ri29 .M19 M19 ^'§SJ^ 'fe-<3.a ^^^ >c' '^M ^Ijx.-fU'i'^-r.JieJr tJII. L_ / " '^ T AGE ! R E C . -. i. "^r D A -. • .-OR i: "E D ^ •' : ^ ^' ^ H •: :-. c 1. :' A JT H A S S •'^ T, I, .. o I S L A i: D (Formerly Success, then ITorth Kempetead) T T - ^ T also '- i.-r.. ucuths 1841-1878 Copiev". . . ^... ...c vv. IjTinAl records by Kenry Onderdoniv, .r. whore rr^nuscript, rapidly fallir-g to piecefo is owned cy the To-.-;: Island Kistoricsl Society, Brooklyn, il. Y. Copied from the above manuscript by Josephine C. Frost (Ers, Rpjiiuel Knapp Frost) Brooklyn, ■'. ':'. -1- Lot Onderdonk Susanna Schenck, :,.ar.ied, 1793 Llinne Onderdonk Ketie Schenck, "..'.arried, 1793 Cornelius Suydam of J!astwoods, Ida Ha-oelye of Cov: Meek Llarried, June 11, 1799 Abraham Eoo^land, L'.arie Onderd.onk, ularried, Aug. 6, 1796 Capt, Charles Hewlett, died l.'.arch 6, 179C; aged 86 3- ears Joseph L. liewlett of Great Neck Hannah Vi'ickes, Llarried, Aug. 20, 1800 Eenr^- Haycock, Sarah Kicks, :.Iarriea, Aug. 27, 18CC Abraham Hems en, Sarah ::oolley of Greet Neck Carried, Nov. 8, 1800 Jonethan Dodge, Sarah Van Nostrand !,'.arried, Dec. 4, 1601 ^""I if ■f ilerTTo') sIi'aaD r to 1081 ,VS .;c,uA ,v-iTi£:i -2- John Smith, Polly Sell, Iilarried, Dec. 6, 18C1 Peter liegeman, Patty Renisen, L-larried, Dec. 15, 1801 Lewis 3. Hewlett, Eennah Hewlett, yiarriec , Jan, 3C, 1802 John L'anett, (In pencil with query "Ahrahsm" Phehe Jervis, liiarried, June 1, 1802 Geor£;e ulonfort, Jane Eereinan, :.:arried, June 28, 1802 Peter Erinkerhof, Sarah Eogart, Married, Oct. 11, 1802 THiithead Hewlett, 1/lary Allen, .'arried, Oct. 12, 18o2 John Van Vi'icklen, Elizabeth Lionfort, l/.arried, Jan. 3, 1603 Hobert ..itchell, Phehe £ea^^an of V.'estbury iilarriei, Jan. IC, 18o3 + -» .- / dj'iw lion: '1 ensl , lOIi 31 ,11 ,;toO ,i)8i'ri • lo^L «SI . .t: ,, iTBIj ,K3£i':iB. i ,jI .(tb- , -3- Hichard ...iller, Catv Corlj, Married, Jan. 30, 18C3 George Duryea, Elizabeth Luyster, Iilarried, Jan. 31, 1£03 Peter Demilt, Nancv or Hanc^' Head ? Married, Feb. 27, 1803 Dr. Ezekiel Cstrander, Sarah Creed of Jamaica, ularried, March 12, 1803 Daniel Eoo^lend, Phebe Coles, Married , April 24, 1803 Singleton ...itchell, Maria Schenk, Married, Ma^- 12, 1803 Trie t ran Dodge, Phebe Downing, Married, May 22, 1803 Stephen Hutchings , Bets^ Eldridge, Married, May 29, 1603 Ahrehar:. Erinkerhof , (2nd marriage,) Deborah Lawrence, Married, D^^c. 31, 1803 , ^ '' i'Tl , 1 19:1 -4- George Seaman, Sail J- nright, Carried, Dec. 31, 1SC3 Richard K. Smith, phehe Cornelius, '..'arried, Jan. 1, 16C4 Eenrj Ti. Thorne. Susan ?. Eewlett of Great Neck, Carried, April 4, 16C4 Jacoh Hapelye, Alettf rrinterhof, Liarried, :.:aj —",1804 Benjamin Tredwell, Bebecca Eewlett oi IJorth Hempstead Llarried, y.ay 13, 16C4 Samuel iTilliana, ilary Ilagner, Llerriea, Aug. 14, 18C4 Lawrence Denton, Hebccca Xissan., Llarried, Dec. 9, 1804 John noolley of Ninepartners j'.ary Elizabeth Pearsall of Rockav/ey :.:arried, Jan, 19, 18C5 Charier Ritchie, Charlotte Francis ^ liiarried, L'.arch 3, 1805 .iisL ,. 10 ii -5- Eichard Jackson Altbouse, Elizabeth Birdsall, daughter of Co^. Benjamin Eirdsall Iilarriecf, April 17, 1605 John Allen, Kelly Schenck, Llarried, April 4, 1605 Morris Salt, Phehe Ireland, iilarried, June 11, 1805 Eanicl Kiss am, y.. D. Phehe Oakley, Ha — ? Married, Oct. 18, 18C5 Joseph Cornell, Jerusha Eawks , Iilarried, Lee. — ?,18C5 Richard SejJciEn, iilolly Allen, y.arried, Eec. 17, 1605 Thomas Tredwell, Altie Thorn, i/larried, Dec. CI, 1605 nilliec Y&lentine, phebe jleyers of New "iork ii'.arried, ularch 6, 1806 John K. Allen, phebe jlorrell, iilarried, :.'.8rch 16, 1606 ■J ^■.' f , 'jnslo'il scfad? ^I'TIS;.: , Jai-ii--- -6- u"^itehead Kiasair Agnes Allen; both of New lork Llarried , '..'.ay 3, 18C6 Tfiliiam Lupton of New I'ork Julia Townsend of Tialton, Delav/are Co. :;.arried, Sept. 2C, 1806 William jIcNeil of Jaxeicaj^ Alica E, P, Bannister of itockawrj, i: karricd, Sept. 1, 16C6 Daniel Cornell, Hannah N. ilitcnell, Llarried, April 27, 1806 Benjamin Ilissam, Jr., SaraL Lake of North Ileinpstead, (1 liiarriea. Hay 2l, 1806 William Todd. Itaric Duffic, Uarried, Jan. 14, 1807 Gary Dunn, Jr., of New "Xork iiirs^ Ti'aters of Jamrica ilarried, Jf'n. 14, 1807 John Monfort, Nelly Durye idarried, Jan. 26, 1807 Isaac Bo~art. iuaria Lloniort, liarrie , Jan. 26, 1807 51 ,Vi Xiiq-A ^baiiis:.. ., 10 K -7- Tfilhelmus Bogart, Sallv Vi'alters Llarried, Jan. 26, 18C7 Jeremiah Hegeman, Eebecca Hegeman, Liarricd, April 7, 18C7 Bev, Selah S. noodhull, Cornelia Yen Cleve of Princeton, Married, April 15, 18C7 Isaec Boagrt, Catharine Hegeman liiarried, iaay IC, 1807 Charles Hewlett, merchant of llevi "Iiiork Sarah rlett, daughter of Benjamin, jiarried, June 13, 18C7 Kilhelmus Hoogland, Isabella Don, Llarried, June 23, 1807 Dr. James Akerly, l&Ty Ketchani, iiiarried, Sep. 1?::, 18C7 Capt, John Virirht, Anna Erinkerhof, ;.:arried, Get. IC, 1807 Tunis Eoogland , Ana tie ...oniort, ivlarried, Nov. 2, ieC7 V08I ,-)! , 06 i-x- ■£;... .voii ^i-ox'iii -8- George Dodge, Anns Coles, Uarried, Nov. 9, ISC'? liir. Cornell, Polly Durje, Married, Nov. 16, 16C7 Samuel Thorne, Sall3^ Searinr, ilarried, Dec. 8, 18C7 tHinne Onderdonk, Phete Piatt Eegeman, Llarried, Dec. 15, 18C7 Joseph p. Tyler, ^ . ilargoret Amelia Smitti, ''"^'^'■^''^''""^ :.larfied, Dec. IS, 18C7 Griff en Sands, Elizabeth Erinkerhof , I'arriec!, Jan, 6, 1808 E. A. Brinkerhof, Elisal.eth Ilostrand, Llarried , Jan. 16, 1808 "by V.'m. Cooper Jacob 3. y.ott, Betsy Ireland , Carried, Feb. 17, 1808 ? Po-A-ell, Charity Latton, '^rried, Feb. 20, 1808 '031 , , LQrVi.i^^.. ,j ,03 I ,;;.. VjoI ,31 ,08(1 ,0911-.. ?G3I ,91 .osa ,£)alii:... 3031 ,?I .cfsf ,5s.fiiB'^ 3081 ,0S ■iBdO -9- Eli as lewis, Ann}, or Anr}-, ..'.arston, y.arried, April 3, 1808 Isaac E. Dodge, Jane Burtis, .larried, April, 2C, 1608 James Kiss an-., Fhebe Barton, of New "York ( Perhars Bartow) Llerriec, I'ay 3, 18C8 Dr. Timothy Tredwell, -irs. ^argaret Seaman of Oyster Bay I^larried, 'ley 23, 1608 iiiaurice :3imon3on, Catrina '..lonfort, ularried, June 3, 1808 John Primrose, Jr., Ann 0. Bogart, of New "York, iylarrieo, Sep. 16, 1808 John Eayden, Catharine Allen, Llarried, Sep. 7, 1808 Rem Rapelye, Sally Allen, iiiarrio'i, Oct. 20, 1808 Daniel Van fficklen, Sarah Luyster, jiarrieo. Nov. 21, 1808 3031 ,S LtKjA ,ijt>ix:.c 33 3I irryL ^.bsriis.u tou -IC- Jacemiah Allen, -lary Betlett of C'ster Bay iilarried, Dec. 14, 16C'8 ienjaniin Lower e, Priscilla Ireland. ilarried, Jen. 1, 1809 David Ilendikson, Elizabeth Brinkerhof , Carried, Jen. 17, 18C9 Isaac Kegeaan, Deborah mutty, Llarricd, Feb. 22, 18 C9 Eulef Schenk, -laria Rapalye, Llarried, Llarch 7, 1809 P.ichard Hewlett, Phebe Dorland, Llarried, Llarch 5,, 1809 George Downing, Sally Sands, -".erried, June 4, 1809 John Robbins. Sar?jh Ccrhart of Glen Cove iilarried, Aug, 3, 18C9 Samuel Seaman, Eetsy Baxter, Larried, Auf;, 27, 1809 ,freXXf\ rlsimsosL ■-'■'1 "vT ^081,, 2 ilom. , ■" ., rah. siis... eo8i , , . eo. . . -11- Jason Bebee. Aletta Erin^erhof. Married, lug. — ?.1809 William Simons on, Sally Tiillis, karried. Sept, IG, 1609 Tov.-nsend H. In^illis P0II7 Coles, daughter of Caleb ilarried, Oct. 4, 1809 Earry Demitl, Liar if Sends, i^arried, Oct. 7, 1809 Andrew Brerraer, Catharine Sell, L^arried, Nov. 11, 1609 Simeon Searinj, iiary Seaman, Married, Dec. 15, 1809 Governeur Llorris, Ann C. Rendolph, daughter of Thomas of Virginia L'^rried, DeC. 23, 1809 Benjamin Eirdsilj^^ Jerusha y.ott of x-.ockav/aj, Llarried, Lee. 25, 1809 Charles Baxter, Buth Gilders! eeve, Larried, Jen. 6, 1810 ■LA ■on ,r:Bzi'i: ,iLi):-. 