept. — , 1820. c.r.i. , s. of B., a. I y., Oct. 17, 1822. c.r.i. , ch. of Sewall, Dec. — , 1831, (a. 5 y., c.r.i.). Abigail, d. of Daniel and Nabby, Mar. 20, 1830, in her 25th y. Benjamin, ]5>Iay 8, 1814, in his 68th y. Daniel, Nov. 3, 1849, a. 74 y. Old Age. Hannah, w, of Benj[ami]n, Jan. 19, 1838, a. 50 y. Miriam, wid. of Benj[ami]n, Dec. 31, 1825, a. 71 y. Nabby, w. of Daniel, Aug. 12, 1842, a. 63 y. Sally, w. of Sewall, May i, 1816, a. 39 y. Sewall, Oct. 22, 1849, a. 76 y. Killed by cars. HOLLAND, widow , Apr. 10, 1780. p.r.i, , inf. ch. of Stephen, bur. Apr. 29, 1754. p.R.i. Stephen, bur. Apr. 30, 1767, p.r.i. SHARON DEATHS. 1/3 HOLMS (see Holmes) , w. of Lieut. , bur. May 22, 1756. P.R.I. , ch. of Zebulon, bur. May 9, 1764. p.r.i. , ch. cf Sam[uel], bur. Apr. 29, 1769. p.r.i. , ch. of Sam[ue]l, bur. Feb. 12, 1772, p.r.i. d. of John, bur. , 1773. p.r.i. , w. of John, bur. , 1775. p.r.i. HOLMES (see Holms), , ch. of John, bur. Apr. — , 1777. p.r.i. , d. of Sam[uel] Jr., a. ^ y., Oct. 19, 1786. p.r.i. , infant of Enoch and Susanna, June 29, 1822, (a. 5 h., C.R.I.). , inf. ch. of Dea. Charles and Clarissa, Aug. 31, 1833, ^' 9 d. Amos, s. of Samuel and Hannah, Dec. 14, 1819, a. 23 y. g.r. Amos, s. of Enoch and Susanna, Oct. 14, 1822, a. 3 y. Ann, wid. of , Nov. 5, 1849, a. 71 y., b. at Stoughton. Benjamin, June i, 1842, a. 72 y. Charles, Dea., Dec. 19, 1843, 3- 37 Y- Clarissa, w. of Dea. Charles, Sept. 23, 1833, ^- 26 y. Cynthia,M. of Ebenezer and Jemima, May 12, 1815, a. 38 y. Ebenezer, June 24, 1800, a. 67 y. Elijah, s. of Enoch and Susanna, Sept. 3, 182 1, a. 7 w. Elizabeth, Oct. 29, 1790. Elvira J., d. of Jacob and Ann, Aug. 13, 1839, a. 16 m. g.r. Fanny, d. of Zebulon and Rachel, Oct. 24, 1822, a. 17 y. Hannah (Hannah Morse, g.r.), wid. of Samuel, Dec. 20, 1843, ^• 79 y- Issachar, s. of John and Mehetabel, Dec. 2, 1773. Jemima, wid. of Ebenezer, Feb. 6, 1816. John, Feb. 12, 1802. Lucy, d. of Jacob and Catherine, Oct. 16, 1839, in her i6th y. g.r. Luther, Feb. 15, 1821, in his 49th y. Martha, w. of Benjamin, June 14, 1799, aged 25 y. Mehetabel, d. of John and Mehetabel, July 17, 1773. Nabby E. (Ellis (g.r.)), d. of Lieut. W[illia]m and Sibel, Feb. 17, 1830, in her 47th y. Nancy, d. of Sam[ue]l, deceased, and Hannah, Feb. 4, (24, g.r.), 1837, a. 42 y. Nathan Jr., , 1836. Oliver, July 5, 1811. Samuel, Feb. 5, 1803. Samuel, Dec. 28, 1825, a. 62 y. 174 SHARON DEATHS. Holmes, Samuel, s. of Samuel, deceased, and Hannah, Aug. 5 (Aug. 4, G.R.), 1826, in his 25th y. Sarah, wid. of Benj[ami]n, Sept. 18, 1846, a. 74 y. Consumption. Sibel (Sibbel (g.r.)), wid. of Lt. Wiilliajm, Apr. 20, 1839, a. 84 y. William, Lieut., Aug. 8, 1801, (in his 48th y., g.r.). William, s. of Zebulon, deceased, and Rachel, Feb. 27, 1826, a. 17 y. Zebulon, Dec. 31, 1825, a. 67 y. (66, g.r.). HORTON, Polly 2d, w. of Samuel H., Apr. 14, 1834, a. 48 y. g.r. HOUSE, Abner, May 11, 1842, a. 58 y. g.r. Abner M., s. of Abner and Sophia, Oct. 28, 1828, a. 14 y. g.r. Emily S., d. of Abner and Sophia, Nov. 10, 1827, a. 7 y. g.r. Joseph L., s. of Abner and Sophia, Feb. 29, 1827. (Maria C, d. of Abner and Sophia, g.r.), Aug. 17, 1845, ^- 5 7* (10, G.R.), b. in Boston. Typhus Fever. Rebekah, w, of , Nov. 18, 1837, a. 77 y. g.r. Sarah B., d. of Abner and Sophia, Mar. 30, 1833. Sophia E., d. of Abner and Sophia, Oct. 3, 1819, a. 18 m. g.r. Sophia L., w. of Abner, July 30, 1849, ^- ^i y. g.r. Walter W., s. of Abner and Sophia, Oct. 30, 1825, a. 2 y. g.r. HOWARD, , ch. of , Sept. 28, 1775. p.r.i. , ch. of George, Feb. — , 1818. c.r.i. Priscilla, w. of Joshua of Bridg[e]vvater, Nov. 21, 1778, in her 29th y. G.R. Silence, d. of Joshua and Priscilla, Mar. 7, 1798, in her 19th y. g.r. HUBBARD, Miss Bethiah, July 2, 1822, a. 80 y. HUNT, Charles W., Oct. 4, 1842, a. 18 m. g.r. Elizabeth G., w. of John, Aug. 8, 1845, i" Roxbury, a. 38 y. g.r. Nabby W., w. of John, Sept. 14, 1829, in Charlestown, a. 26 y. G.R. IDE, , inf. ch. of Capt. Charles and Mary, Oct. 18, 1825, a. 18 d. Hellen Augusta, d. of Capt. Charles and Mary, Nov. 17, 1833, in her 4th y. Mary, wid. of Benj[ami]n, July 12, 1829, a. 70 y. (69, g.r.) (71, C.R.I.) Sophia Fairbanks, w. of Benjamin, Sept. 14, 1800. g.r. INGRAHAM, , ch. of Joseph, bur. May 21, 1759. p.r.i. , Mrs., bur. July 25, 1760. p.r.i. , s. of Jo., Jan. 24, 1786, a. 8 m. p.r.i. SHARON DEATHS. I 75 JOHNSON, , s. of Josh[u]a, bur. Mar. 17, 1751. p.r.i, , widow of , bur. Oct. — , 1776. p.r.i. , Mrs., Mar. 31, 1786, a. 80 y. p.r.i. , ch. of Benj[ami]n, bur. Apr. 2, 1796. p.r.i. , ch. of Joshua, , 1798. p.r.i. , s. of Josiah and Eleanor, July 23, 1805, a. i m. g.r. , ch. of Jacob, July 30, 1819. c.r.i. Alfred, s. of Ebenezer and Mary, Aug. 14, 1839, a. 2 m. 8 d. G.R. Andrew, s. of Jesse and Amy, Feb. 14, 1842, a. 9 y. (9 y. 8 m. 16 d., G.R.). Ann Maria, d. of Lucas