Class. Book. \- ^1 ^ r-^.v^2. CopyiightN"_ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. r ^11 2-^ 1,-$^ ^^:^^^^^^s^^m:^^^^^^^^^^:^^^^^^s^^^^^^t TACOMA ^ACOMA, well-named the " CITY OF DESTINY, " stands at the head of Commencement Bay, Puget Sound, and is the terminus of the Northern Pacific Railway, and the Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound, and two other transcontinental lines are running out of this city. Its spacious harbor is the port of many busy trans-Pacific and coastwise steamship lines, being provided with ample facilities for shipping, superior to any on the Pacific Coast. The city is picturesquely located, rising from the bay to a height of over three hundred feet and commanding a magnificent view of snow-capped mountains, wooded shores, and the sparkling waters of Puget Sound. Here the grass is green and flowers bloom every month in the year, and blizzards and oppressive heat are equally unknown. Southeast of the city towers Mount Tacoma, 14,531 feet above the sea, the home of fifteen living glaciers, and one of the scenic wonders of America. Tacoma has a park system of considerable merit embracing over 1,000 acres of public recreation ground including Point Defiance Park of 651 acres, McKinley Park and Wright Park, a veritable garden. Over 200 miles of urban, suburban and interurban electric service connects Tacoma with Seattle, Puyallup, Steilacoom, Spanaway, American and Gravelly lakes, and extends to all parts of the city. Tacoma has an immense wholesale trade, and many large and growing manufacturing industries, with over twelve thousand employes, and an annual output valued at nearly $50,000,000. The aggregate exports by water totaled over $30,000,000 for the current year. The community is an educational center of national renown. It is the seat of the University of Puget Sound, Whitworth College, several seminaries, schools of art and music, and business colleges. The public school system comprises 28 school buildingi of modern design, including a superb High School structure crowning a height overlooking the peerless harbor. The Stadium of this school has a seating capacity for 35,000. Tacoma is a delightful residential city, and is noted for the thousands of beautiful homes which line its avenues and boulevards. Here live a cultivated and public-spirited people who have earned a wide fame for hospitality to the stranger within the gates. ; ,"*• COPYRIGHT, 19IO, BY L. H. NELSON CO . PORTLAND. ME. PUBLISHED BY THE PEOPLE'S STORE COMPANY, tacoma, wash. [^^zi^^Ti^gr^eT^Oj^^zi^^z^mii^^zi^^r^gic MT. TACOMA AND TIDEFLATS AS SEEN FROM RESIDENCE SECTION C CI. A 25381 9 CITY HALL PIERCE COUNTY COURT HOUSE AND ARMORY • ..>?^^ifc^. PERKINS BUILDING Home of the "News" and "Ledger" PASSENGER STATION OF NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY Cost $1,000,000. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE PACIFIC AVENUE LOOKING NORTH FROM TENTH STREET NINTH STREET LOOKING EAST LOOKING UP ELEVENTH STREET FROM PACIFIC AVENUE HOTEL BONNEVILLE TACOMA HOTEL THE GRAND THEATRE Devoted to vaudeville. THE TACOMA THEATRE The leading playhouse. FACTORIES AT THE HEAD OF COMMENCEMENT BAY City in background, FACTORIES AND MILLS AT HEAD OF CITY CHANNEL TACOMA SMELTER Output $10,000,000 a year. View shows the tallest chimney in the United States. SECTION OF TACOMA'S FAMOUS TIDELANDS Showing St. Paul Mills, Dempsey Mill, gn^ ^he^ler & Osgood plant. OVERLOOKING CITY TIDELANDS TACOMA HIGH SCHOOL Copyright, 1906, by B. L. Aldrich, Jr. EMERSON SCHOOL WHITMAN SCHOOL CENTRAL SCHOOL SHERMAN SCHOOL Copyright, 1909, by B. L. Aldrich, Jr. MONARCHS OF THE FOREST WATERFRONT VIEW FROM j. Ships of all nations j^vf^^ ^^i^>'> : ■ ij I ADJACENT TO TACOMA ELEVENTH STREET BRIDGE come to Tacoma's docks. Copyright. 1908. by B. L. Aldric ANNIE WRIGHT SEMINARY UNIVERSITY OF PUGET SOUND RESIDENCE OF W. F. SHEARD LOOKING UP C STREET FROM SOUTH SIXTH RESIDENCE OF NELSON BENNETT RESIDENCE OF W. R. RUST ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL ACADEMY OF VISITATION ..;'4feiS£S!«r- TRINITY CHURCH ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH ST. PETER'S CHURCH, OLD TACOMA The tower of this church is a fir tree, a giant of the forest, covered with ivy. ST. LUKE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH McKINLEY PARK TWO VIEWS OF CITY FROM McKINLEY PARK A PIONEER HOMK AT OLD FORT SALES NEAR THE CITY LIMITS CONSERVATORY IN WRIGHT PARK Lake. Pathway. VIEWS IN WRIGHT PARK RUSTIC BRIDGE, WRIGHT PARK POINT DEFIANCE PARK Elk. SCENES IN POINT DEFIANCE PARK Conservatory. JAM ? 1910 • T?--- :mm LIBRARY OF CONGRESS I 017 189 969 2 ,41 •if. -9