/^^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 703 189 9 i^'^m' MASSACHUSETTS OFFICERS WHO DIED WHILE IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES DURING THE WAR OF THE REBELLION \ |3 %^^ ^ MILITARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES. Headquarters, Commandery of the State of Massachusetts. » ♦ » Circular No. 5. Series 1892. Whole Number, 319. Boston, April 6, 1892. The Order of the Loyal Legion was established by officers Wfio aided in maintaining the honor, integrity, and supremacy OF THE National Government, and who hold in remembrance the sacrifices made and the triumphs shared. The perpetuity of the Order devolves upon those who, by inheritance, may share the glories of the past and fulfil the duties of the future, by true allegiance to the United States of America, and the promotion of efficiency and permanency in our free institutions. The Constitution provides that membership shall consist: — 1st. Of Commissioned Officers of the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, Regular and Volunteer, who served during the War of the Rebellion. 2d. Of persons who having served as enlisted men shall have become eligible to membership by inheritance from officers not members of the Order, but who were eligible as such, who shall have died prior to the thirty- first day of December, 1S92. 3d. Of the eldest direct male lineal descendants of deceased companions of the first class. 4th. Of the eldest direct male lineal descendants of officers ttoi members of the Order, but who were eligible as such, who shall have died prior to the thirty-first day of December, 1892. If there are no such descendants, then the male heirs of such deceased Companions or Officers, in the collateral branches of their families, are eligible to membership, in the order of genealogical succession, according to the rules of primogeniture, disregarding intervening female lives. It would seem, therefore, that every officer killed while in service, or who has died since the war, is entitled to represen- TATION IN THE Order by his lineal or collateral descendant. The object of this circular is to bring to the notice of Com- panions, AND of all who MAY BE ELIGIBLE BY INHERITANCE, THE FACT THAT THE HONORED NAMES OF MANY WHO GAVE TO CoUNTRY ALL THAT MAN CAN GIVE DO NOT APPEAR ON OUR REGISTER. DoUBTLESS THERE ARE MANY WHO WOULD GLADLY REPRESENT THOSE NAMES AND PERPETU- ATE THE HONOR OF ANCESTRAL SERVICE. AlL SUCH HAVE NOT ONLY THE RIGHT TO APPLY, BUT ALSO, UPON ELECTION, ARE ASSURED OF THE CORDIAL WELCOME THAT AWAITS THEM AS MEMBERS OF THE OrDER. I. Possible eligibility to membership in the Order seems to rest in abey- ance in the following cases of Massachusetts officers who died during the war, whose names appear in the Official Registers of the Army and Navy and of the Volunteer Force, except in cases where the name is marked f. which denotes that the deceased officer is already represented in the Order by a descendant. General Officers. t Major General George C. Strong, died July 30, 1S63, of wounds received at Fort Wao-ner, S.C. t Major General Amiel W. Whipple, died May 7, 1863, of wounds received at Chancellors- ville, Va. Brigadier General Frederick W. Lander, died March 2, iS6a. t Brigadier General Charles R. Lowell, died October 20, 1S64, of wounds received at Cedar Creek, Va. Brigadier General Joseph B. Phtmmer, died at Corinth, Miss., August 9, 1862. Brigadier General Thomas G. Stevenson, killed at Spottsylvania, Va., May 10, 1S64. United States Army. Colonel John Erving, retired, died October 26, 1862. Lieutenant Colonel John Kellogg, Assistant Commissary General, died April 25, 1865. Major Sidney Coolidge, Sixteenth Infantry, killed at Chickamauga, Ga., September 19, 1863. Captain George H. Derby, Topographical Engineers, died May 15, 1S61. Ciiptain Ai.nERT Dodd, Seventeenth Infantry, killed at Gaines* Mill, Va., June 27, 1S62. Captain Salem S. Marsh, Second Infantry, killed at Chancellorsville, Va., May i, 1863. t Captain Thomas O. Bakki, Eleventh Infantry, killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1S63. First Lieutenant William L. ISakek, Fourth Artillery, killed at Anlielain, Mil., September 17, 1S63. First I-ieutenant Frank C. Goodrich, Second Infantry, killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1S63. First Lieutenant Howard M. Burnham, Fifth Artillery, killed at Chickainauga, Ga., Sep- tember 19, iS*'),?. First Lieutenant I'"rancis L. D. Russell, Fourth Artillery, died May 11, 1S64. First Lieutenant Frank E.Stimpson, Seventeenth Infantry, died of wounds, May 2S, 1S64. First Lieutenant Philip D. Mason, First Artillery, died of wounds, July iS, JS64. United States Volunteers. Major William D. Sedgwick, A.A.G., died of