and Maria, Dec. 31, 1838, in her 4th y., (3 y. 2 m., G.R.). Anna, d. of Joshua and Hannah, June 26, 1801, a. 8 y. G.R. Avilda Theresa, Aug. 30, 1842, a. 22 y. Basheba, d. of Olive and Rachel, Sept. i, 1817, a. 4 y. Dysentery. Benjamin, Capt., Mar. 30, 1760, in his 63rd y. g.r. Benjamin, July 17, 1820, a. 62 y. c.r.i. Benjamin, Dec. 26, 1834, a. 79 y. Betsey, d. of Caleb and Elizabeth, July 5, 1783, a. 6 y. g.r. Caleb, Jan. 23, 1790, in his 67th y. Caleb, Dec. 29, 1829, a. 79 y. Charlotte, d. of Oliver and Rachel, Aug. 30, 1819, a. 3 y. 8 m. 27 d. Dysentery. Clarissa, wid. of Uriah, Mar. i, 1836, (a. 58 y., g.r.). Cynthia, d. of Obed and Lucy, Nov. 7, 1799, a. 7 m. g.r. Daniel, June 22, 1820. g.r. Ednah (Edner L., g.r.), d. of Nathan and Hannah W., Aug. 8, 1839, abt. 18 m. (i y. 10 m., g.r.). (Edner (g.r.)), d. of Nathan and Hannah, Sept. 12 (11, g.r.), 1830, (a. I y. 4 m., g.r.). Edner F. (Edner Frances, g.r.), w. of Addison H., July 5, 1849, a. 25 y., b. in Boston. Consumption of blood. Edner Hill, w. of Otis, Aug. 5, 1827. g.r. Edwin (Edwin H., g.r.), s. of Hobbs and Sally, Dec. 20, 1822, a. 3 m. Eleanor, Mrs., March 21, 1807, in her 29th y. g.r. Elizabeth, wad. of Caleb, Oct. 10, 1840, in her 87th y. Experience, w. of Josiah, May 26, 1828, a. 68 y. Frederick, s. of Ellis and Hannah, Oct. 30 (31, g.r.), 1828, a. 2 y. George Franklin, s. of Otis and Martha M., Apr. 12, 1839, a. 5 m. 14 d. Dysentery. George Howard, s. of Charles and Rebecca, Mar. 11, 1843, a. 2 y. George J., s. of Benjamin and (Olive (g.r.)), Oct. 21, 1842, a. 7 y. 1/6 SHARON DEATHS. JoHNSOisr, George Lucas, s. of Lucas and Maria, Sept. 8, 1849, a. I y. 4 m. Dysentery. George Newton (Geo. N. Waitt, g.r.), s. of Lucas and Maria, Sept. 12, 1840, a. 15 m. Hannah, w. of Isaac, Nov. 2, 1810, a. 80 y. g.r. Hannah, w. of Ellis, Oct. 31, 1830, 36 y. Hannah, wid. of Joshua, Aug. 16, 1839, a. 82 y. Henry S., s. of Ebenezer and Mary, July 24, 1833, a. 1 y. 9 m. 22 d. G.R. Hobbs, May 19, 1829, (in his 41st y., g.r.). Isaac, Oct. 24, 1791, in his 67th y. Isaac, Lieut., Oct. 24, 1833, in his 74th y, Jacob, April — , 1777, a. 43 y. g.r. Jacob, Jan. 27, 1838 (1839, G.R.), a. 72 y. (73 y., g.r.). Joel, Dec. 9, 1828, a. 38 y. Joshua, Aug. 8, 1789. Joshua, May 6, 1801, drowned in New York, a. 44 y. g.r. Josiah Francis, s. of Josiah Jr. and Olive, July 2, 1838, in his 4th y. (3 y. 9 m. 18 d., g.r.). Lemuel, Feb. 11, 1830. g.r. Lewis M., Mar. 6, 1842, a. 30 y. (29 y. 10 m., g.r.). Lois (Lois R., g.r.), w. of Albert, Mar. 13, 1837, (in her 31st y., G.R.). Lydia, w. of Jacob., July 10, 1828, a. 45 y. Mary M. Kent, w. of Otis, June 15, 1836. g.r. Matthew, s. of Isaac and Hannah, May 13, 1770, in his 3d m. Nathan, Sept. 18, 1849, ^- 54 Y- Dysentery. Nathaniel, s. of Benjamin and Charlotte, Mar. 30, 1796. Nelson, s. of Oliver and Rachel, Sept. 4, 1819, a. 11 m. 10 d. Dysentery. Noah, Mar. 13, 1802. Obed, s. of Obed and Lucy, Nov. 14, 1796, in his 12th y. g.r. Obed, Feb. 29, 1832, in his 70th y. Obed, s. of Obed and Lucy, Mar. 23, 1845, ^- 4^ y- Md. Scrofula. Olive (Olive H., g.r.), wid. of Lt. Isaac, Feb. 5, 1837, (in her _ 75th y., G.R.). Otis, s. of Caleb and Elizabeth, July 8, 1794, a. 2 y. g.r. Rebecca, Nov. 3, 1834. Sally, w. of Hobbs, Jan. 29 (30, g.r.), 1825, in her 30th y. Samuel, June 24, 1829, a. 42 y. Sarah, Apr. i, 1781. p.r.i. Sarah L.,d. of Otis and Mary M., June 21, 1836, a. i m. 27 d., b. in Boston. SHARON DEATHS. 1/7 Johnson, Uriah, Apr. 27, 1825, a. 50 y. Walter, s. of Uriah and Clarissa, July 21, 181 2, a. 10 m. 15 d. g.r. Warren, Jan. 28, 1827, in his 40th y. Willard, s. of Caleb and Elizabeth, Sept. 22, 1815, a. 21 y. g.r. Willard, s. of Uriah and Relief, Sept. 15, 1840, a. 8 y. Willard, s. of Uriah and Relief, Feb. 24, 1847, a. i y. 10 m. Whooping Cough. JONES, Elisha, s. of Ransel, deceased, and Rhoda, Sept. 10, 1825, a. 19 y. Ransel, Feb. 22, 1819, a. 51 y. 8 m. g.r, Ransel, Col., Nov. 21, 1827, a. 34 y. Sophia, May 29, 1819. c.R.i. JORDAN, , ch. of , bur. Oct. — , 1781. p.r.i. , wid. of , Feb. 21, 1824, a. 81 y. c.r.i. KEENE, Mary, Apr. 3, 1847, a. 30 y. KEITH, Mary, Dec. 29, 1791, in her 19th y. Unm. Consumption. KENT, J. Martin, Oct. 8, 1843, a. 26 y. g.r. KINGSBURY, Hannah, wid. of Nathaniel, May 4, 1817, a. 74 y. Nancy, Oct. 24, 1825. c.R.3. Nat., ch. of , bur. Mar. 7, 1774. p.r.i. , Mrs., bur. May — , 1790. p.r.i. Nathaniel, July 11, 1801. KNOX, Mrs. Elizabeth, May 13, 1790. KOLHOFF, John H., May 8, 1827. KOLLOCK, , twin child of , bur. Mar. 4, 1771. P.R.I. , ch. of Thomas, , 1797. P.R.i. Royall, s. of Thomas and Abigail, Sept. 2, 1796. LATHROP (see Lothrop), (Lothrop (g.r.)), Hitty, w. of Gil- bert, Dec. 28, 1810, in her 22d y. LAWRENCE, Chloe, wid. of David, Feb. 25, 1843, a. 79 y. David, Aug. 19, 1830, a. 72 y. Lois, w. of John J., Jan. i, 1835. LEONARD, , ch. of