3; ,21 .osci /do ilia: ,<:2:z2^i -12- John A. King, a;arv Hey, dac-hter of Cornelius, ..'.arried, Jan. 17, 1810 Nicolas ulabee, Sarah ulonfort, Married, ?et. 11, 1810 Ballet Thorns, Sarah Frost, Ijlarried, April 1::, 1810 George Dovmin^;, Charity' Dovminr, llErried, April 19, 181C Rev. G. Ii. Sayles, Eliza ]'.» Brown, iiarried, April 30, 1810 Joel Levis, Sarrh Dodge, Married, June r6,,181C Daniel logart, Llaria Luyster, Harried, Jul;; 16, 1810 Adrian Yen Mostrand, Sarah La ton, Llarrieo, Aup. 27, 1810 Phebe Seaman, at Ouster Bay, sued Simeon Searing for breach of proiTiise in ...n^' 1807 ilol , , ,..;^j. --id. 101 -i: James Fennimore Cooper, Susan iu£;u5ta Delcncy, daus-hter of John p. iilarried, ^an. 1, 1811 John Jackson Sands, Eannah Baldwin, Llarried, Jan. 5, 1911 John Simonson, Phebe Earner, Married, Jan. IC, 1611 Dr. Austin Chapman, Sallj y.orrell, ilarried. Feb. 14, 1611 Eenr^ I. Cnderuonk Eliza Carter, Married, April 15, 1611 James Fegan, Peggy Hems en, married. May — ?, 1811 Abraham Polhemus, Cornelia Suydam, daughter of Jamer lilarried, ".ay 6, 1611 Jacob Semsen, Betsy Haviland, Liarried, !i1ay 26, 1811 Elbert Hegeman. oiSrie Gnderdon^ Married, Vionday, May 3C, 1611 1131 ,1 tf' ;I1*IS!a -14- Stocker "lOolley, Phebe Tredwell, Llarried, Hey 30, 1811 Garret Honfort, EetsSj Luyster, iilarried, Llay 30, 1811 Abraham Eogart, Ann Luyster, i..arrieQ, June 2, 1811 Daniel Luyster, Hancbie Eegeman, Ivlarried, Aug. 17, 1811 Pienr} i.!ott, Ter.perance Hicks , :.larried, Aug. 29, 1811 hilliam Augustus Eailey, Jane Smith, daughter of Ilu^h of the Narrows, l-iarried, oep. — ?,1811 Daniel Lather, Susan Onderdonk, lilarried, Tuesday, Oct. 22, 1811 Daniel Hemsen, Betsy uoolle:, , Married, Nov. 2, 1811 Jacob 3chenk, lilargrret Allen, ...arried, Dec. 1, lEll 113.. , ,'i ' :fn:A XI3I ,YI .^uA ,5511-:... , 3ii , 21110 bis^aO HBSiic 1181 ,"S Jo" ,7;;rs;vrl' ,f.oiii.s:,l IX3I ,S .voM , ,:]n3!:o!: foosL ^ c, -. II3I ,1 .^9" ,^ -15. Richard S, Williams Lliss Amy IJostrsnd Liarried, Dec. 12, 1811 by ;,"r. Lyell; (both of Kew Tork) John Woolley, Jane Peters , Married, Dec. 21, 1811 Jeduthar Meed. Elizabeth Eoot, married, Jan. 12, 1812 Foster T^ostrand, Jr., Christian Tier, torried, Jan. 18, 1812 Cornelius Duryea, Deborah Doughty, Iviarried, Jan. i|23, 1812 Thomas Ployd Jones (Col'd.) Cornelia Jones (Col'd.) Married, Jan. 28, 1812 John Cornell, Idariam Tredwell, Married, Nov. 18, 1812 James Smith, Sarah Sutton, Married, Nov. 21, 1812 William Eauxhurst, Mary Anderson, Married, Nov. 26, 1812 .I9r, rror , , Jooh SI3I ,SI .hbL .JoeiftsL; SI3I ,SS|[ .ubL ,03iiisM ( .'' ■ -fioi, silsnioO -il ji Ji. .iT-'l> 5'^XI'X . oivi. ^1:^ aVc^i «.ji3iiia. SI8I ,dS ,vc^i ,:)9iim„ -16- Daniel Brinkerhof, Polly Las on, Llarried, April 6, 1£12 nilliam Kewlett, Patty Thorn ilarried, Aug. 29, 1812 Daniel i!issair., Jr. , Peggy Tredwell, llarried, Oct. 1, 1812 James Hunt. Aon Konfort, iXarried, Oct, 12, 1G12 Ttomas liyat, Catharine ^-onfort, llarried. Oct. 12, 1612 Joel Davis, Phebe Borart, ilarried, Oct. 30, 1812 Benjamin Doughty, iillen „ykoif, iilarried, Nov. 4, 1812 Jacob Drake. Sjisana Akerly of ".'.e^ York, (Perhaps ^'ewtomi) ...arried, Jan. 9, 1813 David Brooks, Sally liorton, Merried, Jan. 14, 1813 , Qei"ii&... si8.r .[ .jn^-i , ."xl ,iT.8S3i)I Isxns. ? " 2I8I ,SI .ioO ,l)SX'I'i: ^itlOillC A ' c-. , ■ . -xr. ,3I?SCi SI3I »08 ,;t.oO J)8iii-; .'{^^^ '9K sqsfiisu) iiioX we SI8I ,9 .asL /DQi'iiB .9;-l3iG d'oosl. 8I8I -17- Hicharo Smith, Hebecca Sujcani, , . in icin luarriea, Jan. 17, IfciJ James E. Todd, Sarrh Overett of New I'ork :.:arried, 7eb. 12, 1813 Derrick Erinkerhof , Sarah Lrinkerhof , . . ^ .. ^ ., -,^-,0 karried, i».arcn t;4, icio Josiah Bannister, Cornelia Cornell of riockeway iilarried, -.arch 13, 1813 Tunis I.oo^^land. Catharine Luyster, Iilarried, April 5,, 1613 TTil^iam Clark, Iilaria Bogert, daughter of Abraham u^arried, April 7, 1613 John I. Schenk, Sasana Smith, y.arried, April 13, 1813 Adrian Luyster, Phebe Luyster, ^.arried, April It, 1813 Tt'illiam Remsen, ularthn Docgp, iilarried, Juno <:,, 1813 SI 31 ^"-L .nel , bDiiisr;: , 39KISI, ei3i ,si ,cf9f ^." 'i^BwsijIooE 'io IlsnioO oilsmoO €181 ,SI doiBl: ^be'niBll , :■- ■ -ooii a I HUT ,- 3ni'isrl:ts0 SISI ,V liiqA ^bdiiisl Si8I ,81 liiqA ,.aiii^.. , i . Oi iiJ/i si -if) 8I8I ,31 Iiiq;A .jjoi-xi. cioi ,^. 9a>.;^ ^ooinsi^ -18- Jacamiah Akerly, Jerusha Smit^, Llarried, July 19, 1613 Dr. John 3. Conger, Sarah Eogart, daughter of Abraham uiarried, Jul}- 19, 1613 John Ear tow, Llary Sands, ^ ^ ^ 'iarried, Cct. 24, 1813 Charles Eapelye, Catharine ...ary Pearsall, ..'arriea, !^ov. 26, 1613 Peter E. Luyster, Phehe Lu^ster, ..Irrried, Nov. 9, 1613 Earry La ton, Phebe Cornell, L'.arried, '.Vednesday, Nov. IC, 1813 Joseph Coles. Saren Caroenter, Llarried, Nov. 14, 1813 Georgia Nevens. Ilancy lilitcheli, ^.arried, "ov. 14, 1611 HeT. E. T. Cncerdonk, Eliza v., L'.occrop, daughter of Rev. Henrj- , u'arried, Dec. 3C, 1813 -dl- SI8I ,ei 7lul ,.09i'xisi £181 .;^S .;oO ^idi-siSui. eiSX ,32 ,vo5! ,b9iiisM £131 ,§ .voK ,i33ii-i'.. ,Ii9nioO ed'on'i" £181 ,01 .voPI ^'^sbseiT.bsW .bei-xiBl'l £181 ,^I ,vovi ^bdtriBll £181 ,2lf£O&19 3£r0 /T .a .VO' £181 ,0£ ,09a «.&9i4-i6!vi -19- Jsdes ?rost, Phebe Hegeman, of rienrpstead South, .Carried, Dec. 5, 1813 John "oolle^' Susannah Tredwell of Success Harried, Jan, 25, 1814 George Rape lye, Phe"be Cheeseman, l^larried, Jan. 26, 1814 David Gelston, Mrs. Iilfr^ Hazard, 'iarried, Jan. 26, 1814 Peter liegeman of North Eempstead. Elizabeth Hulst of Hempstead oouuh, uiarried, Feh. 12, 1814 Thomas ?rancis, Anna Jervis, Llarried, .'.arch 12, 1G14 'iJilliam Cnderdonk, Jr., -laria ( ? ) Rolmes, ^(Iarried , ...arch 16 , 1614 TJilliam Verit}, Am}' Seaman, l^arried, Aug. 2C, 1814 Saauel Griff en, Jane Skillman, lilarried, Sep. 21, 1814 -yi'_ Siai ,G .09(1 ,i)SlTIBli j5 '^9 II 00. 7 nrfoL Boouc lo 11 9W-091T nsmisaaS M8I ,G-. «ii^i, ,.59X1-1.^: ,9>i;Is(TsE 9^1090 .nsino 299:10 9d"oi^ M8I ,dS .nsL ,&9iiiBM Mwi ,c^a .113^ ,.:3iii:; -basJ3qri'9lI diion lo nfSuis^^aH 19^9^ MSI ,SI .dg-i , ,eiGnsi'5 ssiaorfT ,3ivi9L f>roiA MSl ,-^i d.oiB , ,«iu ,inoi3'r3.5nO msilli. ,39:::.'": "' ' '^"^'^ MSI ,61 doisl ,59iiisia >IBI ,0S ^-^SJA .iDsiiiBlvI M5I ,IS .qgg .bsi-i-i ,flSffi.39£ vTlA ,rr9i:1:iii3 lo'jiiiGi: ,aBniIIx:'.'' ' "^ -2.Q- Millia,-::! ...ott, Susan Franklin of I'ew iork ...arricd, Cct. 2C, 1614 John V. Eegeinan, Catharine r.emsen, Mcrried, Jan. '-fosD "T , Be ills:;. 3I3I v?S .09(1 ^bBlTiO^u SI imsieX, iiocfeCI sdeifl fins Isoicp ' - -•--'"■•■■' .^.^.^sS soosdaK Of •T'-i oi'..x ,01 Lziqi^ , ai8I ,J^S Xil(jA ,&9X11BI..:' M8i ju ^c . ,:../..■. '10 'J 30 -\ Q ' ,CIB3'..J:.. dI3i , ^3- Joseph Dodge, Caftiarine Cneese^ian, ^'arried, June !1£, LS16 Mewl)urj- Davenport, 3all\) Li^ria Allen, j'.Erried, June 26, 1816 Leonard Ti'illis, Susanna Sutchings, L'.arried, Sep. 28, lcl6 Thoaas Skillman, Catharine Onderdonk, "..larried, Oct, 13, 1816 John Van Nos trend, Rachel Hinchman, married, Nov. — ?, Icl6 Charles Lehost, Ann Schuyler Bogart, y.arried, Dec. 2, 1S16 John 3. lurtis, Eliza Tiillets, Llarried, Lee. IC, lcl6 C;yrenius Dodge, L-largaret Dodge, ilarried, Jan. 1, 1G17 r.ulef DurjG of Norwich, li'ary Ann 5urje, daughter of Llajor R., of Hempsetad li'.arried, Jen, 6, 1617 at Jerusalem l[!J920L , nail, y 'da tjJL -.• eiiiiBiSsO ■'■-- ■-,/•, C.-O T- ■•. f -nsiiilliiu: ,>inoJb-i6X)nO en:. , bjisi--t so'l ml nrfoL ,r:' ' ■ 1 IsffosH" 31 8X ,?— . , isiiisM ,JsodsC . 3I8I ,S .09(1 «&9iTIB:;i 8131 ,01 .092 ,&9ii'. VX' ,-^ Aois'i , barii-i; ,7s3 ie*2v ' io rroc:. SI8I ,IX ffoisH'^bsi-xisiu ^ di LiZi 801 91 31 ,ciS Ixiq-A ,-53XiisI 9X31 ,'U ■{,: ,L1 $1 , .ffsB ^o-^Ji-i-. ■ ei3I ,51 .:^oO ,09XTiS:.. ei3I «VI .;JoD ^bsii'".