u Hi ' ft '■ ■ «*k~ ■i 1- iUillflli.: 1793 = = = = 1893 Celebration One Hundredth Anniversary Laying of the Corner Stone Capitol of the United States With Accounts of the Laying of the Original Corner Stone, in 1793, and of the Corner Stone of the Extension, in 1851 General Duncan S. Walker Editor and Compiler WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1896 02i •ifr WOOD now WILSON *0V. 25. 1939 Contents Page. List of Ii^lustrations 5 Prefatory Note 7 Organization and Work: Generate Committee ii Subcommittees 12 Officers of the Parade 18 The Joint Committee 19 The Programme: Concerts by Centenniai, Chimes 23 Route of Parade 24 Exercises at the Capitol 24 Evening Concert 25 Decorations and Illumination 26 Grand Stands 27 Street Decorations 28 Centennial Medal 28 Souvenir Invitations 28 The Tablet 29 Cost of the Celebration 29 The Parade: Formation, Route, etc 33 At the Capitol: The Invocation 44 Chairman Gardner's Introduction 46 President Cleveland's Address 47 William Wirt Henry's Oration : 48 The Vice-President's Address 66 Speaker Crisp's Address 73 Justice Brown's Address 74 Commissioner Parker's Address 79 Night Concert 86 The Joint Committee: Personnel, Action, etc 91 Congressional Action: Authorizing the Celebration loi Appointment of the Joint Committee 102 Making the Day a Holiday, Granting Use of Flags, etc 103 Resolutions to Attend 105 Atte;ndance at the Celebration 106 The Tablet 108 Printing the Proceedings no 3 Capitol Centennial Celebration The Capitoi,: ^^s^- With Some Notice of Its Architects "5 The First Corner Stone: A Brief Account from a Contemporaneous Source 121 Extension Corner Stone: The Programme 127 The Procession '3" Ceremonies at the Capitoi, 13 ' Corner Stone Laid '33 Address of B. B. French 134 Daniel Webster's Oration 137 List of Illustrations ^ Page. Engraving, Laying Corner Stonk, 1793; Capitol, 1S51 and 1S93. .Frontispiece. Tympanum, Senate Wing, East Front y Tympanum, Main Buii^ding, East Front 8 Bronze Stairway, Senate Wing 1 1 MuRAi, Decoration— SHIE1.D 20 Capitol, 1814. Half-Tone from an Old Print 21 Lamp, Senate Wing 26 Centicnnial Medal, Colored Print 28 Seal of United States— Sketch ,0 Parade, September 18, 1893 , , Mural Decoration, Ladies' Waiting Room, Sen.\te Wing 36 Clock, House Wing ^„ Centennial Chorus, September 18, 1893 4, Statue of Civilization, East Front Main Building 46 Ceremonies at Capitol September 18, 1S93— Half-Tone 47 Corn Column, Ground Floor, Main Building 49 Tobacco Column c-j Acanthus Column ^. Fence, Capitol Grounds, Since Removed eg Statue of " Peace," East Front, Main Building 53 Statue of " War," East Front, Main Building 60 Figure from Clock g, Skp;tch of Capitol 5, Capitol, 1893, North View, from Maltby House— Half-Tone 66 Portico, West Front, Before Construction of Terraces 68 Senate Clock _q Figure from Tympanum, Senate Wing 72 Capitol, 1893, Northeast View— Half-Tone 73 Mace, House of Representatives 7-, Statue of Chief Justice Marshall, West Front 74 Supreme Court Room— Old Senate Chamber 77 Marble Stairw.w, House Wing, Interior So Capitol, 1S93, Northwest View— Half-Tone 83 Dome, from Pennsylvania Avenue 84 Bronze Statue of Freedom, Dome of Capitol 85 Clock, Senate Wing 86 Naval Monument, formerly West Front, now at Annapolis 87 Capitol, 1893, West Front— Half-Tone 91 Corner of President's Room, Senate Wing 02 Speaker's Desk, House of Representatives 03 Old Hall, House of Representatives 95 Marble Room, Senate Wing 96 5 6 Capitol Ccntcuiiial CcIcbnUion Page. Capitol, 1893, Southeast View— Half-Tonk loi Columbus Statue, East P^ront, Main Building 107 Tablet Erected to Mark Corner Stone — Half-Tone io8- Mural Decoration 112 Basement of Capitol "4 Principal Story of Capitol "4 Attic vStorv of Capitol i ' 4 Bronze Newel Post, Ground Floor, Senate Wing 116 Procp:ssion, September iS, 1793 — Half-Tone 119 Figure from Tympanum, Senate Wing 123 Covering to Air Ducts 1 24 Capitol, 1828, East Front, from a Sketch by Charles Bullfinch— Half-Tone 125 Greenough's Washington, formerly in Rotunda, now East Front. . 130 Procession, July 4, 1851, from an Old Print 131 Capitol, 1850, East Front, from an Old Lithograph 132 Laving Corner Stone, 1851, from an Old Print 133 Fountain, Exterior Wall of Grounds, West 136 South Entrance to Senate Chamber '44 Oration at Capitol, July 4, 1851, from an Old Cut 152 Sketch of Washington in Embryo, 1792 152 Map of Washington, 1893 . 152 Engraving, Marble Clock, Statuary Hall 152 ^^........y^^ The Joint Coininittee created by the Congress to provide for the appropriate commemora- tion of the one hnndredth anniversary of the laying of the corner stone of the Capitol of the United States (see page 103) organized with Senator Daniel W. Voorhees as Chairman and General Duncan S. Walker as Secretary. The plan and scope of the commemoration were agreed upon substantially as set forth in the accompanying description of the proceedings of the day, and the proper execution of the same was intrusted to the Committee of Citizens, by whom voluntary contributions suffi- cient to defray the expense of an appiopriate celebration of the anniversary were secured, subject to such directions and control as might be deemed necessary by the Joint Committee of Congress. The official programme of the ceremonies included a civic and military parade over the route taken by the procession on Septem- ber 18, 1793; prayer by the Right Reverend William Paret, Bishop of Maryland; introduction by the Chairman of the Citi- zens' Committee of the Chairman of Ceremonies, Grove;r Cleve- land, President of the United States; address by President Cleveland; oration by William Wirt Henry, of Virginia; address, "The United States Senate," by Adlai Ewing Steven- son, Vice-President of the United States; address, "The United States House of Representatives," by Charlp:s Frederick Crisp, Speaker of the House; address, "The Judiciary," by Mr. Justice Henry Billings Brown, United States Supreme Court; address, "The District of Columbia," by Myron M. Parker, Commis- sioner of the District of Columbia. The vocal music was rendered by a trained "Centennial Chorus" of fifteen hundred adult voices, and the instrumental music by the United States Marine Band. 7 8 Capital Ccutnnu'al Cflrbra/ioi/ In the evening there was an appropriate ilhnnination of the east front of the Capitol 1)uildint^ and a concert by the Centennial Chorns and the Marine Band. The programme agreed npon by the Joint Committee was faith- fnlly adhered to, and without any expense whatever to the United States Government. A full description of the proceedings of the day; a history of the legislation of Congress providing for the celebration, for the erection of a tablet to mark the corner stone, and for the publi- cation of the proceedings of the day; minutes of the meetings of the Joint Committee of Congress, and an account of the organi- zation and proceedings of the Citizens' Committee are included. It was thought ajjpropriate also to add the best accounts obtain- able of the ceremonies attending the laying of the corner stone of the original Capitol building, vSeptember i8, 1793, and of the cor- ner stone of the extension of the Capitol, July 4, 1851, and a con- densed history of the Capitol building, with a brief sketch of the architects engaged at different times in its construction and care. Organization and Work Organization and Work THE MOVEMENT for the commemoration of the centennial anniversary of the layino^ of the corner stone of the Nation's Capi- tol was initiated by a motion made by Mr. M. I. WelleR at a meeting of the East Washington Citizens' Association, September 3, 1891. The motion was agreed to, and the Association reqnested appropriate action by the Board of Commissioners of the District of Colnmbia. Accordingly a call was issued by the Commissioners for a public meeting, which was held on June 7, 1893. Hon. John W. Ross, President of the Board of Commissioners, presided, and selected a committee of fifty citizens to conduct the preparations for the cele- bration. This General Committee was composed and officered as follows: GENERAL COMMITTEE [In charge of all matters pertaining to the celebration, with power to appoint such officers, agents, and sulicomniittees as may be necessary.] Lawrence Gardner, Chairman. C. C. Glover, Vice-Chainnati. Edwin B. Hay, Seoriafy. M. I. Wel,i.ER, Corresponding^ Secretary. S. W. Woodward, Treasurer. J. W. Babson. H. L. BiscoE. H. V. Boynton. A. T. Britton. J. J. Darlington. Mills Dean. Harrison Dingman \V. C. Dodge. George T. Dun lop. J. J. Edson. W. J. Frizzell. William A. Gordon. II 12 Capitol Centennial Celebration O. C. Green. H. A. Griswoi,d. JUIvES GUTHRIDGK. E. J. Hannan. CiiRi.s. HEiTRicn. J. Harrison Johnson. F. A. Lehman. Thomas F. Mii.tER. F. L. Moore. Theodore W. Novks. M. M. Parker. Charles F. Powei.i,. John W. Ro.ss. Samuel Ross. Isador]C Saks. James F. Scagcs. Henry Sherwood. Thomas Somerviuj'; A. R. Spoeford. Thomas W. Smith. Kllis Spear. A. F. vSperrv. W. J. vStpcphenson. Dr. J. M. Toner. Seymour \V. Tulloch. Duncan vS. Walker. B. H. Warner. J. W. Whelpley. Beri.\h Wilkins. L. C. Williamson. L. I). Wine. Marshall W. Wines. vS. vS. YoDER. SUBCOMMITTEES As the work of preparation progressed it was found necessary to appoint the following- subcommittees and to define their duties: INVITATION COMMITTEE [Under the direction of the General Committee, to prepare suitable invitations and issue the same to distinguished guests.] Gen. Duncan S. Walker, Chairman. Gen. H. V. BoynTon, Mce-Chairtiian. Marshall W. Wines, Secretarv. Commissioner John W. Ross. Commissioner M. M. Parker. Commissioner Charles F. Povvell. Chief Jnstice M. W. Fuller. Hon. Eppa Hunton. Hon. Barnes CompTon. Judge M. F. Morris. Prof. J. C. Welling. Frank Hatton. Theo. W. Noyes. CEREMONIES AT CAPITOL COMMITTEE [In charge of formulating a plan and determining all ceremonies and exercises at the Capitol, except exercises in charge of the p;vening Kntertainmcnt Committee.] B. H. W.\rnicr, Chairman. A. R. Spoeford, Mce-Chairman. Charles C. Gloyer. J. J. Darlington. Dr. Joseph M. Toner. Edward Clark. J. w. Whelpley. Mills Dean. COMMITTEE ON SCOPE [In charge of all matters pertaining to the celebration, such as determining the character of celebration, what committees are necessary, and their numbers.] J. W. Bab.son, Chairman. Dr. Joseph M. Toner. Mills Dean. M. I. Wellh;r. F. L. Moore. W. J. Stephenson. Henry Sherwood. Organization and JJ^ork 13 COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATION [To prepare and obtain necessary legislation approved by the (General Coinniittee.] Lawrence Gardner, Oiainiiaii. Gen. Duncan S. Walker. Dr. Jo-SEPh M. Toner. RECEPTION COMMITTEE [To receive and extend proper courtesies to distinguished guests.] Beriah Wilkins, Cliainiian. Dr. WilIvIAM Tindali., Secretary. Members of the General CoviDiittcc Ex-Governor A. R. Shepherd. Ex-Mayor JameS G. BerrET. Ex-Mayor M. G. EMMERY. Ex-Maj'or Savees J. BowEN. Ex-Commis.sioner John H. Ketch.vm. Ex-Conmiis-sioner Thoma.s B. Bry.-vn. Ex-Conimissioner J. Dent. Ex-Commissioner T. P. Morgan. Ex-Commissioner J. R. WEST. Ex-Commissioner J. B. Edmond.s. Ex-Commi.ssioner Wieeiam B. Webb. Ex-Commissioner S. E. WheaTeey. Ex-Commissioner J. W^ DouGEAS.S. Ex-Coninii.s.sioner L. G. Hine. Ex-Connnissioner G. J. Lydeckp;r. Ex-Commissioner Wieeiam Ludeow. Ex-Commissioner C. W. Raymond. Ex-Commissioner H. M. Robert. Ex-Commissioner Wieeiam T. Ros.si<:el Gen. Nicholas Anderson. Dr. W^. W^. Godding. Maheon B. Ashford. Charles B. Bailey. John A. Baker. James L. Barbour L. J. Bates. C. J. BELL. M. W. Beveridge. Gen. William Birney. Chapin Brown. n. w\ burchpxl. Gen. Cyrus Bussey. John L. Carroll. H. H. Carter. Eugene Carusi. John Cassells. George W. Cochran. H. L. Cranford. William S. Crosby. Wash. Danenhower. Walter D. Davidge. Henry E. Davis. John T. Devine. J. Maury Dove. Charles C. Duncanson. James S. Edmonds. W. E. Edmonston. J. C. Ergood. Capt. G. J. Fiebeger. Albert F. Fox. Dr. Edw. M. Gallaudet. H. Wise Garnett. G. Clay Goodloe. George C. Gorham. John T. Given. William B. Gurley. Col. John Hay. Gen. S. S. HenklE. Col. Charles Heywocd. William C. Hill. Curtis J. Hillyer. W. S. HOGE. Robert O. Holtzman. Gardner G. Hubbard. Frank Hume. Stilson Hutchins. Maj. W. P. Huxford. James Kerr. T. A. Lambert. L. Z. Leiter. George E. Lemon. A. A. Lipscomb. Daniel Loughran. Samuel Maddox. Dr. Thomas F. Mallan. M. Marfan. A. P. Morse. D. I. Murphy. Clarence F. Norment. N. G. Ordway. George M. Oyster. Anthony Pollock. George R. Repetti. F. A. Richardson. E. Francis Riggs. Bushrod Robinson. Theo. Roessle. William H. Selden. H. W\ Sohon. James W. SomervillE. O. G. Staples. E. J. Stellwagen. John A. Swope. H. T. Taggart. A. A. Thomas. S. T. Thomas. Henry T. Thurber. Enoch Totten. H. O. TowLES. Thomas E. Waggam.\n. Charles E. White. Dr. William V. Marmion. C. C. Willard. C. M. Matthews. William F. Mattingly. F. B. McGuire. W. Cr.\nch McIntyre. D. P. McKeever. John R. McLean. H. A. Willard. W.\SH. B. Williams. Col. J. M. Wilson. Levi Woodbury. Simon Wolf, a. s. worthington. 14 Capitol Centennial Celebration COMMITTEE ON PUBIJC ORDER AND COMFORT [To cooperate with the District authorities in securing the necessary aid for enforcing the requi- site regulations and to clear the avenue and streets for the formation and movement of the pro- cession. Also authorized to consult with the proper authorities in charge of the United States Capitol for the preservation of order in the Capitol grounds and such other matters as in their judgment may he necessary for the protection and comfort of the public, both during the cere- monies and evening entertainment.] Henry L,. Biscoe, Chainnan. \V. L. C.\SH. M. A. McGowAN. W. B. Easton. Col. W. G. MooRK. Gkorge H. Gaddes. Joseph Parris. John Keyworth. Thomas A. Rover. A. W. KEI.LEY. H. L. STREET. J. Fred. Kelly. Richard Sylvester. Noble D. Larner. L- P- Wright. EVENING ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE [Charged with all matters pertaining to the evening ceremonies except illumination of the Capi- tol and fireworks.] Jules Guthridge, Chainnan. A. T. Britton, V ice-Chairman. James F. ScaGGS, Secretary. Job Barnard. James Lansburgh. A. M. Bliss. W. A. McKenny. Robert Christie. Thomas F. Miller. Harrison Dingman. E. A. Moseley. George T. Dunlop. R. Ross Perry. Reginald Fendall. Richard Smith. H. W. Garnett. S. W. Tulloch. O. C. Green. Gen. Thomas M. Vincent. George E. Hamilton. L. C. Williamson. Louis D. Wine. RAILROAD RATES COMMITTEE [To obtain the lowest possible railroad rates from all points in the Union to this city, and announce the same to the public as fast as received.] Thomas W. Smith, Chairman. E. W. Anderson. Samuel Ross. H. L. Biscoe. W. J. Stephenson. COMMITTEE ON vSTANDS [In charge of the erection and decorating of a stand in front of the Capitol and such other stands as the Executive Committee shall order.] William J. P^'rizzell, Chairman. Harry Barton. T. L. Holbrook. Owen Donnelly. H. F. Holsten. William Holmead. C. C. Meads. Organization and Jl^ork 15 CAPITOL DECORATION COMMITTEE [In charge of the decoration of the Capitol and the approaches thereto.] S. S. YoDKR, Chairman. R. B. BUCKI^KV. J. J. vS. Hassi.kr. John R. Carmody. James F. Hood. Thomas N. Conrad. Tracy L,. Jeffords. C. H. Pickling. James D. Maher. Benjamin F. Guy. George W. Moss. Charles H. Harris. W. H. Rupp. E. J. Hannan. George W. Talbert. J. H. C. Wilson. MUSIC COMINIITTEE [Charged with the duty of engaging the necessary music for the celebration, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.] William A. Gordon, Chainnan. Dr. Frank T. Howe, Chainnan Siibcouunittcc on Chorus. Ralph L. Galt, Chairman SubcommiUcc on Band. A. B. COPPES. John A. Roeder. James H. Forsyth. W. A. Slack. Fred. A. Grant. Joseph I. Weller. J. E. Jones. James P. Willett. William H. Manogue. Leonard C. Wood. vS. M. Yeatman. PRINTING COMMITTEE [To super\'ise such printing as may be referred to them and ordered by the Executive Committee Also in charge of any designing and printing or publications that may be authorized by the Executive Committee.] A. F. Sperry, Chairman . Arthur St. C. Denver. David Moore. George H. Harries. William H. Rapley. BADGES AND SOUVENIR MEDALS COMMITTEE [To cause designs for badges and souvenir medals and the cost thereof to be submitted for the approval of the Executive Committee, and when so authorized to secure and deliver the same to the chairman of the Executive Committee.] Thomas Somerville, Chairman. George W. Casilear. H. H. Twomblv. D. I. Murphy. Joseph Waltmeyer. Sidney H. Nealey. George Gibson. i6 Capitol Centennial Cele/^ration PRESS COMMITTEE [ToarraiiKe for the accommodation of the press and to extend all necessary facilities. Theodore W. NoyES, Chainnan. P. V. DE Graw, Vice-Chairman. Henry L. West, Secretary. George W. Abei.1.. Feux Agnus. Thomas G. AtvoRD. AivEX. D. Anderson Addison B. Atkins. Edward W. Barrett. David S. Barry. C. C. Bowseield. John Boyle. Hobart Brooks. Logan Carwsle. Chari^es C. Carlton. John M. Carson. Cluskey Cromwell. William L. Crounse. Marshall Cushing. R. H. Darby. E. G. DUNNELL. W. H. DENNIS. J. Hadley Doyle. Fergus p. Ferris. Harry P. Godwin. George H. Harries. Frank H. Hosford. Thomas B. Kalbfus. Rudolph Kauffmann. S. H. Kauffmann. Horace Kenney. R. M. Larner. Francis E. Leupp. A. Maurice Dowe. R. Bowman Matthews. John P. Miller. O'Brien Moore. Frank P. Morgan. Frank J. O'Neill. John H. Roche. Maurice Splain. John G. Slater. Harold Snowden. Orlando O. vStealey. Alfred j. Stofer. Louis Schade. R. H. Sylvester. John Tracey. Clifford Warden. Walter Wellman. E. B. Wight. R. J. Wynne. PARADE COMMITTEE [In charge of all matters pertaining to parade, both civic and military, organize the same, and at the proper time turn it over to the Grand Marshal.] Gen. Ellis SpE.^R, Chairman. Charles W. Darr, Vice-Chairman. Robert Ball. Daniel Frazier. Capt. Harrison Barbour. George Gibson. Robert Boyd. Col. C. Heywood, U. S. M. C. Lieut. Col. Harry Coggin. Capt. Joseph O. Manson. Capt. C. S. Domer. Capt. John S. Miller. S. E. Faunce. Capt. Allison Nailor. John J. Peabody. ILLUMINATION COMMITTEE [In charge of illnminating the Capitol and matters pertaining to illumination and fireworks.] Fred. a. Lehman, Chairman. William F. Hart, Vice-Chairman. A. W. Hart, Secretary. A. B. ClaxTON, Chairman Suhconunittcc on Fireworks. GusTAv Bissing. C. p. Gleim. Albert Bright. O. B. Hallam. Edward Clark. William McAdoo. Capt. George McC. Derby. B. N. Morris. Capt. G. J. FiEBEGER. George L. Morton. Max Georgii. A. S. PaTTison. A. R. Townsend. Organization and Work 17 FINANCE COMMITTEE [Charged with raising funds for the expenses of the celebration. When collected, to be paid over to the treasurer by the chairman.] John Joy Edson, Chairman. Frank P. Reeside, Secretary. Andrew Archer. John T. Arms. Brent. L. Bai,dwin. W. B. Bai^dwin. W. D. Baldwin. F. H. Barbarin. James L. Barbour. Job Barnard. Harry Barton. Chari^es J. Bei,L. H. H. Bergman. E. P. Berry. Samuel Bieber. J. Wesley Boteler. Charles C. Bradley. S. Thomas Brown. Horatio Browning. Henry C. Burch. Albert Carry. J. W. Chappell. Daniel B. Clark. William E. Clark. Dennis Connell. Clarence Corson. Samuel Cross. Samuel W. Curriden. C. H. Davidge. I/Ouis J. Davis. George W. Driver. Edward F. Droop. C. C. Duncanson. W. Clarence Duvall. S. G. Eberly. John C. Eckloff. Matthew G. Emery. George E. Emmons. A. P. Fardon. C. H. Fickling. Dr. George W. Fisher. James E. Fitch. Prof. W. G. Fowler. William J. Frizzell. Andrew Gleason. J. H. Gordon. Thomas Gray. A. M. Green. H. Mis. 211 H. A. Griswold. Charles E. Gross. William B. Gurley. Jules Guthridge. George F. Harbin. Walter Heiston. George C. Henning. John E. Herrell. D. P. HiCKLING. Theo. L. Holbrook. A. H. F. HoLSTEN. R. O. HOLTZMAN. C. W. Howard. Charles A. James. A. S. Johnson. J. B. Johnson. J. Harrison Johnson. George a. Jordon. John G. Judd. Arthur L. Keane. George Killeen. George H. Kennedy. J. J. Kleiner. T. A. Lambert. James Lansburgh. John B. Larner. F. A. Lehman. B. F. Leighton. George E. Lemon. L. A. LiTTLEFIELD. PHILO J. LOCKWOOD. Meyer Loeb. A. M. LoThrop. John W. Macarty. Frank P. Madigan. John H. Magruder. William H. Manogue. Clarence McClelland, w. w. mccullough. A. M. McLachlen. Frank B. Mohun. W. C. Morrison. Allison Nailor, Jr. Frank P. Noyes. George M. Oyster. James F. Oyster. -2 E. S. Parker. John C. Parker. Thomas C. Pearsall. Seaton Perry. Eugene Peters. J. T. Petty. W. W. Rapley. Frank T. Rawlings. E. Francis Riggs. T. E. ROESSLE. Samuel Ross. A. B. Ruff. Isadore Saks. Dr. A. J. vSchaFhirt. John W. Shafer. Samuel S. Shedd. John G. Slater. Thomas W. Smith. B. F. Snyder. Thomas Somerville. O. G. Staples. E. J. Stellwagen. Frederick C. vStevens. F. A. Stier. A. L. vSturtevant. J. S. vSwORMSTED. George W. Talbert. Joseph D. Taylor. A. A. Thomas. John W. Thompson. O. T. Thompson. W. vS. Thompson. Lem. Towers, Jr. R. A. Walker. vSamuel H. Walker. B. H. Warner. John L. We.wer. Edward S. Wescott. Frank P. Weller. W. J. Whelpley. Charles E. White. George H. B. White. Beriah Wilkins. Charles p. Williams. Jesse B. Wilson. Louis D. Wine. i8 Capitol Centennial Celebration AUDITING COMMITTEK [All bills must be examined by the committee, to ascertain if they have been properly authorized by the Executive Committee by order or by appropriation, and approved by the chairman of the Executive Committee. When so examined and approved bj' the chairman of the Committee on Auditing, the Treasurer shall draw his check for the amount of the bills, which shall then be paid. All statements or reports made up by the Executive Committee of receipts and disburse- ments must be verified and approved by the Committee on Auditing.] ISADORE Saks, Chairman. George C. Henning. CivEM. W. Howard. STREET DECORATION COMMITTEE Charged with the duty of securing decorations for and decorating the avenues and streets and the national and city government buildings.] Harrison Reuben F. Baker. Harrison Barbour. Robert Beali,. Henry L. Bryan. Albert Carry. s. w. curriden. WiivWAM Dickson. Edwin F. Droop. J. H. Gordon. Wm. Hoeke. Dingman, Chairman. I. W. Hopkins. Harry R. Howser. w. a. hutchins. George W. Joyce. Prof. Harry King. C. C. Lancaster. Frank P. Madigan. Edward Minnix. F. S. Parks. George F. Pyles. OFFICERS OF THE PARADE The following officers of the parade were appointed: Grand Marshal: Gen. Albert Ordway. Chief of Staff : Gen. Ellis Spear. Special Aids: Col. H. C. Corbin, U. S. A. Capt. George P. Schriver, U. S. A. Arthur D. Anderson. E. W. Anderson. T. H. Anderson. Joseph L. Atkins. Robert Ball. Ralph Barnard. J. A. Barthel. N. Bestor. E. H. Block. Lee Britton. Capt. William Brown. S. S. BURDETT. Maj. F. A. Butts. Aids Eugene B. Carusi. Thornton A. Carusi. Dorsey Claggett. Barnes Compton, Jr. John T. Crowley. A. J. Curtis. St. Julian Dapray. Charles W. Darr. Walter D. Davidge, Jr. William W. Deane. Gen. J. Dickinson. William Dickson. J. Franklin Donohue. J. Maury Dove. J. Hadley Doyle. Lanier Dunn. John Joy Edson, Jr. Maj. Thomas M. Gale. Arthur P. Gorman, Jr. Dr. W. Hammett. Maj. William Harmer. Robert Harrover. F. J. Hart. Richard K. Harvey. William B. Hibbs. S. Hodgkins. Organization and Work 19 ROBKRT O. HotTZMAN. Frank Humk, Jr. Maj. T. W. HUNGKRFORD. Maj. Robert W. Hunter. Capt. J. H. Johnson. Prof. J. Harrv King. Thomas J. King. S. Prentiss Knutt. BIvAir Lee. L. A. LiTTLEFIELD. Woodbury Lowerv, Jr. Dr. J. Maloney. WiLijAM H. Manoguk. Col. T. R. Marshai,i,. James J. McDonaed. George X. McLanahan. W. H. Michael. Maj. Julian G. Moore. Maj. A. Porter Morse. H. C. Moses. Washington Nailor. Edward G. Niles. James L. Norris, Jr. Gen. J. N. Patterson. George H. Penrose. H. L. Prince. George W. Rae. J. B. Randolph. John J. Repetti. IvEiGH Robinson. I. N. Runyan. Col. J. H. vStrickland. Magnus S. Thompson. Julius W. Tolson. Maj. E. B. Townsend. John TvveedalE. h. h. twombly. Hugh Waddell. Albert c. Walker. Joseph I. Weller. Dr. William P. Young. W. H. Zimmerman. SCOPE OF THE CELEBRATION The plans for the celebration were all prepared by the Citizens' Committee, and, upon approval by the Joint Committee appointed under the joint resolution of Congress, were carried into execution by the Citizens' Committee. From the very beginning the Citizens' Committee recognized that the event to be celebrated was of great national importance, and, as soon as the Congress assembled in extra session, submitted the matter to the Vice-President of the United States and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The Congress immedi- ately acted, and passed a joint resolution (see p. 102) providing for a committee of fourteen, to consist of seven Senators and seven Representatives, to act with a similar number of citizens to be selected by the Citizens' Committee, "to take order in the matter of arranging for the ceremonies at the Capitol." THE JOINT COMMITTEE The Joint Committee was composed and officered as follows: Chairman: Hon. Daniel Wolsey Voorhees, United States Senate. Secretary: Gen. Duncan S. Walker. Senators Daniel W. Voorhees. John Sherman. Matt W. Ransom. Stephen M. White. William E. Chandler. Watson C. Squire. John Martin. 20 Capitol Centennial Celebration WlL,I,IAM D. BYNUM. David B. Henderson. George W. Houk. Representatives John C. Black. John De Witt Warner. Charles CNeill. William Cogswell. Citizens Lawrence Gardner. Gen. Duncan S. Walker. C. C. Glover. John W. Ross. B. H. Warner. J. M. Toner. Beriah Wilkins. Michael I. Weller. E. B. Hay. S. W. Woodward. H. L. BiscoE. A. R. Spofford. John Joy Edson. Marshall W. Wines. At meetings of the Joint Committee the plans for the celebration drawn up by the Citizens' Committee were approved and directed to be carried into effect (see pp. 92-95). LEGISLATION BY CONGRESS It was also agreed by the Joint Committee that Congress should be requested to make the i8th day of September, 1893, a legal holiday within the District of Columbia, and to lend certain army and navy flags to the Architect of the Capitol for decorative pur- poses, and that the Senate and the House of Representatives be invited to attend the exercises at the Capitol. Congress responded favorably to the requests and accepted the invitation (see pp. 95, 103-106). o The Programme Official Prog-ramme The following is the official prograiume for the celebration agreed upon and executed: CONCERTvS BY CENTENNIAL CHIMES From g to lo a. in. 1. National peal, changes rung on thirteen bells. 2. America (M}' Country, 'Tis of Thee). 3. Ring Out, Wild Bells. (Mrs. Abhy Hutchinson Patton. ) 4. Old Coronation. 5. The Sweet By and By. 6. Bhie Bells of vScotland. 7. The British Grenadiers. 8. The Bells of Shandon. 9. Maryland, My Marj-land. 10. De Beriot's Fifth Air. 1 1 . Way Down upon the Suwannee River. 12. Schubert's Ave Maria. 13. Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean. 14. Oft in the Stilly Night. 15. Dixie. 16. Old Black Joe. 17. Haste to the Wedding. iS. Massa's in the Cold, Cold Ground. 19. Bonny Doon. 20. What Fair3--like Music. 21. National salute, the thirteen bells being struck in unison forty-four times. Fi'oui I to 2 p. 1)1. 1. Centennial peal, changes rung on thirteen bells. 2. My Country, 'Tis of Thee (America). 3. The Bells, march. (Battmann.) 4. Robin Adair. (Keppel.) 5. La Marseillaise. (Rouget de ri;Je. ) 6. Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms. (Tom Moore.) 7. Chimes of Corneville. (Planquette. ) 8. Rose Marie. 9. Wo i.st des Deutchen Vaterland ? ( Reichardt. ) 10. Way Down upon the Suwannee River. (Foster.) f (ff) Monastery Bells. \ {b) Ave Maria Stella. ( Vely. ) 12. De Beriot's Fifth Air. 24 Capitol Centennial Celebration 13. Die Kapelle (The Chapel). (Kreiitzer. ) 14. Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah. ( Flotow. ) ( {a) Prayer from Zainpa. (Herold.) I (<5) Wedding March — Lohengrin. (Wagner.) 16. Ring Out, Wild Bells. (Mrs. Abby Hutchinson Patton. ) 17. Heimaths-Klange. (Silcher. ) 18. Oft in the Stilly Night. (Moore. ) 19. Hear the Music of the Bells. 20. The Sweet By and By. 21. Le Carillon. (Streabog. ) 22. Maryland, My Maryland. 23. National salute, change peal, the thirteen bells being struck in unison forty-four times. ROUTE OF PARADE The parade to start at i p. m. and to arrive at the Capitol before 2 p. m., the line of march (same as on September 18, 1793) to begin on Pennsylvania avenue near Fifteenth street northwest; thence sonth down Fifteenth street to Pennsylvania avenue; thence down Pennsylvania avenue to the Capitol grounds; thence to B street north; by B street north to First street east, to B street south; thence to New Jersey avenue, there to be dismissed, EXERCISES AT THE CAPITOL The following was decided on as the programme at the Capitol, commencing at 2 p. m. : Music — Overture to Tannhauser Marine Band Prayer Right Reverend WILI.IAM Paret, Bishop of Maryland Music — Te Deuni in E flat. ( Dudley Buck ) Grand Chorus Introduction Lawrence Gardner, Chairman of General Committee Chairman of Ceremonies Grover Cleveland, President of the United States Music — Selections — Lakme Marine Band Orator of the Day William Wirt Henry, Virginia Music — Star-Spangled Banner Grand Chorus Address — The United States Senate Adlai E. Stevenson, Vice-President Music — Potpourri of national airs Marine Band Address— The LTnited States House of Representatives. . .Charles F. Crisp, Speaker Music — The Heavens are Telling ( Creation ) Grand Chorus Address — The Judiciary. . .Henry Billincs Brown, Supreme Court United States Music — Centennial March. ( Fanciulli ) Marine Band Address — The District of Columbia. Myron M. Parker, Commissioner District of Columbia Music — America Marine Band, Grand Chorus, and audience The vocal music to be sung by a chorus of fifteen hundred voices, under the direction of Profes.sor N. Du Shane Cloward. Official Programme 25 EVENING CONCERT The Centennial Chimes, from 6 to 7 p. m. , to render the numbers following': 1. Change peal on national airs. 2. Rally 'Round the Flag, Boys. 3. Auld Lang Syne. 4. Carry Me Back to Old Virginny. ( Foster. ) 5. Prayer from Der Freischutz. (Von Weber.) 6. Oh, Summer Night — Don Pasquale. 7. Ave Maria. (Schubert.) 8. Camptown Races. ( Christy. ) 9. Bonny Blue Flag. 10. Home Again. 11. Robin Adair. 12. De Beriot's Fifth Air. 13. Those Evening Bells. (Tom Moore.) 14. Home, Sweet Home. (Payne.) 15. Old Folks at Home. (Foster. ) 16. Nearer, My God, to Thee— Bethany. 17. The Last Rose of Summer. (Moore.) 18. Wedding March — Lohengrin. (Wagner.) 19. Oft in the Stilly Night. (Moore. ) 20. Star-Spangled Banner. ( Key. ) 21. National peal, change salute, all the bells being struck in unison forty-four times. At the east front of the Capitol, commencing at 8 p. m., the following programme: 1. Grand march — National Capitol Centennial. (Fanciulli) Marine Band 2. Chorus — The Heavens are Telling (Creation) Grand Centennial Chorus 3. Overture — Semiramide. (Rossini) Marine Band 4. Home, Sweet Home. (Payne) Centennial Chorus 5. Monastery Bells. ( Vely ) Marine Band 6. Coronation Centennial Chorus 7. Trip to Manhattan Beach. (Fanciulli) Marine Band 8. Hail Columbia. ( Fyles ) Centennial Chorus 9. In the Clock Store. ( Orth ) Marine Band 10. Recitation — The Star-Spangled Banner. (Key) Mr. Chari,es B. Hanford 11. Chorus — Star-Spangled Banner. . .Centennial Chorus, Marine Band, and audience 12. Voyage Comique — A Trip to Mars. (Fanciulli) Marine Band The chimes of thirteen large bells, from the McShane Foundry, Baltimore, were stationed on the top of the wall at the northwest corner of the new Congressional Library building, and were oper- ated by Professor John R. Gibson, of the Metropolitan Methodist Episcopal Church, Washington, and Professor Paul Stopfer, 26 Capitol Centennial Celebration of St. Alphonso Church, Baltimore. The first concert by the chimes began according to programme, at 9 a. m., and continued until nearly no' clock. At i p. m. the second concert began, and the evening concert began at 6 o'clock, ending with the "Star-Spangled Banner" and the "National Peal," a change salute, all the thirteen bells being rung in unison forty- four times. The vocal music rendered during the afternoon and in the evening at the Capitol was by the Grand Cen- tennial Chorus, of fifteen hundred adult voices, conducted by Professor N. Du Shane Cloward. Several weeks preceding the event Professor Cloward had divided the District into subdivisions and trained the subdivisions separately, having one grand rehearsal of fifteen hundred voices at Convention Hall on the evening of September 13, 1893. The United States Marine Band, Professor Fanciulli conductor, ren- dered the instrumental music, both at the afternoon exercises and at the evening concert at the Capitol, and accompanied the Centennial Chorus on those occasions. y^A^^i_^ DECORATIONS AND ILLUMINATION The principal decorations at the Capitol were upon the central portion of the east front. The grand stands, extending from the north to the south wing, or over the whole east front of the main building and old wings, were draped with bunting, extending back to the cornice, while the front of the stands was hung with Official Programme 27 American flags, gracefully caught up at regular intervals with red, white, and blue rosettes. A white anchor on a background of blue covered the center of the main stand, from which the orations were delivered. High upon the center of the main building were hung two large garrison flags, from which was suspended the national coat of arms. Higher up still, on the top of the great white dome, four large American flags floated from horizontal staffs, pointing north, south, east, and west. With the double purpose of illuminating the east front of the Capitol and furnishing light for the evening concert, at each corner of the central stand was placed a spray of twenty-four col- ored globes. Between the columns of the main portico were arches of lighted jets, and bands of jets incased in globes encircled the mas- sive pillars. To the right of the grand central stairway, in near proximity to the corner stone of the Capitol, was a large gilded framework, illuminated by jets in globes, reading "1793 — Wash- ington," while to the left of the central stairway a similar illu- mination read, "1893 — Cleveland." GRAND STANDS There were three grand stands erected at the east front of the Capitol. The central one, for the President, the orators of the day, the Cabinet and other executive officers, the Judiciary, the Diplo- matic Corps, and other distinguished guests, covered the whole space of the center of the main building and adjoined the rotunda, from which was the main entrance for the guests, the orators entering from the southeast front of the platform. The capacity of this stand exceeded twenty-five hundred. To the north of this stand and adjoining it was the stand for the Senate and House, under the control of the Sergeants-at-Arms of those bodies, with a seating capacity of fifteen hundred. To the south of the main stand and adjoining it was the grand stand for the Centennial Chorus, with a seating capacity of sixteen hundred, and facing it were the accommodations for the Marine Band. All of these stands were tastefully decorated, as before described. 