Jacob, Sept. 5, 1775. p.r.i. , twin ch. of Mehetable, bur. Oct. 2, 1780. p.r.i. , s. of Nath[anie]l and Hannah, Aug. 16, 1847, a. 7 d. 178 SHARON DEATHS. Leonard, Deborah, w. of Nehemiah, Aug. 27, 1826, a. 73 y. g.r. Edwin E., s. of Nehemiah and Fanny, Apr. 17, 1831, a. 9 m. g.r. F. Elvera, d. of George and Fanny, Nov. 4, 1844, a. 25 y. g.r. Fanny, w. of George, Apr. 29, 1826, a. 35 y. g.r. Hittee, d. of WoU, June 22, 1797. p.r.i. Joseph B., s. of Nehemiah and Fanny, Nov. 11, 1833, a. 5 y. g.r. Mehitable, d. of Ensign Nathaniel and Mary, late of Stoughton, Oct. I, 1780, in her 21st y. g.r. - Nathaniel, Capt., Nov. 17, 1843, a. 77 y. Nathaniel (of Taunton, g.r. 2), June 22, 1849, a. 53 y. 3 m. 23 d. G.R. Nehemiah, Nov. 2, 1842, a 88 y. Nehemiah E., s. of Nehemiah and Fanny, Apr. 8, 1818, a. 7 m. G.R. Solomon, bur. Oct. 20, 1749. p.r.i. Susanna, d. of (Capt., g.r.) Nathaniel and Susanna, May 30, 1800, (in her 2d y., g.r.). Susanna (Susanna S., g.r.), w. of Capt. Nathaniel, Jan. 14, 1839 (1838, G.R.),a. 71 y. (70 y., G.R.) Sybil A., d. of Nehemiah and Fanny, Sept. 10, 1828, a. 4 y. 4 m. G.R. Sybil M., d. of Nehemiah and Fanny, Nov. 21, 1823, a. 11 m. G.R. LEWIS, , ch. of Mr. , bur. Sept., 1778. p.r.i. , ch. of W , latter end of Sept. 1778. p.r.i. , w. of Job, , 1821, aged 70 y. Black, c.r.i. Job, , 1821, aged 76 y. Black, c.r.i. LOTHROP (see Lathrop), Bezer Cobb, s. of Oliver and Hannah, May 22, 1838, a. 17 y. Darius, Aug. 18, 1841, a. 64 y. Elizabeth, d. of Darius and Nancy, May 5, 1848, (1841, a. 31 y. G.R.). At Charlestown. Francis (Francis C, g.r.), s. of Oliver and (Hannah (g.r.)), Feb. 2, (3, G.R.), (2, C.R.), 1828, a. 19 y. Hannah, d. of Oliver and Hannah, Jan. 27,1823, a. 10 y. 6 m.25 d., G.R. Hannah, w: of Oliver, Apr. 30, 1829 (May i, G.R.), a. 45 y. Ohver, July 29, 1834, a. 54 y. LOVEL (see Lovell), Ebenezer, June 9, 1785. LOVELL (see Lovel), Samuel, May 3, 1802, in his 93rd y. MACKAY, Celia A., Sept. 13, 1836, a. 14 m. g.r. Mary A., Dec. 31, 1834, a. 4 m. g.r. Samuel P., June 20, 1826, a. 8 d. g.r. SHARON DEATHS. 179 MANDLY (see Manley, Manly), Salome, w. of David, Aug. 2, 1796. MANLEY (see Mandly, Manly), David, July 9, 1820, a, 39 y. g.r. MANLY (see Mandly, Manley), Sally, wid. of David, Oct. 21, 1829, a. 46 y. MANN, Caroline (Caroline E., g.r.), d. of George H. and Rhoda (Rhoda F., g.r.), Oct. 21, 1846, a. 19 y. Typhus Fever. George H., s. of Rufus and Sarah Allen, Oct. 24 (25, g.r.), 1847, a. 54 y. I m. 9 d. Consumption. MARSTON, Mrs. Polly, w. of Joseph, Mar. 26, 1820, a. 22 y. g.r. MAXFIELD, , ch. of , bur. May 9, 1790. p.r.i. McCURDY, Margaret Mehitable, d. of Robert and Rosannah, Apr. 4, 1845, a- 21 y., b. at New Boston, N.H. Consumption. McDonald, Alonzo (Alonzo C, G.R.), (Alonzo Chase, c.R.2), s. of James C. and Amelia E. (P. Eliza, g.r.), June 10, 1846, a. I y. 2 m. (14 m. 14 d., g.r.). Whooping Cough. (Charles V., g.r.), s. of James C. and Amelia E. (P. Eliza, g.r.), May 19 (18, G.R.), 1849, a. 2 d, Ellen Melissa, d. of James C. and Amelia E. (P. Eliza, g.r.), Sept. 13, 1849, a. 2 y. 7 m. (3 y. 6 m., g.r.). Dysentery. McINTOSH, Andrew, Sept. 6, 1840, in his 72d y. MEARS, Elisha, s. of John and Lucinda, Sept. — , 1848. Consumption. Lemuel Gardner, s. of John and Lucinda, Apr. i, 1835, a. i y. G.R. Lucinda, w. of John, Sept. 11, 1834 (12, in her 29th y., g.r.). MONK (Monks (g.r.)), Eunice, w. of Ziba, Mar. 27, 1849, a. 40 y. Consumption. (Frances. Caroline, g.r.), d. of Daniel and Hephsibah (Hephzibah, G.R.), Jan. 24, 1833, (a. i y. 3 m., g.r.). Samuel, Mar. 5, 1814, a. 30 y. 6 m. 2 d. g.r. MORRISON, , ch. of , Aug. 9, 1839, a. 2 y. Run over by cars. , d. of Thomas and Mary, Jan. 7, 1846, a. 3 d. Hemorrhage. MORSE, , ch. of Tim., bur. Dec. 4, 1758. p.r.i. , ch. of Josiah, bur. May 7, 1759. p.R.i. l80 SHARON DEATHS. Morse, , ch. of Jo., bur. Sept. 21, 1775. p.r.i. , ch. of Willard 2d, Feb. — , 1839. Ann, w. of Elijah, Sept. 30, 1801, in her 67th y. Anna, d. of Joseph and Sarah, Nov. 2 (3, g.r.), 1783 (a. 7 y. 10 m. 14 d., G.R.). David L., Oct. 29, 1842, a. 38 y. Deliverence, w. of Gilead, Oct. 8, 1785, in her 47th y. Ebenezer, s. of John and Mary, Jan. 21, 1741. Esrom, s. of Gilead and Deliverence, Sept. 23, 1792. Ezra, , 1806 or 1807. Frederic, s. of Jedediah, d. , a. i y., rec. Mar. 2, 1846. Cholera Infantum. Gilead, Jan. 11, 1809, in his 72d y. Gilead, s. of Gilead and Deliverence, June 6, 1809. Hannah, vvid. of Levi, Mar. 28, 1816, a. 69 y. Hannah, d. of Jacob and Rhoda, Sept. 4, 1825, in her 3rd y. Jacob J., s. of Samuel P. and Anna, Apr. 9, 1827, in his 3rd y. G.R. Javin, Mar. 30, 1813, in his 47th y. Jeremiah, s. of Levi and Hannah, Mar. 17, 1816, in his 48th y. (John H., G.R.), s. of John Jr. and (Esther (g.r.)), Aug. 9 (i, G.R.), 1839, a. 6 y. (6 y. 6 m. 14 d., g.r.) Joseph, Feb. 7 (i, g.r.), 1802. (a. 71 y; 16 d., g.r.) [Keziah, dup.], w. of Josiah, Mar. 27, 1766. Levi Jr., Mar. 9, 1816, a. 46 y. Levi, Mar. 12, 1816, in his 75th y. Lois, w. of Joseph, Sept. 17, 1815, in her 43rd y. g.r. Lucy, w. of (Capt., g.r.) John, Feb. 12, 1849, a. 83 y. Old Age. Luther, s. of Gilead and Deliverence, Aug. 9, 1777. Luther, Dec. 3, 1848, a. 79 y. (78 y., g.r. 2.) Mortification. Luther D., s. of David L. and Maria, June 17, 1839, a. 6 m. Mary, d. of John and Mary, Mar. 26, 1733. Mary, wid. of Gilead, Apr. 27, 1825, a. 82 y. (83, g.r.) Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel and Susanna, Dec. 2, 1762. Nathaniel Jr. (Lieut., g.r.), Jan. i, 1816, in his 46th y. Nathaniel, Capt., Oct. 17, 1822, a. 90 y. Rebecca, wid. of Lieut. Nathaniel, Jan. 23, 1828, a. 58 y. Richard, s. of Jacob and Rhoda, Sept. 15, 1821, a. 3 y. (5 m. 13 d., G.R.) Sarah, wid. of Joseph, Mar. 16, 1808, (in her 77th y., g.r.). Samuel A., s. of Samuel P. and Anna, Jan. 22, 1827, a. i d. G.R. Sidney Allen, s. of Jacob and Rhoda, Jan. 6, 1820, in his 9th y. Stillman P., Dec. 27, 1831, a. ;}^ y. Stilman Porter, s. of Stilman P. and Anna, Jan. 17, 1832, a 9 y. SHARON DEATHS. l8l % Morse, Susanna, w. of Capt. Nathaniel, Dec. 22, 1809, i^ her 82d y. G.R. Urbane, s. of Gilead and Deliverence, Oct. 3, 1790. MUNSLEY, Julia Ann (Munsey, Judeth, g.r.), Sept. 20, 1841, a 20 y. (19 y. I m. 3 d., g.r.) NICKERSON, , ch. of Nehemiah, , 1829. c.r.i. NOISE (see Noyce), Mr. , bur. May 29, 1761. p.r.i. NOYCE (see Noise), Esther, wid. of , May 22, 1784. John, May 8, 1770. ORMSBY, , May 4, 1770. p.r.i. PACKARD, , w. of Samuel, May. 15, 1826, a. 40 y. c.R.i. Tillson, Dec. 16, 1839. ^^^• PARKS, Maria A., d. of John and Eunice, Oct. 7, 1849, a. 6 y (6 y. 6 m., g.r.). Dysentery. Sarah Smith, d. of John and Eunice, Oct. 6, 1849, ^- ^ Y' 10 ^^' Dysentery. PATCH, Ellen Susanah, d. of Geo[rge] Whitney and Silence Jordan, Aug. 7, 1844, a. 4 m. 11 d. Dropsy on Brain. PAUL, Martin Kent, s. of Levi H. and Mahala (M^ala K., g.r.), Sept. 12, 1849, a. 6 m. Dysentery. PAYSON, Mr. , bur. Sept. — , 1761. p.r.i. , ch. of Sam[ue]l, bur. Nov. 19, 1772. p.r.i. , ch. of Ephraim, Dec. 11, 1779. p.R.i. , ch. of Cloe, bur. Apr. 15, 1791. p.r.i. Ephraim, bur. Mar. 8, 1793. p.r.i. Henry, Oct. 12, 1771, in his 27th y. g.r. Judith, wid. of , Jan. 5, 1769. Lydia, w. of Ephraim, Apr. 13, 1792, in her 50th y. Mary, d. of Henry and Mary, May 12, 1794, in her 26th y. g.r. PEIRCE (see Pierce), , w. of Ezekiel, bur. May 12, 1759. P.R.I. , ch. of Ezekiel, bjir. Sept. 4, 1762. p.r.i. Ezekiel, , 1759. p.r.i. Jacob, Nov. 5, 1758, a. 27 y. 11 m. g.r. PENDERGRASS, , ch. of John, June — , 1827, a. 2 y. C.R.I. , ch. of John, June — , 1827, a. 3 y. c.r.i. PERRIGO, , inf. ch. of David, Sept. 22, 1826. C.R.i. 1 82 SHARON DEATHS. PETTEE (see Pittee), , d. of Seth and Amy, Feb. i6, 1840. G.R. Althera R., d. of Seth and Amy, June 21, 1838, a. 4 d. g.r. Amy, w. of Seth Jr., d. of Moses and Esther Richards, Feb. 18, 1840, a. 27 y. G.R. Anna C, d. of Daniel and Sally, July 4, 1847 , a. 30 y. Consump- tion. Betsey D., d. of Seth and Huldah, Sept. 11, 1819, in her 4th y. G.R. Daniel, Apr. 24, 1836, a. 57 y. (57 y. 6 m., g.r.). Huldah, w. of Seth, Sept. 22, 1819, in her 39th y. G.R. Seth, Sept. 3, 1836, a. 60 y. PHELAN, Mary, w. of Peter, Aug. 25, 1849, a. 69 y. G.R. PHILLIPS, Edward, s. of Rev. Libius R., June 25, 1843, a. 3 y. John, Oct. 31, 1751. P.R.I. PICKERNELL, , ch of , 1831. c.r.i. PIERCE (see Peirce), Mrs. , bur. Apr. 26, 1753. p.r.i. PITTEE (see Pettee), , ch. of Tyler, Sept. 22, 1817. c.r.i. Adeline (Pettee (g.r.)), w. of Daniel, Sept. 12, 1837, a. 30 y. Ebenezer (Pettee (g.r.)), s, of Daniel and Sally, Jan. 13 (10, G.R.), 1832, a. 6 y. (Erastus Pettee, g.r.), s. of Daniel and Adeline (Sept. 25, g.r.), 1837 (a. 4 w., G.R.). Hannah (Pettee (g.r.)), d. of Daniel and Sally, Aug. 21, 1832, in her 20th y. Sally (Pettee (g.r.)), Sept. 22, 1840, in her 60th y. Seth (Jr., G.R.), s. of Seth and Huldah, Oct. 2, 1807 (a. i m. 3 d. G.R.). PLIMPTON (see Plympton), George P., s. of George and Mary, Jan. 13, 1833, a. 2 y. Laura Jane, d. of Ziba and Olive, Mar. 29, 1833, a. 13 y. Ziba, Dec. 14, 1821. PLYMPTON (see Plimpton), Tabitha, wid. of , Mar. 15, 1846, a. 86 y. Old Age. Walter S., s. of George and Mary, Oct. 6, 1846, a. i y. 6 m. Croup. POOLE, Frederic A., s. of Elijah and Harriot E., Sept. 21, 1849. G.R. SHARON DEATHS. 