,^^ ^^. %^^' ti- V' n-; ^. 1 A SOUVENIR OF • •^ PROVIDBNCE^ ^ >.-<, ■■ 1 Copyright, i883. by A. Wittkman.m, 58 and 60 Readc Street, New York. Vv. . A v--- - S f6i p^^'n DESCRIPTIVE. n^HE City of Providence was settled in WMi by a colony of refugees under Eogf.r I' Williams, who were driven from JIassachusetts by the" religious persecution of the Puritans — not, as has sometimes been stated, of the Pilgrims, who were not Puritans but "Separatists" and have been successfully defended against the charge of religious intolerance. Providence is situated at the head of navigation on an arm of Narragansett Bay, known as the Providence river, ;J5 miles from the ocean and 43 miles from Boston. It lies on both sides of the river, which is crossed by two bridges one of which is 143 feet wide, and extends above the bridges into a beautiful Cove, the shore of Avhich is laid out as a Park. North of the city tlie Woonasquatucket and Moshassuck rivers meet and empty into the Providence. To the east the shores rise abrupth' 200 feet, fall- ing away beyond to the Seekonk river; while to the west the land rises gradually to a height of 75 feet-the elevations affording attractive sites for dwelling houses which cover the slopes and beautify them with architectuial and landscape features. Incorporated as a town in 1040 and as a city in 1832, the city has grown steadily to the second place among New England cities in wealth, i)opulation and importance. The popu- lation now is 120,01)0. Providence is noted for its extensive manufactures and its public in- stitutions. Its water-front affords facilities for commerce an', River- side, Pawtuxet, Bullock's Point, Nayatt Point, Warren, Rocky Point, Oakland I5e;ielC Button- wood Beach, East Greenwich, Wickford and Watch Hill. At all these are abundant accom- modations for pleasure parties, including good bathing and fishing, and founded on the rock of the "Rhode Island clam-bake." h^s^- EXCHANGE PLACE BURNSIDE STATUE hM^^ tt-r^j. V -^ T'ffl,: -tar — B! — m — BTT VIEW PROM RHODE ISLAND HOSPITAL. PROVIDENCE RIVEH I HOTEL DORRANCE. CITY HALL. Ill Hi i?. VI m\^:i Conrad BinujiNd WESTMINSTER STREET Y. M. 0. ASSOC'N BUILDING. [Ill Course of Erection.] MASOiNlC BUILJJIJNIG 4t ... ^m iiTrriT^ IIIJMMB JMWII I III i.iji ^llll lfili lljip^ii'i^iife!'* lit — •^•' Iti! ®,(i:fi J " IHnpllwIli AlARKET SQUARE. TURKS HEAD, ^1 ':' J t it. =^-. r FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. ROUND TOP CHURCH Dr. HALL'S CHURCH, I I ; >!'. mMi'm SAWYER MEMORIAL WARD. BUTLER HOSPITAL FDR THE INrAKE ^^^ir::''>.-dii ^' 4 -- --^ ^^ p^^^' TYPICAL PROVIDENCE RESIDENCES OP 60 YEARS AGO ROGER WILLIAMS MONUMENT AND PARK mmtr-^^'^^ BROWN UNIVERSITY. PROVIDENCE. SEKN PROM BROWl^ UMlVERbiTY. P D 3 6. ,1^ -■ ..^■^ %: "-0 .'■ o>' '- ^, .-Js' <^ -%. .^% %^ •■^ .N^^' ^0^ /dobbsbrothersN ( iibrarv binding co inc j V ST noou.r,.E. H» V '6a