28 Capitol Centennial Celebration STREET DECORATIONS The decorations on the private buildings on Pennsylvania ave- nue, from the Capitol to the White House, were profuse and beautiful. From ever}- window on each side of the street large flags and strips of bunting were streaming, while many buildings were topped with flagstaffs from which floated the national colors. Other streets in the city also were dressed in holiday attire, all the enterprise of patriotic private citizens. CENTENNIAL MEDAL A handsome medal was struck to commemorate the event. It was designed by Mr. George W. Casilear, and struck on silver, bronze, and white metal gilded. On one side is shown the east front of the Capitol of the United States as of the date September i8, 1893. Above is the legend "Centennial ceremonies" and below "At the United States Capital," the whole circled with forty-four stars, with the date "Sept. 18, 1893." On the obverse is a facsimile of the scene on the bronze door of the Senate wing of the Capitol, with a medallion head of Washington, above which are fifteen stars, the whole circled with the legend "Laying the corner stone of the Capitol, September 18, 1793." The medal is suspended by a red, white, and blue silk ribbon, upon a white silk ribbon, from a bar formed in the fashion of the fasces, with bands upon which are the legend ' ' E pluribus unum. ' ' A facsimile of the medal will be found facing this page. SOUVENIR INVITATIONS Handsome invitations, two thousand in number, containing the programme of the exercises at the Capitol, were prepared under the direction of the Invitation Committee and issued to distin- guished, guests. Upon the first exterior page was a beautiful engraving, sketching the Capitol as it appeared in 1893 from the northeast, and the Capitol as of 185 1, viewed from the west, the two joined by an exact reproduction of Crawford's bronze Official Programme 29 representation of the laying of the corner stone in 1793. The last exterior page was embellished with an engraving of the marble clock over the north door of the old Hall of the House of Representatives, now known as Statuary Hall. THE TABLET After defraying all the expenses incurred on account of the cele- bration, the Citizens' Committee had a surplus on hand, part of which was appropriated for the preparation of the account of the proceedings and of procuring suitable photographs of the Capitol to illustrate the book ordered by the Congress to be pub- lished. In addition, the sum of $900 was appropriated to secure designs for and the casting of a tablet of bronze to mark the corner stone of the original Capitol building. The contract for this tablet was given to Maurice Powers, of New York, whose design was accepted by the committee, and, under the joint reso- lution of Congress, approved April 8, 1894 (see pages 108-110), the same has been placed upon the southeast wall of the north wing of the original building, just above the corner stone laid by George Washington September 18, 1793. A facsimile of the bronze tablet will be seen facing page 109. The estimated cost of the tablet was $1,100, but the contractor abated the sum to $900. COST OF THE CELEBRATION The entire expense of the celebration, as has been before said, was defrayed by the Citizens' Committee, The total amount contributed by voluntary subscriptions was $5,300.50; receipts from the concert at Convention Hall given by the Centennial Chorus, $233.30; receipts from sale of old material, $34; sales of Centennial medals to members of committee, $457.75; a total of $6,025.55. ^^^^ amount of disbursements for the celebration up to the final meeting of the Citizens' Committee, April 19, 1894, was $4,797.60; leaving a cash balance on hand at that date of $1,227.95. Of this amount the sum of $100 was appropriated to 30 Capitol Centennial Celebration reimburse the Veteran Firemen's Association for expenditures made by them in entertaining guests from abroad; #150 for pre- paring the book and photographs, as before stated; $900 for the tablet, and the remainder for the expenses incident to the prepa- ration of the memorial. The Parade 31 The Parade On the morniiig of September i8, 1893, at 9 o'clock, the cele- bration began with the concert by the Centennial Chimes, the programme of which has been heretofore given, closing a little after 10 o'clock. At i o'clock the afternoon programme for the ^^S^-^ bells began, lasting until nearly 2 o'clock, and being completed just as President Cleveland de- scended from his carriage to take his seat npon the grand stand. Long before the hour an- ^^**^1^i^^^ n o im c e d for the parade the ^ route was lined with spectators, and it is estimated that over one hundred and fifty thousand people saw the pageant pass in review, while in the Capitol Grounds and the adjacent streets there were assembled not less than one hundred thousand citizens. The following order of Chief Marshal Ordway for the forma- tion and movement of the procession was adhered to with few departures : I. The chief marshal and staff will assemble on Executive aveniie, west of the Treasury Department, at 12.30 o'clock p. m. H. Mis. 211 3 33 34 Capitol Centennial Celebration 2. The cavalrv escort of the President of the United States will assemble at 12.45 o'clock p. ni. in inverted order, facin.t( sonth, on the north side of Pennsylvania avenne, left resting on Jackson place. Carriages of orator, Chairman of General Committee, and guests on south side of Pennsylvania avenue, between west gate of the Executive Mansion and the War Department. 3. The first division will assemble at 12 o'clock m., as follows: Alexandria Wash- ington Lodge of Masons, and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows on their left, on Jackson place, right resting on Pennsylvania avenue; the remainder of the divi- sion, in the order hereinafter named, on the south side of Pennsylvania avenue, with the Association of Oldest Inhabitants on the right, resting opposite east corner of the War Department. 4. The second division will assemble at 12.15 o'clock p. m. on Seventeenth street, south of Pennsylvania avenue, in the order hereinafter stated, right resting on Penn- sylvania avenue, with its left resting on New York avenue. 5. The third division will assemble at 12.30 o'clock p. m., as follows: The United States artillery and the United States Marine Corps on the north roadway of the White Lot, right resting on Seventeenth street; the District National Guard on the west and south roadway of the White Lot, right resting at junction of north roadway. 6. The fourth division will assemble at 12.45 o'clock p. ni., as follows: Veteran and visiting firemen on Lafayette place, right resting on Pennsylvania avenue; the Dis- trict Fire Department on Fifteenth street, north of Pennsylvania avenue, right resting on New York avenue. 7. All organizations will assemble and stand in column, and will move in the order above stated. In proceeding to the place of assembly no organization except mili- tary will be permitted to march on Pennsylvania avenue between First and Fifteenth streets after 12 o'clock noon. 8. The procession will move precisely at i o'clock p. m. Any organization not in column and ready to move at that time will be excluded. 9. Carriages will march in column of twos. Civic organizations will march in column of fours, with a distance of forty-four inches between each set of fours and a distance of ten yards between organizations. Military organizations will march in cohmm of companies or platoons, according to their strength. The distance between divisions will be forty yards. 10. The line of march will be as follows: Fifteenth street; Pennsylvania avenue to First street; through Capitol Grounds, north of the Capitol, to B street north- B street north to First street east; First street east to B street south; B street south to New Jersey avenue. Organizations will be dismissed from the procession on reaching the corner of B street south and New Jersey avenue. Music will not be permitted to play on Capitol Hill after 2 o'clock p. m. 11. The organization and order of the procession will be as follows: Chief Marshal and stafif. Squadron of United States cavalry. President of the United States. Orator of the day. Governors of States. Chairman of General Committee; distinguished guests. Troop A, District National Guard. FIRST DIVISION Rai,ph L. Gai.T, Marshal. Alexandria Washington Lodge of Ma.sons. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Association of the Oldest Inhabitants. The Parade 35 Order of Elks. Knights of Pythias. Order of United American Mechanics. Order of Red Men. Knights of St. Peter. Independent Order of Rechabites of North America. Journeymen Stonecutters' Association of the District of Columbia. Capital City Guards. Butler Infantry Corps. SECOND DIVISION Wii'stem were better suited to its existence. A bitter contest had consequently sprung up between the sections over the balance of power in the administration of the Federal Government. This was made the more alarming by the radical difference in the constructions given to the Federal system. By the one party it was held to be a government of a nation, and that by the adoption of the Federal Constitution each State had merged a part of its sovereignty into that of the whole, which could not be recalled except by successful revolution. By the other part>' the Fed- eral Constitution was held to be a compact between sovereign States, each of which had the right to pass upon the legality of Federal acts, to nullify their operation, if deemed an infraction of the compact, and, as a last resort, to secede from the Union. With such a view of the Federal system it is no wonder that many threats of secession had been made by parties North and South dissatisfied with Federal laws. California had been acquired from Mexico, and, rich in gold, it had been soon filled with a population sufficient to form a State. A convention of its people framed a constitution which excluded slavery from its borders, and with this instrument in hand they knocked at the door of Congress for admission during the session of 1849-50. To admit her was to destroy the equilibrium between the free and slave States, and therefore a fierce struggle at once arose which threat- ened the permanency of the Union. Happily two of the greatest statesmen and purest patriots our country has ever produced were in the councils of the nation, Henry Clay, of Kentucky, and Daniel Webster, of Massachusetts. By their combined efforts the compro- mise measures of 1850 were enacted, which it was fondly hoped would settle the sectional strife. At the Capitol 53 It was at this period that the growth of the nation demanded an enlargement of its Capitol. The Fourth of July, 185 1, was fixed for the laying of the corner stone of the addition, and the great expounder and defender of the Constitution, the foremost of living statesmen, the matchless orator, Daniel Webster, was selected to make the address. Those who remember him as he lived and moved among men easily recall the massive head, the deep-toned voice, the grand periods, the profound thought, which held his auditors spellbound whenever he spoke. On this occasion we see him but lately transferred from the vSenate to the foremost seat in the Cabinet, the conspicuous mark for the arrows of sectionalism; yet, firmly fixed in the position he had assumed in his celebrated speech on the compromise measures, delivered in the Senate the 7th of March, 1850, in which, filled with the patriotism which animated the first Continental Congress, he had ■ uttered the memorable words, " I wish to speak to-day not as a Massachu- setts man, nor as a Northern man, but as an American." Fit .successor of the Father of his Country in the ceremonies of the daj', we .see his faith in the future of the Union emerging from the cloud which had overshad- owed the political horizon, and while he recounts the luiprecedented hap- piness and the wonderful progress of the country under the Federal Gov-' ernment, he appeals to the di.ssatisfied to exorci.se the .spirit of disunion, and to cling to the Government framed by their forefathers as the sheet anchor of their liberties, the ark of their .safety, the assurance, doubly sure, of their ever-increasing greatness. Sectional strife was not, indeed, quelled by the compromise of 1850, but fuel was continually added to the flame, till secession, .so long threatened, was at la.st attempted by the Southern States. In the terrible civil war that followed slavery and secession went down together, cla.sped in the embrace of eternal death, and the Union survived, more firmly knit by the effort to disrupt it, and blessing a nation of freemen. It remains for us now to cast out the spirit of sectionalism, that bitter fountain of our woes, and henceforth to unite to realize the .sentiment of the poet — One flag, one land, one heart, one hand, One nation evermore! 54 Capitol Centennial Celebration In the address of Mr. Webster on the Fourth of July, 1851, he gave a comparative table of statistics showing the growth of the nation between 1793 and 1851. Extending a few of the items of this table to the present date, and using reports for 1892 in doing so, we can realize our growth within the last forty-two years. 1S51. 1893- Number of States Population of United States Amount of receipts into Treasury Amount of exports Amount of imports Area of United States in square miles . Number of miles of railroad Number of miles of electric telegraph. Number of miles of telephone Number of universities and colleges . . . 15 3, 929, 328 $5, 720, 624 $26, 109, 000 $31, 000, 000 804, 461 31 23, 267, 498 $52. 312, 980 $217,517,130 $215. 725, 995 3. 314, 365 10, 2S7 15,000 *65, $425. $1,075, 44 000,000 868, 260 818, 429 057, 002 602, 990 218, 528 250, 000 220, 000 430 * Estimated. The Christian churches have more than kept pace with the increase of population, and they have at least 16,000,000 members. Nor are we behind any other nation in our charitable institutions and common schools. As our wonderful progress as a nation is mainly due to our free institutions, it seems appropriate to this occasion that we review brief!}' their origin and growth. L,et us approach the task reverently, for in listening to the voice of history we will recognize the voice of God, and in stud3'ing the past aright we must needs discover the Divinity which shapes our ends. It is an ennobling thought that from the da}' that God said, " L,et the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear," He began to prepare this continent for the abode of our race, as the most worthy of the human family. He brought forth the mountains and filled them with all the mineral wealth needed by the most civilized of men. He placed the mountain ranges as sentinels along the shores, charging them to arrest the clouds which arise from the seas and force them to water and enrich the earth. He placed the great valleys between and caused them ' ' to bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind," suited for the sustenance of a great nation. He caused deep rivers to flow from the mountains, to the north and to the south, to the east and to the west. He placed the Gulf in the south and the lakes in the north, and made them, with the rivers, convenient highways for the commerce of a great and pro.sperous people, and He threw over the whole the temperate zone. Having fitted this continent for the abode of a people advanced to the highest point of human At the Capitol 55 progress, He hid it from the eyes of civilized man and consigned it to the keeping of a savage race. Ignorant of its wealth, they knew no use of its grand forests, except to hunt in them; of its broad rivers and lakes, except to fish in them; nor of its productive soil, except to soak it with the blood of contending tribes. Thus this rich continent, best fitted of all for the abode of civilized man, was guarded and kept undisturbed for ages, till in the fullness of time God had trained up a people worthy to enjoy it. The wonderful training of that people is one of the grandest lessons of history. We have been taught that America is indebted to Great Britain for her greatness, but in truth Great Britain is indebted to America for its existence among the nations of the earth. The Gulf Stream, rising in the torrid zone, after issuing from the Gulf of Mexico, takes its course northward along the northeastern shore of North America, by which it is deflected till it turns across the Atlantic and reaches the British Isles, rescuing them from the embrace of the frigid zone, ^giving them a temperate climate ^'-'suited to the development of the 1^^ highest type of manhood, and furnish - "^^ ing them with the moisture needed for a rich vegetation. Through this silent, unrecognized influence, exerted through unnumbered years, these isles have been made to blossom as the rose, and enabled to sustain a population fitted to lead the world in the progress of civilization. It was these favored isles which, in the providence of God, were selected for the training of the race worthy of the rich heritage of North America. The Celts, their earliest inhabitants, were not of this favored race; nor were their conquerors, the Romans. Imperial Rome regarded not her citizens as free agents, but as blind, unquestioning parts of an immense political machine. She based her authority upon force, not upon the consent of the governed. Her despotic government, by crushing all local independence, crushed all local vigor. For nearly four hundred years the island of Britain was thus held as a province of the Roman Empire. During this period that great power entered upon its decline and finally tottered to its fall. In 411 A. D. the Roman legions were withdrawn from Britain, in the vain effort to defend Italy against the Goths. They never returned, and thus it was ordered that the lyatin race was not to possess that fair isle. 56 Capitol Centennial Celebration After the withdrawal of the Roman legions the Britons were set upon by the Picts of Scotland and the Scots of Ireland, and finally called to their aid the English and Saxons from their home on the peninsula which divides the waters of the Baltic from the North Sea. These came, A. D. 449, under their chiefs, Hengist and Horsa, and having first delivered the Britons from their foes, they then overpowered them and became masters of the island. At last the race had come which was to permanentl}' possess the island. They were of the Low German branch of the Teutonic family — a people who had withstood the arms of Rome for more than five hundred years, and were now moving from their forest homes to the attack and overthrow of that great empire. The Germans presented a striking contrast with the Romans in their appearance, domestic life, and civil institutions. The Roman historians describe them at the beginning of the second century as follows: A race pure, unmixed, and stamped with a distinct character. Hence a family likeness pervades the whole, though their numbers are so great; eyes stern and blue, ruddy hair, large bodies, powerful in sudden exertions, but impatient of toil and labor; fenced around with chastity, corrupted by no seductive specta- cles, no convivial incitements; supposing somewhat of sanctity and prescience to be inherent in the female sex, and therefore neither despising their counsels nor disregarding their responses. Almost single among the barbarians, they con- tent themselves with one wife. The women take one husband as one body and one life, that no thought, no desire may extend beyond him; and he may be loved not only as their husband but as their marriage. A person's own children are his heirs and successors, and no wills are made. They do not inhabit cities, or even admit of contiguous settlements. They dwell scattered and separate, as a spring, a meadow, a grove may chance to invite them. In their villages every- one surrounds his house with a vacant space. No people are more addicted to social entertainments nor more liberal in the exercise of hospitality. To refuse any person whatever admittance under their roof is accounted flagitious. Every- one, according to his ability, feasts his guest. They worship Oden as their chief divinity, and draw his character from their own, delighting to show strength in battle, and to execute vengeance on their enemies. They deem it unworthy of the grandeur of their deity to confine his worship within walls', or to represent him under a human similitude. Woods and groves are their temples, and they affix the name of Divinity to that secret power which they behold with the eye of adoration alone. Their settlements are around some tree "or mound held sacred in their religious rites, and here the people assemble to transact matters of government and to decide upon war or peace. They are divided into nations, some under kings, some under chiefs. The nations are divided into cantons, each under a chief or count, who administers justice in it. The cantons are divided into districts, or hundreds, each containing a hundred vills or townships. In each hundred is a centenary, chosen by the people, before whom small cases are tried and determined, according to the customs of the settlement. Their courts of justice are held in the open air, on rising ground, beneath the shade of a large tree. They elect their kings and chiefs, having regard to birth and fitness, and their generals, having regard to valor. Their kings exercise limited authority, and their generals command less through the force of authority than example. If they are daring, adventurous, and conspicuous in action, they procure At the Capitol 57 obedience from the admiration they inspire. On affairs of smaller moment, the chiefs consult; on those of greater importance, the whole community; yet with this circumstance, that what is referred to the decision of the people is first maturely discussed by the chiefs. It is customary for the several states to present, by voluntary or individual contributions, cattle or grain to their chiefs, which are accepted as honorary gifts, while they serve as necessary supplies. In thi.s description of this stalwart and liberty-loving people we easily recognize the rudiments of English character and English insti- tutions, which have made the English-speaking people the foremost of the world. The distinguishing trait of our German ancestors was the individualism and independence of the citizen. With them the citizen was not the creature of government, but government was the creature of the citizen. The people were the fountain of political power, and rulers were their chosen servants. It was well said by Mr. Jefferson, when he proposed the figures of Hengist and Horsa for the great seal of the United States, that they were "the Saxon chiefs from whom we claim the honor of being descended, and whose political principles and form of government we have assumed." While Spain, France, and Italy were equally conquered by the Germans, their religion, social life, and administrative order remained Roman, and the conquerors became a.ssimilated with the conquered. The result was peoples dominated by the Latin race. But in Eng- land the result was far different; there the Roman organization of government and society disappeared with the people that used it, and a purely German nation rose in its stead, a nation whose vitality was sufficient to absorb and assimilate the Danes and the Normans that in succession conquered the island. For more than one thousand years before the discovery of America this people advanced in civilization in their isolated island home. Within a century and a half from the landing of Hengist upon the isle of Thanet, on the coast of Eng- land, Augustine, with a band of monks, landed on the same spot, and introduced Christianity, which soon supplanted the worship of Oden and gave a new and powerful impulse to the advancement of the nation. In the fifteenth century, when the light of the new learning broke upon the darkness of the Middle Ages, it shone on no land with greater luster than on England, nor with greater practical effects. One of the results of the mental activity which this revival of learning stirred in Europe was the daring voyage of Columbus in search of a new passage to the Indies, which led to the discovery of America. The sovereigns of Spain, who fitted out his fleet, claimed the New World as their possession. The Pope claimed the right to divide it between Spain and Portugal. For one hundred years the Spanish race were allowed to settle and occupy it at will, and during that time they demonstrated their unfitness to be its possessors. The same sovereigns who equipped the fleet of Columbus instituted that most crtiel of 58 Capitol Centennial Celebration all instruments of torture and rapacity, the Spanish Inquisition, and under its malign influence Spain attempted to stamp out Protestantism in Europe. It was with the same heartless cruelt}' and greed that the Spaniards murdered and robbed the natives of America, but their thirst for gold reacted on their own land in the neglect of the indus- tries which lie at the basis of a nation's prosperity. At the end of the centur}^ the population of Spain had decreased four millions, while the great agricultural and commercial interests of the nation w^ere in a visible decay. It was evident that God had .something better in reserve for America than the L,atin races of Europe, with their imper- ialism in church and state. Separated from the continent, and developing along their own lines, 3'et absorbing what was best in Europe, the English had now become a great nation, under a noble constitution, in which local .self-government was happily blended with national author- ity, and personal liberty was made secure. The customs of their ancestors had crys- tallized into the common law% claimed to be the perfection of reason. The statute law had kept pace w^th the nation's growth, and that which was most valuable in the Roman / civil law had been incorporated into their system. The Great Charter, granted by King John the 15th of June, 12 15, and frequently after- wards reaffirmed, had limited the power of the King and defined and guarded the rights of the citizen. The principle of represen- tation of the people, peculiar to the Ger- mans, had been developed, by which political power "could be exercised over large areas without loss of vitality or danger of tyranny. The supreme power was exercised by Parlia- ment, in which the chosen representatives of the people constituted the House of Commons; the Lords, spiritual and temporal, sat in the House of Lords; and the consent of the two houses, with that of the King, was necessary for the enactment of laws. Courts, pre- sided over by learned judges, con.strued the law and administered justice. Every citizen was entitled to the shield of the law as a protection to his person and his property, and he enjoyed all the freedom that was compatible with the necessary powers of government. In comparing the English system of government with that of other nations, Montesquieu, the great Frenchman, was con.strained to say that ' ' the English is the only nation in the world where political and civil liberty is the direct end of its constitution." Af the Capitol 59 It is true that t3'rannical kings .were prone to disturb the equihb- rium of this well-balanced constitution, but the strong attachment of the people to their free institutions sooner or later restored it to its proper state, and the tyrants were made to know that the people were vested with the supreme power. But the English people were not yet prepared to enter upon the theater of the New World, on which they were destined to play so grand a part. One thing was yet wanting to fit them for the heri- tage which had been prepared for them during the ages, and that came in the great reformation of the church which resulted from the revival of learning and the translation of the Bible. By the end of the sixteenth century the doctrines of the Reformation had pervaded England, and soon it could be said that the English had become the people of one book, and that book the Bible. Its translation consti- tutes the noblest example of the English tongue, and from its first appearance it became the standard of the language. It was eagerly read by the people, and they endeavored to shape their lives by its pure precepts. A great Puritan movement began, and had gathered immense volume, when the far-seeing Raleigh, the most accomplished man of his day, infused into the nation his own enthusiasm for the scheme of planting an English nation in the part of North America not occupied by the Spaniards. The colonists came not to rob and murder the natives, but with a desire to Christianize them and to plant EngHsh institutions in the virgin soil of the New World. Old Richard Hakluyt expressed the conviction of the English people when he wTote, ' ' God hath reser\^ed the country's lying north of Florida to be reduced into Christian civility by the English nation." In due course of time thirteen English colonies were firmly estab- lished along the Atlantic coast, but not without constant struggles with the French, who had settled on the north and west, and the Spaniards on the south, who with their Indian allies attacked them from their several quarters. But Providence had decreed to the Eng- lish the possession of North America, and they could not be crushed nor their limits reduced. The victory- of Wolfe at Quebec in 1759 and the subsequent treaty of Paris of 1763 destroyed the French power in North America, gave Canada to the English, and extended the western boundaries of the Colonies to the Mississippi. Thus the way was opened for the Colonies, when they became independent States, to extend their po.ssessions to the Pacific and to fulfill the manifest destiny of the English race on this continent. It was a century and a half after their first planting before the Colo- nies were sufficiently developed in population, in wealth, and in free institutions to assume for themselves the great trust which awaited them. 6o Capitol Centennial Celebration At their planting they brought with them the rights and privileges of Englishmen, secured by their charters. Separated from the mother country by a wide ocean, only to be crossed by tedious and dangerous voyages, local self-government sprang up and entered upon a vigorous growth. County or township government was copied, with improve- ments, from county government in England. A.ssemblies, elected upon a broad basis of suffrage, were the faithful representatives of the people and guardians of their rights, while the governors and councils, in imitation of king and lords, were united with the assemblies in the enactment of laws. A supervisory control was retained by the English Government, but in practice was .seldom exercised. And thus the English Colonies were left, in their isolated condition, to their natural development, directed by the race characteristics of the people and their new surroundings. These conduced to the formation of a noble manhood. The people were in the main agricultural and lived on their farms. The task of subduing the earth and defending their homes against a treacherous and .savage foe stimulated their J, 'courage and self-reliance, while they learned the lesson of individual freedom. The Bible taught them that every man was responsible for his conduct to his Maker. This neces- .sitated individual freedom of action, and so a Divine sanction was given to the free institutions which they had inherited from their heathen ancestors. The Great Charter, wrested from the weak and treacherous John, had been made im- pregnable by the statute of Edward I, which confirmed to Parliament the exclusive right of taxation. These two formed the solid basis of the English constitution. The statute was a bulwark of de- fense for the charter, for with the power of taxation in the possession of the representatives of the people the castle of their liberties was impregnable. The coloni.sts claimed the exchrsive right of taxing themselves, through their assemblies, as they were not represented in Parliament; and in no part of the Kingdom was this right more highly valued or more closely guarded. After the Colonies had become firmly rooted their growth was rapid, and their development in material wealth was truly wonderful. By the middle of the eighteenth century they numbered one-fourth of the population of the mother country, and had become rich and prosperous, At the Capitol 6i contributing largely to the wealth of Great Britain by their commerce. They had also advanced in their ideas of free government far bej'ond what was entertained in England, and were not behind her in the education and intelligence of the people. There was a tolerance in religion which was not known in the mother country or in Europe, and which was one of the strongest inducements of the emigration which crowded the ships leaving the ports of the Old World. It was now that Parliament, under the dictation of a weak but stubborn King, and in contravention of the English constitution, determined to tax the Colonies without the consent of their assemblies. They respectfully remonstrated, then vigorously protested, and finally took up arms in defense of the great bulwark of their liberties. God gave them the victor^', and the dependent Colonies became independent States. In framing their State governments they had the advantage not only of their own experience but of the experience of the world, and most wisely did they use it. No great revolution was ever led by abler men or by purer patriots. Virginia was the first colony to assume independence, and her incomparable statesmen, following English precedent, framed a bill of rights setting forth the funda- mental principles of her new government. This remarkable paper, the greatest of its kind ever penned, marked the growth of free institu- tions in America. It was copied more or less closely by the other States, and became the foundation of American government. Of it Mr. Bancroft says: The Virginia Bill of Rights formed the groundwork of American institutions. It announced governmental principles for all peoples for all time. It was the voice of Reason going forth to