^ -28- Dr. George L. Purdy, Llaria Scnenk, :.:arried, Cct. 25, 1819 James Luyster. Iilaria Van iiostrand, Llarried, Kov. 2, 1819 Leonard iurtis, Sally Ketcham, Married, Xov. 17, 1819 Sanuel H. Jackson, Llrs. phebe l.'.itcheil Schenk, L'-arried, Nov. 18, 1619 Walter Jones. Phebe Hewlett, Harried, Lee. 2, 1819 Elias Jervis, Kelly Devou, Llarried, Jin, 26, 1820 Jacob Storm, Catharine r.apelye, Harried, Feb. 4, 1820 Richard Smith, iauchy Kegeman of Hick's Neck, Harried, Feb. 5, 1620 Peter C. Eegeman, Sart'h Cock, li.arried, .,.ar. 12, 182C (pcrha^is Har. 2) 9X51 ,aS JoO .bei'vx^: 9I3I .VI .7o'A .^911': 9I8I , . ^v^ri-^-^ ?S3L ,S .00^ ^^^i-u 0S3I , C!^SI ,:^ .ifa^?! ,b^LiiB; (21 ' .^i.O ^,.r;'i ,1131 -3C- Georje Crague, Lucretia Cox, ularried, I«ov, 18, 1620 Otadiah Griff en, Abip-ail Kirk, :,larried, Nov. 23, 182C Rev. J. P. ?. Clarke, lire. Jane Bciley, iiirrried, Dec. 14, 1820 Charles Rapelye, Levina Puray of New To-^m :.'.arrieQ, Jan. 14, 1821 Samuel C. Hicks, Abigail .'iigbie, Llarried, 7eb. 13, 1621 Benjamin liegeman, Keziah Honan (?) of Kick's Keck. alr-rried, Llsy 15, 1821 John Barrows, Jr., Elizabeth liloods Prior, ilar.ied, Nov, 22, 1821 Stocker 7?oolle}', Eliza Cheeseman, ::arried, Cec. 26, 1821 Sidney Secaian, „.ary Valentine wlarried, Jan. 2, 1822 0S8I ,81 .voU .boii-xsM i'i ,tisi^'is... ,oiIibIO ,'i .1 .X, .veS ISaX ,M ,iir-L ,b3t -vJiCJ. , — '•' ....,;. , - IS3I ,SS c fin; ■rTA SS8I ,S .nal ^bsi. ■iTrJTJSj;. -Si- Francis Bro-;\'n, Eliza u'.anett, lilarried, Jrn. 5, 1622 Smith Van '.V.vck Ann Pearsal 1 of North Iierapstead, y.frried, Feh. 6, 1822 Eev. l,'.oses Levi. Phillis Dodge, fboth colored) iilarried, i;:arch 2, 1822 Eev, Clenient I:. Lefevre of Canada, u-eocy Clowes of Flathush, L>.rrie,a, ^larch Zl, 1822 Rev. Tirr-othj Clowes, ilary S. Hewlett, Llerricd, lay 3C, 1822 Hewlett ToTnsend Coles, Catharine V. Suydam, iilarried, June 13, 1822 Benjamin f!. "'illis, Sarrh A. ^.ott, aiarried, Oct. 31, 18C2 Drniel Hapelye, Christine Eurdett of liew York .'.crried, Oct. 31, 1822 Joshua I'., V£n 'Vyck. Sarah i/xria Hewlett, Llarried, Oct. 30, 1822 SS8I ,5 .n«l ^beiiiBinl ■ cs 3 ;j' p, p-m c) • ' rf j' Tr^ oijiciX ^i-'- HOIS a fjoi'xi.-ii-^ SS8X ,81 9iiJjL »ii)9iiX6.-i saai ,ie ,too ,6o.r . X4..1... J. SS3I ,06 .;foO ,b9r.' -32- Peter Erinkerhof, l.TS, V.illirapie Bennet, wioo?: of Jrmes Place, i.larried, Nov. 25, 1822 Peter P. Larremore, Eliza Ludlow of New "York, ..larried, Jan. 2, 1823 N. v., Conklin, Pbebe Smith, Llarried, — ? •, 1823 Thomas D. J.onfort, Elizabeth Townsend, :;.arried, Jan. 23, 1823 Isaac Nostrand, JeiDima Devoe, Married, Jan. 29in 1823 Samuel Hewlett, Mary Hewlett, Inarried, Feb. 4, 1823 Samuel L. Hewlett, lilaria Thorne, I>Iarried, March 10, 1623 y Smith, , (she died L'.ay, 1884] married, jley 7, 18J :7illiam Sidney pmith, Eleanor Jones, 523 i^ev. Sevmour P. Punk, Alice Carberry, ularried, Liny 6, 1823 •SOP i • r — ' - ]• o ■ r ■ o2;5i ,.DSil"I3i.i 3m: £1119 L ,# .cfs'i J>3il' .J .; , ^^si'i'iw- SS^i'^'i^V ^qM", C-..^ ,J ,;.wv. ,;: -33- Valentine Euck, l..ar\ Ann L.ertin, i..arried, Aug. 23, 1823 Jacob Jackson, :..arried, Aug. 27^ 1823 Phebe Duryea of Jerusalem South. Stephen Lnderhill, Sall^ peacock, carried, Sep. 3, 1823 George Debevoise, Doroth} Eegeinan, Carried, Oct. 1, 1823 Leonard ...ott, Hannah C. Viillis, .larried, Cct. 3C, 1623 Eev, William L. Johnson, Ltary E» Vfhetlock of New H&ven, .'.arried, ^'ov. 12, 1823 Dr. James C. Tov-HEend, Ann S. Valentine, i.'.arried, Nov, 5, 1823 Peter Onderdonk, Jr., Eliza lioo^land, married, Nov. 24, 1823 Abraham .J. Cnderdonk, li&ncy Tredwell, lilarried, Jen. 20, 1824 10 . ,11. SS8I .ZOl ,Jjbl11B: ,nsv SS6X ,21 .v: , « Tu f^il 34- Dr. Cherles Van Zant. Cati.arine Ann, daurhier of Yiilliam Post, yiarried, Feb. 5, 1S24 Bendrick Cashow, Henrietta Topping, "i.larried, Harch 21, 1624 oemuel Fickett of "ew "^ork Phebe i.»itchell, daughter of John ',V. Seaman, Liarried, Anril 13, 1824 Thomas 7,. pearsall, Mary Leggett of V.'est Chester .larried, April 15, 1824 James V.. Llott, Abigail Jones, daughter of V.alter -larried, April 15, 1824 Ebenezer Close, «'.rs. l.arg&ret aecney, Carried, Zay — ?, 1824 John V.'il^is, Jr. , Phebe Cornell, (Run awav and were married in Ner I'oi'k hy Rev." Dr. L^ell, June 6, 1824) laniel Hefj':man, j.ar} Jane Simons on, li'.arricd, June 16, 1824 George 'V. liegeman . Eliza mcCurdy of New "York, ilarried, Aug. 5, 1824 tn ,lvi ::J1£.™ ,i;ji'S'i3.. ^S8I ,31 , .iL ,3ilI.hT r.'k -35- Kev. J. V. C. Thorne of Flushing, Susan Hamilton, Carried, Aug. 22, 1824 Edward Hendrikson. Aletta Tyson Hapel}'e, y.arried, Sep. 14, 1824 Joseph li. Skidmore, Susannah Hewlett, .Carried, Sep. 17, 1824, (1826 has been written underneath) Robert oeeman, -.iss r.achel Smp.rt, u:arrieQ, ^ep. 19, 1824 — ( ? ) by D. C Bo=-art William !7ood. Abigail Chara, Llarriec, Sep. 3C, 1824 Thomas C. Pinckney, Caroline Saith, y.arricd, Cct. 6, 1824 Banner Ludlow, Sar'h Ann Suyaam of New "York Married, Nov. 3, 1824 '.7illiam Eoo,;Tland, -.aria Cnderdonk, ::arried, Dec. 8, 1824 Andrew ?. Angevine. Saroh Ann Davenport, lilarried, Dec. £, 1824 -G^: :^S3I ,M .; ,i:.T:3riO lis- i^sai ,d .d icBjjv-yc ni -36- Peter Dodge, Rebecca Iletcham, Married, Dec. 16, 18^.4 Daniel V.'illets, Jane Eutchings, Iilerried, Llarch 14, 1825 John Bain s of Korth Hempstead, Hannah l^ott of Heaps etad South, u.arricd, ?eh. 12, 1625 Richard lilorrell, L'ary E. Poole, ^ iiarried, — ? — ?,1825 Eev. J. Goldsmith, Eliza Furman, iilarriec, Jen, 20, 1G<:5 Stephen "leeks , Abigail Y.'ilkie. Harried, April,: 4, 1825 Dr. A. H. Stevens, Catharine llorris, warried, April 9, 1625 Israel H. Eaxter, Julia Viiller, iiarried, la&y 14, 1525 Rev, John Ilatchiord, Frances Viickee, ^ lilarried, l&y 18, 18^5 ^ax , ':hr' '■■Sxt ,-:3.Lr gS6I ^I^I.IiicfA ,091 ]S3i ,e I- (ii^3I ,M -37- Hev. l.aurice 7f. Dwight, Catharine Ten Erock, .arried,, .ley 9, 1825 Eev. F, C. Schroeder, Caroline !/;aria Eoardnen, :;.rrried, '..lay 22, 1825 Ti'illiam Baxter, Sarah Hav;kshurst, Harried, June 12, 1825 Thomas Kilson. Eleanor Augusta Johnson- hoth actors. y^crried, Aug. —' , 1825 George Ketchani, Pollj" Losee, married, Cct. 30, 1825 George Didge, Eetsy Erovm, y.arricG, ilov. — "i , 1625 Eoe Efiviland, u.arj Cutter, :.:arried, Nov. 8, 1825 Eev. George Bethune !i'.ar} jilliEms of Salem, New ^ork ;..arried, Nov. 4, 1825 Charles Cock, Herie Hegeman, l-larried, Nov. 25, 1825 -V£- CJci'Ji , t? '^Bi 5SBI ,S3 '^s:.! ,o9i-ii?i:.' ^0 231 /SI snul ,jr:2'iiB„ .aioioB rijoi •fTosixrloL 3;lrrj^i;.i 'ionaoX.- 3281 , :'-- ,^^ij'V .jbaiiiB..: 3S8I ,0£ Jo'j ^b^iiiB,. ?.S8I ,? — .ToH ^.boiiiSvi 2SBI ,3 ,YoM ,b9xiiB:,i aS8I .^ .voH ^.bsi'i' aS3I ,3S .YoW ,ib3rfis;^ -38- George Van liostrand, Catharine Sir.ith Ee/riks^ LlarrieQ, Dec. £1, 1825 Eev. Levi Silliman Ives, Eebecca Smith Lot art, Llarried, Fet. 15, 1625 Richard J. polheaus, -!aria Sloat, „.arried, ?eh. 14, 1625 cj P.ev. Ean^ James P. Burtis, -iEry S. liegeman, L'arried, Feh. 15, 1826 John Fioffman, Sliza Yioolley, ularried, Llarch 2, 1626 Oliver T. Hewlett, Sarah Van T^yck, daughter of jtephen, Karried, April 5, 1626 James 1.'.. ^uin, Sarah Scrughans, l.'arried, June IC, 1826 James Russell, Ann Eliza Anderson, Llarried, iilay 3, 1026 James h. 'jkidmore, 3u36nn6 Eewlett, .Carried, Zep. 17, 1826 -38- 3S8I ,12 .09'! , . '^^^^I. 5S8X ,C;I , , 3gj:i-3a .79?I -j[d 2231 ,M .cfs'!! ,x)oiii3 dS3I ,G li'iqA , ,^;. "■ISO ^231 ,,.: 9:f.uT. ,69iTis.J dS8I ,S ^^s^. ^bsxiill: ^BiombiAQ .ii 39iiibT, ,;to9lw9H snnasi/c, -^39- Ildefonso Del-rado of ;,'.exico, Sarali F. Peck of Flushing, ::arricd, at V.ev Tork Sep. 17, 1626 (A line is dravm through this marriage) Hev. Thoir.as De^itt, Ann Sliza 7/atennan, Llarried, Oct. 14, 1826 Tiilliam Eetts, Ann Dorothea Sobinson, Llarried, Get. 19, 1626 Hev, Evan L'.. Johnson, l.'