wounds, September 27, 1S62. Captain Howard Dwight, A.A.G., killed near Opelousas, La., May 4, 1S63. Captain Horace I. Hodgks, A.C^M., died April 19, 1S64. t Captain Charles J. Mills, A A.G., killed at Boydton Plank Road, Va., March 31, 1855. Surgeon Luther V. Bell, died February 11, iS6z. Hospital Chaplain William C. Whitcomb, died October 2S, 1864. First Massachusetts Cavalry. Lieutenant Colonel Lucius M. Sargent, killed near HcUfield Station, Va., December 9, 1S64. Captain Mykon C. Pratt, killed at Snicker's Gap, Va., November 3, 1S62. t First Lieutenant Nathaniel Bowditch, died March 19, 1S63, of wounds received at Kelly's Ford, Va. First Lieutenant Alton E. Phillips, died May 4, 1S63, of wounds received at Cedar MounUiin, Va. First Lieutenant Edward P. Hopkins, killed in action at Ashland, Va., May 11, 1S64. First Lieutenant William W. Wardell, killed in action at Enon Church, Va., May 2S, 1S64. Second Massachusetts Cavaliy. Captain James S. Reed, killed in action near I.,eesburg, Va., February 22, 1S64. Captain Goodwin A. Stone, died July iS, iS<54, of wounds received in action at Aldie, Va. Captain Charles S. Eigenbrodt, killed in action near Charlestown, Va., August 25, 1S64. Captain Kufus W. Smith, died October 19, 1S64, of wounds received in action at Cedar Creek, Va. First Lieutenant Charles E. Meader, killed in action near Charlestown, Vz., August 26, 1S64. Second Lieutenant Wn,LiAM S. Wells, died July 26, 1863. Second Lieutenant Edward B. Maso.v, died September 14, 1S63. Second Lieutenant Henry F. Woodman, died October 9, 1S64, of wounds received in action at Mount Jackson, Va. Second Lieutenant Lkwis Mungkr, killed in action at Petersburg, Va., March 31, 1865. Second Lieutenant Huntington Wolcott, died June 9, 1S65. Second Massachusetts Infantry. Lieutenant Colonel Wilder Dwight, died September 19, 1S62, of wounds received at Antietam. Lieutenant Colonel Charles R. Mudge, killed in action at Gettysburg, July 3, 1S63. Major James Savage, Jr., died October 22, 1S62, of wounds received at Cedar Mountain. Captain Edward G. Adbott, killed in action at Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1S62. Captain Richard Carv, killed in action at Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1862. Captain Richard C. Goodwin, killed in action at Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1S62. Captain William B. Williams, killed in.iction at Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1S62. Captain Thomas R. Robeson, died July 7, 1863, of wounds received at Gettysburg. Captain Thomas B. Fox, Jr., died July 25, 1S63, of wounds received at Gettysburg. Captain J. Ingersoll Grafton, killed at Averysboro', N.C., March 16, 1865. First Lieutenant Stephen G. Perkins, killed in action at Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1S62. First Lieutenant Gerald Fitzgerald, killed in action at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. First Lieutenant Samuel Storrow, killed in action at Black Creek, N.C., March 16, 1865. Second Lieutenant Henry W. D. Stone, killed in action at Gettysburg, July 3, 1S63. Surgeon William H. Heath, died August 28, 1S64, in hospital at Chattanooga. Assistant Surgeon James Wigiitman, died June ij, 1S63. Fourth Massachusetts Infantry. Captain William H. Bartlett, killed in action at Port Hudson, La., June 14, 1S63. Second Lieutenant William F. Holmes, died June 3, 1863, at Brashear City, La. Second Lieutenant Isaac H. Bonnev, died August 23, 1863, at Indianapolis, Ind. Sixth Massachusetts Infantry. Second Lieutenant Robert G. Barr, killed in action at Tanner's Ford, December 12, 1862. Second Lieutenant Edward D. Sawtell, killed in action, January 30, 1S63. Seventh Massachusetts Infantry. Captain Prentiss M. Whiting, died May 4, i8'53, of wounds received at Salem Heights. First Lieutenant Jesse D. Bullock, died June 26, 1862, of wounds received at Battle of Seven Pines. First Lieutenant Albert A. Tillson, killed at Marye's Heights, May 3, 1863, First Lieutenant Henry W. Nichols, died May 12, 1S64, of wounds received at Spottsyl- vania. Second Lieutenant Peleg Mitchell, died August 10, 1S63. Chaplain Robert Carver, died March 2, 1863. Ninth Massachusetts Infantry. Colonel Thomas Cass, died July 12, 1S62, of wounds received at Miilvcrn Hill, Va. Lieutenant Colonel Robert Pkard, died January 27, 1S63. Captain William Madioan, killed in action at Gaines' Mill, Va., June vj, 1S62. Captain John Carry, killed in action at Gaines' Mill, Va., Juno 27, 1S62. Captain Jeremiah O'Nkil, killed in action at G:unes' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862. Captain James E. McCatferty, killed in action at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1S62. Captain William A. Piiklan, killed at the Wilderness, Va., May 5. 