speak a new political world into being. Magna Charta and the Bill of Rights of 1688 had been drawn by great statesmen, and had been accepted as the best presentation of the rights of freemen ever penned. But the A'irginia Bill of Rights, drafted by GEORGE Mason, a Virginia farmer, while embodying all that was of permanent value in these two, far excelled them in the fullness and clearness with which it states the rights of freemen and the fundamental principles of a free State. I^et us glance at its provi- sions, upon which has been built the fabric of American Government. The first four sections read as follows: 1. That all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights of which, when they enter into a state of society, they can not, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity, namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety. 2. That all power is vested in, and consequently derived from, the people; that magistrates are their trustees and servants, and at all times amenable to them. 3. That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation, or community; of all the various 62 Capitol Centennial Celebration modes and forms of government that is best wliich is capable of producing the greatest degree of happiness and safety, and is most effectually secured against danger of maladministration; and that when any government shall be found inadequate or contrary to these purposes, a majority of the comnmnity hath an indubitable, inalienable, and indefeasible right to reform, alter, or abolish it, in such manner as shall be judged most conducive to the public weal. 4. That no man or set of men are entitled to exclusive or separate emoluments or privileges from the community but in consideration of public services, which not being descendible, neither ought the offices of magistrate, legislator, or judge to be hereditary. These sections set forth in most appropriate language the funda- mental principles of a free republic, and having been substantially reproduced a few weeks afterwards in the Declaration of Independence of the Continental Congress, they became the utterance of the conti- nent. They annihilate at one blow royalty, aristocracy, and privileged class, and boldly proclaim the equality of men before the law, their natural right to freedom, and the sovereignty of the people. The fifth section declares that the legislative and executive powers shall be separate and distinct from the judiciary, and should be con- fined to fixed periods, the vacancies to be filled by frequent, certain, and regular elections. This was a great advance upon the English constitution, under which the legislative department exercised judicial powers and the Parliamentary elections were subject to the will of the King. It also guarded the purity and independence of the judiciary, which are of such vital importance in any system of good government. The sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and thirteenth sections, securing freedom of elections, confining the power of suspending laws to the legislature, guarding the rights of persons accused of crime, and pro- hibiting standing armies in times of peace, were based upon the provisions of the English Bill of Rights of 1688, but were improvements upon them. They enlarged the right of suffrage and extended it to ' ' all men having sufficient evidence of permanent common interest with and attachment to the community," and declared that no law is binding upon the people unless assented to through their representa- tives. They secured to the accused an open and speedy trial by an impartial jury, and provided that he shall not be forced to give evi- dence against himself nor be deprived of his liberty except by the law of the land or the judgment of his peers. They placed the defense of the state upon a trained militia, and made the military in all cases subor- dinate to the civil power. This last is the only proper and safe course in a free state. Great standing armies in times of peace are not only dangerous to the liberties of the people, but by withdrawing large bodies of men from the fields of industry and taxing those who remain in those fields for their support they retard the prosperity of the state. The tenth, eleventh, twelfth, fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth sections were invaluable additions to the English Bill of Rights. They At the Capitol 63 prohibited general warrants of arrest; declared that jur}^ trial should be held sacred in civil controversies; secured the freedom of the press as one of the greatest bulwarks of liberty; declared the right of the people to uniform government; that free government can only be pre- served " by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugal- it}^, and \drtue, and by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles," and that "religion, or the duty we owe to our Creator, and the man- ner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence, and therefore all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion according to the dictates of conscience." Of these the most valuable is the last, divorcing church and state from their debasing union, which for centuries had brought unnumbered woes upon mankind. It was the first time that a state had ever placed religion on the ground which the Founder of Christianity had claimed for it, and the principle is now held to be the contribution of America to the science of government and the chief corner stone of our system. It has shed the richest bless- ings upon both church and state in Amer- ica, and will be the watchword of an ad- vancing civilization throughout the world. Upon these fundamental principles written constitutions were framed by the States defining and limiting the powers of gov- ernment and limiting the exercise of sov- ereign power by the people themselves, thus securing permanency to their republican form of government. But soon another important step was taken in the development of our institutions. The war of the Revolution had forced the Colonies to unite in the defense of their common liberties. They had conducted their common affairs through a congress, without any articles of con- federation, until near the close of the war, and the articles then adopted were but a league between sovereign States. The federal functions were to be exercised by the Congress, in which each State delegation counted but as one vote. The body had no real power over the States, and could only ad^'ise them. As has been well said: It could ask the States for money, but could not compel them to give it; it could ask them for troops, but could not force them to heed the requisition; it could make treaties, bvit must trust the States to fulfill them; it could contract debts, but umst rely upon the States to pay them. 64 Capitol CoitciDiial Celebration Under such a system, after the pressure of war had been removed, there could be nothing- but vState jealousies, internal disorder, weak- ness, and finally disintegration. The patriots who had won freedom and independence saw this clearl}', and within half a decade after the signing of the treaty of peace the Articles of Confederation were cast aside and a new union formed under the Federal Constitution. This marks the beginning of our history as a nation, and is an era in the development of free institutions. The problem before the con- vention which framed the Federal Constitution was new and difficult indeed, and by many deemed insoluble. It was the creation of a nation out of the citizens of the several States without destroying the autonomy of the States. It was to divide the .sovereign power be- tween the nation and the States, so as to invest the nation with ample supreme powers to con- duct national affairs, and to leave with the States enough of sovereignty to conduct State affairs. It was to cause both governments to operate directly on the citizen, invested with a double citizen- ?" ship, without a conflict in his allegiance. It was to perpet- uate republican governments 111 In' I W^ for both the nation and the States, iWT ^m,' each supreme in its functions, and so firmly fixed in its allotted sphere that they would never clash. The able men who solved this problem were statesmen of the highest order as well as patriots of the greatest purity. They thought they understood clearly their work, but they builded better than they knew. The form of govern- ment that they constructed has excited the admiration of the world. It has .stood every test in peace and in war, and under it a great and ever-growing nation has developed, which rejoices more and more, as the years roll around, in the incalculable blessings it secures. In the structure of the Federal Government the .same principles were adopted which lay at the foundation of the State governments. The three great departments, legislative, judicial, and executive, were made .separate and di.stinct, the executive, however, retaining a condi- tional veto upon the legislative department. The legislature was made At the Capitol 65 bicameral, the Senate representing the States equally, the House of Representatives the people proportionally. The judiciary was made an independent, coordinate branch of the Government, vested with power to pass upon the constitutionality of the laws. State and Federal, and to declare null and void such as were not in accordance with the Con- stitution. Thus the national and State governments were to be kept in their appropriate spheres. The Executive was charged with the execution of the laws, and was made responsible for his conduct. The treaty-making power was vested in him, only to be exercised with the consent of the Senate. The powers of the Government were enumer- ated and were ample for the great objects of its creation, which were stated to be " to form a more perfect union, to establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and to our posterity." It has been well .said by an able writer on our Government that — The framers of this Government set before themselves four objects essential to its excellence, namely: Its vigor and efficiency. The independence of its departments fas being essen- tial to the permanency of its form). Its dependence on the people. The security under it of the freedom of the individual. The first of these objects they sought by creating a strong executive; the second, by separating the legislative, executive, and judicial powers from one another, and by the contrivance of various checks and balances; the third, by making all authorities elective, and elections frequent; the fourth, both by the checks and balances aforesaid, so arranged as to restrain any one department from tyranny, and by placing certain rights of the citizen under the protection of the written Constitution. So jealous were the people of their personal liberty and so deter- mined to have their rights secured that without delay they ingrafted upon the Constitution ten amendments, eight of them containing a bill of rights based upon the Virginia bill, and two of them more clearly defining the boundary between the Federal and State governments. At the close of the ci^•il war another step forward was taken in the amendments which abolished slavery and secured equal privileges and immunities to all citizens throughout the Union. Thus our free institu- tions have developed until, from the Lakes to the Gulf, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific, a nation of sixty-five millions of freemen rejoice in the liberty which constitutional republican government has assured to them. The ancients worshiped their divinities as the guardians of their states; we only bow to constitutional law as the guardian of our institutions, and, in the language of the eloquent RuFus Choate, we can say, "We have built no national temples but the Capitol. We con- sult no common oracle but the Constitution." When we entered the family of nations as a republic, it was pre- dicted that our Government would be shortlived, but now the ablest H. Mis. 211 5 66 Capitol Centennial Celebration writers point out elements of permanency in our institutions, chief among which is the devotion of our people to their form of govern- ment. Yes, to-day, freed from the fears felt by Mr. Webster in 185 1, we can repeat his noble words with increased emphasis: Be it known that on this day the union of the United States of America stands firm, that their Constitution still exists unimpaired, and with all its original useful- ness and glory; growing every day stronger and stronger in the affections of the great body of the American people, and attracting more and more the admiration of the world. Our forefathers trusted the permanency of the Government they founded to the virtue and intelligence of the people. Virtue and intelligence! Divine attributes given to man when he was made in the image of God! As the two cherubim, with outstretched wings, covered and guarded the holy oracle in which was deposited the Ark of the Covenant, so may these guard and protect our Constitu- tion, in which has been deposited the priceless jewel of liberty, as it is transmitted from generation to generation, till time shall end. And filled with the patriotic spirit of our founders, may those who admin- ister the Government come year by year to this Capitol, and by wis- dom in counsel do continued honor to their memor}^ in contributing to the happiness of this great people. Illustrious founders! Ages on ages shall your fate admire! No future day shall see your names expire While stands the Capitol, immortal dome! At the conclusion of Mr. Henry's oration, the Centennial Chorus sang "The Star-Spangled Banner," accompanied by the Marine Band, the vast multitude joining in the chorus with great effect. President Cleveland then arose and said that he had the pleasure of introducing a distinguished gentleman to respond for "The United States Senate," the Vice-President of the United States, Hon. Adlai E. Stevenson, of Illinois. THE VICE-PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS Mr. Stevenson was welcomed with prolonged applause as President Cleveland led him to the front of the platform, and spoke in a most earnest and impressive manner, as follows: Fellow-Citizens : This day and this hour mark the close of a cen- tury of our national history. No ordinary event has called us together. Standing in the presence of this august assemblage of the people, upon fm At the Capitol 5^ the spot where WashingTox stood, we solemnly commemorate the one hundredth anniversary of the laying of the corner stone of the nation's Capitol. It is well that this day has been set apart as a national holiday that all public business has been suspended, and that the President and his Cabinet, the members of the great court and of the Congress unite with their countrymen in doing honor to the memory of the men who one hundred years ago, at this hour and upon this spot, put in place the corner stone of the Capitol of the American Republic. The century rolls back and we stand in the presence of the grandest and most imposing figure known to any age or country. Washington as Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons, clothed in the symbolic garments of that venerable order, wearing the apron and the sash wrought by the hands of the wife of the beloved La Fayettk impress- ively and m accordance with the time-honored usages of that order IS laying his hands upon the corner stone of the future and perma- nent Capitol of his country. The solemn ceremonies of that hour were conducted by Washington, not only in his office of Grand Master of Free Masons, but in the yet more august office of President of the United States. Assisting him in the fitting observance of these impress- ive rites were representatives of the Masonic lodges of Virginia and of Maryland, while around him stood men whose honored names live with his m history, the men who, on field and in council, had aided first in achieving independence and then in the yet more difficult task of o-arner- mg, by wise legislation, the fruits of victory. Truly the centeirnial of an event so fraught with interest should not pass unnoticed History furnishes no parallel to the century whose close we now commemorate. Among all the centuries it stands alone. With hearts filled with gratitude to the God of our fathers, it is well that we recall something of the progress of the young Republic since the masterful hour when Washington laid his hands upon the foundation stone of yonder Capitol. The seven years of colonial struggle for liberty had terminated in glorious victory. Independence had been achieved. The Articles of Confederation, binding the Colonies together in a mere "league of friendship," had given place to the Constitution of the United States that wonderful instrument, so aptly declared by Mr. Gladstone to be "the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man." Without a dissenting voice in the electoral college Washington had been chosen President. At his council table sat Jefferson the author of the Declaration of Independence; Hamilton, of whom it has been said: "He smote the rock of the national resources and abundant streams of revenue gushed forth; he touched the dead corpse of the public credit, and it sprang upon its feet;" Knox, the brave 68 Capitol Centennial Celebration and trusted friend of his chief during the Colonial struggle, and Edmund Randolph, the impress of whose genius has been indelibly left upon the Federal Constitution. Vermont and Kentucky, as sov- ereign States, coequal with the original thirteen, had been admitted into the Union. The Supreme Court, consisting of six members, had been constituted, with the learned jurist, John Jay, as its Chief Justice. The popular branch of the Congress consisted of but one hundred and five members. Thirty members constituted the Senate, over whose deliberations presided the patriot statesman, John Adams. The popu- lation of the entire country was less than four millions. The village of Washington, the capital — and I trust for all coming ages the capi- tal — contained but a few hundred inhabitants. After peace had been con- cluded with Great Britain, and while we were yet under the Articles of Confederation, the se-ssions of the Congress were held successively at Prince- ton, Annapolis, Trenton, and New York. In the presence of both Houses of Congress, on the 30th day of April, 1789, in the city of New York, Washington had been inau- gurated President. From that hour — the beginning of our Government under the Constitution — the Con- ~^ gress was held in New York until 1790, then in Philadelphia until 1800, when, on November 17, it first con- vened in Washington. The necessity of selecting a suitable and central place for the permanent location of the seat of government early engaged the thought- ful consideration of our fathers. It can not be supposed that the question reached a final determination without great embarrassment, earnest discussion, and the manifestation of sectional jealousies. But, as has been well said, "the good genius of our system finally prevailed," and "a dis- trict of territory on the river Potomac, at some place between the mouths of the Eastern Branch and the Connogacheague," was, by act of Congress of June 28, 1790, " accepted for the permanent seat of government of the United States. ' ' From the 17th day of November, 1800, this city has been the capital. When that day came Washington had gone to his grave John At the Capitol 69 Adams was President, and Jefferson the presiding officer of the Sen- ate. It may be well to recall that upon the occasion of the assembling for the first time of the Congress in the Capitol President Adams appeared before the Senate and the House, in joint session, and said: It would be unbecoming the representatives of this nation to assemble for the first time in this solemn temple without looking up to the Supreme Ruler of the universe and imploring His blessing. You will consider it as the capital of a great nation, advancing with unexampled rapidity in arts, in commerce, in wealth and population, and possessing within itself those resources which, if not thrown away or lamentably misdirected, will secure to it a long course of prosperity and self-government. To this address of President Adams the Senate made reply: We meet you, sir, and the other branch of the National Legislature in the city which is honored by the name of our late hero and sage, the illustrious Washing- Ton, with sensations and emotions which exceed our power of description. From the date last given until the burning of the Capitol by the British in 18 14, in the room now occupied by the vSupreme Court, in the north wing, were held the sessions of the Senate. That now almost forgotten apartment witnessed the assembling of Senators who, at an earlier period of our history, had been the associates of Washington and of Franki^in, and had themselves played no mean part in crys- tallizing into the great organic law the deathless principles of the Dec- laration of Independence. From this chamber went forth the second declaration of war against Great Britain, and here, before the Senate as a court of impeachment, was arraigned a justice of the Supreme Court of the United States to answer the charge of alleged high crimes and misdemeanors. With the rolling years and the rapid growth of the Republic came the imperative necessity for enlarging its Capitol. The debates upon this sttbject culminated in the act of Congress of September 30, 1S50, pro- viding for the erection of the north and south wings of the Capitol. Thomas U. Walter was the architect to whose hands was committed the great work. Yonder noble structure will stand for ages the silent witness of the fidelity with which the important trust was discharged. The corner stone of the additions was laid by President Fillmore on the 4th day of July, 185 1. In honor of that event, and by request of the President, Mr. Webster pronounced an oration, and while we have a coinitry and a language his words will touch a responsive chord in patriotic hearts. Beneath the corner stone was then deposited a paper in the handwriting of Mr. Webster, containing the following words: If it shall hereafter be the will of God that this structure shall fall from its base, that its foimdation be upturned and this deposit brought to the eyes of men, be it then known that on this day the L^nion of the United States of America stands firm, that their Constitution still exists unimpaired, with all its original JO Capitol Coitoiiiial Celebration usefulness and glory, growing every day stronger and stronger in the affections of the great body of the American people, and attracting more and more the admiration of the world. And all here assembled, whether belonging to public life or to private life, with hearts devoutly thankful to Almighty God for the preservation of the liberty and happiness of the country, unite in sincere and fervent praj-ers that this deposit, and the w'alls and arches, the domes and towers, the columns and entablatures now to be erected over it, may endure forever. From the 6th day of December, 1819, until Janiiar}- 4, 1859, a period of thirty-nine 3'ear.s, the sessions of the Senate were held in the pres- ent Supreme Court room. This was indeed the arena of high debate. When, in an}' age or in any country, has there been gathered within so small compass so much of human greatness? To even suggest the great questions here discussed and de- termined would be to write a histor}- of that eventful period. It was indeed the coming together of the ma.ster spirits of the second generation of Amer- ican statesmen. Here were Macon and Crawford, Benton, Randolph, Cass, Bell, Houston, PrEvSTon, Buchanan, Seward, Chase, Crit- tenden, Sumner, Choate, Everett, B REESE, Trumbull, Fessenden, Douglas, Clay, Calhoun, Webster, and others scarcely less illustrious. Within the walls of that little cham- ber was heard the wondrous debate between Hayne and Webster. There began the fierce conflict of antagonistic ideas touching the respective powers of the States and of the nation — a conflict which, transferred to a different theater, found final solution only in the bloody arbitrament of arms. For a little more than a third of a century the sessions of the Senate have been held in the magnificent chamber of the north wing of the Cap- itol. Of the procession of sixty-two Senators that, preceded by the Vice-President, Mr. Breckinridge, entered that Chamber for the first time on the 4th day of January, 1859, but four survive. Not one remains in public life. It is indeed now a procession of shadows. When the foundation stone of this Capitol was laid, our Republic was in its infancy and self-government yet an untried experiment. It is a proud reflection to-day that time has proved the true arbiter, At the Capitol 71 and that the capacity of a free and intelHgent people to govern them- selves b}- a written constitution and laws of their own making is no longer an experiment. The crucial test of a century of unparalleled material prosperity has been safely endured. In 1793 there was no city west of the Alleghanies. To-day a single city on L,ake Michigan contains a population of a little less than one- half that of the Republic at the time of the first inauguration of Washington. States have been carved out of the wilderness, and our great rivers, w^hose silence met no break on their pathway to the sea, are now the arteries of our interior trade, and bear upon their bosoms a connnerce which surpasses a hundredfold that of the entire countr}' a century ago. From fifteen States and four millions of people we have grown to fifty States and Territories and sixty-seven million people; from an area of eight hundred and five thousand to an area of three million six hundred thousand square miles; from a narrow strip along the Atlantic seaboard to an unbroken possession from ocean to ocean. How marvelous the increase in our national wealth! In 1793 our imports amounted to $31,000,000 and our exports to $26,000,000. Now our imports are $847,000,000 and our exports $1,030,000,000. Thirty-three million tons of freight are carried on our Great Lakes, whose only burden then w^as the Indian's canoe. Then our national wealth was inconsiderable; now our assessed valuation amounts to the enormous sum of $24,650,000,000. Then trade and travel were depend- ent upon beasts of burden and sailing vessels; now steam and electricity do our bidding, railroads cover the land, boats burden the waters, the telegraph reaches every city and hamlet, distance is annihilated, and — Civilization, on her luminous wings. Soars, Phoenix-like, to Jove. In the presence of this wondrous fulfillment of predicted greatness prophecy looks out upon the future and stands dumb. When this corner stone was laid, France, then in the throes of revo- lution, had just declared war against Great Britain, a war in which all Europe eventually became involved. Within a century of that hour, in the capital of France, there convened an international court, its pre- siding officer an eminent citizen of the French Republic, its members representatives of sovereign European states, its object the peaceable adjustment of controversies between Great Britain and the United States. Was it Richelieu, Mr. President, who said, "Take away the sword! States can be saved without it "? In no part of our mechanism of government was the wisdom of our fathers more strikingly displayed than in the division of power into the three great departments — legislative executive, and judicial. In 72 Capitol Ccntoinial Celchration an equal degree was that wisdom manifested by the division of the Congress into a Senate and House of Representatives. Upon the Sen- ate the Constitution has devolved important functions other than those of a mere legislative character. Coequal with the House in matters of legislation, it is, in addition, the advisor}^ body of the President in appointments to office and in treating with foreign nations. The mode of election, together with the long term of service, unquestion- ably fosters a spirit of conservatism in the Senate. Always organized, it is the continuing body of our National lyCgislature. Its members change, but the Senate continues the same now as at the first hour of the Republic. Before no human tribunal come for determination issues of weightier moment. It were idle to doubt that problems yet lie in our pathway as a nation as difficult of solution as any that in times past have tried the courage or tested the wisdom of our fathers. Yet may we not confi- dently abide in the faith that in the keeping of those who succeed the illustrious sages I have named the dearest inter- ests of our country will be faithfully conserved, and, in the words of an eminent predecessor — Though these marble walls molder into ruin, the Senate, in another age, may bear into a new and larger chamber the Constitution, vigorous and in- violate, and that the last gen- eration of posterity shall witness the deliberations of the representatives of American States, still united, prosperous, and free. And may- Our fathers' God, from out whose hand The centuries fall like grains of sand — continue to the American people throughout all the ages the prosperity and blessings which He has given to us in the past. The Marine Band then played a potpourri of national airs arranged by Professor Fanciulli. o At the Capitol 73 SPEAKER CRISP'S ADDRESS President Cleveland then introduced, to respond for "The United States House of Representatives," Charles Frederick Crisp, Speaker of the House, who was received with cheer upon cheer. Mr. Crisp said, turning to President Cleveland: Mr. Chairman: When the corner stone of this great Capitol was laid, our Constitution was not six years oid. Government by the people had barely reached the experimental stage. There were but fifteen States in the Union. Our population was less than four millions, and the House of Representatives, for which I now speak, was composed of only one hundred and five members. To-day, one hundred years thereafter, our Constitution still exists unim- paired; government by the people has been firmly established; our population exceeds sixty-seven millions, and the House of Repre- sentatives is composed of three hundred and fifty-six members. During the century which has passed since Washington stood where we now stand, the world has watched with wonder and amazement the marvelous growth and development of our country. When that century began we were "weak in resources, burdened with debt, just struggling into political existence, and agitated by the heaving waves which were overturning European thrones. ' ' Its end finds us strong in resources, strong in wealth and credit, strong in numbers, and strong in the affection of an intelligent and united people. In all that con- stitutes real greatness the United States is to-day the foremost nation of the earth. In behalf of all present I am sure I will be permitted to say we devoutly thank Almighty God for the wisdom and patriotism of the founders of our Government. We thank Him for the peace, the pros- perity, the freedom, and the happiness of our people; and we do all most sincerely and fervently pray that our constitutional Union may endure forever. The next musical number, "The Heavens are Telling," from the "Creation," was rendered by the Centennial Chorus, accom- panied by the Marine Band. 74 Capitol Centennial Celebration JUSTICE BROWN'S ADDRESS (HE President then introdnced Mr. Justice Henry Billings Brown, of the Supreme Court of the United States, to respond for "The Judiciary." sell— Mr. Brown said: Mr. Chairman : This grand and beauiful building, whose centennial anniversary we are met to celebrate, was designed primarily as the official abode of the Congress of the United States, but from its completion to the present day it has also been the seat of its highest court. The judiciary act of 1789 required the sessions of the Supreme Court to be held at the seat of government, which was then the city of New York; and at the Exchange in that city, in February, 1790, the court w^as organ- ized, and the judges, with Chief Justice John Jay at their head, were sworn and qualified according to law. Nothing appears to have been done, however, beyond the appointment of subordinate officers and the entertainment of the court at an elaborate banquet ( a feature religiously commemorated at its centennial in 1890), until the February term of 1 791, when the court met in the .south chamber of the city hall, in the city of Philadelphia, to which place the seat of government had been removed, and continued its sessions there until 1801, when it was finally transferred to Washington. Its sessions in Philadelphia would not have been memorable but for the great case of Chisholm against the State of Georgia, in which the majority of the court held that an action would lie by an individual against a .sovereign State of the Union. This case marked the begin- ning of a conflict between the Federal Government and the States which agitated the court for the next .seventy years, and still occa- sionally engages its attention. By this generation, accustomed as it is to the prompt and cheerful acquiescence of the public in its deci- sions, the excitement created by this ca.se can .scarcely be realized. The State of Georgia not only denied its obligation to appear, pro- tested against the juri.sdiction of the court, and declined even to submit an argument in its own behalf, but refu.sed to obey the judg- ment, and denounced the penalty of death against anyone who .should presume to execute final process within its jurisdiction. The popu- lar prejudice against the decision finally culminated in a constitutional amendment which practically nullified the judgment of the court and inhibited private actions again.st a State. Plain as this provision seems At the Capitol 75 to be, this amendment, so far from putting at rest the suability of a State, has been pregnant with litigation to the present da}-. The vigorous life of the Supreme Court ma}^ be said to have begun with the appointment of John Marshall as Chief Justice, and the contemporaneous transfer of its sessions to a room in the basement of this Capitol, beneath the Chamber of the Senate. The court met here in August, 1 801, and for the next sixty years, the most important in the history of the court, this vaulted and gloomy crypt continued to be its home. In this apartment were pronounced the great opinions which established the fame of Marshall as the expounder of the Con.stitution and the foremost jurist of the century. The Constitution had been adopted by the