1 83 POPE, , ch. of William and Hannah, Jan. 19, 1838, a. II w. , ch. of William and Hannah, June 21, 1841, a. 2 y. PORTER, William, May 7, 1752, a. 59 y. g.r. William, s. of Henry H. and Catherine, July 27, 1848, a. 12 y. Typhoid Fever. PRICE, , ch. of Mr. , bur. Apr. 11, 1772. p.r.i. PUFFER, , ch. of Mat., Dec. 10, 1750. p.r.i. Bathsheba, wid. of Mattathius, June 12, 1807. Eleazer, bet. 1741 and 1747. p.r.i. Mattathius, , (1806?). Patience, w. of Seth, Dec. 22, 1790, a. 56 y. g.r. Priscilla, w. of Matthias, Feb. 13, 1790, in her 72d y. Rebeckah, w. of Matthias, Feb. 22, 1777, in her 68th y. QUINCY, , ch. of , bur. Mar. 5, 1770. p.r.i. E [d] m [un]d, beginning Dec. 1782. p.r.i. RANDAL (see Randall, Randell), Mary, wid. of , Sept. 22, 1817. C.R.I. Thomas (Randall (g.r.)), Feb. 6, 1783, in his 83rd y. RANDALL (see Randal, Randell), Bess, bur. Oct. 18, 1778. p.r.i. Betsey, w. of Dr. Randall, formerly Betsey BuUard, Dec. 4, 1822. C.R.3. Catharine, wid. of Thomas, Nov. 24, 1802, in her 93rd y. G.R. Elizabeth, wid. of , Feb. 16, 1769. George, s. of John and Nancy, June 3, 1830, in his 21st y. Nancy, wid. of (John (g.r.)), July 14, 1847, a. 71 y. 8 m. 11 d. Apoplexy. Prudence, w. of John, Feb. 14, 1799, in her 26th y. g.r. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Elizabeth, Dec. 2, 1771. Samuel, Nov. 25, 1772. RANDELL (see Randal, Randall), Esther, w. of Joseph, Dec. 5, 1799, in her 55th y. John (Randall (g.r.)). Mar. 17 (18, g.r.), 1816, in his 49th y. Joseph (Randall (g.r.)), Mar. 18, 1816 (in his 73rd y. g.r.). RAYNOLDS, Benjamin, Sept. 15, 1840, in his 73rd y. Elmira (Elmira W., G.R.), w. of Lieut. Benj[ami]n F., Apr. 25, 1836, (a. 26 y. G.R.). Hannah, wid. of Benjamin, Dec. 4, 1848, d. of Oliver and Susannah Everet, a. 74 y. 184 SHARON DEATHS. Raynolds, Katharine (Catherine (g.r.)), wid. of (Thomas, (g.r.)), Jan. 23, 1801, (in her 63rd y. g.r.). Dropsy. Sarah Ann, d. of E.T. and S.H., Oct. 12, 1842, a. 2^ y. g.r. Thomas, s. of Benjamin and Hannah, July 2, 1810. RHOADS (see Rhodes), Benjamin (Jr., g.r.), s. of Benjamin and Anna, Oct. 28, 1771 (in his 23rd y. g.r.). Caroline Pitts, w. of Ellis, Jan. 5, 1843, a. 36 y. Francis E., s. of Benj[ami]n and Harriet, Feb. 11, 1845, a. 18 y. Consumption. Hannah, w. of Benjamin, Jan. 8, 1814, in her 33rd y. Harriot, w. of Capt. Benjamin, Aug. 29, 1838, (a. 42 y. C.R.3.). Jeremiah, June 5, 1802, in his 48th y. G.R. Mehitable, wid. of Jeremiah, Jan. 27, 1843, a. 89 y. Sarah, w. of Joseph, June 3, 1775, in her 48th y. g.r. Stephen, Jan. 23, 1792. RHODES (see Rhoads), , w. of John, bur. Sept. — , 1776. P.R.I. , ch. of Jos. Jr., Oct. 3, 1776. P.R.I. Benjamin (Rhoads (g.r.)), Mar. 19, 1776, (in his 52d y. g.r.). Joshua, Sept. 29, 1825, a. 62 y. Nathaniel, Sept. 29, 1824, a. 45 y. RICHARD (see Richards), Noah, bet. 1741 and 1747- P-R-i- RICHARDS (see Richard), , ch. of D[anie]ll, bur. Sept. 4, 1775. P.R.I. , s. of Jeremiah Jr. and Susanna, Nov. 3, 1809, a. 10 d. , ch. of Thomas P., Oct. 7, 1818. c.r.i. , d. of Capt. Thomas P., June 6, 1822, a. 2 y. , s. of Elon and Sabrina, Aug. 15, 1849, a. 6 hrs. Aaron, Dec. (12, g.r.), 1816, in his 44th y. Anna (Annar (g.r.)), w. of Daniel Jr., Aug. 23, 1790, (in her 47th y., G.R.). Barney, Lt., Mar. 31, 1837, a. 61 y. Benjamin, Jan. — , 1816, a. 77 y. Benjamin F., s. of Charles and Elizabeth, Feb. 10, 1829, a. 6 w. Billings, s. of Benjamin, Oct. 22, 1826, a. 24 y. Daniel (Daniel 3rd, g.r.), s. of Daniel Jr. and Anna (Annar (g.r.)), Sept. 19, 1775, (a. 4 y., G.R.). Daniel, Oct. 12, 1795, a. 86 y. g.r. Daniel, s. of Daniel and Anna, Nov. 4, 1799, a. 21 y, g.r. Daniel, Nov. 8, 1819, in his 78th y. g.r. David, s. of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, Mar. 29, 1801, a. 17 y. g.r. SHARON DEATHS. 185 Richards, Ebenezer Jr., Dec. 28, 1804, a. 24 y. g.r. Ebenezer, July 6, 181 1, in his 66th y. Ebenezer Tisdale, May 22, 1843, ^- 3^ 7- ^■^• Edward, s. of Daniel Jr. and Anna (Annar (g.r.)), Sept. 17, 1775, (a. II y., G.R.) Elijah, s. of Daniel and Mary, Sept. 20, 1775. Elijah, s. of Daniel and Anna, Dec. 5, 1788, a. 9 y. g.r. Elizabeth, w. of (Ensign (g.r.)) William, Mar. 5, 1786, in her 79th y. Elizabeth, w. of Ebenezer, Mar. 23, 1809, a. 61 y. g.r. Enoch, s. of Jeremiah Jr. and Susanna, Mar. 10, 1816, a. 3 y. Fanny J., d. of Ehakim and Fanny P., Oct. 9, 1828, a. 17 m. g.r. Francis, Feb, 14, 1833, in his 37th y. Hannah, d. of Daniell, bur. May 18, 1749. p.R.i. Hannah, wid. of Daniel, Jan. 19, 1841, in her 87th y, Hannah, d. of Jeremiah and Patience, Jan. 5, 1848, a. 57 y. Unm. Consumption. Henry Martin, s. of Ambrose and Sarah, Sept. 13 (19, g.r.), 1849, ^' 4 ™- Dysentery. Jabez, June 9, 1846, a. 77 y. 11 d. g.r. Jeremiah, bet. 1741 and 1747. p.r.i. Jeremiah, Feb. 4, 1828, a. 74 y. Jeremiah, Deacon, Feb. 5, 1844, a. 65 y. Joel, June 15, 1840, a. 52 y. John, bet. 1741 and 1747. p.R.i. Joseph, s. of Daniel Jr. and Anna (Annar (g.r.)), Sept. 22, 1775. Lucy, d. of Benjamin and Mary, July 26, 1775. Luke, bur. Apr. 28, 1790. p.r.i. Margarett (Margaret (G.R.)),d. of Moses Jr. and Mary (Mary H,, g.r.). May 11, 1844, a. 3 m. 5 d. Dropsy on Brain. Martha, d. of Lieut. Barney and Anna, Oct. 4, 1822, a. 4 y. Mary, wid. of , a. 78 y., July 13, 1820. c.r.i. Mary, w. of