.£ri2 Purdi, daughter of lavid deceased, Llarried, Cct. 26, 1826 Sidney Seaman, Phebe 7i'. Valentine, i.>rried, Nov. 6, 1626 George Eapelje Jane ...aria Suyoan, l^.arricd, Dec. 6, 1826 Jacob T. Eergen, Alica Ann Peck, ".'rrri'". , Lee. 21, 1626 Nicholas Trjkof, Sarah Johnson, ./.arriec, Jon. 4, 1827 Daniel Titus, Ann, Daughter of John Vnn T^icklen, lilarrieo, Jrn. 25, 1827 .op ,001": «jC' .' ^jJ-zIl'IG. 3231 ,(?! .toO .beci-fo:^; , no '^a.i'j o ,. ,0 ,7ClI ,08il'I'5j;l dS3I ,a .03U , :Cil13.. 3S8I .IS ,-09G ^bQi'ii?:.: 7-31 ,1^ .nj^l, , bs-ri'is... VSSI ,d^" . - - -4:- Peter Nostrand , Hannah Eurt , u.arricd, .uarch 11, 1627 Tiillian okidmore, Martha Eurtis, iilarried, April 14, 1827 Isaac 'iViliits, Fhete Tfillians, iilprried, April 14, 1827 Abrahrm Ditmis, Caty Onderdonk, Llarried, April 18, 1627 Eulef B. Schenck, Eliza ii.itchell, Llerriec, Arjril — ?,1827 Benjamin Carpenter, Sell3 Ann Eoogland, lilarriec, April 25, 1827 Eeniah Truesdale, Catharine lioogland, Llarried, Jul;, 4, 1827 Timothy Ti'. Smith, Catharine Allen, Llarried, April 25, 1827 Charles Denton, Louis Leonard of Flushing, li'iarried , Julv 31, 1827 VS8I ,22 iiic[A ,joJ:':ii^.-.-" a '" •:» r-; p n rj'v 'p rf ^ £jT > { VS8I ,32 liT-fA ,-b9rriT O'iiiiiOdu. r.i.UOu. V23I ,ie 7lL \ ^1- John E. Seaman, Aki Smart, :,:arried, Julj 9, 1827 I^atthew T. Van Zant, ILaria Suy^am, ;.larriecl, Sep, IS, 1627 ?Jalter Nichols, ^aria Lake, -.Carried, 5ep. 13, 1827 Daniel Craft, ii'.artha Vdttinghamj L.arried, Dec. 5, 1827 Samuel Armstrong, Deborah Denton, Liarriec, June 27, 1827 Llartin Schenk. Jane Onderdon^, Llarried, Jan. 3C, 1828 Peter Cashow, Elizabeth Gerray, I-larried, Jan. 30, 1828 John Skillman, Catherine Mewberrj, Carried, ilarch 13, 1828 Calvin Brooks, Ll&r} Jervis, iilarried, April 8, 1828 ,9 -rlifl ,,03ifr« VSoX ,eX ,cro , ?S8X ,81 ,cf3G; ,/oQLiin. VS8I ,G .oea ,53i-.-; V!58X ,VS 9.OTU /oei-rfsLi 3S8I ,0S •ssL Jioiiis^I 8S3I ,0S ..tbL ,.osi:iis?iI 8S3I .,81 doiB:^ ^oGi-^c'iBl: ,3:;looi2 nivIsO ,-~J:vt:qI ^isM -i2- Comelius Smith, Miss ilargaret ulitchell, carried, April 3C, 1626 Simon Craft, Temperance Craft, ^^ ^^^^ ^ Llarried, liay 21. 1828 John Armstrong, Susan Cheesmen, iilarried, Llay 11, 1828 Leonard Tt'anser, Sarah Eond, Liarried, June 1, 18^6 Frost Craft, iilary Ann Bennet, i..arried, Aug. 17, 1628 Eugene Eogart, Lliss Eliza Ann Eeck, lilarried, Aug. IC, 1828 John V;. Thorne, fictoria C. Rougier, LHarried, Sep. It, 1828 John Hegeman, Elizaheth V.'haley of Hick's V.eck lilarried, Sep. 6, 1828 Hev. Harry Finch, Charlotte Augusta Van ^ant, Inarried , Nov. 9, 1828 ^ ^ 3/'Xj>j b f ijO £ J. iij- ■:s''' 2':!ciR ^r -43- Eenry Cnderdonk, Jr., y.arif I:. Cnderdonk, .larripd, IIov. 26, 1628 A"brah8m Ackermen, Caroline Heereman, .larried, Nov. 26, 1628 Lambert Vijkoff, Susan Johnson, ^.arried, Jan. 15, 1629 Daniel Brinkerhof , Phebe Eogart, Llarried, Llarch 11, 1829 Jackson u!. Kissam, Sail}- Ann, daughter of Jamer I,:ott, I'arried, I.larbh 4, 1829 Dr. Edwin :;ebt, Ann Eliza Hornclower, Llarried at Eergen, April 27, 1629 Thosias Dodge, Aletta Erinkerhof, married, Jur.e 17, 1629 John N. Erinkerhof, y.ar3' Yi. Adrian, Lilarriei, Nov. 22, 1829 Dr. Alwjn Eo£;art, iliza L., daughter of Dr. TTclkcr, married, Sep. 3, 1629 ;^,...i , ,yS li igA ,n9^- .44- K, G. Cnderdonk, Eliza 3. Cncerdonk, Viarried, Jan. 23, 1830 Abrahem Eoogland, Elizabeth OrtleT, ' .'.crried, — ? — ?, 1830 Piatt Millets, jlerths liegeman, ylarried. Feb. 1£ , 1830 John L. Riker, Lavinia Smith, iilarried, Feb. 25, 1630 ? Jess up, Sar?h Ann "iates. larried, — ■ — ?, 1830 'iVarren Llitchell. Catharine Ondernonk, ularried, l.'.arch 11, 1830 John Jpckson, Eliza Hegem^n of queens Co., ...arried, Jul^ 31, 1830 Hobert M. Ames, Eliza Sends, i.larried, Sep. £, 1830 Thomas Bradlce, * Ann TTri.'-ht, Jiarried, Sep .22,, 1830 )Ea[ )e£'i'i^. ■— _ ■ J . J X"! li- i -45- Eichard Llorrell, Julia Ann Poole, . , ^j. -s> ipon u.airiea, Sep. c^y icoO Llatthew 5. Bunt ting, Sarah Ann Allen, . , ^ i. o/- lo-^ ;..prrieQ, Get. db, looC Andrew Hegeinan, Harriet Eurt, ,, . . m or in-n Larriea, Mov. 2C, IboO Jacot Seaman, niza Jervis, j^^^.^,^ ^^^^ ^^^ 183C John E. L.iller, Llartha D. Lcton, , , ^ , Liarried, Dec. CI, 1830; et I'.enTpsterd Herhor Ambrose Vieeks, 3ar-h Ann Rapelje _ I:!arrieo, Dec. 31, IboC Edmond 3. '.Villets, Esther vrhitson, Married, Jan. — ?, 1831 George ahitemore, Irs. Llary Cheeseman, l.larried, June l^i, 18ol Isaac Thome, Jemima Coles, ^^, 'Carried, — ? — ;, 1631 ^d'aqiasll i's ; ■ror ..iSIl'IiS: ISBl , - -46- Jos^h Fox Eurtis, Lary Ann Bogart, <> .o-i P. 1, Einton, Edeliza Bees , .:arried, June 27, 1831 Lawrence Seaman, Ann Eliza Cashow, L^arried, Jul^ 26, 1631 Eenry Eaydon, Elisabetn Alien, iilarried, July CV, 1831 Hobert T/haley, Euhaaa Devoe, Liarried, Julj 25, 1651 Like Garrey, ilartha Seaman, jlarried, Jul}- 28, 1831 Capt. Lowis MsiderLolt, Ellen Hapel^e, u'^arried, Aug. 11, 1831 Lewis TT. Angevine, Phebe iZott, y.arried, Sep, 26, 1831 Hev. Richard D. Hall of Lernpstead (?; mary Doo^-las of Philadelphia. Iilarried, Cct. 18, 1831 . , yd. rcq r y. L^Qx ,1 /■v\ Jv„^4 -M- Bev. W. E. CrmplDen, Catharine Schoonmaker, Married, — T — ■ 1831 Lenjaniin Hewlett, L'aria T. Mitchell, :.arried, Oct. 20, 1831 Lr. Nathan Shelton, ularj Ann Sophia 3 tar man, ^larriea, Cct. 2V, 1631 Joseph L. Townsend, Hannah T,'. vrhitson, J.arried, liov. 3, 1831 Singleton Mitchell, ^s. Sarah Hewlett, Married, Dec. 14, IGCl Dr. iViliam 7,'. Kissam, Jane M. Hewlett, y.arried, L-ec. 27, 1831 Daniel Schenck, Susan Bogart, Married, April 11, 1832 Rev, Henry Hermance, Catharine E. Lain of New "York Married, may 9, 1832 Timothv Ti'. Smith, Grace C. Sands, uiarried. May 23, 1832 iC3I ?- -48- "iTilliam "..'.. Thompson, Eliza N* Hanna of Jainaica .'.arried, June 5, 1832 Tifilliam Simonson, ulary Jane i'ajte, . n- looo j.arrieo, June lo, iiicd Elias Van Vocrhies, Sarah A. Earker, Llarrieci , June 19 , 1632 Milliam Ilegeican, Ann Curye, Llarried, Aug. 30, 1632 Charles Clements, l.'.ar7 Coles, L:arried, Dec. 2C, 1832 Willi r-m '.Till is, Juliet Searing, lilarried, Jan. 2, 1G33 John Eegman, l^'.ary E. Allison, of Hew I'ork ^'.arried, Jrn. 9, 1833 Joseph Leake, Phebe Oakley, married, Jan. 17, 1833 E. H. Tfil^ia, Elizabeth Hewlett, 'ularried, Jan, 18, 1833 J. , ., :j:iJi ,SI 9riJjL , -C rr ■■ ■ ,VI «n3L ,''eiiis:^ -49- John Eencrikson, lilaria H. Esiley, L'arriec, Jan. C7, 1833 Atrahan; l.ierritt of Cyster Bay, Hebccca Lewis, of New "York Carried. Pet. £7, 1833 ? Titus of New ^.ork Eliza -iott, -uarried, larch 1, 1833 J. 3. Jackson Jones, Ee"beccc T. Jackson of Eenpsetad Tarbor iuarried, i,larch 7, 1803 Samuel Yen Nostrend, Mary Tredwell, larried , llarch 26 , 1833 Coe 3. Searing, Catharine Tlma Valentine, Llarried, Llarch 27, 1833 Eenrj K. Hewlett of (Hock ?,(probe"bl7 of Hockaway) Cornelia Allen, daughter of John of Gov? Neck :.:arried, April 3, 1833 Nicholas "'vkof. Surrogate, Mrs. Slizabeth Eennet -lamed, April 23, 1833 Eete. Isaac P. Laba.