vote of the thirteen States of the Union, but its construction was a w^ork scarcely less important than its original, creation. With a large liberty of choice, guided by no precedents, and generally unhampered by his colleagues upon the bench, the great Chief Justice, determining what the law was by what he thought it ought to be, evolved, from his own experience of the defects of the Articles of Confederation and from an innate consciousness of what the country required, a theor}' of construction which time has vindicated and the popular sentiment of succeeding generations has approved. In the case of Marbury v. Madison, which arose at his very first term, he declared the judicial power to extend to the annulment of an act of Congress in conflict with the Constitution, a doctrine peculiar to this country, but so commending itself to the common sense of justice as to have been incorporated in the jurisprudence of every State in the Union. The lack of this check upon the action of the legislature has wrecked the constitution of many a foreign state, and it is safe to say that our own would not have long survived a contrary decision. Had Marshall rendered no other service to the country, this of itself would have been sufficient to entitle him to its gratitude. The fame of Marshall rests upon less than thirty of his opinions. He rarely cited an authority, but the reasons he gave were .so cogent that no amount of authority would have strengthened them. While his opinions lack the exhaustive research of Justice Story's, they surpass them in vigorous logic, and seem like the summing up and compendium of all prior adjudications upon the subject. His associates upon the bench were worthy compeers of such a man. Beside him sat Bushrod Washington, a favorite nephew of the General; a man of small and emaciated frame, but a laborious student, sound in judgment, "clear in statement and learned in discussion;" a Federalist of the Marshall type and a judge "fearless, dignified, and enlightened," whose opinions have always commanded the respect of the profession. Here also sat Wil- liam Paterson, who had been a Senator from New Jersey, and one of the authors of the famous judiciar> act of 1789. Here, too, was Story, wdio has been called the Walter Scott of the common law, 76 Capitol Cciitcinn'al Celebration the foremost juridical writer of his age, a student whose passion for research halted not at the confines of the law of England and America, but embraced all that was accessible in the ancient and modern juris- prudence of continental Europe — an author whose works were as well known and much respected in Westminster Hall as in the court rooms of his native country. While his fame as a writer has eclipsed to a certain extent his labors as a judge, his opinion upon circuit in the case of De Lovio v. Boit is luisurpassed in learning and research, and may be justh' said to have laid the foundations of our admiralty jurisprudence. The bar was not less illustrious than the bench. At its head was Edmund Randolph, first Attorney-General of the United States, whose fearless conduct of the Chisholm case against the State of Georgia, un- popular as it was, elicited even the admiration of his enemies; William PiNCKNicv, the most eminent lawyer of his age, who united profundity of thought and brilliancy of expression to an extent never equaled, except possibly by RuFUS Choate; William Wirt, the most persua- sive orator of the bar, who argued against his native State the power of Congress to incorporate a bank; General Walter Jones, pronounced b}' Marshall ' ' the finest constitutional lawyer who ever argued a case before him;" Daniel Webster, then in the fullness of his intel- lectual vigor, pleading in a voice choked with emotion for the life of his alma mater, and later defending the Christian religion against an alleged stigma cast upon it in the will of Stephen Girard; Dexter, of Massachusetts; Hoffman, Ogden, and Emmet, of New York; Ingersoll, Sargent, and Binney, of Pennsylvania; Martin and Harper, of Maryland, and a score of others scarcely less notable, who contributed to make of this the golden age of American oratory. The first and what may be termed the Federalistic era of the Supreme Court terminated with the death of Marshall in 1S35. In a judicial career of thirtj'-four years he had so borne himself as not only to win the applause of his friends but the respect of his political opponents. He had not only settled the construction of the Constitution upon a broad and liberal basis, but he had inuneasurably increased the impor- tance of the court. From a tribunal of little apparent consequence he had raised it to the dignity of a coordinate branch of the Government. It seems somewhat strange to the present generation that the first Chief Justice should have resigned to accept the governorship of New York, and have subsequentl)' declined a reappointment because, to use his own language, he was " perfectly convinced that under a sj's- tem so defective it would not obtain the energy, weight, and dignity which were essential to its affording due support to the National Gov- ernment, nor acquire the public confidence and respect which, as the last resort of the justice of the nation, it should possess." The little esteem in which the court was held induced Harrison, a nominee of Washington, to decline a seat upon the bench to take the chancel- At the Capitol 77 lorship of Maryland; and its removal to this city seemed of so little importance that its first meeting and organization here were noticed by only a single sentence in the National Intelligencer. The death of Marshali^ was soon followed by the elevation of RoGER B. Taney to the Chief Justiceship, and an almost entire reconstruction of the bench by Jackson and Van Buren. This, which may be called the States' rights era, continued until the middle of the civil war, when the court was again partly reconstructed by President lyiNCOLN. While Chief Justice Taney went upon the bench staggering under a load of unpopularity in the Whig States — an unpopularity which had once caused his rejection by the Senate for the office of Associate Justice — it must be conceded that he was a worthy successor Marshall. Thouj feeble in body, his int lectual grasp was something won- derful. He w^as prompt and deci- ^^^^'^'^''^^ sive in action, vig- h orous in expression, ^ spotless in in teg-" rity, and in his manner the ex- treme of courtesy. While his person- ality dominated the bench for twenty-five years al- most as completely as hac Marshall, he was supported by men of distinguished abilit}- and large expe- rience — John McLean, of Ohio, whose dissenting opinion in the great case of Pri gg against the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, read after the lapse of fifty years, makes us wonder the majority of the court could have gone so far astray; Wayne, of Georgia, and Catron, of Tennessee, who earned at least the gratitude of the North for their resolute adherence to the Union after the outbreak of the civil war; Peter V. Daniel, of Virginia, the strongest champion of States' rights who ever sat upon the bench, a man of great learning, sturdy independence, and strict integrity, who devoted a long judicial life of nineteen years largely to the writing of dissenting opinions; Nelson, of New York, of venerable and leonine aspect; Grier, of Pennsylva- nia, who had well earned the compliment paid him by President Grant upon his retirement, that by his patriotic firnuiess he had "upheld the just powers of the Government and vindicated the right yS Capilol Crutciuiial Crlebraliou of the nation to maintain its own existence;" Benjamin R. Curtis, of Massachnsetts, one of the greatest minds that ever adorned the bench, who wonld have been the most eminent judge of the court if he had not resigned after a service of six years to become its most eminent practitioner. In i860, after the removal of the Senate to its new Chamber in the north wing of the Capitol, the vSupreme Court was transferred to the room it now occupies. This room, beautiful in itself, and made more beautiful by the removal of the galleries which had encircled its walls, had already become historic as the theater of the greatest forensic dis- plays of an age when oratory had still preserved its classic traditions and had lost nothing of its potency as a moving power of legislative bodies. But the great men of that generation were no longer there. Webster, Clay, Calhoun, Benton, and Wright were all dead, and a new generation of Senators had risen up to take their places. The daj's of eloquent appeal, fierce denunciation, and heated strife were past. Henceforth this Chamber was dedicated to the calm deliberations of the bench. The third era of the Supreme Court, which continues to this day, may be said to have begun in 1862 with the appointment of Justices Swayne, Miller, and Davis, and the subsequent elevation of Chase to the Chief Justiceship. This era, too, has been productive of great judges. Time forbids that I should do more than mention the name of Chase, whose laurels as the great War Secretary were not dimmed by his servnce upon the bench; of Waite, the very ideal of an accom- plished lawyer and courtly gentleman; of MillER, whose mas.sive head did not belie his massive intellect, and whose fame as a constitutional lawyer is second onl}^ to that of the great Chief Justice; of Matthews, a patriotic soldier, a Senator of the United States, and the most elo- quent orator of the court; of the chivalrous Lamar, whose kindly smile and genial manner captivated the hearts of men and women alike; of Bradley, who concealed beneath the visage of an Italian cardinal the most marvelous versatility of genius, a lawyer equally at home in all branches of the profession, real estate, mining, patents, equity, admiralty, and the civil law, a linguist, a mathematician, an astronomer, and a philosopher; and the lamented Blatchford, pains- taking and indefatigable, who loved work for its own sake, and whom the allurements of an ample fortune could not seduce from his chosen field of labor. It is invidious to speak of the living, yet I can not forbear alluding to the venerable survivor of that illustrious trio who for more than twenty years swayed the opinion of the court; one who sits with us to-day, his eye not yet dinnned nor his natural force abated, a reminder of what the court has been in the past, a promise of what it shall continue to be in the future. At the Capitol 79 It does not become me to eulogize the Supreme Court, but it may be justly said that while it has had weak men history makes no men- tion of its having had a corrupt one. If as at present constituted it neglects to fulfill its mission it will not be from a failure of its members to fully appreciate their respon- sibility or the lack of an earnest desire to meet the just expectations of the people. I can not better close than by reiterating the hope expressed by the House of Representatives in its reply to President Adams upon the dedication of this building, that — The spirit which animated the great founder of this city may descend to future generations, and that the wisdom, magnanimity, and steadiness which mark the events of his public life may be imitated in all succeeding ages. Next on the programme was the "Centennial March," com- posed by Professor Fanciulli for the occasion, and rendered by the full Marine Band with exquisite effect. COMMISSIONER PARKER'S ADDRESS After the applause with which the music was received had somewhat subsided, President CLEVELAND announced that "The District of Columbia" would be responded for by Mr. Myron M. Parker, one of the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia, Mr. John W. Ross, President of the Board of Commis- sioners of the District of Columbia, having been prevented by an accident from making preparation for that duty. Mr. Parker, ttmiing toward Mr. Cleveland, said: Mr. Chairman: The ceremonies that are transpiring here to-day will occupy an important page in the history of our country. The cele- bration of the one hundredth anniversary of the laying of the corner stone of the United States Capitol will be of unusual interest to the people of our land, while to the citizens of Washington it is an event of more than local importance, since it will emphasize our wondrous growth and greatness. All Governments point with pride to their respective capitals. To speak of London is to refer to England; the name of Paris covers that of France. If you would refer to Austria, you have only to mention Vienna; while Rome, with her eternal hills, overshadows Italy. So, too, of our own beloved countn,^ a unification of States, with a rapidly increasing population of sixty-five millions of people, ^xoxy one of whom is thrilled with pride and patriotism at the mention of Washington, their beautiful capital. The application of these proceedings from an executive, legislative, and judicial standpoint has been appropriately considered by the Pres- 8o Capitol CfJitciniial Celebration ident and Vice-President of the United States, by the honorable Speaker of the House of Representatives, and by Mr. Justice Brown, of the Supreme Court; and from a national standpoint in an eloquent address by the Hon. William Wirt Henry, of Virginia. It is fitting, there- fore, that as one of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia I should speak of the event which these imposing ceremonies comme- morate with respect to the influences which have resulted to the city of Washington locally. To properly discuss this subject would occupy much more than the time allotted me by the Committee. I must therefore refer briefly to some of the material points. The location of the national capital was a subject of much contention between the North and the South. Claimants for the honor of provid- ing a permanent seat of government were made unyielding in their de- mands by State pride and State jeal- ousy. Sectional animosities also added to the bitterness of the controversy. Congress found this subject a fruit- ful source of wrangling. This body met in different places, according as convenience suggested or necessity compelled, naming from time to time different locations, only to reverse its decision at the next discussion of the subject. It will be remembered that the proposed site on the Potomac, sup- ported by many Southern members, was repeatedly rejected. In 1783 a location on the Delaware was thought more desirable than the one on the Potomac, and in 1784 Congress appointed a commission to select a site upon the former river. That this selection was not made is well known to the country, and the contention was left to the first Congress meeting under the Con- stitution. Upon the meeting of this body the wrangle became more heated than ever before. Philadelphia, Germantown, Havre de Grace, Wrights Ferry, on the Susquehanna, and a location on the Potomac were each urged as having the strongest claims. The persistency of Mr. Madison and other Southern members finally prevailed, and in July, 1790, the House, by a vote of thirty-two to twenty-nine, and the Senate, by a vote of fourteen to twelve, decided in favor of the Potomac. Af ihc Capitol 81 After years of preparation for the event, during which period the site was selected by President Washington, work on the several buildings was begun, and Washington, as the nation's capital, came into being. Since 1800, the date on which the archives of the Government were brought from Philadelphia in ' ' seven large boxes and four or five smaller ones, ' ' there have been periodical attempts to remove the seat of government, which removal would, of course, have been the death knell of Washington. An Englishman named Weld, who visited the future capital in 1796, said: Notwithstanding all that has been done at the city and the large sums of money which have been expended, there are numbers of people in the United States living to the north of the Potomac, particularly in Philadelphia, who are still very adverse to the removal of the seat of government thither, and are doing all in their power to check the progress of the buildings in the city and to prevent the Congress from meeting there at the appointed time. A sample of the attacks upon the capital maybe found in Crito's Letters on the Seat of Government, published in 1807. He says: In the meantime be it known to the good people of the Union from New Hampshire to Georgia (for I may presume without fear of contradiction that ninety-nine hundredths of the youth of the United States grow up to manhood without ever having seen the capital of their country) that the national bantling called the city of Washington remains, after ten years of expensive fostering, a rickety infant, unable to go alone. Nature will not be forced. A sickly child can not be dressed and dandled into a healthy constitution. This embryo of the state will always be a disappointment to its parents, a discredit to the fond opinions of its worthy godfathers and godmothers, and an eyesore to all its relations to the remotest degree of consanguinity. Crito conclttdes his advice by recommending that the seat of gov- ernment be removed to Philadelphia. The last attempt to remove the capital was made in 1869 by L. U. ReavIvS and others, in and out of Congress, St. Louis being the city that was to become the future capital. Mr. Reavis, in his book, says: I unhesitatingly answer that the change will be made within five years from January i, 1869, and before 1875 the President of the United States will deliver his message at the new seat of government in the Mississippi Valley. There were many infltiences about this time which tended to check and finally to wnpe out all efforts having in view the removal of the capital. Under the leadership of a man of high character, great executive ability and determination, a man with broad, comprehensive views, a system of public improvements was inaugurated and carried to a suc- cessful conclusion which so changed the character and condition of our city as to place it at the beginning of a new era, an era of prosperity which in an unprecedented manner has continued to exist and which H. Mis. 211 6 82 Capitol Coitcjiuial Celebration will continue to exist so long as the Government lasts. As Baron Haussmann was to Paris so was Governor Shepherd to Washington. Under his guiding hand a new city was born, the hopes of the immortal Washington and L' Enfant were realized, and Washington was finally accepted by the people of the United States as the national capital, the nation's home. Let us look for a moment at the physical conditions of the cit}' up to 1875. Charles W. Jansen, an Englishman, said of us in 1806: Strangers, after viewing the offices of state, are apt to inquire for the cit}' while they are in its very center. Oliver WolCOTT, while Secretary of the Treasury, and Mrs. Presi- dent Ad.\ms complained of the scattered condition of the houses. In 1 8 14, after the Secretary of War had sneered at the suggestion that the British might molest the "Sheep-walk, " and after the national representatives, more than our own local defenders, had permitted the city to be captured, it had the following appearance: Twelve or fifteen clusters of houses, at a considerable distance from each other, bringing to our recollection the appearance of a camp of nomad Arabs, which, however, if connected together, would make a very respectable town, not much inferior, perhaps, to the capital of Virginia, the whole of it, when seen from the ruins of our public edifices, looking more like the place where proud Washington once stood than where humble Washington now lies. In 1839, George Combe, the British traveler, described the cit}^ as "like a large straggling village reared in a drained swamp." At about this period our corporation laws prohibited hogs from running at large ' ' south of Massachusetts avenue ' ' under penalt}' of seizure. All the land north of that a\-enue was free pasturage. As late as 1862, speaking of Massachusetts avenue, Anthony Trollope says: Massachusetts avenue runs the whole length of the city, and is inserted on the maps as a full-blown street about four miles in length. Go there and you will find yourself not only out of town, away among the fields, but you will find yourself beyond the fields, in an uncultivated wilderness. Tucking your trousers up to your knees, you will wade through the bogs, you will lose yourself among rude hillocks, you will be out of the reach of humanit}'. Let us contrast this truthful description of thirty years ago with the present Massachusetts avenue, lined on either side with magnificent residences, and we can reach a fair conclusion of the phenomenal growth and prosperity of Washington. The Congress of the United States selected Washington and laid it out on a magnificent scale, the wisdom of which has been justified by the experience of a century. So broad and comprehensive was this plan that our people found themselves almost in a condition of bankruptcy in their effort, unaided by the General Government, to erect buildings and improve streets. At the Capitol 83 We find, therefore, that after much wrangHng and contention the capital was located on the Potomac, in a comparative wilderness, and abandoned by the General Government so far as financial aid was concerned. Congress, while liberal in the expenditure of the people's money, declined to appropriate money to make the national capital attractive. For years the capital intrusted to its keeping continued to be an object of derision and contempt. Aye, more than that — it contributed by its own neglect to make more wretched the city's forlorn condition, and then joined in the laugh at the latter' s expense. Finding this to be the unhappy condition, let me occupy a moment of your time with a brief statement of what our city has done for itself and the General Government. First, it must be remembered that the United States owns one-half of all the property in the District, on which it pays no taxes, and prior to 1878 it never contributed anything for the .support of our local government. When the capital was located in Wa.shington our citizens donated five-sevenths of all the land in the city of Washington for streets and avenues — fifty- four per cent of the entire area for parks and res- ervations, or five hundred and forty-one acres. One-half of all the city lots were given to help erect public buildings and to open and improve streets. Up to 1835 the citizens (the population at that time had only reached thirteen thousand) had expended for street improve- ments, mostly around public buildings, $430,000; the United States, $209,000. From 1790 to 1878, almost a century, the Government expended (aside from public buildings) less than $6,000,000; the citi- zens, $45,000,000. From 1879 to 1887 our people invested in new buildings $32,000,000. They paid a direct tax of $20,000 for the war of 1812, fitted up a building for Congress when the Capitol was burned, and tendered a loan of $500,000 to rebuild the public buildings, which Congress accepted. During the last war we paid a direct tax of $50,000. We have paid an internal-revenue tax of $6,454,907, and in one year twice as much as any of the Territories, except Dakota, and more than either of the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Maine, Missis- sippi, Nevada, South Carolina, or Vermont. We supplied our share of volunteers for the war of 1S12 and the Mexican war. In the late war we furnished our full quota and eighteen and one-half per cent over, while but seven States filled their quota and only one equaled the District. In the late war the first volunteers were citizens of the District. The Government has given to the States $28,000,000 in money, 90,000,000 acres of public lands for schools and 155,000.000 acres for railroads. The District of Columbia has never been given a dollar or an acre of ground. 84 CapiloJ Ccuffiiuial Celebration It must not be thought that we do not appreciate the benefits that have resulted from the milhons that have been expended by the Government in the erection of pubhc buildings, nor are we lunnindful of the fact that since 1878 the Government has borne her share of the expenses; but we do claim that Washington has done far more for herself and the General Government than should have been expected by Congress. We have had three different forms of government. From January 23, 1791, to June I, 1802, the local government was vested in a board of three Conunissioners appointed l)y the President. From 1802 to 18 1 2 the Mayor was appointed by the President. From 18 12 to 1820 the Mayor was elected by the Aldermen and Common Coun- cil. In 1 87 1 the government was changed to Territorial in fgrm and so continued until 1874, first Hknry D. Cooke and later Alexander R. • Shepherd having been ap- pointed governors by the Pres- ident. Congress, in 1874, again changed our govern- ment to a board of three Commissioners to be ap- pointed b}' the President. This form of government is now in force, and is believed to be the best municipal form of government in existence. Under its provisions we are free from political broils and entanglements. Those who have been selected for the high and responsible position of Commis- sioners have been men of high character, every dollar contributed by our taxpayers and the General Government having been religiously accounted for. The government of the District of Columbia is free from even the suspicion of jobbery. Our population in 1796 was 1,493; i" i860, 75,080; while to-day we number about 280,000. Since June 11, 1878, Congress has appropriated annually fifty per cent of the approved estimates for expenditures of the District, the remaining fifty per cent being raised by taxation on the property. The relations between the people of the District and Congress have been strengthened and unified from year to year. We are no longer regarded as mendicants, and our treatment is liberal and in keeping with the progress and dignity of the capital of a great republic. At the Capita! 85 From a wretched beginning Washington has grown to be the fairest and most attractive city in the land, and is recognized as one of the most beautiful in the world. We have upward of two hundred and fift}' miles of smooth asphalted streets, fringed on either side by the luxurious and welcome shade of overhanging trees. Great national parks environ the city. Under the provisions of a recent act of Con- gress the magnificent plan of Washington will be continued and our broad streets and avenues will soon touch the District line. Years ago the rim of Washington was knocked off by our rapidh^ increasing population; Boundary street has been wiped out; our limits are now the boundaries of the District. The broad waters of the Potomac flow on to the ocean kissing the silent, sacred shores of Mount Vernon. As all roads are said to have led to Rome, so do all ave- nues of culture lead to Washington. Our public and private schools are un- surpassed. Already we have become a great literary, art, and .scientific center. Universities representing different denomi- nations have been and are being founded, with such unusual advantages- as to attract the 5'outh from all .sections of our land. The capital, our climate, our city, our people, the advantages which result from the fostering care of the Government, such as the National Museum, collections of natural hi.story, a Government librarj^ models representing the inventive genius of a century, the Congress of the United States, the diplomatic representatives of the nations of the earth, all conspire to attract to us the cultured, the influential, the wealthy people of the world. It would be impossible to overestimate our future possibilities. Our growth and pro.sperity will be an evi- dence and a result of national progress and greatness. No people are more lo3'al, generous, and hospitable than ours; no city on the face of the earth more attractive. The District's .second century will be but an echo of national ad- vancement. We have already more than realized the fondest hopes of our founders; Washington is the ideal city of the world. The day ceremonies at the Capitol then closed with the singing of "America," the Centennial Chorus being accompanied by the 86 Capitol Centemiial Celebration Marine Band, and the ninltitnde joining in the singing with great enthusiasm. The \-olnme of sonnd from the voices of the thou- sands present was such as liad never been heard before on any similar occasion. NIGHT CONCERT The night of September i8, 1893, was dark, but the arches of gas jets in front of the great white building threw a glare of light over the grand stands, gleaming upon the scarlet uniforms of the Marine Band and over the Centennial Chorus, which occupied the south stand. At 6 o'clock the Centennial Chimes of thirteen bells rang out clearly and distinctly the evening programme heretofore given. During the pealing of the chimes the crowd had begun to col- lect at the east front of the Capitol, and when 8 o'clock arrived, the hour for the opening of the grand out-of-door night concert, the stands were filled to their utmost capacity, while, in the lan- guage of the newspapers of the day — The whole of the open space before the east front of the Capitol was filled with a closely packed mass of humanity that extended out over the grass plots back of the Greenough statue and north and south past the broad steps of the House and Senate wings. A sight \ of the great crowd from the V\ lower gallery of the dome conveyed some idea of what is meant by "a sea of heads. ' ' Two-thirds of the way across the plaza one could have walked on the heads of the crowd with no danger of falling through a chance opening. Then came a great semicircle of closely packed carriages, and beyond that again, swarming over the grass plots, packed in tiers over the great ornamental urns, on the coping wall, and into East Capitol street, stretched the crowd. It was .shortly after 8 o'clock when the first strains of Professor Fanciulli'vS grand march, "The National Capitol Centennial," At the Capitol 87 rendered with exquisite accuracy, floated upon the still night. The great building, acting as a giant sounding-board, gave back the echoes, throwing the sound far out across the open space. The Centennial Chorus, who were present to the full number of fifteen hundred, then sang "The Heavens Are Telling." The chorus was in fine voice and sang well together under the magnetic leadership of Professor Cloward, the clear notes of the sopranos being distinctly heard by persons on the upper tier of the dome of the Capitol, nearly three hundred feet distant. The vast audience appreciated the grand music, and as the last notes of the chorus died away, broke out in prolonged cheers. The Marine Band then rendered the overture from "Semira- mide," and were followed by the Centennial Chorus in "Home, 88 Capitol C 'cntciuiial Cclebratioii Sweet Home," accompanied by the Marine r,and. Then it was that the enthnsiasm of the crowd was made manifest by cheer on cheer, which continned as the IMarine Band pLayed Fanciulli'S merry descriptive music, "A Trip to Manhattan Beach." The Centennial Chorus, accompanied by the Marine Band, and at times by the audience, then sang "Hail Columbia," the enthu- siastic multitude insisting upon an encore, and being rewarded by the Marine Band with "Dixie," which was welcomed with alter- nate cheers and yells of delight. The Marine Band then played OrTh's "In the Clock Store," at the conclusion of which there was a mighty shout for "Hanford! Hanford!" As the actor, Mr. Charles B. Hanford, appeared on the projecting pier to the south of the main steps the applause was deafening. Waving his hand to command silence, in a clear, deep voice, thrilling with emotion, Mr. Hanford began to recite "The Star-Spangled Banner." Never had he recited to such a vast multitude, and never had he voiced or acted the stirring song so well. Cheers answered the closing lines of each verse, and at the close of the poem, as he raised aloft and waved to and fro a silken flag — the Star-Spangled Banner — the cheering became a deafening roar. Then the leader of the chorus waved his baton and the entire chorus and the thousands present in the crowd joined in singing the national air, while Mr. Hanford stood far above the heads of the mass, waving time with the silken flag. The demonstration of popular enthusiasm was mighty — "the voice of the American people. ' ' The concert closed with "A Trip to Mars," one of Fanciulu's sprightly and entertaining compositions, which the Marine Band rendered with fine effect. The Joint Committee o The Joint Committee In pursuance of the joint resolution of Congress, the following Senators, Representatives, and citizens were appointed to serve on the Joint Committee, namely: By the Senate: Daniei. W. Voorhees. vStephen M. White. John Sherman. Wii^liam E. Chandi^er. Matt W. Ransom. Watson C. Squire. John Martin. By the House: WiIvUam D. Bynum. John De Witt Warner. John C. Black. George W. Houk. David B. Henderson. Charles O'Neill. William Cogswell. By the Citizens' Committee: Lawrence Gardner. H. L. Biscoe. Duncan S. Walker. B. H. Warner. E. B. Hay. a. R. Spofford. M. I. Weller. J. M. Toner. C. C. Glover. John Joy Edson. S. W. Woodward. Beriah Wilkins. John W. Ross. Marshall W. Wines. The committee met in the rooms of the Senate Committee on Finance at lo a. m., August 23, 1893, and, a quorum being pres- ent, organized with Hon. Daniel Wolsey Voorhees, United States Senate, as Chairman, and General Duncan S. Walker as Secretary. After the reading of the joint resolution creating the commit- tee. Chairman VooRHEES called upon the Chairman of the Citi- zens' Committee for a statement of what had been done by the Citizens' Committee in preparing for the celebration, and what was proposed to be done to carr)- into effect the joint resolution of Congress. 