Daniel, Dec. 3 (Dec. 9, g.r.), 1784, in her 75th y. (Dec. 6, bur., p.r.i.) Moses Henry, s. of Moses Jr. and Mary (Mary H., g.r.), Nov. 3, 1841, a. 8 y. (7 y. 8 m., g.r.) Nancy, d. of Jabez and Susannah, June 21, 1815, in her 8th y. G.R. Patience, wid. of Jeremiah, Aug. 16, 1833, in her 79th y. Prude, d. of Benjamin and Mary, July 5, 1778. Relief, w. of Capt. Thomas P., June 23, 1821, a. 36 y. Ruthe (Ruth Billings, g.r.), w. of Benjamin, Sept. 15, 1824, in her 47th y. Sarah, d. of Daniel and Mary, May 2, 1738, abt. 2 y. 6 m. g.r. 1 86 SHARON DEATHS. Richards, Sarah (Sarah Kent., g.r.), w. of Ambrose, June 9, 1849, a. 35 y- (37 y-, G.R.). Canker. Solomon, Oct. 19, 1842, a. 63 y. Susanna, w. of Jabez, Sept. 17, 1823, a. 53 y. Thomas, Apr. 27, 1813, a. 77 y. (77 y. 29 d., G.R.) William, Ensign, June 19, 1797, a. 90 y. g.r. William, Jan. 29 (28, G.R.), 1801, (a. 67 y., G.R.) Zebiah, d. of Jeremiah, deceased, and Patience, Aug. 30, 1836, a. 49 y- ROBERTS, Alonzo, s. of , and gr. s. of Mrs. Roby Pierce, June — , 1839, a. 6 y., by drowning. ROGERS, wid[ow], bur. Apr. 2, 1752. p.r.i. RUSO, , Frenchman, bur. Mar. — , 1763. p.r.i. , Mrs., bur. Dec. 28, 1769. p.r.i. RYAN, Patrick, Sept. 24, 1849, a. 25, apparently. Irish (native of Limerick, c.R.2). Apoplexy. SANGER, Mary Elizabeth, w. of John, Oct. 27, 1848, a. 37 y. Consumption. SAVAGE, , s. of Mr. , bur. Oct. 19, 1778. p.r.i. Chloe, w. of William Jr., Apr. 5, 1799, in her 47th y. Sarah, w. of WiUiam, Nov. 5, 1797, in her 73rd y. Susanna, wid. of William Esq., Feb. 10, 1840, in her 76th y. WiUiam, Mar. i, 1806, in his 85th y. William Esq., June 17, 1826, in his 79th y. SAVEL (see Savell, Savells), Deacon Benjamin, May 4, 1775. Benj[ami]n Jr., Nov. 12, 1786, a. 23 y. p.r.i. Joseph, s. of Benjamin Jr. and Susanna, Sept. 16, 1773. Susanna (Savell (g.r.)), w. of Benjamin Jr., Sept. 28, 1773, (in her 39th y., g.r.). SAVELL (see Savel, Savels), John, Feb. 28, 1818, in his 53rd y. Edward Bridge, Capt. (Savels (g.r.)), Dec. 2, 1792, (in his 59th y., G.R.). Mary, w. of Dea. Benja[min], Jan. i, 1772. SAVELS (see Savel, Savell), Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Susanna, Dec. 15, 1786, in his 24th y. g.r. Benjamin, May 16, 1805, in his 83rd y. g.r. SHARON DEATHS. 1 8/ Savels, Edward, June 3, 1843, a. 78 y. (77, g.r.) Jerusha, d. of Edward B. and Mary, Jan. 24 (Dec. 24, g.r.), 1849, a. 75 y. Heart Disease. Mary, w. of Edward B., Mar. 20, 1802, in her 66th y. g.r. Ohver, June 7, 1827, a. 66 y. (64, c.r.) William, Dec. 14, 1821, a. 63 y. SHEPARD, Amity, wid. of d. of Thomas and Clark, Feb. 18, 1849, a. 73 y. Pleurisy Fever, Susanna, w. of Oliver, Oct. i, 1796, a. 38 y. g.r. SHERMAN, , s. of Job of Foxboro, a. 6 y., bur. at Mansfield, Oct. 23, 1848. c.r. 2. (Lydia (g.r.)), w. of Charles (Charles H., g.r.), July 3, 1839, a. 22 y. SKINNER, Warren B., s. of William S. and Nabby S., Aug. i, 1844, a. 10 y. G.R. SMITH, wid. of , May n, 1776. , ch. of Dr. , bur. Mar. 13, 1790. p.r.i. Andrew, Jan. 30 (31, g.r.), 1837, a. 74 y. Anna, w. of (Ensign (g.r.)) John (2d d. of Ezekiel Capen, g.r.), Jan. 12, 1801, (in her 30th y., g.r.). Annie Maria, d. of Levi and Annie C, Mar. 18, 1848, a. 20 y. g.r. Caroline, d. of Isarel Jr. and Ziporah, Mar. 23, 1808. (a. 4 y., G.R.) Ellis, s. of Isarel Jr. and Ziporah, Oct. 8, 18 10, in her 21st y. Eunice, d. of John and Jemima, Dec. 7, 1766. Hannah, w. of John, Nov. 29 (Nov. 30, g.r.), 1823, a. 70 y. (71 y., G.R.) Irene, d. of Israel Jr. and Ziporah, Feb. 25, 1799. Irene, w. of Warren, Dec. 30, 1829, a. 22 y. Isarel, Nov. 13, 181 1, in his 82d y. Israel Jr., s. of Israel and Ziporah, June 29, 1823, a. 21 y. Israel, Dec. 28 (27, g.r.), 1839, in his 78th y. Jacob (Jacob Leonard, g.r.), s. of Jacob and Polly, Jan. 12 (11, G.R.), 1826, a. 15 y. John, Nov. 30, 1767. John, s. of Ensign John and Katherine, Dec. 13, 182 1, a. 17 y. John, May 26, 1825, a. 90 y. Katherine (Catherine (g.r.)), w. of John, d. (July"i2, g.r.) 1831, a. 64 y. Levi, Apr. 6, 1842, a. 47 y. Mary, wid. of , May 11, 1776. 1 88 SHARON DEATHS. Smith, Mary, d. of Isarel and Mary, Mar. 28 (Mar. 21, g.r.), 1816, a. 62 y, Mary, wid. of Isarel, Feb. i, 1820, a. 86 y. Mary Susan, d. of Levi and Annie C, Oct. 8, 1845, a. 6 y. G.R. Molly, d. of Isarel and Ziporah, Jan. 3, 1819, in her 22d y. Priscilla, w. of Jacob, Apr. 18, 1783, in her 31st y. g.r. Sam[ue]ll, bet. 1741 and 1747. p.r.i. SNOW, , wid. of Jedediah, Jan. 4, 1826, a. 88 y. c.r.i. Bushrod, s. of Jedediah H. and Lydia, Aug. 31, 1839, a. 3 y. (i y., G.R.) Henrietta (Henrietta J., g.r.), d. of Jedediah H. and Lydia, Aug. 30, 1839, a. 4 y. , ^^ ,. ^ ^^ Henrietta (Henerety J., g.r.), d. of J. Harvey and (Lydia (g.r.)), Jan. 24, 1844, a. 3 y. (3 y. 27 d. g.r.). Naomi Jane, d. of Jerome B. and Naomi, Aug. 8, 1848. Russel, s. of Dwight M. and Betsey K., Dec. — , 