^h, lilar^ Elizabeth la^aw of Graves end uiar.ied, Jul^ 15, 1533 SS3I , -5C- Aaron Burr, Sliza Juniel, ..arried, Jul- 17, 1833 by Dr. Eogprt Eenry Van Bensellaer, Elizabeth Raj Kin^, u.arried, Aug. 22, 1633 Pierce P. "ri-ht, Ann Yandewater, „'.arried, ? — ?, 1633 Charles 3. V.'atrous, -larj- C. Tut tie, ularried, Aug, 24, 1833 Dr. George I:. Kissam, ulary Ann Cordraj , ■-'.arried, Aug. 3C, 1833 Stephen Craft . Abigail Bennet, Llarried, Sep, 19, 1833 Fenrj- Tred7;ell, „.ertna r. Dodge, /.arried, Oct. 22, 1633 Dr. George L. Huntington, y.ary Eoogland, iilarried, Cct. 24, 1833 l;ev. George li. Shelton, Frances L. Bartow, ..arried, Cct. 29, 1833 -el- Tin-.oth'- T. o^ackson, Ethalinda 'Willis, no ipqq ...arried, Nov. 13, 1833 Lendal_?. Pratt, Ellen h. Doughty, . . , ,. nr, ipoo married, Nov. 17, 1833 V;illiar: Griff en, Sarrh 31ussar, . o m no iqoo luarried, Nov. 13, 1833 John Alexander Searing, Susan A. Valentine, , iuarriea, Nov. 26, 1833 ? I'.yers, Lucretia Brinkerhof, . , ^ o too/ :..arriea, Jan. — ?, 1634 Nicholas Bennet, Jane Brinkerhof, . . , , ^, .p^, ...arried, Jen. 2C, 1634 Ahraham 3. Cuderdonk Phehe 3. I^einsen, .-..-, nr too/ ...arrieo, April 15, 1834 Benjamin L'.ott , a.ary Uott, . . , , . too/" ...arriea, Juno — r, 1834 John Deiuott Bergen, Hannah Simonson, . , , -,-, -.oo/ ularrieo, June 11, 1834 -52- Dfiniel Van ^7icklen, 3r., Elizabeth Ann Bailey, l.'.arriec, Sep. 21, 1634 Hezekiah Lord, Rebecca 'Vickliam, Carried, Sep. 22, 1834 Vian'en Cornell, I:,lizabeth Fegan, u^arrisd, Cct. 9, 1634 ailbert Chard, Uartho Stufebs, l.larried, Oct, 16, 1834 Stephen Eobbins, Nana J Cnderdonk, ^ ...arried, Dec. 17, 1634 Hiran Allen Harriet Allen, Carried, Jan. 2G, 1835 Cornelius ■..'.. Rrpelje, Catharine Allen, w'.arried, ...arch 23, 1835 John C. ileritt, phebe Albertson of liorth :.e;:.pstcad , ...arried, April 11, 1835 Levi Devoe, Elizabeth Travers, Carried, April 12, 1835 -tr^ r- -53- Abraham Schenk, Sally Davis, Larricd A-oril 2G, 1635 James II. Skidmore, ..arried, April 27, 1835 j'.ary Ann Hewlett, John E. Luyster, Ann Siinonson, Harried, April — ?, 1835 Charles Kissam, Elizabeth 3. Llott of C^'ster Eaj; Llarried, ..lay i^'O, 1835 Lucas Anthony, Llartha Seaman of North Hemprtead, married, t.a-j — r, 1835 Benjamin Poole, Juliet Thompson, ;..arried, June 10, 1835 Jacob Eurie, Llary, daughter of Richard Weeks of V»estbury '.'.arried, June — ?, 1835 Elbert Yionree Elizabeth V, £rinker]:of, u'.arriea, Sep. — ?, 1835 Dr. W. K. Kathall, ularianne Ti'atts, Iilarried, 3ep, 16, 1835 .J • .V y J. ■I ,ri ..8,: ,^ei' -54- Ditmers Ludlow, Sarah Duryea, ^ ■. ., r jt :>:arried, Sep. — , 1835 by G. Ludlow Fienry ^1. Thorne, Cornelia Kelsey, , • , ^ f - iflc^p; i..arried, Oct. ^, 18 JO Jervis Smith, janny S. uoore, _^ . - a 4. on t cor ii.arriea, Oct. 27, 1835 Hev. Samuel Seahury, Amelia Janes, . - ., ,„ tcor ...arrica, i\ov. 17, l£3o rhomas ...cllee, Amelia Allen, ^^ ^^^^ ...arried, Nov. 25, 1835 John Sands, Jr. , Juliet Coles, ...arrieij, Dec. 9, 1835 John 3. Wood, Sarah iVilkie of Hempstead I.'arhor L'.arried, Dec. 23, 1835 George Tiilson, Phebe Ann ViilKie of Hempstead Harbor. ularriea, Dec. 23, 1835 Alfred Valentine, Emily Car 11, .. . to iqqa ...arriO(j , Jan, 13, 1836 -00- Karvev Powell, Jane Bennet, . . r c loor Iilamed, Jan. 6, lb36 Joseph L. Hewlett, iiar^ T. Cornell, on iP'^r ..arried, Jan. 20, 1836 Benjamin "'etb Cornell, Amanda ^lalvina Rosco of Lakeville, carried, Feb. 24, 1836 Dt. Stephen ?;ickes, liary Y/hitne:, dau-hter of Isaac hey er u.arried, Feb. ^4, 1836 Jacob Storm of Fishkill, :..aria P.apelye of Newtown, ^ .i.arriea, Feb. 2d, 1836 Jacison ..ott, . . r ^ ularv Jane Tap-en of Hempstead harVor ularriec, April c, 1836 Dr. Richard T. liorsefield, Catharine L. 'lostrand, Irlerried, April 7, 1836 James Allen, Iilary Eavden, ^ *^ • I.:arrie(3, April 13, 1836 Viillian Simonson, *? i.B^be, l.:arried, April — , 1836 -GO- dtiSI ,d ,n>~I> ,x/0. dobi. , a^C;. m'uB'j. ^JOSI'Ii dS8I ,aa «cf9'^ ,jjbii-^zi. 068I ,V XiiqA ,0£xii-;... , vS-iij I. -56- Abraham K. Sciienk, Sarah B. Devis, Llarried A-oril 20, 1636 (This is crossed out and "1835" with a query placed after it) Robert Hut chinas, L\Qia Ann L'.ott, :;.arried, July 8, 1836 Rev, A. E. Lambert, Sarah B. Gunn, ularried, Aug. 11, 1836 Isaac Lendickson, Charity Lurye, -uarried, Sep. 28, 1836 Peter V. Remsen, lawyer, Jane Ironside, ...arrico, Cct. 19, 1636 Cochran, Ann 'iVri^ht, i-iarried, Cct. 27, 1836 nhite, ulargaret Heasen, -Carried, Oct. 27, 1836 John I. Liitcnell, Olivia ulitchell, marries, Cct. C7, 1636 P. k, nightingale, u.ary King, Ijiarried, Nov. 16, 1836 O.Q, J]- MT) 3S8I ,1.! ,\-- ,jC-.. ,„ex'ii3. oeSX ,51 -^7- Dcniel Dovmin^,-, Ann Fagan, ...arriec, Fet. 18, 1S37 James uladison l.lonfort, Elizabeth Luyster^ Ikiarried, yiarch 28, 1637 James ],'., Cnderoonk, Jane Repelve Eereman, ...arried, ..'.a- 15, 1837 Adam Llott, j-ar}' I. Powell, carried, liiay 24, 1837 Abraham -iills, -.fria HaT)el}e, u^rried, Se^. 3, 1838 (This 1838 hes been adoed m rencil, but the marriage is amon^ those of 1837) Jno. N. Erig^s, Gitty Suydam, Harried, Sep. 13, 1837 Joseph Letting, Saran Frost, Jlarried, Oct. 1', 1637 Edwer: L. Tredwell, of New York 3?= rah fiewlett of Grert Neck, .Carried, Cct. 17, 1837 Daniel Van Wicklen, Hannah Cheshire, married, "ov. 23, 1637 jioifTOM no;-- ve.3i ,(:l . Ve3I .YI .;^ou . ;r ioM fHBcA .a3l:: -58- David E. Laniberson, Sarah A. Tarvey of Illinois, L'.arried, Nov. 28, 1837 William Eenr^ Allen, Sarah C. Eemsen, Uarried, Dec. 7, 1837 Hichard C. Eapel^^'e, Anne Ven liostrana of Hempstead (?) -.arried, Dec. 31, 1837 Latham Llitchell, Serah -iitchell, ularried, Dec. — ?,ie37 Albert Van Nostranc, -'.artha Ann I'.irty, Llarried, Jan. 10, 1838 Jno. L, Mapier, L'p.ria Emmons , i-'iarriec, Jan. 24, 1838 Ahraham I, fhitson, Hannah nillis, Llarried, il .691- "^€31 /' .05^ . ?o3I U^ .09(1^^ \o . :. . . — ,n9L-c:+- -r'i--tsJ 5S3X ,01 .nsL ,.09iii3:: ,snor3i;K si-::-';.. 8S8X ,:^S .asl ,b'=iTisM 3£3I ,1 lioi-::,: ,5Qr 3&OX ,'j-. noii 8881 ,8 rfoi/ii.! ,i-.oi'r 51x-i,, --ui^j -sxiii:: ,n:o5::IosT ^9- jEines Eemsen, Ann Seaman. , _. , .„ id-d uiarrieo ...arch ^c, lEoB Chatterton Culver, Catharine Laton, ^ Carried, April ^S, 1838 Peter Dodge, Hannah Ketcham, iiarried, l..ay 16, 1838 Eicks Albertson, Eliza C. n'illis, Llarried, lAay 16, 1638 f.aaipton Lodrc, Sarah InderHill, ilarried, June 6, 1838 Elbert F. Jone?, Emily Glentwortn, iiiarried, June 5, 1838 E-:nry 0. Dod^e, Emelmc Craft, iilerriec, June 11, 1638 Robert K. Titus, Eliza Chapman, uiarriea, June l:., 1838 Rev. Viilliam R. Gordon, -.atilda Cnderdonk, U'^rried, Jul: 21, 1838 3S3I ,8S doisM beiiisn'. '^381 ,eS Irin-A ,.09 ill .3.'.; r t — ' >3€SI ,3 onuL ^osiiisK 8C3I ,11 snnl , 8281 J2 ;^j7l .D9i". se- ines Vi. Kclse}, Alniira Eldridjc, , -.arried, Sep, — itvio ibraham Mills, Siaric Rapelye, . . q, o noco Marriea, Sep. 3, lb6Q Andrew J. Eerenian, Dorothy Ann Cnderoonk, •^ ilarried, Cct. 3C, 1838 James Vi. L'.ott, Lydia F. To?msend, iiierriea, Nov. <:-^, ltJ8 Philip Leek, Eliza Ketcham, ^ ^^^^ ..arried, Dec. 4, 1838 Eemardus Uendickson Creed, Jane D. F.ensen, v/idow of Jno. "'ig£:ins. u.arried, Dec. 4, 1838 V.'arren Griffin, Sallj' Coit, ^ ^^,^^ itlarried, Jrn. 3C, 18^9 Rev, G. I. Garrets on, Catharine Sapel^'e of "ewtown, L.arried i..arch IIT, 1839 Samuel T^eltcrs, Catharine Allen, , ,^^^ .larried. April 31. 1839 -OS- 3S3I — .q3b , ouii'ifi- > r » "' — 8£SI , . _^a ,^ei-[ SC8I ,08 JoO ,l)3xiiBl^ 8£3I .SS .vo^C .bsriisiS ,i3n9anv70T /'I sif ;;J 8S0I ,1- .09u «i)3ii'xs- 9881 .08 .nsL .bsiiier. 9881 ,"I ifo -fCoI ,18 Ix'icfi ,i3ei" -61- Jacob R. Schenk, „.artha Eurti'; , :.:arried Mov. 13, 1839 John A. Craft, Arm Hems en, l.'.arried, Dec. 1, 1839 Benjamin Allen, iilary Burt is, .Carried, Dec. 11, 1839 Atrahar;. u'.ills, Sllen Lott, b'.arried, Dec. 17, 1839 iienry Cnderdonk, iilrs. ;.'.aty '.Vebb, :.:arried, Dec. 31, 1839 ^ueen Victoria, Prince Albert, j'-arried, Feb. 10, 1840 Silas y.ott, iarr V," ill is, .uerried, llarch 18, 1840 Philetr.s Ketcham, Catharine Allen, Llarried, ..'