91 92 Capitol Centennial Celebration Chairman Gardner snbinitted a written report, as follows: At the request of the Citizens' Committee, the following report has been prepared for the information of the committee appointed from the Senate and House of Representatives, explaining the origin of the movement, what has been done, and what yet remains undone. Being requested by numerous citizens, the District Commissioners issued a call through the dail}^ papers, and a meeting was held accord- ingly at Willard's Hotel on June 7, at which meeting the Hon. John W. Ross, President of the Board of Commissioners of the Di.strict of Cohnnbia, presided. It was determined then to have an appropri- ate celebration, and Chairman Ross was delegated by the meeting to appoint a committee of fifty to conduct the affair. Mr. Ross appointed a committee which subsequently met at Willard's Hall and selected its officers, and it further empowered the Chairman to appoint such com- mittees as were necessary to carry the celebration to a success. The committees were all appointed and their duties defined. It is unnecessary to state the details worked out b}^ each committee. The result of the work done by and approved by the Gen- eral Committee is as follows: It might be well to state here that at the time the Citizens' Committee was ap- pointed, and after it had completed the many arrangements for a great part of ^U^ its programme, it was not anticipated that r the Congress of the United States would be in session, and authority was procured from the Honorable the President of the Senate (there being no Speaker of the House of Representatives), under the act of Congress approved July i, 1882, for the suspension of the prohibition, of the use of the grounds, etc., so as to enable the celebration to be conducted as proposed. As soon as Congress met the matter was brought to its attention by the Citizens' Committee, and the Joint Connnittee was appointed at its request. Under these circumstances we trust that it may not be regarded as presumptuous on our part to have already almost completed the arrange- ments, and that what has been done will meet with your approval. A Committee on Ceremonies at the Capitol, under the direction of Mr. B. H. Warner, have in part completed their programme. The portion that is absolutely concluded is as follows: Prayer by Right Rev. William Parkt, Bishop of Maryland; iutro- The Join t Com in it tee 93 ditction of the President; address by the President of the United States, introducing the orator, Mr. William Wirt Henry, of Richmond, Va.; and the following portion of the programme is respectfully suggested for action and approval: An address on behalf of the United States Senate, by its President; an address on behalf of the House of Repre- sentatives, by its Speaker; an address by a member of the Supreme Court, Chief Justice Fuller; an address for the District of Colum- bia, by one of the Commissioners of the District. In presenting this programme the committee found it necessary to arrange for music, and their music committee has undertaken the task of securing and drilling one of the largest clioru.ses ever brought together in the District of Columbia, consisting of fifteen hundred trained adult voices. At proper places during the programme the chorus will render patriotic music, concluding with a :J=Sr grand Te Deum. The committee has kindly had placed at its disposal a fine chime of thirteen bells, which will be rung at stated interv^als "-'^^ during the day and in conjunction with the chorus. The committee has also secured the serv- ices of the United States Marine Band, which, at the cost of the commit- tee, has arranged to in- crease its numbers. In preparing for the accom- modation of this large number of musicians the _ committee has entered '=^__£^ into a contract for the '' / '^ building of a stand at the side of the center steps at the east front of the Capitol that will accommodate twelve to thirteen hundred. They also arranged for a stand directly in front of the steps, for the accom- modation of the President, speakers, and invited guests, perhaps to the number of about two hundred, which leaves the steps back of that stand yet free, to be used for other invited guests. If the Senate and House of Representatives desire to be present, it will be necessary to erect another stand on the opposite side of the center steps for their accommodation. To decorate the stands the committee would request that permission be secured from Congress for the War and Na^^y Departments to loan such flags and decorations as they may have. 94 Capitol Centennial Celebration It is proposed further that the event be celebrated by a parade, to march over the same route traveled b>- the procession in 1793. From such old records as we have been able to find, we learn that the pro- cession assembled at the President's Square and marched thence to the Capitol grounds. An advertisement was published in the daily papers of the city inviting all military and civic organizations and associations in the District of Columbia and neighboring cities to partici- pate in the parade and be present at the ceremonies. An additional written invitation was sent to such civic and military organizations whose addresses we could secure. In nearly all instances the invita- tions have been responded to, expressing a desire to participate in the parade, and only in one or two cases have we received declinations. General Albert Ordway, commanding the District mihtia, has been selected by the committee as Grand Marshal. He is now hard at work with the Connnittee on Parade, arranging all the details. Specially engraved invitations to the number of one thousand have been prepared. These invitations are to be sent to such prominent citizens of the United States as the committee may desire to invite, and also to the Diplomatic Corps. The design for the invitation is very elaborate, and tells the story of the building of the Capitol, begin- ning with a picture of President WAvShington laying the corner stone September 18, 1793; the second picture representing the old building completed, and the third representing the building as at present, 1893. Inclosed in the invitation are four pages, two pages to be devoted to the programme, one page containing the names of the Joint Committee, and the fourth page other committees. The committee have also published a small pamphlet giving a history of the Capitol from its foundation up to the present time; it also con- tains a list of the committees appointed to date. We have only issued one thousand copies of the book, and the other two thousand are ready to be issued as soon as the programme is complete, so that the pamphlet will then contain the programme and any new committees, and such other information as will add to its historic value. It is customary in celebrations of this kind to furnish the committee with ribbon badges, but the General Committee decided to have a medal struck commemorative of the occasion, designs for which were sub- mitted and approved by the General Committee, and a contract for five hundred has been entered into, the medals to be paid for by the indi- vidual members of the committee. Facsimiles of the designs will be found on the front and back pages of the pamphlet. It was first contemplated by the General Committee to ha\-e an even- ing entertainment at the Capitol, consisting of a reception in the Rotunda; but Congress being in session it was deemed advisable to abandon that portion of the programme. TJic Join t Com ;// it tec 95 After consultation with Architect Clark, who, I may say here, has been of great service to this committee, his suggestions being ahvaj'S well timed, it was proposed to have an illumination of the Capitol building with electric lights; but, after correspondence, our committee found that it would be impossible to go into a matter of that kind in an appropriate way with the funds in hand. So at present all that is contemplated is an illumination of the dome, there being sufficient electric power at the Capitol to furnish us with all the current neces- sary. It was also proposed to use the grand festival chorus for a concert in the Capitol grounds on the evening of the i8th of Sep- tember, having the grounds illuminated by gas and an aerial display of fireworks, the firing to take place from the grounds of the new Library building; but as the committee has acted from the be- ginning on the prin- ciple of making no contracts except when the money was in hand, these matters are held in abeyance. We hope, however, to have an even- ing concert and an illumination of the grounds. The additional legislation that this committee will require will be, first, a joint resolution granting us the use of the flags and decora- tions of the War and Navy Departments; second, a resolution making the i8th of September, 1893, a holiday for the District of Columbia. The report of the Chairman of the Citizens' Committee was received and approved and the execution of the same placed in the hands of the Citizens' Committee. It was also ordered that the Congress be requested to make the i8th day of September, 1893, a legal holiday in the District of Columbia, and also authorize the Secretary of War and the Sec- retary of the Navy to deliver to the Architect of the Capitol, for decoration purposes, certain ensigns, flags, and signal numbers. Chairman Gardner, of the Citizens' Committee, announced that his committee had raised by voluntary subscriptions the funds necessary for defraying all the expenses of the celebration. 96 Capitol Centennial Celebration The Joint Coininittee met in the rooms of the Finance Com- mittee of the Senate September ii, at lo a. m. ; Senator Daniel W. VooRHEES, Chairman, and General Duncan S. Walker, Secretary. Mr. Gardner, Chairman of the Citizens' Committee, made the following report : Acting under the instructions of the Joint Committee of Congress, a special stand capable of acconnnodating one thousand, with the neces- sary seats, extending from the central steps in a northern direction, has been set apart for the exclusive use of the House and Senate. In this connection I beg to suggest that, in accordance with custom, the stand be turned over when completed to the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate, who shall have charge of the same and of the issuing of tickets thereto. Under the instruction of the Joint Committee, of the one thousand souvenir invitations printed, nine hundred and four have been issued to the per- sons designated by your Joint Committee, leaving ninety-six only at the disposal of the General Committee. A list of the distribution is herewith submitted. A grand stand will be erected in front of the central portion of the east front to accommodate the President of the United States, the speakers participating in the ceremonies, the Judiciary, the Diplomatic Corps, and other guests invited under direction of your Joint Committee. Another stand, extending south from the central portion of the build- ing, is in course of construction to accommodate the band and the grand chorus of fifteen hundred. In relation to the approaches to the build- ing on the 1 8th of September, some arrangement will have to be made to keep the central steps clear, and I suggest that that be left as a matter of accommodation between the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate and the Chairman of the General Committee. As instructed, letters have been drawn up addressed respectively to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House, inviting their respective bodies to be present, copies of which are submitted herewith. I also beg to suggest that, as is usual under such circumstances, an Tlie Joint Committee 97 order be passed b}- each House arranging for their participation in the ceremonies. On the suggestion of Chairman Voorhees, it was agreed that motions be made in the Senate and House providing that their respective bodies take a recess at 2 p. m. on the i8th of Septem- ber and attend the celebration, and Mr. Voorhees requested Sen- ator Sherman to make the motion in the Senate and Mr. COGS- WELL to make the motion in the House of Representatives. At the suggestion of Senator VooRHEES, all details relating to the handling of the crowds at the Capitol on the day of the cele- bration were delegated to the Sergeants-at-Arms of the Senate and House and the Architect of the Capitol. It was also ordered that the stands for the Senate and House be turned over to the Sergeants-at-Arms of the respective bodies. H. Mis. 211 7 Congressional Action 99 o Congressional Action AUTHORIZING THE CELEBRATION In the House of Representatives, August ii, 1893, the following action was taken: Mr. W. D. Bynu:m, of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, the gentleman from Mar^'land [Mr. Raynrr] yields to me for a minute to ask unani- mous consent for the consideration of a resolution. I will ask to have it read. The Speaker. The gentleman from Indiana, with the con.sent of the gentleman from Maryland, desires unanimous consent for the consideration of a joint resolution relating to the exercises commem- orative of the hundredth anniversary of the laying of the corner stone of the Capitol. The Clerk will read the joint resolution, after which the Chair will ask if there be objection. The Clerk read the joint resolution. Mr. Bynum. Mr. Speaker, I simply desire to sa>' to the House that this resolution entails no expense on the part of the Government. The funds have been raised b}- private citizens, and the}- simply desire the permission and cooperation of the Government. The Speaker. Is there objection to the present consideration of the resolution? [After a pause.] The Chair hears none. The joint resolution was ordered to be engrossed for a third read- ing; and being engrossed, it was accordingly read the third time, and passed. In the Senate, August 14, 1893, the subject was considered, as follows: A message from the House of Representatives, b}' Mr. T. O. TowLES, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had passed a joint resolu- tion ( H. Res. 2) providing for the appropriate commemoration of the laying of the corner stone of the Capitol of the United States, Sep- tember 18, 1793, in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate. Mr. VOORHEES. I venture to ask that the Senate consider the joint resolution, and that it be put upon its passage now. For that purpose let it be read. I will merely state that it has been carefully consid- ered and unanimously passed by the other House. I02 Capitol Centennial Celebration By unanimous consent, the joint resolution was read twice, and considered as in Committee of the Whole. The joint resolution was reported to the Senate without amendment, ordered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. The following is the joint resolution as passed by both Houses, it having received Executive approval August 17, 1893: Joint resolution provitling for the appropriate commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the laying of the corner stone of the Capitol of the United States, September iS, 1793. Whereas the one hundredth anniversary of the laying of the corner stone of the United States Capitol by President George Wa.shington, September 18, 1793, is an occasion of national interest becoming the cognizance of Congress; and Whereas a committee of citizens of the United States, of which L/AWRENCE Gardner, of the District of Columbia, has been elected Chairman, have been appointed to make suitable and appropriate arrangements to duly commemorate the important event, and for the maintenance of order and decorum in the proceedings, and for guarding the Capitol and its grounds from injury: Therefore, Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of tlie United States of America in Congress assembled, That the use of the Capitol Grounds for the ceremonies attending the one hitndredth anniversary of the laying of the corner stone of the Capitol for and during the i8th of September, 1893, including processions, literary and musical exer- cises, and the suitable decoration of the grounds, the Capitol building and its approaches, shall be permitted, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, to insure the safety of the building and the grounds from injury. That a joint committee of fourteen, to consist of seven Senators, to be appointed by the President of the Senate, and seven Representatives, to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, be, and is hereby, constituted to take order in the matter "of arranging for the ceremonies at the Capitol, to act with a like committee in num- ber to be selected by the said Citizens' Committee. APPOINTMENT OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE In the Senate, August 24, 1893, ^^^^ Joint Committee on the part of the Senate was appointed, as shown by the following extract from the proceedings: The Vice-President. Under the joint resolution providing for the appropriate commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the Congressional Action 103 laying of the corner stone of the Capitol of the United vStates, Sep- tember 18, 1793, the Chair appoints as the committee on the part of the Senate the Senator from Indiana (Mr. Voorhees), the Senator from Ohio (Mr. Sherman), the Senator from North Carolina (Mr. Ransom), the Senator from New Hampshire (Mr. Chandler), the Senator from California (Mr. White), the Senator from Washington (Mr. Souire), and the Senator from Kansas (Mr. Martin). In the House of Representatives, August 25, 1893, ^^^ follow- ing action was taken: The Speaker laid before the House a message from the Senate announcing the appointment by the Vice-President of a committee on the part of the Senate, consisting of Senators Voorhees, Sherman, Ransom, Chandler, White of California, Squire, and Martin, un- der the joint resolution providing for the appropriate commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the laying of the corner stone of the Capitol of the United States, September 18, 1793; which was laid on the table. The Speaker announced the appointment of a like committee on the part of the House, in compliance with the joint resolution, con- sisting of Messrs. Bynum, Warner, Black of Illinois, Houk of Ohio, Henderson of Iowa, O'Neill of Pennsylvania, and Cogswell. MAKING THE DAY A HOUDAY, GRANTING USE OF I FLAGS, ETC. In the House of Representatives, September 3, 1893, fi^rther action was taken, as follows: Mr. Bynum. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for the intro- duction of a couple of resolutions and their present consideration. The Speaker pro tempore. The Clerk will report the resolution, after which the Chair will ask if there be objection to its consideration. The Clerk read as follows: A joint resolution (H. Res. 6) to make the iSth A&y of September, 1S93, a holidaj- within the District of Cohimbia. Be it resolved, etc.. That there be added to the days by law declared to be holidays within the District of Cohiinbia the i8th day of September, 1893, the same being the one hundredth anniversary of the laying of the corner stone of the Capitol of the United States. The Speaker pro tempore. Is there objection to the present con- sideration of the resolution? [After a pau.se.] The Chair hears none. I04 Capitol Centennial CelebratioJi The joint resolution was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading; and being engrossed, it was accordingly read the third time, and passed. Mr. Bynum. I also ask for the consideration of the other resolution. The Speaker pro tempore. The Clerk will report the resolution, after which the Chair will ask if there be objection to its consideration. The Clerk read as follows: A joint resolution (H. Res. 7) to permit the use of certain ensigns, flags, and signal numbers to decorate the Capitol and its approaches, 1893. Be it resolved, etc., That the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy be, and they are hereby, authorized to deliver to the Architect of the Capitol, for the purpose of decorating the Capitol, its approaches, and grand stands to be erected in the Capitol grounds on the occasion of the centennial celebration of the laying of the corner stone of the Capitol, such of the United States ensigns, flags (except battle flags), signal numbers, and other flags as may be spared, the same to be so delivered to said Architect not prior to the loth day of September, and to be returned by him by the 30th day of September, 1893. The Speaker pro tempore. Is there objection to the present con- sideration of this resolution ? [After a pause ] The Chair hears none. The joint resolution was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading; and being engrossed, it was accordingly read the third time, and passed. On motion of Mr. Bynum, a motion to reconsider the several votes by which the joint resolutions were passed was laid on the table. These subjects were considered in the Senate September 4, 1893, as follows: Mr. VooRHEES. I ask that the joint resolutions which have just come from the House of Representatives be laid before the Senate and put on their passage. I will state that the first is a joint resolution passed by the other House, making the i8th of September a holiday in the District of Columbia. It is the centennial of the laying of the corner stone of the Capitol. The other joint resolution authorizes the use of certain flags and ensigns by the Architect of the Capitol on that day. I should be very glad to have the Senate concur with the action of the House of Representatives and let the matter go along. There being no objection, the joint resolution (H. Res. 6) to make the i8th day of September, 1893, a holiday within the District of Columbia was read twice and considered as in Committee of the Whole. The joint resolution was reported to the Senate without amendment, ordered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. The joint resolution (H. Res. 7) to permit the use of certain ensigns, flags, and signal numbers to decorate the Capitol and its approaches. Congressional Action 105 September 18, 1893, was read twice and considered as in Committee of the Whole. The joint resokition was reported to the Senate without amendment, ordered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. RESOLUTIONS TO ATTEND In the Senate, September 11, 1893: The Vice-President laid before die vSenate the following letter; which was read: Washington, D. C, September 11, /Sgj. Sir: The General Committee on the Centennial Celebration of the Laying of the Corner Stone of the Capitol has set apart, under the direction of the Joint Committee appointed under the joint resolution of Congress approved August 17, 1893, a special stand with one thousand seats for the exclusive use of the Senate and House of Representatives, September iS, 1S93. It is the desire of the committee that, following the established precedent of such occasions, the Senate attend the ceremonies as an organized body; and in behalf of the committee I beg to request you to extend this invitation to the United States Senate, and that that honorable body may make such order thereon as may be most appropriate. Very respectfully, L. Gardner, Chaij-Jiian General Coiiunittee. Hon. Adlai E. Stevenson, Vice-President United States, President of t/ie Senate. Mr. Sherman, from the Joint Select Committee appointed under the joint resolution providing for the appropriate commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the laying of the corner stone of the Capitol of the United States, September 18, 1793, reported the following reso- lution; which was considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: Resolved, That the Senate will attend the ceremonies of the one hundredth anniversary of the laying of the corner stone of the Capitol, September iS, 1893, at 2 o'clock p. m. That a recess be taken at ten minutes before 2 o'clock p. m. of that day, and the Senate, accompanied by its officers, shall proceed to the place assigned, at the east front of the Capitol. That the Sergeant-at-Arms ot the Senate is directed to make the necessary arrangements to carry out this order. In the House of Representatives, September 12, 1893: The Speaker. The Chair lays before the House the following com- mimication, which the Clerk will report: Washington, D. C, September 11, 1893. Sir: The General Committee on the Centennial Celebration of the Laying of the Corner Stone of the Capitol has set apart, under the direction of the Joint io6 Capitol Centennial Celebration Committee appointed under the joint resolution of Congress approved August 17, 1893, a special stand with one thousand seats for the exclusive use of the vSenate and House of Representatives, September 18, 1893. It is the desire of the committee that, following the established precedent of such occasions, the House of Representatives attend the ceremonies as an organ- ized body; and in behalf of the committee I beg to request you to extend this invitation to the House of Representatives, and that that honorable body may make such order thereon as may be most appropriate. Very respectfully, L. Gardnkr, Chairman General Committee. Hon. Chari.es F. Crisp, Speaker House of Representatives, United States. Mr. Cogswell. I offer the resolution which I .send to the Clerk's de.sk, and ask for its immediate consideration. The Clerk read as follows: Resolved, That the Hou.se will attend the ceremonies of the one hundredth anniversary of the laying of the corner stone of the Capitol, vSeptember 18, 1893, at 2 o'clock p. m. That a recess be taken at ten minutes before 2 o'clock of that day, and the House, accompanied by its officers, shall proceed to the place assigned, at the east front of the Capitol. That the Sergeant-at-Arms of the House is directed to make the necessary arrangements to carry out this order. The Speaker. Is there objection to the immediate consideration of this resolution? There was no objection. The resolution was a^eed to. ATTENDANCE AT THE CELEBRATION In the Senate, September 18, 1893: The V1CE-PRE.SIDENT. The Chair will .state to the Senator from Oregon that the Chair is compelled, under the resolution of the Senate, to announce that, the hour of ten minutes to 2 having arrived, it becomes the duty of the Chair to lay before the Senate the resolution adopted by the Senate on the nth instant, which will be read. The Secretary read as follows: Resolved, That the Senate will attend the ceremonies of the one hundredth anniversary of the laying of the corner stone of the Capitol, September 18, 1893, at 2 o'clock p. m. That a recess be taken at ten minutes before 2 o'clock p. m. of that day, and the Senate, accompanied by its officers, shall proceed to the place assigned, at the east front of the Capitol. That the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate is directed to make the necessary arrangements to carry out this order. The Vice-President. The Sergeant-at-Arms will execute the order of the Senate. Congressional Adioii 107 The Senate, headed by the Vice-President and the Secretary, and preceded by the Sergeant-at-Arms, thereupon proceeded to the east front of the Capitol to participate in the ceremonies commemorative of the one hundredth anniversary of the laying of the corner stone of the Capitol of the United States. The Senate returned to its Chamber at 5 o'clock and 13 minutes p. ni. In the House of Representatives, September 18, 1893: The Speaker. The Clerk will report the order adopted by the House. The Clerk read as follows: Resolved, That the House will attend the ceremonies of the one hundredth anniversary of the laying of the corner stone of the Capitol, vSepteniber iS, 1893, at 2 o'clock p. ni. That a recess be taken at ten minutes before 2 o'clock of that day, and the House, accompanied by its officers, shall proceed to the place assigned, at the east front of the Capitol. That the Sergeant- at-Arms of the House is directed to make the necessary arrangements to carry out this order. The Speaker. The Chair would call the attention of the House to the fact that there is no provi- sion made in this order as to the duration of the recess or the ad- journment of the House. There- fore, the Chair would suggest that some motion be made respecting; the return to the Hall and the ad- journment of the House immediately thereafter. Mr. CaTChings. I move that when the ceremonies have been concluded the House reassemble. I think that motion would cover the idea. Mr. Reed. It is understood that there is to be an adjournment at once on return of the House. Mr. IviviNGSTON. Why not adjourn now? The Speaker. The only reason why the House can not now ad- journ is that the House has agreed to attend this ceremonj^ as a body, and both the House and Senate have agreed to take a recess. However, it can be the understanding, and without objection it will be the understanding, that immediately upon the conclusion of the io8 Capitol Centennial Celebration ceremonies the House will, or such members as return, reassemble, when an adjournment will be had until to-morrow. Without ol:)jec- tion that will be the understanding and the order. There was no objection, and it was so ordered. The vSpeaker. The House will, in accordance with the order, form in line and proceed to the place of the ceremonies. The officers will accompany the House, and the pages will form in the rear of the members. Accordingly (at i o'clock and 50 minutes), the House, headed by the Speaker and accompanied by its officers, proceeded to the platform prepared for their accommodation in front of the east portico. The House reassembled at 5 o'clock and 10 minutes. THE TABLET In the Senate, April 23, 1894: The Vice-President laid before the Senate the following commu- nication; which was read: Washington, D. C, April 21, 18^4. Dear Sir: The General Committee on the Centennial of the Capitol has donated a bronze tablet, estimated to cost about I900, to be placed upon the exterior south- east wall of the north wing of the original Capitol building, to conmiemorate the laying of the corner stone of the Capitol, September 18, 1793, by President GEORGE Washington. As legislation will be necessary to carry out the purpose of the General Com- mittee, I have the honor to request that the subject may be brought to the attention of Congress, only suggesting that the matter of the inscription upon the tablet be left to the discretion of the Joint Committee appointed under the joint resolution of Congress approved August 17, 1S93, and that the selection of the precise locality for the insertion of the tablet, as well as the work connected with such insertion, be placed under the direction of the Architect of the Capitol. Very respectfulh, your most obedient servant, Iv. Gardner, Chairman General Coininillee. Hon. Adlai E. Stevenson, President United States Senate. Mr. VooRHEES. In this connection I ask unanimous consent to introduce and have considered a joint resolution. The Vice-President. The joint resolution will be read the first time by its title and the second time at length, if there be no objection. The joint resolution (S. R. 77) providing for the placing of a tablet upon the Capitol to commemorate the laying of the corner stone of the building, September 18, 1793, was read the first time by its title and the second time at length, as follows: Whereas the General Conmiittee of citizens of the United States, of which Lawrence Gardner is Chairman, have donated to the United States a bronze Congressional Action 109 tablet to be placed upon the Capitol to coinniemorate the laying of the corner stone of the building, September i8, 1793: Therefore, Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Repi'esentatives of the United States of America in Congress asscinl)led. That the United States accept the said tablet, and that the Architect of the Capitol be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause the same, when approved by the Joint Committee appointed under joint resolution of Congress of August 17, 1893, to be placed in or upon the southeast wall of the north wing of the original Capitol building, upon such suitable place as he, the said Architect, may select, at such distance above the corner stone laid by GEORGE Washington, September 18, 1793, as in the judgment of said Architect may be best suited to display the same without detracting from the architectural effect of the building. Mr. VoORHEEvS. It may not be improper to say that the committee having in charge the centennial celebration of the laying of the corner stone of the Capitol have .so well managed their affairs as to have a moderate surplus fund left with which to provide this bronze tablet. The tablet is to be placed at a point to indicate the precise spot where the original corner stone was laid. That locality has been ascertained, and this is a movement to mark the spot for all time to come. I think it a charming and a most excellent thing to do, and the committee which have had charge of this matter are deserving of great credit. They have asked nothing of Congress, they have been at no expense to the Government, and they have the money to spare to make this provision. I thought it best to explain the matter. I ask for the present con- sideration of the joint resolution. Mr. Gray. While the Senator is on his feet in regard to this very appropriate act that has been performed, let me ask him whether the inscription on the tablet is to contain the name of any private person or of the donors of the tablet? Mr. VooRHEES. I think not. Mr. Gray. It ought not to do so. Mr. VooRHEES. I think it does not, althottgh on that sitbject I am not at all advised. I should saj^ not, very decidedly. However, that can be easily controlled or managed. I do not think there is an}^ such purpose at all. It is a tablet to mark the precise locality of the original corner stone laid by George Washington September 18, 1793. Mr. Gray. The good taste of the gentlemen connected with this enterprise would suggest that no such thing should be done; but I think it otight to be assured. The Vice-President. Is there objection to the present consideration of the joint resolution? There being no objection, the Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, proceeded to consider the joint resolution. The joint resolution was reported to the Senate without amendment, ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, read the third time, and passed. no Capitol Centennial Celebration In the House of Representatives, April 24, 1894: The Speaker laid before the House the Senate resolution (vS. R. 78) providing for the placing of a tablet upon the Capitol to commemorate the laying of the corner stone of the building, September 18, 1793. Mr. Bynum. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for the present consideration of the Senate resolution. The Speaker. The gentleman from Indiana asks unanimous con- sent for the present consideration of the Senate joint resolution, which is before the House for reference. The Clerk will report it, after which the Chair will ask if there be objection. The resolution was read. The Speaker. Is there objection to the request for the present consideration of the resolution? [After a pause.] The Chair hears none. The resolution was ordered to a third reading; and it was accord- ingly read the third time, and passed. On motion of Mr. Bynum, a motion to reconsider the vote by which the joint resolution was passed was laid on the table. PRINTING THE PROCEEDINGS In the Senate, October 31, 1893: Mr. V00RHEE.S, from the Committee on the Library, to whom the subject was referred, reported a bill (S. 1137) to provide for the print- ing of the report of the Joint Committee of Congress and proceedings at the centennial celebration of the laying of the corner stone of the Capitol; which was read twice by its title, and, on motion of Mr. VooRHEES, referred to the Committee on Printing. In the Senate, Januarj^ 16, 1894: Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, reported a joint resolution (S. R. 51) to provide for the printing of the report of the Joint Committee of Congress and proceedings at the centennial cele- bration of the laying of the corner stone of the Capitol; and sub- mitted a report thereon. The joint resolution was read the first time by its title. Mr. Gorman. I ask for the present consideration of the joint reso- lution. By unanimous consent, the joint resolution was read the second time at length, and considered as in Committee of the Whole, as follows: Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the report of the Joint Committee of Con- gress appointed under the joint resolution approved August 17, 1893, upon the Congressional Action 1 1 1 ceremonials at the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the laying of the corner stone of the Capitol of the United States, together with the proceed- ings and public addresses on the commemoration of that event, be printed in a memorial volume, with such illustrations as ma}' be approved by the Joint Com- mittee on Printing, and that five thousand five hundred copies be printed, fifteen hundred for the use of the Senate, three thousand for the use of the House of Representatives, and one thousand copies for distribution by the Citizens' Com- mittee on the celebration; and the sum of $5,000, or so much thereof as maybe necessary, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other- wise appropriated, to carry this joint resolution into effect. The joint resolution was reported to the Senate without amendment, ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, read the third time, and passed. The following is the report (Senate No. 160, second session Fifty-third Congress) made by Mr. Gorman, from the Commit- tee on Printing: The Committee on Printing, to whom was referred the bill (S. 1137J ' ' to provide for the printing of the report of the Joint Committee of Congress and proceedings at the centennial celebration of the laying of the corner stone of the Capitol," having considered the same, report it back with the recommendation that it do not pass, and that in lieu thereof the following substitute joint resolution do pass. [Reso- lution as passed follows. — Ed.] The provisions of the bill are all retained in the substitute joint resolution with the exception that the distribution of the proposed memorial volume to the House of Representatives is reduced from three thousand five hundred to three thousand. This reduction was found necessary in order to bring the cost of the work within the amount appropriated therefor, and the usual proportion of distribution between the Senate and House of Representatives is still maintained. The provisions of the bill having relation only to a specific occasion and not embracing any permanent provision of law, a joint resolution has been deemed by the committee the more appropriate method of proceeding. In the House of Representatives, March 10, 1894: Mr. Richardson, of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I present a privileged report from the Committee on Printing. The report was read, as follows: The committee have considered Senate joint resolution No. 51, providing for the printing of the proceedings at the centennial celebration of the laying of the corner stone of the Capitol, and direct me to report the same with the recom- mendation that it do pass. The estimated cost of the same is about $4,800. 112 Capitol Centennial Celebration The joint resolution was ordered to a third reading, and it was accordingly read the third time. The question being taken, on a division the joint resolution was passed — ayes 72, noes 14. The Capitol "3 □ G S J c - o •.^' rr: ■JJ • V w £ 3 s .;i n ■zoi w g'^. -So 1- w ai w jj s P. P ^^^■5 (u.;^ OJ 0; aj i; :; i; o o r"' S r' o - o u p ' ci dj u on . u i« — s --^ "" -j; —> o .S' o n •/) ooooooooSiJSo^ooSuoo Sor, ? F ocWssacsss^a oouuuocj!j-x?i-xtjCuOh-l'Xou (J x'-iWO r; {-lO CCOCOOO O ^'-^ ....*<. ■•^ ITjVC i^C/j On O W r^^ r^CC O O •- N r*:> rr;. ^ \r.\0 r^X 00 t'! M W t^ U'J^ t^ ON ^ ^o r^ h^ "^ g g £ o o o o o o t- SPP S-s P-o*^ o« °Q °'i: ° o H x a; " li cc C 5 j !;.;£ q - S S a; o- _ rt > y ^, ; 10 i/j lo u"; no m\o »ovb*o*ovo VO 'O vo i; W W ro r^> Tf -^ -^ ir,\0 t^ t^^ i>- o c 'A W "a x S^2 11 -a 5 il n b t. s s p Pi b C T •= « ^-o rt a6a§.2, o p-(, « r^ Mfi^^Scaj "i-i'i7- P- be IV •F"^ d — x" -X w •S X* j3 UJ OJ V . 5 K }1 S^ c ^ 9 "H "^ ^ ^ *= ^: '3 5 O . to . i K "^z: "^.2 I' ^ ■:= S-s^'H--' ^^^ K iic3;^o (LI nO sGSbtS ,, c bJO i; ): a S •-■t:„l'!u "^^ o 0-- S " ■■'"• •- J^ c-'iS =-b = £■ ^ 5 s ~ Q -• - i h4 O I— ( < u w to O >^ O ^4 CS O 5 O r^ >-r tj u u u *4 The Capitol With Some Notice of Its Architects [By Edward Ci.ark.] The original portion of the Capitol is constnicted of sandstone from quarries at Aquia Creek, Virginia. Its dimensions are 352 feet 4 inches by 229 feet in depth. The extensions were begun in 1851, and were occupied by Congress in 1859. The material used is white marble from quar- ries at Lee, Massachusetts; that in the columns from quarries at Cockeysville, Maryland. The extensions were completed in 1861, the dome in 1863, and the terraces in 1891. The entire frontage of the building is 751 feet 4 inches, and its greatest depth 350 feet. Total cost, including terraces, $14,455,000. The duty of erecting the public buildings at the permanent seat of government was intrusted by Congress to President Wash- ington and three Commissioners to be selected by him. In 1792 designs were solicited by this Commission and many plans were presented, but few were thought worthy of consideration. An award was made to Dr. William Thornton and to INIr. Stephen HallETTE for designs by them submitted, and although Dr. Thornton's plan was followed to some extent, he not being a trained architect, the work of constructing the building was intrusted to Stephen Hallette. Mr. Hallette came to the United States from France just previous to the Revolution, and established himself at Philadel- phia. In 1792 he became Architect of the Capitol, continuing as such until 1794. Upon his retirement the control of the building passed into the hands of James Hoban, who, as Surveyor of the Public Works, had been previously connected with the construction of the building. 115 it6 Capitol Ccntcunial Cclchralion HOBAN was a native of Ireland, and had settled in Charleston, South Carolina, just after the Revolutionary war. His principal work was designing and constructing the President's Mansion. His connection with the Capitol continued for ten years, or until 1802, during which period Georgr Hatfield, as architect, was also engaged upon the work, from 1795 to 1798. Hatfield was an Englishman by birth, educated as an archi- tect in London. He designed also the old State, War, and Navy Department buildings and the present City Hall. In 1803 Benjamin H. Latrobe was appointed by President Jefferson. He continued in the service nntil 181 7, with the excep- tion of the period of the last war with Great Britain. He restored the portions of the building de- stroyed during that war. Mr. Latrobe was born and edu- cated in his profession in England, coming to America in 1796. While living in Philadelphia he designed and constructed many public build- ings in that city. It is to his genius we owe the design and finish of the Senate Chamber, now oc- ' cupied by the Supreme Court, the old Hall of Representatives, and the interior of the wings of the central building. Upon his resignation, in 1817, Charles Bull- finch, of Boston, Massachusetts, was appointed his successor. Mr. Bullfinch constructed the Rotunda, Library rooms, and central porticoes. His connection with the building ceased upon its completion, in 1830, and the Capitol was then placed in charge of the Commissioner of Public Buildings and Grounds until 185 1, when the plans of Thomas U. Walter for the extension were adopted and he was appointed architect to construct the wings. The work was commenced by laying the corner stone of the south wing July 4, 185 1. The entire work was prosecuted with . >^^ . -T^ ^ i 'lit?*! The Capitol 117 vigor. The Hall of Representatives, south wing, was occupied December 16, 1857, and the Senate Chamber, in the north wing, January 4, 1859. Mr. Walter was born in Philadelphia, and had designed manv of the principal structures in that city, among which is Girard College for Orphans. He resigned his charge in 1865, and was succeeded by the present Architect, Edward Clark, his pupil, who is a native of the same city. During Mr. Clark's term of service the porticoes of the wings were finished, the marble terraces and grand stairways constructed, and the Capitol grounds extended and remodeled, the latter under plans furnished by Frederick Law Olmsted, landscape architect. Among those who have been connected with the construction of the wings of the Capitol and the new dome, the important services of General M. C. Meigs should be noticed. As captain of Engineers, United States Army, he served for several years in charge of the engineering part of the work, and much is due to his skill in the construction of the dome and in planning and arranging the heating and ventilating apparatus of the wings. [Added by the Editor.] Mr. Edward Clark, the present Architect of the Capitol, was appointed in 1865, and is a native of Philadelphia, Pennsyhania. Both his father and brother were expert draftsmen and builders, the former also a teacher of architecture and drawing. Mr. Clark had an early apprenticeship in drafting and in building mechanics. He entered the office of Mr. Thomas U. Walter, then the prin- cipal architect in Philadelphia, and soon engaged in work upon competitive plans for the extension of the United States Capitol. Upon the acceptance of these plans and the appointment of Mr. Walter as Architect of the Capitol, Mr. Clark accompanied him to Washington as his assistant. In the summer of 1851 he was appointed assistant superintendent of work upon the Patent Office building, under Mr. Walter, and later served in the same capacity in connection with the construction of the extension of the General Post-Office building, under M. C. Meigs, captain United States Engineers. ii8 Capitol Cfutcunial Celebration During- this service Mr. Clark was called upon by the Secre- tary of the Interior, in 1859, to furnish plans for buildings in the Territories. In the Secretary's letter transmitting these plans he was pleased to speak of Edward Clark at that early day as "an experienced architect," In 1865 Mr. Clark succeeded Mr. Walter, by appointment from the President, as Architect of the United States Capitol. For thirt>' years the growth, development, and care of the Capitol and its surroundings have been his life. He has grown familiar with its every part, its ventilation, water, sewerage, light- ing, and heating apparatus, and its avenues, from subbasement to tholus. The works constructed under his direction will stand as endur- ing monuments to his ability as an architect and superintendent, being principalh- — in recapitulation — the completion of the dome, the many-columned porticoes and exterior finish of the Capitol, the construction of the marble terraces, with their grand stair- ways and approaches, the porticoes and improvements of the Patent Office and the Post-Office buildings, and man)- other public buildings. The First Corner Stone 119 The First Corner Stone Proceedings of September 18, 1798 The following account of the ceremonies of laying the corner stone of the Capitol is copied from the book entitled "The Lodge of Washington: A History of the Alexandria Washington Lodge, No. 22, A. F. and A. M., of Alexandria, Va.," compiled from the original records of the Lodge, by Past Master F. L. Brockett, and published in 1876. The quotation credited to "the news- papers of that day" is substantially the report published in the Columbian Mirror and Alexandria Gazette of September 25, 1793. After giving an account of the erection of the southeast corner stone of the District of Columbia, on the 15th of April, 1791, the history above named says: The next important event of this kind was the laying of the corner stone of the United States Capitol, at the cit}- of Washington, on the 1 8th day of September, 1793. The Masonic ceremonies were conducted by His Excellency General Washington, President of the United States, a Past Master of this Lodge, which was present and holding the post of honor. Dr. Dick, elected Worshipful Master in 1789, still in office, invited Washington to act as Master on this occasion, in accordance with his own wishes and those of the public. The stone was deposited in the southeast corner of the building, instead of the northeast, as is now the custom. The inscription on the plate stated that Alexandria Lodge, No. 22, of Virginia, was present and partici- pated in the ceremonies. The apron and sash worn by Washington on this occasion were the handiwork of Mrs. General La FAY:eTTE, and are now the property of this Lodge. The following account of the ceremonies was published in the newspapers of that day: On Wednesday one of the grandest Masonic processions took place, for the purpose of laying the corner stone of the Capitol of the United States, which perhaps was ever exhibited on the like important occa- sion. About 10 o'clock Lodge No. 9 was visited by that congregation 121 122 Capitol Centennial Celebration so graceful to the craft, Lodge No. 22, of Virginia, with all their officers and regalia; and directly afterwards appeared on the southern bank of the Grand River Potomack one of the finest companies of \-ol- unteer artillery that has been lately seen, parading to receive the President of the United States, who shortly came in sight with his suite, to whom the artillery paid their military honors; and His Excel- lency and suite crossed the Potomack, and was received in Maryland by the officers and brethren of No. 22, Virginia, and No. 9, Maryland, whom the President headed, preceded by a band of music, the rear brought up Ijy the Alexandria Volunteer Artillery, with grand solem- nity of march, proceeded to the President's Square, in the city of Washington, where they were met and saluted by No. 15, of the city of Washington, in all their elegant badges and clothing, headed by Brother Joseph Clarke, Right Worshipful Grand Master pro tempore, and conducted to a large lodge, prepared for the purpose of their recep- tion. After a short space of time, by the vigilance of Brother Clot- WORTHY Stephenson, Grand Marshal pro tempore, the brotherhood and other bodies were disposed in a second order of procession, which took place amid a brilliant crowd of spectators of both sexes, according to the following arrangement, viz. : The Surveying Department of the city of Washington. Mayor and Corporation of Georgetown. Virginia Artillery. Commissioners of the city of Washington and their attendants. Stonecutters, mechanics. The Sword-l:)earers. Masons of the first degree. Bible, etc., on grand cushions. Deacons, with staffs of ofhce. Masons of the second degree. Stewards, with wands. Masons of the third degree. Wardens, with truncheons. Secretaries, with tools of office. Past Masters, with their regalia. Treasurers, with their jewels. Band of music. Lodge No. 22, of Virginia, disposed in their own order. Corn, wine, and oil. Grand Master pro tempore Brother GEORGE W.\Shington and Worshipful Master of No. 22, of Virginia. Grand Sword-bearer. The procession marched two abreast in the greatest .solemn dignity, with music playing, drums beating, colors flying, and .spectators rejoic- ing, from the President's Square to the Capitol, in the city of Wash- ington, where the Grand Master ordered a halt and directed each file in the procession to incline two steps, one to the right and one to the left, and face each other, which formed a hollow oblong square, through TJic First Corner Stone 123 which the Grand Sword-bearer led the van, followed b^- the Grand Master pro tempore on the left, the President of the United States in the center, and the Worshipful Master of No. 22, Virginia, on the right. All the other orders that composed the procession advanced in the reverse of their order of march from the President's Square to the southeast corner of the Capitol, and the artiller)^ filed off to a destined ground to display their maneuvers and discharge their cannon. The President of the United States, the Grand Master pro tempore, and the Worshipful Master of No. 22, taking their stand to the east of a large stone, and all the craft, forming a circle westward, stood a short time in solemn order. The artillery discharged a volley. The Grand Master delivered the Commissioners a large silver plate with an in- scription thereon, which the Commis- sioners ordered to be read, and was as follows: This southeast corner stone of the Capitol of the United States of America, in the citj' of Washington, was laid on the i8th day of Sep- tember, 1793, in the thirteenth year of American Independence, in the first year of the second term of the Presidency of George Washing- Ton, whose virtues in the civil administration of his country have been as conspicuous and beneficial as his military valor and prudence :\\) have been useful in establishing her liberties, and in the year of Masonry 5793, by the Presi- dent of the United States, in concert with the Grand Lodge of Maryland, several lodges under its jurisdiction, and Lodge No. 22, from Alex- andria, Va. ; Thomas Johnson, David Steuart, and DanieIv Carroi.1., Commissioners; Joseph Clark, Right Worshipful Grand Master pro tempore; James Hob an and Stephen Hae- EETTE, architects; Colein Wieeiamson, master mason. The artillery discharged a volley. The plate was then delivered to the President, who, attended by the Grand Master pro tempore and three Most Worshipful Masters, descended to the cavazion trench and deposited the plate and laid it on the corner stone of the Capitol of the United States of America, on which were deposited corn, wine, and oil, when the whole congre- gation joined in reverential prayer, which was succeeded by Masonic chanting honors and a volley from the artillery. The President of the United States and his attendant brethren ascended from the cavazion to the east of the corner stone, and there the Grand Master pro tempore, elevated on a triple rostrum, dehv- ered an oration fitting the occasion, which was received with brotherly 124 Capitol Centennial Celebration love and commendation. At inter\'als during the deliver}- of the ora- tion several volleys were discharged b}^ the artillery. The ceremony ended in prayer, Masonic chanting honors, and a fifteen volley from the artillery. The whole compan}^ retired to an extensive booth, where an ox of 500 pounds' weight was barbecued, of which the company generally partook, with every abundance of other recreation. The festival con- cluded with fifteen successive volleys from the artillery, whose military discipline and maneuvers merit every commendation. Before dark the whole company departed with joj-ful hopes of the production of their labor. O c 00 >, CM -o 00 ^, o « Q- 2 < U- O ^ i H Extension Corner Stone 125 Extension Corner Stone The corner stone of the extension of the Capitol was laid by President Millard Fillmore on the 4th day of July, 185 1, Daniel Webster, Secretary of State, delivering the oration. The procession marched from the City Hall down Louisiana avenue to Seventh street, thence to Pennsylvania avenue, thence to the north gate of the Capitol, under the command of Rich- ard Wallach, Esq., Marshal of the District of Columbia. Following is the official programme for the procession and the ceremonies at the Capitol : THE PROGRAMME The Marshal of the District of Columbia, to whom has been assigned the duty of making the necessary arrangements for laying the corner stone of the extension of the Capitol, announces the following pro- gramme for the occasion: FIRST division J. P. MiDDLETON, Marshal. Marshal of the District of Columbia and aids. Military escort. Officers of the Army and Nav}-. Military officers of the several States and Territories. Officers and soldiers of the Revolution. Officers and soldiers of the war of 1812. SECOND DIVISION Dr. William B. Magruder, Marshal. Civic procession. Persons present at the laying of the corner stone of the Capitol in 1793. President of the LTnited States and orator of the day. Heads of Departments. Cabinet members of former Administrations. Committees of Public Buildings of the Senate and House of Representatives. Architect of the Capitol. Commissioner of Public Buildings. Heads of Bureaus. 127 128 Capitol Ccutenuial Celebration Judges of tlu' Supreme Court of the Uuited vStates. Judges of the Uuited States Courts. Judges of State Courts. Uiplouiatic Corps. Chaplaius of the Thirty-first Congress. The reverend clergy of the District. Members of the Senate and House of Representatives. Governors of States. Delegations from States and Territories. Washington Monument Society. Members of the vSmithsonian Institution. Members of National Institute. Ex-Mayors of the city of Washington. The corporate authorities of Alexandria, Georgetown, and Washington. Members of the Society of the Cincinnati. THIRD DIVISION G. A. SCHWARZMAN, Marshal. The Masonic fraternity. FOURTH DIVISION Joseph Libbey, Marshal. The several temperance orders and societies. FIFTH DIVISION M. Thompson, Marshal. The Washington Benevolent Society. The German Benevolent Society. Literary associations, colleges, and schools of the District of Columbia. Citizens of the several States. Citizens of Washington. The niilitar}- will assemble on Four-and-a-half street, their right resting on D street, opposite the City Hall. The President of the United States and heads of Departments, members of the judiciary, members of the two Houses of Congress, foreign Ministers, the rev- erend clergy, and all officers in uniform and on foot are respectfully invited to assemble at the City Hall at lo o'clock a. m. The coqDorate authorities of Baltimore, Alexandria, and Georgetown, and such other corporations as may think proper to participate in the ceremonies of the day, will assemble at the City Hall at lo o'clock. The Masonic fraternity will form on Fifth street, with their right resting on D street. The different temperance societies will take position on E street, with the head of the column resting on Fifth street. The Washington Benevolent Society, the German Benevolent Society, the lit- erary societies, colleges, and schools will form on Sixth street, their right resting on E street. The citizens of the vStates not members of delegations will form on Louisiana avenue, opposite the City Hall. The procession will move from the City Hall at ii o'clock precisely, and all bodies intending to join in the procession are lequested to be at their respective positions at lo o'clock a. m. Extension Corner Stone 120 ROUTE Down Louisiana avenue to Seventh street; down Seventh street to Pennsylva- nia avenue, to the north gate of the Capitol. No carriages will be admitted into the line of procession, and no carriages or horses will be permitted to enter any of the streets or avenues of the route of procession during its progress from the place of assemblage to the Capitol. The Capitol will be opened for the accommodation of ladies. ORDER OF CEREMONIES AT THE CAPITOL. J. Madison Cutts, Marshal. 1. Prayer by the Chaplain of the Senate. 2. Laying of the corner stone by the President of the United States 3. Masonic ceremonies by the Most Worshipful Grand Master and the Grand Lodge of Free Masons of the District of Columbia. 4. Address to the Masonic fraternity by the Grand Master. 5. Address by the Secretary of State. 6. Benediction by the Chaplain of the House of Representatives. Music At the conclusion of the ceremonies at the Capitol, a national salute will be fired from a battery at the Capitol, under command of Captain Buckingham and at the Navy-Yard, Arsenal, and National Monument. In the evening there will be a display of fireworks under the direction of Thomas B. Brown, pyrotechnist, on the Mall, immediately south of the Presi- dent's House, where no carriages will be admitted west of Fifteenth street or east of Seventeenth street. The police will see this regulation strictly enforced The following gentlemen have been selected as aids to the Marshal of the Dis- trict of Columbia and assistants to Marshals of Divisions: Aids— George S. Gideon, William H. Winter. Assistant Marshals-/^^-^^ Division: Isaac Hall, J. D. Hoover, V. Marion Burche, Dr. H. P. Howard, J. T. Mitchell, J. R. Ashby, Richard H. Laskev P. H. HooE, F. Little, G. w. Yerbv. Second Division: John Potts, Thomas P. Morgan, Isaac R. Wilson Peter Wilson, W^illiam R. Woodward. Third Division: George McNeir, H. H. Heath, B. O. Payne, R E Doyle W. O. NiLES, John Macauley. Fourth Division: Peter M. Pearson, Leonidas Knowles, A T Harring- ton, John D. Clark, R. Gray Campbell, J. R. Harbaugh, Joseph Lyons John C. Winn. Fifth Division: R. A. Morsell, Robert W^ Keyworth. The following-named gentlemen have been selected from States and Territories and will report to James M. CuTTS for duty as Marshals at the Capitol: Samuel B. Paris, of Maine; George J. Abbott, of New Hampshire; J. H. Adams of Massachusetts; William Hunter, of Rhode Island; A. R. WadsworTh, of Con- necticut; HENRY E. Robinson, of Vermont; Archibald Campbell, of New \ork; A. VAN Wick, of New Jersey; Robert Morris, of Pennsvlvania; George P. fisher, of Delaware; Abram Barnes, of Maryland; Robert Chfw of Vir- gima; William W. Morrison, of North Carolina; Henry J. Kershaw, of South Carolina; L. McIntosh, of Georgia; Charles K. Sherman, of Alabama- lewis L. Taylor, of Mississippi; Stephen Duncan, of Louisiana; George w' Thompson, of Ohio; Richard Henry Lee, of Kentuckv; Moreau Brewer of H. Mis. 211 9 130 Capitol Centennial Celel^ration Tennessee; ROBERT G. Hedrick, of Indiana; N1CHOLA.S Vedder, of Illinois; Edward M. Clark, of Missouri; E. B. Cui.VER, of Arkansas; S. Yorke At Lee, of Michigan; Robert A. Lacey, of Florida; Joseph F. Lewis, of Texas; Henry Clay Henderson, of Iowa; O. Alexander, of Wisconsin; G. S. Oldfield, Jr., of California; A. M. Mitchell, of Minnesota. Richard W.-vllach, Marshal of the District of Columbia. THE PROCESSION The following account of the proce.ssion and the ceremonies is condensed from the National Intelligencer of Monday, July 7, 1851, and from other sources: The national anniversary, which was celebrated on Friday last, was in its important incidents, the fineness of the weather, and its freedom from all untoward circum.stances, perhaps the most inter- esting and agreeable ever enjoyed in this metropolis. The day was ushered in b}- salutes of artillery from different points of the cit}', and as the glorious sun gilded our tallest .spires and shed a hrster on the dome of the Capitol it was welcomed by a display of national flags and the ringing of bells from the various churches and engine houses. The tran.saction of secular busi- ness was forgotten, and at an early hour our whole population were engaged in preparations for a joy- ous ob.servance of a day which formed .so important an epoch in the history of our countr}' and the world. In the large Council Chamber of the City Hall were assembled the President of the United States, the members of the Cabinet, officers of the Army and Navy in full uniform, the Mayor and members of the corporation, and various civic bodies. At the appointed hour the various bodies were drawn into line. The First Division was preceded by the Mar.shal of the District of Colum- bia, Richard Wallach, E.sq., and his aids. The military escort consisted of the Mechanical Artillerists, Captani Duffy, of Alexandria; Extejisiou Con/rr Stoiic 131 Washington Light Infantry, Captain TaiT; National Bines, Captain Chesney, from Baltimore; National Grays, Captain Peter Bacon; Walker Sharpshooters, Lientenant Birkhead, and Columbian Rifle- men, Major McAllister, from Baltimore. The visiting companies from Baltimore, though few in number, attracted considerable atten- tion. The battalion was under command of General John Mason, aided by Majors Keyworth and Riley and Captain Tate, of the Infantry. The array of officers of the Army and Navy was one of the most imposing features of the pageant, including among them thirty or forty brave veterans, many of whom had faithfully spent the flower of their lives in the service of their country, with the Commander in Chief, Scott, at the head of the Military Division, and Commodore Morris at the head of the Naval, all in full uniform. In about thirty minutes the proce.ssion entered the north gate of the Capitol grounds, and were drawn up in order around the excava- tion for the corner .stone. CERKMONIES AT THE CAPITOL After a .salutatory by the Marine Band and order being proclaimed, the Rev. M. C. BuTler, D. D., Rector of Trinity Church and Chap- lain of the Senate, opened the ceremonies with the invocation, as follows: THE INVOCATION Almighty and immortal God, King of kings and Lord of lords, our Creator, Redeemer, and bountiful Benefactor, we bow before Thee in adoration, thanksgiv- ing, prayer, and praise. Thou ha.st given us life; Thou ha.st sent Thy son Jesus Christ to save us from sin and death; Thou hast surrounded us with the means 132 Capitol Ccutnniial CcIchratio)i of j^race and set before us the hopes of K^ory. Make us, we l)eseech Thee, par- takers of Thy pardoniii_ti love. Give us ,t;race thankfully to accept Thy mercy and earnestly to do Thy will. We bless Thee, Heavenly Father, for all Thy mercies to us as a nation. Thou art a strong tower to those who fear Thy name. Our fathers trusted in Thee and were delivered. They have declared unto us the noble works which Thou didst in their days and in the old time before them. Thou did.st plant them in a goodly heritage; Thou didst unite them in their hour of peril; Thou did.st cover their heads and crown them with victory in the day of battle; Thou ha.st carried us, their children, forward to this luipj)y -. The Grand Master examined the stone, applied the square, level, and plumb, and pronounced it properly formed and of suit- able material for the purpose for which it was ^^ fTT^ ^ He then placed upon it the ^^^^^fc^- ^^^^fcRlpf intended corn, wine, and oil, saving as he did '^r. M.n the dll Ijouiililul Lu itoi hkss the people ot this nation, <,naiit to them all the necessaiiLs, Lonxtiiiences, and comforts of life, assist in the erection and completion of this edifice, piescrxe the workmen from any accident, and bestow upon us all the corn of nourish- ment, the wine of refreshment, and the oil of joy. Taking in hand the gavel, the Grand Master, continuing, said: With this gavel, which was used by the immortal Washington at the laying of the corner stone of that Capitol, and clothed with the same apron he then wore"^ I now pronounce this corner stone of this extension of that Capitol well laid, true,' and trusty. Accompanying the last words with three blows of the gavel, the Grand Master then turned to Thomas U.. Walter, the architect of the extension, and presenting him with the working tools, the square, level, and plun;b, he said: Mr. Architect, I now with pleasure present to you these working tools of your own profession, the .square, the level, and the plumb. We, as speculative Masons, use them symbolically; you, as an accomplished architect, well know their u.se practically, and may the noble edifice here to 1)e erected under ^•our charge 1-54 Capitol Ccuiruuial Crlrbratioii arise in its beautiful proportions to completion in conformity with all your wishes, and may your life and health be long continued, and may you see the work go on and the capstone laid under circumstances as auspicious and as happv as those under which this corner stone is this day laid. ADDRESS OF B. B. FRENCH The line of procession and the multitude of people now changed position nearer to the front of the stand, the President, his escort, the marshals of the day, and distinguished guests taking their seats upon the lofty platform. Mr. B. B. French, Grand Master of Masons, then came to the front of the stand and spoke as follows: My Masonic Brethren: I rise to address you on this occasion deeply impressed with the circumstances which surround me. Standing as I do in the presence of some of the most exalted men of this nation, and to be followed as I am to be by one admitted by all as emphatic- ally the orator of his time, and of whom I can truly say, "He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoe's latchet I am not worthy to unloose," you will believe me guilty of no affectation when I say I feel a diffidence which is to me unusual. Still, as your Grand Master I have a duty to perform, and I shrink from no duty under any circumstances. As has been the custom of our revered order on such occasions, I shall proceed briefly to address you. I am unable to conceive of a more interesting occasion than this upon which we are here assembled on this anniversary of the birthday of American freedom. Here we are — the proud dome of our own Capitol towering above us — assem- bled together from the North and the South, from the East and the West, to perform a duty indicative in itself of the growth and prosperity of this mighty nation. On the iSth day of September, 1793, was laid, by GEORGE Washington, Presi- dent of the United States and Grand Master of Masons, at least on that occasion, the corner stone of the magnificent edifice before us. It was doubtless supposed that, when completed according to the plan then adopted, it would be of ample dimensions to accommodate all the wants of the people by whom it was to be erected for ages then to come. Fifty-eight years have elapsed, and in that comparatively brief space in the ages of Governments we are called upon to assemble here and lay the corner stone of an additional edifice, which shall hereafter tower up, resting firmly on the strong foundation this day planted, adding beauty and magnitude to the people's house, and illustrating to the world the firm foundation in the people's hearts of the principles of freedom and the rapid growth of those principles on this Western Continent. Yes, my brethren, standing here where fifty-eight years ago Washington stood, clothed in the same Masonic regalia that he then wore, using the identical gavel that he used, we have assisted in laying the foundation of a new Capitol of these United vStates this day, as Solomon of old laid the foundation of the temple of the living God. "Now, therefore," says the historian Josephus, "the king laid the foundation of the temple very deep in the ground, and the materials were strong stones, and such as would resist the force of time;" and we, fol- Extciisioji Comer Stone 13 c lowing this sublime example, have laid here, deep in the ground, and of strong stones that we trust will resist the force of time, the foundations of a house wherein we hope for lengthened years the representatives of a mighty poplee shall legislate for the glory, the happiness, and the good of that people. When the corner stone of the edifice before us was laid in 1793 the Government was justly considered an experiment, and the prediction was again and again made by those who, thank God, turned out to be false prophets, that it would fail. "The wish was" doubtless "father to the thought." But it did not fail! The first census of the United States, in 1791, exhibited a population of less than four millions of souls; at the time of the laying of that corner stone there were probably something over four millions; and now, in less than sixty years, the number has increased to upward of twenty millions ! The predictions of failure by the false prophets have themselves utterly failed, while the prayer has been answered and the prophecy fulfilled which Washington made on assuming the duties of President on the 30th of April, 1789. He then offered up his "fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the universe, who presides in the councils of nations, and whose providential aid can supply every human defect, that His benediction would consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the people of the United States a government instituted by themselves for these essen- tial purposes; and would enable every instrument employed in its administration to execute with success the functions allotted to his charge." The ear of the Almighty was opened to that prayer; it was recorded in heaven; and from Washington down to the present President of the United States, who so worthily and with so much dignity and honor fills the proud station that Washington filled, it has been answered, and every instrument employed in the administration of this Government has executed with success the functions allotted to his charge. After this supplication to the Most High, Washington expressed his conviction that "the foundations of our national policy wall be laid in the pure and immu- table principles of private morality and the preeminence of a free government be exemplified by all the attributes which can win the affections of its citizens and command the respect of the world." " I dwell," said he, " on this prospect with every satisfaction which an ardent love of my country can inspire, since there is no truth more thoroughly established than that there exists in the economy and course of nature an indissoluble union between virtue and happiness, between duty and advantage, between the genuine maxims of an honest and magnanimous policy and the solid rewards of public prosperity and felicity; since we ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained; and since the preservation of the sacred fire of liberty and the destiny of the republican model of government are justlv considered as deeply, perhaps as finally, staked on the experiment intrusted to the hands of the American people." This prophecy has been fulfilled. Tlie foundations of our national policy cvcre laid in the pure and immutable principles of private morality, and the eternal rules of order and right haviuo- been regarded, the propitious smiles of Heaven have beamed upon the American people, to whose hands the "experiment" was intrusted. Prophecy has become fact, hope has become fruition, and the experi- ment on which the destiny of our republican model of government was deeplv and finally .staked has been entirely successful. But, my brethren, we must for a moment rever.se this bright picture of the past. As in the fabled mirror, when, under the power of the magic wand, clouds obscure the view for a tiine, and darkness and desolation shut from the beholder's eye 136 Capilol Cnifnniial Celebration some scene of happiness and J03-, so, within a short time past, has there been hovering over the brightness of om political horizon the dark and dismal clouds of disunion, and the time was, and that recently, " when the boldest held his breath " in anticipation of the shock which was expected to overwhelm the Republic. Thanks to Almighty God, the good old Ship of State weathered the dangers that seemed about to overwhelm her, and, like that glorious old battle ship, the G;;/.?