1846, a. 2 y. 10 m. Whooping Cough. SPAULDING, Corodon (Jr. g.r.), Nov. 30, 1841, a. 3 y. 3 m. 20 d. g.r. Sarah A., Feb. 16, 1845. g.r. STEARNS, Mr. , bur. May 8, 1769. p.r.i. STONE, Dr. Daniel, Aug. 27, 1842, a. 69 y. Hitty, w. of Dr. Daniel, Apr. 4, 181 1 (Apr. 3, g.r.), in her 36th y. Sarah, Mrs., late of Roxbury, Nov. 27, 1746, in her 69th y. g.r. Sophia, w. of Dr. Daniel, Mar. 18, 1820, a. 33 y. STRATTON, , ch. of John, Sept. — , 1828, a. 19 m. c.r.i. STROBRIDGE, WilHam, Aug. 7, 1822, a. 45 y. g.r. SUMNER, , ch. of John, bur. May 25, 1762. p.r.i. Benjamin, Jan. 21, 1829. Ebenezer, May 18, 1847, a. 65 y. Heart Disease. John, Mar. 18, 1839, a. 79 y. Mary, Mrs., Apr, 23, 1842, a. 87 y. Vodisa R., d. of Isaac N. and Mary, Feb. 26, 1832, a. i y. 5 m. 15 d. G.R. SWIFT, Anna, w. of Samuel, d. of Benj. Hewins, July 6, 1843. G.R. Betsey, d. of (Samuel (g.r.)) and Anna, Aug. 10, 1823, a. 17 y. Charity, d. of Job, Nov. 13, 1754. G.R. Daniel, s. of Samuel and Anna, Nov. 2, 1806, in his 3rd y. g.r. Ezra, Sept. 6, 1841, in his 31st y. g.r. SHARON DEATHS. 1 89 Swift, Job, Feb. 14, 1801, in his 91st y. Otis, Jan. 17, 1849, a. 46 y. g.r. Patience, Feb. 12, 1768. Phillip, s. of Job, Oct. 17, 1754. G.R. Samuel, Mar. 3, 1821, in his 50th y. Sarah, w. of Job, Apr. 2, 1772, (in her 59th y. g.r.). TALBOT (see Talbott), , ch. of Warren and Esther A., Aug. — , 1832. , s. of Warren, Aug. 23, 1842, a. 3 w. , d, of Warren and Hannah, Aug. 10, 1846. a. i d. Enoch Jr., s. of Enoch and Hannah, Apr. 7, 1832, in his 25th y. Esther A., w. of Warren, Aug. 6, 1842, a. 34 y. Josiah, Deacon, July 13, 1841, a. 85 y. Lucee, d. of Josiah, bur. May 14, 1795. p.R.i. Mary E., only ch. of E. F. of Trenton, N.J., a. 7 y. c.r.2. Nathaniel, s. of Josiah Jr. and Polly (Mary (g.r.)), July 3, 1838, a. 15 y. Roxana, d. of Enoch and Hannah, Oct. 26, 182 1, a. i y. 11 m. 4 d. G.R. Susanna, wid. of Deacon Josiah, Apr. 27 (28, g.r.), 1842, a. 83 y. TALBOTT (see Talbot), (Talbot (g.r.)), Lucy, d. of Josiah and Susanna, May 12, 1795, (a. 5 w. 3 d. g.r.). THAYER, , ch. of Stephen and Jane, Nov. 12, 1838, a. 4 y. Theodora Elizabeth, d. of Silas and Rebecca, Nov. 19, 1843, a. 2 y. THOMAS, Shadrach, Apr. 28, 1843, a. 28 y. TISDALE (see Tisdel), , ch. of Ned, latter end of Sept. 1778. P.R.I. Abijah A., s. of Ebenezer and Nancy, Apr. 15, 1846, a. 2 y, 8 m. 8 d. G.R. Anna, d. of Lieut. Ebenezer and Johanna, Feb. 8, 1794, in her i8th y. G.R. Asa, Sept. 25, 1785, a. 23 y. g.r. Betsey Hicks, d. of Ebenezer and Nancy, Dec. 28, 1847, a- ^ m. 15 d. G.R. Betsy H., w. of Ebenezer, Nov. 3, 1841, a. 22 y. g.r, Ebenezer, Lieut., May 28, 1785, in his 38th y. g.r. Ebenezer, Capt., Jan. 24, 1791, a. 68 y. g.r. Ebenezer, Aug. 31, 1811, a. 27 y. 17 d. g.r. Edward, Capt., Nov. 13, 1826, in his 72d y. (71 y. 9 m., g.r.). Eunice, w. of Mace, June 14, 1790, a. 28 y. g.r. 190 SHARON DEATHS. TiSDALE, Joanna, wid. of Lieut. Ebenezer, Dec. 10, 1795, in her 41st y. g.r. Josiah B., s. of Josiah and Susan, Sept. 8, 1843, ^- ^ °i- ^^^• Mace, Feb. 5, 1796, a. 34 y. g.r. Priscilla, wid. of Capt. Ebenezer, Nov. 3, 1794, a. 66 y. g.r. Susanna, w. of (Col., g.r.), Isarel, Oct. 15, 1813, in her 31st y. (30 y. 10 m. 4 d. G.R.). Susanna, d. of Col. Israel and Susanna, Oct. 5, 1817, in her nth y. G.R. Zilpha, d. of Ebenezer and Joanna, Dec. i, 1724, in her 17th y. g.r. TISDEL (seeTisdale), (Tisdale (g.r.)), Ruth, w. of Capt Edward, June (21, G.R.) 1801, (a. 45 y., g.r.). TOLEMAN (see Tolman), Capt., bur. Aug. 3, 1763. p.r.i. TOLMAN (see Toleman), , ch. of W[illia]m, bur. June 8, 1755. p.r.i. , Mrs., bur. July 5, 1755. p.r.i. Abigail, w. of Joseph, Sept. 14, 1837, a. 50 y. Abigail, w. of William Jr., Dec. 30, 1849, ^- 3° y-> ^- ^^ ^' !• Ulceration of bowels. Daniel, s. of William and Mary, Oct. 16, 1822, in his 4th y. g.r. Elizabeth, Aug. 20, 1767. Emeline, d. of William and Mary, May 7, 1835, a. 2 y. 6 m. Eunice, w. of William, Mar. 20, 1816, in her 38th y. Harriet, d. of William and Mary, Jan. 30, 1830, a. 6 m. Hervey, Oct. 10, 1828, in his 29th y. g.r. Jemima, wid. of William, Feb. 27, 1843, a. 93 y. (92 y. 9 m. 27 d., G.R.). John, June 21, 1805, a. 81 y. g.r. Mary, d. of W[illiam], bur. Jan. i, 1750. p.r.i. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Jr. and Elizabeth, Nov. 6, 1820, a. 7 m. G.R. Sarah, wid. of John, Sept. 13, 1827, in her 88th y. William, Mar. 11, 1810, in his 65th y. TRIBOU, , ch. of , bur. Mar. 15, 1785. p.r.i. TRIPP, Mary Ann, Nov. — , 1826, a. 19. c.r.i. TUCKER, , wid. of Joseph, Nov. 20, 1830. Joseph, Feb. 6, 1828, a. 94 y. Olive (Olive Jane, g.r.), d. of William and Olive, Sept. 16, 1839, a- 3 y- (2 y. 10 m. 19 d., G.R.) Orlando (William Orlando, g.r.), s. of WiUiam and Olive, Mar. 28, 1841, a. 2 y. (i y. 8 m. 16 d., g.r.) SHARON DEATHS. I9I Tucker, Wealthy, d. of late Joseph, Aug. 12, 1832, a. ;^6 y. William, June 3, 1845, ^- 39 Y- ^.R. William Henry, s. of William and Olive, Sept. 5, 1834, a. 2 y. (i y. II m., G.R.) TUPPER, , ch. of Simeon, bur. Jan. 15, 1756. p.r.i. Anne, W4. of Ruben, Nov. 15, 1768. Ruben, July 21, 1776. T[homa]s, bet. 1741 and 1747. p.r.i. Thomas, s. of R[e]uben, bur. Aug. 4, 1766. p.r.i. TURNER, Anna, w. of Calvin, July 29, 1849, a. 47 y., b. at Mansfield. Consumption. VINAL, Susan, w. of Nath[anie]l H., Dec. 22, 1847, a. ^6 y. Intemperance. WARREN, W[i]d[ow], bur. Apr. 6, 1760. p.r.i. WATERS, Dolly, d. of Zebulun, Oct. 8, 1830, a. 17 y. (22 y., C.R.I.) Henrietta, d. of Zebulon, Nov. 10, 1825, a. 16 y. Lucy, wid. of , May 22, 1847, a. 75 y. Consumption. Zebulon, Jan. 6, 1831, (a. 62 y., c.r.i.) WELCH, James, Oct. 13, 1825, a. 47 y. WELLMAN, Lucinda, d. of , Jan. 26, 1833, ^- ^^ 7- WHITE, , ch. of David, bur. May 11, 1778. p.r.i. , w. of David, Sept. 28, 1819. c.r.i. , s. of Jared, a. 2 y., Oct. 14, 1822. c.r.i, , w. of John, Apr. 12, 1837. , ch. of John, Sept. 9, 1837, a. 4 y. , ch. of Noah, a. 3 y., bur. June 25, 1849. c.r.2. Benjamin, Aug. 11, 1779. David, Jan. 10, 1825, a. 81 y. Joel, s. of Joseph, Feb. 18, 1825, a. 24 y. Jonathan, s. of John, bur. Aug. 17, 1749. p.r.i. Jos., bur. Jan. 19, 1779. p.r.i. Joseph Jr., Jan. 17, 1829, a. 43 y. (44, g.r.) Levi, s. of John, bur. May 12, 1755. p.r.i. Lydia, w. of Joseph, Oct. 25, 1825, a. 65 y. Nancy, w. of Lewis, Dec. 29, 1832, in her 43rd y. g.r. Simeon, s. of John, bur. Mar. 18, 1755. p.r.i. WHITTEMORE, Mrs. bur. Feb. 22, 1759. p.r.i. , Mrs., bur. Nov. 22, 1762. p.r.i. 192 ^ SHARON DEATHS. Whittemore, , ch. of , bur. Aug. — , 1778. p.r.i. , Mr., , 1798. P.R.I. Hannah, w. of Joshua, Jan. 29, 1782. Jesse, s. of Joshua and Lois, Jan. 23, 1792. Joshua, Mar. 30, 1791, in his 79th y. Joshua, Deacon, Aug. 19, 1823, a. 61 y. Lois, w. of (Dea., G.R.^ Joshua, Dec. 29, 1791 (1792, g.r.), in her 30th y. (bur. Jan. i, 1792, p.r.i.) Lucy, wid. of (Dea. Joshua, g.r.), d. of Jona[than] and Lucy Billings, Apr. 23 (Apr. 24, g.r.), 1849, a. 72 y. (71 y., g.r.) Paralysis. Pelatiah, bur. Jan. 30, 1758. p.r.i. Ruth, w. of Dea. Joshua, Sept. 22, 1814, a. 57 y. g.r, Ruth, d. of Deacon Joshua and Ruth, deceased, Aug. 9, 1821, a. 22 y. Susanna, w. of Joshua, Sept. 7, 1778. WHOOD (see Wood), , ch. of W[illiam], bur. Apr. 13, 1755. p.r.i. WILLIAMS, Benjamin L., s. of Ohver, May 25, 1804. Harriet E. (Harriet Gay, g.r.), w. of Ronsville, Jan. 13, 1848, a. 22 y. (23, G.R.) Pneumonia. Oliver, Aug. 6, 1833, a. 66 y. "WILLIS, , ch. of Solomon, bur. Jan. 18, 1769. p.r.i. Asa, Aug. 14, 1821, a. 39 y. Philip, Mar. i, 1832, in his 72d y. g.r. "WILSON, John, July 31, 1844, a. 19 y. Drowned, b. in Ireland. "WINSHIP, Emma F. (Emma Frances, c.r.2.), d. of Charles and Adeliza (of Dover, N.H., c.r.2. ), Mar. 17, 1847, a. 7 m. 7 d. G.R. "WISWALL, Emily, w. of George, July 12, 1848, a. 31 y. Con- sumption. WITHINGTON, Catee, d. of William and Elizabeth, May 23, 1796, in her 24th y. G.R. Deborah, d. of Phihp and Rebeckah, Nov. 4, 1776. Elisabeth, w. of William, July 22, 1795, a. 56 y. g.r. Elizabeth, May 11, 1804, in her 37th y. g.r. Esther, d. of Phihp and Rebecca, Mar. 9, 1791, a. 11 y. 8 m. 10 d. G.R. Hannah, d. of Philip and Rebecca, Sept. 17, 1796, a. 32 y. g.r. SHARON DEATHS. 1 93 WiTHiNGTON, Joseph, s. of Philip and Rebeckah, Sept. 27, 1778. Nathaniel, July 20, 1839. (a. 73 y., g.r.) Philip, s. of Philip and Rebecca, Sept. 23, 1792, a. 25 y. g.r. Philip, Oct. 7, 1796, a. 59 y. g.r. Re5eckah, d. of Phillip and Rebeckah, Mar. [22, 1764, dup.] (a. 12 d., G.R.). Rebecca, Jan. 4, 1823, in her 8ist y. g.r. Sarah, d. of William and Elizabeth, Oct. 25, 1775, (in her 6th y. G.R.). William, s. of William and Elizabeth, Oct. 21, 1775, (in his 12th y. G.R.). William, Sept. 2, 1806, in his 71st y. g.r. William, s. of William and Elizabeth, Apr. 8, 1808, a. 10 m. g.r. William, s. of William and Elizabeth, May 26, 1809, a. 5 m. 13 d. g.r. William, Sept. 25, 1810, in his 34th y. g.r. Zilpha, wid. of Nath[anie]l, Aug. 18, 1845, a. 76 y. Dropsy. WOOD (see Whood), Ab — h, bet. 1741 and 1747. , ch. of Joseph, bur., , 1780. p.r.i. , Mrs., Aug. 30, 1786, a. 70 y. p.r.i. , w. of Joseph, Apr. 12, 1828, a. 74 y. Abigal, w. of William, Mar. — , 1790, (bur. Mar. 16, p.r.i.) Joseph, Jan. 4, 1829. Levi, Mar. 18, 1774. p.r.i. • Living, d. of Joseph and Desire, Nov. ii, 1802. ' Sarah, Sept. 3, 1775. p.r.i. Susanna, d. of Joseph and Desire, Mar. 7, 1795. William, Apr. — , 1794. WOODCOCK, Nath[anie]ll, bur. Oct. 19, 1749. p.r.i. WORM WELL, Mrs. , bur. Apr. — , 1780. p.r.i. WRITE, , Mrs., bur. July 12, 1778. p.r.i. , Mr., bur. Aug. 13, 1778. p.r.i. YOUNG, , Mrs., mother of Jesse Johnson's wife, June 28, 1836. UNIDENTIFIED. Boston, formerly servant of Benj[ami]n Randall Esq., deceased, Dec. 2, 1835, (a. 85 y. g.r.). ,909 Ti