.arch — ?, 1840 Timoth-; Boeruir, Susan Durye, ..'arried, A^ril 9, 1840 ; C> -• J. mJ. ^ 21;^ XL'S ^{is..-. !c:^:.;l ,.1 .Dt).^ , , \j » . .- . . - - J- ^ ■ O^ox ,V— ilo'xs... ,i!eiii3:.i -62- P. .Potter, lielen Garretson, M-rried, I'.e.^ 5, 1840 Ovyen Lovrere, Phebe Salt, alarried, April — , 1840 Valentine "illic. Antoinette Logart;, !.'arriGc, June 2, 1840 George Cocks, tiary Eicks, ..'arried, June 4, 1840 Towns end C. » ill is, 'J.&tj 3, Jackson, luarrieu, Aug. 23, 1840 G. r. Docharty, y.argaret Thorne, ..'.arried, Aug, 6, 1840 Tiilliam E. noolley, Johanna V^n "iclen, .arried, Sep. 19, 1840 Charles E. Kneejen, Sarah Jane Dodge, I'.arried, Dec. 31, 1840 George G. Hewlett, Kliza Ann Duryea, y.arried, Sep. 14, 1849 ,n03jST::: "^ r r^n' OApr ^ — Ii-::-A ,ZoLi1Bh\ .~ ^ Cr r N inuu ,09xiiy O^ai ,£"2 .^uA ,.'3X11.?: , - .1. -^ ..V. I . -. 0-hSL ,10 .ooa ,^eiii-3:.: -63- ^'illiam n. iiinman. lilary Elizabeth ..'.itch ell, lilarried, Oct. 14, 1841 Fr. Skillman. Sarah Ann Scnenk, .larried, June 9, 1632, o* 1852 Lewlett uissam, Ann Stanton, Iilarried, y.arch 26, 1796 Viilliam Hewlett, Elizabeth Kigbie, i'.arried, Sep. 4, 18CX: Jackson 1.1. Kissar.., Sallj Ann, daughter of James Iilott, :.'.arried , ..'.arch 4, 1829 Jack Hegeman, lilartha Craft, :.'.arried, June 9, 1795 P.ichard Tattt-rson, Betsej Bogers, ..Carried, Aug. 6, 1795 Isaac Sniffin. .<.ra. Jerusha '.Yebb, both of Cow l.'eck. ...arried, Aug, 15, l7S5 by Squire Hegeman Jcmcs Iiegcsuin of Ceiar Swamp, Catharine Cnderdonk of Flower Hill, ularried, Dec. 12, 1795 -::,d- ,no:^n8J8 xiitA ,^:el7;e.'I insillii. de'^I .9 aruju aevi .d ., 'Su. rrsrag^Qii siiu ■ H^?i ,21 .^/jA , , jiixi inc. o^.s 3l ,11 in 18 . onO sflxisifd'sO \ "' ,09.1 . ,ci--': -64- Albert Cblinis of Flatbush, Lett}' Cortel^ou of li. H. ularried , Jan, 3, 1796 George Cnderdonk, 3araH Ha-oelye, ...arried, Sunday Evening, Jan. 24, 1796 "by Vpn Mest 'Villiam Llaxmilian Stewart, uiagdalen Van Mostrand, ..'.arried, Jan. 30, 1792 iuinne Cnderdonk, Cf'tharine Schenck, uiarried, kvril 1, 1793 Lott Cnderdonk, Sn°an Schenck, :.'.arried, April 1, 1793 Emna A. Tredwell, Edgar Poole of Little Keck h\a r r i e d , I.lay 11 , 1864 Maggie S. Tredwell, Samuel J, Jackson of Flushing, :.larried, Nov. 22, 1866 Clinton Hewlett, -.ary iiliza Allen of „.anhas::et y.arried, April 3, 1867 Robert Zllison Tibbets, Sarah 'ilartha Remsen, aiarried l.ov. 1-7, 1867 -J^a- SSVI ,c .jis. , 89?I ,1 liitjA ,b9i'r. , iXJi ^d8i ,11 islil ,i)eiii6l.: dS3X ,SS .^ . .LxisU \ Ool ,0 ll'i v' i^ , .0 G I Vd8X ,v:: .voii .091 V ■ -65- Henrj A. Schenck of Great Neck, Ann A Hicks of "..".anhasset, luarriec, Fet, C6, 1868 Henrv C. Ditmis, Jaran Frances Lamberts on, ularricd, Cct. 4, 1869 Jose-oh Hewlett, Eertlia 3. "'icks of V.'estburj, :;.arried, Dec. 22, 1877 David Provost, Zlizabeth Carman, ii'.arried, I.'.ar. 19, 1823 b- ?.ev. F.arle renjar.in Patterson, Eannah Provost, liiarried, April 26, 1611 r.em Lefierts, u'.arion hrower, ..'.arried , Dec. 29, 1823 James ',7. Valentine, of Eocky Kill, Sarah Provost of BushT^ick .'.arried, 3ep. 19, 1843 7iilj.iam E. Valentine, Chebc 2. Kisram, i/.arricd, Oct. 6, /846 Hewlett Kissam, Ann Stanton, ./.arried, :.!arch 26, 1796 ,5ioaII ^tsaiD 'to ioaoilj 8581 ,d2 ,d3^ ,f)3iiiBJii 5 j i 'i '1 vrax .ss .08!! , . aXisj! .van: rd BSBl ,91 .-ri.o ..osiiiBM ,iT0 3i3:toS'^ riinsfno:.: II8I ,32 liiqii ,£9ii'i.. ,-i97.oid noiis.'.i SS8I , . ■ .OC'J: ,::^1T13... £1^81 ,ei .qsO / ^Q£i£-iaeL&'( .2 rasilli'., 39VI ,oS rfoiBul ,.69ii'is.. -66- Jose-oh Kissam, Elizabeth Cornell, '.'.arried, Dec. c.3, 18C4 Jno. Lefferts, Nancy Sammis. (Hempstead ?) :.'.arried, '.lay 13, 1813 T.'illiam Eetiett, Elizabeth Iligbie, Married, Sep. 4, 180C Sarah Tredwell, Isaac Burr, Llarried, June S, 1784 Thomas Tredvjell, Nancy "'oolly, ,, . . t - iryoR llarried, Jan. ^, 1785 Benjamin V/oolly, Sarah Kicks. _ ^ nr 1709 Larrieo, ^ep. 16, 17y. . ., . .— - -.r' r ,^i ..:'9^ ,]j6 X-riB-J ncni ,-^1 .cTs'^: ,09. 5831 ,V .vo;i , :, 1 -67- Charles 3. Tfatrous, .:ary C. Tuthill. .:an-iec, Aug. 24, 1833 C. 3. Denton, Eliza Llott, i'arried, Sep. 22, 1832 Thomas Hewlett. Letitia Carpenter^ i.'.arried, Aug. 9, 1829 Robert Van Nostrand, Patience Caklej, ularried, Cct. 19, 1830 Silvanus r'ewlett, Elizabeth iuott, lusrried, Dec. 2, 1826 Samuel Clowes , Letitie Smith, Llarried, Jen, lb, 1628 Richard Hicks, Mar^- Hewlett, lilarriec, Dec. 1, 1825 John Covert. Boletta Leflerst, Llarried, Feb. lb, 1826 Janes f Joseph 7) Hewlett, Clara Ann Bedell, -larried. June 29?! 1823 e,?M ,:■.. , SS8I «:.1S .cr::; 22SL ,e , itc ,91 ,io'o ,.00 ills',: I ,S .osd ,09 ills- J . 39- SS3I ,1 .06u , 3281 i:iL .dol , SS8I , ,dd9lv;. ,;JiovoO n: -68- Samael Van 'Vyck, Sarah Denton, ii.arrieu, Jan. 25, 1617 James Ditniers, Sarah r.oe, L'.arried, April 9, 18C8 (A few deaths scattered among these marriages) Mary Allen; wife of John Thome; died Feb. 3, 1851; aged 99 years, 6 months and 10 days Elizabeth, wife of ?.ev. D. 3. Eogart, cied Cct. C6, 1841 Elizabeth Luyster, died, Jan. £6, 1842; aged 82 years Joseph L'egeman, died Dec — , 1841 ;aged 98 years Cornelius Suydam, near Jamrica; died, Dec. 4, 1842; aged 74 years !i'.rs. James Luyster; died, Aug. 12, 1843 Timothy Clowes, died June 2C, 1847; aged 6G yi ars. George G. Hewlett, died, 1877 Benjamin T. Kissam, died in Brooklyn, Dec. 25, 1877; aged 36 years. Dr. nilliam A. Kissam: died at father's in Hempstead April 13, 1877 ?I8I ,gS ,fTpL ,!)3rri ;i.-5-iSc ', 'V o A ,•• " c^s be': -69- Sarah, Tiiie of Samuel Lefferts of r.errostead; died, Dec. 31, 1877; aged 82 years George i;. liors field, died, Jan. 14, 1878; aged 66 \ ears , 8 months and 6 days George T.'. l..onfort of Glen Cove; died, Jan. 6, 1578 Ida Eapelye Suydam; died. ?eb. 22, 1854; aged 72 years, 2 months and 11 days. John Spader; died, Dec. 17, 1860 Thomas !.'.. Strong; died, June 14, 1861. Son of y.ichael and Ann Schenk of n'esthury; died, Jan. 15, 1878 b[(i ,2T39 ; ,i>9i:b ; \r-fj:.i :^K losiToiJ.; lo nc?^ :;arrlag;e8 by Rev. Kenry Ileri^ance ot_ Rp forcied Dutch Church of Xorth Hempstead, Long Island forraerly Success r ranhasset, L. I. lS26-lc59 Copied froni the original s, no lorj^er in exietence, by Henry Cnderdonk,^ .. r the early sixtief-. His nr.nu script, rapidly f ftll in£ to pieces ie c/ned by the Long Island Historical Kociet. :oklyn, Coijic] froji. the above ifnuscrirjt Joeephi:.f C, Frost (Ire, Samuel Knapp Frost i^rooklyn, 11, Y. -7C- 1826 Dec. 2 Chas. Coss &. patience Peters 1627 Feb. 21 John Andrew d- Perc;. Jackson April 4 u'm. Skidmore &. L'artha 3, Eurtis, 18 Atm, Ditmis & Catj Cnderdonk 1626 Jan. 3C i.iertin Schenck C: Jane Cnderdonk Apr. 12 CalVin Erooks d- L!aria Jervis Kay 24 3aml/ Cornell &: Catharine Ruland iNov. 26 Henrj Cnderdonk, Jr., d- Maria E. Cnderdonk 1629 Jan. 8 Janes l.:cFarl8n of Tro^ o. Jane ','.* Anderson of Brooklyn July 17 Thos. Dodge S- Alettie Erinkerhoff Cct. 24 Rich, Seaman & L'rs. Eliza Brown 'tov. !I6 Sanl. '.Vackerell J ...rs. phebe Snedeker Dec. 26 Nicholas Acker ^ Loretta Vandeverg Dec. 27 Jos. Atkins o- Catharine Htchie •^Y- rroa::iOsL ^roisi 'L iisibnli mlol, Inob-xs-biiG '{i^fiO -tivf: i3 niiVlaO SI .-xc/.v bHsIxjl? siiiisJo^v^ jj LioaioO \lfnsS I^S <^s-: i^0£ii92iiii'i-i -:..:,;■;.•• " -'bed .aoiiX VI \^Iyl awoi. ■ m 1^ .:^o.^ -71- 1829 Lee. £7 Abe. liutchings c- Elizabeth Rogers 183C Jan. 23 Horatio G. Cnderdonk, fanner C: Elizabeth S. Cnderdonk, both of Cow }Ieck Mar. IC VTarren j'itchell, farmer c- Cath. Cnderdonk Apr. 24 Sidney l.'