/?- /'«/'7o;/, she has escaped the imminent dangers of a "lee shore," and is again, we hope and trust, in smooth water, with a cloudless horizon all around her. Heaven works not on earth without human means, and men and patriots were inspired in our daj^ of danger to cast themselves resolutely into the breach and strike boldly for the Union. The names of Clav, Webster, Cass, Foote, Cobb, Dickinson, Houston, Douglas, and a host of others, shall live in the history of the dark storm 'through which we have just pas.sed as the saviors of this glorious galaxy of American States; their names shall stand in history as the pillars of their country in the hour of her darkest trial. I know I shall be excused for saying that all save one of tho.se whose names I have mentioned are "brethren of the mystic tie." He to whose elo- quence you are about to listen is, if I mistake not, the exception. To these great, good, patriotic men, aided as they have been by the Executive of the nation, in whose every act a determination not to be misunderstood has been manifested to preserve the Union, do we, as I firmly believe, under God, owe the existence this day of these United States of America. Thanksbe to God; thanks to them! And now, my brethren, do we see nothing here in these cere- monies on this occasion to cheer us ? Cold indeed must be our hearts if they can beat on in their regular pulsations, while our eyes behold nothing but a plain rock of granite, hewed and squared, and our ears hear nothing further than " it is a corner stone." I see in these ceremonies, as it were, the spirit of Washington among us, renewing the hopes and wishes and prayers that he never failed to offer in his lifetime for the perpetuation of this Union. In that corner stone I perceive the seal set to a renewed lease of the ex- istence of this Union. Lease, did I say? No; a deed of warrant in fee simple, to have and to hold to us and our heirs and representatives FOREVER. In the erection of this new Capitol, adjoining the old one, I see Texas and California and New Mexico come in and unite themselves to our old Union and become one and the same with it; and in leaving this old Capitol untouched I see the old Union, South Carolina and all, standing firmly, proudly, in its glorious strength, unbroken and unbreakable; and let us firmly hope and pray so may it stand EOREVER AND FOREVER. Extension Corner Stone DANIElv WEBSTER'S ORATION ^37 Daniel Webster, Secretary of State and orator of the daj^ then rose from a chair next to President Fillmore and came to the front of the stand. He was welcomed b}^ the hearty cheers of the mukitude and proceeded to read the address which he had prepared, a copy of which had been deposited in the corner stone. He did not, however, confine himself to the manuscript, but occasionally extemporized new thoughts and highly interesting reflections, which, together with the reading, occupied him nearly two hours. Mr. Webster spoke as follows: Fellow-Citizens: I congratulate you, I give you joy, on the return of this anniversary; and I felicitate you also on the more particular purpose of which this ever-memorable day has been chosen to vi^itness the fulfillment. Hail! All hail! I see before and around me a mass of faces glowing with cheerfulness and patriotic pride. I see thousands of ej-es, turned toward other eyes, all sparkling with gratification and delight. This is the New World! This is America! And this is Washington, the capital of the United States! And where else, among the nations, can the seat of government be surrounded, on any day of any year, b}' those who have more reason to rejoice in the blessings which they possess? Nowhere, fellow-citizens; assuredly, nowhere. Let us, then, meet this rising sun with joy and thanksgiving. This is that day of the year which announced to mankind the great fact of American Independence. This fresh and brilliant morning blesses our vision with another beholding of the birthday of our nation; and we see that nation, of recent origin, now among the most considerable and powerful, and spreading over the continent from sea to sea. Among the first colonists from Europe to this part of America there were some, doubtless, who contemplated the distant consequences of their vindertaking and who saw a great futurity; but in general their hopes were limited to the enjov- ment of a safe asylum from tyranny, religious and civil, and to respectable sub- sistence by industry and toil. A thick veil hid our times from their view. But the progress of America, however slow, could not but at length awaken genius and attract the attention of mankind. In the early part of the next century. Bishop BERKELEY, who, it will be remembered, had resided for some time in Newport, in Rhode Island, wrote his well-known " Verses on the Prospect of Planting Arts and Learning in Amer- ica." The last stanza of this little poem seems to have been produced by a high poetical inspiration: Westward the course of empire takes its way ; The first four acts already past, A fifth shall close the drama with the day; Time's noblest ofTspring is the last. This extraordinary prophecy may be considered only as the result of long foresight and uncommon sagacity; of a foresight and sagacity stimulated, never- theless, by excited feeling and high enthusiasm. So clear a vision of what America would become was not founded on square miles, or on existing numbers, or on any vulgar laws of statistics. It was an intuitive glance into futuritv; it was a grand conception, strong, ardent, glowing, embracing all time since the creation of the world and all regions of which that world is composed, and 138 Capitol Centennial Celebration judging the future by just analogy with the past. And the inimitable imagery and beauty with which the thought is expressed, joined to the conception itself, render it one of the most striking passages in our language. On the day of the Declaration of Independence our illustrious fathers performed the first act of this drama, an act in real importance infinitely exceeding that for which the great English poet invoked A muse of fire, * * * A kingdom for a stage, princes to act, And monarchs to behold the swelling scene ! The muse inspiring our fathers was the Genius of Liberty, all on fire with a sen.se of oppression and a resolution to throw it off ; the whole world was the stage, and higher characters than princes trod it; and instead of monarchs, countries and nations and the age beheld the swelling scene. How well the characters were cast, and how well each acted his part, and what emotions the whole performance excited, let history now and hereafter tell. At a subsequent period, but before the Declaration of Independence, the Bishop of vSt. Asaph published a discourse in which the following remarkable passages are found: It is difficult for man to look into the destiny of future ages. The designs of Providence are too vast and complicated and our own powers are too narrow to admit of much satisfaction to our curiosity. But when we see many great and powerful causes constantly at work, we can not doubt of their producing proportionable effects. The Colonies of North America have not only taken root and acquired strength, but seem has- tening with an accelerated progress to such a powerful state as may introduce a new and important change in human affairs. Descended from ancestors of the most improved and enlightened part of the Old World, they receive, as it were by inheritance, all the improvements and discoveries oftheir mother country: and it happens, fortunately for them, to commence their floui'lshing state at a time when the human understanding has attained to the free use of its powers and learned to act with vigor and certainty. They may avail themselves not only of the experience and industry but even of the errors and mistakes of our former days. Let it be considered for how many ages a great part of the world appears not to have thought at all; how many more they have been busied in forming systems and conjectures, while reason has been lost in a labyrinth ot words, and they never seem to have suspected on what frivolous matters their minds were employed. .\nd let it be well understood what rapid improvements, what important discoveries have been made in a few years by a few countries, with our own at their head, which have at last discov- ered the right method of using their faculties. May we not reasonably expect that a number of provinces, possessed of those advantages, and quickened by mutual emulation, with only the common progress of the human mind, should very considerably enlarge the boundaries of science? The vast continent itself, over which they are gradually spreading, may be con.sidered as a treasure, yet untouched, of natural productions that shall hereafter afiford ample matter for commerce and contemplation. And if we reflect what a stock of knowledge may be accumulated by the constant progress of industry and observation, ted with fresh supplies from the stores of nature, assisted .sometimes by those happy strokes ot chance which mock all the powers of invention, and .sonietimes by those superior characters which arise occasionally to instruct and enlighten the world, it is difficult even to imagine to what height of improvement their di.scoveries may e.xtend. And perhaps they may make as considerable advances in the arts 0/ civil government and the conduct 0/ 1 i/e. We have reason to be proud, and even jealous, of our excellent corstitution; but those equitable principles upon which it was formed, an equal representation (the best discovery of political wisdom), and a just and commodious distributioti of power, which with us were the price of civil wars and the rewards of the virtues and sufferings of our ancestors, descend to them as a natural inheritance, without toil or pain. But must thev rest here, as in the utmost effort of human genius? Can chance and time, the wisdotn and the experience of public men, suggest no neiv remedy against the evils which vices and ambition are perpetually apt to cause? May they not hope, without presumption, to preserve a greater zeal for piety and public devotion than we have done? For surely it can hardly happen to them, as it has to us, that when religion is best understood and rendered most pure and rea- sonable, then should be the precise time when many cease to believe and practice it, and all in general become most indifferent to it. Extension Corner Stone 139 May they not possibly be more successful than their mother country in preser\'ing that rev- erence and authority which is due to the laws? to those who make and to those who execute them? May not a method be invented of procuring some tolerable share of the comforts of life to those inferior useful ranks of men to zuhose industry we are indebted for the wholef Time and discipline tnay discover some means to correct the extreme inequalities of condition betiueen the rich and the poor, so dangerous to the innocence and happiness of both. Thej^ may be fortunately led by habit and choice to despise that luxury which is considered with us the true enjoyment of wealth. They may have little relish for that ceaseless hurry of amusements which is pursued in this country without pleasure, exercise, or enjoyment. And perhaps, after trying some of our follies and caprices and rejecting the rest, they may be led by reason and experiment to that old simplicity which was first pointed out by Nature, and has produced those models which we still admire in arts, eloquence, and manners. The diversity of new scenes and situations which so many growing States must tiecessarily pass through may introduce changes in the fluctu- ating opinions and manners of 7nen which ive can form no conception of; and not onlj' the gracious disposition of Providence, but the vi.sible preparation of causes, seems to indicate strong ten- dencies toward a general improvement. Fellow-citizens, this gracious dispensation of Providence and this visible prepa- ration of causes at length brought on the hour for decisive action. On the 4th of July, 1776, the representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled declared that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, Free and Independent States. This declaration, made by most patriotic and resolute men, trusting in the justice of their cause and the protection of Heaven, and 3-et made not without deep solicitude and anxiety, has now stood for seventy-five years and still stands. It was sealed in blood. It has met dangers and overcame them; it has had enemies and it has conquered them; it has had detractors and it has abashed them all; it has had doubting friends, but it has cleared all doubts away; and now, to-day, raising its august form higher than the clouds, twenty millions of people contemplate it with hallowed love, and the world beholds it and the con- sequences which have followed from it with profound admiration. This anniversary animates and gladdens and unites all American hearts. On other days of the year we may be party men, indulging in controversies more or less impoilant to the public good; we may have likes and dislikes and we may maintain our political differences, often with warm and sometimes with angry feelings. But to-day we are Americans all; and all nothing but Americans. As the great luminary over our heads, dissipating mists and fogs, now cheers the whole hemisphere, so do the associations connected with this day disperse all cloudy and sullen weather, and all noxious exhalations in the minds and feelings of true Americans. Every man's heart swells within him; every man's port and bearing become somewhat more proud and lofty as he remembers that seventy-five years have rolled away and that the great inheritance of liberty is still his; his, undi- minished and unimpaired; his in all its original glory; his to enjoy; his to protect; and his to transmit to future generations. Fellow-citizens, this inheritance which we enjoy to-da^- is not only an inheritance of liberty, but of our own peculiar American liberty. Liberty has existed in other times, in other countries, and in other forms. There has been a Grecian liberty, bold and powerful, full of spirit, eloquence, and fire, a libertj- which produced multitudes of great men and has transmitted one immortal name, the name of Demosthenes, to posterity. But still it was a liberty of disconnected states, some- times united, indeed, by temporary leagties and confederacies, but often involved in wars between themselves. The sword of Sparta turned its sharpest edge against Athens, enslaved her, and devastated Greece, and, in her turn, Sparta was com- pelled to bend before the power of Thebes; and let it be ever remembered, especially let the truth sink deep into American minds, that it was the \v.\xT of UNION among her several states which finally gave the mastery of all Greece to Phiup of Macedon. 140 Capitol Crutcnnial Crlrhration And there has also been a Roman liberty, a proud, ambitious, domineering spirit, professing free and popular principles in Rome itself, but, even in the best days of the republic, ready to carry slavery and chains into her provinces and through every country over which her eagles could be borne. Who ever heard of liberty in Spain, or Gaul, or Germany, or Britain in the days of Rome? There was none such. As the Roman Empire declined, her provinces, not instructed in the principles of free popular government, one after another declined also, and vv^hen Rome herself fell in the end, all fell together. I have said, gentlemen, that our inheritance is an inheritance of American libert}-. That libertv is characteristic, peculiar, and altogether our own. Nothing like it existed in former times nor was known in the most enlightened states of antiquity; while with us its principles have become interwoven into the minds of individual men, connected with our daily opinions and our daily habits, until it is, if I may so say, an element of social as well as of political life; and the consequence is, that to whatever region an American citizen carries himself, he takes with him, fully developed in his own understanding and experience, our American principles and opinions, and becomes ready at once, in cooperation with others, to apply them to the formation of new governments. Of this a most wonderful instance may be seen in the history of the State of California. On a former occasion I have \ entured to remark that ' ' it is very difficult to establish a free conservative government for the equal advancement of all the interests of society. What has Germany done; learned German}^, fuller of ancient lore than all the world beside ? What has Italy done ? What have they done w'ho dwell on the spot where CiCERO lived? The}' have not the power of self-govern- ment which a common town meeting with us possesses. Yes, I say that those persons who have gone from our town meetings to dig gold in California are more fit to make a republican government than any body of men in Germany or Italy because they have learned this one great lesson, that there is no securit}' with- out law, and that under the circumstances in which they are placed, where there is no military authority to cut their throats, there is no sovereign will but the will of the majority; that, therefore, if they remain, they must submit to that will." And this I believe to be strictly true. Now, fellow-citizens, if your patience will hold out, I will venture, before pro- ceeding to the more appropriate and particular duties of the day, to state in a few words what I take these American political principles to be. They consist, as I think, in the first place, in the establi.shment of popular governments on the basis of representation, for it is plain that a pure democrac}-, like that which existed in some of the states of Greece, in which every individual had a direct vote in the enactment of all laws, can not possibly exist in a country of wide extent. This representation is to be made as equal as circumstances will allow. Now, this principle of popular representation, prevailing either in all the branches of governments or in some of them, has existed in these States almost from the days of the settlements at Jamestown and Plymouth, borrowed, no doubt, from the example of the popular branch of the British legislature. The representation of the people in the British House of Commons was indeed originallj- very unequal, and it is yet not equal. Indeed, it may be doubted whether the appearance of knights and burgesses, assembling on the summons of the Crown, was not intended at first as an assistance and support to the royal prerogative in matters of revenue and taxation rather than as a mode of ascertaining popular opinion. Neverthe- less, representation had a popular origin and savored more and more of the char- acter of that origin as it acquired by slow degrees greater and greater strength in the actual government of the country. In fact, the con.stitution of the House of Commons was a form of representation, however unequal; numbers were counted Extension Corner Stone 141 and majorities prevailed. And when our ancestors, acting upon this example, introduced more equality of representation, the idea assumed a more rational and distinct shape. At any rate, this manner of exercising popular power was familiar to our fathers when they settled on this continent. They adopted it, and genera- tion has risen up after generation, all acknowledging it and becoming acquainted with its practice and its forms. And the next fundamental principle in our sj-stem is, that the will of the major- ity, fairly expressed through the means of representation, shall have the force of law; and it is quite evident in a country' without thrones or aristocracies or privi- leged castes or classes there can be no other foundation for law to stand upon. And, as the necessary result of this, the third element is, that the law is the supreme rule for the government of all. The great sentiment of Ai,C^US, so beautifully presented to lis by Sir William Jonks, is absolutel}- indispensable to the construction and maintenance of political systems: what constitutes a state? Not high-raised battlements or labored mound, Thick wall, or moated gate; Not cities proud, with spires and turrets crowned; Not bays and broad-arm'd ports. Where, laughing at the storm, rich navies ride; Not starr'd and spangled courts. Where low-brow'd baseness wafts perfume to pride. No — Mkn, high-minded Men, With powers as far above dull brutes endued In forest, brake, or den, As beasts excel cold rock and l)rambles rude; Men who their duties know, But know their rights, and knowing, dare maintain; Prevent the long-aim'd blow, And crush the tyrant while they rend the chain; These constitute a state; And Sovereign L.^w, that state's collected will, O'er thrones and globes elate. Sits empress, crowning good, repressing ill. And, finally, another mo.st important part of the great fabric of American liberty is, that there shall be written constitutions, founded on the immediate authority of the people themselves, and regulating and restraining all the powers conferred upon government, whether legislative, executive, or judicial. This, fellow-citizens, I suppose to be a just summary of our American princi- ples, and I have on this occasion sought to express them in the plainest and in the fewest words. The summary may not be entirely exact, but I hope it may be sufH- ciently so to make manifest to the rising generation among ourselves, and to those elsewhere who may choose to inquire into the nature of our political institutions, the general theory upon which they are founded. And I now proceed to add that the strong and deep-settled conviction of all intelligent persons among us is, that in order to support a useful and wise government upon these popular princi- ples the general education of the people and the wide diffusion of pure morality and true religion are indispensable. Individual virtue is a part of public virtue. It is diflficult to see how there can remain morality in the Government when it shall cease to exist among the people, or how the aggregate of the political institu- tions, all the organs of which consist only of men, should be wise and beneficent, and competent to inspire confidence, if the opposite qualities belong to the indi- viduals who constitute those organs and make up that aggregate. And now, fellow-citizens, I take leave of this part of the duty which I proposed to perform, and once more felicitating you and myself that our eyes have seen the light of this blessed morning, and that our ears have heard the shouts with 142 Capitol Centennial Celebration which joyous thousands welcome its return, ruul joinin.i^ with you in the hope that every revolving year shall renew these rejoicings to the end of time, I proceed to address you, shortly, upon the particular occasion of our assembling here to-day. Fellow-citizens, by the act of Congress of the 30th of September, 1850, provision •was made for the extension of the Capitol, according to such plan as might be approved by the President of the United States, and the necessary sums to be expended under his direction by such architect as he might appoint. This measure was imperatively demanded for the use of the legislative and judiciary departments, the public libraries, the occasional accommodation of the Chief Executive Magis- trate, and for other objects. No act of Congress incurring a large expenditure has received more general approbation of the people. The President has proceeded to execute this law. He has approved a plan; he has appointed an architect; and all things are now ready for the conniiencement of the work. The anniversary of National Independence appeared to afford an auspicious occasion for laying the foundation stone of the additional building. That cere- mony has now been performed by the President himself in the presence and view of this multitude. He has thought that the day and the occasion made a united and an imperative call for some short address to the people here assembled; and it is at his request that I have appeared before j-ou to perform that part of the duty which was deemed incumbent upon us. Beneath the stone is deposited, among other things, a list of which will be published, the following brief account of the proceedings of this day, in my hand- writing: On the morning of the first day of the seventy-sixth year of the Independence of the United States of America, in the city of Washington, being the 4th day of July, 1S51, this stone, de- signed as the corner stone of the extension of the Capitol, according to a plan approved by the President, in pursuance of an act of Congress, was laid by Millard Fillmore, President of the United States, assisted by the Grand Master of the Masonic lodges, in the presence of many Members of Congress, of officers of the executive and judiciary departments. National, State, and District, of officers of the Army and Navy, the corporate authorities of this and neighboring cities, many associations, civil and military and Masonic, officers of the Smithsonian Institution and National Institute, professors of colleges and teachers of schools of the District with their students and pupils, and avast concourse of people from places near and remote, including a few sui-\'iving gentlemen who witnessed the laying of the corner stone of the Capitol by Presi- dent Washington on the iSth day of September, 1793. If it shall hereafter be the will of God that this structure shall fall from its base, that its foundation be upturned and this deposit brought to the eyes of men, be it then known that on this day the Union of the United States of America stands firm; that their Constitution still exists unimpaired and with all its original usefulness and glory; growing every day stronger and stronger in the afTections of the great body of the American people and attracting more and more the admiration of the world. And all here assembled, whether belonging to public life or to private life, with hearts devoutly thankful to Almighty God for the preservation of the liberty and happiness of the country, unite in sincere and fervent prayers that this deposit and the walls and arches, the domes and towers, the columns and entablatures, now to be erected over it, may endure forever! God save the United States of America! Daniel Webster, Secretary of State of the United States. Fellow-citizens, fifty-eight years ago Washington stood on this spot to execute a duty like that which has now been performed. He then laid the corner stone of the original Capitol. He was at the head of the Government at that time, weak in resources, burdened with debt, just struggling into political existence and respectability, and agitated by the heaving waves which were overturning European thrones. But even then, in many important respects, the Government was strong It was strong in Washington's own great character; it was strong in the wisdom and patriotism of other eminent public men, his political associates and fellow laborers, and it was strong in the affections of the people. Extension Corner Stone 143 Since that time astonishing changes have been wrought in the condition and prospects of the American people, and a degree of progress witnessed with which the world can furnish no parallel. As we review the course of that progress wonder and amazement arrest our attention at every step. The present occasion, although allowing of no lengthened remarks, niaj' yet perhaps admit of a short comparative statement between important subjects of national interest as they existed at that day and as they now exist. I have adopted for this purpose the tabular form of statement as being the most brief and the most accurate. Comparative table. 1793- 3. 929. l8, 13. 42. 33. 4, 16, $5. 720, 57. 529- Nutnber of States . . ■ Representatives and Senators in Congress Population of the United States Population of Boston Population of Baltimore ■ • Population of Philadelphia Population of New Vork City Population of Washington Population of Richmond Population of Charleston Amount of receipts into the Treasury Amount of expenditures of the United States Amount of imports ; S3 ' ■ ooO' Amount of exports .... $25, log, Amount of tonnage Area of the United States, in square miles Rank and file of the Army Militia (enrolled) ■■ • Navy of the United States (vessels) Navy armament (ordnance) Treaties and conventions with foreign powers Light-houses and light-boats Expenditures for light-boats Area of the first Capitol building {square feet) Area of the present Capitol, including extension (acres) Lines of railroads, in miles Lines of telegraph, in miles Number of post-offices Number of miles of post route Amount of revenue from post offices Amount of expenditures of Post-Office Department Number of miles mail transportation Number of colleges Public libraries Volumes in libraries School libraries Volumes in libraries 5. $104, $72, 1851. 31 295 23, 267, 498 136,871 169, 054 409. 045 515.507 40. 075 27. 5S2 42, 9S3 $43, 774, S48 I39. 355. 268 $178, 138,318 $151,898,720 3. 535. 454 3. 314. 365 10. 000 2, 006, 456 76 2,012 90 372 529. 265 4 '4 8,500 15,000 21, 551 178, 762 $5. 