1854. Captain James W. McNamara, killed at the Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. First Lieutenant Thomas Mooney, n.Q.M., died March 17, 1862. First Lieutenant Richard P. Nugent, killed in action at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1863. First Lieutenant Joii.n H. Rakferty, killed in action at Malvern Hill, Va., July i, 1S62. First Lieutenant Edward McSwee.vey, killed in action at Malvern Hill, Va., July i, 1S62. First Lieutenant Archibald Simpson, killed at the Wilderness, Va., May j, 1864. First Lieutenant Nicholas Charles Flaherty, killed nt the ^Vildcrness, Va., May 6, 1S64. Second Lieutenant Francis O'Dowd, killed in action at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1S63. Second Lieutenant James O'Nkil, killed in action, M.ay 8, 1864. Second Lieutenant Philip E. Redmond, died September 17, 1863. Second Lieutenant Charles B. McGinnisken, died June 7, iS5|, of wounds received at the Wilderness, Va. Tenth Massachusetts Infantry. Major Dexter F. Parker, died May 12, 1S62. Major OzRO Miller, died July i, 1862, at Richmond, Va., of wounds received in action. Captain Edwin E. Day, killed in action at Fair Oaks, Va., May 31, 1S62. Captain Elisha Smart, killed in action at Fair Oaks, Va., May 31, 1S62. Captain James H. Weatherell, died of wounds, January 20, 1S64. First Lieutenant William A. Ashley, killed in action. May 5, 1S64. First Lieutenant Alanson E. Munyan, died May 12, 1S64, of wounds received in action. t First Lieutenant Edwin B. Bartlett, killed in action, May iS, 1S64. First Lieutenant George F. Polley, killed near Petersburg^, Va., June 20, 1864. Second Lieutenant N. P. A. Blair, died May 11, 1S62. t Second Lieutenant Benjamin F. Leland, died June 2, 1S62, of wounds received in action at Fair Oaks. Second Lieutenant Alfred W. Midgley, died May 13, 1864, of wounds received in action. Eleventh Massachusetts Infantry. t Colonel William Blaisdell, killed in action at Petersburg, Va., June 33, 1S64. Lieutenant Colonel George F. Tileston, killed in action, August 29, 1S62. CapLiin Benjamin Stone, Jr., died September 10, 1862, of wounds received at Bull Run, Va. Captain Edwin Humphrby, died July 3, 1863, of wounds received in action at Gettysburjf, Pa. Captain Aluert M. Gammell, died December i6, 1S63. Captain David A. Granger, died October 27, 1S64, of wounds received in action. Captain Alexander McTavish, killed in action at Boydton Plank Road, Va., October 27, 1S64. First Lieutenant Thomas G. Bowden, died in October, 1S61, of wounds received in action. First Lieutenant William R. Porter, killed in action, August 29, 1S62, at Bull Run. First Lieutenant Alonzo Coy, R.C^M., died September 20, :363. First Lieutenant John L. Harris, killed in action. May 3, 1S63, at Chancellorsville, Va. First Lieutenant John Munn, died May 4, 1SS3, of wounds received at Chancellorsville, Va. First Lieutenant Peter T. Goldie, killed September 13, 1S64, near Petersburg, Va. Second Lieutenant William B. Mitchell, died July 13, 1S63, of wounds received at Gettys- burg. Tv/elfth Massachusetts Infantry. Colonel Fletcher Webster, killed August 30, 1S62. Lieutenant Colonel David Allen, Jr., killed in action, May 5, 1864. Major Elisha Burbank, died of wounds, November 30, 1862. • Captain Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, killed August 9, 1862. Captain Richard H. Kimball, killed August 30, 1S62. Captain John Ripley, died December 21, 1862, of wounds received in action at Cedar Mountain. Captain John S. Stoddard, killed in action, May 10, 1864. First Lieutenant William G. White, killed at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1S62. First Lieutenant Lysander F. Cushing, killed at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1S62. First Lieutenant Arthur Dehon, killed December 13, 1862. First Lieutenant Francis Thomas, killed in action at Gettysburg, Pa., July i, 1S63. First Lieutenant Charles G. Russell, killed July 1, 1863. First Lieutenant William Robinson, died May 14, 1864, of wounds received in action. First Lieutenant David B. Burrell, killed in action. May 24, 1864. First Lieutenant James G. Smith, died of wounds, June 6, 1S64. Second Lieutenant George W. Orne, died October 8, 1862. Second Lieutenant Edward J. Kidder, killed in action, May 10, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Albert A. Kendall, killed in action at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1862. Thirteenth Massachusetts Infantry. Captain George H. Bush, killed in action at Chancellorsville, Va., April 30, 1S63. First Lieutenant Charles W. Whitcomh, killed in action at Spottsylvania, Va., May S, 1S64. First Lieutenant Joseph H. Stuart, died May 10, 1864, of wounds received in action. Second Lieutenant William Co;