.ott. Paper l.'aker c. Phebe Kutchins, tailoress May 29 Capt. John ''ntt, boatman 6: Henrietta nood, spinster; both of Hempstead Harbor Nov. 27 Jacob Seaman, shoemaker & Elizabeth Jarvis of Hempstead Harbor 1831 Jan. 8 Jos. Pox Eurtis, woolen Draper of Irooklyn (?: Llary Ann Eogart of" Hempstead Harbor July 3 Danl. D. Francis S: Betsey Lev/is July 26 Robt. "lialey. Shoemaker & Huhane Devoe of North Hempstead Aug. 28 Eenj, Leake, blacksmith S- L'.artha Devoe of North Hempstead 1828 iilay 24 David Coss C: Juliana Allen 1829 Aug. 8 Andrew Appleby S: Jfne Hicks sio^oS diedBsii ' - -'- ' -- ] ,-[cfA AC3 ' "' .03 ^^:i. ''.■,;■-; y .'.'11 .■ »C( 3l ,11- -I .'1^- -i:- . 'f- l-O'.hi.:'^ -89:! ,-'ISl5fT£Cr3 led"'! Sri lo sovad 3n3 _ 183C Dec. 5 Ferris Eorton d Jane Chappie X833 Oct, IS Caleb Coss & Llargt, liegeman 1831 Dec. 13 Singleton l.litchell, Esq., cL- I'xs, Sar^h Hewlett 1632 Jan. 17 John Cornell, far-.er, Ro. lieqpstea £.- Eliz. Durjea of Flushing Apr. 11 Dahl, T. Schenk, iilerchant, Brooklyn 5: Susan Bogart 1633 Jan, 17 Jos. Leake. Carpenter, of Eeb^/lon ".- Phehe Oakle^' 01 North Ilempstead Jan. 31 John '.Vest £: Amelia Verity of Great Neck * Tialter Verity &. Ainy Eulse of Great Neck !.lar. 11 L'.ilton Smith, Shoenaker & Jane ^atts of North nempsteed Apr. 11 Vi'dt.. Coles, Tanner - Aio'l V. -73- 1833 Jul} 9 Ean'l Seaman, pa-nenraker Z Harriet Carter of Cbvr Neck Jul}' 26 Pierce P. V/ri^rht, farmer c '..'.arj Y. Dev^ster 01 North Eecipstead 1833 Oct. 22 John Henrj Tredwell, fanner o- li'.artha Eurtis Dodge of Cow Neck Nov. 13 Timothy Jackson, fanner of TemrDetad Eartor (.-. J o JLO, -'J _- « .U. rliocf ^inobieiJrrO sxIsnioO iS siooiu .': .asL '■• ■' .j'nsil lo -76- 1845 Dec. 3 John Eecreman & Eliz. Li. Purtis of 'i. Neck 1846 Cct. 12 Wm, Armstrong (?• Emeline Spader, both of Great Neck 1847 Peh. 8 F.ichard Allen c: Clive, daughter of Calvin Erooks 1646 June 6 Henr;;,- Amberman £• !.'.ar^ Eliza Coles (Col'd.) 1647 Dec. 3C Adrian V. Nostrand o: Susan Jane Allen 1648 Feb. 15 iVarren Williams (?. Elsie Allen -larch 2 Isaac Jones c. Hannah E. '..las tin April 3 Chas. L. I'.atthews C: Eebecca Thompson June 24 Chas. Townsend c. Eliz. Eicks (Col'd.) Jul- 11 Eenr}- p. LlcGown c Llartha Seaman lug. 5 John Your.g ^ ulargt. Riley Aug. 13 Tov^nsend Erooks c- Eannah I.!. Petersen (Col'd.) Aug. 19 Josiah Valentine Z: Sarah Smith (Col'd.) Aug. 25 Hanon Ratou & Eliza Cornwall (Col'd.) iIo9?: ' nrfot. C ■ -■■--■ .--■■' rr a3I .:;...;. .-.. ,. smsillir' rroTisW -o. - .. xiiJ ^ :oL 03331 S 1 .r;',. samvoT .3srfO :^S snuL eii:' J' : ' adol ;\o'IoO) rfitimB ils'is; . i-i -77- 1648 Aug. 23 Jas. A..liiderhill & Catharine regenan 164S Feb. 6 Nath'l Nostrand & Llary E. Seaman TiPeb. 11 St.E. ^ue & Roth P. Coffin -.ar, 1 Eobert E, ulott cL- Ann Louisa 7/eeks AprL 26 John Hicks <$: ^iarjf E. Eaviland Sep. 14 George G. Hewlett L Eliza Ann Duryea Sep. 29 7im. Henry Ti'illiams S: L'.ary A. .'.cDermott Oct, 31 Y/m. Hems en 6: l.!aria Dodge Lee. 4 Tbos. li'.cKee o: Cinthia Allen 165C Jan. 8 Tbos. ..^ci.'.asters cL- Hosan Hannah luer. 11 John Close i- ivlary ?.. Hapelye June2 Robt. I, Eogart : "..'^ry 2. Cebra Jul; 4 Thos. Stubbs £. jlartha il. Eedell Sep. 25 Timothy S. Hegeman ."• ?hehe V. 'Willis Nov. 3 John H. Allen L Julia A, Bexter niiioO a .de':.r bfiislivsli . nn'oL 85 Jiq.:', j-oCi:v: airs i 11 iiV "iiaeii jiu! k, (lellk sid;tniO o eelofJ .aor: .■ .oa.. lisiins.- aascj.. ; ............... .-c..^ ... ---L 0281 I. 11 . 3i.L u £ .vo. • -78 1850 Nov. 3 Henry "Willis :. ..'.ary E. Hapelye (Col'd.) Nov. 18 Edmund ToTmsend i "..lartha A. Tredwell Dec. 8 Peter Floyd 3: Llary E. Eorton (Col»d.) 1851 Jan. 19 Daniel Hapelye S: Phebe Eurtis " Benj. Liar tin &. L'.erian "'etster Sep. 1 George H. r!un^erer & Anna E. Clayton Sep, £ Ferd'k ^'.» razter c- "ancy Allen Sep. 7 David I. Smith ' '.iar-t. Hunter (Col'd.) Oct. 22 John Crampton 5: hlaria L'erton Nov. 9 peter 'Yood 5 Sarah L. Pinkney Nov. 16 John '.Tools ey S Jane Seabury Dec. 3 Elbert A. Hegeman 5: -'ary E. 'Tillis 1852 Jan. 13 Lorenzo 7i'. Hulse c: Ann L'urray Feb. 3 Edmund Townseriri ' ""arriet Schenk (Col'd.) " Thos. Tredwell .v Caroline :.;. Tov.-nsond (Col'd. 8?- ei .nc. (.bUc . ■.:;-.. .1 BivsCI "^ .q9>_ 'salooT.' nffoL 31 .veil -79- 1852 jlaj^ 11 3anl. Erg-an C: Sarah Hardy 1653 July 24 Corns. Jervis, aged 20 & Phebe Tfatts, aged 19 of Jamaica . Sep. Z5 Hott. T^haley, aged 21 l Bridget Moran, aged 16 ol llrnhasset Cct. 23 Thos. hunter, aged 44 cL- Anna Tredwell, £ged 33 of .lanhasset (Col'd.) Lee. 25 Albert Toms end, aged 21 & Cath. Ann Sebray of ..anhasset (Col'd.) 1654 Feb. 7 Hic§. E. Ferris c. Sarah A Denarest of Brooklyn Sept. 13 Garret V. Siclen of Jamaica d ..'.atilda Eegeman of y.anhasset Oct. 1 John ::, Pearsall c"- Sarah E. Schenck (Col'd.) Cct. 31 iTm. ."enry Davison cc Susan Ann ThoT^as " Nov. 19 3t. Tredwell .f. Victor ine ,uitnian •* Dec. 6 Ilethl. P. Yrn V.'yck of Smithboro & Hebecca J. Eurtis or "anhascet Dec. 13 Henry T. Hicks :. :.:arthe A. ".'illets of L'.anhasset XX Yauii iiddX . ., :;.:.3L lo ex ^S'iro^:' iirr- ♦:';}55:/ '1^ ;ti9diA 2" .03-,. HB. liiOoOiY 1; XXi ;i J^53X ( J'*Lci'^) ^oaedoEt ,2 .iBisr 1 .jd.. 3.3fcorii fiii.. 1c aiei:' -■'■ ^^ '^^^ -8C- 1854 Lee. 31 £enj. Seaman ; Phebe Eliz, Leek of '..'.an^asset 1855 ?eb. 11 Rich. V. TJicklen S. Llaria H. Hobbins of Llanhasset Inarch 4 Tlios. Anderson cf; Sarsli Starkens of Lanhasset AiDril 1 Valentine Pluser S- Emeline Carman of Great !!eck 1856 Feb. 14 Adrian Cnderdonk & Llary u. Pearsall of Lianhasset April 30 Vi'm. Smith Downs Cc -lertha Jane l.lott of l.'.aniias£et Aug. IC Francis Cornell c. Eliz. Schenk, (Col'd.) of ...anhasset Aug. 26 Eenr} Constantino Siinns J. L'.aria Cnderoonk of u'.arJiasset (Simms of ^as^ington) Sep. 15 John l.ierton d l,laria Inn Schenk of [.'anhasset Dec. 24 John E. Jones : Sarah Smith of Lianhasset Dec, 31 John Jervis "• y.ar; Elizaleth Jone? of i.'anhasset m. Potter L Nancy Pearsall of i.'anhasset Col»d. d98. iisoa ,siiLi 3 09; XC .03C iK .d3i aaoi I liicrA IlBi?l66 ■"■; ., v-is V , J. ., ^ ■ , ,., )£ il'i:; js2cj£ :ii3..> lo inejloc ;t3ne??r[ns';' xo '-^itr:' xo Bsnol ri: le .0©" .^sdiiBK 1o LLzi -ei- 1857 Sep. 13 Llartin Arick c. Ccrah 21iz. Henderson of l.'.anhasset Sep. 22 Cortland V. Gclder c. CetL. Chard of L'.anhasset Cct. 10 Chas. Eults d- Llargaret Ann Seaman of l.lanhasset liov. 1 Isaac Y. Kostrand c: l.'iary Ann Crac:ipton of y.anhasset 1858 June 6 Benj. Bates C: Ann Eliza Brister of ..lanhasset (Col'd.) Julj 7 John Cornell d I.'.ary Eegeman of !,'anhasset Sep. 5 George Smith £ .'ary Almira Eourdett of Iiiiltourn, L. I. 1859 march 6 Iioht, Jervis d Susan Forboll of L'.anhasset April 12 Chas. liVilkinson cc Eliz. Fenton of i.lanhasset Llay 15 Edwin L. Smith rf & Rebecca ?uland of l.lanhasset :o nQni^eZ nnA ioiBv lo lo i'3:ts J. ssilasIU lO niioL -82- 1 nde X .■.....-r, 70 Setts, 39 Ack^rrfian, 43 Birdsall, 5,11 Adrian, 43 Blatchford, 36 Akerly, 7,16,18 Boardnan, 37 Akins, 70 Boerurn, 61, 74 Albert, 51 Bogart, 2,6,7,9,12,14, 5?., 59 16,17,18, 23,26 Allen, 2, 5, 6, 9,10.14 42, 43, 46, 47, 62 20, 22, 1 25, 26 68, 71, 72, 75, 77 27, 40, 45, 46, 49 Bond, 42 52, 54, 55, 53; 60 Eradlee, 44 61, 64, ^^ 60, 71 Bremner, 11 74; 76. 77, 73 Erigge, 57 Allison, 48 2rinkprhof (f), 2, 4, 7. 8, 10, 11 Althouse, 5 16, 17, 20,32, 43 A/r.cprrr.an, 76 51, 53, 66, 70, 73 Ames, 44 Brister. 81 Anderson, 15,38, 70, 30 Brook, 22 An;-^evine, 35. 46 Brooks, 16, 29, 41. --r, '■?, Anthony, 53 76 Arlck, 81 Brower, 65 Appleoy, 71 Brown, 12,51,3 7, 70 ArmBtroug, 41. 42, 76 Buck, 33 Arthur, 74 Bourdett, 81 Andrew, 70 Burdet, (t) Burie, 21, 31 53 Bailey, 14,30, 46, 52 Burr, 50, 66 Baker, 26 Burt, 40,45 Bal dwin. 13 BirtiB, 9, 22, 23, 28, 3c, 40 Bannister, ', - '^ 46, 61, 70, 71, 74 Darker, •tb 76, 7d. 79 Barrows, 30 Canpbell, 47 iarto. 