592, 971 $5,212,953 46,541,423 121 694 2, 201, 632 10,000 2, 000, 000 In respect to the growth of Western trade and commerce. I extract a few sen- tences from a very valuable address before the Historical Society of Ohio, by William D. Gallagher, Esq., 1850: A few facts will exhibit as well as a volume the wonderful growth of Western trade and commerce. Previous to the year iSoo .some eight or ten keel boats of twenty or twenty-five tons each performed all the carrying trade between Cincinnati and Pittsburg. In 1S02 the first Gov- ernment vessel appeared on Lake Erie. In iSii the first .steamboat (the Orleans) was launched at Pittsburg. In 1826 the waters of Michigan were first plowed by the keel of a steamboat, a pleasure trip to Green Bay being planned and executed in the summer of this j'ear. In 1832 144 Capitol CcntcJinial Celebration a steamboat first appeared at Chicago. At the present titne the entire number of steamboats running on the Mississippi and Ohio and their tributaries is more probably over than under six hundred, the aggregate tonnage of which is not short of one hundred and forty thousand — a larger number of steamboats than England can claim and a greater steam commercial marine than that employed by Crcat Hritain and her dependencies. And now, fellow-citizens, having .stated to you this infallible proof of the growth and prosperity of the nation, I ask you, and I would a.sk every man, whether the Government which has been over us has jjroved it.self an infliction or a curse to the country or an}' part of it ? Ye men of the South, of all the original vSouthern States, what say you to all this? Are you, or any of you, ashamed ot this great work of your fathers? Your fathers were not they who stoned the prophets and killed them. They were among the prophets; they were of the prophets; they were themselves the prophets. Ye men of Virginia, what do you say to all this? Ye men of the Potomac, dwelling along the shores of that river where Washington lived, and where he died, and where his remains now :^Zr_ rest — ye, so many of whom may see the domes of the Capitol from jour own home.s — w hat do you say ? Ye men of James River and the Bay, places consecrated by the early settlement of your Commonwealth, what do you say ? Do jou desire, from the soil of your State or as you travel to the North, to see these halls vacated, their beauty and ornaments de- stroyed, and their national usefulness clean gone forever ? Ye men beyond the Blue Ridge, many thousands of whom are nearer to this Cap- itol than to the seat of government of your own State, what do you think of breaking this great association into frag- ments of States and of people? I know- some of you, and I believe you all would be almost as much shocked at the announce- ment of such a catastrophe as if you were to be informed that the Blue Ridge itself would soon totter to its base. And ye men of western Virginia, who occupy the great slope from the top of the Alleghany to the Ohio and Kentucky, what course do you propose to yourselves by disunion? If you "secede," what do you "secede" from, and what do you "accede" to? Do yovi look for the current of the Ohio to change, and to bring you and your commerce to the tide waters of Eastern rivers? What man in his senses can suppose that you will remain part and parcel of Virginia a month after Virginia should have ceased to be part and parcel of the United States? The secession of Virginia! The secession of Virginia, whether alone or in company, is most improbable, the greatest of improbabilities. Virginia, to her everlasting honor, acted a great part in framing and establishing the present Con- stitution. She hath had her reward and her distinction. Seven of her noble sons have each filled the Presidency and enjoyed the highest honors of the country. Dolorous complaints come up to us from the South that Virginia will Extension Corner Stone 145 not head the procession of secession and lead the other Southern vStates out of the Union. This would be something of a marvel, certainh-, considering how much pains Virginia took to lead these same States into the Union, and considering, too, that she has partaken as largely of its benefits and its government as any other State. And ye men of the other Southern States, members of the old thirteen; yes, members of the old thirteen — that touches my regard and my sympathies — North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina, what page in your history or in the history of any one of you is brighter than those which have been recorded since the Union was formed, or through what effect has your prosperity been greater or your peace and happiness better secured ? What names even has South Carolina, now so much dissatisfied — what names has she of which her intelligent sons are more proud than those which have been connected with the government of South Carolina? In Revolutionary times and in the earliest days of the Constitution there was no State more honored or more deserving to be honored. Where is she now? And "What a fall is there, my countrymen! " But I leave her to her own reflections, commending to her with all my heart the due consideration of her own example in times now gone by. Fellow-citizens, there are some diseases of the mind as well as of the body, diseases of communities as well as diseases of individuals, that must be left to their own cure; at least it is wise to leave them so until the last critical moment shall arrive. I hope it is not irreverent, and certainly it is not intended as reproach, when I say that I know no stronger expression in our language than that which describes the restoration of a wayward son, "He came to himself." He had broken away from all the ties of love, family, and friendship. He had forsaken everything which he had once regarded in his father's house. He had quitted his natural sympathies, affections, and habits, and taken his journey into a far countr}'. He had gone away from himself and out of himself. But misfortunes overtook him and famine threatened him with starvation and death. No entreaties from home followed him to beckon him back; no admonition from others warned him of his fate. But the hour of reflection had come, and nature and conscience wrought with him until at length "he came to himself." And now, ye men of the new States of the South ! You are not of the original thirteen. The battle had been fought and won, the revolution achieved, and the Constitution established before your States had any existence as States. You came into a prepared banquet and had seats assigned you at the table just as honorable as those which were filled by older guests. You have been and are singularly prosperous; and if anyone should deny this you would at once con- tradict his assertion. You have bought vast quantities of choice and excellent land at the lowest price; and if the public domain has not been lavished upon you, you yourselves will admit that it has been appropriated to your ow-n uses by a very liberal hand. And yet in some of these States — not in all — persons are found in favor of a dissolution of the Union, or of secession from it. Such opin- ions are expressed even where the general prosperity of the community has been the most rapidly advanced. In the flourishing and interesting State of Mississippi, for example, there is a large party which insists that her grievances are intolerable; that the whole body politic is in a state of suffering, and all along and through her whole extent on the Mississippi a loud cry rings that her only remedy is "Secession!" "Secession!" Now, gentlemen, what infliction does the State of Mississippi suffer under? What oppression prostrates her strength or destroys her happiness? Before we can judge of the proper remedy we must know some- thing of the disease; and for my part I confess that the real evil existing in the H. Mis. 211 10 146 Capitol Centennial Celebration case appears to me to be a certain inquietude or uneasiness growing out of a high degree of prosperity and consciousness of wealth and power, which sometimes leads men to be ready for changes and to push on to still higher elevation. If this be the truth of the matter, the doctors are about right. If the complaint spring from overwrought prosperity, for that disease I have no doubt that "seces- sion" would prove a sovereign remedy. But I return to the leading topic on which I was engaged. In the department of invention there have been wonderful applications of science to arts within the last sixt}' years. The .spacious hall of the Patent Office is at once the repository and proof of American inventive art and genius. Their results are seen in the numerous improvements by which human labor is abridged. Without going into details, it may be sufficient to say that many of the appli- cations of steam to locomotion and manufactures; of electricity and magnetism to the production of mechanical motion, to the electrical telegraph, to the regis- tration of astronomical phenomena, to the art of multiplying engravings; the introduction and improvement among us of all the important inventions of the Old World, are .strikingly indicative of this country in the useful arts. The network of railroads and telegraph lines b}' which this va.st country is reticulated have not only developed its resources, but united emphatically, in metallic bands, all parts of the Union. The hydraulic works of New York, Philadelphia, and Boston surpass in extent and importance those of ancient Rome. But we have not confined our attention to the immediate application of science to the useful arts. We have entered the field of original research and have enlarged the bounds of scientific knowledge. Sixty years ago, besides the brilliant discoveries of Franklin in electricity scarcely anything had been done among us in the way of original discovery. Our men of science were content with repeating the experiments and diffusing a knowledge of the discoveries of the learned of the Old World without attempting to add a single new fact or principle to the existing stock. Within the last twenty-five or thirt}' 3'ears a remarkable improvement has taken place in this respect. Our natu- ral histor}' has been explored in all its branches; our geology has been investigated with results of the highest interest to practical and theoretical science; discoveries have been made in pure chemistry and electricity which have received the appro- bation of the world. The advance which has been made in meteorology in this country within the last twenty years is equal to that made during the same period in all the world besides. In 1793 there was not in the United States an instrument with which a good observation of the heavenly bodies could be made. There are now instruments at Washington, Cambridge, and Cincinnati equal to those at the best European observatories; and the original discoveries in astronomy within the last five years in this country are among the most brilliant of the age. I can hardly refrain from saying in this connection that La Pi,ace has been translated, explained, and in some instances his illustrations improved by BowdiTch. Our knowledge of the geography and topography of the American continent has been rapidly extended by the labor and science of the officers of the United States Army, and discoveries of much interest on distant seas have resulted from the enterprise of the Nav}-. In 1807 a survey of the coast of the United States was commenced, which at that time it was suppo.sed no American was competent to direct. The work has, however, grown within the last few years, under a native superintendent, in impor- tance and extent beyond any enterprise of the kind ever before attempted. These facts conclusively prove that a great advance has been made among us, not only in the application of science to the wants of ordinary life, but to science Extension Corner Stone 147 itself in its highest branches— in its application to satisfy the cravings of the immortal mind. In respect to literature, with the exception of some books of elementary educa- tion, and some theological treatises, of which scarcely any but those of Jonathan Edwards have any permanent value, and some works on local history and politics, like Hutchinson's Massachusetts, Jefferson's Notes on Virginia, the Federalist, Belknap's New Hampshire, and Morse's Geography, and a few others, America had not produced a single work of any repute in literature. We were almost wholly dependent on imported books. Even our Bibles and Testaments were, for the most part, printed abroad. The book trade is now one of the greatest branches of busi- ness, and many works of standard value and of high reputation in Europe as well as at home have been produced by American authors in every department of literary composition. While the country has been expanding in dimensions, in numbers, and in wealth, the Government has applied a wise forecast in the adoption of measures necessary, when the world shall no longer be at peace, to maintain the national honor, whether by appropriate displays of vigor abroad or by well-adapted means of defense at home. A navy which has so often illustrated our history by heroic achievements, though restrained in peaceful times in its operations to narrow limits, possesses in its admirable elements the means of great and sudden expansion, and is justly looked upon by the nation as the right arm of its power, an army, still smaller, but not less perfect in its detail, which has on many a field exhibited the military aptitudes and prowess of the race, and demonstrated the wisdom which has presided over its organization and government. While the gradual and slow enlargement of these respective military arms has been regulated by a jealous watchfulness over the public treasure, there has, nevertheless, been freely given all that was needed to perfect their quality; and each affords the nucleus of any enlargement that the public exigencies' may demand, from the millions of brave hearts and strong arms upon the land and water. The Navy is the active and aggressive element of national defense, and, let loose from our own seacoast, must display its power in the seas and channels of the enemy. To do this it need not be large, and it can never be large enough to defend by its presence at home all our ports and harbors. But, in the absence of the Navy, what can the brave hearts and strong arms of the Army and militia do against the enemy's Hne-of-battle ships and steamers falling without notice upon our coast? What will guard our cities from tribute, our merchant vessels and our navy-yards from conflagration? Here, again, we see a wise forecast in the system of defensive measures which, especially since the close of the war with Great Britain, has been steadily followed by our Government. While the perils from which our great establishments had just escaped were yet fresh of remem- brance, a system of fortifications was begun which now. though not quite com- plete, fences in our important points with impassable strength. More than four thousand cannon may at any moment, within strong and permanent works, arranged with all the advantages and appliances that the art affords, be turned to the protection of the seacoast and be served by the men whose hearths they shelter. Happy for us that it is so, since these are means of security that time alone can supply; and since the improvements of maritime warfare, by making distant expeditions easy and speedy, have made them more probable and at the same time more difiicult to anticipate and provide against. The cost of fortifying all the important points on our whole Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico frontier will not exceed the amount expended on the fortifications of Paris. In this connection one most important facility in the defense of the country is not to be overlooked; it is the almost instantaneous rapidity with which the 148 Capitol Centennial Cetebratioit soldiers of the Army and any number of the militia corps may be brought to any point where a hostile attack may at any time be made or threatened. And this extension of territory embraced within the United States, increase of its population, commerce, and manufactures, development of its resources by canals and railroads, and rapidity of intercommunication by innumerable steam- boats and telegraphs has been accomplished without the overthrow of or danger to the public liberties by any assumption of militar}' power, and, indeed, without any permanent increase of the Army except for the purpose of frontier defense, and of affording a slight guard to the public property; or of the Navy any further than to assure the navigator that in whatsoever sea he shall sail his ship he is protected by the Stars and Stripes of his country. All this has been done with- out the shedding of a drop of blood for treason or rebellion; all this while systems of popular representation have regularly been supported in the State govern- ments and in the General Government; all this while laws, National and State, of such a character have been passed and have been so wisely administered that I may stand up here to-day and declare, as I now do declare, in the face of all the intelligent of the age, that for the period which has elapsed from the day that Washington laid the foundation of this Capitol to the present time there has been no country upon the earth in which life, liberty, and property have been more amply and steadily secured or more freely enjoyed than in these United States of America. Who is there that will deny this? Who is there pre- pared with a greater or a better example ? Who is there that can stand upon the foundation of facts, acknowledged or proved, and assert that these our repub- lican institutions have not answered the true ends of Government beyond all precedent in human history ? J; There is yet another view. There are still higher considerations. Man is an ti ^ intellectual being, destined to immortalit}'. There is a spirit in him, and the .,5, breath of the Almighty hath given him understanding. Then only is he tending tj^ toward his own destiny while he seeks for knowledge or virtue, for the will of jj his Maker, and for just conceptions of his own duty. Of all important questions, „, therefore, let this, the most important of all, be finst asked and first answered: • In what country of the habitable globe of great extent and large population are the means of knowledge most generally diffused and enjoyed among the people? This question admits of one and only one answer. It is here; it is here in these t^nited States. It is among the descendants of those who settled at Jamestown; of those who were pilgrims on the shore of Plj^mouth, and of those other races of men who in subsequent times have become joined in this great American family. Let one fact incapable of doubt or dispute satisfy every mind on this point. The population of the United States is twenty-three millions. Now take the map of the continent of Europe and spread it out before you. Take your scale and your dividers and lay off in one area, in any shape 3'ou please, a triangle, square, circle, parallelogram, or trapezoid, and of an extent that shall contain one hundred and fifty millions of people, and there will be found within the United vStates more persons who do habitually read and write than can be embraced within the lines of your demarcation. But there is something more even than this. Man is not only an intellectual but he is also a religious being, and his religious feelings and habits require cultivation. Let the religious element in man's nature be neglected, let him be influenced by no higher motives than low self-interest and subjected to no stronger restraint than the limits of civil author it}-, and he becomes the creature of .selfish passions or blind fanaticism. The spectacle of a nation powerful and enlightened, but without Christian faith, has been presented almost within our own day as a warning beacon for the nations. Exte7ision Corner Stone 149 On the other hand, the cultivation of the religious sentiment represses licentious- ness, incites to a general benevolence and the practical acknowledgment of the brotherhood of man, inspires respect for law and order, and gives strength to the whole social fabric, at the same time that it conducts the human soul upward to the Author of its being. Now, I think it may be stated with truth that in no country in proportion to its population are there so many benevolent establishments connected with religious instruction — Bible, missionary, and tract societies, supported by public and private contributions— as in our own. There are also institutions for the education of the blind, the deaf and dumb; of idiots; for the reception of orphan and destitute children; for moral reform, designed for children and females, respectively; insti- tutions for the reformation of criminals; not to speak of those numerous establish- ments in almost every county and town in the United vStates for the reception of the aged, infirm, and destitute poor, many of whom have fled to our shores to escape the poverty and wretchedness of their condition at home. In the United vStates there is no church establishment or ecclesiastical authority founded by Government. Public worship is maintained either by voluntary asso- ciations and contributions or by trusts and donations of a charitable origin. Now, I think it safe to say that a greater proportion of the people of the United States attend public worship, decently clad, well behaved, and well seated, than of any other country of the civilized world. Edifices of religion are seen everywhere. Their aggregate cost would amount to an immense sum of monc};. They are, in general, kept in good repair and consecrated to the purposes of public worship. In these edifices the people reg- ularly assemble on the Sabbath day, which is sacredly .set apart for rest by all classes from secular employment and for religious meditation and worship, to listen to the reading of the Holy vScriptures and discourses from pious ministers of the several denominations. This attention to the wants of the intellect and of the soul, as manifested by the voluntary support of schools and colleges, of churches and benevolent insti- tutions, is one of the mo.st remarkable characteristics of the American people, not less strikingly exhibited in the new than in the older settlements of the country. On the spot where the first trees of the forest are felled, near the log cabins of the pioneers, are to be seen rising together the church and the schoolhouse. So has it been from the beginning, and God grant that it may thus continue! On other shores, above their moldering towns, In snllen pomp, the tall cathedral frowns; Simple and frail, our lowly temples throw Their slender shadows on the paths below; Scarce steals the wind that .sweeps the woodland track, The larch's perfume from the .settler's ax, Bre, like a vision of the morning air, His slight-framed steeple marks the house of prayer. * * * * * Yet Faith's pure hymn beneath its shelter rude Breathes out as sweetly to the tangled wood As where the rays through blazing oriels pour On marble shaft and tessellated floor. Who does not admit that this unparalleled growth of prosperity and renown is the result, under Providence, of the Union of these States under a general Con- stitution which guarantees to each State a republican form of government and to every man the enjoyment of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, free from civil tyranny or ecclesiastical domination ? To bring hotne this idea to the present occasion, who does not feel that when President Washington laid his hand on the foundation of the first Capitol 1)uild- 150 Capitol Centennial Celebration injj^ he performed a great work of perpetuation of the Union and the Constitution ? Who does not feel that this seat of the General Government, healthful in its situation, central in its position, near the mountains from whence gush fresh springs of wonderful virtue, teeming with nature's richest products, and yet not far from the bays and the great estuaries of the sea, easily accessible and gener- ally agreeable in climate and association, does give strength to the Union of these States; that this city, bearing an immortal name, with its broad streets and avenues, its public squares and magnificent edifices of the General Government, erected for the purposes of carrying on within them the important business of the several Departments; for the reception of wonderful and curious inventions, the preserva- tion of the records of American learning and genius, of extensive collections of the products of nature and art, brought hither for study and comparison from all parts of the world; adorned with numerous churches, and sprinkled over, I am happy to say, with many public schools, where all children of the city, without distinction, are provided with the means of obtaining a good education; where there are academies and colleges, professional schools and public libraries, should continue to receive, as it has heretofore received, the fostering care of Congress, and should be regarded as the permanent seat of the National Government? Here, too, a citizen of the great republic of letters, a republic which knows not the metes and bounds of political geography, has indicated prophetically his convic- tion that America is to exercise a wide and powerful influence in the intellectual world, and therefore has founded in this city, as a commanding position in the field of science and literature, and has placed under the guardianship of the Gov- ernment, an institution "for the increase and diflFusion of knowledge among men." With each succeeding year new interest is added to the spot. It becomes con- nected with all the historical associations of our country, with her statesmen and her orators, and, alas! its cemetery is annually enriched with the ashes of her chosen sons. Before us is the broad and beautiful river, .separating two of the thirteen origi- nal States, and which a late President, a man of determined purpose and inflexible will, but patriotic heart, desired to span with arches of ever-enduring granite, symbolical of the firmly cemented union of the North and the South. That President was General J.\ckson. On its banks repose the ashes of the Father of his Country, and at one .side, by a singular felicity of position, overlooking the city which he designed and which bears his name, rises to his memory the marble column, sublime in its simple grandeur and fitly intended to reach a loftier height than any similar structure on the surface of the whole earth. Ivet the votive offerings of his grateful countrymen be freely contributed to carry higher and still higher this monument. May I say, as on another occasion, "Let it rise; let it rise till it meet the sun in his coming; let the earliest light of the morning gild it, and parting day linger and play on its summit! " Fellow-citizens, what contemplations are awakened in our minds as we assemble here to reenact a scene like that performed by W.a.shington! Methinks I see his venerable form now before me as presented in the glorious statue by Houdon, now in the capital of Virginia. He is dignified and grave; but concern and anxiety seem to .soften the lineaments of his countenance. The Government over which he presides is yet in the crisis of experiment. Not free from troubles at home, he sees the world in commotion and in arms all around him. He sees that imposing foreign powers are half dispo.sed to try the strength of the recently established American Government. We perceive that mighty thoughts, mingled with fears as well as with hopes, are struggling within him. He heads a short procession over the.se, the naked fields; he crosses yonder stream on a fallen tree; he ascends to the top of this eminence, whose original oaks of the forest stand as thick around Extension Comer Stone 151 him as if the spot had been devoted to Druidical worship, and here he performs the appointed duty of the day. And now, fellow-citizens, if this vision were a reality; if Washington were now actually among us, and if he could draw around him the shades of the great public men of his own days, patriots and warriors, orators and statesmen, and were to address us in their presence, would he not say to us, "Ye men of this generation, I rejoice and thank God for being able to see that our labors and toils and sacrifices were not in vain. You are prosperous, you are happ^', you are grateful. The fire of liberty burns brightly and steadily in your hearts, while DUTY and the i,.4W restrain it from bursting forth in wild and destructive confla- gration. Cherish liberty, as you love it; cherish its securities, as you wish to preserve it; maintain the Constitution which we labored so painfully to establish, and which has been to you such a source of inestimable blessings; preserve the Union of the States, cemented as it was by our prayers, our tears, and our blood; be true to God, to your country, and to your duty. So shall the whole Eastern World follow the morning sun to contemplate you as a nation; so shall all suc- ceeding generations honor you as they honored us, and so shall that Almighty Power, which so graciously protected us and which now protects you, shower its everlasting blessings upon you and your posterity." Great father of your country! we heed your words; we feel their force as if you now uttered them with life of flesh and blood. Your example teaches us, your public life teaches us 3'our sense of the value of the blessings of the Union. Those blessings our fathers have tasted, and we have tasted, and still taste. Nor do we intend that those who come after us shall be denied the same high fruition. Our honor as well as our happiness is concerned. We can not, we dare not, we will not betray our sacred trust. We will not filch from posterity the treasure placed in our hands to be transmitted to other generations. The bow that gilds the cloud in the heavens, the pillars that uphold the firmament, may disappear and fall away in the hour appointed by the will of God, but until that day comes or so long as our lives may last no ruthless hand shall undermine that bright arch of Union and Liberty which spans the continent from Washington to California. Fellow-citizens, we must sometimes be tolerant to foll}'^ and patient at the sight of the extreme waywardness of men; but I confess that when I reflect on the renown of our past history, on our present prosperity and greatness, and on what the future hath yet to unfold, and when I see that there are men who can find in all this nothing good, nothing valuable, nothing truly glorious, I feel that all their reason has fled from them and left the entire control over their judgment and their actions to insane folly and fanaticism, and, more than all, fellow-citi- zens, if the purposes of fanatics and disunionists should be accomplished, the patriotic and intelligent of our generation would seek to hide themselves from the scorn of the world and go about to find dishonorable graves. Fellow-citizens, take courage; be of good cheer. We shall come to no such ignoble end. We shall live and not die. During the period allotted to our several lives we shall continue to rejoice in the return of this anniversary. The ill-omened sounds of fanaticism will be hushed; the ghostly specters of Secession and Disunion will disappear, and the enemies of united constitutional liberty, if their hatred can not be appeased, may prepare to sear their eyeballs as they behold the steady flight of the American Eagle on his burnished wings for years and years to come. President FiLLisiORE, it is your singularly good fortune to perform an act such as that which the earliest of your predecessors performed fifty-eight years ago. You stand where he stood. You lay your hand on the corner stone of a building designed greatly to extend that whose corner stone he laid. Changed, changed 152 Capitol Centennial Celebration is everything aronnrl. The same sun, indeed, shone upon his head which now shines upon j-ours. The same broad river rolled at his feet and bathes his last resting place that now rolls at yours. But the site of this city was then mainly an open field. Streets and avenues have since been laid out and completed, squares and public grounds inclosed and ornamented, until the city which bears his name, although comparatively inconsiderate in numbers and wealth, has become quite fit to be the seat of government of a great and united people. Sir, may the consequences of the duty which you perform so auspiciously to-day equal those which flowed from his act. Nor this only; may the principles of your administration and the wisdom of your political conduct be such as that the world of the present day and all hi.story hereafter may be at no loss to perceive what example you have made your study. Fellow-citizens, I now bring this address to a close by expressing to 3'ou, in the words of the great Roman orator, the deepest wish of my heart, and which I know deeply penetrates the hearts of all who hear me: "Duo modo, hsec opto; unum, uT mor- lENvS POPUIATM ROMANUM I.IBERUM RELINOUAM; hoc mihi majus a diis immortalibus dari nihil potest: alterum, ut ita cuique eveniat, ut de republica quisque mereatur. " And now, fellow-citizens, with hearts void of hatred, envy, and malice toward our _ - - ^ countrymen , or any of them, or toward the subjects or citizens of other Governments, or toward any member of the great family of man, but exulting, nevertheless, in our own peace, security, and happiness, in the grateful recollection of the past, and in the glorious hopes of the future, let us return to our homes and with all humiliation and devotion offer our thanks to the Father of all our mercies, political, social, and religiovis. This concluded the exercises at the Capitol, a salute of artiller>^ being fired from the battery on the public reservation at the north end of the Capitol, and the civil and military associations returned in excellent order to their respective places of rendezvous, where they were dismissed. The celebration of the day closed with a display of fireworks from the Mall south of the President's house. Thia sketch exfithita the fmxef locution oP -Samhur^h and CarroHsbtcrgy unci' -the a-pproxTrnaf^cf. metps anc£ hount/s of Q'-erf estate then embrxt- ceti tviihin the pTVcinda designated byffie Prpsident. hi. a£fJi auerU Mvertues aa wel2 mclicateii by dotted Unea, avirf the 9eatate« in the direct I'icinity: acre ^tfe/i^so a^ toAteitiiaie- tfie fo- Cafization of present siiiiS inlheir reUtiutn &■ trirme>'e.ticU/eA aruiihus to cvmijfvte t/te nwat perfect iliuafra- iJon o/" t/ie Justorioal artteceeienta of the prciservi t^pog)yxp7ucal fkatu ree of oiirXaiional OxfiUaZ.^ m d]ffl[EpgSB][^^ p^lA^^S ISH0BE fflHB[ !nnnnD[ JSlB^l^ffilL _ ]E3^i^gSy^^;-i?t3fflS[B[HBBBat 1 6^ ffl HI SI S t3 V^ ^ 1 ffl SI n ra ^ '''^ t^"^ i^ 1893. Published by Authority of the Capitol Centennial Committee. lawrence gardner, Chairman. i|!i;i!i'i!!!!tiliij!jil!i!jiiijg il!il'll'i!l"l!illll!!ii!liiif 1 i