66 Carberry, 32 Barton, 9 Car hart, 10 Eartow, 9, 18, 50 Carll, 54 EPtee, 81 Car.'uan, ' 65, 80 Baxter, 10,11, 26, 27, ?-ir'ienter, 18, 40, C7. 72 77. 78, 3« ? V f 1 13, 73 Peach, 24 . '« •'• 34, 41, 4 6 ?ebee, 11 Ceora, 77 leck. 42 C .r^:..:-r::iin, 7-. Bedell, 67, 77 - ;- . "er.r.em, 75 , 32, 42, 49, 5^ rd. 35, d2, 81 55, 73, 75 •^r- .on. 19, rc, :--, 7r, 45 L-ertjen, 39, 51 '^i 4C Fethune, 37 e. 5? LL ( I I •OV M .^ci ,r. Clark, Clarke, Clayton, Cl'^.'r.ents, Cleve, Close, Clowes, Cochrar., Cock, Cocks, Coffin, Co,:^8v;ell, Colt, Coles, Conger, Conklin, Cooper, Cor dray, Corly, Cornelius, Cornell. Cornwell, Cortelyoi, C088, Covprt, Cox, Craft, Crnjue, Cre^d, Culver, Cutter, ■^av^nport, DavlB/ ravison, Deacon, ^^nrman, Debevoise, Deboet, Pelftncy, TJel jcad6, remarest, -83- Index 17 r^a-iit. ?0 rempsey, 78 rent On, C7, 46 Levoe, 7 Devou, 34, 77 DeV.'itt, 31,67, 68 Dinnis, 56 DitiriPre, 28.37 rit.-ners. 62 Ditmis, 75, 77 Docharty, 27 rodge, 60, 73 3,8,11 ., 18.31 ,45 48, 54, 72, 76 18 Don, 32, 75 Borland, 13 Doughty, 50 Eoiglas, 3 Dov.-ni'ig, 4 Downs 5, 6. 8. 15, 17, 18 Drake, 20. 21, 24, ^\ 29 Duffie, 34. b2. 55. 56, 66 Dunn, 70, 72, 75, 30, 51 Durye, 76 "4 Duryea, 70, 71, 72 Dwight. 67. 75 30 T"ldrid,-e. 41, 42, 50, 5-'. '• 61, 63 * .^0 3. 60. 66 59, 7^ '/erriB, 37 ?enton, rioket. -?, o5 -l-o'-;/ 12,16, 53. 5^. 79 75 r^optpr. 21 - r«nc is. 73 "rankl Iri, 23 "rood. 13 yruBt, 39 i'ank. 79 Fajrman. 3,11 73 •;, 40. 41, 67, 66 32, 46, 52, 71 23 39 74 25 66 24, 40, 65. 70 62 1,3,3, 9,12,17 20, 23, 27, 31,36 37, 43, 50, 59, €2 70, 75. 77 7 10 15,16, 51 46 3,10, 12, 20, 57 30 16 6, 8, 23, 4c, 56, 61 3,15,33, 54, 62, 72, 74, 77 37 3, 60 53 79 13, :::. 5-, 79 61 34 42 78 pi 2C>. 73 12, 19, 57, 7i: 32 36 ,i.i.,i:: -6' ;- Index Tiardwer, 20 Kerr Ikf, 38 Jarre t son, 60, 62 ■>vlett. 1,2,4,7,10.16 aarrey, 46 : -', :'c, 31, :52, 36 Oedney, -.4 :d, 47, 4fc, 49, 53 Gelston, 19 1^5, 57, f 2, 63, c4 Ger. an, 74 65, ^^6^ .'.7, 66. 72 Gerray, 41 77 Gildersleeve, 11 Eeyer, 55 Glentworth, 59 Hicks, 1,14, •:.•?, Ph, 25 aoldfli..it/:^ 36 26, 30, 62, 65, 66 Gordon, 59 67, 71, 76, 77, 79 Grif fen, 19. 30, 51 Iligbie, 30, 63, 66 Griffin, 60, 73 Kilaon, 37 Gunn, 56 ilinii-an, HincteiSn, 63 23 I.ainee, 36 Hint on. 46 :all, 46 Hod art, 38 'ilea sey, 60 Koffmon, 25, 33 Ilagner, 4, 29 Kolmes, 19 llasa.i1 ton, 35 Hoogland, 1,3, 7,17, ?1, 25 K":. , 43 .''.3,3 5, 40,44,50 il? , 77 Konan, 30 * V.-xrdj, 79 Kornl:ilowf»r, 43 :;art. 20 Korspf ield, 55 H-rvey, 58 Horsf if! d, 69 '-.auxhurst. 15 Korton, 16, 72, 78 f 13, 22 ?1, 37 77 Kul e*, HulPt, 19* ::a.v;.4, " "7 '^ ,- 42 43 IV«8. 38 44, 4 5* 4^, p " "■ • 63, rro, 7r 7r ickeon. :<> ''o. 79, r.l ■'**» ''-'i Ilenderfior, 81 64. 70 - . n, 56 IC 73* 71 on, 25 20, 3 , - ■■■ •■. 1 ' Z". ' ; , ' ' ^^ 47 1 , , . ^ f ■ c^ f T .. -35- Index . ^i t ^■,, -.-. !!aof>p, 12 Johnson, ?3, 37, 39, 43, 74 ragaw, 49 Jones, 15, re, ?3, 3C, ?4 !:anennr, 74 49, 54, 59, 76, 6C ::anett, 2,31 Jurr.el, Keleey, Ketchac., King, Klngsland, Kirby, rlirk, >, issam. Kneeden, Laoagh, lain. Lake, Larr.terson, Lambert, Lai.'.tertBon, Larremove, Laton, Lattlrg, Latton, T,nwr*>nce, Layton, Leake, Lee L^ek, Lefevre, Levi, T ewls, ' orri, Losee, Lett, 5C ::arston. 3 I'artin, 33, 78 54 Laeon, 16, 29 7,26,36,; ?7, 59. HfiStin, 76 60, 61 Hat her, 14 12,50,5 6, , 74 i: at thews, 76 29 :..aybe, 4o. 55 53 :-cCard^, 34 26,30 Lclermott, 77 4, 5, 6, 9, : 16,22 LlcF&rlan, 70 25, 26, 43, ,'!'', 50 ycc-cv.-n, 76 53, 63, 65, , eft. 66 LcKee, 54, 77 62 !:c:.'nfter8, :.'.c:>ii, 77 6 49 i>ed, 15 47 Ilerrit, 49, 52, 74 6,41 L>rton, 78, 80 58 Lleyers, 5 56 Lliller, 3, 25,36, 45 65 Hills, 57, 60, 61 32 ::itrr-Pii^ 2, 3 6, lb, 21,24 12,18,27, ,45, 59 29, c4, 40, 42, 44 57 47, 56, 58, 63, 71 8 72 3,26,27/ 74 Llonfort, 2,6,7,9,12,14 73 16,32, 57, 69 43, 71 r.onroe, 53 73 Montgomery, 74 60, 80 iroore. 20, 54. 75 31 i:oran. 79 ':?, rr, '7, , 69 i:orrell, LorrlB, 5, 13, 2'", ■-'A ."^fi 45, 11,36 51* Loeorop, 18 5, '.'. . :. ott, d, ^^^'^ , r- ■ ?i. . , , 3 " ' •i^ ■ . , ^ ■' 61 56, b7, 10, ev 71, 77, 29,." , , rurray, 76 6 -'tty. 10 •7 -p. 51 -se- Index rapier, 58 Randolph, IT at hall, 53 Rapalye, l\evens, 13 ITewberry, 41 l\ichol8. 41 Nig?itingale, 56 11 obi e. 29 Rasco, x>'o strand, 8,16, 32, 40, 55 Raton, 74, 7 7 Hay, Kungerer, 76 Rayner, Read, Oakley, 5, 45, 67, 72, 75 Rees, Col in is. 64 Rem sen, Onderdonk, 1. 6. 15. 14. 18. Crtley, Ostrander, Cverett. Palmer, Patterson, Peacock, Pearsall, Peck, Peters, Peterson, Pinckney, Pinkney, Piatt, Polheriius, Poole, Post, Potter, Powell, Pratt, Prij.irose, Prior, Provost, Purdy, Que, i^uin, Q,uitman, 19, 2?, 24, 26, 27, ."53, ?5, 4C, 41, 43 Renssellaer, 44, 51, 52] 57, 59 Riker, 6C, 61, 63, 64, 7C Riley, 71, 74, 76, 80 RitcliKie. 44 3 17 22 65 33 4,13,31,34, 79, 80 39 15, 21, 70 76 35 74, 75, 78 7, 21, 25 13, 38 3 6, 45, 53, 64 34 62, 80 3, 55, 57 51 9 30 65 28, 30,3 9 77 33 79 Roubii-.s, Robinson, Roe, Rogers, Root, Rougier, Ruland, Russell, Ruser, Salt, Samniie, Sands, Sanes, S ayl e s, S Che nek, Schenk. Schoonmaker, Schroeder, Gcrughans, Seabury, Sebray, 11 l,'^ .9. 10, 18, 19 20, 21, 25, 23, 29 30, ?1. 35, 39, 45 46. 52, 55, 57, 56 60, 64, 77, 78 55 76 12 13 3 25. 46 1, 2. 13. 14. 17. 20 22, 51. 56. 58, 59 60, ^^1. 64, 75, 77 50 25, 27, 44 76 4, 70 10, 52, 80 39 68 63, 71 15 42 70. 81 80 5, 22, 62 66 8, 10, 11, 15,18 22, 29, 44, 47, 54 73 12 1, 5. 40, 47, c4. 65 78, 79 3,10, M, 17, 25 28, 41, 53, 56, 61 63, 69, 72, 75, 78 80 47 37 36 54, 78 79 ^1^ 9S ,2 91. -c7- Tndflx -,-,•,--.,10,11 Topping, 34,74 1 ?!, 1 5, S4, 26, 30 Town eer.d, 6, 24, P.b, .?^. 3? 34. 35, 39, -.1, 45 47, 60, 73, 76, 46, 53, 59, 70, 71 78, 79 73, 7c, 77, oO, 61 Travere, 52 Searing, 611,12, 22, 46, "19, 51 Seely, 25 Tredwell, 4, ?, 9, 1 4, 15, 16 tell, 2,11 19,20,24,33,49 Ehelton, 47, 50 50, 52, 64, 66, 73 ShPTT.ian, 25 i^ 79 SiEionBon, 9,11,13,34,48 Trofford, 29* 51, 53, ::5 Treusdale, 40 Skidmore, 35, 38, 40, 53, 70 Tuthill. 67 Skill rr.Rn, 19, 23, 41, 63 Tuttle, 29, 50 SI oat, 38 Tyler, 8,29 SluEsar, 51 Smart, 35,41 Underhill. 20, 22, r4. 33 Smith, 2,4,8,14,15,17 59 77 18, 21, 24, 27, 26 Valentine. 5, 30, 33, 59. 49 32, 35, 40, 42, 44 5I 5*4 65, 7? 76 47, 54. r7, 72, 76 vanderbilt, 58 78, 80, 8] '/pndevpre:, 70 I'nedeker, 70 Vandeveer, 27 Sniff in, 63 Vandewater, 50, 73 Soper, 24 Van ITo strand. 1,12,23.28.38 Sppcer, 58,69,76 49,56,64.67,75 Stanton, 63, 65 75| ^1 Starman, 47 Vfn Jelder, dl' Stevens, 36 VanSiclen. 62,79 Stewart, r.4 yen Voorhies, 48 Storm, 2o, 55 van '.Vicklen, 2, 9, 39, 5:., . v, ., Strong, 69 Van V/yck. 26, Stutbe, 52,77 V^nZant) 24! 34 - - cjtton, 16 Vprity. 19.72* buydam, ] , 13, 1 7, 31, 35 victoria. 61 39,4', . , 69 Tappen, 55 V'ackerall 70 ':ntterBon, 27,63 -alkpr. 43 Ten lirock, 37 'ValterB. 7 --- "^ Thomae, 79 V.'aneer, 4: ' Thompson, 48,:., . -terrr.an, 39 -•'re. 6 Thorn, 5,1' Thorne. 4. 'i '^"- ^^5. ^ . . , ' 53,' 72, 75, 79 50, 67 \ 72, , :^ .'-I .-."^ 74 Tibbete, 64 Tier, 15 'rebBter. VituB, 24,29.49,59 v;-p>:p, ? -7 Todd, 6,17 Veiderholt. 0^ .31: c < c t*V - jo- in dex '."est. • : nley, 42^ 46, 71, 79 'aeelev, 20 vnietlock, 33 v-hite, 56 V.'hitr.ore, 45 v'hitney, 55 ■ hitBon, 5,47.56 ' • i--ep, 1,36, 55 65 '^ 52 ■..iii^infl, 60 V.'ilkie, 36,54 "'ilkinson, 61 V.'illPte, 23, 3fi, 44,45, 79 v;illiow8, 4,15, 20,37, 40, 76, 77 Willis, 11, n, 22, 23, 31, 33, 34, 4e, 51, 5B, 59, cl, 62, 73 75, 77, 78 ^ailltfl, 40 '^I'llson, 54 Wittingham, 41 V.'ood,. 35, 54, 71, 78 V.oodhull, 7 '.Voon.ey, 1,4,14,15,19.30,38, 62,75 V/ooleey, 78 V.'oolly, c6 ^:;right, 4, 7, 21, 44, 5C, 56, 73 '■•/^MJkPov ^^massssss^